HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-10 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot•• •• \ • Ser v ing the Newport-Mesa comnzunity since 1907 FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 2003 Pro!~ster~ take fight to company .HQ -. A few activists outside John Laing Homes' Newport offices call on the developer to leave a 400·year-old oak tree a lone. June Casagrande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACI I A few protester-, waved '>•gm and -.houted slogans at John L.ung I tomes' headquarters fhur.,day to protest the company\ a t tempt to remove a 400-year old oak 1ree near Santa Clarita and II'> plah'l to build a houc,i ng pro1ect on a Seal Beach i.ite where Native-American rl' I tomes" were wavf'd hy five prote!>ter!>. Organizer5 ac,.,emhled the event o n short notice lhurc,day morning after rece1v111g nL'W'> that the lOmpany had t.tkl·n a 1ougher stance in the ba11le over an oak tree nl'ar Santa Oanta that the company want., to remove to widen a road there In a statement, 1hc company cued safety a!> 1t!> main rea.,on for demanding 1ha1 Quigley leave the p erd1 he ha'> occupied for more than two rnonlh'> John Laing I lonw'> f'rc-.1dcn1 Bill Rattan.i a lc,o poinll.'d ou1 that vbiwr.., to 1ht-lrce. 011 pn· vale property. hc.1ve t. reated a nul'>ance 10 neighbor'> "1 he number uf 1wopll' who ill'C betng 111v1ted to \1'>11 and even chmb anw thl' 1rct· would continue lo re'>ull 111 umafe cunditiom." Hallil/11 .,c.11d 1n lhc '>latement "Ohg1>1ng propl'rty d amage and ne1ghborl10od di.,- turbance-; cont111uc IO OC.l u r " Quigley. "H1ey hc.1vL· dended to tome down 1n a heavy handed man ner, • i.aid Doug 11.orthof. an en- vironmentah't .md organi1.er uf the informal group of prote!>t - er!>. "It\ nol Jll"l thl'> tree. rhis tree h cl -.ymbol of the t:ndles<> paving O\'l'r of ">outhern Cahfor- ni;i.· John l..ung I tome' ha., of- fered to replanl the trcC' in a nearby park Opp111wnt'> heheve it would hl' lwttn In ll•ave the treP in pliltc• Jncl ln11ld tlw road around 11 m ain'l have been found 'iign'> marked "Save my hom·-. from John l.aing I tome'· and "Save the oak from John l .. ung Op Thursday, John Laing I lom es announced it had <,e cured the area around th<.• oak tree and fiJed suit agam'>l tree "Iller Jo hn Quigle}' for trt"•P"'" 111K Protester!> counwr thc.11 1hc company'i. moVl''> Jrl' overly harsh. m pan belJU,l' they l'Ut off food and wall'r -,u pphe., lCJ •JUNE CASAGRANDE <:overs Newport Beach <1nd John Wayne Airport She mdy t.ir wached at (949) 574 4232 <Jr bye mail di 1une casagrande a lat1mes com Ar,01 •ii uAILfPILOT Doug Korthof of Seal Beach. left. and Joey Racano of Huntington Beach protest at John Laing Homes offices on Dove Street DON LEACH I DAR V P1l m An attentive group of Tiger Cubs listen as Captain Jerry Strom explains what to do if a fire breaks out m their house The Newp,ort Coast troop watched a video and cooked dinner for the firefighters as part of an educational v1s1t to Newport Beach Ftre Statton No. 8 Feed the .firefighters Newport Coast Tiger Cubs cater dinner for firefighters Thursday after a tour of the firehouse Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot · H olt I undament wru. all set for hie; fire hou..e tour lnursday night. nie 5 year-old Tiger Cub Scout from Newport Co~l had his litlle fireman's hat on ~ he sat up to watch a 'lhort documentary showing a day in the life of a firefighter in the conference room of the fire station on Ridge Park Drive. REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK Web politics return Welcome to the new and un-lmproved dty-dedk:a.ted Web ite. turned Into a venue for frequent loathsome posts that ultJmatety led to Its own demise. A man known only by his generic e-mail address, In which he calls himself Mr. Joe Citizen, ls picking up where a group of concerned citizens left oft". The new site 6Us the void of the now defunct LOLITA HARPER Tuples of the former Web s.lte, run by local act:lvl.sts who refer to themselves u lmprovers. included upcoming city dfNoelopmeot.s. Utter. graffiti. illegal tmmlgration. crime and educadon. O\ats often local ate once run by~ Otblena for ~ent or ea.ta ..... Wbich awted u. community rorum, but qulckty took a con~ tum, tkkier aubjec:tl of nice and SM NOIDUOk, hp M ·· 1 thoui.;ht the big fire wru. pretty awe-.ome." he said, referring to video of the Laguna Reach brush fire of 1993 that charred 17 .000 acres and engulfed 366 homes. firefightt:<r.., Lhe ctuldren and llH·ir parents VJ<;ited them at the Newport Coa-;t statio n and gaVl' them a catered dinner of filet mignon. Cae'>ar salad, roasted polatoe.. fudge browmes and cookJe., Newport Beach Fire Capt. Jerry Strom taJked to the scouts after the show. emphasizing the importance of not playing w11h matche'>. "It'., 1u-;t our way of howing our apprl'caation for our firefightC'r., • parent Art Sprake said "Tiu•y're very much part of our cornmumty and we greatly "One little match can do what you saw on the video," he said. As a thank you to 1he ,.. SH FEED. Pa1e M 72 HOURS A quick guide to the weekend A BAnlE Of A TIME 1 The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum will host a special battle reenactment from 4 to 7 p.m ~in Newpoft Harbor. Refr'Mhmenm will be soN9d after the sail. 1l'9 museum la at 161 E. Coast Highway. Reservations ere required. The fee 11 $50 for adult.I and $20 for dllldren younget' than 12. For mont infonnetk>n. ~II (949) 873-1863. BALL.ERINA TAW..S 2 Auclttlon~ fOf' the School of American Ballet's 2003 Summ« Cou,. will be held Saturday 9t the Def.ore Dance Center in Costa Mesa. Auditions .,. open to ln1ermediate and advanced siudent9 only and will be held from 1 to 2:30 p.m. for 13-yul"Olds, from 2:30 to 4 p.m for 1~ and 15-year-okta end from 4 •o 6 p m. for 1&-to 1$-~ Studtnis must regiAw OM hour in edvllnC* For mont ittfonndon, eel (212) ~Of (714) 2't 1-9908. A tale of 2 • economic proposals Local Republican le aders say president's tax plan won 't counter effects of governor\ severe budge t mea~ures. Paul Clinton Da1lyP1ot '' \\l'OHI \11 '-.\ -~ nc11lt.>'>l1mt' 'tall' hudgel cnw, could IJ.~l' ihe '>team 11111 111 f're!.1den1 Hu .. h·, l't. one mm 'umuJu, p.u l .1ge. local lkpubhcan lec.1der' \dld lnuf'dt1\ (;o\-. (,r,1\-1>.1vl\, .11 ii noon pre•" umlt•r l'll(t:' IO<fa~ ,, l'XJ>l'l IC'd ICI prop<><,t.• w1dt• ranging la.A llH ll'J'l''· 'Pu t·d \~1th c.,pt'ndin~ See PROPOSALS. Paee A4 NEWPORT BEACH Commission continues to tread water Coastal Commission appeal decision removing its power, but Newport assemblyman will urge group's ov.erhaul. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot 'IJ IWPORT BIAUI The Cahfom1a Loastal Commission hiu asked the appellate court thal 'ilnpped the ma1onty or its puwer 10 recon'lider llb decision. In lale lkcemher, a Slate Court o f Appeal<. deemed that the l'Ommissao n's scructure vio lat~ the o;eparauon of powers clause m the U. WATER, Pace M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONntEWEB: ~.~com ./ WEATHER ~ 1(.-p the umbrella handy. S.P•A2 BEST BUYS C'*l out 1he .... dee S.PlpA3 SPORTS Silor ....... IOCI* wtni. 1.() _,...,., A2 Fnday, JMlOOiY 10, 2003 0111-t Pilot ON THE ~TER A share of the spotlight The Hawaiian Chieftain often falls in the shadow of its partner, the Lynx, though it has earned a little attention. June C1aa1r1nde Daily Pilot T oo often, the Hawaiian Olieftain plays wallflower to belle of the ball the Lynx. But cast a spotlight on this tall ship, and it's clear that she, too, deserves some anention. NShe's a beautiful vessel: said Lynn Mcfarlane, a spokeswoman for the San Francisco-based Hawaiian Olieftain. FYI The Hawaiian Chieftain and the Lynx will be at the · Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, 151 E. Coast Highway, through Monday. Tours are available. A three-hour banle reenactment cruise will board at 4 p.m. today. The cost is $50 for adults; $20 for children 12 and younger. For more Information, call (949) 673-7863. e>et. 350. LI.Ice the Lynx. the Olieftain is in town for educational tours, cruises and a battle reenacunent. The Lynx usually gets more ink, especially in these times of heightened military awareness. because of her role in the war of 1812 as a privateer -basically a legal pirate ship. The Chieftain recalls a less rurbulent time in history. A replica of a 1790s European trading vessel. the Hawaiian Olieftain is a snapshot of an unusual moment in nautical history just before square sails went out of vogue in favor of speedier sails. NShe stands out from other ships largely because of the square sails that recall that other era," Mcfarlane said. The I03-square-foo1 Olieftain was built in Hawa.H in 1988. The 11 sails that comprise the topsail ketch make up 4,200 square feet of sail area The Hawaiian Chieftain was last in Newport Beach in January 2002 as pan of a West Coast Tall Ships Tour, during which she won several awards: The Perry Bowl award for the top-~nishing tall ship member of the Amencan Sail Training Assn. and the Black Pearl award for best sportsmanship among crew. "The crew alone make her reaJJy speciaJ." McFarlane said. WHATS AFLOAT • WHArs Aft.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dsilypilot@lstimes.com. SAILING CLASSES Sailboat ,.ntala end private le11on1 .,. available at Marina WaterSports in the Balboa Fun Zone. Advanced classes include navigation, big boat, powerboat, introduction to heavy weather and first-mate instruction. (949) 673-3372; the Blue Dolphin Sailing Club, (949) 644-2525; or lido Sailing Club, (949) 675-0827. SeUing Fucination offers de .... in bo8'tlng safety and sailing year-round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640·1678. Onnge County empfoyera can bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to wort with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perfl>rm stAN Hll.LE.R I OAll..Y PtlO T Deckhand Mickey Jordan, 19, makes his way down after furling the sails of the Hawaiian Chieftain, which 1s docked at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum. well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS Balboa Boat Rentals can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric Qoats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group-activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt pacbges include boats, trivia questions. maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. a.ctric boat rentals ere available by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CD players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 645-6812. Sail eirbome outside Newport Harbor at Marina WaterSports, pulled by a motorboat at Balboa Para-sailing near the Balboa Fun Zone. A 90-mTnute trip is $45. (949) 673-3372. A motortnd lounge chair may be l"IM1t.d at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes for $25 per hour. Pedal boats, electric boats, boogie boards, kayaks, ihflatable rafts, beach furniture and wetsuits also are available. (949) 729-1150. Party pontoons, cheperrel runabouts and family pontoons may be rented at Marina WaterSports Bay Rentals in the Balboa Fun Zone. (949) 673-3372. Gondola toura .,. otr.red by the Gondota Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-B. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread, cheese, salami, ice, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine 1s also available. (949) 675-1212. Gondola Adwnturft/Newport. 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with ch1Jmpagne is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and champagne is $180. Pid<up is avallable at waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. Irvine Coast Charters In Udo Merine Vlll-oe offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persona. (949) 675-4704. Daily.A Pilot Christine Carrillo Box 1560, Costa Men, CA 92626. Newt 011lstant, (949) 574-4298 Copyright: No news stories, chn1tlne.carTlllo@latlme8.com illustrations, editorial melter or PHOTOGRAPHERS advertisements herein can be Sean Hiller, Don l.INJ<:h, reproduced without written )(Mlt Tteptow. permission of copyright owner VOL. 97, NO. 10 REAQERS HO'TUNE HOW TO REACH US TltOMAS H. JOHNSON, Jose J. S.ntos, (949) 642-«>86 ClrcuJedon Pvblilher Art Director I News Desk Chief Record your comments •bout the The Timea Orange County TONY DOOEAO, (949157 .... 224 Daily Pilot or news tips (8001 252-9141 Editor )oH.Nntos§latim• oom Addr.a ~Ill JUC1Y OEmNQ, Stft9McCnnk. Oor lddreat ls 330 W. Bay St., Coste Qeuifted (949) 642-5678 Advet1i~or Photo Supervi10r Mesa, CA 92827 Offic:. hours are 0....., (949) 642-4321 LANA • (949)~58 Monday · Fridey, 8:30 a.m -6 p.m Edlt.oNI Promotions Director tcn.photoO~timH com eon.ctione News NewsEdlton h la the P1lot'1 policy 10 promptly (949) 642-5680 Gina Aleandet, Lori Anderson. colT8Ct all errors ol aubatanoe Spon:e(949)574-4223 EOfTING STA.ff Paul Saltowltt, Denlet Stevena Ptuse call (949) 57..,.28e. News Fu (949) 646-4170 NEWS STAFF 8Pofta Fu (9491660-0170 LI.Cahn, Crime °.:rco~rter, FYI £...mefl: da/lypilotOl•rlmet1.oom MaNglng Editor The Newport Beac:NCocta M ... MetnOMc. (949) &74-4233 (949) 674-42 Dally Pilot (USPS-144-800) la ..,..neae OfRce 184916'2~21 s./.t»hn 0 l•llrrntt com dHp#l,bha,.thOl•tlmea.oom' published dally. In Newport Beach Bu.an.. Ftut (949) 631-7128 Jamee Me6er. JUM='9ftde and Cotta Mui, aubecrlptlona are City Editor Newport · reporter, avellable only by aubacrlblng to The (949) 674-4232 mimes ' (9491~ /UM.'*-Qt•MMtll•tlm..com Tim" Otano• County (IOO) janw.mt#Mellltlrn#.eom ...,, °""'°" 262-i141 In areet outside of ROfl' Caftloft, PolitlCI end envlronlN!llt repoft!'f", Newport S..dl end Cotta M ... , CCiiiiifyliii Spotts Edit°' (949) *-4330 aubec:rlpdona to the Deily Pilot are ~)574-4223 pttul.clfnton•llltl,.,,.,.com 1v1llab11 onty by ftrlt d .. mall for Pl.ibllaf'led by Times Community ..... ......,., ~Cllrllofl·~ totta Mela reporter. (94811>7~271 S30 per month. (Prlcea lnclu~ all N9w9, a division of the Lot A,.i.. ....,,._KMIMI. Jo1Jc..Ml'pMe1.i1m.. com tppllcebl ttate Ind IOC:.I tax• ) Tlmee. FMN,. Editor ~ ............ POSTMASTER: Send fddrwe (948) l7.M2l2 Educstlon reponar, (Ml) 574-"221 d11ngee to TM Newpoft C2002 Time. CN. All "'Ghta ~ f'nllhlll•1at1,,,.oom (#/rdff#.flllWIMI) l«IMM.oom ~~Delly Pilot PO.. ~ THE HARBOR COLUMN Two events worth catch ing A boy. BoatUS oi)ened a There are retail store in. two Newpon Beach, at lrnpor;Ql.tlt b!!J>s on Bayside Drive and my radar screen, Pactftc Coast and I think you Highway. should plot to GaiJ Hine, wt)o 0 ........ 1~-this intercept one or .&'"' ......... .. both. annual event, has The first is the planned a approaching multi-workshop Christmas Boat MIKE format in which the Parade Awards WHITEHEAD participants can Dinner and select from a Auction, and the second is combination of workshops the Southern California that best fits their interests Yachting M5n. Women's and abilities. Sailing Convention. ·nus event gives women Why not continue the an opportunity to meet festive holidays a little longer many other women sailors, and at the same time help find out about existing keep the boat parade women's sailing floating with the 94th annual organizations in their area, Newport Harbor Christmas instructional programs . Boat Parade Awards Dinner available, and many other and Auction? areas of interest for those The Commodores Oub of who would llk.e to do more the Newport Beach ChaJnbeF. -·· · tt:"rlt.& -e - of Commerce extends a sailing.· Hine said. welcome to the community "We'll have something in joining this wonderful meaningful f~r everyone.· evening sponsored this year she said. "For those who are by Traditional Jewelers. already involved but desire This year's theme, more. we will offer some "Celebrating Americaiwith n~ areas of inspiration and Light.