HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-04 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot--~-------~-----~-~-- ') • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAV,FEBRUARV4,2003 1 -· I• Schools f ollndationS disestablished City Council grants m ayor a rehearing o n how Home Ra nch money will be spe nt. School and one for f..stanoa I ligh and le- Winkle middle i.chools. Hubin· M>n mi.'>.c,ed Lhe vote because of a planned lrip lo a mayor'!> conference m Wa-.hington, l>L opinion some re-.1denl'> agrel' with. "In order 10 get Lht'> money. the resident!> of cert<un pan ... of CcNa Mes<t Mt' paying d H'fY high pnce, • !Xltd Sandra C .cm'>. J resident and former wurn 11 woman. ·1 1hink i~ T.tu 10 know how the money 'houkJ be -.pent· way, l·a1rview Hoad 11.irhcir Boulevard and \unfluwcr \v enue QUESTION r 2 Is it important that the Home Ranch schools foundations .~ Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -·me $2-mil- lion 1 lome Ranch education grant has been yanked back to its familiar state of limbo after the City Council granted Mayor Karen Robinson's request for a re-hearing on how to best dis- tribute Lhe money. On Monday, the council voted 3-2 10 reconsider how many foundations should be set up to handJe the funds and what kind of roles they should abide by. lne issue will come up again on Feb. 18. Karen Robinson The SegerMrom family oOerl'd the $2 million two yt-an, ago to sweeten the deal fo1 11-. I lome Ranch proiet t on thl· propeny bordered by thl· ~I Diego 1-ret" On Jan. 21. till' counul dt-· cided the found.1111111' would not hdve to adhere to 1ltt• '>lnl 1 111wn meeung rult"'> gowrning uly lOUnuL' under 1tw .i.ia1e\ Brown Act, but their rnceung' would have 10 he open to 1.he pubhL and puhltc11ed JI tlw o.,chuol' t>. gov.med by stst. open-meeting laws7 Call our Readers Hotltne at 1949) 642 60B6 or send e-mail to da1fyp1fot a lat1mes com Please spell your name and mclude your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only Originally, t.he City Council voted 3-1 to approve the creation of two educational foundatioru. -one for Costa Mesa I tigh Robin!>on'i. mam contention i!> that the foundation should be governed by Lhe Brown Art. an Roblll'>Pn da.tm'> 1hat thew 1-. legal pre<cdi::nt 1llu-.1rn11ng that See SCHOOLS , Pa&e A4 THE BELL CURVE Astronauts work in anonymity EDITOR'S NOTE: This 1s a special column from Joseph N Bell The Dailv Pilot's regular Tuesdav columnist, Robert Gardner, can be found today 1n the Forum. Page AS. F orty-four year; ago, in a cafeteria al La~gley Held, Va., a U.S. Manne Corps colonel named John Glenn, who had just been selected as one of the seven military tes t pi{ots from whose ra.nlu. would come the fi~t man in space, told me: JOSEPH N. BELL "We're very fortunatl' 10 be blessed with the talents that enabled us to be picked for something like t.hls. I think each one of us would feel guilty if he didn't make the fulle-.t use of them for ~met.hing as important as Project Mercury 11' to our country and the world in general" A few days later, in the same selt.lllg. another member of the i.even -Air Force Capt. Deke Slayton -told me: "This is jus t a natural extension of Oight. We've gone about as far as we can on this globe. so we'U have to stan looking around a bit. I feel I'm in on the ground floor of something human beings will be concentrating on for the next 1,000 years -if we don't destroy ourselves in the meantime." When the Columbia tragedy happened Saturday, I turned in despair to the notes I took for a book I wrote in 1960 called "Seven Into Space," the 6rst book in what later became an avalanche about our manned space program. I sought some son or perspective on the loss of the seven heroic astronauts on ·Columbia, and I found it in the See CURVE, Pa1• M DON lEAC .. /OAILV PILOT Child Alert founder Craig Brown e-mails customers from his office m Newport Beach when registered sex offenders move into a new ZIP Cod_e. The information 1s culled from the Department of Justice. An extra warning Craig Brown, fo unde r of West Newport -based Childre n Alert, provides paren ts updates by e-ma il about locations of nearby sex offenders. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot T here.\ a new bu.,mesi. 111 town that ha!> made it 1i.. business to track registered sex offender.. Otildren AJen, a company based in West Newpon, claim<· it as the only one or its kind in Califorrili that sendl> out monthly e-mail notifications to 11s customers detailing how many :.ex offenders live in their tip codei. and how many new sex criminal.-. have moved into their 7JP Code1. wit.hln the last month. The company. which began operating Monday, gets its Information from the California Department of Jusdce. the entity that sends out detailed sex offender infonnadon that the public can access at police depamnents because of Megan's Law. I wry <,late ha-. adopted '>Orne ver.1on of Megan'<; Law. n.1ml.'d after Megan Kanka, the New Jer""-'Y girl raped and lulled hy a child molei.tcr on parole who laved 111 her neighborhood. Under CaJifom1a's law, cities ren1vc mont.hly updated list.s of registered offenders from the state Department of Justice. Ouldren AJen doe1 na. provide per:.onal information about the sex offenders. People can only access that information from their police department. AJso. 011ldren Alert only informs its customer. about serious and higb-nsk offenders. There 1s a third category that comprises a misceUaneous group of criminals, typically those who have committed relatively minor one-time offenses. such as possession of child pornography. Craig Brown, founder of Oilldren Aten, said his company aims to give people the motivation FYI Children Alert can be contacted by calling (9491 725· 7080 or by VISlttng its Web site at www ch1fdrenalert com w look up tht• -.ex offender databa-.e for their ZIP Code., "We re hoping thi-. 'ot!l'Vlet' w1ll make more people go 10 the 1ermmals and fmd out more .ibo11t sex offenders in their area, ft he 'Hlld ~A lot of people don't b1m\ much about Megan\ Law llopei:ully, this will also educate them and help keep their kid'> !Mlfe .• The sel'Vlce costs SJ7 a year Brown. also a security consultan1. wd he plans to market it to schools as W1!U. "We wanted to make 11 affordable so a lot more people have access to the information,· he said. The company is working lo w~ its customers specific numbers about high-risk offenders in I.heir See WARNING. Pace M Dunes adding cabins tO the mix Waterfront resort will add 12 luxury cottages to its holiday offerings, making room for those without a boat or RV. Paul Clinto n Daily Pilot '\r\\'POH I HI-Al II Operato~ of the ~t>WJmn Dt.111t·4' Watt>rfront Rasort plan to 11Nall 12 luxur. cabin'> on t.he hotel's ex-1'>t111~ propt'rt}: complemenung its hun dn'tl., of '>f>OI~ for rt'<. reauonaJ vetucles .md hoat owner<.. ll1e mmahle vacauon lodgings. wtuch \.\tll rent for tlt·rM."l.'n S70 and S200 per 111gh1 are "l'I 10 OJ1t'n '\1an:h 8 in the re ... un., HV p.irk. •· R> offtonng Lhe..e beauuful. fuU\o t·4u1ppt"\l t"abms. v1..,1tor<. to N~"J>Orl 1>1111t·<, v.. ho don I O\\TI R\\ will be able to c 1inv<m1t"ntly e111oy '>ta)" and experience our c.Ulleruue... • general manager Andrew I hrodorou '><Ud "The conag~ are ideal for family and fnendl> of our RV guesll>. a.'> well a) thoi.e who are interested men- JOVtng the beautv and majesty of water front h(lng " lne .tOO '>qUare· foot '>tructure-., wtuch will be pro\flded by cabin-maker Stewart Lodge... are modeled after pnvate cot- lctKC''> and mdude large ceiling.. 'paoous bedrooms, porch~. full serve lcltchens and pnvate bathrooms lhey are also equipped with hardwood Ooor>, ban-h and cedar paneled walls and J dining area. "We manufacture the tughe.1-qualtty t:abiru available, wluch are ideal for first· rate resoru '!luch ab Newpon Dunes.· said Ken Lumer, West Coast d.lrector of Stew- a.n Lodge!>. "The reacuon to the cabins at other rewm has been not.hlng shon of phenomenal" The rt"'On includes a 406-stall RV part that offers outlets for cable tell!'Yi.sk>n and Internet use The reson also offers a res- taurant. a grocery store. a pool and spa. a game rool]\. a fitness center, a 450-shp manna. a seven-lane boat-launch ramp. dry boat storage and conferettt% rooms. City leaders said the cabins woukt be a wt>lcome add1uon, ~ long as they don't See DUNES, Paa• M Youth sports goes to parks commission's turf Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: ww.c~com A horticulture professor from Cal Poly Pomona will chime in on allowing children to play on grass at Bonita Canyon park. June CH11r1nde Daily Pilot NEWPORT BP.ACH -Youth sporu leaden will explain to memben of the city's Pub, Beaches and Reaeadon CommiMJon tooWu why they t.h1nk p&aytng ftdds It BonJta Canyon Sports Park lhould open lllOOneJ' nather than later. : Newport Beech Uttk ~ boltd Owmber John Della Grona aUd bla group pllna to ~· leldmony rrom • rurf apen on why the a..ta could open sooner. City officials have delayed open -contractor now doing I.he wort. Finan- ing the 6elds until summer to allow grass cial and legal liabilities complicate the planted there to become well rooted. question of when the city can take pos- Della Grona and others have argued Jon of all or part of the park. that letting ld<h play on the fields right Some. such as Della Grona. say the now would not bann the grass. They also city can find a way to deal with th ls- say the city made a mistake in choosing sues. a mlJ of fescue and Bennuda gras.ses fof Oty ofDd.als have said they share the the playing fields. They plan to bring priority of providing playing Oelds as along an expert tonight to suppon their to0n as poaible. but they diMgree on arguments. when the grass will be reedy for players. Kent Kurt%. professor of honicultutt at Demand for playing 6dd space has Cal Poly PomoN and an eq,en on play-aeated a alsls In the 1ut few years as log·tleld twt 1s CJq>CC'ted to testify that more sporu orpnimdons ha been the dty coWd allow kScis lO play on tho compedna fof lpiCe. grau npt now without ~ft. The $7-rnlllion 8onlt& Canyon Sports •()Ur pl ta just for them to tum CM!I' ~ wu ICMduled to open In July 2002. the~ 10 WI can art p&eytrig U . but ln NcMtnber 2001, wockon me Pf'Ot· a poafti&e. • Oella Grona llkl ect MOpped after c:oonctor CMklo Inc. Snera1 ocher ..._ ClQnfol.md their hit crlppMna ftnandal clillkulliM. A bond pl Por one thin& th* dlj' baa not u.urtnc che job pUI for a oew ~­ cu.i pc 11 enl im Of tht a..ta tom cbe tor. P.rnca'l Inc.. ot tam+k. C.W. FY1 •WHAT: Meeting of the Newport Be.ch Parts, Beach .. and Recreation Commlaalon • WHEN: 7 p.m. today •WHERE: City Councfl Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd •INFORMATION: AgendH and Information .,.. avalla~• at th• city'• Wtb ai\9, www.o l)'..MWJ)Olf-bac:h.ca u1. or by c.tllng (949) Mt--3000 Commltlic>ners WW hear a \16 report on tbt pro;cct at ttft meednc co t. ... wen testtmony eom youth spona •dvooli •JUNE CAIAGfltNDI COll9f'8 N9':o-pqtt lhtdt and John~ AlrpOA. She 1fV1V bt r9ec:Md .. ,. PMm "'~ M"8il. µ,a:r·a1..., ~ WEATHER Toc:tay won't._. lb f1Jf of U'MI llx wMb of winter ettNd of ue.. EtiioY"'" •nd. ~cooler dey. S..PlpA:l SPORTS t Al Tuesday. February 4, 2003 .. KIDS TALK BACK Importance of our . history The Daily Pilot went to Prince of Peace School in Costa Mesa to ask fifth -graders, 'Why is understanding United States history important?' "I think it is important because we get to learn how our United States began because of one battle. If we lost that, we could've been British.• KYLE PREVEL, 10 Costa Mesa "I think it's important because, if you never found out what it was, then we would never pass it on to our children and ... then their children." MELINDA KENNEDY, 11 Costa Mesa •1 think it's important ... because if we knowhow these battles changed our lives and our history. As we get older, our children and our relatives will know about our past." Al.EK gSffNER, 11 Huntington Beach "The United States is something that. .. knowing who was on what side is important" TALIA GOUAN,10 Costa Mesa ·1 think it is important to lcnow ... about the most important battJesand who won because then you will be able to know what happened and why they did it.. DANEUE YOUNG, 10 Costa Mesa -Interviews and photos compiled by Otrlstine Carrillo ON ·CAMPUS IN THE CLASSROOM . STEVE McCRANK /DAl\.Y PILOT Students in Pat Omaye's fifth-grade class at Prince of Peace School can't wait to answer q~esbons about the American Revolutionary War. Living a bit of·history Christine C1rrlllo Daily Pilot R iding around the classroom on a wooden hobby· horse - yardstick 10 be exact-'fyler Brown toolc on the persona of Paul Revere announcing to his fellow classmates that the British are coming. Battles quickly ensued, one massacre after another, as the fifth·graders at Prince of Peace School in Costa Mesa re-enacted three major battles fought during the American Revolution. Each student traveled back in time to take a stroll in the shoes of key historical figures. from George Washington 10 Abigail Adams. and get Students at Prince of Peace School get an.active lesson in the American Revolution. a sense of who they were. ·it's more fun." said Pat Omaye. the fifth-grade teacher who has taught at the school for the past 23 ye~ "By reading from the text and answering the questions, it doesn't really give them the feeUng of history." While acting out different battles and becoming different figures allowed the students to learn about the events and people of that time. they also needed to learn about concepts, ideas and beliefs that governed that period of history. They studied those aspects of history through a similar process. Standing up one by one, student~ recited their "expert word* and spewed out weU·rehearsed defimuonc; and summations that captured their thorough understanding of United States history. It was solid proof that the nearly one-month· long lesson was learned. ·When they become these people. it's something I don't think they'll forget: Omaye said. "I prefer teaching where there's a lot of hands·on activity and interacting because, hopefully, it will stay with them a little longer." Discussing how it must have felt to be a woman during that point in history, tallcing about Issues of treason and slavery, the students threw their hand!> in the air arudous to show off their knowledge. ·It's not as bonng.: Nicole Irigoyen !>aid. "It makes us remember it better.· It also made the lessons come to life. "We have to memorize everything.· Ouistian Miller said. "When we start to (act(. it all out It comes together in a bigger picture." • IN THE CLASSROOM 1s a weekly feature in which Daily Pilot education writer Christine Carrillo visits a campus in the Newpon·Mesa area and writes about her experience. SCHOOL LUNCH MENU WEDNESDAY Munchable Lunch Salad or turkey fryz with dipping Huce, baby carrots with ranch dip, baked nacho cheese chips, pineapple tidbits, choice of milk MONO AV Munchabfe U.lnch Salad or cheese quesadilla. beby carrots with ranch dip, fruit turnover, choice of f'.'\jlt_ The Newport-Meta Unified School Oiltric:t offers menu choices each day at elementary~ .. Student8 mev chooM a vegetarian entree. The aelecdon mev be a Nied, a aandwich or a hot entree. Sc:hool lunchea are $2 Mch. Here'• what'• being eerved this wet*: ~ Mund teble lundl Saleif wfth fruit yogurt or macaroni end c:tw or two minf.ch 111 lburgers, leUuoe and pidd9a. tnff mix,~ of mllt THlMSOAY Oriental chicken .. &.d with fresh beked whofe grain roll or two camltal or veggie soft tacoa, lettuce, <lheeM and salsa, rai81"8, cootie, choice of milk FRIDAY Mund\eble Lunch S.