HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-07 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. ~ •• · .. . :· .. • ··• • • • a1. 10 Serving tfze· Newp ort-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2003 l Council KENT 'P[f" 1, : p. • P A shredded billboard flail s in the wind as worker s try to dismantle 1t on Monday. The billboard, off of Newport Boulevard near Industrial Way, was destroyed by stroog Santa Ana winds . The gusts are expected to continue through this afternoon .. Winds wreak havoc Santa Anas roll through Newport-Mesa on Monday, knocking out power, downing trees and creating messes. Winds will continue today. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot I 1 was !.O windy that tree' dropp~d down with a thud. power hne'> coUapsed and some didn't have to tum off the lighl switch before going 10 ht'd II was so windy that make:.hfft <;top <;igm at blacked-out traffic lights blew away and street '>igns snapped ofT the heams and hung on one bolt like an action movie v1curn waitmg to be re~ed. ll was ~ windy that boats slipped ofT their moorings 11 wa.t. .,o windy in Newpon-Mt•.,.J on lue'>· day that 1.he l larhor Patrol's wind rnl'a~uring de,'ice broke. ~ta Ana wtndi. wi,nnow.etL.r.bruugh the streets like a fiery "'.,"dAdal Sunday night and Monday morning, littering the streets. tearing down tree branches and mercilt'l>'>ly .,lapping o utages on hundred~ of homes. Both Costa Mesa and Newpon IJeach suf- fered from an array of ·effects. Oeanup crews worked through the day . .. We had at least 20 larger trees ~ well a'i tree limbc; go down." !>aid Bill Morri-.. Cos1a Me~·s director of public '>ervices. "~to.;t of the trees and limb" took the power Jine<i wiui them. and we had people working from 6 a.m. almost until 5 p.m." Southern California Edison offinals ~d ~veral hundred c-uc;tomer. 111 the Newport· Me"1 area were without power Monday morn· ing. /l<, of Monday evening. 90 cusrorner., wen:• in the dark 111 C .o'>ta Me~ am! lOO in Newport FYI A few tips for power outages from Southern Cahfornra Edison: •If you see downed lines, call the police and fire departments right away. •Turn off or unplug unnecessary electrical equipment, especially sensitive electronic equipment. •Make sure you have battery-operated radios and flashlights. Do not rely on candles because they pose a 'significant fire hazard • Do not cook indoors with charcoal or other fossil fuels. They can cause deadly fumes rf used indoors. • Edison customers affected by the outages may call (800) 611-191 1 or the telephone ~number on their bill for information. ~each ~ome <Uea., mJy remain wuho111 power unlll late thl'> rnnming. officials said. See WINDS. Page A4 Art museum names new executive dire·ctor Orange Courity Museum of Art in Newport Beach taps New York art m useum director after yearlong search to replace Naom i Vi ne. leadership position at a time when the county is emerging as a cultl!ral centt:r. "Orange County is reaUy coming into us own, with a progressive cul- tural scene that's d evelopif'lg inde- pendent of traditional structure and definitions, and against the grain df preconceptions about the region." Szakacs said in the statement. professional who help\!d._(prm ~ museum. died Dec. 27, 200 l~t>r -a hattJe with cancer. She wa'> 52 The yearlong search for a new di rector drew upon the taJents of many dedicated people, said Darrel Ander- son, chairman of the museum\ bofu.d of directors. Anderson said he wa., grateful for the museum's commit· ment to finding the best in the midst of such trying times. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bf.ACH -Orange C.Ounty Museum of Art offi~ials ended their exhaustive hunt for a new ex- ecutive director Monday. Dennis $1..a.kacs, now the deputy di- rector of the New Museum of C.On- temporary Art in New York. wi,U re· place Naomi Vine, who died of cancer a UttJe more than a year ago. ln his current gig. S1..akac!> heads program development. the planning of a new building and museum management, officials said. I le will begin at the Orange County Museum of the Arts in April. S1..akacs was in New York on Mon- day and was unavailable for a tele- phone interview. In a prepared statement from mu- seum officials. S7..akacs ·said he was "thrilled and honored" to assume the THE VERDICT He also expressed a ready willing- ness to follow Vine's successful lead and build upon the venue's interna- tional reputation while "reachihg deeper into Orange C.Ounty's diverse community." Vine. who was admired as an arts "And. as it will soon be clear. 11 wru. . well worth the effort.· he said • LOUTA HARPER covers Costa Mesa Stfe may be readled at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolita.harper,<r/atimes.com The name has root~ and continues to provide Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: ~.da/M)lotcom garden as soon as we moved, and I've always had one Ince. WEATHER members overrule· planners (, Costa \--1 esa counctl narrowly approves second-story additi on Lhat Planning Commission denied. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot U J'-1 l A \ 11 '-1:\ I he < II\ ( ounol ap· pro\'t•d J l.ugt· rt·modl'hng pr11Jel I on the We-.1-.1de \lo11d.1~ ntghl '><t~ing 11 wa.<. a l>eJut1fulh d1·,1g1wd h1111w 1ha1 \\oukJ un· pnnc: .1 tl1-.1111t ll\1·h 1n1wd .in'.1 ( .IJUll• ti 1111·1111J1r.., ff'\•·rwd tt11· f•t,inning ( omm1 ... -.io11' 11«111.11 II\ .1 • 111 .! 'ote. with <.11unuhnt· 1 \II.in \l.irh111ir .111d c lin-. '-lteel d1...,e11t111g h1·ra11-.1 lhl'\ '><!rd lhe l111u<,e w35 loo md....,t\ l' "I hl' l11rmer 1r.in-.1111>11al 11me ,., where tht'> pmpen\ 1-. .111.; bu'>tne.,.,e, \.\t'rt' perrmt· It'd tht'fl• un11l ,,,. d1anged 11 retentJy.~ 'la\<H l...trc·n Hob111v111 ... aid "rhat makes 1h1., prn1e1t H'r\ ddkn·n1 lron1 \lt·..a nunh or ( olleg1· l'arl.. nr orlwr 1rad111on.tl ·10"' den'>ll\ rt•.,11frn11.il nt·1ghb11rhood' in th" l II\ 1 lonwm' rwr \le\ I lt-rn.intll'/ propo'>t'd a '' 1 orH.l 'tor. .Hltl111011,,,111' \\l',httll' home. \\ hteh 1., om: 111 In honw ... on I 'Hh "ttree1 that ,., Jllm,t·d IO hrHt'-l' a hu,1111·,, ,I\ uirding to See overrule, Paee A4 NEWPORT BEACH Leagues try to light up the night Several groups ask Newport Beach parks commissioners to extend li ghting hours at five playing fields. June Casagrande Daily Pilot NFWPORT REACH -ln the nf>\ler-endUlg Mrnggle to help l ub find plan•, to play '>port~. city .,taff member. are recommend- ing that the Parle.,, Reach~ and ·Recreauon <..omm1,.~1on approve a request to t">.1end the hour!> of lighting at five area playmg field'>. Newpnn Beath fJlllt• 1..1.•ague hru; a-.ked that IJghting hour<i lw extended until 9:45 p.m. at lJncoln Athlet1t Center's field!> I and 2 on I nday evening-. ht.•l\H'Cn feb. 7 and June 22. and unnl 7 p m \a.1urda)"> from Feb 15 through ApnJ 5 The Newpon Ripride youth .. port!> organi- 1.auon ha., a. .. ke<l for longer lighting hours for it'> upcom111g Pantie G1rb Fast Pitch Soft - baU Tuple Crown foumament h L\ asking for lights until 9 p.m. f'eh. A and until 8 p.m . Feb 9 at Bonita Creek. Arroyo and Grant Ho- wald parts. See LIGHTS, Pace M .. A s family legend has it, centuries ago. our ancestors were dwelling tn Scotland during a famine. The local peasantry was starving in the countrySlde, while the local lord was cozy ln his castle. With the help or bis knights. be had taken whatever food there was from the peasants. In add ldon. he bad a substantial garden wtthln the castle walls. so he and his were eating welt The peasants wouJd bave been wiped out if It wasn't for one person within the casde walls -the lord'a gardener. that the lord didn't become suspicious; otherwise. he wouJd have lost his head. and our family wouldn't have come into being since he ls our ancestor and why we bear the name Gardner. • There's a certain challenge to gardening in this area -namely the adobe sou. I've lived in my house more than 50 years. amended the soil every year and. eyery year. it's like breaking up conaete when I first get started. The Wlndl hawn't le1t yet, but they will. Expect highs in 1he mid-70t to lower 80a. !Mry night l!e would go to the castle garden IJ'\d hatve$t what he could and tcm it owr the walls to the pcasantt outside.· otMously. he left enough tn lh fjll'den so ROBERT GARDNER t don't know if it's something in the genes. but I have always enjoyed gardening, I _ never tried it until we moved to Corona del Mar since It wu lmpoMlble 10 grow anything fn lhe nd of the Balboa PenlnsUla, but I planted a I should slate that when I say garden; I mean vt'getable garden. I've ~ bad any interest tn flowers. I know people who ~ pas9ooa.te abou t orchid or roses. and I ad.mire their enthusWm. but. Cor me. I lib to be able to eat the things I pow. I have ex.pertmen~ed wlth various CIOP' s..~ ...... M .. .. Seehc•A2. SPORTS Eatanc:Ja t>ovt' batketben bettl \v..mlt-.. 85-29. S.PlpM l u ' Tuesday, ~ 1. 2003 KIDS TALK BACK Reso~ving for the sake of resolving The Daily Pilot asked students at Middle College High School in Costa Mesa what their New Ye&r's R~soludons were: · ·To do better in school.~ RYAN MCNULTY, 18 ·1 don't likt resolutions. Call me a revolution- ary." SHANNON RIOOEU, 16 "To find out what I'm going to be when I'm older.• JOHNIE COOK, 17 ·To stop judging myself.· ANGELA BERNARD, 17 ·To get a job and make a living so I can moveout- my first-ever resolution." pttL. GOODWIN, 18 -Inrerv~ws and photos by Deirdre Newman ON .CAMPU.S • IN THE CLASSROOM Teaching without stress Steve Harper enables his Middle College High students to kick back, even when preparing for a test. I Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot I t's the day before a test. but you wouldn't know It by wal.lting into Steve Harper's class at Middle College High School. The atmosphere in the government" class, comprised of about 20 students, is ultra laJd-back. Harper, a longtime teacher at the 'The day before [the test] is an opportunity for them to catch up and work on their study guides for the test, which should relieve anxiety.' Teacher Steve Harper school on Orange Coast College's campus, says he likes it that way. "The day before (the test! is an opportwtlty for them to catch up and work on their study guides for the test, which should relieve anxiety," Harper said. His informal style of , teaching allows students to ask him conversational questions, like how the swfis. On Friday, Dec. 13, as students were preparing for a test the following Monday, Harper found time to discuss juvenile crime and a DVD he had just seen. "Ufe Beyond F.arth," in addition to the study guide. Harper said he talked about juvenile crime in response to questions by students and brought up tl1t DVD to motivate them to seek out videos with an academic focus. The Newport-MMe Unffted SdKIOI Dlltric:t off9rs menu ddcee Md'I dlwv • .,... ... y ldM>oll. SCudef1'I n-v d'°°9e. y----.,,... "deeired. The 1111., Yan.end nwy be ...... • eiled. •ldwldt or hot--. SctlOOf lunc:.hel .. a Md'I • ...,. •• wtt.n being eerwd thia wMl: TODAY MuncNble Lundi 8liled with yogurt or com dog orvieggte com dog, potBto ~ .... cr;n. dM>lceof mlllt PHOTOS BY DON LEACH/ DM.Y PILOT Steve Harper starts up a softball game wrt:h students at Middle College High at OCC before class. ult's just to encourage them to find videos and things that might give them an education in addition to entertainment," Harper said. Students say they respond well to Harper's intuitive ability to relate to them on a personal level. "I love this class,· said Rachel Carter, l 7. "He has a high level of energy and inspires you to get work done. Coming into this class, it's not like 'Oh, I'm going to fall asleep."' Phil Goodwin, 18, who cransferred to Middle College High School in the fall, said Harper goes to great lengths to make sure his students Wlderstand the material. "He answers all our questions in a way we can comprehend." Goodwin said. "He explains things with examples." • IN THE CLASSROOM 1s a weekly feature in whicti Daily Pilot education writer Deirdre Newman visits a campus in the Newport-Mesa area and writes about her experience. Middle College High student Paul Collier. background. chases down a pop fly during a softball game played between classes. SCHOOL LUNCH MENU WEDNESDAY ~ c:hkbn .. lad with fresh bebd whole grain roll or hamburger or veggie burger with lettuce •nd piddes, 9'iced peed'IM, dloice of milk ntURSOAY Muncheble Lund\ Sated or p.-with INfinere ~end rneett>alls, frMh b4*ed ~ greln roll, critp gf'Mn .. led with rendl dreulng, dK>lc:e of fruit end mlllt FRIDAY Munc:Nble Lunch S.t.d or chidten nuggets wtth dipping auce. flcama ltidcs with rench dip, blue raapbeny 100% fnlit juice ber, choice of m ilk MONDAY Munchabfe Lunch Salad or bean and dleeM burrito, peu, niislns, choice of mWt •The Mundlable Lund'! Saf'ld contains tossed greens, cherry tomatoee, cradcet'I, protein IOURlel auch a cnee.e. suntlower Meda, fruit yogurt and honey-roasted peanuts, end dressing. No child Is diicrlmiMt-1.,.., becauM of rrK», NJr. color, Mtional origin, age or diubllliy. If it T. w.wd •child hn bHn diacrlminat-1 llglliMt. write lmm«Ji•tely to the SecreUry of Agriculture, Wuhington,. D.C. 20260. Daily A Pilot CMltlne Camtlo Newt a11l1tant. (949) 574-4298 chrl1tiM.C11rrl/lotllarlmes.oom PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hitler, Don Leec:ti, Kent Trept0w Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Copyright No news stories, illustretlon1, editorial matter 01 edllertisementl herein can be reprodticed without written permission of copyright owner SURF AND-SUN WEATHER FORECAST VOL97,NO. 7 READERS HOTUNE (9'9) 642-8086 HOW lO REACH US Cln:u'8tlon It'll be windy yet again today, but the Santa Anas should ease ear1y this afternoon. Highs will range from the upper 70s in Costa Mesato the10'N8r70sln Newport Beacti. Overnight lows wilJ lte about 50. northwest swell of 10 to 13 feet The winds and waves will ease this evening to 10 to 20 knots and 1-to 3-feet, respectively. TliOMAS H. JOHNSON, Publisher TONY DOOEAO, Editor JUC1V OETTWO, AdY9ftla!ng Olrac:tOf LANA JOHNSON, Promotk>ne Director JoMJ.s.nto., Art Director I News O..lt Chief , (9'91574-4224 }oH.untos•llltf,,....oom S1fte McCnni. Photo Supervilor (9'9)~ tm.photolllati,.,....oom New9f.cMof'I Gina Alexander, Lori Aflder90n, Paul S.ltowltz. Daniel Steven. NEWS STNJ: Crime '!:r ~eporter. (IM8) 574-4226 d#f».t>Mreth •1et1ma.oom June=,.