HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-11-02 - Orange Coast Pilot. . .
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I •
, .
NeWport council making Noyes for tnayor
• Sources say the 'Balboa
Island councilman is in line
~o succeed Dennis O'Neil.
fonnal vote for the lcugely ceremorudl
mayor and vice....mayor posts, bpth
one-vear posibor\s, on Nov 22.
f-:1.1yor Dennis O'Neil said he does
not w-J.nl to run again.
·1 · beli~ve it'~ appropriate to step
aside edch year to rotate the posi-
tion,· he aid •
bers, Gary Adams and Tod Rulgc-
. way.
However, Adams and Ridgeway
have a lack of seniority that trdd1t.Jon-
dlly keeps council members from
be109 chosen
Tha't leaves Noyes and Thomson d')
· the main choices for the JOb. •
"I haven't thought about it," '>did a
light-lipped Noyes. "We'll have to Cl'
Thomson, who
(b VICl' mCl)'OI WI
could prnvide
Noyes with sttff
compellhon, could
not bt> reachPcl tor
While the vote
for mayor is shap-
ing up, 1t b still
or Ridgewdy. .,
Adams said he
would accept the
JOb a.nd would be
mterested eventu-
ally 10 beconung
"I'm not inter-
ested m bemg
mayor right now,"
the city's next mayor will be City
Councilman John Noyes, who has the
necessary four votes to Wlil the seat,
said sources at City Hdll
· Besides O'Neil, two senior coun-
cil members -Jan Debdy dnd Nor-
ma. Glover -have opted not to run
for mayor. That leaves senior coun-
cil members Noyes and Tom Thom-
son, an(i the cotrncll's newest mem-
how the politics gel." . uncledr who might Tom Thomson Adams said. "I . John Noyes
don't hdve tune to
City Council memben; will take the
lfhis can
• EDITOR'S NOTE: We asked passengers
and employ"s at John Wayne Airport ·
about their thOU<)hts folloY(ing Sund'!)"s •
~ash of E~ptAir Flight 990 ·
"I think everyone is very sad. My
husband ~ an airline captain and
my daughter is a mght attendant. I
think w~ are naturally more aware
the days following a major acddent.
We are on our toes because we
don't know what happened. But we
try to do everything right every day.
The fear of aviation accidents is
somethln{I 1 live with·every day. But
it JS what they want to do.•
-Betty $cott. security
Wayne Air.port.
·0verall I still feel that flying -is
a safe wa}1 to travel.:
-Tai Do, 27, whose girlfriend
was flying to San Francisco on
American Air lines.
"This can hap~n anywhere. It's
. just strange "that it's happened in
that geographic locaUon three times
now. You have JFK Jr., 1WA 800
and now EgyptAir 990. !..have been
flying wilh lhe same carrier for 16
years ... I have faith in the people in.
charge. You have to have I aith, oth-
erwise you will be taking the bus.•
• eling from Venezuela on business.
. "I guess working for the industry,
I feel S(lfc in the hands of the Feder-
al Aviation Adrrunistrution. 1 also
think the safe.c;t time to travel is nght
after an airplane disaster. Every·
body's watchin·g. All the mainte-
nance record, are being looked at.·
-Undll Johnson, custom er
__ seryi.ce.agent for.Alaska Aiclines. . . '
• /t was business as usual at JFK
A irport. Unless I saw 1t on the
news, 1 w ouldn't have realized
there w as a crash .•
· -Jen Nasslmbs, 22, Costa
Mesa, who arrived at LAX from •
New York. Her United Airlines
flight was delayed for more than
an hour due to problems with the
plane's fuel line and brakes.
becom~ v1ct• mdy-• City ~all sourc~s .say th~t gel hos
c:tlready 1\ardened and that Noyes has
all the votes he needs :.
or. Unhke thf' mdyor's sedt, it could go
to onP of the jumnr mf'..mbers:Adams
do it justicE>,"
Ridgeway dcclmed to comment. . .
' Costa Mesa
makes deal·--
, f of raffips
of future
•The $1-million agreement will
allow Sakioka Farms to develop
their land m the future' u~der
··today's building guidelines.
lnrf Pb
COSTA MESA -The City Council dnd
Sakioka Fanm struck a $1-nulhon deal
~tonddy rught that will give the aty tY. o
stnpc; ot land on which to huild freeway
rdIDpS · ""'---if---.--.lrl~excft"'J~-tt;r glVDig tne t1t)~
off Anton Boulevard near the Perfonrung
Arts Center, Sakioka Fanns \\ill be allowed
A day after EgyptAir Aight;990 crMhed off Nantucke t. Steven Grant, son of victim Beve rly
Grant, and his wife, Elaine/lWen as fam.J ly members address the me dia a t a press conference
held at Ute Grant home in Santa Ana on Monday. · •
Crash victim was ·' perf ed mothe-r'
ll Be~erly Grant, matriarch of rdmily-run I . business, The Grant Boys, was among
tra ed .
DA'' m Gout Ff
As n{uch as The Grant Boy~ ts an msutullon in
Costa· Mesa, Beverly Grant wai. the rock and cor-
. nerstone of her family. ,
· · Her son, Steven Grant, descnbed her as the
epitome of farruJy values and lhe best mother m
. the world:
Grant was on her way to Calfo with three
• friends on Sunday for a three-week vac~tion
when lheu plane; EyyptAi1 Flight 9~. crashed 60
miles southeast of Nantucket Island. Mass
The foursome new from Lo Angeles to New
York, where they boarded the Boc\ng 767
The women were part of d group ot 54 travel-
ers scheduled for a tour of Egypt planned by
Boston-based Grnnd Circle n avel. They were to
v1s1t the Great Pyranuds; with stops at Gita, Lllx-
or and Aswan. Then they were to travel on to
Israel and Tiberius.
At 82, Grant. who lived in Santa Ana, was full
of energy and life, family members sai.d.
"My mother had so1much vitality, such a zest
for life," said Bruce Grant. •She was truly an
independent per;ory .
She never wanted'to
burden her chil-
eepmg wi er
independent spirit,
Grant did not let her
traveling compan-
ions -Judy Bow-
man, Sheila mree
and Tobey Seidman
-know how old she
was, Steven Grant
said She was the
oldest of the group.
that played cards
INe1'y Tbbrsd~y-and
·would not reveal her · .
trge to them for fear they nught exclude her ..
Her son-m-law. Randy G<1rell, sat~ before her
trip, Grant was so exClted that when he drove her
to her friend's house the morning she was· leav-
ing, they were hallway to the .door before rcahz-
mg they wen~ at the wrong hOll'iC.
Gttrell, who runs The Gruht Boy~ nun and sur-
plus store on Newport Boulevard, the business
that Grant's husb<'nd began in 1949, <1c cnbed
her has the stereofypital Jewt h mother. ·
to develop lwo larger p1erc!> of adjacent
land under toda}'s l>uildmg code.; dt dny
time ()Ver the next 20 years
· There was virtually no ch'>cuss1on at the
Gity Council meet.mg ns counal member
una.nunously voted to arct~pt the dgree-
t' ment, wh1ch the city ht1s been working on
Bren · Foundation . .
grant ~o Caltech
• Money trorn chairman of the
Irvme Co will establish
professorships m biological sciences.
$ ). H .....
·~~_,,...----~~~~----....__ ........... ~.
Foundation on t-.tonday , wardtid Caltectl.a•
$10-million grant to. wpport the schoQi!i
b1olog1cal saences qepartment. • • .. •
"Caltech' focu..,y-0n b1olog1cal scien~ :
will open a new a~a for its' cholarly mq~
and research that promise.'> cndJeo.;s po. <>itll.l-
1ties to profoundly touch and improve our
live , "·c;aid Bren, cha1.mum ot the Irvine Co.
The grant, ndITled the Bren Profes ors
Endowment, will help tablt<>h pref so~h1ps
co.ntcbM1to 2000 mouooy top10 WEATHER
.World War I brings
econor¢c halt to area ..
J\11 X COOi t\~
Suddenly, thn world wa
moving fa!lt.
For todays
Mltlennk.wn Moment. ........ , Technology was begm·
ning to change the nature of
N wport·M 5a llfe during the 1910s,
bnngtng new opportuniti ·.to r
dents but also dlAnging the natur
r lif m ways that wer unpr
• . "'' ... lyl< .
- ---
WC-:J! 1'~;< LT I C..'\,l\lf"
T mperatures
will be mild and •
overcaS1 ski~ re
hkely to cl ar by
5'GllS .. j
A photograp'h°.t~ken of~ mu.. brotben ln their
Buick In 1912.
dented and trange
Henry Ford had introduced the
Model T ln 1908 and automobUes E 2000MGl4
r •
I ~
N0Wp9rt council making ·Noyes for mayor
.. ..-.-' " . . ..
• Sources say the BalQoa
Island councilman is in line
to succeed Dennis O'Neil.
the city's next mayor will be City
formal vot~ for the largely ceremomal bers, Gary' AdfUllS and Tod Ridg~-:rhornson, who
mayor and vice mayor posts, both . way. · as vin• mayo1 still
one-year posibons, on Nov 22 However, Adams and RidgC!way roulcl pro\'1dc
Mayor Denriis O'Neil sa1d'he docs have a lack of seniority that tradition-Noyes with stiff
not want to run again . ally keeps council'· members from compeut1on, could
•1 .believe it's appropriate ld step being ChQ:)en not be reached foe
aside each year to rotate the posi-That leaves Noyes and Thomson a~ comment.
tion," he said " the mam choices for the JOb While the vote
Bes1des O'Neil, two senior coun-•1 haven't thoughl<Sbout it," said~• tor mt1yor is shap-
or Rldgewdy.
Adams Sdtd
would accept the
job dnd would be
mtere!>ted evenlu·
dlly m heconung
· Couricilman John Noyes, who has th.e
necessary four votes to win the sedt,
said sources at City Hall.
cil members -Jan Debay and Nor.._; tight-lipped Noyes. "We'll haye to "C'P. mu up, 1t i<; shll
ma Glover -have opted not to run how the politics geh" • unclP.ar who might Tom Thomson :
"I'm not inter·
es.ted. rn being
mayor nght now.•
Adams said. ·1 John Noyes
don't have lime to for mayor. That leaves senior coun-City Hall sources say that gel has l.wcqme vtCe mdy-
City Cduncil members will take the
cil members No\'es and Tom J"hom-aJready hardened and that No\ es has or. Unit kc• the mrtyor's S(•dt, 1t could go
son , an'd the council's newest mem-dll the votes he needs. to 01w of thta 111nior members, Adams
do it Justice.• ·
Ridgeway dechned to comment.
~This C:C.n
· anyWhere'
• EDft'OR'S NOTE: We asked pa~nge~ •
and .. employees at John Wayne Airport
about their thoughts following Sunday's
aash of EgyptAir Flight 990.
"I thii11< everyone i.s very sad. My
husband is ari airline captain and
my daughter is a flight attendant. 1
th.ink we are naturally more aware
the days following a major accidef!I.
We are on our toes because-we
don't know what happened. But we
try to do everything right every day..
The fear of aviation accidents is
something l l1ve with every day. But
it JS what they want to do." · -Betty Scott. security
check point supervisor at John
Wayne Airport. ·
"Overall l still feel that flymg !s
a safe way to travel."
-Tai Do, 27, whose girlfriend
was flying to San Francisco on
American Airlin~s.
' .1,
A day after EgyptAlr Flight990 crashed off Nantucke~, Steven Grant, son of victim Beverly
Grant, and his \\-ife, Elalne,:lWen as family members address the media at a press conference
held at the Grant home in Santa Ana on Monday. .
Crash vidinl Was 'perfect moth~r'
Costa Mesa
makes deal
for ramps
of future
•The $1-rpillion agreement will
allow Sakloka Farms to develop
their land in the future under
today's building guidelines.
COSTA MESA -The Cit} Council and
Sakloka Farmc; struck a $1-nuU1on deal
Monday mght that wdl 91ve the city two
slnp'> of land on which to huild frccv.ay
In exchange foe g!vi!19' th~ city the land
off Ariton BouJevarCi near the Pertomung
Aris Center, SaJcloka Fann w1U b allowed
to develop two larger p1e<" of adjacent
land under· today's bwldmg codes at any
wne over the nPxt 20 years
There was virtuallv no d1sa1ss1on at the
City Council' meeting a~ c:ounc.11 members
unanimously voted lo accept the dgrce-
m~nt1 which the city has b "en working on
"Till<> can happen anywhere. It's
just strange that it's happened in
that geographic location three times
now. You have JFK Jr., 1WA 800
and now EgyptAir 990. I J1ave been
flyillg with the same carrier tor 16
years:· 1 hoV°e·faft1l in the people in
charge. You have to have faith, oth·
erwise you will be taking the bus.,.
-Edwin Berger, who was trav-
eling from Venezuela on business.
•Beverly d~ant, matriarch of family.:nffi ·
•· ., business, The Grant Boys, was among.
217 victims of Sunday's Egypt.A.lr tragedy.
.. :independent ·p~r~n.
She never want.eel lo
burden her chil-
dren r
Keeping with her
independent spmt,
Grant did not let her
traveling compan-
ions -Judy Bow-
man Shei1d .Jaffee
and Tobey Sf 1dman
-know how <lid she
was, Steven Grant
said She was the
oldest of the group
that played cards
·~ Bren.Fouridation
gives $1 0-million·
·grant to 'Caltech '"/guess worklilg for the industfy,
I feel sole in .the hands of the Feder·
al Aviation Administration. I also
think the safe t time to travel is right
alter an airplane aisaster. Every-
body's watching. All the malntc·
nance records are being loo.ked at."•-
-Unct. Johnson, customer
. service agent for Alaska Airlines.
' # ...
"It•was business as usual at JFK
Airport. Unless I saw it on the
news, I wouldn't have realitecl
·.there wa.'J a crash ."
• -Jen Nasslm0s, 22, Costa
Mesa, who arrived at LAX from
New York. Her United Airlines
flight was delayed for more than
an hour due to problems with the
plane's fuel line and brakes.
.. 0A!l.;I T 11 C10UI I I
Oliy file
As much as The Grant Boys is an mstituuon in
C~ta Me.c;a, Beverly Grant was the rocJs and or-
nerstone of her family.
Her :;on, Steven Grant, de cnbed her as the
epitome of family value and the be t mother m
the world.
Grant was on her way lO Cairo wtth three
friehds on Sunday for a three-week vacation
when !heir plane, EgyptAir.Plight 990, crashed 60
miles 'southeast of Nantucket Island, Mass
The foursome flew from Los' Angeles' to New.
York, where thcy)>oarded the Boeing 767.
The women were pa1t of a group of 54 trav'el-
ers scheduled for a tour of Egypt planned by
Boston-based G1cUld C'irc~C'·TI:aveJ They were to
\l'isit the Great Pyramids, w1th stops at Giza, Lux•
or and Aswan. Then they were to lt avcl on to
Israel and 1ibenus. . ,
At 82, Grant, who lived m Santa Ana, was fu'u
of energy and life, family membP.rs said,
"My mother had so murh vitality, such a 2est
for life,• aid Bruce Grant. "She was truly an·
. -' '
every Thursday and Beverly Grant
would not reveal her
age to them for fC'ar they nught ~elude her.
Her son-in-law, Randy Gt1 rell, sdid betorc her
tnp, Grant was so excited that when he drove her
to her friend's house the n\ormng she was leav-
ing, they were h«lfway to the door lwfo1 e reall7.·
tng they were at the wrong how: "
~ Garell. who runs The Grant Boys gun and sut-
plus store on NPwport Boule'l<ird, the busme?s
that Grant's husband hegan m 1949, dl'scnbed
her has the stercotypiral Jewish moth •1.
• --
• Money from hairman bf tlie
Ir.vine Co will e tablish
professorstups in biological scien ces.
~) (.A}L.._
NEWPORT BEACH -The Donctld B~:
Fouridabon on Monday l ward 1d Cal'tccti ~ •
$10-mill.ion grant to "upport the ch(x:UI~
hiolog1cal sciences department. .•. • •
"Caltt)'<"h's focus on b1ologicul scien ~
will open a new <trea for its scholarlr mqu~
and re;earch that promises end! ss poss1ttti1-..
ities to profoundly tourh and improve our
lives," c;aid Bren, ch,1mnan of lh • Irvine C(l
The grant, named the Bren Prof "ors
Endowment, will help tablbh prof rships
oo..ntc:blvn to 2000 fTIOflCl'ly top10 WEATHER
World W~ I ~!ings
econo1nic halt to area
will be mild and
ov rcast skies are
hk ly to clear by
A11 '\ Cuot-'t.t'-I
Suddenly, the world was
moving fast. .
Technology wa l>cgm·
mno to r.hang th nature of
llfestyt P~. .
For today's
Mlllennk.fn MOment. .........
• 1111 .. .I ~·I• .
~ •dn• .. • l f,, cunvro
•, • ) r pc 1"11( .,
' -
OMlllllY... _ ___,
111VlllCT -----~ s
A photograph taken of the Ellll brotheli II\ their
8Ukk In 1912.
N wport-M a Uf cturing th 1910s,
bring ng n w opportunlti to r i·
d nts but al!k> changing the n ture
of Hfe ln wa~ that w re unprece-
d nted and strange
Henry Ford hed mtroduq!<l the
Mod I T. in 1908 and aUtomoblles
• • • > P•'f'" 11-..M<ho ...
2000 MOl4
2 Juesdci , November 2, ~ 999 commun1 forum Doily Pilot:
s.j. .
in giving to
T here's no better proof
that the public considers
the tuncling of politicdl
cttmpii1gns to be dirty than the
tact that your average donors
don·~want to l.dlk about theu
conlnbutJons. ·
followmg Pat Buchandn's
(out ~urpnsing) announcement
last Wt?ek that he was Jumping
to thl' Reform Party, I attempt-
1•d to C'dll a few of the New-
port l\tesa residents wl'\o had
~JIV<'n Buchanan money well
hc,fort? ht> began talkmg about
IP<1VlOCJ the Republican fold.
Now, none of these people
were huge contnbutors. We're
l<llkmg $250 to $500 donallons,
not $.50,000 m soft mon~y So I
twlcl out some hope that they
rniqht be willing to say how
lh1•y ft>ll dboul Buchanan tc1k·
rng their (l su.specl) Republicetn
rrtmtl'y to the party-of Ross Pc1 -
ot t1nd Jesse Ventura
No such luck l was told
they didn't want to discuss it.
dncl more thCiO a'few were
shocked I even knew about
lhE•u dondtions
To ddfily that pomt, all
poht1cal contJibubons are
avaJJdblP for thP public to VlPW.
I <•ncourage anyone Wllh some
time to visit the Federnl Elec-
Lion C'onunisMon's Web s1te'dt
www.ff'C gov. For d less
clcttulNI, hut more user-friend-Jr site, chl•ck ·out "wwopen.~e·
c.rets.org. You can hnd out
which of your ne1ghbon.
donated hy searchµlg by ZJP
... co~lf>; }W\~er.the-~!.t -
. autllontc1llve Wee ·the PEC "-s.