&.d or beef hot dog on 1 bun, potato wedgea, llk:ed .,._,.., d10ice of milk •The Munchable U.lnch Salad containe tOIMd greens, c:heny tomatoes, cndt--. pro1ein IOUf'CM such as cheese, aunftower eeeda, fNlt Vo9'#t Md honey-roasted peenuta, and dreeeing. No child I• discriminat«l 91ntlt '*»use of ,.;re, MIX, color, national origin, -o-or tMbllhy. If It,. believed a child,,_ be«t dlecrlmir.ibd ..,_ wrlt9 Immediately to the s.cr.t.lyof ~ Washington, DC 20260. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS 92626. Copyright: No news SURF AND SUN Sean Hiller, Don l.Mctl, stories, illu1tr1tion1, editorial Kent Treptow matter or 1dvertl11ments herein can be reproduced without WEATHER FORECAST SURF READ~S HOTLINE written permlulon of copyright (9491 842~ owner. VOL. 97, NO. 35 Record ycur commenl3 •bo)lt the It'll be another beautifully Today's a great day to stay Dally Pilot or news tips. HOW TO REACH US sunny day today, with highs dry bec:auee the w.vea aren't TltOMAS H. JOHNSON, News Edition Addl9M Cln:ulatlon just above 70 In Costa Mesa high. Publisher GIM Alexander, Lori Anderson, Our edd1'911 It 330 W. Bay St., Costa The Times Orenge County and In the mid~ In Newport Surf will be in the knee-to TONY DOOERO, Mesa, CA 92627. Office hou,. ere (800) 252-9141 Beach. There will be 1 few waist-high rallg9 todrf and Editor Peul Seltowitz. Denlel St9119n1 Monday· Fridev. 8:30 e.m .. 5 p.m. Adwrtblng .Alf1'f OITTWO, NEWSSTAff Con9dk>ne Ci.llffled (9491642-5678 clouds, but nothing to get won't lncteaae any until later Adwnl9l~or O...,.lhemtl It le the Piiot's Policv to promptly Display (9491642-4321 bring us down. Overnight lows thl•~ l.ANA • Crime and courta reporter, correct 111 lf'l'o,. of aubltence. Edttodel will be In the lower 608. On Thursday, we'll Pl"omotlont Director (949) 574-4226 Pteue call (9491 574-4286. News It'll be jult 11 aunny, but a encoonter aome chest-highs IEDrTWQ STAFF d#pll.bha,..th•l.rlma.rom (949) 642-5680 little cooler on Wednesday. The again when our latest 1.J.C.ttn. JuneC.ngrwlde FYI Sports (949) 574-4223 rest of the week look.I limllar. northwest awell returns. Meneglng Editor ~rtBe.ai~r. The NewPort hadl/Costa M ... News fa (949) ~170 lnfonnetlon: Head-hight may retum by Dally Piiot (USPS-1'4-800) la &po.ta ,,.. (949) lll50--0170 (IMl) 574-4233 (949)57~ E-mll: ct.ilypilot•l•tl,.,....com www.nws.non.gov Fnday .. the SW911TMC:hee lta a.J.c.lm• llrtlmeuom ju~rande•larlff*.com published dally. In Newport htch MmOMce pMk. ............ '-'.tlelnton and Costa M .... 1ubecrlptlon1 ere luelftW OMce UM91 &42-4321 BOATING FORECAST --quelty: CltyEdttof Polltlca end environment repoftlf, available only by 1ubecriblng to ...... Fu (949) 831-7126 www • .urlrl~org , .. ,~ (949) 7&M330 The TlmM Orenge County (8001 • The weaterty winds will J«r-.,,,.._ledmet.com ..... c.teon. PllUf.c/lnton•,.,tmMcom 252-8141. In •rea• outalcle of blow In the Inner waters thia TIDES $pof1I Edttof ~ ..... NewPort 8eech and Com M .... afternoon, with 2-foot waves Time (Ml>574-4223 C:O.. MIN~. (t49) 574-4276 eubecriptlona to m. Delly Pilot ere and • west IW941 of 2 to 4 fMt. HeWwt ,.........,,,.~ lolita.,,.,,,..llltlnw ""'!' avaJlable only by first ti... mell fOf TM ume will be found thle 4:33a.m. 1.76fMtlow ..... J. ....... ~-""'*' $30 per month. (Prices Include all .wnlng. 10:321.m. 6.08 fMt tMgh M Dtr.-r, ,.._ o.tc Chief EdUcetlon l'9p0f'lllf, ( .. ) 574-4221 appllcM>lt mrt• and loc:el taxee I Publlthed by Tll'Mt Community Out farther, the wlnde wtfl 6:21 p.m. .0.01 fMt low ,..,.~ }O#Mnlt»•"""*-oom delldra.MWmotn•"111,.,...,oom ,.OSTMASTEA: &.nd eddre .. • Ntw. •• dlvtelon of the Loa~ aleo btow about 10 to 16 knota, 11:60p.m. 4.12t1Mthlgh ... Mee .... o. .... c.. ch•noH to Th• Newport TlrMt. wfth 2·foot WIVM end a welt ""°'° lupeMeor NM9~(1M1)1?4-4M 8Hch/Cottt M•H Delly Piiot, C2002 TirY* CN. All rights lwel of 3 to 6 fMt. TM awell WATER TEMPERATURE ,..,19Mm dlrlllt#M.ClltrlHo•,.,,,._com P.O. lox 1HO, Cotti Meee, CA wMI bkt down about. foot ttJAPhtlfO•..,,..oom ~. ....... ling. 67clegr9ee l 2 s as s 2 2 39 2 292 • 9 9 9 2 2 2 0 a a a ne•••e • n o n •••••• \ • -• • ) .. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mesa Verde has hopes for mall Development at Harbor and Baker, anchored by bank, is expected to add to prosperity of economically robust area. Paul Cllnton Daily Pilot OOSTA MF.SA -A new retail plaza in Mesa Verde ls expected to add more economic muscle to an~ already strengthened by the success of a center anchored by Tai;get across the streeL crest Development Co., has built five other centers in Cost.a Mesa. His latest center offers 6,400 square feet of space. which will be occupJed by anchor First Bank & Trust branch, occupying 4,000 square feet, a Subway sandwich restaurant and the Nall Comer. Baycrest Plaza. as it will be kn~. should be open for business by April 1. said Brent Ogden, the center's developeL • ·it's a great asset for the city: Ogden said. "The tenants will be open in the next 60 days.• Ogden, the president of Bay- The center. ~ the northwest comer of Harl>or Boulevard and Baker Street. also features a stonework veneer. City planning officials. who approved the center last ~ril. are Viewing Baycrest Plaza as a high-quality addition to a bur- • BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Orange Coast College spring enrollment drops Orange Coast College began 1ts spring semester Monday with about 3.2% fewer students than last spring. The school typically sees in- creases in enrollment, but had to reduce its classes 15.4% this spring to cut costs. OCC spokes- man Jim Carnett said Monday. The college made about $2.8 million in mid~ budget cuts as a result of the state's cutbacks th.is year. The semester started Monday with 404 fewer course sections. While registration is still open, the school reported 22,503 stu- dents, or about 749 fewer than it had last spring. The school expects even Jess studeqts in the summer and 2003-04 school year as It plans to slash another S6 million and about 1,000 course sections, Carnett said. This semester, there are 2,225 course sections. California students pay $11 per unit at OCC By comparison, enrollment in the fall increased 4% from fall 2001. It increased 6.1 % in spring 2002 from spring 200 l . Registration continues at the school through the admissions office. which is open from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday. The class schedule can be picked up at the office or can be found onllne at www.orange- coostcollege.com. For more in- formation, call (71 4) 432-5072. Costa Mesa accepting nominations for award Although Costa Mesa's lead- ershJp has changed, the tradi- tional Mayor's Award wilJ be given out this year. The award honors a person in the commuruty who has per- formed an outstanding service or a good deed or has a long history of community service. The program Is open to all Costa Mesa residents and those who work or volunteer In the ciry. Mayor Karen Robinson will select a person based on nomi- nation letters sent to her office. Recipients are acknowledged every three months at the City Council meetings. To nominate someone, please send a letter to the mayor's office, includi.ng your name. address and phone num- ber, as well as the name of the nominee and a brief explana- tion of his or her merits. Letters may be sent 10 Mayor's Award City of Costa Mesa. P.O. Box 1200, Costa Mesa, CA 92628-1200: faxed to (714) 754-5330; or log on 10 www.ci.costa-mesa.ea.us/coun- cillmayorawd.IJtm. lnforma- 1ion: (714) 754-5327. Sons of American Legion to donate $1,000 The Sons of the American Le- gion Squadron 291 will make a $1 ,000 donation to the Orange Coast College Women's Crew at the group's regular meeting on Wednesday. The donation will bring to S2,000 the amount the sons' Donations Committee has give to help the women's crew achieve its goal of buying a new boat. The group is an arm of the Newport Beach-ba5ed Ameri- can Legion Squadron 291, which assists locaJ chanties. Film festival support group needs member The Premiere Cinema Guild, a nonprofit that support!. the Newport Beach Film Festival, seeks new m embers. The guild sponsors an annuaJ gala that fund-raises for the film festival. It also suppom the festival through programs such a5 Host a Filmmaker. which asks mem- bers 10 host visiting filmmakers during the weekJong festivities. Members are also offered the opportuniry to prescreen film festival entries. The 2003 festival, which will include feature films, short films and documentaries from around the world, as weU as seminars and workshops with .00% Yield On Principal of Your 12Mo CD FDIC INSU R ED FI D EL I TY I NSUR ED DEP OSI TS (949) 588 -5711 FULL BAR COCICTAILS MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E 17TH ST COSTA MESA · 949 ·645·7626 <fl~ 50% OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids . Home Decor • FU mlture • MOii-Fri l M •Sat IM• Su lM -&. 17111 ... •u. c-. Me.. (Mf) '4U745 (Aamlhm ) .. I geoning section of town. The 73,000-square-foot Costa Mesa Square, anchored by Turget G:reatland, opened in February of 2000 at the northeast comer of Harbor and Baker. Jaclc Ba.riteau of Keenan & Bariteau developed that center. "I just think (Baycrest Plazal would complement the new Tur- get center across the street,· as- sistant planner Wendy Shih said. Zoning administrator Perry Valantine approved the center as part of the development review process, which allowed it to move forward without an ap- proval from the City Council or Planning Commission. There was no change in zoning re- quired. Even though the broader com - featured artists, is scheduled to be held from April 3 to 11 . For more information, call Cathy Kroopf at (949) 720-0528. Costa Mesa real estate finn receives award Costa Mesa's Torelli Realty has received the Gift of Glvlng community award from LA.- based The Wave radio station (94.7 FM}. The award was given in ap- preciation of Torelli Realry's sponsorship of Snow Hill 2002, an annual holiday event at Be- learic Park in Costa Mesa. The event features 50 tons of snow for sledding. cookie deco- rating, a visit from Sama LO a helicopter and hay wagon rides. The prize included an office party at Outback Steakhouse. Torelli's next community event is the upcoming Easter Egg- citement 2003. to be held on April 19 at Tanager Parltt. Activ- ities include an Easter egg hunt, pony and tra1Jl rides and a pet- ting zoo. For more information about this event, go to the company's Web site at www.torellireal- ty.com. Costa Mesa program helps home buyers The cary of C..osta Mesa will help home buyer!. by offering them down payment assist- 'b merdal real estate market i& struggling. Ogden brushed off concerns a.bout the viability of Baycrest Plaza.. He said that he designed the plaza to offer ten- ants in a market that Is under- served by banking. ·it's not like you build the TaJ Mahal and hope they will come.~ Ogden said. ·it's designing it with (the customers) In mind.· A Wells Fargo bank at 2970 Harl>or Blvd. Is the nearest com- petition. First Bank & l'rust is re- locating from a smaller location on Adams Avenue. Ogden set an seoo.ooo budget for the center, which did not in· elude land-acquisition costs. Og- den bought the land as part of a 19-~el deal with SheU Oil a year ago. ance of up to $40,000 in the form of a deferred second mortgage to households earn- ing no more than 120% of the county's median. The home buyer must pro- vide at least a 5% down pay- ment, have sufficient income and good credit to quaJify for a first mortgage with a pnva1e lender. Purchase price limits have been increa!.ed to the area median of $419,000. Applicants will be a5sisted on a first-come-first-!.erved basis because of limited funds. For more information. call the Housing Hotline at f7 14l 754-4892. Subsidiary purcha~es herbicide business Newport Beach-based Ameri- can Vanguard Corporation an- nounced last week that AMVAC Omnical Corp., a whoUy owned subsidiary of the com pany. ha!. acqutred Evttal 5G. a cranberry herb1c1de busme~ owned by Sygenta Crop Prolec- tion Inc Terms of the tranc;action were not disclosed. The company expects 10 be- gin marketing the herb1c1de in the spring. Evital SG is used when plant· ing in the key cranberry-grow- ing states of Massachusell!., New Jersey. Wiscon!.in, Michi- gan and Oregon Fibromyalgia? "Free Report Rnala The Sbodci.oa Truth About the "1ttrd'' Trcatmcnt You.r Doctor Probably Doun't Know ... And Li..kdy Hopes You NeHT Learn ... " COSTA MESA -A new free report has n:cc:ndy bc:cn rclnscd that rcvcili the "untold story" bc:h1nd fibromyalg1a p:un Fibromyalgu. ~15<l1agnom ;i,nd mum:atmmt 1s r;unpvit and leads to count.lcu vc:ars ol unncussvy suffering. Thu free rcport rcve.ili a n.mua.l procedure tlm u giving fibromva4o;a suffcn:n their "lives back" -wnh "m1raculow_· rcsu~tS for • nuny. If }i>u suffer from fibromyalgia you need tht) no 8 \ . no gunrruclu free report that u giving hope 10 fibromyalg1a suffercn cvcryv."hcrc For yow frcc copy, call colJ-&u 1-800-897-7411, 2'6 hr. recorded meaagc. MATH Help At TuToRING CLUB Offeri~e Individualized lnetruction • Basic Math • Algebra • Geometry •Trigonometry •Calculus CALL TODAY 949-645-7900 488 E. 17"' STREET · COSTA MESA (comer of trv1ne Aw.) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • IWIOM>OO • LAASMTES •CARPET • CSWIC TU• WM. FLOORING ·~!!I'S! l!.IM'difi!I SOLAIUAN &'4' 90ll> EXOTIC STAINifm" HARDWOOD '4" -'1'! from --· Tnw.tlne 1f' x 1a• ...................................................... " .. a -.a. Ca'd ~H ... ttftfftt1t-.M-ftt-..fttftffttftt"°"'fftftfttfttH.....,.... •l i..ttm Ylbod ......................................................... u 111l- ;. -,.,.._ 4 lue)(lcty f ;:>lJfUO(y 4 2003 AJ Environme ntal work about t o start on Buck Gully Two years after being awarded money for improvements, Newport Beach i~ about to start runoff diversion. June Casaerande Daily Pilot Nl-WPOfll BE.A<H - About two year'> aht!r tht' c11y wa-. awardt'd $222.000 an \tale money tor em 1run m enLa.I 1mpruvements at Buck (,uJly. the bt'gJllnlrtK of the pro1ec1 • ., finally 111 sight. The .,lJte awarded the city the fund'> out of l'ropo siuon tJ bond money Voter. approvt:d Lht' $2-btl hon bond in \.iarc:h 2000 t1> pay for a vanel) of Wiiler related program' ;tatewille -everything lrom nuotl con1.rol proieci.. to ... atmor1 protecuun fhough tlu: cit} '>t:l un:d a '\ix-fib'lJfl' cut uf the fumh for envarunmental 1m provement.-. a1 Buck C •Ull}. the Cit) ha-. bet:n "'aHing about 1wo year; lor '>tall' and rtgional OVt.'~l'l'I' (11 ;1gn off on their plan for the money ·we·ve \'lirdpped up '><>1111· of the final dt•1aib and no" we hope that 1he prnJt>l 1 could 'tan May 15." '~"' Cary Manclger Ua\ c ll.111 '>aid "We've been w<:uUng· nearly two yt'M' '>lnlt' "l' wen.~ awarded th1'> mone\ • KifT added that the c.11y .. hd' h1•1.·11 ,,,111111g all 1lt" tmw ftir 1ht· S..111'1<1 \J1J Ht· KJOll..0 \'\all'I ()11,rht~ ( 1111 trot k1>ard un<l lh» '>l.111 We1ter lk.,111111 ~·"' U11o1rd , <1ppm"t' tlw Jlflllt"l I 11 l lwo agt·m 11' .ir1• ,,.,11011 ,1IJIP for rd1•J'>tni: ht111tl mont'y for ni.111\ ''" h pr•1J t't:l'> .. l..lll'\\ldt· ~ 11v1rnnr1wnt,tl 1mpr11\ 1· n11.