· Newport reportltf', (9'9) 574-4232 juM.t:aUQnlndellletlm..oom ..... Cllweon PolltiC8 and environmtnt 1"9PQtt«, (!Mi) 7&M330 PflU/.dlnton•l«lmea.oom Lollll ...,., eo.ta Meu ,.,,., (Ni) 17~ lollta.hMJ»r•IMllN&oom o.ilM Neww EdUcMlon reponw, IM I 17.....U.Zr <»lrdr-.MWrnen•l«lm-.oom Record your comments about the Daily Pilot or news tips. ~ Our eddrMa ii 330 W. Bay SL, Costa Meaa, CA 92827. Of'flce hours are Monday· Friday, 8:30 a.m. · 5 p.m. eon-tlone It la the Pllot'1 pollcy to promptty col'T9Ct alt 9ITOf'I of 1ubltance. PINN call (9'91 574-4288. fY1 The Newport~ M ... Dally Pilot (US~ 144-800) 19 publl1Md dilly, In N.wport 8MC:h and eo.t. M .... 1ubecnptiona era evaltabla only by aoblcriblng to The Tlmea Orange Coilnty (800) 252·9141. In .,.... outllda of Newport 8aadl and eo.t.I Mau. eubecrlptlona to the Dally Piiot are ev.ltabla Qnlv by flrat ct ... !Mii for tJo Pl" month. (PrloM lnclll<M 111 ~bla .... end local taul.) POSTMAS'T£R: Send eddt'8M d\ang19 to TM Newpoft a..cM:oN Mesi 0.ltv Pilot. P.O. . ~ The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 Advertw.19 CIMellad (9'9) 642-5678 ~ (9'9) 642-4321 EdlCorial News (949) 642-5680 9pcHb (949) 57~223 ..... Fu (949) 646-4170 Spotta Fu (9'9) 650-0170 E-mal: dailypllotOlatfma.com M-.C>Moe ...... ()Moe (9'9) 842-4321 ...... Fu (9'91631-7126 Publilhad by Tl!MI Cbmmunlty ....... divWon of the La. AAgalee Tlmea. aoo2 i1m. CN. All rights ,..,-,.d. By Wednesday, we'll be able to clean up the aftermath of the winds, but will still enjoy a mostly aunny day, with highs ranging from the mid~ to lower70.. lnfonnedon: www.nws.no11•.QOV BOATING FORECAST The easterly winds will blow • strong 16 to 25 knotl In the Inner water thl1 eftemoon, with 2-to 4-foot wevet and• west awefl of' to 7 fMt. The swell will build 6 to 8 fNt. Out ftrtt., the eutetly wlndt wMt blow 15 to 25 knotl, wfth 2· to 5-foot W8vel and• . . . SURF We'll yet again see head-highs with the occasional overhead today. The best bet would be to hit the bead\ eartv rather than later. Wedn89dey should be IOmeWhat similar to today. We'll "rop a couple feet come Thura&ay. Wtrter quelty: . www.•urfrlc»r.org TIDES nm. 6:49a.m. 11:36e.m. 8:62p.m 1:62e.m. Heltht 2.80fMtlow 4.88t.ethigh 0.30t.etlow 3.83#..cNgh WATER TEMPERATURE 67 degreea _. -. ---------------....,. ....... ~..-.....,. ~-----• OailyPrlot BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Saved ficus tree to enter city yard Cost is $50 for adults, $20 for children 12 and younger. Call (949} 673- 7863, Ext. 350, for informa- tion and reservations. . Officers group changes name ·n1c ficus tree in front of the pharmacy on Main Street in Balboa Village will be dug up, pu1 into a box and stored at a cuy yard for about a year while Newpon Beach leaders decide when and where to The Costa Mesa chapter replan1 the tree, city officials of The Retired· Officers of i.aid Monday. America changed Its name The city agreed to pre-Jan. l to Military Offi<!ers serve and store the tree at "Assn. of America because iti.. own expense. though the chapter's national or- doing so was not a provi-ganization changed its sion of the ci1y's settlement name. with the Balboa Arbor Sod-The local Golden West ety. TI1at agreement gave Oiapler has decided to go the society lhe right lO dig· with the name change to up and box the tree for taler "heller reflect its total planling, but the society did membership composition not have enough money to and what the association do so in time to permil Bal-does for all of us," said boa Village renovations 10 Oiapter Presidenl Lt. proceed on schedule. City Commander Rohen E. Manager Homer Bludau of-Perry. fered the city's help. _The association has his- The tree was lhe onJy torically pursued legisla- whole tree left standing af-tive and policy actions on ter crews cut down mosl of a variery of issues concern- Main Streel!> tree£ last fall, ing military personnel in- An emergency coun action eluding rel.ired officers caUed a hall to the work embarking on second ca- while lhe cwo parties nego-reers. tiated the fate of lhe re-for more information. maining Balboa Peninsula call Perry al (7 14) 558- Lrees. 7541 . Tall ships return to Newport Harbor # Tall shipc; the Lynx and the Hawaiian Chieftan ar- rived Monday al the New- por1 I !arbor Nautical Mu- -.cum for d week of d(lcksrde tour~ and a battle rt:i:nactment. Tours take place from 4 to n p.m. today through rhuri.day and from 10 a.m. lo I p.m. Saturday and \unday. Lo51 ,., $3 for adult'>; $2 for student<; and '>enior'>; and $7 for fami- lie!>. A three-hour ball le re- t•naclment c:rube will board at 4 p.m. f:riday. L Put a bug in ~ ; someone's ' ~) ear Call the · Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS CALL 642-5678 Holiday trash , pi.ckup unchanged . .. Though there will be no •meet sweeping in New- port Beach on Monday, Jan. 20 -tn honor of Mar- tin Luther King Jr. Day - lra!>h collec1ion will con- tinue as normal. Thus. residents' trash pickup will not be delayed that week while street sweeping will be unavail- able on the holiday. r-or information. call the Newporl Bea<.:h General Services Department from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. week-• day'> at (949) 644 -3055. .. Tuesday, January 7, 2003 A3 . Newport general plan process continues Subcommittee will consider resident input and decide what more to include in the updated draft. far reaching the update proc-"Should we be bringing this FYI June Casa1r ande Daily Pilot ess should be. thing into conformance with A subcommittee of Ule General Plan Update Committee will meet at 4 p.m. Monday in the small conference room of the main branch of the Newport Beach Public Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information, call (949) 644-3000. NEWPORT BEACH -fhe general plan update procei.s will officially enter ·its next phase Monday whel) a city subcommittee mee'\s to exam- ine residents' input ·on the city's future and to decide how The committee members' state law as we're updating'{ main goaJ Monday will be to Those aie 1he kinds of things consider what to include;in the they will look a t." Wood said. revised generaJ plan and what The city will also draft a let · matters should not factor into ter to send out to residents lhe generaJ plan update. For who served on the General example, said Assistant City Plan Advisory Cornrninee to Manager Sharon Wood, the determine how many of the city's public safety element is members of the disbanded ·currently out of date with state comm ittee are still available 10 law. Committee members wilJ serve the city. Those willing decide whether to update the wiU be as~ed to tak·e part in re· public safety element at th.is · viewing drafts of the updated time or whether to focus on is-general plan and to provide ~ues more prevalent in resi-further guidance and input for dents' minds. the city. The next phase of the gen- eral plan update process will be drafting the revii;ed docu- ment.. Woodie Tescher of plan- ning and envirqomentaJ con- sulting firm EIP Associates is the contrac;tor who will head up this phase of the process. SA VE MONEY! SAV E TIME! With the D aily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS CALL 642-5678 luXURY ls Yours Today At Ve Affordable Prices! • Semi-Private for Men & Women • Lots of EquipmenVFree Weights • Pilates Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater-Licensed • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers • Child Care Sam-noon M -F • Ample & Convenient Parking • Yoga. Tai Chi, Stretch classes • Step. Power Pump, Card10 • Showers. Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • Permanent Make-Up • Shape Up Hair Care Acupunture/Accupressure Welln_ess Clinjc • Wei ht Watchers TM FULL BAR COCKTAILS MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST . COSTA MESA · 949·64S·7626 @j~ Floral & Gifts 50 % OFF TOPIARI ES AND WREATHS l Garlands & Arranp,emelll.~ Christmas Home Decor• Gifb Complimentary Gift Wrap Mon-Fri 10-6 •Sat J0-5 •Sun 11-4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa • (949) 646-6745 (Across from Ralph~ I "Over 50 Years off ine Quality" All Types of Window Treatments • Valances & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • Vertica.ls • Shutters • Bedspreads Complimnt11ry Co1Ulllt11tio11 ;,, Yo"r Ho~ 20<Y., * I .il111r .\ °'ldtdul I .aim,, OFF 11 1!11 :•,;, ,,!11: l11•u.1r, I 1 ~11•1> ~L~ DESIGN CENTE R Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd., Costa Me-.a ~~~ (949)6 4 2 -8400 ~~::~....:. Snvi11t tiN Comm-ity for 30 JU" PHILLY C HEE.SE 0 FAMOUS STEAK SANDWICH ITAUAN SUB Chei« •/Silk s.J.J'" Prnrh Frio Orange Coast College offers you ••• $3~ BROCCOLI CHEF.SE SOUP Countless Possibilities! No matter what your goal is,·it's a good bet that OCC has a program to get you there. We offer more than 200 different transfer and career OJ!tions. We11 get you to a university-we rank second out of California's 108 community colleges in transferring students to four-year universities. We11 prepare you for an exciting career-Our career programs are second-to-none! Thousands of our alums work for large, medium and modest-size businesses, corporations, high-tech firms, hotels, hospitals and medical facilities around the country. Our s'mart Classrooms and Labs are fully wired. Our spectacular new Arts Center is a national model. Our beautiful campus is secure. Tuition for california residents is just S 11 per unit. Go online or call now for registration information. We'll help you get there. Spring classes begin Monday~ February 3 · orangacoastcol~aga .com MARINATED Tlu-TIPs $422tb . BoNEI.FSS BEEF CHuCKROAST $3~1b . • a a u M Tuesday, Janoary. 7,-2003 OVERRULE Continued from Al J ln the same light, be was un· bending in the fact that b1s business is an integral, and le· gal, part of the project and be refused to deJete a separate en- city code. Recent changes to this trance to the office area from small area, once called the "19th his plans. He also refu$ed to Street Transitional Overlay chan.ge the title to designate a Z.one." have turned a normally purely residential use of his routine home remodel lnto a test home, saying he bought the of a contentious council zoning property because of its dual decision. functionality. Under the new zoning -t NI am not going to sign off.on which reverts the area back to its anything that .will... effectively low density zoning in an attempt take my business out of the to revive the residential feel -house, N Hernandez said. expansio'n of any home-oper· Hernandez's initial proposal ated business In that specific was denied by city Z.oning Ad· area is prohibited. However, a ministrator Perry Valantine and purely residential home addition then appealed to the Planning would be permitted, according Commission at the request of to city code:.. Councilman Gary Monahan. The second-story addition is Planning Commission Chair not for hjs business, Hernandez Kalrina Foley. who was charac· said, but to make more space for teri.zed during election season by his family. Under his proposal, Monahan as being opposed to the space designated for his second·story additions. was the business was actually decreased lone supporter. of the two-story 10 make roo m for more livable remodeling project and aid she space. he said. Hernandez said viewed it as an anempt by Her- he sunply wanted to maintain nandez to build his dream the current sl.Zt' of his business. house. while improving his home and Her colleagues did not agree the sw;roundmg neighborhood. and Hernandez was denied his FYI reque t. Monahan appealed the decision again and brought It before the City Council, which enacted the zoning chapge that has muddied the waters. In 1965, a portion of West 19th Street was designated a "transi· tional area" in the anticipation of a 19th Street bridge over the Santa Ana River. At that time, city officials sald the bridge would re- quire a gradual change in the ex· isthlg properties from low-den· sjty residential to commercial 11se. a staff report says. The area maintained its resi· dential zoning but an additional utransltional layer" was created to allow businesses to be nm from the properties. The transi- tional area runs from 854 to 1014 W 19th St -even numbered properties only-and 1903 Fed- eral Ave. Council members voted in early June to return the residen- tial feel to the street now that the city is in the process of re- moving the bridge from official plans. An added provision of the zone change allows the 10 exist- mg businesses in the 31-prop- erty area to continue op.erating \ f.nde6nJtely, but bars them from expanding the busioess or sell- ing their house for a different commercial use. SI.nee the council's unanimous vote to rerum the former •19th Street Transitional Overlay l.one• to a p~ residential neigh9()rhood -blocldng the opening of any business that ls not already established -more questions about code enforce· mem and property values and rights have been raised. officials bavesaJd. Qty Manager Alan Roeder said members of the Planning' De- partment started scrtltiniz:ing details of the zoning change the day after the council's vote. What would happen if a property owner, who also happens to run a business from his home, wanted to remodel his house? He would have the right to do so un· der a purely resldendal zone, but would be prohibited from using the den for business purposes, officials sald. • LOUTA HARPER covers Costa Mesa. She may be reached at (9491 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolits.hsrper@lstimes.com. LIGHTS Contmued from Al sports park suffered its biggest QUESTieN setback when contractor Castel· Do you think the ---The Parks, Beaches and lo Inc. reneged on the deal due commlulon lhould Recreation Commission will I ? • to financial problems. A July extMd lghting meet at 7 p.m. tonight in Ci!)' 2002 deadline proved too arnbi-hours at the five Council Chambers at City Hall, field 1 c 11 ww ... ~ • Dally Pltot PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS . Woman still critical after 2-story fall alcohol were involved. "There were olhef people in the room who witnessed lhe incident," he said. "It just seems to be an unfortu- nate accident." Hearing delayed for fonner city worker A 29-year-old woman re· mained in critical condition Monday after she jumped on a bed and fell out an A pretrial hearing for open window by accident Trenton Veches. the for. early Friday morning, offi-mer Newport Beach re- el~ said. creation coordinato r ac- The woman. whose name cused of sucking young has not been released be· boys' toes, was postponed cause her family hasn't been to Feb. 2. notified, was attending a Veches, who was ar- party Thursday night at a rested in April, awaits a home in the 200 block of criminal trial on 28 felony Walnut Street. said Newport counts of lewd contact Beach Police U . John Klein. with minors and one mis- The incident happened demeanor count of po') at about 3 am. Friday. ses mg child pornography when the woman was He has pleaded not guilty jumping on a bed in a sec-to aU charges. ond-story room. he said. The 32-year-old Hun "She fell out the window tmgton Beach resident and hit her head on the quit his job after the aJle· sidewalk." Klein said. gauons. He 1s being held 1n She suffered severe head Orange County jail in lieu injuries· and was taken to' of a SS,00,000 bail. Mission Hospital in Mission La,st month, parents of Viejo, where she remains in three young boys allegedly critical condition. he said. molested by Veches sued Klein !