HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-20 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotH I -------------~ --- --- ----------------------- Still two forHom·e Ranch's · $2 million Two fo undati ons re-approved by council to handle school money still won 't be h eld to open meeting law. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The City Council took the long way around in crea1ing two foundations 1\Jesday tu distribute the $2-million I lome Ranch educa- tional grant. The 3-2 vote. with Mayor Karen Robmson and Councilman Allan Mansoor dis:.enting. eSl>entially ar- rived at the same decision a January council vote did: creaung two founda- tions. Robinson, a lawyer, remained ~teadfast in her belief that the founda- 11ons should be required 10 adhere to the Brown Act, the c,tate's open meet· ing law. "It'!> a matter or law, not a ma11er or Lru~t." ~he ..aid. Robinson requested the rehearing on Feb. 3 because she m1s.-.ed the original vote in January. Robinson wanted the 1-.sue considered again be- cause <>he wa.'> concerned that the Brown Act did not apply to the foun· dation!>· boards and becau!.e she wanted all community residents to have a chance 10 be on the hoards of tlirecton.. Aher choosing the 1wo-foundauon option that the Seger•moms '>Ugge:.ted m January, the counct.1 went step by step over the aspects of the proposal. approving some a... !>Ugge-;ted and tweak.in~ others. The Seger<itroms do· naied the SZ million a .. pan of the I fo~e Ranch development agreement with the city. The council restricted the uSt' of the principal of the granl funds to S50,000 for each foundation in 1he first year. Forrest Werner. a board member on the fat.ancialTeWinlde foundation, said the intent of the onginal board members was Lo use the majority of that money to hLie an executive direc- See RANCH, Paee A6 S erving the Newport-Mesa.. community since 1907 THURSDAY,FEBRUARY20,2003 CIF BASKETBALL KICKS OFF Estancia High School's Joey Lindquist (50) goes up for a bucket m the Eagles· CIF Ptayotts victory. The Eagles passed their first test with a 61-36 victory at Gabnehno High School on Wednesday, sett.mg up a second-found duet at top-seeded Bishop Montgomery on F nday night in Division ll~A play Corona del Mar High School iust missed at Garey, losing, 60. 5 7. and Sage Hill High School was a first-round winner See Sports, Page Bl Homeland Security terror info recommended Locals are encouraged to get informatio n early a bout an y possible terrorist attack as U.S. government begins public relations campaign. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA Residents must make use of the information put out by the U.S. Depanment of Homeland Security, local pubUc safety officials said Wednesday. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge has launched a public relations campaign and a Web site, wt~. ready.gov. that offers tips to pre· pare for worst-case scenarios, includ- ing terrorist bombings, biological, chemical and nuclear anacks. Officials said they crafted the cam- paign to avoid creating widespread panic while providing some common sense ideas that will help people sur- vive a disaster -when government and emergency servtces are unavatl· able. The nation has remained on a high terrorism alert for more than a week now. Costa Mesa resident Diane Hill said such information will cenainly help people be ~reassured" at a cnuc:al time. ~II they have a concept of whdl 10 do during an emergency situa11on, 11 gives them more security than cha· otic terror." said I !ill, who ha'> arnvely urged her North Costa Me-.a neigh- borhood to participate in the c11y's di- saster preparedness program-;. "It's something the city ha!i been trying to tell residents for several years,· she said. "I believe that any ef· fon to expla.an such concepts to peo- ple is commendable. The kev is to have something planned ahead ~o it 's not scary when something horrible happens.~ The imponant thing about prepar- SECURITY RESOURCES www ready gov www fema.gowareyouready www.redcross org www.dhs gov Informative brochures will also become available at local post offices, or you could call the Department of Homeland Security s hotline at (800) 237 ·3239 edness is abo not 10 overreat t. :\1'\\ pon Beach Police gt. ~1eve "'lnulmJn '>aid. "For examp le, we Jon 1 "'ant 1w11 pie lo go out, get duct tape~ and tdJW See HOMELAND, Paee A4 Council picks turn up sev.eral • surprises :\mong tho..,q 1oming Co'll<! Me~a cornrni ..,..,1un.., are JcH'I Faris. Jim ! i"ilc·r. \\ l'ndv Leece and Hvrnn de .\rak.d Deirdre Newman U.1•11 l-11 ,t I '11•·1 lfll IHI w I 1\, • .,,., I• 11np11 .. 1·r .tr1d ..i11 1n1lln"" \• lw1•11 ·fllPlllnt"d '" !lit' fl!,, l'IJn• • I 'I "''''l•lrl (Jn lut•,cJ,I\ II• ( (I'. 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He a.bo ... hart"'> LUI lt'glate t:it'!> to tee!. havm~ anendt'd th1' Uni \ er-••tv of P1ttshuf1.!h. \\hit h ...,trt>I .md h1.., parent" anended See COU~CIL. Paee A4 Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: THE BELL CURVE Property might fit dealer to a Model T WWW.~COOl WEATHER fi5& Lota of cloud• today, so it won't be a pretty one, but Friday loob better. SeeP11eA2. FORUM Joe Bell is on vacation. His column will return next week. CITY COUNCIL Coste Mesa leader• approve median land9caplng and wted to reconsider e mini-storage building permit. S.Paa•A3 DATEBOOK ic..thy Meder reviews TIC Burgen on the Balboa Penaneule. S.PlpM J Theodore Robins Ford is close to purchasing land on Harbor Boulevard for a used-vehicle lot. Paul Clinton OaityPilot . COSTA MESA -Theodore Robins Ford Is nearing closure oo a deal to purchase land on Harbor Boulevard as an expanded lot The veteran Costa Mesa auto retailer, which has been based in Newport-Mesa since the 1920s, expecu to wrap up an ar- duous 18-monlh escrow proce$.9 within the next 30 to 60 days, dealership President Bob Robins Aid. Robins is waiting for state environmen- tal 'regulaton to ~ che current owner°I plan to dMD ~ peuolewn COO· tamination caused by an fonner auto wa..'>h and gasoline station. ·1deaily, we would be usmg a pomon of lhe back property for excess lnventorv ... Robins said. ~[W?'re considering) develop· ing the front part for used vehicle sales.· On July 2..1. Robins secured approval from lhe Planning Commission to U!>C the site for lhat purpose. Soon after. Robins ente red escrow on the 44.000-squa.re-foot property, across lhe street from the dealer- ship at lhe lntersecuon of 1 lalbor Boule· vard and Bay St:reeL With lhe approval. Robim agreed 10 limit access to lhe property's roar on Outrle Street 10 one dri\'eWtl)'. Also. the Charle Street entranoe', in a residential neighbor- hood. can only be used between 8 o.m. and 4 p.m .. dty records show. lf Robins cl the deal on the property, he would 61J a vacant lot now sprouting weeds and grass. Robins decli.n<-d to dls- c.lo5e purclwe tmN of the de.al, whleh • \' 111 not be public unbl it i~ flied 'Nlth the J cuun" clerit upon dose of~ 11ie Beacon Bay Auto wa. .. h and hi Ounarn re1>tauran1 used to occupy lhe c;ite. The auto wa'lh also sold gasoline. F.1 lhinaco moved to 560 W. 19th St about two year-. ago. f>Jtnck stJea. who owns and operatt>S 12 other Beacon Ba)' locaoon m Orange County, has promi~ to dean up the ron· laminated 'iOil as a condition or the sale Robins said. On Dec. 9. the Planning Com.mi.S-Slon granted Robins' development arm, Robi.ru PropeTties. and Shea's Beacon Ba)' F.ntCT· prises Inc. a one-year ext.en Ion of th auto-sales conditional ~ permtt The vacant property is a1 2059 Harhot Blvd. Robin • Femi~ sole licet'Ulee in Costa Mesa and Newport &ecb. 1)81 ~ at tM c:urttnt location sill<lt l It He is one of only 14 Forti dcialers ln Orange Cmmty. I t POLITICS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE Cox report sees danger from 'axis of evil ' Paul Clinton Daily Pilot With the nation's anention split between the twin dragons of North Korea and Iraq, Rep. Chris Cox released a timely report on the nation's nuclear weapons poUcy last week. "Today, we are faced with a far more diverse array of nuclear threats than in the past,· Cox said. "To maintain a strategy of deterrence in this new environment requires a reexamination of both our technologies and our nuclear doctrine. At the same time. protecting American territo ry through ballistic missile defenses is now an essentiaJ~oelement in deterring nuclear aggression." . Cox. chairman of the Hom eland Security and House Policy comminees, joined Rep. Heather Wtlson (R-N.M.) as co-authors of the report. The report concluded that North Korea, Iraq and Iran -the three countries President Bush has grouped as the "ax.is of evir -have been developing what are being called "hard and deeply buried targets.· These are any stash of weapons pote ntially used for mass destruction that are kept in an underground bunker or other hidden structure. It would in clude nuclear, biological and chemk aJ weapons, including the so-called "dirty bomb." The report aJso advocated new federal funding to maintain the nation's arsenaJ of nuclear arms, which intelligence officials acknowledge has gathered some dust since the end o f the Cold War. FILE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Orange County Supervisor Jim Silva will present a proposal to his colleagues in March to prohibit staff members from lobbying lawmakers. He feels that Orange County staff members have been abusing their positions. positions. constitutional identity crisis. A report from the G~neral Accounting Office cri ticizes the Departme nt of Energy's readiness for an underground nuclear test. The d epartment has said it needs three years before any weapons could be discharged underground. The Cox and WLlson report asks for that timetable to be reduced to 18 months at the longesL Silva, who represents Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, said he will present a proposal to his colJeagues in March to prohibit staff members from lobbying lawmakers. Newport Beach environmentalist Rodolphe Streichenberger won a landmark decision in April 200 I from a state superior court judge, who ruled that the venerable agency is unconstirutionaJ because its members are appointed by both the governor and lawmakers. That. the judge decided, violates the separation of powers clause. The report wasn't a response to headJines about the weapons capabilities of North Korea and Iraq per se, the legislators said. It was begun more than a year ago, but the news only underlines the new geopolitical climate, Wilson said. Silva met with lawmakers last spring, he said, and was miffed when he saw a letter from an Orange County Health Care Agency official to Sen. John VasconceUos <D·Santa Oara) supporting legislation to limit soda saJes 10 schoolchildren. The board had not taken a position on the bill. ''I'm really concerned about the problems of county staff using their Litle or Mationary to lobby against policies set by the boa rd," Silva said Wednesday from Sacramento. On Tuesday. the Assembly passed an altered version of a bill that both houses of the state Legislature passed last week to impose fixed terms on coastal commissioners and bump them from two-year to four-year terms. Campbell. who voted against the bill both 1jmes. said this Democratic solution stiU doesn't address the core problem. Campbell supports taking the appointments of the commismoners out of the Legislature's hands. "We are Uving in a different world with new and emerging thrcats.tt Wilson said. "Our nuclear weapons program m ust adapt to the new world ... STIU COOL TOWARD COASTAL GETilNG ORANGE COUNTY WORKERS COMMISSION BIU OUT OF THE LOBBY Despite some legislative activity, Supervisor Jim SiJva is floating a Assemblyman John Campbell is still not proposal to end abuse by Orange supporting a Democratic solution to the County staff members of their California Coill>tal Commi_ssion's Gov. Gray Davis has scheduled a noon ceremo ny today to '\ign the bill. ·1 do n't think any of this is substantive to the issue," Campbell said . 'They're trying to smokescreen over the real problem!>." POLITICAL CALENDAR FEBRUARY Wednesday: Costa Mesa Republican Women Federated will meet at 10:30 a.m. at Oidt Church's Restaurant. The guest speaker will be Garden Grove Councilman Mark Leves. Information: (714) 962-5398 27: Newport Harbor' Republican Women will hold a luncheon et noon at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. The guest speaker will be political activist Bruce Crawford. (949) 644-0539 MARCH 12: The Orange County Young Republicans will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the El Torito on Anton Boulevard in Costa Mesa. The guest speaker will be Ve ron Brook, executive director of the Ayn Rand Daily A Pilot VOL. 97, NO. 51 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TOHYDOOEAO Editor JUfl'f OETTING A~~r Promotions Director EDfT1NG STAFJ: S.J. Cahn Managing Editor. 19491674-4233 1.j.cahnll latinMJ1.com JemeeMeler QyEdltor, (9"9) 7&M324 }llrrl#.1"""11 tll«lrn-.com RCl9lf c.teon Spof1S Editor, (9481 574-4223 fO(JIK.'*'*"'tl~oom JoeeJ. ...... Att Director I News Oelt Chief, (948) 574-4224 JO#.•MM•lllfJm#.COm 81fteMIC1•• Photo Supef'!itof, UM.ti 714-4368 ttlflphofo .,_,,,..,com News~ Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Paul Saitowitz. Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF Oeepe Bhenth Crime and court.I reporter, (9491 574-4226 f deepa.bhar•thtll•tfrnes.com June Caugr'8nde Newport Beadi reporter, (949) 674-4232 1une.csugran~@latl1THJ1.com PltUICIMon Polltk:a end environment reporter, (9491164-4330 paul.clinrontllatlmes.com ~~ Cotumnl1t, culture reporter, (949) 574-4275 lolite.harper lat/mes.com ~H9Mnen Com Meu reporter, IM9157""'4221 deirdre,ltflWmlln lat/mes.com awt.tffte C..tlo Educ8tlon reporter, (948) 574-4268 dlrt.fltHM»rrlllo ti t.tl,,.,. oom Institute. Information: (949) 475-5559 or www.ocyr.org. 17: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting et 7 p.m . at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel at 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa. Admiuion i• free, and ell Republican• are welcome. (714) 556-8555. Young Republicans will hold a general meeting at 6:30 p.m. at El Torito on Anton Boulevard In Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 475-6559 or www.ocyr.org. APRIL 13: The Orange County 21: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee wilt hold a general meeting 81 7 p.m . et the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel at 686 Anton Blvd., Coste Mesa. Admission is tree, end all Republicans ere welcome. (714) 566-8555. ConlWthon News assistant. (949) 574 4298 coral. wiltwn@latimes.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leadl, Kent Treptow READERS HOTLINE (949) 642·6086 Record your comments about the Dally Pilot or nowt tips. Address Our address is 330 W, Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Office hours are Monday • Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 6 p.m. ~ ... It Is the Pilot'I policy to promptly colT9Ct all errors of substance. Please call (9491 764-4324. FYI The Newport Beach/Costa Meu Daily Piiot (USPS-144-800) it published daily. In~ 8Mdl and Cosi. Meta, 1uti.cnptione are available only by 1ul>9ctibing to The Timet Orange County 18001 252-9141. In .,.... outside of Newport 8eed'I and Coau Mesa. sublcrlptlon1 to the Deity Pilot are avallable only by first c1 ... tNil fOf' $30 per month. (Prlcel include all applatie. etate and local tex91.) POSlMASTtR: Send addrn• c:ti•nv-to The Newport ~ Meu 0.lty Pilot, P.O. Bo>t 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copynght. No news stones, illustrations, editorial matter or advertlsementa here1n can be reproduced without written permiu ion of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US Cirwletlon The Times Orange County (8001252-9141 AdWftislng Claulfled (949) 642-5678 Displey (9491642-4321 EdttcNW News (9491642·5680 Sports (9491 574-4223 News Fu (949) 64M 170 Sports fe.11 (949) 65().0170 E..,,....: d•l/ypilot@latlm.•.com ~()Mee ........ om. (949) &42-4321 lii•IMM Fea (949) 631-7128 Published by Tlmea Community Newa, • divlMon of the Lot Angeln Tlmea. C2002 Tlmee CN. All rif1hta r....-v.d. POLITICS ASIDE Give them something to talk about T he annual Newport Beach Mayor's Dinner -a state of the union writ small, so to speak -has been unusual for rwo years now. -----1 various "malcontents.· I le even called out those who disagree 10 come up with some proof to their charKes. "If you've got something, show it : he said. fypically, these events offer little in the way of "new" news. instead giving nothing more than recaps of how terrific things are. I le said all that without naming names. But it isn't S.J. CAHN Bromberg's s tyle to call Last year. then-mayor and now-Councilman Tod Ridgeway broke the mold and challenged o lder residents of the ci ty to fight the urge to keep things as they were al the expense of younger, would -he residen1s. It started a yearlong debale about the Greenlight movement, which got labeled as being largely lhe passion of that older crowd. (Since then, pecifically si nce the November.election, the GreenJightSteenng Comm111ce has added "you nger" membcrc, -Tom BUllngs, for one -who are more outspoken ah d provide a differen t look to the group.) Wi1h R1dgeway\ word<, '>till hovering in the air of the Newport Beach Marriott. Mayor Steve Bromberg had a pretty tough act 10 follow Tuesday night. And while he didn't start any wars. he d1dn'1 shy away from chiding malcontents in the city for not recognizing tha1 they live in "the best city you will find anywhere.· Overall, the theme of Rrom berg's speech can be captured in a four· word sentenre he u!.cd 111 the middle of his talk: "Thi'> it. Newp ort Beach.· By Lhat, the mayor -who has a decade-long hi,tory of activii>m on BaJboa I land - meant that things are good , real good, in Newport Beach. Just a few parli> of his speech display this. He talked aboul how he was "extremely proud" 10 be part of the city's government I le said he wai. "very proud" 10 be mayor. lie t.ilked about the "good peoplc" with him on the council. I le rnentwned that rt"<i1dent' art· "happy and plea<>ed. • ·we want the be.,t. • he :-.tat ed. "We d on'1 want allequate. • What was mtt'fe'>tmg in the 'ipeech is that Bromberg never named the malcontents (as H1dgeway clearly named hti. in tended targets). Hut certamly. the core Greenfighters were in h is m ind, a~ well a' residcnl' who think the city 's government and bureaucracy 1' too big and too expensive. (Bromberg said the city ha~ pnvatized enough services and '\tressed that the budget would remained balanced.) He focused, notably. on thl' city's ge neral plan update process, which he called the most importa nt issu.-facing the city. And he den ied that the process has been in any way "skewed ,· a cha rge made by people out in public. And 1ha1, finally, was wha t wa' 1elling about Bromberg's sp eech. as wr ll as Ridgeway's. Both captured 1he person alit1e' of the men !>peaking. Bromberg -a m ediation lawyer by trade -focu sed on <.hared belief!. (""fhis is Ncwporl Beach") that all sid ei. in just about every ci ty debate can agree upon. Greenlightcr ... by and lar~e. think Newport i'> grea1. Developers think 11 I!>. Yo ung residents love it here. Older residents d o. too. From that point, maybe then· will be the chance for agreement on m her issue:-. 1Marinapark. for instance. or tht.' general plan update process I. Hidgcway, who isn't afraid to ,peak hi~ mind. '>po ke hi.; mint! loudly and dear a year ago. It was fief), .rnd 11 reverbcrnled for munlh,. We'll -.ee if Bromberg\ ha!. the same life All THE MAYORS TOGETitER One of the h1ghJ1ghts o f the Mayor\ Dinner is the quick coming toge1her of all Lhc: mayors in the room. Thi., year, 1he group included Gary Adams (resplendent in a red bow tie. no le~). John Cox, Jan Oebay. Denny O'NeU a nd Oarence Turner. Ridgeway was not there, tht' only member of the Ciry Council not in attendance. John Heffernan was at his first, he said. Both of the new councilmen, Dick Nichols and Don Webb, were about. Gary Proctor, unavailable for rnmment la.;t week: abouftli~ political future, was also'1 a11endance And. like Bro mberg and I Jcffernan, he is stiJJ undecided abo ut whether he will run for another term SOBERING SPEECH FROM n£ ORANGE COUNTY SHERlff Ano1her high light, though a ~obering one, was the keynote <>peech by Orange County Sheriff Mlke Carona. Carona, who has been workfog with President Buab on homela nd security issues, polnted out that given the county's population and economic 'itrength. it is a s1gnifican 1 target for an attack. But, he a!\Sure d the a udience. "Orange County is in very good shape.· The county, he continued , is on the "leading edge· of anti-terrori sm work and, in a fl'w years, will be "on Lhe cutting edge.· • S..J. CAHN 11 the managing editor. He can be reached at (949) 574-4233 or by e-mail at s.1.cahn@latimes.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST The experts say it's going to rain, but sprinkles are the best we'll get this morning. Otherwise, it'll be mostly cloudy today, with a few ravs of sun. Highs will peak in the mid-605, with lows near 45. Friday will be almllar to the weather we're accustomed to, with moltty sunny skies and highs around 70. lnfonnlrtlon: www.nws.noaa.QOV BOATING FORECAST The northweeter1y winds will blow 10 to 20 knots In the Inner waters today, With 2·foot weves end • west swell of 2 to 4 feet. The windl wilt .... to 10 to 15 knoc. thfs ewning. Ou1, fBnher, • trNkreft ecMsorv wHI go Into effect .. the~ winds blow ltfOliger, at 20 to 30 knota. With 4-10 I-foot WIYM end I nomm.t 9Wlll of 8to ...... ' SURF The northwest energy wilt pi<* up today, but we shouldn't expect too much -probebly waist-to chest-high. Friday won't be much different, though we'll see fewer chest-highs. Saturdey wfll be mcmty the same, though the next northwest .wett wiff amv. tete, setting a decent Sunday. At that point, we ain expect d\est-to head-highs. w.....-r. www . ...,rfrict.r.org TIDES nm. 6:28•.m. 11:23•.m. S.36 p,m. 12:061.m. ........ 0'81 -.1ow 4.Mfllelhlgt\ 0.32Mllow 5.03 .... hlgt\ WATER TEMPERATURE 80citgt .. ' 2n·n. ·• • -- • ' ___ .._. _______ ..., __ .....,. ___ ~----------~--'-____.,_ -------- Dally Pilot BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP Speak Up Newport gives Paul Salata uward Year by t hr Con,111 uuonaJ Hight'> f.ou11dct1tun uf Orange <.ounry mg, mdp' ur other Jlrpurt 111 formJllUll t c1.1l 1 ~4<j l.5L 'i.!1)(1 or \1'>11 tht' Wt'b 'llt' JI u•11•u m '"' 1 om INSIDE LANDSCAPED CITY HALL MEDIANS 1 lt•re an.• :.t!vcral decision!> The council considered rnming ou1 ufTuesday's City landscaped medjans for 19th Council meeting. Street between Placentia and Parle avenues. MINI· STORAGE BUILDING PERMIT WHAT HAPPENED The council voted 4 to I to On Ian. 27. the Planning perform additionaJ outreach to merchants on this stretch Commi .. i.ion denied the and explore various design permit. 111 early February. alternatives. Councilwoman Monahan appealed the Ubby Cowan dissented. d~ni;tl ll1c proposed minr·'>toragt-hu1lding WHAT WAS SAID ocrnpic' the northern 20 feet ~we need to do much ol'Lhe lot Al the commission be11er outreach 10 busine5.5 mel·ting, '>ix J>l'oplt• spokt-owners on 19th and Placentia agam'>I tht' pro1ect. arguing 10 let them know there lmayJ 1 h.11 the rt· i<. a KJut of no longer be accec.s (to their m1111 'turagt· pro,ect., within businesse<>) in the middJe or tht.• t11y .rnd thJt lhe use i' lht.-street. WhiJe it will look not rnmpdllhlc with the well from a landscape .,urrm111dmg neighborhood. perspective, It will make the busint:~ community go nut'>. WHAT HAPPENED We've got a mountain ready l'he "'>Ul' wai. continued 10 explode.~ pt•r the owner\ reque'>I. -(bwicilman Ct1ry .~fu 1 w I um WHAT IT MEANS I hl· 1ounl11 will recon.,idt'r WHAT IT MEANS tllC' r...\Ut' JI J flllllrt' 111l'l'llllg. Staff will conduct morl' LANDSCAPE mc:ct1ng'> with husine,., owner'> in the area and IMPROVEMENTS explore ue .. igm. for mt•d1am that dun't re'>trict at.Te'>' a., llw l ot111c1l unt1111m11u'>I} much. .1ppni1.1•d fund111g lor tom t•pt .md dl"•ign plJn., for MID-YEAR BUDGET 20 medlJlh ,II ii lll'>I of ahoul REVIEW s.i~.ooo ADJUSTMENTS r WHAT IT MEANS The council vott'd 4 m I 111 llw l.111d'>l J Jlt' 111ed1Jn' !'('duct' the 2002·0.l li'>c.J yt·.tr \.\Ill nm' lw a pnont\ 111 1 lw l''>llmated revenue'> hy at>ou 1 I llllllllllllll\ llhjt'l ll\ ('<, SI million and I NEXT MEETING •WHAT: Costa Mesa City Council meeting •WHEN: 6:30 p.m. March 3 • WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (71 4) 754-5223 appropriation~ hy $].7 milJion. with Councilman Allan Mansoor di.,!>enting. lne council also approv~d funding for a signal at the inter-.ectiorl of Fairview Hoad and Ml·Cormack Lane and '>lree1scape de.,1gn out of the capital impcovemen1 portion of the "net revenue .. baJance of$654,:.!21 WHAT IT MEANS Inc dppropri.i11011., ddju,tment wa done to .iddrt''» the potenttal dft·ct from the <>late hudget cmts Hc\tdelll<i in the Fa1rvtew/McCorn1ad: area who urged the rnunril for the ... tophght for c;afl't y rea'>'rn-. Wiii gl'I tht' light. WHAT WAS SAJD "rhe 1111mlwr-. art· mtcre'>ling and tan mon· them around anyway yuu want. hu111\ dccq)ll\C to 'ay \\t' havl' mom·y ll'h owr Don't gt·I me wrong -'trt't'I' .1nu 'lh'l1<1J'> are H'I) 1rnportan1. hut the rno't fair wav to ton-.idcr thl''>l' lll'01'- " 1n the hud~e1 .. \ fflll <.tH Ir < m11111li'fl l1l I ~·min.• \'1•w11u 111 Whether You Buy or Lease ... Paul Salata, fonner pro foot ball player and use. ">tdf, re ceived the SUN,hine Award from locaJ group Speak Up New port at the annuaJ Newpon Beach Mayor'<; Dinner ·1 ue.,day night. l ne group ha'> g1w11 ()UI tlu: awards to thoi-e who havt· J>l'r formed outstanding ... ervtt't' tu the community. Trca ... urrr Daw Goff said. Goff c;aid Ne\.~ort Beach re" dent SaJata wa., the group\ choice for the award hl'lJlht: "he i5 a man with J l1fet1111e of giving." "He make<; peoplt' laugh. lw makes them happy." he ""d "llt· ha!. been recogm1t·d 1>, many. but we thoug.ht II Y.d" time our group ga1,e l11m <.Im· recognition.· G ay Sandoval receive' attorney award Costa Mesa resident .ind JI torney {,ay Sandoval ha' hl'l'll named Attorney <.oJrh of 1 lw GETTING INVOLVED •GETTING INVOLVED runs penod1cally in the Daily Pilot 0 11 a rotating basis For information on adding your organization to this hst, call 1949) 574-4298 BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF NEWPORT-MESA The three area clubs need volunteer coad".es and ans and crafts worlcshop teachers CJll tor locatrons 19491 642 2245 J he group honored top high 'l'hdol tt:am'> and 1nd1V1dual<. JI It'> L2n<.l Mod lnal Award' I 11mheon 011 h1day Roads to clo~e at JWA fo r security rea~on~ John Waynt: Airport will d ll'>l' a few ace<''>~ road' herau.,t· ol 111ncawd wcurity mea-.urc' h) thl' lnimporta11on !wu mty Ad n11 n i'>t rat lo 11. lhl' Mu:hc:l,un Dnvt· 1·11 tr<1n< l' to the <11rport < lri'>t:'d 1111'> rnorn111g dlld, hegmnmg 1-ridct~ 1lw au:t-'>' rodd trom the San I ht•go ht:t'wcty 111111 1ht· a1rp un will ht' l lmt>d I ho'>t' t nrn1ng "' lht'. ct1rpor1 lllll'>I entc:r enlwr from Ldmpu' I )n\I' lo tlw '>fJt1th or thl' < .u'>ld \1l'-,a I rl't'\'a\-offr;unp Im m the n1111h < Hfindl' -.d1d 'l't'Urll\ u>111111 · 11t·-. to lw Jt c1 tw1~httntd le\ t'I 'II Il l' "it•pt II .mo I, i.HIU lhJI p<1lll t' '>tJffing llil'> hl:'l'll Ill ( rt'J 'l'd I ur inlo1111Jt11111 .1bo u1 p.irt.. COSTA MESA CIVIC PLAYHOUSE The playhouse needs "olunteers for ushering, backstage work mailings. typing. controlling lights and many other duties 19491650-5269 COSTA MESA HISTORICAL SOCIETY The society preserves dnd promotes the history of Costa Mesa and the harbor area Volunteers are needed for the <1rct11ves library muc;eum d0<:en1 ond public outreach programs 1949 631 5918 Oa">l"> Senior G:ntcr needs anwork Ordlll(l' Luunt~ dflhl'> 111tt'1 l:''>lt·d 1n exh1l>11t11g y, or~ 111 the Spring .w<n < lra11gt· C ourtt) Art "' lurit•d I >.lub1111Jn .ir!