HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-09-21 - Orange Coast PilotI . . . .. .. SERVING THE NEWPORT -MESA COMMUNmES SINCE 1907 ON THE WEB: WWW.DAILYPILOT.COM THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2000 Sewage ·spill ·raises stink • Clogg~d pipe at Balboa Bay Club may have been source of the leak, which led to closure of beach along Bay Shore Drive. Alex Coolm11n D AILY Pit.OT NEWPORT BEACH -A sewage spill that may have been caused by a clogged line at the Balboa Bay Club forced closure of the beach in front of the club and along Bay Shore Drive on Wednesday. An estimated 500 to 700 gallons of raw sewage bubbled out of a manhole and ran into the ocean starting at about 7 a.m .. said Monica Mazur, a spokes- woman for the Orange County Health Care Agency. 'The smelly discharge appeared to have been caused by grease collecting in sewer pipes, she said. The leakage was stopped soon after it was discov- ered. Grease buildup in sewer lines is a frequent cause of overflows, Mazur said, adding that the Orange County Sartitation District -which maintains the lines for the county -distributes a pamphlet on the subject to county restaurants. By sewage spill standards, the spill was not large, Mazur said. •1t•s pretty small. The average sp1U is in the thousands (of gallons), and the really big ones get into the millions.• But the high bacteria counts and potential health threats from the sewage will keep area beaches shut down for several days. Mazur said 1t was possible that sunlight killing the bacteria and natural dilution could ren- der the area sufficiently safe and the beach reopened by Saturday. A spokesperson for the Balboa Bay Club said Wednesday that the dub hdd no information on the spill. SEE SPILL PAGE A6 2000 Q99 OLYMPICS Aaron Peirsol •Hometown: ~ NewportBeadl • • Sport Swimming ~- N ewport Harbof High swimming standout ~ Peirsol has finally reached the big one. The 17-year-old qualified second for the 200-meter backstroke finals with a time of 1 minute, 58 44 seconds Hr- ly Wednesday, winning his semifinal race and setting up a finals showdown with fellow American Lenny Krayzelburg The 200-meter finals took place at approximately 1 :30 a.m. l~I time today, with the very real possibility of an American one-two finish. Also, UndNy Davenport. a member of Palisades Tennis Club, withdrew from Olympic tennis competition with a foot injury. For Olympics cover~. see Sports on Page 81. Interim director's job made permanent •Aviva Goelman selected for Senior Center post because of her fund-raising abilities, board members say. Jennifer Kho DAILY PILOT COSTA MESA -The Co!>td Mesa Senior Center's bodrcl of trustees on Tuesddy night mdde interim dtrector Av1vc1 Goelmdn's posillon pennanent Goelman. who became Lhe inter- im director m August. 1s the center's first executive director smce Alan M Meyers was ftred m Mdy for dlleged- ly spending much of his career impersonating doctors and embezzling mon-"/ ey from health got the clirucs and non-call and I profits across the country. ·1 got the call and I was happy. thrilled, shocked was happy, thrilled, shocked." -I lhink a com-Aviva bination of all of Goelman those,• she said • GREG FRY I DAILY PILOT JC.aUe Puccio, 10, prepares her horse, Red, for a walk along the Cypress Street trail in Santa Ana Heights, while her friend, Marlena Hamilton readies her horse, Coolie. lbe Newport Beach Planning Co~lon is considering an equestrian park for the area. Wednesday. ·1 didn't expect it .. Saddle Newport Beach planners tonight will review a county plan to build an equestrian park in Santa Ana Heights Mathis Winkler DAILY PILOT SANTA ANA HEIGHT'S -As the sergeant in charge of community relations in Watts -the Los Angeles neighborhood that suffers from chronic impoverishment and urban blight -Jeffrey Hamilton knows what happens when kids lose places to play. · When recreatiopal outlets for youngsters disappear, •they turn to crime," Hamilton said, standing in the backyard of his Bayview Heights home Tuesday. Here, he keeps dogs. cats, chickens, turkeys, turtles, three horses, African Pygmy goats and Austy, an emu. Hamilton's •residential and The power of prayer •Newport-Mesa students bow their beads and pray, along with rilillions of other teens around the world, in observance of 'See You at the Pole.' Hand in band, 8yel lhut ~ aboUt 15 ltildents and tMdMill itOOd around the MOP• at lltaDcla HIP lcMcll -... ,.. w--.. ---··· • .. 80t a iwtklD ID a ... .....,,bul ... ment of faith. •we're Wting up our lcbool and our students,• Mid Jemlfw George, 16, the ltu-c-. IMdel' of the Bible Cub etldudl:. ........ .n four New-t:..~=~ ......... ,,.,. .... . ._., WlllMldllf .... . ........ , 11 ...... " gathering around a flagpole at ea.ch campus to pray. The event, known as "See You at the Pole,• was ltarted tn 1990 by • small group of teens in Burl810D, 'TU. After a weekend retreat. the lt\ldents were tmpired to bring tbalr renewed faith beck to their friendl and famlll•. They drove Mm ICbool to Kbool aDd sn• at tbe Gaa· ,.. b .. frieDdl. wcboC* .ad l11Wt: Tbat .,.._ ltU- cleDta tbe kl .. to MDd out • SH flAYIR .. M ' FYI The Newport Beach Planning Commission meets at 7 p.m. today at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. equestrian neighborhood• appears to face anything but imminent urban decay. Sure, planes taking off from John Wayne Airport shoot almost directly over the area, and cars whisk by on the San Joaquin Toll Road. But those concerns aside, the unincorporated island between Newport Beach and Costa Mesa is SEE HORSES PAGE A6 because there were so many rumors about other people, but 1 was really happy to get this call.· Born in lsrael and raised m Mon- treal. Goolman has been acbve for more than 15 years in the Ruth Kahn Jewish Senior Center, which is based at the Jewish Community Center. She has also managed Early Years Toys, a store in Newport Beach that closed this summer. Goelman said planrung her hrst fund-raiser on Oct. 7 is occupying much of her time right now, but she plans to work on starting more com- puter classes and volunteer pro- grams for seniors. She is also looking forward to working with the board and the new senior advisory committee. •t want it to be a tight circle so we can create new ventures," she said. SEE DIRECTOR PAGE A6 111 E CIM ---.&3"' GAWfllS ,--~---~--a I TIW ·--A11 wmm as ..es 11 • a ' \ •' • .. ' .. llllFLY II IUSlllSS Planning ftrm celebrates 25 years in business ottlce ln·September 1975 in Newport Beach. The company bas worked on pro- jects for clients such as Newland communities, Tejon Ranch, The Newball Land & Farming Co., Vari- ous school districts and the dties of Anaheim, Buena Park, Industry and Los Angeles. The Planning Center in Costa Mesa ls celebrating lts 25th anniver- sary tb1s month. 1be firm specializeS In governmental services, planning and wban design, environmental studies and landscape architecture. The Planning Center is currently involved with the Riverside County Integrated Plan project and the city of San Buenaventura 's comprehen- sive plan update. Pounding partner and longtime p(ofessional planner Richard Ramel- la opened the Planntng Center's first A2 Thursday, September 21, 2000 Dave Cua HE IS ,.. An artist of the automotive realm. NOSE JOB On a recent afternoon in a small garage off Monrovia Street in Costa Mesa, Dave Cua was malang some final adjusbnents to the nose of a 1973 Corvette Stingray- a car with a cool, metallic turquoise finish that made it look like some particularly refreshing variety of lozenge. The car was impossibly sleek, with rurves that the most liposucked of Orange County starlets would envy. But the nose, Cua said, required special attention. •tt's not like the bumper is just going to jump out of the box and fit on the car,# he said, displaying the new fiberglass model he had ready to attach to the 'Vette. Cua does body work on cars. He does it by himseU and he's been doing it for 11 years. His shop, virtually hidden from the road, is simply called Dave's Body & Frame. Plastic ·surgeon to the cars FAMILY STYLE Cua, 43, says he doesn't mind if peopl~ don't notice the place as they're driving by. He doesn't need a lot of miscellaneous business because he relies mostly on word of mouth. Plus, he doesn't need a lot of extra business because working on a few jobs a week is enough to keep him busy. On the wall of Cua's shop is a small, black-and-white photograph of an old couple leaning against a truck embla- zoned with the logo "Warther's Garage• and then, in smaller letters, it says "Best is Cheapest." The old couple are Jake and Emma Warther, Cua's grandparents. The picture was taken in Ohio in the 1920s. And the business that Warther's Garage dealt with was more or less the same business the Cua still does today. "I was born into the body shop,• Cua said. "It's kind of a family deal.' NO HACKS, PLEASE The idea that •best is cheapest,· he says, is something that still makes sense when it comes to cars. Lousy body work from an inferior shop may cost less in the short run, but Cua argues that it's also more likely to fall apart. And a hack job on a really gorgeous car can be as conspicuous as a lousy face-Utt. relying on body filler and a paint job to compensate for a lack of artistry. For Cua, such butchery would be sacri- lege. Better to do it right the first time, he said, and drive away with all cwves intact. • U people just look at their cars a little bit closer,· he said, sounding slightly wor- ried about the car-driving public, •they'd be able to tell.• -Stary by Alo~ photo by s..t ....... Now) on a m ore serious n ote about a sidewalk sale ... The historic Dairy Center of Costa Mesa will have a sidewalk sale from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. this Friday and Saturday. The sale will fea- ture gifts, collectibles, flowers and other items, discounted trom 10% to 50%. The Dairy Center is at 1720 Santa Ana Avenue. For more information, call (949) 642-8944. NO TIME TO MAKEUP nus week, by the way. we feature the nonhwnorous ver- sion of Retail Roundup. We just don't feel very funny this week. And it's good thing, Dai¥I!ilot VOLM. N0.226 ntaMAS K. JOHNION,. Pubtilher TONYDOGBO, Edltot U.CAHN. Otyfdltor Ma-... ~OtyEd!Wr -&UKMNW. ,...,,.Editor -CNUGll. 5fJcJf1I fdltor MMCMMrlM. ~fdhot ,.,,,..,,,. MCX. NIWI Edlllor IGlml.IMIOI =~-.. =~ a.tWMts•• UM, •••• ...... ,,,. MC?a> ..... °""' ~ Ofllcilr • ,, RnAll ROUNDUP too, because there is nothing funny about the "museum- quality" exhibit of Estee Lauder vintage solid perfume compacts that opens Friday at Neiman Marcus at Fashion Island. The exhibit will feature nearly 100 compacts from the last 30 years of company designs. The Newport Beach show is the first stop on the makeup tour, which will go from here to San Francisco, Port Worth, Tex., Washington, D.C., and Fort Lauderdale, Pia. GALA HOPPING It might be too early to think about Christmas, but it's not too early to think about the Opening Night Gala of The Christmas Com- pany, which will take place Oct. 14. The lavish affair will be held in Building 10 at the Orange County Fairgrounds, and we don't think that's funny, either. The Christmas Company, of course, is a fund-raising event that benefits the- Junior League or' Orange County. It runs Oct. 15-18 at the READEBi HOTIJN£ CA 92626. Copyright No news ~ (949) 642-6086 rles. lllustretiom, editorial mattwr 0t ~herein can be fairgrounds, cramming together 70 retailers for your holiday shopping conve- nience. . MY DRUGS Finally, we note that the Newport Beach coinpany MyDrugRep.com just launched a Web site that ls intended to help doctors and pharmaceutical compa- nies work together more effectively. The site provides free information for doctors J,bout what sorts of drugs might come in handy in dealing with various medical situa- tions. WEATHER AID SURF "ecord your coovnents about reprodlK.ld Without wrftt9n ,,.. 11MPBtA1\MES 1'1DIS the Dally Piiot or news tips. mltslon of copyright owner. Balboa TODAY ADDRESS 72164 AMlow HOW TO REACH US Our~ Is 330 W. Bay St., Corona del Mar 9-Al a.m ...................... .3.1 Cost.-Meu, CA 9262"7. Ora.tletiot'I 74165 First high The T1mes Orange County Costa Mesa COMECDONS 5:51 a.rn ....................... l .fi tt Is the Pl~ policy to prompt• (IOO) 252-914'1 72164 Second low ~ ly oomct etl errors of subs\MQ. o..ifl9d (Mt) 6'2-5678 Newport Be.ch 11 :54 p.m. .................... 0.3 ,.... call (949) 574-4233. DilP-v (949) w..ui 1 72164 Newport Coast I Second high fl1 ~ 4:10 p,m,.,,.,.,.,,"'"'"""5.2 The Newport lelc:M:olt.a M99 News (949) "2·5'90 761'66 Dally ..itot (\MS-144-800) Is P'b 5pofU (949) 574-4221 llthed Monday through saturdly. Hews, $pOftj , .. (M) 646-4170 WfllOMCAST PM>AY In Nlwpolt e..n and QKU ..... £-f'Mit: del~~com The tfN ground Mell Flnt low tUbto1pdonJ .. -ilable Ot"Y by MIMOfllce 11 :27 a.m. .•..............•... 2.9 contlnue5 to fade today. ~to The~ Orllntt ~ OfflCle (Mt) 14.Ml21 County (IOO) 252-4141. In ... • .... , .. (Mt) 611-712' Suri witl be In the 2· to Flnt hW! outside of Nlwpolt hed\ and ].foot tinge. • t:Sla.m ....................... 4.0 Colt.a~ dlla·lptlcn to "-NlllNlt 11¥ Tlllw C-...IW""" second low o.lly "lot .... ..,.....,.. Ot"Y by ............ Lcie ~ ""--LOCAnoN .. _ .......... -.......................... rt/I m.u for uo I* monch ,_,. da~ peldiltC... ~ __ °',.,.._.... Wedge 2·1' Stcondhlgh CA. (P'l'ac. ~ ... ,.c ... NtwpOirt l ·l' s:J1 p.m.. .... ~-........... s.s """and loal......, f'OmMI. llKtcle\ z.,. m: Send .......... to ..... ..,._ J-J' --Nlwpolt ~ ...... CdM J·J' .. --~ r.o.1oa 1• ca.-.. 1 Daily Pilot Limited prints by hot photograp~er on display soon Y ou won't want to miss the latest artist fea- tured at the.Susan Splrltus Gallery, Claire Steinberg. I took some photo classes taught by Steinberg and she's not only a wonder- ful teacher but a spectacular photographer. - She's been on the staff of People, Rolling Stone and Time magazines, and has photographed politicians and well-known personalities including presidents George Bush and Jimmy Carter, Hillary Clinton, Steven Spiel- berg, Billy Crystal, Peter Greer W~der BEST BUYS Strauss and Joseph Wambaugh. Her latest collection at Susan Spiritus Gallery is •Palette Beaute, • Steinberg's conceptions of beauty. The limited edition photos are printed using a new digital process -developed by singer Graham Nash -that produces stunning quality and longevity. •They're absolutely archival,• Steinberg said. The images measure roughly 26 by 34 inches and range in price from $1,500 to $3,000, plus framing. "They're exquisitely framed,• Steinberg said. •Tuey Ooat in the frames and vary from a Deco style to a very decadent-style frame. They're perfect for a residential home to a commercial building.• For example, the Wall Street firm of J.P. Morgan recently bought a m.unber of them to display in its lob- by. Steinberg's work can also be seen in the perm.a- nent collection at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. The collection goes on display Saturday. A recep- tion for Steinberg will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. Satur- day and Sunday at Susan Spiritus Gallery, 3929 Birch St., Newport Beach. Information: (949} 474-4321. U you've ever broken a treasure, don't worry -it might look brand-new· again if you take it to Pick Up The Pieces. They specialize in repairing dam- aged porcelain, china, crystal, glass, painting, graphics, wood, frames, marble, stone, ivory, jade, ceramics and most other art and collectibles. You'd be amazed at bow well they can repair something to its original condition. There are also a few items for sale in the shop. Pick Up The Pieces ls at 711 W. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Info.rmation: (949) 645-9955. The best custom clothing company is The Custom Shop at South Coast Plaza. It's introducing a new selection of versatile pant, sport coat and suit fabrics appropriate for all business casual, and business dress and black-tie occasions. There are 200 new colors and fabrics to choose from. The Custom Shop is on the lower level of the Crate & Barrel wing of South Coast Plaza. Information: (714) 549-1264. A farewell sale is in progress at Magasln 209. The going-out-of-business sale includes all mer- chandise; f:i.xtv,res and furniture are reduced 30%. Magasin 209 is at 209 Marine Ave. on Balboa Island. Magasin 209 is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p .m. Monday through Saturday, and from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. The store will close permanently Oct. 11, but the merchandise is going fast. Informa- tion: (949} 675-5542. I Cannery Creattves Paintings fr Graphic Designs is having an open house event from 4 to 7 p.m. Fri- day featuring original impressionistic-style paintings of light-filled local scenes, florals, interiors and dogs. Cannery Creatives is at 414 31st St. in the Cannery Village, Newport Beach. Information: (949) 723-1928. Vla Udo Drugs is having a sale on its custom- prtnted Christmas cards through Sept 28. Custom- prtnted cards are reduced 20%. There's also a nice selection of Halloween decor in the new •haunted pumpkin patch" in the lobby of the drugstore. And new gifts are arriving daily in the Seaside Gardens department. Via Lido Drugs is at 3445 Via Udo, Newport Beach. Information: (949) 723-5858. • llST MIYS appem In ttie Dally Piiot on Thunday$ and Sat- \H'days. Send lnfonnatlon to Greer Wylder at 330 w. Bay St., Costa Mesa 92627, or via fax at (949) 646--4170. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • to.ta Me.a Md eo..on. .. Mw frM. ways: A burglary was reported at 3:05 a.m. Tuesday. • I.Mt 11th Street: Assault arid battery was reported In the 170 block at 12:40 a.m. Wednesday. • ......... Street: A publ k fight w• report· ed In the 500 block at &4Q p.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • w.t ···-........ Md 14th ltlMt: lnfllctk>n of Injury was repot'Ud .i 11:55 p.m. Tuetday. • ·~ 8oul9Wrtt: 1Wo peOple WW. rwported to haw shattetwd 1 g• door 8t Lil S.lla rtUur•nt In the 000 block 8t &-.29 a.m. MoncMy. • ....... Alw«I -Gr.nd theft w rtpOf'4ild In the IOO blodr M 2:13 a.tn. MOI- • t Doily Pilot Thursday, September 21, 2000 A3 Newport council hopefitl opts for self-financing IN IRIEF Dunes hotel fo es back Measure S A bout six weeks ago, the Pilot ran an edito- rial asking -more in sadness than censure - why so few candidates seek election to local public offices. A few days later, a local citizen who had just flied wrote a letter that was published on the Communi- ty Forum page and offered some very specific answers to that question. His name is John Heffernan, and he is running from District 7 for the Newport Beach City Council. Heffernan is now six weeks oldPr and wiser, and 1 thought 1t might be inter- esting to see if the views expressed in the Pilot letter had changed after Utis brief brush with the polillcal sys- tem. So I asked hun that question over a cup of cof- lee. It is nor-i clear to him that most of the points he made m his letter are gwens in any political contest and aren't going to go away. These mclude complex and detailed public d isclosure of personal finances, long hours or work at the expense of family llme, pubhc scrutiny of highly personal affairs, and the constant nsk of a henaling both friends and fellow citi- zens. He went m aware of these shortcommgs, and nothing that has happened since has changed these perceptions What has changed is a much more acute aware- ness of how the political Joseph N. Bell THE BEU CURVE system works -and the impact of money on any political race. He had made a rather ingenuous pledge to himself to finance his own candidacy completely and avoid aJJ political debts by not seeking any outside money. This determination was challenged very quick- ly by the r.ealities of setting the table properly for a seri- ous effort to win poli tical office at virtually any level. Although Heffernan is a successful attorney, he says he doesn't even come close to the personal financial resources needed to try to buy an elective office. He and his wife, who teaches science at a local high school, have two young sons, and Heffernan has a long history of social service -Hoag Hospital board member, Orange County Food Bank chairman, for example -and deep family roots m this area, where his father once practiced law. But none of this prepared him for the hnanc1al bare bones needed JUSt to com- ••• •• ••• •• Bankruptcy Divorce/Summary ••• '289 ••••• $289 .. ... ':- Call Herb the Legal Beagle -_...- Law Office of Herbert B. Rhodes pete for a seat on the New- port Beach City Council, especiaJJy in a district where his two opponents were bolh substantial and better known. It started with an outlay of $900 to provide a candi- date statement for the bal- lot. Then it got serious as he looked into what are deemed two necessary accouterments for a suc- cessful political campaign: inclusion on the mailing or candidate slates and the hiring of a political consul- tant. · · Candidate slates are those postcards we get en masse during an election year, form-fitted to specific groups of people in which candidates for lesser offices are tied to nationaUy known names heading up par,ty tickets. The implication 1s that Al Gore or George Bush is reaJJy bot to see so- and-so elected to the New- port Beach City Council, or -only a Little more honest- ly -that people voting for the top of the ticket on the slate being mailed should clearly favor the lesser cdn- didates at the bottom. A shming example of how sophistry pays off in politics, these slates are cre- ated by political consultants for all soru. of speoal-mter- est groups -Native Amen- cans who attended Notre Dame, Republican soccer moms over 50, Democrats m the Fortune 500, that sort of thing Accordtng to Heffernan, it would have cost him about $1,500 per slate in his voting area. When he found out he would have no con- trol over the content of the message or the company he would be keeping on the slate, he saved himself a bundle by passing. Then Heffernan investi- gated the employment of a political consultant recom- mended to him and found it would up the campaign ante even more dramatical- ly. •I figured he would cost me about $75,000." said Heffernan. •And he started ont by telling me he didn't like my candidate state· ment because I identified myself as a lawyer. They want Ronald Reagan on a horse. lt would have taken substantial fund-raismg to go this route, and I didn't n eed ~consultdnt to tell me that lawyers aren't high in public favor these days. So I went back to financing my own campaign.