HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-13 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1 Serving the Ne wport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSOAY,FEBRUARY13,2003 Council will .take closer look at Marinapark· De ba te over proposed hotel on the peninsula heats • up over simple ma tter of who will serve on a committee to review project plans. June Casaerande Daily Pilot NIWPOR'I Rl-.AC,11 -A Lhree-rnem- her coum:il '>ubcornrn1ttee will form 10 examine plan., for a hotel at Marina- park, the C11y Council dedded Tuesday, but not before even Lhe routine process of ueanng Lhe comm11tee threatened Lo gel heated a-. opponent' and <,upponer'i of the proiect fa<:l'd off. Mo'll ~Ilene WdS Lhl' que'>llon of ·wlwther Grccnhght '>hould be rc- prc'>cncrd on tlw eounc1J '>Ub<:ommit- lt'c Mayor !'ltew Bromberg, who came I THE BELL CURVE up with the idea w create the '>Uhcom- mtnee. nominated himself and Coun: cilmen lod Ridgeway and Don Webb. Counctlman John I leffernan c;ug- gestcd that at least one Greenhght council member c;hould be on Lhe '>Ub- commiuee. Bromberg quickly retorted Lhat Webb wa.., added to Lhe subcom- mittee specifically at 1he requc.,t of Greenlight Committee rcpre!>entative Tom llyans. Ridgeway b on record ru. being sup- portive of the project. Webb ha:-. op posed it. and Hromberg de'>cribei. him self as "on the fence." QUESTION Is the creation of a council subcommittee the right path for Marinapartc discussion? Call our Readers Hotline at (949) ? • 642-6086 or send e-mail to da1/ypilot@latimes.com. Please spell your name and include your home1own and phone number, for 11erifica1ion purposes only. "')o you've got one person for 11. one agamst it and one on Lhe fence. l"d ..ay that '>ounds like a very good commit tee, .. Bromberg said. !1lough Greenlight ha!> not taken a po'>ilmn on Lhe hotel project, GreenJ1ght See COUNCIL, Page A4 Residents split on Port Theatre Council puts off decision to give three Newport movie houses 'landmark' status as debate about one of them continues. June Casacrande Daily Pilot NFWPORI BIAU I -\..Vh1le many agree tJ1a1 tht' IJdo Theater and Balboa Theater <.,hould he de'>l).,'lldted a ... land- mark..,, reMdentl> who have weighed in on Lh£• theater•,' future are ~pl11 on whether the Pon Theatre '>hould aho l'nJO) lht' ln·rJorn 1hat 1 OITlt''> with that '>ta tu~ "All of tht' p.irk111g 1li.1t \\cl'> c1vt11lablt: wht>n the ll'1Jn Jlw,11rt· \.,, • ., built ht1..'> ~en w.allmwtl up ll\ 1•-.1.1bh,hmenh lotallJlK m tht• an·a. < 11ror1a Jt'I Mar resident Ohwr Wmn \\llltt• lo touncil member. An\ '>IJ.(111lhan1 u<iwd-. drawn to Lhe l'on Im a11011 flood the t 11\ re'>1dent1al 'lrt·eh and till' 'pau•c, U'>t-d by other bUSIOl'"I''> Courn ii ml.'mht•r-. lwld .1 p11bht ht•ar mg on J ue'>dav on \., twclwr 10 grant tlw three the..ilt'r'> anJ 1lw H.1Jhoa Pavilion more leewil\ 10 hro.nlc·n their op See PORT, Paae A6 School Never such c1 .feeling of disconnect .... I THE DOG DAYS OF WINTER board W c JU'I had our hou'>e p,unted ll1e Ang~(., will go to .,pnng tram111g next W(•et nil' Academy Award 1111rntnJ1ion., hJve IU'>I been made. The wt tell., ll'> tha1 our Jog, Loco, rwC'd'> her tet•ih < lc.uwd. C Jur frwnth from North JOSEPH N. BELL C.arohna wrll -.oon he <.:Orn111g to Vl'>ll TI1e '>tutl of hie goe., on Mo'>tly good -.1uff But '>Cl doc'> illlOlht'r hft• from wluch I feel IOtaily di-.connected, a hfc thdt :.pread., a pauna of unccnamly, bew1lderme111 and JHKl'r over thr normaJ -.111ff of hft• lne'>t' ft'Chng!>. in vanou'> man1fc-.1at1on., and degrt>t', haw alway'> arrnmpa111ed war. Hut Ill'\ f'r 111 my ltfl'!ime wrth the -.en'>t' of di'>Connection I feel 1oday Alway-. h<.•fort•, I wa., a willing participant, a '>lrong <;upportcr, a 1101.,y di:...<,entcr or ... umewherc rn between. But my country allowed me. encnurngcd me to be involved. Now my two world'> c:trc dt'>par.ite On<' goe., on without Lhe olher The people run111ng my country tell cill of w. daily m multiple ways that they have no interest 111 our opinion., or feeling.,, Lhat they have choo;en a course of action in our namt."> and that ma11er.. are well in hand. ·non·t call us: they are saying. ·we'll call you -when and if we need you. Meanwhile, if you're a good American, you'll support what we're doing.• I am a good American. and I don't support what they are doing. Neilher, if we are to believe the polls. do half of my fellow clti1.ens. And that half is growing steadily. Se• CURVE, Pace M I Newport-Mesa did not get as much rain Wednesday as cities in l.os Angeles and Ventura counties. John Wayne Airport recorded about 0.64 inches between Tuesday night and late Wednesday afternoon. Mcteorologi Ls al Lhe Na- tional Wealher Service said the rain should taper o!T by today, but anolher storm system is ex- SEAN HILLER /DAILY PILOl pected to enter Lhe area Sunday. No major inet· dents were reponed on Lhe streets or in the har bor. Winds gusted at about 30 mph early Wednesday, but died down by Lhe afternoon. Above. Adam Yeager, 21, of Costa Mesa braves the rain as he heads down Superior toward the beach on his day off Wednesday. Debt continues to drag down Westside debate Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlltEWEB: Owners of properties being targeted for possible redevelopment are worried that the city's intent is to pay off loans, not revitalize their businesses. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot , COSTA MESA -Debt information released by the Redevelopment Agency has done Uttle to quell the fears of Industrial property owners who believe the city t Interested in re- developing 400-plus acres of the West- de to help pay off the money instead of reinvesting in the area. Mike Robinson. the city' redevelop- ment manager, released lnfonnadon last week on the agency's debt that Shows the agt!ncy owa more thm1 $41 ritilHon in pdndpal and Int t on live different debts. The agency is considering adding 434 acres to the downtown redevelop- ment zone. On Jan. 27, the Planning Q>mmission approved preUmlnary boundaries for an odd-shaped area roughly bordered by 15th Street. Whit- tler Avenue and West 19th treet lf this area ls added co the 1.one. the agency would be able to take a large part of the property tfW'9, known tu Increment funds. Robinson emphaslirod that whilf. those fundl could be used to pay orr the agency's debt. it Is not tho lotent at this time. But John I l.twtcy, owner of Railn\4. • en Inc.. who la leading the lndutUW ~IAllopment ~·· debt concem you? Call our Readers Hotline at (9'9) 642~ or send HTiail to ? • dlMlypilot hltimea.com. PleaM spell your name end indude your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. property owners' charge against the addition, ls skeptl~ of Robin.son's claim. especially &ince Gov. Gray Davis h rropoM'd tNt the atate take more than half or the rec:levl-lopment funds from tR"odM throughout Cllifomhl to cornpensate Cot the dtre state bUdg'tt crisis for the 200.l-04 ftlcal yar. WWN.~com ANEWADDmON Henry'• Marbtplece will open a Com Meta locetlon bv Marett. S..PapA3 DINING Gumf Andera In to.ta~ hes hMfl WVll'lg up iaty S1;;; I ttllft cuisine .. ...onable pnc. for 10 YMtt. ... ,...Alo urges new building Newport-Me~a Unified takes first step toward meeting seismic safety standards in Newport llarbor High theater. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot 'ff\\'PORI \11 \\ -\ddrt">,1n>: l <•ll cems abou1 thr ... 1db11Jt) of ,,t'wpon I l.1rhor I bgh School.., H11b1m I Id.II/I oat' llwatt'r 111 an ean.hquale Lhe '>l hool bo.1nJ dt'<. 1Jt'tl on fue-.da} to mO\l' fon.<..ud 1'11h con '>trucung a nC\\ hut.ldmg rnthn thJJ'I rt•trn fitlrng Lhe old onl' At £ue-.da} ' hoarJ met•t ing. I.I'\ \rt lu tects pre!>ented t\\ll fl0''1b1l1111 .... UMI \\ould addres.-. Lhe -.e1,n11t pmblt•m, found b\ !ht· Newpon-Mesa ll111fit'<l <x·houl 1> .... tnct ... Mea5ure A '>laff i\fter conduc ung a 'tnlt turaJ engmeenng ..,tud-,· that found tht• 'iChool\ bu1ldtng'>, mo'>t ol whKh \\t'rt' hwlt in 192A. pre<,enced dll unacreptublt· n .. ~ 11 Newpon Beach .,uffon-d a lal):t' "maw111udt• <;e15m1c event," the .,taff a<,~ed I .£'A 111 lind way.. to fix lhem The fiN propo..a.I. a pan1aJ d1-t nn,trrn llon, se1'>m1t augnlt'ntauon anJ rt·nm,trul llon. would havt• CO'>I SlO m1l11on 10 SJO mtllrnn The -.ernnd propo..a.I. which tlll' hoard appro\ed ti· I . with lru'>tee lorn I ..:an d" sent:rng, calls for a n£>\\ building n•mm..., cent of the eXJ'>tmg an:httrl IUrt' that tntor porate<> Lhe ensnng tOY."l'r and theatt•r fa~ade It would cost Sl8 rmlhun tu ! l mil hon The board approved the propo'>itl lor a new build.ang wilh Lhe under.tanding tllJt II will mdude the ~Ung fa\:ade. I gan d..., sented. saymg lhal he didn't fe-el comlort able ma.Icing a dec1<;1on withou!lil ~·t•mJt olher proposals. ·rm a LittJe troubled that Lhere "onh one design being offered," he said Allhough t-.gan wantf'd to <;et> pmpo'>dl.., of d1ffenng co:.ts and extenh of construt t:ion, tJ1e olher board members <oaJd lht-y felt lhe presentation provided Lhem w1Lh enough infom1ation to decide which path See BUR.DING, Pace M SPORTS Corona d4ll Mar H'gh'I boYl. IOClOtt •m gr8bbld a lt*9 of the PC\. ~....,wed\ a tllllt.fnlnute ecore .. NontWwood~ S.Pi9911 --. ------ -- ---------=--~-==------:~-=------=---=~-~---~ --=o::---:::::----------=-----=---=---=-------------------------- ' A2. llvsday, February 13, 2003 Daily Pilot .POLITICS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE PHOTO COURTESY OF KATE WHITMAN Rep. Chris Cox unveils legislation that would provide incentives to build fuelling stations for hydrogen fuekell vehicles. Costa Mesa's congressman takes shuttle-probe reigns Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Rep. Dana Rohrabacher kkked off what are sure lo be closely watched subcommiuee hearings Wednesday as the chairman of the panel investigating the Columbia shuttle disaster. Rohrabacher, who represents Costa Mesa, holds the chairmanship of the I lou&e's Space and Aeronautic~ Subcommittee. Before the commencements of the hearings on Wednesday, Rohrabacher said there arc still many unanswered questions about the Feb. I explosion of the Columbia and the loss of its seven crew members. ·Many of the questions that need to be answered transcend the immediate technical and managerial problems of this tragedy," Rohrabacher said. ·Tue lack of long-term goals or a unifymg vts1on for America's space effort, for example, needs to be addressed." Rohrabacher, Senate Commerce Commjttee Olairman John McCain and House Science Commjttee Olairman Sberwood Boehlen are leading the congressional investigation into the djsaster. NASA administrator Sean O'Keefe appeared as the hearing's sole witness. Late last week, Rohrabacher secured special permission to remain as the committee chairman when the House Republican Steering Commitlee on Thursday overrode the six-year limit on chairmanships. Rohrabacher obtained a special waiver, since he had <>erved as the committee's head ~ince 1997. He was elected to the Houw in ICJ88 COX'S ALTERNATIVE-FUEL BILL IS READY TO HIT THE ROAD Rep. Ouis Cox and Senator Rnn Wydcn CD-Ore.) unveiled l~Jauon on Tuesday that would pro\1de tax incentive<; for companies that build filling stations and o ther 1nfrastrut lure for hydrogen fuel -cell vehicle'>. Cox '>aid they introduced lhe bill a'> a way IU decrease the country's "dependence on foreign oil." ·c;ommerciaJJy available hydrogen-powered can, will soon be a reality, but conc;umcr'> wiJI not buy them unuJ they are confident that they can refuel on America·~ road and highways: Cox ..aad. "ll's the cla'>'>IC 'chicken and egg' problem. ·1 he automaker.s haw . . expressed no interest in the hydrogen husine'>'> But without widely available refueling station!>, no one wtll buy hydrogen-fuelled tar<>." The bill is known a~ the Hydrogen Tran~portation Wins Over Growing Reliance on OU or, the I 12GHOW ALI. for '>hort STATE SEN. JOHNSON UNCAPS PEN TO CRITIQUE GOV. GRAY DAVIS State Sen. Ross Johmon has launched what he says will be a periodic memorandum to voter'> about government largec;s and ineptitude. John1ion, who repre<,ents Newport-Mesa, is caJhng his memo the "Red ln1r. Diaries." Deriving its name from the 111le of the 1992 made-for rv pc;ychological drama "The Red Shoe., D1arac.,," Juhn.,on's memo, he ..ays. I'> designed to "shme a light on waste, inefficiency and outright fraud in government.• In has inauguraJ issue, dated Feb. 5, John'>on takes aim at Davis' proposal to hike taxes as a way to reduce an approximately S30-balhon deficit. John'>on attacks the state's Department of Food and Agriculture's · detbion to move its employees twice du rang the renovation of that department's offices, which couJd cost as much at $900,000 more. Johmon al'>o indudes a factoid that '>late spending, since 1998. has 1mnased 16%, while revenue have unly grown 28%. CAMPBELL FORMS TAXPAYER ADVOCACY GROUP A\semblyman John Campbell and a colleaKtJe have formed a group for legi.,lator'> to fight pending tax hikes. ( <tmphell. who represents Newport Beach, locked arms with A~'>emblyman Ray I laynes, who 1s aJso a Bepublican. to form a California branch of Amencan!> for Tax Reform. Campbell and l laynes are inviting other legaslato~ to JOJO the cau cus, as Ion~ as they 'i1gn a pledge to ·oppoi.e any and alJ efforts to increase taxes." I he group, based in Washington. D.L. lobbies nationwide against mcrease'\ an taxe., and levies. "Proterling ta.xpayerc; shouJd be the fir-.t pnomy of any legislator," said Grovt'r Norquist, the group's leader. "(.amphl'll and I laynes have shown hold leader~hip in lighting against hike'> in < alifornia, anc.J taxpayers all aero'>.'> the '-late owl' them a debt of grat11udt• " Daily A Pilot ConilWilton Naws assistant, (9491574 4298 coral. 11111/son " latlmes com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leactl. K11nt Treptow Bo11 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copynght No news stones. 1llustra11ons. edrtorial matter or ad11ort1someni. herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner , VOL 97, NO. 44 moMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYOOOERO Editor JUDY OETTING 'tA:lisl~r Promotlona Dlrectof News Editors Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Paul Saitowia. Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF Deepe~ Crime and courts reporter, (949) 674-4226 deepa. bha,..rh Olatimes.com June c...grende Newport Beach reporter. (949) 574-4.232 /une.ca$llfl,..l'l<M~lartmes com "*" Qinton PohtJCS end environment reporter, (949) 764-030 paul.cllnton lat/mes.com Lotfta Haipet Columnist, cuhure repc"er, (949) 57U275 lolita.MrJ»f ,.,,,,,..,com o.tnh Newmen Costa Meu reporter, (949) 57U221 cMlrdf'fl.~ft l11tlrrw.oom etwt.tlM Cenllo Educlrtlon reporter, (tt9) 57"'""2el dlrltltlrw camtlo•l"1trrw..oom READERS HOTUNE (9491642 6086 Record your comments about tho Daily P1lo1 or nows tips Address Our address 1s 330 W. Bay St . Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Office hours are Monday Friday 8:30 a m 5 p m Co"9Ct.k>nt It 11 the Pilot's policy to promptly correct all errora of sutx.tance. Ple81e call 19491784-4324 FY1 The Newport BeachlCosa Mesa Dally Pilot (USPS 144-8001 tt publllhed daily. In Newport Beadl and Costa MH8, aublcriptlons aro available only by aublcnblng lo The Tlmea Ora~ County (8001 , 252·91o• 1 In arMI outalde of Newpott ktdl Ind Costa Men, tubect'lptloN to th Daily Not .,. evalleblt only by first clHI mall for S30 per month (Pricet Include Ill 9f)t)llc.lble stato and local taxu I POSTMASTER Send tddNM c:h.ngoe to The tffwPort ~ M... Datly Pilot. PO ' .. HOW TO REACH US Cln:ulatJon The Times Orange County (8001252 9141 AdwrtltSng Cluaffled (949) 642-5678 Display (949) 642-4321 Editol'fal News (949) 542 6690 Sport1(9491674-4223 Newt Fu (949) 84M 170 Spotts Fu (9491650-0170 E-meff: d•1/ypllot•tatl,,,...com Main Office 8uth'9U Offtce (949) 642..t321 lklll,,... Fu (949) 631-7128 Pubilthed by TTmea Community Newt, • dlvlalon of the Loe Angel .. TJm ... Cl2002 Tlmee CN. All rlghta ~ POLITICS ASIDE A peek at Greenlight's fature For those living with Greenllght. there was an interesting article in the Sunday New York Tunes. The headline sums it up nicely: ·1.n towns that slowed growth. backlash stirs." before GreenJight'i. passa~e in 2000. Would · such economicaJJy driven p rojects earn the public's support? As M answer. there JS this from Arst lO consider: "As every project is up to the voters, they can vote more in when revenu~ The gist of the article, which is focused mainly S.J. CAHN are needed. During on towns in Colorado, is that in areas that enacted slow-growth measures during financially good times, the political winds are shifting with the nationwide economic slowdown. Now, opponents of those measures. so popular in the bountiful years, are pitching convincing case, that the laws are maldng the hard times even worse. Growth, they say, could be the ldck stan that the local economies need. In Newport Beach. the potential effec..1 of Greenlight - destructive or not -on the city'<; economy has long been pan of the debate over the -.low-growth/ no-growth/ controlled-growth measure. But a different question, rising from this article, is: WouJd a slowed economy change the political backing for Greenlight? Phil Ant, the spokesman for GreenJight, sars no. for a few reasons. ·we believe that Ncwpon Beach is unique," he 'iCtid in reference to the city\ beach· and bay-based economy. ~we don't fall into the norm: For that rea!.On, he added, the sweep of the Tune. article 1s a *broad generaliz.auon" that doesn't fit well here. More importantJy. though, AN points out that Grcenlight 1" not against all development. but '-" against development that its backers do not think 1c; good for the city's economy. lnat meam no on office buildingl> and harbor-front construc.1.ion. but i,upport for revitalv..alion. merchants and other '>mall business. A different view i.c; offered by RJdwd Luehrs, president of tht· Newport Beach Olamber of Commerce. Luehn. -who doesn't see the economy slOWIIlg here any time soon. a predicuon that is no wc1y intended here - said he could envision a scenario in which a slower economy might reduce Gree11l1ghl'~ support. Fewer jobs would mean fewer people driving to work, fewer people driving to go shopping. fewer people driving to go to dinner or to movi~ Fewer people driving empties Newpon's streets, reducing the traffic problems that have been a significant par1 of tJ1e Greenllght push {recall the group's fall slogan: MN lrafficl. And Luehrs, unlike Arit b worried that Greenhght could hurt the economy. ·we are concerned about the long-tenn impact of Greenlighl on the support for the community's economic base." he said. "Rejuvenation m the public's hands is not good policy." Luehrs pointed out, for instance. that mo t of the recent shopping center developments-mamly in the Newport Coast area -were ·enlitJements" on the books good times, the voter'> can be tighter. That is a built in mechanism that few other growth control measures haw, but is the foundation of Greenlighl. Of coun.e, that mechanism ha.-. yet to be lt!Med in hard linll"i, THE ANSWER TO ANOTHER QUESTION The answer to last week\ question. Who gave Bill Perldns $7,550? The Committee 10 Ekn Gary Monahan, of cour.e. lnterestingty enough. the V"ctsl majority of al was after the election, which helped M"t"p Costa Mei.a Planning C.o mrrus.sioner Perlcins from ending hi~ campaign an debt CPeriwl'·.' rnrnm11tee has $8.LIXI left) And Perlun'> was not the only candidatr who needed late ll('lp 10 keep !hr rnfTe..._ from runrung dry Former Mayor Unda Dixon, who ended the year with SI .~XI 111 the banl. ret.e1ved S l.~8 011 NO\. 11 -day.. pfter <>he IO'>I ht·r ..e:sL Among her contributol'. were Wafl.' 1>1spo..al Co .. will< h gave $249, N<.'Wport Senior Village of Co.,ta Mesa. wluch ga\e $249, and anomev ~ Altken. who contributed 5(Xl Aitken aJc.o appean. on tJie h't of conlI1bUIOI""\ to Plann111g C..omm&.'>1on U1a1rwom.m Katrina Foley Ill' b'<IVl' I olt·~ .1 total of~ 1.000, mcluding a S5flll donation on Nov I k>ley, who\ cndjng ca'>h balanc..c 1<; $19, aho received post-elt.'Cuon help to pull her oul of debt. On Nov. 10. she brought m $970. mcludmg a S300 donauon lrom the Or.rn~ County Federation of labor Comnunee on PolJtical l:ducauon But C\-en more unportanl 10 klley's bouom hne wa'> a $2.CXXJ donanon on Dtt 16 from Dennis Prddenrich, who l'> h<,tt!<.l ac; a *fund· raising strategil>t." Two other one-rune or would-be tand1da1es are '>lll111~ '>lronger than e11her Dixon or Foley. Bill Turplt, who pulll'tl out of the councll race once Monahan committed tu run agam. i!> m better shape than k>ley I IL'> oommutee sull has SZ.800. As aJwars. one should note thctt former Coundlwoman Arlene Schafer sull has an acuw committee, ·Fnends of Arlene \chafer.* lllat committee ha.' $3.900 to spend, someday A MYSTERY SOLVED Most interesting thing in the Costa Mesa campaign finance Matements: ApparentJy, Councilman am. Steel - whose job is always somewhat of a mystery -is a •seJf-employed business/ inVct.onents consultant." .Who knew? • S.J. CAHN 11 the managing editor He can be reached at (9491 674-4233 or e-mail s.1.cahn@latimes.oom SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Just like last night, winds will accompany the rain we get this momlng. Highs will top out In the lower 60s. Lows will bottom out at about 60. The rain will ease off thla evening. Friday and Saturday are looking much drier, though the r•in may rcrtum on Sunday. lnfonnetlon; www.nws.noa•.gov BOATING FORECAST Winds will blow thefr typical 10to16 knot. In the Inner wstara, with 1-to 3·foot waves and • west swell of 3 to 5 t.et. Out f8rtMr, nof'thwesterty winds will blow 10 to 16 knots. II weft, with 2-foot Wlvet Ind • WM\ IWlll of 6 feM. The awefl will build • couple of'"' tonigf'lt. I ·SURF arrive thi• afternoon, bringing us dlest-hlghs In the late morning and soma st\oulder-hlgha this aftemoon. But with the rain -past and present -it'• bound to be a bit unhealthful out there. Friday will be similar, though with no rain. On Saturday, by the time the rain Is el(pected to stop, wave •Im will drop. County he•lth otfichlla auggnt that we welt three d-vt •fter the f'8in to return to the w.iitr, bUt the rain t1\8'f resome Su~y. W...queltty: www.•urlrldtu.org . TIDES Time S:Ua.m. U1p.m. 8:32p.m. 12:54a.m. .......... 6.46 feet high • ~.87 .... tow .. 3Ji81"t high 2.27 feet tow • WATER TEMPERATIIRE • &ecteg,... Ocllly Pilot Agency challenger presses on Newport man who won legal battle against California Coastal Commission is n 't satisfi ed with state's 'cos metic fix.' P•ul Clinton Daily Pilot NlWPOHI lll:.ACH -lhelo cal ~11v1M who took on the C.t1 l1for111a C oustal Comnw.-.mn and won vowed to cun11nul' Ill'• fight Wednesday a., the 'ilalc l.egi'>l a t ure works to cure the agency\ ills. Hmlolpl\c Streichenberger. who rounded the Newport Beath bac,cd Manne I orests Suut•ty, bla .. ted the \late \en ate\ approval un luc.,day of a bill thill 'upportcr'> c,ay would a11 .. wer Stre1chenbergcr\ n111 u .. m of"" co1h tllutio nahty rhc tre nchant 1-rench -born .ll I IVl\l .,,11d on Wedtw'>day that th e bill would 1101 .,olvt• wlwt lw n HHl'11d., 1 .. ll'> 1lll·ga l 1ly "I hilt\ a LO'inlelll fix,' '>l rt•1 chenberger said. "It\ still un constitutional.~ ll was Stre1chenbcrgcr\ IJ\.\ '>Ull, filed in 1997, that ult1 m a1cly led to a '>latt' '>Upertor court judge's dec1'>10J1 four ycan, later that the 1m11111 tionaJ 'ilate agency violated tlw 'ila te's constitution . The ,,appeals court agH'l'U with argum ents m ade h y '>trl'i chenberger's attorney. Hon.tld Zumbrun. In the vanou., rulmg'>, 1udgl''> agreed with l'umbrun\ t la1m that the agency v101Jted the '>late .. e parat1011 of powt.·r.. cl.tuw bccausl' m t·mbcr.. 1if variou'> branche'> cuuld ap poinr or remove m t'mlwr'>. 1 he commis .. 1011 on 'I lw.,d ay a ppealed the Ike. J O a ppellall· ruling to the .,tall' ~UfHl'lllt.' Lou rt. The Senate, also 011 Tuesday, JpJ>ro.ved a bill 011 a 25· I 4 vote that would c .. tabh'>h fixed four ye,u terms for th t.• commi'>· .,ioneri. a11d take away the Leg- 1sla1ure·., ab11t1y to remove them. fhe Asl>embly approved a '>lmilar mea.,ure on Jan JO on a tlf 21 VOil' Both vote .. held do'>ely 10 party hr~'>. with He pul>lit.an., oppuc,mg them . Lu'>la Me'>a Ai..,emhlylnan Ken Maddox ahs1a1ned 111 tlw vote. On Wedne.,day, Al>sembly man John Campbell,'who re- pre.,enls Newport Beach and oppo.,ed the hill, .,,ud coa\tal plan11111g '>lwuld he a local mailer ''It I'> prohJhly tht.• mo .. 1 op pre!>'>IVe '>late agency out there,' C .ampbl'll 'aid "Whtie the Coa!\tal LrmHni'>~ion is bt•- ing rdormed , we ought to fix 11. .• I he City Coum ii in New- port Beach 11> fully equ1pp1.·d to deal w11h lcoa'>l<il d cH•lop rnentl. Costa Mesa, meet Henry's The high-end grocery store is set t o open a t Costa Mesa Square within a m onth. Paul Clinton Da~y Pilot ( 0\ IA ~II 'v\ I ll·aJ1h1er l<111d' grm cry .,tort' I lt•nrv \ Marke tplat.c I'> readying II'> thml OranKt.' County .,tore at tlw (,0.,1,1 Mt.'"t Square' .,hopping n•ntl'I, .i '>po k.e!>woman '><lid I ht.· .. 111n• 1.. '>l heduled to opl'n \'\ 1111111 .1 munlh I he '>outhem t <1hlon11a Km 1 n, whKh opemw.. 19 ollll'r '>lllrl'' in the rl'gwn ha' Jl.,o hm·d IJJ\ld 'kin MIJ.,'lJel "' 11, '>lllrl' director, thl' 1.11mpan} '><lid "\Vt> re t'M.lll'd about opt•ntng J nt.'\\ '>lore in Co,ta ~1e'J and addin1o1 David lo lht.• ll'am,' ... ud John Bakn, thl' viLt.' pre"dl'nl of I lt•nry\ I ht• ( o.,lJ Me'><! 1111.,1111111 \\Ill lw tlw third in Orange < 1111111> .tnd fUJ a L5,000·.,quan· foot .in l hor .. 101 at the cenll'r. wh1d1 opened in 2000 lnl' Ll'llll'r which al'>O mdud(") J l.trget C.reatland , " al I farbor Bouh· vard ant.I Nutmeg Plate I lenry\ operatt.·c, grnn:m·., 111 l.aKuna Niguel and Yorba I 111d.1 I ht• lot.al ),,lfOCl'ry " expt.•< tt·tl lo employ 85 peopll' I .ucJl CIVIC and hll'>llll'" h·.id er-. '>Cly they have e.tgt.•rl) J\\Jlh'tl the Jm\.al of lhr grot.l'r I lt•nr.' t'lll'tll!IH''> have het·n plan11111g the 'tore tor two >ear.. It ''ill lill 1lw \Old left h\ \\hnlt I omt.. M.1d-1•1. the health lomJ grm 1 1 th.it pulled 0111 111 I r1.111gk :-,quare 111 1\pnl. "\Vl' th111k the~··rl' g111ng 111 ht· .1 gn·at .1dd1tw11 [111 < "''J !\h-'" . ,,till Id I .l\H.Clf, tht: pn•..id1·111 ut lht· C,o.,ta !\It-'><! <JIJJlll>l'r ul < olllllll'rt."l' 1 lwre 1., 1101h111g ltl..t· till ... Ill 1111 .. \lllllll\ I \1•1 utl\t'' dt''>l nht' I l1•11r\ \ .1, ,1 lrJ.n,llllln )..'Tlll.l'I, \\hit h f,111' mid'' ay ht•twel'n J 111m· h1.•..ilth food'> 'tore <111d tht.• gardt•n \.HI et'r grnn:ry ... 11m· I lt•nr\ ., h l..1111\\n for 11., l1t·'h produc 1· h11ll- t1111d .. and 'tlJllllll' About l.JHO '>ljll.trl' f1TI ol 1111' '>lurt.• ,.,.11 ht• '>el .i"dt.• tor pro du11.· 1111.• m.1rkl'l "111 ulft.·r mrm· ll1<1n i~lll \Jfl<'llt.'' 111 lrt•.,h lm1i.. .tnd H·getahle' I ht. 'ton· \\Ill lOlllJm 1a dd1. ,1 lrt•'>h rnt·.11 .111d '>l'Jfoud u1un11•1 a ht'er and wine 't't lion and a bakl·ry I he loc.tl '>lore• will he made lrorn n·cyLlt·d \\!Hid, rorntgated 1111 d11d other ni.111.·rr.11'.. and will 1nLurporall' ,1 tanner\ mJrket dt>..,1gn I ht look of 1h1· "'ruu~ry i.. llll',Ull IU l'VO~t.· pruduu· '>I.ind ... .ind 11e1Wih<1rh1111cl hutlht.