HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-08-12 - Orange Coast Pilot.. ' ' ' SERVING THE NEWPORT -ME.SA COMMUNmES SINCE 1907 ~usiness OWn.ers upset at missing West Side meeting ~ ·~ fOme JU/'\ley ~ rfJ/ated to business MwJ industry uses on tti. West Side: PIKentle Avenue, north of ~9th Street + 5"' of tho5e surwyed preferred promoting deYel- opment of "deMl" industri- al uses and 47% pre1erred retaining the existing ni!x oflJnduses. The •bluffs" . + 55'4. of those surveyed prefen'edconvertingthe bluffs from Industrial to res· ldential uses: + JOIMa preferred allowing industrial developmen1s to remain with improvements; Re I + 15'4. preferred removing eJilsting residential uses end ~ •cJQn.• indu5- trial uses. The southWeSt industrial area + ?ft of those SUtVeYed prefem!d dusterlng "heavy" industrial uses In a common area while empha- sizing research and devel· opment; + J0'4. preferred retaining the existing mix of land uses while enhancing t~e streetscap&. Traffic issues + 59'4. agreed With rerout· ing traffic from 19th Street to 17th and 18th stree1s and..41% disagreed. • • City admits it tailed to inform 1,600 about the community workshop last week. Eusc GEE Datt Pilt WEST SIDE -Business owner Howard House bad plenty of questions and ideas he wanted to voice at the last West Side revitahzation community workshop There was just one problem. The way House sees it, he wasn't invited. In what the city describes as a "simple oversight," House and 1,600 other busi- ness and industry owners did not receive newsletters informing them of last Tues- day's meeting. "I was furious," said House, who owns a Sl.gn business on Whittler Avenue. "I SEE MEETING PAGE A10 _g· to the . . BRIAN P06UOA I DAii. Y Pit.OT Orange County Jewish Federation Campus preschool director Teri Ferentz talk§ about security measures the center has taken after Tuesday's shooting at an LA. Jewish center. Summer Stories Like many families, the McCarthys spend time ea~h summer in a rented home in Newport, a town they see changing. . ~fib ver the last quar- ter of a century, Jpdy and John McCarthy have· come to know the rhythms of summer as intimately as they can sense the ebb and flow of the tides. It is in their bones and per- meates everything they do. But the McCarthys don't live here. They don't even own prop- erty here. Llke hundreds of fainilies who have the misfortune of conduct- ing their lives in other cities, states and countrie they come here for a slice of Newport Beach lile a few weeks each summer. ·we think about going other places, but we always come here,• said Judy McCarthy, who has passed each monung for the last two weeks sitting on the patio, overlooking the beach near Newport Pier and reading one m~tery novel after another. Joining her iS her husband, John, a retired advertising exec- utive, along with a rotating cast of grown children, friends and . SEE FAMILY PAGE A9 DON LEACH I C>Al.Y PlOT Johll and Judy McCarthy play cards while their twin daughters -Shella, left, and Brigid, right -watch with friend Sharon Evans. The McCartbys have vacationed in Newport Beach for more than 20 years. Follow your nose to new restaurant " • 'Aromatic' replacement for Sfuzzi. Vl~AOURAN Dcff ,._ COSTA MESA -A new restaurant called That's Aroma will replace Sfuzz1. an ltaliari bistro that went bankrupt and cloeed six months ago at 1HangJe Square. lbart Aroma. featuring Greek dilt'8I u Well u Jtdan fare, ii ICheduled to opm Aug. 25. •1r1 cded fUlkJn or mbdna two culturM. • said Lonnie McKinney, chaf for tr.. D8W ....., •• An M4"'1M of this would be buftalo mm::meDa The main ingredient m the food will be garlic, · Bickler said, hence the idea for the name of restaurant. ·we want our guests to smell the aroma,• Bickler said. •we want it to linger through the center. One ol our slogans is: Follow Your Nose to lbat's Aroma.• Bickler Mid 'owners tried their best to open a butinElll that fits with existing aree businesses. •we look for 11 center that draww towtsts, the local community and buslnea guests who are entmta1n1ng=· Bk:kJer Mid. ~ faced • turnoY8r among teMnta and blavy from b6ggar .-tam- MILLENNIUM MOMENT Recognizing the artist in high school students W:e volunteering with bigb school stu- ents. Lee Childran realized that ltu· nts wbo weren't athletee or didn't get in trouble were rarely recognl2ed fot doing any· thing. "After 1eetno a high ICbOOI paey, <;hildrMI foUnded the :Musk end Art Qoat11p•le*lni for THUR~DAY, AUGUST 12, 1999 Local Jewish ~center takes security steps · • After Tuesday's shooting, awareness is heightened of the- need to protect workers, students. JA<o-.; SolFER COSTA MESA -Looking for ways to stem the recent tide of hate-motivated shoot- ings, officials at the JeWish Federation Cam- pus have taken steps to ensure the safety of those working and playing at the school. Dunng an adnuttedly quieter-than-usual . day, federation offioals stressed the need to proVJde a safe enVU"opment for children and SEE CENTER PAGE A9 SuspeCted child molester arrested~ • Costa Mesa man allegedly was preparing for a trip to Mexico with a 12-year-old . EAST SIDE -Police have arrest- ed a 31-year-old Costa Mesa man suspected of molesllng a 12-yea.r-Ok} boy who was ready to travel to Mei .. ico with him moments before author- 1lles arrived. Roger Rodnguf.'Z of Costa Mesa pleaded not guilty Tuesday to one count of child molestation, resistmg anest and violat-__ . ----.-.. Ulg the terms of his probation. Bail was et al $250,000. TWo female offi- cers from the Orange County Proballon Depart- ment v1s1ted Rodnguez at his apartment m the 1700 block of Scm----+--Ur-A.ntr-A~n~--nn-iqp. ---"'-- Fnday afternoon. When authonties amved, they found the suspect with the boy. Conditions of Rodriguez's P.robation state he can't be in the presence of children under 18 with· out another adult present. ---Rodriguez was reportedly leaving with the child on a short trip to Mex· ko. The officers attempted to arrest the suspect, but he tried to wrestle away from them. Statements made by the boy chum SEE ARREST PAGE Al INDEX AilCMJlll) 1M ............... » 111: El. an: .............. ,. .Al 1151 llYS le ........................ .a QASSfB ................... ..- COl"UllY AM .......... .All IA1llOQI .••.•••.••••••••• .All Mafll5 ..... ,. ... ~······ Pmimm .............. . 9ims ............•..... ··~ wlda£ and ;maetne, --•-b•dt .· ,... ""'**' ~. c.a8t lbome • the mmt c:mear1 . ...... _..,... c:mQI up with 1bl&'s Alo- ... odm JAW!NitlN IUS2Wb for .. 1111 ,... cxnllllNd. ADmg .... W9l9 ........ Youth in 1910, elong With her bUibllad, Jolm. I.- Today, tbe MACVi continue annually tu ~.:-a:=...--=::=:."T! Maelll County tlO~ IMc:ta. ID adlllMa ID ............ MAC\'t. tMi-----------. .... ••k--.. Cllll blN11• ---" ..... ID ..... llld .._. •thew cbllf •..•. ...,. llicw.,.ajm..,f111t1 l'Mlll~•W.._. .-. 'Rim .._ JllGPWtf e gar o1 ••a ....... *-CDLI&.--~ • Citlll lwllatt ,, .... -= ............ A 2 Thuridoy, August J 2, 1999 Back to school and Bali Y iJl 'n Yaog Harmonious Home A~nls, located on Balboa Island, has recent- , ly received a new shipmeJlt from Bali of antique and contempo- rary furniture together with unique artifacts and glftware. Included in this shipment are antique Madura sofas, hand carved from teakwood, planta- .tion. chairs, custom-designed computer cabinets, hand-carved side tables, stone Buddha heads and a new rdJlge of wooden and basket-weave tableware Ym 'n Yang, at (949) 723-5579, lS locat- ed at 301 Marine Ave., Balboa ls land A summer photography spe- oal is being offered dt Traditions Natural Setting family Photog- raphy through December 15. The summer special includes an outdoor family photo session for $79 (H's a $250 value). The fee includes one local outdooi: sit- ting, color or bldck and white film and processing. Addlbonal charge of $10 for both. All ses- Stons booked on or before Oct. 1 will include 50 free 3.5x5-mch or 4x6-inch Chn.stmas card prints. Add1bo0dl pnnts of any SlZe and/or proof<; may be purchased from Trad1llons Families of SlX or more members, add $25 The photography is done by Kun Brennan located at 1536 Sylvia Lane, m Newport ~ach. Call • (949) 722-4784. Draper's & Damon's Ladles Fasl\lons L'> having a summer sale through Saturday with mer- chandise nrn.rkecl down 25% to 70'\., and an add1t1ondJ 25"rn off on dll sale merchandise. Draper's ~Damon's, at (949) 646-5521, is located in the Westc:llff Shoppmg Center m Newport Beach , :4 The School Shop, at (714) -· .$57-7750, ts having a 15% off • back-to-school sale through Sat- .• urday. Also. the grand operung of its new location 15 happening Sdturday Aug. 21 from 10 am. tt> 5 p.m Speadl discounts will •• • .. . BEST IUYS greer Wylder be-off~ed-as-well-as hundreds of pnzes given away --you can make a purchase and win a prize. The School Shop has served Newport-Mesa area teachers and parents since 1988. The new store is triple the size of the old location. It's located al 1215 Baker St., NO'. J, in Costa Mesa. A new children's clothing shop has opened on Newport Boulevard called UtUe Rascals. It carries quality pre-owned name brands, new and used toys, Beanie Babies, Huggies Dlapers. books and accessories. Name brands available include Baby Gap, Carter's, Guess?, Osh Kosh, Baby Dior, Old Navy, OJSney, Gymboree and Baby Dior. It's located at 2588 Newport Blvd., Suite Bin Costa Mesa. Britt Ltd., at (949) 675-2174, located at the Lldo Marina Vil- lage in Newport Beach, is having its annual summer sale. All of the swnmer clothing and acces- sories are reduced for clearance. Bntt is busy designing her fall/holiday collections that will be amving in late August. It's open seven days a week from 11:30 a.m. lo 6 p.m. • BEST BUYS is published Thursdays and Saturdays If you know of a good buy, send a fax to (949) 646-4170 or write to Daily Pilot, Best Buys. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. 92627, :Jlome Ranch plan to ·be discussed tonight COSTA MESA -A commuru- • ty outreach meeting on the Home Ranch d~elopment proposed by C.J Segerstrom & Sons will be held torught to inform reSJdents dbout the plan to build ofhce and retail buildings on 90 acre9' -Of land at the family's origmal homestead. and referendums. Segerstrom is applying for a general plan amendment from the city because the land 15 cur- rently zoned for residential and limited office and retail uses. U the amendment is not grant- ed, Segerstrom would essentially have to limit the project to the IKEA building. The plan also includes a pro- posal by Segerstrom to build, at . " · 1oc~only Doily Pilot WORKING Btjnging a piece of Africa to the U.S. SHE IS: Bringing Alrica to you. STARTING OUT TH~ HARD WAY Corona del Mar resident Evelyn Komuntale is a busy woman. Running her business out of an office near John Wayne Airport, Komuntale has created for herself a . profession that combines her heritage with her 'humanity. Raised in the Republic of Congo, KomWltale found herself an orphan after she fled her African homeland without her family when she was 5. Her father bad died during that time and her mother wasn't allowed to join her daughter. Komuntale had come to the United States in 1978 for a visit but didn't leave. The Kenyan tourism -uffice-recroited her and she stayed in Los Angeles. LOOKING AT THE BEAUTIFUL Today, she has a three-pronged business that highlights a mix of African features. U she isn't arranging a safari, she's working to help starving children. When she isn't cap- turing the attention of children through her stories, well, hopefiilly she's getting some rest. "When people thj.nk of Africa the first thing that comes to their mind are jungles and animals," she said. *Through my work, I want to show the many parts of Africa. People tend to see the dark side, but there is a beautiful side of the country as well.· STORIES AND SAFARIS Komuntale likes to spend most of her time teaclung children about African cul- ture. She visits schools and leads •educa- tional safaris." Through pictures, maps and stones, children are given an opportunity to see a world they probably wouldn't know intimately. "...-: , "When I was growm.g up, my village leArned about lhe United States,• she said. "I tend to find many American kids don't know anything about Africa. · "'Children need to be exposed to the out- s1de world so their vision and hortzons can be expanded and broadened." Besides the folk-based stories she tells, Komuntale also teaches the native Swahili language along with music and dance. TRIPS AND TRAVELING She also coordinates safari trips to Africa. Excursions to popular game parks, tribal villages and beaches are some of the desti- nations travelers visit Last year, several tourists were killed by rebels on an expedi- tion in Uganda that severely damaged tourism. However, Komuntale said the gov- ernment has taken appropnate steps to ensure safety for visitors. ·1 had clients booked to go to the same area where the tounsts were killed last year," she said. •we canceled all bookings but everything bas teturned to normal. It was an isolated incident.· Probably the most rewarding aspect of her JOb is the ministry she created last year. About 80 children who have lost their par- ents to war and d.tsease are sponsored by her ministry and more are expected. LENDING A HELPING HAND Komuntale hasn't forgotten her roots ·since she emigrated to the United States. She still visits Africa once a year, sometimes for months, to see how her country is evolving. IN BRIEF "My heart is really with the kids,• she said. "l wanted to help children and make a difference m·thei.r future. I love seeing the smiles on therr faces -Story by Greg Risling; Photo by Eric Santucci Foundation Founders Award to A.G. Kawamura SETTINI II STRlllHT Newport Beach resident A.G. Kawamura has been awarded the Founders of a New North- west Award by the Sustainable Northwest Foundation. Kawamura, a thud-genera- tion farmer, is a member of the Orange County Fair's Centenru- al Parm Foundation board of. duectors. Kawamura also served on the fair board before bemg appointed by former Gov. Pete Wilson to serve on the state Board of Agriculture. Kawamura v.:as recognized for his charitable activities in aiding the hungry. Dunng the last two years, Kawamura has donated $29,000 to Common Ground, an educational pro1ect he runs at Marco Forester Mid- dle Sch09l in Capistrano. Common Ground is an out- door classroom for 1,550 stu-. denls that raises produce for the school lunch program and for Orange County Harvest, a non- profit organization that feeds the hungry. Kawamura has also worked to support food banks by turn- ing vacant land into cropland under what is called the Fann- ing Agriculture Resource Man- agement for Sustainability Pro- gram. EDUCATION IRIEFS } Iarbor Trinity Church's worship services are at 8:30 and 10 a.m. on Sun- days and Sunday School is offered at both services. The times were misreport· ed Saturday. A 300.,000-squara-foot IKEA store and 1.8 million square feet of low-rise retail and office build- ings are planned for the site, bor- dered roughly by the Sari Dfego Freeway, Fairview Road, Harbor Boulevard and Sunflower Avenue. company's expense, a Susa.n- Street offramp that would exit directly onto the property. The offramp, it is expected, would divert 4,500 vehicles from Harbor Boulevard and Fairview Road each day. High school registra- tion begins next week Costa Mesa High School invites all incoming students to register starting next week. school at (714} 424-8701. OCC'S fall 'Discovery' booklet available •oiscovery, • a 44-page book- let that lists all workshops, per- formarices, travel programs, and noncredit classes being offered this fall by the college's commu- nity education office, is avail- able. m the Community Education Office, or can be mailed upon request by calling (714) 432- 5880. • The fall schedule includes an array of perf omung arts events, including music, dance and the- ater. A number of daylong per- sonal enrichment semmars are being offered, as well as business a.nd career-related workshops.· Many online and computer class- es are also available. The oty clerk of New- port Beach has 30 d4 ~ to verify signatures on ballot initiatives, not three days, as reported Wednesday, The project is vasUy cillferent • from the 32-story high-rise • Segerstrom proposed a decade ago. Residents vehemently opposed that pro1ect and took legal and political action againSt the project in the form of ldwswts At an outreach meeting in July for the Mesa Verde neighbor- hood, residents expressed con- cerns about traffic and conges- tion. The meeting will start at 6 p.m. at Waxie Sanitary Supply, 3220 Fairview Road. Incoming sophomores go first on Aug. 17; incoming freshman follow on Aug. 18; incoming eighth-graders are on Aug. 19 and incoming seventb- graders are on Aug. 20. For more information, call the The booklet is available free Dail¥1iRilot HEADERS HOnJHE news stories, illustrations, edito-WEATHER SURF rial matter 0< ~ments (949) 642-6086 Rewrd ~ comments about herein CM! be reproduced with- the Dai Pilot 0< news tips. out written penntSSIOn of copy~ ftMlllllATURES TIDES We will continue to right own«. APPRESS Balboa TODAY VOL 93, NO. 189 Our address Is 330 W Bay St, HOW IQ REACH US 75162 First tow enjoy the effects of Cost. Mesa. CA 92627. 4;08a.m. -t.0 ClraMdon Corona del Mar Hurricane Dora as it CQRRECIK>NS The llmft Orange County First high It Is the PllOt's policy to prompt-(IOO) 2S2·9141 J 7()f60 10:29a.m 4.6 generat• sweflS oot ly COtTtct all errors of subn4MlU. Actw9t1'111• Costa Mesa Second low a.Hied (949) 64.2·5671 Please call (949) 57~ Oitplay (M9) 64.2-4321 " 78159 l:AS p.m. 1.6 of the south creating ~Newport~ Meta lcltofW • Newport Beach Second high News (949) 642-5680 9:52 p.m. 6.5 surl of up to 4 feet. ~ Piiot (\MS-1......0) IS Spcwtl (MJ) 574<C22J 76'62 iltled Mondey through Sat· urday In Ntwport INCh and ~ SporU , .. (Mt) 646-4170 Newport Cont flllDAY SUrl conditions ere Cost. Mesa, Mlle> lptionl .. I-mill: del'Wlllote8Cli"'1llnlc net 7W1 first low wailMlle~~ Melfi Oflkll opetted to fade • The 11nw Countr ....,.. OMm..., 642-4)21 5:22 •.m. -0.4 252'9141. In,,_ ..... of First high •upon._,. ... eoa-... IUlllne9 P• ('Mii Ul-7121 bttbv~• 11:4J •.m. 47 ~·-""=Plot ..,. Second low ........... :=for =,=...... .... bNches provtde 2-• s 10 .. "'°""'-.. u . 2..Jwwr 5:15pm. u =-· COllt ,._CA. .-. .... c.uve. SecondhlQh to-3-foOt weve. ~ ....... ,,,, .... '"' MWIW ......... ..,flOS'IWllS. 4 11:1'p.m. S.I --·&ttlt ...... Hw. • ,... ... ,.. .... ---~---~ .. 119 .... .. c.-.,,,.,, • It is the Pilot'• policy to correct ~rron of sub- stance promptly. Call (949) 57.t-4268. POLICE F I l ES COSTA MESA • 1ristot StrMt: A leather jacket worth $400 was stolen from a store in the 3300 block between 8 and 10 p.m. Aug. 4. • Newport lloulevint: A car ste<eo worth $250 was stOlen in the 2600 blO<k dortng the evening of July 27 • w.lt.ce Awnw: A bicycle worth S100 was stolen from the 1800 block during the ewnlng of July 29. NEWPORT BEACH • ~ Drtw: D«or•tlve orNments worth S280 were stolen from a home In the 2500 b~ during the ewnlng of Aug.4. • Mdlt s.wtal hllml of dotNng Wofth 1544 w.re stolen from • leundry rnlChlrie bfttwen 2 Ind l :JO p.m. Aug. t . • ••s• Df'-A rw .._ ,,._ wonh SD-. 1t011n In the 1500 blodl **" q. ' and Aug. '· • Sin ......_ ifllllMllC A WllgOr\ worth $40 Wll..., from ......................... ~ 7 and Aul-t. ........................ sno--....1nttw ............ , ••• fll~J1. ' : Daily Pilot Thvrwoy, Auguit 12, 1999 A 3 [Space-trip wisii solveS auto dilenima Police arrest salon 1 p or the past three weeks. my. wanted to go to outer space. His stardw.t. The limousmc dnver own· er m· assault : stepson's 1985 Mercury T H E 8 E L L mother was surprised because told J4mei.' mothe~ that ht> had · Topaz has been parked Ul ( U R y E she thought this pragmatic driven dozens of famous people : front or our house, d derelict youngster would choose some-over the years, but he hdd never ; piece of flotsam· adrift in a sea of thing more immediately achiev-had a better day than this one. I Qewer and far less battered vehi-able -a trip to Disney World, James also mdllaged to give the ! cles. My stepson, m his last yedr perhaps. But James knew what space progrrtm a few anxious • at Occidental College, as now Lil he wanted and didn't wafile. · hours. Shortly after he got home, : a more dependable car at the And I.I the Ma,Jte-A-Wish.people his mother received a panicked ; insistence of his mother, who were stumped, they didn't show call that some 1mportdnt pdpers . nightly pictured hun staUPd in it. They just told James they had come up missing. Could l some desperate section of Los would see w~at they could do James possibly have them? He Angeles. And I've been driving about getting him up there. d.ld. I Je had added the pdpers to ' the Topaz -feeling rather like I Meanwhile, James had a his bag of souvenirs. ' did with roy first Model-A Ford dozen r~unds of chemotherapy Neither Boeing nor Make-A- ' -while we decided how to dis-before he was pronounce.cl ready Wish stopped wtth that hrst visit. ! pose of it. · for surgery. By that time, the A Boeing vice president person- This has not oeen altogether tumor had been reduced from -ally delivered an album of pic· comfortable for me. My Great • said his mother-•a cantaloupe ·lures to James' home, and his Depression mentality says that if beforehand discovered that to a tootsie roll." Still there were Boeing fnends called dlmost da1- a car is still runrung, it should be James was afflicted \'11th Ewing's some disturbing signs left, and so ly to find out how he was domg. kept and driven. And further that Sarcoma - a bone cancer found James was p~ on a program of Then, two weeks aft er his ongi- the older the car, the younger the primarily in children rad.lation -and that's when . 'nal venture into space, James driver should be. When 1 knew All this happened a few Make-A-Wish fired up the rocket. was again driven to the Space that I had lost both contests, I weeks before Christmas. James He came home one day from a Center, this tune to listen to the began looking about for the best had }USt~pleted thr'16-0ay• of treatment to find a limousine preparations for a I un<?h and way to resolve this matter. chemotherapy when he was parked m front of his house. It finally to give it his blessing. The Should I try to sell this potential allowed to go home to share earned James and his mother to blast-off didn't take place until problem t9 some unsuspecting Christmas with his twin sister, Boeing's Reusable Space Sys-James said it was a •Go.· soul or seek another means of Jennifer, and his parents. It was terns facility m Downey, the When I heard this story, I had getting it out of my We short of not the best holiday for the Alto· home of the space shuttle. He my answer. I went home and driving it off the Newport Pter7 belli clan, which now numbers was greeted there by a banner offered the Topaz to Make-A- l was still searching for an 14 grandchildren. that proclaimed: ~welcome Wish. A few days later, I me't , answer to this question when I When James returned for fur· James, Astronaut To Be.• Boe-James at a party at his grandpar- , heard about James Sanchez, who ther treatment at Children's Hos-ing's Space Flight Awareness ent's house, his glistening shaved is 8 years old and the grandson pita! of Orange County, he had director and her crew took over -· head bobbing up and down as of my friends and neighbors, Pat some unexpected vtSitors. They then to prepclle James for his he raced around with his cousins. and Jim Altobelli. Jdllles' pdr· came from the Make-A-Wish venture into space. An afternoon James has JUSt set out on a new ents, who live in Buena Park, dis-Foundation, and his grandmother of touring ended with James round of chemotherapy that the covered a lun1p in their son's rib says today thdt the news forcett piloting a sp8ce simulator, fol-doctors hope will have his cancer cage eight months ago They her to gulp since the Foundation lowed by a phone conversation in re11llSSion by Christmas. And as were concerned but not alarmed mostly rings its speoal brand of with astronaut Joe Tanner, a vet-I watched the Topaz disappear up when their family doctor said he JOY to terminally ill children. eran of two space walks, speak-the street. I wished fervently thdt tt would keep an eye on it. But the But James was delighted to ing from the Johnson Space Cen-might play a small part in helpmg lwnp grew bigger and bigger see them because he had an ter in Houston, Texas. that to come about. : :~u~:"uia~~~~~cided 1t ==~:~ ~e~ew::; C: VlSi· Ja!~~u~~~~~~~ac~:;!· ' should be removed. A biopsy wish, what would it be? James ful of souverurs and a head full of • JOSEPH N. BEL.l is a Santa Ana HetghU resident. Hts column appea~ Thursdays. • I t ! • ' I I + .A WHEN DINING GETS SORING, ITS T~ME FOR ... Mattress Outlet Store Ml CASA MEXICAN RESTAURANT BRAND NEW · COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT Get the Best for Less! 1 OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO E 3165 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa • One Block South of 405 Fwy --.~JJ~ HERE, WE MAKE DINING MORE THAN A MEAL. WE WELCOME LARGE FOOD ORDERS TO-GO. Cockto1ls Phone Ahead for Food To Go tO. (714) 545-7168 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949-645-7616 Tune in to Channel 29. $4.95 Connection (save over $29.00) plus, Call today for your FREE 30 day trial subscription to HBO or Cinemaxl Ask for the Digitol Gold Package onCJ receive over 150 channels including 20 screens of movies every day! .. Win a Grand Prize Packaget• • Trip for four people to SeoWorld San Diego ·-•.,Two nights and three days at the: Waterfront Westin Harbor Island or Westin Horton Plaza Hurry offer ~xpires August 31, 19991 CALL 1 ·888·COMCAST (266 -2278) l"----------------------------------------.-..-----...1 •The suspect had organ12ed a fund-raiser for victims of May's playground tragedy. GRr-G RhllM. ~?.lo! . COSTA MESA -A JS.year· old hau salon owner was charged with sexual ,battery WC?dnc~day afternoon for approaching onP-of his female customer!> m a sexual manner during a massdge, pohce said. ' ·· Robert Cryan, who runs NYC Salon on Harbor Boulevard, faces one count of rrusdemeanor sexual battery and two violations of the business code. Cryan doe n't hdve the_a_pJ>ropngte hr;:e.n e to operate a massage pdrlor The criminal charge wa!> reduced from felony sexudl assault by the Orange County District Attorney's office pnor to Cryan's arraignment. Cryan pleaded not guilty dnd posted his reduced bail -$10,000 - Wednesday night. Cryan's attorney, Katie Weiss, said her client derues the charge filed agamst him. •He's adamant about his inno- cence,· she said "He denies all allegations. I would unagme he 'Vill keep his bu:.mess de!>p1te the situation." Police were contacted or the 22-year-old Vlctlm Mondar after- noon after she had V15Jted the sus- pect's salon. After she received a haircut from Cryan, she pr sented him with a coupon he tiCnt her for a light rubdown , Police S<11d the woman war; l~ to the back of the SdlQn where l)e lay down on a tdble No one ebe was Robert Cryan around. . The woman. who was partJally clothed, clauns Cryan inappropri- ately touched her while her leg were being mas~dged. She gath- ered up her clothes and went lIDmed1ately to the police statior Costa Mesa Sgt. Don Holford said the case is an example of •he aid, she said,· where it's the vic- Jim' word aga.mst the sus~'s version But police believe there may be add1hond.1 Vlctims who haven't stepped lorward. "There have been two cases with s1m1lar circumstances mvolvmg Mr. Cryan over the last two years,· he srud. "It's unlikely this was the lifst time he did lhi.S. • Cryan orgaruzed a fund-rdlS- mg drive lJ\ May to assist the taµi- ilies of the children who were m1ured in the accident at the South Coast EarlY. Learning Childhood Center. Cryan enlisted the help of four salons and barber shops and ra1:.ed more than $1 ,300. Pohoc are asking anyone who believes they may have expen- enced similar rucumstances at c ·ryan 's salon to call Det. Bob Fate at 1714) 754-5340 Take the guesswork out of choosing coll~ges At Ach1e\ 11 we unJer~t.1nJ rhJr xmm~ thnlugh,rn1.ire th.10 4.<X.10 us Clllleges from Duh· to C.11 rllh can ~t·m like an 1mrx1 1~lc tJ,k, Th.it'• wh~ llur per50n. I c.11lq;e C•>Un"'Clor.; 'pend houn. \\Ith en~h tudl'nt to tmJ thl• (:'Crf~l match. Identify interesting extracurricular opportunities Colles;:c' <..ire .1~1ut <;(l mu~h lnl'f\' 1h.m JU't rr-.1Jc, .ind test i.core, At A1.h1c\'.1 we hdr . ru !enc, dcH·lnr their extrdcurr1eulJr .1~t 11; 1t IC'> 1m lu,iin · en''""" ~umnwr 1ntern,hip .rnJ lc.1der.h1p • 1pportW'111c,. Develop winning college applkations Achteva hdrs high ~hlli,J ~tuJcnt ...... t.1 • un top l cy dct.ul . From crJfting ma:m~ c U\ rn •)tft'1 mg 10\P( rt. nt mten: 1c\\ anJ recommcnd.1tton dv1\.t', Ach1c\.,1\ l~™mal collcg coun..