HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-20 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot'· 1 - Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 2003 A CLOSER LOOK Entertaining a lively scene in Costa Mesa Plans for more clubs, bars fit with some city leaders' ideas for downtown. Those ideas face skepticism and worries about parking and nuisances -the costs of success. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The flashing lights of a luminescent down- town draw fun-seekers like a moth to a flame. Streets bustle with smiling patrons malcing their way from res taurant to bar to dance club in a progressive night on the town. might lead to such a scene al the com er of Newport Boulevard and 19th St.reel. Already home 10 popular hangouts such as the Yard House, Goat I !ill Tavern and the Helm, the downtown area is readying itself for at least two new entertainment sites, and op- timistic night owls are envision- ing a major area makeover. "more classy and upbeat with music for the middle age crowd." "I don't really care for the grunge of Goat Hill or Players," Tillock said. "Yard House is OK, but there is no dancing." floor, three bars, distinct lounge areas and its anticipated claim to fame: an extra luxurious ladies room. "A place where the ladies can get away, relax, touch up their makeup and come back out when they are ready," Raven said. VAMPING THE REVAMP Such a night.spol is what city leaders expected when they be- gan revamping the city's down- town area, Planning Comrnis· sion Chairwoman Katrina Foley ~id. While this scene may be ab- sent from the Costa Mesa land- scape now, some are hoping a trend in governing decisions Residen1 Brenda Tillock said any addition 10 the area would be good. lhe 25-year-old said she would like to see something O ub Vegas, owned by night.life guru James Raven, is set to begin construction on the basement level of 1901 Newport -for- merly known as Pacific Savings Plv..jl. The upscale club, which would be about 11,000 square feet, is designed to entertain about 800 persons from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Monday through Friday and from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Satur- day and Sunday. It will cater to an older crowd, between 25 and 40, and wiU not play Hip Hop music. The cl ub touts a large dance The additiol'I of the night club will "help establish that area al> an entertainment di!>trict wnh See SCENE, Paee A4 DON LEACH I DAILY Pit.OT James Raven stands next to an artist's rendering of his new club, Vegas. which will be m the old Pac1f1c Savings Plaza building. KENT TREPTOW I DAILY Pll01 Christopher Young, lt>, scans the-ocean surface for whales with fellow volunteers Bob Flyte, left, and Susan Wilson at Crystal Cove. Gray whale Sunday Crystal Cove docents set up for visitors come to spot one of the . mammals during migration season Coral Wilson Daily Pilot W eighlng up to 40 tons and reaching 50 feet in length, they could pass righ1 by without even being noticed. But a dedicated group of Crystal Cove State Parle docents wouldn't want anyone to ~ an opportunity. Starting yesteiday. on the third Sunday of every month through March, the docents are setting up a lookout tent and information booth to let visitors know that the gray whales are out there. "They are out there,· volunteers Kathy Renfro and Bob FROM THE NEWSROOM F1yte insist. They are sure of that because this is the middle of the gray whale migration sea.son. Around October. the gray whales move south from the cold arctic waters of the Bering and Oluchki Seas to the warm lagoons of Baja See WHALE, Pace A4 A tale -of 2 cities,~ papers and 2 cartoonists I. t's that six degreef of · separadon thing, I gu~ lb.at connection that we all have to everything. everywhere. That's bow I felt after reading the story about of our readers probably don't FYI even know it. • To see some of Sberffiua' wort et the Former Daily Pilot St Loula Post Dl1pa1ch, go to cartoonist John Sher1ftul is www.•tltoday.co~ltoday/news/ now employed at the St. Louis apeciallaherffi1J$.nsf. Post Dispatch, sitting in the very office that Bill Mauldin once occupied. where "Gls especially loved that book MauJdin presumably drew the becauae it told the war the way it was." cartoon that won him bis he N.id. cartoon legend 811 MauJdln. who I learned is sfttlng In a Newport Beach nursing home A1fledng from Alzbeimer's dJaeue .od being visited cdnatandy by feJ1ow ¥.Qrld War ll ~who aedtt Mauld.ln'a drawinlt wlth help1ng them get ~tbewar. TONY DODE RO 5e00nd Pulltur Prize in 1'59. I should proHably note that Sberlftu.. -i>eople do remember him." and I began our careen here at the Sberftlus said of Mauldin. Daily PUot tight aboUt the ume time in Sherflius said he gees calls 1990. He and I ltruck up a friendship You .,, the Dlily Pilot bu. connection to Mauldin, who b«:ame faJnoUI fOr hil WIDle end Joe GI cartoo111 N....-t In Sbu1 ll>d ~In Woltc1 Wu u. And1 bet mOlt from people all the time asking if they that continues to this day. can get pmnisslon to renm 10me of hls Sbafttua got the Job at the Pilot after woit and Mking where the cartooo.bt II he made a name fot bUnHIC drawlng now. Wustxadonl for the t.oe Angeles 11rnes He Mid be has a copy of a Willie and QriAge County F.didon. He hooked up Joe cartoon tn his Sc.. Loull ofllce and a • book Of Mauklin'I WOlt. - --. -------~ --- •• • IN BUSINESS Avoiding being left in the dust Small businesses that keep up with technology are more likely to exp and, but a survey of Southla nd companies owned by minorities find s that many are slow to log on. Paur Clinton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Mart.ha Damel has seen firsthand how important technology can be in driving the expansion of a small business Daniel. the president and duef executive of a Co~ta Mesa-based information technology INSIDE For more business news, see Page A2 serv1ces company, offers her services to companies and public agencies still looking to 1ump into the tech age. Daniel, an Afncan American. wa.'> also one of a handful of local busine~ owners who participated in a MemD Lynch survey released in November that ex- plored the success rates of minonty·owned small businesses with and without 1ech savvy attitudes. Businesses in Orange and Los Angeles counties were surveyed. or the l.014 businesses included. 51% use "the latest computer technology." while only 38% use the Internet for commerce. ~ "There's a strong connection between a small business' use of technology and their ability to grow.· said ~ Gin. Metrlll Lynch's commuruty development vice presi· dent. "There is a competitive advantage tow- ing technology in running a small business." The survey - "Minority &Wness Enter· prises: Gaining the Tech Advantage" -also reponed that African-American businesses See COlD, Pace M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE~: MtW.dlll/t:fiam t --A:l Monday, January 20, 2003 YOUR . BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Craig Clayton sits next to a rack of fresh bread tn his Sun Flour Natural Bakery store tn Costa Mesa. Making dough Costa Mesa bakery started by former Realtor is lean, sweet and ready to ri se. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot C raig Oayton loves good bread. I le can go to a restaurant. fe~t on the bread bac;Jcet, wash tl down with some water and leave, he said. Oayton is so passionate about the wheat, white and mulugrain that he decided to quit ht!> profession as a ReaJtor and become a baker. That was nine year-. ago. Today, this 45-year-old Costa Mec,a resident has a thriving business -the Sun Flour Natural Balc.ery on East 17th treet. The bakery produces an array of breads, cookies. cakes and pasrnes. All the breadi., except for the challah, are fat free, Oayton i.aid. "There's no oal, no dairy, no eggs and no fat," he said. "The only fat you have is from the grain." The grain makes its way from the wheat fields of Montana and ic, huJled fresh everyday at the bakery. It's also BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS Newport Beach co mpany announces positive resu lts Newport Bcach-ba-.cd American Vanguard expects It'> founh quarter and 6scaJ year 2002 financial resuJ~ ~ere positive, the company an- nounced Jan 15 For the founh quart('r, the company ~ecLs net 'iales to be in the $30 mil- lion range, representing an 8% increase over the fourth quarter of 200 I. Net sales for the fiscal year 2002 are likely to exceed $100 million, a 15% in- crease over fiscal 2001 levels. organic: and certified pe.,ticide-free, he said. The business started off with bread only and diversified later. One of the hot favorires these days are the teed cookies thar couJd be made for any occasion from the holidays to wedding, baby showers and birthdays. "We even have special coolue~ coming out for the Super Bowl," he said. Several local stores have started carrying his goods, includmk Mother's Market, Promelis Market, Bristol Farms. Wild Oati. and South Coast Plaza. But for Oayton, it's been a hard road 10 success. "There have been times when we wondered if the business wouJd survive," Oayton '>aid. "It's been a lot of hard work." Rut the community warmed up to his bakery, and the business gradually developed a loyal cHentele, he said,. "There are people who came when The company grew fiscaJ 2002 net income at a fasler rate than ~lee,. 11 re· ported a net income of SS.6 million or $1.43 per diluted share for 200 I. Body Wise Fitness C.enter to host open house Body Wise Fitne'>'> Center, a nrw Newport Realh facahty. wtll ho'>I an open hou'>e on l hurc,day, Jan 23. from 5 to 8 p.m. The evening waJJ fea ture food. power shake'>. Body w..,e protein bari. and a drawing ror per- 'iOnaJ training pac.«agei.. The new center will spec1ah7e in personal training. golf conditioning, rehab, sports-specific training, cardio and nutrition. The center is at 290 I W. <:oast FYI The Sun Flour Natural Bakery is at 427 E. 17th St. in Costa Mesa. Information: Call (949) 646-1440 I opened the bakery who still come in," Oayton said. Today, he has c,everal bakers and staff. He even has two master bakers to oversee breads and pastries and a graphic designer and artist to work on the calc.es. The breads. which are the balc.ery's key Hems. sell in the $3 range. Some of the cheese breads are priced at close to $5. The most popular bread? The nine-grain that seUs for $3.95 per 2-pound loaf. The future seems bright and exc11ang, Oayton says. ·we·re trying to come up with a rice bread and a low-carbohydrate bread for those on Jow-carb diets," he said. The bakery will also start secving soups and sandwiches in February. "We'll aJso start having a wider variety of cakes and some of the hard-crusted breads lilce sourdough," he said. "I think. it's going to be a good year." 1 lighway, No. 110. For more informa- tion, call (949) 650-1660. Sponsor hip wanted for C.Osta Mesa anniversary J he ciry of Costa Mesa is seeking corporate '>ponsorship'> for the 50th anmver~ of the city's incorpora- taon, which will take place June 29. The c11y 1s inviting businesses to purchase the $200 celebratory ban- ners that wiJI announce the event and bear the name of the businesses. The yearlong celebration, called HCostaMazing," will offer businesses and associations other opportunities to be involved. For more information, call (714) 754-5065. Daily Piiot BEST BUYS Home decor andfarniture found in Quonset huts T he Quonset huts at 660 W. 17th St. in Costa Mesa were temporary army banacks during World War II. Today they hou5e an eclectic mix of antique:., gifts and home accessories stores. BIG DEALS ON TEAK F\JRNmJRE John E. UmJted is a specialfy store for wholesaJe reclaimed tea.It furniture from Indonesia. Everything is purchased GtFTS FROM EAST TO WEST rt 's All About Me is the GREER WYLDER in Borneo. Sumatra. Java and Bali and refinished. The biggest attractions are its finishes in blaclts. reds and browns. The store is primarily lcnown for its extensive mirror line. newest store to open in the Quonset huts at unjt 24. Owner Nancy Stem offers wholesale gifts to the public. The three aspect!> featured here are originaJ local art. anuques and as much local jewelry as possible. Unusual pieces include Thailand temple rubbing-;; whimsical chairs, tatues and screens; Chinese watercolors and antiques: and table tops made from the same mo~c artist from the Wolfgang Puclc restaurants. Jewelry s.elecuon.'> include lanyards for glasses. looping pearl and beaded necklaces. and crosse.c; on beaded chains. Stem selects some pieces fro~ New York. and has two buying tnps scheduled to Paris. Greece and 1\utey. Open from 10 am. to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and by appoinonent 660 W. 17th St. No. 24. lnfonnauon: (949) 246-6016. CLOSEOUT PRICES ON HOMED~COR Here 2 Day Gone 2 Morrow speciaJ.izes in home d~r accessories closeouts. With more than 20 yean. buying experience. owner Flalne Tumey can buy closeouts directly from the factories. Merchandise is pnced !><> low. The furniture comes fmm Indonesia. aJJ mahogany. no particle board used. Examples of prices are woven silJc pillows at SJ4.99, Shabby Chic-style mirror at $19.99, scented candles at $4.99 and party lights at $9.99. There·s a lot of retro f lawaiian merchandise, sea ~ chairs, framed art, lanterns, bowls and crays. Everything is attractively displayed. Open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday th.rough Friday at 660 W. 17th St .. No. 25. Information: (949) 631-1620. RESTORE AND COUECT Super-talented Sam Kutz of S. Kutz Ltd./Angle 3 StudJo has combined a vintage restoration buslnes.._, coUectibles from the 1920s to 1960s, and a tiny art gallery featuring his paintings. Kutz has more than 20 years experience as a silversmith, and he restores vintage clocks, waJDe irons, bicycles. fans and more. Oleck out his prices on silver restoration. Kutz says his prices are lower than most. The eclectic shop also carries jewelry, vintage magazines. books and records. Open from IO a..m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. c.aJJ for Saturday hours. 660 W. r7th St .. No. 38. Information: (949) 515-3494. Dining tables, day beds and benches are also available, including one of a kind pieces. too. Open by appoinonent.. 660 W J 7th St , No. 28. Information: (949) 246-3002. COTTAGE STYLE Pnces are phenomenally low for cottage~ funuture. ant.iques and ~ at Bits II i>tec.es. Owner Daphne Haymond carries a bag selection of vintage and new gently distressed wtute paJnted furrurure some new chm.a. lamps. accessories and children's fumishin~ Super-friendly H6ymond will shop for those who are looking for something special Open from JO a..m. to 3 p.m. l\Jesday through Saturday at 660 W. 17th St, No. 2 l. lnfonnatjon: (949) 631-1004 and wwui.bitsnpi«islio~.rom. DECORATIVE ARTS Shannon Miiler StudJo Is an architectural and decorative arts specialist Miller can do fresco and faux finishes. Venetian plaster, gilding. custom wallpaper, custom frames and furniture. By appointment 660 W. 17th St... No 29. (949) 722-9882. EVERYTHING FOR HOME DESIGN ~Home is where to go for one·stop home design. Owner Keely Kay can help wuh aJJ design decisions, from one room to remodeling a whole house. 