HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-08 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot-s·u------· .. --..... -... --... --_._,_ ____ ----------------------------------- Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2003 KENT TREPTOW DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa Pohce Chief Dave Snowden. seen here standing between two patrol ca rs. 1s retmng m June after 18 years on ttie 1ob. Top brass takes new · tack Police chief Dave Snowden enters pseudo-retirement while city works to fill the tough guy's 'big shoes.' 0H pa Bharath Daily Piiot In the last 16 years, Costa Me~ Police Olief Dave Snowden has seen a city grow from the ground. He's seen roads paved, wire'> grounded and peo ple muluply. He's watched children die and victims cry. He's seen h1mself build a Police Department and make a connection with a diverse community. I le\ had his laughs and shed a lot of tears. Now, he's ready to move on. On June 30, the 59-year-old chief will walk out of h1s office and not return. The very thought brin~ I ears to ~nowden's eyes, although he has been plannmg retirement for a while Officially. he hai. been reured for a year now. In June, the city entered into an agreement with the chief in which he would retire and then continue part-time, working 960 hours a year. But the word pan-ume doesn't mean a thing, 5nowden said That's because he worked 960 houN from June to Oecembcr and will work the same number of hours from Jan. I 10 June 30 -which, he ~~. amounts 10 full -urne work. "I had to do it last year because not doing so would have cost me 24% of my retirement salary for life. H he said. "I didn't make the decision to reure. The system made that decision for me • TechrucaJiu~ aside. it has been an emotional time for the chief, who takes pnde in everything he was hired to d o and more. he said. "I feel proud JU!>t wallcing down the back door to work,· Snowden said. "The fact that our officers won eight out of 10 (Mother; See BRASS, Pa1e A4 Hu·s-croft House gets stay from council Vote authorizes staff to negotiate with Westside developer to move historic eyesore from TeWinkJe Park to Bernard Street. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot ~r~ .-.-.,.. ~,.._. .... ~~ ~- COS-fA Ml \A Its puhe ma.,. have weak· ened con-;1derabl~ tn 1he pa'>I ~t'ar but the I lw.croft I h>U'>l' rt'rnams on life -.uppon af. ter the C...ty C ouncLl voted Monday to con- -.1de. r one 1,1'! <>pllon fur 1he de:s· ymg .,true· ture. Counnl ml'lllOef'. unanimou'>I} t'<.1ded to give •>taff the opportunit} 10 negouate a deal between the City and We-.ti.1de property owner John Morehart to move the dilapi- dated craftsman-style house from a spot at TeWinkle Park to a large property on Ber-. nard Street, where Morehart plans to revive IL The propo!>al, which wa-; a la.st dnch effon by the Cit\ ICJ ..a .. e the a'l{Uabl} hi'>tonc house from demohuon. giv~ Morehart the structure, S.J0.000 to move 11 and wdlves any pemut and bu1ldmg fees normally assoo- ated with relocation and restordt1on projects <;uch as thl'> one. At the meetmK. EAStside r~1den1 Reth Re- falcui. !.aid -.he Wcll> leery of the deaJ because 11 would force a blighted houw on the Ber· nard treet neighborhood ~ a taxpayer. Re- falcus said r,he well> also oppo)t'd to all the concess1oni. the city was malong to get nd of the holl!>t'. ·we are paying thJ-; pen.on to take 1t and then waiving all Lhe-;e fees? Rt>fakus asked increduJousl} Councilman Allan \1anwor ..aid that he too was oppo-.ed to spending an> more public fund'> on the house. but that t1m pro- posal falls within the antmpated co'>t<. of about $35.000 for 11s demolition .. I have no problem i.upponmg thb if someone in the commurury want!> to make a good effon at restonng 11. • Mansoor said. Council member. al'>o placed a umeline on the re!>torauon project. saying they d1dn·t See HOUSE, Pa1e A3 UCI profess or deemed quite a fellow by former stude nts Graduate School of Management teacher Judy Rosener is honored with an endowed fellowship created in her name. Deirdre Newman Dally Pilot UCJ CAMPUS -A UC Irvine Graduate School of Management professor has been honored with an endowed fellowship in her name courtesy of two former students. Judy Rosener, an acclaimed expert on gender dlflerences in the work.place, received the honor in late December. Richard and Darcy Kopcho, who graduated from the school in 1980, donated $200,000 to the business school for the endow- ment In addition, another alumna. Martha Newkirk. started a small committee to raise another $200,000 for the fellowship. The committee has raised $94,000 more already. The endowed fellowship. called the Dr. Judy 8. Rosener ·spirit of Difference· Fellowship. wtJJ allow one student to be funded each year. Criteria in- cludes demonstrating an interest in gender and rultural diversity and having overcome igni6cant personal or economic obstacles. Rosener said she was floored by her former students' generos- ity. ·1 was hocked: Rosener ex- claimed. ·When most people glve money. they give it m their own name.· Rosener's path to academia was not a traditional one. She was a Newport Beach housewife raising three kids when UC Ir- vine opened its doocs in the 1960s. "I had no intention of ever having a career or job: said Rosener. who still lives in New- pon. 'My kids were in high school, and r said, 'Maybe I shouJd go back. to school for ~ .. 1un. Rosener had so much fun tak- ing classes part-time at ua that she ended up getting a master's in political science from CaJjfor- nia State University. Fullerton. She went on to Oaremont for a doctorate, which she received at 50. She began teaching at UCJ's business school in the 1980s. She was one of the first to announce a difference in the way wamen lead companies in a controver- sial artlcle she wrote for the Har- van:I Business Review. She also co-authored a book on how to manage a diverse wortcforce and then wrote a book called •America's Competitive Secrets,· about why women are some- times al a disadvan~ge in the work.place. She is working on another book. about gender and hor- mones. Council bums 19th Street Bridge notion Costa Mesa leaders reject Westside committee's suggestion that the city study a bridge plan, calling such an action improper. Loltu Herper Oalty Pilot COSTA MESA -CowicU members thwarted a recommended study on the rea- libiltty ol a bridge at 19th Stteet Monday, uylng it would be Improper to embark on any iDdependenc reteareh Wltil a rep>naJ CONenlUI II~~· . The coUndl wted 4 to 1 to disregard a rea>mmendadon hen lbe CommunJty Re- development Acdon Conunlttee to atudy the economic feuibWty of a bridge at 19th Street to cross the Santa Ana River into Huntington Beach.. Councilman Allan Mansoor dissented. Memben or the committee cnated to push for Westside dewlopmeqt argued that the coundl should at least look lnto bow a bt1dge could revitallu the western portion of town: Mayor IC.arm Robinson said It would be Improper to fund an independent atudy when four area ddea haw agJeed to WOik collaboradwly on bridge ~ at both 19th Strttt and~ Avenue. Robinson and the coundl YOCaDy op- poeed a aimDar move by Fountain YaDey cound1 mer,nbera tn December to fUnd their own llUdy or a brtdF at GI.lier and '9id It would be ~ to atddt.e that dty for Its action. Only to tum arowid QUESllON ShcMlkt the c-. .... Qty eo..dl90CMllidllabfldge .. 1tlh a..t7 Cetl our RMdef'I Hotline 9t (Me) 642-eo88 or Mnd e-mellto ? • dllllypilof•tnme&oom. PIMM lpel your neme and lndude your hofMtown and phone number, for Y9fttk:etb1 P'M1>0W only. and do the same thing. "We have an ~t." Robinlon &aid "We me committed. to waldnc for a (nt- gk>nlll COOleNUS). SpendblC $150.000 on aomethiril tbilt .e netd COi-froa\ othef ddel for WOuld be • --ol ecarc:e ~· Bridfes al GWer and 19Cb. wbk:b would ......... Al K£NT TMPUlW I OM. Y Pl.OT Judy Rosener, a professor at UC IMOe's Graduate School of Management, has been honored with a fel1owship in her name. Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTtEWEB: ww.~ccm WEATHER Whh the wtndl gone. ft't dme '° r9buMd. ~·be in the upper eo. tom66-70I. • S.PlpA2. FORUM ' $Chool end enWOIWI ..... ..... cllcl 111d. ........ SPORTS N.-wpor1 Htft»of ............... 80CX* .... protAdM. 4-0 ....,tD .... ..,rMI CoroM .. Mir In. not ...... llhowdown. ......... --~~--~---------~~--~~~~~~~-------~------:-~--~-----------------·---- A2 ~. Jalwry 8, 2003 . LOCALS ONLY NEIGHBORS Newpon Beach residents Stew Friedmann and Jeff Gehl were named to the committee of the Ocean lnstitute's MJazz in January" event earlier this month. The event, which features the mellow sounds of jazz star Peter WIUte along with an intimate gourmet dinner • prepared by Orange County's top chefs. will be held at the end of the month. Proceeds raised from the event will go to the institute's hands-on youth education programs ... John Wayne Airpon Oight instructor Pamela Henpteler was honored Pamela Hengsteler by the Long Beach Flight Standards District Office of the Federal Aviation Administration with the 2002 Exceptional Achievement Award. Hen~eler has worked as a full-time flight instructor for 11 years and has guided, nurtured and prodded pilot candidates through the easy and tough times of learning to fly. She has recommended S4 pilot candidates, all of whom passed and 87% of whom passec;l on their first attempt Henpteler rues out of Sunrise Aviation at John Wayne Airpon. which bas FM-certified pilot programs and aaobatic instrucdon ... Air Poree 2nd LL ICoo H. JCJm. daughter of Jang and Hae Seon JC1m of Costa Mesa. reponed for duty at Ddver Air Force Base in Delaware. Kim. a manpower officer with five years of military service, graduated from Costa Mesa High School in 1997 and received a bachelor's from the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado In 2002 ... Ray ICoYKa, a 19-year member of the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub, was named commodore last month. Kovacs. wbo has been on the club's board of directors for five years, has more than three decades in top executive positions in the hospitality industry. Kovacs plans to impa new strategy tp draw In more members. expand involvement in national and international yachting communities and strengthen the juniors' sailing program with a mentoring program. • NEIGHBORS spotlights act11evements in the community. Please direct noteworthy information to Christine Carrillo via fax at (949) 64&-4170, or aend &-mail to dlristine.carrillo@lstimes.com. PET OF THE WEEK Marcus Marcus, the little orange lclnen with the diaphragmatic hernia. received surgery he needed for his condition thanks to the generosity of many who donated to the Marcus Fund, said DiAnna Pfaff-Martin, founder of the Community Animal Network. The Sl.700 fund. along with the generous discount provided by Veterinarian Surgical Specialists in Tustin, allowed the kitten to receive the necessary lreatment. The surgery. which was a high risk fur a lcltten so young, usually costs $2,500. The veterinarian group knocked off $1,000 so the network could use the leftover money to help other animals in need ~In the history of the organization, we have never had so many local people come forward to help," Pfaff-Martin DUI ARRESTS The following fHK>ple have been arTeSted recently on suspicion of driving under the influence of an intoxicant They have only been arrested on suspicion of a crime and, as with all suspects, are considered innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Sunday • Nidlolas Allen Alvarado, 18, Costa Mesa • Brenda Denise Howell, 38, Costa Mesa Ssturday • Casey Alan Lesher, 31, Costa Mesa • Otllio Reyes-Cruz, 40, Costa Mesa fftd.y • Katherine Ann Ziglar, 22, Corona del Mar • Uvian Mary Shaver, 42, FaJlbrook said. MWe have titled a section of our Web site 'A Bridge to Life' to publicize the names of the people who helped Marcus get his surgery.• Marcus will need a.bout two weeks to recover before he will officially be up for adoption. See other animals available for adoption at www.animalnerworlc.org or stop by Russo's pet store at Fashion Island between noon and 4 p.m. on weekends. Information: (949) 759-3646, or write to the Community Animal Network at P.O. Box 8662, Newpon Beach. CA 92658. •Richard Christapher Ayres, 31 , Huntington Beach NEWPORT BEACH Sunday • Ali Mohamed Aboukhalll, 23, Newport Beach • Russell Scott Traub, 24, Newport Beach •Andreas Spero Papaioanu, 31, Chino Hills • Char1es lndika Perera, 29, Palm Desert Ssturday • Brian Scott Ogle, 22, Tustin ~ • Ryan Char1es McCreay, 24, Capistrano Beach • Stephanie Joan Delacruz, 52, Costa Mesa • Jane Spurgeon, 19, Glendora • Vincent Ammon Alvarez, 25, Garden Grove • Wendv Kay Morton, 48, Rancho Mirage •Bryn Federidt Parker, 41, Newport Beach • Jennifer Navarro Quinones, 20, Costa Meaa Daily A Pilot VOL97,N0.8 . Tl40MAS H. JOHNSON. JoMJ.lemoe. Publisher Art Ol...ctor I Newt Delle Chief TONY DOOERO, (949) 57-..224 Ecfitor joN.Nnto.•llfl,,,._oom .Nt1f OfTTINO, Stiew~ .Adwrt~r Photo Supervleor LANA • (949) 7e.M3t58 Promotionl Dlt'9Ct0f' tt:n.photo•,.tl,,.,.oom Newtw.ot. Gina AleQndet, Lori Andenon, P1ul S.itowltz. Dem.I SttlYeN DTINOfTAff NEWl.rltff &.J.c.M, ~°::~. ManeoJno Edltot , .. ,~ (Ml5' •J.o.hrt• IMlrrw.oom deet».,,,..,_,,. •111t1nw.oom ---=·· ...... Meler, OtyEdKlof ~~~· CMl?M-CM /un..~"#i~~oom ~ltlllnw.com ..... ~ Politk:a end wMl'Oftment ~. Spofta Edllor IM)?&M330 ptW/.dlnton·~ (IM9>R:.m3 ~ Leltil ..... """"....,,,.~ co.te MeM repoftlr, CM)~ ................. lol,,.,_,,..,,,.,,_oom ,..__EdllDr ~ ............. , ... ~ EduGedon ~. IMI ~r /tJnltllll'.t'IWlwll~ . ~.,,......,,.,,.~ FOR A GOOD CAUSE A _pet proj~ct Newport Beach hairstylist Renee Carleton goes out of her way to ensure that pets in and out of the area eat. R enee Carleton, a slender blond Newpon Beach hairstylist, ls In the market for a new vehicle. ·1 would kill for a forklift, M she said. c.arleton said she needs the heavy machinery to load and unload pounds of pet food donated to her self-run and nonprofit Pet Food Bank. Shampoo bottles, hairdryers, ed.leon, eurlir\g lrons, combs and large bqa of chinchilla food a.bound at Trim Hair Salon in Newpon Beach. Carleton often needs aome extra space to store the tons of donated pet food she receives. "My clients are used to it," she said. •There is dog kibble all around the salon.