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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-07-03 - Orange Coast Pilot.
I , ..,. SPOii TS
NewporJ bogs shoot
for aU-star title
• Serving the Newport-Me5a community sin<! 1907
Icon _!saves 'wonderft1I'·
• HollyWood legend Jimmy Stewart, who died Wednesday at 89,
Newport Beach
Tennis Oub sold
touched the li~es of many Newport-Mesa:.Iocals. One of Newport Beach's landmarks,
the Newport Beach Tennis Oub, has
been sold for what is believed to be in
excess of $1.4 million.
David Kang and Julianne Ren, inter-
national business people based in New·
port Beach, have taken the club, lock,
stock and barrel from Ron Pfahler, who
was president of the club siiice 1990.
By Jennifer Armstrong, Daify Pilot
The plot of "It's a Wonderful ute•
seems to have come to real life: Local
folks are joining the millions throughout
the world who are what life is
like without JimmY. Stewart.
trademar.k role came in "It's a Wonderful
Ufe, • in which his character utters the
famous line: "I suppose it'd been better
if I'd never been born a1 all.•
In his 89 years, his work touched the
hearts of millions and his personal pres-
ence touched a lucky few.
"He's prQbabfy I •The work he has
With Gloria and the i done has withstoOd
Duke right now ... " I the test of time ... •
They·"8ok the keys of the 7 .2-acre
facility on Wednesday and the outlook
is for the club,· which has 21 playing
, ~ become upgraded in several
For more, see Sports, Bt.
The film icon famous for that Christ-
mastime classic, as well as movies such
as "Harvey,~ "Vertigo" and "Mr. ~mith
Goes to Washington," died Wednesday
at his Beverly Hills Home. He starred in
scores d~ mollies, won one Oscar and
was nominated for four more. But his
Pilar Wayne, a Ne'Wport Beach resi-
dent and actor John Wayne's widow,
remembered Stewart from years of
attending the same Hollywood parties
and Oscar ceremonies. Stewart worked
with John Wayne twice, in "The Man
~He's a won(lerlul
man, a real warm
U , • gen e~an ... ,
• !
i I I I I
"He was a lQvin',
. gentle and kind
• . man ...
School land
fuel skirmish
• Newport officials are considering
annexation of land where Irvine Dis-
trict wants to build c~pus.
By Jennifer Armstrong, Daily Pilot
NEWPORT BEACH -City officials Wednes-
day got the go-ahead to take over two slivers of
unincorporated land along the Irvine border. But
they've yet to work out a deal to snag a bigger
Irvine-owned chunk slated for homes, a school
and a shopping center.
The county's Local Agency Formation Com·
mission, which reviews anneetion applications,
approved changing
two small . pieces of
land from Irvine's to
Newport Beach's
spbere of influence.
M-~-~1ba:.!' t means Ne:..::..t~_,,.,
ach can now annex
the property if it takes
in the adjacent New-
Jo Vandervort (left) helped to organtze the first Mariner's Parlt-Fourth of July parade 23 yean ago. Connie
Sdlettn a:aso-was tn attendance at that 11.rst parade and her ddldren have been ~gulars stnce-btrth.
.. Making a big wheel about 4th
•.Mariners Park parade celebrates 23 years of children marching on Independence Day.
' -. _---. ~-';,."!'';; i-::: t:-, ·~· -; . \ .. _;r~ 'i9'_11o ltl'-.~J ·~,._
flans for new-Davis
.school ta.JPng sha;~ ·
By Jennifer Armstrong, Daily Pilot
has changed during the
23·year life of the
Mariners Park Fourth of July
Jo Vandervort, the mom who
orgabized the first year's rag-tag
parade of kids ·on bikes, is now a
grandmother and a dty Parks,
Beaches and Reaeation commis-
sioner. The parade-watching
crowd has grown from 100 to an
expected 2,'000 this year. Dana
. Bladt, who took over the event
12 years ago as a PTA mom, iS
now a school board member in
addition to being the parade
But when it comes to the actu-
al event, there remain more con-stants than changes: The city,
businesses and community
groups continue to back the
parade. Kids continue to spend
the days before the Fourth deco-
rating their bilces for the big
parade. And "Barnaby the Clown
continues to provide post-parade
en tertainmeo.t.
"The community really ral-
lies," Black said. •People oome
Yowigsters ready
submi,ssi,ons for
Orange ~OUnty Fait
port Coast.
But several sticking
points remain in talks
over a piece of land
known as Bonita
Canyon at Ford Road and MacArthm Boulevard.
The idea first came up as a way to align city
boundaries along the new San Joaquin Hills toll
road: Irvine would take everything to the north,
Newport everything to the south.
Officials from both cities and their school dt:
tricts have l>een discussing the maneuver » .
about six months now. The Irvine Unified School
District has plans to build a school then!, funded
by assessing the land's future homeowners.
If Newport Beach were to take over the 1anil,
the Newport·Mesa Unified School District.mig)t
consider reopening Eastbluff School to aocc•um..
date the new students. Rough estimates say that
would cost $4 million instead of. the $10 milHctrj
cost of building a new school. aty MaDa9.I(
Kevin Murphy said. -.
So far, the Irvine school distrlct nlfidal• dOa't
want to give up those extra students became I
means less funding. And Newport BMcti d"'d1l1i
don't want a piece of land that's iz;i anotMr' ~
I • M ake an offer on a patio
set at Tiie Home &r
Garden Co. All prices are DOW negotiable. The store
bas recently changed its pridng
policy, and bas a new look that
Ceatures a large selection of
Vintage iron chairs and tables,
patio furniture, signed col-
~ctibles and painted cottage
pieces. The Home & Garden
Co. (645-4635) is located at 369
E. 17th St. in Costa Mesa.
The family ~~t carpets together, stays ·.together
Kids can win prizes for r~ad
ing by signing up for the sum-
mer reading program through
Aug. 16 at the Newportlleach
Public Ubrary. •A Case For
Reading• is for junior detec-
tives (tod°cllers through kinder·
garte.n-age children) and senior
sleuths (kids who can read on
their own.) The detective work
starts when kids coll~ct a trail
of evidence by recording the
amount of time and the titles of
books read or have had read to
them in a detective's log:
Prizes ate won according to
the amount of tirn~ spent read-
\ng or listening. And, ev.ery
time kids visit the library, they
~an e nter their name in a T-
. shirt drawing jar to win a color-
tuI shirt. The library branches
taking part include; the Central
Library located at 1000 Avoca-
do.Ave., the Balboa Branch
located at 100 East Balboa
summer sale. there is always a
ni~e selection of high-end
designer clothing reduced at
this annual sale. A'Maree's
(642-4423) is located at 1649
• Westcliff Drive in Newport
Sulka, thQinternationally
renowned men's clothier,
opened a new store at South
Coast Plaza to showcase its col-
lection of men's clothiDg and
furnishings. 'IWo-thirds of the
store is devoted to casual
sportswear, while the remain-
ing third featur~s business
Blvd .. the Mariners Branch
located at 2005 Dover Drive
and the Corona del Mar Branch
located at 420 Marigold Ave.
For made-to-measure cus-
tomers Sulka has custom-tai-
lored clothing and shirts, each
with personal patterns created
exclusively to fit the needs of
the client. Shirt fabrics range
from Sea Island c;otto~s to pure
sillcs. The Sulka company was
founded in New York in 1895
by Am9s Ulka and Leon
Wonnser, and was acquired in
198"9 by Vendome, a prominent
European-based holding com-
pany whose other holdings
include Piaget, Cartier, Dunbill,
Montblahc and Baume &
Brett Hemphlll, left. and bis dad, Bryan, own and operate Hemphlll's Rugs & Carpets ln Costa Mesa.
If there's something' you
Continuing the father-son
thing. Running a family business
that started in 1933 as Hempiiill'S;
Bryan Hemphill and son Brett
closed the iamily shoe stores in
April and now operate
Hemphill's Rugs & Carpets on
East 17th Street
want on sale at Neiman
Marcus, the price may be fur-
ther reduced through Sunday.
Existing sale merchandise is
reduced an extra 25%,
although Prada and furs are not
included. Neiman Marcus (759-
1 ,1.900) is located at Fashion
1lsland in Newport Beach.
The best lo~al ladies clothing
5tore, A'Maree'1, is having a
• BEST BUYS appears Thtrsdays and
Saturdays. If you know of a good buy
call me at 540-1224, fa~me at 646-
4170 or write to me: Best Buys, Daily
Pilot. 330 Vo{. Bay St. Costa Mesa,
Bryan Hemphill, 61, followed
in bi&father Ed Hemphill's foot-
steps, taking over the then-
Alhambra-based family -shoe
business launched in the midst of
the Great Depression. A second
'Shoe store was opened in 1958 at
the comer of Harbor and New-
port boulevards. In the early
D READERS t:tOTUHE Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright: No
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Record your comments about rial matter or advertisements
herein can t?e reproduced with-TEMPERA1URES the Daily Pilot or news tips. out written permission of copy-Newport Beach
APDR.ESS right owner. 76165 VOL 91, NO. 147 Our address Is 330 W. Bay St .. Newport Coast
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THOMAS H. JOHNSON. Orculatlon Balboa C()RBECDQNS The Times Orange County 76165 Publisher
Wl1.LIAM L080B.L. It is the Pilot's policy to prompt-(800) 252-9141 Costa Mesa
ly correct all erron of substance. Advel1lslng 86163 Editor Please call 574-4233. CJamifled 642-5678 Corona del Mar SnvEMAW.E. Display 642-4321 75165 Managing Editor rn Editorial
TONY DOOERO, The Newport Beach/Costa Mesa News 540-1224 SURF FORECAST Assistant Managing Edit°' Da:i Pilot (USPS-144-800) Is Sporn 642-4330 LOCATION SIZE pu !shed Monday through Sat-Ne"M. Sports Fax 646-41 70 '-TINA IORGiAlTA. urday. In Newport Beach and Wedge 1-3 SW City Editor Costa Mesa. subscriptions are N~rt 1-3 SW ROGEJt CARLSON. only available by subscribing to Business Office 642-4321 Black1es 1-3 SW
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MAltCMMnN. 252·91'41. In areas outside of CdM 1-3 SW
Photo Editor Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. Published by . LYNN 1ESOLA. subscriptions to the Dally Pilot California Community News. ~ BOATING
Display Advertising only are available by mall for a Times Mirror Company. ~. Light and varlable
NOY OETTING, $10 ~month. Second class winds durinff mom·
Oamffled Advertising postage paid at COSU Mesa. CA
Mffrwy $. l(leln, President and CEP Ing hourswll
LANA JOHNSON, (Prices Include all appllalble become westerly at
Promotions st.ate and taxes.) POSTMAS· Judith •• ic.ncw. 20 knots during the.
PRAMOO SHAH, TER: Send address changes to ViCle President. lieneral Manager afternoon. One-foot The NwJP0!1 BffcM:osU Mesa Kim Grffftth, Director of Operations wind waves will • Chief Financial Officer Dally PilOt, P.O. Box 1560, Costa 01997 C'Mlf. CM. All rtgt'lts ,__._
1970s, that store was moved to
Fashion Island but later closed,
replaced years later by a shoe stare atW0stclfffCo~
finally called it quits and joined
his son in the carpet business.
carpets sold at the Hemphill's
17th Street store are USC wel-
come mats custom ordered from
India: Both-· Hemphllls, and
younger brother Gregg, otten4ed
USC. Bryan graduated with the
class of 1957, while Brett graduat-
ed in the class of. 1988. Before
going off tO USC, Brett ~ttended
Harbor View Elementary and lat-
er Corona del Mar High School.
Hemphills sold their shoe stores,
they still order a few shoes every
week for longtime customers
the hospitality they receive from
the Hemphills. "·We keep their
names and sizes in the comput-
er,• Bryan Hemphill said. ·
Ed Hemphill -the family
patriarch and now 96 -still
drops by the family store to give
his son and grandson a few sales
Brett ·and his wife, Cherie,
haven't bad any children yet, but
Brett says he won't push them
into maintaining the family busi-
ness. "I'll let them do what they
want to do," Brett said. "Father
always said if you don't like what
you are doing life will be a disas-
ter, a drudge."
"Falnily-owntiel busb;iesses
are .a t!1fJ)g breed,• said Biyan.
Bryan Said he enjoys workiJ:lg
side-by-side with his son every
day, just like he once did with his
own father.
AJtbougli the~ oper-
ated shoe 8'>re6 fOt XS:..Cban 50
years, Brett conVinced his father
Bryan to change his focus to
hQlJle furnishings. "We decided
to combine efforts (Uld grow this
business. Although the Among ·the wide variety of -By S1llJall Deemer
build to 2 feet. and a Thanks to the north-
4-foot swell will west wind swell, the NEWPORT BEACH
come from the surf won't go com-• llfrch Stnet: Golf equipment and a pair of s~asses worth
southwest. Patchy pletely flat as the $1,360 were stolen from a car parked In the 4100 lock. The
morning fog. southwest swell con-window was smashed.
tlnues Its decline. • a.lbN 9oulevn and J6th StNet: Camera equ~nt
TIDES However. any assis-and other property worth $3,629 was stolen from a parked
near the. lntenectlon. TODAY tance ~OY1des In • Unlvwllty Drtve: Cash, CDs and ott»r property worth $618 First low tenns shape won't
3:32a.m. --0.7 help with the lncon-were stolen from a car parked In the 2500 block. The window
First high slstency. What will vlas smashed.
9:56 a.m. 3.9 Improve surfing con-• w.t COMt Highway: A vandal caused $300 worth of dam-
Second low dltions Is the new age by saatthing the paint off a car parked In the 700 block.
2:45 p.m. 1.9 swell approaching • ACMl9 A,,...._ A bkyde worth $350 was stolen frOm a .
garage In the 500 ~ock. Second high frQm around 200
8:59 p.m. 6.1 degrees. That should
FRIDAY show up here Friday COSTA MESA
First low or Saturday and • lhurtn Street; A and books worth $140 were stolen
4:09 a.m. --0.8 probably Cate from• car pal'tted In the 2100 block. The window was smashed.
First high waist-to -high • Eldell Awnue: A stereo worth $211 was stolen from a air
10:35 a.m ... 3.9 sets In most .spoU. parked In the 2300 block. There was no sign of forced entry.
Second low But 10< now, as you • ,_,.. Drfvie: A radio and other property worth $113 was
3:25 p.m. 2.0 wait for the next stolen from a car parked In the 2900 block. The window was
Second high wave to roll In, open.
9:35 p.m. 6.0 remember the words = Ode: Hubcaps worth $50 were stolen from a CM
of St. Augustine, -ed In the 300 block.
WATER •Patience Is the com-• c:.brillo Str'9llt: ~ In colns W'ere stol~ from a home In the
TDWIERATUllE: 68 panion of wisdom.• 300 block. The ween door was f'em9Wd from the window.
We have d~sigos on .you
Everyon~ kn:0ws, it takes· days
to bllild tne p~r(ect lasagna
Every so often. I get the urge to
make lasagna.
I have been 4oing this for aboul
30 years, ao I am getting pretty
good at it, even~ I have no
Italian blood. I am baltlrlib on my
mother's side, English and C7.eCh
on my•dad's.
My lasagna is an evolutionary
development of my father's, whicti
bas ~praised bi the likes ol
Prw Sinatra, Guy Lombardo ~d·
other showbiz paiMns.
Dad learned the art of lasagna
from Mema Pina. She wu the
mother of Jack Pina, who played
piano with the Ffeddy Martin
Orcheflra for many years. Jack
played on dad's recordlng fX the
Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto and
also on the subsequent version
With a lyric, •Tonight We Love.•
The recipe bas never been writ-
ten down. Dad earned bis lasagna
merit badge by watching Mama
Fina. I did likewise watching him.
begi.nn4lg when l was about 12.
Be warned that this is no quick-
ie dinner. A serious lasagna ta.lees
time and care. It is not a dish for
anyone who believes good Parme-
san cheese comes in cylindrical
green containers. It is not a dish
where you pop open a couple of
jars of Ragu and hope for the beSt.
With this lasagna, you blend
and simmer and nurture and
embrace a tomato sauce for sever-
al days -then you hope for the
To begin, chop up an onion or
two, a stick o1 celery and some
garlic. Lots of garlic. P~ a carrot
and grate it. Using a big skillet or
thick-bottom pot. simmer the lot in
olive oil until the onions and celery
soften. Be especially gentle with
the garlic, so it doesn't bum.
Then dump all the veggies onto
a paper bag and let drain. In the
same skillet ~ with some bits of
onion still there -put ground
beef, perhaps some lean pork, for
a total of a pound or so. Add salt
and pepper and brown the meet in
olive oil. poking at it so it comes
out crumbly.
: I '11\llJI II•''''' i I \1111'\
Phooe calls aod lettets written Oft JOll1' •
bebalf. Doc:umealS reviewed (or free. Retain
ID IClOC'1IC! for tbe entire year f« Olly $90.
U.W Ufi1 Pl...._ I ... LAW I
When it is, dwnp all the meat
onto another big paper bag and let
the fat ooze out. What you end up
with here is a relatively greaseless
sauce. Not exactly health food, but
not too bad. For a vegetarian
lasagna. simply omit meat and
substitute chunks of eggplant, cel-
ery root, squash. etc.
