HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-19 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotINSIDE THE PILOT LIFE& LEISURE Dr. Jeff Vihinen of Newport Beach set out 10 years ago to help those llving with HIV and AIDS. ALSO: Newport Beach resident Adelyn Klarin goes Down Under and tells all about it. Daily Pilot readers returning from their own vacation adventures are also welcome to write about them. See Page AS COMMUNITY FORUM Bob Wilson led Costa Mesa's incorporation 50 years ago and discusses that and more of his rich history m the O&A with City Editor James Meier. See PageA9 (· .. . -.,~ .· . . , .. .,,It\.. 'Ii ·• • \ . .., . "' .:f • t .. . "' {; . ; --, ,.,_,; . m ~ z~ SPORTS The Anteaters have sole possession of the Big West Conference lead in men's hoops after UC Irvine handled Idaho's Vandals Saturday night, 58-45. See Page 81 SUNDAY EDITION .... Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 190? JANUARY 19, 2003 SUNDAY STORY SEAN HILLER /DAILY PILOT Like father like son, Newport Harbor High student Jacob Zea plays in the school band 1ust as his dad Mike did 1n high school Below. Sheena de Wall. 1 7, laughs wrth her classmates during a break from rehearsal for the Newport Harbor High School 1azz band on Thursday. KENT TRf PTOW /DAILY PllOT Simply generational Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot G reg Pate credib playing the trombone in the Westminster High School band for keeping him in school "Being a musician, you're a linJe different than your peer group." Pate said "So now all of a sudden ... there's people there you know because you've gone through music p~ for year.. with them. Then you got a built-in core of friends, so there's always people to hang out with." So P'ate could empathi7.e with daughter Charlotte when she had some trouble fitting in at Newport Hjlrbor High School. His advice to his trumpet-playing daughter'? Join the band Charlotte foUowed her father's advice and the 16-year-old junior now.belon~ to the marching and concert bands. She is just one of many second· or TOP STORY I Playing in the band comes natural for Newport Harbor High students whose parents played Long before them and passed down their skills third-generational band membe~ at tbe '><:hoot whose parents helped iruti.11 an appreciation for music "I IO\le music," Charlotte raved. "lf there were no music, I wouldn't be alive." Olarlotte's mother, Yvonne, played percussion at Estancia High School '>he was in the band at Orange Coa.51 College when she became pregnant with Charlotte. So It seemed inevitable that the musical muses would bl~ Charlotte as well And they did. for a time. ln the fourth grade, Owtotte started playing trumpet even though she really wanted to play the drums. "Ifs a sj>edal breed that lets their kids play the drums." Greg saJd. But Ml<>n, playing a m1~1c-dl instrument lost 1~ luster and Chari.one gave it up. "I thought it was boring and -.tup1d. ~I quit and didn't play again until ninth grade. Then it was cool." Yvorme said she is proud of her daughter's renewed cornmiunent to music. ·11·s a discipline and if she doesn't have anything else. she always has this.· Yvonne 5aid ~, think its great because its not something someone can just waJJc. up and pick it up and do." Band director Rob Henthorn said second· and third-generation band members are common. While individual ability is the most important indlcator of whether a child will succeed musically. haVtng paren~ that have played m tugh -.<:hoot band~ enhances the ex:penence, I lenthom ..aid "It JU.'>t -.eer11l> !hat parent.o; lof c;tudenLsl who are -.e<:ond-or thud-generauon know what\ important for p~ m tenTl.S of nme commitment because. for me. it's a huge Qmt' commttmenL" Henthorn wd ~ruor lrdVid Moriluro. 17. r. well aware of that comm1tmenL He plays French horn in che concen and marching bands and piano in the Jar.L band. "Music is of capital unportanc:e. • [)avid !>aid "It's jUSI part of every day. Somedung about me has to have music in it.· E>avid's mom. Barbara. played French horn at Newpon Harbor m the '70s. One of the highlights of her band days was marching in the Rose Parade her freshman year. Barbara said she is impressed these days with the complex choreography or the marching band during its field shows. See SIMPlY, Pqe M COMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Planners will Center on Trinity Seize the opportunity to cel~brate 1905 Costa Mesa commissioners will take a rare field trip Thursday to investigate Trinity Christian Centerts request for outdoor use. Lollt• H•rper . Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The Plan- ning Commission ls going to church. Planrung commissioners will take a field trip to the 'Ittnlty Christian Center on Thursday night to review the effects of proposed outdoor aervicet and television filming at the center. The Trinity Christian Center has produ(ed outdoor showt ln the past, using the clty't spe- cial event permit and ~look· Lnc to condnue the open-air perfonnaDCel on a ~mt , basis. Officials at the center suggested they hold a trial run so city planners, commission· ers and neighbors can deter- mine any possible drawbacks. Com.missioners reviewed the center1 request la.st week at thelt regular meeting and postponed their dectslon undl they could see lot themselves. During the meeting, residents raised concerns with the cen· ter's current activlties, com- plaining ot n<>Ue and traffic. The Plannina Commission voted .. to l to call up 'Ittnlty Olrlatian Center'• existing per· mJt 10 meke tun they are not operating beyond their limita· ter them. What are we looking lions. Commissioner Bill Per-for here, guys?" kins dissented. The offices at Ttinity Chris· Planning Commission tian Center were closed Satur· Oiairwoman Katrina Foley day and center officials could said lt was necessary to re· not be reached. search and investigate the The center was started by complaints to find a resolu· Paul and Jan Crouch in 1973 ln tioo. '\Tu tin and grew to Its multi-lo· Perkins disagreed, saying the cation network. which itt- commJsslon was on a witch .dudes Co ta Mesa. where the hunt and was unfairly scrod· lntemationaJ headquarters nizing aJJeged violations. I le are. Their religious program- sa.id he was frustrated with the mlng ls seen all across America decision and couJdn\ beUeve and the world, according to be wa the only commisafoner the center's Web lte, and is to oppose it. tramlated fnto .everaJ 1an: "We .et up · a tituation to guages. look at all of their conditlonal· use pennlts to see what they • LOUTA HAllllR covera CO$l1 a.re doing wrong and right," MMa. She m-v be tMcNd et Perkins Nid. "If they are then. (941) IU..U7& or bv •·mtil 1t t:,r JOiiy we a.re gotna to ao af. """" ,..,.,,., ~com. I t's really old, and it's a lo\ of Cun. Thats why they call it the Balboa Fun Zone. •Balboa• 5Wlds for Nunei de Balboa. a guy who stopped by· here in 1513, which wouJd~him ~ o&d t~ and PETER ·11.an"MaOikb •.. tun. 1b *W>oa BUFFA Purl 7.ona." I'm a big fan. ~\<e beard me ti)' that bef\'ire, and I pr'eCtia )'OU 'I bear me ray 1t tpln. l'tn a lMg r.n. Seel 1'llt as l predir.'ted. But~ the whole Pun 7.one-Ftny·Pavtion dq domn~ ,et mouth attention. or appredatlon. Thar's why I was w.:11 pleaxd to see aD three get some good ink Jn a ~calledtbe Lot Angdes Tunes C"Bd>oa Pun Zone: Are We H.avtng llistory Yetr)e.tler'thS~ 1bt Pltvlk>o, Wbk:h ii ICbiecMed to Ft • lc>nc, lcq0¥eldue ~ lbt Bll>oe. Ferry and the Pun Zone Niiiy me a lllljor liNeue bic dell. DOC )Ula lb . thele pm11. which ere <iur pana. but a the erae c:ountr)i whkh. the Unlled ._CClf E ITl."-'M ..... llll!lll!!l!lll!J!ll ........ l!l!ll! ................ llliilllllll ... .,.1!11:-=:~~,.., ...... !!!!!!l!ll!lll~~~~..,.+ A2 Sunday, January 19, 2003 EEKINREVIE COSTA MESA 17 residents will vie for Planning Commission posts The suspense is mounting as 17 residents vie for only five open seats on the Planning Commission. City Hall released the names of the applicants, which Included all five- sitting commissioners, plus another dozen who are Interested. The list Includes one-time City Council hopefuls Bill Turpit, Joel Faris and James Fisler, as well as vocal soccer dad Jonathon Zich. Former Newport-Mesa school trustee Wendy Leece applied for a Parks and Recreation Commission ~pot The decision-making process promises to be lively, as some of the city's planning commissioners face extinction after a contentious City Council race. Council members will vote on the nominations after they review each application, interview those who qualify and nominate their choices. City officials said the vote will most likely be taken at the first City Council meeting in February. • LOIJTA HARPER covers Costa Mesa. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mall at lo/its.harper@latimes.com NEWPORT BEACH Pizza place asks to deliver alcohol, as well as pies A new pizza parlor wants 10 deliver beer and wine along with food, but they will need the City Council's approval first. Councilman Gary Proctor requested thal the council reconsider the Planning Commission's approval of the request by Hotties Pizza Marinapark mobile home park residents got another one-year eJClension of their lease while city officials review plans for a luxury hotel at the site. Council taJlc has turned toward closure of the city-owned park that is the site of 56 private residences. lWo extensive habitat restoration projects are simmering at City Hall. One would build a boardwalk through the Back Bay to steer pedestrians and bicyclists away from fragile bird habitats. The other would improve Big Canyon Creek and Big Canyon Nature Park. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at 1une.C8sagr11nde g l11t1mes.com PUBLIC SAFETY Ctr nearly strikes woman sJeeping on house couch A drunk driver reponedly crashed into the living room of a Costa Mesa home in the 1100 block of Paularino Avenue Wednesday morning, police said. Wiley Joseph Orrison, 18, of Huntington Beach was stopped by Costa Mesa Police near the intersection of Adams Avenue and Fairview Road. But he failed to stop and continued to drive on Paulanno ramming into six parked ~. losing control of his vehicle and swerving off the road into the home of Ellen and Ken Roberts, barely missing their guest who was sleeping on a couch. The crash blew a large hole in the living room wall leaving glass and debris'scanered all over, Ellen Roben.s said. Orrison was arrested on suspicion of dnving under the influence of alcohol, hit-and-run and recJcless driving. •DEEM BHARATH covers public safety and oouru. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by •mall et deep11.bharath@l11tim1111.oom. PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'AL ONG THE BOARDWALK' Like many of my best picrures, I had very limited time to shoot this Back Bay shot. In these cases, I don't have the luxury of taking my time and waiting for something to happen. I had to hunt for the shot rather than let it find me. DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT searched through the lens of my lucky 300-millimeter. Walking the trail, I grew worried as the sun set. l.Jght was fading. When I saw how the graph!<: line in the shot above looked. I lc:new that was the i.hot. I JU!>t needed people ITT it. Using all the available lenses, I tried everything to make the shot inleresting because there was the added pressure that it would definitely be the cover shot. I had to bring all of my equipment to prepare for any image that I might see, whether in front of me or far away. I was ready lO run. Lots of people walked up, but not down. I wasn~ sausfied. but began to leave wllh what I had. But JUSl a.s usual when I'm about to leave. I took one last look and ~w the shot about to happen. I qwckl}' returned to mr po!>!tJOn and snapped it. To illustrate a would-be boardwalk site ITT the Back Bay. I -Don Leach EDUCATION Newport-Mesa may lo e $1.5 million from tate School district officials are bracing for an about $1.5-million los.s tf the state Legislature adopts Gov. Gray Davis' budget propol>al for 2003-04. The proposal is m resporu.e to a state deficit of aboul S34 billion. The plan calls for giving school districts more leeway in decicling which programs to continue fund.J.ng and wtuch to discontinue. The plan also c;uggesLc; taking a large chunk of the e~ property tax the distnct n'Cetves. The legislature won"t make 11.s final decision until June. Or.mge Coast CoUege, meanwhile. expectS a S&-mil!Jon reducuon and decided this week to redirect swap meet revenue 1t receives from community educauon to for-credtt courses. The OCC Swap Meet will generate about $500,000 in 2003 that can fund about 150 classes for 3,500 students, college spokesman Jim Carnett said 'That swap meet revenue. however. hru. traditionally funded the school's professional ans series that has brought pcrformer11 such as Debbie Reynolds to the campus. The money also pajd for community education that included noncredit courses and the lecture series. The coUege has already made $2.8 million in mid-year budget curs to cover its state budget losses. En~eers have deemed two Newport Harbor High School buildings unacceptable risks in a major earthquake. Robins Hall and Loats Theater, which are connected. house an auditorium, 15 clas.srooms. all of the administrative offices, the library and food services. Di~trict officials are worlcing on a transition plan to move students out of the building over the summer to create KENT TREPTOW DAILY Po"-. T Landon Orcutt. 18, a freshman at Vanguard University. srngs along with other stud ents during a Day of Prayer at the college on Thursday. the least amount of disruption. Officials aren't concerned about the situation in the intenm -this semester. The announcement came ThUNday, the day before the nine-year anniversary of the Nonhridge earthquake and eight-year anniversary of the Kobe. Japan, earthquake. Newport· Mesa Unified school board members are loolang into ways to bring their meetings into the l!Vlng rooms of Newpon Beach residents qwder. CUrrently. resident wall 11 day to watch the televised proceedings because the trustees meet at the same time -the second and fourth n1eMiay11 of each month -as the.Newpon Beach City Council To resolve the delay . .-.chool district officials are aslcing Adelphia Systems and Cox Communications ro help them gain a dedicated public ace~ channel for their meetings. Vanguard University students spenr 24 hours praymg fllUN,\Jy .. LS par1 of the college'!. firc.t -ever Ddy of Prayer About 200 bludenl., panook in the daylong event to klck off the begmning of the new <;emester. Univer.ity official'> '>aid they dedicated the 24 hours to thl' fesuviuei. to unite ~ a body and worship C.od'c; Wl!idom. Th_yday c;tarted with chapt\I and student-.. faculty and staff foUowed that up by walking around the penmeter of the ~ool. ~udenls were al.so c;1gned up for prayer limes arranged m 5-. 10·. 15· and 30-mmute intervals. OCC dance and cheer team:. have something 10 shout about The two teams captured national 11tJes th.i!> month al the Uruver..al <.heerieader<. ~n. Nauonal Ouunp1onships at Walt Disney World m Orlando. • DEJRDRE NEWMAN covers education Rudi her at (949) 574-4221 or by •mail at de1rdre.n8Wm11n~/11t1mes.com ' Oaifot ~t NOTABLE QUO TABLES Nit changes constantly wi1J1 tl1e muons and Dennis' moods.· -Darren Grant, an artist who carries out the wishes of manager Dennis Rodman. the West Newport resident and former NM star, at Josh Slocum's restaurant In Newport "Our lcJds arr missing out on some really effective UMJJ'S of learning.· -Tom P.pn, Newport· Mesa school board trustee, on n e cwo rlcin g v-d.ri o us schools i.o that students can interact with one another .. /mes are wed to work out ideas. new ideas. lt'.s a 11mpU> UKl)' of doing that lt°l l1~rating, cheap and easy -lrme Hofmann. curator at the Orange County Museum of An·s South Coa'>t Plv..a Gallerr in C. o<,ta Mesa. on 1.me-.. pub!Jcauons by a per.on ur small group that are typically about art, mu<,1c or po IJU c.s ..I think u,oe arP all WLXIOllS 7 think wt all enJ<T)' 011r 1ubs. take it senously and work t't'fl' hard at 11. BUI m the end. Wf' sen 'E' at the p""1.s u n> v j the Cit}' Council and we'll l1t11'f> 10 (t't' wliat thetr p/l'tlSlaP U -Brua Garlkh. ( mt.i M~ Plaruung C.omrru~s1oner. on the upconung Clly Council dt-c1s1on 10 appomt the next fhre comm1ss1oner. a hst that may or may not still indude Garhch and his fell()'\\. member!> "17iank God for cnmpLtters." -Stew Bromberg. Newport Beach's mayor, on the fact technology will be used to redraw the seven City Council dmnct's in the city "foeryone will be l{>oking al you and they won't look at m~ Ah, nice doggie . -Velma Scott, a resident at Silverado Senior Uvl.ng home, while talking to Willi. the retired racing greyhound the home recently adopted from a rescue center Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS 92626. Copyright: No news SURF AND SUN Sean Hiller, Don Leach, stories, illu1trat1on1, editorial K.ent Treptow matter or 1dveniaement1 herein can be reproduced without WEATHER FORECAST READERS HOTLINE written perm1111on of copyright to 5 to 8 feet thlt evening. (949) 642-6088 owner ' Record your comment• 1bout the The day will start off quite SURF VOL. 97, NO. 19 Delly Pilot or newa tips HOW TO REAcH US foggy, but it'll bum off for THOMAS H. JOHNSON, News ~ ~ Cil'C:ut.tion another beautifully sunny day It will be a greet day to get Publisher Gina Alexender, Lon ~rton, Our addreq 11 330 W Bey St .• Costa The Tuna Orange County with highs just reaching 70 In ' TONY DOOERO, M ... , CA 92827 Office houri ire (800) 252·91• l out there 11 we enjoy shou!Mr- Editor P1ut S.itowitt. Daniel~r Mond1y ·Friday, 8;30 1.m · 5 p.m. ~ Costa Mesa and the upper 60s to heed-hlgha In the late JUtr/'f OETTING, NEWS STAFF Conecdot• Cla..tfted (949) 642-5678 In Newport Beach. Lows will moming. Afternoon, though, Advert.I~ O...,.BN'9th It i1 the Pilot'• policy to promptly Dilptrf (949) 642--4321 drop to about 50. we'll ~down yet egeln. LANA • Crime ind couru reporter, correct ell errors of 1ublt1noe Editorial Monday'• ~ng to be Monday's the day to turf 11 PromotJons Director (949) 57'-'226 Pl .. n cell (949) 57._..28e New'I much the tame, though cooler we'll see more head-highs, t»ep..bhar•th latlm. com (949) 642-5680 with highs falling short of 70 ' EDmNO ITAFF FYI Sports (949) 574-4223 with standout tp<>ta expecting 8.J.Cahn. June CeMgrllnCM The Newport Bttdl!Colta Meu Newt Fu (949) ~170 and hovering In the 60s. overtieeda. TUMday't looldng MtNglng Editor Newport Betdl reporter, Spom Fu (949) 850-0170 lnfonnation: waist-to chest-high. The next (948)57~ (949) 574-4232 Delly Pilot (USPS-144.-800) II E-mtll: d•llYpilotf1/1tlm ... com www.nwa.no.a.gov swell thould roll In 1.J.~hrtO 1-tl,,,_oom }utw,Cfllug,.ndtlll/atlm ... com publl1hed dtlly. In N8)111pol1 BHch Mtbl OMce Wtdnndty. Jerne9 Meler. ...,. Cllnton end Coste M .. e, 1ube<:rlpllon1 ere 8"""-8 OMce (949) 842~21 BOATING FORECAST W.Wqudty: City Editor Polltlce end erwironm.nt ~11er, evelleble only by 1ubecrlblng to But.IM81 Fu (IM9) 831·71211 , ... ,~, (949) 7&M330 Tht Tim" Orang• County (800) ) The aoythwestertv winda WWW.IUrfrldM.OrrJ )MnM,,,.,_0,.,,,.,__aom • "°"' c.teon. ,,.ul.cllnton01atff1141a.com 262·9141. In arNs outelde of will blow light In the Inner TIDES ~Editor ...... ...,,., ~port Be.ect\ end Costa Mela. watert thlt mom.Ing, about 10 (M) 1"74-'223 CotU MMe reporter, (IM9l 574-4276 1ubecr1ptlona to the Delly Pilot •re knott, with 1-foot wavet and 1 l1lne ..... rog«.OllMonO~ k>llta. ,,.,,,.rO/at1fn#.com 1v1llebi. on!V by first cl ... mall for wett awell of 3 to 6 t.. We'll &:121.m. MOfMthigh ,,_.,.......,.. ~N9wnMWI $30 per month. (Prlc:n Include 111 ... them pldt u p• tad thlt 4:28p.m . ·1.19 fMt low Art OlrectOt / HliM 0.lr ChMrf ltilllPMU• Educftlon reponer. (!Mt) 574-4221 •pplic.bfe ltate Ind Ioctl ltk ... ) Publlahtd by Tlmet Community •1ternoon, with 2-foot wav ... 