• ~ Thal entailed hmng two UC lrvme legal mtems who -among numerous other activities -credted a homemade brochure for his first public mePtrng. •A polit1cdl campdlgn can't be liked house remodel," he told me, "where you get started and then don't know when to stop. Certam things like campaign brochures and bumper slickers dnd ban- ners are necessary. But you have to control !>pending, and I hope to hold it to $25,000 of my own money." THAT'S YOUR FINAL ANSWER, it'g ti,,,.~ ~of".·· Ml CASA MEXICAN RESTAURANT OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO ALSO ON OUR MENU: "FISH TAcos· TORTILLA SOUP CHILI SIZE CHILI CHUSl 011\ElITTE TAKE DINING TO THE NEXT LEVEL! 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·645-7626 He has been struggling, smce the day he filed, to define a position on the Greenlight measure, which both of his opponents oppose. "I think it was intellectually incorrect for me to be a resident-focused candidate without taking a position on Greenlight. • he said. So last week, he l decided to suppoO,, it, eyen though he still has some strong reservations. Was this simply a politi- cal ploy to win over Green- light supporters in the hope that his opponents would split the oth er votes? He admits that element is present, but says that "Greenlight 1s a weU- deserved slap across the fdce of this City Council, where six or the seven members are former plan- ning commissioners. If Greenlight does noUting more than raise their con- science level and force the council to address the prob- ~s that distress and anger Greenlight supporters, it will have been successful. And I certamly support that." Meanwhlle; Heffernan will be taklng his two sons, Casey and Grant, to their baseball Pony League games, where he serves on the board -a JOb he attained without the help or t1 political ~nsultant. • JOSEPH N. BEU is a r~tdent of Santa Ana Heights Hts column appears Thursdays Stop the Dunes Hotel, an activist group opposing the proposed resort with 470 rooms and 31,000 square feet of conference space, bas endorsed growth-control Measure S. "What (Measure SJ will do for us is reqwre a vote of the people before the Dunes !project) can be passed,· said Susan Caustin, the co-chauper- son of Stop the Dunes. •For a more global picture .. [Measure SJ will help to balance the innuence of large developers.• Stop Polluting Our Newport, an environmen- tal activist group. 1s the only other organization that has endorsed Measure s -Mathis Winkler FOR THE RECORD In the Aug. 23 edition of the Daily Pilot, it was mcorrectly reported that John D. Berthe ol New- port Beach was arrested on suspicion of driving under. the influence. Berthe was pulled over by Newport Beach police OD suspicion of a seat belt violation and subsequent- ly arrested on an out- standing warrant issued by Truckee .,.Municipal Court for a suspected case of driving under the influ- ence several years ago 2001 ShaveARRIVED. • VC>Une Selecilon • Outstandhg QJstomer Service •Great Pr1ces Gooranteed • J" A4 Thursday, September 21, 2000 Prince of Wales racers raise sails • Annual small-boat competition begins off Corona del Mar, packing a lot of excitement into a little bit of water. Alex Coolman DAllY PllOT CORONA DEL MAR - The 43rd annual Prince of Wales Bowl, a four-day regatta of small-boat races, lucked off Wednesday with some of the nation's best sailors taking to the water otr Newport Beach. The event is considered the championship competi- llon m the country for one- on-one mdtch racing, said Chuck Kober, Prince of Wales Bowl chairman for the U.S Se:uling Assn. In four days of racing, the eve nt pits 10 three-man cre ws or Santana 20-class boats against each other, a format that sailors say makes for fast, energetic competition. "It's pretty fierce,· despite the humble appear- ance of the small boats, said Greer Scholes, who was competing along with team- mate-s Tom and Marlene Healey for the Island He1ghtc; Yacht Club of Island Heights. N.J. Tom Healey said the com- pact c;1ze of a Santana 20 can make for more exciting sail- ing than 1s possible in bigger vessels "We cdn do d lot m short d istances,· he said. "You get a lot or races in, and it's a lot . DON LEACH I OAllY PILOT Ben Glass of µte Seattle Yacht Club prepares to race in the Prince of Wales National Match Racing Championships hosted by the Balboa Yacht Club. Ten teams of racers do battle with each other off the Newport coast for the next three days. more physical. There's a lot of energy involved.• The event is run on a match race format, which means only two boats rac~ against each other in any given competition. Balboa Yacht Club mem- ber Nick Scandone, who was clipping a sail on a line in preparation for racing as part of UC Irvine's team. said the competition format means sailors have to use different techniques than r;-------., NAIL CARE FULL SET •ACRYLIC '111" • Acrylic w!White Tip '20'" • Pink & W!litt Powder 925• • Lume Gel '25• • Silk Wrap '25• FILLS • Aicryttc • Plnl • Pink & Wllite • Lume Gel •Silk Wrap they would in fleet or team racing, which see large groups of boats moving at the same time. Starting techniques, which can often be the fac- tor that determines who wins and loses the short races, are significantly dif- ferent than those used in fleet racing, Scandone said. "It doesn't matter how close you are to the starting line as long as you're ahead of the other person. In the pre-start maneuvers, you want to get the other guy in a position where you have the right of way.· Although the competition is named for the Prince of Wales, Prince Charles did not attend Wednesday's opening ceremorues at the Balboa Yacht Club. Race organizers noted, however, that they had received a kind letter from the prince. MAGASIN209 Closing Our Doors Farewell Sale ftferchandueStarungat 40% off • M&nlcure c.--.• 11-..,.u • Pedicure Also Fixtures & Antiques Available • Kids 1-10 Manicure & Ped • Hand Pafllfil1 WAXING '1.M I .,. , Mon-Sat 10am .... 6pm •Sun Ham .... 5pm . . ~-209 Marine Ave., Balboa Island 949 673-5542 DESIGNER & DECORATOR HOUSE PRESENTS ••••••••••••••• NO MINIMUM BID A NO MINIMUM BID PUBLIC AUCTl ·ON AT THE HYATT NEWPORTER 11CI/ JAMOC>REE ROAD, NEVVPORT BEACH, CA ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY., SEPTEMBER 23RD PREVIEW 9:00 A.M. -AUCTION 10:00 A.M. MIWOllS OF 1111us IF IElllllER IERCllllllSE!!! 400 LOTS BELOW IS A SMALL SAMPLING OF ITEMS TO BE AUCTIONED: Bronze Sculptures from small to life size, including, Siver Plad ar.... DofpNt\ Fountlln, Alligators, Golfers, Art Deco, Life Size Bronze Horse & Jockey, Rtmingtons and many more. Incredible Gemstone Globes, one 4ft x 3ftl Authentic Rlcbhlw Tui. Outstanding French Fumishings, Desks, Commodes Consoles & more. 8tMiM CW. v ... Hand Carved Fumishings; Mahogany, Teak, .nd Mlplt, Lacquer, Dining Room, Living Room & Bedroom sets. II &qullite Jewelry Plicts. Italian Marble Pe&stals Large Selection of r.lrron, All Sizes and Styles. Beautiful Original Oil Paintings, one 7ft x 4~ Expertly Framed Limited Edition Prints such as Dali, °'!911 PklllO a """Y more. Comer Cabinets. Chlplr\ll Ivory a Bronn<CMco Stltuts. Marble topped consoles, Desks, induding a ~tary & C.-Delk. Hand Carved Bone and Ivory Pieces. Neptune tables. Pon:elain Decorative Items Ranging in Sae from Small Bowls to Very Large Palace Vases. Tiffany Style Lamps. Handmade JOiN°Us PFoR AnDAv~oFaFUiAN0°~crriNGAUCTIONACTidN! OON7 M1sS'mi1 All items su~ect to~· AlJJH(NJIC B ~ ' I. lf.D f ROOT A TA'J Slf,"4ff1 Rlr.l<SH W 111 PIU .<,fl 1V1J f{Y p, IJN't X ROLEX WATCH LHIPPflHll '1 SJAJlll • •• /' I I l 1 ;, I, 11ljl1 I I : • •• 1 I ~ ~ . Doily Pilot Police to conduct sobriety checkpoint • In an effort to curtail drunk driving, Costa Mesa officers are hoping to increase DUI arrests by 10%. Deepa Bharath DAILY PILOT COSTA MESA -Police officers will conduct a sobriety checkpoint from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday night. They will screen com- muters traveling north- bound on Harbor Boule- vard at a point south of the San Diego Freeway. The purpose of the checkpoint, funded with $91,800 in federal money that was doled out by the state Office of Traffic Safe- ty, is to educate the public about the dangers or dri- ving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, said Lt. Dale Birney of the Costa Mesa Police Department "This gives us an oppor- tunity to let the public know about our policy of zero tolerance," he said. Birney, who wrote the proposal for the one-time grant, sa1d the depart- ment's goal is to increase DUI arrests by 10% and reduce DUI-related traffic collisions by 10%. Over the last two months. officers have made 20 additional DUI dJTests, he said. The extra arrests. he said, were made by post- ing two additional officers on Friday and Saturday fYI Theea.ta ..... Polee D1p1 tnawt will condUct • Sohr~ chedcpolnt from 9 · p.m. to 2 a.m. ffkMy on Harbor loulftard south of the S.n Diego Freeway. Information: (714) 754-5266. nights through July and August. "People driving under the influence has been an ongoing problem for us,· said Birney. "Based on state statistics, we rank pretty high in terms of DUI-related traffic colli- sions." According to state sta- tistics, the number of DUI accidents in Costa Mesa was second-highest among cities of similar size in California. The last data recorded in 1997 showed 81 traffic accidents resulting from such crashes, including one fatality. There were 1,055 DUI arrests that year. He said that number could be attributed to nearby beach communities and the large flow of traffic in and out of the oty. Officers will set up six more checkpoints dunng the course of this year, Bir- ney said. The tune. date and locatJon for each will be announced three days before the checkpoint lS set up, he s&d. Our Second to Die Policy can help ensure an orderly transfer of your wealth. And. It's backed by a company wtth the top ratlngs for financial strength /claims paying ability from flvc independent raung servtces . See me, I/OUT good ndQhbor agent. for details on couenl{le. co.ts, ratrfcdoft:l'-and renewabflft)I. Sreven Hill, Agent Lie.# OC80618 150 E I 7th St Suite 21 1 Costa Mesa. CA 949/646-9391 S1att' Farm Ufl' lruun&m"C Cotllpany I lonle Ollltt Bloomln(lon. llUnot" statef ... .com"' Al Congregallon ITAU •Al• A Shir Ha·Ma'atot You Needn't Feel Like a Stranger In a Strange !And • When • an1Wd in onnge OOl.ftV S1 YWS 100 I felt .. the Pf0"'1111111 .... In I~ llnd. The ttlbf1IW .,.. Ut'Q11 U1 to Dt •111111111 Dlcalse *we llnow the t)Wt Of the stnrlOlr ~ °""""91 beef'i ltrlnOlt'l In the land Of f1Mlt.. .. Hl<Ml'llOt Is. CIOfTlnUtty ~to IWNnO out to OOWI M wt r-=tl lnWatd to OOCL WI~~ ID._ our '*'° •. tDOeU• ... ~co trwllfurm _.......,..our dlldrWI from belr'9 "111109t1 In. Winge *Id lnCo being fWnttv IMl'l\bii I e e • e •I e A' I e • Shtrtta-Ma"• ..... c. • .,... ... ..... , ... MJIC'' ..._ .... .. Daily Pilot GREG FRY I OM.Y PILOT Rick Pratjo, left. and Gary McCred.le discuss the damage done by a water line rupture under a park- ing lot at Costa Mesa's South Coast Plaza early Wednesday. The break left several businesses with- out water service. Water pipe breaks near mall A 12-inch water pipe ruptured early Wednesday morning in a parking lot at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa. A geyser of water shot out of the ground unW the Mesa Consolldated Water · District turned off th~ valve just after 7 a.m., said Diana Leach, asststant general manager for the water disbict. An outside contractor was called in to cut out the damaged section of the pipe and replace it. Water service continued throughout most of South Coast Plaza, although Macy's Men and Women stores and Sak's Fifth Avenue were left dry for a while. Kyle Hode, saucier and kitchen manager at the Wollgang Puck Cafe, said the restaurant was unable to open in the morning because of no water. WHY PAY DEPT ·STORE PRICES? SEBASTIAN • DERMALOGICA Visit our AREA RUG STUDIO Rugs & Runners on Sale 1663 Placentia St., Costa Mesa (949)646-4838 I . I I I • I Entire Purchase I I Valid W/Coupon I Accept all competitor I Coupons I . • L Exp. 9/30/2000 .J -----1052 Irvine Ave. WescdHf Plaza (949) 646-5746 We Rent Horses • Gentle rental hOl'SC$ for trail rides & ~ lessons. • Year-round after-school programs ct summer clinics. • Kids 8 4 up, adults. families, parW, etc. • ~ ct traini~ in au \Vatent ct Etglish styles. 714•848•9695 18381 Goldmwat St., H.B, email; HCPEC@aolcom Thursday, s.,.mber 21, 2000 AS . A spine-tingling day devoted to kids • Saturday's event will off er health tips, spine screenings and a chance to check out a fire engine. Mathis Winkler DAILY PILOT '" ID*.,_, An11rlca will tKit pe.. at John MdUmar•'s offlc.e at 4121 \Vllsterty ptace, Suite 116, Newport Beach. The event begins at noon Saturday and will end at 3 p.m. NEWPORT BEACH -- Where can kid's meet- "McGruff the Crime Dog" and have their spines tested at the same time? Well, the chiropractic offices of John McNa.ma,.a this Saturday, for starters. The 34-year-old father of soon-lo- be three -Daniel is 3 years old, Maureen is 1, and a third is on the way -is hosting this year's Kids Day America. The health, safety and "environmental awareness day is put on by more than 1,200 chiropractic offices around the countl)' and the world. McNamara. who opened his Newport Beach practice about a year ago, said the al local restaurants. Eventually. his career path , lead him to wine and spirit sales. At the time of his death, he was employed by South- ern Wines & Spirits. OBITUARY Robert J. 'Bob' Moralice Longtime Costa Mesa resi- dent Robert J . "Bob" Moral- ice died September 2, 2000, from complications resulting from a stroke. He was 61. Bob was born July 24, 1939, in Orange. He attended Newport Harbor High School and we nt on to join his family in the restaurant business. They owned El Pueblo, a suc- cessful Mexican restaurant in Orange. Ye ars later, El Pueblo was destroyed by a fire, and he went on to manage sever- Bob, also known as ·welo, • acquired his lifelong love of hot rods at an early age. A longtime member of the Outriders car club, he enjoyed showing off his 1940 Sedan Delivery Truck. His other hobbies included swap meets and fishing. Through the years, Bob volunteered for many charita- ble and special events. Llked by all who knew him, he will be remembered best for his Ld u~ H<'lp You Attain r P~an The Sho, .. You Desire BODY TONE PERSONAL TRAJNINC Offers You The Privacy Of An Exclusive Facility With Your Own Personal Trainer. WE SPECIALIZE IN: • Weight Loss • Flexibility • Nutrition •Cardiovascular Conditioning End of SummeP Special ,..-----------REC!IVEU) I 1 ~ Rf.f. PERSONAL I I TIWNINC ESSIONS WITH I I INITW.. 1"ELVE SESSION I Plll!CtWE ASIS6VAU/E I <>flntlf"l'C!on9llWO I .... T_O-.~. I ----"-------.. 2801 East Coast Hwy. Corona dcl Mar, CA 92625 • Muscle Toning & Strengthening • Sport Specific Training • Rehabilitation (949) 673-7705 Grand Op_enint! e tember 23 • 10 am-fPm event will give rum an oppor- tunity to thank his patients. "I feel like I have to put into the community in order to get back.• he said. •I'm doing this for that reason.· Preventing back problems later in We also motivates McNamara to screen the youngsters. "The majority of back problems tbat we have as adults begin when we're kids,• he said. "If kids had their spines screened and problems were dete<::ted, a lot of people wouldn't have problems (later on in wer Although McNamara has screened his own children in the past, he said he plans to do it again at the event. •Tuey are developing,· he sense of humor, love of practi- cal Jokes and his relaxed and ·cool" demeanor. Bob was a loving, devoted husband, father, grandfather and brother. He is survived by his wife of 41 years, Jane; three children, Julie Edmis- ton, Lorri Greeley and Robert Moralice; five grandchildren, Jaycee Edmiston and Megan, Sydney, Bayley, and Robbie Moralice, all from the New- port Beach area; sisters Florine Reichle of Laguna Hills, Beatrice Amburgey of Costa Mesa, and Francis Felt of Seabeck, Wash.; and said. •As the trunk grows, so does the tree.· Apart from spine saeen- ings, kids also will get 5peciaJ child identification cards from the Newport Beach' Police Department, wtuch will also offer free fingerprinting for children. The tire department will bring a fire engine that kids can explore, and a falcon and an owl are also scheduled to attend. There will be snacks and balloon5 for kids as well as other giveaways and prize drawings. Proceeds from donations will benefit D.A.R.E.. the Drug Abuse ResJStance Edu- cation program, McNamara said. numerous relatives and friends. On June 5, 2000, Bob suf- fered a minor heart attack and appeared to be recover- .ing. As part of his release from the hospital, he was giv- en a treadmill test. He suf- fered a severe stroke while on the treadmill. He never fully recovered and three months late r passed away peacefully. Services were held Sept. 10 at Paofic View Memorial Park m Newport Beach. A life celebration followed at the farruly home. His remains will be scattered at sea Sunday. t LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MAsTER MORNING PRE-SCHOOL PROGRAM Enrolling Now •Christian Instruction • Devdopmcntal Program • Hands on Craft Activities •Phonics .... r • Computer Instruction -ic..:;;;- • Before/ Afm School Care Available 8t30 AM to 11 :30 AM Ages 3 to S yea.rs · 2900 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, California 92625 (949) 759-1146 ., A6 Thursday, September 21, 2000 HORSES CONTINUED FROM A 1 about the dosest Orange County comes to a rural idyll. The faint ·smell of horse manure lingers in the air and roosters can be heard crowing from time to titne. Where oth- er neighbOrhoods have side- walks, Bayview Heights has horse trails leading down to the Back Bay. People greet each other on the street and hold aftemoon chats over their garden fences. While horse-owning resi- dents have used the bay bluffs as riding trails for decades, Hamilton and his neighbors· hope they'll soon have a more formal setting to take their equine friends, a place they know their children can ride safely. I I I ' I ' ' The county plans to meet those needs by building an equestrian park with fenced riding arenas in the neighbor- hood. Open only during day- light hours, the park would not include lighting, and county employees would check on the park from time to time. Newport Beach's planning commissioners will discuss the proposal. which will be built in an area the city may soon annex, at their meeting tonight. GREG FRY I DAILY PILOT Katie Puccio, 10, guides her horse, Red, along Santa Ana Heights' Cypress Street trail, at left., while Coolie carries 5-year-old Sara Hamilton and her sister, Marlena, 10. "It's about time,· said Jeanne Rodriguez, who has lived in the area since 1967 and had just finished riding Rory, a 5-year-old Arabian mare, in a private arena next to Hamilton's home. "It doesn't have to be elab- orate," she said, adding that other equestrian neighbor- hoods in Orange and Yorba Linda have had public arenas for years. "We need it,• agreed Sheila Ferguson, a stay-at- home mom who lives across the street from Hamilton. The owner of two horses, she said a public arena would give neighborhood kids a place to . meet. "We don't have a safe place for children,• she said, adding that it was fine for adults to ride on the streets. Kids, on the other hand, need the extra protection, Ferguson said. County p.Janner5 said the new park would allow the county to restore other riding areas to their original states. The area known as "the mesa• would be fenced off to plant native vegetation, said Mark Esslinger, the county's project planner for the riding arena. City planners said they would support the plan, since it would move the riding area closer to the Delhi Channel and reduce dust problems in the neighborhood. But the new park's grand opening won't happen any time soon. Once the county has received approval from the city, it will have to take it to the California Coastal Com- mission, Esslinger said. "We have a fair ways to go yet,· he said, adding that he still didn't know how much the park would cost to con- struct. An American PamtJy Operated Business Since 1983 •i\,,~~ ~Floor Guvs ,~,~ 1•' ,., t,\\\10• OUr famny Hrving your famUy for47yeara . LIFETIME mE COTY EXCLUSIVE DISTRIUTOR 8UARANTEE CARPET OF LIFETIME GUARANTEE CARPET $1 ''SQ. ~:~~:: ::~; ::;;::~ . FT. 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We have many seniors here who are wonderful peo- ple, who love t1' be active and who think of the center as their second home. They spend most of their time here, and we want to keep smiles on their faces and keep them healthy, happy and active.• Goelman said her goal is to make tlie center stronger, with more members, more programs and better commu- nication with the community. Center board member Gordon Dean said Goelman SPILL CONTINUED FROM A 1 Dave Kiff, Newport Beach's deputy city manager, said the spill, though unfortu- nate, might be a good time for the city to make sure that the Bay Club is using envi- ronmentally sensitive prac- I \ .. Daily Pilot hardships, past tragedies and even eveiyday occurrences. •w e're not going to worry about it," she told onlookers. •we•1e going to pray about it." While it was just a small number of students who showed up early tor school, the moment was a powerful one for them. "It's great God's been glo- rified," said Raseny Nopenkam, an Estancia junior. "It was great because no one proclaims God's name at school." was selected because of her fund-raising l:µld public rela- tions abilities. •we have had a very suc- cessful operation here, but the big problem has always been fund-raising and appar- ently she has the contacts to do this," he said. •I have only come into contact with her half a dozen times, and she impresses me as being very able.