· 1m1tt-d to hn11g tht'1r 1•1Hr1t''> lo 1tw Oa-.1'> "it•n11ir ( fllll'r. di 800 ~l .ir guni1t· A\.f' m C uro11u dt•I \l.11 hctY..ten '! drld 10 c1 rn 1111 ~larch 15 Ar11-.1-. 11111 ... 1 l1H· or \l'o ort.. 111 Or,1n1<e Count \ Ill p.uuu r><t tl' I d i ti artl .... " .Jh1Y..t•tl lhr t't I'll trlt'' lrl J ll\ l\H J t.ltUlt'll'>llllltll lllt'di.1 \\orl.' \l'o lll lw 1111l~1·tl "' IJI lnint' p rolt·-.'>IH •11 drl Kirn Hurgr· I our 1 •"h pr111·' .... 111 ht' .tY.Jrlktl c111tl '""r~ ... 111 1·p1t·d tor 1h 1 n .h1h1111111 '"II 111 d1-. pJJ~t·t.l 11 'l'\\111111 1\1 ,11 Ii (II\ I l.-111 lrorr1 \prll 111 )11111· 1 lw 1 ' h1llll I' l1t·111.: 'fl•llt'\llfl'd h\ lhl' '''"p1.r1 Ht•.i1 h \r1-. < 1Hn1111' -.11111 lr1l11r111.111•111 '1l'l -1- 18711 FRIENDS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY The bookstore needs donat1<;r1• for book soles They mav tJ ... 1 ... t- at anv of the branch llbrar•l'S Bal boa MannPrs o r Cor .nd n .. Mar -or in the special btH.1~ closet ne~ to thf' Fnen<h Boo~ Store a1 1000 Avocadc. Av•: VoluntPPrs are needed 10 <old~ 11 • used b<.JOk store wh1ct s inste~ the entrance of 1he Ce r tr 1 L1br dr, VolunH·ors mu<;t t» merr t. .. rs of thf' Frieno f th .. L1br.,ry ant1 ctrf' <1sked ,,. wort. r ... thn!<-hOUI <,h1ft riPr fll(,f f 941 759 %67 You.'11 Find Incredible ~\~~s Ci~rttUllMiltm• -- Values on Your Favorite Lex us! NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST . COSTA MESA · 9•9·6•S·7626 It's Time for Our Annual 01mw . 01 )1w ' Ralphs f1esh Fore 646 1411 Sidewal~ Sale! so~-on drugs 647 12 11 Crown Ace Hordwore 642 11 33 ·~- Chompogne 64S 6731 Draper s & Damon s 646 srn Kayaks Surf Sho9 631 2996 ThrH F11end1 S48 9881 )i"., A.· w '. ~ "1 Mf • ~ .... (afif ornio Style 548 819' I~ Hollmofk 6311111 Matthtw Toylor s 642 7311 FOOC J4'-0S20 '31·1700 P~to lro•o 548 3406 Pkk Up Stix 650 7849 Ro&pln Ff~ f DU 646 1411 Storbucks CoffM 650 0369 HEALTH & BE ALT"( ltwMcllllk 646 S746 l*'1 ' Ttytar Sabi 64' 7197 SERVICES w.y,Sllee ..,.. S41-40S3 ... .,..a 76•·2'°8 f¥1C... ... S7• 74SO W..es,Etc . 631.5400 1*'1 & fly'-w. 646 71 97 SWOil •o s"' ......... ~ ... , 2392 s.. ,....., .. ....,, "'11 ,....., ... ..., ... ""Mils A.I pi-~ en Q4Q oreo a>cM WES TC LIFF l 1TH SH EET AT lllVINE AVENUE f • PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS One person injured in freeway crash One person was reported inju red when a big rig over- turned in a Ltuee-vehicle crash on lhe Costa Mesa Freeway Wednesday morn- ing, officials said. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Awnue of th• Arts: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 3400 block at 5:07 p.m. M onday. • Bristol Street A commercial burglary was reported in the 3300 block at 7:43 p.m . Monday. • F8ir Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 400 blodc at 11:16 a.m. Monday. • Magnolia Street: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 200 block at 4:46 p.m. Monday. • Mesa Drive: Petty theft w as reported in the 200 blodc at 6:47 p.m. Monday. •Newport Boulewrd: Embezzlement was reported in the 2600 block at 4:57 p.m. Monday. • Pinecreek Drive: An assault was reported in the 2800 block at 9 a.m . Mo nday. OBITUARIES DonaJd A . Ackley Donald A. Ackley, t1 longtime Orange Coaltt College libraria11 and dean of library and media services. died aturday from cancer. He was 58. A lluntington Reach relti - dcnt, Mr. Ackley joined OCC's faculty in 1971 as an evening Ii- The crash happened at about 10 a m. on the south- bound Costa Mesa Freeway north of the transition to the southbound San Diego Freeway. Callf onua High- way Patrol officials said 1Wo lanes were blocked, and a SigAlert was issued for about 50 minutes. The injured person was taken to Western Medical Center in Santa Ana. • 18th Place: Vandalism was reported In the 200 block at 11 :49 a.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • Collins Avenue: A hit-and-run was reported in the 200 block at 4:59 p.m. Tuesday. • Mcfadden Pfac:4t: Possession of stolen property was reported in the 100 blodc at 11:10 p.m. Tuesday. • Newport Cent• Drive West: Petty theft was reported in the 800 block at 11 :42 a.m. Tuesday. • TorTey Pines Lane: Trespassing was reported rn the 100 blodc at 7:40 p.m. Tuesday. • 16th Street: Loud music wasreported 1nthe1800 blodc at 2:29 a.m. Tuesday. • 35th Street: Vandalism was reported in the 200 blodc at 8:43 a.m. Tuesday. brarian and quickly chrnbed the ranks tu head librarian and then dean of lihrary and media 'crvice'>. Mr. Acldcy'l> accomph'h ments include e<;tablishing a Macintosh lab. creating elc-c· tron1c databases for full-text journal and newspaper articles and eMablishing a collection of rare books for the library. I le maintained the college's offi- cial campus archives and de- "The Art of-Making Pizza,. WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5·9PM ""~~.:: .... ;r~'::sr'="' 949.175.4100 941.715.1117 FAll Ml.175.2211 FAll Ml.715.1111 -------------• $3DFF FREE I LARGE PIZZA SMALL SALAD I • BUY ANY MEDIUM PIZZA & I I . -GET A SMALL SALAD OF I YOUR CHOICE FREE• I CXJu•'O'< NOT vA4.•0 MTH ANv or .... eR ~F r « >r'l'l.JAt PA .. Tor PA 1 NG STORf'S I ()NL.Y L M IT ONE: CO .r'{JI'-Pf'R ~r, 5 Alf<; l A..C ""AV AP<'\.V MUST MCNTl()r~ COlJPON AT I Mf CF ORO€R • CCU"'ON l!l'P!RES rrEJf-Cl.JARY C'B 200 l • ------------- if'AIR $10 OFF ANY CHEMICAL SERVICE .. !,..TIO" THI\ AD' "''"" CUIT OMtRI O"lY COUNCIL Continued from Al "He's the most qualified ln re- gards of everything -his eJperi- ence in life, his background, bis Coeta Mw Clay Coundl membwl' .,.,.,tments to t:he two eotmnilllDnl .. •t'oloM: integrity," Steel said. • DeMaio, who moved to Costa Mesa 17 years ago from Pitts- burgh, saJd he looks forward to contributing to his community. Faris, whom Councilman Allan Mansoor appointed to the Plan- ning Commission, said he has no plans to run for City Council again at lhis time. His goals for the Planning Commission in- clude trying to prevent what he considers past planning mistalces like putting industry·next to resi- dential areas and "that outside interestS do not run ·roughshod over tosta Mesa residents." PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONERS Councilman Gary Monahan appointed de Arakal, a former Daily Pilot columnist now work- ing for the Irvine Co. De Arakal said he was interested in the Parks and Recreation Commis- sion because his four school-age children are active in youth sports. I le also expressed a desire HOMELAND Continued from Al up their homes," he said. The federal government Web site!> that provide information are the best sources for those who are looking for the late t news on terrorist anaro, ShuJ- to put his imprimatur on some of the major issues the commission will work on in the next few years. such as the Fairview Park Master Plan. "People might think thal Parks and Recreation Is a marginal or- ganization that doesn't do n;iuch. but from my perspective, it will be a commission ·that will do some very important work in the next few years," de Arakal said. "I have a big inlerest in making sure the Fairview Parle Master Plan slays on traclc.." De Arakal. who has known Monahan for about two-and-a- half years, said he doesn't feel be- holden to the councilman for ap- pointing him. "I understand the people who had some reservations about the process," de ArakaJ said. "Gary man said. "The fed eral government ilt closer to intelligence than we are," he !>aid. The ready.com W~b site urge~ people to Lake steps to prepare for disasters such as keeping a three-day supply of water. food and medicine. Families must aJso stock items such as formuJa and diapers for infants and pre- c;igned. and launched OCC's membcring Mr. Ackley next first Web site .more than 10 month. A d ate halt not been :.et years ago. yet. He abo received a Friend of the Students Award from the A:.sociated Students Ai.sn. Mr. AclcJey was still . on staff a1 the time of h15 d eath . lie is '>Ur- vived by hi-. wife, CJaudia Jack- son. A private family service will pe held. The college is aJso plannjng 10 have a serviCe re- Rita Marie Fitzpatrick A funeral service and burial were held Wednesday fnr Rita Marie Fitzpatrick. a 15-year resident of Coron a del Mar. Ms. Fitzpatrick d ied Saturday of naturaJ causes. She was 87. She is survived by son Dennis Fitz- Now Serving Sandwiches. • Custom Made • Fresh SunFlour Bread • Boar's Head Meat & Cheese M1ui l'rccni ( 0111Mm .'\1 I 1mr Of Purdu\t llum' Rn.lnm 81 !I !Hill I I 2-I l -I II \ Ill I I I (i " ' ' \ 11 ' \ ') t '1 " I (I I I t IJ \,, I -1111 f) H~' .. ' -Ill• ! Ill .. ( I j 1-.. I t ' 'q '' I > '\ " • HAROWOOO • LAMWATES •CARPET •CERAMIC TU• WM. R.OORMG •t'!~~!!P ''':t1fot•:,\.j SOLARIAN ~~ 314" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE s4•1 !!!!!/!.. s 1 •1 from -ift -si• Travertine 18' x 18" .......................................................... '4.21 IQll. Cenrnic Ttle ...................................................... nsl:lllldhom ..... IQL l..alninate Vtood ................................................ ""*1 m '4.11 Ill 11. f. ,. IWICl6REC Kelty Feldman Weridy Lteee Bvron de Arakel Maril Harris Jim R.ter knows me very well and he knows I'm not beholden Jo any· body." Leece. appointed by Mansoor, served on the Newport Ml''Wi Unified School lioard for e1~ht years and was often a lighten111g rod of criticism for her con!)crva live views. RESIDENTIAL REACTION The council decided that tlw puhlic shouJd comment on the appointments before they an nounced them, cau~ing nppll"• of incredulity throughout thl' audience members who n· mained at 12:30 a.m. "lb is is unbelievable." Doug Sutton bellowed. "Why nut at least explain your reasoning 'o we can m ake vaJid comment•/" Monahan sauJ he didn't \\,1111 scriptfon medication for 'l·111ur' and others in need of <;ut:h nwd1 cation. lbe Ad Council -the 111111 profit group th,11 came up .. , 11h Smokey Bear\ "Only you 1 ,111 prevent forest fire., .. and Md 1rufl the crime dog\ 'Jake a b11e ol crime" -hclp<.'d put togl'tlw1 the campajgn. Ille most imponani 1h1ng. I hll patrit:k. daughter' ~hJron 11.rn 'on, Ciel and Maurel'n I ll1p.it rick, three gram.It h1ldri·11 .111tl two great grandchlldrl'n. Donna Marsh A burial at sea 1, pl.innt·d tor Donna Marsh, a formt•r te.1t lll'r at Ensign Middle School M' Marsh died Sunday afll'r ti lengthy illness. Sht: wa-. fitt 'h Mar'h was aho a membt·r 11f c~ CrUIH.,.. nkk"•, T11 n, ,,, .. ~ World rim Oo"dm 6 c .. ~ Co.,_t !laoke4 M --:: ' 1 ' ~ -- Dady Pilot a.1 occasfon that paid tribute tu the new colllJTli5sloners to de- volve into a mudslinging event. "To give a forum to someone to blast thelr personal vendcua against Ian appolnted commis· sionerl would have been very in- appropriate." Monahan said. Min stead of being an . honor bestowed, it would have lbecnl -.ornebody blastlng that particu- lar person as being unqual1ffod and God knows what else: Genii. said h was too ea;ly 10 tell tf the new process of indivul· ual ap1>C.1i11tments would makl· the commissions more of a <ill'p ping stone to get to thc C II} council than in Lt1e past. "It depends on the counul member,· Genis said. ·on till' one hand. it couJd be a chant l' for someone to groom their '>Ul cc:..'>Or. b<.'aluse we do have term hmit.!..'' Gen~ said. "But-ii rnuld abo be the plum you give •mmr one to keep them from runnmg for council when you don't warn Lhcm w." Ille new commissioner-. \\111 offiu.tllv lx.'¢n March I. Mon.1 hJn -.aid •DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costd Mesa and may be reached at 19491 574 4221 or bye mail at de1rdre newman a lar1mes.cor11 ,,1111." 111 .. ,tt1y cairn ... 11!..l' 1hcy ..ay.'' she '><tH.I .... ,1 \\.t\"' uiunt to 10 before you du \llllll'lh1ng Ill .I hUIT) " • DEEPA BHARATH covers publi1 ~afoty and courts She may oo reached al 19491 574-4226 or by 1.-ma1lat it!li'Ptl bhararh ,, larimes cum 1lw "\4•\, purl 'lcsa A_,.,1,1a1111 11 .. 1g111• Clr.1nKt' County lkp11h lil dll \\oml'n, Red H1hl11111 c haplt'r o f I ht American ltl·d < rtl'>'. B.ilhoa I !arbo r <lMp11·r 111 < 1a111111a 1'111 Beta aml 1 lw lro1.111 C.ulld of Orange C..011111\ '."ihe " .. un 1wd by her 1w111 ''' ter. l>e,01me \'11lafuerte. nic·c t'' < .arol Jnd Roh1n and ncplw"' f<1 rhard • The Daily Pilot welcomes olJ1tua11es for residents or former 1 es1den1s of Costa Mesa and NPwPort Beaeh If you want 10 have an obituary printed in the Pilot. ask your mortuary to fax us the mforma11on at 19491 646-4170 or call the new sroom at 19491 764 4324 GRANITE, Bryant GRANITE, Byrant, 71 , SOIVived by his loving wife of 51 years. Sally; son, Daniel; daughters, Barbara, Shelly (Todd) Bollander. Rebecca (Doug) Johnson, 5 grand c hildren; Sister, Susan Roseffinl: Brother. Nell (Baine) Cohen and many loving nieces and nephews. Bf'yant WU born in East LA .. attended UCLA and MfVed In the U.S . Navy during the KOf'ea n Conflict. He wu a popular high school teacher, coach and mentor. He wu a tn.ie patriot and his family, friends and country were his greatest treasures. Sefvices will be held at Pacific View Memorial Par1( in Corona del Mar today at 12:00 noon. In lieu of flowers, the family wishes donations be rMde to the American Cancer Society. FERRIS, Wiiiiam L. After welcoming hit newHt grandton and tum:>Unded by hit flmily, Bill, loving hutb8nd to Bevet1y for 40 ye .. , PMMd awlff ~on Feu.y 11. Bifl Is MVMd by ton, MichMI Scott, d1Ughter, Mith• Lynn, ton.jn-taw, Matt McGiii, Ind grandlont, Mu Ind Mll'C. Bom In 1941 In Ketchtlwn, ~ and gr0Wi19 up In W.......,.'9 Bill rnided In NIWpOtt Bwtt with tummn In Mceal, ldlho. A Vllled member of PllCitlc Ufe. Bil r9'hd ..... Y199 ln 2001 • Prllidllit Ind CEO of PWlMc Lif9and~He-*on the Board of ttlt HHlth ln1uranoe A11oclatlon of America. A gtntroua community buldlr. ..... ..,. ~ ClnOtr .......,. The Well:•• eom;:.