HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-11 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. -. _ .. _ "' -.-• . • • • City lights fire under the station Newport leade rs are trying to win the county's hl <'~<-iing for a $3-million fire house planned for Santa Ana I lcights. June Casaerande Daily Pilot "JI Wl'Cllll Bl.AUi Uty uffitiab are 1110\l ng .1tw.1d w11h J. plan to build a fire ,1.1111111 u .. mg JI lt·.1'>t SI million m redevel - 11p111l•111 hmlh for ~11lla Ana Height:.. '>t'\l'I .11 111 till' lour or five l>ll~ being l 1Jf1'Hl1 r1·d for till' fin· '>talion are on prop- 1•1 t' "'""'d h) till' rt'development agency. ''''''·"II I 11~ ~1JrMgN Dave K.tff ..aJd. I '"''1111l111m lO'>L'> are C'>llmated at $3 11111111111 111 '>I!°> m1lhon, not counung pur· l h."11 ·~ 1Jw prop<. n> \\t• no·d 111 1duu1ly a permanent s11e." f II\ ~l.111.1gl·t I lumer HludJU \did "lhe11 , .. ,. 111·1·d 10 1•11t1·r 111111 .1 permanent agree- 1111•111 \\till 1h1· 1111mt) rt·dc\l'lopmcnt ·'~'''ll \ 111 fund purdM'>t' of the '>Ill' and c 1111,truc 111111 111 .1 fin· '>tat11m " Bhul.111 .11111 t..111 plan to meet with f 11.1111:•· < •Hllll\ 'l11perv1'>or Jim ~ilv-a next ''', l 111 p11'>h lor 111u11ty '>Upport for the 1 11' ' pl.111 I 11y off1nal' hope to win the 11111111\ .. 11p1·1 vi'>or.,· hlt''""g to plan and h111ld 1h1 Im· ... 1.111011 U'>lng thl' rcdevelop- 1111 111 .11:1·nl y lu11d'>. "4111w '\o1111.1,\11<1 I ll'1ghl'> rl">1den1 leader.. li.t\t' ,1,kl·d \\lwtlwr tht::y '>houJd foot the • 111111· lull w11 .. 1dt•ling that the '>lation will "''1\t· p.1n ... ol '\l'"'port &•aC'h that were the 111\., fl">(>1111\lh1ht\ long before the Santa "'·'I lnght' ,infll·>.<1tm11 w~ approved. ll111:1·r ~ummf'"", ~ho head'> up the re- d1·\t·l•1111nl·111 .1gt'lll'l>' prowct advisory l 111111111tlt't .111cl ''ho ha.'> que'>lloned fully li111111111g tlw ,1,11m11, could not be 11 .11 ltnl \londa) .tltt·rnoon I h1 · .. 1.1111111 "111 re., pond to ftre call'> in I "t ~1111.1 \11a I lt·1~hi... \. .. tu ch will be- 1111111• p.1rt ot :'\l \o\pon BcaLh on July I. It '·"II . .i,11 "'"t' \\t''>I 'lanta Ana llc1g.ht~. """ h " .. 111111n11H orporate<l counly prop- • rr '· p11r11011' ot '\t'\.'\ port Beach nonh of 1'111 .. 1111 \\ l'fllll .and po..,.,1hly l'Vl'll the area .11111111d I l1•1t h1·1 lom• ... Motorra.I"'>. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newpor1 Beadl .,, I John W,1ynp A1rpor1 She may be readied .ir 1114!JJ !>74 473:7 or by•' mall at 1•m1• 1 •"·"l' mc11• •• l.i11m1•:, cvm Serving th e Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY,FEBRUARYll ,2003 Costa Mesa Ftre Capt Scott Broussard demonstrates one of the thermal imaging cameras acquired by the department Fire in their eyes Costa Mesa firefighters now haue small ca m eras that will help thern find victilns am id pitch black snzoke and see fires behind walls Deepa B~arath Daily Piiot U ntil a fe,, \.\'t'Ck..... ago. Lo'>la ~lt"wi firdiglm·r ... had to battle fief\ hl.vl·<. as if the~ "'erl' blindfolded. TI1ev would ru~h into a room and look for ~umvor<. in Jarl rooms and pitch black alcO\e'> . .i . '>lluauon a.lmo~t aJwaY' wor.e1w<l by a thick blanket of smoke Now they have a camera that \lnllally twc onll''> a firefiglHN' eye~. one the\ can hold in the JM.Im ol tht•1r hand'> and Lhat 't't-"> thniugh th1· dctrl and thl' .,rnokt- h' c:aJlt><l .1 tlwrmal 11nagmg lamera and loob prt.'11\ mu<.h hlt.> al arm cmln 1h.11 lit'> '>nu~I~ 111 a firenl<m' <oat pocl et < )n II'> ~ 1m:h hy \ 1nrh '>l ret'n. firl'fighwr-. Lan '>et• t'>.Jl ti\ '' ha1 ., happcnmg m the room -.a1<l < O'>la Me'><• I 1n· L.1pt 'll 011 llrou~...ard. "ho pu-.he<l tor thl' purt ha'><' of till' r<trtll'ra' "It \. .. url.., on till' '>t'lt·nt1fil pnn(lpfe that t;\.t'r\ ohjel t holth heal tlifferl'll tl\ "ht• 'Mtrd • \ < h.ur or a tahle hold' heal Jrllnt·1111\ Lh.m .t hoth I 1refigl111·r, h.i\l· olt1•11 \,,1,tt•J '>('\ c•raJ fHl'l!llU\ .... ·u11HI' m1rn11e.., t H'n n.1, 1~.11111i.: bhndh bt·lo rt thl'\ Lan 1wrlor111 .1 rt''>l.·ue. Bn>ll'>'><trd "k.lrd I ht L.111wra' 111.1\ lw lhl'd ·" night \ 1.,1011 goAAJt"> anti ,,, .1 See FlRE. Page M For Peter's sake, show a little respect Member of a famous 1960s folk trio brings his mess~ge of tolerance to Newport Beach elementary students. Christine Curlllo Daily Pilot 1960s, has taken hls talents and passion for advocacy to the classroom with a new program he established in September 2000 called "Operation Respect: Don't Laugh at Me." a wa\ of hfe for me because 11' talmg tht' mo..,t important and sub\tanllal worL. for me including all the movements 1\t> been mvolved m The program. m wh.tch YarrO\'I.. tnes to infuse character educauon mcludmg soctal and emotional learmng pnnc1ples with academics. uses music 10 bring people together and spread a message Yarrow has tried spreading nearty all his life -a message of peace and respect. \'\ell \'\1lh what ht:' <lmng • A.s part of the a~..embly. Yarrow p!'rformed Blowm' In the Wind .. and "\\e-<.,hall Overcome.~ \o\hich he believes served a.<> anthe~ that helped moved generatJon<~ dunng the c1"il nght.s and peace- movements. as weU as "Don't Laugh at Me." a song he believes couJd now serve as an anthem for the movement to help children find thelr common sensidvity to the painful effects of disrespect. intolerance, ridicule and bullylng. DON LEACH/DAILY PILOT Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary fame shares a message of re~ndness during his song "Don't Laugh at Me." W hen talla.ng about respect, from a musical standpoint, one might tmmedlately think of Aretha Franklin, but by adjusting the radio dial just a bit from Motown to folk music, you're cert.a.in to hear Peter, Paul and Mary -and you're certain to see Operation Respect In action. Peter Yarrow, a member of the famous slnging trio also known for their activism during the During an assembly at Mariners Elementary School in Newport Beach on Monday, he shared his program with students from Mariners, Newport Heights, Rea and Kaiser elementary schools. ~I've always used mu le as a way to create change ln the way of movement," Yarrow said. ~It's "His message 1s the same that we have here," sald Pat Coughlin, principal at Mariners. MWe have a similar program here at our school . . that deals with respect ... and that ties in very "When people sing these kinds of songs together, they feel very close and feel very open to S.. RESPECT, Pace A4 THE VERDICT . . ~ . Can't forget Tony De raga T he other day I got a phone call from a reader. Sl'\e had read the column on my early adventures ln Corona del Mar and wrulled to ask about Tuny Oeroga. I drew o blank. TherJ WU somethJng familJf! about the name, but for the life of me, I On some days. I fee.I like I could lecture at Ha.rqrd Law School, and on others I'm lurpriJed I recosnlze m)'lelf In '1le mirror. I was hoping that ln the next 24 hows the pendulum would swing back. and I would recall whatever lt was I once knew about Tuny Deng&. couldn't place him. I asked her to call me the next day, which probably swpr1aed her, but as I have galloped lnto my 90s. or ROBERT GARDNER The nm momln& I got up and went into the kitchen. There wu a note on a yeUow legaJ pad In my lDeglble more accurately hobbled, I have noticed that while my memory is cert.al.nly not what It once was. there'e a hu lnron ten\)' lo ~It functlona. laibble: "'tbny Der'ap?• I looUd It that What WU tho que.don mart foa1 SM YEIDCT, ,.._M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER Don't looic up. Your f.ce might get W9t. Of course, like an our talk of ,.In of late, ft could be a fain alarm. 5"Paa•A2. SPORTS Settlement reached in Rodman, New case Terms are not disclosed, but attorneys for the former NBA player and aspiring model say ~ey are satisfied with the deal. NEWPORT BP.ACH -Omni Rodman has ruc.hed • setde- ~l With a womtn who .c- cused him of raping htt at bb w.t Newport borne more man ~ l&'Oo attwncys said ~ OI the ~t. Wbidl -n.c.t.t ... ~ attempts to tettle and on the brink of a dvil mat. wae kept confidentW. Liit week.. the trlaJ tMt WU JtheduJed to bef,in Monday WU ~to April 14. 1loa New. a fomW at.11'111 and upMg model med I $1Q..mD- lion cMI a.Wlu1t ..... 1'odman in Aug\llt 2000. She dMned - ............. M KJOS TAUC BACK A ·day for th.e heart The DaJJy Pilot went to F.~tancia High ~c..hool to a'>'x nrnth -graderr,, 'What do you think about VaJentine'r, Day? • I tr.mJ-It' for, if Y''u ~.,,., .. ii t1' rtf rin1<1 r '' • t. J ..r,,.., r1 ( J'ton"M~· ti\ ,,,,, I rtun~ ''' f ,(J(JI ~"UM: P"f1pJ, wear ff'd <Ji 1thM and you .t)Wif)"' vr wrl\ and ~TY' lt1Y,Mhn • O~HY PEREZ, 15 ( .11\t;, ~fr"'1 ~,, .. .s 11,'1'1<1 rurw ''' .. t.rJW yri w lrr.1,.rl (/(II~ Y'llJ r ar"' It dot~n I JU\I MY" to~ 11 boyfrl,.ud tJr a hu .. hafld • BEVERLY QAJ..V~. 14 < .tJ\lil Mna • VuJrntlne·11 IJily 111 t ool hec.au\e II'" nm fmly for your boyfrl.end bu 1 aOO for your ft11'fld11 heutu~ you < 1111 glv1• them ._ __ cud and thuw Uu&t you appred ate th~ • MELISSA MORALES, 15 <"'•ta MelU "11'111 nlCf' holiday fur ahow1ng tha1 you.Jove !)'Our friend.ti and te1Jln11 them 1h11t you·u olwo)" be frlrnd11. I llkt K)v1n11 Klfl• " ROBINSON GONZALEZ, 14 Co11tn Mt-ltfl ~ -Jn1,,vl1tw.f and photos complll'd by CJ1rlst/n, Carrillo IN THE CLASSROOM JO."• ~fM:Jo! 0 V Pi_QT Mentor Oa'11d Mmtzer of the UCI Student Outreach program, trurd from left, works wnh Estancia students on legal scenanos 111 Bob Sterling's class Motivational learning Chrl1tJne Carrlllo Da1t1 Pilot W hlle mott du~ teach a •pectflc curriculum. the Advancement Via lndtvtduaJ DeurmJnadon courae at Eatanaa High School tri~ to tea.ch students an academic h/eatyle A lifestyle that wUJ gel the high \Chool •tudenta lnto college More Importantly, how to become succe"ful college "udenta "I'm doing more than the average teacher. You guy• need 10 do more than the average \tudent. • Bob Sterling wd to hia ninth-grade !Jtudenta Friday momlng In hi• dally attempt to Inspire them. "If you want to go to coUege. you have to •~rt acting lllce a coUege •tudent now Estancia High School students get an extra boost to propel them into college and beyond After lltttng through a motivational speech on college life. the clus broke up Into five dlfferent groups. With the aid of five student mentors from UC Irvine, each group began studying the world of cnmlnology. "Pan of the program i.s the han<h-on approach to criminology,· said Johnny Nhan. a coordinator for UCl's criminology outreach program. That they're learning about criminology from college studenu helps reinforce the reality of coUege life, he added. "They could probably relate to them better because college is not that far off.· he wd. The students enrolled tn the coww are considered to be "m the middle" as far a.s aca.denucs gQ and would be the first Ul their families to attend coUege. The class tries to motivate the students through the aid of guest speakers and, ln Friday's case, coUege mentors to gfve them a wte of the cueers lie before them. From iaaues of Miranda rights to the allowance of vtctlm testimonies and from prosecutor to defense attorney, each student worked closely with the uslgned UCI 'I'm doing more than the average teacher. You guys need to do more than the average student.' Bob Ster1k\1 mentor to decipher the logisucs of c:tifferent scenanos •1t was fun because "''e got to guess who the people were and how they wof'Ud on the cases,· said Mary Jane Becken. who was surprued to discover that there were different types of witnesses. ·1 learned a lot.· • IN ™E ClASSROOM 111 weekly feature 1n whidl 011ly Pilot education wrrter Chrittine Carrillo v111t11 campu1 in the Newport-Meta area and wrltee about her experience. SCHOOL LUNCH MENU , WEDNUDAY OtieMll cHcQn Mled., """ .... _.......,., rol or hlmburger or wgg1e burger, ..,.Ind ' s>k**. rMpbeny fruit""°'...,,-... ol,.. fNlt. "*•in o.y aodde, ddce or ..a ..., .,.. ,.. 17 ID 21 n-. ~-Meet Untfttd 8dM)OI Diltltct of'lwt9 meny ~ Md'I fWv It .,,,..,tlfy ..,., "'** rNy d.ooM. WfNMn ...... The "'9ctfon v1rlte end mev be .... 1 INd, ~ or hot entree. 8dM»ol klnc:NI.,. 82 Md\ . ...,... Wtwt'l l*ng NMd thle wlM: TODAY Mwftble Lundi lilld Wtdt fruit vaoutt or oom doa or wgglt oorn dog, POIMO emtlll, Ofllllnl, c:.holol Of a. . THUMOAY Munchebfe Lunch 8etld or peltl with~ 11uoe 1nd mel1t>lll1, whote ..C" roll,...,. 11led wtth ranch dreMinQ, ....,_......_ ofmllk Daily A Pilot Coral Wlleon Box 1580, Cotta M .... CA 92828. SURF AND SUN New. enlttent, (IMI) 57'"4298 Copyright: No newt ltOrfM, oor1/.wlltonel•tlmn.com llluttretlont, edltorlel metter or flHOTOOMPHEM edvertlMmente herein can be WEATHER FORECAST rein late. S..n Hiller, Don l..eedl, reproduc.cl without written Kent Trwpeow permlHlon of copyr1ght owner. Pertly cloudy lkiet In the SURF VOL. 97, NO. 42 "IADIM HOT\JNE HOW TO "EACH UI momlng meke wey for 1 THOMAI H JOHNtOH News ldltors (IMll e.2-eoee Clrouletton ch1noe -1 ch1nce, keep In Nothing but elop, with rein Publl1h•r Olne Alexender. Lori Andert0n, ~rd your oomment.1 •bout the The TlmM Orengt County mind, since It h11n't h1ppened poulbte Just to dirty the TOHYDOOlRO Ptul Stltowltz, Oenlel Steven• Ot lly Piiot or newe tlpe. (800) 252·91'1 lltefy -of rein In the W11ert. Editor NIWllTA" Addf'Mt =i'Ma1 S.2-1871 eftemoon. If you 1beoluttfy, poeltlvefy JUDV OITTlNO Our edd,... It 330 W. Bey St .. Cotte AdVel11~ Director 0..,.lhlmh M .... CA 92827. Offlee hourt tre Dltptey (Ma) S.2"'321 Highs wUI ruch the low 70. heve to go (1,. you the .o lANA NION Crime •net oouru reporter, M~ Ftldey, 1:30 t .m. • 5 p.m . ...... 1fter ttartlng In the high 40t. surf 10,000 dlya In 1 r6W , ,romotlon1 Dlreator (9'81574-4228 New9 lnfonndon: pull out I big bo1rd Ind get tlHl».bh•r.,h e11tlmM. oom COMI ,. It It th• Pllot'1 pollcy to promptly llMI) 842-MIO www.nws.no..(JOV tome mushy peeka by the lomHQ ITAPP N:.=:,,.,, oorreet 111 errort of tuti.tenoe. lporta (IMl)l74-4223 Ll.C.hft JettlM. M•n•f Ing fdttor. PINN cell 184817&M32•. New9 '9Jl (Ma) MM170 BOATING FORECAST TMre might be eome eurf ("8)574-4212 lporta,.. (Ma) 150-0170 (848 17• ... 2U /uM.ONllgr•n<#el.r/,,,..,oom l'YI l-meal: d•llyp//ot•l•tfme..oom come Frtdey, but don't hold t J.uhn• ,.tlrrw.oom '-"" Cltnton The N.wpol1 IHch/Cott.t Meu MIMOMM Wlnde on the Inner water• yourbl'Hth. JetMeMeW Polltloe and 1nvlron1Mnt reporttr, Dally Piiot (USPS-144-8001 It ....... ()Moe (Ma) 842"'321 wlll be ~o knots 1nd '"' W'lltllr quettty: Clty(dftof, ~)714-4330 publlehed delly. In Newport a .. ctt .......... ,.. (IMtl 831-7128 throughout moet of the dey • www .. urfrldfr.org , ... , "4-432• JM'r*. ,,,.,.,.,,,,,..,oom ,,.ul.cl/11ton•1•tl1M1.oom Ind Co9te Meu, tubeorlptlont Ire Wind wavee will be 2 fMt on 1 ..... Clftleft LotbHefl* 1v1ll1blt only by tubtcriblng to Th• eml11 W9tt ewetJ of 3 fMt. The TIDES lpof'9 ldftor, Columnlet, oulture repotttr, (Ma) Tlmee Orange County (IOO) ewetl will bulld • lhlli late, n.n. Heltht (M)l7tMa2J 17'"'275 212..em. In ,,... outtlde of l"Md\lng 5 fMt. A c:hlnce of ,,,,_,_...,,,.,,,,,..,,.com lollt1.1'1MP«•1-tf,,...,oom NMPOt' ""°' end Cott.I Meet, rein Im. 4:at1.m. 4.87 fMt high ..... J ........ ~ Newl'l\lft tubeerlpdone to the 0.lty "'°' .,. °"* wttere will lleo hive 12:Jtp.m. 0.28fMtlow M OINOW I N9WI Dtek Chi.f, Cotti MtM ~. (IM8) 17~21 avalleble onty by ftrtt c1 ... mtll for l'ubllthed by Tlmtt Community mlld wlndl, which wilt top out 7:Aap,m. 3.07 fMt high (Ml~~2• JOfi9.lllltfflt# ,.,,,,,...OOll'I delrdte.IW!M'N11ei.t1,,,.. com ao Ptf month. ("'1cle Include Ill News, • dlvielon of tht Loi AngMe It •bout 11 knola. The WIV9I 11:0lp m. 2.74fMtlow llllwMtQi•• . ~CMllo tpptable .wand*-! \IMt.) TltMe wltl be 2 to 3 fMt on • 4-to llOtTMAITUI: lend ICklreee "'°'°~' lductt.lon ~. (8481174-4211 =:.. "t:C::: flllot. '-0. Cl2002 TlrNt CN. All nghta &.foot ...... from the WM. WAt:fR TEMPERATURE , ... , dtrl«tne OIHf'Ulo•,.tlnw.oom ~ Wlndl might pl«* up .... ~·,.,,,,,...'°'" ~ wftt'I the .w.tl. Ct\lnOI of .. _ ... ' ,Dally Pilot City leaders fear effects of tax ruling Newport Beach may have to pay back $5.7 million in property truces because of cou rt decision on a Proposition 13 violation. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot truces levied by the county, of which portions are redistributed to the cities. NEWPORT BF.ACH -A court Since Orange County property case originating in SeaJ Beach values have bounced back. the could h!t Newport in the pocket· county has been readjusting as- boolc so hard it would outweigh sessments, sometimes by in- the local effects of the state creasing them by 5% or I 0% in a budget crunch. single year. Tuat, a Seal Beach A Superior Court has ruled plaintiff said, Is contrary to the that the county's practice of as-state proposition that limits an· sessing some home .values Is in· nual assessment increases to no con!listent wi1.h state Proposition more than 2% a year. 13. 1£ an appeal by Orange The city takes in about $33 County fails, at couJd mean New· million a year in property taxes. port Beach would have pay back "Newport Beach is a very h.igh SS. 7 million in property truces property true city. So 11 wouJd and would colJect $2.3 million hun the city proportionately less each ye-M. more versus a low property tax During the early and city,· Administrative Services Di· mad -1990s, when many homes rector Dennis Danner said. were losing value, assessed val-By comparison, cutbacks in ucs on som~ homes were low-the state budget, incluwng the ered accordmgly. The assessed-eutbacks of a portion of vehicle vaJue\ are used as the basis for license fe~ to the cary, could cost Newport Beach about S3.5 mil· lion in li5cal 2003-04. Danner said that it's too soon lo say whether the city might take action to oppoSe the move or what city services wouJd suf- fer from the revenue loss. It may be years before the case as resolved. But if the appeal fails, Assistant City Martager Dave Kilf saJd, "It would be a huge hit." · Newport Beach resident Ron I lendriclcson, an activist fre- quently in support of taxpayers' rights, said that . the county , should be allqwed to reverse the large benefits some homeowners received when their assessed values were reduced. "It's seems equitable to me that if you're one of those people who had the benefit of having your property assessment re- duced by 5% or 10%, it's only fair that the county should be al- lowed to get it back to where it was,· Hendrick$'on said. "Then it makes sense for the 2% rule to Icicle back in.· Maddox moves offices to Costa Mesa The new Jocation is closer to the center of the district, which was redrawn last year according to the 2000 Census. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot COS'IA MIM -After three months a'i the caty'!I assembly- man, Ken Maddox i~ movmg to town Maddox. who was elected ~ the city's new representative an the Assembly m November. an- nounced the move of tus dtstnct office from Garden Grove to Costa Mc..a on Monday The new office is closer to the center of the new 68th Daslrict, which was realigned by state lawmalcer., a year ago based on 2000 Census data. Maddox is movmg in today "It ma.Ices wi much more ac· ce'>Sable to voters an the district as newly drawn... Maddox said about the move "Ille current lo· cation didn't ma.Ice a lot of sense.· Maddox has held an Assembly <real since 1998. Before Nov{•m · ber, he represented pnmarily Garden Grove. Costa Mesa and that city now make up nearly equal part~ of the new barbel· shaped dtstrkt, which also in- cludes Fountain Valley. Pan of Garden Gro\e was taken out of Maddox's old distncL ln ex change, the legislator wru. handed Costa Mesa. which had been in Assemblyman John CampbelJ's 70th Distnct City leaders said they wel- comed the move. "Local access to state legisla- tors is very good," Costa Me!la Mayor Karen Robinson said. "INowJ that he as in Costa Mesa, lit) will be more convenient 10 get a hold of lhaml." At 5 p.m. today, Maddox is MATH Help At Offerlne Individualized lnatructlon • BaBic Math • Aleebra •Geometry • T rlgonometry • Calculus CALL TODAY 949-645-7900 488 E. 17"" STREET • CosTA MEsA (corner ol ltvlne A"'9.) @j~ 50% OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids Home Decor • Fllrniture . -·-Moe-Fri IM• Sat tt.5 • S• 11-4 3ff & 171111 Stnet Ill. COID Mme• ("9) 646-6745 (Aaalla ,..,.. ) scheduJed to move in the desks, plug in the phones and install his staff of six in the new local office, which is at 1503 S. Coast Drive. Ken Maddox It's near the San Diego Freeway and Harbor BouJevard. Maddox is moving from a t ,500-square-foot office to one that's about 1,200 square feet. The rent is about the same, Mad- dox said. Maddox said his staff is look- ing forward to the move to Costa Mesa. which is dotted with a few more restaurants and shops than sleepy Garden Grove. "My staff is really excited about the shopping opportu· nities on their lunch brealc." Maddox said. "The staff got tired of eating at McDonald's." Tuesday. February 11, 2003 A3 I BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Newport library needs volunteers to make deliveries Volunteers are need to deliver library materials 10 homebound residents as part of the Newport Beach Public Library Homebound Delivery Program. Volunteers work. two to four hour a month on aver- age, delivering materi,als to disabled resi- dents of assisted·Uvtng facilities and pri· vate homes. Volunteers can "1so act as a contact to the outside, providing informa- tJ on on library selections and socializing with clients. Volunteers need reliable transportation and proof of car insurance. They must at· tend two brief trairung sessions before be· ing matched with a homebound person. The volunteer and the recipient schedWe delivery visits at times convenient to both. For information on volunteering for the program o r o n becommg a rec1p1ent of the homebound delivery servtce, call (949) 717. 3824. Author's festival awards Newport-Mesa students The Newport-Mesa Unified School Dis- trict's .annual Au thor'!I Festival began Thursday wnh a reception hononng 34 authors of children's bookl. and three '>tu ~ dent winners of the di'>tnctwide Authors Festival Boolcmarlc Contest. The rhree bookmark winners were Emily Schwartz, a k.inde rga rtner at Eastblulf El- ementary School, Jasmine O'Hea, a thud grader at Newport Elementary School, and Bayli Stefl, a fihh-gradtr at Harbor View Elementary School Those authors honored at the event also served d'> Authors In Residence for a day at all elementary schools in the district and at TeWinlcJe Maddie School. I hey di!>· cussed the wnting proc:esi., from proofs to publication. The festivaJ is a collaborauon between the school distract and the libraries of Newport Beach and ~o'>ta Mesa. South Coast Repertory presents educational pl ays at schools The South Coa!>t Repertory\ 2003 Edu- cational Touring Production I\ now pre sen ting a cycle of three play'> on the history of California to schools in the Orange County or Lo'> Angele!> County areas through May 30 Under tha'> year\ theme, "CaJ1forn1a Sto nes." the production wall feature a pro gram utled "Indian ')ummer, • which as set in the mad 19th century. when settler!> were lured to Lll1forn1a an '>earch of gold. Whale all three '>IOne'> 1n the program will adhere to the hl'>toncaJ framework. of the tame, the colorful and hvelv mu'>acaJ production-.. are meant to daule '>tudent'> and give them a fam1l1aracy w11h lave thea ter. For more informarwn. tall (7 14 l 708 5549. Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our Members sa900 6 Week Trial Member<>h1p No Obhgat1on Full Membership Privileges • Sema-Pnvate for Men & Women • Lots of Equtpment/Free Weights • P1lates Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater· Licensed • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers • Child Care Sam· noon M · F • Ample & Convenient Parking Yoga, Tai ~ht, Stretch classes • Step. Power P ump, Card10 • Showers. Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • Permanent Make-Up • Shape-Up Hair Care • Acupuncture/Acupressure Wellness Clinic A · Pink s.pptilre Nedt!.ce ~ E«ring set -SM;HI • • ..,...• lhabV and Diamond Hart nedtla - C • l .05ct Oval Ruby and Diamond ring • SM.Ill D • J.02ct Ovel Ruby and Diamond ring • ..... I -Esi.te ~ and Diamond brac.fet -~ F -kMlible Sepphlre ~Diamond nno-sa... -------.....----- ... M Tuesday, February 11. 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY OLICE FILES OSTAMESA •Bristol StrNt Annoying phone calls were reported in the 3300 blodc at 2:40 p.m. Sunday. • Buckingham Drive: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1100 blodc at 12:06p.m. Sunday. • Costa Mesa ffeeway and Baker Street A traffic accident involving injuries was reporte~ at 4:43 p.m. Sunday. • Harbor Boulevard: Petty theft was reported in the 2300 block at 1 :51 p.m. Sunday. • Joann Street: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 700 block at 8:22 a.m. Sunday. • Pinecreek Drive: Possession of narcotics was reported in the 2800 block at 4:51 p.m. Sunday. • Placentia Avenue: Forgery was reported in the 2100 blodc at 1 :23 p.m. Sunday. • Wallace Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 2000 blodc at 7:22 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Cagney Lane: A home burglary was reported in the 200 blade at 3:32 p.m. Sunday. • Dolphin Terrace: A home burglary was reported in the 1400 block at 2:38 p.m. Sunday. • Fullerton Avenue: Grand theft was reported in the 400.block at 11:57 a.m . Sunday. • Marguerite Avenue: An auto theft was reported in the 1600 block at 3:52 p.m. Sunday. • Newport Center Drive E&st Petty theft w as reported in the 600 blodc at 5:07 p.m . Sunday. • Pfacentia Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported· in the 1500 block at 10:47 a.m. Sunday. • Port Seaboume Way: Vandalism was reported in the 1800 block at 10:56 a.m . Sunday. • 33rd Street: Petty theft was reported in the 100 bloc* at 3:43 p.m. Sunday. .00 % Yield On Principal of Your 12 Mo CD FDIC INSURED FIDELITY· l''""l Rl-D D!-POSITS (949) 588-571 Accurate a' of 02/05f.!(Ml3 Penalt) for Earl) Withdra" · Bank Fee~ May Reduce Earnings · '.'lot Offer To ~ell Sec:uri11es · SIO.IXJO Limit 2.65% Annual Percentage Yield on Bank's FDIC Insured Ne" CD Plus Fidelity Ca)h Payment Al Inception · AnnUJtac~ al~o o ffered · Fidel11y and FEP, Family Est.ite Insurance Sen ices I L1c_.)C5049J Not Member~ of Federal Deposit ln~urance Corporallon. SAVE MONEY! SAVE TIME! With the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS CALL 642-5678 "Over 50 Years of Fine Quality'' All Types of Window Treatments • Valances & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • Verticals • Shutters • Bedspreads Compli~ntary Consultation in Your Home 20'};, ·k I .tl111r & '°ltltdlll I .1h11l' OFF ,,1i11 r111,.1d ,i11L1111w1 11\[1i ~11111 1/L~ ,.DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Hatbor Blvd., Costa Mesa ~~~ (949)642-8400 ;;:;.:f~.:. Hove you ever Seen your window Sm j le? I 1UMINElTE lum1nette PriYOCy Shoors filter light through $0ft ~ fob11c vorws h1ck.Je11 rmlOllQ the folds cJ cloM•C , • 1 • • ' • .. • ' • • ~·cet~ ~ thom ot your k.x:ol dealer ~ALDEN'S FLOOR COVERING AND CUSTOM WJNOOW CoVElUNGS 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 ... ~ W I e t t W e f I I I t t I . ...... •t•r4ntltu•• w.111 uur uus '"" 0 ...... OiJUllli!I tic.•,.....,..,...._..,,,.... DIJllllll l!c. , Oatly Pilot • FIR E Continued from Al 'It works on the scientific principle that every object holds heat differently. A chair or a table holds bead differently than a body.' one camera will be available to units responding to structural fires within the city. Broussard said. The cameras are well worth their price, Battallon Olief Gregg Steward said. temperature sensor to identify smoldering fires within walls that could re~dle a seemingly extinguished blaze. · Com Mesa Fire Capt. Scott Bn>uuard On the departmenrs l}ew thermal imaging camera •Most times, we don't know for sure if all the fires are out," Broussard said. wWith this camera, we can scan across the walls of a building and get temperature readings, and if we come across a spot in the wall that gets a very high te;mperature reading. we know RESPECT Continued from Al we need to get inside that wall." That will keep firefighters from having to break down large portions of walls to detect the smoldering fires, he said. "1his way. we're not causing unnecessary damage," Broussard said. "We only need to break a small area on the wall which we know for sure has one another." Yarrow said IO the audience. "By learning to solve our problems in a eating manner, we can be peacemakers." As far as the students were concerned, Yarrow's message came across loud and clear. "It was really great and I really liked it." said 9-year-old Josh Jordan. a fourth-grader at Mariners. "It's like. don't laugh at me because someone else could laugh at you." After the assembly and after the teachers discussed Yarrow's message, nearly every student came away with an understanding of the same message. "[I learned ] to not make fun of other people." said 9·year-old Andy Mangano. also a fourth-grader at Mariners. "(I learned] to not laugh at others who look different. but inside their heart they feel the same." , been affected." Such hidden fires are · daog~rous because ,they can smolder for hours and suddenly rekindle the fire, he said. Costa Mesa now has three of these thermal imaging cam eras. They cost a little more than . $9,000 a piece and work on rechargeable batteries. At least uwe hope to get more cameras in the future." he said. "But it's not likely to happen any time soon, with the state budget shortfall." • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reac1'1ed at (9491574-4µ6 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath 1a /atimes.oom. • CHRISTINE CARRILLO covers education and may be readi&d at (9491 574-4268 or by e-mail at chflstine. carrillo <!' /atimes. com. OON LE.ACH I DAILY PILOT Heidi Kosi and Danielle Cipolla, right to left, sing along to "Puff the Magic Dragon" with Peter Yarrow during an assembly at Manners Elementary School. VERDICT Continued from Al Gradually. the memory of the phone call came back. and I was horrified. Not know Tony Deraga? He was one of the heroes of my youth. Antar MTony" Deraga was a Russian-born meteorologist ln 1919, he~ hired by the Orange County Harbor Commission 10 man a weather station on the cliffs overlooking the channel m outh at Corona del Mar. A legend was bom. While he did his meteorologist work and put up flags and warning devices and kept track of the sun and moon and tides and all that stuff that meteorologists do, the reason he became a legend was that he kept saving people from drowning in the channel mouth That channel mouth was very dangerous. Nevertheless, people kept trying to go in and out. often with disastrous results. Boats kept turning over and spilling their passengers into the water. When that happened, Tony would race down a long flight of steps from his meteorological station to a dory be kept at the foot of those steps. Then he would row out and save people -oodles of people. The local count was nothing short of astronomical. but even the actual number was awesome. If someone bad said they had seen Tony Deraga walking on water. 11 would have been accepted without question. And so it happened that on a certain day in June of 1925. an RODMAN Continued from Al on the evening of Aug. 20. 1999, Rodman forcibly took her to his Seashore Drive home. where he drugged and raped her. New said she did not file a lawsuit for financial gain. But, she added, she did not know which way a verdict would go and feared that her own life would be put Wlder the micro· scope. "I felt like I was the one golng on triaJ," ·she said. "[1be attor- neys) were going to rake up my past, drug abuse, mistakes I've made in the past Sure, I made mistakes. I admit it But it doesn't change what £Rodman! did to me.• New's attorneys announced last month that preliminary lab tests revealed the DNA on New's clothes could weU belong to the former NBA superstar. New said in her lawsuit that Rodman grabbed her by her hips and legs, ripped her clothlng off and be- gan physically throwing her around. Rodman was not available for comment on Monday1 but he has repeatedly denied the allegation and has said under oath that he had never met New. H I'm going to state on the r~ oord that I don't know Tina New," he had said during a OBITUARIES incident occurred that has been covered in meticulous detail m every history of the city of Newport Beach that I have Thelma turned over in the channel mouth. Another guy saved some others. How about that Tony? He'~ something. isn't he?" read. The launch Thelma overturned tn the channel mouth. spiJling l 7 men into the water. The great Duke Kahanomolc:u p,addJed out on his surfboard. and in three trips saved seven men. While he was doing this. Charlie Plummer. our locaJ lifeguard, operating from tht> Balboa side. and Tony Oeraga. operating from his weather Mation, saved five men I 1\ e men drowned. Every hmory feature'> Duke Kahanomolc:u, Olympic gold medalist. Hawaiian royalty and movie star. By any normal standards, his part u1 the rescue would be big new<.. but to us locals? Nada. "I ley, did you hear? Ton>• Deraga and Oiarley PlummL·r ..aved five men today when t.hL· 'I'm going to state on the record that I don't know Tina New. I've never seen this woman .... The only time I've ever see n this girl is on TV.' Dennis Rodman deposition. "I've never seen this woman. . . . The only time I've ever seen this girl is on TV. n1at's it." Rodman's attorney, Paul Meyer, and New's attorney, Erle Traut, !.aid they were "satisfied" with the settlem ent. New said she decided to senJe because she was "sick of it all." "The saddest thing for m e is. as a victim, I have to prove that I'm a good enough person who doesn't deserve to get raped," she said. New grabbed national head- lines as the star wttness in the trial of Eric Bechler, the 34-year- old Newport Heights resident now in prison for murdering his wife during a boating trip off Newport Beach. She told an Or.tnge County jury that Bechler confessed to her after a night of partying and taking the drug Ee· stasy. No criminal charges were ever filed based on New's complaint against Rodman. Newport Beach He i.. swvtved by his Wter Patty .eawnan, 50flS Oennis Means and Steve Means and one pa.nckhlld. We urchins foUowed Tony Deraga around like present day rock fans foUow the current heart throb. I le came to Balboa to ptck up his mail. and it was one of my boyhood thnlls 10 see my hero at the post office. which \vas then in Lhe Pavilion. The funny thing was that. during the summer. I worked al the old Lorona del Mar hathhouse. '>ptttmg distance from Tony's shack on the ch.ff, but I never went to talk 10 him. One doesn·1 approach i'eus without an inv11acion. Forget Tony f>ernga? I mthl bl' getting old Or am I repeating ln}">t>lf? • ROBERT GARDNER is a Corona del Mar resident and a former 1uc.Jge His column runs Tuesdays pohu.• had '>Cl.Id a 10 -day delay m fihng a report made ti 1rnposs1hle to collect phy'>tl'al evidence. A mun-appointed arbttrator awarded Nl'w SL.25.000 in July 2001 . hut Rcxlman rejected that decision. ..ending the case to tnal. Hodrnan\ attorney came up with a separate undi~lused set· tlement amount last February. but New said that it was "insult- ing." The end of this civil case do~ not mean the end of court ap· pearances for Rodman. On Jan. 10. Rodman wctS arrested on a domestic violence charge on suspicion of ~ulting his live-in girlfriend. I le was released on $25,000 bail. The Orange County district attorney h as not filed charges in that case. But New- port Beach Police say they h ave recommended that charges be filed. Rodm an faces a civil lawsuit filed by Jo Len A. McGowen. an- other woman who has alleged that Rodman drugged her and forcibly raped her several times on March 3, 2001. at his hom e after a night at Josh Slocum's, a Mariners Mile restaurant h e manages. A hearing on that case is scheduled for Thuraday. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and coortS. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by •mail at deepa.bhsrsrh@tstimes.com. panddUldrtn, three gttat- pandchfJdren and two grttl·gr~at-grandchUd.ren. Mer the fun~. inter- mftlt will be at Padftc View Memorial Part fn Con.>na del Mar. :..;._~ ~lty Piiot Welcomee ....,.,..'°',........°' fomW r11lderc•Of~ Meia end Newpo1t llllh." yoMW9ntlOMVli•~ ..... ln ........... your: IMllu9y IO fn uattle ......... ••CMIJ .... 1'10 •tll"-••sawww•-. -- Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED .SCHOOL BOARD PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA NEWPORT HARbOR SEISMIC REFITTING DurinK d '>trut turaJ engineering study of the Hohirh I lall/l.oai... Theater buihJ111g at Newport Harbor 1 llgh SdlOol. <.lone as pan of the d1<,tnct\ ~a ... un· A recon-.truc11011. '>Choo! offic1a)<; di'>covered that tht>y repre!>e11tt>d an unarreprable ri-.k 11 'Jewport Heath <,uOt'rt•d d ·codt• mal{rtitudc '>l'l'>ffill ·event "(\<,a re-.ult, thl' '>choul hoard <.11rtt ll'd '>taft mernhtr'> tu develop plam to vat.tit' the building., during the l>Ummer and find wayc, of elirrnnuting the danger llw pre Ii mrnary ec,1im.,11e or a complt•tl' rNrofit, which would ind11dt' d partial dt•nmc,1 ruruon, '>t '"fll ll augrrw111a11011 .:111d rec on ... tru< tmn tall' 111 Lht S2U ·rn1lhon IO$ m 1111llion rangt.• I he prrlimrnary t><.llnl.ltl'' tor .1 nl•w building whtl h M>uld be n·nun"c c111 of till' ongrnal arl h11t•c tun• and kt·cp tJ1e ('Xl'>ltng tOWl'r illlU thl'aler ld~.iUt• would f;1ll 111 tht' SIR rrnlluin lfl !. I n11lhon ran gt• wHAT TO EXPECT '-,tafl memtwr-. will prt'\l'nl their find 111g ... lo rite hu<trd. anJ tilt' ho.trd wlll l1.1vc· lo dt'l l<k 0 11 a 't'l'rnrr rl'lrntil or FYI •WHAT: Newport-Mesa School Board meeting • WHERE: 2985-A Bear St • Costa Mesa • WHEN: 7 p.m. today •INFORMATION: (7141 424-5000 replacing the building altogt>ther. !>raff memberi. are recommending lhat th~ board approve the '>l'Cond option. since it would be c,afor and mon.• lO'it ·effectrve. EXPELLED YOUTH PROCEDURES I ht: Newport·Mec,a \d10ol D1c,tnc1 and the C >r.1ngc Counry lkpartmc-111 of Education hJ'> n•Vlc,ed rlw "plan for t:xpclled youth" and are prec,e111111~ the updated pl.m to lhe board for thctr approval. I ht' new plan 1dt•11t1lit''> otlwr plat t•ment!> for expelled '>llldentc, who hdve alreddy ht•t•n plall'U 111 dic,trict or 1·011mH11111y 'l'hool pro~ram'> and do nut nwct tht• rerm'> and rond111onc, for tlwrr rt•h.1h1lrtat111n pl.in or ~ho pow a danger to 01h1:r '>llldt·nt'>. a ... dt•term111l'd b> 1lw go\ernrng hoard WHAT TO EXPECT 1 lw hoJrd ,., l'Xpeuc•d to .ipprcJ\ c· lht• I l'\ rc,ed and 11pd.111·d pl.111 < nmpill'c/ b) c J1m1ine Ciurillo • HARDWOOD •LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC nL.E • VINYL FLOORING l!MMt•Kil'ON I 1 ... g,1 ••• :.1 '>Cl -.RI. ..... ~. \!'I'll' & \Vl'IUt t ""••• -••••• • •• • "-.,._. 314" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTER from s4~~ -$1 4~~ Travertine 18" x 18" Ceramic n1e . Laminate Wood 137 4 L~n Ave.)!1liSuite F COSTA MESA (888) .777 2) E MON.·FRI. 10AM to 5 PM • SAT.10AMto2PM ~ • CLOSED SUNDAY 1:illill .. '4.29 IQ~ "!.!.l~ "or'> '4.99 IQ ft ' ~ °7' '4.99 10 ~ HOW MANY VALENTINES COME WITH A WARRANTY? 'W' RO LEX BLACKMAN LTD. {m } JEWELERS ... ~-1 Via Oporto, Newport 6eod'I 9~9·673-93:U ~ Merl._lllCI Ud;~.......,~OW-.ct..,..ChOro1.­,_.., • ._,. ........ o,i-..... o... ... .--. AROUND TOWN • Send AROU ND TOWN Items to the Dalty Pilot, 330 W Bay St , Costa Mesa, CA 92627, by fax to (949) 646-4170, or by calhng (949) 5744298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number A complete fisting 1s available at www.dailyp1/ot com TODAY A worttshop on ·selling Techniques that Work, will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at National UnivertHty, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The $25 fee includes materials For more information, call (714) 550 7369 WEDNESDAY The Corona del Mar Business Improvement District 1s IC>O«mg for community participatlpn and committee members to form a Centennial Event Commmee to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of Corona del M ar m 2004. The pubhc is invited to attend an initial brainstorming meeting 7 p.m at Sherman library and Gardens, 2647 E Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. To make reservations or forward ideas. call (949) 675-0501 A free seminar called "Nutrition and Cardiovascular HealthH will be held from 6;30 to 7:30 p m at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa For reservations. call (8001 595 M OMS. "CrMte a Personal Brand and Increase Business· 1s the sub1ect for the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce luncheon held at noon at the Radisson Hotel 4545 MacArthur Blvd , Newport Beach The cost is $20 for members.with a reservation and $25 for all others at the door. For more information call (949) 729 4400 THURSDAY A business iolutions worttshop called "Contract Legalese· Should I or Shouldn't 17" will cover how to wade through the "legalese" of contracts It will be presented from 5 to 6 p.m at the Wyndham Hotel in Costa Mesa. For more information, call (9491 623 8247. or visit www 1dorangecountry orglevents The lntemational Coad! Foundation of Orange County will present "People Power Skills" ffom 6:30 to 8 30 p m at the Wyndham Hotel in Costa Mesa For more 1nformat1on. call (9491 623 8247. or v1srt www.1cf orangecounrry orglevents A free seminar called "Your Chrld's Health" will be held from 6'.30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Mar1tet. 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa For reservations, call 1800) 595 MOMS Gall Carson Levine's "The Two Princesses of Bamarre" will provide a springboard of d1scuss1on during rhe M other-Daughter Book Club meeting at 7 p.m at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave . Newport Beacti For more information call 1949 717-38 16. SATURDAY A computer fair will be held at the Orange County Fair dne1 Expos1t1ons Center Bu1ld1r1g 10 from 10 a m to 5 p m through Sunday Admrss1on for adults 1s SS. for children younger lhan 10 free For more rnlormatron call (800) 800·5600 The UC Irvine Arboretum's annual Wrnter Orchid Show "Prelude to Spring · ..N1ll 1alte place from 10 d m to 3 p rn di the UCI Arboretum on the UCI North Campus Adrnisc,1on rs $2 per person Ch1IC1ren and m.-rnt>Ms get in for fretJ For mori: 1nformat1on. call 19491824-5833 ·An Evening of lone~ ... fP.dtUrtng Sf.'VHill slion f1l•JYS l.Jy Eugent: lone«,co w1I bt> presented by OCC s RepertrJry Theatro Compirny 1n the Drama Lab Studio today Sunday dnd Feb 22 and 23 Show 11m1 .irP 8 Learn the 4 points to the plan ... • Ellmlnate the Estate Tax! •Bypass Capital Gain Taxes ! • Never go t~ probate court! • Avoid Long-Term Care Cost! "This plan 866-NO PROBATE leaves no .. (866-667-7622) stone unturned Or •1'akf re!oervaf!ons onhn• a lol1llrus1pla11 com Ne~l<t. r" >Od """,.. •It CPn1• I l Newport Beach Costa ,, l:A\• Parr.. Ave co,,1a ""' sa Ono s11t1e1 Mesa / Irvine Thursday. nunhv.,,.!>1 ot •1e,.,~ or1 Bl.rl bttrw .. .,n February 20th l~t Slrue• <l'lll 181t sv .... t Ro<.l,l•Motl f..c>0t•m•nla1 bre<1kf l!>I w•ll t.e ""'•eo Laguna H1lis Laguna Woods Tuesday. February 25th Poll,!> Hestaurnn1 :> .J ~o 1 "101•llon P•w'{ Lagun& Hrns f A• lhe or~"' of II.it )Uil n ,)'1 J Sa"li• Mil"il be• M!ft11 f I Tore' Ro an11 l .~ e For E'S' Full Dr1M~1451 will 00 ~.f'IVNl www.TotalTrustPlan.com Celestino's quality M E , \TS Proch1<T • Seafood • D<·li &ruins tiH CDmm1m1ty for 30 ytars For Your S~e;J>ean 011 WE CARRY A FULL LINE Vaknhru s Day FIU£T MIGNON • CHAIDL' BRIAND OF VEAL PRODUCTS! PR!MI RIB/BoN'E-lN OR BoN~ loin VtaJ Chops, RACK OF LAMB . LEG OF Scallapini & Oso 811rco. BoNE·lN OR Bo~ just kk Our Staff! TRY O UR CHICKEN Dwaous CRAB ~ CoROON BLEU MIU, <Mimi. )NSt Browrr ;,, SltillLt STRAWBERRIF.s ARE A SWEET TREAT! Right Now Piclt Som~ Up Jn Our Produc~ D~artmnit '>tNffeJ umh ffl1m, "iww Owm 11nJ Ho"ry Mwurtl $5 99 lb. Bdto I Irr 111 I 0 From Our lkli Dqutmnnet Herr P ASTRAMJ SANDWICH ,1 ' ! '• 11' . . . . . . 'I, ' ' I I p m Saturddys dnd 2 .ind 7 p rn Sundays T1d<ets to\I S6 111 advance, $7 at thu door For more tnformatton, edit ( /14) 432 ~640 IJ)(l 1 A wortl~hop called ·oivor,;• A New 8eg1nn111g · 11. b11in11 ottarud for men and womt1n lri thl' procesr. of d1vorc111g or ru.tmtly drvorced It w1ll tak~ ploc• from 10 a.m to 12 30 pm ltt 180 N,.wµort Center Dnve f-CJr rno1~ 1nformatton c.alt {949J &44 ~A i!J "Spnng Lawn Care' will be drscussed al Sherrn,.n library and Gardens tn Corona df!I Mar at 9 30 a m Free For more mformation call (949) 673 2261 A semin•r on ·How to Start and Manage Your Business." will be held from 8 30 d m to 4 p m al National Untvtirs1ty 3390 Harbor Blvo Costa Mesd The $40 fee rncludes materials For more rnformatton, call 171 4) 550 7369 FEB. 18 ·How to Send the Most Eftectrve E marls is thP. sub1ect for thu Newport Beach ChambPr of Commerce buSlflf'SS referr<JI breakfast thal .vrlt take plac•· at 7 30 a m at Tlt1 Pacific Club 4110 MdcArthur Blvd Newpon Bedr.h The cost is $17 tor members wrl~ d reservation and $22 for potential membPrS at the door For more rnformat1on call 194~ 7294400 Eleanor Cooney reads from and signs "Death rn Slow Motion My MothP,r s D~f>Cent into Al1hP.1rnM s di 6 30 p m at Bor,~ Soup South Cottst Plaza 3333 Bristol St Suit•· 2400 Costa Mesa For morr-1nformat1on call 7141 689·2665 A free seminar called •ts Zmg the Mrs•.ir 'Y Lrn~ 1 will be held from 6·30 to 7 30 p rri di Mothers Md r~ cl 225 En~I 17th S1 Coo;t<1 Mf·S.t For rt!'."f""'<Jllr n~ c.all 800 59S MOMS FEB 19 The Newport Rib Co and ASH f I~ V:ldy f l'llntdl y 11 , ?QO 3 A5 Hdrbor Art:d Inc are holding a fund rc11s1ng day at the restaurant ~ .. of the proceeds will be dondlt-d to FISH to assist low tnc.ome fdm1hei. 1n Orange Lounty The restouram 1s at 2196 Hdrbc.f Blvd, For more mformatJon, <.cJlt 1949) Slf>.3815, e.ICt 231 A frff seminar called •tMalmg All Stari. wrll be held from 6 30 tc: 7 30 p 111 ai M other's M ar1cet. 22';, E<Jsl 17th St , Cu~ta Mesa For res1•rva11ons. Cdll ll:mO) :,% MOMS Ross King presents and sivns Mrchelangelo Jnd the Pope'g Ce1l1ng'' at 6·30 p m at Book Soul'J South Coast Plaza 3333 Bristol St • Suite 2400 Costa MeSd For more 1nformauon, call 714/ 689 2665 Macy's South Coast Ptaz.a pre~nts "Woritshop Wednesdays A Hctnds-on Cooking Class Program" hosted by chef Alexx Guevara. The class rs from 6 to 7 30 p m at 3333 Bristol St Costa Mesa The cost. rncludtng matenols. is $30 For res~rve a spot C:dll 1818) 994-5075 FEB 20 The publrc 1s mvrted to meet ~lrne Yen Mdh duthor of • Falhng Ledves • Chinese Cinderella~ and -watdirng the Troo. at 7 p.m at the Newl)()rt Beact• Central Library, lOOC Avocado AV1 Newport BP.au1 For m0<P 1nformatK>n Cdll 1949 717 3816 FEB 22 A w orttshop on ·understanding ln&err a1tonal r.Jde will be held fr Jrr ::. d m to noon at National Ur1vPrs1ty 3390 Harbor Blvd , Costa Mesa Thr· $25 fee includes natl rrals For rnort: 1nformat1on ·111 714 550 7169 FEB 21 The Costa Mesa Women's Club Nill hold its morthly' meeting at 11 15 am dt th•:or clubhouse 610 \.\: 18th Si Costa Mesa with a IL~cneon and r•ntertarnment For 111or" rnform<1t11:>n call (9491 6-l2 1162 16ft •SA FULL BAR !t'\~s cmm:1rnui1t1:il - MO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 9•9·6•S·7626 PEftFOIUUNCE FOOTWEAR WITH MULTIPLE WIDTHS AVA llUlE NEW SPRI NG APPAREL WITH PRO ORY TECHNOLOGY , l-4orbor Eartbluff Andersen L1ncol" ~wport V1~w Coart Elementary Schools Hosted by Leigh and Lucy 5ulnberg · Featuring ll?S<S. Jo.mA.o. 