HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-05 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot---=----,.,.. • 10 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY,FEBRUARY5~2003 CAMPAIGN FINANCE .FILINGS Team Newport's more tha.n a name Late campaign filin gs show political group s p e nt $40,000 on s late m ail ers a nd campaign literature to he lp elect three of four council candidates last fa ll. INSIDE For more campaign ftling news, see Page A3 Two buck political trend that money ensures victory June Casagrande Daily Pilot NrWPOlrl BFACI I -A polJLicaJ or gani1..ation that came into exi~tence ju'>t in Lime to avoid fiJing pre-election cam paib'll finance !>tatcment!> i'> being cred- ited with provtding the extra boo'>t needed to propel three of four counnl candidatt'' to victory last November A '>late mailer organv..alion caJled . Team Newport on Friday filed c<;1m paign finame '>tatements V1ith the uty derk\ office reporttng that II accepted more than $40,000 in donation~. nearly $I 0,000 from each of I he four can di · date.,, to produtl' aml d1.,1rihu1e c-am p.11g11 htt•ratun· on their behalf. flw group t'dnll' 11110 eXl'>tt•nte in < ktoher .ind lwgan pohural activ11y Ott 2 I, thl' day afler the cutoff period fo r fLling fi. nance -.1a1crnents before Lhe election. 'lecJm Newport wa.!> the nickname on campaign mailer., given to four candj- dalc'>. fod Hidgeway, Gary Adams, Don Webb and Bernie Svahtad. But until Fri· day, no one knew that a formal organi- zation by that name exi.,ted. .. rhc point j<, that by forming on the day after rc4u1red reporting and han· dJing the literature maihng-; for the op- pcNllon candidate&, they were able to hide wha1 they w~rc doing from the public.·· ..aid Phil Ar'>l, spokel>man fo r the (,reenlight Committee, whose four candidate'> ran again .. t the Team New· pon candid<1tt''-"We contend that 1h1'> wa .. "1h1erfugt•" \ttll. thl' group appear-. to haVl' met .111 tlw applicable reponing and filing dradhnei., actordtng to Newpon Beach City <Jerk Lavo1111e I larkle!>.'>. "This i-. much ado about nothing,·· Ridgeway said. "No maner when 1his happened, Mr. AN would have had a problem with it. I !e's jus1 trying to breathe life into ht'> organization." Hidgeway rountered thal Grcenlight\ campaigning on behalf of it<, four c:mdi date'> may l1avc pu&hed the boundaries of the letter or at lea'>t the '>p1ri1 of rnm· prugn finance law'>. c..recnJighl col let led donation'> on it~ candidates' behalf. "I think tha1 once we ge1 11110 look.ing al conflict'> of interest m our \ludy -.e•,. '>ion, a lot of thing-.. arc going IU -,ee the light of tht}.'' H1dgeway .,,11d I he ( .11 y < 11um ii ha.., ctgrl·ed to l'Xdlll See TEAM, Page A4 All an Mansoor in Costa Mesa a nd Dick Nichols in Newport Beach won city council seats while being fa r outspent in the races. June Casagrande • ) and Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot Allan Mansoor Dick Nichols l\I \Vl'Olff MI.SA -Mone\ 1'>n°1 eve!) thmg. Ju~t ask Newport ·Beach < it\ < oum 11 aho-ran Bernie Svalstad. < lr tomwr < .ci-,ta Mt"-.a Maynr Linda IJ1xon. Or. thl• uty\ Planrnng ( omnw.- '>HHl <J1a1rwuman. Katnna 1-oley Campaign linanlt' 'ilaternenl.!> filed la.!>t wt·e~ hold S\·abtad'o, LdITipatgn as the grt>att''' t>\ idem e that the per-,on See MONEY, Page A4 Council to directly choose planners Costa Mesa City-Council members will individua ll y select new commissioners at the ir Feb. 18 meeting. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA Ml~'v\ -Tht> chao.:, that ensued when City Council rnt•rnbt.>r-, tned ap· pointing planning commt'>-'-IOner'> £\.\ o years ago hall re'>ulted 111 a ne"' proceso, that give'> council member-, more power over their appomtee'>. and ha') opponent<. screaming cron'.Y1srn. On Monday. the council voted 4· I 10 aJ . low each counctl member to appomt one per.on to each cornm1<;.S1on who will then serve at the "ple~ure" of that member Councilman Oms Steel dt'>.'>ented DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Crystal Nay 1s leading the charge to organize the first prom in the six-year history of Orange Coast Middle College High School. Councilwoman Ubby Cowan. who m 1roduced the idea. said the process '>tmplJ· fies what can be a complicated endeavor from the dais. But <>ome residents c~ a method \\1th no overs1gt11 or veto author Looking for a prom date Orange Coast Middle College High School s tudents a re intent on adding typical high school experiences to the ir campus. Christine Carrillo Da1lyP1lot C rystal Nay always imagined she would aneod her high school prom. She could imagine dressing up in a fancy gown, being escorted by a THI NKING ALLOWED A firsthand look at our troop s I 'm not the crying type. I don't get emotional and I don't IUce to hug. But Friday night, r was not .inysetr. LOLITA lat week. I hod the exceptional opportunity to join the Spence fam1ly of Newport Beach in bidding their son Cass good-bye at Camp Pendleton. where he ln peace and goodnes.q and usually frowned upon war. My grandfalher served in the military and our family has a very real respect for the anned forces, but tht! Vietnam Wlr, and the climate that surrounded it, made a lasting impression on my HARPER mom. And as her and his battAlion of Marine reservi.sts wtre readyf ng for a towoveneu. daugbter, I have been lnOuenced by her outloo 1legardl ol what 1 think or I was always raised to belleve hand~ome date and dancing the night away with her friends. The one thing she never imagined -that her school wouldn't have a prom. Nay auends Orange Coast Middle College High School in Costa Mesa. In the six years of the school's existence, the juniors and Daily Pilot • AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER The Senta Ana winds retum brieffy, but ft won't be all that warm. See PqeA2 FORUM senior that make up the school's student body have never had a prom. "It's 1us1 part of senior year and I want 10 be able to be 30 and say I went to my i.enior prom, to be able to say I created my senior See PROM, Pa1e M SPORTS vet buebel1 opens ilgeiNt Fttilno Stitt, but c:omet up 9hort. 1-0. S.Plll•M l See COUNCIL, Pa1e A4 ENVIRONMENT Back Bay will host county lab Water-quality lab now in Santa Ana will m ove next week to a Shellmaker Island traile r. Paul Cllnton Daily Pilot UPPER NEWPORT BAY -Supervisors unanimousty approwd moving Ora1'ge County's water-quality lib from San•Ana to Shellmaket Island on Tuesday. Using a temporaiy oflice trailer, ntem· bets of the county~ Real.th care~ will now be able to proc-. watft' ~ aamp closer to .,.. tt.ey ~ monitOT forMcttdlJ ~ "It puts. facWty rWat Whet'e problen111 MJ>pen." Mid ~wtlor Ollir 1bm WD· ton. who ttprelellbl Ntwpoct Cc*t. WI IOO and loc.I Oftidals llunCbed the t6rt to mow the lib abOUI two ,_,. • 1he ........... M •• A2 Wednesday, F~ruary 5, 2003 Daily Pilot LOCALS .ONLY NEIGHBORS Orange Coast Collegf''s dance team. top. and cheer team . Manne< .orp-. I'\ t Jo.,hua J. Mendou, '"n ol l u 1 . , I PranciM:o !\1. !\k11<l111.1 of< 11,1.1 Mesa recently t omph·:l·il hJ\ll" · training ar \taruw < orp' Ht•cru1t Depot in ~111 Dll'go \,in Petty Offin·r t...1 c Ja ,, Rus~ll O. Walker. whO'>C' w1ft• Olristln a ,., the daughtt•r uf lk>nnJe Arrigo of Co-;ia Mt''"'· 1., h.111\, '' through .1 '>IX month deploymt•nt to till' Aral 11,111 l .ull while a\St!,'JWd to tht g111dt·d miss ill' dt.•\I roycr l JS\ 1\11lit1'>. home portc>d 111 "i.u1 l>wi.:o . Marine Corp' <~u11m·n '>gr Jason E. Yankowy '' ho,t• \\Ill• Candy I'> the daughtt'r ol Earlene Connors ol '\t'\' p11rt Beach, relentl~ rl•pm tt•d lor duty with I Jlh \laruw Expeditionary Un11. Heet l\1anne Force, Camp Pendleton. Alo.ander K. Fanlcuchen of Corona del Mar. a nm th grader at Phillips J-.xeter Atadem}. ha'> earned high honor~ for the fall term. . Jared Michael Kluver of Costa Me..a earned honor roll at Ok.lahoma State Un1wr'>llY Ouistlne Olamberlaln of L<>'>td Mesa was named to the Syracuse Univer.,ny ~hool of Education dean\ lbt for the FalJ .!INI;.' ... eme.,ter .... Kathryn Melissa Bart.lau has been honor~·d for academic at h1evement and placed on the d1:a11'!i honor hst at CaJ Poly San I u1., Obl.l>po. Ban.lau is a 2002 grat.luate from Corona del Mar 1 ligh School. ... James Aaron Lusk of Costa Mesa received a bad1elor'!'> degree in business auministration from Baylor University in Texas during the laJJ 2002 graduation ceremonies. .. Olrls I. Peterson, a new 1e<;1dcnt of Mt>!>a del Mar, recenllv retired from the U.S. Air 1-orce Peterson was a recruiter for the Air 1-orre and is now a reuuller for the Amencan Legion Pon 869. . . Orange Coast CoUege's dance and cheer teams both captured national tilles during the Jan. 10 weekend at the Universal Oleerleaders Assn Nauonal Oiampionships at Walt Disney World/MGM R<?sons in Orrando, Fla. • NEJGHBORS spotlights ac:tuevements in the community Please direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by f8JC at 1949) 646·4170, or send e-mail to coral. w1/son a la times com. DUI ARRESTS These people have been • Cheryl Ann Newton, 23, Mesa Littleton, Colo. arrested recently on • Shannon Denise Carrillo, Ssturday • FOR A GOOD CAUSE Toni Solow T he volunteer spirilJuns in Toni Solow's family. . As a co-chair of Newport Beach's Spirit Run, the Corona del Mar m om maintains the altruistic attitude instilled in her at a young age' by h er parents. And that now rubs off on 12-year-old daughter Hannah. "I've learned that she's a good role model for me and I think if I have kids, I 'II volunteer,:' Hannah said. Solow got involved with the Spirit Run through her parent-related activities at Harbor View Elementary School. As s he got acclimated to the way the Spirit Run was run, she thought there must be a better way. Mlt always seemed to be stressful for whatever school took it on,· Solow said . Ml thought. why not all work together?" So Solow proposed the formation of an executive board. Her counterpart at Lincoln Elementary School, Robyn Moss, was so enthused with the idea that s he joined Solow as co· chair. This is the third year the dynamic duo will lead the event. "She's great to work with, she's a Running the Run take-ch arge person, very o rganized," Moss said. "No task is too small and no task is too large." Solow said sh e was inspired to get involved a t Ha rbor View because she grew up in a fa mily where great value was placed o n volunteering. "MY. mom was a volunteer." Solow said. "I grew up with th e attitude that you give som ethin g back.· Solow found a simila r spirit among a cadre o f commuted volunteers at Harbor View when Hannah. who now a ttend s Orange County l ligh School of the Arts. started there seven years ago. Now, younge r daughter Sophie is a fifth-grader at the school. In the past seven years. Solow has served in various capacities. In addition to co-ch airing Sp irit Ron this year, s h e also co-cha irs the school play. "Lady Luck," which runs the following weekend. Her respons1b1hty with Spim Run includes handling the banking quties and sweatshirts and obtaining PET OF THE WEEK Anny Pfaff-Martin said. 'It gives me great satisfaction. Kids are only young for a short period of time and it's a pleasure to be able to do things to benefit th~m and the school.' Toni Solow sponsors. . But Solow is poised 10 pass the Spint Run torch n ext year since she would like to concentrate solely on Sophie\ last year at the school. She said she feels grateful tha1 .,he has had so murh time to invest in Harbor View and its stut.lents. "lt givei. me grea1 sau-;facu on." Solow said. "Kids are only young for a short period of lime and u's a pleasure to be able to do things to benefit them and the school " -.'itory by Deirdre Newman, Pltoto by Don Leach suspicion of driving under 35, Tustin the influence of an • Jolleen Ann Ziemann, 41, Army is lovingly referred to as the "Velcro kitty" because of h is favorite pastime -h anging over a friendly shoulder. He will overextend any invitation to be held and loves to cuddle, said DiAnna Pfaff-Martin, founder of the Community An imal Network. Army's intense pain pushed the network to have all of his teeth removed immediately with no time to worry about raising the S400 cost of s urgery. intoxicant. They have only Thursday been arrested on susp1cwn of s cnme and, as with all •Jeanie Frances pizon, 25, suspects. are considered Los Angeles innocent until proved qu1/ty Wednesday COSTA MESA • Thomas Edwardo Monday Baumann, 26, Costa Mesa • Belinda Caceras. 24. Costa • Harold Steven Pemstein, Mesa 52, Newport Beacn • Thomas Allan Hoerner, 27, Sund1y Tustin • Fernando Tolentino Zalpa, 29. Costa Mesa NEWPORT BEACH • Marco Anthony Monday Lopez-Cibrian, 30, Anaheim • Zoltan Roth, 33, Costa Costa Mesa • Jay Tennesen Ollestad, 24, Placentia • Jose Angel Alcaraz, 34, Anaheim Friday J • Tom Carson, 57. Newport Beacn • Dae Douglas Blassingame, 20, Huntington Beadl • Gerald Lee Laird Ill, 23, Newport Besen Wednetdrf • Mimi Victoria Kates, 29, Newport Beecn Coral Wilton Army has come a long way . since the Newport Beach-based network rescued him from the Salvation Army. He was "starving, shaking wilh fear and his jaw was swollen with pain due to an Infection in his m outh called stomatltls and gingivitis," Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Daity-4 Pilot N!IWI assistant, (949) 574-4298 Copyright: No news storiet, cor•I. wi/1onOl11tlmn.com Illustrations, editorial matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS advertisemenu herein can be Sean Hiller, Don Leacil. re.produced without written Kent TreptOW permiaslon of copyright owner VOL. 97, NO. 36 READERS HOTLINE HOW TO REACH US THOMAS H JOHNSON NewsEdlton (949) 842-6086 ClrculatJon Pubh Mr Gina AleJ(ander, Lori Andereon, Record your commenta about the The Times Orange County TONYOOOERO Paul SartoWtt.Z, Daniel Stevens Dally Pilot or news tl1>9. (800) 262·91'1 Editor NEWS STAFF AddNM Advefd91ng JUOY OETilNG Our addreu la 330 W. Bav St., Costa ClaMlfMd (949) 642 -5678 Advort111nll. D•rl'< tor Oeep1 Bharath MeN. CA 92827. Office hours are Dlspf.ly (949) 642-4321 t.ANA JO NSON Crime and courts reporter, Monday · t11~y. 8'30 1.m · 5 p.m Editorial Promo11orts OorPCtor (949) 574-4226 Con.cdona News --EOrTING STAFF tJeepa bhanJthffi l11tlm• com It la the Pilot'• policy to promptly (949) 642·5680 JuM Casagrande correct 111 errors of 1uti.ttnai. Sports (949) 574-4223 :w Cahn Newport Beach reporter, PINle c:.111949) 784-4324. ~Fu (949) ~170 Managing Editor, 19491574-4232 Sports Fu (949) 660-0170 (949) 57~233 /u,.,. casagrandflt!llatlmM.com FYI ~&: d11/lypllot•1atlmn.com 1.f.cahn/11 /11t1mos com PltulCNnton The Newport Budlleom M ... Maln<>Mce JamNM-* Pohtlcs and environment reportaf', Diiiy Piiot (USPS-144-800) 11 Buelneu <>Mee (949) 842-4321 City Editor, (949)764-4330 publllhed ~lly. In Newport Buch ButiMM Fu (9491631·7128 (94817~4 Jamaa.mt11tH lstlmOl.com paul.cllntonO/atl#TW.com and Co9tl Mese. 1ubectfptlont ere "oV« c.ttaon lolfta Hatpet 1V1ileble only by 1ubecrlblng to The Simei; Sport1 Editor, Cotumnlst, culture reporter, (949) llmea Or1na-County (800) 1948) 674-4223 574-4276 262-9141. In,,... outllde of rogttr.CM'fllon•11t1rrw.com lollt• ,...,,,., ~tlm#.oom ~rt BMd't and Coeta M .... COmllTYRi Joee J. Sentoe Oelfdtl Hewmen aubecrlpdont to the Delly P»ot ere Art O.tec:.tor I News o..k Chlat, 1V1ll1ble onty by flrwt ct.. mall for llub118h9d by llmee Community As a result, the network has set up an* Army Fund* for those willing to help out. Army will also go up for adoption Saturday. See other a nimals avaiJable for adoption at www.animalnetwork.org o r Russo's pet store at Fashion Is land between noon and 4 p.m. o n weekends. Information: (949) 759-3646, o r Community Animal Network, P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach, CA 92658. SURF AND SUN .WEATHER FORECAST SURF Some Santa Ana winds will We'll enoounter vet another roll In thla morning, blowing smell day, with waist-high aurf, about 20 mph this morning. but we may be out of the Highs will atay on this aide of woods sometime Thuooev. 70., with Costa Mesa topping That's when the next northwest out around 68 degrees. Lows swell arriyea end brings us are cooling end will drop down aome cnest-to ahouldoNllgh1. to about 40 Thur9day morning. The swell loob to near hs pe1k Thuooey looks to be lea on Friday ea we approach the windy, but cooler. head-high ·renge. Saturdey lnfc>nMtlon: morning's the end of eny www.nww.noaa.gov decent, ea we begin our de~t bedt Into the wel.t BOATING FORECAST range. WaWr quethy: The wnteriy wlndt will www.aurfrlder.org blow 10 to 15 knote In the Inner weter9, with 2·foot wavea and TIDES weat swell of 2 to 4 feet. The Time wlndt Will blow lllghtly lighter twght this evening, with • wat swell 6:171.m. 1.82 feet low of3 to6feet. 11:07 e.m . ....... feet high 6:48p.m. 0.52 feet lqw Com M ... reportat, (948) 174-4221 ' Out ftttfw. th• not1heriy (9491 &74-4224 PO per month. (Pr1oee Include ell joM.untos lati~.com thln1rw MWmtln•l~tlmtl!IAOm News,• dlvl1lon oft~ Coe Ange._ wtnde wlll blow 10 to 16 knota, 12:21 e.m. 4.131-thfgh ePPflc»blt NII end looel i.xa) •~McCnnk ~C...-0 Time.. wfth 2·1oot wewe and a Witt POSTMASTER: Send~ Photo Supervftc)r, Education l'IPC>rt*. ~4-4lfll ~to The N.wport Cl2002 lltMI CN. All nghta llW9fl of 3 to 5 1"t. The wind. WATER TEMPERATURE ( ,,....... dlrl~lf».ctmllo• . COfn wit become ~In ~ """'*com leedVColta Meee O.lly Piiot. P.O. ,...."'*" the 9Venlng. eocteg,... • , t 0 0 h b 0 ° tot ' a 0 a a 0 2 a a 10C drt' a 2 2 tr 0 ° 2 I • Daily f>1101 CAMPAIGN FINANCE FILINGS Monahan raises most in Costa Mesa Ridgeway tops all Newport Beach candidates with $57,000 raised for the fa ll election. Deirdre Newman and June Casagrande Daily Pilot NEWPOHl~MESA -During the last weeks of the November ele<:twn, former Costa Mesa Mayor l.in<la Dixon spent more than three of her challengers combined. But the last-minute spendmg !