HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-17 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. ' ........ --. ·.· - ..... ..... . ... ,,._ .. -.,... ,,. ... ,-.····· .,,·.·~·-· ,, ....... . ~······ ~····-· .. -.. · . .. . . . .•. . · . . . ... · ..... .. . . .. :-· .· :: :: :: :-:-~-- , •• . • • • i ' ' • • a1 10 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, JANU~Y 17, 2003 PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW OAI• 1 P1LOT Landon Orcutt, 18, a freshman at Vanguard University, sings along with other students during the Day of !'rayer at the college on Thursday A day of reflection Vanguard University hosts its first-ever 24-hour Day of Prayer on Thursday. Lolita Harper Oa1lyP1lot COSTA MESA -Students from Vanguard University took theu de- votion to the streets Thursday as they participated In a walk of prayer, designed to thank God for the uni- versity and to request his strength as It grows. About 200 students made theu way down Fair D{ive. up Ne~ort Boulevard and around the edge of camp~ while holding hands, prdJs- mg God and praying for the school and community. The walk was part of Vanguard's community day of prayer created to kick off the spnng semellter. Urnver- sity officutls said they dedicated 24 hours to unite as a body and wor- ship God's wisdom. The day began with chapel at 9·30 a.m. and students, staff and faculty proceeded with the waJJc of prayer around the parameter of the school The walkers gathered after in the See DAY. Paa• M Heaven Peabody, left. and Emily Maier, both 21. sing for students gathering m prayer at Vanguard Urnversrty on Thursday REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK Major quake could damage school Engineers say a large temblor could harm students in two Newport Harbor High buildings. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot :"\EWPOR r HLI\< Ii -Engi neers han• deemed rwo :'\ewport Harbor High \thool bwldm~ unacceptable n.,b m d ma1or earthquake Robms HaU cil1d l..oat'> Theater which are rnnneued. hou-.e 15 tl~roomc;. all of thl adm1mstra· v-"ll\e offices. the hbrcm· and food -.en1ces While d1!>tnct otticiab ha\ en t deoded If the bwldmgc; will be se1smJcall) remforced or torn down, one of theu top pnonues I'> relocating the r;rudents and '>taff But this v.111 not ~ done until the .. ummer ~cau-.e theres no place to mow them nght nov. '>dJd Paul Reed. a~1stant super mtende'at. On Tuesday the !'\e'A pon-Mesa Unlfied boMd of lrubte~ appro\ed Rced'i cec.om- mendation to stan preparing a cransition plan to \'acate th~ bwlchngs. Paren~ and admm1stra10~ art> talang the ne'A"> about the se~· m1c ruk m stnde saymg they feel comfortable v.1th the discncu. omeline "I don't thml 11 warrants panic.· said l..tsa Boler. PTA president "\\e ha\lt' to tru5t that the ardutect.s the) ve lured and other people invoived wtth \.tea · sure A the di.stnet's factlll)• im- provement program1 know what they're doing and wouldn't put our duldren or our staff at nsk." The comprehensive faa.UI)· improvement program. wtucb is pnmanly funded by a Sl 10-mll- See QUAKE, Paa• A5 A series of offers 100 good to refuse H is proposal was one I could not refuse. My brief affair with the Daily Pilot had been compelling. addicung. I had tasted the first bite and I wanted more. Through writing. photograph)'. and exploration of the community, I had experienced my world In a new way . CORAL WILSON Perhaps these are somewhat normal, everyday experiences m the life of a reporter. but for me, it was more meaningful than that. I had become a significant member of my community. how could I refuse? Except. there was Rahul Rahul was my crazy Indian college friend who, upon our last meeting and parting more than six years ago promised. "You must come to my ~ding.• As to whom he would many and when, his parents would arrange all of that we had only to come Costa Mesa i.s wonderful. but Calcutta ~'3.S trTeSlStible. ·1 would lo\.-e Lo accept ~ur offer: I ~Tony.·But • "You really want to go to lndia?. Tony asked. "Yes," I admitted. ·Then I think we can wait for ~u. • And with those WOids. I was free. I bad everything I wanted. CUoing my . obligatiom short and quiddy tying up loose ends. I bought my tided on a • Coral Wilson sits in front of the Taj Mahal on a recent trip to lndi~. I had reminisced with founding members of Orange Coast College for a hi.story column. discussed the traffic congestion problems with county supervisors and met extraordi!'W)' volunteers ln the community whose ptt&ence left my heart a little bigger. So at the end of last year, when Editor Tuny Dodero offered me a full·tirtte position with the paper. Now he had returned to my life to fulfill his previ0\.1' invitation with promises of silk. gold.and elephants.~ news was eent aaoss the continents to all of our fonner college friends: He would pay for all of our land expenses. .; SM NOTEBOOK, Pace AS i Looking like a hot issue 72 HOURS Daily Pilot New pizza Hottfes Pizza. scheduled to open ln the coming A quick guide to the weekend restaurant is asking AT A GLANCE months at 325 Old Newport CHINESE BRUSH PAINTING RAJECKAS & INTIW.8: SUNDAY MUNCH to be allowed to Blvd., earned a prelimlnary deliver beer and bluslng &om the Planning 1 Artist Ve-Na C. Chen IMAGN~TION 3 '~~and ONTtEWEB: CommiJslon on Jan. 9 for wek:omea tM public to 2 Using mime, modem ulad bu"* ... hint of www.~can wine with its pies. the restaurant's request to mMt with her Ind view dance, c:omectv and whit'• In ICOf'e It SYtllon serve beer and wlne on alte Mr collection of Chlneee brush veudelllffe, 1M duo ptac9 Hoell for h:a &.nd9y WEATHER Jun• ca .. 1r1nd• and also to deliver beer and pelntinQ9, currently on dlapl.y ,..nwnta thelter. They lnaplre bfunc:t\. Fn:iin 10'.30 a.m. to 2 Daily Pilot wlne along with fDod. at 1M UCI Student Center, Eut h lmeglnation of lcldt end ~·.eoo Get out h "''*" ~ Enwald a.y, INfM. A adufta tlb with dl.togue, &Nd., Newport t.c.u.. It's. hoe one.; •t think this ls a hot l sue r.ceptlon wHI ti. Mtd from 1 to mueic. wdlence pertldpltlon 8Md\.. $30; *40 wftt\ S.hpA2 NEWPORT BP.ACH -A if you're the parent of teen· 8 p.m. today. For mote end &eughtw. Two ~ (141t(79-l00\. conttOYeJ'IJ.al request by a agers,• Oty Councilman lnfon'Mtk>n, Clft (Ma) ~w4M begkl It 11 SPORTS C!,:." rettaurant to deliver John Heffernan aatd. 82415• a.m. end 1 p.m. SiMdlv et the , 4 and Wine will come be· The commilllon also PwfomMne Atta c.ne.r. eoo &llridl Hlih r::.. trellllte.I ... fore the Oty Co\mcO. wbk:b panted a request to change Town C...OliYt, Colte la Ubly to be 1 ... tuppordve the houn of operatlon on Mele. TM COii ii•· for man NIM In COiia of the requett than were dty the comPIJ'.ly'• permit to 2 I o lnfonnlttOn, ce11 C71•) e.2m ........ M I ltd and Plannlna comlnll· . ,e10n91'1. lee HOT, hp M --==--·· ---· A2 F~. J.wiuary 17, 2003 ON THE K£tfl TREPTOW fDM.Y Pt.OT Cory Weber. the co-owner of the Shell fuel dock in Newport Harbor, holds a bilge pad designed to soak up oil and fuel rn boats. A quick fix · June C11a1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -No one admits they do it. but the offenders are out there somewhere: Boaters who. for sake of convenience, sometimes pump the contents of their boat bilges into the ocean. The c_ounty's health care agency is helping boaters to recycle their bilge pads and pick up n ew ones for free. special.isl for the coum y agency Th~ot program is paid for by state envuunmentaJ granL'> funded largely through '>urcharges coru.umer. pdy for every quan of oU p urchased. £11c agency also hope<. for '>lale funding 10 expand the program into a pennanenl one that would include a fret> btlge pump nut station. It seems harm.less enough. 1ust Oushl.ng out accumulated ocean water. until you consider that just about any filled boat bilge contains a significant amount of oil and gas. And these pollutants WHATS AFLOAT • WHATS AA.OAT is published periodically. If f ou are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay SL. Costa Mesa. CA 92627;byfaxto(949)646-4170;or by e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.oom SM.Ka a.ASSES Onnoe Coast Colege is ofhring new credit and non-credit sailing classes this spring. Most classes are five weeks in length, and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers. even keelboats. And there are cruising seminars. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway. Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412 or visit oocuillng.oom. S.ifing Fucin81ion affws $; .... in boating safety and saill year-round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. 0nnge County ernpioy9rs can bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a dey of sailing courtesy of contribute to the destruction of fragile marine enviro nmenll> A new program is aiming 10 change all of this. The f.nvtronmental Health d.JV1S1on of the county's Health Care AgenC) has staned a pilot program m Newpon Harbor. Boaters can pick up free absorbent bilge pa~ at the SheU Station at the Newport Landing Fuel Dock. Orange Coast College. The Sdlool of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to work with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing expenenoe necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS With M.rina WaterSports at the Balboa Fun Zone. you can en1oy nautical experiences ranging from mild to wild. Take a setf11ulded tour of the bay in your choice of power and s.a1' watercraft. jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo Jetboat, put your sport·fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston Whaler or soar above it all on a parasail flight along the Newport.Coast. Complimentary ice and beverages inctuded with all electric boat rentals. (949) 673-3372. Balboa ~ Rentals can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks. electric boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boau and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour acavenger hunts aboard the DailyAPilot VOL 97, N0.17 lliOMAS H. JOHNSON. Publishef TONY OOOEAO, Editor .JOOY OETTING. ~~, Promot.ione DirectOf EDfT1NG S'TAff LJ.Cllhn, Maneglng EditOf' (949) 674-4233 e.J.c.htt• latlm#.com ......... OtyEditor (M>?&M32A ,.,,,..=~ ·SportaE~ (Mtfu..&22'3 f'DP'°"°"·~ ..... J. ....... Alt OriC9or 1-... DIM Chief ,.., "'"4Z2A ........ ~ ..... MllC:I .... "'°'°~ (M)1JM* • llln/lhOtO·~ "---..-4------~---- . --_ _........_.. Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Paul Sartowitt, Daniel Stevena NEWS STA.Ff 0...,.Bhendl Cnme and couru reporter, (9'9) 574-'226 cJMt».bha,..th ,_,,,,.. com June C•r1ru• Newpon ~~et. (9491574-4232 ju~ ~oo.•latlmM oom P9UIOlmon Polhica and environment reporter, (949) 764-4330 paul.~ latfln#com . ..... eo.t. M.u ntp()ftM, (8'8) 574-4275 lohta.,..,,,.,.JMimes.oom DelrdNN9-- Educlltion repott.er, UM8) 57~1 d##"'*-fW1t1111fflM1•1MJ,,,.._oom O........c:Mltlo N9WI NMtanl. (IMI) 174"Ual cnn.t1,...o.mlfo•1.tt11'n# oom Vessel operators simply lay down the pad~ over theu bilge water and the pads do the rest - absorbmg the oil and gru. without ab'°rbing water Then. boaters JUSI tum in the used pads for recycling and jtt'I new ones every time they change their vessers oil M11·s easy and 11 <;Cree, M 'lald Steven Kim, ha.t.ardou.'> waste electric bay boats. providing group activity for corporations. birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings The hunt packages mdude boats, triVla questJons. maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. Eledric boat rentals •N available by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats. 2001 W Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CO players Ice and cups are provided Reservations are suggested An hour rental is $75. (949) 645-o812 A motorized lounge ch•lr m-v be rented at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes for $25 per hour Pedal boats, electric boats. boogie boards, kayaks, inflatable rafts. beadl furniture and wetsuits also are available. (949) 72g..1150 Gondola tours are offe'9d by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-B. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread, dleese, salami. ice, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid PHOTOGRAPHERS Seen H1llef, Don Leadl. Kent Treptow READEAS HOTUNE (949) 642-6086 Record your commenta 11bout the Dally Pilot or news tips Add ... Our address is 330 W. Bay St . Costa Mesa. CA 92627. Off108 hour$ are Mond8y -Friday, 8:30 a m 5 p m ConKtlonl It it the P11o1"1 policy to promptly col1'9Ct all errors of 1ub&Unca. f>leaM Ult (9'9) 57.._.286 FY1 MU you'rt> d r~1den1 or an) one else who en1CJY..'i the manne envuonmc·nt it'> c lt•ar.wh\ th1' j, ii good th111g Ill J>dnlt1(1JH• tn." Kun~d picture. Wine is also available (949)67!>-1 212 Gondola Adventures/Newport. 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cnuses. A one-hour tour wnh champagne 1s $70 A two hour tour with dinner and champagne 1s $180. P1c*up is available at waterfront restaurants. 