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1999-11-17 - Orange Coast Pilot
• I SERVING THE NEWPORT -MESA CO~UNmES SINCE 1907 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1999 A blooming propos~ for Corona de~ Mar · • The Business District unveils plans to beautify a busy inters~ction with landscaping,and a flower-themed mosaic.' NoAXJ SCI IWARTZ !kif Pb CORONA DEL MAR -As part of the community's centennial anniver- sary m 2004, the Business Improve- ment District has released elaborate plans to beautify· the village by land- scaping the intersection where East Coast Highway meets MacArthur Boulevard. ult's a sfory about big ideas. We NOTEBOOK steve marble Soffer must be smiling over Shaws setbacks S omewhere in Las Vegas, Sid Soffer is smiling. Soffer, who has been a fugitive for the better pa.rt of five years now, bas tangled and fought with authorities mos~ of his llie -an Orange County version of Abbie Hoff- man, a man who delights in messing with the system. started about six or seven yedrs ago -it's been a long road," Sdid chair- man Don Glasgow, adding that the plan has received the support of busi- ness owners and residents alike. The landscape design, which was voluntarily drawn by a group of architects, features a business district lined with trees and draped with plants and flowers. While the width of the street is unchanged, grdssy islands soften the look or the corridor. PULLING HIS WEIGHT In keeping with the commurucy's floral theme, the center,. of the plan is a colorful, flower-themed We mosdlc on the road. Organizers have yet to establish an estimated cost for the extensive landscaping. The effort is being spearhedded by an unpressive group of communi- ty leaders: Don Glasgow, chamnan and owner of Minuteman Press; Wade Roberts, garden director of the Sherman Library & Gardens; Buzz Jackson, who heads the Chamber of SEE BUSINESS PAGE 4 Beauty in business? What do you think of the I Corona de1 Mar Business District's plans to beautify the area7 Call our Read- ers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or ~mail your comments to dailypi- lotOlatimes.com. Please spell your name and tell us your hometown and phone number (for verification purposes only). ·. But Soffer met his match years ago in a woman named Susanne Shaw. You could say, I suppose, that she enjoyed a tactical advantage. Soffer was a restaurant owner, a land- lord, a guy who liked 1azz, white T-shirts and old Cadil- lacs. Shaw was a judge. Enough said. SEAN HlllfR I DAil' en.or Skateboarder Kendall Meissner gets a tow from his canine friend on Contineniat Avenue ln Costa Mesa. One day Soffer ended up in Shaw's courtroom on a code violation beef. That m itseli wasn't unusual Soffer had a long and colorful histo- ry of duking 1t out with the authonties over code viola- tions, entertainment permits and the like. With Soffer, even the the most pitiful little infraction became a Her- culean battle, a crusade of epic dimensions. Chlorine may have spilled into cr eek He's just that lund of guy. But Shaw was 1ust as tough and stubborn as Soffer. And when the Costa Mesa resi- dent showed up in her court- room on a code violation rap over a piece of rental property he owned, Shaw showed 1ust how no-nonsense she was: She sentenced Soffer to 30 days in jail. He did lus time at the :James Musick Honor Fann, a moderately comfy lockup for SEE MARBLE PAGE 4 • Residents complained of stench in stream runoff, which flows into the environmentally sensitive Crystal Cove Park. 51.;SAN McCORMACK !kif Pb CRYSTAL COVE -Offioals from several regulatory agencies are studymg the possibility that an lrvine Co. contrac- tor accidentally spilled an unknown amount of chlorine into Los Trancos Creek, which leads into Crystal Cove State Park. ·we don't know how high the chlo- rine levels were, if there was any there at all," said Larry Honeyboume, water quality program thief with the Orange •it reeked 5,;~ you CO!Mstond 20 yards away ood srnel it. tt burned your eyes if you got doser.· Mary Blake. Alliance to Rescue Crystal C.cNe COWlty Health Department. Irvine Co. officials also said they don't know if anything really happened "We've received c6mplaints and are looking into it," said company spokesman Paul Kranhold. The agencies were alerted to the situ- ation Monday, after residents and visitors complained about a chlorine-like odor coming from runoff flowing through Los nancos Creek. The runoff reportedly had t>een flowing for about flVe hours. •Tue flow was so great, it filled both sides of the creek," said Mary Blake, founder of Alliance to Rescue Crystal Cove, which is working to prevent upstream development runoff from flow- mg mto the pnsb.ne area. •1t reeked so badiy you could stand 20 yards away and smell it. It burned your eyes if you got closer." Blake Said she was ill-equipped to collect a specimen of the allegedly chlo- rine-ndden water. The alliance has been concerned that nearby construetion of a Marriott time· shd.J'e resort and 800 homes by the Irvine Co. will increase runoff problems at the pMk. Posted signs already warn beach· goers of contanu.nated water. · SEE CREEK PAGE 4 ro..ntdoMl to 2000 ~ Acting the part the Bob Fuller School auditonwn and fea- tured many well-known local players. The ' play was produced by Mrs. George Reid, th ~hool' drama t achcr. Residents did not let the Depre~ion keep their social lives down. NOAkT ScHW.a.RT'Z culture . Pox Fllm Studios turned N W• port Harbor Yacht Qub into an English set. The same year, Fax Film Co. Shot •Don't Mar· ry," o Spanish moVie filmed - - -------- - --- D espite the Depr ·ion, For todey'I Newport and Co ta Miiiennium MofMnt. Mesa resident still ... p..,_ J managed to maintain an ' active although !IC'aled-down social and cul· tura1 SC'elle. Newport Beftdl continued to be.a popu- IAr blmmaki"!? cdfp ~ U:z.:!:lr.Me mogtils of Hollywood, who converted the seastd resort into various exotic location . In 193", on Udo We. The love story fea • tured Rosita Merene and Valentine Parera. Th acting bug spread throughout the area and school auditonums became venues for many 10081 residents to release their thel· plan tendencies. For example, In the mid· l930I, •An Arizona Cowboy• wu ltaged at In addition to attending pla} , locals filled their ent •rtanunent cal ndcUS Wllh activtli such as ladi • club mceb.ng-, church vents, t ~ parti and motorboat races, There was a real empha IS on sociAl gra end ent rtaming at oome. Almost daily, there were columns 111 lOcal papers on the culindl)' arts and how to entert4ln. 'This 8ppe4red In th Costa Mesa Herald: "When a woman & entenalnlng at d1nn r she ahould plan her day to Jnclude a ha11 hour*a rest In the afternoon, II the must dedd between waxing the floOn and a nap. the bett r choice would the kltt r." ' t • thanks t's inevrtable. At some point on Thanks91v1ng Day - whether you'(e helping the needy, sitting down for a me;il with family or friends or watching football afterward With a belly full of turkey-you'il be thinking about what you ha11e to be thankful for this year Is there a particular blessmg you. would like to share with the Daily Pilot? Send your submissions via e-mail to dalfyp1/ot@lat1mes.com, fax them to (949) 646·4170; or call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642·6086 Financial troubles hampered Bechlers ' Documents reveal a soured business sale was start of mon~y problems prior to Pegye Bechler's ilisappearance. lrf.ll(, RISI l'llC. By all accounts, Enc: dnd Pegye Bechh•r we.rn hvmg the lavtsh lifestyle so many New- port Bettch rt!Sident en JO) and so many other:,. envy They pur ha ed a cwport Hcights home , .. ,th an ocean view, an exp ·n l\'l! Porsche Ciutomobtlc> and were plugged tnto the exclust\IC ooal scene. But berund the scene .... the couple were cop1119 with financial challt•nge mdtnl} as a result of a busane ... s -.ale that soured months l>l•forc> Pegyt> Bechler\ d1snppl {.11ance rn 1997. The dt'cll, which was never resolved, prov1db. further insight mto tho couple's lite pnor to Pef!ye's µresumed dC'ath and dllcqed murder Pegye. 38, vani..,hPd on July b, 1997. whale she and her hu~ b.:md took a boatmu trip off the Newport B 'ach coast Author- 1t.Jc s suspect Enc Beehler, " ho cldlms hie; wite fell oH the boat, killed he1 for hnanaal gdm Accorchn9 to. documeQt" obta1m d b\ the Dail\ Pilot, the couple appPared to b headed for good fortune wllh lhl• . unnune.nt sal of their busm . s betore the llnancial pillar' began to crumble In an 18-month pBn, the home wa ... on the vergl' of fore· closure, Pt gyc nl) stenously vanished dlld enc lost a rnurt bdtU •to l named cons rvator of his wife's as<;els. Prohlcms b 'gan to surf\\ce . m Auguc;t ltl~h when lhl! cou- ple ogrecd to sell thei! phy •· cal therapy comp mv, Syncar , lor $1.2 m1ll10n to Co ta Me .. a- bused ARV t l"d Living, SEE BECHLER PAGE 4 NDEX Al.MANA( .. _ -2 OASSIFIEOS __ 8 POOO FIUS"--·-.. ·-u "-..2 PUBLIC NOTICES .. _ .. ,,.. __ .] SPOm --s WEAliHEa =~-:o ....... ,,..2 .. t • • • 2 Wedneldoy, November 17, 1999 locals 01dy Doily Pilot ALMANAC The lollowmg Information ls col- lected on a weekly ba&is at the Orange County Clerk·Recorder'a of/lee in Santa Ana. MARRIAGES ·· NEWPORT BEACH •David J. Anderson and Reva A. Karnins, married Sept. 23 in Santa Ana • Matthew C. Alexander and Natal.te N. Holmer, married Sept. 25 in Orange • William J. Filer and Carla J. Weiss, manied.6ept. 25 Ul Hunt· ington Beach · COSTA MESA • Ruben D Valencia Jr. and Melissa S Elvir, married Sept. 23 in Santa Ana • Anthony G Cota and Laura L. Deeter, mamed Sept. 25 in Costa Mesa • Michael J. Demeter and Raquel A. Tuma, married Sept. 25 in San- ta Barbara •Ira M. Fils and Audrey J. Brad- ford, manied Sept. 25 in Tustin •Keith G. Geisinger and Andrea M . Pugh, married Sept. 25 in Orange BIRTHS NEWPORT·MESA •Lukas A. Akers, on Sept. 21 •Sunshine J. Banks, on Sept. 21 • Veroruca M. Berger, on Sept. 21 • Kelvin G. Canton, on Sept. 20 • Meah G . Collms, on Sept. 20 •Ian T. Craycroft, on Sept. 21 • Camille E. Damore, on Sept. 21 • Megan P Deats, on Sept. 20 •Jordan M. Giese, on Sept. 21 •Scott K Olson, on Sept. 21 DEATHS COSTA MESA • E. D. Bouse, 71, on Sept. 22 • Molly C Branford, 4 months, on Sept. 22 DUI ARRESTS The following people have been arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of an intoxi- cant. They have only been arrest- ed on suspicion of a crime. and, as with all such crimes, are con- sidered innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Nov.14 • Oscar Alberto Paz, 26, Costa · Mesa • Joshua Lorren Nunno, 20, Costa Mesa • Darren Lee Sverson, 36, Costa Mesa Nov. 15 • Salvd.mh Zamrano-Esquivel, 26, Costa Mesa NEWPORT BEACH Nov. 10 •Valarie Ann Thomason, 34, Costa Mesa • Kristina Leigh Salicos, 25, Seal Beach Nov. 11 • John Gregory Sherry, 26, New· port Beach Nov. 12 • Joseph Alvarez. 37, Newport Beach • Wesley Mark Morris, 40, New- port Beach Nov. 13 CATCHING UP WITH • • • PHOTOS BY BRIAN POBUOA I OMV PltOT The original Ruby's Diner has been successfully operating at th~ end of the Balboa Pier since 1982. Rllby's on the Balboa Pier Old bait shop at the end of the pier began what is now a thriving business with more than 30 restaurants nationwide. NEWPORT BEACH -During Doug Cavanaugh's 18 years as a Bal- boa Island resident, he spent a lot of his time exploring the area. He fre- quented the beaeh and took long runs along the shorelirte. Little did be know that his love affair with a dilapidated, abandoned structure at the end of the Balooa Pier in 1980 would later house the ·first diner m the Southland phenomenon known as Ruby's Diner. At 26 years old, Cavanaugh convinced longtime high school friend Ralph Kosmides to venture into a new dining ex:perten~ that focused on good food at low prices in a 19:40s setting. In 1982, Cavanaugh convinced the city of Newport Beach to allow him to build a diner from the existing 1940s bait shop. The terribly.. neglected facility bad been vacant since 1977. Costs associated with the build- ing's rehabilitation would leave Cavanaugh and Kosmides peruliless. Prior to the diner's grand operung, the two business partners nervously wondered if -they had made a nus· take. The smiles from cunous passersby would later ease their minds. Ruby's server Jose Velez displays the dasslc RubyBurger lnslde the the diner. "It was the first indication that we had a success on our hands," said Cavanaugh, now the president of Ruby's. "People were looking for a simpler time." And they found it in Ruby's, Cavanaugh said. Cavanaugh named the diner after his mom, Ruby Cavanaugh. Ruby, who lives in Tustin, resisted when Cavanaugh first told her he would be naming the diner after her. Ruby's love of the 1940s era was the inspira- tion for the restaur,ant. She gradually became comfortable with the idea. "She really likes seeing her name in lights," Cavanaugh said. He said his mom never hesitates to sign a place mat in crayon for a child. The black-haired woman adorning the menus is a carbon copy of a youthful Ruby. Today, there are more than 30 Ruby's ·restaurants nationwide. Din- ers can also find a RubyBurger in Ter- minal Six at Los Angeles Intemation· al Airport or Terminal D at the airport in Las Vegas. Changes coming in 2000 include new breakfast and din- ner ttems. Ruby's will be temporarily closed for three weeks starting in November BUSINESS BRIEFS while the city replaces some of the woOd pilings hold.mg · up the pier Many of those pilings went up in 1940 after storms in the late 1930s destroyed the original Balboa Pier. . When Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce president Richard Luehrs joined the chamber in 1982, he said one of his first duties was to welcome the new business team of Cavanaugh and Kosmides "I have watched them grow up over the years,• said Luehrs. •And I have had more than my fair share of • RubyBurgers." · Luehrs said the management at Ruby's has been very proactive and supportive of the Newport Beach community. Cavanaugh sa:id the secret to suc- cess for Ruby's is the food. "Why do people go out to dinner?" Cavanaugh said. "They go to get a good meal." Cavanaugh said a lot of restau- rants go out of business because they rely too heavily on environment and entertauunent. Both are important qualities, Cavanaugh acknowledged, but if the restaurant is not focused on food and service, it won't make it. The Newport Center-based com- pany plans to open several more Ruby's locations nationwide in the future. And what is Ruby's favonte item at Ruby's? •Just a good old-fashioned Ruby- Burger," Cavanaugh said. -Amy R. Spurgeon •Raymond Ward Hardiman, 27, Costa Mesa • Chns Lokke Patrick, 22, Costa Mesa • Ernie Marcial Oregel, 26, Mis-~ sion Viejo • Amanda Leigh Stampley, 19, Corona del Mar - - Nov. 14 •Eric Byrne, 24, Irvine Borders comes to South Coast Plaza COSTA MESA -Just in time for the busiest shopping season of the year, Bord<·rs Books, Music and Cafe is opening a new store satur· · day at South Coast Plaza. store, spokeswoman Tara Thomas seid more than half of the stock at the South Coast Plaza location will be Wlique. •Thts customization is based on regional interests, demographics and customer profiles," Thomas said. In addition to books, the store will featur~· a cate, sell music .. ana feature guest speakers. T.J. Maxx adds Mor e selection ~OSTA MESA -T.J. Maxx 'n More will open Sun· day at Harbor Center, at Har- bor Boulevard and Wilson Street. store in Southern Calif orrua, following a recent opening in Aliso Viejo. It Will sell cloth- ing, furriiture, cookware, home accents and more. The store's hours will be 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Mon· day through Saturday, and 11 a..m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays. Offlaals said the store cov· ers 40,000 square feet, almost twice the size of the average T.J. Maxx. The extra space . has allowed the chain to expand its selection. "The idea 1s that people have a Jot less time and want one-stop shopping," said spokes-· woman Laura Cervone. "We'!e sellmg stuff we might not nomially have the room • William Omar Mendez, 25, Cos- ta Mesa While the chain stocks about 200,000 books m each VOL 93, NO. 269 THOMAS H. JOHNSON, Publish« TONYOOOOO, Editor IENIRR RAGt.AND, SenlOf City Editor SJ.CAHH. City Editor NANCY OfUVQ. Features Editor M>GEA CAIU.SON. SpQrts Editor MMC MARTIN. Photo Edrt()(' AH1ltOf'4Y NOC. NeWS Editor IOSI J. SANTOS. P•Of Oesignef JUDYOETTI ews1~ AdYeft no LANA J0HHS0H Promotions PMMODSHAH. Ch f!f fmandaf Offi(et t READERS HOTLINE (949) 642-6086 . Record your comments about the Dally Pilot or news tips. APPRESS Our acldrm Is 330 W Bay St, Costa Mes., CA 92627, COftREOJQNS It ls the Pilot's policy to prompt· ly correct 111 errors of sumt.nc.. Please c.all (949) 57~68. m The Newport 8ffct\ICOSU1 Mesa Daily Pilot (USPS-144-800) Is pub- llsh«S Monday through Saturday. In Newport 8eld'l 1nd C05'tAI Mal. wblc.rtptlons are available only by subtcribing to The nmes Ortinge COYnty (800) 252·9141 . In ... oWlde of Newport hl<h and COit.i M--. wblc.r1ptlons to the Daily Pilot.,. .v11llble only by ~for S 10 per month. Second das posuoe ptid at eon.a Mesa, CA (Pfkel Inch.Ide all 1$JP10bi9 ltlta tnd IOU! t.u.M ) POSTM.M- Tllt 5-ld tddrtll c.hlngtS to The Newport~ Mesa Daly Pilot, PO lolll 1~. Costa Mel, CA 9.2626 ~No NWt s» nes. Rkntrations. edltorial INttef or ed\'ertisements herein c.an be rtproduced wt1hout wntten ,,..