· was shown instruction along with throughout the parade route. excellent networking The dinner is how the opportunities." chamber thanks the boat All of the work.shops are and home participants, presented by top women parade sponsors, general sailors from Southern and public and vofunteers. Northern California, many of You will not only enjoy a whom are U.S. Coast five-star dinner at the Four Guard-licensed captains. Seasons Hotel in Newport Seminars range from a Beach. but have the beginner's introduction dOed opportunity to bid on both "Welcome Aboard• to diesels the live and silent auctions, for dummies, practical with proceeds used to sailing tactics and docking, operate the parade. The reading the weather. evening kicks off at 6 p.m.. overboard procedures and with a welcoming reception life raft demonstrations. and concludes with dancing There will also be cruising to the music from the band with kids and pets. E-Ticket That evening. Hester The dinner Is Friday, Jan. Rumberg, vice president of 17, at Newpon Beach's Four the Sleavin Foundation. Season Hotel. and you do which promotes maritime need to make reservations safety, will talk about her life with the chamber at (949) at sea (some 40,000 miles), 729-4400, so attend for a and how important humor great evening out and show combined with attitude can your upport for the parade. be. She is very Next on my radar is the knowledgeable and yachting association's 14th entertaining while helping annual Women's Sailing sailors better prepare for Convention on Saturday. local sailing and offshore Feb. l , at the Bahia cruising. Corinthian Yacht Oub in Hine recommends early Corona del Mar. This is an reservations, as the event Impressive event open to all sells out every year -and women who are interested in no fair weather sailors here. sailing. whether you are a Rain will not hamper this novice or an expen. day. The convention fee .of Boat US is the primary $110 includes the sponsor for this year's event workshops, a continental NBoatUS bas long breakfast. lunch, dinner, a supported getting more souvenir and handouts. women involved in boating, Contact GaiJ Hine by writing so the 14th Annual Women's SCYA Women's Salling Sailing Convention is a Convention. 1421 Lance natural fit for us,· said Elaine Drive, Tustin, c.A 92780, or Diclcenson. managing editor calling (714) 730-1797. or by of BoatUS Magazine and e -mail at hi~org, or Webmaster of the Web site online at wwuuqG.org. www.BoatUS.com/women. Safe voyages. "It's such a great event because anyone, novice or expert. can participate in the work.shops and learn something new.· This is one of the many avenues that BoatUS supports boating in the United States. Last year, • MIKE WNTEHEAD la the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist. Send him your harbor end marine-related thought.I and ttory sugge1tlon1 via e-mail to Mllce@BoathouuTV.com or visit Boathouse TV.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST wavea and a west swell of 6 to 8 feet. Not muc:ti wtll cttange Ear1y morning dri.zzte will this evening. greet us today, though there's a 30% chance that showers will SURF atid< around throughout the day and evening. Highs will We're not looking supert> atay on the coofer aide, with today. We'll come up short with Newport-Mesa ranging from · d\eat-to ahouldef'ohlghs, but by the mid-to upper 60a. Lowt late afternoon Saturday, we'll will drop juat below 60. start plddng up • tad. On Never fear. however, as the Sunday, the next northwMt weekend'• l<><*Jng mostly swell wlll arrtve. end we'll enter tunny, with highs In the the ovethMd range. Standout mkMOI to lower 70.. That apota w111 ... eome trend loob to oontlnue Clou~. through earty next week. WIW~ Wonnrion: WWW.tu .O'fl www.nws.nou.(IO'V TIDES BOATING FORECAST Time ~ TM wtndl wtll blow 6 to 1& 10:291.m. 2.lOfMtlow knota In the Inner wewra tNa 3:25p.m. 2.84fMthlQh morning, wtth 2.foot MWS 8:5tp.m. 1.7efMttow • end. W99t sweet of 4 toe fMt. 4:12 •..m . 410fMthlgh The Mme wlll be found"''-.....,,.,. . Out """*· the W4ndl wit! WATER TEMPERATURE btow 10 to 11 tcnoca. wfth 2-foOt ' ' ' ------------- Dafy Pilot BEST BUYS Two cooks are better than one I t was a difficult decision. Dish Cooking School has closed its caf~ to focus entirely on catering even~ and its excellent cooking classes. The caf~ area at dish will be available for private parties. Brian Dobbin, an in.demand caterer, and Tom Curran, an experienced chef and · cooking school GREER WYLDER great mini pastrami Reubens, $35 for two dozen; smoked salmon pl.u.ettes, $50 for two dozen; Southwestern duck quesadilla, $55 for two dozen; tequila roasted shrimp, market price; ~en-layer dip for 20 to 30 people, $50; meat and cheese platter, small serves I 0 at $65, medium serves 14 at SSS, and large mstructor, are combirung thetr talents to offer one of the best catering companies and cooking· ~hools in Orange County 435 E 17th St., Costa Mesa. (949) 574-2433. www.dishcookingschool.com. serves 20 at $95; and a Touchdown planer come) with garlic chicken wings. baby back ribs, Cajun chicken and sausage skewers and mini pork chirnichangas with chipotle ranch dressing, serves IO to 15 at the door in just a few minutes. The tanning results are achieved in four to si.x hours and usually last four to six days. A SunMist tan is $30, o r you buy four tans for $25 each. or IO tans at $20 each. 2744 E. Coast Highway, No. 7 (second floor). Corona del Mar. (949) 719-2896. PICTURE THIS VALENTINE'S DAY GIFT . John L Blom is now offering intimate portraits phosographed by Olloe that are ideal for Valentine's Day gifts. 3732 E. Paci!ic Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. (949) 675-3130. $75. Corona del Mar Plaza at 81 o A SALE TO FEEL AT EASE THERE'S NO DENYING THE TUG Avocado Ave. in Newport Beach. WfTH OF THIS RUG SALE (949) 760-6514. At · Ease of Newport Ueach is Don"t miss the huge rug tent having its annual winter sale. sale,~ big as a football field. in AN QUICK, CANCER-FREE Collections are reduced up to the parking lot adjacent to ALTERNATIVE TO THE SUN 70%. High-quality brands Hloorrungdale"s Fashion Island SunMist is a new included in the sci.le are Jack Ille tent has more than 8.000 .,late-of-the-art; W -free tanning Victor, Tallia Harl7, /.anella. rug~. '>hJpped from all around salon that has opened in Corona Ike Behar, Bobby Jones, Cutter the world -more than S20 del Mar. SunMist is a safe & Buck. Corbll), H. S. lrask. nulJ1on worth of rugs in stock. alternative to traditional W -ray Reyn Spooner. Barry Hncken, Ru~ are priced from 65% to tanning. No premature aging or Axls. Riscatto, Met.Ian. Sperry 76% below regular market °))rice, !>kin cancer to worry about. Topsider, Aquascutum and and rug experts will be there lO Other benefits are streak-free Robert Comstoc~. At La!.e 1s at help with seloctions. The sale coverage and total privacy. It's Fashion Island. !94Yl I~() through Jan. 20 the ~e concept as self-tanner 759· 7979. ~~..<-,~"'-'"·~~-Y ~ztn;rJ~~od.""r-a.f ·';uN.1.t,U.~ -~-- • . CLOOON~ALE IS ol'fersa fine rhist of a tanning • BEST BUYS appears Mondays TAILOR-MADE FOR MEN soluuon applied all of your body and Frtdays Send mlormat1on to Aoon~n·s Men·) Oothmg I'> m le~ than a minute. Busy Greer Wytder at hdvu1g a storewtde sale on all people especially appreciate greerwyfder <Lyahoo com. at 330 clothing. shoes and acce)S()ne) ~unM1st; 11 dries immediately so w Bay St , Costa Mesa CA 92627 Included are Burberry and Reyn that you can be ~ and out or by fax at (9491 646-4170 ~pooner '>h1rts and Corbm and '>outhwick apparel. i\Ucinson.., ufler'> htgh·quality traditional dottung and accel>Sone). Open from 9 JO a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. 3430 \1J IJdo in :'\ewpon Beach 19.i9J fi7 j 065.l A JEWEL OF A SHOP, RIGHT ON TIME Blackman ltd Jeweler'> L'> ..i 1rad1ucmal iewelry store. It aJso 'peualu.es in custom jewelry anc.J reprurs all watches anc.J dot Lo. on the premises. Mr. 81Jl k.man mM..~ houM> Call'> for rep.iu'> on grandfather doc~. IL 'erv1ce'> Rolexes -from a '1mple battery to a complete merh.1ul 3406· I Via Oporto. !Jc.Jo Manna Village. ;\;ewpon Heac h 1949) 673-9334 NEIMAN MARCUS HAS FACE-SAVING OFFER Neiman Marcus at F~hion !\land " hoo;ting two great fadaJ 1:'\t:nl'>. On Sunday and Monday. there., a Guerlain facial event < .uerlain unique skin care lorrnulauons have been around \Ince the rrud-1800s. Today. 11 offer~ a full range of treatments '>penfically designed to n implement busy hlesryles. ror appointments, call (9491 759 1900. ext. 2244. Cosmetics, l.e\el One. On Thwsday through '>aturday. there's a Sisley Pam. facial event. You can enjoy a pnvate facial using the luxunous 'kJncare Line from Sisley Paru ror ap pointments. call (949) 759 1900. ext. 2241 . Co meucs, Level One THOSE FOOTBALL FOOO PROBLEMS ARE OVER Bristol Farms has created a football party take-out menu. 'fhe catering department make~ final .00% Yield On Principal of Your 12 Mo CD FDIC INSURED FIDELITY I NSURED DEPOSIT.\ (9 49 ) 588 -5 711 \Hurl.It•' •ll1~l.ifl. l'eri" ,f•u'\•1lhJt•• H..,-.•fl"t': <l~IJ R<\Ju.. ,,,. I ~ i''ft"I \c:ll '"-urwn S lf.U O l 1m11 • ;.J'f 'nn.u.I ffrfltfl•Jt '1irkt '"; fhnl 'r• f UU Ir Mot J l li l' .. , t ~l1h l ••h Pnmr-rd .\I ln..c-pt1 If' r l'lt~r "~'"·iunh OOt'f"DJ 1-Jclo' ..,_nJ •I JI • .m1h I •tr I '"'r."c \cf'\""'" 1 I •ll(X' ...,."'' \ If \1nnt"tn r I t"JrnJ lJier ... 11 lruunt'lllc f ~If.a• '11 • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES• CARPET •CERAMIC T1LE •VINYL FLOORING ·~.',!t9J,e t .i,,,bi,,:.:.) SOI "RI"' ; • :\~ SOLID BRAZILIAN MOHAWK DENSE PLUSH HARDWOOD CARPET Cherry or s5~~ 10Yecr Stall. Fades 1 !-9* Pecan Finish Nt.l Weal Gun-cee JWlalld wr. i*l Travertine 18" x 1 B" ....................................................... '3.99 11111 Cerasnic Tile ................................................... tlSlalla 1iotr '4.99 w ~ Laminate 'Nood .. . ...................................... nsllllet1 l!Ofn '4.99 IQ~ .,._'Yrlr .. ...-0'5• clearance! 40-70% OFF Ladies winter shoes & accessories 25-50% off entire boot selection New spring styles arrtvtng daily! Slus 4 to 12 in a great sdcctk>o of widths, from super-slim to wide . • Van Ell • Sesto Meucci • IWlgonJ . Corona Del Mar Pkua • 964AvocadoAvcnuc.(comcr of MacArthur arid PCH) • 949-21-1325 www.marmlshocs.com f rtdoy J"nuary JO· 2003 Al f District secure with standards Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot NF.WPORf·MI !)A -~chool district offic1ah say they are not daunted by the Mate's c.Jed~1on to mamtain demanding profi· ciency standards for all stu dents m the face of proJections that most ..chools will not be able to meet these standards by the federaJ deadline of 20! 4. Failure to meet the standards could lead to sanctions and the loss of millio ns of dollars m fed· eraJ funding. On Thursday, offictals in the Newpon-Me.a Urufied 'ichool District commended lhe '>tale for sticking w1th more ngorou.s standards llbtead of lowenng them to mcreal* the pro'>pet1S of comptymg with the feder.i..l law. State offic1ah announced those plan'> Wec.Jnc'>day. on the one-year anniver'>dry of the fed· eral :'\o Child Lett Hehmd law. The '>late\ '>tandards were tmplemented bdore the :"\o Olild Ldt Bdund la\\ took ef· feet. The} dt!'>rnbe protiui:nC) for student) a., the ability to at tend a lour }ear un1\cr'>lf\ b} high '>Chool graduatHm. \\h1ch experu ha\e maintained IY a lofty, tf nedfly unreathable. goal. 111e No P,ild Ldt Behind law require~ te'itlng third· 1hruugh eighth-grader-. annual!> 1n l-ng hsh and math. "11h .,c;hools ma.long progrt:'>'> !CJ\\ urd the goal of 100% '>tudent proficiency. Sch oolc; with a high percen1 - age of l.nglt~h language learners. students who'>e first language 1~ not Lngh'>h. are expet.ted to have the harde)t ume gammg profi- ciency m I nglu.h. School offiaals abo they 5a)' they have already embalked on the path to meeung lh~ st.andards. ·1 reel good bet.al15e our sys· terns are m plac.e now and we are moving forward with a dear, con· SLStent curnculum with our F.ng- l~tt leamt:r.,, • sald ka.ren Kendall. distm.:t director of fngllsh Learner Program., "That wtuth you put a lot ol nme c.tnd auen· uon on. ~enerct.11) improves. lne .,tdtl' ddopwd 1i-. .,land ard'> in l 99iand hd' bet-n bus) ahgrnng thl· turrnulum tu rt:flec.t them '>lllll L<i't yectr. Kendall treated a llld'>lt'r plan lot the cfr, trict°'> l· nglt'>li lallh'l.htge leJint'r., c.tnd now ha-. d luH-Oedged dt> partmcnt 111 m1111111 ir and o,up port the plc1n C c.tnd) <,pl·1 ltng. pnm 1pal ril \\1hon I lemt·ntar, "ith<Jol 111 lo!>ld \11:-.a .... ud -.he " ..u .. o l 'HI fid~nt that ht·r 'tudl'lll' l an n-.t' 10 tlw lhallengt· .,t'I ll\ 1he ... 1a1e -.tandanh .. n11:-.t' an· lhe thin.:'> that we dfe &ptnng 10 now. and J don't !>t't' that part thangmg. • Wibon '>clJC!""cr---- c )flt' ol the eflens or '\jo OuJd Ldt ~lunc.J \o'.UI be st.ate ~c 111m., agamst "'hool!> that c.on· unuct.lly tail tu meet 100% profi rn:nc.) '>t hoob that ..erve a high proportion of low-mcorne stu dent'> could lu'>t' lt:dera1 fundmg. lh~ har.h penalues are a t ontra-.t 111 u1e i,tate\ own rank· mg <;Y'>tem the Academic Per lonnance Index. which is based on rewJid.,, cu1d mtervenoon for lm\<·~rtonnm~ '>t.hoob Trustee 'lt·r1:11t· ~tukl'-. 'Wld the chstnct will redoublt• n' dlom to h~lp every '>IUdt'lll ml't't tht .. iandardl. M\\l' 1w1:d to addr~ the .,.. hool' thiil 11eed help to rnee1 1Jw 'lJt1dard.,, '>toke-, ..aid "first. vou 1dt·nutv tht.< 'cudents that m•t•c.J heir. then vou develop pro w-am' Lh.11 \\Ill d.'>W>l tho~ \CU· Ul:'llh I hJt' our rl''>poru..ibilicy " • DEIRDRE NEWMAN oovers " i. ... "°1 RP.d<T .,.,, at ~s 574 42"1 or r1e"a'• N'Nmdn • /Jr1mes com MO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 9•9·64S·7626 Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our Members • Sem1-Pnvate for Men & Women Lots of Equipment Free Weights • Pilates Studio & Mat Classes SPINNING Theater Licensed • 16 Fu Tome Perso11al Trainers • C'1 d Care Sam .,oon M F Ample & Convenient Park111g • Yoga Ta Ch Stretch class.es • Step Power Pump Card10 • S'1owers Steam & Towels Skin Ca re Shape-Up Phys.ca Therapy Center Permanent Make Up Shape-Up Hair Care Acupuncture Acuoressure Wellness Clinic WHERE ·CAREERS BEGIN ... 1--z = •• ... II. .... , .... CLASSES TllTFIT YlllllSY SCI Ell LE -QUALITY EDICITllN &OCIREER CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS P~wr *CJtWHM Pf CJpptJrfHno/ M- o/den West-61/~e HU N TINGTON BEACH www.gwe.tnfo 1895-8187 A.t Friday, January 10, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY Police arrest 2 after clothes robbery lWo men were WTeGted in their Santa Ana home after they reportedly made off with dot.hes from a c.osta Mesa store 'l)lursday after- noon, officials said. Gilberto Astudillo, 25. and Argeny Martinez. 19, were ar- rested on suspicion of rob· bery, Costa Mesa Police LL Les Gogerty said. The inci- dent happened at about l :30 p.m. Thursday at the Ross D~ for Less store in the 200 block of F.ast 17th Street "One of the t\vo men en- tered the store and took the clothes." he said. "When he lried 10 walk out with the- stuff, a security guard con- fronted tum, at which time, he pulled out a pocket knife." DON LEACH I DAILY PtLOT Paramedic Paul Schneider buckles up Grant Dewey for a firsthand look at being a patient. The man then Joined his comparuon, who was wall- ing outS1de the store in a car, C..ngerty said Wimesses got the License plate number of the vehicle. he said "Officer.. went to the ad- dress and found the suspects m tht: residence," Gogerty said. . The incident started off as a burglary. and would have remamed one if the security guard had not stopped the suspect, he said. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Anton Boulevard: Fraud was reported in the 600 blodc at 9:36 a.m. Monday. • Bristol Street: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 3300 blodc at 2:40 p.m. Monday. • Newport Boulevard: Peny theft was reported in the 1600 blodt at 11 :59 a.m. Monday. • Pomo na Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 1800 blodc at 8:31 p.m. Monday. • Wallace Avenue: Grand theft was reported 1n the 1800 blodc at 2:26 p.m. Monday. •East 17th Street: Forgery was reported m the 300 block at 2:04 p.