--thtHOfGHoll*ll .... L Servlctt wlfl bt Mid at Mlrtner'I a..-., ..... Co.et Dr., lrYN. Oft ,,...,. ,...._, 211t • 1:00 PA In Htu °' "° ...... the ,_, 19CJjlllldDl .... tD ....... Hotpbl ,.....,. In .. Nmt of Wlmllll L ,_. • tD .. Am9tolnC...laalllf. • Dady Pilot FORUM E-mail: Se~~";' ~O .~Ej PUBU~HED -lAtters: Mail to Edltorlal Page Editor S.J. Ca hn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St . Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Readers Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax· Send to (949) 646-41 70 0 81 YPI Ot•a>/atim es.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposPs) The Pilot re~tirv~ the right to edll all submtss1ons for danty and length EDITORIAL Goodnews in Costa Mesa • crime stats. W t' try 111'\C'r to get too t"<t 1tt•J , ur too won icd, about !'hanging rrime 'lJft\11<' 111 o ur c·111<''> ( lrlt' ll'.1'1Hl I\ th<· Vt'r)' 11.i11m• 111 .,t,11i ... 11c .... whit ht <ttl lw 111an1p11lating 111 almo't anv way .111d 111 '>llpport of almo\t (Ill \ .11gtlllll'llt l.tlo.t• th" t .. <ampll' from " <,aft• 1 II\, 1me that loot...., hlo.t• e 1thl'r < '"la Me'>a or r\t•\, pon Ht•ttclt In OIH' Vt'ltr, th<'rt' t'> a '>lllK)l' 111urck r I lw nc·xt ~t·.ir, tht·n· .111.• l\\O I In" do ><111 loo~ at tl1t• I h,111gel You '.111 'l'l' 11 ra11011.1llv a-. .i 1111110 1 ill!'rl'(I\{', 0 1\l' 1h,11 ·j., rt•rnhlt• giwn t1w \'alut· ol h11111.rn hll'. hut .111 1nl 11•.1"· th.at .clm1,...1 cerl.11111> '>lgn.11' no 111.1101 tn·ntl or 1 hangt· ( )r Villi l .in 'l'l' II ii'> ,t douhl111g ol the murd1·1 r,111" .1 I()()'\ till fl'.t'>I' Ill th .... 111<"' \ 1111!·111 of t·n me'> And \011 1 ;111 le I Jl•lllll WI tn It ., lfll' .... 11111· lfl( l(',l\t' fl111 111·.tlt•d 1·111111+, d1f11·1!'11ll\ \11otfll'I 1t·.t~Oll .... th.ti 1111111ht•J\ 1·111111· Cllll '>11 ul11·11 tlt,11 II I' l.t11·1\ \\Ollft <t\l'lll'.tl llllg to OJll' 'l'I \0<111. ,1 \\ holt• Ill'\' w pon nn tr 111w \\111 .1ppt'<tf, .1nd II likl'f\ Wiii 111111.1111 \.•i...tl't d1fl1•r1•111 1111mht·r, C..,1111 ,lfl lh,11 a,llfr II I' h.11cl 11111 IU h1· h.cpfl\ \\llh lht• l,tll'\I 1 rnrn• fllllllht•r, f11r ( 11 ... 1.1 Ml''>a During th<· fi N ninl' lll011lh~ Of 2002. lhl' WOr'>I kind.., of crime fe ll dranw1irally m tlw dty. atc111J111g to thl' 'tall' Attornl'y < 1t•1w ral \ ofllt 1· \'1ol<•n1 crmw., \"l'H' th m n .!.'.'> .!'\ .. I hat int ludt•d rohhl'm·-. down 14'1{, ,md aggravated a ..... a111t ., dm"n :!fi <;14., I he onlv <atl'gory wHh .m m e rett'>C wa'> 1ht'f1., whtc h r<ht' ~ h'1u Ovc•rall. the utv '>J \\. a 2.~ ~ .. tlrop tn crime. '°lt•Htwitle, hv 1·0111p<:trt'\On-. cnnu• incrra'>~d 1.3'1:,, with violent 1 rt']).4:'> up 0 8'"1, and propt'rl\ t nn/C'., up 7 l)'\, !Joltu: di1d I )a\t' '°lno\\dl'n d1alkl·d up tlw 1111provement' 10 foe U'>cd <rll11t· tigh1111g h\ tw. dl'p.trt11w111 I ht• J..ev \\,.., lwmg .il>lt· to p1np11111t lm .1t 11m' \\ ht·rl' c·11111e ... ,uc· oc 1 11rr1ng, '°lllOIHfloll ,,rnf "( rlllll'' h,1\1' ht'l'll li.1ppt·n111g 111 .111 .trl':t'' of tht• 1 II\ I hlfc·rt·nt .111•,t, h.i\t• dtlll'rt'lll prolill'111' P.11 ml I )I\ t'>IOll I 1H11111o1111l1 ·1 111111 \\'.lrn.H lo. dt·,1 rilH'd tht· 1mpro\ 1·1111·111' •" p.irt of .m ef1011 to i.:t\l 111111 ,., , more· f ontrul 11\t·1 hrn' thl'\ \\·orlo.. I ,11 ht (lll1Jll.111dl'I \\.l'I gt\l'll th(' .ullhnnt\ to dq>loy ullin:r ... .i... tlll'V 'J\\ fit." Ill' ,,utJ. "Wt• t .ill 11 dm·l'tt·d fMtrol .. fl '' 1h.1t l} fW ol 'marl pohu· \\ urt.. 1h.11, \\ r .111 t ;rn h ope will 1 01111nue tu dnw Costa Mesa 1 n111l' down. LETIER TO THE EDITOR PltOIO .l •Uk![ SY IJf C.HRIS DABElS Residents disagree whether a gate at Mannapark otters easy access to the beach by the harbor Gate doesn't seem like easy access I n re-.ponse 10 Marlnapark mobile home resident Be11y Berlcshfre's leuer to lhe editor C-Marinapark is not dosed 10 public"), in which she claims lhere is easy beach ace~ I sub mit the phq to 111cluded or the boardwalk and beach acccs.'>. l'i lhis what s.hc calls ~ acce&s? A picture says 1.000 words. CHRISDABB~ Balboa Peninsula READERS RESPOND Bell 's disconnectedness resonates with readers AT ISSUE: The Bell Curve on the state of life in Newport Beach set against the state of life in the rest of the world. lo a democracy. UNDAKOUNEC Newpon Beech I MAILBAG Stephen Sutherland has won at least one Newport Beach re sident s support for hrs Mannapark hotel prcocsd Marinapark project look s like a winning idea I .1grt·1· "tth ">wphl'n -..ut herlamh t oll\JIH'lll.tt) that Ill<' f,1cl'> regarding \ta1111<1p.irl dft• l.trgt•ly unknown '\l.11111.qMrk f.1ci-. are l.trgelv unlo.1111\\11,' \\t·d1w,J,1\ • I toot.. 1lw 111111.111\l' r1·u·nll) llJ nw1·1 \\1 th ..,utlil'rl.tnd tn h·.irn more <1ho111 hi-. J>IOJl'I' I lound II Ill ht• J li r'>l-da-. .... \wll pl.111nl'<l proJt'll I Im\ can unyorH' ... 11~t·'1 1hl\ would not lw an upgrddt· l!I llw t"u ,1111g trailer park' And du we rl',tlh tll't'tl ,111111her publ1< p.trk that will ,ttt rJll 1110-.1ly out of town \'i'>llr>r'' I! '>eem ... 10 me \w .tlrt.'ady have m ilt·" of o pt'n heal he, in Lhis area that Jrea 'ervt till' purpo,<.'. Small boutiqut• '1011.'1.; can bt• found Ill man y oth<.'r re'>orl llltl''· amt I expet I tht'> "'tll be a huge finannaJ '"n l'" for thl' rt·,on opt'rator and tlw 'II\ i .ipprt•t 1.11t' our l llV 111lk1al-.· loolo.mg 1111 wa\., tu 1111JHO\'t' our t11·1gh horhoud ... .111d t rl'.tlt· rt'\ t'lllJt• IOJ tht• t llV I .igrt•t• \\ 11h '>utlwrl,md\ ofll'r 111 lt•t tht• \ott·r' dt't 1111• 1h1· f<1tl' of hi\ proJt'fl that \\it) thl' lll.t)t>rll~ ol :'l:Pwport Bt•,tth., ll''>ldt•nl\. not .. ,111.111VllLal11111\ttfllV, will dt'Cldt.• If\ 1.111 JIM LANOIS \;ev.pon I lt·11-~hh In picking cornrni~~ioner!'\. nothing pro about that pro !'\iue Heg.ird1ng ( ll'>la M1•,,1 t omm l'>!>Hlnl'r'> hl·ing .1ppo111tt"d d trl'l ti} h\ Cit} ( ounnl memht•r' !"l'ro and < on \lwuld < tt\l.t Me-.,1 commis-;1oner-. h<• appotnll'd directly by ( ity Counr 1l 11lt'mbN.,?" 1 lo the pro '>ide. Manm M1ll..ird, I ... Jy. "BalderdJ '>h ." Jo the urn '>ttlt» I -;a) "\men " LANCE THOMPSON-HAILSTONE l.o-;ta Me'>a G enis makes smart points on new appointment method Rcgardmg former Mayor Sandrn (,t'nt'> lelll'r 011 \ttnd.n I' I ltllJH ii ,1111uld work for rt·'>ldt·nh " It" m t'\l t'lll'nl lt•llt•r \\ h11 h I 11111\ t·ndur" I lit' 1111·w111 r•1ll11C al 111t·mber' 'hn11hJ l11llm' lwr '11~1·..,111111,, \\hit h .ire 111dt·t~I 11.1d1t11111.1I ROBERT WILSON I ornwr Jll.i\11r ( tl,l.1 \lt''J D~hh .... hou Id go <lo\.\ n hct ore huil<l ing!'. come Jo\\ n I \\011ld .-..i\ S4 I 1111ll11m 111 mh n·,11111 the ( o'lil ~ll''J lkdt•H·lopmC'nl \).:t'lll \ I!> cJ1,c om n1111i.: t111d l 1h111k lhdt th<hl' dt·h1 .. lll't'd lo hl' de.ill \\ 11h ht'IOfl' '>Ollll'Onl' l'l'>t'' property 1.., condt'm ncd. I t h ink '0111e o l the redt•vl'lop mc:nt · projl't 1'> h,1vt: l>et·11 It·'" lhJll 'ut 1 t•"tul, 1 on'>lllt·rn1g 1 ht' vacann rate .11 I n.rngft• \qu..irt• I think th" ".1 nJ.111ir t mH t·r n for till' puhl1t '" 1lw n·d1•\d11p111t·111 .igenl \ ... 1wultl "tt·p h,11 i.. ,int.l ''"''It bt:ft1fl' tilt'} Jl I SHARON BOUDREAU C1tv oo\'cmmcnt mu \l be tor J e the people I don't o ften agrt'I' \\Ith C..,<t11d\ < 11'tll.., hm\l'H'r hl.'r thought' \wrt• \\l'll t.1!..1·11 1111 1h1• '"hfl'n ol dm·1·1 1 ounnl appo1111 mt·nh .and tlw t urre111 ( II\ t.nur11 al l111Vl'l'llllll'lll on .tll ll'\l''' '>huultl lw madr up or group'> of fll'ople wcirlo.mg 1og1•tht r 10 .1rn\t' JI'''"''" he<,t Im till 1r tommunll\ \\hetht•r on tlw lnc'.tl. regtondl. 'i.ttt' or feclt-r.tl It·\ d I ht•\ '>houltl worlo. 111gethrr "' <• tt:'.1m. a 11·.1111 that ha ... room for 1t1tliv1dual' w11h oppo,1ng \ ll'''' \\nt•n John I t--t•n11t·th filled a butld111~ lull ot pt•opft• and 'l ll'llll\I'> commlltl'd 10 pu111ng a man on th t• moon. th1·n· \,,1.., om: offi tt' ,..,.,1gn ed 10 a man '"ho ,,ud 11 coultl not he don<'. fl.cnnc·dy rl'al11ed th" man\ commenh werl' n 1ucal to 1 lw overall '>Ul'Ct',., of the proce!>' A government fu ll o f ~Vt',~ men or \\Unw11 "no go\t•111111t·111 .11 .di It 1' 1n,11-.1d J group 111 11~1· 1111t11led 111\11p1t pPoplt· J).:rt'l lllg \\llfl ,.,11 h tlln \\Ith 11•1 room tor dt,'>l'llt or dtlft-rt·111 \ 1-.i1111 I ht• L'fld rt·,uh will bt> d \•'r\ 11.11 ro\\ 11111111·! 111 IH1\\h1·n• And lhdl 1., • ,,11 ti\ tlw I\ p1• 111 priign·'>'> our n1rrt·111 1 1111111 ii " l'\[krll'lll lllg If !Ill' t 1 llJlllll I .1111 I'\• ti d).:rt'l tll .tgrt'l' 1111 \\ flq ,ti,.11ld Ill' .1pp1111t1t·d Ill tht• l'l.11111111g I 11111111 "I' •JI ''"II ,ill It Jll "" 1., < '"'.t \k,J ..., 111 I• • pl1·n1\. 111 hot ,ur and 111111 II Jll\, prllgrt .. MIKE DUNN ( .. ,t.1 \fr,,1 A rrn.x.Je-;t prop<l'>al to eltm1n,1tl' crime in Costa Me'>u nil' ill1'1\\l'r l111·hmm.11111i.: l rlfl\(' 111 < o-.ta "le\d .-. m 1h1· n·1wr1' \II "1" rt'porb tn I he po ht t dt·p..irt men I h-.1 lllt'll .1, th1• pt'rpe1r.11or \.o\'. 1t \\t Ill'' gel I ht 1111 n 11111 of ( 11,1,t \ lc''J v. 1· v. ill h.nt• no 1 r1111• "1111plt• ,0Jut1on LYNN MERLES ' 11<.(,t \It•, J F-J Toro airpon tkhat~ hccornm o a runnmo na o e t:E :: I hllflt' I )Ortdld "IHI: kt'l'fl" hi' ll'llt'1' rnll111g I ht•\ .tr1• t"lltl'llammg .ind qutlc I tlllllldf \1 rordmg I 1 h1111 \1rt11.1lh 1•\t \ prohlt·m l,tnng Urangt· c nunt\ 1111 1Jn11L·d \tJll''>. prohahl" t'Vl'n gluh.d w.irm1ng. rould bl' -.uh1·d If I I 1•1111 "'rt· to lw c OJl\l'rted to an .11rport In \\rtlnt•'>da\ \ l\1Jilh.tg. "' r1 l ttmpla111., that fl'dt'r.cl lund' It , can up \.l'\\-purt 11.trbor\ pollullon "n111h111~ t·ompared to what opt>n1ng ~I loro a-. .rn airpon \\t1uld d o. Of rourw. tht• l •>u nt\ plan had l'allt·d for John \'li'a\TIC' \1rpor1 to remJ111 open I lope fully. \.yre ha-; a lung and lwalth\ life. but I 1 an already >{'H''~ Im t·p 1.1 ph "I \\-Ouft.l ... 1111 he all\'l' ti tht•\ had 11111\ 1urned on the ltghi-. and <,tarted lh 1ng out of I I lom FRANK ALVAREZ Monan I Hi .1c h COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Shedding some light on the Westside By Eric Bever R egarding recent leners abou t Westside redevelopment: II seems that many in lh1i. community are co nfused and perhaps have been intentionally misled regarding many aspects of lhe Westside redevelopment area expansion study. Many recent Pilot writers seem to be oblivious to certain facts: 1) The Rede\.-elopment Agency is considering only the preliminary plan area. which. after adoption, Is usually whillled down to a great degree. This is a starting polnl folb. nol the 6naJ added area. A final vote will be required to adopt any added area. 2) Redevelopment is a lengthy and detailed process that is goyemed by myriad laws. requiring numerous steps and pubHc hearings. 3) ·Raidenas• were not in opposition at the recent redevelopmmt ~ thole anending were mo.dy nonmident businetl people who hl«I ~ ldmd up by tcm"e tKCb ol OCher nonnllldent .,....._. ownen. 4) TI1e redevelopment agency .-. required by law to have a debt if ii 1i. IO benefit from the tax increment generated by lhe redevelopment area. No debt, no tax in crem ent incom e. 5) Redewlopmenl do~ not equal lhe widespread use of eminent domain. It can open lhc door for lhe ust' of eminent domain. but does not require it. It is doubtful lhat the agency will opt to make widespread use of lhis tool, as lhey are a1so humans who are compelled by the same feelings and concern as thf' rest of us. Eminent domain is not automatic or overall, but rather. wiO be deliberated nnd adopted on a case-by-case ~ if at all 6) Contrary 10 popular bcliel, the Community Redevelopment Action Omunittee ls not In business to produa" 1111y type or redevdopment plan. but rather •. ls charged with addressing rt'Vh.aliudon of the entn Westsid Tut~ is no need to wait (or the rommjnee delbntlom. ts they do not lddresa tttdewilopment. 7) The dty fa litlel5lng the-. not ~any~ olpllm. The claims N •the dry la P'I to IMr your pn>pel1y and bwld low· cost hou<;Jng~ are basele<..' claim!> made by folks who don't bve hen>, but who like thin~ the way they ctre. 8) Being in a redevelopment area will not necessarily depress property values. however, leaving things the way they are will depress vaJu While I certainly do not advocate wanton use of eminent domain. ft ts a tool which may bf' nec%SSafY in spedfi lnstances. The t.hmlt or eminent domain IS cl red herring whk:h is currently being used to keep the WesL'ikle mired In a dysfunctional tate. ~tiou Costa M residents must dmland that all ~'solutions be considered befo~ rcsoning to taking of Pfoper,y, but we mmt also ha~ the coua.ge to U9e ~tool at our~ 10 rnene lbe downward spUal or the Wesulde. ~ owie b to ounetvcs. our nMghbon. and our c:hiklrm to and ftnn and demand the bell for our ~ • laTOlt'I MJrl: Er1c 9eYet • 1 COIU Mme ,....,,.,.. ' • • M ~. Ftbn.tlty 20, 2003 RANCH Continued from Al tor to oversee fund-raising so both foundations can bujJd their monetary base. On Tuesday, Robinson aJso ex- pressed apprenension about mixing the grant money with fund-raising dollars. QUESTION An you ....... Md\ the twirHome ..... tounddoM? Call our Readers Hodine at (949) ? • 642~ or send e-mail to dailypilot@latimn.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. AROUND TOWN. • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627;byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, aa well a• a contact phone number. A complete Hating Is available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY from 7 to 6:46 a.m. et the Coata Mesa Coontf'Y Club, 1701 Golf Course Drive, Coate Meta. Prepaid reservation• coat $13 and $18 et the door. For Information and reservations, call (714) 885-9090. FRIDAY Globel trend tr**-.