1949) 675-4984. Irvine CoHt Charters in Udo Marina Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner $1 80 for two persons 1949) 675-4704 Gondola Romance offen daity tours of Newport Harbor during lunch and dinner Call (949) 675-4730 The tours go out of Lido Manna Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beach CRUISES Electric Bo.t Tours offwn two-hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise) Round-trip hotel or off-the·water restaurant shuttle service is available. P1c*-op from restaurants with clocb 1s also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291 -1953 or www wsttsonthehsrbor.com. 92626 Copyright No news s1ories 1llustrat•on1 11d1tori1I matter or 1dvert1semen1s herein can be reproduced w1thou1 wrinen perm•ss1on of copyr1~ht owner HOW TO REACH US Clm.rlation The Times Orange County {800) 252-9141 Adwrtlsin9 Classified {949) 642 6678 Oisrpllry 19'91 642 4321 fdft.odal News (949) 642·5680 SpcHts (9'9) 574-4223 News fa• (949) 646-4170 SPoN f.u (!M9) 660-0170 ~ d•llYP'lot ,.,,,,,.. com Mein Office lk.lllnele Offtoe (949) 642~21 Bu81n ... ,.. (949) 631-7120 Tht Newport Beac:h/Coat1 Mesa D11ly Pilot (USPS 1'4-800111 publl1htld daily In Newport Beach •nd Costa Men. 1ubacrlptton1 are available only by subscribing to The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141. In 1rea1 ouulde of Newport 8adl and Cotte MeN • 1ubecriptlona 10 the 0.l!y Piiot are 1vall•bfe only by fl~ d8l9 mall t0< $30 per month. t~ induct. all epphceble .ute and loeal we• I POSTMASTER : Send addtHI c:hangH to Th Newport Pubhat\ed bV Time& Community ~.a dimic>n of the LOI Angeles Tl met 1 .. ChJC01t• MeH Oallv Piiot, P.O. lo• 15'0, Co••• MtH, CA 2002 T11M9 CH. All rtgh rnetve<f. _Jj Datt Piiot THE HARBOR COLUMN Quenching the need for speed Ahoy I nouce the picture-perfecl morning with lake-like south of San Diego. The marina will have 500 ~ps and will berth as many as 120.root yachts. This is the only harbor between San Diego and Ertsenada and is conditions waiting outside the jetty entrance as we pull away from the boat lawtcb ramp Ill Dana Point aboard a rugh performance, 35-foot Fountain Lightning. about halfway between the two cities. The reason I MIKE WHITEHEAD mention this marina is tha.1 It will shon en the distance 1 will have to go ro deliver new yachts out of CalifornJa to wait the 90-day period to avoid paying CaUlomia taxes. Last week. Sea Magazine senl me 10 9\lfla Point to write a boat test article about the Fountain for their magazine. Boat tests are my chance to put new boats through vanous perfonnance te<>ts and push the boats to their lim.tts while still coming back to the dock in one piece. My dnver for the test was John Groom, the markeung manager for Dick Simon Marine. who is experienced in operaung bigh performance !,">oats. !:>mce you can reach c;pet.'d'> of 100 mph or more. extra training IS reqwred to operate a boat m thJs class. Now. before I recerve a Ooo<l of e-matls about my nauucaJ nomenclature, the skipper 1c; referred to as the ·driver. M and spe<'d 1'> mea.,urt.'d in mph. not knot'>. 111 the high performance clique. I thought I wa'> being spoiled 111 m•w yacht'> crut'>tng in the .W k.nol range. bur 110"' the h3.1 ha' been mi..ed dramatically afti:r vtnuall\< Oymg across the water \e'> you do 'dcnfit'P lfl.'ature comforts for '>peed amt you haH· 10 '>land up "" you do not ge1 hun, but what d n de l11e cru1 .. 1111i: .. peed for the '>lod. ;r; foot I oun1ain I'> 60 mph , and we reached ~H mph a1 WC) I (wide opl.'n throttle). I rdn mJJl) calculauon., 111 my head a'> \.,e 1e..1ed the boat. ant.I I calculated that 11 would lw fa<,ter in th1<; boat to Long Beath or )an Diego than by car. lntere'>t1ng thought, since high '>peed ferrie'> are already being U'>t.>d round the world m !>an f ranc1sco, ~ew York., I .ong Beach. Catalina and the soon-to beg.in \an 01ego to Ocean<i1de I erry -of tOUC")e. not running at 60 mph vet. Are you listening. Orange < oumy 1 rampona11on Autho riry? This type of boaung as not for the faint hearted, but a thnll for those of you that have a need for 'peed. 'ipealung of '>pee<l, I have been watching a new manna under construction in Mexico where speed would be an tronic word A new marina ts sJowty being built at Puerto SaJina - nonh of Ensenada and onJy about 33 nautJcaJ miles I have mentioned in many of my columns that costly 11ems ltke boats and airplanes are relocated outside Ca.lifom1a. saving the owner 1eris 1f not hundreds of thou.sands of dollars 1n taxes. If Gov. (.,ray DavtS · succeeds in raising the sa.J~ tax as he has proposed. then I foresee an increase in offshore delivenes for yachts and htgh-ucket items bemg purchased outi>1de the state ReaW.ttcally. an increase in Ca.hlom1a '>ales tax will be profitable for our .. urroundmg i.tate., and Meiuco Roat' that can be trailered will be moved to An1ona or Nev-.ida, and larger hoal'> will be moved to the Par 1fk Nunhwest or Mex1w 1.t>I., do the math Pre'>t'ntly. a mi111on-dollar b1>at '>Old m Orange County JM)"> $77 ,50() In \3.J~ tax dnd ahou t S 11 .000 annually in per<,onal property tax. equaling S88.500 for the fir'>t year The governor's new plan will add another SI 0,000 in taxt'l. increasing the totdl 10 S'l8.SOO that you would pay for the pnvilege o f buytng ii new vat ht. 'xJ \.\hat would you d o Lf you tould \ave 1us1 under SI 00.000 in taxes. plus no annuaJ personal property tax of S 11 .0001 If the marina dcvelope~ are watching our state capital. then I expect to se~ a htUe more speed in buildmg the manna. The announcement of the wt>ek 1s that West Manne ha'> bought all of BoatU 5 · retatJ store opera11on!> and will partner with o ther RoatU S. '>ervice'\ BodtU S. has also opened a '>tort> a mile from the West Marine store in Newpon Beach. More next week. Sare voyages. • MJKE WHITEHEAD 11 the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist Send him your harbor and manne-rei.ttld thought. •nd story suggestions via e-mail to Mike BoathouH TY.com or visit Boathouu TY.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It'll be another wonderful day, but without the winds. Highs will top out at about 80 In Costa Mesa wtiile hovering In the mld-70. In Newport Beach. Overnight lows will stay remain cool et about 45 degree&. 'Mt'll 1;,e mon1 clouds on Saturday. with highs dlpplnv •bout eight degrees. Lows will beafmilar. lnfonMdon: www.nws.nou.(IOV BOATING FORECAST The windl will btow light rn the Inn« watllra thtt eftemoon, wtth 2·foot W8WI Ind. wea1 twell of 3 to i fMt. Law, t~ windt will blow 10 to 15 knots. Out ftnher, the wfnde wfH t.iow 10 to 15 knot.a, with 2.foot wrves end 1 ~ twe11 of 5 to. fMt. ~ wte1 blow r~ tNe ev.nfng, wtth Moat wevet end•~ .-1 of 4 to 7 feet. SURF The letest northwest energy amvea today, but It'll onJy do 10 mud'I as to bump us bacl Into the chest-high range, wfth the occasional shouldef.hlgh. By s.turday, we'll ... more shoulder-highs end eome heed--higha. We m-v ... eome head-highs late Sunday mominv. but they won't last. Monday's looklnv chest-high mt thla point. W..qualty: www.eurfrl"-'·Ol'fl TIDES Time 7:551.m. 3:18p.m. 9'.64p m. 2:17 p.rn. """"" 8.27 feet high ·1.12Mlflow 3.99 Mithlgh 2.17fMt low WATER l'EMPERATURE 68degf'Me Daily Piiot BEST BUYS Do some antiquing in West Newport S ome of Newports best antique. can be found in an mdusttial area in West Newport at Jefferies Ltd It also spec.ializes in labor-mtensive custom picture framing, fine prints, paintings and decorative art.'>. More than a doi.en antique dealers have filled the 5,000-square-foot showroom with beautiful antiq~es, lighting <md ac~ries. Many of the dealers also have stores of their own Asian, European and American pieces are available. Good deals are found here, especially compared with prices in Los Angeles. Specialty framing techniques are done on the premises. All of the frames an~ moldings are hand-pres.sed and handmade; French matong LS tbed, where all of the lines are hand drawn in a watercolor wash: and 22-karat gold leaf can be applied to frame-.. Also popular are beauuful custom stand., for tra~ and boxes.. Dealen. repre!>ented mclude !Om <ilan!>bury, Lyman Drake, Robert Yeakel. :-.!obtti Anuques. Doug Stotts, Pauna, Ardenia C..apaneU1, South of France. ?tuJ Spellman, Mary Jane Eda.latpour. lnger Osterea, Mary H linduka.-.m. Ouna ~urce and Manan Palley. I 0 a.m to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday: 11 am. to 4 p.m <\an1rday. 852 Producuon Place, Newpon Reach. (949) 642-4154. THE SHOP AROUND THE CORNER Beauoful nowc~ tCll1 be found at Olseaux A~rs. which opened m ~ovember on Old Newport Boulevard. Owner Katt' Jererrua.s ~ thnlled to open in the old bike c;hop bwldmg that wa..., here for JO year.. Ille feel at (h.-.eaux flowero, l\ meant to r~mble thl' hit.It.> flower c;hop<> Jerem1a.s loves LO P'Ml"-\hm houquet.s a.rl' its specialty. as "'ell a.-.. untque conta1nero,, Jal'.> and \~and a bmad rrux of mtere<>ong OrJ\\t:f'I that are -.elected m Lo!> Angele-. IS YOURS TODAY! Make The Most of Every Moment ~ GREER WYLDER and Carlsbad Blooming fruit branches are currently featured including peach. apple and quince. Gift items available include specialty soaps. cosmetic boxes and papers. Free deliveries to Hoag 1 lospltal. 9:30 am. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. 10 a m. to 5 p.m. Saturday: 371 Old Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. (949) 673-5283. oiseauxflowers@aolcom. BENZ THERE, BUY THAT Fletcher Jones Motorcars is having the councry's largest sales eventS on previo~ owned Merced~ &nz through Jan. 31 . Hundreds of late model sedans. sport coupes and convertibles; sport unhty velucles. as weU as rare models, are avclilable. Those purchasmg or leasing one of the cars ~ill receive Fletcher Jones Motorcars' exclusive Preferred Owner BenefitS that provide an additional SS.000 value during the first years of ownership. Benefits include unlimned car washes, free car rentals, shuttle service to and from John Wayne Airport and, fo r those wit.h SI converobles, hard top removal and storage services. 3300 Jamboree Road, l'\ewport ~ -{g49) 718-3000. GET SOUTH COAST Pt.AZA INFO For the latest informaoon on South Coast Pla:za's new store operun~. event'> and '>pectal promotions. JOLO the South Coal>t Plaza·-. Prenuere Oub 11·., easy Just log onto w 111Jrcoasrplaz.a.com and cl.id. on the Prenuere Uub link Sub~ribe...;, will rectl\ e a ~ne-. of mont.hl) newslener. and th e VOLUME SELECTION • OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED TUSTIN AUTO CENTER • (71 4) 544-4800 • tustinlexus.com -. promotions are exclusive 10 Prenuere Oub Members. GO TO HOME SPRINGS HOME' Blue Sprlngl Home is having an inven1ory sale through the end of 1.he month. All House Inc. bedding. loungewear, lamp shades and baby Items are reduced up to 40%. The -.uper .chic N.O.M. maternity Line L'> redui:t·d 4()% to 50%. All Andrea Dem painting-. are 40% to 50% off, and all annque furniture and mirrors are reduced. IO a m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Sarurda\ noon to 4 p.m. Sunday. 369 1._ I 7th '>t Costa Mesa (949) 64.2-36.12 A PLACE FOR WOMEN'S CLOTHING A'MarfJe's Wlllter sale conunue<> 1\1th addioonal blow out pric~ on '>t'let t lugh-end ladies designer doth111g and acces.sories. There are unbelievable bargains on the SIO. S20 and S)(> md,.-. JO am. to 6 p.m. Monday to J-ntla\, Ill a m. to 5:30 p.m Saturday Jf)..Jq WestclifJ Dnve, Newport Bearh 4-l'J 642-4423. TURN THE LIGHTS ON Custom House Ughting '"a showroom for Dana Creath Design-. of LCon lighting and tron table.,, and 1.he place 10 go for excellent lighting repair-. Custom Home Ughong can rewirl' ,ind repair all light fixtures. t.he '>tore custom-mak~ lampshades and ahr1 ma1a!S"6[jJtlffi' 1'JW Of taOle~ti'lmfl r lamp'>. Pm.e<. are reasonable and 1ht rum around !.'> fairly quick. <:! JO a na 10 5.30 p.m ~1onday through Fnd,1\ Wi "'\. "le\.~port 81\'d 19491 !)4.!-·Fi If • BEST BUYS app<;!ars Mondav<> " J Fridays Send rnformauon to Gr• .. -• I., 1 r at greerwylder" yahoo com a: 33C :, Cd, St Costa Mesa CA 92627 o• t, •,,, ·· 1949 646-4170 ~~ Rt->s t aurar1t ---Establlsned tn 1962 Presenting a New Product ion of the Tony Award-Winn ing Mus·cal 0 This stylish, updated Equ it y product ion. directed by television writer/producer Va lerie Mayhew, uniquely reflect s Sou thern Californ ia in 200 3 and features a professional cast an d mu sicians perform ing such memorable favorites as "Try t o Remember (The Kind of September)," "Soon It's Gonna Rain ," and "They Were You ." The original show captivated audiences during its phenomenal 42-year, Off-Broadway r un. Don't miss this t imeless-morality tale of "boy and gir l meet, fall in love, part to see the big wide world, and realize that home 1s where the heart is." ONE WEEKEND ONLYJ Friday, January 31 at 8 p.m. Saturday, February 1 at 8 p.m. Sunday, February 2 at 3 p.m. St. Mark Preet1yterfan Church 2100 Mar Vi sta Drive .• Newport Beach (Corner of Jamboree Road and Eastbluff/Ford Road on t he bluff side) Call (949) 644-1341 .. Ext. 22 For Ticket lnfonnatlon - Sugge5ted donations: $25 for adults, $10 for students age 8 and older (the mature themes of this production are more appropriate for older children and adults). free parking. f or more details, vl5it www.fanta6tlck&.info. Net proceeds benefit the non-denomrnatlonal Newport Community Counseling Center (NCCC). which each year serve6 hundred6 of Individuals who are victims of/Involved In domeetic abuse. St. Mark Presbyterian Church .... Conflict lacking in early talks on campaign. rules June Casaerande Daily Pilot :\ f"\\ !'OH I Bl A< H -\\11a1 ._tan Kl d.'