'Juk& 10K Run/Walk 5K Run/Walk t) Youth R.c=n IC l»ml Toddler Tr-oi "'• C • I t Iii• . . . . ~ . . . I •I ' ~ • r Kkl'e ~ 7-11AM ..... M Tut$da'1, febf'uaty 11, 2003 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBl.JSHED -Letters: Mail to Ed1tonal Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Datly Pilot, 390 W Bay St, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • RNden Hotline: Call (~9) 642~ Faic: Send ~o (S49~ 646:41~~d len E~ail:Send to da1lypilot@telimn.com •All co1Tespondence must rndude full name. hometown and phone number (for venfication purposes). The Pilot reserves the nght to edrt all submt5SJons fo clartty gth MAILBAG . I ~£ PHOTf' OAll 1 f'tl OT Keeping his promise to students who got a 2 8 grade-pornt average or better. Oscar Santoyo of Save Our Youth let them change his hairdo last Friday SLory on Save (lJr Youth •~ a \Lory of \UCCC~S f"hc '>hreddtng of 0'>tar 'la111oyo\ ht•Jd of hcur hac, twcome an annuJ I nt1tJl at CO'>ta Me,<1\ Save Our 'wuth C .t:ntc:r I~ >Y , \lgrt1fymg I.hat grt'al thing., are '>llll happening there 1· A c,mJll pnu~ lo p<1y." "iaturdayJ \\'1ult- ttw. event may in tl'>t'lf reprc.•'>cnt ,j ncw<.worthy rtem of human 1ntere,1 the real '>tory bdund Sanroyo\ wilhngne~ to undergo a ton'>Onal drnbbing ,., th<• '>!Ory ol lht-< 1·n1tr SOY. 1t.<.elf. Save Our Youlh center ,., a crowning achrewment ol both th dtrec tor. O<.<·ar Sanwyo. and thl· 1 Hy of (..(>'>ta M~ I know or no w mparclble renrer '>(•rVJng rwt·d} young people a., SOY doe'> in any othC'f c:uy of Orange County, along w11h the edutJlmnal benefit.,, whu h wt·re wvered tn rtw Prior an1dc SOY hJ'> t onducted a hoc,t of after '>thool a< UVlll~ 1ha1 hJvt' met a vant'ty of recre<11Jonal Jnd ir;uning -.erviu·., SOY ha'> pm.,1wr1·d pnmanly bt·cauc;c ot tl'> lcadc•rc,h1p. It al'>o h;1., b<•en supported ovt·r the year<, hy the lex al c,ch0<Jl d,.,tnn. a local < ommunity H1ll1°Kl' and a numht·r of indr vtduaJc,, pmmirwnt among whom were the late Hoy Alvarado and a former C .lly < .ounnlman Joe I m k.'1:>n Rnlh ol tlwc,c gl'ntlem1·n had the vision to c,ee the m•ed for tht!> rno .. 1 1mportan1 u·nter and ,,., value to 1hr rec,1dent., ol rtt. neighborhood'> L£FTERIS LAVRAKAS CIJ'>ta Mc""1 The Pon Theater i~~ue i on e of u~e . public inpul 'lll<1nh for your ecli1onal on the theatt·rc, It attempt., IO danty what \'.a'> a < onfu'>1ng quc·'>taon the Pilor a!>ked II'> reader; rCtt'ntly flw qucc,t1on al hand really 1.,n·1 whether any of the'>C theater'>, tn parucular the Pore, ,., to remam or he demoli<,hed. llw rtal issue on tlw table l'> a propo..ed 1one code amendment to be rom1dcred by tht• C .fly ( oum 11 tonight for these thn•c theater propcrtre .... l lle owner'> of the-.e propert1ec, did nor tntllate the prote'>.'>, which wa'> staned on t'\cJ\. 7 by rht: Planning Comm1.,,'>lon TI1l' property owners were noticed for 1tw fkc 5 Planning Comm1'>.'>IOn meeung, and only a reprec,enta11vc from the Jjdo Theater rec,ponded rhe ,.,_.,ue L<; should tht· nonrnnformmg structurt"> and u'><' code ht-\hOrt -ClfCUllt'd by thl'> propo'>ed amendment, which would give these three theater'> '>pecial '>tatU'> hy bestowing the name or "landmark~ on the<.c bu1ldmg'>. 1111· most troubling pan of th.., amendmenr 1s the ehm111a1wn or the u-.e perrmt process, wlm.h allow'> for public hearings rhe l'>'>Ue I.he City C..ou nc:il will be ac:ring upon IS: Should tht' owner'> or theM' Um·e I.heater'> be able to w.e a pCJrtion of I.h e theater building for U'>CS '>111..h a., a cabaret, cybe r c-df~. nighrtlub, arcade, re<,taurant/bar or other '1milar uses that could present nol'>e, parking and poltct' problem'> wit.hour having to obtam a u'><: permit? If I.he C..ity Council approve'> this proposed amendment, 11 would mean I.hat an} of the$C u..e<. rnuld be put m place m any of the'><.' thrte propertiec, wnhout mput from neighbor'> or other ciry rt·'>1den1' There would no longer be u rtVlt'\' hy an elecuw body. and the l llY planning department would make all the deci.,1on<,. The impo11a111 ..afr'g\Jard for tht publil, the U'>e permit, wtuch al low. public mpu1. would have been etim1 na1ed by 1h1'> 1one change amcndmenl for th<.">c three propert1e'> onl} rhe vic,1onmg proce-. ... n•la11ng 10 1he general plan amendmenr. which allows fo r rna1ur public invo lvement. appears to bt· very important ro th<.• C.1ry Counetl. a-. '>l<1ted at the recent City Council '>tudy se.,c,1un I lowc\er. thl'> proposed amt-ndrnent Ott•'> tn rlw lace of '>uch rhetoric and disenfranchl'>l'" the public who m<Jy be 1mpacll'd by change., in t haracter to their vtllage or neighborhood NOVEU HENDRICKSON Newport Beath Trinity should move out of the neighborhood l.uckjly. I do not live closl' 10 tlw Trinity Broadt.a\ting Network on Bear Stret•t 1 lowever. I do ft•t•I had STU DENT OUTLOOK lor thoc,e ne1~hhor.. "'ho d11 Jnd \\oho are compla1n1ng ahout the no1w emitted from I nn11,·'i. remple-likc structun: · It st•em., to me that th1'> 1s th<' appropnate llml· tu -.peak out about lnnll} and \.,,ht1t 11 ha' contnburcd to 1h1' Lummunity Be'>lde'> the no1.,t• t ompl<1iri1. rlwrl' "a." thl' 1nt1dt•n1 about I nn11y\ o-.eru'il' or t'll'tlmll} during our eleunrll) trl'>I\ Altt·r '>ldtt· \'o.iHn111g' about de<:1nc1ry u .. c. lrrr111v \\J'> 11111 [OOperative tn rcdut 111g tht·ir ma'""c lighting ro dc11e. I really hJve llUl '>l't'll anything po.,1t1w 1ha1 1 nn11v hJ' done to help our Cll) Our <,tall· .imJ lot ell llllllrnUnll) due\ not l'\en profit lrom 1he null tom or doll.tr' l nni1y bnng., 1n, thl· morw<y I'> tax·t"u•mpt berJU'>t' lnn1I}.., r,uppn'>edly a "t hantahll" organ11.auon • -air hou.:h 1>.1tt·hnl'" on \;BC ha'> alredd) Mgucd <om 11H·1nglv othl'rW"l' f tJll upon u ty n·.,1denl'> now 111 'fH'<t k out ahour 1h1., menac:e to our nughhorhood \\.ith such J \'.Olldcrful tommun11y a'> our ... 11 1., a 'hanw thJt -.c11m· people may l ome to asc,oriatc C.Ci.,ta Mt•,;1 w11h Tnniry BnMtllast. I hopt' Wt' mtty ht' '>U< cc-...ful 1n pre'i'>Urrng I rt n ti y to move 11'> otriu.•., "' 1 hat we may ha\e lhe pnv1lege of en1oying rhe bcncfll'> ol a lt•g1111nate bu.,rnc'' m'xl to \11·1ro Pornt CATHY LARS6N The age of accessories has dawned T he action figures I played wit.h in my youth came wit.h little t~ that made I.hem seem "° much more important. Batman came with a gun, sonar, and I.he BatmobOe. Teenagers now come with cell phones. credit cards, and an hsca.lade. Suddenly people are like I.hose mmiature plastJc: figures. wnh more and more ace&sories hanging next to ur, on Toys R lJs' c;helves. We start as the <;Ingle figure, a lone person who l'> bare, I.hen we throw in more and more stulT to blur our.elves and make thing'j much more complicated; and somehow I.hi' 1-. Impressive. When Batman comei. with the Bat cave, then it is ever llO much better. When a teenager comes with a ma05lon. they are ever ~ much better, too. right? We look around the room and society for the newest trends or fads to complete our image. whJch will never be complete. lJke that pair of su~ Crom (,by Karina that we h ve to havt. we prom se that if we have that one pair. our I~ will be perfect. Suddenly. tccnagcn are looking around to Ond wh t othe~ have and they don't: th new Motorola V80, the lim ted ed I on N and the new Sony Vaio. ~\lt'l'Y to often. mtthing now coma I.long; 90rriethJng betla. &tighter, MICHAEL WALEK Oru.hier. and pncier. These things I.hat we have to have suddenly take CNer our lives. I have known people who got ')(} mad over that c;eventh pair of jeans that I.hey started to cry or screamed at their parentc; I JlfTl not pointing I.he finger. I do have a temble fetish with hrur gel, Nile athl euc shoes and sunglasses. But when dOt'<> our love tum into an ob"le sion? The close line that seetn'i to be hranded upon the wor1d In which ~ walk ts the dl1f erence • between excess and d le Whenever I drive around looking at houses or running errands, I always look lnto houses. and wonder why people lea~ the Ught.s on whm they arc not home. I look Into these windows. like looking Into a televblon: I i;ee the millJon and two c:llfferenr gami'ih ltling on el')d tab! but I O('ver any people. It liko they want yuu to loo In there house& and envy I.hem. Suddenly, havt' rcmCMXf the compelltlon for work and applied It to wreath~. c:ard'> and presents. It -;eems I.hat suddenly our rurect purpose is not only to buy all the things t.har we think a perfect existence requires, but also to c;how I.he wor1d that we have them. We have become a sodety so in need of approval from I.he critics of I.he world I.hat desperate measures a.re taken People will do anything to please another, just for I.he purpoc;e of looking heller. Are we tha1 in'IOCUre? ln this world of "new." why i'>n't I.he old just as appreciated? Why are we "° fast to abandon those things of I.he past and approarh the new7 Being trendy has never been highJy regarded in my book, but being c1a.ss.ic has. People who acquire ~ they really ICM wtU never have the f eeUng.. of trying to escape the past thing. Maybe the truth Is that we are. not content with the things that we posses. Maybe we are trying to find our true identity in the objects~ place around our hOu nnd in our car. But are ~ really that ahalJow that our exi.irtence 1 wrapped around" car that wi1J bttome obsolete In a frw years? I know on Newpon Beach girl who dwed t!Ve1"f fad aJ>d ewry Ouctuadon n tJ>e femlon mapzf that lly around hrr four-poster bed. Soon her Cf'IMnl Cot tbi newest trend'> 1umed into a full-blown ob'>~'>lon. She had thLc, thing I.hat '>he couldn't ·wear I.he '>31Tle thing to ..chool twice. When her parents saw lhc bill from her American P.xprc~ Wd.'> around $25,000 on clothes. an intervention was due. She lost her credit card and never saw another fashion maga7ine agam. Rut. how can we blame her? I fer parents bought the newest sports cars so I.heir neighbors would be jealous. I fer mother redecorated her house so her circle of fnends would like ber more. We all can easily fall into the treacherous cracks of o~ion, but lo escape all of tJlis, we must realize that what~ already have is fine. Tilc gadge that 6lJ the desk. the jeans that flll the closet, and the empty wallet are ghts too commonly seen. You are not all of those t.hlngs. A person l" no1 the car they drive, or the Oowers over the mantle, or even thelr bank account. Beau.i.se irl the end, It d n't matter.. It m: tters wbo is good. In the end. if all you have a ferrari and a nice aofa, no one 15 going to envy you or even care. A peraon ls the thln they love, and the love rerumed. • MICHAEL A. WAl.SC la 1 Sage Hill Sdlool ~· whoM columns will •PC*lr occulonally in the Forum eectlon. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Campaigns need to be above reproach W eU, I can't keep quiet any longer. I have read and re-read Lhe munerous artides over the last two months regarding our local election'> of 2000 and 2002 I am pamcu.Jarly annoy~ at I.he 'iWlpes taken at J~ph :-.. Hell and I.he urne spent qwbblmg on incident.ab rather than I.he m~ge of not only Bell's amde, but many of I.he leners m the Pilots Mailbag, Wit.h r'8ard to phony phone message. It b fat1 fo1 the elettjOn or 2000 I.hat the night before -.otmg day, a me<..-.age , went to a number or voter5 from a man PAT BEEK ,a11mg him.">Clf ·yow neighbor, Barry 'illlne · !be m~'>dge '>Cl.Id I.hat Bob 'it hoonmakt.•r \.,,a., the true (,reen.Lt¢'Jt 1 ;md1dall' and thJI I had been mee11ng -.t·t rl·t ly with tJle lrvme Lo. and w uld nol I >t• trusted ~eraJ pt.-ople tailed me \\llh I.he mh'><lge. and I unmedJaLely called ~ hoonm.aker I le denied k.now1e<.lgt: of the recon:img. and I believed h11n On my rloqu~t. an asl.1stam d1stnt1 attorney, Mike Fell. n'S(>atehe<.1 voter registrauoru. fur Orange and '>"UITOundmg counu~ and found no Harr) Stone I believe-lieU\ arut le mt ended 10 point nut I.hat du.hone.ty and deceitfuln+"-" a'> a pracuce ~houJd not be tolerated In Newpon Ht•ach. City Count-ii ell'Cllons are nonparm.an. Candldates an· nut allowed 10 run as Repubh~ l>emocrab. IJbertanans. Green Party or whatf>Vt'f Ille weekend prior to the clertJon in .WOO, <Jick glo-..'>y t-ampaign matcnab 'hawed picture.. or Bromberg wit.h Bw.h < llenl'}. L()). and LampbeU The <.ame tal uc in 2002 '>huwed Rldgeway. Webb and other.. wuh BLIJ Simon. Cox and C .. unpbdl. All or t.ht>\l' phony mailef'b featured l llll' httle eleptwntc, and I.he '>latement \'otc your Republican cand1da1ec-and 'upport your Hepuhhcan ucket The person re.pon'>thle fo r I.his mailer is trying to dufX' or deceive the public by fii.,'Uring I.hey won'r nouce that I.he Hepublican pan y'c, logo Ct.he elephant) lltL' lost one of its three St.al';. Now. I.he pubhc is i.uppo'>C't.l to beheve that I.he Hepuhlican Party ha'> endon.ed these people. • And by the w<1y, Bromberl(s name was alc;o on a rnadt•r o;e nt to registered l>t>mocratll in Newport Beach along with (.Ort' and ~111.'itelns picture. Neither the r lk publlcan nor I.he Democrat.le parties 1 l'lltlorw canrudatcs in our elections. L. Campaign coru.ultant Dave FJli.'i must figmc he can get away wit.h th.is because the national campaign committees don't want to get invotved in small town ' pohucs. :. We are making u relatively simple ; • election p~ into a scramble where • people are hun. offended. mad and genuinely ·un·neighborly." The creation: of a "Greenlight Party" doesn't help this • <;itua11on. I was a supporter of Measure s; the "Greenlight initiative.~ but I rud not : intend to help initiate a polltlcal party by • Ulal name. People who feel they need to do "whatever it takes" to win an election am • undenninlng this process. We should be' lbtenlng 10 infonned candidates who do' • their best in convincing us how they will • manage our city responsibly. Instead, we are establishing an opening bid of $60,000 lo $70,000 to enter a race and sign Fllis for "help· ln the c:nmpalgn. You don't pay someone thousands of dollars • - for their services and not take any of the • responsibility for what lhey do on your behalf. Each candidate should be held accountable for dishonest and deceitful actions he has authorized. If we could count on people doing an honest job or - running on their merits. we wouldn't be dividing our city Into smaller groups pitted again t one another. It sure ls convenient to Just "move on" when someone nails you. People who use this • expression generally don't want to resolve a situation, but rat.her would lib It to just go&wa}( R>nunatel}4 people ll't goJng 10 remember this stuff until our dty • : councilmen, f!llls or Rany Stone explain _ • what tltaion ~ ""11! paJd tor and Uling ~ c:.tnpajgn taetkl. 11 • MT IRK Is 1 Belboe Island r..ideint ¥fM , ran for NeWpon 8-:f'I Otv Council In 2000 .. e Grwenl~ld candidMe QUOTE OF THE DAY "/want this to be a program where people Jay, 'Wow! I want to he a p art of that.'" Cral1 Ferti1, new Estancia football coach EYE OPENER ltrntl D.ul~ A Pikll lfilm "JXH'l" Hall of I ILDW t' .. •to• JOHANN APPELL Dally Piiot Sporu Editor RoRer C<1rlson • 194915744223 • Sports Fax: 1949) &~0-0110 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL Estancia fights on with Fertig Forme r USC assistant, Oregon State head coac h , fire d up abo ut c h all enge o f m aking Eagles' fo otba ll program something special. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot COSTA Ml·~°')A -e Craig Fertig. an a., s1stant coach on two natio naJ champion sh ip team<, at lJ!'><. who wal. head math · at Oregon "tall' from I 976-79. has been nanwd to replate Jay Noo nan a' l.\tdnua I ll~h r1~01hall coach. Princ1p • .ll fom Antal a1u10unled Mon ddy Fer11g. bO. known by todays play- ers a .. d ll°lt'Vl\IOll anctl}">I for U~C football. hds not 1.oa1.hed '>mce leav- ing ortgon \tale. where his four-year !.tint produced an R Sb· I record. He was a U"( aSSl\tant COc!Ch from 1965 73 and again 111 I '175, one year after working a.., iln ct.,w.tant for the Portland ~torm of tht: nm' defunct World football I eaKl.Je After coachmg. I t'rtag wal. d We'>! Coast talent -.cout for the fampd Bay Buccaneer\ dlld wa~ a'>\l'>tant ath· letic dirt'C"tor al lJSC. from 1983-~. I le w~ aho an ,1.,.,1.,ta nt a1hletic di- recto r for dt•vl'lopmcnt al UCI 111 1989 and ht1' bt>en broadca. .. ung since 1 ~2 Ill' ,., dl'>o known a'> an enten aining bc1114ut·t '>pl'aker OCN [A .... A ' f-ert1g. d walk on. 1nherm a pro· gram that went I q la\t wa.,on. I 18 the last two \tctr'> under Noonan. who r~1gncd for per'>urldJ rec1sons 111 Dec.ember fhe LdWe'> hdve made onJy two tnp'> to thl' UI ~outhern Sec11on Playoffs '>lllll' I qfi9. both first-round IOSS<''· and ha\e not won a playoff i.:ame since I lf80 Craig Fertig, former USC Quarterback and Oregon State football coach. takes over as head coach at Estancia High, where he met with players Monday 1-enig \,ud he ledfned of the open mg over om .. tmd'i dmner from has daughtl'r 111 l,1w, IJ'Kt 1-l'rtlg, who tt•ac. hl'' '>pt•u,1 I t:d Lil a 11011 .11 l.\tdn c1a ln111ally. hl' WJ'> l ontartl'd b} Anidi to help gt'rlt'r.ue a ll'>t or ldlldl date'>. "But a' I \\ ,1, ni.1l..111g tht• 11-.t, I thought to ffi} -.t'lf l),m1 11. rm J lwt ter football rnalh thi.lll the'>t' .,1y,; 1-ertag '>aid. "I called lorn tht• m·~t d.1\ to let h11n krHI\'-I \\,I', 1111t•rt•,1t•d an thl· 1oh .and tw -..11d I "·'' hoping you were going to say that I ert1g '' n o st.ranger IO the pro gram\ \truggles. A :\ewport IWarh f<''>tdent. he regularly attends Orangt' l ounty high school game., and ha., 'l'l'll f .\tctncaa play dunng :\oondn\ I !'llllfC' I lt>lt l'mh.irra ..... t:d l11r 1lw k.Jd-.,' HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Mesa romps past Lions Mustangs allow fewest points in single game since 1999, drilling Westminster by 43. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot WESTMINSTER-One down. two to go. lbat's the reality for the Costa Mesa High boys basket· ball team after ~ roughing up host Westminster, 69· 26, ln Golden West League play Mon· day ntgbL lbe Mustanp (9·15, 4-6 ln League) can clinch the last of MeN ee four playoff spots w.tmin.t.f 2e tn the aeYen·team leq\Je with wlna aplnlt Santa Ana II home Wednteday and at SaddJebec:k F~ M ~ .. Senca Ana (5-5) k>eet to 0...0. ~ Onnp (7-3) beat e. DON LEACH I DM.Y Pl. 0 T Costa Mesa's Marko Stankovic draws a crowd of Westmin ster def enders as he dishes a pass to teammate Jeff Waldron, Who was open under the basket. tancia (&-5) Monday. The 26 points is the fewest allowed by a Mesa team since giving up 25 to Saddleback in December of 1999. Mesa Coach Bob Serven admJtted the final two games would be difficult. but he likes the way his team 15 hcadiJ\8. "We're 9· 15 but we are better than our record and we're definitely much better right now than the beglnning of the aea- son. • Serven aald. Much like the previo meeting, Meee catapulted to an ea_rty cli:shJon and left Westmin.6ter wallowing ln a dWnaJ lhooting display. The Uon.a shot J 19.S" (8 fi r 41), malclng only 4 of 23 anempts in the sec· ond half. But that hardly mattered to the Mustangs, who often dived on the Ooor for loose ball and slithered their way into passing tan to break up passes. "We played reaJ good defense,• Serven said. When th Uons missed, the Mustanp were th re for the rebound ( 40 total) and found either a cutter slashin8 to the hoop for an easy layup oc found som one open for one of tbeit 10 thlff- pointers. tn S2 tries. The Mustangs ahot 22 or 58 (37.9'). S..~,...AI I ert1g \<ltd nl tlw rt•t t'llt fu11l1t\ lo da\. 1 <l'>h•J '"mt• oft ht> ~1th 1' ho "111 ht· -.enior ... nt·\t "'•1,on 11 the\ It'll t•mhdrra.,wd a11d tht.:\ ... ml 'l'' I told 1hem that ' \\.ll\ I 111 lwn· I \\illll th" to be a progr.un ~ lwr1· 1wopll· 'J\ '\\11\\' I \\,till to ht• J pJrl 11! 1ha1 \\1: \'\Jilt 10 rlltikt• \OflH'th111g '>Jll'l ldl >\t lt:J't lhl'\ \\Ctll I 111' l'lllh,11r,1'"'d I emg. lno\\11 tor 111, ... "''' 11! h11 mnr ,,ud ht• \\,lllh tn 1r1 111· .1 r n' II\ t' l''fll'flt'IH l (111 Ill' pl.I\ t r' I \l' .11\\.t\' h1·h1•\t•d 11111th.1ll ,, I gdrlll' thJI ,h..,:111 h• I 1ri hul 11 See FERTIG. Paee A9 JC FOOTBALL Mi ssion Conference shake up for Orange Coa t College Pirate et to play in new American Division next fal l in 12-team ~hufflc. Bryce Alde rton Da1lyP1lot I ht' Ml'-.1on ( onl1·renl'e • ., ... 1a1ed for realignment .ig.1111 Athletic director... apµroved the pro po-.al dunng their w1111er meeting., af ter coache'> from thl' I.!. rnnfererKe football tram-. u11an1mou ... 1v voted for the shift, which will create t~o ne" d1- V1Siom -the American a n d National -begmning wtth the 2003 seal>on. Orange Coa,c.t College wtll be rn the American 01w1ion along with former Northern 01V1sion member st hool!> Cerrito , Long Beach and Mt. 5an An- tonio. along wtth ex-Central 01vts1on pan1cip ants Golden We t and Palomar flle National 0 1vis1on Wl.11 feature the no nh's El Camtno. Pasadena and Rivtrside along with former CentraJ OiVl ion holdovers Fullerton. ~ddie­ back and Santa Ana. Thams were grouped mto d1V1S1ons by combtned wms and lo the pre- vious two c;eason~ The rankings. be· ginning wtth the best and following in descending order, a.rt: Palomar (18-2), Pasadena (17-3), SaddJeback 0 5·5), Cerrito (1 4-6). Long Beach (13·7). Riverside (10·10), P\.tllerton (9·11), Mt. San Antonio (9· 11 ). Orange Coast (7 • 13), El Camino (7-13), Santa Ana (5·15) and 'Golden West (3· t 7). Teams wtU play division rivals o nce in addidon to two nonconference or •crossover• gunea at the beginning of the a.son. Cro r games pit teams lg&lnst one another with almllar re· cords the ye r be.font 'and have been used for the pul two Nat Call. occ wtd opeo with pmea apinat GkndaJe and Lo Angel 1th t. • lollmH·d b\ t·1~h1 c 011h•rt•m 1· gamt'' l>.111·-. \\all ht· .m n11u111 t•t.I 111 lat1• \Ian h 1111 lm\ln>( lht• <lt'l 1,1111\ ahoul .a plavoff lornl.11 '-omt' tr<1d11111nal r1\,1lrn·, \\ 111 ht> 'phnwn•d .11 l1·a ... 1 f11r t\'" 'e.irs 'm h a'> I on~ He,11 h and I I l ,1 m1110 while otht·r-. \<\tll lw ht•ld 1111.it t hl..e ~Illa Ana and l ullt•rto11 "It\ a nl'dll to uur 111.H ht•, th.it Wt' re not afraid to t h.111gc• \'\1th tht· umes, '>Utd conlerc•nn· 1 onll111\-.ioner T "vtark lohn<..on 111 two yt.'ar<, tht• d1v1,1on., \.'\tll lw rt• evaluated for .muthn po,..,.hlt• -.hufflt'. whKh ,., nothm~ new 10 th" nmft•r eme <><< ht•Jd rndch "11ke lavlor" 'al· 1sfied w11h the new alignment It kt.'t'p'> the Orange County flavor 111tac1." favlor '>atd ·My b1gge'>t '"'"lit' wal. Orange <. ounty \Chool!. o;ull get tin~ to play each other and that i'> tht· cao;e for tht> moo;t pan.· ~mce II'> mcepuon m 1969. the con- ference ha\ undergone several re&.hgn - ment'>, mcludmg one from 1988-93. that had three d1Vlsions (~uth~. Central and Nonhem) M1•Non < onlt'rt"nce team'I have cap- turt'd (outn~t or sharedl lX of the la.,t 10 national 11tle-.. Last seuon conference team went 2· l tn bowl gam w1th SaddJebacJt and Palom ar both winning ·1n the past, Palomar and SaddJe - back each have had one tough 8ame a year. again t each other, and whoever won that woo the conference.• Mid Hric M(,ndo1.a. the conference' foot· ball tali cician a_nd Fullerton'• porta information directo r. •Now dJ • back h to pl y Pa.sad n.a and Ca· mmo co pl J with everyon e 11 are tlrtd of le ·n It onty ht'l the ronfuencc' imqe to ah e up. You dOMr te in tht ~ · ne could wm the (cx:mt r· .. --- Al Tuesday, Februal'y 11, 2003 SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Orange puts the squeeze On Eagles, again:i Panthers win at Estancia, placing the Eagles' hopes for a guaranteed CIF berth in peril. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot COSTA MESA-Sometimes. all the strategy known to man can prove no match for simple nu-· merology. And, clearly. after Orange High earned a 65-55 Golden West League boys basket- ball victory at F.stancia Monday nighr. the Panthers seem to have the Eagles' number. "If we played those guys 10 times, I'm not sure if we could beat them.