-. miuion of <opyright own« HOW TO REACH US Orcui.tlon The lllMI Orange County (800) 252-9141 Advertising Clawfted (949) 642-5678 Display (949) 642-4321 • EdttoNI News (949) 642·5680 Spo11S(949)574-4223 News. Sports fax (949) 646-4170 E·mall: dallypUotOlatlmes.com Main Office B'6tness Office (949) 642-4321 81J$lhtii I U (949) 631 ·7126 ~~-·~~~~~~- ~ b TlfT\ft Community Ntwl. I TittMlt Mil or~ ~ WllHlm U*W. ~ Editor s ...... Maltlle. M1nagln Editor MIRMI dn. OiflllC\Of f l'tlot<>Sl'aphy ~n.ntlne. SMlor E tot, Copr Oest .,,.. "',.. _.. It is only the second such WEATHER TEMPERATURES · BalOO. 69/SS Corona del Mar 68154 Costa Mesa 7CV56 Newport Beach 69155 Newport Coast 69155 SURF FORECAST Today's westerly swell wlll roll In every 12 seconds for sets In the waist· to shoul· der·high area. The sun will rite at 6:24 a.m. and set at 4;48 pm LOCATION SIZE Wedge ................ : ... 2..t w Newport_, ......... _ 2"4 w 8141dtles.-................ 2..t w River Jetty._, __ ..... 2 .... w CdM .. '"----.. -2 .... w AND SURF TIDES TODAY First low 11;03 a.m ...... -................. 2.• First high 5:15 a.m ............................ 4.3 Se<:ond low 10 5-4 p.m ....................... O 7 Second high 4:18 p.m ........................... 3.9 lMuRSDAY First low 11 :49 am .................... 1 7 First high 5:42 a.m ......................... 4.9 Second low 11 :36 p.m " ......... " .......... o a Second high 5 27 p.m .......................... 4 J 'i to sell.: -Sus.n McCormack POLICE FIL~S COSTA MESA • Anton loulevant: A gold ring worth $6,000 was stolen from a bu$iness Jn the 600 block between Oct. 28 and Nov. 3. •Arlington Drive: A laptop computer and a flag worth S•, 150 were stolen from • home 1n the 1000 block between Oct. 8 and Nov. 10 • Loyola Awnue: A purse and its contenu worth $63 were stolen from a car In the 200 block at 12:30 p.m. Nov. 2. • MeM Vetde Drive East A car stereo worth USO was stolen In tht 1500 block the evening of Nov. 6. • Roc:hesW Avenue: A bkycle worth $75 was stolen In tht 100 block at 9 a.m Nov. 8. NEWPORT BEACH • • Bayview CJrde: A cellular phone worth $300 Wa\ stolen from a hotel in the 500 blodt Sunday evtnlng. • w.t Coeft H..,.._.y. Several plec:es of ~lry • wOrih $518 were stolen from tht Balbol Bay Club in the 1200 block ~tween 7 and 9 45 p.m NOY 10 • Newpoit ~om.: Two bronze mtues worth SS.200 were stoleo from a bus oess in the 400 block It 2 pm Sunday • . I I • • • 4 l I . . Doily Pilot Tree of Hope Five-year breast cancer survivor Robin Ha~~ decorates the "tree of hope," which serves as a "Celebration of Ufe" in the atrium court at Fashion Island. The tree wW be on display throughout the holiday season as -a-symbol of lnspirattoo, hope and joy. MARIANNA DAY MASSEY I OAll.Y PILOT • Wednesday, November 17, 1999 3 MIUENNIUM MOMOO Maintaining a theatriral presence Theater has always been·"a passion for Nancy Ebsen, who not only worked tlS producing director of the New- port Harbor Actors Theatre but also played an important role in . the development of children's theater in the area. She was named the Newport- Mesa Girls Club's Woman or the Nancy Eb en Year in 1989 for her theatncal and chantable endeavors. • Ibsen, the ex-wife of. ·Beverly Hillbillies• and "Bdmaby Jones• actor Buddy Ebsen, also formed a upport group called I..:ADIES (Lile After Divorce ls Eventually Sane) for the ex- wives of celebrities • MIUENNIUM MOMENT celebrates the people who made a maior con- tribution to the Newport-Mesa community during this century IN BRIEF Council maintains limits on group home Fashion Island tree lights up Friday NEWPORT BEACH With the flip of a switch, 18,000 little white bulbs will light up Fashion Island's Cbrisbnas tree Friday. Decorating the tree was no easy task. A crew of 10 people took one week to put thousands of colorful orna- ments on the nation's tallest Christmas tree. • Yellowstone recovery home officials say they will continue to fight to serve more women. SUSAN McCORMACK •"We have not heard any new information,• Council- woman Libby Cowan said Monday in her motion to deny the appeal. However, noxell argued that women were being turned away from the facility because of the occupancy limit. The WEST SIDE -The battle to house contains seven bed- get more residents in Yellow-roo0l$ with two beds in each stone Women's First Step I room. House is not over despite a "The fact is there's a need unarumous City Counal deci-for this," Troxell said. •The sion Monday rughl to deny the problem is (women addicts) my group's appeal to mcrease the end up on your streets ... These nwnber from seven to 14 women deserve a chance.• "I don't trunk we're going to ·we are the good guys,• sit still," said Garry Troxell, one pleaded · Honey Thames, of the clirectors of the recovery founder of Yellowstone. "I · home for alcoholic women. think many of our neighbors li'oxell said the group home know that. We have 14 beds, ' will consult with its attorney to but need 30." determine what action it During the public comment shou).d take. period, several residents who In October, the council live near the Bay Street home granted Yellowstone d condi-chose their words carefully, tionaJ-use perrrut for seven res-saying they agreed that idents, though the group home women suffering from alco- had requested a pennit for 14. holism need help, but their neighborhood is not the place to provide these services. Resident Diane Gomez described lhe council's first decision to allow seven res1; dents in the home as "gener- ous.· •1t represents a fair compro- mise between neighbors and ... Yellowstone,• she said, add.mg that more residents could mean more tralfic to the resi- dential area. "I have strong concerns ... not because of the nature (of One Daf Onltl Sat. Nov. 20th 7amto 3pm Makita• LS1013 Sliding Compound Miter Saw Stop By & Meet The Reps From ... DeWalt•, Milwaukee•, Makita•, Senco•, Jamerco•, Freucr & Others! s52900 Ski I• 4235 Jigsaw Name Brand 20oz. s1299 ali Items 1ub)ect to •tock on hand GAN AHL LUMBER Costa Mesa 1275 S. Bristol (714) 556·1500 .. Steel Handled Framing Hammer ' (blemished) $2899 Milwaukee• 0522 25 1 BV Drill With Work Ught s24999 Prize Dr1wl111 E•ery tit H11r Ired Prl11 lnwl•1 1t t:IO •• ,., .. ., •"' ... ~. tttHt tt wl1) the treatment facility). It has everything to do with it being a commercial enterprise in a res- 1dential zone,• said resident John Parks. To obtain its permit, Yellow- stone worked with the city for several months to agree to cer- tain restrictions. Those restric- tions included no publicizing its open Alcoholics Anony- mous meebngs, limiting street parking and appointing a com- munity member to its board of directors. Co1 ~' i p~-n, :.· . • h0c 1.• G Santa Claus will narrate the event, which is titled •A Magical Century of Christ- mas.• The festivities will fea- ture singing and dancing by the acclaimed Orange Coun- ty High School of the Arts. Friday's festivities will begin at 6 pm, at Blooming- dale's Courtyard. The tree- lighting takes place al 6:25 p.m. A menorah-lighting cere- mony for the community Will take place Dec. 3 at 4 p.m. • -Noaki Schwartz Your carpets remember. Your carpets take a lot of abuse. Eveh regular vacuuming can't remove ground-in dirt. Just call COIT and we'll give you a Visit Our Website www.coit.com r----·-·~· All COIT~.flli Time for a (rah start.~ Uc. #727306 free cleaning estimate, backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. So, no matter what's shakin'·at your house ... call COIT • • . ~ . ' ' 4 Wedne$doy, November 17, 1999 BUSINESS CONTINUED FROM 1 Commerce; Ed Selich, who leads the Planning Com.mission: and Christy D. Teague, senior city planner. Orgaruzen hope the land- scaping will cause drivers who speed through the 35-mph zone to slow down when they see that Corona del Mar is a com- munity. The group ~cd the first phase of the plan earlier this- year when the ficus trees along the stretch of road were removed and replaced by flow- ering Hong Kong orchid trees and palm trees. However, a possible road~ CREEK CONTINUED FROM 1 It is standard practice to use chlorine to decontaminate new water pipes when a new conunu- nity is·being oonstructed. There- fore, while officials coru:ede that chlorine was in the vicinity, they said they do not yet know whether the chemicaJ exceeded an acceptable level or whether i{ was properly disposed of after it was used to clean the pipes. The state Department of Fish and Game, the Orange County Health Department. and the U.S. Coast Guard examined the area Monday and will be conducting an investigation to confirm the SOW"Ce of the runoff and if it was contaminated. Mark Stephens, cluef petty officer with the Coast Guard, said block to the plan's su will be whether Nf?WPOrl Beech can acquire that portion of Coast HiJ~:'ay -including the side-w -from the state Depart- ment of 1hmsportation. Corona del Mar restdents and business leaders in support of the pJan wrote to the City Council requesting they look into the matter. Cify staff is researching the proposal. U it is found to be viable, it will be pre- sented to the council in January. Caltrans spokeswoman Deb- orah Hanis said there are sever- al steps in the process, including a commitment by the city to assume maintenance of the road. The proposal would then require approval from Sacra- mento before co~!\s back to Newport Beach offi . his group did not witness any indications of unusual chemicd.ls in the runoff or swrouru:hng area and said the runoff might have been illegally dumped water from a swimming pool Honeyboume said officials from his agency also did not see anything suspicious. •No odor was detected," he said. MBut, chlorine dissipates very quickly." Dennis Kelly, professor of marine science at OCC, said chlorine can be deadly to sea life, including sea anemones, limpets, marine crabs, algae and sea- weed. Kelly said once the chlorine reaches the ocean, it becomes diluted and is "pretty harmless.• It is during the trek the flow makes from the aeek, across the beach and to the ocean when the chemical can do the most dam- age. JoilA l/1J CoJJHe ""-~ fl<££ /;>re(A,lf(A,P- or l~h, o~ l,,1;1 r.--------------------~~ iFR~~ ·J-(cy_.,J,{e i 1 "f>Ye(A..F.f:"fl.L1 (A.. /' 1 I With purchase of Grande I I Specialty Coffee I I Valid thru Nov. 27 1999 I . L Ont""' <vnomu. noc nltd •1th anr. olfcr ot d.100W1t .J ---~----------------r.---------------------, !fREm; rL~· ! ! [?ifto (AA--;:z/... of 1011\i' vwia l I wfth purchase of any I I Smoothie or Coffee Cooler I I Valid thl"\I Nov. 27 1809 I L One ~, cwtomcr, nor valid "'•th any oi:k:'. olfci or du.:ounc. .J ---.. -------~--------- MARBLE CONTINUED FROM 1' Ughtwcig}lt·bed guys. He played chesS, watched televi- Slon, shot pool and t:Jied to stay out of trouble. And, being in the restaurant business, he paid close atten- tion to the food. •Tue potatoes taste like crap and the rlce is undercooked and very sticky," he observed during one interview from the honor fann. MThere just doesn't seem to be any pride in the prepara- tion,• he added. Soffer did his time, but the code violation matter just wouldn't go away. City officials said he refused to make the needed repairs at his Bernard Street rental property. Soffer said the city was just out to get him. And like so many matters m Soffer's City Hall dealings, the details became fogged up and tangled. So Soffer's case landed before Shaw again. And when the bearded restaurant owner caught word that he was star- ing down the banel at another stint in jail -this a likely five- month sentence -be pulled together his account books, jumped in his 1971 Cadillac and roared off to Las Vegas. Word was th.at Soffer skipped town just minutes before the county marshals showed up to take him into custody. Shaw, of course, had the last word. She issued a $250,000 bench warrant for his arrest, a huge amount for a fairly trifling misdemeanor. Later, just to rub a little salt in the wound, Shaw raised. the arrest warrant to the ultimate level -no bail. That's what killers are held on. An~ Soffer's been in V~as eversmce. In Vegas, where everything is knocked slightly out of pro- portion, Soffer just didn't stand out the way he did in Costa Mesa. But in his absence, __ ..., ··--· ---I Shaw has now emerged M a news item herself. A former(ieputy district attorney who tw-hmm. what shall we say here? -a BECHLER CONTINUED FROM 1 singular style in the courtroom, Inc. The acqwsition was report- Shaw is taking heat from the edl truck to d ARV' Judicial Perlormance Comnu.s· • Y s e~ s bealth<are division. Under the sion, a panel that investigate5 agreement. the Bechlen> were to ~ ~vior and perfonnance receive 65, 1.f6 Shares of the com- of Jurists. . pany's stock and be retained 'Cl.S The Newport Bedch ju~ge is employees With six-figure accuSed, by some, of making salaries. hurtful and derogatory re~~ '"':> For reasons the company !O both lawyers and def~~ould not disclose, the &chlers' m her courtroom. .