11:02 p.m . • 3..87 fMt Ngt\ Jo-:_,,_,.O,..,_oom t:#lrd,..rwwmtr10IM/rrw com POSTMASTER: Send 1ddre11 Newt, • dlv1alon of the Loe Angel" Out f1rther, the 3~421.m, 1.88fMtlow ...._MIC• .. ctwfldne Cenllo changH to The Newpo" Times. nort~Wlnda wlll blow ""* SupeMeor NMs~ (IMI) 57~ 8Hcf\/Co1t1 Me11 Dilly Piiot, C12002 Tlma CN. All rlght1 • light 10 knots, wtth 2.foot WATER TEMPERATURE , .. ,.,.. ... dVVtltt-.t:Mrfllo ••t1maaom ~o. IOJll 1HO, Co1te Me11. CA tt:A/l!tofo•.,_ com reMrwd. W9Wt end. northWlllt IWlll of 4 '° 71"t. Tht l'Mltl wtfl bolld 158dtg,... l I~ " . 4 ~ .... Dally Pilot LOOKING BACK A geometrical complex from Goat Hill to Costa Mesa Oeepa Bharath Da1lyP1lot T he landmark Costa Mesa building that houses Niketown, the Gap, bistros and theaters once hosted a store wh~re local farmers bought gram to'feed Lheir goats, cows, pigs and chickens. Co'ita Me~ was. after all. onJy Goat I fill. a 'iimple farming commun11y south of Santa Ana. ·All I remember about the place where Triangle Square is now t'> Carr\ teed Store,· said Bob WLl'>on. longume resident and local historian. "They al.so bad some hardware items, but it was moslly feed." The pie~:e of land got tts name from tts perfect tnanguJar '>hape -one ll has retained for 'it'veral year; now. Most of the land off Newpon Boulevard wa.., then owned by the Irvine Co. It wa...n't until the tart• '60s that the feed store sold the propeny. "There wa-. a hank there and 'iome onice-.," ..aid Wilson, author of "l·rom Goat I fill to the C11y of 1he Am: ·nie I listory of Costa ~k'><l .... mJt WU.\ the beginning of J new era for lnangle \quart\" It bt>rnmc a hm 1op1c agam m 1989, nght after former mayor Sand} (,t•na., got elected to the CcNa Me..a city council It had bel•n a redevelopment pr<>Jel 1 for J long 11rnl•." -.he -..ud It really got gmng uni} after lqq() • ll1e bt~l''>I (cmtrover'>y wa'> Lill' bu,anc"'l''> 1h<11 had lCJ be e\pelJed from tht· lenter. c,e111., '-did "\ome didn't want to go. :.o I.here were IJW..Ull'>, • '>he recalled "There wa., a group of denll<>ls who occupied a bwldang and they didn't want to leave It wa' quite emutmnaJ." But even after aJI 1ho-.e i~ue., were rc'>olved, the new lnangle ~uart• rnnunucd to havt• problt'm'>. lcnarw. came .md went • n1.u ha<, been the bag Put a few words to work for you . Call the Daily Pilot • • • . . HEMPHILL'S Rl ·c ;s & < :.-\ l{PFTS .. ,~J9) ~22 7274 CllllEI TllTFIT YllllllY SCI Ell LE chaJlenge.·· Genis said. "Gct11ng and keep ing tenanto;." The "ipconvenient" de..,1gn of the building may be a reason. she '>aid . "It's hard to get 10 where you want to go there." Genis 'Kud "h~t of aJI. you don't know where to park and when you do pJik, }OU end up wal~ng quite a lm to go where you w.ant to go me dome that '>II\ on top of \11ketov.11 v.a'> purely J "dt:'>•gn feature. '>he '><lid. ·And v. hen you look from the frl'eway .• ill )OU can c;ee "the "1kcto" 111 "Niketo\\-'Tl," c.erw. '>JY'· "I aJway-. 1hough1 thJI wa\ funny." • LOOKING BACK runs Sundays Do you know of a person. pldce or event that deserves a historical look back? Let us know. Contact James Meier by lax at 1949) 646 4 170, e md1lat 1ames me1er a/at1mes com, or mail at r.Jo Daily Pilot. 330 W Bay St . Costa Mesa. CA 92627 luXURY IS YOURS TODAY! Make The Most of Every Moment ~ VOLUME SELECTION• OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED IR151 TRlllRI ClllSES Pff-17Qnr ... (J~ Pf (Jp1-"7riHNlyi' m \ I ~• olc/en West-61/ege HUNTINGTON BEACH WWW.pc.Info 1895-8187 • • The Triangle Square site. seen above rn 1991. once hoste~ Carr's Feed Store and various tenants. 1ncludrng dentists not long before this shot was taken Shortly before the N1ketown construction began . two shapes 1dent1f1ed the site ql[ I t!(Jf ~ DAI 'r1 I BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Comedy troupe set\ fir\t February laughs I ht· OASI~ Playt'r'> a new rnrnt'dy group of tht' OASIS St'n10r ( .l'nlt'r an Newport He.1d1, wall put on 11~ fir.,t 1w1 forrnam·t' al I p.m. I eb ::! I 111 the rnult1purpu'>e ruorn of OAS!\, 800 Mar guerne AH:., ( orona del Mar I or · 1nformat1on, call (l)49) f>44 1244 Chri"' C.Ox cams environmental honor Suoody. fanwry t 9 wen Al J oreM ctnd C<1\IJ Mesd, <1Jong wllh repn•\entJllVt''> from the lrv11w Ranc..h Wa- ter Da~tnrt the Newpon Ha~ NaturalM'> <md h1end'>. Orangt' <.ounty C.oa'>tKeeper, lht• Depdrt- nwnt of I 1-.h dlld C,ctme and tht· lnant> <.o rllt' 10\ JlallOll Ollf> t'Vl'Ot \\111 t<1l(· plat t at 4··m p m Mund<1y JI tile' f'<•tt·r .md Murr Muth lnterprt·11ve ( t>lllt'r OASIS ~eckang volunteer\· I m•nd., of OA~I..,, .i ~up pcm group for tht· OA\IS St'nHH < l'lltl'r 111 < .orona del \1ar, '>t't'l' \Cilurllt•t•rc, for fund rat'>tng 1:uad other al 11\ 1111:''> Hrp Clin'> Cox or l\t'\\ ~pCUilh,.t·d \oluntt'Cr'> port Bt-ach wall he the gut•<,t -.l1ll' that thl· tenter l:Ur· of honor at il relept1on 011 rt'ntl} n1·c·th 111dude pubhc \1unda} to recogm/l' ha-. wl<1111iri-. < <>0rd111a11on, lo· work for the Uppt-r '\t'\'> t JI o.trt'it m·twork rnan.ige· port Ha) Re,10ra11on l'roJ nwnt Jllt<>n1Jtt'd dataha">e t't 1 ,111d for the \an I >1t•gs1 .md ,uft\'>Jn· 111at1Jgt•ment, ( rl'ek '\atural I re<Jtment tuncJ r.u-.ang 1 oordana11un "'Y'-lt~m .111d µu111ng togt·ther the Orange Count} ..,uperv1 '>Up port group' pam alee -.or, hm Silva and lom \\ti l>rt•Jkl.t'h ~011 \ .. 111 ho<,I the prt'\t'OtJ I or mon· 111formdUOn 111111 (,ue<,h expt'ttecl 111 .ih11u1 \11h1nll•t•r., opportu .111end mdude olfil 1<1l'> 11111t·' .11 tht· c 1·1111·r lOntall from the c tile'> of \,t·\\pon ..,ht-ala llalllwll .11 !949) lkat h, lrrnw Ju.,1111 IA1k1·. 1.-11 l.!·M FOR THE RECORD fhe Commumry & ·aubs column ("A free chance to help out 'Amenca's Service Oub'") on Saturday mcluded the wrong day for a meeting at the Bah1a Connthian Yacht Oub. fhe meetmg about sailing and boatmg on AYalon will take place at 7 p.m. fhun.day. L~ H <'....,I a t1 r· a ra I Establtsheel In 1962 ... .. • ' . • • ii • .. • • • • • .. .. • • • • • & s - M Sooday, .Mnt*Y 19, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY Judge : Rape suspects can be tried as adults The son of the Orange Gounty assistant sheriff and his two friends can be tried as adults for I.Ile alleged rape of an unconsctoWi 16-year-old gu'I. a judge ruled Friday. eldet Haldl was not home. r AU three were 17 when the alleged attack occurred, but Nachreiner and Spann have turned 18 since. The judge denied a modoo by six de- fense attorneys to send the case to COWlty Juvenile Coun, where the penalties would be 1e$S severe. e • S4 Gregory Haidl, Kyte Na- chremer and Keith Spann, all three srudent.5 at Rancho Cu· camonga High School, alleg- edly drugged the victim's drink and then raped her· while a video camera filmed the incident on the evening of tuly 5 in the home of Ass~tant Sheriff Don Haidl, while the The judge also began the preliminary hearing to decide whether there Ls enough evi- dence on the 21 felony charges against the boys to go to uial That hearing' will be continued on TueMlay. All three pleaded not guilty on July 17. Sf.NI HIU.ER I PILOT Chris Burns plays in the band at NewpOrt Harbor High just as his parents John and Melinda did wtien they were in high school. POLICE FI LES COSTA MESA Bristol Street and Paularino Avenue: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 12·57 p.m. Thursday. Costa Mesa meway and Baker Street: A traffic accident involving in1urres was reported at 6:11 p.m Thursday. Miner Street: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2200 blodc at 8:54 a.m. Thursday. Pomona Avenue: A home burglary was reported in the 2200 blodc at 5:03 p m Thursday. Whittier Avenue: Possession of narcotics was reported in the 1700 bled at 9 14 p m Thursday. West 19th Street: Peny theft was reported in the 500 blodc at 12:21 p.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH Belboa Boulevard: An auto theft was reported in the 3100 blodc at 7:51 p.m. Thursday. West Coest Highway: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported in the 3300 blodc at 5:42 p.m. Thursday. Dolphin Striker Way: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 4200 bled at 9:41 p.m. Thursday. Irvine Avenue: Vandalism was reported In the 2400 blodc at 5:04 p.m. Thursday. Prospect Avenue and West Coast Hlghwty: A reddess driver was reported at 7: 15 p.m. Thursday. Via lorca: Grand theft was reported in the 200 bled at 9:50 p.m. Thursday 16th Street: Loud music was reported in the 1900 bloclc at 10:48 p.m. Thursday __ J SIMPLY Continued from Al 'We didn\ have those kinds of competitions bade then; it was a lot easier,· Barl>ara saiq. "When you loo~ at what bands learn now to do their field show. I'm amazed with all those inaicate movements." Henthoms zeal for music is rivaled by tus passion for preciseness. so he holds his young band srudents to high standards in all envirorunents, especially on the field "When we march on the field, no twO people march the same thing,· Henthorn said "It's so independent ~t ~ integrated. It's COMMENTS Continued from A 1 ~tat~ of Amt'm:a. OBITUARY I lli.tory? l'U give you h1s1ory. lne Balboa l>avtlion was buiJt in 1905. It wru. both a bathhou~. and the "end of the hne" for the Pacific l:lectm. lted (.ar; I fere's '>Omething to thmk abouL ln 1905. you could ride the Red CaT'i from downtCJ\vn L.A. to the BaJboa Pa\ihon for a nickel. in under an hour You rnuJdn t do that today for all the money m the world. lltat'\ progress. Helen M. Hobson Private services will be held for 55-year Newpon Beach resident Helen M . Hobson. Mrs. Hobson died Thursday of pneumonia. She was 78. She is survived by husband Alfred; son Robin Hobson; sister Mar- got Trasatti; and one grand- child •The Daily Pilot welcomes obituaries for residents or former residents of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. If you want to have en obituary printed in the Pilot. ask your· mortuary to fax us the information at (949) 646-4170 or call the newsroom at (949) 764-4324. Accorchng to Bill Grundy. president of the Newpon Beach Historical Soc1cry, "It was kind of a congregating place. People u'>ed to wear hat'> and their Sunday clothe<> to the beach. then change into tht!'>C crcl7) outfits -bathing '>Ult'> all made of wool. nus building ':>laned Balboa." Just UJl the '>trect. tht' Balboa Ferry opened 1n 1'119. and i'i tht' second-oldc'>I conunuously 'opera Ling ferry an tJ1e country, second only to th£• Staten Island Ferry, which connc•t.tS the island MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO No mattef what you re datng. your hometO-Ml newspaper ~Daily Pilot 196 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·64S·7626 . . .......... .......... t t eoastline's Acces,, frogram is very convenient for me. I will finish my M here and transfer to Cal State Fullen.on to become an elementary school•tcacher. '1 -9 + Success Ahead at Coastline. 11• w.rter Avenue Fountilin Vdey, CA 92"f08.2597 (714) 438-4839 lp(.w1g 0111111 beglit f.a.n.ry S. ·------ t " tough. but you get such a feeling of accomplishment· lnside the clas.sroom. Henthorn. a big bear of a man with a geode demeanor, keeps the aunosphere light During jazz band practice on Thursday. the students taUced and laughed in between playing. ~We can talk about whatever we want and ask questions freely about stuff like rhythm without feeling stupid,• said seruor Sheena de Wall. 17, wh<M".e mom playro the alto saxophone. !here's a great sense of energy. plus the music is really fun.· • DBRDRE NEWMAN 00\lers education She mav be readied at (949) 5744221 or by e-mail at delrdre.newman a1Bt1mes.com of Manhattan with the 1<;land of Staten, wtuch ..., a place nobcxh ~ The Balboa I un /,one has ~n caw.mg fun for reople .,, all '>17t"> '>Ince 1936, whJC.h Wa.!. 01Maggiu\ rookie year and the first year of Bahe Huth\ reurement. except they beat the G1anl!. in the World Series four game<, IO two an\l\\ay. a.!. 1f you didn't .know that Sp4..'a.lcJng of tht• ··lO<.. and Wl' II thrm., m the 40-.. the h1ggec;t ol the Big Band., Lighted up the P.dvi!Jon and the nearby Rendezvous Ballroom rught after rught. Goodman, Kenton, Miller I larry Jain~ and the Dor.ey brother.. aJI wal.lced the ~e stree~ on the PenmsuJa that you do today. t'Xcept they pldyed a lot better than you do The l'un Zone 1s small, but might}'. and ll has bumper C-dr., which I'> aJI I nttd Anyplace that hac; bumper car.. Im there More imponc1J1lly, I(<, one of the la<.I example-; of watt•r.1de dlllu..ement park.'> in 1ht• ldJ1d. Long Beach Pik(•? Gone Loney l~land? Poof Atlanllc C .ity Roardwalk? Bu -bye. r I he real one, that 1'>.J In the great c;tate uf GETTING INVOLVED • GE'TTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis For information on adding your organization to this list, call (9491 574-4298. GIRL SCOUTS Gir1 Scouts of Orange County needs volunteers who will be trained as troop leaders, serve on special commrttees and give lectures, demonstrations or classes. (7 14) 979-7900 GIRLS INC . OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed to offer educational and enrichment opportunities for girts and boys. (949) 646-7181. HOSPICE PREFERRED CHOICE Volunteers are needed to help make a difference in the lives of terminally ill persons and their families. Volunteers would assist them with nonmedical needs such as provldi"g respite for the primary caregiver, running errands, reading to the patients and weekly aoc:lal visits. The orgaAlution 11 also looking for clerical and bereavement volunteers to assist with office duties. Training is provided. (714) 980-0900. HUMAN OPllONS The organization shelters, counsels and educates abused women and chTidren. It is looking for volunteers. (94S) 737-5242, ext. 24. .EWISH FAIM.Y SERVICE Of ORANGE COUNTY Volunteere are needed for Project Caring, whlctl provides sodelizatlon end cultural experienoea, inchKiing Shabbet and holiday celebtatlona, to the Jewish retidenta and others at Fairview Developmental Center In Coctt Meta. Volunteer1 •adopt• • f.c'I~ to provide prognimming of J9wiah content to the resldentl on • monthly besle. They must tab• TB tett t nd undergo• fl~nting badtground c:hedc. Votum..ra are atlo needed to provide comf0f1 end aupport to the Jewliah '9fmlntlly ill and their • 0 D~Pliol • •' ( KfNT TREPTON DA I Dal/id Monh1ro. 17, plays piano during rehearsal for the Newpor· Harbor High School 1azz band on Thursday I .ahl11rn1a. lhdt ll'<i\t''> Ult' '>.inia ( nv Bo.mh .. alk 11 \tJll hkr \11111 ;unu,t·nwnt p.trk.-. l~l' Jnd "4:c·d\', .ind tht' RaJhod I t111 /t1111•. 11 -.011 prd..r 1ht· .. 111Jll f1111 J11J IJ1111l) om·ntl•d I) pt: 1111 lo111J " all loY. I.it <U1Ll 111~ libt·r. \\1th .1 mn1.w ot nu1n11ou .. L1101te .. frn111 Ult' tOllOll l<mdv woup. Ult.' lllrl1 dog group .ind tlw lr111"n h.mJJ1,1 ... 'Tt11Jp But lt•I' J(l'I h<tt k to I 'Kl'l I or tho~· 111 vuu Y.lm .in· goocl 111 math lhJl mt'dll., ''l' .irt· m'hlfl~ up 1111 tht· u•ntt·nn1<1l 11I tlw H.tlb<1J f .. J .. 11!011 I 'KJ') wa.' a long time dgo. and \H' don t knm' 11 tht•n• "111 he " .! I 111 111 m\ humbk opm11in, th.it " J' good .1 rt'a.'>on ti' Jll) for ,1 m.iior u•n11·n111Jl ragl.'r. \\llh paml'" .11111 '>pt'\ 1JI t'H·nt-. tom i-n-. ,md bt>ndit'. I loll\'\\OO<l -.1.1r. .11111 flrl'\\orl,, t•tt ., t'tl I ft're\ J hnlli.mt 1dl'J thJt I 1m Ill' 1lw 1 "' of ~'"'Port Bt•ad1ora1111.al t h.tnl\ Ill 'tt-.11, ITC1' 11l 1 hJfgt wlUl h 1' J dumh thing to ..,.., tw<. Ju..e proplt• 't'lcfom f"'' Im thmg' 1ht'\ '>lt•..tl, dri rlin' \\1wn .!005 rolh aroui1d. \W llt'l'd to ll'l rl'Jlt' till' \l'JI l1J()'i JI tht• li.ifhtl.11'11\lllflll ol'> ht•'t \\C fam11tes The wouµ sponsors an ongoing Jew1~h hedlmg support group for people with chronic illness at 7 pm Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service, 250 E Baker SC • Su11e G Costa Mesa Free Prereg1strallon required (714) 445-4950 JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ORANGE COUNTY The organ1Zat1on of women committed to promoting volunteensm developing the potential of women and improving communities through the wort and leadership of trained volunteers, is seeking new members. (949) 261-0823 KAISER PERMANENTE HOSPICE SERVICES Volunteers are needed to spend four hours per week v1s1t1ng pa11ents or doing errands for them or their caregivers in communrties near volunteers' homes. (562) 622-3805. LAGUNA GREENBELT INC. Volunteers are needed to assist Laguna Coast Wilderness Part staff and James Dilley Preserve staff and docents with hiker registration and general public onentat1on. (949) 488-0287. LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti, an organization that works with persons with HIV or AIDS, is seeking caring volunteers to assist with running the f~t office, delivering meals, providmg transportation and providing complimentary therapies auch as massage, acupunc1ure and chiropractic care. Li'8 Toghia, (949) 494-1446 LIFELINE LMNG CENTERS Mentelly m edultt rely on the Newport Beadl center for residential housing. It needi profeuional funckalsere to support and maintain this resource. MASTER CHORALE OF ORANGE COUNTY The performing •rte organization needa YOlunteere for computer Input. tldcttlng, filing end handling l>hon-.1714) 65&-e262. MENTOR PftOGftAM YMCA Community~ l ~ ment0tt '° meb • leatng ' 1 • .u1 \\ h.11 I'm '>t't'm~" J 111~ 1hn·1· d,t\ p.invh l.'lrbrat11111 t •IOllllt'lllOr.tl IOll \\ hJlt"\ 1•1,111 I H·"1l11ng I'> Jone to bt•1wh1 good 1.1U'>I.'11r two or tlm 1 \ h 1wr-.1111J.I d11111 t' wrmkJ ht th• I 11mw1 llahan Amenra11 \lo1 \ ""II . hut 1 lt'<IVl' that Ill \1111 1111\'\ .sh•lltt .1 h1~ runt t•n ..:.11.1 till' f';t\thon. \~Ith 1'\lt'l"\tmo· 11 .u11h1·1111c, tum 111 1h1· .!1111! 11•11f1Jr\ tin..,,, pt•nn<l .:11v.11' .1111l 11npo.,,1hl> large h.11' 1111 \\IHllt"ll. I <lwan:twn 'Ult' h.1i- .111d \\ 11lk111g '>lll le!. for tlw 11 wr 1111 .. 1n·1 t\ '>hould be filll'tl ,, 1 ""' 111 th1° J>t'nod r Peu~t'f1l" 1h1 h1g 11.1mt' ell tlw tlnw Jiit' •! ho1rhor .. 1111uld '>pari.lt• \qtli .1111111u1· ,,.11Jin~ VC">'>t'I'> .md \.ll ht' "'' 1h,11 .. 11 I nm '>('t' no 1110 • °"'111d111(h gi•t on thi... o1nd 11 . ~, 11 h.1prwn I would do 11 hu1 don I l1.1H the lHTll' and I lrnH .. 1up1d 111 hJt'>-R1dt· thl· lt•m 1 In tht• I un /.one don't 1111" 1h h11mpt·r lotr. I ti;nlla >(O • P£T£R BUFfA 1!. a lormt:r Co:.t. Ml'~d m<Jyor Hoi, column run~ 'l111trl11y~ Ht-mav be read'wd "''' ,. t11d1I JI PrrS.S • tJOI com effect on a young person's life Students 10 to 18 years old ar•• matched with mentors 10 improve their sdlool performance and self-esteem while developing po51t1ve peer and adult relationships (714) 549·9622, ext 35. MOZART CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA Orange County's only nonprofit resident chamber ordlestra ne+>· I' volunteers for lldceting, usherin-i phones, mailing and help wrth receptions. Nominees are also being sooght for the board oi directors (949) 830-2950. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN INC • The recovery center for women with alcohol or other chemical dependencies seeks volunteers (949) 548-9927 between 10 a.m and 6 pm., or Joy, (949) 548-8754 NEWPORT BAY NATURALIST The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve ia looking for volunteers to assist with neturallst-led tours and programs, special events and habitat restoration projects. Tho interpretive center is at 2301 University Drive, Newport Beadl (714) 973-6829. ./ • •• -----------------...--- Dally Piiot Sunddy, Jdnua<y 19 ?003 A5 • . . . . ezsure . . NO PLACE LIK E HOME ·Bamboo to You , Too I vividly remember D1snt'yland in the '60s. All the tmds sang word., and the nowers bloomed in the Taki Room. I think I started m} love for bamboo in Adventure I.and and it has continued ever 'inre. Of course. hack then it wa'> <'asy to like bamboo Fawc ·island" overtures were everywhere. My parents' vorite res rant wa.., the Ro Polynesian. It was a spedaJ treat to be mduded in an eve11ing·ou1 <,urrounded hy la'wa rock. KAR EN WIGHT tmk.lmg fountam' and tht' pn•requ1'illt' Y.Ood piiHJllt'I d,mLt· noor My bamboo ft•tl"h n·maim·d lung after my dinner' .it 1he Hoyale Polynesian rndt•d \fv fir-.i p1t•n· of "real" furniture that I bought for m} fir.,t apartment wa.., a bamboo .,ofa. I'm not '>Urt' 1f I wa' b(•hind or ahead of the llme .... bu1 hamhoo did .