• Carleton, «. personally delivers . food, equipment and.medical supplies to shelters as far away as Victorville and Mexico. She has food for chinchillas, monkeys, birds. dass. cats, bearded Iguanas, etc. You name it, she's got it The food supply comes from donations from generous pet stores, who load her van with food. every morning, before her first appointment at the salon. the Westtninster resident makes her rounds, collecting and delivering provisions. MI am the crazy person that drives around and picks up food, M Carleton said. The busy hairdresser and pet philanthropist gathers medical supplies, such.as peroxide, alcohol and special prescriptions, from area veterinarians and delivers them to kennels in financial hardship. Carleton, who could not ignore the dire need for food and supplies at underfunded shelters, said she schedules her hair appointments around her food bank schedule. ~It's a full-time job, but thankfully I have flexibility and I can work around my clients,· she said. KENT TREPTOW I OAl.Y PILOT _Story by Lolita Harper Renee Carleton of The Pet Food Bank plays wrttl her friend's dog Mia. GEi llNG INVOLVED regular driven. {714) 840-e611 or(7W) 891.()804. SSM'tG P£OPLE IN NEED 9'oup aleo Medi ~(M) &42·3461, m. 2Sl IHERIMN &..-MY &GMDINI • CM!i INi illftllDLVID runs periodlc8lv In 0. Deir Plat on• iotdng bMM. For lnfonMdon on 9ddlrtg VOAJt~n 1011111 ........ , 114-4• SeMng P9ople In Need, aleo lcnoW •• SPIN, ls lootclng for volunlMrl to help p19pere sect m..e. for the hom 1lw, ~bee hygiene lilts,~~ and pie* up food for~ SPIN prcMdes mow-In~ for hou8lng, cme~MdMapportwvtcea to families~ ......... L SPIN wOfbn .aeo ..w • femlty 9dvieora or mentora end c:onducta WOibtqN on budgdng and more. Visit SPIN 1112900 .....,. St., SuiUi K-106, Co111a Mii1i. {714) 711· f10l You could ... with .. Qlafdln. ~'" the gift Ind tM lhop or becoe11e I dDcm'll guide for c:Nldr9'1 Md ...... Coron. del M8r'a ....... Qlfdln Md ....... fl 111 di~-9'efat6e Kriall1~ ---fllGll.l •.-EO &erw••guid9bhDn 1f111tam•11 bY h8tplng tMrn .. ID* 9"d mllinlllln • bMlcbudg81. ......... Meded. Oriwrl llan8idnlM'8~ :n.-........ 157-,.. ........ (INl)~2281. .......: ..... ASm1MC1 CINIEM ,,. .... .:. SHMI lXll m.vEI a.-= 'TN sm.tl ........ •11'Jb •°"*'Iii ~C09111Colegeneldl ..... to .... .m.11.,.....CMIW'llrt ..-.~ ............. ...... hurNn raeourctl Md attwt-. (71')42-1111. ~.,. .......... '° deltV!lirsn..- .......................... In CoilllM8Mwho .. no1--..,..... .., ... .,.... .... nae.-...,,_ The dlnic, wNd\ prcMdel .,._0-ICV ..... 10 .. nMdyln er-. CoUnly, -~for~10dalwr8"d plci up food from local ......... Ind IDIEClllCNml .............. ---. ...... ,. .,.iilllidlD--•lalllonehourP8' ---.... moMb P!'ftod; lut JllMa ctrw.t .. ~ ............ 8"M*V ..... MlpwlthrMclallMd ... ICITCIB .....,.. c... 8ouP '°'*" ..... tood..,,.,. ............ ~ awlltlne C.mlo N.-...i.tant {949) 57~ dlrifll,,.,carrillo • 1"tlm-.com PHO'IOORAPHERS Seen Hiiier, Don l.eectt, ~Treptow R£ADEltS HOTUNE (IM8) 842-«l88 Record your oommerrl9 •bout the Deity Piiot °' news tlpe. Addr.- Our lddf-.l 11 330 W. Bay St., Co.ta Mela. CA 92827. Ofllcl hour9 ere M~y • Frldly, 8:30 1.m. -15 p.m . ~ It II the Pllot'I policy to promptly correct 111 9m>f"S of eubltance. ,..... c:etl (949) 574"&288. FYI The N9wport a..c:M:olca Mela DlllV Piiot (U6'5-144-800) 11 publlehed deffy. In Newpon IMdl Ind ea.ti Meel, eublcrtptione Ire svllllble only bV eubecrtblng to The nmee Ortnee County (8001 262.f141. !ft ...... outelde of N.wpoft lleed'I end co.ca Mete, eu~ to the Deity Not.,.. ~only by flt-. a.."*' for ao per mondl.. IMoN lndudl .. , .... .. and 1oe191 ta ... ) fl'08'TMAS'TER: s.nd ~ • ~toThe~ ~ ... Olly fltfot. '°' . ,.,... ...... encry ........ tood IOftlnglnd~ ID ... .. frorit dealt Ind 8Dfne att. ..... The ..... The Ofglll*-donle•nGW. - 9t..C-. Mw...., .. -L Box t560, Co.ta Mesa, CA 92626. SURF AND SUN Copyright No news mm... lllultrM!ont. editorial matter or edvertlMmentl herein can be WEATHER FORECAST evening. reproduced without written permlMlon of copyright owner. The day will begin with SURF HOWlO MACH US aome ciouda., but we lhould be ~ clear by afternoon. Moct W.'11 begin to drop down ln The Tlmee Onlnge County notably, the winds will be 112e today but should nu ... (800) 25241141 gone. Hight ~II be a bit cooler, head-hlghe •nd tome AdlraMlf a I l"ed (IM8) 842-5678 with the cout In the upper 80I 0¥9~ Standout apota wfl °"'*"' (949) 842-4321 to Costa MtlM In the mld-70.. do wen bebr, with • f9w ~ Lowa will drop Into the dou~. Newt mlcMOL We should encoum.r 1 f9W (949) 842-ee&o We'll be d .. r vet egaln m0'9 heed-highs on Thuntdrf, lpoft8 (Ml) 57-..223 Thurlday, with ~mllar but wfll drop Into the Newt,_ (Ml) &4M170 &po.tie,... (Ml) 850-0170 tempetatu ..... The WM«end't u~ rengeoome Ridey. f'fMI: dllltypl1ot•111t1~m loolclng coofer. The nut tweH rolle In ~a.. lnfomwdot.: Saturd8y. ........ <-.. (948) 942-4321 www.nwe.no.N.(IOV W....qu81ty: ....... ,... (IMl) 831-7126 WWW.«ll'frfdK°'11 BOATING FOf'ECAST TIDES 'TN Mltefty wtnds will b6ow Time ........ 10 to 20 knot9 •rtv. buc wtll ... to 10to15 knot9 i.ter. 7:031.m. 2.•fMllow wtth 2·foot W1W1 end I Wiit 1~p .. m . 3.f7te.thlgh ~by Tlmee Community IWlft of' to • fwt. 7:31 p.m. 0.12te.tlow Newt. • dMelon of the Loe...,.... Out fMher, --~ • 2:41 a.m. 4.07te.thigh '""*' wtnda. blow 10 to 15 ~ whh 2..foot ~Ind. Wiit WATER TEMPERATURE Cl2002 Timee CN. All rlghtl _....of 10 ID 13 ""°'11. The ~ tame. be found .. 57degi ... ' -----------------~--------------------111111!'---..... """"" ..... l""'!!"!'P'!' .......... --. Daily Pilot FOR THE RECORD 1\vo compl.,..ints filed against the city of Newport Beach ln 200 l and 2002 have been d!"°pp<'d by the Orange County d1Stnct attorney's office, con trary to the Jan: 3 DaiJy Pilot article ·Brown Act violation uncertain." Tilat article incorrectly re- ported that one of two com- plaints that the city violated the spirit of state open-meeting laws was still pending. when the mat- ter had been closed in the fall. City leaders consider the dis- BRIDGE Continued from Al cro'>l> the Santa Ana River, are in- cluded in county cransponalion plam. but Costa Mesa and other c1ues have been working for years to erase them from the plans. Co~ta Me!>a offic1ab have largely led that figb1. contending that either bndge would simply nea1e a "cut through" for dnver<. lookmg for a i.hon<.1Jt 10 the Co~La Me~1 t-recwdy. CoMa Me~. Fountain Valley, Newport Beach and I luntington Beach tomnu~<,ioned a -.tudy - named the . Santa Ana River Cro~ing Mudy -to research the eOccts of removing the bridges from Uw counry rna.-.ter plan. Hill Molll!., the aty's cbrector of public befVices. '>a.Id he did not know when the four cutes would come 10 a rorL'oellSU.\ on a possible ~luuon. wtuch v.uuk.I then be '>ludJed for IL<, fea-.ibihty. Rut taJh an.-undt.'TWdy. and the V-ctnOll'> atie. are 11ialang lh<.'tf mdt.ix'Odent deo !>IOn'> to bnng Lo the table. he ~ Robcn l 1raham, a longume proponent of a bridge al 19th, led the C ommun1ty Hedevelop- ment A<.uon < omm111ec·~ recom- mendauon. convincing a ma1or- 1ty of hi'> commi11ee member. that the roadway could rev11aliJ.e the Westside. Vocal re<.1den1 Marun Millard, aJo,o a committee member . ..aJd ht-'>Upponed the study bccaui.e 11 lould prov!!' beneficial for a -,hopping centrr on the West.side \Qmethmg tht: commuruly ha!! wanted for yean.. "'v\e need a practical '>ludy to evaluatt• whether 11 would bring traffit 10 support a <,hopping center or 1f 11 would be a freewdy cut-through." Millard said, add- ing that he would not !>Upport a bridge 1f research predicted 11 would servt! ~a nuru-hjghway. West.!.1de resident Paul Ables agreed with the ma1onty of the counctl. adamantly opposing <>pending ld.Xpayer money on the bridge .. 1udy. ·~rap the '>tudy. ~rap the bndgr and '>tart building our commun11y. • Ahl~ said. • LOUTA HARPER co11ers Costa Mesa She may be reached at (9491 574.-4275 or by e-mail al lollta harperrn /at1mes.com trict attorney's dismissing the complaint significant because that action clears the city or any official charges that It violated either the letter or the spirit of the state law commonly known as the Brown Act. That act requires thal most government decision-making be conducted in a publla forum, with exceptions for real estate negotiations, for some personnel matters and for penrung litiga- tion. · Leaders of the Greenli&Jlt Committee had charged that two city actions were in CQn0ict with the objectives of that law. ln November 200 1. Greenlight HOUSE Cootinued from Al want neighbors to be subjected to the blighted home for any longer than was necessary. MQrehart will have sue months from final approval of tuc; de- signs for the property to begin construction and a year to com- plete the proiect once ~e pulb the permits- Pians for lhe 12.000-square-foot Bernard Street property. on which sit two singl~family homes and leaders asked the district attor- ney to ex.amine whether meet- ings between city officials and representatives of the Koll and the Conexant companies were. ln July 2002, the Greenlight Committee asked the district ac- tomey's office to consjder whether the city's closed-session decision 10 hire airport lobbyists constiluted a violation of the Brown Act. The diMrict anomey's dec~ion supports the city's f)filition that ii acted appro{>riately in both m~cters. . An obituary that ran Tuesday misspelled the last name of Da- QUESTION It thlt latett plan for the Huscroft HouH • good one7 Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send &-mail to 7 • da1lypilot ii>fatimes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for venficat1on purposes only. two townhomec;, would reqwre a t.,ty-issued wning change and are still <;Ubjcct LO review by the Plan~ ning Comm~1on and the public. Morehart has said that he wants to FULL BAR COCKTAILS MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·645·7626 • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL FLOORING llM6f•8:IG10N f .t ... w:.:,:.j SOL ARl.._11. :: .,I ADD " u ........ , .. nove• -• I •••• I •• -W9'-. .. SOLID BRAZILIAN MOHAWK DENSE PlUSH HARDWOOD CARPET Chenya $599 Pecan Flf'ish '° ~ ID'\VSQn.Fas 1 !~9* Md w.a Gt.srt9e ~.,,., oao Travertine 18" x 18" .. ........................... ... .. ....... '3.99 '°" Ceramic Tiie . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . ....... lllt.lleO "OM '4.99 '° ' Lammate 'Hood. .. ....................................... f'fSQlr90 tror '4.99 '°' WHERE CAREERS BEGIN •• CllllEI TllTFIT YllllllY sc1m1u . HUNTINGTON SfAC:H &OCIREER CERTIRCBE PROGRAMS lftl51 TlllllFEI CllRIEI • www~gWc.lnfo 1895-8187 vid John t.urun I he currec:ted version can be found on P"dge A4 today. The hometown fur a lctlt'r writer on Tut:Sday'~ forum pagt- was incorrect. lame!> D. Dally lives m Newport Beach A newi. bnef on l'u~day u1rnr rectly described the llltcttu-. of two ficus treei. on Mam ~>lreet 1n Ral boa Village. The one m front of the phar macy will be removed and -.&ured for future rnplantrng at u location 10 be de1errn,ined. Th<: lieu'> tree in from of the Balhoa Inn will re- main where ii 1:.. demol!!>h the front home and rl' place ii with the I lu'><.mh I lou'>t' If. for dJlY rea\on. plaJl'> to move the I lu-.croft I loW>t' fall through. the rnunc1I '><.ltd thr money allocated to nt'W>Wllt' with Morehart would he U'>l'd 111 d emoll';h 11 • LOLITA HARPER covers Costa Mesa She may be readiod at (9491 574-4275 or by t; m1,11I di loltta.~arper a /Jt1mes com Ta:~w~-:u N DUIDEFENSEATTORNEY• MYLESL . Wedoe!.oddy-, Janoory 8, ?003 Al • MATH Help At TuTORING CLUB Offering Ind ividualized ln6tr uctlon • Basic Mat.h • Algebra • G l'!CJmetry • Trigonomet.ry • Calculus CALL TODAY 949-645-7900 488 E. -1 T'" STREET • COSTA M ESA (comer of /rvme-Ave ) •. '@Ji : ~r lunnu?JJuJ1 CONSIGN.• DESIGN Qualify Furnishings & AcctHorie!. f'ar >'our l/omt Square Pine Coffee Table .............................. $150- nlad. Shabb) Round Dining 1 a hit .............. \ 175'"' While Shabb,\ Hook Ca!:ie .............................. $20tr" Sofa ............................. , .................................... ~200"" Wood Commode ............................................. $250"'' 1940\ Sccretarie~ Desk ................................. \450"" Set of 6 "Hitchcock" Chair.., ...................... 1.200'"' ·rv Armoire .................................................. \ 1.250"" Do"n Filled Sofa & Chair .......................... )1,750' ''"\orman Rock\\ell" Signed \rti .... 1 Proof .. 2.500"" ( onsiKnments accepted by appointment on/_\· Lmuud to \tud: 11n hand 369 E. 17th Street #I 0. Co-..t~1 \k-..J. Loc;.itcd hit'.htnd Plu1H P.ilt!• Phone(949)764-1746 Hour•• Mon-Fn 10 !Xlam-' ·wpm. ~JI Ill llOam 'OOpm Help keep our city clean! ,..... .. ·- .. 4S@PC s a a a ... --- M Wednesday, January 8. 2003 BRASS MontebeUo's police chief. The chief •should be m indful 'He has been an ·I'm very proud o r the job he of the budget and ensure there extremely popular chief .... How can you not like Chief Snowden?.That's just not possible.' Continued from Al has done with the departmem, are adeq1.1ate police services for the community and the city the communJty," she said. "Otlef organi7.atJon," Roeder said. •He Snowden did that very well. It's Against Drunk Driving] awards was, at that tim e, absolutely the been an honor and a privilege to (for DUI enforcement) makes righ1 ~rson for the job. I've have worked wtth him." me proud. Pinning the badge on always been vety appreciative of Officers who have worked a new cop with his family his loyalty and the fact that the with the chief said he wiU be watching -tha t's a great two of us can have honest sorely missed. Set. But1 Santee Costa Mesa Poltee officer feeling. Promotions are always disagreements and still have a "He has been an extremely special.· perfect working relatioru hip.