\ contract was tenninated shortly In one case,,she dressed after the sale and only one-half of d~~ a D.A. during a drunk the shares were distributed. driving case, allegedly suggest-The oompan~ which devel ing that the prosecutor's soon-ops and operat~ assisted-living t<>:be father-in-law was a noted communities, decided in Decem- drinker. In another case, she ber 1997 that the health-care ~pposedly call;c:I a ~ drt· division wasn't meeting its goals vmg suspect a nch, spoiled and several months later shut it Irvine kid.• And in another, down. Shaw apparently mockingly "FmanciaDy and operationally, sang a verse or two from a (the division] wasn't productive Christmas carol to a man enough.• said Suz.anne Shirley, a who'd been arrested during the company vice J>re?denl •At that holidays. time, the divisicn was a minor pa.rt Though there's much dis-of OW" operation.• cussion and deliberation left to Friends and family members do, Shaw risks being booted off said the oouple felt betrayed and the bench. Lesser sanctions or devastated by the news and con- wrist-slappings are possible, sidered seeking legal action too. against the company. Funny. A veteran judge "When I talked with Pegye, could be booted for calling a she was very upset about that twice-arrested drunk driving issue,• said Walter Mitchell, who suspect a "rich.. spoiled Irvine was the couple's real estate kid" and a colorful, tun-loving ag~t. "I believe that the. sale restawateur is a fugitive preop1tated some of those finan- because of some arcane code cial problems.~ violation. The couple profited from Now I'm not defending about $250,000 worth of compa- Shaw. And I'm not defending ny st~ . although the shan:s Soffer. Both, I'm pretty well were distlibuted se~tely. Eric certain, can take care of that Bechler cashed out his allotment themselves to help support the family. Pegye But if S~w has abused her ~pt her portion, which remains office -and I certainly have with her estate today. no evidence she has _ it was . The Bechlers were feelmg the the day she slapped a bail usu-pinch months before Pegye dJs. ally reserved for murder cases appeared. She had bought a on a guy who got on the wrong ~996 Porsche 911 and they con- side of some code enforcement tinued ~o ~e payments .on officer their Cliff Drive home, which · they purchased in 1995. • STEVE MARBLE Is the managing editor of Times Community News. He c.an be reached at Steve.Mar- bleOlatf~s.com. Prosecutors contend Bechler, who was arrested earlier this month, murdered his wife to cash in on a $2.5-mi.llion insurance policy. However, the Pilot has Car Accident? FREE REPORT rcvca!J cloJCly_guardrd secrcu you need 10 know bCfOrr you scrcle your case or speak wuh .tll)'onc. Doo'1 lcr J.11other day go by unul vou call rhe Toll Free 21 hr. Recorded M-cc at l-881-S98-1071 Car Accident? RUFFLES UPHOLSTERY Where Your Dollar Covers Morel WE'VE MOVED 1 BLOCK NORTH Sofa $10000• OFF Club Chair $5000• OFF *With a purchase of Fabric & Labor til 11 /24/99 1098 ~BOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 548-1158 lllHl•TMIS U . Of'fll llNU 11/14/" ............. Im. IJillttfSltN .. ltlPlf ........ WUTQ.ffNl& ,., .. J, .. 7 .. llH ..._..,_ ...,_,.-.u m .. 'mlS'IWRSDAY NOVSMBSR 18' -4:00 -6:00 P .M. JAN BRETi' Daily Pilot learned the couple took out den- bCl\l •mutuai-polici . The poll· cies were reportedly sold by PO(W 's brother, Larry MaBb4ll. They conldlned mi.Jar payouti if esthe.r of the spouses died. Because hiii wife was declared a ~9 person, Eric Bechler never received the death certificate nee<Ied to collect the insurance policy. He petitioned the court on several oc.:as:ions, but wasn't given the paperwork. Purth£>r adding to his prob- lems was a dispute about who s.hould handle Pegye Bechler's assets. According to court docu- ments, Eric sought conservator- ship that was opposed by P~e·s family. The family wanted Mar- shall to handle the estate. •Tue families had a dispute on what should be done with her property,· saJd Ernest Hayward, an attorney involved m the litiga- tion. •Tuey finally compromised and came to a resolution.• ll was determined mJuly 1998• that a neutral third party wo\.tld be named conservator. As of October of last year, Pegye Bechlets estate had an estimated · worth of $273,588, docwnents show. Meanwhile, Eric Bechler reportedly had trouble making payments on the couple's home. The Bechlera had taken out a $600,000 loan for a home th.at was losmg its value. The pool and spa were in disrepair and the structure suffered from deferred maintenance. They had tried to sell the home for about $900,000 several months before Pegye's disappearance, but a buyer was never found. Eric Bechler fell behind on the payments and was (aang fore- closure, documents show. Mitchell said the house was final- ly sold in May 1998 for $735,000. He added that Eric never received any money from the sale, given the amount of debt needed to be paid off. Although Eric Bechler strug- gled finanoally .after his wlfe was reported missing, he eventually rebounded with a $84,000 job designing Web pages. Specula- tion still runs rampant about whether he would go as far as killing hls wlfe to collect a multi- milli~n~ollar insurance policy. MHe has said before he feels picked on and maligned," Hay- ward saJd. MThcre have been times where he was down and feels no one believes lum about what happened. This has been an ordeal for him regatdless of what comes to pass." UNIQUE WINE ROOMS CATERING AVAILABLE ... 44 days. ewport Harbor Hlgh's Sea View League water polo ch ampions, under the direction of coaches Bill Barnett and Brian Kreutzkamp. Back row, from left: Joey Snelgrove, Brian Pentz, Max Lansing, Tim Birdsong, Brendon Hansen, Shawn J ohnson, Kyle Bean, Paul Kepner, Brandon Mclain, Ryan Gough and Ryan Cook. DAl.Y PILOT PHOTO BY MARIANNA DAV MASSEY Front, from left: Mike Landers, Caine Littrell, Peter Belden, Steven Jendruslna, Robert Weiner, Kurt Thayer, Travis Cochran and Greg Worthing. CIF GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Sailors march into the finals •Newport overcom es a slow start, and sweeps Esperanza to gain Division I-AA Finals berth. Joswu Boo !kit fiij ANAHEIM -Here's the situation. The home team serving in the first game is up, 14-6, with all the momen- tum in the match, playing some of its best volleyball all year, and in front of a ooisterous crowd. Seems pretty dire. Not to Newport Harbor High's girls volleyball team, which pulled off· another stimng comeback Tuesday night. After falling behind in that first game, the Sailors defeated the Aztecs, 17-15, 15-11, 15-8. Newport Harbor (32-2) advances to COM FALLS IN FOUR Sea Kings fall short, one match shy of the finals. TONY Al 1 OllH.U CORONA DEL MAR Despite . strong play from seniors Dimitra Havriluk and Jamie Brownell, Corona del ' Mar High girls' volleyball team lost to Harvard-Westlake, 15- 11, 6-15, 15-11, 15-4, m Tues- day's CIF Southern Section Division ID-AA semifinals. A defensive change up front and a tough game-three come- back by the Wolverines seemed to put the nail in the coffin for the Sea Kings. •ttarvard made a little adjustment to their front court and it really helped them out," Coach Steve Conti said. ·we seemed to lose that push in the middle of game three a.nd we c'ouldn't get it back. We've done that in the past and got away With it, but we paid for it tonight." its third consecutive CIF Southern Sec- tion Division I-AA finals, and also look- ing for its third straight win. It will be at Cypress College against Mira Costa, and in all likelihood, Saturday. Mira Costa defeated Irvine m four, 15-7, 9-15, 15-7, 15-2. "(Being the third time) makes it that much special,• Harbor senior April Ross said. "For most of the seniors, it will be the third trip." · ·we're excited about going to the finals," Newport Harbor Coach Dan Glenn said. •That means we've clinched a spot in state.• The road to the state playoffs dldn't come smoothly, though. A determined Esperanza (18-3) sunply outplayed the Sailors in the early gomg, racing to the 14-6 lead and servng for the game. Then the entire matched turned. After nine sideouts, Ross' tum came up m the serving rotation. Ross' jump serve forced a hitting error by Esperanza. Ross then got two aces to cut the lead. Indeed, the Sailors' serving was the biggest reason behind Newport's victo- ry. The Aztecs had few answers for Ross' jump serve, and she had four aces. Katie King also had four, with three in the third game. After exchanging sideouts. Krista Dill got one of her seven blocks, and then a kill to start a run where the Sailors scored sa consecutive points. By the time Esperanza won back the serve, it was down, 15-14. The Aztecs tied it up at 15 all, but an ace by Lisa Addeo and a aussed set -----------SEE NEWPORT PAGE 6 ' DON LEACH I OAAY Pit.OT SEE COM PAGE 6 CdM's Marissa Becker (15) goe up to block a Harvard-WesUake shot over the nel CIF GIRLS TENNIS Tars win, 12-6, sail into the semis; CdM victorious at·oana Hills, 10-8 REDLANDS -The Newport Harbor High guts tennis team sailed into the CIF Southern Section Semifinals Wlth a 12·6 quarterfinal triwnph at Red· lands East Valley Tuel)day The No. 2-secded Sailors ( 18-1) urrend red their hrst sets of the postseason, but had mor than enough to ~hminate the Citrus Belt Leagu champ • ons. t tarbor will face No. 3 Dana Hills Thursday at a site 'to be detennined today by a coin flip. The Tars have not played Dana Hills this season. The duo of Kristin Case and Allison Schneid r, as w 11 as partners Amanda Collopy and Megan Hawkin swept m doubt for the V\Sltors, who gav Sea Vi w Lea,gu ingles champion Natalie Braver- man the day off. Corona del Mar will du l Peninsula on 1bunday . at a lte to be dflt nnlned alter g tting put !host Capi ttano Valley, l 0-8. Virtually every Player had • key role 1n the dlffer· en ln the matC:h, but one ol the more notable wu Nadia Vaughan .Upping past Dena Hlllt' No 1, 1·6 with an 8·6 tie-breaker in singlM. QUOTE Of THE DAY "We seemed to lose that ptJ5h ii lhe n)cfcle of game three cnf we adckt't f11 M bG. We've done that in the past clld got awuy with it, but wt prid for~~ _ • Steve Conti, CdM g irls volleyball coach tit SPORTS. HALL OF FAME CELEBRATING THE MILLEN NIUM Newport Harbor • Everywhere he's gone it has been like striking a match.to light the fireworks, on the way to winning. H11Jt\.IU> DV11\ Tie re are two mm fraterruties m which '111111 Mike Giddings has been firmly connected. They are not connected, but both feature men with the utmost mutual respect for each other. "The U S Marme Corps and football coaching,• said Giddings, who grew up on Balboa Island and dreamed of playmg football at Newport Harbor High, after watching legendary former Sailor fullback Hal Sheflin lead the Sailors to the Sunset League championshlp and a berth in the 1942 CIF finals agamsl Bonita and Glenn Davis. Giddings, whose Newport Beach roots are as deep as his place in football, never realized hls boyhood fantasy of swting up for the Sailors because his family moved. But several years later, ~fter playing at Cal under Coach Lynn "Pappy" Waldorf and valuable to the league's coaches and general managers, and thus tu.s tenure as the Tars' football coach came to cm end. WThat wds' a great penod for me in my life," said Gidchngs, who. m four years, coached nine Division I scholarship winners, including quarterback Shane I Foley (USC), guard Dave Cddigan (USC) and taclcle Mike Beech (UCLA). Giddlngs, who has spent 31 years m the NFL, started his coaching career at Monrovia High, where he led the Wildcats to the CIF fmd.ls in 1959. In 1960, he was head coach at Glendale College, then after one year, John McKay hired lum at USC, where Giddlngs was the defensive coordinator when the 1Tojans won the 1962 national championship. That year, the 1Tojans won their first national title in 23 years, the longest drought between championships since they won their first in 1923 coaching at every level Mlle Giddln (includlng at USC and e gs McKay's 1To1ans in '62 beat Wisconsin in the Rose Bowl in a m the NFL and WFL). Giddings returned to Harbor and guided the Tars to three consecutive Sea View League titles, the only three-peat championship penod in the school's 69-year varsity football history. WI think I had more hm than the guys who were playing for me,• said Giddings, who compiled a 34-12-3 record in a bnef stint as head football coach at Newport Harbor from 1982 lo '85, leadlng the Sailors to the CIF Southern Secbon Central Conference quarterfinals three times and the semifinals once. Giddings, who founded Pro Scout Inc. in 1977 and has operated the NFL-based business out of tu.s Newport Heights property ever since, was forced to drop his moonlighting position as Harbor's coach when the work load escalated in his scouting business. A former big-wave surfer who attended Newport Grammar School, Giddings rrussed coaching when his son, Mike, entered Harbor to play football in the late 1970s. Hank Cochrane, the varsity coach at the time, needed help on the 1:;ophomore level and the elder Giddings gladly joined the staff. "I thought in sophomore football you'd JUSt throw out the balls ... but m that damn Sunset League, I found out sophomore football was a little more than 1 thought,• he said. Cochrane's teams struggled for three years and Giddings • wa a ked to replace him. FlTht. though, he had to clear it with his Pro Scout clients, which meant guys like Paul Brown and Don Shula. Giddings was given the green l ght. a long as his SC'outing dut1e were compl te<l. Som tim he'd stay up until 2 am. analyung game tapes Later, when his son was playing at Illinois, Giddlngs would coach the Tars on Fnday rughti, catch a red-eye to the Midw t and watch •Guld Ir on Saturday afternoons. Ev ntually, fr agency began to enl r NFL landscape and Gtdding ' opinions m more · battle o( the nation's top two teams. H.ts son, Mike, would later play m the Rose Bowl With Winois in 198-C, when the Illini lost to UCLA, giving the family a rare father-son Rose Bowl-ring combination. Following the '67 season, Giddings "got my butt fired .. every football coach should get fired at least once in life,• he said. Giddlngs became an assistant coach With the San Franosco 49ers, who won two division titles in the early 70s, then after the '73 sedSOn he left to become head coach of the World Football League franchise ID Hawaii. "I figured I could surf and be m pro football as a bead coach, but I surfed about twice the whole time,• saJd Giddings, who owned 5% of the team. until the league folded. Giddings started Pro Scout Inc while with the 49ers, because •nobody m the league was scouting players who'd been cut ... and none of the teams had scouting departments.· When the WFL was dropped, G1ddlngs took his pnvate coloring book of scouting non-college players and rating them for availability to the league and the business has been gomg strong ince. • J dldn't want to work for anybody anymore,• he said. •But I still got to tay m my profession. I don't know any doctors or lawyer.