>pree did not secure her another spot un the dai!.. Allan Mansoor. who spent th e least m the final weeks, and the campaign as a whole, was able 10 parlay hi<. parucipallon a., a Westside improver into a seat on the Costa Mesa City Council. The filing period, wruch cov- ered Oct. 20 through Dec. 3 1, 2002, showed that of the Costa Mesa candidates who filed, Llnda Dixon raised the most with about $11 ,000 and spent about $20,000. In contrasc. for the same pe- riod, Mansoor raised about $6.000 and spent only $260 for the balance owed on rus ballot statement. Councilman Ol.ris Steel was Mansoor's biggest con- tributor, giving his future col- league about $3,000 for mailers and about $1,400 for fHers. Planning Commissioner Katri - na Foley raised about $6,000 for the period and spent about $14,000. Her major expendicures were for postcards and advertise- ment!.. Foley said she doesn't believe $40,000 in the bank. spending more would have al-In Newport Beach, fund-rais- tered the resul~. ing in the November council ~There's so fuany factors and I campaign showed typical pat- think it's impossible to say that terns; except for Bernie Svalstad, one thing is what determined top fund-raisers won their seats. the outcome." Foley said. Pistrict 1 incumbent Tod Councijman Gary Monahan, Ridgeway led the fund-raising who raised $6,103 in the final pe-pack for the year with $57,652 in riod, was the biggest spender in contributions. Otallenger Mar- the homestretch at $21.143. He . iann~ Zippi got ,SS.807 and ~d more than $46,000 for thef Greenlight challen~r Madelene year. Arakelian raised $9.395. Bill Perkins raised about In the District 4 race, winner $9,000 for the period and spent Gary Adams raised $49,169 to about $10.000. His spending Rick Taylor's $23,081. District 4 mostly went to advertisements candidate Ron Wmsrup dJd not and signs. accept any contributions. For the entire campaign. District 3 winner Don Webb Dixon raised the most and spent reported bringing in $48,977 for the most while Mansoor raised rus campaign. Otallenger Allan and spent the least. Beek had not filed rus campaign For the previous filing period, finance statement by a deadline Monahan had more than on Friday. Egan outspends school board candidates Newport-Mesa Unified trustee spent about $2 0,000 in the fall election to beat in cumbent Wendy Leece. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot '.'Ol\\1'0f(J -Ml-.SA -Mam taimnK th• lund -rdlsing pace he 't'f erll<'rin~ the :\ovembe r 'l huol board ruce, Trustee lom I gan'<, li11al l:amp.ugn fiJmgi. tlm Y.l'!'k .,lam\. 1hat he bes1ed the 1ther thn:•e candidates whose re- port.\ \'-ere Jvailable Tuesday. < .a111p<U~n tiling'> repomng the p1•11od bl·twern Oct. 20 and De<. 'l Wt•rt· thic rn<lay. though t'X ten!>aoni. through this Fnday were granted. Just as Egan led the Newport- Me"a Unified !>Chool board can- didates in the last filing period that ended Oct. 19, rus latest '>latem<.>nt showed he ran the 1110<,t expemive campaign lil 2002 al $20.690, according to ~tatement., obtained Tuesday from the county's Registrar o f Vo ti:r.. llie l'ampa1gn statement for I.gan's opponenl for the seventh FOR THE RECORD In a Monday story about efforts to revttallz.e the com- mercial discrict along Old Newport Boulevard, the date Sid's Restaurant closed was incorrect C-Awalting a second wind~). The restaurant abruptly shuttered ln May 2000, five years after an arrest warrant was issued for owner Sid Soffer. who ran the restaurant from Las Vegas. Whether You Buy or lease ... You'll Find lncredib1e Values on Your Favorite Lexus! MATH Help At TUTORING CLUB Offering Individualized Instruction • Basic Math • Algebra • Geometry •Trigonometry •Calc ulus Tom Egan Wendy leece district, then-incumbent Wendy Leece, was not available Tuesday as the Registrar of Voters granted her an extension until Friday. However. during the last filing period in October, Leece had raised $4,200, a little more than a thousand behind Egan's then-to- tal of $5,422. Serene Stokes. the fourth di5- trict incumbent who ran against challengers Ed Loyd and Ron Winship, came in about $4,000 behind Egan. receiving a total of $16,203 for the year. Statement!> for Loyd and WlllSrup were un- available Tuesday. Llnda Sneen, who ran unop- posed in the second discricl. re· ported receiving a total of $1,259 for lhe year, all of which she spent. Shelby Cove, who chal- lenged incumbent Judy Franco in the fifth district, reported re- ceiving $1,505 and did not report any expenditures. Franco's state- ment was also unavailable. .00 % Yield On Principal of Your 12 Mo CD FDIC INSUR.ED F IDE LITY l ~!>l R I D l.H PU'il r-. (949) 5 8 8-5 71 ----Accurate as of OZ/ll'i/21lUJ -Penah)' for Earl) Withdra.,. -Bank Fees Ma) Reduce Earnings -~ot Offer To Sell Secun11es -S!O.(XJO L1m11 21>5% Annual Perc<:n1age Yield on Bank's FDIC ln,ured 1'\e.,. CD Plu' F1deh1\ Cash Pavment At lncep11on · Annu111cs al~o offered -F1deht\ and FEP. Family E~tatc Insurance Services f L1c#flC5049) Not Member<.· of Federal Dcposll lnsuranc.c Corporauon. Fibromyalgia? "Free Report RcvcaLs The Shockina Truth About the "s~t" Treatment Yow Doctor Probably l>oun't Know ... And Likdy Hopes You Nner Lca.rn ... " COSTA MESA -A new free report has rcc.cndy been rclea.scd tim reveals the "untold uory~ behind fibromyalg1:a pam. Fibromyalgia m1sd1agnos1s and m1strcarment is rampant ~d leads to countless years of unnecessary suffcrr ng Thu free rcpon rcvea.ls a n:arural procedure that 1s g1vrng fibromyalg1a sufferers their "lives ba<.k" -with "miraculous· resulu for m;iny. If you suffer frnm fibromyalg1:a you nc:cd this no B.S . no "gunm1c.ks" free rcpon that u giving hope ro fibromyalgi:a mffercn everywhere For your free copv. call toU-frtt 1-800-897-7418, 24 hr. recorded message. ~~ R es t a ur a nt Esta1>11sne<1 1n 1962 --- Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails • ._..Quality Se.nice*"• ... N. d Eotertain.mco.t•·n CALL TODAY 949-645-7900 488 E. 17'" STREET • COSTA MESA (comer of Irvine Ave.) & •@~• ......._..._ ____ ......... CONSIGN• DESIGN LUMl t\ .. IETfE Lum•nette P•rvocv ~s l1he1 11gh1 through son I \J lobt1C vo1~ htdden omong the fold) ol daute I f I t t < t ' 9lf'l>t~ Sec !hem Clf 'y'Ol/l b:ol doolor ~ALDEN'S Fl.OOR COVERJNC ANO CUSTOM WINDOW C0VEJUNCS 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 I I . I I . I •• .......... , .. , .............. ,,b_. ... "''" uur uus 11111 • ...... .,.... ......... .....-fl .... 0..-9- Quality Furnishings&: Accessories For Your Home Child's Desk W/Hutch ................................... $225• Round Pedestal Table (Wbite) ...................... $275• .. Pine Buffet •....•..............•..•..................•........... $35()" Unique Leather Topped Desk ....................... $4-00- Cu..~tom Made 0 1sland Style" Recliner ......... $5~ TV Arm-oire.. ............................................... -......... $72~ "1905" Australian Pine Hutch ..................... $900" White Chenille Sora & Chair .u_ ................... $97~ 369 E. 17th Street # l 0, Costa Mesa1 l.oc:llflDd belund Plum 'a Piilo Phone(949)764-1746 Mc.-Pri ·~s. t~S,~S. tO:«llm-4~ weone~ddW. February 5, 2003 Al WHAT THEY SPENT Final totals for Newport-Mesa elections in 2002 AMOVN'T AMO\JN1' AMOVNT AMOIJN'T RAISED SPfNl kAISEU SP£N'T LASl LAST ~oq ~Al< FOR VEAP F'£RIOO PfRIOO NEWPORT BEACH District 1 . Madelepe Arakellan 8,586 8 576 9,395 ll,395 Tod Ridgeway 13,324 14.119 57JJ62 38.519 Marianne Zipp1 1 ,85~ 4.559 5..807 9.701 District 3 Ahan Beef( Not evaJlabJe Don Webb 14.113 18,767 48,977 46,757 Otstrict 4 Gary Adams 7.772 13, 163 49,169 40,712 Rick Taylor 5.451 5,747 23,081 32,295 District 6 Laura Dietz 26 2.522 1,523 11 • ..02 Dick Nichols 1,172 2,806 12,959 11,089 Bernie Svalstad 9,095 23.892 23,689 69,841 COSTA MESA G~Monahan 6,103 21 , 143 46,445 49,263 U a Dixon 10,880 19,729 36,373 34,862 Katrma Foley 5,770 13,592 33,338 33,919 Sill Perkln1 9,158 9,874 27.380 22.093 Allan Mansoor 5,743 260 16,117 9 770 NEWPORT-MESA UNIAED SCHOOL BOARD District 1 Lmda Sneen 50 166 67 1 259 1.259 District 4 Ed Loyd Not Available Serene Stokes 769 1 047 16,203 16,731 Ron Winship No money raised District 5 Shelby Cove 690 0 1,505 0 Judy Franco District 7 Not Available Tom EQan 2.452 1 472 25 20,690 19,941 76 Wendyl..eece Not Avallable Help keep our city clean! HEMPHILL'S --RUGS & CARPI· I \ tfm \11)\JI' F h . •, . 1 e ru.iry •~ , ~ floag llc.lrt :\1onch ~~ I f vou don't know the wa.mmg signs of a heart anack. or J on t know rhat hc:-:in dueue u the k.uhng r11UM of tkat.h of WOMnl in the Uru ted 5r:ucs. you dre rnv11ed to learn more bv anending our w mmun1ry educ~rmn d;ules offucd during the month of February. For a complete hsung of all I lo;i.g Hean Month daues, plcue vim our web stte at wu.1w.lxi11gho1p1ulo11 If you would like to re9i1ter for any of the•• clo11••· pl-•• r99i1ter onllne or call 100/514-HOAG (4624). As ttM'" Doctor Your que11lom 211511-eml oa !hi' lalM idl".ana:5 in thr lmllmfnl ol hean ~ ... ~ b\> Rldlard llasbll. M 0 llOllg~ ~ .... ...,, ~ 12. 6p.m • ConpatM HeartFGkwe Join ID fO learn linljlOfUlll and e&alwr ~ lhll all bfo uliJbtd IO lmprt~ l)'lllplOmS llld 1111\1¥11 kw ~ ~ wtth ~ Inn liailurr Pmenlrd bJ' ltt (Met. M 0 , Iba nardlolopl ~.~, ... ,_,. ~---.... Aof'9k ANury9ln "" pm:m& d !be popWlllOe lfltd M llld older. br ~ wldl WN!l,....,. u... Jot•"' d wt dw ,.,..aclllm Ihm ca ~ Illa. Pft:lalild bf~ u.dD\c M.O • no.t .... ....-. 'M1j 1 , ..... _, ,.,.~ .... ,....... .. . .................... t... ........ ~ ..... OnlW--*'--...................... ............. ..._. Cholestwol IUood ~ Scr-*'9 lkltg\ &Mu:ii ~TOI aod blood p~ ~ C2ioleslm>I reds •tlll'ltrrwltd ~~~., rt'qUIMI and a 14 llour fas b rmim mmdtd f0t 11tSt ~ Ftt Sl~ P'Jl'llW .a t!mrol~ ~ . ....__., n. 7-11 ...... H..t Volw alp 11ir vs. R1pf11c••-- }Olll us ~ w dbc\t9. lbt ~ bflWft!ll ...,, .. npitr md lt'pba- ncm ~ ii,-AAdD ltllW'\ M I> ~oudbc~ .....,,,_,..._,u,•~ • J UST A ODlO ow.,,,.. ... -"""*-' ........ elltW,....._ ......... • W.Soo;4i ............. ........., Pllld • llO'I GI ..... t1rat ..... ..s ........ dliiiip ... ca ftdlflllr Mr dmcr -~r.M> ...... bir• c..lch-• ~ ... ~ ...... M ~. February 5, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Pqlice promote new lieutenant Newport Beach Police Sgt. fun Kaminski was pro- moted to the rank of lieu- tenant Tuesday. Kaminski was raised in Olinois and graduated from Western lllinois University POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •American PIM:e: Petty theft wasreported inthe1000 block at 12:32 p.m. Sunday. • Bristol S11'Mt Petty theft was re~rted in the 3300 blade at 6:44 p.m. Sunday. •Fairview Road: All au1o theft was reported in the 2700 blade at 3:26 p.m. Sunday. • H.rbor Boulevard: Petty theft was reported in the 2200 blade at 2:36 p.m. Sunday. • N9wport Boulevard: All assault was reported in the 2300 blade at 3:05 p.m. Sunday. • Vic:toria Street: All assault wasreportedinthe1100 blade at 3:45 p.m. Sunday. with a bachelor's degi-ee in law enforcement adminis- tration. He sLiuted his ca- reer with the Newport Beach Police Department in June 1982 after wort:ing as a dispatcher and a 1>9lice offi- cer in Olinois. He worked in patrol and as a detective. Before his promotion. Kaminski and his ~"'talf were responsible for recruiting all Police De- partment employees. NEWPORT BEACH • e.tboa Boulevard and w.st Cout Highw.y. An assault was reported at 10:35 a.m. Monday. • Cftalpa Stntet: A home burglary was reported in the 2900 blade at 2:58 p.m. Monday. • Jamboree Road and Bristol Stteet North: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 6:10 p.m. · Monday. • Lugonia Stietrt: A garage burglary was reported in the 200 blodc at 4:34 p.m. Monday. • SandaJwood Lane: Vandalism was reported 1n the 1800 blodc at 7:19 a.m Monday. • 38th Street Vandalism was reported in the 100 blodc at 7:40 a.m. Monday. FULL BAR COCKTAILS MEXICAN RESTAURANT MO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 196 E. 17TH ST . COSTA MESA · 949·645 ·7626 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll •HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL Fl.OORJNG •tt!~!~ *·"1&11Ml'..i SOLARIAN ~fil~ 'J/4" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTER s449 from 11ft -$1 411~ Travertine 1 a• x 18" .......................................................... f4.29 eq t Ceramic Tlle ...................................................... ll!ISUledM '4.99 tql laminate Wood ................................................ rrsliiled M '4.99 111 t · r-nnn.mh..-675 ft« new season neStylCs TEAM Continued from Al lne city campaign rules IJl an up- coming study session. Team Newpon Theasurer COr- liss Oelameter referred media calls to Team Newport repre· sentative John c.arvew. who did not return phone calls Tuesday. But the contributors to Team MONEY Continued from Al wilh the most expensive cam- paign doesn't necessarily win the race. Svalstad spent $58,389 in 2002 for his City Council cam- paign. compared to opponent Dick Nichols' S 11,089. And though preliminary vo le counts on election night showed Sval- stad with a slight lead. by the time that half the precincts re- ported, the race was basically over. Nichols had 46% to Sval· stad"s 43% -a lead SvaJstad would not recover. Laura Dietz. the third candidate in SvaJstad's District 6 race, commanded the remaining 11 % of the vole. PROM Continued from Al prom,• said Nay. a senior who organized a student committee just for this purpose. Th.is year, the MiddJe CoUege High students decided they wanted a change. They wanted to stan organ.i7ing events that would establish school traditions and transform their school into an institution they can be proud of. Over the-years MiddJe CoUege High has introduced its 85 students to college life but has neglected to provide them with the staples of high school life. Staples like prom and grad COUNCIL Continued from A I ity a blatant power grab. "What that means is instead of having 15 people with independ- ent minds. you wind up with five three-headed beasts -a coun- cilperson who can control abso- lutely what one planning com· missioner and ont' parks ALLOWED Continued from Al thought (as I am not so sure anymore) about war. J cannot deny the impres.sion Friday night left with me. I watched 2·year-old Connor Spence run around the military base, playing with anyone who wouJd approach him. unaware of the occasion·~ significance. The blond-haired boy, who is just a year younger than my own son. was the epitome of innocence. His trusting glance and genuine smile shone brightly among the shadowy rows of semi-automatic rill~ and cases of ammunition. I watched as the toddler interacted with his father while Our new spring collection has arrived! See the late.st European influcn<.:cd footwear from brand !'lam<:!t Seslo Mcun :i, Van Eli and Rangoni of ..-1orenct· with many M.yk-s available in ~·~c.·~ from 4 to 12 an<l in widths from aupcr~llm to wide Unique handbags and accessorie~ abo available, includinA the new Enc Javils®colleccion. • Corona Del Mar Plaza 9()4Awcad0Avcnuc,(comcr of MacArthur and PCIO • 949-721-1325 www.macmbhoes.com . -- ----~-.... a a a a 0 a a a •• a ft . a a a a • a a a a a a 3 a a a a a a a • a 0 a , Newport, according to campaign finance statements.-include sev- eral local political heavyweights such as businessman Paul Salata. consultant Carol Hoffman. for- 'mer councilman Dennis O'Neil, Conner Congressman Robert Badham and auto dealer Theo- dore Robins Jr. Carvelli, too, is listed as secre- tary of another group that emerged recently on the locaJ political horizon. The Newport Dietz spent Sl I ,402 for her campaign .. "Ir's not all about nwney, • SValstad said "In my race. there ~ a third candidate and that's what did it.· Nichols was out of town and could not be reached for comment on Tuesday. In the race for Costa Mesa City Council, Dixon outspent chal- lenger Ailan Mansoor by more than a three to one margin. But Mansoor ended up ousting the mayor on a shoestring campaign budget. Mansoor spent about $I 0,000 on his entire campaign, while Dixon spent about $35,000. Mansoor attributed hi!. win to gra-..s-root support, which he said made up for the lack of green in fund-raising. "That"s what I was able co night. that is. "One of OW' school goals. pan of our action plan, is to try to find ways that [students! can feel connected to the school, tt '>aid Bob Nanney. who became principal of the school in August "We want them to feel a real identity for the program and part of that is creating tradition~ ... I ~nk that prom is one of them. Pan of the problem the smatl school face~. however. lies in it~ funding. The prom committee has done il.S homework and re!>earCht'd the financial expensei. that go along with organizing a dance of that magnitude. They have dt'cided on a location, the Queen Mary. comm1ss1oner ~ys. becau~e if they don"t do it, they can tum them loose." resident Geoff We!>t said. "They don't need a rea.-.on. • The council wanted to chang1: the process because of the fi~co two yean. ago when there wen.· three new cow1cil member'\. Confusion resulted a'.> everyone made mollons at the same time. After determuung the ne" proces-.. council member. m- '>lructed City Ma11agt"r AJan playing in the dirt of a tattt'rl.od lawn. The loVt' on the face'.