·r., tn thl' 1 •r;o., I Ill' \\OllU uwd lor till' hand 11.11111ed '>IKn.tgt· <Jlld mh•nor .... ,111., \\a' rec }'l It d lro111 .111 I ll~h i...1·111\H kv 111h.w111 pli1111 lhe hgh11ng ll"t'd 111 till' 'lllll' i., ,1ho dl''>1g11td 111 r1•d1u 1 l'11t'r~\ u., .1gt• I h·nr\ ·, ''ii' t''1.1hh'>ht•d 1n 1'1 11, \\lll'n tlw Bortt') f.t1mly h11ugh1 J trlll kl11.1d ut pcadH~' .md .. old tJw111 ''" .1 ..,trt.•t.•t corner 111 ~111 I >i1•g11 I 11 f <~'f \\ tld Oat., \l.1rkl'I'> Im: ,u qum·d tht.• c·ham I 11r 1hr mort• lw;ihh um..i 1ou .. t u..,11111w1• .. I km}\ \'-Ill r>lft-r \1 1,1111111.,, .. upph•111t•111,, hornt.•o p.1th11 rt'llll'dle'>, .111 11.tlural lmdv tart.· prndtll t., c111d ''Hilt' 11u1n11on boob ,\ uirporalt.' nu 1rt1111111 .. 1 ha,t•d JI till' '>lllrt'. "' 'll help u1ord111Jte ht.'.thh "l rt.•t.•n mg., tint.I tun,ul1,11111n,, edut.a 11111i.tl t'\t'lll'. 'l'llllllJr.. and olllt'r t omm11111t't .tl 11\ llll'' I BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Newport sport~ agent files for oankruptcy Newport !Seal h '>por11. agent Davtd Dunn filed for bankruptcy proll'Cllon t.h.J., week after losmg a $4 .66-mt.I hon 1ury vcrd1l I 10 former partner Leigh St e111ht.•rg. who dauned Dunn '>tole many of hi'> lootbaJI dwnt'> Dunn Mud ht• does n ot have enough money to ap· peal the Novt•mber verdict m whkh the \teinhcrg and Moorad Jgent-v ~as ah o award<'d MO m1lhon from Dunn\ firm. Athletes hr.I, who'><.' d1en1' 1ndude 2002 I le1l>nian I mphy winner ( .ar '>On Palnwr of IJ'>< Dum1\ ddt·n"e claimed that about 50 pro foathall t h· en1.. who left ::,1t'inbcrg to '>witch to t\thlt•tl'' I 1r..1 did so on their own .... 11 huu1 h" new Put a few words to work for you. Call the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS CALL 642-5678 [!]~Dunn-Well '_.....J j ,.:.' l' 1 , 1 ' •t~ , I f• 11 ';J ,µ p~ t820~A.t> C".>5!1 M•"a CA9;..o£2' Ulrr-'t~ ~ 'Jt.hil.t,,,, :':'.';" C:X::..":.~~1:;' Robert Dunn .,.,,,..,Cur ..,. { • I Tel: 949.548.9373 lfr''" Flop.;-714.546.3434 Wllllllf•~ ll•Oonl s.a 1"5 LET Us BE Yot:R #I CHOICE LOCALLY Timt' In Rt'l'lt'll •011r l11s11r111ut' Rabbin lmurancc Agency Al 10 • HOl\.llU\l"<I R .. • lit.Al rit ~t.,/, I') •I t ompany\ .. olll llalmn. StcmlwrK ~1d Dunn brt'at hl'd hie, nmtrac I with '>tt•inbc.·r~. Mourad and Dunn le<.'> than twu >PJr'> after he c,1gne<I a fi"l' year cmplu} mt.-nl dgTCl'ment wonh ~i' rruJhon Ille dt•JJ tnduded d $l m1lhon ..igrnng bonuc, aJtd J dctu'>e that prnh1h1tl'd Dunn lrom t otnpNmg w11h ~te111bNJf'> hrm. But Dunn ha'> mamtainetl that hi'> ll>rllrall with '>tein berg\ Iii Ill wa' 111\.al1d ht- ldU'>t' Llllltl11ton., \\ere added on dlwr ti \Vil.. "gnet.l nit• delen'>l' .1t..11 1 IJ1med tlw d.tu'>t' bJrn11g < ompl'lillon wa' not t·11l11rt ('Jble under C .al1for111,1 la\\ ,md that I )unn WJ'> 1 lll'<tll'd out ul rmJhon., of d11llJ1'> \\ lwn ~ll•tnberg merged thl'tr partnn'>lllp with \.,...,11111· < orp ol Lan at.l<t Cuujng-c<lge shoes from the open 'trunk' Aero'><ill"> in i-a. .. haon bland ha.' .,l heduJed a trunk how'' lor '>Jturddy to .,howl.<lM' and oil er 1lw late"l '>tyle. of \\11mt•11\ foot"'ear chat a.re nul yt·I ol\.Jlltible on the o~n 111.1rLt·1 111 tht: tnmk .,how, Lhe shQp will .,huwta'>l' J range of '>tylt•., and de'>lgn., of shoe1> lhJI w1ll l•l'I lrom $35 LO S~9 J flillf . I lw t11ghh1-'111 1s ex~cted to h1.· lht• < ,t.'lf\ I Jam:er. rela.11 tng .ti :>l'I. "'l11d1 " a ballet Hat 11 ... dt•,t nlwd J.'> havtng a -dt•hl .111·, tl1r1•Jdt·d bo .... and a .. Oil• '>II o,ofl dlld Oex1bft: ¥OU l dll told II Ill hair I lw 'ho\\ I'> '>t.ht•t.luled 111 nw 1111111 10 am 111 ') pm • ... 11 urd.1y al I 11;-, '\:l"wpurt C t.•ntt·r I h1\1• NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 9'9·645·7616 "The Art of Making Pizza" WE DELIVER NIGHTLY S-SPM The Duffy Annual Pass ls Back! Get yours now, limited supply! Th pay for t.hemsctv in no lime. HUIT) They will U out. Sign up thJs Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Duffy Rental Office 2001 West CoMt Hlflbway, Nuwpon Bacb - ~your pa.u by ca111,. (949) 645~12, Ext. 110 •No l~urapc': ~sts •No Maintenance (;osts •No Slip Fees, No Hassles • Great for business. family. f rlmds and soul mlislng. • Take adtJQnla~ of the wonderful fleet of Duffy Boals •• Conr'enlent local1on, fantastic ammlties ' M Tlvsda; FPbtu.wy 13, 2003 Power surge~ may have parked fire Power surge:') could have ca~ a fire that destroyed the bedroom of a two-story Newpon Beach apartment Tut"Jday evening. offictal~ ~d. • h~ghter-. responded to tht!' c.aU ar about · 6; I 0 J>.m. and found moke coming from lhc -;econd story, ac- l'<>rdmK to a repon on the m- t 1dcn1 fhe report ..aid nt!'Jghbor<. rold firefighter. that St"Veral in the bu1Jdmg on l..ugonia had cxp«:ncnced p<Mer -.urg~ nght ~fore rhe fire. Two neighbor'> -..ud the -.urge pro- IC'<. tor; tonnectt'd w their rnmpu1er. had burned and mt-lted to I.he nc)()r. hrefightcl""> sp«:ruJated Ulal rmt-... uch c;urge protector c ,,uJd haH· cau'><.'<.I fue..day·s fire fhc bl.v.1• Y>d.'> confined "' the 1me bt'droom, lhe re- port ..aid Fake bomb ttlrcat received at mall \;obody "a' cvac.:uated fr1m1 South C..oa'>t Plaza I u<·'>day afternoon after an anonymou'> t aller phoned in a bomb threat to the pliUa\ '>etunty office. C<J'>ta \lt·<;a Police officials ~aid Ille phone call came in at dhout 1.15 p.m., Co'>ta \lt..a l'olice I.I Dale Birney <;aid • fhe caller <>a.Jd that there POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Adema Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1600 block at 12·58 pm Tuesday. •Adema Avenue end Herbor Boulevard: A traffic accident involving in1uries was reported at 12·59 am. Tuesday. • Airwey Avenue: Grand theft was reported m the 2900 block at 3:33 p m Tuesday • West Beker Stree1: Forgery INDEPENDENT SERVICE • PART ' . COUNCIL PUBLIC SAFETY Con1JOOed from A 1 steering conunmee memben Hyam and. Tom Billirlg) ha'~ publicly opposed at Residenr Oolo~ Omng asked council member5 to open up I.he meeting5 to I.he public or alJow re$1dent participation ·h l<>Qb like a stad.ed decl. • Orungsaid. Bromberg an'>~ert>d Ulat tht: DEBT Contmued from Al ·consadenng 1ht-pmf><J~d cuts in incrementaJ fun<h fl', lhe state of 52~ m dw ~o,cmor\ propo..al. 11 '>ttm'> logical thJt rt'· de\elopmen1 agenn 1m rl•nien- lal funds a.re going to bt: sla.-.hed." Ha"1l"\ -.aid • \nd JI · though 1('> not their intt.'nt 111 U'>t' these fund., 10 par their debt. 11\ obvtou~ to me that that\ going 10 take place. Thi.' agenq creillt'd 11\ dl'hl re duction plan in lhl' 'pnng of 2002. It pro1eu .. that thl· agt·nC) CURVE SfA'I d.._ fl-vAILV P,, Ql Firefighters ventilate the roof of an apartment complex on Lugorna Street and Pacific Coast Highway. Continued from Al But none of th.., seenl'> rn touch the ob'>e'>'>1r111 of thl" people runnmg 1h1., u11m1rv to take U'i to \.\'3r. f ht-y plt1\\ .uwaJ 1unnel·\1!>1oned. 'l,'110C111g J rl\ and aJJ l"Vidt!ncc, at).'\Jmi:111-., and deeph held com 1t 11 II" ol the c11ven., of our rou111n 1ha1 would hid th1·m lo fl.Ill'>• ,!fld reflect Y..a'> a b•1mb in the building dnd f.''<er}one \\dS going to die. or .,omething to 1ha1 d feet.· he .. aid was reported m th~ 1400 block at 2:30 p.m. Tues ;dy • Modjuke Circle· A hit-and run was reported m the 900 block at 7 35 am. Tuesday • Perie Center Drive: A h1t·and-run was reported 1n the 3200 block at 11'13 pm Tuesday. •East 17th Street: Petty theft was reported m the 300 block at 12:52 a.m Tuesday NEWPORT BEACH • Amigos Wey: A prowler was Hime\ ~Jd '>Cl unt~ offi- u·r-. "l'ilf< hed the building. hut no dt'\lle' "crt· found -!>1·11ia Hhamtll reported 1n the 700 blodt: at 2 12 am Tuesday • West Belbo1 Bouleverd: Trespassing was reported in the 1900 bloc:k at 10 57 p.m Tuesday • Dover Drive. Vandalism was reported m the 900 bloc:k at 12:33 pm Tuesday • Meriners Dnve: Petty theft was reported 1n the 2100 block at 3 02 p.m. Tuesday • Vie Xenthe A vehicle burglary was reported 1n the 100 block at 11 43 a m Tuesday Theu ~n'>e 11f urgt•nr~ I'> mexphcahle. a'> 11 lr.iq \\1 w someho" pn1,ed to .i11<1t~ u., '-'J 1s their mind·'>el on Iraq \\h1d d1ven-. their dttr·nt1on dllt! resowce.. from the pur'>u11 of thr zeaJol5 '"ho caml-d terromm to :\ew 'rork and \\a.,h111gton DC But aJI th~e argument'> hJ\C been made over and o\ l r l1wrt- 1s no pulp11 a., powt·rful ii'> th<.tt of the pre'>1den1 of th(• I Jnllt•d States, and ht-ha' u .. ed 11 \\1th telling effeu to proqrfe ,1 one-dimen.,1onol 'It'\\ of rhr neces.,iry ot a war on Iraq ·Onlv recenth ha'> the grounds\ .. ell of opinion -Imm poet<, to na.ked m1ddlt a.,:NJ lad1e~ pell1ng pran·· \\1th their bodte' -hl'lo(tln tn t·rodt· OBITUARIES Mary K. Swain Services for Mary K. Swain, a 30-year Newpon Beach resident, have not been set Ms. Swain died Saturday of cancer. She was 82. She is survived by step- daughters Robin, Beth and Barbara Swain; and two grandchlldrcn. Cleome iX>vey Services for Oeome Dovey, a 40-year resident of ~ewport Beach, will be held at Arllngton National Cemetery. Mrs. Dovey died Jan. 28 of natural caUlcs. She was 87. She is swvhed by sons Lee Baker and Douglas Dovey; 10 grand- children; and five grea1 - grandchlldren. Dovey will be buried beside her hus· band. Nancy Breithaupt Nancy Breithaupt, a for· mer longtime Costa Mesa resident, died Feb. 5 of bean di ease. Ms. Breith- aupt was 64 and lived ln Norwalk. She is survived by brother• Paul, Scott, Gary and John; and slster · in-law Uz. Margo and Thl!- resa. COMPLETE AUTCD REPAIR Imporcs & Domestic • 30k-60k-90k Services Trans Flush-Coolant Flush • Injection Service Carburetor Rebuilding • Gross Polluter Repairs Acae1co Molorcran Same Owner Since 1965 38 Ytran In Costa Mesa Bendix TIE ClllUllTGI lllP llC. 294 5 Randolph Ave (Bristol & Baker) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 E-mail: carbparts@rhecarbshop.com 'Ifie Latgest, ![intst, 7 rieruflit.st 'Beauty Supp(y & fufl Serviet Sa/Qri In Orange County Best Prices • Best Service - Best Selection ( r----------, !20%! I IWF ,:.. I 1 ~1:1b-~J:4 1 I ••at& ... ill ........ •, ........ ~ffi-U_.!~~J::i~_IJ i~--t-1¥ ---+--• body will h:ne no dt'thJOrt·~ak-' ing J><M ·rs and that at'> finding~ will be reported in Cl pubhl ro. rum Council ~ubcommntees CU'> tomaril) include onJ)' cuun( iJ memhen and. though thl'} 11ftet1 ad~ the counc.:il. I.hey do not ha\e the ~er w mali:t> fmal de os1ons on at) bus1ne"s. ·There haH· bet'n a number of n.>Vl~ion" to thJ'> projet. I, and ~ere jU'>t gomg tu "" du~11 and rl"Vlf.'W 11 · Bmmbt'ri:: '><ltd • A1J Y>e re gmng to do 1~ look al till' will be tn the rl'd for rhe fir-.i 11me m 20fl6 Qi HuM·\e1, th1 ... proJl'CtlCln dol.., not talt' into :w count Da\1'> pr11po'>al to 1.0.e :i2'lb uf t lllt" · n·dt:'\ eh •Jlllll'll t fund., fht· fiH d1lh'rl'nl r.M>h till' ilgt'nC\ are pJ\ 111)! oil range from .tboul ·200.000 to "!>I I n11lh11n. 111 pnm1pal rhe pla11. lJ'>ln~ th· "'"'-'"t•tl '.tlut• of thl' I n.inglt• "'-1 i..u• prorwrt\ dnd cJ"urmng c111 .111 nual 2.5% 11lt'f\',1"ot' mt·r 1.111· 11n1 l\\U h'>la) \t'.Jf'> JJ)llllp<ilt'' lhJt tlw fnanglt· \quart 1hh).!<1l1•111 \\ 111 he p;ud 1111 h) the t•nJ ul th1' fi--1. <1l H·.1r \flt r rtu ... tld1r ha' lw1·11 Jht1d 1hJl pulpll .\ntl th.it lli.t\ 1>,· lilt' rl·.il 11rg1•111' 111 till' prog1 1111or' ol thr.., l\'itr Liu le.tr 1h.1l 11 tit••\ clt•l,l\ 111111 h longn. puhlu or11111J11 JK,1111'1 lhl'tr \\JI \I 11! pre' .111 I tw 1inl1 thmg I 1 .111 .:dd lo tllf' gru\\ mg 11.i111 n.il dr·,rrt' l• 1 be hl•.ud tn ,, ~II\ ernrnerll th.ii l\n t I '11·11rrig ht'\ oml ,1 l lt•.ir '>I.tit n,t''l! 111 IJll}'l'lllllll IC) till'> \\Jr h .1 b11 t h1,1rir lot! pt'l)Jll'I II\ ( I \l 1 J>I fl r I h.111d11i 111 \\mid War 1,11r\1\•J1' •trll c1r11urul rm ge1wr.111011 h.i-h\1 d 1hri1ugh rnrir•· 11 rr' 1h.s11 Jm m1t• \nd J 1..1!1 rt•mt rnher rm rwn11c.J or '>t't llt 1 m un,,1.111t ,., thJt par.Jld \\ h.11 'M· ;i:t t·xpt·rwnung h>d.t\ 1111' ~rl'.ite,1 Jrfll''t'll• ,. ol lO\Jr'>t' I'> our prc·,1·111 vulncrah1hl\ I• 11.'rrtffl'l .111.11 ~ I ~npt I 1r .1 ft•\" 'ht•lh fr•im .1 J.1pc1nt·'>l' ... ubm.mne lohlwd onto tht 1 0.1.,r of Orq.!1111 .tml ( al1forr11a. '·\t' 11.t\I' dh' u\' h1·1·11 l'\t-mpl !rorn illlac ~ 111l' uillap ... l' or th•·"'" 11·1 t 11111111 \.lrtu.ill\ n·mnH'!I rlw rnr,,tJ, thrrat l'\I t·pt for ,, It•\\ rt•l!llt' 1i.1t1Cm'-\1ho hJ\C' n1·,11uJ nurl(•Jr \\l'.ir•m' 11r1t· ut 1h1•n1 1' nol Ir 14 -.1011 \1 htJ .1rt' l'lllwr pl'rc>'r\ed "' lwtng 111111111 ,ul•• or r1·~.mfrd 1, .in 1rr11.1n1 bt:•(".llbt• 1h1•\ tlr\t'rl 11:Ptlll!HI from I r,rq · Hur 1J11• thn 11 n1tnron'm1, rt:al and rJl'>1, l\\O bd'lt <JUf'\llOn., lllt. <Jm, an lfl\ .1 !Clll of Iraq le.,,t·n or mt,,.,,.,,. tlr~ m .. l'hhood ol <,lJl h JI' ill k.,?, illld f\\O, '>hould our at11:•n1m11 hr focuwd on Ira< king dO\rn the• terror"" \\ho ha\l' .iln.'ath c.1ruck U'> and \\1th \'horn an Iraqi umneuwn. l'\'en hy Secretary of ~talt' Lohn PO\H'll, has never bt>t-n clear I\ e-;1abh,hed1 · While \\e ~t'el arl'i\\'l'r\. a lt)l)k at puhhc ilturudes toward the ware, in \'\hrch we \\ere mrnlved within my hfe '>pan m1gh1 be imtrucuve Although rubhc c,uppon fur World \\ar II \\J'> total and en1hu,1a,11c. \\e forget that Roo .. e\elt had to fight our 1-.ola11on1'>l'i -who had refu,cd tn JOIO the I .eaRl1t' of :'o:auon., - 10 .,entl rn1Jitary l'qwpment 10 I ngland \'\hen '>he \\ii!> st.mdmg ahmt' agarn<,t the '-:a/l~ Only when we \\ere attad..ed by Japan did public '>Uppon coaJesce and never waver unlll we won a clear Vlt tory There was a good deal le~ enthu~rasm for the Korean War, but it wa.r, <tupponed here because it wa'> a joint action by the United Nations. Vietnam wa'> a different <ttory entirely. We Interfered in a civil war osten~ibly to lhwart the spread of communism, but dm urnents. reval'W them, and I.hen wt:'~ gomg IU repon b.Jtk 10 the public.· \utherlaud fall.a I lu<,pnahty ha'> proposed to huild the 110. morn luxury fl>Wrt at ll1t· \Ill• or tlw t'Xl'>tlflt; Mannaparlt mol11ll' home par\ and la'> Arenil' f>-Jrk_ Ille company har, ~alt'd h.tl k the nwnber of room' -or1w· naUy 156 dlld <iddt•d opt:n .,patl"> that ofTt•r un•an \rlt'\\\ from the \lrt'CI 111 hopt·., ul \\Ill nm!( r~1den1.,· '>llpport I h1· malll'r l·ouhl <'nd u1nm .1 h.111111 oil. thl• Id.IC 1111 r1·111t•n1 lund 1, r~ JW< lt·d 10 havt• t'rHIUWI 11111111 \ 111 make tht lull .m1111;J pri11c rp.11 and llltl'rl..,I f)J)'llll'nt., 1111 rht' b~""' dehl a loan frt1m tht• ell\ -through till' ~Ill I 'I ft'(JI \ ... u. \\II h l'" l">\ lu11<t.. ,l\,ul.1hl1• 1111., 111.111 \\Inch Y.,t, gl\1 11 tn ,.,1ahh.,h 1h1· ol~l'rll:\ Ul lht t .1111 111;-o,, 1111\\ h,1, a h<1111SI l11111111.11 11ut,1 .. nd111g 111 pnm 1p.1I 11111 .1hou1 SI r, rrnl111111tlut•111 11111·1 .. ,t I h" ~g(•m \ 1, JM\1n.: H u ,, ri ,, 1111 I hi'> lo.ill ll11hm'>oll ,a,d lw '' 111r111 ri11-<l tht' I' ,1 h11::h r,111'. 11111 " I rn.1J1• .1 l1111n.1l pmJ><• .... 11 I• 1111 I II\ lO ICl\\t'I I( h\'l olll'>I' 11 I r pr1orll\ lfll'll' \\,I' hlllt p11ltl11 .1111•1 ' ,,, 1111111 1 ~ ntlun loh1h1111 11,1·d pJioll\ oil l•ll k 1111 !)JW Of I Hit \\ .., ... 111 fl' h\ t I 11 '"r I h \ 11lnilllll"'>t'10 11111.11111· 1111r t 11111•11 •• ind pt'''" ult 1 11111-: Ill 'UJlJ>llrl ,J/J t'lltllllllr11'>· '''P·"l'ron 111 11111 Ion t' '1pp11'>rfl1111 Ill rhat \\,II \t.11r. I all'. grl'\\ ,1rl\\ I\ .1mJ 1111.111\ op1•nnl d1·1 ·p Jt\1,1011' 111 Ir llllllllr. th.11 h.t\ I' l\t'\l'I II!' 1>ur11t\1•h1·1111•111 111 I,,.,, r \llJf 111 .1111.l 1\11 .. 111,1 \\ ,,, ,upportt•d h\ 11111.,1 \11wr11 1 lit l •ltl'>I' h Ith \\I fl' olflltlll' 1111l1Jtt:>d ll\ 1h1· I lt111t·d \,Jr •• w pu11"h .1i.:.grt·"11r n.111111 ' \ iol,111011 ol 11111·111.1t1on.1I l.i1\ I hrr otlwr 1\-.11 • 1".ir' d11rn 1• JH notl ''I'll' llJ\l'•l ft· 01·v11w 1 l'.ui.tlll.i .ind C ort•11,1di..1 th.it 't .m 1•I\ 1.111\l·d .r nppll· 111 ti ' I J '- In t'\l'rV 111~1.1r11 l' 11111 ~ll\l'fntllt.'111 l 1n'>ldt rl•d thr '"PP<lrl 111 vou .111.J nil'. r Ill' < r111grt'" wr t•lt•< r1•d, .mt.I \\ hi:-n· .1npropn.sH· -th" 111 •1 ! \,1111111 ... \1t.tl 1ni.:n·dw11h 111 lil ... lllg !hi'> l Olllltr\ lo \1 .ir hJr thl' fir..,1 llmt• in 1111r hl'>fOf\ \\I' 11.11 l' all o1dn11111-.rr,111011 1h.11 h,1., m,1 lt l lt:ar fl'> m1t•nt11111 to ... r.1n .1 pn·t·mrt1H' \\a~ ''uh or \\11111· 11"\ ol 1h;11 <;uppnrl \\1• art• Ill\ llt'<l lO ~I) ,t.J<Ulj.l II \H' \l1l\ II thl' lMC~ nt lllt• hU'> ;md 1.fo111 r.iJ'>t' our H111.1·, 1·~t··r1 to"" l loorJ\. \ntl for thr llr"r ume an 111\ recoll1·1 111111 .t\ rllu.,tratt·d 1111 the lH. Imm• l ilITlpm the la'' ft.,, \\t'elt<, -~e ha\ e il "lrf>n)! pl'•Ke mov<•ml'nt gt'll\\ m~ hd1w th~· \\ar ha., begun .tnd 1tw IH 11\ hag' -.tart coming homt• •\nd rr• one " 11 .. 1en1ng \leanwh1le. \\l' w1 on \\llh tht· mundanc whrll' Wl' teell'r on thl· f'dl(t' of dn ahy.,., that no amount of rea'i.,urance \\111 rt> move At '>11ch J llmt'. we go 10 our "' rength<, That's \\'hat my Y.1h' .ind I ,,,11 do later on th1'i da\ "hen \\l' pick up our 'l.;onh Larohna mends ar the airport It wul be cl mh ~et'k ahead most!) of talk and a runnrng game of killer heart'> We Will ~II wHh a dnn}.; ill du'>k and enlargt' on \\.orld War II '>torie'> that ha\!· heen told before and explore lt't'ltn!C> about the pre<ienl that haven't I ven I.hough the shadow of rl war we don't want will be JU\I off'ltage. awcuung a cue. we will find a sense of peace in ther,e strengths that have been te'ilC'<l before and can cast light on tht• deepest 'lhadow. • JOSEPH N. BEU 11 e resident of Sant• Ana Heights. H11 column appears Thu rsdays BROADUS Glenn W. GLENN W. ~OADUS, August 12, 1935 to Ftbruaty 8 2003 age 67, bom In Cincinnati, Ohio, died In Newport Stach CA on February 9th of oompOcatlona from a atroke. Ht la aorvfvtd by his children John Scot Broadus of New Or1tana LA and Robin Wardall of Newport Beach, CA. his grandchildren Wendy, Wyatt and Ulllan Wardall and his alstera, Bettye LaBar. of Cincinnati, OH, Joan Hanshaw of Chehalla, WA and Cll'Ofyn MoOetmott of TltuavlNe, FL G. lenn moved to Ce.mp Pendleton after joining tht Martnea In 1954. He ftfl In love with Cafffomla a deeided to raJ1t hla famlly here. He wori(ed In tt.. wl,,. lndultry 11 1 ~ for over 20 YMnl Ind waa a mlnttter In the UrilWrNI Life Church. Ht will be remtmbertd for hit ~ft wit and hUfnor," Walk In the WOl1d for me. If )'OU mu.t bury IOl'MtNf ig Lit It be my '*'"' Ind •llb ...... If bY Chlnce. you...., to rememo.r me. Do tt _.., a kind WOfd OI deed To IOmtOM who nMdl you. • Dally Pilot Thur scUy. f ebruaty 13, 2003 A5 FORUM E-mell· ~TO GE'!' PU~ -t..tt.n: Meil to Editorial P~ Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Readers Hotflne: Call (949) 642~ Fu: Send to (9491 646-4170 .Se d to dallyp1lot@latJmtts.com •All corTespondence must mclude full name, hometown and phone number (for venflcat1on purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to ecfrt all subm1uions for clanty and length EDITORIAL A Center to be most proud of T h1s month, the spotlight turned ever more away from Los Angeles and onto Costa Mesa with the groundbreaking of the Hen~e ;md I lenry Segerstrom Concert Hall, the top-billed pan of the $200-million expansion of the Orange County Performmg Art'. Center. for yean.. the Center has '>lowly worked hard to go from \oulhern California under.tudy (10 Los Angeles) to a star in its own nght. hc; breakthrough ccnainJy i.eems to be hen:. When the expansion ,., completed if'\2006, the new 2,(X)0-'>('at concen halJ and 500·-.t•ai music theater will cover 260,000 square feel and rc.11u1e a muJtilevel grand lobby '>JlJ<e. a pnvate donor lounge, rl'l1ear.al room,, dres.c,ing roomc,, a mu!>IL library, a re<,1aumn1. an ad1uc;1ahle aUJU'>llcal canopy and ad1ui.table reverberation chamber'>. 11 all wilJ be endo<;ed w1th111 a ~la<;s curtam rxtenor. With the Center. ~ weU a!. South Coas1 Repertory, Costa Mesa now is home to a dazzling mixture of performance 6pace 1hat reguJarly brings in top-tier shows and, perhaps mo!tl famously, was the location for the premiere of the Pulitzer Prve-winning play "Wit." It is a rruxture that offer-. a nch artistic wellspring that I'> rare outside of urban centers such a.'> New York and London. Rut the 1mponance of 1h1'> artL'>lic convergence goes beyond catering to lhea1ergoer:. Some 500,000 ch iJdren are expect•.!d to pru.s through the Center\ doors each year for ;in education in the an., that now, ~dJy is mJssing from mO'>l school-.. Because of the Center, tho'>t' students wilJ learn how art ennche" our live<; and helps us expand our understa11d111i; of whtJ we are. Co<,ta Me'>a, and Orange County, as well. are moM fortunate to be horn<.' 10 such a -.urpns inJt)y grand center for the 1n ... LEITER TO THE EDITOR Marinapark is not closed to public T h1l> 1:. m referenl'e to the 2.5 year., later that the tenant'> f'l'Cent comments on the themselve. got pemuss1on from Forum pages by Steve the city and took up a coUecuon Sutherland and Jennifer I )abb.s among themselves to add the rnnceming the Marinapark i.itc. adduionaJ gates to provide better Sutherland shouJd know beach access. better because he has d•Jne a About 18 years ago, 1hc city great deal of research on the decided to open up the walkway eiru.ting park. Dabbs hru. to the public after it' ongjnaJ obviou.'>ly never visited the park. purpose became obsolete, <;ince but L'> simply parroting by then. modem mobile homes 5utherland's words. Both would were too wide to pass down the !Jke the public to believe that lhe IO· fool walkway in front of the mobtle home park prei.ents a coaches. At that time, the oty foruficalion through which no installed the current "Pedestnan one may trespas.s to gam ace<.~ fraffic Only" signs. The public to the bay. has been and is welcome to use The fact is. as Tom Billing!> has not onJy the wallcway, but any of so ably said, there i5 easy beach the small gates through which access. On the south end of the they can step out onto the sand property there is an 8-foo1-wide to the bay front There are no wallcway leading •.tra.ight from lock.\. There 1s no cemen1 c;ea Las Arenas Park to the harbor wall There is a '\hort wooden wilh absolutely no gate retaining wall to keep <;011 from what.soeVer 10 go through. On the beach. the north end (between 18th and Far from being the cliust 19th streets) there is metered group that Sutherland altempts parldng along West Bay Street to ponray, residents at where one can easiJy wallc 01110 Marinaparic enjoy seeing public the beach to t>njoy the entire use of the beach. The Boy Scouts stretch between 19th Street and routinely use It for recreatlonaJ the American Legion at the purposes during the summer, as opposite end . do various private camps and Should 011e desire to use the sailing classes. There is an concrete walkway that fronts the annual outrigger club event held mobile home park. there is there that takes up the entire nothing to stop them. The gates length of the beach. Lndividuals are open 24 hours a day, as are and small groups come on foot the small gates leading from the and by boat; neighbors wallc wallcway to the sand in front of their dC>g.' aJong Its shores. In each grouping of homes. The fact, the residents made the only restrictions are that there be suggestion to the city at one time pedestrian traffic only-no that a sign be installed on the bicycles or skateboards. Arenas Park property to indicate Sutherland said that the · that the beach is accessible via mobile homeowners have put up the walkway. Th1s suggestion fell a fence, a hedge and gates along on deaf ears. the front of the walkway to keep Sutherland should not try to the public ouL Nothing could be demoniu the tenanis at further from the truth. In fact, Marlnapark. who are nice the city of Newport Beach itself people, in an attempt to seU this installed the low chain-link fen<:e m-fated scheme to other and shrubbery a.bout 50 years resJdents of Newport Beach. ago because the walkway at that Feeding this kind of falsehood to time was a prlwte part of the the public is not an honorable· rnobUe home park. Its purpose course of action. was to provide access for the BETTY J. BERKSHltE front uailers' installation and Balboa Penln.suJa removal. 1bere was only one small gate tn the fence at the dme to allow the tenants aa:es.s to the aand. It wun't until about • EDITOR'S NOn: e.tty Befbhi'9 ii • l"Mldent of the M.rinepert mobile home part. MAILBAG Port Theater holds many fond memories for one resident I am very much in favor of retaining the Port Theater as a landmark. and to tear ii down would be a terrible mistake in judgmem. I have lived in Corona del Mar for more than 50 years. vividJy remember taking my children there to see "Lassie" and other family movies, as weU as attending an Easter Sunday church servict' there when there ~ an overflow crowd at Corona del Mar community church. I feel that reopening the Pon would enhance other businesi.es in the neighborhood, ~well as aJJowing local residenLc; to walJc to the theater. LUVENA HAYTON Corona del Mar The Port Theater i~ nothing more than an eye ore I would like to see II go; it is an eyesore. Even 1f they could restore 11, 11 wouJd coi.1 too much money to bring 11 up to today'<. technology for movie!., and the parlung would be terrible. H~ever, I would love to !>ee some kind of 24 hour deh, like a New York deli; there 1~ no place m Corona dcl Mar after a cenain hour to get late-night snackb or wffee. I wouJd love to see J craft store coming in there. like 1he lali Mouse in Laguna l11 lb I wouJd hie to see something Ille d Crocodile Cafe. a wonderful restaurant in La JoUa, San Diego and Santa Monica, and I Lhmk 11 wouJd be great JO Newport Beach. But please. no more tofu. no morc> filness center'>. I e1's have some1hing real for reaJ people. SANDRA BASMACIYAN Coronit del Mar Fond memories of the Port. enough to cry about I am calling abou1 the Pon Theater!) because of two of my fondeo;t memont'' One was shalong pawi. wirh La .... l>ie, which wa<, probably ... omeume in the 1950'>, and a.' long a' I could get away wilh 1101 w~hing my hand, I didn't wa'>h my hand and I wa~ 1ust a little child and now I am a grandma And the other Lhing wa.., that I ~a., only kJcked out once A friend and I c ried so hard dunng a showing of "The Miracle· rha1 we were pol11ely a'>ked to leave and we had 10 caJJ from the lobby and get taken home. It is such u part of the commurnry. SUSAN MAGORIEN Irvine One foundation perfect for Home Ranch money The Daily Pa.Jot outhne!. the perfeu plan for the I lome Ranch fund., rhal were a part of the city's agreement vmh the Segerstroms ("Hom e Ranch fund<. are for schools now." Sunday). I w1~h I couJd express it more succinctly. but I can't; so listen up. City Council, as I quote from the editorial's defining paragraph: "It's really quite simple· Create one foundanon for the three sch ools to avoid dividing the ciry and force the foundallon -hk:e the C1ry Council -to abide by open meeting laws, smce the money involved belongs to the public • Karen Robinson. the only attorney on the council. at least sees the wisdom of Hf~OIO Dl\ILVP1LOT Pedestrians stroll past posters on the old Port Theatre m Corona del Mar thl· open mee ting pohC) ~h1lh -,eemed to «i><,tape thl' ma1nnt~ of the rnunnl 1'1lot cenamlv 'hould MELRICHLEY 'l·wport Beath r he rounc1I no" ha'> a '>t•cond l ham.:e 10 &('I 11 nght I e1 ., hope rea'>on prevail'> th" go around Development \ 'llaJl bring~ ILA JOHNSON back sad memory C oi.ta Mesa Capitalism is answer to Wcst~ide doldrums < lwck ta .. ~11v 1c; certainly to he commendt'd for the anuraC) of h" .. 