--eln~ will help your n ,)r .m lttcr J"fcp3rc a \\mnmg college ap.pl1~ar1on. p ~ 4 Thursday, August 12, 1999 Daily Pilot Schools here a world of construction Police release sketch of rape suspect • 6 • • .. • , • • - . •Newport-Mesa campuses have had a sununer full of workers making repairs and adding new classrooms. Datt Plot NEWPORT-MESA -Dunng the yedr, teachers, parents and school board members like to think of Newport-Mesd schools as bastions of reacling, writing and intellectual engagement. Sut this swnmer, more than a few officials hl!ve braggeq that ·the ~trict bears a striking resembldnce to a giant construction site. Class-size reduction, new school configurations. and mam- tenance problems such as leaky au conditioners and sewage- spewing bathrooms have com- bined to keep d1stnct mamte- nance staff much busier thdn usu- ' . ~ r . .. . • al, said Eric Jetta, of the district's maintenance and operations department. •we· really take pnde m pulling this off,• Jetta said of the $5.76 million the district will spend on renovations this summer, mdud· ing those to Eastbluff Elementary To handle the extra workload, more than 25 different contractors are painting, hammering and paving at various schools. Jetta said district ofhciuls are aiming to have all the projects completed by Sept. 3, and ~oth­ ing will prevent school from operung on Sepf 9, he protruSed. •Tue biggest concern is mak-· mg sure Eastbluff opens,• said board member Martha Fluor. The school, closed since the 1980s, is being renovated and IS set to be finished this month. Other pro1ects mclude. • Placement of 20 portable classrooms, including five al Andersen Elementary; two at Adam Elementary; two at Cali- fornia Elementary1 two at Killy- brooke Elementary; two at Manners Elementary; two at Pomona Elementary; two at Wil- on Elementary; one at Victoria Elementary and one at Ensign Intermediate. · • Placing three additional portable classrooms at California Elementary S~hool to hol.lSe stu- dents in the Sequoia Program, a county-run speoal education pro- gram now at Davis EJementary School. • Fifty classrooms distrlctwide are getting new carpeting; plumbing is being revamped at Mariners Elementary, Adams Ele- mentary and Newport Heights Elementary, Calilomia Elemen- tary, Kaiser Pnmary; Harbor View Elementary and TeWmkle Middle School are being painted. • The air conditioner at Ander'- san Elementary School, -w:rueb parent~ complained had been dripping black gunk onto stu- dents' heads, lS being replaced. • The sewage pump at Estancia High School, which ear-. lier this year backed up and caused sewage to overflow mto the school, will be fixed. • A new library, paid for by parents through the school's foun- dation, is being built at Newport Elementary School. • At Newport Harbor High School, workers are installing a new science lab, a drama dass- room and a computer room. • At Corpna del Mar High School, the gyms are being reno· vated and new lockers . a nd bleachers are being installed. • At Rea Elementary School, workers are renovating' five dass- rooms to house additional fifth· graders from Whittier Elementary School. • The vacated classrooms at Whittier are bemg renoyatedfoLa preschool program. Attend Women's Health Lecture Seminars CompUmentary Wedntsday, Aug. 2S NATURAL HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY Natural Homwnes wedm PMS and Mrno~use 11wrscfay, Sept. 23 TEsTOSTERONE ••• ntE FEMALE HORMONE 6:00pm-9:00pm coif.-Pftannocy °''" .i.1 Please register for eoch program you 307 Plocntia Ave. Newport leocl (Mt> MNOs7 wish to attend so that we can provide am e seoti ond refreshments Police have re&eased_.o com- posite of a man wanled tor questioning in connection with a rape Priday at a Mesa Verde apartment complex. Police received information about the possible suspect through mtemews with WJt- nesses whO saw a •uspicious man near the Pine Brook Vil- lage Apartments early Fnday morning where the sexual assault occti.rred. The suspected rapist was reportedly wearing a loose-fit- ting, white mask over his face when he attacked the 25-year- old victim. The sus~ entered through an unlockediroot door · and proceeded to assault the victim. No weapon was used The.man wanted m connec- tion with the sexual assault is white, in. his early 40s, about 5 feet 9 and 160 pounds. He has a medium build, brown hai .. full mustache and a dark com- plexion. Anyone with information can call the Costa Mesa Police Department df {800Jo05·1TOU or (714) 754-5197. FDIC-INSlJl~~~D CDs AT RATES THAT ARE· HARD·TO BFAT · If your CD is maturing or you're rons1dcmng an~ CD. Jon"t 'ell you~lf shon at the local bank just bcausc it'~ convenient. Cos OFFERED THROUGH A.G. EDWARDS l ARE Now PAYING: Term Annual Percentage Yield (APY) fi.G~'!!Jll DAN L CARNEY 19800 MacArthur Blvd., Suitt 1400 • lrv1ne CA 92612-2445 Memti.r SIPC • (949) 862-1234 1999 A.G Edwan:IS & Sons Inc 13890I CO-I &AL&OA i5LA~P SVMMf ~ SiPfWALK FRtPAY. SATVRPAY. SVNPAY AV<JIJff l], 11 , l; f Vttv SiSlt~S ~QSl gASKS PtRSiMMOtv 1Rtt Sttf ~ltY'S tttArl tl( tl( tl( RA(tttl'S A((ttvl 'ftvlt~iORS (ttK SttA(J( AltK'S •• E6ACH CD11AQ6 SDHH6RSKA ./ Doily Pilot · Pro·-airport groups to · ~.raUy' El Toro· 'troops' • Meeting will focus on why NewportMMesa needs to unify behind the South County plan. STACY BROWN ' NEWPORT BEACH ........ Pro-, a.uport leaders and oty offiClals are looking to •rally the troops • tomght as they participate m a public forum about the contro- versial El Toro airport. • Another goal of the meeting, scheduled at the Newport Beach Central LlbraryJ is to educate local residents about the possi- bilities of an expansion of John Wayne Airport, officials said. Proponents from the city and two pro-airport groups said it's time local residents realize that if El Toro is not converted into a commercial site, John Wayne will eventually become an inter- national airport. •Every resident of Newport Beach and many in Costa Mesa should be concerned about John Wayne Airport being expanded mto an international airport,• said Airport Working Group DU"ector Bonnie O'Neil. The 6:30 p m meeting will give residents a complete pre- sentallon of all the facts regard- ing an expansion of John Wayne and an update on El Toro, O'Neil said . "There are so many half-truths · and myths circulating about the airports, so the people need to come out to the meeting and find 'out what's really gomg on,"she Put a bug in someone's ear. Call the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS CALL 642-5678 OAll.Y PllOT FILE PHOTO An aerial view of ~e El Toro Marine Corps Air Base. said. ··This is very importdnt so tl}at peQJ>le in both cities won't be surprised down the line dl what may eventually happen." Newport Beach mayot Dennis O'Neil i~ one of four guest speaJ<:- ers scht:?duled to speak. He plans to address the controversial Safe and Healthy Cities lmllahve, wluch could prevent a commemal auport from being built at El Toro. "This is a rallying of the troops to get the community mvoh:ed, • the mayor said.. ·Ab everyone knows, the city bas tiled a law- suit challenging the validity of the Sale and Healthy Cioes lni- bative and hopefully we'll suc- ceed in the suit and remove that {obstacle)." Lifetime Stain Warranty ·-Lifetiat-hll Warranty lifetime Fede W1rr1nty Lifetime Mitt Warrenty Lif1timelntt1lletl1n Tom Naughton, president of the Auport Working Group, is scheduled to speak about the role h1s orgdnization has played in the debate while his col- league, Richard Taylor, will dis- cuss where the issue currently Stdnds Ordnge County Airport Alhance Dirc>ctor Tom Wall is scheduled to tackle some of the frequently asked questions about El Toro dnd John Wayne. ·Some people believe 1il Toro is a done deal and some think there 1s no way there will be an expansion at John Wayne, but they are wrong,· Bonnie O'Neil said. The library 1s located at 1000 Avocado Ave. ' ORANGE COUNTY'S EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR OF LIFETIME CARPET FREE ARMSTRONG CERAMIC TILES FREE NO-WAX VINYL $149 tOUILE OLI CARPET · 990 SQ. . SQ. UPORADED REI OVAL FT. FT. PADDl 110 FREE FUR•ITURE IOVl•I PEROO *2''•Q. FT. FULL SERVICE ,. . ..... ,,,,. ·-· .... OAK WOOD FLOOR $~99sQ. ~ FT. FREE CARPET SPOTIINO KIT CAIPn & UPIOLITEIY CLEA•l•I WOOi IEFllllllll & llPlllllll•I CllA•IO OOUITlll & llOWlll . . Thur$doy, Aug11st 12, 1999 AS i; W I T H A l. I T T l E. H E l P F I 0 M • -,< tA Ft flAGIC DIMAATINO I DA>tY r O'r Jessica Rodriguez, left, and Zanita Watson, right. help 4-year.old Natalia Rose take those scary first few steps ever on the ice. • Customized Orders • f • Specializing In Engagement & Wedding Rings ! • Repairs While You Wait • · • 16 lndependent Merchants SJVC£/~~I 2651 Ir vine Ave. (Mesa & intn~> Costa Mesa, 92627 Phone 949/631-4404 All Tender Meat BBQ Pork K Bobs $399 lb. $ 0 Fresh Ground Sirloin $ 2 r~ Reg. $4.99 ~ 200 Marine Ave. <•t Partt> Balboa Island, 92662- Phone 949 /673-0330 Fresh . Game Hens $19n?._~ Re . S2.79 lb Pink Honeydew 2 . Melon ~ lbs. ~- for $JOO .. A 6 Thursday, Augu$t 12, 1999 Group unveils initiative • Green Light plan would require voter approval of any major amendments to Newport General Plan. SHAY K MCAtTf. ~Pill NEWPORT BEACH -A local band of environmentalists, call- ing themselves the Green Light group, unveiled an initiative Wednesday to overturn the city's new traflic phasing ordinance. "Newport Beach is a beach and residential commumty, one of the finest m the state, and our goal 1s· to keep it that way, "said Philip Arst, a high-tech consul- tant dnd president of Communi- l y Association Alhance, the ldfgest residents group m the n ty. The Green Light group, which consists of Arst, Bob Caustin, a rt>dl estdte broker and director of Defend the Bdy; Allan Beek, a longtime environmental advo- cate m Newport dnd Jean Watt, a former Newport Bedch council- womdn, has been working on credtinu the initidhve since August of 19qa. Group nwmberi., who regis- tered dS d pol1ltcal dCbon com- rrultee m th<' fdll of 1998, want to dmend the Newport Beach City ChdTte1 to reqmre voter approval of dny "mdJOr amendment ff to the Newport Beach General Plan. They define a ma1or amendment as one that would, mdiv1dually or in combination with previous amendments m the same neigh- borhood, gen ternore than 100 peak-hour trips, add more than 100 dwelling rmits or add more than 40,000 squaro feet of floor area. · The orwnance is a response to the city council dnd planning commission's June decision to approve a traffic phasing ordi- nance that would supplant the one the tity has used for 20 years. That ordinance forced devel- opers to pay for street improve- ments before they were built. Under the new ordinance, the city first would build the improvements and then bill developers for their proportional cost ofthe work. "There are 10 major projects currently lined up ID the city attorney's office, and the relax- ation of the ordinance will permit them to be built, w Arst said. "The list of construction projects is growing in anbopation of the permanent relaxatlon of the orch- nance." The group is hoping to get lhe needed 7,600 signatures, 15% of the registered voters m Newport Beach, by the end of September. Green Light has sent letters out to various organizations seeking support and volunteers m col-. lecting signatures Educational Aide Materials for Parents & Teachers • Work Books (All Subjects) • Test Prep Materials • Flash Cards • Learning Games & Much More • Slod WE'VE MOVED raw Location • Open N J 215 Baker St., Unit J Co!lta Mesa Hours MF 10 6pm Sat 10-Spm (Baker & Fairview) 1714) 557-7750 The City Council is standing behind its June decision. "l don't think it's representa- tive government, l think it's a poor way to do planning, and l disagree with it,"said Council- man Tod Ridgeway. Ridgeway opposed the traffic phasing ordinance at the first hearing and then voted for it. "I wanted to show ttial I felt the council should be united, but I did voice my" reservations as to the traffic phasing ordi- 'nance, "Ridgeway said. "I fell thero were some elements miss- ing even though I voted for it." Despite hls wsagreement with the initiative, Ridgeway said he · felt 1t would promote-healthy ws- cussion. •I think the Green Light initia- tive will cause there to be debate regarding additional develop- ment within the oty of Newport Beuch. and 1 th1nk that debate will be healthy, "he said. "The group said that now is the perfect lime for the initiative to go on the ballot. "The City Council is going to have to put a limit on building in Newport some time, "said Caustin, "Why not stop it while the quality of life here is still worth preserving?' The Green Light signatures must be subrrutted to the city clerk's office by November. The city clerk has 30 days to verify the signatures and the City Come See The New Models For The Year 2000! The World's Premier Electric Boat Builder 949.645.6812 Factorj Showroom: 2001 ~ CollSt Hw;y., Nnuport Bt11eh "Com1 visit "' .i OfU' w Mn11"' llfW.rlaffJwtl.ttnM" J., 0 110C • ri1/ht fi f A limit to traf ic. GREENLIGH 'at\ve for us all. 645- ERIC SANTUCCllDAllY'PllOT Green·Ught Initiative group members, from left, Allan Beek, Phil Arst, Jean Watt and Bob Caustin, hope to force a vote on Newport Beach's new traffic ordinance. Council must address the issue 88 days prior to the primary elec- tion on Apnl 12, 2000. "We want to emphasize that this is not an antigrowth initia- tive and we're not taking away property rights,• Arst said. "This does not affect small changes, only large ones which will unpact traffic congestion and quality of life." more than 280 such community- created initiatives were on the ballot across the United States in November 1998. Of those initia- tives, more than two-thirds passed Tune magazine reports that SAVE MONEY! SAVE TIME! With the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS CAll 642-5678 Thb summer, Oran~' County'~ hotleil hru1gou1s h:m~ some ver, rool off el"I for people \\OO ctn~ Tile Toll Ro:rls! Tilt')''re the 1999 Slm1mcr Cn1i<;in' coupons' Eoch weekday, from Augt~t 9th to Septcmoor 3ni, ca.sh customers will rt>rei\\! a dilTcrettt Summer Cnaisin' ooupoo fnm one <i our fri 1Kily toll booth qierators•. ~ F:b"l'rak"' CU\tOl~rs will ~i\~ a oomplele ooupon book by mail. Theie <XlllpOfb are ~ for frre giflS ant disojmts al thrre fabulous Toll Road de.tinations: So this sum~ W> cruisin' for~ Arxi thatk ~ for~ TheTull ~~I ....,, '"""'"" ""' ., "'""""' /Oii "°"'*' 1-800-17• TRAK (8725) call for more informatJon, or to open )'OW' Plltlnlf" ta:0tm1 <Mr lhe ~ wtth a Cldt card. Or *it our web site II ww .. uai n* rM J, --FTIJ'l• I Doily Pilot • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Dal· ly Pilot, 330 w Bay St., Costa Mesa 2627; f•x them to (949) 646-4170; or II (949) 642-5680, Ext. 228. A complete fisting of AROUND TOWN may be found at dailypl/ot.com. . . leisurely lunch on a sunny beach. The boat leaves the coast at 9 a.m. Cost is $38 per person. The Mariners lot is at 5001 Newport Coast Drive, Irvine. For reserva- tions or more information, call Valerie at (714) 536-4863. 'Mother's: The Natural C hoke, will hold a book signing and tofu cooking class by Akasha, author of the "Art of Tofu," The event i will be at Mother's Costa Mesa : store from 6:30-7 :30 and will cost $10 per person. Reservations are required. For more inf onnation, 1 call 1-800-595-MOMS. The Latest Thing Teaching and Healing Center offers a class on "Energetic Communication" from 1 to 5:30 p m. Taught by Jim and Anne Kinney, the class focuses on helping people connect more easi- ly with others and learning to say what's in their minds and hearts. The fee iS $40 with advanced reg- istration. The Lat~t Thing is at 270 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For more inf onnaUon, call (949i 645-6211. . The Latest Thing Teacbing and Healing Center otters a class on "Pleiadian Tools for Living: Co- , Creating with Spirit" from 6 to 9 p.m. Taught by Krista Kirkwood, this workshop focuses on under- standing the way that thought, judgment, emotions and frequen- cy shape our perceptions and ere .. ate the reality we experience. -_.G~ded meditation -and-tonin~ • 1 exercise follow the discussion. The fee is $33 with advanced reg- istration. The Latest Thing is at 270 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For more information or reservations, call (949) 645-6211. . SATURDAY Christian Singles 39 and Better will host a Catalina Island day tiip starting at .8:45 a.m. ihe group will meet at the Mariners parking lot to carpool to Newport aeach. Tqur the island and enjoy a , A back-country hike.and moun- tain bike ride will take place at 9 a.m. at Crystal Cove State Park, 8471 E. Coast Highway, NeWport Beach. Hikers and bikers will meet at El Morro Visitor Center. Parking is $6. For more informa- tion, call (949) 497-7647. -'LLovely Lavenders" wttt be-pre- sented by Cristin Fusano and Mark Miskiewicz at 9:15 a.m. at Roger's Gardens, 2301 San Joaquin Hills Road, Corona del Mar. Learn how to grow, care for and select great tomatoes. For more information, call (949) 640· 5800. Salomon Smith Barney is sponsor- ing "You and Your 401(K) Rollover Workshop" at 9:30 a.m. at Salomon Smith Barney, 19000 MacArthur Blvd'., Irvine. The workshop is free. For reservations Investigations&. Collections Specializing in Skip Tracing & Asset Searches Specializing in collection of Court, Judgments. Bad Checks & Bad Debt Service of Process, Legal Documents & Court Filings Service Available in All 52 States .3 Wes1 cl1 ff l)r e w o r t B e a c & Compute Enrichment Program for Chi ldren Ages -t -l 2 t;\ 'f 'U"@ ?> ~ CG @ @ J ;p 1'@ ~ tr .fl J't) gj ~ ~~uu@l®~~t;\f~~ ~ ~©~~pnu:i''2f~ September May *Classes run 2 hours. one da y a wulc, for f(J(I" '10flSUl/t1ve MllUks BIRTHDAY PARTIES TOOi ~C_elestino's ~-+1 quality M EATS ALL NATURAL PATTIES CHICKEN OR TURKEY FRESH LOCAL SWORDFISH $10.99LB ·•·$3.99LB . Beat the Summer Heat wlth Boa.ri Head Deli Products BoAll'S HEAD SALADS Hot Dogs Knodcwurst or Kielbasa $4.99LB Potato, Macaroni or Coks/Jzw $1.89LB Comt in anti fi11t thnn a try. C'EST SI BON BREAD ' . ELIVERED FRESH 7DAYSAWEEK around town call Stuart Shim at (949) 955-7562. SUNDAY Visit the Truck Jamboree from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in front of the Arlington Theater at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center, 88 Pair Drive, Costa' Mesa. The show ls from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is $12 for adults, $5 for juniors (6-12) and children under 6 are free. For more information call Inter-Shows Motorsport Pro- motions at (714) 582-2371. MONDAY OCC's marriage and family course begins. The three-unit course includes topics such as "The Changing Nonns of Man-~oman Relabons," "TheoreucaJ Background for Being a Healthy Person," "Parent-Child Relations and . How to Improve Them,• ."The Uses and Abuses of A.Tiger,• "Human Sexuality," "Divprce• and •Love." Enrollment is $11 per unit. For more infonnation, call (714) 432-5072. The Republican. Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. OCC's one-unit beginning golf at 'the South Coast Plazq. Westin clas~ starts with six morning. and Hotel, 686 Anfon Blvd.. Costa evening sections available. The, Mesa. Adnussion is tree and all course will provide instruction in Republicans are welcome. For putting, chipping, pitching and more information, call (714J 556· bitting out of the sand. The funda· 8555. mentals of the full swing will also be covered. Enrollment is $12 per unit and is not limited to full-time students. For more information, call (714) 432-5072. The-Lcrtest-Thtng Teaching & Healing Center offers ~Feng Shui for Private Spaces" with Carole Weaks from 7 to 9 p.m. The class is $25 with advanced registration. To register, or for more informa- tion, call (949) 722-2933. OCC's law courses get underway. "Introduction to Law," "Busines\ Law" and "Business Law 2# will. all be available this fall. These three-unit courses are open to the public. Enrollment is $12 per unit. For more information, call (714) 432-5072. TUESDAY The Newport Harbor Area Cham- ber of Conunerce Business Referral Breakfast, featuring Jeanine Just, president-of Kreative-Solutions and accomplished author, will be held at 7:15 a.m. at The Paci.fie Club, 4110 MacArthur Blyd., Newport Beach. Cost for members is $15 with a reservation and for potential members, $20. Reservations are requested. For more infonnation1 call (949) 729-4400. A free semln~ and book signing titled uDetox with Greens, Super- . foods and Raw Foods" will be presented from 6:30 to 8 p .m. at the Patio Cafe at Mother's Market and Kitchen, 225 E. 17th St., Cos- ta Mesa. Reservations reqwred. For more information, call (800) 595-6667. Anglers age 15 to adult are Invit- ed to participate in a two-night, one-day bass fishing course, "Academy of Bass Fishing,• from 6:30 to 9 p.m. in the Balboa Com.· munity Center. 'The second everung sesslon will meet Aug. 19 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. in the center. The day session ·will feature a casting clinic on the'...bay from 8 to 10 a.m. Aug. 21. The course will be instructed by Keith N1ghswonger, tournament bass angler and guide. Register in per- son at the Newport Beach Com- I)lunity Services 9ffice at 3300 Newport BJvd. For more, informa- tion, call {949} 644-3151 WEDNESDAY A free seminar titled "Stress! Nutritional Solutions" will be pre- sented from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Patio Cafe at Mother's Market and Kitchen, 225 E. 17th St., Cos- ta Mesa. Reservations-required. For more information, call (800) 595-6667. The Orange County Coast.Keep- ers will hold a meeting at 7 p.m. at the Georges Camelot Restaurant in Lido Village, Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 723-5424. The OWLS (Officers Wives League of Orange County) will hold a luncheon at the Tustin Ranch Goll Club at noon. Eva Krutein and her husband will Thursday, August 12, 1999 A 7 speak about her book, ·Escape from World WM JI." The Tu tin Ranch GoU Club .is at 12442 Tustin Ranch Road, Tustin. For more information, call Charlott Walker at (714) 549-2028. Dean Jackson and Jeff Russell will present "Estate Pl~g •• Unique Strategies for the Affluent Investor• from noon to 6 p.m. at the Center Club, 650 Town Cen- ter Drive, Costa Mesa. Admission is tree and Iunch/d.Jnner will be served. For reservabons or more infonnatiqn, call (714) 429-2801. AUG. 20 · AudJtions fot OCC's dance team get undel'Vlay at noon 1n the ~ school's Dance Studio B, 2701 Fairview Road. DANC'N ETC. performs hip-hop, . ballet and modern numbers and is looking for dancers and ac.tors. Partici- pants will receive three wuts of college credit. For more informa- tion, call {714) 432-5506 AUG.'21 "Herbs and Scented Gardens" ls the title -of a program offered at Sherman Library and Gardens at . 9:30 a.m. Kathern Jenrungs, own- er of Kate's Scented Gardens, will discuss the many types of scented herbs and geraniums and their cultural requirements in the gar- den. This program is part of the Weekend Gardener Series and 15 free and open to the pubhc. The Sherman Library is in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 673-2261 .. Sabatino Tommy Peter • Phil Vince F lavorful & Delicious L unches & Dinner lnl11ut "'"" room & dlnlns rOOIM n.ilabl\' fOl' V@!IP business tnftllllCS and pri~•tt fuJl<'tioft" 723-0621 Please Call For Reservations and Directions 251 Shipyard Way • Newport Beach "With unlimited miles •' you'll always have aOmewhere to go." Whenever you need an extra set of wheels. finding great rates is easier than ever. Plus, the added bonus of unlimited miles with e-1ery weekend rental _irLcatito.mla.J~.an...a~t,...r'"""n-=a'-'d=u;.:..11 """w=ee=-ke=n:.::..d"""in=to=--------+-• an unforgettable one. We even have insurance replacement rates. And with Hertz Local Edition, you don't even have to leave your dnveway. Just grve us a call and we're on our way. See you this weekend 2108N ...... mhd. ~ ...... ..._ co.til... Hu:alli4M& .. lllla 714·556·4473 714-3.,..... ~111111111ar11r,. •• ••11• ......... ........................ _'1A.Mt_e_. _ _. .. --Iii • - Thursday, August 12, 1999 • . around toWn compute.r show wW be held at the Orange County Fairgrounds I an Building 14 from 10 a.m. to 5 Jun. Admlssion is $5. The Pair- 'grounds ts at 88 Pair Drive, Costa Mesa. For more information, call f114) 838-5~1. A dlve>Tat workshop hosted by Muine B. Cohen will be beld from to o.n:i. to 12:30 p.m. Cost is $(0 for the workshop that will be ~d at 180 Newport Center Dti- ' ve, Newport Beach. For more 1 jnfonnation, call (949) 644-6435. .I A 1emlnar Utled "Growing Beard- ed Iris in Southern California• 't'fil be presented by John Shous-wa of Greenwood DayWy Parms at 9:15 a.m. at Roger's Gardens, 2301 San Joaquin Hills Road, Corona del Mar. Shoustra will share tips on growing bearded iris m Southern California. For more information, call (949) 640-5800. · A free Internet seminar UUed •Tools and nicks• will be pre- sented at 10 a .m. in the Newport ~ch Central lJbrary's Friends lvfeeting Room, 1000 Avocado ve. This course is designed for -newcomers to cyberspace and • • will concentrate on how to u search engines and other resources on the Internet. For more information, call (949) 717- 3801. AUG. 22 "Blnll and Kayaks: Touring the Upper Newport Bay• will be offered from 10 a:m. to 1 p.m. at Northstar Beach. Guided by a vol- unteer naturalist from the CaUf or- nia Department of Fish and Game and an instructor from Newport kayak shop, Paddle Power, the b'ip will begin with g.n introducto- ry kayak lesson and will continue with a program designed as an exploration of the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve, home to thousands of migratory waterfowl and four endangered species of birds. The fee is $40 and reserva- tions are required. Northstar Beach is at 1 White Cliff, Newport Beach. For more information or reservations, call (949) 675-1215. A computer show wtll be held at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Building 14 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $5. The Fair- grounds is at 88 Fair Drive, Costa Newport's Fi~st Neighborhood Market +All Natural Beef Prime & Top Choice Grades +Fresh Fish Daily The Highest Quality + Form Fresh Produce Hand Pfckfld +Complete W ine Selection Tempt your Pallet with the Finest Featuring o Full Service Deli + Mode lo Order Sordwiches + Sliced Meats & Cheeses + Solads & Hot Entrees t Gourmet Dips Mesa. For mor~ information, call (714) 838-5941. AUG. 2~ The Ronald Reagan Center tor Public Affairs presents the Rea- gan Forum with Cong. Christo- pher Cox (R-Newport Beach) at 11 a.rn. at the Reagan Ubrary. For more information, call (805) 522- 2977. AUG. 24 A free seminar ~d book·slgnlng for "Prostate Health in 90 Days" will be presented from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Patio Cale at ~1other's Market and Kitchen, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Reservations• required. For more information, call (800) 595-6667. Anne McAJpln wtll host a free "Packing Workshop• to teach the secrets of packing techniques at 7 p.m. at Adventure 16. McAlpin is a world traveler and packing expert and recently appeared on .. The Oprah Winfrey Show." Adventure 16 is at 1959 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 650-3301. AUG. 25 A free seminar UUed "Natural Solutions for PMS & Menopause• will be presented from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Patio Cafe and Mother's Market and Kitchen, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Reservations required. For more infonnation, call (800) 595-6667. AUG. 26 'l'he Crossroads Appiiloosa Horse Show will be held through Aug. 29 at the Equestrian Center of the Orange County Fairgrounds. The Fairgrounds is at 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. For more infonn.a- tion, call (760) 728-9149. The Newport Harbor~ Qam. ber of Commerce's Sunset After Hours Mixer will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. at Bristol Panns, 810 Avo- cado Ave., Corona del Mar. Mem- bers are free and potential mem- bers are $10. For more mforma- tion, call (949) 729-4400. AUG. 27 Explore Crystal.Cove State Park with naturalist Simon Fellowes on a full moon bike from 7:30 to 9.30 p.m. Hikers will meet at the El Morro Visitor Center. Crystal Cove State Par~ is at 8471 E. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. The hike is approXllllately three miles on dirt roads. nus is a mod- erate hike, although . omc parts may be difficult. Not recommend- ed for children under 8. Wear . goOd shoes, a 1acket and brtng water. Hikers will be looking and listening for bats, owls, coyotes, raccoons and other nocturnal creatures. For more information, call (949) 497-7647. A home tel!lodellng and decorat- ing show will be held from noon to 8 p.m. in Buildings 10 and 12 at th~ Orange County Fairgrounds Admission is $5.75 for adults and '$3 for seniors: Children under 12 are free. The Fairgrounds is at 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. For more 'information, call (818) 909-9963. AUG. 28 A.complete-garden planning sem- inar with Cristin Fusano will be presented at 8:30 a.m. at Roger's Gardens, 2301 San Joaquin Hills + Specialty Items +Specialized Packaging For Custom Boat Orders t Porty Plotters + Lunch Meeting Orders THINKING ABOUT LANDSCAPING OR . YARD MAINTENANCE1 CALL fOR A FREE ESTIMATE TODAYI -' • . ' , -. ' .. Hours Mon.-Sat. 8am-9pm Sun. 8am-8pm P~ooc 949-548-2500 2121 Westdiff Drive • Newport Beach (949) 848-7441 Lloyd's Nursery a Landscape Co., tnc. Mort lkr M CLOllD 8'wY8 270 E. 17th St. Cost. Meell (949) 722-1803 ~· ........................................................... ... 2183 Fairview Rd. Suitt 216. Costa M•so· CA 92627 EX.PERT LANDSCAPtNG I SPRlMKLERS / llAINTEMANCE . • • ... NOW ENROLLl'NG FOR FALL aUorf Scfwo{ of Orange County Where Education Comes Alive & Children Develop a Love of Learning "Information 'Evenings-"---- Wednesday August 18 at 7:00 p.m. (or) Tuesday, August 31 at 7:00. p.m. You are Invited as our third grade teacher sanctra camgan presents Information on our school'S curriculum and philosophy. come learn more abc>ul WOldorf Educa11on and our preschOol through eighth grade J>rogram. 1llis one hOur lecture wlll be followed by questions and answers. A strong core currlcutum. tyle of teachlnS and the tnoorpomtlon or the arts Ink> each sub,Ject are the things that set WBldorf Educ-.atkln apan waldOrf 8tUdellts are educated so they may go out lhto the world ready 10 meet ltfe'S ~ Whh kn(Jwtedge. courage, enthus&asm. creativity and a solid se~ ol how IO think and reason. t*>WILl ~el ..,..on fOt.....,. 8C) Y'*B· W8ldorf Education ha.