• md doe'>. ha\'e a pron111wn1 plat l m m} hou-.e Jeff V1hmen 1s an AIDS advocate and one of the founders of a1dsstopsw1thme.org The doctor tries to keep those infected thinking opt1m1sttcally Hamboo 1 ... n(Jt JU"t for tho.,e who dropped out. tuned 111 .ind t11rned on Bamboo l .ln ht' integralt'd into 1rad1ttonal '>t·ttmg'>. contemp1>rary '>Cherne.,, trench theme' t1nd l:ngl1'>h surrounding .... I ht• Victonanc; u<,ed bamboo ahundantlv 111 their furniture rJamboo .. 1dc· · tables were all the rage at tht• turn of tht' century..! very conwr had a bamboo fern .,land and ewrv t hair made for lount(tng had a bamboo table \\1th a bookrack undt•nwath. They had 11 right h<1ck then -.o \'oho am I to alter good dt•.,1gn? Living with AIDS Apparently. Im not the only one to have a thing for bamboo Ramboo Ooonng has bt'rnme very popular. Bambc>o plank.-. are offered not only as nature intended. but abo in a vmyl counterpart that serve-. a' a great ~olu11on in bathroom'> and h1ghty traveled area-. No Rahama mama am I. but I love bamboo furniture and acee~uries. Gold shivaree cham surround the dilling room table. The wooden frame<; s.imulate bamboo. and lest you think that bamboo 1s ra .. ual. my dining room proves otherwise. I aJc;o have black bamboo candleholders and an antique bamboo tray on the buffet table. fhe powder room has a large square mirror with a bamboo frame painted black and touched with gold · h1ghl1ghts. ll's next 10 a fussy rrench chandelier and I dunk the blend of characters works nicely. The son's room has bamboo shade'!. I think every window needs an ·eyebrow.· and whether the window treatment serves a purpose or 1s just for looks. bamboo shades arc a great layering piece. SM HOME, Pa&e A6 By Suzie Harrison Daily Pilot H e n'h·d J lot to tr\ and help other pe11pll'o ignoring the auvtct' (if Im la,,;H·r. fan11h and doctor Dr Jeff \'il111w11. t I "'a',, '>Ut'lt''t1>ful p11d1Jtns1 m :-.<t>v.port Beach wht>n he decided to lwrnmt• a '>poki.•spcr.,<m for 1 llV \top' With \fr ·My d0t 1or .met attorne\ hl•r,.ged me not to do this ...aid \ 1l11nen, who tested po'>1llve for tht• Villi'> eight year'> a~o "I've tr<.'all'd 4.000 to 5.000 pallt'nh in "e''-PUrl 111 m\ 10 years of prnc tile. A fe\.' of them got wmd of 11 and wert' up.,t•t .. llN Stops W11h Mc 1s <.pon.,ored by the AIDS \ervitc!> roundalmn of Orange County and fundt•d by the -.1ate Office of All>'> and the federal C enter for Di-.ease Control. It\ a campaign Lhat aim~ to reduee the -.ugma aswt 1ated with I I IV and recogni1.e the power that po'>lll\e people can provide in help111g to try and end the ep1dem1c Vihinen wa!> routinely tt•,ted every three months becau.,e of hi-. occupauon and respon'>ih1h1y 10 hi-. own health. In 1995. \'.bile hl' was getting a routine blood te'>t , Vihinen learned that he had I I IV. At the ume, he was in a long term monogamous relalionc;h1p w11h a Danish man who he said ht1d hed about his status. I le later confessed Dr. Jeff Vihinen has u1orked to help those sufferingfro1n AIDS for 10 years and has liued-with 1 llV for eight of those years ,111d ewntuall~ died from 1 omphl .111011 .. dut• to \II>.., I had '>lit h an 1ncrl·d1bly d1flit ult five 111 '>l'\'l'll year'> Jlter 1h.11. 10 rlw p111111 of .ittemptcd .. 111udt .. \, ih1nen "d1d • 1 f I had nwt '>Ullll'OIW lilt• me thc11 l ould lt·I nw know I <.an gu un, 11 \\t1Ufd h.tH rt·ally hel1H'd .. W11hin four \\eeb ol Ill., re.,ult .... he found ml! h1!> panm·r and h1., be'>I fnend 1n ';an tlt•mente had ll'\led po'>lt1vt• lor the v1ru .... .. fhere "nothing more helple., .. than watLhing '>omeone die and there·.., nothing you rnn do. \'1hinen -.aid V1hinen ha' had a ft•\'. boutc; w11h I IJV but ha' heen doing well the la.,t lH month' ... mre he made the informed dt•t 1 ... ion to ... 1op taking nwd1ca11on "The .,1dr t.'ITt>cl'> \.'\l'rc temble," Vitunen -.aH.l "I '>llll c.tnnot understand how people think. u'>ing a•condom "a has.sle and taking 26 pills a day i' not.· Vihinen w<L'> tak.tng 2fi p1J1., eve!') day when he s topped taking 111<. medication Being a part of HIV '°)tops With Me mean .. he is a pan of nauonal advertising rampaigni.. o;pealcs TRAVEL TALES puhhc h .md 1' \ t'r\ 11111t h n-.1hf!' I rt·.11111· Ill\ 1n\11IH ment bnn~-. '><>me <tllt 11111111 hl't a11,1· I don t tit thl' 'll'rt'Ol\[W. \1hlllt'll '>a1d "I 111 whllt'. nuddl1• d<t"' .ind havl' h\l'd 111 \.e\\ pc111 Ht•a1·h \111 .1 1111 of peoplt· .irt· 1·11Je.irl'd II\ 1h1 ... 111 '\t'Y>Jlort lie ,,ml 11\ rt•Ct'I\ l'd a 1111 of a11ent1on, hut that.., all ri~hl Y>llh him "Hut 11 It iin get a11cnt11111 . 1h.1t .., whJI 11., Jll .ibout: ht• .,aid. "Bt·c<llht' no mailer wlwre or \'loho vou are 11 ha., 10 a fleet \our ltfe 111 ...ome ''I} I It.' ht·l .tme 3\'.art• of lht' campaign a!> <;omethmg unu,ual and ni11111g edge a'> far a!> health prt>\enuon \to .. 1 campaign' aim to reach pt·nple wnh a ml''>'><lgl' not to get 11 "Tht., I'> aimed at people \\ho ,m• I llV po.,111ve and givt''> the me.,.,agt• that they tan do ... omt>thmg for them.,elH• .. and other people tr) mg to get a h.mdle on 1h1., ep1Clem1l ·· \'ihmen 'aid. He expla111ed that 11 wa .. important ror him to ..ay that -\ID.., and lllV are <;till around and that Lives are pt'rmanently affected b) 11 "II\ not fashionable or trendy to 1.1lk .ihout 11. Vih1m•n ..aid Hut 111\• pt:P.IJO t'\'l'r\; -.t·\en to lO ... eu1nd ... 1 ... tnlt·c tt·d m the \\Orld I I.tit tht' inft'l llllll ... toda\ Jrt' v.onll'n cind proplt· undt•r ~-,, .111d he ,,rnl th,H tht•\ ,ir1· the ont•' who llt'l'd 111 hear it "'ounger kid' d11111 tdlt• II ,t•r11111 ... h ." \ 1h111l'll ... 11d "I ht•\ l'ljll.llt 11 011 lht• 'dmt• ll'H'I ,,., d1<1IWll''' • \onw pt·oplt• lw knov .... ha\l' hJd Ill\ tor mon• rh.111 lH \l'iH'> 8111 lw 1-. gl'tlmg ll'l'J I 1 thinking \'l<llt'n ht• '>t't'\ -.Clllll' lllll•tft·d Jlt'Opll• Iii.ti the} .1rl'n t gomg 111 tw around mud1 longer I ''under 1f am one 1\ pa\ m~ attent1un. he .,.ud I ""ani to 'kl\. 'C an vou hear mt• now?'" Arrordm~ 10 V1h men. Lahforn1a 1.., SIH m11l1on 'hon \\1th n ... All>\ Drug A., .. 1.,un1o1. Polle) fundinK a federal pmbrrdm for people "'ho net'<l me1.hc1ne h •derall}'. 11 rhmh-. to twin);('-l 62 rrnlhon under budg1.•t If \'OU rt' dying It's too bad. II mean .. lwmg on .1 \'.artmg 11 .. 1 V1hmt•n .,,ud "\<1 1f you rr on tht• wrong part ut the 11'~1. you d1t> • I It.' '.lid he\ cll\o\-aV'> been fonunatt• Jnd ha'> had the !>uppon of fam1l) and lnend .. Though telhn~ .,omeone about being po..,.llv<• 1'> no easy ta'>k. 11 ,., cru1.1al ·I hl' feeling of keepmg n do-.t•ted the t~ue of dlsclosun.> 1 .. ...urh a difficult thin~· Vihmen .... ud A wondrous variety to ·see Down Under grent many trees and beautiful 6ower gardens. The people were so kind, polite and they were happy to see us. One thdD was aeeing our chlJdhood friend ln S)Uney. We had prombed bet we would visit for the~ 30 years and WC finally made It She and her young family eetded in~ Crom the United SW In tbe '70s. She liYel ln the Blue Mountain region t\W l)ours outside~ She picDd us up and gave us a "'*' tour. She took us to some ol her taYortte places-pnd view o( the Opera HoUle and the Sydrwy Harbour Bridge, as well • Bondi a.ch. She .kl when lhe MIMd In~ Wit 30 )'eln .._ tt _.a WIY pftMndal dty with few IWC&\nl\tl -i>Od WU wry en.-h-..,.._ ~ ~ .. m IMas ..... pan dtywldt. wide vanety of restaurants and cultures. Our friend took us to the fish marlcet area next to the harbor. The fish so fresh. The daily aitdl brings In as many as 60 vaneties of seafood. So many we had never seen. VL'>itlng this area Is a must. We stopped to eat fresh BanamundJ fish for tunch. A locaJ fish and eo good. We also saw peoJ»e ~ pay S 125 co walk on the top of Harbour~ We ol9o ~t to New 1.aland. We saw the North and South islands. The country ts a nabft' wondrdlnd..11» South tsand hu~~wUhl mounWnl. riWIJ, Wa. fi ftOl'dl Ind ..... lbe*WI ... ~LIMW.-.11 · tornilltM• Cllled chi ......_tlOm ot New Z•' "Cl• Thewld .............. white and yellow next to clear blue lakes. Beautiful cities, gardens, scenery. kind and generous . people. great food -th is what we found in Australia and New 7.ealand. Canl wait to rerom! •TRAVEL TAUS rune on~ ~ vou. or 10meOM vou know, gone on an lntetesting ~ recencJv 1 T.il U1 etoJt yoA.11 ~In ~ 400WOfdl. ~ bv. couple of phocot to d'°°9e from ""'do"°' t\1'141he Dllv Plac In"'"" end lend lhem '° ~-......D>w.a.v ~ M11ie. CA 9212?; or 4Mnel ~,,,,,,.oom:Of ""'° CMIMM170. ' l I ' M Sunday, January 19, 2003 PHOTO COURTESY OF KAREN WIGHT Bamboo has been around throughout the century. -· HOME Continued from A5 The oldest daughter has a seating area in her room with a sofa and side table. The table is made out of wood but is carved to look like bamboo. It' painted a very oon-bamboo color; that's part of the fun. fhe outdoor room has three black bamboo sofas with chartreuse chenille cushions. More bamboo, more black. I never get tired of the combination. To take things a -step further, I planted reaJ bamboo on the side of the pool and included horsetail down the side yard. Not only do I love the fact that the reaJ bamboo makes a nice high fence, but the horsetail is absolutely my favorite addition to flora! arrangements - or it's perfect all by itself in a vase. It may be a small world, but in my opinion, bamboo transcend~ the iest of time. In my corner of the world, bamboo has reigned supreme through four decades. So, what's new, what's old. what works? Bamboo. • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL FLOORING ·~.!!!~ t .1,,,fii..:,:.j S01 ARIA1' ~:\"Bp~ SOLID EXOTIC • DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTER 3/4" s5~! ii s1 4~~ Travertine 18" x 18" ........................................................ '4.29 .IQ~ Ceramic Tile .................................................... "1Slal«111ctn •4,99 IQ 1t Laminate Wood .............................................. ~rateaflctn 14.99 sqt How best to take care of a work of art? A Role\ tamcp1t'ce 1~ truly a marvel of performance and endurance In five Vl'cH"I of conhnuous ttmekeepmg, 1ts balance wlwel travel., tlw ~u1valent of 21111 miles. This !..ind of ,. pPrformancl' deo;en.t>" proper ~are and periodic maintenance, and Roh.•x recommend., th.It their tamep1ece<1 be deaned and mled appro>.1mcltely e' erv fwe yeal"I If you've invested "' a Rolex you've made an a.o.h.lte deos1on Protect that investment by ahowmg the same "Ound 1udgmt"nt when 1t comes to the maintenance of your hmep1ece Ao; an Official Role>c Jeweler we ll'l' dedicated to the mtegnty of genuine Rolex i' tlmep1ecl'9, part! and occessories Plea:.e visit our !'tore when you an> l'l'old)· to discus the ca.tt and wrviat or your Rol1?1t. RO LEX BLACKMAN LTD. -:fb':: J~S I • ' ..... 3A08-1 Via Opotio, Newport 8eod'I 949-67J.-93:u ~-...~ ......... ~c.1111MJ ... ~ ....... o,......._. ... ........_ _ ___,.. \ I ,ONGOING • Send ONGOING item1 to the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; byfaxto(949)646-4170;or by calllng (949) 674-4298. Include the time. date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone numbe r. A complete listing Is available at www.dsllypilot.com: .,, ONGOING THn• ,,. fnvhed to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for Indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The Center Is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. The A11n. of Bu1lnHs Services host networking meeting that deal with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805-0011. The Newport Beech Public Library will host an hour of stories and crafts for children in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar branch from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays. The library is at 420 Marigold Ave. For more information. call (949) 717-3800. Free tours of the Orange County Performing Arts Center led take guests to the dressing rooms. performer's lounge, backstage and on-stage. Every Wednesday and Saturday at 10:30 a .m. at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrargement. For more information, call (714) 556-AATS, ext. 833. Interfaith couplH with one Jewish partner are invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group is geared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples. such as raising chlldren, observing hollday1, symbols In the home and relation1hlp1 wtth extended .families. The cost for three • sessions Is $45 per couple. Preregistration Is required. Call to schedule date and time. The office Is at 250 E. Baker-St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Women 50 and older can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewis h Family Serviqes to address issues svch as anxiety, depression, relationships, loneliness and family: The group meets from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 260 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stoc:k. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries -Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. All hardcover and paperback donations, with the exception of magazines and law books, will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) ·~ 759-9667. The e,.me Institute offeta free computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave .• Corona del Mar. offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000. A spiritual care cl11s meets at 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. The Costa MaH Chamber of Commerce .hosts networking luncheon meetings from 11 :45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesdays at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $13. The club ts at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. SUNMIST SPRAY TAN SPA Spray on your tan in seconds! 1st Session $15 Value (949) 71~2896 27 44 &. Ctwt llllftw, I'/. ..... l.J. 'c~- C.-..411*; 11Uf (JIAll, ~ AVILA CHI CKE SOUP Fresh chicken broth, chunk.a of chicken breast, rice gami1hed with avocado, cilantro and lime. Mama's cure for the flu. • ,.if ... Great To-Go ,.I 1· ..,~ Costa Mesa 612-1142 Corona del Mat Ml-taco f ,f ·.·I ' ' •• '1• ' I'-' • I I 1 ~ .... ,, ' I I ' . ' . . . . . r, Dally Pilot I CHECK IT OUT .. Aplay's the thing F or one Shakespearean hero, a play was the thing to catch a ldng. For the rest of us, plays might be an, entertainment or even busines.s. Speaking for those who are an integral part of them, Newport Beach Central Library arts and cuJturaJ librarian Sara Barnicle observes, "In th.is age of taped and dlgitaJ media, it's a great concern of theater artists that live Pt:rformance will become obsolete. when, in fact, an event enacted before your eyes is an experience so much more i.mlnediate and engaging than any electronic format can offer.· What can drama in the flesh offer th.at movies or television cannot? "The play as. in8eed. the thing that has the ability to touch, awaken and move like nothing else,· says Sara. who 15, incidentally, married to Laguna Playhouse Artistic Director Andrew BamJcle. Whatever live theater is for you, it's 8n art that's been around from ancient Greece to contemporary times. Trace its evolution in "History or the lbeatre," in whkh Oscar Brockett and Franklin Hildy recap European and OrtentaJ traditions, from speculation about theater'b origins through dramatic conventions of the 20th century. In less exalted formb, those traditions include local repertory. the focus of "Exit Through ~ F!rq>lace." DraWlilg on experiences of actors and directors who began their careers i.n shoestring producuons. Kate Dunn reminisces about a renowned British insutuuon m her look behind the curtaJ.ru. of such theaters as the Bi.rmingham Rep, Liverpool Playhouse and Bri!.tol Old Vic. The magic of glitzier productions is the draw of Myrna and llarvcy Frommer'!> "lt Happened on Broadway." 'Through the words of stars, dtrectors. producers and playwrights. these Dartmouth CoJJege professors orchestrate a chorus that includes the voices of such legends as Carol Ola.nning, Joel Grey and Patricia Neal. Some of the same stars share insight in "ConvttS&dons In the Wlngl," in which Broadway stage manager Roy Harris interviews many of America's greatest stage' actors about their technique. Theatre can be a business, an aspect Richard Schneider and Mary Jo Ford explore in "Ille Theater Management Handbook." Those looking to • launch a career in it will find helpful hints about every aspect of the backstage environment in Drew CampbeU's '7echnk:al Theater for NontechnJcal People." Others interested in outfitting a cast of characters can, review an important visual aspect of theater in Barbara and Oetus Anderson's "ea.tu.me Design." Unlike Hamiel, contemporary playwright Wendy W<werstein never used a play to catch a Icing. At age 48, she became a smgle parent -one of the midlife issues explored in '"Shiba Goddess," her fmt book of essays in I 0 years. The voice of a generauon of contemporary women will be heard at "My Ufe In the Theatre," a sold-out Manuscnpts l.Jterary Lecture co-sponsored with the NBPl. Foundation on Thursday. To register on the w.uting tist. call (949) 717 -3890. • "Chedt 1t Out• is wntten by the staff of the Newport Beam Public Library. This week's column 11 by Melissa Adams, in collaborauon with Sara Bamlcle. All titles may be reserved from home or office computers by accessing the catalog at www n"wportbe1Kfll1brary.orp. MEPllISTGM THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKJNG SHOES Open Sat. 8em-1 pm COSTA MESA 2076 Placentia Ave. 949.549.3, 30 r Wor1d Cius Colori1t •.. ., ... Is Ottering .... HIGHLIGllTI • • • I • ' ~ This la your chance to experiera h)ghligtlta from a top colof1at. Milly Judy ~ hu extensive experltnoe and tnllnlng with Vidal Susoon (Loi Angelet), I Toni & Guy (Oaltaa), P11.1I Mitchell (Sin Diego), L'Ofhl (New YOtit) juat to • name a few. Her t9Cl'lniques .,.. gent» and alwtyt IMvt your hair attong, ' healthy, and tun or lhloa. TIM lldvant.agt of becoming one ot Mlaly Judy'a : first ctlentl In the NtwpOl1 S.actl lfM. Yalutd at 1100.00SS*)e11 llmlted. : 949.295.2546 l s. AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Dally Piiot. 330 W Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627, by fax to (94S) 646-4170, or by calling (9491 574-4268. A complete ltst 11 available at www d111lyp1lot com SPECIAL ESHElJER' Funk. Plink and Monk: s con Film" series is now playing at the UCI Student Center Crystal Cove Auditorium. Upcoming movies are ·Downtown 81 " on Friday. The UCI campus la at Campus and University drive1, Irvine. $3 UC1 students, S4 UCI faculty/staff and other etudents, SS general. (949) 824-6588. ALL-AMERICAN BOYS CHORUS The All-American Boys Chorus will be conducting 1ndiv1dual auditions for boys ages 8 to 10 throughout January. There will be a second audition held in Sepl'ember. The audition. scheduled to last about 30 minutes, will focus on an ear test in whk.tt staff members strike variot1s notes on piano and ask the boys to sing them badt (7141 708-1670. MUSIC SHUBERT ENSEMBLE OF LONDON The Philharmonic Society and the Laguna Olamber Music Society will present the Shuber1 Ensemble at 8 p.m. Wednesday. The SOCtety has es1Bblished an 1ntemat1onal reputation as Bntam's leading exponent of chamber music for piano and stnngs roets are $29, $25. S23 The Barday Theatre 1s at 4242 Campus Dnve. IMne (949) 854-4646 SILVEACfTIES Silvercrt1es, formerly known 86 Silversmith, with bnng their sultry sounds of country tmged swaggenng to Detroit Bar at 9 p.m Thursday T1dtets are S5 843 W 19th St.