>aid investigators the city for negligence and are not sure yet if drug!> or negligent hiring. The Newport I I arbor Ba.sebalJ 3300 Newport Blvd. For more tious and city officials now esti-• a our Assn. is asking for lights at Mari-information, call (9491 644_3000. mate' that the park will be fully Readers Hotli.ne at (949) 642-6086 ' ners Park until 9 p.m. on vanous .. open in late spring or early or ~en~ e-mail_to ~ays be~~tl'.! ,~eb_,_ 19 and lune_ -'-6t1rg.._, _hct ·-·.:.z--• .,.,.. ~!!l!':,.~.~t~~~U~L.t'lff .$;1~~~~~~~':,~~a:~.r. .-J.QU~ fl~ES I!). ..._ ---oar nave iuu!r"Our upcomm~ spons -season: • OS ... 'A MESA "W • · · · th th I · "''" th ti Id Th gh · _._ . d hometown and phone number. C ,, ere !lot anllc1pa?ng at ere p aymg, .. utuU.mg . e 1e s ou most wou. ts one for verification purposes only. • Baic.t StrMt: A any of these reque ts will be very we do have, RecreatJon and there. they say that the new commercial borglary was controversial. but at Mariners Senior Services Director Marie grass planted In the infields and reported in the 1000 bl<><* at Park. there Will have to be some Knight said. other park areas must solidly damaged by its teams. 11:10 a.m. Sunday. discussion wt th the neighbors," The addiuonal lightJng 1s take root before players are al-"Anyone who goes out lhere • w.st Bay StrHt: A said Andrea McGutre of the citys needed panJy becau!>e youth lowed on it. and sees that grass would agree hit·and-<un was reported '" Recreation and Senio r Service'> sports keep grow}ng in popular-But Newport Beach Little there} no reason for us to wait a the 300 bf<><* at 1:58 p.m. Departm ent. ity. pushing the boundaries of League boa.rQ member John Del-wholl year to get on those base· Sunday. Unllke Lhe other parks m ques-what local fields can accommo· la Grotta" disagrees. He plans to ball fields." Della Grona said. • Bristol Street: Petty theft lion, Manne~ Park does not date. But part of the crunch 1s ask the commission to let the was reported in the 2900 have lights. The basebaJJ assoc1a· also due to the delayed o pening league play this season at Bonita •JUNE CASAGRANOEcovers bf<><* at 1:40p.m. Sunday tion would UM' portable lights at of the Bo nita Canyon 5portS Canyon: The 7-to 12-year-old Newp0rt Beach and John Wayne • Herbor Boulew~: Grand Manner!<i, as 11 did in the i.pring Park. • players don't weigh much, he Airport. She may be reached at theft was reported in the 2300 when 'iom c neighbors did la.kc Originally scheduled to open said. and the league always re-{9491574-4232 or by e-mail at bled: at 4:39 p.m. Sonday issue With hgh1ing the park in ApnJ 2001. the $7-inilhon plants infield grass when its june.csssgrande@la~lm#J$.COm • Herbor Boulevard and Wilton Street A WINDS Continued from Al Edi'>on crew\ w11J prioritize outages that pose the greate'>t public hazar~. said Kim Scherer, an &hson !>poke'>woman. "At this point, we don't know exaclly how long it's going to take to wrap it up." she said. "The outages are spre,ild throughout the cities and it is difficult to pinpoint i.pecific ar· eas." Newport-Mesa public safety agencies were also busy taking calls from anxious cesidents. Police officers manned inoper· able traffic lights. There were no major incidents reported as a result of the outages, but drivers like Steve Stafford sure believed it was Ncraxy out there." off thelr moorings." said Deputy Herbert Siegmund. "Earlier (on Monday). a sport fisher got tom off the docks. N The Harbor Patrol issued a small-craft advisory late Sunday night that will remain in effect today. GustS of 60 mph also shut down the Balboa Ferry on Mon· day. The winds are expected to last at l~t until this afternoon, said Frank O'Leary, meteorologist at the National Weather Service in San Diego. commercial burglary was reported at 3:16 p.m. Sunday. • Maple Street: An auto theft was reported in the 2100 blod< at 7:38 a.m. Sunday. • Wm 19th Street An auto theft was reported in the 800 bl<><* at 11 :55 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Acade and Fourth avenues: An auto theft was reported at 12:02 p.m. Sunday. • Avocado Avenue: A h1t·and·run was reported m the 1400 blodt at 10:47 a.m Sunday • Bison Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 1200 bfodt at 10: 17 a.m. Sunday • Herbor Crest ~rct.; A burglary was reported in the 1600 bf<><* at 9:48 am. Sunday • Irvine Avenue· A hit-and·run was reported '" the 2200 bl<><* at 3.55 p.m Sunday • Jetty Drive: Annoying phone calls were reported 1n the 100 blod< at 8:21 p.m Sunday. • MacArthur Boulevard end Bonita C.nyon Drive: Vandalism was reported at 8: 16 a.m. Sunday. • M1riners Drive: A commercial burglary was reported in the 2100 bl<><* at 4:20 p.m Sunday "It's pretty bad," he said. talk- ing on a cell phone. while the wind howled in the background. Stalford said he had just driven down Bristol Street and the lights were out at the lrvine Avenue, Campus Drive and Jamboree Road intersections. "It's 10 times worse because the wmd is blowing off the four- way stop signs at the blacked· out intersections," he said. wNo one'!. stopping, people are trying to beat each other and it's kind of scary." "We have a high·wind warning for all areas through (this) morn- ing," he said. Balmy tempera- tures -in lhe high 70s -can also be expected. as always, with the Santa Ana winds, O'Leary said. OBITUARY 1/Uf (}U/l; ~ AVILA CHI CKE SOUP Fresh chicken broth, chunk<. of chicken breast. rice garnished with avocado, cilantro anJ lime. Mama's cure for the flu. Great To-Go Costa Mesa 642-1142 Corona del Mar 644-TACO Newport Beach 675-6855 fu 32 VP-ii~. Family Owned. Family Operated Eurnly L.1 lVPd • I . . • J t' ~I~ :r • \ I .... ;' ' rf 5 ~· : \.. ~ • : ,.. t. ~. • • \ j '.: ' • Hu"r·r~1.,'. .. t' 1·~ • L.,~ .. t-!•", • '>.1··• • i·.· ,,,,,.,,.,,.,,.,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • V1M1 FLOORING ·~!!~ i 1iwf1!••:,:.J SOLARIAN ~ALA~ SOLID BAAZJUAN MOHAWK DENSE PLUSH HARDWOOD CARPET Cherry'1 Pearl F'nlsh s5~~ 10'1WSlan.F•* 1 e,9* NdW.--=.., .. p1o T~ 1e· x 18' ............................................................ 93.M ~t Cenlnio lie ...................................................... "*"'11/ tom u "' L.arnlr\ate ~ ................. ., •.••.•. ,,., ................... ..,,,,.,,_,, "'" '--·r-us-. t ·' • Orange County Sheriff's Har- bor Patrol deputies worked over· time Monday on two fireboats and ~everal patro l boats. uwe've had several boats drift VERDICT Continued from Al over the years but tend to plant what I Wee to eat -some sweet com, beU peppers, string beans and tomatoes. Do I grow tomatoes. I grow so many tomatoes that about halfway through tomato season, all my neighbors hide under the beds when they see me coming. They probably have a party when I pull out the last tomato bush .. Each year. at the e nd of the season, I promise myself not to plant so many tomatoes, and I start off on the right foot. buying one or two Early Girts and planting them. A few weeks after they're In, I get a couple of rrudseason tomatoes. A few weeks after that. I add some late season tomatoes. And then, J 'don't know what happens but. by June, I've got a tomato j'UngJe out there, and the neigbbors a.re all making desperate vacation plans. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (9491 574-4226 or by e·mall at deepa.bhsrsth@latimes.com. This year, I have promised myself to be d.isdpUned, and to help me keep this promise. I have taken some of the &pace l usually use for tomatoes and planted artichokes.. I grew artichokes for years. I had four plants in the backyard that produced bumper crops each year, and everyone raved about their flavor. Other gardeners begged me for my secreL I hated to tell them that It was a beagle named Sam. The artichokes were his favorite watering spoL After Sam died, the artichokes were never the same, and I finally pulled them out Now, I've planted new ones, and I have great hopes for their success. After all, I am once again the owner of a beagle. My neighbors will be dellrlous with joy when they see me coming over with something besides tomatoes. 1bat ls, if they don't know the secret of my artichokes. • R08ERT GAN>NER la a COfon1 del Mar resident 1nd a former judge. Hl1 column run• Tunday1. AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN ltema to the Delly Pllot. 330 W. Bey St, Costa M .... CA 92621: by fex to (949) 646-4170; or by ctlllng (949) 674-4298. lncJude tht time,~ and tocatlon of tht event,•• W9U •• • coni.ct phone number. A comp6ett ll1ting la ev.ilebl9 It www.dallypllot.com. TODAY The COfW .. Ms~"' Commercit ~"hold ... monthfy boerd of cfft'eCW'I mMdrlo .. 7: 15 1.m. In the chamber o1flce. The o~ la It 2865 E. Coast Highway. Sutt. 101. For more lnfonnatfon. call (949) 873-4060. The Nwtport Herbor""" ""'"' Ttec::httt ~.and the Newpoft BMd\ Pollot °'Ptrtmtnt wtll host • Pl'9nt educetion Jnttmet Mfety di• from 7 to I p.m. It l.ollta Thublf. The thNt9r la on 1ht Hewpoft Hetbor t4'gh School c.npue at eoo IMne Jwe. No ......... fftt. fOf moN '"'°""9don, call (141) ... ,.., Charlene &lmondson Services for SO.year Costa Mea resident Owiene P.dmoncMC>n will be held at noon ~esday at Pacific View Cllapel. Mrs. f.dmol\CUon died ThW'Sday. Sbe WU 74. She is survived by husband Bill E.dmooc:Mon; sons Doug Mears and Gtq Lawte; stepeOns John and Don edmond.son; brother Jack Mc.OmLel; sisters Joanna Hacbnburg. Willie Jordan and f1on kime; and m grandchi1dren. David John Martin .. Services for Corona del Mar resident David John Martin will be h~d at 11 :30 a.m. n1ursd&y at Out Lady Queen of Angell catholic Oiurch In Newpon Beach. ML Cwt1n died Sunday of congestive heart failure. He Wat 67. He is survived by wile Joy TuthweU-C\l.nJn; IOD David Claris Curtin: daughter Michelle Curtin; andonegrandtt.usbttt. • The Dally Pilot ~coma obltu1rle1 for rea1dent1 or .. former '"~co.ia M ... end New n 8-d\. H YOO Wint to tim en obilUery prlnttd in lh• Piiot. ._your mortuary to fax U1 O'i Information at (Ml) ....,.170 or call the new1room .. (Ml 7~24. ' .. . . FORUM ' .J_. • HOW TO G_ET PU~ -L..ttws: Mail to Editorial Page Editor James Meier at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ~ Hodine: Call (9491 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mtll.Send to darlyplloti§latimes.com • All oorrespondfnce must include full name, hometown and phone number (tor venfication purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarrty and length LEITER TO THE EDITOR Veches lawsuits not frivolous T he law defines a Proof of this point of • mvolo~ .. • lawsuit as view is obvious '" the presenting no Declaration of debatable question" to lhe Independence written by coun. Your editorial Thomas Jefferson in I n6. dissuading the parents of Note the first point is the abused children from accent on the individual seebng redres.s before lhe and the second is the idea citizens of Orange County of a Social Contract: is shameful ("l.et fustice be "We hold these truths to done in the criminal · be self-evident, that all men courts." Sunday). are created equal, that they Employers are ·are endowed by their responsible for U1e actions Creator with certain of their employee The unalienable rughts, that abuses occurred al the among thes&are Life, employer's premises, the Uberiy and the pursuit of abuses occurred because Happiness. -That to the employer sought and secure these rights, placed children with the Governments are instituted abuser. The employer among Men, deriving their specifically placed the JUSI powers from the abuser in a position that consent of the governed, - the abuser would have That whenever any Form of access to the children and Government becomes placed upon the abuser the destructive of these ends, it i.eal of approvaJ such that · ~ the rught of the People lo parents would have faith alter or co abolJsh il, and to and trust that the employer institute new Government, would never le1 anything laying its foundation on occur 10 their child. It such principles and matters not that the organizing its powers in employer was the ciry of such form. as to them shall Newport Beach, it could !>eem most liJcely to effect weU have been the Catholic their Safety and OlUrch. The actions of the Happiness.· employee were made This is our view, we are possible by the employer by not a socieiy thar ignores providing ace~. location the rights or even one man and fostering a belief in the or one child for the greater parents that th.is was a safe good, we are created equal place 10 let your children and we have a contract play. Accordingly. the case with our government that it is not "frivolous.· governs from the consent What astoun~ me of the people -one man. however is the fact the Daily one vote., Pilot would t:ry to influence The idea of tort reform is the parents from seeking a an idea of placing caps on fair hearing of their claims. what someone may recover. The mono of the newspaper It is an idea of obliterating should be "lo seek the the philosophical heritage truth." Seeking the truth is of our country. It says that noth1ng more than what a individuals do nol maner. lawsuit will do. Unlike the Despite the fact the doctor newspaper, the lawsuit sawed off the wrong leg. allows for the power of th.is legless person's pain subpoena the power of and suffering. his mental deposition. the power for anguish should nor be the citizens to determine considered because some what the standard will be in group of people -either our communiry. Do we as a doctors. either insurance communiry what to have companies or either whom our gmemment place sick ever you name, but twisted people m positions someone else is better than of trust? 