1.att•nwnt., and rear,oning regarding the \\l·-.h1de' "problem.,· I \\e .. i..1de prnbll•m "ill 'olve melf." Sunda\ 1 lw on!\ think I would add 1<. to c.top .. quJ11dt>nng many thou.,and-; of the c;11y' dollar'> on expen-. pnn11ng nunwrou<; multi-paged book'> ~ rnnrn1ning thoui.and' of p1etun•c, of prop1.·rl1l'" on the Wec;1-.ide. ln'>!l'ad. 'Pt•nd till' money on furthering the l lln't rm 11011 ot the 19th St re et bridge \\ lll'll that hndge IS Ill plal (', Walth < .h,llV ., la\"-of rap1tal1sm ca.,tade 1h1.·1r mag1L It wouJd take httle 11me for 19th ...,1n•e1 10 be improved greall}. l''>Pl't 1ally we'>t of Placentia Avenue Anyone who did not read C..a~~lly., lettN to the eduor in the Sunday Daily Re. "Rod. bla..,llng 't't for l\<.'wpnn Coast." Jan. lO ThJ-; '><'em'> li ke .in tnnOl uou' l'nough amcle. doec,n't it? A.., an environmen1al1'>l and trail runner, I have logg<'d many ho ur. runnmg m Fl Moro Canyo n It I'> orw of the mo'>t beauutul plau·' m our art'a II wa' nol unu.,ual 10 'ce deer. '>nal.e' J17ard'> rougar'> and hobl al trail'>, plu' a \'aTlt'!\' of bird., Rut one day a couple of year-; ago, I or;aw earthmover-. 10 the nonh drl''>'>ed 1n lhl' d1sunc11ve yellow of impending development r11 ... article lmJUght bal k the '\adne~c, ot 1he fir'>! ume I 'a~ tho.,e velJo" mo n-,ter-. JO lhl'> area While ''e snll may have a l'hance 10 tum thJOgs around 11 1.., po!>s1hle ''e may no1 notice when we've c rosst'd the point of cn11cal damage (no return Could 11 be tha1 we already have? J.B. UTVAK Co'ila Mesa COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Support of teacher shows Newport Harbor at its best F riday's front page article about the support and affection shown to Newport Harbor High School teacher Jerry·Tagruru by students and colleagues is a shining example of how important influencing young lives can be and how a dedicated teacher can bring out the best that humanity has to offer ("Newpon Harbor holds onto hope for teacher). TaganU suffered a brain aneurysm Monday, Feb. 3. Another teacher at Newport Harbor, and a friend of Jerry Tugami. calls Jerry the richest man in the world because he dld what he loved and he loved teaching. When someone loves what they are doing, whether It's professionally or of a personal natwe, then one does it better. ln the case of1llga.m.i, every student and every person he came Into contact with could see that this exceptional man and teacher ls a gem or a person. We as a PAUL JAMES BALDWIN community are nch when we have gems like this. When the commuruty shows support for su ch a wonderful human resource as this dedicated teacher. it shows what is best about mankind. and how important our appreciation of how valuable people like Tagam1 are to us and o ur children. I guess I would have to say what goes around, comes around. Thgama as a teacher and as a person has touched the lives around him for 31 years at Newpon Ha.rt>or High School. It this type or teacher that wilt be pan of people' lives forner and wW havtt an lmp;ict on future gtntrauo TN<:h.inl t a noble profession and a poorly r'e""-arded one. at that. We as a community should realize how lmponant the teaching of our children is and support Tugami and his colleagues. The support for Tagami IS inspiring We '>hould be proud not onJy to h.ave Tuganu as a teacher. but we houJd also be proud of the students who rushed to his bedside m a show of human compassion and true caring. There are wonderful people m this communJty. young and old. and It is so 11'freshing to hear about such great people rather than the dark side or human n.atu~ here in Newport Beach. Mr. Thgaml, plai..se get well. Your !)tudents need you The parents need you. All the commumty and all the! world needs you. • e>m>R'S NOTE: Pllul Jemee Baldw4n la 1 resident of N4IWpot1 hldl HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Coltl Mell City ...... n Fair Drive, ColUI MeM, CA 92$28, (714) 7&4-6223 Ml¥Or: ~ AobifleOn • C...-1: UbbV eow.n. Ahn Maneoor, GlfV MoNhan-Q'"8 s... aTY Of NIWPOITIEACtt ~dPO't Beed\ °"' ...... 3300 ~'POft Blvd., Newport a..ctt, CA 92983, (949) 844 3309 ~Stew Brombefll CouMI: Gacy Adema, John Hefftmln, Ole* Nlc:IK>ls, Gary Proctor, TOd AidglMrV endOonWtbb NEWPOIT-.sA UNFIED ICHOOL DISTRICT °'*trict Offtoe: 2985-A har St., Costa Mela, CA 92128, (714) 424-6000 .... .. ...... It: Robert 8atboc 9oei«Pl'WdlM ~ Auof, Vici ,,...ft Dene~ a.t se;.,. ~ DMd Broob. Tom Egen.Juctv Ffinco and Lindi~ 11ma:M1t Roa Johnton (R), 36d\ 01tt11ct. 18562 Mac:Mhur ~ s.-. tMne. CA 92715, (94.9) 833-0180: fax: <Ml 83l-08l6; Prm Sea~ PM Joroe, (918) 323-1200 PIEIDENT George W. 8Ultl (A). Wt* HouM. 1800 ~~w.t•...,.,oc. 20600 Hodtne: (8 a.m to 2 p.m.) (202) ~ 1111 ~-,,,...,.,~ Fu C202l 4M-2481 WCIJMllllNT CM a.ilN¥ , .. ,, C...,. BuMng. S... 2U. ,,.. .... o.c. 2c.oo ~~·~'9JIOll ' • I M Tlusday, February 13, 2003 Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL BOARD WRAP-UP INSIDE THE includes classroom renovation and board. The new plan will allow school SCHOOL DISTRICT 'technology UpgJad offidals from counseling to gang Three more levels follow level 4 and lntervention to intervene on behalf of NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP ' Here are so~ of the decisions coming out ofTue:sday' school board meeting:· MEASURE A PROGRAM UPDATE WHAT HAPPENED The board listened to the quarterly report on the staWS of the Measure A Program as presented by ~ Rob Ragland of McCanhy Building Companies Inc. uoltMD · While the expenditures . for the program appear to be on track. the funding. as of now. is only. sufficient to complete construction through level 4, which BUILDING Continued from Al to 1ak.e. "It's not a plan. It'~ a feasibility," said Paul Reed. assistant superintendent of business services, adding that the proj- ect is not part of Measure A. yet it wouJd run parallel to it. "Its a picture of pos- sibility. if you will. Our intent with this presentation is to give you the back- ground." The high school itself. not the board. will decide on the exact construction plans when that time comes. PORT Continued from Al eration~ without having to apply for new use permits. The theaters couJd add !tome hve en- tertainment. arcade entertainment and food and beverage service if they could prove that these actJvities would not in- crease parking demand allowed by their current ~ermits. But in the cai.e of the Port. even the parlting allowed now would be Loo much if 11 were actuaJty used. opponents say. ·The Pon Theatre has little architec- tural merit," Councilman Dick Nichols wrote in a statement to his colleagues. "Without purchase of the adjacent property or extensive building renova· Lion. shown by othen. tCJ be specifically excluded on historical buildingi.. the include new construction and addidonal renovations. athletic facility work and landscaping, WHAT rT MEANS The board approved the report as it was presented. reserving the right to revisit the issue. EXPELLED YOUTH PLAN WHAT HAPPENED Jaime Castellanos and Susan Despenas, assistant ~ superin1enden1s or secondary education and .vrlOWO elementary education. respectively, presented a revised plan for expelled youth to the .. To meet the financiaJ demands of such a project, school officials will com- bine allocations from the state as pan of Measw-e A with funds it should receive based on the safety concerns the school facilities have presented. Safety wasn't the only concern ex- pressed. "I wouJd hate to see anything happen to the fai;ade," said Lisa Boler. who has children at Newport Harbor. "I would just really suggest that you look mto au the drnwings." The l.trong concern about the build- ing's aesthetics. which also came from board members. didn't sit well with everyone who attended the meeting. building is nearly unusable for the joint alternate uses: restaurant. arcade. dance hall, etc. It is clear that the Landmark Theater guise is being used to foster a major entertainment center in CdM to the detriment of surrounding commer- ciaJ and residentiaJ." ConOict-of-interest ruJes forbid Nich- ols from voting on the matter because his home is too close to the Port Theatre site, but, taking a position at the po- dium as a resident. he spoke against granting the Pon landmark status. Most puzzling for some is the lack of input from Port Theatre operators. Though Councijman Tod Ridgeway re- ported that he has heard rumors about reopening the theater, the owners have not yet announced what they plan to do there. Though the landmarlc status might give the businesses more opportunity 10 stay afloat financially. it wouJd not con ex.peUed or at-risk students. The superintendents hope such Intervention will aid student.s' transitions Lo a new school or class and solve problems before expulsiop. WHAT rT MEANS The board approved the revisions to the plan in a 7 -0 vote and were pleased to see the distric,t!Wng steps to help at-riskstudenis. While these new revisions Will not take the place of expulsion. It aims to help avoid expulsion$, if at au possible. and h<.>lp student adjustment once an expulsion has been executed. -Compikd by 01risri11e Carrillo "I'm just concerned that we are not in a position to preserve something that'c; architecturally interesting at the coc;t of other schools." said Olristine Ludlow, a member of the Citizen's Oversight Com- nunee, which handJes Measure A l~'>Ue'>. Safety, efficiency and cleanJiness c;hould be among the board's top concerns, not aesthetics. she said. Funding for the seisnuc prOJCCL at Newport Harbor would no1 come al 1he co~t of other sues within the disLnct, 1he board said • CHRISTINE CARRIUO covers educatton and may be reached at (9491 574-4268 or by e mail at clmstine.catTi/lo a lat1mes com fer historical status on the building<, or prevent them from being demolished That leeway had some council mcm· bcrs concerned that the Port operator!. wouJd have more optlonc; for changing their bw.mess without the city fir..t hav ing any information about how the Pon might take advantage of the relaxed rules. "It's a liule odd that we're thm~1ng about doing th1'> without any input iii all from the applicant." City Counn lm,in John Heffernan said. Council members agreed to po!>tpone the decision unul their March 11 meet ing after they solicit input from Pon op- erators and consider wme changr'> to the ordinance. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beadl and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.cssagrsnde a /atimes com COME FOR THE SHOPPING, STAY FOR THE VIEW . l . INSID~ CITY HALL I lere are some decL ions coming out of the Newport Bt>ach City Council meeting on 'l\Jebday. CABLE COMPANIES The city'~ rwo cable rnmpanie~ will get onr more year of busll\C'i.'> as usual before new contract nego11a11on\ wtlJ seek 10 wm an array of new -.ervices and \C~ICt:' improvements for resident!> WHAT HAPPENED Council mem~r.. votl·d to extend for one more year the city\ contracts with Adelphia and Lox cable compan1e~ Next year. the . my will u-.e the result., of a public outreach campaign to try to negotiate for more lot:al programmm~ and better 't'rYltt' WHAT THEY SAID "()early wt' have thl· Jlll'rHwn ol Adelphia and ( ox. lhey Ihm~ evcrythrng 1., finl' We c1 ..... 1gret• " ,\ftf}'Uf ".>lt'n' HrmnlJ.·r~ RESERVOIR COVER Hes1den1 Dolore., Otting a'kl'd rnunnl mt•mher'> about pl.m'> to get a pla'>llC rnH·r for tlw BIK ( ,mynn He.,t•n·111r, wlm h .. uppht•' mo'>t of tht-rny\ drinking watl'r l11e SS·m1ll1011 plii'>lll" U>\1•1 would protect the rt''-{'n.mr lrom pollu11on . ..aholcJgt> or pt''" ... urh a' a midgl' Oy larv.it' th,11 11111•-.tt·d tht' watl'r morl' than a ~ t•.ir .1g11 WHAT HAPPENED City ManaKcr I lnnwr Blud,lll '>aid thf.' ntv I'> ... 1111 worl..mg to gt>t $1 m1lho11111 rl'-"'>tdJlll' lro111 tht ll·deral Kmemrnen1 In tlw nwannme. l 11\ '>t.ifl 1' llh'lmn~ 11111 tht' exatt 'l>t't 11itJt1011' for rlw tover. WHAT THEY SAID It'<. kmd of ,1 gJnlt' ult h11 l.t·11 II you '>IJJ1 \'l.Ork111g on 11 lwl11r1• \1111 l;i,1\C tilt' n111111·v they ·l"llllH' \'IHI don't m·t·d m111H ~ lro111 th1•111 · ( 111111< I/ITU/II /11/111 f /o jjl'rtUUI NEXT MEETING • WHEN: 7 p.m. Feb. 26 • WHERE: City Council Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. •INFORMATION: Complete agendas and staff reports are available onhne several days before each meeting at www city nowport-beach ca us; call (949) 644-3000. GENERAL PLAN ADVISORS I hough th~ir w mrrutte<: was expet:ted to disband by now. member5 of 1hc t.encral Plan Ad\1sory C .ommlltt:'t' are stiU needed to hl•lp gu1dt• th<' city in l'('V1'>i11g it., plan WHAT HAPPENED < .ounul 11wmher-. agrt•t•d lut•.,day to l..t•t•p the cnrnm11tt't:' ..ih\l' .1 wh1lt• longer with the ht•lp ol old .rnd llt''' romm1111•t• lllt'llllll'r' LAND USE REQUEST i\ 1>11,1111''' 1war till' ,11rpon th,1t ha., 'till 1dlt' for a yt'.ir ,wd .i hJlf might be· .illowl'tl lo get 111to tht' '>toraKe hu'>lnt'''> llMP Prop1·rt1l'' ht•a1I I >an l'l'rh1111tll'r ,1.,l..t·d tht' u ty to 111it1a11· ii ~:P1u•ral plan anwndnw111 uron·.,., th.it nught allow turn 111 11 nt 't'll ... 11ir.1g1· f,1t.1hlw' .11 llOI I )o\I' '>I WHAT HAPPENED I h1111gli th1· hu..im..,., tl\\nt'r ,111d 'llJ'JlOOl'f" \\t•re prt'pitn·d to plt>.id tlw1r tull t.!'-t' Bromhng rt•mindi·d tlwm th.11 1lw lll'm m front ol lht ( lllllll 11 '~·'' -.1111pl~ to ... 1.irt lhl' prot • '" llw 1111w to .tr>.'llt 1 lw1r ,1cl1• ,., ould 1111111• JI ,1 ful11n· , 1111111 I mn·1111g. llt' 'Kiili < ounul 11w111l11 ·r" ,1ppmvl'd tht.' 1 Olllllll' 'lt•p 111 11111,11111g till' J.(l'llt'litl pldll 11w11dp11·111 .11111111dt't1dt• l,11t•r \\h1•ll11•r 111 .dim\ ''"'•IK<' lilt 111111·, till' rt' t 11111111/i•cl 111 Jw11· C ""'~"""'' Valentine's Day Dinner CRYSTAL COVE ' PROMl:NADI: IA\I 1 tlAH lllt.HWAY 6t LRYHAL C:.OVF \IArE BlAC ll STORES NOW OPEN c RESTAURANTS&.. CASUAL DINING Scarbuclcs ..• , • , •• , ••.•• )76-)221 Z..Piua .. . .. • •• , ..... 7 15-11 l 7 APPAREi ....,_ lepUblic • • • • ' •• A9iM626 CMIA• • ~ • • • • • • ••••••• 494·2229 GAP • • . • . • .. t ..... '494-0792 ~ erou ••.•.•.•••• -494-4n J ta OM •••••••• ,.. •••• 71>-'700 Milt• . , • , • , .. 71,_ l 111 ' . 71)-1'00 MJ-2422 HOME FURNISHING S ~ Gellfty . . . . 7l )-690<) 0....' .....•••.•••••. .497-201'1 J~ Hamt ••••••• 71 S.1181 WiD-....sonom. •••••••. -46-4-2168 n. v.uow c..rcap ....... 715-)9 9 MAP.KET llldfr ,_., • -•.•..•.•.. "694-,..,.. COMING SOON ' ..... ,,......, ~at.c6tca 1 ' ... c.1 .... ..... Ml ......... ,._.._ Our $259 Valentine's Day package includes overnight accommodations delicious chocolate covered strawberries. champagne. a dozen red roses and full American breakfast the next morning. If you have already planned the flowers, we also otter a $179 Valentine's Day Package which includes delicious chocolate covered strawberries. champagne and full American breakfast the next morning. So don't worry about the details and join us at the Hyatt Newporter where Valentine's Day is simply more romantic Call (949) 729-1234 or visit www.hyattnewporter.com to make your reservations now. Just ask for our Valentines Day Packages! 1 1 I-\ I i IN IHW'°O"T llACH 1107 j11MIH..u RJI N,.,.,., But/,, Ci 91660 Daily Ptlot DATE BOOK THEATER REVIEW ---------~-­. . . , ' Jtiur~y lebruary I 3 2003 A7 New touches at Playhouse spruce up old 'Godspell' By Tom Titus The word "concept" I'> d rather sophi'>tka1ed lcrm used in the entertainment media as a latch phrase, embodying a directpr'b vision of a particular project in the th~ater. cinema or television. Some. probably mo'>t. play'> Jre tightly structured to follow cNtd.in well-defined pattern' en route to their preordained ronclui.ion. Other'> are lair game for an 1maginat1v1.• director and chorcographt>r to lcl their imagination' run wild. An example of the la1ll'r hre<•d 1!> the musical "(,odc;p<•ll." 1t\ been nearly JO yl:'ar' '1m·t· 1h1'> rock. go'>pel rnu-.ic..11 ha'-ed on the New ·1ci.tamcnt hook of Matthew fir'>I hil the '>lagt'. .rnd eac. h '>Ucceeding loraJ produuion ha'> bencfill'd from dm•c. tonal 1magcry None hm~ever, h,,, ,,r,1\t•tl farther afield wh1lt: '11ll c. ll11g111g to 1t' original th<•mt· 1h.1r1 1lw rt'tHJ1t1on now on .. 1.1g1· ,11 1lw < o'ta Mc'>a C1vit Plc1yhm1 ... 1• l>m•< IOr ll:yle ~1} t•r-, .ind rhort•ographer Ml'gan I nd1u111 haH' 1mbut•d thl' \l'r-..on ''1th .1 1lwnw of r<•v1t<1hhi1111n .111d 'Plfllu.11 rl.'lmth u-.ing 1lw ... lo.rd CO\\ 'l'l llllll or J ll.tml'lt•" l 11\' J-.1he1r tapc,lr\ \t 1lw -..11111· lllllt'. 1lwv ha\e m111l'd 1h1· H'lll'> or pop l llllurt• lor lht• 1011111,11 addl'nc.Jum' th.11 ,1,1111p tlll'tr prt>jt'tl J\ Ulllljllt' olllll pt'r'>Oll.11 I Ill' pl'rfornwr' Jll' 1r ... 1t•d 111 .1lphdlw1tldl on.kr. rJlht·r 1h.1n h" dlJr.tc. lt•r -.1< tu.illy 11111\ llHl'l' d"lllllt' dl'finl'd pl'r\lllld):l''> k-.u-. J11h11 1111' H.1pt"t .111d l11dc1<, c lnl\ In hac. l.. tradm1g through 11 w lllll\llcd lrt•drt'o l,Jn 1111l' 1dt•n11fy thl' attcir 1mohrd 111 l'dl h ... lllldllllfl In mo't prod111 11011' 111 No mdltE" .\ .. c11 rou ri> rjo1nq 'I' v' lvlrr<>'(J1t1r rt>\/11\PdlJl'' ~~ Dail y Pilot "(, ell." Jesus 1s portrayed a yo thfuJ, charismatic gure colorful Superman "S" on h T-shirt. In the Costa Me!>a version, Stan Morrow Ill playi. the spirituaJ icon ai. a m1ddle•aged, bespecta~Jed, bald businessman. His logo. unveiled late in the action. 1s that of the show it-;elf. a i.uper (I \omehow. ttrn. approach work\ Morrow·~ magneti)m drnw' the i.treet people into a JOYOU!> fam1laal relJt1on!>h1p Myer'> and End1co11 haw 1111ected a creative vltal11y into their pruduc lion that counter'> thi:' didactic repelitivenC!>'> of tlw St<'phen !>chwar11 M'ore. lhl' homelt'S'> 1heme i'> 1wrva'>tve. John the Bapll'>t !H1ch.ird DeVicarnc,) uses a '>pray ho11le for Im bapli'>ms. '>uperlative dJncer Deborah I JUl'rbach1~thelone mm downtrodden figure, d ,11Jt•\\Jlk hooker. hu1 hl•r IJllt·rc.•d net '>to'cl..1ngs '>Ugge'I '>Ill'\ \\Ork.mg lhl' proper heal "><Hllt:' LlMngc.· ... iHl'll0I ll l'l <''"drily for the he'> I t\1111 Marr{· Scott I.irk-. the vocal power IO 'ell 1he 1.iun1111g ·· 1urn Bi.Id .. 0 Man · numhl'r I ht• llr.,l ·ac1 clo-.er 'f 1gh1 of the \\orld" andudc.·' tht' l)'raC I e1\ hi.1\t' '>ome w111c.•." bu1 unlikt• 1r,1d111on.il ver\IOrl'>, nu vmo I'> ui..1wn'>l'd a11n1t·rm1...,1011 \1 yt:r' hi.I' wi ... l'ly c.•hm111,11c.•d tht: lllllC·lOll'>llllllllg f,11 l' pa1111ing '>Cl'fll' thal ha'> ... 1owt•d down .. ( 1Ud'>pt·ll., .. of 1 lw J><l'>I And ld'>llng ,1 ft·rnalr JudJ' IC >hv1c.1 Hr.val lt•n<h an 1•motmnal \\e1gh1 Ill the lw1rayal '>l'quenu• I he 'tret'I pt•ople l om ept \\Ofk'> bt•'>l al !Ill' OJ>l'nlllg of 1h1· 'l'tond all. \\hen the m·1ghhorhoou\ tll'wfound 'Jlmlual1ty re.,uh., 111 .1 'Pll ,md poli<,h fan• lift. lhl' p.arabll'' are o,p1ted wath IV Signatwe Sto~ to Open in Southcm Qillfomia • •WHAT: ·GodspeW • WHERE: Costa Mesa C1v1c Playhouse, 611 Hamilton St. • WHEN: 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays; 2 p.m. Sundays; until March 9 •COST: $15 , •CALL: (949) 660-5269 themes, such as an extended "Laverne and Shirley" l>equence and comical 11be!> from more modern fare. Musician~ Demen Symond'> (piano) and Jeff Nel.,on (drum~) do yeoman dury 10 keep the tempo humming under the musicaJ direction of Joyce Max.son. The impre1>i.ivc 'ilrcet scene is lhtt work of ,c;emc artists Jermain Sherman and Kathy and Steve I nd1 cott. Ryan Hood contribute<; effective lighting de~ign<i. "Godspell" may lack the punch ii reg1i.1ered a' a ne~ commodity three dt'l'Jde' Jgo, but the show '>1111 enll'rta1n ... particularly with 1lw imaginative en1hu-.ia.,m employed at the.•< 1vu Playhou!>e • TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Daily P1lo1 His review!. appear Thursdays and Saturdays Jesus (Stan Morrow) and Judas (Qhv1a Braza) separate the sheep from the goats in a scene from the Costa Mesa C1v1c Playhouse production of "God spell.· which runs through Marr h 9 mu-.n PRESIDENTS WEEKEND SAIE •••Qualiry Scrvice000 ... Ni d Entertainment• .. FPANK'IN C Allf OR~~ A aow TO KEEP MORE OF WHAT YOU EARN You con keep more of what yoo eom when ~ i~t an Franklin California Tox·Free Income Fvnd .And yoo dOn t have k:> be weolttiy, or dose to retirement k> klke odo.untoge of this fund This fund con pn:Mde strong benefi~ for most invesb's an a 27 federal income lax broc:ket Of higher EnioY the beneh~ ct Double Tax.free Income • Monthly Income ~-· • Investment Grode a.Pot-r1fc•olio ........ • FRANKLIN TEMPLETON INVFSTMENTS ' Coll today for a FRIE brochure Divenified Securities David B Davis or John l Bennis (714) 560-9656 ere en SV.!~r!f!~ SA U Orchid Sale Orchids $5 "'ro s2s ... FEBRUARY 1, 8, 15 & 22 ~ Open To The Public • EVERY SATURDAY 9-4 P.M. 1 GOO'S IN STOCK ' L' ,_id ntico J f:1 Splendore l '\ '-< TIMEl.f.SS El1ROPEAN ART Bringing the splendorc of antiques to life. .. imagine. .. • Mwn..o Gu Minon, Lamp. ud An • M.ejolica • FUl'IUcan: • Clwuklicn • Vt«nt..a Swnf <.arckn An • Hand Carved Wood Mirron ~ALDEN'S I , 111 lk ( ll\f RI'' I A.'l> Ct~ lll\t ~'l'[\i; )\l; l 1 •\rR ,(, 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 HlllterOou;as ...... ,, .. , .. , ••• ~.~1114n1l1 11• Jl'H(I( U (Af UOll S I H I - Al llusday, February 13, 2003 DATE BOOK REEL CRITICS WeH-acted 'Hours' worth the time·; ,'Guy' w_astes its time 'The Hours' takes on difficult issues W ho's afraid or Vlrginfa Woolt? Not Michael CUnningham, whose 1998 Puliczer Prize-winning novel "The Hours· intertwines the lives o( three women separated by generations and geography, but touched by Virginia Woolf's novel "Mrs. Qalloway.· Not JULIE screenwriter LOWRANCE David Hare or ~irector Stephen DaJdry. who together took on Cunningham's distinctly literary novel that no one unagined could be turned into a movie and created an engaging. provocative and intelligent film. And certainly not Nicole Kidman. who plays real-life auLhor Virginia Woolf in the film with such conviction that she's garnered a Golden Globe and now an Academy Award nomination for her powerful performance. In "rhe I lours," as Woolf (IUdmanl 1<; writing her revolutiomLry novel ant.I struggling with mental illne'i'>. the demurl', almost invisible Laura Brown (Julianne Moorl'l. a 1950, I .A. housewife. is reading tht• finished novel and bart.lU'lg her miscast matrlarchal role. Fifty years later, Manhattan book editor Oarlssa Vaughan (Meryl Streep) is arranging a party for her ex-lover, now dying o( AIDS, who has nicknamed her "Mrs: Da.lloway." From the very beginning, inuicate interweaving of subtle and parallel connections between the three storylines - flowers placed simultaneously In vases -capture the viewers curiosity and emphasize the similarities among the three women. As Vuginia Woolf writes her first sentence, "Mrs. Oalloway said she would buy the flowers herself,· Oarissa Vaughan avows that she too will buy the flowers herself. So when Woolf exclaims "I am living a life I have no wish to live. How did this happen?" we realize that each woman touched by the novel will reexamine her life's significance. As in Woolf's novel, in which a single day in June is spent with Oarissa Oalloway, a single day is spent with the film's three main characters. I lour by hour, we team more about each woman's life: Woolf's fight against Inner voices; Brown's feelings of inadequacy as a mother; and Vaughan's valiant effort as a weary caretaker. I lour by hour, the turmoil hidden beneath the calm ,urface is revealed. ' And as Lhe hours paSl>. we begin to understand what Woolf and Cunningham. as authors. tried to convey in their novels: to find beauty and poetry In each and every day. Magnificently written and acted, "The Hours• taclcles difficult themes such as elwsive emotions, feminism and suicidal depressio,n with respect and restraint, which allows the audience to reflect long after the credits have rolled. • JUUE-lDWRANCE ls a Costa' Mesa cesident Who worka at a Newport Beacn overnight aircraft edvttrti1ing agency. Talent in 'How to Lose a Guy' wastes effort ''How to Lose a Guy In 10 Days" is a cute title and, as the movie progresses,.it does -exactly that -it loses the guy along with the res! of the audience. Andie Anderson (+cate Hudson) ..__ ____ _, work.!. for JOAN ANDRE fashion maga7Jne "Compo<;ure" as their "I low ro· girl. She wants more literary freedom 10 pick her subjects and i.uggests to her editor, Lana (Bebe Neuwirth), during a ~taff meeting that she Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our Members • Semi-Private for Men & Women • Lots of Equipment/Free Weights • Pilates Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater-Licensed • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers • Child Care Sam-noon M -F • Ample & Convenient Parking • Yoga. Tai Chi, Stretch classes • Step, Power Pump, Cardio • Showers, Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • PermanentMake-Up • Shape-Up Hair Care • Acupuncture/Acupressure Wellness Clinic The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA •Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery• ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls• Ceramics Wood• Laminates . CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30o/o off CALL NOW 642-8400 .~s DESIGN CENTER ''For ~II Your Decorating Needs!'' f ' f FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio furniture • Draperies, Shades, & Bedspreads r NOW PLAYING Charlie Kaufman (Nicolas Cage, left) corners screenwriting guru Robert McKee (Bnan Cox) in Columbia Pictures' unconventional comedy WAdaptation." would like a suhjcct with more substance. With helµ from the rest of the staff, they fa~hion a het that if she can attract a guy and then cause him to dump her wuhin I 0 days {she'll u'>e the bt.'havior her friend u~es to inadvertently drive m en away), Andie can have some latitude with picking her assignment!> and she will accomplish three things: I lave her article for th1' month, display 10 her friend how not to dnve·men away and earn herself a promotion. fhe guy must be at the party tonight so that aJI of them can select him. On the opposite 1cam1 we have Ben (Matthew McConaughey). This ii. Hcn'i. big introduction into thi'> muddle. Ben work.., for an advertising agency who<,e leader (Robert Klem) wtll a'>'>ign a huge diamo nd anounl ba'>ed on the outcome of a het between Ben, a motorcycle-riding, raconteur whose modus operandi 1s a one-night stand. and two beautiful c:o-workers. Speari. and Green (Michael Michele and Sharon i larlow). The bet i'> that Ben mu'>t meet a woman for the first time al tonight'i. party and court her for I 0 day~. and she will f.tll 111 love with him. 11y Sunday, JU day'> from today. Ut.>n \\.Ill 'ohov. up 41 the dramund l'Xtravaga111~ with ht-r on his <trm Possibly. therl' I'> a w"Jy to make th1i. nomemt' amuo;iug. but it prt.''>l'llh 1ht•lf a .. c1 running t'Xdlllple of ha .. 1cally funny viKnl'ltt''> '>0 ou1land1 i.h 1hc1t tlw humor i., in thl' prem1'>e -not the cxecu11on. Some of tht> J>ranh that art• de,igned to dnVl' a man away are not believable Would a guy. at the end or the founh quarter of a champion'>hip basketball game. w11h the .,core dependmg 011 a free throw. go gel lw. g1rlfnend a Coke? I low about when he takes ii back.. it's tlw wrong ._ind and he has to do 11 all over again? Nope, me nellhl'F. llow ahout letting her have a key '>he filc:hed from the manager? Nu? Nol likely. There are a few more equally incredulouc, '>tunts, but they are done deftly and .ue very funny • The 1h1ng 1'-, the"e are talented peoplt• w11h a good '>trong ~upporting ca-;t anc.l they have made a muVJe Lhat demeans their talent and leaves me qut-~t1011111g 1llt'1r ahility to chooi.e a vehicle Or mayhe it's written 1111U lhl'tr contract. Anyway. how bad can ii be with all that bl•auty and 1alt'11t7 • JOAN ANDRE 1s a Newport Beach resident who does a lot or volunteer work ThisWeek@UCI Athletics Feb. 13 Women's Basketball. UU V$ /Jah<1. 