• ' The senior center, unlike most in th.e county, is set up to be independent from the city The center leases the building from the city and currently receives some financial support from it, but Dean said the center raises most of the money on its own and expects to be financially independent in a few years. tices in its discharges of grease. "This is probably a good 9pportunity to work with them to make sure they' re installing grease intercep- tors,· he said. "We'll continue to work with the Bay Ch,1b and other ~taurants to make sure thal they aren't putting greasC> into the sewer lines." ******************** i VOLUNTEERS!! * VOLUNTEER to do your part. Posirions open in * : all Newport Beach neighborhoods. You can agree to * ·· * jusc call a few friends or co be a Regional Manager. ·: * A fun time guaranteed for all! * * For a free volunteer information package, call our 24-* * hr number at 949-548-4408. Leave Name, Address * * and Phone#. Contributions are always welcome to pay * * for things like this ad. Please send to: * * Committee to Elect Dennis Lahey, 351 N. * ·: NeWp<>n Bl. Suite 533, NB, CA 92663 : * laheymgmt@aol.com (10#95-4818855) * * * * YOU CAN HELP ELECT * !DENNIS LAH ! * CTfY COUNCIL DISTRICT COUNCIL * ** Veteran • Long lime Resident •* Businessman •Volunteer * · For. A Council that Listens * * C lean Beaches ~ Less Trllffic * ******************** with yoµr next dinner. Mouth-watering cntrhs, a relaxed dining atmosphere and patio seating with a delighdUl view of ~rt Bay make for a refreshing b.:ca in your day. Open &om 7:00 AM, 7 days a week. (949)729·1144 DINNE'R THURSDAY -SUNDAY ;-·-------·-··----------------------·---------·· ! Half·Prtce Appetizer with ! Dinner l!ntl ••· 1t u. i ] )_~ ' • • • : : "Ow,,,,,..,...,. .............. .... l---------~-~~ ........................ ( . J ~--~-~-979 ............ . I IJI IACa .. , Dian. NIWOn IMCM o .. )AMIO&ll llo&D. °"' l&OCll IAIT °' PCH , . Doily Pilot ON VACATION Thursday, September 21, 2000 A7 I I I I Jean Barraclough, of Costa Mesa, and Flo Mayfield, on a recent trip to Thailand, Burma and Laos. . · Gene and Dian Knight. of Costa Mesa. aboard the M.S. Volendam ln Glacier Bay, Alaska. Eric, Joanie, Danielle and JoanJe Davidson, of Corona del Mar, In Napa Valley. Sylvia Mlchler, of Newport Beach, with Maasl warriors and women of Lendlkinya, Tanzania. Berry and Ann Merritt, of Corona del Mar, In Bora Bora. I I \ ( 111 I{' 1\1 I l I < I I> \11<11 H.t<l, '\.o \\ \, .1 il.1lik t I I I !~h~20~QF - 1 Cosu MH• All f At1Als wnk YOUR DENTAL HEALTH I Auoss ho• RAiphs PAAAfiN ij°~ : !!!~~,~~~;~.!~~ :.;,.~: I . I No matter what you're doing, your hometown newspaper R1S IN ••• Inily J>ib '""*"°" """ftOf bt .....i..od ... ...,. ""-.... ""'" ~do,,.,. OfFly"' ........ ~ .. I. r-.~Mfl<#J --------------- Speco •• oc:e.I vi-studio with u IWlQt of apeclamd ~ lnternMlonlllly llCCllllmed teec:her trlllnlng certification PfOO"lll'I PERSONALIZED PRoGRAMS ...., .,.. ' On Cmtrr ConJimmi14f WW#.C#KMUiOOldlo•IQ.com -E.1111711sntl.~660 C'*8 ....._CA 92e27 11 T:(9o&91642-t870F:~S42-8139 E..ftllll: ooc• ..... Mknll Enjoy a Spacious Suite, Sumptuous Dining, Entertainment, Bingo, Crafts, Billiards, Beauty Salon, Transportation to Doctor, Shopping, Fun Trips, Friendly Caring People •. From $1,495/Mo. 2283 Fairvi4f!at Wilaon Coeta:Meea Minimum age 58 For more information . _ _:__ -~~-mils ~/646-6300 or Pa 9e/646-7G8 • JeH Mollica, of Costa Mesa, at the Trevi Fountain in Rome. Hodson Lighting -PRES~NTS - S£iec<J Simple yet Elegant Bath Models Matched with Fluted caste Brass Accents Available in Polished Brass or Chrome Qualiiy L-\chti.._ Senk.. for 30 y_,.. Open Tucs.-Fri. 9-5. Sat. 9-4 1510 No:wpon Bl~J., Costa Mesa 949) 548~9341 PRIORITY PROGRAM Now AVAILABLE! C LASSIC R ETIREMENT LIVING f or the Future THE C OVI NGTON A.The Covington, you'U have an epicurean decision to make: indulge your joy of cooking in the gourmet kitchens of the cottages and apartments, or if you'd rather, enjoy fine dming prepared by the master chefs of the Mountainview restaurant. But for now, visit our mOdel cottage and see a retirement home-and a kitchen-designed for the future, here today. To uring our model, it's easy to ~ee the tangible benents for membe~ o f The Covington Priority Program. Uke hein.g able to choose the wood cabinets in kitchen and bath. Th • color of the counters. Floor covering. Wall covering. ll's a great opportunity to learn about thi attrnctlve program and compare The Covington' cla ic retirement lifestyle-upcb1ed for the future-with olhet retirement communities. At The Covington, you'll see the fine attention to detail that distingubhcs this retirement community. Designed for thrn.e who expect the be. t. In , accommodations, in services and in value. Choose from a dozen apartment and cottage floor plans. All large, all designed to meet your needs with a pee· trum of •rvices ch.lt will free you to f oUow your own pu~uit.s. Consider, too, the advantage. of our unusual 90% resale beneftt which benef1b you or your est.tte. The intangible bc!nefits? security and <.Unfort, companion.Wp and pious living. And the peace of mind from knowing there's health care available when and lf you need ll. Life at The Covington will ~ trvly rewarding. Con~jdcr the benefits of rctiremenr laving at\d the Priority PrOgram at The Covington. Call t6day for matt information or :an 2J>PC>lnttnent or to sec retiretnenl liying for the future. (949) '62~2 or tol free 1-877-:uw+u THE COVINGTON A,..,,_. ..... ,_, Coile#....., 3 ,...._,., ~ .W.0 Mfr>. GI .N6J6 .. ' . A8 !hundoy. s.pt.mber 21, 2000 ·soc1£1v Doily Pilot Show opening offers arts, crafts and cocktails A n overflow crowd or more than 600 guesis an1ved at the Orllnge County Muse- um of Art last Thunday to celebrate the opening night of the Pacific Craft Show. •This is the second most important fund-raiser of the year,• said museum spokesman Brian Langston, who was on band to wel- come the arriving crush. "Next to our incredible Art of Dining, this show and sale is very important to the museum.• Langston helped orga- nizers of the craft show raise more than $160,000 at the weekend-long event, which closed Sunday after- noon. •More than 1,000 people attended the exhibition on both Saturday and Sun- day,• added Langston, who expressed confidence in the undertaking's success. The event, sponsored by Wells Fargo, honored artist Howard Ben Tre and attracted a showing of some 50 artisans from all over the western United States. Displays ranged from handmade jewelry to coffee tables. One in particular, a brushed metal sculpted base lHECROWD table with a glass top made by Laddie John DHJ, sold for S7 ,000. It was among the larger tiCket items in the show. · Many pieces of art sold in the hundreds of dollars, not thousands. The net effect, however, was a win for the museum and for the exhibiting craft artists, who made new friends and cus- tomers in Orange County. That evening, a\ the first of the donor receptions, the cocktail gathering was catered by Mark's of Lagu- na with a special vodka martini bar presented by Ketel One. Sampling the grav lax (marinated salmon) and tasting the grilled New Zealand mini- lamb chops in the sunset crowd were such art lovers as Molly and Leon Lyon, ~~ Barbara Lee, M.S. MFT Wortlv Hew~ eoup1es. lndlvklum 1t Groups 1151 DoVE STREET, #105 NEWPORT 8F.ACH, CA 92660 (949) 261-8003 Uc:enae MH021595 Pat and Carl Nel11er, Madeline and Un Zucker- man, Pat and Alan Ryplns- kl, NW and Jlm Wood, JanJce and Roger Johnson, Elizabeth and Walter Hamen, Gael Lauritzen, Carole and Randy John- son, Lols and StanJey Isen- berg, Linda ln1ne Smith, Twyla and Charles Martin, Elyse and Bruce Miller, .. di 1h1';a-..--.GfLlllr"'**-,_.M_,.... .,....,. ,, ...... . ·::r-......... ..., ...................... ... .,....,... ........ c.... ... .,. ......... ..,...,.....o1......,t111r11r ..... a,,., -Colt &At L_,,.. 0,.. 7 .. 1WlllllllCI ...... -lorfla,-. Md!. · • an-. ct......._,*"'• ... ICC. I ·if I I ' ' I ' II I DOYEz Darrel and Manha Anderson examine pottery. AIOYE LEFT: Margaret and Robert Spraaue aclm.lre ceramlcs at the Pad.fie Craft Show. UR: Nancy Snyder and Janice Jobmon co-dWrecl the event at the Orange County Mmeum of Art. Walter and Jean Lechman, Donna Phelps, and Ygal and Shiela Sonenshlne. Patrons roaming the exhibition halls of the museum, sampling the cui- . sine and deciding on their purchases, were also tempted by a display of limited edition plates. Plates by.two artists in particular, Anna Sliver and Ed Moses, were created to commemorate the show. Each year, the museum solicits artists to create plates, which pave become collectible and desirable. And they really are plates, or rather platters to s-erve your next artistic meal on. Priced at less than $200, the two plates went fast. • THE CltOWD appears Thurs· days and Sat urdays. ~J,,,,l~ J'ale N EWPORT STONE & D ESIGN CENTRE CO MP LET E Ol SIC N l l S H o wa oo M ... ~~--k~ ........ co.-.... ·~ ........ i-._ • ........... • a.. .. ............... ., ........ 111ot. c.to. ·-·-o.w..ac-__,. •0._~ .... --o.,.. . .__._ ........... ........... ~ .9Wo. aw~,.,,.._. m I'~ ..... "'" J&.t4> ~ 'IU.. -~~~f8.ltt NlWl'Oa Srotcl. Dl!SICN Corm 1913 HAUoa Im> •• Cos1l Mf.SA 94U4S.1799 • 7lU37.1?99 Put a few words to work for you. Call the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS DAVID YURMAN THOAOUOHIAl!D WATCH COLLECTION"' ' '• Daily Pilot ·oArmooK · . . .. Thursday, September 21 , 2000 A9 Mature touch in 'Morning's' brings some laughs ·1yTom Titus W hoever first observed that •there's no fool like an old fool" may have come to that condusion aft8f viewing the original pro- duction of "Morning's at Sev- en• -Theater except for REVIEW the fact that this adage actually IS quoted in the play. There are a number of old fools in Paul Osborn's creaky old comedy about a familial fracas in middle America, circa 1925, and a couple of middle-aged dunces as well The good news is that they're generally quite amusing in their foolishness, thanks to the guidance of director Terri Miller Schmidt and a mostly fine, well-sea- soned cast at the Newport Theater Arts Center. "Morning's at Seven· ts one of those vintage pieces, like #The Silver Whistle,• that local theaters dlsinter every 10 years or so to gwe their actors who are a bit long in the tooth a chancC' to strut their stuff. Even South Coast Repertory took a crdck Read the D'dily Pilot at it a few seasons back. It's a tricky exercise, since the play requires seven Social Security recipients of better than average acting ability, and the script's over- nding emotion is indecision. Without effective ensemble interpretation, the show can faJI natter than one of those pancakes they serve up at 7 o'clock every moming - hence the title. The Newport production has two actresses of excep- tional talent, Joanne Under- wood and Teri Ciranna,0who portray bickering sisters shanng a home and, it would seem, one sister's husband. Underwood delivers the play's finest performance as the feisty spinster perpetual- ly on the defense and fearful of losing her lodging. Ciranna attacks her role of the wife fervently, lobbymg for a change of venue with the tenaoty of a pit bull. Jim McElenny vacillates through his assignment as Ciranna's wcdk-kneed husband, slip- ping in the occasional comic bonbon that gives his part more substance than that of 1ust a casual observer. The next-door neighbors, f YI • WHA~ •Morning's at Seven" • WHERE: Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach • WHEN: Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 2:30 p.m., until Oct. 15 •cos~ s13 • CAU: (949) 631-0288 the third of four elderly sis- ters and her perpetually con- fused husband, are done by Donna Lee Taylor and Albert Underwood. Taylor enacts her weepy, giddy character with a splendid sense of comic poignancy, while Albert Underwood strives weakly for pathos as a senior citizen who still doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up. The fourth sister, who's been kept virtually captive in marriage, is rendered with a spirited sense of rediscov- ered independence by Char Sctlkin. Ron Taylor, as her self· styled intellectually superior husband, appears far too f EATUtlNG WE STEt N fA '.'OtlTES -Menu Sampler - Ftltt Mtqnon Brochfttc with Bacon, Onion and Peppctt with Oranqt·RoHmuy Glu e ·campfi re' Rainbow Trout with Honcy Mu1tard Gla~e and Crunchy Pccan Crutt Appl• Wood Smokcd Bacon Wrapped Shrimp Skfwu 1 with Ancho-Honqt Glau Slow-cooked Baby Back Rtb• CJWtd with our SnakcbUc BBQ Sauce •1•.~ lndudfS chotc' uf any Soup or Orgm1c Grttn Sil.id f All l!ntree1 ~rv~ with Fresh Com on the Cob, Papayo Slaw i 4 and rhoire of Cheddar Potatoes, Httt> frie, OI' i>,b5hed PotatotS SEUEO HoNOAV -ft1DAV Ft.OH S:OO -):00 ~.H. 327 'le¥> port Center Drivr • Fashion l!land (1eross from w Hud Rock Cafe) 9'9.640 .2700 The Original MIKE'I CARPETI OVER 25 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery * ALL CARPET & FLOORING CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30o/ooff ~s Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CALL NOW 64·2-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All~.Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE · REUPBOLlll!RY Custo m-Made Furniture • Slip Covers Patio Furniture • Draperies. Shades. & Bedspreads affable for his assignment, missing opportunities for comic conflict. The ~youngsters" in the family -Albert Underwood and his erstwhile fiancee' - are nicely etched by John Townsend and Debbi Gordon. Townsend is madderungly indecisive as a middle-aged mama's boy, while Gordon's cheery demeanor labels her somewhat out of place in this nest of loonies . Director Schmidt and her husband, Richard, bave fash- ioned a pleasing, naturalistic backyard setting, which places the show somewhere in Booth Tarkington country. Tom Phillips has supplied the authentic-looking 1920s cos- tumes. These touches are particularly important to thts fragile period piece. "Morning's at Seven" may not Wln any standing ovd - bons, but in its own qrnPt, eccentnc rashlon, it touches the funny bone, however lightly. And it g1ves the ared's more mature thespians an opportunity to shinP • TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Thursdays and Saturdays Joanne Underwood reads the bad ne ws from Terri Ciranna in "Mornin g's at Seven " a t the Newport Theate r Arts Center through Oct. 15. ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE "N~ Uniq~ Shcp~(illedt witJ1' T~EW(m-YOtM" Hem.el., Fint Homt Fumishings Antiq11tt f:I Colltctiblts Tr11ditionol to Cottogt Gifts & Gordm Dttor Wish List f:I Dtlivery GCU'"dent c~ Gardm Polw Di"'"8 BrtAkfiut, Lunch, TtA & Esprrsso Bor Caft Hours: ~on-Sat &-5 "Discover the Row, a wonderful Shopping and Dining adventu~" C11ndltt to Ch11ndtlitn Uud & R'1rt Boob Custom Pichlrt Fr11ming F11mihlrt Restoration ""'much more! 9'+9 722 -1177 130 Eost 17th Strtd Casto ~Sii. CA C&hiNI Harp '""' Kow Houn . Tue-Sat 1~5 • AIO Thursday, September 21, 2000 .• DATEBOOK r ~ity Pilot Watch ~/most Famous ' and wait on 'The Watcher ' Art imitates life in 'Ahnost Famous' T be year was 1973. It was the year or ·The Brady Bunch• and Watergate. Earth Day and the EPA. Bell-bottoms, peasant tops and chcLin belts. Shag carpeting and shag haircuts. Beaded cur· REEL tains, mirrored sunglasses CRITICS an1t c;::~~il. year Ameri - cans encountered their hrst oil shortage, and Vice Presi- dent Spiro Agnew sd1d the youth of Americd were 4' being "brainwashed mto d drug culture" by rock music, movies, books and underground newspdpers. In 1973, Cameron C rowe, the acclaimed wnter-direc- tor of .. Jerry Maguire,• wds a 15-year-old aspiring rock journalist scribing for a San Diego underground maga- zine. Through his latest film, •Almost Famous," Crowe ardently recounts his forma- tiv e years v1d tt!> mdin chdr- acter, Wilham Miller. d wide-eyed, baby-fa ced wnter thrown mto the deca- dence of rock 'n' roll. Art 1m1tdtes hie with Crowe's shrewd cdslmg of a fresh-faced newcomer s11r- rounded by recognizable talent. Patnck Fugit 1s so conv~ the well- intentione d, starry-eyed ·uncool" Wilham, that one can't he lp but identify with him. So, take a road tnp. Sltde behmd the wheel of your '69 Camdro, shp on your mirrored shades. plug in your favorite 8-lrnck tdpe and cruise down the back roads. •Almost Famous• is a well· crafted film that offers much more than basic; entertain· Julie Lowrance ment. William proc~es a freelance Writing assignment from Rolling Stone to cover Stillwater, a fictitious band on the verge of stardom, and joins their tour. Traveling with the band, William observes their self-indulgent lilestyle of wild parties, promiscuous sex, drugs and alcohol. The legendary rock critic Lester Bangs (Philip Sey- mour Hoffman) cautions William not to become friends with the artists and ·to write with honesty and be merciless.· BangS' believes Rolling Stone's motivation is lo pop- ularize and market rock 'n' roll out of its distinction and into its extinction. Gradually, William loses his objectivity. His whole· some values and quiet resolve anchor the band's wild destructive nature. He . becomes their confidant and also a catalyst to their own growing awareness. As a writer. Crowe is wit- ty, incisive and' known for his rich dialogue. As a duector, his use of imagery and implication unmask the emotional restraint of his characters. With Crowe, nothing is as simple as it seems. In one scene, a sly act reveals William's idolization of Russell {Billy Crudup), Slillwater's lead guitarist. After a behind-the-scenes ego clash between the band's lead singer, Jeff (Jason Lee), and Russell over a promotional T-shirt that depicts Russell as the most prominent band mem- ber, William snatches the shirt as he's leaving. In another scene, fleeting action divulges William's teenage crush. Hearing the familiar voice of Pe nny · La(le (Kate Hudson), a Still- water groupie, emanating from inside Rl.lssell's hotel room, William deviously reverses the •do not dis- turb• sign. Emphasizing the anti- establishment theme is a single dynamic character: William's over-protective but adorable mom, Elaine (Frances McDormand). She is a hilarious, yet ceaseless, reminder of the establish· ment's ethic of responsibili- ty. Her barrage of anti-drug messages await and embar- rass William at every hotel stop. The '70s was an era of contradiction: liberating as well as destructive. Even as a wistful, ex-disco diva, nos- talgia couldn't influence my perception. With honest, natural por- trayals and a heartwarming story, •Almost Famous • is one of the best films I've seen this year. • JULIE LOWRANCE. 40, is a Costa Mesa resident who work.s at a Newport Beach overnight aircraft advertising agency. See 'The Watcher' at a matinee I . T he Watche r• depicts the unset- tled affiliation James Spader ls a burnt-out cop on the trail of a serial killer in "The Watcher," now playing at local theaters. between a serial killer (Keanu Reeves) and the burnt-out FBI agent he has followed to Chicago to taunt by strangling more women. Like most movie serial killers, Griffin is not killing just because he is starved for attention. Agent Campbell (James Spader) is in a new city, on disability an9-heavily addicted to prescription drugs, thanks to his last encounter with the psycho killer, whom he unsuccess- fully tracked in Los Ange- les. He lost a loved one because of this CJiSe. But Campbell snaps into action after receiving a pho- to of the next intended female vie· ttm from Griffin, With the aid of bis shrink, Polly {Marisa Tomei), we see that there mi~tbea creepy relation- Goy Wossoll-Kel~ ship between Campbell and Griffin -neither can exist without the other. Too bad Tomei's role revolved around sitting down. She's much more talented. Reeves has difficulty per- forming in the essential cav- alier manner or a psycho killer. He's not menacing enough. · But, Spader proves in this film that he can play more than just a rich spoiled druggie. Director Joe Charbanic leaves the world of music videos to debut with "The Watcher.• fie moves the story along at a fast pace. He certainly used every knob on the camera and in the sound studio to ensure suspense, terror and chaos. Check out the cemetery scene. It was unbelievable. Of the serial killer type, it's nothing like "Silence of the Lambs• or ·seven.• No hands over the eyes, gasps or squirming in your seats. But •The Watcher" is watchable if you like the dark side. Take in a matinee, forget full price. • GAY WASSALL·kELLY, 60, is the editor of a Balboa newspaper and is active in the community. 481 E. 17th Stree 645-2022 200 Birch St. (at Dove) •Newport Beach . 833-0660 -----~------------, :w.&18 • ............_ I s•'l"s ... i L-----..£91\1'~8':.~ .. --------r---------------------I I I I IUOBT WAIR · nn.wamm ... • •••nWAS L C141• 1141 -~ --------------------.---------------------~-.... 11'1 CoMMUNrrY Daily Pilot Debate continues over two dueling ballot measures •AT ISSUE: As the Nov. 7 election nea rs, New- port Beach residents speak out about stopping development, preserving the commuQity and Measures S and T. I plan on supporting Med· sure S because I believe the residents of Newport Beach should have a say m the important matter of what ts developed in their area. I WdS READERS ~~~rt RESPOND Beach and am sad to see much of the former OpPn space replaced with develop- ment. I am not antidevelop- ment, but I believe that more controls on it would be WlSe Thomas Edwards and Clarence Turner say that passage of Meosure S would "do more damage than any stonn God could devisP" dnd that its proponents are "destroying our commurnty • This is not true and tS an example of the hyperbole thdt some of those in oppoSltion to this measure are expoundJ.ng The same thing was Sd1d m 1978 when Proposibon 13, which reduced revenues lo the county by putting a lumt on property tax increctse~. was on the baUot. Propos1L1on 13 passed by a large margtn and crur county has done JUSt fine for the last 22 years Opponents of Measure S have JO realize that control· ling growth makes our com· munity more valuable and more livable, not less. Hav- ing more parks and open space would be a greater benefit than more resorts, sbip malls and office build· ings. And as to the argument that more development ere· ates more jobs and fuels our local economy, I would bet that most of the laborers and contractors on these develop- ments would come from out- side our dty and that d good number of the employees working at the completed developments would as well Measure S is not doom and gloom. It is just the voice of our citizens when they see a threat to the beauty of thelI community. The entrepre· neW'S and developers m our area are resilient and resourceful, and if Measure S passes they will simply have lo be more creative in their proposals and that will work to their advantage as well as to our residents. JULES MARINE Newport Beach Seven and counting. That's how many anti.