HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-31 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot- I Serving the Newport-M es a community since 1907 FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 , 2003 Newport Coast cash maybe out of reach Even ~it ~ho ws county misha ndled $50 m ill ion in assessm e nt ~. c ity is skeptical i l can get it back. June Casaerande Daily Plot !\;E\\PORI Bl.\UI -I \en 11 tht•\' d1., co"er 1ha1 S>o m11l11J1l ol their Id.'< monc\ wa., ml'>I andlt·d IJ\ tht• counlv 11" po.,.,1ble that \.e'''P''n ( <iLt'>I rt·-.alPnt' ,,,u bt' pm,t:r· le'>s lo ~el an\ ol tnl'lr mont•\ bock .. t..1£\ '>tal1 .1rt· looking 1nlo lhe lcgd! gray ,uea.., that \.\-111 derL·rnunt• whPther '>taturc., of lim1wt1un .. applv to an llllJUH) into ho\'\ Orange County hamllt·d ;,.ibotU SI 70 million in a'>-.e~mt'nt dJ\tnc:t tax.el> levied on port roa.-;t re<1idm1o; 111 the 1980<; and KENT TREPTOW DAll.Y PILOT Manne Weapons Platoon Sgt Charles A. Spence, rrght, packs gear on Tuesday at his Newport Beach home with his father, Chuck Spence, before leaving for Camp Pendleton the next day. After quarantine, the younger Spence will depart for Kuwart on Saturday. Up to S>O m1l11011 ol h.u money mav be Wl· an iunted for a l1ngt'n'ng mvstery that :\e\\w>rt Beach 1)111 1ah are determmed to -.olw lor tht·tr fll'\\t''>t .md h1ghh valued re-.1dl'r1'' 011 lut">d.I\ I II\ ( ,,um 11 membt-r. voted un.in1rnou..,f\ 111 hm· <lltome)'> Robert \lp•,.,mgt'r md \\tlh,un \IJlch eU to ask 4ue-.1mm. th.it C o.l"l rt'..,.d~nts say that l ounty h.1... not an-.wt•red satisfactorily I hough ,,flin • .J.., cauuon lhat there\ no .-..1gn of an~ 1..rongdomg or rr 1.,handlmg of till mom·\, until aho111 ~j() m1lhnr ''al countt•d for. tht la\\ rnuld gt·t 1moh ed No reservations ' Marine reservist Charles Alexa nder Spence readies for s·ervice in ltuwait, leaving behind his wife and kids and his job with the city of Newport Beach. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot T he driveway to the Spence fanuJy hom e to Co!>ta Me-.a i5 usually liuered with toy true~. balls. action figures. a pamt set and a scooter. Those p recious detatl.s -confirming the presence of two small and acuve children - were strewn across the concrete just outside the garage on Tuesday aJong~1de 360 rounds of ammunitlon. two pairs of boot!>. fi1p Oop~. a cu<,tom-fit backpack. a thermos and camouflage ten~ and tarp~. A careful side step to avoid a mm1a1ure fire engine and you are at the fronr door. where the Amen can and U.S. Marine Corps Oags Oy overhead. Hovenng over the mania! 11e m<, was Olarles Alexander Spence. known to everyone simply as ~eas. · The 36-year-old Costa Mesa resident was organi7ing h~ wares EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a two-part senes on Sgt Charles Alexander Spence of Costa Mesa as he readies for his Saturday deployment to Kuwart The Daily Pilot also plans to provide readers with updates on Spence and his famrly durrng his tour of duty in the Mrddle East. in preparation for deplo}menr w Ku\\aJl. where he plam lo <,pend the next .,IX months. pendmg orders from the top. The sun cast a ro'i)' glow over the sky. and the decorated Manne re..ervisl gathered family and friend ... with whom he wanted to See RESERVATIONS, Paee A8 • lhl' l II\ ... h.111 u ... ,. u ... ht><.t ell on-. mdud mg hugation 10 r!:'tmt'r -.uth tund," .,hnukl an 1nqu1r. prO\l' th.ll tht· rnom·' \\a'> 1101 U'-l-<l appropnall'h \.,..,..,tdnt C ll\ \lanager l>dH' !1.111 \Hott• 111 .1 "tall rt'port But .. 1.uutt•, of hm1t.1t10n" 1.:ould lt•a\ c· tht• Ul) and rt<.,tdt•nt'> v1rtti.tlh pmn·rle'' '"I thml lhC'rt'' .1 \t'I"\ good dldntt· thc1t the "lJtllh.' of h1111t.ttHH1'> t'1(p1red lunl! ago." < It} ~II~ Hoh Burnh.tm told lOUflt'll nwm lwr' at the mt·t•tmg \ttomt'\' \\111 look mto tht' 4ut'\11on t'\l'll .i' the~ bt~lll lo .... wmhlt• J li'>r ol mort• l"omphcall'<l qm·,11011' 1 ount\ utlin.1h han aJrL•ach -.uhn11tted .i Int of docum<'nh about \\lll'rt' 1lw1r ntOIH'\ "ent but mJJl\ of their mo'>t .,,tlwnt qu1•,t1on' t onunm• to pw..7Je. For exarnplt• n•...,d1•11t-.. \A.ant lo k.no'' wtl\ 1hey wert• p.11d on!\ <;I n11l11on for it "trl'tch SH COAST. Paee A4 Anti-Mall owner tries art experiment New studio near the Bri stol Street center will hold artists' receptions for local painters, sculptors, photographers and musicians. Lollt1 Harper Dally Pilot COSTA MESA -Came Strom ls doing her part to uphold the· city's reputatioa as a haven for creativity. Strom is enthusiastically o r- ganizing an artists' gallery to showcase handcrafted works by residents. She is calling for painters, ·. sculptors. photographers and sculptors. as weU as musicians and deejays to perform at night receptions at a 2.200-square-foot space at the Camp, across Bristol Street from the lAB Anti-Mall. "I am excited about it," Strom said wit is all kind of spur of the moment" Strom said she got the idea for a gallery when she heard the Tril- ogy Playhouse had mysteriously THINKING ALLOWED Lining up the sacrificial lambs of redevelopment LOLITA L aw and bollaw drumbeats echo from the walls of a cavmi in the depths of dty headquarters. A dim light from a torch eroits an eerie glow on the races of laders, who are cloaked in ceremonial prb. Behind them. a faithful followtna begins to Chant. anxious tor the HARPER J1tuaJ to get underWay. commanders tep toward the shrine holding a wrlgling Jamb in tbetr arms. The !leeced animal cries loudly. but ls unable to overwhelm the voice of themaues. Costa Mesa entrepreneun, whose attracdve propertiee have been lumped tn with a largely bllgtlt.ed area targeted ror dradc ZeiJoul parUdpmltl gather the altar of the ·aooc1 ... and ready for the -=rllllca A telect group of ClbanFa by the dty RedMiopment Apncy. eay dwy' ... AU.OWID.,... M disappeared in December. She contacted the management at the LAB and asked if she could use the theater space for her dis· play. The old Trilogy space was not available. but the Anti-Mall officials. who have a history of supporting local an, offered the space at the Camp. QUESTION What would be the best WflY for Costa Mesa to nurtu,.. the aiu7 Call our Readers Hotline at 7 • (949) 642~ or send e-mail to dailypilot lat1mes.com. Please spell your name and indude your hometown and phone number, for verification purpoaes only. wit creates a nice venue for (the Shaheen Sadeghi. owner of the lAB Anti-Mall, saJd his com- pany takes pride in using its available space as a venue for lo- cal artis.ts. His company pro· motes a campaign called Made in C.OSta Mesa to encourage city artists to present their products. artists) because they get to pre-DON lE.-CH I OAllY Pl.OT sent their product from 8 retail Carrie Strom, a Costa Mesa artist. has orgamzed a gaJlery at the s.e ART, Paa• M Camp on Bristol Street that will feature a number of local artists. ' 72 HOURS A quick guide to the weekend 81..000 MB1'10N 1 The~ of Newport Beech, In pertnership with the Americ:en Red Croa, It hosting • blood driw from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. todey at the N.wpor18-d\ Ubrery, 1000 Avocado AV9. To echedule en eppointment. cell (Me) MW178. GUN FOR ME, GUN FOR YOU 2 Croaroada of the Weat Gun Show wnt be held et the Orenge County Feirgroundl from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Setun:tey and from 9 e.m. to 4 p.m. Sund8y. Admfl*on ... for edufta •nd he fof chUchn VoUfl99' then 12. For more lnfo(metion. cell (801) 544-9126. YOU WANT IT, ZEN7 3 The Zen Center of O,.nge County offers an ·introduction to Zen Wofbhop• from 3 to 6 ~-m Sunday, combining ~aeinz.n meditation wtth small group ~ au..tiona ad\ .. -whM .. z.n1· end ·How doe. z.n re&n to~ •1· '#1" be asked. Colt it .... pnngiltretion •t the <*"'9r It ~et 120 E. 1• St.. ea. Meet. For more lnforrMdon. c.tl (949) 722·1111. Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTtEWEB: I WW.~com WEATHER Higha win neer 80. SMPltpA2 OBITUARY Ont of the Knoa d'l11dren dies. S..PltpM SPORTS 00 "*'"~ .... go.-'°""...., 70-M ~ S.,._.AI ........................... lmll ............................... ._._.. ______ _.. __ ..._._._.. ... .._.._..~----._.._.. .... ._._._...._.._._._.. ... ._.._. ............ ~-----· A2 Friday, J,vlUJry 31, 2003 . ON THE MICHAEL BUCKNER I DAILY PILOT Taking advantage of an extremely low tide at the Upper Newport Bay Dtck Newell, a volunteer at the Marine Studies Center, takes a dozen people on a bird and wildlife tour. The low tide 1s a chance for birds to eat rare food uncovered by the low water levels. A rare look at life /\ few times during the winter, low wa te r levels a llow the Newport Hay Na turalis ts a nd Friends to get close to Back Hay a nima l life. They take a few people with them. FYI For more in formation about Newport Bay Naturalists and Frie.,ds' programs and tours, call Rita McCoy at (949) 923-2296. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot T he N('Wport Bay NotturaJi.,ts and 1-riemh' free \Vlnter lruise of I lpper Nl'wport Hay ,.., meant lO he mon· th.in a l'a'>ual lour of Upper Nt'\\j>Orl B.1\ le., goal 1., to 111 ... 1111 a ...en ... e of pride and Jppre«ia1111n uf the amanng naturnJ hah1tnl anti c•ndangen'CI specie<, that Nrwporl Bt•ac h ha.., 111 II'> own backyard, .,;uc.l D1tk l\.t.·well, volunteer and skipper of the erui.,t• The group, 111 collahoration with the '-late Department of Fish and Game, organized two tours in December and one each Wednesday and Thursday. This week's uujse!> were especially organized for a ~roup of local educators and naturalists on day.., wlwn low Lidelt brought in an .ihunc.l.mcc of rare shorebirds to the Back Bay. WHATS AFLOAT • WHATS AR.DAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event. submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to daflypilot latimes.com. SMJNG CLASSES Ontnge Coast College Is oftiMtng new adt and noncredit sailing classes this spring. Most classes are five weeks In length, and boats range from Udo 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboata. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast "When low tide h1h. tlw watl·r l1l•n•dc-.1, exposmg the mud a11d t lw m.ir1m· lift'. wtm:h is food 111 thl''>l' hi1d-.,' Nl'Wl'll '>atd ·11·s almo-.t like a fl't.•cl111g lrt.•nt'I' thi., ll111t.• of the year." I le taJce'> pa'>l>engcr., 1111 .t 21 foot Oat-bottom sluff that the lkpartmenl of Fish and (;ame purd1a..,cd la.,t year for the group to u..,e for research and gwmg public tours. This week's cruises featured an exploratory trip to the upper reache~ of the bay, the Old Salt Dike, for an exduc;ive view of about 15,000 birds that migrate to the'ie parts in the winter Lime. This is only the second year that Newell has taJcen people out on this cruise. The Back Bay-managed by lhe county, the California Department of Fish and Game and the city of Newport Beach -is one of the few remaining estuaries in the state. Added 10 the reserve system in 1975, it consists of 892 acres of protected wiJdlife Highway. Newport Beacti. (949) 645-9412 or visit occsailing.com. Seiling Fudnation off9rs clan.es in boating safety and sailing year-round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Orange County~ c.n bring their empfoyees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to wol't( with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques While they get advice on how to perform well in businus. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. rt.">ervc, hosts up 10 200 different species of birds, 80 species of fish, many reptiles and more than 500 identifiable types of plant life. The bay is home to several species that may be unheard of otherwise, Newell said. rhere is the light-footed clapper rail, fo r example. which naturalists are working very hard to preserve. The simple-Joolcing bird lives in pickle weed and cord grass that grows in the bay, Newell said. "It's also the origin of the expression "thin as a rail,'" he said. Newell said the group aims to maJce visitors realize the invaluable resource that is Upper Newport Bay. "The reason we lose shorebirds and a lot of marine Ufe is because we pump pollutants into the ocean and destroy habitats," he said. "This is a pristine area that everyone in Orange County shouJd be proud of." BOAT RENTALS With Marina w.t.r5por1s at the Belboa fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self11uided tour of the bay in your ctioice of power and sail watercraft, jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jet.boat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fulty equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary Ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. P.c:bll bom, etec:tric boats, boogie boards, kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, beacti furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS 92626. Copyright: No news Sean Hiiier, Doo Leecti, stories, Illustrations, edltorlal Kent Treptow matter or advertisements herein ca n be reproduced without READERS HOTLINE written permiulon of copyright (949)642-~ owner. Record your oommenll about the VOL 97, NO. 31 Dally Piiot or news tips. HOW TO REACH US THOMAS H. JOHNSON, News EditOfs Add .... Cin:ulation Publisher Gina Alexander, Lori Anderton, Our address Is 330 W Bay St., Cotta The Times Orange Countv TONY DOOERO, Mna, CA 92827 Ofl'lce hours are (8001252-9141 Editor Paul Saitowlu. Daniel Stevens Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.m. · 5 p.m. ~ JUOY OETTING, NEWSSTAff Con°Kdoll9 Claulfted (9491642-5678 AdV8f11~or Deepe8hw.th It Is !he Pilot's pollcv to promptly Dilpley (949) 642...:J21 LANA , Crime and courts reporter. correct all errors of substance. Ecltoflel · Promotions Dtrector (949) 574-4226 PleaM call (949) 574-4286. News EDITlNQ STAFf ~.blla,..th l•tim..oom (9491642-5680 S.J.Cahn, JuneC1111 •Ide FYI 8pcM1a (9491 67.M223 The Newport Beach/Coste Mna N9wa Fu (949) ~170 Managing Editor Newport 8eacti repo~. 8pcM1a Fax (949) &50-0170 (949) 574-4233 IMI 574-'232 Dally Pilot (USPS·144-800l Is l~ d•ilypllote letlmN.com •·I cahnl# latlmN.com /une.CMagrafldee ftlt1rn411.com publl1hed dally. In Newport Beadl Melft otllce JemetMMJ, and Costa MHa, sublcrlptlon1 ere ..... Cllnton .. ,,.. Olftoe (IM8) 942-4321 OtyEd1tOf Poll11aa and erMronment rvporter. 11vo1lable only by •ubscrlblng to ...... Fu (949) 831-7128 (949)764~ jlll'fW.m.IM•l•lmes.com (949) 764-<Q30 The Times Orange County (8001 ~c.taon. paul cllntone ltltlmn.com 2!12·9141. In areH outside of !\mtJ SpcwEd!IDf LoltllHefpef Newport Beach and Coeta M..,, (949) 17<M22.3 co.i. Me9a reporter. (949) 57.M271'i 1ubecrlptlons to t~Oally Pilot are "°""" CMt.on """"* com 1o11u.,,.rpilrfti.t1111# com avoilable only by flttt clH1 mall for JoMJ ...... ~"""'*' S30 per month (Prlcee Include all . Art 011'8d0r I New9 C>Mk Ch f tducation ret><>rter, 1149) 57.4"'22t applfceble stlte and local ta11 ... ) Published by Tlmee Comm.unity 1949) 674-<4124 ~.anttJ#I ,.,.,,,...oom t»trdr•MWmMi 1a11,.,., com l'OSTMASHR; Send addre11 News, • dtvitlon of Ow Lot A.ngetcta ... ~ aw1a••C-... chanue• to The Newport Tlrntt. Photo SupetvitOr New9........, , ... ,.,...,. 8t•chlCot11 Me .. Dallv Pilot, C2002 T1mea CN. Ml r'lghta (941) 1'M-43M dwWl#ne.owrl/lo.~«Hn P.O. Box 1680, Cotta Mtta, CA tQ'lp#t(JffO ...,,.. com , .... ~. i6 . . , .... \ THE HARBOR COLUMN A simple case of poor seamanship Ahoy. I'm off this morning on another voyage to Ensenada, Mexico, but I promised to tell you about my uphill voyage last week from Ensenadato Marina del Rey. What an adventure! It starts MIKE WHITEHEAD San Diego Coast Guard Activities, relaying the information, including our latitude and longitude, as if taking a chapter out of my VHF Marine Radio book. We were delayed for about 45 minutes as the Coast Guard with trying to get down to Ensenada by public transportation, using just about every mode of transportation from car to train to trolley and, finally, a bus. We lefi the docJc: just before sunrise. and the seas were at least 5 feet pounding the boat as we punched out of Bahia de Todos Santos -uansJated the Bay of All Saints -to round Punta San Miguel This boat is capable of cruising at 30 knots that I was hoping to reach, however I was making only 17 knots. We were only a few miles off the coast when we hit fog. but I couJd see enough to maintain speed while watching the radar. TI1e fog did burn off a couple of hours after sunrise and, at Limes, I could throttle up to 22 knots when we were in between the swell sets. ·n1en, about 16 nauticaJ miles soutJ1 of San Diego in the lee of the Coronado !~lands. I spotted off the pon bow three sailors franticly waving their arms over their heads aboard a dilapidated-looking sailboat. As I deactivated the autopilot and turned t owanl the boat. my first thought was that we were sull in MeX1can water;. so I shouJd watch out for pirates. Therefore. I did a fly by to evaluate the situation and look for anylhlng out of the ordinary. Still not taJcing any chances, I backed down to the vessel so I was positioned to throttle up and dash away. No reason for me to taJce any chances. I had the owner aboard my boat go 10 the stern 10 fiud out what they needed. (I ley, the bonus of being the captain.) It turned out this was a classic example of Goofy-Goes-Sailing. The people asked us to radio the Coast Guard for help because they had no communications, radio or cell phone, their engine was broken, one-person had a previous neck injury, and for some reason couJd not sail anymore. I puJJed a UttJe distance away to make comms with decided the beat course of action for the sailboat We were notified and released from scene when the Mexican Navy was launching from Rosarita Beach to monitor the situation and Vessel Assist Shelter Island was responding to tow the sailboat to San Diego. Why anyone wouJd venture out in those sea conditions aboard a vessel that did not look seaworthy and without any means of communication defies logic. I do not mind helping a boater in need, but poor seaman.sh.Ip ls no excuse. We were only able to help because we had the proper equipment The next stop was U.S. Customs in San Diego, and the check took less than an hour, which was faster than I experience when walking across the border. For those boaten needing to dear cw.toms in the near future, hen> ls a new procedure. You still dock at San Diego Police dock and then walk up to the top of the gangway and dial •a2 011 the our.side payphone. a free call to notify customs. An officer will be di"{>atched to come down 10 the docJc:s. The officer mentioned that. in the near future, a call-in program llke that al the Canadian border might be operational. Thi'i will save at least a couple of hours. especially if you do not need to enter the harbor to fuel. as you couJd can fmm a cell phone whilr off Point Loma The remaining five hour!! to the vessel's home port were uneventful, and I wru. only able to push up Lhe throttles when we were in the lee of Catalina Island. The announcement of the week is tha1 I am seeking an account executive for radio commercial sales. My boating radio shaw is arranging to air on KFMB 760. You can read more infonnation on my Web site. Safe voyages. • MnCE ~EAO is the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist. Send him your harbor and marine-related thoughts and story suggestions by e-mall to Mike@BoathousoTY.com or visit BoathouH TY.