· popular chief,· said Sgt. Burt And after a pause, he adds. Roeder said he is in the Santee, who has worked in the cholcing up: "Wearing my process of putting toge1her a department for 2.1 years. "He 1991. The Newport Beach wtiform." plan for hiring Snowden's made some excellenl resident's body was found three For a man who fanci~ i.uccessor, one that would likely improvements. I le changed years later In Arizona in a freezer himself a cowboy at heart. involve the chief bin1self. policies and procedures and ~ept In Famalaro's truck. collects antiq ue guns and is "I hope 10 talk to council made them so much more Famalaro CUJICntly sits on death considered a tough police members and the community user-friendly." row. officer. the teaJ'l> come easU~. His abou t not who to hire. but about Santee said Snowden was also More recently, Snowden felt brightly lighted office -the ohe what qualities the new chief "well liked by the public.• similar pa.in when he held the with the open door -bears should have.• he said. "How can you not like Chief dead body of 4-year-old Sierra testimony to the personality that The key to hiring the perfect Snowden?• he asked. "That's just Soto, who was killed when his subordinates adore. fir depends on the answer to not possible." Steven Abrams crashed his car Alongside a book about lul1ve.. that question. Roeder said. Snowden h~ had severaJ into her preschool playground and daggers is another about Some of the qualities he accomplishments during his in May 1999. He h ad to tell golf equipment. In a lighted would look for in the new chief sojourn as chief. But one he Sierra's mother, Cindy Soto, that glass case are police and would be aU the qualities considers significant. he says, is her daughter had died. firefighter hati. from Britain. Snowden has demons1ra1ed, he helping set up the Airborne Law "Those are d ays that you Russia, Germany and NorwJy. said. Enforcement, or heticop1er would never forget," Snowden On the wall is a po1>1er of "Ability to communicarc patrol. by striking a partnership said. all-time favorite cowboys and a within the department and with with Newport Beach. He plans 10 be active in the coUe.<flion of framed busine~ lhe communiry, display He also treasures the community after his retirement. cardS: including those belonging leadership, be active in the connecti ons he has made with Snowden is a member of the to John D. Rockefeller. Henry community." Roeder said. the commuruty. I le does not Hoag Foundation's board. Right Ford, Howard Hughes and. to "Above all, the chjef mus1 not have a problem with diversity after hi!> i:etirement. healso.. inject a offofhumor. A. !Jncoln. approach this jul>I ~a job. I le He welcom es it, he said. As a plans to participate in a golf an anorney a1 law, and Dr. needs to look at II a..., much more member of the Costa Mesa 1oumamen1 in Scotland. Alben Einste in, a phy'>1cs than I.hat." ()lamber of Commerce, he I Iii. wife, F.llyn. said she has profe5''>or. Roeder said a new chief will helped in"tegrate tJ1e chamber not mel too many people like Ir's such a wonderful mix of likely be hired much before June with the Latino Business her husband. qualities thal make'> him a great 30, Snowden's last day at work. Organiz.ation, which ex:is1ed as a "1-fe's a caring. warm human chief, said Mesa Verde rci.idt'nl The city wiU nol use a r..earch separate entity. being," she said. "I've seen him Cindy Brenneman finn, but will consider "Why can't we aJJ blend in?" agoni7..e over situation!f where he "It's.a h_ugc loss to 1het!,!Y.:~ .. ~ ... ~~&8ru!~'4 out~i.dt; ....c;~W4iit'~"~ "1,£.Jl ~J~c.i ..Ji~~ ~~~}Ii-~ ~ <,he said. I le has been a great the clepartmen ~ dicJ~ .. ~ .,ote-r.d\~anfr p~c e-rnciin-e--'trre ~Jil. 1 ~tea asset 10 our city and has Lilt' Mayor Karen Robini.on -.aid desire to make 1t work." everything personally." respect of his peer'i and officer<.. the rny will look for a chief who Jean Forbath, founder of local She remembers his leadership Tho<>e are big shoe~ IO fill " will be a "firm and charity Share Our Selves. recalls when two helicop1er pilots - Nobody know!> 1ha1 better compassionate law enforrem cnt having lunch with Snowden ooe of them from Costa Mesa - lhan Ct1y Manager Alan Roeder, officer" with good soon after h e became chief. died in a crash in 1987 while who hired Snowden -Lht·n administrative skills. "He has been a friend since." chasing a stolen vehicle. That 1/Mfcua~ AVILA CHICKE SOUP Fre h chicken broth, chunks of chicken breast, rice gami.c;hed with avocado, cilantro and lime. Mama's cure for the flu. Costa Mesa 642-1142 GreatTo-Q» Corona del Mar 644-TACO Newport Beach 675-6855 For 32 Years. Family Ownai. Family Operated. Family Loved • C:r0na de! !1!Jr • Nr.q'< rl 5i>.1c~ • L,'n~ Br?.Ch • C ,!.1 Mesa • Hun1:n~1,,n Lirk • LJ~f fc,r~st • S,intJ An.1 she said. "I le has given the incident hap pened barely a year Police Department a human after he had come on board: face. He's a friend to the people "Dave had to step up and we serve at Share Our Selves. He suppon people he didn't even was tough when he needed to know too well at the Lime." she be. Bu t he ha5 alwar> been there said. "Bui that didn't matter 10 to help us.· him. 1 le's alwar> been someone Snowden sar--he remembers who wants the best for his days when even his so-called department." tough fa~de collapi.cd on the Being the pohce chief has job. The day he had to deliver been more than a job for her the eulogy for 23-year-old hu,.band. Fllyn Snowden said. Denise Huber, who wru. "ll'i. hii. lire, h is family." she murdered by John FamaJaro in said. "Walking our of that police station .., the han.Jest thing he's ever going to have 10 do." • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts She mav be reached at 19491 574-4226 or by e-mail at deeps bhsrsth a la11mes com ~~ Re s t auran t ---Established In 1962 CLEANUP WITHCOITI CARPET• UPHOLSTERY DRAPES & WINDOW COVERINGS TILE & GROUT• AREA RUGS• AIR DUCTS Call us today for a FREE written estJmatel 1(800)FOR COIT 1(800)367 2648 50% ·oFF , f • FREE written, n o obligation estimates ... with no h idden charges! • Convenlen~ on time appointments • Fully trained, certified technicians using the most advan ced products & equipment availab'le • Money-back 100% Clean, 100% Coit Guarantee PUBLIC SAFETY Police, fire wam of false solicitation The Newport Beach Po- lice and Fire departments issued a joint statement Tuesday stating that they are not affiliated with the Assn. of Firefighters and Paramedics. a group that is purportedly soliciting in the city. Officials said phone !lO- licitors have been calling ... residents to make dona- tions of at least $25. Newport Beach Fire- fighter Assn. President Rlch Thomas said he urges resi- dents to support only local organizallon~ He said hii. association does no1 solicit dona tions over the phone. Officials say residents should verify if an organiza· tion is legal by asking to i.ee its Soticitalion Registration Card. for cop~ of its moi.t recent ms form,· for it~ audited financial statement or what percentage of do- nations actm lly reach the intended benefid aries. For more infonnauon. call 1he Newpon Beach Po· lice Depanment at (949) 644-3 104 or the Newport Beach Firefigh1ers Assn. al (949) 646-0533. ~tridty. stillnut . on peninsul a At lease a dozen re:-1- dents in Balboa Peninsula were sriJI without power fuesday night after Sanla Ana winds that blew acro<,s Southern California 10re d own treei. and broughl down power lines. No significant incidents were reponed on Tue'>day. But Edison officials !>aid they were still work.mg to restore p01.~er to thosi; Wl lhou1. They !>aid they would work around the clock and try to pnont11e th eir '>thedule and fix those outages that po!>e public hazards first. Hearing delayed for substitute teacher A pretrial hearing w~ po<>tponed from Tuesday to Jan. 24 for Todd I laJuch. the 35-year-old subslltule 1eacher accused of sexu- ally assaulting several fe· m ale i.tudents. The I lun1ington Beach re'>idenl face., I 7 felony· count'. of o,exual ai.sauJt and one rounl of witnev. intimidation. He was first arrested Sept 13 after a th erapist who 1reated one of lh e victims told police about 1t. Haluch pos1ed the $250,000 baiJ the same day. A second warrant on four fresh charges led to another arres1 Sep1. 30. 1 laJuch is now m Orange POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Bristol Strwt: Petty theft was reported in the 3300 blodc at 6:08 p.m. Sunday. • Costa M... m.w.y •nd Baldr StrMt: An auto theft was reported at 4:46 p.m. Sunday. • Harbor Boulevard and Vltl-ve Wr(: Possession of marijuana was reported at 3:39 a.m. Sunday. · • Newport Boulevyt: A robbery was reported in the 1800 blodc at 9:10 p.m. Sunday. • Plnec:ntelt Dtfw: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2800 blodc at 6:31 p.m. Sunday. •Tustin Awnue: Vandalism was reported in the 1600 blodc at 6:64 p.m. Sunday. • w..t 11th StrMt: Patty theft was reported in the 500 blade at 11 :21 p.m. Sunday. , NEWPORT BEACH • Balboa Boui.vwct A County Jail. He plead ed n ot guilty to all charges Oct. 16. Fonner Costa Mesa resident admits fraud A former Costa Mesa resident pleaded guilty on Tuesday to one count of mall fra ud and one count of tax evasion, officials said . Patrick: Wa yne Maloy, 44, now a resident of Norman, Okla .. was accused of bilk- ing inve!ltors of s4 million in a e ries of bogus o il and ga:. investments, said Debra Wang of lhe U.S. at- torney's office in Los An- geles. Maloy solicited victims to invest in companies that were supposedJy in- volved in developing o il an d gas-producing prop· erties. she said. He told them their money would be used to acquire inter- .ei.t5 in oil and gas weus. Wang said Maloy used the fund to pay fo r his va- cauons, beachfront rental homes in Malib u and Newpon Beach and ex pensive cars. The money was also used to o perate a Pon71 scheme in which he used money from new in· vei.Hm to pay off old i'n · vestor'> The scheme ended m 1999. Maloy. o;cheduled to be '>enrenced April 7. faces a· pmo n sentence of IO years and a fine of $500,000. I le has agreed to pay restitu lion lie has been in prison '>tnce November. when his ball was revoked Student gets hand stuck on nail Newport Beach fi refigh1- e f'> luesday had 10 cue open d wooden book cab1 'net 10 free a Newpon Ha r· bor I ligh School studen1's hand that had accidentally go11en 5tuck on an · ex- po .. ed nail on the cabinet\ side. officials sa id. Paramedics arrived at the '>Chool at about 2:30 p.m Tuesday and found the \tudent's hand pierced by the nail. said Donna Boston, public informa lion officer for the New- por1 Reach Fire Depart ment. She <,aid paramedic., a:.l ed firefighters to· heip remove the cabinet door. Once the door was re- moved. fireflgh1ers cul the s ide of the lorker with the nail that thtP student's hand wa'> stuck on, Boston 'atd The student was 1aken 10 I loag Hospital. she '>aid. Bosron said the student wa' iust ~alk.ing by when his hand hit the exposed naiJ. hit-and·run was reported in the 3100 blodc at 1:60 p.m. Monday. • Eut Bay Avenue and Palm StrMt: A vehicle burglary was reported at 3:26 p.m. Monday. • Bln:h and Bristol atrMta: A traffic •c:cident invoMng injuries was reported at 6:20 a .m. Monday. • Campu1 Drtve: A commercial burglary was reported in the 4600 blodc at 7:29 a.m. Monday. • Dow StrMt: A commercial burglary was reported in the 1300 blodc at 8:33 a.m. Monday. • Partr Newport Ottve: A burglary was reported in the 1800 blodc It 6:36 p.m. Monday. • s.n Joaquin Hillt Roect. Ari auto theft was reported in .the 2600 blodc at 9:08 a.m. Monday. • Sandcutte Oltwe: A vehide burg1ary w11 reported In the 1000 blodc at 7:09 a.m. Monday. t - ... ·-------------~-----.-·----·-------------------~-'!!Ill Daily Pilot Vfednesddy, Jaooa<y 8, 2003 A5 FORUM HOW 10 GET PUBLISHED Lelten. Mail to Editorial Page Editor James Meier at the Dail'tl Pilot, 330 W Bay St , Costa Mesa, CA 92627 •Readers Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mail: Send to dailyptlot aJ/atimes com • All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for 11enficat1on purposes) The Pilot reserves the nght to edit all subm1ss1ons for clanty and length MAILBAG Environment, schools need financiaJ support Re: MSchools deserve upgrade'> before beach deserves sant1," (Mailbag. Dec. 26). Yes. Our young people or today and those tq,come need new and upgraded educauonaJ facilities. It's ridicuJou.'> that our schools ranlc. so poorly wh<.•n we (California} are the fifth large'it economy in the world. But why on Earth do you want to'lmprove schoolc; at the expense of the environment? Do you want weU-educated children to have to live in an environmental wasteland' I 1r-.1. il:I. the beaches and then 1Ll. the wetlands and then the fore'>I'>. This short-sighted one-or-the-other thmk.mg 1., unnecessary. I l 14 T ,,A., re\uhrng 111 a rebeU1ou'> au11udc· Jgc.un-.1 the churl·h. 11'> H'ather'> and even parent'> Unfortu11ately, the enu re,uh ol that rebellion tan obe-- 1rnrnoralr1y. \lolence and blatant d1c,ohed1enc e 10 all autlwnt} \o\olmh uJ1ima1t'lv 1 a11 de'>lro)' hw'> J\ t·a'>ily a .. an-. ( rU'>.tdt·r 1·vt•r d 1d JEAN NICHOLSON '\e"' port Be.uh Tra~h ptc.:k-up a loud prohkm on Balboa Ac., I \o\>rllt· 1h1., ll'lll'r I Jlll rc•n(·c 1111g 011 1ht man) mJn\ tr mt•'> I h.1H· l d!lt·d "'nll<·n J11d wH .. t'd 111 1iwmlwr ... 111 our -.:t•"' port Ht•.i< h t II\ goH•r111111•n1 .uu.J \'\;(Jf~t'r" al Lm 1 Lill. _ - \h < 0111 t•rn 1l, r ht· llugt• gJrhag1• tr111 k' -.11m1· thl lt•ngth of our hr111.,1· thJt .tll' t 01111ng onto B.tlh11a 1 ... 1,mu 10 pwk up t ornnit·n 1<11 rra ... h f rt·al11t• 1h1 ... lrJ.,h pit k Ufl" a !H'l t·.,...arv tlJJng Jlld I don't fa11l1 th1 tra'h collt'tlllr,, I .m1, h11\\.l'\ l'r pu/./lt'd J' 10 ''In 11 hit' 111 lw dorw I>\ , H h l'IH1rmo11' rnadlllll"' \, 1111' lrtll b ,1n· pll kmg up tr.i'>h h11i... th1·rt· Jrl" '>flmt'llfllt'' 111n •1• o r lour lrtll k., .1 d.n We muc;t demand hoth Wt• shuuJd not be held ho-.1Jgt• by energy indiscretiom 1ha1 wl'rt• artificial to begin w11h \o, < 10\. Gray Oa vr!>. hear th1'> We \'><1111 IJT'lproved educauon arid conunued environ11w11t.ll awarene'>'> I low do wt• do tlu-.1 How about an add111on.tl .. 