7 p.ni., f\r('n Fvenh Center. SJ $5 Feb. 14-16 Baseball. un I'S. An.!mhl. 6 p.rn f-nJ.iy .ind \Jturt.l,1y, I p.m. Sunda\, Antc-.itcr Rallp.1rk S4 $7 Feb. 15 Men's Volleyball. U< I vs. Pep/lerd111e. 7 p.m., Crawford Hall. $3-$5 Presentations Feb. 13 Arts Feb. 14 UCI Music. Vale11trnt's Co"cert. With Men in Blaqut, Joseph Huszti, conductor. 8 p.m., Winifred Smith Hall. $8-$12 Social Sdences International Studies Forum. Changing Trends m U.S. Middle f'Ast Policy. With Jerrold Green, RAND. 3:30 p.m., Social Sciences Plaza A, Room 1100. Free Feb. 15 Arboretum. Prelude to Spri11g: Wintr1 Orchrd Show. I 0 a.m.-3 p.m., Arboretum. $2 Feb. 19 Unlverstty Oub Forum. Athkha Within the Acadtmic Community. With Bob Chiw ter, ruttetor of athletics and campus recreation. 11:30 a.m., Univer ity Club. $7.50 Information: 149.UCl.WEEK (Ml.124.IJJS) www.~Ud.HWdp ~•""Jrtr,. ~,._OM,,,~ """-/tltc...-,...,... lta. ' Dally Pilot ~OC I E I Y THE CROWD Countless hard acts to follow T he bundott'F'\ dam.t.'<l, tJw fuework.'> daaJt.'<.1 <t11d thc Pacific Symphony Orchestra <fupla>t't.I ih forrrudable collt'<'tivc talent under .the baton of Curl ~t. OaJr Nearly J,{)(X) Orangl' ( ou111v resident!> COllH'l)(l'U 1111 lilt' . Oran~c Cow11y.Perfonn111g Arh Center in Cc>'>ta Mt.--sa lit'l \\l('C~ 111 B.W. COOK t.drhr.111· tlw expJ11"1111 of I hi\ rnhl.ir.11' landmark. hr I ht· I •11d, I Ill' impon.uu 'ttiry 1' ahrn11 tht· iwoplt· ~ho i-:r.u t•d the ~pl I l,11111,u t'\l'lll A' till' pn>gr.1111 bt.-gan . ..ome .WO lot JI n·'ll.11·111' itnd patron' ol tht.• < .t·n11•1 paradt.'<.l 01110 tlw nM111,1.1g1·111 ~t:Nrom I I.Lil and t1111l 1lw1r place'> on n.wr. at thl' h.11 k of tlw perfnmlilllt.l' '>p.11 l', <1 \llt11.J choir uf fin am 1,11 'upp1 •rt In tht lro111 rtl\\ tJI 1h" J.:1ld1·tl choir, nwmbt.·r-. 1 ll 1111• 1•i111•11ded fam1l} ')(•1-:er..1 m111 m1h1d111g n-;ing t.ommu111t\ '>IJr ')an dy Segentrom Daniel' .111d ht.·r hu!>b<uHI. John Daniele; t.11 I'd tlw nowd \tatut''lfllt hl1111d Jt>annle l\1oriarty )..'f.11 "tl 1h1 ''·'~~· weanng J '\.tm) Hl'ag.111 rt'<.1-knil 'lllt, prnutlh 10111111g fatJwr Eugene '.1oriart) ml mothl.'r Ruth Ann ~,...trom Morlnrty a l111111cl111g t.111111\ memhn Behind tht-"'~· r..irom l.unih the row.. \H·n:· ltllnl Wllh gencruu' peoplt lmna 1·\ t'I\ \\,1ll ol cnmmunll\ hit '\t•\,pon, 'Upt'r dynamu l\nlen J-1nmson . one of lht• maim plaH'r' b1h111d me mul11m1lho11 ti ill.tr l rt•.1111111 of me I loag I h>'>111tal \\onwri'., Health C enter, 1011wd I Jd11 t ... lt·\ Pat and Alan RyplrukJ I lw glamorou' !>:11 B\ p111"' dt·-.1..,rr1l'r and hn'>ft">'-1•>.tr.111r<lma111•, ha' ~~~~ H1,,J( Va (e11tlne 'r S11eci8/'$ 1/211> HALJBtn fJlllllER 1b.9S SEA SCN..LOPS ~ WT1P STEAi< 1s.9s SCN'PI SllRltl'I> ~ 1P.mP STlAX 1s.9s SEAIW> .. AHi" TIJWA STfAK ~ ... .,,.,,.. ....................... ,.....,.,... 1s.9s 11,. •r St" .... t'"" l'Vr1.,ft1 J t!,1.SO CMRtW1S .MlllUZ ---., ,_. e,i..~o ~~~~ 670 West 17th St., Costa Mesa Live a more t:h • .urcd tht' Candlelight C..onccn for the Center. helrmg to raise ~ven figure !>Um!> with her hu.,b,md. A.I.an, abo known as tJw homn of AnnoraJL ro take adv;111tage ul the "r un" 11pp11nu1111y. they all t.<unc to ll:'t lhe < t•nter '>hllll'. And 11 'un•ly did 1\ JllO!>l impr~1ve hnrup ul 'ipt'.llu•f\, intluding ma1or donor. Jntl < t.'nler leader. Paul FoUno, Roger Kirwan, Jerry Mandel, ~usan Samuell, mu.I He!U)' Segel'!ltrom addn·,-.ed tlw near < <IJ'}.Jl 11v l rowd. filhng till' cm ht'\tra and b.11t ony ll'vl'I-. of "><.-g1·r.,trom I fall. I he 'Jll't-cht.''> \\l'rt• J>llnt I lldtl•d Wllh pqi11r111.111c l'' by lhl' l'<inht ~ymplwny. 1111' nudill' I lenry ~erst.rom '>han'tl pl'r.on.il l;,urnly lu!.tof") 111 ilJU\lr,11t• the '>lgmlit:dlltl' or lhl• ( l'llll'r Ill hi.. Cl\.\<11 lifl' · \, .1 }uung ho; gTCl\\lrlg up 111 \c1111.i t\11,1, 111} mother took my '"'ll'r 11111.h A1111 .ind nw'>l'lf to l'lot. llllfln le-.'-<in' and d.1nce ll ... '>011' ht.· ,,11J \t.•gt·r.,Lrom 1·xpoundt•d on lht.• t•fft·l t ol 1ht• art' on h1.., impn·"11mahlt }t1Ung mmt.I I Ii.. f>t.·r..1111,il 1onnt•t11110 wart and c ultuw ht'< JJ111• a hlcloni.: pur.ull < uln1111,i1111g 111thl'1 n-.1uon. and 1111\\ llll t''l(f>clll\11111 ol tlw C Jr,111g1 < 11u111y l'l'rlurm111g Art'> < e1111·r .111d till' future Ht>lll'C' and I lt·nf"\ '-.t'ger-.trom < UJllt'n I I.Ill 10 ht 111111pll'l1·d IT) ~OOh flll' Ill'\\ h,111 Will ht• llJllWd Ill h1J11or ol '><-'gt'r,1 rom .tnt.I hi'> I.ill' \\ 1lr Rentt, \-.ho al-.o h,1d her 11\\ll furmic.Jahll' Jlld rc,..,on.tl I 111\lll'l IHJn Ill .in J.nt.f 'Ill lt'I\ Int \t·gt·r.1 rom f.im1f\ lwg.111 1tw h111d ra1,111g tor t hi ( l'llll'r l'XJl.111'>11111 IO '()()()\\1th J s.m n111l11m pll-<lge, \\hil Ii ha.' nm' \\llh cornmun11y ... urron. <,urpa-.-.l•tl Llw · I 00 rrnlhnn leH·I \ budg1•1 of '.!Oil m1U1011 h.t.'> bt•en t·,tahJr,lwd 10 fund the cxp<ul\11111. d1·,1gr1t.'<l by Jl'l lute< t Cesar PeUJ with acnu'>ltt .t.I de<.1gn ~ R~sell Johnson. '>c:g1•r.,1rorn-. t·urrenl w1Je. Elizabeth, JOim'Cl hi111 tor the milt.">tone occa":>1on, greeting Orclllgc County rc!>ident~ and fnend!> of me Center wim her own very grat.eful and w·.um r re'ience. 1 $10 million would m. 1<11~. With a $100 don<ltlor1, $20 nulhon, cuu.1 '>() fonh 11w nlfl!>l llllponant il'JX'Ct of Lhl'> l'\ICOI, mi-. \tory, which lhl' columnt!>l boldly rrot laim'> ha-. not rl't.t:ived.thl' prop<•r ink from tJw masMvc followmg of pre'i<'> coverage. L'i that mi.., Pl·r1om1111g Art1> Cen ter and it<. amh1t1ou!> expam1on an.· totally funded b} priV"Jll' dolla"' Nut ont• fll'nny of civtc or gowrnmental '>llppon will uphol5ter onl' t.hair 111 1111, new l 011LCM ha.II It\ not Ull' dam 1ng backhm•-. that pt'rfom1etl ,1 marwlou!> · mrl'<' wn ballet in Llie din of 1lw 'II<' of thl' L'Xpan,1on th.11 tll''>l'l'"\t' t.ov1•rag•-. hciwt>vt•r ffil'<h.1 friendly. h\ the .WO-phi'> found111~ donor-. that 'houltl haw l'dl h of ml· tr namt,., hold I\ printed. as comrn111111y l'Xampll''> of the real Anll'ntan 'Jlifll llw-.t' peoplc albe11 wl'ahhy ind Jhlt to give, .md encournged b\ I J "> 1.1x '>t.rullure. haw '>teppt·d up .111d .,1gned up, lwlpmg 1 l('Jlr\ \('ger.trom ant.I thl· ';t·1~:r.,1rom family\ gift of S.10 n11lho11 lo mort• lh<1n double ( oron.i def \I.tr'> Henry and Susan ~uell .11:.ldetl SI 0 milhon to lhl' lallv am.I h,1\c hl·t·11 10111c•d ll\ otlwr ma1or donor-. l11crl' rema.Jn., .tnotht·r \I 00 million plu., to -.ecurl' lull fundmg ol th1• expan,11111 \hu h 11l 1h1' '>llm \\Ill con11 lrorn m.i111r 1 orroratc ant.I rt·r~o11.1I d1111111' 111 tlm growmg u1mmu1111\ \luth of II \\Ill 1 om1· trom tht• genero"cy of pl'opll• \\he 1 beh1·w in tlw Center and K!H' "hate\er .1mou111 the\ rnn atlrml to gt\1• h may he S50 or SI 00 or pt"rhap' t'\ l'll $1.000 It all matter.. I hl'rt' are '>ome 2-nulhon peoplt.• m Lhl'> wunt\. \\Ith ahcJUt 10'1', 111 tlldt popuJaucm h\lltg m °\:e\' pon ·\It·~. or llXJ.000 r(>)1dt·nl'> 1-t>t\ ple1~ a numher. game If t:\·erwne pledgt•d S50. OK. 11°'> a drt'am. 111 Uw lund;rai'>mg \\orld, thl' l'xpcn'> know 1.hat only a ll'n,1111 1wrtt.•111Jgc 111 1h1· p11p11J,111on gl\l''> Wouldn 1 11 I lt' n.·m.trk..rhle 1f \W gt>I tilt' word 0111 lo llll' .!. milhon re .. 1dt·nh of Orange C .ounty tha1 1hll11npe1uon 111 th1.,. valuoble community t>ro1ec1 \VOUltl makt· <1 dr'>C.·t.·mahlt• c.J1fft'rcnt.t· ncM .md in tht• fat n•.id11ng future for <.1H llllll•.,... re.,1den1:> yuunK-old anti 111 helWl'l'll rhl' ( A.'llll'r alrcddy -.h1m'\ d." J rnllmn~LI beaum nf nongo"crnnwntaJ art-. funding. Wt· r.in llli.l~1· 1111, 111,111u11on .t n.Hional rolt• rnot.lt'I har none Wt• the pt·oplt• Ye .... \\l' lan nl.lke it h.1ppen I ht.•re arc l nllt '· l.h nihtcr., and pundit\ \\ho l''l(Jll'C'>' t ont:em <1hou1 rnmplt•tmg thl' h,tlJ b} <!0()6 nwv do 11111 gra-.p the p<l\'\l'r of th1., t ommunll\ and the p<:oplc who 1·111hcxJ., \\ h,11 uul\ .. 1111 t.'XJ'" ol llw 111d111111tahle i\mt'nran 'Pini llw 1111.''>'><lgt• ,., lo rail) bchu1d Henry and Hvaheth Segerstrom. ~dy and John Danlch Roger and Gail Kirwan, Paul and Oarane k>Uno Mark and Barbara John!>On, (.a.role and H.obert l'Ollman Arden Aam-.on (.rffirge and Julianne Argyros. Jim and Barbara Glaoman. fJalne Redfield , Kent and Carol Wilken ~ar.ha and DareU Ander.on Susan and Henry ~uell. Pat and Carl "kisser <1ntl 1 oun1lt·" •itlwr-. v.ho dttu1dt·t.l 1ht· ~roundhrt•alin~ .md ,lfe gt·ltlng tht• word 11111 ahout J \ erv -.pt'nal 111urne\ 1 li.11 \\111 hegm 111 ..!OOft \\llh hrt•\\IJrl' 10 1lm.tn J.11 fin•\\tJl"k...., Io gl't uwolwd. ple.1.,.,. cuntall till' < t•nter ;.11 -; I .t 1 j5h .\RT\, or \hit the \\'eh "'t.' di "11•u•1 x.-,xu org • THE CROWD runs Thursc:tay!. dnd Sa1..irdays r-------------------------, I N EL'50N & A S OClATES 1 1 l er our former IR revenue agenr \\ith a ~Lbtt'.!'> in I I Taxauon prepare your income cax return. It \\Cl I prepare vour tax return bv Februarv 28, 2003 our 1 t.fee~ill~0educed0°~C~l JJ 4-6J4-738 ~~ Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT \Vol1d Class Colonst MlllJ .IUQ Is Ottering 112 CHiii lllGHLIGH" • HARDWOOO •LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC 111.E • WNYl. R.OORJNG •t'!f,~!,,~ f.fuifrMi.J SOLAIUAN at4" SOUO EXOTIC DUPONT AL6PO!S ·- HARDWOOD STAINMASTE s449 ~ s141 from ~· -111• Tl'Mtile 18" x 1s· .............................................. ~ ....... '4.11.t ~ T'ie ....................................................... ~--u .. . l.Mlirlate Y«>c>ct ................................ -••••••••••••••• i'..a.d .. u .. l 949.295.2546 Alan Boeckman of Fluor Corporation and his wife with Darane and Paul F Fohno. Center board chairman Gail Kirwan. Whitney Mandel ana Susan Samuell Mary Muth. seated with R1c.k and Nancy Muth Sandi and John Daniels Februar_y 1s Heart Health Month Did :JOLI knO'.\ that 'K)% of ~ople who suf'.fer a Heari A~ck ha .. M nonnal biood cholesterol le\ els~ Nobody does it better ... better than ... JOHN BLOESER CARPET ONE ;,,ff 18 7.:. l ,. AlO Thunday, February 13, 2003 DATEBOOK Dally Piiot DINING REVIEW . Gustaf Anders a good introduction to Swedish cuisine \ ~ . By Steph~ Sant1croce ' FYI S wed.ish food doesn't appear near the top of most lists of famous international cuisines. For maqy, exposure to Swedish cooking Is limited to the Swedish Olef on "The Muppet Show.~ • • . Most of us have at least used the term smorgasbord, if not actually eaten at one. Gustaf Anders in South Coast Village has been serving an elegant, continental menu featuring Swedtsh cooking for more than 10 years 10 dL'iCrlminating diners. The restaurant is consjstently at the top of mosl lists of the area's best. so I was curious to see what aJJ the fuss was about Gustaf Anders is the coUaboration of proprietor WtlJjam Gustaf Magnuson and chef Ulf Anders Strandberg. The restaurant is on the backside of South Coast Village and is easily recognized by ib bright yellow awning. Inside, the w.1aurant pays homage to its 1980s origins. The ceilings feature exposed ducting and pipes, all of wruch are pamted blade. as are the ceilings themMilves, creating an art-deco imluwiaJ look. Furnishings are elegant. but understated to the point of being <,lark. Despite, or perhaps becau!>c of the rnol '>Urroundings, tl1e staff at Gustaf Anders i!> warm and friendly. eager to de~ribe menu items or offer selectioru> on personal favorites. rhe first thing diners will enjoy after taking care of the requisite cocktail order.. 1'> a basket of fresh-baked breads and roll<; made on prerni&es daily. fhe assonmenl varies. but usually includes den!>e, chewy rolls studded with bits of onion, a sweet. thinly sliced rye bread and !.Orne of Sweden's trademark Oat breads. If the quality of the bread is any indu.:ation of the overall restaurani (and I believe it is), then most dineN. will quickly realize that they're in for a treat. 5candinavian countries are known for pickled and cured fish. Gustaf Anders · offers a tantalizing selection as appetizers. including their famous graved lax ($1 1). Graved lax is salmon that's been wet-cured (usuaUyin aquavit, a caraway-flavored vodka) as opposed to !>moked and then served chilled and sliced thinly. At Gustaf Anders, it's ' • ... · .. • KENT TREPlOW /DAILY PILOT This wild nee pancake with golden caviar and smoked salmon 1s one of the appetizers on the menu at Gustaf Anders . served with a sweet mustard diJJ sauce that is the perfect foil for the nch, silky fish. Gustaf Anders make. a point of noting that caviar is always av--ctHable at market pricei. and, lo my surprise, serves one of the best steak tartare ($I 8) in the area. Steak tanare may not be as popular is it once was, given modem-day concerns about raw meat. but it's a true treat when done right. Here, a mound of the fre.h~t chopped sirloin is centered on a chilled plate, surrounded by trnditionaJ cold garnishes such a'\ capers and chopped onion, and topped with a raw egg yolk. Served alongside are mustard and hot sauce. The idea is to mix some or aJJ of this togetl1er, and scoop II up along with some of the great bread~. N, I <>aid, it may not be for everyone. but for connoi<,seurs, 11'i. a rare treat (pun intended). Another dish that's not for all ta.\le<i I!> the parsley salad ($9), the result of a shipment qf parsley havtng been delivered tn the restaurant by accident, in<;tead of the much-used dill. Instead of di:,po)ing of the excess herb. chef Ander. created a salad wilh a handful of chopped pan.ley mixed with i.un-dned tomatoes. garlic and cheese in a ba.!111 vinaigrette. fhe d1<;h has a rr~h. paJette-clean~ing effect, but some will find the parsley overpowering. Salmon is a !>peciaJty of the re<.laurant, and the entree selection'> feature the fi sh in traditional d1!>hes surh a!> ~lmon fricassee ($20), mo1!'>t chunk.'> of poached salmon m ixed with a crt•arny dill <ww ce and a tender bay !>hrimp Poached ...almon is also offered a.'> a cold entree ($18). served with creme fraiche and golden caviar. Moi.t of the traditional dishes sport names I couldn't begrn to pronounce, but although they may sound foreboding. they boast incredible Oavor. One selection I enjoyed Wa.!> chwu.s of beef tenderloin i.auteed in a <,lew with loL'> ol red onions and accomparued by small. creamy roasted potatoes. I w.u. I~ unpressed with the gnlled arcuc char ($24). Olar 1.:, a mtld-Oavored, cold-water fish. h was ~erved with a tomato cucumber salad and cllrui. vinail(J'elle. Ille fish was cooked perfectly. with a cmpy skin and moist Oesh, but the sauce had too much vint>gar and simply overpowered the mild fish. ·me menu also features well-prepared non Swedil.h cfuhes, such as of rib-eye •WHAT: Gustaf Anders •WHERE: 3851 S. Bear St., Santa Ana (in South Coast VIiiage) • WHEN: Lunch from 11 :30 a.m. to.2 p.m. Tuesday through Sa1urday, and dinner from 6:30 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday ' , • • HOW MUCH: Moderately expensive •PHONE: (714) 668-1737 steak. filet mjgnon or pork chop ($20) served with either a beamai.se. garlic or stiltor\ sauce. CuJi$>.usly. the restaurant offers a 25% discount on any red wine that cosrs more than $20 with one of these choices. Speaking of wines. Gustaf Anders offers an impressive selection of wines from around the world at respectable mark-ups. I W'clS particularly pleased to see a section of the list dedicated to wines under $20. I wish more restaurclflts would do the same. Although it'i. easy to fill up on the great breads and wonderful main cfuhe.. at Gustaf Anders. it's wise to th.ink ahead and save room for one of the great dessert~ Confections such as puff rastry filled with bananas and whipped cream and covered with caramel sauce ($91 or a sinfully light chocolate mousse ($II) are the perfect finish to a meal. as is a slice of the LraditionaJ princess calce ($9) -layers of moist angel calce filled with jam and topped with a pale green layer of manjpan Ca kind of almond paste). rd be remiss If I wrote an article without mentiorung the smorgasbord that the restaurant offers during the Ouistmas season, fast.er. Mother's Day and Father'<; Day. fhis symptuous buffet features hot and cold lr'ctditionaJ dishei.. l::veryone should lry it at least once. Although I haven't frequented Gustaf Anders, I understand the accolades heaped upon th1o; establishment Magnuson and Strandberg offer diner. an elegant expenence featuring excellent l>CIVlCe and wonderful ~wedi.'>h cwsme at reasonable pnces. The setung may be all!>tere, but the overall expenence make'> me want to visit often. • STEPHEN SANTACAOCE'S restaurant reviews appear every other Thursday Send hrm your comments at sdsanra a ex: dining com AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTE.R HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4268. A complete list rs available at www.dailypilot.com. Cunliffe Trio, Mary Stallings and the Houston Person Quartet. The hotel is at 900 Newport Center Drive. Information: (949) 759-5003. onlme al www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Room, 3100 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. JAZ1.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant m Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidc Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rodt, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will tunes for dmmg and dancing. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP·ROCK ANO Fl.AMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rock and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m . Saturdays at Carmelo's R1storante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. MUSIC NEWPORT BEACH JAZZ. PARTY The third annual Newport Beach Jazz Party will be held at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel Friday through Sunday. The festival will feature the Bill GRAMMY-NOMINATED JAZ1. TRUMPTER IN CpNCERT Grammy-nominated jazz trumpeter Terence Blanchard will be m concert at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Founders Hall on Feb. 28 and March 1 with performances at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Tidcets are S52 for the early shows. S48 for the 9:30 p.m. performances and are available at the Center Box Office. Now Serving Sandwiches! • Custom MIUk. • Fresh SunFlour Bread • Boar's Head Meat & Cheese Rcdttm This Coupon For $1 Off Any Sandwich. Musi Prcscm Coupon A1 lilll( O( Purc:lwc Hurry! Rcdcrm By 2127J03 ,'-I l-111\IJ{lll (11\l\\lt'\ 1J1'l(1!11l11!1 .I I -1111 • 1.1111 "\ "' .1•11 • 1 llJ\ill\I '\Ill\\ MmtiMt "'"AJ N!Wttiw11 J 0% tlisanltU ••wcw• WESLA WHITFIELD Wesla Whitfield will perform at Founders Hall Feb. 18 to 22 at 7:30 p.m. Tidcets are $49. 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2122. VIENNESE DELIGHT Cafe Ludwig's host p1an1st, Christopher O'Riley, will take the audience on a musical tour of the cobblestone streets of Vienna. The show will take place Feb. 23 at 2 p.m. in Founders Hall at 600 Town Center Drive. Tidcets are $45, (71 4) 556-2122. MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Mark Davidson Trio, with Ron Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760 MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers five .00 % Yield On Principal of Your 12MoCD FDIC INSUR ED IN'>l RI I> DI PO'il I'> (949) 588 -571 1 -Accurate' as of 02/0'i/2003 Penalt) for I Jrtv Withdraw Bank Fees May· Reduce Earning.\ Noc Offer To Sell -..-~unties SI0,000 um1t 2.65% Annual Perc~ntage Yield on Ban~\ FDIC ln~ured New CD Plu' Fidelity Cash Payment Al lnccp11on Annu1t1.-al'>l1 orfcrcd -Fidelity and FEP. Family &1a1e ln~urnncc Scrv1cci. [L1c•UC5041JI Nol Membcn of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. , {perform classic rode, swing and R&B at 8:30 p .m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 lido Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m . Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. lo 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. WEEKEND BLUES Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents The Balboa Blues on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons. The program features jazz and classic rock SATURDAY NIGHT Ra.B Gerald Ishibashi end the Stone Bridge Band play rock and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 'AN EVENING Of IONESCO' Orange Coast College's Repertory company will feature several short plays by one of the theater's most famous absurdist See HOURS, Paa• ,11 ~OUl~ku ........ ~ .?eminJne .@J{yles for aJI ~apes &:.e(zes of BEAUTIFUL WOMEN FLAX S'E•H9flE s•\..Vc!>re R French Dressing JeanWJear Gifti 6 A«usoria 369 E. 17th St 121, Costa~ (949) 642-5459 MO\''l VOi.JR ¥111 TU 'iOMIDSF 'Wt"IU KJll(ll' WH~ 'rl'..'ll. RF CHANGING JOBS. M~kt anoGa man llM rib& ,.,. T: io 111t al:wllll ~ 1'JU1 ilOl(k) fuwa J"lllf 'pmlO'll mll*!J'fJ ~ Uuo I Sult fvrn' rl1diuoml IRA '11xn JW ~ IQbt. CaD 111t today WE LI VE WHERE YOU LIVE"'. DatlY Piiot HOURS Continued from A 1 O playwrights, Eugene Ionesco. The _production runs Saturdays and Sundays through Feb. 23 in the Orama Lab Studio. Curtain la at e p.m . Saturdays and et 2 and 7 p.m . Sundays. Tldtets are S6 or $7. For informstion or tidtets, call (714) 432-5640, ext. 1. Orenge Coast College is at 2701 Fairview Road. Costa Mesa. 'TWO GENTlEMEN Of VERONA' William Shakespeare's "Two GenUemen of Verona· will be performed at the South Coast Repertory on the Segerstrom S.tage from Feb. 2~ through March 30. Preview tickets start'at $19. For tickets, (714) 708-5555 or visit www.scr.org. 'PROOF' "Proof; the Tony Award-wmrnng play by David Aubum, will play at Segerstrom Stage. South Coast Repertory, 650 Town Center Dnve, Costa Mesa through Sunday. It tells the story of a young woman who looks to discover how much genius and insanity she has inherited from her brilliant father Performances will !!;le at 8 p.m . through Friday, et 2:30 and 8 p.m . Saturday, and et 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday Previews $19 to $44, regular run $27 to $54. (7141 708-5555 um.£ SHOP OF HORRORS' The Sage Hill High Sctiool Theatre Department will offer "l.Jttle Shop of Horrors" through Sunday. The play, directed by Jay Louden, will be perfermed at 2 p.m Sunday. Tickets are SS. 3443 Pacific View Dnve, (949) 219 0900 'FlDDLER ON THE ROOF' Vanguard Urnverslty will present its third main stage production of "Fiddler on the Root.• The play will open F-eb. 20 and run through Feb 23. and a second leg will run Feb. 27 to March 2. It will play at the school's Lyceum Theater. 55 Fair Dnve m Costa Mesa Information: (714) 668-0145 PULITZER-WINNING NOVELIST MICHAEL CHABON'S PLAY Pulitzer Prize-wmrnng novelist Michael Chabon's play "The Amazing Adventures of Kavaher and Clay sill be presented on Monday, March 3, at 8 p.m. at the Irvine Barday Theatre Tickets are $35 and $29 For tickets. go to the ucket bo)C office, or call (949) 854-4640. '\..AMMIE PROJECT Orange Coast College is staging Moises Kaufman's "Laramie Pro1ect" Maren 19 through Maren 23 1n the Drama Lab Theatre rtck.ets are $12 and S8 and arr sold at the door and by calling (714) 432-5880 Orange Coast College is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. STUDENT DIRECTED ONE-PERSON PLAYS "Solo Voices; a festival of student-directed one-person plays, will be staged March 1 and 2, at 8 p.m . Saturday and at 2 and 7 p .m . on Sunday Tickets are S6 and $7 and can be purchased at the door or by calling (714) 432-5725. Orange Coast College at 2701 FaiMew Road. Costa Mesa. ART 'ZJNE SCENE' "Zme Scene; an e)Ch1bit of zmes organized by the Crenbrook Art Museum, will be on display through Apnl 27 at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellite Gallery, SoU1h Coast Plaza. 3333 Bristol St, Costa M esa. lines are publications -like magazines - created by individuals or small groups. Museum hours are 10 a.m . to 9 p.m. M onday through Friday. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m . Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m . Sunday. Free. (949) 759-1122. JANEHtll "Local Scenes.~ art by Jane Hill, will be on display at the Newport Beach Public Library through Feb. 28. The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Bead'!. Free. (949) 717-3801. 'IN ntE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER' An exhibit of woru by M ichael Perez end Kirsten Prosser will be on display at Bayside Gallery Restaurant, 900 Bayside Drive, Newport Beacti. through Mard'I 1. (949) 851·918. www.studiOQallery.Mt MAYO PHOTOGRAPHS Worb by falMd Mexican photographer Manuel Alvarez Bravo will be on display through Feb. 18 at the Orange Countv MUMUm or Art. 860 San a.m.nte Drive, Newpoft Beech. The worb will be ahoWn conc:unentty with "The Spirit of Mexlco:an exhlbit•Mploring Me.lco through the evet of • modem photogrtphert lncludfng • ~ Cartief'8...aaon 9fld Edwltd :w.ton. Mueeum hourt a,. 11 •a.m. to 6 p.m. lUMdlry ctwOUQh •~.S6fotlldutts.Mfot ~end tNdlnel, and"-tot m.mbef'I end d.lldw•• younger "'-" , ... (..,.,..,,22.. MARJETICA PORTC An installation by Slovenian artist · Marjetlca Porte will be on display through M arch 2 at the Orange County Museum of Art, 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beacti. Porte's work deals with issuea of shelter, poverty and displacement Museum hours are 11 a.m . to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. SS for adults, $4 for seniors and students, and free for members and children younger than 16. (949) 759-1122. TliE DEAN A. SMmt: NOCTURNE EXHIBIT Dean A Smith, an Orange Coast ~ollege jewelry-making instructor, will have an exhibit at the College of Fine Arts West Gallery at Cal State Fullerton through Feb. 20. The Dean A. Smith: Noctume exhibit is of blomorphlc steel sculptures. For information, call (714) 432·5725. DANCE ALVIN AILEY DANCE THEATER One of ~menca's most celebrated dance companies, the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater, will perform at Segerstrom Hall Tuesday through ~b. 16 Performances will be given at 8 p.m. each day, ansj special matmee showings will be given at 2 p.m. Feb 15 and 16. Tickets range from $20 to $65. 600 Town Center Onve. (714) 556- 2122 PACO PENA'S FLAMENCO DANCE COMPANY Flamenco gu1tanst Paco Pena and his dance company will perform at Orange Coast College on Saturday, Feb. 22, at 8 p m. Tickets are S35 and $39 at the door. They are on sale at the college's ticket office or online at www occtldcets.com For 1nformat1on. call (714) 432-5880 or (888) 622-5376. Orange Coast College 1s at 2701 Fairview Road. Costa M esa SWING Lessons every Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m at Avant Garde Ballroom m Newport Beach with the Orange County Swmg Dance Club. All ages are welcome and no partners are needed. For more information, v1s1t ocswmg.com or call (909) 65&-6119 ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancmg is offered from 8 pm to 12·30 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McChntock Way, Costa Mesa (714) 641 8688. KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are invited to participate in songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p m. Mondays at the Costa Mesa Library. 