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • Island Avenue and East Balboa Boulevard: A hit-and-run was reported at 12:28 p.m. Wednesday • Mariners Drive: A commercial burglary was reported m the 2100 blodc at 11:01 a.m. Wednesday. • Newport Boulevard: An attempted robbery was reported in the 2300 blodc at 1:01 p.m. Wednesday. • Pl•centla Avenue: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 1500 blodc at 7:06 p.m. Wednesday. • 39th Street: A loud party wasreportedinthe 100 blodc at 11:47 p.m. Wednesday. luXURY IS YOURS TODAY! Make The Most of Every Moment! ' FEED Continued from Al appreciate the work they do." . It's also a time for the children to learn about fire safety and have some fun. On the agenda was a game of basketball and a few minutes in fantasy land, as the youngsters tried on the suits and boots. "I don't know who i.s more NOTEBOOK Contmued from Al sexual preference found their way into the dialogue. Lighter subjects included a campaign to officially change the city's name to Costa Mesa-by-the-Sea. Mr. Joe Citizen, not to be confused with any other brand of citizen, looks to add a whole new spin to the former chat group people loved to hate. In an e-mail 10 me, Mr. Citizen said he created the site to provide a forum where residents should feel and speak their minds. He is not going to moderate the site, and everyone is welcome. He was just "planting the seed by creating the list and stepping back," his message said. "I would be happy to talk with you more but would not want my name used at all in an article." he wrote (l assume he is a he, considering the "Mr." ponion of his e-mail address.) "I w1sh to also be free to express my opinions on the list as it develops." At the Web address groups.yahoo.rom/groupsl • OmaMesaCA is an anracttve home page asking for subscribers. It states the purpose of the sire is to "discuss city politics, locaJ issues, new business and good aJld bad chari,g.es to Costa_Mesa." After seeing the most recent postings by the handful of members, 1 can understand Citizen's acute identity safeguarding methods. If you thought tbplcs of racism, VOLUME SELECTION • OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED 11Uf ()U/l, ~ AVILA CHICKE---. SOUP Frcth cbickt'n broth, chunk.a of chi<:ktn brc&1t, rlct' p m isht'd with avocado, cilantro · and lime. CostaNua MZ-1142 Mama's cure for the flu. Great To-Go Corona dd Mar Ml-DCO f ' ' ' ' ' I ' .. • ' f ' ' ~ I ' ,1 ' ' . . . . . ' . excited -the kidi. or the parents," den leader Peter Catranis said as he warched other parents eagerly walk around with cameras and camcorders, recording the memorable evening. James Sprake, 6, said he was impressed by how firemen acted in the Laguna fire. "No one got hurt," he said. ,;It was good, what they were doing. They help people.'' ., . Strom said this kind of event homophobia, illegal aliens and 100 many charities found on the previous site run by the "improvers" were contentious. hold on 10 your browsers. The new sire tackles touchy topics such as where to find the best brunch, whether or not to up the trash man and what a three-bedroom house in'Santa Ana should be rented out for. In fairness to Mr. Citizen, tus first posting on the si!e asked for opinions on more political issues such as the Orange Coast CoUege swap meet, likes and dislikes of the new mayor and how she was elected, Councilman Allan Mansoor's underdog victory, · ever-increasing rental prices and the approval of a new nightclub for downtown. A few of the 69 members bit on a couple of those items. but the hJgh price of rentals seemed to be the only topic that generated an ongoing dialogue becween members. The subject of brealcfast, brunch and buffets was the hot topic of the day, as- membe~ compared notes on price, locauon and quality and reminisced about the grandiose buffets of yesteryear One member mused over the wonderful food at a place he called "Roma.<o." !formally known as Aromas.) "It was a Sunday brunch all you can eat for, if I remember correctly, $16.95." he wrote. "Might I add that, that price also included all you could drink. champagne AND fresh ·squee?.ed OJ along with crab legs, etc ... What a great place to spend a rough Sunday lmomlng]." TI1e lighthearted altitude of those involved in the revived Web sate is a refreshing change from the former one, which often contained harsh personal attacks abour emotionally charged subjects. The former always means a lot to him. "I've been with this deparunent for 38 years," he said "And I've been in this station a year. This is a new community for us. but we've been very pleased with the response here . The community here is very generous and very thankful." • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be readled at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath1aJ/atimes.com site's disapproving attitude rumed all but a handful of dedicated and tough-skinned members away. Cosra Mesa resident Enc Bever, a once-in-a-whLle member of the previous chat group. said he was leery of any city-dedicated chat site and said they tend 10 "be more of a distraction than a construcc1ve thing.· He said he used to partmpate on the Citizens of improvement of Costa Mesa Web site to correct misinformation. being spouted by those who had an agenda. · "I got suckered into chiming in to correct people." Bever said. A liltJe-known group of CoMa Mesa activists was also drawn 10 the former Web site and dad not like what they found. They were so mcensed by what they ' considered intolerant posts from members of the city's own human relations commmee that they launched a full assault on the Web sire and its contributo~. Scrutiny increased to the point that Web :.Ile founder Janice Davidson -also one of the members of the Human Relat1ons Commmee accused of aUegedJy racist posts - shut 11 down. Now the forum is back. Same search engine. Same city. Different management. It will be interesting to see if the former more, um, intenl>t' membe<s join the new sue and how they will interact with the !>eemingly happy-go-lucky current contributors, who are aU too pleased to dtscu:.s the best breakfast bang for your buck. Perhaps the co-mingled chat group could form the CitiLens for Improvement of Cos!a Mesa Buffer Lines, where only legal residents can enjoy aU -you-can-eat crab legs and mimosas for $16.95 at an oceanfront restaurant that does not overlook the waler. • LOLITA HARPER covers Costa Mesa. She may be readled at 1949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolira.harper<B lat1mes.com. @,!taMi Floral & Gifts 50 % OFF To piaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids . ·-Home Decor • Furniture Mon·Frt 10·6 • at 10·5 • Sun 11-4 3'9 E. 17th Stttet #13, Costa Mesa • ("49) ~7'5 (ACTOU from Ral ) - S Cox estimated that the nation'• PROPOSAL economy would see a $32-bO- Uon-a-year shot ln the arm from Continued from Al the plan. Jt would counter an estimated cuts, when he reJe~ his ~-ss billion loss ln tax revenue to vised budget DavtS saJd California that Bush's package Wedne3day that he hoped to en~ caused. Cox saJd. '"the roller-coaster budget ride "The effect of this proposal ln which the state is facing a $35· will be to free up many compa- bWlon shortfall this year. nies to pay dividends that pres- .1 think the people in the state ently aren~ (paying them).· Cox of California will not be enjoying said. "lf we can get the economy the same benefits as other partS going again. we can restore that of the country. because Gray Da-lost revenue to Sacramento and, vis has ... undermined the pos~-lndirectly, to Orange County.· tlve effects of the president's To belp remedy the worsening package," said Rep. Dana Rohra· financial situation In Sacra- bacher, who represents Costa mento, Assemblyman John Campbell on Thursday intro-M~~· Tuesday, Bush offered a duced legislation that would in· $674·billion stimulus package, stall a spending cap In the state whJch, at its center, proposes to Constitution. eliminate federal taxes on stock On Wednesday, Davis ad- dMdend& It would also speed dressed the Legislature for has up Bush's 2001 tax-cut plan. State of the State address. which includes a revamping of "I don't have all the answer!>, tax brackets and elimination of Davis said in the Assembly the so-called "marriage penalty: chamber. "None of us do. Bui I The package did not include a will lead the discussion. And I long-standing proposal by Rep will not slgn a budget without Chris Cox of Newport Beach to substantial structural reform • eliminate the estate tax. Cox. Campbell. who represent\ who first propol>e<I ending the Newport Beach. said his pro federal government's tax on in· posal was an answer 10 Daw. heritances m 1993, reintroduced budget deficit, which mu'>h· the biU Tuesday. He has prom· roomed to S35 billion shortly ar ised its repeal by July 1. ter tu.s November reelection. That it was not included in Campbell introduced Assem Bush's plan is not necessarily ~ly Olarter Amen~ent 6. which doomi.day for Cox's proposal. would cap spending so It could said Jim Toledano, the fom11r grow no faster than popula1iun head of the Orange County~ and inflation. Democratic Party and a Costa ·He doesn't have aU the ideas. Mec;a anomey. so we're going to give him omt." 'The Bush package and Cox's Campbell said of his party's plan bill are all designed to give tax "Lf we're going to end the roller breaks to people with a lot of coaster ride, you need lo haH• money," Toledano said. "The fact some hmits on spending And that Bush left that parocular tax you need to set up a r~erve fund break out of his package of tax in good years. so you can 1.ip breili for the wealthy doesn't that money LO bad years.· help it or hurt 11. • Cox lauded Bush's snmulus • PAUL CLINTON covers the package ac; an effecave way 10 re· erwironment, business and pollttc~ tum money to the podcets of in· He may be reached at (949 ve tors and companies to sumu-764-4330 or by e-mail at late r,peAdmg and 1ob growth. paul clinton a lat1mss com WATER Continued from A 1 large scale manne forests "where seaweed and shellfish growinl( on sandy bottoms will replaci: the lost manne habirat.s. • Hts unusual approach in· coni.utuuon t>ecause v0tmg eluded experimenting with van members of the comm1~ion can ous materials to ~tabllsh the be removed "at wtll'' by Lhe slate underwater forests. From 1993 10 Legislature. 1999. the sooety used old ure' 10 Comm1ss1oners charged that create more fishing grounds off the court's ruling 1s too narrow Newpon Beach. and have ru.ked for a rehearing Streichenbergelfiled a la"'"SUll before appealing their case to dgainst the commission m 199~ the state Supreme Court, an op· after it refused rum a permit to tion they unanimously approved operate a manne habitat about Wednesday. 300 yards off the Balboa Pier Filing for the reheanng bu)") He won his first major coun the commission more ume to Victory agam t the comrrussion conunue operatmg with 1ts full an ApriJ 2001 , when a Sacra authority. since the appellate mento supenor court JUdge dt> coun\ dec1S1on won't take effect dared the agency unconsatu· unuJ the case has been fully re· uonal. The appeals court agreed solved in the legal system. Stre1chenberger said he will Ronald Zumbrun, co-founder not be satisfied with a "quick fuc' of Pacific Legal Foundation and to the comnu.ssion. He said alter the original plaintiff's anomey, mg the language of the Califor said the commisi.ion's request for nia Coastal Act to institute fixed a rehearing i!> nothing more than terms for commissioners wont a i.talllng tacnc. .. change the more significant Oa\' "It''-very clear It.he counl as tn its purview not going to bad away from 1~ "They have to decide If they decision." Zumbrun said. "I want a coastal commission ht> think they're trying to gain time ing legislaave or being executive for something. I think most peo-and that's a big change.• Strei pie would agree that going for a chenberger saJd. •1t can't do rehearing is a waste of ame. • both It's """""" • · ·1·~~·Y· If the court refuses to change The appellate court has until its dec1 ion, comnuss1oners will Jan 29 to detemune whether 11 then ask for danficadon -if will reconsider the case. lf not. the remedying the "at will" Daw is commis.s1on will appeal to the enough to be deemed constitu· \state Supreme c.oun. DettJoff said tional. And the cornnussion is Comnussioners also expect mo~g expedjtio~ly so It can the legislature to craft a legally co_nunue protecang_ the l.150 viable solution 10 comply with miles of coastline 11 was en-the court's ruling in the near fu- ln:'5ted with in 1976, said Com· ture, Dettloff said. m1<;.Si?ner Sh irley DeltJofI of However, Assemblyrftan John H~ntmgton Beach. . Campbell would not upport any If we can do something legislation that did not Include a quickly, it's In the best interest of fundamental overhaul of the eve~ne to do that," Dettloff commission, his spokesman. sald. The people who will be Man Back. said. harmed the most are individual "We feel the Coast.al Cornmis· ap~llcants who ~eed to have sion has been out of conao~ ~ Bac.k thelf projects reV1ewed, and as said "'They are a very dlsl.lked or- soon as we can get back (o func-ganization for very good reasons. tionlng as the commission So in that seme, (Campbelll would should be, the better for the resi-be supporiM of reforming them dents in the stare of California.• by changing the way the board is The original plaint1ff, Ro-structured to make them a more dolphe Strelchenberger, became ~e bod)t" involved when his Marine For- ests Society applied to the com- mission for a permJt The non- profit group explores techniques and raises funds to help aeace • DEIRDRE NEWMAN oovera education. She m-v be read'led .i (9'9) 674-4221 or by .-mall at d4tfrd,...~•n J.ii,,,..,com ~. Daily Pdot AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND 10WN Items to the Daily Pilot, 330 w. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (9491 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing Is available at www.dsilypilot.com. TODAY The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum will host a special battle reenactment from 4 to 7 p.m. in Newport Harbor. Refreshments will .be served after the sail. The n:iuseum is at 161 E. Coast Highway. Reservations required. The .fee is $50 for adults and $20 for children under the age of 12. For more information, call (949) 673-7863. SATURDAY The Newport Bay Natu,.lista & Friends will host a guided walking tour of the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve, w ith groups leaving every 15 minutes between 9an~10:1 5 a.m. People ,oining the tours are encouraged to wear comfortable shoes, a hat (if it's sunny) and to bring a bird book and binoculars to help observe the abundant wildlife. The tours will begin at the corner of East Bluff Drive and Badl Bay Road. Free. For more information, call (949) 786-8878. Aucfltions for the School of American Ballet's 2003 Summer Course will be held at the DeFore Dance Center In Costa Mesa Auditions are open to intermediate and advanced students only and will tie held • from 1 to 2:30 p.m. for 13-year-olds. from 2:30 to 4 p.m. for 14-and 15-year-olds and from 4 to 5 p.m. for 16-to 18-year·olds. Students must register one hour m advance. For more · information, call (2 12) 769-6600 or (714) 241·9908. SUNDAY The Azzoni Sisters end vocalist Brenda von Gremp will perform· works for voice, violin and piano at 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. Christine Azzon1 Dow plays the piano, and her sister, Sandra Azzoni Wood, plays the violin. The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave. Free. For more informa1ion, call (949) 717·3801 or VI Sit www.newportbeacillibrsry.org. MONDAY Orange County Siem Singles will hold a meeting from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center. The meeting will include an urban search and rescue slide program, live music and a potluck. The center is at 1845 Park Ave. $4. For more information, call (714) 893-2986. TUESDAY The Newport Beech Pu~ic Library will host two seminars on identity theft at the Central Library branch. The first seminar, which is cosponsored by the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce, will begin at 5:30 p.m. It will focus on building business expertise and include a networking mixer. The second seminar, which is cosponsored by the Newport Beach Police Department, will deal entirely with identity theft. h wilt be held from 6 to 7 p.m. The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave. Free. For more information, call (949) 717-3801 or visi1 www.newportbeacillibrary.org. Mother's Matbt & Kitchen will host a seminar on how to protect yourself in the age of arthritis from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa. The cafe is at 225 E. 17th St. Free. For more information, call (949) 631-4741. JAN.15 The Susan G. Komen Breut Cancer Eoundation will hold a volunteer orientation from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Orange County offices in Costa Mesa. Vdlunteer opportunities include Aeoe for the Cure, Links to the Cure, Komen Spring Luncheon. BMW Ultimate Drive, Mammogram--a-thons, health fairs and other Kamen-sponsored community events. The offices are at 3191-A Airport loop Drive. Reservations requil'9d. For QlOre Information, cell(714) 957~9157. ext.17. The fMwport BMdt~ wtl host a worltahop on the seven keys to suocess from 7 to 9 p.m. at th• Newport Beadl Chamber of Commerce. l)le ~amber la at 1470 Jamboree Road. Free. For more inform.Uon, call (9'9) 736-1036. JAN.11 The ONta MIN Chembet of Commerce will hokt fta monthty 90-ml~• brNkfast boost from 7 to 8;46 a.m. st the Cotta Meu Country Club. The club le 11 1701 Golf CourM Drive. $12 If pntpafd, $17 "'the door. For mot'9 lnformedon, cell (714) &-9090. UC hltM M1 llcal C..