1.11t ga~olme tax1 I su!>pect il1a1 must or u~ w11h thildrt•n or ntelei. or nephew'>) would Contestants and onlookers admire sand sculptures at the 41 st annual Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce Sandcastle Contest Jlll km~· up four 111 ll\l' l11n' I'd( h tht•rt• .!fl' pt:opll' \\,tl~11ig 11), \.\hll h ".s ,,ift•I\ '''lit I h i•\ .in· \l'r\ tl<"t 10 tht· hou.,t•., block 1r<1llk. make hornfit no"l '>ha ke foundation<, ol hoU'>l''· lt'ave din and fiJ1h behrnd and JU<;t do not belon~ rn ii .. maJI. re.,.denual area agree 1ha1 i.ome form of taxation 1s better tl1dn 111ajor cuts in edut"atio11 and 01h1•1 J.B. LITVAK ( 11-.t.1 \h .... 1 Take a look at Elli•» relation hip to council Re: Newport Hedl h < 11} Counulmcn and their relauonship with Daw 1111 ... Far more intere'>ting 1h.111 till' non-.en'>e regarding phorw 1 ,,11., would be an 1qvc'>t1g<1111111 11110 the hiring of Ellis to lll•lp run the campa1gm of five of thl' current councilmen fhl'> would ht· t''>JH't 1,ill~ lllll'fl''illng 111 light of the \o\oindlall I llr' ' rt•u·1vt•d from tht• '\ewport Bt'.tl h la\payer'> undt•r tllC' gUl'>l' ol 'uh.,11.J11111g tht• Arrport \\orlung (,roup I helte\e tw. "t.1kc·~ \\<t'> S450,000 I Rt., 'ee \CIOW t'an< c•lt•d pc•r-.onaJ l hc·c h lrorn thl' atoremc•nt1onc•d l m11H 1l11ll'n to I lh'> for h1-. wn. ru''> \lter all, 11 "'a' thew \t'r} '..imt· tuunu lnwn \.\>ho \'Olt•d till' rnom•y 10 1111 ... 1f only 111u1n·ltlv "onw c ;,inc elt·d chcc·k.,, plc·a-.e gentlenwn. RICHARD SPEHN C orona c.lt·I \1ar One-side<l teaching wil I hartn students Joe Robrn'><>n. a lw.tory teacher at J\.cwport I larbor I hgh School. wrote a letter to the Oail}' Pilot that aJJrmed me ,~union ob\1ously not that po\u•rful," Mailbag. Jan I) In hi\ 1eal to defend the• teacher~· union. he un1111en11onally c·nforced what '>ome have claimed: th.11 public '>thool'> h<1ve begun to look too much lrke liberal laborawne., that dl\credit the rehg1on t..iught in many of our homes Robinson\ letter pa..s1onately An Invitation to ._. _. lloul8 11n1ay, ......, 1 m, 1 11.11. llge .. lcboel In Newport amt • Grades 9-12 • Extensive college preparatory curriculum • Outstanding programs in the arts, athletid and community service • Wide range of Advanced Placement courses • Knowledgeable, experienced and caring faculty Sage Hill School 20402 Newport Coast Drive Newport Coast, California 92657 Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our Members • Semi-Private for Men & Women • Lots of EqulpmenVFree Weights • Pilates Studio & Mat Classes • 'SPINNING Theater-Licensed • 16 Full lime Personal Trainers • Child Care Sam-noon M -F • Ample & Convenient Parking Yoga, Tai Chi, Stretch classes • Step, Power Pump. Cardio • Showers. Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • Permanent Make·Up • Shape-Up Hair Care Acupuncture/Acupressure Wellness Clinic ... I'll.IQ Into~ ~ty F'tnd ~ v.t\at's gocng on 1n )'OU' crty. Daily Pilot ~. chun:hes. sthootS. ~t ifld sportS Read the . and rn grt•,11 lt·n~th gave example'> of what he teaches hie, .. 1udenu. regardmg men in pa\l cen1une'> who perpetrated horror in the name of Om'it1an11y Ra'ied on his lener, I doubt that he balanced that gram 111format1un wrth facts I \ .. a., taught in thl· l la'>\room 40 year-. ago that '>U<.h atroc1t1e'> were perpt•trated by a few power hungry opponun1 .. ts who would haVl' u-.ed any hcau .. e"or "exru'>e" tu accomplr'>h their '>l'lf c,cckrng goaJc; and '>att'>fy their warped minds. and that renamly did not repre .. ent Oln'>I and his leachrng'> Sadly, the l'>Olated examples do aJlow ant1-0lm11an fodder that lan poison rertiJe mind~ Fortunately. my generauon had the advantage of ii thorough eduut1on and .wa.c, also taught about the enormou., number or Chrn.uans who -became h'Te<1t leaders, such a., our countn ., forefathers. who<\l' un.,elfish anomplrshment!> have proH'll beneficial throughout the centunec; When teacher'> promote a one '>lded. extremely negative slani on Omsuaniry, it causes confusion with some teenagers. I! '>l't.'m'> thJt u<;mg our mun1c1paJ lra'>h trulb and paying the l'lly for the extra p1d .. up would <1dd w the '\e,.,,ron Beach trea'>Ur\ and benefit our Ralboa Island community. a!> well I lupefully. '>omeone un our ( II) ( Cllllltll Will reV1t'\o\ thl' - problem JUDY JONES Balboa l'>land PUBLICATION DATES: Friday, January 24, 2003 DEADLINES: Space & Copy: Wednesday, Ja nuary 1 5, 2003 Cam e ra Ready:Wednesday, January 22, 2003 For more information contact your advertising representative, at 949.642.4321 I .. ' QUOTE OF TIE DAY "I think we wanted it more tha_n they did." Jason Sorrell, Newport Harbor · High girts soccer coach A6 Wednesday, January 8. 2003 ------ Sports Editor Roger Carlson • (9491574-4223 • Spotts Fax: (9491 650-01 70 . . COLLEGE ME~S BASKETBALL uc;1 .s·eeks fifth straight Anteaters at Fullerton tonight. Steve Vlreen Daily Pilot FUIJ.ER'TON -One thing C.al State Fullerton Coach Donny Dan· 1els knows about the UC Irvine men's basketball team is that the Anteaters have sire. And, it appear.. the Titans won't have their big men to match. Fullerton's 6-10 junior .center P"ape Sow, who had boon-averaging 15 9 points and 8.7 rebounds g.c:r game. was suspended indefinitely after being ar- ~ted for stealing a krut cap from Titan Bookstore Dec. 17. J le will be m a hearing today with school of- ficials, who will determjne to bft or sustam the i.us- pension. • Sow, who was caught stealing from a department •TV: KDOC TV, 7:05. store a little ovef a year ago. pleaded guilty at his ar-•RADIO: KUCI RADI0/88.9 FM. ralgnment for the recent arrest and will be on pro- bation for three years and will have to perform com· Gloger, as someone tfie Titans will have 10 be pre- muruty service. pared for. GJoger, who led UQ with 17 points, five The Titans (3-8, 1-l in the Big West Conference) steals and three assists. guided the Anteaters to a 69- got a Uft last week with the return of 6-4 sophomore 52 win over Long Beach State in the conference guard Ralphy Holmes, who scored 23 points and led opener for both teams. Fullerton lo a 57-55 overtime win at UC Santa Bar-Gloger is ranked third in the nation in steals wi1h bara Saturday. Holmes had been out for two weeks a 3.6 average in the NCAA Division I statistics re- with a shoulder injwy. yet he was a force against the leased Tuesday. Gloger has 36 steals in 10 games and Gauchos.. last year's Big West Tournament champi-29 in the past six contests. Gloger has at least three ons and this years preseason favorite to win the steals in seven ~es this season. ~. 3§.~teaJs are conference title. over haJfway to the ua single-season record of 66 However. in addition to Saw's anticipated absence sel by Scon Brooks in 28 games in 1986-87. tonight, the Titans also have four playen.. including "It's been a surpri.5e what he"s seen in the passing 6-I I Babacar Camara. out with injuries. lanes as a defender," UQ Coach Poat Douglass saJd. '"(The Anteaters) have tremendous size," Daniels "He's come out strong. I look for (Gloger and Mike said. "With (Adam) Parada and (Stanislav) Zuzak. Flevberha) 10 hit their stride in the second haJf of they're both big and they can catch and score. They league play." EYEOPENER Daily~· January 13 honoree MATT BROESAMLE Dally Piiot "I would ~y he would not be in the line\Jp (Wednesday).'' Danieli. said Tuesday. "The university is going 10 take ~me urne to make that decision. I re has Lo go through the appeal (proce~s). We won't know how severe it wdl be for him (Wednesday). I wouJd as.'>ume he won't be ready for tlw. weekend.· have Greg Ethington, who is a good player. (Man) Efevberha, who has been the starting guard for Okoro ic; big and athletic. We have to be concern~ UO during iu. four-game winning '>treak. :.truggled STEVE McCRANK/OM.Y PILOT UC ll'Vine's redsh1rt freshman Jeff Gloger ( 10) 1s See uct, Paee A8 No. 3 in the nation wrtti 3.6 steals per game. with tum. I le got our attention last year." Daniel'> aJso mentioned UQ's freshman guard Jeff HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor's Amy Burlingham celebrates her first goal, ooe-0f-three she scored in a 4-0 victory over Back Bay rival Corona del Mar Tuesday night. S.ailors handle CdM, 4-0 Burlingham scores a hat trick to pace Newport's victory over Sea Kings . Steve Vlr1en DatlyPllot NEWPORT BF.ADI -For the past two years. one goaJ decided the win- ner of the Back Bay girls soccer game. Newport Harbor High won lut year, t-O. and Corona del Mar won, 1-0, in 2001. But. Newp<>rt Harbor High sen- ior Amy Burlingham and the SaUors weien't concerned with the past ~ ~ They weren't ooncemed, !n- ~ Burlingham scored three goals and wruor teammate Kate Y°'"'8fow. tddtd another to lad th Sailo past rival CdM. 4-0. Tuesday at Newport. Younglove scored just three minutes into the second half, while the Uni- versity of Texas-bound BurUngham added the finaJ two blows. one on a pen- alty kick and then another goal with I s than two • game in perspective. and we're going to go all oul. It's like a "We stepped It up more playoff game." · than they did.'' sald the .... For CdM, Tuesday's lo was yet an- Sailors' Coach who is in other crushing blow to a team that his sixth yeir with New· has been playing catch-up because of port. "I think we wanted It Its rash of injuries. The Sea Kings (3- more than they did. All of 3· l) were supposed to be at "full our girls wanted to win so trength" Tuesday, as they welcomed bad It was a great team back senior tandout £&ha Morgan. win." who had been out Ince Dec. 12 with minutes remaining. Burl-• CdM ingham'a periaJty kJck came Newpott 0 ' Apparently, Younglove a back injury. Senior Allvta Marura motivated her teammates has been dealing with minor pain lo before the game. her shoulder. Then , there's CdM'a After Younglove drew a foul m the box. "It was complete excitement,~ Burlingham saJd of the victory. "The win overall ls great or course because its a Back Bay rivalry game. 1b put away some go'als wu fun for us be- cause we had some trouble scoring. .. PcrhaJ>', Ncwpon. Coicb Ji.son SolTI D d it when he put the "Before the game we were getting sophomore goalle, Rachel Waters. real pumped up," said reuow senior who did not play Tuesday because of teammate 1i.ryn Aa.rru.on, who re a swollen knee that was LoJured ln a cmtly committed to play for Cal Poty • 2· I I at Costa Mesa Satuntay, when San LuJs Obispo next season. • Kate nio,r l.auren Shepherd.son WN ab- Younatove was gom, real crazy and tent Waters will have an MRI on her got us motivated to play. Th ts a hu game for us. It's the CdM ~ SM SAl.OftS, PIC• Al f , COLLEGES The Big West has a Tiger on its hands University of the Pacific has become the team to beat in the Big West Conference men's basketball race. T here ii. a rumble in the dtstanct' corrung from the north. The rumble, the University of the Pacific men·s ba.sketba1I team, is becoming louder. The Tigers are gaining momentum and confidence. Pacific (7-4, 2-0 in the Big West). which was picked to finish fifth in the Big West Conference in the preseason, has moved up as the front-runner of the league after its 66-54 defeat over Utah State. and becaw.e of the Tigers' current six-game winning streak. However, Pacific will have to display the same success on the road 10 truly STEVE emerge as the conference favorite. VIRGEN Yet, the term, conference favorite. should be used lightly because the Big West action will be dghtJy contested, as evidenced in the first week of play. Cal State FulJerton defeated last year's Big West Tournament champion UC Santa Barbara, 57-55, in overtime Saturday. Idaho defeated CaJ State Northridge. 73-6G°"in overtime. The two victories said much about the four l~ involved, yet the season is early and there are more games to be played. • Here's a brief look at the rest of the Big West teams researched after a teleconference call with coaches Tuesday. Utah State (10-3, 1-1): The Aggies, who had won five in a row before Saturday. will try to bounce back from their loss to Pacific with two tou,gh home games this weclc against Cal Poly Thursday, and UC Santa 8aJba.ra Saturday, which is on ESPN 2 at 8:05 p.m. Utah State Coach Stew MoniD said inconsistency, mainly the guard!' shooting. has been the Af/l)elf biggest problem. s.nta Barbara (4-8, 1-1): The Gauchos have been stnlggling in the closing moments of games, Coach.Bob Wllllams said. Santa Barbara had many opportUnldes to defeat PUllerton . Saturday, but the Geuchoe made too many mistak.es in the end. Branduinn Fullove, a 6-4, 210 jwllor who earned tee0nd-team All·Big West bonora last year. hu been injured and his •tatus is uncertain for Thursday's game at Idaho. where the Geuc:boe have atrugled. Cel Poly (1-5, Z.O): The Mustanp are on top or the Big Welt standlnp after their vldor1e. over Fullerton and Rtvmlde last week. Junior forward Shane Schllllog who ~ 20 polnt.s and 20 rebounck lut week. baa broU{lbt a new dimeoaion to a teem that alao features 6-7 Junior Varney Dennis. S..COUIGU,, ... M , ------~ ---.. -----~----· ·--------------------- Daily Piiot SPORTS WedneSday, Janoary 8, 2003 A7 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETB LL TENNIS Eagles take command Newport Beac h Tennis Club to host pro-am Estancia, now the team to beat in Golden West League, :: hands Westminster : its first league loss : since 1999. · • . . statement tn our house tonight, espe- ciaJly coming off a (seven-game) losing streak.. ft Rappa .1-said the game came Clown 10 deslre, and the more experienced Eagles showed they would Westminster not be intirmda\ed in Eatanc•a the title in the Pacific Coast League last i.ea- c;on, thelr first league crown in 11 years, conunued to answer each of the Lions' charges. The Eagles opened the cushion to 40-30 after junior 41 Trisha Wase followed 44 her three-pointer : Barry Faulkner : Oa1'X_ Pilot , • a physical clash that. from the nghl wing with a nve-foot run- ner to apparently ice the victory : COSTA MESA -The Estancia : High girls basketball team's fin.1 : game in the Golden West • League may have been for the : championship. And, after a 44 . 