> a d1v1'>l\t' l'>'>llt' tuuld turn 11ut tu he a pt•aet•lul and t 1)11pcraU\e elfon a' Clly < •. ountil member. '>t•ek to hdfllmer out a u-.eful rnnlhn ol·ullcrt:\t onhndllce go\ em1ng Joc.,aJ u.unp.ugn-i .. < .1ty '>tall are <L.,.,embhng a '>tudv -.es· '1on tlt'm 011 t.rl'atmg tht• ordmance to erv .. ure ~air plav 111 lni:a.I pohut-.. dlld bm·..idt·rnug th1· '*opt· of t um•nt conllict rult"'> that gmcrn ut\ rnntrac~. rhe mat- tt'r -.hould wnll' lwtorl' wunt1I memht-r. a1 1lw1r J.111 :!H -.1ud\ ... e'>~mn (,reenl1JQ"H C ..t>ur1ulrn.m Joh11 I ll'lll'man la.-.t ~l'd! pmf)'ht·d rh.11 Ult rn\ l IJINdt'r a conl1Kl o l·lllll'fl''>I 11rd111,11111· 111 n·-.pon'>t' tu \\hdt hl· uirhltkrl'd ,, tou t:f•/\' relaurm,ll1p IX' l\\t't'll till' I flllll\ 11 lfld [),1\l' Elli-.. JI '1111 p.ugn 1 •>1hult.1111 \\hn-.t' uin-.u.lung *" 1u·., 1\\'11• ,,J,• 1 rmtr.11 1t-<l 11\ Ull' .\lrp,in \\orJ..111~ C .roup 111". l\llo ha ... l\orJ..t"d 1111 U)\' < .1mp.11i,:11' cit -.•1111c 1 urrt•11t .md tor rrwr ltlllllLll 1m·r11lh r ... 1ndu<lmg < ,.1r, \d .un,, "lt'\1• llr11rnl>l'fJ.:.111d l >on \\l'l>h \\d' p.ud ,d111111 ~1 "1 (1()(1 our "' 1 c II\ grJ11t t•> lll'lp l'thlf .11t tllf p11hl11 IHI 1lw r I f11flj .urport qpl11111 I um·ru r rtlhu rull'' tllrh1d uiunul nw111l11·r• 1111111 \otmg r111 m.11tn ... an \\h11 Ii tlw\ 11.1\1· .i p•·r-.111\.ll linJ.nn.il ..,1,1k1• ) )q\\t 11'1 111le-. p1·rrnJI -.1t\Jt1llCJJ1' -.ui h "'' l!lt' gr 1111 1,rirk tll.lt b<'nt'lilt'd I lh-. lllLI .11-..i b1•11t•l1tl'd 1\1irk.111~_n:•iu J l'r< i1• 111 '11.uti:ir • r 1~ 1111.m .1r11f r 1ti7t·11' 111 l11li-.. 11 d th I c:r1n111m lt•ildl'r Hn.u ,, -..1.111d1• I 111 \t:f\ -.t1pp11rt1»1 ct John rdt. .1· d I 111111~ th" r.111 h1 '' f\ p11-..11 ll 111d t 1•1 ... 1rrn 1111· l1J1 th~ 111\ Bn nh•'n!-.. d \t u t 1 .. 1111 h1111 ot II • Im .:k -.11111\ " '"'Ill • 1ll11 I rnr·111b1·r 'I I\ pl I I pu• I Hll .1 I Jill,; i.11!,t'lld IJ t 411 ''II' I I I "hcthc: 11 1Tl'.llt· an rd: uJlCl 10 grM·n 111un11 IJl.11 ··It•• 11••11" .11 1 po1t 11t1.l.I t•in lllLt' f 1111t'lt'l QUESTION What 1hould the proposed conflict-of-interest law rnclude7 Call our Readers Hotline at (9491 642 6086 or send e-mail to . 7 • da1/yp1/ot a lat1mes.com Pleose i.pell yo ur name e1nd 1nclud11 you r hometown and phone· number for "~r1f1cot1on purposes only Ad&11-., lh<J, ha.., -.ti1M11 'uppon for the umt Ppt of ... hort"tl up t a11111.1riqi rule-.. Af- t.-r lw111g .in"U<.t-d "' ~n,,..., tnK that LI~ re.1tt'd .i phon\ pl11111c 1tll"">'><1Kt' on hi'> hd1all -an atl"ll'•.i1lo11 Ad.lll.-. denit"> - till' CIJWlt:lllllall fl~' 'IJ~l'"tt•d Oghtt'nrng rul•· ... w1 rt'\.ortlt-tl tJ11111ot1~'!1 tt'lephont' n,,.,.,.,gL" 1ill'1r '>l nph '\tfam-. "1!d, 'h•mh.J tw ll!I lil1· m th• 111\ l.lt-rk., offict' twlon I.ht-fllt'"''>cig"" 1 .ir bt hroadta...,t lO \Clll'I'> Crt:l'nll~ll (t'a<kl"I .m enthu'>lii.'>UC 1h1 i~'H· p• ''"1h1lll\ >I l 1t• 11Jr1g meaJUflK· tu ._,1mp.u~ nrlt-., < 1r1·1·11lagh1 ~poke-.· ma l'I I \r h<1, i..-.u~<I ... t.1tenwnt lay- ing ' n 111·111-.. tlw )-.'T•J!'il bd1t'\t .... -.hould ht p.trl IJf t 11\ IJlllll\,IOll lltt-..t• f}Otnl'> u1ll11rl,. r1·4,1mni.: .111d1d.11i:-.. ••1 po ... 1 ~am pd!)..,'l.!...J!!.)olll t: ,\,l!L'IJll.'111• <111 (tit' Lil)''> \\l'h ,111· 11, r 11>11Lh tilt· t11t· 1t·\1 or ail t.imp.i gn 11n111u11111.n11 ~ ., dlltl to ex pt'd111• 11i...I\ n·p.,n ,JI !<1-.1 nunute ex· pt•11d11uro· ... n101 1hJ11 5".IJI !11e (,reen- ~ LIJIHI 111 ;., hci' ,1l'><J caJIE'(j for wgwai lrW tl.L ~'.u npaigri'.rc' iJ\1 fit.;oTany:-~~-~ •mt· 1\ll j h.i-. bt·11t•t11ed Ir .111 cm granL\. a mm• th.11 1\riuld m.iJ..e 1Ut·g,tl rl'latmn- -.lup' ... u h .• UI•' 1m h• tl\•'t:: I lJ\t' 1111 ... .utd th• II\ \\1 ht 1l'\t th.ii tfl<'~ ft'L'Hl llll'rlt!J II r <> .ir d Lht:!' t• l>1; lt\doptil llun11~ p1.bh htolMl!" 1\ht•I .id 1ptt"<.! \\1JI ht•lp t'll' m !11.i· tutun '-•'\\jlOn l:kach lit\ <.oun 11 1r In Utttl\t l.'ll"\ ll1111-. an mart" hor1t..,th 10111.Ju tt·O .md 1i:tl1· t llw fre.- 1,1!11 t ti • , t'<.l r:111 \r-.1 .... ud , .. •SA FULL BAR ~\~AILS cmw:1muu1t.t1• - NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA • 9•9·6,S·7616 -. . . ,. .. .. . . . . -. . . . ' .. M F r!day, January l 7. 2003 KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Students and faculty of Vanguard University stroll down Newport Boulevard during their Day of Prayer on Thursday. DAY Continued from A 1 gym for a brief concluding wor- ship session, during which they. sang and agam thanked the Lord for all his blessings. University Provost and Vice President Max Rossi hosted the occasion and offered his col- leagues and students encourage- ment as they continued in their academic and spirituaJ endeav- ors. "God listen~ tu us when we pray," Rossi said. • . . . And we thank him for his pre ence and wisdom . . . Lord, we seek your faith on behalf of our university." Audience members nodded their heads in agreement and some lifted their hands toward the sky. Others held hands or sat in a secluded space of the gym for an intimate devotion. · Senior Jeremy Jones said the inaugural event impressed hirri, saying it demonstrated the un- paralleled benevolence found on campus. ""This is the first Lime I have seen something like thi!>, • Jones said. "It is good to see and Mrikes awareness of how much staff and everyone cares about the university. I am excited about the a esire to i.ee it grow and seek God." Worship services were sched- uled throughout the ·day and rught. and Needham Olapel was open the entire 24 hours. Sru- den~ were encouraged to sign up for prayer times in 5-, 10-. 15-. and JO-minute increments to create a !>olid day of prayer. A speciaJ session outside the chapel was set to conclude the day of prayer this morning with communion. Freshman Olanel Dunn '>aid !>he look!> forward to more days Knee Pain? Feet Hurt? CA~ BackAche?~ Hip Discomfort? ----WE HAVE A SOLUTION! Millions of people suffer with lower joi nt pain simply because of improperly fitted shoes and inserts. FOOT SOLUTIONS s~ciallZes in fooLwear and custom onhoucs , fit by skilled professionals for lhe hardest-to-fit feel. And, we do 1t wllh style ... I l1 .t ... 'I\.. 'I \ 1 11 ' ' • I '' ' , .. , ' .. t '111 1111 I 1;lot 1111 ..... ,1 " I .11 j ' I I .. 1 11 I I • . . I r------: $10 : I Off Athletic Shoe Pure.base. Tlont 21151113 •tl\ll>i>ad l ______ .J t. t. Coastline 's Access Program is .... very convenient for me. I will finish my AA. here and transfer to Cal State Fullerton to become an elementary school teacher.'' -9+ , Success Ahead at Coastline. 11480 w.rner Avenue FoUrain Valey. CA 9270&-2&97 (714) 438-4839 . . . lp( .. ot11111begln~I. . ' •• co gather with her fellow stu- dents in praise. Her friend Oms- tina Anguiano said she would like to see the university pray for the nation and the community, as well as its own campus. Both girls agreed the event should continue an.d suggested it span an entire week. "I think this is lruly a bless- ing." Dunn said. "People just don't know how big prayer is in our lives." • LOUTA HARPER covers Costa Mesa. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by e·ma1I at lolita.harper "'/at1mes.com OBITUARY Patricia Ann Kendrick Private services will be held today for Newport Beach residept and nurse Patricia An n Ken - drick. Mrs. Kendrick died Dec. 28 after a loog fight with Alzheimer's. She was 68. She is survived by children Elizaberh, Katherine, Karl and Anne; and .three grand- children. • The Dally Pilot welcomes obituaries for residents or former residents of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. If you want to have an obituary printed In the Pilot, ask your mortuary to tax us the Information at (949) 646-4170 or ~II the newsroom at (949) 764-4324. HOT Continued from Al a.m. The current permit held hy owner D'AJessio Investments aJJows for a coffee shop that closes at J p.m. and has no al cohol sales. Staff emphasi1ed that beer and wine delivery should only be permitted wuh food delivery. At Tuesday's City Council meeting. Councilman Gary Proctor made a motion to re consider the Planning Commis- sion's approval of the permit re quest. *We should be looking at whether we want lhis alcohol delivery service in West New- port," said City Councilman Gary Proctor. The llotties Pizza matter will come before the council for its consideration sometime in the future, though the date has not been set. Proctor noted that the issue is especially sensitive at a time when the city Is looldng for ways to rein in the annual drunken mayhem that accom- panies Fourth of July ceJebra- tio.ns in West Newport. The city will soon send out question- n aires to about 14,000 house- holds in the West Newport area and the penJnsula asking re 1- dents just how far they're will· ing to go to put the brakes on out-of-control partying. PoS3lble remedJes include closi.ng down some streets on the holiday to everyone but residents, halting liquor sales in the area on the Fourth of July .and findJng ways to shlft the character of the area from one heavily populatad by renten to a community of ma.inly owner occupants. • -"'"f CAaAGRANDE covt,.. Nftlport IMc:tl and John Way.,. AJrpon. SM mey be~ at (941) 674-4232 or by t mall at jUM.Cllugr9nde•l•tl,,,._.CQm. ' .. --.-. ---... .-....... Daily Pilot I PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Wat Baur StrHt: Battery was repQrted In the 1000 blodc at 5:59 p.m. Tuesday. • Fair Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 70 blodc ~t 3:19 p.m. Tuesday. •Gisler Avenue and Halbor Boulevard: A hit·and-run was reported at 5:31 p.m. • Tuesday. • Halbor Bout.Yard: Grand theft was reported in the 2200 bl ode at 1 :32 p.m. Tuesday. • Irvin• Avenue: Vandalism wasreported1nthe1600 block at 6:51 p.m. Tuesday. • Knowell Place: Possession of drugs was·reported in the 600 blodc at 2:55 p.m. • Tuesday. • Pin8Cfffk O~: Petty theft was reported in the 2800 blodc at 3:47 p.m. Tuesday. • Pomona Avenue: A home burglary was reported in the 2200 block at 4:06 p.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • W.-t B.aboa Boulevllrd: A vehicle burglary was reported In the 1600 blodc at 12 p.m. Wednesday. • W.st Coast Highwmy and MacArthur Boolevllrd: A traffic accfdent was reported at 9:09 a.m. Wednesday. • Mcf9dden ~and West Oceen Mont: Indecent ex.posure was reported at 10:32 a.m. Wednesday. • Port Cardiff~; A pbysical fight was reported m the 1900 blodc at 12:39 a.m. Wednesday~ • Residencia: An auto theft was reported in the 5300 block at 8:22 p.m. Wednesday. • River Avenue: A hbme burglary was reported in the 4900 blodt at 1:10 p.m. Wednesday. • Tradewind• Lane: Vandalism was reported In the 1900 block at 4:46 p.m. Wednesday. • 16th Street: A vehicle burglary was reported In the 1900 blodt at 1·01 p.m. Wednesday. Jolted awake Car crashes into tiving room of Paularino Aven.ue house earJy·Wednesday morning Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot CO~IA Ml.\A "It\ not everyday that yuu ..ee a car m your living room " Thoc;c W\'l'l' the words of Costa Ml">cl rt">1dent Hien Robens. who actually got Lo wiLne~., that 1 Jfl.' event ill about I :45 J m Wedne'>day morning. Robert'> Jnd her hu.'iband, Ken, \-.en• 1011.ed from the11 bed'> when ;tn 18-year-old I luntington Keach man crru,hecl lw. rar t.hmugh thctr living room window barely llll5.Sing their gut">t who W..L'> '>leepmg on the rnurh. '>he said. Police am.">tl'll \V°tlt'} Jo seph om .. on on 'ill.'1picion of driving under 1.hc mfluenn.• of alcohol. h1t-and·run and reek.I~' drivmg. '>aid CtNa M~. Poliu~ 1.t. l>alc Birney. R1mey Yu.I an officer fir..t tried Lo <:top Om'>On for a uaffic \10latton at the intl'r· '>edJOn 111 'l\d,ull'.. 1\wnut• and Fail'\ ll~ llc1<1J But ( )m\on did nfll 'Lop and c:onll.nued to drive east- bound on Baker Street to < .oolidgc Avenue and then on P·aulanno Avenue, Barney Jdded -11e w-& travelmg qwte fa'>t dfld tut SIX paned cars on l"Julanno. • he said. l11en, Om.son lost contml of lw.. Vl'hicle, went off the '>tn•et and era.shed 11110 the Hoberts' home an the 1100 block of Paulanno. Bimey '><lid ( >n Thursday. Ellen Rob- en .. '>aid the hole the car madt• ha\ been boarded up, but <,he still has dirt. ~ .md ruhble piled up an her hV1J1g room. She and her hu~nd have been spend- mg the last two da)'l> calling ansuramc comparues about fixing the house and lhetr car.. that were paJt.ed in the driveway. which i.he 'iaid Or- ri'><ln dbo lut. ·our lclevislon was dragged about 3 feet and is probably broken: \he said ·11 ' goang to be strange, 1ust eaung dinner and gorng to lx'<.I " DOROTHEA RIEDEL Dorothea Riedel, longtime resident to Corona del Mar, passed away on January 9,2003. Dorothea Lyall was born In London, England, on July 11 , 1915 and grew up in Edinbwgh, Scotland. She then moved to California and graduated from U.C.LA. with a degree in microbiotogy. Dorothea met her husband, Dr. Henry A. Riedel. while wOt'king at the Los Angeles Children's Hospital and they married in 1945. In the early fifties, they moved to Corona def Mar \.mete they lived until 1998. She leaves her son, James and Mary Riedel, and daughter, Janet and James "Walkie" Ray, nine grandchildren and one great-grandson. Services will be hekj on Saturday, January 18 at 2:00PM at St. Michael and AU Angels Episcopal Churcti in Corona def Mar. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church In Corona def Mar. JUANITA LAURETIA COX (D~LZELL) Age 78, beloved wife, mother and grandmother, passed away January 13, 2003. Born In Honolulu, Hawaii, January 18, 1924, to James and Wanda Sakamoto, sh• graduated from Roosevelt High School (Oahu, HI) and P&Mdena City CoUege (P~ CA). Juefta enjoyed careers In accounting, print media and reel eetate. In her later yeara •he ecijoyed caitog for beblee and toddlers at the Newport Me1a Chr11tlan Center white the Pinnt• •n.nded church MMces. Sh' had been a resident of the Newpoff-Meu ... fot 32 yMIS. She married Hett>ert Hoover CoJC In 1950, making tMtr home In Southern California wtMN9 they rafMd thW ~ She Is 1urvlved by her husband of 53 yeara,. brother Or. w: Gary Dalzell, ton• Oliver and Frank and daughter LAette Addeman, Grandchildren Dr. Cathertne CoJC Adam Cox ~~JC. Lauren CoJC, aaon CoJC, Mwttyn Cox.~ Benzinger, Emlly F&rgu90n, Utfa Addenwt llnd OrMll Katrina. Kyndf9 Md Kirby Cox LucM and T ... Mk, and Avery Md Ela F8rQU80n ' A memorW MMce la Mt for 3:00 p.m. ~ Jenu11ty 1 t. 2003 In the Chapel at Pierce BrotMre W Broedw9y Mortuwy, 110 Broadway 8'., Cotta MeM. A .......... follow • 1he ~ tiom.. Int~ on thit llllMd of ec.lil . .,.~ ... .. Dady P~ot AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and loca1ion of the event, as well as 11 contact phone number. A complete listing 11 available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY A rec.ption for V.Ne C. Chen will allow the public to meet the artist of a collection of Chinese brush paintings on display through March 21 at the UCI Student Center, E. Emerald Bay, Irvine. A reception will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. For more information, call (949) 824-5588. A Home Remodeling and Decorating Show will feature exhibitors, products and ideas from noon to 8 p.m. Fnday, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 6 p .m. Sunday at the Orange County Fairgrounds, 88 Fair Drive, CoS1a Mesa. Buildings 12 and 14 Adults $5.75, Seniors $3, Children free. For more information, call (818) 557-2950 The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will host the Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade Awards Dinner and Auction from 6 10 11 p.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel. The event w ill feature parade winners and have entertainment, a ltve and silent auction, dinner and much more. The hotel 1s at 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Tickets are $75 per person, $900 for a table of 12. For more information, call (949) 729-4400 -.... BEST BET UC Irvine Medical Center will host 11 seminar on heanng loss at 1 p m at the Oasis Senior Center The seminar will have discussions on symptoms and treatments of heanng loss The center 1s at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona def Mar Free. For more information, call 1877) UCl-DOCS, or visit OCC's Armchair Adventures Series hosts "Inside Switzerland" presented by Clint Denn. an actor, wrrter, photographer and filmmaker The film will begin at 7 p m Jan 24 m Orange Coast College's Robert B. Moore Theater Adm1ss1on is $8 m advance and$ I 0 at the door Senior crt1zens are ehg1ble for a $1 advance discount For more 1nformat1on call (71 4) 432-5880 www uc1heslrh com:evenrs The Hemlock Society is sponsonng a seminar on •How to Make Better End of Life Decisions.~ conducted by Dr. Faye J Girsh The meeting 1s at 2 p.m. at 1259 Victoria St., Cos1a Mesa Free. For more information. call (714) 871-7344. Temple lsaleh will celebrate Tu B'Shevat, the festival of trees (Jewish Arbor Day) at 7 30 p m. at 2401 Irvine Ave , Newport Beach For more information, call (949) 548-6900 SATURDAY ·a. your own bou• is• seminer on how 10 start and manage your own business It will be conducted from 8 30 11 m 10 4 p m. by the Service Corps of Retired Executives at National Un1vers1ty, 3390 Harbor Blvd • Costa Mesa The $40 fee includes materials For more 1nformat1on. call (714) 550-7369. A hands-on lntemet Instruction class, ~web Walking 101; will get participants up to speed in cyberspace Begins at 10 a.m. at the Newport Beach Public Library. 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach. Reg1S1rat1on required. For more information. call (949) 717-3801. A worttlhop for men end women who have JUst gotten divorced or are getting divorced will be held from 10 am to 12.30 p.m at Maxine B. Cohen's office in Newport Beach The office is at 180 Newport Center Drive. $40. For more information, call (949) 644-6435 TUESDAY The Coron• def Mer Ct.ember of Commerce will hoS1 its monthly networking luncheon at 11 :30 a m at the Five Crowns Restaurant. Reservations are required The restaurant 1s at 3801 E CoaS1 Highway. For more information, call (949) 6734050. Mother's Marttet & Kitchen will host a seminar on liver cleansmg and body purification from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa. The cate is at 225 E 17th St. Free. For more information, call (949) 6314741 The Surfrider Foundation Newport Beach Chapter will hold its firS1 meeting of 2003 at 7 p m at Margarnaville in Newport Beach. The meeting will focus on local water issues, including how to help preserve the oceans, beaches and surf Tacos will be provided. The restaurant is at 2332 W. Coast Highway. For more information, call (949) 644-7443 The Zen Center of Orange County will host a series of programs on Zen today through March 9 Programs will be held the first and third Tuesday of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and every Sunday from 5 to 7:15 p.m The programs will have lessons on developing a regular practice, personal instruction and much more. The fee is $150, tax deductible. The eenter is at 120 E 18th St.. CoS1a Mesa. For more information, call (949) 722-7818 or visit www.zcoc.org. TUESDAY A worklhop on ·eompute,Ulng your Business· will help with the bookkeeping from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa for a $25 fee. For more information, call (714) 550-7369 .. WEDNESDAY The Atzheimer'1 Aun. of Orange County wm hold two wortcshops • HARDWOOO • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TIE • VINYL R.OORIHG •t'!!!!'!l! i •iufoi..:,:.j SOlAlllAN ~ALA!?!!!' SOUOEXOTIC STAl~A HARDWOOD 3/4" s5~! liil s1 ~· Travettile 1a~ x 18° .......................................................... '4.21 111l Ceramic Tlle ................................................................ 3 .... l.srlilate ~ ................................................ .......,_, ei:at . -...... . ,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. today at S1lverado Senior Living Newport Mesa The first worllshop from 10:30 a m to noon and will focus on memory ross The second workshop from 1 to 2:30 pm and will discuss how to create a partnership with your physician S1lverado Senior L1v1ng 1s at 350 W Bay St., Costa Mesa Aeservatior1s required For more information. call 1949) 631-2212 The Newport Hills Garden Club 1nvtte anyone interested to ioin their monthly garden walk meeting at 10 a m at the UCI Arboretum For more information. call 1949) 720-1552 The Costa Mesa Chember of Commerce will hold us monthly business after hours mixer from 5:30 to 7 30 p.m at Skosh M onahan's The restaurant 1s at 2000 Newport Blvd Free for members, $10 for potential members For more information call (7 14) 885-9090 THURSDAY Mother's Marttet & Kitchen will host e seminar on how to strengthen your immune system from 6·30 to 8 p m at the Patio Cafe m Costa Mesa The cafe 1s at 225 E 17th St Free For more mforrnat1on, call (949) 631 4741 Body Wise Fitness Center 1s celebrating ltS operung wrth drawings for free personal training sessions and BodyWise nutnt1onal products at 2901 W Coast Highway, No. 110 Nevvpon Beacti For more 1nformat1on. call (949165(). 1660 JAN.24 UC Irvine will host its 191h annual Manin Luther King Jr symposium. "Prayer Protest, and Peace -A Leader's Legacy for Today" from 7 to 8 30 pm The sympos1um·s keynote speaker will be Jut.an Bond board chairman of the NAACP and professor of history at the Un1vers1ty of Virginia The symposium will be held in the Humanities Instructional Building room 100 al the UCI Cdmpus Free For more •nformat1on call 1949 824 7215 OCC's Armchair Advent\.lres Series hosts Inside Switzerland presented by Clint Denn an actor writer. photographer and filmmaker The film will begin at 7 p m in Orange Coast College's Robert B Moore Theater Adm1ss1on 1s SS m advance and $10 at the door Senior citizens are el1g1ble for a $1 advance discount For more information call (714) 432-5880. @?~ Mattress Outlet Store BRAND NEW· COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT Get the Best for Less! 3 165 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa OM Block South of w~ rwy d (714) 545 .. 7168 11Uf<JWi~ AVILA CHICKE SOUP Fresh cbicktn broth, chunks of chicken bruit, rict pml bed with avocado, cilantro and lime. Mama's cure for the flu. • ,.,f ···Great To-Go ..I__, .. / CostaMaa 612-1142 Corona del Mar Mt-TACO N~ch I • ' "'a• ' j l I> t ,+, . . . . . . . NOTEBOOK Conbnued from Al Thursday and left lhat next day, Fnday An evenmg 111 Tolcyo. a night m faipel and then Calcutta I met a stranger on the )Owney. an Indian busi.nes.sman with a broad snule who aske<1. "Have you seen the faj Mahal?" "No." I responded. "My third ume to lncha. and once agam. I will not make it." • Delht is my hometown and my wife is from Agra I would like 10 send you as my guest." he replied, offering his card for emphasb.. "Call me " But I was busy. Over the next day. I was swept up in a flurry of n•lebratlo~ involving more than a tho~d Indians and two c..iolA!n foreigners from Amenca. Japan. Germany and Singapore who had made the journey :vi; rnen~ old and new, from near and far. had one desonauon - Rahul\ weddmg Rahul was the guy ~e had tca.<.ed m college He Wa5 innocent. dt5orgarw.ed. hyper and -.c:anerbr.uned, and his Ind.tan way-. aJwar.i seemed a bn suange lO the r~t or LL!>. °"uw we were the ones 001 of plaLe, mere players 111 his grand plan He had arranged fine hoteb tor relaxaoon. perwnal dnvers for advenrure. buffet meals for any appl'Ute and rughtJy patties for our en1oyment. He ~ re'>pon.<.1ble, reliable and, I aqmn. even mature. After an end.I~ week of dancing and eaung. my feet ached and m} ~tomach reflli.ed lhl' mo'>t delmous of Indian currv QUAKE · Continued from Al hon bond. included a general as- ~e'>sment of the se1srruc nsk of all tht' bwldmgs in the dtstnct But Robins and Loat.S warranted a higher level of scruun, becau~ of thetr age ConsLrucuon on the bu1Jdmgs started m 1928 rhe distnct discovered the mk m December. Reed said. Offic1a1.s are now determining how to deal \\.1th the butldtngs as they work 10 craft a tran!>ition plan. Some of the challenges of movmg the students and admm- l'>trators include find.mg a suit- able place on campus lo tempo ranly rouse them, and prO\o1dmg electncal power and lntemet ca· F nddy Jdnuary 1 7 2003 A5 and sweelb. My fnffid Rahul Karnaru of t.hr J(amaru Mansion is a mamed man 11le celebranons had come LO an end and RahuJ Look tus w'Lf'e back to his home m Jamshedpur for che final ceremorues. I had rwo and a half more days left m India -enough tune for a mp7 I could not forget che stranger. my new friend at the aupon. Hts proposal was unexpected dlld somewhat sll!.p100W>. But he was offering me the Tai Mahal! Mr. Gupta\ dnver picked me up at the hotel with my auplane ticket. Hts cousin Vticas met me in Delht with clear ~tructions: "She IS our gue-.t 1 reat her like family." Vt.leas sent me off with a dnver, a coupon for my hotel and a Li.st of phone number.. 11WStil'lg, "If you expenente any d.t.!>Comfort. you mw.1 tall me unmedunely." "You are the Mahasa1ah. the Queen of Ind.ta.· a young boy declared as he peddled me 111 his can on the road to one of the mu'>t breathtalci.n~ of l.&th's man-made monument!. N. I v.:atched the '>un me. the moc,t beauufuJ of da}"i Wa.) begmmng I wondered 10 m)"!'df ho..., 11 Wa.!> that I tmded up m India. '>tandmg 111 a...,e at the laJ \lahaJ ...,,th a 1ob at the Daily Pilot that I would return 10 wniun wee~ I a<;ked the ioumal1s11c que'>llOn~ -how. what .... hy? Beau~ the propo'Xll Wcl.'> one I could not refu~ And I ..rud. "I do· • CORAL WILSON 1s the news asstStant She may be read'led at 19491 574-4298 or by e-mail at coral wtlson a /drimttS com paClly 10 that locauon Reed '>Clld Pnncipal ~1chael \:o~n '>did the magmrude of dt'>placmg so man\. people reqwres thorough p8.lnstabng planning ·Anything so monumental ~ to be ·thought out m <>uch a wa~ that It CdU'>~ m1mmaJ dJ.srup uon to the '>tuden~. Vo'>'>en '>aid Because of the high level of m.k and the amb1gwl)' surround- tng thelI future. Robins and Loats wtll be removed from Nev. pon Harbor's '>Cheduled facility unprovemems set to begin this summer • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers educa11on She may be readied at 949 574-4221 or by e·ma11 at de1rdre newman a lst1mes com 50 % OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchi s Home Decor • Furniture Moo-Fri 10-6 •Sat 10-5 •Sun 10-4 369 f.. 17th Street #13. Costa Mesa• (949) 646-6745 (Across from Ralphs) (949) 376 2f'l ISSS uch CO.tSc Haghv.