-wtl ho91 • Mmfntt on Medk:e,. bet...,.. .c 10 a.m. ln the UnMrliltv aw on the ua ClfftPUS. The..,,,,.,. fooua ____ ._ .... ..,tit on the latest changes in Medicare benefits and supplemental insurance coverage. It will not cover Medicare HMOs. The club is at Los Trancos and East Peltason Drive. Free. For more information, call (8771 UCl·DOCS. or visit Www.ucihealth.comlevents. The Al:zhefmer'• Aan. of Q,.nge County will tiold two support groups for caregivers in Costa Mesa. The first meeting will be held from 1 to 3 p.rn. at Hoag Health Center, 1190 Baker St. The second meeting will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Silverado Senior Living -Newport Mesa, 350 W. Bay St. Free. For more information about the first meeting. call (714) 593-9630, and for the second meetlng, call (949) 631·2212. Leeming Tree University will offer a six-week class titted ~The Fearless Writer" for students wanting to produce polished, strong and honest fiction and nonfiction. The class is geared toward beginning and advanced writers. The class will be taught by an award·winnmg instructor with a master's in creatjve writing who has been published in the Los Angeles Times, the Orenge County Register and literary magazines. Classes will be held from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Thursdays. The university is at 265 McCormidl Ave., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 427-0588 or visit ltuonline.com. JAN. 17 The Newport Beach Chamber of • Commerce will host the Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade Awards Dinner and Auction from 6 to 11 p.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel. The event will feature parade winners and have entertainment, a live and silent auction. dinner and much more. The hotel 1s at 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Tickets are $75 per person, $900 for a table of 12. For more information, call (949) 729-4400. UC Irvine Medical Center will host a seminar on hearing loss at 1 p.m. at the Oasis Senior Center. The seminar wilt have discussions on symptoms and treatments of hearing loss The center is at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar Free. For more Information, call (877) UCl·DOCS. or v1si1 www uc1health.comlevents. JAN.18 A worilshop for m en end women who have 1ust gotten divorced or: - are getting divorced will be held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. al Maxine B. Cohen's office in Newport Beach. The office is at 180 Newport Center Dnve. $40. For more information, call (9491 644-6435. JAN.21 The Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce will host its monthly networ1dng luncheon at 11 :30 a.m. at the Five Crowns Restaurant. Reservations are required. The restaurant is at 3801 E Coast Highway. For more BEST BET The Azzoni Sisters and vocalist Brenda von Gremp will perform works for voice, violin and piano at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Newport Beach Central Library. Christme Azzoni Dow plays the piano, and her sister. Sandra Azzoni Wood, plays the violin. The library 1s at 1000 Avocado Ave. Free. For more mformat1on, call (949) 717-3801 or visit www.newportbeachlibrary.org. information, call (949) 673-4050. Mother's Merbt & Kitchen will host a seminar on liver cleansing and body purification from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa. The cafe is at 225 E. 17th St. Free. F~>r more information, call (949) 631-4741. TheSurfriderfoundation Newport Beach Chapter will hold its first meeting of 2003 at 7 p.m. at Margaritaville in Newport Beach. The meeting will focus on local water issues, including how people can help preserve the oceans, beaches and surf. Tacos will be provided The restaurant is at 2332 W. Coast Highway. For more information. call (949) 644-7443. The Zen Center of Orange County will host a series of programs on Zen today through March 9. Programs will be held the first and third Tuesday of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and every Sunday from 5 to 7·15 p.m. The programs w ill have lessons on developing a regular practice. personal instruction and much more. The fee is $150, tax deductible. The center is at 120 E. 18th St .• Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949} 722·7818 or visit www.zcoc.org. JAN.22 The Atzheimer's Assn. of Orange County will hold two workshops today at Silverado Senior Living Newport Mesa. The first workshop will be held from 10:30 a.m. to noon and will focus on memory loss. The second workshop will be held from 1 to 2:30 p.m. and will discuss how to create a partnership with your physician. Silverado Senior Lrving is at 350 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa Reservations required. For more information, call (949) 631-2212. The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly business after hours mixer from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Skosh Monahan's. The restaurant is at 2000 Newport Blvd. Free for members, $10 for potential members. For more Information, call (714) 885-9090. JAN. 23 Mother's Mari!et & Kitchen will host a seminar on how to strengthen your immune system ~rom 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa. The cate 1s at 225 E. 17th St. Free. For more rnformat1on, ca ll (949J 631-4741. JAN. 24 UC Irvine w ill hos1 its 19th annual Martin Luther King Jr. symposium, ~Prayer, Protest, and Peace -A Leader's Legacy for Today;' from 7 to 8:30 p m. The symposium's keynote speaker will be Julian Bond, board chairman of the NAACP and professor of history at the University of Virginia. The symposium will be held in the Humanities Instructional Building, room 100 at the UCI campus. Free. For more information, call (949) 824-721 S JAN. 25 A seminar on long·tenn care planning, including legal. estate and Medi-Cal issues, will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at the Orange Coast Unitarian Church m Costa Mesa. The seminar 1s sponsored by the Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange County and the Orange County Caregiver Resource Center. The church is at 1259 Victoria St. For more information, cal1 (714) 578-8670. JAN. 29 The MOMS Club of Costa Mesa-North is hosting an open house at 10 a.m at Balearic Park and Community Center 1n Costa Mesa. Women are encouraged to bring their children and will have the chance to meet other stay-at-home moms. The center is at 1975 Balearic Drive. For more information. call (714) 964-5934. Mothers Matbt It Kitchen wilt host a seminar on digestion and elimination from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa. The cafe Is at 225 E. 17th St. Free. For more information, call (949) 631-4741. JAN. 30 Mother'• Marte.et & Kitchen will host a woritshop and book signing with Author Geoffrey Rose from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa. The cafe is at 225 E. 17th St.· Free. For more information. call (949) 631-4741. ONGOING The Aun. of Bu.ainess Services host networking meeting that deal with education con'hections from 6 to 8~30 p.m. on the . second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa For more 1nformatron, call (949) 805·0011 The Newport Beach Public Library will host an hour of storie1' and crafts for children in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar branch from 3 to 4 p rn Tuesdays beginning Jan 14 The library 1s at 420 Marigold Ave For more information, call 1949) 717-3800 The New port Beach Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization 1s open to all female residents 1n Newport Beach who have lived m the area fewer than five years For more information, call (949) 645-9922, or VISlt newcomers-newportbeach org ln1erfei1h couples w i1h one Jewish partner are invited to participate 1n a d1scuss1on group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office The group 1s geared toward dealing wrth issues between interfarth couples, such as raising children observing holidays, symbols in the home and relationships with extended families The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple Preregistration 1s required. Call to schedule date and time. The office is at 250 E. Baker St , Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Women 50 and older can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety, depreSSton. relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11.30 a m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 !;. Baker St.. Surte G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stock Books may be left at any of the three branch libranes - Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet nel<t to the Friends Book Store. at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. All hardcover and paperbadl donations, with the exceptiQV of magazines and law books. will be accepted and are tax deductible (949) 759-9667 Friday, January 10, 2003 A5 BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Cox ~lected to lead committee ~ I he ~pt alter ol tlw HouM' on Wedne'>Ciav tapped Hep < Jm., I ,ox 111 <hair the ·~let t t .. om rn1t1ee on I lomt:lamJ ')(- 1 unty I he l\t'v.pcin H1•ach Hepubhcan luoh l()r ward 111 leadinK th!' sww group dt"'>1~nl·<l In wr.rlc with C .. oll~ft''>"> dlld 01.hc r ledera.I dgt:lll ll"> 111 pru a·n the 11;iuor ln1m tt·r ron-..1 attJ1k., "In !ht \.\-<1ke ·01 '>t•pt I l our 111fl">I lllllJllrt.rnl Jolt 1-. prott·1·111i~ A111t'rt f dll < llVt'll\,' l ux \Jld HI ,, prl'.,, rt-lt·.1-.. I y, 111 ""'nrl l•> rna},t 11w gt1\ t•rnrrlt'nt 111<1rt dlt-1 11" In thl' light ag.lllt\I It'! nin-.m I Y.111t•rhurt'1hJi II ,.., t.l11rw dlll 1l.'111h lhdl < on~rl'.,., .irid tltt· lt·clt·r;1I gm ernnwnt '' r •r~ fr• Kt'lher lrw.anJ lhi 1 •Hll mrm gci.tl Hep I l;111,1 1<11111 ,1 haLhrr 111 I 11~1Ll \11 -.1 \did fhur.,d,i\ :!1.11 111 hd\ <1pplJed 1•1 1"11 I • on tht' • 111111111111·1 ~ev. pon dH.:t:r ..,quad on \.\1.:h '-llL l 1Jg l)fllll 'llf .t1 tt!I , ,uitl \ m1 II tind t 1t \.1·~, Jl()rl I (J1bt11 I l1~t ..,, ~Ill ' da•r•r ,quJJ ,1, Ill• l•-.1 111n·d :\.1111111.tl .,q11.Jd I 1h1· montl l11r J.m11.1r. I he -..qu.1d \' ,, t t, .. ..,,11 lrH '" hJrd '"irk l1·d1 t'dllOll P• r 'l'\f.'rar1 l (11 rh l)r, t•111ipt'IH11111 of lht ">e<1,11n 1!w ... q11.1rl Cdpturt't.l fir..! pl,11 t ,11 1he I .t'nllH'\ I ltKh ..,t ll• 1111 Ower Jl1d r )Ml! I I foh da• < ]a'>\lt 1111 .. qudd lOnlpl'tt'd Ill lhl' 'h!J\\ d1t'l'f di\ 1'11111 , .. 1111 ll fedturecl "" 1umhlan~. ... 1un1 .111d d.1.nnni.; Jh1l ille\ It rne1\ ell ">l 11n·., ol 90. <14 Jnd 115 OUI of }()Ct respet uvely The cht·t•r leatlt'r'> are no" ehi..'!hle to l umpt'tt' in tht' n· gional chdmp1on'>htp on \iiturtlrt\ lht' ... quJd 1<, rndthrd b> Hret:d11 C ... t11er anti •\mher Joli\ ft'nrnf Pr c aJ dt'rman 1., tht ">qu;1d\ .tlh1'>1lr fhe dwt•r '4uad \.\J' tht' ">llhJi:ll of uir11 ro >no;v Ill fall .!001 "hen a rn1.x-up ot curred about who had artuallv mad1 1he -.quad. .. • M Friday. January 10, 2003 Darty Piiot FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -uu.n: MaU to Editorial Page Editor James Meier at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • Reed9n Hottine: Call(~) 642~ :c~~~ ~~~:::~~~ le~gth E-meil:Send to dsilypilot@lstimes.com •All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes) •. The Pilot reserves the nght to edrt a MAILBAG Study just dumping money into Santa Ana River Re: CostaMesa's decision to not pursue a study of the long-proposed 19th Street bridge. No! The City Council made the right decision. It would be fiscally irresponsible to spend $150,000 for additional study or a 19th Street bridge that the majority of Costa Mesa residents are clearly not in favor of. We need to concentrate on improving the infra1>1 ructure or the city in ways that will establish Costa Mesa as a desm1ble destination point and n ot on ways that will make it simply a cut-through city. CINDY BRENNEMAN Costa Mesa Leecc. surpri singly, remain s out of office LEITER TO THE EDITOR Clarifying a p oint on teaching, re ligion and U.S. history I think Jean Nicholson may have mi-..,t·d the point of my letter of Jan. I CMa1lbaK Jan. 8). She paints me as "one-sided" •111el ace~ me of giving a negative slant 011 Olristianrty and causing confusion with some students. That is certainly not my frame of mi11cl nor my reputauon. or cour-,e, I giVe both sides in my history class. I personally th111~ Jesus and his teachings are marvelou ... examples or how we should .treat each otlwr and point this out regularly m clas!'., aJthough I am careful not to impow my religious beliefs on my <,tudents. My point was that when gover.nment g1•1, involved 111 religion, 11 ha'> h1<>lOncaJly h·d 11 abuse'> and atrocitie'>. My point wai. that tlu ideab of )e'>US (or Mohammed. or Buddh.1 for that ma11er} can be ea'>ily forgollen v.11111 polrlllal goc1h and rehg10n get inltrtw11wd With apologies to Cl1evy Oiase· and the "Saturday Nrght Uve" gang of a genera lion ago, I'm '>Orry lO report that Spain's Generalissimo l-ranc1.,co Franco ii. i.till dead . FILE PHOTO OAlLYPILOI OppOhents of a l 9t.h Street bridge worry that too many cars would be passing this sign post at rush hour. · My pornt wa' that our founding fatht•r.., even devout C:hri'>llam hkc Jobn-Ad<un..., -· real11.ed that we mu'>l keep the goverru1w111 out of religion. we mu'>t not let the government favor any one religion. or v.1 may fact' the ...ame horror.,, perpetrnll'd b, And Wendy Lcece s till hasn't been reelected to the Newport Mesa Unified School 01strict Board of I ru<>tec<... And the odd !> that she wiU don't appear to me lO be very promising at all. I r.uggest you run one final, very. very large photo o r Leece, maybe a full page this time, accompanied by several more letters, and then try to put this whole 1s.,ue behind u~ once a nd for all. ' CHUCK CASSITY Costa Me~ Fncounter with students leaves bad taste Jean Nicholson made some excellent points in her contnhuuon lo the Ma ilbag .,ection or the Oaily Pilot on Jan. 8 ("One-sided teaching will harm '>tudents"). I. too. was concerned when I read Joe Robinson's letter attempling to defend the teacher's union earlier this month. Nicholson's summation regarding one -sided teaching is '>pot-on. It can, a nd does. result m Lhildren who become confused by the m essages delivered by an educational system intent on placing a liberal spin on religion's impact on history. Indeed, some of those ctuJdren rebel and engage in behavior described by Nicholson as "immorality, violence and blatant disobedience to all authority ... Yesterday, I witnessed JUSt s u ch a display. While havtng lunch at a popular local fast food outlet frequented by 1>1udcnts from Newpon Harbor I Ugh School on their lunch break, ill fortune found me seated adjacent to a group of live s tudent'> who disp layed all of the ab ove-mentioned traits. Because of my proximity to their table. I could not avoid overhearing the di'>course between them. In fact. I doubt if anyone sealed within 20 feet this group mi&5ed much of what they said. such was the volume of their conversation. Conversation may acrually be too generous a term for what transpired. As time passed. Lh1c; boorish group became even louder, more belligerent and obnox:iouo; - disturbing all the patrons in the room With glee, they hatched a plo t to harass the manager of the store. who was reluctant t? provide THE M EANING OF NUM BER ONE. • WHEN O NLY 11-fE FINEST ~ORCARS IN THE WOR.LD WILL [X). AVAILABLE 2001 SERAl"H, PARK WARD 81 .A\K/ Bl ACK (Xcrl569) 2002 CORNIO IE Ill.ACK 5APPI llRI-/MACNOIJ;\ (Xll'.2fml) WE HAVE A FEW REMAINING AZURE SERIES PRODU CED AT CREWE Pl.EAS£CALL ~AN AP'POINTMENT MIKE BU~CE~ ~LES MANAC ER 2001 AZURE MULLINER AR'l1CA /COtSWOfJ)( 2002 AZUR.E SILVER PHARl./SfRA I -- 2002 AZUR.E PEACOCK/ MACNOUA oan~ DO ARNACE R 8lAC1C/~../\CK. (Xorm4) PREOWNED t"8AZlJRE 8tAC1C/PARO IMH/'ltl'( 2000 ARNA.CE ttl.ACK/COl'SWOU> ( 19'9AZU'R.E BIAC'k/81 .A IC (X61 free refills to a group sharing only one purchased beverage Their eagerness to disregard even the most basic courtesies and to d isrupt an otherwise tranquil setting by their behavior left me shaking my head in dii.belief a'> N1thol..,011 '>cJys. ·powt.'r hungry opportunr.,.., " Ry the way. these were, unfonunatt>I~. 