HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-29 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotCouncil not hot oil beer delivery Newport Beach leaders overrule previous recommendations to allow Hotties Pizza to deliver akohol. June Casaerande Daily Ptlot NEWPORT Bf.ACH -Concrary to rec- ommendauons from lhe PoLice Depan- ment and Planning Conumss1on. City Council members Tuesday derued a re - quest for a piz7.a parlor to deliver beer and wine along wilh food. "11 wouJd be insane 10 allow Hordes 10 dehvt>r alcohol wilh p iua," resident I .aura 01et7 said. The Planrung Conumss1on approved !he request from l lorues Ptv.a fo r lhe '>lie al J2S Old Newpon Blvd. aher lhe Pohle Depanment attached restrictions de.,1gned to curb liquor-related worries. !lw Pohce Department's repon found "no <,enou.., concerns in regards to the propowd operation," and !he document n.-commended safeguards: Employees delivering beer and wine must be at lea<,t I. I years old: entertainment. danc- ing and outdoor drinking are all prohib- ited dt lhe restaurant; and beer and wine r.tn onJy be delivered along with food. • lnere are fauty ~lringent conditions on lhe project." said James Campbell, a ..eruor staff planner fo r the City. -me Po- lice Depanment fell lhat the project couJd be conditioned properly to make 1t work." CampbeU said he did not know of any olhcr rt><,laurants in lhe city whose liq- See HOT, Pae• A4 DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT Westside boundaries expanded Emotional appeal by industrial property owners does yield one 'positive note': Planners urge revitalization over redevelopment. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -A concerned group of industrial property owners failed late Monday to convince the Planning Com- mission to remove their properties from an addition to the downtown redevelop- ment area The Planning INSIDE For more news from the Costa Men Planning Comml11lon, ... PageA2. Commis.slon unani- mously approved initial boundaries for a 434-acre area · that is roughly bor- dered by 15th Street, WhJttier Awnue and P.ast 19th Street, adding ln a section on Fairfax Drive and a pan:e1 north of Center Street and west of Pomona Street to eady outlines. ' Independent consultants e.tablisbed Cle prelimhwy boundarlel after an lnl· daJ atudy of the area. If the boundarlet are approved by the Redevelopment ~ncy on Feb. 10 , the consultanLS wllJ embark on an ln·depth, parcel·by·parcel ueaament of the approximate 627 propertfea ln the zone to aee which onea are blighted and which need to be ln· Ctuded to ensure a conclguoua redewl· opment. • • The owners reacted with di8da1n lO .-he dedlion, eaylng it WU prepolleroul r ... LMD,,...M Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2003 Gone snowing Whittie r Elementary students go no. further than school to enj0y a day in the snow o n Tuesday. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot I 1°!> probably a good thing lhe SIUdCnt'> of \\111111t'r FJememary \dmol ~ere no1 in lhe mountain'> bt-call5e the fervor and p11ch of their giggl~ and shnek.t. di Jue,dav '>-.no\>\ day could have cau-.ed an avalanche :'\w.JJed in lht" 1<1.r comt"r uf lht" school'> playground v.erl' .W ion ... of sno"' wnh hundrt·d-. of euphonc young.,.t'r., rewhng 111 11 Freckk-faled farah 1-nx wa'> among 1ho.,e who W-d'> t11e mo ... t exc11ed 'ihe <,po~e in rapu.J narrauvc ahou1 her ad,t'nruw., in the <;now. pau.,mg onh bncth to catch her brcJlh and dodgt' a nearby ~led ~I like !he ... nO\'I.. and I \t' been 10 the mounldin.,: '>aid thl' 6-}'ear old. \'1.eanng her fastuonable fru~ boot!> And I'm going to lht• mountain., nc\t week and I can'1 wait I H' been 10 two muunta111-. and I gt"t to ~o again .. The ion-. of fro'..l"\i fun \\l'rt· meant 10 provide tun for kid<. hkt· Farah. bu1 \'l.ert <,pectaJh brought m for lho~ '-\ho hd\'l' nl"-er ..een 1 lhe snO\'I.. offil 1dh 'wild fhe elementary <,ehool fundt.'d tht' snow day for tht' lhird vear m a row w1lh grant mont'\ .£AN t< [I? Ai t P\LCT Select cla<,.<,t><, v1<,11t•d lht' .,now hill in :m minu1e 111tPrv-Jh from H a.m. to I :30 p.m lut><,dJY Capuva1ed pdrt'nt'> <1.nd volunteer., helped direct the 1oboggan ltne, gave sleigh ndt"> Jnd '>hoveled lhe snO'-' 10 help m.tkt' lhe da\ a succe-;., Whittler Elementary School students Farah Fox, front. and Noemi Saauedra team up with PE teacher Melissa Bngman to sled down a mound of snow on the Costa Mesa campus on Tuesday See SNOWING. Pa&e AA THINKING ALLOWED A view from a not-perfect perspective L ast week. I partook in some wholesome family time. I greeted the father of my son with a polite kiss on the cheek and a ·How was your day?" I took his coat and invited him to sit at the table -which was already set -and asked if he would like a cold drinlc after a bard day's work. He politely accepted half a ~ of chardonnay and thanked me when I brought It to the table. When the aroma of baked Rosemary chicken was so thick it was undeniably dinner time, we called our adoring 3-year-old to the table. ·0on't forget to wash your hands,· the father reminded bis son. We all sat happily at the table and ate our meal. whkh of course Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TIE WEB: MW-~com WEATNER w.'11 eflfoy V9t •"°"* eunnv dlmoon. included all four food groups. We talked about our days at work and school. exciting new proJects on the horizon and we adults reminisced on our pleasant college days (bolh LOLITA of us graduated 11 from USC). Once HARPER our son. Donovan, had excused" himself to go in his room and color. we even touched on the sticky sub1ect of finances in a civil and mature manner. After we bad cleared the table and I soaked my grimiest pans in a S.hpA2 SPORTS COSTA MESA The ,... ... 18 Commleelon WOftaitDpilll ... ~ OCIMt'I ~In 1¥9 ...... ......... Al Co.one dll Mir High glrta' eocar tocJlt • m$r ._, a.rd the P9dflc Coett a...gu. crown.-• 2·1 ~ OW'8f Nofttlwood. .. ,... . spoonful of liquid soap. we garnered around lhe television for Donovan's current favorite C.-rated flick: Lilo & tich. The evening was wonderful and our son enjoyed spending !>Orne quality urne with bolh tus mom and dad. We bid each olher goodnight and went to sleep with smtles on our faces. Sound like the perfect world? Not according to Datly Pilot family columnist Steve Srnilh. who offered helpful and sound advise about divorce. but at the same time took a. probably unintendonaJ. backhanded swipe at lhose who cannot stay married. His column on Saturday focuses mostly on financial advise for those gomg through a divorce. but It is in his supplemental commen~ on lhe • .._.,ue lhat he shows what I believe to be intolerance and one-sidedness He says divorce L~ onJy lhe resuh of parents who ·don't take the time tu srufT out any sub tance abuse. potenoal violent tendencies or their future mate<> ability to manage finances.· He also vilifi~ divorced families. ·in a ~rfect world, families would include a mom. dad and ldds. They would love each olher and suppon each other and communicate effectively.· Fair enough Who can argue with that? It is his next statement that suggests that divorced or separated SM ALLOWED. Pqe M STATE OF THE UNION Newport-Mesa leaders hail president's address Congressman calls speech historic, while a Costa Mesa resident lauds Bush's leadership. P1utCMllton ()ailyPlot OOSTA MF.sA -J.. a ~ Ocrnocnt who rec:f.lldy IDCMd tO ea.ta Mela"°""~ Olrtl· dne Pmbr lild ............. ,.... of the UnJon didn't change ber andwar stance. But lt dJd t.rnprove her opinion of Busha teadmhip qualities. she d from I booth fNkSe ~ Monahan' l\Jeldly ~ after' the .peecb. •ff he golnc to leed w lrito war. we coWdn' ftnd a beael' leads.• the year-old Paa llld. ·1 ~ jult • ICCmbody to be~~ IO about norMokace.. ome. ..... pdl!Md at lbe loclil .__.. ...... M ' .. ' .. A2 Wec*lesday, ~ 29, 2003 NEIGHBORS Orange Coast College professor of English and technical writing Don Plentorff and his son, Sam Plentorff, recently published a book of poetry titled ~The Albatross Uves." : .. The president of Davis, Barney and Jones, Tauno KoMsto of Newport Beach, was named the Businessman of the Year by ihe National Republican Congressional Committee .... 11na Borptta joined Orange Coast Magazine Jan. 6 as its new editor. She is a longtime Orange County-based journalist. working more than 18 years in the industry. Borgatta will replace Nancy~ who left the magazine to pW'Sue her doctorate's degree. Both Borgatta and Cheever worked at the Daily Pilot. Borgana served asthe managing editor while Cheever was a features editor. ... Daniel Flynn was named Director Daniel Flynn of Land Acquisition for the South Coast Division of John Laing Homes. He will be responsible for site acquisition, financial analysis and entitlement approvals .... Northeastern University's fall quarter dean's list included Costa Mesa resident Evan DUI ARRESTS These people have been arrested recently on suspicion of driving under the influenct1 of an intoxicant. They have only been arrested on suspicion of a crime and, as with all suspects, are considered innOC6nt until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Monday • Patrick Keith Todd, 28, Huntington Beach Sunct..y • Cartos Nunez-Suarez, 23, Costa Mesa •Taylor Michael Starting, 21 , Laguna Hills • M ichael Oerredt long, 38, Newport Beach Saturday •Amy Lynn Guthrie, 33, Anaheim • John Howard Ed<hardt, 45, Coto de Caza • Timothy Atzwilllam, 64. Newport Beach •Sebastian Delacruz-Tapia, 31, Santa Ana •Arturo Ramirez-Espinosa, 42, Santa Ana Friday • Jose Reyes, 22, Costa Mesa •Todd Gregory Haney, 33, Costa Mesa Dally Pilot LOCALS ONLY Brittany Cornelius Cooper. To qualify, he had to have a grade-point average of 3.25 or greater .... Costa Mesa resident Brittany C.Ornellu. will play the role of Lorraine Aemmlog in the production of "42nd Street" at The Orange County High School of the Arts. . .. The Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Delta, an honor society for international scholars, initiated 39 new members at CaJ State Long Beach recently, including cart D. Smith of Costa Mesa ... .leran)' Matthew Katz, son of Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Katz of Newport Beach, achieved h onor roU status at Mercersburg Academy in Pennsylvania for the fall term .... Local students were honored at UC Santa Barbara for qualifying for the dean's honor list for the fall quarter. To qualify, students had to achieve a grade-point average of3.75 or more. From Newport Beach, Elizabeth Erk.boo, Joel Furman, Jacqueline Gottlieb and Lynn Rinek qualified. From Costa Mesa, Brenna Cooley made the grade. • NEIGHBORS spotlights achievements in the community. Please direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by fax at (949t646-4170, or send e-mail to coral. wilson@lsnmes.com. • Thomas Gregory Knutson, 26, Placentia Thursday • James Albert Ga1es, 27, Costa Mesa • Omar Montes-Nava, 22, Costa Mesa •Gary Henry Marolf, 51, Costa M esa Wednesday • Ronnie Lee Norris, 39, Anaheim • Bradley John Busch, 22, Huntington Beach NEWPORT BEACH Sunday • Avilio Rocha, 39, Santa Ana •Todd Alan Lazar, 44, Newport Beach Sa1urday • M arc Jeffery Sarver, 35, Newport Beach • Shaun Aulton Fults, 24, Buena Parle • Dale Tracy M otley, 43, Anaheim Friday • Cynthia Lynn Motl, 30, Irvine • Michael Joseph Spraitz, 44, Newport Beach •John Grose Bringham, 45, Newport Beach Thursday • Richard Andrew Ratennan, 36, Dana Point FOR A GOOD CAUSE PHOTO COURTESY Of P\.ASTICOS FOl..M>ATlON Larry Nichter Employing his expertise and passing it on S piders, vampire bats, anacondas and other creatures of the wild Amazon didn't seem to worry Lany Nichter as mu<:h as the grief and tribulations of the people who inhabited the hostile habitat The Newport Beach plastic surgeon has traveled to poverty-stricken nations all over the world through Plasticos, a traveling team of doctors, nurses and coordinators who volunteer their time and pay for these trips 10 perform corrective swgeries on people who cannot afford such treatments. Nichter founded the group four years ago. but has been going on • these trips for several years. all of them on his own time and expense. He has trek.Iced to Ecuador, Guatemala, Vietnam, Micronesia, Palau, Philippines, Thailand, Sri Lanka . Mexico and the Honduras. Why does he do it? "Everyone goes into medicine for humanitarian reasons." he sald. "We become doctors because we like helping people. But this is an experience that's hard to describe. It recharges your batteries and you're exposed to a lot of the realities of the world." Nichter and his team not only help cure their patients' physical • deformities, but also teach their craft to local doctors in those developing nations. "That's a very important part of our work." he sald. "One of our goals is to help tl)em become self-suffic1ent. • The trips are not exotic vacations .. They each last at least IO days - most.ly grueling days when the team performs at least a dozen swgeries a day, most of them under unimaginable conditions and circumstances. The challenges come from the rough topography of the regions as weU. "We've had to wade across ri~ers sometimes to reach the remote areas,· sald Nichter. But it's been worth it every time, he says. Sometimes, they have found a crowd of a JOO people who waited in the rain for two days straight to consult with the doctors. Most of Nichter's patients are children with severe birth defects such as cleft lips, FYI Donations to the foundation may be made to Plasticos Foundation, 7677 Center Ave., Suite 401, Huntington Beach 92647. Information: Call Larry Nichter at (949) 720-3888. webbed feet or hand~ and tho<.e with bum injuries. One of them was 12·year·old Marc:elo Katani. a denv.en of the deep Amazon who Wal> burned during a fire that occurred when he was left alone with hts three brothers and sister., in the11 thatched hut. JWo of his siblmg.> d.Jed ui the blv.e and Marcelo, then a 5·month-old mfant, suffered severe burns on h1~ arm and lost the ability to extend his elbow o r raise .his shoulder. fqichter was able to release the M:at l1SSue enabling Marcelo to use hi'> arm. elbow and shoulder nonnally. Watching his paltents en1oy their new look and do thing. they've never done before has been rewarding for Nichter. "When you see the expre<;'>ion on their fac~. it's one of dM>elief, ·he sald. "It's as if a miracle has happened to them." -Compiled by l>eepa Bhara1l1 PE I Of THE WEEK Less than a week..,, BroWme'I luck changed when her COIW ruptured and~ predk:ted a dismaJ future. Priencll at lhe Community Anbml NetWDlk In Newport 8eadt Wldc.l IO .. fibs comeuwould1.,.....a. •eddF to Ufe" to thank those who helped~ Mam.II, a kitten whose lnwtinea wae wr..,ped around bis ha9.See ocher ....... available for BdopdOnat~org or Ru.J's pet ltOl9 at Fublon lllaod het\leeo noon md 4 p.m. on weeliaDd9. Jnfarmadon: (949) 759-3648, or Qmwtl~ Animal Netwoc .. P.O. lai 1882. Newport ee.cb, CA 92858. Brownie BrOwlile WU bOm with her eyes opm. lmkiag her acepdonll from rbe lime fl her bli1h. Brownie's mom wa Nilcued wble prepaot from a lhellifr'1dillllb row In September, liaolktag liuWnle aJeo very lucky. "TheymDn*"llly ... md .. can lft," aaid netwmt bllm DiAnna Pld-Mutin. The Hye Oink: in Olup County. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Seen Hiller, Don Leech, KentT~ READERS HOTUNE (M9) M.2-«>86 VOL 97, NO. 29 Record your comments about the 0.lly Pilot or new. tipe. THOMAS H. JOHNSON, N9ws Edhiofs Addlem Publllher Gine Alexender, Lori Ander.an, Our eddnllS 19 330 W. Bay St. ea.ta lONY DOOERO, Mesa, CA 92827. Otl'lce houra .... Editor Paul Seitowitz. Daniel SteY9nl Mond9y-Fndey, 8:30 e.m. -6 p.m. .AJfl'( OET'TlNG, NEWSl'Taff Cot•-*"• Adwtti91.a..~' O.epe ....... It .. the Pllo«'I policy to prompdy LANA ' Crime end cou111 reporter, correct all erron of eubst.anoe. Promodone ow.ct.or (949) 57-M226 Pt.... ~II (949) 674-4286. EIJfTWQ ITNf ~.bharsthe"1tl,,,...com . FYI &.J.Cehft, JuneC1111 •• The Newport BNch/Coat• Mne Matneglng Editor Newport Beectt reporter, (948) 574-4233 (949)57~ Dally Piiot (USf>S..144-800) I• •J-s-M• ~com /unt1.ct1NQrande•,.,,,,,...oom publiehed deity. In Nfttport 8MCh ....... Melle. ...... ~ end Coete M..,., aublcrlptlone .,, CllyEdllor Politlca end environment reporter, ev1llebt. only by aui.ctlblng to IM179M32A (949)~ The Tim" Ortnge Couf)ty (800) ~Wrw.oom pa11l.clinron•i.t1,,,_oom 212-9141. In,,... out9'de of ..... CMMft. ..... Ylor ...... ....,., H9wpoft 8eed'I Ind C-. Mele, (MtPMm eo... Mesa reponer. (949) 57<M271 IUtlectlpdone to the O.My Piiot .,. rog.IAI .... ~ lolifa~l«lmaoom MIMeble onfot by ftrtt cleu meil fof ,,..,,. ....... DlllMNe•• ... PO per month. (~Include en M Olractor, ,.._Dalt CN.f EducMIOn ,.,.,_,, (M) PM221 (MllPMDI ..,.,.lcebte .... end local llMI.) ~...,,_com .... ..,,,.,.,.,_,__oom ,OtTMASTEA: Send 1ddr1H ..... lllft ... ce.w..c..-. "'•:o The Newport .......... tlof ................. 5'MZll ... ate M4t11 Delly f'llot. c..,,..., drti#ifW..Cltf9)·~ r,o. loir 1MO, Cott• Meu, CA ....,,,.. ........... I It 92626. Copyright: No newa SURF AND SUN atoriea, illu1tretion1, editorial matter or edvertlaementa herein cen be reproduced w ithout WEATHER FORECAST SURF written permlaalon of copyright owner. Some dense fog will greet The letest northwest swefl HOW lO REACH US ua, but it'll bum off for a nice peaks today, bringing us IOm8 arcui.tlon afternoon. Highs will be in the overheads this morning and The Times Orange County mld-eOI to lower 70s in some hea<Hiigha this (800) 252-1141 Newport-Mesa. Lows will drop ............. afternoon, The better apota will Ctn 111'1'1ed (M9) 64~8 to the lower 50s. see waves •bout 3 to 4 fMt .,....,(949) M.2 21 On Thursday, we'll heat up a overhead. Y...w coupte deg,.. While Friday's The ~I will beck down on ,.... looking to provide us with even Thul'lday, when we encounW (949) M.2-6880 warmer weather. ~-to shouldel'<hlgha. lpol'9 (949)57~3 '"'°""8don; ,.... ,_ (948) 84&-4170 On Friday, the next IW9ll .... ,.. (948) e&o-0170 www.nws.noaa.QOv &hould e;:;t;l., complete whh ...,.. dallypllote latlm..o0m mostly he.o-hlgha. The energy MIMOllDI ' BOATING f ORE CAST will be similar to t00.(9. ...... OMCle (948) M.2-4321 W..qu.lty: ..... _,...(!Mi) &11-7128 The no~ winds will www.su~oro blow 10 to 16 knota In the inner w.tera tN1 .ttemoon, with TIDES 2-foot W9VM and a wat awetl ·nm. of 3 to 6 .... The wlnda will HelllM blow ltronger this evening. 8:35 a.m. 8.20 r.thlgh Out f9t1her, the 2p.m. -USflMtloW P\lbti.hed by 1lmee Community "°'1ht~ winds wtll blow 8'.39p.m. 173 .... Ngh ,..,_., a dMalon of the Loe~ 10 to 20 knocl, with ,_to 3-foot 1:oea.m. 2.17f1Mttow Tl,,,. WIWI Md a W99t lwall of 3 to e2002 T1fMI CH , AH rigMI , .... The.,,. will~ found WATER TEMPERATURE ,..... .. tt'6I wnig, d'OUgh IN l'M9lt • buld ·--fMt. 68dlgr .. Daily Piiot . ~ PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Lauren DeVoy tries on the fire 1acket of Costa Mesa fire Captain Tom Hamilton during career day at St. Joachim School. Plenty of careers to choose from ~t. Joachim School h ost~ it s annua l ca reer day, with a nfore eclecti c array of p rofrs~i ons than in the past. Christine Carrillo Ja1lv Pilot T Ill' J·I/./ .... IUIHh "' .111 I.urned ._.1,.11pho111'1 I m: \ldrwnthal rt•,011.1ll'd in a11 llJl'>l.t1r' ' l.1"rnoni, l um1w11ng ag.un ... t il1l' horn ol .i '\orth \Jlll'rl('dll h1~ rt!{ 1 ru1 k that bl'llowt·d 11 ro" rlw hlarl<.t11p I .it h rl'IHl''>t'Jlll'd Jll'I a '111.111 p.irt ol the proft''>'>IOnah thal J.:ilH' m•Jil'r 280 '-tudent'i .it St JnJchrm S<·hool 111 ( n'>tJ Mt-... a l h,UKt' tn '>tt•p 11110 ht~t·r 'hot''> on I Ul''>d,1\ I or mort• than IO )C'c.tr'> St fflJlhtm ha' ho'>ll'd a l art•er d.i\ that hnng' repre<,entdll\l'' from ,, ,~,mt•t' of prufe~ion' m the ~ 0111mu111ty to t..t.lk 10 the '>llldt•nl\ .111c..l ma'ybe JU'-l lll~p1rt• chem 111 tlw prm e'>S 'llll' • 1f1ernoo11 t•vt•nt wa., orw of the lllO't t•t I(•( lll Vl'I • , ht'> .... ( .1J10l1t xhool' \\t•t•L. 111cl 1Jw, y1•.1r\ themt• t'> \.t,1kmg ,, World ol D11l1·n•nct', '><> \\l' w.tnl 1hem 10 learn about proft•,,1011., 1hat makt• a Students hsten as Costa Mesa automotive mechanic Joseph Spiegel talks about his race car and what rt takes to be a mechanic. looL.,leps, kindergartner Kri!