> of botli o,eemed even more rrec1ou., against the backdrop of -;tern military brunch I was touched that they '>hared such a tender moment in <,uch a rigid placf' I watched ru. La'>-'> looked longingly at lus 7-wet:k·old daughter. McKayla. whom he could not touch bernu~ of hb recent small pox vacunauon. I le leaned over her earner and stared. letting hb intt'nl gaze embrctce her. The banalion leader addressed the families of 900 men and tried vaJjantJy to aMure them of their safety, witJ10ut making empty promises. "Everybody likes to be weU-infonned, and I am one of them, but we just don't know right now," he said. I heard men talk valiantly about service to I.heir country and pride in their fellow soldiers and it symbolized the type of intense conviction that is often lacking in our fast-paced. convenient culture. ·The leader of 58 men, Cass made his rounds and assured oilier families their sons wouJd be home soon. Cass tntroduced members of his immedlate family tp those of his military family and bragged about his young soldiers like a big brother would. He put his ann around a striking 26-year-old. Kelly McCoy, who was a film major at UCI before belng called up for active duty. LAB Continued from Al lab is part of lhe Marine Stu Center at Shellrnaker that fonns education, testing, search and other functions \ I I &uch Taxpayers Assn. 111atk headlines in July after it was dl" covered that the group was using a bulk mall code belo11ging to campaign consultant Dave Elli~. Ellls, who said he donated w.e of his bulk malling code In ~1JV­ port of the group's work for tax payers' righlb. Wa.!> aho caiu pa.ign manager for I.he team Newport candidates. In Ocrober. he admitted that he created a campaign telephone mes'><!ge raise. therefore that\ what I spent.· Mansoor ~d. "You ~now when you're a start-up ca11ctidall' running for otlke for the fir'lt time. you usually don'1 have ~s many advcllltages""' otJ1er i:and• dates. GrabS roois suppon really helped me out." Dixon said she did 11ot regn·t shelling .out~ m1.1cl1 011 her rl' elet:tion campaigri arnJ. hlamt•d low voter turnout for her lo'>~. "There isn't a thing I would have done differently ex1 t•pl t·n- courage mort:' people w .:c1 uut and vote." Dixon ~u.l. "11 .. unfor - tunate tha1 so rnany pl•ople are !>O patnotit and fel'I "'' '>trongly for thh country hu1 th1•y t.10111 pmcuce voting ·· J he di~parity 111 'ipem.l111g lw tween the twu wa.' magnified tor I.he la'>I fihng penud. Jue I nt.la\. aJld now nel'<l lo 1 c11m· up with tJ1e $1.000 dc·po'>lt rt•qum·d to reserve their <>pot 111 ~la~. While monetary <ud fro111 1111' -.choor~ Pare111 leadwr \111<kn1 Assn. remain'> a po.....,ihih1y. lht• studt'nt~· pocket!. may tw tlw key rt".uurte. In order 1111 thh mauguraJ evt•nt 10 t Olllf' ti 1 frumon '>tudenl'> will ht• expected 10 pa-.. SbO per prom bid, the fir-.1 S 1.1100oh ... 1111 h\\111 go d1reuly w the depo.,i1, .111d mu'>l alw ra1'>t' t'nough m 1111t•\ for additional t'Xflt'lt..,1·'· hl1• t.lf'lOralJUO'>. lro111 \"oll l•Hl'> tund-rabm~ at llVllll'' '"(think it\ ""nwthi11i.: tha11h1• 'tudents have l!J \'1;111111111 \\11111 gf'l done. ...a1J P.1111 \\ mldl.'r. member-.hip rhctir f 1r thl' I' I ">A "We a.re Vef) '>llpport1H· .111111 Hot:'dt!r and City t\11\ 111111 W110J 10 draft the polit) 'o th1·v tan u'e it to '>elect nt'w c w111111<,w111 l'f') al the reb Jn llll't'llllg C,tet'I ')<lid ht' tlunl' tht' prt>< e~., 'mack.<. of fc:t\11111 .... 111 .. Jhe per.on pu1 1111 1lw c 11111 rni .. -.um i!> go mg to \ 11tt· th1· w,1\ !the tow1cil me111lwr """'' lttrn ur her 10 vote J.fld l t.111111 1l1111l 11 'huuld ht' chat wa). · '>ll'l'I "'-lid Iliere are 17 Cd11tfol,1t1.., lor the Plaur11n>( C .111nn11-.-.w11. 1111 h11l111~ "I hi... guy i... t na 1.il 111 1lw allach th.11 v.c· 111c1y du.· c .1..,., ~d ahout Ii" 'trapp111g rolleagu1• "Jlj.., expt•flp,,. "111 -.ave lsve<, a11d trt·.1t1· h.l\•11 tor the t'nemy. I le\ t 111111r1g h.11 ~ with me. I will no1 \\I tit••• 11·111·1 to anyone\ la1111l}. l rdttw 111 • Lon){llml' fm•ml I l;in I hll drove dow11 to htd < ,,,, l.irt•w1 II anti pruv1d1•tl u111111 1dil't tit.ti hruught "1111'·' lo t'\lt•ry111w\ lace-.. J li, 1mwnng phy.,.q1w .111d humomu-. t'Xll"rtor < ould 11111 hit.If' 1h1• appare111 t1lh-1'111111 lw hd'> for hi'> rnend. I watched C .a,.,,, J sWal{genng tough gtJ} v.t.11 enjoys faM ca" and a Lold b1•t•r -\troke h1o; wife'.., huir .11111 whJ-.pt'r word' of encuura~enw111 Ill lu·r 1·ar It brought tu me a n ·rn·wet.I ht'llt'I 1n true love, whkh ul'o '>l"t'lt" 111 bt> lacking in ou1 11111·11 cut-throar '>Ocirty I saw mother, C .orinm· !)penre. hold her Mm'!> fart' 111 litr handi. and teU him i.he c>.pecll'd him to return. She had faith Ill him aJJd upon his reque1;1, 5he held hac-k the tecrrs forming in the comer .. of her eyes. I watched Cass and his father. C.llUck. relinquil)h tl1e1r macho exterior!> for a brief moml'nt to share a quick hug and ki!>S.. "Talce care of my boy all right," Cass said lo his father. "Oh, I will have no fear." A quick glance around the base uncovered the same beart-relt moments being shared between other couples. family in.g. "It should allow for h:.'IS tm.ni.- ponation time for the water quaUty sampler." Klff 'lald. At A Tuesday meeting. supervisors approved a threl'"Yl'ar leas<' with I.he city that allow~ the I fealth Care Agency to use It rent free beginning Marth I. County offi ented toward the environment. e dais are scheduled to t><.:l'upy the bu.ildJng Feb. 14. City officials who lm;taUed e uailers for the c·ounty lab in tll8 faU seJd Newpon Setlch ls much more appropriate locatio for wattr«qulllity t~t.lng and rel sean:h than ntn Ano. I The county maintains and U1CS 35 tesdn.g ah.cs in Upper Newport Bay oJooc, ~lstant Oty Mtullger Oaw KlJJ' said. Samplee are token from water ar· ea11 ln coaatal Orange County and sent to the lab fur proce.s en a a 9 a a a TI1e boM'd approved the con strucllon of the temporary wa- ter-quality lab on Dec. 5, 2000. '11le state's Dtpartment of Fish and Grune, which owns lhe land that makes up the " tuary, nl!IO approvt.-d the move. The city pf~ up tJu? tah for the lm1t..alladon of the 2, lGO squa.re~foot trailer and will lll.\O \bSOrb the cost of &Cwcr a.nd Wll· r rvlcc to tb tnllJer. C'.ounty health care officials 11.t a a a Dauv Pilot Ui(tt contalnl!d misinforma11on about the IJisl.J'h.;1 4 counl U rdf 1· EJJl'> h.as not r.:~ponded to Olt'di.1 ,1ul'rit"i ahout wht'thcr he wa., tnvolwd In a 11i.milarly mislead ing 01cwtge in the 2000 City c .nundl rdct' · • JUNE CASAGRANDE cover~ Newpor1 8eadl and John Wavm~ Airport. She rnav bo readied <ti (!:1491 574-4232 or bV o mall at 1une.casagrande g;/at1mes.com wlueh tovcret.l tkt 20 to f>et. .. I I M.111-.oor '>(Jeni a meager $2ti0 um1parl't.1 to I>ixun's whopping S l"l.n..~1 I )\!fin~ uww fuml week.'!, fo lt-y ~pt'11I $5. 770, wltilt• rah111g s l"\,5'JL Sltci: rai'>t·d and 'Pl"lll tlC'arly S:M,000 1111 the year. M.u1~oor ,.ud he hud alrt·acl y exha~tt•d hie, rnmpaign l'he-.t h) latt <><roller. while Dixon w~ '>till \t'l'~m•; t'XJ>O'>Ure LhruuWi curnmt'rual' jlld '>ign'>. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN oover!> Cosio Mesa and may be read1ed at 19491 574-4221 or bye mail at rleirdrP newmdrr ri /allmBs.com JUNEC.ASAGRANOE c.uvers N1>wµor1 Beal.h ond John Wayne Airport She may be reached at 194915J4 4232 or liv e-ma.i' at 1unt' casagram/,. '' latunes com FYI f" Of ntore mforma!IOrt 011 how to help. call Princ11Jal Boll Nanney at (714) 4n 5732, Eict. 1 th111k II v.1111IJ g1Vl' thl"">t' ,1utl1•11f'> murL· ol a fct·l111g th.ti 1111-. 1, ,11 tuallv ,, " 111101 I 111111 1111 p111111 HJ ,j lltlllt'\l\ll'IH ~t.td 11ighl l'Vt·rtl. ..nul1·11t... .tl \11dcllt• < olle~l:' I l1Kh haw 111,11!1• up thl"lf 1111r1d-. to 111.1~1· 1h1·11 t'\IJ\'rlt'lllt''> lht.'rl' .ill 1lw 11111n· m1·111111<1ltlf' I 1t·.1ll\ v.;1111 ,1 \t•11111r pr11111 :\,\\ ,,1111 • CHRISTINE CARRILLO c owr ~ t'dUCdl•Hfl redttl he1 di 19491 574 -4268 or dlnstme arrtllu 1 /.;tmu•s t !l"I .ill hv1· 111n1111h1:111'>. dlltl .,,x <111 phc ;1111' Im rhe l'ar l ' a11d 1!1• 1 11•;if111n ( omnll'>'H111, 1111 lutl1111! thlt't' llll lllllhl'lll' l'l.mnmg ( 11m11ll'>'>Wnl·r Hill P1·rlm-. .... 11t1 tlw prot !:''-' 1 1111ld h,1\t' 111•g.tll\t' ll'Jll'll"U'"''°n' · It.., 11•11 J h.1d 1d1·a pt:r 't', hlll 1lw 1111pl1·1111·111a11011 and 1111ph 1 at1t111\ .111• p11•11y -.1;1ry," 1'1•1 l..11" -..1111 .. It ''""''' .1 ll1t of ha11I h·eling'> itrtd n1.1\:1•' ii \NY pn lit11 .ti .. 1111 111111•1, ,11111 lm·1td'> I n-illi1t·d I "'''' 111 tlw 1111cltllt· ol .1 ... 1ra11g1 .1mJ lllflllltlllt'lll;tl l'llt'>IHlt• I ook .11 1111-.. look .11 1111-.." I a" ..,;ud to 1111· • 1 \l'f) h1 K.ly h.1 ... gol 1111., 111 1 111111111111 · 111., 11\olht·r .11~11·1·tl ' I h1·,1· llll"tt t11111t• lro111 .t.11 \\,1lk.' 1111111• hut thl·y he<:Olllt' lllll' \\llh th1' l1a111111g," ( Ontllll' ""d It\ vny t•11111uragmg.'" I 111111111 .. 'tf.UIKI' ll1'pira11011 111 tht· 1111tltll1· nt a -.tc·m 1111litan h.i-.t• I tnl'd tu ),fay rt•nttlVl'd lo "' hat ~ .i.nd oh.,t•r H" wttho111 lt·1·l1111: ,111ytl1111~ but i1 wa'> l111prll''!. l111gi1011• the t.'llH>tion' uf thl' t·Vl'l\lltK love a11d fear llll):t•li witJ1 llllll'rlai111y and fa.11h would lwve rt'quired a thiclt'f 'l..11 1 than I l•vt•r wa111. lly the t•nd of 111y thret' hour" on rhc bast•, I put m y nolehonk aw,1y and partinpated. I t haM!d lmle Lonnor around llll' barrnck..c,, held young Mt Kayla wlwn < orinne·~ arm go1 llwd .md t'Wrr hugged the Spt•11cl'l> wlwn we said good-bye I ... tined my lc"ar'> in thl! presente of other.. but could not deny the w1•tne~'i forming In 111y eyes. My thought!> will continually vhil Ca.ss and hi.., famil y, Kelly Mt:Coy and all the humanity I cm uuntered un I.hat austere base. No maller what 1 think about war, foreign affairs. politics or my role as a journalist I a.m thankful to ~wvc bee11 part of such a tourhing and possibly historical event and will forever be grateful to those who fight for our cow1t.ty . • expected to pay $19,539 per year to nm the lab al Shellmaker l.s- la11d. ·1 hat lnduJcs janitorial services, 1111linlenar11.·e and some utllitlt•!.. fo1 the :llfTNH fiscuJ year, llw lab will Colli the county $17,029 fot initial set up and op- emuonal COSl!I. Whllc the county water· quality lnb uses IJie temporary fac1H1y, om,;ats are waltinl( for an additional $1.3 n1Ulion in i.tate tt:vcnu to build a pcnno- 11ent mn.rtnc center, which Is till • In the conceptunl stogc. State, hud~ ·t prohltnts have delayed tl1at project for CWo to lhree. years, Klff said. • PAUL CUNTON covers the environment, bualn A and politlca. : He may be reechOd et 1949) 1 l 764 -4330 or by • mail et f)nul cllnton l1t1m•~OO'nl • • -- Daily Pilot Wedne~y. fet>mary ~. 2003 A5 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -t.u.n: Mail to Ed1tonal Page Editor SJ Cohn at tht.• Daily f'1lut, ;no W 8dy St , luste1 Mese1, CA 92627 • Re.cSets HodirM Call (949) 642-6086 Fu. Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mail:Send to ds1/ypilot@lstimes.com •All conespondence must include rull noine. hunwlt1w11 .md pl11H••' 11111111>1•1 (fur vl!11f1c.att0n µurposes) The Pilot reserves the nght to edit all subm1SS1ons tor danty and length MAILBAG Steel served admirably under the circumstances 'Ille apparent Intention of Geoff West's lener to the Daily Pilot wcAS to thrash Costa M~ City Councilman Oui.s Steel r A bumbling way to run a city council meeting,· Tuesday) It had the opposite effect on me. I felt an overwhelm mg sympathy for Steel Maybe thir, i'> becaui.e I too have a miserable cold, have had to take med1l 111e to relieve the wur'>I Chns Steel of symptom-. and couldn't ewn unagme going to o council meeting, let aJong leading 1t Ille '>light m1\tak~ Steel made m that process were remarkahll• under Ull' cin-umstance ... DONNA JORDAN Nt·wpon fkal h The Navy needs to rethink its u c of the Fl Toro base 1.a. .. 1 year·~ Orangt' < .ounry pa'>'>age of Mea .. ure Rand the rciecllon af Propo'>it1on 51 b a wake up l'all to lht.• U ~ Navy that l·I roro !>hould be revl\llt'd. After all. 11 was puhhc op1111on th<1t cJU">ed rhe Navy to dl't'ide 10 !>Pll rhe b,1c;e rather than g1vt.· 11 for publlr benefit Now 11 i'> publil o pinion that '>3Y'> don't tran,fer that hac;e until 11 I'> cleaned up for ti'. intended U'>e I ht• \.Oler' .t.11 CJVl'r C.al1fornia have !>Jid nu Ill paying for a park for lrvmt•, and the Navy i'> only funded for deanup to tht' level of 1hat of an airport Ju~I look at the vote la'>t November, ai, compared w the vote la'>I March Lleanup, Mea'>urc H, wa., broadly '>Upportt'd in Orange Lounty. while park funding, l'ropo'>tlicm 5 1. wa:. re1ct·ted all over the \l<lle By t ontra'>I. ~ ... H•.-t>or f.utt>luff A..........., Lln""" Newport ~ C<>u\ e1,.., ... 1.ary !Xhoo4• Ho6ted l1y Leigh and Lucy 5teint7erg Pre5ented l1y • Featuring Pi6<l Jcunh.o. 'J\W:& 10K Run/Walk 5K Run/Walk 8 Youth Rac::ee IE..,_. Toddler Trot tt,; • '°•I l .. t START TIMES Registration 6:30 a.m. Expo 7:00 a.m. IOK Run 7:15 a.m. SK Run 8:30 a.m. Stroller SK 8:33 a.m. SK Family Wal k 8:35 a.m. Youth Races from 9:30 -10:45 a.m. (Kids 12 & under) Co-Sponeore ~·DMD ~~- e p~HJON I LAND ----··••ff u•-t•• •t••••• tut• DailyAPilot the developers' iniuuuve, Mea .. ure W, which the Navy 11> blindly honoring, passed wilh a majority only i11 '>Outh Orange County citie~. r believe the Navy should revl'>ll 11 Toro and conMder that the l11glll'~t and best U'>C for an airport may 111:.1 welJ be an airport DONALDNYRE N1·wpurt lh'<it h 1 Hotel will add more to penin \ula than tattoo parlor" READERS RESPOND Mixed feelings on the way residents view the old Port Theater AT ISSUE : ~ho11ld < .orona del Mar's Port Theater ll'<<'i ve 'land111 ;.11J...' "tat u~ to a llo w easier use of till' l>11ildi11g( I lll'lll•\t' 1h.1r 1111 , ... ,, I lll'.11(•1 c1 ..... 1·1 \1 I 111d111.11 ~ .. r.1111 ... 11 ".1 \\•lllllt 1ft11 l1111hl1111· II Ill .. d, 111 lt1• pt1 I l•I I DEMETRIO KERRISON ',, \\ p111 I ( 11.t'>I tloe ... 11'1 hJv1· any archllt'Ctural value JI ,111, II i'> .111 eyt''>llrl', f believe, and I lwlll'w 11 -.t111uld be turn down And I d1111 t think the taxpayer<,' rnurwy ,1111ullJ go 111to revivmg 11 ht-laU'>(: I donl .,.., •• rnv \"cillll' Ill II LINDA THOMPSON Newpon Bt>ach smallt.·r dUdJenc.c would be a plw. and I would be w1.happy to ~e 1t i.:u t1> a1111thl'r u~ JUDY COOPER Corona <.lei Mar Plt•a'>l' kt>ep tht' !'on and Balboa thedtt'r'> We la.JI do -.omethmg with them. wc rnw.1 prt'-..:rve '>ume uf the bcdUty of C Jld Nt'wport. I aJwa)" Wd.'> go111g tu lhe Pun wht"n 11 wa ... open. '>O lt·1\ hopt' Wt' ket'p it. In re.,pon~t· to lorn llllhng'> lt•1t1•r regardini.: the propo<.t•d R1.·ge111 I lo1t•I on thc Balboa f't.·nin-.ul<t ("ll1J11·l 11J1•,1 tor pt.·nirh ula la1 h p111<·1111JI !or '>lllCt'...,, .. )Jll l'iJ 111• 'lilll'tf i..t•t•p111g the Mar111.1park molul1· ho111e p.11k mak l''> '>l'll'>l' Bui for who? I 1l1111k h1· lo'c" -.ight that a hotl'I i' o pl'll tor pubhl U\l' ltht.~ 111oh11l' home p.11 k I' not) dJtd lhl'> proJt'l I wuulJ 1·1111t h 11111 \UffllU11<J111g UlllHlllllllty. Jllllt h llllHI thdn tlw local tattoo pJrlur-, II d• 11111•h-.l111t1ld111 ,.,1,il1l"lll'd '" .1 l.11111111,11~ .,1,tlll' 1111111~ 11 \o\tllllt! lit• 11111111 1111'11111111,111 II I li.11<1• llH·d 111 Lorona del Mai 10 rt·ar-. I w,1, I.here at 1lw optmtng of the Port I hl'ater I '><!\.\ many n11w1e'> 1twn·., ..,..,, (,unt' ,.,rth I.he \\111d GLORIA RUZICKA Nt"wpon Bt'ach Hilling-. '>a}'> tht•n· h l'il'\ hea1 h oc:ce.,-. I du111 think .1 <. t•mt.•nt '>l'.l ,.,,i11 m frcm1 ol the muhill· home park make'> tlw ht'Hth Vl'f}' .1,w.,...ahl1· .11 .ill I he pnva11· '\lan11,1p;11 k m11b1h• h11rrw park I'> tomplewly ... 111111umkd h\ .1 fence, .md thnl' I'> .1 1 lowtl gait• .11111,., the puhl11 '>ltlt•WJI!.. dl ... l lllHilglllg atce.,, l'rt''>l'nll}' only 1111· 11111l11lt• 11111111· re\lt.lenh c·111ur till' harbor \It''' 1111• hotel , .. 111 orwn tht.· \It'"· \\1th tl11c·1· Vll'Wllll-: LOI ntlor-. tor .di 111 'l'I' llll' water rro111 thl' lll111lt·v.11d Id· I •I,,,, i l.111 111 I I .1 I JOAN NEPILLE • I \I' 1 I l\1-,11 h KEVIN WILKES ,( \ lt '·l rh1 n I 1h111k 11 "a wry nltl' llllle tlit·.111·r I tl11nk they ough1 tu re'>ll>re 11 .1111.J h,1\.l' uld rnm 11.·-.. \omt' of the 11ltkr 1w11pll' ''m1lcJ cnJo\ I.hat Jlld tht•\ , ould 1•\1•11 ,.,ctl!.. or uimt-Jt t1,1yu1111 or .11 r11ght \ 1111 ol 1 ht ~ oung 1wople 1111'>-'> out ''" ,111111· 111 tho'l' ''1111derfuJ old 11111\ I•''> MAUDIE WHYTE t ornna dt'I Mar l111rr I lw.111·r '' ,1 < ool thJ.ng. kt"t·p 11. I ctm 111 fawr uf kt>epmg Llw landmJ.Il '>taru., BETIYBlOOO Corona del Mar I ht-he' e thdt I.he thl'att"r dt">erves landmdfk 'tatU'> II ''an artl'>lt< qudlnt theater I haw alway., loved thdt tht'dler, II hi:L'> got hL'>IOf\ ,,, II .\J1d I t.hmk l.ha1 ( o unolmdll l>1Lk '\1chob .... IO!>eO'>ltlVt' and IOtall\ UUl of lme and out of character and not m -I thmk hi'> tommenLs Me nd1c ulou'.o, let mt' JU\! put 11 that way Absolutely nd101low. and .ht' '>hould JU~l move 1f he d~n t Ll.ke 11. I ht• h111<•l 1111 ludl'' ,ufllt 11•111 parkm~ fo r hott'I gut'''' 111111111 'It•· l'lllpl11v1·1· p.uk1ng ,.,111 IJt• prm 1cl1•d .11 J lntatwn 111111111 ilw p t.•1111h11l.1 11 •• 1 .. 11 •• 11 11 .. 1d1·111 RUSSELL JENKINS c oro11c1 del Mar JENNIFER IRANI Newpon &:ach A'> o \lllt11g1·r rt·..,1J1•111 111 !111 1\.111111.1 i't'llll1'Ul.1 I lid1t•\1' tbt• lkg1•111 I t1111·l \\Ill re\1tah11· 1111.., ;1g111g .m·.1 .111d grrwratt· 111h' and 1111u h 11t•1•d1•d t,1, revt'nuP lor our tit\, "'lull' mam1a111111g tlll' p1·111n,ula' q11.11111 Jtmo,pht·rt• f1 \I 111·1 11111 d, t I I It• ,Jlt'I .1ttd ltt ,, 111''""' .ll I~ t I fit I 1111111111,1 11 \It" 11 111 ,1111wil11111; I Wllltltl '>J\ ) l'' II dOt''>, 11 hd.'> ht>~·n 1h1·r·· lur a wry lung 11mt' Anotht'r 11l1 .. 11t•r 111 1hat IOl<lllOn would lw I du bt'heve 11 .. hould comt' down: 111' very much of an eyec;ore I \\toUlil \t'lltll(t' 1 ..... l\ 1111' ul 1lir l'''"i'li Ill ""11 II 11 t\t 111•,1 1 HEIDI SIEGEL Corona del Mar " I~. ti 1111 I ,., 11 1111 .111·1 II "1 mh·rlul tu rt'lurhl'>h 11 t'\en for J JENNIFER DABBS B.ilh11 I 1'1 11111,111.1 SPIRIT RUN 5K/10K RUN/WALK SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 2003 Fashion Island, Newport Beach RACE FEATURES • (jUJhtv I •Ur (111 .. r '1·1111 lfo 1 \hllt I. 111111 1 ,, JI "' I • \l'V. l .... \1 ~ lr'ftllltJ _:1111 l 1111\ JI •h ll" ' • lt1"1JlUltr11.:J rc,ull\ i., l 1n11• 'I 111.11!c1111 111 • ~rht 11mt'' wJkr ~1.11111n' 11•111)! 