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF We'll encounter another day The latest northwest swell not unlike any other we've arrives today and brings wfth It seen of late. some heaO-hlghL Standout Some petdly dense fog will spou Wiii '" eorne waw. greet u., though It'll once about 2 to 3 fMt ovethead. egaln bum off fore ma.tty On Saturday, the swell wfll sunny day. Hlghl will top out peak, bringing U1 the near 80 In Costa Mesa end the occaaionat OYefhead, but mid-70i In Newport Beach. mo.tty head-hlghe. We'll be cooler on Saturday, W.'11 drop down on Sunday with hlgha reaching onty the Into the ct.est-to hud-h~h loww70... range. The wevee wflt keep lnformedon: lhrinlcJng until aometlme let9 www.nws.noaa.gov nextweet. W...qwiity: BOATING FORECAST www.tuffrld.r.org The windl will btow •bout TIDES 10 knots In the Inner w.ter. tN• •ftamoon, wtth 1· to 3-foot Time ........ wewe end• we« .wetl of 4 to 8:0C1.m. UlfMthlgh ete.t.~wtu .... thla 3:17p.m. • 1.31 fMt loW ...,.,,1ng, 9'A7p.m. UlfMthlih Out fe""9r, the nonh11ec.rty 2:34e.m, U5fMt9o. wtnde wtl blow 10 to 19 knota. with 2-fooe ~and .... WATER TEMPERATURE ... of 7 to ....... Not muctc ........ ~ ., .. _ " .. .. { ,.,. ----------------------------------------------..--- BEST BUYS Check out the slower Porsche products A 11 or the products at Pol"ICbe Design were designed by FA Porsche. the grandson of legendary automaker Ferdinand l?orsche. P.A. Porsche began designing the 904 racing series and the 911 series before brealcing away in the early 1970s with h.ls own design studio In Austria. Manufacturers have relied on FA Porsche to design the best form and function for their products. Porsche Design logo products include luggage. crystal. eoolcware, appliances. watches and golf products. The classic aviator glasses with interchangeable frames, introduced in the early '70s, continue lo be a most·asked·for item. The reintroduced coffeemaker. juicer, blender. toaster and electric kertJe are some of their best sellers. Today is the last day of their sale. Select items are reduced up to 70%. Open from JO a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from JO a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m . Sunday. South C,oast Plaza on Level One in the Saks Fifth Avenue Wtng. (7 14) 662·2992. KICK OFF THE CHINESE NEWYEAR Yu)ean Kang's Asian Bistro at South Coast Plaza will celebrate the Olinese New Year on Saturday beginning at 6 p.m. The <. dinner features modem and cradioonal Chinese cuisine. The dinner t.ncludes shrimp and garlic-chive dwnplt.n~ steamed pork Siu-Mai and vegetarian spring rolls. Oloose one or these encrees: green jade prawns; crispy whole fish with spicy Szechwan sauce; gold and siJver chicken; Yujean Kang style loin oflarnb with glazed walnuts in spicy sauce; crispy aromatic duckling with steam~ buns: and old coin tofu. Dinners come with lreasure Ru-Yi. a traditional New Year's dish to "fulfill your wishes" all year. Chinese long-life noodles with julienne chicken breast and black mushrooms in broth; and Olef Kang's signature dessert of warm, red bean pancake with coconut sauce. The cost is $38 per person. excluding GREER WYLDER beverages. tax and gratuity. Children are , welcome and can select from a special ·children's menu, for ages 5 through 11. at $1 2 per child. Seating ls limited. For reservations. caJJ (714) 662·1098. Yujean Kang's Asian Bistro is at South (,oast Plaza on Level One. near Robinsons-May. SUP INTO SOME FASHIONABLE CLOTHING . Cl:tlco'll at C,orona deJ Mar Plaza is having its annual fashion shaw at 12:30 p.m. Saturday. The new spring. cruise and travel wear coUections will be shown. Unique jewelry and accessories. including belts. shoes. handbags and scarves, will be featured, too. Plus, music and refreshments. Reservations are required. Seating is limited. Also, already reduced faU and holiday coUect1ons will be reduced an added 20%. (949) 2 19·9960. DECORATE FOR CHEAP Learn tricks of the trade on how to decorate on a budget by a11ending HG1V Design on a Dime host Sam IGvett's i.eminar at 3:30 p.m. Saturday at Macy's South Coast Plaza Home Store. IGven will show participants tips on furniture selection. design techniques. and give advice on color, style, scale and even lighting. (71 4) 556-0E>l l, ext. 4231. WALK OVER TO THIS SALE Don't miss the Annual Wmter Sidewalk Sale al Newport North Center {MacArthur Boulevard and Bison Avenue) today and Saturday. Participating • merchants have special sales throughout \he center. YEAH, BABY. CLOTHING Looking for spring bridal and baby showers gifts? The Yellow Cottap has new ltnes of gifts. It carries everything from bridal and baby registries and gifts to home d~or and accessories. Fine wedding gifts available include china, glassware and tabletop ac~nes. Luxury I tali an linens are from Anichini and Sferra Brothers. Custom stationery is from Anna Griffin. Layette gifts include beautiful blankets. handmade baby' photo albums, and sterling silver heirloom keepsakes ready for engraving. UttJe girls' dresses for weddings and other special occasions can be custom ordered. A nice coUection of chiJdren's books makes fabulous gifts. Custom iron work. furniture and custom florals are also avaiJable. Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m . Sunday. 8055 Coal.I I tighway. Crystal Cove Promenade. (949) 7 l 5·3939 • BEST BUYS appears Mondays and Fridays Send information to Greer Wylder at greerwylder a yahoo.com; at 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627: or by fax at (949) 646-4170 Fibromyalgia? "Free Report Reveals The Shocking Truth About the "~t" Treatment Your Doctor Probably Doun't Know ... And Lik.dy Hopes You Never Learn ... " COSTA MESA -A n~ frtt repon has reccndy bc('n rdca.scd 1ha1 rcvcili 1h(' "uniold swry" behind fibmmyalgia pam. F1bromyalg1a m1sd1agnos1s and misuca1mcnt ts ramp;mt and leads to counde~ yc~rs uf unnecessary suffcnng. This &cc repon reveals a n;uwal proccdurc 1ha1 1s giving fibromyalg1a suffcn:rs ch('1r "lives back" -with "m1raculow· rcsulu for many. If you suffer from fibromyalgu you need 1h1s no B 5 , no "g1mmteks" free ~pon ~t u giving hope to fibromy2lg1a sufferers cvcrywhC'rc. For your fm: copy. call toll-free 1·800-897-7418, 24 hr. recorded message. Present ing a New Production of the To ny Awa rd-Winning Musical This stylish, updated Equity production, directed by television writer/producer Valerie Mayhew, uniquely reflects Southern California in 2003 and features a professional cast and musici ans performing such memorable favorites as "Try to Remember (The Kind of September)," "Soon It's Gonna Rain," and "They Were You." The original show ca ptivated audiences during it s phenomena l 4 2-year, Off-Broadway run. Don't miss this t imeless morali t y .tale of "boy and girl meet, fall in love, part to see the big wide world, and realize that home is where t he hea rt is." ONE WEEKEND ONLYI Friday, January 31 at 8 p.m. Saturday, February 1at8 p.m. Sunday, February 2 at 3 p.m. St. Mark Preebyterian Church 2100 Mar Vista Drive • Newport Beach (Corner of Jamboree Road and Eastbluff/Ford Road on the bluff side) Call (949) 644-1341, Ext. 22 For Tic;kee Information Suggested donations: $25 for adults, $10 for students age 8 and older (the mature themes of this production are more appropriau for older children and adults). Free parking. For more details, visit www.fanta6tlcke.lnfo. Net proceede benefit the non-denominational Newport Community Coun6elln0 Cenur (t:JCCC), which each year serves hundreds of lndlvlduala who sre vlctlme of/involved In dome6tlc abuse. ~ St. Mark Presbyterian Church Friday, January 31,'2003 A3 Even through remodel, they will never close The Norms Restaurant o n I larbo r Boulevard is unde rgoing a $200,000 remodel that is in the un sightly s tage now. olive extenor patnt Tiw dllf..'Ular sign w1U remat.n the same No mwnor renovauo~ o.&ll' planned Whtie the rernodelmg wodc. LS bemg complewd. tht• ~ taurant will remain open. Schroed er sax! staymg true to the c.;om· pany\ mono "'Ne never close " Paul Clinton Daily Pilo t COSTA ML"iA fht' propn etors of Norm .. f<el>taur.111 1 .trl' wrapping ur .111 exwnor rt mod el of the eatery that hi.I' 11·11 unsightly elet Im.al wire., 11.m gling from the uppt•r fc.1\·udt• The work. wl11d1 lwgan 111 November . .., expu tPd to lw completed by mid r t•hru.1ry, till' r~taurant\ ~erwr.il 111.111ag1•1 said. The rt"•l.ilir.i111 1... 11 .•I 'ill I larbor Blvd BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Fair more than tlouhk"' entertai nment hudgct \4Jhat 1s n:d "P'" .11111 ro1 ~111ht Give up? II '' tlw 111·~' 1li1·111t· for the Ora11~P < 1111111} f ,111. which pl,ll1\ lo ,11111\1 ,,.,._. 111111.1 toes and pop11l.11 11111,11 thl'> summer Tht' foir board \11t1·d 111 m cre~e t11t eH·nt\ 1•11t!'rt,11n men1 budgl·I lro111 S.! 111ilhw1 tu $5 mrn1on to h1111~ top llrght concert pcrlorn1o11111 ' tor 1111' Pacifit Amph1tlwa111 111111 1.ih )Klld lhurWJ\ Hecky HcllJ~\ I 1ndlf'\, 1h1• fair·., chief ext•nJ11 .. t-. ... 11d till'\ \\/anted a theme th JI \\ 1111ltl n· ··\Ve re go mg to frel>hen II up.· ...ud < lldrll"> ~hroeder, the gen· l'ntJ nMnager "We re not gomg to 1 hangt· thl' 1111enor look.· Along with the exposed wirel>, tlw rl''>IJllrant\ faryade a.bo 'how' t•xpo,cd wood framing. In tlw rnrnmg week'>, a small crane will rt•Mran~e i.everal exterior lw11ni~. S1 hr0t·der said. < >111 l' thl· work t!> complete, the rt•<;t,1uran1' exterior will ha"e an NlU1t·ly m•w look, Schroeder ... ml ~orkt·r'> a rc at..o expt-tted 10 rt· pmnt tht' rc'>taurant\ hght ~ 1l1·t t tlw l'lll'fh'Y and d1ver..1t} uf 1lw 111•\\. Jttrauion' dlld enln· 1.111wr!>, u.., \\.ell ~ the tradiuonal h'Jlllfl''> that fairgoers have come 111 Im l' .t11tl l'Xpet t 1 lw 111farnou., P·acific Am pl11th1·,111l'. \\.hu:h ha., be~n the 11t111t• of r11·cifb\ re,.,1dents he· U.111\l' ol t'l(l t.">'>1Ve n01!>C. will The re'>taurant has ~et a'1dt about $200,000 for the work. Schroeder sci.id Norm~ 1<, a family-owned cham of 17 diner'> in \outhern California Jhe llarhor Boule vard eatery,.., one of only two 111 coasta.I Orange County fhe other I'> m I tunt111gton Ht•ad1 OthN dmer'i art' in Santa Ana, Anaheim. Oran!o(e. Wt•..,1 I lolly wood and Beverl\ 1 lrllo, undt:rgo a S500.000 rt•nova11on before reope111ng thJ'> '>Umm~r All of 11 ... • 8,:>00 Wdl'> ~ ... 11J tw 1111 '>dle for t'dlh nmu•n thmuW"t lick t: Ul\(I. '>t l' r. The fatr, which run., lld~ 11 111 Aug. 'l Wtll l OllllnUl' II\ frt:(• \IHI cen -.t'nt'!-. in th1• C .rand,1.111tl art:na NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 949·64S·7616 Real Estate A U C T I 0 N Commercial Property Laguna Beach 9,000+ sf Restaurant on .52 Acres • l '"·ftd ( • Lero reta bt.;\·'"fl\• O"O "'"'.,. l • rul1'!t 4!qulp~ed ~lfthtir ""+ •t:• gero' er.:i. ,. A uction: Tues, February 11th Preview: Jon :'8th • 9 30 l 1.30 • Jt Spece po• I ing lot • bv• dirig ti (i.Jf'Qn, 1 ..;"0Cu~· CJMd 9r1r•, tor r•·"1Wtt tran ~on Coll for terms or see our website w ww.tranzon.com Mike Wolters 888-314-1314 Personal Training • Yoga • Indoor Cycling Exceptional Fitness in Orange County's Finest Facility Grand Opening Promotion Choose From Either Two Free Classes (Yoga or Indoor Cycling) or Two Free Personal Training Sessions (Up to a $100 Value!) Offer Ends 5/1/03 You are cordially invited to attend our Grand Opemng Saturday, Ftbruary 8th, 2003 2:00pm ... 7:00pm Artistic cuisine served compliments of •otsh Uff" Fitness Oemonstr3tions • UY! EntertJinmtnt • Raffles Prizes Wm F~ Airu~ Tickets. Dinners ind Mor!! bck Bly Center 2675 Irvine Ave. IA 949.631.5587 M Friday, January 31. 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Anton 8oulevatd: A burglary was reported In the 600 block at noon Tuesday. •an.tot Strwt: A burglary was reported in the 3300 block at 6:20 p.m. Tuesday. • EJ Camino Drive: A person was reported drunk In public in the 1000 blodt at 4:28 p.m. Tuesday. • Menimac Wiiy; Annoying phone calls were reported In the 400 block at 12~41 a.m. Monday. • Placentia Avenue: A vehicle burglary .was reported In the 2100 block at 5,53 a.m. Tuesday. • Mendoza Drive: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2800 block at 9:21 a.m. Tuesday. • Ogle Street Drinking in public was reported in the 300 block at 12:20 a.m. Tuesday. • Victoria Street: Graffiti was reported in the 1000 block at 7:56 a.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Ag9'9 Awnue: Petty theft was reported In the 100 blodt at 2:08 p.m. Wednesday. • Diltmond Awnue: An auto theft was reported In the 200 block at 7:52 p.m. Wednesday. •Jasmine Avenue and Oceen Boui.vard: Vandalism was reported at 9:31 a.m. Wednesday. • Mec:Arthur BouleYard: Forgery was reported in the 4000 blodt at 3 p.m. Wednesday. • Newport c.ntet Driw East: Grand theft was reported in the 200 block at 8:57 p.m. Wednesday. • S..shore Ortve: Battery was reported in the 5200 block at 8:18 p.m. Wednesday. • Sherington Place: An auto theft was reported in the 2100 block at 10:21 a.m. Wednesday. • 36th Street: Loud music was· reported in the 600 block at 10:53 p.m. Wednesday. payers get a fair deal. ... COAST Continued from Al of road that originally cost Coast residents about $13 million to build when it was reacquired by the transportation agency. Someof the money that was sup- posed to improve police and li- brary services lo the residents were instead used to bolster services in other Orange County communities. '"Remember that theM: prop- erty owners are paying every year. Every year, they write a check to pay into that abSess- ment district," Kill" said. "I think 1t could be argued that because they're paying every year, they might be able to challenge where the money goes and how it's used." Officials say they wiU look for ways to assure that these tax- • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beadl and John Wayne Airport. She may be readied at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at 1une.casagrande<!' lat1mes.com ~ R es taurant ----established 1n 1962 . SWAPMEET ~ I SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS ~ 8AM -3PM ~FAIRVIEW & ADAMS, COSTA MESA $25 Purchase spaces in advance at the OCC Community Education Office on F&1rvlew Road, Parking Lot "A" -Cosb Onlv Community Education Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday -9 am -6 pm Friday -9 am -5 pm 5aturday -9 am -12 noon FREE Parlcing & Admission for Customers Pa~ on OCC Campus ONLY Lots A, B, C on Fairview Rd. Lots 0 & E on Memmac Way SWAP MEET 24-HOUR INFORMATION LINE (714) 432-5866 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 314" SOUO EXOTIC P.'l.S¥'- HARDW00D STAINru&TER s4•1 !!!!!!!.. s 1 •1 from IQll -11• Traverttie 1s· x 1s· ........................ ~ ................. " ............. U .. . Ce'alril:: Tlie ....................................................... 191111111* U 111t laTWlate Y«>c:>cl." •• , ........................................... ""*'. u .. l . L if egµard s turn to different life-saving Newport Beach employees are. holding al) emergency blood drive today to address critically low supply in Southern California. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORf BEACH -Local lifeguards have organized an emergency blood drive todfiy in response to alarmingly low sup- pUes -0f blood throughout Southern California. The supply of 0-positive and 0 -negative blood recently dipped down 10 less than a two-day supply. Blood drives from Ventura 10 San Diego counties have in- creased blood suppUe . but much more is needed. "We organized this grass-roots blood drive really fast, really last minute. because the county sup plies are seriously low, H &aid Joc;h V"ctn Egmond, a lifeguard sped al ist for the city of Newport Beach. "We're hoping very much that the community will come out and support the blood dnve. • JuUe Juiiu~on, communi<:a tion~ manager for the Amertc:nn Red Cross Blood Services. Southern California region, ~d that the blood shortage ocwrred in part because few donors gave blood during the holiday<; "We w.ually experience a shortage after tJ1e holiday\," Juhu-;son i.aid. "And 1he nct•d lor blood b ongoing ' ·1 he lift'guanh will bet'.,'ltl tak· ing re ... crY..it1011' hy phone at 7 a.m today. Hed < ro~s wod.t•r<> w1ll l·ollcct blood fwm 10 a.m. lCJ 4 pm for walJ.. 111s and from pl•oplt> with appo1ntme111s at thtl main br'1Jllh ol the ]'lt•\vport Bt•ad1 1'11bhc library ART Continued from Al 'There are a lot of creative people here. There just aren't that many places to go to display your work.' standpoint and n give~ them an opportunity for them to get in front of people, H he said. Carrie Strom. lotal artist Not to mention the opportu- nity it gives area residenb to see what lcind of talent is alive and growing in their own commu- nity. Strom said she ha:. been in contact with a handful ot hope- ful locaJ participants. The eclecuc nature of C..osta Mesa certainly a1tracts "a lot of talented people." she said. "There are a lot~eative people here. There just aren't that many plac~ to go to dis· play your work.·· Strom ,;ml Strom is an ab .. tract ani-.1 who usually worlo..b with oil paint<; and stick<;. I fer late!>! pro1crt 1' " ~eriei. of red pai1111ng!. dt•o,1g1wd to create an atmo!.phert• ll'ing the color. She mixe-. \hadt'' or red with spla\htl:. of nrangt·' and ycllo~ to ad 'Oml' textur1• and depth to her piece~. Strom h.._ encd her conceptual an 10 scribbling and lhen rnlnnn~ over It. " fhere 1!> nothmg 111 rht·rl" thdl ·~ 'uppo'>t'<I 111 lw reprewnta llVl". lhl" JO ~··ar uld .. ,111.l \1111w11111e' pt>uplt· ''"'} thl'\ -.et' l l'rl,\111 th111g<; 11111 lhl'rl' I'> 11\ll "llPJllN'<l lo be .11iy1hin~ th1·11· \..ult•gh1 would 1101 cornnll'nl 1111 \'Vhn 1111gh1 lt'.t'>t' till' lnr111cr 'nloi..'\ Plavh111t'ol hut "ud lw " 11q~11t 1.11111g \\Ith 'l'\l'ri.11 p.trt It"' \\L· a.n· talkmg tu d11l1·n•111 pl'tipll' .iboul p1111111g 111 <1n11tlwr l'llll0l lilllllllt0 lll Vl'llllt·.· Ill' ,,ll(l \..1Ckgh1 hd'o hopt•tf Ill I rt·,l(t• .111 .1h1·rn,111H• 'd1>\,11t11\.\11" ------- ALLOWED city. Nearly ewl)11m· 1 .m a~nul poruons or the art'il markl'd 1111 indu-..on in lh1• Bt•dt•velop111t•111 Area L'> in b'fea1 d1-.1 l'µair \ driVI' along rhe <>Ired-. 1·111 orn1M .... '>t'd by tJ1c 434 dt 11 ra~ed rc•developme111 .in·a pn"'>t'"" .1 hodgepodge ul vanou'> land LN: .... from office aml 111dw.1n..tl 111 rt.">tdenual. Continued from Al can identify with the for..aken animal. Bu!>meb5men "on the marked portion of the Wec;tside 1'<!Y they are being unwiUingly led to '>laughter by thoi.e who believe their demise will improve the .00% Yield 011 Prinnpal 14 ~our 12 Mo CD FD I C I N S l J R ~:: I> FIDELITY I NS UR r~ f) lJ I /' U \I I \. (949) 588 -571 1 £{6~ Mattress Outlet Store 3165 Harbor Blvd. @!Lmn Florat & Gifts • 50% OFF 'l'l.11111111)t l 01111111.,, .. 1111 wr' .1pp111\L0d lhJ\ \\l0t•k 11' prt•lrflllll.111' llldll\11111 Ill till' n·d1·\t•lt11u111·111 .m .. 1. \\llll h w,1, lor11wd 111 J11:-·1.111d u1dud1·' p11111·1 1, '"th·" 111.111we ~1u.111 .u1J I '"'·1 \k-..1 I 1111rt\;mh lt11h p1·111ll'l1l lllll'""·llll' 1•,1,1hh,lwd 11!1• .1d1li111111.1I tt•1111111 \ .11 t orih11g '" 111d1"1n 1111·.1,llll'\ 111 hhi.:111 'h II l1111g 0111 J 11•tl1•\ d11p1111•111 n•g11 Ill I llJllllJ"lllf h ,~ h\1'1111°""" I l11111h 1 h.1111 1111 ... 