(949) 642 0600 SPECUU. Cl.ASSICS: RHAPSODY IN BLUE J'\. The Pacific Symphony Orchestra will present us annual Amencan Composers Festival at 7 p.m. Tuesday,Jan.28.ltfeatures Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blues. hot 1azz and blues and new woril.s by celebfated Amencan composers Bernstein, Wilham Bolcom, Derek Bermel and more Tidtets are $45 and $35. Irvine Barciay Theatre is at 4242 Campus Drive. Irvine (949) 8544646 SONGS Of INNOCENCE AND OF EXPERIENCE The Pacific Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Carl St Oair. will welcome the Pacific Chorale for a program by Plllttzer Pnze-wmnmg Wilham Bolcom. •Songs of Innocence and of Experience:" The ahow will take P'ace at 8 p.m. Feb. 5 and 6 at Segerstrom Hall, 600 Town Center Drive. rtdtets range from $19 to $59. (714) 556-2122. Cl.AUDCA ACUNA Cludia Acuna with special gunt Billy Childs will perform at Founder• Hall at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Feb. 7 and 8. rtetets range from $46 to $49. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2122. ANNE MURRAY Four·time Grammy Award winner Anne Murrciy will perfonn at Segerstrom Hall on Feb. 1 and 8 at 8 p.m. Tldtets range from $26 to $80. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2122. WESLA WHITRElD Wesla Whitfield will perform at the Founders Hall at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 18 to 22. Tldtets ar9 $49. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2122. MUSIC AT Tii£ TEE ROOM The Marte Davidson Trio, with Ron Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room. 3100 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. RAT PACK MONDAYS Maggiano's Little Italy pays tribute to the Rat Padt every Monday with entertainer Chris Williams and his five-piece band. There will be complimentary hors d'oeuvres and dancing. No cover. Reservations recommended. (714) 546-9550. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a 1azz tno Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sun4i!Y end 6 to 10 p.m Monday throdgh • Wednesday (9491 718-0188 WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p m every week_ ·wanted• musicians indude guitar players, bass players. singers, drummers. keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach Free. (949) 61s-nso_ MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights Greg Morgan, Nidt Peper and Kelly Gordian (known as MPG) perform classic rod(, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvm Gregory and MPG will perform classic rock. swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant IS at 630 Lido Parle Dnve. Newport Beach Free. (9491 675-3474. MUStc AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The Free W anc Corkagc Wedne!aday &. Thursday 11'1-~Nights 3 wine samplings , w/ ~ $10.00 per person -~,,_~ ... ~ ednesday 8t Thmsday I (~11t Silk) Veal o.ao Bucco Over Safl'roa RicC and Cioppino with choice of soup or ..a.d $18.9S per peoon band performs from 1 to 10 p.m . Wednesday and Thursday. from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m . Sunday. The restaurant 11 at 2735 W. Coast Highway. Newport Bead\. Free. (949) 642-3431. WEEKEND BLUES Anthony'• Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Bead\ preeents The Balboa Bluee on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday a~emoons. The program features jazz and classic rod( tunes for dining and dancing. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 6, a funk, rodl and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Riatorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922 SATURDAY NIGHT Rl.8 Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rod( and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Tnanon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. N-ee. 19491476-2001. SENIOR CENTER AFTERNOON A seven-piece group plays big band tunes from 1 :30 to 3:30 p.m. Fridays at Oasis Senior Center. 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar_ $4. (949) 644-3244. STAGE 'PROOF' ·Proof:-the Tony Award-wmning play by David Auburn, will play at Segerstrom Stage, South Coast Repertory, 650 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa through Feb. 9 It tells the story of a young woman who looks to discover how much genius and msanity she has mhented from her bnlltant father Performances wtll be at 8 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; at 2:30 and 8 p.m Saturday; and at 2 30 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday Previews $19 to $44, regular run $27 to S54. (714) 708-5555 THE ABDUCTION FROM niE SERAGLIO Opera Pacific will present Mozart's delightful and charming comedy under the direction conductor of Jane Glover. The cast includes Jan Grissom, Shawn Mathey and Kurt Link.. Performances will be on Tuesday and Thursday through Sunday at the Performing Arts Center. Segerstrom Hall, 600 Town Center Dnve. Tldtets are $20 to $125 with performances at 7·30 WHAT DID THAT HOUSE SELL FOR? By D11w Wonx ~c.-ra.l people have .ukcd how they <.an finJ out wh.u a nc:-vby home sold for h thcrl' a wcbsne that l1m propcny sales, they wonder> This 1s an inmgu1ng topic Knowing what houses in yow neighborhood arc V"ung on thr m.ukrt u helpful, of course. It hrlps you krep crack of the worth of your own home It leu you know 1f it's 11me to mc.-ct wnh your tnsur.lnte agent and discuss beefing up your homcownen policy a b11. h hcl~ with fina.nc1al punning, and gives you a clcu idu of how much money you Coln still borrow ag:a.ms1 your propcny. So wc.-'rc not 1wt talking nosy nrighbon here. We're tallUng abou1 appropriate informaiion for everyone in the ncighborhood And it's almost always in 1hc public record, so 11 doesn't require snooprng . It docs, ho~r. rcqwrc currrnc records. And becault' '°me people are 1nd1nc<I to aaggcrate the amount they ~ from their borne. u requires more than word-of- Olouth. B«aUK online ru:ord.s a.re often la:s than current, and becauu such scrv1ca art niU working out their k.inb. !ht best way to get the infonn.a.tion you need ii co cal I on a real ertate profasionaJ who worh ln rout ara. She or ht either keeps the l'l'lOOfdJ of telling prica ln your ftd&hborbood or baa quick KCd co chat data. Need lnform.ationt Just <:all mt •t 9•9·,,)-1100 or vleit my •1Hbtitu at cbww ona4 .com or ~ DOI ~"I hi lwfl MIU~ ~ i11 ~ IJi«ll nMr ,,,, ""';, -c.-~ ~"'"~ w•en nightly, except for the Sunday showing at 2 p.m. (714) 556-ARTS. 1JTT\£ SHOP OF HORRORS' The Sage Hill High School Theatre Department Wlll offer •little Shop of Horrors· from Feb. 7 though 9. The play, directed by Jay Louden, will be performed at 7:30 p.m. on Feb 7 and 8. and matinees will be offered at 2 p.m. on Feb 11 and 9 Tidcets are $5, 3443 Pacific View Drive, (949) 219-0900. 'FORBIDDEN BROADWAY' •Forbidden Broadway,• a satirical delight that serves up 31 witty and ruthless parodies of Broadway shows m 97 minutes, will be staged' at Orange Coast College at 4 p.m. Feb 9, 2701 Fairview Road. Tidtets are $29 advance and S35 at the door (714) 432·5725 ART 'ZINE SCENE' "Zine Scene;' an exh1b1t of zines organized by the Cranbrook Art Museum, will be on display through April 27 at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satelltte Gallery, South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa Zmes are publications -ltke magazmes - created by mdiv1duals or small groups. Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through .Friday. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m Sunday N-ee. (949) 759-11 22. JANE Hill "local Scenes," an by Jane Hill. will be on display at the Newpor1 Beach Public Library through Feb 28. A reception for the art1~t will be held from 5:30 to 7 30 p m on Jan. 2a The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave Newport BP.ach Free (949) 717-3801 'IN niE EYE OF niE BEHOLDER' A two artist exh1b1t featunng the works of Michael Perez and Kirsten Prosser will bf' on display at Bayside Gallery Restaurant 900 Bayside Drive Newpon Beach, through Maren 1 (949) 851-918, www stud1ogallery ner STUDYING IDENTITY ·101entity Po11ra1ts in the 21st Century" will run through Sunday at UCl's Beall Center for Art and Technology A reception for the show will be held from 6 to 8 p.m The Beall Center is open noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday and until 8 p.m Thursday Free. 1949) 824-6206 'lltROUGH THE GREEN FUSF The Susan Sp1ritu1 Gallsry will present an exhibit of photographs by Robert Buelteman lltled •Through the Green fuse• through Jan. 31 at 3929 Biren St, Newport Beach (949) 474-4321 BRAVO PHOTOGRAPHS Worils by famed Mexican photographer Manuel Alvarez Bravo will be on display through Fob 16 at the Orange County Museum of Art. 850 San Clemente Drive, Newpor1 Beach The works will be shown concurrently with •The S~int of M ex1cot an exh1bn exploring M e>uco through the eyes of modern photographe'1> including Henri Cart1er-Bresson and Edward Weston M useum hours are 11 a m to 5 p.m Tuesday through Sunday SS for adults, S4 for seniors and students, and free for members and children younger than 16 (949)759-1122 MARJETICA PORTC An mstalla11on by Slovenian artist Marie11ca Pone.will be on display through March 2 at the Orange County Museum of Art, 850 San Clemente Dnve, Newport Beach Porte's work deals with issues of shelter poverty and displacement Museum hours are 11 am to 5 pm Tuesday through Sunday SS for adults. S4 for seniors and students. and free for members and children younger than 16 (949) 759 1122. DANCE ALVIN AILEY DANCE niEATER One of Americas most celebrated detncr• L.Ompanics, the Alvin Ailey Detncc Th1>ater, will perform at SPqPrStr(lm Hall from Feb 11 1hrough Feb 16 Performances will take place at 8 p.m each day and spec1etl matinee showmgs will tetkc place at 2 pm on Feb. 15 and 16 T1dtets range from $20 to SO'> 600 Town Center DnvP (7141 556 2122 SOCIAL DANCING Social dancing takes place the four1h Sunday of each month from 4 to 5 30 p m at the J1mm1e DeFore Dance Center 151 Kalmus Dnve. Ste G·3. Costa Mesa. The 11ances r a1se funds for the center's building program Donations accepted (714) 241 -9908. SENIOR BALLROOM Ballroom dancmg to the music of the Costa Mesa Music Makers 1s offered from 7 30 to 10 30 p.m Tuesdays at Costa Mesa Senior Center, 695 W 19th St S4 (949) 548 3884 ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing 1s offered from 8 p.m to 12 30 am on the first Saturday of each month dt Danscene Studio 2980 McChntodc Way, Costa Mesa • (714) 641 8688 KIDS 'IMAGINATION-IN-MOTION' M1mt1, modern dance comedy and vaudeville will combine Saturday. when the Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Dnve, Costa Mesa, presents ·1magmat1on-m Mo11on~ d!> pan of its Founders Family Fun series A performanc~ will IJe at 1 pm Saturday S9 !7141 556-2787 STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 yecHS old dr6 invited to part1c1pdte in song~ and tinger-pupµet play!> at 7 p m Mondays at the Costci Mesa Library 1855 Pali< Ave t949) 646-8845 P JS AND BOOKS A children s stor'y tirrt: is presented at 7 p m MonddY!. and al 10·30 a m Sdturdays at the Newport Beach Central Library 1000 Avocado Ave Children may wear pa1amas 10 the evening sessions Free !"'491 717·3801 The Duffy Annual Pass Is Back! Get yours now, limited sujJply! Join the CLUB! These p P2Y f'ot tMmsdvcs in no time. Hurry! They will U out. To Sign Up, ca11. (949) 645-6812 Extension 110 ' • No Ins~rance Costs • No Maintenance Cos~ •No Slip Fees, No Hassles • Great for busfness.famt~V. friends and soul cruismg • Take adriantage of the wonderful jlttt of Duffy &KJts • Convenient location. fantastic amenltl~s ,., lfrrl .. ,.,.., "' °"!'ft ...... 8cL'tric 9cMI OlnllPll'l'Y I00-645-1044 WWW~ .. .... * s M Slllday, ·January 19, 2003 Dady PllQt .FORUM ( HOW 10 GET PUBLISHED -L.Artters: Mail to Ecfrtorial Page Editor JemM Meler at the Dally Pflot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Reeden HotHne: Call (949) 642-0086 Fex: Send to (949) 6404170 E-mall:Send to d•ilyp/lottJJlatimt1s.com ~All oom1spondtlnce must Include full name. hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reservea the right to edit all submissions for darlty and length EDITORIALS . Appease both athletic leagues and neighbors I t seems a silly turf battle, that's for sure. Adults arguing over grass. Is fescue mixed with a little Bermuda just right? Or should it be Kentucky blue? Which is better suited for Little League play? The..(iebate over when to open the $7 ~on Bonita Canyon . Sports ?ark is probably just one of many that will occur over hours of operations and field-use rules at Newport Beach parks in the coming months. Instead of touching off a grass fire that will pit neighbors against Newport youth sports leagues, city officials can use the ensuing controversy as an opportunity to,. plot a course for the future that will ensure that the needs for children's recreation don't clash with the needs of residents to have peace and quiet First, let's talce up the grass issue. City officials say they stand by their contractor's decision at Bonita Canyon to keep the sports teams off the fields until summer, allowing time for the grass to take hold Youth sports representatives say that's too Jong and blame the decision to plant the wrong type of grass for the delay. We urge cooler heads to prevail. Let's be clear. We stand firmly behind the need for youth sports and youth activities throughout Newport-Mesa. The bustling sounds of a baseball or soccer field is a sign of a healthy community of families. But we can't help to wonder what the hurry is. The city is right in wanting to make sure that the fields are completed properly and, as one city official said, "preserve the city's inv_esttnent" As for the playing time and extended hours at city parlcs, we urge that youth sports officials tread ever so lightly into that turf as well The extended time means fields stay open until 9 p.m., resulting in extra noise and bright lights for the neighbors to contend with. Again, while we believe this is just an essential part of a community, time for good thought and planning needs to take place to ensure that the community is not abused. Already. some are saying that 9 p.m. is too late to hear the clanging of bats or endure the blast of bright lights. Parks officials need to address those issues now to be fair to all parties. So while it may take a little time and patience, we believe with the right planning, Newport Beach can have youth sports and recreation that will leave its neighbors. dare we say, green with envy, rather than create what could well be the scourge of the neighborhood. Give Newport timely access to meetings I n this, the 2 1st century, with as many mediums as there are -the Internet, television and beyond -it's amazing that some Newport Beach residents still have to wait 11 days to watch Newport-Mesa Unified School District meetings. They could translate the mee~ results from Morse c.ode faster than that It seems a horrible injustice that these residents, who pay as much as they do in both taxes and cable fees, don't have the option to watch the meetings live on television. Even the next day would be a bit more acceptable. <;o the school district has dt!Cided to pursue help from the city's two cable companies - Adelphia Systems and Cox O:mununications -in gaining another public access channel that can allow their show, if you will. to compete with the Newport Beach City Council's. You see, only one public access dlannel can show the meetin~ and It must also show the City Council proceed.in~, also held on evenin~ the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. If the cable companies do not grant the district's request, the school board trustees should do whatever the can to ensure that residents don't have to wait 11 days. If that means changing meetings to the first and third Tuesdays of the month, it would guarantee that most meetinp would be live in Newport-Mesa. Occasional conflicts would arise in Costa Mesa when its City Council. which convenes the first and third Mondays, meets on Tuesdays following a Monday holiday. But the trustees should really consider changing the meeting days to ensure that residents have more timely access to the school district It's a shame that we want to bring our children into the information age, yet we still have difficulty bringing ourselves into it THE LAST WORD A bye-bye to good pies I t always hurts when a city loses a piece of its history. .And unfortunately Newpon Beach Jost a landmark 1n the fonn of the WestcWf Drtve Coco's earlier this month. Sure, there are other Coco's at · whkb to enjoy a double chocoJate silk pie. In fad. there are four other Coco's In Newport 8-:h. die dty where the ...-wmt WU founded. And ~yet another one In Costa ...... But not all of them have history -40 years of history to be exact Fonunate, however, is that even though that panicular Qx:o's closed. those who wotbd there still have jobs at two other eooo·s in the dty. Many owe thanb to the chain that originated In C.Orona del Mar for that But. still. we wish they c::ouJd have continued woddng It the \\atdift' lite. It had a long history 8Jx! they were part of It. .. / MAILBAG . SEAN HILLER 0.AILY ftlOI The weekend swap meet at Orange Coast College will return to Saturdays on Feb. 1 Blessing of a swap meet never been a problem We were hoping to have the Orange Coast College swap meet opened on Saturday and Sunday; we go over there quite a bit with our kids. The larger swap meet over there at the Orange County Fairgrounds is a little bit too crowded and hard to get to when you have small children. so we do enjoy the fact that there is a small swap meet that we can go to that is close. We live in Costa Mesa. so It is very convenient for us to go over there. As far as the congestion goes, if you park in a different area besides the front area that you come into, we have never had any problem with congestion. COUEEN RABENS Costa Mesa Don't pave over one of city's last natural areas I was so thankful 10 read the weU thought out letter by Drew Lawler in Friday's Pilot regarding the alternatives to paving over one of the last natural areas in our community r eoardwalk ou1 of step with community, environment"). I was surprised to hear there was "popular support" when this idea had not been widely presented to the community for feedback. Though organizations may see it as a means to increase numbers of visitors to the Back Bay, it would be at the cost of ruining the very reason they want to visit the area in the first place and why we enjoy living here. The city should gather citizen input before barreling ahead without considering all the alternatives. SANDRA AYRES Newport Beach Numbers don't add up at Orange Coast swap meet Are the Orange Coast College swap meet vendor paying their share of sales truces? At the City Council meeting, the followmg facls were discussed. The city of Co!>ta Mesa received $29,000 from the S1ate Board of Equalization from sale!> tax revenues at Lhe swap meet. OCC received $1 .5 million m space rental fees. Using 1hese numbers. the number of vendor i.paces was $1.5 million divided by $25 per vendor space. or 60,000 vendor days. The gross sales were $29.000 divided by I%. or $2.9 mllJion. This means that each vendor pa.id truces on $48 33 worth ol sales each day on the average lf !>ales are that low. why were so many people standing in line al 4 a m. to get the Sa1urday spaces? Or are sales rea!Jy much hjgher and taxes not pa.id? JUDITH BERRY Costa Mesa No signs of problems at OCC only nice shopping I believe that we should keep the swap meet at Orange Coast College open on both Saturdays and Sundays. It provides an alternative shopping and cultural experience that I have not seen duplicated anywhere else. I live right across the street from the swap meet and it provides me a very convenient and enjoyable place to get It ems that I am unable to locate in mainstream retail establishments. I became aware of the controversy when I attempted to vtsit the swap meet one Saturday to find out that it was closed because of concerns that the traffic gets congested. Since I hve righ1 acro-.s the ... trCl'I. I ,1111 able to observe the traffil on ,, daily basis and ha\.e had no problem<. aJong d.IlY of tlw rn.11or streets surrounding tht' swail meet. If there are any probll'm., 111 Costa Mesas 1raffit. 