1be business offers custom window treatments -woven woods. grass weaves. roman shade5 and draperies: custom sofas, chairs, ottoman and chaises: high-quality fabrics and an extensive catalog of lamps, shades. quilts and occasional tables. Open by appointment 660 W 17th St. No. 23. Information: (949) 645-9140. LESS THAN RETAIL Owner A.rnie Nedelman of 1radewtnd lmporu seJects Tommy Bahama-style teak; mahogany and sea grass furniture and prices everything less than retail stores. All or the furniture is imponed from Indonesia Tea.Jc pieces can be used indoors or outdoors.. Open from lO a..m. 10 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday at 660 W. I 7th St. No. 37. lnfonnation: (949) 515-3870. • BEST BUYS appears Monday9 and Fridays. Send information to Greer Wylder at greerwylder yahoo.com; at 330 W. Bay St, Costa M"8, CA 92627; or by fax at (949) 646-4170 -I Daily A Pilot .. PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don l.e8cti. Kent Treptow READERS HonJNE (949) 642 6086 92626. Copyright: No news stories, 11fu1tratlons, editorial matter or ad11ertlaement1 herein can be reproduced without written permi11lon of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST The northwest swell begins the day at 6 to 8 feet, end grows to 6to 9feet. VOL 97, NO. 20 THOMAS H. JOHNSON, Publisher TONY DOOERO, Edrtor JUOY OETTING, Advertl91ng Director &ANA JOHNSON, Promotlon11 Director News Editors Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Paul Saltowitz, Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF DeepeBhemh Crime and courts reporter, (949) 574-4226 t»epa.bharatMll•t1me11. com June Cae9rende Newport Beadl reporter, (949) 574-4232 /uM.C11t111grende ti latlm•.com ...Walnton Pohtlc:s and environment report•r, (949) 764-4330 paul.cllnton latimH,com Loett.twpw Costa MeN reporter, (949) 574-4275 lolitll.haf'PfNO/atlm•.oom DeWdr9 Hewmtln Education roport.,, 19'91574-'221 t#frdf9.MWfftMI lltf,,.,oom Chltltlne c..tlo New. uailUnc, (949) 67~ dtrl6tlM.U"llloelllflmM.oom Record your comments about the Daily Pilot or news tips Address Our address 11 330 W Bay St, Colt• Mesa, CA 92627 Office hours ere Monday F1lday, S:Jd a.m .. 5 p.m. Co"9Cdona h 11 the Piiot's Polley to promptty correct all 1trTOrs of 1ubstance Plene call (9491 574 ~. FYI The Newport 8each1Co11e Meu Dally Pilot (USPS 1~ 8001 11 pubH1hed dally In NtwPort Bead\ ind Cott• Mna, 1ublcrlptlon1 are e111ll1ble only by 1ubscriblng to The TlmM Orenge County (800) 252·9141. In.,. .. , outside of Newport 8Mdl end Co1t1 M111, 1ubtcrlptlon1 to th• D10y Piiot ire a111ll1ble only by first cl111 mill for SJO per month IPtlea Include ell eppllelbte ai.te end loeel tax ... ) POSTMASTER: Send 1ddr111 ct11ng11 to The Newport 8HchlC01ta Me11 Delly Piiot, '-0. Box 1HO, Costa M111, CA HOW TO REACH US Clrc:ulat:Jon The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 Adwrtlslng a..wi.ct (949) 642-5678 ot.p&.y (949}642~21 EdltoNI News (949) 642-5680 Sporta (949)574-4223 New9 Fu (949) 646--4170 Spotts Fax (9491660-0170 E-mell: dlll/ypllotOletlm..oom M4lin <>Moe ....... ()Moe (949) 642-4321 ........... Fu (949) 631·7128 PubllaMd by Tlmee Community New9, • dlvlelon of ttwl l.oe Ang9let Tlmee. Cl2002 TI"* CN. AU righte ~. lt'1 not a great day for those who like the sun. The day begln1 with low clouds and fog and enda mostly cloudy with patcfly fog. In between, the fog WJll go away, but it Wiii at.ill be partly cloudy. It won't get very warm or very cotd. The high will be 68. At night, the temperature will slip to 60. lnfonnatlon: www.nws.noaa.oov BOATING FORECAST N9er the short, llght winds and areea of fog will give way to •west wind blowing 10 to 16 knotl In the afternoon, wtth 1-foot wind WIVff.. The wett IWell wttl be 3 to 6 feet Into the evening. The prog,....ion ta fwerMd •• night fatls: The 10. to 16-tcnot west wfnd diet down.~ light wlnde tnd .,...of fog. FMher WC. vat1ab4t wtnda wMI blow 11 lolObl or atoww . .. SURF Today we get the last of a northwest swell that htt Orange County on Sunday. The wav" before momfng high tide wlll be heed high at some breab with weeterly exposure. The next OOf1hweat swell arrives Wedneeday. ~,.. might -might -be signs of it on Tueeday. W...quelty: www.surfrlder.orp TIDES Time 3:42 a.m. ~63a.m. 6:04 p.rn. 11:39p.m. ........ 1.991Mtlow 8.19 fMI htgh ~ ...... low 4.01f.ethtgh WATER TEMPERATURE • Dally Pilot City will settle on schools' foundation ON RETAIL Costa Mesa City Council will revisit three options for distributing mon.ey from Home Ranch development deal. Deirdre Newman Dally Pilot COSTA MESA -The $2-miJ- lion Home Ranch educational grant, in limbo since JuJy, will take a giant step closer to ben- efiting three schools when the City Council determines Tues- day whal type of fo undation will be entrusted with the funds. The city received the $2 mil- lion as part of the development agreement with the Segerstroms. for Home Ranch, a massive BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS PTA bring low-cost mqdical to students 1$arbor Council PTA has project slated for the property bordered by the San Diego Free- way. Fairview Road, I !arbor Boulevard and Sunflower Av- enue. Costa Mesa High School, which serves grades seven through 12, Will receive $1 mil- lion, while the olher million will be split between Estancia High and TeWmkle MiddJe schoofs. The City Council will choose among three options that vary in features such as the number of board members, what the jYfA believes that heaJthy kids make better students, and our goal is to help Newport-Mesa students reach their highest po- tential," Chrisuansen said. Surrogates needed for special education kid s Ed f(yce..., with the California The Harbor Council PTA is ent of I lealth in lhe also recruiting surrogate par- thy Families program. This ents for special education stu· program provides free or low-dent!. for situations in which co!>! medical, dental, and vision the location of their parent or care coverage to children and guardian is not known. Federal teen~. PTA !'resident Pany Chris-law requires that a surrogate tiansen has ordered over 12.000 parent be appointed to re- applkations (or the I lealthy present the student in educa- Families program, which were lion conferences and individual sent home w1th elementary stu-education plans.' The <;urrogate dents tJus week. The appUca-parent is a volunteer who is ap- tiom are available in I I Ian-pointed ro represent a student guages. If there are literacy to ensure that the right of the issues, a repre!>entative from student to appropriate public 1 lealthy Families will contact the education 1s protected. Stu- appltcant by phone to help lhe dfots who need surrogate par- parent fill out the form free of ents Live in fo!iter homes, group charge. The money for this pro-homes, state hospitals o r health gram is already available and will facilities, correctional facilities not be aflected by the current "and re;,idential treatment cen - budget crunch. "Harbor Council ter'>. GETTING people newly diagnosed or with minimal symptoms of multiple INVOLVED sclerosis, or both. The group meets at 11 a.m. the first Tuesday of every month (949) 650-7659. • GETilNG INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a COSTA MESA rotating basis. For information on POLICE DEPARTMENT adding your organization to this Seniors 55 and older are invtted fist , call 1'949) 574-4298 to help staff the Westside substa1ion. Volunteers are asked COSTA MESA to work two four-hour da"ytime LITERACY COUNCIL shifts per week. They would be The Costa Mesa Literacy Center responsible for answering needs volunteer tutors to t~ach phones, bicycle reg1strat1on, English as a second language. fingerprinting, data entry and People who want to learn English assisting wilh other citywide as a second language are also projects. Seniors who can speak encouraged to call. Call to Spanish and English are also register. (714) 43&-3310 or (714) needed. Call for an application 545·3445. Fred Gaedcler, (7 14) 754-5208. COSTA MESA MS COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER SELF-HELP GROUP The multipurpose senior seMces The Orange County chapter of the facility at the comer of 19th Street national Multiple Sclerosis and Pomona Avenue seeks Society has started a new volunteers who can greet members self-help group in Costa Mesa for and the public atthe front desk and How best to take care of a work of art? · A Role' timepiece is truly a marvel of performance and enduranc1?. In five years of continuous timekeeping, its balan~ wheel travels the equivalent of ·23~ miles. Thb kind Clf performance deserves proper care clod ~riodic maintenance. nnd Rolt!X recommends that their timepitte!! be cleaned and oiled appm>Cimately every five yeus. U you've invested in a Rolex ytru've made an astute decision. Pmtect that investment by showing the same sound judgment when it comes to the mai.ntmnnce m your timepi«e. AB an Official Roll''! Jcwek'f' WI' are dedicated to th~ integrity of genuine Rolel( rimt'pk.'«'9, pA118 aod acceaori • Pt !it! vlait our lltuiY when you are ready to dblrusa lht-care and -1'\'~ Ot yout ~ f' RO LEX BLACKMAN LTD.jfj\IEWELERS ..... funds should be used for and If the foundation's meetings shouJd be subject to the same open-meeting requirements that the City Council is. On Dec. 2, council members opted to postpone the disburse- ment issue to give themselves more time to consider the op· tioos. lng athletics. The foundations would not have to adhere to open-meeting laws. Another recommendation il. for the city to form an ad hoc foundauon consisting of seven board members. None of its funds could be used for facili· Lies, athletics or athJetic equip· ment. It would be subject to open-meeting laws. Still time to fulfill New Year s resolufi(Jn s at South Coast Plaz.a The Seg~rstrom proposal calls for two different foundations - one for Costa Mesa High School and one for Estancia and TeWm- kle schools. Each would have five lo 15 board members. "Ibe funds would be restricted so that no more than 25% of each year's expenses could be used on activitie!i or facilities involv· SpiFit Run Race returning to Newport "Ibe 20th annuaJ Spirit Run Race wiJI be held March 9 along Newport Center Drive at the Edwards Movie Theater adja- cent to Fashion Island in New· port beach. The event, which raise-; money for Newport Beach el- ementary schools, is being sponsored by The Lucy and Leigh Steinberg Foundation with title sponsor~hip alloca- tion of $20.000 for the fourth consecutive year. ln addition to lhe traditional SK and IOK races. Spirit Run will also offer events for chil- dren and family such a-. a Stroller SK. a SK Family Walk, a 25-yard Toddler Trot. a Kids Expo featuring a Migh'ry Ducks Goal Patrol Hockey Rink, and competitive races for ~even separate age categories for chil· dren ages 4 to 12. To pre-regi!>ler or for more 10- forrna110n. call the Sprnt Run Holline at 1949) 4'i 1-4848. r.ntry volunteers for the Resource Department wTtt1 Excel computer experience and sharp telephone skins. The Sentor Meals program also needs people to deliver meals to homes (949) 64&-2356. COSTA MESA SENIOR CORP. The nonprofit organization at the Costa Mesa Senior Center is looking for new board members. The fund-raising and policymaking board needs volunteers who will participate in monthly meetings. occasional committee meetings and special pro1ects. Candidates should have connections in Costa Mesa and surrounding communities and an interest in serving the community by helping seniors. (949) 64&-2356. ext 15 COURT-APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATIS Volunteers are needed to serve as advocates for abused, neglected and abandoned children. Volunteers work one on one with The third proposal also call5 for a single foundation 10 be formed by the city. It wouJd onJy have three board members to start. would not be able to us~ any funds on facilities, athJetics or athleuc equipment and wouJd be subject to open-meet· ing laws. forms may also be obtained at parucipating Jamba Juice loca· lion!>, fitness centers, sporting goods ~tore, the Concierge at fa-.hion Island or Fletcher Jones. Newport man honored for communi ty service Sergio L.opez. Underwnter at Downey Savings in Newport Beach. was awarded the 2002 Gerald 11. McQuarrle Commu· nity Recognition Award for hi!i contribution to the commu- nity. Downey Savings will also donate $2,500 to the Tustin Young Manne!> on Lope1' be half. I orez received the award for his dedication and efforts toward helping youths in the Orange Lounty area, a com· pany ~pokesman ~aid fhe Young Marte)> I'> a youth educa· tion and '>t'rvtce program for boy'> and girb ages 8 through completion of high school. Downey SaV1ngs 1s head- quanered in Newport Beach. a child for three hours a week.. (714) 663-9034. CRISIS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INC. The nonprofrt organization 1s seeking volunteers for rts expan,~ingtrauma response program. Some volunteers assist la"":' enforcement, firefighters and other emergency-type responders by providing emotional first aid and suppon to injured or traumatrzed people Other volunteers provide dispatch and office support. No expenence is necessary. Training will be provided. (949) 588-1414 DISPUTE RESOLUTION SERVICES Volunteer mediators, case specialists and outreach assistants are needed to help m a variety of mediation cases. Bilingual language skills are needed for office volunteers and for mediators. (949) 250-0488. Pia Jones Special to the Daily Pilot I hope you've received most everything on your holiday wish list. And there'!> still ume fm that other list ... your resolutions for the new year. Of course, making resolutions is one thJng, keeping them is another Whatever yow goals - from losing I 0 pounds to reorganizing your home office to updating your loo~ -South Coast Plaza ,., lht· ideal New Year's ~hopping destination. GETIN SHAPE This resolution 'eem-. w malct: lhe lbt every yl'a.r. Let 2003 be the yt-ar y1n1 malce good on that commitment to a fitter. more active you. Run, d11111 walk. to Puma. and p1rk up a pair of award-wmnmg "Complete Premi,e" running shoei., or a styli-,h retro velour warm-up '>Ull Then outfit yourself for winter fun at Sport Olalet where k.Jds are hot for 'nowboarding apparel J.Otl gear by Bunon cUld 'ik.Jt'r'> are snapping up eqU1pment by Ob(;'Tmt'yl·r for fa5h1on -forward females, lhc '>tore rnme-. the ':>Uper-ch1t 13o~ner line GET A NEW LOOK Whether you rt 1n wan h of a new look from heJd 10 toe or you're JU5l aftN .1 fresh new hp color. '-)uuth Coast Plaza can make it happen I-or makeup, M.A.C j, a rnu'>t '>top. mu-.t shop. You·u w·dnt to ch1·1 k out thetr newly debutt'(I rab f-lorab hne of '>het'r pa'>tels fur eye!>. lip5 ciJlJ naih -m~p1rt'd ll\ natun• and petal-5oft to lhe touch If your makeup scyle -.pan., brcUld!>, Sephora I'> the one·.,top co<,metics '>Uper OoUltque. offrnng the most popular line .. around in fragrant.:e, makeup. sk:mcare. balh .mt! hair care GET ORGANIZED New 10 '->outh Coa'>t Phu.a. Room & Board 1, proving lhat the homt· office need not he an eyewre. The '>tyh~h oflin: dfllUJlh.''> h•;H11rt1 ,111 HIIlll\',llJVC Wll t" 111ana~emen1 ..,, . .,,l'll1 111.11 ldJllt''> tht' perenmal tan~(' o f powt•r tonh and tahh' nwy Jlw oner d "Wilk rangt' 111 ,11elv111g '\\ll'lll' <1vallabll' 111 wall mou111 lf·a.111111< and ft et·-;,t,uic.J111g '>t\lt·5 I or tltl "A-• l 1111t·'i Pottery Bam Kids 11lf1•r\ p1nt-'>u.ec.J lur1w.t11nK'" 1111 ludin~· th•· Jd1ir.1hft· \.rtt.Jt•l\OI 111\ I Jt1 .. ,I wl111 h tan tw pt·1\1J11.1li.11·J w11h vour d11Jll\ nan11• 111 hdp 1~w y11urigt·-.1 rm·ml1t·r-. 111 vour llouwh11ld ._1·1 p ,di 1ht•1r h11lit.l..1\ .. ,'ft, 111 1lw11 pro1w1 pl..11 ' GET SMART \ldlt• 1111' tl11 \I ,If 'II rt"dd tht l l.1''>11., \olllt Jlf'\l'I ).:Ill drflUIHJ (II Ill I I ltq~1 '-.top b\ Book ~up ,,ti1•1t· vou'll 11111.I •1\1•r ; ·, oou 11tle:-.. llH lu<f1t1~: .Ill t.'l It•• llC -,elt·• 1111r1 .,, ti11111., 11n .111 pho1ugraph~ 11!111 .111d nlU'>I< \11d h.-fp 1111H ~lib d t•H•Jop ,1flft\lllft'11.11111 - rt'd•hng 1\lth .i \ 1'>11 1 1 tht' Hahh11 l'lw White Rabbit Olildttn's Bookstore lt'<.1111rt--. .u1 Oll1\(,11l<.J111g 'dU llllrt Ill l11111b lo 11 ~ 1d, 111 dll ..iyt'' .ind ti 111~-. l11r 1 hllrln·n Jnd lfll'ir J.>.lrt"llh 111 t'll)'l\ I! 1~t'l ht·r' GET HIGH TECH II vou \P lll'l'll It 11 hdu11d h\ lfH d1g11,i( rl'\lllll11<11l _!()() ~ I'> lfW \ •'.H ICl gt'! 111 1 tw high 11•1 It liJrnl\1 af1111 I or -.1.ttt ·111-1111 .1rt ..1110111 video t·111w1111111 you rnn I bt•.11 Bang & Oluf~n\ H1•1>\ -.1 r · llt'" hllllll I lllt fJl,I "lllltll11l -.l'lllllg Ill'\\ '>t.intl.11\l 111 pl.t'>lllJ 11·1 h1111I IJ{\ II \'111 .. ulll'r fn1111 < umpllll r µll 1h1.1 \1111 It hill' .:11 1he Apple ... 