11·111 I'· 1wl'l1•d p.11111 .111d d1 .. , .11d1·d 11r•"' ht11·1 ''"' •''\11'11111 1t 111.111\ <•l tlt• P'"I'' r 111' 111 th••' u 11111\ 11111 rl'lllc r I """II'" "'It ~ 11111 .111111111• -.lup ,,11d-. ,11•1·1 pl.11111g 'li"P' Jlld .111111 IJ.11111111>: t.11 .. 1111•'"-"' \l.111\ 11l lh1· 11lf11t•111n1plt·"" b11o1,1 l.HJ!t' lur lt'.t ~ '1grh \\ltll h pt1blr1 lit l11i;h \di ollll \ f,rli•' ,111tl h'.ld tllll,llll,1111-. Ill lwllt•\11 111.11 ptlrllflll of llH· t II\ , .. 11111.kru'>t·d h.-.t dll\\11 11\t lll1itl ho\\t"\l"I, 'tJ11d' .1 11111•ly ~' pl hu1ld111g w1tlt \\1 Hl1.krlul l.111tl-.c .1p111g ,uuJ Ill .1111.11 ll\t lol\ I 11 BIJ,llll ...... ~ 'tit h .1, 1t11, 111 w .m· .1J,11 ".1lll0n"1.l lhro11gh11111 tlw 1rt·J .111d hc1.1,r ,1111 .. 1,11 111.11 proli1 111.11,,:111· .. n.1 .. h~ ,1~11, .111d t":\j>t'll'l\t' I .II' Ill 1111'11 dn\ l"\\.I\" .111 .1 11 .... 1.111wn1 ul '"1c1•" l h1• •\\Ill f\ '-l\ \\ln \\llllld 1111• I tl'l.1 \lt·--.1 l1.11li·r.,lup h1 '" t•,1gt 1 111 p11111,lt .. 11 t l•'o.\1 "1 lll' lllJl•lfll\ ol 1lw ,m·,1"111 J1·,1wr .Ill 111·td 111 1111pr 11\ 1•1111·111, lilt' ltl•l"l' l I) lllll '°Hllllt" \\Ill 1111h t'll 'lllll"I Im 1111• >:nod of .111 \rid \\li11 h••llt:r 1li.111 tlll' ~1·" poll lk.11 It tt '1d1·111', \\ h11 I 0111111111' (II 111.l~I' 11\lllllJll\ Ill ( 0 .. 1.1 \k .... tll'> h .11 ... y.1111,1 llhghl 111 1111 hh);111 .• 1llhw11t 11111111111,un-.. whn 111111·1 h\l' Ill 1111' I II\ .Ul' 1111' 1·cc.1t0'ol l,trKl't dllll 1111ly hol,11•1 tht• .1rg111111•111 th.11 c 0.,1..i f\lt•'" FYI A blood drive Wiii take plac" today from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m di the meln branch of the Newµort Beach Library. 1000 Avocado Ave. Reservations are requested. but not necessary, and are available by callmy l949J 644-3178 beginning at 7 a .n today People can arrange to donate blood anytime by calling (8001448-3543. "You can ~aw up 111 1 hrt~l' 1>t·11 pll's' hves with ever)• p1111 ol blood." lultw.son ,attf · i\11t1 11, not a~ hard to dun.tit' hlr 111il .t~ pl'Oplt• tlunk. • around that portion ol Hr l•tul Strel't that wuuld 1irc'l'nl 11 1111 vattve u .. es of bu1ld1ng ... <111t1 11 tail -.pare. \adt•1-th1 i!. wor~ng ~111t II\ pldnllt'r' for .tpprm ill • J "1ll1XCd U'tl.' ZOllrng rm It• It I that would allow rl'ta1I. t 111111 , 1 c1al Jnd rc11id t'nttal 'iJM<.1 "' 1 ;,,, .,amt· bu1ldmg..'>. rlw < 11111 I 1, idt'JI lor arti'>h who \\£111111 \ l~ J.lli.I hw oul of ii lol 1 1111 1111 11 p!:'r flour' and ,1"11 111 d1 p 11 llw1r .... art·' on ).trlllllld h·wl •LOLITA HARPER w11h1s JI Mom1ays. WPdntlsdavs di rj Fridays 11nd covurs c.11ltur• a1 1 • ... ns Slw may be ru • .11J11·d 11 • 574 4275 or by~ mittl 111 lo/1/<1 h,1rpdr a latm1,.~ 0•'1 1·11111111111-.. ro he ,, tJ11111p111~ WllUntl lur lwr tnUll' prollttl I neighbor < 11\IJ \11•...i rr'1d1·111' ~'It• llwy h,1\1' \llOuJdt•rt•d I ht• hhgh11·d hunll'n 1111 111111111 1 . .u 1>..111u .. 11, rdinqu1-.h rlwrr r lht -.i< 11liual l.1111h 111 tl1m .• Lh1') ..... sy l JU ,11f11rtl II \!though no d1•l1111lr\t d1·11,11111 hol\I 1 .. ·1·11111o11h IM1tl1• h1w' h,1\1' lwt 11 ~Ii .1 dr.t\\11. ( 11,1,1 11.lt~I lt'.t1lo·r-. I ll\.!1111111~: ltll ~\.llll \\lllt II\ l I I I ll0\ll.1lt11· 1l11· \\,.,, •ltll· \1111 1111"111 "11\\llt S-. Ill 1111' Ill I \ l1glt1 11111111.1111l11.11l lwl111• I 1'1111'111'' 11•1\ 1111' jllll 1" f111 1! 1 I II\'' -..1h.1111111 \1,111\ 11·,1d1•111 ... \1oh11 .1tt p 11f 1h1• lllljllfJ\1'1111'111 11111\1'1111'111 htl\.1' '11111 i ti hl11\\ gi·rrmg 11t1·11 h\11 lt.111d p11h•d11111111il111t'll11I I I 111'1111111 llw redt•\c-l11p1111 111 .11:1·111 \ 1 lw h11-.1111"' 11\1o1wr., 1114•1 tilt 1111 hlll IMW lllUllllll0tl ,1 l 011u11rt·1-.1nke 11 f II \'fill•':> Ml' JUll\\111)~ 11111\l••r ,, .. p11hltt• 1t•-.t1ni1111\ 1 .. ~:.11111 wol hut 111 ...... 11ll 11111 l1-.1 r !ht•\ t .111 111.1k1• l'llllllgh UCJI"' 111 drt1\\ll llllf IJll' lll•llllfll\ Ill l,1\ I n·d1•\ l'l•11111wnr I h• 1'1' \\ h11 I h111l il I lllllj)fllllll"' (.Ill ht• .1n 11111ph,lwd .111· \1.1111 1>: '"" ur1tlt•11t.1hl\ 1hlh-n·111 '>( ho11I• •I thought .111• tl1•l1.111111: 1h1• rl'd(•\ t lop1111 111 """' ,1111 I 1111 \ llllt' lhlll~ "l l'fl,1111 \1111111 """' ht· 1.1k1·11 \\ho \.\.11111.1) lht• ult1111;111· p111 I' h,1., \t'I Ill ht• !\('I'll, l111t II 111111111 .... -.. 1t1 lw ,1 hl111xh li.:!11 • LOU TA HARPER Wflll"> <. •IUll'I•. M .n<Jdy;o Wf'<1n,.sc1ay:. .1nrl ~' rln• aoo mav tJf! ro•adwd 111 194'.J 5 74427S CJr by E m111l 11t foflfiJ fldff}<'f a fa/lml'S Ll.lnl Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids OBITUARY Home Decor • Furniture Mon-Fri 10-6 •Sal 10-5 • un I0-4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa• (949) 646-6745 (Aero s from Ralph~) ere en SV.!!!t'!!! Stop the RED PLAGUE! Dump Those Poinsettias, Buy Orchids OrchidSale $500 &Up llV8RY SATURDAY 9·4 P.M. WHOLESALE TROPICAL NURSERY Rachel 'Toni ' Oliphant HJ~ ltl'I ·Jorn Ohphant. d < o ron<i dt•I \l.u rl'\ldl'nt twttn kl10wn J-. Ont• 111 rhe 1tm•e .._noll 'ol'ill'I'>, died W1•dne ... day of rnn ge'lllVl' ht:art l.ulurt• '>lw wa' liti Mr-. OhplhUll and '>l'oler.., \ ir gmid .md M.mon and brother Ru'>!tell werl' the Lh1ldren of Wal ter and < .orcMia K11ott. the rnu pie who owned k.nott .., FWrry fami. Mr. O!Jph;1111 rl•mained active in tht' growth of Knott'., Berry I arm. She wa' mvnlved tn rPtail as .t general partner and diret'tor hefore ti was '>Old tu Cedar rair LP. In 19<J7. Mri;. Oliphant wns aJor;o known for her Involvement In the community and with phi- lanthropy. She wa.11 lnvulved wtlh several organu.aUons. including Corona del Mar I ligh School, American Red C..ro~, Pashlon- able11, the I louse I~ Institute. AngelitC>s de Oro. GoodwtJJ In du tries and the NC'w Majority. Mm Oliphant gave S3 million to Cllupmnn tJriiverslty to be u.~ to build the Ken and l'onJ Oliphant ymphony Hall on can'lpus thi11 year. Mrs. Oliphant tnjoyed sev m.I golf gam with friend ot Rig Canyon. She 111 urvlved by her ~n. <.I ughrcr and stcn. A m morbl. !CM~ will be held at 2 p.m. l\leitday at the Unltt.-d Mcthodl t Omrch, 1001 MAf"R\l ttl Ave.. in C.orona ~el Mar. rn UMJ of 0<Nm'5, the famdy 111gg bi do11a1111g to the I JoaM Wumtn·a t'avilion. Jim fJoCI, presidtrit of Chap· "1 lllcUl I lntvt•r<;lly. pr.tM•d ~tr. < >11 ph<111t .i.. ,, \\oman \\1tJ1 an Hm dom11ablc ~pint.· ·~h<' was a very pnvatl' ,11111 mode\t woman who did nol "'t'~ rt•t ogn11ro n, bUl 11 wai. Wll meanm~ul to ht•r 10 toul'h tlw h\l'\ ol nur '>tudento, and to hdp them fulfiU their dream.,," ht• said. • The Dally Pilot welcomes ob1tuariet for 1es1dents or former residents of Costa Mesa and Newport Beadl. If you want to have an obituary pnnted In the Pilot. oak your mortuary lO fax u1 the information at (9491646-4170 or call the newsroom et (9491764-4324. SHOOK, Howard R. Shook, Howard {89), • bualn•Mman MMn corona del Mar, .paaaed away on Jar_nuary 27' 2003. .-1a~byhlelOM-1 Howard A. 8tiool( Md ~n P. 8h0ok, e ~ . end 4 QrMt-gr•~ .... Funerw Mtvtce .. be Mid at '12:00 p.m. tit P80llo V... Ct\aoel, on FricMJ, ~ "· 2003. ... ------.,----:----------":-"-.,-~·---------------------------------------------·-~-·----.,..._--.--,,..---._,, DadyP1ot frid<iy, .klnualy 31, 2003 A5 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -Lett.n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor James Meier at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 •~Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-m1il:Send to da1/ypilot@lat1mes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and ph~ne number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the nght to edit all submissions for clarity and length MAILBAG NOTEBOOK decr1l'd < u'>la Me'a C tty Council meetmg n1Let1e' ("I\ humbling way 10 run a City Counnl mee11ng," I uec,dayJ A little love in, a little love out Westside does not need redevelopment I am very much against co.,ta • Mc-.a adding to the WeMs1dl' re-development area. I agree with Carol Ann Burr thal all the ctty nt'ed!> to do to improve the look,.., of that area I'> lo enforce the rndt."> now on the book,.,. A httle curb and !>1dewaJl ""rlt by the uty wouldn't hurt, either I Ir.now that a Im of people have an opinion that look!> rnunt, and hetng wt•ll drec,<,ed, having d1arm111g '>Pl't~ch and a PhD 1'> 4u11r 1mprt'-..,.Vl' for leader,h1p tdp.tb1l11y I rememhl'r lornwr '>l huol dl'>tm 1 t·nipln~t·t· C.,wphe11 Wagiwr dlld f11rnwr t ounty I don't know LhaMhil> I'> a map fo r t.111.Jdll' lc.t'>t peace, but maybe it's a (>let l' of ll I m prc11y Anwncan. I grew up and hv•·d tht· nldjority of my life in America. 111 Anwm J , I lt•anwd how and how not to n•l.11t• 10 1woph.• 1'111 not an expert. hut I think I han• '><>methmg of a handle 1111 'onw 11nportan1 rclauonaJ issue!>. Bill \-.lwn I 1 ame to (,;v.a about a year .111d .1 half .1gn, I wa .. taken aback by '"'"e of the tiling'> I '><IW. I '>helved the h1111nt.Jam·' th,11 I had learned 111 i\nwru:.1 and tried to ex penl'nLe the lt·vt•l of rt•latmn,h1p that I felt among the ( 1Jl .• Hl ... I ft•ll kind of likl' !'>olonwn, who !>ays in lhl' huok of l.tc.:h:'>la\le' thal he tried a.JJ tht· pll'a'>Urt''· all the whtlt• hold ing on to lw. wi.,dom I didn't try all I he plea!>ures anti I c1•r1.11nly don't have all the w"dorn. hut I did find .,ome thing., thal I rt'.1lly hkt•d about (,,va that I hope I can ~t'l'P ti I'm not hcrl'. In Ament<I, 1 lt·arncd that lnendshtp'> go 'o f,1r Jlld Ill> lurthl'r. Wt• dra" Lhl' llllt'' and pl.11 t• lhl' hm11'> ac.:cording IO "h.11 \\t' < 1111,ull'r to bl' proper. 1 ll'r<'. 111 ( 1.1/cl I didn't fint.J rl'1.11111n,h1p' "1 wl'll t.Jel11watt'd It \\a'> < 11nl11'111g .11 llr\I Hui I '><!\\ 'omeLhing 111 11, .1 It•\ <·I ol 111111n.11 y ht•h,een people. th,11 I 1hdn I 'l't' t•nough ol 111 l\menca It' too 1·ctrl} to '>lllll 11 up. hul I will .tn\\\,,, In \nwmJ I lt'lt h~e ,.,e have 1h1· ruin a11t.J bmmd,trtl',, but '"'' lo<,t a 1111 •if tht• 11111111.in 111 < .ata, I found the) d1111·1 h,l\ 1· ,.., lll<llW rult'' a11d h1111nd.1rn·'· hut 1lit·y ha\c· mon• llllllll.ll" \Vht•n tht•n· .11 r 1w mle' ,int.J l>111111d.iri1·'· 1•vrryom• gt•i.. involved 111 ('Vl'ryo1w <'l'>l·\ hu'1nl''" a11d It drive'> t'H'l\lllll' traty. But when too many mlt•'> ,111d houndam•., l'Xl'>t, peopll' don't t'\l'll know 1 twir next door 1w1ghbor'>. HUSEIN MASHNI example. Both are needed. We need to learn the level of inumacy they enjoy, but they need to learn the rule'> and boundaries that we di'icovered can protect our,elves and our friends. Before I veer off into too much "Arabi.zed" pop-psychology. I wanted to give an I'm usually irritable when people make demand., on me. There wru. a friend one day who came over. I le come!> over regularly. He asked me, totally nonchalantly. if I could get him a gla~~ of cold water. I wanted to tell him he knew where the refrigerator was and he could get it himc,elf. Instead, I go t up and got the water for him. I le looked at the glass to make 'ure 11 was clean. By then. I wru. ready to take the glar,., of water and pour ll on h1., head. But then ht• a'>h•d tf I had any bread didn't I le !>aid he'd go dt>Wnc,ta1r' and get '>Orne at the neighborhood market. I watched him from my lourth·'>lory balcony I le went down and into the ~lore and came oul \~llhout any bread Wi1hout a c,ccond thought. he got on h1!> rusting red bicycle and headed down toward the ">upermarket that\ about half a mile away. fie returned a while later wirh Lhl· bread. Wh at I saw. which I've seen over and over agam, 1., that my fnendi. here often expect much, more than I am sometime'> comfortable gwing. But at the c;ame time, they give much without a second thought. Every ~ing.le foreigner l've ever known to come to Ga/.a ha'> been overwhe~d by the ho!>pllahty here. Another um·e. I wru. about to enter a taxi. I've been npped off by enough t.i>.t dnvers to be rea.JJy cauuou., I a\ked tht• driver how much 1t would co't to get to d certain location. He !>aid JO c,hekel'>. I said I only had 20 with me. lie '>3Jd "Itta The meanings of word!> differ from place to place in the Middle f~I In the village where I li ved and learned Arab1t. "ltla" means get out. So I started to get out. "ltla," he yelled again. ''I'm getting out," I '><ltd. "ltla," he repeated. I wa'> already out of the car and didn't undeNand why he kept repealing him!>elf. But then he changed hi~ word to "T'a.JJ." which meam come. In Ga7.a, to him "ltla" meant "(,ct 111 " And he went on to tell me 1ha1 he would take me where I needed to go even tf I had no money at all. "Ayooni." he !>atd. whtlh mean'> .. ,,., eyes" -a common ..aymg mditallng that he would be willing to gtw eu•n ht' eye'-if I had a-.ked I lad I !>Cen thi., kind of heha\1or om t' or twice. I wouldn't have bothered to wnte this. But I see 1t c\erywhere. agJm and again It ki11d of helped me to redra\\ m} boundariec, a l1t1le. Not too mud1 becau!>e those boundane'> are necL'"an· to protect my'>eU Cllld my friend'>. but enough to a.JJow a lmle morl' love 111 .tnd a little more love out. • HUSEIN MASHNI 1s a former reponer for the Daily Pilot who covered education He left to do m1ss1on work in the Middle East and writes us occasionally abou1 his expe riences ll1ere Jie man} \.1able c,mall bu.,uu'~ m that area domg 111e1n} mtert">tmg thmg-. that art• dJI a.c,~t to the oty\ reputation. 1101 to mention tht' people Ult'} employ I <.an't count the numbt>r ol lime .. tJ1a1 I ve been readmg a national or mternauonaJ maga/Jne dftic:le about ..ome nlilrh111c or velucle development or an tnlert">tmg project, and '>ft' th,11 11 \>\"..t'/ I'> done Ill Coe, ta Me<>a Oht•n tm1ec,, 11 will be located 111 lhJI Wt>'>l'>lde hu'>tne~ area of Lite city Mally of tho-.e bu.c;in~ haw bt>cn 111 tht' '><!me loca1ion for many year., .ind would clo'>t' 11 they ht1d lo lllV\<e. FRANK COLVER i'.l'wport Be<tth Somctin11..~c., Co~ta Me~a can't '>land'> no more < 1t•oll \\t•,1 did t ertJtnl\ o~a-11 up .i < <1n of .. pmach "hl'n he I rl'd'>urt•r I ax < ollt•l tor Hobert <.ttrun hc.itl popul.tr appeal ant.J <,tt•llJr nudlll 1· I ht·w l<·ader'> \\ert·' 11111J11trol l\Jl4' pt·ople." dlld JWrhJP' lhl' \.IJlt•r' g111 l'llCJUgh 111 llldl llllcJ ol reprt·,t·nt.111\ t· <1nd tlt·t 1d1 d to ft•( •I "J'11pt:\f· I' Jll' gl\l' II hi'> bc't ,1J111 l'opeH \\ould tr) tu lw unirtt·ou ... hut \~ht•n thl' .. 11ua111111 Jrow. ht• operlt'd up a ldll of 'Pinell hand ).:Ill th111g' dom· 01 lour'>l'. I l..11m' that fldt, platttut.Jt· filil'<I , 1n',1p1d and munc.lam· mt·r11ng' <111· \vhat I'> t'XIWlll'd bu11-.11'1 11ta1 how we got hl'rt'. lhl' l or1d111011 of thl' '>dlllt' old. -.c1m1· old. notlung dlltll"' I .im ont· pt•r-.c1n ''ho wani.. rt·,uh'>. and I am 1101 Jll art1cul.itt• .. nol> ''ho ''11n'1 turn d1J\\ n ht-Ip lrurn '"llll lllll' \-.ho (U'I \;lllJ, I \Jin \\ h.11 I \am .md I l clll I ,1.1nth Ill> more · L. SCHWANDT < o'td \1t:'>ct CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair Drive. Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor Karen Robinson Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor. Gary Monahan and Chris Steel CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663. (9491 644-3309 Mayor Steve Bromberg Council Gary Adams John Heffernan Didi Nichols Gary Proctor Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT District Office 1370 Adams Ave .. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 !714) 432-5898 Th rs, Mi, & Sal January• · FebraJJ 1st A Fine Affair 721-9044 B.Magness 644-4477 The Basket Case 720-7088 Baskin Robbins 644-1331 Blockbuster Video 759-9404 Cathay Newport Restaurant 759-3388 Champagnes Market & Deli 640-5011 Chevron USA 760-8678 Couture New York 759-1791 Happy Nails & Spa 759-8686 Labels 640-1133 Mag's Donuts & Bakery 760-9278 Mailboxes Newport 644-6480 Master Tailoring 720-1041 Marco Polo Italian Eatery 721-0801 Newport North Cleaners 644-0435 Newport North Optometric 720-0204 Or. Michael Shack One Hour Mato Photo 644-6533 Petco 759-9520 Royal Jewelers 644-7804 Salon Belcourt 644-9980 Tully's Coffee 759-8246 The Video Editor 720-2080 "all phone numbers 949 area code RTH CENTER d Bison, Newport Beach '.JI. t THE MEANING OF NUMBER. ONE. WE HAVE A FEW REMAINING AZU~E SERIES PRODUCED AT CREWE • WHEN ONLY THE ANEST MOTORCARS IN THE WORLD WILL D<..1. AVAii-ABLE l001 SERAPH, PARK WARD HI \( "-1 HI \C I.. l\lr"Jh'I} 200'1 CORNICHE HI \C "-':>\PPlllRU\I\(. )lf\(XU21 !) 2001 AZlJRE MULLINER AR11C"'A/C'OIS"OI J) ( JI02A.ZURE Sii Vflt f't, \RI /St"R.o\I omtOMlt JIG'2AZU•E f't,.A('()CK/ \.~ i\CNC>t I A ()CDl1U) an AR.NACE ll 8' \CK/ Bl I\(')( ( )(()11'1 M an AJlN ACE T R'llCA/511tt\l{~(Xc , PREOWNED t"9AZUt! BlACK/P. RO-f\•~ l'O.•• -----:-·----------~--------~·------- cfemOiLIVING ADVERTISEMENT Assisted living center makes holiday donation Allto Laguna Village ended 2002 on a very posmvc note of (ommunicy ourrc.ich , We all know how h 1111 rhc holiday \C~n ~n be. It's t'aS}' to be1.4Hn<. 11\l rwhdmed wirh everything that ncct.b to gc.:t dum, hut 11 , the pcrfc:n time of year to . think uf .md ~1n: hi rh111t" k 'fortun.1te The 1•mpl11HC\ Jn.I ru1d11 t 1 F.un1l1c~ of Afoo. Laguna V1ll.1~t J1J 1 1)1 iii 11 lw d1111.1ung unwrappcJ food m I h, I u;t ,rJ 11 l111r Ii of rht· l rm\ 1n Laguna Hill~. 1-vll\ I 1u •,J.11 •4 11'111' tnun rl1l u1rnmunity are fortun.nc <lh•u~li 111 ht• 1l•lt· t11 go co 1h1\ diurch for a hot mc:JI, I h, J111r1h' •t 1ff 'dt..ccJ the: food 1rc:ms chev cuu d uw tor th1. ntl .i~ rhn· '>I-Ill prc.:p.ire and the: \enmr\ wc.:r1 1(,,, .ihit 10 , Int rhc 11cm\ rhc.:y wanted. It wa' ,\ wm1dc1hil \\,t1· t o reach our w rh1· communttY In kccprni: w1rh the: luilid.i) s~1m, rhe c:mploycc.s and residents' f.unil1es of Aliso Laguna VJ.bge al.so donated wrapped Christmas gifu for the: homebound seniors who arc visited rcguJirly by the pastors of The Lurhenn Church of rhc Cross in Aliso Viejo. For ~nior& who aren't able to get out and enjoy the huliJay festivities, this 'was a special rrcat. Aliso Laguna Village is an assisted living community dedicated to the care and nurturing of re~idcnts with AJ7hc1mcr's disc.a.sc, dementia and ocher forms of memory loss. licensed nurses on staff around the dock, high staff ratios and an innovuive activity program coupled with the D21ly Adventures Program make residing in Aliso l.aguna Village a meaningful way to increase: quality of life for chose afflicted with dementia and offer support to their famjly members. Call La Carbone at (949) 425-8300. Don 't Jet Alzheimer's take the joy out of life At SU.en.do, your loved one with Alzheimer's wiU be activdy involved in living. Our mission is co provide meaning, purpose and quality in each of ou1 r(Sidcnts' lives. We luvc successfully combined a soc.ia1 modd of cue intcgnted with professional nuning scrv1ccs. By including pets, planu and children in our community, we have been able to create a home-like environment. Through our activity programming. which includes one full day each week with a master's level music therapist, we are able co meet the social needs of the folks who live with' u.\. II\ addition to intcnctivc activities inc.luding cooking classes. special entcrtaini:ncnt and gardening, our residents enjoy wcc.kly bus mps. We even have a $pecial mens workshop! We provide. on-site, 24-hour licensed nurses, indudiog " full-time RN and arc able ro care for our residents through the progression of thc:1r dL!Q.