-111\ di Bill k < •tlll) .... 111111 d udt pru~r.1m-. 111 redut ,. runolT 1111111111: 1 h.111111'1 Hue k < .ull\ \\I 111 h '"I\• .. , d' '1 <lra111.1).!t' d1ann1 I fl.r ( 111011,1 dd \l,1r 1' """ I l'rf'd h'r <1Uth11fllll'' II> 111 µolluted Pe,111·11.lt.., anan1JJ \i\.i.i'>lt' e1nd ouwr agt•lll' 111.11 "'J."'h Imm lit} ,1rt:• t-. 11111 Bud.. < .ullv ha\t d.rr11.1i:•·d lhl' 1111 ,lJ h,1hll<.1h .111d )IJ.\l dr:um·cl 111111 !\1•\, p1•rt' loa,1;11 ~ ... 11er-. J Ill' lllllllt'\ \'111 .11" I p.11 lor lMh11.11 rc-.111r.1111111, J pul>h1 1·ilt1l ..iuor t c1111pa1~11 .ind 111111 r 1111• 1,trr•'' 111 ri• \t•r..t th• di• C-1" 111 p•>llll ll!•ll I h1 pulil t t•tl11l .l111 •t1 l lllllp•llll'lll 1111~h1 \••rt 11 l IUdt n11l1!\ lrW t Wit' J\1.11 t·r' 111 tlw Hulk c, 11 \ .111 o..1 ol alw I\ p•' 11( pl.ir1h 111n 111uld p1i1 11 1h1·1r \•'I' 1 b1111-.t Iii• I 1.1 trt\llUll flll'lll ~ALDEN 'S FLOOR (0\1-Rl\C, A-.:n ( L''ITO\i W1~1)(1·.x (11 t .. '\< ,, 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 VFAL BRATWURST lun tf F.Jl of Fllvor s322 1b. ~as ...... , ..... , ••• h•'• due 11 ''" 1111111 ~IHI tliOAI ~ ltGll lnrwn or J11nwuan FL1110r HALF CHICKEN $2221b . .M Totsday, February 4, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Police arrest man after stabbing "fun dance event" that ended with a ftgbt ln the parking lot Satucday night at the Ha.Id Rock Caf~ in Fashion Island, officials said. When the incident ended, p olice arrested 21-year-old Police arresLed a 28-year-old Muz.affar Zain of lrvine on Co<>ta Mesa man early Satur-suspicion of attacking a 23- day morning on suspicion of year-old UC Irvine student attempted murder after he re-with a hockey stick. Newport portedJy stabbed another man Beach Police Lt. John Kleln during an argument outside said. The victim was hospi- 1\Jejandro's Mexican Restau-tali2.ed. rant, officials said. · • Between 500 and 600 peo- Mario Remijio reportedly pie· were at the Hard Rock Ca· pulled out a knife and stabbed·· f~. which had been rented the victim once on the upper out to a UCI group. About body after Mwords were ex-300 people were reportedly changed" ouLSide the restau-still in line waiting to get in ram at the comer of 19th when the fight broke out. Street and Placentia Avenue at Klein said that the fight about 1:45 a.m .. Costa Mesa erupted between two groups Police Detective Sgt. Jack of people in the parking lot. Archer said. Police also said on Sunday Remijio Oed the scene, but that shots may have been omcers caught up with him fired during the melee and and arrested him in an alley off that shell casings were found 19th Street, Archer said at the scene. I le said the victim is in sta-Detectives are still investi- ble condition at Western Medi-gating whether shots were l-al Center in Santa Ana and is fired, Klein said, but no one Mrecovering from his injuries." on scene suffered gunshot lnve tigation of Hard Rock fight continues wounds. Zain was arrested on susp i- cion of causing battery with grea1 bodily injury, Klein Newport Beach investlga-said . 1ors continue to look into a -Deepa Bl1arath· POLICE FILE S COSTA MESA • Harbor Boulevard: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 230Q block at 10:46 a.m. Sunday. • Mendoza Drive: Petty theft from a vehicle was reported in the 2800 blod< at 9:28 a.m. Sunday. • Newport Boulevard: Possession of narcotics was reported in the 2600 blod< at 12:30 a.m. Sunday. • Santa Ana Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 2500 bl<><* at 12:22 p.m. Sunday. • Welt Wilson Street: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported in the 600 bloc* at 9.51 a.m. Sunday. •East 18th Street: A h1t-and·run was reported in the 100 blod< at 12:29 a.m. Sunday. • West 19th Street: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 800 blodt at 2:17 a.m. Sunday. •West 20th Street Graffiti was reported in the 700 blodt at 3: 11 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Chenn.a Rold end East Ocean Front: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 8:01 p.m. Sunday. • East Coast Highway: A hit-and-run was reported in the 1600 blodt at 8:20 a.m. Sunday. • Iris Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 400 blodt at 12:10 p.m. Sunday. • Newport c.nblr Drift West Petty theft was reported in the 700 blod< at 7:07 p.m. Sunday. • Vte Koron: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 200 blodt at 1 :52 p.m. Sunday. · •West 15th Street: Battery was reported in the 800 blod< at 2:16 a.m. Sunday. • 22nd StrNt and West <>c:.en Front:, Illegal firewortcs were reported at 11 :09 p.m. Sunday. •31st StrMt: Vandalism was reported in the 400 blod< at 10:15 a.m. Sunday. ~~ "Over 50 Years of Fine Quality" AJI Types of Window Treatments • Valances & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • Verticals • Shutters • Bedspreads Complimnitllry Consult11tio1t ;,, Yoatr Howu 2Qc:~, * I ""'' ,\ "·I,,,, ,11 il111 , OFF ,.,ii.i1, .. 1.11,,1, ... 1, :· ~"''' ~~~ DESIGN CENTER r ac tory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa ~~~~ (949)642-8400 :,~v.:;. SCHOOLS Continued from Al the Brown Act l$ required for these rypes of public mee~. Council members Ubby Co.- wan and Gary Monahan dis- sented, saying the council's pre- vious decision was satisfactory. DUNES Continued from Al . bring too much traffic or other congestion with them. They may even offer a legitimate substitute to plans made by previous Dunes owners to build a "family inn" next door. That project has been a sore- spot with city leaders and resi- dents. "It's a very interesting, think- ing-out-of-the-box concepl, • Mayor Steve Bromberg said. "II sounds like a concept that could work as long as It doesn't increase density." On Aug. l, Culver-City real estate group Goldrich & Kest WARNING Continued from Al area. Brown said ·rught now, we only have one number that includes both categories." he said. Brown said that will eliminaLe situations such as the one involving James Lee Crummel, a convicted sex offender now awaiting trial in connection with the murder or 13-year-old Jamey 'frotter, who disappeared off Harbor Boulevard on his way to school in l 979. Residents picketed for several days to kick CrummeJ out of a condo in Newport Crest. Min that case. the police informed the residents that he was a high-risk offender,· Brown said. "But it takes the police a t least two months to inf onn residents. They need to go through a legal process, talk 10 a judge, derennine if the offender is really high-risk or not. There is AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilotcom. TODAY A Feng Shul seminar to Improve health, relationships and prosperity will be held at 7 p.m. at Visions and Dreams, 2482 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Free. Reservations are required. For more information, c~ll (626) 288-1669 or visit www.fengshuiadvantage.com. DISCOVERY CHANNEL HIGHLIGHT TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE To"'1y'1 Hullh featuring an exciting 30 minute Documentary about the hca.ltb benefits of Tahitian Noni, the world's futcst growi ng health supplement. Program also to air on PAX, Encore, Oxygen, and Bravo channds the fir t week of February 2-8 Average monthly wholesale volume $40 million. MAY help, CAN'T hurt, COULD change your life! kuJlt,.. NnJ ndlltitww .IHI n/J;,, RIWI Stora Ava.ilahlc ONLY from a TAHITIAN NONI lnt'I Dist. Call 800~554 .. 9642 for a FREE catalog or more information www.AsnsNooLcom ··1 th.Ink all s;Ue-gUards for the money are in place,· Cowan said. •If the council had taken action in July, the money could have al- ready been In the process of be· ingspent." • O£IRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa af'.ld may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or bv•mall at deirdre.newman l11timtn.com. Industries and Terra Vista Man- agement bought the resort for about $25.5 million. Those owners have the right to build the already-approved 275-room family-style inn. Previous owner Evans Hotel Co. had sought 10 build a 581,000-square-foot, 470-room hotel and conference cen ter. But when the city's Greenlight Initiative becam e law, requir· ing voter approval for some projects this size. Evans repre- sentatives decided they wouJd abandon the unpopuJar plan. • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at 1949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@lat1mes.com. 'A lot of people don't know much about Megan's Law. Hope~lly, this will also educat e them and help keep their kids safe.' Crala Brown, founder of Children Alert a lot of time lost.·· Costa Mesa Police Oet. Sgt. Jack Archer said he had not he.ard about Children l\Jert. "ll's up to people to use it or not use it.. "II could be useful to some. maybe not so u~ful to other.,,· he said. ·eut even if it saves one child or person from being victimized, it would've helped ... • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bhsrsth a /st1mes com WEDNESDAY A prostat. dbcuulon group will be held at Hoag Cancer Center Auditorium from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more information, call (949) 7·CANCER A free semin.,, th• •Lunch Hour Peel; featuring the "NeoOerm Procedure" and skincare treatment. will be held at from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Body Design, 100 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beadl. Attendees will receive a gift certificate. and there 1s no cost For reservations, call (949) 722-3555. •Growing Pfents Indoors ... The Easy Way" Is the subject of a class to be taught at Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del Mar at 9 a.m. The cost is $25, and pre-registration is required. Foor more information, call (949) 673-2261. TliURSDAY The o,.nge County P.rfonning Arts Center breaks ground on new concert hall and theater. Brief addresses and performances will be held at 4 p.m. Bulldozers and firewortcs start up at 6 p.m. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. A C.Nfomla grey what. courM Is being offered at Orange Coast College starting tonight The class. Ecology 124, end meets from 6:30 to 7:35 p.m. Thursday evenings for eight weeka. Foor spring registration information, call (714) 432-5072. South Coett Pfau hotts the fatcination of o rchids lntemational show and sale through Sunday, Feb. 9, featuring more than 60 vendors and 100 displays. Foor more information, call (714) 964-3265 or visit www.fascinationofordlid•.com for a complete ahow ad\edule. A frM ..mlnar on •Joint C.re, Osteoporosis and Arthritis'" wlll be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. et Moth9r's Marltet, 225 East 17th St., Coste Meaa. f"oor reaervetions, call (800) 595-MOMS. FRIDAY SCATS Gymnettb wtl be h-'d et the Orange County Feir end Expoaltione c.ni.r 9ulldlng 10 from 8 e.m. to 10 p.m. through Sunday. Admlllfon for edulb 18 $10, for Mnlora and dlHchn SS. for more Information, cd (71•> ... 2909. AtiDildlinoe ...... IPIPllSM bV the Ugunt Folcdlf I09f'I will ,_.,,. dlnCe WOibtlOpB ...... two~ ........ P'••""'l8 ~from E....,,, Europe end TUrt-v. The Mdvtl wtn be held CURVE Continued from A 1 commitment of the original space pioneers, along with a good deal of irony In the contrast between the wildly enthusiastic support they bad from the American public and the current tepid interest in what 1oday's astronauts continue to achieve for mankind. Those of you old enough to remember the Mercury astronauts can also remember the nationitl pride in the achievements of those seven men. For several years. virtually everything they did was front page news. We magazine spent millions of dollars for the exclusive rights to their per.;onal lives. and scarcely an issue went by without detailed photographic coverage. Vinually a whole nation was outside watching for the entrails of the space capsule on those pioneering nights -a lone man sining ln a bucket inside a vehicle scarcely larger than the cockpit of a fighter plane, facing the uncertainties of launch and reentry, sandwiched around the mysticism of space. Slayton's comment W& prophetic and sadly ironic. We've been on the brink several times of d~troying ourselves and have managed to pulJ back. We're there again. w.Uung to see if we go over the edge -and how far the drop may be. Meanwhile, human beings are losing the11 concentration on the program Slayton predicted would engage U'> for the next I ,000 years. rhe irony is that public intereM ha'i dis'>ipated in inveThe proportion 10 the remarkable advances in space exploration. Til€.' greater the achievement and 1he farther we probe into 'ipace. the le 'i pubUc anention it see~ to allrctct. l\Jong with tha1 has come steadily decreasing support. financiaUy ct.nd ernouonally, from the federal government. None of tJie..e disheartening developme1w. haw <>oftened the edge of enthusiasm and excitemenl of the profe~ionals who conunue to carry our space . program to the outer reachel> of ow gaJaxy 111ey almost daily \ through Sunday, Feb 9 Individual events cost from $8 to $12, and an enttre weekend costs $40 in advance or $44 at the door The event will be held at the Ensign Intermediate Sc:hool Gym, 2000 Cliff Dnve, Newport Beacti. For more information, call (714) 891-0788 SATURDAY The FMnds of the Newport Beadl PlJbhc Library will hold #A Bue* A Bag" for books, a used book sale, from 9 a.m to 4 p.m. Proceeds will be donated to the 1000 Avocado Ave library. For more information, call (949) 759-9667. ·o.ep HNllng Through Sound and Stillness; an evening of restorative yoga. will be offered from 5 to 1 p .m at Full Spectrum Yoga, 2019 Quail St .. Newport Beach. The cost 1s $25 tn advance or $30 on the day of the event Free walking tours of the bedt bay are being offered between 9 and 10:16 a.m. Guides will take small group on two-hour tours starting every 15 minutes. Tours begin at the comer of East Bluff Drive and Bae* Bay Road. Teen Night Out for tMn1 In the seventh through ninth grades will be held at the Bio<* of Orange. The city of Costa Mesa invites teens to participate in an excursion to the mall and movies. Meet at the Downtown Recreation Center, 1860 Anaheim Ave .. Costa Mesa, for pizza at 6 p.m. Participants will retum to the center at 10 p.m. The $30 oost includes pizza, movie, transportation and auperv1sion. Foor more information, call (71 4) 327-7660. FEB.11 A WOfbhop on •Selling Tectinlquee that Wo,._,; will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at National Unlve,..lty, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Coate M .... The $26 fee lndudea materiala. f"oor more Information, call (714) 650-7369 FEB.12 A frM Mmlner cded •Nutrttion and Cerdlovaacul1r Health• will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Moth9r'I Martcat. 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. f"oor rnorvetlona call (800) 696--MOMS. ' ·c..... Ptnon.l ltlnd and lncfe•" Bualn .. a• la the •ubject for the Newport Bt.m Chamber of Commtn:9 luncheon held at noon It the Rldluon Hot.I, 464& MecAtthur 91\td., Newport BMdl. The cott la 120 for m.mbtra wtth • reMrvetlon and $2& for all othen at tht door. f'.or mor. Information, call (Ml) 7%"'4400. conduct expcrlmenl.8 ln q>ace that will provide humanity knowledge ln biology, physics, chemlstry, ecology and medicine that will.greatly enrich our lives. Our partly completed space station, say Its lotemational directors, will provide "a research fudllty with unmatched capabilities." To which we yawn and pour out many billJons of dollars for a missUe derense system I.hat has never worked and probabty never will work. So while the Mercury astronauts risked thclr lives in the bright light of public adulation and enthusiastic: support. today's astronauts work -with no Jess dedication -ln virtual anonymity. And, it need, to be emphasized. with no les.