Open a 28-ounce can of
cntShed tomatoes and a 12-ounce
can of tomato paste. Mix it all up
-tomatoes, paste, veggies, meat
-in something like an 8-quart
stockpot. Add 12 ounces of water
or chicken stock and a cup of
decent red wine. Non-alcoholic's
Then add herbs to taste:
chopped fresh basil -none of that
dried stuff here -ditto for about
half that amount-of fresh oregano
and a bunch more garlJ.c, stopping
just short of too much. A couple
teaspoons of sugar now will help
smooth the acidity of the tomatoes.
Bring the whole batch to a boil,
stirring as you·go. The moment the
sauce boils, tum to a low simmer.
Keep it goiiig for a couple of
hours, stirring thoroughly every 15
minutes; the more stirring the bet-
Let sauce cool completely, then
refrigerate, pot and all. The next
day, remove whatever grease has
risen to the top, then slowly re-
heat and simmer another couple of
hours. Repeat for two more days.
In wintef, you can just put the pot
out in the yard. covered. of course.
Maybe all tbis doesn't improve
the sauce that much. But you can tell~ you've ~n bTewtng
the stuff all week, which impresses
More important., you want the
sauce to be, as Italian chefs say,
•tight,• which means pretty thick,
not runny. You can keep adjusting
-a bit more liquid. a tad more
paste -until it's perlect.
For the next step, you'll need all
kinds of cheeses: mozzarella,
Parmesan. Romano, ricotta, at the
very least Perhaps some asiago
and pecarino. The hard ones you
grate or shred yowself, except for
mozzarella. It's a rubbery so
short-cutting to the pre-chop~ ·
variety is OK
Next, the lasagna. Do not use
those no-boil lasagnas. They save
·a ton of work but simply don't
have the •tooth• a real noodle
does, that nice ·thickness that gives
you an architecture of clearly
defined layers.
Follow the cooking instructions
on the box. Hint: A splash of olive
oil in the water helps keep the
noodles from sticking together.
When al dente, remove, rinse in
cold water and drain until dry.
Now you are ready to begin con-
struction. For the foundation, I like
the 3-inch-deep foil pans they
have at Smart & Pinal
Put a thin layer of S&Uce in the
bottom. then a layer of noodles.
Then a good dollop of sauce and
healthy scrinches of each cheese,
especially the mozzarella and
Pannesan. Now's a gOOd time to
add little chunks of cooked Italian
Keep building this up, layer by
layer, until you run out of stuff.
OK, so this isn't entirely scientific.
But it should serve six or eight. If
there's any left over, refrigerate
and have it for breakfast -cold.
Now that's good eats.
• RED MM11N'S column runs f!VefY
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Seeking relief from the heat ..
•With the mercury reaching the 80s Wednesday, some turned on the air con-
ditioners to' cool off, while others trotted to the beach.
By Mk helle Terwilleget Baily Pilot
NEWPORT-MESA-Both YWfers and air COl)-
ditioners were sweating Wednesday, as local
ocean temperatures stayed in the 70s and air
temperatures reached 86 degrees.
Russ Bangert, owner of ABC Heating and Air
Conditioning Co. in Costa Mesa, said the real
beat hasn't hit yet. but days like Wednesday help
his business.
•Anytime it gets hot, it helps us out because
air conditioners break down," he said. "They
can't stand the heat either."
Business w~ booming ovet at Cool Solution
Inc., an air conditioning service in Costa Mesa,
said office administrator Rachel Howe.
•Don't keep (an air co~ditioner) at 60
(degrees],". Ho~e advised. "It will ice up, and
you'll be calling us up."
While some tried to stay cool at home, others
flocked to the beach. An estimated 85,000 people
wound up at the Newport shore on Wednesday.
The warm weather will continue through next
week, said Ted Mackechnie, a meteorologist for
the National Weather Service in Rancho Bernar-
do. ·
"It's another warm day due to dry air mass and
high pressure," Mackechnie said.
Tue ocean water has remained constantly
warm due to 'Veak upswellings, he said.
Although the water was warm, the surf was
only waist-high and not too exciting Wednesday.
The 2-to 4-foot surf came out of the west in 10-
second intervals early in the afternoon, according
to Newport Beach lifeguards.
"It's nice, but kind of small," said Chris Borg at
the Surfline wave forecasting service. "There's
not too much wind.·
A SW"R?r washes off remnants of the ocean at ~
Corona d el Mar State Beach. Weather has
been p icture perfect recently.
Your 9ood Jleafi.h 7Jeserues
!Jruils andVeyelables from !he :Ranch
. · <Jhe . Or1jinaf
~vine !J<andh !J](ar£el
(\ rnunsiilitg fruits and vegetables ~ the ~rfect answer ~ J~ior h ealthy nutrition and memones-of-childhood taste ..
So, come on over to the Ranch and get your bounty. Mother :
Nature will approve .
Several hundred Costa Mesa dty employees got together to celebrate. the Fourth of July a 1 little early, feasting on homemade goodies including cake, pizza, hot dogs and strawberry
Cooking up t(:lSty employee picnic
•Costa Mesa city workers get into the July 4 spirit early.
By Susan Deemer, Daily Pilot
Thompson spent the morning
ip!>1de the nty's diagnostic shop
n.istlmg up shnmp tortellini for
hundred!> of fellow employees
Ill' iomed later at the city
employee's dnnual Fourth of
.July p1cruc.
Several hundred city employ-
, • .,i, gathered under camouflage
r'l<'tling set up by the California
A11 Nationdl Guard to feast on
l;ornemdde goodies including
Ccike, pizza, hot dogs and straw-
QNry shortcdke
The event, orgaruzed and
pd1d for by aty employees, also
included a contest for the best
aomemade food.
• Thompson won two first-
place prizes m the food contest.
Surrounded by equipment used
to install and service electronics
equipment in police and fire
vehicles, Thompson, who nor-
mally services these city vehi-
cles. arranged his cooking uten-
sils and set up four portable elec-
tric burners to cook an award-
winning pasta dish.
Working more like a sea-
soned chef than an electronics
expert, Thompson simultane-
ously cooked the pasta, cream
sauce and used two of the burn-
ers to sdlite the shrimp. The dish
was named the top-winning
entree. Tho~pson also took first-
place honors for his chocolate
bombe dessert he started mak-
ing a week ago.
·1 cook at home, but notlung
like this because I am single so I
eat cans of soup and grilled
cheese sandwiches,". said
Thompson as he pac;ked away
tus cooking utensils.
Other highlights at the
employees picnic included a
presentation to retiring police
offic& Sgt. George Yezbick, who
has worked for the city since
Although the picnic was a
first {or City Councilwoman
Heather Somers, 'She didn't have
any trouble helping to judge the
dessert competition. Standing in
front of a table filled with
desserts .... Somers noted employ-
ees passing by bad-trouble con-
trolling the heavy· drooling,
especially for Thompson's
French chocolate dessert.
"They had to put uniformed
officers in front of the desserts,"
JOked Somers, referring to four
firefighters sitting behind the
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It'll take some Rl:OEe packet ·
ch8nge to buy school lunches
• I ,..
QY Mkhelle Terwllleger, Daily Pilot
and teachers wW have to rustle
11p a lltue more change to pay tor
brea.kf asts and lunches at scbOOl
next year.
The school board last week
voted to raise meal prices, citing
a 12% increase in food and sup-
ply costs in recent years and bud-
get reductions. Distrfct officials
also said Newport-Mesa meal
prices have been below the coun-
ty ·average. The school district
last increased meal 'rices in
French fries with nacho sauce
will jump from $1 to $1.50, while
gourmet cookies will only
increase from 60 cents to 70
• I
"'("-' --. I#.!-• A~~-~ .. ~--~-~\."''yt;
1 • • , .. ~~~'!if. I • 1 •' • ..... ~·-· ... ,_. '. ,,......_>~lti'J,. ·--~.,-.•... , ...
' f 'Meal 11174
. r-. price
-Kindergarten meal ..•.•••............. $1 .50
· Elementary breakfast .................. $1 .15
Elementary lunch ..................... $1 .60
Sfcondary breakfast ....... " ........... $1 .40
Secondary lunch •.••............. $2 to $2.25
Adult breakfast (elementary) ........... $2.25
Adult breakfast (secondary) ............ $2.50
Adult lunch (elementary) .............. $2.25
Adult lunch (secondary) ................ $2.75
Adult barbecue lunch ................. $3.25
$1 .75 to $2
A bagel with cream cheese
will cost 90 cents instead of the
former 75 cents, and a bowl of
soup with cratkers will be $1.25
instead of $1.
High school luriches were only
60 cents in 1977 but have made a
series of jumps since then.
Driver sought after hi~g police car
Authorities are looking for.a
driver who allegedly ran a red
light at the inteiSection of Pla-
centia Avenue and 17th Street,
ranuning into the side of a police
squad car and then leaving the
crash site_ -
Costa Mesa police Officer
Matt Grirnmond was not injured
in the accident but his ~
tained damage to the right front
tire, requiring it to be towed
from the scene, said Sgt. George
Yezbick. .
The hit-and-run crash
occurred at about 5:44 p.m. as
Grimmond was driving north on
Placentia Avenue, and the driver
reportedly ran a red light at 17th
Street and broadsided the car,
Yezbick said.
"'The tire took the brunt of the
damage," Yezbick said. "But it
probably didn't do the front sus-
pension much good."
The driver left the accident
but the crash knocked off the
car's front bumper and license
plate, Yezbick said.
-Tony Dodero
400 EAST 17th <Comer t7th & Tustin)
We Specialize Jn The
Freshest And Sweetest
Local White & Yellow Corn
Picked From The
Fields Daily!!!
', \ \ \l1 ~0-98¢
M 5 <JAM n ,1 \
WE'RE~H 786-67'J7
--F._EATU...,..Rl .. NG~-MAl.....-N ... LY~LOCAL~~.,,
89¢ lb.
3 lbs. /100
.... '
. • I
.! ,
t ~--_; _) Dozen ~~l&Mo· .. ~u..J .-+~....-·~~...-..~~---~-~~~~
Nol v~liO w.rh .i Olt>cr Offen • EXP 119197
3/100 HEAD
Ex 719197
Ex . 719191
79¢ lb.
• •
The om tree career network
meeting at St AndreW'i Presby-
terian church for those unem-
ployed will feature •Winning the
tnterview and Staying Connect·
ed. at 7:30 p.m. at 600 St.
Andrews Road, Newport Beech.
Por more information. call 574-
St. John the Baptist Parish
Music Ministry Department is
hosting its free second annual
Patriotic Concert with a picnic
from 6 to 7:30 p.m . and a concert
beginning at 8 p.m. at 1015 ~er
St., Costa Mesa. For more infor-
mation, call 549-9619.
The Hyatt Newporter presenbi
a Fourth of July celebration with
an evei;Ung of jazz and fV'eworks
featuring Walter Beasley and Fat-
tburger who will perform at 1 and
8:45 p.m. at 1107 Jamboree Road,
Newport Beach. nckets are $15
to $25. Children under age 16
receive 50% off the adult price.
For more information, call 729-
Piecemakers Country Store
presents its •Let Freedom Ring•
Fourth of July festival from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. at 1720 Adams Ave.,
Costa Mesa. There will be live
country music, food, fun activities
for children and more than 140
vendors sharing handcrafted trea-
sures and special -entertainment.
Admission is free. For informa-
tion, call 641-311'2.
A bike and walking parade
beginning at 10 a.m. at Mariner's
park will kick off an Indepen-
dence Day Family Celebration.
Carol Mart1ni will perform
from 8 to 10 p.m. ttt Barnes Noble,·
901 South Cout Dr., Costa Mesa.
Por more information, call 44•-
The Newport Beach Public
Libraries invite children entering
first through fifth grades to • Cre-
ate a Disguise• a free arts and
crafts program at 10:30 a.m. in the
Friends Mee~g Room at the
Newport Beach central library.
For more information, call 717-
3801. .
Newport-Mesa Unified School
District presents The P,arent Pro-
ject, a parenting skills series for
parents of strong-willed or out-of-
-control teenagers from 1 to 9:30
p.m. on Mondays beginning
today through Aug. 4 at St.
Andrew's Church, 600 · St.
Andrews Road, Newport Beach.
Workbooks will be available for
$20. For reservations, call 760-3404. .
The South Coast Business and
Professional Women offers lunch
and a lecture on •Do You Hear
What I Hear? -Improving Your
Listening Skills" from 11:30 a.m.
to 1 p.m. at Wyndham Garden
Hotel, 3350 Avenue of the Arts,
Costa Mesa. Admission is $17 for
members and $22 for guests. For
reservations, call 472-4666.
q uality M E ATS
The Finest Meat and service .A.uailable
Vole cany Roel\)' Free Range Chickeµs
Ma0Qioi1:'1 Beef·Loio ' .,,
. ~ "'
... I
.. ~ill
P.ork o r Veal Bratwurst,
Italian sweet o r Ho t
Chicken or 1\u'key
• Boneless • ~
New York Steak
Celesttoo's Kobohs
· In our own special Marinades
Chicken or Beef
Top Sirloin Steak
. $6.59lb
Celestino's Patties
Ground Beef,
$2 .99lb
270East1711 St..• Costa Mesa. (714} 642-7191
uare) 10:00 to 7:00 Mon-Sat
Hoag CenCer Center otfer a
free Jectwe on •1be War on Can-
cer -Promts1ng New 1berapiel
and the Role d Clinical 'Dials.
from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag
Canasr Center, 4000 W. Padfic
Cobt Hlgbway, Newport Beach.
Jtor resexvationl and more infor-
mation. call 760-5542. :
The Newport Beach Public
Ubraries invite children enter~
ing first through fifth grades to
•create a Disguise• a free arts
and crafts· program at 3 p .m. at
Mariners Branch LibM.iy. For
more information, call 717-
Computer Friends offers a free
lecture on tra~el planning using
the lhtemet at 1 p.m. in the multi-
purpose room at the Oasis Senior
Center, 800 Marguerite Avenue,
Corona del Mar. For information,
call 642-6553.
The Newport-Costa Mesa-
hvine YMCA offers a free class on
upper body strength training at
2300 Univetsity Drive, Newport
Beach. For mote information, call
The Newport Beach Public
Libraries invit~ children entering
Old Glory Fl~
A Great
Ameri~an Way to Ce ebrate
the 4th ...
l'l'JC .. p ~A~~. ~ H~1r-A.,iu7
11~-h'l5· 91'{0
No matter what you're doing.
your hometown newspaper
RTSIN ••• ~~
' ~ ' . ' ' '
ftnt throUgh fifth to ·ere.
ate a Dilgujle, • a tr.. arts and
aaftl program. .at 10:30. e.m. at
the Balboe Branch Lib~. 100 B.
Balboa Blvd. Por more informa-
tion, call 117-3801.
St. Andlew'1 Presbyterian
Church offers itl next tree Career
Network meeting on "Respond·
ing to Your Most Dtfficult Job
Search Problems•·at 7:30 p.m. at
600 St. Andrews Road, Newport
Beach. For more information, call
The law offices of Usa A Cian-
cio offers a free seminar·called
•Estate Planning for the Young
Family -Protecting Your Family
Through Wills and nusts" at 6:30
p.m . at 881 Dover Drive, Suite
300, Newport Beach. Reserva-
tions are required at 574-0866.
Dean :Witter Reynolds lnc.
offers a free seminar on •A Step
Ahead, How Mutual Funds Can
Help You Reach Your Financial
Goals" at 7 p.m. at the.Park New-
port Apartments Clubhouse on
the corner of San Joaquin Hills
Road and Jamboree Road in
Newport Beach. Make reserva-
tions at 241-3198.
'JULY 11 ·
Orange Coast College offers a
·Profit Through lnventing" semi-
nar from 7:30 to 10 p .m. in room
101 of OCC's Science Lecture
UPHOLSTERY ... , .... c.... ...
1922 HAllOl llVD .. COSTA mESA • S41-1 I S6
Info Tape
Hall. Registration fee ii $5 for
memheJ'I and $15 for guests. Par
more information, call '32-5880.
1be Golden West ot tbe
Retired omoen Aaodatim wW
bold their next dinner meeting at 6
p.m. at the Costa Mesa Golf and
Coonty Oub, 1 ?01 Golf Course
Ddve. Retired otbrlu all branch-
es of the armed leJVices and their
guests are welcome. Cost is $14.50.
For informatioo., call 965-1427
JULY 12 .
Orange Coast College'i;tSailing
Program offers a sllde/l~e p~e
sentation titled ·cruising the
Baja• from 6to10 p.m. at the Sail-
ing Center, '1801 W. Coast High-
way, Newport Beach. Registration
fee is $18 in advance and $22 at
the door. For more information,
call 645-9412.
Musician Craig Woodson will
show how easy it is to tum ordi-
nary household items i.I\to musical
instruments from around the
world at 11 a.m. 1 and 3 p.m. at
Launch Pad, 3333 Bear St., Costa
Mesa. Once the instruments are
made, Woodson invites the audi-
ence to participate in a short •jam
session.• Cost is $3.25 for mem-
bers and $5.75 for guests. Shows
are appropriate for children ages
6 and up. For more information, can 546-2061.