• admitted frus- trated fstancia Coach Ouis Sorce, whose Eagles were drubbed, 74-51, at Orange Jan. l 7. "I used every defense we had tonight and nothing worked. How do you beat these guys?" Defense, which had spear- headed back-to-back wins last week against Santa Ana and Costa Mesa, was, Sorce said, the c ulprit against the Pan- thers. "W.e've been playing defenses du jour the last couple games, using a box-and-o ne against Santa Ana and a triangle-and- two against Costa Mesa." Sorce said. "Tonight. we threw every defense we had at them, but they answered every challenge. We used our man-to-man, our zone. even our freak defenses." The Eagles (I 6-9. 6-5 in league} never led, as the visi- tors (14-10, 7-3). took. a 5-0 lead, broke a 7-7 tie with nine DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa's Bnan Mohna, left, and Scott Knox, right, put the clamps on Westminster's Mike Deg1acamo, who h~s nowhere to pass. stralght points, then answered an F.stan- cia bucket with a l 0-0 run, including two Patrick Sanders three-pointers, to build a 26 -9 bulge with 3:50 left Jn the flrst half. A ' three-pointer by sophomore Car- los Pinto pulled the hosts to within 51- Orange Estancia 45 with 7:04 left, but that was as close as the Eagles wollld gel The loss takes F.stancia out of a chance ·to earn anything higher than the seven-team league's No. 3 playoff spot. And, with the dattnting challenge of finishing against league cham- pion Ocean View (10-0 in league) Friday at home, the Eagles could be caught or 65 55 passed In the stand- ings by Santa Ana (5-5 in league). Either Costa Mesa (4-6) or Saddleback (4-6) could also pull even with the Eagles, though. since they play one another Friday, only one can have fewer than seven losses. Santa Ana, Mesa and Saddleback all have two league games remaining, whUe F.stan- cia gets the league bye Wednes- day. The Eagles have spit their two league games with Santa Ana and Saddleback. but have swept their crosstown rival. *We have a tendency to get off to a slow start when we play at home," Sorce said. ·we play like we're on the road. We had a slow start tonight, got behind the eight baJI and had to play catch-up. And when that hap- pens, you have to use a lot of energy. We cut it to six in the fourth quarter, and we had a layup, but we tttrned it over. Ev- ery time we'd come back. we'd shoot ourselves in th~ foot." The Eagles shot less effec- tively from the fieJd, connecting on just 21 of 62 attempts (33.9%). Pinto paced an offense spearheaded by the fTontcourt, recording a team-high 19 points, including nine in the second quarter, and grabbing eight rebottnds. Joey Undquist, the Eagles' 6- foot-8 senior center, contrib- uted 16 points and a game-high J 7 rebounds, while junior for- ward Jordan Stroman. added 14 points and fottr boards. The other five Eagles who played, however, accounted for just six combined points (o n just J-of-13 shooting from the field}. "Ll.ndqllist was a man to- night." Orange interim coa'ch Rick Rodabaugh said. *We ht\d no answer for him inside." Conversely, Orange backed up 25 points and 11 rebottnds from Sanders, a high-flying G-6 senior Division I prospect being recruited by St. John's, UC Ir- vine. Cal State Fullerton and Long Beach State, among oth - ers. with a pair of scorers in double figure!>. Justin Collins. a 6-4 jttnlor who popped for a season-high 24 against Estancia the firsl meeting, had 12 points, whil& Jonathan Gama. a 6-I soptto- more, added 10 James Reeves came off the bench to i.core nine, while junior guard Justin Ramirez poi.led seven for the winner~. MESA Continued from A7 ian, who ~ored all nine of his points (career-high) on treys (two fTom Knox ~ists and one from older brother Danny) in the final 3: 16 of the penod. Danny hit three free throws and 'iopho- more Jeff Waldron tipped in a re· bottnd for an easy deuce as the Mustangs made a 14-7 run the last 2:30 of the third quarter to take a commanding 31 -pmnl lead. ClQN LE ACH I DAlt.Y PILOT Costa Mesa's Jeff Waldron 1s pressured by Westminster's Mike Deg1acamo on the Costa Mesa perimeter Monday night. getung rnntnhutioru. from everyone who stepped onto the floor, specifically freshman Scott Knox. who tied his career-high with 2 1 points set against the IJ. onl> lru.t month. Knox scored 14 111 the fif">t half and led the Mu!.- tan~ with eight rebottnds. Me<>a outscored Wesumni.ter, 12-3. the final 6:45 of the first half and led. 3 1 I I, at the break.. The IJon'i didn"t make a field goal in that span and took. al- mo'it half the third quarter, be- fore dnlhng a three to cut the Mustang lead to 41 -17. fhen the three parade began lor Mesa fre.,hman Tony Krikor- Serven inserted h~ reserve!> for nearly au of the fourth. enough time for Sharif Abedrabo (four points, four rebounds), Ed · son Dominguez (five rebounds, two points), Curti'i Millward (one point, fottr rebottnds) and 7Jad Pepic (two as.51sts. one rebottnd) to gain valuable playing time. Waldron went 3 of 5 fTom the field en route to six points and \IX rebound~ while Marlco Stan- k.oVlc ~ored five points, four in the first quarter, and grabbed six boards. Waldron, much like the rest of the team, has gained momen- tum throughout the league sea- '><>n. Serven said. ·Jeff Waldron has played his best baslcetbaJJ 111 the league games, and that ti. the key for all of them," Serven said. MThis team has a lot of confidence. Our guys-are fresh into 1t, with great atlitudes and work ethic." Danny Krikorian scored I 6 points on 4-of-13 'ihooting (all threes) along with grabbing five BRIEFLY rebounds. ~reshman Bnan MolJ- na talhed five points. three as- sist!'i, one steal and one rebound. Serven said the team's fresh· men are getting more comfort- able with each game, which is leading to increased confidence for other players as well. ~~me of Danny's confidence t!'> rubbing off on the freshmen," Serven said. *The freshmen are finding their roles." Mesa lost at Santa Ana, 54-39, Jan. 22 and beat Saddleback, 54- 52, two days later. Santa Ana play& at Orange Friday. The Pan- thers beat the Saints, 66-51. Jan. 24. Rubino sparks CdM boys soccer rout His hat trick propels Sea Kings into PCL title s howdown at Northwood. <..;ORONA DP.L MAR -A natufal hat trick by junior Dom- inic Rubino helped the Corona deJ Mat High boys soccer team post an 8·0 rout of Pacific Coast League visitor Calvary Oiapel Monday. The win improved the Sea Kinp' record to 16--4-2, 8-1-0 ln league, settlng up a first-place howdown Wednesday at 3: J 5 p.m. at Northwood. which en- tered the week 8-0 in league. Wlth a victory over North- wood, CdM can claim at least a share or ft Ori t league tJtJe 'lincc h won the Sea View Lcagu crown ln 1994. Northwood woo the first m tin 2-0. at CdM. "Wi ~ healthy and ready to RO." CdM Coach Pat CaJl.gban saf d o( th Northwood rematch. "We've ~n waiting for lh1I ond opportunlly and l upec1 to play wen: better than .. p~ ln the I (Nortbwoocf) .. .. Ouis Rlngstrom scored nine seconds into Monday's game. but CdM settled for modest 2-0 halftime lead, thanks to another goal by Danny Whitaker. Goals by Jerltt Thayer and Park.er Perguson doubled the advantage, before Rubino scored three s traight goal& to earn the second hat trick for a Sea King this season against Calvary Olapel. JuJien Cerutti, who had two assists Monday, scored three goals in the first Calvary Oiapel meeting. 1Tlstan I larrls added the final goaJ Monday for the Sea Kings, who received follr first-haJJ saves from goalie Jay Zimmer- man and rwo from Phil Stemler. who played the second half. COU.EGB MEN'S GOLP: The UC Irvine Anteaters are In third place foUowlng the first two rounds Monday o r the 23rd annual Anteater Men's Golf lnvi- tatlonaJ at Big Canyon Country Oub. UC RJvenide leads the 11 • team Oeld w1th a 36-hole score or 573 and le d the second- placeArlzona IV by 13 shot.'-UC Irvine ls ac 589. The flnaJ 18 holet WW be played today, be· gjn.nlnl•t 7:10 a.m. Btian ~olf of the Arlmna IV the lodfviduaJ leader with a two-rottnd total of 5-under 139 (69-70) on the par-72 course. UC Riverside's Brendan Steele is second at 4-undcr 140 (67-73) and UTEP's Chris Baryla is third at 141 (72-69). Junior Vmnie Poncino was the top finisher for UCI at even-par 144 (73-71) for a sl.xth-place tic. Senior Jeff Co- burn is tied for 10th place at 146 (70-76) and senior Ryan Arm- strong is tied for 18th place at I 48 (79-69). Freshman Ryne Rindfleisch is tied for 28th place at 151 {75-76) and freshman Jay Cloe is in 45th place at 157 (79- 78). Playing as individuals in the tournament, UCl's Nick Asbrock ts In 39th place at 154 (80-74), Ryan Cole ls 51 lat 158 cn-81), and Will Park is In 57th place at 160 (79'"'61}. JC MEN'S GOLfi Sophomore Jak.e Allanacb earned medalist honors at 2-un· der 70 for the Orange Coast Col- lege Pirate as they defeated Golden W t, 362-431., In a match Monday ot Co ta Mesa Golf & County Oub (M Unda COUJ"S4!). KfUy Wicks (72), J:ited Bruce (72), Jason Hethco•t (73) 1.nd Brad Ownplon (75) also tc"Ored for Orange Coast (2--0), which will travel Wednesday to play Cerritos at Rio Hondo Golf Course at 11 a.m. Golden West is 0-1. COUEGE MSBMLL: Vanguard University's Matt Tuthammer hit two home runs. indudlng a grand slam, whiling driving in five runs and scoring three in the Uons' I 0-0 noncon- ference baseball victory Monday over host c.aJ State Dominguez Hills. VU (~2} jumped out to a 3-0 lead on Joe Carnahan's lhree- run home run In the first Inning, then Tisthammer (3 for 5) crushed a long blast over the left-Oeld fence for a 7-0 lead in the second. 1lsthammer later hit a olo shot. c.arnahan, VU's tarting pitcher, earned hls first win of the year with a three-hit hutout. The left-hander struck out Ove and walked four. The Toroa fell to 3·2. V9nguent 10, ~ ...... 0 VlnJJUlrd "°'::: by101 t0 11 1 CSOH 000 000 ooo -o a 2 C.!'Mhen nd Bow9r; lngltld, e>w.n (3), Aobl (8), Dorem (71, Cort .. (8) end Eapen W -C.Mef\.1n, 1-0. L - tngtt.t, o t 28 -SMrle M . BoMr (V), Sl!Har (0). HA -Tltlthlm"* (V) 2, earn.hen (VJ HIGH SCHOOL SUMMARIES Goiden W.st Lucue Onnge 65, Est.encbi 55 Golden w.st Leap ScOre by Ouarten Orange 11 23 11 " Cosu Mesa 69, Wes1minster 21 Scof'9 bv au.~ ~ Costa Mesa 111 12 24 1• t>9 Estancia 1 11 16 1~ °'"9nge -Sanders 25. Gama 10, Collins 12. Ramirez 7, Palomares 0, Reeves 9, gonialez 2 3·pt. goals Sanders 4. Reeves 1 Fouled out -none. Y.J Westminstor e 5 13 2 :?II Mesa -W81dron 6. Stankovic 5, Knox 21, Molina 5. D Krikorian 16. T Knkonan 9, Abodrabo 4, Oommguo.l 2. Millward 1, Pep1c O Tedlnicals -none Estanda Pinto 19, Stroman 14, Lmdqu1st 16, Cachola 3. Novak 0 Hoffman 2, Sankey 1. Andersen 0 J.pt goals -Pinto 2, Cachola 1 Fouled out -Lmdqu1st, Novak Tedlnt<:als -none HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO On a roll NEWPORT BP.ACI I -New- port Harbor High's girls fTosh- soph water polo team contin- ued Its success by winning the Newport Invitational in Its own pool Saturday with a 10-l vic- tory over Fountain Valley In the championship. Ashllng Taylor Jed the Sailors with three goals against the Barons with Amanda Barto and Cali Manderino each tallying two goals. Marisa Hertsberg, Kall Lucas and Melissa Wheeler each tallied one goal for the Sailors. who are now 19-0 with one Sea View League game re- maJnJng agaJnst Foothill on Wedne day. In the semifinals earUer Sat- urday, Newport defeated San Oemenlf', I J -2, with Taylor and Manderino each coJlectlng three goal with Barto and Leah Robertson notching two apiece and Luc.s nndlng the bad: or the net once. The SaUora beat Penln!lula Friday, 8 3, bchlnd two ROala by Taylor, Robertson and Barto and Incle lllll by Lucas and Manderino. 3-pt goals 0 Kr1konan 4, T Knkonan 3. Knox 2, Molina 1 Fooled out -Stankovic Technicals -none Westminster Vargas 1, Tune 5. Carduna 2. Deg1ac.mo 0. Jones 7 Ruelas 5. Preciado 4, D•az 2, Morse 0 3 pt. goals Jones 2 Tune 1 Fouled out nono Tedlnicals -nono YOUTHS Newport wins again • CLUB ROu.BR HOCKEY: fhe Newport Harbor frosh- soph rolJer hockey team ran us record to 10 0-0 with an 11 ·l mercy win over University Sun- da~ · The game was called in the third period after a slap shot by Rory CampbeU found the back of the net for his third goal to go along with one assist. .l.ach Boston notched his first ha t trick of the eason with three goals for ftrSt-place New- port. Rhett Palmer tallied two goals and an assist with Jau1 Sotelo scoring one goal with four assists. Undley Taylor and Gram Cueerly each collected two points apiece in the victory. CdM wins Battle of Bay • YOUTH ROl..LBR HOCQy~ Corona del Mar's JUe Sdl..U. and AJa Colvin each scortd . three goals to par\ a S.J ~ • tory over the En Jgn Hornet• ,In JunJor hJgh roUcT hockey attlon at the Gretzky ~nter ln lrvlne. Mldulel ICkl•um p~ • lll'Ong In sotl with ~. I Ionb, ~ ........ o.....tt . flonmt, Derek v.a Grow and . Mcbolml ,......, gMng Jtetdy effort both ofJ naively and d • renaimy. T ... JSt I). 0- t h ad ed ds i-6 ng lr- 1d h- in .. HONORS ig West tabs Hood CI senior guard is onference's Player (the Week in men's asketball. QfjEN EVENTS GN"ff.R -UC. rvjne senior guard Mike I lood 1~ been named the Big Wl''>t · nterence Player of the Week 1er leading I.he Anteateri.' men\ ~ketball team to victories over ~ Riverside and Cal State fol- erion last week. I Je led the Antl·atcr'> with I H ' ' . points In the 78- 61 win over UC RiverMdc last Wedne~day and 21 point~ in Sat- urday"> 72 52 vic- tory OVl'r Cal ~late I ullerton. llood wa!> I J of 16 Ult I) overd.11 from the lit!ld in duding 7 o f 9 1.7711) from three- point mnge, ui the two Wlll'> I le ha, connet:tl'd on 18 ul L4 ( 750) thrcl' puulleri. in tht' la'>t ')IX game., and ha.' mt,'>t'd only one frt·t· threw .. aJI '>l'ihllfl, hmmg 12 ol 11 (.!Ji'OJ Hood, who has r..used lw. sea i.on i.coring average to 10.4 points per game. hit the ewntual game wi1u1ing ba5ket in January wins over UC Rlver~tdt, Utah State and Pac1fk I le h.t' 111.tdt• 26 of 50 (. 520) three-point ba .. kets in conference play 111 rank fir;t in the Big West. Tht• Antt'aten.. 13 -7 ovl'f.111 and 7 4 Ill the Big we .. 1. lravt'I '° fint plate Utah Stale J1111r..tl.i> night I I ox Sport!. \\'el>! :!, > 1r; pm I and Id.Um \a1urday 17 IJO p.m I Both game\ will lw c aml'll tiw 1111 KIJC .I lt.ullo/Bll.~1 I M. ower makes i mpact catcher earns Lio n of the Week. COSTA MESA -Jonathd11 ~r had been walling and pre p ·ng for I.his day for '>Orne ume er redshirting la...i '>Ca~on and not getting a chance to '>lep out oi) the field, Bower w·c;1,.<; finally rc.'6dy. A lot of work on and off Ille lield and now 11 all p..ud oIT \\llen Bower. a graduate uf \\'e\l- em High School m Anaheim. de buted as the stanmg catc.her on opening day for the Vanguard Uolversity ba!.ebd.IJ team. the .!002 NAIA Region 11 c.hampion'> It must have 'eemed ltke .i pedect day for the 1w11or re· <U1\ler. The !Jon'> \\ere makmg FERTIG Continued from A 7 mbre fun when you \\111 • Fertig related four pnnc1pah he believes should be a founda· uon for a pro~ram at any le"el fro m youth football to the pro' "1)\e first tl11ng l'i de.,ire." he ,.lld, "Football i'> hard worl. "" \OU liave to haH' dt>')1re 10 bf' hdte.; If you don 1 de.,1re 10 be hca; then 101n tht• hand or the l hqiT. "~<:ond, I'> emu t•ntrdtlOn I WQA~ tallc to lhl.'m all thl.' 11111e, hut when I am '>peakmi.;. I w.rn1 tlw1r attention I lw bt•ller thl'y t 1.01tentrale. till' more they'll ht· .1hlr tu conlentrate 111 the fourth 4Uclfler when tht•\ rr url'<l l hat\ the dllkrt·•ll t' hl'l\H't'n good team' and l1.1J 1e.tn1' "Th1rd, '" tl'd11111111t· We want tu teach them hov. 111 blll( k. 1ar kle. catch tlw hall thro\' 11 and run Wlth 11 -.. ourth, I'> tond1110111ng \\t• want to be the be'>I t ond11111ned ll)otbalJ team around - .. t'rtig beltew' 'omr of tlw IW'>I coaching in footh.1ll 1., donl' on !be high i.chool level and hl' look.'> forward 10 m.ik1ng <111 1111 pact on Eagle player'> -A high school rnad1 1' hkt· .1 '>tulpture. -h e '>aid A high '>lhool player 1'i hke d mound of c ldy and you can m.ike .lilyth1ng our of it you want. I talked to one of my former coachc' today and he said he could tell by my voice that I had that old fire back. Beside'> having played and coached football, abow all el!>e. I've been a fan of the game. I be heve every young man deserves 10 have a great e.xpenence and I want to stick around until thi!. thing gets done. Then. l'U ride off into the sunset like John Wayne and sit out on the (New- port) peruruula. • Fertig. who coached receivers. running backs. defensive backs and always quarterbacks at use. said he will delegate to his assistants, including newly named offensive coordinator l:rqie Bucher and defensive co- ordi~ator Dave Olson. a former head coach at Los Amigos. Fer- tig 'consideres his specialty, however, 10 be offense. "l'fll a we. us and uur guy, so we'U decide as a group of . ' rheir lir.,1 ollirml ..ippt•arann• c,111ce Lhl' po .. twa.,on, un 1hl'1r home field .tg.tlrl'>I (.olden ..,tate Atl1- lt-ut < onference oppont•nt Ltl1f11rn1t1 llaptl'>I 111 a nontonh.'rl'nLt: gam1'. Bower '>ll'Pl>l'd up for the I mm like he \\J'> ll•ady wllh <tll till' tool' 10 hdp \I I return w thl' playt11T.., I It• produc.ed m •tll thn•t• trip' to tht· pl.Ill' <ind guided tlt1· l\\o \ 11 p1lt her' .md tlw delt'nw to a h· I "111 from bdund th1 d"h In Bo~l'r'> fir'>I at hul, lw '>lll gll'U ,111d '>lOrl'd tht· 1y111~ nui. and two inning .. l,11t•r t'Xl'I utrd J '>•H nlil t' bun1 to mow a \ l J run 1u:r 111111 -.tonng f'O\lllOll Bo-...l'r\ h1Kge~1 blow, howt'v1·1. rnrnt· 111 the bottom of tht• '>txth -...hen lu: ht•lted a two run dou bit' tu lclt field to '>t:Ofl' thl' l'\t·n tu al \\ 111n111g runs BO\H'r t .1111e to \a11WJard 1.1\t yecJ.r lrom 1lw t.ommunll) ml legt• rank., at r ullenon c .olll'ge. where hc wa-. a -.tartmg rntt lwr 1 lw two '>J>Url l11glt .,d1uul ath Jett• '>l'I u I uUt•rtun tt'tr>rd a-. a -.upholllOl e ror Jut b\ pilt hr'>. <md r<utl' 111 till' '>l hotJI'., tup I IJ 111 JIUIUUI\. J\'>l'>I\, iUld lit'ld111g pert ellldl(t: BU\\ er \\d.'> a rl'd,11111 member of the \'U wam 111 .mo~ and ,., n·.1d} to pur'>Uf' a two Yl'ar tart•t·r at \',u1guard 1 ll'\ ufl 10 .1 grt•Jt '>l.lrt ,1, tl1t 111•\w't I inn 111 tJ ll \\u·k OO'•tlA.M uA n New head football co;Kh Craig Fertig talks with group of students at E stanc1a High, sonie of whom will be playing football in the fall for the former USC quarterback 111.11 ht'' "IMI \H' 11 h1• d111ng I 1 rtrg ,,utl ·<Im< \\l' lorn111l,11t· 1lw gamt• pl.in I \\Jiii 111 kt Ill\' l llJl ht''> gn t.uadt I'll ht• tlw11• 111 mu't't' t•wrythrng .uni I n1Jy "l11,11t•r \Ollll'th1ng to lhl'lll lrom tune 111 11nw. l'w told lpro- 'Jlt'Cllvt' J'>'>l'l,tnh) I 0Vl' lllll'r \ lt'\\t'd that I'm tht• old profl•, "H I ht·y are worl111g on 1he1r do11ora11> c.1nd 1Jw pl.1\l'r'> Jre \\orlm1g 011 their ha1 lwlor\ t.le gn•e I w.1nt them .ill w tclkl' \\hat I give thl'm .ind uw 11. \W're going to do "1111e thing'> ht•rt• that maybe people in tht• I< ,olden We'>t I cagt1e I ht1\en'1 'ecn before " I l'rllg ~id 'Pl'l lfil .,c heme'> will be determinrd by personnel and he will bt'({ln evaluating player' 1mmed1a1ely • rtw first thing J want 1' for thl' player!. 10 get ~tronger," hi: said. "I want to meet wllh every player ind1viduaJly, at their lei sure. and get tn know them. Then, we'U have 10 look at them athletically and in ~roups of athlete,. We want to see who really wants to play The cream should rise to the top by the time we're into spring pmctice. I told them I want the bes! 11 players on the field and that may mean moving someone who played receiver last year to running back. Whatever we run, I don't want to overburden the kids. Wl''ll keep things simple. but we'll do them weU. • I 1·1t1): ,,11d 111• pl.111' Ill '>Ill I.. J1111111LI ,1\\ hilt• "I \\1111 t lllil~l' .Ill\ JHl'dll 111111°' ,1ltt•r Jll'l llll'l'llll).: \\Ith tltt• pl,I\ 1•r, tod,1\, lw 'aid I lnm' \\l' h,n t' ,1 1111 111 work tu t.lo .111d 11\ g11111g Ill bl' .1 long. lrn1d rrmt'"> Hut \\ht•n I ltr'l rook over ,11 Or egon \t,1tt'. rhn had been I I l) I told till' If '>l..tnua k1dc; that 1f tht'} <.,l1c k \\1th ml:' and my Load11ng ,1,111 \\l' re gmng 111 ~t·t '>Omcthmg J1111t· M I le plan' 111 round out h1., 'raff Ill the l1Jlllll1g Wl't'kc; Fertig played lonthall at tJ~C from I 9fi2 l>-l. .,tart mg dl quarterbat k ,,, a 'enior I le capped a 7 I .,ea!.on 111 M bv throwing a gaml' '"nmng touchdown pa.,., to Hod Sher man with t ·11 to play for a 20 17 victory over unheatcn and lop-ranked Notre Dame at the Coh~eum. I le wa., an a!>.,l\tant under John McKay when the fro1 an'i won natmnal champion'>h1ps in 1967 and '72 111'> be"t 1eam at Oregon State finished J 7 I in 1978, including wini. over UC LA. Wac;hington State and Minne~ota. as well as a Lie at Tenne,see. DEEP SEA .... SCHEDULE MONDAY'S COUNTS Newpor1 Landing -1 boat, 22 anglers. 4 calico bass, 1 sand bass, 8 sheepshead, 68 sculpin, 10 bladtsmith perch. TI)QAY a..... College -UC lrvlne 11 Pepperdine, 2 p.m. (KUO radio 88.9); Vanguard at Whittler. 2:30 p .. m. Community ooflege-Malalpln1 (C.Mdl) et Orenge Coast. 2 p.m. ........ Coftege men -Fr.no P8ciflc at V1~1rd, 7:30 p.m. tege women -FtMnO Pacific It Vinguard, 6;30 p.m. Highwc:hool boys-Calvery Chapel et Cotone de4 Mat, 7 p,m.; S.0. Hi• It Whitney, 7:30 p.m. H~ *hool 9ifil-catv1Hv Chapel tt <;cwone del Mer, 6:30 p.m.; ~ .. N9wpOt1Harbor.7 P-~ Colla Me9e et Senta Ant, 7 p.~Sege HM181WhltneV. Sp m Gel College men-UCI It~ Invitational at Big Canyon Country Club, 7: 15 a.m. SOC<* High sd'lool boys -Sage Hiii at Whitney, 3;15 p.m. ~igh ld'iool girts -Calvery CNpel et Corona del Mar, 3:15 p.m.; Whitney et Sege Hiii, 3:15 p.m.: Costa Mell et Santa Ana, 3 p.m.; Woodbridge at Newport Harbor, 5 p.m. Softbll Community college-Orange Coast at lmpetlal Valley, 3 p.m. ~ Cotltoe men-V.nguard 1t Point Loma.2JS.m. Communftvc:oflege men ~ ~-Gt~2~ Commun4tv coflege women - Gfoeemont • °'1w9 CoMt., 2 p.m. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ~ ZI:. "4tlTY Green UClrvl11e Men't ~otbllll, '02 2'-Jo•l•h fredriben 0 NeWpoft Hefbor Footbetl ..... "11 Shadow lands Loolong back. 5 yt!afS <180 tJli'> week: The Costa Mtw. High gui.s Welter polo le'cU'll C II -13, 3 2 m the Paafic Lo~t te8l,l\JC) gam l'ntry into the Cl .. S<iuthem Section D1vL'l1on Ill Playoffs u. .. the league'!> No. 3 entry with an 8-3 viuory at I .<q,'Wlil Beach coupled wuh an Aliso Niguel \.viii over Laguna I till .... Carl Howse (four goals) <llld Annette 5 Grublsk:h (two) with Amy Devey ;md goalket.·pt•r Stephanie Lombardo (r,inglt· goah t'c.ll'hl pau· the Mu.,lang'>. Newport I farhor I hgh\ girl' \\all'r J><ilo lt'itlll d.imht:'> thl' ')(:a \'1tw l.eah'\Je llllt• 11\c>r Ml'h-m ·ctl C..orona dl'I Mar, 9 J Harbor (Ii' Ii" r.inked "u 1 m Or.ingt· County. open-. thl· '>'.onng 46 'ecoml' into the gamt• un way lo a .!.. 0 lt'ad Jftcr one quarter Int• Sailor"> score fht· go.th 111 thl' tJurd period, led by Kyndra Cox's four Alden Moore .,u>r~ two guab for the Vlll<ir' wl11J(• C dM sent<H Meagan Hardt 1all1e<. two guah { dM goalkeeper Kerry Barklow make-. 1 J '>d\t'-. on 2.1 '>hOL'>.. Capped b) '1.>. goah to p1l k up lhtet' wms m •t five·t.la\ pcn1Jd. tl1t• 'Jewport I !arbor liJgh ho.,.., 'm n·r lt'ilJTl lm1-.he.. Sea Vie\\ League play with d J I "m 11\'l'r Vl'>ltmg lrvu 11: fhl •)cuJur. (i' i l, 'j.].~ Ill leagueJ are ued Ive thud plan w1tl1 LI roro, but lo\I the '>ea..,011 '>t.'ne' 10 tJie Clhlrger. .md mu"t hopt• for an at-large t>t>rth 111to.thl' ( II Plo}Ofi'> I lurhor ou1 ... ho111'> 1.he Va4uero!) D - Kevin Byrnes Eric Werner and Bren Baker 'core g<Mh for the '>ddor') J.!> Manny Oropeza. Trey Meek. Olapln Kreuter. Luls Cifuentes. l.ach Wells. Ryan Hernandez. Josh Yoches and Brian Newquist bla't '>ht.t' for tht' lar!> Just two t.l<t)"' eatlll'r \1•\-.pon I I ill bor up'>t'l\ Woodbridgt• the lOUlll\ \ lourth-ranl~d tl'am . 