\ danger. The margin for error in bringing a space vehicle back into the earth's acmospbere ~as narrow now as it was when Glenn made the first orbital mght. We should be tragically aware of that after Saturday's disaster, especially if investigations shoo that the steady withdrawal of funding for the space program was a sigruficant factor in the accident. Back again 10 the Mercury astronauts for <;0me final perspective. Blunt·spoken Navy Lt. Cmdr. Wally Schirra told me· M None of us is interested in the glamour of being a spaceman. We're interested in getting up and getting back. We have faith in the Space Age and in the p~ple running this program.· ro which Navy u . Cmdr. Alan Shepard added: "The risk isn't a' great as many people feel that 11 is. The men connected with thi., pro1ect won't attempt space flight unu.I we reach the hjgh probability that has been set We have a better chance of coming back Wlth the capsule than 10 many of our duues on routine light t~~ in which we have been serving.· Ille members of the crew of Columbia undoubtedly had thh same faith. We need to be very sure that 11 ~not displaced - and that the asLrOnauts who follow them can continue 10 hdveit. • JOSEPH N BEU 1s a resident of Santa Ana Heights Hts regular column appea~s Thursdays FEB.13 A tr.. seminar called -~, Ch1kfs Health# wit be held from 6;~ to 7:JO p.m. at Mocher's Maritet. 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa For reserv8tl0ns, call (800) 596-MOMS FEB.15 A computer faw will be head at the Orange County Fair and Expositions Center Building 10 from 10 am. to 5 p.m. through Sunday. Adm1ss1on for eduhs '' $5, for dltldren younger than 10. free Foor more information, call (800) 800-5600 The UC Irvine Atbomum's annual Winter Orcttid Show, ·Prelude to Spring;' will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the · UCI Arboretum on the UCI NoQh Campus Adm1ssJon i1 $2 per person. Children and members get in for free. For more 1nforma1ton, call (949) 824-5833 GORDON James E. · December 17, 1922 • Jlnmfy 27, 2003 Retnd co-found« and CEO of Gordon ThomJ)!on Manufacturwa• Repf1N6i 1tatlve, JamM Gordon PMted 8WWf at hla hom• surrounded by hi• femUy. He WM 80 YMf'S old and resided In N.wport Beach for 32yeara. Born In Redlands, CA. Jim recolved hla BA and met his wffe JOM at the Unlveralty of Redlanda aft., MfVIOQ" In th• Navy d&.rtng Wortd Ww 11. Jim tethd In 1990 and ep«rt hi• 1atlf11m4Hrt YMf'I .novlnG hi• family Ind fMnda. He~ ... be rlfMmber9d u an avid gotftr, t•nnl1 player, bo1t enthusiatt, and lf1tst.. He WM preceded In deeih by hie eon Jamee Alan and It IUl'Ytv.d by: hll wife Jolr1 of 55 ~ .... ~--.-nn. ! . Btfbhlr9, Jan• (Chrlt . Woodw~~wc1~. Joanne (Gary Plluua; and gr1ndchlldrtn Devon, Ma1on~Jull1, ~. Pllge. 1')w, JondW1, ~Ind • • hi:=····~~~ '• CeMbrat• hta life In I prtvllle Olr••WllnY· TI-....._ U», ....... • donation f o th• Hoet 1 Four.-.on CMOer A1111Pdt • ~blood.., ........ -----~~------------------~----------------------~------------------.. Daily Pilot Tuesday Febfuary 4, 2003 A5 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -L.u.n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor James Meier at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Readers Hotiine: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax Send 10 (949) 646-4170 E-mall:Send to dailypilot@latimes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes) The Pilot reserves the nght to edit all ~ubm1ss1ons for clamy and length STUDENT OUTLOOK Wh[!refans get hurt more than players E very year at the end of January, men go to batde shedding blood, sweat and tears on an open Held of freshly cut grass. Tens of thousands of loyal surveyors sit on the edge of their seats ~rcome with emodoo as a contagious fiery pas..ion runs rampant throughout the stadium. This testosterone driven event is known as the Super Bowl Everywhere in America. the sound of ASHLEY MICHAELS beer cans opening mixes with the smeU of heart-stopping · cholesterol-saturated foods wafting lhrough the air. Unfortunately. in the anticipation, people overlook that Super Bowl Sunday is on e of the deadliest.drunk driving · days of the year. On an average day, 44 people die in alcohol-related traffic crash~. whJCh accounts for 40% of highway deaths. On each of the pa.o.t six Super Bowt Sunday-.. an average of 59 people were lolled in aJcohol-related crashes, constituung 54% of highway dea~ that day. Ln the year 2000, 62 people were lcilled Ill alcohol-related traffic crashes on Super Bowt Sunday. accounting for more than 59% of all road deaths that day Not all comparu~ are unaware of the danger of drunk driving. Budwc~r ha.o. -,et up a safe ride home program at the Super Bowt for people who have consumed 100 much alcohol. It ..eems ironic, since with each 30--.econd '>POI that played this Super Bowl. they 'ipent more than S2 million in advertising to get them drunk in the first place. On Jan. 26, Tampa Bay and Oakland went head to head, resulting in a victory for the Buccaneers. Celebration was left at the gate of the parking lo t, however, as people en tered the hcu.ardous screets filled with drunk. tired and emotional drivers. Sadly, this year, automobtle cr~hes went up 68% in the state wtth the lo'>ing team. 6% in the winner'-. '>late, and 42% m neutraVi.tates. lf we continue on th LS path of annual lllcreru.ing deaths on the day of the Super Bowl. this wonderful event wtll soon be overshadowed by the gner of fatal accid enb and permanent mjunes.. As an intelligent people, let us not rum a umely Amencan traditJon over momentary i.tupidity. • ASHLEY MICHAELS IS a Newport Harbor High Scnool 1unior whose columns will appear occasionally in the Forum section READERS RESPOND Port Theater in the storm AT ISSUE: Should Corona del Mar's Port Theater get "landmark" status so owners can modify the building more easily? I do not think that the Port Theater de.erves land.mark status. I agree fully with Newport Beach Councilman Dick Nichols that it should be tom down. The buildJng is antiquated and parking is indeed limited. But please, no more dry cleaners or rug shops. We have plenty of those. . JEANIE WERNER Corona del Mar Councilman Dick Nichols' lobbying against the grandng of•hlstoricaJ site~ designation to the grand old Port Theater is a classic case of misuse of public office for personal gain -his living close to the theater, and obvious concern that it might be used for\ different purpo e, by differing people, than he would choose. I was warned to expect this type of behavior from Nichols by several friends when we were discusslng whether or not to vote for him as councilman. I wt.sh to retract my vote. EWOTT C. MERCER Newport Beach Designate the three theaters as ·1andmark theaters.• MICHAEL SAFRAN Newport Beach Although I am a resident of Costa Mesa, I Uved ln Newport Beach for yean and yeau. and so many people enjoyed going there to aee the pictures that were abown ln that wnue. I am just appalled that the city counctlmeo would think It was a nuisance. ft bu been part of the long hiatory here, Newport. and It deHrvet atatua u a historic tlte. . JMEMNOLD Costa Mesa Keep the an-deco facade, but tum the ~ lnto what ta l'elDy needed -a part1nc atructun. DAVIDIMTH Corona Del Mai MAILBAG • I '·. ~ 1A Y P11 OT Costa Mesa city leaders are once again grappling with how to fix up the Westside Business owners. including Roger MacGregor of MacGregor yachts, argue that wholesale redevelopment 1s not the answer. Others think that those businesses should make way for homes More studie~ needed on environmental threats to Back Bay Jim Cokru.'<; letter to lhl' OaiJy PiJ01 ra1..es imponan1 que<.uon-. ("lfal k Bay de.,erv~ prote<:tion," Wedne'>dayJ. He ha.'> observed the d1-.appearance of arumaJs from the Back Bely and the de.,truction o f their hab11a1. What .ire• we doing 10 the Upper Newpon Bay? Are Wl' dl">trnymg ll-u~ precious re!>Ource. one of the ft:w natural cstuane.<. rema.irung on thl' <.altforrna coa..,t7 The ~late or Cahfom1a ha.'> authorv.ed the renovauon of !>hell maker l~land. located in the Back B.ty. and h~ given SS million for tJlli. purpo'>e Int., improvement, no doubt. will bnng more v1<,1tor> to the Upper Newport Bay. With 1nueasing development and increasmg populauon. the dc.,trunton of the envtronment will continue Recently, thc u ty of Newport Beach signed an extension of the settlement agreement for John Wayne Alrpon authormng 10.8 milJion annual passengers. Mo'it plane!> usually take off over Newpon Bay toward the ocean. To date, there ha<; never been a c;tudy of the contamination from aircraft exhaust over Newport Ray. Such a '>ludy would ~heel light on one source of damage to the bay II would seem that this ts long overdue. II should not be too diffi cult to finance s u ch a scientific Mudy, either from the government or a private fund Such a ~tudy would allow u~ to u nderstand the source and am o unt of con1amma11on and would also allow us 10 take corrective measures so as to protect the environment of the Upper Newport Bay. SHIRLEY A. CONGER Corona del Mar Westside bu~inc~'I owner' an::n 't the on ly ones wit h right~ As Costa Me">a finJ.IJy lunhl'' 111\o\Jrd ll>.111~· the broken WeMs1de. we will hl' hl·Jr111g '"d tales about obtru1>1ve governmt•nt '>111mp111~ on property nKhl<,, and wt'll rc.u.l the U'li.tl letters and column-. from '>onw who do not fully under<.rand that prorwrt} nght'> c·mt 1111 both sidel> of the fence The bree1es that blow over a lal ton 1111 '-' piece of propen} on the \Ve-.i..1dt' 1hat uw' airborne toxic chem11:aJc, '>OOn him'\ •1H·r thl' adjacent properties. including humt',, 'd11111t.. and day-care center;, and affect the n~ht '" thl' quiet en1oyment of thoM' properlle'> h\ tlllN' who live there. Maybe thts • ., ~h ... mo,111t 1hl' induscrial users on the Wec;t.,1dt• don't ll\t' on the Westside, or even in Costa Me.,a. l\.to ... 1 lfq· in Newport Beach and other enhghientd l 1l1t''- where the quality o( ltfe of the re<.1den1' ol 1lw city are protected from thl' \ ery type'> of tom chemicals used in some Wt•,1<,1dt• fallum·., We may not be able to '>Ct' odor'>. h111 I hey arP a.<, real as the air we aho can't '-l't' (>tic Ir'> .trf' molecuJes of chemital<, that enlt'r 0111 llJ,al passages and lung<;. /\'> ttll'y do '>O. lht·~ .1rl' often absorbed Ullo our blood ...iream, wht·re they travel throughout our bod1e' and ran sometimes cause damage. dt'>t'a\t' and death And, apart from the atrbornt.' chem1laJ.,, what about soil contamination? Wh.il' about the water table? ' At the last Planmng Comm1-. .. 1011 mt•t•1111g when the subject of redevelopnH·n1 \\a' raised, I held up an 11 page go\ ernnwnr report that listed almoi.t 200 1ox1l cht•mtl ah that cause everytluog from liver and t'\'l' damage to cancer. Many of the'>e Lhenm 011-. are used in the types of busine,.,e., \\t' ha\l' on THE VERDICT 1111' \\t•,1,1dt'. I lopt'fulh our t 11\ lt·adt•r-. w1JI "'l' thruugh !he lo>..11 duud-. a11d '>moke '>l reen' n.,1ng Imm ... umt• 1ndu.,1nal buildings aml tht>1r on upJ.1w. JI1d will h.in• the political 111uragl' to lrt·l· the bluff, from pollu110n and 1mpropt>r u.,e., Hatk to tht., 'ub)t:'ll of ohtrn-.1\P gm l'rnment talo:tng propertlt''> rtw..e lal tory m\ner' \\ho are u~111g 1h1'> Jrgument have 11 \.H11ng f ht• 111>.ll indl1'1nt'' 011 ( O'lta \.1es~l°S \\P'l'>ldl' haH· been protected b) luld.l g11wrnmt'11l for m.tn) \l'Jr' I maJ goH'rnment fhl, l 11n'1'lt'nth but l<lt·d t•1 the w1~he., of 111111 < '"ta \lesa re'>1dent'> \\ho make their money b) pulluung our c1rv The local gowrnment ha!> done tht'> pnmanly through the '>lmplt• deVlce of keeping incorret·t 1omng .md land u<.e de1>1gnauom m place that keep the \\'e.,h1de mired m toXJcity 11 s time we lrec the Westside bluff'> from the hea\'} hand or government and let the pnV-cllt' '>el tor fix the problems by using long·'itandmg h1~hes1 and he'>L u~es for the land After all, people are willing to pay a premium to buy land fur hou .. mg thal has vtew-.. -and hou,ing doesn't pollute -but such Vle~ are of no value to factorie<>. What then ts the value 11f thl' bluffs to thei,e fact one!., 1f 11's not the v1t•ws? It 1s the naturaJ octa" bree1es that blow the toxic fumes away from the factonec, 11'<, 11me to free tht• bluff., from the polluuon and from the heavy hand or government that allow~ the pollu11on and olher proble~ to exl'>t Ir•~ 11me ltl c;are about the c1t1.1ens of < .oMa Mesa and not the bonom lme of factory owners It's urne to change Costa Mesa from bemg the city dump of Newport Beach into the Sbuung City on the Hill MARTIN Mil.LARD Costa Mesa Funny, you don 't look that old I ran into B.J. Johnson the other day, and she told me that Corona del Mar has Its centennial coming up -not that many years before m y own. My first vision of Corona del Mar was [rom across the bay look.Ing at what we Balboans then called the Palisades. My first visit to the town took place In 1921, when my ter gave me a dime for a ride o n the launch thac ran rrom the Pavilion to the Palisades Hotel. I jumped off the launch ontu a Ooat attached to a ramshackle pier at the foot of 1 long llight of teps that led to the Palisades Hotel That partf cul&r day, they were filming a movie on the Ooat. and I was so fascinated that I spent all day watc;hlng. ao that when the operator of the launch tokl me It was his la.st Uip. r left without tMr aetting foot In C.Orona del Mar ltld!. My next villt I drove over wtth my brothtt-tn-law, Dk:k Whitson. In those days. It wu quh a jowney. Of cout1t, we could ride aao11 the hlltlof to Balboa ....-CS on the feny, but that met 50 oeaa and With Dlck'a Model T, OOI could ditw fomiitf' on 50 cents worth of ~~wwidnMup Niwpon~.ama.co ROBERT GARDNER Santa Ana, then along some dirt roads to the head of the Upper Newport Bay. There we found a road that ran along the bay to wberetbe pretenc bridge croues the water. Here, we turned and followed the pment Bayside Dme to Its lntenection with carnation. At that point. the road ran up the lide of the bluff coming out at Ocean Boulevard. Ptom there. we dl"OYe to Budt ~where another m<Me wu being made. this one about Bakimos. l1 was lnteftlltin8 to wa_tm a buiiCb of emu In heavy fur 5UIU and boott ~ 10 take lmyab out lhnJlllh the sud. IC Wiii JO 1111es_.. lbat once -.An 1 apenl . day WllCbint chi ftb:nlns Ind not aplOril1c earon. del Mat. ._.,_....._,mademy nes1 *it ID Coram del Mar. tt hlipp8ned wblli lti lftCroducld me to 1 C..,.. ~ who ....... $25. _.....tD..wocl• • the Corona del Mar bathhou~e. Since I wa<; wor~g al the Gret'n Dragon washing gl~<>eS for 10 cent an hour, and not too many ttours. I wa~ going to be rich · beyond my wildest dream~ By this time. Corona del Mar had become Corona del Mar even 10 hardened Balboans. The name Palisad still tuck to the hotel. which opened and closed with some regularity. The oJd Corona del Mar bathhouse was in what now called Plra1e' Cove. At the tune. there was a w1de beach in front of the b&thhou that re rhed almost U th way the w.iter to thr C.i.l,lesp e house on the Balboa ide and Up lO lM ft Laboratory on the Corona Jet Mar d Those whk:h are naw bay-front lo in <.bh1a CoYe were then •ruiide lors. Of QC>Uf'le, 1J the lotA wrre \IKMl, u MIT most of the lotl In the rat of Corona d Mar. 1be bllhhouse on pilkwa W hid two ..... OM tor Men. one for WDC1lm. =rould .... llllo lhe ttwy rented fnMn me.. The ......... of lnJ tummer WU meet1tc ome ~who .... bolrd ... lor .... dae channel mouth Although I drove to Corona del Mar \t'ven days a week that summer. I never left the beach. so I still didn't havt! much ofa perspttttve on the place. After the concrete breakwater wa.'I installed, I oftm iWaDl over to go bodysuriing. slidJng lnto tM wave .., It ran alo de the breakwater. You could get an 800-fooc ride. or coune. if you got too dose to me concrete. you 1oat • shoulder, but that was w chance you took. At the foot of the blakwater was an iron chalJi ladder that you climbed to get on the bm'\kwat r, where )'OU O'Olted to the end and repeated the proam. Again, my ac:tMdes ~ geographt~ UtNted. Ind my ~of corona del Mal'..,.. no grea_trr than le hid ewr lt wun\ undl 1947, when we buDt our ~on lrit.. 1111111 I i'elilly got to mow dw town.