Orange Coast College's
Bark Park presents lts annual
BathStille Day, inviting dogs and
their owners to treat their pooch
to a wash and towel, dry from sog-
gy, but cheetful volunteers from
11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in TeWinkle Park
in Costa Mesa. Professional
groomers will be on hand to cllp
nails, clean ears, etc. All proceeds
will go toward the Parle Operating
Fund. For more information, call
Dan Kruse Classic Car Produc-
tions and Rick Cole AUction Com-
pany presents the Newport Beach
Summer '97 Collector Car Auc-
tion and Sho\\r beginning at 1q
a.m. at The _Hyatt Newporter
Hotel, 1107 Jamboree Road. The
show will feature more than 300
rare cars for sale. Admission is S8
for adults and $3 for children ages
5 to 12. For more information, ciill
(210) 495-4777.
Paddle ·Power offers a three-•
hour excursion into the Upper
Newport Bay Ecological Reserve
from 9 a .m. to noon at 1500 W.
Balboa Blvd., Newport Bea,ch.
The trip will begin with a brie1
kayaking lesson, and single and
<:toubie kayaks are available. Cost
is_$4~es~~ons are necessary
by calling G1s:r2rs .
TltE Bod ----,
~"'f!l'lllP'..---..,.., I
I ......._ __ __..... .•
I '. I
Joe's Crab Shack a
crackfug success
.19y Mart. Bird, Daily Pilot
T he Landry Fish House on
West Coast Highway
floundered to a close after
two yean, so the owners, Hous-
ton-based Landry Corp., ana-
lyzed Newport's dining scene
and decided to turn to another of
their dining concepts, Joe'• Crab
Galvanized buck.eta fit into
holes centered on the planked
picnic tables, ready for crab car-
casses and tr49h, along wtth a
roll of brown
paper towell. Condiments
(Landry's special ~ces).fill.alots
in empty six-pack beer cartons.
Of course the plates and platters
are plastic and paper, although
draft beer or wine comes in
It's a restau-
rant baaed on the
jdea of Gull
glass mugs and
i tem glasses.
Coast-style cooking presented in
the casual disarray of a typical
Galveston fishing camp.
In nano-weeks, workmen tore
apart Landry's and transformed
it into a rowdy, kick-back fun-
house-with-food. In comparison,
its general appearance makes
Wahoo's look like The Ritz-Carl-
ton. The designers intentionally
introduced a new depth of tacky
decor to Mariner's Mile.
As they proudly print in the
brochures, it's •an embarrass-
ment to the neighborhood.•
Done on purpose, it worked,
drawing peopl~ in like wilde-
beests to water.
On any weeknight, Joe's
Crab Shack usually has a "LOT
FULL" sign blocking the park-
ing lot by 6:30. Wannabe cus-
tomers back up traffic on Coast
Highway and some of the
spillover crowds into Josh
Slocurns' place next door.
J oe's is an all-out triumph with
a vanety of fresh seafood at aver-
age fish house price.s in a dining
1 ($6.99), freshly
marinated with lime juice and
pico de gallo with avocado,
makes a spirited beginning, or
try the "peel-your own• shrimp
-meaty and supremely fresh, ,
($6.99 per half pound) served on
a tray of cracked ice. You'll be
relaxing and eating with your
fingers before you know it.
The star attractions are whole
crabs steamed, broiled, barbe-
cued or boiled -they'll fill your
platter. Tools for cracking shells
come in.handy, but silly toy mal-
lets provided are strictly for
show. •
Be prepared for stiff market
prices for Dungeness, stone,
blue or soft-shell crabs. Broiled
Giant King crab legs at $23 were
every bit as delicious as our phe-
nomenal waitress, Chicago
Leahy, said they would be. whose decor is best
described as "intentional sham-
bles.• The ceiling is almost invis-
ible under a collection of old soc-
cer balls, buoys, stuffed fish, fake
birds, mitts, teddy bears, fishing
poles and similar trivia.
Orange Coast appetites may
need to adjust to the commeal-
and-flour-based batters on fried
shrimp and oysters, familiar as
we are to the putty brown bat-
ters of Clfinese-style or KFC.
This drier, mealier finish is, well,
different. Unexpected -unless
you've tasted the fried foods
down a.round Galveston and
Houston's seaport areas.
Signature crabcakes ($6.99)
are loaded with com meal flour
If you least or pwchase I c«npUltr from US, ........ you "' obtaink'I •
$5.0QO lQtqnd °'*Sri Cncl Cwd. *
No credft? Bad Ct8Clt7 No problem!!
'H !liable to quaWy tor a lease, use the credt card to £• - -!"!.....----~
PlJChase the computer system from us. c • --' -·-:,,.
W£ 5'£CWJZ£ IN LEAslNG To IH-HoMi BuslESSES <52s° :>
71 4 ... 72 1-.-4006
-Floral & Gifts·---1
50-75°/o off Floral Supplies
& Arrangements
Frenc h Ribbon • Ste m Florals • Containers
CFxdudc~ Greenery, Limited to supply on hand)
Expires 7 /9/97
Gifts &
Antiques -·-Speciality
Mon-Fri 10-6 •Sat 10-5
369 E. 17th St., #13 • Costa Maa • 646-67 4S
(Nat to Plum'• Cafe)
and "Landry's special season-
ing,• which shows up in its fried
fish, shrimp and oysters. More
Gull Coast tastes are in red
beans and rice ($6.99) or Joe's
Etoufee ($8.99).
Joe's generous fish platters
have an assortment of grilled
shrimp, whitefish, crab fingers
and/or popcorn shrimp ($9.99 to
$15.99). Grilled lobster tail
($16.99) was moist and tasty
served with vegetables and for-
gettable slaw. 1\vo pasta dishes
with fish or chicken ($10.99)
plus sandwiches, salads and
Cost Effective
Legal Solutions
~ lJiitJ
... &ht ,,, ....
• (714) 760-8775 •
seafood plates for under $10 are
a hit with the crowd.
Joe's should go back to the
drawing board for the kid's food
($2.99). Macaroni and cheese is
a dismal orange glop and the
small fry's "popcorn shrimp"
was simply little shrimp rolled 'in
flour and baked or sauteed,
nothing "popcorn • crunchy
about them.
New York-style cheesecake, a
sensational Key Lime pie,
Reese's Peahut Butter Pie and
Cool off In Arbo-I
Spectacular White Mountains.
H.S. Credits incl. ESL
Co-Ed. Gradel ~12.
. ActiYlties. Travet.
,..._ M:ltOOI"'
alOllldlAl.11'X·12 •
Open Daily, lam -6:30pm •Closed Sundays
427 E. 17th St,Costa Mesa
(By Whemioute Records)
iilda • plati
of Ah.tan
Dig Crab
legl.oneof I
available at
Sb.acll ID
lencll ltleU to
• fun dining
•-..-------•CLEANING PLANT ON PREMISES t;::::::::::::::~.;...__-+:~ • WE ACCEPT COMPETITORi'CouPONS I . EXPERT ALTERATIONS r 714-650-8225
. .
Newpon BnCh/ Meaa Daily Pilot '
Sol Grpl on Peninsula
now open
DeniM laggut bas just
opened a restaurant near Char-
lie's Chill on the Pe ninsula
called Sol Grill, which features
grilled food with an Ital.ran flair.
The chef is Salvatore Longo. Let
me know what you think of it. I
won't be d own that way for a
few w eeks and would appreci-
ate your take on the food and
service. Call 723-4105. Have a
fabulous Fourth!
• AllP£TIZERS are complied from
reviews written by Marla Bird, Julie
Ross Cannon, Nancy Cheever and
Carolyn Miller
Friendly owners and serving
staff seem earnest in their desire
to make everyone comfortable.
At lunch time, entrees are served
with fried rice, soup and an
appetizer. Those favorite appetiz-
er standbys, egg rolls, fried won
tons, fried shrimp, barbecued
pork ribs and wrapped chicken,
as a starter, are as good as these
get. Tea is plentiful and most
entrees cost around $8 to $10.
There is an attractive bar serv-
r ing liquor, a limited w ine choice
and a fine selection of Chinese
I beers. (MB) I 2023 Harbor Blvd., Costa
Mesa. Entrees average $8. 642-
t 7162. ~
The pleaSfint Moroccan dining
Chefs at the
Orange County Fair .
Coµnt on good times and
some more-than-fair-quality eat-
ing when you are having a day
at the annual Orange County
Fair. A handful of Orange Coun-
ty's blue-ribbon chefs will be
· involved in dem()Jl.Strations titled
From the Garden Cooking, at 11
a .m. Thursday through Sunday.
Organized with Pucal Olbats of
Pascal and Cate Jardin; Chrtat-
lan Rustnoox of the Ritz Carl-
room is gaily decorated with red,
green and yellow window shades
and a red plaid rug. The colorful
food -tomato broth, fresh
green sala~. orange carrots -is
a treat too. Also good; roast
·quail and bastia, a phytlo pastry
pie with ground chicken,
almonds, scrambled eggs and a
touch of sugar. Besides its moder-
ately priced, delicious food and
good service, the other major
plus at Casablanca Bistro is the
sheer pleasure of being able to
hear your dinner partner and
have a conversation without hav-
ing to shout. (MB)
1520 W. Coast Highway. Mod-
erately priced. 646-1420.
#Dining at the deli" takes on a
whole new aspect when you are
talking about the Farmers Mar-
ket service deli in Atrium Court at
Fashion Island. Yards of food,
dozens and dozens of attractive
selections of hot and cold dishes,
and so much more. tt occupies a
platter chatter
ton; fNcl Caton of the Westini
and JMD Pierre IAwann•tter of
Le Chardonnay will be-present-
ing some simple but delectable
ways to use your own gardens'
Around the turn
at Speedway
Contrary to my tongue in
cheek swmise printed two weeks
ago in this column Speedway
might fall victim to the "all show
and no chet• problem, a variety of
big space in the Atrium, needing
room for its meat. poultry and
fish markets. plus produce and
staples, the wine bar, soup and
sandwich bar, potato cart hot
and cold deli, bakery and a thriv-
ing catering business. (MB)
In the Atrium at Fashion
Island. Inexpensive. 760-0403
Luscious barbecue,d ribs
"Mmm, Mmm, good!" with
secret sauce recipe from co-own-
er Fran Ursini. To go specials
offered, or take advantage of
comfortable dining room. Appe-
tizers include a deep-fried "onion
flower;" fried mozzarella with
marinara; and killer fried onions ·
strings. All entrees (such as ribs,
steaks, seafood) tome with
coleslaw, hot cornbread, fresh
vegetables and fruit and a
choice of baked beans, steak
fries, baked potato or onion ..,,
straws. (MB)
2000 Newport Boulevard, Cos-
ta Mesa. Moderately priced. 631-
,._.,,.,...,.,in"" Per monlti ~ .,. " r ""' Billed Annually • • VOOv f tONS Aiat~uc.H ·CALL 1·88·88·YIUAft V ~~a:.~G
Paging 1-ua·IM-2721or714-2414221
20% Off
on ·all Summer Toys!
I Jmited to stock on hand
good 7 /4/97 thro 7 /13/97
no cash value
Suntm lotions on sale! ..
Speedway folk have called to me that Speedway (whose
olfk;ia1 title Is Sp 1ectw.y-Inter-
ndoaal bdng natro and Bar)
will indeed have a chef. His name
is John Le and he is a graduate 'f
the famed cooking school, Cordon
Ble u, in Paris.
New chef at
Wmdows on the Bay
Scott Shuttleworth, owner of
Windows on the Bay, has named
Patrick Glennon as the new
2110; fax. 631-8656.
Wanna see a body builder
mow a triple-decker burger, a
devout vegetarian devour a
sausage or a dedicated dieter
gobble up fries polished off with
a peanut butter shake? This is
no health food revolt. This is
business as usual at "Veg a Go-
Go, H which offers a variety of
vegetarian food with flavors
from around the world. The 16
flavors of Rappers (sandwiches
wrapped in pita bread or tor-
tilla) are signature items, and
the cheeseburger and fries taste
almost like the real, fat -loaded
deal. (CM)
Fashion Island's Atrium Court,
401 Newport Center Drive, New-
port Beach. Inexpensive. 721 -
If you are harboring refugees
executive chef and partner of the
immense establishment on West
Coast Hlqhway. Glennon's most
outstanding training was with
Chef Maximim in ffrance and
Spain. M<>st recently, he was not-
ed for his award·win.nin9 cuisine
at Le Meridien in San D1ego, The
Four Seasons Hotel, Newport
and at the Ritz-Carlton in Lagu-
na Niguel. Former chef Ben
Ford, who was commuting
between here and Hollywood
Hills, is now with Jackson's Fann
in Beverly Hills.
-Compiled by Marla.Bird
from the East, bring them here
for a chowder lunch, prompt
service and a whale of a view.
Oysters are flown in daily from
the East Coast; other seafood
starters include shrimp and cala-
mari ceviche, steamed clams or a
Newport Roll with crab and avo·
cado. For evening, the Caj un
swordfish packs heat. All entrees
are half-price between 5 and 6
p.m. Monday through Friday,
and the weekends feature colas·
sal breakfast meals. Kids can
have chi<ken tenders, t?urgers,
spaghetti, grilled cheese or fish
and chips for $4.95 and this
indudes, where appropriate,
french fries, a soft drink, dessert
and a toy. M anager Joe Thomp-
son said 50 cents of each child's
meai is donated to the Pediatrics
Research Foundation. (MB)
503 E. Edgewater Ave., on the
Peninsula. Moderately expen-
sive. 675·2373
Our 4th of July
Has Terrific Savings
-Get The Poin~?
cu llra6f low prlcal
•Chocolate Overdose Cake•
are the calorie-laden desserts
($4.25). There's a full servioe
bar, but the most popular 4 drink in the house is draft
beer. It would be unthinkable
to ask for a vintage wine list
(lnd l can't imagine anyone
wanting to.
A t intervals, the wait staff.
ditch their trays, tueaking imp
rousing versions ol songs like
MYMCA, •dancing like cheer·
leaders (Leahy, complete with
megaphone). Assist.ant Man-
ager John Jordan said cus-
tomers dance in the aisles and
sooner or later, a conga line
fomlS and often goes right out
mto the parking lot.
Come with a festive C?QWd
and leave your sedate-type
fnends at home. Don't worry
if your kids are loud -
nobody will be able to hear
them anyway. If you want to
avoid the hullabaloo, come for
lunch or a very early dinner.
Joe's Crab Shack doesn 't take
r---------------------, I I
I F.Y.I. I I I I + WHA~ Joe's Crab
• WllEIE: 2607 w. Coast
Highway, Newport Beadi
+WI EN: Open daily. 11
a.m. to 10 p.m., i1 p.m.
on Friday and Saturday
• PRICES: Moderate to
~ • PttONE: 650-1818
Get extra
off our
low .. . prices,
July 13th.:
'n'~I System
lnfont stroller, toddler
stroller, cor seat Md
corner -1111 in one!
EXTRA $15 to $65 OFF:
SAVEi c.entur)l
Brcvar• .. Premiere
Booltcr C.r Sat
2 greet seats in one!
Gro.vs with baby to :
become II boosta seat !
With II ck4r vtlf:W ~ !
Wlndo.Ys. f.488STAP
MowOnty $49.99 ~ .
$10 OFF
. . . . . . . . . .
In Stock
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I t bu been said that the rose-
mary plant bu a mythical
power that can improve
human JMmory.
fittingly, organizers of the
Pounder'• Club supporting the
Alzheimer's Allodation of
Orange Cowity have adopted
the rotemary twig u their sym·
memory. Hope for life.
Supporters of the fight
again.It Alzheimer'• gathered
this week at the Paci1ic
Club, Newport Beach, to bestow
the rosemary upon one very ...
special man, Mu Olan.
He is a Newport Beach resi-
deot who is caring for his 84-
year-old wife Dorothy, an
Alzheimer's patient for the past
decade. Olsan is determined to
make a difference, for
his wife and for the
community. Dorothy
Olsan requires
care. She is now in
the later stages of the
disease, and Max is
there for her.
Unda Scheck,
executive director of
the Alzheimer's Asso-
ciation said, •Max
Olsan is an incredible
mdividual. Not only
does he take excel-·
lent care of his wife,
he also helps others
take care of their
lo"tted ones suffering
from the disease.·
ft . . . ' ' ------
ll.1.-: t""
I b.w.
research and advocacy of
Alzheimer's awareness in the
community. It is work that is
bringing results.
In 1996-97, dedicated volun-
teen like 011an have helped the
ulOdation ra1le in 8XC8ll of
$150,000 through the.Pounder's
Club. •Max and the other
founders a,.. always encouraging
the UIOdatlon to share all the
news on the dileue with the
public,• Sc.beck said. •An
lncreued villbllity will further
educate tb6 publlc about
Alzheimer's, helping to rally all
the support available in the com-
More than 100 patrons dined
at the Pad.fie Club for just that
purpose. Newport's Pat Cox.
Bob DIYlne, Selly Jenny and
BW ad Elalne Parker were in
the crowd.
Mark Cottman, president of
the Alzheimer's boa.rd, ahd his
bride Debblof Corona Del Mar
greeted Jlm and
Su.An Vocke of Costa
.Mesa.-They joined
Ann Uncohnmd her
son Ron Llncoln,
Alex ud Sandra
ltadOI, Jlm and Mari-
lyn Spain. Ray and
Loalae Woolsey, and
Bob and La Doma
Eichenberg to
applaud honored
guest Max Olsan,
attending the affair
with his daughter
Judy Gubler. It was a
very special evening,
with the Rosemary of
Remembrance Award
taking on a most per-
sonal meaning. To
support Alzheiiner's,
call the association at
Olsan is an active
member of the
Alzheimer's Associa-
tion Founder's Club.