11 '' lh(• tr;1lh1 jam tha1 occurs at the end of tlH' Costa Mesa 1-reeway at I 41h \trt•t•1 I have also heard that 1herc .nt• underlying racial mo11ve' 1hat some people have exprec,~ed implicitly and explicitly. 1 hr "melting pot" of the world cu1i'1 hold this title any more if we an• going stifl e the auemph of lcgul and honest commerce ju<,t bet a11,1• • we don"t like the ethmci1ies of 1hc merchants or shoppers So I hope that this is not the problem I hope that the college and city cau c.:omt to an agreement that the swap meet is a good thing for our community and keep It open for many years to come ERROL AKSOY <-u'>ta \fc,u Boardwalk needed to sa\ e area's sensitive habitat I am responding to the article "Trampled Under Foot" that appeared in your Tuesday issue The photo included in the ar1kle implies that the boardwalk woulr.J be build on top of t11e bluff. This 1, not true; the boardwalk would be build on the bonom of the bluff near the water. It would allow people to waJk close to the bay, bur direct them out of sensitive habitat. The bay lS being trampler.J A boardwallc could solve lh1s problem. We have few natural spaces left in the county -we need to do anything we can 10 protect what little is left. PENNY PERKINS Sania Ana LE 11 ER TO THE EDITOR Issues surrounding swap meet are not about hate r BIO Age:85 Residence: Costa Mesa for 55 years Occupation: Owns Wilson Recreational Vehicle Storage in Santa Ana Educaiion: Degrees m business admm1S1ratton and polrtical SCJence from Glendale College nmlly: Wife of 64 years Maryalice, three dlildren; eight granddl1ldren, and three great-granddl1ldren Hobbies: Gotf EGO ·Egotism. / 'm an egotist. We like to accornplish things. We 're a different breed. We 're the guy who invents th e airplane, auton1ohile, rocket and so o n . We do it because we have something inside of us that says "Hey, let's do it ... ' STEPCHILD ·We were really just a stepchild and, sin ce Newport Beach was so wealthy and powerful, they just walked all over us. We were really a stepchild. We knew what it was to have prejudice. We were second rate to everybody.' CfTY OF COSTA llESA Cocte M ... City Hall. n Felr Oriw, Coetl M ... , CA t2$28. (714) ?&t-6223 Meyor;~~ CourMI: Ubbv Cowan, .Al1tn Mtneoor, Gery Monehan end Quit 5'"' cnv OF NEWPORT IEACtf Newport~ CJtv Hall, 3300 Newport &Ml, Newport a..cn. CA 92e83, (Ml) $44..3309 • Mllyar: &ew 8(-ombefV C.U.1111: o.ry Adlmt.. Stew Brombefg, John.......,,.,, Ok* NkN>ls. Dennie O'Neil, Gety Ptoceof, Tod Ridgf\IWV end OonWlbb FORUM Sunday. Jaouary 19' 2003 ,. DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT A Costa Mesa legend B ob Wilson may have wntten the book. MFrom Goat Hill to City of the Arts: The History of Costa M~:· but the experiences over h1~ 85-year lifespan have no t been limited to the 23 years he spent o n the city's Planning Commissio n a nd City Council, not to mention his lead role in incorporating the city in 1953. The three-term mayor served a-, director of the California League of Cities and was a me mbt'r of the National League o f Cities. He was also very involved in the creation of fairview Parle. The city, now entering its 50th year, could still be Goa t Hill, the 'stepchild' of Orange County, were it not for the efforts of Bob Wilson ... Wilc;on and wife of 64 years Maryalice o nce became hostage~ for eight hours wilile in Beirut. Lebanon. fhe 55-year Costa Mesa and Goat Hill resident boasts of visiting a1 least 56 nation s over the yea.n.. as weU, and continues hringmg hb f arnily on cruises for enlightenment. And Wilson spent countll'!>'> hour~ with once-fret1urnt area celebrity resident-, and gues1c; John Wayne. HonaJd Reagan. Jame~ Cagney and Huddy Ebsen. On l·nday. like it wa.., y~tcrday if you will. Wilson recounted a <>elect few of his many experiences when he sat down at the Daily Pilot Wlth City Editor James Meter. What att your earllat memortea of Costa Me581 Driving through Costa Mesa In 1936 lwas the first time seeing the then unincorporated areal. My wife's folks hved on I jdo Isle from 1940 to 1962. (So his firi.t memories of Costa Mesa were) nothing. It was Goat Hill all right. was there much here other than goat.tf Yes. you had Alpha-Beta. Safeway. Pinkley' Drug S1ore and Carr's Feed Store, which is the niangle Square center now. We had terrible waler The water was brownish and you weren't surprised lf when you started drinking your glass of water and found a worm in there waiting for you. It smeDed like rotten~ And when you dJd laundry, your heets probably came out slightly hrown when you hung them ou1 to dry You could M'e 11 1f you h,11.l a white !.heet. I don't want to exaggem1e too much to say everything canw out brown. A brand·ne\\ sheet wmdd come out a different color fuu~rvedl6yearsonilie0~ CouncU and seven on the dty's ftrst Plann.lng Commhslon. Whal kept you golng th06le 23 yearsf Egotism. I'm an egotist. We like to accomplish things. We're a different breed. We're the guy who invenis the airplane, automobile, rocket and so on. We do il becau~e we have something inside of us lha1 'kl~ "Hey, let's do 11." You see. there was always something tha1 needet.I to be done. I got mvolve<l with the I tome Rule group when I discovered lhal I was the only one who could really pul It together and then incorporate the city becaust> 11 had failed before. And we were successful. And the next thmg wa.' 10 get thm~ established because we u~ IO call oun.elves the Costa Mesa Salvage Commission, no1 Planrung Commi~ion. becau~ the county had done so many bad things 10 U'i before we were Costa Mf'<ia. They didn't care if you had an ou1house m the middle of downtown. We were really 1ust a stepchild and, smce Newport Beach was so wealthy and powerful. they just walked all over us. We were really a stepchild. We knew what it was to have prejudice. We were second rate lo everybody. Do you think that's cbangedt Oh definitely. Costa Mesa Is the gem of Orange County. This is the richest city in the county per capita. I'm not talking about the houses in Newport Beach. rm talldng about the average person, what they have in their properties and savings accounts. And industrially and from a business standpoint. we're extremely nch. Whal lpubd )'OU to write the book. "Prom Gollt HID to CJty of the Arts: The History of ea.ta Maar I'm not really a writer. It's just that I felt somebody hould write about the h...,tory of C.osta M~ \\'ho better Lhcm me? I was the onJ)' per'>on Y> ho really wa..., alive and I km•w aJI of thl' people who are in the book. AU of those people were per.onal fm•nd<, of mme. So will you write an updated edltlont When you're 85. 11 shard LU '>3} What was most faad.natlng to you while researching for the bookT The fact 1hat the best leader. of ow cicy, ~uch a'> George Argyro'>, Don KoU. I lcnry ~Ker<,trom, were all l>elf made Don KoU Wa!> a carpenrer George Argyros work~ m a grocery <,lore I lt•nry ()eger-trom, even though he had h1'> ~I.inion.I cdurauon and c;on of caml' from a <,alver c;poon family. had to wor1; IO b<>come manager of South (.oa.<,I Plcv..a and '>O on I la., firs1 JOb Y..ill> to lece.e ..,ome propeny m Costa \.1~ that no one t•I!.<! could do and he dad '>O c;ucct>'>'>fullv. c;o the fama.Jy gave ham more What do you low most about the dtyT Qi mate Wanner than your native Tacoma, Wash.1 Oh yes. wanner and dner. What Uept )'OU going t.odayT I have to. Bther I die or I live. I don't know how to answer that really. I have a wonderful family. As a matter of fact . you may have noticed in the Pilot in December a picture of my whole Carruly. I take m y family on a cruise about every other year. nus year. I took 21 or them on a cnuse around the Hawaiian lslands. I sent them thro"Sh the Panama CanaJ last year. I have traveled to at least 56 foreign countries and I want my lads to understand that people are people. No matter where you go. color may be different. politics may be different. religion may be diff~nt, but they're till people. The morel can introduce HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES Ofstrtct Office: 1310 Ademt Ave., eo.t.. Mela, CA 92628, (714) 432"6898 a..t11liw: Wllllem M. Vtga '"'* President Peul Berger, Ya PrMidlM Armando Rutr. ~Brown, J«rv PdenlOn Ind w.t'9f G. Ho\wld; student tru9tM 09f9k Sh9lty NEM'ORT.-sA lie ED SCHOOl oes-._nac .. ,..CT ... 06ltrid Offtce: ~A Beer St., Coetl Mela, CA 82S2t. (714) 42'-6000 ......... It Robert 8lft>ot ~ PteektlMt Meth Fluor, Vb ~DIN....._ a..tSertne 5'obe. Devtd 1rOob. Tom Egen. Ju6f f11lnoo end Linde SnMt\ IEIA CONIOUMTID \ WATER DISTRICT 1• Plec:.nda lwe .• eo.ta Meea, CA 92117. (848) 83M200 lcNild: PNeklent Jkn Atklneon. Vb PY'Ullide.it Mb Heeley, Trudy~. met Bodcrniltef end Paul E. ~ COSTA MESA SMl1'MV DISTRtCT P.O. Bale 1200, C-. ~CA 92821-1200, (71.t) 7MaM3 ~~It Mini Sc:fNrhw, JJm t=erryman, M P9ny, Gng Wc>odllde end Din Wofthlngton OUNQE COUNTY ICWlt 01 IDUCATION 200~ om.. P.O ...... c.-. MiM. CA l2&'lN080, (714) ... tOOO EIHt.-1\ 0.. ...,_, "*'lbel• 1"- \ OMNGE COUNTY IOMDOF 8'RIMIOa Hellof~-..... 10CMc~ ptan, Serttl AN, CA 82701 •Jun Sdv., 2nd Ofstrict (C.0.C. MMe. ~ Bwt\), (714) 834-3220 • ThomM Witleon, 6't\ o.trtct (Newpon Cceat), (714) ~ OUNGE COUNTY FMt 88 FW o.M, Coltl MeM. CA 82S2t. (714~ 10t-fM 9alll'* PY_..,,. tM.'I A.~ Ya PY...,. Patride W11 ~ ,_., Smhh. Emlv s.nb1d. ._Heid. ~ IMtd\; Oilbonlh Cetri, l.ellllie A. "9yMdffri~ them, wh1k Im aJ1\e w plate' I've been IO bt-fore -tor exampll' 1f you go mm the Canbbean. you IJ -.t>e <;Orne ebony hladc.i, who '>peak ab!>Olutely gorgeou!. 1.ngli.,h ">o mv kldc; art:' he-ginning IO under<,1and a 101 of th mg., •\nother thmg ,., IJhle manner. aboard '>hips \\'hen you go lO l'dl there. vou haw a lot of cour.h and the kid.., learn a 101 of manner<. that they normally ma} nu1 learn a1 home. Oh. and m\ Y>1fe dlld I werl' hoc;tages m Be1ru1 111 1':17 i. I thml. It wa-; onJy eight hourc, for u., and then we were relea!>ed They 1us1 '>hov~ us m tht' latIJ>Ort terminal and kepi ~ there. There were armed guards everywhere. Evidently. they looked at all of the passpom and deoded we could go ~ we went from there 10 India, where we go1 10 <)(.>e wedding where the bnd'e never had !.ttn the-groom before in her life J le was about old enough to be her father And we went to Tehran where tht• 1.ihah" 1w10 ''~ter mvite-d U'> for tea. Y>h1ch wa..' prl:'ll\' 11T1ponan1 Another one of our Lnp'> wa., an Rome ..... here I got lo mt:'t't Popt Paul per;onallv. It WcL'> very mtert">llnR \\>'hen John Paul, the curreni pope. came to l..o.., Angele<, Lhe fir.t llme they a...,ked him a qut.">Uon ·A.re \''OU go mg to change -the foUowmg Well. Pope Paul had his hand on mv hand when he wac, talking to two other popes. one who had a church m the f>tuladelphia area and another gomg tn seaunar m Rome. and th.ts 1.5 wha1 he was saying: There are three 1mportan1 trung?. I must make a decision on One was pornography. another was smob.ng marijuana and the thud was the btrth control pills. He asked them to go out in civilian clothes and investigate and come back and tell me all about this.. And they did evidently So then John Paul was asked tf he was gomg to stay with the ~ decisions that Pope Paul made on marijuana. pornography and birth control. And he said he wasn't going ro change a tlung So what makes it~ 1JT1portan1 was that Bob Wtl.son was there with lhe pope, holding his band. when he made a wortd decision that affects millions or people. That was one of the tughlights tn my W'e. I knew Ronald Reagan fairly well and John Wayne. I can throw all kinds of names out . . (With the pope!. I though that was a btg deal. Of col.U'5e looking down the barrel o( a gun in Beirut was a big deal. too. Beautiful estate on a private la~ lot on the 81h fairway. Custom 4 Bd. 4.5 Ba. Pool. WoRDEN, BETSON & BIBB 949.759.3729 OPEN SUNDAY 1·A . 1402 E. BALBOA 8LVD. Architectural tour-de-force on the Peninsula. New custom contemporary home. MICHAEL SA1AS 949.370.7792 OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 1501 °0RCHARD DR Brand new 4 Bd., 3 ba. home. 3 car garage plus . front porch. Prewired for phone, cable & computer. JIM THOMPSON 949.717.4743 Bayfront Tuscan villa with boat slip. 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath. Gated community COMEGYS & PETERSON 949.717.4750 I Id. 2 •• Mjle level NemUc:Mt modi! in~ .......... &pel~vlews. M9.64U060 txquisite European ~tom estate. Fairway and lake views. 6 Bd. , WORDEN & BETsON 949.759.3729 OPEN SUNDAY 1·4 3 JADE COVE Single level custom home situated on a cul-de-sac with panoramic ocean views. JOHN HYATT 949.759.3749 OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 35 SEA ISLAND ' NEWPORT BEACH $479,000 Beautiful executive condo. Open, updated and dean 2 Bd. 2.5 Ba. plus den and living room. PAT MEHALL. 949.279.8545 SpectaculM ocean and sunset views from the priv1cy of your 3 Bd. 3 Ba. home. DANI GOLD 949.230.2323 • I ~ind dty ... ~ 2 Id.,... dwl. Spedol-. new kitchen . COM16VS a PETERSON M9.71 7.47IO \• . Fabulous remodel on the bay. 3 doc:ks and sunsets. Total privacy in this~ community. PAT MEHALL. 949.279.8545 OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 621.LIDO PARK DRIVI IPJ' Fabulous Palm Beach style bayfront penthouse. KAY POLOVINA 949.759.3783 OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 1 STARDUST Views of expansive green lawns and mount.ains. Fabulous 3 Bd. 2.5 Ba. tri level townhome. OLGA MATTEWS 994.922.5577 . Fully furnished ~ level "°'* with pool, gazebo, WN!fafl, in a gNd a>t'M'Ulity. 4 Bd. 3 Ba. 949.644.9060 3 Id. 2.S •· hGme lflP'C*-1900 eq. ft. Belt ptp b • Id '9-r .._ lrnrneaMlt cuidlllala. M:M4.9060 Equestrian & golf community. Mountain, canyon views. Built in 1999. JEFF JONES 949.718.2735 OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 396 MEADOW LANE Lovely comfortable home in a fine custom family location. COBY WARD 949.759.3724 Fabulous expanded 4 Bd. 4.5 Ba. Views. Master bedroom on main level. CAROL BERG 949.759.3739 Great ocean views from this 3 Bd. 3.5 Ba. home. Spacious floor plan, master on first level. 949.644.9060 ' ...... QUOTE OF THE DAY "No one is really carrying the whole load offensively, that shows our depth." Jordan Harrl1, UCI senior Dady Pilot PERSPECTIVE The Douglass debate just ' wont go away You can spend the time guessing all you like, but nothing will surface until the last shot has fallen. A c; th1 '> basketbaJJ season contmues there seems to be one l\'iue that won't go away, and probably never will until UC Irvine ba.,kethall coach Pat Dougla.._-. doclo, indeed, go away. The kind of \uccess that the Anteater'>' coach has enjoyed over the year<;, whether m the anonymity of ROGER CAR LSON Bakersfield or the Division I circles of the Big West Conference. automaticaJly does that. Most college fans have two fears about their coach: (ll llow soon can we dump this dolt. who ha!> dared to lo'>e. badly and often? (2) What can we do to make our miracle worker want to '>tay7 With ~teve l.Jvtn enduring his final seru.on a., th<' lJU.A hoops wi1.ard, the ma1or bul.7 around Southern CaJ1forn1a I'> who wiU rescue the Brum!.? lhere are plenty of outs1and1n~ rn.iche'> around the nation, tncludmg Pat Douglass. whose mo'>t ret.ent bo~ was first -year UCU. Athleuc D1n·ctor Dan (,uerrero. 5o what we're looking for here are some amwers. Right? 5orry, I don't have any. l\o quc)Uon, Pat Douglass 1s a pretty sharp fellow with a sound staff. even though longtime a!>Sl!>tant Len Stevens Dew tht• coop recently Is that a clue? Oougla!.s 1 not doing it with rrunor; but w1th sound fundamenLaJs, the nght combinau.ons and a dynamic on-coun prec;cnce An d c.uerrero 1~ well ve~ed on the men ls or Dougla~. Among the aforemcnuoned fundamental'> You don't taJlt about skipping town when you're stiJJ embroiled in a championship race. Pat Dougla'>) ha., no intenllon of commenung about UCL•\'!i predicament. I le\ not in the hu'>ineS'i or speculating and frankly has concentration i' focu.,ed on this week's road te'>I' at the \JniverMty or the Pacific '111ur .. day n1gh1 and Northridge on Saturday. So ir someone were to '>Imply ask 1f it wa' a certainty that he'd be at UCI when Se ptember rolls around. what wouJd you expect him to say? Probably something like "CaJJ me when the season is over.· So what wouJd Douglass get shouJd it aJJ come 10 pass? More money? For sure. More headaches? For sure. Douglass may have an occasionaJ nightmare with the vision of the C.IA (Completely Insane Antearers) running amok across his lawn with hatchets in their hands and screaming something like •What's In your wallet?" See PERSPECTIVE, Pqe 83 J.lf~y l • "Jl~t CARL KRAUSHAAR 5potta Editor Roger Carlson • (949) 5744223 • Sports Fu: (949) 650-01 70 Sunday, Jc111uor( I~ ZOO Bl COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Lions hold on to top Cougars Facing d efending (,~AC champion Azu~a Pacific. Vanguard ralli e'> in the second half for 58-55 win. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot COS.IA ML'v\ I or tilt' pa..,t '>!>. year.. all (,olden ...,1,11t· Athlt·ta < onfn ence \'<omen\ . ba .. k1·1h.1ll 1 harnp1on ship~ h<1ve been won b\ \,111gu,mJ IJn1 vers11y and A/U'M:I f>-al tilt ''Im h rnuld onJy mean one thmg for f,111' 1h1' yt-ar when to the :\AIA • povwerhoU'><''> square off Hold on tCJ vtJUr pompom'>. And frt">h 1n Vanguard Coal h Russ Oav1s rrund was lac;t )'l"ar fol · lowing the ho .. 1 1 J ons 58·5'> edge of your-seat (,')AC wm ~turda\ m.;11 "The~ beat u., last vear in doubll' 0H·rt11111· 111 •1ur homecoming g<1me .ind 111 mph· owr ume in llle C/v\C l-111.ll... I ),I\'" -..11d ol the Cougar'>. a-. 1f ht• "'a" gl.1d to '>Jilt 11u1 that batter A.J'll l.t'>ll' from ~1101 11~ "There\ a good nvalr\ ht•l\\l't'll 11 .. Vanguard 11-7. H 1 Ill till' ( ·" \( "·I" picked m the pn·'>t'd'llll h\ 1 0111t·rt·11u coaches to lini'h nrnth .. 111111·1h11w I >.i VlS as aho proud to hnng up 1h1"-1' d.I\' con~1denng ha-. 11.•anl't mling l11~h 11 first place DavtS. v. ho ...a.Jd tht• rt't:ent l 1'> \1 ru.i.d "1ClQ.cies--moer-Westmont. ~Pacific and Point Loma \,il/..arem• "'ere huge f1ir ..-h~ 20th-ranl..l-'<l program. undt r .. IJJllf abl}' m1gh1. haH' felt a htt!t· tml 01111 111 able in the \\antng '><.'\ 011d' of 1h1• I J< II" mumph over .\7u-.a Put 1fo h I i. I I The lJOll.'> raJlte<l tn tlw 't't oml hcilf srr .11.i RM~ Ailf P. T Anteater Greg Ethington (4 2) drives the key against Idaho's Rashaad Powell (33) m the first half of Saturday's contest. after a 26-26 tnterml'>'>IOll 111 dr.11n111g 1 of 9 three-point '>hot'> ,1nd 111, ... 1rt111>! t'\ ery s~e the < ougar... t.unt• up "nil 111 the sernnd 20 m111utt>' 'Eaters consume Idaho \\'hat lool t-d hll' .i rl'l.111\ 1 I\ 1•.1,, night for lhl' I Jon., aht•r 1lw1r 1·.irl\ l > " lead became more tompht.tlt«I In 1.u 1 the Cougar. cha.,t>d down dt•fo lh rq.:u larly. making the mo .. 1 of tht•tr full < 1111n pressure. fne Coug,1r... lt>tl 111 1lw fiN haJf for their onh 11nw. 21'> 2-1 w11h Cl I 'i left and were tied w11h \ \J on fivt· <>< 1 ,1 '>ions -the la..,t l om111~ aJtt•r \,m guard.., C t>C1lta Jo ... t•l.,~m na1lt•d ,m I H foot 1umper with 0 <U n:mairun~ 10 111 11 at 2fl With 58-45 win, UCI is in sole possession of first place in the Big West as others faJI by the wayside. Steve Vlrcen Daily Pilot BRFN EVENTS CfNfER -ln each game of the UC Irvine mens basketball seasoo there seems to be cl.itJ'erent players leading the Anteaters to victo~ Mike Hood and Stan.islav Zt.rzak stepped up to lead ua to a 75-73 overtime win over Utah State Wednesday. In a 58-4.5 ua win om-ldaho Sarurday night. it was junior forward Matt Okoro's rum. Okoro came off the bench and - scored a career-high 14 poinlb. on 6-for-6 shooting from the field Saturday night in front of 2.987 at the Bren Events Cen- ter. Mall !C>koroJ c-clfl do thmg; down low. dlld (,~ (r.thmg ton) can get m there. 