~ I IW!d what 1 round. bectit• l'w t>taa here ewr-.ce-m 1 baPe to be here foJ the oeMltlldaft. ~~---=-..--~---~~-----------~-----~-----~~--~~~~----------·-·-·-·----·---·--·--·-·-·~·~·--·----... ~·~·~····· .... ··· .... ·· ..... ·~·..---.-·----·------_..---:-~--~~ QUOTE OF THE DAY "I'm nothing without my . supporting cast." Jimmy Pelzel, UC IMne volleyball star M Tuesday, February 4, 2003 UCI's junior star would rather have the spotlight directed on his team, rather than himself. Steve Vlrcen Daily Pilot In a matter of four weeks, he . has be· come the~ter boy of UC Irvine athlet- ics. He has l:>ecome the superstar of the surprise story of the year at Ant· ~&erland. Jimmy Pelzel should take a bow. He should do a dance, maybe even take a Sharpie and sign his name on a volley· ball. But, that's not his style. First or all, there are 16 regular-sea· son ma tches remaining. But most irn· portantly, Pelzel won't take all of the credit He wants his teammates to grab all the anendon. UCl became the top team in the na· don for the first time in school history Jan. 28. The UsA Today/ American Vol· leyball C.oaches Association poll will be released today, and the Anteaters will more than likety remain No. 1 after re- bounding from their first loss or the season and exacting revenge with a three-game sweep over No. 2 Hawaii Saturday. The Anteaters are 11-l, the greatest start in the programs history. A na· dona! volleyball magazine will soon run a story on a day in the life of Pelzel, but if the 6-foot-6 junior opposite had Fe~lOhonofff MARK NEBEKER 5porta Edtor Roger Carlson • (9491 574-4223 • $ports Fu: (9491650-0i 70 . DAILY PILOT COLLEGE ATHLETE OF THE .MONTH • 1mm e ze . his way, the article would be about his team lf Pelzel had his choice, there would be the Daily Pilot College Alh· letes of the Month in honor of the Ant· eaters. wit feels really good to get this sort of recognition, but I wish they would fo. cus it more on the learn," Pelzel said. "I'm nothing without my supporting cast. "Monce (Tucker) is probabty our best all -around player. He hits. He passes. He's a grear blocker. Russ (Marchewk.a), who comes off the bench. can start at any Division l school Jarett Jensen is a vocal lead&. Spencer Bemus has stepped up big this year. A lot of the success should be attribuled to Greg Forci. He's probably OONLE.ACH/OAll.Y PILOT Jimmy Pelzel, who does it all for the UC Irvine men's volleyball team, is the Daily Pilot College Athlete of the Month . the best libero in the nation. David Kniffin is exactly wha1 you wanl in a setter. We've all elided very well, from the coaching staff to the players. (Coach John Speraw has) been around the game. He's played at this level He knows whal it's like to win a national championship. We've just been listen· ing to him, doing what he says and fol- lowing the game plan." According to the game plan, Pelzel KE.NT I T (pronounced pale-7.ale) has been the leader of the Anteaters. He has been UQ's kill leader in nine of the 12 matches. Pelzel is the Daily PUot College Ath· lele of the Month for January. ·Jimmy is doing a 101 for us right now," said Speraw, uas first-year coach. "He's our best hitter in transl· tion and our go-to guy when we need a big side out He has scored a ton of points with his jump serve. He has be- come one of our best end blockers. We've been able to do a good job with Jimmy matched up against the oppo· nent's best hiner. Because of his suc· cess at the net we've been able to do a good defensive job against other teams." Pelrel leads the team in kills (208). See PELZEL. Paa• A8 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL Eagles clinch playoff spot Estancia cruises past Santa Ana despite 31 turnovers to lock up postseason berth with Golden West League triumph. Bury Faulkner Daily Pilot COSIA MF.sA -Having risen to the top of the Golden West League, the fs· tancia High girls basketball team's chaJ. lenge with three league games remain· Ing is to not lower Its play to the level of competition. Unfortunately for the "But we'd demolish a 101 of the teams in this league if we pressed all the time. Al the same time, our girls have to be d.l&ci· pUned enough to know we have to come out and play hard against teams tha1 don't have our skill level: The lack of early intensity was appar· eol as the Saints seized leads of 3·2 and 5-4, then rallied to de the game at 9·9 with 2:13 left in the first quarter. But, with its full-court press in place, the F.agles scored the next 16 polnta, over a span of 3:39, and were never again seriously threalened. Senlor Tisha Gray was the most con· s:istent Eagle, dispersing her 19 point.a and 10 rebounds throughout four quarters. Estancia's Reyna Garcia (4) splits Santa Ana defenders Eva Rincon, left, and Anna Chavez (15) on her way to the basket in Monday nighfs Golden West.League girls basketball game. F.agles' attempt to prepare for the post.season, that level doesn't figure to be inordi· natety high. as was the case Monday night against visiting Santa Ana Junior 'Disha Wase col· lected 12 rebounds, 10 assists and five points, despite mlsa· ing about half the firat quar- ter with foul trouble. Senior XochJd Byfield and junior Nancy Castro chipped in eigtlt points and ftve ~ bounds, apiece, while 10 of the 11 l!agtes who saw action HONORS UCI Hall of Fame has four new members OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK The Saints (9 · 11, 2-6 in league) played hard 10 the end, but were overmatcbed by the Eagles, who improved to 14·8, 9-0 with a 57...:3 vic- tory tha1 Coach 1aml Rappa won't rue alongside her team's c:lasaic performances. The win, combined with a loss by fourth-place Ocean View (4-5 in league) clinched a guaranteed berth in the OF Southern Section Playof& for the Bagles, who can wrap up at leut a &bare of the league aown with a win Wednelday night over en.town rival Costa Mesa. -11 waa sloppy," said the ftrat-year Bl· tanda coach. whose team hu now won 14 ltra.lgbt league games. dating beck to a 5-0 run to dole the Pad& c:out Leque campaign lut year, en route to a co-champlo'*1tp. "We got into our jun· gle ball court pme. lnatead of runnlna our oft'enee. • 1be e.p,a oommltted s 1 turnoYm, IOtne of wblcb went caiated by It~ Santa Ana defenee: But eewnl W9ywud ~ appeered to be the reeult ~ In· cWrereoce. • the hottl, at rm.. toyed with the ICll.PPY Seintl. "It we don\ come out prelllns. we don'l 1MM m.t lnteoli~· R..-~ scored Hdpl.ng to overcome their turnover trouble, the Eagles potted a 47-31 rebounding advantage. And. ~e­ splle playing lo the boys gym for the first time all year (a broken cabJe pm- wnted one goal from being Jowa-ed Into place lo the glrta gym), they lhot 52.5" from the 6eld. lnduding 7 of 8 In the ftnal eight minutes. 1be l!aglel. howwYer, mJaed 17 of ~l free tb.rowa, after coming in with what Rappa eltimated .. 7°" proftden'cy from the foul line all eeuon. Rappa ea.kl abe hopes to haw the bu· bt repaired In time to bolt Calta MeA Wednelcky. After the 16-0 run put l!ltanda tn command. the two t-.ma traded 1UD1 to clOM the erst half. S.Ota Ana IUWl- wkhed & pt.Ir of 6-0 NDI around & to Bllanda bunt to make lt so.21 at lntS- millk>n. The e...-llCOred the dnt ... polQtl of the third quarter and. aftll' Senta ... uaa,,...41 Oarly Pilot COLLEGE BASEBALL Eye -of the Tiger With poise a nd confidence, UCl's Glenn Swanson is anxious to build off his remarkable fres hman season. Steve Vlreen Daily Pdot I le V.'<l!> the k.id from nowhere. 1ht.• k}d..op one wanted. What w;i.<, Johr~e thinking when he rc- rnuted Glenn Swanson? Who\ Glt:nn Swanson? All the kid had wac; a stroni.: left harn.J, a lanky-like framC' and a huw· load of confidence When \Jvagc• went to <;ee Sw,m~on, now lH lrvlne\ leh -handed .,tar p11cher. the <Jcinny kid ch5played hcdft and a ralmnc<..., that re llt>fined the state of cool \wan.".>n\ coolness will ht-1m portanl for the An1ea1er.. who op<·n thrar c;ea\On lorught al 6 ..iwunst !·~no State at Anteater l~llpark. Swanc;on might <;(.'e <.<>rne action. I le will '>tart Friday 111 opm a three-game -.eric-. at \Jma Oarn. Swan<;0n. a l.owsvtllc 'lugger Freshman All Amenwn. < ompiled an 8-5 record and a 4 4'1 I HA I~ '>eal>On. C .. on6dence ha'> alwaY" been ..,wamon'!> greatest il.'-'>t't I le gar 1wn.'tl the attnbute when hl· wa.'> a '-'lphomon.> at Mor;e I hgh. a -.chool an San Diego that"; not known for ba.'>C-ball. Rack tht·n. "iwan<.on wa.:, thrown into the fire. Ill' became a '>tartmg V-JJ"'ilty patcher and the lod thnved an the ~tuat1on. After the ~>n. baw ball bt.>came <,enou..,, rather than ~-----~------· ------~---~~~-~----~~ SPORTS I -~ '• Most left-handed pitchers are described as "crafty," but UC Irvine's Glenn Swanson, center, 1s more of a bulldog with tus dbundance ot car f1der1c p the hobby 11 had been throuWiout hlS ltfe. Swanson looked to hh fa . ther for guidance. ~wclflbOns father. ( ;lcnn \r .. played basehall throuWiout lu., lift· and built a passion for the '>port wtule growing up in Pllt">hurgh. Hut Glenn Sr. c;aid ha-.eball fv2Jed m lugh school and hr evf'ntually '>topped playmg. I le d1d1i't w.tnt that to happen to hL'> "'lll ··1 would have felt J:\lllty 1f I tlld.11'1 do my pan ... c.lenn \r -..ud "I le had the dt°'>ut' and thl' want to. It v.ould have tx.'t'n d '>Imme to W<L\te at. I told hun, 'If it\ <,omt.• thing you W-dllt. you have 10 grab it. I blew my t.hance when I was a kid. and I thmk he took tJ1at lo heart. I expt'Cted him to do V..'t'll " And. ..o the confidt.•nn• l<.Une fmm father and wt·nt to the "m. and ( .lenn Jr u-.ed ru .. nt'\\.found ht-bef an lurrt..clf to achu-w '>U< l ""-'> an the prep rank.'>. "I figurl'd that w.i.' my chance to prove myself," \wan'>'lll "1Jd of h•'> opponuni1y a<, a sophmnore at Mor<.c "The only way I W.t'> going to do that wa., to have rnnfidt'nt.e . If you don't have confidenre to beat '>Ornebody. 11\ prob.1hly not gomg to happen. You haw to '>et' COLLEGE BRIEFS it happen. or olhef'Wl'>e you're JU.'>l gomg to be let down " Sw.m..,on\ rnnfidence mcrca-.ed ru. the year, went by and m hll> -.enior ":>Ca..cm, he reached the high point. A pro -.cout di.-.covered tum at unknown Mor.<· I llgh. ·me c,cout referred '-,wanson to ~vc1ge. the USC pitdung coach who had help develop the t~r. of l3drry i'Jto and Marl.. f'nor and W'd.., nO\~ i.:01ng to coach a new program c11 lJ( I. ~v-agc went tu '>l'<-' ~\\.an~on. And the lad 1mprt,.,ed 1ht.· wach with thdt unique confidc•ncc ~we recruited him knowing he was a spa1al lad." ~Mtge ..aJd of ~Wan.son ~1 k· dJdn't gt·t too much publicity an !>an Diego I \l'll 111 t.tw Sein Oiego Union lnhune. he wa."11 t lughJy publJw.t•tl 11~ W'cC> alway-. m tht•n.> tor 'tau-.uc<. among the leadt•r. 111 'tnkeouL'> and win., but tha1 Wd.'> 11 I le playt'd for a h1J,:ll "'hool that· wasn't much ol ,1 v.~nfllng pro gram. I IP wa., ..i diamond an the rough Ill· tunw<l 0111 to be a bet· ter per.on than lw "' a pi1cher. And, that'., hard to ..ay" Mor.e I hWJ had not won a league UUC' an ha.'>l•haJI m ..chool lu.<,tory, 37 year.. fhctt L'> unul Swan.'>Cln ramr along. '-,\.,ctn'>'m led the liger. Ill their 11"1 t'\N I a~rem I .cat,l\H' rh.unp1on .. 111p "iwamon W.l.'> aiaam·d tl1t• l~'oll'm I .t·a~'Ue Mo'>t VJluahlt• l'layi:r. I IP earrwd an 1mportc1Jll \.\. 11 1 over lorrey f'llll''> at MON". whl'n· Ul1l' of thP hl~l'\I MYJ\.\d' l'\!'r ( ..imt-to <,(."(.' till' l>.t'><.-ha.11 ll'dOl 'iavagc V.i.t.'o thl'n.' ;md ~v.•m"m' perfom1..illl L' tunher ~hdafittl 1 ht• IH.'t.>d to gel till' lid to I IC I. 'iav..igt· h.11.l .111 ..idvantJgt '\o otht:r emu ht.., from 'I< ./v\ I )1\1 '>lllll I proi..rr.1111-. wl'n' al tbctt game No 01her 1>1111wll1 I roarltt•' had h('l'l1 111 tlw '>v.~tn'><m., hv111g room If I d1d11 t 'Wll with l J< I I \\ould proh..ihl\: l1t• ,11 ( ,ro, ... 111011i < i11nmun11v < .ollt·w-.· '>\\<.Lil'' •II ..aid. "A rnuplt• ol 1-,'ll\" I pl.1wd ag..im'>t 111 h1W'1 ~ l10ol v.t·n1 '" "-111 IJ1l'go \t;ut• ..ind I \,,t, m·vH t'\ 1 11 a i: <m~1dera11on 111 1lwrn I rt><t.JI\ wanted to p11t h .ig.11m1 '>an lJ1 l'go ~tatt·l l.i-.1 w ar \\t 111 ... 1 111 tJ ll'lll lwl< I' 1.1 ... 1 H'JI .md tltll'>l IW() lo<,.'>(."> wt·n· lht· \\IJN' tor llll' I realty wantl·d 111 '111 le 11 to tlwm becau.'>t' tht.) fll'\l'I C'.l'll g<l\l' Ill<' a look. I dcfimtt·h \\iilll 10 'lt1J\e 11 111 1lw1r IJt" ;111d -<t\ 1.1kl· ttw1 11 111w11 \\1111 "" fotl , • I tl.ih 1111' .111Jlutl1• I rn going to 1•.111\ 'lll!lllH'r I I• 111 lill t \\h t•ll Wt' jil.t\ 1111'111 lhl'> H'ctr 'ln'llgth .111d g,UIH~J ~f r~fonh 7 .111d \1,111 h 'I .11 Sari I '1 tu-. It 111111 'I. tr.ml!' t"g<J, M,lfl h H .11 lJ< I ' \\llf'I 111<. ,,,,, r1•).!.111.1•i lla.11 IY(>t' ,,, JlllJlll.tllftJl tll'IJM'd '''•'ll)..,'11t ...... \.111"11• lwg.t \\110 ·w ..,~,.11...,1111 1hr1111gh 111, lr•..,luri.111 1t1\\ ml hi"~ ti ,, • 11 I 111-g•1 '>l".l'>(lfl II< I,,,, .. llllll'd Ill .J II\• "I II•' Ill 11111 "\' l,,i II ,,..., !i.t 1 g·1m1· lo,111g .. 1n·ak, \\ht 11 ..,.,,.111 1l11 \1111·.111·!". Ill 11111111 11· lll'lfM'tl '>llll 1.11111• 1111111· rt.~11e la,1 \l'.1r \1111" I 11~1 .11 lltc~l· 1 th.1m1llf111 11<• pH l11·d 11< I' <111h 111mplt 11 l11p 1111\\ ht •,,,ull t 111 th1 g.un1'. .1 l\\11 nm. 1111t· 1111 p1.·r '-Ill 1 lfll I I< I ll1e Bag ,\1..,1 lorn1,11au• 11t,11 11~! 1)11• \111i·,1t1•r' 11 1 11 h• ' p11 ~ c-<I th•· \nh-.H•·r' 11 .! \'ll1111i ell l'q ip1.•rc.J11w ...,,,,111'-' 11111,h thud 111 tlH' ft".1g1u !'owe I ,,1.,., n·1 mil• d \\Ill''''.,' Ill I \ .m I t. .. u,,.., 1 .ti 'ii.ill I 11l11•rti111 .11 11'>1. ;md 111· e.irnnl Big \\1•\I Imig 1~1·,11 h '>1<111· <1I•· I 11 d • 11 I 1'111 '11·1 t1I ll1t• \\1·1·~ li•tlllr!". .1l1t·r 11111'111,tlh P'Cltglll/< d 11111 •I .H 'hllllll'~' 11111 ll~I\ .111d l'aulic L1't Jil'I 1·\1111'' ..,\,,111sa1111·H1 1111111 \1• 11 \\1 tit h1111t-I\ 11111: \\,t11I I 11., d··111t'.llHH Jlld (lrt""-·nu , I .1.t tl1• d11c1r ,111• 11 11.1 : c • .md u111!idt•111" ,-,.c·11• ri•Jlf\ .1Ji1 .. 1d .1~.1111 ""·lfl'><ll "1 .J m 11'11 n c 111 tu-. t1!11hl\ \.1\;11.;1 ... ucl 111 t• .... 1 \1 1r \\!1111 I < I "·'' 11c t...., l.,\\,cll"llh lr••,11111.m -.t'.i'>IJll 1111' ft~ Ct'\l tu ,111 '\I.\\ nwon.J \\ H·.11 1111 t'\jl<'t t.l!r•HI., · m· .1 hllh Ii.id good fc d111g .1hrn1t ht lll~ .. 