Its work is aimed at
supporting ser-
vices, education, Max 01AlfW01lOiiorea by the Pounder's Club.
• a.w. coOIC·s column
appears every Thursday
and Saturday.
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Comic · 'Arsenic' -still potent after all these years
Warien (left) and Nick Cook have Robert Green right where they want him in .. Arsenic
and Old Lace" at the Newport Theater· Arts Center.
Friday, July I I •
I() & I I :30 P·~·
• wipe
P~lffi~ pres ents
"POINT PANIC." ' ' -.
' 11lt --· ,_.., ... ,. 21• nllllt. i. • 11111. Silflo. 11111 llh Mu 11 I. I-.;~ a.LI'
By Tom lltus, Dail/ Pilot'
A mong that collection of
venerable stage co~es
labeled •otdles but Good-
ies• -wherein reside the Kauff-
man and Hart trea-
ghly competent performance,
missing only on some of the comic
nuances of his character. Kristina
Leach is quite good as his exasper-
ated fiancee, a somewhat randy
preacher's daughter.
The hulking physique and
sury and other
notable pre-Neil
Simon works -
Orson Wellsian
voice of Warren
Harker underscore
there lies the long-ago-interred
but frequently resurrected
•Arsenic and OJd Lace,• a master-
piece of silliness that bas assumed
classic proportions. .
Joseph Kesselring's exercise in
comic menace -a "black come-
dy" long 'before that tenn· was
coined -hasn't been revived
locally in about 20 years, more's
the pity. But the Newport Theater
Arti; Center has rediscovered the
batty Brewsters of Brooklyn for a
new generation of audiences.
And, even as familiar as we are
with this property (your correspon-
dent has played three different
roles in as many productions),
. Newj:>ort's ~Arsenic" is still a
chuckle fest if not a laugh riot.
Director Jack Millis has given his
version the requisite touch of
wackiness without stretching for
the belly laugh. -
The Newport prodtlction is
blessed by the presence of Teri
Ciranna as Abby Brewsler, one of
tit~ two lethal aunties who send
·lonely old men·to their final resting
place -in lhe Brewsters' cellar.
Ciranna has etched her feisty little
old lady cllaracter to a fine point,
<ind her timing is impeccable.
Jeanne Slasor as her partner in
crime, Aunt Martha, is the I-lardy
to C iranna's Laurel, a fussy yet
invariably pleasant old dear \Vho
provides a sunnier nature despite
the darkness of her deeds.
Making his stage debut in the
central role o~ their nephe\v, Mor-
timer, Robert G reen delivers a
the menace Of his
demented character, Mortimer's
mwderous brother Jonathan. Nick
Coolt is a comic delight as his pix-
ilated accomplice, Dr. Einstein.
Christopher Spencer as the
addled Teddy (who believes his
last name's Roosevelt) doesn't4l'0s-
sess the physical bearing for the
role, but charges up San Juan Hill
with abundant energy. Beau Ryan
is a bit young for the 12-year vet-
eran of the police force who fash-
ions himself d playwrigr'lt. but here
again energy prevails.
Fillfu.g in the background \Vlili
effective portrayals dre Vic
Kostrukoff. Jon Cory August and
Ryan Miller as n1embers of the
constabulary and Joe Pierce doing
double duty as a funny farm hon-
. r----------------------·--1 ' : F. Y.t.
' : + WHA?. • Anenic and Old
:-Lace" . •
: + WI••· Newport Theater t '[ : Arb Center . ..: : + WHEN: Thursdays through -1!
: Sundays until July 13 .~vrl
/ +HOWMUOI: $13 .j ·
: +PHONE: 631-()2¥ J,,q
I •• -l ~-------------------------U.IA.
cho and an intended vi~ .O
Richard Sclmeeweis is a bit whiny --11
as the minister. '-;d
The play is set, as it must be, in ... n
1941 , and Christopher Wuebben ..
two-story settin.g appears properly. ~·r;
ViOorian for the occasion. Johfl·•IJ
Fejes contributes some splen<Wt, J
lighting effects and Tom Phillips' . .,t1 costumes are equally appealing .. ~ •1.:
Joseph Kesselring may hav~
been a one-hit wonder a haU-cen:, Li
tury ago, but his one hit has J>8ict ·.
repeated dividends and continu~ 1 I
to do so al Newport Theater Art!' P
Center. You can toast the Brew-' ..,
sters with a little elderberry wine · r
through July 13 ' .111
" ·' ,,,
4th Of July " f•
Clearance. Sale ' ., ,,
Electrlcals '
Mugl! . .>
t 1'. Tea Pots -:•
1 '' Packaged Food ' ' ·:
French Presses
Tee-Shirts ''
r Dorothy Jo'I Happy Hooten
will entertain at 1 t today at
the Jewilb SanJCi' Center ol
Orange County, 250 B. Baker S..,
Costa Mesa. The venaUle IODQ'•
and-dance troupe will present a
perform.uw:ie of everyone's
favorite American music. Lunch ii included with a S3 chaige. Por
• information, call S 13-5641. t ..
Singer Barbara Leigh perp
fonnt a repertoire of jazz, dixie,
folk, rock, country, oldies and big
band music at 12:30 p.m. on July
10 at the Jewish Senior Center of
Orange County,. 250 B. Baker St.,
Costa Mesa. Lunch is included
with a $3 ~e. Por informa-
tion. call 513-5641.
The Hyatt Newporter presents .
a Fourth of July celebration with
an evening of jazz and fireworks
featuring Walter Beasley and
Pattburger, who will perlorm at 7
and 8:45 p.m. at 1107 Jamboree
Road, Newport Beach. nckets
~ $15 to $25. Children under
age 16 receive 50% off the adult
price. For information, call 729-
The Orange County Perform-
ing Arts Center presents the
Classical Mystery Tour concert, a
tribute to the Beatles featuring
original members of the Broad-
way sensation •Beatlemania"
performing with a 48-piece
orchestra, at 8 p.m. Saturday at
f?OO Town Center E>rlve, Costa
Mesa. nckets are $15 to $45. For
information, call 740-7878. . JAZZ GUITARIST
Free live classic rock perfor-
mances are scheduled from noon
to 2:30 p.m. Monday through Fri-
day; from 7 to 10 p.m. Friday and
Saturday; and from 1 to 4 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday afternoons
in the Town Square at Tri.angle
Square in Costa Mesa.
The Orange , ty Museum
of Art pr "Fire and Ice
-(S . . ding)• by artist
Georg tone, through Dec. 28 at
850 San Clemente Drive, New-
port Beach. For more informa-
tion, call 759-1122.
EARLY PAINTINGS Contemporary jazz guitarist
Bruce Wall will perform from 4 to
_8 p.m . Sunday in the Newport
E Beach Marriott Hotel's View t
•Mark Rothko: The Spirit of
Myth, Early Paintings from the •
1930s and 1940s" is on view
i I
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through Sept. 7 at the Orange
County Museum of Art, 850 San
Clemente Drive, Newport Beach.
For more information, call 7 59-
The Orange County Musewn
of Art t>resents •Real Ute/Still
Ute by Marie Cosindas" featur-
ing color photographs through
Aug. 31 at the OCMA South
The 'D'adltlon
Coast Plaza Gallery, 3333 Bristol
St., Costa Mesa. For more infor-
mation, call 759-1122.
The Newport Beach Central
Llbrary presents ·wud Life," an
exhibit of still photography by
Corona del Mar commercial pho-
Fou-:th of July-
. .iSpeclat· · /'\. . f... ~rs. Eve. JulY 3.l'l-;-
&. Sat. Eve. July 581 ·
All you Can
Eat Paella
(fradldonal Spanish
Rice packed with
Chicken &.. Shrimp)
(714) 756-8194
4253 Martingale Way
Newport Beach
t mile South of J.W. Alrpott
:Rif torante
ooK.Jor 'Daily Specials -'Dine in or'Iak!-Out
Sunday Champagne Brunch $1295
Served 11:30 -2:30
3012 Newport Blvd.
Newport Beach
(714) '123-2338
'nla-Sun #-10
F'rl 4 Sol 4-11
C1o#d /lf"""'4p .
A c:ou.c.1loll at~~
Jahn HwtA>aig Will be~ at Haute c.u. ~b
July 30 at 1807 W. Cliff Court
Drtve, Newport Beach. Tb8
saapt ol paper, labels, tickets
and pbotol placed Witbln bil
work are reminders ot the put,
symbols or metaphors for Ume
1tseU. For more information, call
J :atJNED EXHlltr
. 1be public 19 invited to view
winning entries in the Sprtpg
1997 Orange County Artist
Jwted Emibit on display through
July 29 in the Newport Beach
Cty Hall Gallery, 3300 Newport
Blvd. for information, call 71 ?-
Orange Coast College offers a
yoga/meditation workshop from
7 to 8:30 p.m. on Mondays from
July? through Aug. ~1 at OCC's
track, 2701 Fairview R9ad. Costa
Mesa. Registration fee is $59. For
infonnation, call 4~2-5880.
A Master's Swim Program.
designed to promote life-long fit-
A Safari Sunday Brunch
Cruise is available aboard the
54-foot Emerald Forest 'Ilki
docked 1h Balboa at the Pun
Zone from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m .
every Sunday. The cost is $25.95
per person and $15.95 tor chil-
dren under 12. For reservations,
call 673-0240.
Restaurant & Lido Shipyard Saosage Co.
uf>1 WRAJ>p~ r--Fiiee--1
1 Bowl with 1 I Purchase of. any I
r"' I Whole Salad I
0 L~-~~!l.!!.:..!!!!J ,.------------, r-------------, I FREE, • I I . F_REE n•uy I Get I Freel
I Side dish la Founuln 11 (Chkke.n or '1
I Drink Wllll .llV I I ~l.n I Wr J I entrM~ II 1'~~1 e ap I!.7""!-'1t.J L~-~~!!,_,mJ
Orange Coast College pre-
sents •Peter and the Wolf" from
July 9 to 13 and July 16 to 19 in
OCC's Robert B. Theatre,
2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa.
Curtain is scheduled for 10 ~.m.
Wednesdays through Prldays, 1
p.m. Fridays and 2 p.m. Satur-
days and Sundays-. Advance tick-
ets are S4 and tickets at the door
are SS. For information, call 432-5880. .
The Newport Theatre Arts
Center p~ts the black come-
dy • ArsenCc and Old Lace" at 8
p.m. Thursday through Saturday,
and 2:30 p.m.. Sundays through
July 13 at 2501 Oiff Drive, New-
port Beach: Tickets are $13. For
reservations, call 631-0288.
Cbildr8D from 99• 6 to 9 can
Dlm paint and c:na• MW colon
in 1be Paintilig WotbtiOP from
10 a.m . .to noon on Manday,
Wednelday aDd Prid.ay begin-
ning this Monday at the Orange
County Museum di Art, 850 san
Oemente Drive, Newport
Beach. ~ation fee i. $45.
For infonnati'bn. Call 6'4·3151.
Children from ages 8 to 15
can expn:ss th81D1elves in a
variety of media tn • five.week
class, Creative Kldz, from 10 to
11 a.JU. on Tuetdap beginning
this Tuesday at C11ff Drive Park
in Newport Beach or on Thurs-
days begimiing July 10 at the
Vmcent Jorgensen Community
Center a djacent to Mariners
Branch Library, 2005 Dover Dri-
ve, N,ewport Beach.·Regtstration
fee is. $53. Activities may ·
include painting, papier mache,
mosaics, weaving and block
printing.For information, call
Young people between the
ages of 11 and 14 who are inter-
ested in creative writing can
attend a class offered by Orange
Coast College's College for Kids
Program from 11 a.m . to 12:20
p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday
mornings from July 9 to 25 in
room 102 of OCC's Art Center,
2701 Pairvlew Road, Costa
Mesa: Registration fee is $50.
For information, call 432-5880.
Children from ages 7 to 15
are invited to create dinosaurs,
jungle predators, reptiles, farm
animals and favorite pets from
clay in a five-week class, Silly
Clay Critters, from 2:30 to 4 p.m.
on Thursdays beginning July 10
at the Vincent Jorgensen Com-
munity Center, adjacent to
Mariners Branch Library, 2005
Dover Drive, Newport Bead>. Branch+ 100 E. S.... 8hd; Par
RegiltraUon fee 1t 569. for lnfor-Information, C411717·3801.
matkm. call 6'4·3151 .
Orange Coaat College offen
a public IJ)ea.ktilg seminar for
teens, •Teen 1alk:: Go to the
Head of Your Cla.a, • from 1 to 4
p.m.. on July 10 in room 169 at
OCC's Sdence Building, 2701
Fairview Road, Costa Mesa.
Registration fee ts $59 and
tncludel a textbook. For ihfor-
mation, call 432-5880.
Children from ages 7 to 15
are invited to sign up for a five-
week class, Ceramic Cherubs
and Rowers, from 2:30 to 4 p .m.
at the Vincent Jorgensen Com-
munity Center at Mariners Park
in Newport Beach. Children can
sign up for a class offered every
Tuesday from from July 29
through Aug. 26. Students will
have a chance to create angelic
figures, floral wreaths, cloud
and rainbow chimes, decorative
jewelry, heavenly creatures and
a box of wishes. Registration fee
is $69. For information, call 644-
The Newport Beach Public
Llbrary offers a free song and
dance program for children
entering first through fifth
grades titled •Where in the
World is Gator Gumshoe?" at
10:30 a.m. today at the Balboa
J\lld« Deeec:Uv• ...... to
13, are needed to help Co.ta
Mesa Ubn.i'y ~. Inc;,'
solve the Big Mystmy: •tt0w •
many boob can you read dlil J
11unmerf• Por eYery 10 ~
Detectives reed, they will •fkt!"
gerprlnt • their ldenttficatioll
card. and receive special JlirizM;
Registration will be held at tbl
Costa Mesa library Detedivel
Inc., Headquarten tn the C~
Mesa Library. The last day for
Junior Detectives to register n
their reading logs for prizes Js r.
Aug. 23. For information, call ~:
646-8845. •
Junior agents, from toddlen
through fifth-graders, are invll'-
ed to unravel •nie Case for •.
Books• by joining the Newport
Beach Public Library's Summer
Reading Program through Aui.
16. The program will feature a
Read-to-Me Oub for toddlen "
through kindergarten-age ~
dren and a Readers' Oub for ..
senior sleuths reading indepen-
dently. Registered agents will
receive toys, stickers, meal
coupons, paperbacks and other-
prizes according to the amount
of time they spend reading «Sr '
lisJ~ning to books. Interested ..
~agents can register at any New-
port Beach Public Ubrary. For''
information, call 717-3807.
:I I ;1 ... rlillmillilMllMll ...... IMllilllMll~--Ylalllalll
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New Italian • Elegert yet CMU8I (klcet8d in Triangle Square. Coata
Mesa). Wed • Happy Hour. Eer+t Bird Menu IWlable EYBry day.
Holn: Luncti 11:3Jam.4:CQ>m. Olnner4:CQ:m-10:30.
Reservaciorls accepllld. Mastercllrd, Visa, American
&press. Locatad et 1870A Harbor E!Nd. (714) 548-9500
P9lltl8 end breed made fresh ~ ~ 6 d9'jS a week. Tues.·
!ill. 4-1C¥n. Fri. & Sat. 4-11. Ooaed Mondays. Visa end
Meatamd ~· Reserwtions ~· Located lilt :l:l12
~BM! .. 723-2338 •
Q'9llt paz.e & pasta in Coata Mesa since 1968. ~ for looctt
Tues . .fri. 11am-2pm. Oirww ll8N8d 5pm-1~. Set. noon to
1 ~. Ooaed Sllld8y end Monday. Located lilt 23D Hert>or-
Shopping ear. Costa Mesa. (Relr pendng kX)
(714) MS-1511
l.oclClld lilt 251 Ea&t Pedfic Q)8llt H{ttway in Newport Beecti.
lulch Mon.-&it. 11 :~:00, Stnjey Bnn:h , , am3pm.
Char Mon&ll 5pm-1~. Cal eheed for re&er'Y8tiorw
· Rne F9"1tf Clnirig. NIMtf Almodlled. ~ 7 Days A IAeek for Dinner~ ~10:~. We Clta' PrMIC8 Lunch Pat-. for
15 P90ple or Men. Al MeP" 0'9dit Cards Accept9d.
?1 ..... Acolpeed. l.ocac.d It 1578 Newport Bt.<d. Coltll
~. ~s.d. HD11.,,...~ • ...,.. l..wnb, aiit.. Wine. 8llr. OlppJocR> & o..R Hain;
Wiik. ~ SIL & Qai, Bruld\ Fnlrn 8:3().1 :00. 11em-1~. Fri.&t. 11~11Jm Al MIP" a.a
Cll'da AaCilMd. u...d #. 2S1 ~ Wfll. Nlwpart e.m,
(714) 7230821
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<:oata Mesa • CA 92626
Bn.tol Village Plaza
Coma of Red Hill at Bristol
cu"-* ... roN • 111> to Bejl • wel. Meldco. Now~ ftlh
tlCOL Phone ell8l!ld for orderl IZ>ilQ. Hotn: lllit4 From 11 :CDWn.