100 In thJ., ca-.e, Adam CP'aradaJ wa:.n't c,conng a lot of pomLc;. hut Mall came m and scored ln addition. senior Jordan 1 larris scored a game-high 19 points to help rhe Anteaters mave into first place in the Big West Conference. The Uniwr- siry of the Pacific and Cal Slate Fullerton. which were tied \Otne pomt.s "'o one lS realty carrying the whole load offeru.ivety. that shows our depth · Idaho 45 Anteaters 58 Parada. UQ's 7-foot JUruOr center and the Anteaters lead- mg scorer, struggled with early fouJ trouble and firu.shed Wlth a ~ason­ low rwo points. Vanguard came uut .,mm.: 111 tht• '"'< ond haJf. talang llle lt>dd qu1t l h .1nd never lo'>ing 11. aJthough \/u-..s l'.H 1lit answered evel) VU '><.onng .. pun and kept 11 close. The Cougars closed a IO·po1111 gdp and pulled to within lour then nar rowed an 11 ·potnt deficit to fiH· 'Allh 3:43 on the docL hnaJh. after \'lJ stretched 11.S lead back to 10 "i7 47 'A1th 2:50 to play after sophomore \tandout Jennifer WtJcox\ layup. the Cougar\ ~· sponded agam and came wittun a with ua for 6.rst place in the Big West entering Saturday. lost their re- spective games. "'We have a really deep team and every- one can contribute,• Harris said of the Anteaters (HM, 4-1 in the Big West. "Ross (Schraeder) ls a good shooter. •Mfk.e (Hood) is a good scorer. You saw / SUH HUClt I DM.Y Pl.OT He also scored rwo points tn a 62-50 Wln at Saini Mary's Dec. 22. Parada. who has fouJed out of four See 'EATERS, Pac• 83 See LIONS. Pase 83 CATCHING UP WITH Kirk Norton Newport Harbor High grad ponders coaching Pop W~er after five years of Jr. All-American football. Bryce Ald•rton OaityPik>t . I t tarted with wmnlng a punt. pass and kick football skills compeddon when he smaller ln 1tature, but the desire and dedication bas never left. For 39-)Ur·old Kilt Norton. a Costa Mesa n&deot and a IM-)Ur coed> in lhe Newpon·Mela Jr. All·Amedcan w lelgt.le, tw:hllic the~ o( food>al ii a plmiOn. m opportunity for him to flJvre bid to the ... be Notton played Jr. Al-Amertcm for fM )'tllln ~up bebe wolil>tdlic al Newport HaJbof HJgb. ~'here be played volle)baD and crack. Norton. a defmstve aod ~ bick tn .tdidon to handling place-ldd;ing and '°'*mapping duties. aid his hi.llhKllh with the came In 1979 When Newport upsd F..di9on. 17-13, Ill tht 18rs' bomec:omlng game. The ('1\a,_. finished 12-2 to win the CIF Fl\le Coc!Mtoee dwnpionehtp tbilt ~Newport We'll 2-5.J.. Norton naMd nadonal letten o( intent pdot to tearioa llpmen" In knee~ the founb pm! o( terllor...,.... (1981) wtUlc ~ S.. NOttTON, hp 12 -- - -------------- ----=----=--==----=---- I .. II ., I a Sooday, JIJIUJl'f 19, 2003 DiGiacomo scores off rebound and Carlson makes a steal in final 20 seconds to seal Corona del Mar's win over Santa Marg(\rlta. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Some- how, in some way Corona del Mar High girls water polo player Daniela DiGiacomo knew sbe would be a part of the play that ended up resulting in the game- winning goal. She didn't know how or why. It happened SCOREBOMD so quickly, but the sen- • s. Ma<g.lritAI CdM 7 8 ior OCCU· pied · the right place -in front of the net -to score the game winning goal in the Sea Kings' 8-7 nonJeague win over visiting Santa Margarita Saturday after- noon in front of a crowd of 200. The ball just found DiGiaco- mo. Junior Katya Eadington ri- fled a shot from IO meters that hit the cross bar and bounced fortuitously to DiGiacomo, who put it in net with 43.6 seconds to play to seal the victory. "It was a booster for our men- tal strength." said DiGiacomo about the importance of the goal. But there was still more water polo left to play and CdM, 11-2, 1-0 in the Pacific Coast League and ranked No. I in CJF Southern Section Division IJ, had to make a strong showing on defe~ at the end. Santa Margarita, ranked No. 3 in CIF Division J, drew an ejec- tion with 23 seconds left. so first-year Eagle coach "evin Riclcs called a timeout to set up a play. But CdM was ready for what - ever the Eagles (8-5) threw a t SPORTS -HfGH SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO • reva1 s, • SEANHIU£R/0All.YPILOT CdM goalie Brittany Fullen blocks a Santa Margarita shqt attempt in Sea Kings' 8-7 victory Saturday. them. The Eagles tossed the ball on the perimeter for 10 seconds before Eadington, who scored one goal, stole the ball from an opponent she fronted near the side of the pool, and the Sea Kings ran the clock out. "I told them to keep the ball dry until they round an open player," Ricks said. "Unfortu- nately we turned the ball over and that hurt us." The Sea Kings' final goal in- spired the entire team for the re- mainder of the game, said sen- ior Danielle Carlson, who scored two goals and added two assists and one steal. "Working hard OI'\ defense was the most important thing,. carl- son said. "We had to be disci- plined to make that one stop." The Sea Kings came up with sound defense when they had to, despite a slight drop-off in intensity following a 4-1 lead at the end of one quarter. "We got ahead and were pumped, but then we got com- placent and they played a lot bener," Carlson said. CdM senior Oiristlna Hewko, the CIF Southern Section Divi- sion JV Player of the Year last season before the team moved up to Division 0 this season, got the victors on the board 3:39 into the game. She got free and was all alone on the right side of the poo l to take a pass from Carlson, who had begun the break with a steal Hewko, who scored twice. gave the Eagles fits in other ways by collecting two assists and three steals, two in the first quarter on entry passes to the two-meter area. The Stanford-bound Hewlco also drew a pivotal third ejection With 45 seconds left on Santa Margarita's Almee Stachowski, signaling her exit from the game. Stachowski scored one goal and is beaded to UC Santa Barbara next season to play wa- ter polo. The two players locked arms and tussled back-and- forth in the water before an offi- cials blew his whistle. Fans waited to hear who would get the call and it turned out to be Hewko. Ricks said he didn't see all of the play leading up to the ejec- tion. "The ball was on {the near side) of the pool and I just knew (Hewko) and (Stachowski ) had been tangled up," rucJcs said. "(Hewko) is a great player who creates ejections and goals for her team." A three-goal lead quickly dis- appeared in the second quarter for CdM as the Eagles got to within, 4-3, with 3:5 l left in the half when Mary Cousineau threw the ball from 10 meters as the shot clock expired, taking advantage when the defender guarding her shifted back to guard the hole. ·we bad three offensive fouls that led to goals (in the second period)," said CdM Coach Aaron Olaney. "They lcilled us on the - counterattack, once {Santa Mar· garita players) are gone, they are gone. (Santa Margarita) took_ ~d­ vantage of their opportwuttes more tban we took advantage of the chances they gave us. Our six-on-fives are struggling right now." The Sea Kings went 2 for 6 on the man-advantages while the Eagles were 2 for 7. . Otaney said he wanted his defense to force other players besides U.S. national team members Sarah Hamilton, Sta- chowski, Erika Figge and Kacy Kunkel into taking shots. All four scored at least one goal with Kunkel and Figge tallying two. "The last two six-on-fives for -(Santa Margarita) were unsuc- cessful," Oianey said. •Anytime you can take advantage of their fourth, fifth, or sixth-best player shooting it, you take your chances.(CdM goalkeeper Brit- tany Fullen) was right there to block one shot and the second time we just trapped off to the side and it forced a bad pass." Fullen made nine saves. CdM led, 5-4 at halftime and jumped to a 7-5 lead in the third quarter on single goals from Jes- sica Harkins and Carlson. Carl· son scored on a four-meter pen- alty shot after freshman Camille Hewko, Ouistina's sister, drew an ejection. The Sea Kings defeated lhe Eagles for lhe second time lhis season. CdM won. 8·6, take third place in the Newport Har- bor-Corona del Mar lfoHday Cup last month. In frosh-soph play: Santa Margarita beat CdM. 6-5, in overtime. Katie Kubas led the Sea Kings with four goals while Katherine Bilder added one goal. NonlM&ue CdM 8, s.m. Marg..tU>7 Scot-. by au.... S. Margarita 1 3 1 2 1 CdM •1 2 1 11 Santa M..,...,n. -flgge 2, Kunkel 2, Cousi~u 1, Hamilton J, Stachowski 1. Saves -O'Connor, 6. Corona del Mir -Carlson 2, Chnst1na Hewko 2, Bow1us 1. DIGiacomo 1, Eadington 1, Hart.ins 1. Saves - Fullen, 6. Sailors mix it up, 12-5 Murphy scores five goals and Ritchie adds five steals to give Newport Harbor its fifth victory fn a row. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot lRVINE -Excluding goallceeper Terin Cottam, not one Newport Harbor High girls water polo player seemed to stay in the same place for very long Saturday against host University. The Sailors. 11 -2. 1-0 in the Sea View League and winners of five straight, ma- neuvered off screens SCOAE80MD and popped back out to' free them- • selves from defend- ers to score a doun times in a 12-5 non- league victory over the Th>jans (8-8). Newport's Jenna NewpoJt 12 Murphy, a CIF University 5 Southern Secdon Di- vision I first-team member a year ago and headed to UCLA next season, led the attack with five goals in the first three quarters. including a trio in the third pe- riod The All-Sea View League pick added one assist and four steals, one of 2 I takea - ways created by Newport's defense. Murphy and teammates practiced a new play Friday in which players rotated more often lo free up someone in the middle. "We tried lo confuse the defense.~ Mur- phy said. ·We came out ready to play and knew what we bad lo do." Mwphy and All-CIP second-team se- lection Annie Wlgh\ who scored three goals while tddit\g one assist and three steals. connected on a pick-and-roll to atan the second period. Wighl tossed the ball lnto Murphy at two melers and then bul'lt through the defense to receive a pus right back and she put it goal to give IN Won a~ lead just 18 seconds into the period. Murphy abo round Wight for Newporn Jlr1t goal just 2.0 seconds into thepme. .. Murphy and wtsht. both seniors. bave l:Milrl pa.ytna t~ for six yean, to ct., know quite often what the other ..,., ..... todo. • "We ba\19 a tpedal connection," Mur- ~m·IJDC ......, .,,. NeWpo(t. ranked No. 2 to Foothill in ClF Oivision I, continued to lhe third period as they con- vened their second of three six-on-five situations. Senior Jessica Ball, an All-CIF second-team selection a year ago, forced a University player to the near comer in Newport's wne and popped the ball from the Trojan's grasp. The Newport assist leader Saturday {four) raced down the pool and threw to sophomore Anne Bel- den, who quickly relayed Che toss to Mur- phy for the goal to give the Sailors a 9-2 lead with I :53 remaining in the period. Murphy gave the Sailors a I0-2 lead at the end of three quarters. Newport increased the lead to 12-2 with single goals by Katie Erickson and Carolyn Conway in the fourth quarter be- fore University's Marina Mayer notched a hat trick to narrow the winning ma:xgin. Conway scored on a rebound of a shot from senior 1iffany Manderino that hit the right post. Sailors' assistant coach Robert Grayeli filled in for Bill Bamen, who was out of town on business. • AIJ were running the offense well," Grayeli said. "The driving wasn't always there but they spread themselves out well for the most part. It makes It easy when you have good two-meter players like Murphy, Wight. Conway and Ball." Murphy added to her team lead in goals that now stands at 32 while Wight is second with 29. Ball increased her team- lead in steals to 43 in Saturday's victory. Senior Raelyn Ritchie made her pres- ence known for University players enter- ing Newport territory with five steals and also added a goal and an assist.' In the waning moments of the second quarter Ritchie reached around an oppo- nent's head to de.Oect an entry pass and cart)e up with the ball aJ\d jusl minutes later threw a hand up to block a shot on Universlty's Laura Crooks that O~ above the cage. Paige Lansing added two steals. Cottam made three saves and contin- ued to play well, Grayeli said. ·This ls a good group of girls that work hatd and play hard," Graycli said. "They are all good friends and are never bickering. lbey like what they do." UnJvershy capitalized on 4 of 7 man- adw.otage chances whlle Newport ~l l for <4 on the tix-on-6vea. The Sailors retwn to Sea View Leque play on Wednesday when they hoat Ir- vine • SEAN HILL£R/DAILY Pa.OT Newporfs Jenna Murphy (above, left) shoots over Uni1s Laura Crooks. Below, the Sailors' Jessica Ball (white cap) and University's Allison Tretz vie for possession. ;;:.-m--..-...-.."'-"' ........... ,,...... ......... __ _,... ______ ....,.~~---------------------------1' • t ------------ HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrattvl the Daily Pilot's Athlete oflhe Wee« series TODAY 1t-AmyRoa Newport Harbor Soccer, '02 NORTON Continued from B 1 defaWve back. The lert.m soon stopped and Norton spent a year rehabilitatins his knee before en- rolling at Golden West College, where he played for twt> years be- fore attending Long Beach State to study sociology. After college Norton spent two year.; in Europe and Japan model· ing clothing before returning to Costa Mesa. where he has lived the past eight years with his wife of 14 ~ Julie. and their two children, Park.er (I I), and 9-year old Tutum. Norton coached the Jr. All- American Oink (9-1 l year old) Seahawics this fall with friend I<evin Hatcher. one of several in structors that he said has infiu enced him. Former Newport I !ar- bor coaches John McGee (football assistant) and Bob Hailey < (track and field) are two others Norton noted for their assistance and guidance. . ·o latcherl and I have the same pa.Won for {coaching football). Norton said "We really enjoy the kids." Next fall Pruter will compete m Costa Mesa's Pop Warner footbalJ league. Norton hasn"t decided if he will coach. He is switching leagues to allow Pruter to play ·do\.vn with guys his uwn size.· When Norton played in NMJM. league teams from Orange. I luntington Beach. "fusun and Yorba Linda dueled wi th squads from Newport Beach, Co rona del Mar and Costa Mesa Teams from these loci1es suU play one another but now thr competition has expanded to places such as Compton and In glewood. "Compton and all these plact.-. have good athletes that could compete if they just came out: Norton said "In the last two year; since I've been involved. there have been at least 20-30 player; brought into the league just by word of mouth.· Norton would eventually like to land a job as a high school fresh· man football coach and wa.5 tn ·contact with ~rs from Ma ter Dei and Foothill head coach Doug Case lasl month. but noth- ing has materialized as of yet. "I (coach) as a hobby." Norton said ''I've told athletic di.rectors I would coach for a minimal amount.• GIRLS ~~ BASKETBALL Sailors just miss against Trabuco Hills Visiting Mustangs prevail, 33-29. NEWPORT BF.ACH -New- port Harbor High's girls basket- ball team dropped a 33-29 non· league decision to vi.siting Thlbuco Hills Saturday night and fell to 11-9 ovenan. The Sailors, who pared the deficit to 29-29 with 0'.59 left, came up with a &harp defensive effort. but could not tum the comer ofrenstvely. Undsay Woller scored 10 points and bad four rebounds for the Sailors. and Victoria Swi- prt Stood Out with eight pouf fS and alx rebounds. lkabuco Hiiia iml)fOYed to 14-6. . The SaOon return to Sea VleW league play on 1\Jeeday when they boet t.auna Hilla. Oa y P~ot S P 0 R 1 S Sundcly Jc1nwry 19, 2003 ll 'EATERS Coobnued from Bl *1/nt.., th" -.ca.son, played jll.5I Olllt• nlUlUtl!!.. I le picked Up his wwnd foul two minu1es i.nlo the ~llt' tllld \ill out the rest or the hr-.c half. I It• did n't hie hi'> game against 1 It.th \wtc." UCl Coach Pat Doug- l<L'>'> '1.ld of lt.arada. who l>COred 13 1>01111' <lgJJO\l the Aggies. "And, •111~t1mt•. you Pre<.'> and try to go ·•ht•r ll hkt· that, you don' do so ...,t'll liut he'll h<• OK." Whilt· P·Jrdda pi1 ked up his louf., early 111 the fir.I haff, the \.111d.1f.., (h "l. 2 4) built a 6--0 let:td, UCI Cal Poly JCSB Utah St "St Nrtdge .m~ • Doug- fa.,,.,. tailed a llnll'OUI with 17:55 left. lJ( .I w l 4 1 4 2 4 2 IXllllll('{l 4 2 h.1d. and J 2 '>< ored tlw next !.eV\.'11 3 2 2 2 4 pom~ Rut 3 lddhO o,tayed 1 4 with the Ant 0 S cater, and l'\t•ntually 1·.in1t-<l .1 !. I I'> lt•atl with 9 00 !eh lidnn· h.tllt11m· I ltl\\l'\.l'r. I JC .I ( lo'M.'tl out the h.111 \\1th ,, pivot.ti l I l run that ~'.1\ t tht• ·1.111•r-, a ~, l.1 lead Oko 111 '>< on'tl '><.'\I'll 111 tht• '>purt. while I f,1m' addt'tl lour I hl' A111t·,11t•r' 'hot 65.2% (IS lor .! IJ 111 tht• lir.i hall, yet fim~hl'd •I .'''i •• tftt·r .1 l'i"{, 11u1mg (7 for 20) 111 11!1• '><'t u11<.I haJI I I< I lrt">hm.111 ll'O c aow:r. who rt'I ordt'tl thrt'I' 'tt·.tl,, h.1d tu . ., up P•'I hp l ut OJ>t'll ,1ltn dll UIJdvt:n t 111 .Jap tu 111 .. l.tt t• d11n11g the 1\111 1'.1tt·r, .! I .!. nm ( 1log1·r l.111·r plJ\t'tl 111 tht• '>t'<. 1111tl h.111. hut tilt' hp t 11111111u('() to hlt·1-cf l Jto 1111 II had till' hp lil lX.'tf "•ho 111uld 11111-.h tilt' game. COLLEGE BASKETBALL UCI women fall , 74-68; Lions' men lose, 11 1-89 MOSCOW, Idaho -U(. Ir- vine's women'i. basketball team took it on the chin Saturday night a-. hO'>I Idaho claimed a 74 68 Htg We!>t Conference dec1Mon hefiind 'htylor Benson'!> 19 pomL'>, including 4 . for 5 'from thrt'e point land. rhe Anteater., received stand out performancer. from Omsuna Calloway, who had 20 points and 11 rebound,, and Knsten Green, who '>CO~d I 8 points. one point off her Ldleer bl"tt. Also, ~ 1 aulkner 'tepped up with 11 a.' "'"' htullner and Wendy (,abhe \\erl' both tn double figure'> \\1lh I 0 poml'> apiece. I he lo~ dropped the Ant t'dll'r'> to 9-6 l 2 m the Htg \\Kt Idaho 1mprov~ .to 5-11. 3 l Big West Confentnce Idaho 74, UC ltvine 68 UCI Faulkner 10, Gabbe 10, Green t8 Yadon 7. Callaway 20. Big gini. 0, Ferguson 3. Usher 0 3 pt goals Faulkner 2 Gabbe 1 Green 1, Ferguson 1 Fouled our non11 Technicals none Idaho Eru::kson 11 Benson 19, Thoelke 8. F1eld1ng 18. Moore 5 Goeu 8 Ktnl>ey 5 Sinon O 3 pt goals Benson 4. Thoelke 1 F 1elding 1 .Kin!>ey 1 Foult!d out none Halftime UCI 36-35 LIONS Continued from BI co~ fA Ml \A -A.Ill'><! f>cl c1fic\ No. 5 ranked /I.AJA men., ba.'>ketball tram '>howt·d rt' '>luff Saturday rnght at V;u1~drd I J111 ver..uy. Laptunnti: .s 111 H<i 't:"rdit t Wlth M'Ven r)!Jyt'r'> lfl doublt' fig ure>, led by C.a.lt>h Cervin (.!O pomt~. tndudm~ 4 lor b from three-point lnntory, and Hrt·tt Michel ()7 po1rw. 1111 lud111g -, lur 5 Wllh three\) Ovc•raJI A/u'>d l'aufit m·m·d b'i 511( from tht· lidd 111 unpro' mg W I~ l, 7 () 1r1 tilt' C .o)dt:n ~late ALhlt'll( < 11nlert·m t• \dll guard 'i I!., I h ~1th '><'\l'n 111 douhlt· llgur1·-. wa-. pd1 t•d t1\ Jam<"> I la11111an 'J p<11111' GSACMen Azusa ~IC 111 V.nguard 89 Azusa Pacific: (J1•r,11r z1 Simor 16. S1an1land 1'} M1d1P l l RosalPs 11 Soderbf'rg '1 My•·•s 6 Dillon 17 M oore 6 3 pt goal!. Mtdl~I S Gervin 4 Stdn1land '} D1llor1 1 Fouled out non~ Te n1cul'> none Vanguard Mortidu 1S Pierson 13 Adamuak l'}, Hdnman 2'} Bur nene 4, See~ins 2, Coner 4, Enns 0 Egkan 17 3 pl goal'> P1M'><Jrt 3 Hanman 2 Moreau 1 Coner 1 Fouled out Mor,.11u Ad11mcrak Burnene Tecnn1cdl'> nor,. Hoffl,m,. fvus<1 Pat:1f1t ~ 26 [><llntt-r' Ill thl' ,1•11111d h;ill hdlf ol lwr dllt'!llJll' 111 ludrng \\1• 111.1\ 1111t IW\t• th,11 om• pro lihl '>( on·r 111 krn l1rvt•n hut 111.11\.1t1u.1lf\ ,u1 il.'>'>t'I." '>JJd C,log 1·1 I I! I' 'litnlll>; 1>rn11t ~,ml Anteaters Aras Baskauskas !22) and Matt Okoro (40) apply the pressure on Idaho's Ronnie Smith m"'"'d 1hn·t>·po1n1 '>hot at tht> huo~·r of lorung mert1me orw th,11 ''"PJlt'<l .111 Vu'>J f'·u ulit fl.fl .,.. 11n11g n111 111d mg gt:rl'd 11 .. 