2 U A rm"" lrum )l.reuter to Austin Ahlgren foRt~ the \\am11r. to pla'. tatlh up 1 larbor goalkeept·r Diego GreUa poun!-l"> un a ball in front of d chargmg Arman Mllll.lden l.ool..Jng l>J1 k. IO yean. .igo 1tu'> week P1tkt•d w l1n1'>h fifth m the P-aufa Cui.i!>t I .eagtll' helort• the ..ea.son. the I .<;li.llll Id I ligh oor basketball tedm wrdp'> up a ..hare oJ tJ1e lea).."Ut' mle \\1th a 2 fl.\ \1C.10r) over ,,.,1Unl( f4gu11J Beach 'x:mor lorwctrd Jim Faulkner "'1\":> Ill dl'chc ate<. thl' gan1e w h" tnend\ brother, Ricky Candlish, \\ho ha.' lelli.t:'1uia I JUtlmer. heau~-<l for '><iulhem Utah U111v1 • .11y 011 a ...cholar-lup, f>OUJ'\ UI a '>t'il'><lll high H point'> tntludmg .!...!. IO tJ1e -.c·rn11d half ti.'> the 1:.agle<> overcome a 2k-26 halfttml' dl'llL 11 1-'l<lilll.a\ Joel Warrick dra1m. I.he Lag1e' fin.ii '''o three'> to ~\l' them an 11 ·potnt lead Jeremy Lofiln I 119 pow1chJ of Lo\W ~11· ... 1 High '>hu~ out l..tgWld I 1111\ Jack Fearing. b (J It I l <1pt urc the J>dt.:Uil < 11u..,1 League mdJVJdual champton'>hip. I iJll111 '' tlw only t1rea part1c1pd11I to wm d lt••1guc tith Bui Mr'>d'> Erle Strout I \L and C..e\81' Gonza.le;r I I , ,Jong with l.'>taill'ta' Jori Loza I \01 and Mllce Bravo I .!:JI. abu 4ualil} lor lt1t < II IJ1V1,111n 111 irwl'I 10 1,,11111112 l) rel11rd' fo11r quu ~ p111' 1111ll1· f11,1 pt•rui<l I It• deleatc-d 11 .. mng tt \, 111 " 11 .1j...'\ll' du.it m.itt h J month 1·.irlll'r lhl '\t.'\\J)Ort I ldlht1f I ltgit ~rl' bJ.J.1•tl1.1lr ll .. uu t'aJll'> ii <,h.111 1111-. ltr>l 1•\1'r '-*'J \It'\\ I .t•J)..rue 111lt· w11h •• pu111,h111g k4 .i 1 '11111n 11\cr In me I ht' '>allor Ill h I I li111\h 111 J dl"lulu• ~ \\1th'\\uodbndgt I hl tn11 •1I \Ji!nevieve l varb, '\flchaela Ross • .u1d Gina llead.s t 11rul1111t• lor hl prnnt ... led 11} I ,,,ri... 21 nna Bowman 10111 • '" 12 p11111t-. JJ'ld I I 1L"hou11d ... \ 'l'l <md LOn-.el 1111\l' i () ~a'lllfl I'> Ill 1111• h11l ~' lltl lht:' < l~;hth wadl'l)O\. .... l>ii...J..llhJll It ,!Jll Imm I 11'1gn 11111 rnwd1Jt1 1n :'l:l"\\pon Ht•J1 h l•1llllY.llt>: ii -l l I 1 \11 (11r. O\l'r ft•\\.tnkk 111 lill' "''"' t 1 hcll11p1 .. 11 ltlp 1 .o l .1ptarn' IJ-.tnny PuJJdu u 1d Jt'l'elll)' llender.on 1· u h tall\ I I po111t• 111 tJ1t l t .111 pum,lup Kaml· l'uhd11, 11t111wd 111 lhl' .ii. c 1m1.111w111 team lrir tlit• • u tonuu' I' I I I• 11 tht• .tnnual :\Jll 1 lol.JdJ\ J.L'>-'>lt JWl.i~l" I :i pomh 10 lt•Jd tht· te.un 111 .... 11nng iilld 1 a11 dlt.'\ II\ e 'hflt hlockt•r Ptter ( unnlngham Greg Wertham ..u1t.l lthan Welb 111u11d oul tht' ... 1artmg the'' uh btfuth ht p trim. Kenny Bowen. Joe Urban, Jason ~zolomeyer, Quin Wbe. E.ddJe Truxton. RO'iendO ~na.'t .111 I Ben Phoenix. C orond del ~!JI ll1w1' hm' -.on t•r lt'dlll d1111:ht"> J 'pol 111 1h1• < II I J1\hl1 n 1-\ f'la\lJll'> \.\1th J I ' wt \ k'\\ I <'JJ..'lll' \1t trlr) on r Ir. Hit • 1'.1111or nm Timmons .111d '>ellh.H Brian ~rnlth rnmbinr tor ninl' '><.1\t'' lor the 'x·a ~mg' 14 l ·l. fl I II ( d~t rmled '\11 -I in thl' 1 •Hllll\ l•liillll''- top IU p<ill. !>Core Ulfl:l' 11n1e' 111 tht> lir,·t 1\alf md built.I a I 0 leud upon 1urnor fom:mJ Jason Boyce'~ \t't.011d go.ti ol Utt• gaml' and team lt Jdmg :LSth ul tht• -.t.'d'>'HI Ha.lfbad. Dustin Lee --c•ire' 't'\l'll mmuth mlu 1h1• l unrt·,1 1111 .1 < <1rnm off J -.hol ll\ Boyl 1 that l1'm1• kt•t•pt 1 xat1 C..yurina Jdh-th Rill Plrruner dml'' µ1 }a.Id' \.\1th the hall .111d thrnugh Lhn·e ddl·11dc·r' on hi' \\>a' tu pul Ulll' 111 tht• nt't. gl\111)4 ll\l' '-.t•,1 t-.u 1g' " I O lt'ad I l.111l1.1t k Paul Fruchbom 111u Doug ~rnlth a-.,.-.1 in HoH t''> '-l:< c •lld 0.tl compiled by B~ Aklerton --- UC IRVINE MEN'S VOLLEYBALL #1 UC Irvine vs. the USC Trojans Wednesday, Feb 11, 7 p.m. Crawford Gymnasium Comt out and watch tht #1 ranktcl team In tht nation try and take clown those Trojans UC IRVINE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL UC Irvine vs. Idaho unclay, Feb 13, 7 p • Bren Events Ccnlcr Aa Tuesday, February ll, 2003 SPORTS '. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Orange puts the squeeze on Eagles, again :~ Panthers win at Estancia, placing the Eagles' hopes for a guaranteed CIF berth in peril. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot CX>STA MESA -Sometimes, all the strategy known to man can prove no match for simple nu- merology. And, clearly, after Orange High earned a 65-55 Golden West League boys basket- ball victory at Estancia Monday night, lhe Panthers seem to have the Eagles' number. "If we played those guys 10 times,_I!m not sure if we could beat them,~ admitted frus- trated Estancia Coach Cllris Sorce, whose Eagles were drubbed, 74-51. at Orange Jan. 17. "I used every defense we had tonight and nothing worked. How do you beat these guys?" Defense, which had spear- headed back-to-back wins last week against Santa Ana and Costa Mesa, was, Sorce said, the culprit against the Pan- thers. "We've been playing defenses du jour the last couple games, using a box·and-one against Santa Ana and a triangle-and- two against Costa Mesa,• Sorce said. "Tonight, we threw every defense we had at them. but they answered every challenge. We used our man-to-man, our zone, even our freak defenses." The Eagles ( 16-9, 6-5 in league) never led, a~ the visi· tors (14-10, 7-3). took a 5-0 lead, broke a 7-7 tie with nine DON LEACH/DAlLY PILOT Costa Mesa's Brian Molina, left, and Scott Knox, right. put the clamps on Westminster's Mike Degiacamo, who has nowhere to pass. straight points, then answered an F.stan- cia bucket with a 10-0 run, including two Patrick Sanders three-pointers, lo build a 26·9 bulge with 3:50 left in the first half. A three-pointer by sophomore Car- los Pinto pulled the hosts to within 51- Orange E11ancia 45 with 7:04 left, but that was as close as the Eagles would geL The loss takes listancia out of a chance ·to earn anything higher than the seven-team league's No. 3 playoff spot. And, with lhe daunting challenge of finishing against league cham- pion Ocean View (10-0 in league) Friday at home, the Eagles could be caught or 65 55 passed in the stand- ings by Santa Ana {5-5 in league). Either Costa Mesa (4-6) or Saddleback (4-6) could also pull even with the Eagles, though, since they play one another Friday, only one can have fewer than seven losses. Santa Ana, Mesa and Saddleback all have two league games remaining, while F.stan- cia gets the league bye Wednes- day. The Eagles have spit their two league games with Santa Ana and Saddleback, but have swept their crosstown rival. "We have a tendency to get off to a slow start when we play at home ... Sorce sald. ·we play like we're on the road. We had a slow start tonight, got behind the eight ball and had to play catch-up. And when that hap- pens, you have to use a lot of energy. We cut it to six in the fourth quarter, and we had a layup. but we turned it over. Ev- ery time we'd come back, we'd shoot ourselves in the foot." The Eagles shot less effec· tively from the field, connecting on just 21 of 62 attempts (33.9%). Pinto paced an offense spearheaded by the frontcourt, recording a team-high 19 points, including nine in the second quarter, and grabbing eight rebounds. Joey Lindquist, the Eagles' 6- foot-8 senior center, contrib- uted 16 points and a game-high 17 rebounds, while junior for- ward Jordan Stroman added 14 points and four boards. The olher five f.aglet. who played, however. accounted for just six combined points (on ju~t 1-of-13 shooting from the field). ·undquist was a man to- night... Orange interim cocich Rick Rodabaugh said. "We ~ no answer for him lnslde." Conversely, Orange backed up 25 points and 11 rebounds from Sanders, a lllgh-Oying 6-6 senior Division I prospect being recruited by St. John's, UC Ir- vine. Cal State Fullerton and Long Beach State, among oth- ers, with a pair of scorers in double figures. Justin Collins, a 6-4 junior who popped for a season-high 24 against Estancia the first meeting, had 12 points, whila Jonathan Gama, a 6-1 sopho-' more, added 10. James Reeve~ came off !he bench to "core nine. while junior guard Justin Ramirez poc;ted seven for the winners. MESA Continued from A7 ian, who scored all nine of his points (career-high) on treys (two from Knox assists and one from older brother Danny) in the final 3: 16 of the period. Danny hit three free throws and sopho- more Jeff Waldron tipped in a re- bound for an easy deuce as the Mustangs made a 14-7 run the last 2:30 of the third quarter 10 take a commanding 31-point lead. DONLlACH DAJLYPltOr Costa Mesa's Jeff Waldron 1s pressured by Westminster's Mike Deg1acamo on the Costa Mesa perimeter Monday night. getung contribution~ from everyone who stepped onto lhe noor, specifically freshman Scott Knox. who tied his career-high with 21 poinL'> set against the Li- o ns last month. Knox scored 14 an lhe first half and led lhe Mus- tang.-. wilh eight rebounds. Mesa outscored Westminster, 12-3, lhe final 6:45 of lhe IIDt hJ.lf and led, 31-11 . at the break. !be Lions didn't make a field goal rn that span and took al- most half the third quarter, be- fore drilling a three to cut the Mustang lead to 41 -17. fhen the three parade began for Mesa fre~hman Tony Krik.or- Serven inserted hi!> reserves for nearly all of lhe fourth. enough time for Sharif Abedrabo (four points, four rebounds). Ed- son Dominguez (five rebounds, two points). Curtis Millward (one point, fouI rebounds) and Ziad Pepic (two assists, one rebound) to gain valuable playing time. Waldron went 3 of 5 from the field en route to six points and six rebounds while Marlco Stan- kovic ~ored five points, four in the first quarter, and grabbed six boards. Waldron, much like lhe rest of the team. has gained momen- tum throughout lhe league sea- son, Serven said. MJefT Waldron has played his best basketball rn lhe league games. and that is lhe key for all of !hem,· Serven said. -nus team has a lot of confidence. Our guys are fresh into it , with great attitudes and work ethic. M Danny Krikorian scored 16 points on 4-of-13 shooting (all threes) along with grabbing five BRIEFLY rebounds. Freshman Brian Moli- na taJJied five points. three as- sists, one steal and one rebound. Serven said lhe team's fresh- men are getting more comfort· able wilh each game, which is leading to increased confidence for other players as well. "Some of Danny's confidence is rubbing off on the freshmen.· Serven said. ·The freshmen are finding lhe1r roles." Mesa lost at Santa Ana. 54-39. Jan. 22 and beat Saddleback. 54· 52, two days later. Santa Ana plays at Orange Friday. The Pan- thers heat lhe Saints, 66-51. Jan. 24. Rubino sparks CdM boys soccer rout His hat trick propels Sea Kings into PCL title showdown at Northwood. Olris Ringstrom scored nine seconds into Monday's game, but CdM settled for modest 2-0 halftime lead, thanks to another goal by Danny Whitaker. Goals by Jeritr Thayer and Parker Ferguson doubled the advantage, before Rubino CORONA DEL MAR -A scored three straight goals to natural hat trick by junior Dom-earn the second hat trick for a anic Rubino helped the Corona Sea King this season against del Mar High boys soccer team Calvary Cllapel. Julien Cerutti, post an 8--0 rout of Pacific Coast who had two assists Monday, League visitor Calvary Cllapel scored three goals in the first Monday. Calvary Cllapel meellng. The win improved the Sea ltistan Harris added the final KJngs' record to 16·4·2, 8-1--0 in goal Monday for the Sea Kin~. league, serting up a finr-place who received four first-half howdown Wednesday at 3: 15 saves from goalie Jay lJrnmer- p m. at Northwood. which eo· man and two from PhH Stemler, tered rhe week 8-0 in league. who played the econd hal£. With a victory over Nonh· COLLl!CB MEN'S GOIJ1: wood, CdM can claim at least a The UC Irvine Anteaters are hare of Its firsl league title . ln thJrd place following the first "Ince It won the Sea View two rounds Monday of the 23rd l..cagu crown In 1994. annual Anreater Men's Golf lnvl- Nonhwood woo the Ont tational at Big Canyon C.Ountry m ting, 2&0. at CdM. Oub. UC ruvers de leads the l J • •We're healthy and ready to team field with a 36-bole ore • M Coach Pit Cahghan of 573 and I ad the second- ltO•d of the Northwood ttmatch-'1ace Arlzona IV by 13 hota. UC .. •ve bttn wal=for tNa -trvlne at 589 The flnaJ 18 und opponunJty a I expect bole1 wW tN> pla)'\'d today. be· to play well; er than we glMlng at 7: IO a. m. played fn tho la.~ (NortbWood) Brian Woolf of the Arlt.Ona JV game.• la the lftdMduaJ I d r with a two-round total of 5-under 139 (69· 70) on the par· 72 course. UC Riverside's Brendan Steele is second at 4-under 140 (67 · 73) and UTEP's Cllris Baryla is third at 141 (72-69). Junior Vumie Poncino was the top finisher for UCl at even-par 144 (73-71) for a sixth-place lie. Senior Jeff Co- burn Is tied for 10th place at 146 (70-76) and senior Ryan Arm- strong Is tied for 18th place at 148 {79-69). Freshman Ryne RindOelsch is Lied for 28th place at 151 (75-76) and freshman Jay Clloe 1<1 in 45th place at 157 (79- 78). Playing as individuals in the tournament, UCI' Nick Asbrock Is in 39th place at 154 {80-74), Ryan Cole Is 51 lat 158 en-an. and Wtll Park Is ln 57th place at 160 {79-81). JC MEN'S GOLP1 Sophomore Jake Allanach earned medallst honors at 2-un- der 70 for the Orange Gout C.01- lege Pirates they defeated Golden W t, 362-tll, in a match Monday at <:osta Mesa Golf & Counry Oub (Mesa Unda COWW). KeUy Wlckl (72), Jared Bruce (72), J;uon Hethcoat (73) and Brod Oaamplon (75) al~ acored for Orange Coa!tt (2-0),. which I will travel Wednesday to play Cerritos at Rio Hondo Golf Course at 11 a.m. Golden West is 0-1. CX>UEGB BASBBALL: Vanguard University's Man Tuthammer hit two home runs, including a grand slam, whiling driving in five runs and scoring three in the Uon.c;' 10-0 noncon- ference ~ victory Monday over host C'.al State Domingue-z Hills. VU (6-2) jumped out to a 3-0 lead on Joe Camahan's three- run home run In the first inning. then Tisthammer (3 for 5) crushed a long bla t over the !eh-field fence for a 7-0 lead in the second. 1lsthammer later hit a olo hot. Carnahan, VU's starting pitcher, earned his first win of the year with a three-hit shutout. The left-hander struck out flve and walked rour. The Thro fell to 3-2. ~ VMfuar_d 10, ~ ... 0 VanguMd ""'::: ~ • 10 n 1 CSOH 000 000 ooo · o J 2 Catnahan and Bower; lngtttd. Owen 13), Aoble1 16), Oor•m (7), Cortte 18) and Etpt1ra W -Carnahan, 1..0. L.- lngttad, o 1 28 -s..n. M. BoW9r (V). Salazar IOI. HR • TI1thammer (VI 2. Carnahan (V) HIGH SCHOOL SUMMARIES Gotder1 West Le.cue Orange 65, ENnda 55 Sc:Or'9 by au.rten Gotcler1 West Leap Cosu Mesa 69. Westmlnst.9' 21 Scot. by Ouart.n Orange n 23 11 1• ~ Costa Mesa 111 17 i• 14 1\9 Estancia 1 11 16 1!> Orange -Sanders 25, Gama 10. Collins 12. Ramirez 7, Palomares 0, Reev819, gonzalez 2 3 pt goals -Sanders 4, Reeves 1 Fouled oot -none ~ Westminster e 5 13 1 ie Meal -Waldron 6. Stankovic 5, Knoic 21 Molina 5 0 ICnkonan 16. T Krikonan 9, Abedrabo 4, Oom1nguc.z 2, Millward 1 Pepte O Tedln1C8l1 none Estancia -Pinto 19. Stroman 14, Lindquist 16, C..,ctiola 3, Novak o, Hoffman 2, Sankey 1. Andersen O 3-pt. goals -Pinto 2. Cac:hola 1 Fouled out Lmdqu1sl, Novak Tectimcals -none HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO On a roll NEWPORT Bf.ACH -New- port Harbor High's girl frosh- soph water polo team contin- ued Its success by winning the Newport Invitational in Its own pool Saturday with a 10-l vic- tory over Fountain Valley In the championship. Ashllng Taylor led the Sailors with three goals against the Barons with Amanda Barto and Call Manderino each tallying two goals. Marisa Hertsberg. Kall Lucas and MeUssa Wheeler each tallied one goal for the Sailors, who are now 19-0 with one Sea View League game re- maining against Foothill on Wednesday. In the semlOnaJs· earlier Sat- urday, Newport defeated San Cemente, 11 -2, with Taylor and Mandertno each collecting three goal with Barto and Leah Robertson notching rwo apiece and l.ocas ftndlng the back or the net once. The SelJors beat Penlnlula Friday, 8 , behind two goala by llty1or, Robertaon and Barto and Ingle talllea by Luca and Manderlno. 3 pt goals -0 Krikonan 4 T Knkonan J, Knox 2. Mohna I Fouled out -Stankovic. Tectinicals -none. Westmlnaw -Vargas 1, Tune 5, Carduna 2. Degiacamo 0, Jones 7. Ruelas 5, Preciado 4, Diaz 2. Morse O 3-pt goals -Jones 2. Tune I Fouled out -none. Technicals -none YOUTHS Newport wins again • CLUB ROLLER HOCICEf: The Newport Harbor frost\- soph roller hockey team ran its record lo I 0-0-0 with an 11 -3 mercy win over University Sun- day. The game was called in the third period after a slap '>hot by Rory CampbeU found the back of the net for his third goal to go along with one assist. l.ach Boatoo notched his first hat trick of the season with three goals for first-place New- port. Rhett Palmer tallied two goals and an assist with Jeaua Sotelo coring one goal with four as_,is~. Unclaey Taylor and Grant Cueerty each collected two points apiece in the victory. CdM wins Battle of Bay • YOUTH ROUER HOCQY: •• Corona del Mar's Jab~ , and Ala Colvin each ICIOrecl three goals to •park 1 6· I ~. tory over the &algn Hometa,ln • tunlor high roUer hockey action ar the Gfettky Center ln Irvin~ Mlc:heel kldueltwn played .. •trona ln goaJ with ltfttft • lrottlre, KJle ........_, o..mtt Flornt, OeNlc v.. GtVw Ind • Nlchol9 .._...., ltvln« 1te1dy efforu both otrenalvety and d~· fen lvely. - ~PORT!:> Tuesdat Fet>r .-Yy 11 2003 A9 HONORS Big West tabs Hood UCI senior guard is conference's Player of the Week in men's basketball. :QJ.lEN EVENTS CHffER -UC 1rv)ne senior guard MUce Hood h~ been named lhe Big Wesl coiiterence Player of lhe Weck affer leading the Antealers' men's bru,ketball ream 10 viciones over UC R.iveTSide and Cal State PuJ lerlon last week. IJe led the Anica I er'> wilh I 8 I points in 1he 78· 61 win over UC Hiverside last Wednc!>day and 21 points in Sat· urday\ n 52 vie tory over Cal State luJlerton. Hood wa'> IJ of 16 (.1113) overall fro'm the field , in· eluding 7 of 9 (.771i) from three· point range, tn the two wins. I le ha .. connected on 18 ol 24 (.750) thrt't' pointers tn lhc la.'>l six gaml''> and has mi'>\l•d only om· frt'l' thru\" all \l'a'iun, hllllnR ll of n t ~1101 1 lood, who ha<> ra.iM~d Im sea· son sco1 ing average to I 0.4 points per game. hit tJ1e eventual game·w1nning ba!.ket in JiillUcll)' wim over UC RJver..1dc, Utah !>late and Pacific. He ha.' madl' 26 of 'lO (.520) three l,J()lnl ha'> kc!'> in cunfl.'rence play IO rank first in lhe Uig West. 'llll' An((·atcr<,, 13 7 overall and 7 4 in thl' Uig West, travel to fir\ I plcH e Utah State lliur .. day nigh! (I ox '>port.\ wc .. t .!, 5. j'j p m I and Idaho Saturd<1}' 17.00 p.m ) Both ~atne'> will bl' l arrll'd h"l' 011 KlJU Had10/Rll.~I I M Sower makes impact VU catcher earns Lion of the Week. .COSTA MFSA Jonathan ~r had been wailing am.I prl' P~!'g for this day for '>Orne llml' After redshirting last '>e<e.on and ntl gening a chance to '>lCp OUl ol) the field, Bower wa-; finalJy reody. A lot of work on and off the field and now 11 aJI pilld off wPeh Bower, a graduate of W~t· em High School in Anal1eun, de- b"ted as the starting catLher on opening day for the Vanguard Ufl)versity baseball team. the 200'l NAIA Region II champion ... It must have '>l'C'mcd hkt" a perfect day for the 1unmr re ceiver. The l.Jon'> "ere making FERTIG Continued from A 7 mbre fun when you wm." fertig related four pnnc1paJ, hq believes should be .i founda uoo for a program at any level. from youth footbaJI to the pros. ""Ole first thin~ is dewe. ~ he '>aid1 "FootbaJI I'> hard work, '>11 yoq have to haH' de'>m.• to bt· hd~ If you dont de.,1re to he hail; then Join the band or thl• d lqir. "~cond, I\ concentration I "9'1) ralk to 1hem aJJ the ume. but when I am "Pl'.ik.tng. I want their attention. !"ht· better tht'y u .oicentrare, the more they'll be ahlt' to concentr.1tt· in the fourth qUMter when thl'}' re 1m•t.l 0\at S the dtlfCfl'lll l' belv. t'Cll >tOOd learn., and hcHI lt'Jlll\ "ll1ird. 1s 1el11111qul' We \\-ant tu tt'ach them ho" w hlod. .. 1.ickle. catch tht• ball thro" ll .md rtlfl with 11 "1-ourth, 1:. u111d111r1111ng \\t' want to be the bt>'>I cond1t1nned football team around Fertig believe., ... orn e of tht• he'>t coaching in foothall 1 .. dorw on the high M:hool level and he looks forward 10 making an 1m pact on Eagle player'> ·A high school t.Odl h ., Ille a culpture. • he -.aid A high school player 1s like a mound of clay and you can make anything out of 11 you want. I talked to one of my former coaches today and he said he could tell by my voice that I had that old fire back Besides haV1ng played and oached football, above aU else. I've been a fan of the game. I be· ieve every young man deserves o have a great expenence and I ant ro stick around until this hing gets done. Then. I'll ride rr tnto the sunset like John Vayne and sit out on the <New· on) peninsula.~ Fertig, who coached receivers. nnlng back!., defensive backs d. always quarterbacks at SC. said he will delegate to his sslstants, Including newly amed offensive coordinator rqJe Bucher and defensive co- rdiQator Dave Olson, a former ead coach at Los Amigos. Fer· lg 'consideres his specialty, owever, lo be offense. ·rm a we, us and our guy. so e'D. decide as a group of 1he1r lir...i offilial appcaranu.• c,111ce thl' p1,...l'>ea,on. on thl'tr hurnl' fit:ld c1gwnc,t (.olden 'ltatc ~th- leuc < onlereme llpponent < .t1lif11rn1ct llaptl\I in a noncrmlt•rl•nce game Bower '>tt•p1wd up for the I Jon., hkl· ht• -wa., ll'Jdy \\.Ith all tht• tool ... 111 lwlp \ IJ return to lhl' plawti.. I It' proc.lUtl'd 111 all thrt•l• lrlp' l1J lht• plate and guided tlw t\\U \ 11 pill her .. and thl' del!'ll't' 10 c1 h-4 \\ 1ll from bt:htnd thl' d1'h In Hower·~ lirc,t at b.11. he '>lfl- gl1•c.J ;uid '>l'tirt·c.l tht• tym~ nm. and IWi> mnin~ ... la1c·r t'>.t'l Ult'd .i '><ll nfil t' bunt to rno\'l d \ U run ner mlO \tOrtllJ.: po'>ILHm Buwcr\ h1gge't blow, ht>\\l'H'f, l <Ulll' 111 thl' bottom of tlw '•xth. ~lwn he belted a two run i.Jou bit: to leh field to -.tore the t'Vl'll tual w111nu1g run\ Bower l'cllllt' to Vanh'l.lard 1,...,t yt>ar Imm the tnmmunll~ u>I lege rank.' al I ullenon < .ollege. whcrt' he wa' a 'tarting ratther. TI1e tw,o ">port ILi~1 -.dwol ath lete 'cl· a I utlerto11 rl'tortl a' a 'opho111ore for hit hy pill he.,, and ra11l-. 111 thl' ... 1.ho11I\ top 10 Ill [JUIOUl\. c.LS'>l'il'>. ,tnd 1it•ldu1g pert1:11lagc Bm,er \\as a n•d\lllrt memhl•r of the \IU team 111 .WUL and 1., n•ad) to pursue a rwo year carcl'r at Vallh'Uilld I le\ oil to a great .. 1.irt ·•' th(' lll'\H''' I 1<111 111 tlw \ \t.•t·~ .... lAL.H 1;A ti 11 New head football co1ch Craig Fertig talks with group of students at f stanc1a High. some of whom will be playing football 1n tne fall for the former use quarterback 111.11 ht'' \\hilt \\'l,.11 Ill' do111g ' It rttg ... aid "Onu \\l' l11r n1ul.11t· thl' Kdllll' plan, I \\,lfll 111 lt•L Ill\' l 03( ht•'> ~(I lllcll h I'll Ill' lhl'rl' to oH'f'l'C l'veryth1ng .111d I 111c1\ \\hl\fll'r \omethmg 111 1heJ11 lrorn tlmt' to 1111w I vt• told !pro 'llt'C!IVl' U\\l'>tJlll\) l'vt' lllll'r v1t•wt•d that I m thl' old prolr\ '>Of rhcy .ire wor~111g on their dm torate and the pl.1) t'r' Jrt' \\llrlllt>t on their b<1dwlor\ de ~rt•l' I "'<1nl them .111 to lake \\hat I give them ,tnd ll\l' 11 Wl.''rt• going to do \Ollll' thmgs hert' that maybe people in the (Golden Wec,t I caguel hc1ven't \l'l'll before .. lcrug said speufic -.chemes \'\111 be determmed by personnel and he will begrn evaluatmg player., 1mmed1ately "Thl' first thing I want 1-. for the players to get o;tronger." he said. • 1 want to meet with every player individuall y. al their lei· sure. and get to know them Then. we'll have to look at them athJeucally and in group-. of athJete~. We want to \t?e who really wants to play I he cream :.hould rise to the top by the ume we're Into spring practice. I told them I want the best I I players on the field and that may mean moving someone who played receiver la'it year ro running back. Whatever we run. I don't want to overburden the kids. Wt>'ll keep things slmple, but we'll do them well. - I 1·1111; ,,1111 lw pl.in.. 111 '111 I.. .1r1111nd .iwhtll'. "I \\oil t mah· .111~ IHl·d1t·11011' .1l1t·r Jll'l lrll'l'ltng \\.1th 1lw plJ\· l'I' tod,1\." lw '<lid I ~.1111\\ \H' h.1\l' .1 Int ol \'rt>rk w do .t11d 11\ going 111 lw .1 long, hard prm 1•...., But \~ht•n I ttf'>l tuol.. uvt·r .it Or egon "it.11t-. 