Donor tmwillingness to td.lk
isn't rt>dlly surpnsing. This hds
bf>en tnw for dS long d'> I've
h<>l'n rovcnno polltics closely,
whrch elates back to edrly
lHHh. WhPn campaign fmdnn
rC>fom1 lw.~1an to become news
Then thcrc-were pushes in
vanuus sftttes to make cam-
paigns puhlidy funded These
dnvt's didn't get very far; alter
ctll , how many of us actually
cht•< k the box on our mrome
... ·........---r
I S S. U E 0 F T H E W I I I .
Newpor1;.sh0uld be responsive t~ residents
R ecenUy, three events m Newport
Beach point to a ens~ of disen·
~francliliement that seems to
pervade our com.mwu~ and qwte
possibly evP.n our national psyche.
first, the Newport Beach City
Council rescmded our protPction
against unnutlgdted tralhc expansion
. (Traffic Phasing O rdinance).
· Th.is forced a group of res1dents to
get the Greenlight IJUqet hve on the
ballot. The imtiabve is designetl to
reestablish· the nghts of the NPwport
Beach yoters to have <! meaningful
voice tn how their city will grow
Secon.tly, residC'nt.s m the Harbor
View area were shoc.l<ert to discover d
masSive, 41-foot-high concrete wall •
hail sprung up in a view-sensitive
area wbere 32 feet was the l.l.m.it pre-
sc;-ribed by the Newport Beach zoning
code. The vanation was pennlttea by
the city with the ban• minunum of
legal notice reqiiired
Thirdly, at a rec~nt meetl.ng with
Homer Bludau, Newport Beath's city
Dunes hotei .
pict:ures don't
show ever~ing
Y ou can look al pic-
tures of the Dvnes
resort to visualize Ule
beauty of the building and
the landscdping, but do the
pictures show the back of
U1e hotel, whlch 1s what Lhe
residents living m the retire-
nlent corrunuruty ol Bayside
Village and especially on
Mayflower StrC<.>t v1ew?-
man ger, most of U1e 16 cornmuruty
leitders attending dCcused city govern-
ment of being grossly nonrespons1vc
to lhmr needs. It is so~nn_g that well-
educated and l?Qlitically ophist1cated commu~1ty leaClers should share the
perccpllon of their disenfrandu.semeot
by the city.
• Th~ Residential Advocacy Council
and the Couµnwuty Assn. Alhdncc
have propo1;ed that the city fund an
ombua~man and a modest staff whose •
sole rc:;ponsibility would be to give to
the council members the reactions an'ci
pref rcnc;es of the residents on the
vanous issues with residential impact ..
With one or two exceptions, the oty\
council 1efused to cons1der the
Omb.udsman Concept. The "party
line" Is that th~ city's E.nvfronmental
QucllJty Corruruttee does that tor the
council. 1\vo members of the commit-
tee wece among the 16 leaders
bemoaning their dtSenfranchtsement:
They pointed out that some coundl
member.; think so little of their com-
mittee tbal months tiave gone by with-
-out those council members bothering
MA I ·LB AG · ·
to makf' iheir committee appoint-
ments. More than one of the city's
appointees do not even live in N ew·
port Beach! Obviously, the com.nuttee,
reconstituted to appeas~ the home-
O"wners asSocfations, does not work,
and cannot work, because of the lack
of a dedicated staff with an exdusi\te
responsibility to the residential com-
. Insiders at "Fort Newport'\ (a.k.a.
city hall) allege that officeholders are
so sensitive to every wisp of public
· opinion that ther-e's no need for an· ,,. esta..blish~ feedback system. •
ThAnk gdodness for our neighboTS
who agree to serve on the city, coun-
cil. Still, we all n~ed to h elp them ·
reflect the views of their constituen cy.
Why is our city co\:lhcil unwilfing to entert~ an O{ganized feedback sys•
tem from the disenfranchised residen -
tial cornmuruty? lsn 't it time for a
p roven idea? ·
• PAUL R. GERST, a 30-year resident of New-
port Beach, is vice president of the Bluffs
Homeowners Atso. and vice chair of the Com-
monity Assn. Alllan'c:e.
Do pictures show the
noise and the smell of the
28-foot service road 15 feet
from the Mayflower homes,
"with its 24-hour use, its
three-level parking sttucture
wJth blO'Wers lo recirculate
the enussions-filled air? Can
you listen to the· pictures and
hear car doors slcUlUlung, ·
horns honking, squealing
lJ.res and alarms blanng?
Owners of the Newport Dunes have proposed building a 500-room bot~l on this
undeyeloped piece of their land, but residents are not sure those roolll:5 are nee~ed.
I Can you hear the noise
ot' the air conditioners and
mechdllical eqwpment that • :n~·a5t)t) .
room full-~TY.lce resort wUh'
55,000 square fe•_.t of meet·
ing facility and dn addillon-
al 100, t\'lo-room tune share
West Side
problems need
realistic solutions
I attended the me.cting
concerning the West
Side Specific Plan, which
was reported m U1e Oct. 21
~crerwesrsme im it
voice be heard~ J. While I
c1pplaud the city's attempts
to get the op1Illon from nor-
mally ignored residents, I
am distressed by the
increased divergence from
reality. I believe these meet-
ings are encowttgmg resi-
dents to fantasize clbout the
future of Costa Mesa with-
out regard to costs and
there. Why did it close? ·who will pay? Where do
If it closed because the they go?
declining incomes of the An overarching issue
neighbonng residents that the council has res-
starved it of sales, wouldn't olute]y ignored is the 19th
a new market be doomed to Street Bridge. No private .•
fail for U)e.same reason? investors will commit sub-• ·
The existing stores at Trian-stantial money to the area
gle Square and the Court-ng as the bridg e's fate
-ya.rc:b have~ 9etter-!ocati-O·...-r•-......,,......,w.n..Buil(iuJg..ihe.
than the Vista Center. I . · bridge would change traffic
don't see how a major and economic pa tterns. I.
supennarket would be will-beijeve such a change
ing to move into such an would be for the better, but
unprormsing territory nobody really knows
Everyone agrees the because the city won't study ·
'schools need improvement. 1l.
I visited Red School and We must also consider
was appalled by its disre-the long-term effects if the
pair. The best teachers and city successfully implements
administrators in the state a program of improvements.
would be discouraged to The area is now affordable
lllDllS llSPOID
Locals want
Legion haII .
AT ISSUE: A developer is
proposing to build a luxury
hotel on the site where
American Legion Post 291
and Marinapark mobile
home now stand.
T his is r~ard.ing the
Ameri.ccib Legion. As far
as I am concerned, the
Aroencan Legion is as Ameri·
can as-our flag, mom anCI
apple pie. It is our country they
fought for. Let's not forget our
veterans and leave it whe re lt
JS, And remember what the
trofhc JS like going down there.··
Newport Beach .·
I am calli.Q.g in reference to •
the Legion lease, Wha t is this?
A very cruel Halloween joke?
The ~on is part of Newport·
Beach forever. ll is Patt of
Americanct. Ana what an; they
gomg to put in there, a luxwy
hotel? Where is the extra traf-
fic going to go and come Crom?
What about the exlra sewage,
water and parking? It iS a joke.
Thanx you, but no U)ank you:-
Costa Mesa
The An),erican Legion prop-
ert}' is an attractive, thriving
facility that meets the needs of
people m a variety of social and .
• firiancial brackets 1t serves vet-
erans whose contrtbutiOlli am all
too often ignored \;ly fellow dti-
zen.s and the government alike.
ft als6 serves families and
friends of veterans, whi.Ch. eonsti-
tutes a huge number of people.
The Marinapark. mobile
home park is also an attrac-
tive, thi'iving faqli.ty that pro-
vides reasonably pnced hous·
mg m a city With very li~e of
that. Properties like this 'allow
people who might pot other~
wise be able to afford life at . · -tlie'6eaai o e-abieto do·.~-:---
·lf, as Councilman Ridgeway
said, the city has~ ~financial
e valuation" to make, then it
must stop spending money '
and w asting time Qn •review-\
mg the history Md status" of
one 1dea after another. The
c ty needs to start spending
that money <l!ld time on •
improving our seriously deteri·
orating BaJboa Village. From
'· lnx form ~>lcdging.l'Ooney to the.·
pr£>".11dcn1Jal race?
Do the pictures show the
street lighting on the 5er-
vice road, the lights for the_
parking structure, the light·
ing required for the amval
of au guests on the thlfd·
noor lobby towenng'Over
flays1de Village.an<! 15 fE>et
from ~ Mdyff ower. Street residents? .. . .
Can you visuafue the 9-
{oot block waU 3 feet from
the Mayflower homes that
the draft envuonrnental
llTlpaCt report thinks will
mitigate to a Sc1tisfactory lev-
el all of the above problems?
Can the 75-foot height of a
hve-story bwldmg be com-
prehended when you're 3
feet below the bike trail as
d.re the Mayflower homes?
· ·Whe1;1 asked·l:w ·u1e mod.
crator whclt they would hke
to see illlprovea. ·the eud1-
ence responded with a
number of requests:
imp.roved schools, more
park space, a market at
19th and Placentia, more
police patrols cmd increased
access to bus se>rvice.
work in a facility so dilapi-for. renters because .it is less
d&.t¢ ~ sidewalks &acked destrable than Mesa Verde 1
a.00 h~1o1E'd,dnd ~ggmg . or the Easl Side. -~
. my obseIV.dtions, the city has
done little to encchir~ge busi-. J
nesia.develO~ent t.P~re; other .
thm funding a host of studies
with questionable results.
Then. in early i9q7, the
Clinton/Gore fmance scandal
brok~. At the time, I was a
rPporfor in WdShington and
lh£>re were d number of pro·
po ... als before the House and
Sl•nate to"cilter the campaign
lmance Jaws One called tor a
bdn on soft money; a comret
inq measure would have
r€'rnoved caps on fund-raising
.ind Sf>!?ndmg while forcing
cltsdosure within 24 hours ..
roofs. However, the schools Making the area nicer
fall under the junsdtction of will inqea e property val-
the school board and the ues and rents, driving out
crty-can do little. Anger--1li 1 · should be directed at a e very peop e the oty wants to save. nus effect school board v1ctmuzed by can be seen in its extreme
multiple hnanciaJ 'problems. form in San Francisco ahd
Everyone agrees that the• West Side doesn't h ave the Silicon Valley, where
enough pdrk space. Perhaps the people who work there
this is why no on e can can't afford to live there. I
agree on t11e·proposed confess I have no solution to
More people are affected by
this area of town then the Balboa
and 15th Street section. It is
already quaurt and charming,
yet despe'fcltely needs a powerful
neinq a bit more naive than
I am now, I thought chdnges
would be rrtdde duting thdt
Cdn anyone even 1mag-
me the stress this community
is going through and these
are our .. Golden Years?" Do
we pray lo God or clo we
pray to the City Council not
to clllow such a use of this .
environmentally sensitive 30
acres of land, which should
be enjoyed m its natural
state by all of the p(.'ople1 or
dre they only picturing the
sound of the money?
Not surprismgly, these
have come up b~focc in oth·
er meetings -they •re
thin gs most residents want.
Other things menboncd
elsewhere, but not last
rught, include burying thf?
utilily'lines, another library
and improvmg the stock of
affordable housing.
skateboard facility at Lions the problem of making ruce
Park, the only really acces-housing affordable without
sible spac~ m the area. ma~ive subsidies, which Unfortunat~ly,· building causes its own problems:
•• draw\ng card to encourage busi-
nesses to open and allow them to
Uuive. How about a new hotel
nght in BalOOa Village where
bu"il1lcsses and the oom.m.un!ty
' will ectually benefit from it?
· spnny. They weren't. They
haven't been. ·
1\vo years later, Judging by
people's shame in contribut-
mg, they sllll need to be.
more parlC.frequires ton·· ·J would QOt fl&Ve your
demmng parcels al.ready readers think we should do ·
develop¢, a very expen-nothing about the West
slve proposition m money Side. I me rely wish the City
and uprooted res1dents. Is Council would no t raise
anybody volunteering their expectations for impr9ve-
house to be lorn down for a ments without care ful con-•
park? side ration of their costs and
The '<;dme obstacles benefits.
·-rm agaiiisi f.~e· .ll ~ uar~
fie problem now, without adding •·
to it U hotel rooms are needed,
wliy did .UttJe 1rut 0n the Bay
close? Also the Amena m LegiQn
does more tor this conununi.ty
than a hot.el ever cowd.
• SJ. CAHN Is cify editor of the Daily
Pilot. Send your political news to him
at. Dally Pilot, 330 w Bay St, C~a
MesJ 92627, by fax at (949) 646-41'70;
or bye mail to d<>ilyp1lot0fat1mes.com.
He c4tn be r~ached at (949) 574-4268
Newport Beach
No one 1s dSking what
these things would cost or
how they will b<.' main-
tained. For example, every-•·
one js agreed thdl a decent
supermarket ls wanted for
the VlSld Cent<>r at 19th and
Placenbp, but no one has
asked what happened to
the one that uM?d to be
apply to a new library and MICHAELE. ONTKO
underground utilities -Costa Mesa
. Newport Beach.-
Daify Pilot
VOL 93, NO. 256 .
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Newport Coast
The sw ell 1s out of the w .\t
today for sets In the w.aist·
to chest·high are1 ~ts will
roll in &!>'try 12 M)(Of'ldS Sun
ris will be 6·10 am and
sun Jct will be S p m
Wedge ••• ,.. • • • • 4 w
Newport. • • ..... • 2-3 w
Bia Jes • • • , • • • 2·3 w
AIV Jetty ,. .. , 2 .4 w
CdM • •• •• , , •• :2 3 w
Flrtt low
11:38 a.m ..... ,_ .. _ ........... 1,9
First h~h
S.47 e.m ...................... _ .. 4 8
S«ond low
11.SO p m .... -................... 0 3
Second htgh
S:19 p m ................... " .. -... 4 7
First low
after midnight
First high
6 26 • mm_ .... -........ .53
S«Ond loW
12.29 pm ........ _,_,.1.3
SecOnd high
'18pm ...................... 48
• • If someone signals that something Is wrong with your car,
drtve to the neerpst service rtation to check It. Do not stop
and get out of your car.
• Never leave .an extr• key under the door mat. a~ the
door, under a flower pot etc. Ltave one with a trusted
• Have • I ght on In the room where you are and haYa a •
hght on in a room where you are not. It gives th• lmPf&
slon of mote than on. per\()n being at home.
• list your name on the ma1lbo1t ~ in tho pho0n• book
with firtt lnit1•I and last name only.
•Give your home a hvrd In look by ar1anglng for pick up
of papen and m.a1l ln your absence. •
• Never answer ques11ons on the phor1e until you are cer·
ialn of the caller'1 ld4Mltlty
• T ach your chilctren to nswer with uimpl .. • H Ito .. • Do
not aruwer by ~·ng the name of the famUy .
• Hang up on obKtne. thf tenfng or nuis.ru calls. Make
.a pohce rl'J)Ort 1f they continue, Oci not have your phone
numbtr ptlttt~ on your per~J checks Try to provide
only• buiiMS& number.
' '
Daily Pilot .. . Tue$doy, November 2, 1999 3
.'Three me~ deliver-friend '.s body to hospital M I L L E N' N I U M M 0 M E N I
• C'orpse of .)~-year-old I
overdose victim brought
to Hoag Hospital at least
10 hours after his death.
DANFnF Coot n
llmf Nol
Tl:uec young men arrtvrd at
Hoag Hospital Sunday night
with the body of a friend and a
story that didn't jive with
Police said 19-ycar-old
Richard Talamontes hdd been
dead for at 'teast 10 hours by
the ~ fnends brought his
corpse· to the hospital m the
bed of his own truck.
Tdlamontes died or an
-apparent drug overdose, aid ,.. _ _._._ •. in· ·• 'Newport
Sgt. ?\'like McDermott of the Snores. The
Newport Beach PQUce Depart-"The citrid owner or '"'the
ment, noting that he had been attorney may home was out
inhaling rutrous 01ode and hctd ~~et of town at the
possibly used cocaine and/or 1n111111 wflh tune, but was
methamphetamines as well. destru<tlOll of " a war~ the men
The three Layiooville, Calif. evidence and were staying
resuJents initially told doctor& there are th'ere, pohce
and police that UP<.Jll retummg some heohh sclid.
from d trip to •Mexico, they and safety "These guys
found Talamontes dead in his cOde isSues/' had been par-
truck at Newport Harbor I Hgh tying dnd
School, where they had ~~ decided they
planned to meet hi.in. wante<1 to go to
· After further discussions McOtnnott M e x i c o , •
with the three men, police M c D e.1 mot t
uncovered the real story, said. "Taldm-
McDermott said. • , I onte!> ~ttiyed behind. When
All four men.had been stay-lhcy got bdck, they found hnn
ing at a David Street residence dettd on the couch."
The thtt?e men told p0hce
that after hnding Tulamontes'
body, they called the owner of
the Newport • Shore:. ...J)Dme,
who told them to get the body,,
out of his house.
It was then that they
brought tile body to the hospi-
tal with the !>tory r1bout hnrimg
hun in his trnck, McDermott
Although no charges have
been brought agamst the·Lay-
tonville trio, McDermott said,
police are considering they he
ch91ged with mi~demeanon~.
"The d1stnct attorney may
still chdrge them with destruc-
tion of evidence and there are
some health dnd safety rode
issues," ,t\,kDermott said.
lfelping to manage the county's growth
, John B. Law.son \'.'.ii-th man who
h*'aded up the "Aeronutroruc Division• ·
of the Ford Motor eompany, which occu-
pied the area of Newport Beach between
MacArthur Boulevard and Jamboree
Roud th«t is now marked by Ford R0c1d.
Ltl\vson won a number ot awards dur-
ing the decades he spent an the tlTPd,
mcludmg Newport Beach's M<m pf the
YetU 111 1973, the Orange County Press
Club's Man of the Year for Hl65' dnd John B. Lawson
Orang<"' County Manager of the Year for
J965. •
· Law!\on is the founder of Project 21, which d1mpa1gnf d lo
gmde Orange County toward managed growth. • •
Toddy, he lives m Monarch B~ach
• MIU£NNtUM MOMENT c~lebrates the people ~o have ~ade a ma1or
contribution to the Newport·M~ community during thl\ century
DOGGONE · GOOD! Rats.I ~iller instincts bad for bz t~irzess
Dog owner Jeannie Hovanec wins first pla<;e with "Swartzie," a Dalmation ln the
over-40 pounds division during a costume contest held by Three Dog Bakery in
Corona Del Mar.
1-~eerri 'to ha\ e cam d on a
lifelimt! repd. w1th rats ll clll
slcu IP.d \\tum I \\ dS d kid lI1
At the npc olcl age of 9, I
began lo work ell the c;w11n
Dragon Coif' on l\.lc11n Stn et 111
Balboa n1ro Dragon Wd~ The
Ritz 01 1ls day. Ever)one \\ho
W(l.S dilVODP dle tun< h ctt thP
Dragon: It W flS u status S} mhol.