11111 "i'>olated" 111ndenls. Mill ion'> died b t•t au" far too many people coopt•rated rn tlww actions. lh1'> ,., why '>O nMny people. 11111 I"'' teathe~. were disturbed by the effort' 111 .1 'chool bu.mJ member to t'\tablish a governmt•nt prayer and other Finally, they went to the counter and confronted the manager, who had maintained his compoc,ure much too long. Fed up with their behavior, h e asked them to ledve and not return As they d eparted, leaving a table ruU of dehri<, m their wake, I found myself wondering what at must be like for the '>taff at Newport I I arbor High School as they try to educate these young women, and what kind or wwes and mother'> they will become. government '>ponsored rehgious allr\1111·' We an• a .,prntual nation. perhap'> llH' most spmtual 111 the world, becauw w.e h,1\1 allowed freedom of rehgion. and not all rn\l•d the gowrnment to meddle with our '>p1n11~.11 ltve!> My own <,pintual betrers tell me 1h.11 (;od ,., truth. and that lindrn~ truth writ hring u ... do,er to (Jod I lrdmg the truth from my 'tud<•nt\ v.ould be unprore,'>11111.ol and 1mmor.1I GEOFF WEST Costa Mesa ne Women's asketball Irvine vs UC Riverside Saturday, Ian. 11, 7:00 p.m. UC lrwlllc W1••'1 ._..._. praatts "Brak The Record Night'-Wp -.- ....... a-.d•ce record for a uaw .... ,,._.._.,._. 1'IM .. Ml peapl1 Ill •••td•c1. • recche a he ua 11111••......, ••••rat.,, ua ...... C.... Da•• a -:.=II Neche ...... ,, ... to.. .. ............. -w'llehllClloutMd ...... O..n 'rMI-. UCI Medical Center Ua1¥enity ol California, 1niDe A Pw.slOn for Care.~ Powrr to Cun The Flnt Annual UC Irvine Baseball Bash JrlMy, ,.. 17, 6:00 -8:00 p.a •IUdl ....... , .......... c... .... .. caadtu--' .-, ...... ., ,._._. .... . .................................. .......... ,aactl ••••IL.._ .... P°'lc ..... t 1111::• .......... lllllllL For ..,. lnfot ... don, all(t4t)~­ or ......... ~ ...... QailyAPilot JOE ROBINSON Newport H1·.11 h -·. QUOTE OF THE DAY "When you come to league all the results go out the window.. Anybody can beat anybody." Jason Sorrell, Newport Hart>or gir1s soccer coach Daily Pilot Spotts Editor Roger Carlson • 1949) 5744223 • Spotts F•x: (949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER • r:i"":"' :--:---.-.-.-.-.,._---:---.....------~-....,....-- EYEOPENER Daily~Pilot Spona I Lall of fla.mt' 1..&.t.~1'1(lJW" .. Jaoua<y I 31>ofloree MATI BROESAMLE f riday JaOUdr; ·10 Z003 A7 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL Newport wii;is, barely Sailors . Sailors win Sea View League opene r, 1-0, but coach is hardly pleased. Bryce Alderton < Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEA(.! I With the way Newport Harbor I ltgh girls soccer coach Jason Sorrell '>poke 10 his learn following its game Thur..day you would have thought the SaiJors wound up on the losing end. Quite the contrary. Newport I larbor (3-6-5, 1-0 in the Sea View League) won its first league game, 1-0, stretch- ing its winning streak to three. But Sorrell was not impressed with his ~1:ilnl':t~ ;: ...... ·-·-~- "Tuylor Giacamaro and Amy Khp- pert were the onJy one-. whoput in 100% for the game.· Sorrell l>ald. ·we shouJd have won. 4· or 5 O. with no d.tsrespect 10 FoothilJ We made a cou· pie or nilitaJces In the back late m the • Foothill Newport 0 1 game arid they could have tied it " I losr Newport outc,hot the Knigh~ (2·8·2. 0-1 m league), 16·2. and didn't allow foothill a shot 111 the sec- ond haJf m e Kn1ght.s' ._ _____ ,_, bcc,t '>Coring chance came with nine minutei. lert as junior mjd- fielder Frankee Kelly stole the ball I 5 yards from the Newpon goaJ and rushed up field but she ran into sophomore Sailor derender l...nn I lardy. who i>ent the shot attempt toward the near s1delme. I lardy got in the ~ing lane at 22 y-ctn:h to thwart another cross seconds later, helping Newport preserve 11..S slight lead. The host.s were denied two more shot attempts in the final minute.. Giacamaro headed a ball from nine yan:b that went wide right and Klip- pert locked one that curled to the left but mi.ssed the goal by 1ust inches. Klippert. a freshman. 1ump started the two-on -one Newport advantage that produced the game's onJy goal at the 18-mlnute mart of the first haJf. faking a throw-in. Klippert raced up the near sideline with senfor Amy Burlingham on her right. Klippert made the cross to the Burlingham at seven m eters and the future Univer· shy of .Texas soccer player sent the ball into the right side of the net on the ground Burlingham has now scored five or the ,six goals in New· pon's three straight wins. fight minutes roDowmg Burting- ham's goal came another great scor· ing chance for the Sailors. Freshman midfielder Krystal Wright tossed the ball from the sideJlne toward senior forward Kate Younglove , standing 10 yards away. Younglove o ne-touched the ball to Burlingham on the right side. The Parade Maga- zine AU-American dribbled a.round o ne defender and lobbed the ball for - run out of gas Newport pulls to within four points with just four minutes .left, but Foothill holds o n for a 49-41 wm . Steve Vireen DatlyP1lot NEWPORT Bl A< II '.e .. ,p<irt 11.ir bor High C..0<1t h ll'n I horn p-.on hJ' l ll'r t-,'lrl\ h<1c,kl•1h.ill lt'ilffi 01011\Jlt'd lr1 SCOREBOARD • rt.'ath the C II l'l.1\ • 4!1 41 ofh. b111 tlwn· '' \llll ,l( lt-.1-.1 c Jiii' problem 111l1ir11·c t "Wt rt' 'ull lt·.u 11 mg ahout pn"-'tt"' c,11ua1ton'-cHld 1111\\ Ill llJnt.Jlt• II I homp-.011 .... !Ill .11 ter tht• '>.1 111., h"1 thl'lf \t><J \ II'\\ I ('J~tt· 11p1 1w1 111 vi!>1Ung l-ooth1Jl. 4Y 41 l1lUrc,da\ Newport (9· 7) ft'll behmd. 40 ,!<t "11ll 7:35 left, after the lvl1ghl\ 112 .ll 111111 ple1ed a 9-0 run ma 4 11 '>Jlan 1111\\t'\1 r the Sailors went on d i'·O run 10 pull 1lw defic11 to 40 36 w11h l.56 Jdt I h.11 ' when the p~urt.' c,11uauon anw .111d that's when Newpon didn t re'r md The Sailor. commuted four 1 ir11<1\t'r' down the stret<.h and l·ooth1ll \\l'1tt 1111 1 9-5 burst to hold on to tht• ..., 111 "We came out '>low 111 tht· 1turd qu 1 ter." Thomp..on '>aid "\'vr d1d111 i.:<·t 11111 on !hear shooter (Jl'nna Horton wh•• scored 20 poull'>) "ihe wa., h1111ni.: 1hn·1· pointer. We didn't re'>pond to that " . Horton naded a ')(.hool re< on.I 11\f' three-pointer;. <;he wen1 J for I Imm beyond the art m the third qudnt·1 helping Foothill build J l8 2q le.id Newpon s lead111g c,c:urt'r wa' 1un111r Jillianne \o\-lutfield. who ro111nbu1C'd I~ points, including JO m the fir'>l quanl'r, when the Sa.JJor; earned a I ·Pl c1th .m tage. Whitfield aJc,c> grahbed n1rw rt bounds and <;hot 4 of 6 from the frt•t· throw line. She '>Cored Ne\vporl' fir,1 seven points. S£.AN HILLER I DNl Y Pl OT Newport Harbor H1gh's Tncta Orth.left, and Foothill's Frankee Kelly go airborne tn their attempt to control the ball. "She played well." l'homp..on •.;ml "' Whitfield. "She's a ~t.rong pl<l\ er '-111 was driving to the bask.et and ,J1t stepped up for U'>." Younglove charging toward the goaJ Unfortunately, the bdJJ sailed just over Younglove's head a.s momentum car- ried her into the back of lhe net. "The forwards didn't get help on the crosses and we didn't work the loose balls back into the sets very welJ," said Sorrell, who thought the Sailors might have had a letdown fol· lowing a 4-0 victory over Back Bay ri· val Corona del Mar Tuesday. "We played our best against CdM." SorrelJ said. ·we need to come out with a con.sistent effort every single game and can't afford to have gamt.'S like this. When you com e to league aU the results go out the window. Any- body ran beat anybody." Foothill Coach Nancy Doting has e1gh1 injured players. but relt encour- aged by her team's play "Obviously we didn't create much up top but our team is playing more together," Doting said. "Obviousfy we're upset with the loss but that was a good team effon." Up next for Newport is a 5 p m. game Tuesday at home against Aliso Niguel, ranked No. 7 in CIF Southern Section Divi.sion I. Newport 1un1or Alhena \a..q1w1 scored eight pomts. recorded four ... 11·aJ.. and grabbed five rebounds. "I thought we had a good fif'>t h.111, Thompson conunued. "We were pl,1\ ing good defonbe, our shot.s were faJhn~ and we were ju.st hustling.· The Sailors created several turnover' in the first half, a.s their full coun pn.., sure defense caused problem., for lhl Knights. Yet. Foothill. a new entry of tht· Sea View League, tayed with "Jewpor1 See SAILORS, Pace A9 NFL PLAYOFFS Just hoping to go unnoticed NFL side judge Hayes, of Newport Beach, will work Saturday night's' NFC Divisional Playoff game, Atlanta at Philadelphia. lllcMlrd Dunn Oa.lyPilot . ... .......... ~~ --~ --=---- --~ ----- ----- M ~riday, January 10, 2003 SPORTS Daily Pilot • HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Sailors = open Sea View ·title def e.n~e Path to Newport Harbor repeat once again winds through Woodbridge. Barry Fa ulkner Daily Pilot The "sunset" that concluded the pre-• league season for the Newport Harbor High boys basketball team became more of a blackout, as the Sailors lost three straight to Sunset League representatives Marina. Los .Alamitos and Edison. But, 'at least metaphorically, a new dawn breaks tonight at 7, when Coach Larry Hirst's squad begins defense of its Sea View League title against visit- ing Foothill. . Last year's league crown, the pro- gram's first since 1990 and its first out- .right l~e championship since 1985, ended a string of four straight runner- up finishes. But based on. preleague performances, the Sailt>rs (8-7) might be hard-pressed to challenge peren- nial favorite Woodbridge. The Warriors (9-4), ranked No. 9 in Orange County, open as the team to beat, while Foothill joins the 'Sailors as the only other league school to open league with a record better than .500. Newport defeated Foothill, 47-39, in a Dec. 21 tournament contest. but Coach Tom McOuskey's Knights will be well prepared for their Sea View debut, after years in the Century League. , Newport Harbor High senior Chase Cameron is a returning starter in the Sailors' arsenal as league looms. in recent years with Laguna Hills. dropping two of the last six meetings. That stretch includes one game that went the Sailors' way on a game-win- ning three-pointer in the closing sec- onds. But Laguna Rills lost veteran head man Dave Brown to retirement, no doubt allowing Hirst and his squad a little more breathing room, as it ap- proaches this year's contests against the Hawks. son of Woodbridge girls varsity coach Eric Bangs, paces Knights' scorers at 12.9 ppg and he had 26 three-pointers before Wednesday's nonleague game against Tustin. Senior J:Jrett Bigler (11.5 ppg) is another stalwart from Foothill. . Karter Stone, a 6-5 junior in his third varsity season,Js averaging 15.8 ppg for Laguna Hills. which Js receiv- ing 122 ppg from 6-6 junior Brock Tii- lotson. Aliso Niguel has three players aver- aging in double figures, as Terence Green (12.7), Michael Roll (11.7) and Luis Tejada (11.l ppg. with 19 three- "'J>ointers), will force defenders to cover a lot of ground against the Wolverines. Barring unforeseen change, Irvine, with a preleague campaign that in- cluded a 68· 16 tournament loss to Santa Ana Valley, will continue to rest in the basement Newport is led by 6-8 senior Nedim Pajevic (14.5 ppg). who was second- team all-league as a junior. Senior guard Olase Cameron (6.9 ppg) is an- other returning starter from last sea- son's title team. while 6-6 junior Brett Lowenthal, a tranSfer from Torrey Pines, has provided scoring punch (7.4 ppg), including a team-high 10 three-pointers. Senior Olad Borden (5.7 ppg). jun- ior Andre Pinesett (4.9 ppg) and sophomore Brett Perrine (4. l ppg) should also help determine the Sail-ors' Sea View fate. PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER /OAJLY PILOT Senior Chad Rorden (left) is one of the Sailors' major weapons as they head into Sea View League competition tonight, hosting Foothill's Knights at 7. Newport, ranked No. 9 in CIF Southem Section Division 11-M (where Woodbridge also resides, but is not among the top 10) has struggled Woodbridge is led by 6-foot-10 jun- ior center David Burgess (15.4 points per game), the circuit's only first-team all-league returner, and senior guard Mike Nicholl (10.8 ppg and 21 three- pointers heading into this week). Foothill junior Brandt Bangs, the The Tars follow up Friday's opener with league dates against Aliso Niguel (Wednesday at home) and at Irvine .(Dec. 17). then host Laguna Hills (Jan. 22), before visiting Woodbridge (Jan. 24) to complete the first round The second Woodbridge-Harbor meeting. which concludes the regular season, is scheduled Feb. 12. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL Lightning strikes Academy League Sage Hill boys and girls open league play tonight at home against Brethren Christian. Ba rry Faulkner • Keith said. "We're ex-Daily Pilot cited about it· The Lightnlng Sage I fill School boasts one of the boys basketball coach league's most exciting Steve Keith caught players in 6-foot-3 sen- himself after Wednes-ior "point center" Mi- day's nonleague victory over chael Fitzhugh. Fitzhugh, Fairmont, when asked to con-shifted to point guard re- firm his team's record. cently after opening the sea· "We're 5-8," he said, before son in the post, is averaging quickly adding, "Or. I guess. 22.3 points and 10 rebounds we're 0-0." per game. The Lightning boys. as their Junior Kevin Joyce (15.2 first-year coach was happy to points per game) is also a val- point out, open Academy ued weapon for the Ught- League play tonight at 7:30 ning. He has a team-leading against visiting Brethren 24 three-pointers in 11 games, Christian with a clean slate. including 17 in the last seven. Sage Hill missed the CIF Sage Hill is without senior Southern Section Playoffs last returning guard Erik WU- season. its first as a varsity Iiams. who averaged nearly team, when it lost a third-eight points the first eight place playoff game to Breth-games, but has since left the ren, based in Huntington team. Beach. The Sage Hill girls team. KENT ~REPTOW I DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar's Brett Matsen (15), seen here in earlier action, was the Sea Kings' scoring leader with 18 points Thursday night. This year, Brethren is, once handed Its first loss of the sea- again, among the teams pro-son Tuesday by Northwood. jected 10 have an inside track also open.S tonight. hosting on the six-team league's three Brethren Ou1stian in a prelude Sea Kings bounce Caq.yon, 62-54 guaranteed postseason to the boys game at 6. berths. Unbeaten St. Marga· Coach Shanna Renkin's ret's is favored to claim the squad (8-1), which won Its Academy crown vacated first eight games by an aver- when CaJvary Olapel of Dow· age or nearly 20 points, is ney was placed in the Olym· led by 6-1 freshman center Matsen, Luce lead the way in CdM's final tuneup before league. ANAHEIM -Co rona del Mar . High's boys basketbaJI team, on the heels of a near·mlss upset of ~peranza Wednesday, rallied from a 7-0 deficit to post a 62-54 nonleague · victory at Canyon High Thursday night to give the Sea Kings a 7·9 record entering Wednesday's Pacific Coast League OP!,ner at Laguna Beach. I was really proud of our kids," two solid games, at both ends of the court," said Curry. NonlNlut CdM 62. C.nyon 54 pie League. Haywood Wright (13.2 ppg) said CdM Coach Ryan Curry. UWe've had a lot of close games and we lost a heart-breaker Wednes- day. "We really re- grouped. ~we t~ed about for- Robbie Luce, meanwhile, held Canyon's No. 1 threat to 12 points and was singled out by Cµrry. "He really did a Score by Ou•rten CdM 1• 11 15 1a · 82 Canyon 13 13 9 19 • 54 CdM-Northridge 12, Seabom 11, Matsen 18, Mancillai 6, Sheridt-Odom 0, Freede 9, Welch 4, Luce 2. "St. Margaret's has cleanly 5-6 ~nior Carrie Oark (12.Z established Itself as the favor-ppg) and 6-2 sophomore ite, and, based on records and Katie Puishya (10.2 ppg). from what I've heard, Breth-The Ughtning girls \Wte 2-8 ren Christian could be plclced in league last season when for second," Keith said. "From Brethren Ouistian firushed what I understand, us and one game ahead of Capo' Val- Whitney are mid-level teams, ley Ouislian with 9-1 record with Capistrano Valley Ouis-to claim the aown. getting It and getting ready for Canyon," added Ryan. great job on Didier," said Curry. Also in double figures for CdM were Jay Northrldge (12) and Pan- cho Seaborn (11). Adam Preede scored nine points coming. off the bench. The message we& apparently heard. Brett Matsen, who scored 16 points on Wednesday, led the scoring parade with a season- high 18 points Thursday, includ- ing three treys. "He's really had Bart Welch was CdM's key re- bounder with five. Canyon falls to 3-12. SCHEDULE Mela, 2'.30 p.m.: Santa Ana at Estancia, 3 p.m.; Brethren Christian et Sage Hiit, 3:15 p.m. • High 9dlool girls -Santa Margarita at Corona del Mar, 3!15 p.m.; Sage Hilt et Bfethren Chrlltien, 3:15 p.m. VA•llo..a High ~ -Elcancla, Colt.I Meea et Northwood iournament. 