>Un Watanabe doesn't we herself c..lomg tJ1e same. "I don't want to be a doctor." '>he '><ltd. "I want to work at I J1sneyland. • lven though Krisun didn't find her father's presentation the most inspiring. many of the firM-graders actively li!.tening to the general practice physician were very intrigued ·The b1gg~1 thing about trying to find a career '" finding something you really care about,· said Muchell Watanabe. whose skeletal prop!. were very well-received. Organizers of the event uied to ma.ke sure that the 'itudenu. had a plethora or intere~ung opuons to choose from, whether it be a ceramic and graphic ilnic;t~ or a martial ans imtructor . MATH Help At Sarah Bennam takes a close look at a red rose as she listens to flonst Marthe White. "Almu<,t t•H•rybody I recru11ed dot·' bu'>tne'i'> in Co~ta \.1t"..1 ...ud Jeanne Tara/.t'Vll'>. a parent of a fir..t gradc•r who helped o~anve the l'Vl'llt "We ignored Lhe bonng proh.''>'>io11~ like me. I'm an atrnuntant and that'~ not \.ery tnlt'rt''>Ung o r visual ... Althou.;i 1.•.ith Gtreer ~latlon offered !.tudl'nl'> '>Omet.hmg a lmle diflert'nt. the purpo'>C of theu pre't•me fo<:u~ on relaying tht· '3.I11l' m~..agt?. "If you en1oy '><>met.lung that\ what you c;hould do." said Manenthal. a lormer Corona del Mar I ligh !:>chool grdduate. ·Just because a career 1s unusual II certainly still L'> an obtainahlc• goal " We<*tesday, Jaouary 29 2003 Al Viewing the future Pl~nning Com mission d irects Costa Mesa staff to continue studyi n g ways to protect ocean views in five neigh borhoods . Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA M l..SA -(..o!;ta Mesa by the '>ea 1s a reality for only a small nwnber of privileged homeowners in the c11y. Yet residents in are~ that offer ocean views are divided over whether the d ty i.hould enact reguJations 10 protect ilio!>e VI~ That conflict wai, rrurrored Ill the Planning Lomnuss1on's handlmg of Lhc t'>'>ue Monday. Although the planners ulu mately voted 4 I. Wllh Com- misstoner Bill Per.le.mi. d1~n1 mg. to approve gu1dehne~ for ocean-view protec.tion for ~c ond-•aory home additions. they did so with trep1dauon "Talk about a can of ""orrru.," ~d Comm1~1oner 1-Jeanor Lgan. "lnere are !>IJ many thing'> Uldl can interfere "'1Lh a Vie"" I m not romfortable \' 11h 11 lhere art.' o,ome Ihm~ the pm·ate '>CClor <:an do bener and thl'> t'> one of them " The tomnu-..,1on fir'>t J.'>l<-ed ,taff 10 review the current de c;ign guideline'> lO '>t'<' 11 there ., enough d1rellion given for view protec11on I he-.e guideline\ are rnrrenrly hemg ree .. aluated ht' cau'>t.' of Jll tht' rt>cent contra· \er'>)' owr -.1·tond '>tory Jdd1· uon.., 111 tht· utv. d.Jld tht.' '>UbJet 11\l' rt•\ tl'"" prol l''>'> the) haH· t•> Kl' 1hrough If tht• t urn·nt g111delme'> do not prmult enuuldl d1ret uon. cornmt'>'-Hirll'I''> \\lluld like view pmtellmn for '>t·rnnd·\!Of) Jd d1uorh 1m orp<irJ11•d 1nw the gu1dehm·' for the loll0\~1ng ne1ghborhooth \tanna 1 ligh land., \ld.ftna \ 1ew I reedom I tome.... C :ahl<1m1J \ea Bree/e and aho properues Wlth a vtew of the Back Bay. ~upponel"!I of an ocean-vtew prote<.Uon regulaooo said ll would go a long way toward ea.s ing lt!n'>1ons that have surfaced when rt:<>1dents have fought to keep their views. "I think an ordtn.ance would take in everyone's needs and would be ~ucces!.fuJ and might prevent the lcinQs of hostility cje veloped around this l.S.'>Ue, • ~d Sonia Abels a Glcneagle!. terrace re'>1den1. But opponent.!> contend the acy would .. mJt tnto a quagmire by adopung any kind of regulauon "I'm concerned about ~tnc uon'>," '>a.Id Dick Woodwonh, who hve-. 111 Aviemore Terrace. · If you get mto that. you're openmg Pan dora\ Box.. Where do you stop?" nw controversy over ocean view prec.ervauon began m A.ugu'>I when the Planrung Com m1~.,1on rnn'>tdered adding a '>ec.ond '>IOI) to the ()ark family\ home tn the 1100 block of Avie more lerrace The t:omm1~1on apprmed the addwon, but II wa., appt'aled and the C..1ry < .ounc1l unanunou'>ly dt>rued 11. Dunng the proceed.mg'>. '>Orne re-.1dent' tn lht.> an>a cl<Umed the add111on would block theLr view' of till' ocean The t'xpan.,1on "'a" ulumatcl}' reJt'tted for not being harmunwu~ ana compauble Mlh 1hc neighborhood f.agunil !kach and \tunrert'\. .ire two toa'>tal ciues that ha\.l' l{Uldt·hrte'> for view preserv-.mon Tlll' l omm1!>!.ton aJ~o l'ncour Jgt·d < on'>lderallon of whether ocl'an vww prt>-.erva tlon can bt• alhlt'Vt.'d WlUl <,ome '>Ort of height ILmH l'he Planmng ( om m1<,<,1on wtU lOn'>lder change... 10 the de.,1gn l,'U.ldehnel. feb 24 FULL BAR COCKTAILS ~\~---= ClDtttl~llM'Jltti• NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·645·7626 ~-~ ~~~,v/Uf­Zllt17 ~rf,Wl Mattress Outlet Store 3165 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa dtfkrt•m l' tn lhl0 \\.Orld," 'klld Hadwl Manint.•1. Lht· '>1.hool' ... pnm 1p.tl "We wanll'd t•wry 'tudent to ... e.-and he ('XJW't•d to .1 varil'IY of d11Jeren1 carc1.·r.. \nd hopdullv 11 plant' a '>l't>c..I " \)tud<•nl'> m founh through l tW!lh >.'r<tdt• r01.1tt'd between their thret• lho.,en \l.iUorh \\.hilt• fir.1 through tlmd gr.ic..le teadtt'r'> U'>hered their da .. .,t..., from ont? '>talion to anorhcr lnl' pl"l'·kmc..le~anen and l inderganen students had a ltuJe more free reign a<, they got to walk around the black top TUTORING CLUB Offering Individualized ln6tructlon • Basic Math • Algebra • Geomet.ry WHERE CAREERS BEGIN ... and get a closer look at the Co<,ta Me-.a fire truck. the big rig. a revved up 1967 Ford l'auiant• and the weU-ac~oroed lifeguard station •1t was run: said 13-ycar old Cora Busby, who attended the Dori t, marlcet.ing and photography stations. ·1 liked seeing all the careers and what they do ... I liked the photographer because my dad is Into p hotography and I like taking pictures.· • Wh ile Cora found herself Inclined to follow in her father's • Tngonomet.ry •Ca lculus CALL TODAY 949-645-7900 488' E. 17"' STREET • COSTA MESA (comer of Irvine Ave.} •@tunmRJlu1J • CONSIGN • DESIGN Quality Furnishings & .Accessories For Your Home Child's Desk W/Hutch •.................................. $225• Round Pedestal Table (White) ····••m••··········· $275• Pine Buff et ........................•..•.........•................ SJSr Unique Leather Topped Desk .......•............... $400" Custom Made "Island Style" Recliner ......... $500- TV Al'n>olre ..................... -..................................... $7?S- "1905" Australian Pine Hutdl ..................... $900" Wblte CbeqJite Sofa & Chair ........................ $975• 369 E. 17th Street # 10, Co ta Mesa, LA>alted bdllod Plum •• Pllio · Phone (949) 764-1746 . MO.Pri 10:m11-'~ s. u>.oo .. ,.,.. s.10:00.M..,_ .. HU NTINGTON BEACH &OCIREER CEITIFICm PRllRIMS llEl51 - www.gwc.lnfo.1895-8187 • • M Wec*lesday, ~ 29, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •West a... Strwt: Disorderly conduct invotving alcohol was reported In the 1100 block at 2:21 a.m. Sunday. • w..t S.-StrMt and H.tlof Bouhtvard: A traffic accident involving injuriu was reported at 5:37 p.m. Sunday. • Briltol StrMt and Sunftoww Avenue: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 4:39 p.m. Sunday. • Harbor Bouhtvard: An auto theft was reported in the 3200 bloc* at 4:40 p.m. Sundey. • West 19th StrMt •nd P1acen1ia Avenu•: Drinking in public was reported at 2:28 p.m. Sundey. •21st Strwt: A hit-and-run was reported in the 100 bloc* at 7:50 p.m. Sunday. SNOWING Continu~ from Al Ricardo Juarez.. 6, lost his balance on lhe frozen ruJf and reU Oat on his bottom. I le laughed it off, picked up a handful of snow and smashed it over his head. His almond eyes grew wide as the icy slush dripped down his face. His silly act seemed like a great idea to Rodrigo Aldaco. who followed suit He smiled a huge grin, with one front tooth where four shouJd be, and reached down for another fistful. The trend spread like wildfire -despite the freezing medium -and soon a handful of boys were smashing ice on their heads. Ricardo's mother. Dulce Juarez. slood on the perimeter or the snow, shaking her head and laughing . "He has so much fun in the snow,· said Juarez, who brought a blue toboggan for the e ntire class to share. NEWPORT BEACH • BNcon StrMt: Petty theft was reported in the 3000 bloc* at 12:20 a.m. Monday. The Juarez family taJces ~nal trips to the mountains and Ricardo wore his winter snow boots and rrunens to the snow day. The event was great for the children who don't have the opponuniry to visit winter wonderlands, Juarez said. 5£.AN HILLER I DAllY PllOT Second-grader Karen Castaneda builds a snowman during the winter wonderland at Whittier Elementary School. • Campus Drive end JamborH Road: A hit-and-run was reported at 9:37 a.m. Monday • Hospital Road: A business was reportedly burglarized In the 300 bloc* at 11:20 a.m. Monday. • Orang9 StrMt •nd the beech: A robbery was reported at 5:45 a.m Monday. • San M'tgu.t Driv.: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 300 bloc* at 12:43 p.m. Monday. • Sherington Ptec:e: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1900 bloc* at 8:48 a.m. Monday. • West Ocean Front A woman reportedly jumped off the second floor of a building in the 7200 bloc* at about 5:45 a.m. after a Super Bowl party the previous night. She was taken to Hoag Hospital and treated for minor injunes. Officials initjally suspected she may have been assaulted, but later realized she wasn't. The woman was likely under the influence of drugs or alcohol, police said. Jeanette Gonzalez. also missing her front leeth, said she saw snow for the first time at the school's snow day last year. She formed a snowball and displayed it proudly in her LAND Continued from Al that the planner. designated prelirrunary boundaries before the comprehen ive analysis was complete. "Inere c;eems to be no rhyme or reason to the choice." said Dan Gribble, who owns property on West 18th Street. "I don't th.ink the data is a fair representation." Rut the owners' emotional pleas did per uade lhe commis- sioners to recommend that the city consider revitalizing the area before it dives into redevelop- menL "That was a positive note.· said John Haw1ey, who has owned RailmaJcers on W~t 18th Street for more than 30 years. Commissioners sidestepped the issue of eminent domain. a power the city wouJd have if it declared the proposed areas part or the redevelopment zone. ll is now up to the Redevelopment Agency to decide if ii will exer- .4~ R es t a u ran t ---Establlshed tn 1962 --- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • IWIOWOOO •~TES• CARPET •CERAMIC TU• Wffl. FLOORING •ti!!'!'~ 1,;,,,4g.:,;.j SOLARIAN ~ALAE.Wf 'J/4• SOU> EXOTlC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE s4•• !!!!..!!i. s 1 '' from ~· ~ ~· Travertkle 1s· x 1s· .......................................................... '4-21 111t ~~eee•eotetet1tooooottottottttttOIHtttftltl•tlttltl•ttf~-Q tQ. lanhate ~ ................................................ ........,'°"' '4.11 111t outstretched hand. "See the way the snow sticks logether." she said. "Th.is is my second time (I've seen snow) at school, but I have never been to the mountains." 'I don't buy t he fact t hat there's no blight on the Westside. But other tools can be used to jump-start [economic development].' Eleanor Eean, Planning Comm1ssiooer cise that power, and if so on what types of properties. The Downtown Redevelop· ment Project was established in 1973 and new territory has been added 10 it three times -the last time in 1980. It currently in· eludes about 200 acres. In Octo· ber 200 l, the ci1y began a study on adding more land to lhe area to spur economic development. The study provided sufficienl evidence that additional parts of the city quaJify for redevelop- ment, according to staff reports. The independeOl consuJtants did a preliminary study of blight to eliminate properties thal wouJd definitely not qualify, and arrived at the proposed bounda· ries. Now properties in the boundary area will be subjected 10 a more rigorous analysis. They will be gauged on 66 blighl indJcators, which include physical deficiencies like electri- cal hazards and industrial odors. and economic ones like depreci- ated or stagnant property values and "abnonnally high" business vacancy rates. A section can also be designated blighted based on deficiencies in the infrastructure such as problems with the street and the sewer system. Properties that are not found to be blighted couJd aJso be tagged for redevel- opment to ensure a conformity HOT Continued from Al uor licenses permitted beer and wine deliveries. The city may now consider changing its alco- hol ordinance to forbid any business Crom delivering liquor. CoUllcilman Gary Proctor. whose district includes the site, asked that the City Council re· view the Planning Commis· sion's decision to approve the permit. Proctor has been work- ing with resident groups and city officials to find a solution ADDRESS Continued from Al watering hole to t1p back a cold one, while taking In Bush's his- toric peech. allo said they were lmprased by Bush's forceful ~ntauon of the cue for war, package of lmprovemenu for the a.lllng economy and arnbldous aodaJ proposals to retn ln AIDS Jn AfHca. But the local audience eeemed to respond trongest to 8Ufth't vtewa about ltaq and lta leadtt Seddam ttueaetn. Dolng noth· ln& Bush d. would be ll'OUI. "nultin~the aaniry and ~ Mnint of m I.I not a strat- IG • lkalb ll1d. •tt la not an op-noo. • • lDUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolita.flarper@larimes.com. QUESTION ls redev~ the answer to the Wmside'• probl9ma7 Call our Readers Hotline at ? • (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to dailypilot@lat1mes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. in the area. Since the comuJtants are still in the early stages of srudying the area. the boundaries may be modified, said John I fuffman of Urban Futwes. The description of the area as blighted is not sittmg weU with many of the property owners. who contend that their busine<).SeS are neither blighted nor an economic burden. "Our businesses have contin· ued to grow and prosper.· said Mike 8rans, who owns a plumb- ing business on Whittier Avenue. ·n1e consuJtants have come up with statislJcs to show the values have gone up 2. I% but ours have gone up almost 10% without re- development· Many of the commissioners said they approved the prelimi· nary boundaries with reserva- tions, and that doing so was the only way to explore other op· tions. "I don't buy the fact that there·~ no blight on the West· side," said Eleanor F.gan. "But ou1er tools can be used to jump start (economic development). Maybe we need to look at re.um- ing. Somethings going 10 work there.· • DBR>RE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (9491 574-4221 or by e-mail et deirdre.nt'IWman@l•t1rrwn com. to excessive drinking and crim e in the area on the Fourth of July. "I think we ought to not per· mil delivery of aJcoholk bever· ages," Councilman Gary Proctor said. Council members agreed that the restrictions on the pitt.a par· tor's liquor license were not enough to prevent alcohol-re- lated problems. •JUNE CASAORANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or bye-mall at june.casagrande /ltima.com. 'It was one of the most inspiring speeches I've ever heard.' Rep. DMll Rohrlibacher / Jim Toledano. the rormer head or the Orange C.ounry Demo· cratic Party and a Costa Mesa at- lomey, watched the speech el~­ where and described it as ·rather stqgerlng" and, at llmes, far· fetched. "lt was a typical Bu.ah speech. Iott of nJce platJC\Jde4, • Thfedano 58Jd. "I dJdn't think he made his CMe (tor war). He tried LO wnp himself 1n the cvU of H ln and the good_ ot our chanu:- ter. • Newport-Mesa' ~publican congri!llkma) leaden who ob aerwd the tr of the Union ALLOWED Continued from Al families are i.ncapabte of achJevin these Wtues. g i~-:kr "But at least half the l.CIU&UJ world in America is far from perfect. .. Smith writes. "This half results in d1vorce, which despite any evidence you've read to the contrary, is devastating to children: SmJth also asserts the "best opdon• is always reconciliation. In my life, there ls one thffig {besides white heels, a strand of pearls and a calendar from 1953) absent from Smith's idyllic reality: a marriage license. And it is than.ks to the lack of that certificate that my family (as imperfect as it may be) can truly enjoy a healthy existence. The father of my son and I get along better now than we ever wd when we lived together. Since our split, our son gets to spend time with his parents in loving atmospheres. devoid of yelling. crying, accusations and name-calling. or course my scenario may be considered even more w1acceptable than ilivorce to some because I never got married in the first place. Not because I wasn't aske<l. but simply because I refused to make a lifelong commitment to a life of misery and hurt. We lried to make things work. We lived together and got counseling. but the truth of the maner is that we are better friends than partners. And as friends, we are better parents to our son Victor Cota. who specialize'> in children's memal health at the county's Ouldren and Youth Servic~. said it IS irresponsible 10 maJce generalil.ations about the etfects of divorc.-e be<.'.<luse blanket statemen~ cannot take into account the most important aspect of a family: the people. ·It is really difficult to take a subjective situation and make it objective," Cota !Ml.id. "Life JUSt isn't black and white. While tl1ere may be generalities that ~rve as guidelines, aJJ of us are different and my <.ircumstances are exclusive to me." Oilldren need 10 feel they belong. Cota said, when that ~nse of belongi[lg breaks down. children are deeply affected. The breakdown also is J>O"'-'>lble in families where parents stay married but are constantly arguing. they are mt5erable or there is violence or abuse. "Whether the parents are i.eparated emouonaUy or ph~ically, there ts a loss either way." Cota said. "lf the parents are together but can't stand each other it 1s a IJvmg nightmare and that lack of belonging effet1S the children in a dev-d.'itating way. The pain is still very real to -these children.· In some ~ in which there is a lack or empathy, love and concern in the household. holding onto the marriage effects children just as much or more than divorce. "MoraJity aside in regard to divorce, we shouJd focus more on what is best for the children,· Cota said. "It is up to the aduJts to make the best decision for tl1eir children and each situation is different. lf I tried to give one answer then it wouJd take the human impact away and maJce ii just another nwnber. • It is a more rational view like Cota's that I like to prescribe to. It deals with reality and the changes and hurdles that life throws at you without warning. And yes. in a perfect world we wouJd love to have a super sniffer that couJd detect potential violence, drug use or financial irresponsibility, but life Is not perfect and neither are people. I disagree with Srruth's insinuation that those who cannot force themselves to reconcile are somehow at fauJt or are too lazy or selfish. Quite the contrary. I mow in my case. I wouJd have a much easier time paying rent. student loans, car firsthand, not swprisingty, en- dorsed the speech. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, who represents C.osta Mesa and wrote speeches for President Reagan, said It was 1\1.stodc. •1t wu one or the most Inspir- ing speeches I'w ever heard.· Rohrabacber said. Rep. Olril C.ox. who represents Newport Beach, however, cau- tioned opinst attaching too much Importance to tt yet. •1t'a not ro r us to judge how h.lslory wm view lthe sp«chJ: Cox said. ·11'1 easter to say that lh.ls was a wry tmporur• :pttd\ It thll mo~L • • MUla.M'OH ~t"­ .nwonm.nt, buline. and po4ldc:a. He m.-, be ~ llt (948) 1M 4330 °' b'f ..meN llt l*Jl.ofMJotJ.*""-com. payment and day-ca.re had I gotten married. I wouJdn't tvm be writing this column right now: I'd be hopping, whlle my husband w.is off at work closing some major busin deals. But J wouJd be miserable and more importantly. Donovan would not have a good example of a nurtUrin8 household. And beyond that, neither his father, nor I, wou1d have snapped out or ow damaging habits and wouJd not have grown to our full potential as parents and i.ndjviduaJs. J am not aslc:ing for accoladl>s because I chose the hard way. Nor do I begrudge those who have found their souJ mates and Uve their lives according to Smith's model or perfection. I only ask that people like Smitl1 not judge those who were not fortunate enough to maJce all Lht' right dec~ion~ the ft.rst time around. ure is not about the mistans you make. but what you learn from those mistakes and how you ~ those lessons to better your life. and the lives or tho<;e you love. For some. laying m an unhealthy marriage is a mistake I admH 10 making more than J rew bad choic~ an my life. but I wouldn'I trade tl1em for anything becall.M' they made flit who I am And that woman W<l\ mong enough to walk away from a dt><.trurtive rela11onsh1p for the be.,t of all involved. Smith ..ar.