HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-01 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1 ., Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY,FEBRUARYl ,2003 • Nichols wants limits on old .Port Theater New councilman, who Jives near the cheater being co nsidered for landmark status, says its proximity to homes makes it a nuisance. June Casacrande Daily Pilot \JE\\POHI HI.AC II -fhough Dick 'l1ch- ol" can't vote on an up<.ommg <.<JUnc1I item to de-;1gnate three thl·atcr-. ao, landmarks. the Corona dl'I M.1r rnuncilman .., launch- 111g a pubhl op1111011 <.ampa1gn to hm11 the uw' of the Pon I hl·atl'r QUESTION lne < 11\ Does ttte Pott < ounul ""ill Theater deserve •tandmartt• status? Call ? • PHOTOS SY Sf AN rn l r 11 ',Al v P!LC.' Staff Sgt. Cass Spence hugs his wife. Carrie, as they say their goodbyes on Friday night at Camp Pendleton. His battalion ships out today .,oon l on ,i1.ft-r \-\hl'ther lo tit., 1gnate tht· Pon I Jdo and Hal hod our Readers Hothne at (949) 642-6086 or send theater.., .1, "landmJrk tht:a e-mail 10 A tough six months lcr.,· to .silo"" da1/ypi/ot a lat1mes com Please spell your name '>hghtl~ t•\ and include your panded u't'' of hometown and phone the propenit-' number. for 11enficat1on But Nil hol-. purposes only thmh that till' Pon I heatt·r Carrie Spence and family get a second chance to say goodbye to h er Marine husband, Cass, who ships out today. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot S he had one night 10 teU tum how much she loves him Only a fow hours before hl'r son would :,!art asking whl'rl' daddy WctS. 1~1 90 minutes to chcr ish her h~d before he left for war. And SIX d),>On17.ing monlh5 before he would retum. EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second m a two-part series on Sgt. Charles Alexander Spence of Costa Mesa. who is set to ship off to Kuwait today. The Daily Pilot also plans to provide readers with updates on Spence and his family during his tour of duty in the Middle East. . \pence, whom evel)imc s1mpl) call'> "(~" .,pent I nday in quar.mtine and wao. -.cheduled to leave for Ku wcut ~ monun~ -.houJd bt.-l'\t'ludt•d hl'l'dU'>e 11 ... proxmllt)' to rt~'>idenrt!'> and 11' ou1-of-d.i1t• parlung rould mdke 11 J nui'>illl< e. It'<> not hke tht: other.. It., H'r\ r111...._. to re .. 1denuaJ," Nit hol .. '><I.Id. adding thJt the changes to tlw area "mce 11 \.\ii!> bu1lr 111 I ~Os haVl' rt•ndt•rt•d the 44Kl ·"""' lht•.tfl'r incompatible 1.-. uh the ne1¢ihorh1x1d "I thm~ tht•\ -.hould lt'.ar 11 do\.'.ll " he "a1d - "It hit me thL'> monung." said Car rie Spence said fnday evenmg while bidding her husband good-bye from Camp Pendleton. Hit hil me hard and il's not fun." Came. who had h("Cn in denJal about hh lcavmg JlL.,t days earlier. Weapons and gear clutter the pavement at Camp Pendleton, where C onlliu of mtl·re-.1 rule'> proh1h11 N1< h 11-. from voung on tlH• mdtter a., a nmnt ilman becau .. e he hvt''> f<•wer than '100 ft•c•t from the Pon Tiwatl'r I ht-rnuncil will 'uon ron· '1der whether to de'>1gn a1e the three hi<.ton cal bu1ld111g'> a' landmark theater-. • Il1e de"1gnauon \.'.ould all<l\' the thrt.'t' to um· duct other at U\1til'' at the !>ll("> \<\1thout ob· taming ne\\ pt•miw •. including 1i...ing up to .!5% of tht•ir floor .,pace for lave t.•ntenam - ment. running arcade-rype entenamment and having food and beverage <,el'Vlce" But they could nnlv do "o if the an1vitie... did not mcre~e the demands for parking aJ Her husband. C:harles Alexander See TOUGH, Paee M Cass Spence's battahon prepares for deployment on Fnday night See PORT, Paa• M •• Dilapidated home not sweet to neighbors Costa Mesa residents p etition city to c rack down finally on Monrovia Street house they complain is unsightly and unsafe. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot • COSTA MESA -Ne0ighbors of a dilapidated house cluttered with junk and overgrown weeds on Monrovia Street say they are frustrated that the city has taken so long to pursue legal action. 1Wenty-two residents have signed a petition enumerating their complaints and calling on the city to declare it a fire haz- ard, clean it up and put a lien on the property. if necessary. The owner, Ouis Undeman, has been cited for numerous violations in the past few years, but has not made any effort to comply, neighbors and code enforcement officers aid. Lindeman was not ava1lable for commt:'nt Although Senior Deputy City Atty. Marianne Reger said the city is now pursing remedies to the situation in the criminal courts. residents emphasi1e the urgency of the matter because they see a fire risk. MThis 1s a fire hazard. and we want the city to recognize 11," said Julie De Bal.7., who lives across the street. The house. in the 1900 block of Monrovia, is a weU-known addres to code enforcement officer'>. ..aid \and1 Beno.on chief of code t•nforcement. ln addition 10 the Cront yard being overgrown with weeds, the driveway i'> jammed with two cars and a boat that are re portedly 11101l<>rable. Broken windo~ have been boarded up. The remaining windows !>how torn curtain'>. A brown gate in front of the house hides an assorted array of junk that has piled up practically 6 feet high and bars entry to the front door. Inside the house is more of FAMILY TIME Speak up, or the bad guy wins 0 ne of the duties we all lulve la to speak up lllhenever we see something wrong. Over the years, however, the deflnltion of what la really wrong hu changed. rriaJdng It d.Uflcult for parents to teach this concept to their kids. STEVE SMITH Incidents that I encountered both on the road and ln town. P.ach time, I asked the pealer to atop and, each time, I received an apology. There~ thtft Not too long ago, for eumple, anyone who used a four·letterword tn public was l.l.kely to be called on IL 'Ibday, b~ bad lanluaae la tolerated. even~when-it ls i.rlcldmts lrl a period of about tpe>ken by pre·teene.. • one month. It WU about 18 months qo Speaking up it more than Juat. that I wrote In ttm apace about not toleradna bad ~· a dulter otbld..,.. SpeULng up meena that~ you see a parent obviously mistreating a child, as I did once ln a museum. you call the parent on il It means that you not only do not tolerate prejudice, Injustice or Incivility, you are ready to peak up when you see it and are ready to accept the consequences when you do. There 11 J peaking up these days. eirapt by people wtth a aunera ln their face. MC* of the time. thoee peopJe me not apeaking up. they are tnindstMdlns-SpeUina up ls a IOet art. aone away wtth acdvtties auc:h u letter writing and llltlna on lhe pord\. Instead or pealclng up, we are quieting down. Oh, sure. there are still a few peakers around these days. but more and more they are being drowned out by the legions or folks who don' want to hear abouttbedark idebecawie they're just too b\1$y t.rytng to get through the day. Those who are pHklng out ~the c:omtnc war w1th Iraq have !tty rtllpe(t. That 1 may dislgree with them ls not the pomt. l mpect them for tawfully and cMDy Voking dMdt opirijon. liieFMaY,PileM the <;ame. according to picture!> De Batz and other neighbors have taken In the back. pom- frets and weeds 1each up to the roof and rnver part of it. The house ha!> no runrung water. electnc1ty or gas. De Ratz said ·we have is.sued citations and tried to get hlm into compli- ance. to no avail,· Benson said. "I le has made prom14'es and failed Ito foUow upJ. • Benson aid the city was hamstrung in 1ts efforts Wllil 2000, when a comprehensive property maintenance ordi- Daily Pil6t AT A GLANCE ONllfEWEB: www.~arn WEATHER ,_GENEROUS TRIP Four Cotone .. M9t ~ .... moM'(tot8t9 en lid m•lon tO Soud\ Africa. ......... nance was p~d Rut after two year ... lhe c1ry has exhau'>ted au of it., recourses. Officials are still holding out hope that Lindeman will volun- tarily let the ciry clean up htS propt>rty. but based on his track record, that doesn't look hke.fy, De Bat.7 said. She and other neighbors have already offered to pay to clean the property, and l.indeman has not taken them up on the offer To cover theu bases.. the city SMHOME,PqeM .; SPORTS I ----~-~----.._. ______ _.... _____________________ ~~------:--------------------------_....~---- A2 SatiKday, Februaty 1, 2003 FAITH I, . THE MORAL OF THE STORY Havi':lg a _sense of humor is a blessing Tapping into the mysticism "I have never underst.ood why ii should be considered derofP/Ory to the Oeak>r to suppose that he has a sense of humor." -WIWAM R. INGE I am convinced that I keep God chuckling at my many foibles and fwnbles. Unfortunately, I'm sure he shakes his head in disbelief at many of the same. Though I know I have caused God sorrow, too. I'm thankful for his forgiven~ whenever I admit and apologitt for my ~ lately, I've really been enjoying the ability to laugh at myself. The Newport JeWish Ce nter is offering a class that tries to explain the concepts behind the kabbalah. By Suzie Harrison F indJng a spiritual roadmap to higher living is the premise of an eigbt-weeks:ourse offered by the Newport Jewish Center called KabbaJah Rhythms. The Newport Jewish Center is a constituency of the Jewish Learning Institute based out of New York that offers college-level seminars on diverse topics in Judaic philosophy, laws, mysticism and more. "It's adult education and the first intemadonaJ endeavor to present Judaism in an intellectual way that if establishes it as the foremost program in Jewish education,• said Rabbi Reuven Mintz from the Newport Jewish Center. I have many very funny family members and friends. young and old alike, and sometimes when 1 feel the need to laugh, I just think of them. or read something they\~ written. He said that it is the fastest growing adult education course in the country, with a tremendous amount of work put into it by leading scholars, historians and rabbis. Students attend the Newport Jewish Center's Kabbalah Rhythms course at the Hyatt Newporter Hotel. CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON Tuward the end of last year I wrote some columns about two falls I experienced while bicycle riding. They led to many colorful bruises and cuts and to some doctors and chiropractic appointments. They also happened around t:he time of my birthday last October. One day soon after my falls and my birthday, some of my close friends took me to a special lunch where they treated me to a delicious meal. mouth-watering dessert and a feast of laughter. After the meal. my friends presented me with their gift. '"There's more later," one of them said I was a bit suspicious. ll was a big. bright and shiny gift bag. I peered in.side and saw a large roU of plastic bubble wrap. Carefully taped to the top of the roll was a poem to me, written by my friend Guy Owen. He wrote: "The Cindy Cycle Saga" Or ~C.ruisi.n· for a Bruisin'" See Lil' andy ftyin' down the hills She um a~· and a lajfin' jes before IJer spill She tumbled and she rolled. lan.dai face down in the dirt &ft she popped right back up. even though it llun! Thinkin' she uw better. she rook off doom the street Only this tune, it um the pavement lhal she had the dl/Jll,Q? ro meet! All scraped up and mangled. her helmet scraJdU'.d and busted, · Mw are we ro do with you ro h!ep you from gellir( dusted? "'bnied t.haJ. like sneezes, your falls might come in thtee.:s We bought you some protection for your head and hands and knees. So next time you go a ridin: in case you fall and go "blap!' Just rover your entire body with this roU of bubble wrap. I've shared the roll and poem with anyone who has the time and the desire for a good deep laugh, even if the joke is on me. Thank you. my friends. thanJc you. Guy. and most of all. thank you. God. for the gift of laughter. And you can quote me on that • CJIDf TRANE ORSTESON ia a Newport Beach resident who speatcs frequentty to parenting groupe. She may be reached via e-mail mt ci~@onth6grow.com or through the mail 11 P.O. Box 6140-No. 505, Newport Beach, CA 92658. "We're attracting record numbers of people in Orange County. in which historically there hasn't been much adult Jewish education." Mintz said. "We have 70 people every Thursday night." Mintz said there has been a surge of interest in cabala among people with and without a Jewish background. Cabala has been studJed by Jews and non-Jew for several hundred years. he said. FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS KJOS HELPING KJOS The Child Centered Churcti children are working on homemade Valentines to give to the children at Children's Hospital of Orange County. Child Centered Church is at 2634 Vista Del Oro, Newport Beach. For information, call (949) 640-7343. AJDS HOME..SASED CARE PROGRAM St Marte f>relbvterian Churdl of Newport Beach will be collecting supplies for a ~care program for .-ople with HIV/AIDS in the sub-Saharan region of Africa. The program trains local church volunteers In Africa in the gpecifics of caring for AIOSIHIV patients. Each trained volunteer will then instruct and guide 10 AJOSIHIV patients and their caregivers in optimum care. The program will be laundled Sunday and run for several weeks. FRtENDS Of MUSIC SERIES The fifth concert in the 2002-03 Friends of Music "FirS1 Sundays at Five Series" will be given Sund~ at 5 p.m . at Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Churcti, featuring "Solemn Evensong for Candlemat~ candles, chants and incense to observe the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple. All are welcome, and there is no admission charge. The ctiurc:h Is at 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. For information, call 644-0463. fltANISTS DtETZER ANO FOSTER There will be a performance of dance music for duet piano today al 5 p.m. at the Orange Coast Unitarian Unlversalist In general, cabala is an aspect of Jewish mysticism that searches the nature of divinity, the creation. the origin and the fate of the soul and the role of human beings with meditative. devotional, mystical and magical practices th at were originally taught to a select few. The earli est cabala documents date to the first century. The course takes place al the Hyatt Newport er at 1107 Jamboree Church. Tidcets are $12 for adults and $7 for students The church 1s at 1259 Victoria St., Costa Meas. (949) 651-8493. NOTED JEWISH SCHOlAA Prof. Shalom Paul, noted scholar and Blbhcal el(pert, 11 coming from Jerusalem, Israel to serve as Orange County's second annual one-month Jewish Scholar in Residence under the auspi<:AtS of the Orange County J8W1sh Community Scholar Program at the Jew ish Federation Campus in Costa Mesa. (949) 789-6122. WAUONG THE LASVRINTH WORKSHOP Saint Michael 8i All Angels Episcopal Church will host a Wallung the Labyrinth Workshop Feb. 7 through 9. The Rev. Lauren Artress will lecture, lead discussions and deliver Sunday homihes Artress is an Episcopal priest. psychotherapist and the author of "Walking a Sacred Path," which re-introduced the labyrinth as a form of walking meditation and a path to prayer Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church 11 at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Corona del M ar For information, call (949) 644-0463 WOR KSHOPS BAtW ARESIDES Members of the Bahai faith hold informal public discussions on spmtual topics at 7 30 p.m. every Friday and 11 :30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks include brunch or dinner. Also, interfaith devotional meetings will be \.held the laS1 Saturday evening of the 'month. Call for locations. (949) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, 19491760-5360 for Sunday meeting, and (949) 646-6328 for SattJrday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers PtiOTOGRAPHEAS 92626. Copyright. No news Road every Thurstlay from 7: 15 to 8:45 p.m. The cost 1s $95. Min t.z said that each lesson is on tape. so if someone misses a class or two at any point in the course, they can easily catch up. "Everyone can walk away with something and be able to a11ach personal relevance to the material." Mintz said. ·we don't turn anyone away 1f an Introduction to Zen Workshop from 3 to 6 p m on the first Sunday of every month at 1"20 E. 18th SL, Costa Mesa $50. (9491722·7818. MASTER MIND New Thought Community Church presen&a Master Mind, a group for those who want to ·manifest good" in their daily hves. at 7 p.m. Fridays and 1 p m Saturdays at 1929 Tustin Ave . Costa Mesa. (949) 64&-3199 ZEN JUMPSTART The Zen Center of Orange County will offer a six·week "Zen Jumpstari· program from Jan. 21 through March 9 The program includes up to 12 sessions at the center with group and 1nd1v1dual instruction, an all-day retreat. a sining cushion and more. The center 11at120 E. 18th St .. Costa Mesa. $150 19491 722-7818 A SPIRfTUAL JOURNEY A 26-lesson atudy on the life of Jesus Christ titled •Journey to the Cross· 1s taught at 9 45 a.m . Sundays during the Homebu1lder'1 Bible Class at Liberty Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The ctiurch is at 1000 Bison Ave .. Newport Beach. Free (949) 760-5444 DREAM ON The Adult Faith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Newport Beach holds a dream analysis group monthly from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beacti. (949) 219-1408. MEDITATION LESSONS A "lectio divine• meditation group meeting is held at 7:10 a.m . Tuesdays at Our Lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar they can't afford 1t." Mintz said. MI recommend people to come by any of these lessons and experience firslhand without commitment, if they're unsure. We welcome that." The Newport Jewish Center picks up where other organizations leave off, pro\'.iding services and holiday programs to the community, Mintz said. The center is at 341 2 Via Oporto. Su ate 201. Newpon Beach. For information. call 949-721-9800 Vista Dnve, Newpori Beach. Free The Chnst1an Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the center. 19491219-1408. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT GROUP FOR OLDER WOMEN . •. • . . The Jewish Family Service offers a support group for women older than 50 • to address issues such as anxiety a1 10 a.m. on the second and fourih Monday of each month at 250 E. Baker St .. Costa Mesa Preregistration required (7 14) 445-4950 NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Service of Orange Countv : has formed a bereavement support group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change suppori group that meets at 10 a.m. Thursdays. • Both groups meet at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills, 24512 Mouhon Partway The service 11 also forming a parenting support group 10 meet the first and third M ondays of each month at 10 a.m. at the Jewish Federation Campus, 26Clf. Baker St, Suite G, Costa M esa. Preregl'strat1on required. (714) 445-4950. GAY /lESBtAN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County plans to present a d1scu11ion group for parents of Jew11h gay1 and lesbians 1f enough people are intereS1ed. (714) 445-4950. •Is your church or place of worship plannmg a special event7 If so, Hnd the typed information at least two weeks before the event to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St .. Costa M ast, CA 92627. attention. Paul Saitowit:z, re Ilg ion editor.; fa)( to (9491 646-4170 or : e·mall to dailypilot@latimes.com. Daily A Pilot Sean Hiller, Don Leac:n. atories, lllu1trations, editorial SURF AND SUN Kent Treptaw maner or advert11ement1 herein can be reproduced without WEATHER FORECAST SURF READERS HOTLINE written permiulon of copyright (9491642-6086 owner. . Record your comments about the Moming fog will gree1 us The northwest swell peaks . VOL 97, NO. 32 . Dally Piiot or newa tipe. HOW TO REACH US this morning, but It'll bum off today and provides ua some • THOMAS H. JOHNSON, N.wlfdhon Addrwee Clfculatlon for yet another mostty sunny head-highs and the occasional Publisher' ''Gina Alexander, Lori Anderaon, Our addr .. Is 330 W. Bay SL, Costa The Tim. Orange County day. Highs will be cooler than overhead. The tide will be a TONY DOO£JW.>. Meu, CA 92617. Off'ice houra i re (800) 252•9141 those felt on Friday and will top problem during the Editor Plul S.itowitr. Dlniel Stevens Monday · Friday, 8.30 a.m. • 5 p.m ~ JtJl1'( OETTlNG. NEWSSTAff Conecdonl C&allffMd (949) 642-6678 out In the lower 70.. Lowa will mid-morning. ~or O..,,.ltwdl It is the Pilot'• policy to promptly Ohf>&ly (9491642-4321 drop to the lower 60a. Hang ten while you can. I.AHA • Crime Ind courtl f9porter, correct all errors of sutisunoe. Ecltolial Sunday will be cooler, with Sunday'• waves will be In the Ptomotionl Director (949) 57-M226 PleeM call 1949) 1574-4288. ~ hlgha In the eoa. cheat· to head-<hlgh range. EDfT1NQ STAff ~.b/Ynthtll•tlm#.oom (!Mil 642-5680 Information: Monday't w.ves loot to be a.J. Cellin, June C1 up'lftde fY1 8pof'tl (949) 57""4223 www.nws.noaa.QOV allghtty smaller, 1nd Tueaday't Maf\IOlng Edltof' Newpon BMdl report•, The Newport Beach/Coata Meaa Newa ,... (94911146-4170 waves will be even amafler ~ (948157-Mm (a.9) 574--032 Dally Pilot IUSPS-144-800111 ~,... (949) 650-0170 BOATING FORECAST Thia ttend wUI continue £-melt dallypilo1•t.t1,.,,...com 1./.cahfl• t.om.ocm """'·~•1at1macom publi1hed dally. In Newport Beach Maln<>Moe through to tM end of tM WMt. ............ ,.,. °""°" and Coate M ... , eubecrfptlon1 art Bullnw <>Moe (949) Ml-4321 The northwest.erty winds will W...quelley: Cley Edllior Polltlcl tnd t4Wltonment report•. 1v1ll1bl1 only by 1ubeerlblng to • hllne. fa• (949) 831-7128 blow 10 tQ~ knota \n the Inner www . .urfrfdfw.OfQ (94t)?tMJ2,4 (a.9) Je4."'330 Th• Tim" Orenoe Countv (800) Wlters, with 1· to 3-foot w.vea Jam.,,..,.~ R09I' c.tlon. 1»411.dlmon•~.com 262·9141. In,,..., outtide of mtm_ei; and a west aw.II of 4 to 8 Mt. TIDES Spoflll Editor ...... ....,,. Newport~ end C:O.te Men, The waves will build to 2 to 4 ,..... HlllM \ IM&l 514"'223 Cotta Mlee ~. (949) 674-4275 IUbtetll)llONI to tM Diiiy Pilot ,,. feet thl.• evening. 8:.4'am. 8.21feet~ .. ~Qdon·~ lollalwp#•IMl,,,..,com tvtlt1ble only by firwt ._ tNll for CG•&llTY .. Out farther, a amell-cnft •• JoeeJ. ....... ~wWI go Into d9ct this 3:61 p.m. • 1.20 '"' low •• DelNll'9 NIMNlllt S30 per month. (~ Include ell • An Olr9d0r I N9WI Delk Otltf Ec:tue.tlon "POf'W, (Ml ~1 Published by TlmM Community e1*noon111he~ 1~11p.rn. 4.0lfMthigh (IMll17~ eppllceble Nte end toe.I ti.QI.) JO#Mn#M•l«Hrw.oom delrdre '*"'nMl•Mt#Ml.com POSTMASTER: Send 1ddr111 l'Wwa, • dlvltton of t ... Loe Ang8fee ~pkt up to 20 to 30 knots, 3;14p.m. 1.781"tlow ._.MIC ... a.e...c.... ch1ng11 to The Newport Tlmea. Whh 3-to &-foot W9Yll end • ,..,.,~ N-. ~ (IMI) PM2ll Bt1ch/Co1t1 MH• Diiiy Piiot. C2002 Tlmet CN. All rlOl'ltt W9ltt lwell of 7 to 9 fMt. 'TM WATER TEMPEAATURE ....J:J:::=.~ ~'*'1#o•IMJmaoom P.O. lox 1MO, Cotta M 111, CA 1'11Mrwd. W9Y99 wlM buffd about • focJt toNght. IOC:tegfw ... Dady Pilot Six set aside the badge Newport Beach police officers, with a combined 180 years of experience, are honored as they enter retirement. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot ; NEWPORT BEACI I -Their plaru range from "do1hg nothing'' to "being a l'QWboy." Six police officers -Steve Argan- bright. Jeff Cantrell, Bruce Foster, Mike Jackson. Rick Schulz and Doug Thomas -who collectively have spent more than 180 years serving the city. were h9nored at a party on Thursday at the American Legion. :The men wore big smiles on a day lt\ey said ~ '>penaJ to them. • "l survived :W years in one piece." ~d a beaming Jack!.on, who in tus ca- reer tackled lugh-proffie cases such as tbe one mvolwtg John Wayne's daugh- ter Aissa In 1988, he received a commendation f6r investigating the as.wJlt of Ai'>.<ia \'Glyne and her boyfriend in their New- pQrt Beach home. His in~gation lasted seven months and resulted in the ~· of four '>~pec:tb who were bter . found guilty of having planned a hit on Aissa Wayne. lf Jackson has had his fair share o( cases, Foster. who has Oown the police helicopter since 1976, has seen his share or bizarre pwsults. lnduding one dunng which a suspect. ~tually arrested went the wrong way on several freeways. Foster said he p~ to "enjoy life" m the years ahead Schua has been with the department for more than 2.8 years. but he still vividly remembers his fin;! day at wotX. It was rlgjlt about the time !hat the police de- partment had ITlOYed from City Hall ID 11.\ current location on Santa Barbara Onve. "I had to go to this 3:30 briefing and I ended up going to City Hall at 3:25." he said. "No one was there, so I guessed they had to be in the new place and drove there as fast ru. I could." Schulz was still I 0 minutes late. "When I got there. there "'ere all tJIC' officel"">, the mayor. uty counctl and thl• press. and someone v.-ent, '\orneone t.ak.e a picture of the nt•w b'UY who showed up late on tus first day.'" Schulz went on to become a cerufioo night instructor in 1984 and maintained a '>potJess safety record. fie wru. known in the department for '\hawing com pa.-. sion when dealing with the pubh<.. a.'> can be seen from leners of grautudt' that the department received frnm tht- Diet Week Book Sale! "Addns for Life" Health Force Nutritionals RALGREEN Supports liver, lcidney, blood, bones, circulation and immune function.* A POWDEIDD NUIRll1VE SUPERFOOD, CUANSINC AND DETOXIFYING. 100% ltflole Food NutrllJoll. Mollwn Reconrnmwled 100% Qp.llc ond WM>flflal :~.w:~s.+a ... Skj499 • ......... MSO PnWadCI • Up 'lb 53 Dlfl SrM REG. '55.54 16 OZ. FARM FRESH PRODUCE community. The retin.-es said they were happy. yet sad to leave betund co1111tJ~ fncndb they've made ~r the )'e'df'\ "It's mixed foelin~.· 'Kl.id Cantrell, who received several menl award)>, tn duding one for disarming a -.u.,pt-c 1 who was Lr}'Ulg lO '>lab a VICllm 111.'>UJf.' J car. "It's been an honor to !>CCVI:' th1 .. community. 11., lx.'t!rt n.>wardmg.· lho~ who n.-cervl'<.I tht• Medal ol VaJor for pulh11K a young man from a burning car m Nowmbcr I YM, ....Ud ht• is proud of hi\ (Jl'l't'r Ml thinlc rti. an a<.h1e\emc111 tu gt•t through 29 }'eat' of poUu· -.en1tc unu1- 1ured." he said Arganbnght ...ud ht! wtlJ theno.h tilt' la.)f..ing (riend.Ji1~ he ha.-. made m tlw department over the yeal"i "lhi.s job 1i. unlike any ulhcr hetatN· you wurk '><I 1 hN.•ly \'.llh your wl lei.l}.'IJC'>," lw -..ud It\ hle a hrn1lwr hood." Arif.u1hngh1 llil' ht't'rl .i rntmlwr ul llw "i'WA I lt•am lur 111un: 1ha11 I 0 yt:ar.,. Newpon lk.itl1 l'ohu· ( htcf Boh McDoneU -..ml thl• dt'p,Ln1nen1 will nw .. ., llw olficel"i' t olll't trw knowll·dgt> and cxpcm·nll' "I luw du ~011 n·pl,111• 1lit1t' thl' dud a.-.led w11h J '1111lt• But. 11\ grt•t1I 111 \t't' people gomg out ltt .. 1hh\. I hop1· lht·}'ll l'nJ<'Y 1he1r n·.1r. dltl'JU sOUpS I POl.\T P£R SERVIV<;! • 5 &an & Vegrtablt • Gardtn ·~ ·Com & v~ •Blot* BMtr & v~ • LeniJI & CllrrOI :ree w. • 1"1/lan MJ111!1bww REG ~69 15az "~~·~RPS~N Just Cranbeny Juice ~$3~ /Diet Week Book Saler Zone Books .. ~ .. ~~ ~· 1.ooe" ,!!.. ~ .. Sicn ti:cn. &Jh 'REG. I 25.00 REG. I 25.00 REG. I 23 00 • Lack of shared 'vision' puts city, resident at odds June Casaarande Dally Pilot NEWPOl<f Bl AC 11 -<JI}' 'laJI illtd mernbt.-r. of a !'l">tdenL'> <:otru rnllt't.' art-1JJ., puung hO\o\-a ·w,1on '>t.akmt:nt pri·pdll'<.I by the comrntttl't' d'o pan of 1h1· gt•rwral plan update .,huuld bt· U.'>C.-tl Committee nll'rn~r. lom I ly • .m-. and Barry I.atoll have a.-.kt:d lhal llll' uty go lluough Lht' prm 1~-. uf funn • .tlly .1dop1mg lllc lotatement, wiud1 out1ml" 11111111u11t·l' mtm1ber.' goab .u1d pnonllC'> of till' gt•n em! pl.in updatt· \talJ -.a~ th.II the dOCUllll'lll " h4·u1g ll'>t't.I a.-. Wd.' 1n11•11dt'tl v.ht:n ll Wil. ... I rt'illt·d lhe vic,11111 .. 1.111•1111•111 Wil.'> u11nxh11 t'tl .it lhl· cuy-. \'t'>11111111g \1111untl and j., 1111w part ol tht dot 11111t•111.i1um 1h.11 v.111 lw rum1dt:'rt'd ,1., uflh lill., dr.1lt tht 11·\1'-t·d gi·rwml pl.111 "I'm tOlllt'rlWtl lhiJl tJ \\,I' 1:.il-.1· II Ill pub hl lu~.mng ... 111d ~" thr1Jugh tht• pri" 1..,, ol ht1\111g 1t <1d11ptl·d wt• 1 uuld 'l>l'rlll rwmtfr., duu1~ ll1a1 ""'' 1 ould m ... 11·ad "JWlld 1111 J1 111ally updating thl· gt'tll'ral pl.111 '\.-..,. ... 1,u11 C lly l\1an,1gt·r ~h.11011 Wood "'"cl .1J1.h11g 1ha1 1Jw ,f,lfl'fl11·111 "••l' 11111·111kd l' .1 IOUth.<,ICIJll' lor lht uµdJlt' p111u· ... , I !\'<.In., .... ud 1h,11 tl11 d1H 111111•111 \\1111 h lw helped drall, dt.•-.t.•1>1.., m11r1• hirm.11,1u1•pt am.I:'"' !ht• cur. Baited Fresh Dally REG '3 gg Meals C~ (or Badr To ~School Colieet Kida! Cooks in 2 Minutes SUGG. '13.311 Earth Science TM Azulene~ 'lieabnent REG. '12.35 I wuuldu 1 l\;lw 'f>t'lll <1 w1 1111111Ut'> ur a year worku1g Oil 1Ju ... u11ug tr I d1dn~ tJunk they ti wa..-. gou1g 111 lM-w.t"'tl iL., '>tllllt'llung mure U1<1.11 ,, tout ll'>tont',"' '\Uld I lyJn.-. . ..i lllt:'mlx·r uf Lt11• ,J11w gruwth < •rf't•r11J1411 ~tt't·m1g l<11111111111:1· "llu-. wa.' 1u he t.tw (11 n.1~ ol tlw \111' popuh \'\.t.