It was dbo tlw only plet< c m
town. ·
Th.is part1culc1r 'dciy, I w.as
chipping irn. I know 11'!. d1Jlt-
cult for the youn9{'1 gt>nerc1-
tions lo dCcc>pl, but lhl~rn Wd:. Cl
time m our climb up the l<iddt·r
of civilization when we had ho
ice cubes. Rather, the RPed ke
Company delivered ICC h)' ihe
--~----.r.:-0..l I C E .. B R L E ____________ ... -~ ..
Fire chars small C.Ounty Ftre Authority investi-Interruption to bu~mess
gated the incident. but drew no from the hre was rrurumal and part of Talbert Park definite conclusions. there were no m1une~.
TALBERT PARK -= Costd "There wasn't anyttung thut • 1\ll we h<ld to do was stop
Mesa dnd Newport Beach flre they could put their tinger on cooking ror half an hour,' sd1d
·departments battled a one-acre as far as the cause,• Marcosa restaurant manager Sergio
brusl1 fire m Talbert Regional said. Alonso
Park on Saturday evening, Problems with the restau-
extinguishing the blaze:> m ranl's venllldtton system
bloc:k ctnd ~e lowe~i) r~on on
th~ tolPm pole -me -
<hipped at into usc1ble nit' c1nd
chunk._, f
I w.is duppm9 ace m n sink
nght in h<Jc k ol the lunch
(Ollnlf'f. Thul counter '''dS
Iillcd with tht> '-oc:rnl elite· ol
Bctllmtt. thl• Pnc1fic Elect11c
conductor: l\H1 hsht>rmen lrom
the p11•r; the postman; d real
CslulP ctgt;Ol, (l ntan .\\hfJ
( INmed up the. oathhom~;
no\\ land lfodykmson, th~
< luctof JlOhtr• ,ind Miss Roper
th1" tc>lt phon1~ op •rator
Wh!'!n l\h s Roper, or
"ChP\\ \ .. as \~P cdllt>d her:
'"ent to lunch. the telephone·
:.) ~tenl took d t'tobda} \\ 1thout
hc>r. no lalb could be conned-
l'cl • •
I was .duppmy uwa) on my
block of ice, :.ottkmg up lhe
sophtslH olPcl c onversat1on of
my elders at thl• counter, when
d h1q ldl srcunperPd b~ un the
countc•r nf)ht m lront ot me
fin.., wt1sn't on~ of those 1lty·
l111t~ lruil fell<> we. hdve now,
Thi'> wc1s~ <1 loot-Ion~] Norvvt>·
9lc!l'l Whdrf Teti, of v.hKh "W('
hil<I an ove1ahunclancc 10 Bal-
bou at thc1t tum•
Wtthout thmkmg, and ·with
u reuchon time ot which either
Sugar Ray -~obinson or
Leonard -would have been
pwud, I lnshr><I out w1th my u;e
p1ck and nailNl thcll rdscal
nght thwugh Lt.s black henrt It
sque<tled, ti bled it tnr>d to
SOHJ> tit lhP ICl' p1d< that ndtlect
II to thp ( UL!Olf'r: It WllS very
Unlorl\11it1!t'l}'. I 11<11!1.;cl that ·
rat ·nght 1n lront of M1 s Ruper.
\'.ho mtbl have hod ct sens1li\ e
slt•llh)C h l11•CdU(,P she httrlt•d
hl"'I lunch ull oi;er lite counter
· nnd uoftPa trum the pldcP
Thi... unfortunt1IQ turn ot
l'Vl'nl'> C<iU C'd orrwthmg of d
r:-hdm wdction bcu.1u f• mo t of
the lune>h cu tomers left w1th
Mis Roper ulPPxc ·pl Chi_ef
f lodgkmson who nodded at
me and aid Good shot Bob-
Unhoppily, the bo Fmney
(Frank Fmst r) didn't slrnre
I loctqe's admiration lor my
tlr-1Xlenl). lfo·waldtl'd ult the
customers leavmg without
pa~ lnfJ, llH n turnNi to me trnd
smcl in a not-too·kmdl~ tone,
"II ;you want to play Tt1nan.
pldV at on your own tune.•
Th.it \•:as 111~ I pldyed
Tarzan d lot an thf> only lrf'e·m
Bttlhtitt, 11nd .thc1t. rat was no
uh lltult! for Nttma the hon
• JUDGE GARDNER tS a Corona del
Mar resident and former 1udge. H1s
column runs Tuesday\
<lb9ut three hours. Small fire doused dppeared to be the cause of the
· The cause of the firo, which · k · .hre, Blaucr said. . !~~~~~11~1~11!!11~11!;11~1~ spread aero two 100-foot at Baja:?har eez . . .. . "Tl looked from O~lr mvesti-
cireas of the park near 19th NEWPORT BEACH --A-•-=ga:.--aion Ilke the timXi ~stem ctid-i~l'!l'rtfl:ll
5treet. 1s still unknown small grease fire broke out at . not acllVtllC, • Blauer said. ~~~~;;;
F11<.>hghters responded to Bdja Shdrkeez restaurant early "There Wd~ • tt buildup of
smoke." dispatchers' calls at 5 p.m .• said Sundciy morning, but 1t was
Barbdra Marco a, spokec;per-contained by a worker before Firefighters u~ed truck lad-
son for the Cosltt Mesa Fire the Newport Beach · Fire ders to climb onto the roor of
Depdrtment. Depar.tment amved at· the the buildmg, where smoke was e dpt. Bob. Reynolds of the scene. pounng out, but the bldZC was
Costa Mesa Fire Department "There was:u worker who le serious than 1l initially
characterized the blaze as . used a portable diy chemical appeared to be.
"pretty routine,· but he extinguisher to extingwsh the Biemer Sdld Shurkeez own-
emphasized thut at could have names," said Fire Department ers e hmated the fire caused
been much more senous. · spokesman Lt. John. BIJ\Uer. $500 m damage .
. "We've had a, tot worse Fire engines arrived just bef9re
· down . then~.~ -Reyoold .said. Jl a.m...___ __ -Alex·Coolman
•Any of those can have the .. · ... .·
potentM.l to be bad, depending -1iiiiiiii;;;;;a;a;;;;;iiiiiiilil&iiiiiiiiii1i::iiii~iiiiiii1i~~~~~~~~~~~===E:=
on the wind conditions and th.e
A number of homeless resi-
dents of the park were recently
• removed from the JliHK by
police, but Reynolds was r luc-
tant to speculate ~m whether
t,Ue evictions were related to
e bre.
•1 didn't sec any encamp·
*1ents (m the area of the hreJ•,
*eynold c;a1d. •But it's pretty
'"sp1c1ous • .
• Reynotdc; .noted that h1gh-
'fbltag~ Im<' m the nrca mlght
al. o have bt>cn rcspons1bl~ for
5parklng the blaze.
"Tho lane vkrcn't down,
but anything could hav • hap·
pened, • he aid. ·
Official. from the Orange '
Put a few words to
work for you. Call th e
Daily Pilot
· WHEN DINING GETS BORING, IT'S TIME FOR ... ~...,. ~.-#' fA1 C~SA .,,.,,~ · •" :r 11u=-1#•l1 41nM§I •
Phone Ahtod for
Food To Go
pssst ...
it's about time
for the annua.l "Jeffco"
'J!~11rsd4J1,.& Fri.day, No.l!e,mb.e~ 4 ._Q-, 10 a.111. "! 4f!.1Jl.
all the dealers
fa II the lawn
with antiques, furnishings,
prints & paintings
all .lt bargain prices
and inside the store
everything is 20o/o ·off
tell your friend
hut get here
before they do
8~2 l'ro\lu~n4n Pl:acc ( ff'PlaccntJ~ ~n 15th & 16rh) ewpon Beach
949.(>42 I 54
4 Tuesday, November 2,.. 1999
Cntnt worked hve or .;1x ,.
days n week m the olhcc,.
counting cash, makmg
deJ><>stts, calling vendors with
orders and any other task
"She worked with a bro-a ked of her.
ken ley and dn tn)urcd hack,• ·you never realize how
he s.i1d "In that wa.y, she was much somebody does until
, a lyp1cal Jewish rnothm. Sne you have to plug' up the
• ' woul<l rdthl.'1 sit m the daik holes,~ Garell smd.
• 1 than c:c.111 someone tC? <hang~ Despite a morbid
• th<' ughl 1'ulb fur her." hon of wanttng family mC'm·
• Shr> ncwi hod u C'Om-bers to take different flights
plumt," uqreed her dctugh-when tr<1velipg in case any-
tC'r-m-law, Elttinc Cr.int. •tn thinq happened, fdnuly mem-
fact. shP JUSt hurl °'h<>r bdCk ben. said she hud no fear of
recently .and nevP.r stud cl fl~~~t had been all over
word She took prn1c• m that ·the world, Garell said: She
fdcl • went to China twice and h~d
Ht>r pndc• and hr~· only traveled all over' the United
contmuNi to g1ow alter the States and Great Britain.
death of, bN. hu~band six · But no matter where she
~ane to raise trt'e
at South Coast Plaza
enng crane will rais a 90·
foot Chrl!>tmas tree into
place at South Coast Pln1.a
on We<lnesday'as the shop·
ping center geurs up tonhc
' The tree, which. will b~
"J1lv9gPd" ·with !id(iitional
brnnches and hosed down
with a fire retardant sub·
stan ce, will ~ventually be
ado ed with more than
15,0 0 hand-strt.tng lights.
Daily Pilot
World's tallest trnc
one of the slo\\'Cr
Pa~h1on Jslond Christmas
tree, which ls xp ·cted to
he the n 1ti<Jn' tdll~t. WllJ
ar nve a httlP l<1tN'th11n Oll!J•
mally pl1innecl.
Scheduled to be hero U11s
mommy, clehvery uf the
shopping centN's 110 ·foot
toll whit~ firf hus het•n
delayed a dfty.
years ago, sc11d J<tck C'drver, a was, in her heart she was · l:Zl!:!l!~li!f.l!:liill[J•
longtJme fnencl and vtce with her family, Steven Gfdnt
prPs1dent of the family bus1-said. Grant had four cluldren
ne s. -Michael, Steven, Bruce
The cri(ne lift, which
brings the t«:e withm a few
feet of the Westin South
Coast Plaza Hotel' front
· facade, is c;cheduled to take
place at 10 a.m. Wednesday.
A separate lighting ceremo-
ny, featuring tbe·All-Amen-
can Boys Choir, will take
plaC"e the evening of Nov,
The trC(' should arnve at
auoul 5 a.m. W<!dncsdtty.
The cranes and forklifts
required to ct up the trne
will bequ1 their fe:;hvc work
about 8 a.m. By 11 am., the
tree should be in 1~ full,
upnght position.
"With mdny pPople that and Alexa; and two grand·
aye•, -.o often you hnd that children Bryaq, 23, and
wnen OnP.goos, lhe othe1 will Kevin, 20 .
often yo. wttlun a y<'ur or so." AU of her children. live
Cdrvt>r sc11cl ·And somf> do neur their mother's Sant.1
whdt she hds done dncl And home and wouJd g<•t
hec-ome more dC-ltve • together every month for
ll wds c1ftt>r her hushctncl 's family dmner. -
cteath lhdl Grnnt wf•nt to the "l lolidays were all at her
fc1n11ly ctnd told them she house. The monthly dinners,
wanted to h<>coml' morn we traded off," Elaine Grant
uwolvNI in the> business. She sa1ct. stdrlt·~I workin9 the next "She was always at home
Monddy, Cc11Ver said. -the matriarch," Steven
•Send AROUND TOWN items to the I who-'Will give a talk tilled
Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St .. Costa Mesa • "Government by Decree:
92627. fax them to (949) 646-4170; or F · · call (949) 764 4330 A complete listing rom President to Dictator
may be found at da1lyp1lot com through Execuuve Orders,• at its meetffig at the Balb~ Bdy
Club The club is at 1221 W. TODAY ' Coast -Highway, Newport
The NaUonal Assn. of Women Bea<::h. The event starts ell
Busin<'ss OwnC'1s, Ordngc 11:30 a.m., includes a lunch,
County C 'ht1ptcr will nweL from and costs $20 per person For o to q p.m ul Lht' Wyndhdm Gar· more information, call (714)
den J [ot~) to cUsc uss tht" ITTlpOr· 968-5984 · ,
tdnc.e of IPgtslalJon t1nd !'leclions
on the husinnss community. The
ev<'nl is $34 for rnembcrc., ($2q lf
NI .LfRJ OAllY l'llOT
Daughter-in-law Joy Grant gets some support from fainl-
ly friend Bill Lupis while the family of EgypWr crash ·
vicfim Beverly Grant held a conference outside the faml·.
ly's Sapta Ana home Monday. ' . . .
Grdnt dclded. ·11 you c.ould·
hdve a perfect mothc1, it wa~
her · ·
"ShP wets m thP prune of
her lil<'." he sd1d. "l alwC1ys
Sd1d my moth<..>r wus never
9osng lo be an old lddy ..!:::-now
J guess sh(' won't f'VN be."
Servic<'s hcWP tentatively
been ,pl<mncd, for _Sunday at .. . .
mutual n•spe< t. fos~f>rs commu-
mciltion and 1 l'stores family
tl<lmtony. ThP lthrary ts at 1000
Avocado Ave , N<'wport Beach.
For 11101e tnfonn..it1on, call (94Y)
The Volunteer AssoclCJUon of
Shennan Library and Gdrdens
wtll hold an "Ep1curcdn ehnst-
mds" shopping c>vcnt di its gift
shoffhom 10·30 d.m 10 4 p.m.
The shop 1~ locdted al 2647
Ealit C'od<it H1ghwdy, . ('orond
del Mar. For more infomwtion,
call (949) 673-~Wl.
Temple Beth Shalom on
Tustin Avenue.
The family hus asked that
m lit>u of £lowers, donations
be mdde to the St. Joseph
Hospitctl Fund, 1100 w. Stew-
art Drive, Or~nge 92868; or to·
Hcntagc Point, 27356 Bel-
logente Street, M1ss1on ViCJO,
smce this summer.
t.layor Gary Monahan has
S<ud the city needs the land for
the. dcvelopmc•nt of future
rctmps Lo the San Diego Frce-
wuy. .
"I 1ust want to say thctnks to
the city attorney ancl his staff
for wurking smc-c.JuJy on this
prOJect, • said G~orge Sa loo-
This is the 17th •year
SouU1 Coast Plaza has
erected its gargantuan tree.
The lighting ceremony, one
of the shoppmg center's
most popular events, is
expected to attract more.'
than 4,000 Orange Count">;
ka, who represented Sakloka
Part of the land also may be
needed if the county proceeds
with a project to b\lild a light
ratl system from Fullerton to
Irvine It would mdude a stop
m Costa Mesa
The Planning Comrruss1on
unarumously approved the
plan at its Oct. 25 meeting.
• The oty has been workmg
wJU1 the county's transporta-
tion authority and Caltrans on
several freeway improvement
Dunng the endowment's
hrst six years, part of the mon-
ey also will go toward. the
research projects of new facul-ty. ..
The 110-foot tree is
expected to be dlJout 20 ieet
taller thnn the filmous tr~e
in Rockefeller Center.· It
should dwlirf the Nat10nal
Ti:('e. m Washington, D.C.,
which will likely b • CJ bout
78 f<>et high.
The official treE>-hghhng
ceremony is scheduled for f'
p.m., Friday, Dec. 19. A
menorah lighting ceremony .
wlll ·take place at 4 . p .m ..
Sunday, Dec. 5.
-S.J. Cahn
. ..
proJec~. Ont" of those project
includes building an onramp
at Anton Boulevard and an
offramp dt Aven\.re of the Arts
at Anton Boulevard, lancl
which Sdlooka Farms rs trans-
femng to the oty.
A community meetinCJ
sponsored by Caltrans and the
transportation authority to dis-
cuss these pro1erts wdl take
pldC'e Wednesddy from 5 to 7
p.m. The mectmg will be at
the Doubletree Club l lotel, 7
Hutton Centre>, Scrnta Ana.
to th~ Caltech boc1rcl, • Sdtd
Bren, who ht1s bc>en d tn.istcc•
smce 1983
' pcud Ul c1clvdnC't>) .. md $44 for
nonniPmlwrs ($34 for f1rsH1me
guests) Wyndhctm' Gttrdc•n
Hotc•l Ls ctl ·uso Avenue ot th<'
Ans, C..:osld Mesc1. For mnre
mfonnalton, c ctll (714 l Ki2·5741.
Fairview Development Center
will hold its ninth annual "Ho
Ho llo-llday Boutique" from 8
Q.in. to 2 p.m. in the Fairview
audttonum, 2501 Harbor
Blvd .. Costa Mesa. For more
information, call (714) 957·
5188. The 1999 NewporUMesa Par·
enllng Con1Nenc e will tdke
Costa Me·sa Mayor Gary Mon-Spedk Up Newport will pre-pldce lrom 6:30 to H.:10 11.m. -at
ahdn and merntwrs of tlw Air· sent an update on the 11alboa Pdulttrino School, 1060 Pdular-
->0rt,Work1.lli.(.Qroul! of Orc!_n,-»'>~·~Th~e~alre re1uvenatJon at tl p.m. Jmo Ave.. Cosl..t .Mesa. Dr.
in b1olc.x.JY cmti re luted 'dJsci •
plines. The• doncttion. is pct.rt of
Cdltech's B1olocJ1cdl Sticncc
Initiative, a luncl·rcilsl'T that has
Bren made the donation m
the memory of his late '>lepfa·
ther, E~rle Jorge!n who
diet! this summer he age·
of l 01. Jorgensen as a CaJ-
.toch-tnliLee-lrom 1957 to
C.1Uech's pres1clc>nt. DttvHl
l3alh,rnore, sd1d the Pndo'y~
ment would Pnablt• the school
to bnn9 the best possible lac._
ully to its cdmp,us. ·
, ·1 thmk Don has focu-.L><I
his giving ·on the mo t unpur
ldnl dspcct o\.Ccllte<"h, \\ hH.h
1s the quality of oµr .facult)
Dcllttmore Sdid.
Cotinly will hole! r1 community d e Rivfrb0dt Resfaurn,nt. James onPs, <HI 1or o ·Are ••
bnefm9 on the pote'ntial 151 E. Coast Highway, New-Your K1cls [)nvmg You Nuts?·:
.mm:e...ihdn. $80 mil-
Eyenludlly: live senior fac-
ulty will hP ndmcd Bren pro·
tasson,, ddchng to lht! first
Bren prolf>S!ior~hip cstnb-
hshcd at ('altrch m JQ88.
1999 -.
expdnsmn ol .John W11y1w Air· port Beach. For more mfonna-will speak. Por·morc mtorma-
port frc)m 7 lo !-I p.m. at tht> Co~-tion, call (949) 224-2266. hon, cull (860) 349-2543.
· ~Earle's hfe Spdnned the
20th Century, dnd for 42 year ,
he brought his speciaJ energy,
·optimism, curiosity amt inter·
est in saence .a!ld engineering
Bren hns neal<'d mon• lhdn
20 endowed chairs at UCI. U< ·
Santa Bc1rbard, Cdllech dnd
Ch<lpmdn Umver...,ily.
td f\ te~c1 ·community Center.