*9my Rlkln wtll preaent "Petroleum, Polltlc:t •nd the Hydrogen Economy• at 2 p.m. et the Newport Beach Central Ubr•ry. 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Tldcet• are $18, including refreshment•. Register in advance by calling (866) 301-2411 or onllne at www.newportNachllbrary.org. MONDAY "The lines will become con- fused," Robinson said. "l .think we're setting ourselves up for a significant pro~lem." The foundanons won't be able to use any of the funds on ath- letic facilities or equij>ment and can't use more than 25% on non- revenue generating athletic ac- tjvities, such as after-school sports. • 1 think safeguards are in place." Cowan said. "I invite ev- ery one of you who is concerned how public money is spent to come to our budget meetings." The Segerstroms offered the grant to sweeten the deal for their massive project, slated for land bordet'ed by the San Diego Freeway, Fairview Road, Harbor Boulevard and Sunflower Av- enue. Half the money is set 10 go to Costa Mesa Hjgh School and the other million will be shared between Estancia High School and TeWinkJe Middle School. The public la lnvtbtd to meet Adeline .... Mah, author of "Falling Leaves,• "'Chinese · Cinderella" and "Watching the Tree; at 7 p.m. at the N~port Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. For more Information, call (949) 717-3816. Global trend tncbr JeNmY Rifkin wW present "Petroleum, Polltlc1 and the Hydrogen Economy" at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Ubrary, 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Tickets are $56, Including a buffet dinner. Register in advance by calling (866) 301-2411 or online at www.nt1wportbeachlibrary.org. The Costa M ... Women'• Club will hold its monthly meeting at 11:15 a.m. at their clubhouse, 610 W. 18th St., Costa Mesa, with a luncheon and entertainment. For more information, call (949) 642-1162. A Great Decision• dlacuaak>n of "International Food War1:.Growing Controversies" led by John Benner Is the fifth in an eight-week series on U.S. foreign policy topics. The discussion will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Mark Presbyterian Church. 2100 Mar Vista, · Newport Beach. Fo r more Information, call (949) 760-1691. Although the foundations will not have to adhere io the strict Brown Act rules, their meetings will have to be <Jpen to the public and publicized al the schools. Meetings about legal issues an~ fund-raismg can be held in closed session. Councilwoman Libby Cowan reitera1ed her opinion that these requirements are sufficien1. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Coste Mesa and may be reached al (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latimes.com. Nobody does it better ... better than ... JOHN BLOESER CARPET ONE Family Owned Sinu 1879 2927 S. Bri stol Street, Costa Mesa (714) 751-2324 lMm about the plant communities of California while enj~ying the beauty of the Environmental Nature Center. A free, one-hour tour will be offered at noon at 1601E.16th St. in Newport Bea<;h. Sring a sadc lunch k>r an optlonal picnic and wear closed-toed shoes. For more information, call (949) 645-8489. The Costa Mall Chamber of Commerce will host a •90 Minute Breakfa.st Boost" ~on: E -FIUhion &nn-gmcy. ooo-ry ChtlmrJ -M• Ovw S.ry mu/KOC£ SATURDAY A wotbhop on ·understanding International Trade" will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The $25 fee includes materials. For more information, call (714) 550-7369. Mmtion this At/ """ R«m" " /(}%discount "" • """ Clll " TUESDAY Women Helping Women w lH host Its annual open house from 4 to 8 p.m. The nonprofit organiza\ion serves over 2,000 women annually by providing clothing to women in transition and seeking employment. Refreshments will be served. The center is at 711 West 17th St., Costa Mesa. For more informalion, call (949) 423-0057. ~ALDEN'S F1 ooR CovERING AND Cu\TOM WINL>ow Cov~RINt.!> 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 lbi~ www.bloesercarpetone.com A~o· in Long Beach and Los Angeles 94~1 .9(9.~6672 •••••••••••••• ••• ~nler4n1l11 1t111 ' I 200 Newport Center DrWe, Newport Beach, CA '1¥11111 GIEA I t OO MI 11611 C hu..W ~ l!lt ftAtgisWIO ~·"II~~ II'< ·v.JJ _._ _. .. 11W....-.a1 .... The Duffy Annual Pass ls Back! Ge~yours now, limited supply! These passes pay for themselves In no Umc. Hurry! Tilcy wUJ sell out. Reserve your pass by calling (949) 64S-6812, Ext.110 2001 West Coat IUgbway, Newport lleKh •No Insurance Costs •No Mafntenance · Costs •No SUp Fees, No Hassles • Great for business, family, f riends and soul cruising. • Huge fleet of excttf ng, all-new models • Convenient Newport Harbor location, fantastic amenities 1W Pint ll1wl lfrwst In D«lrlc lkKlll MMI I 97fr Duffy FJcaric eo. c.omp.,y www.duffybom.com ThisWeek@UCI Athletics Feb.20 Men's Basketball. U< ·1 vs. Cul \taft' Norrhrtdge. 7:05 p.m., Rren l:venl) Center. SS-$12 Feb.21 Women's Tenn is. UC / vs. Loyola Mary mount. I :30 p.m., Tennis S1adium. $3-$5 Arts Feb. 20-22 ~Cl Dan ce. Dance Visions 2003. Works by UCl's 1n1ernat1onally acclaimed artist-facuJty. 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday, 2 p.m. & 8 p.m. Saturday, Irvine Barclay Theatre.SI 0-S 18 Feb.22 Chamber Series. Music From rhe Hean. With Nohcma Fcrnande7., piano. 8 p.m., Winifred Smith Hall. $8-S 12 Presentations Feb. 20 Ch•nceflor's Distinguished Fellows Series. Global Warming: The Science, the Impacts and the Politics. With Sir Jo hn Houghton, Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Bracknell, U.K. 7 p.m., McDonnell Douglas Engineering Auditorium. Free Feb. 24 C~~cetlor's D~stingulshed Felto~ Series. The Political Psychology of Poltttcal Change. The Peaceful Transition from Socialism to Democracy in Po~and. With Janusz Rcykowsk.i, professor of psychology, Polish Ac.adnny of Science, Warsaw. 7 p.m., Crystal Cove Auditorium, Student Center. Free Feb.26 Allefv•n Lectures I~ Modem Biology Series. The Biologi~I Foundations of Ethics. With Francisco Ayala, Bren Professor of Biological Scienca 7 Crystal Cove Auditorium, Student Center. Free • p.m., Information: Ml.UCl.WEEIC (Mt.124.IJJ$) www.toda)(ud ..... St,_,,,~-~ ,...,Olll IO~,...."' ...... ,__ if '1 ' .· • SOC I ETY THE CROWD An elegant Newport evening fit for a lord A Monday night reception at the Udo Isle residence of Marlon and Roger Palley welcomed a chlc contingent of men and women supporting the Oecora1ive Arh Sociery and its beneficiary, New Directions for Women. The s1ytish Marion Palley, a designer ~th refined clas. .. 1c 1as1e, opened her family residence ln ho nor of tord Jame9 Crathome and ha~ wile. Lady SyMa. who had c,:omc to Newport Beach from London lo addres.s the crowd on the \late or the art market. reu!pl1on recognl.7ing the rt'nowned Lord Crathome. 111 wurm and .gracious style, the ladies of lhe Dccora1i ve Arts Society jolned wtlh Marion P·dllcy in providing a delectable !>pread of appetizers served by Marion\ Maff. From the PalJey gumb1i 111 overOuwing i.ilver plauc·ro, of fresh shellfish to hors 1fot>uvrc·' of every V'driery, there wa ... plenty of nibbling going on. l11t· 'Orne 100 11wi1ed gues11. fJ It C\ r IV f Ali f 7 ~CJ W~L CUM ts L()rJ() l.ord and Lady Crnthurrw new 111 from the San Oowed 111 and out of the home. wanJt·ru1g lhe pc1hc Engli~h gaalt·11 filled wilh whjte hlu-..,11111', -.pla\hmg fountain-. <~d tnmrnetl rnvcl hedge'> hntng ... tom· pathwc1y~ leading to romant1l htdt'away' graced wilh Au'>tralt.111 trl't' ft·rn., and ~ardt'111..i' ,1wm11ng '>j)rinK hlo11111 Lord James and Lady Sylvia Crathorne with Sandra Ayres. JArtlf S i: rarn:1 'rn BJ v Arca. c:n routl· from their hon 11• 111 Eng!J 11<.l. ·J II t ·1 B.W. COOK 'rt'mhng..i ft'W tlay'> l'xrloring the Napa Valll'y I lw I k< fHilll\l' An, ~oc1c1y h dll cirg.111v.111011 ol woml'll and rm·11 1molH·d w11h or ju .. 1 pa ...... 11111<1tt' ahout 1tw genre of tft-.,ig11 .1111J dt111r Mdny ul the 11wrnh1·r., .ire \C'ry dtrcctl) 1m•11lv1·d 111 thl' hu ... tnl''>'> of 11111·nur dt·-.ig11 .• 111d m:my more make 11 .111 1111p11na111 pan ol tlw1r cl.111\ ht1· 1 lw \rn 1l't\ '1>1111\llr'> annuaJ lt·c111n·, bringing lo the I IJllllllllllll\ 111.111\ 11! Lht' lllll'>I tn0111·111t.1I pt·1Jplt· 111 the d1·1 or.1t1\1· .1n., l1dd l.ord Lrnlhflritt· .cddn·..,.,t•d the llll' hand'>ome llritt\h t ouplt· ,hared Oiardonnay with i'ocwporter-. 1nclutl111~ 5andra Ayres. chairwoman of tht· Decorative Arl\ ~dt·ty, .mtl lwr hu'>band, Don ·nw 1\) n·' fJm1h re.,rdents of NC'wpon I lt·1~h1 ... have finished 1h1• t rt'Jtton of .111 I nglio;h regem-y re,1dt•rn t· with l~Jlladian tnllut•ncc, o\.1•rlcml.1ng <Jiff Drive Park and tlw '\t·wron Bay. \;t·" 1mr1 \lt'.,.1 .111<.lu·nLl' thl' 1w:1.1 mornmK. hlhrt>{ .i Newpon < etrtt·r I >mt' 1 h1·.it1•r to capJclly. All 1111111, rat<>l'd h 11111 lhl''-l' l>f'c111.i11w \rt, \11111•1y Roger and Marron Palley wrth Lord James Crathorne. Lord James Crathorne at Edward's Cinema Pat and Carl Nelssu. lollh'ltme fr1t•111.J<. nl I nrd .inti I .idy C.ralhornl'. tlrop1wtl 111 .11 tht' l'alJey party w 1 .11rh up'' 11h 1lw1r fnend-. who arl' .11 ... 11 \1•r\ prommcnt 111 Lhl· tril\ t'I .md hull'l tndw.iry 111 .. uropl' l'olt '\t'l""'t'r j, our Nt•wport ISt·.irh-ba ... ed world lr.11d 1-..r111 r .111d photogrnpht•r ~l.inon r-<1lll'Y 111trodltl 1·d tltc• 1 rowJ to lht• yo1m>: .111d hJ11d"l1me tuuplt· Olt'r and Kt'n Reali, re'>1tlen1" ol l'd11 .111 1'111111 hrn1~ tn a Manon 1',11ltv-de!>iKJ1l'd ocl'anln1111 '111,1 llw lwaJI, c h.111t'<l ''''h .11111q111· dl'Jkr Tom 5tansbury .111d J l·,1.:ru•r Ann Oennb, , . .,1 m11·d h\ lwr huo;hand. BIU I tnt' fumt11Hl' pul'C'\ or' Jim and Barbara Glabman '"'rt· 1111 hand for the• l"t'll'pllo11, 111111111>: I 111dJ 1-;le\ Joan Samml_\, Cttllla Noll. Mary Mano. t-lyla and RJchard Bertea. Janel Ayres, Randa Phair .incl Meredith Graves-Foreman lhc Pallt-y..' '>t'llln>: w,.,, .111 t'\l t>pUonaJ h..ill.tlmp for till' £&);' Jth 1·11111w .. ,upp11rt thl' .Lit 11h11I .tnd drug tl1·1lt'11d1·1111 rt·1m't'f) progr.1111' f111 \-.01111·11 111 th" I IH!Hllllllll\ tltr111rgh thl' \\llfk 11f \.c·\\ I lun 111111., \f,111111 hatrd l1ir th1· lu11 wt·n• Nancy l>eYuunK, Ja m es and Jamie Sheperd.son of Ra~hurc ... BonnJe McOeUan, Roger and Margaret Nord, Maureen Ramer, Carotyn Garrell and Mary Anna Jeppe. • THE CROWD runs Thursdays and Sdturdays COMP.LETE AUTG REPAIR Import\ & Dom<.: tiL • 30k-60k-90k Services ·1 r,rn., Flu,h-Coolanr Flmh • lnjt'ction Service C.irhun:ror Rebuilding • Gro~s Pollurer Repairs Acoe1co Motorcran .\amr Oumrr S111a 1965 JH Yr11rr In Co.sta Mesa Bendix TIE CARBUIETOI SIDP llC. 21)q 5 RanJolph Ave l Bmwl & Hakn) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2 181 E-mail : carbparrs@checarbshop.com Get the Best tor Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT ' \ • Semi-Prtvate for Men & w • Lots of Equlpment/FrH Weights • Pilates Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater ... Licensed • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers • Child Cate 8am-noon M -F • Ampfe & Convenient Parking • Yoga, Tai Chi, Stretch ciuses Step, Power Pump, Cardio • Showers, Steam & Towels • Skin C.re • SNlpe-Up PhylCel Therapy Center Pennanent Miike-Up ·~HlilrC.... • Acupunc:ture(Acupreuul9 Wein•• CINc (J I l 1S Bl Yonl #I C1101<.1 LOC:\I I y I 1111. /,, /(.,, 1<14 .""' '"''"'"'t,. Rabbi ct I muran(l: Agency Al ro • 1111\111 ()'.I( ... , R\ •flt.Al rtl ll\1111 \\ Fl ROl'L\\ AH I B~ the splcndorc of antiques to life ..• imagine ... • Mvuo GI.. Minon, ......,. aiwf An • Majolia • f1llait¥R • 0-ddius • V''"9U --Gank. An ....... c.n.. WDod Minon The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by M e a Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30o/ooff ~s . Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!''· \ FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio f urniture • Draperies. Shades. cl Bedspreads .~ "911111 ................................................................................... ~ ...... ~_...~_...