-ay ~.i l\ach " aq1~c~com • • • . M f nday. January l 7, 2003 PO.RUM . ···~· .. HOW 10 GET PUBLISHED. -lAtten: Mail to Editorial Page Editor James Meler at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • Reedert H91fine: Call (~) 642-6086 Fax: ~n~ ~05 (:,9~~:~~ len th E-mail: Send to dsilypilot@latimes.com •All correspondence must include full name. hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right. to edit.all submtssio ty g · LETTER TO THE EDITOR Boardwalk out of step with community, environment T here are precious few places in Newport Beach left where one can walk along a dirt path. Over the yean., we have suburbani7..ed the hills and great walking trails where Fashion Island and Promontory Point now s11. Gone are the dirt walking pa~ along the · Cru.tawar.-. and now ilie Oty Council is considering doing away with the dirt walking path' along the Back Bay, the last such uails in the city. Such a move i~ oul of slep with the commun11y and, contrary to what a small handful of proponen~ say, would not be a popular or neces....ary plan for preserving the Hack Bay. ln fact. ii would be just the oppo ite. A boa.rdwali would be more intrusive to the plants and animal life along the Back Bay than the edsting dirt trail s)'Stem. In most cases. we are talking about dirt trails that are 24 to 36 inches wide. I wcll.k the Back Bay footpaths reiuJarty and have for more than 40 years. Our national forests. parks and state park .-.r.-1ems are crisscrossed with dirt trail systems. Dirt trail c;ystems are environmentally friendly and much less obnw.ive than a man-made boardwalk with cement footings. Additionally, din tra1b do nOl mterrupt the free now of indigenow. animal fordging, but a boardwalk would. The animals would have to walk around it, over it. under it or avoid it, and all scenarirn. are much more intrusive to their behavioral patterns than a dirt footpath. With regard to vegetation. the construction of a boardwalk would hammer the surrow1dtng vegetation. You would need to ta.k.e an existing 2-foot·wide dirt path and rum it into a 6-w 10-foot·wide boardwalk. Add to that a 5-foot-wide constructJon wne on either side for the worken. to bring in and unload materials. Realistically. you have trampled a 20-foot-wide swath where a 2-foot wide trail used to exist. Now how is that going to preserve vegetation? It's not. If the intent is to keep people from creating new dirt trails, or closing down some existing "short cuts," then simply maintain the dln aails that curren~ exist, ju.st like they do in our national forests and parb. TI1e answer is not an obtruswe boardwalk. Here's what needs to be done. • Continue wi th the re·planung of vegetation to more dearly define the dirt trail systems tha 1 offer the be.t scenic views dlld "wildem~" experience. When necessary. place a temporary '>lgfl tlutt ash people to pleru.e stay oil the trails until the new vegetation takes root and provides for a natural bamer to traJI cumng • ConLtnue to aDow for ~me trails to have clo'>C proxuni ty to the water's edge. • I lelp beuer define the trail' by laying down decompoi;ed granne • In certain boggy area-.. build narrow, low-profiJe wooden ramps.~ they do tn OJUonal forests and park.,, JUM long enough 10 get people back on a dry dirt t.r"'dil Jus1 becau~ we may have access to up 10 ~l<Xl,IJOO in fumb from the Amenwn I rader 011 'pill and up to S4 nullmn 111 '>tale funds from PrOfXhlUOn 40 '>huuld no1 mean thal "" 'pt·nd tlIBt money 10 dt">ln~ •.ometlung \.\t' already en1uy. 11Jnll'IY our abtlitr to w.Jk along the lru.t dirt tnul .,}"Item ITT Newport Beach. l..e1\ act with reasoned 111dgment. conservation and lt''>(>On'iibility by eannarlcing Pt.·rhapl> $250,000 to tmprove the exi!>Ung dirt cra.il '>")'Stem a.\ outlmed above. lnh. wtll le-dw till' .. mall~I rootprint ITT OUT t>llvirunmentally sel1.'>1llve Hack li.1y. and a lasting l~cy to our rhtldrcn of allowing their feet 111 .. 1111 ma.k.e contact with the l'anh in an mcreru.ingly urt>arnzed Newpon Be-dch. DREW LAWLER NEWPORT BEACH • Drew Lawler 1s a 44-year resident and na11ve of Newport Bead'l MAILBAG Good to ee the nonprofits profiled I was '>O thriJled to see the 1wo Orange County nonprofi1 organi.7.auon' 1hat I'm mos1 involved with, I lab11at for I lumanity and the ~usan G. Komen BredSt Cancer 1-oundauon, featured on the front page of the Daily Pilot Sunday. I hope that the Daily Pilot will continue to feature the important work done by thec;e and other local nonprofil organizations a'> part of i1s edi1orial coverage URSULA BOHEN Co.,ta Me'a Swap meet should continue all weekend I have gone ICI 1he Coc;ta Mesa swap rncel '>everal time., and I hJve t.'n)oyed 11 very mttlh. I think the Costa Me!>a .,wap meet should continue on S,11urday and Sunday. BARBARA AYAJ.A Newport Beach Boardwalk is needed to solve Back Bay problems "I' the boardwalk along Back Hay neces!tary?" I he an.<.wer is ye'>, and here's why: An t•levated pedec;trian boardwalk would .. olve many problem'> in lhe Ba<:k Hay. To date. there i'> no unified public aue.,.. sy'>lem 1ha1 comes do~e to ml'eling the need' of the 750,000 plu'l vis11ors who come to the Back Bay annually. Many ol the!.e vi'>1tors stray off of the de.,.gnated trailc, (111 part hernu'e they are poorly defined) and wander down by the water. fragmenting and damaging habitat importani 10 !teveral endangered btrd., (Beldings Savannah ~parrow and the hght·foo1ed clappe1 rail) Many people abo lei thetr dog' run off 1he leash an the.,e '>ensiuve areas. further frightening these c,kit11'>h bmh and di.,rupling 1he1r breeding and nesting pallern<,. Uevated boardwalk' have a proven track record when 11 come'> to providing people w11h guided acce!ts to semit1ve areas l"verglade Nauonal l'arl.. ir, an excellent example of hov. boardwalk'> can provide bl.'ller accec,, for the public wh1lr pro1t•c1111g 1he natural environ men I. And !the national park wa,J in fac1 a 1l1odel for dewloping th1~ proposal. This is an ambitious proposal no doubt, THE M EANING OF N 0 MBER. ONE. W E HAVE A fEW RCMAINJN C AZURE SERIES PR.ODU CED AT CREWE BENTLEY W HEN ONLY THE ANEST M OTORCARS fN TH E W O RLD WILL D<.). AVAILABLE 2001 SERAPH, PARK WARD Hl.J\C'K/HI \CK (Xll'l'iff1) 2002 CORNIOtE HI \CK $.\Pl'l llRl-/\t.l\C"OIJ.I\ (Xll2fl2U) 2001 AZURE MULLI NLR PLEASECAU FOR. AN APPOINTM ENT M IKE BUR.G ER SALES MANAGER. /\Kl IC.l\/COl~WOI J> (Xi;lttJS) 2002AZ\JRE ~II VH~ Pl-\RI /'ii R \105 {Xll\010) 2002 AZURE Ph\C CX "-/ ~11\C.NOl I\ (XOlll2,) 2003 ARN ACER IJI J\C'K/ Bl /\Ck (XIH.llM) ' PR.EOWNED 1998 AZURE hlACK/PAR(HMl-:NI ( ill~) 2080 ARNACf! ttl C' KI C'Ol'!,WOW ( 1998 AZlJRf. tt!A C'K/Rl.AOC (XM~ • but this rare and beautiful place wr call 1he Back Bay, fating ever increasing prl.'1.'>ure' from the vi\iling public. dl•rnand' a11 ambillou.<. .,olu1ion JIM COKAS Clean up swap meet\ parking, tra~h problems I work. in <.0..,10 MC'>d and a11end the Lo,ta Me~a .. wJp meel on my way to work on tht: weekend morning. I 1h1nk that the '>Wdp meet ~hould go balk IO ~a1urday and Sunday and. a' far a., the i.olu1ion, I '>ay clean up the problem' wilh the park111g and the tra~h . C.t•n<unly add re!>., 1hu'l' i.,5ue,, bu1 1he '>wap meet'> .irt· a great lommun1t}' venue They are certainly a great WJ) for Orange< 11a.,1 < ollegt> 10 rJi'l' funtl' fort 01t1r11un1t\ even1-;, and I \Oil' 10 l..ec·p lht• w.ap mel'I OJ>t'll aucJ gl'l 11 bad. 1111 1hllltrd.t\., PEGGY ROGERS I lun11ng1on H1-.1t h Lem c Back B<.11 a~ i'. free of de\ clopmcnt It \l'l'llh 111 lllt' th.ti tlw B<1t ~ Ba} "<1 t.11rh 1111,1111t• .ire.i from a tldtural .. 1.mdp111111 11 "'' JU'>I ll'.t\t' 11 alt11w \\t• h.t\l' alrt•ad) put lhO-.l' trJll-. Ill lht•rt• "('XI, lhl'} art' 1.111..111~ .1h11u1 pu11111~ 111 hourcJ\,alL.. '\ltt·r tit.st. v.t· .irt· go111g tu \l'l'. uh. \\t'll, \\l' Tl"<tlly lll'l'J \llllll' 11''1 flJOIO'>, .mt.I .tftl'r tht• fl''' rut 1111,, \H' .ir1· go111g IU \l't' Wl lll'l0d d laruuwl JnJ allt•t 1h1 larou'>l'I, \\l' art· g111ng lo nt•t•d itc neam. illld II llhl '>l't'lll\ ltkl· UC Irvine Baseball is Back! a p.llh thJI \H' durl°I need 10 gc1 dm\ n \\l' alret1dy Lind or ha\1' ,t h111ld1ng Oil llll' \ldl' of lhl' B.1d: B.1y. 1hat new lClllN I l'J\'l' II thl' way II "· lt'avt• II 1h1· \'\,t}' 11 1hed to lw. hut wlw11 \Oil 'l.srt dov.11 th•'> roJcJ. aJI 111 J 'udden }OU cJc .. elop t'Jrly t'llt roc11 he~ • '\nd I II tell you on 1hc u1her ,1dt· or th". I'm k.111d of p111 dl'vcloprnent, you krwv.. I 1h111L .,oml'l)()dy who own\ thc·u U\\11 land '>hould prl.'11\ 111u1 h he: able tu devl'lop 11 a' lht•\ d likt• tu wllhlll '>Offit.' l>c111111.ldm·' Hut I Ju'1 thmk 1h1s ".rn area that 'hould ~lay 1ha1 "•'Y· and lht'rt' art• 1101 many .ir1·a' li ke 1t11' in towm 1ha1 Jr1• .l\<11 lahle ,o, you know. the ul\ ,11011ld Leep their hJncJ' off of II MARK WILLE Co'>ta Me,, UC Irvine Baseball Bash A kick-off to the 1003 Baseball season Tonight at 6 p.m • Anteater Ballpark • Free UCI Baseball T-shirts to the fint 500 pcopl• • Try out your baseball skills In the batting cages, the bullpen, or the Infield and outfield • Dress athletic and warml • FREE to everyone • Visit www.bascball.ucl.edu For mor• lnfonnetion, c•ll (949) UCl-WINS or www.llthlctlcs.ucl.edu • • • " Daily Pilot • .f ON VA C ATIO N f11 l1~ <1 .,i~ I I 1(}() A7 ... ·, ... K1mberl.Y Long with grandmother Nancy Long in Cape Cod, Mass. Kimberly attends Brandeis University in Boston. Mass. Bill and Dee Armstrong from r ewport Beach celebrated their 55fh anniversary with a cruise through the Panama Canal They are seen here m Acapulco. Mexico No rn.Jn1 r v.t "' , 1 '• J ti '(O ~r h()('I" •' ""r r HEMPHILL'S KL'JWE•LONw PP NCES Y& vqi/¥ 11 •A, s· RUGS & CARPETS /1 PRINTER ~ DailyPilot . . . .. . . . ... 1949) 722.7224 .. .. " .. 949 2SO 3212 Real Estate A U C T I 0 N Preview Jon _8th • 9:30 11 30 Commercial Property Laguna Beach 9,000+ sf Restaurant on .52 Acres 'Jge ~. a • H-, • p ,. ,. corr .. , loccr on neo• S.,1 f I\ So'ld Ho•el s .. o<I •I • z '""<J C 1 lcxol '"ro bv\1M>n nnd < orr "'ere a v,,. • fvlly equipped H!Che'I ~111 1 r11tr111•HOll0" eqv P"'"''' • It Space oorl 1ng c • • 8 111"9 h c1111ent17 voro~• <>nd .,.Odf lo• rf'model Coll for terms or see our website Mike Wolters 888-314-1314 www.tranzon.com final clearance! 40-70% OFF Ladies winter shoes & accessories 25-50°0 off entire boot ~lection New spring styles arriving <WJy! Sizes 4 to 11. ln a great selec:tlon of widths, from super-slim to wide •Van Eli • • ~ to Meucci • RangonJ • Corona Del ~far Plaza 964Avocad0Avenue,(comer of MacArthur and PCH) • 949:721-132~ www.mannl hoe .com Newport Beach couples Mark and Carol Lambert (leftl and Myles and R1td Jarrneson !right) vdcat1on together in Kauai, Hawa11 Best friends gathered at Costa Mesa re sidents PtJul anll Cindy Henry's ho111e lbackl dt l dkt-' Arrowhead Friends included Costa Mesa res1d?nb ~cott and Kdthy M.ihan (lptl) and r J~""t ort b"'oc.t residents Ron Rubino and Sharon l sterley (ngrt hP thrP~ men ha, .. bM·r friend~ since t 1gt• school The Duffy Annual Pass Is Back! Get yours now, limited supply! Join the CLUB! The~ p~ p.ay for lh n<iel~c in no time Hun')'~)' will IJ out . To Sign Up, Call (949) 645 .. 6812 Extension 11.0 ' •No lt1sura11ce Costs •No Mai11te11ance Costs • No Slip Fees, No Hass/.es • Great Jen· business. Jamil): jrtemls and soul crui'sitJR • Take atl11a11tuge of tbe wonderful fleet of Ouffy Bollis • Co11tl(''1/<ml location, fantasltc amenities , . .. QUOTE OF THE DAY "This is our city and we're going to rul~ it all the way.'' EYE OPENER Ill Daily A Pi 1ot 1111111 SparU Hal ol Fame Xochld Byftekl, Estancia High senior I 4>""1rv.w'I( lht ...... tlll'lllll ..-, M Friday, January 17, 2003 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL Vaqueros no problem for Newport IRVINE -Conoibu-• tioos abounded for the visiting Newport Harbor High girls basketball team in its 56-34 win over Irvine in Sea View League play ,'1tursday night \l Whether it~ scoring, steals. rebounds or assists. Coach Jen Thompson's squad responded "We llied a few new things on defense and came out with different lineups." Thompson said Jillianne Whitfield led the Sailors with 13 points on 6-of-10 shooting with Aman- da c.ampbell pouring in 10 poinlS with five rebounds and three steals. Vanessa Miller connected for nine points on 4 of 6 from the field and Victoria Swigart knocked home eight points while adding five rebounds and two steals. Newport. 11-8, l • 2 in league, finished 4 of 8 from behind the arc and went 19 for 44 from the field. Junior Kristi Koon fractured her index finger in practice and didn't play Thurs- day. Next up for the Sailors is nonleague visitor Ttabuco Hills Saturday at 7 p.m. s.. View Leecue Newport Harbor 56, lrvtne 34 Scot'9 bv Ou8r1llra Newport 111 12 8 18 56 Irvine 11 5 9 9 -34 Newport -Campbell 10, Stoltz 3, Whitfield 13, Vasquez o, Fulce o. Beeson 2, Swigan 8. Miller 9, Eddington 4, Linsday 2. 3-pt. goals -Swigart 2. Stoltz 1, Miller l Fouled out -none Irvine-Rowe 1, Swenson 13, Houst.on 4, Papke 6, Crawford 2, Fl'eeman 2, Earl 6, Glaudl 0, Ghashghai o, Homayounshad o. 3-pt. goals -Swenson 3, Houston 1 Fouled out -Earl. CdM rolls CORONA DEL MAR -The Corona del Mar High girls basketball team took advantage of visiting Tesoro's inex- perience to maintain its perfect Patjfic Coast League record at 2-0. CdM (7-9 overall) came out pres&ng from the start and used the full-court press in the fowth quaner to outscore !he Iltans, 17-3, in the final eight minutes "I told the girls at halftime that good t~ come out and really bury the other teams and they did that tonight.