~ ~-l!''Gne 0( 1he ... ~. nOnpofil, nondenominational. ll'MNlflKMl1"9 J(..1f 91111n In lhe wddd \¥Ith over eoo 8dlOOls In 35 CC>lnrtes. Christine Vu was an honor student and student body president at Los Amigos High School in Fountain Valley. She enrolled at Orange Coast College to begin pursuit of a college degree. "I enrolled at Coast for several reasons. I was told that OCC is a tate leader in transferring students to four#year universittes. From a financial standpoint, I also knew Ir would be much less expensive to attend OCC first, then transfer to a university. I also knew that Orange Coast has one of the top Honors Programs in the country. "I've had a great time at Coast. I'm majoring in psychology and art history, and will transfer to a four#year university in the fall of 2000. My goal is to earn my Ph.D. and become a psychology professor ... Tuition for California residents i just $11 per unit. Financial aid is available. 0CC ranks number one 'out of Southern California's 57 community colleges in tran. ferring students to UC and Cal State cnmpu~ . OCC' 130 career programs are secon<l·to#none! Call NOW for fall registration information. Visit OCC's Web Site at: www.occ.cccd.edu ORANGE COAST COLLEGE 2701 Fairview Roed, Co.ta Mesa Daily Pilot Road, Corona del Mar. Fusano will diScusS what to add to your garden palette from September through January. Learn how to prune, divide and fertilize. For more infor- mation, call (949) 640-5800. A tradJUpnal Italian Midsummer fe:.tival will be hosted by Stefano Albano, general manager of Tutto Mare restaurant to benefit Child- Help USA at 6:30 p.m. m Bloom- ingdale's Courtyard in Fashion Island.For more inf onilation, call , (949) 476-9009. A home remodeling and decorat- ing show will be held from 10 a.rp. to 8 p.m. in Buildings 10 and 12 at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Ad.mission is $5.75 for adults and. $3 for seniors, children under 12 are free. The Fairgrounds is at 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (818) 909-9963. AUG. 29 A complete garden plannJng sem- inar will be presented at 8:30 a.m. at Roger's Gard.ens .. ..23.Ql .San Joaquin Hills Road, Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 640-5800. OCC'S FALL CLASSES BEGIN MONDAY, AUGUST 16! We'll~~ pt ehere ... (714) 432-5662 l ' I • tc Doily Pilot FAMILY . CONTINUED FROM A 1 relatives, all of whom sleep on a mishmash of beds, sofas, sleep- mg bags and noormats. ·we're not wealthy people,• explained Judy M<:Corthy, whose famtly calls the San Gabriel Valley home. So they spend their vacation money renting a two-bedroom house, cramming everyone in. It's a familiar environment for Judy. When she was a teenager, she and her friends used to dnve down to Newport to pass idle hours by the beach. "It was very quaint back then,• she said. . Now, it has become a bustling resort town, and McCarthy predicts more changes on the honzon -and not all of them for the good, she said. And a tradition was born. •Tue kids love 1t, • he aid. Even now that her three Chil- dren -30-year-otd Michael and 21-year-old twins Sheila and Brigid -are no longer youngsters, they still drop their jobs, their schoolwork and the.IT bW>y lives to join their parents for two weeks of beach tile and old times.' · "It's very lazy," said Bn91d McCarthy. "We just 'bum around.• It is a hard and fast rule of the McCarthy household that the television is n ot mvit<!d along on family vacations. . When the daughters were little, they amused themselves building sandcastle:;, Jumping in the waves and pldyin9 bodrd games. · Now that the girls dte older, they have found othe r Newport Beach pursuits to amu:o.e them. ·we alwdys put up our lristi:• fl g, • wd John McCarthy. 1· On of th w1ers, he added,• always come by to say hello'.1 when he the flag. But thi:. year, he hasn't' hown up yet. •A lot of tho locals are not around any more," said John McCarthy, • "The locdl color is gone.'"• McCarthy attributes this to the"' nsing cost of real estate in thei1 Newport Beach area and to the fact thut many of the old cot~ tagcs are being tom down to make way for giant luxur{ .. homes: • 1 think they're being priced• out,!' he aid, noting that in ther' 25 years that his family hasi.. been coming to Newport'.. Beach, the search for an afford- able place to stdy has gotten .. harder and harder. Many of the- home they used to stay in have-,· been razed and gorgeous palaces have come up in their\ places. BRIAN POBUOA I OAl.Y "-OT 1 A panel dlscusses bow the shooting at an L.A.. Jewish Center will affect operations at the Costa Mesa-based Orange County Jewish Federation Campu5. But it's still a place she and her family love. When she-grew up, married, and had children, a combination of nostalgia and convenience caused McCarthy and her htl.Sband to come to Newport for a week. •we met up with these guys last night that we knew from d few years ago,• Bngid said, noting that -their pr~fened locale has shifted from sandcds- tles to local bars. Over the years, the farrul}' has developed certdm tradi- tions. But nothing -not even esca .. ldtlng rt"al tate prices-wilt .. ever push his family out, he said. ~ • His family was quick to\ dgrce. .1 CENTER ·CONTINUED FROM A 1 staff at the school. They said a number of steps have been taken • to make sure all those at the cen- : ter feel secure. .. Teri Ferentz, the director of the :campus' preschool, said the school has locked doors, closed the number of entrances and •beefed up the security presence ~ to show families the center is still ~!safe place to visit. : Ferentz would not say how many children were held out of school because of the events in "" Granada Hills Tuesday. But, she &aid, the issue of safety is para- mount for the school. ·0ur first concern is for the • safety of children and staff,• Fer- : entz said. "We wanted to act man appropriate and prudent way.• Ferentz said she was not alarmed by the number of no- ~ shows at the preschool Wednes- .Rodrigue& rondloo and touched him at least several times in bis genital area. Police have reports that people have seen Rodnguez around groups of chil- dren before. Police fear there may be additional victims and are ask- ing for the public's help m provid- ing more information about Rodriguez. ·we don't have specific details right now, but we believe there are other victims who haven't come forward yet,· said Sgt. Tom Boy- BMW Auto Re~ir ialist I Includes Safety lnspeccion Nol Valid wuh any ocher off er. I Esps131199 • I Mwc prcscm c.oupoo. -------BMW I ANY REPAIR: SERVICE . 1 1 O%off: Noc wlid with any ocba olkr. I Mull~.·~.;_ -' Aldo Technia Inc. D6 Whitder Aw. C....M-~ day. And she said she did not ~ enrollment to be affected by the shootings. "I respect that very much," Ferentz said. ·vou need a couple of days to take a deep breath and refocus." Only recently have syna- gogues and Jewish schools had to become so intensely concerned with upgraded security measures, said Joyce Greenspan, Los Ange- les and Long Beach regional director of the Anti-Defamation League. She said' crimes like the one committed at the North Val- ley Jewish Community Center this week put everyone on heightened alert. "It puts us on alert so that they are aware of who might be in the community,• Greenspan said. Greenspan said qimes moti: vated by anger and hate need to be monitored closely. "I see it as something we have to be aware of, and be vigilant of,· she said. Greenspan said the communi- Ian. ·we understand Rodnguez was seen with three to four kids at a time who would come over lo his apartment." Rodriguez was accused of child molestation three years ago in ntstin, but charges were never filed. Anyone with information is asked to call Det. Linda Matthews at (714) 754-5039. ty is doing a good job of main- taining a sense of awareness, and she cautioned that education is vital to sloping hate crimes. "Our schools need to take hold of that and I believe that they are," she said. · Greenspan said it is important for people to continue to be aware. "There is an alertness, an awareness that I don't think we have felt in a wlule," she said. Ferentz stressed the impor-.. lance or child safety and educa-· tion. ·we do need to be advocates for our children until o\J.r children can be advocates for themselves," Ferentz said. · ·we love 1t here,· Sheila McCarthy Sdld. Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed section to f 1nd services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters Put a few words to . work for you . Call the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS 642-5678 Tuesdays -FREE Cup of Coffee {With any pastry• purchase) Wednesdays~ 1/2 Price Dessert Breads (With any •\andwlch bread purchase) I Apollo Chandelier Thursdays -$1.50 OFF Any Coffee Calce (With any •sandwich bread purchase) ' Saturdays -FREE Cookies & PaStries (Buy one ger• one FREE'> • Certain re$lnctioM opply. • • After noon -rree llt!ms of tqual/lesM"T value 21 " Rd x 41 " H Finish: Hand Rubbed Bronze # 9721c . . ~ (949J 646-1440• I Hodson Lighting Oprn Tuu -Fri. 9.00·5. Sal 9-4 1510 Nrwporl Blvd .• Costa Mua Quali,y Li1h1in1 Su~iu for 30 Yun (949) 548-9341 ~\fore nxm}tlSI G~at Bn•UJI' For peifin mance in cancer care, Hoag Cancer center stays ahead, of the f>acA;. 427 E. 17th St,-. Costa Mesa (By Wherehouse Records) Open Mon -Sat 6am -6:30pm Tiu center's five-year mrvival rates exceed ~tional averages for all major types of cancer. Hoag Cancer Center also .participates in a variet] of natWna/, clinical, trials and cliaMtlamifr.1 · studies and js tlu largest ;rovider of radiation and, cancer care in Orangt County, offeri"{ patients tlu newest and most aaressive cancer trta"'"1W available aftJW/cere, iflCltuling boru marrow trans;lants an4 tumor vaccinu. Hoag's la~ qualifoJ, />ltysiciatU, ntines . and su;;ort staff are eqwi.lly COflUnled tlaal palily care is tkliverul witA sensitivity-hlrning what nlOJ /&aw bena a ltUt lmatla ifllo a sit> of ttli;J: Fw ntOfW ~ °" Hoac ~ c..rtall 941Jfl-CDl(1FA CANCER Ranbd ~in Ota¥~ CE TER ...... ______________ ..... A ..... , .... Hr1h• ......... ,. ~ } 0 Thursday, A~u~t 12, 1999 Daily PilOt MEETING · indllitry own rs had attended, it nught have mad difference. VOLUNTEER DIRECTORY CONTINUED FROM A 1 specihcally wanted to go to th1c; mCEting fo voice my opu11on and concerns -and I feel l 've been exdudcd.• What a~s insult to lrlJUry is that 111 Apnl, after nu5 ing sunilar public workshops, House and othen, had asked to be placed on u mailmg list so they would be informed of future meetings, he scud. The meeting Tuesduy was the f\nal public workshop before con- sultant EIP Assoaates submits d dra.ft-i.pecif1c plan based on theu research and. commuruty input to the City Council for its cQns1dera- tion The eswnctted 200 attendees were asked to participate m d sur- vey on a numb.er of 1Ssues, mclud- mg whdt to do with mdui.tnal and commercial areas along the "bluffs~ dnd on Pldcenha Avenue. north of 19th l)treet. •1t wasn't a tormal or dPmoerd- llc vote but it was d consensus or lhc attendees with rcspt>< t to their opinions on the opllons dVdildble, ~ sald Bob 1\Wler, who owns d cus- tom fabncdtion i.hop on Whittier · Avenue. "Thoi.e opbons will be presented to the city dS 'ThiS is DECLEOR ~ CEU.£X-C" •lf ... had•an.Maby buinm and inlluslry, .. ,.. might him been ..... ,*" there's a lot al• we 6M't p from '°51 falcs an .t.at's gq to be happel1i'9 lo .. pr~· Gary Monahan Mayor what your residents of the city want, this is their consensus.' " Miller attended the meeting because he lives on the West Side and was one of the 11,400 resi- dents who did receive the newsletter. Miller said that fellow busmess and industrial operators on the West Side are extremely concerned that their views aren't being ·represented. According to results of the sur- vey, paiticipants seemed unifJed on issues related to neighborhood unprovements such as landscap-. m~ creating__community centers dJld programming events on the West Side. However, there seemed to be less consensus on LSsues related to relocating busi- nesses and industrial uses. House and Miller said that if they and other business and y~ l'lliSTITUT GU I NOT ,,015 iii-II t.•The Largest & Finest Beauty Supply & I Full Service Solon In Orcinge County'41 • I OpenlDays (949) 642-1717 Mayor Gary Monahan seemed to agree. •lf there had been attendance by bu me and industry. the results nught have been diller- ent, • he said. •1 think there's a lot • VOUINTEllt omcroRY runs peri· odically in the Dally Pilot. If yoo'd like Information on gfltlng your organln· tion lifted, call (949) 57~228. of mput we ilidn't get from those PROJECT TOGETHER folks on what's going to be hap-Project Together seeks adult vol- pening to their properties.• , unteers to establish a trusting City Planner Mike Robinson one-to-one relationship with chil- s"aid thdt throughout the public dren stressed from family prob- input process, which started last !ems and abuse. This component September, it has been difficult to of the Orange County Health get industry and business owners Care Agency's Children's Mental involved. I Health Services offers trairung When mvitation-onl~ inter-and supervision for the program. Views-·were held in .September 1 Many of the children are econom- with different gro\lps. business ically. deprived and victirils of and industry owners had the low-neglect. For information, call est attendance, Robinson said. I Jonathan at (949) 631-7540. The 1,600 business and indus-1 try owners who did not receive 1 RACE FOR THE CURE the last newsletter will have let-The Susan G. Komen Breast Can- ters mailed to them explaining cer Foundation's 8th Annual the problem and if enough inter-Orange County Race for tlie Cure est is generated, a focused work-is seeking 1400 volunteers for the shop will be held exdusively for I race, to be held Sept. 26 in New- them, Robmson said. The work-port Beach. The goal of this year's shop would be an abbreviate<I I race is to raise $1 .2 million. Posi- version of the one held Aug. 3. tions are open for volunteers on House said be acknowledges the Race's Planning Conunittee, that their participation might not I Speakers Bureau, Team Registra- change the final outcome, but the . lion, Packet Pic~-.U.P and point really is to indude them. race weekend ~ctiv1Ues. For ~in the end, if their voice is more information call (714) 957- louder than ours and their nurn-9165 or visit the Web site at bers are louder than ours, that's www.occure.com. fine," House said of residents. M •1 do believe in the democratic process but everyone has 't<Y be induded and everyone s.hould be made well aware of how it affects the community." REACH OUT FOR SENIORS Volunteers are needed to pro- vide companionship and friend- ship to isolated seniors in New- port Beach and Costa Mesa. Training and support are offered, and volunteers must be 18 or older. For more infonna- SAVE UP TO 80%off •Wood Blln<h •Shutters DRAPERY DESIGNERS Family owned 4: opeiated Drapery 4: UphoJste.ry Workroom tion, call (949) 442-1000. SAVE OUR YOUTH The West Side Costa Mesa youth qrganizatibn is looking for volun· teers to help create a positive alternative for people 12 to 23 years old. Volunteers are needed to help in areas such as boxing, sports, health, fitness, aerobics and academic tuto~g. For infor- mation, call (949) 548-3255. SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED Serve as a guide for homeless f amllies by helping them set · goals and maintain a basic bud- get. Bilingual skills needed. Ori- entation and training provided. For more information, contact Theresa Rowe at (949) 757-1456. SENIOR MEALS AND SERVICES, INC. Volunteers needed to deliver meals to homebound senior ati- zens iesiding .in. Costa Mesa who. are not able to prepare their own meals and do not have anyone to prepare meals for them. A hot lunch is delivered Monday through Friday between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to the senior's home. A one-Q.ay-a-week commitment is all that is asked. Substitute dri- vers are also needed to fill in for regular drivers. For more infor- mation, call (714) 894-9779. SHARE ! HIGH SCHOOL EXCHANGE PROGRAM Host families are needed in the Costa Mesa area to provide a bed, meals and a loving home for high school students from over 28 countries inducting Germany, Japan, Brazil, China and Poland. The students, all between ages 15 and 18. participate in cross- cultural exchange to learn about America and share their own cul- ture. The $tUdents stay for five to 10 montJls and are screened Oo,, A,f,., ··wedesltn Orange Coast College --.,, • We manufacture & Robert B. Moore Theatre We install your custom Draperies 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa • www.occ.cccd .edu/-comed • We ba•e a lar selection of fabrics 75 Exciting Events! ~ -CA Controctof lie #759170 Forman LaPaz Interiors fREEoEsl~?e~tCE fREE~=~~uom1 fREE£S11MAtts Call us we bring the store to your door! (71.4) 593·9696 (949)582·2844 The Original MtKE'a · CARPET$ OVflt 25 YEARS IN COSTAM • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CARPET ·a FLOORING CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CALL NOW 642-8400 TICKETS ON SALE NOW! (714) 432-5880, press 1 • Vlsa/MC!Dllcovw Don McLean "American Pie" Sept. 11 Les Brown Big Band Sept. 12 Frank Gorshln Sept. 25 Lea Baneta Afrtcaln Oct.1 Al DI Meola Oct. 9 Shlrtey Jones Christmas Show · Dec.17 In UN Mood Holfday Swing Bud Fonut,. String of Purl• Orch .. tn Dec.18 ••••••••••• • Call 714/432-5880, press 1 • • Toll-free 88at8"22-·537~""Pf'8'SS 1-.-- or FAX 714/432-5902 • • or mail your name & address to: • Evening of . • OCC Community Education ! Beautiful Music • PO Box 5005 • Aitn Blyth & Biii Hayes : Costa Mesa. CA 92628-5005 •. Nov. ~3 .......... _________ ..................... . twice for academic excellence and proficiency in English. For more information, call 1-888-533· 851-4 . SHARE oult SELVES FREE MEDICAL ANO DENTAL CUNIC The organization needs volun- teer drivers and food handlers for its Emergency Services. Its Free Dental Cliriic needs volunteer dental staff and administrative help. The Free Medical Clinic is recruiting medical person.ttel, data entry help and volunteers to answer phones. For more infor- mation, call Lee at Emergency Medical Services, (949) 642-3451; Dr. Vu with Dental at (949) 650- 2072; Diane with Medical at (949) 650-0186. SHERMAN LIBRA.RY AND GARDEN You could asS1St with tbe garden or help in the gift and tea shop of Corona del Mar's botanical gar- den and historical ·research llbrary. For more information, contact Dorothy Wood at (949) 673-2261. SMALL BUSINESS ASSISTANCE CENTER The Small Busine~s Assistance Center 9t Orange Coast College needs volunteers to advise small business owners in finance, accounting, law, marketing, sales, human resources and other areas. For more information, call (714) 432-5916. SOMEONE CA.RES SOUP KJTCHEN The Someone Cares Soup Kitchen needs food servers at the Iglesia Cristiana Church at 617 Hamilton St. in Costa Mesa or at the Rea Cooununity C@nter. For mformation, call the soup kitchen at (949) 646-8181, between 8 a.m. and noon. No matter what you're doing, your hometown newspaper . "'1Uv Pilo :~_i:·_· ~~1 t Summer Classes Now Forming Call Today for informatlon +Ji'LOW.ER-r Te"a Cotta vases, pots, and urns. Plus vases, baskets, and more arriving daily. "Over 50 Years of Fine Quality" All Types of Window Treatments • Valances & Cornice Boxes • Verticals • Shutters •Roman Shades • Blinds • Bedspreads • New Orders Co,,, /;,,,,,,"' Co~ ;,, to R W 1\ I~ I~: I I < > I I S I~: 1-888-500-5566 The First, The Original, The Best Imported Roses ... /mhfrom South Amtnca, hu~t buds.11ra Ion.~ sttms. most Mwrttd colors_,11.00 prr stcnV$12.00 per dz Domestic Roses .fw Jignuturt Jomtstirs-25 shor.1 sttms ptr bunch in M'ondn/111 rotors' ' grrcJJ for fall displa sin /1<1Kls or raus ........................ -" ................ "'"'"""'"' Y7 .00 per bunch of 2.S Carnations .. tltT)'Ont's /aroritt .. .prima (/ant .. oil co/MS ............................................................... •s.oo per bunch of 2.S Sunftowers ... you',·t ffolla 10,·t'tm! ................................................................................................. _.15' per stem Poms .. daisy, Jpidtr, fHlnv11 ttc. TM 1"<1s1 ICJ11g la.sting Of all rut flowm ........... : ........... u ........................ •3.00 per bunch DESIGNER'S $PECIAL: ROSE TOPIARIES-Imported roses displayed In this lllOlt wanted ltyle ••• placed In terracotta pot accented with sadn rlbbqns or raflla ••• (and they'll dry for an everbiiti• dllplaJ!} $19.99 adl ~·~·--.-·~--.~ '-.~--·'"'.'"-'"'" ... ~; .. -.. ...-.--.. : -.-. -~ "' ..,,. •• 1-' -'·' ~'t.fl'".. . . _.., . ~ ~ ~ ; I • • '1.t.1 .. " ~-• . .._ ---~ .. "" • . t .. .~ . ' ·"· ··~· _, , .... · · .... ~ ' T he emphasis is on help- ing others. The motto: "We search for charity within ourselves and strive for the graciousness to share it with others:" The organization is the National Charity League, and recently, 22 young wQIDen asso- ciated with NCL exemplified their own graciousness as they joined for the announcement of their debutante status. ln the library and gardens of Sherman in Corona del Mar, these young. women, their parents and friends, shared hugs and mem- • · ories as six years of service to community came to its conclu- sion. Over the years, this class of mothers and daughters have served togeth~r. working for a WHY PAY -DEPT STORE PRICES? 1sir our AREA RUG STUDIO Rugs & Runners on Sale t<i03 Placcnm ~ •• Casi;a Mc:u (949)646-4838 No matter what you're doing, your hometown newspaper FITS TN,.. DailfPilot \ /i-:::s:.. THE CROWD b.w. cook variety of nonprofits m the com- munity including the Costa Mesa Senior Citizens Center, 'It Human Options' Second Step, F.I.S.H., Orangewood, S.P.I.N., and Heritage House. The crowd was greeted by Mrs. Arthur Coons, director of debutante activities, and Mrs. James Hawkins, president of NCL. With the introduction of each of the yQung debutantes, their persop.al accompl.iShments were shared with the crowd. A tea ceremony followed, mark- ing the start of the deb season, which culminates in the tradi- tion&! ball Nov. 27 to be held at the Four Seasons· Hotel. New- port Beach. · Known as ncktockers, the 22 young ladies have provided. an impressive 6,500 bow:s of com- munity .service. The 1999 NCL LIMITED MEMBERSHIP • SPINNING• •AEROBICS • STEP CLASSES • T AI CHI •YOGA • PHYSIOTHERAPY • SPORTS M EDICINE. • R EHAB • F RIENDLY EXPERT STAFF • MEDICALLY E STAB LISHED PRINCIPALS DEDICATED TO OUR MEMBERS LONG TERM FITNESS! ~ ,,,..._ ......_ ...... (Jo11.s d~ J{Jo1!1rJ11s )1/1<? (J1/Jrs ~~of,/C «J ~1~a/l'-11 ~ v" '-· ..::,.. Why Drive to a Qub or Discount Wane Shop? .....__~~iiiiiiii·~o 'i~iiii·iiiiiiii--~=;;.>~ 8uy six and $M. Mix and n12och any six 750 milliliia bottles of wine or dwnpagnc &om our cdlar and we'll give you a convenient six-pack wine c:an1cr to carry them and a 10% discount roo! " I' ( I! ! II l' \ \ 1' t 1 • Rod~ Serons Chalklull Chudonlll}' 7S0ml Wild Horw ChardonMy 7SOml Oomamc Sr. Georsc OWkhiU 7SOml W'tllwn Hill Clwdonnay 7'°1111 Villa MT Ed.an Chardonnay 7SOml Wolf Blass Owdonnay 7SOml ~ Run Clwdonmy7S0ml Sonoma Crttk Oardonnay 7S0ml Morro Bay Oardonnay 7SOml VIC.hon Medi~rranean 7S0ml ca-MT Chudonnay 7SOnd "By Mark.ham" HantY• flloc1lp Hill Chardonnay 7SOml llalrilor Chudonnay 7SOml H.cienda CN.donlll}' 7SOml <» ...... 10.00 10.00 9.00 9.00 I 00 a.oo 7.00 7.00 600 6.00 S.00 S.00 4.00 00 O..•M --900 900 810 8.10 7.20 7.20 6.JO 6.JO HO s.4o ~so 4.SO 360 360 Redbank Chardoniuy 7SOml •Exdwm• Roscmounr Ourdonnay 7SOnil ROKmounr Sharai 7S0ml •g9• Wine Spcaaaor Bbck Opal Cabtrnct I Mcrlor 7S0m{ OdOrd und1n1 Chard.on nay 1SOrnl OdOrd Land1n1 ybffll(r I Shirai 730ml a....,_ 8.49 7.49 7.49 6.9' . S.99 s.99 , ,, \\ ' " . Caber~' /Mtrlt>f 7S0ml CMrdonnay 7SOml Lire turtaf R.ialins 750mt fUmc Blanc 750ml "(;,., v~· jolwln1Jbc11 RM.ling 7SOml °"' ....... 7.91 6.9' 699 S.99 499 C»6M --7.6S 6.7S 6.n 6.30 HO 5.40 7.19 "'° 6.30 HO 4.50 debutantes are: Back Row: Krlstine Harring- ton, Julianna Anderson, Amy Christeson. Molly Melum, · Stacey Serra, Erin Gormley, Amanda Stampley, Brooke Flam.son, Laurie kl.dde, and · Robin Bendhelm. Seated middle row: Kelsey Long, Rachel Ganlere, Michelle Miskanlc. Kate Enriquez, Rebecca Fleming. · Seated front Row: Katheiine Cotton, Erin Dettingen, Brit- tney Harrington, and KJerslen Johnson. Not pictured are Mad.ssa Cothran , Kerry Lamb and Alyssa Paul. • BRUCE COOK's columni appears ~Thursday and Saturday. R.lhhitt l murarKc · ~ AlITO • HOMEOWNERS• BLUE CRO~ ~ Id ~c 0 ---·-~ ... -" / ,.\ .,'...J 949-631 -77 40 ~lO~NewponBML •NewportBcach (Near Hoag Hospiul) Thursday, August 12, 1999 BRIEFLY Chorale to hold new season auditions The William Hall Master Chorale will hold auditions this weekend for singers for its upcoming season. The Chorale needs singers for its program of "20th Century Romantics," to·open Oct. 24, its "Voices of the Millenruum • ret- rospective. wh1ch will begui next March, and its season finale, "Broadway Meets the Metl" . Appointments are required for • auditions, which will be conduct- ed Saturday and Sunday: For "'more information, call (714) 556- 6262 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' stories wanted Stories about fatherhood are being sought by the creators of the Costa Mesa based, best-sell- _.ing • Chick.en..Soup.J.ar-5out'._ series. Stories for their forthcom- ing·title, "Clucken Soup for the Father's Soul,• should be hedft- felt and inspirational and, of course, related to fathers. •As long as the reader lS inspired or they' re touched or • there's some poignant moment,• the story is nght for the senes, noted Chrissy Donnelly, who is putting the book together with series developers Mark Victor Hansen and JaC'k Can11eld. Stories should be two to three pages in, length and should be sent to Chicken Soup for the Father's Soul at 3104 E Camel- back Road, No. 531, Pboerux, Ariz. ~5016. Selected authors will receive a $300 permission fee. The deadline for subrruss1ons is Aug. 27. 1999 Acting classes offered for children South Coast Repertory's Young Conservatory will take applications for its faU series of acting courses for children Sept. 7 to Nov. 20. Programs are civail- able for lods from first thr-ough 12th grade. PSYCHIC FAIRE Saturday, Aug. 21 Oet to know many Crystal Ca\le Reade~ on the same day Readers from IOam·lpm 2pm-5pm Credtive Drdll\atics, a sen~ of classes intended to develop chil- dren's listening and imagination, .is available for kids up to the second grade. Older children with acting e~nence can enroll in the Youth. Junior Teen or Teen Players, grou~ that work to put on theatrical productions. Twtion for the classes is frorp $110 to $285. For information, caU(714)708-5577 Impert named dean of OCC. Fine Arts Division OCC has named photography professor Sylvia Impert as dean of its Fine Arts Division. Impert ·replaces Ted Baker, who retired in December. The former cha,ir of OCC'. D1gital Media Arts program, Impert says she's mterest- ed1ii workirig to ensure the Art depart- me.pt is up-to- date in its use Sylvia lmpert of technology. -·rm pretty much defermined to stay cur- rent~ with developments in com- puter design. Impert said, noting that OCC's new art gallery will • be fully equipped to deal with • digital art. • Impert has been acting as • interim dean smce Baker's retire,• ment. OCC theater season opens with 'Alum' More than -tO plays are sched.: uled for OCC's 1999-2000 the-• aler seasQn. The season. which opens with David Runmer's ·Album" on Aug. 28. also fea- ture!> works by Ela.me May, Dd.,1d Mamet. Don Nigro and many student-directed produc- tions . A series of short plays dealing \vith millennial disasters, ·y2K." begins in October For informa- tion about show times and tick- ets, cail (714) 432-5640. • • New Age Gift Show • tlct.l ph) !cal 6ool\.s • Original Jc,,.clry, Qlfls Art"'ork We are showing many new Items ordered from our recent Demer Show • Min~rals I!( Ocm.stoncs • t1and-Cal'\e<I Ctr"tal Quan Yin l!X auddha • Herbs &$Scntlal Olis lnccn5e 891 Baker Street A 16 • Costa Mesa 71 ~.75~ •I IS I (Comer of Baker & Bear streets) 't 't Human Choriogonadotropin Hormone (HCG) HCG has an established and proven history use for safe and rapid weight loss. The use of HCG, along with our special ketogenic diet, will promote a rapid weight lo while decreasing your blood pressure and increasing your energy level. Take Control Of Your Life ... ·CALL NOW. .. (949) 645-7490 ,.. ....... ..., TbeMlltlla a.., A 12 Thursday, Augu't 12, 1999 date book Doily Pilot Critics' picks for favorite summer movie rentals • EDtTOR'S NOTE: The Reel Ctitia col· u11ru1 features movie critiques written by community ~mbers serving on our schmaltzy moment, Shel- ton can move from a gleeful parody of ALSO PLIYlll 4 •guy thing, .. but m~1 dude. I know take great pleasure m watching stupid come- dies over and over. We mem- orize dialogue and then spout off choice lines After a tellar putt on the golf course an •1t's in the hole, the Cinderella kid wins the U.S. Open" (from "Caddy Shack•) is· always m order, or a •Lighten Up Francis" ("Stripe:>") whenever someone i unduly angry is a SUfe-tue hit (except for with the pmson who is angry). w• panel. This reviewers fave: 'Bull Durham' T here are certain sounds that make a summer day: children's voiC'es calling •Marco Polo" aero s a swimming pool and the sound, of a baseball making contact with a wooden bat. When I was growing up m Texas, summer rughts belonged to baseball -:-double A like the Durham Bulls There is no better basebetll movie than •Bull Durham.