1855 Park Ave. (949) 646-8845 P JS AND BOOKS A children's story time 1s presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central Library. 1000 Avocado Ave Children may wear pa1amas 10 the evening sessions Free. (949) 717-3801 WEEKLY STORYTELLER A children's story time 1s held at 10:45 a m Wednesdays at Bames & Noble Booksellers al Metro Pointe. 901 -B South Coast Drive. Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A children's story time 1s held at 10 a.m . Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music et South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. BOOKS BARBARA WOOO lntematlonal best-selling author Barbara Wood will discuss and sign her latest novel, "The Blessing Stone," at 2 p.m . Feb. 23 at Borders Books, Music and Caf6 at South Coast Plaza. Wood has written 18 novels covering different periods of history. Borders is at 333 Bear St. DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newpor1 Bead\. $1()..$16. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Parican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a.m . to 3:30 p.m. averv Sunday et 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newpon Bea<n. $8-$16. (949) 642-343t 1WIUGHT DIMG A twilight dining rMnU, featuring dlahea IUCh .. ~ parmigiana and catamari pk:anta at reduoed Pficee, la of'f9ttd from 6 to 8 p.m. wMkOeya end from A to 6 p.m. Sundlyt tit VMla Nova AeltauAtlt. 3131 w. Cont ~. Newpoc1 &Md\. (MS) 6'2·7880. WMlUTINGS ... Time~ Celen offert wine tllldnGI from 4;30 to I p.m.. rttdlYl Ind from 1 :30 ID I p.m. DATEUOOK Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH ATRtUM MARQUIS A variety of live music ls A Sunday brunch featunng presented dally at the Atrium's International seafood and sa.lad Alrporter Club, 18700 MacArthur buffets, roasts carved to order Blvd .. Irvine. 1949) B33-2no. and breakfast favorite• is held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at BISTRO 201 Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 Jazz is played at 8 p.m. Fridays ' M acArthur Blvd .• Newport Beach. and Saturdays and at 11 a.m . $30; $40 with champagne. (949) Sundays at Bistro 201, 3333 W. 476-2001. Coast Highway, Newport Beach (949) 631-1551. . CLUBS DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE AJJACOFFEE Instrumental music 1s performed Musical acts perform llt 8:30 p.m . after 9 p.m. Thursdays, and pop Thursdays through Saturdays at and rock is presented after 9 p.m . Alta Coffee House. 506 31st St., Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din Newport Beach. (949) 675--0233. at the Bamboo Terrace. 1n3 A11 Anvru1u1 l:U111ily Hun Hus1n. i Momma John wto bebmg to the world's largest flooring retail group -co-op. wt-a" the biggest flooring deakrs individually owned and operated. 4,000 STORE BUYING POWER NOBODY anywhere can beat our selection You 're paying too much if you're not buying.from us. .Jennifer rLJL llit1J~1 Lifetime 1~ Warranty I~ Carpet ; ~ [!] ffJ IFL.filJClJc.!.J[Lfc] (!, Lifetime Warranty Laminate ~ $29 , ~ ill f:!JlJJ"fl~rllo ----~~ Thorsday, Feb<uary 13 ?OOJ Al 1 • Newport Blvd , Costa Mesa. (949) (949) 640-8844 645-5550. ----:/ OURTY NELLY'S Uve music Is performed Live music is performed at 9 p.m . Thursday• through Saturday~ at Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, the Harp Inn, 130 E 17th St. 2915 Red Hill Ave., Co111 Mesa Costa Mesa 1949) 64&-8855 (714) 957-1951 HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live music 11 performed Uve music 11 performed Wednesdays through Saturdays Mondays through Saturdays at at Bermichael's, 3950 Campus the Four Seesons Hotel, 690 Dnve, Newport Beach 19491 Newport Center Drive, Newport 261-6270. Beach (949) 759-0808 UDO CIGAR ROOM HARD ROCK CAFE En1oy a smoke with your drink at Live music is performed Sundays Lldo Cigar Room, 3441 Via Lrdo, at Hard Rock Cat&. 451 Newport Suite D. Newport Beach (949l Center Drive, Newport Beach. 723-0595. Gus Lif~time Warranty Ceramic Brend a Lifetime Warranty Wood 0% No Quest·.ons Asked 60 day exchange. If you don't /ilte it, wt will re-plaa 1t FUU. SERVICE Counter Tops •Showers • Ceramic • Granite • Wood Wax - ONE STOP SHOP Refinish • Cleaning Carpet & Upholstery • Painting-Interior & Exte rior 405 Costa M sa (949)650-7676 124 E. 17th Irvine (949)838-0141 17777 Main "B" MON-FRl 9-S TUES-SAT IO-S SATURDAYS I. SUNDAYS 10-4 WEDNESDAY UNTll l :OOr M CLOSED SUNDAYS I. MONDAYS E~E N INGS BY APPOINTMENT lnstallatlon .JVllllaOle and minimum SQU¥e toouge appl!M -r• .. .. Mam St E i a: A12· Thursday, February 13, 2003 A fun time is had by all in La Paz, Mexico. From left to right: To~ , and Sue Sparrow, Mike.and Nancy Sawyer, Ray anct Lynn Gosslm, Dave and Minne Ballard of Newport Beach, Doug and Karen Harrington of Newport Beach, Larry Ballard of Newport Beach, Terry Hansen of Newport Beac.h, Kirk and Cathy Buttermore of Newport Beach, Ed and Anne Hirschman of Newport Beach, and Veronica and Peter Sparrow of La Paz. Mary, Michael, Daniel and Sarah Moyer of Newport Beach on the beach in Huatulco, Mexico during Christmas. Pll.BSBNTS ' 5])~··· · 'Oles ~ Enter to WIN l!ne of . 5 prize packages! CEl.KBRATE~ DAY ANmME! \'¥Ila )'O• Kater to Win one of oar Fun . Mesa Yade. Center Date Packages. Name:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Address: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~and .,It at any Mesa Verde C.mM store or m.11eo650Town Cenw Dr;. Sum. 930 •Costa Mesa. CA 92616 . No ....... ~ • fMr* ltllllt IM,....... liy...,,..,. ,._,, ZW, 100) ON VACATION Daily Pilot I Veronique' and Jim Jorg~nsen from Newport Beach ceiebrate their· Dec. 30 anniversary on the Point Neut in PaFis after spending the Christmas holidays with relatives. From left, Newport Beach residents Rich Ruffalo, Jim Sutter, Lynne Sutter, Judy Friedman, Wally Friedman, Joan Jackson, Susan Ruffalo and Buzz Jackson travel to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, calling themselves the MSeabourn Sailors." Newlyweds Pat and Faye Wallace with Tom, Nina and Carolyn Smith, all from Newport Beach, at Kapalua Bay, Maul. Doug and Lori Showalter of Balboa Island visit friends on sat ari m Africa. David and James "Walkie" Ray of Corona del Mar visit Peru . The Manclarks of Balboa Island sail the beautiful islands of the Kingdom of Tonga . Acapulco exican Restauraa Costa Mesa eral Credit Uni Executive Style • Cleanen Fast Frame Gina's Pizza & Pastaria Juice It Up! KB Toys Pick Up Stix Pure Beauty TIFFANY & CO. •CARTIER • Ml KIMOTO VAN CLEEF & ARPELS •DAVID YURMAN BVLGARI •FRED PARIS• BACCARAT• LALIQUE CHANEL FINE JEWELRY • CHOPARD BLACK, STARR & FROST• TOURNEAU BAILEY BANKS & BIDDLE• BEN BRIDGE JEWELER NAT HAN A~AN JEWELERS Quality is \ SAN DIEGO FWY (405) AT BRISTOL ST. 800. 782 .8888 WWW.SOUTHCOASTPLAZA.COM -I ------~---------------~~~~--~----~._.~._.--~ ...... --.--_.. __ _... ______ ._.. __________ ,... .. ' ~ QUOTE OF THE DAY "To stay within striking distance of the league champioits, without those bodies, was ju.st a gutsy performace by our kids." Larry ..... Newport Harbor boys basketbal coach , EYE OPENER DailyJJPikx ~Halo/fame rw 11.,.......,._.. febrUMY 17 honcwee JOHANN APPEU Dalf'i Piiot Sports Editor Roger Carlson • (9491574-4223 • Sports Fax: 1949) 650-0170 Thursday. F~uary 13. 2003 81 . . , HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SOCCER Sea Kings slide into PCL title Corona del Mar High's. boys soccer team takes a celebratory dive in the. mud after def eating Northwood on Wednesday, a late goal by Chris Rmgstrom the decider in a 2-1 victory. The decision gives the Sea Kings a share of the Pacific Coast League championship, the first crown for the boys program since 1994. KENT TR£PTOW I DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Sailors watch it fade away Short-handed Tars can't hang on after building 13 -point third-quarter lead in Sea Vi ew showdown. •• two-handed slam dunJc by 6-10 Woodbridge Junior David Burgess awakened the singular force that swept a rt'pea1 Litle from the Sailors. Burgess, 2 of 12 from the field before the dunk, with 3: 12 left in the third quar- Barry Faulkner Dally Pilot Woodbridge 59 1er, scored 26 of has team's Newport 54 finaJ 32 points. He finished with 31 points, 13 re- NEWPORT BEACI I -Most would agree that the turning point in the Sea View League boys basketball ti- tle showdown Wednesday between host Newport Harbor High and Wood- b ridge came when 6-foot-9 Sailor cen- ter Nedim Pajevic fouled out with 4:22 left. But that surely wouldn't be he whole story behind the Warriors' 59·54 tri- umph, a victory worthy of a champion- . ship team (21-5, 9-1 in league), ranked No. 6 in Orange County and No. 5 in CIF Southern Section Divisio n II-AA. bounds and four blocked shots. He hit 9 of his finaJ 10 field-goaJ tries, nened 8 of his las1 9 free throws and finish ed with 20 fourth-quarter points to rescue the visitors, after New- port opened .a 37-24 advantage with 4:24 left in lhe third period. "Considering the magnitude of the situation, Lh.i.s was David's best game," said Woodbridge Coach John HaJagan. who was anxious to afford as much praise to the second-place Tars (16-9, 8 -2) as his Goliath post man. "Obviously. the turning point came Ringstrom 's goal in final minute gives CdM 2-1 vi ctory and a share of the Pacific Coast League title. Steve Vir&en OaJly Pilot IRVI NF -One soccer game, played in rain, wind and mud, decided the title of outnght champion or co·champions. One shot, m the fi nal rrunute. deter rruned the Pacific SCOREBOARD Coast League's fate Corona del Mar High junior Olm Ringstrom scored an un~isted goal in the final minute to lead the Sea . Kings' boy<\ <,occer CdM 2 team to a 2 1 Nonhwood 1 come-from ·behmd. victory over host Northwood \\edn~da) Cd."1 116-5-2. 9 l·O m league! shares the PCL champaonshlp with Northwood after dealing the Tunberwolves their See COM, Pae• 83 PREPS Eagles pushing uphill Fertig's attempt to reverse Estancia footba ll fort unes has at least one skeptic. C raig Fertig says he is aware of the enormity of the challenge to return the f.sLanCla High foorbaJJ program to respectability. Jay Noonan, 1-18 in his rwo seasons, said the same thing. as did one infamous Eagle baseball coach, not long before he coached one game and quit Dave Holland. arguably as respected u any football coach in BARRY FAULKNER Because, even before Pajevic picked up h1s final three fouls within a span of 3: 11 in the flnaJ period, a thunderous when Pajevic (who finished with 16 S£AN Hll.LER I DM.Y Pl.OT Newport-Mesa history. who won rwo CIF Southern Section titles m 20 seasons a1 the helm of Corona del Mar High. has pushed the Laguna Beach football boulder uphill for years. but · See TARS. P~e• 82 Newport's Chase Cameron ( 10) is fouled by Woodbndge's Michael Moeller (43). See PREPS, Pac• B4 COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL Anteaters challe~ge Utah State tonight UCl's quest for Big West title becomes more daunting With two-game road trip that starts with the Aggies tonight at 5:35. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot LOGAN, Utah -The time has come again for UC lrvlne. It'• ~ for the UCI men1 basketball team to re- ceive another chal- lenge. It's time for the Anteate.ra to play at Utah State. UCI, which overcame a th.ree~game loslng ltreU with two •tralgbt wins lut week. wW face Blg Wat Coofermce ri- val Utah State tonight at 5:35 at the Smith Spectrum. The Anteaten (13* 7, 1..f In the JMa Welt) In OM ~ be· hind the~ (17-5, 8·3), Who ....... • ~ ,. • • TV: FOX SPORTS WEST 2 • RADIO: KUC1 88.9 FM tie for first place In tht"'Big West with ' UC Santa Barbara. UCI Coach Pat Dougl.ass said his squad gaJ.rted momentum and confl- dence in earning two home victories last week over UC Riverside and Cal State Fullerton. "I thought our kids rallied together, more so than any time of the year.· Douglass said. "They played with better effon. It'i a 1tep in the right direcdon and that's what you want to have u we get closer to the league tournament." The Anteaten' 72·52 victory over Pullenon WU arguably UCl'I beat played game in tennt or offe~ and defenee. ua eenlor Mike Hood acored a tNaOn-bJcb 21 point.a on bis way to Big \\fett Player Of the ~k honOl'I. UCl'a defenle held Fullerton to 16 point.I ln the ftnt half' and the Ant· eeten abot ~ (15 of 22) ln the teeond ... ua.,...u DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Zack Novak Though Estancia energizer is a defensive demon, his scoring has aJso helped spur team's success. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot 82 Thursday, February 13, 2003 SPORTS Dally Piiot HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO Sailors caught in another storm ! Hayes and Dominic lead the way with three goaJs each as Foothill claims Sea View League champion~hip, 10.-4. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot TUSTIN -It aJI happened so fa'>I. Before the Newport Harbor I hgh girlc;' water polo team could get back to derend, a Foot- hill player, usually USC-bound Brittany I layes, had already swam the length of the pool to WATER POLO CdM bounces Tesoro, 15-2 UCI loses twice on the collegiate level. Corona del Mar lligh's ~ wa· ter rol11 team breezed to its founh '>t.r.ught Pacific Coa.'>t League vic- tory Wednesday, c;helling visiting le-.t1ro, 15 2. behind a balanced at1<1ck and '>Uffocaling defense. Kaue Kubas. who MX>red three fourth-quarter goals, led CdM < 19·5 overall) with three goals. Hri11ney Howlus, Jordan Anae and Katy<1 Eadinf,'lon each had two goab for CdM. which u.~ <;uch first-liner..~ Ouistina Hew- ko. Daruelle Carlson and Daniela DiGiacomo sparingty. Arny Stmck. with live goals, led tht• JV., in an I ll-4 victory. <l1cl..ea Lyman and Alyssa fulH.~ each had three goals in the IO· I fro.,h·'>Oph victory. Pacific Coast l..Ncue C<M 15, Tesoro 2 receive a pass and score a goal. tional team and headed to Foothill scored six of its IO UCLA, maintained ber litellar goals on the counterattack in a play against the Tars (21-5) with I 0-4 victory at Tustin High seven saves, four steals and two Wednesday in a steady rain. The assists -to Hayes and Kaitlin victory is Foothill's fourth in as Prijatel -In a ·three-goal fourth many tries this season against period. Harbor, which secured the "She is the best goalie out ·school's first Sea View League there' and malces incredible championship in its inaugural passes," JI ayes said of Feher. campaigA in the league. The Knights connected on ·3 "We were pumped up about of 6 on the man-advantage this game and wanted to show while the Sailors had no advan- everyone we could do it," said tage at all on four opportunities. Hayes. who finished with three · . "We sa1 there and didn't reacr goals, two steals and two assists. to any1hing." said the Tars' Anne "Everyone was ready to play to-Belden, who had a team-leading day and that's what it comes two goals with two steals. "They down to." countered a lot and we weren'1 Foothill goalkeeper Emily ready for It." Feher, a member of the U.S. na-The Sailors tied the Knights, J J -1, early on as Jerlha Murphy score on a four-meter penalty shot after Paige Lan- sing drew an ejecllon. it, 6-4. ter between events, the Sailor!. (20-5) and the undefeated Knights (26·0) could face each other in the CIF Southern Sec tion Division I Onals at Bel mont Plaza. A Belden goal with 5:06 left in the half was Newport's neX1 score to tie ii at 2-2, but Foothill answered with four straight goals. Newport 4 But with 38 sec- onds to go in the third period, Wight drew her third pen- alty leading to an ejection for the rest of the game. Hayes took advantage, swimming the length of the pool and putting a spin move "I think we'll be ready 10 counterattack and se1 up a lot more Belden said. "We need to work on the counterattack and · apply more pressure to them." Foothill ·10 The Knights entered the third quarter with a four-goal buJge, but Newport Harbor did not wilt. Carolyn Conway took a pass from Annie Wight in set and cored New- port's third goal, and J :02 later, Belden struck from two meters on a pass from Murphy to make on a defender to score Foothill's sev enth goal. Newport couldn't cut into the lead in the fourth pe· riod. Jessica Ball. added an al.>sist and goalkeeper Terin Cottam made four saves. While there is still a lot of wa- Foothlll 10, Newport Score by Ouarten Newport 1 I 2 o foothill • 1 I l Newport-Belden 2. Conway 1 Murphy 1 Savn -Cottam, 4 • IO Foothill Hayes 3. Domenic 3, Pr11atel 2, Reynolds 1, Kraus 1 Save~ Feher, 7 Redaelh, 1 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL ·All Saints' Day at Costa Mesa Santa Ana shatters Mustangs' playoff hopes, 55-52. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot tOSl A M l:SA - The high '>Cho<11 boy'> bai.lcetball -;ea'>on SantaAna 55 Mesa 52 thic, Wlll for thl:' '>l'll tors to try to .:l:'t 111 the playoffl>, hut 11.1· couldn't qu11 e ~l't 11 dont'" In <,CcontJ h.ill glimp.,es. 11 loolct'd ,1, if Me'>a mtght pull out tht' win I ht Mu ... tanK' led by lour at haJfttme and w1·ri· up. \6-32, With I Ill left in the thmJ qu.ir lt.'r, following onc ol Danny Krikorian\ four thre1· pointer ... rtwn, the Saints went on an 8-0 run the nex t I :48, fiH• points rnming lrom Atr1>. 5oof'e bv Quarters Tesoro b I 0 I 2 DON LEACH /DAILY Pll OT may be drawing to a do'>l' but Costa Mesa I ligh isn't about to finish in a relaxed mode. The Mustangs exerted every drop ol energy they had again'it vi.,iting ~anra Ana Wednesday night bu1 fell ju<,t short. 55-52. m Golden West League play. Me'a tied II at the end of • thrt·e quarter<, before the \.11111\ .,cored the fir'>t five point., 111 the fourth period, agam .ill from Ate.,, following too turn over'>. CdM 1 2 2 ' Tesoro Bolduc 1, Macur 1 1s Estancia basketball standout Zack Novak is the Daily Pilors High School Athlete of the Week. CdM K Kubas 3, Anae 2, Bowlus 2, Eadmg10n 2, Stradt 1. uao 1, Cuyler 1. Ca Hewlco 1, Ch Hewlco 1, T. Kubas 1 Saves Fullen 9 NOVAK Continued from 81 •In college women's water Novakanswered the polo: UL Irvine\ women's water challenge last week. performing 1x1lo team went up againl>l sec-the featured role of a on<l ranked UCIA and slXth-box-and-one defense to stymie rankN.I I .oyula Marymount Santa Ana senior Scoring Wedm.">C.lay, bul ewn the home seru.ation Brandon McGee in a pool advantage didn't ..eem to off-G9-6I Golden West League road -.et too much UCIA wac; an 18· 1 winner in win Feb. 4' Novalc then applied himself to Costa Mesa senior Mountain Pacific Sports Federa-scoring leader Danny Krikorian, lion play. and Loyola was a 9-1 as part of a triangle-and-two to · nonconference winner. lhc Anteater.., now 4·4,0-1, help key a 55-39 triumph at the crosstown rival Mustangs' gym bn!ke . t.hthe firsscoring .. ~~e againsdt Feb. 6. IJCIA ll1 e t pcncru on an A · McGee, averaging neclrty 21 claide Perram goal, and Erica I lor· points coming in, scored a man scored in the third period to 1 th snap Loyula'.s shutout bid. season-ow seven against e lJU A. J 1• I -0 in the MPSF. had D'aily Pilot Athlete of the Week's pres.sure, netting just 3 of 15 11 won at halftune. IO· I. Among field -goal attempts, just 1 of 7 tbe Brums' M:'Oring leaders was from three-point range. Newpon I larbor I tigh product "He scored 34 the first game Ka1herinl' Belden, with two goals. against us (including a MPSf game-winning three-pointer at UClA 18. UC Irvine 1 the buzzer in a 64-62 decision ~r4 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ Jan. JO). so we wanted them to UClA -Golda 3. Lopez 3. Flanagan 3. have somebody else try to beat us Rulon 2. Belden 2. Flanagan 2. Kunkle this time," said Novak. who 1, Pulver 1, Sladlowski 1 chipped in two points. fovr UCI Penam 1 rebounds. three ~i.!.1S and two steals. Noncol"-•ICe Loyola 9, UC~ 1 Loyola 2 o ' 3 UCI 0010 Loyola Conner 3, Saal 2, Wald 1, Guidi 1. Kroeze 1, Hoagland 1. UCI Horman 1, lWo days later, on his 18th birthday, Novak blanketed ~ Krikorian, who did not get a shot off the first I 0'.30, hit only two three-pointers. and finished with 11 points. five below his average. TARS Continued from B 1 points and 14 rebounds) fouled out," llalagan said. "He and David had a great battle. But when (Pajevic) left the game, we knew we could get the ball Inside. We expect Davfd to how up at crunch time. •out give Newpon credh. My gosh, (the Sailors) played a great game. They had us down by double dig!~. which had m ore to do 'With the way they were playtJtg than us being in- effi cient. But we were able to 1 t>at1en down the hatches and get busy. ~ know Newprot Harbor will repre ent the Sea View League well In the (Olvi- fon fl·M) playoffs. Who knows. maybe we can do this again tn the Pond (the lte or • tbe D • M title 1ame)." I 1be HkeUhood of a third Woodbndge·N~rt Harbor cla~h was dlminlahed. how ver, bY whit could be• M"rl<> kl\ee injury uttaln~ bY junior Sailor guafd Andre ~tt. f "Just to see our guys battle through the adversity of losing Brett, then Andre, then Nedim ... I couldn't ask for anything more:'. l.arTy Hint Pinesett's left leg crumpled underneath him while he was collecting a long rebound with 2:27 left In the third quarter and he was unable to put welgflt on the leg as he wall h0elped off the floor. 'Tm not a doctor or a trainer, but It dJdn't sound good," New- port Coach Larry ITlr1t Raid of Plnesett'a discripllon of the ln- jury. I "He aaJd his whole knee gave ouc, • lstant Bryan Cottriel said. The Sailors I05t &-8 funlor Ja mle Otef enbach to a tom ACL. ln fall workouu and lo t sopho- more patt·tlme tart«r Breu Perrine suffered the tame ln - jury Priday al AllloD Niguel. ' What's more. Novalc exploded, otTenslvety. pumping in half of his eight three-point attempts, netting his only field -goal try inside the arc and converting 6 of 8 foul shots for a career-high 20 poln~ Novak. averaging 10.3 points in 11 leat,l\.le games coming into this week, 8.5 ppg for the season, had nine combined three-pointers in his flfl>t 2J games, before bombing away at the Mustangs. "I le stepped up. offensively. against Costa Mesa,• Sorce said. "After a couple of his threes. I saw a mild-mannered Zack throwing "Just to see our guys battle through the adversity of losing Brett, then Andre. then Nedim .. . I couldn't ask for anything more," Hirst said. "To stay within striking distance of the league champions, without those bodies, was just a gutsy performace by our kids." De pite Burgess' late domi- nation and the aforementioned Sailor personnel shortage, Newpon maintained lta lead until 6-6 senior Chris Boldlg drove for a layin to put the visi- tors up, 53·52, with 2:33 left. Newport cwtce bad posses· alon with the chllJlce to tie it with a three-pointer in the final minute, but a lG'foot jumper came up short and a driving layup attempt wu blocked, then coUected by Burgesa. But· g , who had made a layup to drnw the W rrlon Within 62-51, then followi d BoldiJ'• bucket with a putback on a pOIMUlon he tarted with a 11tNl, to ln· ere the l~ad to 55-.:;2. Burg made four foul 1hou in thf! final 16 aecond to ce· ment the victory, forcing N~· port to •ttf'Pl lt fifth MCOnd· his a fist in the air. which i'> something I'd never seen in my two years being around him. I think f!Vf!ry time he made a three. he was tasting a different part of the Newpon Rib Company menu (a po~tgame feast is one of the spoils that goes to the annual ~stown series winner. which, for the first time in three seasons. wa.., Estancia. by vinue of a two-game sweep). He W& really fired up that night· Novak. who cermed his birthday baW!tball bash hi!. greatest athletic moment, is. perhaps, more than any of hi., teammates, appreciative of ~tancia basket.ball history. I ti'> older brothers. Ben and Nick. both played for the FAlgl~. ~ Zack faithfully cheered from the stands. "I've been coming to F1>ta11cia games ever since J Wc1S in the fourth grade." Zack Novalc said. "And, ever since that time. I couldn't wait to play for the varsity." Novak averaged just fewer than three points in his debut varsity season last year. but quldcJy established himself as a starter in the offseason. "He has been my defemive stopper and he has helped us at the offensive end, too." Sorce said. "He surprises people with his quickness and has become much more of a complete player." place Selview finish in the last six seasons. In addition to Pajevic, Harbor senior guards Olase Cameron (15 points), and Sean Rorden (J 3, lncludlng two big second- balf three-pointers) played well. Senior forward Nick. Classic added four points and eight re- bounds off the bench. Cameron scored six pointd and Pajevtc four In a 12-0 Sailor run early in the third, to pro- duce the 13-polnt cushion. But the Waniors and Burge" came all the way back. s.. View LNtLte ~.Y. Herbof 54 Woodbrl~~~,. -" Newport ll 14 17 12 14 Wo a• ltd9t-Wlnd9r 13, Boldig 5, 8utQM9 31, McClaln 2, ~ , w... 3, Dletl'ldl 3, Moeller 2. 3-pc. "°"" -Wlndef' 1, Wela 1, °'911idl 1. Fouled out -noN, "-"nlc:etl -none N9I lll:Oft Hlirt»Or -8. Lowentn.I e, ,.,,.... o. htrAc 19, Ctmeron 16. Aorden 13; Gl...tc 4 , t l.owentMI o. IWl'*MMIO """' ~ -Aorden 2 foultd out -l'lljeY!c. Ted-.1--noM. Me..a sophomore Jeff Wal dron tallied a seru.on-high 15 points with 11 rebounds. His presence in!.ide helped leep the Mu.,tang<:. (9· 16, 4 · 7 in league) in the game. w11h a .,hot to tie in the clo·tng <,econd!.. fraihng by three, Waldron boxed out 1wo defenders to cor ral a mi'>'>ed Mesa three and was fouled on the putback at- tempt. I le made both free throws with 11.6 l.>econds left. llut Samt<>' leading scorer Der· rick Ate!> (22 pointi.) found day· light a.nd ran unguarded down Lhe court to receive an outJet pas'! and converted a layup to make it a three-poinl game. A final Mel.a three-point auemrt fell '>hort and the Saints had their '>ixth league win {6-5). clinchtng one of the league's four guarantt'ed CIF playoff spots By virtue of los!.es by Mesa and Saddleback Wednesday. idle Estancia also clinched a guaranteed post<>eason berth "We were. scrambltng at the end with no timeouts after Jeff's free throws.· Mesa Coach Bob Serven said. *(Ates) -;ome how got loose. We played a lot better than the last time again!tl ~anta Ana, especially on defense. And Jeff is a mon- ster inside." Mesa fell to Santa Ana, 54-39. Jan. 22. "I keep coming out every game, trying to pf.ay my hard- est," Waldron said. "I wanted "We had two turnoverc, tha1 wert' unforce<4 and we could n t get the lead agrun." ~rve11 .. aid Knkonan and Waldron dl counted for all of Mesa's fourth quann point~. ·seven and fiw rc~pec11vcly Neither team re te1ved any potntl> from 11' bench. Brian Mohna (eight point<,J, along with Marlc.o Stankovil and ~col l Knox (four points each ), rounded out the <,corin~ for Mec,a. Wednesday\ game was the II nal home game for seniors Kn kori an. ~harif Abedrabo, Curll' Millward and Ziad Peptc. rtw Mustargs vl'>ll Saddleback 1n .i fifth -place duel Friday. ~addleback lo"il to leag\Jl' champion Ocean View ( 11 ·0I Wednesday but with 10 wms. I'> one victory <>hy of the 11 victol"} minimum requirement for at large conc,1deration. Gotderl w..t i...,. Sent• Ane 55, Costa Mese 52 Scot.. bv 0utlft9t'I Santa Ane 111 5 19 15 s-. Costa Mesa 1• n 1s 12 ~ Santa Ana -Stlva 3, Atos 22, Tripp 13 McGee 17. Fevele 0, Reyes 0. CarrascoO 3-pt goals McGee 4, Ates 2 Fouled out -none Tecf'tntcals none. ~ -Stankovic 4, Waldron 15, O. Knkonan 21, Molina 8, Knox 4, T Knkorian 0, Pepte 0. 