111n \1hen· ;ou um ~·t I .1 1,1,11 111 lht' t'd'>I to 11'>1' 1\\,u 11r grnmt• mln ~1)(1I\11th .111 1l'11cl th1· P"" 1hlt· pPr--.onal 11111'.11 ,,.,lt·m lhal dltow' vou 111 "-IH .111J plot\ thou-.,11111'> 111 -.11nr. .. !11 gr! '1Hlll\ lll'd I Jll•71 It I Ii ~!JOO .111d .t,I.. IC1 ht· 1 llfllll'lll'll !11\11111 l.tlirir11i-..,0111h 1 11.1,1 Pl 1t.1 n•tallt•r • PIA JONES ·~ d Sourri as1 Pialo rPpl'">t'nli!llVI' FUl.L BAR COCKTAILS ~~ R e~l a u r«t nl ---Estabttstieo 1n 1962 MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO .... Quality Servi«··· 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·645 ·7626 .,.. Eatcrtainment• • • No Prerequisites. Orange Coast College invites you to .•• Bring your dreams! We'll do eve,rything we can to help you realize your aspirations. No matter how high you've set your goals, it's a good bet that OCC has a program to get you there. We1l get you to a university;-We rank second out of California's 108 community colleges in transfening students to four-year universities. We1l prepare you for an exciting career-Our career programs are second-to-none! Thousands of our alums wortc for large, medium and modest-size busfoesses, corporations, high-tech firms, hotels, hospitals and medical facilities around the country. Our Smart Classrooms and Labs are fully wired. Our spectacular ~ Arts Center is a national model Our beautiful cam pus is secul'!. 'ruition for California residents is just S11 per uoit. Go online or call now for registration information. We'll help you get there. Spring classes begin Monday, February 3 orangecoastcollage.com ,. POLICE FILES COSTA MES" • W 19th S1rwet A mctn .,.. s artesrfld on 50 plcion of lmna•in J m ptJblic 1n the 700 lll at 7 p m S·11tJrday • Harl.or Boul~ard A man "" s 1.:1nc-str 11 on &•Jsp1c1on of cmbt;uh•n1~11t in 1he 3000 1 I{ d· cir 5 25 ~ m ~111urcJay • Harbor Boulevard A rnan .'Yf!S i:lrlOS•l'KJ C1" Sll<tpi~mn of <Jumpst••r !>Ulven9111~ m the 2' IJO 1..>11,,.;t i!I 114511 "' Frid..iy • Eu1 t 7th Sneet and Orange Avenue-A rnan was m•·slcd on su<:p1< 1(m of rfn• inn 1J11dPr rhe infl•1Pnce of le. 1101 or J11J11s a1 12 05 ,1 m Sarurtl11y • Harbor Boulev11rd A man \'Vi!S .,.,,..,,NI un s1Jsp1c1on of ., 1~1 11 q 111 a VPt11c1 .. •n the 1900 ttlr i. 1? a n1 h1<1av NEWPORT BEACH • West Oceanfront A r1·.!n'I theft was reported in the 3300 bled at 12:15 p.m . Sunday • Coast Highw.y and Hoeg Drive: Recktess driving was repo rted on Coast Highway at 10:52 a .m . S unday • Wm 15th Street: Obscene phone calls were reported in the 800 bloc* at 10 p.m . Saturday. • Beyadere Terrace: A residential burglary was reported in the 1600 blodc at 10.30 p.m. Saturday. • Marisol: A brush fire was reported in the 100 blodc at 11·42 p.m. Saturday. • 43rd StrMt A disturbance from a party was reported in the 100 blodc at 3: 11 a.m. Sunday •Bristol Sb'Mt Drunk dnving was reported in the 2100 blodc at 9:17 am Sunday • ·Evr M<C.AANK OM Y Pit.OT ,• • a ·i, T usllar Mangrola and K1rtJ Vora. OLD ft f SohdSourcl?. a Costa Mesa company r J ~I)~(• 1pt1on basis for businesses •lllJlollllt"•., ·I' \H•ll a'> \IJrTI(.' llllJ 1111 I J "tliti1•' \1101 lu·r < 11<,lJ '\-1ec.a IC.'thnol ''!'\ JH11\ 1dc·r. ~ol1dSourte pro \HI•·' ... 11r1\,i1rt' to help '>trl'amlmt• 1!11 11pt•r 111un of vetennary din • h •I I•' 11 ~,1rt1 \'f1la pre'>ldent and t h1ef , 1111\1• ol ~ol1JSoun:e, tlewl 11• ,. po 11 1lw proprielar) '>Oftwart- T••tl I r ,, ll• 1•\••1t•nnary an mtegratt-d \1•11 lia., .. rJ '>Olt\\atl' parkag<> •ti1t "''·"dinit,tomanageap 1 1 trr '"'' nwd11 al re1 ord•,, 't np111111' panoll and ulhc:r ,1, rted h1., Hed 11111 A\ 111 ht"""''( whit h '" at...o pn r •I, lll'lcl wllh fivt' o ther 11d! r' 111 J<NtJ c I 1 \\hr1 rle\l'IOpPd th(• '>IJfl · ' 11 In Im nativt India, ctho ..... ,.cJ \\ "" thl' finding' or the 111111 It \ 1H1 don't tlevelop tl'<.hnol "~'\ \11U \.'\ill be ld1 11111: Vola .11rl \II hu"ne5., nt>Pd., lt'<:h lltl Ill ,1 1111111)~.)' I " I • PAUL CLINTON covers the lH11tro11ment. business and politics H<! mev be readied at 1949) 7&4 4330 or by e·ma1I at pa11/ cltnton a./iJt1mes com AROUND TOWN rJPd11( t1ble The center cs at 120 E 18th St. Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 722·7818 or v1stt www zcoc.org. llJEt;OAY A worbhop on ·eomputertzing your Business ff will help with the bookkeeping from 9 a m to noon a l National University, 3390 Harbo r Blvd., Costa Mesa for a S25 fee. For more information, call (7l4) 550-7369. • .... '" ftJ, ("Oro1111 ,jt'f Motr r.hi.mber of I • r ,. mil !If.,, If'.) ITit)nthly ti• 111 r • 11111 h11 lu•cin ot 11.30' t ri• 111 !! tlll" l.;rt>Wll5 r~ 1,11)1 Ill! ·n .. h•·rv1111011s are ,,: r• cJ ff11 u•-;•a•11 ir•t 1:, nt 3801 I: .Lu t I h 1l 1w 1y For rum ;~jiff 111011 Gllll 19491 <i/3..,,0'.>0 . Mf)th11,'5 M1t!t<.111t '4 KhdtAn will ( ' WEDNESDAY The Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange County w ill hold two workshops today at Silverado Senior Living Newpon Mesa. The first workshop. from 10:30 a.m. to noon, and will focus on memory loss, The second wortcshop from 1 to 2:30 p.m., and wrll discuss how to create a pannership with your physician S1tverado Senior Living is at 350 W Bay St, Costa Mesa Reservations required For more information. call '9491 631 2212. The Newport HiHs Gerden CNb 11w1tes anyone interested to join ita monthly garden walk meeting a110" m at the UCI Arboretum. For more informal.ion, call (949) 120-1552. The Cott• MeN Chamw of C.Ommerce will hold its monthly business after·houra mixer from 5:30 to 7·30 p.m. at Skoth Mon•hen'a. The reataurent la et 2000 Newport Blvd. Freo for mt rnbors. $10 for po1entlal mombora For more lnformltlon, c:.111 (714) 88S..9090 THURSDAY MotNt'• Maftlllt. kftcMn Wtl See TOWN, P• A5 SCENE Continued from Al nightlife reswuuu.s. which is what I believe was intended for downtown "''hen we redevdoped it.. Foley said. Also pol<;:ed to fiD the aD-tOO· empty ni:angle Square is Pugu. a restaurant that will offer dining. dancing and cocktails until 2 a.m. The addition of F\Jgu addresses the popular hope of turning. the top level of the troubled 'Di.angle Square into an entertainment venue modeled after the sucx:e&· fuJ Yan:! House. Not everyone beUCM!S that Such addioons will result in a thriving. vibrant scene, though. While resident Louis Unfoot said he would love some decent nightlife m the city, he IS wary of WHALE I Conbnued from Al <..ahlomaa and can be sponed as late~ June. At Ult' beginning of the day, yesterday, Renfro was feeling FYI The Crystal Cove annual gray whale watch 1s set up from 9 a.m to 1 pm the third Sunday of the month through March at the Pelican Point parking lot No 2 Docents will provide binoculars, coloring books, whale bones. barnacles. brochures and books nuo,:,tod particularly confident flle early morning fog had moved inland, and the day promised surahine. great visibility and a lugh tide. "Tius IS a prime day. Fverythmg has been set up for them.~ Renfm '>CIY"i- 'Fven "°· "You need 10 have pauence and you need 10 know what you are looking for.· -.he~}~ • Otherwise even under the be<.t conclitions. the whales c.an easily be c.ray ,.,hale.. are clislingl.IMed hy t.ht•1r11cart·shaped hlow. fhey might al'>O lt:ave "footpnn11>," which are gl~-y !>pots of water made by a whd.le jw.t under the \Urlate Of cour;e, ye,1erday's \1l'Wt'r. were hopmg for a tall. a head ltallcd "'>py-hopptng~) or 'breaching.· in which the whale burst<, from I.he water an\J lands ,.,,,Ji a la.rge spla'>h A' an t.>Xtra incentive, a I '>run delUS10ns char thr downtowo area could promote ilsdf as an enter- tainment~ "Well. I doubt any of it will do any good. to tea you the mnh. • said Unfoot. who prd'ers the dun lights and live!y characters at the Hehn lO the pristine ambtence at the Yan:! House. "I have been in Costa Mesa for a few years and have seen a lot of places come and go out of Triangle Square . I will k.eep my pereruuaJ fingers crossed that the next re.taural)t/ night dub will do wen .• · The two downtown ventures add to a myriad of nightlife desti· nations lhroughout the city, tn· duding Memphis, Detroit. Pierce Street Annex. The Little N'tght. Tiki Bar, La Cave and I fawna NOT FlJN FOR EVERYONE Neighbors of C.OSta Mesa's bar;. dubs and pubs ~y that that fwi does not oome without coose· quence. . th Neighbors of bars that line 17 Snttt haw long oomplain.ed about a lad of parking. llOlSY dnuW aJ odd boors of the mom· ing, streets littered ~ith alcohol p;uaphemalia and uash and fights. •·--n Eastside resident Bob 3 •uw does not live directly behmd a bar. but be srud he still reels the effect of the 17th Street nightlife. I Ii." back yard l) agamst the Wendys drive-through. where many hun gry party-seekers venrure aft~r a night of drinking and da~ang. The loud pauons are a n~cc 10 him and h~ neighbor.;."he sa.td Some city officials feared ~e same for the 190 I Newport. slle. and ciry planner> recommen~ed denyuig Oub Wgas. P!dflmng C...ommi"-'>ioner FJeanor Egan agn't"d. '3)'i.ng ..tie bled the plan'> for the dub. bul c.Ud not th.ink .tll the infam<>IA ~ues had h•>t·n taken care or. Foley disagJa'd. -.aymg tlw dawnWWTl area as ddferent fm111 l7th Street or any or.her en1en • .11n menl venue lll lhl.' city llio-.t· center> were created to hull!>i· mghl hfe and entcrtajnmcnt •md bring a .. park 10 the city center Councilman CJCll)' Monah<1.11 who !>el'\~ Im own wr.i1m 11f nighthfe at~ Monahru1\. '>did the entertainment angle for Nt...., port BoulevJrd i<. a Mep 1n tl w nght direction. . What other area is more uppro priate for nigh I llf e than down tuwn? he a..Jced. "ft jw.l mak~ c,en'iC.~ he •, .. tJ(J • LOUTA HARPER covers Costa Mesa She mev be readied et 19491 574-4275 or by e-mail et /oltra harper a lat1mes com l'f Nf ·~lPT -N 'A Volunteer Kathy Renfrow. right. discusses some of the characteristics 0 1 gray whale s to vrsrtor Helen Pines during a gray whale watch at Crystal Cove Stdte Park on Sunda1 t<, awarded fur UH' fir.I \t'nfi•-<l '-lghling. Hui a.' the day Y\l'lll on. the f·c;hin lay undumw<l. Vi,11or. went down to the ude pool,, the heach or the watlang muh twlrM, calling up pcrnxl1c-J.lly, "I lave >Ou seen any?~ "l\ot yt>t. 1\0\ rnuntl'lll, d1x. 1•111 Susan \ \!'tl<;(Jll a II'> Wf>t t'd To ~ the time. I 0 \V-.tr nit! < lui.<,topher 'roung h<1.'> p111 together an 111ttrprc11ve progr.im nu ... \ear he h.c. adtlt-d d Ill'\\ IV.1'>1 ·_ tn edUl.ttP hi\ J.,'\Jt">L'> about pQUUIJon 'lo\ 111g !Ph 111.innt hit· fiKun.., 0 11 lu., felt rx t'dll J1,pla\. '"l'lng .... uJ, "'M:'t-, thl'n' tlft' <1.ll Lhl''>I' ammah rwn.• . .i.ntl 11 look.' n·all\ prvll}. hut ~tiJI h<ipperi'' Pulluu11n 'toung pur., a p1f'I. t' ol pl.1,lll mro uw 111ct11rt' .i11d rt:'lllll\.l"' the rn.inrw hfl' one II\ 11n1· ~, 1m lt'mblt• th111~ 1<m tum 111111 dw. An l'rnpt) Oll'i:lll prt'll\ IOUI Ii 'toung hc.1." ~11 \11luntt-i•n11~ \llltl' lw "'a.' t .md 1' lll'\t'r horl'tJ "Ir \1111 dont ""'a \'\h . .Ut>. \11u II p111llJhlv '>f!t·n ... omHhtnK. lw ...... 11 k\ tht t nd c1l tht• rnom111g. \lC'\\t'r'• IJ,ttf 'J'IOllt'll 'ot•,t lt111t,, It ii "lt'r l>o.Jb ,mJ JK'ht Jn,. h111 ... 11111111 wh,J.lt.., Hut nt'W'l 011wr 111 tl11• .1n·ci Vil'tor l.A.·vlll ,va., not tlu 1 • .,1 ... 1 Im t11 .... 1ppo1111t-il w llwr• 1' nothmg h~t· So11th1·11 1.1hh11111,1 I }w, I\ .1 ft•a.,1 Im 1111 I'\,._, ht• '-lid ' • CORAL W1l.SON ,., the ~ a~ Stant ~ t! may oo reacti"'1 <ii 'J491 !i74.4]96 or bv f4 mail et co•J/ wilson "1ar1mPs com At left, one of John Sherff1us· cartoons from his brne at the Daily Pilot At right, one from the Post Dispatch after Sept 11. 200 I NEWSROOM Conbnued from Al with fonner editor BID Lobdell 10 discuss drawing political cartoons and was soon hired as a graphic IJJustrator and cartoonisL It was the first big break for a E,l'\JY who I'm positive will be taking home a Pulitwr Priz.e himself one day, and whom I love to tease as the only person I know who draws doodles for a living. In the beginning. Sherflius. like many cartoonislB at i.mall newspapers. had lO do more than just draw cartoons. He was the Pilot' art director back then. It was ~erffius who drew all the helmets for all the locaJ lugh schools that ran on the Spons pages. ·r remember spending hours and hours getting t.00,,e right.· he said. Sports Editor Rosier Catt.on still uses Sherfflu9' IOustrntJon for lus annual Otallc Tulk feature during gridiron Um So bade to th Mauldin connection: When I read a story about Mauldin and hf~ ailing health in our ister paper the Lo Angela 'limes last September, I made a note to call Sherftlll! and cattb up. . Many Not re dens probably remember Sbcrffi , 10me rondJy. end some not ao. l gu that'• jll51 the way 11 for • c:artooitlau -they ~trlU an Ind ible 1ma&e. SbertnUa rtcaDa haw ~ tirred Jj up the Pilot reader. with a cartoon-he drew for rhe opening of the Nixon I jbr.iry that dep1rted fonner pre-;tdent'l IUdwd Nixon. George BuSh and GttaJd Pord looking respectable while Ronald Reagan was drawing in a coloring book. Yflt, those imag~ are hard to <;hake. I remomber sitting down with one angry city leader many moons ago. I le was complaining about news cove...,d8e and then out of the blue mentioned a cartoon Sherffius had drawn about him. Funny thing was. Sherffius had left the paper probably three years before tha L Sherffius sta~ al Ptlot onty about two years. I le went on to draw cartoons for the Ventura Star-Press and now the St. Lou~ Post Dispatt:h. The way he got his l"Urrcnt job is interesting enough, also. The Po I Di~;patch. which employed Mauldin and legendary tum·Of·the century cartoonist Oanlel Pltq>etr'lck. was searchlng for a replacemt>nt to Tum P.nglehart. the cnttoonist who had replaced Mauldin. Sherffius answered an ad for the Job In the trade magazine Editor and Publisher Just one day before the deadline. If got an lmerview and wus judged by o panel offour PuUt1.cr PrUe winning canoonls · Jlm Borpnan ottheOndnnatf Inquirer, Mlle ~ ol the ~ly~sap ol lhe Phlladelph: Daily NeWs Pulit.ur cartoon lftd PuUtttr Winner f>olll Marlette \'.h11 tlrci\\'> for rht> f.tllaha~'<·e Dcmcx.rat and lhhune Media ~rvitc-. '>ynd1lalt' Sherffiu' got the• 101> out of ct nationwide field of candidate~· I it' i'> now up to hie, old tndc.-.. -.urring up I.he reader; m St. Loui._, where he hve5 with hi'> wife, '"'o; Angele~ Time~ staO writer Stephanie Slmon. and their two children, I lannah and Avery. 1.ast year, he ~ honort·d with the <icripps I loward National Joi'1malism Awartl "It's the most fun Joh in 1he world.· he '>aid. "1 t 's not eao;y sorneum~ ~mettmes, 1t\ kind of stressful when people are upset with you, which happen' · often. I lalf suppon you on any given day, and hall al\' against you. You ju.st lnow you '>truck a nerve, and that com~ with the 1emtory. and you J~'lt don't let 11 both r you too much. I hs rartoons don't alway-; lea\.'t' readers with weth gnac;hin~ · Ille day after 9/ 11, I did a cartoon of the 'ilatut> of libeny with head in hnnd." he "31d. ·1 knew this image wouJd pm!)ably be repeated. ft tum~ out that many cartoonists across the COWlll)' dJd a slmUar theme.· As he drew more and more wort about the Sept 11 tenortst It somcthil'lfl strang • happent..-d. ·~dtrs really inpondcd to that/ ht d. •After 9/ 11, I ~~IO nuiny and l tttrs from people who nonnally d !C' my wort. But aft r 9/ 1 t they fclt my cartoons hdped ' ~ll dtal with the .. \\11it h hnng.. U'> l>Jc l IO Bill \lauldm Ollt l' a~am ll11m\dmh of earth and lt·ttt't' ht1H' poured into Mauld111\ mom at th~ Newport Hcach nur.rng home \mu: ~ amval, ad11111ustrn1or Diana Schllllng '>;11d What m.Uly of them wJnt •' to tell Mauldin how much hb dmwings of Willie and Joe helpt-.1 them deal with the war. 'Ninety-nine percent of 1.hc vi'lllorc, are 11eteran.s of World Wai II." she ~d. "It's been tremendously emotional 10 all of u-.. 11· been an unbeUl"Wble eiqwnence "I don't think he wiU ever knCM' the impact he had on people''> h\"l"., \he tontinut.