111111,, • '1l'J.iJ\ (11 dll ~111' ).! \'<.If\ JllJ llllJtr • Fn:c rdr.: hmtnl' lo Jll 1~$!hltrrJ pdrt1,1p.inl\ 1'rD\'1Jnl "' ~,·,tll' Jamli.i Ju111?. \l'I! rrnh l'..Hm\ Celdlo l'Jrc1Jl\o lldll\t:O' a11J mur1 • Ll\t' t'ntcrtJinment lt'Jtunnl! 1h, Brl'iliYtJ\' • f'crst pl.lll' malr anJ t~m.il•· w111nu 111 SK drtJ HIK Jill' 1ir11ur' rl'1 <'IW .1 p.i1r of A~IC~ runninl! 'h'"'' fur thrt't' ltm\her' in all Jl!l' J1'1''""' rn• I\\' tKkeb 111 J ~11ghty llu1 ~' ~.1111~ REGISTRATION On·lint Rtg1,trillon-di ww, .. ~tn.ino:n'l nt 111 Wilk·in R~1slrallon .ind T 'h1rt/p.n ktt 1H1 ~ ur I '"111• '" I l,11111 11 Neiman Marcu' cuurtw rJ. M.irch X, 11 1 m Ip m, Rict Day Rtgistrahon lkg1m at fl 111 J Ill 111 th• ~ J .... 1111, 1'.:1,111111 Theatre parking loL JOO Nl'WJ"irt (ti 1, r llr1H BLUE CR055 OF CALIFORNIA 5WEEP5TAKE5 Reguttr for tht Blue Cro"' of Cdhl11rn1d 'iwl'tP'l.1h' •inhnr 11 www.k1nanuvents.com and gc1 tu thl' 'ipir11 Run p.tj.t• "' .11 thl lllt11 Cross booth on race Jay. You will be l'nlueJ in c1 Jr.iwin~ lo w111 two tickets on SouthW\'Sl A1rhnl'S ciiurtew ol Hh1t l'ro" 111 Cahfomtl. or one of their manv oth1· r priu' CATCH THE BANANAI The top 10 men and women 39 }>ear~ .mJ unJtor anJ the top 5 men and women 40 yem anJ 11\'l r who l\\'.it ~ fa.stut "Banana Man Runner Yi1 ll win a ~·r.'t Yt.ir of Jamba Juice Smoolhtts (52)" anJ c1 ·1111 .. 11 l~111.111J Man· T-shirt. INFORMATION 'Atnt1nt~7· -~ trnt.' , .. (949) 451-4848 (760) 43'1 7 706 ' @ Hffil lrR ~ 'INL' ~I l' l II ~ I I .. ca 11p1m1 ...... , ...... . MA GAftNC It's Your Business ... A special advertising supplement featuring Business and Financial experts. TOPICS: • How to choose a Financial Adviser • Reap the benefits from Tax Returns • Estate Planning -Wills, Trusts and Probate • Starting a Small Business • Tips for buying, improving and refinancing your home • Revive Yo ur Stock Portfolio • Are your children college bo und? It's more than tuition • Hidden M oney Savers : From credit cards to credit unions • What has your bank done for you lately? ADVERTISERS: Let our readers know who you are, what you do and how you can help them manage their wealth. In addition to your advertisement, you will receive a FREE listing in our Professional Directory. PUBLICATION DATE: Friday, February 28, 2003 SPACE & COPY: Friday, February 21, 2003 CAMERA READY/RELEASE: Thursday, February 27, 2003, Noon ADVERTORIAL DEADLINE: Friday, February 21, 2003, Noon Call your Advertising Rep~sentative Today I (949) 642-4321 Pilot GREGG & ROBYN MOSS Daily '· QUOTE OF THE DAY "This is as good a team win as you can have, because all eight kids performed their roles." EYEOPENER Daily~Pilot Sponl Hall ol Pa.me l ~-lw•l~lj(ll10•ull.1•J1w" Chris Sorce, Estancia boys basketball coach A6 Wednesday, Febru<¥Y 5, 2003 PREPS Gire er twists & turns Fate pits Westminster coach against Estancia team that could have been his at one time. T he Estancia High boys basketball team completed a season sweep of Gold en West League rival Westminster 1\Jesday, upping its combined winning margin for two games with the Lions to 76 points. But for a twist of fate, however, first-year Westminster Coach Elbert Davis may have been on the other side of those drubbings. Davis, who coached the Corona del Mar High girls program for five seasons, before resigning to accept the boys job at We!.tminster, was. for a fleeting moment, chosen to coach the Estancia boy!. team the summer before the 2000-01 season. BARRY FAULKNER But, literally hours after accepting the job as a walk-on, Davis was informed he was given a teaching position at Pacifica High, thus taking him out of the F.agles' equation. Long story short, the Pacifica opening feU through, but not before Estancia sophomore coach Ou-is Sorce. now in his third season at the varsity,helm, agreed to Lake over the Estancia program, ending what had been an off season of tumult after Rich Boyce left to become head man at Edison High. Davis. a former star guard at Southern California College (n ow Vanguard University). returned to the CdM girls program, where he bided his time before satisfying his desire to shift to boy!. basketball this season. Unfortunately for Davis, that opportunity came at Westminster, which enters Tuesday's league game at Ocean View at 2-18, 0 -8 in league, wi th an I I -game losing streak and not much hope of turning thingi. around any time soon. • • • The pe rpetual Bell trophies, and corresponding postgame feasts at the Newport Rib Company, will be awarded this week to winners of the season series between crosstown boys and girls basketball rivals lrom Costa Me!.a and Estancia. The &.tanc1<1 girls have won six straight again!.t Mesa and, barring a 23-point upi.el victory by the Mustangs Wednesday at F~tancia, will retain the Rell for the third straight season. In the event of a o,pUt, the point differential is rhe lit·· breaker. If that is even. the '>chool 1ha1 won the trophylhe previous year. remains in possession. On the boys side, Pstancia earned its SOth wm in 69 games against Mesa with a thrilling 40-35 triumph Jan. 15 at Estancia The f.agles, who need the vidory to enhance their p rospects of collecting one of the league's four guaranteed spots in the OF Southern Section Playoffs, need only to come within four points of the Mustangs to end Mesas two-year ownership of the Bell. ••• I have been crillcal of CIJ· Southern St>ction Commwioner Jim Staunton's leadership skills, but his decision not to penali.7.e schools that dld not abide by a section edict to use Spalding footballs in the 2000 playoffs. as part of a sponsorship agreement, is to be commended. The section's preseason decree to use Spalding balls that some coaches and playcn; deem inferior to others, raised eyebrows among those who questioned the secdon's authority to dlctate use of a specific brand. At the Jan. 23 meeting of the Southern Sectfon Council in Long Beach. Staunton said Spalding officials have solicited input from section coaches. signaling a commitmen t to produce a product worthy or universal usage ln the future. ••• The announcement of All-OP f ootbalJ aelcctiont last week dld not lnch.Jde a ~rt Harbor honoree for the ftrtt timulnce 1995. It was, in fact. onJy the second time In 21 8e8.80os no SWior earned AU-OP recognition. February I 0 honoree MARK NEBEKER Sports Editor Roger Carlson • (949) 5744223 • Spof'tl Fax: (949) 650-0170 COLtEGE BASEBALL DON LEACH I DAJLY 'P1l 0 l The Anteaters' junior infielder Matt Fisher (left), stops a bloop single on the shde as outfielder Jon Horwitz backs the play up in Tuesday night's season opener. UCI edged by Bulldogs, 1-0 Fresno State finds the difference with run in the eighth inning that srands in a rare pitching duel. Steve Vlreen Daily Pilot ANTEATER IW.l.PARJC -Brett Smith is a sophomore. He's been where Kris Krise and Ouis Nicoll were: nerves racing. awaiting to throw their first pitch in NCAA Division I baseball. So. Srruth, who wa.5 on his game. did not mind to step aside in UC Irvin es home opener that still proved to be a pitchers' duel This game ~ about pitching. and Krise and Nicoll met the challenge. It was no wonder the di.fJerence in the game came down to one clutch hiL That belonged lo Fresno State, which earned a season-opening 1-0 vic- tory over UO at Anteater Ballpark Tues- Fresno St. Anteaters 1 0 Eagles upend the Saints with a total team effort in Golden West League victory. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot SANTA ANA -Visldng Estancia I Ugh "roled" to a 69-61 Golden West League boys basketball upset win over Santa Ana Tuesday. All eight F.agles who played executed their roles to the utter satlsfacdon of Coach Ouis Sorce, whose team lm· proved to 15-8, 5-4 in league, moving to within a half game of the third-place Saints (12-9, 5-3) and just one game back of second-place Orange (6-3 in league). •We needed this," said senJor point guard Matt Cachola who hit 10 of JO free throws and added a team-hlgh seven assists. SenJor center Joey UndquJst hit 11 of 12 6eld·goal attemptt to ftnlsh wttb a team· and career-high-tying 25 polnts. while Junior Carlos Pinto popped for 21 potoU. Undqulst hid 13 rebounds and Pinto 11. Senion 7.adt NoYak and Erik Ander· een toOt wms blanbting Suua Ana day night before 750 baseball fans. "Its a big deal; that first pitch is huge for them," said Smith, a 6-foot-5 right- hander who struck out lour and allowed just two hits in 11 innings. "I hate leaving games, but we have to have everyone ready 10 pitch. I remember I was wound up in knots. I was shaking my whole way to the park." Smith said he has added a pitch 10 tu. ... game this season. a slider, which helped him throughout his three innings. I le be· gan the game with a stnlceou1 and he ended his stint with another. UCJ Coach John Savage predetermined Smith's \:>itd1 count to go to 45 pitches. and Smith ended the third with 44. "I thought (Smith) wai. very good. borderline dominating.· said Savage. who was impressed with the pitching from both teams. "You saw the future. lf we pitch like that the whole year. we're gomg to have a very good year." Savage also noted the rarity of a 1-0 game. "Very rarely do you !lee a 1-0 game in college baseball," Savage said. "I don't think you'll see a bener pitched game." ·111e Anteaters were not involved in a 1-0 baJJgame last year and they have not been in one since March 30, 1979 m a loss at Cal State Fullerton. Granted. Tuesday night was the first game for both teams. so rustiness at the plate is sometimes expected. yet thal did not overshadow the pitching. Krise. the 6-6. 230-pound right-hander who was drafted by the Arizona Di- amondbacks in the 43rd round, Wd.S one of the UO pitchers that held Lhe Bulldog:; i.coreless through seven innings. His de· but began with an impressive inning in the fourth. For starte~ Krise faced Fresno State junior Casey McGehee. who led Lhe Bull- dogs in batting (.367), runs scored (49, hil.\ (88) on-base percentage (.412 ), total bases ( 127) !Uld slumng percentage (.529) last year. Krise struck out Mc(..ehee in three pitches. "I knew who he Wd.S and that got me fired up." Krise ~d of Mc."Gehec. "At fir..-i . everyone gel\ pre-game jitters, bu1 I wa.. quite ready for this game. ·n1e Anteater pitchers. Smith, Kri.-.e. Nicoll, Paul fripoli and Michael Koehler, aUowed jUS1 five hits and struck out 11. Tripoli took the loss. while Fresno Slate f:reshmaJi Matt C.ana picked up the win. Cody Smith, a jw1mr for I resno State. started the game and fini<ihed with three strikeouts and allowed two hits in three innings.· The Rulldog-.. coached by first yeai HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Upset Specials senior Brandon McGee in a box- and-one scheme,'holding him to a season -low seven points on 3- of· 15 shooting. including I of 7 from three-point range. McGee scored 34, including one of his eight three-pointers with one second left, to key a 64-62 Santa Ana win Jan. 10 at Estancia. Jordan Stroman had seven points and five ~bounds in a starting role. while Tyler Hoffman and Scott Sankey added valuable momen ts off the bench for the winners. who visit crosstown rival Costa Mesa Thursday. Estancia led, 36-26, after a first half that included JO lead changes and the Sa.i.ntS got no closer than four from then on. With the 6-foot-8 Undquist dominat· Ing inside, &tancia hlt half of its 46 field-goal cries. while hitting 22 of 33 foul shot.s. "We executed the plan on defense, with Zack and Erik working their bun. off, and we were patient on offense," Sorceaald. "(The Sa.int.s) had no answer for Joey Inside. Thll ls as good a team wtn as you can have. because a1J eight kids per- formed their roles." Santa Ana wu 25 of 54 Crom the fteld ('6.3~) and Just 3 or 5 from the foul line. A hustling Mesa team r(,llli~s in final p eriod to beat Panthers. B'Y.c• Alderton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Finals weren't the only tests Costa Mesa High boys basket- ball players studied for last week. The Mustan~· 49-45 Golden West League upset win over visiting Orange Tuesday nJgbt was as much about p reparation as it was execution, accord- ing to Coach Bob Serven. Well, the Mus- tangs passed this exam to maintain a hold on fifth place In league (3·5), I Yl games behind Estancia (5-4), beading into the crosstown showdown Thursday at Mesa. ~ "We looked like a team that had gone through scouting," Serven saJd. "We took wha t we practiced into the game and that Is something we haven•t dooe all year. The players executed." Sctwn ~ especially pleased wttl1 bis team's defense. which reoordt..-d rtine teals -flw by point guard Brian Molina -and led in the turnover mwgf n. 19-12. Mesa's wne defense created prob· lems Cor AeVer8l Panth~ including 6-foot-6 senJor Patrick Sanden, the team'• leading acurer (17.2 polo~ per coach Mike -BareMJle who guided Cal State Northridge to a Big West C..Onferenu.· title last year, scored m the eighth iruung. Chm P'dtrid singled 10 !~ft field and stole i.econd to add p~.;urc for the Anteaters. With rwo out. UCI chose to walk Cody Smith to get lo Brian Pierce. But Pien.e got a hold of a 1-2 p1td1 and his hard-tu1 ball bounced off the glove of a diving tllird baseman, Matt Andcn.on and rolled mto left field. sconng Patrick. UCJ second babeman Matt ..-L<.her. a junior transfer from Oklahoma deftly fielded a hanJ-cha~ng ground ball. and made Lhe quick throw to first, to prevent a run in the bonom of the seventh The Anteaters return to action Friday at 3 p.m.. when Glenn Swanson is i.et Ill open a three-game !>erie. a1 Santa <Jara. Nonconferenc. Ffesoo St. 1, UC Irvine 0 Scont by Innings Freimo St ooo ooo 010 1 ~ o UCI ooo ooo ooo o 6 1 Srrnth, Wolfenbarger (4), Glynn (61, Garta (7), Young 181. Edwards (91 and Marcelli; Sm1lh, Krise (4), N1coll l6), Tnpoh (8). Koehler 18) and Werbun. W - Gana, 1-0 L -Tripoli, 0 l Sv -Edwards 111 28 -Haag IFS), McGehee (FS), Horwitz (UCI), Klemm IUCI) game). Last time these two teams played, Sanders lit up Mesa with 21 points and 25 re- bounds in a 15-polnt Orange win. Tuesday was a different story as Sanders recorded a dou- ble-d ouble (points and rebounds) with 10 and 10, respectively, but hit on only 2 of 11 from the field. With Sanders n ursing a sore right an- kle the first two minutes of the fourth quarter, Mesa made its run. The Mus- tangs (8-14 overn.11) outscored the Pan- thers (l 3-10, 5-3) by six the first 2:40 of the fourth quarter to trim the Orange lead to one. Mesa took the lead for good when Molina hit a three in front of the Mesa bench off of an assist by Danny Krikorian to make It 43-41with1:32 left. Krikorian led the Mustangs with 20 points and added four rebounds while Scott Knox tallied 18 (eight in the fourth quarter) oo 7-of-13 shooting. Jeff Waldron had a team-leading seven rebounds for Mesa. The Mustanp outscored tlle visitors. 17-6. The Pan- thers went S:JO Into the fourth quarter without scoring. •(Mesa) W"-' ready to play and we weren't and that ls my fault," 84id Riek Rodabaugh, aervtng as he.d coach in place or Andre Smith. who took a leaw of abeeocc CoUowtng tho team's ~th game for medka.l realOnt.. "': Daily Pilot BASKETBALL CdM turns it on in the third quarter, 52-36 Sage Hill extends St. Margaret's before finally falling, 61 -60. Corona del Mar Hlgh's girls basktlball team turned it on in the second half and grabbed a 52-36 Pacific Coast League deci- sion at Tesoro Tuesday. • Tesoro. 1-20 overall and win- le& In league, enoyed a 22-18 halftime lead, b ut Corona del Mar Coach James Barkalow ap- parently got his message across at halftime. ·1 was a Uttle upset.· said the first-year CdM coach. "We beat them in the first round some- thing like 65-36 and here we were down at the half. H Corona del Mar responded with a 23-9 run in the third quar- ter, keyed by a defensive effort which tied Tesoro in knots. Kelliann Klein led Cd.M with 18 points and Madison Otterbein chipped in with 11 points as CdM improved to 10-11. 5·2. Tars impress, 39-23 Newport Harbor High's Sail- ors improved to 13-12, 3-5 in the Sea View League with a ~olid effcxt against visiting Ir- vine, posting a 16-point margin of victory behind the play of Jil · llanne Whitfield. Athena Vas- quz, Vanessa Miller, Tiffany Unsday and Lindsey Woller. Whitfield had 10 p,oints, _10 rebounds and four steals, four- year starter Vasquez had six points, five assists and five re- bounds, and Woller had eight po101~ and eight boads. AJso. MilJer scored seven points and Linsday contributed five points. Irvine fell to 0-8 m the Pacific Coast League. Sage HiU just mi sses Sage Hi.JJ School dropped a 44-40 Academy League deci- sion to league-leader Sl. Marga- ret's as the v1s1tors got hot from the outside in the third quarter to drop Sage l lill to 11 -5. 3-4 in league. The loss spoiled some lofty <statistics racked up by Sage Hill. Haywood Wright had 19 points. 13 rebounds and six bloch. Katie Puishys had eight points and eight rebounds. and Debbie Yoder-Lee had seven 'Steals. SI. Margaret's improves lO 14-3, 7 .Q. In boys basketball fuec;day: Lightning falls. 6 1-60 • OOYS BASKETBALL -The run continues for the St. Marga- ret's Tartans. although Sage Hill c;chool's boys basketball team made the visitors learn their llst victory in as many games Tuesday at Newport Coast. 