Acldms Room. 184.5 Pctrk AVP.,
C'O'ild J\ 1PSd
Newport Harbor Republlt'an
Women hm,ts James L I Im.en,
. .
The Newport Beach Public
l.J~rary holds "Parenb.ng TO 1 •
al noon m its Friends Meetmg
Room. The program, presented
by Dr. Richard Shulman,
encourages parents to become
more effective by creating an
environment that promotes
Show:-oorr. Furn iture
& Acce~:-:t.. ,.~.as 0 '1tlet
New and Discvntinued Items
One of a· Kind
Alreadv Redu d \--
Warehouse Prices! "'-.--........ _
Monday -F~iday NQv. 1.r.5•", 10am-4pm
Saturday, Nov. 6u., 9am-4pm
Tremendous Savings on
Lexington, Drexel
Heritage, Hickory White,
3030 Pullman .St
Cost~ Mesa, CA
• At Rear of Orange Couritr Bldg.
(Look for Bl1dr/Whlt1 FllgsJ
f7"> 549.14m4i2!ixlit19891Eiiiiiiiiiliiii
St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church hosts "TIH" Rcldllon-
sh1p~ Senunar" al 7:30 p.m. at
the church John Barry, director
ut tht> DeVry Institute of Tc•ch-
nology. presents a discussion
titled "Who Atn I?" Th(:' church
is at hOO St Andrew'!-> Roctd,
Newport · Dc>dch I:or. more
_1nfonndt.1on,· <till {~9'1 574-
2214. .
OCC's alumni Hall of Fame
mduclton will tdkt• 11ww al 5
p .m . at the ounan E. Watson
Library. ThP l vent is frt>e. OCC
IS ctt 2701 rairvt{!W Road, Costd
2000 record for lhe longest and· head ttlonq the waterfront
lastest over-water fhght al had cea'>ed and over half ol
that time. (B<tlbotl) island wa.., left
CC?NTINUED ~~O~ 1 Technology a~so showed without w~1ter pipes or sew·
. ·. · ·· ·. Nowoor. .. t·Mesu · r-esrclents ll · nrc • . · l • • '• '~ t ti. , ""-' Oo • I • ·10-comotive, and th~ nurnber-· b4dr ~advdnlcl9.~ when Jt · • Th~ tf'.'iult ol th• ... towdo~n
#_19" t>mblaZQtH:d on its took the fonn·of the f1rst mod· 'B~ek Sdld, wds "c1 dC'precid
sJCle. The . Eilts brothers em Wdf m 1914. uon in (propNlyJ values sPl·
gunned their clunky mon-World War I brought d halt dorn equalt•d 10 thr. history 01
<;ter·of an auto ma rdce trom to the etonom1c growth expe-rrc1l e tut. •
Los Angeles to Phoenix. nenced in the area dunng the It s ~·t t 1 . t'l th
They finished a d1sailpoint-fust hall of the decade cut-:vo, c no >r. un t P inq . eventh clemonstraltng ti fl h · . ' Roanng 20s lhat Ut~ econom·
al· the vNy dawn of the ng 0 w al seemed to be ir strain finally eased
automollvc <lge the reality healthy developrne~t and ·
The Orange County federa-lh<Jt c;ommuhng isn't much leaving_ the city m a state of Sources:
hon of Rcpubhcun Women's tun. . ' . disrepair. ·Newp01t Beach. Th(? rirst
ho<trd ml'ctmg will hP dt I 0 The skies, too, were filling "Shortly before the war/ CPntury, 1888-1988," Jamel>
11.m. ell the Go,td Mew--....._...._._~ people moving at high author Joseph Allan Beek relton, Ed., Hl88.
and Country Club, 1701 Golf speed. Avtahon pwneer wrote, ~it was nottced that · "A Stice of Ordnge: The
Courlte Dnv<•, Costd M~sd. The Glenn Marlin flew his •aero-· the improvement program History of Costa Mesa,·
event. which uicludl':. lunch 1s hyclropJ~ne• from Newport had come to a stop. No sidl!· Ednck J . Miller, 1970.
$1!S ror more informa1to1tor·to · Bay ·to· Avc'llon and back on walks were being l!!1d, con-:Balboa Island Yams, ...
RSVP< «11 (714 J 529·6000: }\foy 'tt>," HH 2·, sl'ttmg: ·~ · s.t.ruction' of the little bulk-' JoSeph·A llun Be,•k. ·
"Over 50 Ye11rs of Fiue Quality'>
·-All Types of Window T<eatmeAt
• V.1lanccs & Corni<.c Bo:'lc
• Ronun Sh:adc\ • nlinJ
• Vcrticah • Shutten • Bed prc:ad)
Compllmtntary Consultation in Your Homt
I a tnry Showroom 1998 U rbor Blvd / Costa ~ll's.t
Teak is now
We Buy Direct, f~timlnatc the Middleman!
CutnpllN uur Prl.:c I . .
Co ta Mesa Showroom
by appulntm"nt
1240 l osan A\'c, Unit ti
<comer uf McClmtod £> l•nl
(714) 544-1288
... S9 days.
Tuesdoy, November 2, 1999 • Sports Editor Roger Carlson • 949'57 44223
.• Forgf't th ) Wil rt ~ d llcl stutf, Orange c o"a st's
victo ry ov<-r Pdsttdcn tt was d thing of beauty.
For tho.,e of yo\1 wJ111
didn't mt1kc> It to
Soturddy njght's
footbdll ganw lwtwct"n ' ·
Orange COdSI ( 'oll('HC .md
Pasadena City, I huvl~ only
one thmg td !'..ty:
"Neent•r nce11P1
Thii; uame hdd 1•wryth10q
but a hwncm sctcnhcc tltkl'
pldce in its fiO uunut~.
Let's rectlp: neutly 1,000
yards of passing and nishinu
off~nse between the two
.schools. hard·hittinq
defense, ldtf•·gumP
<.liart1atics, and mon•
penalties dnd e1ect10n"
than a typictll Reel W111qs ·
Avaldnchc Nf IL tft111iP.
• It.S conceivabh.' ctll
four Ncwport-!v1esc1
schools could entl!1
postseas_on as l<'clguP
football champions.
T h" Hl9B loothiill
SCdSOn WdS one of
disappomhnent fw
Newport-MPsd U1str1< I
school< as, for thP hrst 111111•
s1,11ce 1 qab, no hKc1l squncl
won a postsedson !J1UllP
Just om• year lt1tcr,
however, all tom lllct)' q1·t
Oh sure, the gam e had a ll
llw Jim•sse of a tram w reck,
but it was sure fun to watch
and well worth U1e mp . ·
Sorry you 11}.issed it.
Jn addition to the obvious
twrcx'.s for the Pirates, there
were some supporting
< h,11 de ters who proved large
m the Bucs' 29-26 wm over ..
the Lancers.
Hero l: On wha! seemed
to hp d nonnal exlra-poml
tltlPmpt, Pirates' sophomore
Doug McDaniel broke up
the rruddle for the block,
wluch, in tum forced the
Lancers to go for two on
th1>1r next score, which they
OC'C won by an extra
. ,
d chnn<:e to rl'clt>l'm A Vl-'l) VJable PCL
themselves m lhf' Cir snmano, in fact, would
Southl'rn Sec:hon pl<1yolb rl•ntlcr Mesa, CdM and
What's rnou•, C'oro11.1 dPI Estt1nCld tn-ohampions.
Mdr, CO'ild ~1t'Su, Estc1nc let Should CdM and Eslt1110CI .
und Newport l ldrho1 111<1y u t all entN th" posts~wmn Hs dcfC'<ll nnlersi y and Mesa follow u wm over Ldguna
let19ut• C-hdlnpions. Bccll h Friday with a vtctory
NC>wpoit I larboi 17-0· I, over Cd~l. dll three local
3·0 m ll'dyue) ..., rdp1x.•cl \I(~ contmgc•nts would h.nish .
rtl 1£>dst a slhtrc ol thP SPt1 lct1gur! 3_ 1 Smee all three View Lettque 11111> Pn<lc1y. TI1c Sa1lurs will entPr rts tlw v.. t>t'lld l>e 1-l agamst one
l • N 1 ttnothcr in the rniiti.league eaciue s 0 · tichr<.'dkcr, coin flips would
pomt and d two·pOlnt .
conversion, mcnnly clur> to .·
that block
Hero II: OCC's defense.
After four weeks ot nchcule,
the Pirates' "D" c.,tPJ)pl•cl up
and played t1 I IUGE \Ole m
the victory.
<tnd '94 editions, th£> Tdrs
could conn•1vdhly l>e the
top seed m Division vi
The Sailors ctrc> currenU}·
Sdndw1ch<>d m the Division
VJ rnnk.ings by No. 1
Mayfd1r (8-0) and No. 3 Ld
Mirada (7-1). The two
Suburban Lea9ue J>OWt•rs,
who pldyc>d for the CIF
D1vts1on Vlll title last fall
(Ld Muacla won, 28-14), drc
schedulE>d to colhdt• Nov. 12
dl Bellllowc'r I hgh. ·
Assunung both wm this
week and Ld Mtrddd take ...
the rcyul~r-se<1son ftntlle,
either the Sailors (tf <,tilJ
unbet?lPn) or Ld M1rt1dt1 will
be awardt•d thl• top sl•t>d
• Winning lec\gue tlUes
would h.irdly dtstinglll-.h
locdl footl>dll play<>rs trom
their fellow lall-spm1
Newport Harbor tParns
have ala•ddy lockl•d up S('d
View championship .. in uirls
tennis, guls volle) hall and
guls golf. .
The Sdllors could
com >letc S •ct Vit'W .
First, th11rt • 11 rP thP t hr PP
mteHP.ptions, thP tir~t
lc'<ttlmu to 0< ·c~· fin.I p11111ts
ol the gamP
Nt•xt. ldlP m tlw <Jilrtll'
with Pdsddt-n..J holdmu on to
a f1ve-pojnt lro,JCI, thP. C>C ·c
• d<'f Pt\.'>C JnrlOd<JC'cl to lop llw
L<lncers on thrc1' pl1j) -.,
g1yu;~g the bdll.ht1c-k to OC'C'
OnP. first clown .met the
qame 1s over. hut the Bucs
hung tough <1nd 1l pa1cl nlli
Lncludecl an llw hP!Ol's,
lhNe were also sonw sprlous
hram-stopp1·r ... on lhi• petri of
Pasadena·C1ty, ,1110 ... mg the·
Puates lo wm
Bon ehead I: CouctJ "fom
f\:lC1her or wlloev1•r .... chc11111·
lo sdviny lilt> words, •Tlf\.ff!
Aller OCT loo~ the IPtt~l.
"Growing up as o kid, you're ~ dreaming about playing in the ...
leogues. You're always dreaming Oboot playing in~ stadiums _.
Dave Rohde, Daily Ptlot Sports Hall of Farner
Doily Pilot 5
HI . Dailr'Eilot HI
Corona· del.Mar
• Ev,)rywhe1e he went, it wound up with champagne
corks hemg pop~)ed at the end of champ10nshtp runs.
ll1111 \1111 J>t \\ Pitt-.lmrqh orqcmizdl!On iri 1°992, L--wlwn hC' nwt Puates Manager
.Jun Lt>Vltmcl, l•n1oyed St. Louis
B <1.,Pl>ull for DrlvP HI Uw most m t\lb NdLiOndl Ledgue
• Hohclt> mt~cmt mo~tly · tour, hP<'dU'>C of "the
d1r1monds dl the end envunnment <1tHl rans there,
ol er1ch set1'ion who are Vl'r)' knowll!dgeable.
Only the sernnd former Ttwy appreciate good btlsl ball:
Cmon~d1•l t-.litr High pldycr to Rohdt>, tho second CdM
reoc h the rnttJOl lf~agucs, Rohde, bd-.1'holl plcty£>r' to muke the big
an mlwlder who played for · leagues lollow1ng ltJnncr pitcher
I f1)uston 1tnd Cleveld0n<l, spent · r-. tatt Keouqh, also hkl'd San
mosl of his cdfPer celehrdtmg. Diego's J11ck !\turpl'l <:>tadium
f-rom d CIF SouthPm Section dnd, ol <0ur..,e, Chictgo·s
2-A c hc1mpion ... h1p.m high school Wnqle Field
to lhl' NCAA hi IP ell lh1' College .. EvNy P< rk hucl a umque
World Sc.1w-. tor the University attrac.t10h, • sd1d Rohde, whose
ot '"\nzonct, Rohde had the hest unw m tltt• An,1erKdn League
ot both worlds <1~ .in c1matcur. Wd~ too bn11l to fom1ulate
A 11m1or thml bdSPll1dn and lfd\elmg op1ruons ·
pitcher who batted Sl'coml in the In th£> suns<.'t of his ("dtecr.
hneup Ill 1H81 whl>n • Rohdl' rPtumed to
C<ll\I Cnttch Tom Tucson .• the Aslros'
'Iic1npr's sq1wcl cnpturcid triple-A club. Rohde
the school's first C IF nwt his wif<>, Tammy.
bdsPh1i!I c h.unp1onship. in Tucson wh~n she
Rohdt' was ulso a wot kl'd m public
owmht•r o1 ~addlcbock ."rr>ldtion' {'or the Toros.
College's contcrcnce-Rohclr> haltt'd .282 in
wmninq team m JQ83 nme ) l'dr of pro ball
Below llw A.str<)S before. servmg,as d
sclPclt•d lwn in the htth backup w1hulder m h.is
round ol the June· draft hnal ycM at Tucson,
-r~At.:.t.u.'~'"':-4~-:-:-:--~-+-7ti'i:nn'l"l'T1'1"m.:,-r.irrt.~-hnM&....,...:.·-!..· 16-team CJP D1v1s1on VI < e
brnckct, r<.'gdrdll' s ot whdt lcctguc designation (hrst,
champions 1p run'> "t1l.l"'s ____ ..__.
week in boys water polo,
boys c:ros~ country ttnd gtrls
cro!'.s country -
m 1966, Rohde \1/ds the Da\e Rohde whN~ ho mdde his \
,.. starting ... horl'Jop for ~ , . born ill the tuue:: ~ -'1".~1,11;:;::.::............i....,.o::~·.a.t-I Anzona'.., llllc team . ~ohde (Cclf\1 Class of '82) sdl<J
MThere'-. no better thnll than he. W<h •kind of a filler• on-the hdppcns IL'> hnt1l two gt1J11t's. second or tllird) for the ClF
The mnlh uu .. 111 s< hoot l>i\;sion IX playoffs.
history rould be the• Such d scenario, c:reatmg
p1ogram's hfUt oulnghl ·four Newport-Mesa league
·crown, should C1mch Jl'll c:hampt~ns. would be
Bnnk.ley'c; Tars d£>fc,1t host histonc Not once, m fact,
AlLc;o Niguel jn ttw hdve dll four local schools
r~JuJar-sPuson l111t1lc Nov. 12_ llldde the pwyotfs in the
The other thmt> ~c:hools sclmc sc<tson, let alone won
are battlm~ for Pac1hc Cottst • h•<lgue titles. .
League spoils. And hntllinq Only twice before have
quite wPll, thank yon. more thdf\ one Newport:
-Coron<1 dcl Mur, dP~Jllte . Mt;!.s<I schoql .won .d league
1qsing dll ~mtlt1<T!JUC! till~ m the ~e season.
cont ists, 1s 2-0 m lt•rHJUi• Costt:t M<'-'id shared the
. play dt1\i cc1n scm: Uw · Su'uth Coast League crown
.school's sixth leuque hilt"', its with CdM in 1976, while
Utlrd outriqht crown cmd lhC' Mt:!Sd (South Coast league
fmt le.1gue <.:hampwnship co-rhamps) and Cdl\1 (Sea
smc:c l ll87, hy takmq cme ol View leagut> co-chdm~)
Umvf'rs1ty (f'rtdl1)') .met hoth finll.hed atop league
Co-.trt t-. lt•s,1 ·1 Nov tl) st.mdmgs in""98.
Estetnc 1a f5~:i, 2· I) ncl • If Newport Harbor Is
. Costa Me-.a 11i-2, t-t 1 able to fm1i>h the regular
mamtrlin h191hmah• llt1c e.tson unbeaten, an
aspuahons. with two we 'ks dcromphshment matched
lt>ft m lht> regula1 sed'\Oll only by the school's 1942
· Across the Buc:k Bu). ·
CdM·hds et1rnPcl its
maugµrt1l PCL t1Ucs m ~uls N ewport Harbor
volleyball, boys water polo, High's Elizabeth
and girls tennis, with Evans and her ~ .
C1dc,htional spoil hkC'ly to he teammates host Santiago
finalized m boys and q1rls today at Harper
cross country this W('<>k Community Center
(both dlrcady swt>pt tlwir in C osta Mesa,. at 18th lt•ague dual meets)
• lJte biggest score posted and Tustin,
by lhc Cosld Mt>su l hg._h~ __ in the first round of
footbull program lc1st Wl'ek the"fournament of
mdy not hdvc.bt> '"the Champions, starting
school-record 63-0 victory at 3:15. Harbor's girl
margin ug1:1m ... 1 La Qumta · field hoCkey IN m
Thursddy night. enters the e~ on-ending
· That d1 tmchon n11ght go tournament as the l\jo. 3
to Fnday'-. 10·8 1un1or eed. A victory for
varsity wtn over Mat~r De1 C oach Sharon Wolfe'
"That was u real t!Xntinq, forces would send
bdck-dnd-fort11 game,· Newport (8-2 -4) into Mei>a varsity rn<tc:h Jerry Howell said, •1t Wtl" a real ·Thursday·~ semifinals.
big wm for those k.icl.s."
T ht! h·fOfJI·
~4. 245·
pound 1tm1or
tw o-wc1y
starter hdcl
hve pan("ake
bloc k ut
cnrnrcl ond
dlo;o snpphrd
trong detenc;1v<! • :
work at 'hatk r
A 5-toot-7,
1 7 5 -
· pound rtid·
die 'back er,
he coller.ted
iHl dffia 7.IOQ
18 tnckles,
11 1n11ng 1de-
hnP to <>ulcline
to k•'CJ> Eagle<> •
\\. 1thm range. •
T ho 6-toot<i,
2 t 0 •
pound c;en10 1
d c f t>n s1ve
e nd .md full·
hac-k ru h1 d
hve time fQr
t 7 yartl , incl·
udinq a fi·yortl
TD to put CtlM •· a hcotl for qood
A 5-foot-71
1 b l) •
pound 1umc•r,
he sparkled
at outside
11ld the !';"II
King,• -.hutout
dnd a lo;o 1 u:.h I
for 'l.7 y11rcl on •
four cttm ....