'lhJst over our that individuru. This leaves children? The burden is on the least among us, the the parents to prove their person who cannot fight. case, have faith m the the person without their system. The city has rejected I~ having nothing to their claims and now must stand on in court. You. I, or stand in judgment anyone of our friends could Personally, I would like to be that legl~ person. know the facts. I would like Ronald Reagan used to to know that our of this teU the story o( the starfish. bad, good can come. The 1be storm comes ln and ii dty can learn to find how washes up all these starfish lrenton Michael Veches on the shore. A person is slipped through the cracks. seen on the beach pJcklng I would liJce to know just up the starfish and how many more Newport throwing them back into Beach employees. officers, the water. If they remain on teachers, or others that ~ the land o( course they <fie. trust our children to have The job of just picking up similar tendencies. Has one at a time Is futile Newport Beach changed because there are so many anything in the way it hires thouunds starfish that employees? What has have been washed up. A changed? Or, has nothing passerby says: "Why are change4 apd we are all now you doing that. It won\ do sdll at risk? · any good; there are just too I am an attorney. I am a many that your efforts don't parent I have no inten:st iit matteL • The person on the this case, but I have a shore. dlk pleb up a strong f'aJth in our jury starfish and throws it back system. The editorial into the water saving its life published ls just one of says, "It mattered to that many attempt& to limit our one." cMJ rights. lbere has been Each of us matter. Turt great publicity or late for refonn is not the "ton reform." Our country philosophy or lndivtdual was founded upon the rights but ls abhomnt to principle of lndMdual such rights. We need to freedoms. Turt reform ls place the accent on the founded upon the prindple lndMduaJ not on transient or "the p:eatelt good for the problems that ~ the greatest number of people." fouodalion of our country. That philoeophy means Aa for the dty of Newpon that the indMdual does not Beach. they need to be matter. Our gownunent. accountable to ua. 1bat our foundation u a oa.don. accountabWty requlla , hu always been one man. them to answer bow it is one vote. That a penon is c:bildreo ended up In the an end \Dlto tbemM!Ya. hands of an._., whom ll b the Communi.t or they e.mpaa,ed and whom Soda1lat ~OF they pWed 1n cbqe o1 good OYet' the ta ot the dlildren. lndMdul1. It ta .MIES D. DM.Y democladc ~-;-one Calta Mela men. one wee-that piece. the aocent 00 the lndMdull and tbaJ eedi . lodMdtuil hit ..... • Jemee 0. OtMy ...... ..,,.., wfttl e prectice In~ 8-1\. MAILBAG Charges against Leece are unfair and unfounded Standing on tfie moral high ground seems the easy way out for Charlotte Alexander as she blasts fonner Newpon-Mesa School Board trustee Wendy 1..eece as "obstructionist~ in her letter to the editor on Jan. 4 (Mailbag, Saturday) . What was laughable was Alexander's contentJon that there was "no liberal representing Orange Countians in local or state government." Iler assertion 1ha1 "arch-conservatives· run everything represents !be portion of the electorate that virtually hasn~ got a clue. lnstead of dealing directly with the Issues -wciaJ engineering; taxes; application of fundJ. for non-educational concepts; free condom distribution; political peer correctnes'>; sociaJ curriculum dictated by the 1eachel"'.' union; zero tolerance policies; lack of emphasis on student excellence; and bureaucratic pay rai!ieS or use of state funds for building-classrooms rather 1han dedica~ed to increasing student tei.1 -.cores -what might ee her opinions here? An·h what? Suggesung that anyt>nc with "fundamentalist" religious leaning., offers no logical position on the is--.ue!> i'> bigotry and unfounded accusation al bes1. Lcece served eight years on the Mf)ool qoard - she has a aack record. Name callin~ her as the "obstructionist" ..eems a weak argument against her suggei.ted polic1~. Reading between the line!., AJexander should have just said: "Values don't ma11er. Realiry doesn't mailer. and I don't like people who have religio~ beliefs.· While Alexander I!> cenainly ent1tJed to her opinions -she should probabty run for school board the nex1 1irne -there is no doubt she would fit right in with the current adm.in.i.st.ralion and get the <,uppon of the teachers' union. RON ANO ANNA WINSHIP Newpon Beach . Thanks goes out to the Newport Wendy Leece 1s a former Newport-Mesa School Board trustee &ach Fire Department In the early hour., of New Year's DJy there wa!> a fire in my neighborhood, the Bluffs. I was standing next 10 the owner of the burning home when a member of the Newpon Beach Fire Department came to ask her about her cat which was trapped inside. He wanted to know where the cal was last seen. Someone went in and retrieved the cal, which had been overcome with smoke The fueman reponed that they had found the cal and were giving it oxygen I le then had to report the sad news tha1 the cat did not make it. He said tl h ad not been burned but death was due to the smoke inhalation. He wa<. 1.0 caring and '>O ltind in a tough situation I do not know his name, but I was extremely LOlpre!>c;ed with his concern and approach. JOYCE DUNIGAN Newport Beach An inve ligation is imperative in Newport Beach Re: The Newport Reach l.ity Council flecuom. I reaJJy need 10 .t,.._ the quesuun. whether or noc you were paying attention in your high !>chool and tollege U.S. History and government cla'>~t·' l>1d you miss the chapter<, on muckraker' and refonners of the progre'>!>I\ e era all of those things? l 1hink our founding fathers and theS'e people would turn over in Uleir graves if there wa-.n'1 an investigation into this kjnd of thing We have censure. impeachment, cenam things hke that wriuen m10 our con'lli1ution. So, of cour'>e. an invest1gat1on into Newport Beach\ c uy Council 1s warranted. When the Daily Pilot repon'> tha1 1he calb wouJd not have affecll'd ahe ra<:e. take a look al the total amount ca<,1 in Ridgeway'<; race, of all the cand1dJ1e ... .tnd then take a look al the cotal amount ta'>t in Adams' race. You'll find 1ha1 about 500 people choo,e not to vule for anyone a1 all I low come? I hey all hJd 1he same ballot'> \Vhy did 1hc} leave that one blank. when ll cam e to rhe Adam'> rall'. wherea.., the)' made -.ome decisions in the Ridgeway race. STUDENT OUTLOOK BelaU't your new..,paper endor<,ed 1he-.e ra.nd1da1e .. 1., 1h.-. "h\ 'ou re 1n1ng 10 throw off and d.-.couragl' the 1> ... 1nc1 Altorney\ 1nve.,tigat1un' I ht'rt· ., nu exru .. e for 1h1., kind of goH·rnmcnl If we do excuw 111..., 1h,m Wt' rt' no bener than the governmenh in 1he \l1ddle l.a.,t Laun Amem:a and Afrlld l lw t·nd' do nol 1u:.11fy 1he mean'> I h..ii'' \ l'n 1mporldnl to Amt•rn.a and 11\ tht• lrecdom thJI we en1oy ~u tl "> 1mportan1 thal \\l' ha\t' hullt''' repre .. en1at1ve'> and 11' 1111p11nant 1h.11 1hey be abO\e board \fayhe lht·rt'\ .t rea.,on wh\ lh« I Ii H'.tr old' don 1 gu oul 10 vote. Maybl' they Jll'l don·1 1 ru'I anybody in olfite We tan I gt\ e up on dl·m1Krift \ \\1· 'l' gol lu gu aht·ad .ml.I make 'lift' 1ha1 '"' haH· 1he he'l repre,enlall\l'' pu...,1bl1• and thl') -.hould bt' ahu\t' ho.m.l .111d 1lw1r inveMigauon mu,1 go on .,o 1ha1 wt h,t\l' hone .. 1 repre,enlall\1·-. and ihc\ gt•I 1ru11 office hont'.,tlv . I JU!>I wanted lo go on rt•cord 111.11 I think that an 1mt•,t1ga111m 1' \\arr.u11nl NANCY GANNON Resolutions for a lifetime A s I watched from my hotel room 1he fireworu over CentraJ Park. I was filled with that feeling that you ge1 from loolcing at blank pages, empry room.'> and photos that came out black. It is that scared tingle or possibiliry. The emotion that questions most everything around llli, that thing that makes us reason with ope contemptible and comfortable surroundings. l stood on that freezing terrace letting the chilled wind brush up against my face thinldng of a new year, thinking or last New Year's when I had no Idea that my grandfather would get sick. that a close friend would <fie or that I would start writing this column. After the fireworks had stopped illuminating the sky and the good people of New York had stopped blowing horns and screaming. the party settled down, and talk started about that clich~ statement that must be brought up. The word itself trlvtall:r.es the true meaning or what they are and how they can affect u The "resolutions" that we make are a dasslc and urualistic tradJtJon that never wodui.. As 1 sat tbinJclng or mine. I thought of bow no matter what l promlled myself that somehow I would not follow through. Everyone~ with me that almost~ single reeohrtion had been broken within me ft1'lt few da~ of the aac:red promhe. ~ are a cMllt.adon of talk. goeaip and prornMe. We all rftd t.blotds. g'Oaip and jucf8e.. Maybe ii WU the opeoq of Pandoca• bas or an lnlUnct that llel within Ill of UL W. Ill calk .OOUt hOw we want co go tO cbie om. hCJW M want lo be k!nder. OOC am. tm a fdp CO I~ or )Ult ID be a .,.... .,.....,. w... ... It miry bit. tbme litde loM.nl "'cu IMt'I tn ow °"" ..,.., k somewhat always beautiful, and our fathers affiuent We were broken. Why can't we a generation born 10 luxury, where home get our act together? ls it computers and where ~ access reigned. that we have ao fajth in ~ are born without a causi We haw no our own stamina. that war, not yet.. to fight. no great ambition. our confidence is jusr a because most' of us ha~ been banded our fai;ade we apply in fate the momenl we are conceNed. we Ne public? born unto this world as adults. Some are Commibnent is this ignored by parents and ~ aanniE'5 to ..__.... ........... .._ _ _, scary word that seems watch over them. We rea1i:t.r that our MICHAEL A. WALEK to bring on so many parents are human, stumbling along in um negative connotations. world j~ like PVeryone dse. and we are no CommJtment to our better or no wor.>e. resolutJons. to our wives l had no idea what last year was and family. to our 1ob. and to·oursefVes, all supposed to bold for me, but as I look hack of these things bring lo mind a small box on it maybe these New Ve-ac' resolutioru with the wall do ing in. Why do I, and are not chotefl with a hand fiDed with a almost everyone, shirk away from the champagne Oukr or an air filled w\lh fire. obligation of Ufet Am I Oa.ke. ;w we all but maybe life dlO<>Sel our changes. In life Oakes in modest ways? Some don't do t~ ls no such thing a constant -~ things because it doe<in't help them. but all dwlgl! every day. That what ~ l( it Is for our own benefit. we awid lt interesting It is ~safe, quiC!t, or at all eo5ts. It is hard 10 go to the gym. It peaceful. or t~ or 1C81), 1t )~ hard to top eating Snkken. and ft is really unpredictable.. hard 10 be nice to the worid. but in life If I mallttd we are I t the dty of Ntiw things ~rm't bard then f'\"ety guy would ~ we are comtandy buzzing. and wbco have.a ton of money.~ girt would ml ~are wounded the oo}y th&og we can do out those tops. and ~would 1ook is grt bact up and kttp n aDd be lib a model But. ui n\ (air and to better thlA · ain be fn&htemna achieve ~ goals It t acrious and edlillndQg depmding on the ~doo ckdk4doo that moo people aren't ~ you are in. We att morutd and ptid tnro tohaw. aoewformotday,tMwe ~ Someone once me \\bid'*.~ c11J Mayt>e lbe Niohltiorw lbal with my geoeradon. 1 bed ao Idea. fl II Mid we lhould n\9b lft to tel • .,..,. m. to to name IOOdq that JOU I pert 0(. 90 bi open to the pcwlillty Of IOUJCM RM NOi embedded In h. lhat you l'elltR you n .l.e to tDlb GOI night & )W ~ - ~..,,....of the ptobatlm. My • but ewsy day. ~-Cho~bamallbl ~ phw al pmwa .._, i.w.1 cm •....,... .... _,,.a.• S..,.Hllldm ciiWl!lua ~lbipld .__ lhllil ~flam ._"°"9.._~.,. ....- twwh °'" mcJffwn ........ ,,. .. .,,. ~"""'In ... """"' lldiDl1 • QUOTE OF THE DAY "I think this game will set the tone for our league performance." TMnl It.,., Estancia girts basketball coach M Tuesday, .laooary 7, 2003 Spotts Editor Roaer Carlson • (9491574-4223 • Spof1s Fax: 1949) 650-0170 EYE OPENER Daily~Pik>t 111 Janu~ 13 hooOrte MArr BROESAMLE Daily Piiot PREPS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL ·Paper. chase begins Newport-Mesa prep sports teams, spread ever more thinly, p lay game of catch them if you can. I n the age of instant information technology and world-wide interfacing, It bas, somehow, become more and more difficult to keep traclc of the prep sports 'Scene that envelopes Newport-Mesa schools. As the new year unveils the beginning of league competition for winter sports, including boys and girls basketball and boys and girls soccer, I'm asked to start BARRY constructing FAULKNER .some context ¥Ound tt:iJ.s ~ competition, as it relates to ' • Newport-Mesa teams. In recent years, before the advent of Sage Hill md releaguing, that 'meant compiling, processing and analyzing information involving two leagues. It was a comprehensive, yet largely manageable task. But, the days of having three schools in a six-school Pacific Coast League, along with following Newport Harbor in the five-school Sea View League, are, I lament, as passe as the video cassette. Now, breaking down the projected fortunes of boys and girls basketball teams alone, involves five local schools. four · leagues. with a combined 25 schools, for each gender. Even the unique benefit of having more. than one local school in the same league (Costa Mesa and Estancia reside in the Golden West League), is eroded See PREPS, P11e A8 Above, Estancia's Tyler Hoffman goes strong to the hoop past Westminster's Jesse Vargas during Monday nighf s Golden West League game. At right, Estancia's Matt Cachola beats Westminster's Jeff Jones on a breakaway. Estancia's Eagles won, 65-29. PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL Estancia 's climb begins at the top SEAN t«.l.ER I OM.Y Pl.OT ~ Trishl wne (14), In earlier action aealnst La Quint.a, Is a key~ fOf Estlncil, which opens leque play tonight --~ Five-time defending Golden West League champion Westminster visits Eagles tonight. Barry F1ulkner Daily Pilot v The Estancia High girls basket- ball team, which returned its top three players from last year's Pa- cific Coast League co-champion, won't have to wait long to see how it stacks up against Golden West League competition. First-year coach TumJ Rappa's Eagles (5-8) tip off thelr first sea- son in the Golden West League tonight at 7 at home against ftve- time defending league champion Westminster. "We open with the highest competition," said Rappa. whose team comes In with a seven- game losing trealc and plenty to prove. "I think this game will set the tone for our league perform- ance. We've