-Green- light ads have appeared since Sept. 6 in the Daily Pilot. In the latest version, Bill Ficker is the featured poster boy and his 1970 America's Cup win is the lead·in. But UUs election isn't about the Amerlca's Cup. That was 30 years ago. It is about what's changed in those 30 years. not all ol it for the better. In t970, getting arouod town wu a breeze and traffic was only a problem on sum· mer weekends, mosUy on the Balboa Peninsula. And we bad plenty of local metehants doiie at band. Remember Forglt Haldware11be two nearby luinber yerds1 All the .. 11meken and boat yards and martne hardware storesf nm mnmunitYbad c:bar· ldllr tbln. Now tr. a~ out "•Nftpaita.m (714).· Rg'..-..cec.towen. .... ...., •• aotto ::::.=:·==· Aloltillil...., uDdslbe of P'Ol ..... -91 ... -..... -........ ol ... .._ ... .,. light is our best shot, Ficker's opposillon notwithstanding. He is dedd wrong when he says Greenlight will cause •an endless senes of elections.• Concerned about that, the aty hired urban planner John Douglas to study Measure S. Conclusion: Had It been in effect over the last 10 years, IS elect.Jons would have been reqw.red. The Daily Pilot COV· ered Uus m detail on June 27. GrePnl!ght doesn't destroy the ci ty's planning process; it gives us the final say, whlch is as 1t should be. This is our community. We live here, the big-shot developers don't. Ttus November, vote •yes• on S and ·no• on T. DICK LEWIS BalbO'a Pemnsula The one issue in Newport that would unify residents and the City Council is the fight to keep John Wayne Airport from expanding and to prolong the current agree- ment limiting airport growth. But proponents of Mea· sure T, m their zeal to fight Greenlight's Measure S, have made d strategic and s1gruhcanl error that plays into the hdflds of powerful mterests who will push for the a.irport's expansion. The error is that Measure T spec1ftcdlly exempts the airport area If Measure T is voted tn, new lugh-rise bwJdmgs would spring up around the airport. Such development not only puts undesirable pressure on the oty in its fight agdlllSl airport expansion but would create traffic overloads on Irvine Avenue, Jamboree Road and MacArthur Boulevard. nus error in Measure T is further compounded by lhe City Counol's desire to encourage more new hotels and convention centers. What could be more con· venient for new hlgh-rise bwldings, hotels and conven-' tion centers than an expand- ed John Wayne Airport, capable of handling a multi- tude of coast-to-coast fights. I was mayor of Newport Beach when the present air- port agreement was ham· mered out. Countless hours were spent working the coun- ty, AlCport Working Group and Stop Polluting Our New- port. The final agreement incorporated a cap on the number of passengers, a cur- few and noise standards. This agreement, while not perfect, has served our com- munity well. We must extend the agreement without the added pressure of new devel- opment in the airport area. Still another disturbing element associated with a group of supporters for Mea- sure Tis the •anti·S" posi- tion of our dty fire and police a.ssodations. Apparently, in the eyes of these dty employees, 1L there ls more and more develop- ment. Ulere would be a c:on- current expansion of the fire and police departments. And of course this would "9qUire more police officers, fireflghti- ers, equipment, etc. The thr'Mt of inaeued traffic and artdl«.k does not 8B8ID to bott. tbele employ· =~rwpome tlmel when • medDI Oil 0th- .~ oa:un. It II dil-- appdnting tbid our polcl _ ............ . ~ ........ ..,,.. pie...., .. IMll'D to...,... Mi1nn S II m appal1U· Jiit ID--•.:-..:r.-........ . ,. ........... ,... .......... "-. .,., ~--··~ .,....... • 'I: "We feel it's a second-grade problem -not a fourth-grade problem - so don't harm 100 fourth-graders. " -CAAOLYN MANGANO, parent of a second. grader and a fourth-grader enrolled at Mariners Elementary, on plans to reduce the number of fourth grade classes to compensate ·1or an overflow of second.graders. EDITORIAL Howto · RE'QlllS The Daily Pilot wekomes letters on .__ concerning Newport Beadhnd Costa ~. Theft are four ways to send In your com- ments: • LETlQS -Mail to the Dally Pilot. 130 w. Bay St., Costa Mew 92627 • MADaS HOn.--C.all (949) 642-6086 • MJl -Send to (949) 646-"' 170 • E-MA¥.-Send to dailypilo~~CDm All cooespondence must include your fufl name, hometown and phone numb« (for verification purpoteS only). Thursday, September 21 , 2000 All Shalimar: consider the big picture W ithout a doubt, she will be missed. The firing of Maria Alvarez from the Shalimar Learn- ing Center -and the possible permanent closure of the pro- gram -is a great loss to the community. Whatever the reason behind her termination - whether it was philosophical dif- ferences or a clash of egos - Alv<lJ.'ez has taken with her a spe- cial ihclusiveness that was a part of Shalimar. The students. who strongly connected with Alvarez, have lost a champion. The parents who often depended upon Alvarez have lost a voice. There are few as connected to the families in the area as t"" Alvarez. She had become a mem- ber of that family. When people thought of Shali- mar, Alvarez always came to mind. Even her crit- ics say she is a light, perhaps shining too Marla Alvarez brightly, drawing too much atten- tion to herself. Undoubtedly, Alvarez cares about the students at the afler- school tutoring program. She wanted lo keep the door open to all children at all times. However, with 300 students and limited space, a set· schedule was practical and efficient -and quite possibly a strict necessity to keep the learning center opera- tional. ln the six years since the Shali- mar Leaming Center opened, it has become an invaluable resource. It has kept children off REBUTIAL the streets and focused on educa- tion. It has given parents the security of knowing that their kids are ~ good hands. And it has been a boon to a city that is fighting to edge out a gang prob- lem. ~ The staff and volunteers at Shalimar have created an ed ca- tional fortress and a safe haven for the students. With Alvarez out and a big question mark looming above the closed doors of the Shalimar Leaming Center, where will those students go? The.loss of Alvarez is a huge one, but if Shalimar shuts down for good, it could be catastrophic. The community should not be focusing its attention on Alvarez alone. Residents who value Shali- mar should be doing all they can to find a way to keep the pro- gram alive. Private educcition may be . an asset, but let's stick with public schools _ Kudos and credits to the parents and finandal supporters, both indi- viduals and corporate giants, who helped to see that Sage Hill School became a reality for our coastal com- munity this school year. The Daily Pilot's article on Sage Hill ("School bell set to ring at Sage Hill: Sept. 4) could be viewed as a catalyst in (widening) the gap between public education and private education. Or it could lead to positive reflection by pri- vate school supporters and those of us who believe in the essence of public education and what it offers. There were plenty of lines devoted to the glitz at Sage Hill versus the drab of public schools in the Newport-Mesa school di.strict. including menbon of pristine classrooms versus buckled sidewalks and leaky classrooms; new books in spotless lockers versus graffi- ti-laden public school lockers; small class sizes and personal instruction versus the [perception of] overcrowded condi~ons wiUl public school teachers not bemg able to give one-on-one instruction; Sage Hill's dedication to community service du.ring block sum- mer days versus daily hours of commu- nity service at times prescribed by public education; and so on. Plus, Sage Hill comes with a tab of $30 million and growing venrus our public schools having to go to the voters to raise $163 million [$110 million locally and SS3 mWioo in state matching funds) for needed repairs at 25-plus schools. Needless to say, there was a lot to create a gap and possible resentment or envy. But. in reality, Sage Hill is perfect for our community and a needed asset. Sage Hill is nothing more than a graduation of the benefits of private school education enjoyed by many families who lelect this option. Harbor Day School in Newport Beach is the fint step for many on this course to Sage Hill. as ii Carden Hall and other private tebooll. Having enjoyed wonderf\Jl early yean at Kut>cr Day School with two of our cbildren and then finally moving all four to public ICbools gave my wife and I a good dole ol both. Pinandally, we could never aftord four lddl' ruilkJn at HUbat 0., School. and Sage HID's 114,000 tultloD would never be doable wllb four lddl. let alone one. But far :mmy ID our cammunlty, thelll tabl are ~ .. opdoll ts ..... for tbe .... .. .. • dMlk modfttioMI """ .. ...--ic:boal ......... .., ..... ~==.-===by ..._,.._-.,.,,,, aapalllc :.1 ~··55c·.;._, .. , ...... _ ... __ , _____ _, ___ DON I.EACH I DAl.Y PllOT Sage Hill School opened earlier this month In Newport Coast. ently educated students to share their experiences, Sage Hill kids will have a bit more depth on general subjects of knowledge, while public school kids will have far more experience in life struggles. In CJF-sanctioned athletics, Sage Hill kids will be able to invite their public school friends to visit and train on pristine athletic fields with the best of the best equipment available while public school kids will forever invite their Sage Hill athletic friends to Fri- day and Saturday night games at Davidson Pleld for Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar. Pareots have a duty to set a general coune a their family and their kids' future. Sage HlD parents a.re, without a sing~ doubt. 9etting their kids on a coune for the finest in education. Sage Hill's parents are giving their cblldn!n the raf.t ol all environs. wbk:b pubbc sdlools cannot match beCllu.e ol cam- pus delignl and quite simply because ot the number ol culturer than inbelently and WJlortunately dab In public places. Sage Hill .,_,.entl and kid.a WW enloY • trouble-free education atmoe- pbse. Wtlb tlrchm baving more •\dbalttt ........ a.way in setting c:ultJalllaD md .,.... c:ompematiotl. s.g. tlD Jiii ... WUI pay fOi the9e b a •-.-..,can. a.p111,. •I wtD coDtibue to .._ ...... wllb aD ol \II • bee•••..,_• l*t of as tu IJ'I· ~ .... 'imltlillly md NIMID a ..... bllDcS ff ........ wlao do Dal ... . .......................... . ................... Nlllr: ......... .... ,...... ., ...... .... asset that will come in handy in the Juture. Athletically, of which th.is family places equal weight to that of scholas- tics, Newport-Mesa students will far exceed Sage Hill's players because the school is no Mater Dei High or Senta Margarita High. Sage Hin has no reli- gious pillaB; instead a hybrid oC public education with a big tab and wlue- laden bill of learn.mg. Mater Dei and Santa Ma19arita excel in sports because .. of their religiO'\' span to all cultures, income levels and recruiting prowess. The public school parent who sets a course of athletics for their kkb will face with Sage Hill's penmts a dilem- ma at some point: either go with a winner such as Newport Harbor in football. for eum.ple, or make the trek to Mater Dei or Santa Margalit.a to give their child What ts pen:'81Yed to be higher nmg of athletk: ~· Tbll ilt wher9 Sage HID peNllll ad public 5cbool parents do mimlr MC.b odas. We, •a t.mlly, r.c.t tldl-.. ID lea than.~ aDd nimlllD tbaDldu1 == beft:c::::: tram.,...,_~ .... Nliwpalt Harbor ................. ad cullllr- al Niil ................. .. aou.y, .. ctiakll--..-. -8Cbclrlllefdua•'S?w.._..,• .............. ,. 1t••" 1 .......... ...... andplllkdlail .......... .. ,....a..-.-.. a. "' :.;.-=: =~::-· I r.I tr 1'f*•••-.._. ......... _.!II!!_ .. .. .......... ~-~~· ----·--j l . Al2 Thunday, 5eptember 21, 2000 This . bayfront condo has lots of mirrors to enjoy fhe bay view from every angle. Spa tub & hot °' dry sauna in master bath. Dock available for up to a 48' boat Please call John and Carol Jacobs at (949) 717-5111. Unique custom home with 2 BO, 2 BA. Soaring ceilings and dramatic floor to ceiling windows look out on the hills and some ocean view. Please· call Marian Phillippi at (949) 717-5111. Recently remodeled, this 1 BO, 2 BA family residence includes new brick decking, walkways and parking area. Dock will accommodate up to a 35' boat. Please call John and Carol Jacobs at (949) 717-5111 . Well maintained home with view of bay. Kitchen has been remodeled and opens to family room with brick fireplace. 3 car garage a plus! Please call Marian Phillippi at (949) 717-5111. : . Courtyard townhomes and single-famity homes In Vila di Lago. Adjacent to Reflection Bay Golf Club and features gated entrance, community pool and events pavilion. Please ·call Steve Leggitt at (800) 564-1603. Situated on the famous 9"' hole d the Sl8dium CourM It PGA West, this 3 BO, 3.5 BA custom home offers apectacutlr vt.wa and recently updated Interior. PIHH cell Bruce Blomgren at (760) ne-1653. > 21 undport Brand new home with 5 car garage. Extensive upgrades include hardwood floors, gourmet kitchen with limestone flooring and butler's pantry. Please call Marian Phillippi at (949) 717-5111. Magnificent · Newport Heights dollhouse with plantation shutters and large country kitchen with bay window. Oversized comer lot close to great schools. Pl6ase call J.B. Griffin at (949) 717-5111. Beautiful bungalow featuring lovely hardwood floors, stained glass built-ins in living room and dining room, wonderful master suite, pool, spa and guesthouse. Please call J.B. Griffin at (949) 717-5111. This 3 BO, 2.5 BA townhome offers bay and ocean views from the upper level bedrooms. New paint, carpet, tile and appliances. Available immediately. Please call Blm Hastings at (949) 717-5111 . NTERNATIONAL New community • of 165 villas. These 2 BO and 3 BO villas surround you with luxurious comfort. Incredible views of the Sea of Cortez and Lands End. Please call Brian Guiltinan at (858) 755-0669. Industrial Park Acreage 4'.4'9 acresl Greet locetion for medical omc... General plan 9lloWI most uaes. Cute existing house on ~· Property ii In county and offers 160 foot front.ge. Pteue call S..sy Luby at (SM9) 717.-5111 . -· Todd Schooler designed and built home with 4' BO, 3.5 BA located on a street-to-street lot at the east end of the island. Fabulous ftoorplan with large master suite. Please call Duncan Forgey at (949) 717-5111. Beautiful colonial estate adjacent to Virginia Country Club. Custom built on extra large lot. Offers hardwood ftoonl, winding staircase and private yard. Please call J.B. Griffin at (949) 717-5111 . Fabulous bay and city light views from this 2 BO, 2 BA condo. BayfrOnt end unit with separate dining area, fireplace in living room and patio. Dock for 48' boat. Please call John and Carol Jacobs at (949) 717-5111 . Unique 3 BO, 1.75 BA home built in 1936 wtth partial basement. Vintage hardware, co'-"d ceilings and portecochere that leads to a 2 car garage in the rear. Please call Sharon Swanson at (949) 717-5111 . Exceptional opportunity Includes hotel, restaurant, bar, soon to be completed apa, 2 homn, 2 retail stores and large lot with plan• for a 32 unit condo complex. Please caH Fether Slingerland at (858) 643-9797. ,, r Krayzelburg, Peirsol 1 ~2 entering the 200-JDeter backstroke Illedal race • All went according to the numbers through semifinal; Davenport injured, with~aws. •Race for the gold medal In 200-meter backstroke On TV tonight. Channel 4. SYDNEY Newport Harbor High's Aaron Peirsol, a 17- year-old junior, continued the medal hunt ear- ly Wednesday morning in the semifinats of the 200-meter back- Aaron Pelrsol stroke in men's swimming at tlle Olympic Games here in Australia, posting a 1:58.44 en route to win- ning his semifinal race, qualifying for today's finals, which were held at 1:21 a.m.(PD1l World champion Lenny Krayzel- burg, the Ukraine-born 24-year-old who is the favorite for the gold, won his heat in an Olympics record time of 1:57.27, setting up the 1-2 punch for the United States in the final. Others who threatened the U.S. pair in today's final were Matthew ........... ..,lnh'Woebme.-..,' • llM ailiW .... ID wl t.d, """""· cnt hem hm -• Dick,........,. CdM football coach • Thursday, ~ 21 , 2000 Bl Welsh of Australia (1:58.57), Om BX.TILE OF THE BXS' Amason of. Iceland (1:58.99) and • :: ::.the 1:59s clocked in " • Meanwhile ln women's tennis, Palisade Tennis Club member Llndsay Davenport has withdrawn from the Games due to a strained left foot. The 2'-year-old reaggravated the injury in her first-round victory over Paola Suarez of Argentina. According to Davenport, she ini- tially hurt her foot in Canada before competing in the U.S. Open. • In women's beach volleyball, Newport Harbor High grad Misty May and her partner Holly McPeak, the top-seeded team in the competition will l4ke on 18th- seeded Daniela Gattelli and Lucilla Perrotta of Italy Thursday after- noon in Sydney. May and McPeak have ,played the Italian duo once this year and won, 15-11, at a July t• competi- tion in Germany. • lo women's wetgbtllftlng competition. Cara Heads-Lane, a product of Newport Harbor High, finished seventh in the 75-kilo class. She missed on two attempts at 102.5 kilos, then made it on the third snatch. In the clean and jerk, she cleared 120 kilos on her first attempt. but missed twice at 125. •1 really feel like I should have placed fifth,• said Heads-Lane. •1 should have made the lift at 125.·' • Back Bay football rivals square off in the traditional bragging rights collision. It's the one that lasts a lifetime. Kickoff is at 7 Friday night. Barry F.ulkner DAllY PM.or NEWPORT BEACH -Back Bay football rivals Corona del Mar High and Newport Harbor are looking for something to brag about when they square off Friday at 1 p.m. in the Battle of the Bay XXXIX, host- ed by the Sailors. It's not as much the perennial bragging rights with one another, mind you, as a reason to pound their chests after less than sterling starts. ·we've just got to get back on track,• said Coach Jeff Brinkley, whose Sailors saw their 15-game unbeaten streak halted by Marina last week. •we can't worry about the rab- rab deal this week, because we've just got to get better," said CdM Coach Dick Freeman, whose Sea Kings have opened 0-2, extending their nonleague losing streak to nine games. Harbor (1-1 and ranked No. 6 in CIP Southern Section Division VI) leads the series, 26-12, has won five of the last six cross--------in it. Rather than get- town showdowns, and "'It's another ting caught up in the enters as the prohibitive ·woe is me thing,· we favorite. one of those have added incenbve to Cd.M, outscored, 49-0, games wi·th work hard, improve, in the third quarter this and beat them.· season (but on top, 29-27, Corona and Bnnkley believes his · the ~st of the tim?) is i've seen it on players, still stinging counting on the emotional from their first loss in 31 lift that led to upsets in five all ends ... • games to a team not in of the 11 Back Bay meet-• ...a the Sea View League, ings during the 1990s .IWfl ~ are eager to rebound. (they played twice in '92). '~lg~ll co.ch "Our kids are very •1t•s another one of focused for CdM; you those games with Corona could see it in their eyes and I've seen it on all Friday (the day after the ends," Brinkley said. 26-18 loss to Marina),• Brinkley Brinkley was on the wrong end said. "They want to come back and two seasons ago, when his Tars, play well.· ranked No. 1 in Division VI at the The Sailors did just that in the time, absorbed a surprising 28-18 second half against Marina, after Sea View League setback that pro-Mandarino made the aforemen- pelled Cd.M into the playoffs and tioned shift to tailback and junior cost the SailoJS a postseason berth. Morgan Craig stepped in under Freeman. whose squad left the center. Sea View for the Pacific Coast Manderino, who played tailback League last season, has a healthy as a freshman, went on to rush for respect for this Newport unit 83 yards and a touchdown in 13 •When they moved (then-quar-carries lining up 7 yards deep m terbaclt Chris) Manderino to tail-the backfield. His 82 rushing yards back, they turned into one of those on 32 carries lead the team. A pow- real Newport teams,• Freeman erful 6-foot-1, 205-pounder, he said. •And that front seven of theirs should enhance a ground attack is the best we're going to see. that bas produced just 150 yards in You're not going to find two better two games. ends and they have three really Craig completed 6 of 12 for 93 good linebackers. yards without an interception and •aut playing Newport keeps us will make his first varsity start Fri- THIS WEEK'S PREP PICKS .. ..... tla .... ~vs.lnMaA at Ne'Wport ~ ~ 7 p.m. •&tlllMkt..,10 .,..,.. __ CDM vs. f' a1 l'- at Newport~ 7 p.m. • Ne rpart ....._ lllJ M . . ....... I VS. C:.-.... at~ COMt ~ 7 p.m. •C... .... ..,,, day. DMYPLorS....._ 87.~(7-1 ... Wideouts Brian Gaeta (six catch- es for 79 yards) and Mitch Gray (five for 31), as well as junior tight end Joe Foley (three for 76), will be Craig's primary targets. Cd.M, which has rotated junior quarterbacks Dylan Hendy and Joe SEE BAffiE OF THE BAY PAGE 12 •That's what the hard-hitting two-way Costa Mesa High standout creates for opponents on both sides of the ball. IMy ,......, tables. 0....Y Pl.OT •J lMfDed you better be L .. ~ n--y will -"' .. ·avw liggnlllift, or you're going to get ua .._ cu'"" 1-hurt. ADd I leuned it's fun to remember bis tint big bit knock., .... e19e on bil bUtt, So will bit dbl. lnltMd Of a. OtMr way around.• Tbl audal mDitim occurred Hl'WlllO ..... bis I !II lllDS two lbOrt football teMDa8 •• _ w1. [My ii now t1Mt black helmet wben ... tbenlCosta Mele High ..... d .. NllD9I for IOpbamoN. wttb only OM W ................... 1bougb a •• sq, w ... ''' ''"..... ... no'°"' ....... Moat-3 .... --~~ ..... ~.. .... • .-oowv-..... 9l!JOlligll mMaltMm,-.-.WMWMllJ tailmtDll••wlMllaM~ +y Lee b Mc*ng --L elldl C1119 -w.o• .... JO Dlilllld ·~dlm.t::..• ,._.. ......... ===..., tee •twmrs'dmltD Jlllllil*,.... ~ =~=~-:..°:... ~ ... -··~ ._•llwrlillll..._..... Y Sc•lllll.