H·a I I 0 R
JOSH #! ._ ·
T h ~-toot·9,
l 4 0 •
\.\ mrnng a champ1on.,.h1p, • '81 <t·1r title temn under Trager,
Rol1clc s<1id rmrn ru-. hmne m hut t ie coach \'le\\ t>d htm a
D11nver. chit n•nt w.ty. ·
Rohdt' played 10 'Y e<Jrs of . "\\~(' hcvJ an t.>xccllE·nl club
protcsc;mnal hascb 1 from 19Bfi that ve u/· Trager once told the
lo 1995, iiOcl tlw "\1ill11ll09 Los A4ycles nmes M(Rohde)
<:nnhnuecl lr'l 1!-r.n, Rohdt> was" me-dnve hitter. always a
h('lped th~ Tucson Totos, the> good h tter. 11<' could run. Had
Astros'"lf.nplc-A ttl11lii1!e, wm the an oulstandmg high school arm.
Pclnhr C'o<ist L('aquP title, .\ vel)' quwt kid, but coachable
brttlmg ~372 dunny lhP sPason tlllcl an l'X<Pllcnt student. u I had
and .352 111 tlw pluyofh. f lis mne ol tpo~e cvt•ry yedr, (fonner
.. w'qulctr-('<1 ... 11n averrl~f' ··. Dndrrer J\tanayl'f TOml:P\ I
" Psldhlishec .i Im "on rec'oro. . Lo-.Ndct '' ould h11ve to move
Tht• nl'XI ye<lr, alter hemH traded ovt•r.'
from tht.> i\stros to Cleveland Audm, 1t wa-. the field of
Rohde hdlt<'cl 2115 .irHI hc>lpcd rlrf'am~ that mudc the biggest
the Colorndu Spnngs Slq "iox nnpre-.s1on on Rohde when'the
capturn thl'ir hr-.t PCL s1•a King .... lt>ci h)' .Jeff Pn and
chctmp1omh1p. Ken Santoro, dt>1eat d Santa Fe,
• B •mu part of. n chdmp1on .. h1p J-2 at Anaheim Stadium for the
t cHU....\~1 ' s
c:olleu ' or pro hall, L" what you
It ke <1v. ct) from ba ehall," siud
Rohde, \\ho \\Cls traded along
wJth Kcnm l olton to tht• lnd1dn
Im pitch~• \\1lho Blem and
c<1tcher Eddu:~ Tc1uhcnsce hetore
ilw '~ll " •,11:;nn
Hohdt' spt'nl ovct 190 ddY'-m
the h19 h.?tUJU<>s, lust with the
Astros 111 11190 and 19\. then with.
Cleveland in l!lHJ, He never got
a chance to pl<ty every.dc1y, hut
Rohclt' mt1clc lhl' most of his
opportunities a~ Cl ublity p lu) l'r.
Onn\ with Houston m U.90,
Rohde went :1 lor :i and scornd
the gamf''s only nm as aca
u9ht·hattde1 Mike Stott p1tthed
a ..;hutout m a 1-0 \'.lctory O\ er
Prank Viola and Ui • Mc~ Rohde
account !d for hall or Houston'"
hit total thal n ght and wa.s given
Pla} "r of th Ga1p~ honors
•1t w <ti. iust €'Jtoling to go to
very t ttllpark. Growmg up a
kicl, )OU'r alway d reaming
aho ut playmg m Ui major
I agu , • Hohde 1d . •vou're
ttlway ch ammg abOut pl y:mg
in tho tadmms. •
Rohd , who a lso pl ) !d u1 th
TOOAY • Volt.yball
College women -Hope Un wrs ty at South<!rn Cohtorn1 Coll
High hool g r1s ·Un versaty at Corona def M , 3 1S pm ..
at CosaM • 3 ts pm
• 5occM' •
commun"Y college Cyp s at Or ll,9e Coast, 3 p m
Gommunl1y<0I women Ot coau vs c.~eu. at Cal St•te FUilerton. 7pm ,~
• "9Nhodley
High schOol g r1s Tbumamen1 ol ~mpfom. firu round s.ntlago"' N9't 4*'
Hbftior, at Harpet Commu ty Centef, 3 15 pm • • GOif
. ..
. ..
t ..
... ..
• • • ..
High Khool gifts Newport ,. Sf.a VWW FNh. M CCM. C.. CC.
ill d.9-y; Corona del MM M .-.Clfk Coais'td uegut FfNll. M Hn la Ml GC. • ., •
t \
f . " I
6 Tuo~, November 2, 1999 Sports Doily Pilot
TENNIS 1001111 llCI
• 59 • CJ. Zuniga ((osta Mesa) touchdown run. ' ' .
Sailors finish
perfect league "'\
• •
• 58 -Shaun Ferryman (Costa Mesa) TO pass from Dave Weir.
• 41 -Kelsey P~on {Newport Harbor) kickoff return.
camp&gn • 1 Newpc;JJ(HarbctHlab~ 'football
CMm ~ tbe Sea \lliew ~
title wttb a 2'1·23 win over ~ta
M4f94rlta Quarterback loJm
Glonlul goefJ2for16 ~lth tti1ee
toudKlown pesaes, all to Joa
Bemt...,., itlclUding a 52-yaid paa
Bltuda .. loolbiW teem captures
the See "1eW League title Wlth a
17-1'2 Victory over Tu.5tinfpM
Petrone retums o.n 1nte1ceptlun tor 4
touchdowti and 'ban Ucker nms onn
in as the Eagl.eS score llll lh•'u
JK>inb In the hilt quorter.
• • 40 •Josh Striddand (Costa Mesa) interception·return for TD. NEWPORT BEACH
Audra Adams dlld Kelly Nel-
son won all 18 r.ingles games to
help host Newport fiarbor
• 37 -CJ. Zunlg• (Costa Mesa) punt return for touchdown.
• l6 -Jake Cleveland (Costa Mesa) returned fumble for TD.
§mm~jpmIBl§, H.igh cap an_unbeaten Sea
n , View League girls tennis sea-.
son with a 16-2 triii.roph over
. Estanda's ClP pJavoO hoJ)e5 re~·tlliv..wtth a 1~·14 win over
A1llC> N~ fn footb4ll. Running
bacQ Kuto~· Mid ~y I
Gomala each rush for~ 100
yards for tbe Bagi~
Newport Haibor's football team
helps out &tancia by dofe11tin9
Saddieback, 27-17. to dtnd1 thtl
league title for thP. Eagles. It olso
dindles'a CIF playoff tipol for lh(•
• Aliso Niguel Monday.
l.AsT WEE<'S llG DEFEN~VE PLAYS '• Harbor doubles partners
, Amapda Collopy and Megan
COSTA MESA • Defensive lineman Danny Mardlkfan Hawkins surrendered. only two
'recovered e fumble ... Inside linel:)acker Jason Rankin games in sweeping three foes.
had a sack for a 6-yard loss ... The.entire defeniive line Th s ·1 15 8 o forced a hurried pass, which cornerback Josh e a~ ors ( -1, . • in
Strickland intercepted and returned for a TO ... Rankin league) . ~. compel~ m the
.;ind end Todd Duddridge teamed for a 4-yard loss .. league tndiVldual townament
Rya Taylor throws II I ·yard TD J>U8 to Brlu
leewea at Ute end Of the game u C0&ta tytesa·.s
football team salvages a 30-30 tie with Un1vomty.
Sollqrs. Sieve SclaKk pa;1~s Jor two .
tow·.hdowns ani!_ JOlll IOeln k.Jcks two r1eh.l u~
Brian Luai ~es for a fichool ret*d-235 -
yards as Corona d'cl Mar's football tet1m rlefcal
Un1vcruty, 25'."8.
cornerback Jake Cleveland caused and recovered a fum-• Wednesday and Thursday, b~ which he returned 36 yards for a touchdown ... Inside linebacker before entering the .CIF South·
$Mun Fenyman. nailed a back for a 1-yard loss ... Ferryman and outside ern S~~tion Division, I playoffs
Newp0rt Harbots girls volleybell te.aru
concludes a perfec1 sea119n wiUt wins ovE:r El Thro
and rrvme. Milty May takes ovor the setter's role
againS1 El Toro with JeanneUe Hecker out.
Estancia's girts vollefball t~ loses in five sel$
to Uruvemty and barely nuss~ the last CJF playolt
spOt trow the Pacific C911i.1 l:.eague. Cyudi ,
lJcbaJ'ds had 21 kills and Chrf.stlne Dahle 39
amsts for the Eagle;.
~dM's glrb cross country te<1m caph.D"cs its tlnjf
title in 10 year!l by winning U1c Seil Vil'W'League
meet Klnteo Mcfarland finishes tlurd to lead tho
Sea Kings.
!~backer Dave Weir combined on a tackle for a 5-yard loss ... Jordan k ' P.Jfiui and Luis Day shar~ a pur:ilshing sack for a &-yard loss , .. Bryce · next ee · · ·
New1>9rt Harbor's boys water polo tearn upsets
CdM in ovcrtimo to WUl the Sea View LNguc
rrown. KenlOn Reed scores the wmtung goal LO OT: Sheridan made a stop In the backfield·for a 6-yard loss ... Robin Stevens N~ 1~~ ~GN"IGun 2 piclced off a pass and brought it back 10 yards deep into enemy territory Singles: Adams (NH) def. Luke, Corey Delahunt scoic.'.i nine goals as Costa
Mesa's boys Wdter polo tops Woodbndge, 1?·13 ... ·Tony Ashcroft and Mike McGu~ came through on back-to-back 6 f ,,, d f titd<les to stall La Quinta's fin"I offensive series to preserve the shutout. -0, de · Kemp, o-O, e · EmMns.
Megan WadlUer aod A.11.ua stoH of Corona del
Mar defeat teammate~ Jenny Glasgow and ·
OUUty O'Mean to capture the Sea View League
Orange Coast College'i:; mens Wttter polo team
CORONA DEL MAR • End Scott Biggs had a .
quarterback sack ... Tackle Billy McArdle recovered
6-0; Nelson (NH) won, 6-0, 6-0, 6--0;
Cirto (NH) won, 6-2', 6-1, 6--0. doubles title m girls tennis. .
Costa Mesa's boys waler polo team WUlS its
runth straight l'CL bUe with a 21-8 blowout of
Laguna l hlls. Rob Crayelf scoms six times for Mesa.
conchades an undefeated Orange Empln• ·
Conference sei,lsoo with an 18-7 win over
Sdddleback. Mike,Kennedr scores lour yo.Us.
a fumble to end a scorir:ig threat ... Safety Eric Snell
recovered a muffeopuntwhich lead to the game's orny
• touchdown ... Outside linebacker Blake Had<er came
Doubles: Godbey-Braverman. (NH)
def. Devendorf-Gent,Y, 6-2, def.
Lina-Alyssa, 6-2, det. Mia·Robin, 6-1;
Collopy-Hawkins, won. 6-1, 6--0. 6-t;
Buder·Mclntosh (NH) lost. 2·6. 4-6, Bebmd Thad Bu~ollcb'' three gOclls, CdM's
.~s water polo team heat Long Boach Wilson,
7-6, to Win the Northern California high school
water polo tournament.
CdM's girls tennas team dt!fedts Estancia, 144.
behind Kerl Phebus' sweep. Dina Birch wms two
sets for the Eagles.
• up with a bi9 hit on. an Estancia runner, forcing sec.ond
and long, wtllle end Travis Hackett followed up on
tfie next play with a tackle for a· 1-yard loss -· End Jay Bottom sacked
the quarterback for an 8-yard loss, before teaming up with Hackett for
another sack for a·7-yard loss ... Hackett nailed a Eagles runner for no
gain .. Snell recovered his second fumble of the night with the Eagles
threatening to tie the game ... On the Eagles next possession, HaclC:ett
made two stops each for 3-yard losses ... Punter Roty Md(eever's
41-yard punt, pinned the Eagles l(lside their own 1-yard line ... Hackett
made a tackle in the end zone for' a safety ... Mike Hayes. sacked the
quarterback for an 8-yard loss before middle linebacker Brandon .
Jot1nson intercepted a pass to Ice the win.
won. 6-2. ' . CdM's giric; volleyball team also wi11ci agamst
Esla.llda for Its third sweep of the w~ek. MamJ Jo
Price gets 10 digs and foun.ic:es m Um match. C~perfect
·~PCL play
Brtan Slhagsby wms the individual race and
• leads CdM'i; boys cross country team to the Sea
View League championship.
Estancta's boys cross country ~am qualifies for .
the CIF by finishing third in the PCL mee"'1ohan
Appel and ~ .Rodrtguet pl~<.-e m the top tt:n.
Estancla's girls voUcybdll te9"1 al50 lose to
Newport Harbor, 154, 12·1.5, 15-3, 1.5-9. Mdrtlee
Pfister gets 50 assists and Maureen Me:Laren
23 kills for the Sailor...
Barry WaUac:e is n:urJd the new athlct1c:
director of Orange Cwst C()llcge. COSTA MESA -The Coro·
na d.el Mar High girls Lennis
team capped 'its first Pacific
Coast League campaign with a (Q l. LEG. ES perfect 10~0 record, capping its ~
running back Blair Lewis.
ace, trailing by .five with Jess
than three minutes remaining,
needed to stop the Lancers on
the Pirates• 35-yard line and
· Cd.M foursome alive
at the PCL Finals regular season with~ 18-0 tri-
.· umph Monday at Costa Mesa· CONTINUED FROM 6
NEWPORT HARBOR -"Nose guard Andy KelaJU had one solo sack and was in on two others ... Andy
Rankin punched the ball loose on a Woodbridge
kickoff return and Adam Kems recovered to set up
second touchdown .•. safety Dayne pfaft intercepted
two passes and broke up four ot.hets ... Mlddle
• · ' linebacker Alan Saenz leveled the flJllback tor 3·yard
loss ... Gamatt 'D'onc:ale, Nick Moghaddam and
Brad RothweJI were in on sacks ... Justin Jacobs returned an
interception •17 yards to the 1 to set up final TD ... Outside linebacker
Mike TUnney came out of nowhere to stop fake punt run short of first
Nadia Vaughan, Anne Pasadena got the ball back,
Yelsey and Sara Bryan did not with 58 seconds remaining
drop a game in singles to pace and'ALL three timeouts.
· then bum their three timeouts
to salvage the clock. •
Four Corona del Mar High gjrls
.golfers were otnong 10 to
advance to-today's firiaJ. round
of the Paafic Coast. League
down. ·
the visitors (13-5), who will 'Ilying to fool the entire.
compete. in the ClF Southem galaxy, Pasadena decided to
Section Division 1 playoffs next throw tt:iree straight passes. up
Lewis decided tQ be rather
hospitable and not only did he
Jose valuable yardage, but he
. Finals ·at Meadowlark Golt;
.course. . · · ·
ESTANCIA • End D•vid Rodriguez stopped a CdM
runner f9r no gain and repeated the feat five plays
later that forced CdM into a missed field-goal attempt
... Outside linebacker Sean Freeman forced CdM into ~~~'ti a third-and-long situation with a stop for no gain and
we~~sa ruushes 8_12, 4.~ in the middle bf the field gaining
league. 18 yards, which is fine,
PAORC COAST LEAGUE because they had three
CDM 18. CosTA MESA 0 timeouts. One problem: they
Singles: Vaughan (CdM) def. • didn't use MY of them.
That brain-cramp saved a
grateful Pirates a timeout,
which they used to set up their
game-winning TO on the
following possession.
. Corona del Mar 1uruor Tay-,.
lor McCom1lck !'ihot 91over18
holes, including 41 on the back
rune to firush tied· for third m
the 20-competilor field
later added a sack ... Inside linebacker Cesar Romero
and middle linebacker Matt Mueller teamed up to
limit a CdM runner to a minimal gain, forcing third and long ...
Cornerback John ~lderete picked off a pass in CdM territory ... Freeman
saved a touchdown with a shoestring tackle, then made two big stops
deep in Eagles' territory as the first half ran out ... End Kyle Wes1men
nailed a runner for no gain ... safety Fmddy Rodriguez recovered a
Havens, 6-0, def. Doan, 6-0, def. J. The dock ran out and a big
Lee, 6-0; Yelsey (CdM) won, 6--0, 6--0. H s· ~ VDuh ,. 6--0; Bryan (CdM). W<>n, 6--0, 6--0, 6-0. omer impson-esque ,
Doubles: Charney-Jacobson'(CdM) • was heard. throughout the
def. OeMello-Huynh, 6·2', def. M... . Lancers' locker room. .
Lee-Klm •. 6-1! def. Sorla-Solzmalfn, afierwatd. Sorry co~ch. you
6·0, Tenerelh·Colgate.(CdM) won. · . can't take'em home with you 6-1, 6·2, 6--0; Fuller-M1rma.(CdM) ·
won. 6-0. 6·3, 6-0. · Bonehead ll: J . .anc~rs'
fn faet, the fastest Blair
ran all night was from that
sideline back to the huddle
• before f\1.aher c~uld rip his
"bone" head off.Once again,
·"Duh."·· ·
Also advancing for Coach
Mike Starkweather were
juniors Allison Scbauppner and
Kristin McCoy (tied for fifth at
94) and freshman Jackie
McCoy (tied for eighth with:
9~. ;
lm::::iesl[:.,.osnu..::! ~~H N~=11 ~II .=·11. •11····~=111' Mill _____ ···
he nrved fllthfully a pannershlp I· Have you started csotng Corte Po'rtotlno, Newport attar the dale set fOf the 92868 . _.,,.... "9dlt c.ns ,.,... °'* ctwga $1:11.11111 tnslnlnent No 90-299610 Kim Lonng Kr•u .. ,·49, of deacon •nd eldlf. Have you staned doing business yel? yes, Beach, Cahfomla 9~ open1ng thereot. "Letecia ·B'bdotla, 429 ttllne: t ~ .-........, S... lddl-. Ind Ott1e111 Records at sllld
Newport BelCh, C1llloml1 Kiin w11 a •trOhg and businets yet? No · 07/1999 Bath Rob111s, 2932. • The Board ot Trustees wa~t ·Kelly Avenue,. Un1I (100lba); f plMtJc: &mall "'* -~ of County Parcel 'l Art,. dlect unexJ)IC1edly of 1 kind man offt'# word• but John s. Joyce James P. Taylor Cone Portoflno.-NeWJ>Ort reserves the pnvlleoe of iB,· Orange, Os{ilomla Chr.-,IM5 1...-; -5 1ong the ,., ~ m undivided Mith intlAlll in
bftln1ntury1mqo0ct.2t, m1ny dAda. Ht w11 This statement was This statement was Beach,Celitomla92660 rejectlnganyandalfbids 92866 , btOMI fold up tablet: 2 ~l.nt,ec.ia.._,CA and 10 11 of thl R .. 1.