~--~~------ Al Thursday, February 20, 2003 DAT E BOOK Dael'/ Piiot REEL CRITICS 'Devil ' a daring movie worth attending; 'City of God' ·a good watch 'Daredevil, packs action, effects with character W hat's separates "Daredevil" from fellow comic book movie "Spider-Man" are the spec;ial effects. ·Daredevil" provides great effects. but they don't stand out and distract from the movie and its characters. While "Spider-Man" wins JAMES MEIER out in terms of its wonderful scene-stealing effects, the effects did just that -stole the scenes. But perhaps what makes it easier for "Daredevil" writer and director Mark Steven Johnson - best known for bringing "Simon Birch" to the screen -is that the character doesn't spin webs, cUm b walls or really do anything too out of the ordinary. He does jump off buildings, dive toward the ground and slide down banisters and anything else left at a 45-degree angle along walls, but he doesn't Oy or run any faster than you or me. What Daredevil, played well by Ben Affleck -who seems more appropriate as this character than as Jack Ryan in last summer's "Sum of All Fears" -is a blind superhero bent on revenge who also likes to protect people. ~"'a young lad, Man Murdoch was riding his skateboard recklessly -he discovered something disturbing while taking a shortcut -and his e1es ended up on the wrong end of a toxic liquid. From that point, he was blind, but with a kick: His other senses became heightened. His senses work too well, and he resorts to a sensory-depriv-c1tion tank at bedtime. What makes him tum to crime-fighting. other than bulli~ picking on him while with and without sight, is a combination of vengeance and heart. We know he cares for people because. by day, Murdoch's a mostly unpaid lawytr who only takes on clients he thinks are innocent. This doesn't sit well with his law partner. played well by the funny, as usuaJ, Jo n Favreau ("Swingers" and "Made") Anyway. Murdoch's boxer father was dubbed "The Devil," so he decides to steal from that in coming up with a "' I ., growth of vicious gangs and the simultaneous destruction of social structure and decency in a Brazilian slum across three decades. The name of the slum is City Of God, which Is Ironic co~siderlng the h arsh nature of life the re . The tales of many of the city's inhabitants are told throughout the film, but the two main chara cters are Rocket (Alexandre Rodrigues) and Li 'l Ze (Leandro Fi rmino da Hora). TRICIA BEHLE The film follows their contrast ing. but constantly Interweaving , paths from childhood to adulthood. At the same time. the slum itself grows fro m a dusty settlement of tiny huts in to a crowded city of apartment buildings. The film is extremely fl ashy in its cin ematography and editing. But the director (fernando Meirelles) doesn't let the Myle overwhelm the s ubstan ce. The ntmmakeri. unblinkingly s how the ho rror cau11ed by uneducated, amoral kids with access to guns . Jennifer Garner battles Colin Farrell in MDaredevil." The movie is an interpretation of the comic book by the same name . The volatile l.i'I Zeis the worst of these. I le leAves a path of death and d evastation in his wake. A few decent people. such as Rocket and Knock.out Ned, struggle to maintain their morals with varying succec;s against the unrelenting pull of the criminal life. Poverty. racism. o fficial corruption, lack of educatio n, drugs and difficult y gelling legitima te jobs are all covered ai. part of the problem-. plaguing the slum. costume (though, unJike in ~spider-Man," we don't see him take to the drawing board). So, at night, he perches himself on New York City buildings listening for crime and then geis busy, complete with fists and his well-equipped walking stick. Daredevil spends all of the latter half of the movie focusing on revenge .against the city's Kingpin (Michael Oarke Duncan of "The Green Mile") and his hired mercenary Bullseye (Colin Farrell of every movie these days. including "Minority Report," ~The Recruit" and the upcoming "Phone !.. , Booth"). Farrell speaks about 20 lines while hurling anything from paper clips to knives into his victims. Jennifer Garner of television\ ·Alia!>" plays love interest Elektra who, thank.., to years of training in martial ans, l:an also kick butt. Twice, she takes on Daredevil. 'T11e mm takes a little while to set itself up. but it's worth it. And the movie's definitely worth watching overall. It's as good as February moviel> ever get. And there's some romance with Garner. so it's a decent date movie. Although darker in tone than \ "Spider-Man" -people die a hit more -the movie carri~ a PG-13 raung. • JAMES MEIER 1s the Dally Pilot's city editor foward the ('nd of the ntm. "C11y Of God" drag1> on a little long In a few scenes. director Meirelles and wnter Braull6 Mantovan i are strangely ham-fi sted 111 making their po111ts. rhew are minor flaws. however, cornpart•d to the "itrength., of the film. 'City of God ' shows brutal truth of Brazilian slums While "City Of (,od" is set 111 !lraz1I, the film is universal in showing the unending cycle of violence cau!>ed hy drug money and guns in the ' 'c ity of God" is brutal and violent, but 11 i'> so much more than a mindless exploitation film. The movie traces the poverty '>tncken slums of the world • TRICJA BEHLE lives in Newpon Beach and w orks as a software validator .. .For being a menace 1o his PGA Champjons Tour co11.1petitors. Caution: Irwin is armed with razor-sharp irons. He will make long putts when" cornered. Catch him if you ·can .. . ••••·a•••• m·aano•oeneena·nneecnen·eeenss ·aeetsta····----.-.,••·-.-------- • • 8) I ac wt so pr di; kn m cd WI m ga fu SIC ric re: nc 01 of ca fir yo pi m pr i:r ex ex If! Ill ca ,u Ol Je \P m dt x er UT er to Ill p< Ol er pt re pt m ol B; lo b re re 5< 01 e I "i , . ~ ' • "" I DAT E BOOK Thutsd.ly febrUdfy '20. 2003 A9 ' THEATER REVIEW DINING REVIEW OCC tackles 3 of absurdist · Ionesco Splays TK a worthy burger joint .. By Tom Titus P laywrlghl Eugene lonl'i.co, like his contemporn.ry Samuel Beckett ; i'i an acquired tasle. "llio:.e playgoer' who demand their theater rnalw some semblance of scn:.e <trl' probably not among lonl',rn\ disciples. Ionesco pioneered what wa' known as the absurd1~ tlwatl'r movement in the 1950\, d cdnfusing sryle in which w1mh were battered about lllcc '>O many beach balls at a ba.wh.tll game with little regard lo th<•1r function in creating a colwn·111 <,lory. I le found civilw111011 ridjcuJous -and c1vil11atinr1 responded in It.ind fhrec of lone\co\ murt• notable works are on 'tag.· .11 Orange Coast Colh.•ge. rnu1 lt''Y of the OCC Repcn ury .. 111d 11 you can tough it out through tlw fin.I two ridiculou'i e111rit·'>. you'll find a semi-cn1en.1111111g p1t>ce after in1crm1\\lon lhat wouJd be ·I ht• I 1• .. ,011, in wruch a mee k a nd nuld professor (played hy St-Jn Engard) progre.."e' frorn exceechngly deft'ren11al 10 e'l:ceedingJy anl<tguni~lll , .. t11h· trymg to reach a rt"Calutr.1111 pupil (Michelle A<tnu ..... J \\ho can"t -.eem to gr.iSp the th1·of\ o! ~ubuanion r·ngard. though .... uhhl111g rn:casionaJly. bu1lth Im Jelc:yU-1 lyde cha rat ler ~plendidly. recatmg '>llml' mmd-numbing \l1en1 11ic dialogue wich the lervor ul J 'iouth Americw1 J1 u .11or h\ 11111 enough. howeVl'r, to lt•a"l' .111 1mpresi.ion on Harne·'· "'ho t .111 rnncenLratc unly on her toothache. Di rector Kn" Kdll·y gradu.111\ mcreases the ten~mn ll·wl from polite deference to rnanit , outrage and. the \holk.m~ employment of an 111111\lhll· prop. Lynne M11dwll lOntnbures a rather bl,rnd performance a .. tht• t•dm ..11111 \ md1d Before mtemuc,.,1110 '"l' re offered "The Leddl•r and • I ht• BaJd C)o prano. • th t' laner Ionesco's firsc pla). un.-J IW10 1-.ven with OCC., "A learn" in ~idencc. there i' h11le to recommend m "l ht• llald ~>pr.mo· except lor tht• opportunity of w.111.h111g "11111• FYI •WHAT: Ionesco Festival •WHERE: Orange Coast College Studio Theater •WHEN: Closing performances at 8 p.m. Saturday and at 2 and 8 pm. Sunday • COST: $6 in advance, $7 at the door •CALL: (714) 432-5640, ext. 1 .1dvm1n•d -.1udeol\ wre<>tJe with outland..,h dialogue at the top of tlwir V!Jll't'\ I hN'> '>ean (,ray and Oirb ty WilhJm\ entenain gu~t<> Angt·la I opei' and Angel Correa 111 th.., t'J>l'>fldf' of 1111 on,t•qut·ntial J..ibbenng, h1ghhglltl·d Liy a ... µrightly tan~o from the la11cr couple. Hudolph N1t'mann .unve., via the ,n1tl1em1· .i' J "fire chief," and ~11t had I .1v111der pl ay.., 1tw 111,11d 111 dr<1g lor u·a<,on-. urw\plJllll'll, d'> I'> 1he entire " rrpl I Ill' progr;.1111 notes that 10111·-.l 11 wrotl' "l Ill' Hald 'lopr.in11 .iher J11.un'iucte<,,ful .1111·111p1 IU ll•Jrn I ngli'h through J llldl1UJI hookJet. U\lng tlw hookJ1:1 d'> h1-. rmptrdtion \\'li,11 1r.1mpirl''> 1-. J plethorJ of 11nrd.t1t'll pit'>'-<lge' delivered \\1th p<1"11111Jte fervor under the 'Jllfllt'd din•• 111111 of Ara<,h t.;.1r.11111 1 lw op1·n1111o: phi\·ll'l I hl' I 1 .tdl'r 1111111'~' .1 p11l1111 JI 1lwnw 1llu-.1rn1111.: 111o1nkmd' \.,1J1111g11e" 111 bh11dlv lollo\\ d 1 hJrl'>lllJlll hgurl' -\\hethl•r ur not llt' h." 111, o.,., n head on 'tr .11gh1 II rt Jn \ lunu• drret I\ an 1·111·rw·111 pwd111 tm11 of th" dul.11111 t:l.t'rt.1\1' \1.1rl llt'drJd l'Xto•I, J<, th1• l11gh voh.1gt• .. .u111ou11n·r." 11.11 ~111g tlw lt-.1dt'r o; 111ov1•rnt'll" 1111 '"" l,1\\t1111g Jroly1 ... , 1H1111 \\ h111· ,111d k"1t:J H.imnL I ngard ,1nd l.JUrt'11 '-.mhm 1•11g,1gl' 111 J n 1111J.nt11 -.uhplut .i' ltl\ 1 r' who n11•1•t t Ult• .md t lllllll't'I \, 1tw.111•r l11111·-.u1' pl.!)' 111.1~1· lnr grt«lt Jl 1111g L \t'rl'l'>l"" \\h11 Ii" li.t"1.1lh \\ltJt the lX < lolh''t 11 I l•,11\JI I'> Jll Jhout -- .tt llll\ '>tn·tdung thl'ir 1wrforn1dnu· mu~ll''> Don t luul fu r rll\ nw or re<L'>llll Ill thl' produ1111111 • TOM TITUS review!> local lheater lor the Daily P1lo1 H1& reviews ap~ar Thursdays and Saturdays 9Jou· fL)_~ku ~ .. .'AJn .~minine _vllfyles tor aJI vAlapes & v!lfzes of BEAtmRJI. WOMEN FLAX S't•H•l'ftE s·\.."~TeR French Dressing Jeanswear Gifts tf Acus.soriu 36' E. 17th St 121, Cost.1 Mes. (9491642-5 459 D oes a burger joint deserve a review? WeU, as with any eatery, some do, some don't TK Burger on the peninsuJa next to the Newport Pier definitely does. II puts out a no frills, great charbrolJed burger, consistently, and It deserves comment. TK Bu1"1,rer has been around since 1980. but didn't i.tep into the "modem era." owner and longtime Newport resident Jim Kalatschah said, .untiJ 19~. By modern era, he means a "heallh.ler" way of cooking things, (i.e. charbroiler ver..us Oat fryer). and a heaJthier menu (i.e. not just burger... but veggie burgers. tuna burgers and chicken 'iafldwiches). Side note. if burger.. aren't your thing, 11< i5 still wonh a visit. Ilic cu'lomers are craYy about the veggie burgers. No bigger than my living room, 11< Burger has about fiw tight tabll''> and one bu'>)' counter. Black and white phutographs of the locaJ c;url spo1c; o n mt-mornble dayi. line every wall. Ma.kc i.ure to Lake a look. because some of thest: photogra ph'> .ue outstanding. ' Ilic 1111ti.tl' f'K ... rand fur "tht• lm1d, • wh1c.h in a certain dialcc.t of \Urf language means "the be<>t" or '>Om e thing aJong the 1111~ of" the standard by which to judge all otheri. • I will be~ hold as to say rhat TI< <,e rves up o ne of the top two hurger. rn town. and I will ht· .,o d1ploma11c as 10 Yy you fi U 111 the o ther burger."><> I J iil clear, matd1 th1-. burger up 10 your favorite. and I do me.in favo nte. and TK\ d.t.'>.,il burger will give ll a run for the money Speaking of money. noth111g o n the menu 1s more than $6, which makes TK\ everyone·~ fa vo rite. A good while back. there wru. a burger contest in ,,. " .. , .. .,, """'' ., .,.. 't' ,. •• ,, ~ ', ....... ·-· f •"W'"> .. ,..,, ..... RTS 1N • ., Daily Pilot YOUR DENTAL HEALTH by Deed.rec Rich, D.D.S. DRFSS TO THE TEETH No mlllll wh.11 vou'rc wnnng. ncrvnnl' h.t\ r he nct'J tnr .t pmmvc. rnnfiJcn1 Hit tn1'gc Wcvc "°'" i:rt'.tl hq\mnin~' "Hur whC'n r~11plc ,hno\<' to improve: rhcir hc.1hh .111J .tppcman<c wuh .111 artr.t<ll"C' smile 011c of-rhc mmr c:m puwcrtng Jc\.llllln m.tkc:~ tor p;aucnu ro choose rniorHivc or cosmetic Jcnmtrv I\ to he ahlc co "pr<""lt'W • 1hc roult\ th.tr they o.n a1>«1 m r.hnr 1.wn c.b< I lt~ostR wa-up moJc:h .1 11J <nmpurer 1m.1g1ni.: . .tnJ commun1 .. ;at111g opcnlv w11h rhc dcntl\I lei rhc p.i11cnr look 1111<1 the future" 10 sec the .tttu.al tr;;1mfomu11on that rcs111r.i!IH' dentmrv <.In m.ale. l h1\ cl1m1natc\ unccrr.iinrv and :aJJowJ a comforublc dC\.u1on to be nude. If you luvc quc5ttnns ur w.tnt a <onsulr.111011 for you '" '.lnmcone you <UC: .1hou1, c.tll I h Rich i t (941)) 640-5680 We.' Uc.' l(l\..ttcd a1 1441 Avocado Ave. ~uuc '508 , Ncwp<m Bc;ich. -· Feet Hurt? CA~ Knee Pain? Back Ache? ~~ Hip Discomfort? ----WE HAVE A SOLUTION! Millions of people suffer with lower joint p~in simply because of · improperly fitted shoes and mserts. . . FOOT SOLUTIONS s~ciali.zes m footwear and custom onhoucs, fit by skilled professionals for the hardest-to-fit feet. And, we do it Wlth style ... I - -eNS r I I Surrounded by local surf pictures and ttk1 lamps, Kelly Stoops holds the mf amous "Tl< burger." short for "the kind," at the restaurant of the same name rn Newport Beach town. and f'K's actually came 111 No. 2. Nol bad con~1dcnng at the time it co\I about $3 and was m compelJLion with SS. $1 0 and SlS burger\ at re<>taurnnl'> and burger Jr>llll' aJJ over town. Ille "Big Uargam Special".., the way to go at 11<. wnh a ch~·burger and fn e'> fur $4.2Y. Add another pall} for SI and a '-Oda for <i<.J Ct'nl,, and you are '>1111 nght around $6. Nov. ,.., the time 10 go to 11<\, too. bt-cau.,e . ..ay' my friend Jeremy. who <,urf'> aJ1d- '>peili tJm pJ.rucular dralt'll "This plan• rJgl''> rn tht' summt:r." meaning u gt·t~ very busy. Jeremy actually introduced U.\ to fK Rurger. bu t clearly we were the 10% who hJdn't ~011en the word, hL·t au'>t' t·vcryont' ...,c hd\.t' run mto '>lnll' ha'> turned •1u1 to ht· J rt•1-,'l1l.1r I ht· rm·nu "J., '>lmplt· Jilt! b,t\lt J..' you l an get. hut hke I -.aid 'o a rt· tht: pm e' I k re g()(>'. tu rkt'\ hurgef\f5J ~I. h.11nhurgt•f'>I$ i 2tJ t hl'l''l'hurgt·r,•S I 1)•1 rh1t kt·n hn··"' '<tnd\\ 11 hl'' ~I ~q alu tullJ '..indv. ll.ht•' tlll''t' .in · rt•all~ goud nb e~t· -.tt•J'- -..md\\ll he-. Jnd the .1fort•mt•11111m1·d vt·~it· burg1·" All 1111 I he 'wll111' .:rt JI huri Hut wall' 11rl'rl'\ the um1 dog (51 7'1). which i'> <.1 guotl 1h111g, and J to"ed 'dfad IS:!.4'1) or a chicken -.alad ('S4. l<.JJ. to wlmh It .111 0111\ .t .. k, "\\th\ 1" I ht· "1lad' n 11gl 11 11111 t'H'n ht• IMd. hut do vr1u th111k .... ,. trrt•t.I tlwm' \101 .... 1w11 t1wrt'' .1 burgn 111 tlw hotl'1·' I K 'trt''>""• fn· ... h111·-,, tJ! rniqedrcnh .i' \H•ll d' 11 pn·pJrat11111 "'I 1111.1gine t.hr '-tll..id-. are prt•lt\ d.im good lh.tt' the h1•-..1 I c.1n ti• II ,·ou Jrt' rn11 ~11r1t11;.' 111 I fun11ng11111 )IHI Jn· 111 hit k. bt·tdll'(' lht·n '' J Ii.: 1.11rgt't therl' J.'> \\l'll hut ,.,, 11. kn m tlw ont· ht·n· 1, htttt 1 mph ht'lJU'>l' l(' hl ft .\nd linJll\ gt·• tht'i 1 • t.ir1 "tJtt'r ~our p<trlll'' 1111.1~•1111• llurger ht:.l\t'll • KATHY MADER !> (1•1 1r.r:; ri:-v1ew s appP<1r Pv•·r>1 , , .... , ThurSddy • • • . • .. ,,. ·~. 1'. -l- Th e Et1ent Ei'e!uone is Waitin9 · for · · ·~~. SEMI· ANNUAL SIDEWALK SA.LE i- Friday, Feb 21st thru Sunday Feb 23 ~ 1o:ooam • 4:00pm ~ f :x~iGs 2;-7;% OFF ! siV\ets & B liAe b e rries •• • A Baby Bout iqu e • • 1w~or11 -24 111011t~1 • Gifts • Be44i11! • hr11itu1 & MORE ... _, • ----:1. 