3 pt. goals -0. Krikonan 4, Mollna 2. Fouled out none. Tecnmcala -none Newport Harbor's Todd Lowenthal (51 tries to break ttvough the Wocxt>ridge defense in We<ilesday rjgtrt's Sea VKMleague ~ showdown with the Warriors. -..-..---~ .... ---------------·-~--·------.. Daily Pilot SPORTS VOLLEYBALL UC I whips use in four HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SOCCER CRAWFORD HALL -The second ranked UC Irvine men's voUeybaJI team rallied from a i.low '!tart and mowed down visiting US<.. In Mountain Pa- cific ~ports Federation play Wedne,day night on ·the UCI campus. 21 -JO, 30-21. 30-25, 30-21 lo Improve to 13-2, 6-2 in the MPSF. u~c jumped 10 a 14-6 advan- tage 10 Game 3, but eventually the c;core was tied at 22 and 24 before a Monte 'fucker k.iU put the Anteaters in control at 25- 24. .. Kills by Jimmy Pelzel and llu~s MMchewlca extended 11 to 27-24, then Marchewka and penter Bemus blocked the next 1wo US<.. hitter'\ and the outtome wa-; evident Pcl,1cl led all with 18 kills. three 'lervire aces and eight digc; ruclwr had 14 kills and hi 1 500 for the match Marchewka .idded nine k.ills. and Kyle We1cher1. off the bench m t.ame J, nailed four k.ilb in as many attempt\. use fell to 9 7, :i -1 TI1e Anteaters ho:.t No. 3 Pep- perdine Saturday at Crawford 1 laU, bc~inning at 7. ·1 he Waves' only lo.,., of the '>l.'d<,on was a \weep by the Anteater., USA TODAY/AVCA COACHES' TOP 15 POLL l Hawa11 (8 2). 2 UC Irvine ( 12 21 3 Pepperdine 19 11: 4 BYU 17 1 ), 5 Lewis 17 21. 6 Long~adl State (7 51 7 Stanford 16 61 8 Cal State North ridge (8 4) 9 <11el Penn State (5·3l dnd Pac1f1c 11 5 11 Ball State 17 21. 12 UCLA 151il 13 fPFW(4 ll. 14 UC Santa Barbara 13 9) 15 Loyola Ch• cago 15 2 K[NTTR[r• )W Corona del Mar H1gh's Chris Rmgstrom (14) drives past Northwood's Shahin Halab1an. Others receiving points and lusted on iwo or more ballots UC San 01 1190 VOLLEYBALL Bucs get past Pierce in five COSTA MF.SA -~ophomore t...a1mana Kamalan1 po,ted a team high 23 lc1lb to go along w11h 11 dig'> to lead Orange <..oast College\ men\ volley ball team to ..1 JO 24. 27 10. 26 30, 30-24, 15 12 Orange I m p1re Conference v1uory over highly regarded I.A Pierce Wedne'>day night In a replay of la~t year\ !.late champ1omh1p final, the Pt· rates fought bac k from a l · I deficll behind the play of Ka· malani He recorded eight ktll'\ tn rhe [.ourth game, five of thoi.c do\..n the '>lretth a:. the Pirate~ forced a fifth game. "I thought the great thing ahout c.ame 5 was !hat we didn't get nervous," said OCL Coat'h Chuck Cutenese. uwe got behind there early. but we were able to fight hack and s tay with it. ft COM Continued from B 1 first los.<> in league .ict1011, and el\ding therr 14 -gamt' unbeaten '>treak. Corona aJc;o avenged 1t' 2-0 loss to Northwood Ian. 29 Shortly after Wednesday\ game, the ~a Kings reveled 1n their victory. as they shd on their bellies aero~ midfield. UThat's ow first league Litle since 1994," CdM Coach Pat Callaghan 'WI.Id of the Sea King,· co-championship. "The bnr, de served 11. They outplayed (Nonh wood). They found a way to win It wa.' a:. if they v.'illed their wa\ 10 wm. Someume-; that\ all 11 takes." For the Sea King'>, tht' ram Willi hardJy a concern. Th£'y tJ<,('d th(' adver!K' condJUon~ to 1he1r dd vantage. ·1 love playmg in the ram." CdM <>eruor Blake Dillion "><lid "You slide and you end up going eight feet. It's '>0 much fun It takec; your mind o ff alJ the paan " · Rmgstrom. who ..aid hr hn<.I not been playm.g very well dur ing league action, broke 1hrough Northwood'~ defcn..e in lhl' game'-; closing moments. I le created his own -.conng chance by losing hi., dcfendt'r then firing a strik.e pa<;t the gnahe from about eight yards out ·1 just (dodged the defender), I saw 811 operung and I went for 11, • Rmgstrom said. "I'm gJad It went 1n I'm 'o glad · < dM 1umor Dalin} Whitaker al<,o prm..ided the \t•a Kmgc; witJ1 tlehWit I le c;cored Lht' tying goal on a free k.ick from about 40 yardr, out in tht' fi2nd mmute. rill' <,hot wa' low It '>kipped drtd 11 .ippcarcd w haw ntocheted on the goalie''> leg before going Ill. '' 11Mt t hangl·d the monwn tum, big 11me," ..aid Whitaker, who overpowered '>evcraJ North· wood rtaycr., knocking them over while wm111ng ball<, throughout the gdme "Wt· lame 111 knowing we had to wm, • t ontmued Wlutal..er "We ~ew we had to play h.kc we did agam .. t Newport I larhor. wllh inten<t1ty And, we did ft Wh11aker drew ire from a Nonhwood player who wa.." ch~ed Wlth a yeUO\\ card II1 the 7'ith m11iult' Phd ",temler, C.dM., wnior goal11 . ., di.,., tuml.'d in a noteworlh~ p<'rfomiance I le re- l ordc<l wven ~1 .. e<>. including IWO ''OP' in Ont' on-one SltUa· lion-. C dM '>t•nanr' BriUldon /,ar- 1an and I J1lhon .d'><> l'Ontnbuted on defcnw allowmg the Sea Kmg•,' uffon.,e indu1.Hng 1unior Juht•n < rrru111. Ring.'>lrom and Wh1 takt•r, to all.it~ Jumor Jcntt Thayer and <,ophomure Shane Lolhn'> wt:re al\o battling in the muddy trem Ill''-. lney suffered bnii't'd tfogh in1unes. hut Callaghan '<lid hC' expect'> them to he rt•ady for the pldyoll\. • I ht'y c anw together and played with ">0 much emollnn and ral>.'>IOn." Callaghan ~ud of has '>quad "I'm '>O proud of their effort We couldn't, have wven an} more effort out there • C..dM nearly c;cored an the l:lrd rrunute when Ring.,trom fired a '\hot to the bad: of Nonhwood'<. net. Rut, a referet' apparenlly '>lopped play beC"au...c lw 'aid the runberwolvt"•' goalie had po .. .,es<,ion before ll1ng'>trom locked the ball. Nortl1wood (ltt-4 I. 9-I ·0 ), last year':. Clf Divi-;ion IV champion, ">tored 13 mmutt''> later on "' only '>Coring threat of the fir'>I half North\\-ood wphomore Roben Gama '\Cored from near the comer to give the Timber wolve<"> a 1-0 lead The ram, wind and muddy field ~emed to '>low down 'lorlhwood, a team knO\\ll for its quicknt>\.'-Lorona took advan tage and used m '>trength to dominate the 1 imlwrwolve<, uwe heard thern laughing and joking around before the game.· Oillion 'id1d ·we u'>t'd that <I"> fuel. Ln a Sea View League game • Ille Newpon I lclrbor I hgh boy<> ~occer team ued visiting Woodbndgc, 2 l. in the league fi nale for both Wedne<,day at Newpon I larbor The Sadof'!> needed d viuory to cam a <>hare ol the leaguc cmwn. hut in-;tead wtll haw to r,e1Lle for ~econd place. No detail!. from the rnntt•'>t were reported The Pirates fought back to a 7-7 11e in the final game and traded the n ext two points A pa1r of Pierce errors helped OCL to a I 0-8 lead, then Ka - maiani fired his final loll of thl' match to make 1t a three-point cushion. YOUTH BASK ETBALL Finally, Poyer Pola recorded a monster solo block to get it to match point at 14-10, and after Pierce trammed it to 14· 12. Po1a put the game a nd match away with his final kill high off the top of the block. Hawks clinch league Pola had 15 lcUls and 11 djgs. Paul Pomroy had 13 kills. Levi Luster and Dane GiUlam each had three solo blocks a nd Mike Murphy dished out 47 assists. Coast (4-1. I ·O in the OEC) visits Moopark Friday night. Duran Sharp led the New- pon-Mesa National Junior Basketball third-aild fourlh- grade girls team (Sparks) with 14 points in a 36·26 win over the Ir- vine Lakers. Alexia Pickering tal- lied six points in the win. In other games: •Golden Hawk.'> 23, Magic 12 The Hawks clinched the lea~e champ1onsh1p with the victory. FlUe NadaJ led the I lawks with 13 point-; dnd &everal assists to six I lawk teammate who scored. Marlaa Hergott and Oi~ Barth both contributed three points and Kelsey Woo and Kathryn C.onner each played Ucl rill. who guided the Ag-6-10 forward also gies to a share of a Big 111 w..t showed his poten- Continued from 81 West regular-season title w L Lial with 17 points with UCI last year, ex-against Fullerton pectS his squad to be es-Utah St 8 3 Sarurday. half. pecla1.ty geared for the ~8 ~ ! The Anteaters However, Douglass pointed game because It is tele-hcifte 8 4 aJso feature semor out the 'Eaters will not have the vised. Idaho s e forward Jordan comfort of playing at home. ·we have a Fox Sports Ce1 Pof't t e Mam UCJ' lead- The past thtte games be-game where they will Northridge " e ing scorer who av- tween the Aggies have been de-showcase our a.ttna. our ~ 15 7 erages a tearn-hlgb ctded by one, one and rwo crowd and hopefuJJy Riverlide " 8 11.6 points per polnt& Hood hit a game-win-everybody will respond,· L°"9 ..,_ k J I game. However, he ntng ICOOP hot to beat the Morrill said ln his weekly h not scored ln buzzer in overtime, leading UO prus conference Tuea-double 6gures rhe to a 75-73 win over Utah State at day: "When we ,have the energy lut four games. Harris used to the Bren events Center Jan. 15. ln the building, lt helps us and pla-y on the same rccrtttlont\l Douglass aald be would be udl· • that's what we a.re hoplng for." league team Mark Brown. fted if the game la clote qalo. The Aggies arc led by 6-foot· 7 who i.s now the tarting polnt •lbey play real well a t &ome," forward Desmond ~n.tpr. who guani of th~ Aai Brown. wbo Douglael aa.td ohhe ~who la avetqlng l5.4 . points per ave,.. nlne polnts and 4.8 as· are 53·2 at home apimt 8tg pme. Penlpr was held to eight bta per game. I a junior tnans- Wcac opponentJ over the put po1nta in the Jut mcettng be· ri r from Saddlebaclc College. lfx yean. -we're the only te9JD tween the two teams. Toralno UCl fresh.man polnt guard Jeff ln leegue that hu beaten them Johnt0n (7.9 pPI) llepped up Glogtt, who bas scored 53 there ln quite ri;bDe. lbey"re a with 18 poirlts. · polo tn the lase fi ur pm tough tnm at botne. I'll be p.d UO junior St&ni&lav. Zulak guJ the o~n.w. Cfopr 9"ds lfll'u dole pme.." acofeid a eeuon·blflh 20 polotJ the 8'&· W. ln steall wtth 58. tJtab $llde Colich Stew Mot· lpinlt Utah SUtt Jilt. IS. The Adam Jt.nda. the An.teal ' 7.() solid defense. lAu.ra Martinez led the Magic with six points while Allle Mo.- kovtts and Mary MdCenn.a both showed tenacity on defense. • Lakers 28. Wl7.al"ds 22 Valerie Martin led the La.lc.ers with seven points while mtJr.a Faterl and Kebey CArrldo both scort'd six points in the win. junior center, became the school's career leader In block.'> (100) with two blocked shots on Saturday. "They shot 60% in the game against Fullerton and just blew them out,· Morrill said of the Anteaters. "Fullerton went zone the whole game and that's tough to do again t Irvine. They are very good against a r.one. Thal sounds very simplistic, bu1 that's the way it · Some weeb you make shots and others you don't.· UCI should be trengthened by the return of sophomons back-up center Greg Ethington. u Oougl said hls tatus ts lm- provlng. Elhlngton dfd not play turday becaute o( I pa.nially d.islocated a.boulder ft'ered aga1Nt Rivmide. Pahapt. th~ Anteaters' main atrmcth th1a o bu been thdt Mpth and F.lhlngton ~ · ·He m.igbt be a to for (to- day); Dot·· Mkl ~ • HiJ lhOulder bu .... owed.. ' rh\Jrsdly, February 13, 2003 II YOUTH SPORTS Ne~bort Beach settles for 1-1 tie with North Irvine Newpon Beach's )8y Ordaz soored off a direct free kick Lo oe llVine Nonh. 1-1, m boys under-12 Gold All-Star soccer acoon Saturday Mtdfielders 11rn Barda. f.Mtorl Gledt and Kyte ev.n. kept NewJJO" dose and allowed Ordaz to sc.ore the eying goal Strong goalkeeping by Hayden Nawno in the fourth quarter held Irvine to JUSt one goal Defensive pressure from 1bm Badum and DenS Boler lc.ept the. game scoreJf!SS in the first quarter. / Joel Betonte and Jeff Newman had two shots on goal for Newport. which lost its second game Saturday to South lrvme, 3· I. Betonte tied it in the thW quaner on a pass from Ordaz and Newport kept the pressnre with numerous shot!. on goal by P..r1c Holland and Evarw;.. lrvme scored two goals in the fourth quarter to ...e<:u.re the winning margin. Jimin Faber played strong defense m the fi.n.t quarter before lrvule took a I -0 lead m the ~nd quaner l:X>ering's hat trick ignites CdM boy\ • SOCCER! John Doering scored three "itra1gh1 goaJs to lead the Corona del Mar boys under-12 Area() soccer All Stars of AYSO Region 57 to a 6-0 victory over Irvine equdJing the highest '>Coring output of the .. eason. Camden Nicholson, Bunk Hooper and Mike Mck.rnn.a each '>Cored one goal, '>et up by the passing of Ori Tabak. Wet Baker. Hunter Alder dJld Cory Donavan The defensive backfield of James Cunnlngham, Tommy Banghert, Mau Cohen, Connor Bannan and goalkeeper K.roda.11 Pick allowed few -.ho1~ on goal and hegan mu-;1 of the 'coring chance-. with dear outs and steals. C.dM remaim in first place and can clinch the Mea champ1on:.hip with a win over Newpon on Sa1urday at Andersen Held at 10.30 a.m . If Newpon wms it advance"i 10 the '>ectional playoffs in Lo'i Alam1to<; Blues find 'Clues· to championship • SOCCER· V1ctorie!. over \outh lrvrne and C O'>la Me!.B allowed the C .orona del Mar girls under-1 l ~1lver All ~tar '>O(Cl'r team (the Rlut'' Uut<,l to -.ernrc a first -place fini.,h in AY",O Art>a () play. Owre Schmidt and Amanda Johnson each 'cortd goals in a 2 0 v1r tory over South Irvine C d\I dele.ited Me'>a. 2 I, on goaJs from <.,c:hm1d1 on c1 breakawa\ 111 the fir'>t quaner and Megan Otterbein on .i looping pd" from Rebecca Beyer in the <,econd penod Taylor Rhodes cleared the box and Mck.rnna Caskey made wver.tl '>.tVe'> in goal Sohd defeme from RyUe LrVuseur, Layne KeUey and Alna Cohen \ .. .ith tnsp pa.,c;ing and blocking from m1dfil'lder'> KJmberly Condino Valerie Avila and Kelsey Davia helped .. eal the Vlctory ._orward Kathryn Conner aho 'howed '>leady dcfen'>e The Blut' (Jue., will face rival "'ewport ",Jturdav w conclude their I 0 game '>eason. Newport-Mesa All-Net team wins two • HOOPS. The Newport-Mesa fifth grade boy'\ AJI Net ba'>ketbaJI 1eam won two games last weekend to improve 10 8-0. Newport beat capo Dana. 30-29, in Game I Trevor Miles and Dillon Campbell led the \tonng whllt> strong rebounding was provided by Parker Stone, Nell O'Ha.n and l-1elcher Della Grotta J.D. Abbott and Randall Nelson '>howed '\teady defense !\ewport handled the Laguna Flash m c.ame l . 45-32. Male<,, ~tone and Austin Rlos led the '>COnng with Andrew Ro th, O'Hara and Abbott crashing the board., Nelson and D.C Campbell had asstm. • In ~rte; eighth grade ac11on. • Newport 37, Fountain VaUey 25 Newpon ht:ld Fountain Valle) to 1ero fir-.1 quarter points and led al halftime, 17-10. Founram VaUe) cue the lead to four 1n the final quarter but Newport pulled away Allie Duemberger h11 a three pointer to .,park "'ewport to I• fourth quarter points. Ivy Melo led the team with nine points followed by Duernberger with eight and Oielsea McCrea with '>even Aahley Kirby and Brittany De Yan each had four pointr,, while Taytor Holden tallied three and Becca 1'urk added two Breakers win Silver Divi sion title • SOCCER: Two goals each by Lauren Terry and Josie Jogwe paced the Newport Beach Breaker<; to a 5-0 Vlctory over Yorba Lmda to chnch the girls under· I 0 Arra Q Salver Davmon soccer c:ham~)IOO'ihip. Coach Kirk MclntCMh credited h1~ defense as the key 10 victory. ~weeper Kelly Rorden, along With Monique Conant aild Oa.lrT Castillo (mark.mg backsl. denied Yorba Linda any hots on goal. Terry scored her fin.I goal off a deOecuon of a Shannon Bola c;hot to give the Breakers a 2-0 lead headmg into haJftune Le:ld Jenkins opened the sconng tn the first quarter on a penalty kick. Jogwe <;cored her two goals m the third penod to put the Breake~ up. 5-0. Courtney Mcintosh continued her steady play at center midfield and Tempest Blaine proVlded strong skills at tnker and out-;1de halfback.. Ouisde Olha~T was unchallenged at goalkeeper. The Breakers will compete this weekend an the Newport Silvt'r Invitational at I farper chool. Hornets swann Jazz, 76-30 •HOOPS: Led by 24 points each by Oiue Plneeett and Gua Ellla, the Hornets improved to 9-0 with a 76-30 victory over the )8.7.Z in Newport-Mesa National Junior Basketball Division I play. Pinesett added eight rebounds and two assists whUe Ellis al8o conttibuted three rebounds m the win. Timothy Regan (four points. two rebounds), J.P. Gormly (six polnts. four rebounds. two assists) and ICftto R.uk (eight polnts, two rebounds, four assists. two steals) provaded offenuve support. Steady defense wu displayed by Thomas DialyDM (two point-. two assists, two steals). Erik R.uk Ceigbl points. four usists) and Andy Ronar (one rebound. five assista. one teal). "Th• Art af M•klng Ptzzm• Wf Dfl/VfQ NIC.~rt ~ ~ 9 Pl\/ • .. • M Thursday, rtbruary 13, 2003 JC BASKETBALL PREPS cJ5cc woinen rumble Continued from 81 SPORTS COLLEGE SIGNING Dorr headed for UCLA Daily Pilot HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrabng the Daiy Ptlot's Athlete of the Week senes CYPllES.5 -Orange C.oast College's women's basketball team was a 58· 46 Orange Empire Confer- ence winner owr host Cy- P~ Wednesday night. with lhe three·point sho1 the big factor. Lauren Munay, with nine points, was a lhe ca~1 on the boards with 11 rebounds. Cnik'CI 10 ascend to the top half of the Paclftc Coast League in his seven sea.sons working with the players Connerly known as Artisl.8. CORONA DEL MAR -Co- rona del Mar HJgh senior Artie Dorr, a three-time AU-CIF honoree, said Wednesday he will play for UCLA ln the fall. Dorri who helped lead 1he Sea Kings to three CU''Oivision II titles, said he decided to play for the Bruins Sunday night. pan of the Sea Klngs' CJ11 l>lvt- sion n title lp 200l. HThe cuCI.A) water polo program is awesome." Dorr said. •Academically, it's a11 amazing school. I can't w-.tll I'm really excited." Cypress Calls to I 7 -12, 5-6. TODAY The Pita.res are at rtvaJ Golden West on Friday. While such skepticism llsn't meant to stifle the celebratory mood around the &tancia campus and surrounding community. it is presented as a dose of perspective. Dorr was also sought by UC. 23 Pete Hogan Newport Harbor Football, '97 The Pirates nailed 8 of 20 from the perimeter, with Nant..)' Hatsu· shi (four) and Undsey Galasso and Liz Mendoz.a (IWO each) ac· counting for the edge. ~ E:IT1lh CclcW•ice OCC58.~46 Oning9 COMt -HatsYshi 16, Catano 6, Mumiy 9, Mendoza 12, Quiroz 4, Shaw 0, Von Tungeln 4, Carrillo 7. I'd love to be proved wrong. but I'd be surprised if Fertig's Fslancia teams break even. At UCLA, Dorr will reunite with fonner teammates Mi- chael March and Garrett Bow- lus. Dorr and March were a Santa Barbara, as well as Pep· perdine, USC and Loyoltt Marymount. Dorr said he will swim for CdM in the spring. 24 -Adria Sortino Vanguard Um11er111y Basketball, '99 31)l. goals -Hetsusht 4, Galasso 2. Mendola2. ••• -by Steve Virgen Fouled out • none. Coast. novi 24·5, 9-2 in the OEC juR1ped to a 24-20 halftime lead with o 9-0 edge on three-pointers. 1 latsushi, a product of Costa Mesa I Ugh, led all scorers with 16 pom~ and had five assists. Medoi.a was also in double fig- un..'l> with 12 poin~ and had seven a_..,_,j),K Tedmicals -none. Cypress -Laooguen 11, Hides 6, Garrett 0, Curtis 12, Proctor 7, Speocor 2, Harris 0, Tooter 6. Puldler 2, Williams 0 3-pl goals -l.abYguen 1. Fouled oot -none Tectmicals -none. Halftime -occ. 24-20. I ·occ men win, 74-71 Tustin Hlgh Coach Myron Miller, a longtime friend who has pledged to'support Fertig anyway he clm, is the most recent example of how a · Newport-Mesa football program's fommes can be reversed by a dynamic and talented head coach. In 1992, Miller inherited a C.osta Mesa program that had not won a playoff game In 12 years, with only one winning season during that time. The Mustangs were 3-7 In Miller's first year. but won the school's first outright league title and advanced 10 the CIF Division VIII title game in 1993, before falling to Ttabuco Hills and finishing 9-3-2. placement below ABC and ESPN in the pecking order for Trojan broadcasts, his broadcasting opportunities figure to be few and far between next fall, at least. Still, if he is scheduled to work a USC road game, anywhere but the Rose Bowl his presence at a Friday night &tancia game could render timely travel for a Saturday afternoon college contest problematic. around the game. He noted he has watched more videotape of game action in preparation for his television work than he did in his pn:.vious coaching tenure. I !is status as a walk-on. some believe, could also be a beud1t. since he has the option of devoting more time to football than coachl'l> who reach fo111 23 • Grog Burden Corona del Mar Volleyball, '98 SCHEDULE TODAY Basketbell College men -UC lrvme a1 Utcth Stdlt· 535p.m . classes every school day. ... Collegu w omen Idaho ut UC Irvine. 7 pm c YPRESS -Orange Coasl C olle~e·:. m en's basketball team saw a 44 -30 lead with 18:45 lef1 nwh to 49-49, but held on to po-.1 a 74-71 Orange Empire c miference victory Wednesday n 1g h1 at (..ypress. Brown had l 0. The Pirates were outre- bounded, 38-2 1. Oren&• Empire Conference occ 74, Cyp ress 11 Orange Coast Brown 10, A. Bob1k 20, Garey 14, B. Bobik 8, Hatch 2. Peppers 0, Alexander 0, Vak1li 3, Seales 16, Shaheim 1, James o USC radio analys1 Paul McDonald occasionally missed his son Michael's Friday night Newport Harbor games last fall, because he was traveling with the Trojans. Fertig said he will al"o continue his work on the USC Sports Magazine show televii>ed weekly on Fox Sports Net Taping is done Tuesday momlngs, so there 5houJd b e no conflict with his Estancia coaching dutiel.. Fertig's pn:sen'>e and background ai. a ralente<l fund-rai.ser 1'> certamly a boon to the drive to haw an 011-campu' football stadium built, wllh a11 estimated price lag appruathing $4 million. High sdlool boVS Corona dril Mar a1 Northwood 7 p m , Oxford Acadomv 01 Sage Hill 7 30p m High sctiool girls Estancia at Oc11an View. 7 p rn . Saddlebadt al Costa Mesa. 7 p m • Corona dot Mar at Norttiwoocl, 5 30 p m . Oicford Acadumv 111 5.lge Hills, 6 p m ~ Srcphon Seales hi1 two free throw'> with 0:48 left to push the lt'ad to 74-68 for OCC (18-11, 6 'i) Kt•vin Cook of Cypress hit a three-pnintet and the hosts (7- 19, :.! 9) had the ball with 3.5 s1>c-11nth left, but couldn't get a ~hot off. AMon Bobik led OCCs Pirates with 20 points. Seale~ had 16, Ja'>on (,arey had 14 and Lanier 3 pt. goals · Garey 4. A. Bob1k 3, Brown 2. Vak1h 1, Saales 1 Fouled out -B Bob11<.. Technicals -none. Cypress -Grier 8, Kennerson 13, Cook 14, Franklin 20, Jones 16, Robmson O 3·pt goals -Kennerson 4, Cook 3. Grter 2 Fouled out -none. Techn1cals -Robmson. Halftime -OCC, 39-27. ••• Fertig. 60, a wa.IJc-on whose "day job" is doing analysis on USC football telecasts on Fox Spo~ Net, said he pl~s 10 continue broadcasting, worlcing his schedule around a commitment to the Estancia program. And, with the return of USC lo super· power status. combined with Fox Sports Net's ••• Fertig said ~ broadcasting efforu have helped keep him "Jfthey have him in any kmd of fund-raising mode, they'll probably be able to build a whole new school within a year," said Mater D<'i Coach Bruce Rollinson, who played under i:enig at USC.. and h~ '>t:en him work the room at '>everal US< functions over 1ht• yt.'jr'>. • llwrt'<; no better '>poke,man lor tht· game of foorhall ·· High sctiool boys Oxford Ac..1domy at Sage Hill, 3 15 pm High sctiool l)JrlS • Corona ool M.ir .11 Northwood. 3 15 pm. Sag11 Hill JI Oxford Academy. 3 15 pm Water polo High school girls -EstanCtd at fosoru 3 p m Los Amigos vs Sage Hill di Corona del Mar 7 p m Wrestting High school Golden W11st LeJll•" Fmals ctl Santd Ano High 4 p rn 2640 j Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Ncltfces 2640 Lepl Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices =N=O=T=IC=e=:::;O;:F;::=TR=U=S-=-L .. =ld=Cou;;;;::;:n::ty=, =de=ac:=r::lbeC:I=;;:; ADV'EITJSUlOO FOi ll'S e H lu don I a It tr n a le\ lime of submos\1011 of ab o i a o o 1nmtd1 a U IN ACCOAOANt.I Wtl It bu \1 n-n , m• • 11d Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices TEE'S SALE TruatM H 1 wholit u lollowt: Subiect ta tondihun\ \hall •ccompany llltch the Bid menle So no ron0t t • 111[ PROVISION!> CJI IHI 4<!drr• " wt" us•d t>v Sale No. 905672 Loen Parcel 31 as .shown 00 presct1bed by th" un Bid The Surety 1Huon& UClNSI u n a bo111do pue d@ c.; At If ORN I A S I I I !he ''"~' w1th111 '"' I~ I No. ooe8090802 Tiiie the Newpor1 Beech Lot ders•eneo. sealed bods the Bod Bond \hill be. CLASSlflCATION1 lf•m<1r d un seo v1t10 de S TORAGC r ACll ITY AC:l th11·• 1, •• ,, lh• >.•I• w111 Order No. 26S3Jl4 YOU Line AdJu•tment No. for a lump Sum Con on lh~ Bod Oe.dltne. an UClNSl COOls reftrl'ncoa de abo11•do\ SECTION 1200 £I SEO "" 111.1111 I•• l~n•• ARE IN DEFAULT UN-NBLLA 83-3, reeofded tract are invited for the admolled surety insurer General ln11nM11n11 o a un.a oli~1n• de .ayud1 l:IUSINlSS ANU l'IW '\unfh" l n wfl ,,, DER A DEED Of M•y 23. 19&4 u In-followina Work (a\ defined on the Conlr1cl0f A ll'&al (vea ti d11ectoru1 If SStONS COOi 01 Ill! t111-.111•" .. ldr.. 1· , " TRUST DATED atrument No 84-214033 Al'AIA / Rl ,LACl . Cal1lorn1a Codi' of C1v1I General Bu1ld1ne ttltfono<.o) S IAll 01 CAI U OANIA llyunl' Min PMi. IJ I, , 02/2Qn002. , UNLESS ot 01'flclal Recoros of AS,HAl( / CONCR£Tl Pr oc edur e Su I ion Conlr•Clor B CASl NUMllA: TH[ UNOERSIGNCO Will Hollow 1rv1111 1 Ahl1o1111• YOU TAKE ACTION TO uid County. All oil, oil VDlANO HOUSING 99'> 120) Conuete (N11m•r• del C.o••) Bl SOLO AT AUCTION 9lbl4 111,. .nHI~ lo Ii• S 3 A maodalory Prt Bod Conlracl<1r C 8 02 CC 0 7480 ON 02/2810J Al I 00 \uld ""' 101 .•I• rl .. 1 PROTECT YOUR rights, mlnerefs, ml11-UNIT • 1• 2• & 6 Conference and l're Bid Ei!lhwork and Pnone fhe name and addte\\ PM THE FOllOWINC. 3)!191 O••V<' I ·•llH•n PROPERTY, IT MAYBE erel rlghlS, nii:::I t" P:JlCTI(~·' Job Walk will be 'on Conlraclor C 12 ol lht tuull 1~ (Cl P[RSONAL ANO 10R 011vt Suol•• 10011 SOLO AT A PUBLIC ~l<;lhlS~ ~ ~ 'f· o:3IK~4..'TiCT ducted on FRIDAY, Other ''elect Spodflu:. nombr~ y dorec,oon dt BUSINlSS l'IWl'I HIY ''"'"'"' 1.u1ynn 1 •lo SALE IF YOU NEED roe• w !SC>-0 SF 22 UllUA.AY 21, 2003 ltd~ Owollflcotlot1• la coo lee~) Gr NERAL tlOllSf llUI 0 lorno.\ <t:1,1•1 Aud 1 ''" AN EXPLANATION OF ever name known, H " • 23 t>t:ainnma promptly at collH fM lo t.e ,.,._ Oranae County Super'l<lf BUSIN[SS l(JUIPMCNT ~"' ol lurn1lu11 1111 THE NATURE Of THE geoctiennel ti.em end UNIVERSITY OF 9100 A.M. Parht111anh 111lttod .t tl111• of bid Cou1t Central Ju\ltce TOOl.S ClC STOAEO AT 111)h1n1•\ '"l•'I"'""' PROCEEDl.NGS Olhef ~!c/r ~A~~~~~Alr'~~~~ \llallmeetal Ind. ... , ~t ••not Ooslr1ct.700C1vo<Center SOUTHCOASI SCLf lu'.rhuhl mil~· 1dw1t1 AGAINST YOU, YOU sourc.& .. I Rn V 9?6~7 V[AANO PLACI tiOUS noconotlly ll1111tod to: Drove West Santa Ana S IOAAGI 3840 W Ito .. ~"'" 1p.1lrt1 1l•lr of SHOULD CONTACT A Calilomla Publ c • ING OFFICE, University I lhe Contractor shill CA 9?/01 WAANlR AVC NUI SANIA lliP bulh ul• " MAro h LAWYER. On aourcu Code Section 'IOllCT of Cahforma. lrv•ne, have been 1n business lht nam'-addren. ANA CA 91104 BY lltl .l 700l •' il'f41 011•• 02J26l2003 at 02:00 PM, 6903 and followlriv. WOIS~lllPITldON:.b 6!>?9 Adobe Cucle Road under the same name and telephone nurn~r of fOl I OWING Pl A!'