-he doei> not like tu think of divorce "l:>t.-cau.se lhel conjures up imaRl'S of sad kid'>· WeU, mane i~ one ~iruation tn which he rnn l'nvis1on that p<>Mibillly wtthour worrymg about the emotional state or tht• chlld. The r.im1firnuum of my dl'C1<o1on., may hnng some· challenRe<. IC! Donovan\ hfe hu1 thost> Lnah wtll tt-ach him le--'>On' that wiJI aJ'4, mold Im t.hM"dl·ter .and l'rlnlh ht., t'Xl'>lCJICl' And I wtlJ be a pmud. lovtn~ and mrnlvt...J part•nt r~ardlno, of \vhl·ther there L\ J dtam<ind 011 my finger or not • LOUTA HARPER wntes columns Mondavs, Wednesdays and Frtdavs and may be reactled ai (9491 574-4n5 or bye mail at lol1ta flarper a lat1m11s com OBITUARY ~n F. Gates Services Cor 50-~ 8a1boa Island l'e$1dmt Don f. Gates will be hdd a t JJ a.m. Sa.tun:lay al the Newport Center United Methodist Otwdl in Co- rona del Mar. Mr. Gates dled Monday of oatwa1 causes. I le was 88. ML Gates is survived by wtf e Barbara Gates; 50DS Don and Peter Gales; da.ugb· ter-Marilyn Sen.hear; stepsons Clwtes and OooaJd Ru.th.roff, step- daughter Salli Middleton; 12 grandchlklm\; and ftve great~gmndchildrm. • The Dltlly Piiot w.klomel obftuarlea for resldencl or fo"'* rnidencs of Co.u M-. end Newport 8-d\. If you want tO ~en obkuary pritad WI th9 Pl'°" •your mot1U*'f '° fa UI IM lnformlltlon 11t CM9) Me-4170 or cell h fteWSloom M (IM8J ~ ... MALONEY, Louise B. Loulae B. Maloney, born Sept. 13, 1929 In Inglewood. CA. Passed a way Jan. 25, 2003 In Newport Beach, CA after a vallant battle with panc,..attc c ancer. A volunteer at Hoag Hospital for 20 YMra, Lou ... loved IO play bridge and travef. She esp9Clatty looked fotwMI to her vt1tt1 to Maul with her hu9bMd Ed.~ by her daughter Ann and eon Jim, lout .. wilt be ~ mlu~ by her 1urvlvlng flmlty, hu1band Edward, daught•r K.,•n (8t•v•) Hinton, ion John O<rl•) Mak>My1 1l1ter Judy (Dlctc P9ckn. and grandchildren, Atlcla, Alana and Crt1ttna Undner. ~Md~ Hinton, Katie and Cattle M•c.~Mw.IMher~ fttendl. funeral MNtc. at 9:30 Lm., fftdllY .,.,.,.., 31 .. Our .... °'*'" ol Mglll Chun::tl, ... aal)Olt lleidt. .,. Wtmesday, JdflONY ?9, 2003 A5 FO·RUM HOW 10 GET PUBLISHED -lAtters: Mall to Editorial Page Editor James Meier at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RNden Ho1tine: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (9491 646-4 l 70 E-m .. :Send to dallypllot@latimes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for venficat1on purpo~). The Pilot reserves the. nght to edit all subm1ss1ons for clantv and length MAILBAG Mayor 's letter offered insight to the city Re: The Community Commentary by Newport Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg ("BeU Curve missed wilh swing against council," Jan. 16). Those of us who don't always understand political issues within our local government.and just rely on "hearsay" snouJd be gr.uefuJ for the mayor's letter. The clarilicauon of ~craJ issuc.'S regardang Dave Flit'> and Lhe prcvlous election, as weU as Lhe El Toro debate, i~ extremely important and shouJd be reqLtired reading for all of Newport Beach. I personally foci Lhat tJ1c "mud 'Jlinging" and all dirty tactics r.hould be dropped (heaven kn~ it 's had enough coverage) and alJ our resident~ l>houJd gt't behind our elet1ed officiaJ., to make ou1 city Lhe very ~t it can be. If you disagree wilh decisions made, ask youn.elf 1f you appeared at meetingi. or were just .ip.nhellt. and .,tayed hnmt• I fet'I pnvllt'gt'<i to haw lived 111 Lhl'> tx·.iuufuJ uty fur the pa'>t 52 yea,..,, and thank tho<..e pa'>t and prt">t•nt cny Lounul. '>t.tlT Jnd .ill tomm1-..\lon for tht•1r excellent cnV1ronment It will he mo'>l 111tert>Stang to '>(!{' If tlw 111.iyor umunuc'.'> IO addrt . .., ... l"'>Ul"> dS tht•y devt•lnp LlNENA HAYTON Corona del Mar Newport did not do enough on FJ Toro Nrwport Hedt h Mayor Steve Bromberg wa., critical of comments made by columnjst lo~eph N. Bell regarding a variety of subjects. but one point in particuJar jumped out a me C"BeU Curve rruS!>ed with swing again5t council," Ian. 16). Bromberg Mates the Newport Beach City CounciJ djd everything possible to secure El Toro airport (!>O that we wouJd not need another expansion of John Wayne Airport.} I \trongly disagree. The Newport Beach City Council and staff's effort'> were pathetic compared to tho!>e of South County officiab. Unlike our own City Council members, the anu-EI Toro city councab promoted their position and worked hard to be '>UCces5fuJ by: I. organizing !>trong voter reg1i.trauun dnve\ in Lhear citie-.; 2. sending out new'ilette" that were filled with materiaJ that oppo .. ed 1:1 Toro; :i. publicly supportmg Measure W; 4. wnting letter'> to the new'>pdpers; 5. -.pending far. far more than pro·aarport people an their effort to !.<!botage Fl foro. fl. Unitmg all South county caues to Jct a., one 111 an effort to defeat our '>Ide Our City Council was big on attending meetings Lhat produced questionable re.,ults. spoutmg rhetoric when needed and Lhrowmg some money at the problem. I lowever. counciJ member\ lack of passion, poor per.,onaJ involvement, lad-lu5ter plans and spineless commitme~t to Lhe biggest challenge Oljr city has ever faced was evidenced in Lhe fact Lhey gave up wa)I before Lhey shouJd have, anct we lost a . critical fight that could have been a sure win. If Bromberg has such myopic vision on the El Toro airport issue, one wonders how he views everything else. RANDOLPH PARTON Newport Beach OCC Swap Meet is great, debate is not In response to the article regarding the Orange Coa'>t Co llege Swap Meet ("Swapping out the '>wap m eets, Jan. 13). I !>trongly urge that the '>Wap meet continue at OLC I think 11's a wonderful place to do bargam shopping and wish we had more of these types of pla<:e'> to get c;uch great de ah. A'> for traffic, I have relatives who lave right next to the swap meet. I often go down on Fairview Street ro vic;at them and frankly. I have not noticed a change 111 traffic regardle'>'i of what day II IS. It as aJso .,ad to see that we're Mall '>O intolerant of our neighboring cornmun1t1C'c, of different race'>, religions dl1d nationality ongin!>. Some of the underlymg racial tommcnt'> that arc bemg made seem ant1-Ameritan to rne. We should all keep in mind what being an American is and what the ~tatue of Uberty and our flag reprt>'>enl. SERAP FRAlJTSCHY Irvine WITNESS HISTORY IN THE MAKING WATSON TREVINO RODRIGUEZ CRENSHAW McCORD & ZOELLER Are coming to Newport Beach, Ma rch 17-23, 2003 for the r Toshiba Senior Classic Be a part of th is very special section of the Daily Pilot on r Friday, March 14, 2003 Just treat your phone like that two-foot putt ... PICK IT UP. And call: 949.642.4321 TOSHIBA Daily Pilot • LETTER TO THE EDITOR Back Bay deserves protec tion M. y relationship wilh the Back Bay goe'> back to 1962 when my family ra .... t moved here. buildtng a house just one sueet away from the bay's tideland~ Smee Lhe11, I have spent untold hour'> lcayakjog an her brackl<Ji water., baking her penmeter and htlung every bluff, !>lope and drainage an an effon to undeNand tht'> landscape and Lhe a111mab and plants Lhat depend on 11 lluring Lhese pa'>t 40 Yl'<H'> of informal exploration and ob.-,ervation I haVl' had many wonderful expenentcs on the we'>t bay .,ide nf Uppl'r Newport Bay. watd1111g burrowing owl<. lJH h grasi.hopper'> in tht• open field'>. trapdoor .,p1dt•r., pull1 ng prl'y into their .,ecret1vt• -.ilk lined holes, gray fox pup'> nervously leaV1ng the '>afety of Lhe1r den for the fir'it ttmc ~dly, I have ahn watched aJI of Lhe<te an1mdl'>. dnd more, '>lowty d1~ppear from the Hack Hay Lach year J!> more and more Vt'>llOr<> Lome to the ba)'. the number of· volunteer Lnuh tntrl'dW and widen. h.thllat hclUnlt.'' more fragmented homt.,., fur wtldhfr· an: l'11m1nated, and ero ... 11111 into lhl' Hay am:rea...e-. I hJvt.' dl'>O '>pent .1 grear deal of lllTil' 111 l·verglc1de'> '\auunal J>ark and Audubon-. ( ork.'>t rew \wamp m llonda, wetland t'lO'>Y'lt'm'> that fate tht· rnntanu1ng challenge of balancing the need'> of w1ldltll' wilh lho'>f> of a \1'>1t1ng pubht l'ager to Vll'W 1h.it wildlife and re4rt'ate clo'>I' tu n<1t1111· I haw ..een fir,tha11d how l'flt·t tlw wt·ll de'>lgned hoMd\"oalk~ and tr.u(., tan be m allow111g \'I'll or-. <H l t''" to wn..,tllvt' wetl<.md'> w11h11u1 cumpronu'>tng the proll·c 111111 and re<.torJCton of 1 h.it n '>oun l I lie Bat H.t)' ta1 l''> till' 'HllTll wt of c hJlh·ngt''>. tht• qu1·-.11011 " how wall "'-C mt'et 1h11'>4' 1 halll'll~l''>' Wall ""''' t 11111u1111· w11h thl' 'talli.. qu11 .md ""atria our ll'>t ut t•ndanKt·rl'd 'Jlt'<'ll'" wm' •L'> nature dt·< h11t''> 1111 tl w "-t">t ha-.1 <Jr wall wt· 1111111\~ tlw ll'ad of 111lwr ~n·al par!..-. and 1 reatt• a '>V'>lt·lll ol h11.1rd'h.tl~ .ind 1ra1I' 1ha1 gt\l''> JH'oph· llw dll ,..,., tlwy wJnl wlult pmlel tlll~ iUHI rt' ... ICHlllJ.: lht• l!Jttm• 1lw\. lmt·1 JIM COKAS \.1 '\' p11r1 Ht'<t< h HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CfTY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa C1tv Hall 77 Fair Drive. Costa Mesa CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor Karen Robinson Council· Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and Chris Steel CfTY OF NEWPORT BEACH Ni>wport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beadi CA 92663, 19491 644-3309 Mayor. Steve Bromberg Council: Gary Adams, John Heffernan, D1dt Nichols. Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don W>?bb COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT District Office· 1370 Adams Ave . Costa Mesa, CA 92626. (714) 432 5!l98 Chancellor Wilham M Vega Board President Paul Berger, Vice Pr• s1dent Armando Ruiz George Brown, JPrry Patterson and WdltE!r G Howald student trustee Dnek Shelly NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT D1stnct Office. 2985-A Bear St Costa Mesa CA 92626 (7141 424 5000 Supenntenden1· Robert Barbot Board· President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Bladt, Clerk Serene Stokes. David Brooks Tom Egan. Judy Franco and Linda Sneen MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT 1965 Placentla Ave. Costa Me&a CA 92627 1949) 631 1200 Board President Jim Atkinson Vice President Mike H1:atev Truilv Ohl1g Hall Fred BC>Ckrmll.-r dnri Paul E Shoenbf;rger COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PO Box 1200 CC1sto Mesa CA 92628-1200 l714t 754 5043 Board President Arlen» Schafer Jim Ferryman An Perry Greg Woodside dnt1D1n Wonhington ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive PO Bo. 9050 Costa Mesa. CA 92628 9050 1714) 966-4000 Elizabeth D Par~er membN Trustee Area 5 Costa Mesa Newpon Beach 11le Daily Pilot Night v•id1 UC lniinc Basketball UC Irvine Anteaters vs. UC Santa Barbara Gauchos Thunday, Jan. 30, 5:30 p.m. Televised live on Fox Sports Net ua FHlll n.,cn Night-the Int 1,500 fMs • recciw • ua FomR .,_,, spamortd by W ..... 9'0• .. ,., r---------------------• : Buy Ont and Bring The Family : I lrl•t I• tit• c .. ,.. -.cl•• Htl rccetn .,.,.,.1 •• dcllcu I 1 to tit• uc lntH/IC IHt• ,.,-..,. t••• .. n.,. • .,, I I ,... st •• 1:11 ,... fer t1tl1 tclntHtl 111 ... , I Co•fcrHcc lltewtlon -.... ...... •f dM ••' tH•• I• I die l••tHI WllH yo• -..., oH tlcllld, Y•• rccctH dirt• I I fr•• ttcllletll I I I ........................ IM.-C-....... ,.... ..... _(,_.... ...... _ ... _ ........................ ...., .. _....,.., ...._., ....... 9Cl/9C9 .... -, ............ -..., ...._. .. .__ -,...1•oM•ter ~..._ nn .. ~ • ......... ·------------------- For tlclld a.toaasall•, pie-all (Mt) UO-... , ....... . . ............... ... L ~· · QUOTE OF THE DAV "It's not about No. I. It's about getting better on a day-to-day basis." John Sperft, UCI men's volleyban coach M Wednesday, January 29. 2003 .. Sports Editor Roger Canson • (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 COLLEGE MEN'S VOLLEYBALL EVE OPENER 1111 Daily A Pik>t 1111111 Sport1 Hal olFame I~ 1 .... 111W.•11Jiulll February 3 hoootee JANE HILGENDORF Datly Pilot .'Eaters roll for the frrst time as No. 1 TOP15 .,_ UC Irvine all set for No. 2 Hawaii after defeating Princeton in four Tuesday night at Crawford Hall. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot CRAWFORD HALL -Now it's time for the next big thing in collegiate men's volleyball For Coach John Speraw's UC Irvine Anteaters, who entered a nonconfer- ence match against visiting Princeton Tuesday night as the nation's No. 1- . ranked team for the first time in school ·history, they will play No. 2 Hawaii Fri- ' day night at 7 at the Bren Events Center -the first time in Orange County' his- . BOYS BASKETBALL Estancia :·dominates :t he Lions Stroman, Sankey score career highs in the rout. Bryce Alderton ·Oaily Pilot .. COSTA MESA -The &tancia High boys basketball team didn't rest on its laurels Tuesday night against visiting Westminster in a Golden West League game. Leading, 57-21. at the break. the eagles {14-7, 4-3 in league) shot better ·in the final two periods (52% compared to 48.3% in the first half) and routed the Lions (3-16, 0-7) for the second time lhis season, 73-33. The Eagles beat the 'lions by 36 Jan. 6. ' "Competition," said the Eagles' Jor- dan Stroman when aslced what kept the "learn modvated with the big lead. wwe 'll1ways want to do better than the last game. We wanted to beat them by more than (36)." The Eagles beat the Lions, coached by former Corona del Mar High girls basketball coach Elbert Davis. in nearly 'every facet of Tuesday's game, limiting the visitors to just five first-half field ' goals. Estancia out- rebounded the ' SCOREBOMD visitors, 35-12, committed eight fewer turnovers and shot better (50.9% to 38.2%). The Eagles used a full-court press - at times position- Westminster 33 ing four defenders Estancia 73 within the Lions' zone -to create errant passes. The Eagles used runs of 13-0 and 12-0 ·\n the first and second periods, respec- tively, and led by 4 I twice in the final quarter. Scott Sankey scored a career-high 15 points on 7-of-9 shooting ·and grabbed 10 rebounds. Stroman contributed 13 points, also a ~r-high, on 6 of 6 from the field, in- cluding two two-handed dunks that woke up the crowd of about 200. The first dunk followed one of Westminster's 21 turnoVers. Carlos Pinto corralled a inisbandled pass and whipped the ball to starting guard Matt Cachola. Cachola had no one In front of him -only Stroman to his right-and the lob pass found the 6-foot-4 junior gliding in the m for the slam to make it 44-11 with '~!37 remaining in the first half. ~ Cachola nearly doubled his assists- ptr-game average (5.7 coming into Tuesday's game, good for eighth in the b>unty) with ll against the Lions. and collected five first-half points to go with r"tfx rebounds. 'We kind of keep him under wraps with three-point shooting. trying to be disciplined and throwing It into the big ~" said Bagfes' Coach Olrls Sorce. (Cachola) has stepped up. pull.Ing boards and turning hb defense up a 'hotcb." ··,..1.ec:k Novak went 5 of 8 from the field and ftniabed with 13 potntll and Plnto tallied nine points, four rebound,, and two MllMU. Erik Andersen started and bid four boards. "tWO steals and two ,~ ... .• The ~ bench of Sttoman. Joey ~ (10 polots. dgbt rebound.9), "fyler Ho«lnan (ftve points and three U· '*->and Kendall Meiaener (one point) OUllCOl9d ~ 29-6. " ' tory a school has hosted a No. 1-vs.-No. 2 match. The Tigers kept UCI's advan- tage to within five, until Irvine scored on back-to-back plays for a 22-15 edge. Irvine's Monte Tucker (10 kills and three bloclcs) recorded a kill and Kyle Weichert followed with a solo block in the middle for the 'Eaters' first seven-point lead. with a kill by Jimmy P.elul, who led all players with 17 kills arid six digs, while add- ing three service aces and two blocks. Bemus, Weich- ert, Kniffin and Nie Vislay each bad six blocks to tie for match-high honors. USA TODAY/AVCA men'• vofa.yball poll Poa.Team,(•) 1. AntNten (14) · 2. Hawaii (2) 3.BYU 4. Pepperdine 5. Long Beach St 6. Ball State 7. UCLA WI think Friday night is going to be a big match for our program, it's going to be a big match for our university and it's going to be a big match the commu- nity," Speraw said. following the Ant- eaters' 30-19, 30-21, 22-30, 30-19 victory over Princeton, which was led by for- mer Corona del Mar High standout Dennis Alshuler, a senior co-captain for the Tigers (0-2) who finished with 13 kills, four digs, one block and one assist. After an Irvine service error cu t the lead to six. Speraw's Anteaters rolled off four points in a row and six of.the game's Princeton Anteaters 1 3 "The last couple of years (the 'Eaters) haven't always been as good, but this year they've beaten some really 8. Cal State Northridge 9. Penn State 10. Stanford Pts. 237 226 175 170 168 165 159 125 120 110 99 48 47 47 11 11 UC Irvine (I0-0), which learned of its top ranking in the USA Today/Ameri- can Volleyball Coaches Association poll earlier in the day. had no game plan for Princeton, but found a rhythm to pull away in the first game, taking 9-5 and 11 -6 leads in front of a pro-Princeton crowd of361 . next seven. Weichert started the run with a kill, followed by a Prince- ton hitting error. a solo block by UC! setter David Kniffin (on Ryn Bums) and a block in the middle with Spencer Be- mus, Weichert and Kniffin in the neigh- borhood. The Anteaters capped the first game good ~d it's fun to come in he"l and play the No. l team in the country, H said Alshul· er, whose play helped Princeton to a 12- 10 edge in the second game. Alshuler gave the Tigers an 11-1 O lead on a kill, after he popped up two spike See UCI, Paee A7 11. Lewis 12. UC Santa Barbara 13. (tie) lnd.-Purdue Ft Wayne 13. (tie) Pacific 15. (tie) Loyola-Chicago 15. (tie) UC San Diego • first-place votes HIG H SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER CdM grabs inside lane Sea Kings win, 2-1, takes sole possession of first in Pacific Coast League. CORONA DEL MAR -When titans clash and the best of the best collide. something has got to give. In Super Bowl SCOREBOMD XXXVU, it was the Tampa Bay • Buccaneers' defense that led to the win over the Oak- land Raiders. in the girls soc-Northwood 1 cer matchup of CdM 2 Pacific Coast League un- beatens Corona del Mar Higb and Northwood, experience made the dif- ference. DON LEACH/DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar's Paige Janes chips ball into scoring position as Northwood defenders try to get into position. CdM senior Elisha Morgan. who missed nearly a month because of strained lower back. scored a goal and added an asmst to help lead the Sea I SIDtMtCRNt</OMYPILOT Costa Mesa's Brian Moina contends ~ some persistent defense. . See SOCCER, Paee A7 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Mustangs outplayed Host Ocean View cruises to 73-42 victory over Mesa. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot connected from beyond the arc to help Mesa (7-14, 2-5) pull within 32-19 by halftime. Ocean View, however, scored the first 14 points of the third quarter, en route to its ninth consecutive victory. Krikorian finished with a team-high 20 for <:osta Mesa. HUNTINGTON BEACH - Costa M esa High boys basketball coach Bob Serven acknowledged that no amount of smoke and mir- rors could distort the wOcean View" experienced from the top of the Golden West League. Mesa 42 while sophomore Jeff Wal- Ooean View 73 dron added 10 point:s and eight rebounds for the vlsi- Ocean View's Seahawks (19-3, 7-0 in league), ranked No. 5 In Orange County and tied for No. 3 in CIF Southern Section Division ill-A. showed bow exclusive their vantage point atop the seven-team circuit has become with a 73-42 win Tuesday over the visiting Mustangs. "They're a good team, as good as billed," Serven said. "Ocean View ls the aeam of the crop. Our guys played hard, but we were overmatched in every aspect." The fiist of five Danny Krikorian three-pointers put the visitors up. 3-2, and Mesa was wftbln 6·5 of the Sea· bawb 2:30 lnto the contest But Ocean View junior 1COring leader Matt Supant &COred seven atralgbt points within a '3-second span and the bost:s were off to the races. A patr of Ocean V1ew tlme-polnten co open tho aecond period made it 23-8, but Krikorian (twice) and 7Jad. Pepic tors. Krikorian now has 61 three-pointers for the season, including at least one in 20 of the Mustangs' 21 games. Sargeant finished with a game-b.lgh 24 points, more than three better than his average, despite sitting most of the final quarter. He was responsible for half of the hosts' eight three-pointers. Senior Casey Ortiz. ecoreless until the ftna1 seconds of the third quarter, was the only other of 10 Ocean View IC:lOrert in double figures with to. Ocean View defeated Costa Mesa. 56- 52, ln the league opener at Mesa, but. Serven pointed out, that wu after the Seahawb had experienced a near-two· week layoft: "It' no fun to get beat Ub that, but It happens,.. Serven l8ld. "It happens to good teams and It happens to )'OUnl teams and we have a yo\Ull te.m. °'We'll be all right, down the road. .. Serwllaald. Daily Piiot BASKETBALL SUMMARIES HIGH SCHOOL BOYS Gotdefi Welt LMcue <>c.en View 73, Com Mes. 42 CostaM~~~11 ~ Ocean View 11 1& 24 11 n Cott. Me.a -0 .Knkorian 20, Waldron 10. Stankovic O, Knox 5, Moltna 0, PePIC 5, T Krikorian 2, Abedrabo 0, Millward O 3-pt goals -D Knkonan 5, Knox 1, Pepic 1 Fouled out -none Tectmtealt -none Oceen v--Ortiz 10, lmpelman o. Wurts 9, ,Seargeant 24, Kramer 8, Rogers 9, Wilson 6. OIM'udibonye 2, Roth 2, LM 2. Nguyen t 31>1 goals -Sargeant 4, Ortiz 2. Wilson 2 Fouled ou1 -none Technicals none. Estancia 73, Westminster 33 Score bv Quarters Wes1m1ns1er Is 1 a 12 Estancia 19 23 15 u1 w..tmlnltef -Morse 2, Jones 5. Garduno 4. An 9, Deg1acamo 7, Ruelas 3, Chavarria 2. Vargas 1, Preciado o 3 Pl goals -An l, Deg1acamo 1 Jones 1. Ruelas 1 Fouled out -Preciado Technicals -Jones. 33 73 Esuncla -Pinto 9, Andersen 2, Sankey 15, Cachola 5. Novak 13. Lmdqu1s1 10, Stroman 13, Hoffman 5, Meissner 2. Escobedo 0, Viramontes 0 3 pl Is -Cactiola 1. Pinto 1. Novak 1 Fouled OUI -nonti Technicals none HfGH SCHOOl GIRLS S POR'J S !JON LEACH OAJl' Pl r CdM's Vanessa Fallon collide,s.w1th Northwqod's Amber Bettenhausen as they try to control the p;<ill. SOCCER Continued from A6 lout·hed 11 over to '>l'nlor AJ1VJa Mv u rn, who scored thr goal .. f"-oothift 52, Newport 38 Newpon 11 ~ 10 ~ Foothill IJ ') 1• 11> King<, to a 2 1 come from-behmd Victory over vt'ilin>: Nnnhwood. l8 Thi' wa'> Morwm\ third week i11 s1 a<.1Jon 'imu· tht' 1111ury she -.ur- fert>d l>ec. Ii. Newport H•rbor Campbell 2 Swigart 7. Whitfield 12, Vasquez 4, Woller 4 Stoltz 2. Miller 7. Edd1ng1on Then one minute into the ~· ond hdlf. Morgan headed m a goal afwr a picture-perfect Cl'O'-'> from her younger !>bier. Kelly. a freshman. Kelly Morgan -.cnl a far tTO~'> from the n1mer and the baJI gnu.t'd ( dM semor Jenny Long l>t>fore 1-Jic,ha Morgan put 11 aw<1y I .(mg prov1dl·<l -.pct-<J on Lhe out '>ldl' and I ..c1uren l J>e d1.,played hmtle. .i.s '>ht• !>e<'med to be l'\<t'l)'\\-hl're on the licld FJi.Jla Mo~ari pul 1he lim'>hmg touch witJ1 her •l'>'•i'l and game-win nmg goal. llley'rc mnl'l' expenenced and 1lwy haw <1 -.enior li!dt.'n team," Nonhwood t .oach ~teven Tatone -.aid "I don't think tJu~y played tht•1r bt'>t game and they <;till wo11 Ill.it ._..~., a 101 about their l'xpenence 3 pt go.its Swigart 1 Whitfield 1, Miller 1 Fouled out none Tec:hn1cah; -none "1>othifl t<arcner 0, Honon 12 Hoffman 7. Puri 19 LaRue 5 Hewrman 2 Balley 2. Estrada 5 3 pt goats -Honon 2. Hoffman 1 Estrada 1 Fouled ou1 none Tecttnical~ nooo PKlftc Coast LN,w Northwood 42. CdM 37 ScoN bv Ouarten Northwood ~ 8 16 I 42 CdM 11 9 1 10 37 Northwood Edmondson 2. Monroe 3. Miles 16 Sm11h 11 Albaugh 2 Muc1as8 3-pt goals -Miles 1 Fouled out none r'Chntcals -none. • Con>n• del Mar -Dimas 4 Otterbein n . Heesdlen O. Klein 10. McCoy 6 Snell 4 Stern 1 Skalla 1 3-PI goals -Otterbein 1 Fouled out -none Ted1nlC81s none 5-ae Hitl so. Oxford 31 ~bvOuMten Sage Hill 1~ 13 8 13 Oxford n o 6 14 5-oe Hill -Came Clarlt 10. Carley Clart 3, Mainero 3, Gu11erre2 0, Wright 13, Pu11hy111l Yoder loo 10. Gonzalel 0. Kawamura o. Kahsk1 0 3-pt goals -none Fouled out -none 50 31 Tedinicals -Coacti Aenkin 1, bench 1 Oxford Academy -Chew 4, Ambutah 3 Schrader B. Chung 4 Arex1an 2. Chen B Lee 2. 3-pt. gOals -Schreder 2. Chung 1 Fouled oul -none Tecnncials -none SCHEDULE TODAY Belbtbel Communi~lego men -Fullen on a1 Orange t. s·:io p.m Community College women - Fullerton at Orange Coast. 7 JO p m. High school boys -Newpon Harbor et Foothill. 7 p.m.; Northwood at Corona del Mar, 7 p m ; Sage Hill at Oxford Academy, 7 JO p m High ectiool girls -Eltanc1a ar Westminster, 7 p.m.; Oooan View at Costa M..a, 7 p.m. a..... College -Concordia at Vanguard, 2 p.m. ~ Community College men -Or11nge Coat va. UC San D1eoo at USC, 5 p.m. 8ocoef' High IChool boys -Nortl)wood at Cofone def Mar, 3: 15 p.11\.; Newport HMbof at FootNIJ. 3: 15 p.m. High IChool girls -Ocean View et ca.ta Meta, 3 p.m.; Estancia al w.tmintter. 3 p.m. ...... High tc:Mol girls -Laguna Hills at Newport Harbol', 3 p m.; Wntm1ntter at Cotea ~. 3:16 p.m; Estancia at Oranea. 3:15 p.m. 'M111I I Hlgtl tdtool -Elt.ancla at Ocean View, fp.m. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TCDW M -Oe¥1de.er Conline def Mtr ... ..,... .. "We ou1pl<1ye<l !Nonllwoodl the whole game." ..aid CdM Conch Bryan ~!1ddleton. who-.t.• team unprowd to H i I, 5-0-0 111 league. "I told the l(lrl'> dunng halftime lha! we were dummdl mg the game. \\'e IU'>l had to t ~h the hox. llw. win -.how... 1ha1 we're tJw top teJm 111 thl' PC I. I really don't worry dh<>ut rdllhng<;. I'm 1u-.t umcemed about the girl\ performance on the lleld." Nonllwood (~J-4 1, 4-1 ·01 gamed the upper hand t>arty. when c;ophomore Caitlin Schneider -.cored 111 the first m111 ute But Cd.M amwcn•d with u goal une mmutc befort: halfnme after ..emor Paige Jane.. deliver<.'d a booming free lack. from near midfield. The ball oounced do'>(• 10 Nonhwood\ net, a<, Morgan "Tiia1 wa'> -.ome '>LSH·rly love.· the elder Morgan saJd. "We lne\~ thi:. wa'> gomg to bt> our No. I game in lea~e Both tt.>ain'> wanted to win We had a tdl.k be- fore 1h1'> game .rnd we IU4'1 fo rn~d on winning." nie Sea King.s feature ~ven <,t>nmr.. all of whom play vital rok.., fur CdM, the lhrtt·time de- fendJnii: champion of the PCL T'hey wouJd have eight M!niors, but l..iuren Shepherdson, Last year\ P( L Co-MVP. LS out for the ~aS<>n with a broken ankle. Sen- ior Christina laylur battled through bump-. and bruises luec,day Jane-.. the Sea King"; s-.."lt!ellt.'r, bailed out CdM on !>eV- eral lll'>lanee!>, r-.lvura cai.c.ed fru<;trauon for lhl' nmbeiv.olves. T11e Sea King., were nol a1J dhout their '>t.'11101"> I\Jesday. a'> eVJdenced with Kelly Morgan'!> ru.- '>ISI Lo her t'lder si!.ter. CdM juruor Kirwe Krnmer provided a game savmg play With Lhe ~a King'> prott.'Ctlng 11 L-1 lead. Kramt'r <;ruffed a onhwood breakaway opportumty and helpt>d ~pho­ more gudl1t' ranisha '>enaratne record one of her five saves. Nonhwoo<l '>Ophomore Milad<1 Ralujan created a breakaway by dnbbltng through t.dM\ la.st de fender before Senar.itne But, Kramer u.'e<l her '>pet.'<i to come from behind and .. hd to block Rakl1ans '>hOL COLLEGE SOCCER SIGNINGS CdM quartet sign on to college programs Coron.i c.lcl Mar ll1gh <,emo"' l..iurcn \hepherd~on. Paige Janl.'c,, l:lisha Morgan and AUvia M.vura have <;1gned tlwir letter. of intent and the girl'> from the CdM .. occer team will move on to NC.AA Divb1un I program'>. Shepherd<;on and Jam.., will re mam teammate<-al use while Morgan will play for UC Santa Barbara and Mvurn will com pete at UC Berk.eley <;hepherdo;on, who broke her ankle two weeks ago. Wab la'>! year'!> P.<1cific Coast I Raguc Co Mo'it VaJuable Player She earned fir..t · tt•.1m All C Ir l>1V1!>11>n IV honor. last sea-.on. and rt>n•1ved 1h1rd-ll'am All-C'll-and 'il'rond- team All PCI rrrngnit10n J<, a ..aphomore She '>did .,he re- cently hJd '>Ufgl'ry on th<• ank.le and it will takt.• ·1 4 month., of re- covery. Janes al<,o earned fir-.t team AJl-C.11 DWl'>IOrt IV accolade~ last '>ea<,on. She was third-team All-C..11' a"i a c;ophomore. <1nd she ha' tWlce been fir.,1 -team All-PU ., after earning '>econd- team all-league laureli.· as a freshman Morgan eJmed All-( II l'ft:og rnuon thrt•e .,1raigh1 years. f4)1 -.ea.,on '>hr wa'> on the second team. and '>he \VJ'> o n the fir;1 learn her fir.t two \tlr.)1ty sea '>on., She recovered from knee \Ul"g<'ry during the olT-'ieason before 4'hl· hecame J JUmor. Mor gan has been a Ii r<.I t l'am all lea.,,e honoree the lru.t three year., Mazura abo received l>eeond team AlH If-and fir.t team All PC I laul'{'I'> la'it -.ca.'>on. She played club soccer her first two year-. of high -.rhool HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL Sailors lose CdM drops 52-38 decision 42-37 duel SANTA ANA -Newport Har- bor Hlgh's girls basketball team Jost the banJe of the boards and Foolhill High's host Knights took advantage en route 10 a 52-38 Sea View League victory Tuesday night. The sauors, who held· their own well into the second half, could not solve Foothills inside game and fell to IJ -12, 1-5 in league pla~ Foothill improved to 4·2 in the I~ standings. JUlianne Whitfield led Newport Harbor with I 2 points and seven rebounds. and Undsey wooer bad seven boards. The Sailors retun1 to leagut play Friday night at Aliso Niguel with a 6 o'clock start preceding the boys' game UCI Continued from M 11tcmpta by Tucker In th~ samo rally. Aft r myrlld det. the 'Eaten broke In front. l.5•14, on a block by Vitlay and Bern Liter, UU wmt ahMd. 20-15, aAtr two Princeton enon, a kit bf 1\der and block by Pat.el Ind Vlilay, The 1""1 battled fO Within 22·19, bUt thal' When Nr~l -uo tumr>-emtna Me -toed the Mnke line md prompeJy CORONA DEL MAR -After playing a game of cat and mouse in the first half by attacking the inside and drawing fouls, suc- cessfully, Corona del Mar f Ugh's girls basketball team lost the idea in the second half and paid for it in a 42-37 Pacific Coast League loss to visiting Northwood Tues- day night. • Madison Otterbein scored 11 points and Kelliann Klein netted IO points, but a 16-7 deficit in the third quarter, keyed by some unforced errors, proved fatal. Corona del Mar falls to 8-11. 3-2 ln the PCI. Northwood Im- proves to 11-8, 4-l. The Sea Kings return to PCL action Thursday nlgt\t when they bost Laguna Beach. produ~ five straJght points. ln· eluding an ace. Pelt.el led UCl In kills for the aevenlh time th.la ~ti. wt\Ue 'JUcker kept hia atrtak allve of re- conlln& kills ln double ftg\Jre:il tn evay match. The Anteeteq. who only pl.eyed two ....,.. in che lhtrd piDe II the ~ W01t ID ICletm the millcla to raw .... not atftw.ud br° their DIW ND. l ~ •11 dldril rMly aftec:t me .c. II. Of the tMm,. Speraw .... ·11 .. noc ~ Ne>. t. It~ lboUI •· Sage Hill has Wright stuff Cl'PRESS -Freshman center 1 laywood ~t had 13 points and 15 rebounds IO lead visiting Sage 1 lill School to a 50-31 Academy ~ girl5 basketball vic1oly at Oxfoo.I Academy Tuesday night. Leading, 16-11. after one pe- riod, the Ugbmlog (10-4, 2-3 in league) blanked the Patriots in the second quarter, the 81't timt Sage Hill has ever held a team scorelc in one period. Debbie Yoder-Lee had 10 points. five steals and three as- si ts for the winners, who also had 11 points from Katie Pul h - 'fo and 10 from Came Oazt.. S;age Hill continues the hunt in w Academy League oo ThUJ"l.- duy when the Ugbtnlng travds to Brethren Ouisdan (6 p.m.). ring bener on a day·to~d~ basis. ~didn't attm too J'ICfed by our new No. I ranking." In the founh game, after eacJ1 team ftred 1 rocket off ao op~ oent't face for a scoring kill, the Ant ten nll.Ued foca 12-7 ldd. then m&lntalned their lead un· lU • 21-16 fdle, afttf which they IDJcibd et.. Tiaen out OI om. "Jnirpy ...... ~ .... a pt Job tor Ulo" Speraw Mid. ., don't .... lt .... Wi1> •· ........ mi.em for UI, b:M h .. ..-.tow1n.• . w~. January 29, 2003 A7 COLLEGE SIGNING Day picks Cal Poly SLO COSIA MESA -Costa Mesa High seruor Sharon Day. a three- sport star athlete for the Mus- tangs, will play <;OCCer and com- pete 111 track and field at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, staning in Sep- tember, she said Tuesday. Day said she enjoyed her V1S1t at Cal Poly in November and she was also attracted to the univer- sity becaw.e ii offered her major: lcinesio logy. The Pacific Coast League Co- Most VaJuable Player last :.ea.son in soccer, she helped the Mus- tangs wm the program's first Clf- playoff game She also led the Mustang~ with 17 goal!'> and added nine as..,iw. l~t sea'>on on her way to rece1v111g fir-.1 team All-CIF Divis.ion IV honors. SM earned first-team AIJ-PCL reco:ti· n.idon as a sophomore. Day has excelled 111 track and field. A three·time Sc.ate Meet en try ln the high jump, she won the state crown last spnng after re- cording a school-record 5 feet, l I Lnches. She 1 Costa Mesa's 6rst girl to win a state title m track and field. Day has abo won three con secuuve OF OIVll>JOn titles 111 the high jump. and last year she won PCI. champ ionships in the 200 and 400-meters, and the tugh )Ump ~he is al">O a standout 111 V(JI lt'ybaJJ -Stew: Vlrgm BRIEFLY Sailors prevail, 3-1 •GIRLS SOCCER Newport 1 !arbor High '>emor Amy Burlingham '>Cored two goal'> d.Jld ~em or Sabrina C .ouch <1dded another to lead the Sailor. guls wccer team tu a J 1 '*a Vie..., League \1c.tory ~r host foothill Tue'>day in ~n1<1 Ana Newpon (!'i-A 5. :J 2-1) led 1-0 a1 halftime. after Burhngham ~n \enl'd a penalty lock becau-.e of a hand ball Violation by f-oot.hill m the 28th minute Rurlinghdlll \Cored an unass1'>ted goal in the 5 lM minute. lnen. nine minute!. later (.ouch found the bark of the llt'I after finishing a <.rn'>'> by senior Tnna Orth. The Knighl'> <1vmded a .. hutout. '><.onng Ill the final mlllute. New pon I !arbor 1umor goalkeeper Kara f.>eMille recorded seven ..ave'- Estancia slips pa~t Westmin ster with 1-0 win • BOYS SOCCER fatanc1a High\ ho<,I Eagle-. got a goaJ from l.u1<. Mendo1.a di 76:57 to tlaim a 1-0 Golden West League boys '>Ocn·r win over We.,tmmster Tuesday. \!endoza wok a cross m front uJ the goal. made a couple or move\ .10d punched 11 m from 3-4 yards oul. in a hard, physical ma1c h. au.:ordmg to Coach '-lteve Cren shaw. Sergio MadngaJ h~d one -.ave to preserve the ')hurout. fhe Eagle' are 6-8-1, 3-5-1 in league and within range of d CIF Playoffs benh Mustan gs drop 2-0 decision to Ocean View • BOYS SOCCER: The Co-.ta Me<.a High boyi, c;occer team ~ mained \\<inle<>c; after losing, 2-0 to C.olden West League host Ocean View Tue'Jday Mesa goalie John Rui7. !>lopped four sh ots. Coach Eugene Day !>aJd the Mustangs (0-17-1. 0-9 -0) had six viable sconng opporw mues in the first haJf ·we canno1 finish," Day said. Oxford Academy di misses Sage Hill . 2-l • BOYS SOCCER A header by host Oxford Academy's K)1e Stan field in the 60th minute proved to be the game·Wlnner as the Pa triots defeated Sage Hill School, 2-1, in Academy League boyc; soc cer Tuesday. Stanfield scored off a cro~ from Kyle Shield m lhe 60th mmulf Sage Hill evened the <;core 1n the SOth minute when Trevor Granger scored off an ass1'>t from Zach Friedrichs. !:.than Tanne) made 10 saves m goaJ for Sage Hill C6-4 -2. 2-2-2 m leagueJ Ughtnmg captain Julian Smith-Newman 'itr.uned ligaments Kl his knee and didn't play fuesday. '>did Lightnmg assistant coaVi Om!> Ellsasser. Smith-Newman is expected 10 mt~ a week.. a<. cording to EU\a'>ser Lightning drops 7-1 match to Oxford • GIRLS SOCCER Amy Werblin scored off a free kjck m the la4t five minutes bu1 It was not enough against vts11mg Oxford Ac.ad · emy a<; the Patnots beat the Sage I hll School Llghtnmg. 7-1. m Academ y League girls soccer action J'uesday. Barbara Cormafa and Whitney f-ountas each scored rwo goalb to lead Oxford (10-1 l. 4-1) m league Laura C.ordon had 13 <;aves m goal for Sage Hill (3-10. 2 -3) an tht' 1earns' first meeung this season. Lightning bests Estanci~ I 1-6 •GIRLS WATER POLO: Sage Hill School 1umor Hayden Hutctti son "iCored five or her game high nine goals in the third quaner lP help the Lighming puJI away from ho t Estanaa for an 11-6 non league girls water polo win Mo nday Sophomore goalie Kira Neal had 12 saves for the Lightning (8-8). which aJso received two goaJ~ from freshman Stephanie Roeser. Marilyn Reich had four goals to pacl' the Eagles. Katie Mahan recorded nine save11. OCC Herring commits to Wagner C.Ollege • COLLEGE FOOT8AU: Orange Coast College offensive tackle Stephen Herring left last week.end for Wagner College in New York City (Staten lsJand), where the second-team All-Orange EmpU:e Conference honoree will play next sea.son after accepting a sc.bol arship, aJd bis mother, Dawn Hemng. Herring. a second-team JC Gnd Wtre All-American, is also a candidate to be the Orange County chapter rep~ntadve into the National Football Foundation College Hall of Fame. ap· nounced at a dinner March IO in Anaheim. said OCC Coach Mitrie Taylor. The award recognizes academic and athletic achiev~­ ments. Herring had a 3.68 grade-point average at Coast. 'hylor said. . OCC place· kicker Rob Pate was inducted mto the hall last year, Herring, a natJonaJ scholar at Sonora Hlgh lo La Habra. will UkeJy major in sports management at Wagner, Dawn said. He also received a full chola.rahip to Uberty Cluistian in Lynchburg, v-. he added. ln other foo1ball recruiting news, OCC ~nter F.d Fane has committed to the Univvsity of LouUiana· l.afa:yetle, a Dlvisipn I-A school. , -.,, ~ A.WerW UCI' Sfobounov C.0-Big West Athlete of Week • OOLl..8C8 DMNG: \JI lmne babman Anton Sfobounov bffo n&l'Md Big Wi Co-Atbleut of the Week for ~ petfonnt.Ode at the UCLA OMn1 lnvttadonala. • Slobounov came in th1rd piece tn tbe c.hree·meter compec!uon wtth 427 85 poin '°' 11 dha and rowm in the OM• COM· petition with 530.lS poin ror 11 4ML .... . ..... ' ....... . . -.... M Wednesday, Januaq 29, 2003 °"'"" _. UIM..._ -·· --ltlll ... M Ltlll..... M l ..... II 2MI llpl ..... .. LIPI ... ~~~~~~~~ Re-.. ..... ... s...... Tl\• lollowl11& per1on1 •r• do1111 ""'""'" .. A ) Anlm•I Cr tellers (nltthmrMnt. B ) 01~ of Uu, C ) Ace Event Production\, 23704-5 Et l oro Rd.. #366. LaJ.e r ortU. CA 92630 Mtrst ltob.,Mln D.C•· UJ., 30982 Vie CfysQI, S•n Ju1n C1&1>islt1no, CA 92675 This buslneu Is con duct.IHI b1 an lnd1vldual Have you started dome busineu yet? Yes, Animal Craclr.tts 1977 Ave Event Proctuchons & 01y ol Jau 2001 Mtrsi Roberson-OeCt ~IS This s tatement was hied with tht County Clwk of Ot1n1e County onOl/23/03 200HH0740 Oe1ly Ptlol J,n. 30, Feb 5,J2.J9.2003 W048 PETJTIONTO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: Runt ANN VIERLING CASE NO. A217118 To II t.n, blneficiariel. crediloR. a>ollngenl c:tedilora. and '*'°"' who may otherwise be lllteteSted Ill the will Ot tttale. Ot both of RUTH ANN VIERl.JNG. A PETITIOH FOR PROeATE llU been hied bv JOHN MOOOE VIERLING In the SIC)8rior Court of Clllfomia. Cooney of ORANGE THE PETITION FOR PAOSA TE r8QUftl:S lhat JOHN MOOOE VIERLING be appoltUcl as P8f'IONI represenlabYe IO ~ the Mlate of the decedent .......... .......... The followln& persons ere °'»Ill bllslMU IS Allll•h Fundlne Subprime. 5 Cofporate 1'1rll Ste 110. t1vkle. C~ 92606 Prudential Ltndin1. IM .. (CA>, ~ Corpo1e(e Perk Sit. 11 O. lflllne. CA 92606 lhls business 11 c;on- ducled by 1 corpor 1t1on Have you $tarled doll\& business yet7 Yes, 111 26/02 Prudent1el l1ndlo1. Inc • Jeffery Smith. Presiderit This statement wes Med with the County Clerlr. ol Ora11e• County on 01/17/03 200SHS0'40 011ly Pilot Jan 22. 29, Feb 5, 12,2003 WOJS DeOl l ·73 loeated It 34 i TliE CITY OAIVE, ORANGE, CA 92613 IF YOU 08.JECT to the "~ ol the petition. )'OU should appear at the heanng and stale """' ~Otfile~ ~ With lhll court before the heal1r'G YOO< 111lP9arance may be In pe<son °' by your ~F~OU AAE A CREDITOR 0t a COOCingenl credilOt ol the deceued. )'OU must lite your claim with the court and ma~ a copy IO the penonal repme#Ul!Ve ~ by lhe court Wlthn IOI#' montlll from tilt date of tltst Issuance of leUM as pttMded in Probate Code section 9100 The lime tor filing clalms will noc •l!PR tietore tout monh from tne he~ date noboed abc1;e YOU MAY EXAMINE lhe file kept by the court " )'OU are a peraon iriereSl8d in lhe estale. )'OU may file wttrl lhe IS<ltw moo Of NllllOllO MIHnautA110fi J058I ST. CllMUJ.. *"'mm WUICU217lil lo 111 heir•. benell· clt1 les. cred1tou. con· tln1ent crld1t0t1, 1nd j)«MNIS wM n11y Otll erwlu ~ lnterutld In llle will o< estate, or both, of: JOSEPH ST. CHARLES aka JOSCPH WASZTYL A PETITION FOR PftO. BATE hes been f11d by LINO~ HARTSON In Ult Superior Court ol C1h fornla, County of OR ANGE. lHE PEllTION FOR PROBATE requests that LINDA HARTSON be appointed as personal representative to ad minister the estate of the decedent. THf P( TITION requests autho11ly to •dmlnlster lhe estate under the Independent Adm1n1s· tnt10n of [states Act ( Thr' Author tty will allow the pe1 sonal repreun tallve to take many achons w1tllout obtain in1 cour I approval Before tak1n1 certain very 1mpor tant actions. however. lhe personal rep1esenlallve will be requtred to 11ve notice to inte1uled persons unless lhev have waived noltu or tonsented to the proposed action ) T~e independent ad mln1stral1on authonty will be e,.nled unless an 1ntern ted pe"on Ides an obtechOn to the pelthon ~nd shows 1ood cause why the court should nol iir ant the aulhor1ty A HEARING on the pehhon will be held on FEBRUARY 20. 