1099. A native Callfomlen, extr1ordtn1rlly p•llent, filed w11h the County Uled with the County This business Is con-gr to waive any 1r·· • This ausfness Is con-ceeh bolc9& (em~);' 1 tu N'H 1'1412~ Tiit PrQpllty inc:~. -MtllolA
Kim was born In Redlands, througlltful 1nd 11w1y• Cieri< of orange County Cieri< of Orange Coonty ducted by; joint venture regularities or In· .ducted b'f'. ~usband and ~ ~in«; • bh.c:ll 11ldl1lllgn11dTn.-llldllnw lf!ldatlOll. tilt Common
CA on Jan. 21, 1950 and rtldy and wlllln!I to http on 9·20·99 on 10·8·99 Have W>u started doing lonnalttles In 11ny bid or in wife • 19Cb· 4 large round "'1 tidy b mt ~ Iva dellned m Ille
moved wft'1 hi• tamtty to tnYOM 9' .ny ttme. Kim 19996805920 1999680n10 business yet? No ltle bidding, Have you started doing 1ableli· 1 tva monitor· 1 n11tofthe ..... ..._Ind Oeclatat!On of Covenants,
Tustin, CA In 1951. In 1968, WU I muter WoodclMlr Daily Pilot Oct 12.1....19 Dally Pilot Oct. 12, 19, Danny Prosser Signed: buslrl8$S yel?-No grwy ~-2 wll .. OOl'lllllOft ......... , If Conditions and Reaicilons
hegrlduatedtrom Foothlll llldt:ouldbulldandrepalr 26,Nov.2,1999 1109 26.Nov.2,1999 T716 This statement was /S/RogerW.01vl• MartinBeoolla 'wood~· 1 2 qlfllMn,.._l'ht~1•nd Resttvation of
High School white hi ... 111ythlng.. He enjoyed Ilia Fictitious Bualneu Flctltioua Business tiled .Witt\ the County Director of Purd\aslng This stetemenl wus dl1'W9r flllng c:abiMt· 1 ~ ""'**" ~ i. Easements for Carat Cove
celled In lootblll and trtek. f1mtty and the many Name Statement Name Statement Cieri< ot Orange County Coast Community • flied With . ttle ~ty fife todingulaMr • ~ -*t "a 11": ~ Condomtlll\ITI rlOOfdld as
He pla~ on the cf1am.. special tlmta lt!lly apent The following persons The following perJons on 10.7-991""""''""7...,..., ~Colta~eWDied.snetr~ .. ~ ~nle9~2~~~'-._Cpunty • The ·11w9nto.y 18 'dlli ... ...,... ~ tnamnent No 8M0828.4 • plonll11p 1959 Slddltback together tra~llng, akll~. dol I •• ......, vrv .,,., " = file I tile"""""' ol RlcM ~~,,...,to 6tf. Olf!Clal Records. ol S&ld Col~ f~lbatl lllll!l.:M\d. and vt1itlng tile local are ng·bus ~SS as: \re (j()lng bOslness u : -Oally Plfot.Oc1. 12. 19, ovember 17, 1 , • · . 19"68066411 atd '(_ s.ki:.-e... .... w AloullWJCID ~ Coun!Y. on Loi 1 01'1'11Ct
recelvtcl his A.A. cllarM In moun'lllrii'lnd deMrta. a~ M.A.S. INTERNA· Halloran & Sons An· ~6. Nov. 2, 1999 T712 2 p.m. Dally Pilot Oct 26, cated 'at,..__:_,.~ • ~ IJDt Coltllll .. 13525, in the ClCy ot ~a
1970. Ht grlldu.ted from Ht 11 aurvtvld by hi• TIONAl, bl MARTIAL tiq'ues, 3800 E. Coast Fic:titloua. Bualnesa Bid No.: 180~ Nov. 2, 9, 16, 1999 T.728 Catif~'";,d:.,._ ~ ,.. . N 09 02 ~ lbtlwtdot. Mtl8 as Pl' MIC> recorded
the Unlveralt~ ot Redtand• loving wit. Diani Nelton ART SPORTS 1 N· Hwy · Corona del Mar. Name Statement Published Na= Flctitloua Bualn .. t "'"'_.,... d •• ..a..::-L_, CA tt!M.~·1111 or 1 111 B<M* 636 Pages 13 and v-Ph 0 Lo TERNATIONAL, 222 B CA 92625 Be .... ,.._ "...,._..... "'""' ......-1• of ••-..01a In tin an auned hi• rv•UM, • .; '°"' rtn 3rd St ........ t Hunfnl)ton Patrtc1a Hallo an The tOllo....i"" rvarsona 8"''"""'sta asa Dally · Name Statement ntta hcMin ~to....... CTl4 sn.t !Mg-'" M t ..... ntOU1 Mllps M.P.A. from Catlfornla Edward Kr•uM; parents, •vv • 1 r are ... ~~ :.:lne'Vs .. s¥ as·. Pilot November 2_. 9, . --t•'IOWJng pe-""· ol ule. ..,..... ~-~ Vb~ O.: 111 lht Offic;e ol lh• r~,....,
St W I( Beach, CA 92~ . Wheeler, Trustee· Palrl· ""' """" 9 .... 9 ''"' "' • ...,.... o-dlr _, _ ... ~~"1
S11te Unlv.rtlty, Fullerton anteyMd llma rau•; Andrew R. Mtrzeolt, cla Halloran Wtleelet HEAVE LY COMPO· 1 '" are doing business as. Dated· October 2a tcrJM• tt/l ,........ ""' ...., '
In 1974• Kim m.med hi• two brothers and their 222 8 3rd Street. Hunt· Trust, 1206 Coton~ NEl"ffS. 5071 E. Chance T732 ACC10~ELECTRIC 1998 • · . ' tW. Ullt ExC4!PI 1'*91'°"'· 11 Um ~.~~';:l,,.·.:i:,~~ ~a~~:·K~:·:~d ,:: ngton Beech. CA 92648 Plaza, Newport Beach Ln., Anaheim Hiiis, Call· Rctl~lous Business COMF>A_!ll_:r. 1~Xl71 ·Falr; . ~L. SEIDE RESS Ordlr No 6CA9S ~ ~""''=:
Etl d K d This business Is con· CA 92660 fomla 92807 Name Statement haven c.xtenston, Santa ...........,_............,. l'~•.a a.P Num .. -r u7.7" "" .· to -o.-..i I·_..__ o..._1 • July 8, 1974, Ind they eon• c en urt: an Ana CA 92705 • .....,........,, ....,...,_.,... ,. """ ., ..,.... •• .-..... ....,... r.,.,. ctlebrated their 25th Clly l(ld Ptm Kteu• and ducted by an lnc:IM<luat This txislnoss ts con Gina Malle Mendell, The lol10w1ng persons • · ..._. · NollCI. Of Tiust" s sale a Nondcl11S191.....-nents
wedding IMlverN"' thla their chltdren Kevin and Have y04.J started doing ducted lly Famlly Trust 5071 E Challc:e Ln., are <loin business as -Martin Tr\l)dto,t ·;;90;7.;..t ~~~~~~Z2..11bti~Jnclli~~~~~~~-c~:;-11'1!11'1$'S-°ll~:S:-:-7-:I ., I ... d ..... t business y a No Have you started doing Anaheim Hills, Cellio ta lt~v~t.,,, • 2.il 1999 Iv tn Del 1111 Under A • ·~ ~t summtr. Ht WH I ..-ra; In two ......... n-I r,ut<>-(011 1984 92807 Candlewood Dr., Hunt-Santa Ana. CA 92705 • n.!..... or· ·T~-Oal-' ll$t, ltljOymenl Ind ....
cwl09 and devotialii 1iw lriGlfii[r f1111iflii7l:Orr """'" • thl .... ·$1 1 HOJ1CE Cl' TALISTEE'S Ml! ._, •v.. "" alt. l)(ltJX>MI •• II are "
10 thew t9-year-old aon, andOr.R•ymondBergllld This slatemenl was Patric a Halloran Thia business Is oon· 1no1on Beach, C81domle s .,... ness s con· 70Zt'5 Sepqmber l9, 199-4 Un-clllt1~ 111 the
Loren. Kim owntd hit own tllllr· ton• Jon Ind Petlf; hied w11h the County Wheeler d11cted by. •n Individual 92646-'4725 ·ducted by: an Individual T~Odw ~ reu ·You Take Ad1on To Oecilral1011 l0t Cabot eo.,.
aurglctt tnatrvment repalf Ind Oe¥on and Jeff BloOm Cieri< of Orange County This statement was Have yoo started doing Thomas Richard Lord, Have YQl.l '18ned doing ~;y;MUt DEFA&JLT PrOllC1 Yw Property n Condommiurfl rrlarred 10 bu1lnu1 and WH the and their ton• Jamil Ind on 10-8·99 filed . With the Coun1y business yot? No 932t CandleWQOCI Dr., business yet? Yes, nrrl\ IVC Tiii..,.,. May St Sold At A Piibloe "' PwCll 2 above The
le 19996llOTTT7 Cieri< ol Orange County Gina Mendell Hunllngton Beach, Ce.II· 3-0'4·91 ~·~-..,.,.,,;.~ ••Sale-11 You. Need All Ex· ... ..... ,txclutlvt Southltn Callf M h .. I. Dally Pilot Oct. 12, 19, on 10·8·99 · This statement was IOMI& 9~6-'4725 Martin Trv11t10 ,,..,"'"' v•.-• ............... Planat or The Nat or .vMI a .... ISI or othlr
ornta repr11Hntatlve of Fufllfel: s.mc-wltl 26, Nov 2. 1999 nto 1999680noS filed w•lh the County Patl1Cla Lyn Lord, 932t This statement was YOU TAICE ACTICH iO Al>-Thi ~ 111 ctrm10ll <*ignallOll ol Ula
Mobile lnltrvment Servloa be held •t St. Mark Flctltloue Bual .. eaa Dally Pilot Oct. 12, 19, Cieri< of Orange County Canolewood Dt., Hunt-llle<I W1lh the County lB:T YOUR PkffJm fT hi oeeeang ~Ml rlll P.foperly hlrlllla~ and Repair, Inc. tit wu ~ PrHbyterlan Churc:h, " 26. Nov 2. 1999 T714 on 9·1'·99 lngton Beach, Calllomla Clerk ol Orahge County MAY SE saJ> AT A PU8uc V04J You.Sl\OU!d Con A dlectibtd 15 P\lll)Of1ad to 1ono tlmt membllr of St. 2100 Mir Vleta. Newport Name Statement 19996805395 92646 on 9•27•99 · . SALE.. F YOU HEB>· NI La~ ·NOTICE IS be ~7 Or~ A¥tniit'
Marli Prtabyterian Church 8t1Ch, CA on Wldnt1d1y, The lollOWing pe1100S Flctitioua Buslnesa Dally PilOt Oct. 12, 19, Jhls business 18 con-, l99NI06SH • ~ Cl' TME Mit.-~ V GIVEN that on ao Costa M.a Ca 92627
Novtmbtt 3, 1998 at 1:00 ara IJOlng business as Name Statement 26, Nbv. 2. 1999 T718 ducted by· husband and DallyPltot Oct. 26, Nov .. l\JMEOF~ 1110t11999 ' et 1:45 AM. T~ntd OeclMTI$ LOCAL ~:c·,:re-= toJ:~o;,:~ . GA Alr Cond1l100tn~ The following peri;ons Flctltlou• Bualneu Wiie 2, 9, 16, 1999 T729 ~ya YOU "40U!e ~~ r~..:C!"~ .. ~= ~Ill"':.:~"::. , MO'DJi'll•Rl'rS Park, 3500 P1c:t11c v11w ~:~~~anse0~c~, c~~~a are dol~bustness as· Name.Stllttment Have YOO startedtlOtng· Flctttloua Bualneaa ~;-~ Co1111cY Courttiowe 700 or oCh• c011Vn011 dlllgn•· •
ft UH ~' Drive, Ntwpott Beech, CA. Mesa CA 92626 C&H AU O BROKERS, The followlnn ""'r&OnS buslneaa yet? No Name Statem,nt A1ou1 =..,_;-"' r-. CMc: "Ce11ter Drtw Wnt llOll Said salt 'Ml be with·
U1morl1t c:ontrlbutlon• Garo A. YogurtJtan, ~i:1~xford, Irvine, CA are doing buSineu as: This statam~m was The lollowtng persons ..,;,;;;bit • -;,--,; Santi Ma. Ct. RtH out warranty, exi:ren or
PACIFIC VIEW 1111~ bll atnt to St. Marie 313 T Canadian or , Heidi Olsaon Sin~ 114 ME.=RCEDES SALON, llled With the County are doing buslnesg as IMO Raaol-= ~ R111nd.i Corpor .. on. • ~heel 11111ning !Ille MEMOAI~ PARK Pfaaby1trl., Church Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Oxford, Irvine, CA 92512 1000 E. Imperial Hwy., ~a~O..~~noe County Positive Cash Flow, •the •. .,,.,_, T~ Celfornl1 Co~1lon as llelSIOn. ot othll anc:wn· ~ Thia boslnesa la COO· This bllstoess Is con· •At, Brea, CA 92621 19098807715 822 W. Batb<>d Btv<t llA, undtranclpurwnti>o.tof QJty IW04qlld Tr111t11 un· 1nncet lo salitly lt!ll un-~
Cemetery • Mortuary I ~ I ducted b". an lndl'llldual .. ucte .. by· an 1 .... ivid 11 Fred BoOH Miiier, 0 p Oct Newport Beach, T• Alould9d on cmrtlll dlll pllSuant to Ille ~ patd obbgat10t1s secutld bY " ha Have y0u started doing v v '"' u 3610 So Gamaay, Santa atty !lot • 19• 26, Calllomta 92661 ~ ,....,,., of of •le oool11rld ill lh•I llld Oe9d rl Trlllt, v..tfi. '-C pel • Crematory Have you •tarted doing Ana, CA 92707 Nov. 2, 9, 1999 T721 Georgina Mane Sllm. .., .-...111"" OllClf of ettta111 OMd of Tnist ext-llllelill( and oti. Sllftl u '
3500 P11C1flc View Dnve b~~~~~J~~ ~"if.n:~YS\~~ This business Is con· Flctltioua Bualneu 822 W Balboa Blvd., •A. "" ,_.,,., of °"'¥ CUlld by .1em.. A pr~ldld lhefatn, plus •4' ~~2Buch700 Fictitious Butlneaa This slatement was This statement was ducted by; al) lndMduat Name Statemen\ Newport Beach. Codll ~ ...,... CunNnglWn tnd SlllWI T VlllCD If anf. lhtJ•lllldlt
.,,..... Name Statement llled with the County flied Wltti the County Have Y9U started doing The lollOWing pert0ns C8hfom1a 92661 = ~ ~ Al. 1 Cunnmgllltn husband Ind alld int.alett th•eon. and
Mortuary * Chapel
Clerx ol Orange County Cieri< ol Orange Counly bualnes• ~at? Yea, are doln~sklela u This buslne$S Is con ~· ~ ':!'or:C,~~Y flll1~. ~ PIUt I .... C111r11• end ex• The lollowJng pert0ns on 10-8·99 on 10.8.99 10-10·99 a) Los les County !Jucted by en lndtvtdual _.., _ _ -12211r.... •• l)lflSM o# lht Trwt• ~d •
aredolngbllslnesses: 199968017~ 19*8on19 This statement wu Qott1 b) o. Anoelel Havay04.Jatartectdolng -..., • ......._ ... _.. BoollolOlllClllRlcor~ol ollhttMt.scteatldbysaid,.
Atomic: Tan, 103 E DallV Pilot Col 12. 19. oauy Pilot Oct. 12. 19, tiled wllh the "County Goll, cl San Dlego bu&lneu yet? No ,.._ audloll • tll "'9 Orange Co':t: 11 r'2:· 0-S o1 Tr1Jst Tiie tocal 17th Street, Unit 7, Costa 26, Nov. 2 t9911 T71S 28, Nov 2, 1999 T'717 Clelll ot Orange County County Gott, d) Phoenix Georgina SMm .,... _., tllf Cllfl, Rtcoidlts I llmtn lmOllol ol Utd obiio*'IOlll
11 O Broadway
Costa Mesa
Me ... California 92627 FfctltJoua aualneaa Flctltioua 'Bual .. -• on 10-14·99 Golf. e/ BIY Aret Goll. f) Thi• statement w•a ~ dllllll ..., bit 1 t996059t 161. by reatO(I OI II Ille ttm• cl ill~111 Pllbla John Steven Joyce, ~ ,,.. 19996808330 Cenlra eoest Golf, g) in-ftle<I with lhe County .-. ft11110N1 ..._a~ • brelch °" dll1ull 111 pjly boll ol 11111 Nolice -ii eos Thamea Way, Costa Name Stlltement Name Statement oa11y PllOI Oct. t9, 26, ~nd CounlY Golf, h) Riv-Clertc 01 Or~ge County -.n 111y 1 ... • ....,., ment « l)llformellCI ol lhl Slt10tUt. Oalad Mesa, C411ifomla 92626 The following PG!IOOI The IOllowmg per.ooa Nov. 2. 9, 1099 T721 ersldt Golt, 1800 e. on 10-25-99 a.a un1oft. oredlldl*-"'t obl!glhcm IKl.fld t0i13/lllCl!I Rate Flrtandal
This bwlness 11 ex>n· are clotng buslnua as: 111 doing bllstneu as: NOTICE Garry, Ste 215 santa 1~18 111y 1 -..,..., _... thlltby, indudinll thll COf1IOfllon a CllflMnla
ducted by; a general Newoort specialty Co. Nr.vpon Beactl Cua· ,~1vmNG BIDS Ana. ea1t1omte etios 011ty P1tot Nov. 2, 9, 18, ..i 1mn 11 '~ , ...,.. brtecli « oeteuR. ~ of c:otpottion, ea T,,,_.
6308 Waat CXeanlront, tom Cabinets 2932 " John Robert Lyon 23, 1999 T733 Ir 'fll........ *" ... reoorded e, ~ Lon•
Discount Casket,
Burial SerYice
Why should ,you subject
r.ourself & your family to
paying inflated prices for
· casket &' ervices????