· \l\;J.Jll 11 1t1 1 ... u'*'t..I a.'> a ).,'l.ltd1·lim· for polin d1·wl11p11w111 or tl11.· lwncrJ.I pldll It '' 11ot dc·ar thdt hm11allv .1tl11ptJ11g tilt' duc11m1·111 v..11uld alT1·1 t ..... 1w1ll1·r 11., 11tiw< uvec. \l\l'W 1 dmti.l out f lv..Ul'> '>i!ld that hi\ I 11111 t'fll \'hi'> 11111 tt'nten-J .inn111d 1111,.. 11r "'"l'r.11 P'""'' 111 tJlt' \l'>lllll .,1,1tl•rt11·11t, hut .1h1111t 1111' <II\' rL..,pt.'11 lor lht• t.lot lllllt>rll .t~ cl._, hol1· 11\·.ut-. .md 111lwr < lfttnhgj11 lm1k1-. h.1.., wom1'Cl lh.11 .,rnnt· \11\ lt-wlt-1" w.1111 till' 11p 11.iitt'll g1·m·ral pl.111 upd<;ll. 111 ht• 't11l1111·111h V.Jglll' tll Jll"llllll t'>.l ,,.,..., d1'\l'Hlj>llWfll lltl:'\ J1C111tt •1lll tl1JI .-111111111111dlld11.tllu '-ltidtt.., \"·n· IJll.t\ ul..iblt· '"two tlw\ ,, •• ,,. dralung 1h1 \1,11111 .,1.i1 ... r1w111 1ml 1h,11 llit l 11\ 111\lliJ II"' fJ}I' I IHltf'll" Ill lh• 1'\t' 'llllfll.,_ ,1.., J r.1111111.1lt• 1111 dil111111g th1• \ '''''ll ''·'" 1111:'111 ( 111'\'llilgfll llJlllllllt'llf' I l1llllll'I t!l,11 Iii• ~11Up I'> lf\111~' 111 'ilil II• IJllll•lllllft'(f h•,11' 1h11111 1'11 r•·nl·r,11 pl.111 upd.lll to h1uld 11-. 1""' I"'"'• 1111' 11111m II 111o1\ ... 1up1 •h•· ,1,11111w11r a (Mrl C1I lilt lOlllJll1·tt'd i.;1'rlt'fi.1f pl.111 ·~·Crystal Geyser Y Alpine Spring Water Bottled al the Soma ~:-4cr, RICE Non-Dairy DREAM Bevernge 1 % Fat Enrkhed & Madti from Organic Rice • Sog Frtt • Vanilla • Original ~ 49 REG "1 89 ...,,... .& quart • lkqen -C~ -Roa.~t.ed \ ~ -\~ -\ar;in _.,..,..!ah -Grilled -Owic BULK FOODS Whole C-hews ..... ·~ ,. RoetllalPID=W.~? RmstedP.••!11 .. 4' x: ~ ... , • ..J Popeye's Theos! 2 com tomlw stuffed W1th scrambled or tofu .. ~iriach. trt:tn onions and pmley. Md with a -ol and t1thtr Mi' homat»I ~ "'rict. .. ~~----------................................. 11191 ............. .,.,.. .................................. _.. .... .._. ....... ._..._._. __ ._. ... ._. .... .._. .... _______ -- :. M Satwday, Februaty 1, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY Spill closes channel near City Hall The Orange County Health Care Agency ordered the clo- sure or a small waterway near Newport Beach's City Hall on Thursday evening. The agency announced the closure of the 33rd Street Oiannel, which abuts Via Udo Plaza. the retail center across from City Hall. A blocked sewage line in the parking lot of that plaza ~used about 1,150 gallons of raw sewage to burble up through a manhole cover and Oow into Newport l larbor al about 3:45 p.m. Thursday. City crews quickly mopped up about 150 ~ons of the waste, but 1.000 gallons seeped into the harbor:, agency spokeswoman Monica Mazur said The line .that became blocked is suspected to be- long to Vons Pavilion in the center, Mazur said. The agency closed the channel, which runs from 33rd 10 37th Street, to swim· ming and diving. The water- way will remain closed until bacteria levels return to ac- s:eptable levels. The agency mus! close an area of water during a sewage spill when bacteria levels rise higher than state-mandated standards permit. TOUGH Continued from Al said she broke down In tears Fri· day morning wtUle putting her makeup on. "She's a strong woman." Cass said "Anyone that can put up with Imel has got to be strong." Curie Spence. her two young children, Cass' parents and long- time friend Dan Hill traveled to the base for Pclmily Night, one last evening to spend with him. He gave them a tour or the barracks. introduced them to his men and spent quality time with each one before he said goodbye. Cass ran around with his ram- 'bunctious 2-year-old, Connor, and all the family took turns hold- ing 7-week-old McKayta -all ex- cept Cass. who could not touch her because of his recent small pox vaccination. Daily Piot POLICE FILES •Tustin Awnue: Vandalism was reported in the 2000 bl()CJ( at 9:26 a.m. Thursday. "That's the hardest part of this whole thlng,-he said "I just want to hold her." Curie watched her husband pack his ~ and made sure he KENT TREPTOW I DM.'f Pll.oy Charles A. Spence takes a break from packing to play with his son, Connor, 2, on Tuesday evening.: COSTA MESA •West~ Street: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 700 bl()CJ( at 3:18 a.m. Thursday. • Bristol Street: Ari auto theft was reported in the 3100 bl()CJ( at 3 a.m. Thursday. • Hamilton S1Jeet end Harbor Boulevard: Possession of V1198pons was reported at 12:14 a.m. Thursday. • Monrovle Avenue: A hit·and-run was reported in the 1700 bloc:X at 7:47 a.m. Thursday. • Newport Boulevard: Possession of drugs was reported in the 2100 bl()CJ( at 1:12 a.m. Thursday. • Plitecreek Drive: Petty !heft was reported in the 2800 bl()CJ( at 7:05 a.m. Thursday. • Pomona Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2200 bl()CJ( at 10:11 a.m. Thursday. OBITUARY F.lizabeth Fleanor Adler Private services will be held for 13-year Newpon Beach resident Elizabeth Eleanor Adler. Ms. Adler dJed Wednesday of renal disease. She was 89. She Is survived by daughter Penny Ann Bell; NEWPORT BEACH • Clay Street: Vandalism was reported in the 2300 bl()CJ( at 11 :35 a.m. Thursday. • Cfill Drive: A commercial burglary was reported in the 2000 bl()CJ( at 9:59 a.m. Thursday. • Eastbluff Drive: A reddess driver was reported in the 2100 bl()CJ( at 11:51 am. Thursday. • Newport Centet Driw Eut: Trespassing was reported in the 600 bf()CJ( at 2:03 p.m. Thursday. • Newport Hils Drive West end Port Ch..tes Piece: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 8:39 a.m. Thursday. • Newport Pier: Fraud was reported in the 100 blodt at 1:35 p.m. Thursday. • Old Newport Boulevard: Possession of stolen property was reported in the 400 bk>dc at 8:29 a.m. Thursday. one grandson; and one great -grandchild. • The Daily Pilot welcomes obituaries for residents or former residents of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. If you want to have an obituary printed In the Pilot, ask your mortuary to fax us the information at (949) 646-4170 or call the newsroom at (949) 764-4324. wasn't forgetting anything. She sat China." Corinne Spence said quietly at times. just watching her "He's going to get on a plane and husband interaCI with Connor. he will be there in a matter of Corinne Spence, Casss mother, hours." was holding chubby McKayla and It was the second time she had took brealcs from nl.12.Zling her seen him leave for war, but she chubby cheeks to watch the inter-was no more prepared Tuesday action between the two genera-than she had been for the Gulf tion'i of Spence boys. War. Both Mrs. Spences looked lov-"He'd better come bade." she ingly at their Mbaby'' boys and said then. MHe'd better come back wondered what the next six exactly the way he is." months had in store for them. Although Cass Spence had as- MI told Connor daddy is going sured his mother a thousand on a trip." Carrie said. "He has no times that he would return, she concept of time, so when he asks could not swallow the lump that me over time where daddy is, I'm had formed in her throat when just going to say he Is at work." she foWld out her son was being Her blue-eyed toddler shrieked deployed loudly as his father picked him up ·There was aJways talk of him and tickled him. going. but we didn't finally know "Ola.se me, chase me," the tod-WltiJ the other day," she said. dler would say. Corinne Spence looked back ·0on'l you just want to ear him down at her granddaughter, with a spoon?" Corinne Spence McKayta. who was covered from said about her grandson. heel to toe in pink Oeece. She nuz- They repeated their goodbyes, zJed her rosy cheeks and held her which they had said Tuesday be-dose. fore Ca.'i.S left to repon at C'.amp "Isn't she just precious?" she Pendleton. His battalion has spent · asked the last three days readying to be Corinne reaffinned that Carrie shipped out. Spence would have a strong The love from her grandchil-family suppon system to help her drens welcoming embraces and while Ca.'i.S was away. Carrie and their sweet Wc:llITl breath would al-Cass grew up in Newport Beach, ways remind her of her "baby," and their families were just a city who was readying for a very adult away. And Carrie's best friend lives mission. ll's aJways someone's just down the street. Corinne said baby who has 10 fight for freedom. "We have a very large family but why did it have to be hers? she support netwock." Corinne said asked Carrie and c.as.s, two Newport "1lley are nor even going to Beach kids. unknowingly lived send him on a slow boat to next door to each other for PORT Continued from Al lowed in their current permits. FINAL WEEKEND OF THE NEW YEAR FASHION SALE! The Planning Commission recommended the move, but the council gets the final say. Nichols has been talking to his neighbors and clrculating a let· ter to city staff and council members 10 keep current limita- 12 months, no interest *, no payments Now you can enjoy huge savings on K.ara.stan now through February 3, including all Karastan Anso styles. And you make no payments with no interest for 12 months. So take ad\rantage or our New Year Fashion Sale. And get the year off 10 a greac st.an JOHN BLOESER CARPET ONE 2927 S. lrinol S<mt, Cotta Mua (714) 751-2324 www.blocscrcarpctonc.com . __ .,. ...... 'f Instant In -Store REBATE s3 yd. '*"'-n"'~'" u1--.~>• .. ""-.u.C11'1"" -~F._,),~ HOME Continued from Al is evaluating two different legaJ avenues, Reger said. One Is slapping Lindeman with an injunction, a court or- der that requires the owner to clean his property and if that fails, aJJows the city to do so. The other is going through a public hearing process to get his property declared a public nuisance and then going to court to get a warrant that gives the city the authority to clean FAMILY Continued from Al I recall my own objections to another war 30 years ago and how we were called traitors. It was only about six years a.go that the some of the architects of that war, including Robert McNamara and William Westmoreland, vindicated us, offering euphemisms for the death and destruction by saying that •mistakes were made" and that they made •enors ln judgment." I am trying to teach my kids to speak up. I am trying to help them understand that lf they see something wrong and they don't speaJc up. the bad guys win. The bad guys, you see, don't like people who apealc up. people who challenge. They uae fear and lndmldadon to keep the rest ohaa quleL And when those tactics don't wort. they 1\".IOrt to threats, violence or both. More and more, the bad guya are wlnnlog. More and more, we ~being condfdoned to accept a lower atandard of conduct sfmpty becaUk" we are too tired or too~ to 11*.k up. I have yet to me« a s-ent who ii not cone.med~ Che • trub on tnMalon. Che paphJc . SEAN HILLER/OAlt.Y PILOT As the U.S. military buildup intensifies m preparabon for a possible war with Iraq, Corinne Spence embraces her son Cass on Friday night. Cass Spence's battalion ships out today. months. Cass 1'3id he would watch his bectutiful neighbor come and go. One day, he saw she was mov- ing out, so he offered to help. They got to talking, and Omie learned that Cass used LO surf with her brothers. Apparently, the young Omie had been a:mfiding to her brothers about her in- triguingly handsome neighbor. On their first dare, their fate was sealed. "We sat in the booth in the back. and Tony the bartender made sure no one bothered us, - Cass said "I had a beer that lasted two hours and, by the end of the night. I told her I wdS going 10 lioni. on the Port Theater. Mayor 5teve Bromberg said he disagrees that the Port should be tom down. "It's a pre-1950 building that has somewhac of an art deco contemporary fa,.ade. You don't see those anymore,• Bromberg said. "I think that if that style were refurbished and that retro style were maintained. it clearly would be a nlce landmark build- up the property. In each case, a lien would be put o n the house. And each requires City Coun- cil approval, Reger said. "These type of things do not happen overnight,· Reger said. "I know they're frustrated, but ii is going 10 take some time.· That doesn't make De Batz feel any bener since there has already been a fire at the house. she said. "The neighbors should have reported something. but they just helped put it out," De Batz said. De Batz said she does not feer magazine covers at the checkout stand at the supennarket or the suggestive music videos that kids are allowed to watch. But I doubt that any or them have spoken up about any of these concerns. Why? Because we've been condJtioned to believe that nothing will be done to correct the situation and because we do not want to drawattentlontoourselves. Better to go aJong with what everyone else thJnb is OK than to be branded as a troublemaker. So, we keep quiet And little by little, the envelope getS pushed Carther and Cart.her until the new, lower tandards become the nonn. And lbose of us who believe otberwbe, who do take the atepa to speak up, are called names. Some or us even receive threat& WeU, J'm sorry, but thJs citizen will not let the bad guys wtn. And I'm woitmg on my kidl to make them undentand tflJt allence It approval, that at{ence glw. the btld 8U)'I more power. lt'a not an euy concept for kidt to undenWKt. My ldds a.re at en• when they are delperate.,.. peer~ and When biinl an outc:uc II JU1C about the Mme .. dealh. I keep t~ them to be t. marry her." ·I know." she said. ln rwo years. they were Mr and Mrs. Spence. Now. two children and a rnort gage later. she faces the next ~ix months without the love of her life. Cass said her love and lili. pre dous children are all he net'd.!. lo keep him safe. WThe cycle ~ complete." he said. as Connor ran ou!Side. "Now all I have 10 do is bring my lrear endl back in six mon~" • LOUTA HARP£A writes columns and OOV6f'I culture and the arts Contact her at (94915744275 ()( bv e-mail at lollta.harper ~la11mos.oorn ing for Newport Beach and ~pe­ c1ally Corona del Mar." Port Theater owners have not yet announced thetr plans for the building. which closed in August 1998. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beactt and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or bv e m111I at 1une.cassgrsnde <JJ/a11mes com any personaJ animosiry coward Lindeman and said he ir, pleas ant 10 talk 10. Other neighbor<; say they are no! bothered al all by the di- sheveled property. "The way I feel. he never bothered me, so 1f that''I the way he wants to live.· said a neighbor across lhe street, who did not want to disclose his name. • DElROAE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at delrdre.newm11n /11t1mes.com strong. to speak up. not 10 back down and to be prepared to suffer the consequences of people who just don't care enough. It's a hard concept to explain to a kid But I see their childhood disappearing 100 fast, and I believe that this ls too important to Ignore. • STEV£ SMfTH la. Costa Mesa resident end freelance writer. Readers may leeve • meauge for him on the Dally Pilot hotline 11 (949) 642-«>86. BURTON, Dorcas E. Dorcu E. 8wton. nMlty 11 YMt"I old. died~ In Coate ahH, CA In the ...... tgOf~J~ 271h, 2003. She .... --. • mother of 2 eone, a ~of3,enda .-111 ......... o11 . ..., Daily Pilot Saturdi:ly, f ebluary I, 2003 A5 FULL BAR ~~~CO:<~KTAI LS MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE ·A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·645·7626 LAMB BONELESS CHUCK KE·~ rnrrrc 1.. JA1 1 P1 from left, Corona del Mar Htgh School students Nick Lutton, 17, Aaron Karras, 18, Parker Hardt, 18. and N1c1a Karras, 15. gather around a map of soutnern Afnca on Thursday. The four Will travel to South Afnca, Namibia and Angola to take supplies and food to people in need. KA-BOBS m " f'l.1mt and U'1tnl' !>auu $622 1b. POT ROAST $322 lh OLD FASHIONED LFAN, TENDER, MFAT-lOAF MIX BO NELESS :Reaching out across the ocean Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot A country .,tncken by 25 year.. of civtl war and a p<.-oplc left with- out adequate '\helter, land or lhe ba.'>il mean'> to !>U.'itam them....el\~ will f('{ eM• much nt't'dt'<.I rehef lhank.., 111 d group who v.wll'> notlung more than to help fhrec c,tudcrm from Corona dcl \far I hW'i 'x hcxJI v.ill he among 25 people to lrd\ICI to Angola. m C..oulht'm Atma. next month with .?4 tom of '>uppht..., in 11.M lo give did to .,ome of tht> miUum., of \il lager-left with notlung. Ahna Karr.i..,, 1-t, l).J.11ter I lard1. 18. and N1<k 1.utton, 17. who will telchrdte h" I Htl1 1>1nJu.lt1y 111 An gola. wtll 1mwl through the Na· nuhian l~:rt. wlm:h ''filled with landllllllt''· to tM1wr .. upplie' for ..i.bout I 0 d.1y-.. A lounh -.tuc.11•111. Ill year old A.dron K.lrra.-., \\ill 'tay u1 the lJnttt'<.I \t.llt.., to c.lo<"Ulnl'nt the tnp .me.I m.unt.un thl' Wt'h '>tll' \Vorl..m~ \.,llh tlw Yt•lx1!Afma FYI For more information about how to help with the aid project, call Carmen Karras at (949) 760-2500. . team. a chanry organv..ed by Jami"> Pryor in l-.ngland to ..end a convoy of tools and cqwpment to tho5e living amid CMI ~t. the '>tudent.s will help feed, house and teach the people of the war-tom country how to plant and farm for therru.elve'.. MWe would like to go down there and ~read the word of peace.~ Pryor srud *ffo 'iay to them). 'you've chosen the side of peace, and we haven't forgotten about yuu.' . . I t.hiru. it will be a wonderful expenencc -.preadu1g the peace message." Pryor and a group in Fngland collected supplies tl1at tl1ey will <Jltp off to Afnca early next month. lne Corona del Mar high .,tuc.lenl5 wtU continue to raJM! money until Feb. 23. at wtuch Lime they hope to reach their $75,000 goal The group will use that money to buy generntors and add1uonal ~upplies when they ar- rive in Cape Town. South Afnca in early March n1e studen~. who w1JI be docu- mcnnng the tnp as part of thetr !>eruor proJet."t.'> and fulfillment of thetr commurucy <,er.ace reqwre- mems. \1ew thJ., expenence as life allenng. "We 1l be really thankful for what we have here,· AIJaa said. ·1 INDEPENDENT LAND ROVER The 23rd ~n n u al ~~~~&,z,~ INTERN ATIONAL/sH o W k SALE c.'\t Soutl 1 C o~'\'-l PL'\::c.'\ Febru<Ary 6th-9th 2003 HOW -c HEDULE ThursJdy, f,brUdr y 0th 10 d.m. -9 p.m. f nday, f,bruary 7th (O a.m. -9 p.m. Saturday, f tbruary 8th 10 a.m. -8 p.m. Sunday, ftbruary 9th 11 &.m. -6:ao p.m. .. ~d by tht OrAnSf County Branch Cymb1dium Soc1tty J Amtr~a, this pnmiu shaw is tht largut orchid shaw tn tht nation .,nJ rated among tht top Of'Chid shows in tht world. This yu.r's show win f uturc over 6o or tht world's most rmawncd 0tthid vendors, cxqui5itc °"hid di~l.ys, .vJ inf ormAtive seminars. A n outstandins 11ktion J unique Of'C~ids wtft be AVAilable ror purclwc ju.st in time for Valent•nc's Day. Admission and .,.,k,ns Af'C rru. T\. F........,. ,j °"'-It" L.U •UC-"-c-« 8-VM.,~·· H-~ w .. .... s-. u c-0...... c... /t.'t.. fw _ ......._ .. .-11u1 ........ _ _ •.•• - think we're ba'1caJly go111g to change Angola becau..e they h.1H· nothing there ·· As \!;)e.younge't peopll' to trJwl to that area of lhl' \\orld W"ng aid, the '>tudenL., ~iu lw t">C.ont>d from one nllagt• to .mother 111 .it cordance \\1th a <Je\\ of -..1.kt\ prl' cautJo~ "You nf:.'t'd to IQ\l' batk.N ~ilk ...a.Jd. "\\'ere not JU't helpmg li\P or '>IX people. \\C n-helptng '* wun try. It., peNJnal. and thJt ., what makt.., H d great tnp Bu/. /iorlt. 1.f.al STEW BEEF $3 22 1b. $42.2 ~dd ·~"' o .. " \ ",, lh CHICKEN HOT PASTRAMI Co'RDON BLEt.: SANDWlCH nffeJ ,.,rJ, II•"' )liow (/itt<1 •Ni /lo~ \lwsr.zrd $32.2 I . $5 . 22 1b . ~tid., ;.• ·-/>••""I • >I' l·RE~ll ~1_,.\_l-0<)1) • 11 \111\1 I • \t \I I 01''> • \·\I \I0'.11: • 'lllU\11' • '\\'ORl>H'>ll •I Oil\ I FR /),·/11 r1 al /),11/y Frtsh HanJ-Chopptd Salsa El Toro Bravo Chips & Torti/J.a.s • Homt 5ryu Tamaks presents The Annual Classic Car Show Sunday, February 9th 1.1 :00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. All Ca rs Are Welcome For More Info Regarding bow or Placing Re ervations Please Call (949) 646-7944 •CASH PRIZES AWARDED •GIFT CERTIFICATES AWARDED •LIVE MUSIC Tuesday Night Special · .· M Saturday, Febtuaty 1, 2003 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -t..tt.n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor James Meler at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Reedets Hottlrw. Call (949) 642~ Fu: ~ ~~ <:s~~~~ I E-mail: Send to dailypilot@latimes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot resirves the right to edit all submisslo my ength. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Photo lacked decency paper should uphold . F irst, let me thank you for lhe opportunity to express my concerns as a member or the community. I have always enjoyed the manner in which the Daily Pilot has kept the entire community informed and aware of the accomplishmenLS of iLS youth and activities of all its members. Your personal touch and sensitive reporting has allowed all of us to have an outlet to be heard and seen, for that on behalf of all of ui., I thank you. about the praises of your contributions to the community, but unfonunately, a photo that was used to represent the laurels of a local bar, Billy's at the Beach. It appeared on Thursday. The photo used was of a gentleman smiling while moving a glass that displayed a bare-breasted woman on the front of it With a high percentage of families with children under the age of I 8, all of us must share in the responsibility of setting the best example of decency. The photograph (of the bare-breasted woman) does little to encourage this kind of community responsibility, and demonstrates (in my opinion) very little journalistic accountability. If we lower the standard on such an apparent minor incident as this, then ask yourselves, what next? protest and/or support, then we lay the groundwork for even larger ones to fester. My mother often said, "Don't make a mountain out of a mole-hill,· but I say, don't allow the mole hill to become a mountain, deal with it now, both swiftly and resolutely. The question I'd like to ask all of us (journalists included) is: Call it puritanical, fundamental or conservative ideology; whatever you call it. it protects us from the kind of unbridled sexual mania that has led many down the path of Internet porn and sexual adclictions. Let's educate our children not to stimulate their hormones. motivate them to learn not to ·bum" in the heat of their passions. We can win the battle over the minds and heart.S of our posterity if we are willing to fight them, and choose them, no matter how small or great the battle seems. I wish lO thank the editors and staff of the DaiJy Pilot who demonstrated an openness 10 my protest of the photo and allowed me an outlet to expl"eS.'> my thoughLS to the community. Now lets all do better for the good of all of us going forward, and let's not have any more bare·breasted photo in our respectable and purposeful community paper. Thank you. My lener, however, isn't just Now, I understand that not all of us share the same community values and morals; however there are universal principles of ethics that, as a community, we should all adhere. lf we don't attend to the little offenses, and raise our voices in "What mole hill are you willing to see become a mountain?" I for one am not willing to see our local papers flirt with soft pornography. STEVE GOOOEN Costa Mesa Laguna group has no role in latest Fl Morro plan Last week, the El Morro trailer park Ooated a new scheme to allow the trailers to stay in (El Morro VilJagel beyond the expiration of 1heir lease a1 the end of2004. ln the packet senl Lo the press, the names of two nonprofit organi1.ations were listed as beneficiaries of supposedly excess revenues: State Parks Foundation, a statewide organization that supports state parks, and Laguna Greenbelt Inc. The board of the Laguna Greenbelt lnc. wishes to reassure our supporters and members that we want nothing Lo _do with this proposal other than Lo see it defeated. Our name wai. recklessly linked to this proposal after I specifically told their representative, almost a week beforehand, that we wouldn't accept their money and that there are no circumstance\ under which we would support an extension of the trailer park lease. To include us in the press packet was a political dirty trick. For 35 years. Laguna Greenbelt Inc. has earned its reputation for commitment and integrity in service of our three goals: preservation of open space, public access to open space and public education about that open space. To suggest that we would be willing to compromise the trust and good will of our supporters. and the Laguna Beach community as a whole, reveals the stay-at-all-cost strategy apparently adopted by a faction in the trailer park. We are totally opposed to this proposal. We. and State Parks Foundation are part of a large statewide coalition of environmental, parks and coastal support groups who actively support the California Slate Parks Department plan to restore public access and coastal habitat in El Moro Canyon starting Jan. I, 2005. Steve Lopez, columnist for the Los MAILBAG Angeles Times, put it beautifully: "The coastline is one of the few great public spaces we all share, whether we live in Pacoima or Culver City. It's our Central Park, only better, more immense, more fragile. It's yours. it's mine. it is Southern California, and the cost of preserving it is nothing compared to the cost of compromising ii." We hope this leuer will start to repair the damage to our name and clarify our position on this issue. EUZ.ABETH M. BROWN Laguna Beach Though a little late, boat parade was great I was taught it' is never too late to say "thank you: so I'd like to thank the committee, the workers and, of course, the boat owners for the glorious Ouistmas Boat Parade last year (2002). The time, work and expense to participate is unreal - and each vessel is so differen1 and just plain great. A big thank from all our party guests, my husband and me. We take advantage of your work and expense by being at our Mview· window each night. What a wonderful way to start the Omstmas holiday. Our thanks to all. DICK AND GERTIE MEEHAN Newport Beach Boardwalk plan would be a terrible waste of money I just read that Newport Beach ha\ authorized $400,000 for a study of a boardwalk for lhe Back Bay and then 1hey are going 10 spend another $4 million of our money LO build 11. It must be wonderful to s pend other people's money so foolhardily. Why not lei the do-gooder'I that wanl this boardwalk to start a fund-raiser to pay for this unneeded project? Has anybody considered whal the maintenance costs would amount to annually? How many years would 11 last before it need<> replacemt>nt7 What about habihty i1>sues when people get hurt on the boardwalk.? Will the boardwalk provide an add1t1onal fuel -.o urce for 1he almos1 annual brush fire'> in the Back Bay? If there really 1s a problem with some plan1s getting trampled and, according to a letter writer, birds getting '>cared out of their w11s, why not hire a ranger to sit on the top of the bluff and educate the few who get off the trail? Post the legal trail.,, and close the others, and cite thosl' who don'1 follow the rules. I would be more than happy 10 patrol the area for a part of the $400,000 that you are wasting. BOB VAN SICKLE Costa Ml'-..£ Personal Training • Yoga • Indoor Cycling Exceptio~al Fitness in Orange County's Finest Facility a a a Grand Opening Promotion Choose From Either Two Free Classes (Yoga or Indoor Cycling) or Two Free Personal Training Sessions (Up to a $100 Value!) Offer f nds 5/1/03 ·'r- You are cordially invfted to attend our Grand Opening Saturday, February 8th, 2003 2:00pm .... 7:00pm Artistic cuisine served compliments of •Dfsh Cite• Fitness Demonstrations • Live Entertainment • Raffles Prizes Win Free Airline Tickru, Dinners and More! a Back Bay Center 2675 Irvine Ave. #A 949.631.5587 contact@BadBayfitness.com Backhyfitness.com COME FOR THE SHOPPING, STAY FOR THE VIEW CRYSTAL COVE PROMENADE "' EASl COAS1 lllt.HWAY 6t tRYHAl LOVC HAI• 1\lAClt STORES NOW OPEN RESTAURANTS " CASUAL DIN I NG SmtNd&t. . ........... )76.$221 Z.Piaa ............... 715-ll 17 APPAREL ._'" .. !!( •• ' •••••• 494-462, ~ •..••.•••• ,,. ..... ~2229 °"' . . .. . .. . . ,. ....... .494-0'192 ~o.u ......... ~773 -. ......... ,. ...... 71~ .. .. .. . .. .... .,,,,.llll , ass a cc ans .11'4100 •. 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Payment can be made by Cash, Check, Visa or Mastercard. Delivery may be arranged. J Behind Chevron Gas Station Corner Of Magnolia & Warner . I ~ SattKday, February l, 2003 Daity Plot _., SU•SIUJPAI Opf)osites like looser term limits *"'s"'Pu:~ Serttc:e In UCI debate, noted liberal and leading 29995 state conservative agree on one measure to deal with $35-billion state budget deficit. NOW. Deirdre Newman Leader Jim Brutte provided in· ••• Ref. 