2 p.m. ~ College men -UC Irvine et UC Senti 9erbn Toumement. UT\JfllW I I ... College men -UC lrvlna et UC Alwtllda, 7:o& p.m.; Vanguird lkM'lllv. Hope~ ......... 8:3) pm. College women -UC RiWl'slde et UC Irvine, 7 p.m.; Vanguard University et Hope International, 5:30 p.m, High tchool glr11 -El Toro et Corona del Mar, 7 p.m.; Santa Ana Valley et Costa Mele, 7 p.m .; t..eguna Beed! et N8wport Harbor, 7 p.m. Vmd ..a High actiool -Elt.lnQie, Calta Meea at Northwood Tournament. 2 p.m. • ~ Col141Q8 men -UC lrvlne at UC Slnta Blrbarl Toumemarc. lwliii i.. I Col141Q8 men -UC Sen Dltgo et UC INfna. noon. Collagtwomtn • "-1<> SWll 41t UC IMne,noon. l 3-pt. goals -Mauien 3, Mancillas 2, Northridge 1. Fouled out -none. Ted'lnicall -none. tlan and Oxford Academy a Brethren Ouistlan la C.nyon -Simon 11, Omar 10, Briggs 7, Hurley 5, Didier 12, Ju berg 3, Felton 6. 3-pt. goals -Omar 2. Nllton 2, Juberg 1. Fouled out -none. notch below. ranked No. 2 ln CIF Division "Opening league is always a IV-A. with Capo Valley Qiris- time when you try to take lt tian ranked No. 5 in the tame up another level in terms of diVision. Sage Hill la not Intensity and preparation," ran1ced. ted'lnical1 -none. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrat#w the Daly Pilot's Athlete oflhe Week series 1 I I J 1 I TOOAY D-EmllyJooe Ora~Coett • SWtmmlng. 00 CO[LEGE SWIMMING UCI's Garcia, Do honored ANTBATER AQUATICS COM· PLP.X -Junior Phil Garc:la and sophomore 10.m Do of the UC Jr. vine swlmmlng and dMng pro- gram were each named the Big . West Alhlete of the Week for their performance. at the UCl./Dak· tronics lnvtta:donals. Gtl.rda won the ~-ya.rd free- atyte and the 100 free for the Ant· eaters u the UCI men'I team HAYES Continued from A 7 penalties, but only an ineligible ~ J>e!Wty was called ap1nst the Giants 8nd the game ended "My prayer before every game Is that something like that doesn't happen to me," said Hayes. com- pleting his eighth year as an NFL side judge and his seventh straight year woddng a postseason game, an honor for NFL ofticials. who are graded individually and break rrom· their regular crews during the postseason. Hayes. a Newpon Beach resi- dent and Orange C.oast C.Ollege men's soccer coach and physical education instructor, worked Su- per Bowl XXXV1 last year when New F.ngland upset the St Louis Rams. 20-17. It was his first Super Bowl Officials can only work one Super Bowt every two years. Each offidal can work only one post- season game a season, unless they're also asked lO wear their stripes for the Super Bowt. NFL officials are under closer scrutiny during Monday Night Football games and the postsea- son because of the larger televi- sion audiences. Purthennore, if ir's a hlgb-profile game Utvolving a New Yolk team and "something bad happens ... you can multiple (the aiticism) by rwo." Hayes said. There are 17 NFL officials at each position and 11 are invited to work the postseason. Hayes said his goal each year is to be asked to work in January. By offi6anng a post.sea.son game. an NFL official not onJy rec~ a finanoaJ bo- nus. but is guaranteed to work the following regular season. Hayes., who is planrung for cold weather Saturday night at Vet· erans Stadiwn in Philadelphia. said he's looking forward to the game and watdung Falcons quarterback Michael Vicic and the return of Eagles quanerback Don- ovan McNabb. who will play for the first time since Nov. 17, when he broke his ankle. Fonner C.0- rona del Mar High standout Jeff omasoo. an f.agles nght end, is playing in the game. Hayes. a former Pac-LO C.Onfer- ence side judge, has taught every- thing under the sun m the OCC Athletic Department, including aerobics. table t~ and surfing. A Princeton graduate by way of Santa Barbara'.s San Marcos High. Hayes stanecl !he OCC surfing team in 1978 when a couple of students approached htm a.bout n and he was serving as the college's Assistant Dean of Students. a role he 6llecl from 1976 to '85. After a few years woriang at the district office as Director of C.Om· munity Relations, Hayes was as- signed bad to Orange Coast. thts time in 1987 to fill the role as mens soccer coach. He led the Pl· rates to state champ1onshi~ m 1989 and 1991. Hayes officially broke into offi· dating as a Princeton Wlder- graduate student. starong with intramwal basketball. lrupired by his late father. Will, he turned his anention to lugh school basketball and quiddy worked his way up the ranks to the varsity level. then small col- leges. A few years later, baseball umpinng entered the picture. ·1 figured I knew the strike wne. be- cause I was a catcher Ul baseball," Hayes said. Hayes never thought a.bout football until 1976, when he was hired at OCC and Wendell Piclcens told him a.bout the Orange C.Ounty Football Referees Associa- tion. In only his third year, Hayes said he got his first big break. when veteran cfew chief Lany Arason liked his work and insisted he join his crew the following sea- son. Hayes staned in the Pac l O in 1983 as a side judge. but didn't get on a full-time crew until 1992. SPORTS ------~-----..._,.._ __ _..._,.....'.'""'"'> _________ _ Friday, January 10, 2003 M SAILORS Continued from A7 • There were six nes in the tint half. The score was. 9-9. with 45 seconds left in the first quarter. but Newport got a quick bublt from senior Undsey Woller. Then. 13 seconds later, Woller drew an offensive foul. allowing one last possession for Newport. Whitfield took advantage and hit a bank-shot well behind the three-point line to beat the ftrst- quarter bw.zer._ The Knlgbts ded the game three times in the second quar- ter. at 14. 16 and 18, until Whid- feld scored three straight to give the Sa.Lio~ a 21 -18 lead. But. Foothill closed out the half with a 7-0 run to grab a 25-21 ~ lead .. ·A couple of years ago they 1 weren't playing like this," FoothiD Coach Vmce Namba said. "'They have made so much progress here. When they come to our place I m sure they'll know what to do with us and I'm sure tt will be a dogfight again • SuVlewl.Npe Foothill 49, Newpon 41 Scot-. by 0.uart.rl Foothil 9 18 1J ,, -• Newpon 1' 7 I 12 -41 Foothill -i<arc::tler 6 Horton 20 Hoffman 0 Pur, 12. l.JIRue 5. ~n 4 Batley 2 3·pt goals -Honon 5 Herman 1 Fouled out -none Tecnmcalr. -none Newport -Campbell 0 Swigart 1 Whitfield 19 Vasquez 8 'Noller 4, Eddington 4 Miller J. Stoia 2 Beeson 0 DON LEM:l-I QA. 'f P'LC• Newport Harbor's Athena Vasquez breaks through two Foothill defenders as she drives toward the basket tn Thursday's matchup 3·Pl goall -Whrtfie10 1 M illet 1 Fouled out -none Technicals -none HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL Eagles top Roadrunners 5A. "l'lA A."\A -Led by a tnple-double from Tn'iha Wase (14 pomc,. II rebounds and IO ~J. !he ~aa High guts ba<.ketball team won ns second Golden West League game m as many en.es lhursday at ho!.t Saddleback. Estancia eight rebounds. one of wtuch came followmg a mJMed Estanoa free throo.\ in !he final min- ute. Rappa said The E..agles ~ now won two m a row and will continue league ptJy ~ S4 host Santa Ana Tues· The Eagles (7-8, 2-0 m Saddtebadc 48 day at 6 p.m. before league) were oed with the Roadrunnen, \'\1th eight minutes left to play when E:stanoa Coach Tunu Rappa ~ve a pep talk. "I told them it Wd.S a new game and tf they wanted it they had 10 ha~ It Ul their heart.. Rappa said. "I thmk \.W0re starUng to get it turned around. ~have to work on being more collSlStent" The Eagles shot 15 of 36 (41.6%) from !he fteld and grabbed 40 re- bounds as a team. which pleased Rappa Xochitl Byfield led the Eagles With 18 points while haulmg U1 ~to cry nval Costa Mesa for a dash Thursday at 7 p.m. Esarda 54, s.ddlt-* 48 Smre bv ai-w. Estanaa 1~ 13 10 •S ~ Saddlebeck 10 •e 12 10 .is Esmndll V.-14 Byfield 18 Mino 11 Grav 6, Caslro 4, Wilson 1. Aonll 0 J..pt. goets -Byfi.3ld 3. \Nase 2. M ino 1 Fouled out -none. $«' rW«* Lewis 29, Layman 1, Williama 10, lei> 4, Ram1rw 1 Lozano 3 Rovas 0, Poca 0 J..pt. goals -L.ozanc. 1 Fouled out -none SOFTBALL COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL UCI will 'Eaters breeze close out h·omestand in style BRE:'\ I vr' r CE.:--:TER - The UC lnine womens basket- ball team ""111 try to set a ne"" Mandard ~aturdav, when the Anteaters ho.,1 Ut. Riverside at 7 p.m. Saturday\ game agaimt 1he Highlander<; hac, been dubbed Break the Record Night.· The curreni attendance mark of 1.384 was set on March 2. 2002 agamc;1 Long Beach Stale. UU (8-5. 1-1 in the Big West Confer· ence) has bettered the school record for a ""omen's smgle game attendance each of tht' last three year., The fir'>t 500 fans Sd.turda.,. will receive T-shirts courtes} of the UCI Medical Center. Free admission is offered to fans bringing a new book. which will be donated to the Reach Ou1 and Read Foundauon. BRE:-.: E\'E~TS < E.'\IER - Knsten Green ... se~on·h1gh 17 point~ led UC lrvme\ women·'> basketball team to a i2-43 Btg West Conference victory over Cal 'ltate Fullenon rhur-.day at the Hren EvenL!> Center The 29-pOtnt victory l'> the fourth larges! m the '>t'ne<> record and the mos1 by UC.I th1.-. ..eason The Titans' 43 pomt' " the fe\'\ · est poUtts allowed ~ the Ant· eaters th•~ year nw. '' the 12th· consecutive wui for UCI over I ullenon. UCI unprovt?l> to 8-5, I I tn the Big We-.1 The 1itaru are 3-10. I ·2 After tratlmg by one at the 3 10 mark. UC! ~ent on a 13-1 run to go m10 haJfume with a 33-24 lead. The Anteater\, who bwlt a I S·point lead in the first four minutes of the half, wc1tched the Titan~ get ac; close as 10 43-33! with 14:38 rrunutes remauung. Cal State FuUenon managed three more points before gomg on a 10-rrunute draughl UCI's Green wac; i for 17 from the floor and added eight re- bounds. Omsuna Waway re- corded her fifth double-double of the vear with 13 points and 13 rebounds. Lisa Faulkner was '4 for 8 from three-poUlt range. encting the ~erung wtth 14 points and four assJSt.s Ul 27 rrun- utes of action. Ashley Biggins came off the bench to grab 1 O re- bounds. Rochelle Onega paced Cal State Fullerton Wlth I 0 poUtts. Heather Hansen had eight re- bounds. four poUlt.s and ~ blocked shots. After shooung JU.St 28.2 111-39) in the first half, the Anteaters fired 48.5 116-33) Ut the se<:ond half compared 10 the Tit.ans 28 0 7-25 UCI oed a ">Cason-high with 52 rebounds. Bia w.tt Cordwll'~ UCI n . Fullerton 43 Fullerton Alhadefl 2 Gr95h1 4, Hansen 4 Ortega 10, Prvitt 5, Moon 2. Mosley 3 Quinn 13 3 pt goats -Quinn 2 Prvrtt 1 F'outed out -none Tect1n1cals -none 00 -Yadon 8 Callaway 13 Faulkner 14. Gabt>e 9 Green 17 B1ggin1 2 Sturgeon 1 Ferguson 8, Usher 2 3-pt go1l1 -Faulkner 4, Callaway 2, Ferguson 2. Green 1 Fouled out -none Tectln1cal1 -none Halftime UCI J3.24 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER • Newport Harbor 's Va squez-to Wi sconsin Eagles shut out by Roadrunners NEWPORT BEACH -Athena Vasquez. a senior at Newport Harbor High, has signed a letter of intent with the University of Wisconsin to play softball there next year. Vasquez earned first-team All· Sea View League honors last year for the Sailors as a short~top. and she al.so received second-team laurels m her freshman and sophomore seasons. Vasque1.. a starting guard on the Newport girls basketball team tlus season, visited the home or the Badgers in late Sep· tember and made her decision Just before the early signing pe- riod. She was sought after by Louisville, Sacramento State, An· wna State and Princeton. "I loved (Wisconsin)," VasqueJ said of her recent visit. "It was everything I wanted in a coUege so I decided to go there.· -Stew Virgen ~"''TA ANA -Saddleback Highs guis soccer team con- vened 50% of its 12 shots on three Estancia High goalkeepers to win a Golden West League game over the VlS1ung Eagles, 6-0, Thursday. The Eagles feU to 2 5 3. l -2 m league. ' e Call (949) 642-5678 "It was a rughtmare. a train wreck." said Estanaa Coach Na· dine Ra1abi. "Ruth Cllavero played solid for us today· In action Tuesday: • f3tanoa defeated host West- minster. 3-1 . on goals from Olav- ero and Karleen Curran u the Eagles opened league play • GET THE PQ I NT? Daily Pilot < 1;i,,jfinl :111, \111rk 1111 .'"\' • ' • • • J A 10 Friday, January 10, 2003 legal Nollca •I L•I Nollca 2MO Legel Nollca -l•I Nollcel =NO~TIC~E:;;;O~FiiiA~EAJUNG;;;:;=;;.,b,;s;;;;ani==megoj;;;;;;;;; io;a;;:•:=ico;;;;;;;;;jt PtlUCATIOll cou1 t, t11e ch111fen1e may ON FtBIWARY 21l200S Olat11Gt OfllcePr..ldei~ Public htll'lncs wilt be bt llmittd to only those CAUFOAHtA,STATE A~ di! htld by th• Coile NH• luiiu someone raises 1t PAR!<"1«> S.11 Ctem.nle; CNStll Plannln11 Commlnlon it lhe publlc h11rtn1 ~~!~!?OONN COYec-·• Sutallp P11' ~74 City Hall, 77 Fair Otlve, described Jn this notice ....,,,._....., ,.,.., nlghWay 'f , or in written corr1-Bleoh. Ind II Cll$ta Mesa, Cah ornol, spondenct delivered to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhat lhe Stl19 Pall\ and A41erNtiOn Commalon, pul$Ulllll lo tollOWll1I loc:allonl: at '6:JO p.m .. or 11 soon the P11n11ln" 'Commission ~ BNc:h P~ as possible thenafter on • l.lbra!y, 363 Glenneyre St: MOft4ay, ,_,., 27, 1t, Of prior to, the public ~ BMcll, 2001, re1.,cfln11 t11e hurlna. ~ OOlllained In Sec:ttoni 539. 5002 3. 5019.60. 