QilJ TofJ Free 1·888-S 'KET
Stnlng Or.Inge & Sunoundlng Cou~lrics
___ ...__, __ -----
Newport Dtech, CA Coru• Portullno, Newporl Notlc:e Is hereby given 3 TWlllOhl Line Rancno =1n...-.s101o1"'9 0711?/IM n RttorcW• Trustau Sile Of!lcw
fi2663 Seach, ca111omia 92660-that th& Board of Senla Margarita Calllor• NOnCI OF PUaUC Cede and........., tnstr\rntnl No 172111 l~ine Blvd ''* Bijan Ho&seinl, 6308 Jeflrtty s Baltty, 2932 Trustees ot the Coas1 nla 02&88 ' 1A&.2 111 • ..._ 1f1 f111 .... 189ll06t40311, 111 Book II 282. fll1.hll Ca 92780· w Oot11ntron1 NewPOrt Cone Ponol1no. Newpc>rt Community College OIS· Elle Damon Mal"IOO °' ..,,NDOHID . .. .. """Illy..... Paot Will SELL AT 1930 (S~} Telephot,e
Belich, CA 112663 Oftactt, California 92660 ttiet of OranQ! County, l8000rangewooc:t Onvt ~"'°""TY ...... ..-. '9 . -...i PlalCAUCTION TO THE ~C7t4)&T3-T•IO F
thts bui;lllAU la con· EleOI A Baltly, 2932 Calrtom\a, Wiii rteelw Brea C.hfomla 92868 ' A puOtto llUClfiOn WIN "*"ii ti ti .W.. ... 1M MIOHEST BIOOEA F<>R 714)673-1'37 Trust"'
dutt11d by an inc.t1Vl!ju111 Cone Ponot1no, NaWl)Prt •••tod bid• up lo but no This buelneae • COO". tau.-,.. et 17111 Mein ...._ __,. e nl now CASH •~ monty d the ate lnl0frrilltt011 (826)
Havt VQo ataned doing BMcll. C&hlomla 926'60 tater then 2.00 Pm . dueled by a general an.. a.· '· IMne, ..., 111y "'-.,.... "' "'9 • U1111t0 St~" ~ •5932 -calpott com boaAneu yel7 N(\ fhlt business 11 con· Wednesday, November artnorantp C.lllomll. on the tllth .....,. ..,... ~ b'f • CQhliika 0.k CJ04Ut ,Oit9 10/'26
B•/an Houelnl oucted by huatian<l and 11, 19Y9, at the P\lrc:Nt· P Have VQo &llrtt<I doing o.y o1 Nowmbet, t•, _.., •,..... ,_ o..i ctawnon ut.iur natHll\al 11/'l 1999
Thia 1t1111mont wa1 wife • 1~ Oep•rtment ot the "buatniu yel? Yet ., 10-oc> • m. ofTNll. Ttw •• .. .._ bllll, OI 1111 ~11111 tlltd with th• County Have you 11artlld ~ ~lnet toc;attd 11 1S70 10•18_99 • The foMoMng prop. till .._. .,... • lhnd ctlWft on any Oltl•
Ciel'\ ol Or11ng1 County bU)lnHt yet? No •dsme-Avenue.J.. Bldg. 0, John A Lvon ~\111111 be IOld: _..._. ......, ... ......,, I~ llltlM\llloll 'I*! 11-------• oo 10-8-90 B•ltl Bailly Colt• Meu; wtdornll, Ttua 1tatement WH • gillea dilolilv ............ ,_ 1 ~or fted 11Mdaoft5102~1119
t9996aono2 Th11 1u11nm1nt was et wt'llC:tt tim. bkSt wia be ruecs wltt1 tht County CleblnMI· 1 deMa: · .1 t --t ,... 11. ,. tw CIMor• FlftlllCial COdl,
Daltv PllOt Oc1 12, 111, l11td w11n thO County oubltclyo~andldd c1et11 oc or-. County roller chait.. (tot 0.:..)·, ...... ~~-"'-lllllhanlld lo do~ 26 Nov 2, 111119 T713 C1111< of orange County lor: on 10•22-89 4 alecltto9I ..,,._ pug ~--...... ., rn lht Siii• of ~,
on 10•7-99 l'UACHAlli Of OHi (1) ttltMOttlt tna· 1 Pel*Oflie ~ TM( ........ .... 1 ALL PAYA8l.( AT llE
, ""807m MODEL: l\.'490, oauy PAol Ocl 16. {.,.;., IOI> UN) 1 ..... ... -..... -TIME OF SALE. •• ~ On11V Pilot Oct 12, 19. t 2000THOMAI 9Ult Nov 2. 9 16 tlftT'72• ~~-· 17...,.. ...-tlt.1',._llfh 11111 Ind~-lleld trt • ?8 Nov "2 19119 T71 t CCCD d~ L _,.., W--(•h .. ofh " f1Ullll "' I~ rMI
Ficdilout ButlMH ~•:i:,oi::n~ fl~:,':':::=• =:..tr=~ ~.Ji1:.!~7,.... =: ::'~.: *:
N•IT'lt StatetMnt ooewntni. which ire the t~ person• '**; • broilln heN • w .., 1111111 n. .,.,_,._, 1o11owt. ParCi.
Tht 1oilow1ng porGON now on tile eod may be 11e dOlng bv$loe51 ... I ~~ H11111fl0 .....,._; t __. .._ '8...,-... t UNI 81 111 Illa City al '' tJolno bullNu n •ecuntO 1n lhl olllco of AOO CQpy, •2.9 w111 Ing .._ • ., ..... ,._., .. n. CGICa .. ~ d
lyltl CIQll'\lng Cool 1M OlrtetOt Of.Pur®ll• t<•lly A~. Vrilt~_!l.i ( on -..): 2 11111111 .. ..._ • "'9 Wllln' Alwptct and
ptny. 2932 Corte Ing Of the 011trltt Orange. Cetl!Omle 9auo ~ prtnlln; t ""9-'-"" ~ 111 CMc: 81111<9 llilMfltl M
Po r Io II no. N • w po r I N o b I d d • r m • y Martin e.<JQ!i. '4~9 '*'* moftilot: 4 flourw.. e.. QM -. ... .-etlCPIM'l •nd clllc:rtlld 11 1111
0. Ch, C.t1tomia tid(;() Wflt!CltaW lli8 bid tore I*" W11t t<flly Av~J Untl OlfM liOtll bulba, I _,.. CA L11111 Dlwl••:r -~ P'tlil\ Dann J ~.2932 11aelol lflle 4S) t 1.iamOINa moftlor. t ~ ._.... ...._... rlOSClad .Julll S lflllCl ...
Simplify your me through
~9) 642·5878
l)o1tv t'i'ot --
. . ;, .
' ....
, ti I'~ : 1
. -... '1#.
CAIENO. A1na8S • To all helrt,
benefloiwi... orecfi·
tore. eontlngent
cr•ton, end ,,.,.
.OM who mey other·
wl•• be lnt•rHted In the wll or •ttete1 _or both. of: CHARi.cS
A mTTION hn .,_n flled by ROB-
!n the Superior Court of C•lfornle, County
of Orenge. THE PETIT10N rt~ettt thet ROB-
be eppolnted •• ,,.rtonel repretent•
tlve to ildmlnltter lhe .. t. . -
decedent. •
requ••t• th-• deoed1nt•1 WILL·~ codlcll1, if eny, be
tdmltted to probtte. The WILL end eny
oodic•I• •r• evaileble
for ••emlnadon In the file kept by 1he court.
TH! PETITION requettt euthorlty to
edmlnl•ter th• ••ttte
und•r the lndepen-
del\t Ad&sWrilatfetion' of f•t•tt• Aot. CTNt authority will ellow
the pereonel repre-Hl\tatlve to ta.
meny 90tlone with·
out obtllnlng court
tpprovel. Before
t.iling ~rtein wry
Important eotlon1,
however, the per·
1onel repr•••ntetlw will b• required to
EQUAL HOUSING * ST\IOI0.$725. * OPPORTUNITY ~ ~. lrldg & illll . ~ dedt. '{ttf. no pets M mt .... .....,..... .. M 94~760-171Sl!M~~
......,. "-..." .. fff. OCEAN FAOKf ON SAND
.... '"' ........ Ad .. 1""" 11095 yearly, 1br fully tum,1 ........., """..._ • ._... TV, i*lo, 880, llund. ne•
.. Mltftll• .. .., lf'MttlCt, ~· = ......... .
11.1111111 " 11acrlll11111..6 Nt~2 ONITs~
'""' " ,."· sit«, ttllttH, 38t/28f·Avl N 1.Jtmt 1 ........... ...u.i...... (/II Qlleul ..... • .. ........ S2200lS2000 Jim Heydortf,,
It .. Hl ~ ,,tMttll(t, PnJd Ca $!y ~9-87~5069 ........ _ ........... .
'"' .... ,.,.. •Ill •• ,
~ .... .., ......... ......................... ........_ ......... o.r,_..n
11' Mfftf l1ftfllff lUt Ill
..,ltlett eftettlwf 19 -*' .......,., .,. ,,...... .... .... '""'""' .... " ·-..... ti 4111Ml•I 111, call HUO. ........ , ......... _,., ............ IC_,.....
. . .
: I ' •••••••••••• · t a SOLDn : .. .
:· FOR SALE t ~ In Our Sat · :
• Real Estate •
: S~pJementl :
: THE WEEK : • • • Dltplay Adt *
1 & 2BR
$300 OFF
Selected Units •••••••••••
Starting 0
Mo to Mo lease.
"We are a pet ..
6 blOCKI
from the beach.
~*~~~.,:~, ,,.
olw notloe to lntar-eted pertone unlHe
•Y heve welved
node• or conHnted to the propoeed
action.• The Indepen-dent edminietretlon
authorhy will be
grented unlfft en lnteruted -p•r•on
fllH In obf•otlon to tht petlt Oft end
•how• good CIUH why · the court
•hould not orent th•
the petition wlll be
held on December 2,
1199 et 1:45 P,M •
In D~t. L73 looeted
et 341 TM City
Drive Orenoa CA 92e3-1!5H.
TO the 9rentJno of
th• /•tnioii. you ehout appeeratthe
hHrlng end •tat• yo~" objeotlone or
Cd"""28R 2.SBA EnglWI Townhome. Sunny
S2,2(mto. Olhlf .._, Ayallabtt
MA7W161 cbM Rintll Wei Soedllllt
F1l"lt Eltatn P!opeltllt
IM...,...t20t c.11 phone
Rehahlng 4br eNte,
wilg II.MY .,.UO, I car gar, l XYZ ; one of ttle
belt on ttle lttlndt
14Ml'W957 '5700mo
1 yr ..... or longer.
: Start at $751 :
: Deadline :
• Tuuday SPM * ! Open House : * U1tfng1 t 1 Only $151 !
ITMlt llr. F!pc, g1r, rM1
c:.µllpil :t, $1095/rno (no ~-I OCIMI
... 1• IMt1I --" ~. 2br ~ l1'g. wld, Cell o.lil 14t-no.tol22 •MCIJrt bldg, "'-doc. plenty &1200 · • of parking, $2200/mo • Deadline •
• : Thursday 5PM : t It Pays to t
• Advertise * : In the Be1t :
* ilJdlO ~ * MM15-1000 Eat. aol
7SOlq ft, ""' ICftdten.. •••••••••••••••••• Ut111lltt paid, S70CW'lflo • • • ~Ac ...... 511 • OCEANFRONT • ....,_..., • l OCEAN CLOSE •
.....,-. ~ -. ' ,r' .1--.
i-'' -• • ~
'' ' I
• Rnl Estate • "' . . . -. -· ... t Section : 0 --1 Calf TodeyJI -! .z+.z...0ai View. G«oaQua
: USA RIVERA t ~~~
• ,..574-4252 * $1943. 888-?iD.me t ANNE WILLEY t ... rn .... --VliW __ 1_.BaiiW._.--.--
: 94g..574-4249: =~-:: ************ '1glSUIOO 1!8&-'783-8786 liiullful OcHn View
SpacbJI 18' + loll. kDaJlloul upgredH. resort 11yle
""'""'81 Act Nowt $188tl.
• '~ 1"'11 5-8drm • • $900.· $4000. •
: 8111 MN.tMISO : •••••••••••••••••• •BGCAHYOHt
Cbr lb• ho1111, 1vall
lmmtd, mlnlcni.m f yeti ... JUOalnlo MM4M11• LCi Ly 4™t XYf t2/1
Lrg 3Br 381, cnrll he.Vair, ~lyr~~~
SAAR, Hi iL; Fp. hiOOf
lndty, gelid conwn • 2 gu.
t9Mdgnlor, W"d or. year
.... $1 .ero'lnc> ~
Mary Mc Cot 714-285-7194
ColSt Nftlport ~-•
IAVSAOAts 11Jts8A. den. dlnnn, lg fN!llo. ....
to ~ bdl. tiled COIMI, ~~M31-6"4 =:.:=. huge yard.~. Wlldng ~IO tehll. $270Mn0 Avtl 1111 949-431 ·2798.
UdO .... 48( 3k Sii9dOli
Mng ""' lomiel din, 2 e)(1tllor eun deckl U[>Slllre,
2c g11. ws.ooo ea GMlCly At*lra, 84H7W181.
ilif 2L \Jg rniibOf .. Oondo. 2<ar Ill'· pYt , car ... ~f1210mo llldfy. 11995/mo. O.vld -~ ~.Af t49-551·3700
VlfllAl.LlS NICE 2llr Iba
Vtc#'ll W Wiii now!
&i00/1110. Call Mary 17MaOorV.ll lll.01'7 WRUilll
PtnltlOul9 .. ~~. ~ PnldC.Rly
hie wntten obteo·
1lon1 with the court
befort th• hefting. Your 1ppaer•nc1
may be '" pereon or by your a ttor1'ay. IF YOU ARE A
contif'IQlnt creditor
of th• dectned. you
mutt hi• your cleim
wfth 1M ooun end mllll • oopy to the pereonill repreMn\9-aw epp«Mnted Wtht
ooun within fotrr
MOnthe from the.
date of flrtt IQueno•
of l•tt•re •• provided In seodon 1100 of the Cetlfornle Pro-
beta Code. The time
for fltlng olalms wnl
not •ICPfre befor• fout montha from
th• ·heering dett nodoed ebo .....
AMtNE the fh kept by the oou~. If yau
$154.00+ ... Mdy
(Most prlStnr' this Ad)
235 '""' & lalchentns 54\lated on ~ lllnCbclPl<I groonds FEATURl:S· 2-HiOUI
Lobby/DlrtCl dial
pllOnes/Free HBO. ESPN & Otsc/Pool &
Jecuul, Guest laundtY
Close IO 405 & 5S Fwys ...,.., from 0 C
Falt gr di, colege Ind
bchS Wa/l(klg <lslMICe IOahool&~ COSTA MESA MOTOR INN
Un Harb« Blvd
Phone MM45 4140
I 1,. .,: ' '' r .. ,_ .--. . --. -, . ....... , . . . _ ->· . .
r:=ll_" -~-H ~11 . "=1 11 ~11_~_1
Orenoe. teluno certein vtf'V I TO th• grenuno of ~ hetnnt date .,. • pereon 1nttt"t> 9d In the eetaM, you
fNY ftl• with the
oourt • fonnel 1't:f. ctuHt for 1~11· Notto• of the filing of en lnwntory end
epptele• of Htet• ... •t• or of wiy pedik>f' or eooount
•• ptovld9d In HO·
don 1 2150 of th•
CeUfornl• Probate
Code. A Requett for
Speolel No\lo• form
le ewilebl• from th•
ooun ct.rte. A..,_,._ .........
LMWOflcm9ef ....... E.B*M •
700N.~. ,. ...... ~
Gllll•llleCA91203 10/21. 10/27., 1/02
Thinking or having a
garage tale.?
OM ue a calll
lASPl'CA All.A BETTY lASPtNA CASE lllO. A199394
To •11 helra,
beneflol•riH, orecfl.·
tori, contJngent
credito1t, end per·
eon• who mev other·
wlH be lnterHted In
th• will or ••tn•{ t°T both, of:
A PETmON hH been filed by ALEX·
ANDER SCOTT In the SuperiOJ Court of
California, County of
THE ·PETITION 1 •mponent enion1, th• pe&11ton, you noUoed llbove.
requHt• thet ALEX· however, the' per· I 1hould epp .. r at th• AMl~r' m.M~! k~
ANDER SCOTT be son.. r•c>rHentttl\lt I h .. nno •nd •t•t• b .... If :rpointed •• per90n-will be required 1c: your obltct1on1 or Y .... court. YoU
1epre1tntatlw to give nollc• to Inter .ftl• written obj•c· er• epereonlnt•r•tt·
tldmlnltter the Hait• .. tad pereon• un1 .. 1 t1on1 w1tb .the ce>Yn ed in the ""t•, you
of the d~ecknt. 1ttey have we1v.cs b•fore thi h•arino. mev fU• wtlh th•· THE P£TITION notice pr coo .. ntt<I Your 1ppearanc• court • formel "•·
1 I q u • • t • th• to' the propoHd may.be 1n per1on or QUe1~ • for Sp~iel
decedent'• W1U. end eotttm.I Thelndepen-b'/ Vf:IUt ettorn•Y· Notlc• of the f1Ung
cod1c1l1, if env, be dent edm1ni1tration IF YOU ARE A • of en lnwntory •nd
edmitted to probece. euthOfltV will b4' CREDITOR or • I eppuii•• of ••tete
The Will end any granted unlHt an oonti~nt creditor •H•tt or of any
codic111 are evellabl• Interested pereo" of the d"9ued, you petition or ~ount
for exem1netlon In hl11 •n objection t'> mutt file your cltim .. provided 1n Me-
the tile kept by th• the P•tition end with th• court and don l 250 of. the
court. ' 1howa good• cauH ,INlll • oopy to th• Cellfotnle Prob•t•
THE PETITION why the court peraonel reprt1ent.. Code. A RequHt for
r•QUHtl euthoritV to should not grant the tive eppolnted by th• Speo& .. Notlc• form edrt11rnater the ettete tuthority. ooun within four It •v•labl• from the
under the lndepen-A· HEARING on months from the court clerk.
dent Admlni•tretlon the petition will b• d•t• of"fire1 l11utnc1 AttarMy fw
of EatatH Act. <Thi• held on December~. of l•tf•rt .. proVlded Pw•dafw. euthor1tv will eltow 1999 at 1:45 P.M. In Medon 9100 of ....... T~
the personal rapre· In Dept. L73 located the Callfolole Pro· 1178SW.,.
Hl\Urtlv• to tek• at 341 Th• City • bet• Coda. The Um• ~. •770.
meny • ao&iona with-Drive Orange CA for filing clllime will 1..-~ CA out obtaining court 92883-0097. not eXPf'• before 9002&
epprovtl. Btfore IF VOU OBJECT four month• from 10/28. 10/27, 1 t /02
I •n EllPL0-·1 :1 •n alPLO~ I 476 EMPI.= f7& EllPl=
ORIVER BUD MEYER Truck ~ NANNY RECEPT JCUSTOMER SVC APPOllrnf.&W' ~ Relngeraied Haulng P1ovtde t>elor .. aftet '>Choo! Fff.PIT 91~ ~Fii .,.,......_., ·st 000 sign-on boRlS lor care tor &-,•1 Old PO up 101-Sp Sal Houi1y ra\e
...., .. ~ exp co dnvlHS 'Solo dnvi!S llom SChoOI coal< dnnar open, depen<Wlg on ll(l),
· FT/PT stan up 10 33 cents Solo occas1on1lly and run dUtoei. Incl pholies, custome1 .Dor & f-.1,JJ:t Slllna dllvers, c<inlractors & grUJ· etrends H()urs us1111tly QUtS~. good COIM'lllllCI· · ~U2-.,~0 _ 111 ~ cal'tol lree ~ Ovemiclll care llOll sllJls poUNe att!IUOe,
net· Ho•tr today 877·283 't3t3 • ~e1al "~' •eh05 oonng goocs cOIT'IP'lf• s1ri15 F11t r:1
• (CAL 'SCAN) I month Own Cal. llet!f\Se, 1es1.WM IO ~9-646-9615, or Top-pmclutns • IO$Ula/Q Must be ~Die lo C.-J'annet .it '14~646-3137 tf?O__.~ · hl~hcr ~=~~~ A~"!~:~g,~~~~· •r:t ~k-9~~~a: RESEARCH ASST -'""'-'~ : ~i!'.i!"'"' ......... 1•m10ty al lhe D~tlol Cosli ~I Cal Jean Shew Smd k1tgll>«l con:IUlltlg
Pt\lebotomy ourse-I · t\llJ1-ii.M Elpenence • plus, nol I (714)444-1500 ~nn in Peleta Ulndong SNk· • ~ • ., ... .,..,,..,._... rtqtRred Drug 9Cl181Wl!l/ p:O t'--Ing 11'1 exp'd OfganQed sell· Boston Reed Co CalM Reg [q_ In ~9S9 l11 COIO!a pl1'fslCal requwed. EO'E •• ."'-motJvated inc:tr1 Xril oral
l390129t 1020l·1l41 I \{rs.'.l ., .. ,.. lo; S..lt• Poeltlon Drtver Wanted wrlllen and grammar ~
I I · 111xl itm-'il!Jt 94M42-7667 • $9.2.2 pet hour plus ~ter exp t.4IJS1 bl lnde-
472 ~ESTICc •ae j Call forapp1. • . · mileage pender(. COOICienllOUS end
,_ ""5 1~1~744 Heir Styllet and lac•al I · lrliible ~*Ind ~ person needed In ~8 Woitt p oof readng reseerdl rod yourownhOUrs rerul'll)lll:e Needed Mon thru Su,n, lnte1.:tion v.~h ve00of$ Deptndlbfe women ro orly, Coolad AhdrPW o 2:45am to 5:45pm. Ad· ·car rlQ Fu rH and Nlary
dean;lronUghl-laundty, 111 •BARBEOUES• 949-673-4186 P899f dltlonal work may be I H11tort 10 i62-692-SM7 eia=, ~~~ No~~:.~, HOttL 7"·324-1261 • 1vanab1e. . ~~·re:W"s E.xp.d
;;::~~~=r.:::=:;::.1 f 474 W=~ I ~n':o1~m!n~~ s= Portotlno Bch Hotel ~~t>fi1~~~::;~ !~.!!: :'~rac.e
.... FT • eq>er needtd.5 .... Htn~immediately pr(!of or payments, RUAIL·ExP o SALES • toam.7pm. tart .... drivers heense, social S.letpereon to Siii laciea
f'1AHOS 1-Coh<tlWft ·~·~ • ,..,.., • ...,... • a...~
.. CA8HPAID .. -----WE BUY ESTATa8
.~......., .......