7 41 triumph over visiting West- :.. minster, which had not lost a league contest since l999, the : crown may now be the Eagles' •to lose. ·1 would say we a.re (in the ___ driver's seat)," first-year E.stan- cia coach Tami Rappa said after the thrilling contest, which • lasted nearly two hours. ·1 told .. our girls we didn't want them 10 come into our house and Icicle our butts. I think we made a • at times, resembled a roundball rumble. Both team.. committed 24 fouls and Rappa picked up the only technical foul, protesting a non-call. What's more. every shot, rebound, dribble drive and loose baJJ became a bat lie of will as both teams slapped, ~.watted, tugged and dived as if every possession were decisive. There were, in fact, !>everaJ rumi.ng_ point!>, with_,_ perhaps, the biggest being a 13-2 &.tan· cia spurt in the third quaner that turned a 20 17 deficit into a 30·22 lead with 2:58 left tn lhe period. '11te Eagle'> (6-8J. who shared with 3:32 left in the contest. But Westminster (6· 7J, which had gone 8-0 in league each of the la'>t three seasons and is ranked No. 3 in c 11: Southern Section Division l·A, wru.n't fin· ished yt!t. A pair of Lhree-poinl· ers fueled a 9· I run that pulled the (jons within 41 ·39 with 51 second c; left But, having missed 5 of its first 23 free throws. Estancia se- cured the crucial victory from the foul line 10 the final 25 sec- ond'>. f'1rc;t , Wase, who had mis..,ed live straight from the line, nc11ed the second of a dou· ble-bon us siruation 10 create a 42-39 e.dge with 25 seconds left. After two Westr1Unster free throws (the Lions netted 21 of 35 m the game) made it 42·4 l , F..stancia junior guard Krystal Mino stepped to the Une with 10 ticks left and everything on the line. Was she nervous? I lardfy. ·1 was relaxed/ she said, "be cause I face much worse in practice (as the frequent on· the-spot shooter who can trig- ger team running drills with ev- ery miss from-the line). ·1 just. wanted lo shut the crowd up." Mino swished both attempts. then made a steal, before an Es· tancia turnover allowed West- minster one last desperati.on three-pomt auempt. which never had a chance Byfield .... one of two Eagles 10 foul out (Marterc, Mino and Wa!>e linisfied with four fouls}. led the Eagles with 12 point.!>, while Wase and senior cen1er Tisha Gray added 10 apiece. The desire Happa spoke of manifested itself be<,t on I.he de· "I told our girls w e didn't want them to come into our house and kick our butts:· Tami Rappa, Estancia girls basketball coach fensive end, as a combination of a ha!f-coun trap. swarming man-to-man, and an acuve zone helped limn Westmm!>ler to just 9-of-42 shooung from the field (2 l.4%J. r'he Uons also had 23 of the game'!. 41 turnovers. Estancia c;hot only 28.8 per- cent, but 11 had eight more field goals and 17 more attempt'> I~· tancia's 24 freld -goal tne.-. 111 the third quaner (ll made '>even), matched We~tmlnSTer:, mm btned 1otal through three quar ters . ·This wa~ big." Mino 'ummed up. We kept our composure and just played a' a team." Several former NFL plaxers will be on the courts Thursday as club hosts ch arity benefit. Richard Dunn l)a1ly Pilot Nl:-.WPOR1 tU-.A( Ii 1-urmt-r NFL ~tar<. dll' among I.ht' tt'ldm- tie!> play111g lnur'idcty 111 d rro am tenm\ 1oumamt'nt 10 bt'netit AJiah )wet't I ragi.le Hean .. Joun daoon at "wwpon Ht'.il It lenni., ()ub Vinte f'erragamu Marhn Mcl<eevcr. ':klm C unr11n~hctm. John C..Jppdhu and li<'IHI\ R1 cardu are :.ume of the ftJntlt'r pro footbaU player<, e~utd to pldy men\ a.nd mued douhlt''> Thur.- day. f'ht· double<; ~ion ''an.' al 9" a.m., with the pru·am hegfn· mng at I pm I ormt'r Laker '-:orm '\;rwn ,., also '>latt-d 10 play four tt'nnt'> pro'> Jim < .rahb Mesa wins early shOwdo.wn Lef Sl1tru'>. Da\1d Pait il.ltd '\~ - pon Bt-ach T tnnt'> Club Oireuor uf l ennt'> '><:011 Davi' will play m I.ht' pm dITI A mffit' will tal..e plaet.· throughout the day and tnl lude rwo <>uper Bm~I lltkt't'>, duOdted by I.he NI I Alumrn A'>MH 1a11on Lunch \'.'IU he '>erVt'd out~1de for $1.! qi; followed b\ ctn t'\iE' rung dmnt-r pdn' ~1th entenam· menl Jnd a '>Llent Jul lion fur S25 Amateur playing '>Pol' .trf"' open for $50 per ptJver I ht' public I'> welcome to Vll'\o\o tht' at oon [)('tail'> CalJ ~ue l<u.:l"'m al 17 14) 546-3100 or Ahah <.,wet>t Fragile Hearts Foundauor at 1909) 629-3492. Newpon Ht:ach Tennis Oub is f949J 644--0tJ'">Cl Naff, Sanchez score career highs to lead Mustan gs past Ocean View, 58-47, Tuesday night in Go ld en West League opene r. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot HUNTINGION Bl:ACI I -In a Golden West League with two clear-cut powe~ to begin the campaign, Co'>ta Mesa High ... girts basketball team knew itS place in the rank and SCOREBOARD file, figuring I.he league Tuesday night • opener I against hoc;t Ocean View would be an Mesa 58 early lhlrd- Oc:ean View 47 place show- down. lf I.hat's the case. C.Osta Mesa Coach Jim Weeks might stan making plans for the CIF Southern Section Playoffs. "We kind of solidified third place and (earned) a look at the other two teams Oeague favorites Estancia and Westminster)," Weeks said, following his team's 58-47 victory over the Seahawks as 6-foot senior Rhoodi Naff (29 points) and senior shooting guard Stacee Sanchez ( 17) scored career highs for the Mustangs (8-6, 1-0 in league). "I told our players that this was a very imponant game, that It was essentially for third place and gives us a sh ot at F.stancta and Westminster. Those two are by far the best teams in the league. We just hope to compete wtth them." Costa Mesa outscored the hosts rt-7. O· l) in the fourth quarter, 18-9, including a game- ending 13-2 scoring run. Ocean View tied the game, 45- 45, wtth two fr!:e throws when 4:01 remained, capping a come- back that started ln the thJro quarter after the Mustangs en- joyed a 10-point lead. Mesa's Rick.ell Reeves. a 5-8 senior who sparked the Mus- tangs in the fourth quarter, scored on a bank shot with 3: 14 left to glve the vistto rs a 47-45 edge and trigger the dedstve spurt. Sanchez netted her third three-pointer with 2:48 to play, then Ocean View's Erica WU-• llama made a pair at the line to bounds, plays defense. handJcs 10.0ceanViewled.16-13 and 18- rut Mesa.~ lead to three. 1be Sea-the ball and shoots threes.~ 17, but Mesa's 10-2 run to cap the hawb, howevu, wouldn't score Naff finished 9 of 18 &om the first half gave the Ml.llta.O&" a 27- apin. field (l of 5 from three-point ter-20 halftime lead Naff dribbled Costa Mesa's Rhondi Naff (33), above, dnves the lane for two of her gamEH11gh 29 points. At left, teammate Kally Ktbin (12) makes a . move on Ocean View defenders in first half as she dnbbles for open position. PHOTOS BY DON L!ACH I OAA.Y Pl.OT HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL Cost. Mesa 58, Ocean View 47 Costa Mesa 10 11 13 11 !>I Ooean View 10 10 18 !I o Costa Mela -"9r0lre 2, S.nc:hez 17. Naff 29, Bndt 0, Cluff 0, Reevel 8. Navarrette O. 1(1bln 0, Landeros 0 Trujillo 2, Waggoner 0 3-pt. goals -S.lldlez 3, Naff 1 Fouled oU1 -none. Tectmicals -none. OcMI\ View -Alderfer 11 Esposito 13. Hal'llOn o. McNelf 6, Wllhems 16. Thomas 1 3 pt. goals -none HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING Carn1ona runner-up Estancia standout improves to 23-3 with solid finish at Estancia tourney. Estanoa High senior wresller Victor Carmona fini.'>hed '-t'cond in the 125· pound dmc;1on al the 46-school 1:.stanc1a Tournament Saturday. wtnnmg four of h1<, fl\-e matches to llllprove 10 ~ J lh.1s season. Three other Newpun Mesa wrestlers earned top-six plac· ings. Costa Mesa seruor Sih10 Ls· trada finJShed fiftn I 130 \.~ pon Harbor seruor Nate (,e1er was sixth (135) and Mesa ..en1or Adam Donovan also placed '1xth (152). Carmona was defeated 10 the final by Santa Ana Hl.g.h s Danm Brito, who secured a talcedown in the finaJ r1Unute to break a l2 12 tie. II was Cannona's second loss to Bnto. who OYerCame a 7-4 defiot to top the Estanoa stand· out at the Edison Tournament earlier this sea.son. Carmona suffered swollen car- tilage m one ear during the tour- nament. which required a medi- cal procedurt Saturday night to drain execs.<. lluid. He ~ side- lined for Tuesday's Golden West Weste:= 44, ~~ 41 •1 League match against Westmin Estancia 12 3 1r. w ,.. ster. W..••..., -Martell 4, Estrada 5 Also with a strong effon for &.· Atgellda 13. Villalot>o. 8, Parton 7. tanda ~ Martin Dlv~ who Couzens• 3-pt. goa.la-1.rv-llde 1. Villaloboe 1 went 2-2 tn the 130-pound cat Fouled out -VIiia~ egory. &altda -Byfield 12. Castro 2. Grav P.standa C.oach Steve Pere7.. 10. 'Nate 10: Mino 5, Wl'8on 3. Gercte however. saJd Carmona is ex-~~_ w... 1 peeled to ~ cleared to com~te Fouled out -Byfield, c.ro in the 32·team Northwood Tour- Technlceta -Coed! ~ 1 oament this Wttkend. YOUTH BASEBALL CM American tryouts ·Saturday Reeva converted two fr!:e ritory) and 10 or 13 &om the out the ftna1 22 seconds on the throwl wt.th 2:00 left. then after free-throw line, wbile adding clock. be(M, concluding the first an Ocean View turnover, Naff eight rebounds (three o tJenstve) half with a ~P with 0!01 left. ecored ln the paint with 1:47 left and s1l •teals. Reeves came off Ocean View sank 8 of 10 free COSTA MESA -The C.O.ta Playen lhould atrlvt 20 min-12 fees are $95. Each player re- &fter running down the shot the bench to 1COre eight polnts throwl in the third quarter u the Mesa American UtOe League ls utes before their ac:hed:uled try-oetws a uniform. picturee and dock. Naff and Reeva added and grab IC\'en rebounds, ave in SeahaWb outle.:Ored Mesa. 18-bold1ng tryouts and ~tioo out time lO warm up and check pl.ayl tn an 18·28 game n. two free throws each In the ftoal the fourth quarter. 13, but the Ml.-tangl llOl held a for the spring 2003 aeaton Sat-in. II tbe pMyel' bu not al....ty ~ on pkyen mlnute to give Meu Its margin Meu opened wtth an 8-0 lead. 40·38 edge beading lnto the ~ u.rday a t Cotta Mesa H1Cb from reglttered, they lhould arTf'Ya 30 nandaJ available. ofvk:tory. followtng a Sancbet three-dgbt minutes. 9 L m. to noon. mfnut• fll.itf. n,ou.ts and reg· New pl& n oee(t to bring the "We played U playen tonight. pointer to at.an the pme and Oceto View took the leld. U · All boys and l1rla S.-12 iatradoD w\11 be bftd a.t the Ma-player'a birth ceniAcat and to I t.el real aood about the • beck-to-beck 1teals and llYuPI 41, wty In m. fourth. but Mela art welcome to rept« for T· Jor flekUocated behind the ten· pl'O!OI or nsldmcy the depCh °" our te1m,• Weeb llSd. on Ocean View lnbound .,..._ puDed abeld bf three. bei>l'I lhe t.8 or bMebalJ "-yws .... "' oouru 11 COit.a Mela Hilb--...'& bounclariea <• ~ bll --n.e only penon t weer out II bv Naff and S&ncba.. Ocean game waded It '5. 4• 12 and WlahUlc to play ln the T ~ Colcb Pltcb Ind !Wm di· or parent dmen lmiilt). Rboodf ... aM'a eo ~ to ~ dloulb. rallied to fon:e a"" WlWanu (16j6UiUl; CoriMe Major. Minor A or Minor 8 dM· Wion '*"'8 ( .. S.7) ads. On Se.NrmJ, Jul 11. a~ COi&Sllei*nblnl.-Ymln· 10.10 ~ .. tilt qumtii'i BipOikO(l3)andYMi1111Aldli-ibll lllUIC cry ed. Ttyoiid.,, tU1nflal ..... ...,.. io ..... .,_ -•• 9 ••• - .-. ........... men..,.... lnll ... (II) ICOltd In clOubl8....... 11· and 12·yw~ .. M t Med to ayOUL wtl be llillll .... t La ID II ! t1aD • ........ Ma ..-.-pro--1hl ~.,... bl;>b ...-y b OCllll VIII& COiia W.. wm a.m, 10-JW_.. • 10 LL f. ' at D'llllDG .... tDr T.... a.a fDI II-..,.. ..... ID ... • ...., but • .,.. hiDttils.bawbiiibiiiaaid tiDil,....ADaYlllJ'An•-.. ,..~u uua.llld .. ,_. iiDd ODM:la ~,..,.. _. ._. .. , 1 &,.~....- • .,,, ,,. ..... .,.. .. .,... •• _.. .... .._ ,1 •......... s.w .. ,..,.....,. ddletDOOD. w. .. m ..,...,.. ... 7 ... ...._ . -=-----------...... ---"'-...-..-----------=---...__ ... Al Wednesday, January 8, 2003 SPO R TS " GIRLS WATER POLO Los Amigos swims past Estancia COSTA MESA ~ Senior Mari- lyn Reich scored all five goals for the f:stancia J Ugh girls water polo team. but visiting Los Ami- gos earned a 17-5 nonleague vic- tory 'l\Jesday. • Reich \Cored four times in the second quarter and once in the third for the Eagles (0-4), who open Golden West League play today at 3 p.m. against Westmin- ster. Senior gol\,Lie Laura Morton had eight saves for F.stancia. Los Ami~ 17. Estancia 5 Score by Ou.r1Alrl Los Amigos a 2 • l Estancia o 4 1 o Los Amigos -Varina 7. Z1aden 10 Estancia -Reich 5 Saves--Mo1t0n 8 COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL Vanguard falls;··7 0 -5 3 COSIA MF.SA -The Ma_,ter's College stretched a three-point first-half lead into a 70-53 victory over h ost Vanguard University ln Golden State Athletic Conference men's basketball Tuesday nlght. Vanguard was with.in six points (49-43) with 6:40 left when the winners forged a linaJ charge thar put the game out of reach with a 12-4 run. Leon Rosborough and Ryan Moreau picked up 13 points apiece 'for the Uons, and Conrad Adamczak had 12 points and nine rebounds.. The Master's improves to 10·2, 2-1 in the GSAC Vanguard falls to 4-10, 0-4. The Master's 70, Vanguard 53 The Master's -McKinney 7. Madcey 8, Wilkerson 16, Simmons 14, Sanders Li ghtnin g loses, 7-6 1s. Deister 4, Tulip 2. Grisanti o. PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Adcodc o. •Sage I till School's girls wa-Corona del Mar's Elisha Morgan (left) finds herself in a collision. 3-pt goals Mackey 2, Wllkorson 1 ter polo went into overtime. Fouled out -none then sudden death and lost. Technicals -none 7-6, to non league visitor La SAILORS na'>..'> to '>tep up and play better.~ Vanguard -Moreau 13. Pierson o. . · . . Cotter 4, Adamczak 12, Burnette 8, Q~1~1a Tuesday:........, " ·-~~~ .., ~ ._ ~., ..-~,~~ !1dn l 'PJ!;.<11' to. !ack .. ~Jlf.Jl.~'<i~ol!9Jl,l3.J,nQs o. --i:hnta1tyr-iloiEt IC\l ~'hi1 COn~rom ~..L,;!!..