>d. wn1ey all ...ay, 'he ._'Ot U'> through the war.' f11e emot.Jon and sentiment IS W tlud. that it's alm~t palpable. II ' l~n an honor for us to taJce cart' of thJS man and <;ee th' happen" It make-. me proud to know that my former colleague ~ht•rffius Is in '!Orne wny mrrying on that Mauldin tradition, I.Mt while hi~ cartoor t'4ln evoke anger n11d pru~on, lhey can o1so bring some peace and comfort. And 'iO me day. when ShcrlUus ~ picking up that Puli11n Prl:r.e of h.I own, Dally POot tted rs and I are going to be abl to , ~ knew him way bod when." •TONY D09fRO 11 Che editor Hie column tpt)MfS on MoncMlyl. If you how ory ldee9 or conceme ebcMA MM eowtege. plMee 99'1d ~---Vtt~IO tony dodero ,.,,,,_com« by P'lOneM (.., ~ ' , Daily Pilot TOWN Continued from A4 host a seminar on how to strengthen your immune system from 6:30 to 8 p.m at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa. The cafe 1s at 225 E. 17th St. Free. For more information, call (949) 631-4741. Body Wt .. Fitness Center is celebrating its opening with drawings for free personal training sessions and BodVW1se nutritional products at 2901 W. Coast Highway, No. 110, Newpon Beach. For more information, call (949) 650-1660 FRIDAY UC Irvine will host its 19ttl annual Martin Luther King Jr symposium, •Prayer. Protest, and Peace -A Leader's legacy for .Today," from 7 to 8:30 p rn The symposium's keynote speaker will be Julian Bond, board chairman of the NAACP and professor o f history at the University of Virginia The symposium will be held in the Humanities ln&truct1onal Buildlng, room 100 al the UCI campus. Free. For more information, call (949) 824-7215. OCC's Annett air Ad:venrures Series hosts "Inside Switzerland" presented by Cltnt Denn, an actor writer, photographer and filmmaker The film will begin at 7 p.m. m Orange Coast College's Robert B. Moore Theater Admission ls $8 m advance and $10 at the door Senior c1trzens are eligible for a $1 advancti discount For more information. call (714) 432 5880 SATURD~Y A seminar on long-term care planning, mcludmg legal. estate and Medi-Cal 1ssut's will be held from 10 a.m to noon at the Orange Coast Unitarian Church m Costa Mesa The seminar is sponsored by the Alzheimer s Assn of Orange County and the Orange County'Carog1ver Resource Center The church 1s at 1259 Victona St For more mlormat1on, call (7 14) 578 8670 The Upper Newport Bay Night Hike guides families on an educational tnp through the nature preserve from 7 to 8.30 pm Fee 1s S3 per person, children younger'thc:1n 5 dre free For reservations and mer.ting place, call 19491923 2295 JAN. 27 A Great Decisions discussion of "Mult1lateraltsm vs Unilateralism~ is 1he firs1 of an eight-week sPm•s on US foreign poltcy topics The discussions will be led by Bob Grt•en from 7 to 8.30 p m at St Mark Presbvtenan Church at 2100 Mar Vista Newpon Beach For morP tnforma11on. call (94917601691 The Lung Cancer Support Group 1s &ponsonng a class. ·Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer ' prov1d1ng an overview of rad1at1on therapy for patients with lung cancer and ottt!rtng suggestions for coping with side effects The event is held from 2 to 3.30 p.m at the Hoag Car1cer Center, Conference room A Free For more information call (949) 7 CANCER. "Memories in the Making Art Program Training for Profosslo{lala Working with Dementia Patient•• la sponsored by the Alzheimer's Assn. It will take place from 9 a.m. to noon at Assured Horizons, 161 Kalmus Drive, Suite 8150, Cos1a Mesa. For information and reservations, call (714) 283-1984, ext. 242. JAN.28 All are invited to a rec9ption for a111st Jane Hill, whose exhibition •Local Scenes; which depicts Newport Beach watery vistas and familiar scenes, is on display through Feb. 28. The reception is from 5:30 to 7l30 p.m . at 1000 A~cado Ave. For more Information, call (949) 717·3801 JAN.29 The MOMS Club of Costa Mesa North will host an open house at 10 a.m. at Balearic Park and Community Center in Costa M esa. Women are encouraged to bring their children and will have the chance to meet other stay at-home moms The center 1s at 1975 Baleanc Dnve For more information. call (714) 964-5934. Mother'• Market & Kitchen will host a seminar on dig9stton and elimination from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa. The cafe is at 225 E. 17th St Free. For more information, call (949) 631-4741. Preschoot Time, •Whst Animals Live Here?" is story·t1me and hands-on fun for parents and children at the Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve. Cost is $3 per child, appropnate for children ages 3 and 4. Will be held at The Peter and M ary Muth Interpretive Center, 2301 University Dnve. Newport Beach For reservations, call (949) 923·2295 JAN.JO Mother's Market & Kitchen will host a workshop and book signing with Author Geoffrey Rose from 6:30 to 8 p m at the Patio Cafe m Costa Mesa. The cafe 1s at 225 E 17th St. Free For more information, call (949) 6314741 ONGOING Teens are invited to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Centar from 2 to 6 p m Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and act1v1t1es The Center 1'i at 1860 Anaheim Ave For more mformatton. call 1714) 327 7560 The Assn of Business Services host networking meettng that deal with educatt0n connections from 6 to 8·30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St. Costa Mesa For more informauon, call (949) 805 0011 The Newport Beach Public Library will h()st an hour of stones dnd crafts for ctuldren 1n kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del M ar branch from 3 to 4 pm Tuesdays The ltbrary 1s at 420 Manyold Ave For more information call 1949) 717 3800. Free tours of the Orange County Performmg Arts Center led take guests to the dressmg rooms; performer's lounge. ba<J(stage and on stage Every Wednesday and Saturday at 10·30 a m at 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa $UBS Paine~bber. The Eichenauer Group Marshall G. Eichenauer, Jr. Denise M. Moglello First Vice-President-Investments Financial Advisor "For a Fru Complimentary Portfolio Review, Please Call"' 949-46].{)034 800-854 1222 1888 San Clemente, Newport Beach. CA 92660 www ubspw.com/team/etChgroup \.Ill\ P-l'l>bf< ,, • ""'"•,,,,...cl Ull l>L; CXIOJ 4' ~ In< All It i Twilight Dining on the Waterfront zn N ewport Beach Entreesfrom $7.95 ~untiJ6pm (ttXttp6 ~) Homnnade P4St4 Frrsh &afood ~al Sp~ciabia For R~sn-vatitms 94!>-642-7880 3131 W. CtNUt HiP.,"Y ' g; s § g g I - BEST BET • Fil£ PHOTO DAILY Pl.OT Orange Coast College 1s offering new cred rt and noncredrt saihng classes this sprmg. Most courses are five weeks long. Boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers. even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also bemg taught. The OCC Sa1hng Center 1s at 1801 W. Pac1f1c Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412 or visit occsa1lmg.com. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more information, call (714) 556·ARTS, ext. 833 The Newport Beach Newcomen Club holds a general meetmg on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all female residents in Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922, or v1::it newcomers newponbeach org Interfaith couples with one Jewish partner are invited to participate m a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office The group 1s geared toward dealtng with issues between mterfa1th couples, such as ra1smg children observing holtdays, symbols in the home and relationships with extended fam11tes. The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple Prereg1strat1on 1s required Call to schedule date and time The office 1s at 250 E Baker St Suite G, Costa Mesa 1714) 445-4950 Women SO and older can iom a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anx1Pty, depression. relationships lonehnPo;s and family The group meets from 10 to 11·30 am Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E Baker St Suite G Costa Mesa Preregistration required (714) 4454950 Friends of the Ne.wport Beach Publtc Library Used Book Store are askmy for patrons to donatP book'i to replenish the.dwindling stock Books may be left at any of lhe three brancti libraries Balboa, Manners. or Corond dcl Mar or 1n the book closet next to tho Fritinds Book Storo at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach All hardcover and paperliddc donations, with the exception of magazines and law books will be accepted and are tax deductible (949) 759 9667 The Braille lnstrtute offers free computer classes to people with fading v1s1on who have difficulty seeing the computer screen The Oasis Center di 800 Marguente Ave .. Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for .classes. (714) 821 ·5000. A spiritual ca,.. class meets at 7.15 p.m . Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave .. Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (~9) 263·1462. The Costa Mesa Cham~r of Commerce hosts networking luncheoh meetings Wednesdays from 11 ·45 a.m to 1 p m at the Costa Mesa Country Club The cost 1s $13 The club 1s at 1701 Golf Course Dnve. Costa Mesa (714) 885·9090 A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8 30 p m at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive Newpon Beach Free Registration not required. The group is designed to help patients and their fam1hes • understand and cope with the illness. (949) 574 6232 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church hosts a mental illness suppon group from 6 30 to 8 p.m Sundays m D1erenfield Hall Cat 600 St Andrews Road, Newpon Beach (949) 574 2236 The Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponSOfS a d1scuss1on group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 pm. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St . Suite G, Costa Mesa $10 per person per session. Prereg1strat1on required 7141445-4950 The Jewish Family Service of Orange County has a weekly parenting suppon group. Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feeltngs and behavior o f their children The group meets from 10 to 11 30 a m M ondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G, Costa Mesa. The group will cover managmg anger, anxiety and peer pressure children expenence Preregistration required (7 14) 4454950. The Costa M..-Senior Center &,,·";'·~~ -~ ~~: Mattress Outlet Store BRAND NEW · COSMETICAU.Y IMPERFECT Get the Best for Less! 3165 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa OM Blodi Sout.11 ol .05 P'wy d (714) 545-7168 • HARDWOOO • LAMINATES • CARPET -•CERAMIC TIE • WM. Fl.DORING ····!~ f,ij,,&fo.:.t·• SOlAIUAN ;>ALAR.elf SOLi> EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE~ 3/4" s5~~ -*1~~ Travertile 181 x 181 .......................................................... U "" Ceramic Tie ................................................. " .............. 111t L.atriraate ~ ................................................. .....,~ u •l ·--. has ballroom dancing with ltve music from the Costa M esa Music Makltfa from 7·30 to 10'.30 p.m every Tuesday night at 695 W 19th St, Costa Mesa $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewish Family Service of o ... nge County sponsors an ongoing healtng support group for the chronically 111 The purpose 1s to provide part1c1pants with emottonal and sp1ntual support to manage 1llne1>S and rts consequences The group meets at 7 p.m Thursdays at the Jewish Fai:n1ly Service office at 250 E Baker SL, Costa M esa A(tendance is free, but registration 1s required (714) 445-4950 Scrabble Oub No. 350 meets from 6 to 10 p.m. ThursdaV's at Borders Books, M usic & Cafe at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St m Costa Mesa. $3. New players are welcome. (949) 206 9822 The Coin and Stamp Club meets from 1 to 3 p.m. M ondays at the Oasis Senior Center New members interested m trading buymg and selhng stamps and coins are being sought to JOtn these informal meetinys There are no fees required (9491 644-3244. Jewish Family 5efvice offers ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grief, teceive support and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob tn Irvine The second group meets at 10 a m Tuesddys at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills The third group meets at 1 p m ThursElays at the Ezra Center tn Anaheim. Free, but advance registration 1s required '714J 445-4950 Jewish Family Service of Orange County provides a suppon and discussion group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p m Tuesdays at 250 E Baker St Costa Mesa Advance reg1stratton 1s required (71414454950 Two-hour kayak tours with a trained naturahst guide are offered at 10 a m Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Dnve. Newpon Beach $20 or SlO for California W1ldlrfe Campaign and Newpon Bay Naturalists and Friends members (8001 585-0747 A yoga and dance class is hefd from 4 30 to 5·45 p m Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery 2850 Mesa Verde Onve East. Suite 111 Costa Mesa 17141 754-7399 The Rev. Connie Ryckman leads a d1sq.1ss1on group using the book "Conversauons with God" from noon to 1 p m Tuesdays at the Center for Spmtual Discovery 2850 Mesa Verde Dnve East Suite 111 Costa Mesa Bring a lunch (7141 754 7399 Marshall's Tae Kwon Do in Costa Mesa offers frP.e self-defense classes to a1rhne pilots and flight attendants Classes are taught by three-time U.S National Champion Tom Marshall IS YOURS TODAY! Make The MoM of Every M oment ! Mondar. !mu.My 70 2003 A! Marshall's 1s at 333 E 17th St , Sune 13. Costa Mesa (949) 574 0122 A Dealing with Orvorce 1upport group 1s offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County The group 1s led by an expenenced coun1t1lor and mt1eta at 6 p.m Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campus. 250 E Baker St Suite G. Costa Mesa 17141 4454950 The Sea Scouts' 1hep Oe4 Mar 711 of Orange County offers & prog1arn for boys and young men ages 14 to 18 interested in $Cllhng. seamanship. p1lo11ng. nav1gat1on and cru1smg Meetmgs are from 6 tq 9 p m 'Wednescjays at the Sea ScotJts Sea Base 1931 w Coast Highway Newport Btiadi 19491 642 6301 or 19491 55 l 8591 Oasis Senior Center offers cmyu1ng dSS1Stdnr:1:1 counseltng <1nd referral servicf's for se111urs !9491 044 3244 The Costa Mesa Senior Crtiz.en Square dnd RCJund Ddnu• Club s<·i:k:. 1;,.per1,.nc.ed dancers to JOtn ifs group fro.m 9 10 11 d m Thursdays at the CCJ'ito Mesa Sf:ruor CfJnter, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue Costa MP.Sd 1714 545 5669 • ArthnttS Foundation instructor H1lldry Stone leads dn exercise cl.ass at 11 a m Thursddy~ at the Jewish Senior Center 2SO E Baker St Costa Mesa 1714l 513 5641 The Newport Be<11cn NrNComers Club meets ;tt 10 a m the third Wednesday of each mor th The orgC1ni1at1on 1s open to all women residents of Newpon Beach who have loved in the area for fewer than f1vf' years For more information Cdll 19491 645 9922 ..