1be Tartarls got by the Light- ning, 6 l ·60. in Academy League play despite a 34-point effort from Michael Fitzhugh. Sage Hill had the ball with six seconds left but the shot didn't fall The Tartans (7-0 1n league) had four players score in dou- ble figures. compared to Fitz- hugh and Kevin Joyce ( 11 points) for the Lightning (8-13, 3-4 in league). Sage Hill only had 14 re- bounds (five offensive and nine defensive) with Fit7liugh and Joyce each grabbing four. Joyce tallied six assists. SCHEDULE WB>NESOAY Baebtbal Cotlege men-UC Riverside at UC lrvtne, 7:05 p.m. Community college men - Orange Coast at Riverside, 7:30 p.m. Community college women - Orenge Coast It Riveralde, 5:30 p.n'I. High adlool boya -Corona del Mer at T&soro, 7 p.m.; Irvine It Newport Harbor, 1 p.m. • High ldlOOI glr1a -Costa Med"at Estanci3, 7 p.m. Soccer High ldlOOl boyt-Cofona del Mar et Teeoro, 3:16 p.m.; Irvine et N9wpOrt Htrt>or, 5 p.m. High ec:hool girts-Coate Meq at Ettande, 3 p.m. l"2119\1W Community college "*' -Mt. Sen AntoniO at Orang. Coat. 7 p.m. Wl••111 High IChoot -Estendt et O,.nge, • p.m.; 'Nlltminater at Colle Mtee,tp.m. ....,,. ttlah ~ Oktt -Nonhwood et tofona dlt Mer, 3 p.m.; ~ Hlafboiw. Woocbtdge Cat Unllt•lll¥•. 4:30 p.m..; Co.a MlleMs..MAM.3:11p..m. S P O R TS COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL UCI tries to snap three-game losing streak Riverside invades the Bren Evens Center tonight. Steve Vlraen Daily Pilot TV: KDOC RADIO: KUCI 88.9 FM outing.· UCI Coach Pai Doug- lass said of the 66-62 win at Pacific. ._-. urne~ this i.eason. Utah St. Pw:tfio UCSB ua Cat Poly ldlhO FulJerton ~. =SL w L I It! has led the teal•\ in 12 of 15 games. 7 2 Las! week. The ! ~ I fighlanders tied a ~ 4 single-season l'ugh $ 4 with 12 three· 4 1 pointers in a 79· 71 4 s loss to visiting Pa- ' e cific. They hit 11 3 6 t:reysina74-71 WUl a 7 over Northri<tge Wedliesday. Febru..-y 5, 2003 A1 BASKETBALL SUMMARIES Cou.EGE MEft GSM: Concordia n. Vanguard 55 vanguard -Adamczak 9. Egkan O. Hartman 11 , Pierson 16, Rosborough 8 Moreau2. Coner 2. Burnette 7. Enns 0 3-pt goals -Pierson 2, Hartman 1, Rosborough 1 Fouled out -AcUlmczal.. BurOfJ!le Ted'lnk:41i -none Conc:ofdle -ThOmll! 8, Fontaine 24, Luster 6. Victor 6, Beeler 13. McDaniel 0 Grotn 3, Eiits 9, Freeman O. LuC8$ 4. Wats0n 4, Pulley O · J..pt goal,. -Eiits 3 Victor 2. Groth 1. Fouled out -none Technicals -none BREN EVENTS CENTER - If the UC Irvine Anteaters are to look for some form of hope or for an example of th,ey're capabilities, they need only to look at their victory at the Uni- versity of the Pacific. Jan. 23. That. after all, was the last time the UCI men's basketball team won a game. "We can play at that level Sometimes yo u have to go through the struggles to go on to improve. There were. times last year when that group questioned itself and got through growing pains. This can all be positive if we can continue to improve.· four home games we thought we wouJd be on an up- swing. To lose the first two, it's nol positive. We do have two more ar home. We have to rebound. I feel con- fident that the kids will respond and do it. I don't think we have reached our full potential." Cartet scored 20 in the loss to Paci.fie and 25 in the win over North ridge. UCR senior forward Mark Miller nailed 6 of 8 three-pointers and finished with 21 points again'>t North ridge. 1 Halftime -Conoord1a, 38-31 The Anteaters, who shot a season-high 59% (66.7% in the second haJ.O at Pacific, will at- tempt to recapture that touch when they host UC Riverside tonight at 7:05, in a Big West Conference game at the Bren Events Center. UCl will begin the second half of Big West ac · tion in its third of a four-game horn est.and. "That by far was our best The Anteaters are 11 -7, 5-4 in the Big West and in a fourth-place tie with Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, which de· feated UCI. 74-68. That was the first time the 'Eaters Jost two games at home since January 2000. UCI has Josi three straight, it's longest los- ing streak in three years. "It's been an unusual first half of play as ii has been for a lot of teams,• UCI Coach Pat Douglass said. .. With these Douglass is not only prep- ping his team to bounce back. but he wanlb the squad to peak at the right time: at the Big West Conference Tourna- ment, March 13· l 5 at the Ana- heim Convention Center Riverside is tied for eighth with a 3-6 record after the first half of play in conference. The Highlanders fearure freshman sensation Nate Carter. a 6- foot · 7 swingman who leads the Big West in scoring { 18.3 points per game). Carter has scored 20 or more points six BRIEFLY UCl senior forward Jordan Harris leads the Anteaters. ~ring 11 .9 poin~ per game. Junior center Adam Parada Ill 4 ppg). who has 15 blocked shots this season. will look to be the school's new career leader in blocks. He IS tied with Jeff Von Lutzow ( 1989-931 with 98. Anteaters retain No. l reputation Hawaii split leaves 1-2 slots untouched . CRAWFORD HAU -Coach John Speraw's UC Irvine men's volleyball team remains No. l in the nation for the second straight week in the USA Today/ American Volleyball Coaches As· sociation poll re.leased Tuesday. The Antea1ers (11 • l), who were at No. 13 UC Santa Barbara Tuesday, split home matches with No. 2 Hawaii last weekend, losing to the Warriors. 3· l, Friday and winning, 3-0, Saturday. UCI continues on the road with a match Friday at 12th-ranked Cal State Northridge. HIGH SCHOOL SOCCER CdM, Tesoro tie, 0-0 Pla~ng on a small and hard field. the Corona del Mar High guts soccer team and host Tesoro dueled to a scoreless tie Tuesday in Pa- cific Coast League play in Las Flores. The Sea Kings (9·3-2. 6-0-1 in league) dominated the first half despite the field neutral- izing their attack. said CdM Coach Bryan MiddJeton. spent off a cro!» from Bar- bara Julian. Irvine tied 11 at the 38:23 mark on an outside shot. Kara DeMille (three saves) and Lilja Addeman <two saves) shared goalkeeping duties for the Sailors. who ap· pear to need two Vlctones in their last two league games to clinch a CIF Playoffs berth. In boys action Tuesday: • Orange 4, Costa Mesa 0: Ben1amin Elias and Willmer Hernandez t'ach conunued to tmpre!>.S Day Wlth aggres s1ve defense. Mesa host.s rnw.-town n val Estancia at 3 p.m. Thurs- day. • Santa Ana 2. Estancia J · Estancia S3\.\ its record fall to 6-10·1. 3-7·1 1n the Goldt>n West League as Santa Ana tm· proved to 12-6-4 7 1-2. COLLEGE WOMEN GSAC Vanguard 61. Concordia 48 V."9U•rd -Candelana 6. J Landerman 2. ills 2.Wilco11 16,Dinenbir 15, Joseffson 11 Lee'· Seaman3. McKinney 4 J. pt goala -Jo~fsson J. Seaman 1, 01nenbir 1. Wiloo,, \ Fouled 01.1t -none Tectt111cals none Concordia -Sherman 6, Ryan 9. Twaddell 16. Fl11nagan f>. Weelrley J Carvalho O Fisher 4 Miller 2 Egglelon 2 3-pt goals -Ryan 2. Weekley 1 Fouleo ou' -none Tectln1cals -none HIGH SCHOOl BOYS Go6den w.. LNcue Costa Mesa 49, Onlnge 46 Score by 0.Uarws Orange '" 1 11 6 Mesa •2 10 11 Orange -Gonzales 8, Game 5 Sanders 10 Pa1omeres O Ramirez S Collins 10 Reeves 3. Ballestero 0 3 p1 goal~ -Gonzales 2. Ramirez 1 Rei?Vet; 1 Fou1ac1 out -no,.,., Tedln1cats -non& Mesa -Waldro,., 4 Stankovic 0. (no>' 18 0 Knkonan 20 Molina 5, Pep1c 2 Dominguez 0 3-pt goat' -D Kr kor1an 5 l(no~ 4 Molina 1 Fouled out -non01 Tec11n1cals -none Esuncia 69. Sanu AM 11 Score by CluaNri Estanc•a ·9 ·1 '9 1A Santa Ana ·~ '~ 20 t5 Est•nc::ia -Pinto :i>1 Stroman 7 Lindquist 25 Cact>ola 10, Novak 2 Hoffman 4 Andersen O San«ey 0 J pt goals none Fouled out -none Technica1s -none Santa Ana Sliva 13 Ateiandro 12 Ates 2f> McGee 7 Favela 3 3·pt goals -At.es f> McGee 1 S11va 1 Fouled out -Ale1and•t'J Tnpp Tedln1ca15 none St Margaret's 61, Sage Hill 60 seo... by Ouerten St Margaret s 6 23 16 le The Anteaters received 14 first-place voles and 238 total points in this week's poll. Hawaii follows with 219 points. BYU is third with 208, Pepperdine is fourth with 193 and Long Beach State fifth with 165. "The field was as hard as a rock. !rind of like Astroturf. so we couldn't spread the ball around like we normally do.· MiddJeton said. CdM outshot the Tit.ans (13-5-2. 4·2· 1 in league) by six in the first half and had a penalry shot that rrussed in the 72nd minute. Players on Orange HJgh's soc- cer team exploited gaps in host Costa Mesa's defense and shut out the Mustangs in Golden Wes! League action at Costa Me~. Luis Mendo1.a got the Eagles' onl)' goal in the 70th minute to tut the defictl m half Sage Hill 13 1' 16 2(; 1 St Margaret's Schafer 10 Benedet10 16 Kettler 4. Youlchanneh 15, Janzvdt 14 Cozan 2 Dongo USA T*Y I AVCA Men's voleybetl pol (first-place YOtee In parentheses) 1. UC Irvine (14), 238 pta.; 2. 2. Hawa11, 219; 3. BYU ( 1 ). 208. 4. Pepperdine 111 193, 5. Long Beacn State, 165; 6 Stanford, 143. 7. Lewis; 134; 8. Penn State, 118; 9. Pacific, 114; 10 Ball State, 111 ; 11. UCLA. 98; 12 Cal State Nolthridge, 74; 13. UC Santa Barbera, 45: 14. lndiana.f'uroue, Ft. Wayne, 33, 15 Loyola-Chicago, 12 'Eaters sweep •MEN'S VOLLEYBALL: The No. I-ranked UC Irvine men's voUyeball team swept No. 13 UC Santa Barbara Tuesday night in Santa Barbara. 30-21. 30-25. 30-26. Monte Tuck:er led the Ant· eaters. 12-1, 5-1 in the Moun- tain Pacific Sports Federation. with 15 kills and played at a .609 cUp. He also had four blocks. The Anteaters outhit the Gauchos by a .430-.370 ration, and outbloclced them, 8-2. Jimmy Pelz.el had 10 kills and eigh1 digs. UCSB falls to 3-8, 1-5. Pirates win, 2-1 •JC MSBBAll: Collin Stiltt brought home the game-win- ning run with a two-out bunt single in the bottom of the ninth inr\i,ng to give host Orange Coast a 2-1 no nconfer- ence victory over Long Beach Tuesday at Wendell Pickens Field. After see ing thelr shutout bid spoUed by Long Beach's two- out hit by Kevin Price, the Bucs' Brad Miller got aboard on an error, moved to second on an errant throw and took third on • passed ball Stiltz eventually came up wtth the ba.set loaded and two out when hls drag bunt proved decWve. Jeff Plaskowski singled and eventually .oored on Ben Hanna's sacrifice Oy. · Jason Crissman went 5113 ln· nlnp, allowing three b11t and no runs. Bryan Jacbon got the win in n:lief. N•u••u Paige Janes and Kiru.te Kramer anchored the defense and Sea Kings' goal.keeper Ta- nisha Senaratne had five saves. • Newport l , lrvtne I Newport Harbor High's girls finished 1-1 with visiting Irvine in Sea View League play to become 5-9-6, 3-3-2 in league. NicheUe McRorier scored Harbor's only goal with 7:45 Baker, Stvle 17), Garcia (9) and Oahdoul. Estrada. Criuman, Murdy (61, Treece (8). Jackson (91 end Grant W -Jedtaon, 1·0 L -Style 2B -Blafr (LB). <.!:" Searle slams Cl1 Lu • COllEGE BASBMLL Jason Searle of Vanguard Univer- sity's was a one-man wrecking crew Tuesday. slugging a grand slam home run. going 4 for 6 with four runs scored and eight RBI as Vanguard pounded host Cal Luthe ran, 16-11 . in a nonconferen ce Qaseb all game. And he was just one of four bruisers in the VU attack. Justin Millward was 6 for 6. with two runs and two RBis. Joe Carna· ban and Jason Brunet were both 4 for6. Searle's bases-clearing home run came ln a five-run eighth Inning which pulled Vanguard from an 6°"' deficit, theo the lJ- ons scored seven more in the ninth inning. Searle ftnished with two home nuu and a double. Al o with home rum were Qlmahan and MUlwani. Vanguard la 3-2. CaJ Lu ls3·1. Orange·s Juan Miranda scored the first Panther goal in the 15th minute and it stayed 1-0 until the second half. EdcUe Navarro scored two goals to lead the Pan- thers (8-2-1 in league). Mesa IS now 18· l. 0-8· l in league. Mesa managed a penalry ldck m the first half. but couJcln't convert. Day said plays like that have typified the season. John Ruiz had six saves in goal for the Mustangs while Lions top C.Oncorctia •WOMEN'S HOOPS: Jennifer Wiulcox (16). Robbin Dtttenbir (15) and Cecilia Josefsson {ll) paved the way for Vanguard University's women's basketbaJJ team, which dealt host Concor- dia Universiry a 61 -48 Golden State Athletic Conference de- feat Tuesday night in Irvine. Vanguard improves to 17-7, 12 -1 in the GSAC. Concordia falls to 15-10, 4-9. UCI 12th in Arizona • COUEGI! GOLF: The UC Irvine men's golf team fi nished 12th the Arizona Intercollegiate tournament that concluded Tuesd ay at the Ari.wna National Golf O ub in Tucson. UCI senior Je ff Cob urn fin· ished sixth at 7-under 206, scor- lng ln the 60s for aJJ three rounds, in cludin g a 3-under 68 in Tuesday's final round. Junior Vannie Poncino ftnlshed 47tb at 217 (71-70-76), senJor Mike Lil· very was 5 7th (66· 79· 75) at 220, whll' senior Ryan Armstrong (72-72-73) and freshman Rync Rind.Oeisob (76 71·76) tied ror 68tb place a t 223. ArW>.oa won the toum amr nt with a S4-hole totaJ of 23-under 829. ua completed the three rounda with a tow or 856. UTBP't Ouft Baryla the medal.lat with • 10-und,tt total of203 on the par-71 COW'1le. one abot ahead of Atlzo°' Ou11 ~n. Pirides j~t miss. S-4 • JC MBN"I 1"llNNll: Orange CoMt Ctll111 dropped a 5-4 •St. ~argaret's 4, Sage Hill I St Margaret's in1· proved to 7 ·0-0 m the Acad · emy League with tht' victory at Sage HUJ Freshman forward 7.ad• ~fllder broke up the ~utout btd Wlth a goal fow mmut~ in10 the ~ond half off an as- sist from Caesar Arriaga to cut the deficit to 2-1. On a brealcawav. Mildt-1 struck to the lower nght· hand comer of the goal Goalk~per Ethan Tanney had 19 sa~s for Sage Hill. which fell to 6·4·4, 2-2·3 in league. nonconference men·s tenrus decic;ion at PaJomar Tuesday, once again victimized by a lack of competitor!>. The Puates ( 1-1) won three of five sinldes matches and spUr a· pair o( doubles matches. but forfeued a singles and doubles match. NonconferMc• Palomar 5, OCC 4 Slngletl -Chu (OCC) def Owen1, 6-4. 3..S, 6-1 , Redondo (P) def Haley. 7·5, 6-1 , Sands (P) def. Trepte, 6-4, 3-6. Solomon IOCCI def. Fitzgerald, 7-6, 0-6, 6-3, Le (QCCl def. Kastner. 7·5, 6-4. OCC lost No. 6 singles by default. Ooubaetl -Owens-Redondo (P) def Chu Le, 9-7; Trepte-Haley IOCCI def San<ts-Fittgeretd, 8~; OCC lost No 3 doubles by default. ace rolls, 7-2 •JC WOMEN~ TENNIS: Orange Coast College's women's tennis team was a 7-2 noncon- fere nce winner at Cuya.maca in the season opener. k~ by the play or l..eah Becker and Ashley Nel on in tbe l 2 ing)ts lots. 3 pt goats Benedeno 4 Youkhenneh 1 Foute<! ovt -none Tectin1ca1s -none Sage Hill -Loper 3 Joyce 11 W1lktn~ 0 Cho 4 Fitzhugh 34 Same! 6. Lefler 2 Swanson 0 3-pt goat!> F•tlhugh 3 Samer 2 Joyce , Foullld Ol.lt -Cho Techn1ca1s -none HIGH SCHOOl GIRLS Sea YW L..eape N.wpoft 39. lrvtne 23 Scot'9 bv OU8t1l8ta Irvine .. 7 0 Ii 10 23 Newport 12 6 15 6 lll Irvine -Rowe 2 Swenson 5 Houston 8. Glauct> 3, Crawforo 5 . 3-pl goals Glaudl 3. Crawford 5 Fouled out none TedlntCllls -none Newpoft Hari>of-Whltfield 10 M iller 7 Vasqu8l 6, L1mday 5, Woller 8, Beeson O. Campbell 0. Swigart 0. Stoltt 1.Koon O. Eddington O Fulcit 1 3-pt. goals -Mille< l , Linsday 1 Fouled OUI -none TechntClllS -none. Paclllc Coall Laqua CdM sz. r.oro 38 S-.bv°'**' CdM 'II 10 7J ,, iJ Teaoro '" e a • 36 Coftwla det Mar-Dtrn81 1. ~'" 11, HM11Ctlen 6, IClein 18, McCoy 2. Snell 2. C. Marb 6. Stem 2. A. Martes 2, Skalla 2, VMdley 0 3,pt. goals -KliKn 2. Fouled out -none Tedlmcata -none r..oto -Uriah 4. Goldby 4, Tak.1 5. Kuhn 5, Nadal 3 Bentlon 4, Holmes 4, Boughton 7 3-pt. goals -Kuhn 1 Fouled out -l'\One r.tinica11 -none HAPPY Blml>AY =~== ,... 11-.... a.. ............ W..-palil; .... ····· ···•·•••·•·••········· Al Wednesday, February 5, 2003 l.epl Mallcll 2MO Lepllladcll ~-'-~~~~~~ 2MG Llpf Nallcla ... Llpl Ma8cll 2111 llpl tlolm ... Hg~~[H · OANI (AvlsO • Atin• du) IC£NRICIC llC~ISH, 1tn 1ndmdu•I. end OOE"S I till ouan 10, h1dll\lvt YOU Mf. BCING SUlD BY Pl.AINTlH (A Ud i. "If dern1nd ando) VICTORIA A WENDELL, .. n individual You h••• 30 CAI.CH DAR DAYS 1ft11 lhts iummon~ " served 01 yov lo hie • lypew11tten reipOnH •I lhls court A letter or phon• ~•II writ nol pro tee t you, your t your CllH If y(>U do not file yo r e•ponse on lime. you may lose the tue. and your waaes, mon11y and p1 operfy rnay be taken wtlhoul lur I her w•rnina lru1n lhe 1ourl Ther~ are other leaal requ11emenl\ You m"y w,ml to call ••t •llorney 11eht aWJY II you do not knuw An •llornty you llldY c•ll •n •ttorney •~ferral urvtH or " leg•I aid off1u' (l1stt'd in the phont booli l Oewu"s dt qu~ It ~nlregut'n esl• ltlduon 1ucl1L1<1I usted !tent un pt.uu de JO DIAS <:At l N!JARIOS par a prt'sen ldr un• ,.,put\t• '' • qta • m.tQu1n.t tu .,sta •Orte Und <Mia n u1H llam•d.t leleton1t • no Ir o lrtt.fl"fd p1ottt.t.10n, ~u r r'PUl"\la t5\t • 1t.~ tt fll<IQUtrl• ltt'nl· Que Lumvlu t. 011 Id\ forn1df trl.,d• . lrg•I~' apt op1a da\ " U\letl quwrt qu~ I.• ffldt1 fl"StUttlt .. U •ttoroer If YOU Afll A CRlOI TO" 01 eontll'11e11t c.rtclllOf of tll4I cltcffHCI. you mut.I hit yolll' 'lalm wllh the cOVtt and tn•il 1 copy to Ille penon1f ftllflli~tnlaltve appointed by tilt court w1th1n tour months IYom the clal.t ot the flf st Issuance ol letters H ptO•lded 1n Prob•I• Code section 9100 Th• lime for ld111& cl11mi will not uµwe belor• tuur months from the hearon11 date noltced dbove YOU MAY f.XAMIN[ the hie ~•Pl by the t;OUf I II you are a person m terested on the estate, you rnay file with I.he cou1 I a Request for Special Notice (form 0£ 1!>4) of the lil1n1 ol ~n nventory and appnlsal otale essels or ol • pelttoon or llttount •~ roV1derl 111 Pr ob ate Cod uclton 1250 A Rea est for Special Nol e f0<m 1s available Ir o the 'our I clerk Art.,..ey for Petition«• l'lH• J. CONIGLIO, (SQ , HUDSON MA•TIN UR- UHTf & SHUT 490 CAUl l'RINCll'Al, IOX I 12 MONTE•lY, CA 9 3942- 0112 Publtshed Newport Bt'4th t:osCd Mes• O•ol~ Potol f•bruilry !i. 11 12 1003 ISC 12739 MOOO Of PmTIOlf TO ADlllSTfl ESTATt Of: DOIOTltY AOO caws •• DOIOTltY RIOWDS (omtlJS CASI MO. A21WO , ,1.,11 Io 411 heirs. benef1 'i• u· lcd nu µrt".enta r 1ar1•' ued1Cors. ton W r•">tHl~\1.1 ,l to~mpu lln1tent trl'dtlors. and pu.cte p~<ile1 cl 1 ~\o, y pe,.ons who m.iy ollt I• IHl'd~n 1p11IJ1 'u erw1\t br 111te1eiled in , 1la110 \ll llirttrn y otr .... the wlll Of ts la le 01 • '"d'd•· '" proµ1ed.ltl bu th of DO ROT HY ''" •v•w dilt< "'"al f•N AllCf CORN[ llUS oka ''""" rlt· I•"'' te IJORO I HY RICHARDS I • "'' n nltos rt<I'"" t;ORNf l IUS '"' le~•'•" f'1wdt 4ue A l'rTITION fOR PRO •1'1rct 11111•1" llAm 11 a un BA TC hd"> b<>en ftled by •bo1•rle>1nmed1df,1 CtiARlCS B R CORN[ m~nl" St n" u1noH l l llJS 1n th~ Supe11or '"' df>n~adn JIUtrlr tflurt ol C•lllornla ll 1m•• ' Ufl ~t'IVIL IU dr r.u11nty of ORANCI o.f~1en111 d" .tbogad11\ Tlif Pf llTION FOR , 11n.