'Mr" Daily Pilot sight from their opposite ends of Must pr""1l coupon at time of ettknlte. the political spectrum at an ---~.:.~.!"!.o!er.!___ What can a leading liberal event Thursday benefiting UC Ir- Open Sat. aam-1pm mayor and a powerful conserva-vine's Center for the Study of De-cos•a MESA live RepubHcan agree on about mocracy: , •A how legislators can navigate The c~nter, which sponsors re- 2076 Placentia Ave. Califomla through Its horren-search and education 'O'ilh the 949 548 3 30 dous state budget crisis? goal of improving the demo-• • 1 Not much. except that term cratic process in the United *'*•:=1* llO~ Vn.Nll IUYI•-limits severely 1'8Stricl legislators' States and expanding democracy ..... .,,. ~,.._.,..,..__.,_ abUity to lead the state through a around the world, recently es-...._......._......__.c....~-MMC(),_ ,,~~-............... ., . . fthis d ----tmi911mii 1WCO~kMll.110or111111_..,_, cns1s o · magnitu e. tablished fellowships honoring -f~IT \~}\!•• . • ~ ., ....,,, l ·dnu.tr~ •~ 1;~ ~ f lo.tg I lt·.trt .\ lonth ~··~ .. I f you don't know the warning signs of a heart arrack, or don't know that hc:art disease ts the kaJing cause of death of women in the United States, you arc invited to learn more by ancnding our c_ommuniry education classes offered during the month of February. For a complete listing of all Hoag Heart Month classes, please vim our web Siie at www.hoaghospualorg. If .you would like to register for any of theae cla11e1, pleaH register online or call 100/514-HOAG (4624). A$k the Doctor Your qut"illoo\ all)Vt•l"t'd un the 1:111~ :idl'3llCl!S lo lbe ltt:':IUlltlll ul llt".ll1 di~ Pn':lt'1llt'd ll) Richard Ila.WU, M U lfU<!A canJiokJf41~ Wednesdoy, febrvory 12, 6 p.m. living with Congestive Heart failure Jot0 u' lo le:&ni 1mporun1 and ~irn- 111i-.1."1n'!> lltll CUI be uulil.ed 10 impMC' ~11111101iu and 'Ul''l\Al fof jl'Altnb lnlllj! "1th u•n1:t""M bean bUure ~led bl Lee l.al1er M 0 , II~ cardiolopst TU"esdcry, febnHwy II, 6 p.m. Abdominal A~ Aneurysm hw JM ITt'lll of lbe popuLllJoo ~ bS .uid oldt-r •rill ht dl•Nd 101th du~ We thn-:11111~ allmeru Jmn U\ ~ •c d1'>C'llss the procedure<1 lluJ un '>3\\' h\l'~ PtN·nlrd II) ~hen ~. M U ll•uic •i'ltul11 -.urgmn Wedneadoy, February 19, 6 p.m. New Treatment1 for Stroke Prevention Lc.·An1 Jlw1111 lhl· many adl-ant~ lo lre.Aling ..an.~ .. l..111~1d ..u11l\ and •JChcr lf\!alrocnl\ Jr1· IM·l11111g lh1r.e "hu -.ufft>r from~ l«.td hc;1lthler U•t" Prelenlecl II) Subb:ar.111 ~1)1A M [) 1111.lj( urdx>IORJ'>I '1tUT"sdoy, febrvory 20, 6 p.m . Choiesterol and Blood Preawre Screening Hoag s annual cholesterol and blood p~ '<ltming. Cllolesltrol nsull.\ •ill be mailed \d>':ll!CI' rt.'gl'ilr.ll.lon b required and a 14-bour Casi ~ l'l'COlll lllt'lldtd for beil resuJL, Fet• $ !) fnY& al Wne of '('1'1C'e Soturdoy, Febrvory 2.2, 7 -11 o.m. H4Mll't Votve Repair VI. Replcx.ment jooJ us as •'C diSCll.'iS the ddfemice btft"ttn heln ~ repair and rq>bce me111 Pre.eased 11) .\ldm Jl:int'\ \t O llo:ig c:udiac !>lll'gfOO Tuesday, F*'-"Y 2.5, 6 p.m. • JUST ADDED Ow to /JtOIN/ar demand a addlliond dolt' bas iJem oddwJ rt>g<m/lfl/l Uomt'rl tmdMITtdi9ta.w Making o Woman'• Heart Health a Priority find OUI how c:trdi<MSCll.llr tJhn<,e alfl'CL\ •"()(Den 2lld tilt ld~1~ t lr.ange:. lhat can r~ lh1v dWKt o( de\eloptog OJ) l'relenll'd !"II ~ llo-.ig cardiologisl Monday, Mardi 3, 6 p.m. All classes ore held in the Hoag Conference Center in Newport Beach "The challenge of the budget Brown and BruJte. crisis for legislators are handi-The event was the first to raise capped because of an absence of funds for the feUowships. The stability," said Willie Brown, lively and entertaining discus- mayor of San Francisco. sion garnered about $100,000, Brown and Senate Republican wtiich will benefit students over AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at ~.dailypifot.com. TODAY CronJOada of the West Gun Show will be held at the Orange County Fair and Expositions Center from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Admission is $9 for adults and free for ctiildren younger than 12. For more information, call (801) 544-9125. Women's S.iling Col'Mlntion is open to all women interested in sailing, from novices and beginners to experts. A variety of workshops will be held. The convention will be held at Bahia Corinthian Yacnt Club, Corona del Mar. Cost 1s $110 and reservations must be made m advance. For forms and inform ation, call (714) 730·1797 SUNDAY The Zen Cem.r of Orange County 1s offering an #Introduction to Zen Workshop• from 3 to 6 p.m .. combining experiences in Zen meditation with small group instruction. Questions sucti as #What 1s Zen 7" and "How does Zen relate to everyday life7# will be asked. The cost is $50, and re-registration is required. The cente r is at 120 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 722-7818. TUESDAY A Feng Shui seminar to Improve health, relationships and prosperity will be held at 7 p.m. at Visions and Dreams, 2482 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Free. Reservations a re required. For more information, call (626) 288-1669 or visit www.fengshuiadvantage.com WEDNESDAY . A proatat. discussion group will be held at Hoag Cancer Center Auditorium from 6:30 lo 8 p.m. Free. For more information. call (949) 7-CANCEA. •Growing Plants Indoors ... The Easy Way· is the subject of a class to be taught at Sherman Library and Gardens in Coron• def Mar at 9 a.m. The cost 1s $25, and pre-registration 1s required For more information, call (949) 673-2261. THURSDAY A C.lifomla Gray whale course is being offered at Orange Coast College starting tonight The class is called Ecology 124 and meets from 5:30 to 7:35 p.m. Thursday evenings for eight weeks For sjlring registration Information, call (714) 432-5072. South Coast F'tau hosts the fascination of orctiids international show and sale through Sunday, Feb. 9, featuring more than 60 vendors and 100 displays. For more information, call (714) 964-3265 or v1sil the next three to four years. Brown said he believes the so- lution to the approximately $35· billion budget deficit is for legis- lators to transeend partisanship and41work toward the common good or the state. "(Legislators! really have to maJce up their minds on what will be the deLivery system and what will be delivered and how il will be paid for,• Brown said. "None of that can be affected by whlch political party is doing it. It has to be the whole opera- tion." Brulte offered four specific suggestions: slap a moratorium on any new laws th.al hurt business; repeal laws that are driving companies out of the state; enact mo~l of Gov. Gray Davis' proposed budget cuts; and freeze spending for a year . www.fascmat1onofordlids.com for a complete show sctiedule. FRIDAY SCATS Gymnastics will be held at the Orange County Fair and Expositions Cente r Building 10 from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. through Sunday. Admission for adults is $10, for seniors and ctiildren $5. For more information. call (714) 895-2909. A folk dance festival sponsored by the Laguna Folkdancers wilt feature dance workshops with two master teactiers presenting dances from Eastern Europe and Turkey The festtval will be held through Sunday. Feb 9 lnd1v1dual events cost from $8 to $12, and an entire weekend costs $40 m advance or $44 at the door The event will be held at the Ensign Intermediate School Gym, 2000 Cliff Dnve, Newport Beacti For more information, call (714) 891 0788 FEB.8 The Friends of th• Newport Beacti Public Library will hold ·A Bude A Bag" for books, a used · book sale, from 9 a m 10 4 µ m Proceeds will be donated 10 the 1000 Avocado Ave library. For mo re information, call (949) 759 9667 ·oeep He.ling Through Sound and Stillness." an evening of restorative yoga will be offered from 5 to 7 p m at Full Spectrum Yoga. 2019 Quail St . Newport Beacti. The oost 1s $25 m advance or S30 on the day of the event FTM walking tours of the badl bay a1e being offered between 9 and 10 15 am Guides will take small group on two hour tours Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT I •UM I NETTE Luminette Privacy Sheers filler light lhrough soft L fabric vanes hidden among the fo lds of classic ~ t-< £ f I s • sheers See them al your local dealer ALDEN'S ALDEN'S FLOOR COVERlNG AND CUSTOM WINDOW COVERINGS 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 •••••••••••••• ,/ www.hunterdouglas.co!ft WHEIE GIEAT IOOMS 1£61#. ·1 don't think we should raise tax.es tn a weak economy,• Brulte sa/d. "It's like putting leeches on a pauent." To resolve the perceived prob- lems created by term limits. Brulle suggested increasing the time allowed In the assembly from six years to eight, while Brown recommended giving voters a chance to keep a repre scntadve In office who has accu mUJated a vast amount of ex.peri ence and knowledge. Nhu Ngocong, a graduate stu- dent at the center, said sho gleaned some important knowl· edge from the discussion. WI learned a lot about the budget and different perspeo. lives, but politics is politics, and they can say anythjng up there," Ngocong 'laid. "We have to w-ctit to see what they will do." starting every 15 minutes. Tours begin at the comer of East Bluff Drive and Bade Bay Road. Teen Night Out for tMna Jn the seventh through ninth grades will be held at the Blade of Orange. The city of Costa Mesa invites teens to participate in en excursion to the mall and movies Meet at the Downtown Recreat1q_n Center, 1860 Anaheim Ave .. Costa Mesa, for pizza at 5 p.m. Participants will return to tho center at 10 p.m. The $30 oost includes pizza, movie, transportation and superv1s1on For more information, call (714) 327 7560 FEB. 15 A comptiUr fair will be hekf at the Orange County Fair and Exposrt1ons Center Building 10 from 10 a m to 5 p m. through Sunday Adm1ss1on for adults is $5. for cn1ldren younger than 10, free For more information, call {800) 800 5600 ·An Eveni09 of Ionesco; featuring several short plays by Eugene Ionesco, will be presented by OCC's Repertory Theatre Company m the Drama lab Studio this weekend and Feb 22 to 23. Show times a re 8 p.m Saturdays and 2 and 7 p.m Sundays. T1deets cost S6 in advance. $7 at the door For more information. call (714) 432-5640, ext 1 A woritshop cali.d •otvOl'C9: A New Beginning• 1s being offered for men and women m the process of d1voretng or recently divorced It will take place from 10 am to 12 30 pm at 180 Newport See TOWN, Paee A9 ' ... _ .. ()ally Piiot JOWN ) Continued from A8 A NIGHT TO 'CHERISH' Center Drive. For m ore infpnnation. call (949) 644-6435. '"~Lawn Care• wiH be dilCUQed et Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del Mar at 9".30 e.m. Free. For more loformation. call (949) 673-2261. FEB.19 The Newport Rib Company end ASH Harbor Area Inc. are holding a fund-raising day at the . restaurant. 20% of the proceeds will be donated to FISH to assist low-income families in Orange County. The restaurant 1s at 2196 Harbor Plvd. For more information, call (949) 5'5-3815, ext 231. ONGOtNG Teens ere Invited to drop by th• city of Costa M esa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. M onday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The Center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave For m ore information, call (714) 327·7560. The Newport S..ch City Hell is displaying watercolor paintings by Juan Casado, Ned Parsons, Raymond Otis and Jim Teegarden through March 28 at 3300 Newport Blvd For more information, call (9491717-3870 The Assoc1at1on will play at 8 p.m. today at Orange Coast College's Robert 8. Moore Theatre as part of M Juke Box Giants" concert. The concert will also include 1960s group the Sh1relles, '70s vocahst Al Wilson and backup group the Flashback Band. For information. c.all (714) 432 5880. The Aun. of BuslnHs Services hosts a networ1ung meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa M esa. For more informat1,on. call (949) 805-0011 Th• ~rt Beach Public Library hosts an hour of stones and crafts for ctuldren in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar branch from 3 to 4 p m Tuesdays The library is at 420 Mangold Ave. For more information. call (949) 717·3800 Free tours of th• Oninge Cot.I my Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge, backstage and on stage at 10:30 a m every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Dnve, Costa Mesa Group tours can be held by special arrangement For more information. call 17141556-ARTS ext. 833. The ~rt S..ch Newcomers O ub holds a general meetmg on the third Wednesday of every month. The organ11a11on 1s open to all female residents in Newport Beacti who have hved in the area fewer than five years For more information, call 1949) 645-9922. or visit newcomers-newportbeach.org lnUffaith coup4es with one Jewish panner are invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office The group 1s geared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples, such as raising children, observing holidays, symbols in the home and relat1onsh1ps with extended families. The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple. Prereg1strat1on 1s reqU1red. Call to schedule date and lime. The office 1s at 250 E Baker St.. Suite G, Costa M esa (714) 445-4950 Women 50 and older can join 1 discussion group coordinated by Jewish Fom1ly Services to address issues such as anxiety, depression rela11onsh1ps, loneliness and family The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m M ondays at the agency offices. 250 E Baker St • Suite G, Costa Mesa Preregistration required (714) 445-4950. Friends of the Newport Beech Pubhc Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stock. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa. Mariners or Corona del Mar -or m the book closet next to the Fnends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach All hardcover and paperback donations, with the exception of magazines and law books, will be accepted and are tax deductible 1949) 759·9667. The B111ille lnstinrte att.rs frH computer classes to people with fading v1s1on who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 M arguente Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six sessions Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821 5000 Momma John ~ IH/Jmg"' tht iwr/J's ltugm fo>oring m11il group -co-op. we "" the bi11t1t fl!>Oring lklllm ~,"""'~ ;,,,J opmmd. 4000STORE BfivlNG POWER a..m..m..m..m.. [!) Lifetime Warranty Laminate A spirituel care class meets at 7·15 pm Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114. Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (9491 263-1462 The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networ1ong luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 ·45 a.m. to 1 p .m at the Costa M esa Country Club The cost 1s $13 The club is at 1701 Golf Course Dnve, Costa Mesa (714) 885 9090. A brain tumor support group meets 1he first and third Thursdays of each month fro") 7 to 8.30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Dnve, Newpon Beach Free. Reg1Stra11on not required The group is designed to help patients end their families understand and cope with the illness (949) 574-6232 SL Andrew's Ptesbyteri1nChurc:tt hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p m Sundays in D1erenfield Hall C at 600 St Andrews Road Newpon Beach (9491 574 2236 The Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors a d1scuss1on group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa $10 per person, per session Preregistration required (71 4) 445-4950. The Jewish Family Service of Orange County has a weekly parenting support group Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11:30 a.m Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St .• Suite G, Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger, amoety and peer pressure children experience Preregistration required (714) 445-4950 The Costa MHa Senior Centef has ballroom dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa . Music Makers from 7 30 to 10:30 pm. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St • Costa Mesa S4 19491 548-3884 Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically 111. The purpose 1s to provide participants with emouonal and spmtual support to manage illness and its consequences The group meets at 7 p.m Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St Costa Mesa Attendance 1s free, but registration 1s required (714) 445-4950 Scrabble Club No. 350 meets from 6 10 10 p m Thursdays at Borders Books. Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bear St 1n Costa Mesa $3. New players are welcome (949) 2()6..9822. The Coin and Stamp Club mMts from 1 to 3 p m . M ondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and See TOWN, Page AlO Miles 100% FREE Lifetime Warranty Wood ~9 No Queftions Asked 60 ""' exthlUlx~·" If you di>nl likt it. ~ will rrpilu·e it FREE Rl1 SERVICE C...nter Ttpt •Showen• C.nnlio • Ore11lt1 • Wo.4 Wu 0•1 ITOP llOP Refhtith • Cl1111h19 C.rpet & Upho!tt•ry • Painth•9-lnt1rfor & Exterior 405 .. .. co a ·Mesa (949) 650-7876 124 E. 17th MON·fltl 9·S SAfUHAYS & IUMOA1S 10-4 Irv ne (949) 838~141 17777 Main ," ••?.es••*•»••s+vv;;;;:sassa cs S<1turd<Jy, r ebfuary l. 2003 At · Fibrornyalgia? "Free Repon Rcvcalt The ShodUng Truth About tbc .. 6enYt,. Tra.tmeoc Your Doctor Probably Doem't Koow ... And .Lilu:ly Hopes You Never Learn ..• " COSTA MESA A nl"V> free rcpun la\ rncrul~ bcc-n rdea.M:d 1ho11 r~cali 1hc "untold )IOI)· behind llbromv.Ug1.1. p.lm hbromyalf;Jol m1sdu.gnom .and ffiUUC..&lrT\t"OC I) r.1.mp.rnt ~nd lc.ac.h ru <.OUntln\ )'UIS of unnct.ns.uy )Uffcnng J1m fr~ report rcvc.i.Js .l n.11 Uf .J prcx.cc.Jurc th.11 ll g1vmg fibrumyalg1.l )uffcrcr) 1hc1r ·11vcs h.atk" w11h m11.a1.ulo1»" result• for many tr you ,utfcr fro m f1lirumv.U~1~ \IOU need um no B s .. no "gammidu" l~c rcpon 1h..a1 1s giving hope to fibmnw.Ug1.1. ~uftcrcn ncrywhc~ 1-vr your frtt wpy. ca1J toll-fru I ·800·897 7418, 24 b.r. ~rded ~ Avoid the 1ordinary, come to Tile Italia." I> I "J<, '-· "l P Pl \ · I"\~ I \I I \ I I< >'' KITCHEN ~Rf.AOYTO l""SlAll" FiK porcda.ia a.ad CQUNTER IQPS GRANITE awunJ WIM ooicf COL'NTER TOPS ud uuu.11~ al .19nama ........ AS LOW AS $45.00 ~.n • OJI rop.t.1 c ""°'' wmpcoutt pnu:o • 0-....1 "~ Hok llllMis "-' I~ Omil. 0.-.... ""'~ .. ~Ji MA lokA'1TTl h.Jlf Ill"' WIWL•'Or ~\.,jlc • li....blr lltolk-t.dg< I Ol ._..rt..RIUP l\ ... () b.. Pn If'\ c:... "Mara • 'lf-.u .. 1 • 1 ll'-<..111 \ l.l 1(l llL. U.~""-' $-()95 ~ 11 \ " ... '}.( t.'>.\I IYf' l'l..Mo.cOr~W Plea..c <.a.I.I wil Tmwin~ 18'\18' ' · ~ S2.95 ~· · ~· T ile Italia The Stone Activists ( Alt.o.AI ·1~ NWll ""t , a ea a PORCELAIN TILE As Low As $~699 IQ.ll. Installed ( r \ This Valentine 's Day Brunswick lets you · Buy a qual1fyang Brunswick table and one Qualtfying accessow y and rece · a pair of M carat total weight dtamood mngs (a S 1,200 value) NEEi 949.ts7'4.0041 1 ... tis 111 rt ...... C.-...... CA WIT ~ ..... 1"ilftlle ...... ..._,.,.. 10w;; lpe11 • "* toeece lpsn • 8'.9' 1.._. •• .....__.. www.l'llFl 0 Ill - a 1,_ ' AlO Satla-day, Februaty l, 2003 TOWN Continued from A9 colna a,. being tought to join U-lnformel meetlnga. There Int no fMe required. (949) 6'4-3244. ..... Fwnly SeMce ..... ongolt IQ benNrvefnent llJppOf1 groupe for edutts at ell ltages of 1oea. Group membera share ~ae. hear how OChera deal with grief, receive -..pport and leem weya to cope wtth udnea end io... One group men at 7 p.m . Tueedayt at Beth Jacob In Irvine. The eecond group men at 10 a.m. Tueedeyw at Temple Judea In Laguna Hilla. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thur-.dayt at the Ezra Center In Anaheim. Free, but advance registration Is required. (714) 446-4950. Jewith femly Service of Orange County provides a support and diecuaslon groop for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse. The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St., Com Mesa. Advance registration is required. (7141445-4950. St. John The Divine Episcopal Church 183 E. Bay St. Costa Mesa 949-548-2237 Comer of Bay & Orange Ave. Sunday Services: 8 :00 am and 10:00 am . Sunday School 9:45 Holy Eucharlst at 7:00 am on Wednesday The FWI. Dr. BartJeta st-art, Rector www. A Ui"trrr"llD" ef tht A11s'ic11n eo,,,,,111111on BUIWINC OUR FAJm WVINC CHRJST AND SERVING Ot 'R COMMUNITY Tu Rtv'd Pncr D Hiyna. Ra1or SUNDAY SCHfOUl.l II am • Holy f.udlum 9 am · ~Y 5UiooUAduh B1blt S11idr 10 lm • Gonl f.udum1 .Vl'~Y <:.An Alitll..A8/ f SAINT .JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL 'AC-.., Wmttl,. Lnlit-' Serrilf Jt.. Mt .. ""-' sm.r" The Rev PrlMMln Bunyon, Rector 3209 Vio Lido =~ 7 30 om Troditionol 9 om ConlemPQ!'O"Y. 9om Church School 11 om Charismatic and Wednesday Noon ~byWI tou.9wtth. A o.llltg with Dhorce IUPPOft trtlned nsturelist guide are group le ofhnd by Jewish Femitv offered st 10 e.m. Sundeyt from SeMc::e of Or.nge County. The the Newport Dunes Waterlront group la led by en ~ad Reeort. The reeort It at 1131 Bade countelor end meets tit 6 p.m. Bey Drive. Newport Beech. $20, Tu.dlrys tit the .J.wWl Fedenrdon or S10 for C.lifomia Wddllfe c:ernpw, 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, C.mpalgn and Newport Bay Ca.ta Mesa. (714) 44M960. Nsturellstt end Friend.I members. (949) 7~1160. The S. &ooucs' lhlp Del Mir 711 of Orange County offere a A yoga and dance deN la held program for boye end young from 4:30 to 6:46 p.m. Tue9dayt men eget 14 to 18 lntereeted In at the Center for Spiritual aelllng, aeamanthlp, piloting, Discovery, 2850 Meaa Verde Drive navigation and crulalng. Eaat, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. (714) Meetings ere from 6 to 9 p.m. 754-7399. Wedneadaya at the Sea Scouts Sea.Bate, 1931 W. Coast The Rw. Connie Rvc*man IMda a Highway, Newport Beach. (9491 discussion group using the book 642-6301 or (949) 551-859t "Conversations with God• from noon ft 1 p.m. :rueadaya et the 0.ala Senior Center orr.n Cente for Spiritual Discovery, ongoing 111l1tance, counseling 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, and referral aervlces for seniors. Suite 111 , Costa Mesa. Bring a (949) 644-3244. lunch. (714) 754-7399. The Coat.a M ... Senior Cttlzen Marshall'1 T• Kwon Do In Coste Square "8nd Round Dance Club Mesa offers fr9e seff~efense seekl experienced dancers to classes to airline pilots and flight join itl group from 9 to 11 a .m. attendants. Classes ere taught by Thursdays at the Costa Mesa three-time U.S. National Senior Center, 19th Street and Champion Tom Marshall. Pomona Avenue. Costa Mesa. Marshall's is at 333 E. 17th St. (714) 545-5669. Suite 13, Costa Mesa. (949) 574-0122. AtthrttJa Foundetfon inltNctor "RARE -BUT RESTORED" (1 Samuel 3:1·9) ST~ Or. John A Huffman, Jr. l'ru dmrg l'l.un'TU JIJt CHuacH Saturday, Fcbn&ary 1, 2003, 5:30 P.M. Sunday, Fdlruary 2, 2003, 8:30 ac 10:1S A.M Wcdnaday Nlgbc Bible Sf\Mfy 7:00 P.M. (aaon &ocn N£WP011 Han-H .... School at ~c aad 15th) 600 St. And~' Road, NC'WJM)n 8acb, Califomui 9266l·HH (94') 631·2880 E-MAll. ml~nr.prn.ors WU www.standmnprn.or1 420 West 19th Street, Costa Mesa (949) 548-7727 ev. Michael Bankhead, Pastor dult Sunday School: ildren's Choir. orship & Otlldren's Suncfa School: Newpon unter United Methodist Church Rev. Cathleen Coocs. Pastor I 601 Margueme Ave. corner of Marguerite and San Joaquin HiJls Rd. (949) 644-0745 Bam Quiet Worship Servur /Oam Worship and Chi/Jrrni Sunday School Youth mretmg wrrltly We're excited, out new church ii open and we'd love to have you viait Newport Harbor Luthen1n Church ta.Le.A.I St. Manhcw'1 Cbwch & Preschool a paruh of the Anglican Carholtc Church Traditional Epilcopal Sund.ty ~mc.o 7·4'~. 9 00 & 11 00 Mn S11nd.ty School. 9 00 am 2300 Ford R.o;id, Newport Beach (corner Bon1u Canyon tt Prairie R.d) I ht Rtv. ~tcphcn C. Scarlett, Rector (9'49) 219-0911 7H Dov« 0.-. Newport hech Tradltlonal Lutbenin Paetor David Monge Wonhep a.me. wtth Holy Communion 8unct.y 9:15 em l'ln \l:'i I I I< I\'\. CHIW CF.NTERED OfURCH Sunday Service lOam Bonita Creek Park Cc.our, I MllSA WRD• UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 BakM', C.M. Hillary Stone leeds en exera.. daa It 11 a.m. Thurldaya at the . Jewt9h Senk>r Center, 250 E. BIUt' St.. Costa Mesi. (714) 613-6641. The Newport Beech N9wcomers Club meets at 10 e.m. the third Wednesday of each month. The organization It open to ell women residents of Newport Beach who have lived In the arH for fewer thar:-five yea re. For more Information. call (9491 645-9922 or visit the Web alte newcomera-newportbeach.org. The Thul'9day Momlno Women'• Oub, a 40-year-o&d friendahlp club, Is seeking new members. The c:klb, which includes golf, bridge, walking and gourmet~. meets at 11 a .m. on the second Thursday of every month st the Radisson Hotel In Newport Beactt. The luncheon is S23 and Includes entertainment The hotel is at 4545 MacArthur Blvd. (714) 842-6863. The N9wpot1 ~ Welldng Club meets at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and at 7 p.m. Sunday. Walkers should meet at the intersection of Hosprtal Road and Superior Avenue. Free. (9491650-1332. Si. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "Open Arms and Open Minds'' Worship 9:30 Christ Church By the Sea l niral \tnhodm 1400 \\ B•lho~ Bl•d Newport lk•lh ~ •'."' v '"'"d.o· '"'• ! ~1 e. , "" • ""'"r .,.i < .h..Jm»" ..i,, ~ .~ The R.n. Or. ~'I" R crup, Putor (949)673-3805 '9 Healing .l. Worship 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DlaclplH of Chrta1) 2401 lrvlne Ave. N1wpor1 IHCll, CA (949) 0~5781 PreJ«1t1. Uaiftnity and lAVid.a St., NPB Rev. Gail Miller AJbcn and Rl:Y. Sttphcn L Alben M1mstcn cOUJI: ga1lm1lkr'4~~ddph1~.~ · Worahlp & Chwch School 8:30 end 10:00 e.m. A Sll-w&I COOISI II WIMIG TO WO llllltWfw '"""' ....... ,..... RIY ~Toon Or. Rldwd Gto<ge Youtll MinlslM 14 979-8234 ly W. MAIC MOIST1a ... .. (949) 640-7343 Parmc. end Children :Wonhip God Together Chi1"rm inrmza & : f"'ni.Optm in~ Jn'VtCt 11_ + •A God-«ntcrcd parish community, instructed~ the Word of God A Ind ren~ by the Sacraments Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar VJSta Drive ' N~rt~ Beach, Califomii 92660 (949)644-0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 Rev. Mon.signor W'alliam P. Mc.Laughlin Pa.nor IIrURGlES: $.uut\hy, S p.m. (Cantor), Sunday, 7:00 (Quiet), 8:30 (C.0ntcmpo1'11}') 10:00 (Cltoir), 11 :30 a.m. (Cantor) and 5:00 p.m. (Contcm.pot1.t)'} FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Via Lido Newport Beoch 673-1340 or 673-6150 O\wch JO am & 5 ixn. Sunday School 10 am Wld~ ~, 301111 ........ ..., ........... . TIAOM...W. Y•"'91ti. .... lljlld1t.w•i.-. MIT TUlSOAT MGHT AJ 7;JO PIL RI. 4, II, II, H: ILUOI 4. 11. ,., ............ '""~ ,.. ......... ...,., ..... C.SJIMlw .......... _ SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3100 Fadtlc View Dr Newpcxt Beach 644-2617 or 675-4661 O\urdl lO am SUnday School lo am ~ Ml.cl1gl 7,., s:rn tt•~l2noon I JOHN 417 ........ , ... .,. ........ _....., fet '-" .. el o..11-'MI .,..., .................. ~.,~ ..... be--"' Oe4. ar.taomew.a..a ·nt F'rlo.ac10rii.SC-.· ac.. ~.._.... Th• Am..tcen Legion m..U et 7 on the comer of &tenc11 North p.m. the third TuHClay of every and Placentia. ~that • month. The meeting•. which are bound, looee or begged ere dHI with veteran luu" and accepted. C.rdboerd and bound community eervle9, will be held materiel tuc:h .. phone boob end at the Ccm. Meta Air National thic* megezilll9 are not. A!ao, bins Guard. The national guard It at ere available for drop off werv day 2651 Newport Blvd. Free. Mery of the month. All fundt rafted go Holler, (n.•> 646-2m; or Biii to the allOCiatlon. Free. The echool, Mlmlaga. (9'9) 650-0894 . It at 2323 Plaoentla Ave., Coste M .... (949) 61!).6600. ' Nlghtfy mHtino• fof thOM who 0.