1he~ had hl•t•fl I Ill I told till' I .... 1.mcia) ktd'i that ti they \tick \\llh mt• and my lOat:h1ng \IJll \\l' re go111g lu get \OITil'th1ng t.l1111e " I le pldn\ to round out hr' .. 1afl in tht• lOm111g weekc; Pcrtil( plJyt:d football at lJ"i< from I 9fl2 b-l, -.1artmg at quarterback •• , J \e11 1or I It' capped a i i '>eason 111 f>4 by throw111g a gamt' winning touchdown pa'>'> to Rod ~her man with 1 ·JJ to play fur a 20 17 vil t9ry over unbeaten and top ranked Notre Dame at the Lolbl'um I le was an as!>istant under John Mcll..ay when the lrojans won national champ1onsh1ps Ill 1967 and '72 I lis be\t lt'am at Oregon State finished 3 7 I in 1978. including ~'\fins over UCI A, Washington Slate and Minnesota, as well a .. a lie at Tenne\-.ee. DEEP SEA SCHEDULE MONDAY'S COUNTS Newport Landing -1 boat, 22 anglers. 4 calico bass, 1 sand bass, 8 sheepshead, 68 sculpin, 10 blacksmith perch. Invitational at Big Canyon Country Club. 7:15 a.m. SOCC* High school boys-Sege Hill It Whitney. 3:15 p.m . High school glr1a-·c.1v1ry ~pel 11 Corona del Mar, 3:15 p.m.; Whitney et Seo• Hin, 3:15 p.m.; Costa Meu et Santa Ana. 3 p.m.; Woodbridge et Newpo11 Harbor, 6 p.m. Softbel eommuruty college -Orange Coast st Im~ Valley, 3 p.m . ..._.. Coli.Qe men-V.nguerd et Point Lome,2p.m. Community CQltege men -~ a. .. GtOllli IOt'(, 2 ~m. Community college women - Groeemont llt <>range eo..t. 2 p.m. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOAV n -J4itry GtMn UClrvu~ M n .. betll.m.11, '02 2' -.Jo9l4lh f't9dl'lben Nfwpoft Hattlot Foofbell, 'le '17 ShadowlandS Looking back. 5 year<; ago lhi.'> week. The Costa MCl><I t-11gh girb water polo team (I I IJ, 3-2 m the Pacific Coast l..eas,l\Je) gam entry lnto the Cll· Southern Section l>ivi-.1on Ill PlayofTs a.'> the league's No. 3 entry with an 8·3 vittory at Laguna Beach rnupled wilh an Aliso Nit,'Uel win over I .aguna I hll\. Carl Howse (four goal~) and Annette 5 Grublslch (two) wilh Amy Devey and goalket·per Stephanie Lombardo ('>mgl1· goal' 1•at hi pace the MU'>lilllW>. Newpon I !arbor High:-. girl' \\att•r polo tl'am ctind1e-. u1c ~a View Leaj.,'\Jt• utlt' o..,er arch-ma! Loron.i dcl Mar, 'J-3. I I arbor t 17 fi1. ranked 'l;u ~ m Omngt· County. open~ tht· '>t onng 46 ..econd., into tht: gJJm• on way to a 2 0 ll'ad after Ont' quarter. lne ~or\ ~ore five goab tn the t.hmJ period. ll•d by Kyndra Cox's four. Alden Moore score'> two guah for the Vlllor .... while CdM 'it'n111r Meagan Hardr 1alhe.. t\o\u go..u, ( d~1 goa.l.keeptr Kerry 8arldow makes I .i \d\l'\ un 2.l shot'>. Capped b}' -.1x ~oab to ptlk up three wim m J five-day pcnod, the 'lewpon 1 larbor Htgh !Jo\...., '>OtLt'I wam ftm.,hes ~a View l.1.·a~e play \.'\1lh .1 J. l wm ovl'r VJ'ittmg lrv111t· Int· \c1.llo!'l> l7. I 1 5-:1 2 lf1 lt•aE,'lll'I are ued lur 1h11d pla<:c With I I foro, but lo\t tht.· ..ea.\On ~·ne., II> tJ1e Uwrgef\ and mu'>t hope lnr an at· large t>erth mtu the UI l'layolf' I IMhor uut..,hu11t'> 1he Vaquero">. [; - Kevin Byrnes 1-.ric Werner and Bren Baker -.rore goal' for lhe Sallof'> a.' Manny Oropeza. Trey Meek, Chapin Kreuter, LuJs Cifuentes. Zach Wells, Ryan Hernandez. Josh Yoches and Brian Newquist bla..t .. h .. 1-. for the Im . Jusc two d•IY' e<ll lil'r, '\1·wpon J lc!fl 11Jr up-.cl\ Woodbndge the rnunl\ \ lounh rank ... d team . 2-0. A tflN> trom 1'Jcuit•r to Austin Ahlgren forte'> the \\arnof'i to plc1v catch up I !arbor goalkeeper Diego ~GreUa pount:e.. on a ball in front rJf a 1.:hargmg Arman Mlllllden I .oo~nK lial k. I 0 yedf\ Jgo thi'> weel Pid..t'l.! to fint'>h fifth m the J>acifil C...oc.C>l l.eagut' llt'torl' the ..e~n. the b.t<1J1t1a I hgh bop basketb.tll ll'am \\.rdp'> up a share of the leai.;ue utJe \\iU1 a -.!-!>3 \1Ctory over \'\Stung Lagun.i Beach ">t·ruor lom-ard nm Faullmer say'> h· dedJt,lll..., 1ht• g<une w Im frit'nd\ brother rucky Candlish, \ .. ho h.J:) leult.·1111a I JUtkner. hed1.kd for Soutlwm lltah Unm .11y 011 a ..cholar.,lup. poUI"> 1n a "'a.'>On lugh J.I pomt., u1dudmg .!.! in the '>t'tnnd half .t., the Eagle<. overcome .i 2H-~6 halfttmt' dd1ut C...tanua .. Joel Warrick dram-. the l..aglt. .... fin.ti l\\O threes to gl\e them an t I potnl lead Jeremy Lollin I I ljy poWld:.1 of < .O'>W l\1t"><.1 I ltgh '>huts uut l ..agun..1 l IJll'> Jack faring. h II 111 cap1ure lhe Pa.ctlit < oa.'>l l.ea~'llt' tndJVldUdl duunp1onslup. l..1J0111 ''the only .. m~a part1c1p.1111 lo win a lea~e ntJL But Mh<!'> Eric Strout 13.!1 and Cesar GonzaJeJ" 1151. J.long with b.1at11.1a" Joef Loza r 1401 and Mike Bravo 1 I .l'il. aho qud.hl~ 1111 tlil' <.II· DtVl">tlln Ill mt'l'l 10 l.oll111 112-I 1 rt't·o1tl... lour qw1kp111\111 llll fir,t pt.•nod I It' defea1•·d I t·.ir1ng 11 ·1 m a lt'<1gu1· du. I m.11d1 J month t-.ulil'r I ht· '\l'VI. p.cin I l.1rh11r I IJW 1 gir le; 1M,kt•1b.1ll 1t,.m1 t'amc, a c;,hJ1 • ot th lir\l t'\Tr ':>t'a \It'\' l.t•J~l· lltle \\Ith pu111 ... h111g ij.j 4 I \H llH\ 11\t·r lf\Ull' lhe ~lor .. Ill h. I I fint'>h 111 .1 (k,1dl111 l \\llh \\uodbndgl t hl tno 111 Genev~ Ev.u-b. Michaela~ Jlid C,lna Heads wn1h111t' f11r 111 pri1111 ... It'd hv r' 1rh .! 1 Tina Bowman 1 1111·1 b I.! po111b JJ1d I I u.:l>our1d' \ '>('( und tOll't ( IJU\l' 7 IJ ..ea'><JO l' 111 till' l1t.1 ~ lc11 t~· 1·1J;;111h Wcidl hoy-. ba'~dh.11111·.1111 from In..,,.,, h11t'rn1l'd1alf· 111 :\t'\\J)IJn lk..11 h 111lh1v.111g c1 41 I 1 \ll:hH'\ over lt'\\lnl..lt 111ti1 :11 ... 111111 lw111p1 11 .1t1p < .o lapta.111., Danny t>ullJu .md Jere111) Henderson eadt 1.1.ll\. I I prn11h 111 Ull tit 1mp111n\l11p gamt' PuhJo. 11JJ11t.'d 111 Ult· ill ruurndJllt•nt teJlll tor t11t· .1uonou' I' 11 It.,.,, 11 at Ult' annua.I :"IH I lohd:l\ 1.L...nll Cl\'t'r ... ~t'., 15 pmm-. tn ledd 1he 1eo.irt1111 "'onng d!ld h ~ l'tft·l U\t' .. hot blod..er ~ter Cunningham Greg Wertham and l:.lhan \\~U') 111und out the .. 1aning livt' \'\llh l>t'11ch lw1p lrorr Kenny Huwen, Joe Urban, Jason Swlomeyer. Quin Wise l::.ddk lruxton Rosendo~~ •t/•d Ben Phoenix. < .orona dt.>1 \far I l1Wi' ho~' '>On er ll'illl I cl111thl"> a '>POI 111 Uw < II l>t\1'tim I \ f'IJ\'llll' \\Ith a .j .!. 'x'<I \It'\'\ I t·J>,'llt' \1tfl,f) owr Ir. 111 tumor nm Tunmons .md '>t'Ol If Rrlan 'imith t:ombme tor mne -.aw ... tor the '>t'a ._mg' I Y I 1 H-1 ··1' t dM ra.nkl·d 'l.:11 •l in the' CJlllll) lCJat ht" top Ill puU. -.core Ulfl't' llmt"> U1 lht tif\I h..UI md bwld a ~ 0 ll'ad upon 1wuor forward jft!)()n Boyce'~ '>4..'l orid ~o.1l of lhl· gainl' and tl'am leadu 1g .!5lh •JI till' '>t'J.'>On I fa.llhat ~ Dustin lee '>('IJfl" '>l'\l'n ffiUlUll"i UllJJ lhl' Cllllll'•l on .1 • arom nil a \h111 l'l\ Bo\u• that In int· ~t l'J>l·r Xc>tt C.yurlna dt'Ot·t" Bill Pimmer dmt"' 1<1 \cUU.., \\1lh lht' hall iUld through thret· cldt·11d1'T"' on ht'> \\a}-10 pul uni' 1n thl' nc1. gt\UIJ.: I.lit -..t .. 1 hl!1g., d I 0 lead I l.tllh.1d, Paul Fruchbom ,111d Doug ~rnith a,,.,1,111n Bovu" 't:l..und 1.;u.1, compiled by Bryce AJdenon UC IRVINE MEN'S VOLLEYBALL #1 UC Irvine vs. s USC Trojans Wednesday, F 11, 1 p.m. Crawford G nasium Come out and watch the #1 ranktcl team in tht nation try and take down those Trojans ' UC IRVINE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL UC Irvine vs. Idaho unclay, Feb 13, 1 p. Bren Events Center • I • .. ' I ' Alt, Tuesdu. ftbrutri 11 ~~ a;1 .... --2ii llllf ... IS( tt1Jt lnCI WPIRD TO ti rtWISURCll: '*"'UICOlmms ........ ~ WllO.A21• lo •II heln, b.ntf1· cl111 •. crtdllon, con tinaent cred1tn1,, tnd person' who mty oth erw1se be 1ntetested h1 the will °' eslete, er both. ol DOROTHY At.ICE CORNELIUS 1u DOROTHY RICHARDS TH( P(flllON fOR PR08ATl requuta that CHARLES 8 R CORNE LIU$ be 1ppol!tttd H jHll~llal llC)fntntallvt to admtniJl41f U.. altt• or lM decedent. ™£ P£TITIOH r9e1uuls the dec:ed911t'• Will end codlclls, tf eny, be 1dmltltd to prob1lt. The Wiii and any codicils er• tvailebl• for eum1111· tlOn In th• hie kept by the court THE PC TITIOl'I r tquests autho11ty lo adm1msltr the estate undtf the lndep•ndtnl Adn11n1s - tr.ahon of E.st1tn Act. (This Authority will allow th• person1I repnsan· latlve to take many actions without obt1on Ina coutt 1pp1oval Before l1ktn1 certain very important 1cl10nJJ, however, lh• perr.onal rtprtnntatlvt wlll l>e required to a•v• notice lo lntetesttd '*'°"' uoless they have welvtd not~ 0t CCMIMnl•d to tha propoMd ICtlCMI ) The independent •d· mlnlttr1tlon authority wUI b4 arenltd unltu an fnt1rultd person frl11 an ob141ction lo lht jHltltion and ahows aood ceuse why lh• court should not ar •'\t the author1tv you should ll>Pfll at llle ht1rln1 and atate your obetlons 0/ hie wr itten ob tlo1tt with tilt tour! be ore U.. hHftnl Yout ~11\Ct mt1y bt In person or "' your attorney. tr YOO ARE A C:RlDI• TOR or c:onllnaent "td•tOr of lilt dtcused, )'OU must fnt rout claim with the cour and mall a c:opy lo the personal repru1nt1hvt appol11ted by the court within four months lro"' the date of lht Int 1uu1nce of letter~ as provided in Probate Code section 9100. Th• time for ftbna ct.ims wlll not expire before four months from ttie hea(ina data noticed CORNELIUS A P£TITION FOR PRO ~A TE hu bun flied by CHARL(S B R. CORNE LIUS In the Supe11or Court of Calllornia, County of ORMGE A H(AIUNC 011 the petition wilt be htld on MARCH 6, 2003 at 1:30 pm In Dept L73 localed at 341 Th• City Drive South, Otanae. CA 92868. IF YOU OBJECT to the v1nl1111 of the petition, •hove, , YOU MAY EXAMINE the hie kept by the court. If you are a person '"· teruted In the estate, you may file with the court • f!tquasl for Special Nollet (form OE· l~) of the ftlina of an inventory and appraisal of estate easels or of any pehtlon or account as provided In Probate Code section 1250 A Request for Special Notice form Is available from the cour I clerk An-y fw Potltt...en Jucfltt. .._., ,_ • ., ADVllmlllllT fOl leS Sub1.ct to condltlOlts prncnbed by lh• undersianed, ualed bids for • Lump Sum Contract are invited for thf"lollowlna Worll: 12 laV SYSTIM MODlf1CATtoNS, PHASE 3 PIOJl<T NO. ttlOSS UNIVllSI" Of CAU•OltNfA, taVIHI .. Vitti, CAUfOltNIA 92H7 PaOJICT DHCRIPTION1. Work Includes. but 1s not llm1led lo the follow1n1 Campus 12 kV d11tribullon system mod1f1callons will be performed lo 1mpr ove power dthvery capacity and system flu1b1ltty The wOf"ll consists prlm111ly of mod1ftc1hon lo the 12 i.v power cable system. No new sw1tchaur will be ac!Md. Ex1stin1 ductbanll ind manhole systems will b4 mod1fted, new menholes and duclbanll will w installed E1iston1 cable lead and load points will be chan1ed. u rsllnc c•ble will be removed and new power cable will be added Minor demoltllon will be r equ1red C1v1I work 1entf elty includes site prtper 1tion. dralna1e. manhole eacantion, duct bank trenches and repavlna ISTIMATID CONSTIUCTION COST1 $900,000.00 Nete: Prl-1144ett wflo cte ""' ., .. , the ,.-llflc•tl-. 111 the Ctfltta<1 0-11h ""'Y net be ellglt.le fw owwct. 81ddm1 Documenb will be av11l1ble to Bidders on TUUDAY, fHIUUY 11, 200J and will~ issued at. fac1llhn M•n•cement Un1vers1ty of C<11tlornia, Irvine. 201 lntertm OH1ce Bu1ld1n1 (m11lm1 address) 19172 Jamborn Boulevard (physical address) Irvine. CA 92697 S444, (949) 82•· l'<M Checlls lor a --refvllctaMe lee will be requ11ed m the amount of $2S.OO per set of B1dd1na Documents Checks are to be made payable to "fhe Reaenh of the University of California • Sealed Bids will nol be acc:.epted alter 2100 PM on FRIDAY, fHIUA•Y 28, 2003 ' 81d Secu11ly'" the amount of 10~ of the lump Sum Base Bid uclud1n1 allernalu , shall ucompany each Bod The Surety 1ssu1na the Bid Bond shall be. on the Bid Oeadhnt an 1dm1lled surely insurer (as dtltned 1n the California Code of C1v1I Procedure Seclton 995 120) A -ndalOf"y Pre·B1d Conference and Pre Bod k>b Walk will be conducted on· WIDMUDAY, fHltUAIY 19, 2003 be111nnm11 promptly at 10130 AM Participants shall meet al: F ac1lit1es Man1aement Interim Office Bulldin11. Conference Room 128, Un1vers1ty ol California, Irvine (Bu1ld1na • 92 on North Campus M1p) 19172 Jamboree Bouleva1d Irvine. CA 92697·5444, (949) 824· 1404 AnlNDANC( AT THI Pll-810 ca..fllfNCI AND Plll-llD JOI WAlX IS MANDATOIY fOlt AU PllMl CONflACTOIS. THI MUTING WIU ClOU AT 10135 AM ANY CONTIACTOltS ul}vtNG Anti THIS TIM( WIU NOT II lUGllU TO PARTICIPATE IN THI 110 PIOCUS AS A PltlMI CC*TIACTOI. Only bidders who parttc1p1te 1n both lht Pre Bid Conference and the Job Wallo In lhe1r entirely will be allowed to bid on the Project as p11me contractors. for further Information, contact Fac1ht1es Man1a1ment Contracts Department, Attn Brenda R Hockenhull at (949) 824· l~ The successlul Bidder and ih Subcontractors will be required to follow the nond1sc11m1n1Uon requ11emenls set forth In the Biddln& Documenb and lo pay preva~lna waae rates al the localoon of the Worll. The suc:ceuful Bidder will be requ11td lo hive the follow1n11 Stat• of Callfotn11 Conllactor s ll«'nst current at the lime of submlulon of the Bid· UCINSl ClASSfACATION: (Jedriaal c-troctcw UClNU COOi: C-10 Othw Prefe<1 Sfoeclflni 11.U-OINlllflcotltfls <oll.ct fot to "• sut....l"ed ot time of ltlct IM"""9, t.vt •• .,., ,..~ ...... ny ""'''•ct te1 l. The Contractor shall have been 111 business under the Hme name and Cahfornla Conll1etor's lteense for a minimum of '> contmuous yurs prior to the bid open1n1 dale for this Pro,.ct The ltcense usad to sallsly th11 requ111ment shall be of the same type requ111d by the contract 2. The Conttactor shall provide • m1n1mum of 3 referencu for profech Similar 1n KOl>t and sit• to lhlS Protect whteh have bMn successfuHy completed 1n the Stale of Calrforn11 dur1n1 lht past 3 ynrs At least one of the projects must total over 1750,000 00 111 cost of 1n1tallalton and have bffn performed on • m•IOI un1ver&1ty campus. 3. Spticina and term1n1t1on work shall b• performed u clus1vtly by 1 Journeyman eltctrlclan with a minimum of 5 years verifiable work experience maklna tht types of 'Plices and tarmtnations required in the Contract Documents. T1i. JourneyrNn eltctttclen "1•11 pouen evidence of tr11n1n1 ttvoucn cornc>lttlon of • certlfic1llon proer am for maktn1 splices and twmlnattons The Conllactor shall submit resumes and tra1n1na c .. 1111eates lo the Unlvtfsity for review end approve! for 111 Journeyman eltctrtei.ns. who will be INllHll spltctt and terminal.lons. at time of Contract award TH[ REGENTS OF THE UNMRStTY or CALIFORNIA February 2003 Publtshtd Newoort Beach-Coste Mesa D11tv Pilot Fel>ruarv 11, 28, 2003 T037 .va:srTY Of CA&IOll9U, .... <AMIS mna IMTll$: cotKll1l, GWll8 & OCAVATIOll, IWlll&, IOCRG, IATIM & Pl.ASTllM, DIYWlll OW WOOO STUDS, DIYWALL Ol llTll STUDS All Roe. M<orrwTOI PllQUAIJKAml STATUl8fTS fOI COIS1IUCTIOlf Of UO PAlO vmf EXPMSIOll PllOICT llO. "6260, FmlJllT 2003 NOT1C£ IS HEREBY GIVEN that Subcontractor Prequalllocat1on St1t1ments f0t Concret1, Cr1d1n11 a. Eacavahon, Framln&, Roof1n1, Lath1n1' Ptuterinr. Orywall on Wood Studs, Drywall on Metal Studs and Floorln& Subcontractors will be received by the University of Callforn11. Irvine Camp1n. for qualification to bid as a subcont11ctor on construction of Palo Verde E apanston, Project No 996260 All Concrete Cradinc ' E.acavahon fr amine Rooltna, Lalh1n1 ' Pt.ste11n1 Orywell on Wood Studs Drywall on Metal Studs and Floor1n1 Subcontractors who art 1nternted 111 prequehfy1n11 tor this Project end wish to obtain the P11ouallf1C1lton Packet may call ellh•r (949) A2•·8117 ()( (9'9) 824·8034 SUIMtnAl DIADUNI AND PltOCIDUllS1 Subcontrtclor Prequaltftcalton Statements must be received at the Office of Desl11n &. Construction Services by SrOO ,.M., TUISOAY, fllltUUY IS, 2001. Please send Subcontractor Prequ1llflc1llo11 Statements as follows. A"-"-• lr-4a o...-. Desian ' Construction Services, Un1veu1ty of Cahlornl1, Irvine, 5201 CahfOf"nla Ave , Suite 250, lrv1n1, California 92697 2'50. Subconllactor Prequahftcallon Statements shall be submitted In sealed envelopes marked on lhe outllde, '"SUICONTIACTOlt PllQUAUfKAflOM STATIMINT, (NAMI Of TIAOI), P• Vw4e ~f'o;y Pal-QUAllflCATION CONflHNCI fOI CONCHTI, OlADINQ & IXUVATION, flAMINO, IOOflNG, LATHINO & PlASTMING, DIYWAU ON WOOD STUDS, DIYWAU OM MITAL STUDS AND nOOlllNG SUICONTIACTOIS1 A mandatory Pre Qu1llflcetion Conference will be conducted on WIDNISDAY, fHIUA.RY It, 2001, be1mnm1 promptly at l t30 A..M. Only Subcontrectors who part1e1pate 1n the Conference in its entirely wttl be allowed lo submit Prequahfication Documents and. rf quahhcation 1s achieved. will bt included 1n the bid documents es epproved Concrale, C:rHlna &. Eacav111on, Fr1m1n1. Roofln1. lath1nr I Plnt•lna. Drywell ol't Wood Studs. Drywall on Metal Studs and flootin1 Subcontrectors of wllkh all blddtfs must usa '°' the WOf"ll Peuons 1mv1n1 taler then ••IS A.M. Wiii not be 1llowed lo submit Prequallfrcation Oocumtnh "°' bid on the Pr oiect as subcontractors Parhc1panh shall meet at University of Cellforni1, lrv1111 Dulan ' Construction Services 5201 Cahfornoa Ave , Suitt 250 Irvine, CA 92697 2460 Sullivan ' Wri&ht Confeunce Rooms (COf"ntr of CahfOf"nla Avt ' Bison Ave ) fOt turlh•r 1nform1Uon contact University's Representative Brend• Ou~nH at (9'9) 824 9586 DISCltlPTION Of THI NOJl<T1 The propoHd Pelo Verde E1pan11on Project will pro .. de •II• Infrastructure, roadway 1"'9fovements. community 1Miild1nas end apartments for an 870-btd upanskln lo the •~1stln1 Pelo Verde houslnf. The Palo Verde £ 1p1nalon Project will develop «2 new apartments In I foUf·slory buildlnp on 193 acres The 442 1p1rtme"ts will Include 98 one-bedroom ulllh, 260 two·btdroom unlh and 84 thrH·ti.droom units The Project SCope l'Ny Include development of utlltt111 end surf1c1111 for portlon1 ol the Calllo1n11 Avenue e1ten1to11 ......._ ...... & c-trw•'-c..1 .. ...., .. ss•.aso,000.00 CCMktlfl COST ISTWATIJ 12,900,000.00 OftAPtltO & O<AVAT'°" COSf IS 11llA n 1 SI ,I00,000.DO ,...,. .. con HnMAn. sa,100,000." i.ooNtG COST ISTUIAft• $1,000,000.00 uT....e & PUSmitNO con 1SnMAn1 uftoo,000.00 HYWA&l OM WOOO STUM COST 1Sl11lAYL 1,.I00,000.00 HYWAll CHI MITAL STUDS COST 1Sf1MAT11 6,400,000.00 n.oom. con ISTUHTI• SH0,000.00 SUHOlfTIACTOI NIOUAUff(ATION nocllHMfS1 I. ~r.clor Pr-.1ttftc.9Ueft St1t.-nu w• be anlt.bi.t T....._,, P*-f 1 1, MU .t the Offk• of 0.941'1 • COllstfuctlon Setvlces, U111-llty Of Callfor111t. lfv!M, !201 Callfofnta An.. Sutt. 250, hint, CMif«lli• azt91·%4!0 The Prequ11ifk1llon Peet.et can l>e Nli.d lo .,,~tiff lllddef1 ""-'" lo obtalll thelll Ill f)t(IOll by c11Unt (949) U_ .. tJl1OI(9'9)8Z00,. z. TM 1111h11Uo11 It IOltly for the purpo,. ot dtt rmlnlna Which bkldtfa lft dMfM4 qu1llfitd lot •11«t11flll Ptrl0tl'll•n<• of the tyii. Of WOfll I~ "' w. IKOltel In • tl!Mfy lllM'IMI'. Th1r wilt " IMllldfd In tM W. cJOcv!MllU H tlPPfOvtd COlltrete. Gr•dllll a l.cuv.tloll, rrernt111. ftooflllc. LAIMlll I "altflfll, Orywetl Oii Wood StudJ, Orywe• Ofl Mttal Stllde 1114 ,.._ .. l.ikonlnd41fl of whkh •• !Mddet• 1114/tt vu f0t tM ....... J. The Uftivwlit7 ,..,vet lM rtlflt, •fl• rnltwina tt\t Sclkontrac:tor ,,._....,,iutloft Stttetl'llflttl, lo ff#tct tny •114 an St1t.ments. to •11ve •"' ln'°"",..t.1 ill the St•'--nb an4 lo llmt• ~ qi11111flld WliQlfttlle'tot• to.,,.... .. bids to thow "lme contrK&ot• Wtlo h•"' ....,. pr,, .. ..,_. hlr 1111 f'To.-t • 4 C-.t;Mt -.....11 !till .. evelUllll '°' .U•111 PllrJlllMI ~ • ......., ........ 211111 rTMI ••""°' M ~ °' CALWOtltM , ,~~~ ~ '" .................... ,_ ........ : .... -ttllo.i ..... SIN 121643 2401 2 c.11. ct. •• Plato, •450 ~ Ht••, CA 92653 ts'ubllshed Newpor I Beach Costa Mesa Dally P1iot february 5, 11. 12, 2003 Wl063 S1191COUIJQf~ Kal-COllfTY Of .. -.iw.m111 C8fJll, lSTlll Of MM 0. lllTTl_ W. l&M DAVI am._~ WI "1. l 2141%6 lmll»SMI Of 1M PIOP8TY PIOlCOOl§lOJlq NOTICE IS HEREBY CMN th.al Anne S Kutta. 1$ Admtnntrator ot the Estate of Alan 0. Ku,tta, Deceased. w1H sell 1t pr iv ate ""· sobflCl lo confirm1t1on by the NOTICE OF PE1TT10NTO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: CANDICE E. PRENTICE AXA CANDICE~AXA CANDAC E. MCLAUG N CASE NO. A217478 To all hen, benetiC:iatiea. crecMcn, oontingenl tte<fll!OrS, and ~ wno mlY othef'wiM be lnler"'9d In hi w11 or ntate. or both of CANDICE E PRENTICE AKA CANDICE (AKA ~~ E A PETITION FOO PAOeATE hU been flled by TOO J MCLAUG>il..JN In Irle Suoerio< Court of californla, County of ORANGE THE PETITION FOO PROBATE l9QUMll hi TOO J MCl.AUGHUN be ~ u 08l10nll rtlPf9Ml'lllllw ., &QTif ..... the ..... of lht dloldlrt. THE PETITION r8QUlltS 1tw) deOldlnf'I wil Ind codldla. II any, be ldmi1*I to pn:Jt>all. The wfQ Ind Inf oocklt 119 IYlilabfe for tD"'*'81ion in the lilt ~i:r~~,.,.... l\lltlonty to ldmnttlf lne ell.lie undlW lht =:,..,of E*111M Nj._ ems •u1h0tltf ¥1411 allow lht ptflONJ repmentatlvt to takt many . actlot1I without OOtaJnlng ooun ~ Before llklno Otf1Ul very lmpoltari ac:llen, howlwr. lht peraonal ~INe wUI be ~hd IO r/-19 noCice to ln1tftttitd pettonl un1esa they haYt walYed ootioe or oor..nted to ~proposed~ NOTICE OF TRllS'lU'S SALE lll\"DER DE!D or TRUST LOAN NO 003" 18004 OTHER lU90$8 FTL.e: l'Ol-12018 GO A P NUMBER 939· 63-m YOU Alli IN DEFAULT UHDU A. DEED OF TRU~ DA TIO FtbnarJ " J00'1 UNL!SS YOU TAD ACTION TO PttanCT YOO'l PJtOPUTY, rr MAY II SOLO AT A l'\JB1.JC $ALI. IJ' YOU NUD AN llPLA.NATJON or m:I NATUJll or THI PllOCUDING ACAIN$'T YOU, YOU SHOULD COHTACT A LAWYU. Nodce IS heftby lf-.q lbal TOWN .t COUNnY TTlU SEJlVICES, INC. A CAUR>ftMA CORJ'OltA TION. u tnlSft, 01 MCCUt0r lnlSlee. Or ... 1 .. tnNtee pnuut IO the Deed ol Tnat t.med by Vm Sit. t u.p WCllllll Recclrclld OD Olfl4'200'Z .......... Ho. 200201~ 111 Boot • ... • ol Of!ldal 11.ecords 1111111 omo. al 1111 c_., ~ °'°""" Cowley. Clllf'omi., • ., !Mf•lll IO tJ1e N«fce of DtW ud l!lect.Gt to kU lhlmiadlr fKwdld IMlf.IOOl 11 &a .... • --l'(o. ~)UI ti_,. Ol'llclel kontl. wlJI SEU. • Oll1Sl2DOJ ... dlt hill.rt IO .. ~c,.,, :"f Cllepna °'11119. CA ,_ • HIO f.M. Af PUlt.C AllCTlON, 10 nm fOOHEST llDDf.I JU CASJI C,..1*J ti .. a..flale .......... -1 -41 .. UllMd ~,, ......... ....... -Jl'll • ... ....... b ....... °"' " .,.,. "' .. l"fl"1 ........ • lliid C-, .... ... .....,..,....,.. --~­... DIM ti fllm. 1't ____ ... I ~ Coutt, on 01 att. Mlrctl 3, 2003. at ll:(XI • 11'1 In Dlpl. l ·73 In the lllovt ceptiOMd court tocalad .. 341 The City DIM, Orqe, CA 92111111. thl~r•pr~ of the .. t1t1. Rut property in h C4Cy Of Coll• Mos.I, Cow!ty of OJ.,., ~ .. .,, Cetibni.. commonty known u 318 Sydr)ty L-. ~ Mnit, CA and molt pwtkulw'ly clacthd u follows: A eondomilllum comprlSld ot. Pwc.t 1 M uncMded l/15 pwotnt lnt.-st in and to Lot l ol Tract No. 915(i9, Ill tht City af Costa Mesa, County af Or.,.e. Sbta of Calfomll, as per map recorded In bocll 395 P•aes 11 •nd 12 of ~ ll14IPS. Md emended '" book 405 paces 1• anc1 15 of II---n,.. Ill the office of th• county recorder of Slid COW1ty. hctptlna therefrom units 342 end 348 '" ~ A. unlb 32Jl, :m and 336 WI ~ B. units DI. 312 and 318 In buildlna c. on11s 311, 317, 321, Ind 323 '" bulldw-c 0 and unlb 3l5, 341, and 347 WI ~ E, IS st--. ICIOfl "" oondo m1n1um plan rtcOf"ded M.rch 9. 1m . ., boolo 12afl .,.. fli9 of offlcul records. ruecorded May 17, 1977 In boolo 12199 PlllC8 10 of official records and re-recorded My 1977 in book 12277 pap 1902, officat r ec:ords Parcel l. Unit 318 '" bu*ina C, IS !illown uP0n the condomm111rn plan rl'fened lo above The t.rm end~ of sale we I M cash lo Seller. S5.<n> deposit. 