•il •• I" gl*c' ntl_.. ....,. .... -...... .. , SPORTS • ~-IN THE PROCESS OF BUILDING A CASE I The Eagles hope to add momentum and imprQve their image when they face Canyon tonight. Bany Faulkner DAILY PILOT off victory since 1980, o.ny ammunition to threaten its upward mobility. NEWPORT SEACH - The Estancia High football team is competing against more than canyon when the Comanches invade Newport Harbor High tonight for the 7 o'clock nonleague contest. •we got no recognition in the preseason poll and our kids were d isappointed," Estancia Coach Dave Perkins said. "But we've come to believe we don't need anything but . our own se\{-respect. We were ranked No. 10 in the final poll last year and we still didn't make the playoffs (los- ing out on the lone at-large berth)." The Eagles will, of course, need to keep winning to maintain their sell image, but Canyon (1-1) doesn't figure to willingly comply. The Eagles are also bat- tling perception. Ranked No. 10 in the ClF Southern Section Division IX poll this week, ending what they considered a wrongful omission, Estancia (2-0) tan't afford to give doubting poll voters, who likely note the program's lack of a CIF play- The Comanches, under the guidance of Brent McKee, the program's third coach in three years, bounced back from a season-opening 18-7 loss to Pomona, by thrashing La Sjerra, 35-9. La Sierra has CDM LINEUPS OfRNsE l>ERNSE No.,..,.... Ht. Wt. d . ,.,... No. Playw Ht. Wt. d ...... 59 Som 9loGI 6-2 180 Sr. OE SI Pmll 5counLAs 6-1 230 Sr. OT a Jo9 ~ S-11 182 Jr. QB 22 ....... tWDt 5-6 1 fiO Sr. T8 6' MAn C-6-0 190 So. FB SI J-SuuA 5-9 200 So. OT 1 &lie S.U. 6-1 190 Sr. WR JI .,,,_. W.ui 6-1 225 Jr. OE 7 MAJT Maa. 6-0 185 Sr. WR 2l llMll *'-5-6 160 Sr. OL8 M T'1Ull ~ 6-1 190 Jr. TE '5 T~ GMT 6-2 220 Sr. MlB f.J S'llYBI ~ 6-2 236 Jr. LT 9 Nlal ,...,_ S-11 190 Sr. Ol8 60 Jollll DMD 6-0 205 So. LG 10 EvNI "'-5·10 160 5r. CB 52 AoMI DI-. 6-0 203 Jr. C 40 0-. Al.Mull 6-2 170 Sr. CB 77 MAlT MMsro11 6-4 210 Sr. RG 21 1C111S C'.oclNll 6-0 170 So. SS 7S DAW~ 6-5 )()() Sr. RT 1 E-=~ 6-1 190 Sr . FS BATTLE OF THE BAY CONTINUED FROM B 1 Barber, has received most of lts offensive production through the air. Barber, who came off the bench the first two games but will start Friday, has thrown for 163 yards and two TDs, completing 9 of 25 with one intercep- tion. He suffered a season- ending broken thumb against Harbor last fall. Hendy has completed 6 of 17 for 99 yards and one TD, with three intercep- tions. Senior Blake Hacker is the leading rusher with 107 yards on 28 carries. Senior receiver Matt Moore, who suffered bro- ken ribs and a collapsed lung against Newport last fall, end.in~ his season and his quarterbacking career, has four catches for 151 yards and two TDs. Seruor Eric Snell has a team-high five catches for 38 yards. Harbor has been strong defensively, with senior ends Garrett Troncale and Ian Banigan starring, along with senior line- backers Alan Saenz, Man- derino and Andy Rankin. CdM's defense, which has surrendered nearly 344 yards per game thus far, is spearheaded by outside linebackers Hacker and Nick Prosser, as well as free safety Snell and cor· nerback Charlie Alshuler. Clf DIVISIOI VI TOP 10 1. La Mirada 2. Villa Park 3. Irvine 4. Tustin 5.Kenned-j 6. Newport Hldot' 7. Cypress 8. Laguna Hills 9. Woodbridge 10. Mayfair Sea Kings-Sailors 1963-Newport Harbor 13, Corona del M¥ 12 1964-Cofona del Mar 20, Newport Harbor O 196s.Newport Harbor 13, Corona del Mar 7 1966-Newport Harbor 28, Corona del Mar O 1967.ffewport Harbor 20, Corona de! Maro 1968-Newport Harbor 21, Corona del Mar 6 196g..Newport Harbor 14, Corona def Mar 6 197~ Harbor 7, Corona dti Mar O 1971-Corona del Mar 7, Newport Harbor O 1972<orona del Mar 21. Newport H•rbor O 1973-Newport Harbor 31, Corona del Mar 3 1974-Newport Harbor 16, Corona del M¥ 6 1975-Newpon Harbor 33, Corona del Mar 13 1976-Newport tiarbor 7, Corona del Maro t9n-Newport Harbor 10, Corona del Mar 7 1978-Newport Harbor 9, Corona def Mar 7 1979-Newport Harbor 21, Corona del Mar 7 1980-Newport Harbor I 5, Corona def Mar O 1981-Corona del Mar 6, Newport Hatbor 0 1982-Newport Harbor 21, Corona del Mar 7 1983-Newport Harbor 7, Corona del Mar 3 1984-Newport Harbor 34, Corona def Mar B 198S<Ofona del Mar 15, Newport Harbor 14 1986-0>rona del Mar 13, Newport Harbor 10 1987-Corona del Mar 6, Newport Harbor O 1988-Corona def Mar 27, Newport Harbor 8 1~Newport Harbor B, Corona def MM 7 1990-corona def Mar 13, Newport Hllfbor 3 1991-Newport Harbor 27, Corona def Mar 0 1992-Corona del Mar 17. Newport Harbor 0 )992•-Newport Hlfbof 28, Corona def Mar 21 199J.Corona de! M¥ 23, Newport Harbor o 1994-Newport Harbor 7, Corona def Mar 6 1995-Newpon Harbor 7, Corona del Milf 3 1996-Newport Harbor SS, Corona de! Mar B 1997-Newport HarbOf 42, Corona de! M¥ 20 l~ona del Mar 28, Newport Harbor 1B 1~ Harbor 35, Corona del Mar 3 • Battle of the Bay 11 (OF 5-mifinah) Newport lffds Wies. 26-12 NEWPORT LINEUPS DEusE No. Pleyer' • ~Owca 1 O..MA_, .... ,.._,..... to MnotGM• 4 .... GMIA n•,_.. 71 "-rOW 50 JllllilalM* M ,,,.._'\&.&. ., """" Dmlr IO SamLaou , 6-2 182 Jr. TB 6-1 205 Sr. T8 6-1 225 Sr. F8 S-11 165 Sr. WR 6-2 180 Jr. WR 6-0 238 Jr. TE H 265 Jr. LT 6-1 210 Sr. LG H 200 Jr. ·C 6-l 200 5'. RG 6-2 2B5 Sr. RT Ht. Wt. d .Poa. 55 W. IMIGM 6-3 218 Sr. DE SI CJ. C.OU.. 6-1 230 Sr. NG 71 NICJI Ma• •ao'flll M 260 Sr. OT 7 a-tT TlDeCMI 6-0 1B5 Sr. DE 1 a.a• a 6-1 205 Sr. 0\.8 S AAllM S.--6-2 260 Sr. Ml8 • ,.,.., .__.. 6-l 216 Sr. Ol8 4 11M11 GMTA 6-2 180 Jr. Cl 24 lltYM """"" 5-9 162 5r. CB a~.,_ 6-2 172 Jr. SS 20 0#9 ._,... 6-0 160 Sr. FS -~ ISIAICIA LlllUPS yards and one touchdown on 35 attempts, while senior Andy Romo, moved to tail- back last week, has 114 yards on 23 carries. Romo's shift from receiver was prompted when Shane McGuire quit the team for personal reasons . Tolly has 158 rushing yards on 17 carries, including TDs of 40, 38 and 37 yards. Os e 1sa DIPENsl Parker, also an All-Centu· ry League defensive back, bad a 38-yard ro run against La Sierra. Canyon's defense also includes senior end Robert Miller, a 6·6, 220· pound Division J prospect . .... ...,. ,, ._...v_._ 1 ,.,,,,,., ..... ,. ,...,.we .... v... MO-Y~ • DAW>~ 71 .... Dl.IMIW 50 a..---., 72T'llllV-ll"-r~ ,,...,~ ttt.'•a. .... 6-5 l.20 Sr. Q8 6-2 185 Sr. TIS S..2 235 5'. FB 5-9 165 Sr. W8 6-5 22S Sr. WR 6-1 215 Sr. TE S-11 270 St. LT U2AS Sr. LG 5-0275 Sr. c 6-2 250 Sr. RG 6-5 270 Sr. RT just three wins in its last 41 games, but Pomona defeated CdM, 41-22, last week. •(The Comanches) lost to a good Pomona team and I think they're playing really well, "Perkins said. "They're an option and power team, which doesn't throw the ball much. They play the same defense as Aliso Niguel and it's a plus to face· the same defense two weeks in a Ht. Wt. a.Pa& 50 ClmM .._ 6-0 245 Sf. OE 51-. ~ 5-9 230 Jr. NG " DMllD ., I "Z 5-10 245 Sr. OE ,. ..., Clu¥ S.10 175 Jr. ot.J 51.._. "'-'"' S-10 220 Jr, ll8 41 ,_,. CIMaA S.t1 180 St. MU ,. hMD ,_ 6"2 235 Sr. ll8 ....... ~ 6-1 215 Sr. Ol8 1 ,.,.. ..... 6-2 185 Sr. Cl a ....., Y-S-9 165 5r. CB ~ ,_,. llcxw-a 6-t 190 Jr. FS row." Against that Aliso defense, Estancia rolled up 360 yards total offense en route to a 17- 13 win. Displaying the best run- pass balance any Eagle offense has in a decade, Estancia should prove a cbal· lenge for the Canyon defense. Senior fullback Fahad Jahid has rushed for 203 Romo also shares the team lead in receptions with tight end David Stoddard. Romo's five catches include a pair of TDs, while Stoddard's 111 receiVing )Cards lead the team. niggering the passing attack is senior quarterback Kenny Valbuena. The 6-foot- 5, 220-p6under has complet- ed 14 of 23 for 245 yards and two TDs. He has not thrown an interception and he rushed for 58 yards and the game-winning TD last week. Canyon features senior tailback Travis Tolley and senior wingback Danyl Park- er. Sophomore Brad Lusk is the quarterback. He is 4 of 14 for 37 yardS and one intercep- tion. Defensively, senior ends David Rodriguez and Cesar Rome ro have been the anchors for Estancia. They'll be joined on the three-man front by junior noseguard Jesse Cardenas, who returns after missing the fitst two games with a sprained ankle. It's the first meeting between the two school since 1993 and the series is even, 1-1. Point(s) of contention •Mesa, with Orange County's highest-scoring offense, battles scoreless Westminster Friday. Bany Faulkner DAILY PILOT COSTA MESA -Strictly in ,terms of points, Friday's nonleague football game between Costa Mesa High and Westminster -7 p .m. at Orange Coast College -is a battle of the haves and have nots. Costa Mesa (2-0 and ranked No. 2 in CIF Southern Section Division IX) leads Orange County in scoring. averaging 50 points per game. Westminster {0-1-1) has yet to score a point in the new millennium. · Still, Mesa Coach Jerry Howell said the Lions, coached by fourth-year head man Ted McMillen, could provide the best challenge the Mustangs have faced this fall. "It's as good a challenge as we want to have,· said How- ell, who is attempting to post the third 3-0 start of his six- season tenure. "The next two weeks (Mesa meets Oc~an View Sept. 29), we'll find out what we've got.• What the Mustangs have shown so far is a strong run- ning game, a capable passing attack and an improving defense. Junior tailback Nick Cabi- co, limited last week by a hamstring strain, leads a deep rushing corps with 194 yards and two touchdowns on 23 carries. He also has a team-leading six receptions for 79 yards and one TD. . Senior Alvin Nguyen, with 160 yards on 17 carries, is averaging a touchdown every 3.4 attempts. His five TDs include runs of 61 and 40 yards. Sophomore Jason Hurley (14 carries for 143 yards and two TDs) is another backfield threat, as is senior fullback Daniel Hunter, who earned 62 yards on nine carries in the opener, but ~t out last week DEEP SEA Wll>NESDAY'S ClOUNTI Ne llUw-t Undlng ... boats. 37 angi.,,, 1 yeltowt.11, 3 )'ellowfln tuna, 10 wt\ltt subMI. 1 halfbut, 94 c.llco bau, 23 s.nd bltl, 64 trulpln. °""1'• Lodtw • 4 boats. 82 qlttn. 47 yellowtall, 39 bonita, 115 c.alko bass. 48 sand bass. 37 ~ 41 whit. fist\ 106 todcfilh, • sc:ulpln. 1 hlltbui. Clf DIVBIOll 11 TOP 10 1. Brea Olinda 2.ColtaMeu 3. Western 4.Sonora 5. Fullerton 6. Rancho Alamitos 7. Pacifica 8. Valencia 9. Troy 10.EstwtcM with an ankle sprain. Senior quarterback Patrick Hulliger has made good on Howell's plan to stave off run- stopping defensive schemes that pack defenders near the line by posing a passing threat. The left-hander has com- pleted 19 of 34 attempts for 267 yards and two TDs. Senior wideout Lenny Lukela (four catches for 43 yards) and senior tight end Louis Day (two for 52 yards including a 36-yard TD) are among the 11 different Mus- tangs with receptions. Westminster, which fol- lowed a 9-0 opening loss to Rancho Alamitos with a scoreless deadlock with Gar- den Grove, is one of only two county teams still without a point. STEVE McCRANK I OAlY Pl.OT Alvin Nguyen celebrates after scoring first of two ms. COSTA OfffNsE MES I LINEUPS DERNsE But the Golden West League's Lions, who last had a winning season in 1995, have obviously been strong defensively. Ht. Wt.O. '°9. No.~ Ht. Wt. a . ...,.. They returned 16 players from last year's squad, which Mesa handled, 16-6, and they have an atypical lack Qf size. #They're not as big as they've been. but their defense is really quick,• Howell said. #They fly around and attack." Offensively, the Lions lack of punch has been enhanced by at least six turnovers. They also have been plagued by penalties, one of which nulli- fied a touchdown against Garden Grove. Junior Matt Maciel has six DAY CONTINUED FROM 81 parcel in Day's case. But the violence delivered is often enough to send the ballcarrier and the ball their separate ways. One such dispersal occurred when the Daily Pilot Player of the Week sacked the Bolsa Grande quarterback in Friday's 52-0 nonJeague win. The Mustangs' strong-side inside linebacker also recovered two Matador fumbles and was ln on numerous tackles. His contribut1ons, however, 4rt! not limited to 11 .... NIA&.-6-1 175 5r. Qt 2l Mat~ 5-9 145 Jr. T8 4 ~ AJIUIGA 6-1 190 So. FB II -. ca-6-2 175 Jr. WR 80 .._. l.A..A 6-0 175 5r. WR 11 lAW DAY 6-3 170 Sr. TE 55 l'Ml. MMT1'I 6-1 265 So. LT M ~ CAMOI 6-1 240 So. LG 51 Som~ S-10230 Sr. c '2 Afno#Y ~ S-10 245 Sf. RG n 0.-.. .-..-.. 6-1 245 Sf. RT completions and four inter- ceptions, thus far, while senior Christian Chamberlain is their leading ground gainer with 76 yards on 19 carries. Defensively, the Mustangs have been led by in.side line- backer Day, senior tackles Antony Grubi.sicb and Danny Mardikian, Hulliger at safety dispensing physical patn. ~a pata·C4tchlng light end, be can ftn81M .am way put emue secondaries. His two niaiptlala against Bolla covered 52 yerds, UldudlDQ • 36ayard • touchdown toa from P8ldcll Hamger, on whJch only the end zone bnm ldil .Ouid stride. ·we wanted '° IM¥e him ........ NCelver (where he started all ll IMll* llltlall)," Mesa Coecb Jerry HoW9b llM. ••••we knewhe'dbe•~-· -·• ... 5-t and .S·9comerb.ti.1111• •n'1d aomeone to play "I# ..S .,...._ .. the beit choke.· Deif'* pw catcblng, ttll a w"8Ui..., 49 D-HuNTlll S-9 185 Sr. OE '2 IWrfl#Y~ S-10 245 Sf. OT no_._ s-1 211 Sr. oT JO A&.wl Ncamlt 5-8 155 Sr. DE 51 Joa! Qawa S-10 170 Sr OL.8 11 LolM O.v 6-3 170 Sr. Ill 82 llD9lr ~ 6-2 220 Jr. ILB "JMCJM ..... 5-8 180 So. OL.8 22 Mai~ S-9 145 Jr CB MJoalS1-MO S-9 140 Sr. CB 11 ""'1Mx Huwla 6-1 17S Sr. FS and Cabico at comerback. Mesa held Bolsa Grande to 105 yatds total offense last week, en route to posting the Mustangs' third shutout in their last six games. The Mustangs lead the series, 5-1; and have won their last five against Golden West League foes. . '1 ' . ' . Daily Pilot SPORTS Thursday, September 2 J, 2000 &1 PULLING UP ANCHOR Former Newport Harbor standout Mike Freeman returns to Battle of the Bay as CdM assistant coach. Bany Faulkner DAILY PILOT M ike Freeman walks a fine sideline this week, . teetering tenuously between the team he coaches and the school for which he· bled. A former Newport Harbor High football hero, but a first-year Corona del Mar assistant coach, the recent UC Berkeley graduate admitted Sunday that the week ahead, leading to Friday's Battle or the Bay XXXIX football game, would tug at his heartstrings like a forgotten favorite song. DAILY PILOT FILE PHOTO Senior Mike Freeman In 1995. Dick Freeman, is Mike's uncle. #It's going to be hard,~ said the 1995 Harbor graduate, who secwed his_ place in Sailor gridiron lore by hauling in the game-win- ning 38-yard touchdown pass in a 20-15 CIF Southern Section Divi- sion V title-game victory over Servile in 1994. The dramatic reception, on an audible from quarterback John Giordani, capped a 14.0 season and gave the school it's first section crown in 64 varsity seasons. #One of my best friend& is Matt Bums (a former Harbor player who now coaches the Ta.rs' linebackers),• Mike Freeman said. "I showed up at Harbor (Saturday) to exchange film in my CdM coaching hat and shirt and those guys had a little fun with me.• Brinkley, whose 1999 team · Freeman addressed as an alumnus -a Harbor Thanksgiving Day practice tradition -before the Sailors won the CIF Division VI crown last fall, recalled the Saturday meeting with a ~mile. DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Former Newport Harbor player Mike Freeman bas some words for his players as an assisant coach at CdM. coaching was something I wanted to do." said. "He wanted to see il coaching and m,aybe teaching was something he wanted to do. From what I've seen, he'd be good at it.• #I'm sitting here (at bis family's · Costa Mesa home) and I'm staring at a sequence of pictures my pa.rents had made from the videotape of that touchdown catch against Servite. And there's another picture of me and my teammates under the goal post. •I told him: •Once a Sailor, always a Sea King, huh?' • Brinkley quipped. who also played outside linebacker at Harbor, went on to start at fullback for Orange Coast College and Cal. After completing his college eligibility, he worked as a graduate assistant for the Golden Bears. After earning a legal studies degree at Cal, he wanted to explore coaching before committing to a career in Freeman said he has enjoyed it more than he expected and, even with an 0-2 start, the bond he experiences with his players, giows daily. •Every day I go out there, it becomes harder to walk away,• he said. "Even though they haven't had success yet, these kids are working hard. They're working as hard as we did when I was at Newport.: Mike Freeman, one of a handful of players to play in four varsity Battle of the Bay clashes (the cwo schools met twice in '92, including the Sailors' semifinal playoff win), said he has vivid memories of the cross-town showdowns. #I'll be thinking about some stuff this week I haven't thought about for a long time. I'm starting to get that old feeling I bad when I played in this game.• Freeman said he and Bums, regular surfing partners, will surely discuss the situation when they get together this week. business. His uncle was happy to oblige. "I remember my senior year, we won, 7-6, after they fumbled late in the game deep in our territory. I have empathy for those (CdM) guys, because 1 realize that was a tough way to lose a game.• That old feeling will feature a new twist, however, and Freeman's old Sailor teammates and coaches have not missed the opportunity to poke fun at his new allegiance to the Sea Kings, whose head coach, "I just hope those guys don't think any less of me, because I have all the respect in the world for Coach Brinkley and that program,· Freeman said. #I want our (CdM) kids to win, but I would never wish anything bad on Newport Harbor.• Freeman, an All-CIF tight end ''I've had some job offers from a technical firm and a couple law offices,• but I've been pushing them away and pushing them away,• Freeman, who works with the CdM offensive and defensive linemen, said. "My first love is sports and I wanted to see il Dick Freeman, an assistant at CdM when his nephew played at Newport, said the younger Freeman has made an impact as a coach. •He adds a lot,· Dick Freeman Freeman, however conflicted, hopes empathy is required for his alma mater Friday night. Over the years-With the battles of the bay • Wins and losses count, big time. The Battles of the Bay -there have been 38 of them since it all started in 1962, and New- port Harbor owns a 26-12 advantage. The Sailors of Newport have probably gone in as the "favorite" in at least 34 of them, but often it's the Sea Kings who have sprung the big upset, ala the stunner in the opener, a 13-12 loss for Corona del Mar which seemed more like a victory considering the situation. Coro- na del Mar was underdog by such a big mar- gin. Here's a brief look at those battles, always the talk of the town, going in and in the after- math with memories for the players there for a long, long time. 1963 -Newport Harbor 13, CdM 12: Quar- terback Steve Shedd found Jeff Pierose with a /' 16-yard touchdown pass with 36 seconds left as Harbor overcame a 12-7 deficit. Corona del Mar had opened 0-8 in 1962 and did not play Newport. It was the season-opener and CdM went on to post a 2-7 record. Harbor went on to a 4-5 overall record. 1964 -Cd.M 20, Newport Harbor 0: An upset, Steve Bayless scored from 5 yards out with 0:49 left in the half and George Carpen- ter scored on a 15-yard run with 47 seconds left in the game. CdM finished the season 4-4-1, Newport sunk to 2-7. 1965 -Newport Harbor 13, CdM 7: New- port was the underdog in Wade Watts' first start as Harbor's coach. Steve Reece scored on a 10-yard run and Ron Peca returned a punt 88 yards. Tom Westgate had an 8·yard TD run for CdM, but the second half was sc;oreless. 1972 -Cd.M 21, Newport Harbor 0: Quar· terback Joe Tosti threw two touchdown pass- es and ran for another as the Sea Kings band- ed Newport Coach Don Lent back-to-back defeats. Tosti's targets for IDs were Bob Palmer and Pat Walt. 1973 -Newport Harbor 31, Cd.M 3: Quar- terback Steve Bukich scored .on touchdown runs of 29, 1 and 14 yards and Art Sorce kicked a 39-yard field goal as the Sailors pun- ished CdM. CdM finished 3-6; Lent's Sailors were 9-2. 1974 -Newport Harbor 16, Cd.M 6: Sorce kicked thr(!e field goals, from 51, 37 and 25 yards out. and junior tailback Steve Foley ran for 135 yards on 18 carries. Brian Theriot's 4- yard TD run was Harbor's only TD. Mike Fer- raro scored from short yardage fm CdM's TD. 1975 ~Newport Harbor 33, Cd.M 13: Steve Poley ran for three TDs and Gordon Adams clicked for 123 yards in the first half en route to a 20-7 lead and Corona del Mar was never able to recover from a disastrous start. 1976 -Newport Harbor 7, Cd.M 6: lWo goal-line stands by Newport in the waning moments saved the victory at Orange Coast College. Craig Lyons had Newport's TD on a 6-yard keeper. CdM threatened in the late going, twice, but was turned away. 1977 • Newport Harbor 10, Cd.M 7: Bryon Ward ran 18 yards up the middle with 6:38 left to put it away. Newport led, 3-0, for most of the game on a 27-yard field goal by Mark Hales. Bruce Batchellor ran 63 yards on a punt return for a CdM touchdown. CdM had just 1966 -Newport Harbor 28, CclM 0: Jeff one first down. Baker scored three touchdowns for Newport · and Dave Wallers ran 42 yards for the other TD. 1967 -Newport Harbor~20. CdM 0: Ed Washko scored once and threw a 33-yard scoring pass to Stu Aldrich as Harbor played a form of "smasbmouth• with its single wing offense. Bob Hancock got the other 1D with a short run late in the game. 1188 -Newport Harbor 2 1, CdM 8: Ron Troyono and Bill Shedd shared quarterback duties for Newport and each toued a TD pus (to Bill Martin en~ Dare! Blood, respectively. tee Moore ran ror the other TD. 1NO -N.wport Harbor lt, QIM e: UJle.. backer Bill Hendenhot ran 44 yards wtu. an Interception for the ftnt NewpOrt TD, and quarterback Bill Shedd capped a 56-yWd mach wtth 4 1-4-yard TD nm ID tb8 ddrd qmr- ter. Riek Petrol bad CdM'a ~ a l- yald dive In the McoOd ball. 11'1• • N....,ort HmtNlr ,, cae • A. 38- yuc1 punt return by MUte aut.,..!f eo tbe (:dM 9 and a ~ TD nm Dy Alea Moed blob op.a tit ICOf ....... Jn ....... mtnua nn• Bob:ntPf Md .. ._..,., •• • aw '· ... .,,_ -ti Daw Halmd'ISel l;(lirgl, .. ftlUl9 • -..... ..... .__~ .......... ,_. .. • 20S ... --..... .. .... •ai•»·m•..._ ~• .. .., .... 