-. Senior Centlar ol9f'S • deity 0 I want to overcome nicotine addiction are offered In Costa telephone contact program for Meaa and Newport Beach. (7141 aenlora who have a limited local 1 774-~106 or (8001642-0666. support 1ystem. They alao offer ' . ongoing computer cla11ea that , • The Newport Sport. MuMum, a teach the bat1C8 of Word, ' nonprofit organization, operates Quicken, Print Shop and Internet .. a free museum at 100 Newport usage. (9491 644-3244. Center Drive, Newport Beach, . T"e museum, which has one of The Coste Mff• Communlceton the world'• largest collections of Toastmasters Club meets from sports memorabilia, is open noon to 1 p.m. Wedneadays at from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays the Orange County Department , and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on of Education, 200 Kalmu1 Drive, Saturday. (949) 721-9333 or Costa Mesa. (7141444-8783. www.newportsports· museum.org. The Newport Beech Distinguished Toastmastera Clu~ The Estancia High Sdlool Parent 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Teacher Student Assn. hosU a Tuesdays in Sgt. Pepperoni'• monthly paper drive every meeting room, 2300 Bri1to~St ., Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon in Newpon Beach. Call to make the school's northwest parfdng 101, • reservations. (949) 646-1274. CORONA DEL MAR PLAZA Hom ! WINTER SIDEWALK SALE '· 'Shoppers looking for savings wtll h.we ~lect merchandise 1 on the latest winter fastuons pnced as low ar. SS, and , and hottest looks lll home d kor Wattm1orks w1U ha\'e reduced won't want to ~ the annual pnces on select merchandise Winter Sidewalk Sale at Corona throughout the ~tore del Mar PJua. Customers will Customers w1U want to bnng enjoy el(traordinary savings of the w hole family for shopping ~ up to 70 percent off on and fun as Coron• del Mu ~ Saturday, February 8 and Plaza h05l'I entertal.l\ITlent and Sunday, February 9 at stores kid s activihes on Saturday, I throughout the center. from 11 ~.m. to 3 p m V1Bitors ' -----I I A family looldna for saWigs at the Corona del Mar Plaza Winter S/dfwafk s.. Merchants participating in will enjoy kid's crafts, m which :• I this annual sale will include children can decorate a heart-, Amadeus Spa, offering 10 shaped bucket for collecting 1;. percent off all salon services valentines. Uttle ones can also •: and 20 to 50 pemmt off selected have their faces painted with 1' products; Armoirt will have ela.borate butterflies, flowers, ' sale merchandise up to 70 per-arumals, dinosaurs and more cent off; Solt Comfort will have The whole family wiU also discounted prices on select enjoy live music by The Rockit shoes; Baby Uniqiu will have Scientists, who have a loyal selected items up to 50 percent following and will perform off; Chico's will take an popular hits from the SO's and, additional 20 percent off 60's. , I • Corona del Mar Plu• ~ •ttwldino tti. Winter Sid.walk s.. . ; already reduced merchandise; Coro"" tltl M•r Pl11&• I M11""'I wUI offer 10 pncent oH is located et MacArthur storewlde; Mottini wW have Boulevard and P1ctllc Coa t handbags and shoes dJa<:ow\ted Highway in Ntwport ~Kl\. 50 ~t, Ntw B•latt will for more mlormation all have dltc:ou.nts on mm'• &nd (9'9) 190-9713 or vllit women's shoes; S111~tl« TI>NCI wwwShopThtlrvtnteomp6n .t'Ofn ~redandpaidlorby ~1t5trv1e SatlJf'ddV r t'bfUdf'/ I ?003 Al 1 COMMUNITY & CLUBS The Harbor Mesa Lions aren't sleeping this week I t's a busy time of theyeM for members of the Harbor Mesa Lions Qub. First, their meeting on Monday will feature students from Newport Harbor High School who JIM DE BOOM will compete in the annual Student Speake~ Contest, sponsored by Lion's International. The topic for speeches this yeM is. "Terrorism and World Secunty. • Wmning speakers from the club level wiU go on to compete in the Regional and District competition. ending at the Multiple District contest with ~totaling up to Sl8.000. They will also welcome a new member, Usa Mcintosh, who is sponsored by Barbara Hayward. Harbor Mesa member Joan Parka will officiate at the i()stallation. The dinner meetin~ will start at 6:30 p.m. Monday at the Costa Mesa Country Oub. GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED tuns ~riodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis For information on adding your organ1zat1on to this h$t. call (9491 574-4298 ACADEM1C YEAR IN AMERICA Costa Mesa fam1hes can host a German student and earn up to $1,000 toward a number of trtvel-abroad programs Danielle C.rpino, (8001 322 HOST ALS ASSN., ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The Amyotroph1c Lateral Sclerosis Assn .• which helps individuals who have the disorder that 1s also known as Lou Gehng's disease. needs volunteers (714) 375-1922 -.zHEJMER'S ASSN. OF ORANGE COUNTY Support group leaders, Visiting Volunteers. family resource consultants and office volunteers ate needed. Volunteers may wort on on&-time proiects or ongoing programs. 'Training sessions are available (8001660-1993 AMERJCAN CANCER SOCIETY The Orange County Region of the American Cancer Society seeks office volunteers The society also seeks volunteers to answer calls for the unit's Helpline lnfoCenter (949) 261-9446 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancer Society Discovery Shop needs unwanted goods sudl as clothing, fumrture, Jewelry, accessones, antiques and collectibles to fund the ~s research, education and patient services programs. The rfu LluJjest, !Jirust, !F rieruf{iest 'Beauty Suppfy & !Ju[{ Servia Salon ln Orange County NEW ARRIVALS OP StrrtclNJ>k PmoNtiiuJ Brllt'tim Then on Saturday. the I larbor Mesa Lions wilJ hold a garage saJe at the home of member Ann Mcllroy. 204 Loyola Road in Coc;ta Mesa, starting at 7 a m. Proceeds from the garage saJe will be given to local charitable o rganizacio ns.. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR SP1RrTRUN: More than 400 volunteers are needed to staff Orange County's Largest SK/ 1 OK Road and Walk Race on Sunday. March 9. "We are aggre!>Sively seeking volunteers to fill the 400 positjons needed to help us put on the Spirit Run 2CXl3," •.cdd Jim and Nadine Turner, volunteer chair,, for the run In its 20th year, the <ipmt Run l~ the largest road race and walking event in Orange C .ounty, haVlng grown into a great I OK and SK run/walk, Kjd., one-mile, haJf. and quan er-mile races and kids exposition. The Spllit Run corn.t'itently attract'> more than 7,000 panmpants. 1nc.:lud111g 2.000 younger than 12. rhe proceeds direclly benefit the educa110nal progm.rm at five local elementMy -.chool, goods may be dropped off at 2600 E Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday at the same location (949) 6404777 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transportation program needs volunteers to drive cancer patients to and from medical treatments free of cnarge The required commitment 1s a few hours each week or month Drivers must have a vahd driver's hcense and insurance and be at least 25 Volunteers may use either their own vehicles or American Cancer Society vans (949) 261-9446 or scorner a1cancer.org. The American Cancer Society 1s also looking for volunteer speakers for its Speakers Bureau program, wtiidl offers a free service to communities. schools and corporations by prov1d1ng trained speakers to address cancer issues. The organization will train all interested volunteers at a special session on Dec 1 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 :30 p".'m. at the Spectrum Club, 1535 Deerpart Drive tn Fullerton For reservations, call Florence Dann at (9491 567-0604 by Nov. 22 AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The Amencan Heart Assn. is looking for volunteers to perform vanous general office duties in the main office and implement educational and fund-raising events through Orange County No expenence necessary Training will be provided (9491 856-3555 AMERICAN HOME HEALTH HOSPtCE PROGRAM The American Home Health Hospice Program needs volunteers to give emotional r---------, !20%! I OFF .!:. I I bdudet l9l!Y • nn.. ~ ._ I fwtefW I Skiii CM l'locM1s. Nol good I "'°'-.Yoe.an.or .. """ I I ..... fl9a ........... c.. I --eno;;:- Best Prices -Best Service - Best Selection Going out of Business Sale. All Shoes $2000 Or Less ~~ + ffl(J rs EXJ'NIDING TO COVfJl ~J~ OF YOUt CDilUNG NF.EDS. .ALL SALES FINAL Hou(S! M-Fri 9:30..5:30 •Sat 9:30.5:00 • Sun: 9:30.1 :00 1829 WFSfCUPF DRIVE. NEWPORT BF.ACH (949) 645-1355 Andersen, Ea\tblufT, I tarbo1 View, Lincoln and Newpon Coast. In Lhe pw.t 20 yea.N., the C.,pint Run ha.'> developed mto a maior c;ource of fund' for educauonaJ program<> at these five M:honh. Net procet!di. from Spirit Run 2002 exceeded $I 25,000. Interested volunteeN. can contact Jim or Nadine Tuml'r at (949) 640-5350'or ruui1n£turner.1~ co:c.fU!t tf they would likt: to help NEWPORT RIBS FOR ASH: The Newpon Rib Co. and FISI I 1 larbor Area lnc. are holding a fund-rai.'>ing day on Feb. 19 at the rt'l>taurant. Ment10n Fl'il I when you ordt•r, and 20% of the proceed., for djne-in or takeout meal\ wtll bt.> donated to HSI I to assi'>t low-income famiJie!> in Orangt' County. The Newpon Rih < o io, at 2196 I larhur Blvd., Co'>la Me'\3. lakeout how~ that day are from 11 30 a m. to 9·30 pm You can dme'" from 4 p.m to 9:30 pm l-ow1lled 1n I 96R by lural Shlrtey Watts, no,1 t "' celebrnting it'> 35lh year ol support to terminally tit patients and their fam1hes m the greater Orange County area. Training 1s provided. (714) 550-0800 or (800) 540-2545 AMERICAN RED CROSS. ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The cnapter ne~ds volunteers to address community groups about Red Cross services and to act as ha1sons wtth the media in disaster and emergency s1tuat1ons Lynn Howes. (7 14) 481-5376 ANIMAL NETWORK OF ORANGE COUNTY Become a bonle-feeder or take in pregnant cats at your home Many shelters kill pregnant cats upon arrival Dogs and cats are also available for adoption.(949) 759 3646 or www.sntmalnetwork.org ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF NEWPORT-MESA Volunteers lookmg for varytng levels of involvement are needed to help the organ1zat1on Wfth its goal Of helping cnildren in thP community (949) 645-6929 ASSN.RENAISSANCE CREATORS The Costa Mesa group sponsors and supports outreacn commumty service programs, such as the homeless sanctuary Volunteers are needed. (714) 540-5803 BEST BUDDIES The nonprofit orgamzatlon 1s IJ·T Us BJ: YOl 'R #I Ct101c1-'1...oc\l.1 Y I m1<· Tn R,,.,,,,, )nur ""'"'"''" Rabbitt lr,urance Agency Al TO. llOMI tr '-'fR.'. m~I nt \t,tl11i111 ' • c I 'h ~~ ~ <::... r)__, ../ r ~ 949-631-77 40 441 Old ~ Bhd. • Ncwpon Beach (Near Hoag Hcwpiw) community i.crv1ce It::. ml!>'>ion ii. preventing hunger and homeles!>ne"1> m the community. l.ach year, HSll d'>MSts m on: than 1.;wo fdm1lte'> 1n Orange County I he<,e familic~ account for more than 6,400 people. more than half of them children. I ISi I .,upplemenh the work ot its '>mall '>laff with the .,uppon of more than .550 volunteer<, and '>lretche-. tl'> t a'>h by us111g donated food and supphe'> Invite your '>poU!>e, famLly and neighbor., to go fl~l 1-mg with you at Newport Rib Lo. It\ good food and a good caui.e. WORTH REPEATING: From "Thought for tht' Da}- provided by Greg KeUey of Lhe "lewpon Me-..1 Irvine lnterfa11h Loundl: '"f he large'>t room 111 the ..... orld 1., the room for improvement ·· • -Unknown. SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS COMING WEEK TUESDAY 7:30 a.m l 1w ·Hl memtwr Newport Ht>.it h ">unrl<oe Rorarv looking for volunteers 18 and older to provide companionship for adults with developmental disabilities. As a JCit1zen Buddy.~ volunteers will v1s1t with a buddy twice a month and call or e-mail them once a week The orgamzat1on also has an e-Buddies program that forms friendships enttrely over the Internet Volunteers for that program must be at least 12 years old 1714) 546-1826 or www.bestbudd1es org BIG BROTHERS, BIG SISTERS The local chapter 1s looking for men and women older than 20 who have lived tn Orange County for at least six months and have been on the 1ob for at least three months to serve as big brothers or big sisters for cn1ldren ages 6 to 16 from single parent homes 714) 544 7773 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC. Volunteer opportunities for the Ordnge County Council include fund-raising, -program -· · dt•velopment and training to ei.1stmg troops and padts. (7141 5464990 BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF NEWPORT-MESA The three area clubs need volunteer coaches and arts and crafts workshop teachers. Call for locations (949) 642 2245. BRAILLE INSTITVTE'S ORANGE COUNTY CENTER The nonprofit organization 1s looking for volunteers with a <Jub wiU meet at Five Lrowm for a program by Bob Was and llans Unhardt on the club's 2003 fund-raiM.>r 6.30 p.m TI1e C O'>ta M<"><I l\ewpon Harbor I Jon' <Juh nlt'cl\ at the Lmta Mt•..a <,ult dtld Country <.lub WEDNESDAY 7 15 a.m .. The 20 member 'louth Coa'>l Metro Rotary CJub will meet at the ( enter Uub www. sowluoastm~tm rolllryorg), and the l'liewpun lldrhor Kiwam'> Uub will mee1 at the 1Jnivers11y Athlettt Uub. l\Joon: The 40 m<:mber 1.xcllange Oub of the <.>range Coa'>t .... ,n meet at the Bahia < ,onnthtan Vdthr Club for a bu.\ltlt".'> nlt.'t'l.lng. l11e <iompllmL\I lntmwuonal "l;t•wpon I larhor will rnet1 di the '1111<1 Arid Country< luh 6 p.m . The hO member Hotary Uuh of Newport Halbo.i will meet at thl• Hah1.i C onnth1an Yad1t <Juh for a < raft ralk b-. membt·r Dan Hoffmann · u1u•w neu•portllflllH1U "'Jl. THURSDAY i a.rn: The .!O plm nwmber basic knowledge of Windows 95198, Microsoft Word and a w1llmgness to team the adaptive equipment used by tts students to participate tn vanous activities at the Oasis Senior Center in Corona del Mar Volunteers will tutor legally blind adult students usmg computers and other adapttve technology Mary Johnson 17141 821 5000. ext 2113 COMMUNITY ANIMAL NETWORK The network needs volunteers to help control the rising populatton of wild cats 1n local neighborhoods Volunteers would trap and deliver cats to local veterinarians for spaying or neutering, and then release them back to the property where they were found The goal of the program 1s to save the lives of stray cats 19491 759 3646 COSTA MESA CIVIC PLAYHOUSE The playhouse needs volunteers for ushering. badtstage work. mailings, typing, controlling lights and many other duties (949) 650-5269 COSTA MESA HISTORICAL SOCIETY The sOCJety preserves and promotes the history of Costa Mesa and the harbor area Volunteers are needed for the archives. hbrary museum docent and pubhc outreach programs (949) 6315918 ------------------ RosEYs AUIOBODY You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY Full Service Colliaion Center Insurance Approved st,op 949) 642-4522 ~'S AUTOIOOTrn· .~ 121 Industrial Way Costa Mesa Loi.ra Me-.a-Orange Co!>IJ Hrcillast I.Jon!> Uub will meet lor the ~tudent ~pealwr 1 on test Nuon fhe 50-mernber Lo'>ta Me\c:I Kiwarm Uub will met't at tht' I lohdily Inn, the 50 member Newport Heach-C..orona del Mar K1wai11' (Jub will meet at the Hahta Connthian Yacht Club to ht'ar John Preus. president of < oncord1a Umver'>llY www ktwanis.orwcluhl wHame~). the 60-mt-mbt•r l.xch.mge <.lub of Newpon 11.trbor will meet al the Newport I !arbor Naut1t.1l Mu .. eum for a hus111e<,'> mecur1g. and the 100 nwmber :>.ewport lrvme Rotaf) CJuh will mt-t't dt the Atrium 1 lotl'I to hear Karen Springer of lrn111 't'outh \t'rv1ce!> I lt'U11(' fltrOllll).IJfl:· • COMMUNITY & CLUBS " putJltshed Saturday,, n ,~ .... r c.•'v P1101 Send your service c!uo ~ mef'ting 1nforma11011 by ta,, to t949 660 8667 bv e ma•I IO 1deboom "dCJI com or bv int'l11 10 2082 S E Bristol. Su11 .. 201 Newpon Beach CA 97660 1740 COSTA MESA LITERACY COUNCIL The Costa Mesa Literacy Center needs volunteer tutors to teach English as a second language. People who want to learn English as a second language are also encouraged to call Call to register 714 4-'35-331u•Jr 1714 545 3445 COSTA MESA M S SELF-HELP GROUP The Orange County cnapt~i of the national Multiple Sclerosis Society has started a nPw self help group in Costa Mesa for people newly diagnosed or with mtn1mal symptoms of multiple sclerosis. or both The grouri meets at 11 a m the second Tuesday of every month 19491 650 7659 COSTA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT Seniors 55 and older arP 1nv1ted to help staff the Westside substation Volunteers arc <1sked to w ork two four-hour ddy11mc shift s per week They would be responsible for answf'nng phones b1cyde reg1str at1on fingerpnnting. data 'entry and assisting wtth other c1tyw1de pro1ects Semors who can spP-alo. Spanish and English are also needed Call for an apphedt1on Fred Gaeckler 17141 754 5208 JcffF~nn~ .!. L\lan f"m~ REAL EST A ff'. I~ 200.\ .\rt ~ou thmltng 11 liu\ In£ J ~v. homt' m 21rn Sellmc ~our prr-.cnl IK'lfT)( 1 Hert' Jtr '>lll1lt' prtd1c111.1n' for v.h.tt the H'.Jr ~IX)' l'k\jJ, li'lf NW\ .md -<llt'f'\ ha.'-t'd oo :wh 'L' ol iTl<N rnt'nt and lu'tmc re.ti r,IJte llW'lct trtnd.\ Ku}tn. Lov. m1ere'1 rate' and t.u CUI\ v.111 COO!tnll( ICI fud thl' home Nl~er. m.lrtt'l f \tn 1n tilt l:.ct' 11 a do11.ntum m mam 'lt(IOr\ 1ll tilt LS ccooom~. propk 'v.ho 01111 tht'tr 011n homt.. 11hl1 11m ~ut\t'\ed at tht end of 2002 rt.peel the.tr homt'' to continue 10 apprcciarc 1n WO~. althouih at a rate below the rate of )ppttmt1on m rectnt boom ycan. Thi\ \otC of confidtncc b\ hofDt' ov.ncr. 'upporu lht fllld1ni' of a ~t') h' faml( ~«. v.bich rep<J'ted thil an O\m.hclming maJ\lfllY o( hook nv.nm MIJ'\rved tn 21Kl2 had tlrtJdy rt.lltz.ed a .. igo1fiun1 11'.lCfWt m the val uc ol therr home Mort!agc ralt'\ Mt cxptettd to mt otlly pw!Ulll) m nl3 Sdlm. Housing 'honagt~ .-111 contll'Wt to SQ\lalll the 'tiler\ mnc.t 10 200,, and pttd1(.0(ln\ Jl011l1 IO tht coming year ... , ""'"bl\ tht tbird largest 1n honlt' ~e~ in l lS ht<iory. The &ood ncv.~ (Of tht lier IS pncu (~ ttKbt!J bcina WC t~ 10 "* by ap IO 4.3 pera:ol IOI )'CS, •1th IM Pf1Ct' of tl(W llomct upcucd io mau by p IO S' pcrt't'l'll ID 2003. Lylttn and Jeff ht\'C JO ~live ycm of real we upcnmce rn cwpon Bath. Por prof'~ ttnb "' ••hkt ..... all o.r '"' t1ta1 _. al at E.._ at , t tw,ort.C ..... ....... (M) 79'-J19 The Ewlnga,.,. COlllt ... , .. '"'4*1Y .. ~ --,. ... ....,_ . ·-• A12 SaUday, February l, 2003 • Jazzed up for a p~rty . The Newport Beach Jazz Party will make its third a ppearance on Valentine's Day, and will feature a wide array of jazz music. By Suzie Harrison through 16 at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel and Tennis Oub. Newporters John McOure and Joe Rothman started the jazz party in Newport three years ago, which is a cottage industry dating back 50 years according to Rothman. and matched in sets that you would never see in any other place together," Rothman said. The lineup is impressive with . a combo pla11er of big bands, trios, quartets, duos, sexlels and even a ten1e1. w11•s a mix of whal we like and both approve of in terms of our own taste," McQure said. "The audience aJso teps us what they like because they fill out comment cards and we go with the feedback." FYI WHAT: Newport Beach Jazz Party WHERE: Newport Beach Marriott Hotel and Tennis Club is at 900 Newport Drive WHEN: Feb. 14 through 16 INFO: (949) 759-5003 T here's a Valentine's party in Newport Beach that will grab the hearts of jazz fans throughout the weekend, offering an array of up-and-coming artists and seasoned veterans. It's a party that j87.z fans come from around the world 10 attend. It's the Newport Beach Jazz Party and it's happening on Feb. 14 ·The thing about this party that ma.Ices it unique 10 the festival is that it brings different all-stars in, and they're mixed Some of the highlighted names perfonning are Stacy Rowles, Houston Person, RusseU Malone, Jeff Hamilton, Paul Kreibich, John Alfred, Andy Martin. Clluck Berghofer, John Oayton, Ken Pelowski, BW Cunliffe, Roh Eschete, Larry FuUer, Benny Green, lorn Rainer. Terell Stafford and Peter Washington. Drummer Jeff Hamilton will return with the Newport Beach Jau see JAZZED. Paee Al 7 Party Big Band and will also perform with other acts. Ptt TOS COURTfSV Of THE GLEN ALLISON COi. l£ CTION One of Allison's works is "The Buddha's Eyes," taken while traveling through Asia m the Swayambhunath Temple m Katmandu, Nepal. Snapshots of real life Photographer Glen Alli son will di scu ss his travels around t he wo rl d a nd show the photos he took on his jou rneys a t Borde rs Books By Coral Wilson I n the last three years of the 1980s, Glen Allison made a million dolJars as one of the leading architectural photographers in the world. Bui when the reaJ estate market crashed in the early '90s, so did his fortune. He lived in his van for nine months until his bankruptcy went through, and then he lost the van, too. And he had to decide, as aU people do. would life's ob tacles fuel him or drain him? For Allison. it was a cataJyst to go after his dream of becoming a travel photographer. It is about a fortune, love and dreams that were won and lo t, and a travel photographer who roams the world trying to win it aJI back. fl is about Gary l Matheson, protagonist of the new book "The Journey from Kamalcura." Allison·~ new novel, along with his new book of short stories "Penis Gourds and Moscow Muggings." are the results of an eight -year journey 10 131 countries and territories and the fulfillment of a dream that began in his mid-40s when Allison gave away his negatives, destroyed aJI business contacts and set off for Europe "desperate but determined," with the change in his pocket. The theme of his novel is that of his life: "To never"give up on one's dreams until you make them come true." AUison was willing to do anything. even deliver pizza, "J could've been the most miserable pizza boy after having just made a million doJJars and Jost It, but f determined for however long FYI Glen Allison will deliver a travel/photography sli~ presentation and sign His two new books today at 1 p.m. at Borders Books, Music and Cafe in South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St .. Costa Mesa. For more information. call (714) 432-7854. I I had to deliver, I would be the best pizza delivery guy they had ever had al age 45," he said. Allison measures his success by photographs, not dollars. •Al the end of my architectural career. I had 5,000 pictures published in the most prestigious architecruraJ magazines, in the world. But in the last decade, my pictures have been published 50,000 See LIFE, Pa1• Al8 SUNDAY FANTASTIC FIVE MONDAY .. The busy and bustling night in Hong Kong was captured by Allison in"Neon Glitz & Traffic of Hong Kong." TUESDAY 4 ...... ,...., ........... ,. ""*""°W9rlltod0moretlwt .......... bendpeitDnn. .. t4-rP Inn In COll8 Mlle.._.., clih IWllY......, ....... Sing llyot111 ...,..dr•la1endw .... MW U. wl"911110d111111 Mall a. !"a II I 11'9 Hlfp II• DOE.'"' a. C.-....._ ForlrllDm't•an. .... ....... THEATER Motion makes 'I.Contact' • so moving The la rgely wordless collection of vignettes told thro ugh d ance closes its run at the Center th is weekend. By Tom Titus J us1 when we were beginning 10 dunk. there ~ nothing new under the spolhghl 111 musical theater, along comes ·eontact" There's nary a note sung in this • show, and only a modicum of spoken; dialogue. This places the • entertainment burden on the third - element of the musical theater -the. dance. nia1's ~melhing rJu.., FYI \how has plenty of. Director· choreographer Susan Stroman·., Tony . Award-winning production ill al the Orange County Perf onnmg Aru. Center through Sunday, and II deserves a far longer engagement. Tlu.'> WHAT: ·contact• WHERE: Orange County Performing Arts Center WHEN: Closing performances • today at 2 and 8 p.m .. Sunday at~ and 7:30 COST: $27 .50-$64.50 CALL: (714) 556-2122 • • is a visual smorgasbord -three storiO told entirely through the medium of dance, each one more involving than the last. The first segment. MSwinging." lraruipi~ in 1767. inspired by Jean-1 lonore Fragonard's painting ·The Swing." The ™oger in this case is a saucy French lass (Mindy Franzese Wtld) who's pushed skyward by a man who may be either her lover or her servant (the truth doesn't surface until late in the piece). Wtld gleefully triggers the libido o( both attendants -Keith Kuhl and Dao Sutcliffe -in this wordJ~ exercise, • fitting wannup for the passions to be stirred in the next two episodes. , Act lWo, entitled "Did You Move?" and set in I 954 in an Italian restauraall places the accent heavily on comedy ' as the frustrated wife of a macho mafioso type allows the performing · muse free reign while her bµsband is off fruille.Wy sea.rdling for the bleepmg rolls he never can seem to obtain. Meg Howrey blossoms with a vengeance in this Uvely segment, . See CONTACT, P11eAll . WEDNESDAY ' • 'oa11y Pilot SOC I ETY Saturday. February 1, 2003 All .. THE CROWD· Foote in the door at South Coast Repertory ENGAGEMENTS Ou1son-Solmssen Mrs. John Carlson of Corona del Mar announces the engagement of her · daughter, Bonnie ICay Carlson of Santa Monica, Calif. to Andrew Barnard Solmssen of Santa Monica. ' 'T he Carpetbagger's Olildren," a play by American writer Horton Foote, opened last night on the Julianne Argyros Stage at • ,SOuth CQast R«;pertory Theatre. ; Foote joinedSCR director Martin Benson in presenting (he production to the local crowd. It is the story of three listers reflecting upon their lives -set in the South and based on roots °lced back to Civil War memones. The cast stars Nan .. " Martin, --~----~~~ Unda Gehringer and Robin Peanon Rose in the three title roles. Cast and crew joined local patrons of SCR for a post-8 . W. COOK production party in the magnificent new lobby after the curtain. LAURA'S HOUSE OPENS rrs DOORS Neiman Marcus of Newport Beach wiU open the doors of its Zodiac Restaurant for a membership tea in support of Laura's House. The Guild of Angels. a premiere support wing of Laura's House, welcomes the community to discover more about a special agency that provides shelter for victims of domestic violence in Orange County. The afternoon at Neiman Marcus will take place from 4 to 6 p.m. 1-eb. 4. Ticket\ are $25 and can be reserved by calling Fran Mulvania at (949) 675-2966. FLORAL HEADDRESS BALL This evening at the Califorrua O ub in downtown Los Angeles. Los Aoristas wiU pre!>ent a preview of its upcoming 65th annual Floral Headdress Ball. ALSO IN THE CROWD The bride-elect graduated from the Cate School in catpinteria, Calif. and Columbia University In New Yock City and attended The Southern California lnsdtute of Architecture in Los Angeles. The future bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Solmssen of Summit, N.J .. graduated from The Pingry School in Martinsville. N.J. and Hamilton College in Ointon, N.Y. A May 17 wedding ii. planned in the garden of the bride-elect's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Holt, in San Juan Capistrano. Fisk-Galloway National Charity League Juniors joined with South Coast Plaza and the David Yurman Boutique to launch the new Yurman Cable Kids Collection. Worl<kenownedjewelry designer David Yunnan 1s famous for his cable design jewelry, wtuch 1s now available for young people. Vanrty Fair magazine was on hand as NCL Juniors sixth-graders modeled for charity, Pictured are store manager Stephanie Simonovich flanked by, from left, NCL Juniors Caroline Ketter. Mary Buckingham, Carly Cotton, Shelby Sear1es. Laney Tucker and Nicole Cook. James and Patricia Fisk of Cincinnati announce the engagement of ~ir daughter, Marcy Fisk of Cincinnati, to Graham Galloway of Venice, CaJif. The bride-elect graduated from St. Ursula Academy . and the University of Cincinnati. The massive charity even1 is set to lake place Apnl 25 at Merv Grlffln's Beverly HiJton 1 lotel. Tonight. at the premiere party. which is being called "Los Florislas a la Mode," the fabuJous mannequins (who are the ladies modeling the incredible headdresses) and their noraJ designer~ will be pn.•5ented to the social crowd. which will include a Newport-Mesa contingent and representatives from grearer Orange County. included in the presentation wiU be Newport's Susan Welch. escorted by her hu~band. Thomas Welch, and her Ooral advisor, Cathy Zlblds of Santa Ana. Other locals participating m the event wiU be Jade Hlgglns and Modesto Busto. · Mary RJchardson of Huntington Beach wiU chair tonight's preview party. along with Barbara Gershon of Han cock Park and Maggie Simms ofToluca Lake. in <ll>-'>OCiation with Carolyn Johnson of San Marino. the president of Lo~ Floristas. Los Floristas is committed to a budget of $330,000 to support the muJtifaceted programs al the center. For those unfamiliar. the annual Floral Headdress Ball is something of a miniarure Rose Parade of dedicated women modeling spectacular Ooral creations as hats. The 65-year tradition is a . throwback to the charitable celebrations of earlier times. with a very strong commitment to the very real needs of children who suffer from disabilities. •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. The futtire bridegroom, son of Jean Galloway and the late Robert Galloway of Newport Beach. Marcy Fisk and Graham Galloway attended Corona del Mar High School and graduated from University High School in Los Angeles and Cal State Northridge. A June 21 wedding 1s planned in St. Mary CllUrch io Cincinnati. •Weddings and engagements run Saturdays. For a form, please call Christine Carrillo at (9491574-4298 Dance Lessons: $15 Every green is a dance floor when you have the grace and game of Chi Chi Rodrigu ez. So why should you pay a visit to the Toshiba Senior Classic ? Well, there are more reasons than you can shake a putter at. Marth 17-23, 2003 ACIVlnc.pufchase tlekets are $15. Call 949/M0-1001 or vlstt :er '1~ t "" r1'1 ·· ~9 ·· . ' r ,-·i-x·.-- - Al4 Sat\Kday, February 1, 2003 MEPHISIGM THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES ('/e11r1111ce SALE-.. 