2003 •I I JO pm 1n Oepl L73 located at .i4 I The City Or1ve South, Oranve. CA 92868 IF YOU OBJECT to the eranltne or the petrt1on. you 'hould appear at the hear1nii and 1t•te your ob1ect1011\ 01 file wfllten obiec llOns with the COUI I before the hea11na Your 1pp.,111nv may be rn per\on 01 by you1 allorney Nollet ller.0, li~tn tl\t undtr&llntd wilt N sold at PUS[.IC AUCTION to be held on februaty to. 2003 at 11-00 o'ctod 1.m. S.W AiKbotl will ti. 11Jade pun1111nt to MC• t1ons 21791 to Zl71!> of lt\41 bu11n-and pro feulona c~. section 2· 231 of the COl!lmtfclll code Mellon 535 of the Penal eoct. Stitt ot Cellfornie Kelly 1nd Kall .letk.$0tl, K&.E Auc:tlon Slfvlce. P.O. Box 825. Rl1lto, CA.. 92377, '909·87l· 0744. Auction Bond 1723-tl 19 AlLSPAC£ HllNTIHCTON BiACH, 8564 Hamilton Avenue, Hunt101ton Beach, C1. 92646 UNIT I · CUSIOME:R NAME · INVENTORY C049, Dunham/IUine, Const m1ter111$, we+cht bench,sll les F026, Ay1la, Albert. Assorted bous, floor fan F098, Nichols. Poppy, Kine mattress &. sp<ina. leather sole. slues, 11uil8" w/ case F 105. Suzullt, Dale, Fiie cabinet, surfboard. 10' slep l1dde1, table, boaes G080, Thurston, Nicole, Assorted boxes. household Items Publl$hed Newport Beach-Cost• Mtsjl Daily Piiot January 29. Feb· IUll)' 5, 20()3 W046 S...-.tl .u.. '"""" Rdltll.....__ The lollowln1 perM>n h•s abandoned the use of the Fteltllous Bust· ness Name Team AIM• Moto. 946 West 17lll St. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 The f1d1hous Business name refetted lo •hove wu filed 1n Orance County on I 17 OJ. FILE NO 20036930117 Randall Waech. 20291 Kime Orrve, Santa Ana He11111ts. CA 9"707 Rich1td Counts, 20291 Kline Drive, Santa Ana Heiatih. CA 92107 This busmen 1s con ducted by a 1eneral P~' tnershlp R•chtrd Counh ....... ... ...... The tollowln1 l)tfsons .,. dolftl bu..i-ea; Scott C.ino11 Company. 3220 H«tfl low• $treat, Cttt.t Mlea, CA 92626 Scott ,..,_ Co1Y1CN1ny. LLC (CA), 3220 H0<th Iowa s11 .. t. CoJtt Mesa. CAfma Thb bdiMu la COii· ducted by: limited Llabil1ty Co. 1t1ve you 1t1rttd dome business ~t? No Scott Garmon Com- p1ny. LLC Scott Carmon, President Thls $tatement wu filed with 11\1 Cdunty Cltrlr. ol Or1nie County on0Vl5/03 20NHH7H Daily Pilot Ian 22. 29. Feb. 5, 12. 2003 W04o Re-.. ..... --.s...... The followin.a persons are dolne bus111eu as: Solution Advt10ts. 2175 MHI Verde Otlvt fest Al04, Cost• Mesi, CA 92626 Aleunder N. H1wkins.' 'l775 Meu Verde Or1ve EHi Al04, Co1t1 Mesi. CA92626 This busmen 1s con· ducted by: an 1nd1v1du1I Have you sterted doln1 business yet7 No Aleundt1 N Hawkins, " fh11 statement was f1"4 with the County Cleflr. of Orance County 00 l/7/0J 200Httl7J1 Dally Piiot Jan 8. 15, 22. 29. 2003 WOl7 ,__..._ ... s....... The followme persons ~re dome business as: Accident and ln1u1 y Clinic 34098 Pacific Coast H1thway Ste B Dana Poml C11tror n1a 92629 Bradley B Powell. 34102 Ruby l •nlern •C. 01n1 Point. Ctltform11 92629 This busmeu rs con ducted by an 1nd1v1duat Have you started dome bui1neu yet' No 81adley B Powell court • Request '°' Speaal Nocl08 (loon DE· 1$4) of the Iii~ ol an invenlOfy and appraisal of Hiiie assets Ot ol lf"J pebtJon 0t account as prtMdld Ill Probate Code Section 1250 A Request tor Special Notice form is avallable from lhe court clertt ~lot PetlbOnef DWIGHT J GAIFFmi REMER. DIVINCENZO &GRIFFmi Ir YOU ARC A CREDI TOR 01 lonl 1n1ent creditor ul the decu~ed. you mu\t tile your cl11m with lht court and m11I This statement was filed with the Counly C~rk ol On1n1e County on 01/21/03 . 20036930297 D•1ly Piiot Jan 22 29, rtb 5. 12.2003 W041 This sttlemenl wn hied wrtl'I the County Clerk of Oranae County on 12/30/02 20026921061 Daily Pilot Jan 29. Feb 5. 12. 19. 2003 W061 ,.........., 2121 E. CO~T HWY . •280 CORONA oa MAR. CA --.s....... .......... .-s-.. TIM followlnc l*.Ons w• dohit buslneu as: Htrlhlt Fl1tt11Cllll CrCH11>, 630 Calle v~. San CJtment•. CA 92'1~ Sidney(. 8t~w. 630 C1ll• Vic:entel..... S.n Clt~111t, CA 9M1;, Oonn• I 8rad"1aw. 630 C1lle Vicente, San Cltmtnl•. CA 92673 Thill b11.11nts$ It con ductld by: hu1b1nd 1nd wife Hive you st.wted doln1 builnets yel? No SldMy E B11dsll1w This alltemfl!l was r!Md with lhl County Ct.fk of Or1n11 County on l/3/03 200HtU411 Dally Pilot Jin 8. 15. l2. 29. 2003 W002 IOlkl Of AlfWlllll FOIOWl&l•OWB511f Of AlC~IEWIMI UCllSl Dale of F1lin1 Appllc1 hon . .llnuary 22. 2003 To Whom II May Con cern. Th• Name(s) ol the At>l>llcant(s) 1s/11e· EUN JEAN LIM INC The epphcants listed above .,. apply1na to the Department of Alcohollc Bever11• Control to sell alcoholic beve111u at 2675 IRVINE AVE STE 0 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 Type of l1cense(s) epplted tor. 41 · ON·SALE BE.ER ANO WINE EATING PLACE 011ly Pilot .llnuery 29. 2003 woo Rdt!M....., --.s...... rhe follow1nc l>flr son• are doina busmess as Alte1m11l..et Prec1s1on rroduch. 28742 Viste Santraiio Road, Trabuco Canyon, C1hlorn1a 92639 Steven Michael W1I btnks 28742 Vista S.nti•ao Road. Trebuco Canyon California 92679 Th" buS1neu tS con ducted by an 1nd1v1du•I line yuu sllrted do1n1 bustneu yet' No Steven M W1tbanlo.s Thti statement was fried with the County Clerk of Ori1nee County on 12/09/02 2002692'011 Daily Pilot Jan 8 15 22 29 2003 WOl6 ~ .... ... s...... ..... .... ... ..... TIM fottowtna ,,., 1011t are dolllt buslMu u · C>tvilM COncept1, 169 D 2ht A"'-COIU Meff. CA92121 Shanon T 1nelll1 8uQt. 169 0 lht Aw., Cott• Mesa, CA 92627 This llusmts1 ill COft. d'U(lad by· an llldlvldual Kave you 1 IM ltd dolflC buil11HS yet? Ho Shannon T1nesk1 Bu ... This st1temenl WH filed with the County Cleft of 0.enc• County on 01/17/03 200MtJOIS6 Oalty Piiot Jin 22. 29, Feb.5, 12,2003 Vt999 Thi followme petMlns are dolna busille$s es· Ml lltt Interiors, 23861 lnverneu Pi.ct, L11un1 Nl1u1t, CA 926n M1ry Lou Moorhead, Z8 Whltew1ter, Corona del Mar, CA 92625 This business is con ducted by: an 1nd1v1duel Have you sl•rted dom1 businus yet' Yes, 6/78 Mary Lou Mocithead Tllrs st<11ternent was filed with the County Clerk of O.•n1e County onOl/21/03 200S6tJOJSS Dally Piiot Jan 22. 29. Feb 5, 12, 2003 W042 ........... --.s...... The followln1 persons 1te doln& business u Anderson Archlleclural Associates, 120 [. 18111 Street, Cost1 Mesa, CA 92627 John 0 Anderson, 1657 labrado1 Drive, Costa M.s1.CA92626 l his bui.1ness 1s con ducted by an 1nd1v1du•I Have you 1larted dom1 busmen y•t' Yes. I I 03 John Ander !.On Thts statement was filed w11h the County Cle1k ol 011n11e County onOl/17/03 200'6U0145 0111)' Pilot Jan 29. f eb 5. 12. 19 2003 W051 AcMlllW.. --.s...... The follow1n1 persons •rt do1n1 business as lnt1mele Obun1ons. 28752 Mtr1uer1te Plr.wy 118, MIUIOn VltJO. CA 92692 Ga Younc. Inc (CA) 872 S. Briar Rose L n .. Anaheim. CA 92808 Tl\t fotlowln1 .,., •On• 1111 doln1 bu•lntn u · Tenorio £nvkonmeJ1t11 C.011tuttm,. 660 IMtf St., Ste JU. Costa Mtsa.CAt2t2e Ceur <;u1t1vo l1111ork>, 712 San P•t.eu•I Ave. f25, t.01 Anpltt, C• 90042 Thls bulin... la con ducted by: an lndivldu1I He,,. you stetted dolna business Y•I? No Cesar G. Tenorio This statement wu tiled With the Cout1t1 C6trk of Or •nae County onOl/24/03 200JHJotH Dally Pilot Jen. 29. F•b. s. 12. 19. 2003 W052 RcMM ..... ... s...... Tho follow1n1 f)flrsons are dolfll business u : Spinnaker In for mat ion Sy1tems, 11 J Amethyst, Newpor I Beach, CA 92662 Cnan H1dley, Ill Amethyst Ave .. Ntwpofl Beach, CA 92662 This business is con- ducted by an 1ndivtdu1I Htve you started doln1 business yet? Ho Cnen H1dley Th11 staten1ent was tiled with the County Clerk of Oran11e County on l/3/03 200SH2140S 011ly Pilot Jen 8, 15, 22. 29, 2003 W009 .......... ... s...... The follow1n1 perM1ns are dome buStnes.s as Jll Holdinp. 1913 E 17th St., 1219 ~nta Ana. CA92705 W•lter Bu1arsk1 1913 E l7U1 St. 1219 Santa Ane, CA92705 This bus1neu 1s con· dueled by an 1nd1v11fual Have you •larled dom1 business yet' Yes. 12/ 15/02 Waite< I/ Bu1arsl1.1 This \latemMI WU ltltd with the County Cler Ii of Or a111e County on 1/3/0l 200JH2Ut4 Dally Pilot Jan 8. 15. 22. 29. 2003 W007 Adlllm .... ... s...... Tiit follow1ne persons are dotna business as I Ptroto. 1245 Luc•n Ave •f, Costa Mua, CA 92626 ltnnifet Stubbs (11 l.J 2221 Canyon 01 •B I Coste Men. CA 92627 .................... ................. - Ille f0Uowln1 ptfSOM Tl\t I011o9iq """°"' ttl dolnc bu1Jnua ea: .,, dolllt ~ 11: 00 C~tom C.OIMtTJ & Outdoot ~ WOfld, Con1true tlen. 2712 1131 [I ~. Coata = c.ftttY Or .. Coll• Mu.. Mtu, CA t2S2t - CA92626 Nielr. S 8•tt.tt. 11J1 - 01vtd Otlltchlalt. 2712 Et Camino, to.ta """-· • CIMty Or .. Co1t1 Mu1, CA 9l$2e = CA 92626 M.,pttt A. Da.tlttt. • This blB MU I• con· 1131 ti C.miflo, Cotti ducted by: '" Individual Meu, CA t2i26 Haw you tlMtld ctolnt Tiiis buMneu la con· - bualnus yetf No duct Id by. husba11d lllld _ David Oel,.chl111 wife Tiii• 1btem1nt WH Have you 11.wttd dolnt flied with tlle County bus ness yetf Ho Cltrlr. of Oren1• County NICll S Bartlett on 01/24/03 This stllement wea 200Ht3"U filed with the County O•llY Pilot Jen. 29, Feb. Clerk of Or•nc• County 5, 12. 19, 2003 W053 on 01124/03 .... 200S6HotH ~ 01111 Pilot Jin 29, Feb. --~ 5,12,19,2003 ~ The follow1ne persons are doinc businns n Inner Strenrth Tttlnlns &. Consullln&. 9682 Surfcnst Ot • Huntin1· ton Buch, CA 92646 Marc Ahiuno, 9682 Surfcrest Ot . Hunhn& ton Buch. CA 92646 Michelle Afuc1no, 9682 Surfcrest Or • Hunlln1· ton BHch. CA 92646 This bus1,,.u 1i con ducted by husband and wife Have you st1rted c1otn1 businen yet? No Marc Edward Ahcano Tiiis statement wn filed with the County Clerlr. ol 0.1n1e County on 01/24/03 200HH09J1 0<11lly Pilot Jan 29, f eb s. 12. 19.2003 W()5.4 S......tf •• ' 'tHsuf At-.. ......... The followme ~rson his ab•ndoned the use of the f ict1t1ous Busi· neu Name NAILS JEii. 410 17th Street Hun t1nrton Buch CA 92648 The f 1<ltllous Bus.neu name rerflfrtd to above was flted "' Or anae County on 1/11/02. flLE NO 20026888495 Rebecc• Oo 14!>62 Cun Road WestfT\lnst., CA92683 This bus1nus " con ducted by an 1ndlv1duel Rebecca Do This statement •H !tied with the County Clerlr. of Or1n1e County on 12/17/02 2002'009%6''9 Daily Pilot Jan 15. 22. 29.feb 5.2003 'N021 FldllliM ..... --.s...... .......... --.s...... Th• followin1 11«tons ' ere dolne buslneu es: Ameocan lnfrated S.Une Corporation, 1335 S Cleud1111 St • Anehtlm, CA9280S S1unas It Us, Inc. (NV), 1335 S. Claudina St . , An1htlm, CA 92805 This business Is con ducted by • corpor1tl0fl Have you stetted diolnc bus1,,.ss yet? 'Yes, 10/ 01/2002 Saunai R Us. Inc Krlstma K1m. Secretary This steternent was hied with UM County Clerk of Oren1• County on 01/27/03 200JHJ1242 011ly Pilot J'11n 29. Feb 5. 12. 19. 2003 W049 Actllll ..... "-*'-' The lollowln1 jMrsons tre doin1 business n The Ultlmale Kids E•po, 1451 Qulit St . 1201. Newport Betch. CA 92660 Churm Publlsh1n1. (CA). 1451 Quan St . •201. l'kwport Buc h. CA 92660 This business is con ducted by a corpontton ' Have you started do•ne ' bu''"'" yet? Ho Churm PubHshln1 Bt11n O'Neill, Controllet This slateme"t was • • filed wtlh the County Cle<lr. ol Or •nee Cou111y on 1/3/03 200JH21Jts Dally Pilot Jan 8. 15. n . 29 2003 woos ..... ..... "-*'-' The follow1n1 perM>nl THE PETITION ...,,,- a\lthOrity to ~ the estate under the lnctepel Iden! ~tlan of Ea1atet Act cn-~-­artow tht pereonal represeoralMI to take many . ac:ll001 W!lhOut obtalnlr'lg court approval. Before taklng certaJfl YfJl'/ ~ ac:llonS. tlOwevet. the pertCnal r~ Wll be required ID rjNe ~ to lnleresled petlOnl unless they have waNed notlOe Ot ooneented to the propoMd acbOt'I ) The ~ IOepe! ldel. adr!W'dtrallOn authority w.M be granled IJllleU an Interested P9f10ll flies an objection lo \tie pebllOn and lhoWI good cause ~ lhll oourt snould noc grant the ~~ING on the petition win be held on 92/2CW3 at 1 30PM in 92692 0112M)3, 02A>W3 CHS.*15ot7' 01129I03, a copy lo the perM>n•I represental•ve appointed by the tourl w1th1n lour monlh\ fr om the dale of the f11\I issuance of lellen as provided in Probate Code section 9100 Tiit hme tor t11tna claims wrll not upwe belore lour months from the hur1n1 dale noticed above IS( 12110 llOT1CI Of POm* TO AINlllSTll lSTA Tl Of: llMIOI WIST<* WUO.A2172U To all helfs beneli· c11nes, creditors. coo tmaent creditors, and persons who may oth· erw1se be mterested 1n the will or estate. or both , of HARMON WESTON fhe followlne penons ate d01n1 business u A ) Classic Outlooks. B ) Creative Outloolls, C ) Automotive Outlooks, 0 ) 011 Road Outlooks. [ ) Truck Outlooks. F ) C11 Outlooh, G ) Boat Outlooks. H ) Tr11ler Oulloolls. 2020 fuller ton Ave 152. Costa Meu. CA92627 f he follow1n11 persons are dom& busmen n NAILS TEK. 410 17th Street Hunt1n1ton Bea1.h CA 92S48 Phuonc Minh Do 18017 S Second Street, F ounlain I/alley, CA 92708 This business " con dwcted by a corpouhon Hive you started dolnc busineu yet? No f his bu .. ness 1s con· ducted by 1n 1ndlwldual Haw you slMted do1nr busineu yet> Yes 06 06 2002 Jennifer R L Stubb!o This st1tement wu ltled with the County Cieri\ ol Or a111e County on 01/17/0J 200HtJ01SO The follow1na jMrM>ns ere dotnl busineu as Mariners Capital, 2431 W Cont Hwy . •2'05 Newpor I Beach CA 92663 M1u~ri ldp1tal 2411 W Coast Hwy . •205. Newpor t Bnch. CA 92663 "e do•n1 business n Atlanta Miiis, 17111 Red Htll Avenue. Irvine, CA 92614 Roy11ty Cetpet lltt1tt., Inc (CA), 17111 Red Hill Avenue. Irvine. CA 92614 NEWPORT 8EACK-<X>ST A MESA DAil. Y Pft.OT YOU MAY (J(AMJN[ the l1le kepi bJ the cou1t If you are a person in leresltd in the estate, you may ltle with the court • Request for Speetal Nohce (form 0£ 154) ol the flltna of an inventory and appr<111sal of estate us.els or of any pel1hon or •ccount as provided 1n Probate Code section 1250 A Request fo1 Special Nollet form " anllablt lrom lhe cou1t clerlt. Att--r fw PefltS-n Scott A. lour4olals, lMt. (CSI• 1 OS-49•), 2060 N. T.ntl• Av•., Soeto Ano, CA 92705- 7827 Publlshrd Newport Beach Costa Meu O•lly Pilot lanuar y 22. 28. 29. 2003 WT028 FldltlMt.illlSs ... s....... The rollow1n1 persons 11e dome busmen es Oort Commercial Rul Estate, 2• Corpor11te Pin.a, Suite 100, New port Beach, CA 92660 Mt Lynn Michael Dor I. 24 Corporate Plara Suite 100. Newport Buch, CA 92660 This bus111ess 1s con ducted by an md1vidual Have you started dome busmess yet? No Lynn Michael Oort This statement wn hied w11h the County Clerk ol Or an1e County on 1/3/03 2003H2U10 01111 Pilot Jan 8, 15, 22. 29. 2003 W004 A PETITION fOR PRO BATE hn been liled by MATHEW VALLANCE 1n lhe Supenor C-Ourt ol C1hlorn1a County of ORANG£ THE PETITION FOR PROBATE request) that MATHEW VALLANCE be •ppotnted IS personal repruenlatlve to ad· m1n1slet the esllte of the decedent THE PETITION requesh the decedent'1 Will and codlt1I\, 11 any. be admitted to prob1lt The Will and any cod1c1ls are evarlable for u1m1na- hon m the hit ~ept by the court THE PE nTtON 1equesls authority to admlnl\ter the estate under the Independent Admln1s tr •lion ot Estates Act (This Authot1\Yp'#lll allow the personal represen t1t1ve to lake many actions without obtain 1ne court approval Befot e t 1km1 certam very 1mport1nl ad1ons. ho•evtt lht pers.,nal reprnentaltve will be required to 11ve notice lo interested persons unless they h•ve w11ved noltct or consented lo the Pfope>'fed 1ct10n.) fhe independent ad· rn1nislrat1on authonty will bt 1ranltd unless an interested person Ides an obiec hon to the pet11ton •nd shows eood uu~ •hY th' cour1 should Ml 1111nt the authority A HEARIN() on the peht1on will be held on HBRUARY 20. 2003 at 130 p'm rn Otpt. l7l located at 341 The City Ortve South. Oranee. CA 92868. IF YOU 08J(Cl to the e11nlin1 or the petition, you should appe11 at the ht1rin1 end slate your ob19C110ns or file -1tten objeellons w1lh Ille court before the he.1r1na Your appearance m1y be 1n pe1son or by your attorney If YOU ARC A CREDI TOR or conttneent crecltt.O< of lllfl deceased, you mul.t file your claim with lhe court ind mail • COCIY to the person1I r'l)f11Untati1H1 lj>p()lntecl by the court .,.ith1n fovr months ftom the dlte of the fnt ~su1nce of ltttet• IS Pf'OVlded In Prob~t• Code Helton IU 00. fll• lime for f111na cta11na wilt 11of ••Pif• before four month• hom the h .. ,r,,. dlt• notretd ebove. YOU MAY EXAllttlNl. the ftte kept by the court II you a<t • .I* son tn terntld ln the talt, you ll'lay f!M with the COU<t I lt ..... t f~ Soedtl Hotl« ( lorm Of.· lS.) of Ille f1t1n1 01 '" 111v1ntorr 111d eppr1lut of nt.te nMtt Of of any petition Of eccount as P<ewfdad !ft Pr °'•t• Codil teCtioll 1250 A Requ.est for Specl•t fllotlc• foun ta n11llble tro111 tlM court '*' ...._,._, .... Ill I ..-..c.v. ..... (Cf8H6J.M A •• l••~ ,.";"':/. ,..._ •....... 11•. Or••t•• CA ..... , ... retll••-..• Hew10.rt ..... eon. MiiU o.tlty Not....._., a.,. .. ,.,.,,.,1.~ Wl~ ~,_,S-.! -~/ . Chad Richard Westfall. 2020 fultenon Ave •52. Co\t1 Mesa, CA 92627 This business is con ducted by. an 1nd1Y1du•I Htve you a tar led dome bus1nns yet? No, Chad RICha1d Wutl1U Thti statement wirs hied with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 01/28/0J 200UHIJU 011ly Pilot Jan 29, Feb 5. 17 19. 2003 W060 RdliM ..... ... s...... The follow1n1 per\ons are doln1 businus u A 1 Scot Na1 ak1 Wood work B ) Scot N11ak1 Carpentry & Custom Woodwork, 1924 E Edmcer Ave .. Santa Ana CA 92105 Scot Kojt N111k1 2136 Monhu Ave lonr Buch. CA 90815 Thi!. business " con- ducted by an ind1v1du1I H~ve you slarted dome busineu yet, Yn. 11/1/ 02 Scot Ko~ Nt1 al\1 This statement wn hied with the Cnunty Cieri\ of Oranee County on 1/06/03 200Ht28U1 Oa~y P1lol Jin 8 l!i. 22. 29 2003 'NOl8 S......ef ... f , ...... .. nc.. ..... ... The fottowine person h11 1b1ndot11d tile use of the F ictltlous Busi· ness Name f .,,.,, of Ofan&• County 0111Hene• Tum, 1470 Dale Way. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 The FICltllOUS BuStneSS name 1 detted to ebovt "es hied In Or•nee County on 11/22/02, FIU NO 20026924644 Kerry A1aplou, 1470 Dale Wey. Coste Mest, CA92626 Tllrs businn1 Is con· ducted by: 1n 1nd1vtdual Kttry Ac•p•ou Tiiis statement wes hied with the County Clerk ol Otenee County on 1/3/03 200S .. 2HH Deity Pilot ian 8, 15, 22. 29. 2003 W005 ........... ... s...... The lollowjn1 ptt sons 11r• dolnc bllSIMSS IS. C1111n S9lc. Co Baton Rouce LA. 5252 Roy1te, tnlne. CA 9Z604 Biii 8fown, 5252 Roy tit. lfvln1. CA 92604 This buslnau ~ co" ductld b1: an lndMduet H.tn you sllrted doin& buslneu ytt? Yes, I? M 8ill8town Thl1 atltemant was tdtd with tlw County Clt<k of Ora111e Countr Oii Ol/17/0J 200J6tJ0141 Dilly Ptlot .lln ~~J.?.: Fib 5, 12. 2003 "'"'° This buS1nen rs con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you si.rted dom1 business yet, No· Phuona Minh Do fhis statement wn hied with the County Clerlr. of Oran1e County on IZ/17/02 1002.oot 27000 Daily Pilot Jan 15. 22. 29, Feb 5, 2003 'N026 The ro1tow1n1 persons are doin1 busmen u Petm111d11s, 118 1/2 S•pph11e, Newport Beach, CA 92662 Kathleen Ann finch 118 1/2 S1pph1tt Newport BefCh CA 92662 This buuness 1s con dueled by· an 1nd1v1duel Hue you start~ doma businns yet? Yes. Aprtl 88 Kathleen Ann finch Thts 1tatement wn l1led with the County Clet k of Or a nae County on 01/15/03 200Ht2t74t Deily P1lol Jan 22 29, feb 5. 12 2003 'N038 ~ ..... ... s....... The followme per wns •re do•n& business n Nippon Counselm1 Cen ter. 1539A Baker. Costa Meu, CA 92626 01vid Michael Sc&rp1no. 6535 Par!! Royal Circle. Hununeton Beach CA 92648 This bus.ness is con ducted by 1n tnd1vidu1I Have you \tarted dome bu"nen y•t? No David M Scarpino, MD This statement was filed With the County Clerlr. of Orance County on 01/14/03 200Ht2t6H 011ly Piiot Jan. 29, Feb 5, 12 19,2003 W050 fktl. ..... ... s...... Th• follow1n1 person• are doina business 11 ham "°9• Moto. 'MG Wnt 1 hh St , Coste Mesa, CA 92627 Richard Counts, 20291 Kime Ot1ve. Senta An• Hel&hls, CA 92107 Thrt business b con ducl~d by en 1nd1vldu1I Have you slarted dotnc bu,1neu wet7 \'es, Dec. 11. 200Z llkhttd Counts This sletement w•s ftled w~ the County Clt!11 of Of111e• Covnty onOl/21/03 200HtJOHI Daily Piiot J111. 