• said CdM Coach James Barblow. Kelliann Klein and Kate Heeschen. starting her second consecutive game, both scored in double figures with 15 and 1 O points, respectively, while Jackie McCoy added nine and Colleen Maries tallied eight for the victors. "(Heeschen) is like the Eneryp..er bunny," Barblow said "She is a great de- fensive fon:e and caused a lot of rum-overs.. ,.. C09lt Leecue CoroN def M9r 61, Teeon> 28 Score by au.n.n TtllOl'O • 10 9 3 -2e Corona del Mar ie 10 11 11 -e1 Telon> -Ulish 11, Teka1 1, Kuhn o, Semon O, Boughton 3, Holmea 2, Goldbv 4, Brode S. 3-pt. goals -none Fouled out -none. CcM -C. Marki 8, Otterbein 2, Hee9dlen 10, Klein lS, McCoy 9, Snell S. Dimas 4, Stem 6, A. Marki 3, Skalla 2 3-pt. goals -Klein 1 Fouled out -none SCHEDULE TODAY a..utball Community tollege men -Cypreu at Orange Coast. 5:30 p.m. Community college woi:nen -Oalipsa at Orange Cont, 7:30 p.m. High ld'lool boya -Tesoro It Corona del Mar, 7 p.m.; Newport Harbor et Irvine, 7 p.m.; Estancia at Orange, 7 p.m.; Wettmlnster at Costa Maa, 7 p.m.; Sage Hiii et Caplstr1no Valley Christian, 7:30 p.m High ec:noot glr1a -Sage Hill at C.piatrano Vati.y Chrtltlan, 8 p.m. loooer High IChool boyt -Tet0ro et Corona del Mar, 3:15 p.m.; Westminster at eo.t. MeN, 2:30 p.m •• ; E1tancla et Orange, 2:30 p.m.; • s.ge Hnl et Captstrano Valley Chr1ttlan, 3:11 p.m.; Newport Harbor at lrvlM, 5 p.m. High IChool glr1a -Caplwano Valley Chr19tlan et Sege Hill, 3!15 p.m. ..,..,. High ecnoot girl•!" Northwood st Cotta ~. 3;15 p.m.: Sage Hiii at Aliso Niguel, •:15p.m. ........ COiiege mtn -UC lrvlne et UClA. 7 p.m. January 20 bonorM \ CARL KRAUSHAAR _, , .. Daily fltot· 5poris Editor Roger Car1son • (949) 5 744(23 • SPoftl Fax: (949) 650-0170 ' It ;. .1 •• 111 HIGH· SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL 1111 Eagles' Big 3· too ·big Estancia's Wase, Byfield and Gray combine.for 48 points and relish in bragging rights with victory over Costa Mesa. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot COSTA MF.SA -So the saying goes, to the victor go the spoils, and Estancia High senior Xochitl Byfield didn't shy away from living up to such after the Eagles girls basketball team defeated host Costa Mesa, 56-34. in a Golden West League game Thursday. "This is our city and we're going to rule it all the way." Byfield said after scoring 14 points. despite struggling with foul trouble. "We showed them. We were com- ing into this game with the thought that this is going to be easy and this is our game. Every- one was fired up." Aside from Byfield. the Mustangs 00·6, 2-1 in Estancia Mesa 66 34 J; cia first-year .coach said. HThey do it 't • so well. I love seeing that" • 1 Sometimes a little improvisation • , • helps, too. With Estancia leading. 47-J., 29, in the fourth quaner, the Eagles , were supposed to run their stall of· · fense to run out the clock. Wase, d dribbling five feet behind the top of , • the key, noticed the shot-clock ticking down to cwo. "What are you going to do now." Rappa shouted at her10int guard. Wase pulled up from downtown and swished ln a three-pointer. as Es- tancia fans erupted in cheers. Wase found various ways to score. There • was the three-pointer, but she also .• .. scored because of dribble penetra-, , lion. She was 4 of 4 from the free- throw tine and 8 of 13 from the field When the defense would crash on her she would dish to one of her teammates for an assist. . "She's our roclc." Rappa said of • · 1: Wase. "She gives the team momen-,. tum. She speeds us up and slows us down. With her being that important and then add in her offense that • • , make her a nec.essity to this team." Costa Mesa senior Ricken Reeves led the Mustangs with 12 points, scoring most of her points in the • , pai.nt. She also had seven rebounds. • Senior Rhondi Naff faced constant double-team defense and finished • with eight points. onJy !he second wne thts season she has been held , . below double digits. Mesa senior Sta-.. . cee Sanche7 added nine points. nl league) also had to contend with sen· ior Tuha Gray and junior Trisha Wase. who scored a season-high' and game-high 21 points to go with eight assist\. Wase's superb ball-handling skills broke down Mesa's defense, while Gray was a force inside. Gray scored 13 points. grabbed eight re- bounds and recorded three steals. Es- tancia forward Nancy Castro also contributed 11 rebounds. STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PlLOT Estancia's Trisha Wase (14) drives the lane past Costa Mesa's Denise Landeros ( 13) m Thursday night's game at Costa Mesa High. Golden Welt Lap Est.Inda 56, CosU Mesa 34 Score bv au.n.n Estancia 1~ 20 13 11 "You always know those three (By- field, Gray and Wase) are going to do a good job," Mesa Coach Jim Weeks said. HThey are quality players. Tuha and (Byfield) were first-team all- Jeague last year and Trisha was the MVP (of the Pacific Coast League).· Weeks was pleased with how !he Mustangs started the game, but obvi- ously did not enjoy the finish. Costa Mesa answered an 18· l O deficit with a 7-2 run to come with.in, 20-17. with 3:30 left ln the second quarter. But, Estancta (9-8. 4-0) made its move and outscored the Mustangs. 12-0. m the final 2:45 of the first half and took a 32· 17 lead into the locker room. The Eagles o utscored Mei.a. 20-9, in the second quarter and took con- crol of the game dunng thetr 12 -0 spurt. "We play as a team... Estancia ·Coach Tami Rappa said of what led to the Eagles' win. "Everyone stepped up when we needed them to: 1be Eagles scored several baskelS on long passes Ill transinon. which did not overly unpress Rappa "I would rather them play basket· ball and run the offense." the Estan· Costa Mesa a s s a Estancia -Castro 4, Gray 13. Byfield 14, Mino 4. Wase 21 Wilson 0, Pena 0, Flores 0 ~. 3-pl goals -Byfield 1, Wase 1. Fouled out -none Tecnn1cals -none Cotti Mesa Reeves 12 Naff 8. Sandlez 9 Landeros O. Brt<* 2. Waggoner 2 K1btn 0. Navarrette 0. Tru11llo 0 - 3-pt. goels -Sandlez 1 Fouled out -none Tecnnicals Tru11llo ·~. 'I ' "' HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER • I M esa's passing too much Mustangs utilize fluid touch to remain undefeated in Gol den West League with 10-1 win over rival Estancia. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -While most of their scoring plays were made for a highlight reel, the Costa Mesa High Mustangs also gave a clear example of passing for young fans watching the girls socceT game of crosstown rivals Thursday. The Mustangs (I l • l -2, 5-0-0 In the Golden West League) kept the ~tancla Eagles (2- 6-4, l ·3-1) guess- ing as Mesa soft- Estancia Meu 1 10 ened up itJ rivals' defense with sound passing. leading to a 10· l win at the Farm Complex. It also didn't hurt that the Mustangs possess a great amount of speed, an- other reason they are undefeated in league play and are playing a champi- onship brand of soccer. "When ~·re playing at the top of our game, it is very fun to watch," Mesa Coach Dan Johnston said. ·we had some very nice allot.a, and we were really spreading It around. Time and time again, we had five or six passes before each goal." Though &wicla aeemlngly played on Its beets, Johnston notJced the ~ dJd not lack dfon. It wu that ef- fort ch p~nted Etta.ocla from be- lng abut out. However, mo t of the damap wu done lo the ftrtt half, when Costa Mea buOr a 6·0 le.id ln the ftrst 36 m.lnu" Senior Sharon OS)' and aophomo Jenny Sparks and Vera Gale scored two goals each. Costa Mesa's lone fresh- man, Jasmin Day. also put ln two goals, while sophomore NUani Duarte and junior Kara Jenkins added one goal each. Sparb also bad three OS1lsts and. Sharon Day delivered two, while sen- iors Oevtn Denman and To hJa Bryant contributed one each. Spa.rb staned the scoring for the Musta.Jlp. finding the bac.k of the net on an unassbted goal just two minutes into the game. Coata Mesa later went up, 3-0, when Spar and Sharon Day nearly teamed up for goal, but Day's shot was slapped by the P.atancla goalie. However, GaJe was there for the rebound and qulc.kJy ki~ the Mil Costa Mesa Hrgh's Sharon Day (9) takes a shot on the Estancia goal in.. Thursday night'~ game. Day scored twice as Costa Mesa breezed to a 10.1 Golden West League victory at the Farm Compfex. I ... 4 ft "-STEVE McCRN« I~ PILOT .71 ,. , \ I into the net. scored after ftnJsblng off an a.sslst f/ii1n Then, four minutes later, Gale scored sophomore Elise Carroll. But the s.jes on a header, finishing a long cross from still trailed, 9· l , because Sharon .,_y Spatks, which gave t.be Mustangs a 4·0 scored twice and Sparks added anoch& lead. Three minutes after that, the Day before Estancia got on the scoreboaii. sisters teamed up to score a goal. Co ta Mesa closed out the ~g Sharon Day assisted on her younger with a goal from Jenkins alter s~ sister's goal. Jasmin Day, also known as produced her third asslat. • ~.., Jazzy, scored agaJn seven minutes later• "They're a really good team," 8'fi0- after settling a loose ball and then cia .Coach Nadine Rajabl aaJd oC~ 1trlld.ng from about 10 feet away from Mustangs. "We did ow bHt. • ~ the goal. Costa Mesa vtrtutlly ended Johnston concwted.. .. the game, golng up, 6·0, just before "You haw to gtve e.teiicta crectit· halftime. . Johnston said. "They were glvhf( it However, the Eagles made some ad-their aU Oie whole time." -~l Justmenta In the second half and were E.standa goall sophomore PNa able 10 earn 1goalwith12 mlnutea left. Arona and junJon Stephanie Vela.~ S.tanda sophomore Sandra Lopez Arwyn Knott combined for 13 ~i ~.l • r -"-· .... ,. • f ~ -·-'-~~~~~~---------............... __ ................................................... lilllll ......... _. ................ ~ SPORTS BRIEFLY CdM dunks Wilson HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING • GDUS WATB.R POLO: Co- a.>d& del Mar Hlgh's girls watec polo team lmproved to 10-2 with a 12-7 nonleague victory over visiting Long Beach Wilson 1hursday afternoon . Brittney Bowlus led the way with three goals and Otnstina Mewko. Danielle Carb o n and Vivian Uao each scored twice. paniela DiGiacomo. Katya Ea- dlngton and Jessica Harlcins, who has been accep1ed a t Princeton, each scored one goal. Brittany Fullen had five save<,. fstancia falls, 4-3 •BOYS SOCCER. The b.tan- cia H igh b oys soccer team dropped a 4-3 Pacific Coast League d ecision 10 v1sHtng Ocean View Thur~day de'>plle a hat trick by Luis Mendo:ta Ocean View '>Cored 1href.' goals in the finaJ 15 mmute'> of regulation to send 11 into over- time, and eight min ule'> into the se cond ovenime scored 1he winner. Estancia falls to 4 i -1, J -4· l in league. she collided with Sailo rs' goalie Cara DeMUJe as the ball sailed Into the net. Newpo rt Harbo r falls 10 3- 7 ·5, 1-1-1 in the Sea View. Ir· vin e improves to 8·5· I, 2-1-0. Sailors pin Aliso, 43-36 •WRESTLING: Newpo rt I !ar- bor High'!> wrestJmg team d e alt visitmg Ahso Niguel a 43·36 Sea View League d efeat Thursday night, keyed by five s traigh t vic- tories. ~er the Sailors' h eavyweigh t Phtl Gerard won by pin in 3:24. th e Tar!> Victor George {103), Kid Lim (1121. Morgan Nolan ( 119) and Jon Roh.he 1m ( 125) rolJed. George \von by pm in O 56, Lim was a 17 ·I winner. Nolan won by pin in 1:4J, and Rol- '>heun rallied from a 4-2 d eficn to poi.I a 6 4 win w11h a reversaJ and near-pin with 0· 16 left. Kyle < ody ( 135) ralJied to w m b~ pin in 3:29 and Nate Geier \hl!> a technical fall winn er I 17 ·2) at 140 Jeff Landa 1160) aho rallied for a pm in 3 40 A.•~v P •GIRLS SOCCER The '>Jme d uo hooked up for both goab for the Coron a dei Mar 1 ltgh girls soccer learn m tts l I Pa- cific Coas t Leaguf.' \\1 n °'er V\Sltm g Tesoro Thursda}' Newport tie . 74-74 •CLUB SURFING -\;ew- port I !arbor High·., club c;u rfi ng tt>am '>Phi four evcntc, and tied Dana Hilb for the '>t'cond time in two \'.eeks. 74 i4, 1n a non- league rrn:et In ~houlder high. 2 3·foo1 '>urf on J vel) cold morning at 56th ">treet Thurs· Jay II wa'> the final tuneup be fore the State C.h.imp1on'>h1ps I eh 22 l.1 at OceJn.,.de Mesa Junior Christian Rivero (left) grapples with Estancia sophomore Cayley Carr at 125 pounds Rivero won by a fall in 3 55 Lauren Loe m adf.' a sweeping left lcJck into the box and Rat:hl'I Yelsey headed th e b.lll m goal 10 put CdM up. 1-0, with nine minu tes elapsed . Loe found Yelse y for another header wHh onJy two minute!. remamtng 10 give the sea Kings (5-3-1. 2 0 1n league) the go-ahead an d e\t'n- rual-winning margin That pinning touch With the win aho comt'i wo rd of a majo r loss for ldM Among Coach !>coll Morlan's '>hort boaru entnt''>, Geoff Rtll. Anghtto n Hrandenburger Jnd .\lex Kno '>I \\.ere ht'.ll w1nr1t•r., II wa'> Rill\ 11 lh victory fur \ew- port \\h1lh fin1 ... hed 11 1-:! OVt'raJJ Costa Mesa wins all six matches on pins in a 52-29 victory over cross-town rival Estancia. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot pound'>. Sophomore J<>t' Amburgey wre'>tled u p from his usual 11:19 '>pol to .!15 .igain'>I f.'>tancia -.en- 1or Landon PullnJ. r.'>tanc1a didn't have a \\TI.">tler at 189. but Co'>ta M~ dtdn't have on e at 21 'i, so Amburgey moved up ')() he and Pulvzi SCOREBOARD Mesa Estancia 52 29 n tJJed "rnuJJ.tlowt.·1 e.ir lnl' ear .iii nwn1 fllCllI'> \\ht•n water anu blood bel<M tht' tantlagt· mlX IOJ(t.