~~ ~ 1ni:n .. l> ltl u~~rnan~~I .. a;t: c~ \.. with three goals, while Devin lightly contested for the most 3-pt. goats -Moreau 2 rooma, I layden 1 lutchin!ton lne~ today. CdM sophomore Ta-part. Newport (2-6-5) took. ad-Foul~ OUI -none and Lauren lndvik scored one ni<iha Senaratne played her firs t vantage of one out of at ~east two ~~~;!1~ ~~easter's 28 25 goaJ each. game as goaJie for the Sea Kings viable scoring opportunities. ln · At the end of rebrulallon the and finished with '>Uc ..aves. the 12th minute, freshman Amy team-; were tird, 5-5. After the Newport JW'lior goaJie Kara K11ppen and Burlingham teamed two over11m e periods, 6-6. They DeMille stopped two shot'i, up for a goal that gave Newpon a then played one 'udden death while sophomore lilja Addeman I ·O lead. overtime period and La Quinta recorded two saves, as well. K11ppen drew the defense to won. ~we've been unfortunate with her on a break.away before she HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daily Pilot's Athlete of the Week senes TODAY 21 -Diana Day Newpon Harbor Wetftr polo, ·99 SCHEDULE TODAY Basketball College men -UC Irvine at Cal State Fullerton, 7:05 p.m. Community college women - Orange Coasi at Santa Ana, 7:30 p.m. High school boys -Saddleback at Estancia, 7 p.m.; Calvary Chapel at Costa Mesa, 7 p.m.; Newport Harbor at Edison, 7 p.m.; Esperanza at Corona del Mar, 7 p.m.; Sage Hill at Fairmont, 7:30 p.m. Soccer High school boys Corona del Mar at Newport Harbor, 5 p.m.; Laguna Beach at Sage Hill. 3 15 p.m .• Saddleback at Estancia. 3 p.m Water polo High school girls -Foothill at Corona del Mar, 3·15 p.m.; Estancia at Westminster, 3:15 p.m .• Ocean View at Costa Mesa. 3:15 p.m. Wrestting High school -Orange at Newport Harbor, 6 pm ' the injuries." CdM fi.rst·}l\!ar coach booted a perfect pass to Burling- Bryan Middleton said. "We had ham on the left wing and Burl- the effort. but right now with all mgham finished with a kick. back the injuries we lade the team 61-tO'the inside. Corona's Lauren Shepherdson (4) wms the battle for possession. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER Mustangs ~lank Seahawks lllJNTIN<;lON BEAC~ll -l11e Costa Mesa High girlc; soccer team continued to roll through (,olden We..1 League rnmpcti tton with a 2-0 victory at Ocean Vi~w Tuesday. Senior Sharon Day boomed in a 35-yard c;hol for the first goaJ. off an assist from 'iOphomore Vera GaJe, an the 20th manute. Day then· collected the assist on freshman Jasmin Day'!> insur ance tally an the 55th minute to improve the Mustang.c;, tied for the No. 10 spot in the CIF Southern Section Division Ill poll, to 9-1 ·2, 3 -0 in league. Costa M~ goalies Kindra Bai- ley and Kaitlyn Gentling i.plil playing time, ill> well as the win· ners' four save~. to record the <ihUIOlll. Mustang!> Coach Dan Johns- ton aJ<,o credited the play of Stacy Krikorian. Kara Jenkins. Va- lanc Gomez, Nilani Duarte and lo-Weeper Devin Denman for the victory. In a nonJeague game Tuesday: • l.Agun• Beach 9, Sage Hill 0 flle Sage I !ill School girls soc- cer team fell behind, 6-0, in the fir<;t half and could not recover in a 9-0 nonJeague loss on the Ugh lning's campus. Sophomore goaJje Laura Gor- don recorded 18 saves for Sage I WI (I 6). WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Mustangs Master the Lions CX>SD\ MESA -lhe Ma.\ler's College, ranked No. I 0 in the NAIA. spoiled Vanguard Univer- sity's unbeaten Golden State Ath- letic Conference record m women's basketball Tuesday night.. recording a 66-57 victory at Van- guard. The Mustangs broke away from a 47-47 tie in the second half and led by as many as 12 before set- tling for the finaJ count to imp~ to 10-3, 3-2 in the GSAC Vanguard (I 0-7 I 5-1 ) was led by senior Laura Lee with 11 poinots. No one el'ie was in double figures. Robbin Dimenbtr was Van- guard's board leader with seven rebounds. Leslie Dubois of The Master's le,9 all players with 23 polnts. Vanguard finished with 20 of 59 from the field (36.7%) and made but 8 of31 from three-pbint range. GSAC Worl'*\ The~· •• v.nguard 'S1 The Mmilm'I -OeVnM 0, Dewaalmalefyt 4, Dubois 23. Bracellin 8, Angangan 12, Moor 5, Sevier 0, Tappe 2. Glaze 8. Van Do.bur; 6, Brigand! 0 3i:Jt. goals -Oubots 3. Bracelln 2. Glaze 2, Moor 1. Fouled out -Oewaalmalefyt Technicals -none. v.ng..,.d -J. l.endenn8o 8, Mills 6. Wilcox a. McKinney 8, Dlttenblr 4, Josefsson 3. Lee n. Seaman 9, Candelaria 0. J.i'(. goats -Lee 3, Mills 2, Wilcox 1. .Joeefsiorl 1. Seeman 1. Fouled out -Mills. Technicals -none. Halftime -V -TI --------- Dady Piiot COLLEGE NOTES Ready for some baseball? ANTF.ATB.R BAU.PARK - UC Irvine Athletics will pre- sent its first, "Baseball Bash," whJch is an intro- ductory event th.at kicks off the 2003 season, Jan. 17 at 6 p.m., a t Anteater Ballpark. . Fans will have the oppor- tunity .to meet and greet the 2003 UC Irvine baseball team. "Baseball Bash" T- shirts will be given out to the first 500 in anendance. AJso, fans will be able to ex- ercise their baseball exper- UCI Conbnued from A6 at Long Beach Stale Sat- ~ay, scoring . 'one for 3 from the field. Douglass said the starting lineup he initi- ated against Sa.int Mary's Dec. 22 has re- sulted in UCI displaying its depth, as Parada and Zuza.k. have come off the bench to make k.ey .- tise and experience the bat- ting cages, bullpens, base running and catching f1y balls. . Coach John Savage's Ant- eaters finished 33-26 overall last season in the first year of the sport al the unJverslty slnce 1992. UCI was 14-10 ln the Big West Conference and tied for fourth ih 2002. The Anteaters open the season hosing Fresno State Feb. 4 at 6 p.m. scored 12 points and grabbed 13 rebounds. plus he stayed out of foul trouble. against Long Beach State, while Zuzalc aJM> scored 12 points off the bench. Ethington and Okoro S Tl Vt: Mc CRANK OM Y Pit ) T UC Irvine's Starnslav Zuzak (12) 1s one of the Anteaters' mainstays tonight. started in place of Pardda and Zuza.k. yet the starters played less minutes than the two rl'- serves. ·1 wouldn't be surprised tf Adam started in the near furure. • Douglass said. "(The starting lineup) might vary from game to game. We're very fortunate 10 have Okoro and Ethington. They have spurred (the former start- ers) 10 pick up their game. "It's been a motivator for kid!> COLLEGES Continued from A6 Idaho (5-a, 1-1 ): The Vaniliili have gained confidence from their 73-66 overtime wm at Cal Staie North.ridge. yet this will be a very challenging week for Idaho. The Vandals have two p1v- otaJ home games th.is week. against Santa Barbara Thursday. and ho ting up-and-coming Cal Poly. Idaho has had to overcome the loss of point guard Tanoris Shep- ard, who tore the anterior cruci- ate ligament in his left knee last month. Justin Logan has talcen over as the team's point guard. Northrldge (6-6, 0-2): Coach Bobby BrasweU's Matadors are on a four-game losing streak - thJs after a live-game winning streak -because they have not who need 10 pay a11en11on to de tall · Nie Campbell. a 6 6 fre.,hmaJ1 who <><:ored c1gh1 poml!. in UU'<. first two game-., remains l.1de lined with a ICMer·back. an1ury ·1 can't fore<;ee him playing thl' r<">l of lhl• -.eason: Douglas.<, said. "I h: h<L' two bulging di~' un the back.." Dougla"'' ..aid it'~ po<,-;iblt• Campbell wilJ be able to rl'Ct'IVt' a mt'<iKal r~c;h1rt for lh1' \ea<,0n bren playmg tettm ba..,k.Nball, the coach '><lid. Junior John O.trk. ha'> !>Cored m double fif(Ures in four !>tra1ght game., I le contnb· uted a team-lugh 13 pomb in a 59-44 loss to Utah State. Long ~ch Slate ( 1-9, 0-1) :Juruor guard Tony Darden as one of a f('V.I bnght -;pots for the 49er\, who an· on an eight game lor;ang <,!reak. This 1'> I .ong Beach State\ longest lo'>mg streak <,tnce 1986 87. P11'"\1-year coach Larry Reynold" \aid the 49er\ really need a win, mainly 10 help with the team's attitlJdt>. UC Riverside (I -7, 0-2): Coach John Masi\ 1 hghlander.. have IO!>l five an a row. 1-reshman M:n- 'Hltion Natl' Carter turned ln the first 30-polnt game by a Big We-.t player this .,eason. <,roring 30 in a loc;s to Ca.I Poly. t-=or UC Irvine (7-3, 1-0) and Fullerton 13 8. I · I ) "lt'e today's game preview luxuRY Is Yours Today At Ve Affordable Prices ! ' e Ca11 · (949) 642-5678 GET TH Wtnntsday, J.nuary 8, 2003 -:::=-:~----Up1 --... llpl..... 2MO ... , .. 2MO lapJ NoClca 2MO .... , NolCll 2MO l.tgal Nadca 2MO Upl lloClcll IUlhOltly gr *ITICIOf"*KWIOf Admin M1n11er (CA). 12812 Glfden CHI 12/20/()2 Churn11'ub11,111n1 AdamOv.,at, .. t ~ ...... A HEAAINO on .. ~ PIDP9TT TlllA statement w11 Crove Blvd , "l. Gettt.f\ 0026927• IJ Brian O Ne•tl Conl(ollet fh1• 'utement wH a· = wll H le Iii.cl With the County Grove, CA 92343 Oatly l'tlot Dec 25, 2002 lh1• •let1m1nt w•• ftt.d ""''" th• Cuuttty ... S..... "' be held on °1 • is 11•••by 1lven Clefll of Onn11 County Tl\11 business IS con J I • 15 2003 ..,.... fled ilh th C Cl • 1 O C t I'" I llo D. N l23I03 at l.30PM In th1t thi underslaned on 1~,.....,...2 •n • ... • """" ' w • ounty .,,. o 11n1• oun y ... u w1111 IMlfM>n1 NO /42 Illa Oepc. L-73 loc:at.d at lntinds to uli thi ..,&..,v dueled by.• <:orponllon a.-_..... Clerk ol Onn11 County on 12/27/0"l ••• do1n1 bu'lonen H .. • .._,_ 341 THE CITY 2002.,27.0. Have you stafted dolna ,._ on 1/3/03 20026f771SJ r11.lht c, • ..,, Contr.c:to•1 ~ -!.'::,!• OAANGE CA..,,!>!!IVE, Pl':~•L_tOl>•rty dt Daily Pilot O.C. 2!>, 2002, business Ytt1Vn.11/11 --~ 200H'2UU Dally Pilot Jan I 8, IS: 61 Avuudo Avenue, __ ...., .. _.,.., IF YOU 08Je"'cr"....., ID .,_ scr ""'ow 10 anforce Jan J, 8, lS, 200l W98& 02 -o 11 Plot J 8 1• ..,, 2003 ....,..., c .. 1 -· CA __...,_ --....., ll l'·n .. · J•e lollow1n1 ..,.•sons • Y 1 an ~ u. "~ oron• ve ·-•• _,.._ .. ..,._,, • .., .. impoie., on said Ride As1t1t Shuttle .,,"c1oina b·-1::..-,, ,, 22. 19 2003 W008 92fi~ ~ wflO may granting of the petil.ioon PfOPtft1 under the fk-...... In• v••-~ be~ ~etlOulcSIPPeltllh C:aitfofnll Sell S.fv1ce ll-...t.....____. c =-•los r -... ·-a,""rectOf/ 119135 f 1hr10n Pl.tee fktl"-a.i..a fld!llM..... A.Judith D Olson, f>\8 In .,.,. 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In -'*'80fl or ...., -.v ' #ZJO 1 CA 9-12 on 12/20/02 L C l6 )~th Strut Newpofl busonen yet' Ho ~==-·· ~-";:: attomey ~1 ,.,..., ~_?1m11t221n1tdtw11 bJ1ddona on Ban t.~;•:•·Prei:nid 20026927'°5 oma t L•auna Holl• llC 14!1 All• lumt e .. ch CA.92663 Jud•lhO ot~otr fhe totlow11tt i>ef'Ont """"' "' IF Y<OU .. RE " 0 •n. 03 \I Dally Piiot Dec 25 2002, CA 92653 Cl l•&un• Holts, c;A lo~ l•uren Howell 511 Thi• \llltemenl wn •Pri~•ddu~~",I b9u1'3'!:'5~ •• •d, , County of CR "' A llAM on 111' premises Mort1•1e, Inc (CA), 8 5 2003 ....,..,.. Thos bu"ness os ton 9265J v ., , .., ,.,.. .. ..ine EDITOR or 1 whtf Id h 'l402 Michelson Dr Jen I. . l . "~~ ducttd bw l omolld C d 81,.. .. _ rt~ t in 35th Str~et Newport toled woth tn• Coul'lty 1 0 H 1 """'""' • """""""'"' ...._..,..._ ol....... e '' PfOptfly H 230 . 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"*"'"*' 10 the ettalt, for •I lhe t1mt ol fldtll....... bu\onus yet1 YH 11/1/ The tollowrna person• D••ly P1k>t Dec 2'> 2002 .,. <101n1 bu\•nts\ n CA '17b"3 ~_II S 1'>03 YN/" fl'ldlOllndlnt yQ\I m11y hie wlttl the PufChnt 1n • nh only .._ 02 are doon& bu\IOU\ •S l•n I 8 IS 200J W97S Sponna~er tn1<11m.it1crn Th" bu~intH "" fk1ttlws lusllns Admlniltralon ol Eltltet court 1 R8QU911 lor All PUf~hned items sold -S..._. Scot Ko11 Nar llk1 Honey Do ot Amuoca fk1tt1ous lusiiess Syitems 11 J Amtlhyst dui II~ by an inO•vtdu•I ' Ad (Thil l4Jtholtty wll SoeCial Nooce (loml DE· ·n 1,· and must bt The followone persons. Tk1s $\atement "'*' 463 3 Ro 1 bur 'I Rd Newpcrr I 8ti( h CA li••t 1ttu \l•rt~d '111111& Mai. Sl<clltlllnt Ila# .. P9tlONll 1~) ol the fifing ol 10 remov•d al the t1m• ol ue doon1 bu11nass n hied with the County Co,ona del Mar CA ..... S"'-tt 94'61>2 tlu\ln•\• 1~t ' N(J Th• I •ll•Jw1n~ pe•~"'" rwp...,.M lo lake invtotory and llPCJ(llsal ule S•lt sub1ect to Sun Ct111 lmpo•h l400 Cieri. ol Oran&• County 9262S The lollowm~ ptl\C.n\ r•v•n H•d'tY Ill ROCfllCL[WORlti ••~ d "L ~·· .. ~·~,, •\ tnMPf adlolll w4ttlolJt ol Hllte l&Mtl orol any l •nullaloon on the event Avenue of lh1 Arh J on 1/06/03 Kimberly Si.llndlllos ue domt bu\mes\ i\ Ameth1•t Avt Newpc.11 lht'> "'111~"'ent ... , MP!.. e urin11 I'll j otJllll1ngcourt~ PIKJtJOn or 8COOuOI H ol \tltl1mtnt t>etwttn 204 Cost• Mna CA 20036921631 4633 Ro•bury Rd HuoU1t r1nanc1al Bu•n CA!l2667 lilfd w•lto Ill< Cou•ly li••b •ll·~ •198 u•t~ e.tof'9 -talUng cettaln ptovtded 1n Pioo.111 o wner •nd obl1eated 92626 Oaoly Pilot Jan 8, 15 Corona del Mar CA Croup 6l0 C•llt Vllente fho-bu••nn• •\ con rt~•k ''' lloanae r.ounl• i't<I~•• r.1> '1l'f.?f.i vttY ~ actJOnl, Coot SllC1lon 1250 A part1 0 611en \ Auctoon W1lllam John Anderson 22. 29, 2003 WOl8 92625 S4n Clemente CA 92673 duct~d by an 1nd.,1dual u1t II IO 07 S"•ln"''' M IS•I&• .. • ~ • .,. perlOflll Aequett lor Speoa1 St•v•tl 909 681 4113 3400 Avenu1 of the Ads. s..._... lhos busmess " <On Sidney ( Bradshaw 630 Ha•t y•>U \IM l•d dotn& 11001•92101 1 ;?97i H "~"'Blvd •I~ ~ W11 tie Nohce kltm 1a avatlable I! N 14&617l0049 J 204 Costa Meu, CA L .i dutted by an ond1v1dual Ca II• \lot"" t • San bu\lne•• 1~1' Nto 0~•11 1 lul l•n I IS l'J' C to\I• M.,, .. CA 4?67(, ,..qulr9d ID rite nodce ID ll'om 11'19 court clet1r. Ne#port 8U•h Costa 9i'626 .... W g"'IJstJ tl.t•I you \luted doon~ Cl~m,.nlt CA 92673 l a•an Hadley q 10UJ W9'l8 lr.1~ Lu\1 "' I\ < n lnlefellld pel'IOnl Altomeylof PM!tlonef Mtu D••ly Pilot January Londa Bu•ell 3400 fktltlws-...S.-bus1ntn yet> Yes Nov Orinn1 J Br•d"h"' 6to Th' \lilrment wd\ fldtll.sllllftu .iu l•n 1.1, •• "0 ••<:lu• -----UOllU!blyhlYe..wed WILLIAM J I! I'> 200l W012 Avenut uf lhl Aft' J The lollowo'!l_il•rson 30.2002 Gall• Volrntt S•n l1ltd w1t11 lht County w_. H•vr • u,1.i•lr<l d "'~ nollct or cionMritCliO'"FCANAGAN, ESO S tf 104-Cona M~eA hH •l:iendoned 111, use ,mberiy-S""1t*'n-e<11 .. GA-'il;utJ.l-neck ot "•llo~ C=W -s""-' r,.,,,n~· t•I ••\ ~ I lhl ~ action) DURAN 4 A..ANAGAN tll-.t !12626 ot lh• Fictitious BU\I Thi\ 'tetemenl wo Tht\ bus1nl\• 1\ '"n r1n I l 03 1 h• I~ P•• •on• .,..,,-r-- Tht Independent 11350 E VAUEY BLVD Ali• f1 ultftfUsttf lhts busmen 11 con· ne\\ Name r errall of loled with the .County dutted by hu,b.trtn •nd 10036911405 "' d'""~ b1a'""'' "' '"•'"'"" M B•I~· .,. ~tlon eu#'orlty 1100 n ...... _ L-J.