22, 29J reb 5.12.2003 'N031 Ca Youn1, Inc Semuel Kim, Secretary This st•tement was hied with lhe County Cieri! of Oran1e County on IZ/16/02 200200t2HOS Daily Pilot Jin 15, 22 . 29. f'eb S. 2003 wozs AiM. ..... "-S...... Th• lollowrna penon' are dom1 bu11ness as Don Norman Invest ments. 57 Ocean I/1st. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Oon11d Ma unce Nor min, 57 Ocean Vista ;:;,gott Buch, CA This buslneu " con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have )'Ou sllrted doin1 busrness yet? No Donald M Norman This statement was hied with the County Clerk ol 011n1e County on 01/24/03 200J6tsM22 Daily Pilot Jan 29 F th 5, 12, 19. 2003 W056 ............ ... s..... The follow1n1 persons ., e dnrne buS1ness u C•hforni• Green Clean ers. ?046 t l 1ncoln Ave • Anehfltrt, C1hlorn11 9280G Karen L Oallon!I. 2046 [ Lincoln Ave Ana herm, Cahforn1:i192806 Don K Dallon\, 2046 E Lincoln An . Call form• 92806 Th11 business IS con ducted by husband end wife H•n you star ltd clotna business yet? No Karen L. Oellon' This statement wn· filed with the County Clerlr. ol Or •nee County on 01/02/03 200MttHtS Oatly Pilot Jen 29. Feb 5,12, 19,2003 W059 ~ .... ........ lhe follow1ne ~Min\ ere doln1 bu1iness as. Qutlily Gi.n and Stone Ctre, 3017 Coolldp #C, Cost• Mesa, CA 92626 Jerry Oewson. 3017 Coollde• I C, Costa Mesa, CA 92'26 Evelynn Kint. 110 Brookline, Cost• Meu. CA92626 This buslnns Is con· ducted by co parlntts H.ve you stifled doln1 bus1nns yet? Yu, I 01· OJ Jfioy 01wson This statement wH Med with tlle County Clefti of Oran1t Cou11ty onOl/17/03 tOOHHOUS Daily Pllot Jan 22. 29, Feb 5, 12. 2003 W033 .......... ........ 011ly Pilot Jin 22 29. feb 5. 12.2003 WOJ2 ......... --.s...... The fotlowinc persons Ire dotfle WSlntn H Sandra Lynn's Home furn~h1np Oe511n. 4606 Roabury Rd . Cllfona del Mar ,CA926~ Sandra l ynn Luebke 4606 Ro a bu! y Rd Coron• del Mar CA 9?625 This bus1nns 1s con ducted by •n 1nd1v1du•I Have you \t11ted doine business yet' No Sandra l Luebke Thi\ st•ltment was toled with the County C~rlo. Of Or•nee County on 01/17/03 200HU01U 011ly Pilot Jin 2'2, 29, feb 5.12 2003 W034 ,..... .... --.s...... 1 he followine persons ., • dome bu\lness as ll20 M1n11ernent 277 Rochester St Costa Meu, CA 92627 Steven C Farwell, 2n Rochuter St . Costa M,.,a, CA 92627 ThlS bustnen 1s con ducted by an 1nd1vtdual Have you slM ltd doin1 busmen yet? Yai June 02 Stenn C f uwetl Thrs stetemenl was flttd with the County Clerlr. ol Or1n1e County on 1/3/03 200Ut214M 011ty 1'1lot Jan 8. 15. 22. 29, 2003 W006 fidllM ..... .......... The tollowlne 1Mrsons ere doln& business H . Stone Works, 511 1/2 3Sth Street. Newport BHch, CA 92663 Use Lauren Hoflwell, 511 1/2 3Sth Str"t· Newport Beach, CA 92663 Thb buiineu IS con ducted by e11 1nd1vldu•I Have you star ltd doin1 business yet? No Lise Lauren Howell This sllternent wu hied with the County Clerk of <K11111 County on 1/3/03 200Ut2'406 01111. Piiot Jin I. 15. 22, 29, 2003 WOil This bus.nus " con ducted by 1 tOfpouhon ~ve you started dotne bu"neu yet? Yes. 11 2 01 Marmer s Capital Michael james M1th111ud This statement wn filed with the County Clerlr. ol Ou111e County on 1/3/0l 200Ht21•04 011ly Pilot Ian 8. 15. 22. 29 2003 W999 ,.... ..... --.s...... fhe follow1n1 perwns ar tr do1ne businen as ~ ) Amet1un Ad••" lajlt! Rulty, B I AA Re•lty 15751 B100lr.hutst Strttl •104 Wntm1n•ter. CA 9268.J Ouna Ho•na M11 15Cl42 M~u \ M•lltrho1n St. Fo nl•1n V•lley. CA 9 08 This bu!lmus ii con dueled by •n 1ndovtdu•I Have you sl1t led doln& bus1nen yet1 No Dune Ho•n1 M11 This stetemenl wu Med with tl'lt County Clerlr. of 011n1• County on IZ/J0/02 200Ut27 .. 4 D•ily Pilot jan 22. 29. reb 5, 12. 200J won Thi" bu\lness is con ducted by • corpor atlon Ha.,. you 'tarted dotnc bu••nes' 1et? Yes ••nu•ry I. 1993 Royalty Cerf)flt MHt., Inc Sieve P1wnlC1, Cllltf f 1nanctel OfflClf Thts stetement wH hied With the Count• Cieri. of Onna• Cou ·•t onOlm/03 200SHSOSt2 01111 Pilot Jin ZCJ. r 1b s t2 19 2003 WOS8 Actllll ..... ... s...... The follow1n1 pettons tre dollll bUSIMU IS l•lo. l11hm1tn, 1 Mojo Court. f'Mwport Beach. CA9266J Gin• Bol1nd1. 7 MolO Court, Newport B11ch CA9266J ThlS business. IS con ducted by 1n 1nclnrldu1I Heye Yo11 slatted dotn& bust,,.U yetp Ho G1n1 Bolendi fhis st•tement was hied with the County Clefk of 0.ence Countr on 01/2"/03 tOOS6tJot12 D1ily Pilot Jin 29, Feb 5. 12. 19.2003 ~7 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters Nl """°"' IV'(:l4 • c °""' -. Daily Pilot <I 1• •.1ft•·1t c ''''''''t'''''. r 1 • 1 '1 ... ... STARTING ANEW BUSINESS!. • • • • • • Policy How to Place A r----l>t·a<lliru·s--- Rates and deadlines are subjec1 to change wilhou1 nouce. The publisher reserves the righl 10 censor, reclassify. revise or rejec1 any classified advcn iscmenl. Please report any error lhal may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Ptlo1 accepts no liabilily for any error in an advertisemenl for which ii may be responsible cxcep1 for the cos1 of the space oc1uaJl y occupied by the error. Credit can only be aJlowed for the fir'll insertion. CLAss1FmAD MomJ.1) h 1d.t} S OOpm By Fax (949) 63 1-6594 !l'lclL~ include! yoor rwnc and pl1<1tlC number and we'll lall yuu b<M:lt with 1 pole 'I"°"' I Telephone 8:30am-5.00pm Monday-Friday By Phone (949) 642-5678 II ours Index Ry Mail/In Per son: 330 West Bay Sueet Costa Me~a. CA 92627 At Ncwpon Blvd. & Buy St. Walk;ln 8 10ari1-5 OOpm Monday-Fnday • l-nd.1) 111111-.<la)' S·OOpm Saturd.I\ l·11J.t\-1 f)(,'pm ~und,I\ I r 1d..1) S OOpm ANNOUNCEMENTS SERVICE & MISC. GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Colledltla/ Memorabilia 1160 TOI'$$ 4 llCOllOS ETC Mz1. Cli!>v.. [IL ~ & flh a MN. Stllu. •• ~ M1kt 949 645 750'> fOUAl ltOU5llG OPPOIT1llTT All real eslale •dve1 tis1ng on 1111' nr1.,.paptr IS SUbfe<.I 10 lht! F tdel al f•tr Huusone At l ot 1968 •s amt'ndtd whoch malo.ts ot 1lle1i•• lu •dvtrhu • •ny pr tier enct ltm•l•loon 01 d1~11m1n•toon baud on tdU, COIOf, ••h1,1011 ~ea h.tndocap tam1h•I sl<tlU\ or n•lt0nar 011a1n or dn onlentoon to make •ny wch p1tl~1enle lom1ta IHJn °' d1i.<11m1n<thon • Th!i newspaper will not lr.nowtn&ly •er epl •ny 1d"ertoscm1rnt Im rut .stale which ts on <1t0l•toon ot lhe t1w Our r eiders 11 e her tby onf0<med lh•I •II dwell ongs advertosed on lhrs nnrspaper .are avaol•b~ on an equ1I opc>orlunoly burs To complain of dis cr1m1natron . <.•II HUD loll tree al I 800 424 8590 1483 Older Styl9 Furniture PIANOS i Coli.ctiblft ·~--·9~ ·-·-·000...---$$ CASH PAJD $$ WE BUY f.STATH • ---· lroe<dy-... c~~·~!~~~::i l I ~ --- ;'64M922• SOUTHC8AST AUCI'I N uas.. .. IL .... AM,CAtnOl ~11...__CA•J&t ~ 9-M ,..., ., Newport Beech ne1r f llSIWWI Is. House c:.11. '*" .,._~no bip. Mlsslni -116 Ptease Cll rf found 50!Mill>-2755 $16-f DO Tafl/While, fut "9n a t Super rot /Indus· troal, Coste Mna S500/ R•w•rd!I 949 642-2100 r...i 1511 f-4 1/16 OMC cw key w/remote lock, on Tustrn Ave . Cast Cost• Meu . Clelm e t CM Pob O:p:rtment 6-111 *•··--1111 w,.se.w. ........... llJ ....... u.. HOME MORTGAGE LOANS l-t lnterut r etH. A.• credit types Ho Pf• payment periaf- ties. But Mnlce In tltt sl1l1. C1llf0fnl1 DRE. Emt>yrun fundln1. C•ll now 800·710-&969 1101. (CAL• SCAJll) tllMYMMr'• COfQOl.OAlt Bil.LS from SM TO $1!50K ,._.. l<WCS. Miit C•ll nowl f Ht rnult•I Hofff llt/lt .. leno.rs 1 117-S1H 1 '6 ... RR Ill I Im ................. ~ ........... cioOTX A 11 , ... ............ .,.., ~~ ..... -..... 1010-1770 1419 L ESTATE R SALE 2305-2490 Furniture 3435 1 Furniture 3435 !*MoRESJ~Rrok5*! * UQUIDAT10N * * SALE! * * * * * * * * CLOSING AFTER * * * * JO YEARS * * Wi< ker Hatta n SecHing. * * L<mlp!-,, Tuhlc~ * * o ncl Muc h More! * ·~C>4<> AVOll St. Newport lkctt 11* * I rff HI\ t'f<,l{lr' !(. f',M lfM ( 0,1-.1 II"\ * * 940--()4.2-2233 * **************** AAA VlNDING ltOUTl 76 Sl*'I! lJnrt< f'r mt' ~I Clltlons S89l'.l ln~t i'O' ciJwfl wac: 8» ll6 9311 ._...,.w_..........,, \tyle """° ~. o.n.s dfXll w~ & dr- P_, S400 Sacrrfiot SIOO ~-9'9-642 6119 Olbsblme 4540 COSTA MISA l~f prolessounal olfKI' on E 17th ~• Ample PAI kong JEWELRY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS 949-646 4330 <-•• Celn N .. ch IACIC IAY ClNTll Old C111ns• Cold s1lv•r 26~ I Ir v1nt Awt ,ewell'y w.atdie .in~ tolletltblu 949 642 9448 eolf ••tw rtt.111 .and of ftce aw11I 71 • 511 1180 - NPI OfJICl SPACl 833 eo-() • 14 GrCJUld floor arc:hrtecb oHic' llJeill = 6'D5I 9").675 5475 LOTS/ACREAGE lob/Aange Wanled 4740 -- MUSICAL INSTRUMOOS Pianos 3510 YAMAHA U3 u,...1 ... 1 "'-·· lA.e -..... u .... Gl•11 ....... s~so. •••-sn-S021 ARIZONA BCST BARGAIN. 36 acres S24 900 OFFICE Borders SUit land Be1ulolul ranch on AJRNfTURE/ W1ll1ams fla&\l 111 area perfect 6,100 Lhmale Spectacular mountiltn views Affordable ••• BUSINESS EQUIPMENT nanc1ne AZLR I 877 282 !>263 (CM •SCAN) Medtcal,1)ental Eqll""8d 3565 AU ELECTRIC WH£H CHAIRS Ntw ·No cost NEW MEXICO MOUN TAINS 1.0 AC Only $49 ,900 Coraeous to you ,, elr&rble Medrci11e accepted 11asslands, mature tree covet. 6300 It elev1toon Wheelcha11s and Pow erchalrs (scooter style) · Mountain Views. year round roads and elec lroc Perfect fOf ho•u lovers Ad1acent to natronal fOfest £ acetlent -We treat you r11ht!° Call 7 Days (800)835 3155 ~CAl •SCAHl Cats 361D hn1ncon1 Cell today• Thos won't IHtl SW properties of NM. Inc I· 888 ?9 2 9 1 t I (CAI. •SCAN) ·~· wmer M.tmm. om. -rain " "-· evtry Sat-Sun 12 4pm r as1mn ts Anmll ~ Info 949·6 44-2279 so COLORADO LOC cabtn wr1h well .0 ac $89,900 Oulst•ndtn1 -·••iltldMi .. CJl'I he :I> ct.y WC lslrc 4 -AMcl#I,_.. mce.wEOUS RcJclly Min views from lhe deck of lhtS beautrful MERCHMOISE to&oo.ubln. close to I. s of BLM rec land En,oy rural lrv1111 unbe· h•nble prlCH C1n RCft toll ITee I 866 696 5263 ~CAl..'SCAN~ ~FOASAl..E ......... ....... -Stfft IWp Yr.~ ....... 1 24ll28 WU ORANGE 5400 coum $6,800, Siii $3,390. ~·48 WH Sl4,600, sell 5,160, 50•110 wn 126.900. sd $12.980 c ......... Welt 800-St2-7IOS car. .... • IUUTifUl • Dr.roatlc: Spy1lass Hill executive home. No upensa wes ltllfld. f abulolls OcNn View, WANHP JAPAMISI SWOllDS AJID lUATID RUIS t4t-4t4-1U1 48r Offered et Sl .6915. 000 Se!W ~t anol"- home ~IS.it ,,_., .......... , t49'-S7 .... SS76 ••••• °', ..... .......... Ft111•1111 -.... a. n. ...... 9llutlM .... ~ .......... , ...... 3 dldll wt-, ~ 11111 e.d~-~ ... .-. TC:-.. ........ •llll5 11111~ Chllft 1lOI 31 ~ ........ oonpillr. ~~ .... c: tD P/Ff Min.~ SSSWEEKL YA.$ Oistrltl uti111 merclled1M on e8e1. Wt tupply Pfod ud Ho ln'tlntOfy No C•P Req'd c.11 today fOf "*• tnfo (IOO~S61 113' ut 2 31 ,..*""' ~llT'llAT ......... E·!!'""I! .... '" IE, •nllllll , tCA&.•SCM2 A• M a M lllWtSIMS• TLC 'ftlldl111 ro11te. Ulllqw tMCMM. Gt'elt °"°"UfMty. IW... ... I ttllOM ........ ...., ::\!"-"-· ... loft .... C:. ...... ::rt .... .... ~ '410.• •• no h c;eleftt ~-,.... tW •••rr: ''~1 1 ............ ' ,, .... (D)IJ7 , .. 00 (c.Al-scNI) -- I010-St40 1illt I soos-saso nine ---OPE N SAT 1-4:30 TUITU llOCK POINTl Panor gdl • mm ~ homt 14¥ <Mies' reces\ ~it<-~ <1' slor¥ POOi ~ ~,uipe etc ~ W 7 00 m" Agt.-OW.W Stwll-y r. ..... ;,,., 9"9164 IOIO!W~I ltOO lido lsle lGWlSf HICl OH UDO ISLAND lfACH COTTAGE 117 VIAUOU 21K 1'/•lo 2·<,_, b<h & Ion •"'" 3S' l.t. SH S,000 A9t 949 7S9-0SOS °' 714 307-4 214 Newpoft Beach fAIUlOUS llACH COTYAGlSI fAIULOUS NlWPOIT llACH UflSTYll 11 Now 2 StOi'y 31r 210 w/pm (176AC 131 SA/IP SIS0,000. ._ ........ 2 •• 21o (Ul44X::(.XX) so. . W•l•ntlow 28r 210 w (s"••"'4><• S200S3) SH,000 llASlD LAND Cott f.,. topfMl..tM•m O.Anu aay.ldo Village ~49) 673-1331 A MAHUfACTtD MOMl COMMUNITY OPlN SUN 1-S New loslon& Updated on ereenbelt lbr 2 :ib• cuslomued S569.000 OPlN SAT 1-4 I SIOf 1 Villa on golf cours~ lbr Iba hk new 1•ltd comm, pool WOfkOul rm watt. t Balboa Is /shops 0 I A1 $365,900 fee 949 632 6489 lASTllUlf llAUTY 48R JBA remod lo.tic & ba Plant shutters. E 1 pan11ve vrew of 1reen belt Turnkey $625.000 Aal H1111el Katz 9&562 ~ 9&-m6Ull wwwJw;f f d!GWW PllMl lSfAYU PATIK• TlNottl MATIOMWIOl USA t4t..eH-t705 www patr1e•tenon com HOUSl Of HOUOH FUU OClAM VllW SUt,000 AGT. t4t-72S4120 OClANFaOWY FfXH MOT FOii THI FAINT OfHEMY AGT. t4t-72S4120 ....,_Collt ,_llSTATH PA'RKITtMOU M.ATM>M-1 USA t4t-IS ... t70S w-.p1trlckt1n0f1.com RESORT/ . VM:AllON PROPBUY FORSN.f o..t"""" -e.H ,,.._,... Sein • winter rent1ls. Pelm Spflnp. Pelm 0.Mtt Also Wuhlnston We· terfronl Rtlerrels. Mte""4 Antllf 8.Ulf a lecller RE 8CJO.S50-3523 mcBUBIJS RBfTU ..... , ..... HP on .. -., ...... ID bdl, ..... ,.....,., Be* =.:=;~~ ~f91TM.S .. 1• CUf1Y -.... ~ I I ..... -......... ..... ..-.--. .... ........ ,., .. .. ,... •13•• . 7482-7466 , ; . ' • • IOOWS10 Under the Service Direct<;>_ ~anner Reach 80,000 H om e~ l·ach \\LLk ... ~ '~ For Only $32 per week (4v.1cck 1•1i111 rnum) <•Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 . t ' ' ..._97SO "E mplO)'ee. " "Empleado. "Arbeitnehmer." NO MATTE R• HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. "Employe. " • ( .'la.'i.'i~/it'tl • 642-.56 78 Dead/int Feb. I 2th • Va/mtint Messages Appearing Feb. , .., th I line 2lina 31.mq -4 lincs 20 Characters per line. You may use au 4 lines for larger ads, call an advertising rep today! w;.,. "'""' ;, "11 FAX this form to (949) 631-6594 Name ... · _______________ ...__ __ Phone No.: ____ _ S~natunt·--------~-----------------~ Bill my: '/iaa _____ MC·--------~ ti;;,_.....;.. ____ 01scover ___ _ Credit Card# Exp. Oa -· ----- ~ '7.,. ,,..;J,. .. Dt.llJ Pi#t •Hitt •t: 330 W. Bay.Strttt, Costa Mesa, CA 92&27 or QI (S 49) 642-S 7 ' A 10 Wednesday, January 29, 2003 I TODAY'S __.CllAIR~011.111S'i111S;.&,,W&.;:IOllllU.alRDK-&P..aU'--Z .. z .. L.,E _ Corona del Mar HAUT OCEAN & IAY ._. C...,.. 2ltr l'/'- VIEWS 38r 281, uppe1, 2·c e•r, tot•I remodel, duplex, .l c encl I" beacll a. tennis club, $1200/mo. 714' 998·0948 fi800/mo 949-644·2330 Marguerite Jlr /21• u•u•v refurb home S3500rn A.lioe ... .... 1'~ 18.it. MW arpet & J-.t SI 7'IXm 9& 71!>-3513 C-OstaMesa •YEAllY* UASH Bill CRUM>Y REAL TORS tAt-675-6161 II 12 13 21r, II• C-4e. C1t1d community, pool, upper w/b1lcony, no pets, $1995/mo 949-675-7200 oat & IAY YllW 2br 2b9 condo lllt1ty rtmod, Crown moldir1lo .,..,,..., sb1e $ZIX) 9'9-72G-DI> ..._.YllWHOMB 3br 2b8 tm fie, .. I'll fhl ~ best IChJaa .. psb S2lliO 9&581-153'.I sm Newport acreu the 29r llo 9Pt ,.. HllS. •W-28r I .SB.it, pr. t10 ID-Ht8Y, rirJ, sum)', -n~t~. SI 19!>/mo 1665 klt/ba, over1ookl pool, alt ~v.ne Ave •3 !M9 720-9'22 all. f ll9(Vmo. 94!Mi6"900 Nr ladt ley, all remod iFi=~=iii~~iiiijjj~iii:~~ii~~-JRr I .58a condo. 2c 111, Ip. wd·hl<ups, no ~b SIJ25/mo 949 !>48 8384 b lbit c,.at. Westside aj. ~-home. ,., ~ p lanl, )'d. QIMt SI~ -dl:p. 913 W 2Dltl St 8111~13 1-t, 4lr 2be hou5it, ~ ie. ~ fwrrnv'clrn!\llvnn , )'d. pd .. '#Iller pd. WI. ~ plb S2l!ll i-. 71~546--2336 [ ~ :&-2..5bi1 hotlN. .ct p com poe1 IZlOO Y'tl lse ~ rw 8ldl ti., w/vu 9119-642-8)18 Irvine llr Ila Condo w/open v•Pw. pvt patio, carport, w 1 Iii IA drJMI. pml. w4'11-c lflC! Sla»n 9&262 2132 "NOTICE TO RS: Californta l1w re qu!r11S tl\81 conb K · Ion lakln1 tobs th•t tol•I $500 °' tnOtW (l•bof Of m•t•181s) be licensed by the Contr1cton State lte•nse Bo.d. Slate l1w •bo requlra th•t c:onlr•cton Include thu license number on •II 1dvtrtlsln1 You tan tllec:lc the slatus of your llunud eonlr•clor at www .c1lb.ca.cov or 800-321 CSLB Unll· censed contractors hktnc 1obs tti.t total Ins tllsn $500 must stet• In llltlf ad11.,t1sementa th1t they are not llct11Hd •t the Contractors Stal• l~ 80-d.· M••& ........ ,. ATOZMAMDYMM Install, rafa« cabinets. ~ ""'I °°" n4'546-72!ill Compallr Slfttca ~C.A#ll-tl<AUIT o ~"'· P1tcllinc. Install Court-., 1n7 MU jobs. Who~l 949-492--0205 c.cr...&Mamwy Mdille4S .... T ... Conatt., Patio, er-way Flrtiplc, 8~ 1t1ra. 25Yn £lLTerry l .. 557·7S94 jftiil v ....... c;: ... & ~ R_,.,.tlal 8rlc*. Stone, Blodl, T ... Ud747448 714 966-21Z4 i119c..-•-C.mentwork, 8rkk, Tll• & ~t. Relllbi.. No job too smad M9-548-t146 Balclllerwlcll .... <-tnoct•-& a_.w. Al Trades, Fr• Esbm9ta. JO Years Eap. L'337169 949-631-2345 ~Nllill*lg If YC>UaHOtll lMPIOVIMlNl NOIKTl C1Naplumb.,, palnltt, handyman, °' any of the STHt S¥VlcaS listed heu In our Atvk:e dlrtctoryl THES( LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI W'ITTitOln HYWMI. All phasft am/Ire jobs CUAlll 20yra, fair, frM -L«XXm 714-6:& 1"7 EJatal"'*- . "' ................. ·------·-----......... . ........ ...... . ..... Bridge . By CHARLES GOREN wtth OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH TEXTBOOK DEFENSE Neitber vulnerable. West deah. aJlJ10Q 50 ycan ago. NOA111 • K 11 3 \';' Q 1084 0 J 103 2 • 104 EAST South's one-no-INmp overcall was 11 Uttlc ccccntric but understandable in li&ht of the double topper in clubs and a aourcc of trick.I on the side. When Nonh eotnpcled OYet w~·s rwo clubs, it was obvioos that Nonh 's values had to be in the major ults, so South eleded lO try ror nine tncb. SOUTH •J7 "'' J 6 • A6Sl ~ A9 0 6 54 •A76l < AKQ987 •KQJ ~biddi~ ,_ .... l • lNT .... ,_ SOlTl'B INT JNT West led the three of hearts lllld Bbt, Charles Solomon of Philadelphia, who owk 11 nwnc for hlmself a.s a player. writer lll1<l admin· lsuator, took some tinw 10 ana.ly1c the position. Dummy's hcllt't\ made it obvious that continuing the suit would be futile. and the fact that WeM, Harry Fishbein, did DOC lead a club i..uggested that ~ wHdUllg IO that Milt wooJd be eq_ually metfccove. So Solomoo l'05C with the ace of bcaru and shilled to the deuce of 'pades! The layout was pctfe..-i (()( the defense. Declarer inserted the i.evcn and WC)1'& eight lO!ot lo the tcn,»lhcn dcc:larv ocxt led a low club from the table. Eai.t shoe up with the 'llCC. ~urned the nine of he&rt5 to W~1 • ~ king, and the queen of 'pack' thrOugh dummy·~ kina puwcd the t.en. enilbhng the defenders to collect three spade tnd:~. two hcam and a c:lub for down two. Opening lead: Three of <:: How good were the players of the Golden Age of cootract compared lo the stars of today? There is no ques- uoo that the modem expens WOUid outbid tllOIC of yesteryear, bo1 they would not outplay thertL Con.sider thh deal from a nauooal pairs event ..._. u,pr ... ~ "''"'' hr Ceelu, 2Slt YI• Mwl-. J8r CHhlen & Delivery 2.58a + den, FR. LR, FP, Pen-. Apply •I Bl& OR, 11iC9 r•d, cul-de-sac. Belly Dell &llO W. Cout Vacant. $2900/mo. Hwy., Newport Buch. Coldwell Sri« Home business oppty. ~ 949-7J3.«J74 Improve your famlliu ...., ,., a. 11o1M ..,._, fullle. PJfl f,.. w/pvt yard In cated into. full tralnlnc =.vi:.~~= =.o-4-mt- mo. yewiy. Good a.tt Gr_. ai,. fer "•" only =gt. !M!Hfi6.9705 looktne for M•n•cer. ....._,,,_T•*'"'-._ A111ist1nt M•n•c•r & r-nw•• •-"• rlAV Stylist in Cost• Mea. at H.,bor & Ad•ms F« Info c:eH Sal 714-317 2335 wim-..-~ stsamo PT :J.5 tw/vtt... S2500-$llDlmo 2()o. tw /'*" f,.. 8rodve 877·'Z>l-M:H WWWJIOCli9hwar I m4\JW .(l(llll OfRCI ASSIST P Jfl ell) to ~ wtvn alb cl.tlill.. Exp w/MS-Offlc9, C)Jidt· ::::;J•:V:' ru Automobiles !m AVON. Ent1epreneur wanted Musi b• wllline to work whenever you w1nt, be your own bou, and enjoy unlimited urnlncs. let'' t1lk (888 )94? 4053 (CAL•SCAN) A••l•t••I Preperty M--tff P~ Tue/Thur/ F re, 8.J0.5 JO Computer SllVVY, test will be 11ven Very busy fast paced 0H1ce. musl have up tn Real Estlta Property ~ fashion bllr>d .,.e•. $16.50/IV to stlrt Heed MltO fot '"Inds F n info to 949 760 0430 OISTOll mA'IM TU ln&tlllt!lotl. .... c:ssnw:. nwtlle. stDna. .... lt7S ll612044 Jeff 714-612-91161 llMY.....,.; Rtpw.ct Reeroulin 6 lnstallatlon Tllf O£AN 949-673-8065 l8l4.325 714-8113-2031 ~ ""*-. ... wtmrTq & Installat ion. 25 Yrs HP Uc:/lnsured 949-S48-4363 ''" s;;;tc., Yard Ci.•nup, Mlllnt•nanca, .$prinklw Repait', Haulln1 (Ht}H0-8711 TNI HANDYMAN E!Mrnn Str'vlca Oki ~ Dldrbl. c.-. 0ocn etc ... 949-$ 7554 20Y_,,;f ~ <nft••••M, 0..741al (t4t) HO-HU M..tt CDEIAL DJIAll 6JUINl'f1WD • Wiellill * o-a.I ~Job 100 '""" ............... 9ff.JJJ..129J la,,.rt-..t l ... M.._. w/proven record to m1n11e f &t/S•IH 0.pt For Dr•nct County's Ler1ut lndependenl luxury a. o ottc auto dealer ulabllshed 1n 1984 Hlch volume. no late nletits, but Ion lion. lr'HI bentltts faa resume to 949 721 8808 Ph1H11>s Auto 1220 W Coast Hwy,NtWf>O't8ch SAUSf"OMOTlONS HatNGIMMIDIATlY $11. TO STAllT Au ....... 949-474-21 I' S1lon IOOTH llNYAL Costa Mesa bt1uly a.Ion. RHsonablt C•ll Al 949 &45 0662 EXPRESSWAY SlS SIOOO s11n on bonus! Solo, owner oper•to" needed lmmedl8telyl CDl A 1nd 2 yHn OTR I 800·835 9471 (fl1tbed). 1 ·866-313-0478 (vens) (CAL •SCAN) WORK OH lK WATER Rltilporl5ille nctwbl ID MSls:t tn llW'1ll OPS lllD1 Mt! llnl ~ .. .. olOd cusiDnw service Weekends ~ f•• ,. .ct db ~(JJ sm ,..