2. Buy« •nd Stier to udl pay one/half ( 1 /1) of nortNI escrow fees 3 Seller to provide 8uY9f with a CL TNAl.rA pOllcy of Tltla lmu' ante 4 Sellar to pay lor termite WI- ~ and ~CJC)fllle cost of rtpN 5 Al taxes and llot1~ Assoo allon dufa to be PfO-ntted at close of tscrow 6 Seller lo provide 8uY9' With a "home pt Otecliorl plan" issued by Neilly Nabonal The cost ol !fie ~-•• not uceed ............... ........... 2MI LlllfNatlcll P!0.00. 7. ~ to bt purci..t ... ~ lllbfect lo lnlipdon by .,,.., ... OfflRD JOM-MIJllftOf: , ... ._ At ..... fllle TholeMd (S5.'100(K)) Ooln ITut ... .,.,., wilft it. olfw Ind the ~ ,,.,.. bt Plid on ac. of .aow alls ~"'*" by .. ()wt. 8ldl ,,, °""' -rrvMd for Iha propwty. they Wl-A21'951 To 111 ht#a, banefl· cwiet, CftdilOh, COii· tlnpnt c11drton, and peraon• who m~ otller wlt1 bll lnt.r11led in th• will or est.tt•. or both. of: H John Bowm•n: f(lUSt bt In wrllq end wl bt rtalwd at IN Lew Offlcm of ~ W. Gillen, attorney for h administrator, 111 2!!01 E. ~ Awnue, Sub 100, Fullrton, CA 92831, or thty mlY be llad w.th the dirk of thol ccut or .w-td lo Thorras w Glen perlOlllly ., any time.,.,~ of the notice and before the $111. J1cl1 Bowmen; John H. Bown\ln A PETITION FOR PRO· BA TC hat been flied b1 John E Bowmen In the Suf)tf kH Court o I Call· fornle, Cou"ty of Or· •na• THE PETITIO N FOR PR08ATC requut.s that John E. Bowman be 1ppolnttd es personal representatlva to ad· minist41f tlHt fllatt of The Ufldlnilrlld -the rWrt to rtfad any and .. bids. Oltad. fall 4, 2IXD /S/ Anne S Kutta, Adm!ntstr.W of .. Est.ti of Alan 0 Kutt.a. o.c.s.d JS/ 1'homa$ W Gillet\ Attorney for Anne S. Kutta: ~ltator Published Newpor I Be.ch.com Masa Ody Pilot f tbruary II, l8. 25, 2003 T04' AdMI. ..... •s...... The followm1 persons ere doin11 business as. SOTERIA, 2980 McChn· tock, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 . Barton lndust11al, Inc , (CA). 2980 McCl1ntock. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Th11 business is con· ducted by • corporation Have you slll'led do1111 buStness yet? Vu. 1988 B11ton lnduslnal, Inc , Russell Barton, Prut dent This 'lalement was hied with the Cou11ty Clerk of Oranee County onOl/74/03 200J69~2S Daily Pilot J•n 28. r eb 4. II, 18. 2003 T02l fkllll"f ..... ie..s....... fhe lollowina persons are doine business as: Inner Strenath Tramina & Consulll"&· 9682 Surfer est Dr ,. Hunhn1· Ion Buch, CA 926'6 Mtchtllt AfrlCano. 9682 Surfcrest 011ve. Hun· hn1ton Buch. CA 926'6 Marc Af11cano. 9682 Surlcrest D11v1. Hun· hnaton Beach, CA 926'6 Th11 bus1nns is con ducted by husband and wife Have you started do1n1 business yt17 No Marc Afr1U1no fh1s sletemenl was flied wtlh the County Clerk of Dr•nae County on 01/31/03 2003Hlll7S Dally Piiot Feb 4. 11. 18,25,2003 T028 ~ ...... •s...... The follow1n1 person' 11• doln1 business as In Pr1v1t1, 29082 AlorN Ave , L11una N11uel, Caltf 92677 Jade Luis ltRou. 29082 Atom• Ave., Laauna Nl1u1t. Californle 92671 This bu11nns Is con· ducted by an md1v1duel Han you started do1n11 1>11S1ntss yet' Yu Dec, 3 2002 Jade LUIS L1Ro11 This st1t1mtnt was liled with the County Clerk ot Or•"I' County on 02/06/03 200S69HU7 Oally Pnot F el> 11. 18. 25, M11 '· 2003 T°'7 HOT1CE OF APPLICA- TION TO SELL .AlCOHOUC BEVE.AAQH Date of Fiiing ~­ cation February 1, 2001 To Whom It May Concern Tl'lt Namt(a) of the ~IW(•) illlfl O\IEASTAEET U.C Tht~lltled lboW ,,. ~to the Otipar1ment of Al!t» notlt 8ewflgt Control to ... alcoholic bevef. -ot• at 3'00 VIA UDO NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 T~ of lieellH(I) Applled lor 47 -ON-SALE GENERAL EAT- ING PLACE Santa AN Newport~ MHIOUy CN67t853 7181~ Feb 4,11,18, 2003 the decadent. THE PCfrTION requests the decedent's will ind codicils, 11 1111, be admitted lo probate. The will ind any codicils •r• 1vall1ble for eumln11· lion in the Ifft kept by lh• tourt. THE PElrTION requests authOf"lty to .idmlnlsler the est•I• under the Independent Adm1nls· tratton of Estates AcL (Th" authority wlll allow the peraonal represen· t11tve to lake many actions without obtain· Ina court approval. Before lakina certain very important acltons, however. the personal representaltve will be requ11ed lo 11ve notice to 1nleresltd persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The Independent ad· minlslr1llon 1ulhor1ty will be ar anted unles\ an 1ntere,ted person Illes 1n obrecllon lo the pet1tton and lhows aood cause why the courl should not er ant the 1ulhor1ly A HEARING on the pet1hon will be held on March 20. 2003. at l·JOPM 1n Dept L73, located 11 341 The City Drive, Oranao. C1hlorn1a· 92868, Lamoreau• lus- hct Center IF YOU OBJECT lo the 11:rantm1 ol the petition, you should a~ar at the hu11n1 and state your obiechons or Ille w11tten obttetions with the court before 1114 llu11ni Your appear 1nce may be on pe11on or by your attorney IF YOU ARE A CREDI· TOR or a cont1naent creditor of the c1ec .. sed. 'fou must hit your claim with the court end m111 a copy to the pel\onal 1epres1ntat1ve eP901nttd by the court w1tllln tour month\ from the date of first 11suanct of letters as provided In Probate Code section 9100. fh1 hm• '°' flllna claims will not up11e before four months from the hea11ne date "ollced ebow, YOU MAY EXAMINE the Ille kepi by the court If you 111 a person In· teruted In !ht estate. you mt y lilt with tht court • Request for Sptclal Nollet (form OE· I~) of the fillna of an mventor1 end 1ppr11ul ol ntale assets or of any petition or eccount as provided 1n Probate Code sect&0n I 250 A R1q1.1est for Sptc1tl Notice form ts 1va1lebl1 from the court clerk Petltlenerr Jeh11 I . ·--. 7S06 ••lty-1 h•1111en Cevrt, s,r111,flelct, Vlr1t11le 2215 Pubt1shed Newpor t Buch,Cosla Mn• D11ly Pilot February 11. 12, 18. 2003 TW045 IS( 12134 mna Of"'"'°" 10 ADU:Sta lnlTt Of: OIAll81. soun-. we fllDlllCI soun Wfl0.l217Jll To all httn. benth· c1arles, crtd1to11 con- ttnaent cred1IOf"s. and persons who may o1h- erw1at I>• 1nt11Ht1d 1n the wlll or ntate, or both. of CHARLES F SCHULTZ aka CHARLES FREDERICK SCHULTZ A PETITION FOR PRO BA TC has been flied !J MARILYN I SCHUL TZ'fn the Supe110f Court ol Cahforn11, County of ORANGE THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests lhtl MARILYN J SCHUL Tl be 1ppo1"t1d as personal r epresentallve to ad· mlnlstw lht 11tat1 of Ill• decedent THE PE TlllON requests th• decedent's Will and codicils, II any, bt admitted to probate. The Will and any codicll1 are 1vellable for ·uemlna· tlon In th• flit kept by the court THC PC TITION requesll 1uthorlty lo edmlnister the estett undef the Independent Adm111ls· lrat&0n of btates Act. (Tllts Authotlty w1U allow the per1J0111I nprescn· tatlve to t1kt many actions without obtain· In& court approval. Before t1kln1 ctr taln vtfy ll'ftPOftant actions, however, the f)ffso111I r~ntetlve wlft be requKtd to llYI notice to l11tw1sted PfflOllt unle111 they heve waived notice or coM111ted to the proposed 1ctlon ) The lnd1p1"de11t Id• ml11l1tr1tlon 1uthorlty Wiii bt lflllled Ulllef.I an internltd p111on filH 111 objKtlo11 to the pelllloll •nd allowt COOd ClllM Wh)' Ull c-t allollld llOt .. 111t the I Uthoflty, A HCAIUHG on the petition WIN bl lltld 011 MARCH 6, 2003 at UO p .f!'. 111 Oepf l73 loc1ttd at Ml The City °''"' South, Ot•nc • c~ l2IU If YOU OIJf:CT to the .. llllliflt of the pet1tlOll, ,.., "'°""' wetf •t u.. hffrllla and at.ate >'JIU' ::stio..e °' flte Wtlftacl °' Uom With Ult ,_t t the hntl!lc Yo.w .,,_111<1 IM, bl II ptnon or b~ ye11r 11e...,. If YOU AftC A CftlDf To• tr cot1111ot crMlterflf .. ~. --·-sw. with the court ind m11I a copy to th• person1I 1 epru911tatlv1 appoln ltd by the eoutt within four month• !Torn the date of lht fw•l IH41lllCI of 1111111 ea ptOtlldtd In Probate Code NCtlon 9100 The time for fllloa clalme wlll not eaplr • before four months from the h11rln1 dat• notlc•d above. YOU MAY EXAMINl the file kept by lht court. II you .,, a f)t(IJOll In l•tsltd In tht est11lt, you may file with the court a Request tor Spec11f Nollet (form OE· 154) of lht f111n1 of an Inventory and 1pprai11I of estate 1uels or of any pehtion 01 account n provided• In Probate Code sactlon 1250 A Requnl for Sp1cial Notice form Is avttlable from t"-court cletll. Anww.y fw P8""-' PITH J. CONteUO, 1$Q. HUOSOM MAAflW na. IANTI & STIHT 4'0 <Alli ,._..I.. 10l 1U MCMfTllll'Y, CA '3t42- eHt Published Newpor I Beach Cost• Mesa Dally Pilot February 5, 11, 12. 200J ISC121'1 llOOO Of Pf1mC* TO ADlllSTll ESTlll Of: IUA Wl SUClll lhl. IUOllW SUCDl, ... IBIAWl~ Wf IO. l217SS7 To all h'"'· beneh· c1ar111s creditor~. con l•neent creditors, and pel\ons who may olh erw1se be mltrested in the will or estate. 01 both, ol MHBA LAKE SUCl(IE L •Ila M MICHHLC SUCKIEL •h MElBA lAKC KRO NKRtCHT A PCTITION FOR PRO BATE hn been filed by SHE.RL HOVAS 1n the Sup111or Court ol Cah forn11, County ol OR ANGE THE PEflllON FOR PROBATE r tQutsls that SHERL HOllAS be ap pointed u personal npresenlallve to ad m1n1ster the estate ot the decedtn I THE PETITION requesh 1utho11ty to 1dm1nllll! the estate under the Independent Adm1n1s tration ol Estates Act (This Autho11ty will 1tlow the personal repr-n taltve 10 talle many actions without obt11n 1n1 court approva l BelOf"e 111111111 certain very 1mporlent actions, howevar. the personal repruent1t1ve will be required to 111ve notice to interested persons unless they heve waived nollet or conMnled to the proposed eclton > The Independent ed· m1n11trat1on tulhorlly will be "1nt1d unless e n Interested person ftln en objection to the petition end shows 1ood c•uH why the court should not 1r ant the authority A HEARING on the petition will be held on FEBRUARY 27 2003 al 1 30 pm 1n Otpt L73 louted at 341 The City Ome South Orenre. CA 92868 IF YOO OBJECT lo the 111nuna of the petition, you should 1pp11r at th• h11rin1 and state your objections or Ille wr itten ob1ect10ns with th• court bffore the hur1nc Your appear a nee may be 1n person or by your 1ttorney IF YOU ARC A CREDI TOR or cont1"1ent creditor of the dtcHsed, you must f1l1 your cl11m with the court and m11I e copy to tha pe•sonal representative appointed by lht court within lour months from the dale of the lint issuance ot letteu as provided 1n Prob1t1 Cod• 11ct10n 9100 The time for f1hn1 claims will not up1u before four months from the heartne dtle noticed above YOU MAY EXAMINE the fife kept by the court If you art • person tn· ttrested in the estate. you may Mt with the court • Requnl for Spec11I Notice (form 0£. l~) of the ft11n1 ol 1n lnvenlOf"y and appralsal of estate assets or of any p1tilion or account H provided In Probate Code HCtlOll 1250. A R1qu11t tor Special Notice form is 1v11l1ble from the court cltrll A"-Y ,., Ptt"'-t •wt• & Tvcli.,, ~.I. WeMece, '~··"' ..., ......... ., Ste. 1400, c...te MtM, CA92H6 Publlahtd Newport Buch.Costa MeSI Dilly Pilot F tbr uery II, 17, l8. 2003 TMOJ9 llWPOU lfAOI OJYCMCI A-...w'f ~ ..... .... ~ ........ ,... ,..., .. ,. CURMNf I VSllUS 80NITA CANYON PAA!< UPOATt (4 lOP.M.) PUBLIC H£ARIHGS COOt AMtNDMt:HT CA 2002.()()7 • LANOMAAt< 8UILOIHOS (PA 2002· 218) • AMCNOM£Nl lO ltTLC 20 or ntE NBMC TO OESICNATt CCRTAIN rvns Of BUIU>fNOS AS "\.MtOMARI< IUllOINGS" ANO MOOl,Y R(STRIC TIONS ON NONCON· fOftMINC USU IN lNl>MARI( 8UllOfNGS C:URRENT 9USINf SS OC NUAL HAPf AMENOM[NT (OPA) INfTIAOON HO f003..001 (f'A2003-010) • (ll'A TO INCllllX SCL' STO!tMOC f AClllTICS IN f .. t RANGI. OI PlltMfntD USU '" TH£ CAWUS DRIYf Ml.A Of' STA· flSTICAl AR E~ 1.4 (MftftO«t AlttA) r11•11•11•4 Hewgort luch Coat• ,... illy ,...,, • ..,.,,,,JUG> 1041 ,.... ...... .... s...... The lollowln& persons art dOlna bust"°' ea StewblO, 207 C.ctar St Ste. A, Newport Such. Calif or 1111 92663 Ceora• Stewart, 'JtJJ Cader St Sta A, New port B11ch. Callforn11 9ZG63 Mlraye Rubio, 801 N lOtrl St. • 182. Ana htJl'll, Caltlornla 92801 this butlneu ts con dutltd by • aeneul p11tntt ship Have you alerted dolnt buslneu /it? Yes, 01/ Pl/02 Geora• Stewart This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orana• County 01102/07/03 200SHHHJ Oally f'llot Jan 14, 21, 28. Fib 4, 200J l°'6 ,.... ..... ... s..... The lotlowlna persons are doma bu'l1nes$ as R W Construction Com piny. 1180 N Fount•m Way U1llt C, Anaheim. Cal1form1 92806 Rtchatd Wttne, 5005 [ H1lb1de Ave Oran11e, Cahlornia 92867 fammy Wayne 5005 E H1lh1de Ave. Oranee. C1hlorn11 92867 This bu11nns Is con ducted by husband and wile H111e you st11 led dome bus1nes' yt!t1 Yes. 12/ 0111981 TemmyWayne This statement was filed with the County Clerk of ()ranee County on Ot/13/03 200Ht2t'40 Oa1ty Pilot f eb 11. 18 25, Mar 4, 2003 T051 RdMIM ..... llmtS...... fhe follow1n11 persons •re d0<na busineu as Clean Cul 7'>5 ValleJO Street Brt1 C•llforma 92821 Philip R Colhns, 7'>5 \/alle10 Street Brea. C1llfo1nla 92821 Thl5 bus1neu is Lon dueled by an 1nd1V1dual Have you started do1n1 business yet? No Ph1ltp R Colhns • Th11 st1t1ment was toled with th~ County Clerk of Or an1e County on 01/06/03 200H92UU Daily Piiot Feb 4, 11. 18,25.2003 T036 ,........,_. llmtS...... fht follow1n1 jHlr\Ons ere do1n1 buStness H Cherin R Suton. MD. 275 Viclor11 Street 2H. Coste Men . CA 92627 Charles Robert Su Ion. I Azalea. Irvine. CA 92620 Th11 buStnns 11 con ducted by an 1nd1w1dual Hltve you started c1otn1 buS1ness yet? No Cllarlult Suton Tll11 stale"''"' was filed with lht County Clerk ol Or a nae County on 01/28/03 200Htal423 Deity Pilot Feb 11. 18. 25. Mer 4, 2003 T<W9 fklllll ..... ... s...... The tollow1n1 persons are doinc bus1neu as Kelly C101pbtll Insur a nee Services 1 S25 Pt•cent11 Ave Hl, Newport Bt1ch. CA 92663 Ke lly Camobtll 1525 Pt1cent1t Ave •Fl Newport Buch CA 92663 Thi. bus1nus IS con· ducted by en 1nd1vtdu1I H•vt you started dolna buslnns yet? No Kelly C1mpbell Tlll1 statement wn filed with lhe County Cler II of Or ans• County onOl/)l/OJ 200Htllll0 Dally Pilot Feb • II, 18. 25 2003 TOJO ......... "-*'-' The followlna perr.ont. ere doln1 buStntss IS Profen1onal 1'111d1atlon Croup. 1821 Bullonshtll Ln Htwporl Beach C~ 92660 Steven Ctp0lla, 1821 Buttonslltll ln . Hl!Wl>Ott Beach, CA 92660 This business IS con ducted by •n 1nd1¥1dual Have you s l•rled dome t>u.iness yel? No Steve C1poll1 This statement wu llltd wrth lhe County Clerk of Orana• County on 01n•10J 200HUot16 D•llr Piiot Jan 28. Feb '· 1 •• 18, 2003 T(Y.lJ .......... ... s...... Tht followln1 persons era dolna bu11""' es Craycraft Enlert1111menl Croup, 1114 Arch Bay Or1v1. Newpott Buch, CA92660 Brien Cr1ycralt. 161• Arch Say Dr.. Newport Beech, CA 92660 This buslnus II con ducted b1· en lndlvlduel Klve you started dolna bua1nen yet1 No Brian Crayaatt Tiiie 1t1te111111t wu flied wit.It the County Cltfll of Ot11119 Cou11ty Oii 01/31 IOJ 200Htll87t Dall)' P1lol Fib 4, 11, 11.2'.~ TOJO Dallv Plldt --~: Th• tottow1n1 per-.n- .,, dolnc buailltU rt; All n• Studlps. 1'09 Rendolph 18, Cut'a Masa, CA 9268 " Ahn• Condlt11onl,ll1. (CA). 709 Rendolph '8, Coste Mesa, CA 928M This butlness I~ coli· ilucted by: a corpoultot1 Hevt you sterted dofna buslnon yet? Yes, l"J Aho• Cond1l10nm1 ThtJ 1tatemenl WH hied With lht CoU'trly Cltril of Or enae CoJlt.., on 01/24/03 • 200HHOt21 D11ly Pilot Jan. 28, Fell 4, ll.18. ~ T~~ AcffM ... ¥ llmtS...... .~ Th• followln1 persoM ere do1na buillln$i Lemma lsl1nd Tr Co . 2973 Hub°' • 1151, Cotta Mt f· C11if0f"n1a 92626 c!t An11et1 Senders, 29 Hubof Blvd. •257, Men, C1tltorn1a 9261 This bu11neu Is dueled by an 1ndlv1 I Have you started builneu yet? No • • Ana••• Sandlu ~ • Thts statement wu hied with 1111 ~IJ Cler~ of Dranae County onOl/13/03 200H92'470 Oally Pilot Feb. ll 18, 25, Mar 4, 2003 TOSO The lollow1n1 persc.nt are do1n11 l>usrneu u · Balboa S<111ntrf1c, 120 1/2 26th Street. NeW1>CHI Buch CA 92663 Ad111n C, Codma Afl 1/2 26th StrMt. Newport Beach, CA 92663 • Th11 bu\intu " ron· ducted by an 1nd1vul.ual Have you sterted doillJ 1>u1men yet' No Ad111n Ch11st11n Cbd IOI • 11111 st1teme"t "''' hied with the Coun11 Cieri\ of Or a nae Co1111!'y on 01/23!03 200H'308U Oa1ty Pilot J•n 28. r •b 4 11. 18 2003 T023 fhe follow1n1 pe<st>nl ~re do1n1 business 11 Pro1e1.I f und1na C~ ration, 170 Newpoct Center D11ve, •z-s. New port Buch, CA 92660 PFC Corporaho" (~). 170 Newl>Q' I Center 6r •:>•5 Ne .. port Buch CA92660 This business 1s ton ducted by a corpoobon Have you st11tltd dOl•a bu,1ness yet' Yes. 2/21/ 88 • PFC Co<poutlo" LOUIS M Grano. Pr~· 0dent - fh11 stt tement w• llled with the Coonib Cler~ of Or•fll• Co~ on 01/27 /03 • • 200HU I IS 1 •: 01111_ Pilot Feb. (, 41J , 18. ~-2003 r!'l34 Ftlfll. ....... ... s......·· The followlnt person\ ... clo1n1 bUSIMSS n a) Black lack Goll, I>) BlackJackColf com. tl.77 Harbor Blvd ~22 Co~ Mesa CA 92t16 • • Cddlt Shook Melt~ 2277 Harbor Blvd .,22. Cost• MHI, CA. 926~· This builness IS cpn· dueled by tn 1nd1v1fu@I Hewe you sl•r led dot.QI buS1nen yet? No .. Eddtt Shooll McLeete Th11 llttement wn filed with the Courrty Cieri. of Oranae Coun\y on 01/31/03 2001HS1U1 Deily Pilot Feb '· 11. 18.25,2003 f0?9 Rctltlea ...... ·-... s...... ~. The follow1n1 Pt•:tll' ere do1n1 buslntu ~ &. B Muffler Spec1 t 2•22 W SevM11th 41 , Senta Ana. Cthl0ft111 92706 Robtrl l Brocll. Ill. t2! W Promntory Pt New. port Beach. C1hfo1n1t 92660 Th1\ bus1nus Ii C'otl· dueled by an 1ndlvh!u•I Have you startfd dol,. business yeP No Robtft l Broci. Ill This 1lttemtnt "" flied with Ille Colfni:.t Clerk of Or1n1e Coilnty on 01/29/03 JOOHtJ I S71 Delly Pilot f eb 4, ll1 18. 25. 2003 1'0~ P~S-. Pursuant to Cttaptlf td commencl111 with zQod of the Buslnus 1~ Professions Code. ~· is hereby 11ven lh1trM StOf"•I• of Cost• •S. aka Slora11• Pl11t *9it Center wlll t euse t~1 sold to the 1•r1•r .. I pUbUc by ~"'9ttltive bid at 2458 Newport Bly'-, Coita Mese. Cahf0f¥ 92627 on February 2003 at l 00 PM follow1n1 desctttl" property Vn1t U~ Robert Thom11 ftetc:Jltf Ill, PlflOll•I ptOf>tfb. ltou11hold Sood•. blitl• neu 11cord1 anrWor lnven~orJ '" ' Unit U9l' K11t Hu~ p1reo"•' pro ptrt,, IJl011.sallold '°"'· buil· 111n records •11*101 lnwnt.ory •, Unit Z20, D1n1 S- Holll1 l>tflOn•I prop9fir hout1hold &oodt, bualt n111 r•cord• ind/or klvtnt0t7 • U"ll l 12 ICt la top II~ ~HulMt,ptrlOll p1op11t7 llouuhot aooft, ktt11MS f t(« •1141« lflve11tor, UNt llU joe Pe~ln p11ao1111 prop11I hol!Mhohl JOodl, n111 r•cordt 1114/ ll'tvtlltory • Unit 2llt lloney/Jetl'!Uf "'""°· P«IOll.t "'~ frrly hOlolMhold ~ bv-ftCOfh 4'ndlal illWllf~r o f'wchne t11uat be !M4 Wttfl Clth only lfWI , • Ille l'-o4 \lie S.I aulljl(t t. cucaa.ilO 111 ti.. 1w111t of wttlo1 ""'"' btt•.110 ............. ~·h• lh eo.t. .... ..... ,~ ''· ,., T uesda Februar 11 2003 A 11 ~_ .... _____ llgalNotica IMMIOOO 2MO lepl Maden IWllCIOfMUCSA&I tl ..... PIOPBTY "°t'" is h.,tby c1v1n Ul•t th• undt1S1&11td will ••" •t publlc I UCllon purs111nt to Section 21700 of the Bu11neu incl Prolt1slon1I Code, tilt followlna dtscubed Jll'tl>lrly lo wrt: TIH ANY WILES H·31, l eble, cha, thf1t. CARISSA MAT THEWS D ·l9. Lua COll'IPUttr , co lh•~. a11ellln1. m•tt. BBQ ~THONY BRYANT I 9 Ofeutr, l•mp. melt th. duffel b11. bous m1~' 8AAD BERMINGHAM I ~7, L•ddtfl, clothn, computt11. b1lle looti, 1u1. m•tt. misc HAZEL RENNAKER 1·18, Tbl, ch, drtn•r, M1f1, stereo, for •I the time ol purchese All purchHtd 1oodt are sold u 1, end must I>• flmoved al time ot sale Seit is tub11ct to cencellahon in lht event of settle mtnl belwHn landlofd and obticated party Published on 02/04/03 end 02/11/03 Auction eer Wanda Nor ton, Bond I S 400-1684 Ayres Se.If Storaa• Re\ldent M1naaen Publl\hed Newpor I Buth Cost• Miu Daily Pilot f ebru1ry 4 11 1003 1027 MOTKE IMTIG"'5 The Or1n1e Cou11ty Sdn1t1l1on Distric t tDCSO). C1hforn11 wtll ieu1ve sealed Bids until Mvcll 4, 2001, et 2100 , ..... Bids must be recalvtd at OCSD's Admlnlstrahon Bulldln1 or Purchas1n1 Omaton Office. by 1111 date end lime heotn above set fOf th, el which llmt they will be opened end o amtnad 1t OCSD'1 Purchastna Office, 10844 Ems Avenue, Fountain Vtlley, Calllornla, 92708 7018 DIGESTER CllANINO Of roua (4) DIGUUas AT Pl.ANTS 1 & 2 SPICIFICATION NO. S-2002-120 A Mandatory Job Welk hn been $Cheduled for r ebruary 18, 2003 al 9·00 a m. al 011n11 Counly Sanitation Dis trtcl Please meet 1n the Purchn1n1 Division lobby located at 10844 [Ills Avenue, r ount11n V1lley, Cal1fo1n1a, 92708 All prOSIMICh•e b1ddera are required to ellend th IS Mandetor y Job Walk as this will be the only opportunity to v1111 th• l(>b \Ill n.. 114 ''''• '""' wlll lie 41atrlli111e4 ot the Jet. Wolk .,.1y. f 11lur1 to attend the M1nd1tory Job Walk lor lhl\ spec 1f1callon without prior written 1pprunl ol OCSO 15 bn 1s fcir OCSD to reiet.I and not eufpt 1 bid subm11u1 Approve! to not attend will only be 11anled based on utr101din1ry hard,h1p Bids must be submit led on the torro \uppl1ed by o"CSD m 1Lcordancr with all prov1"ons of the sp1u.1hcat1ons Spec1f1 cations. 81d blanks. an<I further inlorrn1llon may be obtatned at the above addrtn l1lephon1 (714) 962 2411 Published Ntwpor t Beach Costa Mtu Dally Piiot Febr ue r y I I 2003 1043 elOTICIOf MUCAT!Olt SALi ....... ,, ........ c• s.c. 21100-21101 Nottce IS he11by 111ven by the unde,,11ned {hat e public u lt ol the underllsted dnu1bed personal p1operty wilt lie h•ld at the hour of (I I ) o'clock AM. on th• (2S) day of of f 1bru1r y. 2003. County of Or11n1e State of Cahforn11 The properly ia stored by INSTORAGE COSTA MESA localed at 2038 NEWPOftr Bl VO ' cos rA Dated: Feb1u .. y 4, 200j MES A, CALIFOR NIA Slcned Manuel Salt meh 92627 lh• Items to b1 This notice '' 111nn 111 sold are aenerelly de accordance with the •cribed as lollows prov1"ons of Section Cloth1n1 tools end CK 21700 et Seq of the olh41f hOUsellOld items Bustneu & Profusion\ stored by tht follow1n1 Code ol the Stilt of penons C1hf0fnta Sale Sub11C1 Unit • N•m• lo P<lor uinc1Uat10n 1n 8 092 c .. 1 Ameteur the event of 111tltm1n1 Hockey/C fuertsch belwH n Owner •nd 8117 Robyn Meheffey Obli&eted Pert1 8 223 luan Ohvtra ·Published· Newport 8 262 Marl! Wyson'e Beach Costa Meu 011ly 8267 Antoinn•ttt Gel Pilot febfuary 11 18 taaher 2003 T040 8324 Mtt ed1lh r, 111e1 I 8328 Raymond Crotuu B338 Jehova Michael (HendrickwnJ B368 Path W1ynt 837!> Ruth•lo Ohvero Cl 17 Nici. Thulof C 120 Steven Andr 1 1owych Cl37 Ensleyt El,bith Rdlll.. ..... "-S...... The fo1tow1na per 'ons •• e do1n& bu\lneu e\ Rancho HHO Lender\ 24S Fl\ther Avenue Suite A 3 CO\ta Meu CA92626 "1seph H Cerol lrutt .. of lt>HPh H G11ol tl'A 1n Attount1n1 Corpora t1on Prot11 Sh111ne T•usl 19 Cantcin Crul Ofivt' Coron• d~I M•r CA 9261S luHpll H Cl•OI '""'" "' Gl•dt' L •sh Marital Oedutllon Tru\l 24'> f 1scher Aonue Suitt A l tost• Mo• CA 926?6 lOHph H C.,ol 11 U\tee <ii Cuti Mu~he1 1980 lru~I 19 t..anyon C.rol Orive, Onrona del M11 CA 9:.>62'> r; er men Oyher r 1b•I 31871 C.,n1no C1p1stu no San lu111 Cep1~111no C.A 9167 .. Thomas ffod11true1 401 WJlshire Sen l u1s Rey CA 92051 Jos~ph J lmma lr .ind Patsy A [mm• O.ed• ration of Trust. 11112 Garflf'ld A•tnue Hun t1naton 8e1ch C.A 92646 W Reid Stern a pro teu1onal c or 1>0ret1on Trust•• of the W ROd Stern Pt oflt Sharina Piao I Se• Tt tr•c.e rh.,.port (.o.nt C.A 9?6~7 Thi$ bustn.,< '' l<H• dueled by 1<11nt venturt' Hev• you st11 ted domfl bu11n•n yet1 No Joseph H C1rul Th1$ \lalema11I w.s filed with the • <.ounly Clerk at o,.n1t • Count; onOI U 01 2003 .. J~ts D••ly P1l"t I eli 4 11 18 2!> 200J TOJJ !)df _1our C or 111 (/a~ufl1<d ! How to Place A Policy------, CLASSIFIEAD Rate~ and deadlines are SUbJCCI 10 ch411ge without notice The pubh~her rc,crvc' lhe ngh110 ..:en~or, rcclasMf). rev"e or rcJcll any clai.\lftcd advcrtl\emenl 'Plca!ie n:port an:v error th.it ma:; be in your dd~'tfo:d dd 1mmed1atc:I). The Dliily Pilot ac<:ept' no liab11!Ty for dO) error 1n an adver11..cmcnt tor 1Nh11.;h 11 ma:v be rc,pon~1bl<.' except for the co\t of the \pace: ctctud.11)' onup1cd by the error Crcd11 can onl} be al101Ncd for lhc: ftt\I 10-.crt1on By Fux 194<1 b\1 6'11-l By Phone "-l<l ~~ 'ti1& By Mail/In Person: HO \\ N BJ~ 'ltrut (O\U \lc'<t. CA '/~b~"' .