011 N() W 'I 11 I ! 'i ",. . f1fl"., < J \ ,,.;,., r.·d \/,.,, \ ._ · H 111110 1" \/,,,,., 17XT Westcliff Drive, Newport Beach • 949'-642·FEET • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL FLOORING -~~~ t .\,,,bi.,:,:.j SOLARIAN ~MA~ 3/4" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTER $449 .-l!!:!!5! $149 from sqh -sqh Travertine 18" lt 18" .......................................................... 14.29 sqft Ce.-amic Tile ..................................................... lflSta/led from '4.99 sq ft Laminate Wood ............................................. 1 ~ lflStalled rrom '4.99 sq 11. ' mmun 615~ creen SV.!!!!f.!!! Stop the RED PLAGUE! Dump Those Poinsettias, Buy ~n;nids OrchidSale $500 &Up EVERY SATURDAY 9-4 P.M. WHOLESALE TROPICAL NURSERY Newport Beach's only Orchid Nurse ..-~~---~~~---. fiiiiiiiii•a 11 VISA M'! 4 ' DATEBOOK THEATER 'Twelve Angry Men' retains its effeCt in Newport ByTomTltus T he "Golden Age of Tulevision" was populated by such creative giants as Rod Serting, J.P. Miller, Paddy Olayevslcy and a writer who perhaps had the single biggest effect with a story of conflict inside a jury room, Reginald Rose. Rose, who died last year at 81, created MlWelve Angry Men~ as a 1V drama in the 1950s. Its tremendous success inspired the better-known movie version with Henry Fonda. Lee J. Cobb and Ed Begley. 10day, a half-century after its birth, this story, adapted for the stage by Sherman L Sergei. lives on in various local theater incarnations. The latest venue to try the case of a young Puerto Rican boy accused of stabbing his father to death is the Newport Theater Arts Center. Director Michael Ross has assembled a strong cast to recreate some of the most familiar, yet still involving. conflicts in the theater. It's a bit confusing at first, though, since Ross has not assigned his jurors to sit by numerical order, but it soon becomes apparent who's playing the "Fonda role" of Juror No. 8 John Gilbert (left) stands firm before the angry outburst of Ed Dyer (center), who is restrained by Peter Stone (right) and Lewis P. Leighton in "Twelve Angry Men" at the Newport Theater Arts Center. (John Gilbert) and his prim.iry antagonist, the "Cobb roleff of No. 3 (Ed Dyer). These two actors face off in a tense battJe of principles and philo.,ophy. which more than once require'> the intervention of the cooler-headed jurors. (,tlbert projects tus forcefulness with a staunch. 'e<."ure characterization a!> he holdc; out agamst the other 11 with h1'> "not guilty" vote unul he gradually Y<in'> the other'> over Dyer writhes an P'>Ythological agony. displaying .i hatr· trigger temper and blindly b~ing h1i; m'il'itence on the defendant\ guilt on hJ'> O\>\-TI failed n•lauon'>h1p w11h has son. In a i;urpric;ing tum. Ro'i!> hru. <L'>'>lgned the "Begley role" of the bigot to the producuon's only African American actor. t;eorge P. Nom1ent. who turns in a powerful performance. Peter Stone i'> rnnv11K111g in the role of Juror No. 4, 1denufied Wlth h.G. Marc;hall, the stockbroker who " gtuded by logic and mteUigence. Patricl M. Strong impresses a'> the shy<.-st, most reluctant juror. No. 5, whose upbringfag i.n the <;l um'> leaili to a ma1or development in the play. David 1>chwan1, in the ·Jack Warden role" of Juror No. 7, places less emphasi'> on tus amuouc;ne~<, to get the dehberauom. over~ he can get to hi'> ba.seball game than lloc;e's original '>l ripl dictated . (J1aractcr role-; are ably filled by Bnan Benoit a., the elderly Juror No. 9. who identifies with an aged witnl."'>., who may have given errom·ouc; tesumony. and hduardn Mora ~ the FYI WHAT: 'Twelve Angry Men' WHERE: Newpon Theater Ans Center WHEN: 8 p m Thursdays through Saturdays, and 2 30 p m. Sundays until Feb 23 COST: $13 CALL: (949) 631 ·0288 fort>ign -bom Juror "Jo 11 who adm1na!>ter. a low key c1VJC'> le'>.'>on. Jack Mall1\ hghten'> t.ht> ptoceedmg'> as thl' grl1(anoll.-. ad ext'cutive, Juror No I l. LeWl'> I~ Leighton \lriVl''> to ma111tain order a'> the 1ury foreman. wtuJe John H I lhngton a'> thl' tin11d Juror No 2 and JamC'i. Jacoby a'> thl' lo~cal Juror No. 6 complete thl' dchlwralmg body Timothy J. Hembt'rt filh the cameo role of tht• guard Martin Lckman'> .,et design ~ures a full view of all the juro~. Co'>tume'> by Donna rritsche and hghung by M11d1 Atluru. ctl!.o d.re qwte !>crvilcable. "Twelve Angry Men" io; one of the bt>!>t-remembcred cpl'>odl"> oflV's early period of sub'itantiaJ drama -often presented live by Playhou..-.e 90 and !>tud10 One Tho">C da}"> are long gone, but scnpt!> <,uch a .. Rose's remam to inform and entertain new generation'> of theater audience~ • TOM mus reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot Hui reviews appear Thursdays and Saturdays Now Serving Sandwiches! • Custom Made • Fresh Sun Flour Bread • Boar's Head Meat Cr Cheese With The Purchase Of Any .mdwich. Mwt Prcscnr Coupon At lime Of Purchase. Hurry! Redeem 2/3/03 -217103 I ~-I 1-11 ! \I HI I I ( ~ l \ ! \ \1 1 '\ 'I 111 (11(1 I 1111 \I I (Ill t1 lHI •' -1111 -..1111 .,1IC•\ll1\t',jJ\1\ • IJaily Pilot DATE BOOK Satixday Fet>ruat~ I 2003 A15 THEATER 'Indian Summer' a lively history lesson from SCR· By Tom Titus I f only old "Uncle Jeff' could see hls story set to music on the brand new stage of . South Coast Repertory. Before he passed away in 1928, 84-year-old Thomas Jefferson Mayfield -who had been raised by the 010inumne Yo~ts lndiaru. in what is now Tulare County -related h~ -;tory to histonan Franlc Latta, who had convin~ed the old man to break his decades-long c;ilence. lhat story. ·Adopted by Indians,· serves as the inspiration for "Indian \uni mer,· a 45 minute playh:t liy l!i1 hard I leU~en with 1JrigJnal music by Michael \1lvcrsher. It\ SCR's annual-• I dutational Touring Production, which will be offered IO 107 M.:hools In live local district. It was given its world premiere performance Munday o n the theater's fuhenne Afb'Yros Stage. I >irt'Cted -as have been all JI <ieru.on~ of the .. ,ducallonal louring Production by SCR'!> John Davtd KcUer. "Indian \ummer" 1s geared toward lounh-graders, who are -,tudymg Cahforrua history th•~ 1crm. It\ a hvety four-pe™m l'Xl'ffl'>e in making the pa'>t rnme aJ1ve for young-;ter-; Peter McOaid, a young dClor .\~ho already h..t..'> off Broadway • redits. ttles on the centr..U rule of young Jeff. who Jtt.omparues tm treasure-<;eekin.: partml~ from ll•xa.c; to Califon11a in 1850. the year after gold was d1!.eovered at Sutter'!> M1JJ -taking the long way, around South 1\merica. Heali1fog they've arrived too late, the Mayfields settle instead in the San Joaquin Vp.lley. a place the Indians have called home for centuries. There Jeff meets a young NativeAlnerican,Koo-Nance (Christopher Lorenz), whose language is altogether forelgn, but Jeff eventually learns the Indian tongue when his widower father (Scon Most) leaves him in their care for weeks and months at a time. At first wary. and then curious, Jeff finds himself assimilated into the native culture. Completing the cast is SCR veteran actress Hisa Takalcuwa, who appears first as J~ff's mother. then as the Mexican _ mother of Koo-Nance. offering Jeff a thorough lesson in two foreign languages. As educational as it is entertaining. "Indian Summer" offers some authentic insight into California's history a century and a half ago. McDald and Lorenz are panicularly adept at portrjlying the youngsters who become friends and rivals. "Indian Summer" is !>cheduJed to tour elementary ..chools in Orange and Los Angeles counues through May 2. Bookmgs are still available. A pubhc performance will be given at 10 a.m. Feb. 11 at <;anta Ana College's Phillips HaU for schools unable to book the lour. School officials wishmg more information should rnntact SCR's Education l>epanment at (714) 708-5549. • TOM TTTIJS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Thursdays and Saturdays. COMPLETE AUTCI REPAIR Imports & Domestic • 30k-60k-90k Services Trans Flush-Coolant Flush • Injection Service C..arburetor Rebuilding • Gross PoUurer Repairs AC0e1co Motorcran Sa1M Owner Sina I 965 38 Years In Cos/A Mna Bendix TIE ClllDllTOl llDP llC. 2945 Randolph Ave {Bristol & Baker) 949.642.8286 . 714.556.2181 E-mail: carbparr.s@thecarbshop.com "\~<;'~MIKE'$ ~'<;'~°cARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Texture-Plush ~arpet f\\.o *2Haq ft Installed Flooring Featuring A LLOC No Glue lnstal/iation Wood Berber Carpet <(\\-0~ $1 89 Installed Sq ft l Flooring .~ Refinishivg & ' ~ N ew : Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92827; by fax to (949) 646-<l 170; or by calling (9491 574-4268. A complete lilt is evail1bfe at www.d11ilypilotcom. SPECIAL GOlDEN AGE OF COMICS Pulitzer Prize-winning "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay• spotlights the "golden age• of comic books. On Marth 3 at the Barclay Theatre, Midlael Chabon will discuss his novel and the craft of writing. The program will begin at 8 p.m . The cost is $35. 4242 campus Drive, Irvine, (949) 854-4607. • MUSIC · ZEHETMAIR QUARTET Violinist Thomas Zehetmair and his quartet will perform atJ p.m. Sunday at the Barclay Theatre. f Selections will include, Schubert's Overture in C minor, Bartok's String Quartet No. 5 and Grieg's ~ String Quartet in F major. Tictets are between $23 and $25. 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine, (949) 854-4607. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOZART The Mozart Classical Orchestra is dedicated to bringing quality perfo rmances of chamber orchestra worn from the classical repertoire to the people of Southern California. An evening of Mozart directed by Ami Porat will take place Feb. 8 at 8 p.m . at the Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive Tictets are between $24 and $38. Information: (949) 854-4607. SONGS OF INNOCENCE AND EXPERIENCE The Pacific Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Carl St Clair, will welcome the Pacific Chorale for a program by Pulitzer Pnze wmner Wilham Bolcom. •Songs of Innocence and of Experience.· The show will take place Feb. 5 and 6 at 8 p.m. at Segerstrom Hall 600 Town Center Dnve. Tidcets range from $19 to $59. (714) 556-2122. CLAUDIA ACUNA Claudia Acuna with special guest Billy Childs will perform at Ceramic f\\.o~s 1 so sq ft Vinyl Floorlng 0~•1° \1~ aq ft CALL NOW 642-8400 ·s~ ~ESIGN CENTER • j, ~~For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE REUPBOUTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture Draperies, Shades, & Bedspreads I .11. I•,,.,. S :---1111\\ r1 \1 'fli • . I 1-~ I I () 4 2 -i ~-l ( )( ) 'FORBIDDEN BROADWAY' ~Forbidden Broadway,· which serves up 31 wrtty and ruthless parodies of Broadway shows in 97 minutes, will be staged Feb. 9 at OCC's Robert B. Moore Theatre. The play, wntten and directed by Gerard Alessandrini, 1s New York's longest-running musical comedy review and has won several Obie and Outer Crrt.Jcs Circle Awards. Tickets are $35 at the door, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. lnformabon: (714) 432-5 725. Founders Hall on Feb. 7 and 8 at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m T1dcets range from S46 to $49. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556 2122 ANNE MURRAY Four-time Grammy Award winner Anne Murray will perform at Segerstrom Hall at 8 p .m Feb 7 and 8. Tidcets cost from S26 to $80. 600 Town Center Dnve 1714) 556-2122. PHIL SHANE The multi-talented Phil Shane will bring his Las Vegas·style act to La Cave on Feb. 10. Shane has been a regular on the las Vegas strip at the Tropicana Hotel for years. The See HOURS, Page Al 6 ·•@ummRAMJ• CONSIGN• DESIGN Quality Furnishings & Accessories For Your Hom~ Child's Desk W/Hutch ................................... $225"' Round Pedestal Table (White) ...................... $275 ... Pine Buffet ...................................................... $350- Unique Leather Topped Desk ....................... $400" C ustom Made "Island Style'' Recliner.... )50C)O' TV Armoire ..................................................... 725" "1905" Austra lian Pine Hutch .................... 90o- White C henille Sofa & C hair ........................ $975• Consignments accepted by appointment on/J' l.imiud k1 stock on luuuJ 369 E. 17th Street #JO, Co ta Me~a. Located behmd Plum ~ Pat1Cl Phone(949)764-1746 Hour... ~1on-rn 10 00am-5J0pm. Sat IO·OOam-5 OOpm. Sun IO OOam-4 ~ 1 DAY OllLY • TUesllaf, ,. / ,. ... ~-·~ f -~ •. TOP ICS WILL INCLUDE: LASIK in the 21• Century & Beyond Learn about the latest. and future. technological advaoces Plus see the amazing results LASIK laser VISl()(I correctlOf'I can provide The Benefits of LASIK The doctors will address the reality. the hype. myths errd fears surrounding LASIK They wiQ answer any questoos you may have Is LASIK Right For Me? Doctooi wtR discuss the ceuses of farsightedness neerstghtedness and astigmatism and how LASIK corrects each one IntraLASIK, LASIK or PRK What's the best procedure. what's the difference. ond wtuch one es r1ght for me? Laser Technology & Applications Explof'e laser technology. and flnd out wtlich one IS best suited to your sped& vtSIOn problem Selecting A LASIK Surgeon Leem wtwit to look for In• surgeon's ~·a. tr-..ning and beckground. es wel as e LASIK facility $499 An Eye OR $5000 An Eye? we·n llNWW one of the most puzz1ng questiona. W'tf'J, ~ how, .ame centera ct.ge eo lttle. wt.i odler'8 ct.rge eo much? 1be Seminar will be ai PENINSULA OPTOMETRY, 19Cl~l Ooldcn West St .• Hunungton Beach. Dr. Trina Nguyen and Dr. KT Le will be joined by two of the area 's ~t experienced LA IK surgeon . They will antwer au yourquestiom. i limited, to micrve your now! Odl 4-898-82 I . I ..... • " " .. • t • 'I. ' • FR E E I N IT 1 ll L LA s 11( s c R E E N I N ~ ·- • AH Saturday, Feb<uaty I, 2003 DAT E _B 0 0 K DaftyPlot' HOURS Continued from Al 5 at regular entertainment st 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday throogh Wednesday. (949) 71&-0188. PEKING ACROBATS The play, direct9d by Jlff Loudin. wllt be~ st7:30 p.m. ~ 7 end 8, and mstineea will be offered st 2 p.m. Feb. 8 end 9. Tl<*• a"9 $6, 3443 Pec:ific View show will start at 9 p.m. La Cave Is at 1695 Irvine Ave. (949) 648-7944. NEWPORT BEACH JAZZ MRTY The third annual Newport Beacn Jazz Party will return to the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel from Feb. 14 to 16. The festival will feature the Bill Cunliffe Trio, M ary Stallin,gs, the Houston Person Quartet and several others. The hotel is at 900 Newport Center Drive. Information: (949) 759-5003. WESLA WHITflELD Wesla Whitfield will perform at Founders Hall from Feb. i8 to 22 at 7:30 p.m. Tidcets are $49. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2122. V1ENNESE DEUGtfr Cafe Ludwig's host pianist, Christopher O'Riley, will take the audience on a musical tour of the cobblestone streets of Vienna. The show will take place Feb. 23 at 2 p.m. in Founders Hall at 600 Town Center Drive. Tidcets are $45, (714) 556-2122. WEEKLY JAM The Studio C~ presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players, bass players. singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St. Newport Beacn. Free. (949) 675-7760. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live m4slc Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nldc Peper and Kelly Gordian (known as MPG) perform classic rode, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode. swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Parle Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN Ortve, (949) 219-0900. 'FORBIOOEN BROADW~Y' "Forbidden Broadway," which serves up 31 witty end ruthless parodies of Broadway ahowt In 97 minutes, will be staged at Orange Coast College on Feb. 9 at 4 p.m .• 2701 Fairview Road. Tldceta are $29 advance and $35 at the door. (714) 432-5725. 'ADDLER ON THE ROOP Vanguard University wUI present:. its third malnatage production of "Addler on the Roof." The play • will open Feb. 20 and run through Feb. 23, and a second leg will run from Feb. 27 to March 2. It will play at the ~· school's Lyceum Theater, 55 fair .• Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 668-6145. ART 'ZINE SCENE' -"Zine Scene; an exhibit of zines • . MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Marie Davidson Trio, with Ron Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. The Peking Acrobats will make thejr 15th appearance at Oraoge Coast College's Robert 8. Moore Theatre at 8 p.m. Feb. 8. China's most gifted tumblers, cootortionists, jugglers, cyclists and gymnasts make up the 2&member1roope. Tickets are $35 for adults and $16 for children. The theater is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 432-5725. organized by the Cranbrook Art ' Museum, will be on display through April 27 at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellittt Gallery, South Coast Plaza. 3333 • Bristol St., Costa Mesa. lines are'" publications -like mag~zines - created by individuals or small groups. Museum hours are 10 RAT PACK MONDAYS Maggiano's Little Italy pays tribute to the Rat Padc every Monday with entertainer Chns Williams and his five-piece band. There will be complimentary hors d'oeuvres and dancing. No cover Reservations recommended. (714) 546-9550. JAZZ TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a 1az2 trio Sunday through Wednesday WEEKEND BLUES Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant In Newport Beach presents The Balboa Blues on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons. The program features 1azz and classic rode tunes for dining and dancing. Anthony's is at 151 E Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rode and Motown act. performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. L~ ) Ht·~ta11ra11I Eslabllshe~ In 1962 • ••QwJity Service .. • .. •Ni d Eotcn.a.inmcnt ... Earn $200,000 per year? & $1,000,000 Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. ... Yes upon anticipated acquisition? •• .Yes Our company establishes small medical facilities utilizing rapidly expanding laser technology. ----- \ I ' l ' \I I' \ l I I ' • ' I ' ' I ' ' • ) ' 11: l1( 1(\l1dl1 ,[l\\l,,1, .. ,.1 ,;t,'',,\\ J \ $75,000 DOWN REQUIRED ( STAGE 'PROOF' "Proof;' the Tony Award-winning play by David Auburn, will play at Segerstrom Stage, South Coast Repertory. 650 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa through Feb 9. It tells the story of a young woman who looks to discover how much genius and insanity she has inherited from her brilliant father. Performances will be at 8 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; at 2:30 and 8 p.m . Saturday; and at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Previews $19 to $44, regular run $27 to $54. (714) 708-5555. 'UTTl.E SHOP OF HORRORS' The Sage Hill High School Theatre Department will offer "Little Shop of Horrors" from Feb. 7 though 9. a.m. to 9 p.m . Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m . Sunday. Free. (949) 759-1122. JANE HILL "Local Scenes: art by Jane Hill, will be on display at the Newport Beach Public Library through Feb. 28. The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 717-3801. See HOURS. Paee Al 7 dfnthony '.i . Leather Restoration Center Services *Cleaning * Conditioning * Refinishing *Dyeing + LEATHER GARMENTS +CAR SEATS + SOFAS9 CHAIRS & DESKS ~ .+ HANDBAGS & BRIEFCASES r---------------• I I I I I I Coupon must be pttSCnted when order placttt. Not Valid with any other offers. Expires 0311 W3 I I I I I I ·---------------· 3401 E. Coast Hwy • C.orona dd Mar (949) 673-4640 Serying Orange C.Ounty For Over 50 Years www~.oom • 't . . Daily Pilot DAT EBOO K HOURS Continued from Al 6 1N THE EYE OF THE BEHOlDER' An exhibit fee1uring the works of Michael Perez and Kirsten Prosser will be on display a1 Bayside Gallery Restauri,nt, 900 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, through March 1. (949) 851 -918, www.studioaallery.net. BRAVO PHOTOGRAPHS KIDS STAJWGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old ere invited to participate in songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m. Mondays et the Costa Mesa Ubrery, 1865 Perie Ave. (949) 646-8845. PJS AND BOOKS A children's story time is presented et 7 p.m. Mondays end at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may ' wear pajamas to the evening se1sions. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTELLER A cnildren's story time is held et .10:45 e.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coast Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A cnildren's story time Is held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. parmigiana and calamari picante et reduced prices, is offered from 5 to 6 p.m. ~end from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars offefs w ine testings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p m Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featunng international seafood and salad buffets, roasts-carved to order and brealdast favorites is.held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at S~n Place Hotel, 4SOO MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beadl. $30; $40 wTth champagne. (949) 4~2001. CLUBS ALTACOmE M usical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays throu9h Saturdays at Alta Coffee House, 506 31st St., Newport Beacn (949) 675-0233. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live music 1s performed M ondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 759-0808. HARD ROCK CAFE Live music is performed Sundays at Hard Rodt Cafe, 451 Newport Cqnter Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-8844 THE HARP INN . Live music 1s performed Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn. 130 E. 17th St .. Costa M esa. (949) 646-8855 MOGUE BARMICHAEL'S Live music is perfonned Wednesdays through Saturdays at Banrncnael's, 3950 Campus Dnve, Newp<>ft Beach. (949) 261-6270 UDO CIGAR ROOM Enjoy a smoke with your drink at lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via Lido. Sutte D, Newport Beach. (949) 723-0595 MARGARrTAVIUE Bassist John Clayton will be one of four arrangers and conductors of the Newport Beach Jazz Party Big Band. Wortcs by famed Mexican photographer Manuel Alvarez Brevo will be on display through Feb. 16 at the Orange County Museum of Art, 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. The works will be ·shown concurrently with "The Spirit of Mexico; an exhibit exploring Mexico through the eyes of modern photographers including Henri Cartier·Bresson and Edward Weston. Museum hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m . Tuesday through Sunday. $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and students, and free for members and children younger than 16. (949) 759-1122. BOOKS ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music 1s presented daily at the Atrium's Airporter Club, 18700 M acArthur Blvd., Irvine. (949) 833-2770 Live music is performed at Margantav1tle, 2332 W.-Coast Highway, Newport Beacn. (949) 631·8220 JAZZED Continued from A 1 2 "We have four or five totally different E>ets and.about 40 major jazz art11>1!> playing over the weekend." Rothman <,aid McOure said that there will be four legendary arrangl'P• conducting -Johnny Mandel. Sammy Nes11rn. Gerald Wilson and lohn C ayton. "Larry Nai.h and 1he Jan Symphonies received J c;tanding ova11on la\l yc-a1. Mc Oure '>aid. "~n they ohvlously were an a111ornat1c reinvite." Famous bai.c, pl<tyn Ha~ Brown died la-.t vear and 111 his memory there w1ll lw a special tribute. "There will be a lot of grea1 musical m on1l·nts both creatively and anisucally, Mc.<lure said. "Mary "i1alling'> from San Francisco will perform on Valentine'> I >.i\. and for the clo!>ing evemng. the Houston Person ()u;irtt-t has been brought b.irk b\ popular demand." Aside from the art1..,t~. Rothman explained that thr concept i~ ha!.'ile flee because there are as'>igned tables, E>O people can feel free to mingle dnd en1oy the mthic without having Lo worry if they'U have a place to c.:ome back to. "It'<; p erfect for very seriou5 m1l'>tl luvtr~ because-ii ha5 the rnncert atmosphere \o\tlhoul the hai.sle," Rothman ... aid "It\ for prople who want to ht'..tr grcnt mu-.ic." f irkl•I'> arc available for the tomplete three·day package. a' well as 111d1v1dual reE>erved ... eat\. nw three-day priority 'e.ih ML' from $2GU to $285 .md indudt• a ja;u brunch. lnJ1v1dual Ltckets are from $60 to Sf>') for evening pl'rform.111ce<. and $35 for d.iy11me'> -.e'>'>iOn'i. The rn11cert'> will take place throughout the day and e'.l'ntng at variou5 venues at tht· rec,on l·or more 111fornldt1on or ticket!>, call IY49J ;:;y 5003 or Yi'>il 11•11•u• ne11111orthead1 1ri::.::.pmtycom. Hie jaz.7 party 1., 1•xpeut'd to <.ell oul aE> ii has 111 t lw p<ht. 1 he \lewport Beach ~ldrri(lll I lotel and Tenni!> C Jub t'> at 900 Newport Drive in :'\ewport Reach. MARJETICA PORTC An installation by Slovenian artist Marjetica Porte will be on display through M arch 2 at the Orange County Museum of Art, 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beacn. Porte's work deals with issues of shelter, poverty and displacement. Museum hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and students, and free for members and cnildren younger than 16. (949) 759-11 22. DANCE ALVIN AILEY DANCE THEATIR One of America's most celebrated dance companies, the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater, will perform at Segerstrom Hall Feb. 11to16. Performances will be given at 8 p.m . eacn day, and special matinee showings will be given at 2 p.m. Feb. 15 and 16. Tidcets range from $20 to $65. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556· 2122. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of eacn month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McClintodt Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 641-8688. V10L£T WOODHOUSE Violet Woodhouse, one of the nation's top financial advisors for couples, will speak on HHow to Preserve A Secure Financial FutureH on Feb. 8 at Borders Books 333 Bear St. BARBARA WOOD International best-selling author Barabara Wood will discuss and sign her latest novel, The Blessing Stone, at 2 p.m. Feb. 23 at Bo rders Books, M usic and Cafe at South Coast Plaza. Wood has written 18 novels covering different periods of history. Borders is at 333 Bear St DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beacn. s10-s15. (9491642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday Bruncn from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beacn. $8-$15. (949) 642-3431. TWILIGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featunng dishes sucn as chidcen BISTRO 201 Jazz is played at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.m Sundays at Bistro 201 , 3333 W Coast Highway, Newport Beach (949) 631·1551. DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music is performed after 9 p.m. Thursdays, and pop and rode is presented after 9 p.m Fridays and Saturdays at Din Otn at the Bamboo Terrace. 1773 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 645-5550. DURTY NELLY'S Live music is performed at 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, 2915 Red Hill Ave Costa Mesa (714) 957· 1951. MARRAKESH Authentic Moroccan cuisine and belly dancing is offered at 5 p m daily at Marrakesh. 1976 Newport Blvd • Costa Mesa 1949) 645·8384 MARRIOTI HOTEL Live music 1s performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Mamon Hotel. 900 Newport Center Drive Newport Beacn. 1949) 640 4000 MULDOON'S Muldoon's is an Irish pub at 202 Newport Center Drive Fashion Island Newport Beach 1949) 640 4110 See HOURS. Page Al8 ORGANIC ART PLANTS & DESIGN Come See Ota New Selection Far 2003! The Vmes You've Been Waiting rar Are Here Perennials At Their Best Free (}<m1erl Design Omsultaticnl . Distributor for Dm'<' Fross 'Native Sons Plants' and Gary Hammer 'Desert to Jungle Plants' 7/mber gsfe. LEXING1\0N. Cirebon TOMMY aAHAMA. " HOME BRAND S ....Tu•& ......... , COLL f.CTION All Tommy Bahama, Amber Isle, Cirebon and all other Lexington Home Brands are on SALE NOW! Time is running out on this Special Sale. Full Design eonsumno Servlc• Available H.J. GARREl FURNITURE ·A tamfty tradition· of providing set'Vlce and value since 1960. • 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949)646·0275· MON· SAT 10-6 SUNDAY 12 !' 