6080.03, 5080.20, et al o1 1111 PIAll!c Rltlourcee Code, S.ation 11370 et Mg. ot the Governmenl Code and ~nl IO llW, wlj meet on Friday, February 2 t. 2003 tt 9:30 a.m In ~ Ballroom 1 & 2 al lhe Aadllson Hotel Newport Beacfl, 4545 GoYtrrvnent lnlofmatlon followin111pplic1tions. For further lnform1-~t. Mtl'1 library, UC l. Ptan11ln&Apphcatlon tlon on the above ~ 1~.:'~ ~ PA·02·44 for Ed Elo1JV•, epplic1tions, let.phone 1000 Avocado Ave . authoriitd eaent for (7l'C) 754·5245, or visit the office of the Plan· ~ 8Nc:h Jennifer Slmoni1n, to nine OMslon, Room 200. construct 1 2 story, 77 Fair Drive, Costa 6 ,400 sq. ft. ml11i Mesa, Cahfornla. MllcW1hur Bo\AeVard, NfWl)Olt 9"ch. Ca,fornla. Th& mMtira lacility IS Wlleeld18rf ~i.. NOTICE IS GIVEN lhtt 1rry perlOll l'l\lly ... • statement realltling hNting 111ms by wrlq to ~~~:,,~ s111emenfs 11 the '*lriro at 10'00 a.m. or aa eoon lheftaller IS tht matler ~Y bt heald. lnqu/Ma or rtQUeSll for inlolmation ahOuld bt direelld to AQtrlda "1tems inOudl l.ouil Naetn>, oonalderatlon ard lldton L.NutroOparka.ca.rPV, on ..... n-............. of 9161663-0524, or lo tilt u'"' ..,,............... Stalt Pl/ti and Aecrtallon Parka and Atcreallon Commlulon. Box IM2886, reoommtndatlon fOf Saaamtnco CA 94296-aDOIOYll of the General 0001. CtJifomta State F'tlin Amendment for Parka does not Cryalll Cove State Pirkl ... .....i...in11e aoaJnet as c:onlalneCI In the Crysta ~Uals w111l Cove H°tSIOnc District diaabolilles. Vlsltora whO Preservation and Plbflc WISh asa1Stanct aholid Use Plan (PPUPj and cont&c:t Louis Nutro at f/Mronrr.ntal "llllCI Repott, and concurrence the eddtess al>Ove at least on the re~n1 ol 72 hoin p<oor to arrfval. Tracy Kahn .,., Claire NOTICE IS AL.SO GIVEN P..,.Smllh to the Board that the Commission ~ans ot Oire<:lol1 ol lhll c "'-· California Citrus sb;i; ~ toor rystai ....,,.e tale Hlstonc Parle Nor..P~ark on February 20, 2003 The toll wtll begin Management Corporation at noon at the park's I.OS T rancos parklr'Q IOI on the eaat $idt ol Peafi<: Cout Highway No pli>llc 18$tlmony wlll be hearO and no action wiN bt talcen by the Commo&$1on dUllng this tout The Prelimnary General Plan AmerlClmtnt !or Crystal Cove State Parto., as part of the Crystal Cove H1S10rlc Dlstrtct PreMNahOn Ind Plilioc Us. PlaJ1 (PPUP). IS 1vallable on !ht Internet et SO ORDERED· www palks ca gov/delaull RU1h Colemen, Secretatv asp?page d:21553 The State Park and Re<:reatlOn pl111 IS alio available for Commission review at the following 01110/03 01119/03 Ca~lomoa Stat• Panes . CHS. 4i2330I olflces Southern Service NEWPORT BEACH-Center, 8885 Rio San COSTA MESA DAILY Olego Dl!ve, Suite 270 PILOT Policy . stora11• build•na with 1 Dally Pilot January 10, man11er's unit and venances from buildina 2003 fl81 setbacks from resfden· tlally zoned p1operty (50 feet requited; 30 teat proposed) and pai ki111 (4 ,.,_,es required: 3 spaces proposed). lo· c:..ated at 1676 Tuftln Avenue in a Cl zone. Environmental determl· nation: exempt 2 PlanninR Application PA·02-52/Ll·02-04 for OKO Enaineerin11. au· thorized O\aenl for Mathew A. Gloza. for a lot line adjustment to reconf111ure two ex1Stona lots with a variance from street frontaae requor ements and a minor condillonal use permit lo allow shared acceu, located al 515 and 525 Fairfax Or Ive m an R2·HO zone. Envl· ronmental determ1na· loon oempt. 3 Cond1t1onal Use Permit PA-02·53 for Matthew Taylor, autho· med a~ent for Eleanor A. Manion, for a request for reasonable accom modahon to allow a 9 person alcohol/drua rehab1litat1on facility on an ex1st1n11 sln11le·fam1ly residence, IOC3led al 3138 Cork Lane Drove on an RI zone Environ· mental determ1nat1on SUPal)l COUil Of UllOlllAi COllllY Of OIMGl J41 T1I (l1'Y DIM POST OfflCUOX 14171, OIANGI, CA HIU-1571 WIOIWIX MTICl CDfTll P£l1TIOll Of SMr.~Ws fOI OIMGl Of NAii Ola TO SHOW CAUSI fOI CIWMOfUllWI NUUll:A216W TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: I. Petitioner: Sharon Smith Rooks filed a petition with this court for a decree chane1ng names as follows: Sharon Smith Rooks to Shari Smith Rooks 2. TttE COURT ORDERS that all persons inter· ested on this matter shall appear befort this court at the hea11n11 1nd1cated below to show cause If any. why the petition for chan11e of name should not be 11ranted. eumpl NOTICE Of HEARING ~~ ..... " ~~~:""(!·~­ .::.::.:.;..:,;;,.:....:;.::...;..:.:.::.;.=::.:..:...::.: p.m Oepl. L73 The address of tlle col.ll't Is same es noted allovt. 3. A copy of thl.s Order to Show CIUSt '"'" b• published 1t lent once HCh WHk for fo11r successive weeks prior to the d1t1 Ht lbr hurlna on the petition In th• followlna new•· paper of 1rener1I clrtu• talion, ptlnted In this co1mty: Dally Pilot OATIJ DIC IO, 2002 JUDGI llCHUD O. PIAZH, sa., JUDOI Of THI SUPlllOI COUltT Publlshtd Newport. 8111ch·Co1t1 Mesa Dally Piiot Oecemllet 27, 2002, January 3, 10, 17, 2003 • fl61 fkfltlM ..... •s...... The fottowin11 person$ are doln1 business as: H1ut1 Bath, 606 1/2 8e11onl1 Ave .. Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Melissa Brooke Con · away. 606 1/2 Begonia Ave., Corona del Mar, CA 92625 This business 1s con· ducted by: an indMdual .Have you started doln1 business yet? Yes, 11/1/ 02 Melissa Brooke Con· away This statement was flied with the County Clerk of Oran11e County on 1/7/03 20016921701 Daily Pilot Jen 10, 17, 24, 31, 2003 F!79 Rctlti.lwlillm llmtS....... The followin1 persons are doing business as: S&R Valet, 19191 L1 wrence Canyon, Sil-verado Canyon, Callfor- nia 92676 Rlch.ard Lee Lawrence It. 19191 Lawrence Canyon, Sllverado Can· yon. California 92676 Sohrab Afrasiabl, !fiGal-Stnfford, Mlulon Viejo, California 92692 This busloeu la COil· ducted by: 1 1•ner1I partnership H1v1 you 1t1rtad dol111 bDsineu y•tf No Richard Lewre(lc• This statement wn filed with the County Clerk of Oranc•. County on 12/J0/02 2002tt27tH Dally Pilot Jan. 3, 10. 17, 24,2003 F17' S.....tl ... , ttlU..tl ~ ........ The following person his abandoned tht use of th1 fictitious Busl· nes.s N1me: BHT lnt1r· naUbn1I, 614 Orchid Avenue, Corona del Mar , CA92625 The Fictitious BusinHs name referred to above was filed In Or1n11e County on 10/18/2002, FILE NO. 20026920883 Altred C. ~uense. 614 Orchid Avenue, Coron• del Mar, CA 92625 This business Is con· ducted by: an Individual Allred C. Muense This sbtement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 01/08/03 20036929034 Daily Pilot Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31, 2003 F 182 fidttlMW.U ie..s..... The followln11 persons 1r e dolna busll'ess as Reality Ma nacement Services Company, 421 Brookhurst Street 11228· A, Anaheim, CA 92801 M1mz1. tnc. (NV), 2950 E.nt Flamln&o Road, #[· 5. Las Ve11as. NV 89121 This buuneu 1s con· ducted by a corporation Have you started doon11 business yet? Yes, 5/20/ 1996 MIUIZI, Inc. Cashon Quoette, Preso· dent This statement wn filed with the Couotv How to Place A Clerk of Oran1• County on 11/21!02 2002H24SH Delly Piiot Dec. 20. 17. 2002 Jin. 3, 10, 2003 F156 fl&llM ..... ... s..-. The followlna person' ere dotna butlntu H: MERC Enlerptls-s, 117 Via R1vtnn1, Newport B11ch, CA 9.2663 ROiif Devis. 117 Via R111enne , Nt,.port Beech, CA 92663 £rln Devit, 117 Via Ravenna, Newport Beech. CA 92663 This business Is con· ducted by: hustiand and wife Hive you started doina business yet? No Ro11er Davis This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 1/7/03 20036928718 Daily Pilot Jan 10. 17, 24,31,2003. fl76 fktttlM ..... ,._s......, The followin& persons are dolna business as: MEGT FLORA, 120 N. Tustin Ave., Suite A. Newport Beach, Call· fornia 92663 MEGT, INC. (CA), 2700 W Coast Hwy. Suite •257, Newport Beach, Cahlornia 92663 This busoneu " con· ducted by· an md1v1dual Have you started doin& busmen yet? No MEGT, Inc , Is/ Pru 1de!M Tiiis stat~ment wu Wed wolh the County Clerk of Or anae County on 11/27/02 2002692S2S7 Daily Pilot Dec. 27. 2002. Jan. 3, 10. 17. 2003 fl 70 NOOO Of APPUCATION TO SIU AlCOHOl.K IMIAGIS 2MO Lepl NollCll 2002 To Whom It M11y Concern: The Nam•(•) of the Appllcent(a) I~ ert: PACIFIC WHEY CRYSlAl. COvt'. L PSHIP The appllcenh listed ebovt ere 1ppl)'lna to the Department of Alcoh;tlc Bev tr aae Contro to sell •lcohollc bevereaes at: 7981 PACIFIC COAST HWY, NEWPORT COAST, CA 92657 Type of license(s) Applled tor: 41 · ON· SALE BEER ANO WINE EATING PLACE Daily Piiot Dec. 27, 2002 Jan. 3, 10, 2003 F 160 fktlllM .... ... s ....... Tile lollowln& penons are doln11 bOslness n : Waulna Tails, 3 Monle1ty Pine Or , Newport Coast. CA 92657 Liu Pandolfo . 3 Monterey Pine Or , Newport Cont, CA 92657 This busmen 1s con· ducted by· an indmdual Have you st1rted do1n11 buslneu yet? No Liza P1ndolfo This statement wu filed with the County Clerk of, Oran11e County on 1(7/03 20036921716 . Oaoly Pilot Jan 10, 17 24.31,2003 F178 Fictitious ... s NntS..... The follow1n11 person~ are doin11 business as· Abyu Construction. 6141 Palisade Or . Hunt1n11ton Beach. CA 92647 Daniel Sander\, 6141 Pallsadt Or , Huntington Beach, CA 9264 7 This bus1nHs IS con ducted by an 1nd1vrdual .Have you started do1n11 business yet1 No Daniel Sanders This statement was flied wllh the County Clefk of Oranae County on 12/17/02 20026009270'2 Daily Pilot Dec. 27. 2002. Jan.3, 10, 17,2003 f!65 Adtllu ..... ... s ....... Th• followina persons er• dolna bu$lness 11s: Genevieve's Wl&S, 369 E. 17th St 112, Costa Mesa, CA92627 Kim Adele Petry, 101 Pinon Tree Lene, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Thb business os con- ducted by: 1n 1ndiv1du11 Hive you stir led doin11 business yet1 Yn. 1/1/ 98 Kim Perry This statement wu filed with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 12/26/02 20026921772 Daily Pilot Dec. 27. 2002 Jan. 3, 10, 17, 2003 f171 RcthiM IMtss Ntne Shlttlllftt The followine persons ar11 doln11 business n . A. Sava11e Marketin11, 28071 Gunnison Court. La11una Noeuel, CA 92677 An&ela Rene· Savaae. 28071 Gunnison Court. Lacuna Nl11uel. CA 92677 This buslnos 1s con· ducted by. an 1ndmdual Have you started do1na buS11Tns yet' No An&ela Sava11e This statement wn filed with the County Clerk ol Oranee Cou11tv on 12/18/02 2002600927213 Daily Pilot Dec. 27, 2002, Jan 3. 10. 17. 2003 Fl67 Fldltlous 14rsiims "-'Srn.nt Daily Pilot Lo1111B1ach,CA90810 This buslnns Is con· ducted by: an lndivldu1I Havt you iterttd doin1 business yetf Yes, l·I· 03 Marvin Grego1y Thi• statement wn filed with the County .c11;k of Oran111 County on 1/7/03 2003H21720 Dally Piiot Jan. 10, 17, 24. 31 . 2003 Fl 17 AcftM ...... "-S....... Th• fi>now1n1 per.sons are do1n11 business n · A.) The Clay Group, 8 ) Clay Enterpnses, 21094 Calle de P»eo, Like Forest, CA 92630 Albert Vann, 21094 Calle de Paseo, Lake forest, CA 92630 This bu,11nu1 1s con ducted by an Individual Have you started do1n11 bus1neu yet? No Albert Yanez Th" statement wu hied with the County Clerk of Or anee County on 1(7/03 20036921721 Oatly Pilot Jan 10,F 1 1 80 1 .. 24, 31. 2003 fidftlM w.ss Mints....... The lollowine per sons are dome business as Confluence Manaeement, 1201 Walnut Ave . Apt 58, Tustin. CA 92780 Ph1hp Hashway, 1201 Walnut Ave . A.pt 58. Tustin, CA 92780 This business 1s con ducted by an ind1v1dua1 Have you_Jtarted dome business yet? No Philip Huhw.ty This \latemenl was filed with the County Clerk of Or anal' County on 12/18/02 2002600927192 Daily Ptlol De~ 27. 2002, Jan 3, 10. 17, 2003 fl66 ,.....----Deadlines -- Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to cen:.or, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advenrsement. Please repon any error that may be in your clas:.1fied ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no ltabiljty for any error in an advenisement for which it may ~ responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. CLASSIFIEIAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631-6594 I Pie-include your name and phom number and "'• ·n call you b;od "'11h • pmc quOlc l Telephone 8:30am·5:00pm Monday·Friday By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours Index By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa. CA 92627 · At Newport Blvd. & Bay St Walk·ln 8:30am-5:00pm Monday·Fnday Wedne:-.day .............. Tue~day 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturda} ..................... Friday 3:00pin Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00prn ANNOUNCEMENTS [q ] & MISC. 1010-1110 ~ ~ J.iliJ. .. GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Collectibles/ Memorabllla 1160 lOP $$ 4 ltlCOltDS nc .Ba. O:.SSC Etc !'Os & 9Js .8l Allee, $p\r. tube a~ Mike 949 64S· 7505 LAUQUE f'ISCU llSH ~et1111 S3000 Sell for $1900 Call 949 500 5007 EOUAl.H~G OPPORTUNITY Ali real o tate adver t1~inr 1n this newspaper os subiect to the Federal F llt HOU\1ne Act Ill 1968 a' ~meode d whlCh makes It 1tle1al to advertou ·1ny prefer ence, l1m1hl1on or d1sc11monst1on bned on race colllr, rell11on, \O , handicap, familial status or national origin or an intention to mahe any such preference, hmota loon or d1scrlm1nat1on • This newspapei will not knowonaly accept <1ny advertisement for real estate whoch os In v1olat1on of the law Our readers are hereby informed that 111 dwell- lnas advertlMd In this newspaper art 1v1il•ble on en equal opportunity bu is. To complain of dis· crlmlneUon, cd HUD toll· frff at I 800·424·8590 ClASSlflfD It's the solution you're searching for·whether you're seeking a home, apartment, pet or new SE ~ 3010.3940 1419 m [I] AL ESTATE R SALE soos-saso 2305-2490 Auctions 1483 Found 1510 Cats 3610 ======== ----------------2 male dog• found on • Adopl • WwJts Kittens. WANTED 1/3 In Fountain Valley cats. does ra.i or shne, ANTI(\UES area. Cell 714·964·8622 every Sat-Sun 12-4pm ~ ANTIQUES r~ ~4~4~ Older Style FumiWre www ~ora he PIANOS & Collecti!Hs a.,,w.,_ '-Sale 'MMQ ~ day WdJ ~ 4 do&s • ..,.,, ....... --............ "" 11411 Reswen. ,__, ·~r .. ..._ • AV'(lt • ()llf'#e ~;#',_ • .,.,_ $$ CASH PAID $$ r.,..pw.0t#"rA'9~ WE BUY ESTATES ~649~- SOUTHCOAST AUCTION 2202&..MMSt. &.Ml A11e, 'CA t210l ~J·l.....,..U.•»t Garaae/ Yard Sain o ••• , r1Me4el •• ,, event Sat Jan 11, 8·3. 2145 Vl,ta l111"edo NP8 (THE 8LUrFS) Oak din set, art, atassware, kltch stuff, much morttll .,_ Sue4e >-iiery t.•1 511 cont11n1n1 llmWpla --of~. Loct In Ylcinfty of W-'t °"' flaD 171li St. t..mrll it-!d(!49?261 «a> FoMI 1510 fOUNO. RING luve d1t11ttd doctff)tfon. mutt Incl n•m•. phone f , color ~ f"'I llZW, Jlfll .... ..,., lot1 C4tllt Wiil Mly IN rtturitd lly t11Mt IN111n, dtlUllH ~· ,.,.720· 122 hcldlt lt-d t Ch IOft9 perfect condition$ 1500 obo (949) 719· 2943 APPUAHCES 3050 Gl Fri,, tl4e-lty-1lcle, 26.7cu t, hke new, $250 obo (949) 642·2165 eves JEWELRY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coast Col11 Need• Old Coins! Gold, silver, ,ewelry. watches. antiques collectibl8' 949·642·9448 Heed lovlng home• 2 fem cat1, 2 yr & 6 mo., 1 declawacl $25eo 949-548-1311, 3615 MAU GERMAN SHlf'HERD ,U,f'Y I mo11ths, 714.194.1919 7402·7466 . ...... - I • I . ' .., . ...,;: '-·~I, I • IOOHSIO . ~ I ., ' ' I • J MISCEl.lANEOUS MERCHANDISE Mlscellaneoos Mriandlse 3855 WANTED W02 Hohdak Celebration IA Ill 949.574.4241 Olllces b Lim 4540 •CM/.?:oa. 1b1'ef, 1 SOO of N.wport llvd., 949·619-SSU C'-and Aw-lo<. IACk IAY CEHTElt 2651 Irvine Ave. 1011 view.retail on· site 71 4- 571-7710 H" OFFICE Sf'ACE 833 Oowr (). #14 Ground floor, •c::l'ltecb office. ~ spaoe 6alsf ~ ' Retall Stom forlme 4545 fM Svlt·leoH Prime ~ta Mesa reu1I locabon 00 17th Sl ll00$1, I~ remaln11111 oo lease. $2000 per mo. 949. 71)4.9446, 949-795-19'39 HOMESFOA SAi.£ ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Anaheim Hiiis ,......., i-. one acre secluded lu•uroous estate. 5br Sba. 2 tavtsh master suites. t::/• spa, 4c 1er, SI .59'5. Trider Real Estate 949-n.2526. 949- 64().8841 - FIND ..::::. Und e r th e Servic e Di rectory Hann er Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 57 4-4245 Balboa ,_ c.,...._ Lott Ont ~A and I WVt family home. Sl.310.<XX> Located in one of the nlcat 111Vll>orhoo<b ro Bal>oa. r entasbc OCJPOr1Un1tY tor tOVeSlml!nt or dMtlopment. leff lacobs. Balloe ~ Re:lty. ~. Corona del Mar • llAUTlfUL • Or1matlc Spyalass Hill executive home No expense wn spared Fabulous Ocean View, 4Br. Ottered al 11,695,000 Seller&;,ucht eilother ' home. Must Sell Ju!ty lt.t.r, l kr 949·'7'-5516 TRll MOUSI SICWOID RnltlAT AMAl .... NICI AGT.t4t·71a..a120 IMnl llACH COTTAGI 117V1AllOU 2bt l'I• 8• 2 c a•r. bch & ten club .15' lot Sy owner $880,000 obo 949·644·2330 Newport Beach Of'IH SUH 1-5 HlWUrnHG 1 Stwy Via. pit c.st, tlir 1111 lib .... fllt4 < ... ; ,.-, M · ra,wtli11Wleols. shipS A; $362,SOO f., 949-632-6419 NlW,OltT HEIGHTS $749..000 2br/lba. home w/l. Fp's. lllrmel clr1, la liY rm pka S11JC11o wt1ut end 'Iba. Ex n wide bl Call for lllJl)t. Doi.II Clark 94g. 7 !a. l,!i00 OI ~1995 t,lppocled Or 2.Sla home with •ourmet kit, la patio and yard1 goll cour se and sunset views 5949,500. Anchor Pfopertits 94g.7zo.3900 HACHltlfHAT llTTllt HUltRY UNDEl SS00,000 AGf. t4t·12J-a 120 O<l~NfltONT nxu NOf fOl f HE fA1Hf OfHIAltl AGT •• t4t·'7214120 RESORT/ VACATION PROPER'TY FOR SALE Desert Property 5960 f'alm De1ert '•Im Valley CC, 2br 2b1 condo, 1ated vaul ceols, courtyd, 2 c 1ar Superb cond! Clos" lo pool/club hse Own/aet S272;000 .klhn r lrTC1W ~ 3Zl .01J2 Goff f'roper1fea Sales & winter rentals Palm Spr1n1s. Palm Ouert Also Wuhonelon Wa terfr ont Reteirals. Michael Anter Becker & Bethr RE 800·550-3523 MISCEl.LANEOUS 3 HOUSES fftOM WA- Tllt Li 2br 2ba apt f111. Lots of 'tora&t yrl~ lse $1800/mo 949-675-1779 .... Sita house, furn/ unfurn, 2c pr, mde lndly rm. ba~ ftom patio, $:l"JOOn 714-546-2313 &103 Balboa Penilmlla 323 Mode 5 Doors from bay1 Lower umt, I.a patJO, 2br. Iba, olf St. P'kne Sl fiOO/m yrly 949-5'8-7!l8 21< 2h. 2c ear. patlO, w/d. d/W. ,_ Cl'Pl, pMll, lowe< urnt W h 20tti St s 1850lno 949-723-1186 3br 2 5ba .3 story coodo, 1/2 bay/bch. furn, wd. 2 c 1ar 1906 W Balboa Blvd S2400 7U ·865· 1899 llr Ha, 11111• liv1n1 area, deck, and new lndry. close to beach, RENTALS S25001t10. 