\(: Provision of this lc.vd of nursing care is unique and h~ cst2blished Silvcrado as a scandout usmed living fu:il1cv Please fc:d free to drop in for a cup of coffee: and meet our dog Asher and the rest of the Silvcrado f.amily. For addmonal information, (llU (949) 631-2212 /11r 1nfonna11011 Giving you the freedom to enjoy leisure time and activities Dignity and a spirit of caring Li\ ing .u Huntington Viii~ will free you from the rcsponsibilmcs of home: ownership. allowing you to enjoy your indc~ndencc and leisure: cimc. We handle all of rhe day r~ day responsibilities of scheduling repam and ma1nrainc:ncc:. 1-.xrra wide, free flowing corridors eliminate the narrow and closed feeling of a standard hallway. An inrc:rcom to the gated entrance. fire sprinkler~. smoke detectors, paging and an alum system add to your Wety. The f""O·Story. 2.800 square foot recreation center overlooks a full size pool .ind Jacuzzi which arc heated year round for your comfort. enhance your SQCial life while you enjoy the companjoruhip of ocher scnwr residents, many whom may have backgrounds and interests similar to your own. Of course, your independence and privacy wiU be respected 1f you prefer ro socialize with family or friends in one of rhc conversation areas. The local neighborhood offers a safe mix cure of homes, condominiums and residcnual rcnral properties. Shopping and public transportauon arc conveniently located. Please feel free to call or stop by ;inyt1me. The atmosphere <It the award winning Crown Cove ~a.ior Care Commun.ity 1s one: of arnvny. warmth and carnaradc:ric:. ~.mc:rtammenr. pamc:s and acuvmc:s keep rcs1dcncs1 lives fulfilled anJ sp1mcd. There arc also plenty of are.u for quiet comcmpluion, such .... , the cozy fireplace in the library. ocean view observation deck. morning room anJ gaidcns The community cons1m of lnJepc:ndcnt Living, Assisted Living .1nd our Journeys© Program (AhJmmer's). which 1s located sc:pararc:ly from our Assmcd Living ueas in order to provide: the opumal c:nv1ronmc:n1 t11r all resident~. The soc1.ll d1rc:ccor, a~ well as the rest of che staff, uc here: to hc:lp make your new rn1dencc the place you call home. Activiucs arc organized to For addition.al mfomuztion, call (7 I .f) 840-1203 daily from 9:30 a. m. u11ril 5:30 p m or (800) 995-8993 24-houn dllily for rtcortkd rental mfom111non Crown Cove Sm1or C.Jrt romm11niry IS kxattd {lf 1901 £ Coast H1xhw11-y, Coro1w de/ Mur (111/ 9-19 760-1800 Enjoy a Spacious Suite, Sumptuous Dining, Entertainment, Bingo, Crafts, Billiards, Beauty Salon, Transportation to Doctor, Shopping, Fun Trips, F riend.ly Caring People. 2283 Fairview at Wilson Costa Mesa Minimum age 58 For more information please call: 949/646-6300 or Fax 949/646-7 428 "Renaissance at Huntington Terrace, our residents are pampered with all the amenities and services that a luxurious, carefree, resort-style residence can offer. Huntington Terrace is a full-service senior apartment community with month-to-month rentals, no buy-ins, no hidden costs. ln addition co independent living, we are proud co offer residents "Hcmage" our Assisted L1vmg Program. Heriragc is designed for those who require additional care to meet che1r daily l1v1ng needs. Phone us today to schedule your personal tour and complimentary meal or visit us on the Internet ar www.RenaissanceSL.com. Enjoy Retirement Liv1na The Renaissance Way! We look forward ro ~aklng with you. qa--~SSANCE HUNTINGTON TERRN:E '°llllMI Ill llHIOlll LIVt NO 18800 FLORIDA STREET• HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 926•1 (714) 848-8811 Yoga offers effective therapy for all age g roups The benefits of regular exercise arc nor Limited to a specific age group. Senior o riuns have embraced the notion of mamcaining a fitnas routine: as way ro · enhance their physical and c:morional health. One very popular choice: for seniors in this quest 1s yoga. The 5,000 year old practice of yoga involves a combinauon of focused breathing, controUed postures and mcdicarion. Chm Jensen, manager of the Yoga Center of California in Cosca Mesa, cxplams the advantages of practicmg yoga. She: mes relaxation and stress reducuon, an incrc:a.sc: m energy .md v1cJltcy, improved conccntnrion, improved ~lccpmg p;itterm. strengthening of muscles and increasc:d flcx1b1lirv .u jwr some of the bencfiu yoga has w offer ~'h1lc: tht posmvc: aspects of yoga arc cn1oycd hv practitioners of all ages, 1t docs Kem to be especially bentfic1.t.I to older aduln Seniors have: a unique sec of worries and srrasa As a proven ureu reducuon method. yo~ 11 extremely wcful in handling the challenges chat rnnfronc the .igin~ popul.mon Older adults u e also at <1 grc:;arer ruk for sww ning iniury from fall, and torn muscles The: incrc.ucd Ac:x1bility g..med through yogl offers prc.vc:nuon against such m1urics. Jcnsc:n S21d clue many of he r older paric:nts have reported c:nrcmdy posmvc results wnh1n ~ 3 months of beg1nn1ng a yoga routine. She: alto noted that m.-.m of her senior cl1cnn uc able to holJ postures more: cffccuvcly than some of hc:r teenage: d1c:nu. Jc:nsc:n recommends a 20-30 minute: SC!\lon d.uly for optimal rc:sulu. If you uen 1 Jble to make 11 to .1 studio daily, you an certainly pucuc.c at home Tht }~a Cmur of GWfornuz IS kxaud at 445 E I -,h St .. Sum I in Co1ta MN4 Call (949) 646-818 I Cot JN1-I~'r' Q_l ll -3 CoNVALESCEN-r fios1~1 TAL, !Ne . Countr,y Clu/J Cone al< scent.) lospital, Inc., a rnodern, prit:at<, skill< d nursing facility is Located behind till! ~Sa11ta_;lna Counlly Club in the JVewport Beach/ Back Bay area Jour rniks .fromfloag Men 1oria(j lospital Prc·sbyterian. Srrtall 54 bedfacility,farnily owned and operated since 1973. Single and double bed occupancy, l-4'ith bathroom and shower in e"ery room. <IJeautiful surroundinga, quiet, peace.fut excellent food, high staff-ratio. Short. and long terms stays. We are comrnitted to pro"idingfine, personal care with warmtfl, dignity and respect in a ho,ne-liks atmosphere. 20362 Santa Ana Avenu Sant a Ana H lght • CA 2707 (714) 54 3061 Call for a tour and "lsit t48 on the Web cu ,,..., , •• I n n -2 •·.-J•I• 2 •• •• I Friday, Januwy 31. 2003 A7 cfemOiLIVING ADVERTISEMENT Trusted caregivers for seniors Elegant senior living residence Beautiful1 peaceful setting Assisted living f.tcilmc.s or nursing homes were once the only choic.c.s for seniors who needed usistancc. Today, both seniors ahd their families arc finding tn-homc caregivers ro Fu more suitable and affor<hblc Caring CompanioDJ At Ho~ -a home ore agency with an offiu: in Newport Beach -h;is If you have spent ume look.ing for a beautiful and peaceful place for one or both of your parents ro spend their retirement years, you have probably noticed how difficult it is to find accommodations that meet your cxpcetanons. Coma Neupone in Cosca Mesa is an degam senior living residence that will surely put your mind at case. The grand ensnnce leads to a bcaunful great room which opens onto a magnificent courtyard After cnioying a leisurely moll on the grounds. tOlke time to relax w.ith a delicious mc:al 1n rhc elc:gant dining room. Costa Neuponc also offen .nan.sportation ro medic.al appointmena, shopping .i.nJ ba.n.k.ing. as well .L\ leisure .activ111es uma Nruportl 11 bxarrd ur 2283 Farrvirw Ri1 , Co11a Mesa For a441twnal mfomumon. r111/ (94? 646-6300 Cou.nuy Oub ConvaJeaunt Hospital I\ .i modern, pnntc:, ~killed nur~tng fac..1l1ry with 54 bah and single or double •X:lup.i.ncv with a bathroom and shower in every room Rb1dcnu t·n111v tht excellent l110J, persunaliJCd <:arc: .ind a l11gh st.iff r.1110 b m1lv owned .ind •per.iced ~tncc 1973. we provide quality. homc·l1kc c..ar~ "llh d1F,01fY .ind r~pcc..t Lounrry Club ( onvalcsccm f l1J\p1t.1l. In.. .;tn62 ..,,rnr.1 Ana Av<'. ( ;i.11 1714) 541) ~Of1l nr v1s1r wwv.. \(;n1nrhou,1ng net/A() ( 11un1rv<.lubLon~ H UNTINGTON VILL AGE had great succ~s in providing caregivers tor seniors in needs. They arc geared up for senior~ who do nor need constotm cue. bur do need hdp with pcrsonotl care. m~ preparation. mcd1ut1on remindc:n. light housekeeping. l.iundr, err;mds and compan1onsh1p in rhcir own homes C..mng Compan1om At Home re1..11gn11.Cl rhe 1mport.in Lc of 1..11mp.mb1l1ry between rhc: permn.Umc:~ of borh clienr .10d 1...ireg1vcr l'he obvious go.ii 1s to pmv1Je .a reliable caregiver md ~ompan1on who can be mecr rhe1r J.itly needs. The Costa Mesa Senior Center is proud to present a Valentine's Day soiree! Quality Apartments For Active Seniors 62+ 1 & 2 Bedrooms Plus 1 BR & D en Units Owned by Diane .'v1ondm1, Caring Companions Ar Home I) a rrwtcd resource for .iffordable. ar-homc compan1onsh1p .i.nd c;ire giving for scnion. They pride'. thcrruclvcs on the "pe™m;il rou~h" and mamrain an ongoing rdauonsh1p with borh ~omp•m111n and cl1c:m to ensure rh;it rh("o .uc mee11ng the tndl\ 1Ju.U ~ necth Tbe Ulebratloa t.olca place Friday, Feb. 14 from 2 uatil 4 p.m. • Nat lo a shopping centc:r markets, banks .Uld 99c Hore • Pool and spa • <), .. r•ll r~nt rn...lu1k.> yuho fen • ( 1JU:d • I r.ttl\porr.i11cin ne.ui \ All !>Crv1ccs arc av.iil.iblc: between two .md 24 hours per d;av .ind .ue '< rn:ncd bonded .ind fullv 1mum.I 'ncketa go oa aal~tt.b. 3 and tbe price 11 $3 for manben aad $8 for aon-members. • Recreation center • PIJnnc<l AttiY1tic' • Free Storage • Handicapped unm • Open d.11l~/\X'.ilk-1m wdc.omc Cirmg Comp;inioru Ar Homr 1s !0t.itrd ar 881 /)onr /Jnrt ~Ult< .!<10 in Sru'f>On Brad• (.ill 'J.I ')J s~1 <r'io Live mule proYithd by tbe Costa Mesa Music Malcen, d111icm1, dessert. and prizes. Come /obJ tbe fun for tbe crown.iag of tbe KbJg aIJd Queen of Hearts/ I Plf.ASE CALL FOR MA.'-IA(;l R.') SPEC! \I \ \{) FREE ( ..Al..£'\DAJd 800-995-8993 or 714-840-1203 161 71 Springdale St, Huntington Beadt Opaaced b, )ih er I 11. n· mun' -\ Jl)-8)' 81JOU fA.'\ )\() 8)8 81H1t a . anng mpanions .91.t J{ome, "'·' Caring Companions At Home is,· commicccd ro helping \cniors remain in their homes by providing them w1Ch competent companion/caregivers. Our <.ompJnions assm wHh: • Personal Care • Dr. 's Appointments •Meals • Companionship, Comfort & Support • Light Housekeeping • Medication Rnninders • Shopping & Errands • Hospital Discharge All companions are bonded, insured and highly qualified . We offe r an affordable sol uti on and keep in touch on a regular basis wi th both client and com panion. 881 Dover br., Suite 260, Newport Beach (949) 574-0750 Celebrating the Human Spirit with Dignity SILVERADO S E N 0 R l v N G Assisted Living A Specialty Care Community for individual.s with Memory Impairment, Dementia and Alzheimer's • A secure, enriching co mmunity with engaging activities, pets, children and walking gardens · • Respite and day services available • Full .. tlme RN and 24-hour on-site licensed nllliing with cxpcnisc in Alzheimer's & Dementia care • Masters level social worker and support groups for families and loved ones • Highly trained professional and compassionate staff • Hospice services for end-of-life care • Please call for information or to schedule a tour, we arc available 24 hours a day 350 Wat &y Smet Co1111 Ma11, C4 92627 Tl/lphoM: (!J49) 631-2212 '"' ··it tokes o villoge ... to core for persons with memor; loss .. All~O lAGUNA VlllAG~ Aliso Laguna Village 1s ded coted .,exciusively to Me core and nurturing of people with memory loss Alzheimer's disease and related demenho • licensed Nursing Staff 011·s1te 24 hrs, 7 Days a Week • High Staff Ratios-Full Time Registered Dietician • Daily Adventures Programs to local Attractions • Acceptance by Most Long-term Core Insurance • FlexCare -Convenient Respite Program lfr£mliracing tlie moment· ulebrating the di.ff erena " .. all in a safe and secure .setttn'? Tht.11 pronwTl s 111dn 1dua{IT\ uml d1i:nlf\ Please call (949) 425-8300 ALISO LAGUNA VILLAG~ A Spe~ialized Dementia Residence 24552 Pacific Par~ Drive, ~fso Vieio, CA 92656 www.olisologunavilage.com ( }~( )\ \ ~ (:( )\ l : ---Senior Ca.re Community 3901 £. Coast Highway. Corona tkl Mar. Caliform.i 9.!6.! ~ rown CcM ., a national award winning community ~oolcing tht Pu1fic CXc1.n .ind • C211yon pl'C'ICM in dwming Corona dd Mar. Crown Cove ofrm lncXpcndcnt l.nJ '-' 1ncJ l.J\lng Prognr.u u wdl u our unique Je>urnq1 C Program for Ab.hc1mu't and dtmttitia att 1¥h<-rc. I ft ·, Jn""] "1n11 I mJ 11.•tl! AlzMil!'" J. • MUI fh.pur ~N ~ CARING it about Rupet:t. Warmth, &Dd N\U'tU.ri.nJ,_ £.mp.thy and lndividu.alind Attention Atid 10 the ttalf at Crown Cow, carlft& It much more; It I.a 0111 Ii& fucu. Ciown Cow ita.nds ouc among ocher commurutta for nwncrou1 l\'uoru, bur we bdle'Vf one of ow raidcnts IWM'Wited it bat io a ftlCtnt rmp:inc attidc: . ™' ;, -.., ~ ,,, -71w ~ "",. frinJJJ. ,..,. ;, ...,, ...... i. Id .. M' Io. ., ll#rw f I w 11# foM ;, ~ i.J fWr1W M,,.;., n ._•,_./..fol-**•. Al fndly, ~ 3 • 2003 Real state market gets bittersweet news '-Outlook is um nationwide, but locally, Best owns Costa Me a shop- ping center developer Westar Associates, and Duffy beads up real estate advisory services out of Ernst & Young's lrvfne offi· ces. commercial centers such as Fashion Island have affluent community to sustain them. •'Paul Clinton Commercial real estate markets Daily Piot locally, the experts said, are ;--NBWPoRT BBACH -Sa.Jes· • people and executives in the lo-~ caJ. real estate world Wednes- :• day turned out by the hundreds ~ to the exclusive Pacific Oub to :, l.\ear a briefing from luminaries · ~ with their fingers on that in-~ dustry's pulse. · ,I The assemble$1 guests, a / standing-room crowd of about : 320 in the club's main ball- : room, clapped as speakers at the evening event put a brave face on largely glum news about the economic recovery. . I ,1 I ,• ,1 I •• bobbing above broader trends, but are still fairly sluggish. "As I go around the country, it's getting harder and harder to find a sense of optimism," said Stan Ross, a former vice chair· man at Ernst & Young. "There certainly is a lot of negativism out there." The USC Lusk Center for Real ~tate sponsored the event, which also featured Bill Hal- ford, the vice president of office properties at the Irvine Co., and Newport Beach residents Rob- ert Best and Stephen Duffy. ln hls remarks, Duffy warned about the "soft commerclaJ real estate markets." Best was somewhat more op· tim1sdc, especially about Fash· ion Island and South Coast Plaza, but said the mid-and lower-tier centers are undergo· Ing major changes. •The strong will survive," · Best said. "There ls a lot of dead retail out there. and a Jot of it is functionally obsolete." During an interview after hls public remarks, Best said New- port ·Mesa's premier centers are "going to be fine" because they t t CoastJine's Access Program is very convenient for me. I will finish my AA here and transfer to Cal State Fullerton to become an elementary school teacher.'' -&J+ : I . I Success Ahead at Coastline. --· 11460 Warner Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708-2597 (714) 438-4839 Spring classes begin February 3. #In Newport Beach, the demographics are very unique. There's not a lot of land w here you can build malls: Robef'tBett Newport Beach resident offer specialty shops and ben- efit from a wealthy surrounding community. The community is also largely built out, without' much mQre room.for new retail centers, he said. "In Newport Beach, the dem- ographics are very unique," Best said. "There's not a lot of land where you can build malls." Stuart Gabriel. the Lusk Cen- ter's real estate direc1or and a I.rained economist, aiso spoke. Gabriel bemoaned the economy's "jobless recovery" and said the county's gross do- mestic product would grow no more than 3% this year. RESERVATIONS Continued from Al spend his final 12 hours as a civilian. He readied the barbecue for a prime cut oflarnb while making sure he had everything he needed to go off to whal may become war. His youthful face was punctua1ed by bright eyes that shone with excitement, rather than despair. Spence said he was ready. He was one of the be~1 He wanted to do his iob. "Our battalion was nol assigned; it was requested." Spence said for the record. He would join his feUow reserves al the crack of dawn Wednesday morning al Camp PendJelon, where they wouJd ready over the next 1wo days for their lour overseas. He will receive his vaccinations today and wiU be quarantined until leaving for Kuwait on Saturday. Spence was born and raised in Newport Beach, a11ended Newport Beach schools and even delivered the Daily Pilot when he W-ciS young. His mother, Corinne Spence, watched her son through the window and reminisced about days when her son was merely burdened with the responsibility of dispersing newspapers. not Dally Pilot ) AROUND TOWN •send AROUND TOWN Items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa M868, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 6744298. Include the time. date and location of the event, es well as a contact phone number. A complete listing Is available at www.dallypilot.com. TODAY Mother'• Market a Kitchen will host a workshop and book signing with Autpor Geoffrey Rose from 6:30 to 8 . p.m. at the Patio Cafe in Costa Mesa. The cafe is at 225 E. 17th St. Free. For more information, call (949) 631-4741. S.n Fnincisco MIVOr Willie Brown and State Sen. James Brulte discuss California's political future at a UC Irvine benefit event at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach ensuring world order. '"F.verybody jus1 loved Cru. when he was liuJe, and they still do," his mother said. "He would go around 10 his customers and just visit with them. And he only collected enough money from them 10 pay his bill. He never made a penny. That's just the le.ind of guy he L'l." Al 4 a.m. the next morning. Spence would leave wife Carne, 2·year-old on Connor and 7-weelc.·old daughter McKayla. a.<, well a!> womed parent'>. '>lbhng'>, in-law-.. extended ramlly and friend~ !>pence lert his 1x1~1 a'> a Newport Beach code enforcement officer 10 answer the caJJ of duty The robu!>I soldier. who ">ported the ~hon military haircut and did not n11nce words. proudly pre.coted his warfare ~lem'> Among 1he pile'> of t,rreen and brown pack.,, Spence pulled out the es.,enuab. Coffee. a deck of cardb and hair band'>. which he mus "scrunchies,'' are all he needs for war, he ~id. I le will carry them in a IOO-pound pack across the scorching dl!M!r1 while shouldering the imme(l.)urable weight or longing for his family "Feel this." he srud. as he lifted his cus1om17,ed utilily pack. "Here, you got 360 round5 of ammo. grenade pack!. and a IOlaJ or SIX quarts total or waler. And you'll need every ounce of tt out there: I le joked about h~ necessary ration of processed meat and f'reeze·dned noodles in the scorching heat of the Middle Eas1 desen. "It ju t means you don't have to heat ii up." he said. Spence was made for the military. I tis tough exterior, blunl speech and sense of camarc1derie fil perfectly with the "devil dog" way of life. But the Newpon Beach kid was not always so regimented. Spence was a student at Newpon Harbor High School and W-clSn't doing very well in school, his father, Olarles "Chuclc" Spence, said. "Hey, it was the '80s. you know. PunJc rock.