111.;11•1 lw1.n1'' lit•' i!tJlllJ.: 111 lk le• lt~I hu1 II drdrll h.1ppi-11 \1 1111111• <•I .r 1111.1111111 ~'.II\ \\l· w.111\ \\I'll' p11 ~1·d '" li1wJ1 "'\1•11111 111 1lt111~ Ill' h.1 ol II• IJIL'IHl•Jlh llfl II• ll1g \\1..,1 l.l,I \'t'..U Hid \'\.I' 111 \ltlr· I It·-. p111lt.1lil\ tlw 11111"1'0111 • 1''"") tllri • lughlf ,poh \\1 l.'.111 1!1·111J..1d 1111 our tc·.1111 pu ~ •. I 111 11111\h rhml 111 th•· Hi~· 111\\,lfd rile 1·11d "' l.t-.1 ,,•,Ntn \',t..,I till' ..,._,,...,,11 .md Ill•\\ '' '-t\\,Hl..C11l l\\1•,1).. .. d 111... pill h111g \\dfll IO llllll[I .111utllt'r thn·· 'Jl"I .inn I It· ll"lnl ..inti per111rml'd .11111 \\Ill dw Big \\t>->t UtJt Ul 1 111.t111h lq~ \\eo ri.<1llh \\hilt ~1· rli.11' 1111 ',o I prninl\ For ope ners, 'Eaters win two lne UC Irvine womrn\ water polo team opened i~ '>t.'a!>On with twu victone' 111 tht' Red land'> Mtru· Tournament 'iunday Coach Juhe ~wall's Anteate~ U'>ed a balanced attack to defeat Ca.I ~tate Bakersfield and then they used wme opponunisuc defense to score a 7-5 win over Unjvers1ty of Redland~. Melii.sa Fernandez, a junior who earned All -Amencan honorable men lion recognition la<>t year. ~ored ,two goals in each game. Junior Erica Honnan and senior Megh 'an O'Donnell posted three goals each on the day UU '>Cnaor goalie Sunceray Oaamhlee re Continued from A6 program fiom 1992-96 and she Is one of only three players in UO women's basketball history to seore over I.JOO points and grab 'too rebounds in her career. finish· ·thg with l.380 points and 713 re- ~uncb. Basheer led the team in 'Sc:oring 37 times in her career and ~d 29 games of 20 or more R<>lnts. As a junior In the 1994-95 sea- son. Basheer averaged 15.6 points '!pl<l 7.9 rebounds per game In 'l~ ua to the Big West C.On- ference Toumiment champion- • ship and the schools first NC.M 'Ibumament appearance. She was named the Most Valuable Player of tbe 1995 Big West Tuwnament • She ranks ln the Tup 10 In nine categorfes of UO career statistics. •Jh 1996, she wa,, a Kodak All· ~can honorable mendon se- ~on and also wu UO's Lauds "& Laurels Athlete of the Ytar. -Qafg became uaa first blue- bell AD1Amerlcan in the tnaugumJ 'pr of the aport ln 1970. He ,J?layed two aeaaom for the Arlt-· au.en and wu a model of~ tplCy. playing every lnnlfl8 of each ~·lame In center 8eld and hitting ChUd 1n the ua lineup. Qalg ranks eeoond In UCJ'a re- 'oord book for stolen baaes tn a jdntJe .eeuon with 26 tn 1970 and lfe batted .3G9 u a lefllor In 1971. 'In cbe career records at ua. he II ~incamr~~ ~ a..363 madr. and he ICI fourth ~ ....., a.ea with 39 md In (If. 1ileewtlh 11. ·~=ct>e'°:e:'ot~ lllld lvtl. ... the AmMlln lOrded five 'MlVt''> in the win OH•r Bctkl'r'>field lhe AnteatN'> will return tn acuon at the UC San Dwgo In ton lnvttaUonaJ \aturday and ~unday. MEN"S GOLF: UC Irvine in 1lxth ·me UC Irvine men':. golf team 1:. an c;ilcth place out of 16 teamo; m a darlme~ delayed '>Crnnd round of the An7..ona lotercol- legiate Tournament on Monday at Aro,ona National Golf Oub "1 Tuc-..on UCI. ranked 31st nationally, ,., al "i under. Jeff Coburn, a U< I <.enaor, '" an -.eventh place and1- v1duallv. with one hole to com- plete tht' 'el·ond round Coburn .,hot a 69 an the opening rouod. Junior Vinnie Poncano 1.:, an the clubhouse at I -under 141 (71- 70) after two rounds and senior Mtke Lavery 1<. In 461h place at 3-over 145 (66 79 after 36 holes. heshman Ryne RmdOeasch is an 60th place at 14 7 (76-71) and senior Ryan Armstrong 1!> on the cour.,e at 8-over with two holes to play in the second round The rt'!>t of play t'> planned to be completed today won a combined 60 games and medal 111 Sydney. In 2001, Duplanty advanced to an NC.AA regional w-a.s elected by the USOCs Athlete both years. Followmg his senior Advisory Council to serve as a season, he signed a profebSional member of the USOC's Executive contract with the Kamas C'Jty Roy-C.Ommittee. aJs and played for seven seasons Kaplan was one of the leader.. of in that organization. the Anteater men's tennis program During his off-seasons. Craig In the late 1980s when ua was a volunteered his time coaching at perennial national power. Kaplan. UO with Gary Adams and Tum wbo was an NCAA AD-American in Spence. and helped the Anteaters 1987. 1988 and 1989, had career re- to NCAA titJes in 1973 and 1974. cords of 107-51 in sfngtes and 98· Duplanty was the starting 28 in doubles. He heJped lead UQ goalie on the Anteater men's water to a No. 4 national ranking In 1989. polo team that won the NCAA when he compUed a singles record championship in 1989. That sea-of 35·8. Kaplan was mnlced fifth In son. he was named first-team AIJ. the final nadonaJ singles ~ American. first-team All-Big West that season and was named the C.Onfereoce and was selected a Region 8 Player or the Year. member of the All-NCAA lbwna· He also was the 1989 Big West ment team He a.I.so received All· Conference Player or the Year and American dNincdon ln the 1996 wa,, UO's Lauds & Laureb Athlete and 1987 seasons. He also was a of the Year. Kaplan. who won the four-year letter winner with the 1969 Big West Conference ~ ua swtmmin.g program. ea.ming title. also played on four cormnooe All-Btg West C.Onference honors In doubles' champiomh1p Learns. 1967 and 1988. Kaplan m<Mld onto a prof~ In 1989. Duplanty was a NCM sional career and played In all of Pall ""Jbp Six" awan:S wlnnet plus the major Grand Slam events: wa.. ua~ Btg West Scholar-Ath-Wlmbledon. and the u.s.. French lete of the Year. UO\t Laud,, & and Australian Opms.. He was a 6- Laurek Alhlete of the Year. and an na1ist In the 1990 U.S. Oay Coult P.xdlange Oub oC IMne Athlete of Olamplonshipt and naoked as the Year. b.lgb as ll3th In \\brtd ATP Rank· Duplanty was a three-time lngs. . member of the U.S. Olympic Wa-The 2003 UC lM:ne AlhleeSc: HaD ter Polo Tham. earning a silver of Rune dau ~ 49 ~ In· medal In J 988 and seivtng cluc:tees. team~ in 1996, when he re- celYed the distincdon of. "Most Dominant Goalie. by leading al Olympic ph In laYCt and live pen:entlge. He was named the U.S. ~ Polo Alblece d the .., In 1993 and J 996 arid in 2000. he ~ •an ....... coech b lhe U.S. WJlnetD Olymp6c w... Polo 1-.n mat aiplired lbe ... " DEEP SEA OPENING DAY! UC IRVINE BASEBALL UC Irvine vs Fresno State Tonight at 6:00 p.m. Antuttr Ballpark ...... ..,...-.... SOO fw, .. rea:Ma free UG ....... Me911d1t SdMduk card, .. HH,.-'7 Ndik. UC IRVINE BASKETBALL UC Irvine 111 UC Riverside Wcdnaclay, Feb. 5, at 7:00 p.111. ......................... _ ..... ,,... ..... ..,,.. ... ~ he IMI .................... W, .. ,.....,... "f UC Irvine . vs Cal State Fullerton S....rAy, hb. I, 8t 7:00· p. ll0'9CGIWtin ... 0 Al Tue~ay. F'tbruary i , 2003 Estancia's Tisha Gray; left, puts up a shot over Santa Ana's Daniela Sosa. EAGLES Continued from A6 Ana's Veronica Pa1at·ws banked in a layup with 5:26 left in lhe third quarter. the S..Unts went the n ext 8:21 wiLhout converling a field goal. With Wa-.e threading passes through the defen'>e to open teanunate'> underneath -she collected four a~'>ists on such plays in the fourtJ1 quarter -the l·agles held off the Saints, who nearly doubled their point total v.11h 19 m the lmaJ penod. • • w ......... - SPORTS SCHEDULE TODAY .........,.. College men -vanguard at Concordia, 7:30 p.m. College women -Vanguard et Concordia. 5 p.m. High td1ool bov--Estancia at Santa Ana, 7 p.m.; Orange at Cotta Mesa, 7 p.m .; St. Margaret'• at Sage Hill. 7:30 p.m. High school girls -Corona del Mar at Tesoro, 1 p.m.; lrvlne at Newport Harbor, 7 p.m.; St.·Margaret's at Sage Hill, 6 p.m. S.set>.11 College -Fresno ~ate at UC Irvine, 6 p.m .; Vanguard atC81Lutheran.2 p.m. Community college -Long Beach at Orange Coast, 2 p.m. \Weyblll College men -UC Irvine at UC Santa Barbara, 1 p.m. Soccet High school boys -Estancia at Saddlebadl, 2:30 p.m.; Orange at Costa Mesa, 2:30 p.m.; St. Margaret's at Sage Hill, 3:15 p.m High school girls-Corona del Mar at Tesoro, 3:16 p.m.; Irvine at Newport Harbor, 5 p.m.; Sage Hill at St. Margaret's 3:15 p.m. Tennis Community college men -Orange Coast at Cuyamaca, 2 p.m Community college women - Palomar at Orange Coast. 2 p m Wrestling ..... ' HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL Brick sparks Mesa wi~ ORANGB -Junior <:assey Brick scored a career-b.l.gh 14 points and helped lead the Costa Mesa High girls baskel.ball team ~o a 49-35 win over Golden West Leagv~~. Orange Monday. Briolc nailed 3 of 4 three-point - ers in the first quarter to offset the Panthers' Muttangs 49 Orange 35 defensive strategy of a box-and- one, focusing on senior Rhondi Naff. Naff finished wilh 14 points, six rebounds and four steals, while Brick added four ru.- sists to go wilh her career night Senior RJc.keU Reeves contrib· uted 10 rebounds and junior Su- sana Trujillo scored 13 points. M~ will play visitor to ccx,;,s. town rival Fstancia Wedne~ooy · night at 7. • SUMMARIES : Gc*ien w.tt LNeut &ulnda 57. Santa Ana 43 Score by Ouirten Sanra Ana 9 12 • 19 4J Estancia 111 t• ~ t!i !>I Santa Ana -Love 9, Rincon O. Roios 6, Garcia 2, Chavez 1, Palar10$ 12, Sosa 8, Jtminez & 3 p. goals -Love 2 Fouled out -Ru-icon Tectin1cats -none Estancia -Byfield 8. C11stro B Gray 19, Wase 5, Mino 5, Garcia 4. Wilson 3, Becerra 2 MeldONldo 2 Flores 1, Pena 0. 3 pt goals -Byfield 1 Fouled out -none Technicals -none eo.den Wflt wcue Costa Mesa 49, Onnge 35 Score by Ouarten Costa Mesa 1e 13 n ~ 4~ Orange ~ 14 11 ~ J~ Costa Mff8 Navartetto 0, Vorgar& 3. Naff 14, Bnd< 14, Sand101 13, TruJlllO 5, K1bm 0, Lande ros O. Rfluv11i. O 3 pL goals -Bndl 3, Sand1u1 3 Tru11llo 1, Vergara 1 Fol.led out -none Toc:tm1cals -none P-dlac 10'> had I l points o ff lhe bench to putt' tht• '-lcunt!>. who re l cived nine pomt~ from Alicia Love (eight 111 the fi~t period, in- cluding bolh of her team's three- pointers). a nd l'tght points from re'>erve Daniela \o'<J. PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW /OAJLY PILOT Estanc1a's Nicolle Wilson left, tires up a shot over Santa Ana's Eva Rincon during Monday night's game. High school -Newport Harbor at Foothill, 6 p.m. W.terpolo High school girls -Kennedy at Estancia , 3'.15 p.m. "We got off to a good start," said Mesa Coach Jim Weeks, whose team improved to 13-9, 5-3 in league. "They wem box· and-one on Rhondi, and with Ca...sey hining her threes that really helped. Cassey and Stacey did a good job wilh three-point· ers." Orange dropped to 0-8 m league. On1199 -Thai 5. Mora 2. R1•se11ch1 :l Kilro y 13, Curran 0 O'RodgJn 1 Esparza 5 3 pt goals Espar1a 1 Ro:.ond11 1 Fouled out -none Technicals -nonP PELZEL Continued from A6 hitting petlt'tltagl' ( .1761 and c;ervtee llC:e'> (JCJI lllfough 15 games. he ,., awr agi11g 4.62 loll'> per gd.me. r le recorded a career-higtl 26 kill., tll ll·.1cJmg UCI to a fivt>·game victory over llUA a l Pa uley Pavilion Jan 11. Larber tll tlw Wl'ek, Pet1el poMed h is preVlou' m rrer·high of 25 ktlls to lead the Ant t'cttcr<. to a fiVl' ganw win over the nru · im. That win gave !JU lhe UC Sanla Harbdl'3.11Jephant Bar roumamen1 t1tll' Pelt..el abo gutdl't.I the Ante-ate!"> to J. 'lllht-& <ievt•r.on loumament champ•· umhip at l'epperdme and earned Moun- tam P.anfic Spon~ Federation Player of 1lw \Veel.. honors. "We've been \lre!>.Sing to the warn lhat \\t' need 10 continue to improve... re raw 'iatd. ~limmy knowr. lhat he can get JIMMY PELZEL Born: Dec. 1, 1981 Height: 6-foot-6 Weight: 200 Sport: Volleyball Pos: Outside hitter Y•ar: Junior High Khool: El Toro Coach: Jol1n Speraw Favorite food: Candy Favorite movie: ·eraveheart• Best •1hl«k moment: "The season thus far, especially when we swept Hawaii (Feb 1 with him rec;ording 16 kills).• College Athlete of the Mon1h (January): Was UO's kill leader in nine of 12 matches and hel~d lead Ant~aters to No. 1 national ranking. Had season-high 26 kills in victory over UCLA. Daily fib Co/IKto< lpOfts Cilrd ~ QH lwtter and he'-. worlcing very hard to get ing a good 1ob of rnntinumg to work bc11er in o rder to make sure that we're hard. He know-. the 1ob b not done " not 1ust No. I rn January but tha1 we're When Pcl1el t.'> done. he might hecorne No. I at the end of the !>CaSon. We're all . UCl's all-time leader 111 lo.Us. I le hru. 740 ~oing to have to get better. Jimmy is do-kills wilh thl' n:-.1 of this *,ac;on and hi'> M>nior year n-mai.mng. The school record i~ held by Enck Helenilu, who closed out his UCI career last season with 1.418 kilb, and he\ also the school'~ all-time leader in hitting per<:entage at .347. ' Hl'lcruh1 wa:. one of six i.eniors who graduated from an Anteater squad that didn't IJVe up to expectations. Pel7..el earned All-MPS! honorable mention recognitio n last year, but he would have much rather given back. the achievement for more Win!-. to a team that fini hed 12· 17. 6-16 in lhe MPSF. lJO wa'> <,up1x>~ to grab headlines la.~ 'ieaSOn. But. the Anteaters underachit-ved. "I wi~h we would have done bener: Pel7.el <,atd "We really couldn't pinpoint wha1 went wrong last year. I wouldn't blame the roaching. ll·was more on the player.. Hut, that\ a learning experience, .md it gavt• U'> motivation." Peb.eJ ...Ud the experien<.-e helped the Anteater.. wiw for chemistry. which has been auamed because the ..quad shares lhe credll and .,pend.5 time with each ~ "Every pracuce, every rerun session, every meal. every time spent with them has jill>t been great," Pel.rel !>aid. legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 I Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notlca 2640 legal Notices ISC 12710 MOTICI Of PmT10N TO ADMllSTU lSTATl Of: HWAOfl WlSTOfl USE MO. A217243 In .all h~rr brnt·l1 ceau 1es ... , ~d1to1 \ '"'' t1n11.ent crtdllur\ Jnd Pf"' \uns. wiho m•v olh Pr wt~' be ontt-u•\led on lhr woll or ~\I.ti~ nr both nl HARMON wr !>TON /\ PE TlltON r CJR PRO BA TC h.i• b"~" llitd by MAlltfW VAi LANr.l on lhf> SupPr '"' r llUI I I'll c dhf1un1a t uuntv o f UHANCf IH( f'l ltTHIN I UR PHOBAI[ rtQU~\I\ that MA THI W VAi t AN([ bf' lfl1>o•nl~d '" p•'t•.nnal t •·pr ~\~ntt1ttvfll' tu •d "11111\IPt th~ "l•IP of lhe dee eden I !Hl Pf Tl llON r1·1111~\I•. lh~ d~(er.l~nl' Woll 4rid < rid"ol~ of any br •dm1tled to prnb.,lt Th~ 'OTICE Of' TR l:sTE'.E' \A I.I! l ;J>ER Olt.O Of TRl ST IOAlll 1'0 00'4-118004 Ul Ill.Ji 2159058 I'll.£ T02 12018 c,o A P NllMllER q'ci 113·$)\ YOl' ARE IN O• l"All.J lJNOEM A 0££0 OP TRl~ OA T&D f'dwuary 6. 2001 lJ U!SS YOl. TAKE Amo" TO Pll<Yl?..CT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY 8t: SOI D AT A P\rtlLIC SALE. II" YOll NEED AN EXPLANATION Of TilE NAT\IRE Of TIU• PROC"P.EOINC ACAIJliST YOL , l'(>I Sll0l1.J> CONTACT A l.AWY!Jl. Noeltt 11 h<:ttb) pwn tha1 TOW?\ & C()l Nlll)' lln.E SERVICl.S INC A C AWOfUlllA CORl'ORATION H !Ntlet. or JUC«SJOt INS!«. or tobt111u1td tnllW ponwot to tl>e Deed ot Trust tuc111td by v ON Stiver I ... ---R«onk.l Oii <n/14/1002 u lahmrll No 2002012.6944 111 llooll , hF • of Off"lcill R.econb .. lbe off" °' 11-e C«1t11y Re.:ordlf of Omt C'Oullly, C'•lifomla. Hd putJual)I II) (ht Not!« or Dft111ll and [llocboll 10 Stll tllrfnlldrr recorded 1Ml0002 ia loc* • Pa~ 11 t.nalrtlt Ho JfX009n661 "' taic! otrlt'91 llt«ordt, •tll ')l:JJ. .. 02/UIJ00l .. Oii 11'1 flOlll *II' IO die cncrance of Iha °"* Cha Cc'*'· 300 ll ("harlma1 OmF. CA 92666 M )00 ,M A't PU8UC .AUCTION. TO Ttrfl llt<illliST llDOflt pt"1 CA!rt .,., .. chr -f( #k 1.11 llwt.J ..,, ol .. u..- ,....,. all tip&. tldl; ~ i..c.1 CC9\'C1-' IO Ind .. he.Id b, 14 ..., Mid Detd fl TM! 19 JM pqcny ilr.lfd ill ..,., r.