>r v1s11 the website nP.wcomers newJj011bead1 org The Thursday Momtng Women's Club d 40 year·old fnPndsh1;:> c.lub. is SPeking new memtmrs The club wh1d1 includes golf bridge walking and gourmet sections meets at 11 d m on the second Thursday of every month at the Radisson Hotel m Newpon Bf>act1 The luncheon 1s S23 and 1nc.ludes t!ntenainment The hotel 1s at 4545 MacArthur Blvd (7141 842 5863 The Newport Beach Walking Club meets dt 9 a.m and 7 p m Monday 1hrough Saturday and at 7 p m Sunday Walkers should meet at the intersection of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue Free 1949) 650-1332 The American Legion me.ts at 7 p m the thtrd Tuesday of every month The meetings. wh1d1 deal with veteran issues and community service will be held at the Costa Mesa Atr National Guard The nauonal guard is at 2651 Newpon Blvd Free Mary Holler (714) 546-2771 or Bill M1m1aga 1949~ 650-0894 The Newport Sports Museum, • nonprofit organization operates d free museum at 100 Newpon Center Drive. Newpon Beach The museum which has one of the world's largest collect1ons of sports memorabilia 1s open from 9 a m to 6 p.m weekday .. and 10 a m to 3 p m on Saturday 949 721 9333 or www newporrspons museum org. VOLUME SELECTION • OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED TUSTIN AUTO CENTER • (71 4) 544·4800 • tustinluus.com ~ 1'Uf<JWI,~ AVILA CHI CKE SOUP Fl'Hh cbick~n broth, chunlu of chicken bru.i c, ri~ prn.bhe-d with avocado. cilantro and~. Mama' cure for the flu . • .,..r · · Great To-Go . .l_ .. J ·• • \ .. .. . QU01E OF 11E DAY "When I talked to John Wooden, I knew he was the guy I wanted to play for." Cart Kreulhur, Daily Piiot Hall of Farner ~ Monday, Januaty 20, 2003 I PREPS Coach in n·eed of reset Though his cause was just, Costa Mesa basketball coach's protests crossed the line. S teve Mariucci said it best Asked to comment on the NFt:s postgame admission that an incorrect call by officials helped secu{e bis former team's NFC playoff victory over the visiting New York Giants, the recently deposed San Francisco 49ers ·coach was succinct, compassionate and comprehensive. MBummer," the loquacious Mariucci said . Coaches, of course, freQuently offer slightly mo.re voluminous commentary, especially in the heat of. battle. It is during the fray when competitive juices often stew within these sideline sages, who, after all, are faced with pie frustrating prospect of imposing their impact on the outcome without ever touching the ball. In quiet reflection, usually at least 24 hours after a contest, coaches will admit that officials don't detemune the outcome of games. Yet the competitor in them refuses to let referees slide for perceived indiscretion. BARRY FAULKNER 11lis often creates some entertaining sideline exchanges, and, on occasion, even spills over into some provocative postgame quotes. It can also lead to some unfortunate displays, such as the one I observed at Wednesday's basketball game at Estancia High between "the Eagles and visiting Golden West League and crosstown rival Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa Coach Bob Serven let his emotions get the best of him while protesting errors made by a shot-clock operator in the final minute of the hard-fought battle. The failure to start the 35-second shot clock when Estancia gained possession occurred not once, but twice in the decisive final 60 seconds. The first time, Costa Mesa stole the ball as Serven had begun to shout his protest to officials, in effect, negating the error. The second. however, with 44 seconds remaining. adversely altered Costa Mesa's stragetic options as it 'attempted to overcome a 37-35 deficit Had the clock been reset, Costa Mesa could have eJected to simply play defense and hope for a stop. If Estancia failed to score. the Mustangs would have had at least nine seconds to respond Officials stopped play with 32 seconds left, apparently to address Serven's repeated sideline protests over the second error. But while Serven attempted to plead his case with officials, he also directed verbal barbs at the shot-clock operator. After a third separate odtburst directed at the clock operator, Serven was assessed a See PREPS, Pa1e A7 Fenton service Sean Fenton. a former Co- rona del Mar ffigb star athlete killed Friday morning In an auto accident in Connecticut. was remembered Sunday ID a • memorial aervtce attended by : more th8n 500 at Yale's Battell Cli&pe1. Fenton. a 20-year-Qld com- puter adeQCe major at Yale, w.s known for helping fellow ttudents with computer problems and for his warm palOOlllty. Robert Fenton, Sean's fa-_ dw, attended the ten'ice and tpOb of bk ton's love for Yale. ·11 .., hll home away from bOme ai'id .. friends were bit life." hie MkL LOal .......... pendJna. -..... mocha JWc:e. January 27 hooo<ee ART GALVIN Sports E..,, Roger Carlson • (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fu: 1949) 650-0170 Daily Pilot YOUTH 'SOCCER KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Soccer-playing twins Tom and Stephanie Badum, 12, were both selected to play for their respective Newport Beach Region 97 Al~Star teams. Newport Beach 12-year-olds Stephanie and Tom Badum each make soccer All-Star teams for the first time in the same season. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot H aving two children make the All-Star soccer team alone is an accomplishment, not to mention in the same year for the first time. And, get this, they are twins.· Stephanie and Tom Badum, both 12-year-old soccer players, each made the Corona del Mar AYSO Region 97 Gold All-Star teams following the fall season. Tom made the boys under-12 team while Stephanie secured a spot on the girls team in the same age bracket. Stephanie and Tom live with their mother and father, Lynda and Steve, in Newport Beach and have been playing soccer since they were 5. When asked if they practice soccer much when at home, Lynda Badum laughed. HNo, they pick on each other and fight some," she said. HThey don't have time to practice at home because they play it elsewhere Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday." Stephanie and Tom both consider soccer their favorite sport, according to Lynda. Tom also plays baseball and likes football. Tom's All -Star coach. Mario Navarro, shifted the 12-year-old to sweeper and the results have been favorable. Tom hadn't played defense prior to the move. .,, HTom usually plays the whole game," Navarro said. "He is a defensive specialist with a nice strong foot and is a joy to coach. H Stephanie has played defense for a few years and made the Silver ' All-Star team last season. Navarro coached the SiJver All-Stars the previous two seasons and, even though the current team is 0-3-2, he said this is the most talented team he has had. "The problem is coaching all these guys wbo have been the strongest on th eir (fall) teams." Navarro said. HBut some of the historically weaker regions like Huntington Beach and Tust;in have gotten stronger. so it's a lot more competitive.· Region 97 Commissioner Tony AQisb helped bring in British soccer professionals to observe and assess players' skills during tryouts. essentially removing coaches from the selection process.. The workouts are run like practices. "It makes it easier to focus on who the well-rounded players are and that is the most important thing tQ me," Navarro said. ~It removes the bias for coaches to pick their own players. You always get good shooters, defenders and rnidfielders." Last weekend, Stephanie and Tom both played two game!> Saturday at different sites. Stephanie competed at 9 a.m . at Andersen School in Newport Beach. then in lrvine at noon. Tom's team played at 10:30 a.m. at Harper Community Center in Costa Mesa, then in lrvine at 1 :30 p.m. Stephanies team finishes the All-Star season with a game Peb. I while Tom's squad will play its final contest Feb. 15. Each team plays 10 games with the top two representing Orange County at the sectionals. The twins are both in seventh grade and attend Ensign Intermediate in Newport Beach. Steve is the public works director fo r the city of Newport Beach. Lynda commended the dedication of both Navarro and Stephanie's coach, Gerardo Jimenez. H (Jimenez) lives for soccer,· Lynda said. "They are both very positive coaches who don't yell at the kids. but treat them well. They are both an inspiration and role models.• COMMUNITY COLLEGES The wait was long enough Former Orange Coast cross country coach talces over prograi:n at Cerritos. A summer and fall turned out to be too much time away for this former Orange Coast College coach. John Goldman. who guided the Pirates' men's and women's cross country teams to five state championships (four for the women and one for the men) in six seasons. was named Cerritos College's dl.rector of cross country last week. In addJdon to coaching both men's and women's teams, Goldman. 36, will be respon.slble for recruiting and teacbing diltanoe runn,rs fo.r the ldlool~ ttack Md fteld teams. Goldman left~ followtng the track and field ~o last spring to spend mote time wtth his wife, Susan. who gave bfrtb to their aon Seth, Nov. 5, and devote more drne to hia racing bullneel In Loq ae.da. where he Uves. •1 t.tM>Ulbt .bout (tlJdnl the ~tOI' job)lorawbllmd ...... my batteries are recharged and It's time to get back in the game," said Goldman, who had three coaching offers upon leaving OCC including Cerritos. ~1 missed being around the kids, the coaching and the competition. College coaching ls something not many people get to be a part of." still speaks with former colleagues at Coast regularly. BRYCE ALDERTON During Goldman's tenure at OGC from 1996-2001, the men's and women's teams both won state titles in·l999. · Goldman led his teams to a combined seven Orange Empire Conference championships and four Southern CalHomJa championships while coaching 12 indMdual state champions. 'Tm always grateful that OCC gave me the opportunity for my first head coaching job," Gold.man said MOCC was very good to me and I met a lot of wonderful peopJe. I miss working with the athletes. Seeing kids get recruJted into the program makes you attached to them." Goldman gained OEC Coach of the Year honors seven times and was the California Community College Coach of the Year in 1997. '99 and 2001. The past fall season saw the OCC women take first in the atate while the men flnla.bed seoond wider Ont-year COlch John Knox: Sophomore Michelle lcban won lhe women's indMduaJ ltate title on the three-mlle Woodward Pait courae in Frt!tno. Goldman epok.e wtth Ptntal' uaf.ltant Dave~ j-.t thia. week and He believes Cerritos can achieve similar suoCes& "They have everything here to make it one of the beat distance programs In the state," he said. , • •• 1be Cout WQmen'I baaketbaU team it +-0 In the Oran&e EmpJte Confertnce (19-3 OYerd) and Md wtth Saddleb&ck for lhe ..... leld. But the~ part of the schedule awaits. according to Coach Mike Thornton. SaddJeback. 18-3, 4-0, beat Cypress, 69-67, in overtime Wednesday, before downing Golden West Friday, 64·54. OCC beat Cypress, 45-42, Priday and hosts Golden West Tuesday before traveling to SaddJeback Friday. "Cypress and SaddJebeck are the two most athletic teams lo the league," Thornton said. •'Ibey both present a lot of problems with their athletic abillty. I actually thought Cypress might win that game. Anybody In the conference can beat anyone else. Fullerton, SaddJeback. Cypress and ourselvea are the f avorftea but Irvine Valley, R.lvef1f de and Golden West.are so wdl-balanced. • Irvine valley didn't poee much of a threat to OCX: ~The Pint• defeated IVC 71-46, leading by as many u 32 in the tec:ond hilt Cout shot 47.19' from th.tee-point nutge and ftnished '6.39' froro lhe netd. The Pirates got •tarting lorwald ... COUIGP, hlltA7 , . SPO R TS COLLEGE MEN'S TENNIS PREVIEW ~ocu·s on winning Big West With Korac back, UC Irvine is expecting to be among the elite, perhaps even the best of the Big West. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot ANTEATER TENNJS STA- DIUM -UC lrvine men's tennis coach Steve Oarlc has all his players on the same page. Just like any year, the Anteaters enter I.he season with their eyes on the pm,.e. They want to win the Big West Conference title. ·As usual, we're expecting to win it,· said Qark, who ls 124- 107 overall and whose teams have been ranked nationally in each of his I 0 seasons at UCl. "Santa Barbara and Pacific will be up there I'm sure. And then there's us. We'U be disappointed 1f we don't win it. With Zoran !Korac) in the lineup, that's go- ing to strengthen our team. My antJcipation 1s that we'll win It.· Korac, who started his collegi- ate career at UCI, is back with the Anteaters. I le played at Orange Coast CoUege the pa.st two years. I le won the Orange 1.mplre Conference smgles title last year. ' "Last year. I created a maga- zine cover,· Oarlc ...a.Jd. "I '>Uper· imposed !Korac\) head on one of the Oavi'i Cup winners. I told him he can be an All-American and All-Big WeM scholar alhlete. He has aJways had a big game. Big rut, big forehand and the biggest heart. ~ doesn't WBnt to lose. He'll do whatever it takes to wm." Korac, a iumor, played at No. l '>Ingles agamst UCLA. which won. 7-0, Wednesday. Oark srud Korac has the talent to be UCJ's No I, yet jumor Jonathan Fndri- kat or <,enior Sean 0 Connor ab.a have the abtbty to play No I singles. Endrikat and Sean O'Connor received fir>t-team All Big Wes t honor; in 'itngle<> last year. Endrlk.at plays at No. I dou· bles with sophomore Brian Mor· ton and the duo as ranked 11th m the country m I.he ITA's pre· season poU The pair posted an 8·2 record IO the fall. Endrika.t and Morton won the Southern California LntercoUegiate Dou· bles utle with their 7-6. 7 5 vtc- tory over a UCLA tandem. Pnor to the faJJ season, the UCI duo was ranked 23rd in the country. Morton and Endrik.at earned finit·team AD-Bag West honors in doubles. while O'Connor paired up Wlth senior Greg Biorkman for second·team double'i hon- PREPS Continued from A6 techrucal foul. Estancia sank both techrucal free throws to double its lead, then, by rule, retained possession. And, since no time was put back on the doc.le. Mesa was forced to foul to regain po~on and the Eagles held on to win, 40·35. Was Serven's team wronged by the error? Without question. Would he have gained any corrective measures from officials had he not •gone off' on the clock operator? ~rhaps. Should officials have observed the mistake in the first place. preempting the entire incident? Such intervention is routinely taken to correct time-keeping em>rs. And should officials have tried to correct the mlitake by putting additional time on the dock. even after the technical foul? Indeed. But were Serven's derogatory comments toward the clock ope~tor tnappropriate? You bet. FILE PHOTO /DAILY PILOT UC Irvine's Brian Morton, above, 1s ranked 11th nationally m doubles with partner Jonathan Endnt<at 'As usual, we're expecting to win it: UC 11'\11ne men's tennis coach Steve Clark or'), last year. "If you were to tdlk to (\for ton), he would say he i~ 1111t do- ing weU and he needs to Im· prove," Oarlc 'iaid. "Rut he 1., a talent. A good trau of h" ,., that he believes he t an win •my match, but that somellmt's means he get"> down on humelf too much when he do~n·t I le has always seen htmself a!> a doubles player, but I've told him that he hac; a lot of talent and that he can bt' great di both " Oan said Monon and f.ndn kat work well together and thcv have created good chem1stry bt'- cause they both have a i.:ood Did the technical foul hl' incurred hurt hh team\ chanu.'' at vtctory1 Of course Was the incident one hag bummer? Surely t'Ven btanc1a Coach Chris Sorel' would agrt>t.'. ••• Serven and Sorce have been criucal of officiating m Goldc.>n West League game'! and both believe the league has itself to blame. As members of the Pacific Coast League. Mesa and Estancia league games were officiated by members of the South Orange County officials association. However. upon entering the Golden West League, comprised of schools on both sides of the north-south dividing line (generally considered the Garden Grove Freeway}, Golden West representatives voted to align with the North Couniy officials association. Consensus among coaches I've talked with Is that South County officiating Is superior, though I haven't seen enough of the North Couniy crews co form an educated oplnion. sen~e of humor I lowevc.>r, they are very competitive. sunilar 111 the re<it of the Anteater'> U( I rcmaanc; competiuvt: iind mouvated becaU\l' of Its 'pa ... 1 finio;hes in the Big Wt•.,1 l.a.,t year. UCI loc;1 to Pac1fil in a amid up!>el m the -.emifinah of the Rig \o\e!>t Tournament Jn 200 I. the top-seeded AntC'ater-. fell to No. 3 Pacrfir, 1-0. m tht· Ii nal ol the Big Wc~t tournament The Anteaters defeated UC Santcl Barbara, 4 2. in the \t'rn1 finals. rhe runner up c;ho\-\1ng UCl''I hesl conference fi 1w.h since 1995. The Anteater> opt•n the hnrne portion of their dual-match schedule today Wlth a match agrunst 60th·ranked Fre'>IHl <;tatc.> Jnd Fnday against &1th ranked BYU. Tile } re.,no Stelle match I'> ~heduled for 11 a m. and the RYU matt h at I p m al Anteater renm') Stadium. THE ANTEATERS Aaron Bert Greg Biorkman Arash Bormand Jonathan Endnkat Donua Haynes Raymond Hekmat Zoran Korac Brian Morton Sean O' Connor Chris Preritice Peter Surapol Renouk Wi1emanne Wltwes1 Williams Enc Yandoc Coach: Steve Clarie Aslisbnts D1dc Bohrnstedt. Steve Tallakson Fr Sr So Jr So So Jr So Sr Sr Fr Sr Jr Fr ....