• The writing is sharp, smart and funny. The acting by two smooth pros (Susan Sarandon and Kevin Costner) and one dazzling rookie {Tun Robbins, in his fm.t major role) IS pure JOY Ron Shelton, who wrote and duecteu ·Bull Dwham," loves the g.mie and its players. Without a comba.ll or a baseball "" superstitioflS to the pain of an aging player who's just been released June Fenner from the only life he's ever known. I know the world is fuJ,1 of games, and, yes, I've heard of folks who don't appreciate the flawless beauty of a shortstop nabbing a line drive and, with th~ grace of a dancer, spinning round to nail a base runner heading back to first But for those of us blessed with a pas- sion for baseball, ·sun Durham• is a true treasure. For everyone else, it'!just a funny, se~ love story. • JUNE FENNER, a Costa Mesa resident in her late SOs, is vice president of a work force training company. Fr•sh SeOlood )bsortMI Sal~...,72 Gr•at DGMrtl 0 i• "? & Woffl• Stotlofts Du Heclaya play1 President Richard Nlxon as he makes his trademark ·gesture before bOa.rdtng · his plane in ... Dlck.,. Comedies are on this r eviewer's plate W hen asked to write a short article about my favonte "swruner movie rentals,• my mind began to swim. So many movies, so little space to identify all of them. Anyway, over the next couple of days I wrote down my favorite A T T H E B E A C H LlJ<l' i Come early and enJov the famous all vou con eat Beach P~ 8Uffet from 10:30am till 3:00pm ... enjoy the sounds or 'Aeggoe on the aov• from 2pm tlll close~ 949•673•4700 Buzz at the Beach located in the Beautiful Lido VIiiage 3450 Via Oporto Newport Beach MISTRAL A· hMlrite ne~ ~. Mistral offeni a comfort.able dnng room witil a Celifomian ProveR:e meru at reasonable pnces, and a separate bar-kulge area with piano mJS1C nightly Plenty r* free peiting across the street, ¥l&trel tS IM!ry008& fevonte "Secn!t Piece' Dinner &eMd Tues, Wed Sun 5 :llpm-10 OOpm Tht.rs. Fn, Set 5 30pm-11 00pm Located et 440 HelJOtroPe Ave. Corona del Mar. 9491723·9685 BASILIC RESTAURANT Offering a vanety of Swiss French CUlSIOB Located et 217 Manne Ave on Balboa Island Dimer served Tues • Sun 5 30 • 10 p m:for reservations plesse cell 19491 673 0570 • PINOT PROVENCE Joachim Spltcht11's only Orange County Nh;taurant features Mediterranean rere 1nsp1red by the country side or Soothem France in a splendtd setting. nch with ant1QUes and rustic elegance Recognized by the James Beard Foundation Moo-Set BrealdasvtuocMl111ner Sun BruncM.uncM>1nner. 17141444.5900 TROQUET Res!aurant Directory W1t.h e decor rem1n1scent of the cozy, chic bistros of France. Troquet offers GUPed>. modem French bistro cooking by chef T1111 Goodell Excellent wine hst Magncfique desserts' Top Rated Restainnt - Southern Cehforria Zagat SuMy Recognuecf by the James Beanl FoundaDon Mon-Sat LlllCl'v'Otnner. Closed &Jldey. 17141 708-6865 movie tiU~ as they occurred to me and began categorizing them by subject matter: comedies, love sto- ries, horror, drama, scien'ce fiction, westerns, adventure and war films. I discovered that movies I could watch aver and over all seemed to. be comedies, with a few westerns, science fiction or adventure films thrown in. Go figure. Regarding comedies, maybe it's NEWPORT NOODLE at opportune Richard moments in our Brunette lives. I don't come across too many women wasting bram space· for this time-honored tradition Sometimes the lamer the films, the more we watch them. and the fun- ruer they get 1\.vo of my all-time favorite comedies include "Caddy Shack" and "Strtpes. • You sun- ply cannot find two better flicks to pop in the old VCR and brighten up your day. And the dialogue4r-0m-these films is a veritable cornucopia of one-liners applicable to thousands of situa- tions in daily life. It brings tears to my eyes just to think of them. • Qnete ' Pizza Co.~ AWARD WINNlNG 2346 Newport Blvd. #A-3 At Walson Other ndiculously stupid comedies that l can'L help but crack up a t when I see them include some of Eddie Mwph y's early films, partiCularly "Trading Places.• Then there's a young · John Cusack in "Better Off Dcad," Adam Sandler's "Happy Gilmore," the late Chris Farley in "Tommy Boy,• or a new edition to my comedy classics, Ben Stiller m . "There's Something About Mary.• Now, l warn you. All of these h.lms have a certain "flavor• of Cu· p1dity. U you don't like one of them, you'll probably hate all of them. But if you do like one of them, well then you're a friend of mine and I ·rughly recommendaIJ of Diem • RICHARD BRUNETTE. 36, is a recre ation supervisor with the city of Costa Mesa and a Costa Mesa resident. ' Re Painting? If you're looking to paint or repaint, rebuild 1t, replace 1t or restore it, look rn the Pilot Class1f1eds-·to find the service best fitting your needs. Daily Pilot Classified Community Marketplace MORTON'S OF CHICAGO Where the Pa&tabilitiaS ere endless Open for dinner Mondat - ~ 4 pm • 10 pm , &n:lay 2 pm -10 pm Tale~ avafiable 6t8ftlng at 11 JO e m Located et 2CXX) Newport BIYd 111 Costa Mesa 19491 548-0099 This veoerable steakhouse 1s ~ Joto generous portlOflS of perfectly prepared pnrne eged. !1'840 fed beef as weH as first-rate seafood and desserts seNed 111 an ~ dtRnQ club end bar setting Pr1\11U dnng rooms available TOI> rated restarant - Southern Qif,fomia Zagat SI.Ivey Mon-Stil Dinoerll..at.e N1s# located at Sooth Coast Pia.~ V1 lege 17141444-4834 LUGANO CUCINA DEL MERCATO The eoptll&ticated ambiance wiU remind you of a Mrlaoes& cafe OellCIOUS meals kn Sf1N'( diners to this Po6h spat v.ilere palate- pteasrng rare 1s created USU\g only the freshest ingredients Mon-Fri Breakfestllunch/01mer, Set·SIXI Omer L~ et 650 Anton BIVd C714l~O AMACHI Sushi &Sushi to Go Complete BerAll MaJOf' Credit Cards Located At -2675 INine Ave !Across from Newport Golf Cqursel 1949t645-5518 BEN I HANA Amenca's most celebrated Japanese restarant Open 7 clays a week LlKlCh 11 30 2 30pm Mon -Fn • 01noer 5 30-1 Opm Mon • Thurs • 5 30 11 OOpm Fri • 5 00 11 OOpm Set . 4 30-9 30pm Son Located at 4250 Blf"Ctl St 949 955·0822 SCOTT'S SEAFOOD GRILL Be BAR A popular, award·WlfVllflg rti taorant Juiown for its quahty d1mng etperience that is as famous for its clasr.1cally prepared fresh seafood 'BS its aged pnrne beel Save room for a 'Sl.mptuous dessert Deily. LunchlOtnnerA.tlta Night Aft.er OCPAC Located et 3300 Bristol St , across from South Coast Plaza 17141 979-2400 CATALINA FISH KITCHEN Get hooked on the freshest hsh available Fresh gnlled tish. seafood and chicken sandwiches salads, gnlled plates and pasta' spectalbes Open seveo days a week Mon thnJ S&t 11 em-9pm, Sunday 11 am- 7pm Catenng available Located ot 670 W 17th St #GB. Costa Mesa !West of the rteW Treder Joe's I 19491 645-8873 SANTA MONICA SEAFOOD RegerdtJd as Southern California's top food retailer With the · largest & fine&t selectlOO of fredl ae8food daily Also e rooMude d scn.rnpuous de!IC8Cles soch es sushi, grilled fiSh entrees clam chowder. fish & chips, sandwiches and elf the f1110gS for 8 gwmet RIVERBOAT RESTAURANT SIR ROGERS, LTD mea1 et home 0pen 7 daYS e week Located at 154 E 17th St. an board the 'Pride of Newport" Rrmtioat. home or the Newport SandWiches. coffee nt "'"6SO drris & Sl1'100Ulies All new t>realdast MI CASA Costa Meae 19491574·8862 Hnor Nldical Muset.m IFormerty RB\ben E Lee!. Open for kn:h "*'a.I Catering Mtlable Open Mon-Fri et 6em Sat st 7em end 51.11 et fu' meals . .e rDN a trip to Beja as well as Mexico Now offenog fish THE CANNERY Tues ·Fri 11 am-3pm 8nn:h SIMd Satu'dey & St.flday Bam·3pm 9llm LOClted It 270 E 17th 5'reet Coste Mesa 19491 645·2252 tacoe Poona ehead for orders to-go Hotn 0111ly from 11 am AN Ht ·-.A llrixr 1brs -~ 9ef"'9d Wed-&.l 6pm-1{Jpm ~and--m8tof'<ftduardHeeell'ld -LocetedAt296-17tMit·::-Costtt1ese--;~ w -111JM -cruse center -pnyata evBIU, weddings & banquets An me1or . credit cards 19491645•7626 · ~ Mon ·Sal 11 :I>· 2 em Sun 10 em-12 pm All maier credit c:ards eccepted located At 151 E Coast Hwy Newport Beech. 19491 ResaMtlOnS suggested Loe&ted at :1>10 Lafay11tte Ave. Newport 673-3425Fax19491673-2175 ROYAL KHYBER AVILA'S EL RANCH ITO Beach.CA 8266319491675-5777Fax19491675-2510 CHESTER DRAWERS' INN Award wimno Cuisine of India. 0pen for lunch Mon·Fn.11:3(): AuthenticMexl080fo6d,w1ththefreshest1rqe<1ienta&anewhgt1t · AMELIA'S SEAFOOD & 2pm. Closed for lunch on Saturday &n:lay Brunch Buffet seNed cuisma. Greet mergantas Hoi.n· Lunch & Dinner All maier credit A Costa Mesa tre<11t1on for good times for the P116t 15 veers Join 1130-230pm Dinner 68Ned trcim s 30pm 1.oaited et tile Sooth cards eccepted Located at 2101 Placentia. Costa Mesa_ 642• ITALIAN RESTAURANT us fat' fabulous 113 lb burgers served with CIM'ty Ines. spicy buffalo Coast Plaza Village, 1621 W Sooflower Ave 17141 436· 101 O 1142, 2800 Newport Blvd . N!Wport Beach _ 675-6855 and 2744 For 39 yeere Amelie hn been serving the locals and visitors of wings. or one ol our other munch8bles En1oy your favorite beverages E Coest ~ , COM _ 19491 644•8226 Newport Beach who chensh the hnest in detectabla pastas. fine dunno hat>PY hotM' from 3pm-8pm daily All day on S\.flday Tell yrxr wines & exqU1s1ta sea food!I Soni;et dinner IS s&Ned SllT thru fuJl'S fnends to meet you here En1oy basketball, foosball. pmbell, golden from 5 00 pm -6 00 pm Dinner daily starting et 5 pm Lunch Fn. tee 99, darts' Kitchen Hours are 3t>m 10pm, 7 Clays a week SABATINO'S RESTAURANT & Sat,Sontrom113oomto330pm &riieybn.inchtrom1oooam Locetedet179E 17th St. NAmCosteMese 19491631·4277 SAUSAGE COMPANY -330pm 311 M8nneAve onBetboalsland t949l67J..6580 .JACK SHRIMP Pasta. Cl8S8I' salad. homemade &auaege, vest. iamb. vegetanen DARYA FINE PERSIAN CUISINE Serving authentic ~sl808 cuisine in an upbeat, casual atmosphere dishes, wine. b9er. ceppucc1no &dessert Hours 7 days a VOi.i' sensee wtll feast upon Penii11Wl$pired decOr end mouthwlltenng with petro drvng Try Ot.r' Jacltshnmo plates, or the Jemman' week 6eMlQ Sat & Soo bnn:h from 8 3a-1 00, Sun ·Thurs CUISI08 at t.hi8 exObC res~ sampi8 de ICIOU9 llCJPttil8rS. ~ JambellVS Take out and delivery llV8lleble. Locetld et 2400 W 11em·10pm Fri Set 11em-11pm All maior credit cards accepted nee di&hes end S8YDIY shilh kebab Top rated restell'Bl"t _ ~ Coe&t Hwy 19491 SS0.5577 Located At 251 Shipyn Wey.Newport Beach 19491 723-0621 California bgat SuM~ 5erWlg' L4A'lCh & Olriner daily Located at the NEWPORT RIB COMPANY RISTORANTE MAMMA GINA Solalr.oestP1ateVt11age £7141557·6600 Wt ... localAld tt 2196 HertJor Blvd ltht old Sialerl We ofter 1 In• b8uihA setmo on the be-1 '1.:rw lllUSIO" perlocmng rWtJ:tii tn OU' ooc:1ttai1 lculgt, 1.-ger benquet facibt.tes . ~ ~. end a Enoteet lOlllQe l.oclted et 251 East PIQfic Coest H'pay 111 ~ te98f'llt8 catenng kJtch8n Open for luxh end dinner. We t-..e th8 0eaCh Lln:h Mon ·Stt 11 31).2 30 Su'ldr,y Bntdl 11 ~ Dmer best baby beck rlb9 Ill Orlngt Col4y s8Md 11'1 • 'lfill'ITI end Mon-&rl 5c>m·1~ Cell etlead fQ-~ 19491 673-9500 oomtOIUble seuing 19491531.2110 SA PO RI YAN KEE TAVERN 1ta11an food for heatv eotcn1 0pen 1100am-1 o cnini. Stmay· Dl the bey 1n ~Beach Ser.-;ng Wlch & Omer deity l.Dceted ThuredeY 11 30em· 11 ()()pm Fnday Setlrday k>atad et 1(8) tt 333 8eyside OrM (9491675-5333 Beysldt [)M, 1949) 6444220 ZUBIES CHICKEN COOP AMICI TRATTORIA ' We re men then f'ltt chiokeo1 In addit.lon to Ot.r' Rot1ssene. Both ~ fit tredl&ionel ltlllsl cuisine I& Pl'9serW by 8roMc8d, Md Grilled Oicken M offer Steak, Seafood, Prime Rib, PS'llW/dltf Measlmo ~ Si:>ecleltiel include u.traardin.-y Biby so Ribt, Pizza. • 22 item eppetuer meoo end more Nllood end pMtl9 Award wlmlfl!I wn lis\ too Open for Ulth Moo Ai Gen1ro1J1 Pof'CIOfll « 1 GflEAT wlue Corrie dleck us CUI Open for DR1er -..cl Man-Sm Lcated It 655 Al(Ofl BM:I 17141 B5Q. 9399 kid!,*'*'· 1p1m n ~ Mtved '11 dlvl end Su-dav ARMANI CAPE ~ F\AI oodail I* ~ fecih1.1n up t.o 70 Gamtlro9rn ~ io ct. Empario .,,,,...-~. Armeni Catt offn • !lt\'liltl toOn lO be oplfl ',, Old Nlwpof't Blvd (Comer of Holpital Ro9d ..mrig far • ~ """ Dini dn eupe;t> diall8t tram Nortta'n ltlly ll1d end Old NlwPOf\) In NewPOrt 9Mcti 19491 645 6008 11*1¥ • """ " ... Cit tht ..aoor-PlltiO 6-Wlg U1dl & dirrW dlily u.:.s,.. ...... 0iut ~ SMfl eo.t All• 1n41 754-0300 VILLA NOVA V..NM*'°"*'*'~wlhl_...IOI_. .. ~ harnatlllll ..... """ .... ' -........ ll1d ...... Ill fl• ...... ••i:laa&" ....... au._ A • II 111111 .... , .............. ...,,. ....... .. ........ Ulflll ____ ,., __ 1111 .... Dim'~ ......................... ...... .... '*-' Nt -.c.. ....... ..... INKA GRILL Expenence Che rett llavor in Orange C<uity Enioy a E~Asien style blend of cuime accented ¥11th the gplces °' SoWi Amlrice Beer & Wlll8I Mllable tbn ere Mon ·Thtn 1 t 30am to 9pm Sun ~ to 9pm and Fri ·Sat 11 :llam to 9 30pm Locettd et 260 Bli9Col St. • Red H1D 1n Cnsta Mci;e 714-444 INl<A 148521 THAI SPICE Voted by the Ragrsw readri. as append 111 The Best of Orange Colrty '8Ct.iOn as rrhe Be6~ Thai food In Ortnga Cot.nty • Lllldl dffier, cetenng & ~ ~ OPEN IN IRVINE 15455 Jaffrey Road let Irvine Center Or.l 857-8424 ()pen Mryday 5oo thru Thln 11 em-9 :llpm, Fri Md Sat 1 Um· 1 ()pm Also located et 615 W 19th St. Colee Meae· 19491548 4333 ROYAL THAI Open 7 days e ~ Sming lunch & dmer dail't 11 am • 3pm Sooday • Ttusday Dinner Is l'YOd 5pm • 1 Opm &n1av • fursday Fri end Sawroav apen ut'(ll 11pm Located et 4tD1 W r.oast Hwy 19491 645 !THAil ' Doily Pilot dateb Ook Thuraday, Auguu 12, 1999 A IJ . Find fine Tuscany dining at Ris tor ante Mamma Gina: ~ I talian re tauranti> have come a long way m the past 20 years. The days of red- checked tablecloths, red vinyl booths and candles in wicker· encased chianti bottles are a dis- tant memory, having been replaced by upscale trattorias sporting decorator furnishings in ultramodern settings. Today's Italian eatenes ten(i to be noisier, brighter and usually less intimate than yesterday's dark, clubby DINING REVIEW ~!~1:s~-¥iie rood has changed, too, with homemade agnolotU and pizzas from a wood-burning stove replaong spaghetti and meatballs or chick- en cacciatore. Ristorante Mam.ma Gma hclS oCombined~spects of the new and the old, and plopped it all down m a beautiful harborfront setting m Newport Beach. The restau- rant is built to capitalize on its' excellent location. The large din- ing room boasts high vaulted ceilings and a wall of tloor-to- ceiling Wlrldows facing the har- bor. Patrons wishing to dine al fresco can ask for a table on the newly built patio, but call ahead, as patio tables go fast, espeoally in the summer. Italian ceramics and oil paint- ings of various Italian oties adorn the walls, adding a '60s touch to contrast with the modem IDdul- gence of the now-obligatory exhi- bition kitchen. The main dining room is elegant and upbeat, and sometimes a bit loud. The cocktail lounge, which is separated by a closed door from the main dining room, will trans- port you back to 1963. Dark and cozy, the bar sports candles on the small tables, a bartender who • knows everyone's name and a jazz combo playing in the comer. Close your ey~s and it's not hard to imaQl.Jle catching a glimpse of Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack through a haze of cigarette smoke living it up in the ~omer booth. · · The menu at Mamma Gina features traditional Tuscan cw- sine, prepared under the guid- ance of new head chef Umberto Rubelli. I first encountered · Rubelh at the now-defunct Mez- zaluna 10 Corona Del Mar, where I thought-he did an excellent 1ob • with their small but well-thought menu, and I'm glad to Sfi!e him resurface at Mamma Gina. For starters, there is generous selection of hot and cold appetiz- ers. Salads from the cold section include the traditional caprese ($7 .90), fresh Buffalo :mozzarella served with slices of ripe toma- toes, basil; and a drizzle of extra- virgin olive oil. A more mterest- ing choice is the saporita salad ($6.90), which features paper- thin slices of marinated, raw arti- ~oke hearts garrushed with Cum" und ,,_.. rh• lat•\f nrstaurant m Nr"wport Bt!orh. iv,. f1tururt' cl•llrlow pasta. J UIC.V Angu.« steal..'" r"XCr"llt1111 '"eifood and that pr"rj"t!Cf manml! W• prol#lly q/T•ra nvlll•ltl dfluwr from $-7 tu S20/p .. r<ron. P11rn• R<Hm• (up to 40 p•ople) ·Fil// 8t1r -Cat.-rms Call for R,..,,.wJtloru: 949 646·2333 Fax. 949-646-2426 21:1-17 ll,_,,,,.A_, Mrt 'flOrf ._,.,CA 92d6.I Sandwich House We use Fresh Turkey for our sandwiches, cooked on the premises Daily Wt use a 1 /2 pound of real fruit In all our smoothies RISJORAHTE MAMA GINA + WHERE: 251 East Coast High· way, Newport Beach +WHEN: Sun- day, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. (brunch) and 5 to 10 p.m.; Monday through Thurs· day, 1 l a.m. to 3 p.m . .and 4:30 to 10:30f.m.; · Friday, 1 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 4:30 to 11 p.m.; Saturday, 5 to 11 p.m. + HOWMUCH: v •al chop left on the bone but " pounded thin like a cutlet, bread· ed lightly, and then pan·fried. ThP. meat had a ruce.cnspy crus and wa topped Wlth a flavorful mixture of chopped tomatoes. garlic and fresh mozzarella. Probably the best dish on the menu is the. simplest. the bistecca Florentine ($24.90). A generous cut of T-bone is rubbecJ wtth • olive~ou, salt and pepper, and • then gnlled over an open fire. Nothing fancy here -the meat .. was prum~ cut and cooked per-· foctly, and that's really all you need for this Tuscan classic. Moderate •PHONE: (949) 673·9500 DON HACH I DALY PILOT Food "Servers Carlo Mena, lett and Lu<:a Carteni lnvite customers to Mama Gina in Newport Beach. The se!VK'e at Mamma Gina is excellent. The waiters are vety attentive, and treat patrons in a polite, formal manner. The wine list features some good Italian selections complementing a varl: • ety of California vintages. A reserve list mcludes some fine older bottle:, for speoal occasions. After dinner you ought enjoy a selection from the dessert cart and an espresso as you dream of owrung one of the luxunous yachts parked mere yards away (or if you do own one, you can dredffi of owning a bigger one). The bramisu was very good, the mascarpone cheese filling was fresh-tasting and the ladyfingers were light and airy. shaved Parmesan cheese and a lemon dressing. The artichokes are cnsp cmd flavorful -the taste brighter raw than the earth- ier flavor they acquire after being cooked -and the tart dressing accentuates their flavor. Hot appetizers include fried caldman ($7 .90) or fried zucchini ($5.50), both of which are light and cnsp. and accompanied by some mannara sauce for <lipping Another good choice is the polenta portobello. Shces of polenta are fried quickly and served with sauteed portobello mushrooms. The polenta has a nice cnsp crust while remaining soft Ul.Side, and the mushrooms are meaty and, flavorful. I had a problem with the brown sauce spooned on the dish, though -it Niki's I N D I A N FOOD VOTED #1 BY O.C. REGISTER RFADER POLL ~70S S. BRISTOL t •\j l( Jo.. f'l'llll I ,,I , I I,,, , BB ~850-0595 was too thick and reminded rue of a brown gravy. Pasta dishes arQ well repre- sented, and hd.lf porllons are available If ordered as an appe- tizer or first course. Mamma GU1a boasts that cill of lhc pdstas dre homemade; after trying a few, l have no doubts that they are. The lobster: ravioli ($16.90) were quite good. The pasta here is tinted black with squid ink, and filled with a mixture of lobster and ncolta, all draped m a cream-based sauce with a just enough tomato to give 1ran attracllve pmk hue. I also li~ed the fettucone Mam.ma Gma; wide noodles served dgain m a cream-based sauce featuring fresh porcim mushrooms. The noodles were perfectly cooked al PREJ.fl ER LABELS ESCADA. ARMANI, CHANEL ST. JOHN, VERSACE. VALENTINO DRESS c2 KI LL New & Consigned Designer Clothing 177 Riverside Ave , Suite G, Newport Beach (949) 57 4-0099 denle, iiDd the fresh porcmi ~dd a pungent, distinct flavor. Tuscany is prtmanly a land- locked region, and as such, the · cuisine weighs heavily toward meat disnes. The menu at Mam- ma Gina reflects this; there are only three fish dishes listed on a menu that features almost 20 en trees. If you're a veal lover, you'll hdve plenty of choices. The sev- eral scaloppini dishes 111clude veal saltimbocca ($19.90), thin slices of veal sauteed bnefly and setved with prosciutto, white wine and sage. I liked the flavor the prosciutto and sage added, but the dish suffered from a sauce that was too gluey for my tdSte. I had better luck w1th the costoletta alla checca ($23.90), a t11e1111e ESTABLISHED 1962 Steak • Seafood • Cocktails 1695 Irvine Ave. 646-7944 l 5 o/w Your Total Dinner Biil lf you're looking for a relaxed dinner m an attractive, romantic setting, Ristoranle Mamma Gina • won't disappomt. I've noticed that the quality of the food con- tmues to unprove under Chef Rubelli's guidance; he still has a way to go, but I was pleased on my last rew visits and will look forward to my next one • STEPHEN SANTACROCE'S dining rev1e~ appear ~ery other Thursday Bistro Le Crillon WINES • BAR • LIQUORS 2523 Eastblujf Dr. Shoppi11g Cmur • Newport Btach phone (949) 640-8181 I Dinner and Wine Tasting I The Grtat Fmuh Winn of tht Rhont Vallty AOC Friday August 20, 1999 at 7pm Les Hors D'Oeuvres LA Mount th Fou GrtU th CAMrJ LA SaUuU tk Mtse/1111 •..,.--:;;o,._ ___ ...z.._..:.Uuut~'P!!. tit Saum.-0_11 ________ _ 1md llliJll: • "#010 1996 ~ '• ~ "La 0tmm• "'hiu 'l(JJ l 1995 ~Kt ~hitt Mnpis u"' TMIF· Dt/As Le Poisson Du lour a la Proyencal (W'bilt FislJ ,,....114 Si]kJ I .• •..,;t ,, urWt/wiih: I0/1 A 14 Thursday, Auguit 12, 1999 date book ·oull and duller . MUSIC KATE PETERS •• , •• Doily Pilot HOUIS Pairvl w Road, Costa Mes . (!) h, oh. The ne plus ultra oxymoron. _,., A thinking man' Bruce Will.is movie. "The Sixth Sense.• In the trailers you've seen on. TV, the child star says that them hairs standmg up on the back of your neck -it's ghosts domg it. Real enes. For Willis however, those are gho!its of a different sort Ghosts of movies like "Hud- son Hawk." UNCLE DON'S VIMS OF NIL REPUTE "The Sixth Sense· attempts to serve up mote scdres than mystery meat at summer camp, but starts slower than a '72 Pinto with a dead DieHard How do they know it's the sixth sense? Maybe it's the nintli or 10th one Or maybe 1t'!. the first sense, and all the others come after it Maybe it's the non- sense. Or the senseless. Dang. I'm starting to ltunk and that hurts Owee. Willis plays a child p!.ycholo- 'Sixth Sense' is slow-going gist. Tom and troubled. Angst written across bis face UX:e tat- toos on a biker. An incandescent bWb bums. Broken window. ·Moving sh ad- ows. A former patient in Willis' batluoom. Njckname: "Freak." Smart, compassionate and cursed . Armed. Finger on the trigger. Aiming. It's now seven months later. Bruce is back at work. Only tus project this time is Cole, a Damien look-alike who like any good Democrat, sees things no one else does,· has secrets he won't tell to anyone, and lies lo conceal everything. Cole is just your routine Coco Puff-eating, school-hating, lens- less eyeglass-wearing, Latin- quoting kid stuck in the projects of Philadelphia. He's called "Fr~ak.~ With a big secret. It may be a long way to 1ip- perary, but it's a bell of a lot longer till we find out what it is The Big Secret? Cole sees dead people. Whoa. What an ori~al thought. A flick about a misun- derstood kid who sees dead peo- ple. Sounds like "BeeUejuice" to me. Th e sWls don't do much. They wander around here and . there, near and far, fest and slow, but always bneOy, saving the makeup department serious . bucks but depriving us vapid .... shallow gore-fest fans of any real blood 'n' guts. Bummer. These dead dudes and dudettes? Sometimes they get mad. Don't do anything but they get mad. And stare. Drool. .• Grunt. Wear ugly clothes. Kinda like newspaper editors. When this happens, 1t becomes a Cole day in hell. The temperature drops, no one gets goose pim- ples, and the manifestations, weU, they manifest. And grunt. Drool. Sta.re. Terrified, Cole leaves his bad manners at the table and bails out to his sanctu- ary of stolen icons wnere fie overacts, shakes a lot and drags out this terminally dull flick. This Night an~ Day of the Liv- ing Dead screenplay displays Willis dS pensive, meditative, contemplative, poring and as perpetually gloomy as a day in A MacGillivray J&reeman. J&ilm EDWARDS IRVINf IMAX THFATRF IS t 0( ATED AT THF EDWARDS I RV It H SPECTRUM WHfRF THf 5 & 405 FREfWAYS MHT IRVltJF •CAIL ~OR C,ROtJP SALES 6. INfORMATION 71'1 832 IMAX .. June. Mu 1c ere cendos at arbi- trary momenb, but nothing hap- pens. These yho t , hke liberals - dcmandmy, everywhere and unwanted -just c c.l ult: lo give them some unspecif 1ed help. Like what? Fetch the 'remote, some chips and 1 ;,UC pack? llrucio tell!. Cole he knows a way to make the dead people go away. I've got an i<.lea: run out of film m the camerd. Cole's moqi has bad ctre,uns. Willis sayi. bad line-.. Cole sees bad sights It dll a0uds up to a real· ly bad movie with the ol.>ligatory • Exom.st ·· scene. Even the special effects, Jf U1ere am c.Uly, aro done better dt Knott'!. SCdry ,Fann. Descrilnng all the l<1pscs in logic would take more ink than "Moby Dick! The pretty slick ending I should have figgcred out way ahead of time; but 1 ubbing my eyes 1n a constant tlltempt to stay awake causea tlit! ml'i~mg of some obVJous clues. Slower than cJ .>peedmy Vega and just d~ poorly put together, "The Suc:th Sens<'" 1s JUSt tt one· tnck pony that !.houlda hcen sent to the ylue factory. • UNCLE DON reviews b-movies and cheesy musical acts axcluslvely for the Daily Pilot. You can e-mail him at YourFavUncOaol.com. Sil)9er/actor Kate Peten will perform "Sojourn: A Concert for a New Age• Friday at founder's Hall at the orange County Perforµtlng Arts Cen- ter. The show is a collection of inspirational songs and stories. Tickets for the 8 p m. event are $32 and are available by phone at (714) 749·7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. 'CHICK HEARN WALL OF FAME INDUCTION' Muldoon's Dublin Restaurant 411d Pub will be inducting 1..A. Lakers announcer Chick Heam mto its Guinness/Muldoon's Wall of Fame at 3 p.m . Satur- day. Muldoon's is at 202 New- port Center Drive, Newport Beach. For more information , call (949) 640-4110. LES BROWN & HIS BAND OF RENOWN Take a "Sentimental Journey• with Les Brown, who will per- form big band classics at OCC's Robert B. Moore The- atre at 4 p .m . today. Admission is $22 for students and $25 for adults in advance, and $28 at the door. OCC is at 2701 For tickets or more inforrnal101, call (714) 432-5880. STAGE T HE HEIRESS' The Theatre DI.Strict presents •'rh1"' H mre:: through Ai l· 21 Bas tl o !ht! Ht:nry Jcuues nvvd, •wa h mglon Squa11e and el m 1 ;,O m Nevi tork. s elitist W,lshmgton Square Uris Is d lttle of l1111eUness, 111 e. ootca yalt revenge and ~dt>tnp tion Ticket fo1 Sunda~ tJt!ifor- mances cs.re $15, 101 sa1wtlav e\ emng performances S:20. {>1 uJJp dis mt.s are. d'vaildble The Thcatr Du.lric.1 is ut 29JO Br 1)tol St Costa Mesa il'l the bulk lol ol The Lab Allti I\lall. For tickets o n1ore info 11.atlon, call (714) 435 043. 'FOOnoosa; The national tow of thb stage adaptation o the 1980s Kevin Bac.-on film .b eouu.ug t<>c the ------ Orange Courtly Performmg Arts Center 'lueSday lo Aug. 22. Starring Joe Machoto dud Ariel Moore Footlooi.t! ovens 'The Center'i. 1999-2000 Brodd- way series. T1ckets range from $18 to $52.50 For ticke~ or more infonndtion, call (714) 556-ARTS oi 1VISit th~ W~b site www.ocpac.org. • P.RIVATE BANQUET ROOM . FROM 20-90 • Big Screen TY, VCR, So und System, Podium Microphone • Large Comf ortdble Booths • Efficient Courteous Staff · • Prices t o Fit A LL Budget~ 2 SMALL PHONES, 2 SMALL PRICES! MOTOROLA STARTAC™ • Built In phone book .• Ring options SERVICES INCLUDE: PACIFIC BELL e ww ..... ~fREE* ERICCSON 788™ •Weighs less than 4 01. with batte~ • Simpte; easy to use control l;uttons • Weekend Calls • Fint Incoming Minute • luilt-ln Pcpr & Answering Machine •Caller ID, Call Waiti"9 ond COii Forwarditag • ROdming in California oncl Nevada Network -------------..... -• LIATHER WE I • CAR LIGHTER ADAPTER I . $49.99 VALUE I With CouftO!'. I With Adivation of~-I Col for cletaH1. lxp. 9· 17·99 ------------------~ Pricing Plana atarting a1. low a1 S 19.95/Month O..~ ~ lV.._., •tlrfilttd Eaiiy 111i11•iullon af ..,.~~,_.In SI'° 00 .,.,..~ fw. S.'ri<e ONf tt}ll,. oller ~ -~ Ot..i.rrMoM..... • ........... Daily Pilot . . • commun1 forum Thursday, Auguu 12, 1999 A 15 EDITORIAL Unfortunately, the invitation was NOT in the mail . . . I t almost seemed too good to be true. In just 10 months, the cty orga· nized a series of West Side planning workshops, gathered input, and last week a group o! 200 voted on what they'd like to see done. Their preferences -creating a village atmosphere around Placentia Avenue and 19th Street: improving street landscaping, lighting .. and sidewalks; and replacing multifamily rental properties with condominiums and affordable housing, among other t.hlligs -wou.id be formulated into a proposal for the City Council to consider. How efficient, we thought. City offi· cials pronu. ed to let the community help shape the future of the West Side, and they found a way to do~t in a relatively short penod of time. It seemed the city had accomplished a remarkable feat. important -step of the p;ocess. About l ,600 ~ple from ilie West Side's busi· n~ and industrial community never got the mvitation to last week's final meet· ·mg. -the game is tied, you've got the ball, but you fumble and the clock runs out, sending you into overtime. All is not lost, but it could change eve~g. development -computeMelated mdU$· try and other quiet. nonpolluting bUSJ· ncss. The other 47% said they wanted the area to stay just d.S it is. It would have been nice to know wh.at those 1,600 oth· er people thought. But t)ungs aren't always as they seem. It twns out the city forgot lo indude a few people in that final ~ and most Oops. The city called 1t d "sunple oversight.