9tf.:t', .. ; •. ~. :l ( . . .. . •' ·_j 1 VILLA BELLA Consignment Furniture WESTPORT CLFANERS & LAUNDRY ) ·~ AIO ~. F-.y 20, 2003 AFTER HOURS •Submit Afl'BHOUM i...n. to the De6ty Pleat, 330 W. Bey St., Coste Meu, CA 92827; by fax to (949) .._..170; or by celling (948) ~.A complete list Is eveilM>le at www.dallypllot.com. MUSIC O//tAWY NOIMATU> JAZZ. TRU9Ei ER .. CONCElt1 Gremmy-nomlneted jazz trumpeter Terence Bland\ard will be In concert at Orange County Performing Arts Center'• Founders Hall on F-eb. 28 end Mardi 1, with performances at 7:30 end 9:30 p.m . TicMts ere $62 for the earty ahowa, $48 for the · 9:30 p.m. performances and are available at the Center Box Office, onJlhe at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 7~7878. The Center la at 600 Town Center Drive, CoataMeu. WESlA WttTF1ElO We.a. Whitfield will perform at Founders Hall through Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Tldtm are $49, 600 Town Center Drive. (714) 556-2122. RICHARD STRAUSS' 'SALOME' Opera Pacific will unveil a new production of Richard Strauss' "Salome.· The opera embodies sensuality, sexuality and willful indulgence. The opera will be performed Tuesday, F-eb. 27 and 28 and Mardi 1 and 2, with performances at 7:30 p.m. and a Sunday performance at 2 p.m . Tidcets are $25 to $120. It will be performed at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall. Ttdcets are . available at the Center Box Office, online at ww.N.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. VAN CLIBURN GOLD PLAYS TCHAIKOVSKY The Pacific Symphony Orchestra will welcome Stanlslav Loudenitch performing Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor on March 12 and 13 at 8 p.m. at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall. TI(t(ets are $19 to $59. available at the Center Box Office. onllne at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. · TliE PRAZAK QUARTET One of the classical music wor1d's leading international chamber ensembles will perform on March 13 at 7:30 p.m. The quartet will be performing Beethoven's String Quartet In F No. 1, Janacek's String Quartet No. 1 and more. The Prazak Ot.tartet will perform at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Founder's Hall. Tldtet1 are $43 and are available at the Center Box Office, online at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa \ Meu. ..... DELJQH1' CaM Ludwig's hoet pianilt, Chi19topher O'Ahy, wtff '8ke the eudiell09 on a muelc* tour of the ~one..,.... of Vienna. The show will tab plKe Feb. 23 at 2 p.m. in Founders Hall at 800 Town Center Drive. Tldcm are $46, (714) 566-2122. .._AT TIE TEE ROOM The Mart Devideor'I Trio, with Ron E~ on guitar, perlonna at 8 p.m. Frldeya at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine /we., Newport Beech. $10 cover. (849) 766-0121. JAZZ.TRIO Gutfstream Reatllurant In Newport BNdl preaents a Jazz trio Sunday through Wadneaday aa regular entef'talnment at 860 Avocado Ave., Newport Beech. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY.JAM The Studio Cate presents Monday Night Jams fro!Jl 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted• musicians indude guhar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St, Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 675-7760. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nici( Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rodt, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perfonn classic rock, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Udo Part Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT TlfE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 1 2:30~. Friday and Saturday and om 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The r aurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. WARNING Auto and work injury . victims. Injured at work? Or in a car accident? Do llO( go aoochcr day wichou1 ~yow rights! Do DO( scaJc yow asc Of ~ with anyone unol you rca:M di.it rqxxt and viaim chcdt lia. Call 800-913-9776 Ufetime Wananty laminate ... '•t DATEBpOK ...,., ..... Anthony'I ~ ...... '8nt In N9wpcMt IMd\ PNllntl The lelboe Bluel on Frtct.y end Seturd-v weningl end Sundev aftemoona. The progrem futu,.. juz end ct-* rock~ tor dining end dendng. Anthon(a la at 151 E. Cout Hlghw.y. <'M91 873-3426. POP..ftOCK NIO FlMENCO Tate 5, • "-*.rock end Motown act. perfomw .a 9 p.m. Saturdeys at Carmelo'a Rl8tor8nte, 3620 E. Cout Hlghw8y, Coron8 del Mar. Solo p.rt.t KM\ Senden perform• clllllk:al ftemenco tunn at 7:30 p.m. Tueedays and • ~ndlys. Free. (IMS) 875-1922. SATURDAY flGHT R&B Gerald lahibalhl and the Stone Bridge Baod play rock and R&S at 9 p.m. Saturdav-at Sutton Place Hotel'• Trianon lounge, 4600 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE I 'AN EVEMNG OF IONESca Of"ange Coast College's Repertory company will feature several short plav-by one of the theater's moat famoua absurdist playwrights, Eugene Ionesco. The production runa Saturdays and Sundays through F-ttb. 23 in the Drama lab Studio. Curtain is at 8 p.m. Saturdav-and at 2 and 7 p.m. Sundays .. Tickets are $6 or $7. For lnfonnatlon or tidtets, call (714) 432-5640, ext. 1. Orange Coast College is et 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. of a voung woman who loob to · dilcoY9' how mud\ genlua and Insanity ahe ha• Inherited from her brilliant father. Pwfonnanc.. will be at 8 p.m . S.turdey end at 2:30 end 7:30 p.m . Sunday. Pr.vlewa $19 to $14, reguferrun S27 to SM. (714) 708-5665. \JTIU SHOP Of HORRORS' The Sege HHI High Sd100I Theatre Depeltment wt" o«w •Little Shop ofHonora• through Sunday. The play, directed by Jay Louden, wtM be pefformed at 2 p.m. Sunday. llc*9tl .,. $6, 3443 Paciftc View Drive, (949) 219-0900. 'F100L£R ON TIE ROOF' Vanguard Unlveralty will present i& third main stage produc:tk>n of "Fiddler on the Roof:" The play will run through Feb. 23, end e aec:ond leg will nm Feb. 27 to Mardi 2. It will play at the adlool'1 Lyceum Theater, 66 Fair Drive in Costa Mesa. lnfonn~on: (714) 668-6146. 'KAVALER MD Cl.AV' Pulitzer Prize.winning novelist Michael Chabon'1 play •The Amazing Adventures of !Cavalier and Clay• will be presented Monday, March 3, at 8 p.m. at the Irvine Barclay Theatre. Tidtets are $35 and $29. For tld(eta, go to the ti<*et box office, or call (949) 854-4646. . 'l.ARA.e PROJECT Orange Coast College is staging Moises Kaufman's "Laramie Project" Marctl 19 through Marctl 23 in the Drama Lab Theatre. Tid(eta are $12 and $8 and are 'TWO GENTlEMEN OF VERONA' sold at the door and by calling William Shakespeare's "Two . (714) 432-5880. Orahge Coast Gentlemen of Verona" will be College is at 2701 Fairview Road, performed at the South Coast Costa Mesa. Repertory on the Segerstrom Stage from Feb. 28 through Mardi 30. Preview tidtets start at $19. For tldtets, (714) 706-5555 or visit www.scr.orp. 'PROOF" "Proof; the Tony Award-winning play by David Auburn, will play at Segerstrom Stage, South Coast Repertory, 650 Town Center Drive, Cosla M esa through Sunday. It tells the story •I ' ', I', ' ' I I I II') STUDENT-OIREcm> ONE-PERSON PLAYS "Solo Voices; a festival of student-directed one-person plays, will be staged March 1 and 2, at 8 p.m. Saturday and at 2 and 7 p.m. on Sunday. TI(t(ets are $6 and $7 and can be purdlased at the door or by calling (7141 432-5725. Orange Coast College is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. El~ Dunn-Well r-------------------------1 I NELSON & AsSOCIATES I I Lee our former IRS revenue agent with a Masters in I I Taxation prepare your income tax return. If we I 1 f:~ilf ~o~:Jci5'6. ~b7r~~:i:~~r f ~-------------------------~ Ufetime Warranty Ceramic C..ter 1.,. • A1wen • C..le • 8'-ite • W-' Wu Rtf111• • Clw.1 .. C.rptt & U,..lstery • Pelat119-ltttrier & Exterier , .. ,850-7878 1241. 17th Mii fllM IATlltMl& ... M..._. M ,., al;.o141 . 17777 .. ln-r " ....... ............... .-......... .. ,. .. ... ART 'a.ICENE' •ZJne Scene:' en exhibit of tlnea ~by the CrenbtookM MUMum, wtl be on dlapl-v · through April 27 at the Orange County Muteum of Art'I s.tellite Gallery, South Coeat Plua, 3333 Briatol St., Coau Meu. Zlnea .,. putWic.tiona -like magazines - created by lndlviduela or small grouSJ4. Mueeum houra ere 10 a.m . to 9 p.m. Mond-v through Fridr(, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sunday. Free. (949) 759-1122. DOUBLE HORIZONTAL Dewey Ambro.lno's exhibit •0ouble Horizontal" will feature "Brown Note Lounge; an installation of two molded ptvwood sub-woofer loveseats that play an original bass composHJOn, and whose • frequenciet ere tuned specifically to the building's architecture. The exhibit wilt alao indude a video projection of Oakar Sctllemmer'a 1925-46 •Triadic Barlet." The opening reception will be Saturday from 7 to 9 p.m . and run through March 22 at the Shed at 3000 Newport Blvd Information: (949) 723-3406. JANE HL1. "l ocal Scenes; art by Jane Hiii, will be on display at the Newport Beach Public Library through Feb. 28. The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beactl. Free. (9491 717-3801. 'tN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER' An exhibit of worts by M ichael Perez and Kirsteo Prosser will be on display at Bayside Gallery Restaurant, 900 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, through Mardl 1. (949) 851·918, www.studiogallery.Mt MARJET1CA PORTC An installation by Slovenian 1rtitt Matj9tlca Porte wilt be on diapley through March 2 at the Orenge County Museum of Art, 8&0 Sin Clemente Drive, Newport Bead\. Porte'• wort dNta wtth luuea of shelter, poverty and diaplec:ement Muaeum hours are 11 1.m. to 5 p.m . Tuesdey through Sunday. S6 for ldutta, S4 for aenlora end students, and free for members and children younger than 16. (949) 769-1122. TtE 1>EAN A. mnt: NOCTURNF EXtmrT O..n A. Smith, an Orange Coast Coll~ jewelry-making Instructor, will hive an exhlbh at the College of Fine Arts Welt Gallery et Cal State Fullerton through today. The "Dean A. Smith: Nocturne" exhibit is of biomorphlc steel ~lptures. For Information. call (714) 432-5726. DANCE TIE STUTTGART BALLET The Stuttgart Ballet is aald to offer some of the belt dancing In the wortd today an dofters repertory highlightl 1udl es "The Seventh Blue,• "Cindy'• Gitt• and "Sunday Symphony; aa well as a full length "Romeo and Juliet. They will perform March 18 to 23 at the Orange County Performing A~s Center at 600 Town Center Drive in Coate Mesa. Tickets are from $20 to $75 and can be purchased at the box office or by calling (7141556-ARTS. PACO PENA'S FLAMENCO DANCE COWANY Flamenco guitarist Paco Pena and his dance company will perform at Orange Coast College on Saturday (t 8 p.m. Tid(ets are $35 and $39 at the door. They are on sale at the college's tid(et office or online at www.occt1ctets.com. For infonnation, call (714) 432-5880 or (8881622·5376. Orange Coast College is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. l ··-.,:~~~ .. ;; ·.·w-~ -,.t-. I ' -"ll:j.'.,. I '• ' • • *' " ' ' .. .,. . ~ ... t' .. -. .. r.~ t .. -.-."' • :_J', 7fu LatJjest, J'imst, J"rieruffiest 'Beauty Suppfy & 1' ufl Servia Salon In Orange County r---------, !20%1 I OFF ,..=.. I . I trdlldti ~ • TIN. Sebllu.n. ~ I ~.~(Mt Produas. Not fOOd I w1111 "'Y oa.. °'*· °' ,,. rt.em. I I -. ... 111 .......... ._r.-I --... =-LI_.!'!!~ ':!2~ ~:. _IJ E. 1HI 5t. .. lett Pr-ket •tt Service - •••C1l1mon ~is Heart Health Month. I have an elevated Ho~ste1~ level, do<'..:> this increase m!j nsk fur heart disease? It so, what can I do about 1t? ~teinc 15 an amino aod that c.an ac.cumul1tc 1n ~r blood. ~hers have fuund that ~ with d('vatcd levels arc at 1nc.rca.scd '1$k fur AthcrosckrOS1s , also known as •hardening of the artencs•. Your homoc.uste1nc: bcl l.!- inRuenccc:f ~ !P.'r !Encbc.5 and c.an become cbakd 1~ ~ do not 1ng:st cnoum relic kid and c.crtain e>-Vrtam1n.s. To op,timiu your c.ardiovasc:.ular health, ta~ ~r ~tcinc goal to be !.O or lower. • • • -. ~ ------~ --. ---. -. ---. --------. ---------~ --. ----------. --------. -----~--------~~-~~~--~-.....---- QUOTE OF THE DAY "I wanred us to piay well, that was the goal every game, no matter the score." Ryan Curry, CdM boys basketball coach . - EYEOPENER • f)Jily~P1h ~por"' 11&11 of Fanw f et.iv.ir 124 honort'e MELISSA SCHUTZ Daily Pilot Sports Editor Roger Carlson • 19491574-4223 • Sports fax: (9491650-0170 Thursd.iy f eorudry 10 'lr:tJ ' B l COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL Anteaters faced with streakbusters Northridge, which comes to the Bren tonigh t, has e nded UGI winning -strea ks the p ast two seasons, and enters with the same mindset. Steve Virgen Daily Pilot BllEN l'.VENTS CEN- Tl·.R -In regard to winning streaks, Cal State Northridge has been a nemt>l>is to the UL Irvine men·i. basket- ball team. l .a'>t year, the Matador. ended the Anteater!>' eight- game winning 'itreak with a 73-72 over- Giants just get a piece of last shot \.dM 's last three-point try pa rti all y defl ected in CIF Div ision II I-A road loss. Steve Vlreen Daily Pilot POMONA -Corona del Mar I ligh, krnM'll for it:. '>hootmg fmm long dis- l<rnn-. l dme up ju'>! ,hort in the fir.t ruund of Lht.· C:ll \lmtJlt:'m 'iet.·uon l>iVL<.mn Ill -A bor- ba. .. kctba.11 playoff~ al C ;<Ull">ha WL·dm">Clay n1ghl CdM, which led mo-,1 of the game. \'.'a' left with one chance wilh five -...>t:on~ lt.'ft, when 11 trailed, h0-'>7 .. lne SCOREBOARD • CdM Ganesha 57 60 ~·a Kin~ wt'llt to the ba'>L" of their of- fcn~. the three-point 'hot. but Ganesha -.ernor A111onm faytor\ out..lretched right hand gr<Vf-<l the <Jiol attempt that fell '>hort of uw rim a.\ time• expired. re<>ulting 111 the ( .1anh0 vll10ry. " lhl~ g'illTit' rnuld hc1vc gone e1u1cr wdy," c.c1ne--ha Coach Inc frernhlay "1.id. ·Play thi!> gan1l' awun. and I'm not sure if wt' wi11. w..·re 11111 a tall 1e,;1m. We had 10 run !im.wase t.he tempo). A lot of the gam~ we've won. we've won Lil the fourth quartt'r We pnde oursel~ o n we-ct.ring leam'i down ... lime victory at the Bren Events Center. This season, Northridge squashed UCl's four-game win ning streak with a 69-63 win at the Matadome, fan. 25. The Matadors wiU as.suredly enter with the same mentality tonight at 7:05 when they come to the Rren 10 face UCI, which is on a four-game winning streak and one game behind first-place UC Santa Barbara in the Big West Con - ference. 