> who can work at home and sta~· m their profomon ... I'm a lucky on of a ... , and you oan quote me on that. I count my bl mg every day ... Gidding saJ.d il he was a salesman for footbdll, he'd sell high school football to ~e. becau it's •as pure as it gm: H n o pro and high sc'hool play rs th most, becouse they both listen. "You can get the attention ot high scihool pl.ayers, and pros Will list n because you might be abl to help them make a living, but college players hew more distractions,• be added. Mike Giddings, a member Of th Dally Pilot ~ Hall ot Fame. celebrating the millennium ·~f;co11egemen -s.n TOllY'I ICI OleQo Mell M Orange COM\ 7:30'p m • ~college women . Mt. Sw'I MtoNo 1lt °'lf'l9t 1:oM\, 5:30 p m . ........ High Khool boys • Of' OMsion II , --~" ~ --_ , .. ~ .. ~ •-.,. , __ .... iA.----r---..~. _.... 4 'I ......... _~,i • c _ .... _.... .... A I . . ' I 6 Wednesday, November 17, 1999 sports Doily Pilot COMMUNITY COLLEGE ~ c k L I 8 6 Making the grade .!~oldsLoyo!1° oy~feuse~~andWmnN:t ~W- • Pirates have 130 on '98-99 academic honor roll. CO~A MESA -A tot& of 130 Orange Coast College stu- dent-athletes made the college's Athletic Honor Roll for the 1998- 99 academic yeaf. The 130 students represent 34 percent of all athletes who earned letters for the Pirates last year. To make the honor roll, a student-athlete must maintain at · least a 3.0 grade point average during the seasen of their sport and all had to complete a minimum of 12 academic units during thelr s0dsons. • ORANGE COAST COUEGE'S ATHLETIC HONOR ROLL 4.0 GRADE PolNT AVERAGES: CHRIS CLAYTON {FOOTBALL) ANNE·lAURE CORDEY {WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL) AMARA DUNZO (FOOTBAL) JOHAN EKSTROM (MEN'S TENNIS) CAMBERLEY FRENCH (WOMEN'S WATER POLO) JUNSIK HYUN {MEN'S CREW) CAMEUA JAEGER (WOMEN'S TENNIS) SHANNON PAUL (WOMEN 's CREW) PHONG Luu (MEN'S TENNIS) CARLA RzESZEWSKI {WOMEN'S SWIMMING) lAURELL RzESZEWSKI {WOMEN'S SWIMMING) WAKAKO TAKAGI (WOMEN'S TRACK AND FIELD) 5HISHI TERADA (MEN'S SWIMMING) . MARGO VERHAGEN (WOMEN'S TENNIS) NATALIE WEEKS (WOMEN'S BASKETBALL) 3.0-3.9 GRADE PolNT AVERAGES! UJkE ALVARADO (MEN'S SWIMMING) i(vu AN0EJtS0N (MEN'S VOU.EYBALL) CfRISTINll APfully (WOMEN'S SOCCER) JASON ARn1.ANo (MEN'S TRACK AND FIELD) RYAN 8EuOA (MEN'S TRACK ANO FIELD) lAUM Bl.Attt (WOMEN'S WATER POLO) KAI BOHO (MEN'S WATER POLO) ICA"'INA 8owEJts (WOMEN'S TRACK ANO FIELD) GIETCHEN BlttNEGAR (WOMEN'S CREW) CHARI.Es 8RowN (MEN'S CREW) MIKI 8UOCINGHAM (FOOTBALL) ICEU.Y lluRNETT (WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY) REGINA CAPfuom (WOMEN'S CREW) AsHLEY CARu'oN (WOMEN'S SWIMMING.WATER POLO) JAIME CAMILLO (MEN'S CROSS COUNTRY) RYAN CAltRou. (MEN'S WATER POLO) DAVID CAsluTON (M EN'S BASKETDAUIFooTBAU.) JAN <:HENG (WOMEN'S GOLF) SEAN 0tRESTENSEN (MEN'S TMCK AND FIELD) 5TAO Ottt!STENSlN (WOMEN'S VOLLEYBAU.) RYAN OARk (BASEBALL) GRJfflN CoGoftHo (MEN'S VOUEYBAL.L) JUUE ColV1LU (MEN'S CREW) TIFMHIEY Colu>oVA (WOMEN'S TRACK AND FIELD) Ro.N COftORIY (WOMEN'S SOFTBALL) JESUS Cofm:s (MEN'S SOCCER) Jot 0mTo (FOOTBALL) GLORIA Cltuz (WOMEN'S VOl..l.£Y1W..l.) PlA Dll.AJNtA (WOMEN'S WATER POLO) ROMAN Dol.VEN (MEN'S BASKET8ALL) DAV1D DttlSCOLL (MEN'S SOCCER) JEHNRJI l>M>NEY (WOMEN'S CREW) KEmf 0Rova (MEN'S CREW) &a1A EDlAD (WOMEN'S SOCCER) Mamt'TH EHCAU'EM (WOMEN'S CREW) PATIUK ENGWND (MEN'S CREW) CA5EY flU.DHOUSE (MEN'S CREW) 5tw<l8A FIMMES (WOMEN'S WATER POLO) Dum FINNEGAN (WOMEN'S WATER POLO) ~LEY FRENCH (WOMEN'S SWIMMING) SHANNON GtlSON (WOMEN'S TENNIS) SHANNON GILKEY (MEN'S CREW) Sam GLASSMOYER (MEN'S CREW) ZotlA GOMEZ (WOMEN'S TRACK AND FIELD) JosHuA GOODMAN (MEN'S CREW) ~EN GC>C>C>NU (WOMEN'.S CREW) lkNIAMIN GRUN (MEN'S SWIMMING) JESSKA GRUN (WOMEN'S CREW) DEVON GRlfflN (FOOTBALL) CAMIE GRJMSON (WOMEN'S SOfTBAU) JottN HAD0KX (MEN'S CREW) NICOU tiANs£N (WOMEN'S TMCK AND FIELD) Owe; HANUS (BASEBAU) TYSON H£UMCH (~EN'S CllEW) &te HIN> (MEN'S GOl.F) El.aAIETH ~ (WOMEN'S CREW) AlD tfYlroH (WOMEN'S SWIMMINGMtAT'Elt POLO) Boeav .lottNSON (FOOTBALL) Kw JottNsoH (WOMEN'S BASICET8AUJsofTBAL.L) MICMAEL JOHNSON (FOOTBAU.) Ro8£RT JoNEs (MEN'S CROSS COUNTRY) EMILY Joos ~SWIMMING) MA5AJoMo (MEN'S SOCO.R) Roeorr KONtGSMARK (MEN'S GOl.F) AMIN LANGDON (MEN'S BASKETBALL) llRlAN lANtot (MEN'S WATER POLO) JEFR:RY LAAS0N (MEN'S CREW) ERIK l.Ewls (MEN'S CROSS COUNTRY) MELISSA Uwts (WOMEN'S BASKETBALL) Pnu MARnNIW (MEN'S BASICETDAU.) JENNIFER Mc<:AmN (WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL) IVAN Mtltc:o (FOOTBAU.) NADIA Mo.ltc:A (WOMEN'S BASl(ETBAu.) CHRIS MoNAO.W (MEN'S CROSS COUNTIIYITRAcK ANO FIELD) la.Em MoHTlRo (WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL) ERte Nl!Al (MEN'S SOCCER) LlsA NllUEN (WOMEN'S SOCCER) MATTHIW 0'81ttPI (BASEBALL) JAMAL 0.tD (MEN'S CROSS COUNTRY) SINFOROSA °"°2CO (WOMEN'S CROSS COUNT1'Y/TMCI( ANO FIELD) ALLISON 0vm (WOMEN'S VOWYBAU) MMY Prmts (WOMEN'S soca.R) D£N1w PoiMl (WOMEN'S GOU') PlN'fl "'°"11' (WOMEN'S CROSS COVNTRY/TMCK AHO FIELD) JGNATHAN ~NO (BASEBAU) Roawtu RAUH (MEN'S CREW) K.lvlN RADlsAY (MCN'S CREW) RAcHIL Rm> (WOMEN'S CROSS COUHTlfffvou.EYSALL) NPISSA RflOl-.AUGH (WOMEN'S SWIMMING) JASON Rluss (IASEBAU.) JoHH ROC>RtGUU (MEN'S SOCCER) JUAN SAHCH12 (MEN'S CROSS COUNTRYfnv.oc AHO AELD) JESSICA Sw.Y (WOMlN'S SOFT11All) JumN SIMONS (FOOTIAU.) ·• RtOWU> SINNO (FOOTBALL) TIM S.owta (FOOTBALL) 'JAM.D STAM.ING (MEN'S VOLLEYBAU) RYAN SWANSON {MEN'S WAT£R POlO) WA.KAKO TAKAGI (WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY) PAu.. Tovn (rooraAll) EtuN TOMUNSOH (WOM N'S BASKETIALL) AUNMN TONTI (CRi.W) JcNHR1t T'ucnlt (WOM£N'S SWIMM1NG) MMuOtt1I VA.NDoW.. (wo-.uN'S CREW) RAYMUNDO VPGAAA (MEN'S CROSS coormv) TltA.NO VUoNo (WOM£N'S GOCJ) llttA.N w~ (8ASlaALL) MAn WA&.UCm (IASUAt.L) THOMAS WliDt&.., (rooTIAU) WM WIUJS (WOMlN'S IASKCTIAU.) DAW> YOHTS (fOOTGAU.) TAY\.Olt YUMDA (WOMlN'S 50CcW LMm I (WOt4N'S SOC~"' t ' 1 gth 8 6 . . mi• 1 ... flOL0-1.a--..a111r ativ~ly quiet. a arms en • -, gams serrus .,._.,__ Right after Arid.reJch tied the game, b e rth against El Toro Saturday. • •-lllcll Wllion'u. foothill I Cook got his first goal on a six-on-five. In -.. the last 10 seconds of the third quarter, .J~wu Boo •Mll~flllltllk.e 12. "Sin Clemente 8 Cook scored again with a man-up. ~Pb • 8 • 12. Wla Partc 6 • [ was really happy with Cook's play,• . MANHA1TAN BEACH -After facing some heat from Loyola High's boys water polo team, it was time for the cook to tum down the flames. Newport Harbor's Ryan Cook scored four times in the second half to lead the Sailors fo a tough 8-6 victory at Mira Costa High School Tuesday . ••• parUI•••& LQVOl16 Kreutzkamp sald. ~Especially on the six- , on-five. He had the guts to take the shots. 11 the second, getting some good counters. After the Cubs cut the lead down to Brendan Hansen and Paul Kepner scored, one, Cook scored again, tipplng a beauti- Peter Belden converted the penalty shot, ful Belden pass past the goalie. And when · and the Sailors looked as il. they were in Andrejch muscled in a rebound off a nm control of the game. Birdsong save, Cook answered within sec- Loyola (U-3) tied It With three goals in onds, off anl>ther Belden pass on another the third. Loyola's two-meter man Nick , six-on-five advantage. The win catapults Newport Harbor (26- 2) into the CIF Southern Section Division I serrufinals against El Toro Saturday, part of a double-header at· Belmont Plaza, with No. 1-seeded Long Beach Wilson dueling Harvard-Westlake in the other half. Anclrejch, who NeWp<>rt Harbor success-"We were sloppy in the first quarter, fully shut down up to that pomt, exploded and good in the second. We controlled the for two of his three goals in that quarter. ball well,• said Kreutzkamp. •we knew all about him,• Newport C1F DMSM>N 1 "-AYOR'S Harbor Co-Coach Brian Kreutzkamp said. NlWPCMT HNlllCM I. Lovo..A 6 The Ta.rs turned the ball over six times in the first quarter. But Robert Weiner scored after a 1-0 deficit to tie it. •He's one of the best two-meter man Newport Harbor 1 3 2 2 -8 • W ood ff rt · t Loyola . 1032-6 we ve seen. e gave a g e o agams Newport tWbor: cook 4, Belden 1, Weiner 1, him though, I think he. only got one goal K 1 Sa Bi ~ 6 Newport Harbor's offense, which was stifled by Loyola's defense, came alive in epner . ves: r ......... 'll • from the two-meter spot." Loyola: Andrejch 3, Rollo 2, Gambon 1. Saves: Except for that scoring outbwst, the Moore 3 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS VOLLEYBALL OON LEACH I DAILY PILOT CdM's Dimltra Havrl.luk (2) lsn, fooled as she puts the ball back In the face of her opponent COM CONTINUED FROM 5 Ha.vriluk finished with 25 kills and 14 digs, while Brownell had 18 kills and 16 digs for the Sea Kings (15-6), who had lost earlier in the year to Harvard-Westlake at the San Marcos Tournament Schultz, a sophomore, finished with 15 kills to lead the Wolverines into the finals against Bishop Montgomery. Corona del Mar jumped out to a quick 6-0 lead in game one before the Wolverines (22-5) managed to rip off six consecutive points to draw even. Both teams battled back and forth and with Harvard-Westlake up, 12-11, a long CdM return and back-to-back blocks by Kelly Ayers gave the Wolverines a 15-11 win. It was all CdM in game two as middle blocker Meghan Gallagher came up with three kills and a block dwing a 6-0 run that NEWPORT CONTINUED FROM 5 won the game for the Sailors. . "Our kids did a great job of not panicking," Glenn said. ·1 Unnk our playoff experience definitely helped.• GIRLS GOLF · gave the Sea Kings a 9-5 lead. The senior mid- dle blocker finished with 13 kills. After CdM stretched the lead to 11-6, an ace by Brownell and three kills by Havriluk evened the match at a game apiece as CdM won ga.me two, 15-6. In the pivotal game three, CdM once again started out strong, jumping out to a 5-0 lead on the strong serving of Gallagher and Lind- sey Anstandig. The Sea Kings remained on top, 11-7, before the Wolve nnes, led by Schultz and Karalyn Kuchenbecker came through with eight straight points to steal game three, 15- 11, and the momentum for good. Sophomore Jacqueline Becker bad 48 assists, while senior Marissa Becker added 14 digs, 10 assists, two kills and three aces for the Sea Kings. The loss ends a 10-game winning streak and a solid season for the Sea Kings, who fin- ished as the Paciftc Coast League champions, snapping Laguna Beach's 11-year run at the top. With the momentum completely on New- port Harbor's side, the Sailors' capitalized, playing exceptional in all areas and keeping Esperanza from getting any stnng of points. Besides the four aces, King got 34 assists feeding Ross and Dill for impressive spikes. Ross ended up with 17 kills to lead the Sailors. Addeo had 10 kills, helping Ross carry the offensive load. Hunt advances to WSCGA finals TENNIS SUMMARIES • Ne .vport Harbor sophomore reaches the finals for seco~d year in a row with a two-stroke margin. DESERT HOT SPRINGS -Newport Harbor High sophomore Kelly Hunt shot an 83 Tuesday at Mission Lakes Country Club to qUalify for the girls CIF/Southern California Golf Assodabon Finals, set for Nov. 30 at the Members Country Club in Desert liot Springs. •Kelly did a great job today,• Coach Jim Warren said. "It's not too orten you reach the finals twice, so it was great to see her do it.• With 123 competitors in the qualifying tournament, ·only 50 advanced to the finals. The cut was 85. Hunt finished in the top 30 at last year's finals and looks to improve on that mark. After a olid 36 on the front nine, she shot -47 on the back rune as Mother Nature got testy later in the afternoon. Th back nine is on top of a hill and the wind was really pick- ing up out there," Warren said. "But she was real steady on the front mne." Corona del Mar High girls golfers Allison Schaupp· ncr and Taylor McConnick completed their season, a both failed to advance. Schauppncr, a junior, shot. 88 on the par-72 course, while Mc<:onnick, also a junior. shot 98. SUR•llll OF DIVISION I QUNn'ERANALS ~ HAll80tt 12, R1DUU«>S EAST VJWZY 6 Singles: Adams (NH) lost to Croughan, 4-{I, def. Nesamony, 6-2, def. Brooks, 6-0; Meyer (NH) fost 2·6, won, 7-6, 6-0; Nelson (NH) lost, Hi, 5 7, won, 6-0. Doubles: <:as.-Schneider (NH) def. Litt1noff-Moses, 6-1, def. Lltrlnoff- Sunlclst: 6-1, def. Sakaguchi·Sunlclst. 6-1; Collopy·Hawkins (NH) won, 6-0, 6-2, 6-2; Barker·Buder (NH) won, 7-S. lost. 4-6, S· 7. CDM 10, DANA Hlw I Sing'-: Vaughan (CdM) def. Merryman, 7-6 (8-6), lost to Balley, 3-6; def. Mitchell, 7·5; Yelsey (CdM) won, 6-4, 6-1, 6-1; Bryan (CdM) lost. ().6, o-6. 0-6 Doobl•: Oamion·Griffith (CdM) k»t to Jones-Keefe, 1-6; def Nugentg-Batra, 6-3; def. Loclc•Roth well; 6-0, Chamey·Jacobson (CdM) lost. 0-6; won, 6-4, lost. 2-6; Claster· Ttoerelll (CdM) lost. 4-6; won, 7-5, 6-1. N wport Harbor take the waves out of Laguna Beach Nl!WPORT BEACH -The Newport Harbor vars1ty club surf team knocked off Lagunn Be3c:h, 75-49, m Tu day's w1 competition, Wlth rond1tions on the blurry side. Pirst-place winners for Newport Harbor induded Pat Tow rscy, Joe Alam, Ted Cook, longboard r Ryan 8 llarose and bodyboordcr Andy Gold for thfl boys. On the girl d , Heath r .Clark ~pturcd hrst. whil Beth Barber and Amy Lowry cl iJned ond and third in tho girl divtslon. Newport Harbor Wlll urf ln th 1 agu f\nals today ahd ThuJ5day, beginning ot 6.30 a m. at th 58th Str t beach. ~ MaSllwam . ~ fli ....... ~ WATER POLO Pirates girding for state fina.IS • Bucs up against a powerhouse West Valley squad Friday morning. PLEASANT HILL-Orange Coast College men's water polo team will have to go to bed early Thursday night in order to be prepared to face West Valley College in the opening match of the Hyundai- Callforrua Community College Water Polo State Champi- onslups Friday. Game time is set for 7 a .m. and Coach Chris Oeding's squad will have to open the match against No. 1 Northern Callforrua team after a disap· pointing fourth-place finish at the Southern California region- al tournament. · •I don't think the early morning start will be that big a deal for our club,• Oeding said. •we've had a.m . workouts all season long so we'll·be ready. I guess if you're going to have to play the top team in the state, that would be the best time to play them." The top four teams from Southern and Northern Ca.lifor- rua comprise this tournament. They are Golden West (29-1-1). Riverside (22-12-2), Citrus (26- 7-2) and OCC (24-8-2) in the south and West Valley (23-4-1), Merced (17-9-1), Diablo Valley (14-11) and Modesto (15-15-1) in the North. ·we come into this thing with a lot to gain and not a whole lot to lose," Oeding said. • 1 think the guys are going to be very motivated to play the No. 1 team in the state." ROWING NAC take second iri San Diego race SAN DIEGO -The New- port Aquatic Center Junior Crew team took second place in the San Diego Fall Crew Classic Sunday at Mission Bay. Followmg on the strength of last week's NAC-bosted New- port Autumn Rowing Festival! the Jwuor crew program's strong start this season is being attributed to the rigorous train· ing program designed by Coach Rachel Rose. SAN DllGO MU. ClllW a.ASSIC uc...n Men's V11ntty Eight -first piece. Men's Junior Single · second end third plACe. Men's Novice four· second pf«e. Men's Junior Pair· second l)tace. Men's Jun 0t Four· first. 