M MaP' 0'8dit Cards ~ l.ocalad At. 29Ei 17th St., Com
(714) 64&7626
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Located At. 2675 Irvine fwe .. (Across From NewpOrt Golf
(714) 645-5518
Anwica's mo&t celebl11t8d Japenese resta.nrt. ~ 7 days a
week. Luncti 11 :~:~ Mcnfn. Omer 5:~
1 O:CJ.:¥n MJo. Tlus; 5:~ 11 :CJ:Vn Fn; 5pm-11 :CQm
Slit; 4:~:~ Sun. Located lilt 4250 Bi'dl St.
Menu Includes: lcbllter. ()ab, 3n'r4>. 9:ealcs. Oett ~.
Fri. &· Sat. Prine Rib, Ful Bar &. Wn Lile. c.Jll DW.
Holn: Lunches 11 :~:00 -Dinner Mon.-&it. Fnm 5:~ V•. Mestalcad, Chra Out>. Located At.1895 h<irw I.e., [At
17'tl 9reat) Neer Bt>dcbc 16ta-El artli., *' QJICll Mla6
(714) 84&7944
MetkJ hckJdes ~ Freeh Ritt. Olicli:«I, Blrglr8 & 5*il.
Priem Rlt'lg8 From $3. 75 RT Ll.nch &. $8.25 Rr Cher.
Holn: Mon.&t. ~ 11am RT lulch. 4:oopm
01nner a:c:Qim. Sat. & Sun .. Mljor' cnctit Carda Accepcad
l.ocllt9d At. 2300 Hert>or-Bl. 131 , Collta Ma.
(714) 841-9777
The prwnUn It.eek end lllfood to.-In ()w,ge Ocul¥ Sa
1922. SrAlg ~ Man..fn. 11 :30im wd 3:~"l»ww _.. ritflOf wt1 1 :<nm. l.ocDd an Nlwpo"t 8Di.tlwrd a
o.t Hwi in~ Bried\. 86707?
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HltDric w-fl (I' Aelcarerc Ind Hrilor O'\i9e Certar. Hotn: Mon . .S.C. 11:3llnl-2:00lm, SU'! 10:CX)am.12:CC¥n. M Meja'·
Qd c.dil. Raeswricn .... Loca.ed. 3::110 ~ Ate .• Nawpor-t e.cti. CA
(714) 675-Sm Fee 675-2510 .
Gs hooked on the freahelt fiah 9Ylillbll. F1"9ltl IP'led filh. ll9lfood
.00 chldtM, -~. Hiida, Willd ..... JI ug ........
open six dl!r1' • week. Man. tMJ ""'" f, ~ Fri & s. 11 lfn-9pm. Loc8tBd "670 w. 17th St. IQ!, ea.. ~ (Wast d the
new Treder Joea. I 645ar73
W8terfror& cininQ et the former • cl Che hilbri: See Shercy Ind
Oellroey's. F'e8Clrila fresh ~ lllfood, O/Cll' br end
r'1t11i1 ftltl martcet. FUI bar. Oger' psio. Chlg fl"b. AJ maier ardl. c..nna Millble Seating \4)0fl lrT'Mll ~ lliced. L.a:-.1 63::1 uoo Pert [)M ,... Udo llllfld. ~ 7 days. kn:h & clnrw.
~ Dnla. s.. & ~ 0.1c-gr19 BrulCh. Orvw Mlnu ..
$13 95 · $19.95. o..r Bir Mlnu SINed M Day. Hcln: 10:allm •
• 11 ·~ AmaJt. Meal cad, v.a. an. Awl.-.. : Recommended. Locetad & 503 E. Edgl" ..... BellOI · .i
(714) 675-2373 •
W e all know the Orange
County Performing Arts
Center woul~ be the per-
fect place to host the 11st annual
Academy Awards shOW"in 1999.
It doesn't toJce much imagination
'~to picture Tom Cruise and Nicole
; Kidman walking hand-in-hand past
: the grandstands on Town Center
: Drive, waving to the crowds, posing
: for photos and then disappearing
• into the elegant entry of the Per-
forming Arts Center:
• And we're happy the Academy of
: Motion Pictures, Arts and Sciences
: officials have taken a peek behind
: the Orange Curtain and· decided to
consider The Center as a potential
in~r. But they need more ammu-
So we've come up with the Daily
Pilot's top 10 r~ns why Oscar
sl1ould move to Costa Mesa.
10. The stuffed shirts from Price
Waterhouse will finally feel at home.
9. Szechwan King on 19th Street
has an all-you-can-eat buffet that
Will keep R0ger Ebert happy.
8. South Coast Plaza -just across
the street -is a perfect place for
last-minute gown shopping.
7. Llma bean fi~ds make gr~at
landing pads for helicopters.
~· Orange County will give Billy
Crystal some fresh mateiial.
5. Oscar bears an eerie resem-
blance to Henry Segerstrom. Getting Oscar to commute to Cos-
: ta Mesa will be a difficult task. Most 4. It will be the first big Democrat-
. Angelinos mock Orange Countians, ic function ever held in Orange
. if they pay any attention to us at all. County.
We're too conservative, too bland, 3. Hooter's is within wa.Lkiiig dis-
too backwards -and so south of tance for post-Oscar celebrations.
Santa Monica Boulevard. 2. With any luck, Whoopi ~old-
They're just jealous. berg would get lost on her way to
The open-minded Academy offi-_ the show.
• cials have already ticked off what And the No. 1 reason ...
they like about the Performing Arts It's the only way video-maker -
·: )
I I I 1 , •• 1
I I I t I
: 1.
1 I l I
: i
I ;
' )
' J
f . .
: Center: its impressive ~arrivals" and Costa Mesa mayor -Peter But-MARC MARTIN / DAILY PILOT
: area, large lobby and world-class . fa will ever be invited to the Oscars. The Performing Arts Center in Costa Mesa could be the site of the Academy Awards in 1999. _ "
: • _.., • I r
I • I L-•-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------~--------------------------------~ I . . / . • . • • the mailbag
The We~ge. ·n~BQs a restrpom, too .
I have been a regular S\µf er at
the Wedge for many years,
. and it has always struck me
as odd that the city of Newport
Beach has never installed a pub-
lic restroom at the Wedge for the
~,...,,,, __ ,....,. _____ co!_!venience of e J!lanl". locals
and tourist that visit this world-·
famous location.
Unforttµiately, recently I have
noticed that what was once just
an inconvenience is growing into
a s~ous problem. I have noticed
that the mere absence of a public
restroom does not prevent people
from using the Wedge and the
surrounding area as a public
restroom of their own.
When I heard that renovations
were being considered in the
nearby Balboa area, I realized
that this is the perfect opportuni-
ty to inst.all a restroom to provide
a convenient service to visitors as
well as deter people from creat-
ing unsanitary conditions.
If you've ever spent ti.Q:le at
the Wedge, you kno!' that a
public restroom is truly a necessi-
ty, and I suspect that it City Staff
conducted a SUIVey of people at
the Wedge, the idea would have
a sig:nificanlamounlQLsypport
from not only the visitors, but
also the surrounding residents.
I hope that my suggestion to
install a ~blic restroom at the
Wedge in the near future is giv-
en serious consideration regard-
less of what happens with the
Balboa renovations.
Newport Beach
Sailboat races not prob~em with the Bay
I cannot believe that Tom Ben-
nett (Readers Hotline, June 19)
would have the.gall to profess
that ~yacht clubs holding sail-
boat races in the main channel
are creating more problems in .
the bay than ·anything else".
Yacht clubs have been hold.-
mg races in the bay since the
early 1900s. It is only recently
that 150-f~t long, 50-foot tall
floatmg re5laurants have decided
to meander through the bay and
demand the right-of-way from all
other forms of watercraft simply
because they are not maneuver-
able in the confines of the chan-
I have nothing against the
charter operators in general.
They are as entitled to use the
bay as anyone else, and I am
sure most operators respect the
rights of_ othW5.
However, the "bigger-is-more-
profitable" theory in the charter .
business bas spawned a number
of these behemoths that simply
overburdens the bay and anyone
else on it. U' there is any single
best of the readers hotline
"problem in the bay,• it is these .
water-home convention amten
and the jockeys that drive them.
cruising aimle5$ly on waterways
ill-sized to accommodate them.
Bennett would have you
believe~ local oungslm!
lea.ming and competing in the
non-polluting, clean and safe
sport of sailing are disruptinf to
$50 Champagne brunches served
to tourists aboard exhausf-belch-
ing cruise liners. I would ·think
that the·colotful sight of a fleet ol
small racing sailboats would
actually enhance the dining
e.xpertence qf the patrons who
are most likely visiting from ·
areas not exposed to the sport.
Bennet needs to ·be reminded
that Newport Harbor is univer-
sally known as one of the wodd's
finest pleasure boat harbors and
always will be.
Newport Beach
. ..
THE ISSUE: Whether gas stations should be
allowed to have mini:-marts in Newport Beach
is debated by readers. . ..
I don't tb1n.k. it ii a good~ I . · gas stations. It seems that we .
think they are open longer already have enough alcohol
houn, and l think we are Just problems in our community and
uklnq toe trouble U we allow county without itl Nies being
them into the dty. There is a lot pushed on everyone evttry
of trouble that happens With we stop to pay for llOIDe gas~ If
mini-marts. alcohol bevengel remam a put
AltL8NB JlllNBllJlG of the. package, I think we NewPol1 Cout should certainly oppoee the
whole deal.
development as far as gas sta-
tions where you can pW'Chase
convenience items at the same
I think it makes it a lot more
convenient for the motorist.
including myaeJf. Other commu-
nities enjoy these U981, which
really can add stgntttcantly to
the MJel tu ravenue u nOted
in tbe ertk:le -MpeclaHy if we
are able to attract more ol the
higher~ type gu ltationa.
So rm all for It.
I " 1 .. •
from all over town."
It started in 1974, when Van-
dervort and fellow Mariners Ele-
mentary parent Carol Blancha.rd
were chatting about the lack of
local July 4 events for kids. So
they printed· up some flyers,
managed to round up 60 neigh-
borhood kids for a bike parade
and solicited prizes from local
Tha t year, they had more
prizes -about 7 5 -than they
had kids. The event drew about
100 spectAtors, said Vandervort,
a 25-year area resident.
Her favorite parade memory
came three later, when her
two sons made their own float, in
the image of a birthday cake,
that connected both of their
bikes. •The one in back was
yelling, 'Rob, you're going
crooked, you're going the wrong
wayl' • she said.
Now Rob is 32, and he'll be
attending this year's parade with
his wife and his own son.
When Blatk starting organiz-
ing the event 1:2 years ago, she
made some cha nges. Restau-
rants used to compete for the
Jlmlt -c.aD For lnformadon
20% Off Hourly.
Equipme nt
Rental Rate
with This AD
r------------------------------------------------------, ' ' ' ' I I
I I I I I I • RREWORKS SHOW. Starts at dusk Friday at the Newport •
Dunes Resort, 1131 Back Bay Drive. :
dy Ebsen and Jackson Bostwick will serve as grand marshals for this
year's 1<>0-boat parade, spons0red by the Newport Harbor Ameri-
can Legion. The festivities begin with a pancake breakfast from 7
to 11 a.m. Friday at the American Legion, 215 15th St.; Balboa
The church's music ministry department will host the second-annu-
al event at 8 p.m. today. The evening will include a meal of hot
dogs, apple pie, lemonade and coffee from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at 1015
Baker St., Costa Mesa. The concert will indude the 15-piece South-
ern california Cavalry Band, along with the church's handbell choir,
children's choir, brass choir and parish choir. For information call
chance to provide food, but now I way -"at the speed of a Big
community groups take care of Wheel,• Vandervort said -
it. And she stopped giving out
awards for bike decorations.
down to Mariners Paik.
Local officials attending as
honorary guests, including
Assemblywoman Marilyn Brew-
er (R-Irvine), will ride in a hay-
After the parade, event main.-
stay Barnaby the Clown Will lead
the children through games and
1egg toss races. He'll even give
prizes at the end to the kid who
picks up the mQst trash . The
Newport Aquatic Center's kayak
and canoe team will provide
lunch food, and local businesses
have donated raffle prizes.
The. city covers the cost of
Barnaby, insurance and the spe-
cial use permi~ -all the' parnde's
biggest expenses. The raffle
pays for the other organizational
"It's pretty efficient,· Black
said. "I make sure it is.·
Vandervort has stayed
involved long after her sons
• Early Years Toys
This year , former Ensign
Middle School prihcipal Scott
Paulsen, his wife, Liddy, and
Environmental ... Nature Center
naturalist Deborah Clark wUl
serve as grand marshals. The
parade will start at 10 a.m .. at
Collllllodore Road and
Mariners Drives, the9 wind its
• Developmental toys for children birth to 10 years.
• Electric Boat
•Fish.Ing Boats
• I /213 Men Kayaks
• Slm Katt.;
• Wlnsurfers
•Boogie B<xtrds
• umbrellas & Chairs
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• Quality toys with lasting and creative play value.
• Personal service from lcnowledgeable sales staff.
"Sylvan made all the difference:'
Better grades and higher self-esteem. It starts with a C2ll to Sylvan.
• Newport Beach . • lnine
Salling, Windsurfing & Kayak Lessons J
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For your neighborhood centa call
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ClOSM w IAflllAllY Dll1'llCT P.O • ._ 1200 Costa Mesa. 92628-1200,
were too old for bike decorating
-this year, she's serving as dig-
nitaries chairman. She lives near
the park, and she just can't help
but participate, she said.
"Parents don't seem to have
as much time to put into these
things these days,• she said.
"But it's just truly a neat neigh-
borhood thing. It's better than
watching your kids light off
snakes at the curb -that gets
old pretty fast.~
500 W. Cout Hwy, Newport 8eK.h
,714) 645-9006
• aplra 7rl51r7
Put a bug in
ear. Call the
Daily Pilot
ClASSIAEDS -642-5678
Carpet Your Entire Home.
with Plush or Berber· --~ $ 4 9~00 J:..1~4~
• school system.
•0ur City Council would have
look Jong and bani at it tf tt-. in
--~ hvine ICbool district.• Murphy
•• Newport-Mesa Superlntendent ::Mac Bernd agreed with the city's
position. · r---•we really agree with that
ii approach," he said. "What you
: don't want to do is make a si.tua-l JloD ~ unworkable." i Crews have ~ady started
• paring the land for housing i eta, which will include about i single-family houses a.ud
,000 multi-family units. A small
~mnr1e11c::1al center is also sehed-
to go in.
Officials have 45 days from
ednesday's Local ·Agency Por-
n Commission approval to
out a deal on the Bonita W-
"(I water) almost every day,"
he said. "I just put on a lot (of
; Peter won his first fair award at
age 4 with a computer drawing
. his mother, Ceci,lia, has framed in q ;.• their home.
-11tis year he's hoping the cor·
nucop1a drawing he made with
• ;hls Irvine-based home school will
·take honors.
ln additJon, his story about
• _·Tick the Tiger Shark," who
saves humans on sailboats from
being eaten by other sharks, .is a ..
ln addition. she said the school
-would have fencing around it and a
bike rack.
School trustees will approve a
.~, .principal for the school at their July
. 9 meeting, said Director of Elemen-
tary Education Susan Despenas.
. Laurie Aanagap-Miettinen said
she didr!"t feel the school ~
gave her enough notice that her
son at Killybrooke would be trans-
... ferred to Davis. _,, .
·-·················· ... ! Newport :
~ d•1•1 a•aglOlll • • • ,.: ~ . .. ·-. ~ Hf).~· r: j ZOOA;. o·pp ~
·: Entire Purchase :
• ·~ • ud• ·"'' l>l 1' f!. Dermological 8 Al/l!da 8
• '"~ -'F~~7 8
•••••••••••••••••••• • : 3601 Jamboree Rd #8 N.B. •
261-6788 :
• 1-··• Jamboree at Bristol ~
·1 • -: Back Bay Court • .................. :
• ' ..•
HUGE '\...
•)ljl SIDEWALK ~,. >I
li SALE ....
Ii t .J 80% OFF
lage property. And Irvine offid.als
are willing to work toward making
the toll road their new boundary
line, Irvine City Manager Paul
Brady Jr. said.
Irvine dty staff members are
now compiling a cost-benefit
analysis on owning the land, con-
sidering possible saleS tax, proper-
ty tax and school funding that
could come out of it.
Wbo Shot ~ va1ance· end "'1ba Sboot:llt..
She Apt ill toudl eoo.agb wttb
Stewart to know be just hadn't
been the Mme since bis wife, GJo..
rlo, died a few years ago.
•He's probably with Gloria and
the Duke right now," she said. •1
don't think he would be happy
with films nowadays. He wu an
old-fashioned person lilce the
Costa Mesa Police Chief Dave
Snowden co~'t agree more. An
avid fan of Stewart and Wayne, as
well as the child of HollywOod par-
ents, he saw the passing of Stewart
and actor Robert Mitchum in the
sam~ week as the end of an era.
•All the people who to me are
,big ..... ~ by tbe ~-
...:· ... """"""· wbme ....... a.lilMrw llldwtlal9awmttn
"'1119 G1ma .._ s.ory. • ·ne
... ~ jult don\ have the
gHU'O'lr u.y
Snowden IDM Stewart a few =-ago at the ftlm ~· . Boot Awards,· f« WbJch
Snowden 1111 on the seled:lon ooUUDitt.e8. •
•Jie'I a wooderful man, 'a n,el
wann gen1Jenum,• be said. •ffe
treated me like he'd known me for 20years.• ·
'A. Newport Beach resident
Je'1! Woodward heard about
Stewart's death. she remembered
her own huaband, Bob, who died
1Q yean ago. In 1961, Bob worked
u Stewart's double for boat scenes
-Stewart didn't know how to sail
-in "Mr. Hobbs Thkes a Vaca~
tion, • filmed partly near the .Bal-
boa Yacht Cub.