• ot1< 1n.i de •yudd PROBA Tf rt'QUt'\h lhdl •I l•U el dntl111110 CHARl~S B R CORN[ trt•ln1111 \\I l IUS bt APJ11>1nted <l\ CASE NUMlfR1 11rl\nnat rf"pre\.,nt~lt" (Numero clel Coto} In tdm1n1~t•r th• ts hit 02CC04837 11l th1 cll'<Pdtnl JUOGl Ill[ Pl TlllON reQu•\h GlltAlO G. JOHNSTON lhr drlrdrnt ~ Will and OU'T. C29 lUdll ,,. 11 any bP lh• n•me And •dd1t\' ddnnltrd In prubaCe lhe ~ I ht' lOUr I " I£ I Woll dnd any < <trltlll\ are 11o1n11>r• v dllt'Hion dt ••aol•bl~ 101 r.•nnna IJ tor tr.-~., lmn 1n th,.. t11f'! k~~pt by ,IJf'( RIOR rollR I Ot th~ LIM I tlMt court fHf PETITION requests •ulhottly lo •drn1n1~tei Ille "l• l• 11nc1« llMt Independent Admlnls tr4hOn ot hl•tei Acl (This Authot1ty •Ill tllow the personal reptes.en t1tive to take tn•ny actions without oblatn 1n1 court •pp111val. Belort 11kln1 U<l1ln very important actions, however. the personal rtj)resenl•ll•e will be rt'qu11ed lo aive notice lo mterested persons unleu they have walyed notice or consented lo the propot>ed action ) The independent ad nilnistnlion authority will be g,.nled unleu an Interested p•••on Illes an obiec hon to the petition and shows good c-ause why the court should not eranl the authority. A HEARING on the petrllOn will be held on FEBRUARY 20, 2003 al I 30 p.m In Dept l 73 localed at 341 The City 011ve South. Oran11e. CA 92868 If YOU OBJECT to the &• 1nton11 of the pet1hon, you should appear at the heanng and stale your ob,ed1ons or Irle w111ten ob tee I tons with the cour I before the hearine Your appearance may be rn person or by your attorney IF YOU AR£ A CREDI TOR or conl1naenl creditor ol the de~eased. you must ftle your claim woth lhe court and mail d copy to the pe•sonal 1epresentah11e appotnlt'd by the court w1thm lour months lrom the dale al the forsl issuance ol letten as provided 111 Probate Code section 9100 The time for f1l111e lld1ms will not upirt before lour months lrom the hea11ng dale nollced above. 'YOU MAY EXAMINE Hie Ille kepi bv lhe tourl II you are a pf'rson 1n te•tsled m the est1te. you may hie with the COUI I ll Reque\I for Special Notice (form OE J '>41 ol the l11tn11 ol an inventory and •ppra1sal ol estate assets or ol .iny pet1hon or .ittour1I •S provided m Prob•IC' Code .,., loon 12'j() A Request for Speci .. 1 Noltce lorm •s .waolablt from the c<>url clerk Attorney for Petlti-r: fmHt L Kcryworcl hq. (CSl,.66 T S6), Attorney ot low, 374S W. Chopmon Ave. Ste. 2 00, Oro1t9e, CA 92168-16S~ Publt\hed Newpor I Beach Costa Meu Daily Pilot Janua1 y 29. f eb ruary 4, 5, 2003 WT045 I 111 lrDRNIA. COUNlY Of IHl Pl llllON 1•1111•sl' IJRllNGI r.1 Nl Riil authu11ty tu adm10t\l~r 1us11cr LfNH R 700 the •~lalr und~r the Notice os hereby g111~n I iv11 Cent~• llnv~ Wr\I, lnd~v•ndent Admont\ the undersigned will be '>Miid Anot rA ~l/01 lt•lton ol fsldles llcl sold •I PUBLIC AUCTION 1111 r!HfltP ddrlr P\\ (This llulhority w11f allow lo be 'lield on F ebr uar V .u1d lelt1'h1011t number ol th,. per \Onal r epresen 10. 2003 at 11 00 o'clock 111.11111111 """"'•Y "' t~tive to take ma11y ~ m Said Auchon will be 11l1rn1l1tl w1lhnut .;n atltnM without obtain mdde pursuant Ir> sec 111,,111,.v" Ill nuonbr .. 1n1t court ~µpro•al lions 21701 to 21715 nf I• rl""' r .. 111 v •I •111mrr11 Befort' tak1n11 terta1n the business and pro II• 1o 1.1 .. 0,, il•I J~og•dn •ery 1mportanl attmns le'>Stons tode section 2 '"I J~n ... nd~ntr o drl hr,wtvl'r. lht personal 238 ol the Lummerr•al •'•n1Jn'1Jnlr iiu• 110 rrprP,enlat1ve will bl! U>de section 535 of the t11·n• •b,.~•d•• ~'' r~quued tu g1v" notore Penal Code State of Mil HIN H 1£ NNllNT to 1nleruted persons Callforn" $111l• A, Placent11, CA ~2870 Th• busina.s Is con ducted by :• corpoiallon Have you start.tel dolrlc busmen yet? Ho Aeroip.tce Ori•• hchnoloclu. In~ • ICet!lteen f frHm10, ere) Tbl' alatemertt •H llltd with lhe County Clerk of 0!1nce County on 01/17/03 20036930121 Of!ly Pilot Jan 22. 23. reb !i. 12. 2003 W031 RdlllM .... Mmes.... The lollowln& persons .,e dom1 business as· Ouldoo1 Sports World. 1138 El Camino. Costa Mesa, CA 92ii26 Nick S. Bertltll. 1138 El Camino. Coste Meu, CA92626 M1r1arel A Bartlett, 1138 (I Camino. Costa MeS.J, CA 92626 lh1s busmeu 11 con dueled by husband llnd wile Have you started doma busoneu yet1 No Nici>. S Bar tlell This statement w•s hied with the County Clerk of 011n1t' County on 01/24/03 20036930929 Daily Pilot Jan 29 r eb 5. 12. 19. 2003 W056 The followona persons 're dome busones\ as Acctdent •nd tn1ury Clinic 34098 Pac1ltc Conl H1ehw•y Ste B. Dina Pooni. Cahforn11 92619 B•<tdley B Powell. 14102 Ruby lantern fC, Dana Pooni. Cahlorn•a 92629 This business ·~ con ducted by an 1ndov1dual Ha•~ you 5IAI led doing busme>s yet, Nu Br.idley B Powell This \ldlement w•s tiled with th~ County Clerk ol Or1nc~ County on 12130/02 2002692806T Oatly Pilot Jan l9 r tb 5 I? 19 2003 W061 lh• lollowma Jl~l\On\ are do1na busmen as A ) Cl•noc Outlook\ B l Crul1Ye Oulklohs C ) Automutt.. Outlooks 0 I 011 Ruad Outlook\ [ l Truck Outlooks. r ) C11 Outlooks C ) Boat Outlooks H ) T11iler Outluok>. ?Ot'O r ullcr ton Av~ •52 Co\I• Mt'"' CA 926?7 Chad Rt<hard Wtstlall ?020 fuller ton Ave . •5?. Cost a Mf'Sa , CA 92'627 lh1s bus111e\s os con due led by an mdtv1dual tfa•e you ~tar led dome bu\tne\\ ytt' No Chad Hit h1rd We> ti all This sl.itemerot was f1l•d with the County t.ler" ol Or.inge County un 01/28/0l 20036931342 Oarly Pilot Jan 29 f eb 5 12. 19 1003 W060 FidttlM INless Mme s....., t S(J uni•" they have waived Kelly and Karl J"ckson HHtN R sc •lll l INC APC nollv or uinsented lo K&E Auction Service £he lullow1ng per1.ons J .. ltn R St tulltn~ l "I tht prnpO\t'd ac ll<>n 1 P 0 Bn• 825 R1111to •re do1n1 bosmes~ as 1 AH •041 '35 l, 4615 lhe independent Jd CA 92377 t909 873 Scott C1rmon Compiny I 0744 Aud1on Bond l?20 North Iowa Strett '-'·•LAllhur Coull Suite m1n1slraltnn authonly •7234119 Cn\I" Me•a <;A 97626 '>'*> Nrwpur I Rear h will be £Tani I'd unle">n\ •LLSPAC[ HU"'TING 10"' .1hl"'"'" 'llf.60 an rnlerf\led per so " " .. Stott Carmon Comp.toy ·~491 P.lJ AAH "'" "" flbl<'Clrnn to the BfAC;H 8'>64 Ham11tnn llr CCAJ i?20 North OAH: (h<ho) MAR 2l, p~Ctlt<Jn and shows itnod Avenu,. Hunt1naton Iowa Street Cost.i Mes• 2002 t ~ust why tht court Brach C.o 97646 CA 9162& AlAN SlATlR, Clerk •hould nnl erJnl the UNll II CUSTOMER lhl\ bustnt\~ " 1 on (A<tvorlo), Antt,..11ty NAMl INVENIORY ducted by l1tn1ttd by CORAZON llOUSAY, A HI llRINC r•n th~ C049. Dunham Ki me l 11b1llty Co Oepvty (Oelegoclo) t•rllltnn will bf' held otn Const mate11als we1ehl Have you star led do•nR Hof I c £ lo 1 H l MARCii b /003 .it I 30 benlh skies busone~s yet' N<• PlRSON SHVED: You fl m 1n Oepl l 7 l f026 Ay.ila Alber Scott Garmon Com ore served os on lo<otlrd "! l41 lhe City A\\ttrl~d bot!\ llonr P•ny llC lncllvfcluol cleftftclo1tt. 91>ve South Orange, CA Ian Stolt C•rnt1>n Pres1d~nt l'ubl"hed Nrwiior t 9?8611 r098 Nichol' Poppy This sl.iltment was fl~•th l;n\la Mtsa 0doly II YOU OBJ[CI to th• King mattress & sprn1v.. Wed with lht Counly l'tloJI f,.hfudry r, 17 19 P.f.tntuw nl lh• petolton leather sold \ktc Clerk ol Utanar County f. ?003 W06~ vou •hould .µpeM al tht eu•t<tr w/ <as~ on 01/l!>/03 ISC 12734 NOOO Of rmooN TO ADMllSTtl m•n Of: CHWSJ.SOMTZc1 CHWS Fm>£llCI SCIMTZ WUO.A7173U 1., oll "~" l>'ntfo 1 ,.,., ;· < rttd1tor' •nu ltn~•nt <1•dll<or\ .rid ' .. , ~·111\ who m.ev oth .. rw1• .. ht 1rtltff'\ltd tn lh.-Wtft r1t ... ~ l•tr tu ltoth ol l".HARl f S f ~fHUll/ ~k• CHAHl£S I RI OFRll'K 5r.HUI Tl A I'! Ill ION I OR PRO BA II It~~ l>\!f'n lolrd by MAIO! YN I SCHUL 11 on tht Suf'iaflm Cuur t ol ( 'hlo1111.1 ( t11tnty Of URAN Cl THI Pf Tl THIN f UH f'ROBA fl requf'\I\ lh.tt MARii YN J SClllJl 11 bt •PPDIOttd ~\ llM\Onal rl'pre\entaltvr '" 11<1 m1n1slei the "'Lit• of lhe dctNIPnl THI: PF rl!ION requ,.,1, Ille dtt •den I \ Woll anrl .. o dlc1f\ 11 any b~ <1dlflllt•d to probate lh• Wiii and ~ny rorl1< 1I\ .tre ,wAllabll' Im u .tm1nd lion in the 111~ kepi by the court lH[ P(TlllON r~QUt\h •vlhoroty It> ~d1111nt'.IN th• ut11lt undM lht tndependenl Admtnl\ tr ation ol l •lalt~ A't (This Authority w1H ~llnw the perion•I rl'J)rt.,•n Ith•• to t•k• meny .-coons without obtain 1n1 rnur I appr1>••I Balor• lak1n1 ctrtaon very tmporltnl .11 lioni ho.,.ev•, tlMt pen.onal reptlMnltllW• Wiii ~ 11Quw•d lo 11w• noho lo cnteorc't"rl Otr~nn\ u11 .. t' they hot watwed nolK• Of con,l'nled lo th• l)r~d 1ct1on ) T 111 Independent •cl m1nf"Jlrttlon authortty will bit cr1111tl4 un~ 1n lnle.• l•cl I> rt.on hlH '" C\bj4Kllon to th l)tllUon ind i hOW$ IOM cauH wh1 tti. court houtd not 1r •nt the •ulhO,,ly '-llf ARING on the P41t1t1on •Ill I>• htld on MARCii fl, 2003 11 l:JO p m 11'1 Oepl 11 ) lot•••ct 11 1 , ... C•tr Ori~ South, (lranp. CA 92861 If YOU oe.-cf lo tht •1t1h,. of tM pe11uon, Jw .iio111d ~ •t llMt hutifit fftd it.ft• Y""' I 111111 Of ra. WI t0 II "''~"' tJ!er-t WHn U!if INMifW ,_ ~MU_, M llt ,,,..." ., tlJ ro111 I. he•nn~ ,11111 ~IAle yout f 105, Suzuki Dale, I 1le 20036929782 nt11~L11011\ ,., tole written tabmet. surfboard, 10 Oa1ly Pilot Ian 7? 29 11bt••ttoon\ with th~ coutt step ladder. lablf'. boH~ r en '> I?, ?00.! W040 h~lrt,. th• hPa11n11 'l'our G 0110. Thurs Io" AdttlM hslnfts •tlt1e<1r .. ntt "'"Y be '" Nocnle. A\sorted bo•es. pMsr111 11, by your hou\ehold1lems "-~ ,11turntv Publtslled Nf'wpor lhe followona persons II YOU ARE A CR(OI Beach·CMla Mesa Daily are dotn~ bus1n"S\ as 11111 or tont1naent Pilot January 29. feb Am•rocan l"frared S•una r r~dtlor of thP decl'a\ed ru.try 5, 2'003 W046 Corpor.it1on I JJ~ S vou mu\I "'" yc1u1 c littm Flcfi1iws lcBilfts Claud1n.t SI An~hetm, with lhl' 1.ourl and mail M-S..... CA92805 a 1 npy In th~ ~rwnal S•u111\ R U\ Inc (NV) reprl'•l'nl•llvr •ppoonted The follow1n& per\On\ 1315 S Cl•ud1n11 'ii by the court within lour are dome bu~onns n Ani)11'1n1 CA 9280!> m<1nlh• from lhl' cl~le o f A l An1m.il CradPr~ r61s busmen I\ con lhf' lint IS\Uante nl lnterlammenl, B ) O .. y dutll'd br a lOrµOr.tlton ll'lltr\ '' provrdl'd m of lau C l Ace Cvl'nl Havt you sl;arlf'd dom1 PrnbAlf' Gode secltnn Producltons 23704 5 [I busmui yet' y,_ 10/ 9100 lhe ltm• feir lohng Toro Rd •366 l•ke 01/1002 d•1ms will nnl "'P'" r orest CA 92630 S•une\ RU•. Int b"'"" lt•Ut m1>nlh\ from Marsi Roberson OeCa Krl\ltna Kim Secretary the hl'.lftnR d.•le noltced sis 30982 Via Cr ystal !hos sl1temenl was ;al.Inv. San Juan Capistrano. CA hied with th!' Cou11ty YOll MllY f XAMIN£ the 92675 Cll'rk ol Or•nce County ltl~ ~"l'I by lhe court II Thi\ llusine-.s ll con on 01/17/()3 you .,.. " pef\on tn ducted by an 11tdi.1duAI 2001693 T 242 '"'"'led in th• nute Have you started doing Daily Pilot Jitn 29. r eb y1>11 may hie with thf' business yet? Yes !i I?, 19. 2003 W049 <llurt a Requnt lor Am~r1tt.hers 1977 ~ecial Nolote llntrn 01 Ave v nt P1oduct1on fktlt6. ..-U 154) nl the hlin17 ol an & Day of a z 2001 MmtS...... invl'nlory and app1aisal Mar" Rober1on OeCa "' ,.,tale nseh or ol ,~, lhe followin1 pe11ons a11y pe1tt1on or "u ount Thi\ statement wu are dom11 bu5tnU\ n "' provtded in Probate fil~d with the County A I loll I• I e fund in II (;o~r \f!Clton 17~) A Cl"k of Oranae County Subp11me, 5 Corporate R•que'I for ';p~t1al on 01/23/03 Park St• 110. hvme. CA Notte.• lorm 1\ A11,11l~lll;, 20036930740 92606 from th& court c lf'rk 0811y Pilot Jan JO, Feb Prudentoal l endln&. Att.,ney for l'ellll-eri 5, 17, 19. 2003 W048 Inc . (CA). 5 Corpoitte Juclltfi Hunt J-rn, S.......f :~Sle 110. Irvine. CA hq.SIN12T60 H•' t..Jtt.._..J rh11 busmen •i con 2•012 Cella 4• lo •-• """'"'"' l'lota, l4 50 Adltl. ..... "-ducted by • tOfportlton Lorne Hiik, CA 92u 3 Hoe yuu \tlfl•d dolnc Publl\ht1d Newpor 1 The follow1n1 perM>n buitnen yet1 YeJ. I I/ hu abandoned l~ u... 26/02 e .. ch CMll Mtu Diiiy ol lht Fiehliou~ Bust Prudenl11I l end•n1. Pilot 1 •blu•ry "J 11 I? neu H•me Tum Apu Inc Jalltr y Smith, ?OOl WI08J Mllto. 946 Wn l 17111 St Prn1df'nt IS( 12710 ~If Mes<t. CA 92627 Thlt. slaltmtnl WH llOTICIOf Pmll*TO TN Fochtious Bu••neu ftltd wrlh the County n•me referred lo ebo•• Ct.rk ot Orantt County _,.ESlATIOf: ••' l1l411d 1n Orance onOl/17/03 llAllOllWlSTOM County on l 17 OJ. Fil£ 200>t9S0140 N() 10036930117 O•~Y P1lul Ian 17, 29 CASI llO. A2172U Randall Weech, 20791 ftb S, l~ 2001 W035 Tn •H ti.In brnth Khn., Otlvt, S•n1• Ana ~ ..... 11 .. 1 ,.., r r tcltt<>r '· con Hofll\u. CA 92107 ,_ t1n11,nt cr•dilor\, ind Roch.,d Counts, 20291 ... Sllillmll j)tl 'n"' wlwl m•Y lllh K~ne Of1ve. S.nte Alla lfwtM bt 111te1e\ltd 1n Helchti. CA '11707 th11 will or nt1tt1. or Thtt buslnen b con both of HARMON d11el1d by •• ,.nef• WC $TON parlnenl\lp A PMlllUN rOR PRO Rocht1d Count\ 8A ff ho bHn llltd by fhlt st1lement wet MAllll w VAllANCr lf'I foltd with th• County th~ ~Ul>flrlOI' Court of Clerk ol Dl•nce County C1hl<•rm11 r.nunlr nl 011 01/21/03 ORAHGl 200J6'JOH7 THI Pf TITION I OR Dally Pilot ) 1'I 'l'J, 19, f'lt08AH rtque.h lh"I Ftb $, IZ. 2001 W041 MAIHrW VAllANC( be .......... l~lld H j)jOl\40•1 '"'"'"nt•lln to 1d ... se...I m1n11ttf 11141 '"'''" ol Tti. lotlowllll .,.,-sont th•' tdtnl art '°"'' bullnt!ll .. mt l'f TITIOH r.,qunts Orlon Teclttn1toc1 ... lh• 0. :.denl a Will •l'ld ll'lc, 110 Sovtft .lotfflrllOll UCl1C1I•. ti •nr., llt SI Sub A. '1ecent1t, ~ le"~ • T111 CA 92110 Wll u41 any cCHllclh •e A•rupeu Orin• ....... hw O•mlll• Tecll~ (CA), 110 SMIU! MtfMJM a The followlnc pt1Mn' •r• dotni bus.Inns H Qu1htJ Cleu end Stone C.re, .)011 Coolldt• IC, Coll• MflH. CA 92626 Hr<ry O•wson, .IOl1 Coolld111 IC. Coste MtM. CA 9?6?6 htlpnn IC1n1, 180 81oollllnt, Co,t11 MtM, CA026?6 Thlt bu~n• ' K eon ducted by co p11tm1H H1w1 '°" •ltt !ff 1to1nc bvt.lneu yelt V•, 1 Ol OJ ,.,.,.,o.- Th tletemttll w•• fllH wltll the Count1 Clet• ti °''"P C0.."11 Oft01Jl1..W ....... ,,. DIMy ,.... ... t?. 19, ftll •• l2, 100J *'-"" M • ttf .. tl .............. The foltowlnt person has ab•ndontd the use ol lht rlehtious 8us1· neu Hime. HAK.S TEIC, 410 17th s11 .. 1. ttun· t1n11on Beech. CA 92648 The rlcltltOUs BU$1Mss name 1elarrtd to above wn ftltd In Onnae County on 1/11/02, FILE NO 20026888495 Rebecca Do. 14562 Errn Ro1d, Westminster. CA92683 This bu'llnus Is con· ducted by. •n Individual Rebecca Do This statement wu llled with the County Clerk ol Orenee County on 12/17/02 2002600926 .. 9 Dally Pilot J•n. 15. 2a 29,feb 5,2003 W021 Rdltlllll -.....S Mmes...... The follow1n1 persons •re do1n1 business as· A.) Ame11can Adv an tace Really, B ) AA Realty. •15751 Brookhurst Street • 104, Westminster. CA 92683 Ouna Hoana Mao. 15942 Mount M11tlerhorn St., Fountain Valley, CA 92708 This business 1s con· ducted by an rndmdual Have you started do1na business yet7 No Ouna Hoana M.11 This statement was filed with the County Clerk ot Or1n1e County on 12/30/02 20026927984 Daily Pilot Jan 22, 29, Feb 5. 12. 2003 W043 fldftlM .... .... s ...... The following person~ art doina busmess as Atlanta Moll~. 17111 Red lioll Avenue, Irvin&, CA 97614 Royally Carpt'I Mills. Inc (CA), 17111 Red Htll Avenu~. Irvine. CA 92614 Th15 business 1s con· dut Itel by a corporalton Have yuu sl.11fled dome bu">1nf's\ yet1 Yes. ldnuary I 1993 Royalty Carpet Mills ltlt Steve P1wn1c• Chtel r 1n.t11c1al 0111< ... r ht"> st1trment was hied with the County Cieri. ol Oran11e County on 01 '12103 20036930592 Oa1ly P1101 Jan ?9 r eb 5 12 19 1003 woss Adt"-W.SS Nmts......, Th• lollow•ni persons are do•ne busrnes• as C•hlorn1a Creen Clean ~· s. ?046 E •Lincoln Ave . An.1he1m C•llfor nta 9?806 K1ren l Oallons. 2046 £ L1ncol11 Ave , Ana he1m. Cahfn1n1a 92806 Don K Oallons. 2046 I Lincoln Ave . Call lorn1a 97806 This business is con ducted by husband and wile H••e you started dom& busmen yet' No Karen l Oallons This sl•lement was filed with the Co11111y Cler~ ol Orange County on 01 02/03 200J6928295 O•tly Pilot Jan 29 r eb 5 11 19 2003 W0!>9 Adi!t.s lllsims "-tS........, lhe lollowonc persons art dome busineu es P•Crn1nde" 118 I 2 S1pph11 e Ne wpo1 t 8~ach CA 92662 K•lhl•en Ann finch 118 I 7 S.tpphue. Newport BuLh CA 92662 Thi\ business 1s con due.led by an ondtv1dual Have xou stacted dome buslnu.s yet? 't'es, Apitl es l<tllll"n Ann Find• This slftement lllH tiled wtth IM County Clerll or Ofanse County on 01/15/0J 200S6tH74' o~uty P~t Jan. 22, 29, hb. !I, 12, 200.J WOl8 .......... ... s...... TM follow1n1 pe<son' are dolnll butlnau H . Nippon Counaehn11 Cen ler. l539A Biker, Costa Men, CA 92626 Oavrd M~h1tl Scaiplno. 6535 Park Roy•I Circle, Huot1n1ton Beach, CA 92648 This buslntss IS con ducted by: an lndlVldual Hive you shirted-dome business yet7 No David M. Scarpino, MO This statement was tiled with Iha County Clerk of Oren1e County on 01/14/03 2003'9296H Daily Pilot Jan 29, r eb 5. 12. 19.2003 W050 Re-.. ...... ... s...... lht' follow1n1 persons are dome bu$1ness ts Team Apea Moto. 946 West 17th St , Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Richard Counts, 20?91 Khne 0.1ve Senta Ana Herahts. CA 92707 This business 15 con dueled by an ondtvldual Have you sl•rled doin& busrness yet? Yes, Dec 17. 2002 Richard Counh This statement was tiled with lhe County Clerk of Oranee County on 01/21/03 20036930298 Daily Pilot Jan 22. 29, Feb 5. 12. 2003 WOJ7 AdttiMJ.iilU Mmes....., The followtng per sons are doing buslnus as Teoo110 Environmental Consulhng, 660 S,.ker St Ste 313. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Cesar Gustavo Teno110. 