1«ond and fount\ place. Womtn's v.ntty light • tint ~. •••• ..Sil lUllDAY"I COUNTI -.... ...._..,bolt. 10 ~ rodt1lth. 16 KUlpln., Daily Pilot O''" f 111 OlnUAW I RIMMER RI I lllontH Wlllllrn, 12. 9 time ,.,1cten1 at, Htwport .. Kh PIHed away of llHrt l1lhlrt Ho'ttll\W '°'• tttl. Tont Alm!Nf Wit OWftlf Ind Gt*itOf ol T.W. FllnuNr Conltructiof\. HI wlll M dtstr mllaed by hll wii., elrof; t0n, em: lllMf. 11• ~rr. •llttr lendy ... .,.: ~~. John Coleman: brollltr·ln·l•w, Cllucll Norton: nl1c11 ind ~1. Mlchltl, Er1c11. Ctif)ttopller, Kimberly, Stian'y Ind great nlaca, AIMllllL fuparal H rvlcn will be 1i-oo 'a.m., Friday, Nov· tmbtr 111, 1199 11 ~Ille Vlotw• Mortu1ry Ch1pel, UOO Pacific View Or., Coron• def Mu, CA. Vllllatlon -.1. tit UO to 7~H p.m., Thur1d1y, Novembtf ti, t 999 11 Pee c 'liew M°"llMY· Ill lltu of llowwt don1- tlone may be m1dt to T.W. IUl'ltlntt Memwt Fund to b«leli1 Cotona dtl Mar High Sdlool Boye Soccar, ·~ U n I o n 8 • n II , 393 Superior Ave., Htw· pon Beach, 82663 or tht Hoa Ice of your choice. HEROMAN J1me1 "Clttt" Htfdman Clllf, WH .born In tt13, In Long BtlCll, CllltomlL He 11 eurvlved by hie loving w1f1 Elllot Hltdmen; acne Jim Herdman , Jeff Herdman and grand· chlldrwn J•tt Hardman Jr., Jtnnlftr Tr11tlk, Scott Herdman, Amy Hfl'dm111. Sollll ol hi• l1votltt 1ctl111tln u a young boy ••• Ping Pong (ta.bit tamls). HI pllytd on 1 ,.!81111 bult It Iha Long Btlch YMCA. Clllf loved td i.ILllorlH 1bou1 hl1 ~ roll!t Ind playtng p ~g. Ht WU ttto In IV awlmmer. Clltf btoan wetll 11 IN age of 13 lor M1n- nlnl1"1 CoffH grinding and ptc)1~og company In thtlr Buch Store. Hi• carHr n tllt rt1ta11r1111 b111ln1u 1p1nntd 42 y11r11, working hie way up to m1~ant with the Manning • organlulloo, and Ulen strilclilg out on 1111 O'#tl In itw early SO'a with the opening ol Cllltord'• Cal•ttrla In Huntlnqton P8rk. NOTICe O' n.UITD'I nght 1w1y II you dO not SALi T.&. Ho. ,.... know n a(1orney, yo1.1 1m211 Loan No mey ca• en allorner-s•· 0001m211 Ttue Order ferr8J eel'Yice or a 11 No. ooea1•:r YOU ME aid ol1a (llSted In le IN DEFAULT UNOl!ft A phone book) Del> Of" TMllT 0.Spues de qua II DAfED 1111%11.... entf'IOuen esta Cltidon UHL.DI YOU TAKI! jtJdldil usltd t.ene un ACTION TO "'°T!CT ptazo de 30 DIAS YOUllt PRottt!JltTY t. fT CALENDARIOS para MAY N IOU> Al A p1asentar una respuesta PUBUC &ALL IP YOU •settta a maquona an HEED AN l!JO'lAHA. etta corte. TtoN Of' Tl41! HATUIU! Una carte o uni Of" THE PROCEEDING Ila~ telelonlea no le AGAINST !.~ YOU Ofracera Proteodon, IV SHOULD C~JACT A respuesta escnta a ma· l.AWVEllt. A public qulna tlene Que wmpllr auction .... to UM con las lonnaJidadea te· highest blddef for caatl, gales aproptadat 11 cellhi.t• c:tledl drawn usfed QtJiere que la CO(f9 on 1 state or natlonll t$CUChe su caso bank, cheek drawn by • SI usted no preMnta so state or fecttra.I credit respuesta e llampo, union, or • check ouede pefder el caso. y drlMI by • state or le pue<S•n qu1t1r au fedetar uvtno• and satano, su dinero y otras loan aaaodlltlon, or C059S de su propiedao saving• IHOC:lat~ O! sin 8VISO adioonal por saving• bank apec:meo parte de la oorte . In Section 1102 of UM EX1$l&n 01ros r8Quisiloa Flnanclll Coda •nd legales. Puede qua uated authortzed to do bual-qulara llamar a un nu• In tlll• lt•t• will a b o g a d o 1 n be held by the duty medhst~mente. SI no qlpOlnttd trustH 11 conoce a un ab<>gado, ahOwn below, of •II puede llamar e un tight, tltlt, and lnt1111t nrvlCio de referenda de conveyed to and now al>ogados o a una ofk:ina held by the truatH In de ayuda legal (vea el di· UM MielMftef c»-rectorlo telefonic:O) acrlbed property under CASE NUMBER: Ind pureuant to• DHd (Numtro dtl CHo) of Trust de.c:rlbed 8089'5 below. The saJe wtll be JUDGE made, but without RICHARD O. cov.nant or warranty, FRAZEE, SR. expr•Hed Of Implied, DEPT. C16 r19ardlng tltle, pol· The name and address su1lon, ' or encum-01 the court Is (El bfancea, to pay th• nombre y d1reccion de ta remaining prlnclp•I corte es) ORANGE sum of the nota(a) COUNTY SUPERIOR Mc:urtd'by the Deed ot COURT, 700 CIVIC Trust, with Interest and CENTER DRIVE WEST late cl\argu thereon, p o e Ox 14 1 7 O , H provided In the SANTA ANA, CALIFOA· note(I), ldVlncH, NIA, 9270t under the te.nnt of the The name, address, and Deed of Trust, lnt«Ht telephone number ot tllaeon, '"'· charge• pta1nt1tf's '8ttorney, or and e11pense1 of lM •~i... ff ........ , I TruatH for the total p,...,IJ Wlu""' an a· amount j" the time of tomey is· (Et nombre, la , .. _ lnttt• publk:atlon of d11ecaon y el numero de ""' tetefono del abogado del the Notice of Sal•) demandante, o dot de· ruson1bly 11t1m1ted mandante que no tiene to be Ht forth bek>w. \ .... t .. _ abooado, esl • ut 1moul" may .,. JOHN A. SCHILLING, gr11ter on the dey Of 1u1553 (714) 833 8833 Nit. TRUSTM:9ENGT .,.. . • • J. JONSSON, A MAR· JOHN A. SCHILLING, RIED MAN Duty Ap-~:~s MACARTHUR pointed TrultH: COURT, SUITE 590, GOLDEN WEST SAV· TOWER ONE. NEW· INGS ASSOCIATION POAT BEACH, CA SERVICE CO., A CALI· 92660 FMNIA CORPOM· DATE. MAY 05. 1999 Cliff wu VtfY wwotvtd TION Reco<ct.d ALAN SLATER, Clerk, communtly. H• WU 1112111tM .. lnstru-by KAREN e. MAGEE, •""'*""* ol Iha ttunt· ment No 1"'°68ff8' 1ngton Pwk Kiwanll Club, In book, page ot Offlclat D~f'rce TO THE PER· ~~ber of Commarct, Records In lM omc. of SON SERVED y ~hi• tttlrtmtnt Y••• the R.tc:otder a1 M· °" are anpolnttd to ""'' on .... 'GE ,. nty ..... 1 served as an 1ndMdual -.. "" ... ou • ~ • delendanl. two lo• Angele• ba.rd ot FOANIA, Date t>f under. CCP 416 90 •upervl1or1 Commlnlona Sala:1 2.IOll/1nt at 2:00 (indlvtdual) • tht Rttlrtrnan1 Com· PM P1Ke of Siie: AT Publi6hed Newport mfat'lon and the Employtt THE NORTH '"ONT Beach-Costa Mesa Dally Benafitl Comm111lon Clltl ENTRANCE TO TH! Piiot November 17 24, 1tea contributed to the wwU ~E 700 ~~ December 1, 8, 1999 being of Ille ret1,.ment aOr· "-"l:l'l I CR ~ WEST W639 rQun<lon91 by •rving on SANTA AHA. CALI: Flctitioua Bu1lne11 the Uttlt Balboa lltand FOMIA Amount of Name St.tement Property OWnett Auoc11-unpaid bal&nc:e and The lottowlng persons Uon board whlrt ht 111d otMi • cl\argu: era doing business as· Illa wilt Elllne llvtd from $3~807.22 J Str..c Dragonllstl Sportswear tm to 1H7 •fl• moving ~dren °' Cllhef com-343 Esther St.. Costa fN>lll Downey, ClllfomlL mon deatgn•tlon of rut Mesa, Cahlomla 92627 tiJ., their 63 ~Hf ot ~~ H20AV~~ 34~a1st~r W~t~m~~ m.ntga, Ill end Elllot NEWPOlltT Bl!ACH, CA Mesa, C8hlomla 92627 tnloved many Y"'' ol t2llO APN •; "8-IU-Carrie Stortte Wiiiiams, triveltng, and tnjoytd llV· OJ The undersigned 343 Esther SL, Coale Ing. lhtlf 111mmera on Trust" dtaclalma any Mesa, cal1lomla 92627 BalbOt Island when tilt llablllty fOf any lncor· Thia business Is oon· bot• wtfl ltlU at home. rectoe.. of lM strHt CIUcted bv-a corporabon C11tt'w "number on•" lddrau °' other com-'· sarlottrr In Illa WH hi• tam-Have you started doing b;· afwaye t1l11ng tht beat =~~~·If,! bU~~SS.J:.!Zm~ en ot 111• wilt, boya, end meet adcltu1 Of other This statement was fc0nl1ng '"'Y •ltf> of hll common da• ... natlon I• f led wtth Iha County gra~cllltdren1'1 grolllrlh shown, di~• to 1 ifwt dewlopmant. Ht took the locltlon of the Clettl ol Orange County •vch prtdt In Illa property mey be ob-on 11·15•11~9996111"63 aoaompllshmtnta of 1111 talned '"' nndl.... a o t Piiot N t 7 24 c:hlldrtn and grand· written 7eq,.uaet ,~·the 81 Y ov ' • clllldrtn, llw1y1 11tvlng beneficiary Within t O Dec. t . 8, 1999 W64 t hlglt 11pectat1ont, yet days of the date of nret --NOTICE OF-- f.11 gtneroua with eup-publlcatton of thle PUBLIC LIEN SALE • liood advice and 10111. Notice of Sate. Date: NotJoa is hereby given • fivorftt time of the November 11t. 1111 per Section 2t?OO et )'911' WU d1finll1ly the GOLDEN WEST IAV-S9Q ot tne C8l1fomla ~idly '"aon •nd hiving IHGS ASSOCIATION Business & Prt>l1sslon8t Ill of hit l11nlly together. SERVICE CO., A CALI-Code that Ille Under· Vtt, hit ftmtly, lllvt .o ~NIA'101 ~~ s~ned, SUPERIOR MINI nitny lantflc memotlu of •-· ·1ev1rd -.. , San 5t 6000RASGuEp'er'f::'ec; v:' f!OWll'l!I up •ith Clitt (Dad) ,A;'onlo, T_.;; 71211 Co.U M .... C.llf;,,.-: lllM wlll •l•111y1 ramlln T~ Number: "--iv of o anga State .itll ua. W1 art grattful ~-0 .... •tte Sal• '""""':1. r rr 0' t .. _ ..... 1, n~ 1.,.. or lllt '• -ot C8Nfomla. w1 conduct ·-,,. v.. tatua Line: (911) 317· e public tien sale of the condition th1l ,.,,,ovtd 7'721 Nan sana.ra, personal p1operty de· llktl'fnlm thoae thlt ht Aulatant Secretary acribed below at 9·30 loWd owr 1111 IHI lew ASAPJJUOot 11111, 1.m .. on the 111 day ol yg-1, end tll•t ha la now 1112A. 1211 December, t999. The rmlng In petct. Greve-t---------\ UnClerslQned wrn accept 111A Ml'Vlc:et Wiii be on SUMMONS C8Sh bkfs to satisfy a lien No .. ml>tr 19, 1tH •t 1 std'"' rent and In 11:00 1m rt Ptclflc: Vltw (CITACION :d:iars ~rrtd ~ Ot tnelttY In Ntwporl JUDICIAL) atorage spaoee ~rally ~ CL wlth the Aw. NOTICE TO DEFEN· I l of lne n C1tte Coot a ottlcllllnf. D AN T (Av Is o a cons s • Atranoementuntruatedto Acusado) JOELLE M. C appliances, etedlOtllel, s A t( c L E M. E N T E LECHMAN, •n lndMdual household lumlturt and unoruARV Ct2.0t00 and DOES 1 ,.._..,..,.ti 10, beds, tamps, cabinets, ~ • rnvvv sporting gooda, bic:ydel, £ tnctusMtvou .. RE BEING toys , 6aby Item•. PAC1F1C VllW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetety •Mortuary Chapel • Crematory 3500 PacollC View Ori~ == Pt EIRO'"OI NU IROADWAY Mortu~ • Chapel Cremetlon 110 &o.dway Coste Men &42·SU50 "' Ciottlin!J, office IQUlp• SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (A ment al'ld tumttu'9, hand Ud. le eata deman· and power toots. va~ d and o) J 0 H N R C'"' and aoc•Honts. SCHILLING, APC ( I I Yoo have 30 C>.LEN· OKH con an a un· D .. 0 DAYS al1tr thi. known), musical tnstru· ""' "' ments end other mis· aummons I• .. ~ on <*laneOus 11em1 you lo flle I typewnlt9n NAME OF ACCOUNT response et lhll oourt. SPACE NUMBER A lln•r or phone can DAVID R. TSUMPES, wUI not protect you, your t65 typewrllttn rHponsa TIM J ANDERSON, 218 must be tn proper legal CRYSTAL L SIPES, 224 lonn II you want the ooun DANA BARRETTE, 235 to hear vour CHI LESLIE REDMOND, M l II ~ do not ftle your MICHAEL A. GRECO, '9Sponse on time, you 401 may loM Ul4I case, Ind ROBERT G PARKER, your wagee, ioon.v •00 425 property may be caletn TERRY LYNN without l\.lrthor wamlng COPPEDGE; 437' from ~ court. NORMAN lt:E OENTON There ere other •teoa1 IV, 608 requirementt You mey VINCENT T. want to ceH 1n auomey SPAl.LtERO, 622 Auctioneet'e Nenw 0 BAIEN'S AUCTION I LIEN SERVICE B ond Number: "Affordable Alternative" --I>iScoilnt Casket, 14683730089 Aucuona•r·a let • =otaN~r .it113 IMaci'l-O>t~= 't> lty Pltoe November 17, 2•, 1090 Cremat:{on & Burial Servic Why should you subject ur If & your family to paying inflated prices for ca. kets & crvfce ???? CaJITolJ Fm 1-31J8.5400KEr smt1g 0..,.. l s.ntandll& Coalttla Wf37' Wod11 idoy. Nove"'bor 17, 1999 1 oo Wed. Dec 15'1, 11199 at t 0 OOlm by AmerlClln AuctlOneera The auction Wiil be netd al t 2 Maosoa In Iha Cly of Newport Beech (Ne~ CoeS1, Tt1<>ro C1est Devetop.. rMnt area). County ol Orange, State ol Ceklor· ru i•rrM are cash only, remo1181 at lime ol Mle. pr~w at aala tome For lnformahon ple&MI caA Dan Dotson, Amencan AuctlOOMts II (800) 838-SOLD (7653) bond #3S942124()0 Published Newpon Beach-Costa Mese Daltv Piiot November 17, 24, 1999 W649 I .==.11 ___ N_Wr_~-~-I oia• Jeo.IJ PETITIONEA(S) 1117 •Id .. ~llr#f 3' 1 The City NO flCE TO llOTICE OF MICiheel Saitt W1t1111er ~ 10 Ctwo p n\#9 Oreng• CA CONTRACTOf'S w:,,,---TO (tegel n1me). 11&a Neubo. 1 matnld,.,... • leH . CALUNO FOA BIDS ,. -_.. MICMel Soon Ridley, ,_ "°" end ~ If YOU OBJECT SctlOOI [)(stm:l ADlllNISTER aka Gurujiwan Sk1gtl, P'CC*'Y· .. 8entldlrt 0 the ptenung of C04ST OOMMUNllY ESTATE OF: 8a ill!A Guru1iHn Singh WU. S!LL AT PU1!1UC he pet.t1on, you COU.EGE DISTRICT LOOPER A>Che)I, au GUt\lllYrlttl NJCT10N TO THE HIQH. hwlo ei-peer 9t the Bid Dtl3CI ie CA.IE NO. S.ngti K~~ll~ hlm$G en1 EST 8llOEA FOR CASH Hmiv ,•nd 1t.a.te N2ov00epm~r 30 1 99111 A1n732 an<f·on .,,.. .. "' •me ~ •.,,,. d Siiia our ob.-ouo,. or ... To eU h• ra, =YR!ne~ ~al ~money d 118 lJnllld =n• ':v~~·~ht °!>fu';; Off~ ~f ~~r: o benefloletfH, OtedJ.. HAS/HAVE FILED A siae.. by catl 1 ~ Puteha'lllO C0011 Com tore, contingent PETITION FOR AN Clledl ~ ~ • .._ afore th. heating. mun11y Oistl\Q orMltore, and pe,.. ORDER TO CHANGE ,..,... bMk. • ctllClt our tppHrance Oldg •D 1370 AOlm• HN Who m9V O~ NAMES FROM ~ bV • ... or federal mey ta In ptrton or Avwnoo Costa M .a CJ wl,. be lntt,..ted In Michael Scott Watllver crd union, or • ~ V V<X.lr •tt~~,r;· 92626 tM wit! or Htete, ,,r (legal. name). aka dt1IWI\ bV • ... a federal IF YOU A £ A P101att ld n11hc:a11or both&. of: BEN M1efulel Scou Richey, ~ and lmn .. CREDITOR or • Name. 01anga Coaa LOOPtR aka Gurvj1wan Singh, IOClalJOn, ~ ~ ontJngent crechtor eo11111ge AOA Upgrades A PfTITION het a'ka Guruj1w1n S1ngt1 taon. cn~1ng11 bank~ f th.• d•OHted, Y°"' Vanous Bulk.longs, b • • n f 11 • d by Richey, aka Gurui19'an rled .,.. "8Cllon 5102 d Iha mutt file vour claim a.a No 1802R I M O G E N E Singh Khlf$8 F~ Code and with the c~rt tnd Place B•d• Ire ori l~E •t D • ~ T t • h WI l I' ti or b y b 0 I 0 AODAIAUGH In tM Gamet Richey 8IAtlon2ed 1o do builneM m•I • copy to th• ano avaU..Ole 11 Ott.u o CHIUIOMO SulMrior Coutt of Ooal Moon Richey in• mite) lol Iha fltn •reonel repr .. enta· Iha Physlcal Fact !lie! NOTICE Of Cellfome, County of TO MICl'lattl Soo!t tha ~ • 11w "*' ve eppointed by th• Coord1n11or Ardltt ol p = To Or Garnet Alleyne M00te tttry .,. to ttw. Pllloaf'llla ourt within fOYr Ricnv Coast Comnwnlt~ PE I h enge. °ril Moon MOOfe ,.__ .-1 '1 tnonthe ftorn th. Cc.tie~e District 137C ...... I Bl THE .-nn'ION la n.,~by o-·r~d CMc:· ...--..., _. Adi"" Ave Bldn D ~ t t h at • '""' .. ,..._ A--""-eta of firtt 1tauanc1 • ti c e d EST·a"l"'r OF·. r etl u • • • thar all persons tn· --·-· --· .--.. Cos11 MMa CA "' ~ I 0 a I! N E ·-CA al -··~ A.... of ltttere •• crovided ROSE MARE 1ereste<1 1n thls matter ap· -. """·· -• ..., (714) 438 4673 I --m~---RODABAUGH b• oear beloro lhis court In ...... ~ to and n .. ction 100 of NOTICE IS HEREBY t -~ -s>s>olnted .. P9,.0n-Department No. L73 of now held br • under Mid ht C•Ufornl• 'Pro· GIVEN lllal Ille at>Ovit ~199698• ... reprffentedw to the Orange County Su· Deed d Trull "'Ille~ b•taflCll od•.,:!;he ti~•,, nam&d Scllool C>1s1riCI ot f " edmlnltt.r the .-tat• penor Court at the ad er1'i llluated In a.aid Counlv or ng o .. mt w1 Orange County Cit .tor To 811 h•lr•, of the d.oMent. dress stlOWn above on Caklcmia delcntlWlg not expire before n11, acting by ano beneffoleriH, crec:U-THE PETfTION t2~1. 1999, at land lhefeln l..