• And we're sure these 1,600 people weren't deliberately excludE>d from the final meeting. But it sure was unfortu· · nate timing. Like finding yourseU SC'C· ~mds away from ~nning the Super Bowl While some id~s won widespread support among residents -such as the plan for the area around Placenba and 19th Street-other ideas ftnished with a slim margi.O. What to do with Placentia Avenue north of 19th Street is one such example, or the people surv~yed, 53% said they'd like to see •clean·. mdustrial City officials S&d they'll send out let· ters to tbose left out, and If lt seems appropnate, another workshop will be held 1ust for th!llll. We Just hope the ctty has updated its address book. LETTER TO THE .. EDITOR READERS RESPOND Family followed codes in building attic -B ecause of the publicity concerning our addition at 3007 Samoa Place, ai1 m ti Locals argue both sides of gun show issue we feel it is unportant for the public to be aware of the true facts. We did everything possible to assure the plans showed every detail and complied with all zoning and building codes. The city bas repeatedly admitted this. The pemtits were not issued in error. liSl 1;111101111••• '!Rllll m 111a1011 • THE ISSUE: We asked readers whether they thought gun shows should be allowed at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Relying on the permits, we tore down a large portion of our home and spent a year of hard work and many thpusands of dollars to build our addition. Eleven months later, after receiving complaints from some neigh· bors, the city suddenly daims our plans don't meet code requirements. Here are the facts. A senior planner at the city mstructed how to measure the front setback (ctistance from sidewalk to the structure), which we followed. and that seruor planner properly gave us a minor modilication to e ncroach into the setback 2 112 inches because the curve of the cul·de-sac cuts into our yard. Only after receiving complaints from some neighbors (eight months alter concre te was poured and after the structure was framed) did the aty change the method of measur· ing and deade one comer encroaches 4 feet, 5 inches. The city now claims this cor· ner is too close, although two of the four homes on our cul·de·sac are closer. If we lose this issue, we will have to tear down a significant portion and redesign the floor plan to move the stairs nus will be difficult because concrete footings will have · to be moved, and structural beams and posts are located there. ls this justified to move one comer? We don't have the money to tear down and redesign, and with two mortgages, we doubt we ever will. ' The home complies with the height linu· talion (30 feet) and is less than hall the maximum square footage allowed by the zoning code (60% of lot). There are no codes prohibiting walls or windows m an attic or regulating an attic's height or size. Call Rick Brown of the city's building department (754·5273) and ask. Unfortunately, the Planning Comnussion and City Council have given in to the bys· tena generated by a few neighbors who are on a crusade to prevent completion of our home. They are relying on city staff's ques· tionable finding that the structural plywood In the attic -which was in the plans from the start -makes it a third story as an excuse to force us to eliminate the attic win· dows and walls. There is no legal basis for the city to SUl· : gle us out and prevent us from having these I.RIAN P08UOA I DAILY Pl.OT The Costa Mesa remodel here bas neighbors upset that it's too big for their n.elgh· borhood. l'be city, after first approving the plans, agre~d and has forced the owners -lracy Stevenson and Joseph Warner -to halt their construction. features, ~specially alter we provided evi·· dence of other homes with the same fea· tures Comcidentally, this IS exactly what neighbors have been ask.mg for --that is the redson for the limitations, not the codes We are sorry the city &nd neighbors do not like the codes that have been in place for many yed!S, but we hdve a nght to build our home in comphance with those codes. Our home is being held hostage, and we can't put a roof over our fdllilly unless we gwe in and comply with neighbors' demands. lt is especially upsetting when we realize th.IS will signif 1cantly delay -three months already -and mcrease the cost of construction and greatly reduce the storage capacity of the attic, much more than 50%. It will destroy the designed appearance, which is not obVlous at this stage (so please don't make any judgments without seeing the design), and ruin the floor plan. When compared to the benefits to neighbors. the costs far outweigh the benefits, as the home will be the same height and shape, just less attractive inside and out. ll 1s mconceivable to thmk the city could READERS RESPOND change its mind, revoke our permits at this stage, and Wdlk awd.y with no hnanaal responsibility, cldim.ing a "mistake.• This is why they were so qwck to • adrrut" they had erred, as legally they have> no fmancial respons1bility for a mistake. In respon. e to the councilwomdn who said we should consider neighbors who would be upset every ti.me they . aw our house 1f we completed it as planned, we ask what about our feelings? How do you think we will feel every minute we Would spend in an u'gty house that doesn't'fullill our needs if we are forced to spend thou· sands of dollurs to complete it to the liking of neighbors? Why should neighbors get to tell us bow to build our home? We are m compliance wtth all codes dnd staff, includ- ing Donald Lamm and Perry ValW1line, have repeatedly stated we did nothing wrong. · I don't thmk dnyone can comprehend what this has done to my family TRACY STEVENSON AND JOSEPH WARNER Costa Mesa IN FAVOR This pertains to your gun show question (•Are guns· fair game?" Aug. 9). It is the nght and responsibility of every Amencan citizen to own a firearm to protect him· self and his f~nuly. Gun con· ttol attacks a serious problem to the wrong angle Today, 60 million Amen· cans own 200 million firearms, mcluding appTOXl· mately· 60 million handguns. Yet, [accordiilg to mformati.on from New Hampshire's U.S. Sen. Robert Smith) less than four.tenths of 1 "'o of those handguns will be used to commit crimes. More than 99.6% of all handguns are used legally. The gun show is a legiti· mate enterprise, 1ust as everything else thdt takes place at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Anybody med· dling around in it should be given a positlvely negative dnswer That's it. WILLIAM 8. ANDERSON Newport Beach t'm very much against stopping gun shows at differ- ent fairgrounds because there's more bemg sold at the gun shows than just guns. And m the long run, 75°0 of it is other things that are being sold at those gun shows StoppiQg the sale of guns lSn 't going to stop the problem with the cmninals . because they're gomg to get the guns anyway, no matter what you do. GERALD HUBER Costa Mesa I do not think anything 1S going to be accomplished by closing or not holding gun shows. Thousands and thou· sands of people go to these gun shows. I do myseU. And closing gun shows is not going to solve the problems ''What's all the fuss QVer T .:.C.e Teen'' other religious and prtvate ot this gun business. That 1-JJ.. .l I organizations. Pr dyer on the ·should be solved by the par· beach should m no way be pro· d ···'------l'ltt:Jttmr.wtttnn the next year;---_ents an 1hc p_eople..:tu.LU THE ISSUE: Group receives overwhelming support for Mass on the beach. Perhaps tickets should be given to those who plan to attend the Lile Teen event next year. I believe similar events are held in Hwitington Beach. How do they handle the event there? There must be a way for young people to share in such a posi· • tive experience. JANET ROLEK Costa Mesa What's all the fU5S over Life Teen? Last year they had t ,500 kids out on the beach for the same event. 1bi.s year it dou· bled. Praise God. How refreshing 1l was to see ... 3,000 catholic kids express· ing their love for God and one another at the gazebo aree by the Balboa PHtr. Then when it WU otm, they deaned up tiMI beeda. And wbat't wrong with • MulJ Ii l not Iii oar blllc CDO- IUtutioml rigbta tbe light to ~ • w.l M tM dgbt ID ~~-............ , .. ......... Miii. .......... , .... .. _ ...... a course in Civics 101. There have been other loud events on the same beach with no complaint. 1iy Fourth of July celebrations and a myriad of other events. Let's let these kids have their day at the beach on~ a year. I'd rather it be them than a National Rifle Assn. (frighten· ing) convention. R. JAMES OVEREND JR. Balboa Island Thanks, just what youth needs: people who complain because youth have the oppor· tun.ity to gather in a peaceful, religious environment. I guess 1t makes better new& when they shoot each other, like m Col· orado and Arkansas. twas present at this gather· ing, and I believe the person . who counted 3,000 youths must have seen double. RACHEL LOPEZ A04he.im Hills Last Monday, I JUSt hap· paned upon tbtl rollicking, c:beerNI group ol young people u I Wiii up by the Belboe Pier. A bud wm ~ups the kids W9l9..., ad baYtng fun: .. ..... loobd cUD and plHHlit ad I WM curioua. •What's upf• ....... amdlWook'ng guy, ............. ,.-tnm.....aw-. -....... HDw tive press about the ahenated thin ed raise these children two . gs ne to happen: DICK SPURGEN youth of America, l thought 1) The organizers of the Lile how super of Newport Teen conference need to do a Balboa Beach/Balboa to sponsor and more thqrough Job of tracking participate in an upbeat, posi· the number of teens plannmg to tive, fun, healthy, spuitual and attend so that a more accurate rather classy event. So to read estunate can be given on the m Wednesday's-paper that th city permit apptteation. occasion came • •under fire" 2) U the city of Newport from Newport Beach city offi· Beach feels the area near the aal.s and that Kathy Sinacori Balboa Pier is too small for the said it's doubtful that a penrut crowd size, then they need to would be tSsued next year, it find another beachlront area was surprising and disappomt· that will accommodate this mg. group. This shouldn't be a prob· That the nwnbers far lern at all. exceeded the expectations of The fact that Mass is held the organizers is only anothe1 hould not be a matter of con· affirmation of what's good cem to city officla-15. They need about the youth of our country. to put their personal feelings Wake up, Newport Beach. aside and addres th ue at You had a wmner on your hand. hands. Most oties would foster t have seen other religious such a success, not teJect or group conducting meetings condemn such an outpounng and holdmg services on the PAULINE VENlURA bench. This group is no differ· Balboa ent. ' Let' get them away from the pier if thi AJea tob oonfmed and find another comparable pot to accommodate them. COi.LiEN A. COWAN ColtaM818 I support gun shows at the Fairgrounds. These gun shows are not just about guns. I buy tools, camping equipment, books, col· lectibles, and of course gun supplies. Thc:,o include rare parts for old fucanns, clean· ing suppli , reloading sup· plies, gun canying case5, and YO yes gun locking devices. I hope the law·abidi.ng cit· izens would still be able to exercise their nghts and and be able to-use facilities that are paid for by my taxes. JEFFREY S. BRACEY Newport Beach I believe the state should pemut all legal activities at a taxpayer·supported Cacility 1t is inappropriate for the state to censor either activities or philosophies that are legally permissible. CHARLES JOHNSON Newport Beach OPPOSED We're calling to express the opiruon that we do not approve of having the gun shows. We don't believe there should be enc_ourage· ment of the sale of guns or the display or glorification of guns in our area because it just promotes more gun pw· chases by, unfortunately. the • wrong people. AARON H. AND MURIEL WINER I'm very much agaUlSt any type of gun show, and I think particularly the Fairgrounds should not conduct a gun show unless they're absolute· ly certain they've got the law on their side, so that any buyer or seller of these gun:. can be checked through fed· eral or state laws for the pro· tecbon of ttie public to make sure the guns are being passed backward and for, ward, to and from legitimate gun owners. DAVID YOUNG Newport Beach I am absolutely opposed to having a gun show at the Fairgrounds in our community. JAOC MCLUHAN Corona del Mar l definite! thm~gtl!l s tiows s 0 nofoehel.....--a~t --- the Fairgrounds, or anywhere else for: that matter.,All guns and related item , including the 2nd Amendment. are obsolete and archaic and only belong 10 a mu eum. Why can't the Urutcd States )Oin the many cultured -and aviliied Ewopcan and Asian countries who survive and actually thrive without gunsf JANE JUDE Costa Mesa Thur\doy, August 12, 1999 . . . . . . . . . what's afloat · .. • WttAT'S AFLOAT runs periodically If ~you know of an event or .KtlVlty that ~ould appear ln thli column, pl~ mail i 1nf0tmat1on to Oa ly Pilot 330 W. St.. Costa Mesa 92627, fax it to ) 646·4170 or e-mail 1t to • I ypllotONrthlink net. · MORE SAILING ~LESSONS /RENTALS :sailboat rentals and pnvate !e~ons are available at Manna Sailing in the Bdlboa Fun Zone. :Advanced classes include navi- gation, big boat, power boat-, tntroduction •to heavy weather and first-mate instruction. Call (949) 673-7763 for more informa- tion. Also call the Blue Dolphin Sailing Club at (949) 644-2525 or the Lldo Sailing Club at (949) 675-0827 for rentdls. KAYAKlNG/CANOEING/ SCUBA KAYAK CLASSES Begum.mg sea ka}dking. rolling clirucs and pnvdte lessons are offere d. Kayak and sea ski rentals are also dVailable. For more information, cdll Paddle Power, 1500 W. Balboa Blvd., (949) 675-1215 I" KAYAK TOURS AND RENTALS Two-hour kayak toun. begin at 10 a.m. every Sunday from New· port Dunes. Cost is $15 p r adult, $10 per child. Kayak rentals and cla ate al o available. Call (949) 729-1150. MORE KAYAK RENTALS Smgle ($10 per hour) and double ($15 per hour) kayak rentals are avail ble in the Balboa Fun Zoo~ Cal.I Balboa Boat Rentals, (949) 673-7200. Paddle Power also provides kayak, surf ski and canoe rentals. Call (949) 675- 1215. CANOE TOUR OF BACK BAY Back Bay canoe tolln> are offered by Upper Newport Bay every Saturday. Meet at 8:30 a.m. on Shellmaker Isldnd. For more 'i.nformation. call (949) 640-6746. ROWING LESSONS AND CANOE RENTALS Thr Newport Aquatic Center .offers sweep rowing (one oar), sculling classes (two oan;) and canoe rentals. Classes run for four weeks and cost $75. Intro- ductory climes are also available Saturdays and Sundays at a cost of $10. For more informatiOn, call (949) 646-7725. : SCUBA TRAINING The Aquatic Center, 4537 W. 'Coast Highway, Newport Beach, offers scuba training consisting of six evening and two :weekend day classes. Cost ranges from $200 to $310. The center also offers scuba rentals, special trips, repairs ·artd air tills. For more inionnation, call (949) 650-5440. . 'BETI'ER HOME EX'l'ERIORS l1cen<oe 7161 81 Cover your overhang and trim boards for good! Never paint again. We use only Alcoa vinyl products with a lifetime warranty. IT'S A DIVE At Dive-in Scuba, 2482 Newport Blvd. m Costa Mesa, certification cla.'ises for bt.'¢nning to instructor lt>vel scuba divers arc available. Other servi~<'S offered include local boat charters, equipment sales, rentals and repairs. For more information call (949) 631- 9288. OTHER RENTALS Sail airborne outside the harbor, pulled by a motorboat, courtesy of Balboa Parasaillng near the Balboa Fun Zone. A 90-minute trip cosfs $45. For more informa- tion, call (949) 673-1693 .. Spend a day· relaxing in a motor- ized lol.IJlge chair rented from Resort Watersports inside New- port Dunes for $25 an hour. Ped- al boats, electnc boats, boogie boards, kayaks, inflatable ralts, beach furniture and wet suits are also available Call (949) 729- 1150. Balboa Boat Rentals offers pedal boat, sailboat, motorbQat and electric boat rentals in the Balboa Fun Zone. Call (949) 673-7200. Rent a party pontoon, chaparral runabout or family pontoon at Anchors Away Boat Rentals in the Balboa Fun Zone or call (949) 673-3372 for more information. The Harbor may not be Venice, but you can always pretend. Spend an hour on a gondola tour offered by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite SHOP &D INE 102,B. Cost is $75. Price mcludes a ba kct of bread, cheese, salanu, ice, glasses. blanket, mw;Jc and a Polaroid picture. Wine ib avail- able for purchase. Call (949) 675- 1212 for more information. Gondola Adventures/Newport, 3101 Coast Highway, also offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with champagne costs $70. A two- hour teur with dinner and cham· pagne costs $180. Pickup at waterfront restaurant ·is avail- able. For more information, call (949) 675-4984. Irvine Coast Ch,arters m Lido Marina Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. Cost is $180 for two people. Other cruises are available, complete with free champagne. Call (949) 675-4704 . Zip througl) the water on a sea motorcycle -it's ca1:led a Seadoo -at a cost of $65 for a single/double-seater. A three- -seater is~vailable at $15 an hour. For more information call Walk on Water next to the ferry on Bal- boa Island, (949) 675--6800. CRUISES The Newport Landing Belle is available for weddings/recep- tions, cocktatl/s1ghtseeing cruises and meetings at a cost of $250 an hour {minimum two hours) and $150 each additional hour. For charters, call (949) 361-3640 The Country Inn Garde•~ale OollsAAlaas The Book Store Newport Picture Frame Stella's PIKe Sarah Whitromb Circa Antiques Victorian & Company FOR ONLY $1 1,990.00 1·800..284·9301 130EAST17"" ST.• COSTA MESA www.betterhomexteriors.com At Ne,.-pott ~J-' 17"' S"-f ' • (JJ,.lrmdthl?/IA HI' 1/1/N) (949) 7.22-1177 l'n... I-J hnnrh A LIMITED EDITION OF JI SINGLE FAMILY HOMES 6 lmagi,ne a beautiful new horn~ graced wirh old-world styling in -an ideal fami ly-oriented location. Everything yo u need is close by, from the beach co good schools co great shopping. T his special-edition neighborhood has only nine elegancly dccailed homes located in Ea11csidc C osta Mesa. • 3 to 4 bedrooms •Up to 2,568 sq. ft.• From the high $300,000's . • NO MEI 1 Q ROOS! ALF.S OFFICE: Monday-Friday by iwpointment only • s.tunlay & Sundlay 10 AM -.S PM 8RO KI.R COO Pf.RATION WErCOM £0 Biscayne BaJ ..,,.,.., ............ 2631 Orange Avenue, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 949·589-6988 .......... J ........ ; •"'"' .................... ...... ,......,... .. ~ .......... Al ..................... .. _ ..... ......,.. .............. Mliii~---.....-.-.. CAfF. HOU R.ti: Moo-SM .._.$tola EnJoy a lcw1sh Sunday brunch aboard the Pavilion Queen. Har- bo1 cnu.se begins at 10 30 a.m. Cost 1S $28 per adult, $15 per child. For more mfonnation, call (949) 673-5245. lndiVlduals and small groups can enjoy ~aturday • and Sunday champagne brunch cruises with food from the Cannery. Cruise::. run from 10 a.m. to noon and from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Cost is $31 per person. The Cannery also offers a dinner cruise for groups of 30 to 60. Cost is $63.50 per per- son. For more information, call (949) 67!:t-5777 .. . Fun Zone Boat Co. runs 45- . minute cruise (adults $6, children .$1) and a 90-mtnute ·cruise (adults $8; children $1), depart- ing the Balboa Fun Zone every hall-hour, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. A 60- minute showboat sunset Cf\llSe leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m . at a cost of $6 per adult and $1 per child. Private charters are avail- able. Call (949) 673-0240. Catalina Passenger Service also runs 45-m.inute harbor cruises (adults $6, children $1) and 90- mmute cruises (adults $8, chil- dren $1), departing the Balboa Fun Zone every half-hour, 11 a.m. to 4:30 p .m., and on the hour until 7 p.m. For information, call (949) 673-5245. Cruise the harbor aboard the Electra, a 100-foot Classic Fantail vessel. Charters with Cdtering are available for up to 145 guests. For • • more information, call (949) 723. 1069. Enjo.y a three-course•ilinncr and dancing while cruising the har- bor. Friday and Saturday nigh voyage depart at 7 p.m., Horn- blower Dining Yachts, 2431 Pacific Coast Highway. Cost is $56.95 per person. Brunch cruis- es at(LaJsO available. Call (949) 631-2469 for information and reservatioris. The Catalina Plyer departs the Balboa Pavilion at 9 a .m. and leaves Catalina Island at 4:30 p.m. C~t is $33 for an adUlt round trip and $16.50 for a child's round trlp. For reservations, call (949) 6?3-5245. .. • FISHING . FISH SCHOOL Fishing classes leave Balboa Pavilion at 6 a.m. and return at 4 p.m. Monday and Tuesday each week. Cost is $125 per person. For more information, call (949) 673-281 . DORY FISHING FLEET Get to the Newport Pier/McFad- den Square early to watch the fleet return with the fresh catch of the day. Fish are prepared for sale at the open-air market. SIX-PASSENGER CHARTERS Day and night fishing charters are available for groups or sin- gles. Call Bongos Sportfishing Headquarters on Balboa Penin- sula, (949) 673-2810. CHILORENS BOUTIQUE CONSIGNMENT~ IS MOUING _, SALE NOW TO ENO:OF-MONTH ,, .. ( 35% Off Children's Clothes 20% Off All TOYS . BABY BLOOMERS/ MATERNITY WEAR 1125 Victoria St. JA, Costa Mesa (949) 548-1001 Hours: MF 1oam-6pm sat t tam-Spm ••• Whplesale to the ublic •I ... • • _'/'. ... 141 days. _.,._ ThursdtJy, August 12, 1999 • Sports ECfitor Roger Carlson • 949-57 44223 QUOTE Of THE DAY ,,,., 'rhert .,;, times when I'd ame home from JWadke hating om. (lnnte) . But now he's one of my closest friends _ • Pntritice Perkins, Daily Pilot Sports Hall of Famer Doily Pilot Bl ftl SPORTS HALL OF FAME. CELEBRATING JHE MILLENNIUM Corona del Mar • Former Corona del Mar High volleyball star, now a college <;o(\ch at Oregon, is all about the bottom line. BARRY FAULKNl R Pumping sets, pancaking digs and prodding teammates, Prentice Perkins oozed mtensity on the volleyball court for Corona del Mar Higb and Long Beach State. And, usually included in the reSJdue of ber perspiration by match's end was the ultimate pnze: victory. Ever the competitor, Perkins eyes the same prize from the bench these days, entering her first season as an assistant women's coach at the University of Oregon after three years in a similar post at UCI. "I'm really hard on my kids,• said the former All-CIF setter, who was also All-Sea View League three times at CdM. "l ask a Before Lewis won Perkins' hand, the former collegiate baseball player and golfer won her respect by showing superiority in several competitive ventures. •He has to be one of the best athletes I've ever met, .. Perkins said. '"I was abl~ to beat all my old boyf nends m most sports, but I can't beat him in anything besides volleyball.• When not unleashing her competitiveness upon hex fiancee, Perkins still quenches her thirst for on-court confilct durmg practice sessions with her team. •When I'm on the other side of the net, it's not about' fun and games,• she said. •I'm there to beat you. There are times when Irelax,butnotilithas to do with a game.· lot and I give a lot I'm Prentice Perkins an intense person, Perkins' passion for the game was enhanced by former coach and mentor Charlie Brande. even in overall life • TI1is is hardly news to those wbo watched Perkins help CdM to the CIF Southern Section Division 5-A and ClF State Division I crown as a seruor m the fall of 1990. She was also All-CIF in soccer as a prep. Perkins then delivered her bundle of detel'JD.llldtion to Long Beach State, which went to the Final Four three of her four years as a defensive speoalist and clauned the 1993 NCAA title her junior season. After that champ1onship season, she became the first defensive specialist invited to play in the now-defunct Olympic Festival. "I fulfilled every dream I had as a player,• said Perkins, who began purswng a coaching career when she was still in high school, coacbmg m the Orange County Volleyball Club for which she played. •1 got my national championship and I still wear my (championship} nng. That thing never comes off.• The 26-year-old wbirlwmd, MARC MAATIN / DAA.Y Pl.OT who has committed to remain at "I've been really lucky top • for tWo of the top coaches iI1 the. nation m Charlie Brande (CdM • and the OCVBC) and Brian Gimmillaro (Long Beach State). Charlie and I butted beads like • no tomorrow, but I knew he'd • _ make me the best I could be. There were times when I'd come- home from practice hating Charlie. But now he's one of my • closest fnends. • The latest member of the Daily Pilot Sports Hall of Fame, • celebrating the oncoming millennium. said she isn't afraid '" to straddle the same Jove-bate • dynamic with her players. • . "When I think Pack to all the • good coaches I've bad, l don't • remember liking any of them • when I played. I try to be sens1tive with my players, but • you've got to make sure you • • push your athletes.• Perkins' penchant for being ,. pushed as a student-athlete _ extended beyond the volleyball S~ta Ana Country Club's Marianne Towersey will be seeking a repeat championship performance. Oregon at least two sea~ns. ....-------1--ve.am~~oientually run her o.wn court to the classroom Despite suffenn from d lexi~---­ • The defending champion from SACC enjoys the favorite's role. RIOIAAD DUNN ~,., M the reigning queen of omen's golf in the ewport-Mesa com- mumty, Marianne Towersey of Sdnta Ana Country Club realizes the Tua Cup Classic field ii small and she has nowhere to hide. But Towersey, the def e11ding champion of the 18-hole event for ladies in the Pletcher Jones Motorcars/Daily Pilot Club ChampiombJp Serles, is wanning to the attention created by the event and pruned for a repeat performance. The matt uperienced of the four goif91, Toweney IMt year smoked her bome courie In 1M Cup Classic ll with a 14 ud won by MIYml strokes in ftont of a rolllna· aowd of 200. Del>ble Albrtgbt (Newport BMch ~ Cllb&::'tr;-* Sally Holltehi Jiii OiayaD Chab) ud Denile .,,.....-11 ........ \'aide Country OW> · collegiate program. She admittedly pines for the chance to add additional championship jewelry to the engagement ring she accepted in December from Jeffrey Lewis. learrung disorder which makes reading difficult, she earned 819 West Scholar Athlete of the Yee.r honors at Long Beach. She completed her degree in history with a 3.2 GPA. ) The Dail~ Pilot would never be my last choice for news. It's just too relevant to our community. With all the local news, high school sports coverage and great local columnists, the Daily Pilot is my No. 1 ~ick for newspapers. Got the Pilot?. Cal 1 (800) LATIMES m IUblabt • Cal (949) 642-4321 m acMrtlM "' . \ Doily Pilot Sports ThuOO<ly, August 12, 1999 B3 edia· • Tea Cup Classic will be on the air. I t started as a simple plan. On the heels of overwhelming victories in the four women's club championships in this newspaper's circulation, a challenge was brought forth to decide a Daily Pilot champion. Then, as noW. U1e ladies loved the "oncept and plotted theu summer a.round the Tea Cup Classic, the featured event in the Aetcher Jones Motorcars/Daily Pilot Club Championship Series. As momentum builds for the tlurd annual Tea Cup Class1c, • we'll be JOUled in reporting by MediaOne Newsceoter 3, the ' Costa Mesa public access channel that covers MeSd Verde Country Club (site of Tea Cup Classic III on Friday at 2 p.m.) and Santa Ana Cowttry Club. •tt's a great idea and we're looking forward to it,• MediaOne production manager Mark Andrews said. •(The Tea Cup Harbor ·v.ew breezes , • At the South Coast Swim · Conference Finals. CORONA DEL MAR -After an undefeated summer season. Harbor View continued its domi- nant ways by clcµ.ming the 1999 South Coast Swun Conference : Championships Saturday at : Corona del Mar High. ~ The Dolphins had 1,939.5 I. points, nearly 400 higher than runners-up Greenbrook, with 1,546. Newport Hills took third at 1,510.5 . For Harbor View Coach Ted ' Bandarulc, this is his 20th team • championship in his 34 years of • coaching in the South Coast Swim Conference. Leading the way for Harbor · View was the girls 13-14, 200- yard medley relay team of Cbrtsttna Hewko, Heather Hapeman, Rachel Colgate and Vlvtan Uao. The Dolphm foursome set a: league record with a time of 2:04.44, edgmg the previous best of 2:04.49 by Newport Hills in '92. Harbor View won six of the 12 possible age group trophies en route to the championship. For third-place Newport Hills, the foursome of Patrlck White, Barrett Hendrickson, Russell Mycom and Jeffrey Carlson cap- tured the boys 9-10 100 medley relay tiy over two seconds w)th a 1:06.47. Newport Hills' Tyler McClel· . I Ian also won in unpressive fash- • 11 ion, taking the boys 13-14, 50 t butterfly at 26.97, nearly two sec-._ _ _,, __ better~up S Wolle of Pacific Sands (28.81). MO..S 100 .-..Y retey • 1. H411'bor Vrew (Pries. Money, Connet. Garrett), 1:33 82: 2 ~ V.lt.y. 1:36 26; 3. P41dfK 5-ndt. 1:19 48; 4 Newpon Htlls (Mffd. Pn1lllpJ, K Kaezmlrek. Zepf ti), 1 •40 Ol, s. i.k• Fotest n, 1:5210 JJ ,,_ · 1 HodQIT'llln (PS), 1141; 2 M<>My (HV), 19.35; 3 Smttfi (GV), 1917, 4 Zepfel (NH), 20.75; 5 ludd (GI). 2112. Othtn: II. Gttmt (HV). 21.17, 9 GrMnltt (NH), 21.11; 10 lrown (lM. 22 00; ll MNCI (NH), 24 00 JS ......... '· Suguit ... (GV), 24 ... 2 conn. J (HVl. 26 51. J GoocJ ('5~ 27 lO. 4 "* (HV), 1· 21.3o4. 5 oen.v11.111). 29.11omen11 ~ (HV). 29 20; 7. Meed (NH), 29~ 14 Wenit4t (NH), 335'. . I I JS tty· 1. Mocwy (HV). 21 OJ, 2 ""8 (JM, 22 27; i . Smith (GV). 23.17. 4 G1t«1lee (NH), 26 09; 5 Doney (lfll). 26.42 ~ ' GMwt1 (1M26.75, 7. l'hllltpl (NH). 27.11; I Z~ (NH). 27.ll. 2S lledi • 1 Eppenon (GV), 2Sl2; 2 ~ (J'S). 2641; J ludd (Gll.26 44, 4 l'riel (HV). 26 69; 5 Gra9 (NHI, 27 00 Others 1. MNd (NH~ 27 ~S; I i. OM. 27 M; I COtlNf' <HV>. 2111, 13 l'hllllpJ (NH), 21 lA , • .._,.,.1,CittenV~ 1:2209. 2. HMW "'-litown. GltNtt. (onnw; Mofwy), 1'2) "· J l'a<lfic s.ndl. 12'7.37,4 ~ Hllla (Cifom. CiNtnlet. Veit, l~). I iS2 57, 5 .._. For91t 11. I :JOI Classic) has a uruqueness to it. We do have som.e great golf courses here and a Jgtiof talented people playing out there, and with the foursome you have, I think it's going to be a great townament And Mesa Verde, that's got to be one of the .finest golf courses around." Andrews and MediaOne sports reporter Bob Gibson intend to cover the Tea Cup Classic's opening ceremonies and early holes for the station's 5:30 p.m. newscast, which · repeats at 7 p.m. and 11 p .m. MediaOne has also aired previews on the Tea Cup Classic, including footage Wednesday that highlighted defending champion Marianne Towersey of Santa Ana Country Club. What-next? ESl?N1 -+- Last year's surprise addition Lo the Tea Cup Classic was the appearance of the Victorian Tea Society, which gave the event a special touch with five ladies dressed in their 1890s costumes, G'O l F complete with parasols. This year, Mesa Verde head professional Tom Sargent, who will serve as rules official under USGA guidelines, has his crack crew b\iSy making-Oibs-f-0r-the- players' caddies. -"¢·- Towersey, Debbie Albright (Newport Beach Country Club), Sally Holstein (Big Canyon · Gountry Club) and Denise Woodard (Mesa Verde) will create th foursome expected to draw the biggest gallery Priday m Orange County. But if Towersey and/or Albnght advance to the match-play final of the Southern Championship (see related story on Bl), the Tea Cup Cldss1c would start an hour later and the golf er(s) wouJd be placed in the ' extraordinary J)os1tion or playing 54 holes of !