__ _______ J ROLLER HOCKEY Newport Harbor hockey victorious Tiw Newport I larbpr t ligh froc;h.c;oph club roller hockey team improved to 8·0 with a 9· I victory over Santa Marganta Sunday. Ouis Willard led the attack Wlth four goals and one as.sist while Rory CAmpbeU chipped an COLLEGES Continued from A6 Lauren Murray back after !the ~ two games with the Ou. Murray scored eight points and grabbed nine boards against IVC Point guard Nancy Hatsu hi scored 11 points and handed out three goab and four assisL' Grant C'.asserfy had cwo goaJs and three ass1Sts and l.ack Bo5~ ton contnbuted two assLSts. The Newport defense limited Santa Margarita to elght "hots on goal. Goalie Jakr Mermlan played solid for the locals. five assists. despite playing with a deep bruise in her foot that she has had for the past six weeks. Thornton said. ~She's a step quicker than she was a few weeks ago.· Thornton said. •We're all playing together and la.king It one game at a time. I know It sounds clicM but we have a good focus ln that. We value every po~on no mat· ter if it's defense or offense. - Monday, January 20' 2003 A7 lfl Daily~ Pilot lfl Sports Hall of Fame < :(~l,•brating t.tu• rnillP1u1jwn CARL KRAUSHAAR Colleges 'Longtime Newport Beach resident became Coach John Wooden's first center at UCLA . Richard Dunn Daily Pilot Y ou win some and lose some, hut h hen II came rime to decide his tolleKldll' basketball future airer tv.o years a t C ompwn C ollt'gl' Carl Kraushaar could not havl' ·made o better selet11un th•in UCLA under a new l uach named John Woodt.•n "(Wooden) was a reJI pleasure to play for." Kraushaar 'laid. "He wac; a \., onderful rnach and a v.nnderful pcr,on r ho'>e wen• hie, first two year'i at UCLA. I couldn't have made a better choice for a coach · Kraushaar, a longtime Newport Beach resident, fir'>I t.entl'r !or two year'> an We<,twood I I !:l48·4!:l and I 'HY "iO '>t'd'>OO'> Krau'>haa,r t'drnt'cl \II Piiullc ( Oa'>I ( onft'renlt· honor' m IYSO an v.hdt.., 11ow 1he Pac 10 Jo1111ng ~rJu\haJr on the 4.11 Paul11 < oa'>I .,quad that .. easo11 wa' '>tanford' (,eorge Yardlt'\ \\-ho grt'~ up nn Halboa 1 .. 1a11d and 1-. d member of tht' Na1,m11h Ha'>ketball HJll 1J! I ame In hoth ol Krau.,haar\ wa,on'> at IH I.A tht: HrUtn<. \-\On 1lw 1 onflon·nc t' 1 hJrnpwn,h1p Jnd ad\anu.·d 10 the '\C.AA l uurnan)1•n1 Idler Krau,haar wa., ')elecled 1n the 1950 '\RA draf1 b\ Roche'>tt!r Ill tht' t'1gh1h round Rm he.,tt'r alv> played as a 6·foot·'> Carl Kraushaar cencer ar pit kt'd "tan1ch in tht' ~l'(CJnd round I wa' drafl~d b~ Montebello High, Compton College and lJU.1\ ll1s collei.;1ate C<Hl't'r \'od'> lfllt'rruptl•d for two H'M'> becau.,t• of World War 11. 111 which 1<.r.iu'ihaJr wr-.l'd in tlw LI '\ '\Ja\ y 1n tht· Pl11lappine' .. olloMn~ a11 \II <.If 'louthcrn \ecllon l <1n·t•r at Montl'hl'llo lt ire a I !144 l and subsequl'nt tune 111 the sen ict', Kraushaar pld) ed at powerhou.,e Compton m 1946 4 7 and I Y4 7 48 then became Wood en.,""' player to 1ump lenter at lip o ff "When I talked to John Wooden (before cornm1111ng lo UCL.Al. I knew he was the guy I wanted 10 play for." Kraushaar '>aid "It wa!> just hie, coaching philo,ophy Al'>o I laled to run and he taught the running game, and he had '>Orne ~01Jd ballplaver~ 111 work with, like c.eorge Stanirh • After playrng a~ \\uoden' a '\t'w Yorlt tea.JW , but I dadn t \\-ant tn go b~ there," 'idld Kraushaar, ~f turned do""n tht' opportunit-. 10 plav profes,aonal ba,ketball .ind dcrn.Jed to~t 11110 teaching and codchin then l<1tt'r changed h1'> car • to admmi..tration ""' Krau.,haJr returnl'd lo his alma matrr \.fontebello. to lt'ach and todch then coached di ( ompton < ollej.?t' and U( I 4. bt'fore rerurning to tht! h•Kh '>Chool le\el and becoming an a!>S1'>1an1 principal ·1 en1oyed coaching It "'a' d lot o f fun " said Kramhaar the latt.''>t honoree in the Da11v l'ilo1 Sport<, Hall of I ame KraushJar ""a' married to h1~ late \o\Jfe Franct'\ for 4R ~·ear'>. llr ha'i lour gro\-\n children -twin son<> Kurt and Karl. daughter Kandis and son ~on -and fiH• grandchildren HIGH SCHOOL WATER POLO Lightning.finishes 13th SANTA ANA -Junior Hay den I lutchison and fresh man Brinany Forrest scored a combined sa.x and five goals. respectively, to lead the Sage Hill School girls water polo tean1 to a pair of victories and a 13th-place firush in the SaddJeback Tournament Sarurday at SaddJeback High. Hutchison scored two goals in a 4-2 W11l over Bolsa Grande in the 13th-place fi. nal. a game that feacured three saves by Ugbtni.ng goalie Kira Neal and two by Alex.a Hulland Hucchison and Forrest each 'iCored four in an 11 -5 win over the Tesoro B team in the 13th place scrrufinal Sage Hill is now 4 ll ~illlbKk T---c 1~ftn81 Saal .. '· aoa.. ~ 2 Seoe lflll 1 2 1 0 • eor.a 1100, Grande s..,. .. -Hutd"USOl"I 2. ~ l, Cllney 1 s.ves -Nell 3, Hulland 2 ... ~ -8rodowsk .. 1, J_.Yoon 1 13'1\ iPNce MmlflNll s.. .. n.1'eecMvas §aoe .... ,, 2 ~ 2 , 11 Teeoro ., 2 o o J & Sage .. -Hutc:tu.oo '· Fonwt 4, BW!o9 2. eztnev 1 S...... - Neel .t, Hullllnd 2. ........., -Onndzara 1, fWctl 1, ScNtnlt 1, RICtt 1, no name 1 ( ::;;-d)euena SCORE YOUR BEST DEAL .. __ ur.. ___ _.· Park 0 60 .. . /Yew Pl1I1>J Mustang : Automatic Trans .. . .,,. Monday, JanuafY 20. 2003 SPORT S ShadoW lands SCHEDULE TODAY ..... Mar at University, 3:15 p.m.; Costa Meu at Santa Ana, 2:30 .p.m.; Laguna Hills at Newport H1rt.>or, 6 p.m. Wltllrpolo High school girts -Costa Mesa at Estancia, 3:15 p.m .. ; Irvine at Newport Harbor, 3:46 p.m.; Corona del Mar at Laguna Beam, 3:45p.m . Looking back. 5 yea.rs ago this week.: College men -Fresno State at UC INfne, 11 a.m. The Costa Mesa High girls basketball (15-4, ..,_o in league) are led by April Van S.lflle:n't 17 points and season-high JJ rebounds. OIMa DIOmdDI (13 points) and 10 Heather Roblmoo (12 points) help spur ~y 8111 ... team trowices Laguna Beach in a Pacific 5 Coast League game, 72-20. The Mustangs force 30 turnovers and every Mesa player scores in the romp. 1luee Mustangs hit Mesa on a 28-2 run in the opening quarteL It is 73~10 at the end of three College men -Christian Heritage at Vanguerd University, 7:30 p.m . Coll~ women -Christian Heritage at Vanguard University, 5;30p.m. ll4UASOAY Balbtben College men -UCI at University of the Pacific, 5:35 p.m. do uble figures, led by ~ 01.lsbolm's 15 points. Julie Collett'I adds 14 and Evelyn Powen 13. Freshman Nancy Hatsushl scores three points while m aking six steals and collecting six assists. periods. Tncy Vep has six points and three rebounds off th.e bench while Chrlstlne Moore (eight polnts) and JemJca Lurmann (five boards) are solid in reserve roles. High sdlool glr1s -Corona del Mar at University, 7 p.m .; Laguna Hills at Newport Harbor, 7 p.m.; Orange at Estancia, 7 p.m.; Costa Meaa at Westminster, 7 p.m. 8occM' College women -University of the Pacific at UCI, 7 p.m. High school girls-Corona del Ma r at Call(ary Chapel, 7 p.m.; Santa Ana at Costa Mesa, 7 p.m .. Newport Harbor at Woodbridge, 7 p.m. Orange Coast CoHege's Outs Lopez nails a three-point shot with six seconds remaining to give the Pirates a 60-59 victory over visiting Irvine Valley in an The Corona del Mar High boys basketball team em erges with a 54-40 triumph over Orange County's eighth-ranked team. lrvtne, in a Sea View League contest. CdM (10-7, 3-3 in league) jumps to leads of7~ and 12-2 and closes out the 6rst half handily. Tbdd Men1man cans a thn:e from the b~liAe and Kyle lbompeon ruts his lone field goal at the buu.er. capitalizing on a Vaquero turnover with four seconds left. Merriman finishes with a game-hlgh 19 points and three steals whUe Ouis Quinn chips in lO points, six in the final period. High sdlool girls -Corona del Mar at Unlverstty, 3:15 p.m.; Laguna Hills at Newport Harbor, 5 p.m.; Orange at Estancia, 3 p.m.; Costa Mesa at Westminster, 3 p.m . Wr•tlng Wresttlng High sdlool -Costa Mesa at Santa Ana, 6 p.m .. ; Laguna Hills at Newport Harbor, 6 p.m.; Northwood and Calvary Chapel at Corona d el Ma r, 6 p.m. Orange Empire Conference men's basketbaJJ game. The Pirates { 15-7, 4·2 in the OECl move 1n10 first place with the win after hitting I 0 of 19 from behind the arc. Lopez and Antho ny Cooper lead the way with 14 po111t!> apiece. Cooper -drains 4 of8 threes and Lopez converts 3 of !l from beyond the arc. Shaun Jacbon leads the Pirates witJ1 12 rehounds while Outs Candlish and J.ope'.1. each notch !>even hoards. High school -Newport Harbor at Irvine. 6 p.m. Soccer High schoo l gir1s -Corona del Mar at Calvary Chapel, 3:15 p.m.; Newport Harbor at Woodbridge, 5 p.m .; Santa Ana at Costa Mesa, 3p.m. Yolleybell Estancia High !>enior Amy Deming scores four points in the final 20 seconds tu propel tht> Eagles 10 a 36-35 PCL win over Urtiversity. Deming dnU-. both end:. of a one-and-one free-throw opportunity to get tht hu-.h within 35-34. She then grabs a mishandled inbound~ JIJ'-" umll-r the basket on the en.suing play and convertS a laym tor thl' \\ 1111ung deuce with eight seconds remainmg. Deming ll•JJ, rht I .1gles (6-14, 2-3 in league) with I 0 poinb while Lisa Steinfeld t hip' 111 nine and Mayra Macias talhes :.even. The Corona deJ Mar High boys soccer team improves to 15-0-1, 5-0 -1 in the Sea View League. following a 2-0 victory over Irvine. Rich Bahador scores CdM's first goal with an assist from Jed Weinstein and Juon Boyce puts the game o n ice with an unassisted goal. Jeff Bltetti plays steady defense at right fullback.. The Estancia lUgb girls soccer team continues its run through PCL rivals with a 3-0 victory over host Laguna Beach. The Eagles (10-4-3, 3-0 in league) receive goals from Lauren Weaver. n ta Tavares and TaJa Newland and get a shutout in goal from Krtstina Grigalds and Julia Schnursteln. Sweeper Amy Jacobsen and sto pper Jackie ConneDy snuff out several sh ots at midfield. Tavares, who assists on Weaver's goal in the first half. scores off a deOection from 1nde Mam.. College men -Cal Baptist at UC Irvine, 7 p.m. WEDNESDAY ~· Community college men - G~den West at Orange Coast. 5:30p.m. Community college women - Golden Wes:t at Orange Coast, 7:30p.m. Tennis College women -Sacramento State at UC Irvine, 1 :30 p.m. FRIDAY ea~n Community college -OCC men at Saddlebac:k. 5:30 p.m.; OCC women at Saddle bac:k, 7:30 p.m High school bbys -CdM at Calvary Chapel, 7 p.m.; Newpott at Woodbridge, 7 p.m.; Estancia at Ocean View. 7 p.m .; Saddlebac:k at Costa Mesa. 7. Looking back. I 0 years dgo Uw. week: Hfgh sdlool boys -Corona de l Mar at University, 7 p.m.; Laguna Hills at Newport Harbor, 7 p.m.; Costa Mesa at Santa Ana, 7 p.m. 8occM' Tiie Costa Me:.a I hgh ~trl'> h<1.,~etball team wallops visiting laguna Beach. HS· 17. in a P< I ronle'it. Costa Mesa extendi; its winnmg streak to 11 ~allll'' ,1, all 11 players score. The Mustangs -complied by 8l)U Alderton High school boys -Corona del legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices ~~~~~--~ ~~~- fhe lollowln11 persons are doon1 busoneu as Peterson s Class1C Yachlln&. 1055 Reddin& Ave.. Co~I• Mesa, CA 92626 Robert l•land Peter son 1055 Redd1n11 Ave Costa Mua. CA 92626 This business 1s con· ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Hne you started dome busmen yet' Yes. I · I· 03 Robert Leland Peter son This statement wn tiled with the County Clerk of Or an&e County on 01/10/03 20036929 277 Oaoly Pilot Jan I 3, 20, 27. Feb 3. 2003 M607 RdttlM a..llllSs M.tS...... fhe followma persons are doonc business as. Americ an Auto EJt chana•. 448 Hamilton, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 "merlun Auto ( • chan11 Club (CA), 18746 Racquest lane, Hun· llnaton Beech, CA 92648 fh11> bus1nHs 1s con· dutled by. a corporation Have you started doma business yet? Yes, 1992 Amtricen Auto E 1 chanae Club, Lou Ball., President fh1s statement was h141d with the County ClerlP. of Oan1• County on 01/10/03 20036929264 Daily P1tot Jen 13. 20. 27, ftb. 3. 2003 M619 ™"'-llsiltSS ,._s..._. The loltow1n11 pe,.ons are do1na bu'9nen as Tf8oda Enterpr1us, 1637 Monrovia Ave , Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Tr••" W 1ll1am Ehrhardt, 302 Santa Louisa, lrvtne, CA 92606 This buSlness os con· ducted by an mdlYldual Hive you started dolnC bus1nes.s yet7 Yes, »n I. 2003 Travis Ehrh.rdt ThlS stalemenl was tiled with the County Cletk ot Oun&• County on 01/10/03 20016929274 Dally Piiot Jan. 13, 20. 27. reb. 3. 2003 M612 Nile w. of UtnH,,.. wty Nolle~ 1•, hereby a1ven thot the unc:tersoan•d will al pubh~ •Uclton pur suanl h> ~h•pler 10, d1v1s1on 8 commenc1n1 with section 21700 of the busmen •nd pro- fessions codt or section 1988 ol the civil code of The State of CaltlOfnoa and pursuant to com m11rc1al code. section 7210 (2) the followtna miscellaneous household and personal property to wit 1d1nt1hed by name and dorae• unit num her. Rlt• (stelle lot RS 11103 11nd Henry Blank Lot HB 7802. Total of 2 loh. stored •I Two Brothers Mov1n1. at locahon of 1041 W 18th Street Cost• Mesa, Calrforn1a 92627, Onn1e County This ule will be compet1t1ve b1dd1na on the february 3rd. 2003. at 4.00 p m . •I South Coast Auct ion, 2202 South Main Street. Santa Ana, CA 92707. (714) 957 8133. on u1d premises, County of Oranae. State of Cah· lornla Billy S Humphr 111s, Auclloneer, hcense number 284. will conduct sale at 2202 South Main Street, Santa Ana. CA Salo os sold wolh hm1t and reserve. the landlord rner llts th• rill!t to bid al the ule Purchues must be paid lot al hm• of purchue All pur chased aoods are sold, "as is·. and must be removed by Saturday, rebruary 8th. 2003 5 00 p.m. This ule 1s subject to prior can~ellatlon in the event of settlement, betw11n Two Brothen Movlnc and obl11ated party. Publ1•htd Newport B .. ch Costa Mna Oal~ Pilot January 20. 2 • 2003 M620 SEll your stuff through classified! Leoal Notices The follow1na persons are do1na buslnns as. DUCCAN'S 2 INSTALLA TION, 1801 Wh1tt11r Ave •12. Costa Men. CA 92627 Losa Ouuan. 1801 Wh1ttiv Ave •12. Cosla Mna, CA 92627 This business is con ducted by an 1nd1v1du .. 1 H•ve you sla<t•d do•nt business yet? Yes, 12 27..02 Lisa Ouuan This statement wn fll11d with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 01/10/03 20036929259 Daily Pilot Jan 13, zo, 21. Feb 3. 2003 M610 Ad!llM--.U "-S...... The follow1n1 pe1 wns are dome business as Warm.SpW'ot Independent Consultant. 64 la Palo ma, Dana Point, Cati l0<n1a 92629 Cwen Earle, 64 La Paloma, Dana Po in I Cahfornrt 92629 This bu,mus 1s con <lucted by; an 1nd1vld11al Have you slatted dotn1 business yet? No Gwen Earle This sl•lement was filed with the Counly Clerk of Oran1e County on 12/26/02 2002'927U I Daily Pilot lari 20. 27. Feb.3, 10,2003 M621 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legit Models ~~~~~~~~ FldtliM hsilm M.tS...... fhe followina persons ere do in a business u : Tres Amoeos fradln&. 46 Sandpiper Ln.. Aliso V1!1<>, CA 926!M; Joseph Allen Childers, 46 S•ndp1per ln .. Aliso Vl!JC>, CA 926!M; This. busonns os con ducted by •n 1nd1v1dual Have you started do1na businns yet' Yes. 2 15 02 Joseph A Childers fhos statement wu filed with Ill• County Clerk of Or •nee County on 01/10/03 20036929261 Oaily Pilot Jan 13, 20. 27, Feb. 3, 2003 M608 Rditi.s a...ss ... s ...... lhe follow1n1 persons •re dom& business as: The Boy Auto Detail, 3007 Cnterp<1se St. Unit A Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Clmer 0 Castaneda J.41 C 16th St . Lone Beach. CA 90813 This business os con ducted by· an ond1v1dual H•ve you stut•d doin11 busmns yet1 Yu, 1/6/ 2003 Elmer 0 Cutaneda I his statement was toed with the County Cieri. of Or anee County on 01/10/03 20016929272 Daily Pilot un. 13 20, 27 Feb 3, 2003 M615 fktttlM -...U .... s...... The lollowin& perwns are doma bus1neu u : Clear View Mobile Screen1n1. 207 Orenae Ave #0, Costa Mna. CA 92621 Samuel Joseph O'lear. 2431 Or anae Ave t>O. Costa Mna, CA 92627 This businen os con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you st.rted do1n1 business yel7 No Samu.I Joseph O'Lur Th" statement was filed with the Cou11ty Clerk of Or a nae County on Ol/10/03 200S69H270 Daily Pilot Jan. 13, 20, 27. feb 3. 