been on a losing streak. but, hopefully, we'U come ready to play." The Eagles, who went 9· 1 in the PCL fast season to earn a share of the program's first league title In 11 seasons, are led by aenlon XDch.ltl Byfteld and 11aha Gray, as well u junior 1'r1.lha Wue. Byfteld, 1 5-foot-8 forward. Is averaatng l2.5 poln"' this season and leads the team wtth 14 three·poi.ilten.. She WU I ftnt· team All·PO. perf~ last tea· ton. after eaminC eecond·team all-leag\Je laurels as a 'iOpho· more. Gray, a 5-9 post player, is aver- aging 9.5 points, but appears to be 'rounding back into form after being hampered by an ankle in- jury that sidelined her for two games early in the season. She scored 22 points in the season opener, then sat out the next two contests. She scored 15 points in each of the F.agles' final two games before the team had a one-week break to prepare for league. Gray was also a first· team all-league selection last season, after earning second· team all-league recognition as a sophomore. Wase, who missed the F.agles' last two games while on vaca- tion, ls averaging 12.4 points this season with 10 three-pointers. The 5-4 point guard shared Player of the Year laurels in the PCl. last sea.son and has scored In double figures seven of her last eight contests. Junior Nancy Castro (6.5 points per game), sophomore Imelda Pena (3.6 ppg) and junior Krystal Mlno (3.5 ppg) have also contributed for the Eagles, who follow Tuesday's league opener with a 7 p.m. league game Thurs· day at Saddleback. Estancia avemged 56.3 polnts while opentng with a 5-1 record this season, but has averaged just 39.f during the aeven-game losing akein. . Wesunlnster, ranked No. 3 In OP Southern Section OMsion l·A. woo all eight leque pm SM EITMCM, Pill• A7 Estancia coasts . in league opener Eagles roll over Westminster, 65-29, to begin Golden West League run. 81rry F1ulkner Daily Pilot WESTMINSTER -There_ wasn't much doubt about the first Golden West League victory for the Estancia High boys basketball team and even less descent among opposing coaches afterward, concerning the Eagles' chances for success in the seven-team ctrCu.it. _,"It's always nice to start league with a win,· said Estancia Coach Ollis Sorce, who collected his first league-opening win in four seasons at the helm with a 65-29 . romp. "We now have 11 wins and, hopefully. we'U have 11 more." West.rrunster Coach Eiben Da- vis, in his first year with the Li - ons (3-9). after five seasons as the €orona del Mar High girls coach, was generous with praise for the Eagles ( 11 ·4). who scored the game's first mne points and never looked back. "Once you gel past (consensus league favorite) Ocean View, and I thin1c Estancia will give Ocean View a run for Its money, Estan· cia is ahead of the chase pack. .. Davis said. "(The Eagles) are very hard to stop. If you focu~ your defense inside on their big guys. they have shooters who can beat you from the outside. And they're very active in their w ne. They get their arms up.and they have some big guys to patrol the paint · The Westminster floor was Es- tanc1a's canvas Monday, as the visitors foUowed up the opening 9-0 burst with subsequent first- quaner runs of 5-0 and 6-0 to chum a 20-5 lead after eight nun- utes. The l..agles bad a pair of 7 -I runs m the second quaner. en route to a 37 -17 halftime lead, then clamped down even harder on defense after intermission. Wesuninster, winJess in eight league games last season. scored just three points In the third quarter, hitting just I of 10 field· goal attempts. The lions con- nected on just 11 of 51 from the field on the night (21.6%), as Es· tancia continued to build its lead to the very end. ·1 thought we did a nice job on the defensive end,· Sorce said. ·Any time you hold a team to less than 30 point.S. you're doing a good job. And I don't lcnow what their shooting percentage was. but it couldn't have been very good." The 29 points allowed tied a season-low for the Eagles, who had four scorers in double fig- ures to snap a three-game losing streak. • Sopho- more for- ward Carlos Pinto matched junior guard Tyler Hoffman. who . made tus lmt var- Estanc1a 65 s1ty stan, Westminster 29 with a team·h1gh t3 points, while 6-foot-8 senior center Joey Undqu1~1 and senior Zack NC7VU each scored 11, Sorce said Hoffman's msert.Jon in the starting lineup was pan of a continumg quest for the best chemistry among the team's pri· mary eight-player rotation. "We're still searching and evaluating." Sorce sald. ·we have seven or eight players who play most of our minutes, so tweak- mg here or there isn't going to lcnock us off kilter. I thought changing the lineup might even give us a jump-start.• Pinto (6 of 9). Hoffman (6 of 10) and NC7VU (4 of7) helped the Eagles hoot 51 % from the field (25 of 491. after the visuors shot 5 7 7% m the first half ( 15 of 26) Pinto matched Juruor Jordan Stroman with a team-high lll re- bounds. while NC7VU added five boards. three steals and two as- S15ts Juruor Scott Sankey added six points and five rebounds off the bench. while senior Erik Ander- sen (five boards) and senior point guard Matt Cachola (five assists and four points) were ad- ditional contribwors for the win- See EAGLES, P11• A7 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SOCCER DON LEACH I OM.Y Pl.OT Costa Mesa's Alfonso Pineda makes a move on an Ocean View defender as he pushes the ball into Mesa's zone. Seahawks rail y past Mesa, 4-2 Mustangs enjoy 1-0 halftime lead before Ocean View comes back with four goals in second half. COSTA MESA -It was a ta.le of two halva !or the Costa Me11 High boys soc- cer team Monday u the hott Mustanp enjoyed a 1-0 halftjme lead, but Ocean View rallied ror four goals In the second ball to earn a 4-2 Golden West League decision. David Barnett scored ln the 27th minute for C:O.ta Mesa to give Coach AntonJo Sallnu' Mustangs an edge after 40 minutes. But the Seahawb ecored two aollt early ln the second half and led the rest of the way. Jalrne Mardna had two goals for Ocean V1ew. ... MUA,, ... AI Daily P11ot SP 0 RT Tuesday Jc1nuar1 7 2003 A7 PRO TENNIS Bowen upsets top seed in Auckland Former Estancia star e njoys big doubles victory Monday to open ATP Tour season. Former Estancia High ten. nis standout Devin Bowen. who grew up playing at Mesa Verde Tennis Oub. won a match Monday for the career highlight list. Bowen, who played col- legiately at Texas Ouistian, and Italian partner Davide Sanguinetti teamed to shock the top-seeded doubles team of Donald Johnson and Jared Palmer. both Americans, 7 -5, 6·3, In the first round of the Heineken Open in AuckJand, New Zealand. A consistent doubles player on the Association of Tennis Profe!>s1onah Tour since 1994, Bowen entered this season with $368,362 in career earnings. The sea son-opening Heineken Open is among the event'> leadmg up to the Australian Open. the year's first Grand Slam. Bowen reached the third round at the Australian Open last year. Bowen, 30, has played 1n severaJ Grand Slam event'> in h1s·career. -By Richard Dunn • PH T JS 8 I KEM "REPTON DAI 'P' • Estancia's Jordan Stroman gets his shot off over the outstretched hand of Westminster's Frank Garduno. Carlos Pinto tries to put up a shot despite the defense of Westrrnnster's Luis Preciado. EAGLES Continued from A6 ners. Novak (two) and Pinto (one) netted three-pointers In the first haJf, which helped open things up Inside, Sorce said. HWe're a hard team to de- fend." Sorce said, "because we have balance. We can knock down the outside shot and we can score inside. H Estancia had half of the game's 30 turnovers, which fig· ures to help Sorce hold his players' attention at today's practice, the first of two in a fi ve-day span that features three league contests. HWe're still looking for im· provement," Sorce c;a1d. "It was a little rou~h . at tune!>. to· night. but we were pressing and going for -;ome .,teal!>. so you ha\e to take the good with the bad Fortunately for us. there was a liule more good than bad We'll try to iron out some kinks (today) and come back Wednesday and try to get another win again'lt Saddle- back (a 7 p.m. cla'>h at Estan· c1a)." HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL Goldell .. L......,. ~ 1115, w.trNnstlll a Sclofwbyau.t.r. Eatandl 20 11 '° 11 -• w.tmlnttar 11 12 3 • -21 &unda-Pinto 13, Novik 11, U~llt 11, Hoffman 13, Cachola _4..~llay 6. Stroman 3, AnderMn 2, E1CObedo 2. Viremontee 0, MelslnarO 3-pt. goal1 -Novik 2, Pinto 1 Fooled out-none. Tac:hnlcal1 -none. w.trNMW -V.rgae 5. Jonea !5. Ctlavarri1 !5, Moree 6, Preciado 3. O'Glacomo 2, Tune 2, Garduno 1. 3-pt. goala -V.rgae 1, Jonee 1. Fouled out -none. Tecnnk:ala -none. ESTANCIA Continued from AfJ . Nontaacue Tesoro 81, Saga Hm 47 Scora by au... ~a Hill • ' 12 to 11 • ~ TMOro 14 13 16 11 • lit &..,. Hll -Loper 5, Joyce 18, Wilkins 0, Fitzhugh 17. Cho 4, Brewer 2, l.Alfler 1. S..mel O. SweMOnO. 3-pt. goals-Joyca 5 Fouled out· none. Tedlnlcal1 -none Teaon>-Daley 4, Marion 241, KMoa c, Cawtiorne 12, Sheny 9, ~h 6, Demer 2. 3•pt. goal• -Marion 2, Keough 1. Fooled out -i<.ough. Tedlnlcal1 -none. County and No. 3 ln ClF Divi· slon 0-M . on Dec. 30 at the Costa Mesa Winter Oasslc. Bla· va Arganda scored 20 potnu for the Uons ln that game. whUe each of the last rwo seuona Rochelle &trada added 14. and the Uons advanced to the Cotta Mesa (7·6) opens its Clf otvJ: Ion l·A elniflnals I t fttst Golden West campaign to· season. wheo they ftnlahid nJcht at 7 at Ocean View, before 23·5. .rec.Mna a bye In the seven· Coach Dick Kaa'• 1quad lost team echedule Thursday. a 48·42 dedltoo to Wood-Coach Jim Weeki' Mu tanp bridre. ranked No. 10 ln ~ .. led by 8-0 aenlor Rbondl Goldefl West Leacut Ocean View se. Costa MeN 52 Score lw OuMtan O<:Nn View 1'7 a 11 1~ 51 Cotta Meea II 13 n II 52 Ocaan View -Okwud1bonye 6, Ortiz 20. S..rgent 7, Wilson 3. Kreymar 15, Wuru 5 3 pt goals -Ortiz 4. Footed out -none. Tac:hnlcal1 -none eo.t. Meea -Mohn• 5, Kno1t 19, 0 Krikorian 11, Pepte 2, Waldron 10, StanlcoVic 4, Abedrlbo 1 Miliw.rd O J.pt goals -Kno1t 2, Mohna 1. 0 Krikori1n 1 Fouled oot -none Tedlnlcalt -none. Naff. who ls averaging around 17 points per game after earn - ing nr Meam All-PCL recogni- tion as a junior. Senior Stacee Sanchel I av· eraglng around eight potnu a.nd led the team wtth 14 three· pointers ln the 10 pm In whJcb statistics were reported. Rickett Reeve$. another n- lor. 1J avertatna dad to n polnu for the Mustangs, who ha\lf! won thrM of th last ftvr. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL ·Mesa nearly pulls upset Mustangs hang with Ocean View, before dropping Golden ' West League opener. COSTA MESA -·The Lo'>la Mesa High boys baskethall team flirted with a colosi.al upset. before falling to v1rnmg Ocean View, 56·52. in thf' Golden West League o per'ler for both teams Monday night Ocean View (12·3), ranked No. 4 in Orange County and No. 8 in CIF Southern Section Division Ill AA, held a cenu· ous 25-24 halftime lead, which 11 extended to a 41 -36 advan- tage at the end of three pen eds It was the fir'>t game in 16 days for tht> Seahawks. pro h1bitive favorite'> to win the Golden West crown, and Coach Jim Iia m s said that bad a big effect on his .. quad. "I was '>Urprtsed that we lo!>t our game leg'> during the lay· off,' llarri .. '>aid "We couldn't '>hoot. or move It was weird But we had enough to wm." 1-re.,hman guard Brian Knox led Costa Mesa with a Laret'r high 19 points. including ha!C of the Mustangs' four three pointers. Senwr Dann} ii.rt korian had I 0 pu1nt'> iilld '>ophomore Jeff Waldron chipped in 10 for the hu'1', who Ml to 4-10 Ocean View wa'> paced by Ca!>ey Ortiz. whose 20 points in<.luded all four of the ~ea­ hawk!>' three-pointer'> Lo'> ta \lesa ho'>t., Lah an· Chapel \\'edne~day 111gh1 tn a nonleague <.la'>h ht.'fort-rt · turning to leagut> pla~ rr1da~ at Or.111gt.- Sage Hill falls at Tesoro Host Titans are coo much for Lightning in 61-4 7 nonleague win Monday night. I.A~ H OHJ c; -FaLing a tal· ented and up-and-coming le '>Oro 1 ligh boy'> basletball 1eam Monday night, !:>age Hill trailed from '>tart to hn1 .. h a'> tht: ho..,t l11an., earned a 61 -47 non- league dec1<;Jon ">age Hill 14 ·8. \\htch play'> II'> final nonleague game \\edne-.da) al ~a1rmon1 Prep before opt.-n1ng '\cadem) I eagut-aL11on 1-nd.ay night a1 home aga1n'>t Hrethren Ou" 11an rbnth al 7 p.m J, \.,a.., led hy )Untur ll.e\111 lovce\ 18 poinl'> on ~ ut 7 ,hcw1111g lrom 1>1 yo11d 1he thrl•t• p111111 luw. "lule .,enior \Ill h<ll'I I 111hugh '>llHl'U J -JlUlllh h1,1htiL·d 'I\ rt-bound., and ht1d 1hr~f' d~- """ I t·,IHO \\ h1d1 l'lljll\ t•d d -- .W half11m..-l1·o.1d \\J' ILU IJ\ i';i1 \1anon'> .!4 p111r11-. .111d h I••'•' n fre">hman J,rn1e' < a\\hu11H ... I.! point'> ~ "1--'icotl~Gl!~~-nz-s. ~~LL -·---·--· UCI men victorious Weekend Costa Anteaters fini sh on top in 23rd annual Invitational Rel ay Meet Sunday. A:\ Tl.Ar£ R A()UAfl( 'I CI :-.; Tl·R -The UC.. ln1ne rnt·n, "" 1mm1ng ci11d dt\1ng lt'olll' captured the lJrd annual l>ak tronics/UC. ln1ne lm11a11011J.l Relay ~fret \unday m the Ant eater'>' pool The '\e\ada Woll Palk \\!Jfl the \\ClllH'll'> d1\iS1on \\llh \YI pouw; ''hale UU finl'>hed 't'l ond w11h 329 In lhl· rm·n\ meet. UC 1 ''"n three ot Ill e\ent., and finl'>hed \\1th 608 point .. lexas am .. uan won the other -.tven events, but wa., '>etond ''1th 'l52 point'>. Cal Poh wa'> third wHh 262 poin1' .ind ">ton\' Hrook fourth \\ollh II ~ IJCI 1.h .. pla\ed depth throughou l 1 he meet. \\ htll· \\1nntn~ the J X LOO brea .. t· .,trole .! "ih 94 BOO free'>t) le 1 7 18 97 and 400 medle}' 1 ::!9 731 relay., The Anteatt·r'> will host tht: UL \an Diego men., team and the Fre-.no "it ate .,., omen' team \aturda\ at noon ,\,,. w~~"" Mes~ National registrati on Hrgi.,trauon Jnd 1r.1111" I Jr th• uptommg Lo..,1,1 \11•'.1 ,,1111 r .ii lJltle Leagut" 't"t"'" •\ li 1 •• -.e place from ·y .a m 111 4 p 1· '•llll dJ\ dlld lrom n•1<1n 1 1 ~ p 111 u 11! ',unda\ at lilt' \1111or H i 1t'ld 11 le\\mlle \11ddlt• ~110111 rr.~ 1.i, w11l be gl\ en tur \ 1111111 ·\ 11 ll Ii d1\1.,1on-. .JonK \\ llh \ la1or' '(>\\ pld\t'f"I f\t't'd Ill h1111g tht·tr b1n11 tt:ntfita!P' .u1d .1 uul m hill Regi.,uauon t •"h Yi p• r pla~ er \ 1'll 1 m111/ WJ.!. Im Ill a· infr1rmauon UC Irvine Women's Basketball UC Irvine vs Cal State Fullerton Thursday, Ian. 9, . 7:00 p.m. •~Mini._.._. Nltht -flrll JOO people In allasUnc• • recdM • fra ....., blllllctbal. UC Irvine vs UC~ Saturday, Ian. 11, 7:00 p.m. ............................................... , ... record fw a ua W1•aa'1 ....... .-..TM .. _ _.0,11 Ill •• • 111M111ca •rec-.