\I \c,.port Bhd 6: 84\ St PluoCullolo- tJls-201 lftljt<:ntlM!!llr'lilil I 1Hk1 lht Sl'r\ltl· l>11nt11n B.111111·1 .. Wl't"ba•. ~ ~~ prll.<'!"11< VISA S ERVICE DIRECTORY -For AU Your Home and Business Needs - Rooms tor Rent 6040 1160 Furniture 3435 1 Furniture 3435 ~.1Es FOR ~E *• 't!:**~~ll!.** *** ORANGE 5400 TOP u 4 a1coaos n c 11112. c.r, Etc. !Ci i ~h :~~·~·~~ * SHOREt INn~IORS * COUNTY : UQUIDA110M ! Corona del Mar CM/funfthecl room m pvt ~ nu peh •Ill """* '"i 135Cmr I 0 ~ •le<.llK., 949-642 .... 165 • Lle4re "Net Ive " $2000. • Gvy ...... , s ........ us ...... Ice" saoo. 714-777-SUI 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Old« Style Furnnwe PIANOS & Co&t11blet ·~·r....,..,.... . ...._ ....... ,..I(_ ... ! SALE! !' ! CLOSING AFltR ! * JOYEARS * * Wicker Ra ttan St-ati11g. * * L..amp~. Tilhles * * a nct ~luc ll ~torP! * * 2f>.«J ,\\Oil !-,I "\t"\\l)Orl Beel< 11* * IJll Ht\1·r-.111 .. ,.. f•,11 tfl• c 11<1.,l II\\\ * ENGLISH VILLAGE HIDE -A-WAY S61 s.ooo AGT. 94'-723-1120 Udo Isle l8WlSf "UU ON UDO ISLAND OPEN SAT-SUN 1·4 llACH COTnGE I 17 VIA llOll ?br it/• lo 2-c r,•. bch & te" club JS lot. lteclvced to 5169.000 Agt 94'-7S9-0SOS 01 714 -307-4214 l' olde CM T"""""" pvt 10\ b<t wl!l'y dt4'1 iJr .., d n l>"l\ ""'~i ftm pret o A.a,• J I 2003 S7(5m..> <JU\ ~641>-~ NI Lorge Moat er I w 1>11v•te bath b••k bay -.~.., S675 m<> ul1I• paid 949 275 5J98 I RES DENT A. RE:'l'Al. ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Penlnsula .. CASH PAID IS .......... .,.., ........... wt BUY ESTAns * 94fHi42-2235 * NewportBeach ********•••*•*** ·~"'~M'V ·-. .. ,,., -• 'AITDI"' ;-~~~~~~N~~~~1 ,, ••• ·~1 ..... .............. : ..... 'I .,1 I," ;i64M922V: SOUTHC8AST AUCTJ N ZMl ...... k ..... AM.CAme1 ................. o •Aiti HOME IMPROVEMENT SSMCES 2600 Mlallantoul letvtca ,R.(SCRIPTION DRUGS 40, 80, SAVINGS off ol most PfHCJlpllon• GUIJl l'tH d or II I\ lrH 1 Cell our toll Ire• num ber. l ·800·54S· 697 2 {CAL •SCAN) f'ltnt conl•ct me from your r11tm so :M I can tell you t my collection G1mston1 Ony• c.atved Into so1rln1 Hile•. lovln1 do•"· 111c1ful u llfleh. cn ortln1 dolplllns, cha r11n1 bull• • b"ff1lo My f1Jlln1 ~tndldv~ y.... limit my •billty to 111joy INN won· clrous crMtlona, which now alloulcl bt In one OI yo11r &forlOU I P•llctt. J.J SNfren l .... 7ot·6212 "0 loll "'· Qinmol'lt. 91711-0575 OFACE FURNmJREJ BUSINESS EQUIPMENT E OUAI. HOUSltG OPPOIT\JllTY Ail rul uUI• •d••• I•\ I'll n tllo< "IW\l>IPtr ., \Ub·•· I lo .... r •d•••I I f •·• Hou\lni '"' ·• 1968 a\ 1 m t nO •O wh n m1 •n 11 l1taa1 to •dv•r\l\e any ""'"' 3565 f nt e flm1t•1'un or dl\t11m1nat1on beHd on All ELEC TRIC WHEEL 11te colo1 rel!i•on "' CHAIRS New No cod h1nd1up f•m•hal \talu\ Medlcal,1>ental Equipment to you ,f •••&•bit " n1t1onel or it'" O• an Medite•e H epU d •ntenhon to ml~t '"! Wheelch•tr• ind Pow \uth p11fe•on·e I mill erchl if\ f\COOter ,,111 > Iron"' O•\Cnm1n1t1on -We Ir HI you r1&flt'• Call u,,. new\papr• w1I 7 D1ys 800183S 315!> not ~now•nil'Y • ept (C AL ·sc~N) I any 1d•ert11tm1nt tor •--------rol u11te "'""" 1\ '" Cits 3610 ~·ot111on of the law Our --------reader\ ere hereby •Adopt• ......,.., l<.ltllm informed lh1t all dwell a b.. ~ rM'I or ,,,..,. '"I' 1dve•ltstd 1n th•\ ••ff! Sat Sun 12 4pm I newspaper are ava•lablt F-Is ~~ on an tqual 04lPOrtunoly In fo 9 49 644 2779 baB -••••111"'°"'°'1 hit lo compla•n ol dis ~ dly w.t1 -. 4 dallJ '"m1na11on call HUO toll ~ ,__, .... at 1·800 424 8590 SPORTING GOODS/ CAMPING/ EXERCISE EQUIP 3790 TalDMIU, Seen, hw41v llH4. $200. IXllt(ISI lllU. SJO. 71 .. 540-1121 MISCEWMEOUS MERCHANDISE AU nm IUILDINOI Up to 60'ti offl 30a40. 50a80, 70a I 50 Cell Nowl ht Come ht Servel c.i D1M1 rti mm.ISP .... Opportlnlllll Fuml1ur1 a-lltMW .............. 1tyle stereo cb'llU. pm door wrllleNe & ct•- Plld S«X> Slcrrflct S 100 St.w~~l19 SIMMONS CMll11ttelile ... , $400. like New. 714-540-1121 JEWElRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c ... , c.1 ... N .. 41 • Old Co1n1t Gold 11lv1r ~ weldlll anllquts coll.ctlblts 949-6'2·9448 LOTS/ACREAGE 4740 New l11•n11tery for L •ttrtinl """' sift ltql Gr11t c:olllcflllll. Retd ~· SJllK•, Mllll'I tor S14t< · MNO with ntrn. 7*>-9t7-61l9 ARIZONA BEST BAltGAIN, 36 1 cru • S24.900 Borders Stell l end Bu utlful rencll In wm11m,/Ft•1•t•ff eru, perfect 6.100' cllm1t1. Sp1ct1cutar mounteln vl1w1 Afford1bl1 fl· n1nclnc. All.A 1·877·282· 5263. ..... Ma& ... .._ .. _.M00..__£_1t_N_O_VE_R_S_T_U_Ff_E_O C:OUCH VUY WIDE MAltOON/,UltPLISH WRY vtRY GOOO CON AM> llQ VERY Y LARCH FAT HIMO CHAIR U00 n>lt IOTH 4 YRS NEW 141·515-0337 I. IACl IAY CINTllt 2651 lrvlne An, 110lf view, retell and of· flee nail 714-573·7780 OffiCe .,.. to INf• In Cennery Vlllqe Roomy, furn'd, ple1t1nt envwon· ment. 94M75-0509 w, .. ....-i "-"""Wlfi ""'• a.tHWMtMlyl (M!)Mt-5671 (CAL•SCAN~ so COLO ADO Loe cebln with wett 40 1c. · Slt.900 Ouht.rtcllna Rodty Mtn vltw1 from lf'lt dtcll of tllll b41utlful 101 c1bln. clou to 1.000'1 of BLM r1c. lend. £njoy rurel l1¥1n1 unb•· llevtblt prlcn . C1tl RCR toll·frM 1 ...... 6116·5263 (CAL•~ Wotervlew 21 r 210 -~flreploc• S200SJ) 91,000 Corona del Mar Apt. l9 llr w I "' i•nae w d aeton UASED LAND lrom B11on1a Parll Sl400 mo 949 67l 0935 Coll 1°' ~1"1"'•"' •21r 21a SI 700me• DeAlue ~14e VI.... new ltoorina c"pet <949). J.. IJJI I P••nl r p 1ar111e dttk A MAHUfACTlD HOMl no pet• 949-760-I 71 J COMMUNrTY f --------1 21r 210 C•tt09e, amity • VIUA IALIOA • room I c11 111 w d 'aONT ltOW HAltlOa 1 ,,,~, trr>m 9eaonia Pi ri. & OClAN VIEWS S2700 .,.,o 949 673 0935 T., ,..., PentheuH Mor911erlte Jlr /21o DOUIU Mia SUITIS tu1ur1 refurb home i..,.r She4 2lr 2le SJZ)()n Mia tare-r .. New ~wt.lte 0-28' !Ba new c.pet i Q!J11t LocatlO<I No Tralflc ent SIJOO-n C)49.715 :!113 Seller wtll enl«U1n otters S41s.ooo,. ss24,11• Costa Mesa McwyAnrt MdMr9 949-446-4770 Abo Some ~-IVt labie • l'Y\ldenbll Ca Rallly • NIWPOaT U,,Elt IAY Sflt 38r 2 5Be•offlce FR. ORa Lrc lot cul de sac ' VACANT S725 000 IXCWSIVll Ill'· 949......_ 0211 PalME ISTATIS PATaKlt TINOltl NATIONWIDI USA t4t-U6-970S www patnc-t1no11 com OCIANfaONT flJCllt NOT fOa THI fAINT or HIAaT AOT.t4t-721-1120 ....,.,_View "-t SBr 3111, hup lot Sl.195 000 1842 PCKI Sheffield Cell •r Swtan 94~19& 2111 Nlwpol1Coat 'llMIHTATH PA1'lKK TINotll NATtoNWIDI USA t4t-IU-970I www.Plt1lckt1nor1 com MISCELLANEOUS REHTAIJ AeralTost.. • IAITSIOl llr, lie, 1m1ll lllt/LR , prlv1t1 entry, w/~1 utlla Incl. S77S+clt p 1111·5-48·0171 ~on h t.y. _.lo bell. .,..... ,...., lolt ~~~ am 21ir 2bt c:JoM to .,.. belcll Piiio fnptKe ~~room .. ~JllX) Studio. I rm to ocn ta dido. wiocn .u ~ :-'mi"9lm.~ Newpert ou•u the ttree1 2Br I 58t &• no pelt SI 19S/mo 166S wwi. ""' •3 949 720-9'22 bee 21r lh ~ £ \Ade ... ·'fp. p"1 y11d .,., vne" complt• of only • unlb w pool lncty lac Sll!IOmo 1ncld\ utla t • t Melody L.,,. 9"9 675 571• •II Ttwnho"'• w /ch•r"' 2br .. den. 2bt, pool Ip, lush pat lo I c 11r, no pet, SI 525 949 631 6239 lrvlne • YIAllY • l.IASH Bill GRUNOY REAL TORS 949-•71-6161 leyr1"9 _.,... eftw 2br Iba In '"'"' 11t1d nelfllbor hooa. comm poo . ta deck, ntwley c1rpet1il • painted, w/d. lrla lncld, n/pet1/1mk •. $1&50/mo 949-291-3072 • ..... ~ 2ba. nu ~2c.,,.~. """ Nqa. acz C'Allr SZ1S). dip bk 986IM8l3 Hours: .-------Dead lin es----....., Ielephonc !!. 'l0dlll 5 OOpm \ttirtd4~ -rnda~ \\-all In!< ~.ind OOpm \l:mda~-Fn<U) urr Oc.un ' S.t "° elei. 2llr 2b. condo f<ot> ronlOd pied Ip c.Omm I> M. 'IPI S2200 949-m 159.1 ,....... ,..... Sf'R 2br .Ille w,1olt ,_ ~ c.irpet, ~wdllup 'lc pr aei. S2fll() 911%7 ~nm \.fond.I) l'ndd) ~Wpm Tue..Jd\ \lnndJ) < mpm WeJne,dJ\ Tut"-.d.I) < l ~lpm Thu"'14} \\cJne...dJ) 5 '!Orm HUH LESSONS E •I> d tu Lher 11,u ntlw p~n 1n2• '" ~o•I} Mt\<t o;tuOIO L•se Staci. 949 !>74 0!>11 PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORKfOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 h1tlJ\ 'iJtUJ<Jd\ 'iund•' Thur-. I," < IM 1pm I rtdJ' 'f)(lpn I nl\J' < l.CJvrn JOBSWAHTED Employment Wanted 8200 T~ C........,../1'N. .J) ff' •• p ~..,.' t>YI 1u! ' pcl$ ~ 17•~ .,.~ • Cltfl!i'Yf"if ~.,,,,,,,, '""ti ~ J!. ........ ~, 4i.+; ~ ~l>'.6',.J · Employment 8500 I ..... ...,,,. ~·" olfu pre.I.,,..._..,. ~•11> 111 f¥wl>'lr I fie.I< J1 > ... req QuOllif•\ ,..,. W. •d £•I.Ii ,......~ """'"""""" "" w•tt. rq.1,.r jll>ft(t' '-'' reumr L 14'}.67':> 2177 A4rnln/ .. eet.lueper per~ "• t )1r1n& 11 •t, 811• w~ Prt• "e I• e " "c btnf'l1h ~9 b1~ 3287 CURICAL f'T 20-JOtn :.;tt''~ ...,.,,flnou~~ pos r "'()Or iv. ~I \~ v 00< ""\Jy ~ ,., ll"J' _,,,, pr......-. "'1'11 ... , "'<N' \ID<Joni • -iiar, fa• "'" ~l 'fNA Deadline Feb. 12th • Va/mrine Messages Apptanng Feb. 14th I linr 2 linn ' '10 4 lina 20 Characters per line. You may use all 4 hnes for larger ads, call an advertising rep todayl Wl'H mlUU it elUJ for yowl FAX this form to (949) 631-6594 Name: ________________ Phone No.:. ____ _ Signature,_·---------------------- 8111 my: Vl ... sa ____ Mc. _____ A/f _____ o1scover __ _ Credit Card# _____________ Exp. Date_· ---- Stop IJy or 1UiJ t¥J tlH [)Mb Pilot of!ia 41: 330 W. Bay Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 or Call (949) 642-5678 A GOOD AD! c ·a11 (949) 642-5.678 \ \ A 12 T uesda Februar 11 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE '' , llHIV(HS S IUOI NlS "Ill UI 0 m•m~d1dlf'ly cot "~'""'II 1ti1oueh IJ'ilO~ '" Ho •Ito CA f 111•11~inp, tr•n,purla ltun hnu'"'' •nd tuition rc-1mbur'.t mrnl .;vatlbte C&ll llu\<. .ti I 866 466 1'>4b lur det.lol\ IU\1 •StllN) " w.. AolMldclfe t; ,..,,.. hrnrJ..y. Arf.'Y 6>1 brtt• .... Bl Sir •16 If) '"'" oJ lt"'1A 96~1 .... 1 .. n BOOTH RlNTAl (I'' t .. M< .• b• .. IUly utlun R ... tt\Utlftblr I .. 111\1 949 b4'> Ob67 r )(f'RCS "WAY STS S I UUIJ \l&ll on bunU\1 IJ IR d11vr.I\ needed 1mmpd1altly' r •«lltnl pay Cl•~> A llJI re fllllfPd I 800 8l~ 9471 lll 1tbtd). 1 8bb11) 1)4 /8 , •• ",, ICAt •scAN) «OOL TRAVEl Xl8 Entry l~vpl pn\11tun\ 18~ no ~•l't<•tntP Mte\ury 7 WP•k~ J>il•d tr•1n1ne 11 •n•pu1t.11un. lodaina Joi UllldPd $500 ~lllllnll: bun11' '" sl 11 t TOLL r H£ r I 871 ~6 SOSO (I Al •stAN) Automobiles 9IDl Automotive 9004 IMW'U S21e l ooks aood runs aood' 200ll mole .$2000 949-6SO-a287 iMw 52869 "17 ctn bbl llln. flAly loaded. 6 ~ ed. ,_ t.e<Jbnlke!. 1'5k "' l<n mt vnn Pe1ect! SLS.!m 949-~I 10 11 12 IMW '97 3211 Conv sllvfJr. lllw. ~ TTll ~ 5'IOft pl\a S19,9'J5 vT98272 CM II' Rldw'd 9664& 7Sl'1 I MW 'tt 3231 c-v 5spd, 43k m1. silver blue/ trey llhr. healed seah. full lact Wll«, superb, $21 ,995 ltrm 11362421 Ion .. avail. Bkr 949..586 1888 -.eqtOltl.c- IMW S211 C-. wllVl.'lh ltlw, atJIO, !>81 Rll, look!/ runs hke ,_, $2l.9'JS "6la&I CM I» 9964&78Zl6 I MW '9 5 5401 IOOk m1, black/blk, buulllul ort1onal cond flnanc1n1 & warr avail d 249762 19.995 Bkr 949-586 1888 IMW 'tt 7401691t ,..1, 3yr w111 n11I, 'Stiver I crey lthr, CO, like new cond. v579241 $25.995 fill ilYa~ Bkr 949 5861888 -.......... _ IMW '99 7401 6tS. ,.1, )yr warr av111. s1l11w I i••Y Ith< CD, hke new cond. ~79241 rn.995 hn avilll. 8kr 9'9-586 1888 -....... 1 ...... IMW 'ta 740d Blick/ btl. lthr 49k '"' no syi. s.pot!Hs $37,995 11512459 CM II' Rdwd ~787.J. Bridge Bv CHARLES GOREN wlth OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH Both vulnerable. South de.ah NOR11t • K 72 • Q984 J2 • J 97 l A LITn.E ROPE nusc with a major wmp honor Ind a ruffing value cannot be faulted. WEST •Q9 J6l At both tables the opening lead was the five o( dilllllOOCh. and both declarers played low from dummy and capcured East's cen w11h the ace. The ace and king of uumps ·wen: EA5T cashed. drowina lhe QUCCll. lllld a • 8 l club wa.s led: the k.iog winnina when • 'V A l O S Ba.'t elected to follow wl Lh o low < K98S43 •08 <> Q 10 6 club. The dllclarers theo exited with a • A to 6 s 2 diamond. Both W~ts rose with the SOlfnt kiog or diamonds and ~ the • A J lel.6 S 4 ~ queen o( clubs. Bach defender now K 7 J ~ ~ni.mcd a heart. • A 7 At ooe table, We!t ~ a IOIM • K 4 heart, covered by the eight and ten and won with· the klng in ha.ilct The bidding.' SOlTrH WF.ST NORTit EAST DeclArcr re<urned 1 hc:an and had no problem 111 iruening the ruoe, (~ing the DCC and seaing up lhc queen as the fulfilling trick. •• .... 1• .... 4• .... ,_ .._ Opcmng lead Five of On this deal from a warn maleb.. both decl~ lldopcal an identical hoc Ye1 one South landed the con· 1roc1 wlulc the ocher f1111cd. At the ocher table West elected to give dcclan:r an option 10 so wroog. and wre enough that wa.s falal to the roouacL Wesi exited with the j1ek of hearts! Declatt:r p1a ycd low from dummy, as did East 'The king won, bul now South had lO Jose IWO lnCU in the suit -dov.n one. To get home • South had to cover the 1aci. with the queen. losing Lo the M.i:, lllld then finesse when WI rclurm a hear\ perhaps the nght pl.iy. bul not easy 10 tmd oo this dcfert.e South's Jump rebid of four spade' ... a\ D bu ol \ll'Ctch ~SC the SUJI ll'lelf WD\ .i httlc Ihm fOJ dw a.."lion. Had one of the ling\ been in splliCh m~1C<td. v.e would have been mon: comfortable with the choice. North's -Automotive IMW 'ti 5401 Super clean, blk/t1n llhr, 63k, 1uto. $25.995 11512698 CM Dir Richerd 949-646 78'12 IMW '99 MJ c-v. Sspd, 6211 ml. blue/ash lthr, 127,995 11C43277 CM 0.-RlcNrd ~18Z2 I MW 't4 311 11 Creal 1u m1l11e. 2dr. Sspd, ps. 6811 ml. stereo cass. red/tan int sheepskin, A/C, ow. snrl, 1lloys, I owner. smells new mus t He alnl cond Randy pp $9.700 877 582 2578 or 949 S48 4241 ---c ... 111.. 'It DeVllle l eosure wo1 td o wner IOOll books & records wht blue llhr •Int body & mac cond v 562892 $1995 Bkr 949 586 1888 -.. ,..i.1.c:- Ce .. lllec '0 2 OeVIRe 2411 m1 full tact w1rr. white/oatmeal llhr. CO. OnSlar s,item. chrm wllb., vt827S19 $24,995, 5'Ve ~ 8kr 96$1Bf1!1 •-·•cp.i.1.c-. Co411loc '96 Snllle Gr~ lltw, looks/runs pelf, $6995 v!>4 I 895 CM Dir Richard 949 646 7822 Cedlllec '11 Seville looks and drovu nice 117~96. $995 CM Dir Richard 949 646· 7822 CMlty lat ........ , ... '91 new patnl, new l•n. orfllMI o-$4,500/ol>o 949 689 SSfl) Chry.Jer 't7 Clrrvl 6cyf auto, A/C, cc, pw, pdl, clean v32159813995 CM Dir Richard 949 646 7822 ~ .. 7 .......... J.51. at. a/C. CC, loildld_ cieen. vS99864. 13995 Ricllhat d Cam Me.a ~ ~782'2 Fer4 • t• 1.,.ierer Sport 2wd. AT mnrl, blll/ 1•ey lthr v452136 15995 CM ~ Rlctwd 9&646-'182'l , ..... 1 t4 Mvd-t V6 Red. 5\pd, ac. cc. alio,s, ~ deln SE95 v21548S CM~ Rldwd ~711Zl -,-oaJ>--... -O-H_l_S_'_90_ Runs xlnt. 6 c,1. auto, 1c, can. sunroof, pw, ps, loll wheels, new tores & caps. Blue book S.1225 sell $2600. Private part,. 714-SS4-7601 FOID IANOIR XU 'tt Extra Ceb, Au~lo, ,co, 69K ml., V6, be lt)er. Private Party. S7 ' t4t-'42-S620 ...... 'H Wi..4.1w Gl 7 pass, red/tan int. at. i.e. loaded Sl995 11231587 ,_,....._~ ... SU wllk>W 11'""-.,.... lthr, ~ moor1-1•0CJb. rea JMl1> seats. 6 cd ct,.,.., f/\oeded, perfect orw cond. Only 58 mt S 14.900/obo 9$8117 9107 pp L .. .,, '00 IS 300 2211 m•. sllvu/erey lttir. mnrf, CO, lull factory w111. hke new vl 525721 S21 ,995 firm, ftn 1v11I Broker 949-586·1888 -.eqtOltl.c:- CM 0.-Rdwd 9'1&646-7871 _. 'U 323 AY«J, rid. GIC Tl9dt HIP Silm 'IS Auto, white, fully equip. 1m-lm, smoaed. Well'm1tnl11ned $3500 t4t-760-lt50 ,....,. ••• lUlt ''" ••• lull IM:t watr, Brrltsh n c1n1 crun/oatmul lthr, CD. chrm whls. beaut, like new cond. v1496721 S29.99S Ion avail Bkr 949 586· 1888 -. ...,w.c-J.,.._ 't9 lUI Yanden Plas 3411 mt, spvkhnc blk/tan lthr, CO, chrm whls, full I act wart. hke new S28,99S f11m v842614 t1nancone avail Bkr 949·586 1888 -·KfH>lol.c .... J..,._. '9t HI Cenv 3411 m1, lull factory wan. sparkhn1 black/oatmeal lthr, CO, chrome whls. 14ke new. v677295 $3!1,995 lln1nc1n1 av11I Bkr 949 586· 1888 -·~·.c:-J.p. "ts ...... a...... l Tt> 4&4 V8 ~.a ~ lllY. .... 11514688 '649!1 CM ~ Rktwd 9864&7Sl'1 ~ .__ ... o.sa.-y Senn I 2711 m1, full l•ct w1rr. blacll/oatmeal lthr, dual mnrl. rur •or. lump seats. CD, 18" chrm whls, hkt new, vJ32099 $21.995 hrm, lln avatl 8llr 949-586- 1888 www.ocpab1 com 5$¢. Sl4lS dellfl. loc$s.I runs ereat f 19!1e> 11845.326 CM~ Rldwd ~71122 N£W2003 MINI COOPER! ·~ ...• LfASHOR $249 per monltl + laJ 2 at tliese terms oo woved uedrt • S2500 down. 36 month cloHd end leue, no Ml curoly deposit, 10.000 mllu per year, 20¢ ,er mile for u cen moles TC42218.TC41916 • LETS MOTOR! ITS FUN . ........... . ~FREEWAY @ E.llm SAmA AHA AUTO MIU (888) 823·9808 HOME, HEAL TH AND 8uftss ~ ..... - Service Directory Accounting ·NQ TICC TO Rl ADC II!> Cellfornll law 111 quwn th•t conlrac tors tekm11 tobs th11 total $500 ,,. more Clabot Cof m1ter11ls) be hc.1n\4td by the Con Ir•• tor• Shi• l 11 en\e 80111d State law •l!.O 1equ11u that conh•ll"'' include lht1r hc111M! number on ~ti •dvert1\lnl You c•n chtt k the status of your lic1n11d ron t 11 c t o r 11 WWW <.•lb LI I OY or 800 321 CSL 8 Unll t •nud rontrutori 1tl\1n1 1ob \ thet tole! In• than S500 mu•l state In lh•lr •dve<ll\ement\ that they ue not llc1n11d by the Contr1ctor1 State locenw B011d " Additions& Remodeling f~INTWS Kltr.htn I BMh I Rtmodll ~~ ll'.ilDP5 VSo'1C 966«i!JJ25 Cll1*llrY A TO l HANDYMAN Instill, 'ref1c1 cablnett. ~ madlt Oo:t n~12!i8 AIDnty Servlca ATTORNEY ClvU m•lfcl'I. bu incsa law, land Ute, land· li>rdllc:nant. wntrllCU, other lltttmtllU. 20YutaHp RCIUM&blc ratu TAXlf~lfN ONWH••U CaJI for free CfUOte 949.422.2863 •-to~. MotMt• not.My a lloo~for em.et•~•···· -~ Carpet Repair/Sala 1) CilJ'IT 1) CilJ'I T 1) Repaors, Petch1n1. Inst.ell Courteous any size jobs Wholeulel 94M92·0205 TIMI oa GIN YOWHOMI IM ... OVIMINl ... OJlCl? Call • plumber. p11nter, handymen. or 1n1 ol th• 1tnt services listed here In our Mrvlc:1 direc:toryl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI Dlywlll s.mca CUSTOM CMATM TU fnltal9tion. .... c.ln'ic, m1f1*. lbll. .... lt75 ll6~ Jiff 714-612-9961 O.,...Docn ft'····-Sprlnltk,, Drain., Plant. & L.twn lnstall•tlon. Alto Llpllttf. .---M ...... ......... ~ Dt1l1n. Plent, ,ot, Prop111t1on, Pr= ~nlsMM l.-f..,..., ....... 20Y.-.ef Q-"ty """'-*" Udl6741U (t4t) UO-UH ••rli Chrtstlst ...,..,,., Fhlll Cs!>lnls. ""lt)'fllll IU:oo.ab~ ~-­'-:.bani' ~ 8-r~Ftll ....... CllJcM 714"'3&-8230 RE STORE • Rf PAIR & REMODHING \ I ' ~ e!~~. !Met ....... m. Est. t4 JSl.Sll7 s- f.f.NF.l.U. mm 61WNJENANCE • Wlaal * c.amam.I No Job 1bo S"""1 Da.-llamlltoa M9-322-1292 Dail Pilot -WDlftlllwl .. Allomalw .. AUTOM081.ES. u.-e... '01 .......... 2111. ml, lull fnt warr, btaeVp•J lthr, CO, DVD. 20" chr m wtlll, 11 new. v262512 $29,9915 fin w.il Bllr 949·511 1111 -•+II-. ............ ,. Conv. 3411 ml, 1uto, r1d/ black Int & lap, bellltttul orltL cond, v597241 I~ firm fin &. wan enll Bllr 949-586-18'8 -·~-.............. (230 E'""1lld &fllrl w{tM! lltw, beMlt auto, snrf, $13,9 '6CUll5 CM II' 9'Mi46-7Sl'1 _..._..,._cuo I(~-. ~rundY/lln ltllr, '6211. snrf,-SI~ lr521ll2 CM l»'~llV.i ......... "fO ._ IOOI z.s, blv'bin lltw. llW'f, pw. pcl. AC, $4995, 11234013 CM Ct Rldwd 94&646-71122 .......... .,._IOOI 3.2. blk. snrf, lh. r.-it ..-.c. 11521325 $1995 Rldwd CM I»' 9866711Z1 ,NII.Un AUTO IMW 54ot 5e4-'97 R•r• 6 Speed·YS-low Miles I ('18536) $24,980 MIZClU20 , ....... Black/Blat ll lthr ·only 4~,000mlles ('190041) 126.980 ChevyC.,.,ette c ...... 9 while w/bl1ck l11thtr only 3211 miles. (•18797) $26,980. ,......,XJ. s • .t-·ta. Shiney bleck on bleck l11ther·e1rtlh1dll (•188581) 132.980. Pendte leater S '01 Only 2500 miles I f ect WI" 8" WhHI~ (#19123C) S43.980 Acvre NSX ., ... ,.·oo Speed yellow· 121< moles! Hurryl (ti~) $61 ,980 H-k!'OJ BIKk w/ble'k lthr 3K m1lesl latt '"'" (t 19066C)$57,980 00 ........... , SUOO 'H Black opal w/pey llhr lull power Pf e mlum wheels (1111849) $27.980 IMW 7SOll Sp1. s.4-'01 Cosmos black w/sand b••ll• leather lull w1roty !Ill 31'5 (tl9027) S~S.980 IMW7401 s ......... White w/perlect cr1m1 lulher. t1rt1 lied f>411 moles (ll l87JO) $27,980 IMWXS '02 Whole. factory pnmlum wheels (•18920) S41.980 ••wu•c_,,•,. Red w/lmmaculate blacll ltflf 5 spud. (tl8770) S12.980 ...... r4"'-'" Load6d. n1u lamlly SUV, while low mlles (tl8794) Sl8,980 949.574.7777 ,HIWP1 AUTO Ill-··<- Co!lt. I.Joi 239281 1-868-141-3257 TOLL FREE llST •ov1as Sst /ttr Mnlna 111 cilia. Insured f11t. court.ous. cweful. Tl63144 800·2A6·2378 PUBLIC NOTICE Th• Calif. P ubllc UtllltlH commission requires th1t 111 uMd hollul!old 1ood1 movers rrlnt their P.U.C. C1 T number; llmoa ind ch1uff1un print their T.C.P. number In 111 1clver· tlumenb. If you h•vt 1n, questions Ue>ut th• l•1a11t1 of • mover , llmo of ch1uff-. call: PUB· LIC UTlllTU COM· MISSION 714.559. '151 -.. --,.--._-._--,---ot••••ll• •ts •-· MISCQ.LANEOUS Ifft, .... llW, -~ va. lmmat, loaded, lttlf, dlSIB mX> obo Rldwd IC. co. "" $49915 v4J413) Wllllld Qm .... Ct 9fMiil&.112'l CM!»"__,. --.1112 -~~--:--=--:---'" ~ ,..., 0,..-De* ...... .. ... .... _..., ~Ironic. 8lldV 0.. 40 )'9t •ap! .. llllY nf ..... ltr, tM: l*lary bid. ....... SZ?,950 • ~ ... in-!or ~ ~~~~ 9"M22·nl:J. 7144Jli2 742/) ca Yin 11 ltudl JMld b '•r• • .•• • •• ,., ron:i c:. Dtd. ...., ,rw __.. "ti .._ 5320 Conv 2111 mf, Sspd, '111931 "' 714 328-3728 LWB bll:WsY llhr, fa, wlllt1/ .. 1w ltht, lull f1ct '*1 an1 a!llS ll21S9IM •· ' / usH •o• u.s CM -....._.. 986671122 werr, 1at111d. non "" _,_u smll!. 1111• new v 126695 We need your c.i. p.mf ........... 560Sl '16 $27.9915 8111 949-586 1888 lor or not Phllh1>i Auto -.... ...... -' ..,.,.._ wool i.1 A~k lor M'lt.ohn .,_.... .,_ ""' -·• .c:e• n•9 ~/4 1lll ... OMn, l:onYtl'wd Pen ... '" c "" lllp,118,IXX)9&72Hfl60 Conv. blad(/bl~k llhr, Mere•••• 't6 (210 beautiful black/creem fully loaded, showroom, Wt11A. Sll !i<. 714-7'51 ·2'164 ..... ,..... SOOSl '00 l'loltlnum, ... ~. •Int cond. NIC IPOl't ~ •• ~ WWI. lo free SllC • l{aosfenbll. 331< moles. ~(XX). c .. ~·3407 E·ll'lll: bedlsl>il@aolc.om •erce4.K 'II HO Sl whlll/tan, lmmK ~ IVll ... ,_ d qi. ct.an.. SI~ 714151.aa •• f ' ti _.., lS W lu1"} lthr, .. eatra. chroml hlel5, q -· n/fntfl, Sl5.A95. i4llri.D> pp71~ ~h-'91 '-"'• GU like new, loaded, auto, moonrool alloys, low 7411 mi,$6500714 751-2464 6sc>d. 3511 ml. fully loaded. mint cond, l~,000 (949) 874 1995 ..... ..,,., '99 4.0 HE. 2811 mi, lull lact wart, blacl\/tan llhr. bl1ck plplnc. beaut url1 cond, S26,995 11424238 fin evatl 8111 949 586 1888 -···· i.1.~ ... · ..... •.v,r ... , 4 6 HSE, 60lr. "11, metellk; dlllil arun, oatm .. 1 lthr • 18" whls. lebulou• cer fabulou1 cond, 118,495 flfm v#265124 ltn/warr IYllll Bkr 949 586 1888 S.W. '95 SU Red. ~. am fm/CO/cau. looks/ ~ aoocL $2475 llZI~ CM~ Rdwd ~711Zl VW 'ft Pauet GU Blue Acyl turbo. ID. ~ Qi "' ti.JI s l2.R> v'l1'6I> CM I» ~MO ··£mplo)ee." "Empleadv." "Arbeilnehmer. .. "Empfo_lP." STARTING AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES Accessories 9200 SHUGTOfl TIOOXTUCAJ,TOYOTA TIUCI, PAii $IOO 501sso11~314-1193 BOATS Power Boats 9515 °""" a-. 1996 11111 ....... .,_. kip -ldi-. ~t•eo/rd Gre.tl "'"'d ~lobt11IA.Zl~9>W•I'> NOMAmR HOW YOU SAY rT, CUSSIRED·caN FINO IT. ANEW _ BUSINESsrrU~~ ~ • • • • • • • • • • • I"' &f..U I~""""' o111J., I IJth /'tlut 11 f'/u..,J t• """ ''"" r" • '" r •M• 111 ... IWDk l<J ""' bt._olrtt'> N \lj. nU ll<Jlt \t..4k( H th<"""'' fur"'" JI y ' "''" ...,..,, JnJ ,..,., I<• /Ii' ,,,,., """ 1/,, mp ro 1"' I """ H11,.,, 111 "'""' ,1..., / lv11 / ''"'"' "'" • ,;., .,.,,o, u """Pku.i .... tt·1/J fi/, "'"' /lt11l111 ... '"""'" ....,,,., WI,....,.,• '"riv ( °""" ( lni. , .. l.fuJ. .... , " ........ J··· /••• .... ~ .. ., '"'", .. 1..i. "' ''"~ 'fll'lr p-f •f pvbiM«11<J11 "1J. 1"' I .o•u•f> I ~ . f f,..., rr.p by 111 fi/, }"t'' ftrttrw11J ""''""',,..,,_,,,JI J,. I J..Jr /'11M1 l I \I S., SI. C.,,,. \f,.. If 'fll'I """"'' ""f...,. pJ,.,,, ,.,JJ,. "' < 11•1 ••, II 'I•""'•• .. ..u ~ l~IJ"" , .... "'h,.,,.,Jj, 1J.11 ,..,,"'"" "' ,,..,, If.,.,, W..14 MrY •Ill fwl'llvr ""'"~'· f Wol, ..... ~ .. '""' .... .. t "' ., ,, t;ltuJ 1a11»u1y." C;.,.,/t...t ut """'""" ""''"' ••• Pilot _J • "8mblng 1"'N~hborltood Pfutftbtrl OMIN a NW11 :r-;: Cl..LWHO SNaAIJn TWUDY PWMllNQ 949-645-2352 -.. R~ TMI S~ .. I Spe~lall11n1 In W1llp1p1 ftemonl l"'812~1949 J&O 1211 WIMow Clanlng u•w....._.~ ~MIH.~' ~..;:r SELL your stuff through classlfiedl ii·