712 San Pncu•I Ave •25. Lo5 Anceles C.t 90042 Thi\ bu\lness '' ton clue.led by •n 1ndov•du11 Han you si..rted domg business yt'l7 No Coar C Teno110 Th" statement was foled with the County Cle1k ol Or a nae County on Ol 124 '03 20036930t 24 Oa1lv Pilot Jan 29 r eb 5. 12, 19.2003 W052 Flctitle'5 w.ss . Mmes...... Tht followon1 persons are dome bustneu n J Photo. 1245 lo2an Avt #I Costa Mesa, CA 92626 jennoler Stubbs (R L ). 222 I Canyon Or #B I. Costa Mt'U. CA 92617 This busmen os ton dueled by an 1nd1vtdual Have you started doone business yet1 Yes. 06 06·2002 >enmfer R l Stubbs This statement was filed with the County Cieri. of Onn1e County onOI 17/03 200J 6tSOUO Daily Pilot Jan 22 29. feb '3. 12. 2003 W032 RdltiM..-U "-S...... Tht lollowtn& per sons are dOonif businns it\ Sandra l ynn·s liome f urn1sh1n11s Oes•&n C606 Ro~bur r Rd . Corona del M•r CA 9262!> Sandra Lynn Luebke. 4606 Ro•bory Rd. Corona del Mar CA 92625 This bU\llless 1s con dueled by an mdmduaf Han xpu )tarted dpuuc buslnns yet7 No S•nd1• L. l1H1bllt This sl•ltment wn t11tcl wllll Ult County Clefll ot Ol•nc• Count~ on 01/17/03 200Htl014S Daily Pl!Qt J•n. 22. 29. Feb 5,12.2003 W034 ......... ... s..... The followlnc l)tfson• are doln1 bu,.nen as 00 Custom C1blnelly & Couslluct1on, 2712 C1nary Or . Coste Mesa, CA92626 Oniel Otllechlale, 2712 C1n1ry Or .. Custa Mt ... CA92626 This business 11 con ducted by 111 111dividu1I Have you started do111a business yet7 No David Dellech1aie ThtS alattmtnl wu filed with lht County Clerk of Orana• County on 01/24/0J 200'6ts09U · 011ly Pllol Jan 29, f eb 5. 12. 19. 2003 W053 Adll.a ..... ... s...... The followon1 penons are doon1 business as 01vone Conctph 169 0 2hl Ave . Costa Men. CA92627 Shanon 1 annk.t Buue. 169 O 2bt Ave Costa Men. CA 92627 This bu"ntss is con ducted by en 1nd1vodual Have you st1rted doing business yell No Shannon Taneska Bu11e lh1s statement was toled with the County Clerk ol Orance County on 01/17/03 200'6930U6 011ly Piiot Jan 22 29 Feb 5, 12.2003 W999 fktiti.s ..... lf-e*-" Jhe ~ollowine persons •re do1ne busintu as MLM lnte110,,, 23861 Inverness Place. L aaune N1cuel. CA 92677 M•ry I ou Moorhead, ?8 Whllew•ler. Cor on.t del Mat CA92625 lhts bus1ne\\ 1s lOn ducted br an 1nd1V1dual Have you starltd do1na bustneS\ yel1 Vt\ 6 78 M•ry Lou Mocwhud Tht\ sl•lement W<t\ filed wolh lht County Clerk ot Or"nRe County nn 01 21 03 200369S03SS 011ly Pilot J•n 22 29 reb 5. 12 2001 W042 fid!IM.-..U Mmes ........ The lolleiw1n1 persons •rt do1n1 busmen d\ Ander\on Arthiledur1I Auoc1aCt\, 120 £ 18th Street Co\lt Meu. CA 926?1 John 0 Ander \r111 1657 I abr ador 01111e, Costa Me\a, CA 9?626 I his bu\oneH I\ t<Jn duded by .tn 1nd1V1tlu1I Have yllu \tarted d<>mll bU\llltn yet' Yn I I 03 Joh11 Andtr \On fh1\ statement w•~ hied wolh the County Cletlo. ol Ora111e County on 01/17/03 20036910145 011ly Pilot Jan 29 I eb 5 12 19 2003 W~I Rdili.s-...U Mmes ...... The lollowine person\ •re do1n1 bu\lnen as Ca1un Sp,.e Co B•ton Rouce LA 52!>2 Roy.ti~ Ir vine CA 92604 Bill Brown 52!>2 Roy ale Ir vtne CA 92604 lh1\ bU\tntn is con dueled by an 1nd1V1du.ol Have rou sldllt'd doma busmess yet, Yu 12 84 8111 Brnwn ThtS stalf'menl wn ltled with the County Clcrt. of Otaa.u. ~ on 01111103 IOTkl Of AINCATm lO !OOl6tMl41 -• ••-.,llWIMIS lkMlll ..... ... s...... Dally Pllol Jan. n. 29, -""-r.b 5. 12. 2003 W036 01tt ol f1hnt . Al>Pll Th• follow1111 pt110M .tr• do•nt busmtu ., NAILS l K, 410 17th S tr eet . Hunl1n1ton BH ,h, CA 92648 ---------c•tloft January 29, 2003 To WhOnl II May Th• tollowln• persons .,. clolnl buslneu as· lntimtt• Obsessions, 28752 M111uw1te Pkwy . 118. Mission \lltto. CA 92692 Ga YounL Inc (CA). g'72 S Brier Rou ln • An1he1m. CA 92808 Thi$ businus b con· dueled by· a c0fpo1allon H.ve you started doma business yet? No G• Youn&. Inc Samuel Kim, Secretary This $Ulement was filed with the County Cltrk of On11ae County on IV 16/02 200200'26'0S Dally Pilat Jan. l!i. 22, 29,Feb.5.2003 W025 Adlll. .... ... s...... The followin1 persons are do1na business as t ri\ lntom•les. 7 Mo10 Court Newport Beach CA92663 . Cina Boland1. 7 Moto Court. Newport Beach CA92663 This business 1s con· dueled by an 1rid1vodual Have you started doma business yu? No G1111 Boland• This statement wu toled with the County Clerk ol Orance County on 01/24/0J 200S6U0912 Oa1ly Pilot J11n ?9, I eb. 5, 12, 19, 2003 W057 flctlliM...., Mmes...., T ht Tollow1na per sens are dom& busmen n Don Norman ln•nl menh, 57 Ocean Vista. Newport BtHh, CA 9?660 Donald Ma1mce Nor man, 57 Ocun I/1st•. Ne wport BeHh. CA 92660 This busrnns 1s con ducted by •n ond1w1du•I ll••e vou 'tar tect ctoma bustnn\ yet, Nu Oon•ld M Norman This statement w;n toled with the County Clf'•k ol Oranae Cbunty on 01 '2"-'0J 20036930922 Daily Pilot l•n 29 r tb ') 12 19 1003 W<Y.>I) Rdillm ..... ... s ..... The following peruons Ut' dnma business .n C I No<1n Conlr•thnR Serv•••s 2588 ra1rway Or . Costd Ml'\a CA 92627 Gerald Noon. 1!188 r a11way 01 , Costa Me~ CA92677 I hts busmen I'> toil dueled by an tnd1V1dual Have you started dll1n1 bu~oneu yet' Yu 02/ 13/1998 Ctr~ld Noon Tho\ ~•atement wn toled with th~ Ctlunl y Cle1i. of Or•""' County on 02/0J/()3 200369J2091 Oaoly P1k'tt r eb 5 12 19 26 2003 W067 Concttn The Neme(s) of tM ~phcant(s) Is/ 11e. wtLO OATS MAR ICETSINC The 1pr>hcant\ hsted above art .tpply1n11 lo the Depar tment ol Alcoholic 81ve1 a11 Control to sell alcoholic. beurares at JOJO HARBOR BLVO ST[ D COSlA MESA, CA 92626 Type ol hcense(s) Applied f0< 20 orr SALE BEU ANO WINE Daily Pilot feb. S. 12. 19, 2003 W068 SELL your stuff through classified! Phuon1 Minh Oo, 18017 s Stl<ond 511 .. t, r ounte1n l/•1111 CA 92708 fhlt bus•neS> I\ 1.on dllC led by e11 1nd1v1du1I ' HlflYe y(lll Jltr I'd doifll busonen yet' Nu . PhuOnlj Mtnh On l111s st1teme11t wn llled with tlor c;ounty Clerk nf Or •n1t• Luunly on 12/11/0'1 2002M>Ot27000 O•lly f'tlol I.an 15, U . 29, ~eb 5, 2003 W026 NOTICE OF W'IU be grai'iied unleii an PETTT10N TO ll'llefllSted petson hies ADMINISTEA an ot>feCOOrl to the ESTATE OF: pet>bOn Ind Shows good VICTORIA G. cause Why lhe c:oun IRVINE AXA ~ no1 grant the VICTORIA L 1vtll0tfty IRVINE. VICTORIA A HEARING oo the G. LOHMAN IRVINE petitlOt'I wiN lie hetO on AND VICTORIA W06I03 at 1 30PM 111 GYGER LOHMAN 0epC L 73 located at CASE NO. A217380 341 THE CITY DRIVE To all hen. ORANGE. CA 92863 beflefiQafies, credllort, IF YOU 08JECT IO the cont111ge1 d credrtcn. and gratmng of tne pebboo persons ""'1o may you sllOUld appear at the otherMse be Interested neanno and state 'f04Jt 111 tne win or estate. or ~ or Me wntten bot/l of VICTORIA G objec1IOOI witn lhe court IRVINE AKA VICTORIA before the heanng Your L tRVINE, VICTORIA G appearance may be "' LOHMAN IRVINE AND peniOO or by your VICTORIA GYGER attorney LOHMAN IF VOU ARE A A PETITION FOR CREOOOR Of a PROSATE has beet'! oontJngelll etecltOr al Ille hied by THOMAS E er deceased. you mUSl hie SULUV AN in Ille your clam with the court Superior Court ol and ma• a copy to lhe California. County of pet10Nl l~tlve ORANGE appoonted by ttle court THE PETITION FOR Wllhtn tour monh from PROBATE rl!QU8Sl3 lh.11 tr1e date of ~rst 1uua.nce THOMAS e er o1 tenets as provided in SUUNAN lie appointed Probate Cooe sectlOl'I as personal 9100 The time tor ht.no represerubve IO daotns win not e1'f)lle acinnster !he estate of belo<e lour l'l'IOOlt6 from the ctec:ecieol. the t-eamg date llOtlCed THE PETITION requests ~t' tne decedent's Wiii and YOU MAY EXAMINE tne oodiall. r1 tr?f, be Irle 111!(>1 by tne court 11 adrMted IO probate )OU ite I ~ The Wiii and ltrY oodlols mterested in the ettate are available tor you may file wM the e.13minat>0n 111 the Me court a Request IOI kepi by 1t1e court Special NOCIOI (torm OE THE flETITION r~ 154) of the 1'ng OI an autllonty to admlOISlet 1rivero1ory and appra.sa1 the estate vnc1e1 the al estate assets oi 01 arTy lndepet Idec It petrtlOO OI account a.9 Adm1ntst1aboo al Estates provided "' ProbllP Ac1 (This autnonty will Code SectK>n 1250 A allow the personal Requffl IOI Special 1eprMenlatlve 10 ta~e Notice form IS available many actions withOut from ltle c:our1 cter11 obtaining c:ou11 approval Attorney !of PetnlOO&I Belote taking C*t131n HENRY K WORKMAN very mportant acuons SULLIVAN, WORKMAN tiowever the peBOOal & DEE. U.P representatMJ wtH be 800 S FIGUEROA ST reqvlflld to give notice to 11200 tnterested penons LOS ANGELES CA unless they have waived 900 \ 7 ~ ex oonsenleO IO ~ tf1e propoged IC1IOO ) 011' M)3 -....... • ..-~.. CNS. ... 113' ''"' _,............,.~ MEWPOAT ~OSTA .:;admnS;:;.;.;;;.;;;:;.:;11.:;a;;.;bon~_.:;.•uttlOoty;.;;_;;,;...;t--.:ME,,,,,,SA::>-:O~ 't I'll.OT Everyday is a great day in Classified! Be a part of it, place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?r • • • • • • • • • • • The Legal Department at the Daily Pi/,ot is pleased to announce a new service now available to new businesses. we will now SEA RCH the name for you at no extra charge, and save you the time and the, trip to the Court House in Santa Ana. Then, of course, afar the search is completed we wili file your fictitious business name statement with the County Cink, publish once a week for four weeks as required by law and then file your proof of publication with the County Clerk. • Please stop by to file y{)Ur fictitious business statnnent at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. If you cannot stop by, please call us at (949) 642-432 1 and we will make a"angmients for you t() handle this procedure by mail If you should have any further questions, pkast call us and wt will be more than glad to assist you. Good luck in your new business! Pilot Policy llow to Place A CLASSIFJEIAD -..----Dt)adlint·~ --- Monda} T UC'>d i.1} In IJ} '\ ll(lpm "1or11J;.iy s.<JOpm Rates an<l deadline~ arc.! \Ub)Cct to chang~ without nouce. The publisher reserves the nght 10 ccn~or, rcclas1>1fy, revise or reject an y classified advertisement. Pleru.e rcpon any error that may be in your da'"fied ad immediately The Oa.sly Pilot act;cpt' no liab1hty for an} error in an advertisement for which ll may be responsible c.!XCc.!pt for the cost of the space actually occupied by Lhe error Credit can only be allowed for the liN mseruon. Hy Fax {\)49) 631 6'i94 By Pt,one Jly \lail/ln Pt•rson: Wt:dnt:-.1JJ\ <; OOpr11 1949> 642 567M l lO Wt:,t B.sy Stri:c1 lo,1:1 Me,a. CA 92627 Al Ni:wpon Blvd & B ..i)' St I fJ14 .t'4"· ti"-JuJ.c )OU• (Wiik JJMJ phohor mimhcr 41kl 'f\C II r...1H ~uu h."' ~ v.uh a pru.r \1m1l«" t . Fn da} ................ Thur...JJ} ~ OOpni II ours SJturcfoy l·ndJ} 1:rn1p111 I dephonc 8 30am 'i OOpm MonJ.iy-f-nd.Jy W.ilk In R ~O·.un 'i OOpm Montlay-f-m!Jy Sunda) Ind ex AHNOUNCIMINTS r~ 1 & MISC. 1010-1110 lllQWIDISf f9' IOI SAU GARAGE SALE 1419 I $_, L ESTATE BUSINESS & fOR SAi,£ FINANCIAL 2305-2490 C{b 3010-3940 rn I 5005·5850 ~ 1ili.l 7402·7466 9000-9750 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000·Homes Each Wee k For Only $32 per w eek (4weck minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S Colledtbletl Mtmonbllla General Cats 3610 1160 Announcements 1610 •104.i• w..i.. Mt<Yl' ...... 1£51 •l ,J.J.f ORANGE COUNTY I 5400 l'lllME ESTATES l'AntCIC TlNOltl NATIONWIDE USA 949-856-9705 , ="ewpo11===Be==ad1==:::=-;::;;~I N==ewp~on:;;Bea;:;;:::ch==.;~ I Newport Beach Ir fvrnl•hed Newport Height• l l • 210~ Hou1• t t4 , , .. ~· 1 t • $:~ ,. ;ir,, l•A llG CANYON ~ .. M""Y~ 90 SS2 6700 -,M-S$_4_H_c_o_•_D_S_lT_C_ AUi I ION A 11 l HI A(J • .••• ~""' ... • "'- Qa. ~.lit '11'&1JJ> Lift l wi·111on l,40 Hid ~"'f '>.it'iun ll 4pm l!l AltJ!IC ~ fubf' Mr9'> j?lJ ·1 I~\ •,q d•·•"lu1>rrl f rJ•"1 I\ Animal NMwurk Moke 949 64!> 750') ~It 101, '"" I "'"' lnlr. 949 644 1179 n01•1<MI lot I totl•t I rt 1 -.U~'lf1'<lli! llL"<! nrTrDTAJNMEHT '.'hi Ip"' ( tit .. ,. to ' " \Uy Vh:b """" 4 ()~ tn I Ul I I 11utlit1• I l!O) ll'r" ~rl i',..4u1:n """'°"' -ra-1.....a-.. -.of----v k I A l • Busl-~~~ ~ ( 0 I 0 4 I 0 0 0 l ·~ Events 1310 •LAL · AN 1 Opportunities AU rul "t.th •d•er l1'1n& 1n th•\ n•w\P•P•• " 'Ubjecl It thP r t~r •I I "' Hou\1na A< I ''' I~ I\ •mtHldtilld WhlCh m•k•~ II 1lltKdl I" dther tis~ •nv cu ,.f,., tnce l1m1 t~t 1on nr I Businesses and I HEAL TH SERVICES Franchises 3905 1 Heal1h Foods/ Products Wanted: 29 2540 Serl•v• p .. oµI,. ti, Jnr.,,. N~•Eht l l\d h•\t lO lb• All N•tu«tl llt • <'< omnlffidHl Call now 1188 l U 974 1 A I,~ 11 UN U I l 0 IJ R l'I 11fflUNllY"' Wnr ~ 1t ""~'~" lom !ht\ NI w "r rt1t1 .t"., <,outt\'"f n Corona del Mar • llAUTlfUl • Or am•ll ~PY&I•~> Holl t •'t.ul1wr h '"'' ~o .. •"en•.f'" .. .t1. ·.p4rfd f aluJIOU' 0 'tn Vop., 4Ar 1111.,1.u •I SI b'I'> llOO ''""' buuRhl anolher hom~ Mu t ~rll Judy Kefar, llor 949.374 5576 Tltll HOUSl-- SlClUOID ltlTltlAT AMA.ZING l'tlKI AGT. 949-123-1I20 Laguna Nlguel www "tttn"'~tenorr \.II,. I OCIANJllONT RlTlll AT OCEAN & IAY Vl(WS AMAZING LOW l' .. Cl AGT. 949-723-1 120 OClANfltONT FIXllt NOT JOit THI FAINT Of HIAJtT AGT. 949-123·1I20 Newport Coast l'lttMl ESTATES l'AUICtt TINOltl NATIONWlDl USA U9-IS6-'105 www f'" 1<1ltenorr cum MISCEUANEOUS RENTALS 1-.i1ne; •t Hum,. R•t krd "• th• pubh\her\ of \1111fh,.q1 I l"V•nw, m.~~·• ''"' lalllerri '>()/ 144 11 I H? u r • '1 _,., .. ~n•om ,, "'"""" •Ui. ""'l.>M •rn Htu NonH o' R ....... I To Sha-6030 LAGUNA NIGUll CINI "' AAA VlNDING ltOUTI "' ~ Unit!. Prime kl t.:..1Uun:• SIBJ> nvest ;io-,, C)IW!'I WiK lllH 9& CJll I OPE N S..t Sun 12 5 28812 Inc~• Or "" in ""' t>av ~ ID S1n1t l~vel >lone & br 1ck I l>rll W\11 •t'Sl.ll.I Boat I 4br home MAny .tmen1 ~ I>..')'""-' 111'1 Ila ll'M18 t1~ By Owner S61 S 000 G.ttld SM 1)49.«i(} 71Zl 949-U I .9144 Ofllca b lease 4540 ~E: SIOPIT AL RENT' Ai.S 1Au 1Av c1Nu• 1 Lido~:,m NK1 ORANGE 7400 '651 lrvrn• Av• ON UOO ISLAND CQUHTY iiull "'"' 1et•114nd ol Ol'lN SAT-SUN 1-4 Older Style FwrMIK• PIA.NOS Ao Coll.cbblff ·~·· ....... •Sll-...• ......... •Q-1 . $$ CASH PAID $$ WE BUY ESTAT£S . -. ... -.~. '"ft ;:64M922e so~g~T na ........... a..-.CAt2l01 ......... l ..... ~·" 1489 ......... W.-s.tlo qu.lty ... tlw & Ml lwn. TV. household rt ems l'lltSIAN ltUG. ,.._ -• llfpnt IN!Rt/ ~ c;.... W..th s t()I. • Cr ti.IOI) ""'111 SS .llXl 949 'l'h 1 llJ\ 1 .. • ..... 1114 sn 1180 I llACH con AGE 1 I 7 VIA HOLi 0111 I I 21>r 11/• la 2 <904', ce •pa•• n n ce I loch & ten dvl> JS" let. onc1U>I P•<~ 16Qhf 70 lte .. ced le 5169,000 ,9, 1001 W 17th St t M Ast 94t 75'..()SOS or 949 uo-a211 714-307-4214 Nl'I OJf'lCl Sl'ACl Newi>Oft Beach 8.11 Oovfr Or •14 CtOlwtd fAIULOUS JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ 1\-it~ arUllt«ts oHU areal llACH COTTAGES! 3460 r ~ ~ !>47!> fAIUlOUS NEWl'OltT llACH LOTS/ACREAGE UJISTYU ti PRECIOUS METALS I New 2-St.,.., Jlr 21a -c;...t cein "-"· lots/Acreage I w /90r.,.e Old Co11l\1 Gnld ,,Iver I Wanted 4740 (l 76A~ 15~~~.A/I I') ,ewelry w•t~ •nloqu~ NI W M( XICO MOIJN coUecllble\ 949 642 9448 l1'INS 140 AC Onl1 a .... edeled 21r 210 S49 '100 Gorceou' (13144XXU/XX) QfACE o;•anlands m•ture t"• S 43,000 . FURNrruREJ •over f>JOO 11 rl•v•toon Walentl•w 21r 21a Mount.ton V1f'w\ yur fsl ...1 BUSINESS round ro•d• and •Ire w lre,..oce Irie Perfett l<l1 hor>t S700SJ) SH ,000 EQUIPMENT lows Adf•C.nt t o nahonal torul ["•!lent aa-..1c11na....1 ltn•ncrn& C•ll tod1y' -llUVl-Th1> won t Int' SW Equipment 3565 propert•u of NM Inc I -------888 292 97ll All ELECTRIC WHEEL (CAI. •SCAN) CHAIRS Nttw No cost to you tf ella •ble ~NO M ed•~••• accepted • ...... Wheelch'" s and Pow 11ch•I•\ (Kooter slyle) "We t1u1 you rochtl" Catt 7 Days (800)835 3155 (CAL"SCAN) Furniture 3435 Fumltun llASlO LAND A MAHUfACTlD HOME COMMUMITT WA REDOCED S2.-ON M. BAY S29>.llXl Mcbie homt Ila toe. no rn~lor lhefll!AI Zl yn 8-i nut --.,,, 2ba, .,...... ctrsm nwtlle Ip, bettrml much IYIQfe Own/~ 96(i]J.fl8l) • 0,.-Sat/S-1-4 e 2 s-c • .,. ......, tooll. ~ 2031 * VIiia c.g: .. r.f;.1984 * loll 1505 * R"' e Sn Island 38r 38a end unit with a view loolun1 out to S11n1tu1e Hole 117 $8~.000 or lOST FIMAU 000 *' Coat a Mesa, @ 22nd & * Eldtn, retrl1v11/shep hlfd ml•. rust color * wh1t1 chut 4 white * pun C1ll 714 803 2343 ·* JO YEARS * Follld 1510 * . * FCM9 D08, Sh«t ur * Wlc~~~~~afa~~~mg, * ~nn~Nm * and Muc h Morel * ltncr, Sou111 Ctast Mo *2640 Avon St. Newpon Beach* na. Mf..722·11" * Off Hlvt"rslde a PCK'llk C.OOS1 Hwy * &i~ .. ~ * 949-642-2255 * **************** ' lease 11 $4,SOO 09'.,i-tel..al• t4'-JOt-ttll IONIYA ClNYON OPIN SUN 1-S 10 Wlftflor~ 38 R. 2 SBA home Sep ente ofhce/1u.tl suite By Ownlf Sl.175.000 949 644 8288 Balboa Pentnsula llr Ila w /l'Dr'kl"9, New UH"pet-yrly l•He. 20. I. Ioli.-. Unit eS S9SO/M-tll ASSOCtAtlD ltlAlTY 949 673-3663 21r 2k. 2c ear P•l111 w d d w ·-apt """'' In-un•I l2'J ,, 20th St s I 7'15tno 949 723 11116 3H 21A·LONG THM 1c..,,w/d,S2000- I 117 Wnl lay ASSOCIATED aEAlTY 949-673-S.U Corona def Mar llAUT OClAN & IAY VtlWS lBr 28~ upper duple• I c encl I" J 3200 mo 714 998 0948 Mor9uerlte 31r /21a luiury relurb hom~ SJ2!i()n Moe •• ·- 28t 18' -~' e=11 Sl700m 9671!>·3513 CostaMm 1._ttfvl Nwpt Hihl~ home ~ ~. ,_. den LR. OR ~ rm. Fp, C11Td p1l10 2c Jar. quiet ,,...1'ood. go&~~ ant 21»' 2lie dJse ID the '-11 l)lllo. ,..~ tPICQA....,. room 9tl~71m Sludlo, I hse to ocn. -did w/Ot:XI vu ~ lar.rrd .:-. I'll ~ .. SlfiO 9119-6n71m llr'• l1om $8751 mo w/p 1n lovely sated comm ,_ Tn-SQulre. "•· Indy facility llllln Mnet tm XM-8649 •93Xl NeWl'•ft euaH the ....., 2Br I 581. pr no pell. SI 195/ino lliM rtrne A.,. •3 9'19-7'2f>.9C22 • c-... -ca'PM pMlt -diw ' ,.,.., 2i: or. w/d. ~ .... to lllr .. ound!., avatl now Sl~mo ... sew.. 714- 241-0IDI u-l'..tl Tewnh•~ 2bf + cltn, 2h. pool, Ip luall patio, l c 1er, no pet, S1600 949·631-6239 BAYFRONT Short-Ter"' ltental1 Oceonlranl & Bayfront C "t Avolloble Now ommum y j usoc1AnD 111"1 n Spacious 2BR. 28" ~"" '' uactt.eo. • tttect El1des • Glnilfs Wood ~ces • Pmilt.e eUd '- Malt.a • Swtmmlq ...... -'"'Stil .......... 5«o.cil to a.lloi !Qtd, ~ Shtpplq Cnttr. ..... ,~ .. ~ 94'1 673-3663 *' YlA.ltlY *' UASES I 8 ( ffljl\j ,, Pt A ... 94'1-615-6ll•1 21 r. 1 la Condo r, •t~!l I 11Ylffi1Jf1•t1 p111 I u,,,J .. , w tlt1hr1n y '1 JJrf $ l'J9S rt o <jd~ bl' l?UO ... Sh.