-du• led by • cene•al "· C C Cler~ ul Oolln&e County wot• O••ly P1101 JA1 ~ I'> ..,..., ~~I t••P«'•~ 1800 lh1s l•t•m<nl ... \ .......... _.,_,_._ •• ft EL ·-.. e c•91131 ~---~.rtner•h1p VTln&• ounty hallence 12 'lJ 02 ]''JO ")Oj 009 [ 1•1• 0 ···10 ' --•--"'--' """""' "' r I ~ • le1tm 1470 Dile Wat on tla•ty'lust••ttdO on~ , ,~"' w ~ 1 •~, ol•O ,.111 tt<• uno, ...,...., pel'IOfl Mee OtiOll03 Ot<O'JM>3 ht Oll<>wona P••s<in Haveyousta111ddoona Cosl•Mesa.CA.92626 20026927651 bu••nnsyet1N N• .. p fl "•at t A · •• ~ 1 a •• wo, an objection '° the ~ISI03 I tlO\ •D•""oned the u" I bu\orl"S\ ytl) No lhe Ftclohous Buioneu Daily Pilot D"t 25 lOOl Sodn•y I l!t id\hd# RdltiM lwslneu "''"-3 ,,, I pt'lltlorl and ltlOWI good ,..r:-~·~S'TA ul the I 1tlit•<>US 8u\I Wolllam J Anderson namt •efeued to above Jan I 8 I~, 2003 W989 This \IAltmtnl wa\ I Mailt Statllllllt Abrlu AIO-.,a • 11!00 f 20026927397 taUM wtl)' h court MESA OAll.Y PILOT ~f\S N~mt 280 Ca1on rhos t tatemenl was wn 'hied on 0fan&e .,....., __ .. _.___ loled with 11•• L«unt, l>,n St •H JIO N•"'t"•'I ,fleet 417 B.iywood lll1d with the County County -on 11122101 no;T1nV111-Cieri< ol o,.n .. • r uunly Ttw lollow111" l>tl\on~ H1 .. 11" r A 'j!f,f, ~ NO'T1CE Of SALE OF NOTICE Of SALE OF o,,.. Nrw1>u•t Btil'h I fl•rk ot Dran&e County fll( NO 20026924644 "-S....... on l 3 03 ••• do1n~ bu'.llt•s\ •' Hoos huS•n•\._ I\ 0,, ABAHDOHED (AWW> on 12 2() 01 K .. 0 1470 lhe lollnwong pcr\on• 2003692141 t IJI Holdinei l'JI~ ~ J,1 I~~ L, oo n<l.,odU•I ABANDONED ll1•fKlot1<Ju\8US1ntu 20026927395 I erry ..... •PIOU 0 p !I ,., 11111 I •?l'J s.~,. ., ~' \ dd PE"80HAL PROP· PERSONAL PROP· ft •m• r•l••••d to abo·1 Oaot• Polo! O•c ""' 2002 Dllle W•y Cost• Meu ~·• d"oni; t>usone\\ "' d•IV olot •' A A G.,7"'-·-••• ' u •• • '""• ERrf "• • • r • ' ~ <~ CA 9262ti JRA rtomol1on\ 120 12 ?9 ;iol}j N•Jl.Ji ••• ,. .,-, bu n•u y•O' N ERTY WH toled '" o .. nat Jan 18 IS 2003 W982 23rd St •D Co·t· ---n:::;.... __ .. ,_i........._ ,w111er8u11a1\~I llJll! AbJolA~a,.1, NOTICE IS HEREBY NOTICE IS HEREBY county "" Ol 05 07 n......:. __ L.....L.-This bu,ineu " con Mna CA 92621 ' " r~Tin-. __. I 1111, St •21'1 '..dnl• 1111 "' ''"'"""' wa' GIVEN that unotf Ind GIVEN "''I ...,... nd Hl [ Nt) l"'".""1"6'> l't(Tll--ducted by lln ond111odual "'-S I AnA fA 'l?ICY. I It uunty .... u • ....,. a '"''"°7 < K A John Reo\\ Adverto\ln& & -lvt....t ' olt•! "' ' 1 ~· purtua,.. ID~ 1988 pursuanl IO Sec11()(1 t98B Sunn N•hon lril\lt• "-S......., Therry i1 1P1 IOU 1 Ill•~ t U\•n•\\ 1~ Lun ( '" • .o "•~i• >ur ty (II .. Cehtornia CMI I 'B II r I r I " '. emen Wf' lntrratt•vt '"t fCAJ Tht lollvW'11i ptf\On' dutltd Dy .1n <rld·••OJ~I IJ ' Codi, me pt°'*1)' bl.O OI ltle C..1lorna Ovd 0 rnnr •1"' Y •u• lhr lollowin& pef\ons hied #lfh the County l?O '/ltd SI •0 Cn\I• ••e d• •nL " n•~• '°' H>v•, u H•tl•d 00 "~ 200169271S9 b9IOw Deflllled to be Code tile Pf()petty liJteo <:ltd 1 l'l 8'l '11 841 ,,. d1oon1 busonns u Clerk ol Onn1t County M~T\h.o\ CbAu'll1"1J!.~ ,. , ,,,, A1110ttd'.~,•,""l' _1P4•7••::,\•o1". 111~~o'':~\\ 1r11 f•s ll 1 ,,,, , • :.,;_•I below be.eved to Ile "00~ Oro,•• Ntwport I Solution Advo\lor~ 177S on I 3iOJ .,, • .. ~ • , • · ".-,~ ll>lndorled ~ Kenneltl a.Dandone<l oy Cad ll•( ti t A ~?1,1)() Mna Verdf 011vt last 20036921393 dullta by a corpor~l1t>!1 ><1nt1a~" fl,,.,, T••bu o 1 w4j1.,," fiut1·"'·' E MalOll. M Wiit Inc a Ca11lornia "'" bu\l~r\' I\ lOO AI04 Co\la Moa. CA D•1ly Pilot Jan 8 I'> libV• yuu \ldrltd dmn~ I L•nf•IO C:•i•l"r"'J '1/fd'i lt11• "~•·rn~nt WA ftdltious lvliness WhO lasl known bosi-"url•d by •moly 11"\I '116Z6 l" ""2003 W'"""-Ou\ln•H •ti 1 Yt\ •t •n M t l Wt ,_ acttt9I WU -4030 c:orporatoe.n. Da•oO N Su\dro N·•~on rru\t't Alt1o1ndtr N H1w•ms ' ·~· vv-, • .> ~· ll ••• • ltl•I! Wtlh lh• ,....... Ne.. Stattr.!t e.dl S.eel, $u.te 107. ~t illlWJdr\loOua and lho\ ~ht"m•nl "•\ :?17~ M•\> Vtfdt 0fl•e ~-...0 D"L"mbtr I 2007 banh·. l't'.14 ,J o/ \OJ lrt~ f Or~r•.:• '"'• ,.__._ft Sol 1 , ~ • John llt1\\ Ad;t<lt\lnl\ .. anhal( fl •<I ·,•t ut ,,, 1 l , ~ Beecll, CA ......--.,.. utlOnS inc oltd "th '"• r.ouorr r .,, AI04 Co\11 Mu<11 ._ S....... & tnter.tth•• I" C•nyon C•lol ~•no• 'l?h7'J 200369.,8394 W. be .....,. It ~..,.-WhO .aSJ •""'-"' ..__\! Lier• •>I •r•n~· C.ouroh C.A9""'"" Jo" " p d I I • _. ..,..,..._ ,..,_ .. .,.,. ,.,.,, Tht lollowon& pel\on~ '"' .,,,._, fPSr en h1\ b,;•,on~·' ·~ u,r (,., f p,1 ' l•n 8 I~ IUCtlOn on ness aOdtess was 4100 ~~~6~2,;403 Tho\ bU\100\ I\ ton •r~ doona busontn a\ Tho\ \l3ltm~nl Wd\ dut l•d ~y •n ondov1du11 1 '· ~ .?()Uj WI~)/ Ottl Januery 21 , Borch Stteel Sir.ti! 100 du1l~d by An 1nd1v•dual The Voeel F•mily 363 filed with lht Lou11ty H•v• 1 .. u \l,.tto d•11n1• 2003 N~ Be~ CA 04ity Pilot Un ~ ltlOl H.avt fOU \tll1ltd doin& Old Nl'wport Boulev"d Cterll ,1 Or•nll• c .. unt, bu~"'•'· yel' ~ fwne 11 OOam Wtl. be sold at Pu()llc Jar· I II I'> ,'{l(Jl W':lM bu\•neuyrt'Nu Newport 8uch CA on I? 2102 Sl••tnM Wolb~n~· f'llOe 403() 8r!cn ~on Acthl.shsilfts A•t•and., ~ H .. •~ms 92fi6J 200269271SI Th,, \l•ltment w• SIMI. Sulle t07, ,.._. Dale J ry 2• 2003 I< "' Joann• Voeel 564 South 03111 Pohit Jan I 8 1 'l 1, •<I "'t" thr t;ounly port Beactl, CA r llr'4Ja "-S....... I lho\ \l•t•m<>nt WU Sunk1$l St Anaheim CA n 2001 W'+'M Clrrk •• t IJ••11r~ County ~ ol Property me 000 1 m !ht lollow1n11 P"'"'"' loled with lht County 9280& --flctlti.s llusilts on It 09 07 Llefdal IClllt rtSUICM· Place 4l00 6~ch ~'" dotni bu\lnP\\ I\ f'ler .. ol Oran1r Cuunly Ro,ha•d Voeel 564 South S 2002691601 I IOr $c:hefvlg Pfovert~ Slreel. Surte 100 Ntw I aw Ott • of J<,11,, R 1 n I 1 OJ Sun .. ist St Anahiom CA "-Sttl.alf D••iy P·loll l•n 8 IS. sci-a port8eacn CA Brn .. n•n& .!14~1 < I~ 20036921731 97806 Tht followon& r.ro\on' n ~ /OOJ NOif, Clnuelll = De9C:npClon OI Prope<ty Pn,nf• Or ~!• ,1)1 O•ily P1k>t Jan 8 I'> !hos busoneu " con •rt d<J<nf llu\1r>e\\ ~i. flctitMous lvsiteu 1 Me ClbS 3 moniior, 1 L•auna H•ll\ A '1?6' t ll 19 2003 W017 dueled by husb•nd •nd M.t11n•1 C•111tal '}4 JI mc:nn , Pf"'f 13 keybeia 2 hardOnve It.tin Rttbrrt ts• ""in" AditlMlfsMeu wolr W Cna\I Hw~ •70'> Mc..Stott..s towe4'drapea, painllllQ 1 cd dnve Robollc!. 37'>1\ Bro •d Sl•e•t Have you s tlloled doing Newport 6U<tl <A 'h• lnllo·w•nG D"""" rht • '# , I Or.f \1.1n\, Jar,. t. n~ bu 111 .. • \ •• IMM r.,,,,,1"" "u" & ( U'iut.nrn~nl•I StJrv1"f''4 191=' r1tuoth 1 to•ta M•:.1 CA qz6n lod<l M .,._,.,,.., 1'11} fh1•, t1u•.n1~·' 1• 1 <'n ~oa ••d by tn on111v1du•I ' f .... , ".,,.. t \ . .ut (1 "" btl r.~" •'-l UO Manal~'"~' 1 '1 l ~ I ~ p ,,., t ··'" M--~ I" 'U.'>17 Sft-vr n I., • ••At-I I k •1 .. -t ... , t t M• \<I I A 9 bl/ 1t1 bu!t ,.., dlJ;;.h:d bt ..tn f'l!th·ldU,11 tilf'f't' • 1U ";if-tf1 .. '1 h11'1~ Yr\ Jur1r ,,. • f If 1 ... I l I I 10036929409 ~ ~ = dial~ 3 pa~ ll N•wpoot llntri 1 • "-S......., busonn\ yet• Yei. 1987 97663 "'e doon~ t111 ,,,,. •' ~ 12 lll!case 14 'l?t;l,t fhe lollowont puson\ RothardVO&tl Maron~" Capit•I Z'JI Am• Producll""' tr 1·, P'Allr 2 Pf'*' KOCSK X· 1 lti" ~u\inr~\ '' < n ••~ doon& busoneu as Jo.anna Vo1~1 w Cnnt Hwy •'10'> I Mu11t0eld D•tvt N•wt "' H ... -. .. 1t1u \h r It'd dt>tnt. 'tt 'f f 1111 Lu\M\•y•t'Yr Jl4 I "f l)"l ,. D mat l)tOOeteof llOr· C1V1 ~ f!flW !Xllrd dud•cl '" ~" '""'"""• W•nstnns lewrlfts of fht\ statement wn Nrwpnrt Btarh CA llrd\h CA'!~ IQI caD, X-ray maen.nt micro I c:oflee mak~ l Ha.-vou \I.HIP"~ lo 1 Nt•po1t Bu· h Int loled with the County 92661 J•m~s l•l•.,d f •n• wtlMlch, Ing, 3 ctvt, sorter. 1 1t>1 m.sc ()I I bu\in~\\ t•l ' Yes il I 117S B Newpofl Blvd Cltrk ol Or•nce County Tho\ busonr\\ 1s '"" 101'> Munlot>ld Or•., micro. mile oftlce ·~ lic&'cptl supplies 02 r,.,,. Mna CA 92621 on 12n1to2 dutltd by • corpor<1ll•1n I N~wpor t Br.!1 h 1:A pllee tenns ol sale are caMI k>N• R l!r wnoni W1n\ton' Jewelers of 10016917902 Hlvf you \IMltd d<Hn& 97660 'flll'nl ol Ule ate cash lfl law'ut money cl !tie Tho~ 1ht~m.nt wo N•wpor t Brath Inc Daily Polot Jan I 8 JS bust11e\\ Ytl' Yu II? lhl\ bu\onf'\\ t\ '"" 111 llw!U money ol tnl Ufw!ed StatM money lolrd with tr, UJf ty Al 111') B N•wp0<t 22 2003 W997 01 duclf'd by '" •ntl·••du• l..Jr*d Sta•. money ()(de( or casniers c:neo. Clf'fll •' O•a• f• l •1tnlr f<lvd Costa h'hll CA .,._...._L-J__ M111ner \C•P•llll Have VhU •lllltd d,.O __ ..._.. I°" I? ?O 07 U'"'-11 ~-.. k. I·-... h b 'N OIOtf or -.-.-S ctl8Cll 'fOllln U1e gong to Ill!! ,,00269.,739 3 7<" ,... • ., ... -mu ....,t 1srud u~ntu yrl with Sele~ to !tie ......,_, boOde • • lhl\ bu$1nUs I\ cun ._ sa.-f This \hlt/n<?nl wn I l•mf'\ f I "~ Jr ~· In ·--w· ~ comtne· Uaolv P1lnl Ort 2'> 7002 Ou•ltd by • torporahon folod with lhr Countw Ill•\ \l·•l•m•'ll '""I ,.,,,. ... t com· petlllve ~'V lin 1 11 I'> XJOJ W<J8J lht lollow1ni P~l\on• , pel!INe ~ tre proper1y musl t>e pad IOI HIV• you st•rted doina '" doon& busontn u Cttrll ,,f Orana• r:nunly ftltd .. 11h th• C• untv ,,,.,,.-.. """'be ...... let I n...w..... ._.___ bU<tn• .. , yet' No Alfoh•led Ctoth•ne 21851 on I j 01 r1erk ul UIAnr• •tunt, ............. , ....... and removed by Int .,,..__.. Wtn""n' MWller,. ol Newlllnd St •229 200369214CM "I' p Ql artd removed by lhe P16Cf\15er a' the blTl!!--,. !l...Stlt-' Nt•M•f Bu'h Inc 0•11• Polo! l'n " I'> 200269 26 176 purcnaaer al tile time of ~-Hunton;iton Bea'h CA • , • o sate I Th• loll<ow•"I prr~on\ ''"Y P1lm\ Pruod<!nl 92646 22 29 ?Oen W'oFA o.~. Ptl<ll (). •C, ?IXJ'} ~ Cost of il<tvertllonO and ..,,. dn1n1• t.11'"'"' •\ lho< ,11tem•nl wn Vincent delaloui 218!>1 Fkftieusa..iiess l~S 'UOl W'Jl4 ..-::.:e:;:::::, 51Jew•U1epaidl0tlfom A •Neo~hhttrhoudAcc~\\ fll~d with th• County Newland St •129 I RctttiMlusiltss the proceeds OI sale Cn<p 8 I f, ,., "rl /() t lrrll of Or.naf' Cnunty Hunt1n1ton Buch CA M.e S....... . tile proc.edl ol Mle OaleO Jan 6 2003 Co•p<•r "'' I"'" t• """ un 17 20 07 92646 Th~ lollow•nr P~f\on• ,.... S"'-'tt Olied Jan 6 2003 Rcnerd L ~ Esci CA 9260lr 20026927191 lfw1n Jllslollen• 1'666 If P do•n1 bus•nns ,., lh~ I II'"''"• P••!>on• Atcnatd L $8IOe ESQ 5000 C<i""ClUI ()nv~ rrn .. 1, fk&ol'I N•"""~' O••ly Prtot Dt>< l!I 2007 Pr lllf 1t Voew C 11 t I~ lilt Ult1malt' !\rd\ I •P or• ~·»nr t. rS< A\ ~~! NewpooBeach CA I In• tNV It;()() Clln•I J~n I 8 IS 2001 W981 ChinoH1ll~ CA.91709 14'il Qu•ol St •i!OI M-tokttorii Sl!••I lltonl ,..,..._, .,..,.,.,.... 92660 ~trr•t >Ult• 1418 Ntw AditMvs...-.U Thos business I\ con N'wpur t Beath CAI on11. Sl1 ')up"""' "'•• •Dl<N l)rlun' I A 101 ll ducted by ll &~ne11I 92660 N•wpnr t R•" h CA T• (949) 956-1100 Tele (949) l)SS.l 100 lho\ bu\ono\\ I\ con • sw..t partne•\hop Chu'"' Pubh\hon& 1CA1 '1?661 Newport~ ~ Be~a dud•d by • <->1110"1"'" lht lollowont person> HaVI you 'tarted d11m1 1451 Qu••I St •lOI A•l.orr• N••l,,•n Co.tr Met.a Deity Mesa oa,., I H•v• f'JU st••l'd dmni: ~·· do•"& bu\onns a\ bu\lnns yet' YH 3 '/(), N~ .. poo t B ... , h t;A I ~·• .. el 1';4>, M~, •• Pl CN669900 CACN-041 CN669899 CACN-040 bU\•nf\\ ••" Ye• ·1 } Rode AUi\I Shuttle Inc 02 92660 u\I• AA"~• l A 92677 Jan 11015, 2003 Jan 8,15, 2003 02 12817 Cudrn Crove Vonc•nt delalorr• Thi\ bu\rnf\\ 1\ 'on Thos nu\ln~··• ,, <ll" --Pro.oly D111hl N•I Blvd •l Garden Grove Thi\ shtl1ment w•~ dueled by a corpo11l111n dur led by .on 1nd1v1du~I worh ln1 CA 9:?843 toled with th1 County Haw<> you star led dOona Hav~ ynu \I•• l•d l'.lm11w Kenntlh 81dt A»IU Sbylllc Inc Cieri\ of Ounae Cpynty buS101u u!? No by>mos us' Np O? I lldM Maritn , fhtl ~fdt l"Olfl'Jlt l'lf'.&\ 111,.d Nlth lhf"' uunty Clt-t~ ut o,,,.~,. •r.unt ... •n I. tO 01 20026927411 • , P•lol ue !'> N()? "" 8 I'> ;>ou1 "'979 Jtu· f ti 'llW•n P"' \uns •'" d ~· L inf'~\ a\ tn1.,11la, C mmun• • t• in\ & f ~.ntff4U\tn( Con\1111.n1 1170'> All.,, lu•tm r 14 '17187 ll•;un () .. uRl•••lr 1170'1 All•r l u;t.n 1 A •n71l? lhL\ bu~1n•\\ \ toe 2 ...ie "9• found on 1/3 1n fountain Vatllr .,.. C.1111& 964·8622 ORJ~•RfJ =..... ,_ ea•s•· i... an. lADOtA ltANOf 48r• loft Ol'IN SAT 1-5 ... Older Style Furnltln l'IANOSi~ . .....,.... . ...._.. .............. ~ ........... M CASH PAK> .. ... ,._ ........ MMIVISTATd .......... "'-dy...- CONSIGW\1ENTS l I nm I U ~ lftd °'4*A R I ... famly BUSINESS Fnlldm -,_. SJ.JIQ<XX> loaltld ---------1n on1 ol the nicest HOME EQUIPMENT VIMOtMG IOUTI ~ ,, w-. Hott.st Produc:ts+Grut fertD:ltlc ll!lP(Jrt1ll1lt lor IMPROVEMENT MldlclWerltlJ loe1tlon1 • BIC S S7S90 orMdnwtl 11 ~••ll SERVICES 2600 ~ 35li5 lnm~800·396 9311 :., ilccbl. ~ ' _AL_l_E-LE_C_Tft_IC_W_HE_£_l Qlm ~ 4!511 Corona dll Mir CHAIRS New No cost •<.M/...-.._ 1S.1W, to you 11 ell&lble UOO Wee".......,, M1dlc•re •ccepted ltw4., 9•9 .... 9-SSJJ WhHichalra •nd Pow· 0.-...t A-&..c. e<chaors (acoote< 1tyle) '"We trHt JOU fllfttl' (800 )135 31H (CAL•SCAN) S1 181 1111 •• £1 31'10 -SA I • ...._lft. IACl IAY Cftttla 26SI INIM A\'t, 1otf \'ltw. ffl•il on-site. 71'-SU-77IO ...... , .... •'-'. • llAUllf'Ul e Of emauc Spy11us Holl uecuhvl home Ho upense WH spared hbulou' Ouan Vrew, '8r Ottered et SI 695,000 Sell« llo~t anothef home Must S.11 N4y • .-.... , 9 .. -a76·SS76 mtMOUSI SIQ.UDID llTtlAT AMADIONK1 AOT.9•t-72S .. 120 c... ... ,_lUTAHS 'ATlKlnttOttl NATIONW91 USA ttt-eH~t10S WWW patrleli.tll!O<t tO!ll """' L home " ~ after cu1 2• c ... 11._ •Ye loc1tton Hlllttt A touch ol Italy 4t>f 1499ded b pr llnn '} r;ba Strada liomc .......... ~ $62.5.® s 1,729,000 S639.000 Lil Coldwe• 1'1.ATINOM P1tOPllTIU ~ 9'9-4164-~14 • Steltntt MeUffr ~ .,, 2.s .. home •1th IO\lfmet 1111, 11 patio •nd Y•td aolf rouru end i1111nt ¥141•1 1949.500 A.ncllof ProPtflits 1).19 120 l900 ,.IMllSTATIS 'ATllCX nN<>al •ATIOWWIOI USA 9 .. 4H-t10S WWW ,.tr~ .. -· COin llAOf llTllAf PMOIAMKVllW SUtOOO Mn.Mt JU4UO 9'9 715 31!>6 1'11Ml ISTATIS l'ATRK1C TINOltl MAnotfW101 USA H94S6-'70S www patrKllt•OOf• com RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE '*-'""""' -,..... o .. .,, , ••• v.u., cc, 2bf 2ba cOf'do a•tH, waul ceih, courtyd. 2 c 111. Supetb condl Clo .. to pool/club M4 own1act un.ooo imf-J?2GJ2 ffi,. f •ll1JWUl1o J1t'f\f1n'\ ,.., I 11111n; [HJ .. lnt•'\s, A~ HBL ub,,..., th s-4 ,. .. , non f un•• .... 11 .. t A ':ll/01- Kt~I, "*'£"" fir ., F• Ot11u l '"i'. H•" ~ t 1Qlil4 I h•~ hu• .. 1n,.~ I' '" d1J lf'l(f b1 :Jr H1d1wd i! "-'•" y u \t•rh•d d n,,.· hu\ rt"\'\,.,~~ "'""''ft, If# lht'.i tdr,.m .. nt .,,,. .... 111• ot will It•• l• unt; f ltr '°' t Uf .UlW"" Ju Hf 'f n I ! l11 2003 .. 21407 Ni/Oc-View fooms, I Ocunlront/22nd pvt rm unlurn VI"• ba Utt\ pO " \tnkl i.1h h •n.,llr tndr1 I block lo Ntw~tl p.., S69!