949·71S·351% Reral To Share 6030 Corona dtl Mar • .-... Cr-* ~tad, NI S.hwe ~Ir 21/tla ~ M'2&..-o.n,. Slot Townhouse w/l person, T•tn ~ ..._ Ol)tlOn. carace. w/d. S700m Incl Aeit1t. !M&o7!a. l526 Ulll$, Molle 949 720·0809 .....,..,. l each 4 lst ST illere with 1 penon $675/mo with r•f'lllna Incl, 714·318·545 Ntwport Harbot town· hm. on water, Ir br, pvt ba, pklne, w .. Hn clst. 11our kit. fp, laund, Jaltd com II} atJO 9&tliOo 7123 Rooms for Red I040 Nl/Oc:eet1 View rooms, Ocunfr ont/Und. pvt rm, unfurn, shirt b•, utlt pd, n/amkt. kttch enatte. lndry. I block to Newport Pltr $695/mo. tlr, 11a, New La . lllkhln, tile firs, ti.tc:ony, w/d, utol locl. Sll95m, ds to bc:Mhopa 98-275-2021 • 1~ IJPI*' w!b*. utts lllcd. le sri li'I pr, 1/1.5, ~ SI~ 949-222.:sn5 x.25? Mertverlte Jlr /21• luxury refurb home $35(X)n Alie ..... r• 28t llla. new C#Jlll &' f)M1t S1100m 949-71~13 • 2.sM Brand new k>• Twntvn. l 95Qgf, 2c pr, 1 blodl from P~. ~mo. 562·MJ.1081 CWINUT 1·S Call Sam at 949.27g. 14 <....... 7911,i (~tween 9•·Sp> Rere Ot-vllle sn1I· ato1 y dtt1ch 3br 2h, 2c aer, pted cc>mm, f)OOI, 'I" l3600mo. 12mo IM. cnnt 5&.'Z~ a2D1 A touch of ttely 4bt • -· 2.5b1i Strtda home. • R£SIOENTIALRENT.Al..S •LATl~u~':t:'n"as ·ORANGE 7400 Stefenle Meurer COUNTY 949 7115.31 Sf! SELL your stuff ttrooafl classified! 4lr .. '---homt wt-.... ,90!, lfll, Ml ~ encl -11/tMt~ ~lfl•~m --------~--.__-..;~-..;__, ___ ...., _________________ .... __ .... .._ __ ..._ ......... ;-_____ ._ __ ..., _____ ._ ____ ........ ~'---"-~ --~-'"' ......... -· :. DaHy Piiot l lr'• Y1/1er, $109S/mo & llr'• from $855/mo 111 lovely flllld comm ~Ill' Tri Square, Irids•. Indy f1cUrty. Klein Mnrt 877·704·11649 x 9200 2br lba, f'llll tdlool. llZI> + SllX> a.p. WIW ..,. no pm, ~ ~74J.JO!I> 0¥1•t ht£ llr l'/~a. twnllm styie a.pt RenlOd w1llH11 ~. M>eb $12!'iOn 'JI ... 9&J23.0l45 Nr ledl l.y, 111 remod 28r 1.58• condo, 2c Cilr, fp. wd hlr.ups. no peh $1325/mo 949·!>48 8384 l'el4e Sfa, completely remod1l1d, 2br I b1, bid! hH , new crpVp11nV krt/b• 217 E 20th 19 t SlS75 949 378 8999 !bl qUiirl. West3idl °' dlt-SIC llortll. '*' c:a-p,'pwil ,,. • lu1d. yd. CUM! SlfB5 + dip 913 w 2Dlh Sl lllw~!lnl Jii; I .SIMI ,.w;;i;;;; ... 2 c pl. Ip. wd ht.up formel din, yd. meld •1t S1750/mo 949 293 4631 c.. 2br 2.!5ba '°""'1house, s-td1 .,, pd>, blilalny. lc .,,mmn~. ,.t $1156no 9&29J..41BI l".W. Lr1 lBr '-· fp. clll dlt IJI' . .,.;d ~ Ir& r't.~ZJ6 "'-*Ym SJ.lllQno 9&71~2llil •-VM4e Buuliful rtm*I 4br. 2ba, house tp, hrdwd tin, S2300/mo ~ 9&246.lfl78 ........ ar ... _. "'*-l>YI pMJo. .,, • .me pool ..i ~ Wft) hfwpl!.. .._ trasll meld Ptl 011 s1550ft> =gt n4-cm :s.D Laafilrllt 2~ 21te te..,,.t.-u. Super nice' New carp. peinl. pa ho. 11r. laund S1'!}5. dt'p 26198 Hill \IO<JI Blw 94~ 645 991J u.itstt ._.c.,...ar1•1• 2 c pr, tot•I remod.I bucll & tennrs ckJb S22IOO/mo 949 6-44 2JJO Nnpoltlach IAY ONT ON llOO PENINSULA NIW 21r 21a COTIAGlS Prrnl• Bilich Pool ind Spa W1fll to Ocean, Shops and R11t1ur•nts. LHH 6/mo 2 yr• Boat Shp Au1labl<I 110 UOO PUil DL 949 673 tiOlO Of 949 723 5830 "HO C11iforni1 t1w re qurres th1t contrac tors llAllllJ jobs 111•1 total S500 or mor1 (l1bot' or m•t• .. h ) be licemed by the Con tr •c tors Stilt l icense 8 otrd St•tt la.,. •ho requlf n t111t conlr1clort include ti-license numbet on .. .o.,.tmnc You Cllfl t,_. the slalllS of yo 11r llctnud contr1c t o r •t www CSlll Cl aov or I00-321 ·CSLB Unh u nsed contrectors talll111 jobs tll1t tot1J less th•n SSOO lllU&t 1t1te In lhetf 1d'ftrllsemenls th•I ther are not lrcenHd by the Contractors State l lcenM Boetd," studtos •011 Ntw p110t ' tiupet, $1200/mo Heh ~1119'9 71S 3513 lbr lb.I iws llllt. S1V'S lO SAHDt itew UlrM/ 1*11. ti>. off \beet ~ Sl450+ dr.f> 5aZ3 RMr /we llC Olt ...... J..ttll leyvtew c_. 2bt Zba 11' pool 1300sf I ~ from bac-bay No pet bll SIJIXVmo ~ v.,..111.. 2br 2bl penthoule, ocn views bale on y. cnmm pool/le~ art Sl800 949 673 7800 YIAalY HIUAlS nur Ille be.ch 2br. Iba .21>1 lb• •&t SISOO $1850 94 9 293 46 )() • lliAIU ,.,,,, Ow-',., JO lliln AuToMollu Sima -..n-o.-llr-S...W TUlll~SHOP (949) 645-4641 .... IL II • .... Q.t ....... Pre. .. , ... .. Ww4 p,..,, .... ,_ effk• -...... c...-..... t4t·7......US ....... I A••••••11 COM PUTER HELP! ........... ........... flt•• 11 l etlil9\: Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! In ClASSJflED (949)642-5678 Complllr SeMces c....-.... Softwsel Hardware 1nsl.tllatron lrOtA>le ~ ~ lt'ftU'llbe '*' n4-!JQ ~ ........ .\rJ7h ( ............ ~ l ~c:-~i l~i.;;~~= c.& ... _..~ (849) 54M595 eana.' Macny ... ldt II.cit St-Tiie Concnte, PallCI. OIMwly ftrtp6c. BBQ Ref's 25Yu Eap ''" 714-557 7S9' T <-•M-C•mentwMk, 8 rk k, Tiie & Mott Reltlblt No job too smlll 714 615·9062 a..._ NllllNI• YOUIMOMI IMNOVllUNT NOJICTl C.fl I plumbef. painter. h1ndym1n « 1ny ot the p Ht Sllt'ltceS listed hen In our Hf Viet d11ec:toryl THESE lOCAl $VC I' Of'l[ CAN HE.LP' YOll TOOA.YI \ Automobiles - AIDnaltWI -Avdl 'tt A4 2.1 "' nu, mel1lhc 2reen/arey llhr. CO mnrl. lully loaded Ith new v624521 $14.995 fin & w1rr 1va1I Bk r -949 -586 1888 -·~··<- 'HIWPS AUTO IMW J11t Se-. '9S Blildl w/81Kto lntero Low Mile!.• •187051 $11,!8>00 ....-lUSc-. 2+2 '9S 8t1tish Racrne Green with Cfeme Luthe< low Miles' ~~utyl •18955C S18.89000 fw4M ........ , ....... Vb lt 5 ~. a/c CO playl!f Ml power , 18560 S9 9lr) 00 ~lUSC....,..'M Ve.y Rare VI? Low M~• Immaculate Coupe• •18471 $998000 Ponct. 911 T• .. C...-'IO Ttw. rs a r•e fw\d' ~ice Well mainta!Md 911~" •18646 Sl6.!8JOO MIZJOOCI c.,..-.2 White w ICrey I eathtw Ttw. ri ooe ratt MBZ 4 ~ABHuty• •18771 SIC BOO IMW 740! Se-.··-lmm.culate white w ~rey L~lhl'f 8t1vtrful •187)0 S29 98000 lelrVll.5400 ~·•1 Tins l'I f C.Ht lU•UIV SMan Pt.ad to wt fASl OSJ4ll S21.9ll0 00 Mer ...... 9-z C2l0~'02 Bia<.~ ~uty' Hutry for thrs one Watranty # 18869 $22,980 00 U ZU20S......'96 Pllf1t<'t Wlwte w/le.llhet low Mllnr * 18606 Sl9 9BO 00 IMWZ3 ............ ShtMy Red w/9Lklo er~t • onverhbli" ~I seiel •18770 SIJ.9BO 00 I MWUOO Ceupe '95 fhrl I'\ OOll OIC. r • t BMW~low~ • 18867 S29. <Jiil 00 Jeep Wr-w-'" Red w/T .an lntl!f '°' 6 c yl <; 5'>ttd • 1893Jf Sl3 9BO 00 .. , 574-7777 ~AUTO Bldrtcal Services ~, ... ,..,.,.., OuncMi [lecllrc 'lC1Yn [op loc:.al;()ud Reponw Setw:e/'lemodels l•275870 949-650 7042 lKINSID CONTUCTOtt Ho JOO too tm M w-1 Rep11<, remodel fans Sfll• new SVC 9&646-36156 ~ fnd1y, J1nu1ry 10, 2003 A 11 Bv CHARLES GOREN whh OMAR SHARIF Md TANNAH HIRSCH TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE GET THERE t'IRS1 NORTH • K8.S3 A.S ) • K Q 10 9ll 6 SOtrfH ~· ••2 J JO 6 AK 195 2 •7 5 4 • QJ 1097 6 Q84) 7 6 •J The b1ddi WTST ~II EAST SOl 'TH J 3• I 24> .. ... .,_ P1'llA .... Opening le.id (Juoen ol ln ~hall, the pund1ti. will tell yu<J thu1JuoJ pnclung ~111 prc~•1l o\cr g1>1 h11tmg. At bodge. g<>•ld dden"L' win nfkn oven,ome go.Id bidding and play North wuld OOI make .i talm111t doohle of nne dJ..nxinJ bc.:au..e of \h(~ 111 heans An O\craJl 11[ 9004~ l,..C> duhl. ""ill> ch<~n v.nh thc mini lKJn of bidd1n11 'pilik' ldlct .JiookJ Clf\.'UffiMWll.e!> J>Cllltll l-.obl m.adc a JlfCCmptJve ra1-< tu three d1amu1x1' and, dc\p1k J ,. c.O. h&nJ 'iouth dxN: tu wn1pc1e .. 1th lhr~ 'i*k' 1l '' rx11 "''°n'"f hndgl' tu remain "lent and comcu u good •1x-co.n.I ma)OI' h>11r •P*k' "'3!r J fl(wmll LCIC\ltlol I and wuulJ h.&•c bttn rnadfo aga1ml ...n)thinr le" th<111 \tcllar defcn-e Wc•I ltd the IJU«n OJ dtollllOod~ and. ... , " of~n the 4'il..C. the c:rueuJ play had IO he m.iJc al lbc •et'}' fir.I 111< l. bl\I C411 ~ tlu.I thc club \Ull will provide <kcl.irc:r with all the di• card' needed. 11<1 the defcn..e mu•I i.akc: wlu.t tn<.:k\ they L'Ull "-' 111....i '' P."'""k lllc only plain \Ull "'here an) 1nd. n11gh1 he t:Miihh\I~ " heart• Tu l'llkr IU lhc J)O'>IUllll in the d1.igram. Ea•I mu\t ovc~ thc quttn of d111 rntin<l\ 11>1th thc I.mg lllld ~1h h) t.ll( Jik.I. 11f hcan\ Th" fine defen'< leu\ev South hclple'' Whclhcr decl..rer co•er• wuh thc 411ttn or du.b the dcfenden mu.\1 collect 1 '"'I. in each \ull for a one tnd: ..a. With any other dcfen~. S<iuth will ha•e llnll' to lon.c out the hlock ace\ . I.:. av. lflllllP' and W.e hcGn.' ili 'Ulfd, oo dummy·, high du...._ 9004 Automollve ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ IMW '95 540! IOOlo m1. black/bit. buuttful oncm11 lond hnancina & warr ;ov11I v#249762 SI0.9'JS Bl<r 949 586 1888 IMW '95 74011 ollver, 1mm•culate. 7811 m•. e• t w111 . non/smlor, S22.000 obo (949J 642 2165 eves fOf'cl ''6 Wt...htot Cl l pan 1 ed AC fully loaded. runs & ~' &rod. SA775 vl2Jl~7 co,ta Mewa-~7822 Jeep '95 G....,, Cherc.t.ee l TO h 4 V8. wlll/l.an 11tr $7SOO/obo !'.ii~ fjr;Q ~~~Jl!Zl M .. u6ea 'U JOOSl Corceous. Blue/blue fthr $.4995 •21521!> Costa Mn• Olr 949 646 1822 ._....."99SJ'ZOLWI ~ m1 lull fatt warr bl•c~ blk CO. chrome whh ~ar aaed n smkr ltk• "'"' v8S76 2 1 SJ I '1'1':> fin •v.111 8kr 94" ~86 1888 www.e~poiol.cem Ninon '93 Ahl-GXl 4uto d un look• d<1vn IMW 740! '91 ..tirW bt«t.. loilded 6:11 '"' CPS. t hrom• wheel\ S28.<XXVobo 949 7fi0.al98 CAD 11...,. .... •tt nc. 691( m1. 80 .. e IUdlO 12 CO player. P11vate Party Sl2.900 949 673 !>624 ,..,, ..... •11 llwo4e looh & drtvu nrce $1475 obo t7S4896 Co!tJ Meil 0. 9661& 7822. Cltevrolet 't 6 Cem•• Conv. Blulo 6cyt loaded S644S 11953268 Com Ml!sa (»-~"fffl2. L.-1 ....... '00 on--., Seties II 2~1o m1. lull fut warr \tlver 11rty llhr dual mnrf • rea• \Uts CO hloe new v49247 I t 23.995 l1n an~ 8)J ..,_ ocl>'bt <M"I p~rf s 1985 ••846548 58 CHlVY MONlt CN10 '80 0 n*5. orp --~ ·-.<*Id nm Mf..+.cM1n Clwywlw '97 '"-Bu\11 looks & dr !Vt!\ ntee AT M:. CC. PW ~ w321D CM !» 96fJll& 782'l c1wy .. 1., .,_ ·m;;;;; & l ountry UU white eirev lthr. 1mmac cond CO drtves ht.e new beds S7200 9if9. l50-5l02 fw-4 bp6orw ~ "" 8i;ick W/ ~e"/ rnte'O Cre31 condrbon Vwy Cleiwl Wdl ~ p-lod ...o-. m pUyer SIO.!il> 9&57U241 fotd '96 fiqtlo.er Sport Al mnrf tc purl bllo cry lthr S644S •~52136 C.ostl ~ 0. 9661&782'2. Jer.i '96 M uoto119 Convt 4711 m1 aa•111ed CO new CR 17 llfn Sil 900 949 673 5624 949 st~llU leavo'tl ut 470 lmmacul•te Blacll ,.,, lthr. 111 011& books SJ3.900'149 3SO '>207 M aacla '99 Mlota Conv 34k m1 auto r "' bl1ck 1nl & top beautiful 0111 cone! vS97?41 $10.995 l1n & warr ,.,,, Bkr 949 S86 1888 -.~ ..... ... •••<•"•• .... , '90 300£ 2 6 81.tck tan lthr. snrl. ni<.e <..ir SS/~ • • 2340 I l Cos ta Me~ Otr 949 646 7822 ........... , .... 320( Cot ll90'J\' blac:ll/bll 11111 ' S19.~ vlf521254 Costa Mn.i Ok 949 646 7827 Mffce4eo lou '12 380 SH updated option\ rutored m & oul m1nt lOnd J6200 714-222 ZM Mer<edet ''7 C210 Corceou\ l"l\ mt l owner . fully lo•ded book\ retords mnrl SIS.22!1 v•21'>48S Co•ta Mna Olr 949 646 782'1 Mffceclea 't9C230 Kompreuor, 6211 nll non/smk1 lulluy laaded Sl6.995 v•"i21332 Cosu Me"'a Oh 949 646 7822 Men~ 'IS 190( 2.l A 1 AC. snrf super '"'""· rww Irr~ n~t "" S749!> vt6l8173 Co\ta Mna Dir 949-646 7frl2 M .......... , 3001 J.2 , .. ;i ''4 Mv•t-, red. V6. !>spd. super clean, S3995 v•215489 Cost. ~~ Otr 949 646 7822 fOltD T-... l'ff.W C ~. wtlrle, Mies taa ' lluime paid $500)/obo 818-91)2 5250 b4.lcll.. iO'~ 'inl't lthf fotlD T-... P«.W. 4 l>eau1Jful S89'X> •521 l25 pas~ whit Wiles l.H Com Ml':;;t c. ~ 7822. & ~ Jl<ltd S5£0l/ob0 Mercecl•• '96 U20 81~952 S250 7111 m1 wh1te/oalm•al f<MtD T.-P«.W, 4 llhr '!.llrf CO be.ouhful ~ wtwt.e. \.ties tu ore cond ~l SIS99'> & ltceme paid $500)fobo 8 Ir. r 94 9 5 86 1888 818·952 S250 ___ ........... ... = Da~Bamlltoe M9-l.22..a292 H111dym1N HamlRepalr 20Y-..ef 0-'lty c.r.._.h~ Udl674113 (t4') U0-'525 Merli Heall & 8allly Le.. up te 20lts ~ Mantlo, triple your en•rl'f o..ty SJl.'5 Call l1sa 949~645 667 7 Home~ n.-.. °"""" s-. ~ .. home' .. rr. est. s.... 11 o c nc.542..JQJ 714-JIS.. llOI -·· .._ ~ '* Nit. -_.,,.,.ctn~ --... MMZl~ ....... I REAL ESTAT•: I . .d .... Ron ~Young N,.., u,,.,.~~A~r !!.~}"J!~ Costa~ l»' ~782'1 Nluen '1 7 S•-~o GXf 112 auto '°'*'' & rUO\ pe<I N" PW POI. !.' endma < ,,.. '"' 1<'445 ...-21~ r~~t.a MeH Olr 949 646 1822 Olchmoblle '9S Aurora V8 llrim.ic lull1 '"•cled Wanled 9045 ltht 8411 m1 ssn!i v•IH41:>0 Co•l• Mes• 1 CASH FOa CAllS Olr 9'9 646 J8l'l Wt neecl your.tar pa•<! --------lor l)r not Phillips Autu •-t• aever '9 7 4 6 Au. 101 Mal<.olm HS( bOll m1 m•t•llu 949 "i74 7777 d.irk cre•n o.itmul lthr I 18 whl,, fabulnu• t ar WANTlD I fabulou1 <Ond SIB 99'). 200? H11hd•y Cel~br~tl"" ltrm ••265124 Im w111 IA.alll .i•••I B~r 949 "i86 1888 949 '>74 4247 ·-·· ...... .., 7 4 6 HSl 60li m1 mtlalltt dark crren o•tmul lthr 18 whr~ l•bulnu\ c•• 1.ibulrlu\ tone! $18 99'.i firm v•265124 ltn warr ao11 Bkr 949 'j86 1888 SAA.I •91 •oos Red 1rey lthr AT A C perfect tond. 1119 ·~c I $499'.i v•21S84S Custa Me\I Olr 949 64'1 782l Scrtwn '95 Sl2 ll•d 5 \pd •m tm < ~\\ 40r S2250 vl21'>4S8 Costa Meu Dir 949 646 7822 __ _..__ --- ......... ., 240T....t.. lnl'<tOOler .?~ mt \unrool tint 1un\ eood S900 949 640 7660 AUTOMOBUS, MISCB..lANEOUS Wanted 9045 ~ o,...d 0...- 0ver <t() year'\ • •ri .. poJY • -v mrr pr~ 1nr "°"' c..-v,., rs truek pm lr.Y or nae c.11 00 Rf-/ @ Tomato Auto ~ 1~ Ul l!'jjl or 714-l28-JZ21! .......... .... 1-&-M&-3257 TOURE llST MOVllS Sst /~ H•"t1n1 111 Cities lnsu1 ed fu t. courteous c1rt ful T163844 800 246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE Tht Cahl Public Ut1ht1H cornll'l1SSt0n requlfts th1t '" used houuhold 1oods mOYllf S rflllt thl lf P U C Ca T num....-; llmH and ch1utteu.s print therr T C P num!Mr In 111 1dvlf trsements If JOU have any questront. al>ollt tlie lt11l1t1 o l • mover , l imo o l ctmltteur, cell l"U9· llC UTlllTIES COM-Ml S SION 714 551· 4151 BOATS Power Boats 9515 '96 llh Dvffy ne• batter""' & COW< prof'I ma1<1tat11~ •Int cond SlO<XX> ~ BOAT REPAJRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 IOAT SUP IU< sub let 7511 r tb M y Newpo<I Be•l h S:i'J per ft • ~leclnc:tv 949 640·~52 50ft DOU 12) 2Stl ~P•<~s @ SIS ft II l ?Ott sp.lce @ $12/ft or IAkf! 1t all 94~ 723.7440 SUPS A'IAU.IU Nf>wport H11bor beautrful loc many 11zes No hve •bomts 949 675--4847 PLUG I t'J Plug into the Pilot ClasS1f1ed section to find services from electronics and plumbers. to landscapers ano painters Daily Pilot Class1f1ed Communi ty Marketplace • dMSIOn04 ... ,J__, PIP( lOCA TIHC £LECTRONIC SI. A8 LEAK OHECTKl"l fr~y s.rvice •••·•75 -t S04 s. , •• • •••• ,.41 ,, .. ,, ... ... , .. , . Pl•<t• a.. ....... -4 te44ryl ·-· .... Oaetf Pilot I Al2 Friday, January 10. 2003 LINCOLN • .MERCURY . " ' 36 month closed-end lease; $7244 at start of lease; $550 security deposit required; plus tax and 1 At This Payment (J09689) license; 20e per mile charge ove r 12,000 miles per year. ON APPROVED FMCC CREDIT. .... .,.,_,. few ... laJlel. "'Y ,.._ ctwaea. 111y dcekr document ....,.non dwJe. and any emwlon tts11n1 clwJc SAU PRl('.E 0000 llfROllvlt 121011,_,12 RI RATF Iii< LIEU or WfC'IAI (l(Y, 11"-A '' 1111(, 3 At '1 hi\ Net Co-,t '00 FORD FOCUS 26K Mile , Auto Full Power 4JTU454 '99 HONDA CIVIC EX~ DOOR Low Miles, Auto. Moon Roof. Full Power 504131 '01 MERCURY SABLE LS 25K Mile. Full power. Xlnt Condition, (4PVX724) ..... llJ+GI .... -Md IUa. mty flDMc:ie-... 111y ... documeal PftpllnlllOO chllp. llld 111y emwioo testma ~-REBATE IN lkU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE n NAM 'l"'G 2 At Thi' Savings "J()(XK)J418 J2J '99 MERCURY VILLAGER ESTATE Top Of The Line, 24k Mlle. Moon Roof, CD, Loaded (4GOG395) '02 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS Leather, Full Power. Best Buy (4VIJ869) '00 LINCOLN LS 36K Mlle , CO, Full Power, Afforaa61e·Luxury (786844) '02 NISSAN MAXIMA SE 4K Mlle, Sharp One Owner With Moon Roof, CO. Spoiler, Uke New (453122) '01 LINCOLN TOWN CAR Dependable Lu.x~ry At An A11ordable Figure (4SSM714) '01 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Showroom Fresh, Peal1 White, CertJfled (4ACY079) '98 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 4X4 Black Beauty. Chromes, CD (J58256) '02 LINCOLN TOWN CAR EXEC <•vRc 138) '02 LINCOLN L:S-V8 SPORT Top Of The Line With.Moon Roof, Chrome•. CD. Pho~. Loaded (627272) ·. •to••• •t• ••• •t• ••• 'tT 488 •ao ••o ••t 800 •at,eoo •aa,eoo ••••••• •••••• o