11 'P' iri lor ht•r tt'am I h.11 hl'fp, u' .111d 111.1kt"> w. d1fli 111h 111 dt·lt·rul It l l't'I>'> pkl}l'r'> 111..,IJ ,111d \Oil l",1111 rl'<lllY fottb 011 om• h"'Y lx'l.tll'>t' '" d"pl..tyt'tl to 111w11 .m~ J.,'l\1'11 gu\ 1..<lll -.wp up 1111 .my gJ\ t•n rught 1111' Vaml.th, lt'(J '" Intl' llL"ih t11.111 H1111111t• C..,nuth. 111,td<· J 'tnmg 111111t•b,u k 111 tlw -.t'<.1111d h.t.lf IJCI hu1fl rl •11 2i lt·dd ilftt•r I l<IITT\ 11.11lt'<.I .i thrw 1x11111t·r \4.llh I i 'i'> 1·n1.11111ng H111 1lw11 ld.1110 rallied 111d 1.11rw \\~Ihm. 17 11 , with 9 l4 ld1 I ltJ\\l'\l'r, l J( I out'M.·on-d thl' \ Jlldill-.. I0-2 over the next f>JO \nuth. J 5 9 guard. '>COre<l a lJ rwr high aml tt'<U11-h1gh IH 1x11111 .... It \\a'> J rnrmng out pany for \mitll. \~O plaVt><l m JU'>t hi'> tl11rd l{JJlll.' -of tht' '>t'a....on IX"(.JU'>4.' lw '>t.'rvL><l a '>ll\pt·m1on for v1ola1 mK rt•wn nllt">- ·· 1111', wac, J ha.rd game for u' lx'<..rUM: Wt't.lrw-.d ay Wd.'> Mi emo uun..tl,'' I .>ouw~c, ..aid "It \V-d.' d1f tkult to put them away. I l1~e the \\J~ the lad'> re<.pondt'd to tht• dlilllenge It wa~ very 'k!ll..,f\1ng from a tt·am approat h. ·· l)!111j.:JJ.'>.' aJ...o '>Cllll II \\a'> too early to get exutl><l aho111 l>t'tng m fiN Ill the H1g Wt-..t. l It· o,,mJ tlle Anteater... havl· to h't'I h<u l ro work. IJ<.I wlll n•turn to alUon lhur.dav. at l'iu 11it .11 ') \') rm ZOTS FQrmer UCI Coacti Bill Munlgan was in attendance Saturday night He was involved in a halft1m~ giveaway and he was interviewed on radio by Marti Roberts . Near UCl's loder room after the game UCI Ass1stan1 coad1 Mike Johnson gave Jeff Gloger 11 n11me in 1est Johnson called him µuncning bag ST[V( McCRANK/DAJLYPILOT UC Irvine basketball coach Pat Douglass (center) ts seemingly always on his game from the sideline. PERSPECTIVE Continued from Bl Bui that scenario pales when one considers the reality or the constanl crusade or the baby bears al UCLA. where they can'1 understand why UCLA i n't No. 1 al all llmes. why aren't all their vic1orics by I 00·0 margins and when will the next 88-game winning streak begin? One can only imagine their present Slale or mind. So, will Pat Douglass indeed leave green acres. where everyone love him. lf Guerrero beckons? Maybe. The money aJone is like winning a lono. And despite the grandeur of the Bren, it' no Pauley. But will Guerrero wag hi finger? Only one person can answer that, and Dan Guerrero isn't talkmg. At least not until Lavin has been given the boot. urely in March fhere's also the specter of omeone else around the country who needs a quality coach. So if It isn't UCLA. then the concern turns to the next trauma and we can au go through tbi again. ln the meantime, hey. enjoy what you've got. Nothing lasts forever. HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING Mesa's Franco wins tournament crown Rivero finished fourth ln the 125& Pranco defeated a nta ~tarp· rfta opponent, 3-2. ln the title match. With the SCOte tJed. 2·2. Franco pulled olf ao escape with 30 lttOnds mnaJnl~ to attain the W10l')t He won his fttlt thtte matthes by pin before ~ lhe .... ~ won his tlrit two matchee by p6n '"" thm upiet .. the No. 2 ac.'ed ln the semifln.a1s. Grubi.sich also won hit &nit two matdw:s by pin and then won. 8-2. 1n the temlflna 11e bf. ln the ftnali, 11 ·9. ; • In I 16-team tnvita~ San Oement Ncwpof1 Kid Um Wll • .. ll2 pOtsMil with I 4·1 ~ and Nate Geier (l&-5) WM bW\ M 135 polhil. 81g West Conference UC lrvme 58. ldeho 45 ld•ho Havf!~ 7 Powt-1 6 T nr 0" <l LC4.,r 2 Wo am~ 2 Sm It 18 Radle..~· O Jac>.son 1 Wh1ll O M.•v S 3 µ• 4'Jal~ Sm11h 2 F 11 ,.d out noni· 'T,... • 1cals nont· UC Irvine luza~ 5 H,irr ., 1;! Pa ,J11d < Gloger 4 Hoo11 5 s, raf JM 3 B11skuuskas 0 Ef1•11bMhd 0 Okvrc. 14. Ethington b J rt 11ouls Hams 7, Hoon ' St.nrdl•dor 1 ~oulf!d out non1• Technicals noni• Halfl•mc UCI 36 23 "In till' -.t•rnnd hdlf. Wt' .,ho\ lwttt·r 11 of 24 -Da'1' ..aid I lion t think \ve played \el) ...,ell 1n tht• fir,1 half and we certaml) d1dn t 'hoot Vt'!) 't\ell 9 of 26 tor • \.I h'1ol " \\ 1lcox led \1J wuh 13 plllnt'> .md 13 rebournh r 11 dt'fen,1w . w hilt> 11ddmg rhree ru..-.1sts and thn•e 'teal' "ihe h11 a thn·t·- po111tcr lfl each half. GSAC Women V.nguerd 58, Azusa Pacific 55 Azusa Pacific ..,, ... t • 1 f. 1c,1; Dvk 0 Hud<,ur 11 Ori ~t .. 1c.t 19 0kd moto 3, Regan 7 Hf'al 2 3 pt goals Ate• 1 Or .. stiu1;-1 Okamoto 1 Fouled oul '}.,.• Te<:hntr.11ls 10'"•• Vanguard Josi 1.,., '1 ~ Mil IJ Wilcox 13 C.M lelaroJ 10 01ntmbor 11 Lenderman 1 L•" 10 M c:K1nnPy 2 Robb111 I >11tenbir ( 11 poml'. I kbordh ( .mddana and bad:up 2 '>hooun~ gud!d Laura I .ee I IJ fi111.,lwtl in double figur~ for the winner> I et• '<ink. two three Fouled oul r or c Tecnn1c.a1., '•'J' ,. Halft1m~ '}6 :>t THE MEANIN G O F NUMBER. ONE. WHEN ONLY THE ANEST MOTO RCARS fN THE WOR.LD WILL RI. AVAILARU-_ 2001 SERAPH, PARK WARD BL\CK 81 \C ~ 1Xtr:"'i69J 2002 CORNJCHI 81 \(1( S \Prl URI-/\t CNOIJ.\(XIEIU2Ut • WE HAVE A FEW R.EMAININC AZUR.E SERIES PRODUCED AT CR.EWE BENTLEY 2001 AZ\JRE M\JlUNER ARllC \/COl~'\'OU> ( llD0:2 AZ\JRE Sil VFR Pt-\RI /Sl~!\I llD0:2 AZ\JltE Pt-A('()O(/Ml\C II\ mJAJlNACEW Bl.A0(/81 -\CK (XIW'l!Ml rREO WNED l MAZVRI!. 81AC'k/ P\R<1 IM~ -A&NAQ BlACK/COl'SWOtD ( , .. AZUllE 81A('l(J8LAOC (X(>t~ PLEASE CALL FOR. AN APPOINTMENT MIKE BUJlCE1l M~~ legll Noaca 2640 I Legal Notlca 2640 NOTICE Of HEARING s:I\ 6'QO; o;:a;;g; eoul ON FEBRUARY 21L 2003 Otalllc:1 Ofllo!, 3030 CALIFOANA STATE Avenlde del l"f9tidentl PARK ANO San Cltrroenl9; Ctyttal RECREATION Cove Stele Patt.1 _~741 COMMISSION Coaat lilghw1y. L.11UIN BMch, and 11 lhl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ht the Stale Patti .,.,., RecrNbon ~ IOcallont' Uigur\8 8Mch Pl.Clllc UMry,363~ ~nl lnlOrmitlion De01 • Main Llbraty, UC IMne, hv1ne. Newpot1 BNch Pl.Clllc l..baly, 1000 A~ Ave. Newpot1 BMcll CorrvTusK>n. pursllanl IO aulllonty oontallWd If\ 5.aJOnl 539. 500'l 3, 5019 50. 5080 03, 5080 20, et al of ttw Pl.bile ~ Code. SectiOtl 11370 et seq ol the Gov«nmenl Code and pursuant to law, Wlj meet NOTICE IS GIVEN thllt F...... F.....,•~ 21 a~ l*'ton may Illa a on ·-Y· --• · staiement r....,n:llng 2003 at 9 30 a,m 1n --r.; Pacti\c 8'Proom 1 & 2 o1 hearing ltema by wnung to .,,_.,. Ho••! the uilderalgned °' by the .--.isson "' presenlll>g 0<al or written Newpcl(I Beach, ~ Slltemenb at !hit hNMg MacMll\6 Boulevard, at 10 oo 1 m Of as aoon Newport Beaoll. Catofoma The meellna tlle<Hllet as the matter fact~"' IS wllHlcllali may be heard lnq\ArleS Of • J 1'9QUMI$ '°' lnlonnatiOn accessiote lllo!Ad be dlr9Ctold IO Aget1C1a 1tem1 uidudl • LOUii Nat&-0, cont<1tra110n and ac!!on LNastroOparu ca gov, on tr. 0epa11men1 of 91~24, °' lo the Paru I/Id R.ctN!Jon Statt Patti and RectNllon recommendalM>l1 '°' eonmwon. Boa 942898. IOO!QYal of Ille General Sactame~1._~A ~ ~i" AmendtNnt IDf 0001 l.AlllOffill Sllte Crystal Cove Stale Parle. Parkl doe• not u contarned in the Crystal dlscnm1nate aoalnat Cove HIStone 01Stnc1 1ndMd1.el1 wllh Preserv1bon and Plbhc dlaabtk~H VlsllDrt who PPUP W\Sh ua1stance allOIAd use Plan ( I and contact Lout• Naal!O al ErwtrontntnW ~ the eddies• abOvt at leut Report. end conc..nence 72 llOura prl« IO amval on the 11ac>P01ntment ot TrKY Kann ard Claire NOTICE IS Al.SO GIVEN Ptttis-Snvlh to the Board llWI 1,,. CommiuiOtl plans °'c 1 ... ~1Cte>Bc--o1 s.!.':! '° '°"' Ctyttar eove s111e • '""''"' ··~ _,. Pan.. on Febt\.etv 20 ~Htone Patk Noo-Pl'Oh1 2003 The to1.r Wllf begin Mll'lagemtf'll C~JJon at noon at the patlt'• t..o. The PrtllrrMlafY Ge"8fll Plan Amendment IO< Cryslilt Cove Sllltt Pat1<. u p.t1rt ot tht Crystal Covt H1S10llC Otsmct P111servati0n and P1.bhc UM Plan (PPUP). 11 11VA1lable on !he Internet at www par1o;s ca oovtdelault up?page tda21 SS3 The plan IS 8fiO 8Yailable lot rell!tw at the followlng Cal1IOf111a State Pilflls otticits So\Ahern SeN>ee Ctrct< 8885 Rio San O.ego OnYt. Si.tie 270 Actitltos losMtss 11.eSllttnMllt fne fnllowina per\ons are d<>one business as Pop\ Unf1n1sl>ed Furnt lure r 11llrrlon 1363 s Harbur Blvd Fullerton, CA 92831 Pops Unftnoslied Fur ntture Fullerton LLC t NV) 14320 Add1~on Strt~I Suitt IOI Sherman Oaks CA 91423 Tho\ bus•neu ·~ con due led by Limited l 11b1t1ty Co H1v~ 1ou started doma bu\oneu 1el1 No Pop \ Unfinished Fur n1ture Fullerton. Andrew R.mmer Manaau Trancot parlu!1Q lol on ttie east sode ol Pacrllc; Cout Highway No pl.Clllc lest1mony w • bl htlrd and no act.on w1R be tat.en llY the Conmwon during thla tour SO ORDERED Ruth Coiem.n, Stetetary State Park ana Rtcrtetlon CorrvntUIOll 0 t /1 Or'03..J. 01119.'03 CM$. 4•.ta:JOt NEWPORT BEACK- COST A MESA DAil Y PILOT LEGAL SERVICES Adoption& Foster care Services 2650 VoM!tten llM4M Adop!Mfts/festw c.. flw1: ••over 100,axl chllc*'en 11 h US ~ lot • ~ .., keep old!I' brothen a. win toerttw T rMq I. F llWlnCul S&4lPQft lnfor ~ JAH 28 600. 7 ~ 'iO s. "'8l1elln Blvd '2A I. AnlhwTI 714-517·1~ IJ83.2!6-45() HOMES FOR SAL.£ ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Bllboa T_C.......,. ..... One Dus*• Ind I u.ie famly lloma. Sl.310,0X> ~ttd 1n one of !tit nocest I~ II Balbol. F 111tastic opportufvty for ~"' dM*lpr1 ... l ,... ....... w;:~:;-v DUPUX-$6SS:000 2 Units IBr/lBa Upper I. IBt/lBa Lower. Fantntic opportunity for lnYHtment or development aiit .lllf Jacobs 949 673-4494 Balboa Island Corona del Mar Sl,89S,OOO 301 MMlgold Stunnma 3br, 2 5b.i , 1mmac home I blk fr om ocn Hand slecled er anlle & marble. antique wind. cur'ied sta1tc au1 • more• Jc.tr &ar Kathleen McN•mee Bkr 949 887 555 New On n. Marii.t 8eautJful ~ w many e•traS-4Bt 45&. 3 leYels. ) ~ W/OCllMI tlfy ilJ'1d Boo. Culy v-~ floor plan Top ol the lone apph aeh. HaW.na 1111!1 and Hactv CNhn! • u~ 311>-Jlf>.8871 T..--4"o,py l.n. 2br 2ba r p comm poof & 1')a, <.anyon & aoll COUl'Se -body to Sell aat Dlant Ccittrane 9t9-83& 37Xl TltU HOUSE SEClUDlD ltlTltlAT AMAZING ,.ltlC( AGT. 949-723-8120 Costa Mesa ,......_ '9 TOWNHOML Neutnl carpet & pull 2c art p ¥ & bonu!> room Er :Ila fp forrNI ~ Catt fnendly mo1tv1led Br(j\er/Owrw.r tor lllJPI.. 714- 31S.5all ~ Ul4,".1Jl Newport Beach WATDIAlONT Rt:DUCED S24k ON n£ BAY s:1f6.axl MoWe ~ best loo:. no tent R78il!ie fly ""' 11111 ZS 'I" Belli n'A6l 1et 2tlr &A o~ C1nm ,,.. .. Ip batlTrra muCll mere Ow!VAgl 96'73-591> This statement was l1ted with the County Ctetk of Oranae County on 12 ll/02 20026926758 0... Ford ltoad 4br J Sb• APPLIANCES 3050 c1en. le £.M 1u11y up Oaoly Pilot Jan 12 19. 26 Feb 2. 2003 Su014 Collectibles/ Memorabllla 1160 eraded \lavertone marble. Gl ,,,,, 1lde-by-1ldt, aranite !<Ire~ y111d W/"J()a/ 26 7cu I llke new. S250 waterf1ll SI .675 000 obo (949) 642 2165 evas. Owner/Aaeot 94~ 2367 I I at 949-~ HOME NEWPORT HEIGHTS FURNISHINGS $749,000 :!br/lbl home w/2 F p's. 1cnna1 din. 11 Ill rm ~ Sbldo w!M ll'd TOP SS 4 ltlCOROS n c f11mitUre 3435 .,.. E1tra wldr lot CM! All. Chm.. Et: !iJ~ & IDs --------for awl 0oue Cllrl< 9'5 .Ill Allee $p.r tube ..rc>S M tv I" 9 Solt I 0 If IC~ 71S-1503 °' C)49.6J6 l'B!!> M1~" 949 645 7505 lurn1turt UKlc ""'sl!ef OClANfltONT flXllt All real utate adver· tos1n1 on this newspaper is sub1ect to the Federal F 1ir Hou\IMI Act of 1968 1 s amended which makn ot 1lle11I to 1dver !tie ·any prel~r e nc• lom1 hllon or doscromonatoon based on i.ct COio< reh11on SU ll1nd1cap f1m1hal st1tu• or n1toonal orrain or an Intention to make any such preference llm1ta lion or d1K11m1nation • Th11 newspaper will not know1n11y accept tny 1dverl1s11ment for r .. 1 estate which 1s 1n vlol11ion ot the law Our re1ders ue hereby Informed that all dwell Ines •dverhsed in this newsp1per are available di 1n equal opportunity bnos fo complain of dts cnm1n1tK>11 call HUO loll lr1t at I 800 42.t 8590 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Furniture PIANOS & Coli.ctibles ·~ ... ,....,..,,..,. .,, ..... ~.()It.,.,.. • $& CASH PAID $$ .,,.,......,..,..,.~ MBUYESTATIS • ........_,,~ .. "We AITDI"' ;iMM122e SOUTHC8AST AUCl'l N nw ..... .., ..... Ma.CAl2107 ...-.~c..· ... dryer LR set OR wt bed NOT roll THl fAINT best offer 714 960-0.300 OF HlAlT AGT. 949-72S-8 I 20 ~:~~S/ 3460 "aw:~::~ 1-5 PRECIOUS METALS 15 Via Vene111 Ctosl Celn Needs Old Coons• Cold solver ie•ell'y watches antiques collectoblu 949 642 9448 3610 ·~• W'tr1\s II~ c.ats doll\ I., Of "'"" every ••• :>un 12 ~m f l5lww1 t. ~ Nl!!work Info 949 644 2279 -~f118lr111! l:> day WM llsq 4 doO Resc~r-*1 MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE 4br. 4 Sb• hbrary • bo nu' room S l ,585,000 24 Ceteffllto A tou~h ot Italy 4br 2 5ba Sii •d• home Sl,729,000 PLATINUM PltOPlltTllS Stefantt Meurer !M9-715 3156 san Juan Clplstrlno .... ~ ...... ~ wlpoof, eque!Jr"'" rmed , 1·5 dGlse Secidod, ptold, 16 Ice. act -~l707 -t:M;- MISCEWHEOUS RENTALS M'"811aneous Merchandise 3855 RentalToShare 6030 ------- StHI lldp Yr. '"' llewevll 24128 WIS S6 800. Hit $3,390, 40k48 WH Sl4,600, nll S5 860. 50• 110 wn S26.900 sell $12,980 Con Deliver! Woll 800-J92-7803 WANTID 2002 Holiday Ctleb11t1011 1Alt811 949 574 4247 3905 AUOlU'TI SS MUHi BIG PRoms Cash tverydtyl V"end1n1 Celt now Fru 1nlol I 800-494 6074 241111 AAA YJNDINO ltOUTI 76 ~ Unlb. MN ~ c.allonl .., lnWlt 2n down wac.. O.J!l&-9311 Real&tlel WMld IASlStDl llr, 11e, sm1ll lc1tA R . PflVlte entry w/d, ut1l1 Incl J77S+dep 949-548-0871 Nl/MliM ,._I le¥, sq11 room S850,lmo, $215/ wll, sllllfed SIS0/$180/wll Sober """" 949-933 71 10 NI Shere Newer Sir house pnvett room/b1th $550/mo + 1/3 ut1ls, fem pref 949 887 1472. HP on the bell lla IOwnlwn. 11 br iwt be. Olq. Wit. ln dsl ~ ~ Ip. lll.l1d, C ~ 941M15G-n23 AESIOENT1AL RENT~ ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Ballloa Island 8-11 WANHD-4 PUX IN Ass a•n_. 1610 '·"·:~~.~!°°· \ AGENT 949-7J0..1721 IACI IA,Y ClNtQt 2651 lr>1int An, 1olf vitw. rtltll end of· fk;t tYtl4 714 57J•77IO .. HO LIDAY SCHEDULE 0..-W. 0-4 '-Y ~ floor ptaM. IBr w/ct.1 from $1953. a. 28r from $21915. 877-85 7-0911 ilr, 21/110, &er, pet oil. n/s, w/d hkup, stove, A/C, Fpfc, .viii now $2250/mo 949-859-7973 ._ M Iii( bay views. 2 ,,.. llt, 2.!ibe. land. remod kltd\ nl!# i:-lt. TODAY 'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS Our office will be closed on Mo.ndayl January.20th, in observance of Martin Luther King l Jr. Day. To place a new ad or renew an existing ad please see the deadlines below. Publication Date Deadline Saturday ................................ Friday, 3 p.m. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday ..... Friday, 5 p.m .. 1hanks for your cooperation . Daily A Pilot Con>nl dtl Mat $tu.It .-, w1l11tc:henette, appro~ !iOOst, 2 blks to bdl,pr,w/dlVlll.n'wnlf ~· 949-~ ....... c..-~ ~ _.....,. 2Br+ Ol!n I ~ lease °' lease option. 91l 949-718--1~ :ztw Ibo, ~ w/batc, utl$ tned. le Sil '" p . avail 1/15 ~ $11l6n 949-222 5775 a57 e b Iba. I pr ~ wd hks, $2100 e2br lbe rear I p ~ Sl7'50 fl1l Beeor1ll 949-nJ.>. 7z.t Mor91rtrllt Sir /21o lu1ury returb home S3500rn AAlo Laree rear 28t I Ba. new carpet & pant Sl7mn 9'19-715-3513 Rare Gronvllle ~ncl· story detach 3br 2ba, 2c aar aated comm. pool. spa S3600mo 12mo tse Cr.rt 562-09-0281 13>1 Com Mesa lbr 4et hovse, ['side $875m utts paid paloo fenced quiet (Or a nae Wilson) !M9 400·5701 b ecvttw ,., l lo c..tr. E's.de w 'fp pvt y•d WN. smaM compte • of only 4 un!U w/pool, tndry hK. a. nutsldt storp. 141 Melody l.aM 949-675-5714 a&f. 21r's w/aar S1095/mo &. llr'a from $855/mo on lovely &»led comm nor Tri Square. frodae Indy fac1hty Ktttn Mnet 877 704.~9 I 9200 Newport ocrou the ~Ml 28< I 58a pr no pets SI 195 mo 1665 lr"'"9 Ave •3 949-7~9422 Nr lock loy, 1H remod 2Br I 5Ba condo 2c I" F p, wd ·hkups. no peh Sl325/mo 949 !>48 8384 b Iba (JJlet. Westside cul ~ home. ,..., arp/pa11. p , llund yd <UAHI SIW> • dee> 913 W 20tli St Bkr~991J Huntington Bach .......... Witt. pYt ptbo, p 1SSOC poof and cAJbhse W/O ~ water. trash 1ncld Pet OK. $15'95mo =st. 714-997-3993 Irvine llr llo Condo w/open view, pvt patio, carport, walk m closet pet. wd,llr-w rnd SI 2ron 949-262-2132 2• bee w.wy c;;;;;i;, tropocal resort 1111• settma. 1ated ~•er Ira~ P5 paid Hlih 11se. subten1 nun partun& Sl700tmo •f 714-997-3t9S Udo Isle leodt c...,... :nw •• !""' 2·c aar. total remodel. buch & tennis tlub $2800/mo 949 644·2330 Newport Beach AYflt H ON llOO PENINSULA NlW 21r 710 conAGIS Pmate Bu'h Pool and Spa W1I~ to Ocean. Shop\ •nd Rtsl11.1r <11nts Lease 6/mo 2 yr• Boat Slop Aviulable 710 UOO ,.Aatc Dlt. 949-673 6030 01 949 723 5830 * YlAltlY * LEASES Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS 949-675-6161 UDO ISU Sunny lbr •Pl. furn, micro, rtlna. loh of slorace space $895/mo. 949 673 7201 V..,.._ condo lbr. new carpeVpatnt. ,. Hoc. w•t lac. Resort llvq AYN row SllOO/mo 714-53&-1564 STUDIOS Two very l1rae studios 1v11I New p11nt &. c arpet. $1200/mo ucf\ Call949 715 3513 .... ~ Nwpt ~ hdN-way, ,.., 1UMY ,_ lutlba ~ pool tat cl. $12E.t'roo ~ Quiet leocon l.y Apt. near beach. I Br...olf1ct/ 1Ba S127!>/mo mctudu utol1ties 949 675 0150 Ytr1olllt1 2br 2ba penthoun ocn view), balcony. comm po11t. ten aat Sl700 949 673 7800 SWMtl S l , "S. OouC>lto M9R St.lies Penthous# Quiel M New Int... IOfS Gmd CCJfm1 A I Gym Ne•I to Holle ~I ACT 949 ........ 770 llvffs twnhm, lu lbr I lbr entry l~vel nr pool shops, \ChOol,, 2 t C&t $2100/mo "et 949-632~ """*· 2 -.. pYt tnd unt lwrhTI $Z35() ,,.,. ,,. h9nl 714-5.31-5456 111lfh c;;;ti; 3Br 21 /z6a, l700sf, 2·ur 1er. no pet/smk $2.375mo + dep, year lene 949-64-4 0335 S .. 29e hll!M, Fp, pNt bed< Y•O+ 2cw &If~•. 1vallable alter 1/20,IW Ptase Clll 949-759-3726 lo see. $2SOO/mo. 264 VilO Point S2!'lOOiTlO pnme toll count loww unrt, nu crpt/paonl. •tt pr. spe .. pool 949-71S.351J k"':-;..'rft ':.' = 2< ~ YI() lirlc-. ritT ~~131> Newport c ... 1 2br lb• den. patio. balcony comm pool & spa 2 c aar. Ip, wd hkups a&I S2600/mo. 949·293·4630 loyvl-Terroc• Jbr 2 .Sb1, 2 c e••. &•led, no pets. $2600/mo 714 968·6282 eve 962·0806 Oceon & Loy view, 2br 2b1 totally remod new everythlne. ar•nott k1tch $2600/mo 949·720 3980 HMIOlt VfEW HOMES lbr 2hl h5e JIC II nu "'1. ~best~ .. par"5 S2650 949-581 1!12D l'llvtf senate family 48r 28• home cor "" lot. •~rou from park S3400/ mo 949· 759-3337 Westcltff '-"v """e Beautiful remodeled 3+2 and all newl Walk lo ~hoot pa!'k/~ $34'i0m rndudes aardener ., OSl with IHse 949-233 4986 ~~,.::: :,.., IR,t~71~ JOBS WANTED Rentals Wanted 7880 Employment Roommllle needtd la< Wanted 8200 E~ dlytirnt ...oman ~-----~ non vnll. <i'rii!T CJ.ll!ll. eet out mmtty tidy en~ llousd>o4d chor &i r ck J:af= 949-roJ.1m the joy or music ~949) 673·2174 949) 813·2246 SELL your stuff through cla ssified! Tt wl yw cw <GI lf49) M2-SUI CPA \lldls TH Ac(A)UtllJnl wor~ Very t'<p d 1n computer \~olls & "' U AI$ C.V olyn 9ot!f 1tl>-JDJ 8500 B•nkme ........... Ttlw HMbor NatlONI 81,.. ~ Brll C'.1Nt ~Ills 6 Mo's t •f)lftenet Pltftrtf'O F o rr,._,,. to !fl ~I 26'6 We"ted friendly & out~oonc people helpma ~thool Photnar1phu 2 3 day' • .... ~ w111 tr a1n $80 day 714 545 177~ c;.11 between 8 30 2 JO Hom~ business oppty 1mp1ove your l•m1hu flnanual lulae Plf'T fr« info r ull tr<111n1n1 www.4-.o~lna.com 800-440-2198 w..tt .._....,. ~ SISCDm PT J.5 tw""" Si5Cl).$8D)T'C! 20-ty .... r ree Brodvr ffl7 !lil -ROi Meet the People Poalll-Ideal for wp plemental 1n1..ome Pl•<..t SAUS/MflOIAHDISO ,uper v1u intern•l•Qnal PAIT TIMf e~chan&r \tudtnts Tra1n1nir compen~a!.!,9n l loyd \ 8drbrqur C•Jm 1nternat1onal tr•vel pany a \ub\ld•••v nl tncenhvn 86b 209 8">S9 Cen~r.-1 Moth •nd • l••t Offtce/Admln Auls!. erowme l11<ld manul• LOC<lll prov~l• 11ehoul hob turer hod1J1J••lt•~·1 •1 1~ ~nine la< UffK~ St l'eul M"4 1\ m n,,d HS<SI Word Pro .. ~.slrlil I ot , ~II ,1.r '•' .... 11 t ip ~ WJfd bd\JI' •t•ong c<>mmun1cat1<1 knowlede• ol 011., .. •kills Rr~pon,ob•lotor• ~ and llflJ<f'dur~ ondud~ 1t'lt•n1 up do• slton& orp1n1ut'""4I >otl': plat> ond mtrcll~n11•on rtqd f•mM-"llf wMAI. product• 111 tnr ~roo1> compulff lit tvmvut ... • \to•e .. •""dom1n4t.o11 ti papllic:' '"'" d f.lw. c~~ th• SW O••n& .. t •Y"'' 949 64!> I 11 J or h • aru ;..;.;.;;;_..;;; ____ 94-'9""'645 mri "art-Time SIO hr I 4 fn,, IM•I 1'"" P' ''1'"' hour\ I.oft ..+. Btt-I r•qUlle\ flu b1l1!y " 5pm [rra""" 111.;Mwie. hou" th-1 ~olot • 1, ti,; t Ofn...t v.