2003 M616 FldltiM .... ... s ...... lhe lollowm& persons are doon1 business as. TBI Properties. 2806 Lorento Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Theodore P lopu, 2806 lotento Avenue, Costa Men. CA 92626 Thi• busmen is con· ducted by an lnd1vldu1I Have you started do1n11 busmen yet? Yu, 01/ 01/2003 Theodore P lopet This statement wu hied with the County Clerk of Or•nee County on 01/l!>/03 2002H2t 7SO Dally Pilot lan 20, 27, r eb l, Io. 2003 M622 SWIBOICMTOf W<lllA. (QTY Of OW1Gf J4 I n. °" °"" P.O.luM170 14171,°""'9,c.llhnile '261)-1570 WIOGAlll JIS11CI cana PfTIT10ll Of S.ALBTll,•w.I .. ...,.c..s.w.. -'llcw.S.... FOi OWIGI Of IWll OIDB TO SHOW CAW FOi CJWl6( Of Wll Wl 1111111: Ul 7otJ TO All IHHRlST[O PERSONS I Pet1t1oner CINA ALBERTINI, on t>.half of m1non tia.d a petition wrth lh1s court 10< a dectee ch•n11n1 nama as follows. a.) CARTCR CHRISTOPHER STUART STEVENS to CARTER CHRISTOPH£R ALBERTI NI, b.) NICHOlAS MOR CAN OAVI{) STEVENS to NICOLAS EUGEN[ Al BERTINI 2. THC COURT OROCRS that all penons inter ested in this matt• .tlall aPc>ear before this court at the hearlf\& 1nd1ceted below to show cause of any, why th• petition f0t chan11 of name .tlould not t>. 1r anted NOTICE or HEARING p att . Mttsh 18, 2003 IMYllSITY Of CAl.IOllU, .. CAllVS llOOO IMJleG: COfQ(T(. Sl1UCT\IAl mB. llK11KAI. PllllmlG, ffVAC (WIT & DIY), AllD lWOllY SUl<OWTlkroa PllQUAllKATDI STATUUITS FOi COISl'llC1IOll Of UO PAID6 & TIAllSPOITAll* mPIOVUIBfTS PIOGIAI -mP 6 PIOi<T llO. "6514, MaAIT 2003 Time 2.00 p m Dept l73 The eddfeu of the court Is same as noted above. 3. A copy of this Order to Show CIU$e shall be published et least once uch wHk for lour SUCCt UIV8 Wffll S pf k>r to the da te set 10< hew1nc on the petition 1n the lollowln1 news p1tptr of 1eneral ctrtu· lation. pt1nted 1n this county Newp«t Buch Costa Mn a Dally Pilot, 330 W Bay StrHI . Costa Mna, CA 92627 DATb JAN OS, 2003 JUDGI alCHAaD 0 . fllAZH, sa., JUDGE Of THl SUPOlott COWT Publ"hed Newpor l Bu ch Costa Mesa Oa1ly Pilot Januwy 13, 20, 27. February 3, 2003 M606 Rc-.....-..S ... s...... The fotlowma persons are do1n1 bus1neu as V1lue StO<Y. 2101 LH ward lane. Newport Beach, CA 92660 r.mara Watt, 210t Leeward lane, Newport Beach. CA 92660 Thi. business IS con ducted by. en ind1v1dual Have you stllrted dojn& bustneu yet1 Yes. 1/1/ 1995 Tamara Watt This statement was llled with the County Ct.II of Drane• County on 01/10/QJ 200S6t2t262 Oa1ly Pilot Jan. 13, 20, 27. Feb. 3, 200.3 M612 NOTICE IS HCRCBY CIV£N t"•I Subcontractor Prequalttlcatlon Statements for Concrete. Structural Steel. (lectuc:a l, Plumb1n1, HVAC (Wet & Ory) end Masonry Subcontractors will bt received by the Un1vMsity of Ca~l0<n1a, ln1ne Campus l0t quallfoc:ation to bod 1s 1 •ubcontractor on construction of Partllnc ' Transportation ffT19tovem1nts Pro1.,.m Step 6, Prored Ho. 996514 All Concrete, Structural Steel, Electrical, Plumb1n1. HVAC (Wet & Ory). and Muonry Subcontrect0ts who are interested 1n prequahfy1na for tho~ Projec.I end wish lo obtain the Prequaltfoc:1tion P1ek1t may call elth!r (949J 824-8117 or (949) 824·8034. SUSMITIAl DIADUNl AND PltOCEDUau . Subcontr•ctor Prequahloc:atlon Stale1TM1nts must be received at the Office ol Oesl1n & Const1uct1on Services by S.00 P.M., Tvesdoy, J_., 21, 200J . PIHH t.end Subcontractor Prequallfk:allon Statements u follows: An..ttem ,,..... .,._, On11n i Construction Services, Unoverslty of Calllotnla, lrvln•, S201 Celifornl• Ave .. Suite 250. Irvine, Cellfornl1 92697-2450. Su1>contract0t Prequallflcatlon Statemenu shall b• submitted 1n sealed envel0l)8s merked on the outside, .. SUl<OMTUCTott ,.lQUAIJfKATION STATIMUfT, (NAMI Of TMOI}. Ptlfitl1t9 & T~ ....,.._e,._.. ,...._·Step 6.• MAHDATottY ,.f-OUAUfl<ATIOM COltflUNCI fott CONCll"I, n aUCTUltAl STHL. lUCTat<Al. PWM8*e, HVAC (WIT & DtlY), AHO MASO•Y SUSCOWTllACTottS1 , A mandatOfy Pre Quahllcatlon Conference will be conducted on W ... a4ey, "-Y 22, 200S, t>.1lnnin1 promptly at 10.00 A.M. Only Subcorttrectou who partlelp1te ln th• Conference In its entirety w111 be allowed to submit Ptequallflcatlon Documents and, If qu1hllcat1on rs ac.l11eved, will be included 1n th! bod documents as approved Concrete, Structural Stffl, Electrical, Plumb•nc. HVAC (Wet & Ory), and Ma10nry SubconllKtots of whleh all bidders must use f0< the work. P...ticlpants must amn at or bel0te 10 00 A..M. Persons arrlvln1 later than 10·05 A.M will not be allowed to 1ubmrt Prequahfic1Uon Documenb n0< bid on the Profld as subcontractors. P1rticlpants shall mHt at University of Celifomi., Irvine, 0.Sllft & Construction Services, 5201 California Ave., Surte 250, Irvine, CA 92697-2450, Sulllv•n & Wriallt Conference Rooms, (Corner of California Ave. & Bison Ave.) For further lnf0< matlon contact Uninrsity'1 Reptasentative Brenda Duenas at (949) 824 9586 DlS<•TION Of THE PaOJICl1 The proposed ptolect lnch1des tonstructlon of an apptoxlm1tely 580,000 p f perllfna structure wtllch wilt be • 4 to 5 a.vet teclllty provldlna 1800 spaces. The p1rkln1 structure wlll ba a reinforced concrete bulldin1 with perk·on ramps. Concrete block 1uardnll1 wlll Ila In aichitecturally to adjacent bulldin1s. The structure will be either • shear w•ll structur•I sys tem or a combined moment fr emed ~hur wall system. The parkln1 struclure ls desl1ned as • Type II lire rated buildln1 wrth en S C oc:cup1ncy. There Is • tfadt ch1nae between the north 1nd south sides of th• site that Is rou1hly equhr1ltnt to two levels; this ch1n1• Is topoo1phy will be eccommodated lhtoutfl the use of slopes end ret1inlrtt w1lll. The structure wlll bt ventilated naturally which will require that at least SO percent of tfl4l structure remain 099n to the 11r. Vertiul tr1nsportallon will t>. provldtd by stairs and two elev1tou. Primary vehlcul ... 1cceu to the structure will be from Cest Ptlt.tson Drive, with secondary eccess from ltl• propoltd Southarrt Radial The propoud ptoject site Is located lfl the aouth .. st quadrant of the UC~ Ca mpus The site b bounded b1 East l'eltnon Drive to the south, Perklna lot 180 to th• norlh, the Catewey Enfi..-lnc and CncinMfll'IJ l aboratory Bulldlnp to the west end Middle Cerlh Houslnc to the test. The new stJuctUft will be built ove< portloM of the ealstlfla Plttllnt Lot lie I nd 180 An 11t1tn1te to th11 ptojKt Is th• <1es11n end construction of the core·l nd·shell tor 1 ~.000 pt "Oftic:e Blflkfirt< (1la.o destined as • Type II fife·rated s tructure with • 8 occupen<;y) which will be 'tructur1ll1 free-atandlnt wtlether Of not It ebuta to or is septr•ted from th• southwest~"" ot the parlllna atruehlre This "Office Bwllclln' will t>. • ateel brKed·frl m. •nd relnf0<ced mer.orwy structure founded.In either sptead foollnp or drilled plen. Vertical tr1napott•tlon wlM be provided by \t1!rs and eltv•IOt, Plulllblflt, moteh•nlcal, t1lecommunlc1tlons end electrlcal will bt roucfMd tnto etch !loot, A llCond •lter"ate wm be Included for the dnlcn of tenant Improvements for thrt feclhty. The comcitetlon of t1n1nt Improvement. will b• tdded by Chtnae Ol'dtr afttr •Pt>foval by the University. A third 11lerntte to thb project wlll be the dcsl1n end co11•1t11Ctlon of • peclestr11n btklle to connect the n lstln1 Socl•I k lencea Per1111'11 Strudun with the rlt11·mall "JPCMI•" 011 the touth aid! of the Cr•du•t• School ot M•Me•me"t bulldlna. flle bride• 111111 co1tal1t of two *''"' ot e pr1-.n1IM«•d steel •tluctur• Mt on muoiw-y abutm.nta kerlnt Oii • CMlblM tlO" of lfKHd looll"JS •lld drll .. d plen . Archltacturel met1lworll 1nd llchtlnt ar• • pwt of this pro.lect. , lt1l1ted roadwer llllCWCW•,.,.nts lnducte the de11Cn 111d conatructloll of • new lnt-..etlort Oft fHt PtlUsofl Ol'IY• to swve the ptl'tlltta 1.tr11<1ure. fhl1 lnterMCtlon ahell lncfucle treflic lfOt COtltrob ec:tlvated by 111 pn-rtt 11--.. The nlatlnc interMCtioll l>etwten ~at Peltaaon lllld Gabfa.lmo w1t1 be mocl1lled 111to 1 T lntweectMlll and the tr•fflc control atop lllsM wl• be remond. , .. 2640 legal~ 2640 legal Notices fldlllla ..... "-SNl...i The tollowlna persons ere do1n1 busmen as: Home f lrst Mortc•a•. 2431 W Cont Hwy •20!>. Newport Buch. CA92663 Mariners Capital Inc. (CA), 2431 W Coast Hwy •20!>, Newport Beuh. CA 92663 This business " con ducted by a c0<poullon Have you started 001n1 buslneu yel? v.,., 11 02 01 Ma11ners Capital Inc . Steve Olson, President 1 hlS statement was filed with th• County Clerk of Orance County on 01/10/03 200H92t 260 Oa1ly Polol Jan 13, 20, 21. Feb ), 2003 M609 Rdlll. ..... "-S..... The followma persons ere dome business as: Har le 81 ow nlee & Assoc • ..inc . 1691 Westclltt Or • NewP«t Buch, CA 92660 H111 le Brow nlee & Assoc., Int , (CA), 1691 Westcllff Or.. Newp0< I 8HCh, CA 92660 ThlS busineu Is con· ducted by • COIP« ation Have you llar1ed do1n1 business yet1 Ye,, 9/1986 Haote Brownlee & Assoc . Inc Lynn M•tchett, Secre t., y ol CotPO< at ion This statement was hied with the County Clert. of Or •nae County on I Z/18,!02 200260092 7 IJt Oally Piiot Jan. 13, 20, 27.reb.3.2003 W603 Ac*--... "-S..... Fldit6ln hsiilKl M.ts...., The follow1n1 pe1 \Orts are doin1 bus1nus u . Maph"lo Shoe>. I 727 Westtlllf Or1v1 N•wPO•I Beach, CA 92660 l a Moroa l nte1p11'"'· (CA). 1127 Wolrflll Or•••. Norpor I Buch CA92660 fhrs busmen " tun ducted by a COtP<I' a hon Havt you started dotnfl busmen yet' Yes, &'71 01 l a Mo<1a Cnterp11su. M1th.ul la Mo r oa Pru1dent This stalement wn filed wolh lh~ <.ounty Clerk of 01 ant<' <-nunty on 01 /10/0J 200l 692927S Oa1ly Pilot J•n 11. t'O. 27. feb 3. 7003 M61' ,........_ "-S...... fhe l0Uow1n1 perwn' .,. doln1 busln8's H STILETIO By Elle, 19191 Lawrence Canyon Sol verado Canyon, Caltlor n1a 92676 Rk hard ltt l •wrence II, 19191 l1w1enu Canyon. S1lve< ado Can yon. Cahfot n1a 92676 Clea (rotem• Crimes. 19191 Lawrertu Canyon. S1tveudo C•nyon, Cah '°' ni• 92676 This bu""''' K tnn ducted by a 1•ner at parlnM'lh•p Kave you stM ted do•l'lll busineu yel7 Ho Clea Crtmt\ This 'tllemenl wn l1a.d w1lh tf'le Counly Clerk of Oran1e County on Ol/02/03 200S'921U4 011ly Pllol Jan &. 13, 20,27,2003 M600 RdltiM """"' .... s..... Hoe followma o<'r .. 1111\ .,. do1na bu'ln~"' •• 0 (, f QUlllU & lnv•\t ,,,.,,,,., rorp (,6q .,, .... 8urut•. Ncwvo•t B•11rt1 f A92660 0 C [Quol•<'' & In ves tm4P nts Cut CJ <C alif L b&':I Vl\t. Bo1HL\, Newpot I El•••"• CA92660 Th1i bu"n~~.\. I\ c.:011 du<.ted by • tOtP<J••l•on !Uve you •tartf'd donll1 bu\lrten yet' Yu 9 N 2000 D C ' [QUiii<'• & In ~utment ... Corp 01v11I A Bond PrP\l<lent rtH\ ,t.tentent "'"' lll~d woth lh• (,uu11h Cl••I>. ol Or•nee County rin 01 10 Ill 200S692926S Oaoly Pilot Jan I J .'O 27 feb 3 2003 Mbl/ ....hs!Mu ... s..... Th~ lollow1n1 !""On' an dolna builne\t a" a) Ro & Rob Salo, b Re11ui., ?OCO? Runnon~ S1><1n1s ln , Hunt1n11t,..11 Buch. CA 9l 646 Rou marie C1ll1111 Brown, 20402 Runo1111~ SPfln&\ laM. Hunton~ ton Buch. C.A 92646 I II~ buJtnen 1J • m ducted b~ 1n 1ndot1d•1.,1 Have you >.IMlll!d duu•I( bu,one~~ yet' Y ~'· IO 01 Ro semat 1• r. .. 11.111 t!rown This i.tale1he11t wa filed wit" In• Counl~ Cieri\ of Orant• rou111~ on 01/10/03 200U 9H27S D11ly Piiot Ji n 1 l . lO 27,Feb 3,2003 M61l lhe lollow1n1 penons ere doin1 buslnns as. Golden Houion Cntet prises, 620 Newport C.nler Ouve I Ith floor. Newport Beech, CA 92660 Eveeyoor ~ a ~eat ~r Colelen Horlton Realty, Inc. (CA), 1S760 Venture Blvd, 7th floor, Encino, CA 91C36 This builnen Is cort· ducted by a corpo1atoon Have you started do1n1 business yet1 No Golden Horl1on RHlty Inc .• Marlowe 0. Moy. Sau el art This statement was hied with the County Cllf'k of Ou nae County on 01/10/03 20016929271 Dilly Pllo1 Jan 13, 20, 27, r eb. 3, 2003 M613 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. mCiamoo1 Bea ~of it, ~lace rour oo tOOa~ (M9)M~1~ . ........... . Policy l{o\\· to Plaee A . Rates and deadline~ .ue ,ubJect to change without noucc The pubh~her reserves the nght to cen~or. rectru,,1fy. revise or reject :my cl~s1fied advertisement. Plea\c repon any error that may be an )'Our cla\s1fu.-d ad imme~iatcly. The Daily Pilot .icccpt' no liability for an) error in an advertisement for .,.. h1ch 11 may be responsible except fur the '°"t o l the space acrualty occupied b} the error Credit can onl} be alloY.cd tor the f1N mseruon. CLASSIFrn AD -Monda~ ..................... J·rnfa~ 5.00pm ~ondJ\ 'i l>.Upm Bv Fax 11.NQ1 6J I h'i94 BY Phone lh '1ail/ln Per~o n: 1li491 O.l2-'it>78 '10 \\c:,1 B.iv \tree! f'I-.: .-• 1 ~Ii.oil. 1 '' n.uneo Ukl pl ''It< 11umt\c'f ~•hi "t II \Jtl \ ru "-"' "''lh 'r11\.l" 1u. ~t C1hl.s \le:'"·< I\ •J2h:!.7 \I ... .:.,..pun Al\d 6. H.i\ '.'II Fnda~ ....... II our~ Saturda) . r·nJ;1\ ' IJOpm Tell·phonc: ~ 'O.sm 5 OOpm \fonda) ·FndJ\ \\ ,11~ In l'I 'l>.1111-" llllpm \lond.i~·FnJ:i) Incle\ ANNOUNCEMENTS l~ & MISC. tOHH770 -~OISE fat FOR SALE GARAGE _. ~ 3010-3940 4f!l!l!lt J.ilil . 7402·7466 Under the Service Directory Banner SALE 1489 $ REAL ESTATE BUSINESS & FOR SALE FINANCIAL 2305·2490 1illt I 5005·5850 800S-85t0 AUTOMOTIVE & • ~ TUNSPOITATION 9000-97SO Reach 80.000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Our office will be closed on Monday. January 20th . in observance of Martin Luther King . Jr. Day. To place a new ad or rene w an existing ad plea se see the deadlines below. Publication Date Deadline Saturday .............................. .Friday. 3 p m. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday ..... Friday. 5 p.m . Thanks for yo ur coo peration . Daily ~ Pilot Coflectlblll/ fJUUIClll I Memorabilia 1160 """ IN.I '°' SS 4 l(COIDS ITC ' PROFESSIONAL ~ a..c. c1r. !(/\' 8), SERVICES a Mee Sc».t lib' ~ Real Estats Wanted 4255 WANTlD·4 l'UX IN C.M. UI' TO 5900,000 l'RINC. ONlY AGlHl 949 720-1721 M•kr 9•9 6•'> l'>O'> Personal Loans 2490 ()ft;ces a Lease 4540 lOUAlHOWNG OffOINITY 2 MANY IOU'• (U'lj!)Q IOA I[ Bil 1r m s~~ 10 it'>o.< f't< .,..,.i l r;AN) •l'.<1 a.It,._ (111 110"'' f .,, l•Sulf\I No I ee l •< Rra Lrndrrs I 871 !>lJ Al J6 COSTA MlSA c, r •• 1.,.• t A • ~ .., , , 949 60-4330 ---IACI( IAY ClNHR ,.c. t• .. 1 A-.t 6 .11.., ,..,,, ~· • , f ,. t •l f '14 5 "t .. "')} ORANGE 5400 Rental To Share 6030 Irvine " .. ~ •f'Yll tlr11o \: Ir .. b.o ~~ .... " r.:• '~ ,.. " '-li•'WJ hd. ;r•'MI J>'.l' ~ • ti'O 11:!3 ORANGE COUNTY Balboa Island 7400 21r (H< IAt•Uf"f <ondo I ~ ,. I .. ,. "'" •• t 11.ll• 1•r lJd .... ~ ~. '•' 71' 991 3993 Lido Isle IALIOA ISLAND • • 1..t. C°""!fe :zi,. l'/C... \ A I t ,. ' • t , t.1 ,.. 1., Ill • ~ I ._, >'., lt" • U Vocation In l'orodl .. 1 s l!!ll 1'40j .,,14 J ,._I" .:··. Uo Balboa Peninsula 0,.-Sot/Sun I • 1/ll ••• .. ' U""''"' ,.,. 2.5bo l •!Grf ..... • ~ .Jl'I h: ~ •L1· "' t ._JI ? •) ••• t b ~ 11"' s.u 7J4 1f.' li'f'f Newport Beach UYfRONT °'j o• I ["' .... >Ul A NEW 28r 210 COTTAGlS r"' h J • • . ' . R • p A., it ,. '" 710 LIDO l'ARK OR. ;~ ~ I 1 J bl, I r ~j ~'lJ~ JI • 21a, Al~ • , HARl()R WW HOMIS "'' -t ~,.,.. 1 ~ '"" , \I' t br.1 .. l ' 1(1 '14~ • 'l Corona del Mar .,,,,.,.. u'h. p ' ,...., • & l 9\. S.~ JiNJll S."' w .. ullff family Homo ' ' I .,. ..... + YIARlY * llASIS B l I .... '~I~ .... 949 HS 6161 STUDIOS ~ ,.,,,.,~· • 1, t "' ...... (ll fl1 & ''I• I ti, 0 "' " I •I .1~ / !') j'J i All rut nl.tl« id.-• !•\In& In lhl\ n•'"WIP" t\ \ul>1ecl lo !ht f •<1~•• Fu Housona Act uf 1968 .ts emended whll h m1kas ti 1lle1•• 10 •d•e•t•U .tny prrl•• rnce l1m1t1!1on ur discrimon•tton l>n•ll ,, r10 color re1o~1on u • h1nd1c1p f1 m•lt•I llllos o• n1t1on1t 0"1'" nr 1n intention to mot 1ny \och ptefettnct 11m111 t1on or d1su1m1n1t1on LEGAL SERVICES COUNTY •:t• lbil l ~ " .. w<l tih $?l(l e .it. I~• 211< Ila 11t /'t""\ol l4il15 I I '"·" I ~· <f'o"; SI 7<JO ta~ '1 "'·'Y "v .,..,,,, "'" Thos newspap•• '"" not know1n1ly ll upt 1ny 1dv11hum•nl for real Htate whoth 1\ '" violation of the l1w Our 111del) are htrtl>y informed th1t 111 dw•ll 1n1s 1dvt1 !Ind 1n th• newspaper ,,, .tv11l1blt on an equ1l oppnrtunoly bl StS To compl11n of d1\ cnm1n1t10n can HUO toll free 11 l 800 424 8590 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Oldet Style F""""" PIANOS i Coll.c1lb1M ·~· ............ • -• -• ()llVo .