5 , t ·---.. •a;. All Stbwdey,, februaty l, 2003 "\:. ..;., '(: DATEBOOK Daily Piiot . ·-Thurs, Fri, & Sat January 30th · February 1st A Fine Affair 721-9044 B.Magness 644-4477 The Basket Case 720-7088 Baskin Robbins 644-1331 Blockbuster Video 759-9404 Cathay Newport Restaurant 759-3388 Champagnes Market & Deli 640-5011 Chevron USA 760-8678 Couture New York 759-1791 Happy Nails & Spa 759-8686 Labels 640-1133 Mag's Donuts & Bakery 760-9278 Mailboxes Newport 644-6480 Master Tailoring 720-1041 Marco Polo Italian Eatery 721-0801 Newport North Cleaners 644-0435 Newport North Optometric 720-0204 Dr. Michael Shack One Hour Moto Photo 644-6533 Petco 759-9520 Royal Jewelers 644-7804 Salon Belcourt 644-9980 Tu lly's Coffee 759-8246 ...,. The Video Editor 720-2080 "all phone numbers 949 area code ORTH CENTER d Bison, Newport Beach LIFE Continued from Al 2 times." With 50,000 prints 0Qating around, lie "bumps into them• on postcard raclts, on airplanes an~ even on the cover ofTime magazine. . In the novel, Matheson's search for self and the meaning of life ends in a kind of epiphany, but Allison's personal revelation about his role in the world was a process. "The only way to contribute to peace in the world as a,n individual is to celebrate cultural differences and respect tb'Ose differences and in _some way make a tremendous life bond with as many people.with differing views. because if we do that there would be peace in the CONTACT Continued from Al 2 boogieing down with the headwaiter (Gary Pranco) and then switching back tb downtrodden domesticity when the humorless hubby (Adam Dannheisser) ~The variations on this theme become wilder and furutier, including a waiter's shell game with the husband over a rnis&ng pistol. The post-intennis&on entertainment is the extended title piece, as a suicidal advertising man (Daniel McDonald) finds himself in a HOURS Continued from Al 7 world," Allison said. "You can't go to battle with people who are your friends." But the world is not at peace, and Allison said Glen Allison Americans areas much to blame as anyone else. "In our country. we tend to think we are a global melting pot, but actuallywe are very insular. Most Americans have no idea about the geography of the world. So many people asked me, 'Where is KamaJrura?'" · Peace spreads slowly, one person at a time, through understanding and dialogue. Allison said. As one person ~ew York Poolroom bar attempting to make "contact" with a vision of loveliness in a yellow~ who anives nightly to dance with, and lease, the male patrons. Colleen Dunn plays this blond goddes.5, performing a variety of exquisitely choreographed numbers, which twist her delectable body in all sorts of directions as the sminen McDonald -who's no dancer - can only watch in awe. Stroman drew this character from a real woman she'd observed at a Manhattan club who'd nod or shake her head to the various men yearning to Newport Landing's Oyster Bar Lounge at the Balboa Ferry Landing, 503 E. Edgew ater Ave. (949) 675-2373. OYSTER BAR LOUNGE TEE ON THURSDAY Local pop and light rode acts The Tee Room presents its perform Fridays and Saturdays at two-piece band every Thursday 5. Magness Fashion an d Sirena fashion Semi-Annual Sidewalk Sale Thursda_y , Fnda.Y, Saturda~ Celebration Saturda_y, Februar_y I An Atternoon ot intormal Modeling 12.--tpm fortune Cookies with Predictions and Sa\tngs Newport North Center 12'101'>1son l'.H Newport l'>each 9+9-0H0-H77 -· D E ~ M R R doing his part, Allison resolved long ago to make one lifelong bond with someone from every country in the world He got mugged in Moscow, was trapped by avalanches in Tibet, almost slip~ into a volcano in the South Pacific and was kidnapped by a warlord in lrian Jaya, in Papua New Guinea,. "I was just a photographer roaming the world, taking beautiful pictures, and in doing lhat, I encountered life." Allison said. "And most people in different cuJl'W'es lived it differently than me, and I had an opportunity to either be narrow minded and think my way of doing it was better,-but for' mere survival I more or less had to open my mind and entertain tht! possibility that there was another way of doing it that might be better.· dance with her. Collaborating with playwright John Weidman, Stroman expanded on the theme. pairing the wordsmith and the· whirljng sprite in a moM improbable romance. It's set to some of Americas greatest music, including "Big Noise From Wmnet.ka" and "Sing. Sing. Sing." "Contact" makes just that with ii.'> audience, and many a male audience member will fall asleep that night with visions of a . gorgeous blond in a yellow dress - swirling in his subconsciousness. • TOM TTTVS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Thursdays arid Saturdays. beiween 6 and 9 p.m. at 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. (949) 756-0121. TOTALLV COFFEE • Open mike night 1s held from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m . Thursdays at Totally Coffee, 1525 M esa Verde Drive East, Costa M esa. (714) 435-9367. VILLA NOVA Rich Fauno plays at the piano bar at 9 p.m . Sundays through Wednesdays at Villa Nova, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach (949) 642-7880. 230 Eosl 171 St •Cosio Mesa (949) 722-7224 www ru9sondcorpets com Mon.fr. 1 0-6 • Soi I 0.5 p l II I II SATUR DAY AC TIVITIES llAM -3PM Kid's Crafts •Face Painting • Live Music: The R ockit Scientists will be performing hits from the so:~ & 60's AMADEUS SPA 10% off all salon services and 20%-50% off selected products. 718-9588 ARMOIRE Sale merchandise now up to 70% off. 644-9888 BABY UNIQVE Selected items up to 50% off. 1594222 CHICO'S Taie a11 additio11al 20% off already teduced ,,.ercha11dise. 219-9960 MARM I + 10% off everything;,. the store. 121-1325 MOTTINI 5"" off lta11dbag1attd11'011. 121-0113 NEW BALANCE S111>11a,.lial dlsco""'' o" both fllH s "'"' "'"""' s 1ho'6. 120-1602 PE H 'S COFFEE & TEA · Disu•11ted ~'" °'' 11l1eted M1rdaruli11. 640-'6311 SU.BTLE TON ES Selected merchm1di.u priced as low as $5, $10, $15. $20 and $25. 640-278 I WATERWORKS Reduced prfoes on selected merchan- dise throughout the store. 117 -6525 Other fJarticipatint retailers include; DIANE'S SWIMWEAR 759-6880 ITALIANO HOME STO RE 640-2458 All ,li0tt1 1111111lu1r·1ar•111 1111' 1/49 or~o rod•. CORDIA DEL HRR PLRZR flaclflc Cout Ht1hwa1 • MacArthur 8oult'lard SllOPTHEI 11.VJNECOMPANY COM ••• ---....... ....;;.c..._...;\.._ ___ ,. ......... d ..... ____ ..... _ ................... _ ..... -.--·-· .. ·, ... _ ... _. __ ......... -....................................... _ ...................................................... ~ • -·I'!"------~~-~-~---~-~ ·--·-.... wez u a 0 4 c a ea CJ as casssoaa ozzasesc ZSS&ll~ ·· · QUOTE OF TIE DAY "It was sort of surreal being in your hom e arena and having this many people." Jimmy Pelzel, UCI JUOIOf' .. \ EYE OPEIER Ddily~Pib Sporu Hal~ fame (.,_11 t.U c.t-. tudinhhWt f ebtuaty 3 honoree JANE HILGENDORF Daily Pilot Spcwta Editor Roger Carlson • (949) 5744223 • Spcwta Fu: 19491650-0170 Sat>xday February l 2003 81 PERSPECTIVE Davenport & Co.just a matter of timing O ffi cially, the WTT's Newport Beach entry will become official on Friday. T he c ·rnail l.Un.c at a funny time of the wee~ but a media adVJ\Ory amvecl Friday afternoon wtuch l>eem!> to further cement llw nouons of Daily Prlot tennl<, columnaM Richard Dunn that a Newpon Beach entry in the World Team Tennr' -.ccnc is abou1 to ht>eomc rt·ahty. What\ '>O funny? I {.tn't find H1dl, he h.i' the day off. Dunn. who'>e rnlunm of Jan l 1. '>U~C'>led an unnamed franrhtSl' would clam1 l~lh'><.lde., ll•nnr'> Uuh d'> home tllld would bt-rompt•lrng 111 1he July 7 27 por11on of the r.llcndar. wuh ROGER l.ind'Wt} Oavt•npon CARLSON the featured tw.1dhner, .unong other notion'>, ;uid JU or th1' would be fonhr onung "1th J rrwlauon on h•b 6, appear'> to he quite• .1 h11 morl' tJMn '>lfllplc 'pccula1ion The mt'<lra advt'>OI)' '>Hite' lt•riru' , legwnd Biiiie Jean t..rng. (,rand ~lam champmn [Jnd'><ly D.1venport and World ream Tenm!> ( I l > lla.n,1 t..1o''> will dtSCll~ lhe WT£'> ft'I urn 10 "iouthC'rn California They'll make their H'\l·lat1or1' al the I lyall Nt'\VJlt)rt I lotl'I. within ... i.;11 of Keo Stuan·.-. Pah'>C.ldt''> lt·imr'> Club. al-.o lmewn a.' the honw .1wa) from home fo r:Undsay and her funner lon1ttune c~h. Rohen Van't I Inf The World Team lt•nm' fonnJI t'>n't rn&irely Ill'\" to \it•wpon Beath. \\t' had the Newport Beath I h1~c., around here from 1990 10 '94 and 1t ~ 1nterc~ting. to say llw lca\I A bc1ter ont•·v.ord dt•<,t npllon would probably he "1umult11ou.,, ~ thank.<. to a team owner who alway'> had '>OllW 'on of $Urpn'>c gomg around the "John Wayne lenrw. Club ~ \\hlth later would become Palt..ade' 1C 1lus time around 11 would -.ecm there would be a much bt•tter fooung .u the ~th .-.uch enlllll'' a'> Rillie Jean King an(S Ken Stuart holding LOun, although the format .., prt'lt) m11d1 the• '><tme Thnnis legend'> competing on a team basis, with 1wo rnt>n\ <,rngles, 1wo women's stngle<i and a mixed doubles. Wgh ~hoof and rnwrcoUegi.ite ter\)lis. of course. operate<; under the team theory, and for '>heer enlertainment, the only thing better in te$is comes in singles at the top. and singles at the top becomes rather selective. See PERSPECTIVE, Pa1e 86 ABOVE UC Irvine's Jimmy Pelzel unleashes a kill on Hawau in the second game Friday night at Bren Events Center. The Anteaters lost in three. RIGHT Hawau's big man Delano Thomas (17) finds a hole past Anteaters' Jose Delgado (7). Hawau won the early-season showdown of the nation's two tOJHanked teams in four games at the Bren Events Center. PHOTOS BY STEVE Mc CRANK I DAILY PllOT COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL COLLEGE MEN'S f) VOLLEYBALL UCI loses battle An teaters fall to Hawaii in fo ur games, but a record crowd of 3,235 makes its presence felt at Bren Events Ce nter. Stev8"Vlr1en Daily Pilot BREN EVENTS ( I .I\.· TI=.R -On a night wht•n the UC lrvme mens voUt>yball made hll>torv. 11 was the expen· ence of the at mosphere thdl manered mo'>t Hawa11 A nteitr>rs ) for the Antt!ater.. lltr 111om1·n1ou' matchup of No. I UC I v-. :'Ion :! I l.1w<1.11 pr0V1dal the Anteater. d big 1a.,1c ol prN>ille packed voll~'hall Hawau 6 I 2-I m thl' \1nunta111 PaClfir \port.s h·dera11on defldtt'<i pn.•VJow.ly unbeaten I)( I .iO 1 H. n 30. 30-18. 30·26 in front of d rt'Cord crowd of 1.235 Fnday night a1 1lw Bren evmts ~ter The target crowd for a volleyball match c11 UCI WdS Apnl 17. 1999, agamst ~ldllford v.1th I .LOO at Crawford I fall. The An1cate" dmppt'tl 10 10· l I 1 m the MPS~ WThere wa., ')() much dbout 1tm match I was excited ah<>u1 OecalN' 11 presented such an opponumt\ for u' to learn and get bent>r. • c,a1d John '-Jll raw. UC.l's first year wach "Pla"1ng m llus big arena em.11onment. playing for tlus sire of a crowd, pla}10g agarri..1 a team that won a nauonaJ th.lmp1 onship. thL\ LS what I v.antcd nus ... gomg to malce w. a bclll r team m the long run. I would n.'all} hk.t: to thank the fans for commg ou1 bec.iuc,e I don't think they reaJ11.e h<M much they helped us. and h<M much they'n· gomg to help uc; develop .a.s a team and get prepared for another match of this caliber wtth a big crowd." Hawau. the defendm~ ndnonaJ champion, ts acchmatl'<l to the h1g· match en\llJ'OrunenL The Wamor<. play in frQnt of crowd!> of 4.500-6.000 at the Stan Sheriff Center m Hawau They felt at home at the Bren. Yet. that S.. UCI. Pqe 86 ';Eaters determined to snap out of funk DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK AJ)teaters try to reJ>ound after s4ffering worst h9me loss in four yqars and their lowest scoring output of tile season. Stty• Vlrsen Daty Pilot .REN EVENTS CBNTBR -UC trvtne en~ this season u one or the top ~ ~en'• basketball teams ln the Big ~nference. There was UC Santa Utah State and UCl. The Ant- ea ra defeated Utah State, but they fa1td conslderably aplnst Santa Bar- ~ whJch dealt UO ltt wont home lo• ln four years, 70-54, Thunday. 1he Anteaters (11 6, 5-3 in the 8'g ~ ha~ lost two tralght and are n fated with the challenpt or an· swerlng aides, meeting expect.a· tions and overcoming adversity. They will have that opportunity lonisht at 7:05 when UCI hosts Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. nus is a winnable game for ua. but nothing ~ a lock in the Big Wal Cal Poly (8·9, 4--4), which de· feated Lo1Ji Beach State, 86-71, Wednesday, is 2-5 on the road this,_. son. However, it the Anteaters ahow up as they did against Santa Baiba.ra. Douglass kQows lt will be a long nlgbt, no matter who the opponent is. •Hopefully that wu a one-night ex· perience,,. Douglul liUd. *We have to conect it and mow oa; I don\ know haw to apLa.ln It nwy knew lt wu an lmpOttant MUpme. It WM at home (ftnt of a tow-..me bomeltmd). We bad our tint he out of Mftft ~on the road and l wu ~more ner· VOUI about that.• UCI hq not lolt thre. In a row thlt ... UCI. ..... .. Sharon Day There seems to have never been a doubt a bout this Costa Mesa high jump and soccer standout. ' -.. ~-·~--~---~-.. ,.._. .... w .... .----•·._ __. • ..._ ____ ·----- .. .. . 1 2003 established 1984 . . . . ~uxury Imports -~ ·ExotiC Sports .Cars t ISINelt. ·n· ce a level of service and . made us the #1 .. ,... ... l•1a11ry and rmtic dealer in o~ Coun~ Since 1• we hDe said aver 20,000 of the finest automobilelj I invite you to mke a test dme today!" _r . . * Fully Equipped Service Dept. . . * ·ASE Certified Technicians * ·warranty Included (on Most Vehicles) ~~~ * Consignments Welcome * Cash Paid for Your Car * Competitive Finance & Lease Rates ' VE ·NTORY CHANGES DAILY .~ OVER 70 CARS AVAILABLE DMW MERCEDES PORSCHE 95 318i SON c1&1~0 · ,·,1 s~e01 1.c ... ~·. $10,980 95 C280 SON c1M12>""-lDwM.ie\ $12,980 98 BOXSTER (•89•) • wlol;~·<>~ $27,980 96 Z3 CONV (1&770) ooo&~· $11,980 96 E320 SON (16606)'-'I. fullP.....Only' $18,980 99 996 CPE (17&J)) n.u.. r.~ $42,980 97 M3 SON (Ul9422) "'u locOICoi ••••••.•••..•..• $21,980 98 E320 SON c1am)lllocU.~~Onlyl -$24,980 99 996 CAB 11a~n "' ~ AwMO<TW $49,980 99 528 SON cmm h~ 100·~""9' $22,980 90 SL500 c•t923>...,.. :i~~ en.<>wTW ........ $27,980 01 996 TURBOL1&90~ ·~"'"" ""'~Whcl $94,980 I . : 01 Z3 CONV c1aa9t)3 "~ A.U10'n<J11C.l.owMNsl $24,980 96 SL5QO IU>STR (11M9)tllodl()pojllolt.lopillnvnoc $27,98Q I 00 996 CAB t1907X>~'Plow •6'~ Foo"''.., $6Q,98Q 99 323i CONV (la&aa)~ 1on l><)1 J~ $2~,980 99 CLK 320 CAB (1'ICMllC) ~~ locoi()wrw.oo< $36,980 00 996 C4 COUPE •9')1). '-1~ ~..ic. $64,980 I 98 M3 CONV (18927() J¥ U>w Mi»i• ......... $27,980 98 SL500 RDSTR (18999)0..0p<.l wA.st l~ :H\ $38,980 .01 996 C4 CAB (19007()>1> ·rli<:i-d• p ~olLoro. INQUIRE! I 98 740i SON (117~) """' ,~ ... Oft $27,980 98 CL500 (19Q64)Dlod.~ lJl\ Gor9t><M • $38,980 ' 9 5 840 (j CPE (1&867) ~· AP~n ~-$ 27, 980 99 SL500 (Ul9$3)~ :ler> ~K>i tmmocUla•tt' · $,41, 980 SUV$ (, PI CK UP$ 00 528i SP9RT c1e<1S9C) m.,. :~tl!W'. $32,980 99 SL500 RDSTR (18977)~ ~..,lfoi-lrv'Ontt $42,980 99 JEEP WRANGLER ·a'llXJ'-'>1 Mol ~ ·$13,980 00 740i SPORT (l&964) 1'Uf!QNy 1~ $37,980 99 DODGE DAKOTA P/U (1119&• llCt w"" ~1 $13,980 01 750il ,.,..,,, ...... -~ $55.980 1 OTHER MAKES 99 DODGE DURANGO ,.,,.,,...,...,... $15,980 99 FORD EXPEDITION !1&79•) .... lJtJ LDo<)rd $17, 980 Exo'I Cs 8? JAGUAR XJS <11412>~·~ lDwMl1vs $7,980 00 lAND ROVER DISCOVERY 1aa.qlh H4>• $19,980 99 FORD MUSTANG CPE (1&560) ~ ~~ ~ $ 7, 980 99 CHEVY TAHOE LT. • •6410, .rr I}., (/W'>!" "'$ 21 , 980 00 ACURA NSX c11100s> ~y..,.., 12KM11110rtt $61 ,980 01 HONDAS2tmCONV. c•amoPw<Xil!Top~eK MI $27,980 02 BMW X5 3.0 LT. •8920>~~ ·~~ So¥9' $41,980 : 01 LOTUS ESPIRIT (1&9IXIC), ... 1onutw-:11t"" $68,980 01 AUDI TT QUATTRO AWCPE •~~· ldk'-$27,980 03 HUMMER H2 c1iio.o)O.V,JP;#Wes'Ulw M ,_, $57,980 SPORTS SE.AN HILLER I DAILY P1LOT Costa Mesa senior soccer standout Sharon Day is the Daily Pilot High School Athlete of the Week. DAY Contmued from B 1 method of becoming one of Costa Mesa's greatest athlete-.? "I thinlc playing sporu came naturally,· Day said. • 1 kind of got good with it and stuck with it, and now I'm an athlete· I lo-hum. Oay speab with simphciry. She's quiet, yet not passive. She's the essence of humLIJly, even though her skills have elevated her to -.tar '>tatu., N>r all her anribute'>. the ou1<,1andmg quahry th,11 ~h her dpart from other athlete'> is her competit1vt• desire. the will to win. Said Mesa Coach Dan Johnc;ton, "When she gets ht'r game face on you know '>he i'> going to d o something great. You can JUM see iL" Through the Mustang.<>' I Ii games. Day. the Daily Pilot Athlete of the Week. leads tht• team with 20 goals and JO ass1<,b. Last week. she stored one goal and three ~1st-. in Mesa\ 9 0 win over Wc\tllllll'>tt'r She followed that up with a three-goal. IWO-Cl.SSIM performance 10 lead the Mustang'> to a 7-0 victory owr sanrn Ana. She aJso !>Cured rwo goals and added three ~.,isb 10 guide Mesa to a 5 0 win owr {)(.ean View Wednesday. l..a..,t year. Day w.is namt'tl SHARON DAY Bom! June 9, 1985 Hometown: CIMU Mesa Height 5-toot-8 Weight 140 Sport: Soccer Pos: ~nter h'lfback Coach:OanJohmton Favorite food: Italian Favorite movie: •Rat R•t•• Best Mhletk montent: •winning the state title In the high jump last year ... High sdtool Athlet9 of the Weell V: The Costa Mesa High senior scored four goals ~ added five assists In two wins last Wftk that ~the Mustangs ~in the Golden West League. l)aly PloC Collector ipotU Qrd S«ies OJ-S Co-Most Valuable Player of the Paufic Coast League fh1'> ~eru.on, owning sole po~1on of the award in the C...olden We<.t League will be a pract1caJ11y Day expected this <,eac,on 10 be memorable. ll1at come'> with being a senior. But there wa., alc,o the facr that !>he would he playing with her younger <;i'>tcr, Jasmin. a fr~hman. In Jddition, the Mustangs were bu1JdmK on a c,ucce~ful season Lai,t year. (..O<;la Mesa won Its first ni- playoff game m girls soccer lluo; sea.son, the Mu-;tang., are ranked No. 2 tn CIF f)J,1i,1on Ill. fhey are 9-0·0 lll league and have outscored opponents, 60-3, in the Golden West League. -1 want this season to be the best it can be, and it has been so tar.· said Day. who pointed out wins over Corona del Mar, Rosary, and Ali!>O Niguel a!> evidence. "I love all my teammates. We have so much fun on and off the field. We work. so hard and we have !><> much fun when we do it Some other schools. their teams have drama and they don't get aJong. but we get aJong and we play well together · Day lead., the C .olden West League in goals and as.,i!>LS, but c;he would be at the bonom 1f there w~ a f>ecuon for celebrations. Soccer i!> a game that carrie'> great cmouon, and when a goal is M:ored, celebra11ons. especially game-winner~. ha\.c become natural. Not for Da) "I've 1hough1 about (celebrating wtldlyJ." Day '-<lid "But it's JUSt not me. That's iust the way I am. I'm nor cr.vy hke that. I'm not like that o n o r off the field." It's not about '>tJllStics, awards or compliment~ for Day. Inc game is about \>Vinning and teamwork. -She's been a great team leader and a temfic playmalc.er, • Johnston said. "She account.s for a lot of the po~1ons on the 50-50 balli.. She doe'> 1t aJI. • BRIEFLY SCHEDULE Family night at the Pond Feb. 21 The Costa Mesa chapter of the Susan C.... K.omen Breast Cancer Foundation will host its fourth an- nual famtly night Feb. 2 I at the Arrowhead Pond m Anaheim. Ko men supporten>. friends and family are invited 10 enjoy re· served seating on the le rrace Concow-se for S 19.50 to watch the Anaheim Mighty Ducks wkc on the New York Rangers. The Kamen Foundauon wtU re- ceive $6 of every ticket sold to support breast cancer research. education. screening and treat- ment in Orange County. The action on ~free hat night" begins at 7:30 p.m. The e't81l raises awareJms b l(o. l'Jlfrii imp-fi.nl ram--the Im b the Cle -v.tW::fl Ml be tat ~28atfWDt~at~ 8tBil. The foundation will also hold it<> third annual Links LO the Que golf toumarnent May 5 in PuDenon. Reservations are required for the hockey game and can be made by calling (714) 940-2816. lam more about the Komen Foundation by calling (714) 957- , 9 I57 orvistt Uiu.woc:b>men.com. # ~ • • Sheridan gamers Big West honors Ale.xis Sheridan, a sophomore oo the UC Irvine women's swim HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratJng the Daily PtJot's Attllete of the Week series FRIDAY 22 -Geraldo Yang Ferreira Orange Coast College Swimming '00 TOOAY 19 -Billy Eagle Corona del Mar Baseball, '01 HI -Jordan Anoo Corona del Mar Swimming, '02 20 -Krystle Davis Orange Coast College Volleyball, ·01. '02 TODAY • ~ College men Cal Poly San Luos Obispo DI UC l""ne. 7-<>!> p m V1nguerd University at 81ola 7 JO pm College women -UC Irvine at C.I Poly S.n Luis Obispo. 7 p m , Vangu1rd Universrty at 81ola. 5 JO p m ~ College moo -Hawaii Ill UC Irvine, at Crawford Hall, S pm Community college men Orange Cont at Long Beech CC Tournament, all day BaMb9ll College Vanguatd Un1vers1ty at UC San Otego, doubleheader, 11 a m Community college Men 0'8nen Memonal Tournament It Orenge C:O.S1 OCC vs Mt San Jacinto 10 a m OCC vs DeArua.2pm • Wlrtspolo Htgh school girls CorONI det Mar It C.rl5bad. 6 JO p m ~~fWd College men and women Vanguard University at GSAC Ouahlier It Azuu POC1fic, 10 a.m Softbal College -Patton College al V1nguerd Unoversrty, doubleheldef It noon Communrty college Or•ngo Coast .i College of the o.-t Tournament Tennis Coli.gt! men -UC Challengo .i UC team, has been named the Big Irvine. doubles. ell dlV West Athlete of the Week for her Oub M#finv Open -Newpon a-ec ., 58th Street. 7 performance agaJnst Cal State • m Northridge last weekend. Sheri-• dan won the 200-yard freesryle, SUMlAY ' Tennis the 500 free and th.e 200 butter-College men_ uc Chillenge 81 uc Oy. Her time of 2.07.57 ln the h'vine. singles. 111 d•v 200 Dy broke the UCl school re-Water po1o cord set earlier this season by College women -uc 1rv1ne" Unlverwlty sophomore Molly Donelan o1 Redlllnds lnvlletJOnal, 111111-v against Utah. ~rutv c:o11ege _ 0renge eoesi ec The Anteaters will be off this College of tile o....t Toumemenc. week. They on the road at Cal Qub ~ Poly and UC !>anta Barbara next Open-N9wpoft 0..11t 5eth Strwt. 1 week on Feb. 7 and Feb. 8. • m. S T \ H '1 .\ R I\ -- ' ' ' " ' Saturday. fet>ruary l, 2003 83 • ' , ' \ . • --~•,..,...---= .... w-•-..,w-=-uu ... w_q,..www_,w_..,0_¥_+...,w-wr<v-wr ___ ~----· • - - -..,.. ___ ~ ----.._ •• ----...~~ ~--.-0 00 ¥U = .... • 0 ···••# .• # •• •' \ '•••\,jp•# .. ···~ .......... , •••• ~ ...... ... .... IM Sabrday, February l , 2003 HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS Sailors surprise Aliso Niguel Estancia, meanwhile, .turns up the heat at Saddleback High with a 27-point fourth-quarter rush. • GIRLS HOOPS: Newport Harbor High's girls basketball team knocked off dtle contender 'Aliso Niguel Friday night on the loser's Ooor, 45-32, serving notice the Sailors' 12-12. 2-5 record can be deceiving. Using a suffocating :t,one in the first half, Jen Thompson's Sailors frustrated Aliso's major threat and the die was cast for the Sea View League upset. Jillianne Whitfield was the ringleader with 14 point<>, II re- bounds and five steals, and she had some big help from the likes of Victoria Swigart (I 0 poinlS and seven rebounds), Amanda CampbeU (slx rebounds) and Vanessa Miller, who came off the bench to nail three of five from outsjde the arc. wit wru. reaUy a team effort," said Thompson. "And Whitfield, she was just excellent. The (team) defense won it.~ Aliso Niguel entered with a 5-1 league record. The Sailors are home on Tues- day against Irvine. Eagles fl y, 59-36 llGI~ HOOPS: Following a three-point third quaner .. ,stan- cia High girls basketball coach Tami Rappa inserted her Mart- ers and a full -court press de- fense. The strategy worked a!> the Eagles scored 27 fourth· quarter points en route to a 59- 36 Golden West League victory. Estancia re mains atop the league (8·0). wl was (irked) at their fans and their girls were playing overly aggressive," Rappa said. The Eagles led, 32-26. at the end of three quarters. but re· sponded with a strong fourth quarter. Estancia (13-8 overaJI) had four players score in double fig- ures including Xochitl Byfield (13 points). Trisha Wa'le (I I) with Tisha Gray and Nancy <..as- tro each with I 0. Wase grabbed seven re- bounds followed by four each from Krystal Mano and Gray. The Eagles '>hot 11 of 17 (64%) from the free-throw line and converted on 21 of 4 7 (44.6%) from the field. but made just 2 of 14 from three point range. Cd.M rolls up 5-3 win • BOYS SOCCER: Corona del Mar High's boys soccer team got back on the winning trail Fn· day, posting a 5·3 victory over visiting Laguna Beach to im- prove to 12-5·2, 5-1 m the Pa- cific Coast League. Still smarting from a 2-0 loss to visiting Northwood on Wednesday, the Sea l(jngs ran up a five-goal lead over the Breakers before a liberal substi· tution rotation allowed Laguna Beach the opp'>rtunity to regain some respect. Junior forward Danny Whi- taker was Corona del Mar's scoring leader with two goals, while junior Julien Cerutti, jun- ior Dominic Rubino and junior Jerritt Thayer each scored once. Assists went to O\ris Ring- strom and Brandon Barrett. Thayer's goal was unassisted and Whitaker and Cerutti each netted a goal off a free kick. "We played really weU, • said Coach Pat Callaghan. "We've just got to keep getting wins and get ready for Northwood (in the second round on Feb. 12)." The Sea Kings are at Tesoro on Wednesday in their next league venture. Sailors, Aliso Niguel tie • BOYS SOCCER: Newport J !arbor High's boys soccer team was forced to settle for a 2-2 standoff in a Sea View League game at Aliso Niguel, despite playing so weU that first -year coach Martyn Hansford call ed it the Sailors' "best perform- ance of the year." Eric Nuner scored the first goal of the game on a picture- perfect sequence. Goalkeeper Mark Sparks made a save and Matt Tracy took his outlet pass and drove the right side of the field before a standout pass to Joel Walker. Walker cut inside a defender and pushed it to the far post, where Nutter pushed it in. Down, 2-1, the Sailors evened it on a Jose Surpas score. I le shot from 18 yards out, then sent it home on his own re- bound. The Sailors, 6-3-4, 4-2-1 in league. got a big performance from left midfielder 01ase Kelly. "J le just completely dominated his position," said Hansford. Spears had two saves. Estancia fal ls, 2-0 • GI~ SOCCER: Estancia I ligh's girls dropped a 2-0 Golden West League match against visiting Saddleback to fall to 3-8-6 overall. Goal - keepers Marci l(jrchberg ( 17 saves} and Stephanie Veliz (six saves) were kept busy from the stan. The Eagles host Costa Mesa on Wednesday. Mesa rumbles, 45-30 llWRESTLING: Costa Mesa I ligh's CIF Division I team duals-bound Mustangs were 45-30 winners over visiting Saddleback High Friday in wrestling, improving to 4-1 in the Golden West League behind unbeaten Santa Ana. Among the Mustangs' win- ners Friday were Silvio Estrada (30-5) with a pin at 130 pounds; Jesse Franco (30-5) with a pin in the second round at 145; Matt Grubisich (30-8) with a pin at 4:10 at 140 pounds); and heavy- wei~t Eric Reyes with a pin in 1:25. Also winning were Christian Rivero with an 11 -9 win at 125, Mike Simonoffwith a 16-10 vic- tory at 160, and 171-pounder Adam Garcia with a winning, 5-3, decision. MlOnl the UCI men's tennis arsenal is Greg Biorkinan. ...................... n . a 0 a S PORT S Dad'/ Piiot PHOf05 BY OON LE ACH DAILY PILOT Jeff Gloger ( 1 Ol has emerged as the Anteaters' starting pomt guard and 1s vital to UC l's hopes m the Big West Conference race. UCI Conbnued from BI c,cac,on r he la\t lime II IO\t two Mraight came a1 the bcgmmng of the sc~on when the Ant· eater'> '>uffered lo<>'>e'> to Okla· homa and Wc'>tcrn M1<:h1gan m the season op(•nmg Oklahoma Tournament. After that, UCI won nine of it' nexl 11 . Douglass <,tressed discipline as a facet the Antcater'l must use when running their oOen!>e. Uke all coache'>, Douglass wants balance, scoring threat from 1he outside and down low. Agam!>I UCSB. senior forward Jordan I larris and 1unior renter Adam Parnda. whom are UCJ'!> scoring leader'>. scored five and '>ix points, respectively. Junior forward ~tani'>lav Zuzak did not '>Core. UCI '>emor guard Mike I lood, who had scored 59 points in the previou~ four gamelo, finished wilh <;even Utah St UCSB UCI f'Kfilc Cal Poly Fullerton Idaho Northridge R1vora1de long 8ctt SL they spent Thurs day waiting for that to happen w L WLa.st season. we : ~ had some games 5 3 where we got be 5 3 hand big," Dougla!>'> 4 4 !>aid. "But with Jer· 4 4 ry Green we had a 4 4 3 5 2 6 1 7 potent weapon to take control of the game. We reaJly didn't have anyone who could take control of the game points. While different player'> have ~tepped up to help the Anteater'> m their wins th1<> year, ( rhur..day)." Varnie Dennis, Cal Poly's 6· foot -8111111or forward, is capable oft arrymg a team I It' lcacfs the Mu!>tang'> m .,c·oring and is sec- ond 111 the H1g We'it w11h a 17. I point'> per game average. The \1u\tang'> al'>o ft>ature 1un1or forward Sh.me SchillinR. a 6-6 tramfer from rht' lln1ver<t1ty of Mmne'><>ta. who is averaging I 1fl pomt.., per game Cal Poly's '>emor guard la.,on Allen aver- ages 11 . .! point'> per game lJ( I hold'> a I 0 9 advantage ovt'r lhc Mmtang., m the all - lirnc wne'>. lJU ha., won SIX of the pa.,1 eight gamt''>. Last sea- c,on, the team.:, '>plit with each team winning on it!