1978 -Newport Harbor 9, CclM 7: Bob da Silva's JS.yard field goal with 0:05 left lifted Harbor-to the ·win. Kurt Broclanan's 18-yard pass to Jim Sbollin in the first half had CdM in command. Newport got close with a Mike Johnson touchdown after he had run 49 yards to get the Sailors Jn range. 1979 -Newport Herboi 21, CclM 7: Alan Gaddis threw two touchdown passes to Chris Cates and Ule defense came up with three interceptio111 to stifle the See Kings. Scott Giem got the other TO from 2 yards out. Cates' TO catdl• were for 5' and 16 yards. l• -~Harbor 15. CdM 0: It was Horbor'• Mgbtb .straight vtctory In the series. Pat Evw ICIONd from ahart yardage and Gary Parrish 08llied to~ Gnbdeur from 36 yants ,out. Kirk.Norton bed• :G-yird fleJd goal. 1983 -Newport Harbor 7, CdM 3: The Sailors clinched the Sea View League cham- pionship with the victory. Steve Brazas scored on a 1-yard run, and CdM was on the boards with a 40-yard field goal by Brett Hughes. 1984 -Newport Harbor 34, Cd.M 8: Sea View League co-champion Newport Harbor got four touchdowns from tailback Fritz Howser, including a 72-yard scoring dash. Quarterback Shane Foley was 14 of 21 for 192 yards and a 22-yard TD pass to Ho l'ruong. Sean Turner scored for CdM and Bobby Hat- field ran for the 2-point conversion. 1985 -CdM 15, Newpor1 Harbor tt: Proba- bly the most dramatic decision of the series, considering the ramifications. CdM, 4-6 and going nowhere, rallied from a 14--0 deficit to knock Newport out of sole possession of the Sea View ,title and the No. 1 seed in the ClF Playoffs. MitCh Melbon bit Chris Greco from 3 yards out with 2:40 left, then went ahead on a two-point conversion on a pass to Sean Turner. Newport quarterback Shane Foley had a pair of TD passes and had the Sailors within range in the last seconds before CdM held on . 1986 -CdM 13, Newport Harbor 10: Another 4-6 season for CdM, another victory over Newport, this time wrecking Harbor's chances for CIF. Kurt Ehmann had three of five CdM interceptions. Matt Patterson had the winning touchdown with a 1-yard run in the fourth quarter. 1987 -CdM 6, Newport Harbor 0: CdM won its third straight over Newport, chiving 73 yards on 12 plays to open the third quarter. Mitch Melbon completed 11 of 15 for 135 yards. Matt Patterson plunged in from the 2 on third~and-inches to lift CdM into the Sea View League championship after a 1-5 start. 1988 -CdM 27, Newport Harbor 8: En route to the CIP Division VI championship, Cd.M ran up a 21-0 lead with touchdowns by tight end Jeff Jackson, a 3-yard run by Brian Lucas and Brett Allen's 16-vard return with a blocked punt. Greg HaAck bad a 38-yard scoring run for CdM, which finished 12-0-2. 1980 • Newport Harbor I, CdM 7: The Sea Kings repeated as CIP champions, but Harbor got lhe big one with a two-point conversion, Wayne Fraser sweeping the left side. Newport scored on a Steve SCheck TD from short yardage after Todd ParleY ran 61 yards to the CdM 27 CdM ope'*1 the ICOring on a TD run by. quarterbeck 1bdd Kalvll. Jy. Newport was on the wTOng end of a 307- 159 total yardage statistic. 1992" -Newport Harbor 28, CdM 21: One for the ages. CdM had dorrunated and New- port was do~. 21-13, in the CIF Division IV semifinals before 5,400 at Newport, the Sailors rallied with Gregg Williams' 22-yard TD pass to Chad LaBass and subsequent two-point pass to LaBass, then got the ball back when CdM lost the fifth of seven fumbles. On fourth- and-six Williams found Mike Freeman for 14 yards and a first down, and later, witll 1:20 left, Wade lift burst 30 yards on a draw play for the winning touchdown. It was the Battle of the Bay Il, and remains one of the great high school football games played, anywhere. 1993 -CdM 23, Newport Harbor 0: J .R. Walz had a pair of touchdowns from short yardage and Chris Taylor caught a 7-yard TD pass from Aaron Perlmutter. Harbor, with All- ClF back Wade Tift unavailable because of a dislocated shoulder, shot itself m the foot with five fumbles, losing three of them. t 994 -Newpor1 Harbor 7, CdM 6: In one of the more memorable finishes, CdM bad the Sailors on the ropes, deep in NH terrt.tory, only to fumble the center snap, allowing Jack Hogan to recover with 0:11 left. John Giordani scored a TD for Newport after a Scott Sander- son interception, and J .J. DiCesare had CdM's touchdown on a 4-yard nm. Harbor finished 14--0 with a CIF championship. 1995 -Newport Harbor. 7, CdM 3: Chris Morrell's 1-yard touchdown run with 1:07 left Wted the Sailors to victory. Jeremy Mason's t 1-yard punt return to Cd.M's 33 set up the winning drive.Cd.M's field goal was a Jimmy Keane boot from 40 yards out in the second quarter. 1996 ·Newport Harbor 55, CdM 8: A com- plete blowout, Harbor piled up 607 tot.al yards. Ray Ohrel ran for 203 yards and three tos, Danny-Pulido caught four pes1e1 for 130 yards, including a 13-yard payoff, Brad LaBa.ss had a 48~yard scoring reception and reserve Terence Felix ran 87 yards for a TD. 1997 • Newport Harbor 0. OIM 20 -Plw fif$t-half turnovers which led ti> thr9e N.w· port touchdowns killed the See Kinas. Breet Baker SCOrad three toUcbdowDs and had two of Harbor's four m~ SU.-ran lor 132 yards 00 17 caniel, K'Odng from..3 and S5 yudsout. 1• • C4M 13. Newport llMtM>r 3: In tho Sea .View 1-gue apew. CdM quuterbeck 1W Kehrtl ~ tlD Neei¥el JMOll Clark for t• · CtlM 21. ~ ...._ la CdM a t7-yud touc:bdoiwil .,._ aftir 'lbm HMs bed stunned tbe Sdan With a :18-6 IMd ID It. t CclM ID tbe md wtlb a 25-yard llald ~ . founb quuter • Nell9 1 *""+&Wll (27 car· f:1-. kled It wllb WICber a.kl pl from ..... ·~ yaidl IDd. 1·.,.nl ll>). Miiia .. ., yards out wbb 8.-00 Wt. " (8-for-15 far 155 yan1I mil 2 TDs) md Maiidli 1111 • Nll•,_l..._ D CAI• Brul· MacDclGald (a d •ywd ...._,_. .... IDr don PIDD8r ,ND Im l81,_.ai30ClllMI and a TD Ui:l a 46-,....S ICIJftng pw Irma lmgwr)· • 2-1ud1t>nm, MllraOllrtlnw~ cw•~~ ~t1Dlula.Mdll'11~-o.rill MMmgll .... alil (4,.... Cd 'I ..........., Md a 27~ 11) rim.,._.... ..... -. ....... tr •NIM ... ..... ..... • ... . . . 84 !hu!tdoy, ~ 21, 2000 SPORTS Fleisherjoins the mix at Pelican Hill GOLF PGA, Senior PGA and LPGA tours. •Senior PGA Tour's leading money winner commits to Team Matches at Pelican Hill GC. IUchwdDunn OAA.VAl.OT NEWPORT COAST - Bruce Pleisher, on pace to win hi.I second straight money title on the Senior PGA Tuur, committed Wednesday to the Hyundai Team Matches Dec. 15-17 at Pelican Hill Golf Oub. Fleisher, last years Senior Tour Rookie of the Vear and Player of the Year with a tour· leading $2,515,705 in eam- ings, •accepted our invitation about an hour ago,~ tourna- ment director Gary Pollard said Wednesday. Fleisher played with David Graham last year and finished third in the made- for-televislon event, but did not want to announce his partner. Fleisher joins Jack Nick- laus and Tom Watson, and Gary McCord and John Jacobs, in the eight-player, four-team Senior Tour contin- gent. Each tour has four teams with two players on each squad. The event is televised by ABC. nckets: (949) 759- 5175. Returning champions aDd invited players pick their own part1'er in the postseason tournament that features the COMMUNITY COLLEGE WATER POLO OCC WOMEN ROMP, 12-3 • Pirates shake off that tired feeling with 10 goals in the second half, sink Saddleback. Steve Virgen DAILV PILOT COSTA MESA WOMEN Coach Mike Giles added an extra workout for his Orange Coast women's water polo te~ before it hosted Saddleback, Wednesday. He said he wanted his players to responCI to that type of pressure. The Pirates answered with a 12-3 victory, featur- ing a 10-goal outburst in the second half. However, the added workout's effects showed in the first half as OCC scored just two goals. . Devon Wright scored the team's first goal after 6:32 of play. Neisha Hoagland struck next with four min- utes remaining in the second quarter. But, Saddleback Christy Schori retali- ated one minute later to get the score at 2-1 for halftime. "For me it was a little tiring. •wright said of the team's extra workout. •But I think it got us warm.• SEAN HUER I DAl.Y Pl.OT OCC's Jennifer Hallinan (left) shoots over ~dleback defender Wednesday. occ grabs its first conference win •Sample scores six goals as Bucs belt Gauchos, 17-9. Nonnally, the Pirates have one morning workout before an afternoon match. But Giles added another work-S1eve Virgen out to test his players. Sadd.leback 0AILV PILOT Coach Mike Santo tired to take COSTA MESA -The Orange Coast College men's water advantage of OCC. He used double polo team outscored Saddieback, 6-0, in the first eight minutes •I coverage on the Pirate's attackers and as the Pirates' quick start proved to be the difference in their first OCC couldn't find its rhythm. Orange Empire Conference victory, 17-9, Wednesday at OCC. Defensively they came out and The Pirates lost their season opener at OEC f~vorite Golden West, last they shut us down. They made us alter week. But OCC answered in its second conference match with one of its our offense, "Santo said. "We did the better petformances of the season. same to them, but they adjusted a lot •niat was the best first q\larter we've played all year," Pirates Coach quicker than we did.· Jason Gall said. "We wanted to come out hard and establish ourselves in The Pirates outscored the Gauchos the first minute.• 6-0 in the third quarter as OCC found Freshman Jeffery Sample threw in six goals as he went for four scores the correct solution to Saddleback's in the Pirates'6-0 run. defensive gameplan. Once the lead •0ur last couple of games we have been playing as individuals and increased, Giles started to substitute this is the first game that we have really played as a team, •Sample said. players. He said he wanted all of bis OCC defeated Saddleback on Saturday in the Cuesta tournament, 9- players to get in and they did. 6, so some players and Gall expected. that the match would be tight. But ·our starting lineup, the whole first Sample is confident that the Pirates are a new team. quarter just couldn't get bot,• Giles "They (Saddle back) were the same team. We just came out faster,• he said of Saddieback's defense. "The sakl •They were trying to play f.lltch-up the whole game and we just best defense to a counterattack is just stayed ahead of them.· scoring -it's that simple.• OCC held an 8·3 lead into halftime. And Saddleback came within five The Gauchos defense included after Jonny Geiger scored with 3:12 remaining in the third quarter to trail goalie Amanda Deatherage with 13 the Pirates, 10-5. saves. Sophomore goalie Erin OCC increased the score an eight-goal margin when Sample scored Kennedy, a product of Newport High, his final goal.. With a little over a minute to play in the game, Sample put finished with six saves for Coast. it away in a one-on-one against goalie Mike Lockwood. The score Nine different Pirates recorded showed that Sample and the Pirates were playing aggressively. goals, including Hoagland, Christine "It was all about the intensity,• said Danny Ciecek, who scored the McDonald and Wright, who each fin-game's first goal.. "We're pretty much our own worst enemy. When we're ished with two. Daylene Coberly, Jen-ready to play we can pretty much beat anyone.• nifer Hallman, Kathy Klarich, Heather Bight Pirates scored, including Steve Dugger, who tallied three, as Leln.k~. na-cy Madt!o:rand K:rtsttna-weft-effreTPratt11nd Christopher b:mt'ellottt;Wh-both ftniShed with Miloslavic all had one goal for Coast two. The Pirates' next games will be this The Pirates' ne.xt game is SepL 28, when Coast hosts Rio Hondo at 3 weekend, when the Pirates play in the p.m. Diablo Valley Tournament. Corona del Mar, Newport Harbor collide in girls volleyball tonight on Sailors' court. Throw out the record books, throw out the rankings, bust out the earplugs and make sure young children are safe. Tonight at 6, Newport Harbor High's gitls volleyball team (4-2) hosts Back Bay rlval Corona del Mar (4-1) in yet another saga of the •eawe of the Bay." •Playing Cd.M is one of the reasons why I'm still coaching,• Sailors Coach Den Glenn said. "It's Just a great rivalry and every match seems to be a battle to tbe end. Do I ever get lick of il1 Heck no. One thing Glenn might be a little sick ol 11 the way the Sea Kings have treated hil a.quads u of late. •My teams (boys and girls) have oome up on the wrong end of the stick the Jut four times, so hopefully, it'll be our tum thil time,• Glenn INlid with a laugh. Alter a tough road lOa to~ BeaCh. Newport imPJOVed Ill play at the DeW Mohl Memorial Tournament. wtn· Ding tour ol ftve matcbel. •we deflnitely picked up our game at lbe toumament. • Glenp iald. •we've billll up and down to fer tbif year and ._.'I ldll a JOt OI room for tmprowment One~ mart for IM SeJlon ii ... •• bliit:.J~ Cb.riltln• .... Wbo Ii With • lpralmd llll*le. "We"ll jult haft to .1M bOW tt II ......... maich ....... Olmi1 Mid. Por ..... ICliagl, .., Uo played deep into the Dave Mohs Memorial Tournament, winning three of four matches. In their season-opening win against Calvary Chapel on Sept. 12, senior out- side hitter Undsey Anstandig had six kills and five ace serves, while junior Jacqueline Becker dished out 15 assists to go along with three kills and four aces. The key to either team's success, according to Olenn will be on who can win the longer points. •It will come down to which team can pull out those long rallies,• Glenn said. Wllh schedule simllarltiett, both teams go into tonight's matcbup in tho dark as far as strengths and weaknesses go. ·1 haven't had a Chance to see CdM play. They were playtng in the tourna- ment the same time we did. Right now, I'm more concerned with my team and whet we hove to do.• Throw in the emotion.al factor of play- ing ilie rival iChOot and all the X'• end O's go right out the window. •Jt'1 going to be very exdttng, • Olenn said. •1t't aJways fun to play them. Vou know Co.ch (Steve) Cond will have h1I players reedy.• Here'• today•• llpo_rU menu: • Pedftc: Cout LeaQue aoR c;ountry ldcb off todaY M CdM bottl Cotta Me.a at 2:45, wbile NorthwoOd maket ttl JiMoue debut at &tanda at 3: 1.5. ' • Newport Harbor, Corona del Mar and Costa Mesa's boys water polo teams take to the water in the South Coast Tourna- ment. The Sailors will host the Mustangs today at 3, while CdM hosts Long Beach Poly, also at 3. • The Costa Mesa girls volleyball team hosts Ocean View today at 3:15 p.m . • The Corona del Mar girls tennis team looks to rebound from its tough loss to superpower Peninsula today at 3: 15 p.m. with a home .contest against Capistrano Valley. • Estanda's girls tennis team will co- pete at El Modena at 3:15. • 1be Newport Harbor PleJd Hockey team will look to improve on its 4·0 record at Harvard-Westlake tOday at 3:15. The Sailors have not allowed a goal, scoring ts goall in the procen. The Sailon are coming off a 1-0 win against Senta Ana :n.e.day at Harper School. Lauren Btrchfteld 8COred the game's lone goal three minutes into the JeCOnd half, givlng Newport the JMd for gOOd. • In gJ.rLs golf action, N~ Harbor will take Oil m Dotido tDCteI..:u Weltlem Hilla Country Club, while 8Mcb MWUcan taket on BitAlnCla .. m Dorado Country Cub. Both matl:MI are ... to begin at 2:30, Doity Pilot Four local golf pros in the mo ey • Manos leads the way at Southern California PGA section champion.ship. BEAUMONT -Big Canyon Country Cub bMd golf professional Kelly Manos shot 2-over-par 74 m the tbil'd and final round Wednesday in the 76tb Soutbem Califor- nia PGA section championship at the SCPGA Golf Club al BeaWDODt. Manoi, tbe blghelt local finisher, shot 73-73-74 for a 220 total and S8l0 peycheck. f:in1sb.lng 11 ltroUs off the winD1ng pace of Jeff Cranford (La Quinta), Wbo won S1 ,800. 'lbere were 128 pros in the field. Manoi. won the SCPGA lection title in 1996, ended tied for 15th. QJst.a Mesa resident Tun Walsh, repreeentmg ~­ tng Lakes GoU Oub, also shot 220 (69-77-74) and earned $810, while Mesa Verd4! Country Club bead pro 1bm Sar- gent carded a 224 (77-71-76) and pocketed $422. BOris King of Santa Ana Heights, represen~ Pelican Hill Golf Oub, shot 234 (75-78-81) for $300. Local pros John Hartman (Costa Mela) and Tom Scbauppner (Newport Beach) did not make the cut after shooting 158 and 169, respectively, in two rollnds. McCord, Jacobs in need of ~es • Team Matches at Pelican Hill Golf Club will feature two of golf's best on-course comedians. W:th Gary McCord and John Jacobs representing the Senior PGA Tour m the upcoming Hyundai Team Matches, event organizers of the made-for-television goll tournament might consider milcing both players for added spectator entertainment. No two professional goliers joke around more than McCord and Jacobs, who are good buddies and golfing partners, as well as neighbors in Scottsdale, Ariz .. and in their prime (in their 50s!) as free spirits. In Newport Beach, they helped make the Toshiba Senior Classic famous in 1999 with their hilarious antics in a five-hole playoff, eventually won by McCord, the wisecracking CBS goll commentator with the barbershop-quartet mustache. Richard Dunn GOLF For these guys to return as a tandem, it's time to stop the presses and redesign the brochure. Oh, sure, Jack 1-Jick.laus is a legend and widely viewed as the greatest golier of all time. But Nicklaus and partner Tom Watson will come nowhere near McCord and Jacobs on the Richter scale of gags. These days, with athletes and coaches wearing microphone hook-ups for television audiences, the Hyundai Matches, formerly the Diners Club Matches, would be the- perfecl venue for McCord and Jacobs to get wired for sound. Not only for TV. but for those in the gallery at Pelican Hill Goll Club. McCord and Jacobs are locally renowned for their roles in an unforgettable playoff in the '99 Toshiba Classic at Newport Beach Country Club, producing one of the most memorable finishes in Senior Tour history. On the first playoff hole (No. 18), Jacobs chipped in for eagle from 90 feet. Believing he'd captured the tournament, Jacobs pranced around the fairway in celebration, did an imitation of Chi Chi Rodriguez's sword dance and then tumbled backward onto the twf. The gallery erupted. McCord, meanwhile, who had never won a PGA or Senior PGA Tour event in 382 previous starts, was staring at an 18-foot eagle putt to stay alive and extend the playoff. "I've played with Gary enough to know that he doesn't make that putt for a $~80 Nassau, so I was sure he wouldn't make it for $180,000," Jacobs said. McCord sank the python putt to continue the playoff (and eliminate Allen Doyle and Al Geiberger from the four-man playoff). But after McCord made it, he motioned with a curled index finger for Jacobs to come and fetch his ball from the cup with the ESPN cameras rolling. Jacobs retrieved his ball, all right, then chucked it into the crowd, which loved every second of the frolics rarely seen in goll. Bobby Heath bas replaced Rob Ford as Dlredor of GoU at Pelican Hill. The Irvine Co., which owns Pelican Hill and calls the area Newport Coast, and officials from the Newport Beach Conference & Visitors Bureau, are trying to agree on what to call Pelican Hill's •ctty• for ABC television during the Hyundai Matches: Newport Beach or Newport CoasU The one day Ju t week when the weather wu foggy along the.coast, CNBC television cameras showed up at the Pelican Hill clubhouse for a live, two-hour broadcast of "Power Lunch," and the sun never came out. "Supposedly,• show host Bill Griffeth said, •there are gorgeous views of the Pacific Ocean from here. But not this morning." Prior to and during the telecast, CNBC referred to it as •Newport Beach.• The name Newport Beach will certainly go a lot farther on the global map than Newport Coast. Sailors start strong against Aztecs • Kelly: Hunt leads NH threesome in front nine. NEWPORT BEACH -Kelly Hunt ahot a 11111 IOU four-over-par 40 to lead the Newport Harbor Hlgh girls golf tMm to a one-shot lead over 1!sp9ransa aftei nine boa of ~Y at Big Cenyon Country Club 1\aeeday. Shelly Robert 1hot a 43 and Undley GelbnDtb came ID wUb a '6 to leed the Sailon in whit Coath Jbn Warran diilatbed · u, ·111e belt match we've played as a team '°far tbil IMIClft. • The SaDOtl end Eiperanza'1 Aztecs will wrap up tbillr lll4tcb next week at Coyote HWI 001f Coww, DOily Pilot SPORTS .. RedWings tie up the Fighting Irish, 1~1 • Ippolito's goal helps keep the Wings in a stalemate. Bello, while Nick Vinion, Nick Straube). Brandon &plng, Josh Young, Matt Peterka and Angel Garda anchored the defense. . AYSO REGION 120 In girls under 8 action: • In the Blue Stars game last week, Am.anda Wilson. Megan Crou on and Taylor Kunst played well defensively, while Kelly Whalen, Amanda WlslewskJ, Taylor Thompson, Lauren Nleger and Allssa Schaefer led the offensive attack. COSTA MESA -The RedWings and Fighting Irish battled to a 1-1 be in AYSO Region 120 boys under 12 soccer action. The RedWmgs later lost to the Hawks, 5-3', despite goals from Ippolito, lnfranca and Bello. Green Galaxy was led by Adam Gardner and Anthony Lucero. • Gladlaton 3, lle.iwtngs 0 -Evan Edison, Tony Flores and Rigoberto Perez each scored for the Gladiators, Off a nice pass f~ Kenneth Zich. Nlck lppoUtO ripped a shot in the back of the net to lead the RedWings' oUense. In boys under 10 action: • Tigers 2, Blue Jets 2 -For the Tigers, Yacet Acos ta and Hector Solis each scored goals, while Jake· Ferris and Austtn Berry played solid defense to preserve the tie. ·while Marc De Frenz.a and David Felix anchored the defense. In boys under 8 action: In girls under 6 action: ntylor McClanahan scored. in the third quarter to tie the game for the Fighting Irish. • The Black Panthers an(! Purple Rockets each put together an old-fashioned shootout. •The Tango Mango played a solid game against the Powderpuff Girls. Ollva Sim.ms, Jackie Tanner and Cadee Cheek played solid offense for the Tango Mango, while Sara Hughes, Devon Mitchell and Irene Rico were solid defenswely Offensive support fol' the RedWings came from Roger IDfranca. Marlo Osorno, Jonathan Scrantom, Josh Berry and Edward • Gladiators 5, Green Galaxy 4 -The Gladiators' defense was controlled by David Felix and Qusal Bhaljeewala, while the Rockets goalie Wllllam Gyorgy was solid in the first hall. while CJ . Arehart played well in the second half. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cl1I I *"::t: ._ DMty .. lot's M-.. .. ---' ..... r--------------------, I I • , I l & ! I I , i I I I I I I I I '---------- SOFTBAll Riptide ·splits twin- bill with Brea Hills • G irls under 15 Travel Sox pull out second game, 10-0, after falling, 7-2, in opener. NEWPORT BEACH - Ashley Gleason pitched a no-bitter to lead the Riptide girls under 15 Travel Sox past Brea Hills, 10-0, Sunday at Bonita Creek Park in the second game of a doubleheader. Kyley DW and Kelly PfeUer each had two hits, while Heather Lohrman, Lauren Gega and Jullanne Bass each had run-scoring singles for the Riptide. Sasha Grumman's perfect squeeze bunt drove in two runs, while AmJe Benjamin sparked a three-run second inning with a double. Rebecca Kaplan led a strong defense with seven assists and four putouts at second base. The Riptide lost the open- ing game to Brea Hills, 7-2. JR. ALL·AMERICAN FOOTBALL Pee Wee Seahawks thUIDp Westnrlnster •Total team game the diffe rence in 40-0 rout. The Newport-Mesa Junior All-American Football Pee Wee Seahawks (ages 10-12) breezed past Westminster, 40-0, on Sunday. Quarterback Matt Hauser led the offense in the second quarter when he connected with tight end Matt Raiger for a 40-yard touchdown. The offensive line of Lou Truxton, C harles Vickery ru, Riley Murphy and Nick Annandartz did a good job of allowing Hauser time to pick apart the Westminster defense. Newport's defense was led by Tony Jones, Buck Evans, David Root, Jake Lemmerman, Matt Lutton, Cameron White and Zack Sepulveda. In other NMJAAF action: • CUnfc Seahawks 21, Orange C bJels O -In the 8-10 classification, the Seahawks were led by defensive standouts Steven Coleman, Grant Johnson, Chase Lanttng, Joey Dicaprio, Nick Muhler and Matt Mon1.s. The Seahawks offensive line was dominant again. They were led by Jordart' Spencer, Patrick Martn-Flnn, Andy Hayes and Adrian Lucha. The olfense was sparked by running backs Travis Sorenson. Austin llaiger and Bucko Thertol Quarterback J ordan Lusk completed 5 of 6 passes, connecting with receivers Kyle Gladding, Kyle Johnson, Danny Muskovits, Travis Sorenson and Austin Ralger. •The Junior Clinic Seahawk.s (ages 7-8) battled the Corona Panthers right down the finish. The offense was led by Nick li1pl, who scored on a 48-yard touchdown run. Michael Taormlna, Austtn Blodgett and Luke ChrtsUano played well in the backfield, while Josh Starnes, Brett Oatman and Ryan Hatcher anchored the line. On defense, the Seahawks were led by Brett Kleln, Nick Taonnlna, Reid Johnson and Michael Taonnina. CLUB SOCCER OC United Rush tops Slammers • Girls under 12 team tops Newport Beach foe, 2-1, behind Ibbetson's goals. The Orange Coast United Rush guls under 12 soccer team, currently ranked No. 2 by a ndlional service in both Far West and Cal South Regions, defeated the Newport Beach Slammers, 2-1, in Codst Soccer League action on Saturday. Robin Ibbetson scored both goals for lhe Rush, with both assists coming from Courtney Anderson. The OCU Rush has won 23 of its past 26 gdmes played this summer, while outscoring the opposition. 67-10. Strong defense was turned in by Amanda Shaw, Brittany Koste r, Jenniler Powell, Sasha Key, C helsea Wisdom, Tort Rocke and Elyse Van Leer. The Rush's offense was helped along with the play of Cindy Mendoza, Amy Staudinger, Samantha Castillo and Jaque Anderson. OCU Sting wins two in weekend action COSTA MESA -The Orange Coast Uruted Sting boys under 19 club soccer team won two games this past weekend. On Saturday, Bllly Lund scored the game's lone goal in a 1-0 win over AGSS of Burbdnk. On Sunday against the West Coast Alliance, the Sling's defense, led by Chris Baez, Bijan Ewalt. Brian Walton, Troy Davidson, Brian Henry, David Jenkins, Scott Nicke rson and Sam V Coons, totally shut down the Alliance's offense. Nickerson scored the Sling's first goal before B.J. Vandrovec followed with two goals and Ryan Lancaster and Walton each added goals tor a 5-0 win. The Sling's offensive unit was led by Jose Perez, Chasen Marshall, Justin Collins, Brendan Fenno, Jeff Klnkopf and Jordan Christian. Newport Beach's Division 6 boys kick off with a strong effort_ NEWPORT BEACH -The AYSO Region 57 Division 6 season kicked off this past weekend with 34 teams in competition. Here's how a few of them fared: Nick Molinaro and John Swigert each scored two goals to lead the Fireball's, while Jack Gorab, Anthony De Boub, Gianna Mullarl, Kevin Kldden, Matthew Burt, Matt Larson and Logan Bwkhead also played solid all- around games. In the Blue Blazers' game against the Green Dragons. Zach Murtaugh, Brent Lawson. Brian Mull. Cort Hast- ings, Alex Tumey and Hunter BUotU led the Blazers' oUense, while Ryan Delgado, EWott Steele and Jason re~·-~ .. AYSO REGION 57 ScholnJck anchored the defense. The Fluffy Green Bunnies jumped into the 2000 season against the Red Bombers and were led offensively by Garrett Larson and Eric Frazier. Goalies John Prickett and Rodney Keller stopped numerous shots, while Alex Guthrie, James Hutt and Erik Mon1.s played well on both sides of the ball. The Blue Bli.zzard opened its season with strong efforts by Nicholas Manning, Eve rett Sholey, Erle Hallett. Zach Morabito, Clark Cashion and Ryan Grable. Thurldoy, Sepeember 21, 2000 Jm COLLEGE SOCCER Goni honored by GSAC • Seruor Vanguard forward named conferen ce, region Athlete of the Week. COSTA MESA -Vanguard Uni- versity men's soccer player Diego Goni was named the Golden State Athletic Conference and NAIA Region 2 Athlete of the Week. TI1e senior forward from Montev- ideo, Uruguay scored seven goals on the Lions three-game Northern Cali- fornia road tnp, helping the Lions (3- 3) with two of three contests. He scored four gOdls w the Lions' win over Cal State Monterey Bay, which helped give Coach Dave McLeish his 1 OOlh cdreer coaching win. Gom ts second m scoring among GSAC pldyers this season. JC WOMEN 'S GOLF Orange Coast drops two in conf ere nee paly COSTA MESA -The Orange Coast College women's golf team saw it's lwo-yt•dr Orange Empire Conlerence stredk of perfection come lo an end WednPsday with losses to Saddlebark. 354-399 and to Cypress, 337-399. at thf' Costa Mesa Goll and Country Club's Mesa Linda Course. Maricela D1etnck shot an 89 to lead the Plrate-. (3-2 m conference), while JoycP Roeder (99), Jenna Quar- dnla (911. Lmd~dY Giles (109) and Joan Nen ( I I 1) round out the Bucs' sconng POP WARNER Mighty Mite Mustangs fall to San ta Margarita COSTA MESA -The Costa Mesa Pop Warner flJ1ghty Mlle Mustangs lost the Sdnta Margdnta Gold Eagles, 7-6. on Sdlurday. Mark Contreras and Bobby Lenke helped the Mustangs score a first-hall touchdown. while Jesse Dawson scampered for 35 yards rushing for the gdme. SPEEDWAY Blind driver races COSTA MESA -A full program of Speedway cind Sidecar racing will lake place at the OrdDge County Fair- grounds Saturddy rught at 7:30, but it's the mtemussion event that could carry a ·blinding· experience. A special blmd driver team race will take pla~e dunng the intermis- sion on the Costa Mesa Speedway's bullring oval. RldeTS with bags on their heads will speed around the track with their sidecar teammate gwding them toward vtctory For mlonnauon, call (949) 492- 9933. J I I: · ~--Fictitious ButJneu Name Statement The followlng l*90nl .,. doing~ .. Flctltlou1 8u1lne11 Flctltlold Bualneu STATEMENT OF Name St.tement Name Staiement ABANDONMENT OF OVERSTOCKED The !~• The folio~ USE OF FlCT1TIOUS Accenl Ser--. 3404 Via Oporto. Ste. 102. Newpol1 Beactt, CA 92663 Jonathan Clyde Wiibur. 3419 Via Udo. 1150, Newpon Beech, CA 926SS Thia butlneel la con· duoted by: an ~ Have you alerted doing buelneM ~ No Jonahn Clyde Wltu Thil IUtlfMllt WU !Med with the County Clllltl of Orange Col.rily on. OIW1/2000 IOOMUt211 ~Plot Sep. 7, 14, ~ 2000 Jb154 'C~artt=· :;43 9R~~ 10373 s:-... BUSJNESS NAME A call to .. _..... ~ Th• lollowl~ per· .1--JC....t _,.;., ~. I . lnnne. A--. '207. R>uncaifl """""•) hu .-...... ~ C~WQI CA 92612 Vally. CA 92708 -" ,._ •• Cynlhla Irene Mike Suzlllll, 10373 doned the UM of the will hdpl Ge\toltdan. 2243 Ma111n Slater Avenue, IJ207. llc:tillolll ~ name. St. 1203, Irvine, CA Fountain Valley. CA Blouoma. 11801 Capri (949} l J." r.£7 92612 92708 Dnve, Genten Grov., O'U-JU Thill bullMSI la con-Jimmy ~at.suthlma, CAr:84~1Clillout Bull-._ ____ _ duded by: an lndM<lJal 17412 HUtin01 AYenUI, , 10 Broedway CostaMesa Ml-11 Have you atal1ed lrvlne, CA 92614 neu name referred to doing buliMA yet? No Yatuyo Suzuki, S.t·S above waa filed In Or· Clody Gevoi1!fan T91.1klml-cho, Toyola-thi. ~ ~~· [)i,count ( :.t,kl't This atalement waa Aichi, 471-0033 • Tiida ,,, ........... , t1601 filed wlttt the County Thia bullneta Is con-...... ._.... Cl«k of ~ Col.rily dUcted bv: a gener8l Capri Dfive. Garden on 08l'29'2000 partnerahlp °""'9, CA 11284 1 ZOOOllHl07 Have you etarted Shannon Wagner. Olly Plol Aug. 31, Sept. doing ~ ~ No 11901 Capri Drive. Gar· 7. 14. 21, 2000 lb140 Mb Suzuki den °""'9, CA 82841 TIWe Utemenl ... This bullr1eM .. con- Flctllloue lk.tllnM8 filed Wiii the County dUded ~ a gen.rel ,.._ Mat IMnt Cl«k of Or-. Col.rily P~ P Wagner The ~ l*90fle on 08f29'2000 Thia ... lament WH -dolna bulileile ... 2000MHl02 flied wlltl the County MOblfe lnetrurnent Diiiy Plot Aug, 31 • Sept. Clelk of Orange Cour1'Y SetW:>e of ~ ea.-z. 14, 21. 200o lb!"8 on OMW2000 I ( 1 1 1 ,I "" ( I ) • ',.I 1 I I "\ ! I ' ' lfornla, 2333 Port I a...._.., I ~ ~CA~wpott Clll( .. ) .-.. n Olly Plol Aug 31, ~ _, . -----z. 14, 21. 200o lh13t Dlwlll Neleoft KrllUN, ::======~::::::::~:=:=::::=:::::::::;:.:.:============::::; 2333 Port Larwlclc Pllce. CA 8l2890 Thie bUlltl9N le OM-dla.d by. .., lndMIMI Heve you atal1ecl ~ tlUliMU yet? v-. t.'2MIO ai.. ...... l<tl!WM TNl.......,.wM STARTING ANEW ·BUSINESS!i • • • • • • • • • • • Aottllo• luellw flctltiou8 ........ ............................. ,.... 1'le folowtng .,....,,. Thi tollOWlng perllOn8 .,. ... ~ •: ... dc*10 butW.--CCl£bUllt, 1008 C.n-'Nofdio 84lc:ut'lly SIN· ~ Clfole, 0oeta lolt, 3419 •Via UdO ....... CA 92620 1345, Newpoit. Baadl, RICNrd lagro, 1005 CA 92983 Cannonade Clrolt, OanaJI £n11rprl1111 eo.tl MMa, CA 92020 Inc, (Oellfomla), 8001 TtW bu9lnM1I II COO-Rtdhill· Avt.. Bldjj. cl.iClleCI by: an lndMdull 18-108, Colll Miia, CA Hav1 you •t•rt•CI 92626 ti1G buli'9ta ytKI No Thie bulllllll le con• Rlciharel legro dUottcf by: e OOfJ)Of9tion Thie 1t1t1ment wu Have you atarteel ftled wllf'I the Co\tnty doing bu1lne11 y•t? Cieri( of 0rangt County Yu, 1908 on 09/15/2000 Dentk En11fP(!Me. Inc., 2000M4oel0 Peter L. Jensen, Chief Daly Pilot Sept, 21, 28. Executive Olfloef Qct. 5. 12, 2000 Jh207 Thia 1111ement wee ..,_ 8 al flied with the County Flct1uvUa U nMI Cl«k ol ~ Counly Name Statement on 08l'22J2000 The followfng pereone 2000Na7Mt 8/t doing buelrlNI u: Delly Pilot Sept. 7, , 4, Strlctfy LimouelnH 21, 28. 2000 Ih151 lJnllm.lted, 230lO ~e STATEMENT OF FOtllt ~~ ~~· ABANDONMENT OF ~n M. Madrigal, USE OF F1C1TTIOUS 23010 Lake Foreat Dr.. BUSINESS NAME Sulla D-157. Llguna The followlng perton(e) Ht .. , CA 92653 has (have) abandoned Tl\I• bualne.. 11 con· the use of tne fldltloua ducted by, an individual ooalneas name: Claim Have you started Advertising 25571 Via doing bu1inea1 yet? Del Rey, ' San Juen Vas, Apt. 23. t996 Caplatrano, CA 92875 Evan M. Madrigal the FlctltloUI Buel· This statement was nesa name referred lo tueel with !tie County above wa1 flied In Or· Clerk of Orange Coonly anna ~ on Maz t 00/08f.!000 -~-• on 2....,...3 .. 154 200D. ILE 0 . """'"' "' 20006827457 Dally PllOC Sept 14, 21, Coen Van De Poll, 28, Qc!. 5, 2000 Th181 32642 Carreterr11 Drive, Sen Juan Capietrano, CA 92675 Michael Fichera, 25571 Vla Del Rey, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Arlene Sllvergleld· Bumb; 9672 Qcea.ncrest Drive. Huntington Beach, CA 92646 This bYtlnes• le oon· ducted by: an Individual Arlene Sllverglald-Bumb This statement was filed with the County Cllfk of Orange County on 09/1212000 200081140196 Daily Pilot Sept. 14, 21, 28: Qct. 5, 2000 Thl 87 I ' I "':' . . .,... Flotlllou9 ....... ......... ....... ,...,.,. ..... ... ...... ......... ...... ......... ..... •••• ,,... ............ IWl1C ...... ............ ....... ...... .. Thi follOWllla . '*'°"' ~~-Thi follOwlr'la Plftone The folOWltla PMON The follOwlt'lo PMOnt The tolloWlrlll penone ... ---is! ... ,. ... _ ............. _ ............. -------HYPe111I. Pr .... 2t72 Allport t!, •= BullneM bv OMlot\, ONG Aoce .. or111, A) WOtlltf\'t lmag!! l<aY. Co. 8ulldert, PeClfic Avenue. c-. BMch. ~ 1048 ll'Ylnt ~ve. 1463) 2285 Newl)Ott !'!'!d..:t ~I B) WOIM'I• 1204 E. Bll>ol. e.o., Meeal CA 92827-3812 t 848 • Newr;>Of1 '8eeotl, C" Colla MMe, CA ~ ~ Imaging So.-CA tae81 WI Ila~ ..... ~· Gilbert, Gragoty ConeCllnllne 92MO An911 Melt.. 18332 clllllCe, 3151 fofot(jllel Ad. Doneld Colt>ln Kay. 2172 p.,...,,., Avenue, VOlllNe ~ AllPort !llfty J. Otte, • 1048 CAC... Rey, Santi Ana, Ste. SSS, Hewport 1204 E. BllbOe, e.lboia. Costa Mtu. CA ln H~ 8Mch. M'9 Ave., e.4e3, New-~ 8"ch, CA ~1 CA tael1 e2Ji,2f•=-. Ii con-eaiifotnla 02W '"W.~ ~ Thie ~ Ill oon-E~ P\My M.D., ~~in:.::· «dtd by: en lnCfMCllllll ~ e:;:.'':" ~ dudld by: en ~ ~.llV: .fou ~ ~= =.~:!:: ~ave you •tarttd Have you t1arttd Have •you 11 rttd Hive you 1tatted Oo111Q ~ y.rt No NI t2811 dOfng bot1n111 yet? doing bu1lnH1 y•t? dQjflg ~ ~ No ~~ yec? No Ano4'I Melle ThlS bullneu 11 con-Yee, &-5-2000 V•. 7115/1995 (j V ,...,. J. Olte ffia etatement WU <111Ct1C1 by: I OOtpOrallon Oof'MI C. Kay ~I .. ~1 Glbetl1 .;..,i :;;'::!m wu • •tat~ w11 flied With the Coun!y Hive you 1tart1d Thie •hltement w11 . '" • ·-emen *-• flltd wlttt the Coun\Y ffled With tt}t County Qeltc of 0rangt Couf11Y doing butlnus Y•t? flied With IM County ~ :"o!;. = Oeltc of ~ Counly ~ow~~ ~ on 09/1~000H40823 v;~~ .. _, Mo ~~ County on 09/19'2000 on 09ll1.l2000 • l< ............ a,M ~, · " 2000ltlttl1 2000A40tl3 200Geh00tt .,.,.,.,_ Daly Pilol Seot. 21, 28 Inc .. Elizabeth Pueey, . o.ty Piiot Seol. 21 28 Olly POoC Sept. 14, 21, Oct 6. 12, ~ Jb2Q9 Preeldant OUy Pllol Sept. 14, 21, 8;.,IV 6~. =:, 2]j,g~ 0qt. 5, t2. ao!>o 1,g14 28, Oct. 5, 2000 Thllf 11iZ,hltw~~ eo:i; 2§. Oct 5. 2gOO Tb174 Flctltlo ... I -•~· STATEMENT OF FletltloUa Bualnne Cleric o1 e>rqe County Flctlttoua lualneet Fl:ues:=-Names~ ABANDONM!NT' OP Name Stlttment on 09/12no<>O NllM ~ The fotlowino pereont Thi following ptl'IOnt USE OF ACJlllOU8 ar~OO:~~ Olly Piiot ~2~11 a~~r=- .,. ........, ~ u · a,. doing buliilN8 a: BUSINl!SS NAME Cal-lfaJa S11food, 28 """ 5 2000' ...:..193' AudlOeclence, Inc .. Ct-Modell 28S7 Ann ~ Clalm Man-The tollowlno perwn(•) 3209 South Rene Dr..·· >M·· m . 729 W. 181h Street •BS. Boa Villl Drive.' eo.t• aoement. 401 Hamltton haa (have) aD.ndOnec:I Santi Ana, CA 9'Z704 Coete ~. CA 92627 Mesa Cellfomla 92629 tl, Cotta M .... CA the UM rA the lldltbl8 T1renoe A. Fell. 3209 Flcttttous BusJneu Audrolclence, Inc. Euotne Robert Pafl'ill 92827 buelneee name: eu.i-South Ren. Drive, CA Name Stai.ment (DE), 42.C Reade Way, 2851 Boa Vlata Drive' Wantana nus By Dtllon. 1048 n104 The lol~reons New C.atle, Delaware Coata M... Califom'8 Chulapatrcheevln, 401 ltvlnt If.It., M83, New-Thi• busl!lffl la con-are doing ea: 19720 92628 ' Hamilton /IA, Coeta pOft Beecti, CA 92660 dUcted by: ail lnc:ivldual Competitive Edge Thie butlne11 II con· Thi• buaineH 11 con-Meae, CA 92627 Sl\awe McTleh & Have you eterteel Promotions. 917 Via dueled 'by: a ~tjc)n ducted by: an Individual This bualnesa 9 con· Jutlan (CA), 1048 ltvlne doing buelna11 yet? Lido Nord, Newport Have you started Have you started ducted by, an lndvldual Ave.. 11463, Newport Yu. 4111195 Beac:h, CA 92683 doing buelnau yet? doing buliritle yrl(l No Hav• you started S.ach, CA 92660 Terence A. Fell Sabf1l18 DO«. 917 Vie Yn. 711/00 Eugene Robert Parrill doing bualneu yet? The Flctitlou. Butl· This 1tatemen1 was Lido Nord, Newport Audloaciance. Inc., Thla etatement w81 Yn, 09/01/2000 neu name reterred to flied with the County Bea.oh. CA 92683 Stephen Turner, Vloe filed with Iha County Wantana above wn filed In Of· Clel1< of Orange County Thie bualneu Is coo· Preelelent Cleltt of Orange County Chulapatrcheevfn 8lllJI Countv on llf.3196 on 09/t212000 ducted by: an lnCllvklual This stat•m•nt waa on 09/1llfl000 This atatement was FILE NO. f9953683535 20008140202 Have you atarteel filed with the County 20008MOM2 flied with the CounJy Thia bu1lr1e11 le con· Deily Piiot Sept 14, 2t. doing buainess yet? C1e11< or Orange County Dally PllOC ~. 21. 28, ~lerk09/~~ County =~.~~~:=. 28, Oct 5, 2000 Jh2Q() Yes, 1984 on 09!08f.!000 Oct 5. t2. 2900 lb220 2,.,,....~,.....21 ,._., J. Otte, M•n....._ Flctltloua BualneH Sabrina Dorr 200081391'3 vv....-vv ""'"J ... _..'V This atatement Wll Daily Pilot Sept. 14, 21. Flctltloua Bualnet• Dally Plk>I Sept. 21. 28, Director Name Shltement filed with the County 28. 9'1. 5. 2000 1lJ173 N•me Statement Qct. 5' 12' 2000 Th2lO fl..1J'1awi:airi:tllteo:n8~ ar~OO:~'°~~· ~8(1(09/~~ County FlctJUoua Bualneaa The ro11ow109 Pl"°"' FJctttloua Bualnna Cltt1t or Orange County Pedder Time, 815 20008840201 Name Statement are doing business 11: Name Statement on 09/12no<>O Ea.i Balboa, Newport Daily Pltol Sept 14, 21. The fot!owlno persons Triune Apparel, 1000 The following pe111<>na 20008840114 Beach. CA 92663 28, Oct 5. 2090 Th184 are doing busfoeas u: Solllh Coast Drive, are doing busJneae u : DeVy PllOC Sept 14 21, Benjamin Berger, 615 , SS Metal Fabricatort, llT204. Costa Mela, CA Kelley AnM'I Helolng 2& Qq!, 5. 2000 Tht89 E11t Balboa; Newport Flctltloua Bualneas 875 w. 15th~ Unrt c , 92628 Hands, 1860 Whittler Beach. CA 92683 N1me Statement Newport Be•ch, CA Booth Fallers, 259 Avenue. JJ.201. Coeta Flctltloua 9ualneaa Thi• buslneas 18 con-The. following persons 92663 Eaat Bay St.. Costa Mesa, Catifomla 92627 Name Statement ducted by: an indMdual are doing buafnesa u : Kim D. Harding, 995 Mesa. CA 92627 Kelley Anne HIR, 1850 ·The followtng pereons Have you atarted Have Sclseors will Mod)esda Circle, Coela Joshua Hall, 9 Baro-Whittier Avenue. J·201, are doing butlnns aa: dolng bu1lne11 yet? Travel, 4245 Hllarlt Mesa, CA 92627 nen Lane, Laguna Costa Meu, CA 92627 ScreanDreamlng.com, Yes, 8115/00 Way Newport Beach This busJneu la con· N~. CA 92677 Thi• bu11lne11 ls con· 2208 Well Moore Av.. Benjamin Berger CA 92663 ' ducted by, an itdvidual hi• t>Yslnees le con· ducted by: an lndMClual nue. Santa Ana. CA Thia atatement waa K•lhleen Marte Rich· Have you atart•CI CllJCled by, ce><pal1nen Have you •tarted 92704 fifed with the County ardaon, 4245 Hilaria doing business yet? Have you alerted doing t>ualneae yat? Ronald T. Anelaraon, Cltfk of Orange County Way. Newport Beach, Yes. t0/13186 doing buelnell yet? No Yea, Mardi 31. 2000 2208 West Moo<e Ave-on 09/1212000 CA 92863 Kim 0. Harding ~ ~.,:= w11 KTh"i:" :t:.e~:n1 waa 9~;04 Santa Ana. CA Dall)' ~ =~~2~~ ~:, ':.'':" ~j Jlte~11 w:••~,:•"'cou~'t; NOTlCf OF llled with 11re County flied with the County Thie bualneas i. oon· 28. Oct 5, 2000 TM99 Have you started Clerk of <Ange County TRUSTEE'S SALE TS Cllfk of Ofenge County Cle"' of Ofange County dueled by: an irdvldual dolno buslnesa yfll.? No on 0Ml1f2000 NO.: 20008045200450 on 09/19/2000 on 09/15'2000 Have you started flctJtloua Butlnffa Kathleen Rlcharelaon 2000fl39250 LOAN NO.: OC112517..S 0 20008140tM 20008140933 doing bualneae yet? Ntime Statement Thi• atatement waa Dally Pilot Sept 7, 14. FHNt/AM NO.: YOU ally Pilot Sept. 21, 28, Daily PllOC Sept 2t. 28, Yea, 618100 The lollowl~ persons filed w1tt1 Iha County 21. 28. 2000 Thi!!§ ARE IN DEFAUlT Qqt, 5. 12. 2000 Th218 Oct. 5. 12, 2000 Th205 Ronald T. Andel'IOO ....i.... bu Clerk of OrMgt County UNDER A DEEO OI' Thia atatement waa are ~'V "'18 as: on 09/!212000 Flctltloua Bualne .. TRUST. DATI:D Flctltlou• Bualneaa Flctltloua Bualnea• filed with the ·eounty A~~n~~e;1i=2. ~ 20008140223 N•me Stlltement 12n211•7 UNLESS N•me Statement N1me Shltement C1e11< of Orange County Mesa, CA 92627 Deily P!lol Sept. 14, 21. Thi !allowing perwons ~~ ~~ .:eh!J,oll0w1ngnepe•~. a!"'cio:~~· on 09/1~840222 KH Graphlca, Inc. 28, Qct. 5. 2000 Tht92 ersrsngC=-P:~t. ,_,....,.,.._ IT •••v •• -""" busfr -G&~C P ... 523 n.a.. ...,,~ .,..,.. 2 (CA), 350 Avocado St FlctltJoua Bualneu 216 20th Str1et. New· ,........,...."' '• ,_.. '""' The harper Edge. rope ... as. ~, ,....,. ~· 14, 1. •F2, Costa Mesa. CA N Sta SOU> AT A PUel.IC te76 Anaheim Avenue Tustin Avenue, Newport 28, Oct. 5. 2000 Th190 92627 •me tement pOft Beach. CA 92683 SALE. If YOU NEED Coat .. Calif 1 ' Beach. CA 92683 rn· .... -• I The fottow\nn perwons Scott Curtis Simoo, N'4 EXP\.AHATIOH OF a ... eaa. om 8 Gary Norman Rawi· Fictitious Bualneat 11 """',,... • con-srt doing buiilness ae: 2t8 20th Slrett. New· Dt! NATURf OI' THE 92J:~.. Roy Tlnnell, Inga, 523 Tustin Avenue, ductHad by, a CX>f'P0'&1 rttiond Spun lndustrlea pott Beach, CA 92663 PROCEEDING 1978 A h I A Newpon Beech. CA NHM Shltement ave you 1 a 1 Clothing Co .. 222 Via Jo4v Kuulpo Slmoo, AQAINST YOU, vou na em vtnue. 92663 The following peraona doing buelneu yet? Ithaca. Newport Baach, 216 ~Olh Strett, New· SHOULD ~.,,..., ., Coste Mesa, CA 92627 B rb J Ra 1 are doing buslneu aa: Vas. 9/01/00 CA .,,..,.,., ,.,... ... _ ..... CA """"" ..........,,,_, " Grace Yvonne Tinnell, a ara ean W· ,.,___ I --'-· KH n-...w-Inc Kl "~ ,,...., ........,, "'""" ~ On t976 • h Im A Inga. 523 Tullln Avenue, '7'111""'18 Home nt....... ...,_. ..... , " m Henry Steven Van· Thia t>Yaintas ii con· _.. .... 000· 1110:00 .... ...na e venue. N rt B h CA Design, 814 W. 18th St Hoffman, Preeielent 1 .. 893 R-"h.ll ... ,,..ad by ... _.. _ __. _....., ~.. ,_, Cotta Mesa, Callfoml1 awpo eac • #B, Coeta Mtu, CA Thia statement waa egH, "' ""' 1 """' : ,..,_.., ""'' ......_,"" 92627 92663 9 7 fit·" .... ... C Ave., Tustltl CA 92680 wife MORTGAGU Thia t>Ytlnees la oon· This bYsinesa le con· ~:n~!!' b,OIOO, 814 ~ ;Ith~ ~ Thia bUslness Is con-Have you atertad laVlC&I, u..c .. u ducted by: a hU9b1nCI ducted by: a hulbend W. 18th llB, Costa on 09112/2000 dueled by, Ill fndMdual doing buslneN yet? No ~ appointed Tnllt9e and wife and wife Hsva you atarteel Scott Simon under MCI ~ lo H 1 rt Cl Have you started ~11• 9.~-•ne~l-44• con11 • 20008840208 doing buainHa yet? This statement waa o-d of TNll t-u.d eve you • 8 • doing bualneea yet? No lfl """' ... Dally Pilot Sept. 14• 21• Yu, 3/15/00 flied Witti the County t21D1•1. • ClolnOG-bualvvon""'neY~-~ Ga~ Norman Rawtiflol dueled by, an IOCIMdual 28. Oct. 5, 2000 Tht97 Henry Vanegas Claftt of CMngt County ._.____. No .......... • ,..,,_ •• .. t Have you atarted Thi 09/0 ~ ,,_..,._,. . Thie statement waa .. ••• tment wu d 1 b 1 t? s statement waa on 1,.,.,.,., 1tt1'0871188, In bool, flied with the County flled wltti the County v'!.