<lt 2 c:A Trm our month• from lhrough 111 Goveming tore, oontlng•nt r • q u • • t • th• 2 oo o'clock pm end No 3379, • ~ on ht hHrlrfg date Board heremalter re· ttw f t cr~itore, and P•r· decedent'• WILL and then and there r.now map f9CDrded., Book 1 noticed above. teired to as "DISTRICT", eon• wtwl mey oU\41,.. oodloll1, If any, be cause. fl any they have P9g8a 23 d Msotllaneous YOU MAY EX· will rec:erve up 10. bvl no1 • 17 w lH b• lnt•r••ted In edmitted to probate. why tho pe111ton for Maps. 111 "" Ofl'lot d AMINE the file kept later than the aJ>Ove the the wilt or ••tArt•, or Th9 WIU. and any change ot name snould CcunlyReoorderd~ by the court. If you staled t.me ealed bids both, of.: ROSE MA· oodloif1 11te eveilable not ba granted County, c.wcrn. ~ ere a pareon intarHt· lo1 11\e awa1a ol 1 c:co RIE SMEOEGAAAD for eumlnatlon In II IS further ordered that OQI'( Phone· (948) ~ ed 1n the 11ttte, you tract IOf tNI prOJect <le A PETTTION hM the Ne kept by the a copy ol tills order 10 5758 Benefic:iar,· r....... may ftla with the scribed as.; .__ fil~ b F1AST ShoW cause be publlStled .... _ oourt a formal Re· REBID OF BCD t i;()2 uwen Y court. 1n NB Costa Mesa Daily Nab>, 1707 Nlq.a W quHt for Special REDUCING SCOPE OF CAOMMERPIACNYAN ITRU_!! THE ~ON Pilot a newspaper o.t ~ 8-::tl, CA 9'2eeO Notice of tM fili"" WORK T 0 MEET n .... requ..ia "''""'"ty to general cm:ulahon pub· The property._...,. · ·• BUDGET ·ADA Ui><Jtade Superior Court of edmlnl•ter the Ht.et• fished 1r1 this county, at aaiblld 11 ~ ldd of •n Inventory and ol restrooms, 11dewdl~. C.Ufornle, County of under the Ind.pen-least once a week tor .-The llJ98t ~Ind appr.!HI of Ht•t• stairs and ooor hardwa1e Or•~· dent AdmlMtretion foor (:Orlsecu11ve weeks Olhtr oommcn ~ .... " or of •nv at various crass room THE PETITION of Eetat" Aot. <Thi• · h .. ~ 1 1.. 1 d ....... peJitlon or aocount b k:I ngs r•queat• that RRST euthority will ... 0., ~:~: t e uoy 0 "8 ~bed u;,:: ~ .. pro\llded In HO· u+h~re will be a Twenty• AMERICAN TRUST the "'"nal rep,.. DATE:NOV·t,1999 portedlobe.2008Carilella tlon 1250 of tht ($20') non·rellfndabte COMPANY be ep-eantatiw to take JAMES p, GRAV, Pl,~ a.en. CA The Cellfornie Probtte payment 1equtrad for point~ u pereonal meny eotloN with-JUDGE/ ,_.____. TNAla Coda. A ReQUHt for each se1 al bid docu· reprHentetlve to out obtelnlno coutt COMMISSIONER OF ~-..,., lilblly Sp•cl• Notice form ments Checki sl\Ould be edminl1t•r the fft9te epproval. lSefor• THE s u p E R 1 o R ...... alOOl'leaue• cl le evetleble from the made payable 10 Coast of the dec:~•nt. taking oertaln vwy COURT ;;;.. adctea Ind olhar coun clerk. Community College Ou; THE PETfTION Important eodone, Mlctlaol Scott Ridley, ocmmon ..__ ... ,, Auam.y for Intl ("Ail praVIOUS 1802 r e q U •It e th I how.-r, ~ per-619 ll'Vll'le Avenue, -"'llitkll•. bidders mav reoelve One deoed•nt'a WILL and 90.,.a repr--.ntatiw Newport Beach CA WN. shotM'I herwl Seid H • ...., Welll • Sel Free fol each !>el put· oodicil9, if lltlfV. be will be r-..irM to 92663 .,. Wiii be nwda, AIW • .......... ct\ase<J) _.mitted t obat .._. I sell repre&enteo ~ 00111WW'1 or _. l1' Bids Vlail be f1\C8IV1KI ~-WILLo ~ ..!y· give notice to nt.,.. o. ·bti· .. -d Ne~" nnv. «111:111 1 or .,.,,.._, In the "'ace 1oenhl eCI · ,... •N -• fftedper90NUnlff8 r u "'"' " _....._ 5~........ ,,.nd ho b.-1 codloila ere aveilable the:t, hew welv.d Beach·Co~ta osa ·---.,, -· P7M 1000 abOva. a 1 se .... s f ~--' • I Da•ty Pilot or encumbrwlOl6. lo ..,._ CA 9.2914-~nail be opened and pub· or •..-...naaon n no • or oo,..nt~ November 3 10 11. 24. the remaining prn;lp9I 11cty 10au aloud at mo the file kept by the to th• pr~oe~ 1999 W624 aum d the.......,,) -=urea •211 &00111-stated tome and cCK.trt tlon) ...... "'I ......... ......., 11/11. 1tf17,11/23 TH• E ...,.......ON ec: • ' "" -...-•.-bV salcl Deed cl TNll, v.1111 -place .-.. • • • • dent edminietratlon NOTICE OF .... __. ..._ TO: In accoroanc-a wotn me t•quHte euthority to thority ii be •• ....,_ .,,......,.,, • pro-CONSTRUCTION edminlat•rthe ••tArt• :'antM uni':-an PUBLIC HEARING Vlded '" _, nole(a) ENGINEERING ~~bt11~oonc~1rage~~:: und•r the lndep4Mt-lnterHtH peraon NOllC8 15 hereby given ~. / fln1, undar CONSULTANTS SocllO!l 3300, tl'le D1str1C1 d•nt Admlnletr•tion filff an obJeodon to ll'lal the City Counat 01 lem'll d Iha Deed ol Trull SUBJECT: 1equore& that Iha bldde1 of EetetM Act. CThia th• P•tltlon and the Ctty 01 Newpon tGnwlled '-· clwo-poueu 1h1 tollow ng ....:u ..... Beach will consi<l91 the and ~ cl Ille Tna-REQUEST FOR euthority """' -ow ehowa oood cauH vacation ol ii sewer ._ and d the wm ci-. PROPOSALS FOR class I caUOn of oontrac-the p.nional rep,.. why the court easemen1 The vacahon llled..,UldDaedc:ATIUll CONSTRUCTION IOfs IJGense 111 !he lttne Hntadve to take ehou4d not grtftt the process ..,11 be con· .,, that the contract ts --.. -ti--w'"'L. .... _ ~ 11>¥.C. $$911,52688 Est ENGINEERING award41d ··-·" ..... ""'-·~ M.IU1Un • ducle<S pursuant 10 the out obt.tfting oourt A EARING on Cattlornia sireet and mmedAcaued ~ SERVICES FOR THE Contractor B License approval. Before the petition will be Highway Code Sectoon addillcnal a&Mnol6, I mv DOWNTOWN PUBLISH No,;<1mber t.Sino cefUin VfKY held on D•cM'lber 8300 Pubhc S11ee1s, wlM n:r-. ir. flg\n RECREATION 10 l999 and Novembet import.ant eotlona, 19, 1911 et 1:45 Hi9hways anU SeMce priorlosalt TlEBENa'l-FACILITY, 17w~~~ THROUGH how•wr, the per· P.M . In O.Ot. L73 Easements Vacation OAR( MAY ELECT COSTA MESA, CA NONE aonel repra .. ntadve locat~ at :!41 The Law The 1ewer ea~ BID LESS TliAN TH On November 1 1999 BID DATE Novemoer w"I be required to City Drive' Orenge ment proPo$8<1 10 be FULL CREDIT BIO. The City of Costa Mesa 1199 oo give notice to inter· CA 92998. vacated Ii. ducribeu baNflCIWY under tad advertised tM above· 30eJARDab~TE Pm fft~ ~orw unlHt IF YOU OBJECT below . o-f d TNll lw'*1t mentioned project tor o .. cember 8. 1999 tMy have weiv~ TO the grenting of Thal certain sawer mmcuted and delil.wed con1ot1UCllOO btdS This No payment sM• be f'OUC• or oonsentM tM petition, you easement, 10 00 leet Ille undars.gned a vnien projea ttas been ap-made lex work 0, malel\al to the propoaM •hcMHd eppe•r et the wide. lrl the C~I New Oac:lat8tion d Oalaull prOlle<J to reoeive tunc11119 under rt.e contrad uniess eodon.) TIMI lndepan-Manng and •tat• Port Beach. nty 01 Demand lor S.. and hom a Community De· and untA ttla Regtstra1 ol dent edminletradon ~r objeotione or Orange, State of C8htor· v.rcan Nollet d Olf 11etopmen1 Blod Gr;int, a Contrad0ts .,,8111.n IO euthority wil b• file wntt•n objeo-n1 ta, dec=5f'1~ lnNdaedp '~ Ind Elecflon lo Sell. lederal tuna ng sOUtce, the DISTRICT that 1ne ~MrtM unlff• an tlona with the 00\lrt he I y 0 ew 0 lnllrllgned ~ lrom .,,. Olllce ot Emer· CONTRACTOR WU _.. Beach recorded Dec.em· ............... d n...... ........... e.o. ~ncv S.MCes and lrom • .... at ... t•reet... peraon before the hearing. ber 18, HISS as Docu· ·-...._ • .., proper!y .icens-.. ... e fHH an obJeotlon to Your •PP••r•noe ment No 85•507189 of IDI to Sell to bl raoordlad ty source& In prepara· ume tfle contract was the petition end may be In ...,,.0n or Off ...... ,.1 R~A•ds In,.._ 01• inlhe ~W-Iha bOn tor lhe new ccnstruc· awarded Any CON ho ~ ... -....... .......,. .... ...-........_. t1on,ttieC11y1sflerebyre· TR .. CTOR not so • w1 oaue• by your ettomefri. flee of Iha Coun&x:R•· ... ......-., • ~ " h t rt more than lhrM months ques1•no proposals for tteens~ is Ul>\&C1 to w Y • oou IF YOU A E A corder ol said nty construction menage· penaloes unde1 the law 1hould not Qtant t"-CREDITOR or •• more particularly de· .tie¥e ~ S111011 such ment end matenal 1es· If the license classl· authority. oontlno•nt orNltor scnbed as lollows reooidlllai DA 11ng ncauon peolied herem· A HEARING on of the deoeff~ you That porilon ot Lot 2. tM7i99 CHCAGO TTTl.E It 1s the Ctty s intent 10 aDOve 1s that of a "s"'"· ......... ....ddon ·w11 ta mue• file .,.,,,.,, _._,_ B'""" • E", Tract No C0.9/WY • TRlltlt 1 ,.... .... ...-• .. ---n """' have a OQn&UllJllg inn dahtv ocnlractor" as da· ~ on December wfth the oou" lllld 1219 per map thereof FOREO.OSURE SERV rumiah competent and lonod in SectlOl'I 7058 ot 18, 1111 llt 1 :•Hi mail • oopy to lhf hied tn Book 38, Pa~s a CENTER 3880 l!IP&OPnatd oonslrvcllOt! Iha CatUomia Busanes. P.M. In O.Ot. L73 peraonal rept-..nt. 26 and 27 of IS• l.fMON STREET RIVER engme9fs architects, In· 800 P.olessions Code . locatM et 341 TIMI dve ~tM by the celtan«>us Maps '" the Sl:lE. CA 92501 ~ 5peciars, an<! matenal tne ipeclllllty contractor City Otfw Orange 1 · whhl t office of tho County Re· phone NL.moer. (909) ~ testers LO assist tne City's aw11rde0 tfle Contract fo1 CA t2aea. ~ f~ = cordar OI said County 4180 &r. GWEN Cl..EVE· construction p~ man· this WOfk shan Itself coo· IF YOU OBJECT dat• of first letuenc• tying Within 8 stnp ol land lNI> ASST SfCRf. ager in the oversight ol strud a ma nty o1 tne TO the prendno of be.ng aescrit>ed 8~ fol· TMY OPP 31311 1113. daily construction opera· Work, 1n aoootdance w\tll :.:u.r~ at~ r,: 1:0-:r r~~ toc~encing at the 1.t_t_11_0...,1_1_,,_1m_____ :~~t~'~=I~ r:~ ~lea pr~s~a8 ~S ca:f~ ._..,..... end atett the Cal onU Pro-southwesterly corner of CHSt7ti07t4 tenal testing retared of· Profession~ Code ..• obl-...d beta Cod•. The time Hid Loi 2. 111ence o~r OF lice work Md htlng, i,bor Se II 7059 your ,... one or for flit',.,. o1..:-. ·-111 S 77920'10" E along Ille N • •'4> 1 c on fil• written objeo. ·::.i -·:-f""" ... rl 11 f ldl 1 PETITION TO compttance, rev ewmg All Woll\ must be corn· done with tM court not e....,.r• .,. ore sout .. ., Y ne 0 11 0 a oonstrvouon subm111a1s plated Within Ninety l90) four monthe from distance ol 92 00 feet to ADM,.ISTER ot matonat spooflcetions conseC1Jtive days Time b•fore tM hearing. the Mtling date lhe True Point ol Be· ESTATE OF: and shop dtawings. In· IS Ol lhfl Hsence Fa lunt Your •PP••renc• nodoed tlbow. Qmn1ng: thenro con11nu· MAURK:E C. 11ia11ng change orde1s 10 romii ole 1he Wof'll mev be In pereon or YOU MAY VC· lnq s n'20·10· E alOl'1g AOAMS AKA and loeld dlrvctives; and wlthon l!le tome Ml I0111"1 p "f. ct. ·- . for Iha ' bla . •t. P"f ad- Iha I• and TO E The ~ lo and • ... The lllid .... end TE· . . .... ~111tca1u • llO !hat lhll requlfed lf'lllK enc. Is in lftct in the amounts Mii fOrtl'I 1t1 gonellll OOrlCJitionl tn lhO •vont Of llura to m 1n10 tf1fl II a nd OQ;t ltlO ll:QUired csocu-menu suc:t1 bk1 ocutlt'f 10t1 'Tl ~a1tnlul Performanc. Bond r.hlll roma In WI ton:c ana 1l1ect 1h1'0Ugt! rt guaram pcnod t pe(;lllOO tn tN! ncm1. cond•llOtl& • 'The DISTRICT it· &er.es 11~ Tight 10 rtjCQ en)' or 111 bid• or IO waive any •negulant•el or •n· lormalltie& lo ny bids Of 1n tne bld<l no Ali ·~ •60 tJY &ictlOn t 773 d th() Co fotni8 La· bor Code It Director OI the Oeparimen1 01 to dustrial Retat;om Of ti)() State OI Ca!Uornla NII oe•ermtned It'll no lly prevailing rat s OI wages lf'I !he 1oca I ty In wrtief\ Int Work Is to lifJ pertomieo eopes oc IC\DSe wage ra11 determ1N1llOOS ent • lled PRE;VAILING WAGE SCALE. a1e ma1n1a1ned at !he DISTRICT otta located 81 1370 Mams Ave • Costa Mesa CA 92626 Pn'l'51C1IFac~11es Plaon1ng ano ere 11v1H able to any 1n1e18$led party upon request Tna Contractor "'8 PoSt a copy O! lhi$ ()()Cufl1 nl a1 each IOb &lie The Coo· tractor and anv 1Ubcon· 1ract0t under It snail pay not less than the sped· t.e<l prevaU1ng rates of wages 10 all wcx~11rs em· ployed In the awecut•Qfl ot tne Contract No D1doer may wrlhdraw ant blO tor a peooel of 1011y (601 d.ays a1l81 lhe dale set for the opening o! bids A payment tiond MlaU be reqwe<l pnor 10 ea ecuttC.n ol tne contract and ~han be m me form set fortn 1n the contract docvments Pursuant 10 Section 22300 or Ille PUOliC Con· tract Code lt•ll contrai;t win conta'n ptov1s1Qm penn1n1ng the i;uc:cenlul bodde1 10 substitute se· cunties 101 any mon.115 w1thhekl by Iha Olslncl lo ansurti peoormaoce un· der tl'la contract Eac:tl bid submln!ld In •esponse 10 1n11 ~tk:il , shall conain, ii 1> a bid tem adeQua!e ~l'\6&11fl9 shonng ano 1>1acing or l'Q1J1Valen1 mettiod. tor tne preitoctJOn OI I le and limb 1n trenchcS end open e11cavaOofl Nllidl snaQ contonn to iilO- plicable sah:11y 011101' Governing Boerd By Witham M. V•o•. Ed. o., Chancellor, Co11t Community Coll199 District Publlshed Newport Beacn-Costa Me.a Dai v Pllol Novcmbel 1Ci 1; 1999 NOTICE Of APPLICATION TO SEU ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Daleo' f1 ig -,pp1 !Qll on November 2, 1 To Whom fl May Concem The Name(S/ of the Apphcant(s) 1stare BUDDHAS FAVORITE INC The aPl)llcants 1:t•0<1 aDOYe are applying IO the Deparimeot ·of ,•ICohol!c Bever199 Con1rot lo sell alooholic t>evera~ a1 634 LIDO PARK DR NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 Type ol Llccn~e(sl Apphecl lor 41 ON·SALE BEER AND WINE • EA TING PLACE by your ettorney. AMNE the file kept said southerty Iona 10 the MAURICE scheduling deputy In· nore111 Will result 11'1 tne IF YOU ARE A by the ooutt. If you westerty lino o1 Dover AD • ....,5 spec1ors as needed lmpos l:Qrl o1 l!Quidatlld W62S CA EDITOR or • 1 Dove as sllcMn on R1gtit -Endosed I a Request damage• tor ead1 day oc ,....,...,-':r.'l~..,......r:":"'.~:"!"'.::-contino-nt creditor :,-1 • ':.re:'t~terfft· of Way Map No 25492 C CASE NO. fOf Proposals (RFP) to delav 111 tne amount sei Flcthlou1 Bu1lnn• Published Newpon Beacn-Costa M<::Js.a Da ty Pilot November 10 17 24 199~ of tM deo .... d. you n fie with•-= on file In the Departmel\I A 199554 tumlsh prolesslonal serv-tortn 1n 11'\8 1n•onnauon Name Slatement mutt fil• your delm =:, • fonn.t R• ol Transportation ot Itta To all helrt, lcH I~ construcliOn en· lor Bidders" The lollowlng Porsons with the court end c-a-' State of C81tlomaa beneflclan11, credi· g1neerlng The consultant Eaeh blO n~ oontonn il"9 dolr1o ~"'"' as --u to the ClUfft offOf ...._-:;:=el The northerly ~ne ol tort, oontlnnant W1U be seiac:ted by Ille and be ,.,por·~·ve to tile Ka:t.L'f SPORTS 220 .._ • oopy NodM .... '"' said stnp of lan<:I being -"''t _ _. ·~er One Step RFP" method contract oocumenhi ~ tepreeenta-of an lttWntory parallel with and 1000 crwut ore, -• G11ndvlew, L1guna tlw appointed by the .,, ... of ..iat• leet northerly, measu!ld 1ona who may ot •r· Ind jll act 111 ~e a:pacj Eacn bidder shall submit, Beach Calilomia 82653 court within fOYr MMt8 or of «ty at right 81l9181, trom saod w1ee b• interHt~ In ~~l~r ro ~: e~fy~I :;',,., 17~ ':::i,~~rn;;~ K1mber1Y Ann Kell)', montt. from the petftloft Of 90coUnt southerly tine of said Loi tti. will or Ht•t•, or Costa Mosa, pursuant to ments. a list of tl'le 220 G11ndv11w UIQUN d.te of fl,.t la11Uanoe .. pro~ed In MO-2. . both, of: MAURICE the requirements oC the ed . ........,1 ct Buen, Ca11lotn11 92653 ofl•tt.,. •provict~ tion 1250 of the NOTICE IS FURTHER C. ADAMS AKA Cahtomoe Department ot propos Su'"""' ra ois This bu~m9S.S II con In HOdon 9100 of C .. lfornle l"robate GIVEN HEREBY 11'181 the MAURICE ADAMS Tiansportahon Local ~r:'b.,P:gi.~~!tt~ duaed by an Individual th4t Callfomle Pro-Code. A "~ for Ctty Cler11 or the CtlY ol A PETITION h•• PrOljtlms Manual The end Sut>oontfKtlng F111 ~ 5~ dO!ng bet• Code. t'h. 1inw SpMiaf Notloa form Newport Beach has sel b • • n f 11 • d b V m nimum requirements Practices Act Govem-vet for fWno olairrw will le .wllebfe from the Monday, November 22. MAURICE A . AO-IOf QOalifoeatton end tt e ment COde Sodlon 4100 Kimberty Kelty not •ICPlre before ooutt cMrtt. 