> home court. Stanislav Zuzak, seen here working m traffic against UC Santa Barbara, will try to bounce back from a scoreless outing tonight. . TENNIS Anteaters put their best serves forward University of California Challenge at UC Irvine today. ANTEATER TENNIS STA- DIUM -The UniversJty of Cali- fornia Challenge begin5 today at UC Irvine wlth doubles com" petition slated for the all·day affair. Among UCl's contingent are such lndMduaJ as 7.oran Ko· rac, Jon EndrllaLt. Sean O'Con- ner, Brien Morton, Dontla Haynes, Greg Biorkman and Reoouk Wijemanne. The~ tournament continues on Sunday with the a1ngtes • competition. ,IHOTOS rt IClHT TM:ftTOW /M..Y Pl.OT Brian Morton is one of the Anteaters' ~ threats. . ··sen a a ·ae·aeo··cs s ·· a··cn··•o·o·e··•·c·rt•c••••·········• - -----.- S P 0 R 'I S .... ~' .,~ .. ~ Sclturclay f ebruary 1 2003 85 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL .Pajevic paces Tars' overtime win,. 67 -62 Senior posts 29 points, 22 rebounds to tum back Aliso Niguel. Perrine may be lost with tom Cartilage. B•rry Faulkne r Daily Pilot ALISO VIEJO -When it came to picking its poison, Aliso Niguel High may have ignored the obvi- ous Friday night against Sea View League boys basketball visitor Newport H.arl:>or. By the hosts choosing to focus their defensive pressure on the Sailors' guards. Newport's 6-foot-8 senior center, Nedim Pajevic, was left plenty of room to operate in the paint He didn't miss his chance to make the Wolverines SUMMARIES BOYS PKllc Coast LAacue CdM 63, Laguna Beac:ti 48 . Scont by OuatUrl Lag. Beach 6 10 11 21 • 4jj CdM 1s 11 1s 16 63 Leguna Beedt -Kovacevic 3, Hogan 25, Sands 9, Renault 1, Norfleet 5. Wheelec.3, T Willhoit 2, Clark 0, Kote O, S. Willho1t o. 3-pt. goals -Hogan 2. Norfleet 1. Wheeler 1. Fouled oui -none Tec:hnlcata -Norfleet 1, Renault (eteeted). CdM -Seaborn 10, Welch 6. Matsen 12, Northndge 10, Mancillas 17. Freeda 4. Luce 2. McDonald 2. K. Cooper 0, M. Cooper 0, Watanabe O 3·pt. goals -Mancillas 4, Seaborn 3. Northridge 2, Matsen 1 Fouled out -Welch Technicals none. Sea v-L.ea&ue Newport 67, Aliso Nlgue4 62 Scont by P9riodt Newport 11 11 12 13 8 67 Aliso Niguel 13 6 17 23 J 62 NewpGf1 Hwbor -B Lowenthal 12, P1nesett 4, Pa1ev1c 29, Rarden 7. Cameron 6, Glass1c 5. t Lowenthal 4, PemneO. 3-pt goals -B. Lowenthal 2 Rarden 1. Pa1ev1c 1, Cameron 1 Fouled out -none. Technicals -none. Alilo Niguel -Roll 8, Wise 5, Trotter 0. Green 24, Gardner 8, Durst 5, Schwab 4, Peele 3, Ross 3, Payne 2 3-pt. goals -Green l, Wise 1, Durst 1, Schwab l Fouled out -none Technicals -none GIRLS Sea View LNci.e Newport 45, Aliso Niguet 32 Score by Quarters Newport 6 1e 13 10 45 Alieo Niguel 3 12 11 6 31 H9wpott Hwbor -Campbell 0, Swigart 10, Whrtfield 14. Vasquez 2. Wolle!' 0, Beeson 1, Stoltz 5, Miller 9, Eddington4 3 pt. goals -Miller 3, Sw1gari l , Stoltz 1. Fouled out -none. Technicals -none. Ailo Nguel-Mannaert 0, Scurich 13, Rrtorto 2, Heuer 4, Moore 2. Brown 5, lkosipentarhos 2. Larson 4 3-pt. goals -Scurid'l 1, Brown 1. Fouled out -none Technicals -none Gotdel'I Welt LNpe Estancia 59. Saddleb.tdc 36 ScorebyOuert«I Saddlebac* 6 ' 1& 10 -J6 Estancia 19 IO 3 27 59 ~ -Lewis 13, Leto 8, Rivas 1, l.ayman 5, Perry 2. Wilham 7. Popoca O. Ytet o. Lozano o. Lomeli O. RamirezO. J..pt. goals -Lewis 1, Lete 1 Fouled out -none Technicals -Lete. &t.nda -Wase 11, Byfield 13, Mino 9, Gray 10, Castro 10, Pena 5. Garcia 1, Wilson 0, Maldonado o. Flores 0, BecefTaO. 3-pt. goals -Mino 1, Pena 1 Fouled out -none. Technicals -Wase. pay in the 'Jars' fil-62 overtime victory. Pajevic amassed a career-high 29 points, including four in over· time, and also collected 22 re- bounds to allow the visiton; (14-8, 6-1 in league) to maintain a share of the le3b'lle lead, along with Woodbridge, with three Sea View games remaining. Pajevic made 12 of 16 field-goal attempts, including ..;i. three- pointer. and was 4 of 5 from the fi"et>·throw line. including both ends of a one-and-one with 39 seconds left in regulation and both ends of a double-bonus op· portunity with 27 ticks remaining in overtime. I le also chipped in four assists, three blocked shots and two steals. M He was a rebow1d machine to· night," Newpon Harbor Coach I.any Hirst <;aid. Pajevic's heroics helped the Sailors sur- vive a scare rroin the Wolverines (9· 12, 2-5), who erased a 17-point deficit with 3:55 left in the third quarter. to pull even, 59-59, on 6-6 senior Austin Schwab's five-foot Sailors On the ensuing trip down the floor, a Pajev- 1c putback off a missed three-pointer put the Sailors up. 63-62, with 1(16 left. turnaround over Pa-Aliso Niguel 67 62 ' Senjor guard O\ad Rarden locked on de- fensively with Aliso scoring l~der Terence Green to force an air halt that Pajevic re- the only adversity the ~ors over- came. ru. sophomore forwan:t Bren Perrine, who has started some ~ season but had lately been utilized as the sixth man. went down lale in ~ first quarter with what could be tom canllage in his right knee. Perrine. whose older brother, Greg, missed part of his senior season last year wiU1 ii ·tom AO.. Said his knee buckled while c61liding with a defender under the basket on a drive. I le was administered to by the Aloo trainer. who suggested a cartilage rear. ·A<. a staff, we ~hake our heads and wonder hoW many guY!> we'rv. going LO lose,· H.m.1 said "But to have your sixth man hurt. then have a team on the ropes al 1helf place and have them come back cm you, wnh the faru. gomg bcr serk, thu. W1J1 ti. a 1estamen1 to our lad'+'. compo~ul'l' We camc bad tn overtime and our free thr<,...,._ (4 for 4 m the extra se<.'>ionJ ~ed the deal.· jevic with four seconds left in regulation. Aliso, which had not led since 3·2, scored the ftrst three points of the four-minute overtime. before the Sailors settled down and took care of business. Junior Andre Pinesett lx>gan the overtime rally with a driving layin with 2:52 left. then the Tars re- gained poSM!SSion when senior guard Chase Cameron blocked a Wolverine shot bounded with 47 sec· ands left and Pajevic converted at the line 20 seconds later to up the lead to three. Lowenthal fuushed \-\lth I ' poin~ mcludmg two thn·t'·p0111t er>. I le ali,o had four rebound' three 31>SL'>~ and two block.-, Junior Breu I .owenthal then re· bounded a missed three-point at· tempt with six seconds left and added two in~urance foul '\hots with three <,eeonds lefl to ~e the l)aiJors their !.eeond mad league wu1 of the week.. "They sa1d they heard cliclc.ing and popping (upon examining the knee), which usually mcaru; cartilage," Hirst said Horden fint'>lwd with ...ewn point'> and five ~1st\, whtle < .. am eron chippt.'Ci Ill MX p01n1 ... Nick < ;~1c. ii fi-I 'Knt01 . helped lilt the void lt>ft hy Pt:m1 tt' contribuung tivt' pomt.<. I.! ot L from the field and hJtung ht'> lont· free throw) and fuur rebound'>. LO!>ing the lwfty lead wa.-, not The Sailors have played without 6·8 junior Jamie Diefenbach all !>eason. after he suffered a season- ending wm ACJ in fall practice HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL CdM --withstands the heat, 63 -48 Sea Kings even league record with victory in a physical game against the Breakers. • J..:vle I tog.m \\ liu "on·d .1 gdme lugh ··, point' 1111 11 of-22 \h1J1Jt111g . ...ittl ht• 11\c•r heard IJ!l' lr11111 tiotll lt·.1111 ... shoutmg bJ< ~ Jt 1111,. .111111 f ,,.r throu~oul !ht g,u11" '''"' ru-.hl'<.l 11u1 the llu11r If• lor1·.t~ up .iny .,cuffk "" light 11 ,,, tena.ltzt'd Ldtt.•r ,, t .w1111.1 ptart'r 'hoved '-.1inhr11Jµl' 111 thl' lloor, drJwmg .int Jl'l tu111 Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot Lag Beach 48 CdM 63 CORONA DEL MAR -Unlike the previous meeting between the two teams, the Corona del Mar High boys ba<,ketball team shut the door on visit· ing Laguna Beach much sooner. 111e sequel to CdM's 59-56 ovenime- t1lrilling viC1ory Jan. 15 to open Pacific League play didn't go down to the final shot, but emotioru. still ran high. The Sea Kin~ kept their composure down the stretch to hold off Laguna. 63-48. keepmg the Breakers winless in league (0-6) The Sea Kings ( 10-12. 3·31 blew a 21 • point lead to start the fourth quaner before beating l..ah'llJla in the fir..t meet- tng ~ seaM>n and felt the similar tn· tense fuJl-coun pressure throughout the fourth quarter. Laguna cut a 20-point lead in half with just over two minutes l'l'maining before Bren Mat.<.en roDed off a screen by Bart Welch near the top of the key for a layup and a change in momentwn. according to CdM Coach Ryan Curry. "11131 was a huge baslet by Matsen." Curry said. "A basket changed it. (la· guna) came down and missed a shot and we were in good position from there" That's when 1t got sticky. ·nw 1un1or gudnJ tough1 through anti .. c 11ruJ I II 1)111111" with thr~ ~\t!>t' and tuur rt'l 11 iumh "I dtdn t expet t to be pu-.lwtl. '\orth ridge scud "11..aguna' \-\a., JU'>L m.1d al the end. fl1t<y .,.,l'rt: fm,trated ufl1•11 s1vely. rnmmHting tumo\'l'r' .int.I tilt' mdde '>tup1d loul'>" C.dM made 9 t•I I I lrcim Ult lret· throw lme the fm..il I 17 ;md tin1'>hl'd 75% rt5 of 201 for lhl' ~mt' v.h1lt· l..t guna made on!~ h 111 1-t 1H'1'i "I'm thrilled Wt' got to 1h1·m l"llh C..11 rt) 'Wild The Sea King!) U\l"d nim ol I 0 o ,IJ)d 14-2 m the fir<>t and '>l"tt1nd q1Mltt•r-. 111 build a lo point half11rnt· leJtl. la~eh on threes follo"'1ng qwt k hall m(J\t' ment and roll., off -.crt•en-. Manctlla.s lt-d tlw '>ea ~mg-. \-\11h 1- poinL' on 4-of 11 'hootmg from twh1111I the arr with ~1at.,l'n I ' ~lln1' lhrn ac;..,i~tsl <md ::ieab<im 11 II point' me l11d ing 3 of 5 from threl' point rnnge 10111 rebound~. three d.'>'>l'·L"I (,'l\10~ t d\1 four scorer; in double fi(,'llrt''> HJn Welch \Cored wt point-. with threP ..i' '>l'>L\ and two rehoundc, follm>1.£'Ci h' Adam Fret'<le 1four pnml'> two -.tt•ah, two 3.'>St'>~). Robbie I tH c.· two po1111 ... 1 and Taylor \.kDonaJd rrwo porn1., got m on the "ea Kings' olTen\l\C' d1t.1tk CdM shot 45% t 19 ut 4Li whilt• I ..i guna managed I q of 'i3 I ~'i tttt 1 STEVf. Mc CRAN~ OAJLY PILOT Corona del Mar High's Bart Welch (22) powers his way through Laguna Beach defenders for two points in Friday night's 63-48 Pacific Coast League victory. An official whistled a Uiguna player for a technical and personal foul. draw- mg the lfe of l..aguna Beach coaches, players and fans. A little more Uian 20 seconds later several fans from both schools ran out the back entrance of the gym. Laguna's "We ran the offenc;e well and t•>. ecuted torught." 'ieabom ..aid • fl1t· la-.1 time we choked under pre<>.,ure and wt> made sure it wouldn't happen aga111 ' Seaborn and • 1ogan ..aid they 111'1 wanted to fini~h the R3fllt' dean JC BASKETBALL DEEP SEA Pirates' men romp , &1 -58 CX>STA MESA -Lanier Brown and Matt Hatch combined for 44 points and ~n Garey added 14 to match SantaAna'5 entire output aa the Orange Coast College Pi· rates mowd the D>ns down. 81 • 58, in an Orange Empire C.onfer· ence pine at Coast Friday night Brown bit an six of his tbree- point attempU and Garey nailed four of siJ. while Hatch simply netted 9 of 13 conventional shots u the Pirates sizzled The key to the game. hoWever. came in the tumoYerS department as the Pirales won that battle. 29- 15, 0rao,e Coast lmproYes lO 15-9, .... in the ooc. Santa Ana drops '° 11-15, 0-8. OCC women squash Don.s CX>STA MESA -Orange Coast C.ollege's women's ~l team slammed the door shut on vi.siting Santa Ana Friday night. jumping to a 55-15 halftime lead en route to an 88-27 Orange F.rnpire C.on- ference vittory. The Pirates, 22-4, 7-1 in the OF..C obUterated Santa Ana on the boanls. 57-25. Alisa c.amn~ who was 8 for 9 from the field and bit all seven of her free throws. finhhed with 23 points. Uz Mendoza had 16 points and JClrsten \bl 1\.tngeln had l O points. Reserve Amy Shaw was 3 for 4 on three-~ters. Nancy HatSushi and llru'hey GaJa.1so each had ft\'e • FRIDAY'S COUNTS C>rwf • lodcer -1 boat, 32 anglers. 14 sand bass, 1 halibut, 6 sheephead, 3 sculpin, 8 blue · 19 Tennis Cuurts · 5 Pros W /Grand SWn fap • Sudiwn Court W / Blta • Bill Machine • o u aca icy ·Pmon.i.l lninmg • F1tn Dattctor ·Swim {.e$wru perch. Newport Landing-1 boat, 26 anglers. 12 sand bass, 46 sculpin, 4 sheephead. 1 white•seabass. ·Jr. Olympic S.Utwattt Pool 1or cmbcrshtps ·W~ 00.. lnumtt ~ • Otrta 1V .. ports P.icka ·Fm NTN t:tU1tcTriria " ....................... 1111.tDI. (East6tae Co6ta M~a. W~Uide Newport Beach) W.d •• Fe~ Thure.. Feb 1s. 6:30·9pm M•rlnere 9111noh LlbNey 2008 Dowr Drtw. Newport 9aoh Mu11t be younger Utan 19. 11"'4 at fe.aft .+Yi by Augf,2002 ~~~ $65160 Rewmine Child/SI Wing or $75 New Child ~.com • SPORTS PHOTOS BY STE'VE McCRANI< /DAILY PILOT UC Irvine's Jimmy Pelzel (2) spikes a kill past Hawaii's Costas Theocharidis (9) and Delano Thomas (17). UCI Continued from B 1 wasn't what made the difference in this match. Hawaii's strong serves and the J -2 punch of senior Costas Theocharldis, a three-time All- American, and 6-foot-7 sophomore Delano Thomas proved to be too much for the Ant- eaters to band.le. Theocharidis, from Orestia- da, Greece and one of five international play- ers on the team, led the Warriors with 20 kills and eight digs. while the imposing Thomas had 17 kills. The duo led the Warriors to the Game 4 win, in which Hawaii pulled away from a 25-25 tie and won, 30-26. The Warriors had more di~ than the Ant- eaters, 32-28. "Beside the fact we lost I'm realty happy with what we went through because getting good at the end of the year is a process and this is an important element in the process," Speraw said. "We played a team that does some thin~ that are very, very physical, much more physical than any team in the league that we've faced so far. We need to ad- just to that lhat's why this match was such a great experience." UCI countered with junior opposite Jimmy Pelzel who amassed a match-high 24 kills. For the first time this season, senior Monte Tucker finished below double-digit kills. He had five. David Kniffin , the Anteaters' junior center, conoibuted SO assists, while Tuder added eight di~ and Pelz.el produced seven • Pelz.el recording five kills in the second game. leading UCI to a 30-24 win. When the Anteaters needed a point or a shift in mo- mentum, they went to Pell.el. "II was sort of surreal being in your home arena and having this many people," said Pel- wl. who was impressed with Hawaii's compo- sure. "They served the ball hartier than the teams we have faced this year. They know how to step up big in these situations. They're the national champions. I'm definitely excited to go out there and split the series with ·them (tonight). We want to show them we're a team that's as good as people say we are. I think we can do it• The Anteaters and the Warriors will clash again today at 5 p.m. at Crawford Hall. It will be another historic night, as ii will most likely be the first time UCI bas rumed away fans for a volleyball match. Because Crawford Hall is under construction, the capacity crowd is 700 (it's normally 1,400). UCJ is admitting fans on a first-come basis today. UC Irvine's Spencer Bemus (1) places a kill past Hawaii defenders Friday night at the Bren. "The last match of the year is going lo be in a big arena with a crowd like this," Speraw said in reference 10 the national champion- ship match. "Hawaii is used lo that because they've been there and they play in a big arena. This made us a better team night" Friday night's match will be televised on Cox Communications (Oiannel 3) today at 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. Today's match wiU not be televised. COLLEGE NOTES pcI polo ranked 12th in nation UC IRVINE -The UC Irvine women's water polo team has been ranked 12th in the nation by the Collegiate Coaches Water PoJo Poll. Coach Julie Swail's Ant- eaters finished last season ranked 14th in the country. Thams In the Mountain Pacific Sports Federatioo make up 10 of the top 13 teams in the country. with top-ranked Stanford, lead- ing the way. UCI, which will face 14 schools ranked In the preseason top 20 this year. will open the 2003 sea- son Sunday at the university of RedJands Invite. • The UCI women's Indoor traek a,od field team opens Its seuon facing Northern Arizona and Fresno State at the NAU Sky- dome ln F1agstaft'. Ariz. Saturday. • The UCI men's goH team be· gins lt.s spring schedule ln the ) Ping Arizona Intercollegiate tournament at Arizona National in Tucson Monday and Tuesday. Coach Paul Smollnsld's Anteaters ended their five-tournament fall schedule with one first-place fin- ish, a pair of seconds and a fourth-place showing. • The ua baseball team will host Fresno State ln the Ant- eaters' season opener Tuesday at 6 p.rn. at Anteater Ballpark. Coach John Savage's Anteaters, who finished fourth in tlre Blg West Conference last season (33· 26, 14-10). was picked to finish third ln the 2003 coaches' pre- season poll. Savage will utilize a handful of pitchers ln I.he season opener against Fresno State with sopho- more Brett Smith expected to make the start. -by Stew Virgen ROLLER HOCKEY Robert Van't Hof (left) and Ken Stuart are two key figures. PERSPECTIVE Continued from Bl pulling for Andre Ag~i. I know the league bas a number of soUd members with plenty to boa.st ot but It's hard to imaglDe a better setup than the Palisades Tennis Oub, Lindsay Davenport and • the community of Newpor1 Beach. ·&sign Hornets tied up The "home• edge In sports 'is never more obvious than In the WIT, where the home crowd surely outnumbers the invaders by a 100.1 ratio. You can see the Soooers' edge, or SU<:keye$' edge. or Husld edge. without leaving the dty limit& So what don't we know? For one, the team'• name. which even Rlch hasn't been able to uncover. .. .. Dunn Uggeatl the two men on the Newport Beach entry could be local hm>es ruck Leach (Laguna Beach) and former Corona del Mar Hlgb tandout Tuytor Dent. I'm How about the Newpor1 Beach Breakers? I don't have more to offer on this. I can't find Rich. But you'D know plenty more oome Friday momlng.. ............. 'r ........ Oalt>y Pilot JC .BASEBALL Pirates sweep at tournament Orange Coast outscores two foes, 25-4. COSTA MESA o ·range Coast College was a runaway winner. twice, in Friday's opening rounds of the Matt O'Brien MemoriaJ Qassic al Wendell Pickens Field. ' Sophomore right-hander Garrett Murdy scattered two hits and one run over seven solid innings to lead Coast to an 8-1 win over Santa Barbara in. the day's opener. The Pirates' offensive attack took over in the second game as they punched out 20 hits to throttle Mt. San Antonio Col- lege, 17-3. OCC meets Mt. San Jacinto today a t 1 O a.m.. then hosts DeAnza in the 2 p.m. game to round out the tournament. Murdy's only jam came in the fifth when a sacrifice ny got one run across after a one- out. bases-loaded situation. Ben flanna's two-run homer in the eighth highlighted a 12-bJt attack behind Murdy. Hanna, Kyle Stanley and Ouis Bullock had three hits apiece and combined for nine RBis, six from Bullock, In the 17-3 laugher. Jeff Plaskowskl slugged a three-run homer in the third inning to make it 5-0. Jimmy Treece (1-0) allowed two earned runs and three hits while striking out three in five innings. Mitt O'Brien M1morl1I Ct1aslc: OCC 8. S1nt1 Berb1r1 1 S. Bar. ooo 010 ooo -1 2 2 OCC 000 100 24a 8 12 0 Thompson. Combs (71. Acevedo (8) and Walton; Murdy, J. Crissman (8) and Grant. W -Murdy, 1-0. L- Thompson. 0-1. 28 -Parker (SB). Easttom (OCC). Stanley (OCCI. Mathes (OCCI HR -Hanna COCCI. OCC 17, Mt. Sin Antonio 3 ace 023 045 JOO -,, 20 2 Mt. SAC 001 200 ooo -3 8 3 Treece, Han (6) and Hicks. Hazen (7); Bustos, Ehen (5) and Hurd. W - Treece, 1·0 L-Bustos, 0 1 28 - Ca1ra (MS). Hanna (OCCI. Ja<*son (DCCI. HR -P1oskowsk1 (OCC). JC MEN'S VOLLEYBALL Surprised Pirates upended in five Oub Spikers past first-ever win over host Orange O>ast COSTA MF.SA -Despite cruising 10 a 2-0 led without hardly breaJcing a sweat. highly regarded Orange C:OO.St College, which was a finalist at State a year ago, dropped the final three games of the match and suf- fered its first -ever defeat to Oub $pikers, 30-20. 30-20, 28-30, 27-30, 12-15. Friday afternoon on the Pirates' campus. The Bucs had no trouble in the early going, gaining the edge in the opening stages of each of the opening two gacnes 10 take a 2-0 lead Outside biners Kyle Martin and Doug Lewis had no trouble finding the gaps in the Spikm' defense. while mkldle blockers Se1iam Allah and Levi Luster set up stifling blocks. With the seemingly com- fortable lead. Coach Oiuck a.rtenese went to his bench to get as many new faces some game action. But in- stead of gaming a three-game sweep and a second victory of the season. the Pi- rates lost their edge and dropped the next two games as Josh Richard- son and OCC product Fer- nando Sable carved up the Coast deferu.e Despite a 3-1 JUffiP in Game 5, the Pirates never re- gained the expl06iveness they showed in the opening 1WO games. Oub Spikers ran off eight straight points. The Pimtes showed a brief bit of life as Martin fired a pair of kills and libero Kaione Scon provided a dig that ended up in a point, but a service error and lclil pro- vided an insurmountable 14-9 Spikers lead. Martin led the Pirates with 14 lcills, while lewis, l.u.ster and Kaimana Kama1ani each had 10 lcills. Luster led the blocking game with eighl. while Lewis tallied six and Dane Gilliam had five. David Doxey dished out 20 assists to go along with 15 from Mike Murphy. Coast (1 -1) is at the Long Beach CC Tournament to- day. PHOTOS CCUT'ESY ~MT PMS0Hs Lindsay Davenport is the obvious blu&chlp ~ c•d. 4 • . . . ., Legal Notices 2640 lepl Notices ~~~~~~~~ IOTICI Of PUIUC 11AmG ( .......... Ne.2002..007 (PA2002-211) NOTICE IS HtaHY , GtVtN lh•t lhf' Col'( ·Cvuncil of lhP Coty ot NPwpor I Bf'a• h will hold .. pubht hu1111g on lhe ~ppll1.,lhnn 111 the City of Newport leach tor Code Am..,dme1tl No. 2002-007. Ame1tdmo1tl to Tille 20 el tho Newport le0<h 2640 Legal Notices utd publK. ht.irme wtll be held on lh11 11th day ol F ebrudry. I003. al the hou1 ol 7 00 11 m In the Council Chamber~ ol th~ Newl>(H'I 8e<1lh C.1ty H~ll 3 lOO Newpor I Boule vard Nt wpurt Buth C .. l1lorn1.t •I Whllh trme- drtd µl.ttl' ""Y •nd all per ~un~ mt-r ~~l•d may appur a11d b.. heard thereon II ynu l hdllen11e th1• pr 01r.t 111 • ourt you m•y be lonlltt'd lo r ••srn11 pubk\hell Inspection will be •rr an&ed at the p11nclp&I busm<1ss office ol th~ luund1tio11 which r~ the otflc;e of the tru~lee All reque st should be subm11t ed 1n wrohnl lo the lound•hon II 711 w 17th Street Su1tf! 012 Cost• Me••. CA 92&?7 to the a lien lion 1>1 trustee Pub hshed 0•1ly Pilot r tob 1 uar y I lOOJ S•47b c.nly tho~,. ""u•· ynu o• ffdttlM lusiless '\Unt~Oflt" t:ht·• fdl4,f'd d( the pub lot he.111111 i.-S...... d•" nlJl'd 111 llo1· 11uL1te The lollow1ne pet~f'"' 01 10 w11tlf'n torr~ are doin1t busuHtS~ t•. • Garage/ Yard Sales 1489 All rul u l•te •dver ---- '""'" 1n this new•.p1per 11 'ub1e~t lo the I ~IJPI al f air Hou\ln~ Act of I 'JEiS d' .omend1·tf w h<l h m•k e\ 11 rll~R•I I•• "d•erl"e ·,.,,Y pr~l•r "-"'-• l1mtt•lt110 or th•.u1m111•t1on bo .rd uo tdle tolor r~ltgum \f".t h~rod11 di•. f_,rolt1dl ~lalu' w rhttmn.tl ureptn ur dn 1nteot•on lo mikt' 411y \Ul h 1>r efer ~n<e 11111114 lton or d1\c nmm•ti••n 1111\ '1P ... ~1Jdp•r Wiii not ~now t•1•ly lll•fJI JflY ld'tlf'r 11'.t '"'""' tor tf•dl t''il.tft• Whli h I\ lf1 '"Ol4tl1on o f 1hc-ldW Clor lido Muhl fomlly Sole Sor .• 7om·2pm. St.;<~ ~1~<1111 w d t11n111c .. et l.•Jllt• 11111, ~'"•" wool f.ib11< ~ £ r11ud1 mare• II'> >/y 11.M• ~I Bd> ----NPI, SAT t 12 SI09 Seo .. hore Or k ~t•ftt r ufttt: ldlJI• lt1rn1t111,. dutl1~~ flU\fll 2 family Sole Sot, 8om ( ums:mh·f luff dC\lftl1t"f \.II~ luU«n ullr-t sued~'> lrlnl\ , lolh~· & ntoft'1 }4t.. kn;,.r.-t 01 I J\I I .. lfi Mt-'" t a--..w_..J.A ...... ,,y1u '.ltlrl!!J cabtntb. ~ OOr• w/shelves & $ dwtr P.aid ~ Sau~11-t i100 \t .... 'W) 642-6119 PIRSIAN aUG. No.-.. vrff [~ IN'JRIZ MlrJ ~ W•lfth SIQf.•trd<Mi) '*"'•~ \.'>.llXI 949 05 I IOt. 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS H01"'6 FOR !>Al. r ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Corona del Mar • llAUTlfUL • O••m•lte !.pyel•" H•ll ,.. ~ t!lUt•Yf'" humt No ... ai.um~~ w•-. ·,p.,ed f dbulou\ IJ<,. •n View 481 Cl lier td "' 'I 69'> 000 ':~ll~r bnu&hl anuthn h11m" Mu\t :...,11 Judy 1<9'o•. llu t49 37t SS7t Udo bit lGWISfNKl ON UDO ISLAND HACH COTTA~I 117 VIA HOU 2br I'/• lo 2-< ~· il<t. & '•" dvb 35 lot. SH5.000 Agt t49 7S9-0SOS or 714 307 4214 I Newport Bach fAIULOUS HACH COTTAGISI FAIUlOUS NIWPOll ll.ACH UHSTYU II (0011 Coln Neod1 Now 2 Story lit 210 <>PIN SUN 1 S 5 TOfroll• A touch of 11 .. 1v Jbr bullU\ •PP<DI )lf:il• \I n••rtJI~ & "'•''' • u-..tum tutu1•' Sl,llS,000 OPfN SAT .I S l'S v ... ealo 41.r t 511• hbr •• y lo f1u: 1 u1m SI.SIS 000 24 Cotelllno 'A IUU• h .t It ,.l'I '11 r,tJ.t h S l ,729 .000 ,LATINUM ,IOPlRTll\ , .. t .... ~I , Munltlpol Code to dos l9note certain 'rP" of bullclln91 01 ~ and· mark lullclln91~ oncl modify •Hlrlctlon• on nonconforming uses In the number of rf'Qu11ed uff \hut parlun11 spacn .. nd any new U\t!S dUO~taled wtlh lh11 t han11e in O!>f'Ullon•I ~h•r•c le ro\1 11 s <tr e •~tusory and remain \uburdonat~ and 1nu O•nt~I lo thf' m<11n uw •nil do not o"upy mor~ than ?'> perc ~nl nl th~ floor •re.i of lh~ build 11111 Under the pr "P'""d c11trrra the bu1ld1n2 th111bl<1 lor thl\ r• t ep lton would bt thr I •Ou lhe~ler 1'>459 V1d lrdu1 Ille B•lbOd fheal•r c 10/ (dst Balb(>d Boulrv.id), th~ Pnrl lhHdlr r 090~ I a'I f.oasl H1ghw,1y) dnd lh• Balbod P•v1l11111 C 400 Ma on Sir •el) \lll>lld•n• • •t•hv•·red lo JI Cnncrele Pumpm11 th• r:1ty •I "' p11or lo IS998 Ml M1lrhell c;,, r••dt>r 11r h>'r• by FRl&SAT8 2 111t•JJ111ed ll1dl 111 d"'rll CAMIO SHORU. CDM 1rw••lfv w•ldw\ Jlollqut· New On The Maritef I ( 17UC I 31 I SA/IP) Cll~(um 1Guld •l•rr I -w /9oroge .111-tot.I~> ';49 b41 'lMP. l!r"lltrlul t1un• w "'·'"Y S I S0,000. I ., tr·" 4& 4 'lk• f 11-v~ ·;.cy ' ~ t ,f PlllME lSTATlS PAHICI< HNOlll NAtlONWIDl USA lonclmarli lullcllng., I"• 1•• opo\l'tl •""'no 11"1.. t d .1~n.tlt'\ t!r tam ~If'\ .,, bt11ld1ng\ dt_.. I ,1111lm.t1 k ll1111dony\ .Jnd r\t .tlll1·.ft,.., .tu e•~ "'t>t1on tt• "' wuuhJ 1ll11w .1 '-''" t1nfc.rn11nv u~tf m .:t 41'lclm u tti •i111"1rnii:. to I '"~· U•. '11r1.-th un•I h u t1 , .. ,., .. , \ w1thuut H' t~·' I 1'f'41 l•I t U't p• tout '''' vuJ,.d that to 1 t I flu 1IH, ft'ct>f" tn NOTICE OF PUBITC SALE VIA CERTIAEO MAIL -RCTUAN RE· CEIPT REQUESTED eieaa J-Rogers m Rive,. Newf>O't Btach. CA 92660 Edward Turner 271 Revere Newport Beach, CA 92660 Notlce 11 hereby given pur1uant to Caft. lornt• CtYll Code Sec· tJon 798 56a aod Call lomla Commercial Code S.Cuon 7210 that tho lotlowlng doscnbed p<operty will be $Old by Deanu Beyalde Vtll9 (Warehouseman} 11 public 1ucllon lo the h.g hfft bidder lor cash. tn l1"'1ul money oC the United States, or a cuh191'1 check. in l1wlul monev ol the United States, made pay1blt to Deana Bayside Village (pry •bl• et Ume at aale) on FC!bruety U , 2003, Ill 11 00 a m. 111 \tit tollow- 1og locatlon 300 Eut Coat Highway, Space 211 l•k• 2n Revere), Newport Beech, CA 92660 Said Nie to be ••thout co~t or wanv1ty u to poaes- "°'1, "nenclng. en- cum bnl~ 1, or oCNlf· WIN on an ... i•" "where 11· basil. Tlw p<operty which will be M>kl 1s clffcnbtd as foOowa Yur/Mobilehomt: 1982 Fleew CCH Decal Number BL449' s.NI Numbers AL.2ES4407 The C~I locatlon Of Che subjecl property la: Oe1nza Bl'f'Slde vu. lage. 300 Ent Coast Highway, Spece m (IU 2n ~).New· f>0'1 Beaeh, CA 92660 'rhe public auetlon will be mlKie to ntlsty the lien for 1toreoe of tht above-described prop- Service Dlredofy NIHIC£ TO RCAOERS t,.ihfnrn1• l1w re qu11es thal contr ac tor\ lallma 1obs that total S500 or mort (labor or m1tertals) bf' ltcenUd by the Contractors State lt«nM Botrd St.le l.iw •IM> reQUlfH IMI contr•cfors 1nc.lude 11\etr lictnH numb« on 111 adve< hsin& You ;;an t hK k the sfalu' of your licensed contr a c t o r at ••• cslb ca 1ov or 800 321 CSL8 Unh cennd contracton hk1n1 1obs thll total ten th•n S500 musl slate rn lherr .td11ert1semenh that thty ere no t llcenHd by the Contrac ton State Lic:enM Bo.wd " Outdtlools Pro, heel, atl Wor4 Pr•«s•ltt9. Y-1fflto or ••-· t4t-7604023 Addltional RtmcMlttilg fMTI9IO Nl-.S K~ I W. / Remodtll lwu.1a~ 6.dll"5 ~ 9'96l\!R15 cw,. AfOIMUOYaM IMtall, r1f1ee cabtnel • ~~..Vo~ ~ Dul.w 71• !M-78 • w•u..111 • Cllitom Built tnl, C1ow11 ' 1111.ifdltlp, lttMI 8o1rcb lf~1198l~9 IJ1 5642 NOTICl IS HIRUY fUllTHIR GIVIN llMI lh• vut.lu "'·'""It for r o11nt.i1n V~lley f A 1nf.,lll'Hl•ull t •11 (949> I 97708 mrr ... civ ... rt1 t'l1 Ill thl' l !!tldt.-Jlt \tt-11 "" ., Cats 3610 I 11!<.k\ w '"' u1 111 .. od 1 Remodeled 21r 21• llu<J< !~ .-·w-rv. (I l 144 XXU /XX) tho ""'"'' I h"' b•tn I ~VlftWt-11 d nd tt h I' £.44 i/00 Md11urt Guniu I '>!l'JS! l.,1,.,., I "'""'" Mt M•l•helt Cir I ou11 nt"w~p .... p .... r Al .. 