>CINS C,1nyo11 U11v. S111I• CALIFOflNIA RECON-that mar,. be within or orR one u es. ut •snot Souttl (lake i'nd Adobe ~nd Cahlornoa Contra' pta1nt1ft s attorney uo Unit • IOOfl lr•h111 • I •nvon VEYANCE COMPANY uodef t Parcels ol hmoted 10 111' followona Circle Ro1d South 'n lor's licerose lor • pla1nl1ff without an ll l.ame~A•4tun f.4hh11no4 'f/b/'l 1111\ as the duly eppolnt.ed land he~ «»-Po ovode and install tran<e p;trk in lot • 31 minimum of 5 conlinu attorney os ([I nombte 22 Aulhrr l Hontun bulk Hlr " 11111 wbfl'• I Trus!M uodef end scribed, togethar with nphall 1 overlay on on campus map) Irvine ous yeal' p11or to the 11 dofe(cton y el num .. ro ?9 Brian M•r•• In I ,1fll111no• r omm•rn•I pursuant to Deed of the perpetual right.I of d4'soanated wallo.ways C•lofornia 91697 !i444 bod open1n1 datt tor this de letelono del aboc1do 9, Phllhp lt•y l.odr Sro 1onn 6106 i Trutl Rtc:Ofded drtlling, mining, Hplor· sidewal~ and Hrvoce ATTINOA"Cl AT THI Proiect The license used del demandante, o df'I 86. Jim Clarkl' th~ '"' ~.lt~ fnr 111111~ 02/28/2002, Book, P19t Ing end operating roads Provide and PRl-110 CONUAlNCl to ultlfy this require dem•ndante que nn 100 Vumokn Y,1rn~'"h1 ,1.11m•. ""•" bt I ebrnM f , lnatrument therefor, end llorlng In inrolall ronuete side AND 'Al-110 JOI menl sh•lf be ol the t1eneaboaado,es) IOI. lammyl111no11• nt. l'O<ll wh11h " 11,,. 20020174138 ol offlcl1I Ind removing the same walks as shown on lhe WAUC IS MANOATOAY s•me type required by T1mulhy I Gibbs lllt 5?9 Marlene H•ll bu•111r\' d.oy llt'lorr "" rKordl In the Office of from Uld Ian d or any drawrna FOA All PAIMI CON· the conh•tl Gtbb\ l•w Form. B•r Nn !>17 Marlene Hall ,Al>' <IAI• pro olo•J Che Recorder or Ofl· other lend, Including UTIMATlO TltACTOAS. THl MUT-2 The Contr.t•tor ~hall I J 786 7 110 £•st 229 O•k O•wlt'y Abovr ANnla,GE Couexecnutedty, c.lil:! :-'1,':C.~.,pll:~ ~~::,T:~~::g:,.OO ING WIU C.lOSf AT provide a minimum of 3 Avero•d• P11llzad• Suolr '116 Robert lr•mmell Pubfl· ht'd N~ .. por 1 w1 N 1 , 1 8144 9:0S 4.M. reference\ for prorech 201 Saro Clemen It CA ? I!> Kelly r agunOP' U•M h < ... , , M"''" CIA1ly HMONRQR EOS.M PARl(S,HIAS ~~r rr:::i:: = wi.:'.._ "',..:;•moot :.: ANY CONTAACTOAS stmol.tr on K<>pt and size (949) 492 33~ OWNER RlSrAVCS IHl f'rlut I,,,, udr y 11 A I AN A lnaboYe detcrlbed Oil ~vollllcotl•u In tho AHIVING AfTH THIS to lt11s P1u1e~I whtch OATlz (fecho) NOV IS RIGHT TO BIO ON t(JIJJ J 1'1'1 SOLE AND SEPERATE TIMl Will NOT II IMve been successfu lly 2002 PROPERTY TO BE SOLO PROPERTY T I or gp wells, tunnels ontract Oocwm•nh lUGllll TO , ATIC I l I L oannaOf •yn•Hrnr Of WASHINOTC:: rusM~: and shatta lnlo, moy ,..01 b• ollglbl• for , AH I H l H ~ II~ to mp eled du11n1t the ALAN SLA l A, C or,. All PURCHASCO PROP "" " -" TUAL BANK FA, A lhroogn or ecr0$I the oword. ,.OCUS AS A ,llMl put 3 year\ LAthHtrlo), I RIY IS SOlO ON AN A*W.lfl\Jltl FEDERAL ASSOCIA· subsurface of the lend B1dd•n& Documents will CONTltACTOI. ~~~vt~s~~;r~IOI (;!:'i D~(~~ •• !;....~lfNf, IJ~S ~f :~~5i; ~~.~~J~! Pu"uA11I to "'•'"'" TION, es Beneflclan., herelnabove de.ecribed, bt ••••l•IJI~ lo Bidders Only bidders wtoo fORNIA Publl\htd Newpor 1 HOURS Of SAIO SAlf EilOllld) ol tho 1111"11•1 wtll seU 11 put>Hc ;uc.. and to bo t lom such on THUltSDAY, fElaU .. p.trltc1pale tn both lht Febtu~ry l003 8t"jU.h Co~la Meu O.t1ly All SALES MUST BE R~vtnu,. f.tHJf' nolu,. ''• "--u•-to •"-.. "'...,et whlptlOClled °' dtrK· AAY 13• 2003 and will Pre Bod Conferen•e and Publl\hed Newporl Ptlot f•brudr• 6 IJ "" PAID fO" IN CASH her~by aivc·n lll•I 11" """ .. u .. "'Y"-,,___, .... drllled well•. be IS\Utd al rac1ltl1f\ ~ , <U " an1111al r.llnn lnr Ill• btdder for cash, cash-""',.,, M J the Job Walk in llleor Beach Co~ta Meu Daily U 7003 lhl!>I ONLY IHlRl Wiii 81 ler's check drawn by a tunnels Ind anefta an.ieem•nl, 1 nover~oly ent11•ly. will IJ~ dllowed Ptlnt february 13. 20 A $'>0 00 C'l f ANING cal&ndao Y"·" lllO? 01 •·t 11--·1 ... k under end beneath °' of Cahfmnia lrvtne ?OI lo bod on lht' P101tcl a\ ?003 lhl63 Ot POSIT ON Al I llNllS the HAlf I I MAAG s ... or na ...... .,.n • ............... ....... • ..... .._ lnlerom Olfote Bu1ld1na I OUMD• 110N I 1 cashier's check "'"•--u,. """'""' 19172 prtme contractor\ f0< '--IL·""..,.,.""' SAi I IS SUBlt f I HJ " " • prou • drewn by• 11tle oi limits thenof, and lo (ma•hnit•ddreu>. lurther 1nlormat1on "-'syn.. UC111W-.;v~J.,...._ tANCf.LLATION IN found•loon "Av ... l•hlr federal credit union, or redrllt, equip, mtlnlaln, Jambo re~ Boulevard tt>ntact UCI Contrath t11••-01C10St llOTICIJOCIBfTOISOf f.VfNT or SElTllMf.NT "1 th• ln•ind•I"'"' a cuhler's check rtpelr, deepen arld <phvs1tdl itddreu) Irv Oepulmenl w1th1n Fa ~ ~ QIUll~CS«.•lOS) BlfW[(N OWNER ANO pllnup•I u llu r 1"' dr-n by a state °' ~1-any such weli. on• CA 9')697 !>4U lllilon Manacemcnl (OIPUlfl NDTIC( IS HEREBY OBLIGAT[O PARTY 111'1"" 1"'" d1trllli' r"i111"° I_._ 1 ·• •"" or mines wllhoul, how· i 949> 8')4 1404 Brenda R Hockenhull ICIT',_ lllWUJI AIJCllONI IR busint•·• huu" 1'11111 .,..re u"ng' .,.., n.r, lhl riOt't to drill, Chellis for " non-""""--...., GIVL N that a bul~ s•le 9 IJO , m In 4 00 p m loan H10Cl1tion. UY· mine, •I.On, explofe r•fvttdoblo loo will be 1\<949> 824 I~ dd NOTIC[ TO CROSS is about lo br made fht MR Air.HARO tOlfl\) M by .1ny , 1111,.11 wh" Inga auoelatlon, or end ....,....... thr--h requ11ed on the amounl ht succeu u 81 er OEFENOANl (Avoso a nam~(•) l>us1nts$ ad SIDOCRS requ~'" 11 w1Hun 180 saving.a t>enk •pecilted _ surf..,..._·-or ......_ .,...,u,.,' of s2s.oo per ••t 01 and oh Subconlritct<1rs • H dress(es) of the Stll <CA STAl£ BONO• In ~11on 5102 ..J ,..._ .,,. u• .. B ·~ will be iequortd lo follow "cuudo) uel M C M h 50884001 day• alltl lht d•I• "' Fl~Ull Code"'~ per 500 lee! of the 1dd1naD°'umenls the norodosu•mmihon Hennessy by M.rk E t• S) •re a moud PH• 714 738 ':>4lfi lhl\f1ubht•l1011 _........,___. do~ su~eoe of aeid f'ht'~' "' 10 be made requirements wt forth Hennessy Altornry on Sll1l11 and Sepellr Published N~.,por l lht fo11nd4Jocon\ r>r111 _... ..... , ..... , .. , 10 '"'·le lend. PAACEL 9: payable lo "lhr Reaent• ,,.. the Boddono Ooc:u f ilCI pursuant to Our• Gr•nfar 169'> Supe110f Stach Codll Mni Oaol• copal ullott I\ louted •I neu n uMI stei. ...., e-ts aa • of the Un1vers1ty of • ble Powtr of Attorney Avenue Co•la Mesa CA , Lloyd Copenbarcer & will be held by the duly acrlbed In and for lhl Cal1hlfn11 m•nls and 10 pay daled rebruary ?2. 2001 926?7 Polol februaiy 1 l ?O Assut , 467~ MacAdh111 •PC)Otnted lruslee U .,..,.,.,.... 'eec lorth In Sealed Bod\ will not be preoohna waae rates at Anthony lames Bala, Doing Busonen n 2003 lhl6I Cl Sit 100. Newporl ahOwn below, of all A .. -rt.,,.._,,_--_llendlllof-... acc~pled alter 21DO thelocationoflht WOlk Ca ltlornla Coastal Superoor leHCO Gas t:ll..IL02-17SAtLN Bf'nh CA 92660 The I •t ... ._ _ _. I 1 ..,_ .... , The tuccenful B1clde• St 1 ""' -~ r g,.. u.,., .. ..., "",.' t:ef1aln restated Deel• P . M . on f Al DAY, Homes Shuh11 Wtl!.On, • ion 111111( 1p1I man•aer nf thl' con..,.y.d to end now ration of Covenente. MARCH 7, 200S will bfe requited to have, Georce Bervl lherna All olhtr bu\lnnt MOTICITOCIBfTOIS fnund•t•nn 1\ t lnyll .._Id by the lru$1ee in Bod s--I 1 lh the ollowtnc Sl•I• ° Clar• •nd AOCS I ·20 n amt ( ' ) And • d ,. ___ .i-............ c b 1 ,,. CondlUont and Ratrlc· ·~011 Y n 11 Cahforn11 Contractor·s R • • -•~ open •• '" loyd ~bedhe~ un!; tionll9oofded on May ~mounts of I~ of Bt~1 llcens. current al the ln~~U\1¥:RC BflNG SUfO t~.~~~~> w~~~~ .~: p~~~ SlATE OF MICHIGAN Copenb•ralrr PrC1nc1p•I ..,.,..... .. , 23, 1994 u lnatrument ump umnti • P1ob1te Court, Cot.1nly Mao•irr loyd open end purauent to the No 84-"1~,,.,. of om-""=''"""'.:".".:-=~"""'="'""""""'"":':~~"'i':"t:':"":'.'~~ BY CROSS COMPLAIN thre~ years as stated b1taer, Altorney 46/!J Deed of TNSt. Theule e1e1 ~of Nld -NOTICE OF win be on ANT by the Seller(s> •stare ~1M~o(0g'b A £ R't~"ut M•i 1vi11111 rt . Ste 100. will be made, but.with-County APN: 440-lM-PETTTION TO 03113r'03 at 1 30PM In (A Ud re est• demand NONl •/k/a AMfOCO Al OCR I Newp"r t II ta ch c A out covenant or war-05 Amount of unpaid ADMINISTER Qept L·73 IOcaled at ando) Ronald Wllhnm Tiie name(s) and ArNDl a/lo./A AMCOEO 9?660 renty, ex.p<eSMd or belenc:e llld other ESTATE OF: 341 THE CITY DRIVE, Anthony 1dd11" of lhe BuyerCs) A RC NOE O.cund Publ"h•d Newpo1 t Implied, '99'fdlng' Ulle, ct.~: 1474,374•03 WILLIAM 8. ORANGE, CA 92613 You ll8Ve 30 CAllN is/are Growers 01recl Date of b1tlh Junt 10 Beach Co\lit Meu Daily pouesslon, or encum-( tlmaed S MORRIS MA IF YOU oe.JECT 10 IN OAR DAYS alter lllii Property llC IOI I Pilot February IJ 2003 brtnces, to PtY the .:,,... ) arld = WILLIAM BERNARD granting of lhl pelrtJOn, wmmons is served on 17th Street Costa Mn• :~z~ll CRlOllORS lhl60 tsc 127 .. remaining principtl catnmondMlgNltionaf MORRIS youlhouldlR>Nllllhl rou to t1leatypewr1tten CA92627 NOTICE lO CArOr AdfMM .... auf!I of the "°'911) U. rH~I~"": 524 CASE NO. A217548 5•nd mte )'OUr respon$e at this court The nuts beina sold l ORS lhe decedent. MC'Ured by the Deed ol "" T n he!f8 Of hie written A letter or phone c.11 are aene,.lly dt~c11bed • s......t Trust. lnlefUt the~. ~~ BEAg~ NE~A ~n!.. avdi1ore; with the court will not protect you, •~· furniture. f1atures. ~~=~=~ \,::~1t·R!~e~ Th!I lollowinc person' 'Mllmated '"'· 92660 APN NUmber. ooflllngenC tredllOB, and lhe hearvig Y"-X your typewritten re· equipmenl. tladenam.,, •!kl• Amedeo A Rende. are dulnc busonH$ n eha-gea and HpeNH 440,-164-05 The undlf· ~ w11o may . appearance may be in sponse mus I be •n coodwtll lose •nd who lived at 1830 16th Stop Prtd1t0<s Au11ll11y of the Tr\19• for the .. i...-.o ct. 04hetwtM be inlefelled person Of by ~ PfOptr lecal form tf you dulersh1p lusellold S B Network. 1800 E IGth ._.._, --(•I ....... _.... Truat.ee -_.._ _..... ~ wanl the court to hear 1mllfov1menh, coven•nl treet. Newpoit u c:h. St. 11,310 . N•-poil ......., _,.....,.. .,,. cfalma ...... llebll .... lot ....... -01 ........... 01 • CA 92(;63 died October , '" llme of tfle lnltla.I pub!!.-I _,, .. , al bo4tl of WILLIAM 9 IF OU ARE A your cue not to compete, ltle I 2002 Buell CA 9166l ~tion of the Notice of ::: ~= lf'ld J.«)RRIS AK.A WIWAM CREDITOR OI I If you do not 1111 your phone numb.,. and •re Cred1ton ol tht dt Abdul All11y1ll. 1800 l SaN> ruiaonably nU. BERN" .. D •"""'RIS -~~ ....... ,.._ roponse on Ion••. you loc.ated at 16~ Supe f' 161h St , lltJ IO, Ntw 04het common d9llo' ,.,., .....,., ......... _. -"""""'"' u.. 1 t10t Avenue, Co:!.la Mna. cedenl arc 11011 11d lh•I meted \o be •t forth natlofl ff eny shown A PETITION FOR decelNd. you mutt file may ose the ca5o. •nd c• 9.,.,')7 all cl11ms •a11nlt the port Be1o1lll. CA 92663 a.low. Tha lllTlount h9relo'. The 'property PROSATI: has been yoUJ c:lalm with the court your weaes, money and Th;" bulk ule Is in t\l.1te will be forever Char els Holt. 1 75~ ""'9Y bl oreaw on the hefalofore described .. lil9d by CHARl.ES J Ind mail a OOf1'I lo lhe property, mt'! be ta~en tended to bl COMum barred unless pruenl•d She11n1ton Pie •W31J. deY al ...._ Place of being aoid •n it•. MORAIS In lhl SuPenOI per'IC)flll represellllblle without ur ner warnona 10 Mlcll.ul Rende named Newport Buch CA We~ !!!., .. ~TO OATE: 02A>3l'2003 Cour1 olO!..."~E· • ~ by lhe COC-1 from the court ~~~-:w ·~e:~~:·~~uopf, per~ftal rlf)feqnlahve 92663 , """"' ""''"'""""' CALIFORNIA RECOH-County ~ within lour months Imm lheu are olllM lecal 1~. 1•""" Yorba I Inda or propoud penon•I Sutt• Holl 11!>!> ·shef ...., ,.,..,..,.... COURT TUE pCTrnr\af FOR ...._ le ... ..._. l'qutr•menls You may ·-0<vv • 1 Pl IW313 ,._ '-"""' • • VEYAHCE COMPANY , •n "''""""' .... di .,. '"""' 1auance Blvd tJ08, Yor-ba ltroda. rep.esentallo, tu lo '"' on c • HOUSE 700 CIVIC T •-.,..,.. "-~ PAOBATI: reQUMll !hit °'lefter• 11 ~In w•nt to cill •n attorney b th the pro1>11~ 'out Newport Buell, CA CE~A rusty" .....,_ " rus-;.....,, ........_, ,...,. ...... c:s J """°RIS ... ~~ rl&flt 1w•y. II you clo not Ca 928116 and the 0 r 9,.,,.,3 SANTA ANA, CA .... ~.....,, A11911U9, M .. ~S : N ~-·~"""'" Probate Code section know •n attorney, you 1nhc1p•l•d ule d•lt la at 21850 Dunham Aoed. ~ ...... £ .............. .,vHll A 03 02 04, , be~ ___,,,., ... '!.. 91001m. The time for l~lnp miy call en eltorney Marell 4, 03 Mount 80c1em3 ttna. Mit lll dulc111~d bbv~•n,e11n u111s111cc~~ ,_.,,......,:..,. CA 91324: (911) • ~i;'·-UYW ell • will not eicpA referrtl Mtrvtee "' a The bulk Jal• 1,, subffc.I a•n 4 4 • and the ~ , -AEF. NO. to5e12 PAA-7721 or {714) 573-1915 -··-estew before tour rnonctll trom lt•al •Id offk:e (h~ttd 111 lo Cthfornie U"lform n•mtd/propnnd per porehtl aHoc1at1on CCL A. Lot it lt'ld fllll OEBOAAH 8~~~£i of the dloedent the r..nng date noClcld 1,;; phone booll) Cllm!Mftltl Code S.c son.al npreunltlhre Olllt!r lhan a partntt1'hlp pOf1lon of Lot S2.. l:IOll VICE PR~T THE PETfTION ~ atJoo1e uon 8106? 'l'FS I NO y w1lh1n 4 moftths efltr Havt you slt1led dotn& OI Tt9d No. 8230.:.C~ CAUfOANIA RECOH-~ IO ~ YOU MAY EXAMINE the Deapues 4• que le on._ n•-end a.......... the dalt of pubtK•llon bualntn r:•? No Hewpcwt ......... ,.,...,_. -entre1uen esta cnaclon ''" .. _ """ •• t t"''-1 ... d 1 • 1 Cltr of ~ 1 VEYAHCE COMPANY the _,. .,.,... u.. Ne kapt by the cour1 11 iudtclel u•ltcl t1ene un ol the 1>«wn will\ whom 0 .... no tee "" u " ''" 1 ~ ~":; ~at A~~~~ =-•ofEetatea r:,..:: in~= ~~~~R1os~-~~,.~ ~~~~~ ~~~w':kft~~~;. ~;te: Nmmbtt ?'I. 111~" w1~~at~~1n~ou~~; lhown on I Map•fll cl OOUECT A DEBT. NI. (TNI 1UChOltly Ml yo11 may file wllh the ter uni respuult u Inc . 18200 Yorba l tnda J ltUSSlLL LABARCE. Cletll of Orana• County n Boot 145 PIQll 'O ANY lt*ORMATIOH allOW h pereonal OOClf1 • ~ tor critt 1 l'nAQu•n• 111 nl• Blvd Su1lt 308. Yorbt Jlt • Ally P16J21 2'825 on Ol/74/0J ~ ti, lfldutlW91 08TAINEO ·Will 1£ hipi........,. lo taa Sotdll No6Ce (bl'll 0£. corte Lindi, CA 112!8S and ~ llllle Mack Ave., $11111 200HtlotH "'.........,.. ..... UlfD FOR THAT P\Jff. meny ·~! ..:!!!!:f ~ "'! .... -:.:..:: Un• uru 0 wn• IHI d•hl iOf filflll Cl.tllM 200, SI Cl11.r Sfloru, Ml Oalll l'llot J.n 30, '•b. lilt .. Of9t:ll of ti.e . '°8E. ASAPS111177 ~ .....,., ...,....,.._ • ..,.__, .,.., ll•mad• t11tlonk a no le by eny crtdtlor r.h•ll bt 4IOIO (!>86) 711 3311 fi. l • 20, 2003 Tllll4 ~ d 311 ?I'll 7120 ~ -~ Olftlln o1.-.....-«ollf'IY ofrec•o protecc~n. au March 3, OJ. wlhd' " Mleh•tl Rtnci.. Ptf S..... .. Se yeur u11wanted ..... , ... ••1yw•yl ,,., .. ClaulfleCI etl t-4.yl .. ,.,. Se your u•w•nted ...... .•. eo1ywoyl ''-'•• Claulfle4 atl , . .,. ... ..,. ~~ ~ -Ot --u t 11 the busfnns d•Y before 101111 ftepreunlllllv• ,..,_... •• ,...... __ ...,_., _,. re1pues • 11cr 1 • f' 1043 Wt\lvl•w. Bloom M 1 11 .. lhuf rapt.....-,. will be PRMdld in PIOl:letl m•qulne litrlt Que ~t!v~la d•t• "'•ct ••d lltld Hlfls, "'41 48304 ~10tj;9nollo9to Code~ 1~ ~~:!If :~ .. In.::= 8U'((tt(S) (248)649 391$ ~=11 "*-...., ":.: =:-' bl'll le evaWile 41111 II nltd quwe qua Cfo-1 Dlfect 'r°'*ty, Newport Buch Co\ta flu 1b1tnd0Md' the use ~ "'Y ,_. ftom,.. ClOUlt def\. 11 corte oc11t lt• 111 L.LC ,.. .. o..ul Ptlot r '"'"' of the rtc1111ou1 Bual ncloa OI w•-' to AIDmeytor~ NO lly /S/ ltunn It •ry6i l2. !, 2003 neu iu11,1 C.lilorna ~ Pl\Jll ~-=-J ~f':!l.ER. o.NE c SI '11tltd llO preffnla Slwbu, tilana11n1 Mtm ISC 174$ fHWl49 Cuatom W«mt , !13& I .,,. •-~ su raspuesta t !tempo, kf l'UASC TAKE NOTICf O)'IW' Rd , Sant• AM, CA ldmlt...,,. dlOftly 144 H Ol.ENOAL& AVE putde percltf el cuo. y 'wbllshd Newport that• bulk ule 111b4v1 92707 will be~ ...... Ill f2a le p11etltn qult•t aw BHch Costa MIM Dilly to bt m•dt by ll1nd, Ole Flttilkw ·-~-=-o "::: Ol.EHOALf., CA t120I-ulart0, "' dtoero 1 otrH PtlOI hlHuery 13, 2003 Hd Kimberly Htu. 41111• n•ni. r•llfretl to •bon -· 4!l(X) CCIUM .. ., tN09"4td •18t Tltll2 Clt(A TUltl Clll'l'f tts. Wll Mtd Ill Ora111• ~... .. = !"~ c.14"0I. "" •¥1'4 MKIOflM "°' wtlOM b11$11\ftt ttMttns C..11111y Oft ,,,~ •• fltf -wflr --petf• da IH«1• •' 31991 Dove Cany..n NO 2001~1013 lllOIAd nol ... ._ 09-_,I hlsten otro requltl· ."l#f!./Mlr_Cu Orio, Suite 1001, Cllar lu We~u llUlllMty • ~~A tOt lectle• f>vide que '" ~ / Trabuco C1nyon, Call Ot"°4M 2061 l'Mlerapt AHEM!fA Aft h ..,.DllLY'1LOT 11!J!!l ftltU ntm• 04 f11tn1.1 lhtor o • t 9'lf>Jf, H•lt• Ann Oufl""" 1111,1 f'tMtMvJJt toui l I 11\\,t M1 ,. CA 't/f)/h fh1 .. b"\lllf'"• t•, 111n tl11t t"d ''" hu~t .tn•t t1t11 ltu .t tft'tn~"' """'1 filt<d with tht-f nun'• f l,..tl!. ,1f flt.1Httt I rn11tl. ""\JI )4 01 2003"930940 ,.,,~ l>a1ly f'olol IA~ I() 1 ~• I 11 I • I • w • ' fl • (, 11 70 'OOJ I I I 111.k... • I Jtw \l,eh"''"' "' fictitious~s 111 •• 1 "''"' "" I ..... 1,, .. _ Ch.t~ nf fJt•llll• l11u11ly ..... ~ 1111111 11111 lhr 1 .. 11uw111r 1urs 11 200J69l 18S9 "' """'~ "'"""' \~ • 11.uly l'ol·>I I,,, 1, I I 1 •ho;h Lt•~~ll I '"" l 11' v 'U I 'OCH Ir 147 '.'. rnt 1 MAr~Mll• I'~ r --1 /(4 Ml'\!.t•ut \ilf'J(I tA AditMs lwsiim 'l?fi'll • Thi· folluw111~ p1 """' .,,, 1tnt1tat t;u~.u1r'' t A I M t. I< W~· '.h. ,, •nd ·rnn V1uhn C..h• ·I• Im fl 1 Wt'r.\h.t•• V•ohu Stu I' lrl( CI Wt1\ '\h.t•f Vtolm ~ho'' l /t, t Uo •111• Av~ I "'I• Mo• c A 'Jlf:.l 7 M A H W1-t\\h,,,,, ~•nd t\oo Vwtm ~.twp ltu IC Ai l/fd lltd11rr 11., r: .. \I• Mn 1 r A 'llt,J1 ffu' f1t1 1n, ~~ I\ (Uf ,1.,. lf"d tiy It r oq•t•t .•l111n ti01t ifQU _f,,fff"d dt11ttr, bu tt•f"\•, ,,..r· y.,.. 111nr 1'1'1'1 M & ~ W"'"'·l1.tu .uut S•ut V1nl11t ',h11t1 101 M1~t Wt<11 .h tt• J11•\1 ftrol flu-"-t.tttmf"nt w.t• loll''1 w•lh Ill# l • 11nly Ctrr" ot lhdt111Cf' l nu11fy 1111111 II 0 I 200S69l 187 6 o .. 11y P1101 r f'b i. I i ,'() ?l 70()j 111140 rldttlees ... s llmeS"'-1 I h,. lnllowone P"""'' M ~ d111n11 bu\ont" ·" Am .. r '',.. l ~h .. ,.,.,,. th.Hltb"' 11t C~omm""'',. Nm Ill A"""' 4 1400 Sm Moautl Or r. .. 111n.\ tll'I Mu C.A'llfil'l I l'bilOUll ft .. d• And lnlm 111•l111n Uffw" (f 111 I •Oil \an Moau~I l>o turn11• d~I MM (A 9ZG.?5 ltll\ bU\lne\\ I\ t VII du< l•d by a c nt pur .olonn lfht you \l.trl.,l dnont hu\1nt\\ yet> Yto• 17 I'> 01 I ell1n1111 Ir •dt u11t lnformaloon Ollie• M1d1H•I p ''" "" l'h.iuman llll\ 'IAl~m•nt w .. • fole<t w1lll th• t.ounly tlttk uf O"n&e Cuu111v Ull 02/07 OJ 2003'932720 Daily Pilot reb IJ, 10 21. M1r 6, 2003 THI 12 *-"" M•I • tefU1uf ~ ....... lh• follnw1n1 Pfl son hn •bandoMd the ust1 uf the f orhhous Busi nrH N•m• ·CC & C:omp1ny Ou1rn~ lbOt fl•Y"rJ~rt lerrac.e. C:o ron• <lei M.tr. CA 9262Si Th, r I( hhous Bu\1nt\\ n•me r elerrtd to abovt wn loled In Or •n1e County 011 04/IJ19ll, ru f NO 1998bl .. '14?'1 (;1101• S Sknro. lf.01 lhy~dere Terr1u. Cn tona del Mar, CA 926~ Cout lney Faul 7622 Crnh1ew Newport Buth CA 92fi6l fh" bu•tnn' '' con dutltd by co par Into a Corole S SkOfo lhos al•temenl wn tiled with lht County Clerk of Orana• County onOl/17/03 tOHHJ011S D•tl'f Pttot Jtn 23. JO. feb 6. 13. 2003 Thl04 fldlllM ..... ... s...... The follo•lnt ""'°"' ert d lift MIMIS ., M 8rttdlty 80tlc Stone, t04t W llttl St,. $It A IOI, C.•I• Mtu, CA 9:Xi1) Bork. I S•l•tN, Inc:. (CA), 1041 W. 18th $t , Ste. A lOI Co\11 Mtiu, CAt26?7 1 hi' tltnlfttt\ 11 lOll 4U<IH br t <Ofai¥tl*' ..... \fOll 11 .. 1ec1 *""' ""'''" ' rtlf "° 80fk I Sai.1e1, Inc, Alt·• Wc.u1·fH\ 'J31 N• """'' I I• •t tt N1wprtrl ll•'oHh C:.A 'Ub60 fhl\ ho !Of'\'• t-.; 'tlfl flu, t,.d f1y AU 11111 111111•1 , .... ,., VOii ,, .. ,.,.d ,, ,, "' llu\111r•' y .. t1 y,., I I O, I Air• W11J11" f h1\ •.t•h nu '11 "'J f1ltd with lh, ''"""' L 1 .. rk nt Ot ,,,,~, .. nn Q? 0/ Oi 20036932719 OA•ly P•lvl I •I 1 M~• 1, '11111 11 /fl 111111 ActitlM llnit!MJ "-S........ T ht• fulluwinr e>• '"'" 4''. d1t111tr b\• tilt ... \ • k..-\••Uftl rutnn• 1(14 lh•dv Won if 11 "'°" ( A •m;;;o Hon llr1e<l•nn~1· h 1111 ~h1idy Wu.11J h 11111t· l A 'J:lb/fl 11 .. 11y lll•d1lurd lhll'•" u ... yvtt w """ ·"' t<t. t1 I A 110/4 1 h1· l•U\ltl'°'' " • ''n dt1t tt-ct hy ~ ii•""' .. u••tt1rf•,1uv H~vr yuu \l~l lod ""'"~ bu•,ont" 1•P N11 Aon lln11d11111v1<. II fhl\ ''"l•ml'nl w• f1l•d with lht Cuu11ly I 1.,i. .,1 Or 11nrr I n11nh <In 02 11 03 200'69330tO 0d1ly P1fo1 r tb I J in Jl. Mao 6 ')()()J 111191 ,.._......, ie-s......t lh .. lollowmc ptr~on~ ,,. doona bu5111ess ,., Romanct 16!1 2?00 W1ndw&1d l .rne. Nawp11rt lluch. CA 9?660 Bed1uom 8011 l1q1H Newporl Bttth !CAI ?200 Wondw•rd t .. nr Newport Buell lA 9?660 lhos bu\lne\\ t\ coo ducted by • tor po1 t1lou11 Have you \ltr led dome busones\ yet? Nu Bedroom Boutoqut NPwpdtt Buch Juh• r utld<o Pr•~•d•nl Thi\ sltt1menl w.- llled wolh the County Clerk ol Oronfle County on 02/07/DJ 200SHJ2743 O•tly Pilot r eb 13. ?O ?I M•r 6 2003 Thl&J n... ...... "-S...... I 114t fa llowma p~r ""n' •• • do1na bu11nen u Ulue J.ey 6ey Common Aro r und, 1?01 Don SlrHl !luot' 100. New POtl Bl!ach CA~ llr•dl1y W Scltroth. 1?01 Dowe StrHI, Suite too Ntwprn I 8tt~h. CA 92660 This bu\utet• r wn du led by •n lndlVldu•I Haw~ \tilled do1111 1111~ yetf Y11, 011 l~/2003 Bradley W St'hrotll Tt111 1ttt•111tnl wu lll•d tollh lhe County Olerll of Or•ni• Cou11t1 on01/28~J tooMtallte Da11' Ptto1 J.n. JO. he . 6, I .20.JiOOl tllt2t >I Oart1 Pilot --------------·--.. . . ,. . ... . 2003"'132118 'I >A 'I "' 1q11I' tllCJO u 111 ;nu t '''"'t l•Jlnt-' r .,._,ur-. yrt' "~" fh~ H, 1 !:' lt.itr, .-r• r 2MO l.egll NoUces -leplNadcn hied with the County _CA_92688________ hl•d with the County Clerk of Ouna• County Mont• S1lot 46 Cell• 0. Clerk of Or1nce County on OV2JIOJ Los Nmos. R1ncho S111t• o n 01/24103 20036t307tl M.ll1ar1I•, CA 92688 200S6tJOtJO D•1ly Pilot Jin 30. r tb P1tr~1• S1lot ~ C1tte 0 1111 Pilot Jen 30. f tb 6 13 20. 2003 Thl3S 0. l<i\ Nino~. Rancho 6 IJ 20 ?<JCq fhl33 Rdltt.s~ ~~ Mara••••• CA Re'""-...... Mme S..._. Tht\ bu$1nts• I\ con The lollow1n1 person) dlltled by 'W'b1nd •nd ... s..i..tf •re doma business as wilt The lollow1n1 persons Ounie County Slldtna H<1ve you sterted dotn& •re doina bu\lnen •s Door 8192 Kinaf"her busrnen ytl' No Ntwl)O(t PM.inc P•inl· Orivt Huntoncton Buch Munl* S1tot ina ll'JO W 1 'ith SI C .. hfornia 92641i Th1\ \lalemen\ WH Newport Bel• h CA p • u 1 Th 0 m 0 D • f•l-d w1U1 the County 92660 Guclle 8191 K111cf1sher Clerk ol Or•n&M Cuunty Coa\tol P•c1l1c Piontrn& Ome Huntinaton Buth un 01 28 0 f lnl CCA1 890 W l'ith Cohlurni•92646 2003'931321 SI •JIJ Newpo1t I h 0 mas A II t n Or U61ly Pilot l•n JO I eb Be ,h CA 92660 Guolle 819l Kinttf"""' 6 IJ lO 2ocn fhl23 Th bus1nt\\ , .. coo Drive Hunlml(l»n Buch Fktflltus lusiltss docte by ,, corpo• •hrm C•lilorn13 9?64F:i Hive you started do11111 Ti11'> bu\ln~'~ is con MClllll StattlMllt bus111ti 'veil No Th• follow1111 pe.,on' ue do•n& bt1Jlnn1 .n Hew Ofder TKhnOl(la1n 18071 f1t'h An 1,.1ne Ca 9261A l 1n1ford O.l1no M•n tlH, 2398 [Iden fB Cosl• MeH , ~ 92627 fh1s buStnen •• <on ducted by •n 1nd1v1du1I H•ve you 1tarted lkl1n1 bus1nu\ yet' Nu Lanalord Oel•no Men 11e\. Thi~ 1t1 tement w.s tiled with the t ounly Cltri. ul Or1nve County on It 7&102 20026927825 Daily Pilot Jan 2 j 10. feb 6. 13 2001 Thill duct~d hy • ~~nr.ral !hf fplluw111~ per \On\ Co• •f Patolot Paint IJ~rlner \h1p are dltllll bU\1!11!\\ a\ in&, Int fictitious lllsinffs Hav• Y•1u ''Mt•d dom11 l111r111•n• Y Re,ponu Slel' C.111olla Chief bu\1nenyePN11 !..Pl< lrJ1n1n11 1028 r111ant1atOff •lCer "-eS .......... ·p~lll De Cu•ll• W1l\Ctn SI #0 Costa Th" Sl4temenl wa\ lhe tallowm11 person\ ni'.. ,,.1.rnr11t Wd\ Me\A C.A 921i21 filed Wlt/1 the County a•e dome bu\IOU\ "' lllrd w•lh ll'I• l:1Ju11lt K1mb••ly 1(4y Ber Cler ~ ol Or4 n1it County l\1mbt'rly Bradfc>rd fv•nl Clerk of Or4n~e C1Ju11ly trond 1028 W1l\un SI un 01 31 03 Planrun~ & Oe\1&n 6'.>I on IJl 04 OJ •D Cr•sta Mtq CA 20036931872 6 S•mt Vmcenl Irvin• c A 20036932263 CJl&ll Daily P1tol r eb IS 92618 20 ?7 ZOCH fh I .18 l Ooilt f'1lvl f ~b b lJ I hr.\l<>1•her W1ll1.rn K1111berly Ann Albrv<hl ZO 21 ZOI I lhlSJ lltrlr 111d 1018 W11''" _, b5l Sa'"I V111• tnl trvm• ,..... ..... ... s...... The follow'"I per sons •rt doona bustn•u •• W•bWOfh Studio 2433 F 01 dh1m Co\ ti Mesa CA 926?6 Cl1y C Custer 24H r ordll1m Coit• Me••· CA 92626 This bus1nH s is ton duct•d by 1n tndmdu1t 1(1ve you sterled do1n1 bu\ln•n yeP No Ct11 C CSu>ttr Ttu\ sllltmt nl wo t1t~d Nlth the County tier~ ol Ur•nee County unOl/17/01 200J69·301 '9 O"ly Pilot Jan 7 s iO rrb 6, 13 WOJ lllllJ'I FldlttM lusiiess "-'S"'-' I hi' lollowin& P81\un\ drr duina llu\in•'' .- GROUND FORCE JH W Bay SI •J 8 Co\lol Mo.t f.A976l7 Jnhn Aldo W•t>on l j) W B•y St •3 B < )\I• M,~• CA 91671 Ptowckn Th11 stat•mtnt wu ft..O with the County Cltr~ of On n111 County on OJ 17 03 200HU01U 011ly P1lo1 Jin ?. $ )() r •b 6, n. 200J Th 106 RdltlM ..... ... s...... The folfo•1n1 person1 ••• d(lmc business •• CC: ' C(lmp•ny De\11111) 22<M 1/2 W1terlrc..nt Or t(lrun1 del M11 GA 9267'> Courlney r JUI 7622 Cr.st,..,.. Nrwpr.rt Btod1 (;A 9:?661 Th1\ bu\1n• \\ " 1 .,,. duded by 111 111dMdual Have Y''" • tdrled d•11nit bu\1nr\\ y•I' hs ~ 13 ~ t•Jurtnt'v f 1ul lh1\ \ldtement W4' fllt'd with th~ r.ount; Clor~ of O••nit• r;.,u11ty on OJ 11 03 20036930116 0•11; hi<•I l•r• 7 l IO r Pt b 1 i 1oc)j Hi1o·i F1ctitious ~ 1 s1 •o 1 osto Mt'• tA 1 Stat111111ht CA 92r,1P •m II ~ .. itofUsuf I fh,, bu~'""' •\ c n Mame Slatlllllll T h1\ tiU\tr t3.\ 1\ 1 on duqed by •" tn<J•v.,ht•I .. ,,. ,...,,,,. , .... ,\tm'\ dul t, d t,y t1tJ\bdnd 11nd fktftiM lusiiess..... Hd..-t 1uu -stdr ltoJ i1om, ,,,. 1 , 1 ,1 f't-d\ w,1.. Htf' fnllow1n~ prtvJn I busrn~~~ y~t1 Ni> M e .. ~,.. H " lit 114•~ fOU ~··· t•J do'l•j' ha. •b•ndont'd tht U\e l\1mbttfy A Albt y ,,, l().ll ... , l..,.11 t '\lto t.u,m .. ,~ Y"''' ~ ol fht' ru.hhou' Bu~t lh,-.:. 'tt.tlt-rt•{"l11 ,,, •. fht\ bu"""'' IS con due trd lly •n •lldtv•duo11I H.flvt' t;'M> \l•r trd duu • bu\•n'~' v•'' Y•\ 'I I 7007 lohn W.tl\,On Ht t ~ "'"• pttr~lin\ Thi~ \l1ttn1t"rtl Wj\ Hr duin._ lu '' e~\ •'Jo lttrd w1lh tht-mmt1 G ... ,fl,., P"\n U\~'" I I••~ t Jr.,n~• uunl/ Sott ... J•• \olo'IO~• 21~ "" 01 1l$ H ?IJtll I ,.. .... ~.•I El•d t f4 I~ t"1111t1trl1 t1 .. rtr.•"" n~\'\ N.trnf' Nr'Aop1,r t hltd ;w,th th~ l.OU'11/ '1tf:l/ lh1~ \!•'~"'""' ... \ cu .. st f'4rntin~ 2020 Clerk "' Or<111 ... r unt1 200369S 1334 CA i?l.>F:iJ Ii .1 •"d 5, M" 1 l•d .. ,111 "" I ount1 Monrnv•• A•f' Co,t• i.n 02 07 Ol A J041 'i• 18111 I l•r> ul 01 •"V' 1unty M'"\4 r.A 9/6:.>7 1 20036932740 Ul•lr p,1, t Jar> 1() f .t M t~ M ( "'"" II' t'Ot~ f, lJ 10 /OOJ lhllf, !>I ~ ... ,, '' b•,HI (A \I• A IOI! \Id M,,, "n J 11 0 l f h~ I 1< t111ou• Bu\lnf'\' Ci• y P•lul f 'b H 10 CA'Jt671 20036933015 n•m• rel•rr•d lu •bov• 21 Mai Ii /OQj lhl1!2 'l?&i. j Fktltious lklslMss fll1• bu I ·• \\ \ • '1 •1w, 0""'" ~\ , 0 1 D .. .tv P1l11t I cb I J lO 1 ,... f1r,d "' O••nl[e dulttdt,v dl'lflJIHdtUJtl '!..' M•• 6 lOllt fHl'l01C•1t1nl~ on 7698 r1Ll Fi...:.:...-•.-:....... •• li.l•• fu•t IHl•d <11•1111 flctftlousllldfttu N(J 1998676i480 f\nl_,~~ Mame Shlttlllllll dutl•d I y '" •nQ•;i<lu•I ud~ ... 1 IJ • , ... , l .. ('j d1•m. lh .. fntfn1Wlfli P,.'~°'' t, ,11,. ~ f' •1 y .... : ?0 dlt d••ln~ bU\•11•\\ > }[il)j ~I() l 1pr~\\ /01 JIJ!h M" k M<( ,,...,, 1,., ,,, •• , ,.1 f'4, k••ll f' Ll@m~nt 2020 Mon. SlahflMnl fjr,r 1 t:. .tiJ/,H tn1 MClllll Slattftltlll Munr ••YIJ Ave Co\ la I lrHI Nfwpurl B••lh 1 11 ,, . t•l•n 1 • J•'.u' •• 1 .. 1 ,, "'""d"nl I'" follnw11t1[ µenun\ M~··• CA 92627 f hf-tull•)w1n& LJf'"r '>"n .c1te <11110)1!'. bu:i.mf'\' d\ Julie Ma1~un 905 ( AvalOl'I A,. Sdnl• An .• LA 92706 I A 9'1bliJ ' • • • '"' "'4 1 filed ... th lh• l.uur•ty I K•1 ll"4udou• XJl 19111 Cl••• ,,1 IJ•o~,-. r,.urtt H1 \ t 11 ... ,1 • .-n1 Nd•,, ,,., th•m~· tiu\1f'fl\\ ,... Utt\ bu\1ne\~ is \.t.n <;tr t•I "'""'"'"' fl•• h n 01 '4 'II Ille<! .,,,h tlw luunty f •• tr.r v Ill••~ 701 l u\ du• l"'l by "' 1nd1v1dudl r1 .. ,~ ,f r1r,mer L11u11ly MrJhOO\ S.t11 ttflmt'nlf' Htt"tt p t:ll!mt!nl (A 'Jlbl, I ~0036930938 I '"Ill /4 [Jj C:A 9lbll Tr1t\ ,,........... Wd\ Br.dn Bo·ilttr 90'1 [ A"alnn Av• '>•nl• P.11.1 (,. 