1999, al tne hOur ol 7 00 AMS In ~ Sup•nor necessary profess ona1 et 58Q r.i::• w ••at l men~ four monUMI from All Wf ,_ PM as lhe ume and ltwt Court of Cahfomta, HMOIS requtred by lh Cletk ol n..o....... Coun ..... L.-... ..,.. deft • Ill Council Chambers as lhe C~nty of Orange. City are itlltd...., thin tti• Eac:tl Bid 5hlll be IC· ........ _. :Y ;;;doed.w. 11:.l'..!,"!I; I .... placeoflheheerinQo4an THE PETITION AF'P companledbyecertlfled oo1l-899119Q61U)8:2S YOU M.AY EX· D 1, .... M 1 'ft persons lllteres!td 1rvor r • q u •a t• l h • t Al hrms Wl$hing to re-or caShlef' cneci. or bid Oaj, Pilot Nov 10, 17, AMIN( ..__ file k--t a II -objecting to ltle ProfJOMld MAURICE A. AO· 1pond 10 thiS RFP arere-bOlld In 8fl amount nCI\ 2~ ~ 1 11199 W&.12 · .,.. ~• ~ vacat""', ond id City A"'"• b• ~nt-.. -d· 1 .. _., th • ,_ ..... INlr\ ten percent _:! !!!::! • ----by the ooutt. If you &18 W. , ... k '"" .... I ......, ... """'° o c;u., ... ~ e.r -....: I -• the t04al bl(f .,••IMftOnlnterut· c.e.-.CA Counclla11 • ..,,same lme .. P•,.o 1 repr• proposalltothi.sothceno (lv.~ "' I ...... end place w n hear the eent•llw to *'mini•· la1e1 than " 00 p m on PrlCI payable to Iha O\s ed n .... "tate, YoU 8Z8Z1 evidence ottered by any ter th. ettete of tti. Tuesday Nove1nber 30, trict as • guarantee that m.v fh wfth the 11111. 11111. 11/U person lfllerealed tn the d _... !999 Should"°" t"""Utr1I 1n biOOer, ti 111 proposal ooutt • fonT)lll Re-t n111 •owuant. ""' I" accepttd, sllell =t for 5 .... o1.. --------1 proposed vac:a ion • Tl1f PETITION cianltcauon on matters • he ht... tolore da5Ct'll>ed r • q u • 1 t 1 t h • rageraing lhlS Request promptly •••Cult t tlo. of t ang Flctltlou1 Bu1lne11 ISi &.ellanl I. Grown tor dtOHent'• WILL end lor Pr0Posat1 pleaH M•Mmonl tumish a set· of .,. Inventory end Heme St•tament l.llVonne M H•tldt.. contact M1. Baltazar M lsfactOry F •·~tut Par· eppr..., of •tst• The followln City Cter1c City of codicil•, if •ny, be Mejia et (714) 7!\4 5291 totmanc• &ond In 11n ... m or of eny •r• dolno but:_:~ Newport Beach 8dmn~ to probate. sincerely, amounc not a tnan ont pedtlon or eooount SCARU:Ts wee. t8 PubltsMd N wport The W•LL •nd eny /SI LAAAV J, ARRUDA. ttuodl9d POJC8flt (I~) .. Pf'QMM In aeo-T~Or . 1169 6Mdl·Colte t.At1.sa Da!IY cod1cil1 er• evaileble Manaoer. Proj.ct Ao-o4 ll'lll total biO prlot $1mpUfy your don 12IO of the 1_ ..... _ ,... -•-9""18 PllOI Novembef 10. 11, for ex.-nlnetlon In m1n1strtt1on D•vt11on lumlsh • Pavinent Donel hfe through Ceflfornle 'robet• 'o~"'"'Mari~-~~. 1m th9 file ktPt by the Put>llshed~ 1n an~ not tesa CLASSIFIED Code. A RequNI for 5071 E. Challca Ln, 1------MD--t oou~E ........... ON Beacti~i. Dallv cent!! {~rninared) ol tha =I a g 642 5~8 a,.ol8' NedC• fonn Anahe\tn H•ts. oa11om11 '" ..... ,.,, f'ttot November 17, 21. (-4 ) • w i. llWlatble from the 92807 NO'T1a! C:if ~E'S requ .. tl eutho11tv to 1 ~19~99~===~~::!:::b:kl=:i::too:=::· :;ona:=:::':::uml$h:=~======:::; ecMHt deifk. This buSlnua ii con· SAIZ Tiiie Order No adtnlniat•r the Htata r: •• •t tw oueted by an lndtvitlutt 251821?1+T'25 TIUlllll9 und•r th4t lndep•n-•ats . Have vou •tarted doing Sele No 1012-38 A*· dent Admlnl•u•don --. L......... bui!Mu yll? No anc:ie No ~ No Q&. of Eaut .. Aot with ~ Gtne Mendell 11142 YOU ~ N DE· llmltM euthority, :_:_ y. ttc••4 Thia atatament wat FALA.T lN:>ER A a:ED flW• authotity wll --a T lilod wfth lh8 County a TRUST ~Tm elot11t the pe~ .,. "-....._ C&ark of Or9"QI County 0712&110 \HZSS YOU r•prHentetln to ,_ ,.._ on I0..2tl-19 TN<! ..cnoN TO""°" uk• menv ec:Uorw C.... ..._CA 0 11y p:o... L~7 •... _.1 IECTYOUft PfltOlll!lll'.TV, without obtaining ... 3 1D. 1'11'999. WSiJ ,, WtAV 8! IClD AT A fooutt approwl. rt .. 11117• nna. 1l12A sOPEAlOR COURT ~AN~~ ~ ~~: ac~ OF CALIFORNIA, ~ ml! No\T\.M a one. twiwewr, the COUNTY OF THE IWlCEEOINQS p•raonal r-.irMente ORANGE NJNGT vtlU, vou tiYe Ml be ''•4'.l'lrM 341 Tht Cc'ty °""''• SHOULD OOHrN::T A to gj..,. nolkl• to Poat Offa &• 1417 t, LA~ Ort 1 t/24"a • lnt•t .. tM per90n1 Omno• CA 10G> AM OtCAOO unlM8 they hew 2flt3 1s11 mu OO*Nlf .. -. ••v.d notice or IN n4 MATTER OF ~ _... T~ conMntM to the THE P 'TITION lO wmr ..S ........ 10 'ropoeM ectlon .t CHANG TH NM4 o-tolTMt.NIOOlllldCll h• lndapen41nt Of Mkha I Well• t2.CDllO • Ooa11NH No, edminl1tr1tion .,_ ~r tllgal neme}=W .:MXl100 aca P1tft d dMlnty wil be or•t• M!ctlMI Soon A , ~ ,._... in tw Ml urt6eN an lntef• O n • Clla9 fl ,. ,_._..., d ..... NrMn flH an Ila Guru n O" a.,. a.ftf Cl9mNt. ob~don to tM Rltfley .. ~ _.., !tr a.. P! ,..,.. 8nd lthow. :t'on '°t::r ~ == ~'a mMW .,.,. fOod HUM Why tM ~!.,.~..Sap.I :.:.:-:' ~ = tM ~tJtyrw:i -oftOO. .. lo ·=· .........,. ~TNll. A HtAIUHC\ n CAUSE'°" CHA~ ..._ C ~ IM ~°" " bt Of' NAME fNlll8lf ,, e 11W11 btnld MW •l'I o.e...... 2, CA•HUMaut ....-•00ldalie1tl 1ttl .. 1 41 'M A1-.0 TIUll ..... .,... Jn o.tt. L'?J ....... STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • -1111 ..... nt By Fu By Phone By MaMn Persons 111111 ... ,1111l 1l1·;11ll1111-1111• ·111•1•·•·1 "' 1l1.1111w~11!111111110111 ,. I ft, p11l1ft,l111 rt• t'l\I'• lfu· Jllllll ltt t t·ll•of 11·1 h1'"1f~, II'\ f"'4' ttf f•'jt·t I 11111d.1"1fll'd111h1·111•t'lllt'lll 111 •.••••• 11·p1111 .1111 t'll'OI 1h111 111•11 111• 111111111 du-.1ri1·d ad 11111111·tl11111·h, 1111· l>111h 1111111 111·• •·pt• 1111 tii1l.ili11 r111 11111 1•r111r Ill ,111 111111 .. lli-1·1111·111 Im \\ lrwli II llhl\ 111• ll'•llllll•il1l1 l'\l l'jll lttl 1111 I tl•f t1l 1l1t• f'llt'I' tll llHflh llt l'lll'lt•ol I.I 1lt1• 1·11111 ( 11·tl111011 011h 111• 111111111111 frn 1111' 111'•1 itt•l'f 111111 A I 'l-t1l1 11 l!-h."1•> .. (1J.t11) ti4:! .. ·.i, .. X Ull \\ ,. I U.11 ...... I .,. • 471 5Ell\1ICE DIRECTOllY -For All Your Home aod B~iness Nttd - ~ ·L:l EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All 1111 ...... ,,.,,...le !lilt . ...,.,.. ............... ," .... ,.,. ........ Alll" .... " '"""'" ••In ....... " ltttttl .... ,., ....... , ,..1., .. ct, llllllltUH ti f lllllMIHllH ....... rtct. ""'· ......... . .... ••••'4•'· , ••••• 1 ....... . lttlt4tll ...,.., ff ti r.tHllM It lllflt Ill nc• ,1tlt1t1Ct, llmtltllM .. ~Cf!Mr.allta • 011 ... ,,,,., •Ill ut ....... " '"''' .. , •f•tllltt 111tll ltf 1111 111111 wllld It 11 s 1-5 2 OAUPHINE Thi Summit, 3br, Sba, epror llOO 1f. Ntw wood tlra & bllnda. BY Owner REDUCED TO $409,000 MH11-0l17 1~0f=~1 HOME& IN PALM SPRINGS Ranchll. Eata1es, Homes or Condos IQ buy or 581, give me a call! Eddie Verdugo, R111tor. ?I0-34e-5593 ".....,.." ... 1a. ow""'" 80 COMM/RETAIL "' .. ,.., i.1111111• "'' '" ~NDUST SALE •••lll•t• tfurllttf le ,.,, """"" 111 Htllllllt " 11 !!-B~EE!!!!R~&~W~IN~E~20"4~~0fl~Sl:e-."'ll •II .,,.._,11y ..... lt -Llc«IN, Coate MMe. ,tile ti '™"""laftltll, ctlllUO Btlt Otftf MM44-7111 , .. """ ..... •1• ..... '" Ext 218. :1 =:.·:.11" ...... -... -fl-IN_E_B_U-Sl-NE_S_S_ -------A Profltlble. tum-key .. tu l'i••1:~~M7! ************ -BALBOA • • PENINSULA ! u SOLDu : • ssts • ! SHOWCASE : ,..,, pai1W1r1>11.' trldg & ut1s * HOMES * Included. deek. yrty, no petS * FOR SALE * &49·760-17131949 588-ssoo * * OCEANFRONf : In Our Sat : • 3Br/2B11 s22iwmo • Real E1tate * STEPS TO SAND ! S~.P..lementl ! : ::~~::: m:::::· • HOMES Qf * Av1llablt Hov 1 ·June17 : : Jim, Apt. tMM75·5069. *• THE WEEK •. 109 APTS ni .... 1'"' Arts * CORONA DEL MAR : Deadline $ ';:T=H=E=SH=O=R=E=S=: • Tuesday 5PM ! ! Open House • APTS ! ~l1tlngs ! 1 & 28R : ~zd~~!I i TOWNHOMES ! Thursday 5PM ! ~g~~J~ ! It Pays to ! Selected Units • Advertiae • • • • • • • • • • • • ! In the Beat ! Starting o • LOCAL * $1095/mo. ! Real Estate : Mo to Mo lease. •• Section .• 0 We are a pet .. ! Call Todayll ! community. • LISA RIVERA * 6 blocks ! 949-574-4252 ! from the beach. ! ANNE WILLEY : 949-644-2611 : 949-574-4249 :A :"v-1~1tab~lt~to_r_1"""'"!U~m-:h~ed * • • * * * * • * * * * Tlmt Onlyl 2Br. Fp wld, WELl tOCA TED 810 CANYON BROADMORe * Bu!ld r o Sult * C8ll FOf Details D48·7~ OCEANFRONT RXER THE PfllCE gar, 1wesome locatlon near COM and NB 888·279-4451 Liudl\il 2Bi, Ip. gar. new catpel. WIO, relr. pvt gated ared comm./Newport 888·2794451 v w atop NBW· port Cotst, !bf end 28r, lll!ed. Olf. WIO. Iii Bus c.n.r. -279-4451 Cfulfmlilii 1 bi 1 bl COiii9t BffCh ICCeH, rtNrve l)lt1dng, IN $1250 · utll. 2710 Blytldt 94t-75t-1112 1110 APTS I • COSTA MESA • NEWPORT ACROSS THE' STREET 28r, Ftplc. Qll, new ClllJIVl)llnl. SI 095hno (no pela) f 665 llWWI Ave •3 I Call DIN.. 949-720-9-422 Ext 203 159 HOUSESICOHOOS FOR RENT CORONA 1>£1. MAR 38f 291 Duplex Panoramic Octan .YllW, INY ICCHI 10 belch. $2550/Mo. 714-921-4092. t 60 HOUSESICONOOS FOR RENT COSTAM£SA E'Slde. Back Bay 381 2Ba Hse. 2c gar. S15951mo. No pets, $1000 dep 329 Unlver Slty •L Usa. 949·548-60'.l3 112 HOOSES/COHDOS FOff RENT NEWPORT BEACH Penlhou11 albor & ocean view, 2bt 2b8 lrlg. Y</d secure bldO. great loc, plenty ol PtMo. ~100 tum'd $1900 urrium 94!).51 s. 1000 ext 306 Bick Bly HouM, A•I 1211 l.lg 38r 381 central lllcsVlir Lrg yard. I yr lease or longet $2295/Mo 949~7262 BIG CAHVON BROADMORE Well located 4Br 3Ba. lrnmi.d oocupancy, xlnl cond lrg yrd, t rear lean $4500.'mo 94g. 723-0940 Of 949·509-8863ipgr BAYSttORES 41:>< 3bl den, drum, lg buck pallO Sleps lo p11v bch. gated comm $4275/mo 949-631-5994 OCEANFRONT & OCEAN CLOSE 1.ednn thru 5-Bdrm $900.• '4000. Braur MM-42-3150 3Br 28a 12,200/mo. Awesome View contlo. lrg end unit. pvt lndty. 2c gar, Sptrtts Reaty 949·551·3'100 '28R 2BA, 2 Cl/ ••• hlghly upgrldtd. lmmac, Wood1y view, W/D hkupt, $11751 mo Bkr MM62·97'5 IBR 3BA NWPRT HOTS 2·STy Conoo. vNI C8lls FP, Ill 2c gar lndry ""• St75or'mo lease No pets 949 7~ I 71!W4H88·8SOO . tLIDO ISlE• Prime loc.UOO. nNf bllCh SHOO/mo. Specloua home 949131-7227 •BIG CAm"ONe 2br 2bll, 2000tf, '3t00r'mo IM opt, SSSOK Ownef' m1y can't. By Ownef' MM9Ml37 202 ROOMS FOR RENT Motel MANAGERS •SPECIAL• $154.00 ~ tall Wldy (M!lil Pfesenl th!$ Ad) 235 ll1lS & klfchenetls Situated on 1>6du~luty landsclped groundS FEATURES: 24-Hoor Lobby/Direct dlll phones1Fret HBO, ESPN & Disc/Pool & Jacuul, Goelt laindty Close to 405 g 5S Fwys Mwl's lrom 0 C Fa11grd5, coleQI and bchl Wllkng <lstancc IO Sllc>PI & r"1alll anl& COSTA MESA MOTOR INN 22n Hll'bOI' BIVd l'tlont tMM4$-4140 1204 ~~1 Hunt Hrtlf share 112 ol Jbr 2\'/bltwnl\U 1 mtletoPCHI Werner Masler br/bo, olflct "*' in 2nd bt, garago sp. nof$/lllllpel S800(mo, Avail Die 4. 714-125-3237 Wll.L AMAZE YOUI AO.ENT 14t-72U120 Bllboe Penlftiuti COttt;t On OolAllt Ocalnlrort Loe S2 800,000 Cll Rob, .,. 1149""88-5I15 1• Newport Marina•: · Apartrnents ~ B.ly(mm rommunuy wuh pra\':llc beru:h a rn 1r111 • Walk"' r.un'°'" lsl.111d h11r:- M111111C'J Crom l':l\.'lhron Isl.mi.I • w.l(.u f1urn1ny/g.i' hrcpl:lt ~~ • r11V;UC t\11™&~ ·"' 1 l\o.ii1 slips l\;1\l.ihl" N;.'w I tll Int. 181{ lld 2RR SI llX>·S2100 SOI ry Nl• r.:1!i 1. Please c,,11 (Q49) 760 OQ 19 .: Y ,, I Ir,,.,,...,, .. rvl ,~.-11wnJ.r1 .... 1 ... n ']Ill""' 1 .... L .. 11hn1•"""'l'1'"' I " lot \f1 ••I ( 1 \ 11~11'.r \I\ ~I oft 11111 ~ II.ii 'I ----Deadlines ---.,.--, Hours l..f1 pfto111• II .JllA111-."1 llOp111 \~••M• I n•l.a• Monday ............ Friday 5:00pm Thur;du) .. ""'fnr .. da) 5:0Qim! Tut':'<la} ......... Mondav 5:00pm Fri<lay ...... w .. Thu~dll) "5:00p111 \\ 11IL-l11 X .IU.1111-."i 001'111 \~oLtt ln•Ltt \\cdne~a) ... Tuesday 5:00pm Sa1unJay .......... .Fricla) 5:<Klpm 21 o COllWAITM FOR~ ~11--=11·11 -=11 411 -=1 h:llding ll1lffl\lid tlble. ·2 COAST COIN HEEDS DRIVER·FUTBEO. Par1 time FOf LNN 1000tq fl. baby zebrR, leopard, OLD COINSI Gold. SWei ........ Money ~ Driver Wanted Huntington BtKh Bronzes by-Moreau. !cart. )twtliy, Qlchee, Wltlquts, uo to 37 cents/mill 'FUI R11111 or Otta. G,.lt French bO'f and ladles, M COlectiblM 94"42·9447 Wes1Atnv.a 111111 'G1111 S9.22 per hour plua loclllonl 714•963.f747 Deco. special edition lrtho-TOP ilSiRECORDSt l>tnel11t • Coosislent ,.,,... mlJeage. I C-~Mi~ Diii~ Jazz, A ~s ~·~·tie. i,t:~~'Jr =a,~~ Needed Mon thro Sun 1216 RWEANTENTAL80 Galle vase1. porcelains, MIKE 949-&45-7505 I S00.290-2327 Combined 2:45am to 5:45pm. Ad· 1949 real~ shaw & mucll, Transport (CAL'SCAH) dltlonal work ·may be ................ ...----~1 mudl more. $200-$2000. 1470 -..-a.,. DRIVER BUD MEYER T'i\Jdt available. COM, NPB or 7 Prof 1729 Irvine Ave, Newport ~· l.Ns Relrlgerated H11.1Ung m1ktup artlat wlll trtdt tor Btactl, Slturct~ • Sunday llNSTRUCTIOH ·s1 .000 sign.on bonus for Must have truck or van, g11111 houN .. ~k!i::'' 10:00am. to 5: pm. exp. co drivers 'Solo drlvetl llablllty insurance with qua11era~M 1 1 COLLEGE GUIDANCE start up to 33 cents Solo proof or ptymenlt, Sm1ll apt cMstlOn~rendma ~ -• -• ,..~ U student knows dtlvtrt contr ....... Of• tfa<il C _...__ """"119 • ' ... , "' • drivers Ileen•'"', eoclal moving to E 5ldo to bl nr -1111 wnat ~·lrve cgjlegel ate stlldenls caA free ""' lam No car/pet Aprox ""'~ want W• guide through ap-1od1y 877·283·6393 eecurlty card, ind $500mo 949-548-4397 plc:atlon PfOC8SS and more (CAL'SCAN) cletn D.M.V. print out. ;;;;===--=-~ ELEVATOR Mini Vetor Uke Expefd and eflOfda.ble ~ HOHEYBAKED HAMS 1 352 "PLASTEISTUCCOAINO ·1 new power llev1tor, 700 Hr Shannon, IM9-49H 036 Cashiers, samolttS, bag· Accepting application• pounds caplClly. hold 3 Phlebotomy Courae ge11. recepttOnlst & lood Mon lo lhru Fri from ~:,'~mount. Sl500. Boston Reid Co CeU Reg prep positions 1vat1 lor S:OOtm to 4:00prn. P1Uter/S1ucc:o Petch GATEWAY COiiPUTE'AS •3901291 1-80().201-1141 ::=. ~~ Please. bf ring 1 an re- SeMng Sootlllm Callfoml• .... F1ctory-dlrect I I 1I02.2 Bttch atw., · HB quired 1n ormat on. ~ ~~11 11~~ :,.oop~ ~ ,e!t 4'11 m\OoZ •KENNEL HELP• Times o,.nge County I able Some crecM r.oblems . . wtnted s.nta An• Helatlts, Attn: Pam Becklnghtm 1354 PLUMBING OKI Cll by Hew 1 • lot tree ABLE TO TRAVEL muet love doge, call l'lnto 2901 Garry Ave. • a c a n n e r o M c 0penng fore $hltp people • lnttrvlew. 114-5'W116 Stnta An-., c. 92704 DAN DAWSON PLUMBING (~~~16 Code MO ~ t~ = ~=c:~SA MOTOR INN 7t4-~~ Rf!!* Remodel. SEASOHEO FIREWOOD urrished peld NOW HIR A.LL POSfTIOHSI .;..___,eoo._,,~..-==-- Rapipe. °'111111 241lrseM:e St4S CORD ~.ng prog7:~reval Full/PT. 22n Htlbor Blvd RECEPTIONIST Expert gas syst~ FREE DELIVERY within trbt OSA Ind ietum guar-NANNY NEEDED PT or FT lo 8SSlst lumitu<e LISS'722 94 720 ruaon. 714.fM.0816 anteed Call Mr Hull, &howfoom manager Org TRUE Plumbing Ll72M45 Uv•llVOul In AllsO V'9j0 s1u1JS pref To help wlphones, Ot•ns cleared, "M1.r1 •nes WOLIF TANNIHG BEDS t • 8 8 8 • 9 8 1 • o 6 g 3 Cart lor 2 yr old twin ca1110ging, erraods. elc S75 w/clean OYI. othtf dr-. TAN AT HOME (CAL'SCAN) Mondly·Tl'llra (~ days) Fax resume attn Cima $52 so Foralyourl)IUmblna BUY DIRECT AND SAVEJ Entl'geUc, lovtng, teacher MM""°°3 noeds call 714·&46-3595 COMMERCIALJHOME •BARBEOUES• type. (949) 574-42'8 Some VON HEMERT INC, EXPERT Oiiln Cltanhlj · L~~~ s~::,. GALORE Housekeeping ~lonlst PIT lo!~~ Plumb4ng repeira, 20yra ll(p FREE COi°' CatalOQ NOW HIRING! Plurtlblng/d11ln clttntr ....,., in Newport """"'' All worll guaranteed Call 1 800-711-0158 Wort In 1 fun Hit• netdtd for eervlce end MOfrWlos and Weekends STEVE 714·545-8298 • 1nvlronm1nt. Some ref)lllr comf)llOy In CM. Calf949-f42-3215 PR{c1SE PLOilieiNG 11 WHEEL BARROWS ..... lxptf neecltd. Exp'd, FT. Saltty nego-RETAIL·EXP'O SALES Aep11rs & Remodels $50/EACH. VARIOUS FT, 10.m·7pm. Stlrt . llllblt. MM-4f.32t9 Looking tot nlct peraon wl FREE ESTIMATES COLO~~~O PlASTIC. $?