-. ..... .Mf• TO TMI DUMPlll 714·961·1882 AVAllABLC TOOAYI 94!H7.9·5566 a-. Up Te ""'-,_ ...... , Ai.41 'tt A4 2.1 ttti mo, metlll" lfHn/sr•Y lthr. CO, mnrf, fully loaded, Ilk• new v624521 S 14,995 Ion & Wiii •va1I Bkr 9 4 9 586 1888 -.•qMAol.c- IMW S2111t "97 ctn bl.el bwl. ~ lo»drcl 6 ti ed. new~ 7'5k"' un '"' WWT P~ $19.'Dl 9119-~ IMW '99 S231 c_,, 5spd. 431o m•. ,over blue/ ll•Y llhr, huled so h full fact warr, •uperb S21,995 tirm v)624ll fin avail. 8kr 949 586 1888 -.. ..,.a.1.,_ IMW 'ts S40f IOOlo mo. bl•c.ll/blk buut1ful oro21n11 cond f1n1ncon1 a. werr av•1I vt 249762 SI0,995 Bkt 94g.~1888 Ce41Uoc '02 DeVllle 2~ mt, full feel warr. wh1le/01lmul lthr, CO, OnStar system chrm wflls, "'82~19 S24.99'j, ,..ve $2()1 Bllr ~ 1818 --.e~l.c-. c.llmc Deva. ... Gold f .. mat. 4511 mo. leather. .... ne.ot, I o-, must see, $18.500 9&219-0864 Cadlllt Elcnado '98. ..... ~ drOflll ~ CD. 47~ MN. $17,!m ~tm~!llll ,_ .. -..-...... a.r.rc Tolltl Wit. OM ... ,,. Miik cbw ~ -... ,. 9&42'1·1-04 n;;;; a;;i .. s;;:;. ~ honl9 . • ofc. F,... .t. Sarv el O.C. 714-542-3473 714-7flr>.llOI .,.., .. llST MOVlaS SH /Mr MNlnt 911 cltlu. Insured fut, courteous, cartful. T163M4 S00.246-2378 ...... COOPER CREYIER ~ . ---,.· ·,.-- ' I ' \ . ..... _._ ..... _ GREAT SELECTION! 'ffl & 'D.1 MIN COOPER' s &COOP£R 'S' ...• • AICobs • Speci11lw & F NnCe flq$ .. . LET'S MOTOO. IT'S~ .....•.....•• 55 FRE£WAY @ EW«lER SMTA AHA AUTO tuLl (~)W~ Fw4 'UhcertlX White, 7911 ml, 1uto. orle owner, &Tell cond $2400 Chris 949·515 2794 FOii> U<OU SID.AN '91 3lk ml, orle owner, 5 speed menu.I, alnt cond $4,290. V•• ~2A6-8131 ... ~ SPmT '9t Biid\ w/wTf lf1Wn CrHI condition Well INint919d. p-locl<, ~ <D ~ '9.IXXI 949-:n>-1561 YOU MUST SU TMtS CAA. VUIY CUM. FCMID PIOll lS '90 Runs lint, 6 cyl, euto. at, ens. sunrool, pw, ps, tilt wheels new lltH & ceps 81ue book 13225 sell $2600 Prtv4le p1rt}' 714-534-7601 fCMtO UNOll i l T 'tt Ealr• Cab, Auto, CO, 691\ ml.. V6, bedlloer. Pnvate Perly S7500 94t-642-H20 ,,.._ '96 lUt,like new Topal/OatmHI. CO Al1tm Must S••' $15,800 949 650 ~ ._._ pwforl1\8llc.eltd com ,....,. '" lJll •• ..1. lull lad warr. 8 rll"h 1ac1na fretn o•lme•I llllr. CO. ~hrm whl,, beaut, ltkl new cond, vM96171 S29 995 fin ava1l 8kr 949 !>86 1888 -· .... ,_ ,.,_ 'tt ua v;;;;;;;; Plas 3411 mo. sp•rkhn11 blll. l•n llhf CO chrm whl~ full lttt w•rr trke new $28 99!> firm v842614 !1nanc1n1 •011 Bkr 949 !)8(. 1888 -· ...... ... J....-'tt XU c_,, 341. m1 lull l1clory Wllfl, sparklme bl1cl</utmul llhr, CO chrome whls, lo lle new v677295 S.35.995 fon•nctna 1va11 Bl<r 949 !>86 1888 --'-•-Jeep 't4 Lwe ~ 8111 ,,... pw19d cond. sacnfice ~'Dl ........ &'fi ta. pwf cond. ~ loltdttcl $3450 obo 9'9 394 42 72 ._ ... Oo5c:ovwy S.ies I 27k mt lull fact warr black/oelme•I Ith• du•I mnrf rHr 111 IUmp )His, CO. lit c.hrm whl,, like new, v3J2099 SZl .995 hrm, ltn avail Bkl 949 58& 1888 w-ocp•b• com SEU yoUf unw•nted items Uuouch clHsrfted Moling ' .. PUBLIC NOTICE Th• C•lll Publtc Utilities commlnlon requlrn that all used houseltold 1oods movers rrlnt their P.U.C. C1 l numb•: limos end ch•ulfeurs print their T C .P. numkt 1n Ill ldV*'· tl\ements II you have any iuestions about th• •c•llty of • mo vu, I Imo of ch•ufftur, call PUB· UC UTILITIES COM· MISSION 71'·558· 4151 wunD MOY*e JOIS Small of Laree 24HewM ..... S.c can 189442/IMured 949•116-0691 714 686-1300 -,....... -AUT'mlafl, ......... '01 ... ., ....... m1MEOUS 2lk ""· fuH feet wllfr, ._.. .. ,. , ....... ~Yellow l~ mlltl (119005) se.3,980,00 IMWHSk C . 'tS 81acll·:low mllu (t18S78l) 112,980,00 IMW74CMs.4-'M' Wlllt• w/perlect creme i.1tti.r cwt!· fled 8MW·54a mllea (18730) $27,980.00 IMWlSIOOI W11lt•·F1ctory Premium WllHIL (18920) $42,980.~ IMWZS (..,,...,.....,. Red w/lmmKulete black ltlw·5 speed (•18770) $12.980.00 , ................... . lo•ded, nle• family SUV, whltt·IO milu. (118794) $18.980,00 lHi.•lS400 S.4-'t7 V8·lurnry Sed•n, full power, leather! (1183431)$19,980.00 , .... dMtt• c...,.·02 SH Crey·Only IOK mlles·Fact W•rrl (119020) $69,980.00 ...... ch•••• <-..'•• CkHn Blue-only 451( moles! Tlptronk:I (• 17835) $43,980.00 IMWSlllS.., Se4-'o6 Cosmos Black w/81ack·f'ull Factory w1rrtyl Low mllesl (•18959C)SJ2.980.00 Hi.-H2 '0J Ht• l"Hn w/WhHI IHlher ·lk mli.s (•19040) f59.980.00 J..-lUS c-.erttW. •ts Brlsltsh Recine Green w/perfect C11me LHlher, 5611 m1. (tl895SC)Sl8,980.00 Merce4 .. 1 .... SUOO ll-4.ter 'ft SmohS1lver w/P1rcllmenl Luth er-Both t09sl 8Huly (•18967) S38.980 00 ~tOOS 'tl Metalh' Red w/Creme lntero0t Only 35k mllu <•190JIJ SI0,98000 ,.,., .... , __ e (MfN'" V6 It 5 s.petd 1/c CO Plerer full Power <•18S60) S9 980 00 949.574.7777 PHIUIPS AUTO 1111 •-.t•.c-.......... ~~ SU, Wlow Gr.-8eop leattw elm nooor1 r~ ·-~ -n. 6 a> c:hqr:r. t/lo9dled, pnoct °" cond. Only 58k mt.. SI 5.99&. 9&8117 9107 le•11• '00 IS JOO 2211 ml, s1lver/1rey lthr. mnrt. CO. full factory warr, lille new v•525721 S21,995 !11m, Im avail Broker 949 S86 1888 -.......... ,_ LDOJS JOO lS ~7 ()ystl!r p_.VT .,,, luly load9d, 6 dt:sil ed. perl9ct condition. 7'5k ""· llXJ. ml WWI, $15.500 962JS.4'21 la•vs '00 U470 VI, eulo, A.IC. lthr. lull pwr, am-tm cass, cc. snrl, c:tnn. S31L5K ~~11 ...... INTUllOR ~ ...... -....... -c... -· -~ -c-. -·---·----.. r:-.. ........... 71WJ2-SMO blMWtr.Y ltlv, co. ow. w.--~ chrm wttlt, H ,..., -------- ¥262512 $29,995"" _. .... ~ ....... 8111r 949 SH-1111 0.. ~ ,_. 91p1 .. P9Y -·· ,,_ • wry,.. prb tar~ ···'·. ••• • •• ,. "'· ~ ., he* -lor Conv. ~ ml, auto, red/ or l1lll Clll Old\ "-Y /{f bl.ck Int 6 top, buutlful !~~1..,. ~1.~-0fl& colld, 11597241 1995 ...,, ..,,, ---firm fin & wwr •v•ll Bkr ,_., ...._ 949 -5 81 · l 188 O..~,.nupt..ep.y -........ -• wry,.. prb ~ Mene4H ''6 fS;aO °'· ~ or tndl b 71k ml. wh1t.toetm .. 1 or not. C111 Dll:k ~ lthr, snrf. CO. beaulllul T°'"*> Ale S.... Ta. q oand, v4!!IJ6Zl fla.995 UM931 ar n4-Ja.l228 Bkr 949 586 1888 -.ecpMl.c- ....... SOO.,. lmnwculate, malntalned. ~ SJ! ml, ,_ It& f42.CD). 71~19 ........ soo ... irr-ulata, rnawillilned, ~ Sll ml, ,_ Ira f42.CD). 71~19 Mwce4e9 SOOSl '00 l'llllnnl. .......... lllnt oand, N/llJ tpOrt ~. CASH fCMI CAllS We nMd your c.,, paid lot or not. Phllllps Auto Ask for Malcolm 949·~74-7777 AUTOM01M PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES full W9fT, & fra9 SVC:. Acaaoftn tn1nd....,.., 331( nWes. $52,lm Cd !M!Mi42-3407 E-INI: b9cilsbll@aol.com M'r''11 ......... IS "00 tu...-y lthr, .. utn's, dwomt......,q_. n/rlr*I, JlS,!B5. MMMIB Pf' 714-ffl.6335 Per.cLa 'tt lexter Conv 21k ml, Sspd, whit•/crer lthr, full fact w1rr, cer•c•d. non/ smkr, like new v 126695 fV.995 Bkt 94g.586-l888 SNUG Tlf noo XTRA CAB, TOYOTA Til\Q, PM> SQ MMll rlf'ER WU Slll QfN 714-374-ml MOTOR HOMES MotorHoma· Rn 9355 -·e<el.c•• 1-.• lever 'ff 4.0 IV/WWHGO HE. 2811 ml, full fact fw llPfT, _, C 0.... werr, bl.ck/ta n ltllr, ~ .. ~~7= bl•ck piplne. be•ut °''' . .,.,._... - cond, $26,995 v424238 fin evatl Bkt 94g.58f>.1888 -··Cf!ll•···· •-.· ...... 't7 4.6 HSE. 60ll ml, metallic dri if Mn, 01tmul lthr. 18" whls, fabulous car fabulous cood. 118.995 firm vt265124 111'1/wa<r 0111 Bkr 949 586 1888 vw 11nu ·u "-p.,nt. clutcll, br1kes, a nal CIH llCI $2900 oeo Pvt p.,.ty 714 154 7773 Catt'llttMIO ftllotll tllou rtpairjob1 orouiul 1lltllo11tt! Ltt '"' Cwsifw Strriu Dirtcl4'ry llt,,Joa/W rtlWklu . PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters HE'M'Olfl Bl A " • (/\IA ~I.A Daily Pilot Classif 1ed Community Marketplace 1"8NMlltbomocicfl Pbftbtrl DIAlll .... = OIANleCI~ TWlEDY ll'lUMltNG 949~2352 -.. ~ We fMh should h•nc toaettier Strip, ~ WI E.ct pmll OICI ID Ila awzy flBi1l6 !lOMBI,_. THESTltlf'POI Specl•lltln1 In W•llp1pr Removal l'5811241 949-360 1211 WlMow a.ting u.~-a....,.. ................. ._., .. IWllnlla\ l.ocll ,. l5 )lf1I n~~ Mmter. Window Care lt-.l•C'-• Window Can~ • Miru Blind Wash • Scrmi Fi1 & Rtpair 949 3--4123 ClWfOUT YotlHOUSI Wlllll 6AIAGISAW CAil {'49) 642-5671 .. • •• .. , .. • . .. ... ~· ·: . • ' • • • . • ,., . .. .. • • ----- ., .I I ' • . ~ ... • • .. • . • • .. • • • .. .. . ' .. .. . • • \ I. I ' IZ ~. JnJary 29, 2003 • <Dear qinger - rrne wttf ding was awtSOml, tht 9room was fianisomt, but ... my qrngtr's Jsfaruf swim aruf rsfanl u,ear for tlit nonqmoon ' u:as, "so mt• -outstarufine! 71ian~ so mucli! BIKINIS , .SWIM ~ FUN .SUN WEAR ntAr.s .so rorAU..'f 'fou 1 pt(}( 10UI .Sill ~ ro lX 91J9 t.J89 -7608 With Affordable Katering you can be a· guest at your own wedding ----------- T he Village Affair at the border of Villa Park and Orange is the newest member of Affordable Kate ring's family of services. This facility accommodates I 80 guests comfonably with a 4 SO-square -foot dance floor and DJ services. Packages stan at SI 0 .95 per person and include tables, chairs. china, dance floor and a banender at no extra charge. The Village Affair offers 300 off-street parking spaces and a beautiful garden area and patio. Menu selettlons include Mextean. Italian, Asian and Continental cuisine. All receptions have a coordinator on-site to make sure you can be a guest at your own event. The scope of services offered includes food, cake, photography, video and a OJ. Affordable Katering 1s available at more than 30 facilities, or you can choose to have the reception in your own home. The owner and management team has been serving Orange County for more than 20 years. They are licensed, insured and look forward to serving you. Affordable Katering 1s available Monday ·Friday from I I a.m. to 8 p.m ., (800) 67-kater; www.offordablekotering.com. You are Cordially invited to our Bridal Show' Come en1oy our beautiful '->Urroundings Exqu1s1te hors d"oeuvres created by o ur Executive Chef Mingle with our preferred ven dors En1oy a fashion c;;how Enter to win a fabulous prize Sunday March 2 2003 11 OOam -3 OOpm Free Adm1 ss1on • DrfSs Code Enforced No Denim Please Spend your special day surrounded by the timeless elegance of our exquisite clubhouse Whether it's an outdoor garden wedding, a gala event for 300 1t1 our luxunously appomted ballroom . or a black lie affair beneath the stars .. our profernonal and attentive staff will assist you in designing a personalized reception to ensure you and your guests enjoy an unforgettable experience .. (L LOS COYOTES Co untry Club For information and to make an appointment to tour. please call the Event Sales Office today 714.994.7750 , ..... On'-yW. ln•._t 3888 Los Coyotes Onve • Buena Park, CA 90621 (Conveniently located off the 5 and 91 freeways In Buena Park.) • Let Alpha & Om~ga plan a wedding that is tailo red to fit your needs ------- A fter you say WI , do,wtake WedneSday, January 29. 2003 83 advantage of the assistance we provide. Don't let wedding planning turn ,into frustration, exhaustion or an overwhelming project. Be a guest at your own wedding. I stress quality over quantity and place high emphasis on service and a high level of integrity. _{;h;Jf!farrioll <lo ,,,/,,11 thr9 ti<~ 6eA·t .' At Alpha & Omega, creating wonderfully elegant, unique weddings is our specialty. We can plan around your desires countless ways. More importantly, by working together, we can plan a wedding exactly as you would like it. With a wide variety of reputable vendors available, we save you hours of research and take care of the details from start to finish. Before you know it, you'll be ready for your wedding -a day that's as individual as you are. all you need to do is show up. While there are many different ways to customize your wedding, there's only one way to get started - come in for an in-depth wedding consultation, tailored to fit your desire s and needs. ~wiUaH ~outff townc9uesLs ~:> At the Fairfield Inn - Mission Viejo We provide quality accommodations at a reasonable price. In addition to our spaci.ous rooms, we offer our guests a complimentary Continental Breakfast, complimentary cable channels and complimentary local calls. Our dedicated and friendly staff can arrange airport shuttle service as well as provide complimentary shuttle service within a S- mile radius of the hotel. $75 -$82 Don't delay, call today! We now have a home office in Laguna Niguel, one in Newport Beach and a Wedding Design Center in Costa Mesa. Call (949) 643·8322 for a day or evening "Oppointment, we will be glad to work around your schedule. Alpha & Omega is a member of the Assooation of Bridal Consultants. 1-800-950-1099 Spring 2003 Trunk Shows FRI-SAT-SUN-FEB JS1 & 2'u SAT-SUN -FEB 8rn & 91" FIR-SAT -FEB 14rn & 15Tif MONDAY -FEB 17™ SAT-SUN -FEB 22~u & 23w SAT-SUN -MAR JS1 & 2/'/0 SAT-SUN -MAR BTH & 9111 SAT-SUN -MAR 22M> & 23ao THUR-FRI-SAT 10"', lF", 12111 FRI-SAT -APR 2S" & 26"' FRI·SAT . OCT JJST -NOV JST LAZARO -SET RANDY FENOLI -SET REEM ACRA FULL STAFF DAY EVALINA COUTURE RMNI-SET STEPHEN YEARlCK -SET • ]. McCAFFREY -SET AMY MICHELSON -SET UANCARLO ]. McCAfFREY -SET Please call for your special appointment • • 355 -S. Bristol St. • 714-546-5700 • Costa Mesa, CA ~ I ' -.. -· -----• ---... -+•-• ------·----------------· ~---~·....___._.. _ _.._._. ... .-.... __ • ._... ........... ...._ __ .... __ ............... ______ ... _..., ................... ;....; .... _ .............. _ ............. _ ...... ~. « ft'ft' --• ·-·~ ,, .. ~. J...-y 29, 2003 we Specialize in Wedding Receptions * Rehearsal Dinners and Engagement Parties VILL_A NOV A On The Wtzter in Newport Beach 949-642-7880 3131 WEST COAST HIGHWAY www.villanovarestaurant.com ' • Daily Plot The perfect swim or . beachwear for your ·honeymoon is at Ginger's Island I f you've been having trouble finding· the perfect swim .or beachwear for your honeymoon, your search is over! Stop by Ginger's Island -they specialize in made-to-order bikinis, and swim and island wear for any body shape and size. I With mor.e than 300 fabrics and 1 00 styles to choose from, they guarantee you will have a wonderful experience creating essential garments for your honeymoon in a warm and comfortable environment. In fact, you'll probably come back year after year for all of your vacation apparel needs. Whether it's a three hour tour, vacation or JUSt a fun -in·the-sun day, you will never be stranded without the perfect island attire. Make an appointment. stop by or shop their on line catalog. Ginger's Island will assist you in selecting the best des1gns·to flatter your body type. They carry a great selection of swimwear, co-coordinating cover ups . sarongs, cabana shorts and pants, evening party wear, beach shoes, bags and accessories The experience of the Ginge r's Island team is extensive with multiple backgrounds in design, pattern making and garment production. All of their garments are proudly made-to-order in the United States. Ginger's Island 1s located at 2 7132 Paseo Espada #40 I in San Juan Capistrano. Call (949) 489-7608 or (877~ 462-1186. Visit www.CingerslslandWear com l Wedding Package 4 Hr. Cruise, Catering, Bar, Flowers, Cake, Photographer, DJ, Minister; Coordinator 200 Guests-$61.00 per person 100 Guests-$77.00 per person 3 .. • • . .. . - The exp erts at Traveleaders want to plan your romantic honeymoon A t Traveleaders Affordable Luxury, our agents have an average of I 5 years experience. Their shared knowledge provides our clients with expert advice on any vacation destination. We are a proud member of Virtuoso -an exclusive network of travel specialists. Our combined, multi-billion dollar business makes you a valuable, highly respected · customer with leading hotels, resorts. spas, cruise lines, tour companies, rail lines, airlines and group operators. Our alliance with Virtuoso enables us to offer you complimentary upgrades. outstanding amenities and privileged access to private events all over the world Call (949) 453-8687, ext. 4 or v1s1t www. t ra veleaders. com. ~ 1 1 ' 1 " ' ' ' Wednesday, Jaruaty 29. 2003 • ' Plower Stan<fS . f Calle_ Stan 1 Columns 1 Gazebos tf Archways . 1 Gandelabra Canopies Dance Floors t 7 'f ' ' 1 1 f ' 1 1 Ask about our exciting new rental products for 2003 ! Visit our showroom to see the variety and quality we offer. Hours Mo n-Fri 9am-6pm Sa t 9am-5pm 11s 1 Baker St. Costa Mesa (714) 545-4667 ~~~ • • .... Wednesday, January 29, 2003 Dady Piiot Harmonia Baroque sets aJJ. intimate, musical stage Baker Party Rentals makes your celebration memorable L Ive chamber music creates a festive, elegant and intimate atmosphere for wedding ceremonies and receptions. The Harmonia Baroque Players represents this warm ambience for such events. The ensemble is Orange County's only professional, Baroque chamber music group. In addition to weddings, the ensemble presents an annual concert series in Newport Beach, Pasadena and Hermosa Beach. Members of the group can also be heard live at various Borders Books and Music stores. The Harmonia Baroque Players includes a vocalist and musicians playing the violin, viola, cello, flute, recorder, oboe, lute, guitar, harp and harpsichord. This versatile group can provide a vocal or instrumental soloist or perform as a duet, trio, quartet, quintet or other inst'rumental combinations. wone of our unique features is that we offer a free, personal consultation," said group leader Maria Frankl. They encourage their clients to take advantage of this by making an appointment to listen to various Instrumental combinations on a compact disc. Because they are so versatile, they have several Clemo cassettes featuring various ensembles. At the time of the consultation, The Harmonia Baroque Players will also work with clients on musical selections for parts of the ceremony. If a personal consultation is not convenient, they will be happy to send comprehensive information - including a repertoire list, fee table, references and a sample cassette -by mall. The Harmonia Baroque Players offers a large repertoire of music suitable for weddings that Is accepted by the Catholic church. Their repertoire extends from classical and light classical to popular and folk music. For the reception, they usually play a mixture of light classical and popular music, depending, of course, on each client's wishes. They are happy to play special requests. If some of the music chosen is not In their repertoire, they will be happy to learn it to help make your special day memorable. Call (714) 970-8545 or send a fax to (714) 970-8439. Visit www.ocartsnet.org/harmonia. A s a full-service rental company in the special events field since I 982, Baker Party Rentals has earned a reputalion fur excellence. We provide a variety of rental Items with a commitment to quality and service that is unmatched in the Southern California area. Event planning can be complicated. That's why we recommend the following guidelines: Plan early -this is a business of availability. Placing your reservation earl' can prevent disappointment. Visit our showroom - with more than 400 selections on display, we invite you to visualize all the color and excitement of a perfect party. Let us help -Baker's event consultants have developed expertise in both social and corporate event management to make this process an easy one. Our extensive resource library can put you In touch with other event professionals in your area to complete your plans . Whether you are entertaining for a large , formal affair or an intimate g·athering of friends, let Baker Party Rentals make your party memorable. Baker Party Rentals is located at 11 51 Baker St . in Costa Mesa. For mor information. call (71 4) 545-4667. Choosing the proper floral arra'!-gements STEVENS. CROSS A s you plan the floral arrangements for your wedding, you will be faced with many questions. What kind of bouquet will you carry? How many centerpieces will you need for the reception? What kind of boutonniere will your groom wear? After you have selected the colors of your wedding, you can start thinking about the flowers. To get ideas, go to the library and check out whether you wlll use real or silk flowers. Real flowers smell wonderful, but they are less hardy and more expensive than silk flowers. To reduce costs, consider using flowers In season. Although they do not have a scent, silk flowers cost less and they can be dis played easier after your wedding. Regardless of your choice, the number and size of your floral arrangements, especially your bouquet, should fit your budget and your needs . Generally, the larger an arrangement, the more it costs. Make sure you select a bouquet that fits your stature so your are not burdened with a huge bouquet that covers half of your dress. .26".5'0. ~!_,,,,./I. . J,,,;~U•,1"/ ./J,,,nrA. ~tdifr;"'/UU -926"6:/ .9./.9. 6:/6: /.Y-9./ .5#,vtir;. 7 /./..J.Yt .. 