•ther .inu cir) up, cau.,mg pain Pert'"t exp('(t'> Larmona to return for the hagl~ ap peanmt.e at a tour nameni in San Ot· \hamft•ld JuJn t pl.in Oil ti' mg tht. !ht' \HL"'>lit·r-. h,, lield OUI nmMJ\ Uldl 1m:ludl'd iumo r ">11\ iv I Mr.id.1 ''ho i... :!6 -I thJ., -.t>a.'>on \ 1 I I ruff hmtL' \\Te ... 1lt•r, to 10 m<1tth1"' hd<Ht' leJ~'llt' tinah l>q.;in btJllna 10 ... 1 th tlmd du.ti met•t in a rt·hu1ldmg -<J.''111 Pt•rt•t '>dJU < .. irm11n.i h tlw te.inh onl\ ~·rnor The PC I: Co-Most Valuable Player of a year ago. senior de- fen d e r La ure n Shepht>nhon. bro ke h er leg faJhng off J turb la~t weeke nd. e nding her h1~h­ school soccer caret'r. '>aid <.d~I Coach Bryan M1ddle1on fommv I lo lbruok anu :\a than S!<Jnt•man h.id '>et0nd· plalt' fini.,he'>. Da\ 1d :\e1ra and r ma llO'>'>t'lnl Wert' 1h1rd. Matt Doheny wa., (ourth. Brei! Lc1- 1ron wa!> fifth and Joe) I lead. lyler HO!>'>t.'1n1 and \1or~an HtU \'ot'ft' '>IXth. COSTA \lfSA -la<.ung a piece of the "pm · pie became rou Line for l"\'ery Coo;ta Me<KI High wrestler who faced an b · tanaa Eagle 01ursdav m a Golden \'ies1 League dual meet on the bLanoa mats. tould wrestle. The '>Ophomore needed five mmut~ after get· ung ahead. 20-6 m the tlurd pe· nod. to pm PuhrJJ. who was onJy wre~tling for the ~ond ume mente th1' week.end l clITll011J I' lht• 'Jill\ \ .u '>tr) "Tt">tkr \\l' hi.!\~ Pt·w1 '>djU \ lol ol ITI\ gt!\" h,I\ t Ill movl' up Imm 1m ... h -.t1ph .illll 1urnor \QJ''>ll\ w \\ n )Ill J •h• \Cir.II\ lt'\l'I •\JI nn h'U\' ,,11.., i.hould ht· \\Te ... 11111~ t·1tlwr d1dn'I haH• lhl' gmth .... <Jr Ul<llll comt' out liu1 \ou ha\t 10 dl'.11 \\1th It It.., no1 'oml'tlun~ Ill'\\ Shepherd o n had a pin m· .:en ed mto h er fool 1n '>urge!) performed earlier 1h1' wet>k Tars fall at Irvine. 1-0 •GIRLS SOCCER '\t•\, pun Harbor H igh's gul!. '>occer team dropped a I ·O Sea V1e\\ League d ecis io n a t Irvine rhur'>da~ J' the Vaq ueros strut ~ 1n lht' --ih minute. Dan Krel'>chmar \-.a!> fir'>t in tht' bod) board. follov.ed bv \11 t hael At>d. l'>econdl and Jusun t..J'>t (fourth ) It wai. Kret~ch­ mJr ~sixth wrn r rila I lo'>sem1, Am) I owry a.nd Robin ~enour wen t 4-5·6 1n the girl'> longl .,hort board ('l,l'llt Five forfe1L'> were the onJy poml!> the bagles '>Cored againsL the Mw.tangs. JJ<i. 3·0 m league. in a 52-29 \le..a vic- tory. talong b.tc.:k the wy or.le after l-.stanc1a won, <IB-27 a vear ago. All six Mu<>langs who wrec; tied pinned mclf opponents. me Qllltkest Ill JW.l 31 '>l'COnd' hy ..enmr Ml.kt• Simonoff at 160 ~le<,a\ Adilffi (.arcia pinned m I :54 at 171 wtule Junior ·Ouisoan Rivero 11251 \\On m 3·55 over Estancia sophomore laylev Carr \\ho wre.tled m place of -;enior Victur Carmona fir<>t-year wrt">tler ~rglo <.a· brera 135 pinnrtl hh oppo nent m I :57 and 'emor k">-'>C 1-ranco ( 145) got one takedown for two pomts before gemn): the fall m 41 second' "I was really hapJ'l\ ,,,th Ca breral: <.aJd fiN-year \It''><! Coach Bren Shamfeld "He \\J.., on the auad.. the \'\110le unw being a~l\'l' 11\ great to '>rt' Amburgf') Jl..o \\Tt."-tJed \\ell heryone <11t•pped up tn the platl' · (.annun.i too~ 't'tond plJt• m tht 125·, in .1 111ur1 .. n "I • 1 '\11nh .... oou H1gt 111 •• mt' l.L,1 \H't·kend Ht won on l\\fl p111 ... anu J ma1or dl'Cl,1011 l)t'h •rt' iiNll~ m Ult• linJh ..:11 11 to ..Ill opponent from ~11..,...1011 \ h'lll Ke lly Fe rguson drove 111 to head the ball in after a d1reL1 kick over Newport., "-<ill Jnd I he long board was won by Kno'>I while Ola~e Smtih and LJtron \\f'nt 5-6 In was Kno'>t's n101b \1llOI) in 10 '>tarts. Cam1ona wa~ "delmed v.1th a tup bnu<;e along \\ith "'hat f-.agle<.' Coach Steve Perez llgll Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 I Legal Notlw ~ Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Leoal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices sunmo1 COUil Of 1~·· •11 1 •" '" t~, Adltletls 1us1.u rldlttlwl a...n Iii-.-& r ·ltC "' t~I\ m•ll•• \hal ..__ ,......__. • · ..__ r....__. ..,......,.,..., ·'fl0P.\f f>J#f('ll@ lhf~ l'IUf( i.-J.........n ~J,....._ ;(OIMJ'f OfOWfG( I •t lh• t ••11ni 1nd1lattd fh, lollow•na person\ I The follow1na 11er~<1n\ Tnr h1lluw•na I>'' 'ns In• fo11ow1n~ P'!'on\ b•luw I > \huw <All\' 11 .,. do•ne burnto\\ ., ire do1n11 bus1nen o ... duon• buw1"\ 4\ I ar• d111n~ D1.\inH> o • J41TllCJTTDllV( •ry *hylh'p'lt•rtf111 tlaul• Balh 606 I? SiR Val'I 19191 M£RC lnt,rp11\rs 117 Abv·' C "'t11;rl1nn ~ POST OfflCI IOX '"·~~· "' '""'' \hOulo e.,. .• ,, .• Awe Corooa df'I I awrt O• t anf< n s ,,. 11 ... ,,n. ~"''""'' "I 4 I p. • • d. D, ... 14171,MUll'.I,. 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P\"60NS ,ountv Oarly Pilot 200'6921701 filed with lhe County on t 1 03 Ian l 10 17 2003 r 16S 1 Peltltoner Sh•ron DATlt DlC 20, 2002 Dally Pilot Jan to 17 Clerk of 01anee Coun ty 20036921711 RctltlM141Si!tu S•i\h Roolll ltled 1 JUDGl IUCHAaD 0 . <'4 J I 2003 I 179 on t2.'30/07 Oa1ly Pilot Jan 10 11 pQlltop •Ith lhtS 'ourl fUZll. s• .. JUDGI Of Ml\.UrffJOl-llt 20026927912 24 31 2003 fl16 •si....it fllf" 1 decrH ch•n&tnl THl SUl'llUO• COUltl 111vvu1 ~ Oa1ly Pilot Ian l 10 I The follow1na pe1sor1' •ttnes es follows Publ11hed Newport Oranee County S1n1 17.24 2003 Fl74 are doin11 bus1n11ss u Sliaron Buell Costa Mes• Oarly lehon Olslrlct (OCSO or fldltleus""-ss A S1v1111 M1rl1.etrn11. Smtih Rooks to Shtn Pilot Dtumbet 21 2002 the 01slr1Ct) of Ounre S..-.ef it-S....... 28011 Gunnison Court Smith Roolls ltnuar y 3 10 t 7 County Cehforn11 will I Tht followtnc Pt•'!.ons l 11una N1au•I CA 9?6/l 2 THE COURT ORDERS 2003 Fl61 r•celve suled proposals M f tefU..ef art doina bustnen as Anitla Ren• Sau~t SUPlllOI CotMl Of CALfOlllA. COUllTY Of OWIGl S41 THE CITY DllM POST OfflCI IOX 14171,0WtGE, CA 9216J..1S71 lAMOILlUX MOOCOOB PO"IOONOf ftt. feflw _. lwrey •·w.lllfblt kCISftffw ...... FOlt CJWIG( Of IWll DIDO TO SHOW CAllSf fOI CJWIG( Of IWll CASI MJllll: A21S406 10 ALL INTERESTE D Pf RSONS I Ptl•l•oner I It'll~ ft r '1lllOw1'1~ 5 t \On!. d· .-c!,>l'li bu\1th ~'> d\ Cu,,t u,.11u• M..an•1it" 011nt t?OI W1l%t Av• ll~t '>8 111"11'1 ,·Aq 'l>L Phr"' >11(hway 1201 W.ilr·IOI AH Apt '>8 1 u~I ·1 LA 97780 T.,. bu,•rtt'\\ t~ nn Ou•l•J Oy 1r r•J • <lual .,.,..,,. Vt"O \t.t t11d dcnra: ~u''""" yet' Nr Philip H•shwAy lhrs ~l•l~"'"'t ... ~ f•l•d *'"' I~• Couni. luk ol Ur •n•t C < unly on l / Ill Ol 2002600927192 0111 y P lot Dec l1 1002 l•n I 10 17 200 I ~.hi> fritiM lvslntss llcntSllt..e t • I I "'I lo\ pe• ,., d ..,._ ''"' 1~!> •• ·'"'11"' ""*' \ Ntlil"" ~' 'J tt t •'i n,1, M•\' " 1 ·1,~ " m AJe t-f trr., p r1on r,. l .... trt M"'~ l A 9 'f.?/ • n Pt•t- Tt-t\-1.ltffl'!'lt!fl' .... '••t-~ -..11" n,. C url, lfl'tk Qf IJ, I I~· I 1h •n p ?6 07 20026927172 " p,t I ~ •r , ti I , .. 1 .;. th ... l If" ii, t Ir r l ' r I 20036921721 'd ' 4 NOTlaTo CREDfTORS or BULJ( SALE AND IMPROVEMENTS. COVENANT NOT TO un lll ht.rw•r'f 20, Rctltlea~.... MECl HORA. t?O N 28011 Gunnison Court 200S, 2.00 , .... Pro Tustin Ave . Suitt A. lagun1 Nt11utl. CA 92677 J efler and I orr ty Olrn\ nn behalf of Rafe I MarlU\ r effer Ohn\ • minor ltltd I pt l•llOn '"'" lhr$ court for • decret chan11n1 nemes I as follows Rife Mateus • PL IN !UCC Ste. 61 OSI Escrow No. 1012 NOTIO IS HEAEBY CMN th11~ bulk u~ Is 1bou1 to be m1dt. The name(sJ and buslnen addrtulu) or tht seller(•) ls/1re. OANIU IL MIUER ANO KATHIE C. Mill.ER, 14140 CULVER DAM. IA ' I , IRVINE, CA 92604; 29200 POATOLA PKWY, LAKE FOREST. CA. 29945 ALICIA .-rf. LAGUNA HIGtJEL. CA 92677 Doing buslneu as VALUCLF.AN CLEAHru s) and r~thtr business ~ s(tS) ustd !>Y cegellet11) within the t three ~ars, H I b¥ lhe stfler(s), are: HONE IOaltloll In ta of tht Chlet "'9 Office of tfle selltr it· 14140 ~ DA.1.IA & I. . £.CA 9,6(),4 Mmt(s) &.Ad bus1Ms1 addres• of tfle ~~ lt/lrt NI .... D, .• A CA GMP., I JOI VON 1-AVf..~ tS70, CA92a12 Tht UM!S IMl119 •otd lllllf' ge1ttral1V -t>M~. UAMttQlD !NTWST - COMP£TE. ANO DODGE MINIVAN YEAR 2002 and art louttd 11· 14140 CULVER~. IA & I. IR\llNEs. CA 92604; 2Y200 POATOLA PKWY, LAKE FOllEST, CA. 29945 AUCIA PKWY, LAGUNA NIGUEL. CA 92677 The bulk ult Is Intended to be consummated at tht office of US ESCROW, 10042 LAMPSON AVE., CARDEN GROVE. CA 92840 and tht anticipated ult datt Is 05 Ffl 2003 The bulk sale Is subltel to California Unlfor'I'• CommcKlal Codt Stctlon 6 I 06.2. The name and address of tht ptrson wfth whom clalms 1NY be flltd ts US ESCROW, 10042 LAMPSON AVE., GAAOEH GROVE, CA 92140 and tht last day for filing claims by any creditor shall be ~ FfJ 2002. wttkh II tflt buslMU day before tht antklll'ttd ult, d.tte sptetntd abow .. Dated' )1 OlC 2002 HI ' D. INC., A CA cw I IY DOHC- YOU\. 11.E. ms. lu¥eftS) PCT5 LAOIOl I 0 NlWf'O«T llfACH/C05TA ~ l:WLY "'-OT 17 JAN 2091 PoUls must be received Tha lollowtn1 ~t\on Newport Beach Cah This bus1nus " con 11 ocso·s Admtnrstrahofl has 1b1ridoned lht uu f(l(noa 92663 ducted by an 1rid1v1dual Lobby or Purchu 1n1 ol Ille f tchhous Bus• MEG! INC (CA) 2700 Hn e you started do1ri1 Division Off let, by the ness N1me BHl '"'" w Coast Hwy Suite business yet' No dile and ttm• herein nallon1I. 6t4 Orchid 1257 N 8 h An1111t1 S8v~1111 1bove set forth. 10844 Avenue, Co1ona del M11 Cihform•eg~ H C Thts staltmtril was [llrs Avenue, fountain CA 92625 This bus•neu 11 cori t1i.d wrlh tht County Yi Hty. C.lifOfrHe. 92708· The F1cllbous Bus1neu dueled by an tndmdual Clerk of Orance County 70t8 name referred lo 1bovt H t t .. 1 on 12/18/02 , RIOUIST fOll •as hied 1n Or 1n1e ave you s ar ev do"' 200260092721 J l'aMOSAl <OM,..ID County on t0/18/2002 bu.!~nnCls yel7 N1°., p Delly Polo! Dec 21. 2002 FILE NO 20026920883 """ Inc ., rt$-'·n 3. 10. 17. 2003 fl67 SPAQ aH<UI HAIN-tdlfll ,. ING Sl'ICWKATION NO. Alfred C Muensa. 614 This statement WIS ,.._ ...... S-200~ 122 Orchid Avenue. Corona !tied with the County ..__ u....___.. Prooosals must be del ~r ·CA 92625 Cler~ of 011n11 Coun ty --submllled on the fOf m Thts bu1tnus is con on 11127 /02 1 he follow1n1 persons If• dotnc business I\ Bronrt Dc11n Enter prises. 3100 Newpo1t Blvd.. •210, Newport Beach. CA 92663 SUOPlted by OCSO In ducted by '" tndtvodu1I to02•tts2S7 accordance with all Alfred C Muense D1~y Ptlot Dec 21, 2002, provisions of the spec1 This statement wn Jan J. tO. 11. 2003 H 70 ltutlons Soeclflcalion<J, tiled with the County prooou l bt1nlo, an4 Cltfk of Olan1e County fllftlllt lnforrNbon mey Oii 01/0lllOJ be obtained at the above IOOJ6t2tOS4 1ddt.u, telephone Q14) Dalli Piiot J.n 10, 17, 962 2411 24. 31. 2003 FIU l'ublllhtd Newpor I IHch Costa Mesa Oarly Ptlol Januery 17, 2003 FIM MlfVNI l Cr9CO')' 2121 Wttl W~Uams Slrffl. fl lon1 Butll CA 90810 Tht followln1 P.rsons Tiiis business " con are .ro.na bu1"'eu u ducted by an lndl¥1411tl We111n1 h lls . 3 Hawe you slatted *>Int Mofllerey 1'1ne 01 bui.lntss yet? Y•. l ·l Hewpo1t CoHI, CA 03 92657 Marvin Or910fy l1n l'an dolf o J Th~ •t•tem.nt ••• Monterey l'lnt Or Mid ""'Ill 1"41 C:O.,nty Newport coeu, CA 'Clet._ of Or1nce Covnty 92657 on lfl/03 TlllJ bU"tltU It ton 200~tH720 f elfer Oh"' to Rate Marcus Ohns f efftt 2 IH[ COURT OflO[RS lh•t all perwns !Iller u tPd in this malllf shill 1wea1 btlOf t lh1s cour I •I the llu11n1 1ndtcaltd belOw In show uuse 11 any why lhe petition IOI chi na• ol name should not bl aranled N011Cl Of HCARINC 0111 2 18 03 rime 2 00 pm Oeot L73 fhe addrns of the court is ume as noted above 3 A •GPY of this Otdtf to Show Cauu shall be published at ltH I o"c• H t h wtt., tor four \UCCHSIYe WHl&t pll(lf to the cl.tit 111 for 11Hnn1 on I.ht Otllhon lr1 the loltow1111 news r.aper of 1ener1I ctrc11 •lion llflnled 1n th1l county The Oarly l'lk>I OATlt lltOV 21. 2002 ltKIWte O. fl.AZR, SL, '"°I or '"' SWIQ)I COUWT 1'11llflah1• """l'Or I 8Nch-Coit1 Mtu DU., l'110I MnvM'W 17, 24 31, februar;S 100J I\~ Miff lly: 1n "'dl•rcluel O.tlJ l'olot J.n 10. 11. Ha111 JOU a.t.llct ... 24, I.~ Fl77 '"'""'" ,.11 No ~------~~iiiiiiiiiiiiii LIH 1'1"4folfo II Thi• ~t•tatntnt was fi!M •Ith tl\t C-ty C* II ol Oranc-COlll\l'f ell lfl/03 llQatnn• Oe'ill l'llot 1-n 10. 11, H, t,iocD f 171 l~r:;tf'I ' Plug into the Pilot C lassif 1ed section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. NEWPC>fn BEACH •COSTA MBA Daily Pilot l I. 1 '"• if II' c1 ( ' ir 11 n ll " 11 t y l'v'I . 11 k ' ·. t p I. 1 u • Policy ... How to Place A ___ Deadlines --- Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The gublisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify. revise or reject any classified advertisemenL Please rep0rt any error thar may be in your classified ad ~mmedjately. The Daily Pilot accepts no ltab1li1y for any error an an advertisement for which 11 may be rt!l>pons1ble e xcept for the cost of the -.pace actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first 1ni.cn1on. 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La<ge yard w/Sf"A/ wa led all SI ,675 000 Owner /Agent 949-644 ~7 IJ( 949 759-0505 NEWPORT HEIGHTS S7 49 .000 :air /1 t.a. home w(l Fps, fonNI din. ~ Irv rm pllS SllJdio w'1111 ilnd •bit £ •tl'a Wide tot Cal '°' llllPI Oolc Clan< 949 71S. I 5Cl3 Of 949-Q. I !H) PRIMI ISTATfS PATRICK TfNORf NA TIONWIOI USA 949-8S6-9705 www patricktenore com OCEANfRONT1'1XER NOT FOR THI FAINT OF HIART •• AGT. 949-723-4120 Newport Coast OPIN SAT 1-5 I 5 Via Venetoa 4br 4 5ba library • bo nu' room S 1,585,000 24 Catelllna A IOULh of Italy 4br . 1 5ba Str •da home S l ,729,000 PLATINUM PROPERTIES Stefano• Meurer 949 715 3156 PRIMI lSTATfS PATRICK TENORI NATIONWIOI USA 949-8S6-970S www patrocklenore com MISCEWHEOUS RENTALS RentalToShare 6030 NI/..._ Pier & lay, ~room $850/mo. S21S/ wl\ \h.Y ed SI 50/Sl8>/wll Sober '"''"i 949-933 7 I I 0 NP un the bell lux lowrim. 