~g711~na91 ye FlctltJoua BualntM filed wttn the County 2000UH24t ~1 fl~A._.~ Cferll of Ofange County Conltfk09~ .. ~ County G-.ia Oroaco Name StattrMnt Clel1c of Orange County Delly Piiot Sept. 7, 14, In · tn. ..,.,,.. "' .... oo 09/18/2000 "''""" Thi• statement was The lolloWlng persona on 0911212000 21.j6, 2000 Tb!S§ County R8COtdtf ol 20008140157 2000N40189 art doing bu81nMa u : 20008840210 Orlt\ol County. S• of Dally Pilot Sept, 2t 28 Daly Pilot Sept. 21, 28. filed with lhe County Live Local lick•, Dally Pilot Sept. 14, 21 , Flctltloua Buslnna Cellomil. Emculed by Qet, s. 1z. s@9 Th?16 Oct 5, 12. 2000 Th2t6 ~ ~~ County 23822 Rockfitlel Blvd.. 28. Oot. 5, 2000 Th19l Name StetenMnt Mtneout Balrwni, and 20008140208 t200C, Lake For8'1, CA The lollowlng peraons z. Houeh\W. FlctltJoua Bualneu Flctftloua Bualneu Deily Pilot c...... 14 21 92630 Fletltloua Bu•lne.. are doing buslneaa as; IMballd and wla will Name Statement N1me Statement ......,.. • • Dennie s. Bo111, N•me at.tement Magur Medical, 1835 ... ef puDliD a.don lo The fOllowing pe(eons The following peraona 28• Oct. S, 2QQQ Thl83 23062 A1c:1a Prlcwy, Unit The lol~f90f\S Whittler Ave. 0-9, Costa higtleel bidder fof C81h, are doing bullOe&s aa: sre Clotna bullnta u : 118, Mlalon Viejo, CA are doing aa: Mesa, CA 92627 C88hler'• chlcll I ceati uza J111e•1 Gourmet Top Sfar NaHs. tOOO FlctJtloua Bualnesa 92692 Tropic Electric. 2279 Medeuenllela, Inc. equiwMnl "' oltW form Food Products, 2048 North Brt1101, Ste. t6, Heme Sutement Teri L Aalhaus. 21742 Cornell Drive, Costa (CA), 1835 Whittler Ave. of peymant l!Afloriled U,iggla Newport Beach Newport Beach, CA The following persona Tegley, Mlaalon Viejo. MMe, CA 92626 C>-9, Coste Meaa, CA by 2924h(b). (!Mly9blil Ill CA 92080 ' 92660 art doing bualneae aa: . CA 92692 John J. Cardoe. 2279 92627 time d .... In -.if\11 llaa A. Friedberg, Realm ol Beauty, LLC FhM by Jalml. 2208 Thlt bY1lne11 la con· Cornell Drlvt, Costa Thls bueiness 18 con· money, ol the Unlled 2046 Loggia. Newpon (CA), 2844 Augusta Avalon Street, Costa ducttd by: e general Mala, CA 92626 docled by, an lndllltdual Stlllee) al tfle enttWICI Beach. CA-92980 Way, Santa Ana, CA Meta, CA 92627 partnership Thia bulinea I• con· Have you atertad IO the Orlt\ol City Hel. Thl1 b\Jslne11 Is con· 92706 Jajrnj Lee Oedt. 2208 Have you atar11d ducted by, an lnclviduaJ Clolrig bu81ne11 yet? 300 !.a Chafwnan CIUcted by: en irdvldual This bu1fne11 Is con· Avalon Strffi, Coete doing bualne11 yet? Havt you 111rttd Yes, July t, 2000 A..-nua. OrMoa. Have you •tarted ducted by: Limited Lia· Mesa, CA 92825 Yea, 917/00 """ng .... _ ......... y .... ? No Arth\.lr Angermelr Callfomie. All rfgfll. tllle doing buelne88 yet? No bifity Co. Thia bualneM 11 con· Dennll s. eoe.. ~ j-c;;,... Thia statement wu and ....,.., ~ to Lila A. Frle<l:>arg Rave you •tarted dueled by: an Individual This etatement was Thie itatemenl waa filed with the County and"""' 1-'d by fl under Thie etatament wu doing buelnan yet? Have you alarttd flied whh the County filed with the County Cler1c of Orange County uld o-d of TNll in ttle filed with th• County Yff, 8/t612000 doing busln111 yet? Cllfk ol Orange County Cllfk ot Orange County on ()9,l()IW()OO PfOf*fY eihlllled In Mid Cleflt of Orange County Realm ol Beauty. U.C, Yee. 5t1IOO on 0911212000 on 09t'08l2000 20009'31121 ~ 8lld State on 09/15'2000 Vlnc:ent T. Vu, Owner JalnW Lee Oedc 20008840217 200MHN27 Daly Piiot Sept. 14. 2t, •: • -20008840810 Thie atarement w81 Thia llatement wu Dally Piiot Sept. 14, 21, Delly Piiot Sept. 14, 21 . 28. Oet. 5, 2000 Th!ZO ~~ .. lo!: Dally Pilot Sept. 21, 28. filed with the County filed ~ the County 28. Oct. 5, 2000 Tb198 29, Oo!. 5. 2000 Jbt76 Flctftloua BualMH d TNll APt.--.01-Qct. 5, 12. 2000 Th212 Clerk ol Orange County Ctertl d <Ange County Name Statement 208. ,,,. ..,.... ...,.. Flctltloua Bualneas on 0910l~oooet31251 on 09/01~0008439253 Fictitious Buelneu Flctltloua Bualneh The fof~ pal'IOn• MCI otfier _.., N•me Statament Dally PllOt Sept. 7, 14, Daily Pilot Sept. 7, 14• Name Statement Ntime Stlltement 11:u:''&.S1t.~ac­=~ ~ .!"'~~'::'' 21, 2§. 2000 Jb105 21, 26, 2000 Thl61 llf~~':1' .!"'Jno~j!~ ten, 660 Baker Street, ..._ill purpclft9d 1o be: Ol1h, 2915 Broad Flctltloua Bualnesa Flctltloua Bualneea RJ Edl.lcatlonal, 1e111 Dlgllal Con1111tlng Serv· Sta. '3t5, Coste Meea, 401 5-.s Roed. Unll Street, Newport Beaoh. Name Statement Name St.\._._. St. Croix Clrcle, Hunt· lcea, 27 Tlmbergatt, CA 92626 115 Newpoi1 8Ndl CA 92683 The folloWlng pereona ........ lnci40n Beedh. CA 92849 IMnl. CA 92814 Pslllcla A. ~. 680 -. . Flotltloul lluMnW fllotlllDUI a.1n111 .................. ............ ,lent The fOllo.illna PMOnlt The toloWN ~ .,. doing bulli*'I -.,. dOlr4I bulNili ea: 111and Auto Aep11.1r1, Boe•~.oom. 121 1f71 Monrcwlai, H9Wpolt w. a.. !!i.~ ~CA rM3 ~I CA waG1 JoHPh Thomu Inf nlly M1rtcetlno c .. 1ro. 2S3S N. Cun-Group (NV), 821 W. ~ Coult. Ofangl, Balbol ti, Newport CA 92181 8eedl. CA 92ee1 Rodn1y v11colm TIU bu..,_. i. con· Smltll,, 434 North ductlldCo.by! Umll.o U.. Camblldge.~,CA ~~ d 92866 H1v1 you 1tart1 Thi• butlMll Is con· doing buMINI y«? No dUCted by; a 11.neral Infinity M11k1tlng pe11nerthfp Gr°"". Aotl9rt Harri•, Havt you 1t1rt1CI M•na!Jlr doing bu1ln111 yet? Thl4 atatement w11 Yff 10/1fl9 flted with IM County • Ctertl °' °'1ll1gl County Joaeph T. Cllllro OM>1nooo Thlt llatement we• .~ tOOOetSt2M ~ :"~ = Delly Plot Sept. 1 14 on OM>lno<>O . 21. 2§, 2000 iM82 2000ttitw Dally Piiot Sept. 7, 14, 21, 2§. 2000 1!!158 Flctltiout Bu91neu Name Statement Thi following Pll"IOn9 are doing bullMel 11: Cecil lnt1rna1Jonal Mtdlcat Equipment Company, 4~ Birch st., Newpo!I Be6dl, CA 92860 George Katch1rl1n. DVM, '283 Birch St., Newport B11ch, CA 92660 Raatat W. Hanna, DVM, 4283 Birch St .. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Thfs butlne• i. con· ducted by: a general partner.t\ip Have you 1tart1d doing bullnea yet? No George Katcherian, DVM Thia .iatement waa flied with the County Clel1< of Orange County on 09I01no<>O 2oooa31240 Dally Pllol Sapl 7. 14. 21, 28, 2000 Th16Q Fictitious Bualnesa Name Statement The folloWlng pel'IOnl are doing bu8lneM u : Clalm Advertising, 18 Technology, Suite 210, IMrle, CA 92618 Coen Van De Poll, 32842 Ca"eterr• Drive. San Juan Capistrano, CA. 92675 Ariane Silvargleld· Bumi>, 9872 Oceancrest Drive, Huntington Beach, CA. 92646 Thia business la con· ducted by: a general partnership Have you atarteel doing bu1lne11 yet? Yff. 411/00 Arlene Sllvargleld· Bumb Thia atatement wu filed with the County Cllfk of Orange County on 0911212000 2oooea40111 Dally Pilot Sept. 14, 21 • 2§. Oc!. 5, 2000 Th181! STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF ACTmOUS BUSINESS NAME The followlng Pl.= hll• (have) aba the ..... <A the tldltlow ~ 1'11m41: Pac:iila lighting & Fumlture, 1352 E. Bolcherd, Santa Ana, CA 92704 Reallearn, Inc.. 3405-B W. MacArthur Blvd .. Santa Ana, CA 92704 The Flctltloul Busi· neu name referred to above was flllcl In Or· ~ County on 3122198. FILE NO 199636nMO Thi• buelnesa la CX>rl>- ducled by: an lnclvldual Gerald Ehle This 11A11ement wu filed with the County Ctertl of Orange County on 09J08l2000 2000N31138 Dely Pllol Sept. 14, 21, 29, Oct. 5. 2000 Th 171 Flctltlout Bu91nea Name Statement The folloWtnO pereone ata dolr1a buaWlMa u : Wolle Aeeltlel and ln- vHtmentl, 27901 For· bee Road, #18, L.-guna Nlouel. CA '¥JKTT Collaen Wolfe, 489 Raphael Dr.. Corona, CA 92882 F1c:tttfow lutlntee Name Statement Thi ro11ow1no P1rt0na are dolnef~ u : A) Baobtage Proeluo- tloM. B) The l..unchbox. 123 Via Koron. Newport BaaQh, Callfotnle 92683 Amcam Dlvtrtlfled, Irle. (Nt veda), 3305 Wiit SJ>ril"IO Mountain Road, 160·24, La• Vegas, Nevada 89102 Thia bulineet is con· duaced by; a oorpor•tlon Have you eta11eel doing bu"'-8 yet? No Amcam Dlverailled, Inc.. Chi/lea Mofgan, First Director Thia 111tement wu llled wltl'I the County Cl«k or Orange Co\tnty on 09I08l2000 20008831830 Delly Piiot Sept. 14, 21, 28. Oct. 5, 2000 lbt75 Flc1ltloua Bualneaa Name Stlltament Thi folloWlng peraoos are doing ~-· u : eCommeroe f:Jlat· fonnl. Inc .. 16661 Von Karman, Sta. 100, New- i>Oft BNdl. Ca 92612 Pacific lntematlonal Co/nmunlcations (CA), 59 Hillaelale, Newpon Beech, CA 92eeO Thi• bualne11 le con· dueled by: a oorpora11on • 1-iave you alarted doing bualneH yet? YH, 08115/00 Ptoillc lnternetlO(lal Convnunlcations (CA), Candi Grant. Sr. VP Bua. Dev. This statement was tiled with the County Cl«k of Orangt Counly on 0612512000 2000813U52 Daily Pilot ~ 3t, Sept. 7, 14, 21. Ihl29 Flctltlou• BualMN Ntime StattfMnt Thi fol~raona are doil'llJ aa: Pacifica Llohtlng & Fumiturt, 3405-B W. MacArthur Blvd., Sent. Ana, CA 92704 Pecilic IJOn Deaion11 (NV), 340S·B W. MacArlhu1 Blvd., Santa Ana. CA 92704 Thia bualneN la con· ~ed by: • oorpor911on Have you 11arteel doing bu1lne11 yet? Yee. 8l22JOO PIClfflca Iron Dealgna, Taryna HalmllN, PrHI· dent ™8 .iatemant wu filed with the County Ctertl of Orange County on 09K>812000 2000et3te31! Daily Pilot Sept. 14, 21, 28, Oct 5, 2000 Th172 Flctltloua luatneea Name Stlltement The follow!~ .,. dotno but u: eoo ihor~1e1a. 2600 Newport Boule· vard •tU , Newport Beach, CA 92683 Del Ch .... 712 Via lido Nord, Newport Beech, CA 92e6G Bonnie Cllate. 712 Via Udo Nord, Newport Beadl. CA 92683 Devid a... 712 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beech. CA 92683 . ._r Callfomla t2125. The D1tren Gleen Edward ,,. dolno butfrlll8 u: The folloWlng pereone Aoea J. Culiel, 18111 Jon D. Sag\ICI, 27 Baker Street. Sle. t315, ~ Tn.tee Catkins, 2915 Broad White Aabtiit, 295 16th are doing bualnt1l8 u : SL Croix Circle, Hunt· Tlmbefgate, ltvlne CA Com M-. CA 9262e dlacll9ne,,,.,, llebillly for Straet, Ntwpott Beach, Plloe, Suh• A. Costa Pepe'• Treuurea, 732 lnaton Beach. CA 92849 92814 Thia buelneu 11 oon· """ inoon ..... " the CA 92883 Mesa: CA 02628 Vil Udo Nord, Newpo!1 This bullllffl I• con· Thia bullMU Is con-Clucllecl by, an lnclvlcaal Thia bullne.. le con- ducled by: In ~ Have you 11arteel doing bualn1N yet? Yee, &'MIO Thia buelnMI la oon- dUcteCI by: oo-pattnen Have you 1tar11CI ~ =:-)'917 No 1 r ..,... llddrwll Md otfier This butlne11 11 con· Donald Wlllltm Beech, °t ~ ~ by, an lndMduel ducted by, an lndvlClual Have you a1art1CI common clmlgnlilirln, ii ducted by, an lnClivldUal Preeton, 295 18th Plroce, v:"1&ic, ~ r~ ve you etartael Heve you started cloinQp·., bl. ~A. w.:f.'!! No lllf'f, .._ '*91ft., Seid Have you atarted eo.ta Mala, CA 92626 C • ~~-buslneeeJ. ,._2!"' No dollJorilQ 0bullrleel. Sliglld yet? No P•frfda .. -J .... ¥1111 be INdl, bl.le ~ bueinMI yet? No Thia bu8'nMI le cot\-Beech. A 92883 ....._ ..,....,.. Thie ll1t1ment wu ~ ODWNllll 0t Darren Gleen Edward ducted by: an inclvldual Thlt b\Jslnett 19 con· Thlt llatement wa1 Thi• llatement wae ltteel wlttt the County Mf'rMIY, •llNIMd « Celkln• Hlvt you elarteel ducted by, an inclvldual llled with the County filed with the County Ctertl °' Onwiot CounlY ~. ~ Hiit, Thie itatem.nt w .. doing bullrlMt ye(f No Have you etarttel Qe1tc of Orange Ctertl °' ~ County on OQ/Olno<>O Colleen Wolfe Thie ltatement WU flied with the County Cleftt of Ofange County on O!Wl/2000 200Cllnt244 Delly Plot Sept. ~ 14, 21. 28. 2000 .!.!!15Z Thi. lta1ement WN fu.d With th• ColMly Cieri( °'. ~ County on 09'01~ 2000MH211 Delly Piiot Sept. 7 14 21. g. 2000 lbt04 po11•11o11. "' nted with the County Donald PrHton ~ ~,r'1y No on 09/t212000 on 09I08l2000 2000 .. 39241 encumbnlnoll. = Cieri( of Ofan01 CounlY Thi• etatemen1 _., 2 219 2000MJN41 Dallv Plot Sept. 7, 14, tt11 l1lf'Mlnlng on 09/15/2000 fifed with Iha County etattment waa Delly Pilot ~ t4, 21, Oa~ Pilot Sept. 14, 2t, 21.28. 2000 Jhl§l • FlctltJoua lualMM "'"' o1 1111 a), 2oooeuoeu ~-~1~w l'~....u ~wit~ ~!1~ 29, Oo!. 5,~ Th195 a oet 6. 2000 Jbtli .,.AA< 8 al fllctttloua Bualneea ...... ~ wurect b¥ Mid Died of Delly Piiot 8epl 21, 28. .,., ""' ...,._ .. _ .......... , ~oJ:~ -"1 rH::..~..:...=-Name Stae.ment Thi lallowlno pereone TIWI. • ....... Oct· !!, 12, 2000 J}tl06 toooe84oe3S 20008140.M Flctttloua Bualneu F1ctltloua Butlneea The ~ .,. doing ~ u : "*-'· • pnMdld tn Qlly PlloC Sept. 2~ "'""" -... .._. ... 281 Na.me ltatemtnt Name Statement Tiit tollowlna Plt90M .,. ~ M: LaOuna Conttruction Mid!IOtl(1),aMlw,lf FlcUtloUt lluelneu Oct. 31 12. 2900 ~ ~' ... ...,.1.,-=. "'.ri,.:;v: The followl~taone Thi f~ Pll'IOnt are~~ u : N11lonal Coneumer & 8Ulld4tf, Inc,, a34 eny, ...., ... ..,... of Name 9tatement Y!c}t R· •• FYW JI1'Y' .,.. doing ..... -are ~ bualiiMa as: HtwthOIM Portfolio, Altoel•t!Ofl. 119 VI• .. oplar St., Laguna Mid Deed of TRiit. fMm, The followl1'0 P1ftone Flctltloua Bualneas Flctltloua Bualneu Saddl•b•ck Car•, Ro vet T ouch 418 Santa Me Ave .. Nice. Newport Beach, 8Mc:ih. CA fm51 ~ and ...,_. are doing~ u: Name 8tatemtnt 1719 .Pomona Ava .. EndtnnoloQte, 2400 W. Ne:'J:rt Beach, CA CA t2ee3 SfS Conlttuctort l of•l'Nlleelftdoflhe Body & MJnd,.2030 4!tl The follow! Name Statement Costa MtH , CA eo... Hwy., Suite 80, 92 3 Mlchael Stanley, 119 8&.brt, lno. (CA), ,»c Ir'*' ~ 11r Mid Slrett.1.. 12298, 8anta """"""~tonl Thi fotloWlno P1190n1 9~027•3810 NIWJ)Or1 Beach. CA Shawn LIA Hawthoml, Via Nie.a, Newport Popullr Sh.,..L•guna DMddTMt. '""99*1 Ana. W\ 92706 *"cif'Ve.. ** a,..~ buarntise u : Nloholu Peter 92043 418 Setlll Ane Ave, 8"ch. CA 9aee3 8Moh. CA -1 =:: ...... "= Sttv• Murtay~ WMt '19th ~~·C::~ 1:''i~..,tr,'9;:: p~h18Vla ll-TM Diana v~. ~=" Beaeh. CA ~"Y:::-..1~ ~~= -.i by ... property ~le9~talm 1' MMll, CA 92927 CABuldlno T, Coeta Mtaa. r:a, Rane o Santa =· WVO~•=rt Thia butlneet if con-o.k.I, CA 91~ Heve you ll•r1ed 10 be IClld' · and Thie butlnaee le con-Miguel Roi... 8i4 CA 92eeo =~la con-8Mich. OA ~· dueled by: an incMdual Thlt butlnete la con-•doing ~nett. yet? ,......... ....,.,..., ductld by' an ~ WMI 191h~ Cotta Michael Scl\arnall, dueled by: an lncMdu9l JuNe Chrfetlne 't"ule, Havt you 111'1td ducled by: ~ v-;;: ~ =-:•:t'tC'11me ~ ~v:wr_: ~n~ ~ ~ 11 con-= =i~ ~· ~":.= V:":' :'..~~ =· °°* t..nv211t;:ne" yet? oJ!:v:-l::. ~rt= eu..!.. lno., ~ ......... P' tr •Iott of St1V11 Mu"9y dueled by: Ill ll'llMcklel Thie bulinHI II oon-Rlchotu Peter Thil bu8lntM It OOfl· 8twWn LIM HMwtlolnl MIOhaet at.1119y F, luef, Prteldent lie No1cJe d •• ii: Thi• etatement wu H•v• you •tarted CIUclled by: *' ftMdull Pif.:georo-d\leted bv: a ~ Thlt IQtement wu Thie atatelMrlt _. Thil ..... ,,.,... WM $21t,72t.lt. The flied wfll'I the r~.-, doing ..,.,.. VtKI NO Have you tllrted ..... 1--p1rtnerttfp llled wfll'I the County flted Witt\ the Qounty ftl.cf wtel flt c:ountY -~ !Mer Mid Cleltc °' Ofllnat ~ Mllll.le4 Rojas dotno ~wt? No -· ..... " •• Have you 1tart•d Cieri<°' °'*-County OM of Orlnot County <lll'k °'JE Colfty Died d TMI ._...,,. on owtl/200iCf Tflll 1t1te1Mnt .WU Mike 8chameJ flled w""~ County doing ~ Yfil(I No on 01W1.'2000' on Olf.2tr'2000' an Of/1 WIAlld _.. .._... 200Hl4ot2t ~ :J"'en:,t:. ~~ Thia ltalement w• ~oJ:~ County, Toni D. VIMlo'ldl HOOtlHtlO IOtOMllH4 Um1 ~ !"=-! De8y' Plot Sepe. t1 29. ;-"~ .......,..,., lllecl wlfl the CouftlY IOOOIM0211 Thie lda.....,_nt , WM ~ Plot a.pt. t~ 21, £.)Illy Plot~ 31,~ ~ flloe tg, t~ m ~ b Oct. 0. 12. 200A ibiu aoooeui.ta ~~1~ Col.ny ~ Piiot Sept, 14 2t, ~ ~ CM ~ 21. om. 0. aopo .!.!!1IQ 7.. l•t .21. llllllt IhJ.lll ••LJi0c&,11111..lir..·..1-111111:.....t.1.!!!!!!!111a1.&_ ... lftd 8 _.... ~ P1oC ~ 31 S.OC. aooetm241 2f. Pd, 0. 2000 ThllH on ~ Cody NolcJe o1 Dwfllll ... 1'1ottt1oua IUelMM z...li, g1, ~ Jhill Deiv Plot Stpt, 1, 14, 10001UMM &allolt to .... ,.,.. ............ at 21.A -Tbt!Ji FlcttUoua ...... ~ Piiot ... 14 21, .,,......,..., .... Mid Thi folowlnG pereone Acddow IUllMM ..__._._ ·................... ....... "'""*" ao. Ori, A. -it1171 NolcJe ti Oeflilll llld ate dCllnD ~ ..: Hlmt ......._,. r-_,_ 1'le ~ PMOM ~ to ... to • lared'o Ma~tlng. nie follDM1D pereone ,...,. ........... .,. **'° .,..--. 111: fl'letlllom luelrtH• :-... "'..:-,.;a 1625 M41M Verdi Ed .,. dc*IO ..--..: Thi ~ f.N~ Fl111nctal ..... •1t1IW9l II ,...._ ~·~ Cctlt ...._ .::..i~~ ... ~~ ';= Wahlne,~ T. ::h.~ .:-~• ... ..... ~ Traance Cof'po-8eac:t\. CA .., I. 8ly kHt Colla 928 3 ..... ~ Mwa '4t LoM1t11r rallon CA), tS2S ..._ PH Tf'lllll'IO • ConNto .....,., CA ~ Lindt Jenun Ina Co, 2062 ~ a:! I I :--= Vtnjt 1115, 0. ~ ~ lno. (CA)J. 1 TtreH Kah1tanl ~ ~· lno.. &rlld · tt:::., CO. ~ CA 02129 Dit C«lo, !MM, \.A 8-oey, 2t3 F. ~y ..o4 Gittld New-._...,CA I~ W.W ..... Tl* IMltlNe It con-Ntot 9INtC, ~ *-• CA ~ ....,. CA ""' Joela Selloa, 20U ~ =.,"'!.'~ ~!ff; !..~= lNt bullntM .. oon-t2t21 1blt IMfMat It ~ ....,,. lfw( •t.20. -.i _._ ,_,... ,_ --~ 11y. a oorpo1.-.1 Thie but1ntM 11 con-~ by', • CIOlpcii...,. 0-. ...... CA _, ta.-: .. ,. Th~'IW ~t ...... 'f"1 v.., ~• you etarted ....., by: an lndVtdulf Havt you ~td Thia ~ 11 oon-.,, ~ ......... _'If/Kl NO HIV• you 4J'lar\td .,.. ~ No ..... ~ ., ~ ,.._ TelnPlfenc. Corio-JN. T....tra I~ dolnt builkleu yet? . Linda tnun Have .'YoU ltlr'llf ... t1MIO-t40D ,.,,,. ...,, Martin. v. ...... .• ~ v ... 1(1,W , ........ lno.. LJftde -....... ,.., No =:uA\1:z: ,,~•:_.,...,.. -"·1':.--..er~ ... r;::e::=.': ""1',C"·:=l_ ... '=9 =... .. ...... ........ .. llecl Wltl'I .. ~ Meet """ flt ~ llltd ... .. Qcllny .... ..._ .. ~ ...., ... .. = ~4a ::....~ ~~.=r ~ ~al.~~ ~~1=-~ ~~ OOldJ ::--.:::r ~-.. """"!· 11111111• .......... 11111111• ~'~~ ............. , .... . '"",.~ . "" &:,":.;:e 'tt.I :'1."1Z 'fbfi tn..'L• ~ :!b."U& 'tilt! ;'I."':.;;, 'U. Polley Rates ond dea<lline" n1t~ sulij1~r1 111 chtt1ll{~ •1ithou1 11ociC('. Tlw p11hlislw1· l'C!ifl'Vt'!i tlw ri~ll 10 1·1·11~or. rrda.;;ifv. te\ri!IC or n•jr.:t uny rla.,~ifi1·cl · 1ulvrrrisrmc11t . Pl<'UM' rt'port Ull\' 1•rror that muy ht-in ) our dui..~ifiNf u;I i1111n1·diu1rly. ·n1r Duily Pilot ur1·1'pt~ no liuhility for any 1•rror i11 1111 advtrti'l("Ol<'lll for "hi1·h ii 111u\ 11(· rTSpOn<1ihlr e~«'<'Jll for till' n~• "'' 1111' par<' uctuull~ Ot'rupirtl t.~ 1 hi' rrnir. Credit rru1 only llf ullo\\ rd for tlw fir.it i1t'lf'r1 ion. ,. -. I ~ . a ! ~ ~ - . ( . •V.A.-........ ... ~ FMIUST~tNS HUONAREPOS 714 IM llOO ':I 111 • , • 1 .1 .. 11 • • I I· II IOI. 216 FJ· 400. 412 E • Monday ............... Friday S:OOpm By Fax (949) 6:l1-659i ByPhttne By Malllln Person: Wednesday ........ Tuesday 5:00pm (949)'642-5678 :no ", . .,, Bm S1 n·<·t (• I \J (,.\<)'>('>7 (Pl1·a"' i!1dudc ~our name and vl101w number imd 'i-II rail )flu 1'8r! • i1h u vrirr 11uotr.) Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday 420 . ..,. ' . ' > I ..II 00·"8 Cl 470 .... ,. .o~ a , . ..,a. .. _ 1_. Thursday ...... Wednesday S:OOpm \1 '""'l"'n llh1I & 11,J\ ..,1 Boors Friday ............. Thu n;da~ S:OOpm Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Saturday .............. Friday 5:00pm Index 480 ·416 . ~ . . . ·."" -690. 697 . ~ --_,.. ----., ERVICE DIREcTO -F~All Yow Home and Business Needs - ........... •••• .no ... Full·time Illy & neamg llhllU Top-producers higher LINE COOKS NEEDED PIT A FIT~ waqes and benefits aVlil. ~ in ptt1011 ll MARGAAfT AYlllf 2332 W CST HWY. N.I. ~~~ --..-,l L·~:I 1 ' . ,. , ,,, . ~ t"·~· ' · ... ,, ..... -._ .. ............. ....-w ... ..... ,.. ...... -............. ........... ........ .. ""-. , . .. 88 !hUnday. s.p!ernber 2 t' 2000 I TODAY'S CROSSWQRQ PUZjf;lE PIJ'f A FEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! £AU .. f~IASSIFIED TODAY! 949 642-5678 'We'll A GOOD ADI A TO Z HANDYMAN Install, ref-cablneta. Dntd Venbn ~ kltctltnlblthldoor&lwlndowe A ConaW & Malonly Co. Doug 714-540:7258 Biie* Block Slone Wll/(Wy Ll1'1... 11......- l'-'AWj CUSTOM CMATM TU ,,.......,,.., .... cnrNc, matbll. llOnl. &lib 1171 .. , .. ""' 11W1Hl!1 FlxOrout.Com ,....,...,,..,..,,, {114) ...,.,. Lt22S441 r_~~-·· ~ .. , ·:~ ·_: ': Wt:ST •0104 (;1 /f4 NOR11t · •A7'5l o Kl5Jl o Al •3 0 913 •QJ JU SOl!l'H •JUJ O A o KOJ 1064 •AlC ~~ SOOl'lf •• ,_ Jo 30 ,_ 36 40 .... 4NT 50 .... 5Nf 60 .... .... Opeoina lead: Queen of • WEST .... .... .... .... .... South made • brillianl decision in 1he auction. Howevu, ii requJl'fXI skilled play IO reap the rewud. With a knowri nine-ard fit. ii miJhl ~ Uw spedea WU the logj· --- - --- I ' J I .. ~'---- ~-.~ ...---~ -·1 " J I, . ,, ... l-~·-------.. i j I ~ -.. - J ~-------·71 . ' ..•. • ._·_:.1 ~-------·1 .c.-. • =-~•m -..:""' ,....,. IUCM ........ HOMDA CMC W Mo -IN, ... IC, de, .. power, amlfm 1t1rto, l!UOO. f1t1H·l07§ HOllDA PMLUlll •• 1111. 5 .,_ lolded, AC, PS, PB, PW, lllnnlCt, ... nllln, 11111 ldnl, 150K 1111, llCIOld. goo P4t@2.f912 -.GnMa.oe.• ~. Jdnt oondllon. ~~ LIXUI LI 40I 't4 Ca~ory, fully u..1 U. ..... (1~ ..... ::o-7 "°'" l!I! lllEACEDES c 230 '17 18,300 ml. Srnc*t $Mt, lllOOIHOCll. --bend\ $20,900. • Cati John ~720:3!!5 or ..,. ,O!i 111EACEDES c no w 18,300 ml. Srnc*t Slwt, ~--bind\ $20.9bO. Cati John ~or-19112 r""°'-, ---·--1 • I '~'.. ~ ~-·--=--........ ..;J PUBLIC NOTICE Thi Cdf. Public· UtllltlH Com· million REQUIRES ... .. uNd ~ hold good! movers pftnt lheit P.U.C. C. T runber; lmol Ind dllulferl print ,_ T.CP. runber In .. llMrllmlm. • yul ... • 111*-llon lbcM the ... lly cl • lllOYlt, "'° Of c:hllAtlf, Cit PUBUC UTILmES COMMISION 714-558-4151 I , . I -·-_ _.._ - ......... a&.l llOftll,. W&.VOTl*W.NO• ................. ODiiie• ...... Wtllll .. llllc* ""· lid ---~ .. ,.. ----= .... lllK ... .., delft I!.., ... Zl 111·~ -~--IJUllO ,., .. ,, • ... . ,..,... .... ¥•11 COWi .. .... ..... Clouillly .. 414, 4dr, YI SA, .-. 11111':Cl.MI & 'tt ...... ............. ............ :; ~~~· ~---. ..... ~ ...... 18 ..... oand co -:z:o :11 * M-721§100i d!!\it1t@ SELL .. ,,... '11 Val :t:bn ,,_ QL 't1 :.= -..... OOlld. ... ;;t-*· your home ~· C0~6-mi through duslfted moa. .. -. M§-2 ----------, 0 YD, SEU. MY CAii I 1t1111 Run your ad in the I ----------- Newport Beach-I Alb-. ,,,.------------Cos ta Mesa Dally I <Jr Pilot and the J 14> Hunting Beach-1 ,,...---------- Fountain Valley c !~pendent to : I Cldelldl a ic OWIA o NAx reach over 100,000 1 __ r..m,.,,.,. mo. homes. Fax us this Amto.tMna- form with your credit I .......___ .... lilodll--- card #or mall with I 8!.-8= 8=.o~ Fla--- a check t""4....t 8~ R-* 8=:-" ' .,.,,..,, o•-i5'--o--I Run for a week! If a .. ..._ao-...... a--.,,. .... s=..--s::::.. s=:.:= :::..-:: your car does not sell, we'll run it for L _ :'~~~~;.°'I;'=!,~_:-' __ 1 another week Fiii! All for just s10·. ~ lnde~®.£~ . ............ ~ .. ... &OCAJINO IUaMINIC MM LIM DITlmON ......., ........ 675-9304 r ·---. -! ' -, I llOOl'lll• s.-m:-:--:-..... . -- . ... .... ··--··-·--~·-1---·--11'-895-6677