4y •1l.1lll" '-"and iJWf"' tnt•l'Jt'" t-1r(ll' m •n t·qitttl uµ11t th,tittv I •1• f"J 00• n....._ I Nit-·~ h·' • w.,,,. l'r!ttfl' Ill•• c;Mo r°"' .f tt,.. """ S43,000. llrvuty roly I ...... ''" '"'" v .. 11.y (.A 92708 '' 1 p.•I•• furn ~II rtr<• µw ,,. h ,.,. A J•o tp!i. a;iis tv.'..l", •II!°: '"' 1 •t c,,,., I/ "''" .r.O Hodt Ctwr.,,.. •I ~ Wotervtow 211 210 w/flteploce (S200S3) herro 11 .. 1., m1n~d lt1•I 11 ... t .. t,.Kur u allv t· •• 111pt und~r r1aoe,,.'\ 'J t Minm Atlr1 1tmn\ in t utt1 It• t I 1mtl.tlH1n .. .) (I tt.t rt"Qutrrm~nt \ ol tht (.4l1tr-rn1• lnvuonmt-111 t l •V•1n11,. M lt..rkh!'\ Mt'•~·lfr GtlftWl 1'>1111! l <ly I Irr> Illy 111 Ml Mollhtll C11 luUll N•"I"" t ll. "h t•or1 V•llry CA 9l701! 1" ',,,.,. "" 'I ti I Lost 1505 l rurun,tloOll I 111 lffllJ tulf hr~ .11 I 1$1JO 4/4 l!'J'J<J Shih Tau I"' WI 1. t I ,.J... ~ Ao .... ~ N.-lw•""' 1110 m; R87 I I t I 4 •t !1 4 4 ? II ' NWN thltlt.•llw-1¥i'f.R uri ,, ... 598 000 Nt•.ittlJ •1 t-1.-.t h t.i•'J.t.a fht l.IU\llU''S ••• t ,,,. Mt '..it [J,.111 f'1l11t t .. Lru dot. ti ct hv 4n 1nd1v•du_.t Auctions 1483 "'' 1 J lfJ 4 A4:-"0 U.h'r 'f'rJU ~t.tttt!d d~''°\:. WANTED ()111hl1 A. I OIDIUIKt 2003-1 -lJu~tll~\~ y ... t' "tn NOllct IS HlR 18 Y •M NINll&IU( Of TU( (JTY FURTH l R G IV l N Ill• I I "" """""""' '" I COOIKI. Of THE CITY Of •rty tllaTWHOepo1lted 11EWPOIT WOI AmOV-by Elesa Jane Rogers and Ectwatd Turner IHG l'UIOO COMMUHITY wrlh ~anu Bayside 0£VROPMOO PUN Village Upon purcf\aM ... ~ .. (MT""' 2002 of the mol:Mlehome, the _....,... nt ""· • purchaser must re-002 AM!JIDING TME SIGtl = 1~ ="·~~~~ REGWTIOMS Of TME fASK- 11-.. t~l days from the IOfl ISlAHD PUNNED COM- oe .. of purchase, ano MUNITY DfVtl<lrMOO remrt payment to the Part. lor daily storage PUH AHO DtSTllCT , ... of S30 00 per clly RIGlU TlOffS commencing lrom the da.. afte< the ule to tl'lt date the mobll&- home 1s remo\19d lrom the Peril. Furtherm0<e , the purchaser of the mobllehOme s llall be respora1~ for the cleanup of the spece of all tr11h, p.pes, wood, fl II A M equtpmenlltools. etc ., NII tt11t utJHzed In the removal ' Miit 1", of the motlllehome Niii 1 C • ., I lrom the preml... ~1 k N 1M AddrllOnaDy. OW pur A ti >l ., cl\aMr INll also be Ml Ml'!" .,,,.,, jj1bte lor any da.m.QH AH .; I A I"' ' I I .... CIUM<f to the P1rti Ml MHI H N JNI during the N1mov1I OI MA rPH l• ., 11 t11 " MJllUtol C.-OfTl~l ANTIQUES fh1 ·.tttt,.mt:11t ""''" lllelt w1lh lh• l'•Hlllly I 1·1.,1~ nt lh••I~~ t.nu11ly Older Style Furnnvrt "" 0 I 0 4 ti I PIANOS & Coll11n1bl~s 2003"921416 J•oly 1'1 I f b 1 8 I., 01 •• •4 SS CASH PAID SS NOTICE Of UftlUOOft TO I WE BUY ESTATES S8.1 Al.COHOUC tf'VWG(S "WE PAY MORE S FASTDr Datt tf flhg Ap,lication: I • 1-y 17, 2003 'hhnn-It ~ -y C rtt Uu ~ 1 ti,.. A,11ilu, 'f 1• ,.r,. "41< 11 ~ f I 111111'1 I A. I MA II I~ A I I ,fl I I f<<NNI 111 ~649 j922~ .f ·Phi Hit\ .,.... .... ~ SOl'TJI ( O.\"iT ALCTIO~ 2202So ,.._,.M S.eta A-. CA 97101 Estate Sales 1486 Mu tlple Oeo er Flea Market!!! the mobllehoml. The 111,.,1 tot.II amount due on l 1, 11 1<~ .. ,.,, M AUTO AUCTIOtl Antiques /V-int age, home fwnishings •t>ff ,, 111• ' 'tr #I If j ~ ~· t'. fl" t • t • M ., ' .. , , . ~ Found 1510 FOUND DOG, Shepllerd m1, Id~ ti.~ i -.u Hal!lol )(Jdti , • 'I ·• a<ta 90-721-1199 HEAL TH SERVICES Health Foods/ Products 254{) Wonted I 29 Seriou1 HOME FURNISHINGS Fumrture LIVING ll OOM sn t ·• 1tt .. ,~,.· tfit 1 It•• • Sol• ., .......... J .. -t .. , •• ,.. ... ..-Jtt .,. •1'1 ~··I ' Pr...... 0.-Mclltrou ).. f ~" ., o-;:• "''•tht...... . lf~fJ ii'•• NJ.ow t• l'1 lil.f" h• w w e t <..ourl» Sl fl •H -t'H"IAI • '" W.t. lr>l•' 4 \ .. .... ...-.ltd Business Opportunrt1es Businesses and Franchises 3905 lHTREPRIHlUR \ .. ,. t . ... +tto1 4 ·ll •1tA ""~ v • Ac.CM• to 0 'iuft~ , " '•"lf . '-'""'" .. 'l:,4 \ i '! )'f J• ~ f I 1fil '1ir "41> 1J;·1ii" COSTA MISA 1. " 949 646 4330 Olf•n space in n1u t .. ~ .. • r 949 6SO 82111 IACIC BAY ClHTU • r ,. ,., .. ,, t t I I I!• , /~1 c J JI-.., HPI Offt(l SPACI " ~ t· ... ~ t• 4 to I • 1 1tJ ..,.,,f,7'-r i4r lhl1 proc>erty tncludlng If•• H~ I I I 10 AM esttmai.c:f eosts, •• · N ., •"" , pen1e1, ano advance. .w• "'l:{',lfJM n111 • de<or/gifh *_._._._._.~it:.~--••*** SUH ONLY I~ * SHORES INnRIORS * as ol the dale of the l<" II ~ N r' publoc .-is $9,165.27 Noll •·• ~,,1 • •I b 1 The euction will be 1, , 11 "'"~ 111 'If "'" r mede for the putpOM I l••oly I I r I •I• ""Y I A.• llu11t111~l>tn Hr.1 II of uUlf'llng Ille lien on 'CMI t ,,4 11 ' A / 14 K4 / 07 jl) the property, together NOOOOfnl'""' -tid•ly l'<I< I I 1"br11J1y I I with the ~ of the """"' 00 l 'i d4 li ule Oall9d: J.,_.,., AMlftW llTtn Cemelery 1..ot1.t1yp1s 21, 1003 Gregoty a_, 11,-f t • I 1n y - & A.190C!Mes, Inc .. Law r nunr1M1• I ~···~I· Pacific View Memo.lot omc.. of G"'90'Y I nund •I 1ur1 hr• d• y Pork 1 Mnpanron trn •t Beam I Asaocta•, "'"""II"'•\ th"I th• I 4th lt~rl \11965 I nr Inc , Two Ven11119 Plaza 101111~1 rr111r11 "' ti.. <1~1~11\ ,411511 J'>'' 1(,61 Sulle 380 fr.line, Call· I uroJ~tou11 I ,, th• yr" fomla 92618 (949) 453-l"nd•d U• • 1111 •• II 0300 Fu: (M9) 453-•1101 ir 01 n t<111 l'I •~J 9'16 By Gt-egcwy B Ul'I""''"~ <1 I un •• r I Collectibles/ Memonibilla 1160 a..m, Aulhorb9d di. • , hi lJ•I• I ' " TOP SS 4 RI CORDS nc Agent for ~ An.r.a 'll"' '""" b, .lfly I"", hU un .. [II: '17, & HI• Bayside Vlnage who '""""'" "''P•• ,, I tit Alt... ~., ha '"'' ASAP518244 01125, wothm 11111 <J,,y, .11trr th• Mt~~ '149 645 /~ll~ OV01 ~'' nol1<•_..!..! ----- Riven Edge : LIQUIDATION : 1661Superior *: SALE! .: Costa Mesa (1 bloas.of 11') ! CLOSING AFTER ! _DWRS __ wn_c_oM_E_ I! Wi< hc~1~{!~~11i1 lg. ! * I c1111p<-.. l(tl>lc~ * * clll<l~l ll<ll~tore ! * * 21 ~1 \\ 1111 <.,1 'l'\\pOrt lkrl< II* * 11n Ill l..,r, ~ " I '>I• 1h< I '""' II\\\ * * <H'l-H-4-2-22.:>:> * l••it••••••i+-•••*•* HOME, HEAL TH AND BuSINESS ~ .... lrlcli II.di st-Tllo Concrde. PalJO. OrMIWl1 Fwe91c. BBQ Rer\ 25Vrs he Terrz 114 ss1 1594 Aleo Senlces • £UAIU F""'r o.rwJ for "' ,...,, AuroMoW Sima ~-....... -s...w TUMf 1/tsHOP (949) 645-4641 ........ i.. ..... TAXRETVRJll ON WHEELS Clll lbr free quote 949.422.2863 I tun"• t4' V1•U M ot.tlf" no•.u')' A. hnol. kttpn "" •m all ho .. 11u;._.... ·~ ERVICE Conaete & Masonry Davkl V-tvno c-creto & M--.ry Rt>stdentral Bucli Stone Blo<-li Tile I 1<.1747448 714 965 :?824 T1toCe..,01ttM• Cementwork Bncli Irle & More Rehtbl<i No 1ob too s mall 949 548 67116 NUO MORl aOOM? AODfOONS & 1£MOO[lH; l •577982 949 1137 5642 Now Co1t1lrvctloo & 11-..W. All Trades, f ree E.shmates 30 Years E lp l '337169 949 631 2345 Dmlop Mflltllng " 0 °"' YGUaHOMI IM,.tOVlMlNT PaOJICn C11f a plumber • peont<lf' handyman, or •ny ol the I' HI service~ hsted htf • in OUf MfYlc:e dlftctOfyl TH£SC LOCAi SVC PEOPLE CAN llCLP YOU tOOAYI EJectrtcal SeMc:es s ... 011 Jeb l.aportl Oun<.an lll!clr .. 20Y1s l •P l oc:lll Quo..A Rf'S4)0n..e S..vrc~!ff~ L n1'>810 9d9 650-7042 t ml<• SOM1lco1 ~ .. Remodel & Repair Fret Estrmate, JO Years ( •P L•Jl7169 949 631 :?345 UClNSIO CONTUCTOa Mo ,JI> too vn M -• R~•" remodel fans ,. ,_ WC 9&6*>.}66 floor1nWTllt CUSTOM OllATM TU lnsl3l;roon, llale anm•c. nwtlll slon9 ~ 1975 l '6l2044 .left 714-612 9961 UMY ~ R,.,_ed Rqroulln & lnstalt•l10n Tit( DON 949 673 806!> ll6IM325 714-883 £'0.JI ~"t'na ~..tt.-•c-.• -Storm Cleln Ups. Tier Prurirnc. M.unt....w>ee lmt ... llons ln tt11r<10 Troubla\holthn&. Rl'Pln & 1.J19•des 71• 71f).2828 Have ~ do your 0.-ly Wot1I GanlenlriW L.andscaplng Tr-Sonlco, Y•rd C~anup, M.iontf'n•n• ~ Spronhler R4111a11 Haulona {949) U 0 -&711 Handyma,Y Home~epalr THI HANDYMAN I mer no Servt<e Ok• ~Clectrul C... On•n etc 949 439 755-t 20Y.-.of o-uty (reft•m-1hlp lld6741H (949) 6 50 -tslS Merli ---------- RES TORE • REPAIR & REMODELING ·~· o Joh Too ""'11 Dan llaalltoa ,..,..3Ji..8J9J Hauling JUNK TO THI DUMPlll 714 968 188:? AVAllABlf TOOAY' 949 613 5566 Health & Beauty Loso Up To 20ltls pO!' montht l riplr y11111 rner IY Oltly Sla 95 (;all L l\a '49-645 6677 House Cleaning ----n..-Clo-4"11 Sant. ~·, """"' & ot. rrl!" ... , ,_.. •• nc 71<4 !J,41 }41! 114 M>-1101 T-·· 1.,..,,9 .... H_-;; ~ lrU "&1. (Mfl tll'Ml ,. wm oo.. by -..... 1)842'2 7<0I Moving & Storage HST MOVlRS Sst/Hr ,pr.mi: all uhe' ln\utt d Int <ourl•ou\ <at•fu Tl6J84.4 ~ 246 7118 PUBLIC NOTICE Tht C al.t Publll Uhhtu•!. t.ornm1,,mn requor I'\ that 111 u"•d hnu\eholO pnnJ, muvf'r \ p'lnl t h•11 P U C t;1I l number Irmo\ •nd d11uffeu" prrnt the 11 T C P numb<ir in a II advttt trsemenls II you have 1ny question~ about lhe tea•llty or • mnv., l rm n cr f ch•uffeur call PUB I IC llTlllflCS COM MISSION 714 ~Sii 41!i1 WANTIO MOVIHOJOIS Sm•ll ol L•rre 24H.w M-.... S.c Call 189442/ln1llfed 949 716 0691 714 686 IJOO TRU HOUSC SICLUDED lllTRlA l AMAZING PRICI AGT. 949 723 I 120 Huntington Beach Gorg 3 yr n•w home fir if• h I 1 ...... !.A 7r Irvine OPI N SAT I 4 30 TURTLI 110(1( POINT( • ,;q... .,., ffifl .... .,,. ... • t t-1' 1 I '.t t t , ...... f • 111 ........... t"-"" j t A.: 94• S.' i ' A.1 t#f11• ,, ....._ Proportrfl 949 710 3900 Laguna Beach ., ~ . r OCIAN VIEW ... N_, •"' tf P\ATNJM l'tlOPOrTWS .t ... f lifflt! ~A If•~ ·""1'• I I ' NlW LISTING 962 SUME!'IT WAY OCEANVl£W 4t1 ,, ~ . . ,,._ ,, ,.. ~ SI ~; 11 "'"' ..i-. Q •u. Laguna Niguel O~t-dn & V tl•t--.; w,,.,.., 60 Plonao '"' '•'ti hnm• lbr P• · op~n 111 J>l-'n f Jtr t l•1f in M.trm,,. tMI' '1:..tl,..tS I '"" "''" PLATINUM PROPCRTllS ;t~I• • M '14'< I \f'll ~our ( "r 1n ( '''' ,,),. d ' Painting llASlO LAND Cull for oppolntment DeAtno h'f'~~ (949) 673 133 I A MAHUFACTED HOME COMMUNITY OPCN SUN I S °'j 0,lN SAT I 4 •Open Sot/Sun t 4 • 2 Seo Cove 1!'.lr m .. I ;, I 't ,,,. S· 11 o ogt lowrt• l e9910 949 S09 8923 PfUMl CST A TES PA TRtCk HNOR( NATIONWIDE USA 949 8S6 9/0S OCUNfllONl RlTRIAl OClAH & I AY VICWS AMAZING LOW PRICl AGl 949 723 8120 OC(ANfROHT FIXIR NOT FOR THI f AINI Of H[AaT AGT 949 721111 20 l each cl••• t• PUTAfEW WORDS TO WORkFOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 Plumbing UINIOW atQ.t MAolfT IJlllert Oroln Cl-mt P.aontina-lnl.••l Hou" .. .a.:it Plumb1n repa•rs o••• Qu•hly tob' frH n hmate 2!>yrs up All work ll9 l •"69897 7 I 4 6J6 8888 ... Strw 714 56&!911 Plumbing T o Loco P ., a d1\1'1~ton nf !\,jl81Jl\,,.n"~ PIP( t OC.A llNG CUC IRO~IC SLAB LE.AK OC T(C'TtON f 11endlr '\~rv1u t4t -67S tJ04 -~mm L•7U .. 9f '"'••rflO PetSeMces ~~PPY. DOG ~ -.:=... ......, PET SITTING DOG WALKING _ ........... - (714) ~7&-1!531 .... --- HOUSE RFPAJJmNG At WOOD RNl.SIUNC w n-~borltood PlumbM! oaAIN' tlWla -· ~ ll'IQAIJST TWEEDY "-UMBlNG 949-645-2352 ---~llln 949.as• 97os RESORT/ I VACATION PROPEfllY FORSAlf Desert Property 5960 Goll Properh .. MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS Renta I To Share b03r l ASlSID! llr llu Rooms tor Rent (Md. CM , . ·' ... ORANGE COUNTY Balboa Peninsula M uht • ~· 7400 ll r 180 w Por~•"'J H•w carpel yrly leou 206 ( Balboa Unrt •' S 1000/month A1'lottated ••olty 949 61l·l6tl 20l>ft To Oc...t 2lr I 8 " h v.rt• .,. •i.•. ,l ,.J.)" l''Y ilff I • .\ 211< 28a, • I I• •I 4 J t 'flt ~Ir t; 1 l I • ,.,.... A t1 , ... , S h-1' -4 I>' l l r 210 l-9 Term le.-. w/d, S2000mo 1117 Weil loy Auocloted Realty 949-67 3-3663 Wiii Covlrtnp W• Gek ~nukl hou I t lhl-1 trip Id ... Int ,.,~ ......... .... 11 lllY .~ 6J1' _flt bl!l IH .a THI STll.t,,HI \.,. .. ,. ,.,. '" WAllP.ll• R•m v• l •"88141 94'.I .tblr l.'l u•w.....a.-,.. ................. ,.. ... ~ l•af "" ""' n.. ~ 98 .a .v.11 your stuff hot.Ch cla ss1f1ed! .. • 2 14 Corona dtl Mar , CcfM VIiiage 2tw lba ~ eels. wd. carport. tp, ~ to everytlq • )llM'rno 9'$ZJS um Open s.,.. l-4. 434 • G .... socl Extra lg 2br ;Jba, share pr & W/d, Jl!mn agl 949.QJ-77rl2 •S. of Hwy uf per :?br ,ba, wd hkup, e.ar ~P t;SO •3br Ibo, wd up I 11ar "I> $1950 ~949721J.7:li4 IAUT OCEAN & IAY , tfWS 3B1 2Ba. uppe1, • lluplu. I l encl gar •3200/mo 714 998·0948 orguorlto llr /21o u•ury 1efu1b home ' '3250ln Mao largoe rear etlf IBa, new carl)l.1 & m $17mn 949115 3513 j:ostaMaa : t::'lfvl Nwpl Hghl~ I -3Jr ~' 11141!' den, lll 'llR. QIY rm, Fp, cwd ~ 2c ear. quiet lln hood 915-548-5646 ,., det cottap, vaul cells. stoVC!, Irie, Gell fan, !n0<e. IJJ [ 16th St Asll f•lf specials! 949-548 2421 t+o dog!. am 2br 2ba d:J5e 1o the beach, Pith>. lweplace 5'J0CIOIJS ~ fOOl'll Ag9fll 9$673. 7IJX) fum'd Stu.lo near Tr~ S<I & 55 fwy Coz~, qu1e1 1111 I PllllO, ~tOflllle. g;!O.' w1r. Miet mo 96$2 ~8 · . 1 IQ to oo.-n. ' w/om llU, krt~. ·m ~.""~ 11111 S850 9't%7J. 7lW )Ir'• from $875/mo l'f/gar '" lovely eated fli'l'TI"' ,_ T11-Squ.ve. wid&f' Indy fa<.~ity. Klelll I MilllL 877 704-8649 •9'!X> li••l'•rt 0~1 tM *"' 2& 1.5811. ear. no pets, Sl 195/mo. 1665 ~Vlnll Ave 13 949-m9422 Dulot hlcfo 21r l'/.S•, twnhm style apt. Remod, •alk in ~ nlt>e~ Jl@on '(( l5e ~723-0445 ...-~~.--~-------·---·-.... PT 1. V b NS • I( I l H>...N A M J\ V Q c. •A CF TIT AN AL AM 0 •R ON -F T FF N A R.t. ••I 1 N ~ T A -I• I • I L I ::i s DA IV i ~1.1 .!:'. ~CB~D O U Si L IP 0 I A TC ~8 0 f T I( A -C AR T E A RR EN T n y Al T v• R i: L A !; != A L E ·~ I·~ E ii.. I I: L I L In I N A Nfl'l ,LP ~~ f-~ I•E 1 .... IRI ES ... A ore1 2-141 0 -~ ......... ~"" 30 Th~ 50 Pitt d RFO • 33 Out In "°"' 51 In • tuiy 34 ~ 5::> Wn lo 11)8 • '-4>00I 3S Osprey !On 53 Comcake 37 Allomey's deg 54 Bo• 39 -CrucM. N M. 155 NCAA 8'Ulll8 41 Own 56 Has· -(IOO'nef 42 Mino product starl 43 PussylooC 59 Fel boot 44 Biddy 80 Smal, In 47 DeblAanle Oogpeld\ 48 Ballpe11C filCllJfe 49No1~ate :o-""11:--~-~--~,0~~1~1 _,.1~2--.~13 .... [ Sidt' 2br ·~ <lilt. con~ Newport Beach rempd dtshwl'. ""81. beach lfo~e $1:?95/mo 165 R~ IPlll' 11 949-51~4!)1t() 38r c...cto, ,_ capel. painl, new d/w & r~ 2<. gar. w, d. trg ..,..,. 10 fa1rv,r,,und~ avail now Sl400/1no "it. Steve. 714 241 OOtll IAYFRONT ON LIDO P£NINSULA NlW 21r 210 COTTAGES Privall' Bedlh. Poul and Spa Wal~ to Oce.;n, Shop) and Reslaur ants lea•~ 6 mo 2 yr -+ Boal Slop Ava1labl• 7 10 UDO l'AH OR. 949 673 b030 or 949 723 !>830 Uotu l'ar~ Townhotno, ?b1 • dPn. 2bd pool, Ip lu~h palio I r ga•. no pel Sl600 'J49 611 6239 --------... ______ .. E'.... Lre .tir OOU<;e F p, dbl dut gilt. W/rl hlu.,.., ~R yd 1 vpeb. l1b tlu~e Vrsta S ll«mu 949 71~ 2ai I 1--'Y 4b 2ba """"'" culd ~ l.m1rv!linlm'Mm ~ yd &did & Wllll't' pd No Slrll <:Mt* p.:t-. tllOO + dcp 714-546-2.336 Huntington Beach 29r ...... ..... lrit, ''" pabn !Pl, ~"'IC I>'• 4 •od clJtlt1'e w,o ~. w~ler trash 1n1 hl Pet 01\ $149'.>m0 <WI 714 9'J/ HIJ Furnl1hed Short-Torm Rontol1 Oco-front & layfr-t Avolloblo Now Anod otocf aootty 949-673-3663 * YlAltLY * LEASES RILL GRUNDY REAL TORS 949-67S-6 t 6l Small llr, 1 /J block to ut,.an. $850/mo incld$ utls. no ear aet Avail ~ .. b I') 949 645 9775 v ........ cmdo lbr ,_ '"'fltVp;wll ,. Hoa8. 1Jeal lcK.. Re.ort ivr1e Avilli now Sl<mtmo 714 536-1564 Bridge 8Y CHARLES GOREN w1ttl OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WEEKLY BRJDGE QUIZ Q l • Vulnerable, you hold: • K Q S7 0 ~ Q 4 <> 9 8 J • J 2 Partner ~ the bidding with one Partner ~ lbe bidding with ooe ~iamood. 1 do you respond? no trump,'Wbat do you respond? Q S • Both vulnerable, as Sooth you hold: Q l -As South. vuloerllblc, you hold; . • Q 10 S I: J 6 ~ J 8 5 • A Q 10 6 5 •A K84 ~K 9 0 8 3 •AKJ65 The bidding has procccdcd: SOUTH ~'T NORTH F.Ab'T The bidding ha.~ proceeded: SOunt WK'i'f NORnl ~ST .._ ~ I• Dbl ltdbl ., ~ .._ t• l'U& l <O Pass ? What acuon do ynu take'/ ? Whal Jo you bid now'! Q J · Both vulocrnbk. us South you hold: Q 6 -A5 Soulh. vulnerable. you ' hold •9 ~ A KJ 76Z ~ 86 53 •K6 • A 10 8 I;/ A K 7 4 2 , 10 • A K S 4 The bidding ha.~ proceeded: EAST Pas.s The bidding has proceeded: NOR'llf EAST SOUTH I 2•• 1 SOUTit WEST NORTH •!ntennedlate l .._ •• 7 What do you bid rx1w'! What do you bid now·• ltHJJ.. far aiis,.•ers un Monda~·. Q 4 -Both vulnerable. you hold· 29r ~ s1ay &rand leyel end unit of a well maintained triplex 1n Newport ~ts. ear. tp, water and trash WtCkl $1500m. act 714-997 3993 Tw..._ 2lw 2'/* 2-car att ear. beach close, avail now $1850m, 868 Haly;wd ln . 9-49·631 5106Dave I lg c-y-S l,950 28r/ 2Ba twnhm. eolf couru view, immaculate, gated 949 760 0421/351 3904pp SUfMU $1,995. Double MBR Surtes. Penthouse Quiel All New Interior.., Gated Comm A·l Gym Ned to Hoo& Hospotal. AGT 949-646-6770 Newport Helpt1 :Jlr, 210, Houu t otally remod. Ip, yd 2-car gar+ $3000/mo 949-631 1680 ('Bluff 38r 29o ....... q backyard wfiac, ~ qvoel ~hood. lio.e MW SJ200/~ 5«.. Avlli :vt5m 9$-95r!>-2522 Ilg ~ CC on tvway, 2br h . fuly fl.rn, 2 c at1adt pr, hid1'Y ~. $3200 9&51().Z'ifB Slnglo Fmnlfy R"ldon<o NlWPOltf 5HoafS ON THE WATfR 41r 3.Slo, 2<0r pogo SJ.400/.-nth Auod atod a.olty 949-673-3663 llG CAHYOH 38r 2 5ba, 3ca1 eai aee JOOO+sf. S-200/mo Many OtMn. Ag::t-949-552-6700 Prtvate Tutoring 7990 Apart_, .__.,. Gf home C01T'4liex, Newport Beactv'Co5U Mesa ~ Pf er d With hilnd)'-ffWI up 2Br/~nMled 31()..5111.9195 hl ~ or f H r_,. J»58Mjl95 NICC Soek1 n Fr-f Office l'or•-Tue-fn, Benef1h. Apply m penon Mon·fn, 9am·~ lliOO E. C:O..St Hwy Newport 8d1 or fax res 949·644-5057 Groot Clips f•r Hair loo~1n11 for Mana11er, Assistant Manaaer & Stylist in Costa Mesa at Harbor & Adams. For mfo call Sal 714-317 2335 wale A10M HOMl $fl00- $15cnno PT 3-5 lw/'MI. S2500-$IKD)no 20+-... /vii. Free Broclue fm 951 RICH ·-noc:ashwomes4yQ .oom W!.llK ON ll£ WAlER ~ nflvdJ3I to assat 11 mar11111 aper abon with •Int people sUls & eooct aJStomer urv1ce Weekends r~ Fa• res alt ofb .~Iii .................... l.L office rlllll$ p rr recep- t1on 1st. $12/hr some ~. .-! auto for mands & ~ 51IANY Fa• rtSUme 949-673 34$1 OfRCl AS1IST Ptfl exp kl ll5Zt wjyn olb <iAa [ xp WIMS-Office. Qud 8or:*s a+ 9a 5pm M-F f 11 rlSllllll 9$8)4.. 2104 ON SIU-l'IU>MOTIONS Jl8. to Start Flex Hours Expanding H1r1ng lmmed 949 474 :?111 •lTAll VA.l.lNTINlS Te ...... rwyH~ ....... 2/lC).2/l4. COSTA MW 7 l 4-$40-.3 ISS bperl.,.cocf "'dlvlduel w /proven record l o manaae r &I/Sales Dept f o1 Oranae County's Larffe\t lndepend~nt luaury ' e1ohc .auto duler established '" 1984 H111h volume, no late nlehh. but loca 1100, &<HI benefits f n resume to 949 721 8808 Ph•lhps Auto 1220 W Cont Hwy. Newpoit Bch Salon Gorg 3 yr new liome. 2b1 1ba d•n f.,ft ~ar yd l•11nd, Jl'l'I • turOI lure Gllur kite, Ip pool S7500lffUl 310 }'JS 4770 BAYFRONT Asslste11t l'rep•rty M-sor PT Tue/Thur/ fri, 8:30·5·30 Computer savvy, to t will be eiven. Very busy Int ptted olf!'e, must have up in Rut Esute Property ~faslwlrtl5ilr'CI area, $16.SO/h< lo st.tr! ~ed auto f0< err ands fax info to 949-760 0430 AUlOMOTIVE IMW Ted. 17 Year pr es11111ous h•eh volume independent BMW shop seek 1n11 Quality BMW factory Tet h E icellent pay w/beneflh, latest test equip @ Prec1s1on Moten 94~·678 ~77. IOOTif UNTAl Costa Mua buuty sakm Reasooabte Call Al 949 645 0662 Irvine I Br I Bo Conrlo w/upen view pvt p .. t 10 'Mporl, wall. 1n tkY..et. pet. wdlfr'll n.l $1200r11 949-26:?-?13? 2t r be< Lu1tury condo, tr()p!Cal resort like settin11. eat.ed waler trash, gas paid H1811 rise, wbteH a neiln parlurie Sl65Q.lmo a!(l 7l4-ff7-3993 Udolslt ..... CMtap 2lir ,., .. 2·c pr, total remoOl!I. beach & tennis club, $2800/mo 949·644 2330 . Community Harbor Views E.xecutiv BR. )M, $ OlMONSTRATOltS PT in 11roce1y stores 1n your are.. Wrekends Car nee: 949·642-4283 htltotlclan/Mouo90 ~-The Newport Body Beaule Is ~ a lo)'ill knowlepbll commit· led, anc1 Pf on pencin to perform body trr.atments In our pr~ ..... salon Top salary b top lllCividial. Cal 949-640-4483 Au41 '99 A4 2.1 99k mi, metallic 1rean/&rtY lthr, CD. mnrl, fully loaded, Uh new v62"52l $14,995 fin a. w•rr .. ail Bkr 9 49 -586· 1888 -A<~l.c- IMW'l2 S21• Looks aood, runs &oodl 200k mlla S2500 94t-.6S04217 IMW s-. '97 dlltl th/ tan. ~ loeded, 6 c'5k ed. MW b'~ J9I mi. UXll '"' wan. Ptrilct! $18,!nl. ~ Deadline Feb. 12th • Vak ntint Mestages Appearing Feb. 14th IMW '99 1231 <- !is.pd, 4311 ml, silver blue/ er•1 lthr. heated s11ts, full fact warr, superb, $21,995 firm v362421 fin avail Bllr 949·586 1888 I line --.Mptllltl.~-. ' • .lln""' IMW 'H 5401 lOOll ml, blecl\/blk, b11utiful otl&inal cond llnancln& & warr tvaU v'24976Z $9,995 B"1 949-586-18118 """"* 20 Characters per tine. You may use all 4 lines for larger ads, call an advertising rep todayl Wl'w 11111/U it 111/ FAX this form to (949) 631-6594 Natne!-----------------"'hone No._· ----- Signature:, _____________________ _ 8* my: Vl, ____ __..MC· ______ A/E _____ -JOll(:OV9r. __ _ Credit Cardi E-.p. 0.:----- StoJ> ,,, tW ,,,.jJ,. tM DlliJy Pl#t ·~ llS1 3W W. &y ucec, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 or can (949) 642-5678 IMW 'H 1'4H &Mi .t, 3yr warr tvall, sliver I 11•1 llhf , CO. 11111 now c:ond, v579241 $25,995 fin • ., .. , • ~1.8118 ·-.M,.l.C•• ••w '" 140f •ttt .a, 3yr warr nall, sliver/ 11•1 ltht, CO. Ilka n1.,. colld, v5792Al $25.995 fin avail 8111 949.586. 1888 -..... . .. < .. IH.c '11 l•vtlf• looks •nd dfivn nk•. v754896 il375 obo CM Dir Rlchllfd 949-646-78n ~ 't7 (lfyw 6c;yl 1uto, A/C, cc, ~w. pell, clean v321598 S. .. 75 OM Oto-Rlchwd 94~7822 ....... , ...... ua.,. et, a/c, c:c:1~.' dean, 11599884. ~ Riclllwd ec... Mlllll 11" 98M6-7822 f•4 • ., l•<Wt lX WlllU, 7911 ml, auto, orie owner1 areal cond iz400 Cllf I 949·515·2794 Foe rscOit sa.u. .,. 3111 ml, q -· 5 speed IT\llllal, •Int cood. S-.290. Ven 9$.246-8131 '°"° llCPt.CJlllR 9'm1' "99 Btadl w/wf!; lnlenor. Cr11at condftion. Well = .... ro ... 1oc:11. <X> i*Ys $9,<Dl 561. YOU MUST m ~ TMS CM. VSY OQM. ,.,.. . .. .. ........ , Sport 2wd, AT mnrf, blk/ vey llhr v452136 $5995 CM I:*' Ridwd 98646-7822 ,.,., ' 94 Mvst-s V6 =.5::;=~ CM ~ Rltlwd 7822 JOltD PltOH LS '90 Runs xlnl, 6 cyl, auto, ac. ens. sunrool, pw, ps, hit wheels, new tires & caps Blue booll $3225 sell $2600. Private party. 7 l 4-534~760I FOltD llANGfa XlT '99 E•tra Cab, Auto. CO. 691\ ml., V6, bedline1, Private Pai ty $7500 949-642-$620 Ford '96 Wlncf1tor Gl 7 pns, red/tan mt. al. ac, loaded $3995 v:?31587 CM Oii Rr:hard 96046-71!fll GIC Tnd ~ SNrni 1S Auto, while. fully equip, am· Im, smogeed. Well maintained. $3500 949-76C). l 9SO Jotuar '96 XJ6, hke new Topaz/Oatmeol, CD Alarm , Mu s t See l $15.800 949 650·5860 www per10<maoceltd com Jaguar • ..,, XJ• 46k ml, full tact warr, Brilish raclne &• een/oatmul lthr, CD. chtm whls, beaul, hke new cond, v•49672l $29,995 fin avail Bkr 949 586-1888 -.oqoobl.<em JOfl'« '99 JUI Vanden Plas 34k m1, $patkhng !Ilk/tan 11111 CO, chrm whls, lull fact warr hke new S2 8 995 f irm v8426l 4 flnancme avail Bkr 949 586 1888 -.oc,...i.l.COfft 1....,., '99 Xltl c-v 34k m1. full factory .,,,, . •Parkhn& bl1ck/01tm.,.1 lth1 , CD chrome whls, like new , v677295 $35,995 lrn•nc1n1 avail Bkr 949-586-1888 w-.oqtabl.cam Mp '9S Gnni 0--... LlO 4x4 W 53. ..tit.itan lttr. alkJyg. v5 l 49J! ~ CM~ Rldwd 9&64&M/2 Joel' '94 L•e6o \4i 81k 1111, pert cond. S6,!n> obo ........ '94 626 l/'Sk, pef1 cond. IOilded S3450 obo ds. lor boOI 949 ~ LcMd Rover 'ff Discovery Ser-U 2711. m1. full fut wur , black/oalmt•I lthr, dual mnrt. r ea1 • ., , 1ump ~eah, CD, 18" chrrn whls, like new, v332099 $21,995 firm hn avail Bkr 949 586 1888 ..,_ ocpab1 com a-ta.-~'96 w . Wilow Ct.in, ~ l8att1er, dual moon rooh, ,_ '"'"11 Sl!3b. 6 co chq!IJ. f,llo.aded, petfect °'" cond Only 581< "" $15,995 949-887 9107 lHvs '00 (S 300 :?lk m1, \llve1 /1rey 1th1. mnrf. CD. lull facto1 y warr, hke new v•525721 $21,995 hrm, ftn avail Broker 949 586 1888 -.oc;p..i.1.c- l.EXUS lOO IS '9 7 Qorster Pearl/Tan, fuHy lo~ 6 dlSk ed. perfect tondrtion, 7Sll mr, UXll mi wa", $14,!n> 949-~I Unc.a.. ·o 1 N.,,1,.t ... 21k ml, full fact warr, black/erey lthr CD. DVD 20" chrm whls, 8• new, v262512 $29,995 fin ava~ Bkr 949 586 1888 -~-M•14o '99 M l•t• Conv. l4k m l, auto, red/ black Int &. top. btauUful 0111 cond, v59724 I $9995 f11 m fin & w1rr avall Bkr 949-586-1888 w-.oc,..a.1.- 4~NSI ' '00 Si>••~low-1211 mti.s (•19005) 163,980,00 IMWHSla <...-'tS Bl•tll·auto.1ow milts (#185791) $12,980,00 IMW740fs.4-'tl Whit• w/l>erfe<:t creme luther-certl· · fled BMW-~ mllff (18730) S27 ,980 00 IMWIS2002 White-Factory Premium Wheels. (18920) $42.980.00 l,MWII Cemt•rltW.'96 Red w/lmmacul•t• bl1ch lfhr -5 speed (118770) $12.980.00 ,.,. .. lxpfllltl-'99 loaded, nice family SUV, white·lo mites. ('18794) $18.980,00 lHvslS400 S•4-'97 V8·lu•ury S.dan, full powe1 , leather! (#183431)$19,980 00 l' .. sct..996 (oupe'02 Sea Grev-Only 1()1( mlles·f act Warr I (119020) $69.980.00 Pouche 996 c...,... '99 Ocean Blue only 45K m1lnl Tlptrontc1 (ll7835) $43,980.00 IMW 5211 Spert s..t-•OC) Cosmos Alack w/Black full F acto1 y worrly1 Low m1lnl (fl8959C)$32,980.00 HummorH2'03 ~•ll• ereen w/wtleat leathe1 3k m1lu. (119040) $59.980,00 Jogvar XJS ConvortUtlo '9 5 Bfli;llsh Ra cina Green w/perfecl Creme I Leather. 56k ml (•1895SC)$18,980 00 MHcode1lot0 SlSOO R...t1tor '99 Smoke Silver w/Par,hment Leath ~· Buth tops! Beauly (#111967) $38,980.00 Seab900S '91 1 ~etalltc Red w/Creme lnleHor Only 35k miles • 019031) $1098000 fOf'cf fli'u•t-.• c....,.· .. V6 It 5 speed a/c CD Player F'ull Power <•18560) S9.~00 949.574.7777 l'HIWl'S AUTO hlll -•.<- l'orsclio '99 lo•t•r Com1 · 2H. mi. 5spd. wh1te/111ey lthr. full laLI warr eao aeed non/ \mk1. hke new vll669!i $21 99'.i Bllr 949 586 1888 -w.ocpabl.com ••"9• Rover '99 4.0 HE 2811 m1 full fact w•rr , black flan f'lhr . -bt•ck P•P'""· beaut 01111 cond, $26,995 v424238 fin ava~ Btu 949-586 1888 w-.0<paltl.co111 ....... Revor '97 4 6 HSC 60k m1 metalllf dark II'"" oatmeal lthr 18 whl~. fabulou' flf fabulous cond. Sii! 49'1 f11m vl2b5174 f1ntwarr a vail Bkr 949 '>86 1888 Satwft '95 SU Red. ~. am Im/CD/can. looks ~-&IJOd, S24r.i v215847 CM Oii Rldwd ~ 7iI12 VW HETU '67 . Now paint clutch brakes, a real clanJCI .$2900 08 0 Pvt party 714 7!>4 7773 AUTOMOBILES, MISCEl1NIEOUS ....., o,--d ~ OYet' 40 )'91" up! wl pey " Yr/ faa price for ~ ca. V111 Of tn..:11 pad for or not. Cal Dick Rey {q) lomato ~ s.. m 437 1931 Of 71432B-3228 CASH fOlt C.US We need your car . p111d f0t Of not Phillips Auto Ask for Malcolm 949 574 7777 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES SNXIT!f noo XTRA l'J.8, TOYOTA Tm.PM>Slm MN([ (JfER Wl1 SEU OfN> 714-374-8193 - I • " • .. • .. TAX DIRECTORY Call ._949·842·4321 .. INOIV ·CORPORATIONS- PARTNERSHIP -LLC-FSI'Al!S 350 E. 17th Ste., 11 7 COSTA MESA I CA.62627 OVER 30+ YEARS EXPERIENCE lax Mcitter~ 13th year preparing Federal a State Business & Personal Tax Reh.ms Enrolled Agent . Free e-file • Free Dtrect Deposit www.tumatttrl.lflb1.com catlrtltumltttn.afllt1.com 2052 Newport Blvd., Suite t8 ~~CA 92627-7140 el/Fax: 949.515.2882 GET THE PEACE OF_, ONLY A CPA CAN GIVE YOU! An you gettilg al the decilCllont you n tl'lllld m? Have 'I04I retlln done !rt a CPA at a REASONABlE rate. • lndividual/Busin Tax Rftll'nl • Elec1ronic Rllng •Get YN refllld in 1to3 days• ~er & Stathes Open~ Certified PIAllc Accxultalls By ~··· aa~-:11& j949.851 .9171J I Ml West al~ St.J ........ Olit OY OSTERHOUT, C~--­ CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Over 30 Years Ex~ience TAX PlANNING & PRIPARATION Individual • Coo><>ratioo • Portnersfiips Are~ ~U!the Lowest raxes ~ I .~ I~ I ti Save Time and Get Expert Tax Preparation • Individual and~ • Bask to Very Complex Rea.um • Electronic Piling Call (949) 863-9956 IO set up an ippoin1mm1. Anilablt weekdiys and~. BOATS 1300 North Brtsao~.Suk 23S ~ lle3dl, lA 926(,0 BOATS 1515 ll!!t!Yoeela R.e-Maou.6actuftd Vmtage Duffy 18 Gorgcc>us. Stunning. Black Hull Smet Than New, MUJ< Sec $23,99S '93Duffy18 Whitt Hull, New Navy CA.nopy. Mahogany Whcd, Elcdknt Condictoo $13.250 1}293 '93 Duft'y 18 Whitt Hull. Navy Canopy Top. NEW Sau, Like New $13,lSO 18-420 ' ---• -----~ _.._. __ _. • ...., ... ....., __ ..,.tliillttlll'Wt ... lli?lillllPM .... lli • ..il2lllll0millil0llllZ ..... 0 .. lltllm••liilil?•Plll••tlliSRlllS?llPlll?liti?•llSsljQ .... 0 .i$M$W;•s·?M$lllll2lll$Slllll,•,MS .. $.i?MOlll?t111* .. .,.-...... ~ .. , __ • AWD GRABS THE ROAD. THE DEALS GRAB YOUR ATTENTION. $ I OFF MSRP $ .6,.At&?~ OFF MSRP $ Consumer Digest "Best Buy" [JUIJ I a 1~5HPBoxer,All 'Wheel· -.. OFF Ms Air Cond., Cruise Pat---.,~.11i11•s•1 RP Bags, Active Head R~'::.;.~1 . --.i:-.. ' .· "~~-~---- t .. 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Mon .-Sat 9am to 9pm • Sun. lOam to 6pm ............... Mon.·Fri. 7• to ij)m • Sat Sam to Spm '00 Pl YMOUl'H '02 ...W 'GO 10YDl'A '01 -· 1• VOYAGER VAi II•• Piii COllY CE PICllP 2nd Sliding Door. 7 Passenger. Family Funl (569878) V-6, Auto, Air Cond., Full Power Package, Auto. Air Cond., Tow Power Group & Only 26K Mllesl Pkg., Alloys & Low Spoiler! (102135) (961342) Mllesl (193013) sg,985 s11,995 512,550 s12,825 Exceeding Expectations Since 1967 · · CADILLAC • BUICK • PONTIAC • GMC 21H 111101 ILVD., COSTA MEii (714) 44·4-5200 .. POlll1AC '01 CIEVY ..... "' mBSCll91M S upercharged & V-6, AJr Cond. & G M Certified! Extra Sharp! (252409) (223994) s13,995 s14,75g WCIEVY •CAllllC TAHOE IEDllll'llLE Low Miies & GM V-8, Leather, F ull Certified I Power& Low (547828) M lleal (789178) s1a,595 s1 a,995 'GIMC ·-= Y-. .. IU Lesal'hlln 10K c.tfted. Low.,... Mllnl GM Certiftedl fir•~ ... ··~ (281566) Under mi. (118080) 529,995 s29,995 --\