9l70t. 1 tw.. tu1\111t~~· I\ '"" I [),utv P11. t Jdn if F .. r, du<l•d by •n 1nd1v1!1u•I 1 6 I I "o l'JOi Th!t~ 2003693094 I Ill.,.~ (Ju•tlr tnl r CA 1 f11t•d w1tl1 thP Luunty ll•v• 1uu \IJrtP.!1 d1J111~ IJ,1dt P1t1>I J,1n 11) f •b 4!1'> [ d\I l lth \t l;MI• fl•r~ ol Orange County t, I 1 t0 .'001 11'1 W M•\• r A 97f,l7 nn tJl 04t0j bU~lll~\\ (•11 Y•'. l /9 Ul Jt-it" f1 ll1J-N'fl"-., .. , II \ ,tf... \11 e. b11 HH t \ ~"'"'I c ,,.·.tt IHI• '1 ~>i41 o .. ,, ••• , n .... Hurtonrt n !lro1 I ('A 'l/Fi4~ I 20036933070 I t '• t-" t f rt M., '> •001 11 11 'H. KX Th,.. f·11! 'l'olfl.t' ',., "''l' ·1 ''"• l· ,n~-.· i' AnJt • • 11•· .. ~n\ 17•,ll Mrt11 ... 1 I dnt" •4 •--tun f<• , h I A 1 't,4/ Ill'>'! •lhl (A r1 .... bu"""" " ""' 20036932201 "'" l•d t.v • oc.rri•••o111,n U••lt P1lul Feb F:i 13 HJv1 V'>U •,l,lfl"d du1n~ 20 ll 200l Thl'>4 bu\•IW\\ v•r> 1• I Ol Ol HI 11 t-UUdt1r,.f11 l.t\Ufl f hi~ bU )111f"*. I\ ( •fl dueled bv •n 1na1.,1J.,•I H.-• yVu \ldrfrd d111n~ bu\tn,..,~ ftt' Nri B"an Bnull.r K41 B.,ud111• ,., .. d'"' ~ bu n~\~ ,.. ( Nf R<:l! 1 I lfJ ! ~••I tf111tti~Ut-I V1 ,. Prr,_1 trnt 1 h, le I '"'"i pet ~on• .1r~ domL bU\tnt:\\ a\ di [lut1 n•L f'(tld I Thi'\ ... totfi"mtnt w.t•. f1lro wot~ in. r.:iunly CJe1lr ,,f Q, .tflff" l 01.111t 'I onOI 17 Qj 20036930122 I h1\ \tlltm•nl "'~ lll•d w1lh It,. Courll f I Irr• ,,,1 0rdllit r.uu1 ly ,nOI HO.! 200369318&8 Da•ly Pilot Fr~ O"".,. rcra "'"'' M.ir b IS I CA 9/b~ 't'' ,. tf~trtt<fll <Nit I lt·!.l .., tri II•• I• unly • r)o ,I lh .tltl&f' lf0ll' O f I "' I I t L O,uly P1 1,t ,._,,, • I J(I rhlO/ u 21 200J Jh 14' M•roon R•no ll 1~ntn" l IOJ l'I••• Or •• Coror • Oel M•1 CA 916(~ ~lusiltss N-..S""'91111 I I 200U9327S1 #IW<A ,., t t .. 201011!, • I i'<j, "Cl I 'Jlf,f,/J 'I• .. '"' St,~ ... 1 ' tt com .... , •150 fl••· t> CA r •I> f, I J , l HH· I 11r....-1nt;, pflt' nc. ftditiaus '4niitu • r • O "L bu • u A•, S1>.y'J1,,,,,Homr~ com Mcne StatenMnt 20'>~,I Sutrurli•A lfOnr T ht I "''". Pf'I ~ n\ Hunt'"at Bu " c A n\ h,. .. n 1h I , ,. L n\ult•t>z A1 ?0101 BlfCh •t<o 1 N• .. .,o,, CA '•?660 ar. d• , bu ,n.,\~ ·~ ljjF.4f, <:;(£1'4( 1041 \'< l81h SI fl1t•t•fl M11 , Amrt I lJ •\•nr\s '' •on •B It' .,,,. M•\rl CA lOSf>I ,..,bu•b•• I it•,. Ou ltd b, • c JflJCr.s1u111 •••-.it 1Qu \IJftfod O•J•f'~ t.:LJ\H\t .. 'i\ 'f"t1 Ye•. l(J 0.' ,..,_,..,. £ fd ~un-.ul1H'I~ Int. Muf! ku'\hanna1 f fto~H1~nl •u&n Hu1111n~1 n B•.-h I A Hvon )UH~ N .! I; 'IAL M·· tr~ A \u ''"I'* C.A lt11\ bu 1nfl')' ~\ " ';/6S6 rtull~d t y •n 1nd..iou1I 1h1S bu•.tllP'J.5. ·~ r mt H~vt ,ou \tarl,.d 1v1na duded l'Jv •n md>Y1dudl bu\mt\\ vtt' N11 t II ,, ,.,, OH ftn\ '1'1tt'mtnt 'ft'I)« du I• iJ t;., ~ utiJ•ir o'ttl••n ftlf"d .,y1ltl thfl Cr,unty Ha•• 1ou \tdrle•f dom~ [ l•ul>~•h Amrnt bu~mf'\~ vrt 1 ""' 0'> 1 h•~ 't.i1ttmf"nl w ,., 2S 1996 hied Ntlh th, l nu11lv H "'''.,, 1t ,t,,,f .. ~ di;in1t ~ ,,.,~ •Jf U1 .. ne; .. Cuunty tw• l"f.\\ I• f y,.. Mn I 'fl 0~1 07 Qj I /f)Q t 20036932712 "'·'"' H trnvtJ' •1 llf o.,1ty hlut fp~ 11 lO 111, /7 M•r 6 lOOJ !Hl&9 lun~ Wuon~ Hf''" I ( 1.,~ of 1)1.,nw' County Thi• ,,,t,.mMI "'" nn 01 24 OJ hied W•tll lht ( ounl f 200369309 U Cl•r~ ot Or .in~• r •unt 1 I 011ty Pilot Jan in F •t. ''" 01 28 OJ b lJ 20 2001 lhl?/ Or ~" 111 ! 1111 "' [) C '" 1 h•S '1~t"m,.l"'t « t\ hll"d N•lh lt1f { n1111t f lt-t• f IJt l"i" t r1unty n 01 11 01 20036931860 .111, P t I •b b I I 1r)l;1 11141i 20036931382 Flcttlltus~ Daily Pol'lt l•n lO f •b I f, I) 20 2003 It-\ Ill N-..S....., I h• foll11w1na p~r" n 1 lh• I llow1n~ p~r .o~\ "~ doin~ bu\int\\ •'> ~·· d '"i! tiu•mf'" a\ fl<1itlous'41sinHs B•h•y N•hn Rf\t4ur1n1 C:nld•n Pr.,ptrl•n 3605 N-Stot..lf If)() w l•Mlt>ln Ave v. M•' 4rttlur Blvd SI• A .. aneom tA 928<Y.> 111 s . ., ta Ana 92704 The foll""''"' P"'~"ns l\Rlll Co1pn11flon tCA ~•lltr B1rbtr jQ2!' •re do1n..: bu••nf\' J' lbO W l1nl11ln Ave Rot •Lan• Co,la Meu Ho••t tntr11or\ 2107 Anaheono CA 9}80'> CA 'J:.'li?6 laurel Pl••• N• .. port Jim fi1eber j02l$ Roytt Bu .. r. l:A 9266J L•n• Co\IA M"a CA I Julie C Hl'l•n.tn•an 2 •07 ·~.I ]f l aurtl Pl4,r Newport th1\ llU\11'1M\ ' ton I 8edl'1 (;A 9llit!1 <Ju I• • Ov hu\band •nd lh1s llu~•,,e\ ..,.tl' ducted bt •n 1nd111du•I H.ti.ir ., u \t ,lf t,..d dotni Hd\'~ y u l•ftt:d do•"t bu\I ··~~ ,.p '"' Ian bus111e~~ 1rl' 'lo '17 ?fJO 1 Ju ht H'•n•ntdn T ,,1~ bU\•nfi"'\\ 1\ cor du<t•d by • corpr>r•li .. ,, Hhf' you \ldrled do•n11. bi.'>•nt\' vtl 1 N l'IRTll Cr,rro Wtl"'• H•PQlllO C( 0 Tt11~ bU\l('lf'~1 I\ l ,,,, du trd t-1 ..tn '""•"'•di.IA H1h,. 1ou $1•ftf•O Jrnf1a: bu~mr~~ .,"' .. , ~ M)jr ion Rl!'r: ~ Ro•,t-nth• lh11) ~t•trn·,.f"lt N411~ f l•d W•lh Iii~ Count1 (lf'I" ,I IJf.tt'ilt" -1unt1 '" 01 jl ( j 200H9SIH6 ei ... 1 p,,,, f~tr >I) 27 }lltJj Fktftious IN!Ks Ntlll S""-1 lht lnllowone pe•,on' •' r d1,1nr b1J\1ne\~ a11 froz.n Rope· ,f lrv•n~ 1902B McG~w ""'"" CA 92606 1\1111 W1ll1~m l•y• 473 f .,nlul Cc;r ono ~t M~• CA 92625 Th•,. DU~tnts~ •\ t.f" <!UL !Pd bt 1n 1nd1v•du•I tbv~ f'•U C..fi'ltC1 do1nK bu:.1ne~\ 1~t 1 N,J ~urt by• Thr~ Sldltmfnt wa' hi•~ "'Ith lh• (, uni 1 Cit•~ f Or1niie t..ounr, on Cl 28 Oj 200369J 1322 O~ ty P11ot ..,~ 10 r eb 6 I 1 ';!fJ 1003 Th127 I hr fn o ... ne p•rson~ ''" dome bu\•nf'\S a\ ~d••••lh 1701 S Rent 01 S4nl1 A11• C ~ 91704 Thu~sday, f ebruary 13, 2003 IS The IOllOW1n( P•fM>n• ¥e Oo1n1 businns u On~ Sit• H 48 City L•cflls Or Ahso 'lieto CA 926~ Doi.Site Music LLC <CAI. 3348 City Li11ht& Or AlllO V1eio CA 926!>6 This b uj.lneu •~ con • flus U1t1n1•11I .. , hied •1th tht ( •H•Olt Cletll ol Ot '"it• C.11ul'll onOZ/O!I OJ 200Htl24M 011ly "1lut F ab I i "X> lf M•r b ?001 IHllol ducted by llnt1ltd The lollow11111 11••i.o11• liab1llt1 Co ere d111111 bU1.•n•n o H1vt you \(4rled du1ni kt•I ' C rl\l11u l1 I bu,•no' ~et' tfli 191~ ':.h•ri,.rl •• t'I• t o~, .. s.1. Mu\ll l l' , ., IOt. 1'4~wµu 1 e.~ I Roe na1d Gillam Mi1r111te• CA 'flt.Id ln1 -.t.-trn1rnt w4 ~t'!41 ~it\ 1µh U.1•11.h· IY , fdrd "N1tt1 tht Cm~ntr I !.t1 .. f111,tuu f't .. • •f J l.lertr. ul 0'•'11t' f fJtJttlf Nt: wp 't u ... lr A un 0/ o> Oj rni,•,! 20036932723 fht\ llu'"'"" •• • "' Doily P1IQI ftb Jj 70 d~ ••d L1 •ll 11td»1d" 27 M4r f, ?00) fHlf,8 rt.;v• I''" •l•fl•d ''""~ f,........__ a...1..-... bU'"I~)) 1•f '"' t'1't0 ~...-u ll••I f>••v•• MrmeStatt.elll lilt' \l .. 1•11••111 NA\ hh d w•I~ \II~ 1·1~·· , '""i• I he 1.,11ow111a "~"""~ .tre dnine tw-.1n~\\ .a\ 8H 5erv·~·~ l?'l4•. O.tn6\Pf Ul r O..tnil "'"" t CA 9'l6l':I B11an A E 3'1<.1 J~'lll• D•n•sonH_r 0.tOd f't11t1I (;1' 9i'6'J tio"'' t ,u •,IC'''~ 0 b1r one\\ ,,.,, ~ Bri•n A E do ltu •'i ~'"" • t1•et1 .,_,,If H ~ f ltrP t J t • I Oii 2003692904, o., 'f p 1..,1 ... ;_>fi 7 >I.]{' I .. ., '· ftditiM lwnes1 Name Stattlllllll,... It r I M Iii~ _.1t,,~.,.., f~t!. ~tdt .. " .. 1 t.l~d 'If t '" ' I .,,o. 11, '" 20036933084 l 1 ... ' ,, wnt, Da•tv P11ot F •t 17 Mar ft 100-< lhl ... ff\~ • ,u Jw1n: ""'~ n• art d r ., tui.1n,.\~ J\ All About p \IU.. 44 f ?0th St 1 •• M•\<l (.4 92b?7 8 nn._. M·tt'I,.,,. Al.l\tln ?44 t 201~ S1 r.o I• Me\• CA ~lf:,27 Th•S b S ••\\ S due tfd b, ..in n11..-1d .t Hawt V 11 Sld•l~ll C1 Du!i.lrte\~ t«"l' ~. 8 nn • M n, A1 t1r Hhs. ~~lt~"'· t ,,,,, • ftl~d ..,,,._ tt'I .. let.., .f Orctn•r "OJ '~ 01 200369313U 11 I I r, • 20036930131 lid• 1 I I •t 2003693 I 86S ff-! 't.-' ,. ... d I' I ,,, ... ' r J 20036931323 . ' ' f) ntf ,,,., srJ f •• f1 1 • ,. l• CUSSIFIED tc"ll•• R••I>•• Thi~ \llttoirnt woiit< ln1~ \t1•rmtnt w•• 1 lil•d .,.1h lhf' Countv l·•~d "''"' thr Countv Cler~ ,f Or•ni.;t C.oun11 This sl•l•mrnl ... , l1lrd "'th lnr Count v Cltrl< ot Qr,.n~• '"''' on l 4 OJ 200J692904S D••'Y Pilot r ti:. b l J ~0 ll 2001 THJS~ JO\• Mtndtt 1101 s D• 1, P .. r J•~ '' t •t llrn• 01 S1n11 ""• CA f> 13 20 'IX i T" J IK It's the mlu· tionyou 're searching! or· whether you 're seeking a l t•• • "' IJr •11~~ County on 0 I 11 03 , fll lR r11 20036931882 2003693133J 1 Daily P1lnl f•L Ii I J D••ly l'•lr·r bn 30 f tb 1 zo l7 ZOOJ lhl.19 6 13 lO ?OCH Thll7 Rctilltus~s Hame StGMll!t !ht lotlow1n11 per"'"' drt do1n11 busmn\ n Silver Styl' JJ 72 Bar bado~ Pl•tt Co,I• Mn~ CA 92626 P 1111• R N• \n•t .111 • 3l 7l B••b•d"' Pl11 e ro,I~ Mtu CA 92blf> Thi~ bu,.1ne~~ I\ ''r' ducted by •n 1ndh11aval Hnr you st•r ttd clo1n1 bus•nt•s vet> Yo 11 01 P1ul• R Nl\h1l1n1 T111s \taterr·ent ,,., loled w•lh lhe L 1nl v Cler~ ,f Oran11e < unly on OZ 07 03 20036932747 O~•ty Pdot r rb 13 zo 27 Mar & 2003 1Hl8ti fhf' follow1f>i pf'• ~n11s •rt dom~ hui1nt!\\ d\ Ptrform1nt~ £ dR~ 1701 Bedford L n Unit I!> Newpotl Be1ch CA 92660 !\evt IVM\l1" I 701 fldltiM~ N.es.._. lne lottowm& prrson' .,. dc:>1n~ bus•ne\\ as S1tvt1 fo1 • Son11 11 B11da•p1nt Rd Newport Con t CA 9?6'>7 Ma11.in Daniels fink 21 Bride•por I Rd Ntwpor I C<MSI CA 9lb'j7 lh•s buS•M'' ·~ •on ctu<l•d by an 1no1v1dudl H••• you 'lartrd 001ni; l>u\inru ytl' NL Mar ••n O•n••I< f 1nk '~" \IAl•m•nt ... < l1i•d w11n th.. Counl v C It•~ of 011n11• County on 01 31 OJ 20036931878 D•· v P1101 r eb & IJ lO 21 lOOJ 111141 Fktltt.~ N-..S....... Thf ll'llow•n& pe"on\ .,,. do1n• bu\1nt\\ •rt A ) ReWoras Plu1 B ) S1arP•k l8 Son Bon l •11un• N1t11tl CA 9'l&77 O•nn1\ A11thGnv Plowdtll l8 Son Bon L •aun1 N11uel CA 92677 Th11 business '' <on du< ltd by an 1nd1v1duat l1•n vou •tart~d doin11 bu~onen vrP No Oe nnu, Anthon y 9 2/~~ I> u \' nn \ 1\ con fictffiolls lklslMss dut ltd bt dn ond1.,,•du.11 Mme Sllt....t Hd.e yuu •IArled do1n11 Tht: lollowon& p,, son• bY\tn~\.~ vtl 1 Nt1 Mt: c:So1n1 bu .. •ntt • on Jo\t Mendr1 Sl.fNf PROOUC TtON Th" \t•lement "".s 1 1041 w 18"1 St •B llY. l1ltd with th~ County Cost~ MH• C4 97F:i?l (lprk ol OrAn~P Counly Hyull hini; w i c.nOl :Z4 0j Mt'tr~I 411~0 \i•I• A 200369309 I 3 976~6 Daily P11.11 Jan 30 Feb r h• 6 11 ?O ;>001 Jhll9 fktltiM lutinHs "-es...__ !he lnlfowm11 p~r\on, 1tt r <to1ne bu''"",.' ,.,. Opttm•t R•u•na 161 t 18th St •ll CO\I• Meu CA 9?627 lr•n~l•n Fr~O Ch1mDf• l•in 111 161 E 18tn SI • H Co\I• Mes.a CA 9l6'17 Th1\ bu'\1n•~\ 1\. con Cu(led by an 1nd•v1du1I H1vf' you star tfd d~•n~ busmen y•t' Na Fr 1nk F rtl! Chamber lain Ill This ll•lt meol wa$ hied .. 1th the County Clerk ol Or aniie County on 01 28 03 2003693' us Daily P1tot Jin JO r tb 6 13 20 lOOJ Thi 1~ l\U\Hlt~~ I' rt du l~d ll r irtn 1nc1•'f1 h1t1 Hd~• ytJU \td'lt-d t lJ1• C>u\10~'-,,., l't"\ J11nt W ''K ._..,,~n Tn' \tat .. mPr • A i!\ 11 • .i .. rn rh• c r1 ,,,, t-. , Or .. ,.,~~ l."tw h 0n I '8 0 200369' 1'81 Cl• •t f •Ot l•n 30 I 'b Ii Jl • l()()) Th J .!ti FlctitlM luslntss ... $""91nf Thr f o ¥rtfl~ ''"' n\ lltr d "L bu''''"U ~s Ari S Pt1ce 'lOfit, .. IA cento1 Ave Co5t1 ~03 C•h•orn•• Q[&'l7 Atturolb•n• IO!il 'lt ~uArlhur Rl•d At-I 147 S•nt1 An• L•" for n•• 92707 Th•s buimcs.~ •t. ron dU<. lf'd by 1n rnd1v1du•I Havt you \t1r tMI Oo1na bus1nes" yet' No AclM!O lb•!f I home, apart· ment;petor lll'lf occupaJWn! flND .:::~ ll1t lnllowma persoM a1 t doona bu"ne" as The Wood Arlluns, 609 22nd Street. Hunttnaton Buch CA 92M8 Jnon 0 111le, 609 22nd S trtt t. Hu nt1ntlo n Buch. CA 92648 £hub•lh Wood, 609 22nd Street. Huntonaton Bu ch. CA 92648 Bedford Ln Un11 I!> Newpotl Btath CA 92660 This bu.,ntn " ton ducted by '" md1111dual Have you ,,.,ltd doina bu11ness yt t' No STARTING ' This b"sineu Is con- du' ted by husl>itnd •nd w1I• Have ycx.i st11 I.cl doonc businu' yet' Yu 2 6 OJ l ltubeth Wood Thll st•lement Wl'- hltd 'lllltlh the County Cler' ol Of 1n1e Cou11ty on 02/07 /03 200JHJ27J4 D•tl'I Piiot rell IJ 20, 27 Mat 6, 100.1 THl80 Tht follo"'ln1 pen.on' .,. do1ni bu~lntss ts f.u10 Amwlctn Con1J011 Ct11t11 12, m91 Ptuel W1y, l11\t Forni CA 92630 A incl H, lllC (CA). 20S91 Pat<:al Way, Ltlo.1 f ottll, CA 92830 Thia 1111-'~' II COii Mltd II'/' I COtpol'tlloll Ht•t Ytll latlld 4ofnl llU,IM yeU Yn. 2000 AtlldH Inc Wtfll4t111 tl.lihOON "'"' \tetel!Mflt wn fti.d •lttl IN ~°"ty CNrk of Oun .. Cou1>tj on 01/111'0.l lteMtatta 04Mtp ""-I i.11 23 JO f • t, U 2003 l1tllO Ste .. n M lvt rson Thrs 't•lem1nl wu filed with tht Co1.H1ty Cluk of 011n1e County on OZ 07 03 200369J274t 0911) Pilot F•b 1l 10. 27. Mar 6 2003 THl87 ,... ....... ..... s....... Thi foltow1nc p•nons ert do1n1 bus1~ss u Ad'tll\(td ClaUICS end Kuatom,. 23?3 (ld•11 Av. 0 Cost• MtSll. CA 92627 Chr1st11n Joupll O• $11111. 2323 Eldtn Awtt 13, Cost.I Mis• CA 9267 Tiii• b11slntu ts con clucl•d by 1n 1n41vtclu1I H•v• you \titled dolfll buunas yet? N6 Cllrlt.liafl 0• SUv• lhlt lllltnMfll WU flltd '11111111 the County Clttli of Ortn'9 C0\111ty Oft 0 l /2tl03 t.OOJ•HU11 O•ily Ptlot Jan 30, r _. 8, U, 20. 200J , TllUt ' ANEW BUSINESSff. • • • • • • • • • • • DailyAPilot .. ... • Policy How to Place A ____ Deadlin e Rates an(J:'\ d~adlines arc subject to change w1lhout notice. The publisher reserves Y'e Fight to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which 1t may be responsible except for the cost of the space actua lly occupied by the ·error. 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H<r..:.tN • I I!> and Hady ~ .1~ 310 )7f,.8871 ran HOUSE SlClUDlD alHlAT AMAZING ffiCI AGT. 949-723-1I20 CostaMesa Of'lN SAT SUN 1.4 l l4 A Mllftl• V"t" 1br l Slla OlTACHlD \1na f•m hum~ H• l••' s. u rtwn moldinK 'huller~ llo'~ '\ound \y\lem ae.i ........ $508,900 Ma1y r ewel H~ Mai 9t9 f>-46 9670 f'ANOUMI( VllW 2-llDaOOM alTllAT 5299,900 AOT.t 4 9-72l-Cl20 Udo Isle H>Wff~NK ON UDO ISLAND Of'lN SAT·SUN 1-4 ll,4CH COTTAG( I 17VIA1aou 21w I'/• lo 2-c 9•. .. do I. te• d .. lS l•t. aetluce4 •• Sl•t.ooo A9f t4t-7St-OSOS., 114-307-4214 Newport Beach J.UULOUS llACH COTTAGlSI JAIUlOUS NlWf'OaT HACH UflSTYU fl Newport Coast I Com Mesa --'-------N l Ml lSTATIS I ant 2b 2b9c.laMII>1ho f'ATaJCI( TINOll '-:ti. Pi'bo. fnpott• NATIONWIDl USA ~ M-c room. 949-15'-9705 A&wlf 9&67H ID> www palncklenore '""' Studio, T ,_ tu oc:n. - RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SA1.E Desert Property 5960 Getf rr.,ertfn S•ln & winier rtnl•I' P0tlm Sp11n11s. P•ton Oe\ert Al~o Wohon11l11n W• ll'rfront R•l9'rAh Ml<hael Anter Becker & Backer RE 800 !ISO JS/ l MISCEUANEOUS ROOALS Reral To Shafe 6030 C4M stt.e' l l r Dvplea ~l7 SO mo ~ I '1 utol Rb# wd & ~ lln> ~d "' .......... 1>'t 714-~l.ll Nf'I •"-• apt w l<'m 2bt w pvt b• pout <,.p• laundt y r., SHOO If• I - l/Z ultl 949 111'1 1'• ii; '4P on lh• tMy ,,.,.. " IJd'I. slq>'.._ I or;ta, (Jo., t .. ~ pv1 bA. i:n .. Co1lbod S7'l> 9't9 Hi) 1171 Rooms for Rent 6040 dodo w OU> ""' lutdw1l!!lr l&Jfld aoc.tQ, nu ~ .. Sl'fi() 9ol9 61 • 111ll I I r'• lrnm S875 mo w ,., on lovely cated 1 rnmm nur lro·Squwt lrrds<' Indy l•*"f Kloitn Mnr1 871 /04 8b49 c92(X) EASTSiDl con AG1 1er I B.io w/attc pr. wld hlu..,, pr1val~ fen~f'/yard p dllfw SI Ubt1 114-434-362? Newper1 otre;;--;i;• ,.,._ 2IW I 58a, 1•, no Pf'h, Sl 19'l/mll 166!> ... ,,,.. Aw o 949 no ~ bee 21r I.. "-'- !~!(Ito wTp pvt Y•d .,.., -.maN tt)O.ple~ of only 4 uf'llh w pool tndr-y tac $1 ~ '"''°' utb ltl Mrlody lanoo 94U~ '>71• "ii ................ r..o. lropler• 1118 Mo .... V•-t• Ave 21t, I .. , honl. ~" yrd I 1ar au nr•' Slb!>Om .. v.•I now Ht, 11._ ba<~ ytd I IC• .. ,_ Sl«X>-n #NM ....... Jar, ,., ... bad< 10d I c.-• ? 'IPl ii "<"" S lllr>m avM ,,.., M.ch ~ Jl'!> /Bib l~ & l <o6a FH Jp ' ,,,°'*'Ir '"'IUCM IYa..d " be ytd '*.di to YM:A $7 I CflnWI 9&6Q 9f69 New 2-Stery H r 2a. •/,,.•1• CM/~ r_,, ~· (176AC IJ 1 fSA/1 ') 11111 "°""" no Pf'l~ 110 Newport Bach S I S0,000. ~me SJ50n-111• 10• ~ledTIC 949-642-416$ ae.,,o4eletl 21r 210 (UI UUU/XX) su .ooo. Wot..-..few 21r 210 w/flreplete (S200U) $91,000 UASlD lAND l''llldot CM lwmme pvt I fT\/b.I Od'I ~""''" I• wld. n p.l\/'-llil\e, fem pref d. Av••I 3 I '2001 J725m+ /'lllb '.M'l~ RESIOfl ITIAI. HE t JI fib ORANGE COUNTY 7400 Coll f., .....-1"1111•"1 0.Alua ~ Vllop <949> •> ... 1u 1 Balboa Peninsula A MAHUfACTlO MOllU COMMUNfT'f Of'IN SUN T ·S N•w lostona tbr model 11•rf P• 11 .. nhm ovtr 160Ckt $695 000 OPIN SAT 1-S lbr e•P•nded upended 1 .. nhm on 11rrenbell 190Ckqfl S!l-t9.900 OPIN SUN 1-S Villa on lhf' anti cour~ lbr lwtom, n.-w.r area n s1.!IOO Nor alee P•uf\un Realty 949 6116489 • VtUA I AUOA • FaONT I OW MAJllOa I. O<lAN Vll WS Tep FIMr f'alffh_,. DOUIU MH SUfTIS a..,.SbMnrn. New lh""8"'Whlte 0- (.lulel t oraflon No ln11fte S.._ wll Mt-1arn offers. S47S.OOO .. $$24,a7' M.ya,.,. M.OW. •••....,..no ~ Some ~ avai&atile • Prudlnt.lal Ca ~ • • o,. ... S.t/S-1-4. 2 s..c ..... 18' Tie w/f'-111 .... N•w <~•t-yrly le .. a. 20. l ....... U..tt •S stso1•-ttt ASSO<tAtlD IWTY t 49-47l-lHl Dr n., 2c p palto w/d. d/'w ,_ crpt. pHtl lows um. 123 I 20th St s 1795rrc> 949 m 11116 Corona del Mar •28r Ho S "so-• new floor1n1 • arpet P•lnl, fp tlAllfl•, det.lo no P•h t49-760-17 I> Mo19u•rlte llr /28 o luxury relurb home SJ25nn Aho larp ,_ 2Br IBa, ,_ ~ & pwrt S1700m ~m 3513 OCIAN/IAY VllWS'iil'° New home 4br 3 !Iba 2 \lory, decorator perfect 1n every "-•Y Only fool steps to o'ean v1~w1n1 bluHs and ya,hl harbot enlr an1.1 chan111I Sun lounae/leH•C• A~•tl mKI r.wm fwl\lllnUn SI 1.00:V abo ,.,. 9'1')6JS.2Jll IAYntONT ON l IOO f'[ NINSULA NlW 21r2h conAou Priv•I• Beach, Pool and Spa Walk to 0"1an Shop~ 1nd Rntauranh l H.,. 6/mo 'l yr • Boal Sl1p Available 11 o uoo ru • oa. 949 671 60JO Of !M 9 72 l !l8JO * YlUlY * U AUS Bill GllUNOY RlAl !OMS t4t47S-•t•• 100 Step• ta ... y. Sunn1 I br Ir ba hdwd fin. '•lthtnette patlO $87~ 949 61) 7201 v....-mndo ·~. ,_ ~ ........... kx Resat M-c AYJ/I now s 11.QVJro 714-~!'HrfJa..Wi lbr Sll9S & lbf SI~ on the waler "• ••- erylttlftt LI yd, sm boat ok '.M9 673 /351 1ttar 6 Vlt.lA f'OfNT 2~ ~ new Ille, cartMI. paint, w/d tndd, n/pell/,mkr $1180/mo 949 720 1552 •crr14r .......... 2br Iba In urene catad nelahbor hood, comm pool, Ir deck, newi.y carpet11d & p•lnled, w/d, fr 11 one Id, n/peh./1mk1 Sl~/mo \M9 291 3072 .... ~v..w. ~ w/ocn & t.y """ pllbe>, w/d. pool & 1*a SllD5rno .. 311-19116 Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Dai ly Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent to I I I I I ~--37&0 Cofonl del Mar _....;... _____ _ R•r• Su l\tand 38r 38a end unit wolh a view foohlri'c out to Stenature Hoi. •17 $825.000 Of reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit card # or mail with a 1 check today! 1 Run for a weekl If you r ca r does not s ell, we'll run it for L another week FREEi All for just $20". 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Pruented by Sled1n1 RE 9'10*i RIM 9«'.J m.11'0 &t.15 Fii••• 3435 ... ,. ,, $4,500 09'.,lawie W.le t 49-5"-H U IOM A <MYON Of'lN SAT-SUN 1-S 10 w 1 .. .._, lBR, 'l SSA home Sep 9' at~ nffru/1Ufll $U•le lfy Ownet SI 175,000 949 644 81118 ,.-,-w-,-~_;;_' u..... •ii SF• 38r 2.S8a+oHtea, Fii, DR. lrl lot. 'ul 0. lK & VACANT $725,000 IXG.UIMI ......... 0211 . -tN<Oiii ,.-Of'-l_l_TY_ DUPU1I Co11, Compeer, qolet, ruldentlel1 ntlthbof hood $:>99,950 By Owner 94!J..922·37l4 -HIMl ISTATH PAftK«fl .. .. ATIOMwtDI USA ....... ,,., ••w r>tlfl4:~1tll0fe.COft'I -YtlllMI HAar- MOUll ott "" WATll . CA&UIOW U T. t4t 7ta..a 120 ...._~.._.$ii ... ._.... lot 11.1 •.ooo 1112 f'Gft ~ Call ~ ... ,..mi PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and / plumbers, to landscapers and painters DailyPilot t I, 1f1 ,, , ,, ,,,,,,, '. ·.1. 1 •1 Dal!Y P11ot llvffs "-'""• I~ Jbr lbf on ltv area new catpel, na\oil p11nl nr 'hop\, schoob $199':> Aat 949 632 6489 ,...... SJ"R 2llr 2llil w/c;ft. ,_ Pillll/uwpet/ ~ wdlw l~ P . ai:t mill 96Ql nm ....... THl llUFFS• • ~IOU' 48' .lBa town home ~I clean. VK<lnt ' rne>V8 '" re<ldy S29'J'>m,, •11t 949 ~ 5482 MiMf S. 2la •~II badly•d w/Pc. cul de "" quid~ .... ~ ,_ $l200frro+ -Av.Y l!IS;W 96%'1';,?'j NG CANYON 3Bf 2 '>b .. Jur 11111 • ge 3000+ < t $4200/rno M-.y <>then. ,.... 949-552-6700 Newpof't Coast CHST Al COVE LU\• New• 2 \I •rv •• P••mve 5br '>b• • il•n r.1te auerded M.r1y CU\tom ·~•IUI~\ thru nut De<.or•lor toulh.- elabor ill!!! land)<. now under way Ava4 4 l UI ~mo Ast 96675 ?JI I Prtvlt8 Tutoring 7990 FLUTE USSONS l AP d teacher ha\ new uprn 111es 1n Costa Me!WI \lud•• LIM Slllllk 949 574 0!>17 Employrnlft 8500 AVON I n fl ;p, rne\lr w.111tt•1 Moot bt-w1111na fu we1dl whrn~vtt you ¥tt4nt 11 .. 'fnUt nwn bt1'S". .tfld rn1uy u1!11tlnf.-tt •arn1n1\ l1~1' l•t~ 18 8 8194? 4 1)'.! ICAL •\CAN1 A4Mlft/loeold1oeper Pf"f 'ton1t tr .unml t ,, 1l1y Rh• w~ f'~r \ 1ndl h d•tl•nt ti~n~t11 949 J,l'i l71!1 FIND -...... _.,..~ "NOTlCC TO REAOCHS Celtlornta law r 1 quire'\ that con Ir 1c to" takrna JOb, that 10111 S!JClO °' m<>1t Cl•bor °' material•) be IK ensed by the Contrnto•s St•I• l~tnse 80.11d Sl•I• l1w 1tM> 1equlrH !hit con tr ulors include lhel! hcense numblf on ell adv• lfS/!18 V OU t.en ch«.k the status o l your lttenud t.ontr1cto1 11 -• cslb ca cow or 800 321 CSLll Unit unud contuctof\ telo.ina lobs th1t tolel less then $500 muat stilt rn lhtlf advutrsements thel they a11 not hcensed by tho Conlf 1ctors Stato l icense Boetd ~ 'MrH91Gm KAd191 / s.cn I it.nodtll ~~••w•bwun 19DP5~~ c.,., A TO ? HANDYMAN ln1tell, refeco cab111eb ~~ ""*"! Diii! 7l~72!11 ...., ..... ATTORNEY C1111I matt bl! nc,. law, ~ U'C, lllld lorMauint. (Q)Ul(t ocher~ lO'te111up Rc1110m11!6$ R1e1 - AUTOMOTtV£ JO~ O~hver your IHUno~ rn\lanlly lo o)Ulr•noot1Ve Ot<dler \hftJ\ Ndhu11wrd• m S-, mmott\ or I~\'\ l d•n more "••11 h 1ub\ w, rRH• r "'' r ""' It•~' Gu nutm~ 1111w tu www aut0Pmv1,,,. tom rCAl •SCAN 1 fl Ol RAL I Mf'l ll'fM£ NI Nuw h111112 I nlr y 1110 lr~\r<mal l•v.I• S 1'1 Sl/~ yr• b~n~ltl tJ•lll lo don 1111! Avply llhw1 ',,, •nl11 ,,., 1t11,e1lahlt &Jt1•.1lu1w, l llOO !>8!> ~~4 ~•I 4JSJ <CAL •SCANJ INSURANCl AG(NCY Cl•r ''.ii I' I J(I 10 th FAX flt .UMI 714 4 l'i Ot'lt NA f lliNAI MfJIO t,A(;I likUlllR \e•k•, IMfl t11rw I u HI Or1&n1.tl"'' No lo f U\t: IU t' 'IJ""tl .. 01 t ftfff'" ''" 'tfl11i1,., ... fl llfllOf.: •'iAtlalJlf' N Oi ~ t1om humto r.1 1tlH ... l1tfnm1"iir:tmn b 01 d I \II I 'J 4 9 I 4 '• I I '• I 0 (C Al "SCAN) l'llnNr llllOM MllN/lr. fk' .tnd f·1p r·r1tdU1tr Hun ""Ill o w1 HIJ' ·11r ' Wr tr am .,, 1 w1.1 k $4110 lluy on r 1111111•0 1111 um... t 1f~tm,.. o, fJortun•ty tt.1rrlw1,rt-rt\. 011l v I llllk I'll 4'd ;r It Al "'..I.AN t W(IHI\ WITll f'llV';ll IAN fll '1t1 { .-1! 1U f qf.ttHI tll tt '",.. «• 11 .... ~ bU\IHt ~· f II'• 1l1h h Ulf'\ i,ltO 'll'lfot"-h •fl h 1• I OJl,IJJl .. t.. fl dim [:: ~ • vod~d Ml! .'~H /!If) 1.,. "' fl I ... '•"'' ~' rJw • "'" ti I t .. fH~ 111 b •fl, .. 1111\1 'lvrJ.j 'IT"llt•• £(11 '°)•lor1 IOOTH ltlNTAL Loilot Me'• hti,11111 \<11011 Rea~1111dbl• I .ill Al 949 6-4'> llbti/ Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAU! In CLASSIFIED {949)642-5678 Coll (949) 642 S678 P111 o few word1 lo w ork fer ou. PHILLIPS AUTO IMW S401 Se.&on '91 fl ••• ~ fo \p~•d ~111 ow Milt•'' 11 18!> Jf, I S~4 980 Mil Cltc320 C•upe '98 Bid•~ 1:11•• ~ lltn only 4'> ()()( Ottlt' t • l'J004 I 1 s11, 'Jl!O Mil SSOO Sedo11 '02 ll l~o ~ w IMll 11111~" I 1t .. 11fu·r I .tr t W4ff p,.·U•ttlfll Whfot:I".. 11l'll4J S'>l'P!O Joguor llR Sedon '98 ~hor•~v hl.11 II '"' bid•~ 1 .. _.., ... , t •·rt1fu~d" •l>!k~l!l 1 S?<l '180 ferrori 341 Spider Con" '94 R,. t • t•t-tftt I 1.tn lttu 1r• •I r11 '''d'°' 1 •I lllMl 1 SI>~ 9llO Atu10 NSl forgo •oo 1t•t.• ct y .. 11 •w )lK r I• , I If t' l~fl" S'·'l '11!() Hum.,,er H2 '03 Ill" ~ " I• •• ~ llhr JI\ rT1tlt 11tit Wtfll 1 • l'1(Jl1ht , S'il 'IHfl 00 Mercedn len1 Sl500 '96 th 1 .. 11 ~ ,,. ,,, f ith1 h I #.,I lH .. '"''' h Nl1t-i-I\ <t ll!H4'l 1 \"'I 'll;ll BMW 1SOll Spt S.don 'O I I 1 u.~ t I, ._ N , • ,,1 h ''" ·t tu "'"I, till i ~ • • ·s• 1 ,~, IMW 7401 Sedan '99 Wl11h #, 1 1 11 t ,, .. m .. h .~uo, , , '" f Id •1.1). Ott!• I •lk/ l <;;<I IMW XS '07 Wl11h· l.1 I tV pt t'O\lilffl wh~t·I I• I k'PO • S4 I '.180 IMW Z3 'Conv '96 R~d N II 1111 t u1.th· bl t• It, tlttf l, lJf Pit 1•IH/1Ur SI ~l f.,..d lapedltlOft '99 l •.1.tth•d JU• t-t.1n11I-; SUV .. 111tr luw mol• 0187'141 Sl8.980 949 514 ,,,, PHllllPS AUTO hllll •outo.com PerMonlh+Tu I it 11iest terms OfC N>l'f!(MO CREOO • S lb8!> dOwu, J6 month tlo\ed rnd luu no ~e • u11ty depo"I 10 000 rrule\ 11~• ye .. r ?<>¢ p•r rn1lt fur e"~n mole- '11.42218) °"'111*6r SM.gs! • lll'S IOTOll R'S Rllt s~ rR£.EWAY @ EDNGlR SNHA AHA AUTO MAl.l (888) 823-9808 I MW '82 521• I onh'i ituod run-.. wrmd' ~ nulr S?OOO 949-650-8217 IMW '97 3281 c .. n. ....... ttl11 bedtrt '"" '"' 'IJOll l)ka Sl'l 'Hl vl98277 CM C. Ritt...-<! ')t9fA'> ™72 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMA.A SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH Tl U•, 00 llA 0 tlN E . h \.H,-r • IP "<) 2 NOR'nl • AJ 92 A954 'J8 • AS2 ... 111973 2 • QJ ~mrrn F.A~7 •Q654.J 10 7 Q64 • 10 H 4 • "10 J ll6J AS •1\.9763 fh<-hlc.1Jm11 "'OR'Tll l \S"I ,. p,.,.. 2 r'll .. ~ " ......... !>01"111 \H.\I I l'u." J1''1 P11"' ........ • ... "1> Operun1ot k,rJ fen t•I ()oc Ill th<" llMlrl' lfllCrt'\1111~' l>J'' 111 11111:'"'' I' Lhc rntr.i·fon.;'"' ,., duhbct.I h) till· j.!Cl'JI Dr.u1loJ1t ''·'' (i,tbn<I Cha)!J' It I\ J4.luall~ J urlrl h1nutinn lrnc''< ~' th" c:\.irnpil' Automotive """"'' Tilr auwon ,...M NUUM f1>1 Ii~ clU'd lnlj<M aJ1~1otlJdo, 'i111<.c Nunl1\ ~'>!! to ''"'" tie..n.' J1J nu1 ~WlrJJltee ruur cat\! \Uppt.M1, \outh Jumped 10 &<UJll' Id thrCC' no trump. ;ind Nonh com.'<.ltJ J.O thc '4111 j,!Wtlt' becau~ 111 Ill.: fnur<W\l '"IJf>I"' wl<l rolfine \1aluc • ~l~t k.-J tlx ten ol dramood• ""''" "'11h thl' dl.C 'i1na lh<-n" v.a, J luvr 1n e&:h mor~lf 'U•t unlc'' 'ilMnh cit'• t nl to hanl l"\l·I) thtng un th. 'flJ!k linc:.._-.c ("ht~h1 11<av'11 the pnihknr "',., '" 1111111 1hc 1rornp h""'' trr lllll' An tntr.i ltn.."'<' "'"' 11111'.' "J~ to lll.Al1 .igr:th..JI IA.'<.IJJ't'r ~ru-... -J to th\: .li.C vt .1u1>, itnd let! 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Pl•• .Mh mo \pa1f\lon1' v'l99864 SJ9'.l'1 1'(1Ldha1d blk t.111 11111 CO lhrm IJ:isb !'le<..!°' <)IY)6r'lb)822 wlll' lull Id• I Wdrr llkt IMW 32111 Carw. whVrl• ----new $78 94S t 11 "' ltl1 IUIU '\81< "" lotiltv Dodge •97 Intrepid •847(>14 '"'""'IOI' .... ,, n•r lrior no-w S?I 9".b St''"' l ~ Vb 41k mo l:l~r '149 'i86 ISAA ,........ lnz S60Sl '86 l:IW ~""' rn l.lfTtir. wvA ~"' u""""' C..•wt 'h.ttd "'' $18.!XX> 949 n1 lfffl Me1tedu '99 1320 ii~ 1111 .. h1lr ~rtv lthr ,/,l."fli IM ~ AV;f) wlutt ~rry onl I:·" Ji(~d w-O<pobt.c'"" IMW '99 74°0l691i ml, n '-l•kP n .. w St.995 lyr w "' dvaol ,,J;pr Ion.in• me & wo1rr a'Mll Jo9uor '99 XIC8 Conv Y.•~v llh• CO hkt n~w 8k1 '14'.I '>'lb 11188 J4k mo lull l.tdury Wilfl I lfll•I •'>1974 l ll~ m .......... ocpobl.com \Pollkhnw "'J· h ... tmP.il mnt f hr<Jmt-._,111 t.~.tul h~~ Mw , und .<.Jl/41 S?&.99' Ion J•"" 8111 949 ~ 1&!8 -~ llhr I.II 1 lunmt whl•. l1111v.111Rkr949'lAl>IHl'lll f-d 'OOl.C<u,.lonXlT lokr· """' v6/U'J'> Merced .. '99 S320 www.ocpobl.com V IU /9k "" .olver f!'~Y SJ4 'IY'J Ion'"' ine ,,..,,1 l Wli 57k mo I yr w .111 '4 Thursday, February 13, 2003 11 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE 31 u. ......... H4flr• - 3S • .... • '' <'f'd'; ... v }:> o... J 7 C<.tut\o-(1 l8 No. QI ll1r~ 341 Wale< ll1IPOf 42Y-~ 'Mlgfol>U< 45 Mo9I cnentned '~ Sl~flt .rt"llll<lr' .,, Doi"*' ... !>.'J~ ,,.. NclOI .... - S.0.1 SS l'b ~7 ~m.t!!Jte ,.,., ~OIH!pol 6• "ilolOI fl2 Stl1J1111t1.nn NO<O 66 d4I 91Aff9 .,.,~. ~ {.8 ,.. n&'°9'1 lil IJ IMW '99 7401 6911 ml, •1111 r [) runnon~ t1<rJtl1 Rk1 'l4'l '>86 18811 1v.11t \olvpr hi~ 11111 h' ...,..,, dl/J:ll .1lvtr fullt tu4'1,.d h"t orw *W""' o<pobi com t1,.Jut •UC <on11. wk/•,741 1 o.••v '"" CO I•~• ,. • ., "~''"HI s;r J 'l'..1'> 1, --·--I S?!! 'J'iS ''"·'"' mv ••d•1 I I •flrl ;C,/1J?41 SI'> ')'l'r Odil• mw 1v .. 1l•l1lr B~r ...... "5 Grand o.n.i... • ~ ;49 •.111, 11!1111 1 1•1 ·•• ,~ llllr 94'+ r«, llllOI 949-516 I 888 l ltJ. 411 VI! 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