· Cas Spence interrupted in defense. "I think I even had green hair." Anyway, the father continued. to instill some discipline, he Oew with his teenager to Harlingen, Texas, 10 vislt a Marine military academy. The younger son loved It and spent his junior, senior and one post-graduate year at the military school "He loved It,~ the father said. "He loved the discipline. He got nothing,but straJght lls." ."Some young punk witb a shaved head came up and started yelling at me. and I said, 'I want to go here,'" Spence added, cracking a fresh beer. After his time in military school, he joined the Anny, but It was "too soft," he said. ·1 had had enough and joined the Marines just to start all over,• said the weapons platoon sergeant, who now has 72 under hilcommand He served his time in active duty and joined the reserves. Spence was called back to active duty just after SepL 11, 2001, and was placed on presidential orden in February of that year. Three weeb ago, be got the call that told ttlm to be ready at a moment's notice. filt moment Is now. The story was lntenupted a phone ringing. "Hey, devil dog," Sp,ence said loudly and continued h1a conwnation, peaking In tene mOltary tenns. "That's aftlrmatM!. All rigltt. out.• Tbat WU h1a good friend and IUn'Oplt mlUwy fa.lber. George J. 'Jipkh-amanuhardu ndl who either ao... you « Marriott Hotel and Tennis Club, 900 Newport Center Drive in Newport Beach. rictets are $200 per person. For more Information, call (949) 824-1312. FRIDAY The city of Newport Buch, in partnership with the American Red Cro$S, is hosting a blood drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Newport Beach Library on 1000 Avocado Ave. To schedule an appointment. call (9491644-3178 FEB. 1 Crossroads of th• West Gun Show will be held at the Orange County Fair and Expositions Centl!f" from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday AdmiSSIOO is $9 lor adults'9nd free for ct uldren younger than 12. For more mlormat1on, coll (801 )544-9125 hales you, ::,pt'm e -.,ud l k-.plll' a 25-year age d1flen·11u·. tlw lwo men arc the he~I of !m·mh "We're JU'>I J hunch ol hard-core, old .. dwol guy-.,· Spence '>aid. Tepu.:h ww. '>t11pp111g hv to bring Spt'ncc a -.pc•( 1al. mtUtary·1~ued knife•, rn.1dt· e~pecially for luuu.I 111 h.111d combat. When he .m 1\l•d, Tep1ch exanunt>d "ipc•nc e' cu'>tomved pack .md n111.11 l'd something th.11d id1101 'II'"'" with him llw n•11u•d \l.11111t• reached over .111d p11U1·d .1 '111,111 nashhght from cl \1'11 ru p111 l1•1 on the '>houldt•r '"''P or °'P''nc ,. ' park. "You'rr not lJl111g th.11." 111' ~ud. reach mg 111111 ht'"'' 11 11.111t pot:ke1 "You an· 1,1l111g 1111,: 'lo the untr.ii1wd 1•y1· 11 l11<1l1·d a .. though he wa' trad111g .1 hl<11 l rrnn1 flac,hJ1ght for .1 '1IH01 0111· Bui ~Pl'nt e\ r1·<1t 11011 111lcl ,, difft.·rent '>tory. "Oh rny go\h, no, yo11 11•.ill) don't have In," Ill' .... ud • I h.11 ' like a $I 00 fl.i.,hhght ' leptrh na,hl'c.1 tilt' ltghl llllll the open garag1· I uok .11 ho\\ bnght 11 i,. Ill' potnlt·d 11111 BriW1t t'tmugh to hhnd your oppont'nt\ long l'nm1gh lo ~HI.. tht'm m thl' m11ht·1111111 .111d t'lb<J\\ them tn tht' tt·rnpll·. Tep1ch -.aid wlult'. dt•m1111.,1r.11rng the action on the• u11 .. u-.pet 1tng reponer to ha' n~ht ·And look at Lim tlw rt•trm.1 Manne ">Cud. 1hro"\l\1ng tlw Oa.shJ1gh1 on tilt' h'Wllntl • 1 lm thmg won 1 break.· I le 1urned it on, .ind 'IHI enough. II '>hont• Jll'>I ,,., lmgh1 •" before "I le JU'>t want' 111 mall•"'"' I'm properly taken <"Ht' ul,'' Spence srud Tepich funhcr t"<Pr<·-. ... 1·d h1' heartfelt care for tlw vn11ngt•1 Marine by remarking on thl' sacrifice Spem1· wa., 111ak111g for his country. "For freedom, the pri11· .., heavy," Tepich -.ard 111 a lwartf!'lt tone, while chokmg barl emouon "They giw up their 1omorrows for our loda~ " "I wish I could go with h1111." he said in hi .. gruff VOIC(' 'No. you lcnow what I Wl\h? I "-l'>h 11 were me inc;tead ofh1m IA•t nw go. He needs 10 'tay here with this beautiful family.· It doesn't need to he anvnnl'. Corinne Spence argued "Thar's my baby.· \he -..11d softly. But Spence insisted tha1 11 """" best for him to go. No amount of worry or wishfuJ thinking c:ould change that there is a job rhat needs to be done. he said "I would rather it be me than some schmuck who doe~n·1 know what he's doing," Spence said. Spence fought in the Gulf War as a machine-gunner, In the first track on the first wave, he said. The epitome of being on the front lines. "This time around, I have a wife and kids: he said, absent his usual bravado, and glanced at his unknowing 2-year-old, who was busying himself with a fire truck. "That Is why t am going. I can't walk into a park and not think that I bave to do something. And that' not o glorified peech, that's the honest to God truth. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get all deep " Spence shook off the Oeetlng moment of sentiment and reaffirmed his rcadlne to serve his country. "I've been doing thl4 for 17 years and I'm darn good ;U what I do," he l&Jd. "l'U be back. J know I will. I wf11 be baC'k hrre." • LOUTA HARPER writ• column• Mond-vt. Wed~ end frid•va end covere culture end th• '"' She mev be rtech9d et 1149) 67""276 or bvHMilet "*'·hlll'P«•J.tirrw.com I QUOTE OF THE DAY "It's a team game, and ma team, I hate to use the!;e words, we juJt really f <'11 apart." Pat Doualass, UCI men's basketball coach ·----·----...--_.-.-... ------·------ EYE OPENER l!fllll 1>.U ly A Pikll nil j ~porlb tta1J ol farM-, . I ~ll•udry J l\Ono1ei> JANE HILGENDORF , Sports Editor I< ~t r ill • , .. Q ' 3 4 • Sports Fax ,4 1 COMMUNITY COLLEGE ~EN'S VOLLEYBALL Fresh legs give Pirates the edge Orange Coast fl'tllfll\ four sophomore~ in hopt'\ of making the state final\ three year~ in a row. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot ({)\11\ \II\·\ II 1111 <1 r.111g1 C.oa.,I < olll'gt lllt'll' \1111•·\ ti.ti! 11· 1111 want'> llJ 1111pro\t' 1111 I"' '''1""''· 11 ~ill han• 10 g1111111h•ft.,111 d 1 IH' \Ollt•\"IJ(tll '>lollllJ.l!lf .ti I 11 1'1 li.1., '"'.ll l':\p11111·1111.t11, th• I 1 ... 1 l\\11 yt',11' .!' thl' 1111.lll'' It 1\1' \\II I 11111 \l'lUllH' Orangt· I 11111111 I 11111111111 1 thamp111r1'h1p<, t'll ro1.t1 I 1 ''" 11111 't'l'UllH ..ippt ctr.tlll 1'' Ill 1111' .,1 .ilt 11 rwl.. b111h lo'"'" 111 11111·1· 111111 11 ftond111g 1 lt.1111p11111 I,,... \ 1 , 1 1'11·rtt· I ,"I "·"'"" !. ' I 111.11 I \\, lhl' hl''l Ill ,Lflrrol 111,1111 1 ( II.I .. [ t Oat)\ ( fill1 ~ I llll'I 1 I tJ I (II.( ( IJ.ll h 111 l fll' ''"'' 1111 11 .. 11 Ill I ... and \\llllH'll' I• 1111 li1lhm 11~· II' H• "'•1'>011 , t'llll'I' "'' I 'Ill \1111 \\Ill 1111 progr,1111 I \1•11 1ht1 1gh h e 'l.illduul .., 1plt11111 H ., ,111 I la\lor ...,.,. • 11 ...,1 lt11t· d o r I •I• and 'Hult \\111 1111 'II · I lw 1,t11•111 1 11111 1 .11111 1111 I 111 1 The Pirates No Name Ht Pos Yr 1 KJI• ., r 11 ') 9 hberu. Su I Doug 1 e M !. t. 'l uh Fr ·l Davi Gilli IHI II 5 m!J rr ::. r. 11rnarw r.,in1alani 6 1 oh r::, o •I v1 1 JN (i "J oh So 7D1 ul Do •cv 6 I s~n"r So lO P yt•r Por 1 f'i 3 oh So '7 C,r ti un All.th (i I ut1l1t~ F• 15 J, sort Y.01•1111 r,. 3 nt 1 fr ifi ~.lt 01<;11111,l)'i ml r r I! M<11t '-'~• 1111~ !:19 l1l•1 r') ~ r 1q l • " l 1~11·r f, fi m l> fr Coach r h11• f( < •1l•1nu1" 12;h y1•<1rl Assistants I\• !'1 1111de1I• Ltl ck1:rc;1 A lr1 HI C.im ll I •!11• rc:t Hill Brown 111 HI" t 11t11r I I• th I JI '' r 11 ti •1 1•11! II I It \I I l.i.l11r r I\\ I rd 1-. 1 ll h1 llt1 II.I I I I ,flip from 0111 11 \\ 111•h 111•111r1 ' 1111 11 II • 1' tlwrt·.' < 1111 tit -.1 '11d I ht•\ 1111 di h1g JUlllJlt'f' Jiil\ -.11 .11 11111 q11 11 I t-:.uom• '11111 l1li1•111 110\er 11111, .rnd :'\11 k \l'.tg•·r ••J1h1d1• l11tll'r' .11111 'l'tlt•r I >.I\ 1tl I II '" h1'.1dl1 111• I ill 'ophortHH(• 1 I."' .... , Ill .11 1d 11111.1 \\ tll 'lart with 11<1\1'\ lt.i11 ll 11g \\1tl1 111·,11 n1.1n \M .. t· \lmrll\ 11.11 1.1 11111, I ltgli d1•1 I 1h1 1111.111 'Ill • lll .. 111 \ ,., .., t~;n I It I I I I 1 for till .,t'll111g nod 1 •ircl 111 \11plion10rl' 1(\11' \l,111111. 1\1111 11 d .,h1r1t·J la-.1 ,1.,1.,1111 1111' 1lw 111,1dt· trill k to th1· ... 1.u1111g '>p 111 .11 11 p p11,111 \\<Ith tn•,hm.111 I >1111g I •'"' lollm\111).! 1 l11wl\ hl'11111d \t.ir1111 pl.I\• ti .11 lie lrv1111• l\\Cl \l',H' .1g11 I our fr1•,hrn.11111111hl -.1,11 1 1hr11ugh 11111 1lw \1,11 al m11tcllt hl111~1r 111 t lud111g \t'l1J111 \II.di 11111\l r'1" I 1•v1 I u.,ll'r 1h1 lt".1111' 111111•,1 pl.1\1 r JI h 11101 h. h.yl1· l)p,n11•1 \\ood hrtdgt•l Jill.I D.11w ( 11111.1111 I ht• 11111.ldlt•., .a11 .1hl1• 11111111111 t' ... 1d ouh. 1>111 C ut1•r1t·..,1· .... 11d rho·\ 111·1•d '" lt•arn hm' to plJY .11 a l,1,t1 1 p111 I' dur 111g r.1ll1l'' 1h.111 \\h,11 l11gh ,1 h1111l 111 ft•rt•d l'm.1 \\,1ll1·u 1111 111,1 1.1,1 \H'•'I< ... 111d lw.1d.., C llll'll• 'I ' gruup ol 1J11i...1d1• l11t1er' th.ii .ii'" llolllHt' lr1•,h111111 ~11 l h.11·1 \lll'lll.111 .... lllll1lll,1 h..1111.11.1111 Jilt.I 1.1 .. 011 ... llt'rllJ.: :\t,11111.1 ll1ghl. Ill add111on toll'"'' .11111 '''11gt'r "All (ol the 1111h1tk h1t11•1'I 1111· phy-..rally-giftcd w11h good 111111p111g ab1h1v," c utene'>t' .,111d "\\1· t'\JH'l I .1 lot fro111 our oul'>Hh' \\t• h.l\t' .d\\,t\' had .. 1ro11g 011h1tfr., "1 \\1 1.u1 1 ount on that trad111on 1-'re..,hm.m \1at1 '>koln1l \\ 111.11 ... 0 "''l' action at libero brh1nd 'Holl. prm1d- 111g pa ..... ing and added d1•f1•11">1', ( ult' ne'>e ~aid. Coal>l will he \\<llhoul !Ill' "'rv1tt'' of oppo~lle /,arh Jardint• tb BJ tor 1h1· entire i.eai.on. Jardint' will rt'd.,h1rt this season and return tn tlw team next year. lie will fut ti\ nn get1111g h_ii. associates degree and hac; hl'l'n in contact with Pepperd1ne. I ong Rea<.h ( 111c•111 ,, ... 1111 g1ll1•tl 11lal1•11•, 1111<1 II 1 0 11 1111111111\ fl I 11 II I t•\IHll•'lhl' 1 1 I ~II 111 lpo·tl 'i>'' 1tl ht \\Ill \ Ill II,, ol I 1 I 11'<' ~ 11 I lit r-. 111 th• 11 " 111 ,. ·"'" I 1p1•11111g ·1~·1111'1 lht 11111, t f'fl\ 11 ..... 111 P 11•go' • ltrh I t', ~11 11111 \\I'll II\ 1111111111'" ,\g,ttll'I llH I 1111\l r-.11! Ill (\,q.t ( ,1ial111 Ill.I \11 \II I I ,111tl ! lt\111 1 \1,11\llllllllll l.1lt'I Ill ih 1• 't',l'ollll, \1aJJ gr\1• ( 1111·111-.1 .111 o pp111111111t\ lo 1111 k1•1 \'1.llh lt111·11p• Ill l111tl l'lh·1 ll\1• I 0111b111.11lt11l' I he• g.11111•-. .1g1llll'I I llt 1 l11h l t'.111" d HI I '011111 tm1.ud t ,,...,,.., t 11111 1 r1•111 •' ,1,111tl111g' I ht• 111 r.111'' lw.:111 (Ir 111g1• I mpHl' t 1111t•r enrt· pl.I\ .1g.1111 ... 1 ~11 \an \ '"''"" I 1'11 :; 1 lw HtH., ,,11J 1tl,11 u1111pt•11 • 111 1h1• IS lt•,1m I 1111g lh'.11 h ( II) l1111r11.1 llll'lll, \\Oil h~ ( llcl'I lhe l,I'>( f\\11 \'t'11r ... \,t111rd.1\ ( UIClll''t' p1rkt·d I i\ l'if'f\ l' d' 1111 • l.J\Orill' IO \\<Ill IJH' 01 ( .1gc1111 , hlll ha,11'1 .,1•1·11 1h1· '"c 1n11f1•rc•1111.> 11•,1m., 1 ompt•lt• y1•t. I hrt•t• \\ill qu.ilrfv tell lhl' pld\'Olh, \\<llll.:h 1' \\<hilt (.11,1,t player., d1•ndt•d " •• ., lht· 11•a111-.. gu.il < uienew prt'ln., to. lt>I the pla}cr ... de1crm111t• 1lw tl'.tm-.. ~oat... und Joesn t rtl1•r 10 \~hc1t h.1ppenrd 111 tht• pa<>l a'> 111ol1\,111011 "Long Hl'i.ll h h.t' lont1nuall) het>n '>trong and lrv111c Valft•y and t.olden Welti are in our hc1t·k y<1rd," l.utenc.,l' '>aid. "fhc1r playl'r" know our player., and vile vN.,,\ Barring any injurre.,, the piece., are thert• " HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Roadrunners stagger the Eagles in overtime, 63-57 Host Saddleback uses the free-throw line and defensive web to den y Eagl es in league upset. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot ~A ANA -Hot ruffy air "' the only t'lcment making the E t.ancia 1-0gh boyl et.ball .. team sweat Tim~J.ay night. An un- relenting ddJebad.: defe~ forced four turnovers In the over- time period and the Roadrunners came nw.iy with a 63·57 victory In Golden West League play. Saddlcbac1(s ()cm trlt1<t May scored nlne of hJ game·hWl 22 point~ m the overtime, a... the Roadrunners (IMl, 2·6 U\ k..gur) ou~ored EManda. 12·6, In the pe· 5" EAGl.ES, P ... AlO \ COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL :i 1J ~ (.-~--' ~ to-.. !'. H• t •• t\rt 1t--1 •I I I'll P 11 t cl r .\11Prn . go as lie IS ~mothered by UC Santa Barbara's Nick Jones \ 1 ll l' ~ll t' I .... I" ii I () ti ll d .inv Ilnthm ;t"~·tJ< ~B dt .ti I \nt att•r..., ''Ill '-I hollH' In ... , 1 1 lolll \ t'.tr" Steve Virgen Jd1I~ P1I I BHI :"...I\ I :>.. I'< I ' 1111 ll11n plJlllJhlt• ;'\11 I \l ll'l '' 111 ~llll,1 11.11 11.11,1 rn11pl.1)1 d 111 I•\ 111 I h.11' \\lltll lit I 1111'11' li.1-~l'll>.dl 11 ll l'.11 I )(111g1.1 .......... 1111 1th I 111 .. ,, 1111 '''·"' d ,1., 11 1" Big \\,.,, < u1111 11·11 • g.11111 .tg.tlll'I lht• ( .. 1111 ho' li.1l l l111l1• II •Ill\ 1111·.11111 1g lie ~B 1111 the• 1111111 h.11111 Jlld\l'tf ,1 flllrJH ''I , ll'>lllj.! •I 'llllltl '" mg dl'11•n,t· 111.11 It'd 111 .1 -11 i I \ 11 IOI\ 11\\.1 l h1 \1111 .111•1,, \\lt<I fo-.1 tl1 11 l1r'< hom1· g.11111· of rlw "'·"1111, I hur"f.1\ 111 lroc11 111 .! 'i';'o ,11 1111' H1 l'll I w rlll\ ( t•n11·r It W<L .. IJC 1 ... \\lll'I ht>llll' '"" 111 111111 yl'ar' and 11~ lmW'>I "or111g 11111 fllll 111 If • ,, .t,1111 1 lw \1111 itlt'r' 1 11 h . -, I 111 tlw H1~ \\1•,11 .111· 111 .1 ,,.1 111111 p ,11 Ill' 111 lt•1t>(lll' \\1th I 1,11 1l1l I hl· l 1auch11, l~I !I. •, l.a..1 .,, •• ir, Big \\1,1 SCOREBOARD I 111rn.mtt·nt 1 lt.1mp1111i... '"HI 1tw11 fourth ... 1r.ught g.11111· .uul moH·d 111111 d lir,1 pl.11 I' Ill' \\.llh l II.th .... 1.111· I l.11111·1 li.111"' \\In \H' d11l111 u1111t •1111 1llld plJV \'uh .1ggn•,,1ll11. l onlitlt•1111 .11111 dt'>l. 1pl11w, "Ill! I loug l,1..,... \.'l.hO'>l' lt'.1111 ,h,tll'd tht• ll1g \\I''' rt•i.:ul.ir 't .i...1111 1111t l\lth I lt.ih \I.lit'. h111 lo'I Ill I JC \B n 1ht wn111i11.il., ol UCSB AntP.al•"S Utah St UCSB UCI Pactfic rh1 l 1ler. mt· 111um.imen1 Cci Poiv '·"' 'l'.U Fullerton I \ery11n1• l.Jlt'\\< tht'I \\ ,l, Idaho Nolthridge dll 1mport1.mt bJ.llgd11ll' I ht'\ R•verside l Clllll' Olli ... 1ud. II to II' .lnd LB St e\.plollt'tl u., 1111d Wt' rm1ldn't light bad .. Douglas' <>aid thf.' Anh.dter.. Wl'l"t' outplayed 111 evNv pha..e of the 70 ~ w l b '} 6 '} 5 3 5 3 .i 4 ' ' 4 4 3 5 2 fi 7 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS TENNIS g.unt' Outplayed 111 th-l'd lJC .... H <,hot bt'lll'I than lJ( I r49<Jt, to ln 6%1. whtch firu.,ht>d I :l (or ·11 from Ult' fit>ld rill' C.aucho~ tool. tart· of tht.' ball nw \n1eatl'r'> did nol ThE' I .tier-. hdd 19 rum 11\l'r'>. 11 111 the fir;t half, wtwn '>a.nta Bar h.1r,1 built a ~ l4 lead. I H I had lour leadc; in 1lw lir.t half. the tarter 1 anw WJth 9;3 l left af ter ~nior guard Mike I lood nailed a tllrtt- porntt-r wt11Je bemg toult-d I le hit the ~ 1hn M lor tlle four- p111111 pla~ and gave the t\nt1•,1u•r-, .t 16 15 lt>ad. hlll tht• c.auchos out· '>rnrt'd UCI. 23-8, to • See 'EATERS. Pa.a• AlO Sea Kings hire new coac Feichter. 52, takes over highly regarded Corona del Mar program next fall. Richard Dunn Da1lyP1lot ter replaces Andy ~tewart, who re igned l.• 1 <;t•awn after guiding the Sea Kings to the UF D1vis1on I semifinals "I'm excited." said t:dcht r, whOM" lop returning player m the fall will be Brittany Holland, who pla~ s.ingi In 2002. "Corona del Mar b one of the top programs around and many or the gir comr from th l<K..U clubS. where they play Junior t nrus t • high I cl and moil ot th m play n a lot of tour· nam ·n 11\at gOod for them bee• 1h nttd to I am haw to Wln and lo t:eicht c. who W111 NKh the OOt tlO)'i )unlor ty team this ~g. wdn' pkk up tenn until lase I but mMie the men seam at ~ tn ftn.t plc)q. .. SPORTS SUMMARIES BASKETBALL COLL£GE WOMEN Bit WMt comr.nc:. UCS8 n. UC Irvine 58 .UCl-Yadon 20, Callaway 12, fltij~r 5, Gabbe 7. Green 7. Biggins 0. Sturgeon 0, Ferguson 5, Usher 2. Santa Barb~a has too many answers for the DCI women · -k>t. goals -Yadon 3, Faulkner 'J..Gabbe 1, Green 1, Fe(guson 1, ~uled out -Callaway. tK:SB-Richardson 5, Taylor 18, ~sen 11, Bonds 2, Fisher 10, Willett 10. Caine 2, Sarr 2. Pt!ri<ins 0, Mann J1!.. goats -Willett 2, Hansen 1, Wl;nl. Failed out -none. ·JC: ~ . h-J, HIGH SCHOOL BOYS _,. Saddleb8ck 83, &tancia 57 Eifancla 11 17 12 9 & -57 Saddleback 21 1& s 5 12 -83 &tanda -E. Andersen o. Sankey 2, Pinto 6, Novak 7, Cachola 15, Lindquist 14, Stroman 11, Hoffman 2. 3-pt. goals -Cachola 2. Fouled out -Lindquist. Saddleback -Sosa 8, Campos 9, Alonso 14, May 22. Winrow 4. Washington 2, Ory 2. 3-pt go,als -Sosa 1. Campos 1. fo(Jled out -Winrow. Academy Leaaue ~ren Chr. 48, Sage Hill 40 S89e Hill 7 12 ~ 8 -40 Brethren 12 e 11 11 48 Sage Hin -Loper 2, Joyce 12, Wilkins 0, Cho 4, Brewer 4, Fitzhugh 18, Lefler o..,))amel 0, Swanson O J~t. goals -Joyce 2. Bfithren Christian -Lazo 5, Strong 0, Jefferson 7. Bodziak 14, Fisher 9, Martini 1, Cole 3, Marsh 4, King 5. 3 pt goals -Jefferson 2. Lazo 1, Bodziak 1, King 1. F<)\tled out -none. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS Pacific Coast Leaaue CdM 55, Laguna Beach 42 Lag .. Beach 1'!! 11 9 9 • 42 Cdjlll 10 14 19 12 &5 l..olluna Beach E. Friedmcm 12, L Friedman 7. Sctimalzned 8, Awadalla 6, Roley 3, Meslre 3, l<endndl 2, Vi!o1ura 1 3 pt. goals -E. Friedman 2. ~ed out -none. Gafuna def Mar -Dimas 0, Otterbein ttt;Heeschen 8, Klein 5. McCoy 15, C. M3rks 6, Stem 2, Skala 1. A Marks 0, Snoll O ~. goals -McCoy 1 Vouled out -none. ~· "·" Academy Le;aaue p; .. Sage Hill 37. Brethren Chr. 28 !?Me Hill 13 • 11 1 -31 ~lhren 7 s 10 s · 28 5"41 Hill -Came Clark 4, Gutierrez 0, 'N!'lght 10, Pulshys 18, Yoder-Lee 3. e.w1v Clark 2. Maniero 0, Kalask• 0. ~• t goals -none. Fouled out -none. thren Christian -McDonald 6, R. ti 3, Fonte 2, Wilson 12, Ellis 1, N. tjo.4. ~. goals -none. liooled out -none. Corona del Mar High girls put it together in victory over Laguna Beach. UC Irvine's women's basketball team took It on the chin Thurs- day night at UC Santa Barbara as the Gauchos jumpeCt to a 13· . point lead and steadily. pulled away fro a 77-58 Big West Con· ference victory. Lauren Yadon had 20 points and Ouistioa Callaway had 12 points before fouling out, but that was really the built of UCl's firepower. Santa Barbara, 14-3, 7·1 in the Big West, had four players in double figures, and outre- bounded the Anteaters, 51 ·3 I. UCI fell to 11·7, 4-3. ln high school basketball Thursday: • Corona del Mar's girls posted a 55·42 Pacific Coast League victory over visiting La· guna Beach behind the sterling play of Jorqan Otterbein and Jackie McCoy Otterbein had 18 points, 15 re· bounds and was the defensive key with five steals coming from CdMspress. ~she just had a great game," said CdM Coach James Barlcalow. EAGLES Continued from A9 riod after Eagles' leading-scorer Matt Cachola (15 points) con- nected for one of his two lhree- point baskets with 41 seconds left in regulation to secure tbe tie. Cachola'!