•.._ ua • .., .... ' 1111•u• bf ua Ma•ml c...r ....... • ... _.. ........... ,, ........................... .. ' ~-~._,o., ••. ,~ .• UCI Medical Center llaJ\'ft'liey ol Ca1lfonia. .,,. A Pa.uion ttw Cm Tht I\"'~ "' Cw~ ,.,..., .............. , c•I (t4t) UCl-WlllS or . ........ ~ ... ... ·Thril A Pilot y " . . .. .. .. • 'I • ' • • • • • At Tuesday, January 7, 2003 SPORTS DON L(ACH I DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa's Louis Percaio makes a move. on an Ocean View player and loses him in the process. MESA Continued from A6 The Mustangs will travel to Orange Friday for a Golden West League game at 3 p.m. minutes left in regulation and won it in the second overtime pe- riod on Man:os Ramirez's goal. Es· tancia fell to 3.4.1, 0-1 ·I in league. Nlo the first half. we played very, very well,· said Salinas. whose team fell to 0-3 In league, 0-10-1 overall. "But in the second half we played like we've never played before in this league. We just played with a lack of confi- dence and lack of focus." Lions edge Eagles in double overtime Monarchs topple Cd.M 's Sea Kings, 3-1 In Mother Golden West League game. the host Westmin- ster Lions defeated f.stancia, 3-2, in double overtime Monday. In nonleague a~tion Monday, the host Mater Dei Monarchs dispatched the C..orona del M.ar Sea Kings, 3-1, a!> Quis Dunckel ki cked a loose baJI into the net, scoring a close-range go-ahead goal early in the second half to put Ma ter Oei (13·2·2) in the clriver'c; seat. CdM fell lo 5·2-1 In the 74th minute, Costa Mesa's Luis Villanueva scored on an assist from Alfonso Pineda for the game's final goal. The Eagles' Luis Mendoza scored in the 43rd minute, then teammate Jason ~idy scored in the 14th minute 10 give Estancia a 2· I lead. Bui Westminster (6-2. 2-0 in league) tied the g-.une with two -~...;.._I N_oti_ces __ M_ j leoal Notices llOllCI TO COI01ACTOIS W1Jl6 fOl llOS School Oistroct COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Bid Deadline r ebruar y 13 2001 al 2 00 p m Pl•ce of Bid Receipt Ofhtt of Oirtllor of Purcll•sme Cout Community Colleee Doslro<t Bid& tr. 1370Adams Avenut Costa Meu CA92626 Proiect ldenllhc•t1on Na me Golden West Colleae Rutroom F•c11ity. Bid No. 1845 Pl1ce Bids are on file .-ind •••ll•blt at Otftce of the Physical Factht11s Coord1n1t0< Ardith Rtlhey Coast Community Colleee 01\,111<t 1370 Adam~ Ave • Bide. ·o·. Cost• Mesa. CA 014> 08 467 3 Web site: www cccd.edu/facihtin NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that lh~ above named School District of Oran&e County. Cahforn1a. ad•n& by and throu&h oh Govern1n11 Board. here•n•fter 1eferred to u ·01srRfCr. will rue1ve up to but not later than the abovt.-slated t1mt sealed bids IM the award of • tontrut tor the pro1ect des.crtbed u. Construe! new 688 \Quart foot restroom fat1hty There will be a Fifty ($50) dollar non retund1ble payment required for each sat of bid docum•nts Cllecks should be made P•Y•ble to Coast Community Collete 01strn;t Bids shall be reurved in the place 1C1ent1lied abo~e. and those b1ds shall bo opened and publlcty read aloud at the 1bove staled time and place In accordanc• with the provisions ot Caltfor n11 Pubhc Contract Code Section 3300. the Ooslrict requ11es that lhe bidder possen the lollow1na clnsrf1catlon of con tr atlor s license at the tome tll•t the conlrKI 1s awarded Contrat tOf B ltcen!.I PUBLISH. January 7, 2003 and January 14. 2003 WALK THROUGH Walkthrouah IS REQUIRED Oate January 21 , 2003 at 9·00 a m , Golden West Colleee M11ntenance and Operations F 1c1l1ty lolated off McF adden Avenue. between Colden West and Gothard Struts Hunt1neton Buth CA 92646 C•I 114 08 4646 tor m•p BIO DATE. February 13. 2003.t 200p m BOARD DATE March 5, 2003 No payment shall bt made lor work or ma1er1al under the conttact unleu and unlit Ille Ree1str~r of Conlrat!Of\ verif,n lo the DISTRICT thal the CONTRACTOR was pro~rly ltcenseCI •I the time tht ton tr at t wu awarded Any CONTRACTOR not so hcenHd 1s sub1ett tu penalt1n undtr tht law If the hcense clns1tic1t1on spe"fted hereinabove 1s that ot a ·speciahty contractor· n defined '" Section 7~ of the Cai.forno• Business .iind ProfesMOns Codt tilt ~e<1a11ty contractor awarded the Contract for this Wor~ shall 1tst f <onstru< t a maiorr1y of the Work. 1n •ccord~nr.e w1lh the proV1\IOns of Cahtorn1ot Bus1nns dnd Profusions Code Sec loon 7059 All Work must bt t omplettd wot hon 120 consecutive d1y\ Time 1s of the ~ne•ltt F ••lur• to compltlt thf Wnrk w1tl'lln the tom• s•I lorlh htrt1n will re,ull m the Imposition ot llqu1d1ted d•md&U In• uch day of delay. '"the 1'"1011nl u t forlh 1n !ht "Information IOI' Bidders • £.ach bid mu~I conform ind bt responStvt tn the conlract document' [acri b1dd~r shall submit on the fllfm f11tn1\hed "'th the contra< t document\ • list of the proposed subcontr 1c 1ors on th1' pro1ect as required by the Suble1t1n11 inti Subconlrielin& F au Puct1tl\ Act Government Cod• Section 4100 et seq Each Bid shall be auompanied by • terl1f1ed ,,, cashot'r s chec~ Of bid Dond 1n an amount not les·. than ten perttnl (10'\.) of the total bid price. payable to the Dlllt1LI IS a au•rantee tll1t th• bidder, 1f th proposal is accepltd, shall promptly eaecutt the Aa•••"'enl, furnish a ut1sf•clory r aithful Performance Bond 1n 1n amount not fen than one hundred percent (100t.) of the total bod priu, furnish a Payment Bond 1n an amount not Ins than one hundred percent <I OOt.) of the 1otal bid price. and lurnt$h cert1flcatn av1denc1n1 that the required 1nsuranu is in affect 1n Ille amounb HI forll't 1n the aeneral conditions. In Ille event of failure to enter into Ille cont11ct 1nd e.ecute the requlftd documents. such bid u curity will bt f«fe1ted The r a1thful PtrfOfmance Bond \hall remain 1n full force and tflect throuah the 1uar1nlet period n specified in the 1enerat conditions. legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 legal Notlca s....._.of Fkti1iM 111s11eu Fk1ffiM ltftM1 AM*'•'*" of Use of llanM Sllltlltllt Ntnt Stltwnt FictltlollJ l11slneu 1t4ne The tollow1n11 persons The follow1n1 p~rsons The tollowone per Min are doona bus1nns n are dome business IS. h•s abandooed the use Benn1n1 819 Towne r1vt1r Phy~ocal Theiapy, of lhe ri,titious Bus. Street. Cost• Mesa. CA 1442 Coho Or •107, nus N•me O•a•hl 92627 Huntin111on Buch CA Audio, 887 w 19th St. Rita Benna"1 819 Towne 97648 Cos la Mesa. CA 92627 Street. CosU Meu. CA E111ne M Foor, 7442 92627 Coho Or . •107. Hun The Fictiltou\ Businn' Beni•m•n Btnnan•. 819 t1n11ton Beach CA 926-48 nam• reltrr•d to above Towne Strrel. Costa Thi\ business IS ton wu I led in Oranae Mesa CA 92627 ducted by an 1nd1v1du•I County on 8 II 2000. Bry•n Benn•n 819 H l t d d Fill NO 20006836876 • ave you s •r e oina Sergio Monteiano. Towne Street. Cosl• 1 busintu yet' No 1314 N Harbor 31). Meu,CA92627 • EleoneM fa.or Santa Ana CA 92703 This bustneu 1s <on This statement w1s Sanhal!O Manzo. 13l4 ducted by • &•neral f1ltd • w1lh the Cou11ty N H1tbnr 313 Santi partnership Cler~ of Oranet Count, Ana CA 92703 Hne you started doon1 on 12, 10 02 1 hos businu• is con bu\lntss ytt' No 20026926311 duGted by Ct> parlners 1 R1t• Bennan1 O.i1ly Pilot Oec 24. 31, Seraio Monteiano This stattmenl was 2 00 2 Jan 7 t 4. Thos statemtnl wu llled with the County 2003 1999 tiled with lhe Counly Clerk ol Oranee C.ounty I •••--c""'-Of Cl • 1 C on 12/13 02 wt'UllUll Wiii one;l ~ ~l•nie ounty 120026976709 CAlfOlllA, 2002692$974 Oaolr Pilot OH 17 24, (OUlfTYOfotAMG( Daily Pilot De< l 4, 31 3 I. 2002 la n 7 1 ,,.,..,.,(OUfITTtl-- 2002, Jan 7. 14. 2003 2003 1981 -wt'Ul.MI _____ r_oo_J I r::.....,,_ •·-'--• COOIT, l'IOIATI COWT Rc1iliws IMtns rl<lmW> ......... OPllA notlS ... s ..... ... sw-e The follow1nt persons J.41 lll OTY DIYt The follow1n1 parsons ... doln& bu\fneu as ron OffKI IOX are do1n11 J:lus1ness as If Envtronmental Con 14171,NUlll'.i ." Gerald. lutero & Ano sultin& Group. 3400 -.UI etates, LLC 19 Kewen Avenue of the Arb, Suitt t2'13-1S71 Way Aliso Vteio Cali r 406. Costa Meu rrJmOllOf forntl 92656 Cal1lornia 92626 Ger•ld Lucero & As Hamed Khos11v1 J.400 Cll1h ~(Ml sot1aln. LLC (CA>. 19 Avenut ol Ill• Arb, Suite I fOIOWIGfOftwll Kewtn Way All'o V1e10. r 4 06 C t M Caltfor "" 92b56 Cahfo;nie 92626 es•' OIDB TO SHOW CAllSf fOI Tt11• bu•1ne•s '' ton This bu\lntu " lon CHA1tGf Of NAii ducted by lrm1led d t db d d I UC e 1 •n '" ••• UI ,.tr .. 1111-. '"17'"' l1ab1llly Co Have you started do1n1 ~ -"-' v~ Have you sbrled do1na bustnen yet' Yes 11 TO All INTERCSTEO business yeP Yn. 12 01, 2002 P(RSONS 12/02 Hamed Khosravi J t. Petitioner Curtis Gerald Luleto & As Thil sl•t•menl wa\ Br1dley Coo.II flied 1 sociatu. llC. L~ur l1ltd with tht Cou11ty petition with th11 court Ger aid President Clerk of Ounae County tor a llccret tllantmf !his sl•len ent wa' on 11 25 02 n•mt\ n follow' Curtis hied '"th lhe Counly 20026924139 Br•dley Cook to Cris Clerk ol Or dnee Counly 011ty il11o1 De< ?4, JI Triton Cook on 12 13/02 2002, Jan 1, 14. 2 TH( COURT ORDERS 20026926676 2003 1997 lhat all persons inter· Oa1ly Pilot Ott 24. 31 nted in this miller shall 2002 Jan 7 14. 2001 FiditiGUs lusilllss appear bet Me this court TOOi M-s~ al tl'te hearina 1ndAc11t1d lhe loltowtne person• art do1n1 bus1nus n A ) IOS. 8 1 lnternallon1I Oe•en s ~rv1tes. 11 Doheny. L•aun• N111uet. CA 92677 S6J5 Annette C Ornbure. 11 Ooheny, l1auna N1euel. CA 92677 S635 Blaine R Ornbura. 11 Doheny, l•aun• Noeuel, CA 92677 56 35 Th" business 1s con dueled by a aenerat par tnersh•p Have you shrted dotna busmen yet? Yes 02 01/2000 AnnelleC Ornbure This statement was filed with tht County Clerk of Oranae County on 12/12/02 2002H2tUH Oaily Pilot Dec 24, JI, 2002 Jan 7, 14. 2003 T998 fidltlM llsiless --.s ..... --below to show cause 1f The follow1n11 persons any. why the petlhon ID< 11e dome bu\lnt\\ n chanae of n•me should H1ute Houu Creallons not be &ranted '1102 W Juniper St 4'4. NOTICE or HEARING S•nla Ana. CA 92704 Dale 2 18 2003 T1mt 2 Dean Severson 2702 PM Oept l73 W Juniper St •4 S1nt• The addnH of the court Ana CA 92704 1\ same as noted above This bus1nu' " con· 3 A copy of th•'I Otder dutled by an 1nd1v1dual to Show Cause shill be Hut you started do1n11 published at taast once bui.inns ytt> Yu. 12/ uth week tor lour 14/01 JUCCHSIVe weeh prior 011n Severson to the dale ut fOf This statement wn llearona on the petition filed with tht County in the follow1ne new&· Clerk of Or•nae County pap,., of aeneral clrcu on 11/25/02 lation. printed on this 20026t249S7 county The Newport Oa1ly Pilot Dec 24. 31, Buch Costa Mesa Oatly 2002, Jan 7 14, 2003 Pilot T994 DATl1 JAN OJ 200S lllCHAJID O. fltAZH, s•., JUDGI Of THI SU"tt10• COUH rlttitiM 1us1.ss ... s...... fhe followinc persons ., e t101n1 buitnt ss as Best Look Dental Lab, 324 East P1lmdale, Oranae. CA 92865 Published Newport Beach Costa Mesa Oatly Pilot January 7. 14, 21, 28. 2003 TOil ™"'-..U.SS "-S...... The DISTRICT rnerves the rl&hl to reiect 1ny Of alt buts or to waive any 1rrt1Ular11tu or tnfOfmaltltes 10 any bids or rn the blddina As requited by Section 1773 of the Callforn11 The follow1n1 PerM>ns l abor Codt, the Director of the Depar tmenl or are do1n1 bu•tnen as Industrial Relatto11s of the State of C11tforn11 hH Reynold• Con tr 1c tln1. dttermlned the eeneully prtv1thne rain of wean 1138 1/2 Victoria Place. In lht ~hty In which the Work is to be performed Coit. Mesa, CA 92627 Coples of these wac• rite determ1nattons, entltled M1ttllew S Reynolds, l'MYAlllNG WAGE SCAlE, art m11nta1ned at the 1138 1/2 VktMla l'lace. ~ICT office louted at 1370 Adams Ave., Cosu Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Mea1, CA 9262' Physic.I Factltttes Planntnt. ind This buslneu ll con art •v•ll•ble to •l'IY 111terul1d pert)' upon request ducted by •n lnd1v1dual Th• Contu ctOI' shall past 1 copy of th" document H••• you surted dotna et H ell tob "l• The Contract0t and eny buslnus Y•ll YI$, 2000 Jun G. Harloucha, 324 C nt Palmdale Ave . Or•nce. CA 92865 fhe tollow1n1 person' era doina busine" es. srectruin (lectronlc:t, 2 6"36 rernluf. Lah• r orut. CA 92630 MlchHI A Brownlna. 2t636 rernlt1f. l ake Forni. CA 92630 1ubcontn ct0t undef ti shall p1y not less then the Matthew Reynolds 'PKlfled pnvllltnr ratn of .... , to alt wortlen Thts stetement wn employed In tlM uecution of the liltd with th• County COfltr1ct Clerk of Ouna• County /'lo bldcHr may w1thd11w 1ny bid for • jHtlod on 12/U/02 of •Id)' (60) d•)'I lfltr th• dalt Ht for fh• l002MH7 lt . openlna of bid Oelly Piiot Dec 17. 24, A payment bo11d sl\aH be requ11ed PflOI' to 31. 2002 la n 7. n ecutlon of th '°ntrKt and •h•ll be In tlla roun 2003 T9ll6 kt for1tl In t1M 'ontJect documenh ffdNm ..... '"'su.nt to S.Ction 22300 of Ille l'ut>Oc Cotllr act Code, Iha contr1ct will contain provision• --~ Otttnlttlnc th• w ccetdul bhld4t to 'ull&lllute Th• follow1n1 pe11on1 uc11r1tlH f« •l'IY monlet withheld by the District ere doln& bu.sine• ,. to !HIM• ptl'f«m•nc• 11,,.t tht contrtet £ver1tt11ni Crll Bullett, ~h llld Mtnlttlld In responw to this Notl« 1621 ... " Of ., Santa ...... ~In. .. • bid fteln, ••quete JhMllnt. An• Ht•lflh, CA 92707 •'*Int. ind b<tcffl•· « equlwaltnl m.lflod, for Jenn1ft< Luuro, 1621 lhe PfOtKllon of lrfa ttld lhftb Ill lrtnc:l1t1 1nd Mua Or., 131. Senta ott4"I eaCJ1v1tlon, which shall conform to IPC>llobfe An• Htftl\h, CA 92707 ufoltJ ,...,., This bu.int» is con .. , ....... '-II duc:tad ~>' t11 tndlvtdwal tr.._•· Y:i "14-o •• a.-.-.,, Han rou 1ta.tlld d<Mna c:...t C < .... lh"ld buJlnau ytt1 No r.-HW4 Newport 8ttc ·Co1t1 Mna Dally l'tfol ,.11nlfer LllUfo ...._., 7, 1412003 f012 Thi• al•ttmtnt wn liltd with th• Countr .... -..... 'ill .. ""_'ill,.-... -,..--. Clerk of Orant• Countr I ~ a.-!.~T7~y I rJ~::~tl (941} .~ Dail• l'»ot O.c 11, 24, • __ -~1 2002 "" Ttij t This business ts con· du'"d by an 1nd1vtdu1I Have you 1tar ltd dolna business yet? No JHn H•rfouche This statement was filed wrtll the County Clert. of Onn1• County on 10/13/02 2002H2'7t 2 011ty Pilot Dtc. 17. 24, 31, 2002. Ian 7, 2003 T987 Rdltl. ..... ....s ....... The follow1n1 penons •rt dofn1 b11.i11tu as. But T"chtn1 Supplln, I OIO'l Stonybtooll Orin , Hwntlf'llton 8Hch, Cell fornla~ o nr1a1 sante11c1. 101 Stonybtook Otlve, Hunt nrton 81tch, C11l lorn•• 92&t6 Carmen Grunewald, 82SO bp•nlla, Lona Buch, C•llforn11 This bu1lnt" II COii dueled lilt' co pwtn«s H•Yt ~ 11.,19' doll'lf t1111fn.q ,..u No Q111ftel S.nlehtt Thi• 1t•ttm1nl wn lllad with the Count1 Clerk of °'•"•• Countr onl2/IW t001 .... VH1 D11l7 ''"t Dec. 24, 31! 