'II bl pvt ba. plure wall l"I tl\t 11".U lul. Ip, laird, rmd se 94!Mli(}7123 RESIDENTIAL RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY !111\ new\pa1>er will nol knowin&I~ atctpt 1ny •dverllVmf'nl fnr "'df f''I .tlP Wh<l h I\ <n vonl•lron n( lhf' law Our rpad~r · "'" hf'reby 111frumed Iha! all dwell ma• ddV•I l!Vod In lhl\ nPW\Jldl'"' ar~ available "" an "'IUdl opportunity hd\I\ Hardware 3260 so. ••mtONT HOME -------w/~.'~~Lot. Balboai..1 • ...e HP Notebool., lop nf ""lll' .__., ,._,,_, AUlllU th• fme new combo 949-675-5714 Ju r nm11ld111 of dt\ < rim1n.1lmn t~ll ltUO loll 111 •• at I 800 424 8590 d11ve netwnr~m11 S800 C d IM r11m 949.a51 .2943 orona e ar Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Fut'l\fWR PIANOS & Coli.ctibles ., .... ~ • ... •A.. •• ,,,.-.r., """ $$ CASH PAID $$ WE BUY ESTATES .;'649-4922. SOUTH COAST AUCTION 2202So.1Wrolt. ..._AM. CA 12707 t ..... '~ -ff"A f_ i)t 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coa1t Celn Heed• Old Com-.• Gold .. 1,,,,.r l"~lry Woll< he1i •OllQUeS tollecllble\ 949 6A'l 9448 3610 • Aaipt • w.nts Krtbn\ 1.Als, ~ r al"! Ill v- "V!r Y SRI Su11 1 'l 4pm FIMrnn I\ Alwnal NPl'MJrk Jnfo 9 4q 644 'l'l/9 WWW MlllllMr11>1wu·~ org CtllP l) day Web kt~ 4 ~ Re'iCUl!r\ needed MISCELLANEOUS MERCHAHDISE Miscellaneous Merchandise 3855 StHI lldf• Yr. l1td lleweutl ?4 a ?8 w•\ S6.800 u ll S J 190, 401411 wn Sl4,600. 5ell S'>,860 !10•110 W3\ S26,'IOO. H ll Sl?.980 <-D•llverl Walt 100-H2-7IOJ 1489 WANTlD c...M./s.t a-. 291 Knoi 2007 Hohd•Y CelebulH>n Pl•ce Qu•hty item,, IUlll ciou.. hou-Ahold IMC 949 ~74 4247 ' • ..., ., ... .Mfll ******* mATISAUSATM, 11' VII lUe SM OtifCMr clothes 6 12. '"'•l•mo ShoH, llos p1tel btd, walken. •le s.<vtraf Maptlne sat,., ncl Ard1 Ot&HI HouH hol4' 11pp1'1, paint •rl,nudle p0111I u 1p Jl.nt•• 1ten1•, pow., toots., ...... of .... ,. 8-lf .. Rt utm 1• 1111 ... ,........, .... TrOYel Ca. In N~ only Twn ""¥ ~ oft equip, phonu. etc fr•1m ~ aid 91l>W.fiTT7 WANllD-4 rtlX IN C.M. U' fOSto0,000. ,bK,ONlY AGINT f4t 7JO '721 ... u. • ,...-, Miry sa.a '!WI T-. -lhlr. fn Ml OfrKI _,ACI .............. 111"'1 l:IJ DINtl I) •14 l2nu!ll ____ .._,.....,. ... •dllllcb ollat. ... liai.t l!>-54'5 • llAUTlfUl • Dr a ma lie Spyalan Hill eu!cuhve home No e.pen\e wa\ sp1red F abulou\ Ot,.an View. 48 r Offered pl Sl.695.000 SellPr bouahl •nolher h!lme Must Sell JudyK"'°r. 11.r 949-376-557' .... °" n.. Mewtlet Beautiful • home w/mlilTy u lras 48r 4 5& 3 """'*'· 3 decks w/oa.n. e;rty and Bid QAy View\ ~ floor pl;w1 Top of lhe lone 8llll8 llCb. !Ins.IN llff> and ~ Cllllwte 1 l<ll 310 J76..8871 Tw1 _......,.,. IA 2llr ~ f p, Ctllml pool • ~. ~ ... en.• Yltw -....y .. 5-9 ct o.. ~ !M94136-lm HHHOUSI SlClUDlD RO•IAT AMAZtNG nKI AGT. t4t-72J-a 120 C'OltaMm Ntty 2ltr I lio ;ipl New p;wit /capet/lr& hi c:.eB. dll airport, Sl400 'trtf no vnyeet ~a>44 Balboa Peninsula · SlefK fa beodi, remod. 2br lb~ lower unit. fp, b•• w/d d/w carport. SI 750 yrly 949 376-S..13 Dr 29o. 2c aar. patio w/d d/w new crpt parirt, io-u"'1 'lZJI" 2Dltl St. s 1850rno 94'}. 723-1186 .. 2..5loa 3 ....., ..... Ill bll bily/beh. ft.rn wd, 2 c pt I !D W Bal>oe Blvd $2400 714-8!0-1899 31r 210, luae hvlna 1rea. dee~. and new lndry, close to be•ch. S2500mo 949.715 3513 Con>na del Mar Stulle ...._ w,ilo.11.chene'tta. lfPPOI SOOsf. 2 ~ lo bdi. pr. w d ..... rl/Strfv ~ 949--m.ai96 -'-'*-~ .,,.d-plld. VVe te...a 2Bf + Din. 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Date: .i. ---..;-.:--;;-;;--"• --- S.top by or mail to the Daily Pilot office at: 330 W Bay Street, Costa Mesa, C A 92627 or Call (949) 642-5678 ·W edding ~ach4 ~adu.r in ':>Guvpo.rt_ aJ~acb, Corona <kl~' 'JGz11Jporl Goa:;4 Grula ~3a • 7Jon 'I mL$s oul on this chance. lo promolejt expe.r.f,ise in 1.&s field/· • jlr ..... _, """· INI ,.... p , -"""'and c*Alf'6ll W/D ~. waler tush meld Pel OK stprng ., 714 ':JJl JB.l llWtc'8 ..... c..,... 2lir 1'/'-2'-• QI total remod<ol bPCh & tennis <lub ~(mo 949 644 mo ~Badt •••1111f11I 'lbr 2 Sba luwnhume. <urne1 u111t, Ip 2 < 1•r wd A1en1 $18!>0/m<> 94!1 67 J 7800 111111~, I• 1 3tH/ lb1 •nlry level. ru pool, \h•>fl\ •< huul\ l t llr S?l<X:\-1110 "" 94'J 6J? ~ o..irww. G;;. i.-wv ~' flooo i>l4n\ 18r w 001 lrum Sl9SJ ' .zs, "°"' tl19!> an as1 0911 21r, 2' />lo, ;;;;--;i \jll U~ II ~. W d h~Up, ~tvv1 A C Iµ .... 1 no., $2/'>() '"" 94!1 IS',9 /973 -. ~ ... y ;;;;:.;;, 7 llldel bf 2'1b.t lmt femod ~flt.II ,_ perol, ll'llll.Ol l .... Pl ""' end 1n1 twmrr1 S7b'.l PtlCfe m.<rt. ~1t 714 '>JI '>45t; llvfh (Ofldo 181~ llOOsl 'i' < •• t.i1 no P•t ~m~ $2J1Sm,, • !Mp v••r Ito\• <J49 6« OlJS 31< ?lo '-M, I JI 1!1~1 . bdl ~ fM•J• A" ~lll•i• ,.. ·'''"' alln I lO-OJ p.,.j~ tlll 'J4<1 l':fl 31'16 ti ,,,.. J.2'i(JJ .... 2 64 Vllo "°'"' Sl'IOOTto 1)<111• icott (Ulll..., lowt'r U01I 11u t rpt p.t•tt 4t1 "« '().o I!. t • 14'< II'> 3511 Bridge BY. CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH CIVR ONT., (,ET PU.:NTY ''" r •KY NORrH •43 43 AJ2 • \QJ IU\1 2 .. A~f Q IUll 711 QIJll 7 • 0 765 I( Y5 10 .H • (1 5 • K4 J \Ol I II • \,J IOll 2 AJ 2 ~J6 •87 Th<-h1JJ1ni MIRl II •. i\.., l I• ""~' l • """ .,....,, I'& ... -;on111 \H:.!>T I• PllSll 3'\T ~ u'IWI)' \OOw\ .i li~c-.:lU\J 'ult Wuh onl)' foor re punJtr ~1111 "tn\t'lll" • 1111C.J1amo11<I hid "' ~' llOI to o•cr· ,111~ 'putle lcny,th Wf'\I led !ht· h>Orth·he\I ht.in and II"'"' 1>h•11iu' tJ1.i1.1f 014: dub fin._.~..., v. a' dt"•Unctl lu ,u...:eed lhe ~<>fltn,. t '"'"' complctcl) ,,1k Cuuld oi11)'th1nK Ill-done IU prnlc<.I dj(.UU-1 tilt pCl'\I· b1lll)' th.it fu.,t hrld lhl: k'"r. ol duh-'' Af ier '>OfllC lhooght Jex. .ucr f OWKI a "'•)' to "''c~u.inl Ille' LOOITllCl "' kw1g Ill dub-\phi n:ll\f>ll.&bl)' .\I md. pnc <led.i.r.-r guvc up dll thought' ul ~vnng t.,..,, trK:l.' 111 tieo111.' h)' playin~ low lrnm Junum Wld ..i1o .... mr I ..,., , km11 10 win th< uxlt' 1llC "'"" nl ~ ~tum v.ll; wvercd b) till-JJ.Cl., loo.mg 111 !he q1JCCn, .mJ 111<.· he.in con11nu.i11on '"''" wken w11h lhi: J<.c. dalan:r d1'4..ml· 1ng 4 diamond lrum th< tdhlt Th" m.lll(u\l:r e\h.iu\lcJ ta't "I hc.iJ'b Jr .,..nuld .J,u h.i\C ,u.,,1.•eJ.:J II he.irh IACfl' 4.4 I ~llV. dlx-1.ll'Cr ro1n the r1~ht uf, luh' .i.nd v. hen 'Wc,1 lol- lov.l'd lov. 11.~ dcocc wa' pl~~t:d from uunnn\ l..i.'t d1J '" v. .. 11 .. , fl'" .1hk h\ holdm~· up. t>ut c.kd.m:r .im pl\ 1.onunuc:d "''th .i duh'" l/lC nnlC Jl'\d "'hen Y. c.·,1 lullmH'<l tu lhl\ a' v.1·11 f..i,1 _y111!1I n<11dflurJ10 hold up ·"'' lu~r On th<' 'Potdt rt'tum de~ l..rt'r '™'' "P "''th the .i..t an<l th< I J.:t' ul J1.11n.in.l v.,i-th< emn 11 Ill<' ~....,.J l•• '"'h th..-duh' Im n11ie tn'~' In .tll HoME, HEAL TH P!'IJ BuslNEss ---· O RS Cahlor1111 few re C1<1Cn that con tr ac toil';lalljn& lobs lh1I tot~ $500 or mon (t.bof or m•t•••ls) .,. ~eoMd by tM Conhactors Stelt license Board Stilt law also 11qutrts that contractors include t!Mlf !teens. numbtr on Ill ~ISllll Yoo c1n .i;hec:ll tht stalus of our llcenud co nl1fclo r •l www cslb ca.aov or 800 l21 CSLB Unll cu ud co11tracton 11)"1& jobs that tahl'less than S500 muA slat• In lhelr adv.,.CIHm111h that '"'"'' not hunud by lh• Contnctou Stile lie.mt Bo.rd • AMIDllll Rlt•l1lll1 MSlD • Willi ,.,.,, ~ '" 30 """ AuTa.otlU SllVKI ~ -0.-....-Sit• w Tutu Vr*'sHOP (949) 645-4641 .... Ill• 11 • ..... l A TO l HANDYMAN l11stell re.lac• c1b'"•l.s ~ n:dJ 0, 714 ~7258 CM,.eRlpalr1'ala oCU'5T-O-CAVET~ ftepaju, P•IGhlna. ln1t1ll Cou1teous •nY slia jObs Wll!lt.ultl 949 •9?.020S COnlplllr s.vlcll ERVICE ~ Computer SeMcn COMPUTER HELP! ......... ~ .... ............. •PC Wmtc ·~ •Wi>P'llf~·-·~­·Ob~ ·~-,~~ ·~~~"-' uo ......., °"""'"""· 10 ,,.. eo.nii.-1ap 714-612-1786 Concntl' Maonry lrlcl1. 11-.. SIM • Tit. Concrete. P11JO. OriYeway f nplc 88Q Refs 25Yrs Eap Ttuy 714 S57 7594 Dmlop PVblllNng I I YGUaHOMI IMHOVIMENf ,•oJtcn Call a plumber p1lnter. hfndyman. or any ofiht 1rut H<VICU hst1d hen Ill OUf Hf Viet dtrllCIOfy! THCSC LOCAi. SVC PEOPlE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYJ WITIHOln HYWAU. All ph UH .slll/1r I JOll' CUMI 20Yra, ltlt, ffM el L4000.1171....._14'1 Clm'OM atf.ATM fU ln$bl .. hon. slat• .,..,., marble $lone hMt 1975 l"'6120M '9fl 714 612 CJl61 _,_ ... Retfoulin & lnstall1hon TILE Of.AN 949 673 8065 '8)432.5 714 883 2CXJ1 = Tr•• S•rvlc•, Yard Cl111nup M11ntenance Sp• inkier Repair, Haullna (949) 650 ... 711 HandymarV • Home Repair GF.N£IAL IEPAll 'IWNl'ENANCE • Rewdisal * UciMtvl No Job Too Small Dan Bamlltoa 949--322-1292 1n1 HANDYMAN Emernay Ser••te Ok' ~ Ele<.tnc.al C.• Doors etc 949 439 7554 2oy_., •f o-ury Cr.ft•"'-•"'" LkJll6741U (949) 6S0-9S2S Morli Hauling JUNK TO THE DUMPlll 71 4 968 1882 A\IAILABLE TODAY! 949 673 5566 lou u, T • 2otlH ,.,,.._, .. , f 11ple your 1n1< 1Y OnltSH.ts Call list 949·'4S-H 77 -'HIWf'5 AUTO IMW Jla1~'9S SlaU wl8i.cA lot et'°' low '4lal #187001 $11,9(1)00 Jor-lKC-V. h2'9S Bohsil Rt<."'I Cr.n .. 1th Creme Leathet Low M1lnl 8uutyr •18955<; $18.~00 f•dM~ C....'9' \lb ~ I. 5 •.peed • ~ co playct lull 110w• , 18560 S9 !el 00 Joto-XIS C..,,.. 't9 ll•y RMI Ill? low Miles' lmm.M.ulate <A.upel •18477 $998300 P9"dw911 T..,.. C...,.'IO I his IS a rMe frnd' N1t.e Well ma1nta1ned 911 CouP41" • 18646 Sl6 9fK> 00 MIZ300CE ( '92 White w~y Ledl~ lhl'> is un~ r•re MBl 4 C.OUC>t'' A Beauty' •18771 $14 91l>OO IMW 740! Sedan '91 lmm~culdte while w•ifey Luther Beautiful • 187 30 S29 98'.I (] t.iun LS400 Mdan '97 fhis rs 1 Cre.it lu•u•v !>f!dan Pr1<ed lo ~~ f A:.1 • 18.J431 S219fl)00 Mwc.dnl9n'l (230 Sedan '02 B1ack Beau11' Hurry f0t !hrs on~ Wa111n1y •18869. S2?98i00 MIZU20s.-.·911 Perfett White "' le.ill f!f •W Mile-. •18606 Siii 98> 00 IMWl3 lloodttw '911 . Sh!MY.BcQ..w,1!~ et eat con•e< tibll-1 Mu\I \ee1 •18771J SIJ9!Kl00 IMWM9(1 c....,.·u fh,\t~lJMn e raft BM1t " ~ 1-• ..-, mi.•\• • 1118& 1 SJ<J 'Jill er J.., w ,..,., '99 Red " T An 1ntert0r 6 ,, ~~d •lll'illlC Sll'JIJ' X 949.374.7777 PHIWPS AUTO ........... . ... 1-166-946-l257 TOllFREE ~ --- ,. ... f' • ••• ' .. ~ . . ' . . . : . Open709y. low Rat• S10t'llQI~ Sinoe t981 949--645-4545 HST MOVIH $59/Hr serv1n1 ell clltn Insur Id fest, courteo11s cM1tul Tl63844 800 246-2378 PUBLIC NOTICE lh1 Cell! Public Ullfltles comm1ssron re.uru that Ill UHd ho11 uhold 1oods movers Pflnt th•rr ' U C Cal T 11umbtr 1111101 a11d cheulltura print theu T C ' llUrrllltf Ill all ldv .. Ir-Pit tt yov Miii 1111 .,_st10rf.S dolll tl!I l1111tt y ., • lllOWU. llmo •I ... ffew t •ll ~ I.IC Ull.llIS COM MISSION 1U•511 'l!ll Friday, 1.inuary 17. i!003 Ai.1 • TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE DOWN 1 ltlltl'f r.A OorTMrO • 2 C. toe6< ')I Ope<• J Dawea t.,,..,, 4 Ordllllf)' 5 TO\ipeeHn 6 ~!le a<IO«> 7 M~d 0<1IOI~ f!W~l(')IV"~.I' Q ~do~·· 10 Eec>'IA"t .-~ 11 l'amed .JI.:" 12 E:xpenM¥ • w· 14 CLrltt•s 20 lnlcrc 24 o-.trtteelb 26 ha -<>l·Flllf"' '-'e ?1 Spfly ptant 28 Ulah City I \X'd \I, ' ' PA!lllOO$PUZZU SO\llEO T ... 1 -.• w 1 .. .,, u ¥ , , ""J"tl11\ .. SS ~J~~£ fll(•~ff. 'a . . , ...... ... ~ • ..~~ t. .. ~ ", " ' r• ....... ~ '96 Duffy 21 F I Sl8.-.95 '96 Duffy 21 SIS,495 '93 Duffy 21 ' \r, • ~ Sl9,500 '93 Duffy 18 l'rl"' I H 1 "'n I \, ·.r 51J.l50 SUPS AVAJLAIU '°'t#P rt H~,.•ul1ful mc1ny ,,,., No ,,. 93 Duffy 18 dboards 949 675 4847 ( (949)1142-5671 P11t • f•w ..,«els , . ..,., .. ,., -· WANTED MOVING JOIS Small ol l 111e 24 H-r M•vl"I SY< C.•11189442 Insured 949 716 0691 714 686 1300 Patmng ' " \('JI Sl3,lSO ,,.,,,,,, Electric Bosts Co 2001 W. Pacific Coast Hwy 949 645-6812 T • l•• . " ,. . M8f J t.. '4.ftlr! PIP( LOCATING El EC TRONIC SL AB LEAK Dl nr llON l"11endly Ser .. • 949 -67 5 9304 -~.O'.llTI L•.,.S,49f tm.of"PO x,.n rebl t Plumb•"I rtP•••~ •ver 2S1rs ~•P All ,.ork ,... ,....,, S1fw 714 ~ MONtST & RIASOKMU Pl UMBER L •S06Sllb Free Est' 'itn r~ OCTfCU ~ 714 ~9150 HlCISI ,lUMtntG Rep11r\ ' Rtmodehn1 FMC CST1MAll l 116117 391 71 A 969 I 090 ~·tllllllt Cl.IN9IO~ TWHDY Jll\.uMllNG 949-44S-2352 -.. ....... ll..f R.,.od ..... ' ~rp 11 ,. ..,..nti.i ·c......,,, ~,.. q1, Lll451~n7 'lt9.f>44 '\A4(l 714 658 }I• Watl CMrtngs .. ) Al 2 Friday, 17, 2003 LINC.OLN • 36 .... ~ -.C; $)711.42 • ....,~ llme; 165() llCOrily depolil reqund; pilll tu ..s llccrlK: ~ """ mile dJlrp 0¥« 12,000 miJea per yeer. ON APPROVED FMCC C1lEDIT. 0096891 ,... .,...,_ ,_ IDd .... .., n.ic:il c:tilrpa, my --~ ...,.io. cUrac. IDll •Y .UU0. 1a11111 cbqe. Rl!BATB IN UEU OF SPtiClAL LOW RATB FINANCING. 13Y62012.I) '00 FORD FOCUS 26K Mile Auto Full Power 4JTU454 '99 HONDA CIVIC EX 4 DOOR Low Mil~s. Auto, Moon Roof Full Power S04131 '01 MERCURY SABLE LS 25K Mile. Full power, Xlnt Condition. 4PVX724) MERCURY '99 MERCUf:l,Y VILLAGER ESTATE Top Of The Une, 24k Mlle, Moon Roof, co. Loaded (4000395) '02 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS Leather, Full Power, Best Buy (•VIJ869) '00 l:.INCOLN LS 36K Mlle. co. Full Power. Affordable Luxury (7888«) '02 NISSAN MAXIMA SE 4K Mlle. Sharp One Owner With Moon Roof. CO, Spoiler, Like New (4531 22) '01 LINCOLN TOWN CAR Dependable Luxury At An Affordable Figure (4SSM714) '01 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Showroom Fresh, Peat1 White, Certified (4RCY079) '98 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 4X4 Black Beauty, Chromes, co (J58256) '02 LINCOLN TOWN CAR EXEC c•vRc138) '02 LINCOLN LS-VS SPORT Top Of The Line With Moon Roof, Chromes, CD, Phone, Loaded (627272)