AlW the~. the WoOd-
warda diQed in l.oS Angttlef with 8eewait and bit wife. JeaD 1'9('AIW1
him being. •just cbaraling .•
Com-Mela film ~uff .Eleanore
Hump~ had ber own bdef
eoco\mter with Stewart, When ltie
lboot hil .barid at a banquet while
a mm student at use. •stewart
WU one of the gre{lt heroea of
movies,• lbe said; • .
Even those in the film in~ustry
who'd never met Stewart felt a
void with his pa.sslng,
•lbe work he bas done has
withstood the test of time,• said
Jeff Conner, founder of the New-
port Beach International Pilm Fes-
tival. •in movies like 'It's a Won-
derful Ufe' and 'Mr. Smith Goes to
Washington,' he really owns those
Newport Beach's dty film liai-
son Joe Cleary re membered
Stewart for being among the first
acton to take a .olmlli ~ ~rectUc:e ~ ·r Just always bi .. a
really cool guy,• laid.
•Elpedally when he fOUQbt tW
co1ortzation °'hit black ua wtatte. movies, like 'It'• a WoodMtul.
We.' He wu a real Utlllt that
Harry ·woo woo• Stewot, a
Costa Mesa musician wbo man·
aged to meet almolt ~ ltar !n
the Hollywood ot SteWmr9 ~;
day, didn't meet Stewart until MV
en years ago at an awards ~
•He wos a Jovln', gentle and'
IQnd man,• Wd Steven.t, wh<>M
home is plastered with pidw'el c:A
him with the likes ot Clark Gable.
•1 just om't beUeft tt that he'• gone.• .
And this time. we don't have-
Clarence the guudiaD angel to
brlng him back.
·Tue money ques1lon -that's
the tng issue,• Brady said. "We're
costing it out to see if it's a wui-win." briefly in the news
hopeful contender.
Rachel, who has written a story,
produced a bunch of art and plans
to submit some baked goOd.s and
plants. She said she doesn't like
writing very much but hopes her
"Dalia 1\verpens" story does well.
Ilalia is -coincidentally -
about a very smart 10-year-old girl
who does well in school.
She also is rooting for some
paintings she's done to mimic the
work of "the flower lady, the one
who draws large flowers,· Geor-
gia O'Keefe.
But even though she can't wait
to see which ribbons will be
pinned on her and her brother's
submissions, she also looks for-
~ard hopping on the rides.
"I got a note telling me that my
10-year-old would be sent to this
school,• she said. "I just felt very
victimized ...
School 1iustee Dana Black
responded to parents' surprise and
uneasiness about the uncertain
future of the school by saying,
"This didn't just happen in one day.
. ... We don't want to make a long-
term plan without having yoW'
School trustees will make a deci-
sion on the future of Da~ this fall,
Despenas said, which could be
either a regular elementary school
or a middle school.
Wilson urges caution
during month of July
Gov. Pete Wilson is. urgirlg
state residents during July to
observe Aquatic Safety Month
by being extra careful while
using waterways.
Wilson chose July because of
the influx of boaters during the
sum.mer months. The proclama-
tion asks residents to •be atten-
tive when using our state's
waterways and to make sure
their pools are safe places for
their family and friends to
Wilson earlier this year
signed a law that allows officers
to arrest boaters for operating
their vessels while under the
influence of alcohol.
Call boxes pop up on
toll road
San Joaquin Hills toll road
users will now see call boxes
along the _$2 route from Costa
Mesa to San Juan Capistrano.
The lfansportation Corridor
Agencies in June installed the
boxes every half-mile along the
road so drivers can have irrune-
diate access to California High-
~ .
1701 TUSTIN @ 17TH ST. 650-3131
way Patrol dispatchers. In all, 59
boxes dot both sides of the 15-
mile toll road ..
The 'Il'ansportation Corridor
Agencies and the Orange·
County 'Il'ansportatio~ Authori-
ty paid about $2,600 per box. .
Put the Pilot in your
vacation plans
We'd like you to include the
Daily Pilot in your vacation
plans. Here's how: .
• Take a photo ol you holding
the Daily Pilot ... on China's
Great Wall, inside the Statue of
Uberty, outside Buckingham
Palace -you get the idea. We'll
publish the photos as we get
• Give us yoW' best vacation
picture. It's now an annual end-
of-the-summer tradition, when
we tum over om pages to our
readers' best vacation photos .
• Send us an e-mail postcard.
If you have access to a comput-
er on your trip, send us a short
story about the people or places
you're visiting -the more exot-
ic the locale the better.
Have questions? Call City
Editor Tina Borgatta at 574-
Now tell me • tf J StWt'? agaJn .. , h '#i
~v,' Oettbe
~ latat fMbloa
~ 1ooaatbe loweet prloee
• Career Wear
• Sportswear
• fvenlng Wear
•Shoes• 8ag.9
• 8elts
'lilsllllll ~
California Art
Pottery, Home Patio Furniture
Vintage Jewelry & Liaem
369 East 17th Strfft • Costa Mesa (NNr Plums Cafe)
M-S 10 em-5:30 pm
Move your merchandise fast with-,
• Collectibles
New owner.Ship for
Newport Beach Tennis Club
: . '• Newport Harbor's finest
'I starred in football, hoops,
and baseball to take top
honor among graduated
Newport-Mesa seniors.
. . • : Newport Beach Tennis Club . . ~ By Richard Dunn, Daily Pilot . .
: ~RT B~CH -Follow-
: ing months of speculation, the ! Newport Beach Tennis Club has
: been sold, it WM learned ! Wednesday.
: Ron Pfahler, 1>resident of the
: club located on East)>luff Drive
~ since the . beginnll:(g of the
: decade, transferred 100% of his
• I • I
: I • I
: I • I • I
: I
• I • I
: I
• I
: I
• I • I
: I
• I
: I • I • I -----------:I
By Barry Faulkner, Daily Pilot : : -----------:I • I • I Recent Newport Harbor : 1
High graduate Danny : :
Pulido, whose four-year : :
athle6c career with the Sailors. : l
produced nine vanity letters, :
five All-Sea View League, one :
All-CIP and two Orange County :
All-Star designations, is the :
Daily Pilot's Newport-Mesa Dis-:
trict M4le Athlete of the Year. :
A football, basketball and :
baseball standout who will
concentrate on football as a
collegian, : l
after :_I accepting!~
a scbol-: 1
arsbip J ! :
from : : the : I • I Universi-: : tv of ~!... • I Oregon, : 1
Pu\ld.O : :
WJS also : : '
t){e Sea : :
fliew : ~ League's : 1
Male : :
Athlete : :
of the Year. He eanred similar ! :
honors for the Sailors. ! :
The 6-foot-5, 220-pounder, : •
currently preparing for the ! f
county all-star football game : 1
July 11 at Orange Coast College, : :
set school career records for : ~
careeneceptions (1 40), r~ving : :
yar<U (a,103) and touchdown : •
catches (20) in three sparkling ! i
sea.sons. : I
Hls standout play at wide : :
£' as well as out.side : •
deer, helped Coach Jeff :
y's Sailors reach the CIF : southern Section DiVision v title :
g e two of bis three seasons, :
in ding a 20-15 victory over :
Se te in the 1994 :
ch.lmD:ionsbip showdown. The :
were 30-8 with Pulido on : . . .
. .
is sold for an undisclosed amount; sale of club is expected to give facility a big lift. ~
The purchase price of NBTC tions ended in the spring. :
was undisclosed, but local real Kang, Ren and .Pfahler could :
estate broker Diana Prosser, who not be reached Wednesday· for :
introduced the two parties and comment. :
orchestrated the transaction, said D & W International, headed :
the price tag was more ·than the by Kang and Ren, is the official :
reported $1.4 million Ken Stuart name of the company that owns :
paid two years ago to 11Cqllire the NBTC. :
former John Wayne Tennis Club Prosser said the new owners :
(now the Palisades Tennis Club). plan to expand the facility, !
Kang and Ren, principals of a upgrade the restaurant and main-:
limited liability corporation that tain the same staff members. :
deals with hotels and various oth-NBTC's massage ·therapy center :
er businesses, took over the 7.2-will also be expanded. :
acre facility on· Wednesday. The •1t•s a very positive move and :
property is currently on a 40-year .__ ___ _
"Newport Beach Tennis Club
Clayton is
Rn18le Athlete
for district
I ~
~ ~
' ' I !
I I ' . ' ' l ' •
' I
There's only one way to
d~):>e a Yardley event:
M aybe fOU noticed a tall.
hairless, bird·like
creature working
overtime Monday night at
NeWJ)ort Beach Golf Course.
Wllen all was said and done,
and Newport Harbor High's 9olf
program had wrapped up lts
te.rrifi~ golf tournament
fund-raiser directed by local
GOP heavyweight Buck Johns, event's honorary ch41rman,
George Yardley, was spotted
tdk:ing down American flags that
he1d decorated the ninth fairway
along Irvine Boulevard. That was
LO p.m.
With Yardley, the Basketball
Hall of Pamer who went to
Newport Harbor, lending his the event and bringing
tus Ul(luential friends, you'd
tlunk his night would finish after
the awards dinner.
"George Yardley was the one
who noticed the American flags
were still up ou~ide, and he
msisted to help take them
down1" said Warren, whose
p1ogram raised nearly $10,000 in
nPL profits from the Yardley IV
Celebrity Golf Classic.
After three years and a lot of
red IClpe, ground was finally bro-
The group had gone through
18 governmental agencies to gain
approval. Jim Warmington, Joe
Thomas and the Harry and Grace
Steele Foundation were the origi-
nal donors.
Of the $300,000 raised for the
expansion, the Steele Foundation
contributed $200,000, while Bel-
gravia Capital Corporation donat-
ed $100,000, according to Morris.
•What (NAC) has brought to
the community, many local resi-
dents still don't know about it,•
MQ}'ns said. "The eipansion
could make NAC one of the best
aque1bc facilities in the world.
NAC already sends more athletes
to the Olympics ihan any· single
dub in the United States.•
Last year, Olympic teams from
the Czech Republic, Sweden and
Germany, as well as individual
foreign athletes, trained at NAC
m preparation for the 1996
Atlanta Games.
Rower Xeno Muller, Olympic
gold medalist last year in Atlanta
in ~e single sculls for his native
Switzerland, is a tull-tlme NAC
meII)ber who lives in Newport
"I grew up in France and
began rowing there, where you
had a lot of tugboats and barges
going by all the time,• Muller
srud. "Then in the winter, they
float logs down the river, which
makes the water dangerous,
especially when fou're rowing
hackward. But the water here is
gr~; Most of the canals are shel-
ter~d from the wind and the
boats' speed is limited, which
means that is it really good for
rowmg because you have a lot of
nat water.·
NAC. however, is not only for
world-class athletes, but for
Junion;, masters, high school row-
ers and recreational athletes.
The facility is operated with
funds from "storage and regatta
entry fees, donations and mem·
~ewiryane .. played
golf aDd lltU8ed their Jame. the
man"Clf ·tbe-boar Yardley. Wbo
didn't play, waited patiently for
each and every golfer to make
the tum, then banded them an·
'autographed plaque to
commemorate the O«Ulon.
And what an ooculon it was.
1bere were 122 golf811, 16'1
people who attended the
banquet., an incredible spread
that featured Johns at the mike
and Pete Donovan as auctioneer.
Kudos also to golf course owner
Steve Lane, who donated the
After Monday's event. it
appears Newport Beach Golf
Course will be known for more
than Irrelevant Week's Runnin'
Gunnin' Golf. Tournament.
cash revenues for Yardley IV
were about $17,000, whife
in-kind contributions (signs,
printing, art work, graphics, etc.)
added $11,000 more for an event
gross of about $28,000.
"And this Is just the tip of the
iceberg," Warren said, knowing
the commitment of the energetic
-Johnraningleader will reap
tremendous benefits for the golf
program until the end of the
century. •
Among the celebrities on the
links were Mike Lansford (the
bezships ($325 annually from its
400-plus members).
._ NAC's junior canoe and kayak
teams have won numerous
national championships, while
the program is ct>nsidered one of
the largest on the West Coast.
Before NAC was built, it was
an untouched parcel of real
estate. According to Grapt, the
original agreement with the local
homeowners association in Dov~
Shores included a no-growth
clause for any other business.
·we're just completing our
project now (after 10 years,
because of demand), but there
won't be anything else built
there," Grant said. •That's the
Rams' all-time leadipg searer);
Mickey Flynn (the Ghost of La
Palma); Brian Goodell (two-time
Olympic gold medal swimmer);
Dr. Sammy Lee (1948 and '52
Olympic gold-medal winning
dlver); and, of coUr&,e, Gorgeous
• lnteresttngly, all five of the
top teams included at least one ·
set of father/son pairings, and in
every case the son beat the
father. (Though Yardley didn't
play, his son, Bill, shot 2-over-par,
presumed to be several strokes
less than Gorgeous George.)
The winners? Here goes: Rush
Hill, Brad. Hill, David Tessers,
way the neighbo°"i"-s want it. Heck,
the neighbors don't want the
grass cut. The area is a little bit of
Newport Beach not interrupted
by concrete or steel.•
Grant said a Dover Shores res-
ident was on the original board,
so neighbors of NAC would not
be surprised with the operation.
·All of the sudden, people start
winning gold medals and (NAC)
becomes something for the local
residents to point to,• Grant said.
•Tue facility right now is jam
pack~d. It's going a mile a
Fund-raising efforts for NAC's
expansion are Still being made.
For details, call 646-7725.
Steve JendiUADa and C. ¥eagar
sbdl 109 for the Utle, MooDd
·Place (t2t) went to Lee, nm ·
Nagle, Rob Yardley, Rieb Yudley
and BW Yardley; third (123), Judy
Bauer, Nancy Watson, Pete
Watson, Dick Bauer and Bill
Watson1 fourth (128), Mitch
Johns, Thi;n Kite look·allke Buck
Johns, Reed Johns, Bill Johns
and John Oldach1 and fifth (128),
losing 1n a card-off, Peter Hurley,
Bob Sinclair, Loren Hansen,
Tague Hurley and Blake Sinclair.
Bill Johns was the famous
football captain on Newport
Harbor's CIF Southern Section
Division V championship team in
1994, the school's only CIF title iri
the sport.
• Why such an extraordinary
tournament to r~ funds for a
high school golf program? Size.
The golf avalanche at .
Newport Harbor occurred before
you-know-who arrived on the
PGA Tour with his Nike swoosh.
For example, last year 145
golfers tried out for the Sailor
program, an amazing figure
considering many Orange
County high schools had a hard
time fielding a six-player team in
the 1980s. . ·
Of those vying for a roster
spot, 43 golfers were kept last
Wlnnln9 the overall
Balboa To1111U1.11lent dwllplom: Prom left. Coto de
Cqa's Susan Kasie and ~lg Canyon CC's Sue Stem.
last Friday in the 26Ut annual
Ladies BalbOa Tournament at Big
Canyon Country Club was Sue
Stern (member) and Susan kasle
(Coto de CazaJ. Remarkably,
Stem and Kasle played in
Flight B.
•Tuey were thiilled, excited
and proud," Big Canyon ladies
d~b spokesperson Carol Berg,
said, I
The two-day member/guest
event, featuring 108 golfers in a
better-ball of partners fonnat,
also had a Derby for the top 14
teams. Some of the Big Canyon
members who played in the
Derby were: Suzie Suercek,
Cindi Zellner, Charlene Immell,
Ellie Faber, Kathy Bransford,
Diane Steffy, Pam Hoffman.
Vicki Morris, Joyce Synder
'and Berg.
• RICHARD DUNN 's club golf
column appears every Thursday.
works out for her on and off the court."
a shooting guard last season, averaged 7 .1 points
per game with a high of 12 Calvary Chapel
and Westminster.
Jackson's impact in track and field came prim~
ly in the sprints, but Mesa Coach John Carney
employed ber in the 100, 200, 400, and 800 meters,
as wep as both relays, the high jump and long jump.
She made the Pacific Coast League Finals.ip the
Carney said Jackson· has a range of abilities that
could lead to success in the heptathlon. A threat from three-point range who also used
superior quickness to pose problems on offense and
defense for opponents, Jackson produced double
figures in nine of the 28 games she played.
#I'm disappointed, but hof>efully the move was
made in her best interests," Sherwood said. • Kalena
is a kid with a lot of potential and I hope everything
·~e has strength, good quickness, and she's
carved out of marble,· Carney said of Jackson, who
earned Daily Pilot Athlete of the Week honors for
winning the 100, high jump and contributing to 400
and 1,600 relay triumphs in an AJril 10 dual-meet
victory over cross-town rival Estancia.
Newport's M.E. Clayton reigns as the Dally Pllors Ne.wport -Mesa District Female Athlete of \'ea{.
personality, which was apparent
even in the most competitive
•You enjoy seeing kids like
M.E. enjoy success,• 1\veit said.