-., .,.. ....... *"'*' , ... -.., "9crW -... Dlllll iii .,.,_ 11il ........... Woll and dny <Od11 ol\ ••• avaolablP for PumonJ lmn '" the lol~ kept by the COUii lH[ PfllltON r•qur\h authority lo 1dm1n1\h•• lht ntal~ undto ll•e lndependenl Adm1111 lrJl•ori of £ ''"'"' At t ( lh" Authority wtll •llow the p@1sonal reprt•~n t<1t""' to l•ke m.tny ar loon> wolhoul 11bl11n one ll)Url dpprnv.11 Before ldkone t rr la on vtry omporlanl •tlllH•' however lltf' Pt'"on.11 teprnentalove wolf b" 1•qou~d In p1vt not1<l' I<, mtPrP,lflrt pf'r '..UW' unit•> lloty havr .,,.,Y•tl nntou or unserot~d to the prnpo<ed tt hon J rh.. t0deptnd1nt •d mm1\tr a hon .tuthor 1tv woll he g1 rnttd unlPn dtt "''"' ,.,tfd pt•r 'on fllt'\ dn ubtN !hon 111 lh~ Pt'loloon and \hOw\ KU•Hl LdU>P why lhf' court \hOuld nol g11111 lllr 1uthnrlly com..-deS1Jn.tlt00 11 •ny of Ille ru t pnJl"nv dt14nbrd abc»c 1~ ~ 10 bt HO V1lb PouM Or!'C, • Nc1rpon Bacl\. CA 92660 Th: u ndem gncd l nmee dncLt1nw any lllb1b1y for •ny oocorra.tDU• o( ~ Jtm:I add""' and ()(hcf comrooo du1Cl'luon. 1r •ny. Jbo,.n hcrt1n Tbr IOU( alTIOllnl of the IUIJ~ld balaiu of tht obhpuoa -d by the J"t'l'r'T1Y to ~ sold nnd rtUO!lllblr C11tlNllCd COSli. t 'fXMCS •nd udvanc:ei at thr tlmr of the uuual pubhca11on o( tht -.io1toc of u le Is U2UH 117 In ldd1uon to Cllh, thr TNS!et wtll "'-«P • ~(• d 1tel dn,.n"" • st.ti< ot 111oonal b&DI., • cllKk dnwn by 1 &I.lie or fcdr.n I cn:dit llllloo or 1 chtc:lt cln"'n by 1 sutc or fcdenl aa Y1np alld loin 11sociltion. u .. np 1uooa1JOt1 Of 11v1np t.nk 1~1r1ec1 10 S«uon '102 Of the n,..nc:aal Code aid ltlllhorued to do bllluir.n 1n this \lite 111 flit ewlll lnlllrr ochu cht11 cuh tt ~ the T not!« ITllY wnMokt thr Wlallllt of tht Tnastee1 Died Ufthl funds become •~11llblc 10 the Pl ytt Of 'ndo'1Cle ... m.nu of ngl"oc Said tale ... u be mide. bul ... lhoul cO\dlht Of W&mlftl)', "'"" • l~Md rcpnWa litlr. poucuao. or cia:udnatn, ID UU.fy .. 1111kbedtma t«uted b, Nid Derd. odYlnm cbttnlldct, ...... tMrlt\I .. provw.4 0-1-. ... ti. lllll"id pnot'!"'I of lllt Nllt ~ by taid Died •1th lflllmll dloftc. .. Pftl'c'Hkd .. -' ,.. .. r-. dwpe .... c.-ol lht tNACoe llOd of ..... c1Wlld ~ Miii o.I fA TIWL l>wJ: 02A>Jll00l Toor11 A c.-y T Illa $enc., A Ca.li.f(nill tarptlfillOI AA n.-~ C"il7 f'Wtwtp w ,.... 'lOll, °"•· Ct\ tZNI sai.. U. (71•) dO MO m•J61'-H6, '!:t':,. ~.:]= fl \.If AJllNC, •n lht pPloloon ,.,11 b,. lol'ld on llBRUARY ~ lllOl .11 I 3(1 p no on O~pt l 1 • ho<•te<t di 14 ) It,. Coty Or"' Sutolh Or ,1n~• CA 'J/868 Ir YOU OBJ! (I 111 lhP lit' t1ntma hi tht· IJ""t1tu,1n yn11 • hnuld •PP""' 11 lhe ht".trtna aud !.t•tt-tnur 11btec.tmn~ or t1lf! written ob,ec It-On~ wtlh th .. "'"'I bf'fnre the he.tr on11 Yrour apptar ''"',. mJy br in ptr~on or t.v ynur ~tti.roey ff YOU ARI A. t RI Ill TOR nr • n11!1n~•11t trt'dolo• I'll th• dtt ••vd rnu mu\! foll' ynm 1 ldonl with thr <OU1 l •nd mAol a copy Id the ,,,.,..,,n.t r~revntallvt appnonltd by the <l'IUrl w1lh111 four monlh\ fH•m lh• d.•t~ rot the '"'' 1\•.uanv uf IPlln'> ~• 1irov1ded '" Probate Codr \edwn 9100 lhe tome '"' lohnv da1ms will nnt ~•pnto b•fnre luuo "'onlh~ fro"' thr he•rine datt 11111ir •d ab'"'~ YOU MAY I ~A~IN( lhP fotP kepi by th~ c uurl ff yrou arl' • PN \nn on terested on tht e•l~te 1ou may folr with the tourt a R11Que\I for SpPlldl Noll•" (fnr"' 0£ 154) of tfoe lol1n11 of •n 1nvrnlo1y and appral\.al NOTICE OF PET1TIONTO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: ANTHONYMi STORY CASE NO. A217230 To all heus. t>eneflciarin, cred1tor1. contingen1 erec)tors, and persons who may othefWlse be tnlet911ed in the IMI or "tate, or bOtn al ANTHONY M STOAY A PETITION ~ PA08ATE has been filed by MONICA C PRESBY In the SuptrtOI' Court of Calotomla, Counly al ORANGE THE PETITION FOA PAOSATE ~that MONICA C PAESBY be lflPOlt*d at perlOOll ~we to ldrnlnlsler lhl ntate °' lhl OICedef1C THE PETITION requnlt authority 10 administer .... esla.te undef lhl lltdepllllWll Admlnlstmon Of Esta• Ad (Thil aulllOl'tty w4I """" .. pefional ,.......utJW to .. N/l'f ac:llOl'll wlllOIA ~=~ ..,.,., lmportari ldlorll ~~ ~ '° t/vt no4Jct to ........., petlOfll unlMe -,_... ~ "'*'Cl~ to ~~ .... m:J ...... l!Ofl ~ wll Dt ""'*" unllM "' ..... .,.,...,., .... .,, ~ to .,. ptllliol\ and etlOW9 good '** .tr; ... ex.it ~nae~,. •f "tar.. 4 ~• ur ul dny pt-hl u,n .,, .tl lOUnt ·~ provrdtd •n Probalr r.ud,. "" t 1 m I ?'>O A R•QUl.'\I '"' '>pt< 1.11 Not11 • ln1r11 " .1v,11ldble frnm lhl' 1<1u1 I• tpo k Attcw"•Y for Petlllonefl lr""' l . Hor.word hq. (CSl •tttt 1 St. , AttoNOey ot low. J14 S W . Chapmon Ave Ste. 700, Ora,.9•. C A '28'8-lt.Stt Publ"h••l Nt wpm t l!f'•l<h r,,,1a M• •d O•oly Polut l3nu.rv ;><J f f b rudry ~ ~. /l)t)l Wl()4~ UGAlllOTKI llOTICI Of PUIUC SAU Of Awoom rlOPlm NnhcP ·~ hf'r1 by ti•• " !hat lh~ un<H-1·11?n-d will "Pit at pubh1 dot•""" pur~uanl lu Sf! loon :? 1700 of tltt' liol\ln••'~ dnd Prof P\smMI C;otJ~ th~ fnllowon(l d~scribPd prQpet ty In wot Ttr f ANY Wilt S H 31 r ~bl~ chs 'h~sl CARISSA MA 1 IHCWS 0 19, Lur. con1pulrr 1 nl hP• •h•ff•ne m•ll t!SQ ANTHONY RRYANl 1q Ore\<~r l~mp. mall r fl duf1ef bill bn IP~ llll\l BRAD BE RMtNGltAM I '7 Ladne... dothe\ 'ompu!r• bill~ tnnl•. lug, m•ll, mtu HA/rt . . R(NNAl\CR I 18 lbl th dre,ser \of.a ~lfrPO trikr ml\• RICtl/\RO SANOOVAl H 11 Ref t.1n drttv.,.,, 1 a':.I iron '\love wa\h m•~h hon~ < •Hlf Pt' n11\l MARK CA Sf Y K 6 Cnmput'" tur• dollt.. drt>\'-P' btkt 1wh <OllC!e lbt trurill. dOOf dulhP• r u& bn•el mf'\t- Sal~ will be by <om petotovr htdd1n1• {w11flpn v•ltd b•d• m11 b~ subn11llrd on •dv•111 e) on tht 19th day of F rbrudr y ?OCH .at ? 00 P M "' lhP p1em1st\ wherf' saod prnp•tly h1Js bern \lot rd ;ind whKh 1s tocaltd ~• AYR£ S SH r STORAGI 1012 lrne'\f Avr , Hunt1neton Bulh Ca (114 1 SC8 1314 lAndl•Hd re•etvrs the 1111hl tn bod al th~ salP PuH lod\t\ must h• made by < A\h .ind p••d for di lhr lime n f 11ur< ha'\r All pur ~havd A, nod' •1 t--.nld .-.\ t\ dnd musl b~ remnvfld .it tome> nf '"le Salt " '\ull~I In <•n~ellallon •n the "vent of vllle ment betwten landlord and obhi•lf!d party Pubh\hed on 0?/0.103 and 0?/11/01 Auc.toon eer Wanda Nor Ion, Bond• S 400 1684 Avru Se>ll Storta.e Resident Man•&t l\ Published NPwpor I Buch Cn.ta Mf'•• Oa1ly Ptlol f ~bru1ry 4 11 2003 1077 Rdltlws IW!ms l'-aS....... rhe loll1lwon1 person\ are doine bu~onns n R.tncho HH() l ende1 s 245 f1Hhtr Avenue Suite A J Co\l.t Mn• CA 97626 Jo!>eph H C•rol, Ttultee of lo\oepll H C11ol. CPA. an Accounlona Corpora lion P•nlil Shi nn& Trust 19 Canyon rrnt Drive Cornna df'I Mar. CA 9261!> Jo~ph H C~rol Tru51ee of Gl.ad1' l nh Mar1l<1t Oeductoon Tru\t 245 F 1scher A~flnuP. Suite A l. Cost .. Meu CA 97626 Jo•eph H Cuol. Ttustee of C ula Mo\her 1980 lrust. 19 C•~yo11 Crest Drove, Co1ona del Mar. CA 97675 C arm~n Oyh1r u bal 31871 Camino C•p1,lr• no ~n Ju•n c.1ptslt1no. CA 92675 Th<>mn Rodri11.uu 401 Wof\hlrt San l uts Rer CA 92057 Jonph J lmma Ir and Pahy A Emma OeLla raliOn of rrus\, 8712 Garfield Avenue. Huri- OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK 2640 Legal Notices tonrton Buch CA 92646 W Rod Stern • pm feuonnal torpnr at1on, Trustee nf lhe W Rud S lfrn Prolil Shtrrna Plan, I Su Trri.ite Nrwpor I Cool r A 92657 !hos bu\lnn' 1s wn dueled by 101nt venture Have you •f1rltd dnona bU)lnt S\ y~tl No Joseph II C.arot Th" sl•tement wn filed with th~ C.1unly Clerk of Or~"I" Cnunly on 01/:?2/0~ 200369JOUS Daily Pilot f eb 4 11 18 . ~. 7003 1033 ,... ..... "-S....... The lollowone prrsoM atf' dotn1 busrnn\ n Blond Of'~11n ?6 l I 2 Santo Thnmn, Cu\la Mua CA 91627 lames lad Borsdobath 261 117 S•ntu Thomn Costa Me.a, CA 92627 Sondr11 ln•1 Ateu nde• 34202 Del Obtipo #70 Oanta Pooni CA 91619 Thos busmeu 1s ton ducted by I ventuie Have you ll•tltd domt bus oneu yet? No James l:.1rl Btrschb•ch This s t•lement was hied with the County Clerk of 011n11 County OD 01/13/03 200JH2H67 01tly P1fol Jal'I 14 21. :>8,Feb 4.2003 1017 ,.... ..... "-S....... The followtna persons art dorna bu•lness as Protect Fundin1 Corpo r1t1on, t 70 Newporl Center Drive, 1245, Newport Buch . CA 92660 PFC Cotpor•hon, (0£). 110 Newport Center 0. . •245, New(>Ort B111ch CA92660 This buslneu Is con ducted by'• corpo11tion Have you star ltd doln& busmen yet? Yei. 2/21/ 88 PFC Corpoution louls M Grano. Prut dent Thi, tlattm.nt WH filed w1tll the County Cle<ll of Onntt• County on 01/27/0J 200HtJ 1 IS 1 Deily Pilot r eb ... 11. 18,25,2003 T034 Re-.. ..... ... s..... The lollowln1 PtflOn• we doina 1111.in.n H SOtERIA, 7980 Mc.CllD tocll, C4st1 "'-"· CA 92626 Berton ln4ushl.tl, Inc., <CA), 1980 Mc.Cllntotll, Coat.a Mesa, CA 02929 fhl• bu•lne a It con· dueled lly. 1 corpclft lion Hnt you atllftad Miiii buJJnna ,.u Yu, i• lttton kldutlr lfl, 1.-c • AusuH 81tton, l"rul • dent Thi• tlat ment was fifed with tlHI ~ty Clttll of 01tn .. County Oii 01 /24,/'0l tlH .. MtH D•ffr f' tlot lltfl, ft. f 4i141 4, I • 11, lOOJ T021 . j RditiM-...U .... s ....... The fnll1>wone p1•"uns ~" dome tiu"""" " tnnet StrenRlh Ir J1non11 & Con\utt•n~ 9682 !>ur ft r• \I Or Hunlm& Inn Buth CA '17646 MKh,.llt Afr" •nu 9687 Sutlut•I Ort•~ Hun tinjtlun Bu• h GA '17646 M•t< Afr oc tnl• 9682 Surf,rc\I 011vr Hun ltnY.lun fiPalh (A 9l64b rhl\ bU\lne\< I\ < nn dulled by hu~band and ..... ,, .. ltdvl' you \ldrfl'tl dn1ng bU\lnt\\ y•t I Nc1 Mart Af11t1ron I hi\ \llltm,nl ..,., filed wtlh tht rounly Cler~ nt Or.1nr~ l.uuroty on 01 31 OJ 200J69S111S Oa1ty Pilot r eh 4 I I 18 Z!> 700J 1028 -------FktlM.._1 .... s ..... rht lottnwine Pll\On\ .,., dnonc bu\lnP" n Clu n Cut 7'>!> v11i.ro Strt el Brn C:1lolorn1~ 92821 Phthp R Cofhn\ 755 Valfeto St11el, Bre~. Caf1forn1a 918?1 This bu11nn \ 1i ton ducted by an mdlv1dual Have you \lac I Pd dotr1a bustneH yet' No Ph1hp R Collon\ ThlS ltl ttmtnt WU hied with lhf' C:ounty Clerk ol Oun1e (;nunty on 01/06/0J 200Ht21SSJ 011ty Pilot r rb 4, II, 18, 25. 2003 T036 AclllM ..... "-S....... TIMI toltoW1n1 persons are do1n1 bu~onns H Kelly Camp.,_fl ln\ur a nee S«vlees, 15~ Placentia Ave If l , Newport Buch, CA 92663 l\tffy Campbell, 1525 Platenl11 Ave H l , Newport Bnr h. CA 92663 This buslneu is con ducted by en lndtvKlual H111e yoo slart~d do•n1 buSlflflS Y9t1 No Ketty C•ntplwtll lhls 1tat1ment WH flle4 with th• County Cferll of Or1n1• County on 01/31/0l 200HU1HO D11ly Pilot ftb 4, 11, 18, 25, 2003 T030 ,.... ..... "-S...... TIMI foijowlna petM>lls •rt dolna buslnoa u Profesaiotr.I ~dl1tlon Grnup, 1821 Sutton heft ln , Newport 114teh, CA 9:l660 Stefffl Ci,c>H1, 1821 Bllllonshell ln . 'lilt1WP01t had1, CA 916e0 Tll•• bu , .. COfl • d\lcled "' tfl loftd!Vtdval liave you 1tarted ~ lllltll'ltlt ''" No St.we~ th.. 1talt!Mlll Wll f,lltd with ttM Colinly Cleftl of Ot •n .. County Oft 0 I n4/0J ...,..,.., . Olllty ,. .. t Jen 21. r111. •.tl, ll,2003 l013 Legal Notices 2640 1 Leoal Notices 2648 rldfWS.U.U R.111> • • 1M" I /1 Ill-s....__....... 11 l It m ".,., N• ... , ..... ,,... ...,._.., Hr," ti 'A 'Ji't.f,1 l hr follow1n1 "'°' ·,uu'\ AJfM!l l lto1t11•;: I 7H ire d1111'1& bu"""" .t\ I\ I 'l /Mt. '\t!frl N• .,.I"'" & a Multl~r '>P•< ••l"I tl~AI " l A •1:'1,11 I 2422 W '>~vt Pnlh SI 1111~ t•11'.11l• '\ •' 1 "" S•Otd An,. I •htor nta rfu1 ft'1t tty ,.,, 111d1"utu .. 1 9170b tf t'°" 'tUH '1Mff"t1 1 w•.: RohHl I llr1u~ Ill li''J ta11111r\\ ••'' Nn W Prumntcuy f-1 N.-w Ac1rl u1 lti1t\l1.ieu r.:..1 porl 6u1h lal1fo•n•,. •nt c:fl'b(,() Jtu, \1Alt'lt•t"1tl W'lt\ lh1!t bU\Htfi'\' '" f 0'1 l1f,..d with ttit ( t1urttf dudf'd by .w mdt'ftdu-tl r It!•~ .t tt«i •nat• f r.w\t, Hevr ynu ''"''"' do1112 ''"Ill I IJI bu\tn~\\ ytl' No 700ltt9l0813 Rnbrr I I Bwc k Ill Q,111y r1111t 1~,, .'II I t1b Tho~ •l41r"'~nt w 1•. 4 11 111 /l.1(}1 TO?~ folPd w11t1 tlor County Cit • k uf Or 4n~r r .. unty onOI l':I 01 200J ttUI S71 Oaoly Polul f ~t· 4 11 18 ?!> 100J 103~ Fldltleus~ Mc.S...... I ht: follow1nR ptr ,., .. ., Al~ dOtl1i bU\111P" ot\ .ti Bl••k lcltlt. Gulf b) Bl•c~J .. lt.t.ull ((1n1 ?277 Harbor Bt•d •'l77, C u\la MHa CA 976/h [ dd1• Sh11nll. M< l ee\e 7177 H1r1Hor Blvd •!ll? Co\I• Mt\I CA 9lblfi lho' bu\onu\ 1~ con du1 l11d by 1n 1nd1v1dual Have you ''••led dome bu,1nen yt t' No E dd1e Shonll. Mc l 'ese ThtS it1tem11nt wn filed wolh the County Cterll. of 011n11 County on 01 JI 03 200HtJlHI Dally Pilot f tb 4 11 18. 25 1003 1019 FktttiM a.i.ss ... s ...... The followma pe1sons are doma bu~lnen n DORST COROEll. 15J7 Monrov1• Newport Beach Cahlorma 92663 Brien Oont IS37 Monrov1• Newpo rt Beech, Cthforn119266J Th" bu,.nu\ Is con ducted by 11 11.eneral pertner1hlp H11v1 you ''''led do1n1 buslnen yet? No Mlchtef C0tdell This statement WH hied with the County Clerk of O! enc1 Countr on 01/13/03 200Ut2U6S 011ly Pilot Jin 14 11, 28,Ftb 4,2003 TOl6 .......... ... s...... lhe lottow1n1 .,.""'" •• dolna ulln.n H Alt11e S I udlo•, 109 Randolph 18, r.0111 Mne. CA t26lfi Alln1 Co11411hon1n1. (CA), 700 "•ndolph IR, Co111 Meu, CA 112626 Tiiis bu1IMS:S It LOii ducttHI by • CQll>Of1tion Ht•• you • t•ted t1114nt buslna.1 yttl y, • 199J Al1t1t Ct>ndtllOll•nt Thti ataum nt wu f ... d with tlle C.,un11 Cterll ol Ounp Col!llty on 01124/0J .. ,.. .. ,, D"'r ,.,.... lln ~. r tit ... t • ll,100J T022 Re-.. ..... -....... Tiit f0ltow1n1 PlfMl1! lh, I I wont ptrMlt'\ "'~ dwni: hU\1n~~ •· (r IY" tit I nt~rtJinm..nt Group lt>l4 Atch S.v Ot ov• N•wl'"' I Buch t.A'l:'lit..0 B••A" r1 •v•1.111 1~1 ch HAv llr N•Vfi1<11 t R••< t> f A '~/f,#1/J Thr tiuc..m ...... , '"" due l•J h, •n 111d1vld•J•I tb•e ycm 'I.tr ltd duTr" busir1,.,..\ , .. , , N1 llro.tn f.• .ty' 1111 Thi\ ~IAl•m•nt WAS t.ltd wolh lht1 I ounly Cltr~ nl Or~rovt rw1ll• on 01/ Jl/O I 200JUJ 1879 O•ofy f'1t11t I "h 4 I t.: 18 ?'> IOOJ 10J0 Flc*""5~ "-S...... The to11n ... 1ne pe"onJ If'" dom1 bu,mr'' " BARTON INOU'ilRIAl.. 1980 M<Clonlulk, IA\te M~\• (;A 'llb?& Barton lndrnh oal. lnr. (CA) 7980 McCllntocll'. Co~ta M,.i.a CA 91626 lhll bU\on~\\ I~ <;111\o ducttd by ~ «lft>0•at1011 Havp you it.t1 l1d dolfll bU\lnts\ Y•I) Y11\. 1980 8•1 l<>n tndu•ln .tl. 111< ~ Ru""" Ai41 to" l'r••l den I fhl\ •f•l"lll"lll Wll'I fol~tl with Ille Cmme, Cll't k of 01 •1111• Covnty onOl /14/0J 20036tJOt2' D•••r P1101 tan 18, Feb. 4, I I~. 1003 ft24 • ............ ______ ._..._ __ .._ __ ............................................. .._.._ ............ _...._. .......... ________ ....... ________ ~---~~---~--------- Poliey How to Place A ___ ··oeadlin(~s ___ _ Rates and dl!adhne-. are subject to change without nohce. The publisher reservci. the righ1 to censor, reclal.sify, revise or reject any cla.'>sified adven1semcnt. Pleru.c rcpon· any error that may be in your cl~1fied ad 1mmed1atcly The Daily Pilot acccpti. no liab1li1y for any error in an adveniM:mcn1 tor which it may be rei.pons1blc except for the co ... 1 of the space actually occ.upted by the error Credit can only he allowed for the f1ro .. 1 insenion. CLASS IFIE AD Monda} ...................... ~ndd} 5 OOpm Tuesday... ........... . Mond:.t) 5:CX>pm ANNOUNCEMENTS [4'/j & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ~ 1489 Lil 2305-2490 By Fax (949) 631-6594 !l'lc...c 1ndude your n11mc and phone number 1Jid "'"'II c•ll you back v.11h a prn.r 11uok 1 Telephone 8.30am-5 ()()pm Monday-fnday l ESTATE R SALE 3010-3940 f!l!!t· .1.ili.r soos-saso ~- .; . " ·By Phont.· (949) 642-5678 I lours By Mail/In Per~o n : 130 West Bay Stree t Costa Me sa. CA 1>2627 At Newport Blvd & Bay St Wedne,da}' ............. T ul' ... da) 5 OOpm I Thur'><la} . ....... Wctln~,t.J.l} 5·(J(lpm Friday .................. Thur,Jd} 5 OOpm Saturda} h 11.Ja-. 3 Oltpm Walk-In 8 30am '\ OOpm Monday-h1day Sunda> . . ............. I nJa) 5 IJOpm :.. .. Ind ex e.~ ·iiliJ.' 