> second three pulled the Eagles (14-8, 4-4) within one with 1:13 to go in ovenime but May heaved the inbounds pass to Robert Sosa at m.idcoun and the senior forward drew the foul as he drove to the basket. After making one free throw. Saddle- back's Anthony Ory stole an er· UC ·lrvine ~she was really the spark we needed." Also a major factor was McCoy with 15 points and a dominating presence on the offensive boards. CdM improves to 9-11, 4-2 in the PCL. Laguna Beach falls to 6· 13, 2·4. • Brethrel\ Ouistian dealt visiting Sage Hill School 48-40 Academy League defeat, using a 17-8 fourth quarter for the edge. Kevin Fitzhugh had 18 points for Sage Hill. 8-11, 3-3 in league. Brethren Ouistian improved to 11-9, 3-3. The Lightning hosts SL Marga- ret's on Tuesday. St. Margaret's (5-0 in league) is working on a 19-game winning streak. It will start at 7:30 p.m. • Sage Hill School's girls were 37-28 Academy League winners over visiting Brethren Christian as Katie Puishys scored a career high 18 points and had a career high 18 rebounds. Also excelling for Sage Hill, l l ·4, 3-3, were Haywood Wright (10 points, 11 boards and a sea- son high seven blocks) and Car· rie Oark (six rebounds and three assists. Sage Hill entertains league· leader St. Margaret's Tuesday a1 6 p.m. rant pa.!>s and sen1 ttie pac;!> to May, who was fouled and con· vert ed both free thr~ to give 1.he hosts a 60-56 edge with 32 seconds remaining. The Road· runners made 11 of 23 free throw!> in the final two periodi. while the Eagles attempted onJy four and converted one in the second half. • French'i:. Bakery would have been proud with how many tum overs we had," said Estancia Coach Oms Sorce. Joey Lindquist scored 14 points to go with nine rebounds while Jordan Stroman collected a double-double (points and re- bounds) with 11 and 14, respec· tively. Cachola had five assists. Men's Volleyball -~ THE SHOWDOWN for#1 #1UClrvine vs. n University of Hawaii 1· Match: Friday, Jan. 31, 7 p.m. at Bren Events Cada'I I .. Match: Saturday, Feb. 1,-S p.m. at Crawford Gymnasium ftckct prices: SS aclulls, SI chl•en/scnion For llcket 1.........-n, plulc Al (t4t) UCl-Wm, ...... ........ atla.llCl.edll . Daily.A Pilot HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER AnM & Mtreat Morgan and Muzura combine for four goals' in Corona del Mar's shutout win. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot · CORONA DEL MAR -These days the health of the Corona del Mar High girls soccer tejlm has taken a beating, making the team's sideline look more like the waiting room at a hos- pital. With four players nursing in· juries including USC-bound senior Lauren Shepherdson, who broke her ankle and is out for the season, CdM had only one substitute to use in its game Thursday, but it hardly mattered. The Sea Kings re· mained unbeaten and in first place in the Pacific Coast League (6·0-0) with a 5·0 vic- tory over visiting Laguna Beach (2-7-2, 1-5 in league). The combination of seniors Alivia Muzura and Elisha Mor· gan combined for four goals, each assisting the other OQ two scores, as CdM (9-3 -1 overall) scored three goals in the sec· ond half in three minutes. In the 63rd minute Muzura kept the ball from crossing ~dfield off a Laguna kick and spurted toward the goal with Morgan racing to her left. Muz- ura lobbed the ball toward the goal and' Morgan headed it in, giving the hosts a 3·0 lead. Two minutes later Morgan's cross to the right found Muz.ura in stride and she roll ed the ball into the left side of the goal from 15 yards out. "We 1alked before the game about getting goals and as- sists,· said a smiling Morgan about her and Muzura con· necting for the four goals. Morgan and Muzura. bound for UC Santa Barbara and UC Berkeley, re· speCtlvely, have each scored three goals in the last two games - both wins. ~(Morgan and Muzu- ra) were in that mode for about 20 minutes, which is when we got three goals (in the sec- ond half),· said CdM two weeks. MJddle- ton said freshman Jessica Muzura (knee) should be getting the MRI re- sults today, and then he could de- tennine bow much longer she will be out.· Lag. 8eadl 0 CdM 6 ·we are dropping like files, when one person comes back. ano.ther person goes down,· Morgan said. "We have to play safe and not slide into tackles. We definiteJy want to k.eep winning. Our goal is to go 10-0 (in league)." Coach Bryan Middle- ton. "The combination of the two of them is hard to stop of- fensively." Senior Jenny Long tallied CdM 's final goal in the 66th minute on a rebound off a shot by Brook Burgner. Senior Lau- ren Loe made the goal possible by knocking down a through ball near midfield and eluding one defender to sprint down the near sideline and seconds later blast a shot from the left corner. "It took awhile for the flow to begin but once the flood gates opened, the shots started going in,· Middleton said. Loe and USC-bound Paige Janes stopped numerous Breaker attacks, deterring sen· ior forward EmiJy Ward (also headed to Cal) from getting within firing range of CdM goal.k.eeper Tanisha Senaratne, who made four save'!. Sena- ratne reached up with both hands to deflect the rising 12· yard penalty kick by Ward over the goal seven mjnutes into the second half. Laguna managed just five shots to CdM's l9. Breakers· gpal.k.eeper Nikki Cllesley made 12 saves. Senaratne played in goal again for injured Rachel Wa· ters, who has been out since injuring her knee in a game against Costa Mesa Jan. 4. Wa- ters, along with freshman Ra· chel Yelsey (sprained ankle). are expected to miss another Elsewhere in high school soccer Thursday: •Newport Harbor High's girls dropped a 4-1 Sea View League encounter at Aliso Ni· guel, falling to 5·9-5, 3-3· l in league. · Junior Barbara Julian scored with 7:36 spent in the game, the Aliso Niguel countered with a goal to tie before l)alftime, and three unanswered goals in the second half. •The Estancia High boys soccer team opened with a l ·O lead, but host Saddleback ral- lied for a 2-1 Golden West League victory Thursday In Santa Ana. Javier Millan scored in the 17th minute for F.stancia (6·8-l . 3-6· I in league). Saddle- back improved to 10·5·5, 5-2-3. •Sage HW School's boys and host Brethren Quistian played to a scoreless tie in Academy League play. Ethan Tanney had six saves for Sage Hill, which is 6·4·3, 2·2·2 in league. •Sage lliU School's girls fell to visiting Brethren Oiristian. 2·1. in the Academy League. Caroline Sauter scored Sage Hill's goal. Laura Gordon had eight first-half saves and Am- ber Strauss had six second -half saves. Sage Hill is 3-11 , 2-4 in league. WRESTLING Lim, Geier roll on WATER POLO Newport fros h-soph roll IRVTNF. -Four Newport Harbor High wrestlers defeated their opponents from Woodbridge in a Sea View League duaJ mei:t Thursday the Sailors lost, 51-19. Newport Harbor Hlgh's frosh ·soph girls water polo team defeated Laguna Hills, 12-0, Wednes· day. Amanda Barto and Cali Manderlno scored three goals each, while Leah Robertson and Kalli Lucas added two apiece. Kendall Nelson re· corded three saves. and Elizabeth Layton had two saves. Newport's Kid Um ( 119 pounds) and Nale Geier (140) each won by technical fall with scores of 18·1 and 18·0, respectively. with Phil Gerard recording a pin in 3:50 and Tony Pinon ( 152) collecting a 15-11 decision. Newport's junior varsiry learn scored an 8-2 victory over Laguna Hills. Ashling Taylor and Sarah Mutt contributed three goals each and Sa- brina Cook provided two. 'EATERS Continued from A9 grab complete control ol the game. Santa Barbara showed pa· tience in its half-court offense, scoring 22 points in the paint to UCJ's 10. The Gauchos' defense caused turnovers that led to 28 points. "In a game like this It's ha.rd to pinpoint any one player and try to say whether he played wen," Douglas said of his squad ... It's a team game, and as a team, I hate to use these words. we just really fell apart." The Gauchos. who were picked to finish first in the Big West media and coaches' presea- son polls, seemed to lmprove their play in the second half. They upped their lead to 46-29, three and a half minutes into the half, and they increased their ad- vantage Lo 57-38 with 10:14 left. UCSB matntaioed Its 19-point lead over the next five minutes and earned its biggest lead, 67· 46, with 4:52 left. "There better be a sense of pride every time we play the game," UCSB Coach Bob WiJ. Iiams said. "There's a sense of confidence that we're getting better. There's a sense of aggres- siveness that we have to attack. lbis group tw a lot of pride. They have a lot of confidence and they played that way to- night .. Santa Barbara junior forward Brandttinn Fullove, who ICOred a game-high 22 points, took over in the second~ half, Ond.ifl8 his points on baddoor cots to the basket. turnaround, fadeaway J\Jmpen and free throws. He tc:<>red 16 polnta in the second half. . "We'tt playing our belt baaket· ball right now," PuJlove aaki. "We're tteemrolUng right now. We thoUfll'lt they would be com· tng after us beclme of the loes IMt yeer tn lhe tournament. We ~ they would hive the hunger. We j\ltt brought ow belt etrort Ind It WM enough to get ue up by a lot at the end." UCJ freshman point guard Jeff GJoger led the Anteaters with 13 points. The Gauchos chose to leave Gloger open and instead turned their focus on Hood. who had scored 59 points in the pre- vious four games. Hood finished with seven points. In the first half, the Anteaters responded with freshman Ross Schraeder, who hit his first three three-pointers, but that was not enough to solve Santa Barbara's defensive plan, as UCJ never es· tablished an inside game. Senior forward Jordan Harris. the Anteaters' leading scorer this season, scored five points. Junior center Adam Parada had six points and junior for- ward Stanislav Zw:ak did not score. •we didn't have the discipline to move the ball to get it inside," Douglass sald. •They didn't guard (Gloger). So, we moved Mike Hood to the point, and he doesn't know how to play the point. You put your halfback at the quartetback posi- tion and it doesn't ~ work..• ZOTS -The Anteaters are now 33-4 at the Bren Events center, dating beck to the end of the 1999-2000 season ... Hood had his free-throw streak come to an end. Ha made 23 foul ahots in a row. The sctiool record Is 34 by Johnny Aogerw (1984-85) .•• Santa Barbara fana, a.k.a. the Gaucho Locos, held a sign that read, "Chocked In Anaheim," playing off the lettera of the group the CIA. Completely Insane Anteatera. UCl810,UClrvtne14 UCA-Hull a, f'1.lltov. 22. Cool! o. Jonea 13, AUlko 9, Brown 8, Devit 8, Ollver o, W.rd 0, Wheeler O, Whltltheed •. RtlMV 0. 0-pt. oo.it -Jonie 3, Hull 2, Fvllovt ' ' At.ilco , • .erown 1. Fouled OU1 -nont . Technlcatl -none. UQ-Zulall: 0, H.rit 6, Patlda 6, Glogef 13 •. Hood 7, Sch1'8111der~ o, lllkautbf 01 E~ .. 2. E1hingtofl A. ,..,.. QOIM-0., 3, Scf)rNder 3, H1rrt1 1, Hood 1, Efe\lblltha 1. FcMMdout-~ T~-none. ~-UCSI.~ COLLEGE TENNIS occ edges Cerritos Orange Coast College's men's tennis team was a 5·4 winner over Cerritos in a nonconference match Thursday on the winner's courts to improve to l -1. The doubles team of Robert Om and Jared Haley was an easy winner, and Qiu and Haley each woo in singles. Spencer Solomon and Oui.s ~pte were also dou· bles winners, and Solomon came through in singles. In college women's tennnis, UC IMne found no room at all at UCLA where the Bruins eased to a 7-0 victory. UCJ fell to 1-2. C°"9t womeft Not---·-UClA ~ UC INlr'9 o ~ -Walket (UCLA) def. Bowmen, 6-1, &-O; C.rieton (Uet.A) def. Chang, 6-2, 6-1; Gregg (UCLA) CW. Bentzer, 6-1, 6-1; Wild CUCl.A) def. Pottier, 6-0, &-O; Gordon (UClAI def. T,.~, 3-6. 7-6, 1.0; loncaric (UCLAI def. eo., M , 8-3. Doubllm-Gordon-W.lbr CUClAI d9f. Bowman-Cheng, M ; Gragg-Wiid (UCLA) def. BentNr, M: C.rteton-Lona.tlc <UCl.A) def. BOM·Thmddno, &-0. I --~---------- SPOR TS Fncsey, .JinU1tY 31. 2003 AU BASEBALL On to the Super Series Nationals for Yard Dogs Yard Dogs qualify for national tournament in Arizona in July. The Orange County Yard Dogs. an under· 18 traveling baseball team with members from Costa Mesa High. Is on its way to the Su- per Series Nationals in Peoria. Adz., Juty 19·26. The Yard ~ qualified with three wins in the Southern Cali· fomia Super Series in Moreno Val· ley, The Yard Dogs defeated the Diamond Bar Diamondbaoo IIl two games to advance to the na- tionals. The Yard Dogs won the first meeting between the two teams, 7-6. Brett DouglM drew a walk in the seventh with his team trailing bY one. Ala Pieanld {Costa Mesa High) reached on an error and Nathan Himter (C.OSta Mesa) drove in both runners.· Douglas closed out the game in the bonom of the same inning. , The Diamondbacks had scored four runs on a grand slam in the sixth. Justin ~tenon (U>sta Mesa) started for the Yard Dogs and !ilruck out the first baner he faced before getting two ground balls to get Out of the inning. Robert Rodriguez (<:osta Mesa) hit a saa ilke Oy to drM In Mike Mc:Gu1re (Costa MesaJ to gM! the Yatd Dogs a 3-0 lead Peterson struck out the Side in the second and Hunter and Otlno Hills' Scew Oviedo both scored in the same inning. In the fourth inning of the teams' second matchup (in the fi. nals), Rodrigue-1.., Owtle C.Ortez and Pisarski all scored after col- lecting hits, to propel the Yard Dogs to a 7·5 victory. The Yard Dog.l> scored one run in the sixth on a smgle by Brian Beck following a walk to McGuire and a sacriftce by HWlter. Hunter also sparkled defen- sively. throwing out a runner in the final inning as Dou~ closed out the game. Beck had three hits in the game (two doubles) and taJ. lied a .890 on base pe~entage, strildng out only five lim~ in the last 11 tournament games. A defensive struggle ensued in Game 3 pitting the Yard Dogs against the Inland Terror. The game came down to the bonom of the seventh with cwo outs. Beck walked and !>tole sec- ond. Hunter then walked and Canyon High!> Maril lmanuel dl'O\e the ball to the gap II\ nght· center 6eld to win the game. The Yatd Dogs tied the game in the top of the sOOh when Hunter walked and lmanuel Wlgied to bnng up Cameron Lazarus l4'..u Nl> singled 1u tie the g-clffle f:.arller lmanuel made a d.twtg catch tn left field to help starter John Bravo Pisarski at thtrd and Beck at first both made tough plays to get out of an inning. Bravo took the mound in th~ first game, agam.st the ~on Vi eJo C.Ougars, and !>trud out fiw while W'ctlkmg three. Strong dderu.e cononued tu ~how the way for the Yard ~ cl)) Pi.baniki and Beck conWlueO steady play The offense ~ provided ~ lmdnuel, who lcnocked II\ C.Orttl.. and then Rodnguez doubled •o · dnvt: in ML~1wte, ~ho h.td ~alkt.'d dJld !>tole ~ond Ov1tdo 1.ctme ul'for middle ~ lief and Dougl~ ~· in the lw ~ (mphl to clobC out the ga.mt' Hunter b.lld lmanuel tallied b.i1 ting averag~ of .620 and .543. n. !>pt'<.-OveJyOanJel Cooper pitcllt'd dJ1 B-0 Vlctory in pool play l l)CJU~ for the Yard ~ .trt ongoing for ulfonnanon. conl6Ct l'.v· d.0!>€1 t orn.ullMILcom. YOUTH SPORTS · SCHEDULE Breakers win, tie, fall into second • AYSO REGION 97. The Newport Beach Breakers defeated Corona del Mar, 3-0, but tied South lrvine. 2·2, to fall into second place in guis under-10 Silver All· tar wccer action m AYSO Region 97. Shannon Boler scored two goal\ in the sec· ond hall to add to Josie Jogwe's ~tngle tally in the ~ half. Jogwe scored her goal off a comer kick from Marla Swift. The Breakers received strong play from Courtney Mclntosh at center half. Lal Jenkins and K.eDy Rorden at marlo.ng back and Ou1sty Oh\'U U'l goal. In the afternoon game, South lrvme scored the first two goals to build a 2-0 lead U1 the first quarter but the Breakers came bad with a goal by Boler (as.stSted by Tempest BlaJ.ne), JUSt be- fore the half. In the third quarter Swift tied the game ru. the Breakers blasted shots on the lrvlne goal. but couldn~ get the game·winner. MonJque Co· nant (marking back), Laumt Terry {keeper) and ClaJre C.asdllo (haHbeck) played .olldly. Kelly scores three goals • CWB ROLLER HOCKEY: <hate Kelly scored a hat ttick and added two assists to lead the Newport Harbor varsity club roller hockey team to a 7.3 win aver Fountain Valley Tuesday at the Gretzlcy c.enter in lrvine. Collln lna1ey added two goals while ICevtn Wong and Cory ~ each ICOred one goal to hdp the offimle. Kyte Matthews. Alex Crouae and CaMn An· denon coUected ass~ts for Newpon and goal· keeper Elliott Thacker wt.th defenders Vincent Mw1go and Preston K.eDy held Fountaul Valley to just 18 sholS. Storm pounds Phantoms • CUJB ROLLER HOCKEY: Ille Stonn opened its Squirt Oub Divi!.ion runder·l2l play with a 7-4 victory over the Phantoms at the Gretzlcy Center in lrvme in roller hockey action. Mitch Merten, Garreh Haar and Max Mc:Court each had two goals and Ryan Wer5on notched a single tally. CJ. Plz coUected two as· SISts with Blake K.eDy upponing with one. 'iolid back chedcing from Justin Peters and AndftW Hodd forced Phantom pla~rs to take low percentage shots. Goaltender A.J. Allen stopped 19 of 23 shol5. TODAY Basketball Community college men - Santa Ana at Orange Coast. 7 30 p.m Community college women - Santa Ana at Orange Coast, 5 30 p.m High school boys -Newport Harbor at Ahso Niguel, 7:30 p.m ., Laguna Beach at Corona del Mar, Sp m High school girls -Newport Harbor at Aliso Niguel, 6 p m • Saddlebadc at Estancia. 7 p m Volleyt>Jll College men -Hawthorne at UC Irvine Bren Events Center. 7 p.m Community college men - UABC at Orange Coast, 2:30 pm Soc~r High sctlool boys -Laguna Beach at Corona del Mar, 3 15 p.m , Newport Harbor at Aliso Niguel Sp m High school girls -Saddlebao at Estancia 3 p m Ba~ll Community college -Matt 0 Brien Memonal Tournament at Orange Coast Orange Coal1 vs Santa Barbara, 10 a.m , Orange Coast vs Mt San Antonio, 2 p.m Water polo High school girts -Costa Meas atTustm.3pm Wnmting High school -Saddlebadt at Costa Mesa 6 p m Softball Community college women - Cerro Coso at Orange Coast 3 pm Llgal Notices 2640 j Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notlca 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 I Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 I Legal Notices 2640 I Legal Notices 2640 I Legal Notices 2MO NO*'CE OF A H""·"'"INO on _ MOTICITOCIDlflotS credohir sh•ll be Ftb Sll'OIOICOUITOf fidltleutllllMtn dtl M•• CA 92625 flclttlM lmieu ' Robar I 1 orr l l FidttliM ...._ PmTIONTO ~I be hlld~ Of .. uuu · •u••Y 19 2003wluchis ,.1..,_1 "-S....... 1hll bu•.r1us ·•ton I "-S""-1 , :11d".,•,;•'~:.•nl .~~', "-S...... .. "'MINl......,,R "..,,.....,.... •• 1 ._.. •• ~ --the busonus day belore ......__ du led by •n 1nd·••du•I 1 • """'EST .. TE~O 1 ""F.· ""~"' ~L.7 .. 3 ~..:' •"•' bcrwil S2't4S.UV the ule date lP•C htd (QT'f Of OINIG( Ille tollowona I>"'°"> l\llreO C Mue1u 11\o 1<>11 w·n1 per>or• 1 '-t•• ' Jr"•' t ""• '"' 1:>11owo~i ::•••on' " ...,...""" NOTICE IS H[R[BY Date l l1·03 u l ftlf(nTDIM •rt OO•fli bu\1reu u l111s sbtemer" .,,n •rt ~O·"• l)u\nU\ H .,.,, 1 ••t~l>"ibu••"•"'' ~ DONALD 0. 3" Tl-1E CITY DRIVE SIGNATURE OF Bu/ _,.. '"' HaJto Bat~ 606 I ;> '•••d w·'h tno Cou<'lr B•wntr vcu1 frtt• 200l•tl0111 Act et .t .. e~trt c.1 8UT\.ER AXA ORANGE. CA 92983 GIV(N tllat • bul~ U lf er(s) lli>Pl•Cant(\l POST OfRCI IOl BtiO"'' ,.. •• r If On• cle• Cit•~ ot Oq1n&t Cou"ly P•·~O 3700 ... wporl L.4 '• .. J• 24 J. 8!>0~ t Ctapma n •2b' DONALD DAVID IF YOU 06JECT ID 11'\e '•llootto De madt The s Htmal Rantaiee AA•• Cl\ 9:?67~ or 01 08 03 Rivel •210 ~ewpnrl f tb 14 XJf,J 'l':IP O••"i~ Co lom1a 92h69 BUT\.ER grstlbng OI 1te petition. name's) 1110 t>us•nen o"'Y Plot lanua•y JI 14171,0IAllGE.CA Me na B•o<>H C.o• 200l•t290J4 But CA97663 Vol• Mt>rt&•trt In CASENO.A217273 youanoukl~lth •ddrusCnl 01 1 ~' 2003 92M).JS71 '"'•) 606li'Be&on11 o111yP1lot J•n lO 17 ,...,,..,,LC•e1<••1ll}l fktltiwslusliitss Fl/l'I 8ramb1nW11 To I I hetrl, hMring lnO II.lie "f"Jf Sellerls) are Mer1 493149 rll4 iuu~UllY Ave Coror1 d~I M11 74 3l 20C)J r18? WotW1l111msS!reot •J ,._,......