/hour up ~.O.E.) Po1tal Jobe to $i8 :©hi ,.tall exp to sell ladles l":"'u:::-11'8~ I ~~S:~y ~~~ ~~;:;1 • • . ~ • (On-llt• lntervle-#) PREMIER ACE 0 & OlJPHOLSTERY HARDWARE Dater has Retell Salt1 Since '68' Custom lurnture, W' •NT ClERICAL POSITIONS opemgs lor Illes ISSOC and upho15fery, 111p covers, .,. 12-16/hr. No exp nee euhllr• Fledllt schtllJlel UNfTEO COLORS lltqut rtplll 714·542~12 FT/PT. Full Benefits blnlflls pecQgt Cal OF BENETTON 1-888-292-7091 X2024 rNlnlOlf II ClO'#n Act South Colll Plaza 1 388 CQVi::At I .. ~'tCo.tetlblea DOG LOVER ::::.:.3.:~~= FIT~~ . 1::.:... .. ""I':' • .~:..~:~..:._ •WANTED COM• •Pr DICMONSTRATOAS• PIT~ -Comm THE stiUi>i>ERI •• CASH a-AID ... 000 WASH fuM time poe, ~r~~~, '::: Wt are look.flg lor ~~:t;ll wiaUYUTW g~=yiM:.~~:r I futndly w/salea lblhty SUl*Sllespeoplt LISl~41 714-963-$037 , ·-~--.__..._ _. 949 642-4283171.(.nt·6577 wl\h lots ol I08IVf ,,_ "~-. ~ & entiusaasml • WE OltS SH00lb HANO "WI ,AY 1101W fAITIJI" EXP' 0 SA LES MAN RECEr ""'""ST II you 111 mo41Yated & TOGETHER Strip, lnftal, HEEDED fOf buz to buz Real Eallte ollcl WW.· dependable. AfJ(1y In ntenor paon1.ng ldviee to Siles salary+ comm Cell end5 bolh dlys or saturday per$Oll we wm 1,1111 lht cruy Ll735976 Kimbettyat714-&42·39890I only01Sundayonfot Faxinlo 949631·2111 fax res. 714-842·6351 to.Joan ~9·64().1429 392 (400 ~1 WOLFF TANNING BEDS .T 111 81 home Buy Direct and Savel CommtrclaV Home units 11om $199 00 Lowmonlhlypa~ Fr11 color catalog Cal lodl'f 1·800·842·13t0. (CAL'SCAN) POSTAL JOSS up to $17 2 I FortPj)lcattor'I llOCl eQJTI normauon cd 61m·7pm Mon Fri Toi I'" 1·88M9&5627 811 S-1031 (CAL'SCAN) BUILD YOUR OWN Home Y '1J MM • ptOflCt min· ager end SAVE. Well QUil1I you 100% 1'*'11ng "Your 1no11s eam l<P!V. COBS Homaa 1·888·4'17·2627, (CAL'SCAN) 1402 LOiT a I FOUND NEEDCMH? $$'MONEY FOR$$ ~~ Coll.EC11BlJS PA1N11N~ POTTFRY 1 ITFM TO HOUSEHOLDl 40.....,s 1(1 Nttwpo<t 8-ch 949.673.622 SELL through classttlcd 1 411 ~11:0~~~1 RETAIL HALI.MARK STORE In NPB, now hlflng Ant. Meneger w/upw, 11111, F/PT Mt-n1-IOl5 SEASONAL • Gitt Basket Production • Gitt Wrappers • All Hours Available • Several Openings HI-TIME WINE CELLARS 949-65()..3463 • Tlllmtrkltlng * No ....., Mond1y • Friday 7am-2pm. $1.00 per hour. Clll MM7W413 PINlt bl ·-thlt the lllt"'91 In Ihle CM• 111ory m1y require you to cell 1 900 number In which there II • chatge Pl' minute. Plt1N bl wary of out of 1r11 comp111lt•. Check wffh the loc1I Better Bu1ln111 Bu· ,.,u blf0f'9 you 11nd eny money Of' '"' for NfVlcta. Raid ·and ullderat#ld any con· tract• befo11 you elgn. AAA· CotCE I FRITO FRE IHFO $1600 wtellly W/20 Local '«ti Fin AVlllallle 1.f00.55H411 24 Hn 60 vou EARN SiOO ill a day? Your o~n loc1I Cindy l'Ollll lnWdes 30 ml· chinea and free candy All lor S9,911S Cell I ..eoo.gge.. 0 (CAL'SCAN) iiCi PHONE CARD route ava labll 2 5 cents I* minute How earn $75().$1500 '*'Uy Fr• Video. 1·800· 62'"95 t 9 (CAL'SCAN) COKEIPEPSllWEl.ctf'SI Frito Vendng ~es 30• higll trelhc locabOc'IS Prolrts up 10 St soo weeldylt Min· mum 1nvestmen1 S4,000 Fi nanclng Fret VNto HIOC>·337-1375 (24 hotis) (CAL'SCAH) I· s~I DEBT COHSOUOATlOH Lower payments! Stop la1e lees! Stop or redue8 lnll'l_.,11 Stop cotledOf calls' Fami!y Credit Counseling N<in· profit Chnsban Ar,,erq Rt! corded me&S 800-729 7964 .,,_ lamtl'pa<il OI~ (CAL'SCAN) OVER YOUR HEAD In debt??? Do you need more bruthing rOOf!I??? Debi cOolOlldallOn nCJ qt ~ lyltlglll 'FREE COllSIAIJ'(l Toi lrao (IOO) 556-1541 www.~Ol12Gn.otg Licensed. 'bonded. lloll• protll/N1t1on11 Co ~CAL'SCAN) 1 sold ro.Y ca-r f o-r LOST Blue Point fluffy 1l1111tt1 t111111t CAT 1 Mi Vicinity Ntwpo41 Shorea. 84H31·5363 --.cost kEYs• 8'111 lc!Y rlno, SAVOY GRILL E Bluff R1lpl\I. 1-~1 Montgomery Wttd 18 tlcU ft relr1g«ator freezer. ~COIOIS85 94"42-5937 0 YES, SELL MY CAR 14t-n0.f4lt 'Abp1lnltn1 Kltttnl' Ruddy, M.f thota, $350. 12f.SSS.1t14 94 .. nM310 xm;(ICen hldmo PU=:, AKC/purebftd, for • shcU. 5 My lemelM, 10 MaOld $JOO 714·554 ... 152 Ultftll MALE POii~ IHOTI, LOV!AIL~ CHAM,.ON LINES, 71 ............ Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Daily Pilot and the Hunting Beach - Fountain Valley Independent to reath over 100,000 homes. Fax us· this form with your credit card # or mal I with .J • a check today! Run for a weekl If your car does not sell, we'll run It for another week FREEi All for just $10 •. I ~ Name City Phone Ct.WI Carda 0 MC 0 VISA 0 AM X ei.d•I Card Number Y.ar Make Model ____ _ aec~ a P~• oa..,Aoul PrlC• av·• a .........,"" ... •• o ,..,..d (II•" , ____ _ O A11tolrtne 0 ,..,.,...~Owi..e1eet-1 0•~ 0"""'""1a•1t111100h~~ Oa~ ONMMIP .. eo OM•Whtell a NI Oontllll!flet a Ci"-Cont!d a MJt w1...ia 01 • .-.~ Oc-.t•• Dev.iomn~ Dr.a,.._ D "°""'Rael 0 llldlr19 kl!~ ........ Dait; Plk>l 330 w n.v St. Costa MeM CA 92112 7 Pfwftei(114)642·5e71 . , ••• (71'11131 8!194 • ---... -- ------ -... AL-~ CAD«U.ACCATERA Hlddi*G.llpowlf, ve.JJC. Lo esoo m1 *ell. tan •lit.·~ 11 recordl Ilda Cd ll'IOOIWOOI. bit of .117,000 MMS0-1nt 'ffllf(0257~J 127-• Iii# 5 iiOAbiftA 'ii MAIERS -i~~ •. CtwomlWhelil co (714)540ot100 ~RUHO eu': 995 &!Utae COftCourt iS ""M4S·HOO VI Nofhllar, lhlle, lnlher, -Xlr1I cond new aw lllC»-11 , 17 (282154) $17,988 ... _.Tari lJlw 5 Spd ~ NABERS IC027:ftRUHO BM';,1.995 (714)5.C0.1100 MM4S.fl00 CADIUiCDEVILLE '19 BMW 311 IU CPE 'if ~ 17~ ~ ~ ~..:1 ~to. elk on Blk. 31K Mites (788482) $211,988 jY3105CI) $23,995 Nabera S':'ERUNO BMW 714-540-9100 MM4S·SIOO CADilUc ELOORlOO 'ff 8iliw s1ii 'M Only eoo m11111 &wntz '*°· 5 cpd, black, A Land Rovet elO'J•, bll of warr. Sl'ie t1ldl. $18,995S1oclt12883 I 1 o m n e w ·1 , VINI TAS95&40 (808861) $38,988 LAND ROVER NABERS ~ 8ch Mf.640.4445 (714)UO-t100 IMw HJ IX 40R AUTO 'i1 CADiUlc ELDORADO 'M Wt* w/ G1ey Lfv, CO V·8 Nolhlw, beige, tan In- • (¥48195) $29995 ttrfor, very clunl S1'£RUNO BMW (609414) SI 1,988 MM45-5900 NA BEAS ' Blliw 1211.A ·n cml540-1100 Ctinne Wills, Pr1m111111 Snd CedUltc Seville SLS 197 (Vl3650) $32 995 Low 29k ml, polo green, tan S'ltRUNG BMW leiiltlef CM1 wtU bll ol -:-=M'Tr.M4...,....S._5_900.,...,.":'%r_1 wan (805422) $28.988 BMW Hi IC1 COl'IV1 'R NAfSERS 8lecMllldt CO Ful POMr (714)UO-t100 (T908S7l $33,995 CHEVY BWER 'Ill • ·s1'£RUNG BMW SUV, 4X4 lo9ded. Aueo, 1111 -a""'iiW""'M""3~::,.,ICi-5-5_c_:_V1..,.,.,,,tl,,,_1 ~*IOW ~ ~5k":. ................... ... ~.... s 111.!iOOt'PbO Newport 8ctl ..,_.......,., rrel'IQTI "'"' 714-325-9411 94!H~189 (E~CJNG BMW·99~ OiSCOVERV SE7 't1 Mt-145-5900 G11en, lo1dld, cert1llld, -e'""MW""""'3...,2i .... 1Ci-c_on_vt~'9""'7-• mu a 1 see s 2 5: 9 9 5 Sport °"ft Htd Sea•• CD Slook 12856 VIVA542927 (T95582j' sJ.i,995 LANO ROVER • Slt!'LINO BMW Ntwport kn MM40-6445 MM45.S900 DISCOVERY SE7 ·91 lil\w 321 IC1 convt 'at Loaded, green. Very Glean Premium Pkg 8111/Blk l!hr S 19 ,995 Stock #2885 {1:9SJJ~RUNO eJ:·995 ~J::6WR MM45-5900 Newport Bell MM40-6445 Biiw 328 Z3 ROICiater ·111 OODOE DURANGO '88 6 cyl, Fun cart Put !he Top Sup11 low miles, red , Oownt(C10131) 133.995 must see S25,995 STERLING BMW Stoc:ll t2639 VrWF144740 MM4WIOO LANO ROVER 8MW 5331 ·13 Newport Sch MM4M4CS (0325e0l $53 LEXUS Of WESTMIHlln (714)112-tlOI -.,..w....,.,.,u"'"s scaoo Wtl'le ~l $271195 LEX~ OF WESTMINSTER (714 )192-6906 iiERCEISH E320 114 Xlnt cond., low mnea 417.500, 11k1ng $25.000 Pri~at• Plf1y NM40-UIO MEAcuAYcolldAfi 'es v~ oood c~. au~r HONOA ACCORD OX 'ti valuefj636692) SS.988 Silver t>fue/g<ey tntetlol. 81.1· NABERS tomatJc, air, MV!m cauelte, (714)54C>-t100 o n I y 1 5 K m 11 e s MITSUBISHI MONTERO 'ii (ln528) $13,785 Soperc11an1s11,995 • 1915 LEXUS OF WESTMIHSTER tWPOOl852 LANO ROVER • (714)892-6906 Newpol1 8ctl 949 84().64.45 HONDA CIVIC Li 'b MONTERO SPOAT ts 188 Sllck. r.d, 115K ml, good Sup11 Clun $18,995 cond, SSSOO ot ~ offw. Stock •2889 V# WP001852 1Mt-76(M)ff8 LANO ROVER INRiitY J30 ·es . Newport 8ch MM4Ut45 T1Mar1, 11nr,11 power, eo.. M1t1llblifll Mon1Mo 'es CO, Sllfeo, sun roof, M,.. Al power, loaded x1n1 cond cond S8:995 949-494-4120 $18.000lobo 949.752..g333 JAGUAR )(Ji ... VANOEH (days). 949-758-8n& (pm) Pl.AS 4-dr, lut pwr, Ml roof, NISSAN iOO ZX 2 + 2 193 wire wheels, 1 owner. Wllte.grey. I-bar, lactoiy al- recordls, real deln, $5900( loys 111tom111e. alf, lull ot>o 949-723-1504 power f)lk. 80K mm ... JEE~P~QR~AHO.,.,,,.. ... C,.,.,HE=R""OK~E'2E I 1536948) $14 795 LAREDO '93 Whlelgrey lnl. l.EXUS OF WESTMINSTER V6 ASS, ,_ tires. 1u1v (714)892-6908 lolded. ongw.I owner, Ill OldtmobU1Cull1sa 1M llCOfdls ~ mUs1 see! GlS, ody 2100 ml V8. $11,900 080 IMt-nt-6172 bllgl. WI le11her, cd & LANO A6vEii Disc •19 moie• (320695> 111.988 8 l1c k, Low 111 ii es NABERS Former service loaner (71.4)54C).91po $27,999 + fees IXA79201 PONTIAC SUNBIRD '93 LANO ROVER 4-dr, low mllff9e, lolded, Newport 8ch M~S $3450(obo. 714-546-n39 LEXUS ES300 '97 RANGE ROVER '81 Sage (000034) $26,995 Auto, White wlllllv lnler, LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER aunroof 111 r.wr, xlnt cond, (71 4)192-6906 only SOK m , S15,200 080 --L-'ex-u~s;...E=ssoo-""'·.,..,96--• 94t-e2•-1111 a.M40-1516 While (186002) $23,995 Ainge Rov« 191 LEXUS OF wESTMINSTER 4 OSE white, cerlilled, (714)192-6908 $36,995 S1ock 1283• VITA337651 LANO ROVER LEXUS GS300 '98 Newpor1 Sch t4M40-e445 Blaclflblack. lealher, auto Sub 900 Turbo Conv '91 Ill', 11A1 po-. peck. moon-prelect condition lully root, IWlVlm Slerlo cass cd loaded, l·owner 11,500 8ron<, llllr, eunrl, 81aup8'1nk atereo, AC, new mejor tun.up, new 8oW Ruge, Rec«l11y ,._ pl8ctd dlff9twllill. Strong q ""'11Qll ml, Runa GIMI ~. chrome 111oys 949 846-2227 D 0 D G E G R A N D {019:f59) $36,995 TOYOTA 4 Runner 't3 CARAVAN SE '93 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER Fully lo1dad, 4 X 4, $.2154 IMM43-4H4 BUICK REGAL 192 Low millS lealhef, mwiy Ill· ltlSI (479931) $7,988 NA8ERS (714)540-9100 Cedllllc STS '96 excellen1 cond. 41k ml, loaded Sea Md!. Allfing $25,500 949-387-2858 CAOILI.AC CATER.A '97 Lo mi, beige, WI lnletlor, ed. mooorool, chm wtils, bal ol watr.(020006) $21,988 NABERS (!14)54o-t100 Loedld i,r, $pOlt P8Cl<aol. (714)192-6908 ' tllnf'oof, 97K ml, ceSMtte, ~a.I~ Low 76K mlleS LEXUS LS400 197 1uto, power evertlllngl Sque dean $7800'otio Moonstone Olf1I Grey, S12,SOQfobo. (949) 8 1758 (066763) S33.995 IMM31-8111 ....,0,,..,UR""ANG...,..""'O,..,DOOGE=i<""'.,,..,..•te~' l.EX\JS OF WESTMINSTER TOVOTA 4 RUNHER N Low 1111les, super clun __ ...,(7_1~4)1_9'NIOl ___ -1 Low ml. Super cleenl buy for wholesale $20.995 .. lees I0027092 $25,995+ re. tWFl44740 LANO ROVER LAHO ROVER Newport Bell 94~5 Newport Sch MM40-84.45 Chances are Toyo11 4 Run"" '98 ~p;cjlilOn Edd.le Beuer '97 you will find !!lack. low l!'Mles. must see Loedld. blue A Range Rover what you n--... S25,995 Slock 12703 Trldl $24,995 &took #2879 """' VIW0027092 VIN• VL842715 at the price LAND ROVER LANO ROY~ Newpor1 Sch IMM40-e445 fjllWport Bell 94M4M445 you want to pay YUKON ·U FORD AEROSTAR VAN 'i1 when you read Wh", low mdes, mus1 1t10 Extended, very low mtteage, Clautfled S32,995 S1ock 12725 fully loaded, em·lm ca~1. dal"' V#WJ735124 lrlo oomput11, 17500 060 '1 • LANO ROVER 714-540-5995 714-785-6118 fS42-a978 Newport Bell IMM40-Mf5 By CHARW GOREN with OMAR SHARlf and TAN~ HUUCH CREATING BRICKS f'R0\1 Sl RA\\ Both vulner-.1blc, Soutti dells WEST NORTH •82 .., Q 5 3 0 94 •AKQ642 EAST • K,10 9 6 4 3 <::1 K4 • AJS 0 J 108 0 J 53 •95 o K 1087 2 • 107 SOUTH • Q7 O A9762 o AQ6 •.l8J The b1ddln~ SOUTH WESI 10 PaD 20 Plass Pus Pa. lloORTH EAST 2• Pass •o .._ Opening lead. Six of• Ast.: anyone what are the tv.o biggest Sll\S 11 ~ brid$C table, and you will hear. "Trumping pa.nner's ace'' and ''Giving declarer 1 ruff- sluff" But I.here is 1 time and place for everything. The b1dd10& was straightforward. Nonh's JWTIP to four hearts was the Pnnctpal or Fast Arrival •. denying extra values South was dchithted tO pJS&, I Wes1 led lhc srx of so:>du. w1 w1nn1na with the ace. 'ft\ejack oC 'pades was Rtumcd, covtrc by lhc queen and talco with the kio1 . WCit'S ftrs1 problem was who held lhc m1ss1na s~c. Srnce South did not rebid two no tromp despite a shabby hCl.ltl suit, it seemed likely that the queen of 1pade$ was double· ton. lllercfore. playm1 anolhcr spade would concede a ruff-slutT, 1llt !Ong of hcaru wu obviously the third dcfcn ave crick. and at W<b difficult to construct an opcnmg bid for South 1fEa.s1 held cithct the ace or lung~ueen of diamonds. Consider· mg dummy's club 5u1t. it looked A$ 1f !here was no further tnd. for the • defense m 1 plum suit H:iv1ng drawn an 11;;cwatc picture of I.he closed hand. Wc)t tool.: I.he Of!IY ch'111Cc by conunuma with a third spade Dcclattr relished the opponunur. to d1c;card dummy's di•· mood v.htlc ruffing 1n hand, then conunued v.uh ace ot hearts and another to West'~ kln1 Now 1 founh sp:ide promoted &,t's Jkk of uumps for lhe .emng 111d. SoUth was left to regret not 1.1ekling hl!ans by le~ng low to lh( queen bc:for( c:ishm& the DCC 695 CAR&'T'RUCKS IVAHSISUVS 695 CARSITRUCkS IVAHSISUVS 695 CARS/TRUCKS NANSISIJVS OW COST AUTO INSURANCE FOR ANY CARS AND ALL DRIVERS! TO GET A FREE QUOTE! CALL (714) 425-0976 MENTION THIS AO TO RECEIVE S25 DISCOUNT On the move? Sell your extra household Items In Classified CLAUll*llED II'• the reeoUtc:. you can count on to ••II • myrl1d of merehan- dl•• llem>, bec•u•• our column• compel quelllled buyere to cllll 942·58'78 Wednesday, November J 7 ~ 999 9 ---.----TGDAY.'S ~--~ ____ ciiilliR ... o .... s .... sw ....... o __ R ..... P ..... P ..... U_Z_Z_l_E_J lJ Cal lor Anlwera • r-. -or~....,. • lk .... -1 ·900-37<>-9800 ext coM 500 Put a few words to work for you. Call 642-5678. HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS ~ .......... -~ :i:.€!!.~ l2 C8 ~•11--==11.,. ~1 11qu11e ContraClora Yrtto CUttorn Clbln111 lnstllla· Brick Block Stone Tiie ":::=====~ advertlse In tile SeMce tlon, rlleclng, reltnlshlng. Concrete, Patio, Ollveway, OirectOly to ineludl lhelr kttctt e~rtPj714·21H791 Flleplc, BBO's, Rers 25yrs ~=~ ooy:,r 949-64 90 leave rr.g. eiq>. Terry 714-557-7594 co-operation Is g111lly ~ I * BRICK WORK * appiedallld. '250 t;AAP!NTRV SmaH Jobs & repair work. ~iiiii--iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;o;;;;I • • . 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Nt"porl ~ch, CA 92663 t------'-- The Bluffs -Newport Beach 4630 <Ampus Dr. Su.ite 1200 Newport Beach, CA Linda Silver (949)675-1606 (949)675-6173 1..(800) 247-8209. _ _..,,..___;....i Jim & Patty McDonald "PleascCall Us 1o Help You Sell Or Buy.• MCDONALD CDM HOMES Corona Del Mar Specialists Since 1983 Celebrating Over 100 Homes Sold in CDM 949 759-9070 Spec10/izin9 in 949/650-3822 Ne • s, Dover Sliores, CorOlll del Ms g~ NEW AMERICAN P I N A N .C I A L A MOUOA.01 MAHAOIMIHT COMPANY Robert Forbes Painter Direct (714) 404-5835 , 12 Corporate Plaza, Ste 120 •Newport Beach, CA 92660 Off\cc (949) 729-0100 •Fax (949) 729-0101 &mail: robertforbcspaintcr@yahoo.com - REAL EsTATE BY "Covering all Coascal Communities" SAME CORONA DEL MAR l..ocATION FOR 16 YEARS (949) 76Q.8862 ~Pmdential c.m....11ee11y 949.500.2323 Coro1Ul Jel Alar Propertiu OH SHOPPER- 3407 E. 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