7402·7466 Un der the Service Di rectory Bann er Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Colledlbla/ -Memorabilia Auctions 1483 Found 1510 Furniture 3435 1 fumlture Busf ness Oppoftunltles Buslnmes and Franchises Lots/Acteage Wanted Corona del Mar • 11·2 LOT Attenhnrl llo .Joor• ()Id..< MISCELl.ANEQUS ll>'.Kh ,,,,,,.,.. Buold • REHTALS 1160 TO, SS 4 H COllDS nc aa.~.llr '.JJ-,&&h J3l Alt"' ~ lube a1T'4Yo Mille 949 64~ 7SO'> OOERTAJNMEHT WANTED ANTIQUES Oldt< Style Furniture PIANOS & Collect>l>l.t ....... ~-. ..... Calendar of Events SS CASH PAID SS 1310 I WE BUY ESTATES ---IOUAl HOOSlfG OPPOITUllTY All •••I 't•I• dd••• hs1n1 in lh1· """"'P•Pe• IS subr~· I I • tht I .~ .. 1 f a11 Huu\m~ A• t 111 1968 •s 1111•n<1•d wh1ctt ma .. t• 11 1ll•·Kdl to adverh'\r ..en1 ,,,f"fttr enc~ ltn11t•t1nr1 or ch~cttn11ni111 in b•"~d u'1 tACr <. 1lot tfll•1,t0n ,.f'• h1ndic•p '•m11,.1 sl~IU" or nahon•I 01tg1n or an 1nlent111n lo m~~· any \Ut.h l)tl'ffliflHICt' l1m1li1 t1cm or d•\tt1min.at•o11 Jh" nfl'.,"P tftf't Wtll not """"""Kit • , •pt •ny •d•tl hs•mrnl for IUI ""'" Whll h IS '" vt0lahon of th• 1.,. Qur reader~ ,..,,. hf'rrt1v mlormed that •II d...,efl mas •dVflfl\t•d Ill '"" new\paprr ••• ••d•l•ble on .tn t'Qu.tl opporluruty- bast& I<. 1 nmpld1n .1 d1• c11mm•t11111 <111 HUO loll frM •I I llOO 474 8'>90 SeMce Dlrectury "HO 0 EAOCRS C•llfornll law re (IU!res th•t conllac IOU t-11rna jObS lhlll total S500 or more (labor or m1tet~ls) be licensed by the Cont11cto" State lleense Board Stale i.w also requlfes that conlr•clots include lhe• ltcense nu mbef 0t1 aN lldver1""11 You un clMck the statu' of yout licensed con t ract or •t www cslb t• aov or 800·321 CSLB Unit· cenud cont11cl ors t1ktn1 1obs lh•t tot•I less th•n $500 must st1t1 1n lht11 1dver trstments that they 111 not licensed by the Contrac tors Shte License &o.rd.H u-.1 Rema•••" PMnlNG~ lll4rhlr1 / 8.tltl I RMnodll Miiar& ....... bliiam 1&1115 V7ir!:C ~ ........ ATTORNEY Civil mat:lt'l'l, bu 1neu l1w, land UK, land· lordltenant. coouaets. other~ lOYunup. Retaonable ,...._ • ~1 649-4922~ SOUTH COAST AUCTION 2202So.lll.i.9t. S.111a AM. CA 12107 .... Lost 1~ lOST flMAll DOG Co•.t• Mr\• @ 22nu & I ldrn t •Ir oevrr \hep ht•td OH• f.O~l \.OIO, wt11tr < ht\I 4 wh1tt PAW\ l•ll/14 80j7l!AJ --Shih hu l•n Whtl• 11\I lll;f'~n •t U'1e' ror lndu\ 111.~I Crl\l.t Mt>'• $')()() R•• .. rd" 949 642 7100 A TO Z HANDYMAN ln•t•ll. reface cabinets KJldw\/b;lllv'~ ~ OOlc 714-546-7258 • WlfliU.ltt e Cu,lom Bu.It tns Ctown Motdrnss. Base 8011 ds L•577982 949 837 5642 tarpet Repalr~les <Qo CAUIT -trCAl,IT v Rep111t' P1tch1n1. Instill Courteous 1ny size jOlH Wlloleulel 949-492·0205 ~:. •.... ·~ ... , .. ~ ~=u~~ .... _,.,c..- 1~1) 54N515 ..... ,_ TAX lfsnntll OllWH..U OLU for free guore 949.422.2863 ·--~ ....... '::C -==~::. .• -~ FOUND 006, S/1()(1 half Shepherd mu Ian/black Near tl.Ybcl. South Coast Metro atu 949-122· I IH : * Mc>Rist.MtiO.ts*! * UQUIDATION * $ SALE! $ ! CLOSING AnlR ! :~~,~~rG~4~ *• . )OYEARS . ! t0ANs 1 , .. m1 1n1m,1 \\11ckcr Ra ttnn Seating. ANAHCIAlJ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ••l's All md1t lype\ * La111p5 , Tables * No pre P•vmrnt PMlal * ar1d MLICtl "to r<=>I * ht\ Bt'~I ~· ••11 r on th~ C I .~ \.. • \tale CAlllnrn1~ ORl *2G40 /\VOil St. Nc>wpon Be<Kh* £ mpyrean f und1ng Call * * no ... 800 no 8969 • 101 (Ill 10\ t'N<.k do 1•.11 lfK ( ( ~l'tl I h• \ (CAi.•SCANI * 949-642-2255 * HOME FURNISHINGS **************** l'HSIAN llUG. New -V Eleplt TABRIZ Must See Wor1h Sl()(•(rl!l.M). illik•li Cits 3610 fumlture 3435 SS.IXXl 949-22> 1836 •Adopt• Wtltw K~. cat!. ~ r., or slwl8. PY el y Sa I Sun 12 41>'T1 f mt.111 Is AtwNI Httwor1t lnlo 9 4 9 6 44 2279 -~oralree J)~Wfb~'~ Re.cuss needed llVIHG llOOM SIT VOJY ~td i.:ond ~ 7 t.han . ol1QrTW\ ~ 2 l'f'td tt, 74· TV S45Cl Btl'Allltasl 'id. ~ ,_ wi115htl llkYW 949 720.a llli ~0.-Manr.­ DrlUI* PtlowtqJ ., bo• w 1)1hopedlt t..Uui.l>On ,....,. sd ., ciUstx ... 'Wan S«Jlu SI 39 96'llJ.5B> Concrete&Maonry Idell 11-cll St-Tiie Conctete. P1110. Drrwrway F irtplc, BBQ Refs 25Yrs lap Teuy 714 557 759' D.,,14 VMtwtl c--& ,...._., Residential 811c:k. Stone. Blodl Trle licl 747448 714 965 2824 111ece ... _,,._ Cementwotll. Brick. Ttle & More Rell1ble Ho tob loo small 949 548·6746 ~ HUD MC>al IOOMT ADOtmNS ' ROalE.t.H: L1577982 949 837 5642 New <-•trvctl... & tt--W. M lrldes. Free Estlmlles. 30 Yun Eap L1337169 949 631 2J.'5 I YOU.NOMI 1.anOVIMINT f'IOJICTT Call a plumber paintw. handyman. or any of the IJNt s.er•ica llst4d fl«e In out 1«vlc:1 directory! THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coa11t Celn ..... Old Co1n51 Cold silver ,ewf'll y watches. ant>QUeS coitec llblt\ 949 64? 94.&8 SEU your unw•nled item~ lhrouah dassrhed Bectrtcals.vtces UCINSID CONTllACTOll No tot> too wn. M wvlcesl Repair. remodel. fans, " IWW S\OC 9&64S-l6156 Aooring/Tlle CUSTOM OIATM lU hsUlllboll. s.llte anmac. mll'bil. stone ld9 1t7S L "612044 Jiff 714-612·9961 iiiiri' g;;;;; Repsed Repouhn & Instillation TllE DC~ 949 673-8065 16)1325 714-8113-2D31 fenca,1)ects 1>1r1yw~.­ s1orm Clean Ups, Tree Prunrnc. Maintenance. lnsUlallons, lntphon Troobteshoohn&. Repan & Uper~ 714-715 21128 "tUve us do your o..ty wani· ilillie~Sl~ On1an. Plant . Pot, Ptopac•tton. Prun1n1 {llCllllnt rtls 9&5ls.a!Z4 Tne s.tvl", Yltfd Cl .. nup, M•tntenance. Spr1nkh1r R91>a11. Hauhna (Ht) •so-ua 1 RESTORE • REPAIR & REMODELI% . Al L CASH CANOY Route Do you ra• n S800 1n <i day' Your uwn lotal candy route Includes 30 mac1>1nl'• •ntl 'andy All lot $9 99'> I 800 998 VEND <CAI •SCAN J Ollk:es b Lease 4540 Office •poce In nice 1ndusl park 1600sf 70'\o ofc 1001 W 17th St CM 949-U()..8217 IACIC IAY CINTltt 2651 lrvane Ave golf view relart ~nd of lice avail 714 573 7780 Nl'I OfflCl Sl'ACl 833 eo-Dr •14 C.ound floor. •ctllfJcts ottu are.at = 63:)if 9o11!Hi1!>-5"75 LOTS/ACREAGE 4740 TttU HOUSl ARIZONA er SI BARGAIN SlClUDlD ttlTttlAT $6 ati ~' 574 900 I AMAZING Piii(( B111d~1\ '>l•I• lMod AGT. 949-723-1120 ee .. ulilul ranch •n Cost!Mesa Wollt•nl\ rta~•l•tf ••~• pf'lfrCI r 100' cl•m41~ • '-'tfNI .., 'l' ea Sr'~' t•tul•' rnount,un .,.,..., Allor da!Jft It Mnt '"II All R I IH 7 ZS? ~/61 rCAI "V ANJ \0 COi QR ADO l OG c 1b1n w1lh welt 40 "" S.11<1 'KXI Oul•l•ndinp fl0< ~Y Mtn ., • ..,~ from th• d•t ~ 11 tho• bu11f1lul I ln2 t•b1n clnH tu t,00()\ 111 Bl M ·~· IMtd I fn1oy rurAI llv1n" unb~ hrvablP P"' u C:•ll R<..fl toll Ire~ I 866 69Ei S:>bl I CA.l •SCAN l ~IAc""" la'T y ,, ... 111<....,.. boott ., l</}4 "'"''*' fp• Ii =II Br 111,,.~"" , onMion Asli11e Sl\IO tuJ tdll •gll. Ro•.., Sm11t-y "' tf'C:~ Cofv~y 1111 "fll>'•nl ment 949 67 s 166.! Newport Beach FAIUlOUS llACH COTTAGE SI f.AIUlOUS NlWl'OttT ll.ACH UFISTYll 11 New 2 Story llr 210 w/fJO•oge (176AC 131fSA/ll') HOMESFOOSk.f SIS0,000 ORANGE 540() I Remodeled 21r 21a COUNTY (13t44XXU/XX) S43,000. duptir-• I nnt1',... ~ 1 . ""~ f.111011 """"" >Old a\ ... •1 "'' •·11°" A.sillllf I Rental To Share 6030 I S62!> IX.() t.dll •itt Jim __ I.to ob~ l<J< '*1'1>1 949 67J lASTSIDl llr, llo. J66j ' 21 ~ • ;. • ,, • ........,_, a..,, r_.. ,, "' IBr <t>fldl ., B•t ......... \ 11',. •1 14• ~.I< ~II ..r•n-.,,, P.•-' '410t t1.4> ctr<• w """"' ·-••. ..,.. "' u ... ha< br>t ..,, IJf 1ly bo•khrw w 00.1 •Jv ,,,,~ A:>.111~ S4?5.CXX> r .ill •ii' Rnw Smtiry "' ts.tty HoM1s lor an llllC)l 949 6 73 366J ---;;a.-Ml lSTAHS ,.ATlllCIC TlNOttl NATIONWIDE USA 949-156 970S M~ " ttir-tMtv ,,,,r t1 bo I HV ro-.t..<• fi,.,1 • .-. 11.ty.~ pvt t•l , ....... G,1 •• 1 ~~1123 ORANGE COUNTY 7400 I www pat111 ktrno•• com Q££AN1110Nr 11n111AT Balboa Peninsula OClAN & UY VllWS AMAZING lOW l'RICl AGT. 949 723-1120 -oflANfttONTFIXltt- NOT FOR THI FAINT I Of HlAltT AGT.949 723-lt20 I I r 1 lo w /l'orklft9. New c-,..1-yrly 1 ..... 206 l 1.tboa u .. 11 • s SIOOO/Mon1t. I ASSOCIATED ltlAlTY 949-673-3663 Lall/Aer8aoe Wanted 4740 Balboa Peninsula Watervlew 21r 21a I Newport Coast w/flreploce ,RIME lSTATlS 29r lk, :ll .~ ""'• ., <l 1 w °"'" u µI pa"11 •• ·~ l:'l ."JI~ •• -------20 ACRC RANCHlS S9 995 Nur boom1n& [I Pno Teu\ S95 down S99 monthly (IO't.1Zl6 month,.) Roads sur veyed f ••t' niaps/ptc turn No qu11tly1n& 100~ monry bac k cu•r anlt't' Sun~el Ranche,. I 800 34) 944A (CA.t.•SCAN) HandymalV HomeRetialr THl HANDYMAN Emernay Service Oki ~ Electral C.aeie Ootn etc 949 439 7554 2ov ..... 1 ~·ty~lp Uollt741U ('49} 650-9525 M•rll Hauling JUNlt TO THI DUMrtlt 714 968 1882 AVAllA8lE TOOAYI 949-673 5566 L .. eu,1e,-. ,__..., Tuple YOllf enero o.ly$H.tS Call Lisi '4t-64S-6677 , ................. a..., Talll Nl _, ...... ,, wciti «ir1t by -... ,.. 98'7l-7G ............. HST •ovas JH/Mtr MrVlna Ill cilia Insured fest, _,_, c.efvl T"l63M4 IOO 2a 2371 ........... • ()<.-front l>usi'a• on .... sand.. J8r 38, plU\ a ?SI l Ba 4c tandem &M Prt<.ed at $1 750 00) CaH aif .ltm Ja<.ob•. tor "i>Pt 949 673 3663, /I Mowing & Storage PUBLIC NOTICE The Cald f>ubl it Ullhhes comm1n1on requ11n that all u•ed household aoot!s movers p11nl the11 P U C Cal T numbet limos 1nd ch•utfeurs print thetr T C P number an •II adver hsements If you hne any quesoons about the la1al1ty ol 1 mowu limo o f chauffeur call PUB LIC UTIUTI£S COM MISSION 714 558 4151 WAJtflD MOVtNGJOaS SINll of l at1e 14"-M ..... Svc C.ITl 119442/lnslll' ed 949-716-0691 714 686-1300 (S200SJ) l'ATIUCIC TlNORl Sta.000 NATIONWIDI USA 949 I S6-9 70 S UASlD LAND , .. ww patrn ~l~nore cum ~·•ppoJ:Z ~IND (949r:r~t3St I AMAHUfACTlDHOMl -~--- 1 COMMUNITY ~ Music fWTl USSONS £ •P·d tuchu has nrw open 1n~ 1n Co5ta MtM studoo l rse St•ci< 949 ~7' 0517 ptumblng Sll<hn 'i49 P '1,. 31R 21A-lONG TlttM I< '°" w / d, S ?OOOmo 1111 w .. , •ar ASSOCl.AHD ttlA fY 9-49 ., 3-3663 WallCominol We Goh shoukl h•ro( I0&1l'lhf'r ~l11p nslA tnl ( •I p.wlt acM:r to ttw CJ Vy "7WIJ6 ~l 9if>t THlS~(ltl 5peu•ltzina 1n Wallpapr Rl!'fll<\val l •'>88141 949 )6() 1111 Window Cleaning C"-t'• ,... l!Yn. up Great Price• Cua11nleed work Free di l'375602 714 538 1534 7 390 2945 llAINIOW CltO.I MMfT Pa 1ntina .rc;e.i, tb.ee/~ Quality tob' free estimate Lt569897 714 &36 8888 !If'«' relft -hot .t. '-Plumbana repatrs over LI WI~ C ,,.. HOUSE llEPA.INllNG ac WOOD FINlSHINC ~ 25 ~ Mini. "--' yrs op All work llfJ9 ~ l<U l'IS .6 rd .-.! s... 714~ 714CJ'Jl'}~--l7211 HONl$T & llASONAIU PLUM8CR l ~586 free [st! S... r~ OCTfQJ DIM: 7t4-~91'D P'ltlCISl ,LUMll G Repain & Remo~hn1 fRH ESTIMATE Ll687398 714 969 1090 Master. Window Care """""""""'("'..-.. • ~·mJt,.. tleanm11 • '-11n1 Blind w~ . 949 ~23-4 ~23 AlO Tuesday, February 4, 2003 I TODAY'S ,... _.C'AilR~O~S~S;.a.W&.;:O~RDK..AP~U~Z-Z .. L..,E_ ACROSS I 011IO (eet?o) s Chatt • ~'*-12 E'.JiDlod~~ 14 Bllll eow .. IDOOd 15 Go on lhe l!lm 18Not~ 17 Kauat 18 8allnlln I 9 lrwllecl In 21 Clla"9f gen.!llClllly 23 Be!lv;ir'a WOO. 24 TV netwolli 25 ~IO<datc? 29 Hint 30G~·s place 32 ROOll 33 Ran 36 Na!lly.mood 37 Jam prpblems 38 ElllOI .CO lnlcrgalaetlc tmn:;port ~2 Recent IY<QICai tool 43 Had 8181\JH « Feitly 45 R1Pf!n 48 Mongrel 49 Novllk Cl Ve<fi!¥J' SO TolQlly wrong (2 wds) 52 Gym gear "' 57Gusn 68 811s911d tplll 60 Cartoonlsl -Buthm .... 81 A-~·· um pies G2 VMmlOI es-Syn1hellc labile M ThNtlh's home 65 "Se my guest1• 66P~ &t\8des DOWN l Nlbbk! eway 2 CenlO(. 3 Ego1hapcd ·--~~ SonCel • s Seowvlf's drink 6 S.gh al conlant 7 Pipe bers 8 Help a burglat 9 Amazon, eg 10 Most selecl I t Cast about t3 Dull M Somllt 20 Con1'C 8111µ s 0fft"Y -22 Annapolis irl&I :>4 Inell along 26 Mountain ClJN8 27 "Stst« Act roles 28 Coat se sand 29 E!ooe's d86111\11110fl il'-03 0 -~ffftr8'n0<411t Inc: 30 Rose pest 48 S1are blllefuDy 31 NASA roc:l<ot 47 S«nta's nelpers 33 Dalli yellow 49 lu 34 Mlllne. lrom S1 Frontier. once Olegon 52 Family rooms 3S Conblt 53 tmp 37 Slwewdly 54 'Omooo Flow" 3.9 TlWsty eifl981 41 Speedway SS Wildebeesl oompelltlOO c:tl•-42 Plan'ks 56 Camefa's eye 44 Klrlc, IO McCoy S9 Fawn's parent 45 COfll>OGOf -CopCand 10 II Corona del Mar •So of Hwy upper lbr lbd, wd hi.up, I edr \P S16'i0 •3br Iba, wd hkup I gar ~P S 1950 rm a.,g. .,.., ~s. nu 7'.h1 Margu.,lte 31r /21a luiury refurb home SJ25()n Aho lat if! rear 2Br IBa, new carpe1 & pa.rt Sl700m 949-715-1513 Costa Mesa leovtlful Ny;pt HRhb home 38t 2ba, h!JRe den. LR. OR. lnQ-y rm, fp. 1.'V!d palto, 2c &ar. quiet ~hoOd. 949 548.5646 BlAUT OCEAN C. BAY VIEWS lHr 11ia. upper. du11le • I • ~nLI gior. $ WlO mo /1 4 !198-0948 am 2br 2ba ®'e to the bead1. pa11o, weptace. spactOlA w.,i room. ~94%737lm Tell:x.:our lov one hoW c>pectOtthey are .. and say .97{ipp2, CZJalentUw Bridge By CHARLES GOREN wtth OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH Pl.A Y OR DEFEND? Bocb vulnerable. EMt deals. • N"ORTU .s ~ K8 S • > K J 4 •K87SJ WEST •KQJ9J "'' A87 F.AST • 10762 '?432 - "7 J 10 9 8 6 2 • A42 SOUTH • A84 •Q ' J 10 9 6 A S • J 10 9 6 ,,. TilC biddtng: EM.7 SOlrrn ~Pas.>. 3• 4 Pa.'(11 WfS f •• ~ Opening lead: Kmg uf • NORl'H Dbl Pas.s Study the diagram above then ckctde: Would you rather pluy or dclcnd four hean~ after the lead of the ktng of 'pade~'/ Yuu n:ach the Mo}~tlln 4-3 fit rn h1·am uftcr &J,t\ preemptive ru•M: of Wl"\l ·, thJrd-"Cat one-spudc opcntng hid .md North'~ lakco..>111 double Five club~ ts u 'hghtly e~ier cuotrnct to play -1t Jcpcncl\ only on limiting the trump loser. 10 one. 1. four heart.' makahl<''> Supp<>lot' you ck'(.1 to play You wm the opcnmg lead of the king ul 'flltJc~ wilb lhe ace and inuncdiatcly lc3\l lhe jack of clubs, ri~in.g wilh the king when West, 13 expocled, follows low and dropping EaM's queen. East dis- ClllW a spade on lhe club cootinua- tion, Ww wins with lhe ace and gives partner a club ruff, declarer contribuung the nine' and ten of clubs on t.hc5' two trick!> . Ruff Basl's spode return (bes1 defense) with one or dummy's 11Ump hoOOO> and cont.lnuc wllh the five of hearts 10 your jock. If WeM wm~ wnh the ace. it is ea.'y to make the re!>I ol' the rricks. so the defender allows the JllCk lO hold. You continue wilh your last spade. ruffing ir in dummy. come IO hand with I.he lll.'C of diamonds dlld lead another lugh ll1lmp. No.,.. West srubs the ace of he-.irts imd luclo. you tn dummy with 11 diamond. No mailer whur you do, West will ....:ore the e1gh! of hearu. for tilt--cning tnck. However, you were COtTCCl m opt- ing to declare. given the 'tmng li .. cli- holld lha1 Wc,l will not ri~ with the ace of dub~ al tril:k two und give jlll!111Cr lV.0 dub rum •. You ~imply have u• makc a ~ligh1 impmvcmem tn your line ol pla). Alter ruffing the la't 'padc in dummy, ca'h !ht• lung ol Jm mond.' anJ then come 10 hand "'1th the acc. Now when you lead a trump. WC\I'\ \Qlc Cllll C.Jrd hu~ l><'Cft n:movcd. No muller wha1 Wc,1 d•~'· the defender mu'l put you tn hanJ v.ith a '>Plkk cur wamood) rufl tu druw the ltbl trump uni.I colk.'Ct the re'' uf tn~k,. Sb.do, 1 hse to ocn, I& dedc. w/ocn 111.1, Mdlenette, laund aa:ess, nu ~ ..it Slf'i() ~J.7lm BAYFRONT llr'• front $875/!TIO. w/v,ar tn lovely v,ated comm nelV Tri·SQuate, fndv,e. Indy fac~rty. Kle1n Mri&t. irn 704-8649 ~9200 Newport orrou the •-2Br 1.58a, gar, 110 pets. SI 195/mo 1665 lrvrne Ave #3 949-720-9422 38r Condo, new CNl>l!I, pa.nt, new d/w & r~. 2c pr, w/d, ~ wall to fawerounds, avail now $1400/mo. av.t. Steve. 714- 241.Qia! Uona Porit Townhome, Zbr ..-den, 2ba, pool, Ip, lush patio, I c ear, no ptl, $1600 949·631 6239 Newport Beach furnlahed Shor(: Term Rentola Oceanfront C. loyfront Avolloble Now ASSOCIATED REAlTY 949-613-3663 Community Harbor Views Executive lBR. IBA. $1900 Spadous isR. 28A $2JSO *" VlAJllY * UASIS Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS 949-675-6161 21r, 1 la Condo. 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