-. jbr .!l>d .. ..-.1. .4lll'I ' • -Ip Ml ........ 2.-J Co!B!r 1:'.":j - ~bill ~'Ill 00. & BAY V'l£W lh lt>tJ l••ldu totalv '"''•"' c;, "''"' moldrnt ~ •• t .. L..:..~!!lf!!!!ll!!l~!l:!!!?i!!l!f;...:J 1 '·""" SZUJ ew; no '9< I f'dtf> I .1 , Npt Htt, •br. 71,. J()t)U·t 1. It ~ ( ... ..,,., tiu r 1,..u "' • ••11• ~nt n 6" .JUI l ,, ., .. tlrr • II S/fh.-r .... ,,.,,.,,~ ;4 • •.: f 'l4 *'*'THI llUffS *' * \i;ol • -1&. 'I 1 "' ho,,,.. h• Jf J.o I J..t tfil & mo"" 1n , •. ,.;, L"l'I""' , ·~1 94~ 'il\ll ',.UV Big C....,.,., CC • 1.-•nv .'br ~ • hity • '" ~""'" •• •" ' "' M.ltlcl w1~· .~ Sh.gi. fmnQy R.~16-ce NIWl'ot!T SHORES ON THI WATlll '8r 3.Sla, 2tor pag. s~oo/,,_,,h ASSOCIATED ltlAlTY 9''1 673 3663 Private TutDrinv 7990 ary dePa.scaJe, \4 ll"\"'°' In \oor Hcxnt lntrodU< r •our th•ld to fhf IV\"' IYIU'll • 19491 0 "'3-ll; 4 194<JJ 813·2246 Stlyw~tt.s the taSY nyl ~ • Oassifi.4 • tadoyi (949) '42 ma Dead/int Feb. I 2th • Valmtiru Messages Appearing Ftb. I 4th I lo < .\lone- 4 hnn 20 Characters per line You may use all 4 lines for larger ads. call an advertising rep today' we've mmk it FAX this form to (949) 631-6594 Name..,.· ________________ Phone No ·-----· Signature~· ----------------------- 8111 my: Visa ....... ____ .MC _____ __.A/E ______ .01scover __ _ Credit Cardf ______________ Exp Date ____ _ Stop by or ruil to tlH Dttily Pilot offitt Ill: 330 W Bay Srrccc, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 or call (949) 642-56'8 A GOOD AD! Call (949) 642-5678 r A to Wednesday, February 5, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS ,.._ ~ ... 5 ~llO\lel 10l~lf-14 .._,,..°' ... _ 1SJeeiw~ 16 T Wit of lnldillon 17 HU!! MCI pull 18 \1oln51 -Siem 19 ..... 0..llTt l1em 20 Bug• 22 c.ilh bllci< oltert 111 THm~ ;z:; v.i;. w••"' It> °"""""• 29 Clll~ d'(nuty 32 Turk '1 ne1gllbol J6 l..ul<e Skyweott.t .. • IJO'U 11 lb IOll\8 Olllhs 39 Pk>not .. Q,llltll 40 VOC01110nors PIM· t:hl<MI (ii W\111 I ~a Oo;o,n INl!h a cntd 44 "-"ldi'•h <iyt-• 45 KuowllQ looil 46 HooOon Qlhle1e "8 Su•h IT'<i< .. , 411 P..io; 111 Peraq ... v SO t..catnc< wn..:t1 5:? Wooat 5 11• '>:! c-...o u .... ""'" S7 ~ Hdl Ull (;1 p-~ .. ol ~3' 14 SEU your stuff through Lli:IS\1f1edl 82 1.'Ndow ~ 84 Hooltleat 65WIW1Nt~ kt 12 wdt I ee ..._.'llA'Y .,~ rMllgllt)Of 68 Proctiea 68 Tnbll~ 70 Kind ol poiOI DOWN I "51rOlogefs OI Old l Gl .. OliflllllOI C••nl'IOO 3 Throw 4 Ciotti Kem !> l>llrr·• S.twetl II Jomblll 7 --pickllt 8 fibber 9 SQl4l<. or l rebel< 1ow11~• 011q~1 (~ wds I 11 '>me" 12 Go IHI 13 Mooee Ion 21 ~l1<ry~1n.1 .t.l C1111,., 1n....n~ l'>wt141bC\b IOC.1Jc 21 rlooee6 ~ fu~-g1own ;.'\j. •11~ l.,,,.. lO O•tiSS '>l;ltt lh)'Pt>.) 8500 D«IVllS llllOED VALOOllS DAY FtntJAIY 14 YOtl OWN CAI OI VAN cosuaESA 714-S40-313S NICC s..... n front OHi<• P'enon Tut F II Ben~lt1\ Apr1ly 1n p~rson Mo11 r rt, 9am ~m 1600 £ c: .... ,, ltwy Newpo1 I B<.h or Id• re~949 644 5057 Hum~ bus•~ oppty- lmprave yu111 lam11les '"""""' luh.n Plfl fr,,.. 1nl u I ull tra1n1nc -.4o....,dng.<om • 100-440-2 191 ----•lTAJl VAUNTINIS r....,.rDf'l' "•'r "-'-" 2/10-2/ 4. COSTA MESA 714-S40-313S ll •;> 13 S..lon IOOTff RlNTAl Co~ta Meu beauty s•lon Rea~onable Call Al 949 645 0667 COOL TRAVEL JOB lnlry level po.,hnn\ 18+ no upenen'e nPto\~lr y l weeli\ paid tra1n1ne. tran~ollalton lodame provided $500 ~tl[r1tng bonu\ to \t.rl TOLL F RlC I 817 b4b 50">0 (C:Al •SCAN) TRAVEL U.S.A. Publi.• ttun Sales Co h111ne 18 \harp enlhus1as11t 1ndiv lo travel enl1111 US Training, lodeing M1d tran>porlat1on lurn1slied Relurn guaranteed 1-877-271-7353 Valet Porii.lng Po1lllon.1 "' a creat Oan1 P•11nt HolPI Fil & PIT, Clun OMV Call 21 J 628 9500 SELL your stuff through cla ssified! L Bridge By CHAALES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH NEW INTEJlNATIONAL EVENT North-Sooth vulncniblc. ~ deal NOR1'11 WI':.\,' • KJ S K4 • Q 10 10985 2 A IOtl • J\ 9 7 t:AST J 654 2 •J 62 • 9764 J 76J K07 • 104 SOlJfll •A 8J 2 AQ 9J •K Q8!'3 Opening lcJll hlUr ul 'iON I'll l J'l/l 1n..: LumpcJJl Hn<li!c I !XkrJllon h.i.\ 11.11/l(ltJn<:t.'tl a ncv. op:n toum.s mcnt to Ill' held .:~.:f) tv.o )t:ill' Tik· uwuguntl l'\<.'nt v.111 wli.c pl.ll·c 111 tho: dl.lm11n~ I ~n..h Rt\lerJ n:..cirt ol Menton. June I J 10 211 and " llfll'n to Jll rcg1~tered member~ 111 Jn) NJIJOOlll Hndge Or}?<U111.Juon bck.lllg In),! to the Worid AnJge r cdcr.iUttn Automotive Bvcnu. include Mix~ P • .ir .. , Wcimen'1 Pair. and Tcmis. Men'• Pai~ and Teams and ScnlOf f>lti" und Team Rcgt\lnlUC>n clO'iei. April 30 !Xtruh can he touod on the lnceroet y,v.w eurobridge org/compl:tJ· UOIWOJrrelllOl\/rucnion.hun Menton ho~tcd the Europe.in Dndgc Cluunpt0n"1.ip in 1993. Thh deal, from 1he Francc-S(ovcniu match. fcinure• the veter.in rntema· li<lnalist Michel l.ebcl in the South ~1 for France. Three flO trump wa\ re11chcJ via u trdll•fer sequence. North\ bidJJng !.hov.cd a balanced ll.lllJ with,live hcam aiM.lgumc-gomg 'aluc\, lllld Lebd had no rc:a.-..>n to J1~1urti Nonh ·, choice of the final .:1>ntru.:I Wc\t led thc four of d1unK1nd\. dumm) pla)cd low aOO r.<i.St V.Oll "uh the 411<.~n Atr.11d lhat South hdd the Ja<:l . fu,1 !.h1fled 10 a liean. lit.darer\ qwcn ~mg 10 the 1..mg lh l.irer Ju.:l..etl the diamonJ 1.:unun u.11100, !hen v.on th(..., ... •>n thc lhmJ J1.i1n.ll1d le...!. J1.,.;ard1n),! the Jl.C or he.in' lnwn hJnJ t 1n..: Jdcn..c had no ••IUO!i."I' llli: 1e11 111 ~.ut.' "'"-' led 111 lorn· out th•· JOll l. ;ind J..."\.l.irer "·ampcrcJ hon11: v.11h the rcmarnmg lml ' "h<!n dub\ '""' llllflllJll)' 9004 Automotive 9004 IMW '9t 7401 6911 ml, 3yt war r anol, sliver I erey ltht. CO, llke new cond v579241 S25,99S hn av111t. Siu 949-586 1888 FORD ... 011 LS '90 Runs xlnl. 6 cyl, auto ac, USS, SUlllOOI, pw, ps, tilt wheel\, new t 11 e\ & caps. Blue booi. $3?2~ sell S.2600. Private party www.ecpel.co"' IMW '99 7401 69k ml, 3yr · warr <tvall, solver/ arev lthr, CD, llk11 new cood, v'i/9241 S25,995 Ion •Vall a kr 949 586 1888 7 I 4-S34-7t.OI fOaD RANGUI XlT '99 [,Ira Cab, Auto. CD 69K ml . VG, b•dhrt•r, P11vate Partv $7500 949-642-5620 ford '96 Wllldttcw Gl 7 PU\, red/Ian int at. ac. loaded $3995 vZJ I !i8/ CM 0. RxNrd 9664& 7frl2 ..... ....,.,. ... l'.lilccMry Seri. I 2711 ml full 1 ... t wart, blu117o.tmul lthr, d111I mnrf, r111 1h', jump ants. CO. II" cllfm whl•, 1111• n-. vl32099 121.995 hrm, fin avail Bllt 94~586- 1188 WWYt oc:pabi com a.-1-.W-~"M sa, _,... er-.. a..,. lmthw, &11111 moon roaft. r-Jwl"CI ~ 6 CD c::hqlf. ffloaded. Pll1ld q CAlllCi C)W 5&I ""' $14,!m ob> 9&1117 9101 A> leJCU• 'DO rs JDO 22k ml, ttlver /11•y llht. mntl. CO, full taclOfy warr. like n•w vl525721 $21,995 ltrm, fin avail Broker 949 S86 1888 -.eqtoltl.ceM LEXUS IOO lS '97 ()yst• PevVT an, fully loaded, 6 drsk c.d, perltct coodrtiou, 7511 ml, IOCll mi w•r. $14,900 !M9 235 4421 j leaus '00 Ul470 VI, auto, A/C. lthr. lull pwr Ml Im can, tc, \nrf, dvm, $38.5K 949 640 5311 Uncot.. '0 I Novl9otor 2111 m1, lull feet warr, blat.k/&J•Y Ith•, CO, OVO 20" t.hr111 whls, 1s new. v?67512 S?'l,99'> hn itvit~ Bkr 9 49 586 1888 WWW~ Moatlo '99 M lot• Conv J4a mo .• rn1u red bluk 1111 & lop buut1lul UrtC t.ond v'>91?4 1 ssm '""' Im ' .... ,, <lvittl Bkr 949 ~ 1888 www.ocpabl.c.om M....-..'991«GC2JO ll011'4'1'~. 811i\'ll0y lit!! IU•. 62)., snrt. Sl!>,9".h ofillll? CM et ~Mil M__..,. '93 lewu 300f J 2. blk, snri, 111•. reuol W(., ll.>21125 S199!> Rktwd CM 11' 94%46-Ml'l .... _... '90 6-J: 300( Z 6. btlllt .. n ltlw, vv I, P"' µdt AC.: $499'.>, v2J40 I l CM ~ R.VliW'd 918 646-MO M......_ 1IO a.ti 4.505l "111, ""'°· lttr \Vf lr;t1.iry v2 l !>4119 SJ5(I) obo Ro.tiat d C4X>tt M.-,;a !»' 9«}.646 lfI.I/ Merced•• '96 C210 b~•ul1fu1 bide ~ • •••m lully hi•d•d 'how•onrn •\/<tut. SI I !ii\ 114 l'>I 14b4 ,...wf'SAUTO Acw-eNSX T•~'OO <•~~d eJto~:.oo IM Sh c ts BIKll auto-low mtln (1185781)$12.980.00 IMW 7401 Se4- 'tl While w/1>4rlec1 creme leather cerl1 fled BMW !>4k mites (18730) $27,980 00 IMWXS 2002 Wh1t1 F 1ct0<y Premlum Wheel' ( 18920) $42 980 00 IMWU Convertible '96 ·,~•d w/tmma,ulate ptack lthr 5 <,peed (11871(}) $1~.980 00 ford bpedltlon '99 lodded, n1u family SUV, whole lu miles (•18794) $18,980,od leaus l S400 Setlon '97 VB Luuiry Sedan lull pnwe• l<!dlherl f1 lllJ431)$19.980 !Ill P'oroct.. 996 (eupe '02 Su l.t •y Only IOI\ Olllt• f •d W•lf I C11907Cl1 $b9.'J&l 00 Pend•• 996 (eupe '99 Orran Blur only •'>II miles..• '•Plf001(1 (•1 78J~) $4j'Jll()tl(I IMW S211Sport Setlan '00 Cosmo\ alack w a1~t~ full fdl.lury w~111v1 Low nul~·· C # 189~'.lt.>S 17 \IKO 00 Hummer H2 '03 •clf!?lf'I grrttlt W wtH~.-,t lulh~r lk mile\ (119040> S~9.980.m Jogu0< JtJS co...,ertlbl• '95 Br1· t1•.tt k.tf trlf (,, "t'I w p~r IN I Lr ... n1 .. l•.111 Pl '>hk m• I# l l!'l'i'>C S 111 9!!0 I WI Codlllac '02 DeVtlle 24k ml, lull fact W•rr, white oalmul llhr. CO. OnSt;ar sy~tem <hrm whls v•827519 $24,99!>, save S20k Siu 9&5a>UBI www.ocpobl.<oM. GIC T nd Higll Sierra ·as Auto, white fully equip a111 Im, smoued Well m41n1a1ned SJ~I 949-760-1950 Mercotle• '96 1320 Merc•cle• lenr II k m whttl' u~tmul SLSOO aoachter '99 c..-. O.Vllo ... Gold rwemrst. 45k m• lo!alhef ltlle """' I ow.-mv.1 <a. s 18.500 949 219-al64 ~ Odoraoi '18. Mn Automobiles Automotive 9000 ~ chomr wNs. 00. 47$»ra. Mitt $17,<ro 9004 9C!M>44-I Bl 94%8).g)l J Codlll~T.;lii; looks and d11vt\ nlle v7!>41196 S995 CM Ob R1chlfd 949 646 7822 Autll '9t A4 2.1 9911 mt melalh~ crten grey lthr CO, mn1t, fully luAdrd l1kr nrw v624521 $14.995 Ion & Wiii IVlll Bkt 9 4 9 '>86 11188 www.ecpobl.<- I MW '12 526e I uuk~ 11ood, run~ eoodl l()()I. mole $?500 949-650-8217 IMW S 2liD '9 7 IMril blav' ldn, tully ~. 6 <fl5A Cd, fll'W 11'.-.lbr ~ ..,.,., mo. l<XI< ... Wi'lf Pf!rlf'ctl Sl8.l}J) ~Zf>-4421 Chry•ler '97 Clnv• 6<.yl auto, MC. Cc pw, pdl. ,inn vl:.>159&$3995 CM Oh R1<.h•rd 949 640 /1122 Do4ge '9 7 Intrepid 3.Sl. di, a/l, u, loaded, dun 11599864 $3995 R1<.ahdrd c.m ~ DI' ~1'82'2 FOltD l'SCOllT SIDAH '98 31.. 1111, ot!i owner, !i <;peed manual, •Int cond $4.290 Vto 949 246 8131 lllu .111 I t O ht.out1lul ,,, torld w4'>'9!M'I $18.9'1> (j•r 949 '>86 111811 Jo9u0< '96 XJ6, h~~ www.o<po~l.<e"' ntw fopat Olltmul, CO Alarm Mu\ t Sel' • Mercetl•• SOOSl '00 SIS.800949 650 ~ I Pt.lnll1 •·••I!" i."" '~" www per1orm.tll(."'1d c.om "•wt NN. •.... ,. .. , f""" ~ ' ,... w •• & tr.. \Vt I Jaguor 99 XJa 4611 "''· b.ttr,f..,dbW lJt rrt ..... full la<1 ,...,, ' 81111 h W.llOI r:..a 'M'J b4/ WI/ r a"nC 21 l'l'n oatmfal £ noa•I bt-<k\bv(a>_.,JI i un1 Ith• CO, c11rn1 whl b .. ut hkt new <ond Mercetlu '81 S60 Sl vl496721 $19,995 f,11 whtlt i.n tmlll•l f\.\&11. •n•I Bkr 949 586 1888 n.lt .,._ •-·di k11. w-.ecpot.l.c:eM d t•IT""" Sl'>.Wl n47'>1 ~A Joguar '99 XJ8 Vand~n MINA>khl ~ IS Plos 341< ml, -.parkllnt1 '00 lu•ury lttw •• utr~. blk/lan llhr CD chrm lt'll)(fl!' hoe~ •. '"Ii o-whls. lull fat l WAii . Ilk~ n ... ,..., . Sl5.9!6 "'41.rrill u, new $28.99!> lorm PP ll49/96l6 v8A2614 l•nanc1n11 avail Nl .. on '98 S.nlro GU w Pdr• t1•11f"nt l r•t •f Hoth lhJ\' • ft• tul f 1•18%/> SIH 91'.rl tlll S_.900S '98 """ Ct .. n1t-Ir, .. , Only I~ n11 ., Ul lOH $111 ~l!IJ llU Ford Mu•tong• c-p• '99 \1&11 '> .fiHd .. If! Platt" I 1111 p,,.,.,., 1 •I ll'i61)1 Sil 'll!IJflO 90 574 .7777 P'HILLIP'S AUTO hllll saute.com Bkr 949 586 1888 I ok• n•W ln•rl•d ,111tu aonge aover '99 4.0 www.ocpabl.coM 1noo111111•I •""Y' lnw /4~ 11£ /Ill. m1 hol' la I Jogv0< -·99 Xl(I C.env mo S6'><lll 11 4 /'>I /4&4 Wdft bid k '"' tho 34k ml. lull ladOfu wau Old bll '95 A "1'" 11 11'1""" h•••11 ""~ , •mo • urora umd Slf1 )'J' ¥4!'1? IX spa• 11111111 b1•dlo•1mtdl Vfl. 1mmn lo•dl'd~ 1111~, 1 1"1 ••••I llkr ·;MI '<if> ISM llhr. CO thromt '""'' al CO. 8111 S4'ff> v .. .147.v www ocpobl ,0 .., Oally Pilot 9004 Wllllld NEW2003 M~ICOOPER! • LEAS£FOR $249 per month+ t.11 2 at these terms on approved ued1t • S2'i00 down 16 m11nH1 th•'l!d end tu"' 110 •• 1.ur1ty dtlW'.•I, 10.000 mtlw' per yed1 20¢ 11e1 r111ft, Im ea tc~' milt \ 11'477111. ICdl'llf'l • LETS MOTOR' IT'S FUN 55 fRUWAY @ [l)~R ~H~AAUTOW.U ( 888) 823· 9808 VW llHU '67 Haw pi\ r1t dut 11 tr tkt " ,.,., • S. MIO llHU Pv1 \tJtly II• I' l II/I I VW '99 Ponot GlS 111 .... 4,,, '"'' m "'v· 4t. "' to ... ~ Sll #J v/IJfi"t llM 1-. .liS~l!C' AUTOMOBILES. MISCELLANEOUS Wanted 9045 ........., Oper.-1 ~ INt;i IMI vr.W' ~•1'' "" l•IY ,9 °rt1'. ft .. , .... I fuj "fH\. I I V IU I# but;, lliill(J f,., " n.•I I, .. lwk f<,.; /u. Ion ,f, Aul11 ,.,....... 111 Ii/ l'HI '" 114 f/X 17.?! I CASH fOlt CAllS W, nMd yow Oii, paid IOI Of not l'hllhp• Auto AsJ.. tor Makolm 949 574 7777 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES SNUC T(f 9200 TIOO Xll!A CAB, TOYOTA TR0CK. PAil mi MAK£ Of FER \'ltl SEU CtfJP 714 374 8793 SNUC TOP 1100 XTRA CAB, TOYOTA TRUCK. PAil mi MAI([ OHER WU sm CtVP 714 374 8793 MOTOR HOMES Motor Homes - Rent av /WINHUAGO 9355 f• IU.HT, JOft C 0-.1, Xlnt C-.d. CA&1 Foti 011 A&S 949....a 7114 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAlE! In CLASSlflED (949) 642-5678 PLUG IN Pluo into 11 l Pilot (ldss1f1ed \ect1on 10 find serv1<Ps from Plec tronrt ~ and plumbl'r), to lcJnd<.( dpf•rr, cind painters IMW '99 3231 Conv 5sod 4Jk nu .olver blue/ erev lthr hu1ed ~••h. lull tact waor 'uperb. s21.m t11m. 'l6?4?1 fin 1v11I B~' 949 58b 18118 Rm> DPlOll8I sro.'f '99 Blad\ w/wey llrttnlr Cr ~di cund11to11 Well rnatn~lflf!d Po-lcldl WWldow'>. co pbyw '9.<XXl 949 ll>-1561 YOU MUST SH THIS CAA. VBY QIM. I ri. e n• w v6 71?95 CM 0.-HaJ.,..d 'lll'MA6 78Z' . . SJ!i.m llnancme •v•tl Poruh• '911 lo•ter a ong• ••v•r '97 ... , Bhr 949 586 1888 Conv lt• m ~l'pil H'il f>1.1k m, "'''""" -.oqteltl.•-wlt•I• 11•0 lll•t lull I'' I tl•rh grppn •Im•• 11hr Daily Pilot -.o<pebl.ce"' IMW '9S S401 IOOll mo blach blh buutrlul or111n•I • ond II nan, '"I & warr ••••I ••149761 S9.9!b ei.. 949 !186 1888 fertl ' 96 b pler.-r Sport 2wd. AT mnrl. blk RrtY lthr v4521 J6 $5995 CM DI' Rldvd 94964£> 782'2 Ferd • t4 Must-. V6 Red 5'-Pd at, le. attoys \l.4lf!ll tlftan S.l895 v21541f> CM DI' Rldwd ~7f!f/2 .....,. '9S G.wtd-a..... -~" 1;•r ~,., """ I 'I! whl~ ••LOJ '" • •• I LID 4•4 V8 S2l ~ '"'•' h•• nrw •1766'1'> lahulou~ u•nd Sl!l 4'+'• 111'1' ~ v514938 S64'l> Sl7 1m Rk• 94'1 ~ ll!RI! '""' v•:tt.'>t:l4 ''" '"" CM Ct Rdwd 96<Jol6.7822 w-.ecpobl.<-•• ,,1 flkr ~'J '>lib ISM Jeep '94 Lare4e ~ 8U. Per-ache '99 996 C_.. Saturn '9S SU RF'd c,.~.., mt. perf an1 Jfi.900 ubo t:onv bl•t• b •• • 11111 ~ '94 626 I~. pert 6•.pd l'ik ""· luUy loadr-<1 oond 11..oed SJ«iO obo m • n t t ortd S '>8 '>00 • ru bolh 9$~n t949> e1• 19<J•, Classified Community Marketplace HOME, HEAL TH AND BuSINESS ---~ ERVICE Service Directory I Carpentry ~~~~~~~~ .-w-o_U_U_n_lh • Atcountmg I 1,u,1om llu11t '"' r.rown ___ .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Mnldonc\, Bne Boa1d\ Nf)llf.I HI RI AOfRS l "511982 949 837 5642 Cdlllcur11• '"' '" C etR I ~"I ""K ., '"ti '""" •t arp epa ,,_ es tor t.1k 1£ , .. ,,,. th.at Concrete & Masonry Davki VifitWO (_.-efe & M...-y Residenltal Brock, Slone. 81nck, Ttlt I 1<•747448 714 965-2824 -n..c--t•-Cementwork. 811cl<. Tilt & More Rehable Ho ,ob too small 949 S48 6746 Int.. $t/J0 '•' niotP 0.dk r , <~ n1MHl~I\) lif' het n~ed I y 'h' f ontr.-, 1.-., 'itAl.- l tr Pll ,.. Ro u •f St.•\• l•N .. \II ff q1J1ff"~ lhlft ( nr1h .It fuf ·~ UH l11dt th,,ir llt ~"'• n1mJbtr Ott ;1 t tdvtoittr~lltf l'ou < •n < h~tk th• t~•u~ of y1.iu lu .. ,,,.-d r n n I t•' In r ,, I WWW t. •.fb ( t t(CPI ur CAaPn• CAaP'lh' ,.,,_,,,....,,.,.-..... kepn\, Pa1ch1ng, ln<lall llUllMIUWlfllUllUW• 80() ll I ! '>I !l llnll t.f1;1t•.,.d r on tr 11c tm \ h ktnR 1•111, that 1ololl I~\\ lh•n $!'100 mu•• \IAI,. 111 th'" J4lvrrll\ell1•nl• lha1 lhf'y al~ ""' h• en\ftd by lttr ('nntr ~< lnrs Stat" t 1un'4l 81111d • Additions& Remodeling ·~ lfTIJ9(MtS 1111, IW1 B.1111 Rf'mOClll ~~ "11ffh ~ 'i«:IM'>9.115 carpentJy A TO Z HANDYMAN In 1•11 tefl'lfl 1 1btn•I• ~bl·~ nudllw Dols 714 ~ Tl!-M Attorney Services ------ ATTORNEY ('1\11111\Attt" ""''nc'' law. land 11\C lollld l~1U1nt, c.:ontt'ltdt. oth1."T "l'ttlllC'nl~ 211 Yun e•p Raa«inalllr ntlc• ... y.~ CflUI leous •nv s11e ,obs NHD MOaE aOOM? Wnot~~alel 949 492 O:?OS AOOfTl)NS & REMalCLIHC COOCl!te & Masonry lrh la lleck Stone Tiie Corio rete. PatlO, !Xr..eway F lrtpk, BBQ Rers 25y,. lxp Terry 71• !iSl 7594 Auto Services ltSlD • lllAJlf F«nly o-J fat 30 YewJ AllTOMOllU SERVKI ,,..,.,,, Dt-*-S#Nf ... TUNl~SHOP (949) 645-4641 44fW II • 11 11 ..... 1 ...... C-P91l•r '1111•-'·-·0-•t .... Hia St-41·"~ ,,.,....... ..,....,q..-., .......... ,'-.,. w••-.•D.-(MIJ 548-95115 l #57798? 9 49 837 !1642 New Cen•tructl-& ............ All trade$, rrw hbm•les JO Years Exp l A1337169 949·631 ·2345 Deatop Publishing TIME TO llGIN YOUl.HOMI IMP'aOVEMINT P'tOJICT? Call a plumber, P•lnter, handyman. Of eny of th• lfHI services hsted here In our service directory! THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI WmNOrn DIYWAll All phuu sm/lr I jobs. CUA.NI 20yrs, farr, free -. 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Apt T • l o< p um er Qu•hly )'lb' r r •e M.h'Nllt: l •!i69891 II• &l6 8888 •pert rel11 eonl"I Plumb'"I •«P 1•r' uv,., :?5y" '-•P All w "k ~ arit" Strv. 114 ~8191 HOtuST &-ltfAS6NAau PLUMB( R l •!i0b!>8& free l st' Sm '~ OCTTCU l.N 114 /7:> 91'Jl P'alC.ISI P'LUlllllNG Repa11 .. & Remodel11te r Rll l!> llMArC l •687 398 714 969 1090 The Roofing S~!!~~ta 800.939~8846 ,_... S"ll ?"'" <•r _J!!.. Clnu ttd I Roofl~utters • ...., a..nin. R•oohnc & Repa11\ li!Klderrhatl t.mn S1nct 1'1$7 I llC'll'137 949 644 5MO 714-«Jll. JI JG T utonng Services GOU USSOIS 2 FOi i v...,.,,, SJlfdtl S1UWIBIY FMm '-0...•• Mf.411 Wall Coverings Wo Golt •hould h•na 1u1~ther St1 Ip, nslll Intl ( • • P*f1I 9dYlce to thtl ff .r/ •7B116 ~ 681 8164 THIStalP'P'HI Sp11<.1a1i111111 In W11ipapr Removal I 15811241 949 J60 1211 Window Cleaning Utle W l ..... w a.-1.,. ,_.,.,..~~& ,..,llln loaij ,. Ji lf1I 714-~:lli'S -~.J72! 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