=hampionship golf in one day. -· .. - When Holstein, the lone first-tune participant m the Tea Cup field, was told to let me know U there's anything the Daily Pilot can do leading up to the event, she quipped "Can you do dJl~g for m,y nervousness?" Relax and have tun. A hole In one, by the Hrst player, on the par-three 18th hole in the Tea Cup Cldss1c will·result in wmrung a 1999 M<>rcedes Y 0 U T H S W I M M I· N G Benz E320 (valued at $47,905), courtesy ot Fletcher Jon~ Motorcars. (One a.lso would have to temporarily forfeit therr amateur status by accepting the car, or any pnze worth over $500.) · A hole in one, by any player, will WUl: On the seventh hole, a Carnival Cruise tor two (excluding airfare) or $5001 on the 16th hole, a set of Ping ISi irons: and on the third hole, a $250 Mesa Verde golf shop gilt certificate. The four contestants will play from the yellow lees (5.800 yards) on the pdr-71 layout. Moving on to other local goU happenings .. the 11 th..annual Steve Van Hom Memorial Golf Tournament Scramble, which benefits scholarship programs at Estancia High and Fullerton College, is Aug 30 at Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club. Van Hom, d member of the Dally Pilot Sports Helli of Fdme, played basketball at the two schools Qe!ore bemy killed in a non-vctii le accident while on vacation m Menco in March 1982. The event will feature a bole ·in one contest on the 15tlJ, hole worth $5,000 -+ __.: • Earl YlngUng, a 79-year-old Corona del Mar man who recent- ly moved from Baltimore, made a hole in one Aug. 3 on No. 4 at the Back Bay Golf Course (Hyatt Newporter), wttnessed by rebred Judge William B. Lawless. _,~ -- Newport Harbor High goll ' coach Jun Warren is hosting a chruc for guls Aug. 18-19 at Newport Beach Golf Course ........,,.,..__ 3:30 p.m. to 5 p m. All mconung Newport Harbor Jresbmen, as well as returning golfers, are encouraged to participate. • RICH.ARD DUNN's golf column appeclrs every Th~rsday. •10llOYS 100 medley rfiay • 1 Ntwp<>n H Its (White, Hti o<t•och 'I. ft Mycon'\ J C.rtsoo). li>6 47, 2 ule Fer.st 11, 1 :08 37, 3 Harbcw v._ IY'lge • ICatt.a'\ ICtnt, llov'lat), 1 12 63 4 Greenbtoolc, 1 13 69 5 Paofic S.nOI, 1 14 68 SO tr.. · 1 Moms (GB). 30 00 2 C-(G8). 32 1) l Whitt l.NH), 32 14, 4 Hendn<ttson (Nii;. 32 27, s ~Mey (l.fll). 32.18 Ottwrs 10 ft MytO:m (NH), 34 00, 1 t Kern (HV). 3447, 19 Oeiltefl (H'I/), 3667, 20 AoYzM (l-M, 37,15 50 breMt • 1 ft Mycorn (NH). 4 1 JS 2 Col5e (Gil. 42 17, 3 J Spitt. (GB). 43 3 I, 4 Saodarult (Lfll), 43 65. S M•rrane (NH) 43 97. Ottien 8 Kent IHV), "4 10. 10 Morabito (NHJ. "4 56, 11 ftuuell (H\I), 45 13, 12 O'HMa (HV), 46 00 2S fty • 1 Sandarult 11..111), 15 77, 2 HefidrKbon (NH). 15 78 3 CAse (G8). 15 88. 4 White (NH). 16 23, S Hasldn (GB), 17 06 Othefl 7 R Mytorn (NH), 17 34, 11 Brust< (HV) 17 91. 15 J Kattan (HV), 19 07, 17. Dearen (Hiil. 2027 50 blldl • 1 Morns !GB). 34 18, 2 Abbey (lfll) le 06, 3 White (NH). 38 SO; .. Mc<.artney ll.FM), 19 Sl, S Hendrickson (NH). J9 69 Others 7 J C.m<>n (NH), 41 34 9 l..ar>gel (HV), 42 45, 10 Kattan (HV). 42 SO. 16 FM~ IHV). '6 10 100 1M • I Morns (GB). 1.19 13, 2 Abbey (l..fl1). 1.21 50: 3 Kent (HV). 1:2484 " Ouggleby (Liii), I 25 62; s Sanford (NH). 1 3, 03 Others: I J Kattan (HV). 1 32.66. 10 Wan e1t (NH), t-i.37. 11 J Carbon (t.IH) 13441 200 ~ rfiay • 1 Pa<ifoc S.ncH, 1 19 53. 2 G rtenbroolo. 2 1 I 59 3 Like FOt9St Cl. 2 16 1' 4 ~ H11h (Sanfotd, Marra.ti... ~~nn. J Cattson>. 2:25 19 s ~ v-IBll.a!C, ~ Rovur, ~aren). 2 2& 10 11-12 llOYS 200 ~ Nlay • I Green Valley. 2.13 •1, 2 tiatbor v._ (Crawford.. Bteckfofd. Ruswl~ lunljiM). 2 16 78. ) ~ Hills (T Stom. Ty I.Ana, Ta Lance. S Snford). 2 11169. 4 Gr~ 2.27 M 5 PaciflC s.nd5, 2 36 SO SO .... • I ti: (GV), 2611. 2 Feue~ (lfl. 27 34 3 O'Toooe (Gil, 27.56 4 5 s.ntord VvO 29 Set s Ta Stonn (NH), 29 63 {)then: 6 CrrMOtd (HV). 29 97, 8 Ty Lanct (NH). 30 47, 15 ~I (HV). U 69, 17 Kent (HV). 32 7S MARIANNA DAY MASSEY I DAllY PILOT Anne Schroeder of Harbor View (above) files in 13-14 girls competition; teammate Bryan Buhagiar ttes ln boys 11-12 individual medley. SO lnNt · 1 f<l9uytn {GV). 34 01. 2 Ha- (GB) 36 88. l ~ (lF), 37 811 4 BladcfOi'd (H'll), )I 01, S Ty Lance l~J. 38.Al Others Bunapar lHVl. 38 69. 8 S S.Oford (NH). 39 60. 25 bad!· 1. Momi (GB), 20.44, 2 Palchikoff (NH), 20.46; 3 He Van H1el (HV), 20 67, 4 f.ttley (HV), 21.25; 5 Br<199 (lfll), 21 S8. OU-S. 7. s Hollstein (NH). 22.n; 8. I.anon (HV), 22 85, 11 L Kllamarek (NH), 23.32. SO tr.. · 1 Otctllt (LFIO, 34 72; 2. Pttenon (GV), 37 .23, 3. Sheldon (PS), 37 60, 4 Palct11koff (NH), 1808, S. Mycom (NH), 18.27 Othtrl 6 He Van Hoel (HV), 39.38. 8 hny (HV), 39.93, 15. Sp4ndler (NH), 41.50; 16 ZucktdHV). 41 .59 . 100 tr.. rWay • 1 Pacific Sandt. 1.10 96, 2. Newport Hills (Chatham, Sptndt.r, Epp, Mycorn.1.12.59,3 Ulcef«eStl~ 1.12.76. 4, Grftn Va~ I 13 91, S Harbor~ ('Gardnet, lleny. Zuck.ff, Goger), 1 14 03. •10 GAS 100 medley NMy • 1. H¥bor View (H~o, Ho Van H<tl, ~ Gallowly), 1'()5 91, 2 Newport Hills {l'iggOtt. Kipp, Dailey. Flynn), 1 :07.lO, 3 Pacifte s.lds, Ul7 44. 4 lake l«tst. 1 07.72; 5 Green Va~ 11lU5. SO .... • 1, Foss (lfll). 29 23. 2. G.t>tn (HV), i9 68, J. le (G~. l1 99.~ -0\lc~ ~ S9:-----5 0.1lty (NH). 12.66 atti.n. 7. Melhk•n (NH), Jl06; 8 Ho. Van Hiel (HV). 33 09. 10 Galiow.y (HV), Jl92. 12. Flynn (NH), 34 94. SO...._. • 1. Gabtrt (HV), 37 A7, 2 c.onr~ (PS), 39 1-4; l kipp (NH). 40 85, 4 Htdlty (Liii), 40 88; S Ho.Van Htel (HV), 41 44 Othet's 6 Pigoott (NH). ~.16; 11 Tolfa (NH), 44.Al; 12. Gllloway (1-jV) ... 5.56 25 tty. 1, Mceormad! (PS). 15.54, 2 MW!kln (NH), 1 S.67, 3 Dailey (NH), 15 97; 4 SegMr (Lfll), 16 01; 5. Toth! (NH), 16 87. Others: 6 Hewlco (HV). 17 08; 7. Ptoes (HV). 17.46; 13 Ounztr (HV), 17.85 SO bed!· 1. Foss (lfll), 35.IO; 2. Hewko (HV), 31.75; 3 MMda (GV), 39.81, 4 Kltayt!M (GV), J 40 06; 5 f'iogott (NH), 40 16 Othtf\ 6 Pries (HV), 40 22°i 7. Klpp (NH), 40 78. I . Melhk.in (NH), 4Q 83; 11. Punttr (HV), 44 11 100 N • 1. Foti (l.lff). I : 15 83. 2 Mc:Corrnkk (PS), 1204; 3. ~ (GV), 1 24.A3, 4 Daoleoy (NH), 1 24 61 5. Htwll:o (HV). 1~ 16 Othen 6 Ho. Van Hitt (HV), 1:25 15. J IOpp (NH), l:JO IS; 11. Flynn (NH~ I :33.31 H0.._.....,.1.,aofk~ 1•1472.; 2. GIMll v.llty 2:13 33, l Ntwpon Hllh (McAdams. Jot--. tH5hilll\ ,lynn). 2 21.75. 4 Hatbof v-«xin-. ,,.. len. ~). U3 OJ, 5 uke Fomt II. 2:24 53 11·12a.J HO .-..Y....., • 1. Htwport HQla ~ I.. ~ It llodenhuts. A Rodenhuk). 2 , .. )5; 2 i.kt Foret"· 2 17.1); i <if--. v.llt,. 217.11;4 Hart.lofV-(~.~ Ati111. KubM), 2 19 13, 5 GtMnbfooil. 2 25.IS 91 he · 1. l ~(NH). 2121; 2 ,_.non (GV). 216', 3. Strldt (HV). 2t 17, 4 Eriduon (GV). 29 IO; 5 ~(\Ill). :.0 OJ Othtn I Kattan (HV), IC 7a.: 1 U ~ (NH). 31 U; U IClbti (HV). !I ~ lO ~ (NH). 34.19 JO..._.· 1 F llodenhuif (NH), M. 72; 2.. ~(I.Ill). 37.U., J OfthoOll (Lfll). • .M: 4. Trott CGI>. 38.25( 5 A. ~(NH). •SJ. Othen: 6 ~ (HV), IUJ; I. ltlMwl'IW (HV). 40.JS; 12. Coig.te (HY). .. ,,. 12., Albttgtlt (ftH). •1.-1 • •• • 1. CIOWdlr (Gl),11 12; 2 ~ (GVI, J l .:M; J. L McM1m1 (NH). It .SS: • Str9dl (tN). IJ. 12; s. Y8ltill (NH), JJ.11. °"'9n: 12. ~ (tM. ... .,... 1 ... ~(NV), 17..21 • '-* · t 0..... (GI), It l!c 2. Owdlr (tM. U.M: J. DUliNt tG\t').. MU: ... .,,... CP9. .. ,7; s.-.Oltt. ... ~ ...... = .. "·., .... CtM..ll,A1. t&.A.'la_.....,,., .. ••. , 0-*f!!~!~a.---a.::ra r.11{'f.:..~L I: .. ~ .. :-.it i""o;a.;,. -~-....... ·t. ..-.= (HV). ll.97, 13 Kline (HV), 32 6S, 1• Oalty (HV), 33.~ 15. Atluns {NH), 35 70, 16 O'Oonn.11 (NH), l7.o7, 18 Flon (NH), 4J 28 50 INlck • t J Barro (PS), 3047, 2. H-ard (GB), 30 62; 3 GianakakOl (GBI. 31 52. 4 L S""an Mt (PS). 31.97, 5 Luov {Lllt), 33 47 Othen 10 Miller (HV). 34 72; 11 Hamrnendw'Ain (H\ll. • )5 41. 12 Ha. HaptfNll (HV), 35 59. 14 Atlut11 (NH), l7 22, 17. ~110WiU (NH), 44 28. 11 Flon (NH), 44 97. 100 fM • 1 WMtg (GI). I 05 22; 2 J lam> (PS). 1 06 27, 3 Allen (GVJ; 1 <17 46; 4 ~(Gil. 1 08 00: 5. N. Ba.rro (PS}. 1 09 78 Othef'f 8 EdYwM'IH (HV). 1.1216.: 10 0i9~(!M 1·12 87, 11. Ha Hap.man (HV). 1.1370. 16 StoOOtill (NH). 1.1700. 11 O'Oonne tNt4 . 1:23 89 11 MirOWltt (NH). I 33 20 200 ~ Ntay • 1 Greenbroolr,; 1 "4 OJ. 2 l'«i fie Sandi, I .CS 92, 3 l~h for.st II. 1 54 09 4 G,_, V.Dey. 1 59 57, 5 H«bor v,..,. (Hamm«· sdvnit\ Kendlid. Daley. Miller), 2 02 25. 6 New- port Hills (O'OonneR, Atli:om. Hendenol\ Mendelsorr). 2.'04 22 10 Ruuell (HV), 41 33. 12 8 Hanratwn (NH), 4)61 SO fty · 1 Nguyen (GV), ll 61, 2 ~men (GI), 31 69, 3 Bladcford (HV), 33 19. 4 84t111•ar {HV), 3J 81, S Kray•IN (GV). 34.33 OtMtJ 6 R l...lnce (NH), 35 16 9 8 kanrahan (NH), 37 24 10 Tutton (HV), 38 25 SO INlck • 1 O'Toole CGBl. 3115. 2 Ctawfofd (HV). n 19, ], ~(LI'). 35 28; .. kuo (GI).. 36 75, S IC1tiryamt (GV), 37 38. Othtn 6 RUSMll (HV).. 27. 7. Ta Storm (NH). 39 07, 8 Tate (NtQ. 19 67, 10 a ... nl'INn (NH), 40 12; 19 IC.endridt (HV). 4J 22 100 N • I Le (GV). I 1112, 2 Han5efl (Gil, I 12 35; l Feswnden (LF). 1 12 74, 4 &J...jlaf (1-N). 1 12 91; 5 O'Toole (Gi l I I .. 31 ~ 6 Ctawford (HV), 1 16.28 7 iu.kford (HV). 11761 200 .,_ ~ • 1 Gt9en v.o.y, 1 57 69 2 ~ 2 00 .K ) HMbor V-{Tuttoft. ~ Mathe-M, ICMI}. 2 U &l. 4 Paci.flt S.ncH, 2 14 97, 5 Lab Foret II. 22• 3:' .. ..._~~~~~-.....--1-..,....~----=llJ...lll~~~'llll:Jl:ltLl:~~~~--1 oo mecley ,.iay-I Harbof Vie-N (kny, ro.lponte, :f M<Oel4an, G Mc0tl1a'\ Brvncs.l. lurer. Laf'10I\ S Hotly), 07 00. 2 G!ffll Vall!")'. 138 93; 2 Hatbof ~CO.tty, j Money, Collott 1.37 43; ) Lake Faren II, I )7 4], 4 NfWPO'l H Ill MOft). 2'02 9l; 3 P~fi< S.nd!.. 2 °' BS, (M1llef, Metet, JoMs. Oabout>), 14164 5 Lakt • GrMn~ 2j)S.96; 5 La e f«fittl. 2<>940 forest. 2.18.22 SO twee • 1 J MoMy (HV), 25 22; 2 Mnf\ 25 tr.. . 1. Wemtr (\Ill), II I&. 2 L M•lltr (I.Ill), 2S..Sl, J St\im;zu (lf). 25 52; 4 AltlfOn (G8), (PS>. 19 25, l ~ttroa (LFIO. l'UZ; 4 S Haly 26 16.: S HenMn (GI), 26 62 OthetJ. 6 Men (HV), 20 09, S. S Moller (NH), 2014 Othtn 6 (HV), 26 97, 9 0.lty (HV). 29 16 Molnar {HV), 2094. 10 Jones (NH). 2116, 12 SO~• 1 G ~Ian (NHJ, 33 22. Btrry (HV), 21 72, U . Oaboub (NH). 22 73 2 Sone (GV). l3 79, l lruodagt (NH). Jl 91. 25 btMlt • l .:Ttln (GV). 2S.8S.: 2. ._..llOl'I (Wl. 4 AmOld (1'5):'34 13. 5 S-~.(l.fll).31..&t, 26 16, ) l M1llef (PS), 26 28, 4 BNrtr lH\I), Othtn 10 Collitr (HV), i7 68 . 11 31, 5 Mee<e {NH), 29 ta Others. 6 lpp (NH), 50 fty. 1 T M<Otltan (NH). 26 97, 2 WOlft 2948. 7. 5 W.ty (HV), 30 20, I Morabito (NH), (PSI, 2811: l J MOnty (HV). ia.11. 4 A)"tt (GVl. 30.65 29 01, 5 llac.ltfotd (HV), 29 16 Ottiers· 7 Strtdl 2S fty . 1. nan (GV), 23 tt. 2. JOneJ (NH). (HV). 2911, T Irv~ (NH>. J0.38, 14 2,.11, l Moss (GV), 25 91, 4 lfffer (HV). 2617, Dl'lporite {NH), 3174 5 5 Malef (NH). 27 04 Othtn: 7 ~non (HV) SO'-*• 1 ~(I'S). JO 29.. 2 . J, Oaity CHVI. 18 08 JI '28; ,J Str.ot {~ J.l Ol. 4 M lllackfcird ~ 25 bed!· 1 l/ftrrw (\1111. 2•25, 2 ~ (HV). 32112; 5 1Colttfo.Nlel1en (Gil. U 16 OthM: 25 37, J L. Miller (J'S). 26 14, t, O.ng (GV). 26~ I Oe!Qontt ~. J4 56 s MolMr(H\ll, 2U4 Others: 6 J<>ne&CN~ 100 N · l,J ~.()M. 1~n l SNmiA1 27.16; I Lanon (HV), 2819. 10 Al rn1 (NH). (l1). t:OS 51. J t. M<dellan CNffi.. 1'0603, 30 66 11. s Mllltt (~). )0 61 4 S •ad: ltM. t OUO; S Amen (I.I}. 1IOI.7'I 100 twee......,. 1 G~ Vil~ l:'J416; JOO he.....,·! Newpott Hilb(T M<OtfffN\ 2 i.ke Fomt It. 1 25 al, 3 H4lit>of '1tWt (LAnof\ Oelponu. ~ G McOtllal'I). 1 U 91. S !Wy, E~ leny). I 2S 14; 4 ~ ftc s.ndl,. 2. ~ 1•.(529 I Hartlof View 131 44 5 uh klrtst. 1:3162;' NMpott ~ ·~ ~ i Deity, Morel. 1495'.; C'SwigM.Mttu,Atluns,.Oab<>Ub).1.:3742 • IM1f<lrest tJSl~:!> GrMft~21, ... 1.a 10vs 1s.1a 10n 100 ~......, • 1 ~ 1 1100. Jtt ......... ...., • t. H.tbot VlewO 'eldt. 2 Hatbof 'Mw (Ciulbonl,. Q». 1 Hi , Uto), Kin\ ~t. ~ 1 51.97, 2 (;(-!bf~ 1 1157, J. Newport H l1s (Oi(htrO, COhel\ 1:SH5. I I.Me~ "-1:57 '4; 4 G'"" ~ o ~Stone). 1:20 u. 4 Gffttl ~ :u10.19 s ~~(I twwlhln. 1:20:96, S Lele fOfw1 It 1:2100, t (Mt.of\ Ntzpmtcl. T.-). 211-'l .:IS ,,_ 1 ~(GI). tS 11: 2 D LlnclMI •he • Glttlti (Gil. 22 It; 2 ~ (NW).1516;3~Cl.RO.1U7,4 CO. l"Sl.llot;i CrWICW(GV).2J47 4 "°9dl(GI). OM. 1• 11. s Oldliro (NH), 1'1 U om.n: :UM; S ~ (l1). ll.lt ~ • lecborl • u.o CHV>. n ~ ,, c.n.i. <fM. 1111. (HV). "4 n: 1 ~ ttM. 2'.M; l 1 StOM (M4}. 19 50 t McCiOmlkt. (HV). :JS fol a....._..1 MM!ncPS>.21.1t.> Dlchlro ........ ,.~~.J011.J IClrft (NM). 21 ti!) ClfTofl (GI). 22 14,; 4 T Hety(MV), '(HV). IU7, S !Cely (GV). JU),; 4 ~ (GV). » 1t. s ~ (l.ltl.l. u21 °"*'.' Mien i 1 n s ,,..... fGl\ 111.11 °"*' • '9ntUlllnO (HV). 12U I, 7, Gulbord (HV). 2U7, 10 CoMn ro1' .u.-I. ...._.. ftM )I Get (Nti).2•!0; 11 ·~(NH).24•7 -~~::-._ .. ~,. --.....= .... , ~(GI)., ... 2 ~ OJtl), : t . ._.... , .... --., ""- 11.10; :t. Col (HV). 11.tl; 4. D UNln lNtG. . ~a, =M.11 ~ \": 1U7, S 5w10ttt CNW>. ,._.,.._Odien.: I,..._ a.n; 7 • ..._. 4""" 17. Q. m1101;• .... """2' ,,,1 WIMftttM. .~., ..... ~ ... 2. .. ~ .... 1 ~{tM.·--~ lef!-1~?~·-... ~3:\'·J..,C::~~~,...,::. r--.:=r .. h: • t~-w 21.M: 1J *-'"'-,....... -& '..... .,.a. .. ~ u.1•" -....... =-~ .. --........... -·--&---·-~-.-u. lffi!S ....... ti .... ..... ,._ l.'-* ... l:• ...... ~· ,--=~ .. ~-... • I I ' I I I • ... - ! 84 Thursdoy1 ~uit 12, 1999 \ . Doily Pilot The Costa Mesa High School Aqllatics water polo team finished it ummer season with an 8-6 victory over San Clemente and a 4-3 loss to Harvard- Wcstlake, bowing out of the National Ulle. When Zubrln failed to slam the door shut on her competitors dunng her next-to-last ruve, Angle Trostel took advantage, daiming the victory. 5 Also earning a ninth-place finish was another area standout, Dan VJ'balovich. Vrbalovicll, a product of Costa Mesa High, as well as Orange Coast College, teamed with Canyon Ceman losing two matches and exitiµg the tourr.arnent one day · before the finals. Vrbalovich-Ceman lost in the winner's bracket quarterfi- nals to Brian Gatze and Jeff Rodgers, Led by age group champioosh1ps from Its 5·6 year old girls, 7 -8 girls, 9-10 boys, 11·12 girls, and 15-18 boys, the Harbor View Swim Club of Newport Beach ~Junior Olympics 15-and-under dhtision in sixth pluce. Sean Hylton, Roger Klmo , ... and Joe Wrklch each contributed a pair of goals to Mesa's win over San Cl!?mente. Ju5ttn Taylor·had a strong game in gOal with two assists, two steals, and eight At the Seal Beach, Miller Lite Open Volleyball Tournament: With losses in the quarterfinals and in the consolation round, Corona del Mar High and Orange Coast College product Brian Lewis and partner ·s<tv~s. Against Harvard-Westlake, Ryan Dandy sco1cd two goalS and Wrltich added another, however Mesa fell despite · another strong pertonnance from , goalkeeper Taylor. Corona del Mar High's Sandy Zubrin, · . competing for the Mission Viejo Nadadores earned a career high--491.13 . points on the three-mete{ springboard at . the Speedo U.S. Diving Junior Oly;mpic Championship, but fell just short of the Ricci Luytles finished ninth overall. After rolling to the winner's bracl<et quartertinhls, Lewis and Luyties lost to Brazilians Eduardo Baell and Jose Loiola, 15-5,.then dropped a 15-6 decision to third seeded Adam Johnson and Randy Stoklos. For the eighth-ranked Lewis, the finish was his worst of a season highlighted by second-place finishes.in two early season toummnents with partner Bill Boullanne and earning a fourth seed in the Seal Beach event with Luyties. CLUB SOCCER Surf Cup champs -the boys under-11 gold Slammers. Front row, from left: Justin Morehead, -Taylor Welch, Logan Condon, Ignacio Corona, Garrett Gunther, Brady Condon, Bryan Burke. Back row, from left: Coach Armando Rocha, Richard Gadbois, Ren Cano, Armando 'AJ' Rocha, Gabriel Castro,, Alberto Ponce, Jarrett Darnel, Sammy Morales and Adam Holstein. . SLAMMERS SWEEP TO SURF CUP INVITATIONAL CROWN The Newport Beach· based Slammers boys under-11 Gold dub soccer team won all six of its games at the recent Surt Cup lnvitalional m Del Mar, outsconng the competition by a 26-J mdrgin Success qucll1hes the team for the State Cup in January, with en anbcipated seeding l1l the top five m the state. The Slammers will host an 84-team tournament Aug. 21-22 at Corona del Mar High. PUBLIC NOTICES ( PUBLIC NOTICES PERIOR COURT OF CAUSE FOR CHANGE CALIFORNIA. OF NAME COUNTY OF ORANGE Appl~ing for Lamoreaux Justice U.S. Citizenship • Center • Probate CASE NUMBER 341 The City Drive, A198316 Pott Office Box 14171, PETmONER(S) Orange, CA Chang Kyu Le HAS/ 92863-1571 HAVE ALEO A IN THE MATTER OF PETITION FOR AN THE PETITION TO ~~~: ~gM CHANGE CHANGE THE NAME!ChanQKyuLee OF Chang Kyu Lee TO Cliad Chang Lee ORDER TO SHOW II 1s hereby ordered lhal I PUBLIC NOTICES a• persons Interested In this mailer appear belore tt\1s 00011 en Depattmen1 No L73 ot the Superior Court of Cahlomta al the address sl'lown above on 9·21. 1999, at 2 00 o'cloek p.m end then and there show cause. 11 any they t\alle, why ltle petition IOI' change of oame shoU d not be granted 11 ls further oidar9d that a copy of lhi5 Ofder to &how cause be published 1n Newport Beach/Cosla ORANGE COUNTY T ,\A COLLECTOR SALE•1352 NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION ON August 30, 1999 OF TAX-DEFAULTED PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT TAXES eo 11 ,. "' """ M. w .... ..;..a-.o.lda. ~.Gslll r,...-...11 °"" c.-n---r. Qllilar ~ ......... a...c...r.c-.. • .-.'lt, - __.~ .... ,.~1.1z111.• CMtnlal •1~00 111.D.GD ttt, 100 CID FIORE, WALKER, RACOBS &. POWERS, 38 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, SUITE 250, IRVINE, CA 92618 (949) 727-3111 ATTORNEY FOR JUDGEMENT CREDITOR HARBOR O.C. SUPE- RIOR COURT JUS- TICE CENTER PLAINTIFF: NEWPORT CREST HOMEOWNERS DEFENDANT: DAVID SQUIRE NOTICE OF MARSHAL'S SALE LEVYING OFFICER FILE NO HHOC98C4903·A COURT CASE NO. 98HC4903 Dy vu1uo ol a wm issued oo APRIL 5 1999 1n ltie 11bolle •J1111gnokd Court, UP<>O • 1udgomeo1 ente111d 12·1fl 98 Iii lwvor or Jud~· ITIC!OI cred1t01($), NEW· PORT CREST HOME· OWNERS ASSOCIATION A CALIFORNIA NON· PROFIT MUTUAL BENE· FIT CORPORATION and ag OSt ,judgement debt· Of(S) OA\TtD M SQUIRE, AN INDIVIDUAL &tlowlng a net bal:JllCO ol 14937,lJ2 111ctua1Jy du oo kJ )Udoe men1 oo Ille dAte Of .lhe 11· tuaooo ot uld wflt. I have levttd ~ • right. tlle and lnlereai of aald ~ rntnl deblOf{I) In '"'9 ptOp• .,,., In 1he 'COunfy of Or· ••• Star. Of telltomle, a.tclftlad •• ~ REAL PAOP.ERTY COMMOM. Y KNOWN Al '2 8ARLOV£NTO ~TCAl~~AT IEE E~ "A ""°" L!GM. DllCNPTICN I PUBLIC NOTICES EXHIBIT "A" The property whtCh 1s the sub1ect ol this 1udgemen1 1s commonly ~nown as 12 BARLOVENTO Court, Newport Beach, Cahl0fn1a, and Is mote par1io .. 1111rly de· scribed es PARCEL I UNIT NO 24 OF THAT CERTAIN CON DOMINIUM PROJECT DESCRIBED IN THAT C E R ·T A I N C 0 N DOMINIUM PLAN RE· CORDED IN BOOK 10790, ~9oe 01' TMl!"'OF:' FICIAL RECORDS. IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY CAI.I· FORNIA AND AS DE· FINED IN THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF COV· ENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICT'IONS FO_R NEWPORT CREST HOM£0WNERS AS~ SOCIATION RECORDED IN BOOK 10348, PAGE 693 OF OFFICIAi. RE· CORDS AND AMEND· MENT TO DECLARATION Of RESTRICTIONS.£.. RE· CORDED OCTOOEt'I 18, 1972 IN BOOK 10381 , PAGE ~2 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. IN THE OF· FICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY PA_RCEt 2 AN UNDIVIDED 1165 IN TE REST IN ANO TO THE COMMON AREA AND DE· FINED IN THE DEClARA· TION AND AMENDMENT THERETO ANO IN THE OCCLARA TION Of AN NEXATION BEING LOT 2 OF TAAyT 7817 IN THE CllY OF NEWPORT DEACH AS PER MAP RE· CORDED IN IJOOt< 308 PAGES 33 AND 34 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS. RECOADS OF SAID COUNTY PARCEL 3 EXCLUSIVE EASE'· MENTS APPURTENANT TO SAID UNIT NO 262, AU.. AS MOflE SPECIF!· CALLY DEFINED IN THE CONDOMINIUM° PLAN NfO THE DECLARATION TWtS PROPERTY IS A DWEUINO AECOAD OWNERS OAVIO M IOUIM:, A•N· Ol.EMAH Nlha=of-Mle .. ,.., .,., 11 hM "° ...... .,._ or ClltMlf ao11u110n d•••tn•tlon, .......... IOOilDrl = ....... .._ .. ...... Ollll9 ...... won the overall title for the 16th time at the 28th annual South Coast Swim Conference finals. ln the 15-18 boys division, Corona del Mar High's Thad Buzollcb was victorious in the . 1.1-10, and then fell to the team of Scott Frtederichsen and Matt Unger, 12-t 1. On the wome-n's side, Newport Beach's Pat Keller and Costa Mesa's Vallnda Hilleary, also lost twice and were ~liminated one day after upsetting third-seeded Linda Chisholm and Linda Hanley. Keller-Hilleary dropped a 15-5 decision against defending champions Cammy Clarelli and Holly McPeak, then lost to Rita Crockett and Karrie Poppinga, 15-7, ending the tournament for area stars. 100-meter freestyle, 50 butterfly, and _ 100 individudt medley. Laura Weesboff dominated the girls 13-14 divisio~ with wins in the 100 free, 50 back, 100 individual medley events. Runner-up Newport Hills, also of Newport Beach, set a coruerence record in the 200 medley relay as Wendy Boggs (back), Priscilla Burch (breast), Karrie C~rio (fly), and Melanie Pelis (free) combined for the sharp effort. -compiled by Matt Schutz CLUB SOCCER Sting bounces back with two wins • Under-17 squad wins and ties final two games to come back from a pair of first-day setbacks. CERRITOS-The OCU Sting, a Sting. Also adding goals were boys under-17 soccer team, com-Charlie Thompson and Chris peted in the California Sun and Kim. Surf International Tournament The Sting will play this week- last weekend to open its season. end in the Mission Viejo Soccer After securing third place in Club Tournament at the World the Silver level last year, the Sting Cup fields. moved up to the Gold level for Returning players for the Sting this season. mdude Kirn, Jordan ChrlsUan, After losing, 3-1. to Cenitos Billy Lund, Chasen Marshall, United Impact and 1-0 to Fresno Brian Wllson. Sam Coons. Troy Bullard Elite on Saturday, the Davidson, Ryan Denman, Brian Sting came back with a 3-1 win Henry, David Jenkins, Scott over Long Beach Santos and Nickerson tllld Kevin Yockes. fought the Irvine Strikers to t1 Newcomers· on the Stmg scoreless tie m the third-pldce include Moreno, Thompson, matchup Sunday. Justin Collins, Bijan Ewalt, Ryan Federico Moreno scored two I Lancaster dnd Marco Santange- ol the team's four goals to lead the lo YOUTH BASEBALL NHBA winter ball info •Season begins Sept. 12, runs through Nov. 7. NEWPORT BEACH -The Newport Harbor Baseball Assoo- atioi;i has begun registration for the upcoming winter baseball season. · The 1999 Wlllter baseball sea- son starts Sept 12 and goes through Nov. 7 and the registra- tion fee is $110. Players must be between 9-14 years old as of July 31, 2000 and instruction is provided through high school and com.muruty col- lege coaches. For informdtiOn, call the NHBA office at (949) 451-2228. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebr•tlnil the Oalfy Pilot's Athlete of the WMtl $eries r----------------------, : i Ii t f t I l I I I I I I I I I I I I L----------------------~ Today BJ. LIGHTVOET tr;\ COsiA MEsA ~ VOUEYBAU. GEGI VAN DE WAI.KER ~ CosTA MESA ~ TMCX AHO FIELD DEEP SEA Wednesdays Co\Wrts Newport l.Mdlng 7 bOats, 151 anglers. 51 albacore, 4 bluefin tuna, 1 yellowtail, 604 sand bau, 5 barraciJda, 8 sculpin, 7 sole, 1 calico bass. Davey's Lodcer • 7 boats, 193 anglers. 29 albac;ore, 1 bluefin tuna, 1 y~llowtail, 2 white seabass. 63 barracuda. 43 calico bass. 655 sand Bass. 13 sculpin. 3 ~ad, 2 halibut. I PUBLIC NOTICES I PUBLIC NOTICES I PUBLIC NOTICES I PUBLIC NOTICES I PUBLIC NOTICES Thi• buslneu Is con· dueled by an lndMdUal Have you stllr1ed doing business yet? No q1~~spective blddera Beach, CA 92&>0 business ye1? No ducted by· a oorporatlOn shoUld refer to SectiOna This bus1ne55 1s con· Paul G Mueller Have you 5tal1ed doing 701 510 to 701 680, In· ducted by a corporation Th11 siatement was tiled business yel? No elusive, ol the Code ol Civil Jadoro Management with lhe County Clet1< ol Re1ldentlal Mortgage Procedure tor provisions Corp.. Dorri& Wagner, Orange County on 8-10-99 Corpo1a11on, Vince Refn-Presldenl 19996801860 hilt, Pre•rdenl governing lhe tenns, condl • ThlS slatemenl was hied Daily Pilot Aug 1 Z. 19, Thll statement was filed tions. and effect ol the sale with the County Clerk ol 26. Sepl 2, 1999 Th759 Wilh the County Clerk of awindbl_!!e...!!bl~ty OI default· Orange Coooty on 7113199 LEGAL NOTICE Orange County on 7·27-99 OUVU•• • I 9999799063 . 19996800439 OTICE IS HEREBY Dally Piiot July 29. Aug PROPOSED o 1y Pilot J 1y 29 GIVEN thal on SEPTEM· 5. 12. 19. 1999 Th714 1999-2000 BUDGET a u • Aug BER 1, 1999, al TWO FOR COAST 5, 12. 19, 1999 Th726 Fictitious Buslneu Fl I o' c I o ck P M a I COMMUNITY ct Uous Busln .. s MARSHAL'S OFFICE· Name Statement COLLEGE DISTRICT Name Statement HARBOR JUSTICE CTR • The lollow1ng persons Cont eom_,..,,.m.rt-...ti\e.-~ ~-tAM90flllf~ PIO:-Cite dOllln bosmuss-11 ere ...... "e buSl""'H a u•E"' C N REF EC College Dlatrlct'• ""' ......... s ROOM 108, City ol NEW· .. m .., A L • b I AudlO ldeo Contractors. POAT BEACH Counly o1 TORS & FIXTURES, 2227 proposed udgel or 387 West W~son & , C· Orange, Slate of CaMomte Huron St. Santa Arni, CA 1999-2000 will be available 101, Costa Mesa, ea I wel seU at public auctiOn 92704 fOf public inlpectk>n at 92627 to lfle hlgheit bidder, IOI' Adrian Btzol, 16801 Coa1t Community Cot-David Nelson Rotn. 387 ca&h In laWful money Ol lhe Mount Younra, F01Jnl8lfl lege Dl1trlC1 Office, Bldg. Wesl Wilson SI . e-101. , UMed States. an lhe nght, Valley, CA 92708 CAo, a1.~70MeAHda,mc• ,.A'!.en26ue26,• Cos1a Mesa, ea 92627 lrlle and lntere" of said Tlus bus1ne11 11 con· -" • Thi b IS from Au9u1t 28, 1999 to s us1nen con· Karen S. Lee Th11 s1a1emen1 was ld•d with Iha County Clerlt ol ar.noe County on 7·27·99 1 "9GI0()4.40 Daily Pilot JUiy 29. Aug. 5. 12, 19. 1999 Th7'~ On th• move? Sell.Your extra 'f\Ouse o Items In Clasalfled .. - . ---1 -, I . '. , . . ' . • . :w judgemenl debtor(1) In the ducted by; an lnd1v1dual September 1, 1999• be· ducted by an lndMdual above described property. Have you started doing tween the hours 01 6:00 Have you started doing PACIFIC Vlmw or so much thereof as may business yel? Yes, ,. M d 5 00 PM T""' business yet? No MEMOR1.a• a .aaK be neceSS11ry to ulisly 61111999 "' · an : · · ""' David N. Roth -r-~ said executron, wtlh 1c· Adrian B1zoi public heanng on the This 11atoment was filed Cemetery • Mortuaty crued Interest and costs Thi& statement w1s ltled proposed budget rot wbh the County Clerlt of Ch 1 ,..._ APPROXIMATE MINIMUM with the Covmy Clerk Of 1999·2000 will be held at Or ape • vn:rmatory BIO S8944 56 PROP· Orange Coun~ on 7·27·99 Coal1 Communlly Col-ange Coooly on 7·27-99 3500 Pacific View Drtve EATY IS BEING SOlD 1"9N00455 1999 0111rlct Office, Bldg. Dl•ly Pllol 1~~ Newport 8eect1 SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT Dally P110t July 211, Aug A, 1370 Adams Avenue, 5, 12, 19, 1999 Th7t"7 ~2700 OF REDEMPTION 5, 12, 19, 1999 Th7'8 Coat.a Meaa, CA 92626{ , _______ _ Daled AUGUST 2. 1999 Flctltloua BuelnHt on Saptember 1. 1999 a Fictitious Buslneta --191--DIVlalon ORANGE 6:30 P.M. Name Statement ... ~ 'II COUNTY MARSHALi Name Statement Publl.shed Newport Beaeh· The follow.no petsons IEU ....... AY HARBOR DIVISION, 4601 The lollow1no pel'$00S Colla Mesa Daily P1lol are doong buainest as Mortuary * CNpel JAMBOREE RD , ROOM lie dOlng bus"11111 as August 12, 1899 AUFISJ.i, 500 Aodr.loKI C tion ,08. NEWPORT BEACH, •> THE WINE VAULT, b) Thn3 Place. Corona Del Mar, CA rema • CA 92660 PROVENCEPAODUCTS, 92tl25 110 ~ 1949) 476-4820 3001 Red HiD Ave , Costa Fictitious BuslneH Karen s Laa, 500 Rock· ~~, John E Futlef, M rshal. Mesa Callfoinla P2628 Nam• Statement IOld Plaice. Cofone del orano• ~1y Relrigeraled S.rvtoe1 ol 1 The folloWing persons Mar, CA G2625 11_ .... _2.-.•.1.ao __ _. By /SI E. NorfMn HH, AmeNCA, Inc . (OE). 2003 are doll1o but1neaa .. Daputy Port Weybridge Place, T & A ConSlruchon Serv· NOTE Do not 1ake down Newport Beach, Celllom11 Ices, 1040 W MacAnhur ot deface a posted nul!C* 92660 81 #78, Santa· Ana, CA llclOfe tho sale or aall&lao-Thl1 l>u$inesa 11 COO· 92707 hon ol judgement Penal dueled by a oorp<>ralion Tarak H Aziz, HMO w. Code Section 816 (mllda· Have you lt.al1ed dOlt)g M4kMhUr Bl •71, S&nta meanor) t>uslneu ve1? No Me CA 92707 PUl>llshed Newpor1 9each· Refrigerated s MCllS Of Thlt bu$1ness I& c:on- Co$ta Mne oa 1y ~ Ame11ca Inc , Jurgen ducted by an lndivldUal Aug11&15. 12, 19, 1999 Spaelhe, PtHk1em HaV9 you 11111ed dOlng Th731 This 1&a1emen1 wit filed buelnM1 ya17 No --------wlttl it. County Cle!1ot 0( Terek tf; Alli STATEMENT OF Orange County on 8 4-99 Thlt 11ai.man1 wa1 tiled. ABANDONMENT OF 1 ""801 ns wlt'I Iha County Ci.fl;. Of UH OF FICTT11008 Da8y PilOI AUG. 12-l_ 19 ~County on 7·27•99 8~ NAM! 2e~~~ • ._19Qt m757 t......_1 The IOlowinO pet900(1) F1CthlOUi BUiJMe• Delly P1'04 ./llJY 21"'-AUG. hU Ihm!) .-1c1ooea Iha NilftM ......_. s, 12 '': 1M 1n1'1'1 UM of ir. llaltlous ~ Thil fOlowln9 PMQne 'f!liihloui ....... .. ,... .. ..,.. .,. ~ "'*-.. ...... ...... .. ~a..Jactoro, 4500 The 8POft1 eon..nsu., The lollDWll'I ..... C....,.Oftw, Sule 115, P'MI 327, 18027 M~M ......., 8aedl. CA 9lllO ~ It. 8te Q, AMC COfi'· Thit ~ luelnHI "ountaln Valley, Ca ~TIOH. l200 lrfllOt '*'L.,.....,_ IO lbCM '270lo1Sl1 8', .. Nof, Qlllo *-. ._ -lf'I OrwlCle CounlY P'*A Ofrai'd Mueller, CA ... on INWI. "LE NO. llMOW...LM*,,..,._, .............. Mon .... ...... C.11994 JIDO Jedero Man•g:;: "* ...._. le COft-, C... ===~ -=··.=i· ... "Affordable Alternative" Discount Glsket, Cremation& Burial Service Why should you sUbjcct yourself & your family to paying inflated prtca for caskets • semces???? r..aw ... 