Cayton, whose older sister
Mandy is a· triple jumper at
Stanford, is the third Harbor
standout to ~am the top fetnale
honor in the five years the Pilot'
has named the district's premier
athlete. 1 Former Sailors Gina Heads
(1993-94) and Melissa' Schutz
('94-95) were similarly h~nore4,
as were Costa Mesa products
Katie Grogan ('95·96) and. OliJ.a
Dicamilli ('92-93). .
I.any Hint and btl Newport Har-~ High boys basketball te&IJl
will bo9t tbe 20-teun Surf City, ~Hint beUev• is
the largest l\lmlDer tournament
in Orange County hosted by a
nonparocblal lchooL
Among those joining the
Sanon ID tbe three-day event.
wbk:b tndudes action today, Sat-
\U'day and Sunday at Newport's
two gyms, are Estancia and Coro-
~ nadelMar. 1 Perennial CIF Southern Sec-
tion cbampiao Mater Del is also
among the fteJd. which includes
county notables Viµa-Pari; Edi-son. Huntington Beach, as well as •a couple out of town teams,•
according to Hirst.
the new owners are really excited
about being involved with ten-
nis,• Proaer said. •The club is
already very Dice, but they plan
to make it an even more wonder-
ful club. It is already the most
prestigious tennis club in New-
port Beach.•
NBTC, which hosts the annual
Adoption Guild Tennis Towna-
mmt. is the most residentially
located ot the four tennis clubs in
Newport Beach.
It rivals Palisades, Balboa Bay
. ., Club~ Club and Newport
Beech Marriott Hotel and Tennis
Club. Many local residents also
belong to the Racquet Cub of
hvine. MOit in Costa Mesa play
at Mela Verde Tennis Cub or Los
Caballeros Sports Village in
· Fountain Valley.
aOh.-.he'llbe ba~ butioithe time
being, at least, Eagles will have to
do their thing without him, and it's
probably the best thing for them.
By 8.-ry F.ulkner, Daily Pilot
-... COSTA MB.5A -Bstancia High boys ~
ketbell coach Rich Boyce bas learned patience
tb1I summer. He hopes bis youthful squad,
however, II picking UJ> the more practical
knowledge needed to succeed on the cowt.
•rm very demanding of my players, but rve bad to lMrn bow to
eue olf a lltOe and let them
make ICllDe mistakes,• said
Boyce, a 10-yeu roechtng
ftterm at Bltanda prepar-
ing far Jall MCODd seuoo u
tbe bop bead man.
•UntD our new guys get
• a grasp of what we're
doiDg, rv. got to let them
· learn. We've never been
this ~ ~ I've been
Mle, but the eftOrt II there Jtk:b Boy...e
and I ttdnk we'll improve. I
NW OM poll that bad US
rUUd No. 7tn Orange County nm year. We
may not be tbat good y.t. but we could be if
we cxJOtlnue to wort. I told our guys I don't
-cue It we win a dudng tbe 11anmer, as
. ~. ~ b9ttsad belW .• . -.• caatlDu.a IMbntlall of Sam Nelson,
summer series
the Pacific Coast League
and Newport-Mesa District
Player of the Year as a
junior, automatically makes
the reigning PCL champi-
ons better.
But Nelson's involve-
ment with the California
All-Stars travelling team, as
well as anticipated partici-
pation in several elite
camps designed to expose Sam Nelson
him to prospective college
recruiters, will leave the Eagles without his
services for much of the five-week summer
schedule. •rrs good and it's bad,• Boyce said of the 6-
foot-4 sharpshooter's upcoming extended
ablences. •It's bad because we count on Sam
a lot. But it's good because the kids will have
to play without him. 1bey're all going to have
to step up when he's not here.•
Returning senior Ryan Simpson, a second-
team An-league choice as a junior, will fill
another leadership role, according to Boyce,
who has consistently t>J'aised Simpson's work
ethic and aggrentveness. •we dQn't have too many gym rats on this
team. but Sam and Ryan are definitely two of tbeoi. • Boyce said.
James bawJdm, a starting off guard last
IMIOll who Is the leading ca.nd.tdate to fill the
point guard position vacated by Air Force
Academy-bound Selwyn Mansell, is another
vetaran hel:ptDg tbe newcomen make the tren....,,, to the vanity level.
high school boys basketball.
·rm a big James
Dawkins fan,• said Boyce,
who cited a recent 29-point
output by the athletic 6-
footer, who is best suited for
the off guard role. ·
•James is our point
guard right now, but we're
looking at a couple other
guys there, too,• Boyce
Gavin Rainey Senior Xavier Castel-
lano, up from the junior
varsity, and sophomore
lhlvis Chandler, whom Boyce said •has the
best point-guard instincts,• are the aforemen-
tioned floor-leader candidates.
Gavin Rainey, a 6-5 junior, is a returning
lettemwl who should contribute heavily next
season, while 6-3 Fountain Valley transfer
Brett Valbuena has a bright future, as well,
according to his coach.
•He's very athletic, handles the ball well for
his size, and can break defenses down,•
Boyce said of the Sunset League's MVP on last
season's 21-5 junior varsity league champions.
Valbuena, who also plays football and
baseball, is the nephew of former Fountain
Valley football standout and NFL punter Gary
Valbuena. .
Peter Anderson, Jmtin Johamen and
Michael Stapleton are among the othen who wm see action durtng the Eagles' 30iJame
summer schedule, which includes the upcom-
ing Swf City Classic, today, Saturday and
Sunday at Newport Harbor High.
ON , .. ... ..
. .. ,
HAP.Pf Ill
11 rou
AORl1,ISl1 •
BUS/NESS??. • • • • • • • • • •• • •
When you wrilc
s a:issificd :ad,
include :ill
the fac1s
and ac1 the
you wane.
The Community
Market Place.
The LLgal Deptirtmmt 111 tlN Daily Pilot is plmsttJ
to annqun« a new savia norv llVtUl4ble to Mui businessa.
'°'rm b•·~== Of ~ All••n tohrld•r P••••d •w•y on ,~ June 'n, ,..., ....... 0,., .......
,_, ~ In Plllm DeMn. .... on .14/ttf 1e, 1 NI In
II Paeo, T .... to Kd-
**'d WIUlam aotvecl9f MCI H.a.n £11za (l'otd)
Sct\tadef, H• ~
.. a, Staff Sgt. In tM Artny Corp of Enga..
n••,. durl09 World
War II MCI wee ClflldU-
at.O from lh• Unlv•r·
elty ol Catlfornla Der·
keley with a •.s. d•
or•• In meohanlcal
•ngln"rlng. He mar-
ried All"n Rlnehlll1 on July e. 18.43 In
South P1Nd9nl , CA.
He held •the 1ucc ...
alv• poaltlona ol
Editor, West Coa1t
ReglOMI 8ale1 Man·
ager, and Olr~or of
Allan OpMl!lon1 IOI
Cal'lner'1 Publl1hlng
Company • .H• laler
founded Pacific Rim
Sal•• Aaaoclatet, Inc ••
H• wa1 member and
put pr .. ldent ol the
Lowell Joint School
Dlatrlct Board of
Edacatlon In Loi An·
Q.91•• County, th•
Whittler area School
Board A11oclatlon:
and the Bual(I•••
Publisher'• A11ocla-
t1on of America. He
was 1110 a member ol
the Maaona, Scottish
Rite, and Al Malalkah
Temple of the AA·
ONMS, and Rotary In·
Ed and Alleen raised
their family In Whittler
and then lived tor
many years In New·
port Beach before r•·
tiring to Palm Desert.
He la survived by his
wll• of 54 years,
Alleen. by his four
daughters: The Rev.
Elll• Shapton of Eph·
rata, WA, Lucy Archul-
eta (Ralph) of Santa
Barbara, CA, Carolyn
Schrader (Bill Martin)
of Nashua. NH and
Judy Schrader ol
Palm Deaert, two
grandchildren, Jeremy
and Christine Archul-
eta, a halt brother,
William Larrabee and
niece Joan Corum ol
Los Angeles.
In lleu of flower•, me-
morial donations may
be made to the Shrine
Children's Hospital of
Los Angeles. Services
will be private.
Repainting? ,,.. ........... ............ ...... i.t.--.
Oistll* It w .. .... "" .........
By Fax
(7H ) l1:H -h:i1"4
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By MaMn Penoa:
.~.iO \\ ,.,, Bu,. S11·1·1·1
R1111·~· 1111d drndli11"' un• ~ubjtt'I to d11111Kr without 11oricf'. Tiw 1 • p11b1t~lwr rr,.1·n 1·• iii~ 1igh1 to 1·t'11 ... 11r 1·r1·lu .. :.ify. r,.,·i.:.r or rrjf'C1
~111y du,,,,lfit·d !'d\t·111.M·111r111 Pl1·aM' ll'(>Orl um· rrror 1lui1 mu~· bf' 1~1 "'.l~1r dn .. ,1fwd ad llw Duih Pilot 111'1't'PI" 110
l111b1li1y f111 1111\ 1·rn11 111 1111 11dH·tti ... 1·1111·111 (..,. whida i1 m1w bt·
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IM ......... DC na ,itUI
and high dcelllnga. COM areL 721-0658. 2920 EMPLOYMENT R.E. Co., need& FT •&tlll ..... c:oncldld
o.ted Co11111RUnllw F~rea: 71~°132 ··---· 381 IBM Compatible with VGA Monitor, Dot Sell your unwanted ••••--•I •P•O•R_RE_NT ___ lu.;Sl;i;soo;ua-.--;"ii;;;i7 ... i;;;_17ii..e;:;; COMMERCIAL •ook• •nd ctMtrta Reta1i 714-249-J'nl : HOUSES/ _.__ Neededll Orange•-.,-MPL--.0-_...,--NT-...;i,,...._
--------U;,~ft co~=•= REAL ESTATE Coaat College I• ~ aauo Matrtx Prtnter. $400. Items the easy wayl
trllDCO Supemores, ---·-----714-283-3880 ><240 To place your · CONDOS Vaulted -'ffnn•, llght' .. ••••••• bultdlng a new public 5530
POD SALE BALBOA ...., ....... 11 Nautical Ubraryl We -------.a leader In the South-no••~sr cs classified ad Call~ ern Callfomla retall """ I 5540 Maolnteah 32 MB 842·5878. : ~ & .iry walk through need nautlcal book•, ••••••••I PENINSUI.A 2107 kitchen, large welk-ln--------chart8, guide•, lnatru-ACT NOWI
Ram w/17 .. color NEC1--------lnduatry hu on-going Monitor • printer.,.,. _______ ..,.
Home Owners
' R.E. Agentall
Showe••• tho•• ,iJ)9clal proper11•• In
our HomH of the
Week a Open Home
Quid• publlahed
each Saturday In the
Real &tat• 'fab. lt'a
an effective and
In~ way to
reach homebuyeral
Call our Clualfted
Department Todayll
A•k about our
curTent apec:lalal
PrelltJttloua 3bd, 2ba.
Upside down houae.
Lrg rma, mini oc .. n
view. 93000/mo/yrly.
Call Agt e7~8·9
*28cl/1 Ba So of PCH
Fp, Ecioaed garage,
lndry hk-up1, bale.
patio, Sl 195 723-0970
•Laree 2Br 2Ba FP. OR, Lg 2-car gar, W/d
cloaet, dlahwaaher, COMMERCIAL mente. AH aubJect• ORANGE COUNTY
private extra large PltOPDTY 2778 and areaa needed bY F'••R patio from IMng room, our atuden1a -5,000 "'
additional patio off ,ot'l•••lilliiiiiiiiiiiiiil annually! Your gtfta Help needed Mlllng
bdrm w/outald• ator-lllAIN·ST· For Le•-s are tax deductible troplcal plant• from
age apace. Vertical Store. 809 E. Balboe through the OCC July 11th-27th-Dally.
bllnda Included $2000/mo. 1o6osf. Avl Foundation. Call ua TroplcalTreuurea
throughout, akyllght In Nowl 714-723·U507 arrange pick up and Bldg 10 Booth 801~ llvtng room, unique receipt. 714-645-9412 July ~10, 10am-2pm
bathroom/ vanlty/1---------No calla pleaae
dreutng .,.., N•utra1 INDUSTIUAL 2788 -------WE PAY WELL
carpet throughout! LOST• '"'A,_d..,..)-u-e""'tl,...n-9-,,~1.-r-lft--ln
Can><>rt auau to ae> Po~ 2925 e commodate 1 v9hlcle FOR UL•a10,000 et vnu N. . ••eka rellable
Included. Very bright lnduetrlal Bulldlft9 lndMduala to nn 2 FT
and OJ)9n IM~ areaJ Production Place N.B. FOUND BIRD Me.. & 2 PT poaltlona Ila-
Call now, wont lufl DMalble. Bob Cauatln Verde Area 6/2e. Call tenlng to Important
$1470. 78tM»931 Bkr 722.e777 to d .. ctlbe. 662·1574. llv• broadcaat data.
hk-upa. No pet.a. Avtl~!!'!!'!~~~~-~~~~~~~~-8-1. SJ850. 720-1565 r,
------nwn.~~ucOU'S BUSINESS a
FOUND Long hair blk $8.50/hr w/bonutH.
cat, whit• star on Call 71M 777 today for an Interview. cheat, male. Found ln Can't .,.nd w-.:::a:::a March East aide CM. r• ..... " .. •
COSTA MESA 2124 RDTW PJNANCE 850-4198 You can't be IOokJng
Lo9t, mai. cockatl•I. too herdl WANTED 15
Yellow w /Orang e p«>ple to flll vanoua
Ch•rMln• B'eld• cheeka. Call Laura poelttona from ware-Cottage (Nwpt Hta) houae to manage-
t bd/1 ba. FP, garden. ROOMS 2708 BUSINESS ~1081 or 723-0621 ment. No ·~
employment oppty'a HOU8HITT11R Xtru 11295 54&«>90"
for the followtng: Aeaponllble Profaaalonal
tabe excellent care·•---------
of your-home. Clean, WDTBD
n/amk. Minimum 1yr. TO IU'f So-Cal Som/Educated 6019
Re'8 850-4439 PP I0141••c.....•••Gold••auv.r-••
Fiwnklln Mint, StM11ng
Old watchea • jewelry
We offer full-time MERCBANDISB WeMoout Cot" 942....,..
houra, exc.itent ~' .. ••••••••llieher a1at1ee In •ftta and exc:eptlonall'
eMaln Checkout
eSalff Anoclate
•Cart Runnera ee.rtv A.M. Stodt
growth op>portunlty. dec.nt condttlon, elz• w at women• 8? 842-81533 ~~k~ .!: ANTIQUES 8010 Tott Doll8'9 Paid
have the ability and For Record•. Jazz.
dnlre to help 'JNe our HOOa11r:R CMINllT Soundtrack•, etp.
cuatomen a aatlafytng 11500. 714-844-0352 Call Mike ~7506.
•hopping npM1ell09 ........ xv Sty1e rfttval ---------11 Pl•u• contact our L9wary Deek 72". Pm TO •ou ."22 PeraonnaJ Offtce at Xlnt conct. •• 500 a· vv
the followlng IOcatlon. -· • Leula XY Style PR•• IUTT•Ma l'9Vtval Vitrine, Boulle ahape. Xlnt cond. To Good Homea.
14,500 714-487-0828 <::1 •WH <:I
Water/grdnef" Inc. Avl OPPORTUNITY neceuary. can Now, MEED DOWN 8-1. $795. 8314100 N• .Pvt h /b BEALTB. Brent (714)891-e784. ~OE
PAYMENT? etc, nt:~~ ~!' 2904 Pl1'N!SS 3000 Cueto .... , Lr¥iOe RllTAIL iiLii
Top Dol9r Pllld1
From 1100·18150.
1 pc to entire eetate •
Painting•, china, gt:...... turn, -etc.
40Yr NB A.a sn-e223
IUll'llJl'S 8030 ...... -:... NBWPO--o.··ut1•-848 22-Fortune 500 Company For chain fumlture We wm loan you the &\& ... N .._,..,.. •••klng motlvmted etore. 8aJu.y/Comm/
down payment on th• BUCH 2169 ~,!~": c~~~ o..d Dr.'• Don't Ue lndMdual w/mln 1 yr Beneflta. Call Al or ~waapmonow
12810. 40Xl57 WU
11911 now 115818.
Other .iz.. avallabfe.
:;:i• ~~ thc•ho~: RENTA1S TO ore at 1 o cat Ion a. ***llO"M. OP'P*** experience to provide Klmberty 111-'We-83e3. na 1tt p h c d 12000/wk t 'I T7ColloldalMI....,_ cuatom•r Ht'Vlce to lfUDINTi WanteCl1 .. _______ .. 1
dertylng 1 Mortgage ent ou•• on o SllUI! 2724 ...... 7,.....71n . 2P4°h-. · 33.5 oz. W/Natural our comm u n It y rT'fPT wm .,.,._,_ .,,_ financing. Buyera and Oceanvlew, 2000af, ......... uv-•• G T Ou cf r•, ,,_,. ..._.,. _________ ,
R •a Ito r a ca 11 frplc, 2Bdrm 2Bath a f 1 reat ute. r ub 0 r g • n I z at Ion•· · Mootry Whle Hevlng APPUARCIS 8011
Th• OownPayment Co 292·1148 ......_ le. 38r 28• ::::~• u Home ~rlce ... ~•11 ·" (20-30hra per wk, Funll Rlctcy537-3347 lllllll•••••• --------
Bkr aa9-4a34 atudlo Cloae to beach Hou ... 1900af. Annual Qraphlca CCoo~p~~~~ oll Fret 1701UT ~~r~ ~.:£_ecto·~. * OC .. ....._, ...... Pl.IROS.