_.._. O••rit C1 torn1a9Z8" ~ ~. E Ot file wntten I Heravy 17779 Main -A Cll926Z5 Lona Buch C/\90810 -·-T>i1• o""""" 11 c ... oontlnglnl ~.Ind wlll'l 111e COUl1 Street Suite G II vine JUS11CICDflll lh•s bu\lnen " o" Th•s bu•ontn > con T"t 10110 .. •n,; ""'""' clu~ltO l)y 1 t<>r1 .. ,ratOQ!> peniona who may • tile l'lelring Your I Cl\ 9:?61• PUIUC.Anotl ---Of Oucted l)y 1n 1nd1vodu•I clucl•d b; '" 1nd1v10uil I '" c1,.n, l)uur•eu " ..... you •tarted°'""' Olherl'llle be lnl9ftlltlld appearance may be on Doina bu\lneu " rumvft Have you \tatted do•"& Hav• 1'>U shrt~d ~nma GOLF IS f OR GIRLZ buS1neu yet> No In tht wtll °' ....... Of peflOt\ Of by 'fOUr Ult1mat1 lm1ae Prmtln& Public hurinas wlll b• l1'-'ftff.•11Utrrw I hU\lneH , •• , Yn 11 I bu\lnU\ y•I' v .. 1 I 7971 Hub r Bl~d Co••• VGt• Mo•li•&• 11\i. .. boCh ol DONALD D 1 All other bu SI nan held by the Coil• Mna •r OZ OJ Mtu C11o1 rn•a 97676 ,,,.,01,,v p Volk Pro'\! BUT\.EA N<A DONALO IF"°"'VOU ARE A n ame(\) e ncl Id Plann1n1 CommisslOn 11 Oll.•MMflfbft Mehua Brooke Cor lhe followrna pe1son Mir .. nCr•~ ,1 DM•U c wiioa110 d,..,1 DAVID Bun.ER CREDITOR Of 1 drtn(n I used br Ille C1l1 Hall 11 r aor Ottve Msws ftfferOll., 1 ... awo hn ab•ndo11td the uu Tho\ '''""''"' "'"' ~7J i>l••Ott• Bl<d Co\ la l"•s stattlT'tnt ,.0 A PETITION FOA ,..,....._, Cfect.IOf "'!tie St ltr(\) with n the pot Culh Meu c.1,fo1n11 Th I l I ol lh• I '''"•OU\ s .. ,. "rd ., th lhf C.ourh Mesa c.,,10·~·· 9l62b toled "''" tl'I• Cou.ay P""""•TE ...... ..__ --....-·· • lllru year\ u \lattd at 6 30 Pm or u soon fOl(KA*i(Of NAil ' ' • emen "'0 nes• Nam• Copy Club c o r "h h ~el\ • con Cl • t o c ty ........,. ,_ ._, OtCtaled ~ 11"1191 nle hied .. ,th the County ~ I lerk cl r•nae <.ounty 1 s """•· 1• er. o •1n1e ou11 lilld by DIANE E HAUN r ctall'!i ..in Ille c:our1 b/ Ille Seller Isl '' ••• n l>OH •lll• ll'le•Hlter on OIDll TOSllOW CAU51 f01 •rk of O••~ll• C ·~nly 2JOO Harbor Bt.d S111lt Of\ 1 l 01 <lucttd by 1n nd v•dual on 01 15 '03 In tht &.tpttior Coul1 OC you mall Non~ Men4ey, felln.ory 10, ,.,. _ _.Of W•Mt 00 1 1 03 l 2 Costa Mtu CA 2003''21720 I Ha•t 1o .. \l11teO dO•"i 200J•t2•771 ~ County ol Ind I copy IO tnt The name(\) and 200J, ••&••cl na the ~ -200S6'21701 91626 01 1 P ct '" • 11 1> .. •111nl yet' No Dally Prlot Jan 17 14 OAANGe' pertOnlJ rtQrtNntalNe •ddfus of the Bur••(s) tollow1n1 •PP1·<•l•ont CASI MUMl8:A21S406 Dilly Pilot J1n 10 17 The fochl•OllS B .. l1neu 2• JI 200.l nn Oen St c Woodard 11 fel) 7 2003 F ~ THE PETITION FOA lppoi.'1l80 Dy h COUl1 appt1c1 nt(\l s /1 11 I l\i>pHI of Minor TO All INICR£STEO 24 31 2003 q 79 naont referred to •l>O•• •11·s statement wn I PAOISA~ ~ tl'lal WIUWI lout ll'IOl'lltll from Htmal Ret1n1H 117/9 Cond1t>0"a l U•• Perm11 PERSONS was hied 1n O"nlt fklttlwl..... foled •..th tnt Co11ntr OIANE E HAUN be 1t1t dllil of llrst -.-.not M11n Street Suite G ll\ 02 ~ lor Jonn W 1 Petitioner Ethen fldltlMludlltss C<luntr on 04 Z'i '2000 "-S..._.. Cler~ of Or1n1e County Rdllllll ..... -= .-U -• d leCltlf'I M Pf'Olllded In ln1ne CA 92614 C•owe lo etlow outdoo• r ff d T OI .._ t~ Fil[ l'fO 20006826917 on 01 27 03 .._ ~ -......--, ,.... __ to ,,nibllll Code MCtion Tiie U'9ll oe1n• lOld 1utomobll• •tor•&• for • 11 an Otrey '"' --PRN 4•!.0t11les tn, 1h• follow•n1 oersons 2oos~tst2S4 --~iv. • on tlehalf of Rife r f 1 • • ldmlnlller ltle estai. ol 9100 Thi !lint tor filing are aenerally described Pac1f1c CoBI Auto Marcu' retftr Ohn• 1 he ol ow1n& Pet\Of" ({./\) 128 N W1110 .. "' doonc builness n Oaoly Pilf)I Ja" 31 ftb rhe loflow1n1 pers- .,. Oolni bullnen Cop1u et' 2 Marbo< Blvd Suitt [OSll Mua CA 92626 _..__..__. CiPna wit not eicplt9 u All r1.turu and localed •I 837 W 17th minor filed 1 ftetllion are dorn& bu\lnu\ n Spr1n1• Road Oran&• MERC Et1ter1111su 117 7 14 21 l003 Tl l6 .,,. ._.........,,., ~ tour monlht from £qu1pm1nt Goodwill Street In an MG zooe ~ W a a a • n il l •II~ 3 1Cl\97869 Vo• R1venn1. Newport THE PETrTION:=: With fhl\ court for • c·9~663 !ht ht1nng dllll noclC»d Convenant No l lo Env11onmental determo Monterey P•nt Or Thi• busineu , con Buch " < alllttoffty to nlalllf above Compete lnvento•y end I I dacrtt Ch11111ne n1mu Newport Coot CA dutled bv a co•por•toon Roat• D•v' l 17 V11 ~nt U009f "" YOU MAY EXAMINE tne i re louteo at 11119 n~f~~/~i9~~ ptecea1n& ::f:~:low~l•n~,f~0M•~~~! 92657 PRN /\ssocolln Inc W • ve n n a N "''Po t !::::.i;:;:.':::'-..,... .,.,,,.._ hie lt.epl by N court " Mt •n Strut Su1l1 G ltflOnl 111 th1ll•n&td on MirtUl Ohnl F ttler l • l I PI n 0 a 11 'l Rud V Roll1ra Pr t\I· llutll CA 9~3 I l ~·~:...···~:'...'":,.= ~ 1119 1 P9f'IOl'I Irvine CA92614 court Ille challen1e may l IH[ COURT ORDERS Mof'lefty P fl t Or dt"t f1·n Dho~ 1 V • ,..,...,., _, __ .,, inler9sled in tne tstate. The bul• u le ,, 1n be lomottd lo only lhon 'hwport Coall CA Tnrs U•lemt"I wn Ra~•""• l'lrwpo•t !!!"' t llltl0r1ly ~ -.. may f11t wlttl lflt tenO.d to bt consum uun 'omeone •••HS at 11111 1 1 l'ttlons inter 9:?6~7 loltd w1tn tne Courlr BH ch Cl\ 9?663 w.. ---cc;., I ~ IOt m•l•d II 1111 oflr<e ol the l)Jbl•t he•ron11 uttd n th•s matter shall Th·• bu••~Ol '' con C ''" of Qr3nae County Th•l bJ\orns ' con ~~ to~ 5otda1 Nob (lotm DE· F1deltty National loll• dUcr•bed 1n this notoc• appear Defore this cou• 1 dueled by •O tnd•Y•.J"•' 11n l 22. 03 J~t-led Dy llJ\bi n.1 lf'd :r, ........,. ..,.,,.,,,. 1541 0 •I lht llur n& 1nd•cat1d H 1 1 d d t OCM IWIQ CCM1 ~II ~ tfle&lld~i!l ~~~!--~:•d•Suo t~'00' ~;.,n•;,.,:'e' ~1:1':...,~';;1~0 below lo ,now c.uw f bu\~~:,~0,".:1 ~01 oonc ~:13~~.!~s!: 24 11 "~~••NU llarltd dOlf'li a.tot. ~ c:.t\l.n Qi"Mj;'ie" aaeeu o;""oi any G1rden Grovt CA 928'3 th' Plant111'11 Comm1uion iny why the pehl•on foi l1u P•ntlollo f eb 7 14 2003 r 197 llus•nos 11t 1 II =•~nl ldionlj petition Of ICCIOUfll 11 and the anflc1paltd u lt at °' 1><t0< to th• pubhc chant• ot name \hould ™" ltatement wu Rose• D•••\ ___:. • .!= ~ -.i.-fl Proballl date 11 februiry 20 h11•1ne not be ararted Meo with the County fldltlM.... Tllol slattmtnt wu ,.,... __ .,... -.,... ~.:.=._""5.coon l250 A 2003 fot tu1lh1r 1nl1>rl'l'a NOTICE OF HEARING Clerk ot o,.nae County hied wotl\ tne rountv rtQUifed to gly'I nodce to ...._~I IOt Special The bu Ill S •'• " to on on "'" abou Dalt 2 18 OJ T1mt 2 00 on 1 7•03 MmtS"'-1 Ctt•li of O•ance Cou"h lnlef'teledunleN thty htwpe!.ooatved ..._ II -i"~ble subject to C111forn1a apphl •t•on' telephone Pm Oepl Lll 20036921716 Ille fnltowin& person' on I l 03 -"""' •• ,,. Th• tddreu of the court o p 1 J 10 17 200•6t21711 ......__ _ _::. to from h c:our1 olerll Uniform Commer Ital (1U ) 7!>4·524'> or villi 11ly 1 ot an ere doin1 busonns u • ,..,._ Ot ....,,_...., ·=..._ p~· Code Section 6106 2 the office ot lhe Plan 11 ume H noted •Don 2' 31 2003 f 178 rnc O/\NCf STORE 2790 D11ly Pilot Jan 10 17 --_.,., ........... ) " "" ..,....,._ R 200 J A cop• of t111s 01dM "" 2• JI 2003 '176 .... ..........-... ......... BUTLE """"'' • ., Tne name ind tOdrtss nona OIYlllon oom ' s.........__. .J H••l>Ot BlvO Suite <vi .. ' The ...._"'•_dlpei.-a.-.. .. ....-.dtl-nl •••• . .ut H"'~OOE AD . of the person wolh whom 77 Faor Drove Co1t1 10 Show Cause shall be -., Costa Meu CA 926:?6 fl....._~ IOnrrillrluuo1 -·"""' -run ' be 11 d Mn• Cahforn1& pubh1htd it leul onct M•4 -•efU..tf Ch Id I\ I ,.___ wll bt ~...,.-..In '303 ~ •d•~s m~r I 1' •,I~ Daily Pilot J•nu"'f JI ••th we•~ lor tour \ ' ren(~V) n~~)";,,' .._ S...... ~ ~ fi1M ROUJNO HIUS 1 • •!y • oona 1 •. 2003 f 115 suCCHS••• •tth prto• Adtiew--.U "-••v•~ts 7..,.. -~-· it. ESTATES CA 9027• 1109/I Carden Grovt lo lh• dllt HI fol Th• foltow•n• otrson Ott•lur Blvd I JU ln ,,,, follow "I persol'ls an ~· ID Otl»03 Ol/3tio:J. Boulevard Su.te 0 hH•lfll on Ille pet t>0n hn abandoned the U!.t Veiiu NV 89107 .,c do•n1 1>1111nes• u petlllofl .,,.. "'°"" good ---Cetden Grove. CA 92843 llus bus•neu " con I\ ) House Co"""' Rt1I cai.e M"f the c:oun ;-__. •nd tl>e Int date for 111 the 10110•1"1 nt•l of the f1Cttoous Bu\I Jutted by acorponlt0n E•l•I• 8 ) Houu ~ noc Otani h NNPOfl!T llACl+OOe'TA 111101 cl11ma tu I PIPll of aenenl corcu nnl N•m• BHT Inter Have rou \tarted dome Counul Rul C.tatt !UlllOtlly !@ApM.Y '°'OT ~9~iJl~"'~;;;:.~ft:"::::O::C'':'::lr::":~ lalton printed .,, lh1s n1t1onal 614 Orc1'11.j busrneu rel' No Services 2043 Westcllff "' en county The Dally Pilot /\venue Corona del Mer C"oldren s /\ssostantt Orin Suite 200 New ·~""""""cll!ll!!E..,.O!!!l!!IFlllllP;:i;ET1~'"'--gr•1;w..,.g;;~,·u=;iW£~P=== PETTTIOHTO ~ ~ lilet ~~Tli NOV 2 '·2002 C/\926ZS ServOGn M1c11 .. 1 Nl\lr portBucn C/\91660 ""'" EARNO' ADMINISTEA tn obttCtK>n to tilt ""'HAllO O. fltAZU, The f1c11toous Busr~eu .,., Corp Tr .. surer House Counul Inc TlON TO ADMINIS-A H I on lflt ESTATE OF;. pell1IOO and SllOWI good sa., JUDGI Of THI name reterr•d to •Dove Tilts it1temen1 was {CA) 2043 Westctltt TEf' ESTATE OF pttlllon wit! bl held on EUZABent u . c:aUM wtiy !ht COUl1 SUPllt.O. couu WU filed '" Oran1• toled Wtlh the County D11v• Suitt 200 New· LUCILLE A. Ftbrull} 20. 2003 II STODDARD AKA anoulcl not grant lhl Publhhad Ne•port County on 10 18/200?. Clttk of Or1n1• County port Buch CA 92660 THATCHER I 30 PM In ~ No ELIZABETH aultlority B .. ch Co''' Mna Dally me NO 20026920883 on 01 1410) Thi\ buSlness IS con· Cate No A217'200 L73 located 11 3'1 Thi HANCOCK GIBBON A HEARING on the Pilot Jemmy 17. 24. ll. Atffed c Mutnst 614 20G3H2tS71 ducted by • corpor•tto~ To II ht111. btn9ft. Ctly DIM Ortngt, CA STODDARD peb!lon will be hetcl on F tbruary 6, 2003 F 185 Occllld Aveflu•' Corona Daily Pilot Jan 17 24 Have you stetted dc>1n1 cletlH. crteMorl, COl'Cln-92t'1t~ OBJECT to CASE NO. A217Ult 02l20i'OO I I I 30PM in • •lll>t• 31 Feb 1 2003 r 186 busineu yet' No lhe followonc Ptrion> are joora b~\lntn n I\) lti• Clay Crou" 8 J C•ay ["llatP< "' 1109' Cal t dt Pa~o l•~• r o•ut C.A 9?6Xl Albert vanu 21094 C•llt dt Pneu L1h r corut Cl\ 9?630 Th11 bu""'" I\ 'o~ clu,ttO by •n 1nd1w1dual Heve you started doona buSll'IUS yet• No /\lbtr t 'hnu Th11 st.iemtnl wu toled wot" lht Coun11 Cieri! ol O• tna• County "" l 7 03 2003692172 t Oa•lr p. :>I l•n I) 17, 24 31 ;?003 F 180 PR"I Anot11tes I fCAt 128 N 'N1f Spro~&s Road Or t CA 92869 Tllos t11;s1neu '' c dut'ta br a COtPor I "ave you stMtM bus•ne" yet• No -PR/'I /\.ssoc1atu I RteO V Rol 1r1 ,., .... de~t -Thll 'tatemtnt l11eo with tllt Cou Cler~ of Oranae Cow ... on 01/22103 200S6UOSIS Oa11y Pilot Jan Feb 7 14 200J E\'eryday ~ a ~t in Cla.Wfiedl Pie a part of It, place your ad roda~ (IM9)642~ -c:r9dltOrS, Ind per· To Ill htlrl, Dtol L·73 ~*1 t i IALE ~ 1991~ Liit HouM Counsel. Int -R tnt ~ OI ltlt pet>-...... 11ci11111 c:r.t1ora :Ml THE CITY DRIVE. NOTICE 11 HERESY polMUIOf'I, OI -==========---===:::::!l========-==-==--==---1@1! eOt'll • mey Olhtrwlte bOI\ you ~ ~ '*' ' . ORANGE, CA 92883 GIV£N t1191 on F'*Y ~ IO r-'I lor "" bt ......., in .. .... II the htellng l.nd IUlll ~ ~. Ind IF YOU 06JECT to lht F.twully a1. am .. tllllnquel'll - OI ...... 0t boCh. ol yot.J1f otlfKtlol • Ot lilt ::::. ~-= granting of tilt pebtlOn, 1 O 00 a m., In h o4llct9t .......,,.,. COltl ll'd u.oc::"~°',.g\ ::!""' .... "":::. ~ ........ -· .. ~ ... "":. ~.. = lZi1 ·'= = r:-..;."I:. '::;. ~ PROeATE t'M llMll llNnng Ywr ippNr· rr"~E™ ~ °' Ille :..C ~ 320doeoe~ :::°"' .. ~ ':: ~ !: ~ 1not may be In '*'°'1 EUV.SETH HANCOCK with .. COUit ~ on beN11 ci lllMlnCM. ~ ~· "'* Cal . eourwy of at b·v°'·~~E A ~l880N~AAOFOR flPPMflllC9 ~ti!~ ,.,~~ ... llDOER•.r--roT == ~··:W: ORANGE CREDITOR OI 1 condn-PROBATE hit be9r1 penon 0t by ~ ~ THE PETlTION gent Cf9dllOr of lht filtd by R08£RT A. 1ttorrwy Tlll i~ntr1 =FOR P~~ ....... ~ dtcNNd. you mutt lilt STOOOAAO, RICHARD IF YOAJ AAE A CA9H. ,,.. ~~ ~ ~ ·--..-'f04X dalm wlll h ooutt G, STODOAAD AND CREOITOA 0t 1 a.<:k "'" ""'" ..,.._.,_, 1nd C.,0 PllU Ind maM I copy IO h JAMES C STOOOAAD eo1llllC191'1lcncltorol .. ~ln'='ii ~~ bt ~ U per· penonM reprttentallYe in h ~ Court ol 091ll1Hd, )'Oii mult .. .."' ~ -S= 11 ~=..-,..... ~ tol'tll , ........ w. to ~ed by "' COUl'I C&lib'nla, ~ °' 'f04X olaim • h COUit ... -... ... _,,...._. h Miatl of ._.,., 1o1K mon1W ltOfll ORANGE end !NII a copy IO tht ~ ~ f 91\d • Wlfftlfl "'*" ii .. ~ PETTTtON Ill dale ol bl...._ THE PET1TIOH FOR pertOnll 111p ... u11Vt ~-. llld bJ N = -~.: ol llClerl 11 ptcMdtd in PAOeA TE ~ hi ~ by IW ooutt ~ et D1oDiu11 and Courtly .....,. h tM1 ""'*ta h deoedtnl'a P10b11t1 CoOt .mioll A08ERT A ...... W monh tom r...... 10 ... wtlldl -PftlC*'Y dlll01lltd "919111 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. wll and c:oclc:ll. If lll'f, 9100 The en. lot ftlinO STOOOARD, RICHARD .. dlttt ol trll fMulnct ==-==.Mr 1t loealld T,_.. bt ICtnlftld ID probetit ~ w11 not ·~ O STOOOAAO AND of ..... M ~ In 011 111 ~ _.. Llfly • • • • • • • • • • Thi wll and eny c:cdlclll btfOl'I lour ~ llOfll JAMES C STODOAAD PIObatl Ctldt MCbOI\ ~ ~ • I.M n IYlitll:Jlt lot ...in. h 11Nt1nO dltt nobd bl ~ • 9100 Thi time flOr liq = Atcadl ~ ~ T-. "=' ~~ h fill_. l>y ~OU MAY EXAM-1:1:rt=:::.~ =.: ~-= ~~I.Alt I, ~:'leoll2i'Ji n1E P&TIT10N IN& 1t1t lie kept by 11'11 of the dlotdtlft. N ~ dlllt ~ Unit H • '· T,_. = tlOVOS e. l,lrYy r-~= :1-..'::'in"::= ~E=':f: ~MAYE)WINE .. ='at&~ ~'C!:.".':; undlt the lrid1p1udt1il )'Oii m1y .. ...-, fie codk:ll. W eny, be .. Mipt bV .. OOUl1 • ~c.r:c: '-* WGCG ::-~..:..,--: =-~"°='.: ~:i:z.=; S,~~~ .... ~ ... ~~ lllow .. pMOnlf,.. 15') ol .. 9IO °'"' -· -,.. ,,_, Addi.-end ~ 2' ,..,,..,. 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OOUl1.,.. "°' ..,, !D,31 , ,. .. Jim ::.-~-=-~ Em OW1a Thi \ 2 $1 •• 4'fC~A ............... _._~_ Pilot ' \ , , Policy How to Place A .--Deadlines --- lates and deadlines ~ subject to ~anac without notic.ie. The publisher ~serve the right to cen1or, reclassify, iievisc or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error ~at may be in your classified ad inuncdiatcly. The Daily Pilot aeoepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the co t of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can onJy be aJlowcd for the first insertion. CLASSIFIEJAD -Monday ...................... Friday S:OOpm Tu~sday .............. : .... Monday S:OOpm By Fax (949) 631 ~94 (Pleuc include your 1111111 llld phone nwnbcr and we'll c:aU you beck whh a pnce quote.) By Phone (949) 642·S678 Hours By Mail/In PerS.on: 330 Weat Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay St. Wednesdqy .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday S:OOpm Friday .................... Thursday S:OOpm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30arn-S:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30am·S:OOpm Monday-Fridily Sunday., ..................... Friday 5:00pm .. Index •• .. .. • ~ ANNOUNCEMENTS :· ' & MISC. ~ ! GARAGE • • SALE • BUSINESS & " FINANCIAL 1419 2305-2490 l ESTATE R SALE *• *s~ lfo*->l.it ~ Jt:.!t.~ !f-IO~RS--.. *• '•lflc View MeMerlol ~H4 RIJ INTIR ,_. companion crypt * UQUlft••:nft.lo.I * 4111 level, $12,965 FOf .,.,_ "" ~~~;~2·l551J661601 ! 4lf A. I E! ! mcnbllla * ~· * T :!.~O::S,~ * CLOSINGAntR * ~Allx. Sc*r. t• '"11' * ~o v~ •RS * ~h 9'9·645 7505 * ~ ..,... * : fQUAlllOUSllG * Wicker Rattan Seating * : OPPOl1UllTY * Larngs, Tables · * •11 real utat• adver * and Jl"A ch Mor I * ~1~n1 In this newspaper iv1U e " ubj•c1to111• Federal *2640 Avon St. Newpon Beach* F ' Housln1 Act of 1968 * Off Hlverslde a Pacific coas1 Hwy * •I!! a mended which * * ~ku It ille11I to 949-642-2255 ertlse ·any prefer· *Jt.>tJt.JtJtJtJtJt.JtJtJtJt.Jtlf* e t , llmltetton or d rlminatlon based on r •.color, rellalon. sea, JEWELRY/ 3460 OtrlcafGflJlll -h dlcap, famlllal stetus - Ofio.natlontl orteon. or an DIAMONDS/ lntlntlon to m•kt any sllth preference. flmlt•· PRECIOUS METALS It~ or dl1crtmlnallon: 1hls newspaper wlll c .. tt Ceh. NM4t · IACll IAY CINTH 2651 Irvin• Ave, aolf view, relall ind of· ltce av111 714.573.nao n•t know1n1ly eccepl Old Coins I Gold, &fiver. N,I onKI Sl'A<l aity advertisement for )lwei.-y. wale'-. tnbques 833 ~ r~ estate whoch II In collectlblas 9'9·642·9'48 floor, ad.!s ~ "';: v1qt1Uon of the law Our ~ r •de" ·,. h., e b 1. cats a10 1Cii11i62Ddiiiiliiiiliiiiill1 ln(ofm.d lh1t all dwell 1+ advertised In this •M:lpt• ~ l<lttlara. HOMESFOASAlE n .. spafHlr are available c.ts. drcs '*" " Vh. ORANGE 5400 o_.1n 1Qu1f opportunity every S•t·Sun IZ-4pm b•is r..,.., • ~ ftatwa1< COUNTY complain of dl1· Info 949·644·2279 tnetlon. caN HUD toN· www.a•••wtwonurs ha fr at 1 ·800·424·8590. :I> dly Wit> ~ 4 dacs Corona del Mar 1413 llillcun Nldld ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iii Balnea ~NTED =nd rnIQUES Fr1nct111a 3905 iitder Style Furnltu,. lllA.NOS ' Collectlbl .. ··~·~ ............ Olllto ,,. ......... .CASHPAIDU ~~~,....., .... .,.,..... tn BUY l!STATU ........ r..fr.......,_ NY llOM FAITlll" .64M922. soumcgAST AUCTI N 22t21e. .. k ..._._CAl2707 -· _..,. ... 2 '-tfy s-. s.t, ·-Computer atuff. de1t1ntr sttJls, cotton1, ulln 'llfdel, trims, clothes I morel 345 Rivara Or EastC01t1"11eu Mlllht •-lly S.le 1-1,... Stack el le w/d, dlnln1 set, c tlble 1teu. wot>I I rlc;s, I much morel .,. HIM'e, ~ 8ctl ·: ...... , •-11 ., S...,...._e •:.o..ka. sof•, coffH ~.furniture, clottlu , '¥ misc II COSTA MISA l~f. PfOfes11on1f office on E 17th st Ample p•r-1n1. t4t-646-4UO o llAUTIIUl o Dramatic Spyalan Hill eucutlve home Ho upense wn spared Fabulous Ocun View. 48r OfforeJ at $1.695,000 Seller boufht another home. Musi Sell J116y K9'or, lkr t4t-J16.J516 TilllHOUSI SICLUDID HTHAT AMAZING 'IKI AOT. t4t-72S-a 120 Huntington Btldl o .. , s Y' 1tew heMe. 2br lb• den, loll, 11r. yd, laund, eppl's fUfnl lure Gour lutt, ~· pool $4701000 310·7 ·4720 lrvtnt Of'IN SAT l-41SO TUllTU llO<IC 'OINTI Panor, fll)lt , min "4lwt.. :b home IW'9dlll ,_ W1tl. lob of ...... Pool. IC>&. ~ .it. ADO!: SlZJSVmo~ ~°i010196"51 1200 ~ tocattd and turn k y 2bl end unit townhome. Buuttlul .~ and roll COi.rte view ltom WW. room, den ind ~lou1 master ,........ t4f..720-Jt00 LlgunaBadl Spectacular lot with views up the con t 1n South l•1un1 But Value In Oran~• County O<IA VllW ~oft Dilfnond P\ATINUM ,....ti si.t..Mu-. 9&71~3156 NIWUSTING t62 SUMMIT WAY O<IAN V11W 4br. Z.5ba. prlmt toe, 2m p,mlf1Y~ St .J95,IXX) ,, Olll 9&322-0932 Laguna Niguel OcHn & Valley v11w1 60 f"le1tae one level home lb1, apac open fir plan. Feb ta fol In Marina Hills, 11ted community 'LATINUM f"IOPlllTIH St1fan11 Meurer 9'9 715·ll56 s.11 !:."' c., bt C •lft•d I . . • ( ... ~.. - ' . ~ .. lldolalt •IWllfNl'I ON UDO ISLAND HACHCOnAOI 117 VIAllOU 21H-11 /•le 2-c r.r• ~dot & .... c:Wi JS .... SHS,000 Att t4t-7St-OSOS er 714-S07-4214 NtwpOft Blldl fAIUlOUS HACH <OTIAOISI fAIUlOUS NIWPOllT HACH UllSTYU 11 New 2-St..-y Sir 21• w/r,r;r• (176A< Jl SA/I I') $150,000. ll"'e4ele421r21• (U144X:'c(.'XX) SU, . We1ervlew 21r 21• w(sflrepi.ce S200U) SH,000 LIASIDLAND c.n ... .,,.., ......... OeAMe~V--.. (t4t)6 1-lSSl A MAHWACTIO HOMI (OMMUMl'TY Of>IN SUN l ·S H1w lr11tn1 Updated on 1n•nbelt lbr 2 5ba cu1tom11ed S569.000 OPIN SAT 1-4 1 Story VIiia on 1olf course, lbr Iba like new, 1•t•d comm. pool, workout rm wall. lo Balboa ls./1hops $365,900 fee A1t 9'9 6l2·6489 • O,e1t Sot /S-1-4 • 2 See(eve Rare Su Island lBr 38• and unit with 1 •lew lookln1 out to s1s;;otur• Hole It 17 $875, . or IHM at $4,500 9\''' a..