1 ..... -..a ......... II t&C9Ml. vo111 r 11or r ,.. ... •11•nrtn lltlmDUI-~ -ITATmlllfl' J n. lalolMtlO ~ ~~14:::: ,,_ CA IOll21 OCH bM M Inc~ catl- 1815 Wiit Rldl>ftdO M..~CAG•7 TIU ladlnal IS ~ ~·~ ,_..,.,.. IW llOlytl btQun ID rnac:t blllllltl undef the 1~1 llt.dlnau 111m1 0t ,,..,.. ~ """" on' 1111/Qt, Fll f NCf 1~~ Jennifer S111anne Sellabury, 131 Albart ~ 10, CC.la Mn&. CA 92627 Thil Dusineu la con- ducted by an tncllvldual Jannife1 Saltsbuty Thil 118tetnent WU r.ed Wlltt Ult County Cleft ol Ofange Coe.It~ • 1 Daily Ptlol Aug 5, 12, 19. 26, I~ Th751 Rct ldOue BuaineH Name Statemef\t 1SQtD OCH 8UENA PAAK. 'INC 8V AOBERT W SCHAOE· The lollowlng persona 'om' ASSISTANT S£oC are doing business a1 1 -0.J 1a11meta was fdtd NATIONWIDE BUSI· 'with tt11 Count/ O. o1 OflllQI ·NESS IMAGING CENTER. 'Coun!YOll.llne 30. IM 2253 Ma(11n I C419, lrvlne, I NOTICE·TIH Raku1 CA 92612 'Nama Stallmtnt llCPllt ftvt Hamid Javld, 24211 :ve., ftOm 1111 ~~~was~~ 1n .~r:~r c~~~· Laguna ttll O!llce Of Ille ......,f'lt/ ......, ... A Daoud Lalifzada 21 S~Rctnt~ ~~::' ~ Laguna Mildre, Aliso Viejo, ,_.,.. .--CA 92626 • Wiit cllllt Tiii ftUno o1 hi stall-This business Is con· rTld dOel not Of Itself llJVlonlt ducted by· a general lllt USI 111 lhl .. of • f1c:O.OUI partnership • ~.,.. Nama in ~ of lhl Have you started 00.ng tOl1ls of enodltt under F'tdltW business Y41t? No si., or .common IN (Ste Hamid Javld , SeQon 17900 ti StQ • ~smess This statement was rtled and Pl'OltsSIOtll Code) w1tti the County Clenc ot fillt rtino • Orange County on 7 .30-119 NewPort Baadl-costa Mesi 1 "96800886 CN533M1 -'A 20 1'1115 12.19, Daily Piiot Aug 5. 12, 19, 19911 26, 1999 Th742 Flcdtloua Bualn.aa Name Statemen t Thfl !Olm!~ peisons ~ are doing bus1Mss es Dave coopman Lathing, 1105 PalmJ._ Huntington Beach. CA ir~s.48 David Scott Coopman, 905 Palm Avenue, Hunt• trnnon Beach, CA 92648 Marci Lynn Coopman, 905 Palm Avenue, Hunt· lngton Beach. CA 92848 Thts buslneH Is con- ducted by husband and wile Have you &tarted doing business yet? No Marci Coopman This statement was filed wilh lhe Counry Clertl ol Orange County on 7·27·99 19t06800457 Daily Pilot Joly 29, Aug 5. 12. 19, 1999 Th719 Fl~ldous Business N am e Statement The followiog petSOn$ are doing business as Cfeelc Acu·Hert>s Clinic. 2900 BrlslOI Street. IG· 103. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Sang Woo Gwon, 1019 South Alvantdo Street, Loa Angeles CA 90006 l1lll bus1neu Is con- doetad by an lnd~ldual Have you started doing bu5Jness ye!? N:i Sang Woo Gwon This statement was fifed w11h the County Clerk of Olange Countv on 7·27·99 19996800456 Dally Pllol July 29, Aug 5, 12. 19, 19911 'R\720 Flctltlou a Bualneaa Nam e Statement The loUOwlng peraons a11doingbuslneli11. HVC Cleenlng S.Meea, 3 Dogwood Soutn. lrvtne Caftfoma 112612 HectOf' Calderon, 3 Dogwood South, Irvine, Calllomaa 92612 Veronica C&lderon. 3 Dogwood South, lrvlne, ca !Otnl9 92512 This t>usiness 11 ooo· ducted by-hU$band and wile Have you Starttd doing ~yel'?Yas 0711>1119$19 VaronlC8 Calderon This statement was tiled ~th lhe County Ctenc ol Ofange County on 8·30-IHI 19911797972 Dally Pilot Jilly 29, Aug. 5, 12, 19, 1999 Th730 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO ~ SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ' Date ol Fifing AppllcaUon: 26-JUL·19!19 To Whom It May CQnoem The Name(a) of the Aol>llcant(a) ls/ere: 7·£LEVEN INC The applicants lfated abolle are applying to the , Depettment ol Alc:oholic eev.raoe Concrol to Hll alcohotlc beverages at 204 E 17TH ST, COSTA MESA. CA 92626 For the lollOWlnO type of License: 21 OFF~SALE GENERAL Published Newpol1 Beach-~ Co$ta Mesa Deity Pilot ~August 5. 12. 19, 1999 Th735 Flctltloua B11slneaa Nam e Statement The 1o11owmv l'8TStJnS" are doing business as· lntar1lance, 151 Kalm113 Dr .. Suite K·2, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 CCU Group, Inc., (CA), 151 Kalmus Dr . Solla K·2, Cos1a Mesa. CA 92626 This business Is con· ducted by· a oorporauon Have you started doing business yet? 'Yes, 113()'11195 CCU Grovp. Inc • Glona Kampt\IPreslclent & CEO This statement was filed With the County Clertl ol Orange County on 8·10-99 19996801 es1 Dally Piiot Aug. 12, 19, 26, Sm t 2, 1999 Th762 Ficttlou1 Buslneaa Name Statement The lollowtng pelSOOS are CIOlng bullne$$ as AG Emertainment 1 IMO Park Newport 1406, New· port Seacti, CA 92660 AtalN Gold, 1840 Park Newport i406. NewPOf1 Beach. CA 92660 This business 11 con- ducted by an 1ndrvtdual Have you ataned doing l>u$1ne$$ yet? No Alaina Gold This statement was filed with the County Clerk ol Orange County on 8·10-99 19"6801866 Dally Pilot Aug. 12, 19, 26, Sept 2. 1999 Th763 Fictitious Business Name Statement The followtng persons aro domg 1>Ys1ness as· Man's MadJcal Clinic, 1125 E 17th Street, SUiia 207, Santa Ana, CA 92701 SolO Para Hombres, Inc .. (CA), 1125 E 17th Street, Sutta •207 Santa Ana, CA 92701 Thia business 1s con· duded by a oorporaUoo Havti you started doing bu11neas yet? No SolO Para Hombres. Inc Fred Sahafl, President This statement w~ lued Wtth the County Cle1'l of Ofange Count'i on 8-10-99 1 "996801168 Dally Pilot Aug 12, 19, 28. ~I. 2. 1999 Th764 Fliloua Business Name Statement The following persons are doing business as YOUAVIDEO PRODUC· TIONS, 2183 Fairview Road #104, Costa MaH, CA 92728 JanaM Young Severson, 383 1 Hendrrx Streat, Irvine. CA 92614 Clark John Severson, 3831 Hendtlx. Irvine, CA 92614 This business Is con-ducted by husband and wife Have you started doing t>uslne&S yet? Yea, 9--88 Jeriann Young Severson This s1a1ernen1 was llled With the Counly Cler1c of Orange County on 8·10-'*' 19"96801182 Dally Ptlot Aug 12, 19, 26. Sept 2. 1999 Th765 FlctlUoua Bualneu Name Statement The fotlo¥ring persons are doing bu$1neu u MYPEAFOAMINGARTS COM, 141~ Sea RidQe orw, ~eeattr.~ 92660 Arthur Auerbach, 1412 5ea Ridge DrM. Newport Beach, CA 92660 This buslneu 11 con- ducted by an lncSIVidUal Have you •IJrted doing bus1na11 yet? No M hur Auert>actl This '1atement WH filed wllb the County Clerk ot Of1nge Count)' on a. t O-IJ9 1111M101•• Dally Pilot Aug 1 ~19, 28,~ 2, 1999 in166 F oua Bualneaa Name Statl9ment • The IQllowing persons are dOlnQ bualness as 8 M AIR CONDtTION • ING, 1814 W ellket Sl , Co11a Mau. CA 92828 earve M•Wdan. 1e14 w Bakef SI , Costa Mua, CA m2e Thia bulN\ltas 11 con· duded by an I~ ...... you .,.,., OOlng bulln8N yel? No ... Ma.i.n Th61 lt81emenl was flled ..... ht COuntV Oeftl of °'91'198 OountY on • 1HV 1 __ ,_ o.vy PlloC Aug 12. 11, 28. 8!pt ll, '"° Th787 Flctitfoua Bu9'nne Mame Ste""*tt The IQlloiMno oeraona 9'8 OOiflf,I buslnMI p Novak Realty, 280 Avocado St . •B•101, Costa M&aa, CA 112827 Soott Allen Nowak. 280 Avoc:adoSt 16-IOt, Colla Mesa, CA 92827 This tx.i,,.11 •• con· dllded by; an lodlYldual Have you startAtcl doing bUllMll yet? Yea, 7-18·99 . Soott A Nowak Thts statement was hi d wilh the CounlY Cletk OI Orange Count=~0-09 1 1865 2f.is~pr"~t t"'e'9i 12Th~~a A ctltloua BualneH Name Statement The lotlowlng • pertona are dQ!ng business u NEWMAN DESIGNS, 1837 Lincoln Ln., Nawpor1 Beaeh, CA 92660 Jane Marie Newman, 1637 Untotn Ln • NaWl)On Beach, CA 92660 This business Is con- ducted by an lndlllldual Have you 5tarted doing business vel'? No JaM Newman ThlS statement was !dad wiltl tne County Clelll of Olange County on 7-27·99 19996800459 Dally P1lo1 July 29, Aug. 5, 12, 19, 11199 Th722 Flctitloua Bualnna Name Statement The lollow1ng persqns are dOtng business as. Pine lsland De1lgn1, 34130 Selva Rd , Dana Polnt,'CA 92629 · Mark Turpin, 2180 Catalina St.. Laguna Beach, CA 92651 This business Is con· dlJCled by: an lndlvk:lual Have yoo started doing buslne.ss yet? No Marit A Turpin This statement was filed With the County Clerk of Orange Coun~7·27-99 1W96900441 Dally Pdol July 29, Aug 5, 12, 19, 1999 Th723 Fictitious Bualnn• Name Statement The lollowtng persons are doing t>us1ness as Peak Marketing ConslA· 1111\IS, 351 Oki Newport Blvd , 1440, Newport Beach. CA 92683 Otno Katslamet1s eoo E Oceantron1 f3G, Newport Beacn, CA 92681 ThlS buslnes& Is con· dueted by-an lndlVldual Have you slarted doing business yet? No Otno Katslamet11 ,... Th1S statement was filed with thf County Clenc ol Orange County on 7·27·119 1H9e8004e2 Dally Pilot July 29, Aug 5. 12, 19, 11199 Th724 Fictitious Bualneaa Name St•tement The lollowmg pe!$00s are doing bualneu ea. RJ VENDIN G. 10 Cirrnellan, lrvlne, CA 92614 Roben C Reid, 10 Carnelian, Irvine, CA 92614 Judith C Reid, 10 Carnelian, Irvine CA 92614 This business ls COO· ducted by husband and Wife Have you Slarted doing business ye17 YH, 7-5-99 Robert C. Reid This statement was filed w.tn lhe County Clerk ol Orange~ Dally Pilol JUiy 29, Aug 5, 12. 19, 1999 Th725 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Date of F~lng ApphcaliOn 27..JUL·1999 To Whom II May Concern· The Narne(s) of the Appllcant(s) la/are NEGISHI YASUKO The applicants llsted above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control lo sell alcoholic bevera1•• at 675 PAULARINO VE UN1T3 COSTA MESA. CA 92626 For the following type of Uceose; 41 ON·SALE BEER AND WINE-EATING Publisl'led Newport Beach- Colla Mesa Dellv Pilot ~29.Augus15.12n!im Actlttoue Buslneaa NM\e St.i.ment The ro1ow1ng persons are doing boalneu as: Sol9-tullui w 1!1 f9ii '"' Ing, 22 Vla Marguesa, RanchO Santi Mefgerita. CA 112688 Lauri Lynne Bums, 22 Via MatgVesa, "Ranc:hO Santa Marguerita, CA 92688 This bullneu 11 con· ducted by-.,. lndMdual Have yoo started dOlng l>.Uaklil$$ ~t7 NO i.iuri L -sums Thl9 11118ment Wat llled wttn the County Clerk of Otange Coun~ on 7-18-99 1 .... 1"411 Daly Pil04 July 22. 29, Mhl2, 1099 Th687 ~ueluelneea ...,_.....,,.,,t The IOlowlng persons are dOina bUM*a u ~· ... ~ 300 8an1o Tornu, C-. MMe, CA82627 ~ A/tll'rotry SncMden, 300 9-*> TomM, Coate ..... CA1112'7 Tiiie bueln8N II con• ~ by. *" lndMcMI Hive you •rted dolr'9 ~yec7No OeYIG ~ .. .,,..,ICMdll_""n Thia MIU '*'II .. -.ct ....... Counlly Qlfti ol 0.,.. COunly On '7·1 .... ,...,....., Olllv Plot """ 22, 21. Al.Ii· ~. 12, Ullf. n.1 I PUIUC NOTICU I I PUBUC NOTICES FlctttJoua Bualnett Flctlttoua Bu11neea ~ S~t Name 6'atem4tnt 1t>e 1~1ng pe™>N The toliowinO PMOn1 are OOing buslnlilss a1 are dak\Q ~ineu •~ Cal1lornl1 Taa Dall, NEWPORT SHIPPING 1011 'brloso ~. '110. SERVICE. 3400 lfV\na Costa Mesa CA G2027 Ave , 1 11 •. Newport Nationaj Ta• Dela, Inc. Beach, CA ~ (CA). 1011 BflosO D11ve, M!Chetie Ebe!Mn 2458 1110. co.ta Mtsia CA Newport Blvd • '191 , 112627 Costa Mne CA 92627 This buetnell II COO• Tllll ~SS II con· docted by ,a ()O(polatlon dUded by' an lndMdUaJ Hi ve you atarted Clotng Have you slarted dOlng t>ustneu yet? v.. bu5irl811 yet? Ves. 5+98 JUiy 1, I 9911 Mldlalle EDemart National ra11. Data. Ifie , Thia statement was tiled Peter M Placey, Prflldent with ttie County Cle"' ol Thi• statement was filed Orange County on 7·2°'99 w11h ll'le County Cieri< of 199M7"674 Orange County on 7-18-119 Daily Pilot July 22. 29, 1"9997"'°7 Aug 5, 12, 1999 Th705 Dally Piiot Juty 22, 29, t-tctttlo~ eu. alne .. AUi} 5, 12, 1999 Th889 Flcthlous Bualnea1 N ame tatement Tl'le fottowing persons Name Statement ere doing b\.lllness as: The folloWlng persons Cf,PISTAANO SURF & are doing bu1>1ness as SPOAT, 31888 Del Obispo Hote1er1u1, 21312 st, San Juan cap1s1rano. Brookhure St , Sta #332. CA 92676 Huntington Beach, CA Jawad Nash. 8502 E 926-48 Wood Cove Or.. 1212 Ca roline Sutherland, Anaheim, CA 92808 21372 Brookhurst St. Thtl buS1ness IS ooo· 1332. Hunt111g1on Beac:ll, dueled by. an 1nd111idual CA 92648 Have you started doing Jill Leac:ll, 34114 Setva oosinesa yet? No Ad • Un11 #318, Dana Poot Jawad Nash CA 92629 Th•=> statement was tiled This business 1s ooo· with the County Clenc of d\Jded by co-panners Orange COuntv on 8· 10-99 Have yoo started doing tMM801883 business yet? No Da~y Ptlol Aug. 12-1 19, earoona..1.Suit1enana '26. S8p! 2. 1999 10769 wl~~,!ta~~ ca~~'-:, Actltlous Bualnest Orange County on 7·16-99 Name Statement 1 "999799408 The IOllowlng persons Dally Piiot July 22, 29. are doing business as: Aug ~. 12, 1999 Th690 STORE 13, 2824 New· port BIYd .. Newpon Beach, Flctltloua BualneH CA 92667 Name Statement Daniel Maur1<:e Tavlor, The following persons 126 The Master Orcle, are dOing business a• Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Beach AcceH, 3333 This business Is con· Br1stol St . #1064, Costa ducted by: an Individual Mesa, CA 92656 Have you started dOlng Beach Accus, Inc business yet? No (CA). 18003 Sky Park Cir· Dan Taytor ole, Suite E. Irvine, CA This statement was filed 92614 with the County Cter1c ol This bYslness Is coo-Orange County on 8-10-99 ducttd by a oorpotahon 19996801870 Have you started doing Daily Pilot Aug 12, 19, businen )'(II? Y81. 8·1·98 26. S4ipt. 2. 1999 Thnt Beach Acceu, Inc Fictitious Bus iness Thomas J Moore • Nam e Statement Prallilent The 1o1w1ng pe1S00S This statement w11 lileq are dong buslneSs as with the County Clerk of PENIRSULA POINT Ofange County on 7-2Q.99 TRADING, 184 1 Ent 1999179"77 ,.._,, Daily Piiot July'22, 29_ Balboa Blvd Balboa VCIJI· Aug 5, 12. 19119 Th702 lom"1 92661 Flctltloua Bualness dscr'ea:! ~~BJ:"'1• Name Statement Caltlom•a 92661 The f~ing persons Sandra Lee Giofdano. are doing 0011ness as 16-41 East Balboa Blvd., goloans com. 18012 Balboa Calltomia 92661 COwan. Suite 100, Irvine. This business IS con· CA 92814 ducted by lluiband and Secured Funding Corp<>-wife ration. (CA), 16012 Cowan. Have you started dOtng Suite 100. lrvlne. CA business yet? No 92614 Torn Ray Wilder Thlt business Is con· This sta1emen1 was filed ducted by a corporation w1tn the County Clerk ol Have you ataned doing Orange County on 8· 1 0·99 business yet? Ye~. 1198 19996801857 Secured Funding CotpO-Dally Pilot Aug 12, 19, ration, Lorne Lehodny, 26, Sept 2, 1999 Thn2 Presldenc/Secfetary NOTICE OF This statement wu tireo APPLICATION TO with Ula County Clenc of SELL ALCOHOLIC Ofange Cou~~= B EVERAGES Daty Pilot July 22. 29. Date of Fifing ~ $, 12, 1999 !h§P7 ApplicattOO Actltloua Bualnna August 10· 1999 To WllOm It May Concem N ame Statement The Name(s) ol the The lolloW1ng persons Applicatlt(s) ls/are are doing bustneN as SETO MASAYOSHI KAZ Dl:NTAL LABOAA· GEORGE TORIES, 1738 Anaheim Tne applfcants listed Ave.. Costa Mesa CA above are apPlying to the 92627 Department ot Alcoholic Richard K Takai. 2009 Beverage Con11d 10 self W Conldent Santa Ana, alc:ohobc beverages at· CA 92704 3033 BRISTOL ST STEN This business IS cbn· COST A MESA. CA 92626 ducted by an lndlVldual For the lollow1ng type ol Have you started ooog LJeense 41 • ON·SALE business ~I? Yes. BEER AND W INE • May 20, 11194 EATING PLACE Rletlerd K Takata Published Newport Beach· This statement was llled Costa Mesa Daily Pilot w.11\ Iha Coonty Clerk of Augull 12, 19, 26, 1999 Ofange County on 7·20-99 Th756 t"987"682 NOTICE OF Daux Pilot July 22, 29, APPLICATION TO Aug. ' 12' 1999 ™99 SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Fictitious BuslneH Dale of Fifing Apphcalion. Name Statement 04-AUG·1999 The lollowlng persons To Whom It May Concem. are doing bul1ness as· The Name(s) ol the AH Spor1s Nutr1tlon De-Apprtcant{S) ls/are. POI. 11858 Adarm Ave. REFRIGERATED SEAV· Hunhngton Beach, CA ICES OF AMERICA INC. 92S.S The applicants fisted Cahfomla Haal1h and 1bOV8 are al>PfY!n9 to Iha Pertom\a~ Systems Inc. Depe.rtment ol Al<X>OOlie (CA), 17071 Evergreen Bava~ Concrol to sell Ctrcle •A. Huntington alcoOOlie beverages at Beach, CA 92647 3001 RED Hill AVE Thl.a bus nan ts coo-BlOG 6 STE 106 ducted by. a ~llon COSTA MESA CA 92628 Halle you startAtcl doing For Iha followlna type ol buS#lUS yet? No LIC«\Se 09 BE£A AND Ca~lomltl H .. un •nd WINE IMPORTER a 17 P'etKIONIOCIL.S)l~oaJJric...~. B&CA & WIN&. ~IUU~ NiCX>l11 Nbe I Coetzee SALER 20 OFF SALE (Preaident) BEER AND WINE Thie 111tement Ml riled Publshed Newpon Beach• With the County Cler1< of Coa1a Mesa Daltv PllOt Orange Cooo~~·20-99 August 12. 19, 26, 1999 1 ....,. Th758 Daily Piiot July 22, 29, ~ S. 12. 1099 Th700 Flctltlou• Bualneaa ~ctJtlOua Bu aln.H Name St•tement Neme St•tement The folloWlng persons The lollowinQ P8rsotlf al9 doing business 81 are dong bualnau as. Mlc:lleti. D. Miller Pllo· CJ T.;Enterprlses, 2732 tooraphy, 260 VIC1orla St , Juniper, Unit 1. Santa Ana. •C1 , COsta Mesa, CA CA 92704 92621 C&rrie Sohlt McCOfmlcil, Mlc:llella Diane Milter, 3620 Marine St , #4 Santa 260 Vlc1orta St • I C 1, Ana, CA !i2704 Costa Mesa, CA 92621 Thom11 Marl< SoM, Thia tiusqu Is con- 2732 Juniper, UOll f, S8ll\I <IUct.cl by an inclfVidual Ana, CA 92704 Have YG'I star11d dOIOg Thia bulinus It con·. bUllnNI ~t? No dUcfed by a geotfal Mtcttelle 0 Mlller pallnersh!P Thia atatetnent WU I led H9Ye you •tatted doing wtti Iha Counly Clent of bullneU yet? v ... 1H1 ,_..,,. ~1':.'ito'-99 Call1e A Sohf1 Mc.'Comlic* -·-""' 1 1112 Thia .... lelnilttl WU !ltd Dei1Y PllOI Aug. 5, 12; 19, wll\ 111 County ~ of 28, 1M Th74~ Or""9 co,·~~t»" FICihlOu. 8uetneia t .,....,. ....,,. SUi""nent ~Plot ~ 22. 29, T ..... ...___ -tof'I Aug. 6. 12, 11199 Th703 ... ...........~"" ...... -.,.~~ .. Natu,.I P~,.111on1, 2301 Holly Lane. NeWpon Beed\. CA ~II CM1 AM , 2301 = Lane, Newport CA 92983 Thil b1.*ne11 II oon· duet.a l>Y an lndlYldU9I H1W you 11tantd dotng .,.,...yet, No Ctwll ,.,.. A*ai ,,....,.. .... !led Wiii .. ~ CIMtl Of °""" ~::. "°' -... 5. 12. "· 111741 ltHH.....-..,,1-.IJ•• ••I.,,., ...... I PUBLIC NOTICES I f PUSUC NOTICES I I PUBLIC NOTICES J ( PUBLIC NOnca I J PUILJC • lJ dUQl.cl by an IMNJOu81 Have )'OU staned doing bUslneSs y t? Y". a1&1t1r Ctl"6110e R KIA! n This ltal9ment '#tU lileO w the Cwnfy Clerk Of Ofange cmt•ir..t: 99 1 1171 Dally Pllot Aug ~.12. 19, 20 1®9 Th748 Flctltloua Bu1lneaa Name Statement Tll• foftowlng pel'M>f\I are doing business•• GAMES Pl.US, 518 West 19th Street, Co.ta Meaa, CA 92627 Art Judi ce Family BOiiards, Inc , (Nevada), 518 West 19th Stree1, C0'1a Mesa, CA 92827 Thill buslneu 11 con- ducted by a COl"J>OfaUon Hav.e you atenod do!ng buslM&S yet? No Art Judice Fomlly Bilhat<lS, In<; , Arthur Ju· dice President · This statement was ti~ with ·Iha County Clerk ol Orange Courity on 8-3-99 10996801176 Dally Pllol Aug 5, 12 19, 26, 1999 Th749 FICUtlou1 Butlneu Name Statement The lotlowlng persons are doing business u Cyber111et Business D&· volopment, 318 12th Street Huntington Beacn, CA92~ Aaron C Esparza, 318 12th Sl!eat. Hunt1n01on Beactl CA 928'48 JamH N. Martinez, 200 Pacmc Coast Highway, #3U, Huntington Beach, CA 92s.8 Thl5 buSlneSI IS OOl'I· ducted by· oo-pertnars Have yoo Started doing business yot? No Aaron C Esparza This statement was fifed with the County Clenc ot Orange County on 8·3-99 1h968011711 DailY Pilot Aug 5, 12 19, 26, 1999 Th747 Fictitious Buslneu Name Statemen t The following persons are domg bUs1neu Bfi McCoimacl< & Farrow 695 Town C&nter Dr , Sle 660. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Jerry M Farrow, 175 w Junipero. San Clemente, CA 92672 Kenneth L Thompson, 1878 Peppertree. Villa Park. CA 92667 Helen E. Frledlnan, 22 Seaview Dnve. N • ROiiing Hills Es1a1es. CA 90274 Gene L Phelps, 2904 S Lvndal• Avenue, Sioux F'alls, SD 57105 James O Wada, 20792 Skimmer Lane, Huntington Beach. CA 926A8 This business Is con· ducted by a general pan· nershlp Have you started dOlng bu1tness yet? Yes, Dec. 1984 Jerry M Farrow This statement was ltlOd with the Coonty Clerk of Orange Coun1y on 8·3·99 19996801173 Dally Pilol Aug 5, 12. 19 26, t999 Th750 Flctltloua Butlneu Name Statement The following persons are doing business as t<.od To canines Dog Tratn•ng SeMces, 203 Ce· dar Sirwet. Unit I A, New· port Beach, Callfornta 92663 Dalll81 Ray Allonson, 203 Cedar Street, Un.I tA, Newpott Beach. Califomla 92863 This business is con .. ducted by an indl'lldual Have you staned oong business yet? No Darnel Ray Atkanson This statement was filed with the Coonty Cieri. ol Orange County on 7·30-99 19996800903 Dally Piiot Aug 5, 12, 19, 26, 1099 Th738 Ff ctltloua BualneH Nam e Statement The lollowlng persons are d<>lng business as Bliss. 2063 Tustin Ave D, Colla Mesa C1llf 92627 Gail C&rtter, 2063 Tustin Ave O. Coata Mesa. Calli 92627 Thia buSlnNS IS con· duc:ltd by an Individual Have you Started doing bUSJll8U yet? No Gau Cattier T'tws statement was fifed w th lhe County Clerk of Orange County on 7·30 99 . 1"96l00904 DaJly Pilot Aug 5, 12. 19, 28, 1999 Th739 ::J:futlttou. Bw•lneH Nam• Statement The IOIW!ng pef50tls are doing business as Regency Properties, L P., 1555 South Coast Highway, L.eguna Beach, Ca 92651 KSC Management, Inc l (CA), 533 Coast Boulevara Sou1h, Le JOiia, CA 92037 This buslnen Is oon· dueled by a hmtted partnership Have you 1tar1ed dOlng bullnus yet ? Yea, 03-01 -91 KSC Mansgament, Inc , Paul L Reed, ExtcutlYI Vice Pruidlnt This 11atemem WH hl«t W!lh the County C.111 of o,.noe Coun:\ on 7·»119 , ....... Dail¥ Pllol Aug 5 12, 19, 26. 1099 Th740 Fktlik>W IUalMH .............. t The fOllOwWlg ~ •r• OolrlCI buAleN .. OSI Ente'Pf1M1, 1280 Blaon Al/9 , 89 1!i, fMw• c>Ott Beech ca 92660 O.nlel Stanton Imler, t323 I! 8d>oa Blvd 14, NewpQ11 a.ch. ca •*' T~ ~II con ~tiy an ~ H~ Yo11 ..., doltlQ bUtlnal ~7 No D.,, lml9f Thla ~ ... flllta Wiil the Cca.riy QM of ~ cour~ur.~tri:t ~Plot Al.s '· 11, ''· .. ,... ltl'741 ............ &1111 .......... _ .. -~,.._,. -:=t.a.a.· 1at0.•E:.: "=*CA,_ c:a.. °"" ICM. 1111 n.,--= Oalia ..... 1lila --..... &F- Bade p 1n ClifliC co." . HMlo_DC Trlis ·~' llleO wtth Ille Counly CWrk DI Of&f'91 Couitty on 7 30"'19 f tMellOOlt1 Da!IY Pilat Aug &, 12, 11i. 26, 1 ~ Th743 FtetltiOua BualneH Name Statement Tne lollOwN persons ere dolnQ business a1 ICE CRtAM AND S~CKERS SUBS, 813 E. Balboa Ave • Newpott Beac:ll. CA 926111 Ch1 Chi Nguyen, 1631 5 Pacific Avenue, Santa Ana. CA 92704 Thll business 11 con· ducted by· an lndMdUal Have you started CIQlng bu,1nus ve17 Yo, 08-01·99 Chi Chi Nguyen Thlf statement wa& tiled with th• County Clertl ot Ofange County on 8-3-99 10996801181 Dat1yPllOIAUg 5, 12. 19, 26, 1999 Th744 Flctltloua Bualneaa Name Statement The lollow!ng persons are doino business as SHARMllLA ASSOCIATES. 2480 IMne Blvd , 1256, Tustin CA 92782 Sharm llla WI · 1ulriwardena 2480 Irvine Blvd 1258. Tusun.. CA 92782 Th11 business Is con· ducted by en 1ndiv1e1ua1 Have you started doing business yet" Yes. 04/94 Sha rm Illa WIJ~lnwardena This statement was filed with the County Clerll ol Orange County on 7·t6·99 191196799397 Dally P1to1 July 22 29, Au~ 5, 12, 1999 Th692 F ctltloua Bu1lneaa Name Statement The lotloW1ng persons ara doing bustnass as; Wells & Associates. 536 Danmouth Dr , Placentia ca 92970 Ray Edwaro Wells, 536 Dartmoulh t>r .. Placentia, Ce 92810 This business 15 con· ducted by an lnd1v1Cfu8I Hi.ve yoo started doing business )'(It? Yes, • 01-01-1993 Ray E Wells Thi~ S1atemen1 was fifed With Ille County Clerk ol 01ange County on 7 16·99 19996799396 Da~y Pilot July 22. 29 A11 S. 12, 19911' Th693 ctltloua Bualneas Name Statement The loflOwmg persons are dOing busl08SS as· SMJ CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT. 1823 Arch Bay Dnve. N8WP0/1 Beach, CA 92680 Steven M. Jacobson, 1623 Artll Bay Dnve, New· port Beactl, CA 92660 Th11 buslness is ton· ducted by an 1ndMduaJ Have you started dom~ business yet? No St81111n M Jacobson Th•• statemern was hied w1tn Iha County Clerk ol Orange County on 7·2°'99 191196799687 Dall! Ptlol July 22 29. Au_2 • 12 1999 Th709 Fictitious Buslneaa Name Statement Tne l~ing pel'IOnS are doing business as 1) Alexander Enterprtses, Inc • b) Ageless Magazine. 22992 Mill Creell, Suite B, l.founa Hin, CA 92653 Aleqnder Enterprises. Inc , (CA) 22992 M1~ Creek, Suite B, L&ouna Hills. CA 92653 Th11 business la con· ducted by a a>rpofBl1on Have yoo started domg busmen yet? Yes, 04/01199 Alexande1 Enterprises, Inc., Kellane Gllolf. President Thll statement was flied wtlt'I Iha County .clerk of Orange County on 7·2o-99 1"96799681 Dally Pilot July 22' 29 Aug 5, 12. 1999 Th698 f lc;tltloua BualneH Name Statement The lolloWlng persons a re doing bulll'l8$$ as Baac:h Ac:Qess, 596 The Shops Al MtSSion Vt9t0. MISSIOl'I Vl8f0, CA 92614 Beach Access Inc • (CA), t8003 Sky Par\ Cu· cle Suile E, IMM, CA 92614 • Thia bullness Is oon- .dua.14.Jri ·~ Have you started doing business yet? No Beach Access, Inc .• Thomas J, Moore, Pt88ldenl This statement was f11e<1 Wtlh the County Cl9i'k ol Orange County on 7-20·99 19"M7Hf78 Daltv Pilot July 22 29. Aug S. 12, 1999 Th701 Actlttou. Buelneea Name Statement The I l*iOl\S 8'11 '10ln9 ~IM$8 .. Mai'lne ltnpfelliCnl. 492 E t~ S1 , COs Me , CA 92627 Ol8fYI Lea Duncan. -t2 E lad! St , Costa Meta, CA92e27 This 1>uaineu 18 eon dueled by an lncliVldual Havtl you •la"ed CIOlng b"911\M• yet1 No Cheryl Lee Oullcan TM statement was fifed W1U1 !tie County Cleftl of Orange Coun~:J·20 99 1 91185 Dally Piiot Jury 22. 29. Au~ 5, 12, 1999 Th707 ctltloua Bualneaa Name Stetement The f04tov.ong pel"Orll are d04ng bus1nen as Mesa Builders. 214 1 Re· public Ave , Costa Mesa, CA 92627 ' Frank OoWd. 2141 Re· pvblic Ave • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 ' ThtS buS1ness Is con· dueled by an lndrvldual Have you llarted do!ng business ye17 No Frank Dowd This stalernent wa5 hied Wtltl the County Clerk of Orange County on 7·2o-99 1119967"684 • Dally Pilot July 22, 29. Aug s. 12. 1!1119 Th708 Flctltlou a BuslneH Name Statement The lolloWing persona are doing busmess as SCOTT MARKETING 1955 Port Provance Place, N~rt Beach, California 9 o;.;'1e11e Lee Scott. 1955 Port Proyence Place, New- port Beach, Callforma 92660 This bU5lness is con· ducted by. an 1ndlvldual Ha\19 you started doing business yet? No Danielle Scott This statement was tiled witn the County Clerk ol Orange County oo 7·19·99 111996799582 ba1ly Pilot July 22. 29, ~ 5, 12, 1999 Th696 lctitlous Business Name Statement The follOWIOQ per$005 are doing buS1ness u at>uymxcom. buyn11t 401 Hamuton . eosta Mesa CA 92627 Grant McGregor, 513 carnation St Corone Del M.at, CA 92625 Leon Lo. 513 112 Cima· lion St . ~ Del Mar, CA 92625 Douglas Hartshorne. 40t Hamonon •B. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Thi& buSln&IS Is con· ducted by a hm•ted partnersn1p Have you started doing buSlness yet? No Douglas A HartshOrne, General Partner This s1a1emen1 wa.s lited with the County Clerk of Orange County on 7·20-99 1"9M7119675 Dally Pilot July 22. 29. Aug ~. 12, 1999 Th704 Fictitloua Buslneu Name Statement The following persona are doing buslllHS as Wesisoe Gear, 2'296 Ofa.nge Ave • Cocta ~ CA92827 Westside Gaar Com· pany, (Nevada), 2204 Stonacrolt, Las Vegas, Na· \lltOa 89137 Ths l>YS1ness IS con· duded by' a oorporallon Ha11e you started doing bus4MSS yet? No Westside Gear Com· pany. Mike Scharnell, President This statement was filed w n the County Clerto; o1 Orange County on 7·1&-99 19996'7"9401 Dally P1tol July 22, 29, Aull 5, 12. 1999' Th694 CNS17330n NOTIC E TO CONTRACTORS Project No. 99 MOS 11 Saaled bids wilt be re· ce111ed at the olhce ol Ptanl Opetatt0ns FalfVtew Dav C&ntet, 2501 Hartxw BM! , Costa Mesa CA 92626 un- 111 2;00 p m on Sept, 28, 1999 at Whtch ume fl'ley Wiii be putlliCfy 098ned and read tor pertorming WOffil IO !um.sh .. labor I mallnell IOOls and equiprnen• l'll!C· essary to remove encl do&· pose ol asbestos mate11- &1S, as needed at Fe•rvleW DeY91opmenlal Qr In K· oorcsanoa w1tn plan. and speoflcattOnS Bidders lor !his PfOf8d asbeslOI cer\lficattOnS and be reg •red w11h CAL· OSHA c1 aulf1c11 ton lloense(S) Issued by the Cootrac10t1' Slate Lloense Board. tr lhe bidder 11 not licensed as speo'flad. ll'le bid will be <Jsregarded Joint Ven1u111 btdder5 must possess • JOlfll Venture License ,.,eft renc:e •Ill be IO tliOdetS U ll BUWIMI• In •cccM'd#nc:ID ViUh 68CIOI\ 1 eu41q T 2, can. tlxnla Code ol Rea~lons Applk:lllOtw tor Pfeteranco mu51 be :Mlmtied IO end 8Wf0¥41d bY the OftlCe ol Smu ard Minot11y Busl· l\011, 1631 I ~1..C 2ncS Floof, 6acfamerito, CA 15914 2018 Bldl m~I be llA>mltted lot t'8 em1,. wortt dl- ICt lt>ed ll'lerein Deillatlonl lrl)fTI plans and apedfl· ca11on1> wlll nci1 be con· sld•ed and be cause IOI 1819Cllonl of bids The O.pertmant hU !tie rtght to waive any uregulartty In a bid Of to f9j8Ct any or aM bida No bid Wiii be con· sldertd unless it Is made on a stenderd rorm tom1She4 by tna Depart· ment Ind ._ made 111 ac· cordance with ltle "lnatruc· liOtlS 10 8'ddetS M Protpecltve ~,.. may eumtne Ind Obtain plana, 1pecll1ca11on1, and bid forms br calling Cannalerle Serra a (714) 957-5213 A payment bond, Stan- dard Form 807 for Ina total contract ~must accom· ptiny ffVary conlrad involv· Ing an expenct.ture In ex· C81S ol $5,000 The IUCOllsflA bidder *111 be reQUtred to enter 1n1o a con1ractua1 ag,..... nwnt in the .torm 04 1 ttSten-daro Agreement, form STD 2" which lhall ba btnding upon the s1a111 o1 Cahlomia onty upon approval by Iha State The contract ts not binding on eltne1 party un: less and u1111111 11 approved by the appropnate Slate agencies, lncludlng the De· partment ol General Serv· ices. II required. AN none•emp1 state con-tract$ of $5,000 or more are subject to state con-tractor nona1scl'lmlna11on and comphance requir• ments pursuant to Govem· ment Code. Section 12990 and Tltle 2 Cehlomla COO. of Reguraoons. Div161on 3. Section 8201 A bid for I public works contract, wt\dl II submitted by I bidder wtlO has been de· cert1lied lrom oonlrac:tlng wilt\ the Staie by the ~ pertlMrlt ol Fair Employ· menl and 1-fous;og, sha.I be deemed to be norvespot\SIV8 ana snau be rejeded The OepartmenJ ol De· 11alopmental Servces ls scliallng bids lrom Dis· &bled Vetenin Bus1nen Enterprtses tr1 On:ler to mee1 Ille Dapartmenrs es· tablished goals ol 3 per· cent for dlsabled veteran business enterprts•s (OVBE) to comply w11t1 Section 10115. el seq .. of fhe Public Conttact Code ana Tiiie 2, Cahlom1a Code of Regulations. Section 18060 60, •• seq DVBE partltipetlon goel rs required In accordance with the prov is ions o1 Sec:tJon 1n3 of 1ne Labof Code. Iha De- partment has ascertainod lhat the general p191111illng rates of wages applicable in Iha county In wtllCl'I Ole work 11 to be done are tllo6• ra1es "1abl11nect and publ11hed by 1'le Dwec· lor of the Depariment of In· dUsttial RelallOOI COples ol Iha wage ,.tu are on r.1e et Iha Office ol the Chief ol Ptent OperallonS FaiMaW Dev Ctt Mandatory· pre-bid con- ference wlll be held ~ 30, 1999 IOOOem F1t1V18w (Developmental Carner) (Meet at Plant Op- eration• Office) Oeofge "cQhee, ctilef of Ptan1 Opwatlona II Published Newport 8each-Co6ta Mesa Dall)' Pilot August 5, 12, 11199 Th733 BSC 8610 NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: CLIFFORD AL.AN SCHNEIDER CASE NO. A198229 To all heirs, benall· etanes crtdltors, conl· lngen1 credlton, and per· IOtls WflO may o4hel'Yrise be in rested In the w!ll or .s;1a • or bOlh. cl. CUFFORD A.LAN SCHNEIDER A PETITION FOR PAO- BA TE hu been flled by CAROL SCHNBDEA In ... Supel!Of Cquf1 Of CeJl. k>mla. ~ ol ORANGE THE PETITION FOR ~!::-~ .... hit CAROL SCHNEIDER be appointed u peraonel tsp· r11An\8tlve to admin1$19f the estale of 1l'le decedenl niE PETITION rwquellS euthorlty to admlnlater in. uiate undef the lndepelld· ant Adm11111tration ol e. tales Act (This Aultlor!ly W\11 anow the personet ~ ,. .. n1111Ve to tak.e manv STARTING ANEW BUSINESS:~? • • • • • • • • • • • 'MliOnl wllr10Ul ~ c:iout1 apprcrtal 'Bebi ~ mttain i\l9ty ~· lll'll llCtiOrtS, ~ ..... penotl&I ••Pf9Mftlatl't9 wrll be ~ ID Olll't no- b CO ln•..