--------------= =~::: .... I ._,, I -.,,. = :.: ~ :":. --· ~----
Reatty, Inc.
large lot
Large Unit
· ... beg 1115, '-'"· n1• ---... _ .... ,,,_.... ..,. ___ ... ___ ... __ • oa"·-
Nouu. pde'•-stov~25/fl1gmo. Call 1-714-037-1884 relocate! .....,.1"4 •ntert .. nment funr".,.:=.::....,-::;::-"9TWto •leo Drwer Xlntl ....,.._.,
Pa -Publlo8tlon9 ,,_._ -up l2t50 COM 144 fMl38 I••·----· 714.e7a~eo• or CD• Sh.,. lg 3bt 2be A~l'Wt'Nl'l'lDN.'I PERSONALS 151 Kalmua #J4 110/+hr Jay 537-3347 ...... nt ~ PIANO Young Chang
Ha80t 8882 h .. , fp .. w/d. Nr Car-\Mil \NAiii U\NllJI ea.ta M ... 02e2e Worb greatl White Upright. Won on gtUne
Studio Fully fum'd, 112 naUon Partc. Avt 7-1 ATM CARDS Attn: Ma. Lauren EllPLOYIO!NT good tor lllllQ9 se&' ehow S3500 obo. New
garage, cr.dlt check 875-5895 or 873-e393 • F'RttEQUIPMENTUSE PERSONALS 3002 at ee2-2020 S!aVICl!S 5533 • 1'1t ele27'7o · 574.0122 /948-<IHI
r9q. $400/mo. utJ Inc. N.a. s..tblufl • ~POTOmAL-mllft (bllnd) .......... ...Dkmbl• W'/D No pets. M84ZU AVI lmmed. etoee t6 need a permanent 1111
beed\/ahopplng. Poof, ™! Bidet ln9t8ll8tloft peraon to cook & ""'"' '30Dlobo. 57....e43. ""•••I!.• $Allt4$
• 1450. + 1/3 • IU!PSN£E>£0FOR Handyman conwm clean mobll• home ~be aww'9 ttYll ~a-----utll. 7 eo.oeoe MCfMENT Of~ your to11et Into a bidet. un1t. 4hr.tdey, 5 deya/ the l9dr9 1n thla .... l:•=u=ww=::,=u=u=-:-:=:1:-:..,.:-
CAJU)(ATM TERMINAl.S I al.a do full ::9I WMk. $8/hr. Loc8ted egoty mey req= • _,, VV 'W a 38' 2Ba. Block to
be9ch.$450/month +
Utlltlea. Avall MAP
Kim 842-908I
~~~ =e-:T..% ==.. :;;.:.,.:;:::.• : ::'.:. ":.. ... 11u•.•.•,•-••eooo.•••.•,. coaou 888-~~7 .-. u. wt111e ..,,q chetge per minute. "-°' lmmaCUIM9 Dlt JIB 8122
SEEKING up to 112/hr. Call Joe turTiu... ~1005. ~~~~~~~~ coaou I BUSINESS OFFICE BUSINESS OFFICE WOllBR = * N 7.aM7 * BllPLO'fllln ....... ...._ ....... ... 23-4494 Dlt -•• 2•-.z FOR 'D11:!1lrr 2769 fOR HAIR 8TYLIST-PT aw•-"' ••<»5 Al fUmlaNnga mUllt houaehold ltema, ':~~~======~ii~--ii~--~-~ ~&u RENT 2769 auay HB Salon. Satur· "-"--gol Call for appt. toola, furniture. _ ,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil .._ d• •... ,.......... day a mwtl Ouarant'd 4l40.eo90 Mao Oct ..
• • 1 8TUDIO Quiet. Ck>M &Mk.a Yef'/ idbacttve ea1ary, ~ aeautlful ••••..-Mc •• ...., Antique • .COSTA lllSA 1024 to bNCh. No p.a/ ellm wht t.male ~ tueua weMllft to oef. rm anUque bdrm ;;;;;;;;;~;----11
• • amk. (9/montho-a~~ for dating.• ~941 Beck omo.. 20hra per taka cere at o1c1er 1,10, 'waaher/dry•; nlWPOaT
1575/mo. 7• 2800 wk. Buey NB lntemal :1k ';.*~OW:: 89f-a89 DACB 11Q
· ~" ~~-------~:be· d'iVl•..J_..J SCBOOtsa · Mectlclna/Endocrlnol-0 714 e 4eaTMo •••• .. •-:;-~, •• WAY COSTA llBSA 2824 '-All• uc:u JNSDUCTIOR 3012 ogy. Sale'li DOE. llllCllAKDIS! ..........
3Br (Matr w/Walk-ln-•••m••-abundant adjacent paiking. •••••••• •49 8 98 ~tum, W/D. clst) 3Ba, fp, fOrmal *atMll1ba -... E'•lde. Co · ··-•· 'al OffiCI liiiiiCiiii DOlllSTICS IMO llllC. 8015 ~ 7'..10 ' dining rm w/wet bw, Quiet, b".;C'k unit. nvcnicnt, top qu.u1ty oommero cttca. Reap 1o lncfd: It aoctg, •'l!!!Q:n n •
rentoct•I kit, 9Qf'ClH Newly remod. D/W. ~llOl12' blc terms ~ccllcnu· • aml. Chances 11'9 .ft controHer of Inflow/
rmfofc, enoloaed Hkupa. Fen<*t yatda. you wlll ftnd outftow. Experience In
paJlo, apa, aauna, 1 .a gar. No pet• "9Y9t, ecuba diving or
2car gar, work ahop, 11050/mo. 2931 Santa what you nMd martM tndustry a +.
• lrQ landaCllPed beck Arte Unit o .845-1020. at th9 pm. Fu rM: 714-eG0-0573
• y~ wtpatto, NCUl'ity1--------you went to pay
.. ti ~ Apptox. 2,200 et ---------~ ---------
• ...... ..,., 111-6318 COSTA IDS& 2124 COSTA 1111& au• COST& lllSA 2124 ~~
: •tUIM 2 +1 COndO -· • MocMfn kit, du.I pane dlllly
• window•, upgraded Ma-eeTa • Hltl. Aflt, ..... 1' .. • . ............ f.,....
• Walk to HarbOt •
wtl9of1 ~ ctr-::-.a:~·~ = Mt,,:e:A,:taft > ·
I Hilt and Gore
2 Rested
3 Ben--
.. Spaghetti·
5 Domain 6 Pollster Roper
7 Strong 8 Teed on
9 Two
I 0 Criticism 11 Ravioli, e.g
12 Spirit In 'The Tempesr
13 Approec:ties
21 Dw•r1ed lree
22 DttoustlnQ
23 Gr11n holc1ers
24 Colllslon
25 Scounchl
., 1087 51
• 80U'111 •AK
O Q.J 10874 o KQJ •Al
The bidding:
10 .m
WEST p-p._
p ... PAN
NORTH .. •o 10 p-
Openina lead: Au or 0
• Normally, the three be&r1 bonore
in the South band ere conaidered
equala, 10 lt mak11 no dlfl'erenee
which or them are played at any
particular time. But, on oecaaion
aome are conaidered more equal
than othera.
South's two clubs wu artificial
and forcins; North'• raiae 1.howed ia
reuonable five-card 1uil and posi-
t.Ive valuee.' Nort.h'a judgment in
raiain1 hearta With a doubleton ace,
which could not be faulted led to a
heart 1J1m:lhat wu dl1Unctl7
qaWt the odcll. w-. cuhed ace of di~ and. at trick two. abJfted to the jack
of 1pade1. Deelartr won In hand
and, ~ tbe flite o( the contract
hina-d on not. lolJnc a trump tnek
lmmedl1tel7 ltd the queen of
heart.. When W11t covered with
the kinr. all eeemed well, but the
defender's 1pade dU.C.rd on a heart
back to the jack waa a rude shock.
South had to Joee • trump trick ror
down one.
Declarer made a 1ubtle error,
ln1tead of leadin1 the queen ot
t.rumpe al trick three, South should
have led the ten. Lef\-hand oppo-
nent will alwaya cover the queen
' with a doubleton kin1 in an effort to
p~ a trump in partner'• hand.
However, if the ten la led and West coYen, there ia an acellent chance
that·the kin111 1tn1leton alnce it
could CC»l a trick to cover. There-
fore, if the ten la led and Wea fol-'--------
Iowa with the kina. a eound .._.,n JllP · 1110
elliatt to ftneaae the ei1ht on the '!!._ ~ ... ~eoR tap,,
way back and 10 brina in the trump -· • suit without lou and land the con-
.., ... urrua
ooeTA .... Tt4A4LY700
LllXU8 • ...... VllWO
-t400 ...... .
Super nlcel Aute>-
matlc. {30VV4117) ~·t•.
Lo mll••· Black l!I•=-~ ~~=17)
•mACM llOTOR8 71 .........
bumpera, .Jdnt OOl)dl
tract. · '4000. 908 583 11118 •ea TOYOTA 4x4
Learn to be a better brld1e Extra C&b ve, A/C,
player! Subeerlbe now to tile 1.Al1Da09D 9135 CC, Traner Hitch. 43k
Goren Brid•e Letter b• calUn• Ml. •121'500 850-8213
• I •-. pgl'.# 81()-4301.
(800) 788-1215 for Information. 111••••••••1 '78 QnNMI llarqula Or write to1 Goren Brid .. Le~ •ea L---------38k orig ml. 4dr. --------ter, P.O. Boa ~JO, Chleaao, m Lo mlleL 8oolca • LOTUS 9123 '2985 MCMOTO VANS 9225
80880 Record•. Roman ••••••••• ''iiiiiiiiil••••• • Bronze. l'lawl•••· '91 ~ Conv. Redo11
(8S47t0) ::£° '88 •aPRIT 84e 1.8DOHC, 18valve, •ao Dooo• CARGO LAND White. Magnolia dual alrbac19, auto, ac, YAN 31a-ve PIS, P/8 Ml .. IOll Leather. OZ racing pwr wlndowa/door Rune great! s1ooo
714 -·UM wheele, 2k mllH. locka, alum whle, t>eo.714 e84 e10T toes POJU) 9075',.rl'iiiiiiii;r (Fe3118) ....... Loaded! 48k ml,
'78 ••viii• 2nd owner, xlnt cond,
rebulft -..g. New trane, cu1tom wire whl1,
12MO/ob0 ....... to .... __ .,.,
'MVIPllR · ..
Black Beauty. Only
17K MHN • .i.oaded.
A/C. Etc. FtawtMel (102012) ...,...,
... --. •• ~~!l!!l!!~lr 'N Lo= driven car.1'•""e'""1~C~h.-._-.,-,-Lil'O.,.....,,,.....-rv ... .,.-
..... ----LX BRO. On• owner. • .. aPIRIT • ., • 844-0427 4.3 ni. high ........... .. -•-L.oeded. ClwonMe. Lo 8ttaeh Reclr'CI Green ' _.,,...., OOINDTl9L8 Lo mu .... (U8000) ~ teettMr CD , fully loaded, f/pwr,
White, Alm, ChrorMe. OZ h I • rMr ale. roof rack, New Lexue Trade. 'M ~ . racing w ee •· l'flSSAtf 9150 tow .:kg. Mint Condi
#10S878 •t9,777 1 loClll owner. Pert ~top,~= •• • ~1
oond-. Loaded. Lo .... ---->ara cab L11XU8 mllea . (0815151) llAWRLOTVS ~r~ c:tworM'·v-0-... nft------
CBIVIOtlT 9045 I.Alm llOVllll
.... IOll Vl&IO
· 7t4>M88780
M ... IOll Vlll.IO CHTA ..U pkg, aepd, 0t,ty 38k. a.wv 9230
t-eoa •••a• ... 11•w 1tGV1111 714 '8800/obO. I••••••••
'M COllVW I I a 809"• 8tln gray Coupe. _mft_ID______ nvn
Yellow. All booka+ rv 9075•=~-=Plpi'
IOl5 ~ ~ ---------1 'M NTMl'111DllR Lm •aa &40DL 4dr, 17'1Mc
In ~· (810123) v•m& 9125 ltht tow mttee. fUll ml. auto, $1800. Good wM-. to 84k. Many cond. Rich u• eea.
reoorda. Remembert••••••••r •t AOCORD I.Am ilOVllll
Yeaterdayl Mueuem ... •••tan .. 0..... 4Dr, CJD, Moon Roof, MIMIOll VllUO
Ou.iltyl firtoed '° ... A •u•••H .. ""' w h It•. ., 0 7 a 7 11 I -::.iT~t~·=·=·~·~T~-~-(101~ Wht w/aWlfy MW &lk •tt,•TI 1·'MiiiOOWIHiM
'90 MAZDA llPV
Auto, All Power,
Muat Seel. (2TaweeC>) On .......
xtrH. Champagne. •el VOLVO i40
122,1500. l'lawleH. Super Cleanl Auto. 7 .... t1a lmmac. (30ST181)
'M PifiiPIW61ii ~ •1•,w
LAllD llOVllll top. Powerful IL auto-'MACCORD IDl T P1111 nger. Loeded.
BOATS, YACHTS, MAillfE SLIPS . 111n1011 Vl..,O millllO 12888. MM379 Black/Black, Full Lo mll••· (~UM2) ~ 7013 DOm. 70'"' AUTOllOBD.BS 71448....,80 '87 POllD VAH eonv. Power. #011148 'MDlacovucVa•
... a MAZDA M~TA
Lo Mltff. I Speed.
A/C, Caeaette
Loaded SB w/L.Nther. •MOM Mg.TOR•
Lo lo mil••· Auto. 71 ...... a-eee
(23088) Pl.A ........ -~,,,..,.~..-.... -,__ • ~ 'it leNtti v.;e:; A/T, P/S, AJC. •1•,•TI Bleck. l.oeded. Front 4•' aLACKl'IN 40ft llOORlllQ Only 40k ml. Very Low mt. Or1g. Owner. LDUa l!lrueh Guard. A/T. .c .. nter conaole. off Udo lncludee new BllW 9030 clean. FuHy loeded. 14,IOO 720-1722 Ml .. IOllVl&IO (1111147) Lo Lo Mleel
,.Cuddy cabin outrlg-Zodiac' 17500.obo '-.•••••••I MIOO. ... 4 ••4 'ft acGllT 1..-00 181 IH• .gere, bait tank, teak 714 ·84• 8 .. -I• .... _ ,.,,.. ,,..__ Only LAND llOVllR
,deck and ralla. Twin-'87 ·-328 red/1--------,.......,, ""'• ....... •et CMC LX MlnlOll Vl&IO 11SOHP '93/cJohnaona. Dook, Xlnt LocctlOn. black, 5apd, CD CDYSl.llt 9050 3ak mllee. (3BOY813> Power eq. A/C,,~....,.7_t_44 __ ._...., __ ., __
'33K Firm. 810-141!5 (wry eecure), water/ ptayw, AC, PS, Pl!I, Huny On .... ,'781' Sedan. Super Nloel'-
elect. e?a-7877 PW, POL. enrf, , OWN', ... CIRRU• LX •IUCM llOTOR9 " (2V0078_1} 48a
IDlllllU 8IVICIS .
exc cond, MOOO/obO. LO mt. Super Cleanl 714 a•a 1111 llr'WI ...
......... 7t4-7U..1aH Loaded. (3PPVH4) _..,.,,.,,_,,,,.,.,..,.....,~,,.,.,,,.-Mu10RCfa.BS ,90 aa910 'Red eorw. Ontr •'f•,aaa •n 11XPL01111R
SCOOTUS 8018 91Loededld~· !:: aacH MO'roRe ~~E:.m-'~1-....!!!:~~!!!!...-1 el~~ .. "&OK. ~ TU........ (Eoe998) RENT '79 8usuld RM-12SN. Bluebook Mu.t .....
All orig. New motor, 114,000/ftrm 873-4282 Buy It. Sell It. And It. LAND ROV1IR h I lfl d completely redone. _..;._.;._.;,;~----ClaHtned. MlnlOll Vl&IO throug Cass e
$500. 840-3843 7t4! M9 eTM
Can't affm to
get to all those
repair jobs
around the house?
Let the CIHalfled
Service Directory
help you find
reliable help.
llllACM 110T011• •••••0 • Vlll.tO 7t4 a4aaee1 Tt•M• 8780
'M MIATA '18 P•ililiindN U
81eekJ1vory. P/W, Pl\. Bfk. ve, 2WD, Alrm,
Crulee. #500708 All PWR, New TirH, t14,9TI Lo Mltee. Xlnt Condi
118,500 obo 840«J70
lii:UO wo
WAG CID, Power Every.-
th Ing! 3rd Seat.
#185102 ...... .,
I.DUS •S8IOllVl ... O
l1PO_NTIA_C ____ 9•17•0 =~a 9250 'N QNftd AM QT,•------f'ully Loaded with '73 M•HNtl Citroen your home
through classified
Alarm, 2-DR. under atAWICU• ~
18K ml, •tt,aoo. 371c mJ, •ta,llOO. 0t 11.....,...113 Trade! 88&621241/M
3851 Pl.VVIIl'G OOl'IRG 3110