<rl ,.,, Hh drtvt <. wri tr.111 11 •rt• hotT1P ~"1949~~ hon "bototv '" wqr> 1ndeoend~ntt, 1nct m l lt•ctplle"l1t/St11dt"t ""'" t< mmoltP~ • to ' Offke k>uol prtVdlr <lluol Ill~! •UPIH"i VJ M lfftftlfJ '"""'wfi! "' cu~tom"' rttr..111Hro ,,,,, \lua .. nt oll • Clul1e• ,..,_, t•IJl"I'~• no.,.eo\ .. r m<.ludt ph~ "' ~nfet .-t'"I w •ludtnt\ p.if!'l'l~ •nc:t \Utt Abtf,ty II> mull• lklli w " >"'lllfi Ml<! • .. •• ol lh•l<lrtn • MIJ:; I 1..umpoter knowlrd~• a '*1\ c..n 949 <A'> 17 n .. '" ···~'"!( 94!164~ J1KJ !lecepli0fll1t f /f f11t.· Sot. Bu\y 11loriM M\ Ofio•e tnd ption• •kill• R••l•ur1nt ••O •• f -· r t\Jmt' to 949 b-47 0674 or c~ll M7 1880 b~I rt!> ltlSTAUUNT la,.'d . Oonntr Hoi;\~ ;,crven P l Clo~ Md Bus &~ '-""' nil-..~ alely al Allll••IY\ ICM'lbr .. I k"$1A#aonl 9&~HJ4.I!> W• tft'!r c ,,,, • ._ •• , t ,..,, c~f''Wlbt•n ~"'' t,.. c:.'.I..,, lpltl!r re;... ""'' 1'.liary fr;t'1"f I UDY'D'S WllOUf COMPANY r L •ndiy 1111 Ar boloh Oro•• l<1H1br• •.A9Qbll f.,, "6~ t>'H I> I')<} f lJ[ Gu .. 1 Senrl<t1 Re,.. I • .. m1 Jte•" f' I H1 t t •P p,,.trtrt7' r:~ Rr•h 949.673.7030 Everyday is a great day in Classified! Be a pan of it, place your ad today! (949) &i2-5678 The Laws of Living (949) 852-9855 Course uunderstanding the wisdom of Jesus as he spoke it!" Californians, this is your only chance. Starting .Ja nuary 2 4 . a nd running through March 23, 200 3, Father Michae l Ryce wlll be teac h ing The L a vvs of Living Course. in Orange County, and 25 p eople will b e f orever changed I What Is The Lavvs for Living Course? It Is a prac tical how-to series of lessons based on decades worth of s tudying The W ord, In the orlglnal Aramaic. This was the native language of Y'shua, known to u s as .Jes u s . Why was.Aramaic the s ource language for five of the world's major reli - gions? W ere the keys to wisdom and life/mind m a nagement known to the ar.ici.ents and lost to modern man? And, how can understanding the origi- nal meanings of the orlglnal Bible be of great benefit to us, In the 21st Century? The answers will be presented In a non-religious, scientific fash- ion, through The Lavvs of Living Course. This Is a one t i me only presenta - tion by Fr. Ryce, before leaving California and returning to The Heartland Institute, In Missouri. Forty years ago, Dr. Dan M acDougald went to the cradle of civiliza tion In search of an original Aramaic manuscript. He found such a doc ument, held In safe keeping at a M onastery for over 1 ,000 years . He brought this ancient Bible back to the United States. where Aramaic scholars have been carefully translating It ever since. With the help of Fr. Ryce the origi- nal meaning of The Word has, at long last. been revealed. The Lavvs of Living Course -a result of this study -has been 2,000 years In the making and well worth the wait. Shortly before his death, Dr. MacDougald placed the ancie nt document In the hands of the International Orthodox Christian Institute for protec tion. Chairman Dr. Donald .Jolly Gabri el explained Its significance: "This docu- ment extrapolates the beliefs of .Jesus, during his own llfetlme and Includes local Idiom and culture. Unlike the Bible we are all famlllar with, It hasn't gone from Aramaic to Greek, Greek to Latin, Latin to Olde English and flnatty Into modern English. This Is The Word. as .Jesus spoke It. The result Is astounding and offers us tools for living that are both precious and relevant, In each of our everyday lives. "The Institute has made sure that everything Is property authenticated, documented, and that the impor- tant work would continue until finished. Those wlehlng to be Included In the workshops can make reservations by calling (949) 852-9855. Questions regarding costs. times, dates and places wlll be discussed. when you call. A limit of 25 has been placed on the workshops. There wlll be no walk-Ins. For further Inform tlon, a t ree download ble copy of Fr. Ryce'• book la avallable at www.whyagaln.com online. , Ths Ls~s of Liv/no Cours,, Identifies the specific oauae of atreas and offers tools for buttdlng the quality of your llfe, and the heating of 'tension, fear, guilt, anger, depreealon, overeating and much more. What would It have been worth to you to have Jeeua speak Th• Word. directly to you? Th• L•WIS of Living Count• brings you the next olo•eat thing. Time la ahort In more waya than one -ao don't haaltate. You wttf be .. •tern Hy" grateful. --~-1----"- Autoploblla 9000 Alltomolvl 9004 AMI '" A4 2.1 ttli mo, metallic areen/a••y llhr, CD, mnr f fully loaded, lob new 11624521 $14,995 ton & w1rr 1v11I 8kr 949 S86 1888 -.ecpoltf.com IMW '9t l2St Conv Sspd, 4311 m1. S•l•tr bluet arey lthr, healed \Uh full f•ct warr \uper b S22.99S v362421 fin n1ol 811r 949 !>86 1888 -.ecpoltl.c- IMW '95 5401 100!< mo, blacll/bll., buutolul orralnal cond fln1nt1n1 & warr avail v'249762 $10.995 Bllr 949 S86 1888 IMW '95 74011 1llvor, immaculate 781. m1. e.I warr, non/smkr $:.>I 000 obo (949) 642 2165 eve•. Ce41-.C 'It ll ... ro4o looks & dm1n n1<t $1475/obo '75489& Cc.ta Miu Dt 9'l&fi4f> 1872 Cho.,,..iet 't• Comoro Conv ·-..~.!~.c k 6ql loaded, -s M'J!>J2b8 r.cm Mm Dt 9661&-1872 04fVY MClNTI <MIO 'IO O ~ orp -,.. dawl:. ircoat Wild s:IXl> M9 •toa717 Otryolw '97 am..~ loolls & ci'1~ nu. Al M:, CC. PW Meh<bi ll3Z1!ill CM Dt ~ Ml2 ~·ta soltrlntJX Conv 3711 •< tu•I m1 boolls. record• mrl•lh, tee ereen 1r•t int .,,, Im. blll 109 buut or 5 cond. S8.99S • 7524 I l 8kr 949 586 >81!8 -.ec...,1tl.co111 Chry1lor v ... '96 r......, & Country l ~I white &r IY lthr 1mm4< <Olld CO dt1Ye\ I•"~ n ... booM $1200 94q HJ '>..'07 D ..... '00 ltom f •Ir• Cab V8 8()1. m1 h ih hit whole fully IO•ded v97?498 S999'J Ion "'''' Bkr 949 ~ 1888 -.oc:poltt ...... ,.,4 ... laf>lorer Sport AT mnrf c< purl blk 11 y lthr S6445 •4 511 lb Com MIU Dt ~ 1872 rOIUI RANG lit Xl T '99 [•Ir a Cab Auto CO, 6911 mo , \16, bedl1ner Pt1v1te P1rty S7500 t4t-•42 sno J..,_ ... XJ6, 111\t new T0911 O•lme•I CO Alum. Mu\I S e~' S l58009496~'>1!i>O ..,_ ~form1nvltd tom Joe-'99 XJI V1nd1n Pl.n 3411 m1 sp11ll11nii blk/tan Ith• CD c hfl11 whl,, lull lact wan loll~ new $29,995 v842614 Ion 1v11l 8kr 949 586 1888 -.~l.c•• California law re quires th.It contrac tors tallint ,obs that total $500 or m0te (labor Of maleflals) be llcens.td by th• Contr•ctors State license Bo•rd State l•w •lso requ1tes that contractors include their liclftM numf>et on •ll adv•t11N11 'l'ou can clMc:ll the st•lus of your ll"nnd c ontr•c t or at www.calb c• cov or 800·321 CSLB Unll cen.sed contractors t•klnt Jobs that tot•I less than SSOO mu•t &l•t• 1n thtlf 1dvert1semenh th•t they art not llctnaed by lll• Contrectora Stilt Lie.nae Board ~ M•11I ......... . ...., A TOZtWflYIU'I lnu..11, ref tee cablMb. ~ : ~ Da!t 714-5'&7251 SEU ,. .... ~ ~4~:.~~';, B_r_id __ g_e ____________ _ ~* r.i1A938 eoita By CHARLES GOREN Mm I» 9661&-7K71. with OMAR SHAAIF L.t4 a-'99 Ollcovwy S.oes I 27k ml. full fact warr btack/01tmu l lthr dual mnrf rear a1r. jump SHh, CO II' chrm whls, hke n11w. v332099 $22.995 fin avail Bkr 949·S86 1888 www.ocpoltl.c•m l•xvs •oo IS JOO 22k mt, silver/1r1y lthr mnrl. CO. lull lmctory warr. hke new vll525121 S22.995 lonan<.on1 oa1I Stoker 949 586 1888 -w.ocpot.l.c- lexu1'91U.70 Immaculate Black/tan lthr. all ot11. books $33,900 949. 350 5202 l'HIUWSAUTO Acuro NSX Tor10 '00 SpeedVellow l~ moles <•190051 S63 980,00 IMW 32Slt Coupe '9S Black •uto low mile\ <•185781 ) Sl1980.00 IMW 7401 Socio~ '91 While w p•rlttt creme leath11 cer II lied BMW S4k mile$ t 18730> S27 980 00 IMW XS 2002 While Fat tor y Premium Whttl• I 189t'OI $42 980 00 IMWU Convertlbl• '96 Rtd w lmm•tulate black lthr 5 •Prtd 1•18770> .SI ? 980 00 for4 bpo41tlon '99 load~d nou Jam1ly SUV wh11t lo ni1le\ I • 18794 I Sl8 980 00 L .. ut lS400 S.d-'97 V8LucurySedan full p()wt• luther' I• 183411I$19'>kO00 M•rcedot Iona S4SO S.clon '00 Black Opal w A\h llhr latl w•"'Y b"'ut1ful <•189611 S•6 980 00 "•rtch• 996 Coup• '99 l1ptrontc wh1tt lull POwr-r low mil~\ I • 18885 I $46 91!() 00 l'o,.cho 9U Colt/ Tlptronlc '97 White w 'l'javy lthr & \uft l op <>n, ""nr1 1•190J7C1S47 ~00 Hummer H2 'OS >•ilt 11reen .. whut luthe• l~ milt> 1•190401 S'>9 'l80 00 J09uor XJS Convortlble '95 Brt\lt\h Ra,;ini Green w/ptrle~ I Cr'"'' Luther S6k nu <•l89!>5C1Sl8 980 00 M•rcodo11 ... 1 SlSOO 1t-tf1tor '99 Smok t Silver .. P•rchment lulh er Both 1011•' 8uulr <•189671 U898000 Soolt900S '91 Mtlall1t Red w Cr tmf' tnltrtOt' Only l5k milt\ "190JI I UO 980 00 ford Mu1t•nt• c ....... V6 II 5 speed a ' CO Player full Pnwer " '8560} 19 980 00 949-514-7717 and TANNAH HIRSCH WHERE IS TH£ fOUKTli TRICK? lkAA vulnerable. South deal• We51 led ~ luo& of <bamoocb and. in re~pc>nsc lo l:ast's 5lgnal with the Ove, coounutd with lhe ~ill fa)1 won with the ~ and persevered with a third round. declarer Nffing with the ten Wc\t refused IO overrufT bl.II dccllll'Cr crossed to the q_uccn of htillb to nm the nUIC of SpiOC'> Wc>i W(Jll, blJt that Wb the third anJ la.\I tnck for the defense ~·~c. after dntw1ng tromp<>. one of dumm) ·~ club~ could be d1!>Carded on the fouaa hef!1. Was cverythm& on the "qU'iY1ve ? NORTH . J9762 74 J8 • 4 WF.Sr EAST •KSJ •8 9 6 2 10 8 s K6 Al09!4J • K J 10 6 2 • Q 85 SOUTH • A J 104 AK J J 72 •A93 1bc btddtng SOUTH "EH NORTII ~T Not qo1te TalcJng the hulding onto CQfl&itlef11uon, Wc~t .:an ile\:OUnt for 11 14 potnl.I. in the Wc,1. North and ~JUth holdmg~. led~tnl! u\I 111<1th 6 7 pomb. lour of ""h1.:h .ire the aLe of diamond' Su~-c South m1&ht have the a;;e-kmg ot hean,, tlk tl.ln1cr of a l.lo'>Clltd fnim the Ulblc •• omtn<JU' 11'T ~ l Paw l • .,_ 4• ,_ Opening lead Kin~ of Follow the bidding and play ot llus deal. then decide Was four •pade\ btd and m.iJc the rar result" 1'orth South "'ere employi.ng.15 17 as the ,....in~c for 1 onc-no-uump open1011 bill "'Ofth '> tv.o heasb ""ai. a tr.uhfenu 'ra<k'· .ind South\ leap to three '~' ,h<.,,..cd .i rn.wmum no uump ""'th guoJ ,padc\ North pro- cccdal 10 game w1ih a.lacnty To i:ounter that. Wt\t 'hould \hilt tu u club al rnck two It II tum~ out that South rue. the queen 111 dub'>. Wei.1 can \Ull uy for the ll1WT1011d ruff by rc'erung lo diamond\ al lhe fir..1 oppom.tnll) \mcc find!ne declarer with thnx carch 1n the ~uu "'111 pcmu1 the defc~ lo coll«t 1111<0 J1.unnnJ 111c;u. a diamond ruff anJ the lung of '>padc\ f.qually cffe.;ll\e '' flM" [.a.,1 10 \hih 10 a dub UI Ind. threc.o. bl.II l'.1lhng dummy\ high 1J1.i.mond ''the more f1alurul defon-.c Automotive Moz4o '99 Mleto Con• )4~ m1 .. uto red bl•d<. int & 109 t>uutoful 01111 cond v!>9124 1 SIO 995 Ion & w1rr avail Bkr 949 586 1888 w-.ocpobl.com Mazda '96 M11t1 white/ bll< 1nl CD 1lloy .. his lady own~d bout 0111 unmarked cond mu\t \ee t o appr•t•llt 15 995 ltn w1rr •v•1I Bkr 949-516-1111 -.ocpoltl.com M.,...._ '91 '-z 320( Gur~. black/b11< lthf $19 995 v"5212S4 <Axt• Mt>sa 01• 949 b46 7822 ... ,.,h. '99 lo•tor Conv 21k m1 5spd '!h1te/1rey lthr full fact warr. aar •1•d non Mn•r, hke new v 126695 S28 995 Blu 949-586 1888 ___ ,.,.i.1.c- 11-te ltover '99 4 .0 HE 2811 mo, lull fact warr. bl•G~/tan lthr black p1p1n1. beaut ""II cond $27 995 v424}38 hn ,,,,, ~ 949 S86 1888 w-.•crltl.co• ........ ,,., '97 4 6 HSE 60fl mo mel•lhc <lark areen 01tmul lthr 18 whls fabulous cu fabulous cond Sl8.99S ltrm v•26~124 lonlwarr avail 8kr 949 586 1888 I More•"•• .,, c210 bt•uhlul bl•· a crum T..-.-1C11kwo Cor OlcH fully lo•dtd \howroom rrd* Roy•k> '81 ;Int eng. tri. wt SI 1 ~ 71' 7'>1 246ol iOOd twas di~ bodf Morcodo1 '96 l320 111< mt whole oltme•I lthr snrl CO be•ultlul lltlg tOlld v4'19621 $18.995 Bl<r 94':1 586 1888 www.ocpoltl.com Merco401 'II SOOSI Cor aeou~ Slut blu~ lthr S-4995 •11'>?1'> Coil• Mu• Dir 949 646 7822 M--'" Sl SOO "91 lmmaculat• m••nl•1ned blat.I< ~ m1. new t.es S42.00'J 714-6JJ 3519 Merco4ot SOOSl '00 Pl<ltonom. pr~ ~ec>t 1tn1 cond #llC ""°' t P•do1ee full Wall & fttt W t tr .n:sls able DI moles w cm c.a 949 642 3407 £ matt bec.k~ @ ac>I com Morce401 'II 560 Sl white tan. 1mnoal •~Ill. nm wa, _, d tq>. d'rtrne!.. Sl5IXD 7\4.7'51 ~ ~ o...-.tl lS '00 lu•ury lltw al ealtll dwome hfttl ore -" ""*' s 15 9"b .. ITLD> pp 71' CJ7'}.63J5 Olchmoltllo '99 Aurore 391< m1. champa111e tan lthr mnrf CD t hrm whl~. hl<e new ·~98242 S 11 995 Ion & war r •VIII Bar 949 !>86 1888 -........ 1 .• - StiOO o0o 9'19 &t2 27YI , ......... 1Clllen c. Old> molW Royale '81 atnt ~ iOOd tire\ damased body S600/00o 949 642·27JO AUTOMOBILES, MISCELWEOUS Wanted 9045 ~ o,..rc...d 09* Over .a 'fUI\ • •P' ... !NY a ~ fl• price for your ca II•• or 17\IOI p..cl lo Of not Ctil Did< ~ @> TomatQ 11.tAo Sale\ 711 437 1931 or 714-32S3Z28 CASH fOlt CAltS We need your c 11 p11d for or not Phillips Auto Ask for Mtl( olm 949 574 7777 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES Accmor1es 9200 SHIJC T" noo XTRA CJ(!, TOYOTA TRUCK. P~ S8XJ MAKE OFFER WlL sm Cl(Ji 714 374-8793 MOTORCYCLES Mamyclet 9400 IMW 'ti 7 SOii 1391i m1, lllnl mech.tn1tal & body Gond bl11rll/11ey lthr, CD v719!>42 S~500 B~r 9 49 586 I 888 w-.,oltl.com BOATS PowerBoats 9515 DUFFY IOAT WANTlD. l'ltlVATl l'AltTY. IMMlDIAU. 94'-615-3222 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 NlWl'OltT llACH I 11 Up lo l 111 SI 0 ft w.t, •nd tit: tr1( •"••f Raody ~9 1)75 6515 SUI'S AVAii.AiU NewPof I Har b0< buultlul loc m•ny \Ile~ No hve abu.ird• 949 675 4847 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! In ClASSIFIED (949)642-5678 Sunday, January 19, 2003 II TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE ACROSS ?I 1 Drlert oplloot 5 B!rtlsh .~, David - 10Cowt>0yt rnstnJ,.,.nt 16Sl.111 21 Pronto 22 Manlcur1S1 s board 23 Rocooo 24 Get 1Cd1mated 25 Anactt 26'Mld 1me 27 CO\Js1ns dads 28 Actress -Shearer 29 DMded S~tft 31 Small am04nt 33 Coogrega~on 35 Doze on 36 Stockno;m r\llYe 37 Farm baby 40Dept he80 41 Slld< ifOUnd 42 DOS runners 45 Census 1n10 46 Parental anent1on bnefty 46 Ga neighbOr 50 Journalist s need s20111mstic 54 A1 the drop ol -- 55 Fizzy beverage 57 Smidgen 58 Recumbent 59 Ptpe handle 60 Forearm bone 62 -case soenano 66 BUllighl b!Bll05 67 Lafge slipknots 69 Wiid hOrses 71 sarripras 01 tennis 72 Marimba cousin 74 Cable network 76 1 out 78 Kitchen utens~ 79Hi.rrt BO Tars 83 Sells a.broad 85 Wastirgton 2 3 2!> ?9 120 ,,6 130 wateiway 88 ConJec:.1ure 89 Stood up 90 Embarrassed 93 Marrying secretly 95 Auel herOlle 97 our 61¥1 98No19e 100 Employ 101 Striking 106 Robustly l'lea/lny 108 cri. ... ., cand)' 110 Main drag 112 "G1r1ield0 pooch 113 Taking a CfUl&e (2 wds) 115 Mingle 116 Ben Joosoo works 111 Prop up 118 Fl.rlny Chartone - 120 r::abr1e sample 122 Removed weeos 123 Mascara 1arget 124 RebeHIOus 128 Auto fuel 129 Rustic hotel 130 • ~wesome•· 131 Forty-n net s qi.est 132 Wagon par' 133 Longbow wooo 135 Small earnng 137 'Mid o..cks 139 F11g11oess btrd 140 Take a showel' 142 Hall o!-Fam01 -Ott 144 Paid off a kidnapper 148 l=arewell 150 Spa a 'llelllty (2 Wd9 ) 153 Man1nt e>ctra 155 Basilica area 156 Nervous swallows 157 Man0< 158 fuead 159 ~ ke 160 Term oaper 161 >=arrr mactltne 1€2 ~ayers 163 Trust DOWN 1 Anion' .. "°"""' 2 Aet>etjlh ., llOf'I 3 Hit dea6-Qll ,.,. • Elegant COlfl\Jl'ff 5 SaWlgl (2 wdl J 6Hampet 7 Poe1(y 8 PreVbls lO 9 Yeltsin s no 10 Dutch ctleese t1Cotfee ~r 12 astness abOf 13 Lanky 14 Mr Ts group (hyph 1 1soun 18 Wee 17 Plastlc -Band 18Autaoaga 19 War l\eet 20Spraog up 30Plud< 32 S&L depoSlt 34 Marehed along 38 Insect resin 39 Kitchen staple • 1 Jazz sty!e 42 Sl.ITimer !lower 43 Basti1u ly 4.4 Harangue 46 DISS«!at>Or'ls 47Hotio rg 49 Steel and brass 51 Shoot1rg marb1e 53 Or Sctio•I prodt.icts 54 ·-,,is rr1.1S1 •e gri 56 J.lotto 01 ooel'a 59 Ctvrr 'lf!y oepos I 61 .A.sprnn ta'ijet 63Copy 64 RBI, EA~. etc 65 Fidgety 67 Calgary F\arrpc; grp 68 eave pon (2 was 1 • 69 The s1lcks 70 Ct>leago Wt: •e - 73GIStS 75 ObiectS on radar n Aery Q8!ll8 81 E-rnll,....... 82 Canoon aunuanua 84 Eloquent tpeake<s 85 TlrtlStt VIP 86 ·o. Boe( alft n)ftl J 87 Vexes 91 Many rnanv years 92Twosom. 93 Border 94 Plan1 9eeds 95 G "MIC Wat goo 9681111 99we1roos 102 q,wrb&nk gro.-tn 103 $~ Valley Sile 104 -MS rudt 105 Heavy t ers 107 Geos&-tt..f'l"C)y lOS Opera ti.._, 111 'log81 Rabb & - 114 aanery size 117 Crer. ri0ts 1~ 1 Hi "Onnooo Row" Sl'V!f 121 ~A nours 122 ...ayl:>N 123 8oc1 S'lop Yel>ocies 124 n J~ 125 Mass mq a-.<>'l 126 Cas•s aoout 127 ::aster wilt' '0Qe 13C Ac:tor .... e·vur. - 134 P~Ye p•Ot'lOIJr: 136 Eann tone 137 Cl11e• s ~I~ 13e Sut r:leledor 14C Ccc1.o-e<l t41 Cori cs v s~ "er. 143 Ante 1 ~ COM:>el 146 r::oendlSh 147 ~Jelate 149 Clea'I a1• org t51 Spig¢' 152 Pass 11ea· P ·~s ;:iear tS.C Aiee~s per ar.,:.im' HoNiE, ISL.TH AND BiJslNESS ...... _ • B.IAlll ,_,, 0-',., JO liilln AuTOMOltU SHVKI ---°"""*-SW-... TuNI 1/tstt0r (949) 64S-4641 .... fl.19 11 • ..- ~CADIT~CMPITo Rtpaln. Patch1nc. 11111•11 Courteou•. eny 1111 jobs Who1tsai.1 !Mt-.492 0205 ~..-••r ~ 'ftller ~ r ..... ,.. a.-. c..-..r...,. ..... &n/. ,._,._ ( ....... "'-""' .... q...liloolt ........ tQ.mSlll CMl ... _, .. ~ (949) 548-8519 Concnll & Mllanry lrldi llodl st-Tllo Concrete, Pabo, OrlWWly Flreplc, 880 Rers 25Yrs Eap. Terry 714 557-7594 ~ Plltllllhl .. N YOUltHOMI tMraOVIMINT rao11cn C•ll a pluml>lf. painter, handymen, Of 1ny of the arHt strvlcH h&ted here In our servlco di1 ec:loryl THES£ LOCAL SVC PEDf>LE CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI <UnOM CMATM 'fU lnstalli-. sAlte unmc. ~. stone htlllt 1975 L#6120M .ltfl 714-612 Bl UMY R4IPlired Reeroutln & Installation TllE DE.AH 949 6738065 «D&325 714-a&l 2031 = .~ ....... , ... Ptop11Plioll. Prunlna & 8u~t . Sman ProftCb $ l 5·$20/IM' 949. 51 S.8824 ~ .... -Storm °"'1 Ups, T rM ~IHWll. Maint--. lnsUlebons. ln_.uon. T~~ & ~ 714-715-2121 .,..,,. "' do JOtll o.:ty~· THI HANDYMAN Eme•no Strvice Ok' lbnlq. Electral c.. Doors etc 949 439 7554 2o v-r• of Ouollty Cr•ff--shlp U.741U (949) UO-ts2S Mark GENEIAL IF.PAii i ll.UN'l»Wll • R9Smml * Ccxnmat1ll Haallng JUNC TO THI DUM,.11 714 968•11182 AVAILABLE TODAY' 949 673 5566 Haith & Beauty loso Up To 20tlu ,.,_tltl T nple your 1ner1Y OMyUl.U Can Liu 949 ... 45 ... 677 No Job 1bo SmaD Da.e llam.llton Horne lmpnMmlnl 949-322-8292 "--a.-a..e *"· ~ hllml & olc. rr .. st ~ 11 oc 11~·3'73 n4-1115-llot r-•ot .......... o.r.., T«*' Mt, - «Ml "' "°" dm18 ti, -.. ,. 911M12-]()l WANTID MOvtMG JOIS Small of l•rae 24 H-M..,lftf Svc Call 189442/lnsured 949 716 0691 714 6861300 llST MOVUS Sst/Nr sww1n1 aM clt11s Insured last. coura ous. careful T163844900·246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE Th• Calif. Public Utlhtfes commiulon requires that all uud hounhold 1oods movers rront th•tr PUC C• T numl>ef, llmos and chauffeurs print thetr T C P number in 111 •ctwf· tise.,,.nts If you heve any quutlOfls about th• l•a•llty of a m ove1 llmo of cheuffeur. call· PUB· LIC UTILITl£S COM· MISSION 714 558· 4151 PalN!ng 0.-.'• ...... 1/'tr$ eop Creal Pnce' Cuar antttd work frH HI l •l7!i602 714 538 1534 7 390-29'5 HOUSf Rf.PAINilNG 8t 'IOOO flNlSHJNC ~ 1"'N~ Plumb.rt DIAll A llWlll ~ CUAl9IG lllCW.sT TWtEDY i-t.UMllHG 949-645-2352 -. . WallCMrinp We W. Yiould ""'• toptlle< Strip r1IDl _,.. C.t .,_.. mdwle '1> lht awy •1E1i IJ&$1-6661 hu snw•u1 Spoc1a1111n1 m W1llp1pr Removal l •S88241 949 )6() 1211 WlMow C""*'I ClASSIFIED It's the solution you' re uching for·whether you' re seeking a hDmei~ pet or new occupation! I r J I ' . . NEWPORT 8EAcH $6,950,000 MALIBU· $3,250,000 ARcHfTECT. Kllltc SHl~U BEL AIR $4,295,000 I ARCHITEcn FUD BltlGGS LAGUNA BEACH ./ $10,950,000 6 ARcHITECT. JoHN NA1.EvENKo . DEL MAR $1,795,000 7 AA:tmcr. C.J. LIGHT & ~ LAGUNA BEACH $6,500,000 • ARorncr. GREENE & GREENE PASADENA $3,750,000 9 ARcHITTcr. Ro• S1NC1.A11t SHADY CANYON, IRVINE $3,895,000 BALBOA ISLAND 949.673.8700 DANA POINT 949.661 .9355 FUUERTON 714.879.3U1 IRVtNE 949.552.2000 949.494.0215 LAGUNA BEACH SOUTH 949.499.1320 LAGUNA NIGUEL 949.249.6611 UDO ISLE 949.723.8800 MISSION VIEJO 949.837.5700 NEWPORT BEACH 949.644.9060 COAST NEWPORT 949.644.1600 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO 949.443.1662 - 714.832.0020 YORIAUNDA 114.m.2122 . NIWPOllT COAST MORTGAGE SERVICES ... 866.5350 '