96°7.:7 ~d/ Lake Forest Limousines, INC. . some books on floral arranging, or look through bridal magazines. Make photocopies or clip out pictures of arrangements you like. Collect them together with swatches of your wedding colors to give to the florist later. Flowers carry meaning. Tullps, for instance, symbolize love; daisies, innocence; and honeysuckle, generosity. Ivy represents eternal fidelity, while ferns represent sincerity. Keep this in mind as you choose the flowers and greener)' for the floral arrangements at your wedding. Once you have a few ideas, consider . •Weddings • Private Outings Once you have an idea of the type, size and number of arrangements you will need, it's time to select a florist. The person you choose should be creative, reliable and flexible. Your ideas and their expertise should result in a beautiful floral selection! By Tresa Erickson • Special Events •Dinner/Theatre Packages • Executive Services .. ANY OCCASION, ANY TIME, ANYWHERE! 10 VEHICLE FLEET WITH OVER 16 YEARS OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY, SAFETY AND EXPERIENCE! :. AD American Classic ... 1IW original limoeuiMI 771-. impeccable 1939 &: 194-0 Packards aJY ready ro comi*tt tM pe'fect IDeddU., photo and tnuupOrt you in sty~ or think about ..U., this cl"8ic for~ romantic~ plan1! I : '= 1JmoU8ines ... "'· In our~ to continue prwidinf tlw 11;,ltert quiJliip lim-,., OWilW .,,m, rw llaw commia.l owwlwi co pnwUIU., · .,.. mocWl-""4 .-:t "-for an~ lpeCial ~ion. f. . 28ft. Limbusme .•. The perfect iolution to the corporau outing. Now ),'Ou can comfortably seat large partWi in full limousine comfort. It also gumnai. a "wrin· kle-free" U1fd!1Url Pllr:tlL Rllta start at $100.00/hr. For quota, ~­ ages and~ aill for quota. ,-I I I I Sedans .•. Executive Edae, Executl•e Beneflti In tlw mcutiw uxwfd 111hm fJieflJ-ii,,..,._. wilA r;,14 •• wJ --IAhPorwt~ptl ... ~ ........... ~ ,...,, o/ luiws c:fiMlllr.,,..,. .,,..,, ,,... .,_ jwt G *lift SO tJw ailpJrt•. a . =· J ----~--------_,. ...... .._~ ~~--~ Dally Pilot Wednesday, January 29. 2003 87 .. American and Intern(ltional designer gowns available at Mon Amie Bridal Salon --- Professional makeup artist Mich elle Fryer specializes in wedding day beauty M on Amie Brldal Salon in Costa Mesa Is acclaimed for their outstanding selection of American and International designer gowns. They are now presenting their Spring 2003 designs. Top designers including Lazaro, Reem Acra, Justina Mccaffrey, Alvina Valenta, Peter Langner, Amsale, Monique Lhuillier, Edgardo Bonilla, lnes.cU Santo, Tomasina, Eve of Milady, Evalina Couture, Rivini and St. Pucchi can be found at Mon Amie. They also carry exquisite gowns which have been designed exclusively for Mon Amie. Mon Amie's spacious store provides an atmosphere of style and elegance. This wonderful store offers everything for the bride from bridal gowns to hard-to-find accessories fit for a princess. You will find special departments for bridesmaids, flower girls, mother of the bride and an alterations department renowned for its expert tailoring. Mon Amie is one of the country's most cefebrated bridal salons honored with the prestigious "Brides Award of Excellence" from Brides magazine. Manufacturers in the bridal industry re cognized Mon Amie with the coveted Debi Award for the "Outstanding Bridal Retailer" on the West Coast. They have also been inducted into the bridal retailers "Hall of Fame" in New York City. Mon Amie has such a wonderful selection, brides really can achieve just the look that they have envisioned for themselves. Finding your special gown is truly a magical experience at Mon Amie. They will turn your search for the perfect gown into an event full of treasured m,emories. Brides from around the world come to Mon Amie to find their special gown. Call Mon Amie Bridal Salon at (11 4) 546-5700. Cove r gown photo, courtesy of Mon Amie. ~ A s a professional makeup artist, Michelle Fryer has been involved in the beauty industry since 1998. A licensed esthetician, she began her career working in day spas. but came back to her original calling of makeup artistry. "I am an artist at heart. I see each face as a new canvas and the foundations and shadows as my paint," Fryer said. She h as been working as a freelance makeup artist in both film a'nd photography, but has found a niche in Newport Beach where she specializes in working with brides and everyday women. "I believe in teaching my clients the tricks of the trade," she explained. · "Every woman should know how to enhance her individual features, while at the same time, hide those little flaws that we all have." Call Michelle Fryer at (714) 330·9675 or (949) 646· 1 394 and ask for Michelle. Visit www.michellefryer.com. COVTVRE AND VINTA-OJi-lDAL BOU:rIOL'E .,. - lllAVElEADERS - Your Jloney.moon cSpecia/J's/s ~ma.be /his .y>eciallime in ~our /if! lrufy memorable, calf /£e "Jfoneymoon_ c':jpeciafis/s" 'al ~aveBeaders. 7ravef3eaders offers a 6rir/alre!Jislry for lioneymoons anclgiji_ cerlificales. Jf ere are somefanlas/1c offers currenlfy available: !Roual Caribbean Grui.Je.J - !l?oyaf Garibbean Cruises offers a uariely of fanlaslic specials for lbe Caribbean and a.ho for ?all c:Sqihn!/s lo !he !lll:e:xican %u1era. c:Special rale.s slar/ al 1'99 for ocean uiellJ cabins_ anti miff uary a;1l/l d~/'SOJf~~. _,. • Daily Pilot et Premier Specialty Cleaners clean and preserve your herished wedding gown ----------- Personalize your cake at .French's Bakery ---- ew things are as cherished as a wedding gown. With he careful planning that oes into selecting the erfect gown, many rides choose to heirloom heir dress as a keepsake. properly preserved own preserves the ream of passlng,it down o a daughter or close amlly friend. While a gown may be orn just one day, and ay not appear soiled, it m require careful leaning. Hidden soiling ncludes perspiration and ody oils. Long gowns ill pick up soil along the emline and train and ery likely, there will be ood and beverage spills. ome stains, which are not mmediately visible, will evelop with age through xidation causing iscoloration, fabric eakness and damage to he gown. ~ Our wedding gown pecialists carefully examine every gown, establishing the most suitable method of cleaning. Inspections are made at every stage of the cleaning and preservation process. Each wedding gown receives special and Bf.AlITTFUL MUSIC FOR YOUR WEDDING CEREMONY~ RECEPTION Baroque• Claaical Popa.la.r • Solo Duet •Trio Quartet • Q.ui.atet Frcc Con.sulaoon Demo Tape Available individual handling, with attention given to every detail. Our newly designed Museum Style"' storage boxes feature state-of-the-art moisture and oxygen control technology. Tradltlonal ·p lannlng your wedding Involves attention to detail, wedding gown storage creativity and making a variety of decisions about boxes do not protect or everything from choosing a date to where to go on guarantee against a honeymoon. oxidation or "yellowlng" of There Is, however, one aspect of your special day that the gown. Our advanced French's Bakery of Costa Mesa can address with syste111 guarantees that personalized care and attention. your 9own will be as good French's adds a special touch to your wedding day by as the day you wore It using a reproduction of your favorite photo t<> decorate down the aisle. your cake. Your dress is carefully Bring· in an Bx I 0 or smaller, black and white or color sealed In an acid-free photo into the store. That photo will be scanned onto inner box that controls edible rice paper and printed with food coloring instead humidity. The oxygen is of ink, then transferred onto the face of the cake. · purged and replaced with Jerry French Initially saw this distinctive technique an inert gas, making used at a show hosted by the California 6akers oxidation virtually Association and brought the Innovative me.thod back to imposslble. Our sealed Costa Mesa. packaging allows viewing These photo cakes are a great way to celebrate of your gown and veil at weddings, engagement parties, anniversaries, birthdays any time, while protecting or any memorable event. your gown from mold, Your dress, flowers, music and food have all been mildew, insect damage carefully chosen to reflect your unique style and tastes . and oxidation. The inner Your personalized cake will be the final, signature touch. box is placed in a durable, French's has been pleasing customers for close to SO long·term storage chest years. Owners Dianne and Jerry French take delight in for additional safety. offering customers a variety of baked including For estimates and goods breads, information, call Premier cookies, Specialty Cleaners at (800) pastries and 245-2378. Located at 5422 cakes. Oceanus Dr. in Huntington French's Beach. Bakery Is ')'!passion for e~ce{fence1 " tfescri6es tlie commitment anti desires tliat ezyt witli ... located at 273 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa . Call (949) 642-0571 . .9llplia & Omega 'WuUling Coordinators 949-643 -8322 Over JO years eqieriena http://www.wedstar.com/ Alpha&Omega & The Village Affair Reception Facility Packages from SJ0°0 per person 1 (800) 67KATER www.affordablekatering.com ,, 1rom g of day desired. Ccn1tr Oub Mcrllben gucsu arc wdcomc to racrvc any of the Oub'a seven private roonu for social or busincu cntcm.ining, Our menu and nuit planning an Raible. AJ the Host, you will receive puionaliud planning assistaneic to iruutt tJw your pa.ny rdkca your spcc.i.al penonality. Our fUll .nicir Pnv:acc E~nt Ocpanmcnt will be ...., ....... .n Of~ d«aila, , .,, ··-1• ...... ..-. ................ 1 . : • Daily Pilot Wednesday, January 29. 2003 Bt • Corona del Mar's The White Dress offers exclusive, couture. bridal fashions ---- Celebrate your special day with waterfron t dining at Villa Nova ---- M arlis Porter and Jeannine Penta recently opened The White Dress, a new couture bridal salon located in the heart of Corona del Mar's evolving boutique row. All gowns on display are exclusive to The White Dress as they are specialty designs from Vigo, Spain and Paris, France. The White Dress also features gowns bot ~ff the runway from New York City by d~signers such as Reva Mivasagar, Robert Danes, Elizabeth Fillmore, Wearskatt and Palazzo. Made of the · finest silks, organza and lace, these designs inspire the modern taste while romanticizing an era of long forgotten splendor. "We found ourselves traveling to Los Angeles and San Francisco for dresses that were not accessible in the Orange County area," Porter said. "I figured that I · was not the 09ly one seeking such progressive styles." Located on the waterfront since 1967, Villa Nova offers a breathtaking view of Newport Harbor in an ambience reminisce nt of an Italian countryside. It is the perfect destination for wedding receptions, rehearsal dinners, business get·togethers, awards ceremonies and holiday parties of 25 to 125. Guests enjoy the many special amenities of the private dining rooms including a private bar and humidor, outdoor patio and complimentary va let parking. The professional, courteous.staff caters to your individual needs and.those of your guests so you can rel ax and enjoy the event. The Private Dintng Room 1s available for smaller parties of 2 5 or less. This intimate and luxurious roo"?\i offers a unique d1nt ~experience. You r guests will enJOY a five course meal accompanied by fine wines, specially selected by the sommelier, in the privacy and comforts of this beautiful room. Winner of the pre.st191ous Gold Award for Italic.in dining, Yilla Nova serves traditional Italian cuisine prepared by Executive Chef Sonny : Mergenthaler. Menu selections ar' ·designed to suit your taste and bud.get. Villa Nova's event coordinators will assist you With all of your party planning needs and ensure that your event will be a successful, stress-free evening. Villa Nova 1s located at 3 I 3 I West Coast Highway in Newport Beach Call (949) 642-7880. Visit www.v1/lanovarestauranr.com . To accent their timeless gowns, they have chosen seve ral designers who specialize in an array of the finest accessories available. Veils, hats, tiaras, jeweled combs and fine jewels have been chosen to accent each unique design while still preserving the beauty and integrity of the gown. • Unique custom wedding cakes from award-winning designs Port~nd Penta would love the opportil1iity to meet you and to invite you to share in a bridal experience unlike any other. Since their salon offers a unique and intimate bridal experience, they do ask that you call first for an appointment. Plan on spending some time lingering over breathtlking designs while you enjoy a glass of wine or champagne in our relaxed and peaceful setting. The Wh ite Dress is located at 2853 East Coast Highway in Corona def Mar. Call (949) 723-0121 . -BRIDE & GROOM FREE WITH TIDS AD - ~Walp/!&«/&@ THE WEDDING PLANNING SHOWROOM Proudln Presents ~estival ~ a~Lks ® THE UPSCALE BRIDAL SHOW From A to Z for the Bride to Be • 37 years of professional experience, tradition & qualiry service • Complimentary cake tasting MIC • Vi\a • AMX M-f --6 •Sat. -.5 Clo~cd Sunday French '.r (µpCtlk e B,zkery· r.c not aJji/z,ued uiah any other Bakery m Orange ( ounry. FRENCH'S CUPCAKE BAKERY 273 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa 949/642-05 71 FAX: 949/642-5551 FrenchsBakery.com Showcasing Live Music-Orchestra's, Bands, Df s, Classical, Wedding Cake Tastings, Food Tastings, Invitations, Flowers, Photography, Videography, Limousines, Favors, Jewelry, Bridal Registries, Custom Veils, plus, plus Zoca/UJm, Zoca/HJ/IJ, Zoca/UJRJ . Hotels, Restaurants, Banquet Facilities, Country Clubs, Garden & Beach Weddings, Yachts, Castles, Catering ~ecluca~2003 !71udot 90tJluoa cfkJ1BJ 970R'§HIOOn !ZJe.11UnabORJ • Cjfm '!fannd fAL:u, cfAo11J 5¥omiak0n , SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2003 DISNEY'S GRAND CAl.IFORNIAN HOTEL· SEQUOIA BALLROOM SUNDAY, FEBRU~Y 23, 2003 1600 Sciuth Dianeyland Drive, Anaheim, CA IZ803 (714) 300-7402 PALM GARDEN AT FOUR SEASONS HOTEL 690 Newport Center Drive -Newport Beach, CA 92880 (949) 758-0808 AD S11oWa: liom'a 10 aa to i pa • AdmiNion $5.00 clay of W. Puldon. Sholra II DDGm AZ ,.. • No .actvanee iwervadona reqainCI. ,, , . ~ ~ • . • • . • ' ' ' ' • • • ' ' • , • • • • 110 Wectlesday, Jaooary 29, 2003 .. Enjoy one-stop wedding shopping at the Festival of Brides showcase at the Four Seasons Hotel in beautiful Newport Beach P tanning a wedding involves so many decisions. You are invited to a special event where you will enjoy One Stop shoppihg for your wedding and all of the surrounding celebrations. Engagement parties, bridal showers, rehearsal luncheons and dinners will be showcased at the Festival of Brides on Sunday, Feb . 23. The upscale event will be held at the luxurious Palm Garden at the Four Seasons Hotel from I 0 a.m. until 4 p.m. l;ogether, the Four Seasons Hotel -recipient of Mft\s highest honor, the 'Five Diamond Award -and Mary Anne Bradley, "The Wedding Lady" of NBC's "Today in LA" look forward to an "We have the best place for your ~.......-wedding or party ." ~· I I • '{ (:,( ( \t CHA~G[ exquisite, informative and delightful Wedding Planning experience. Haute couture fashions for the bride, mother of the bride and bridesmaids will highlight the event. Premie r Wedding Products and Services will enable the bride, groom and family to enjoy 'one-stop shopping' under a deluxe roof. Wedding cake tasting, champagne, premjum European-style hand-dipped truffles, food tasting, bridal registries, live music, custom invitations, incredible floral design, custom gift favors, award-winning photog rap he rs and videographers, and much more will all be available. The Four Seasons Hotel is located at 630 Newport Center Drive in Newport Beach. Call (310) 577-7788. Visit www.f~stivalofbrides.com for more details and complimentary tickets for the br~de and groom . . __,,, ().,~ . ~ Cc ATERING • PREMIER The Nation's Foremost Wedding Gown Cleaners. Patti McHone Director of Catering at ~~Lil>ntty4Q.~ •EXPERT CLEANING •THOROUGH INSPECTION •ACID-NEUTRAL, PH CONTROL •PACKAGED ' SEALED IN NITROGEN I IH I PI c "-l P ·' DI II\ I In and OCMA (Orange County Museum of Art) • ' Corona Del Mar Hot Buff~t ............ I')'' ii Down Oinnt•r 5lrJ 1' •BOXED IN A MUSEUM STYLE STORAGE BOX If your local dry ck11nn-don not fo/kJw th~ 11bow sups in pro<nsinx your xown, you "" ""' gdting m~m styk pranvati'1n. -Make your Wedding Day Elegant al f he ewporl f 1 ch Golf Cour~1 ! -Weddings -Receptions -Special Occasions DO NOT SffiLE FOR ANYTHING BUT THE BEST FOR YOUR EXPENSIVE GOWN 949,..,673'V4 723 l'UF\llFK SPH ·1 \I I\ ('I.~ \\FUS I I ~-pattiwattil@yahoo.com ~ 949-756-0121 5422 OCEANUS DR . Hun1ing1on Beach. Ca. 92649 1-800-245-2378 WEDDING ON THE GREEN A wedding reception in Orange County-. the perfection of The Westridge Room The simple elegance of W estridge Golf Club provides a perfect setting for any affair, at an affordable price. Whether your wedding event is formal or casual, the W es tridge Room offers the ideal atmosphere. From the dining room and outdoor patio, guests have a panoramic view of the majestic San Gabriel M ountains, lake and 18th green. The dining room, event lawn and patio can accommodate a small gathering or up to 500 guests for a sit-down reception. Come to W estridge and experience traditional style and elegance. WESTRIDGE oo&.P c&.u• Call Robert Lee, Food & Beverage Director 562.690.4300 xllS 1400 S. La Habra Hills Dr., La Habra, CA 90631 J ' .. 110 \Ye<ftsday, Jal'IUaf'y 29, 2003 Oat/Plot " Enjoy one-stop wedding shopping at the Festival of Brides showcase at the Four Seasons Hotel in beautiful Newport Beach P lanning a wedding involves so many decisions. You are invited to a special event where you will enjoy One Stop - shopping for your wedding and all of the surrounding celebrations. Engagement parties, bridal showers, rehearsal luncheons and dinners will be showcased at the Festival of Brides on Sunday, Feb . 23 . The upscale event will be held at the luxurious Palm Garden at the Four Seasons Hotel from I 0 a.m. until 4 p.m. Together, the Four Seasons Hotel -recipient of AAA's highest honor, the Five Diamond Award -and Mary Anne · Bradl~y. "The Wedding Lady" of NBC's "Today in LA" look forward to an exquisite, informative and delightful Wedding Planning experience. Haute couture fashions for the bride, mother of the bride and bridesmaids will highlight the evt\[lt. Premier Wedding Products and Services will enable the bride, groom and family to enjoy 'one-stop shopping' under a deluxe roof. Wedding cake • tasting, champagne, premium European-style hand-dipped truffles, food tasting, bridal registries, live music, custom invitations, incredible floral design, custom gift favors, award-winning photographers and videographers, and much more will all be available. Tht Four Seasons Hotel is located at 630 Newport Center Drive in Newport Beach. Call (31 OJ 577-7788. Visit www.festivalofbrides.com for more details and complimentary tickets for the bride and groom. r--1 ' • "We have the best plaCe for your ().,~ ~~ATERINC PREMIER The Nation's Foremost Wedding Gown Cleaners. wedding or p:irty ." Hof Buff el ........... $19'' ii own Dinnir $1) 1' of th e ewrx,rl ht ( h Golf Cc urn ! Patti McHone Director of Catering at ~~nn<lll Li.bra.rv L t':arde~ ~·.. !AJ '5 "C I and OCMA (Orange Counry Museum of Art) 1 • t Corona Del Mar i -Make your Wedding Day Elegant -Weddings -Receptions -Special Occasions •EXPERT CLEAN/NS •THOROUGH INSPECT/ON •ACID-NEUTRAL, PH CONTROL •PACKAGED ' SEALED IN NITROGEN HU I I' If h. t I' ,\ l>I· I I\ I In •BOXED IN A MUSEUM STYLE STORAGE BOX If your local Jry ckann ihJn not fallow the above 11~ps in proussi11t your :own, you atY not tettint musn4m styk pranvation. DO NOT SETILE FOR ANYTHING BUT THE BEST FOR YOUR EXPENSIVE GOWN Pl<F\llFI{ SPH ·1 \I 'I' ( 'l.F \ \Fl~S 949-75 -0121 949,__,673,__,4 723 ' ' 5422 OCEANUS DR. ~ parttwattil@yahoo.com -~ I luntington Beach. Ca. 926-i9 1-800-245-2378 WEDDING ON THE GREEN A wedding reception in Orange County- the perfection of The Westridge Room The simple elegance of Westridge Golf Club provides a perfect setting for any affair, at an affordable price. Whether your wedding event is formal or casual, the Westridge Room offers the ideal atmosphere. From the dining room and outdoor patio, guests have a panoramic view of the majestic San Gabriel Mountains, lake and 18th green. The dining room, event lawn and patio can accommodate a small gathering or up to 500 guests for a sit-down reception. Come to Westridge and experience traditional style and elegance. WESTRIDGE GOL.f CL.U• Call Robert Lee, Food & Beverage Director 562.690.4300 xllS 1400 S. la Habra Hills Dr., La Habra. CA 90631