2002. Jan. 7, IC, 200.t T004 This b1.1>tntss 1s con ducted by. an lnd1vldu11 Hive you st•rted dolna businen yet? No MtcllH I A Brownina This st.ternent WH flied with the County Cieri! ol Or1n1e County on 12/16/02 200260092616' Oelly·P1lol Oec: 17, 24, 31 , 2002 Jan 7, 2003 T990 "'*-...... "-S..... lhe lotlowln1 per1oni 11 • 001n1 buSlneu n . Dulcn , 2811 Harel l'lace, ~tta Meu, CA 9262t Roumtfy Fl0t11, 1'30 Avtnldt Del Vhta, C0ton1, CA 91720 Thi• bin1nns 11 ton ducttd by 1n lnd1vldu11 Hive you 1blrt1d c1oi11f bua•neu yet? Ho Rowmary r,Jorn l1'111 Ueth11t 11111 filed wlttl tht County Cletk of Otana• Co1111t1 on 12/U/02 tOOH9261t6 Oally '!lot Dec 11, 24, U , 1002 h n ,L 2'00J 1- PREPS Continued from A6 by having five a dditional schools in the ame circuit, all of which will require time to buUd working relationships and familiarity with. My task has also has been compounded by the continuing dllulioo of high school sports coverage by Orange County's two biggest newspapers, which used to fill gaps in league coverage that spilled outside Newpon-Mesa. Add In the proliferatlon of walk-on coaches, whose complicated lives don't often blend weU with the demands of keeping the local newspaper informed, and the challenge of comprehensive coverage can be daunting. But consider it my New Year's resolution. e e e ln search or a dlvertion from the Newport-Mesa sports wodd, r ventured to Pauley Pavilion to wjtness the West Coast coronation of LeBron •King· James, whose Akron, Ohlo·based St. Vincent-St. Mary boys basketball team topped Mater Del, 64-58, in the Pangos Dream Oasslc. James, a 6-foot-7 senior considered the best prep player In the nation and a po.tential No. 1 pick in the upcomlng NBA draft, finished with 21 points, nine rebounds and seven assists, but couldn't have been more disappointing. Granted, it would have been difficult for him to live up to the hype and he, perhaps, won't have a worse shooting performance (8 for 25) this season. But, with misses from 20 (air ball), eight. 18, 15, 23, 19, 21, 20, 18. 25, LS, 20, 21, 2 1, two. two and 22 feet, with only three of his field goaJs coming outside layup range (17, 12 and 16 feet), he personified the sh ooting malaise that continues to afflict the game beyond the high school ranks. rt has been reported that Centennial of Compton star Aaron Afflalo's 42-polnt performance against Carson In the Dream Oasslc upstaged James. But, for the few among the capacity crowd of more than 11,000 who stayed for the late evening game, the 27 points powed in by Sebastian Telfair. a junior po int guard from Lincoln High in Brooklyn, may have been the evening's biggest signature statement. Telfair, who drilled five three-pointers and consistently wowed the crowd with his creative ball handling and passing before exiting midway through the third quarter, just may wind up making the biggest NBA impact of those who took the floor Saturday. Soccer DEEP SEA S.CHEDULE High sdlool girts -Corona del Mar at Newport Harbor, 5 p.m.; Laguna Beach at Sage Hill. 3:15 p.m.; Westminster at E$t.Bncie, 3:15 p.m.; Costa Mesa at Ocean View, 3:16 p.m. Wet« polo MONMYS coUNrs ,_tpOrt Lwlng - 1 boat, 44 angleta. 4'0 und bass. 5 cellco beu, 28 sculpln, 2 sheephead, 69 perch. TODAY Basketball College men -The Mastera at Vanguard University. 7:30 p.m. College women -The Masters at Vanguard l:Jnlverslty, 5:30 p.m. High sdlool girls -Costa Mesa at Ooean View, 7 p.m.; Westminster at Estancia, 7 p.m.; Sage Hill at Northwood, 7 p.m. High ld\ool girts -La Quinta at Sage Hill, 7 p.m.; Los Amigos at Estancia, 3:15 p.m. Wrestling . High lchool boys -Estancia at Westminster, 6 p.m.; Ocean View vs. Cost.a Meu at Corona del Mar, 6 p.m. Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 I llpl N«lca -------~ ActlttM ...-.SS "-S...... The followine persons are dotna bustnHS IS a) Sandstone St1Cken. b) Twisted St"kers, c) Sttd..tts by Sandstone, d) S1ndslone. 5481 Commercial Orive, Sit A, Hu1'1t1n1ton Beach. CA 92649 S1ndstona S1t~screen inc llC, (CA), ~I Comme1c11I Ottve. Ste A, Hununaton Beach. CA 92649 Thrs busin.u 1s con ducted by. Um11td L1ab•llty Co -Hava you sllrled dotn& business yet? Yes, 2/2000 Sanditone Silkscreen ina. llC, Scott Onke, Manaaer This statement was filed with lhe County Clerk of Oranae County on I t/2!'>/02 2002H24126 D11ly Piiot Oec. 24, JI, 2002, Jan 7, 14. 2003 T99S Ac-..hsilm •s..... The lollowme personi. are do1n1 buSJnt ss as'. J '-"' Custom Auto Oetarl1n1. 138 West 17th St.. Suitt C, Costa Mesa CA 92627 Juan I Alvar•do, 13402 Newland SI Apt 4, Cardtn Grove CA 92844 Thts bus1neu os con ducted by all 1nd1v1du•I Han you started doont business yet' Ye\, 11/ 25/2002 Ju1n I Alvarado This statement WH !tied with the Counly Clerk of Ou nee Counly on 12113/0il 20026926694 Daily Ptlot Oec. 17, 24. JI, 2002 Jan 7, 2003 T976 Flcftleus jltilm •*--The lollow1na persons are doing business n Ehle Mat l&•ee Servicn, 27134 Paseo Espada •324. S4n Juan C•PtSt rano, Cahlorn1a 92675 Oamka r 1wn Couaht1n. 31742 Aventda Avilla, San Juan Cap1str ano, Cahfornta 92675 This business 1s con ducted by an 1nd1v1du•I Hn• you started doroa business yet? No Oanlk• Couahltn Thi' statement wl' filed with the County Clerk of Or 1n1e County on 12/16/02 200260092H21 Oally Pilot Dec 17. 24, 31 , 2002. Jan 7, 2003 T991 Fktl"-llsillU ie..s....... The followm& persons 1re doln& business as. Hansen Company, 1626 Ohm' W1y •A, Coste Masa, CA92627 Palrtcta Marie Hanun. 3253 Colofldo Ln , Costa MeH, CA92626 Thi' business Is con· ducted by: an lndlv1dual Have you started do1nc bus111tn yet? Yes, 12/11 02 Patricia M Han.$en This statement wn flltd with the County Clerk of Ounae County on 12/U/02 2001't2671S D11ly Pilot Otc t 7, 24, 31. 2002 Jan. 7, 2003 T983 nc:.... ...... ie..s..... The fotlowint persons •re dolna buiineu H The Smith Culde, 18430 W1rd StrHt, F' ountlln Valley, CallfOfnla 92108 The S1n1th Gulde, Inc , (CA), 18430 Ward StrHt, fountain Valley, Cafl10tnl• 92708 This bu1lna1& Ii con· dvcllld by. • cor})Of atlon Have you started dolnt buslnna yet? No Tht S1111th Gulde, Inc; , i.mei r S1t1ltll, ''"' dent TM1 1l1tement wu llltd wlttl tti. County CWll of Oran•• County on l Z/20!'02 IOOHtl1•1S Dall) , t Cite. 24, JI, 2001, ""· '· 14, 200J TOOS Fktitlws..... Adfllm ..... --.s...... ...s ..... The follow1n& persons 1re doing business u 0111111 Audio, 887 W 19th St Costa Me~. CA 92627 M11uel 8u1lam1n11 1234 S Biker St. Santa An1, CA 92707 This busman 11 con ducted by an 1nd1v1du11 Han you started do1n1 bus1neu yet? Yn. 11 20/2002 Mtauel Bustam•ntt This st•tement was filed w1tn the County Clerk of Ofln&e County on 12/06/02 2002H2st76 D11ly Pilot Dec 24, JI 2002. Jan 7, 14. 2003 T002 RctlllM ..... ... s ...... The tollowm1 par$ons are doina bu\lnus as MGl Properties LLC, 1200 Qu11t St . •140. Ne wport Buth. CA 92660 MCL Propert1u llC (CA1 t200 Quad St • 140. Newpo<t Boaeh, CA 92660 Th1$ bu\111nl IS con· ducted by l1m1ted ltab1l1ty Co Hive vou slatted do1n1 buslnt11 yat! No MCL Propert1H, llC St1cle L. Bond, Pres1 dent This statement was hied with the County Cltrk of Orana• County on l2/13/02 20026t2'6tl Dally Ptlot Du. 17. 24 31, 2002 Jan 7, 2003 T980 RditlMt.lltD "-*'-" The follow1n1 persons ere dotnft bu11ons as PARS BEED INTERN.A TIONAl. 23872 P1p1t Court, La1una N11uel Calof0tn1a 92677 1319 rarsh1d rarsadtadeh, 23782 P1p1t Court, L•1un1 Ntauel. Cahlornta 92671 1319 rarhad Farud This busmen is con ducted by • hm1hd partner~ip Havt you started do1n11 busmus yet? Yes, tO/ 2!>/2002 F arsadudeh F arsh1d f arsadz•d•h This statement was filed with the County Clerk ol 011n1e County on 12/02/02 20026t2SJIS Oaily Pilot Otc 31, 2002. Jan 7. 14. 21. 2003 T009 The followln& per sons "e do1na business n : HOUSE COUNSEL, 2043 Wutclttl Drive. Suite 200. Newport Bu ch, C•hforni• 92660 HOUS( COUNSH, INC . (CA), 2043 Wntcl1tf 011ve, Suite 200. New port Buch, CA 92660 ThlS bustn.n ts con· ~clad by a C«por 11ton Have you started doln1 bu""'" yet? No HOUS( COUNSEL, INC., Robert l Conn, CEO lh1S statement was filed with th• County Cler lo. of Of 1n1e Cownty on 12/tB/02 2002600927161 Oaoly Pilot Ott 24, 31, 2002, Jan 7. U , 2003 f996 RctltlMe..m ... s..... The lollowtnc pe1 M1ns •rt dotna business as. Calll0tnla lea•t Center 4t 4 W rourtll Sitto!. Suite A S•nt• Ana. CA 92701 Goodman & Cr •y llP, ICA>. 414 W Fourth Strati. Suite A, Santa Ana , CA 9270t Thos business os con ducted by l 1m1ted l 11b1llty Pertneurup Have you started do1na buslnes. yet? No Coodm1n & Cra y llP Eric Goodman. Partner This statement was fll•d w1111 the County Clerk of Or1nae Cou11 ty on 12/13/02 20026t26H7 D11ly Pilot O.c 17 24 3 1, 2002 Jan 7. 2003 T988 AdltiM .... 1 "-St .... The follow1111 P.,M>ns are do1na lh"lnns as Bravo Tr•nslatt0n 2778 Alb1tross Orrve. Costa Mt\1. Caflfornia 92626 Mauricio A. rernandtz. 2778 AIDatrou Orive, Costa Mn1 Caltf0fn1a 92626 This bus1nen os 'on ducted by: an 1nd1v1dual Have you st1tled do1n1 business yet? No Mauricio A. Fernandez This $latemtnt was filed with the County Clerk of Ou nce County on 01/03/03 2002H21412 Oa1ly Pilot Ji n 7. 14, 2t 28,2003 TOl4 ~ ...... --.s..... The tollowln1 peraon' are dotni busonau 11 Waterlandtubs. I S632 E Cully Ot Oranr• CA 92865 Pete Januma Ir IS632 E Cully Dr . Oranac. CA 92865 This busonus Is con ducted by an 1nd1v1dua, Have you surted dotna bu11n.u yet? Yes 811 02 Pete Jensama, lf This statement wu flied with the County Clark of Or an1e County on 12/13/02 2001026714 Oarlr Piiot D.<. 17. 24. JI. 2002 h n 7, ZOOJ T9711 Re-. ..... --.s...... The totlow1n1 persons are do1na business u Tustin Toyota. « Auto Cent11 Drrv• Tustin. CA 92782 Oremor of TU\tln. Inc ICAI. 1377 Kette11n1 loop, Ont1t10. CA 91761 This buS1ness Is con ducted by· 1 corporation Have you star l•d dotnt businen yet' No Ofemor al Tustin. Inc Richard I Romero Prt)ldent/CEO This \htement wlS hied with the County Clerk of Or1nc• County on 12127/02 2002H279l4 Oaoly Pilot Oec. 31 2002 Jan 7 14. 21. 2003 T008 fldllMls lwliMl1 .... s ..... The follow1n1 persons are do•n1 business n Proven Concepts. 1415 E lf>th St S•nta Ana. CA 92702 Darren McCrea. 1415 l 15th St , Santa An• CA 92702 This businns ts c.on ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you started doinc busmea.s yet? No Oarr en McCrea T111' slatement wu foled with the C<ounty Clerk ol Orance County on 12/13/02 200269267'0 Daily Pilot Dec. 17, 24. 31. 2002 Jan 7. 2003 T982 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ ••••••••••• Ac-.. ..... .... s..... Tile followln1 perions llt dOlnf bUSllKSS H Gabrttl Romero, 12332 Hester St •A. Catdtn Grove Ca 1t0fn•a 92840 Gabriel Romero, 12312 Hester St •A. Carden Crove, Cat1forn1a 92840 Tll1s bu"nen " con ducted by an 1nd111dual Han you started doont bu$lnn 1 yet7 Yts. 11/ 27/2002 Cabf1el Romero Thl5 statement was f1l-4 with Ille County Clerlo. of Orane-County on 12/02J02 2002HUUa Oaoly Piiot Dec. 31. 2002. Jan 7, 14, 21. 2003 TOI I ,..... .... .... s...... The follow1nc p.1son1 .,. do•n1 bUSIMSS as Ada Bella. 1951 Tusttn Ave., Costa Meu , CA 92627 Hanalel 811udou• Mor ris 1951 Tustin Awe .. Co1ta Mtu, CA 92627 Tho$ bu\lneu ts con ducted by •n 1nd1v1dual Hne you started do1n1 bus1n.u yet? No Hanaltt 8e1udoua Morris ThtS 1tatemenl w&l filed with th4 County Clerk of Or •l\fe County on 12/13/02 20026t266U Oally P1tot Otc 17. 24 3 1. 2002 Jan 7 2003 T'3&4 CLWtOUT YOUR HOUSE WITHA GWGESALEI CAll (949) 642·5678 nJt Lttal Dtpamnmt Ill tht Daily Pi/.ot is pkaHJ JO llnnoflltf'f II ntw smtitt now 11vai/abf.t IQ ntw busintssts. wt wi.U now SEARCH t!J!l"!.~ far JO" 111 no txtrt1 cha't'· 11nti saw JO" rht tim< 11nJ mt trip Ill rht Court H~ in San14 AM Thnt. of crnmt, 11/u'r rht sc11rr-h is (Ompkuti wt wi.U fik JO"' fictitious bu.smns Mmt 11Ainnm1 with tlN County Ckrlt, publish on« II Wttlt for four Wttlu 41 rtqulrrti by "1w 11nJ thm jik your proof ofpublic11tiln wirh rht Counry CJ.m. Pk41t 1top by JO fi~l""' fimrious bu.sinm lt4lmlml 111 tht Daily Pib>t, 330 W. &y SJ, (Mr.. MtU. lj~ CAnnot stop by. pk11S1 ellD w tit (919) 642-4321 11"4 wt wiU "}4kt 11rran1tmml1 for you Ill harulk this prrxttlmr bJ "'4iJ. If JO" "'9u/.tl NH ll"Jfonhtr qwstions, p!Nst caU us 11nJ iw wiU l/t ,.,,, thtln t'4J U ISIUt JOU. GJM /11t/t in JOI" MW /nuin.m! paily ~Pilot ( Polic·v . Rates and dcadltnci. arc ~ub1cct to change without notice. The publisher reservci. the nght 10 cem.or, reclassify. revise or re1ect any clas-.10ed adve~1scment. Please rcpon any error that .may be m your cla,,1fied ad- 1mmed1ately. The Dally Pilot a<.:cepts no habillly tor any error m an adven1scmen1 for v.h1<.:h 11 ma\ he respom1ble except tor the co'l bf the space actually occupied ·b} the error Credit can only be .11lov.cd for the f1r-.1 insen1on. ANNOUNCEMENTS -& MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ~ l 010-17-,-0 ~- ·$1 2305-2490 How to P la ce A .-----Deadlin e~ --- CLASSIFIEAD -... FndJ\ ) .(}{)pm Monday .. . "1onda) 5:0Upm Ry Fax (1)~9) 631 6594 Pk., 1..• 1ndu.Je )Ciut rwml· .md 1·l••r1< numl'Cr "11<1 "''"<•II \ •U h.K .. 'A!lh J ('tn\~ \IUOIC' f m<HINDISI FOi SALE · REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Telephone K ~Oam-5 OOpm \1onday Fnday 3010-3940 ~ soos-sa5o By Phone (949) 642-567R II o urs Hy ~l a i 1/1 n Pc-r~on : • 'm Wc,1 B.t~ Strccl C<l\l.t \le:'" <.~A 9-:.ti~7 Al ";c:v.pon B"W 0.. Ha~ )I Wedne~tla~. Thur-.day. Fnda~. Sa1urdJ~ h1d;i\ "HJOprn V.all..-ln K "i'Oam 5 OOpm ~fond.I~ F-nd.t\ ~unda~ h1dJ\ -\ (HJpm Ind ex 7402·7466 ~ aoos-as10 ~ tooo-9750 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80 ,000 Homes Each Week Fe r Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S Collectible$/ Memorabilia 1160 3460 Com Mesa JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS R ' R nt ~" I bewttw 21r I la '"""" ooms or e -E WI' w rp port 1•0 aru Nl/O••-Vie w room' vnaN Compir• t•I '.nlf 4 <1.-• Ir 1 nno P•t I un•b w pool lndf1 IA< & , Automotive 9004 Automotive BAYFRO T fotd 96 Wlnduor TOP' SS 4 llCORDS n c Jaa. ~ l • '/]\ & f/J· .el Alt"' Spor '""" ""11\ Mrke q49 1)4'\ 1'0'> lOUAl HOOSltG OPfOITIJNITY All ,.., "'l•I• .,,,,, ti,tna in ch nt,-.\P•V"'' IS SYbjt t t !ht-f • l" •! F•ir Hous•'I' A I I 1':11>11 I\ 1"1frt~•d "'h < h m1~n rt 111•~ ,1 lo advert•'~ •n't' pr .. tt"t ence l1m.t.•t1 " disu1minAt•un b•\t"tl ,,,, rar~ c ulor rrt..i1nn , .. • n•nd1t1p l•m•h•I •l•lu' or n•ho,,,..1 11na1n "' ,,,1 ontent1nn It' m.1~ • Jnt 'UC" pr f"ff"r ,-nf,. 1111111' I t.oo or d• .. r1m1n1tu1n Th1\ n•..,.'P•P•' ,..,11 not ~ now1n11, Mc epl 1ny achc'lf 11sf>n•Pnt '"' r ••I e-,tatr wih1C h t'. n v1ol1l1on of the lo• Ow tt.tde'' •rf'I: ttettb)' 1nfor med tn1t All "'"" '"I' •dvert1\ttJ 1n th•\ ntw~P•Per .,. ha '•~t on an eQu•t c ttP'' t ..,n1l y bl'i•\ lo comrl••" ,1 J• Cllmtn•llDI • 111 uuo l<l I tree at I llOO 41• 8590 Coosl Coln Needt (Jld ( lfl't ..Ji 1d \I 't,., "'"""'"ky #,e((f\t-4-., t1 ... ,... 