__ $$CASH PAID $$ .. ~., ....... ,.... WI auv ESTATES Gennt ---1610 ADVERTISE to onr 5 million Cal<fOfnlons w1t11 • 1t1t1wlde cl111ified 1d In 191 M~petS $450 '°' 25 WOfdl. RtalOllS 1nlt1bk FREE lnfOf matlon p1c k•1• (916)21M010. (916)281 6019 www cal-scan COlll <CAl •scAH) •••AHHOUNCCMENT-•• NOW Htrl!ll '°' 'l002/ 2003. 1'01t.l jobs 113 21 llt.te/hour. Full IMUtt• ftWp1kl trllnlfle/no up n•C••••rr. Acc•p!~~· ctltt 7 d1y1 (IM)IM· 4tlS ut. 131 (CAL •SCAfi) --------------,.., 1~ I . h• .......... ~ l)OI~ I,, Adoption & Balboa Island IJ.17 ~ ..... ~ <V .., s174' "' 'llHM' 4<tP foster Care so. IAYnlOHl ltOMl Mor9uorllo .Hr /21o t'....ol,._ 2650 w/Dadl.0..--SbodLot. lu•urv 1~furb ~ •• '11:11•1-• "f. ,_.__ "-·-UJ(1Jm A.loo ""•~ tr~ .~~-· . V-L~---___ ..1_..1 49-67S-S714 .'81 18.t "'"" "'µf'I " ~-""'"'' Sl7tnn 94'l 71S '!'.I I ~/fes1sC•t llwP #IP -jfl' O'X) c:t*tM " 11'1' IJS ~ tor • lw>n• ~ ~-tolOs bro!hln ' ""*' ~ ".-ic 'r .. ,,,.,.~ lrff<y~JAl'l28 6001 Jl)n1 'J() s ~ Blvd "2•1 ~ m m1CJX>&~ APPUAHCES 3050 GI h it-ol .. e-lty·ol .. e, 2ti 7 cu It ltke new S2'>0 ol>o (949) 642 2165 ••n HOME FURNISHINGS Mevl"I Solol Office furniture. st1clt washer dryer. LA wt, OR set. bed. best offer 714 960-0300 3460 Corona del Mar • llAUTIFUL o D• •"'•l•t SPVil"'-lj, ~1 ecut1vt hom~ ~ • f"•l)en\e ~as sp~rrd I 11>u10.i 1 un V•rw 48• Olf~•rd •I SJ 695 000 Tiii HOUSI SlClUDED RIDIAT AMAZING rllCl AGT. 949-72S..a120 Raro Granvlllo "• ''"'' O~l•• 11 jto 'b• ' .:1r illf'd n ~ O• I •P• S~.-. 14!ma ''" Gunt 56:'·4 .. f.Hll81 ,,JUI Costa Mesa Vo••oflleo ·t SWAltf 5 l,9'1S. 0..'Ublt MllR U•I"" l'~l'lhouY """"' ... ,..,... l!('ta•\ ~Ind """"' A I ~,m ,,.,.,,, ..... ,.. I. ~ 949-646-6770 31r, 2 f>la, ~ u ~ •l o~ n w ~ ~u<> \te.>.r A C I rt 4~••1 n ., ~ ·~ m 'f.S9 e~9 7913 , .. VIia l'olnt S2500rno pr""" eol1 t °'"" lows urwt no apt,'J)Ull 1tt pi. JEWRRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS f'SWI » 2 5b1 T""""1r. \Pl & pool IM9. 115-3513 c-11Cohl Nao"• Old Coms' Gold silver ,...i.-y w1tdl9 901;que& collKht>lts 949 642 ~ Cati 3110 0... ,_,, ..... ~ 3 5ba. ~ 3c pr, futy up "**' IJ.-1 ... ITlll~ 1Jentl•. '-• y1rd w ~ w1terf1ll Sl,675 000 Ownw Aflnt ~ 2'Xil °' go& 7!J9..aiQ') 0<1AMROHT FllllR NOT ro• TMI fAINT Of Hl.AAT AOT. t•t-721-1I20 S.Jun Clplahno MW 1.-. .... S..,-•AIOGI. ....... ...,, 15 ca.. Sklldld. -t&Aae.c. •~ MERCHANDISE ---e:1- M11Ce1i..oa MISC8JJNEOUS ........ • RENTALS lt..i ...... Yr. l .... llew.-11 2h28 WH S6,t00, Hll $3,390. lA$H.l 11k, ti•, 40aU "'" 114·600• 1141 emall ltlt/lR, llftv•t• 15,HO, SO• l tO wu entrr, w/d, 11til1 IMI IM.IOO. "" llUIO 1110..~,._ 94.9 5'1·0171 c.....,.,. ~ w• eoo..Jtl·7IOJ .,,...... ,_ t. ..,, 2t an pr 12.lnn )'lty M. ~"'ad~ A .... 3 ~~ ~Badl .... _......_IM pMIO ... -pool and cUn& w~ ~ .,,.,, trash tntld Pel Ot< ~ct 714..997 J!1J3 Newport Cooot 21>1 ll>1 dan p1llo 1>1lcony comm pool & ~· 2 c 111. Ip wd hkups a1t 2600 ·mo 949 293 4630 Oc-& "4y view, 2bt 2b1 tot11ty rtmod new rv11ytmn1 cren1te k1kh. S2600 mo !M9 720 J980 -------.,.. reom-.'lno.1Zl$/ ~~ -=• ~ _ w• .. no -. .. ., 11sw1av-._ ·-• __. -So0w.,.,.Mtm1110. I:.!..---..~ fll to01"°1='*•110tt ......... ..._ .. ... ~7' '2•1 llOUM ptl'tltt r09fll,/Nttl S5601-• 1 fl vth, -------1• prettct .. atM41Z Wedding Experts ~ach42,000 ::Readers in 'X£11Jporl !JJeach, Corona def !l/(ar. Xe11Jporl Coa.!I, GoJla ~Ja. lJon 'I miss oul on I.his chance lo promole your "experl1se in /his field/ r/rlin A IE 9) 574 -4249 Dead/int Feb. 12th • Valmtitu Messagts Apptaring Feb. 1-Jrh I ltN' 20 Characiers per line You may use all 4 lines for larger ads. call an advertising rep today! Wive rnMll it 1 Mil FAX this form to (949) 631-6594 Name_· _______________ _.Phone No._·----- Signature_· ---------------------- Bill my: Vlsa ____ Mc..._ ____ ...... A/E ____ _..olacoVef __ _ Credit Cardi Exp, Datt·-------~---.#--------. ,_.,.... Stop ., fir ..-,. • DtiilJ Pi#t •ffia: .i: 330 W. Bay trcet, Cosu Mesa, CA .92~27 or calJ (~9) 642· 678 • ' MondtY. January 20, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE 57~ 111~ ~ 112 Of <Ulblol wood 04 ~W'ICI Ulloc*l 115 Bawled 1111 Tipf1Vflf er OCcdon '°"tel• 68 Brown ot b~ bllnOI G8 Sttllned 10 t.n. olfioe< DOWN 1 Roednglld 2~riler Jemee - 3 Klletl«l alcove 4 Track_ s~C ,._ o~~.._.~.._ .... II Baok·ff111C41 7 ~sashes 8 Ax a battciy 9 Made I 00....nel 10 Oeund• .. 11 Mora JudlCloua 12 Mlgh pta f 5 Red-Ink ll'1'IOUnt 20 Ac:complsNng 22 N.Y. clock~ 2A Moro frequently 26 Hold v ~t OU1 Of bed 5 6 7 49 F81r·h!lffd 50 PUI 1wey gear G1 Cl&Mily 52 WCCI In haste ~Klint 56 u ... QllmOOfdllr '58 Snug as --In . nig 59 Orderly 60 Buckeye 9Ch. 63 Ru$SCll cl Olfn Work tr-i.... ~ Bank Ina 8500 S15mno PT 3-5 It ;v.41. $2S00-$8XX)no 2D+-hr /'Ml free Broc:lue 877-!l;J.m:;H ary ePascale, MM Lessons In Your Home lntroduct your child lo tht joy al muaic 949 673-21 74 949 813-2246 JOBSWAHTED EmplO'tllltnt Wanted 8200 <7A see11s Tu /Accountina work. Very up'd in computer slulls & al taxe. CArolyn 949-700-3999 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAU! In CLASSIFHD (949)642-5678 hi-time T.a.r Harbor NatJonal Bank, Newport 8ch. Grat beAefits. 6 Mo's uperteoce preferred. Fu rasime to 1-fi ~1 ·2676. DRIVERS/STUDENTS NEEDED 1mmedl1tely, COL tr11mn1 throuah USTDS tn R11llo, CA. fin1nctn11, 1ransport1· lion, housme. and tultton reimbursement 1v11lble. Call Russ a:t I ·866·™· 3546 for detatls (CAL •SCAN} flRE YOUR BOSS! Kwik Kerb Business L1ylna continuous concrete curb1na. Equipment, tra1n1n11. marketina with beck-up and support. Don't wait, some areu still 1v11lable. I 866·254· 5372 www.kwikktrb.com (CAL •scAN) Wonted frlendly & outeoin& people helpina 5ehoot photoarapher 2·3 d1ys a week. Will train. $80/d•y 714-545-1-775 C•ll between 8:30-2:30, GOVERNMENT JOBS • W1ldllfe and Postal, 481<+ per year. Full benefits. Paid tremtne. lllo upe· rlence necessary For appllcalton and exam call toll free l ·888-778· 4266 •850.(CAL •SCAN) f'osltloft lcleol foe.. sup· plemental Income. Pl.tee/ supervise International ellchanae studenh .. Tr1tnln1, compensation, International travel Incentives 866-209-8559. Part-Time $10/hr, 1·4 hol.n pw wk. B«wwl 2- 5pm. ~ (banlq. etc...) Office wort\. NP Hts homL ~ 949-646-9666 Receptionist F /T Tue.- Sol. Busy poones, MS Office and phone skills. Restaur•nt up a+. Fait resume to 949·642·0674 or call 642· 7880 before 5 ltESTAUltANT bp'd. Dinner House Slrwrs. p /T Cooks and Bia-Soys needed irmllwi- ately at Mltorfs RM!lrboat Restau'ant. 949-673-3425 GuHt S•rvlc•• Rep. for small °''•n front Hotel up preferred. C1ll Betty 949-67$-7030 JOllll OUR TEAM ind ma~e a difference. In the California Army !111tfonal Guard you can eet money for colleae and ureer tra1nln1. Call I · SOO ·GO ·CUARO (CAL •SCAN) SELL your unwanted items throu&h class1f1ed Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMA~ SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ANSWERS TO WEEKLY 6RIDGE QUlZ Q 1 ·East-West vulnenlble. you stopper. Considering the auction and your holding in ~packs. we would bet dolhl'll r.o dou&hnufi that partner holds a high diant0o4. hold; . •KJ 6 c:i AQ 1096 v A6 •AJ3 Your right·hand uppooent ope1b the bidding with one d1u"1ond. What action do you 111.ke'' Q 4 -Both vulnerable, you hold: • J l ~ Q 10 S 4 0 A ~ 9 • J 8 J J Panner opens the bidding with one no trump ( IS-17). \Vbal do you respond? A • There are those who would be cootcnt to overcall ooe heart. but we feel the h:uld h ~ bit stroiijf loc thut action. With 19 hi~h-(;ard pQinb. double and then bid heart~ over any call by partner A • In an international match, one South jumped to three no uump. which w11s defeat~ one trick. At tho Other table. South nlltde a Stayman inquiry of two clubs. North sho>""ed a. bean suit. South raised to game and 10 U"td..s were mlldc. The moral: Q l · BOlh vulncrabk. as South you hold: •Kl "J 9 -I 3 K J • J 1'117 3l The bidding ha\ proceeded: NORTH EA!>'T SOUTH WEST Always make a Stayman inquiry when holding a four-card major and a ruffing value. I• Dbl ? Whut do ynu htd nt'~ ,, A • Had there been nl' mtef\ ention. the correct rc~porhc wuuld h.ivc been one hean Smee Eru.t \ double il likely to be ti.t><d on the major suit~. howe\er. we: would •uppre" the ITlllJOr '>U1l 1rt l;ivnr uf r.1"10~ club> tu the l\o>o-kvd Nol onl> doe~ that ~teal the une-le,el frum the llpponenl), but ii almm1 guar.m1cc' five canb 1n 1hc •uil and Mime defeo'i'e value' Q S • Vulnerable, you hold· •KQJ87542 ~6 KI096 •Ve*! Your righ1-hand opponent opens the bidding with one heart. What acuon do you w.Jce? A • You have a hand tha1 should pro- duce: 8 plu~ tric~ w1lh ,>pade~ as IJllmp>. bu1 1rugh1 not take: more than one trick on defense (non ... oo a re.al- ly bad Jay!J. Jump to four ~pacles. You migh1 make 11 if partner ha.~ a key card or two. or tt might be an c~.:ellen1 ..acnfke agruru.t an opprn.- mg game:. ()!" e\ en \lam Q 3 • Both vulm:rable a' Sc>ulh ~nu hold /\6432 J86 •K JIU Q 6 · Vulnemblc, you hold: The b1ddin1? ha' proceeded. ~ORTH }.AS1 SOlrfH \\ ·~ r • K 1i Q tO 5 A J 9 6 S 3 • /\ Q I• Pa...s l l»l>• What •~ your opening bid'' l • Pass ? Whut do you b1J n1>w • A · fhat de.pernh on )11ur me1ho1h Since Nnnh\ rebid d•X'' not conlim1 u ~ix-card 'u11, du n111 e'en thml.. of l'UJ\1~ ~Jldde,. Jf )UU play lhlll '1 1"0-over-unc re'pon....-•~ "g.m1e force. t"o no 1rump nov. v. ill -uffa~ If not.Jump to thruc 1111 trump. 01111'1 WulT) about th~ IJ(I.. uf d diamond A· Thmk ahe.ad to )our rebid What v. tfl you do after partoer rupomh a1 the une·kvcl to a one-diamond ·~rung bid" Any acuon wtll ~ ~ e11her an underbid or an U\erbtd - there I\ no happy medium. Avoid the problem by opening one oo trump. COOL TRAVEL JOB Entry level positions 18+, no uperience net enary. 2. weeks paid t1a1n1n&. transportal1011. lod&tni provided S500 s1en1ne bonus to start TOLL fREE 1-877 646-SOSO (CAL•SCAN) Automobiles 9000 Automotive 9004 Audi '99 A4 2.8 99k m1, mtlalltc ereen/arey lthr. CO, mnrf. fully loadtd, l•kt new v62452 I $14,995 Ion & w•rr avatl Bkr 949 586 -IS8S -.ocpobl.<om AutOll)O.tive 9004 Automotive 9004 IMW '99 3231 Conv Sspd, 43k m1, s1lv,er blue/ arey lthr. huted seats full fact warr, superb $22.995 v362421 ftn avail Bkr 949 586 1888 -.ocpabl.<om IMW '95 5401 IOOll m1, bl•ck/blk. beautiful on111nal cond lmanc1na & werr avatl v#249762 SI0,996 Bkr 949-586-1888 Dodgo '00 Rom Extra Cab, VS, BOii mi. h11h hfl, white, fully loaded, v972498 $9995 fin 1va1I Bkr 949·~-1888 -.ocpobl.com IMW '95 74011 oliver, ford '96 bplOt'•r Sport Immaculate, 7&.. m1, ot AT, mnrf, cc. port bll</ warr, non/smkr, $21,000 arv lthr $6445 IJ.4!>2136 obo (949) 642 2165 eves Costa Mesa~ ~7822 Codlfloc '111 lfdoroclo lool. s & d11ves me e, $14 75/obo. •754896 CostaMm~~78Z2. Chevrolet '96 Ccimoro Conv. Black. 6cyl, loaded. $6445 1953268 Costa ~ Dt ~78Z2. OfEVY MOHTl CMO 1IO 4(). mle:s. orpW ,_.,,,. near classa::, ireat oood. UXX>94~7n Owy"-'97 CJnvs BelUI look$ & ~tves ntee. 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Only 35k miles (4M9031) SI0,980 00 ford M .. 11on9• Coupo '99 V6 It 5 !il)Ud·a/c co Player Full Power <•18560) $9,980 00 949-574-7777 PHIWPS AllTO hllll Hufo.com Lexus •oo ES 300 22k m1 , .,fverl&rey lthr. mnrf, CO, lull facto1 y warr, hke new v "525 721 S22.995 financ1ne avail Broker 949 586 1888 www.ocpobt.com le•us'91 lX 470 Immaculate Black/tan lthr, 111 one. books, S33,900 949 350·5202 Moz llo '99 M lato Conv 3411 m1, auto. red/ black 1n1 & top, beautiful OMll cond, vS9724 I $10,99'5 lln & warr 1vatl B kr 949·586 1888 -·•<f>Obl.com Maida '96 llil1ata white/ blk int, CD, alloy whls., lady owned, beaut on11 unmarked cond, must see lo appreciate, $5,995 ftn/warr avail Bkr 949. 5116-11111 -.ocpoltl.com ....... 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CD, chrm whls, like new v~98242 SI 1,995 ftn & warr avail Bkr. 949·586· 1888 -.ocpaltl.<em f'orH he '99 loafer Conv. 21k m1, 5spd, wh1le/erey lthr, full fact warr. aaraeed. non/ smkr. like new v 126695 S28.995 Bkr 949-586-1888 w-.ocpabl.com Daily Pilot .. ..... hv9' 'tt 4.0 HE, 28ti ml, 11111 f1et warr, black/tin lthr, bi.ell plplnr. b1111t °''' cond, $27,995 v424238 fin eYall 8llr 949-586-1188 -·~•.c- AUTOMOTIVE PARlll ACCBSORIESI SERVICES SNOOTlf •-.• lww '97 4.6 HSE. 6(11; ml1 m1tallle dark arten, oatmHl lthr, is~ whls, fabulous car fabUIOUI eond. $18,995 firm vt265124 ffn/warr avalf Bkr. 949·~·1888 ,,_,, ...... c. Okb· mobile Roy• '8l lllnt 91111. aood ths, darmced body, $600/obo. 949'642·27~ noo XTRA CM, TOYOTA mQ.PM>SllXl MNIE OFFER Wl1. S£ll Ct£N' 714-374-8793 MOTORCYCLES T,_,..twtt. c.. Olds· Momrcydll mobie·Royllll '8l •Int el1lo IMW 't I 75011 1391! ~1,': ~~ mi, •Int m1c:hanlcal & body con~ bl1ck/ar1y AUTOM08llES lthr, CO, v129542 $5500 M,•,.r1••-'•s Bkr 949-586-18S8 ~ -·:cr=1.- Wanted 91145 BOATS -,..-~-_..--,-o.~-. OVer ~ )'OW'S expf wl p1y Power Boltl 9515 a ~ fW price for your -D-U-ffY_l_O_A_T_W_AN_T_lD-. ca-. Vlll or tnJdl paid far PIUVATI PAltn. ron:;·~ Didi: 7~ IMMll>IATI. 437·1931 or n4-J28.322B 949·675-1222 CASH FOR CARS We need your car. p11d for or not. Phillips Auto Ask for Malcolm 949.574. nn SELL BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES your stuff through classi fied! BOATS SUPS/ MOORING$/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 NIWPOtlT IEA<H sllfl Up to 3lft, $10 ft ,, water and electric •veil. Randy 949·675-6515 Plug into the Pilot Classified. section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. / I NEWPORT BEACH • COSTA MESA Daily Pilot Classified Community Marketplace for all your needs ... Service Directory "NO E TO READERS: Cellforn" law re· quires th1t contrac· tors taklna jobs that total S500 0< m0<1 (11bof 0< materials) be 11c1nted by th• Contractors State Lk:tllH Board. State law 1lso requires tl11t contractors incluct. their license number on •II ldvertislna. You ean check the gtatus of your lie1nud eontr•ctor at www.cslb.ca.aov or 800·l21·CSLB. Unll· c1nsed contractors taktna jol>s that total Ins than J500 mu•t state in their 1dvertlum1nts that they are not licensed by the Contr1ctors State License Board." Auto Services ED· El.WU Famly ~lot 30,htn AUTOMOllU SllVKl ,,..,._ 0....--SlrWllW TUNE 1ftSHOP (949) 645-4641 .., W. ti. • IU"""' Carpet Repair/Sain ~CUPO <f CAa.PIT~ R1paits, P1tchln1. Instill i .. diieel(, Pre, a.eel, Courteous. any site jobs. al W..-4 Pre<aHlfll• Wholesaltl 949-492·0205 Y.w .Hke ., llllll-,._...,0-..1 ....... •••-760-9021 -·.....-_...,... 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Carl&e Doors etc ... 949.439. 7554 20 Yeon of Quality Croftamonehlp Ud674ta3 (949) 650-9525 Mark GENFJlAL REPAIR "MAINTF.NANCE • Rtsmual • r.ooumt:ial Hauling JUNK TO THI DUMf'lll 714·968·1882 AVAILABLE TODAYI 949-673-5566 Health & Beiuty leH Up To 20lbs ,., ,,..,.,.., Trtple your eneru -Only $31.95 Cell Lisa 949-645-6677 Floorinwtile CUSTOM atlATM TU lnstabtlon, sllte. cenrnc:. marble, stone. &tdi 197 S U6120C4 .leff 71~12·9961 UMY sa.-... Repnlld No Job 7bo Small Dave Hamilton Home lmprovemenl Rearoutin & lnst1llat1on TILE DEAlll 949-673·8065 jll6()4J25 714-88.l-21l31 Gardentnw Lanclscaplng • DHftrs, "-t, Pet • Propqatlon, Prunlna 4' Bulldina Small Projects flS-$20/hr 949-515-8824 °"'YW ........ ~.-Storm Clean Ups, TrM Prulll(lf, Maintenance, lnstallatfOR$, frtlptlon, Troubleshootlna, Repan & Upar.des 714o715-2828 "Hive us do your Dlrly Worll" Lev Twret l-'"CAllN WllklY nwnt, .... tr~ a. fnatlflation. 25 Yrs up lto/ln~•d 949 ~ Tree S.,.,,lce, Yard Cltanup, Maintenance, Sprtnllltr R•J>•l1 , H•ullna (t4t)UO .. t71t 949-322-8292 ~ustomer s. atisfaction AND .:;-~ House Clnntng ,...._ .. ,.._....s ...... Complete home & ofc. r .... est. s..v. '" oc. 714-542·3473 n4-7a>-1101 ·-·· ... .,._ "-· 0.W. TOlll Nit °""' ~ ,. wartl lb18 ~ OMW t.r ,. 9&4?2·74.lt MllcS.-. 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R1modtffn1 FREE ESTIMATE LH8739§fl4-96!bl090 Plumbing Wall Conrtngs We CHih should han1 toaether. Strip, trllbl. WI Eltt ptH acNb to llw c:nt)' lfTB116 D8184 THI STltlfflli Sp1cfellzin1 In Wellp•pr Removal Ll588241 949·J60.1211 Window C.lng Muter .. Window Care ~·~ • Wmdow Ocaning • Mini Blind Wash • Screen Fit ec ~ 949 72 4123 ClASSlfllD It's the solution you're searching for·whether you're seeking a home, apartment, petorne~ occupation! ,