I cor1srnrm1rniS
I '~ ·. :;.": .:::: 1'
' ~ I • • '' J'
I I I. •' •
l___:.2-~): ·!.'.. _J
ChanY dr.lng room tit.
92" cb pedeMll, 2 ..
!_~dlM'l~. r.i;ittd ....... l llllch +
'ltlVer 1111 bOlld,• COi
$9000 Sall $3950 * t4H4'47'N •
t 1 - -•• , --~
. .. t.;
·-r--::r-~tT ••
... -~ . • l
<::IL.ovlng Swedllh NIHM• $7/hour up (O.O.E.) ~ SS F & PIT Hcurity card. . end apparer al Ul*8ll S10ft a1 Aid hourty/2Ahr1. Good BeMf pkg n•ll. Apply fap a +. but noc req!d 141 0 M N6 gollcouM SllllV cook. dlMnG. 1Sy(s exp,_ • Balt>eq..,. a-. ~ Froot Desk Person c en · V. pnnl out. comm John 14MS2-
loelll rtrj . 9'!Hl46-3735 2331~81¥CI., Ap~ within ; RETAIL SALES l'iELP
an:s11 lew) "'" Mon to th,u Fri from I I ~osta MIN 2306 Oceanl""'t Accepllng applicltlon1 MUST LOVE OOOS II
~ .~i= "-( • lntll'V BNd Newport &each 8:00arn to 4 OOpm. TMR~~ERY
• ' . -&ooldleeper/Sectetarv ~ (1~.30-5.00pm) Please bring •II re-SOuth Ped ilC FT/PT.~. ge1 math. WP Fax. 949·723-4370 quired Information. c: ...... 21 ~ p-.1 •ATEA~e NB """"""" "'PCH Fu t·mad~nofinoOnew ...--llled ...,...ie ....,_ Slett, Fashion 1-51and r..,. .. .,,. Adi O ~ ~18M!"llll0tll is now ll!ling M9soned Jet Mn Ui ,_9 252·2t90 ...QQ mm . Timea range-County per$Ol'I FUU.11me S8blW eip
COtmltS$IOtl8d ~ essoc's Cerd • Gift Shoo PfT wlltl W•b-srte Attn: Pem Beeklnghlm pief d Fu res 949 833 1176 N>PIY In peta_on. Aero.. •Ill> &omf weekeods. 1e-www.portofinobeath • 29().1 Garry Ave. eTEACHERSe
from Bloolftlngd.ila. lable outgoing. some ollce hotel com S.nta AN. Ca 92704 ,,_... 111 Nl1'P0'1 81.n. Ml: o"" 1 computer? sk* R°'8 7•4•963~ ------"""7" 71"549-8541 · Pays U.ffht, Q1'tlll ~
N 1t 10 W'Oflt. »snt hr CASHIER/CLEfJK 80()-~ t1t1. c.11 MHss-2812
Bue PT/FT. ea&-251-7625 UllAllPhannllCY FT.,,.. his, "ax Mara •Pf OEMONSTAAfOAS. TERMINIX
or www.worll·fronHlom.-Cd Char11a 114 s.40-8911 Soulll Coasl Plaza W-kends in O'OC8'Y stoi 11 fmmedll18 pas.bona evlll tc.
rtttl d01tnow Change YOIJ/f Uttf erea, car nee, roos1 be ~ 58ieslcul1omot SVI: tldMO-
ERA Is toollinO lor senous High end 1t111an l11tndfY wlsales ablhty uals. loquire 949-646-0212 ~ lnl118S1ed ri gelbllg women's bou11qtie 949-&4~...C2831Tt.C.nt-6.Sn
llltlr real llta(fl llclla ancl needs p1otess10nal •RECEPtiONiST fT•
gc:wig lo WOii! Wt wll pey tor ul8sperlon .ch tyr Mon-Fri, for bu'a111H1 In
yout llceNe 11anng COUISI ~ '" sales a rooSl1 lrvlne. Computer, phones.
800-400-5391 exl 119 II you art excellenl In etc. Call tc•260-tUO X22
CLAaallltilllD 842 .. 078 •
Cuatomer S.Vice lmmtd sates you can "*-
operwig w!Small OC MMCe up ro S15·S30lhr.
Co. IOI organiltd lldv wt. Eflll'sh a roost!
Sllong comrnincal)On ~ . (71~)754-7900 ~ c.tl Mt-54HSSO " '
I REHT · through ctasslfred •
. . If you're
to repaint it;
replace it. or
restore it,
loOk .in
the Pilot
·tO find
the service
·1._-:..-=.~~~~~~T-~O-~-D~ .. A~Y.='_S.__ .. _ .. _._ .. _ .. _ .. _ .... _I Bleyl'ldlcu .... 'wGOD~N · CROSSWORD PUZZLE ~ ~
with OMAR SHAlllf
[480 BUSINESS 1 J 4IO .•• , r 480 • , ...... , a.flOMWNmll OPPOR11 OPPORMl'f1l8
,,.... bl Wll'/ of out
of .... compenlN.
CMc:k wlttl the local e.tt« 8ualnt11 Bu·
rMU before you Mnd
eny money «"" for Mt'Vlc-. RMcl Ind undtf$tlnd eny con·
tr1c11 before you
Cok-.rf'rrto/Pepal VendlnO Routes Great loc.hon1l
Profits up lo S 1.500 Mellly ~~$4.000 FrM Yldeo, fil\IWldng IVlll-
able · tl·800·337·1375.
Ul*niled ~ D04tlUI
No exp necessaiy 'Free lnlo
& CO.ROM lrMlt $4.91151 S8.995 FNnang av•lable.
lal8'ld A~omat8d Meclc8'
Servlc11, Inc
800-322·1139 e1Ct2101.
North'.Swill'I ~11lnr:D1bk. !loult\ iJc:lh. WU" ·~nal>kl IWI
Wes1 led the queen of club$ and
tlecl11tt could count four winoeri m
chc side SUIU. once the ICC of dia-
monds wu forced out Two plan' ~ awarcm -South.c:®ld Ir)' to st\ up d1amonch, IO 11thlch Ulete were
obvious n~ks. Ot play alon1 c:rourufT
lines, whkh would d(pend on httlc
more than East hold1n1 lenJ(h in lhe
minon Clearly, the ratter was lhe
boeu.:r hnc .
•A 10 '75 l
Cl AJll 2
•'65 WEST
0 53
EAST •96
o AJ7 • QJ 4
t1 1016
0 864 2
• 10 7.} l
1" KQ94
o KQ 1093
Declarer won the rU'St tnck in hand u East encouraaod with the 1even,
crossed to dummy w11h the ece of
t.padtt and led a diamond 10 the
queen and ace. The jack. of clubs
return was taken with the renwn1111 hi1h honor, a club went on chc kins of
diamonds ·and a club was ruffed with
dummv's low ll'Ump. A spade ruff
wo.s followed by a duunond. ruffed
low. The contn1tt was now cold. A
sp:idc was l'Uffcd with the nine of
hcans, secure in lhc knowledge I.hat
West would follow suit. 11lt four
hi&h trumps on a erOiSnlff 11CCOW1tcd for lhc last four tncks.
Dbl P•'
4• P1&11 Pas PIM
Opcnina lead. Queen of•
Before commcncina the play.
counl your 1ncu and plan your cam-
J>alrfortti ·s double o( One spade WIU ·ror takeout, auarantceing four hearo
in \his sequence. Suulh had more
1han enough to 1ump to ~ in
helllU and, after Nonh cue-bid
• spades to show utra values, goina co
What if West hid returned a uump
afcer winning lho Icing of diamondJ7 Declarer must ch'-n&e plan01 and
hope that · ttump1 arc 3·2 and a
defender holds three diamonds
including lhc Jack. so that it can be
l'\lffcd out
Establkihed vending roule
Will ... by 11114199 $8,500 minimum lnv111.tnent.
$3,000 + monthly l/'lcomll
L8ISe avWblt ~ good Crtdll 1·800-837·7"44"4
FlAEFIG.HTER ANO EMT N o exptrlence
1 ·800·252·05511 . (CAL'SCAN)
AAA· cot((/ FAito FREE
INF0$1800. we.icly W/20
Local Accl'I. 'Fil Available
1-I00-55M411 2•""
J· .=J
CfiEOfT CAR.O DEBT? Avoid banllrup1~ ·stop
colleclion calla. 'CUI llnance charges. 'CUI payments up.
10 50%. Debi consolidation
Fast App!OYWI No Cf9dlt
Chick (800)270·9894.
INotm Get llllpl No Cid cneck!' No~ Ontlow pey-menll Cal Mfe. leaclng coo-~ !inn lor ,,... QIJolel
No upfront 19"1 One low ~mencl ~888)808-DEBT (CAL'SCA~
(• " -=1
Credi! ~bltm1? Con· solldate SI SM18 day.,. ~ Cut .:c=s up to II No lion 1..n
1.ac»863-ll008 8¥l 9C9
-~.wscom (CAL'SCA
MtltnniOm blowQijts Cledt
repe1r, big~ aman buslness
11a11-upa, 0t \*SOflll We
Cll'I help you~.
Blb ciiEbiT OK'
Consolidation, Personal
&llinllS Low ~•t rates, no up · tram IMS Call Strallold 1-an-85-4-8002
"'RICH A0Nfm
Have hOme equity? I have money to lendl Save
1hou11nd1ll P~yoll •11· ~e etedt caid and cat oans No credll .OKI
1·888·711·S626 ~t01259117 DRE/Veril 16-227-0931) (CA\.'SCAN)
YolK llolnl llwOUOfl ctusllled
(m ~I
LEASE. Sallbolt up to 65'
In length. pvt allp next to
BCYC. Mt-71'"'405 (daya)
wAHT£b.PllVate boa1$lip1n N 9 1or 65 II powet boll XlnC ,.·ts 949--474-0404
Ell 343 Ask lor Matt
BMW 8251 '11
PoWlflul I pretty, V.(;,
llltoyg, II\, p'#I 6Ull root. antl·the11. All op-
llonl, Chlmpayne ext.
tan llhr lnl. mt cond 17,1150 94M4<>-9731
44, hltd !Op. ongNI,
rudo/ lor !tll<lrallOO. $4. 500. 71HS7·2859.
C1<1hi1e EldOildo 911i!lii
.'U 92K mt, eictra dUr\,
loaded, dark blue. elarm. Ol\Q owner $4800 ll4M4"4·2790
~ ......
L..t the Cl1119"M
a.mo. °""'°'7 help~ find
VIAG • ...,..
kleul~llli lVNTI ·~
lt'I tfl• •••Y·t 1ccH1, lntormatlo
pack•d marlc•tpl1c
Vllfted t.outer!Y • IUC c••9My' ~ by aa ttlnd
~COIWICIOf 714-111447'
<Mlr11i11rl mdsmpt. ·
/,1,.-11 mrtl.-Y,riRllin r,,, rort(l1U/a/11Jti<dllrraorr
$/GNATUll llHINDI w,,,,M,rHflJI""
p!J,,./,i'C • ~•n Utt""'« • ~HlfttlllHI /.tmw•c.--;./
'""~ M]I-• V'...,...
,_ />• ,_ "''' rJ1 '' IJ M.. 'P 41»
..... ~ .. ' ' ,-... .. . . ' ', '
• 1i • , er'
Jeep Orend ChtrollM
lMtdo ·tJ WM• llllly loalJed V8 ASS new •
1 ·o"'o••. 111 11eord1,
............... """"'"' ... mire cond s If 900 obo """"'"""" ~ • M .. 1214'72 I Low mt.IN, tuper clean buy tor 'Who lwntr. .i..tt Gland ctlttollee Lid. '2•·-J~~~44740 :~tt=~c:'i
Newport Id\ MH4CM4U M .. 7ff.475"4 ~oUMOSfAii vAH ·tt J£EJI G;lnd CtWfObi ti
EJ1llndtd. ""Y row milllQI. ve 'lll'iW~ ~ conc1 ~tolldld, ~ c:auene. ~-,. ~ .... ~ tr1j) ~. $7500 080 ,,_. .... ""• ~. ,..,.J, P1' ..
7f-4-$40-5119571H8HI18 D , lint, rack, 0Yef$iled llr8I and IJPl1ldld ahoc::ks. * F0R0 8AOHCO 'M * Will nol lull" $13.tSO E~ e.., Edit, .......,,.,, flfWll• perty •.... no-nn
IOM!d, mil cond, -4><4. co UND ROYEA Oise ...
play•.onl'/39kmt,$l8•900 Bleck, Low mllu,
080 714-754-0737 or cell Former service 1oan11 jlhOne 714-473-0001 -~..,,_,..,...1...,:ei ... R=o""'u..,.,..,iS=--'~' '21.m + 1ees fXA7920t
V8, Auto, PMrt whll"'9Y LANO ROVER
lthr Inter, UIC mllei, Nlwpol1 ~ MM4CM44$
1 owner, flWlilltd, f*1ltct condition. 110,soo. MH4J.1m
FORD TlOAus 'ii Auto, .. pwr, wlwhle grey
lthr tntf. oompletely-lo.ldedl Keylell ~.col survool
Brlnd new ting 'llllh 4K mt
$9500 7\4-903-5262 * IJiAHITY J30 ·iJ i
tan/Ian, ""'· .. powtf, 8oel CO, lllftO, MYOOI, Mlrll
cond.18$95 94~120
J~u11XJi 'M VfJIY dean, Ml mai~alntd. nu dr11, CJD~. 92lt mi,
$S995 Alctl 949-723·1586
Pl.AS ~. ful pwr, Siil roof. _.,. whetll, 1 owner. r•
c:otdl. real dten, $6500'obo 949-723-t SOC JMi> &r CTIS 4114 •to
Red Hht, euto. II pwi, stereo, low, rWJW bait, 8", lgn.
b!U, hoael. II 1eoords, no
oft rd, $5995 IM9-759--0666
MBZ 5420 '95
Low mi, r own,
xlnt cond. ve2203e 1 $33,QOO
MB!'5320 '95
Low mi xtnt cond
Vt233029 $31,900
MBZ 300SE 92
xlnt oond.
Run your 8d In the
Newport Beach-
Costa Mesa Daily
Pilot and the
Huntington Beach-
Founta1n valley
Independent to
MfRCEOE1 IDfl IJ ••••WAGON ••••
lnYoac, ~. lllV~ 3rd .... dnl CXll1d, MaJ.e Ol1(lf 714·7&4-0737 (It Cel phQne 7 \,& 413-(]()(l I
fllihct0£s BENZ '26 SEC
1Mlfullpoww ~101
ll<Jk m 1 O'#ntf, lllVtr blue, 01 ty Interior. lmmlcul.tt1I
$12 500 9CH44 4044
uefcecree hnz SU20 R
Slllolll 111vtt, .ucMd co, t~ope tiff .Ck 1 O#nef. S)I( mli.t, $49.500 Alli for
:,u .. ; ?ilot •
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Geot~ t-4M40.10M .. EMtots saa sno '' -------_.-champagne. low ml. NISSAN 300ZX 't1
S35 99!> + ltt1 t W?lMC 2+ 2, T·ToP, 2nd OWfWf,
LANO ROVER Peer! Wlllt1, MK
Nawport Bch t-4M40.f445 greet cul 11',11 .
MetceclH 6320 ·17 • t-4M41~T02
Cl\lmpaonelcream beige tOYOT~ 4 RUNNER •
*11 ecnd, lolldld' 58k rill, I S I I $42.000 714-504-8800 Low m , up1r c 1111
UIL rt1Cm USIW \IC/ltCU $20.ll9~ + fttc f0027:l»Z J'llROUOJJ C£ASStnco . l:AHO ROVER
(H9' 8'2 tJ878 Newport Bcb t"4t4404(.a
I •
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UC .f-49.UW
Tel. 9-49.~.)006 r,,. 949.580.9626
ln1/u1 Small Jobs O K
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a check todayl
Run for a weekl If
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All for 1ust $10'
The ~at pfumber • ..w.. flMltl ...........
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DAN O.WSON PlUMBIHO Reomr.Remodll. Reppe, bran 24tw WMOI
Exptl1 gas $)'$tern rtllf Ptl
LISS4n2 t-4H4U720
Ofalnl cleared Main lints
$7S W/c191n out, ollMlf dr11111 S52 50 For al 'fOlll~
neeOt C11 71Uff.359S
EXPERT Dflln Clttnlng
l"lllnbll'tg teplll'S, 20yrl .,,,
M Wor1I OUl1ll1leed
STEVE 71-i-545-82:98
·ft••llll~ • Ma l'llm! llllli .
141 -141 -1211
Plumber I o.A1N. SIWU . ~~
9•9-64$.-2352 -..
Repel!I & Remodela
Ll6873118 71"4·9611·1090
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Free Estlm•l•
S.nlOt' Dtacoun1
$100 Off any C.-totex dmenaoonal
shingle root
lor Oally Pilo1 and Hun~Beadl lndlpendenl teedll!t
AD! ..
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Rich Cable ltxture in
Solids weeds
Sale Price
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Plus taf:ce an ·additional mfg. rebate
now ~hrough Nov. 15, 1999
Nature Scape9 ~
Sorrento River Rock