-t~ urli8M uwy htW .... nouoe or CD ... ..., io "' ptq>OMd aaion l The in- dependent edln lilll llllorl ~ w1I ba gr...a Uf'leee en 111t9l#ed pet• '°" 1114K an Objedlof\ ID ll'le pe11uon and "'°""' good C8UM .nr 1ne OOUtl lticUd not gCMC lhe ault"IOrtly A HEARING on Irle ,,... llon Wil be held Ol'I SEPTEMBER 2. 1099 at 1 4~ p m In Dac>t L73 lc>o cated at 341 The City Ol1Vt Souttf. Orange, CA 92188. IF YOU 06.IECT to the gtantJnQ of the petition, VOi.i ahould appear at ..,, rwat Ing and state yout = uons or lite written lions witn the court o"' the hear1n9. Your a"· pearance may be in P8taC1f1 or,~roo ~y CREDI· TOR or contingen1 credMf of lhe d.c:l8Ued. you """' file 'J04lf dalm •th .. c:ourt and mail a copy to Iha personal representative eppoin td by !he ooun wilhin '°'" months from the date ol the flfst ISSU811Clt OI letters u ptOYided In Pro- bate Code MCllotl 11 OQ The lime lot t111ng ~ will. not ~ bit months from 1he hea.rtng date nobCed above YOU MAY EXAMINE h lite kept by the court If you are a peraon Interested In lhe estate, you may file wi1h the court a Requesl tor Special Notice (loon DE· 154) of tile tiling ol an 1n- v11111<>ty and apPralsal of 1State usa\S ·or ol eny. pelillon or account a.1 pl'Ollided In Probate Code section 1250. A Requesl tor Speaal Notice loon Is evaJleble from !tie court clanc Att~~ for Che Pethlonef: ROBERT P. HUCKABY, ESQ., SBN 97633 4631 ADMtAALTY WAY. MARINA on REY. CA 902t2 Publllhed Newpot1 eaam. Cosca Mesa oa.iy P1tot August 12, 18. 19. 1999 ThW155 FlcttUou1 Bualr'99a Name St.tement The lolloWlng pel'IOnS are dOlng t>ustness as lnter11anoa, 151 KalmUI Dr • Suite K·2. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Edu· Tech lndu11rtes. LlC, (CA), 151 Kalmus Or , &111 k·2. Costa-Mesa, CA 92626 This business Is ooo- ducted b)' Umlted LlabH1tyCo. Have you sWtrted doing business yef? Yes, 12/23196 Edu·Tech lndustriH llC, Glona Kamph/Preti· dent & CEO Thie Ntemeol was filed wlltl the Coonty Clenc oC Ofange County on I· 10-98 1"9ao1MI Da•ty Pb AUQ 12. 19, 26, Sept 2 1119l1 Th761 f l - ~ ..... & ' . r ,..,..._~ -- G:t EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY AH r11I nlllt tdVtr1lsln1 In lhl• ••n,1per Is subject lo 1"9 Fed· tral Ftlr Honl•t Act ol 1968 11 1111t1dtd which mans It llltttl lo lllwtrillt "Hy prtltrHCt, , llmluliH or dlscr1ml11tt1111 lllud H rt ct, color. rellglon. '"· h11dlQp. ram11111 suits or aallonl orl1l1, or an l11t11Ut1 lo mtkl uy uch "tltruct, Hmllll!IN °' llscrlmlutlen. • n11 lltWIP••tr will ROI kAtWlltly tcctlJI Inf tdwtrUH· 1nut ltr retl ttltlt wblc• 11 ht wlol11fo1 ol the ltw. Oar re1dera trt hre•r l1lormed 11111 all d•tlll11gi adwtr111td 11 l~I• lfWqllplr lrt IYllft•lt Oft II tqHl OPJOlfHlty blsls. Tt um· pt111 ot dltcrimhl1llo1. un HUD' TofHrtt ti t-801-42._1590 FOT lh WtsllltttlH. DC trtl J11111 ctlf HUD II 421-3500. 1 HOUSES/CONDOS FOR SALE GENERAL SOLO!! Showcase Homes for Sale In our Saturday Reel Estate Su'f plementl Homes o the Week O!splay Ads Start al Just $75' Deadline Is Twesday at SPM Ooen House l.Jsbngs $151 Deadhne Thursday 5PM · It Pays to Advertise In the Beat Local Real Est.ta Section CALL TOOAYll USA K. RIVERA 949-574-4252 ANNE WILLEY 949-574-4249 FORECLOSED HOMIS low or SO Down! Gov't & Bonk Repos Being Sold! Financing A~oiloble! 800-S01-17n X60S7 . FAHNIE MAE • FREDDll MAC. URO DOWN AGENT 714914 541& ·l'~I vOPEH SUN 11-3 2-stoty Duplex new catpetS, Pllnt. Window coveitnge, stepl lo beach, view of bay. Good cond. $696,000. Castt to Loan Heleol Joy. Ag! 949-673-3663 • ~·Hlt . Cl -... - ~ -L l,J ' . IU0-1140 ! • GI 610~190 ,-n I.,_ ·' ~-.. ~ • I f ' I . 7011·9090 ~·· - - 10 HOUSE9.ICONDOS FOR SALE COSTA MESA 75 INCOME PROPERTY NNITSSALE E'SIOE C E LEGAL N~PORT AOJACE BR TRl·PLEX. All. 1·STORY. 2BA lmmac, cuta •tarter, $335,000IOfFER $3611,000 Muat Seel tf2 blk to OWNER/AGT MM-42-9666 NPB Ag! 1149-261~122 E SIDE JEWEL OPEN SAT,_. 232 E 21ST ST 4bf 2ba spac hvrm beau decor landSc mod kite, $369'11 Jackie GiU1s Rtr ol· l.ce 949·631·8011 E'Sl!>E MODEL PERFECT 3BD 2.SBA 2-STORY · $335,000 AGT. 94111723-8120 EASTSIDE TWO ON A LOT "$335,000. Drive by 22S 21st Beach ~ke cottages on huge lot Agenl 9'49·718-2367 1 S HOUSES/CONDOS FOR SA1.E DANA POINT WALK TO BCHI 25008 Terrace Lantem 1 br lba condo, by lhe beach m3nna harbor & SllOps By Owner $98.500 562·716·2599 ~2 HOUSES/CONDOS FOR SALE IRVINE IRVINE WOODBRIDGE Highly upg,.d eue hme. 4br, 3ba, 3 car gar, new carp ptlnt • roof. Exec otflca w/ cull bullt In tum. By Owner S54tSOO. M9--552·5258 TURT\.E ROCK loweal !>'ice "Open SUN ·1·5" 12 Meryton home in Summll 5brs 3.Sba 3 frplcs. newly bulh 1996 2 car gar. aprox 3~. ot Irv Agt Pegi 949.6J2·5n3 26 HOUSES/CONDOS FOR SALE LAGUNA NIGUEL Lag•m1 Niguel 25121 Sanona Open Sun 1·5 • 3br 2.Sba Soanng ce1rs, lrplc, NlgUel Ranch, pnv, award WV1 schools owner $269.900 949·363·8190 32 HOUSES/CONDOS FOR SALE NEWPORT BEACH ARE YOU LOOKING for 1 luxury Condo under $300K. Close 10 Ben, Mama, shops? CMs EdWarcJs, Fll'st ESlates Prop COM 949·389-9209 ABANDONED Buch Cottage $399,900 3BR 2BA AGENT 94i..723-8120 •THE BLUFFS• Ong 11ea 3br 2ba totally redone. pertect! Estate ~quida1lon pnced 10 sel fastl $315,000 Agent HN-40-5560 4 sea. cstm wood floors home offtee w/sep entry NICI< Jordan. Radlord Realty 9'49-&99-t200 FRONT ROW BEACH PRIME CORNER AXER S9So,ooo. A9\: na.a120 Dover ShOI'" Trustee Sala 408 Rigel Cir 3br conv 2 .. 2 25ba vu ol parll & baok bay Bkr Colop $6491< lse hold Owner Sllown by appl. 949-e.44·2711 BIG CYN VILLAS TOWNHOME EXCELLENCE Bordering Big Cyn Golf CourM. 2·3brs OOen Sun 1·4 ,:Ofd Aoa4 Prop 9'49-759-nOO ON1! FORD RD • 8 Thunderbird Or. OPEN SAT.SUN 11-4 '3br 3.Sba huOe 11l$lr I>< on 1s1 llr. Cttdrens 'bonus rm, ~ rm 3 w oar NEVER BEEN OCCUPIED No me1oW Roos Wiii Colop bkrs. $1.295,000 Owner Olr 949-729-0t 19 OPEH S4f.SON 11.s no VISTA MADERA RARE FINDll Panoramic blckbay 'M# BeSI Blulf tot Pitt' relr'981 bacl<s wldemtU Pf898Nt Hpgtily remcxl 4br+ din 3.Sba OWner $6491( • 213-595-1416 • 714"636-2538 ·Liao Peiin• 10 ClbrttiO 2bf 21>1 998Sl. plantation sOOI tors, l#ld lie, comm pool COr loo. Pnv bch lor r8SICI $152,51< LIDO RESORT HOMES 949-6'73-Ge23 or 720-G882 iAHL: wlif FTnlllC/09 $469,000 Trfplt1 or lut1 ont blO HOUlt $38S.OOO 2lrflll + 18' pat unit. S*.000 HoUse 94~2·3850 104 APTS BALBQA ISLAND BALBOA ISLANO 3000 sf Duplex 1410 so. S.rtront 2Br/Den 3Ba, prl<g, $3(J()(}IMo yearly 949· 752·288 t 105 APTS BALBOA PENINSULA BALBOA PENINSULA 2 Unite, t20 371h • 2Br 1Ba Cottage • 3Br 2Ba Unit 4 Houses from beacl'll Avl 913 FunVUnfum opcional Laundry. Pe11dng, Garwge, PallOs. Deck, Garden. $1200·$2000/mo Winier/Yearly neg Appl 1·31C>-553·4227 •BAY FRONT BLOG 1& 1Ba. lnvnacutate. lresnly palmed. new carpet, no pelSI smlo.g, $850/mo 949-673-1943 Lg Brighi 2br 1 ba, lr1 patio, steps lo Oc!Ybay Frplc, park· too. no pets. 1 yr lse $1300/mo 511 W Bay· 949-64°'5719 109 APTS CORONA DEL MAR •THE• SHORES APTS 1 & 2BR TOWNHOMES Starting at $1095/mo Month to Month lease We are a pat c:omrnunrty 6 blocks lrom t>each 949-644·2611 110 APTS COSTA MESA *COSTA MESA'S BEST* JunJOr · 1 bedroom and 1 bedroom, also 2 bedloom 1 bath Quiet gated comrronny. pool, tems, easy access fo freeway, t>each & malls 714-557.0075 STUDIO E'SIDE furn, qulel ar~. ab<We gat898, na lcll, l\lsmkg, pets $500IMo Avail Now. 949-642-8699 Lv Msg NEW EASTSIOE 2Br 1 Ba Apt. Cape Cod Style wfpool. $1100-$1400. 949/887-095D. 132 APTS NEWPORT BEACH Quite, Sp1clou1 Studio private ent. pallo, NC, partcing, 1 bloell to beach $7S<Wmo Mi.-574-1785 NEWPORT HEIGKTS 1Br 181 Bungalow, $995/Mo 28r 1Ba . hardwood floors, beamed cetls, $1600/mo No Pets Undsay (949) 717 ... 795 l...aJ'le 2BR ~ (rom $2100 Wood burning fireplace & private garage. Sorry. no peta. Pleue call1 (949) 760..6919 Ru11• ... 1111d dt>adline~ 1m• ,.ubjtt'I 10 dumgr .. By Fax (949) 6:i l -6594 JlyPhooe (949) 642-5678 By MaWin Person:. wit hour unrkt'. Tlw p11hli•ltt>r r<''t•n·c, tlu.• tight tn 1·r11..or rrdas~i(y. rt'' 1~c or n·jrt·t any du,~ifll'd uth a1i,t·nu•11r Ph•tt'-t' tt•i>ort any r.rror 1hu1 nut\' br iu ,·our do,,ifi1•d 11d imn1cdiutt>ly. Tlw Dail) PiJ01 u1·1·1·pi.. 1111 liability (or any error in 1111 uJ\l'l lhl.'tncnt for which it nmy be 11',J)(•1t .. i!Jl1· 1·\trP.t Co; thr t-o,c o( the spuce actmill) 0t·1·11i>itd hy tlw rrror. Crt·dit can on ly be allowi-d for 1lw first in~rr1ion. (Plt•o t• inrl11J1• p111r numP and phont• nmnbrl· nud we'll 1·ull )OU • back wllb a pri1·1• t11w1t•.) 132 APTS NEWP.ORT BEACH 132 -APTS NEWPORT BEACH LIVE THE LIFESTYLE Corporate Apartn1~nt at ~ .gJaE&.a -!~ap W&~~ An Exclusive Opportunity for \Vaterfront Living on ewport Bay • 2 Bedroom, 2 Bach, Living Room, Dining Room & Kitchen • Private Guard-Gated Entrance 24-Hour Security & Switchboard • Private Beach • Gym, Spa & Pool • A Village unto iuelf with Meeting Rooms, Restaurant, Cocktail Lounge, Entertainment & Room Service To sd1edult.> ~·our prh·ate !'lhowing. pleul'lt> ,·all (949) 6-45-5000. ext. 161 ill ill ill ~ RARE OPPORTUNITY ~ ~ I/, (.£_ / '((r!r111; APARTMENT HOMES Experience Island Living At Its Finest • Heated Pool • 24 HR Security Cate • 24 HR Fitness Center • Clubhouse Facility . . Limited Availability In I or 2 Bedroom Plans I BR/Den· $1845.00 • 2BR/rom $1995 00 Washer/Dryer Gas Fireplaces Intrusion Alarms 9 Foot Ceilings Gourmet Kitchens Condo Specs Elevator Access Assigned Par-king Full Concierge Services Included CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 1-888-222 .. 6924 FAIRWAY APARTMENTS AT BIG CANYON CHARMllfQ COTTAGE 2br 1be, 2 c.-ow. trp~. hwdwd firs, W/O. SOI Ac.cta. $1t9Slmo. 94Wt2"25t5 Cl\imq ' ijilClCii$ 2br 2ba oondo, jacuZZI lub, lplc:, •ke new, no pets, $1900 WBA to !>(Niii• beech. 9'49"640-2t5e 1"°:111 48r 2Y.a.ctl 3000 tf, 3c get, Mesa Vetdt llomt. new Cllll>8l. pa1n1. no 1191• S2'70M.4o. Agent 714-641-0290 1U HOUSEM:OtlK>S FORAENT DMAPOINT BLUFF TOP·FOR LEASE Htl'bor, Ocean ltland Vltwtl 4Br/'38a 3-c gar llv rm. cjn rm, huge ldt w/\511nd, eat WI kil area, trench doOts, Fp, bar. glass door l)(ltry. gated court yard, huoe blcll yard, sit down Harbor & Whtie waler YMIWS Beautlful M8$1er Suiie. walk-in doeel, bllCOfl't Over 3200 s I Gteat credd a mus1 Aoent Exciusivell 949·363·5098 siMIA 2000. SI 1Sano1'11111C 11iew, vaulted Ctlling. custom .-eallar, Wllll covemgs. custom Wll'lt ceUai, pool, 11>1, terns, S1900/mo N4mkg/ Ptl• OOod credit a rn.rsil Agent ~9..363-5098 t82HOUT~ NEWPORT BEACH . carpet.z 2 car gar, club hou1t, pool, J1650 pp I00-34M009 Harbor VleW Homu 3t>r 2ba, new paint, great neighborhood S2500/mo avail lnvnedlatety 94M75-5122 PanoramlC vlewa lrom 6200 SF Home In Dover Shofes wKh Pool, TOIKll·The·Une Upgrades! MaltJla .Eloorrng & Granite Coonteis $7500/Mo Alto For Lt11t In Summtt It $15,00<Wo. or Short Term. CALL RAMA, 94W5i..2'44 HANU REDDY REAL lY HARBOR VIEW HOMES 3br 2ba Hoose tor I.Se S2SOO 1815 Port Ashley Open hou$e go direct 949' 760-3a22 Blllfft 3Br 2ba Townhome new tile & kllchen. pvt patio, near school, 2-ar 11111198 S1760/mo lease 949·750·9165 HlA80fi VIEW 4bf Ube, highly upgraded, lar9' yard, n11r 1cJ1oole. S000/1110 94M-'4 ... 721 330 \Vt•st Bay Stn•rt Costa M<'~m. CA 92627 . At ~t·~ pi1rt Dhd. & Bil} St. ---Deadllnes -~ Boors Tclephotw 8:30am-5:00pm ~uuday-fridot \Valk-In 8:30am-5:00pm ~onday-Friduy Monday ................. Friday 5:00pm Tuesday .............. Monday 5:00pm • Wednesday ......... Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ....... Wednesday 5:00pm Friday ............... Thursday S:OOpm Saturday ............... Friday 5:00pm 182 HOUSES/CONDOS 1454 FURNITURE I ARTlST COUfCTION ~:;::::::;:::::::::. .. .:;;;;;:;::;;;;;;;:~;;;;::;::;::;::;::;::. ~ t\al'd1>8inted attiques + 1 some t>abv furniture. outslanO-~ logl(949.6J1·2111 182 HOUSES/CONDOS FOR RENT NEWPORT BEACH 182 HOUSES/CONDOS FOR RENT NEWPORT BEACH • FOh RENT NEWPORT BEACH I ~ "linaM/J1n a O.Corl!lve LIDO P(OllHUlA IH IOAr •runfftft•I "tf• "'°l tye vi g ltemt 'reakwood tables, beds, statues. Indoor/outdoor Items Wholltale. MM-4$-7609 DOUble 8td wh.h whhe pint hetdbo•d, firm matttffl, very clun, S125. Call 94M46-9240 ELECTROPEOIC LA TEX BED New $1550. . Never Und! Mike Offtrl 9491632-7573 ltallan liathff 1of1 & iove- M&t. new 1tlll wrflPped very 1011. top qu1111y. w .. booo 1acrmc.. S8llO. 949-261-9933 &Ill 1w tilt '-11 If twr,M, mm../ivi"l;,, dis fl"""' railt.hJ flll!.:Mtt-~ L«.uJ •~ /tt1hptd W. Pm1r1..V "'&;,,rr' ~ "-i-i ---flthilti Ito i.tt'tfl klllfl led~ If 1"""' !"'· · Llrge SOUlhwHt C>rt•Hr w/malchng mirror, v.Mewastt sacrifice $400 obo 949· 64&-3851 949-474-2225 WOl1l Must ae11'2. 1 pJece Cherry wood bedroom sets $1500 Cherry lormal ctnrio room set $1850 714-809-434~ • Pnvite Bnch For Residtntt • National Award-Winning Commuruty • Biy Views • Walk to Shoe'• Dining&<. EnretWllmtOt • PoOI. Spa and Clubhouse • Perfect Vacation Homes • 2 Bedroom I 2 Bath • Large Decks R1lph Lauren Bedroom set Off White wicker Qll( headboard, stx drawer dt&$$8f. ntghtsland mITTOI $500.obo. Make Oller1Call9491632-7573 ~~~ S3,6QQ Month Lido Peninsula Resort Residential Vfflage 710 Udo Park Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92663 949.673.6030 I •56 PETSIUVESTOCK I Rere exotic wlld•looklng leoplrd tpottld CFA oclcat khtent tor. prlvlltQed flw $450/SSOO MM.31-2111. (CoMIHwyll>~SMI -TumloflaMoVle ...... po...-11>Leloy_.,..,....,.N;f ~-~II> l.JOo P.n, °""".,.., --Mt-... .---la ll>e ...wy 1> lclo ,,_...... "-' 202 Motel ROOMS FOR RENT ·coSTA MESA' MOTOR INN 1 ST Wk Special On All Rms $134.00 Tax. features 24·hrs lront desk, 0 D pl10nes tree HBOIESPNIDosc + loc ctlaM. pooVheate<J )ac Guest laund Nrby Fwys, 405 & 55 min away lrom OC Fairgr<IS, College, 5hop maHs, bchs, rest A. member ol cam HoteVMotel ~n Halbo< Blvd 94~645-4840 204 AENTAlS TO SHARE ROOMMATE NEEDED Pron non·smok81 see1<1ng same to share 3br 2ba, ocean 11001 beach house M~ttf avail S1tOO • 112 utn 949·631·8428 clNn Pro1·11ema1e piei'd, snr spacious 3br 2ba h$e, wld. gar $718, ro'smWpet. ev19/1 CdM 949-640-8215/ 949-759-7535 n.c.. ............ °""1) 208 OFFICES FOR RENTllEA!>E Costa MeH 1mall off•~ epace to rent. Sttrting at $1SG-S300 Incl ell u1il. N .. r OCC, nice quilt toe. L011 of perking. 7f4-54o-3666 2f0 COMM/RETAIL t1NOUSTRJAL FOR RENT/LEASE 1500 S.F. AVAIL NOW $900/MO. 949-646-1164 I 402LOST. FOUND I LOST AUG Ith., wound Baclr Bay areL Smell green aeno- gaf parrot. Briohl yellow under wings. l>olly. Rft1rd. Mf.650-3.460 • Loet 12yr okl Chocolate Lab female, green caOar, vet t~s VK:lnitY of Back Bly NB 949-645-6980 Antiques 8·14 CM 1811'1/West 2 en<1 R1<J11 o oate 1531 Ptnnsula Hand palnlod tum, some baby. 949.(13t-2111 2-3 OFF'ICe.5 AVAILABLE+ SHARING OF BEAUTIFUL CONFERENCE ROOM WJTt t OCEAN VIEW IDEAL FOR ATTORNEY. CPA, INSURANCE OR PROFESSIONAL lSHARINO WITH FINANOAL ADVISOR) """11/\1, ... ll\/\ If ",1; '-1 \\l'lll;t 'I '\I I I : ltl: 'I <t .,I\\ 1·111: I 1'.I \t II ii ll I: '-1 I; \ \ Ill \I H t I \I \I I l .._ 1 ,.-----...... --. Stendard Poodle Puppllt 420 GARAGE Pedigree ll<ed 1°' excellencq 4 SALES l~rament. heallh guar~ teed AKC dlamolon blOod line --------Incl Westmios!er charrc>lbn COMSAT9-1:00 E-mail PRECISION· 603 JASMINE AVE. Bookt, MOTORSOPROOIG'Y NET ba1kel11nd btlc+brlc 9 4 9 • 3 7 0 • 4 3 0 0 2 4 h r and m°'e mltcll 949-833·7642 HARBOR VIE)V GARAGE !;:=====::::=-:; SALE f3 y~ ol g1ea1 stuffl 460 MUSICAL: Sat Aygust 14. 1e>-2pm t943 INSTRUllEMTCl Port TownNnd Clrclt NB. ''"""'l Monlltr Gtragt Sale BABY GRAND PIANO • AnllQUe IOOls. PC computer, Playt I looks beautlMI Ilka := = :t_ ~~ new cond. Sacr1fK:e $18~. mart; itemS to mOOtionl Sat & 1l 4-S2MllOO Sun 8-6pm 1933 Meyer Pl CM 4e6 MERC:tfAIDll 1440 ~ I TOP SWR~ ROS! : (FISH TANK) 88 gellon, Jazz, R & B, soul, Roell. tlCi Comtl W/light, ltand helllf SO'S & 60'1 ' • 3 llltera. 3 large o.Car flth MIKE 949-645-7505 3 large cleaning ftth. m.5 WANftD! OLD COiNSfC 714.540-5995 Gold. silver, Frriln mint, sttr· General Household Goods ~s~oTrrtJ~1~ EJecuonics, sporting goods •-;;:====== .... and tools Call tor info , 1 . I 949-646·3896 Gatage Sale 470 SCHOOL& August 21 & 22 2260 Tu.t11n . llHSTRUCTION Aw. Ntwpo118tach. 2 Santtne Concen fiCiilte Phleb t m C 101 Oct 121t1 at Arrowhead o o y ourse p d Tera e c Boston Reed Co Calf Rev S:s $70 9~~760-~~~urae 13901291 t-800-20Ht41 1448 ~1l:~J t BUY All PIANOS! llve-ln & care for older female ~-Qualjfy tuml1ure l'I good heal1h. Fum'd rm & Admln Asst small last P9C8d instir oo In c... has lmmed O{ll(ling. $8111 • bent, comp gen offlce fll 94M31-4279 AbMiNISTRlTfVE ASSISTANT A l'IUS PT/Yf daJJ!\!1 e\~S20 Per Hour ~~ • llnhlt. o..al ,_ •MllK,._ . ...__ . ...._in.~ MexMara· &t In 1989 tn Sovth Coast Plaza CoitaMCM ~~~orwtng High end 1111111n ........, for appt. ~·• boul1qoe needs 1-888-818-4744 proteuional sale6J>erson iilliiiiiiiiliiiilillili,• wrth 1yr e.p. In '8Jes a Avon Products Stlrt A Home·blU!d Business. Wot\ Fltxlbl Hours. Enjoy Unlimited Eamlfl9S. C.11 toll free (111)5'1·2111 IOOIO(.EEPEWBIU.ER Quick look1, computer Ma ... co ... ....._ , call ON n~1..s300 ' oCOHSTRUCfiOH• EXP'O , lnstalefS needed IOf grOYMg : RAIN GUTTER CO leaYe • ~ 562-85&-1090 : btUVEifl'.Y DRIVERS EVES Good drlvlnt l'ICOfd, no erp Mlldld: a.ra Pint ~ Atll for Audun MM7S.7HO •DETAILING• Alllalk>n Co Is~ e fl9llY "'°"'led ... starter lo assume lllll\lgement duU4ll o1 our delllllng department Candidates must have oreYlouslv ffillnlged ()( owned in IUIO detailng company and hive en eye tor ptllectlan as wel II a willn!rless 10 SUC· Cl9td end :meao !lit benel!IS ol "9 OUISI . opponumy Fu tMumt 71 ·55'-4023 or Conl8Ct Daw 714-556--0576 w..nou .. PWiOn/bilver e exp'd W11thouse dffler for von Hemtrt OMV portOIA Stal1 SMlf Mt-574-9331 iGENEAlI OF'FlCE • Pal1 tlmt, ttnlal COllll ..... uln office. C1ott to beitdl, lnfonnal drfft, 2-3 dap a ..ii Md occetlonally men. Good phone, computer atdlla, Accpec, MS Word. Fil IMUmt to Mt-546-SNI Hiji VOiume ffoweiliPGlits needs ~11. FT/PT salel j & IY8lll salel COOfd:NllOr Viti() c.JTU$I be ~er literate 714-544-55" ~ ttOSUii itSTRO Counter pertonlbuuer PfT. Eam $6-S1Mw, Balboa Penn A«llt In PlllOll at 31 12 Haw· c ~Blvd 94g.e15..oe96 • INSURANCE Pit t1u1ble hours, ofllce data encry. lyplnQ. Bng, $9 5()'lv Newpon 8-:h Mt-541-5141 . .. .... ··-... ;I .. --~ . . . . <,)<; .~ ... ~,;,· ••.• , ., . f1nl1hlng/1~01111ng. Sinka, counlett, thowers, Ill•, ,,. lb!rptm ,,_ 94Mots-n23 . ··~ ·1.a ..... ~ ~ I ' "' , I ~· • , . . . ------ ,,, :-.n ·. ------- ' 111 ... l'llOSll 11 yoo are excellent In sales. you can make up lo$ I 5·S30Jhr Engll$h CllinMo llll!IUIOll' a mustl (714)754-7900 IHcllcal front office. PT nax hours good comm skits, WlSUI bAng. phones. IYllino .. data entry & reception Cflll M F be·. l"tlleen 8 30-5pm 949-722·7f01 Pert tlmt Driver Wanted $9.22 ,,.r hour plu1 mlletge. Needed Mon thru Sun 2:45am to 5:45pm. Addi· tlon.al wortunay be.val able. Muat have truck or Van, llablllty lnaurance with proof ot paymenta, driv- ers llcan1t, social MCurlty card, and clean D.M.V. print out. Accepting 1ppllc1tlon1 Mon to thru Fri from 8:00am to 4:00pm. P11111 bring all required Information. Tlmt1 Orange County Attn: Pam Bac:klngham 2901 Garry Ave. S.nta Ana, Cl 92704 714-54MS48 80().933-408() PRIVATE TENNIS CLUB In Newport 8eectl needs PT r~wllhltlf.C>te ~ PltaseCll Wed-Sun 949-&U-6900 REWliALEs Hlrtng. fulWT for dllkhn1 do«hlng ltcn M11tlon Viejo Ma• & Fashion ltland Call rot lnltMtw or IPPfY In pet· aon • 1045 Newpot1 Cent• Of. F •th Ion lllancl RETAIL STORE MANAGER POSltiOn. Lady Gou Tenn& Excelenl pey .. benetll.S Conlacl K11en 888·215-5855 AetBJI SUBTLE TONES Cloehlna & Horne hlf PT lor our NP8 sf Of e f rlllndly. OU1g1Xng •• people Fu res Susan 310·212·5981 or Call 31().212·5861elll114 ~. ·-"··.· ' . . . ~ . h, ' .. , ................ ~ TEACHER ASSllTA-.ll IMr:t a... RMion Pnvafe SdlOCil Mel.I l68Cting --IOI ltle T ectmolOOY Dept. Computef iletat! wlaolnt ll!Xp &ncning ChlOtan ~ Cl Cftian·s aoftwirl. ptll'd, ~ Olm ISsls1 lllo aw.i Outil.wdng ~. COl'llj) salary, and 1rna11 cllSl8' Mel rteuM 10 TVT, 5200 Bonita CWIYOll Or IMne 92612 0t FAX (949)85&-2400 Wtitn aetiOOi It OUI you're offf Jo:n our ~ energy te1m who •nJoy taking school Dic:tuteS, Must be :etiable. lrlGnCIV, 8l1d ttex1ble Wt otltr a 100% paid 1rllt"lllQ program ST ART NOWI For more Info cal (949)660-0528 U1etouch National School Sludlos. Ill Employee °""8d Company 478 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES p ..... be a-e that tht ll111ng1 In thl1 cattg0ty may r.qull' you to call a 900 number In which there It a c:Nrge per minute. 1~u:1 Pin.a bs'ftrY of vutvt a!'N companlH. en.ck with lht locll Better Buslnttt 8vr1eu before you Hild 11ny money Of fMt tor lltfVk:ta. Reid and undtratand any cootractt before you tlgn. 484 MONEY TO LEND/WANTED Flnenclal dlfflcuhiat, mean creat, sma• boSll8ll statt upa? We can helpt f-177·217-1901 MONEY TO LEN D Having problems getting a loan? Efad, gOod or no credit, please call 1-888-609-3333 toll free. lllO =I ouFf'Y' 11' ELECTRIC 1tt7 DARK GREEN TRIM. Monthly Maintained. Low Hourt. $14,SSO. IMt.723-1165 1tt7 DUfFY Elle 1111 2 sunrool, an around window$, under warr, xlnt cond $12.500 94M5o-452t 692 SUPS/DOCKS /MOORINGS QUIET GAL Loolung tor Dodt T11 OpJSlp tor 12ft l\Jnaboul. Rera. ~ :nsvrance avilllable 94~548-5033 695 CARS/TRUCKS N ANSISUVS ACURA LEGEND CPE 17 5 apttd 1 OWNER! White, MW tif... $21N, Mt-553-1172 ---- .;-· · .-"'' -. ~ ..... . ..... . . ,,, ·. , ' ACUflA tHTEGRA '94 Kelly Blue look 11y1 $13 300 we wr $10.999 (023306) COSTA MESA MITSU81Stl WWW CO~I CClnl 114-645· 1100 BMW 1111 Con'itltlblt 't4 Met.Alic ~a mAan int, IUIO, AIC, O<NI ~ low nlltl s 17. &.SO obo -IM9-631-0862 euw 5111, 'i2 s. •ReW bOdv atylt •, NC loaded, rd, $500 down. !Ufl1e suso ~· .. pany 949-673-0411 HEV EXTENOEO CAB 'eo 314 ton. 4•4. io;dlld & 69!t 11111 (039156) $14,990 www.hbmhtu.com MITSUBISHI MOTORS 714-375-9493 Chevrolet C«alCI '98 Chevrollt BtaDf LS 195 4x4 4dr, black. loaded AIC. $500 dOw1'I wurne s12 950 prM11e• party 94H73-041 l 4dl 4<:yl 11110 AIC pw. Silk mdes. rune auper, yeiy clean $6450 Ip deller 714-437·1931 FORD-350 ¥AN '13 QOOd "'" dean. low mll8s ~ddera ricks, St500 714-632-0338 Ford Atj)lie '95 Auto, 41C, 45rnpg, SSk mllft SO down Hturne S4'50 prlvllt petty IMM73-o41 t. Ford F150 (ongbtd '13 wtite, 8Ulo trans. pa. aloys becJlner. runs great ectl, dealer$6450fp7f~ 43?-1001 fOAD OAClXv 500 XL, 163 All Ong1nal 60I( Wes Nt1r Per1ec:t CondrMn $7900 949-515-4494 GEO TRACKER '16 4x4, 4dr Lo ml a prtoed rl~I (9~7} $$.991 www.hbmlttu.c:om MfTSUBISHI MOTORS 714-375·9493 •Honda Accord LX 195• excellent condition, 2 dOOI', 43k miles $12,500 949·646·7414 HONDA Accord Wgn LX '93 Wht•grey auto, arMm cass llr pwrpak(0042228) $10 995 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER ~4)1tHtol i'IOHDA 'JJC EX cOUPe '94 Whta/gr.y 5 apd. tic. rnnrt. envrm C111 (51t143j S9,99s LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (714 )lt2-690t HOHOA CRVU 111 Auto. A/C lloys. pwr ~ (010378) $17.895 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (714)112-etOI ISUZU ROOEO LS '17 4x4 Every option & 29k 11'111 No .di~ (334038) S 1U90 www.hbmltau.com MITSU81SHI MOTORS 714-375·9493 JAGUAR XJS V12 Cowrtibla 'M Metah:: Red 40K ml MUST SELLI S25,000lobo MMSO-n33 JaguarXJs ·ae New tir• & bleaks 64k mi chrome wheell lk down as· Slllllt $7050 pp 94M73-o411 Lexus es300 ·11 (0295' 1) $26.995 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (714)892-6toe LEXUS ES300 '95 (0818311 $17 995 LEXUS,,OF WESTMINSTER (7t4)192 .. toe LEXUS ES300 t7 (03.JIJO) $27 995 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (714)m.flOI .. ' .... -.... -., . ._ ... ... . ... _ ~;1: .. . ~:.:.i. · .. ·-... --·-... ,...,. ...... .. . . . . . . ., TRAPPED IN THE £NO E.ist-Wesl vulnerable. We~t deals: Conltnu1ng With lhc KC or clubl would have made hfc simple for declarer, as would a shift to a red suit. .Wesl found lhc ~l defense by shift· '"f. to a spade. NORTH • A85 3 o Q oJ 86 • QJ 107 4 . EAST Ille openihg bid and East's response marked West with the ace of diamonds, $0 declarer was in grave dan&Cr or losin& two tricks in each ininor. To make the contract now, declarer would have to rely on an endplay. Tilat would require West to be stripped of all nftljor-suit exit cards befbre throwing the defender in wi1h I.he ace of clubs to force ar diamond return. For that to succeed. West 'would have to havo started with no more t.han three spades. WEST •J92 <::> 97 o AKQ 102 •AK95 SOUTH ., • KQ 1076 <::> 53 0 9543 • 62 <::>A KJ 10864 l o K7 •83 The bidding: WFSI' NOR11f EAST SOUTH 10 PMI •• 40 Past Pass Pass Opening lead: King of • The technique of an expert is • pleasure to watch. Follow lhc play and defense of this hand. The auction is straightforward . OUth's-fourians·war a "lWO--wll)' action -it might make, or ti could be a profLtable sacrifice against an enemy contract. · West led the k.i.ng of clubs. The preliminary moves Were to win the ace of s~s. ruff a spade, then cross to the queen of hearts to ruff another spade -high, just in cue. Another round of trumps brought about the desired pos1uon -all West's major-suit cards had been removed. Declarer simply exited with a club and West was faced with a variety of ways to commit suicide. No one could ever accuse West of being less than a gentleman The defender simply threw the canb into the center of the t.ablc and conceded 10 tricks. 695 CARSITRUCKS NANSJSUVS LEXUS ES300 '16 ( 173140) $22.995 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (714)892-6906 LEXUS LS4oo 195 (009599) $30.995 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (714)892 .. 906 LinColn COntlntntal Martt V 79 Gold iaether Int, classic. &hoWroom cone!. $2896 obo t4MS0.2815 Mercat Benz 300SL '11 2doors 2 IOpS ~ ntnor 80k 11'11. OtQClll OWf'8t $31,500 94§.&4o.1656. u.rc.dtt 8tnz iso SEL "71 Blac*. c:lasslc body ~· mi runn:ng condillon. ~· rec:erd5 $2950 949-642·2639 • Mtrcedtt 320E 't5 24k min. ctllrnplWl. le&lhel ChrOme wNs new kftS lllarm. CD. org1 owner $31 000 949-261·9013 deys 949-759-9303 evening MITSUBISHI 3000GT ·95 Udy owned & pampered' Gorgeou.sl (025408) 513.999 COSTA MESA MITSUBISHI www.col1amet81T!lta.com 714-575-1700 MONTERO SPORT ·91 FIC1oiy car Wifo/ below book (018355) $19.766 Costa MMa Mlttubllhl www.coatameumlta.com 714-545-1700 • 695 CARS/TRUCKS NAHSISUVS PORSCHE 114 '71 • (4 CYL) 2nd owner, an peper , work, H 11. Good condltonl $4500. 949-417-2244 TIRESo1 NEW1 $40. 3 HALF USED, a15Mdl 115175 R14. MM7WH1. TOYOTA AVAL.ON XLS 'ti Auto lllf rnnrt lloys, ltw (On&l9) $18.895 LEXUS OF WESTMIHSTER (714)192-4906 TOYOTA CAMRY LE 1t7 Gorgeous IOcal lrldt Pl1ced 10 ... (050521) $13 215 www.cottameumltt.com COSTA MESA MITSUBISHI 714-545-1700 TOYOTA CAMRY SE CPE M V-6. wh:ta/gtey lttv. auto, rnnrt, alY$ am'lm (01n68) $13,995 L~US OF WESTMINSTER (714)1U-6toe TOYOfA CEUCA GT 111 Gorgeous car. pnced well btlow BlueOook (039156) $14,990 www.hbrnltau.com MrTSU81S .. MOTORS 714-S75·t493 TOYOTA PiCi<UP •ii Lo mllM °'try dtan' ( 139387) $6.995 WWW coltlll'lltNITlltl com COSTA MESA MfTSUBISHI 714-545-1700 • TOYOTA ltiOCit' 111 13llk ,..... otlglnll OWllef AIC pa ~ lhel. S3200 inn 714-841-0067 t=I PUBLIC NOTICE Th• Cahf, Public· Utihb• Commis$10n REQUIRES that al used houMhold goodl movers print tha11 P.UC Call~ lmoe and chaufltrl pMt thalr TC P. nUmbei In al adveM- mtflt• • you hlV9 • quNiOn lbout the legllilr cf • mcMI', '"'°°'~rr:S PlllllC UTI. COMMISIOH 71'4Sl-4, s 1 VW CABRIOLET GLS 'tt All aptlont, eooorn.t Priced to ... (800126) $20.900 www.hbmlltu.com MITSUBISHI MOTORS 714-375-9493 /ffe 'ff :·lie!; tfoa ~lte A GOOD ADI · Call 642-5678 : f I \ • • i;~ -- Thundoy, August 12, 1999 TODAY'S CRaSSWoRP euzZLE :ccill The Pilot Classifieds at 642~5678 to place your Garage Sole Ad ! na· \'Pilot ~ ...... •A ar tilll ....... -... -..... ................ . .. . COSTA MESA . /lie, 'ff lie!;· ~·~~ ~;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;~ I /?lte -A GOOD ADI Call 642-5678 .. . . ) . .. . . . . . B 8 Thursday, Aueu'' 12. 1999 FULL LINE of NEW and CERTIFIED . RE-SALE VEHICLES "GOLD 'KEY DEUVERY" · on all vehicles ... includes 24-Hour Roadside Service STOCKED PARTS BOUTIQUE ••• Custom and Standard Accessories CADILLAC LEASE FOR I 399)~~=1 +tax lol· 36 mo. Closed end !we on approved credit Tolal drlYtofl $1083.17 aller ~rebate Residual $19,847.40. Total payments of S14,364 +tax. 12K ml allowed per year. 2o. per mlle In excess. (007965) + 69e +ID for 36 mo Closed end lease on approved credit Total drM-dl $6150. llesldual $2U45.50 T~ PlflTieOI$ ol S17,916.84 +tax. 12K mi. allowed per year 2°' ~ mile In m:ess ( 40!Kl27) 1 9 9 9 . . . ·.· .......,. __ \."' 'O:::f-~~---.. ~-....... -~ "' • : ... ' f • ~ ' ..... -... ·~ ~~ -' -_!___ • I t Oldsmobile • COMPLIMENTARY SERVICE SHUnLE ••• includes Airport Drop-off/Pick-up (JWA) · •COURTESY TRANSPORTATION CARS •FREE SATURDAY CAR WASH • COMPLIMENTARY COFFEE In our comfortable Customer Loung._,....e _ OLDSMOBILE 1 9 9 9 --- •Leather • Chrome Wheels • AM/FM Cass. w/CD • Rear Deck Spoller s23 701 . ' (~1) .. 1 9 9 9 . . . ·~--~., LEASE FOR $350/Mo 1 9 9 9 -' LEASE FOil 399/MO