1.bl.-94q h4; 944S! Cats 3610 •A.\<I• W•f" Kitt""' ••'· ~ ,,., . .,,.. .. .,,.,, Sit 'iun 17 4p n I '""" ""-'!di N.-r.,.. 'Ii< tnl ~4q 1>U l?i'J -.... wri.:t ... •k "~ ""' (I ~,., W>t1 .I• 4 '>'Ir• R"" ••f\ n••t:dt-c.I •••••••• AnlRNlWYWS l(ITTlN SALL. P'ntSIAHS l!l•c ~ < l <oltr11\I' Sh~I Rttl I 1bb'" l1nly S.ol ,_, :'il.,r '14'+4',I 1l1S •••••••• Dogs 3615 MA U GlRMA.H SHlPHlRD P'U,P'Y I m•mh•, 714 894 1919 MISCEUANEOUS MERCHANDISE Auctions 1483 Miscellaneous ;::::::=::=::=::=::;; Merchandise 3855 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Furf'lrt1ire PIANOS i ColleC1Jbles .... • , •• ,,.,._•A • "' "I $S CASH PAID SS ... WIE BUY ESTATES • ,,.., ... .-ct ...... 'f\.9"• " 3 New ()de " bM 10<11\ ,., " A.Mloqu• """~~It ;:Ii• d< "' ,_,. r.1tbt l•ul<h 1,'I £. t CU<H17.S 4!lbP SURflOAlD lecker bit f •lv•1 I \h4'PP·1 Jule ~••Ph C•·•lt Mnr" $J9S 90 290-6609 •CM/"Pf"oa. ll>tl6t f, I SOO blo<lo of Newport llvd., 949-619-SSSJ c1--4 Awe.....,• L .... U Cl(UYClNTllt 1651 orv1nt A .. inlf vww 1tl11I on \lie 714- 573-7180 Retl ll Stom forltase ::649-4922~ SOUTHC8 AST AUCTJ N fer Svb-Leo .. P11mf' 2202 le. ... k CfJ\la ~ 1~11~ louhon a..AM.CAl2lOJ ""t7tn St l.n>.I J&n.n ..... _. ____ • ______ ._ .. _ ..... I ··""''"'"' "" ~..... $2000 611'19'/ Yard Sales 1489 Founct 1510 2 --'• d.1• found M 1/3 1n Fountain Valley aru Call 71• 984 11622 HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 ""' tnll 949 7&4 9440 .,.9,.,, 1999 ... 1..4(.:> F"IR ::.A-E ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Anaheim Hiiis ,........, ... °"" ac;re -fudtd klUKin.1' l!Sble 5bt 5ba. } l1v11h ~le. \uf1es po<>I 'P• 4c &• S 1.59'.>.<XXJ Tr Ide• Real £slalP 949 D) ~/6. 949 640 8841 Corona del Mar 'flH HOUSl • flClUDID RlTHAT AMAZING P'llCl AOT. •0-723..e I 2D ........... lg TOWHtfOML .....,,, .. < .. !"'! & I> .,, > J'°' . JI "'* t •Wl' •WT fit fl.. 'p ' •m.il (lk d I ''·r11f1l-;i ft'Wl.l v-.t,.O llt••,.,. f>woer ... ,!(.(JI 714 j '· ~ ""'""' $.i74 'JOO PRIMl lSTATlS P'ATRICK TlNOll NATIONWIDE USA 949-IS6-970S "' .. ,,.,, ,,,.,. h• nublOt \tOfC" 141 Melody ull~ IHI n \m~i ••Ith l-949 6]'; 5714 •ii PnQll• ln•1r r I bloO ID Meo...+t ........... 2br Iba "'"II' rt P•tr S6'Y.i mo i:JNt ~ Sl250 -$8'.JJ C•ll '>•m II 949 ?78 .., Water p.trd ,. ~ 79()', l~•l,.•~n 9• 5pr ~ 94957<l-<.£al ORANGE ('sltle Sfl, con•olelely 1 emodeled 2br I b• 74')0 buk hu new crpt P"'"t, .~ ... _«_e_d_,._~_ •• _. "-"-"-'-'"'-COUNTY Udo Isle I kit b1 217 £ ZOlh •B •Kl S l57~ 949 J78 8999 l ltr 2.Slto tow1thovu, 1 l aar Ip "'4 haup HACH COTTAGl Balboa bland h1rn1•I din yd m•1d aet \I 750 mo 949 293 46JJ 117 VIA llOll /' • I , b' t cg>' ~ " 3 HOUSIS fROM WA ;, 1,.,. ,1 J~ , 1 HR LI 2br 2bd •Pl 111& (.ute 2br 2 ~ towmoo.ee SW!'dtsh tp petn ba«;ony 1 l ii' C;OfTWTl POOi 'P" =gt SIMno 949 29J.-4631 h, '"""' S8P.O oov ·h< ol\ bt ~tnr~et yrly lu ~4~ &44 Zlj(J 1 $1800 mo 949 67S 1779 -Ne_wp_,o_,rt_,Be_a_ch....__ Balboa Peninsula ~-'-----------~ Laguna Beactl PRIME l STAHS PATRICK TlNOll NATIONWIOl USA 949-8S6-970S llACH llTlUT PANORAM IC VllW S439,000 AGT.949-123-1120 OClANfRONT flXll NOT FOR TH£ FAIHT Of HEART AGT.949-723 1120 Gi01'f Oce01tfr01tt Tl,.. I V' \\.Arn...-• 'J1 J.-\tr)> (i ,.. WI 949.&72-&32'2 IUJffS UJtG.-. ~,• lB• <e ,,..,.,.,. 'IH"t- '"' • • SU!OMT $4<MlOJ a 'WHl'+l41~ N8W1)0t1 Coast P'RIMl lSTATlS PATRICK TlNOR( NUIONWIOl USA 949-8S6-970S "'"""" p&t11ckltnore <01m RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE SHPS TO Itch, remud ~nc I bl l1iwer unit Ip t u wtl dw carport SIRSO yrl; C!49 J76 SAl3 Corona del Mar ._... Ct..-ai-d """' • .... .,,... '.'St • °""' '.;lw1 '..,,. PO'l...t>it ....... <.ob'" A;p I ~ 718 I'll& Pr vale Bea< n P •nd Sp• ""••I Oc••n Shop\ •nd RHl•u••nh l••~e & non 2 v• - lrl9ht 21• 11•, '"' Bo•I Siio Ava•lablt A,' ~ ii" ••ilni\ •v•ol I 710 LIDO P'AH Dl . n "" SI ~IJI) mo cit >II 949 673 6030 or '-'" L ff 949 MO '>63 l 949 723 5830 ~~1 ._ ................. ~ a..., •~rn."1 l8r 2 ~.1 ~ * YlAJILY * '""'' unot 11>! hv rm dl:n UASIS ti-"''''""' < 1h•1lr1 & """ Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS ... ~~ l olt10\ le ~ar 949-61 S-616 1 l inJ>o.t I Ml<\ lo bt h' No Sl\ldlo ..... w 1ul•'-«• f"'' .,,,.. $7ffl5 ·mo Y1 ~ utihlle\ paid uble intld no '-'IA!A I l'i 2!l! 7'lf> 1001 C,:-~ S85() mo 949- Mor91i.,tte 31r 1 210 NPl/CM 2br Iba house lu1ury ,,lurb ~ome nn pet I c Gara&e I~' Abe Ix~ , .. , P1l10 Slt50 OPEN SAl Desert Property 5960 ' !fir 1 s. ,_ c.w r><rt & s u N 11 !> !>62 964 6941 -P-.-1-,..--0-e.:...•_e_r.:...t __ f _o_I_"' IM"'1 $1700m .,.9-7\5 !ilJ STUDIOS Two very l1r1e Volle y CC, 2D• ?ba \ludro~ avail New piirnl rnndo ~oted .,..,, eols 3br 2..st.o &illd """ "" & urpel $1200 mo t u•ttd 2 c i•< Sur,.#r b rwmn1 l9'J1<t 7t i• I u~n Call 949 715 3513 c<>nd' Cluse 10 pool dub block llun1 Pch McNlttut Vertol lie • 2b• 2b• hse Own •RI S272 000 S3500 "'" 'J6Z 9&J Jail penthouse ocn v1hn Uvl r.,._ 96122~ b•ltony comm pool ten •ii Sl800 9'9 673 7800 MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS RenlllToShare 6030 l'fJ X lrom Hoa&. rm wfM ba. ft.Jn. cable no vndlW pet S625 • S75 uti av.11~ now~4256 Newport leoch 41st Sl share wrlh I penan $675, ma wolh P•r-1111 incl 714 318 5451 I & 21r'• from S910ma '" lovely 11al1d comm nor T 11 Squatt h ode• 1•• st or ~Re l(t11n Mn at 877 704 8649 • 9200 ~9"9""' YIU L Y HMTAU our lilt bnch. 2br lba 2br 2ba 11Ul500 Sl850 949 293 4630 l eo11tlf11I 3br 2 Sba townhom~ corner un•I Ip 2 c ear wd Aaenl S\8501mo 9'9 673 7800 stAFAJ•E s2.oso. De..t.loMHP'-thovH Qutet "" New lnt.-.or Gtted Comm NI ~ Nell lo liolli ~ ACT 949 646-6170 2M va. P'eMt S2500rno pr me pt COi.i se lowe um, nu crpl/l>alnt. 1tt p . spa & pool 949--71 S-351J Ne.-,wt c-at Jbr 2b1 comm pool & spa 2 c ear tp wd hkups •rt S2600 mo 949 29J 4630 5f.ade.1 in ~ !lJ.J, Corona d'J!J!Uu., '){apor/ Gotill, CJ.ta !JIU,a. ........ ...... ~-_, l of 10 Arnetle•n• '"'' c11rr111tlr owei mo110 frM abtnfoMd c.t: tr CtlClovllt <!P .._,_for info 7Jon 'I nu'ss oulop 1£is chance lo promo le .Y e:x~/iJe in Ibis fief di ~-2.9, 2fJOJ , 20«1 2~ 2(J()J Community The Best Location Waterfront lBR, IBA. $2500 2BR. 2BA Wltti Wa~r View $2150 ~ Aboeat O.r W1nttt Spedal "Employee." ''Empleado." "Arbeitnehmer. " ' Employe. " Automobiles 9000 Automotive 9004 Audi '99 A4 2 a 99" •''t~ ..... , " 0 J.1" .... ,.,. ,,.,._ .!' 11' .,.,.1. I & ~ "• ~ .. ~ ..... '"' .,._ ocpobl com IMW "9 S S401 .. t ) ~ ' "' ti• ' • ' • J ... , ' ..... ,. hf\I \t•.4'1Jf. $, ff Hk ;1; "8t> l!j88 fer4 '9•la,.i-erSro<I Al '" rl p•ad bl• •'• 1n S6.U., ••.,n.36 •·1'U M!i:!.ll ~1822 ferd '94 M1r1t.,., red ~6 C,,pO 'up•r l••n .. ' , "" .. ,, ' ! c._ • .t\J s~r ';;J':f ; .~ www .. ocpobl.com ,..,.,or '0 xij 14t. ... 1 fult ' I " ,,,., r .. •31"1iro ·~ r l .._;., f!fhl.. i "" r "..,... '"'" """ .•1'l><71 \l" .. ~ ,-. Hdii ~ >A.l'ff'W •.AJ "A 949·S16-1881 Jeep '9S G..-....d r h., • • ,.104,4 •fl ...... '• I $7'5(X) OJbU o')l~ t.·t I ~ t:. ~,4h '\{' • i-d ._ '00 Dkcovwy s~r f )., , ,t'\.! '/t-t. 't l!h, '1 " ... '. • ~ ... t'41'. c "'• t4> .. t ... t' Ll '1 , • ne s. 'N' • ~ I "• jl .... s. ... # ~·" c..J. .,,~,' r . ...ii. ....:• ... Mercedet 9 7 C2110 I ~r .. . "'" 't: 'l" :'"' .... t_J,jJC. Mr;. 01r 'l4'l "~~ ~ Men ed•• ·99 030 ... '"HTtprr • M •11 l n '" '\m~ tul ~ o IC1t' 1 Sit m ••~}I~ MesJ Dir 944 1,4( 8 Merced .. 'IS 1901 2 3 Al "c St'lll SuP•• ·~* "'~ " t S249L • •6~fl' , 1 PAfou Dir <M4 M6 787. Merced.• '93 JOO( J. 2 bl.K• '"'~ " t ... buu1.+u1 S899S •'>'1 l Cam Ml!sa ~ ~71t"1 Merude• ''6 (320 7 1-.. .tttl1lt ua~ '" • "'' nof 0 tiu ti ll\; '"" ,_.~, Sl9<f'i< B ~ • 949 '>86 I ~i,I< www oc oltl.cont Meu edH 'U 300Sl (, 'i~ •U\ B•u,. blu t S499"r •21!>1JS ,,, M•u 01r 949 646 781 •• ..-.-..u20lWI ,Htlll,S AUTO IMW 3111 M<bt H AW • tlli ft /j • 'r ""'/I.ti' s. """ ' ''I !);< • ~XJSC-119 ''"' • t' .-. II-.. . ~ '°' •tloo• 9 I I T orgo ,_ 10 . ' . ,, . ' •,"'"i I MerceclH •-• C230 ~edcin 07 l ,, ··~If MIZ lJ20 S.cl., 9t IMW ZJ lloocht"' 96 .. IMWMOO c .... •s .loepW ....... '" RH! " "I •n "'ll•ff<" 6•1• "~ • 189 •JI s .... °Y1 •o S74 7777 f'MLl.PS AUTO ~ NGllAnER HOW Y• IA! .. '!z CUlllED """ FlmlT. ' f, I ' ' I I ; , I I • ( , I -' ~ ( , : ,' : A10 Tuesday, January 7, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACAOSS I wtlef1 rnam-mohl roamld (2Wde.} 7 Eoononilc Ind. 10 Gounder 14~porl 15 Fo.ifluel 16 A/lnlpolit Inst 17 P=redpet 18 fii ::i C8legOly 1 e SaJo•e mop 20 Fl'Ofllkl< M10or1 23 ~(2wds.) 2fl 'Gidget" lldfe&S 27~=y 28 Sour 29 Faciilate 30 Cure hides · 31 Seine vista 32 Slangy pai -33 CharmlnQ 37 Swemp 38 Equip 39 Devour 40 Male Sheep 4 1 Wall pain1iogs 43 oc 18ll peopj11 44 MOOCh 45 Pnze marbje 48 llflgflrle •lt!HI 47 -COlada 48 Gourmet muahroom 51 RIYer bo1to111 5' Tiny "'1()Ullls SS Crlmf>(2 wds.) 56 l.Jme9lone formation 57 • -)'OU llK8T 580lteemlng 62 l.lyclfod ooolcle 83 Our soo 64 Hotel olteMQs 65 Compulsions 66 Temilnale 87 Some nlJ1S DOWN 1 No1 wtll 2 Spy019 3 ClalMlya/ICe 4 T alee l)oelag8 5 Vl9COUS ' ti Bndge bld1. 7 Rang 8 Alco-.v 9 eonsoncv 10 BHlnds • 11 Lake Na9981's dam 12 ReaNy stupid 13 Acpair·bill 11cm 21 Common p!Yases 22 Flowers and Vl~S 23 Rigid 24 Le&$ l'06Y 25 'GQoCI night. 91rt 29 ACltlln Hood's mlSSlle 30 O&nly omeme111 3? Bogart's lovo 33 Flab 34 Planet !I COUl 89 35 -Kee l/Ok:ano 36 Peel and Bovary 42 Sound systems 46 Sow 47 Lyncal 48 The real - 49 Midwest 011port 50 H&l~\IOIOllCJ bird S 1 'Ooo Juai1· !X>ftl 52 Flow OUI S4 ~X18(11y 55 Coarse f~e 59 Tony winn<'f' Hagen 60 Sawbuck 61 Mountnl" curve Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ~vou BE THE JUDGE Both vulncr.iliic. F.a.o.t de.uh. · h11vt' led to 1111 cui.y game in no trump oo this lie of \he cards but, with only ooc diamond !lloppcr. lh<l Joubic <.'Cr- tamly does not rare a.' an error. NORTH • K 987 AK9 A63 • K 109 ~"f'' \ EAST Against four ~padc~ West clec.:ted to lead n low hean. Declarer ro:.c with dummy'i. ace'. then drew trum~ in lhree roondi., ending m dummy. The king of hcasts wa... cashed and dech1rer exited wilh the ninc, won by Wesl's queen Tiic defcndcT 1=..._hcd the ace of clubs and conrinucd wi1h the quec:n. Declarer won with 1he lting, and ruffed -a club to prepare for an cndplay. The ace of diamond~ and ~ ~o4iJ1 4 • 1043 } J 532 Q9 • AQ J 2 • 87 65 SOllTH •AQ J 62 1076 .... J s 2.. ... 43 Wl'S r NORTll . a diwnond did Uk: dwnllgc. ~t won Wlth the 4uecn but wa' down to noth ing hu1 .i heart and a clul:I, and whichever 1he defender chmc 111 re1um woul\I allow dcdan:r w ruff m one hand while dl\l·ardinll a d1umonJ from the other. and I() tnck\ -..ere tn the bag I Obi Pass 4• Pas,o; Opcnm~ ICJJ: F1Kir of Stutly the h1dding anti play of tt11~ tlcaJ. tlwn tlc.:1lk· Who. 11 anyone. .:rn.'tl dunn).( the bidd111g or play'! Wh,11 wa' 1h..: (rTP(1 Nicely played. but declarer did nx·c1ve an lll>'t'I fmm the dcfen'><:. While a diamond lcaJ would ha\e Jcfcalt!J the cuntrull. Wc'I Lanno! be foultcJ for lcathn~ a lk:an. Ea_q mu't 'houlJcr the blame fur nor <kfea1in¥ ~ contra1:1. The tklcndt:r lllU\I 1cn1- 1,011 rhc tiucen ol d1amu111h under the .ice . .ind Wc,1\ K 10 111 J1amonth fXll!>t!d mer ~ourh \ JUd v.1 II rnllect l'IO.O Inc~' lnr .i nnl'·lnc~ M:t. W11h 4-.l-'\. '\ d"tnhu11on. wc v. uuld lean tuv. ar(f 11 one· no-trump m cr.:ull r-Jlhcr than a taJ<etjtjt tloubk w11h the Nnnh rnrlh. Thul might _Aut_o_mo_tlv_e ___ 9004_ Automotive 9004 Ninon ·crr Altlmo GXE .iuto clean. looks/drives perf $398~ v#846548 Cos la Meit ~ 919fi46-782'2 ~~~~~~~~-~"""' Ninon '17 Slon10 GXE auto. looks & runs perl, AC PW, POL. grandmas < ar. $2445 v#215489 Costa Mesa Dir 949 646 7822 Oldomoblle '95 Aurora V8, lmmac fully loaded lthr 84K rn1. S5225 v•l4'34720 Co•la Mesa Dir 949·646 7827 SAAB '91 900S Red/ grey llhr. Al. A/C. perfect cond, top ind $4995 v-Zl5845 Co~ta Meu Dir 949 646 7822 Rong• Rover '97 4.6 HSE. 60k mi. melalllC dark green, oatmeal llhr, 18 .. whl~. labulous car fabulous LOnd, $1 8.995 firm v#265124 fin/warr _avail Bkr 949 586· 1888 Range Rover '97 4 6 HSE. 60k rm. melalhc dark green, oatmeal lthr, 18 · whls. fabulotJs Cdr labulous cond, $18,995 tum v#265 I 24 hn/wa11 avail Bkr 949·586 1888 Saturn '95 Sl2 Red, 5 spd. am-fm cass. 4dr. $2250 v#215'158 Cosla Me~a 011 949-646 7822 Wanted 9045 f'amly Oper-.1 o..lei- ()$ 40 year.; e•pl ,... pay a very fal' pflce lot ycKS car -VM or truck paid f.,- or not Cal o.J< Rey @ I oma1Q Auto Sille!> 714 fJl 1931 (JI 114 l28-J228 CASH FOR CARS We need your car. paid for 01 not Ph1ll1ps Auto Ask tor Malioolm 949 574 7777 HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS ,. ....... ~ERVICE Service Directory Auto Services Computer Services Drywall Services Gardening/ Handyman/ c......-..... Software/ Landscaping Home Repair Accounting UQNSlD • KlUAIU WITTHOEFT DRYWALL Fomily ~for 30 Yeon Hardware •n~tallat1on. All phaus sm/lrg rubs Lou Torres L .... d1top• lrouble shootr1I. MAC.!PC CUANI 20yrs, fan. lree ~:1~1'.1-:l li .. NOTICE TO READERS AUTOMOlllf SlRVICl •l!lllOnill:* 1""'5 714-547-9Zli est L40'.X00 714 639 1447 Wedtly mMll. bee tr~ & 1nsl~llallon 25 Yrs op Cal1forn1a law re ,,,_,, -""'-'* -SlrNf 1°'1 Electrical Services LK/msured 949 ~ 4363 ' Li.I~ I~ quires lh"t conh ac TUNE 1j;0 SHOP COMPUTER Wood Decils • Fences tors taking fobs that Tr•• Service, Yard to tal S500 01 mnre HELP! Small Job hpertl Cleanup, Mamlenanre. Elec:tncaJ • DrywaN (labor or malelldls) (949) 645-4641 • '9Mte or Group 1'lltoltllO Ounun (lecll1<. 20Yrs £ ~p Spr in kier Repalf. Hauling Carpentry • Tiie .• Etc be licensed by the mwa..111.1w1111.....,) ··~--~-locaVQuidl R~se !949~ 650-1711 Anthon. t..ocalllil• Contraclor\ Stale •PC or 11aC Se1 vice/Remodel~ Handyman/ .,14. 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Computet fl.p contra c f ur d t w...-~ No Job Too Small llA!MllltllI~ 714-612-2786 Fencing • ~ • c-, www cslb ta gov 01 (SU9J263-1231 Christian Handyman Dave Bam!Jton 800 321 CSLB Unh Gc*s • V.,-! • Ii.bod r ns11 Cwoeniet --rom Concrete & Masonry ~,..... 949-322-8292 censed tontractor ~ CR ............. ~I Tru-ded • fedwood ~.dt)wa# lak ing 1obs I hat ::........-""'·.' p,.,., EstiWUIJn 6-stucco, Sib llocn total les~ than $500 Brl<'li 81o<li Slone Tiie Profwiolflll !1U1""'11iot1 .vlOdows/doorl, -. must s tale ir• their C00<ret~ PatlQ, Or1vew~y fasica boirds & painting. Health & Beauty advert1semenls !hat Carpet Repair/Sales r irepk BBQ Ref s 25Vrs STAMBAUGH IUllDW Senio-~Free hp Terry 714 557 7594 LoH up to 201bo ,., they are not hten"d 714.809 .5694 estimate Cal Jam by the Conlraclors The Cement Mon 714~35 tnonlh, triple-your State License Board " CARPET1'>CARPET Cemrntwork Brll k l1IP I•,,.,,.,,. enerfly Only $38.9S Repau s. 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