-1. ~\le o -so. ... , f"llMllSTATIS , ATll1<1C TINO.I NATIONWlDI USA t4t-U6-'70S www patrlcktenort com 7402-7466 8"5-8510 9000-9750 O<IAM••ONT 11mu T O<lAN & IAY VllWS AMAIJNO LOW f"lt(I AOT. t4t-721·1120 OCIAN••ONT llXlll NOT fOtt THI •AINT O• HIAttT AOT.t4t-72J ... 120 Newport Cont OPIN SUN 1-S s Te ........ A touch of Italy 3br + bonus epproa 2700. sl ma~ble & many cu1tom IHtUfH. $I, I IS,000 O'IN SAT 1-S ·uv ... .-.1. 4br, 4 Sba llbrary • bo nu1 room. $1,SIS,000 24 (9'9'1111<1 A touch ol lt11)1 4b1 Z.Sba, Strada home $1,729,000 'LATINUM 'llOf"lllTllS Stefanie Maurer 949 715·3156 f"llMl ISTATIS f"ATttl<K TINOttl NATIONWIDI USA t4t-156-'70S www.patrlcktenora.com RESORT/ VACATION PROPERlY FORSAL.E Daert Prupef1y 5960 o.n l'~le• Sates & winter rentals Palm Sprint•. Palm Ouert Also Wnh1nrton Wa terfront Referral• Michael Anter Becher & Backer RE 800·550 3523 MISCELUNEOUS RENTALS Rental To Share 6030 NI, SI Home Mufti Milllon Q foe 2 rooms for rent S800 • u1lll Ywd, ..... lllCUlZi 9&51>0777 HP on lt>e Illy, ~ ID bell. sllQPI. ,.., 8aml -~ pOll t.. pill-c. Gllad $llBb ~7123 • '11&1ATI-! •10 SHO«IS, <DM E t. Sale St.lnw1y Deadline Feb. 12th•• Valmtint Messaxes Appearing Feb. 14th '*'"°' er1'iqul bctm oi.+ ,. ~ kit , lliM ,~,.. .__..~...___. ......... ~ .......... i..... ..... ~"--"~ ...... ~&.......&.~"'"-~~..L.~.A--'~..L.--L-...J 20 Cnarectert per llne. You may Ute all 4 """ for larger adl, call an advertlalng rep today! W.r'H """" it "11 FAX this form to (949) 631-6594 Name-· ________________ 1Phone No.-·----- 8tgnaw~·-· ~~~------------~----'-8111 my: Vl,..q ___ __.MC .... _____ A/E _____ Oltoov•r., __ _ Cred~C.rd# f>rp.Da•-·--'--~ . I ~ ,,, .,. ~,. "'-"""' PU.t ~ -330 W. Bay Street. Cocca Mesa. CA 92&27 or Cill (9.f9) 642-5678 •' l l11dl't till' SL'nirl' l>irl'clory Bt11111l'r Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week Eor Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Rooms tor Rent &040 l'.W. <M Twnhrne, pOll mv'ba _., dlen. pr' w/d, l\1feb/Mnll&. Mm pref d. Avall J/1/2003 Sq & 55 fwy Cozy, qu,.t, '"''"'" 81.11 ~ l'W ..,.._ tr• ........ s.... ,_ Tnrclt I Hunt!....... Be .... I v ....... aindD lbr, ,_ incl patio, 1tor•1•. ,,,,; 0.,1 J yr ,..w lt.Me. 1 lo... R.wt llww AWlll now " ~ S1!i> 950C2·2Bl3 2br Jba den Iott, 1ar. $11l4'mo 7145.l&-1!154 S't1IClo 1 hie ID ocn. II yd, leuno •ppl' furn ;-.-.--------dldl w/ocn vu, ~ turt Gour kite Ip. pool $7251TWce ~ lllnf ~ "' ~ $2500/mo 310 795 4720 IAV.llONT Ill l!l50 !MM73-7U> '-'ne OH l IOO PE HI HSUL A 11y1 NIW Hr 21• llr'• from $875/mo ' <OnAGU W/lf/I "' lovely l•i.cf -11r ... Condo w/open p,, .. ,. e .. ch, Pool comm ,_ Trt Squ.art view, P•I p1t10 carport •nd Spt Wtlll to RE.SlOENTIAL REN"' A. .S ORANGE 7400 fridll9. Indy f 1tllty I<...,; .., a"'· In dDMrl. P9t. wd.llt• Ocu n Sllopt • nd Mott UI '°""8649 •93Xl ind $UDlm 9e9 21i2-Zll2 j RHttur anti ltne COUPITY Balboa Peninsula 200fl Te Oc...i 21r 1 .. nu crpVpnl. fp, w/d, dlW, fncd potlo, CIWd carport $17'50m 'f'tf !M9-J?6.SUJ lido 111• 6 mo 7 yr • NeWf>ert ocreu the 8011 Sltp Av1ll1ble :::.' Ti'14s~~ a-;·661 ._.. c.....p 2lr tt/a. 710UOOPAJIKDl. lrvtne Ave •J 9'9-72G-9'22 2 c aar total remodel 9'9 673 6030 or blacll & t111n11 rlub 949 723 !>830 :tlr n.. 2c .. ' pallO. w/d, d/w, new a pt, pelnt. lo-unit. 'l:D Ir 20th St. s l 79&no. 9'9-723 1186 Corona dtl Mar 1.-lfvl Hwpt H&ht\ home 381 2bl htee dirt. LR Of! !net} rm r P. cwd P•t•o. 2c JAi, quiet ·~ttood. 949 ~~ Quiet t.14• 21r I'/.Sa, twnhm style apt Remod. walk In ltlnlltl. r1/illb $12!()n 'f' be 949-723-0l«i I Sida 2br 1 be 1Pt. corr..,i remod, *'-· qyM, belldl close Sl295/mo 165 Rodct-. •I 9&515 :i1)I() • ~. ntW ClrP9t. ~new d/W & ,.,.., 2c ,. w/d, ft'1. walk to rairsrounds ave4 no« $1 G'mo act. si.v. 714 241-<Q S2800/rno 9'9 644·2330 Newport Beach * YIAJtlY * llASU Bill GAUNOV REAL TORS 949-675-6161 D YEI, IB1 MY CAR Run your ad in the Newport Beach-COsta Mesa Dally Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax U$ this form with your credit caret # or mall with a check today I Run for a weekr If your car does not sell, we 'll run --==::;~~L°'r:.~.., ., -I It for another 1 ---_, -----. -_. - week FRDI All for just s20·. I 01 PUot ..... ,., ... '·-···-ett car, n/1, pet ok, 1tovo, w/d hkup, A/C, $2100/mo 949·859-7973 .., ~ 3br 2be. nu ~2c;p,lp, wd ~ 7lC2 Cedir fl.250+ .. bllr ~0013 oaf & IAY Y11W 2br 2be condo lotaly rernod, er_, ~ 11ranru.. m. IZlOO 949-721>-l!B> ........ u,.-.... ..., 25 U Vie Morino. Jiit 2.S8a + den, FR, LR. FP. DR. ht.ell yerd. CUl-dt-wc. Vecanl $2900/nio Coldwd Banker ~ 949-713.QJ/4 Njt_t_ Hta, 4 br, 2ba. 2.000sl 1 lvl Hu. 2 fp, wet bar In lam rm, Ille/ apt/pnt in & ~t I -yr .-. 'l'h c:-pr. $2950rn W/P1°"1'«~~ ....... 2h howl w/pvt yard m 2ated BeyYleW Tenace. Comm pool, 11>1 and pllfl SDXll mo. yearly. Good uedrl ~ llfll. 949-l!ifi '1'ft1j. He~ Holghto 31r. 'llo, Howae totally remod, Ip, yd 2-car ea•• $3000/mo 949·631 1680 .. C.,... CC on fairway, 2llr ~ h~ !tin, 2 l att&fl p ' hV1'Y IWad!d. $3200 949-510.2'.Sm ~-·•-.on 61 ~ ._... •. ftewporf Be-acM::osta Me<.a aqllo pref'd wrth t..ndy l11ilf1 elp. 2.Bf/~ •dlditd. JJ0.519-91!lJ ul 2l!i " faa resume: 310-58!Hi195 A11ht•"' Property MoB09or PT Tue/Thut/ fri. 8.30 5 30. Comput•r savvy, test wrll be i•Hn l/ery busy last P•Led oHic:o, must hav111 up In Ruf E.state Prop111r •y ,,....,.,.11. r lllhlorl ~ area, '16 50/hr lo st\rl Need auto tor ena11d'\ r n info lo 949 760-0430 AUTOMOTIVC IMW Toch 17 YHr p<HllCtoU\ htlh volume lnd~pl!nd~"' BMW sho11 s"~~trr2 quality BMW r artory Tech E ocellenl pay w/benef1ts, latnt Int equip (c'i> P1ec1s.1on Mo1e1 s 949' 678·06n DlMONSTUTOltS l'T jfl aroc:ery store• Ill your aru. WHkend~ Car nu 949 642 •28J "NOTICE T READE.RS. Callfornl• law re quires th•t COlltl itC tors 1.-1na jobs that total S500 or more (labor or mat..-1als) bo llc:ensed by tho Cont11ctors Slate l icense Board Stele law elso roqulros 11\al contracton irtclude t!Mlr llc:ense numbot Ofl all adWJrtislrta. YOU c111 ch40. lhe stelus of your lfconsed contractor et www.cslb.ca.aov o r 800·321·CSLB. Unll censed contr•c:tor• tlklna foh thet total ten then SSOO m uat state In their advertlsemeuts' that they 111 not licensed by the Contractors Stat• License Board.• GWkU"'1t Pr., be .. , el Wor4 PN(ouhilf: ,_ .tnce .,. ••-· 94,..760-HU M••& Rlma••Mlll Frida Januar 31 2003 lathethlert/Man•e• ~-Th. Newport Body °'*'le IS IW~ 3 loyi}f ~ W<Tlmll lid, and 1irnn l>"l!iOO to perb m hody lreatmeut-. "' OU' prl!S~ 5lir1 ...... \air.JO. fr~ l>lll;wy, lor Ill(> lndrvllial. c.t ~ 4483 Hice Seol&a n Front Offlco Pen on l ue r 11 llerretlt~ l\pply tn pe.-son Mon-Fri. 9am·Jpm 1600 E. Coas1 Hwy Newport 8dt or In ru 949 644 5057 iiAutomot ... _1ve _____ ~., s.~ Bridge TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Groot Cllpw For Hair look1nii for Manae:cr, Assistant Marr•iter & Slylt,t In Cu•t• Men at Har bot & Adam~ for •nfo call Sal 714 317 11JS Y«lM RIOM .itoMI Sfm. $15<nro Pl 15' tw/v.t\, S2!iOO SIKXXJrro 20+ tw/'MI Frei: 11roc1u .. 8n~1 RICH www.nui.astrwonlf!54)'0U ~ V«ft< ON I* WA TUl ~l'ilbie ildvdial Id ~ •• •tlWlntl aper 4ltJOn wM ·~ people 'illllls & lOOd o..Wmoer se1 vice We•kends r~od, r •• fl!\ att olke 9'19645-l!llll ,._,_, ......... -lt.L office .-is p /T 'l!Ctl> ttont\I SI ? /hr . o,umr wedu!nd\, '"""' oolu for ,., •rl. & 1.ol'l .,u{8 ....,.,y fa. re:w<ne 9of.l67J Wil OfRCI ASSl5T P .trT etp lo ~ w/1,111 1i/fn .-riles. (~p w/fl(j Oftir,e, lJud ~ a+ 9e 'li>trt M F r A> r4l'IW18 949-854 l70I OHslTl-l'llOMOTIONS i18. to Shrl Flo Hours f ~ 11~ndtn& llH me lmmed 949 474 2111 l 11pe.-lencedtndt·v1duol w/proveo teti•td to rn.\na~" I &I 'Sale•. Oept I or Ora112e County" l .tr e:e\t 1111IPpe11d~nt lu•ury & tt.rnht ittuto deal•r r'.labl"h~d In 1984 lttglt vt1lum• "" I.tie ncKhl •,, b~'I Int~ lion. l(INI b•tWht•. IM rnume to 94'J Ill f!8()R Phtlltp\ lluto I l70 W l.lld'I liWJ N~wp•11 t 111 It Salon IOOTH RENTAL A<•HNSX Torgo 'OO Spe~d Yellow l2k mllo1s (IJ90tl5) $63,980.00 IMW S2Sl1 Coupe '9S Blac:k auto·low mllu (1185781) $12,980,00 IMW 7401 Sodon '91 Whtie w/pertect lreme le.the• certl fled BMW 54" •mies (18Jl0) S27 .980.00 IMW XS 2002 Wh1te·faLlory Ptem1um Wheel$. (18920) $42.980.00 IMW U Comtertll>le '96 Red w/lmmarntale black Uhr ~ 5Pe~d (#18770) $12 980 00 Ford b pedltlon '99 fonded, n1.,, family SUV, while 111 mtles <•18794) Sl8.980,00 Luu1 l S400 Se clon '97 VR l1" ur y Sedan, full p11we•. lulh•r' <•llHHIJSl'l 98000 Pouche 996 Co11p•'02 Sr~ Cr "Y Only I Oii rnllf'•• r .tc t W•rrl (#190;'0) $69,'l!IO 00 l'orsc;ho 996 Covpe '99 Otuan 11111~ only 4'lK m11~,1 T111tron1< 1 (#l /83';/ S4J,98000 IMW 5211 Spor1 Sedan '00 to"i.mtJ\ 81.at.k w tll•• k full r '" tu1 y w•rrlyl low mile'' 1•18'1'>9C>S3/,98000 H11mmer H2 '03 ··~Iott-~' .. ,.n W wh,..ett lt•dtlt~r lk mil.-.. I• I 'l040 I $'1'1 'JkO,llO Jaguar XJS ( o-e• Tlbfe '9 S Ht,.,., hf< u 10~ l~rt-.. n w P'"'t .. t f r1•n1 .. 1 t+ tth .. r ',h" n11 • •lll'<'t'•' >tlR 'Jl!ll l~I Merc.edet lent SLSOO Rood1hr '99 ,,,,,/ ... llll/t'! Wt ,lft ln1ott1f It-ttll ,,., l411t11tq1••H• -.ty I • I • J I • I~ Mii 111 Soub 900S '911 w I ft t h1h•f11H lrr1 If t•1~ t••I .. • .-1 H•'I Jiil lllfllHJ ford """•fong• (oup• 99 't/ft t' 11rrtt '0 I l .. iff"I f 1jjj f NII t l fll1,1~to $'1 t>llllHI 949 S74 1717 l'HIUIPS AUTO look" a11d drives nice. v754896 $13"75 obo CM 011 R1t;h•d 9411 6-46-7822 C alor '97 Clnvw 6cyl ~uto, A/C. cc:, pw, pdl, ~lean v32l598 $4475 CM Olr Ru;herd 949 ~1822 DOctte .. , ~ U l, •I. i/c. cc, lolded, clHn, v599864, $3995 Rlcahard QJ5la Mesa~ ~7822 ford' 9S h cet'1 lX White. 7911 m1, auto, orl& owner, &real cond $2400 Chris 949 515 2794 FORi> [S(Olrf Sll>AN '91 31" ml, l.lfll! ow,,.,,, 5 Speed manuill, al<ll cond $4.29) Vera 949-246-8131 FOlll> IXPUlaBt 5POllT '99 8tack w/efr'/ 111..-1or. Creal cond1t1011. Well 111alnta•nod. Power lodl. ~ a> player J,9,<XX> 949-~ 1561 YOO MUST su ntts CM. vaY <UNl..;..._~~~~~-F or d • 96 Jlp oror Sport 2wd. Al mnn. blk/ 11rey lthr v452136 $599!i CM Dt Rldwd ~rtra 'Ford • 94 Muaton9 V6 Red. 5~pd, at, cc, 1lloy~. '-lllJef clean Ul9!> vi'l541f> CM Dt Rldwd 9"&64&782'2 fOllO 1'11011 lS '90 Run) xlnl, 6 cyl aulo, ac., tau, '>unroof, pw, "'· 1111 wh~els. new tire'> & U llJ\ Siu• boo" $122'5 'ell S2600 Provate party 714-$34-7601 FOllD UNG£11 Xl T '99 ( llra Cab, Auto, CO. 691\ me . V6 bedl1ner, Private P•orly $7500 949-642-5620 Ford '96 Wlndator Gl 7 jJ.tS'> rtid/ldn tnt, at, ac loadt<d $3995 v2Jl587 CM Dt Rid.., d !149641> 782"1 GIC Tnici tli;i Sittro 'SS Auto, whole. fullv eQu111 am Im ~m11gged Well nialnl~med $1'>00 949-760 -19$0 Joguor-'96 XJ6, like n~w lo1>at'Oatmedl 10 Alar rn M t" I ..,,.~t tl5.800<)49 6'>0 '>860 www performatt<.t'ltd rum Jo9vor '99 XJlt 4161r. rM, lull t .. t w•rr, 81111\h I AC IO~ rr f!rn 'n•fmtial llhr 1,0 thtrn whl' h• 1111 Ilk,. n~w c nnd v#49hl71 l l<I 99'> 1111 •• Ill tt~· 1144 '>fl6 18AA WWW.O<pobl.<om Jaguar '99 XJI V•nd~n P • 14~ IOI ~jl.tr~l111K hi~ 1,,. llhr (.IJ hrm wh~... tuH Lu I wftff ltt-.t- ''' ~ l .'R 'J'J'> fu m " 4 If 11 ''''tit W~1 ,..t\ldil 11. I 14'~ '>l!b I !<88 www ocpabt.c.om Ja9110• '99 XKI Comr Mio: IHI fqll 1dl hu "I Wdrr 11 u~h11~ hlJc k;natmral IUu I ll • In 11m~ wt,t .. 11~• 11•w v6771rl'> S ''• '¥f"1 tmctnunv avail I H~ t 'J4Q °>36 1888 -w.o<pobl.<om Jeep '9S Gn..d a-.. .. 1 m 4,4 11!1 'J 21. wtit/1an 1111 0011to.<om lltw *tr· v'.ll 41BB S69':l.> I 1 M IJt RlrJwtl "1119~78ZZ IMW '9'1 )231 (onlf J .. p '94 larecio 116 81k iiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiilll r•r1 1 ... Utt -._tl'lt'I .hi,,.. I " IH'"f I ""11'l11 Jh'OJ flbo 9000 ••• llhr h•Alr•I r 11 I Mazda 'V4 t;."b 119< potf Automobiles 1 1 111 •, • ,. ., , ,,,1,.r, ••t •·odo-d ~l4'il1 ®n ---------\I I'!'> torn •lt.'4'11" h hl~Jln'Jll'lf)44l/2 Automotive 9004 •• "' 11kr '•4'1 '>Rh 11®1 I.and._ '99 o. ...... .,v www.o<pobl.<om ....... II .'7k m1 !1111 t•1 I A.,.ft '99 AC 2.1 99. ml m~t•ll• 111 .. t"o '''" llhr. ! 0. 1111111 full~ lu•d~d ltke 11~w •hl4'ill $14 (}9tJ ftn & Wlift 1,w.-..I B~r Q4!1 ~Rf> 1 lll'lll WWW .ocpobl.<o"' IMW S21AD "17 o.n, !At" Qn flAy ™'"'<J. b !WI I ti •-is,...,br......._, ~ nw IOOt mo warr P.rf...-tt i1s.m '.M') n 44/t IMW '9S S401 lOOk m1 blark1blk beautiful or •ailltdl uutd hn~uu tniC & W~ff •••II ¥#149/bi' SI0.99!> B~r 949 58ti 1888 Codfllo< '02 Del/lite ''-11; 1t• t11ll fu t .,,,,., W lff htdt..k Ot4ffltt-._jl UH t111•I mrul ,,. .. , ·•H . 1111111 ~.ti< I (I l !I ~hit.. 1 •l1t1r ti ltf11 I fl hrtn whl-. f,)a.,. 11 .. w "'' .... w lrllt hll!'1, .,, •()9') sn 'l'J'> t·rm whl v•ll.'/'ol 1 ii l f~ !•11 '"·"I Rkr 'W.l '>Pol> ·••• Sllli Hlor 'dl'-ff>lfff! l~WWW•«P•lhtr"m www.o<pabL<om. 1.-.d Rav• Dt.c__., 'V6 ~1. w.1~ ..... '""' "· ~ Cod9oc D•VUI. '99 1•41 ..... ..t1.... du .t .,.,.,., '""t+. f ,,,.fl .f 4.-,.. HI. l,.,ttftw'f h" ''""'' •; tb b r 0 ,.,,, .. llftW 1 11Wl~ f'll!t I I , .... \!1 I ... llfht p.-rt ... t ,_ Jlll''IJ '"'J ll11ci.A "'' , •Ml l~tly 'tit. '"' I ,.....,. I k),..,~, ·~ Motl Uld\,111.a.l\ lt ..,n• "".;. • n. 41•m,. "-ttt Sil ~11 ~ lll l, 1'1'11bJ'Ul 1 SI'•,,,., 'f'l'l >0!7 '!JO/ M--'et. '99 lora C230 l\nmptt"i.'"" Ht•fundy ·tan Ill• Ftl'll ,wt $1~.'R"> .,...,, n:• IM r• ·~l!Vl By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH 1'1'.SSIMISM f'AVS l•Jl\l Wc\l vulrk!t uhle Nonh dcab. NOK1 11 • A8 K 10 63 A82 +to8S2 WEST •()76 52 742 EAS"T • 1611 4 3 J KJ765 + Atl4 4 • J 97 J SOUTH • KJ A Q \1115 Q 10113 +KQ tturd haml opener and Nrinh elCL.ted m CUI pannc:r """IC ~hd. by miWhg 1m rmr11llu11nal Jump Soulh bur.I IT1l'We lhan enough 10 proccetJ to game We11 led 1114: four of dlwnoo<b. IJedarer pluyed luw Imm dummy. l:.ast won with the k11111 an<l re1umed a low diamond. u ~111t-prelmm~:c \tl( oaJ for dub\. Wc~t ruffed. 11:<1 a cluh llt the ace am.I unother diam11o<l run 11-a~c the defeow: !he fi"I lctUI tnck' down 11ne ACROSS be1hrooms t Fiber· cable 51 Ju9I ~ 8 Home 82 TOAJIO over IPClltancK 63 AbtaM ' I f OOI .. "*-al 14 Jlwle or Henly 64 Cllllorolam ktn t& Widotpe9d llS &n.y ctlOICe damage 116 M~ t8 Cu1dc. pt1cr1 87 T1-pr<Mde k 17 Gk?* being 18 HIS\onc !lhrinC! DOWN 19 C.luunst t Men~ I.mes Wood J Taiodltlll zo Long Igo 3 Hq> ~Vtl 2:2 Htgl1 ·ec::tiooh!fl ~ St.we • 81 24 SlielffWl 5 W-rn "8 Vivid raW- 30 Nlllliral gtlt 6 M.,.._est aliport 3 t F 111 behind 7 Goodbye, 10 J2~ 0 111.i=> 33 Amves l2 Mis I 8 Ms Peron J6 S Ollk 9 Name ro Pierre rieog'1bo< 10 Cute p!l(ICl1 1.31-o) SOlmi W~"f I ~ A mun: -isuuou, lk:I. hm:• u l\Jnt' ouly thrl'e lo'4."' -lw11 d1umon1.h un<l u duh. u' king a' the tkfcru.kr, Jo 001 ~cl any 11111 lntk.\ South rnu't me with Lile ac.:c 61 d1amorxh. drnw a~ many trumps Ill> n<cc'\af)'· eo<l111~ • in dummy then k.s<l diamond~. m-.cnmg the nine or ll•)tn~ up "11h the: queen. B\ dcd.ircr ch<M1-.c,. f •en 11 the diamond pld)' 11...c~ tu Wt»I. dt.'<:lctn!r win' Jny r~rum, tooccdc' 111101ht-1 dtamood 1100 a dub to 1hc: 11\.t'. tlll(J C\<'nlually v.1rnJ, up with UI lca\I IO tnll.\ li'c 1ru111p tn(k\. t v.o ,p..J1....,. '" 1 • d1amornl .uxl u duh •\, tht· ".ird' ltc. lht' ltnc y1el<l' Jn mcnn•L "-'h1<.:h I\ nol unc~pcctc<l 'incc, on the a~11nn. 11 " unhkch \\c,f "·1cdl.hng J"'~~ lrum the J1.i mund I.mg 37 PIA ou1 a fi<tt 11 1S111t'11 •6111 311 40 Edgt; name Blktrl 12 PC me11u nems 31011..-ll!M 33 ECXl81l'1C 34 Pletnc Ice-JIOle1 3S Toll fwdr> •9 ~ .... -..ride 50 Cll8nge oclort 52 Ac1re3S " l'l&s,\ """"lll'h might lrM•~ a hit nJd wcannl? huth a hell ..ukl ,u,pcndcf'\, I-tut lhc~ uw..illy 111<1!.c: 1?•t1td hndg<' pl.1ycr ... t un\l<lcr 1h" deal A',, P•""'"' h.11111 holdmf 1t1n.-.· ~<') laid\, f11ur..:;11d \lljlpon dnd J ruffllll? 'uluc. "lnrth rmght "t:ll IM'<' rJ1"4:<l lo lour he.tr!.\. llov.C\CJ '>011th Wll5 a 43 Tougll-Ulllelnljl 13 Fl~ OQllCfl 21 Que llOlgllbof 46 btanc:he 23 El8Clnc: llen <16 Desolate 24 Lite --al 4 7 Devoll()l'I b!tdul 50 L91 go 25 Pedteo COiton 5 I P11noe Am's 28 EllCU98 "10lt1er 27 Stgri belofe 52 Hui Oii/i Virgo 53 Fe~511 28 Noire Dame ~ llfce rsome 29 0a&illca area ----~--~...---~-· 2 3 7 Tapered seam 39 Square al gt- 4 t VlllT1005e ~2T- 43 A•l.i 4' Ve•eloo "8 Pollen . sorceder 4 7 Congrega!IOn ~8 KulcJa 5 pal Oeborell -51> LIUle rMOlll ~ Pastora! SIXll Sil E..mlme dogUM! 5li TnUl'l'()tlam sl'uJI 00 Compo9ef Rorem e 1 Belote now 13 Automotive lu u• '00 (S 300 22k mi. \lfver/a•ev lthr mnrl, CO full la~tory w&rr. ii~• 11ew v#!">25721 S71,995 lirm fin .avail Bro~er 94'l 586 1888 9004 AllTOMOBllfS, MISCEUAHEOUS www.o<pobl.<orn LEXUS 300 fS '97 ()y<tff Pe.ir l/T an. fully lodded b dt<J>. • d f)el11!t.t rnndrbun. I..,,., mt lllll n11 w..rr, $14 .. ., 'M9 l.b 4411 llncoln 'O 1 Novlg- 71 k 1111 full fdti Wd" bl.ilk grey lthr. t.D. IWO :?O chi m whl~. •~ new v:?b2''>12 $29,995 lor1 dV.Jtl llkr '1 49 •,g1; I R88 www.oq>Obl.c-. Mo1do '99 Mloto Conv J4k "" ''°"' r rd hlar~ ml & lop, beautiful ''"P cnntl v'>'i/241 S'l'l't I t1r rT1 ftn & w•• r JVd•I Hk1 ':I 4 lJ '> 11 h I 8 II X www.o<pobt.<om Mor<Ade. '90 8.u 300( I l It hi. Ian ltlor .nrl pw 11dt PC., $4'HJ, v? J41JI I r M ()t Rd..,.d 'Jtl'~~ riVi Mw...t.. 'V3 lwa 300E 3 2 bl., -s<•I lthr, b.'1< rt:!lent \VL vSll l;i!i SM'J'> I ~d LM lit <)19.M6 Tt'7.' ~ '801orv.4SOSl v .-1 auto, lt!Y "" lll<IUf'I v715489 S.f«l •.b • Rurard I Ufitl ~ f.k ~182:.' 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IQoh. ~good, Pl/S ¥215847 CM Dt Rdw d 9'19646-782'2 VW-I U TU '67 Now p~tnl. tlult h brake•,, • rut cla\\tCI S7900 080 Pv! party 714 /!>4 77 73 Wanted f....ily Operalocl Doder 0-40 ye<!r'I Hpl w;I pay a vwy l;ow PIM' lot 'JUI UI VfJll 01 lrUOI piilld !or 0t not c.I Oii.Ji Rey @ T 1.mato Autu ~ 7 f4 431 1931 Qt 714 .12& ~ CASH FOii CAltS We n .. ed your t.dl. paid fur 01 not Phtlltp' Autu A'h lor Malcolm 949 574. 7777 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES Accessories 9200 SNl,k'; IOf llOOXTRAf~. JOYQTA TRUUi PAil Sll)J MAI\[ OHlK Wll )[Lt CllAP 71' 3148191 I MOTOR HOMES ., BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SLIPS/ 1 MOORINGS/ I Motor Homes • Rent I LAUNCHING/ 9355 STORAGE 9680 RV /WIHNEIAGO I -SUPS AV AJLUU-1 t..r ltOO, 30ft C O...o, N.>w1>1o<I HMbo• t1uu1ttul X1nt Cond. CAU. FM loc mdn• ~·1~·. No hvt D£TMS. 949-4418-7114 abo .. r<b '-149 675 4847 PLUG IN Plug H•tfl th.-.. f'tlnt t las...,lftc-"d ... Poc11o r1 tcJ ftnd <., •rvh . .,.-'° frnn elC'1" tron•c~ ..-ind r>ltJrrtllPr· .. 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PUB· llC UTILITl£S COM MISSION 714 558 4151 -------.,. ,•, ; .. -.. :-- '·' \ f ~ .. -• • ; c:ip., 7 Oeys LowRet• stonige Spec:Wa Slnoe 198'1 94~5'5 WAMTID MOVllfe JOIS Smell of ltr&t UH_M..,...hc C.nt894CVlna111ed M9>7t6-0691 714 685-1300 Plumbing PlllOSIPWUtNG Repairs & Remodetma FREE ESTIMATE Ll687J98 114·969 1090 ~ullrs your stuff th-qtt classified! • Watt CcMrtnp We Set. should h•IJ1.., t•llier St:rrp, nlll. WI bl pm1t 8IMat Ill> .. C7lllY f'1S16 DQ1 .. ntf ST9Pal Spedeltltfll lft Wal!pepr Rotoonl ._., l'588241 949-l60·1211r; Wlndaw Clllnilg Ws the solution you'researchifll for·whether Oat/Pilot I LINCOLN . • ·MERCURY 3.9APR 36 Month on Approved Credit 2 At This Payment 0 18 122). Ol4S841 TllllUIH I Ul!U OP Sl'l!C'lAL 0 Oii ruv.--.trou.. 1 At This Net Cost (642837) 1622216) USED CARS '00 FORD FOCUS 26K Mile • Auto, Full Power (4JTU454) ., Ill '99 HONDA CIVIC EX 4 DOOR Low Mites, Auto, Moon Root, Full Power (504131) '99 MERCURY VILLAGER ESTATE Top Of The Line, 24k Mile. M~n Roof. 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