> mo Catt Slim at 949 278 7905 (between 9a Sp? RESIDENTIAL RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY H r,U.,.2-p,J doon frOll'I So ea,tr011t uPf* u"'t sm b•k011y 11700/mo 310 S~S475 S NOUSU Pao. WA~ TU L1 211< lb• t91 lftt. Lola of slor•r· yrly 1M l l800tmo M I~ 1771 ........... 2lt a.. 2t .. • twbo. wt.I. d.!w, -c:tf(, ......_ to.. llllll 'lZ1 h SI S1 Mtm.11• STU'S to IMil, rfln'I04. 2" l h low.• lllltl fp' ltllr, w4, iw. cwport. llllO ,rly ,.. 11 .!1411 • 1 SM J lt•y '°""9, 11? My,1'dl, t11t11. '"· Ice• lD Wl.tha 8l¥d lt«IO 1 It lM I •• 20026927410 t1u1" F ''tu.. '' ~ 1 H "'VJ< IN'#+ Actltiws~ "-S..... r• • • '' ''t:" j 100J692U t0 " ~ f J t "' ,.. " ~200.L -~ FictttlM IWness ........ r • I ,,,. . Tut y t.1.- N;trd l ft. 1 A 'l~f, I WA 1r Alt1n hi..-nc.1f"r 11'\~ 1010 W• '"•'d I OSI•,,.~..., A -<,'TJ?1 ,. . r" ._ flmOd 381 2 5Rll "°"' ..,.. .p w rm' .,_, fp cMSIClnt CJlbtnlr/ & IOI! -11 '1 pehce k IA' 18l)!.t bl.\ to br:h' No Pttl,,,. SM> mo Y' he AVM. I l!I 2m 726-1 I .... ,_,,,. ,,, /21• lu a ur y relur b liomt s:IJ(nn ........ r .. 28r l& """" at'P9l & P9'I s1100m CJ& ns.:tm • 2..Aie 8rtrld -~. ,........., I~ 2lt f1ll I tJb:t. hm Pdl"*Nttu ~mo ~ 9'3 t<llll ••• O.-vrlle 1nat 1otor1 llet.ecll ~ ttl• 1< ,., a•t•ll ~omm. pool .... SlfiOOrnO 12-... er... !Q..aMJ2111 all .... <-... ,_,.,.. wt--f'oril ..... ~ lllCI llP'lt.efll "'pftJ.'tmtltl ~ ., •751o..119J I & tSI'• hom 010..0 Ill lt,,.iy &alef C0- 9eaf lrt Sq.• .. lriqe. b"/~'Z 11• ,.';;& • ( •• A 10 Wednesday, January 8, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE s 1 Wltv Wooku crNIOt S2 Y-.eoe'1 1'*1d S3 HotlwlQ, IO Pedro S4 Ravel s p.'11 S5 In I wtlile 56 P1111N1 s1 0uant·1 nome 58 Ealing pace 59 GenghlS - 61 Gympeo 13 . J, Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WHAT'S DE.\T? ~-W~t vullll!nbk. NUfth lbl' NO mi Wt:;ST • gJ 10 4 • K84J AJ63 •S t:MI • V<Nd • K9852 QJ Q87 •AK 10 JO 96 5 2 K 10 9 4 2 . •QJ9 SOUTH ' •A 7 63 A7 s •1176432 Opcnmii lead K.mj! of • South. declarer ar lour ,P.IJ<' Jnu hied, hunJlcJ !he wmhrncd U.\\Cl' well 10 ruke I 0 tnck.\ Luolmi.: al 1111 lour hand,, "as Uu\ lhc pai r~'\uh'1 Ancr lhc ooe ~paclc n.•,pon..c ~J' r.u-cd 10 1~0. South Jt'C1tled rhc h1111d w.&.' ~onh ii !,!aml! 111~iiau11n . .&.nd 1.:ho..e ~ help-~uu rnal hid (11 um ... · <lull\ V.uh • 'm~lelon 1n w kc) 'u11 a.nd foot,wd uump i.uppon. Nonh Judied 1bc holding 11-ooh 1 jump IO pine despite beio, Ught 1n tmns of potnto(;ount The lesJ .aid about W~t\ penalty Jouble. lhe bet1C1' w~ led !Ill: long of cluti. and. m iii\ ~•ttmpl to cut down oo rufTa.. !Juft. 1.:'d 10 1 trump. woo by dummy'i. t.en The lk:C or dwnoodi Wai loUowed by a diamond ruff lll1d two club ruffs \llndwiched round another dhunond ruff The 111..-e and k1na of htans 11-ere cil,h<.'tl and a heart wa.\ ruffed with IJ1e1 iicc of trumps to brlnJl declarer's tnd. total 10 nuic. Now 11 dub w~ IL-d from the do'4.'\J h..tnd. and We~\ d1'lComfiture wa' 1:omplctc. Whether the dc[cndcr chtcd tu ruff high or luw. c.lunm1)'\ 4~n ol lnln\~ "'~due 10 Sl.'Of'C the IO!h tnd .• l'Jlhcr oo po~er Of by ruff in~ the dub Wa~ 'iouth alv.o}~ .... hc<lul~ ''' m.ile the c.loublcd coo tr.-cl 1 Noc qu11r We't w:h on the n~t tr.-:k In •J11ft111g tu u trump UI lnLk tv.o, bur see what v.ould happen 'hnukJ the de lender c IJoo..c to lead the l..Jnjl of 'Jl.idc~ ur rnck l'l'O! Iii\ lnll)C\I)' I\ \OCnfit'ed to lilt' llLC Ill u ~onhwh1lc.-l11U..e ~ow there '' nu "'''" l11."t:(W1lf 1:un .:ollcct a third run 111 hand wuhout ge11Jn1t merruOl'd {)""'" uoe1 Tf) 1t )OUI'>Clt lU. bJe Jbf 3ba+ den, P•llo f p, 2.c ~!J.... new floots & pelnt ~/mo rly IHH 949-875-3149 Automotive 9004 Employment 8500 IMW 740t '98 wMe/ ACCOUNTS RICUVAlll blacll. lo.ided, 6.:11 ""· CllRIC Pt1vate Goll Club GPS, cht ome wheels Full Time 8 30 !i 00 S28.000lobo 949-760-al98 Wednesdey thru Sunday Codllloc 'I I II Medital 1nsu1<1nce end looks & drivn mce. benef1h Apphcatrons $ 14 7!>/obo #754896 now barn& accepted Costa ~ Ct 9'1!Mi46-7812. Senta Ana Country Club Cha"1"olot '96 Camwo 20382 Newport Blvd Conv. Blach, 6cyl, Santa Ana/Costa Mua loaded. $6445 •953268 B•nkm11 Ql'\llt Mosa Ct ~7812. ful.ttmo T..... Harbor OwyJw '97 Clrrva Ol!.1111 Na1Jo<1o1I Bank Newport looks & dr•~ nice. Al. BUI Great benefrts. 6 Mo's M::. CC. PW ~ e11)tf"ience p.eferred fa, vJ:l1!B! CM 1» 9'961&-7812 teslJfl'>e ID ~ 9$-661 2616 '"" '94 E~lorer Sport Al mnrf cc pearl blk/ 111 y llht $6445 •45?136 Com Mll!i3 I» ~ 7812. PHtW"AUTO UWS11t~'U Si.ell w/Bladl !At• ior Low Mtlnl •181061 m.•.oo 1..-JUSC-. 2+2 'tS llfltilh RKlnC c;,_, WI.th Cren>e Leath« Low W.! Buutyl tl8955C $18.890 00 ferllMw .... c-p.'ff 11'6 ll, 5-ll*d a/~. co plays ful po- 1185(,() S9.91K> 00 ,_ l1S c-p. ... VtTY R11e \112 low "'iles! lmmaculltht Coupe! •18472 S9.M .OO Panche911T.,. c-..·eo Thi$ 1$ a• a11 find! Niu, W I mlttfll•med 911 Coupell •18646 $16.!8100 Mll300CI C-,.'92 Whtie w/Gfey leather This 1$ one uwe M8Z 4 ~'A lluuty• #18771 $14,98>00 IMW740t~'91 lmmM.ubl• white w/'if•Y Leather Be.iulrful •18730 $29.980 00 l,el(Ut LS400 SHan'97 lhl$ 1$ a Glut luxury ~dan P11c@d to \el FASl , 183431 $21 9IK) 00 Daily Pilot ..... ·--.. , 4 f HSE, 60k 1111, mtt•lhc dark ll'Mn. 011.me.i lttw, 18" whls, fabutoua c11 fabulous cond, Sll.995 firm v"265124 fln/Werr •V•ll Bkf 949-516 1881 • ...... " .... ,, 4 6 HSE, 60k mr, met1ttlc dark IP'""· 01tmHl lllv, 18" whls, t.buloua car f1bulou1 cond, Sll ,995 fwm VJll265124 ffn/w1rr !lvail Bllr 949·586 1888 SU. 't 1 900S Red/ 1re1 llhr: AT, A/C. perfect cond. lop mcl $4995 v#21584!i Costa..., Mesa Dir 949 646 7822 s .. .,,., 'ts Sl2 Red, S s pd, em Im ca ss. 4dr, SZ250 v#215458 Costa Men Dir 949·1)46.1822 AUTOM081LES, MtsCEU.MEOUS WMtld IMS '-"r 0,..-.. .,.., Over «> years eXjl! wit pey a ll'SY la. pnce lor yo.. Utt Vllll « trudl II-' lar ()( not c.I Old< Rey @ Toovto Auto S.S. 711- 437 1931 Of 714-328-3228 CASH FOi CARS We need your car, paid 101 01 not Phillips Auto Ai.II 10< Malcolm 949 574 7777 BOATS NttWJ>Ql1 Bea ch looli•opor, PT, Ruf (state Mcmt Company STUDIOS lwo very t111e '" Ne wport Beach Fa• studio~ ••••I Ntw p;unt 'nume 949 6'0 7146 ~r each Call949 715 3513 Sm c~al olfce 111 West ~:Z,.:c..;;::.'-Htf-~-~--1 lt-;~~~~~"":95~1;';5 C230S......'02 81.Kh Btauty• Hutry fOI" t~ one WMtanly !J?each' 42,000 c.... }br ?.StJa "-VIUUSe, SwedM Ip, patJO balcooy. I I Kiii. i;.oft111) ~'· .., $175()m ~293"4631 Lldoble ------load! c.,..... 2lir t •I .t.a 'l 1. f!dr total 1tmodel btl< h & tenn•~ dub $1800 lll<l 949 644 l330 IAYfROMT ON l 100 Pi. NtNSUL A NlW 21r 21a COTTAGES Priv..te Br.uh Puol dnd Sp.1 Walk In U~edn Shn1" <1nd Rt·sl•ut ""'' l o'•'>e fl,"'" l ., • B11df Shp Av.11l•blt 710 llDO PARK DR. '14'1 b/ j (,()j()"' 949 77J 5830 • YIAtllY • LEASES Bill LfltJNOY RE Al lllRS 949-67S 6161 V~ C••idr1 lbr new 1.;wpt-t P.tWll Nr I~~ ~t'41 lot. RL"d t ltvw1~ Av,~ r•iw i11m "" 714 '>1!> 15'>4 D'?eader.t in "JCzaJpor/ 2Jeac.b, Corona def !l/l:a.r, '>Gz11Jporl Goa.JI, Go.r/a !Jlle,a, 7.>on 'I miss ouf on /his chance lo promole .!/ experl.ise in /his field/ rl<li ...... Kil'll. 2 9, 200J ~, 2003 an. 20, 2003 V•nallloo 2br lb• lrvtllt 2!i ll.'tws wll Cap reqwrltd Cal 949-250 4136 ---=-c~___,=.,...-""7 "' tu r~rne 250 8749 fO«D Ttwlll NfW 4 penthouse <>t:n views. bakony tomm pool/ten dfll $1800 949 671 7800 pa=~ wtvle. ~ ta• & lk.~1se p;iid SSCXX>/nbO • 818 'Y>'l '1250 YEARLY RENTALS nPar lht beaLh, 2bt. lb8 Zbr 2ba aef Sl500 $1850 949 293 4630 8•autlf.,I lb• 2 5b.- townhnme cc.1nrr unit f11 2 L ii"' wd AQf'HI Sl850 mo 949 67) 1800 SUJAllt( $2,0SO. Dou .. lo MRI P•nthovto (Jull"I NA New lntt1t0t C3ted Celllwn NA dmffilliee. Ne•t to Hoa& ~1<15P11.il AG I 94%46-6770 264 VIia Point S2'JOOiOO" llfmt! 1111" cnor1'! k>wor unit nu upt,p.11111 alt ~·" ....,M & pool 949 715 J'>J J Newport Coalf Jbr 2bd .omm p11ol & 'P• 1 c ~"' Ip wd hkup\ a~t S?600 mo 949 293 46 IO NPB 4b1 Jb• wndu 7r pool l l ii••, J P•hu new ""'"' Ldtllf'I SU'iO I yr 1-.e 949 650 844J lwtlKllt VfEW HOMIS lbr 2!lod ™' ""· .II nu ~ .yµ neat to "l)Ul"'i p.Yk ~"l'b rro ~581 I~ lido ltle lmmacul•nl Jilt 2Ba ll~dm tt1I \. r p, pa ho 7 < ar 11<11 agf' S2900 mu <)49 613 I j'l() ·~to w. °""'' Sc•• 17 7 Jan .., 5001 RMJ Alll! Ii 4Clr tw. p laund !lo. al new remod ttu w1 U200 mo 949-646-7931 l o o part af tho mla. Preleired Mobile Mu"t In~ . Ca1lforn1a ~ fa\lesl 111 ow11111 01 Ent Svr. 1\ l11oh111~ for ldlrnted peupti. to svc pvt Pd• lies s<hoots we-d dint'· & reunions lleu1m~ • 01 1f you ento~ mu\tl 01 i'el on the nlltropttunP ,, tOU hdVP Pt"on•hly lo be,omr "" MC' No up nt!C Wuhday wt~kend P I po\ now .rnd1tulmn& C.111 llOO 468 fi'IOO .mtl b• < omt " p•tl of lhe m11' A\k lu1 Ar ••Hlun 81 uwu R•al htal• Office PT, SI 'l $17 hour. 9Am !>pm I ue. l hu" u•ld c.>111111(. g~ne1al 11ll1ce fo• , .. .,me only 9 49 740 0430 Attn J11An1n N,wpor I B"dt. h Re•l (''•le Off1<.e n~dr r .,h111n 1-.tand Rtc•ptlonltl f/T Tuo. Sot. Bu\y. phonr MS Off•· ~ •nd phone ·.-tlh Rt,laur anl up .t• f •• ft'\Umt lu 949 647 Ob14 nr <all b42 7880 bef111r !> ROll--1 Host/Kt 111< btt'IY 11.illan dlOf!f h(IO,.,. "' NB B1r>y phone'>. t 11m l)Ultl e•ll O<t F d• ''"""""' In 949 647 0674 "' 1..1M <;19 647 78!rl ,,,.fnt~ r, \I'll yuur Car In Clasufil.'d ! BAYF'RONT Community The Best Location Waterfront IBR. lM, $2'SOO 2BR, 2BA wtt/, Water Vie $1350 Ask-Abaimt:O.r Wbttet ~I ford'96 Wlnchtor Gl 7 jiu\\ ttd AC, fully lo~dtd, IUI~ & fonk\ good $477S v•231'>87 Costa ~ Dir 949 646 18Z2 ~ ·u Gnotd o.. .,...,.. l TD 4 • 4 V8 Wllt; .... 1 lltr S7'JOO;utJo .-; 146!11 OS. ~O-~/W2 Lancl~'OO~ s~"~' fl ?Rk m1 full I •LI w.trr >1tver ll' f'Y Ith• ''""' mnlf rt:.ar \r,tf~ f() llkf' new. v4'1l4 /I Sii 99'> l1n dV~~ Hkt www <• pabt 1 om 949 S86 ISU M.,ucloa len1 '90 j()()f J b fildC~ ldn ltht \Otl 1111 l' l •• S'>?75 vnl401 i 1.11,t• Mesa Olr 94'1 b4& llrll Mw~ '97 .... j 20( r .. w~"" t~k ~ lthr Sl9 'l'f> v~t""4 Co-.ld M4--.. Olr ~9 IA<> 7R2? Mercedet '97 C280 GorRrou\ 7?~ ml I t1wn•1 lullv lu;id~d bt11lk\ 11•1 111tl murt SI'> U"i v•.?l~<IUI!> 1'.nsld Mt .. I Uh '149 b4f. /'1!77 Mercedet '99 C2JO- Kr11n111 t-\\U• 67K n11 nun •.mk1 tulluy l11ddt!d Jib CM v•'>.?t ll?f"osla Mt'• Oh 'M9 646 1812 Mertod .. 'IS 1901 2.3 Al Al' '"'' \Upn t~n JltiW l•t· Ott.l l.tf $74'1!> v•6?KI 1l I O\I• I ,..... ~ 'J4'+ 646 78'l'l Mercodoa 'fl 300lU bld..k It"',,.._ 'ltlrl llhr buultful S89!l'J 11511 J2'> eaa. """" ... I» ~ lf!22. Mon oCI.. '81 SOOSE Got a~ou\, Btu~ bluf' tthr S4qq~ t?l~llS Cu\I~ M P\d Oft 949 646 78U NluGfl '93 Ahlmo GXl .wto <lean looks dr '"' prt I S !98!> v•84&S48 l.o• I~ th-..i 96{,4b.~ Niu-'17 Ston-;:; GXI .. ulu lonil\ ' IUM jleff N.. PW l'Ol Ii' .andrrw " c..w Sl44S v•71 '>489 ~' Mr~ .i Otr '14!1 646 /872 OJchmoa.llo 'ts Avrora VI! lrnm•t fully to•ded tthr 84K "" S'l?l5 vi 14347?0 C11,I• Mt-\d Dir 949 646 7872 -HOME, HEALTH AND BUSINESS semce Directory "NO RS· C1llfo1n11 taw re quifes that conlt•c IOl'"S t.k1n1 tobs that total S500 or lllOf e (l•bot' or materials) be licensed by the Cont11ctors State llcenH Board. State l1w ebo requwes that contractors include thew lfeen'!4 number on 111 .ctvertmne-You c1n check the st.tus of your licensed contr1clo1 •I www cslb ca aov or 800 321 CSLB Unh canted conlreclors t1Wn1 tobs t totlU ass than mus• 11111 tn I 111 edvert1sem1nts thet they 1r1 not licensed by th• •ritractors St.It l icenM Board." o.tdll~a Pro, be91, .. w.,, '"'" ..... y-.ffke., ....... 949-760-IGU .u ... & ...... ,,.....lfT.-s QcMn /Itel!/ IWnodll M9n ••••lWO:iam t'JID'l'5 p ... m C.µty ~-... carpet Repalr~les Computer SeMca Drywall Services C....-.... ~el WITIHOln DIUWAU o CAllJ'Ow CARPno Hardware 1nsl•ll•l1on All phasu smtlrc 1ob~ Repatrs Palchina. Install booble WJOlr& '9W:.fC CllANI ?()yrs. li111. hee Cour teous any s1a robs ~ '*" 714-5479Zli et L4CXnll 71~1447 Wholeule' 949 492 0205 Concrete & Masonry Computer Services lrkk llo<k St-• Tllo Concrete. Patio, Clfrvl'way F11eptc, BBQ. Refs :?5'1'1 \ b p l etry 714 557 7594 Th•C•m•nt M- Cementwork, Briel\, Ttle & More Rehabte No 1ob too small 714 615 9062 Desldop Publlstllng TIMl OH~IN YOU.HOME IMPROVIMINT PIOJICT? Call • plumber. peinler, handyman, 01 any of the lfHI services hsted her• In our service d11 ecloryl lHCSl LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI c.,..,snca COMPlITER HELP! ............ .. ,... ........ •.C•• ·~ .. ,. ..... ~~ ·Ob~ • (JUlll\ldl!o.l'!dl. .... •l0.illl().rrpmr""'9 ... ~~~ 7149'12--2786 Bectrtcal Semces s-11 Job bportl Duncan llec:ttic 20Yrs hp l oc.VQuick RIJ.590flse Service/Remodels l •275870 949-65(). 704? llCENSID CONTRACTOR No ~ too sm NA -mes' Rep1tr, remodel. ~ns. ?f=• ,_ SYC' 949.QS 3666 AoonnwJlle •D ............. , ... Propq•lion, Prunrna & Boildlnt Small Proiects 115 "°/hf ~g'.515 8824 Fenca,Vecb GardenlnW Landscaplng l-Ton-.. lan41c .... Weel<ly 11*1t. tr-et 1rmmrC & '"'l1ll1lton 2!> Vrs eap t1c/1n\urfd 949 548-4363 Troo Sorvl .. , Y'lrd Cle11nup, M1lnten1nce. Sp11nllle1 Repair. Heuhnc {949) 450-171' HlfldymllV Home Repair 20 Yoon of Quollty Clafta-•ltlp Uall6741U (94t) 6SO-t52S M•rk HMdymarV ltomi RepaJr Health ' Beauty ..... ..,. .. 20•· ,.. ,...,.,h, If 1pte your enuo Oftly SJl .tS Call Liu 949 645 6677 House Cttanlng Tho-Clo-""t Sonr. Complete home & ofc Free flSI. Serv ea DC 714-542 3473 714 785 1101 T-·· (uropoDfl Hou11 0..-C. T~ Ind. _.. «w. ,. wortc dDnt ~ -tar nrles 96-CZZ74:M Mowtng & Stange HST MOVERS SSt/~ se1 vine elf cities lnsurt.d fnl • courteou' ,,i:1reful Tl63844 llOO 2'6 2378 Gf.NEIAl. IF.ftll l lWNJ'f.NAME * ~·Camroiil No Job 1bo Small Dawe llamlltoo 949-322-8291 Mowtna a Storage PUBLIC NOTICE lht C.allf Public Ultftl•H comm1u1on rtqUlft, that all used houHhold 11oods movers prrnt their PUC Cat T nombet. hmos •nd chauffeurs prtnl the11 TC P. numbe1 111 111 adver ltsemenh. If you have any quesltons •bout the le111tt1 of • mo v er. lt mo of ch1uffeur, c•lt PUB· UC UTILITIES COM MISSION 714 -558 4151 . ..... .,.... ..... '••3257 TOUllll SEU ,.. ...... ........... Palming lll'S CUSTOM PAINTING Pron t.INn qiiellty wor- lnter t0t /ea I end docks l •703468 949 631 4610 lAINIOW Qtt(U MMfT P••nttne ""8r.L ~Apt Qu•hly tobl r, .. cshmille l •569897 714-63&-8888 HOUSE REPAINTING & WOOD f1N1SH.ING ~ • 181169 $?"/ 980 00 Mil £320 SHan '94 PHfed White w/\.eat~ tow M11tt• fl8606 Sl9.!e>OO IMWU ........... 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