'Jhe Anteaters ( 15-7, 9·4 in the Hig West) matched their longel)t winning streak of the season with a li5-52 win at Idaho, which completed a two-game road-trip sweep. UCI also earned a 5!:1- 58 victory at Utah State. "We had a little bad spell with the (three-game losing streak)," Douglas'> said of his team's skid before itlrcurrenr winning skein. "We came out of it more focused a..., a team and banled back. We have to reali:t,e how hard wc had . to'work to have a good road trip and not gel complacent and be Bi& West 70.4 pu1nt<. per game. w L I he Matador'> dropped ready for the two games at home. ~SB !The two road' win:.) definitely lifts our season. If wc can capital v.e on this and continue 10 grow Utah St Cat Poly Idaho 10 3 9 4 9 4 7 6 a pair of h ome game!> laJ>t week to C<tl Poly 162-5!:1! and Sant<t Barhara lli7 · 581. Ncinhridge 1s led hy 0 7 f:i-lont-fl .,wingman Ian 6 1 Boylan r 15.8 potnl'> per game) arn.J C11m~ Slaugh· tcr (ll 8 ppg.t, who scored 17 of ht:. game high 'L I point., in tht-"l'l and improve maybe we can Pacific make a run at tl1e league tilll' o r do something in the tourna - ment." l>uugla!>S said Northridge (IO· I~. 4-0J i'> a team tha1 pre~e'> well defe nsively and the Mata- Fullerton Northrldge R1vers1dt! Long Ben St 5 7 4 8 4 8 4 10 dor!> are also skilled at rebounding They lead the Big West in rebounding with 36.5 per game, while UU i!. at :n..1 per game. Northridge is also the top '>C:Onng offensive team, averaging 7::!.0 points per game, yet mo!>! of that 1s at- tributed l o the Matador~· hot '>Ian in 1he pre-confnence -;eason. LJLI average' ond half when he lrd tilt' Ma1.idor'> 10 thl· v.111 uver IJ< I la_.,1 rnonLh. "We're going to havt' HJ cap1t,tl1n• Ion thl' prt''-'> defl'n1'l') .ind 1101 W"e them add111 u11a1 -,hot'> ... DougJa .,., ..aJd "\\l('\1e heen playing a,., ,1 tl'am and we hdvc· to con111H1l' to ket'p pl.1}111g with the <,;m w l'lll'f~..'Y· .. I )I 1ugla'>'> alc,o ,,1111. throughout 1 ht· 1-.awr.,· fuur·ganie w1nr1111g ... 1realc they huw been led hy thctr .. l'nmn., guard Mike I lriod and forward Jrirdan I lam~. tht-Hig We'>t l'lc1yl'r ot th1· \\lt-t>k honor et''· the pa'>I two Wt'l:'h I l.1m-. lead<. th1 A11tt·<.11t'r.,, ..,, o n ng J L JH11111 ., per gaml' I le aver<tged 1:; po111h flt'r gJrnl:' rn th1 road Wirt' 111,1 v.1·1·k I l11od na1lt"d 1w r1 lret• throw .. w111t I { w• 1111lh ll'ft lo gw c· l IU 1he \..,111 t1\t't I It.th \t;iH· lit• <tl'>l1 ~ttJrt•d lfi p111ni... 11 1 the w111 ,11 ldahr, lJ(J\ .,t·ntrn d1111 ha., 1.11''' hl'l'll pro VH.Jtng tilt' All ll•ct lt'I'> Wttlt n10\tVCllt01t I )11ugl<..,., '>..Ud "II ldrrt") dnd \ltkt• llood hd\e rcc1ll\ .,l!·pped up:· I ll111~\f,1" .,,1111 l11ey 11111 only uppt'll llwir 1w1 l11m1.im t· but the·" lned tu dtn·c 1 ;111d 11'11 111hi-r' tht>y 1 .i1 d ti II, tilt'\ I Jll \\ 111 I It!'\ "''' lC!tJk th• lt'<.11111 111 tl11·1r ... 1w11ltl1·,... I h1·\ \t' ht-t'rt 1 big 111.,ptr.1111111 111 11l1· r1·..,1 111 rh<· tt'<111 .md lww u·alh 11lllt'd1•\1 f\"1n1· · Estancia pulls an inside job in CIF opener Lindq u ist perfect fro m the field and starters shoot 78.6% to help Eagles wi n. 61-36. SCOREBOAAO \'.lll \l"t 111p ,l'ed1·d Bt,htip \tontg111111 r, r, I ..... 1111 h IMd .1 l1r-,1. round bh I lw l-:111~11 > wlt•J d1m111<1l «'d tli• I dglt-' tn r I\ en mw 111 t lw 111 Barry Faulkner \ ,...., 111 II I \ 't'rn1fin.tl., 111 I 99H. hc1\t' won "'< 111111 1. hamr1on-.h1p .. t',11 It •it 11 .. la'>I thret· ,t•.hnn .... Daily Pilot Estancia Ii' Gabnel1no 36 llll t tht· I c1glt.·' \\ere con tern lo '""11r \\ l'Llllt:''>OJ \ ' 1 ml'n ph. lwlort· 10111'.tng c1h1·.ic.J to 1-nc.JJ \ \ 1 h.ill1·11g1· \AN <;ABll ll:I -1. ... 1.inua I ligh -.cninr Joev l.mdqut!>I helped l~tant ta go a ... rep beyond high pern·ntagl' shot!> in \.\edne<>day·., h I lb CIF Southern SellHHl 01vi-;ion Ill A, fiN round boys ba._ .. ketball playon \ic- 1orv at Cahrielino I hgh The 6-foot-8 IJndqu1c;t, \\ho IO\'.t'rt·c.l over a ( .abnehno front lin1• that wen I 6·3. 6·<!. o -2. made all mne of 111.'> fidd go,tl all Pm pl ... eight of v. h1ch wert' v1r 1t1al layup'>. to help the 1-.agJe., finish .l.1 ol :\5 from tht• field <65 7'\,1 I md4u1'1. taking preci-.1on feed-; fro m 1tw po111t. th1• \\llng and tlw comer. pctwl'rl'd ovrr <,maJler dt.>fender'> tci am...t.'>'> <!4 p111n1., one .,hy of hi'> career high I le al .. o hit ht., fir.,1 MX free thro\"· bdort' m1,.,111g hj!> final two to '>abolagr ht'> pur .. 1111 of perfection. I le added -.even rebound~. one blocked '>hot and one 'teal. hclore fouling out with J ·56 left. II\ good to rla~ .ig;1111-.1 gll\'> \Olll U\\11 '>lit' het ..iu.,e 11' go1 •d 111rnpe11 111111 ." I Jrtdq11i...t .,~ud Hui ti" d.1\11 111u· tn plJ\ J)!<tlfl'>t .1 11-.1111 tlldl 1 ... mud1 .,hon er, e.,pt·u,J.lh 111 .1 plcJyolf gilmt' · 1. .. 1anu.1 ( 11.1d1 <Jin., '>tHl t' -.;uc.J 1h1· pldll. 111111 h rl'-II h.t ... ht•('ll ,tJI \t',tr W<t' to pound 1h1· h,111111,1d1· rifft'll"'\ 1·I\ .. lt>t'\ I 111dq u1.,t Jnd < .. trio-. Ptn tr1 I ·, po1nh on h of In -.hoo1111~ frcim 1ht• field1 did J rtKl' 1ub offen'it\t:'IV .tnd I u1ou~ht \\t' -.ho~ed ~ood patwn1 t', e\ r r uted rc·alh wt>ll. .m d w ok d(h .mtag(• of our lw1ght. ">l"m l' "'1Jd lhe 1.aglt' -.1,trt<'r'-mad t· an .t'>t11 und- 111g .!.! of ,m licld·goct.I dlll'tnph ~H.6~.). a., < .. 1bnehn11 14 l.!1• \'.h1t h lll'd lur the ~''"'Ion \all('' IRiJ~'\Jt.' titll', th third leagur nm-.11 111 four '-l'•''on' II.id no tlefen'>t\1• atl'>\\C'r ..... Ganesha (16-12) earned its fir.I lead of the game. 50-48, with 7:09 left after sophomore Di'Mon Phelps (14 poinL'i) nailed his first of two founh-quarter DOUGLAS H KIM I FOR fHf DAil Y Pll Ct I Estancia High's Jordan Stroman (231 shoots over Gabrielino ·s Josh Tad1en (5) See COM, Pase B2 The wm, l·stanr ia\ fir'>! playotl 1r1 umph '>lllCe 1998. puls the 1-.agll.., 117 11 ) into Fnday's 'it'rnnd round. h tanria "\Ve d1J 11 1 t•w rutt-our g.im1 plan,· See EAGLES. Page B2 CIF SOUTHERN SECTION PLAYOFFS Seven squads open CIF Newport-Mesa teams in girls water polo and girls basketbaJJ , get ready for first-round foes in the CIF Playoffs today and tonight. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot The gjrls water polo teams from C.O.. rona del Mar High. top-seeded in ClF Southern Section Division a, and New- port Harbor. the No. 2 seed in Division I, are among seven squads in two sports that will begin post.season compedtion today. CdM (22-5), which won the Division rv section crown last season and won the ~ Coast League ~ season. hosts l.oaJ1l ( 9-8), the No. 3 representative from the P.mp1re League. at 3: 15 p.m. Newport Harbor (22-5) ll08lB Sumet Le.ague runner-up Esperruv_.a (11-15), 113. The SaJ1or1t runner-up ln tbe Sea View Lt.ague behmd Foothill. the No. l lee(f In DivWon '·handled the Aztecs. 'IJJ-7, In lbe 18ra' aecond pme ~the ..-cJO. Colla Mam ..... Mier polo teem. Di· cblmpb\ In lhe Golden \\at League. pull hi 14-8 record on the line to a OM· sion VI firs1-round game at Qi.Iver City. The 3 p.m. contest will be held at UThe Plunge" community pool Four Newport-Mesa squad\. compel· Ing in three divisions. will open the girls basketball playoffs tonight. Newport Hamor (13-14). making it'> first playoff appearance since 1999, visits Sunset League champion F.d.ison in a Di- vision ll·M dash at 7:30. The Owgers (20-5) have won nine in a row and I 2 of their last 13. The 1ars and Edison share three conunon opponents ~ season. Edison beat lrvine. 65-16. while Newport topped the Vaqueros twice in league. 56- 34 and 39-23. Newport losl to &perarua. EB-21. and &mon split two league games w;th the Aztecs. Both t~ also defealed Don Lugo. Newport winning by five and Edison by seven. The Sailors are led by junior Jillianne Whitfield (11.l poinla per game), while &tiaoll is paced by S-foot-1 l sophomore Rebecxa Kepillno (16.2 ppg). CdM (12·12), which ded for second in the PCL. ho8IB San Marino (8-13), the No. 3 teem Crom the Rio Hondo Uegue. in 3 DMsion W·A ftnt-round game at 7:30. 1be two teams lhare one common op- ponent this aeBIOll. CdM lost to PJ Turo. IMCF,Plp82 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK RhondiNaff Though scoring is he r calling card , Mesa star's ve rsatility o n court seemingly knows no bounds. Barry Faulkner • ·But Rhondi 11. so ven.atile Daily Pilot on both ends of the court. ' she does a 101 of th~ for A head for figures and I us.· the athletic skills 10 llw Daily Pilot Athlete of amass them on the the Wet>lc's favorile thin~ is basketball court have scoring and she proved as made Rhondi Naff som eone lhe much in Golden West League (.qsta Mesa High girls team c.an victories over Santa Ana (Feb. 11 J count on. and SaddJeback (Thursday). The 6-foot senior, whose favorite She scored 17 of the Mustangs' 21 subject is math. leads the Mustangs first-quarter points against the ln scoring (18 . .8 polnlS per game) Saints, en route to a game-high 27. and also tops her team in steals (45) She then scored a game-high 29 and blocked shota (21). Her agains t Saddleback. helping Costa rebounds (5.2 per game) and assists Mesa ~p the two games and ranJc second on the squad. secure• third·p\ace 6J\ish. "There are very few people who ' The Musta~ 115· ll) will make can hdp you in all aspects of the game.• Mesa Coach Jim Weeks said S.. N«>fa, hp 112 • I I • • Thwtdlr. ftl!n*Y 20. 2003 S P O R T S HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Lightning wins first playoff game Sage Hill subdues host Ham ilton, 57-47, in first CIF Playoff appearan ce. ANZA -Fac- ing the Blg Sky • League cbampl· ons on their home floor didn't faze the Sage Hill SchooJ boys balbtbaJI team l.n the least Wedneaday nlaht ' The IJ&htnin& o 1-13> led an the way and defeated Hamilton. 57-A7, in the first round of the OF Soulhem Section Division IV-A Playoffs at Anza High in Riverside County. The win is the KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Lightning's first in its inaugurnJ Costa Mesa baskethall standout Rhondi Naff is the Daily Pilot High Sc hool Athlete of the Week. • trip to the CIF Playoffs in two 't" varsiry season!>. RH ON DI Continued from B 1 their 14th straight appearance iri the CIF Southern Se<:lion · ~opening tonigtu at I.a ~ .... tlglft they would not have made the playotts. if not for Naff. •lJIM ,._.., she worked in the team concept (she tl!W!Mg"td 16.4 po ints, en route ro firsHeam All-Pacific Coast ~ague honors). But, this year. &be has p retty much been a mainstay." said Weeks, who worked with Naff to improve in the offseaso n, anticipating extra defensive a ttention her senior campaign. 1 ~we worked on getting her to go to her left and elevating on her jump shot,·· said Week.\, who typically positions Naff in the high po!>t. ~she improved more between her junior and senio r year than almost any player I've ever coached." Week.-. said her rare blen d of size and quickne~ make!. Naff a difficult match up for opponen~. "If you're tall enough to guard her, you're usually n ot quick. enough. And, if you're q uirk enough. you're going to have RHONDINAff aom: Oct. 19, 1985 ... itlht= 6-foot ~135 lport: B~etball Position: Guard/ forward eo.ch: Jim Weeks Fevortt. food: Mexican casserole F•vottte MO¥M: •one Fine Day• ... ethletk moment: •The Saddteback game (Jan. 27) when I scored 38 points. I was In quite a zone that game.• AW... of the Weell VIII: The senior standout Kored 27 and 29 points In back-to-back Golden West League wins over Santa Ana (Feb. 11) and Saddleback (Thursday) to secure third place. Olly,.,. Collector Ii>O<U card~ OJ-S problem!. with her '>IZl'. •· Weck.-. <,aid. Despite defensive focu'>. mcludiAg gimmick scheme-. lakt' the box-and-one, Naff has been comistentJy productive. She ha-. -.cored in double figure<; in ~I ol her 24 game'> this sea,on. including nine games of al lea<,t 20 points. I !er seaso n and n1reer high came in the first game again!>! Saddlt!back. Jan. 'l.7, when she pumped in 38. She hil' "The Art of Making Pizza11 WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5 -9 PM led the Mus1angs in scoring in all but two game<; this season. after posting the h igh point total in 26 of 27 g-dJlles as a junior. She n eeds 3 1 points to reach the 500 plateau this season. "I've always been a scorer." said Naff. who come from a .. family of baskerball fan atics," and began playing in the third grade. She did not. however. begin serious offseason 1rainj11g until after her ju nior year. I ler work ethic -Weeks said -.he. is by far the harde t worker on the team -and h er umple talent!> have helped generate recruiting intere 't from UC Riverside, Concordia Univcrc;iry and Orange Coast c.ollege. Week.-. believes NafT's best hil ... kethall 1<; ahead of her. "I th mk .,11e·s gomg to blos,om in l ullegt.'." he !>aid ... Sh e love.. bil-.ke1hall and she's willing to work at ir. .. 'afT 'k!ld .. he rake!> pride in hl'r d1:fon-.c, rebounding and all around ~ame. but admiu. she t.•n1oy<, thl' gam e more when <,he\ hitting her preferred I 0-foot puU-up jumpers. "Wh c11 I'm scoring, my whole game now!> better,. she !.aid. COLLEGE TENNIS Anteaters MEWPOAT ~ CORONA DU MAii i t ITAL COVE WNADE w 3423 'M LOO 3601 f CDAST HQN,Av 7955 E CDAST HG-NIM put aves Ml.723.0707 949.875.4100 941.715.1117 FAX Ml.723.5147 FAX Ml.875.2218 FAX Ml.715.1119 ---oFF ___ FRiE-away, 5-2 I $ 3 LARGE PIZZA SMALL SALAD I I • suY ANY M E01uM PIZZA & I MAJ mu -uc lrvines I • -GET A SM ALL SALAD OF I wumcn'!> tcnni!> ream was a 5-2 YOUR CHOICE FREE' non conference winner over host I, couPON NOr vAuo w.n, Ar"' 01HE:R OHERISPEC•AL PAArtOPA• >.<, ru1-.F• I Pcprv•rdine Wednesday as the ()>;. • LIM>' ONI' COIJPCN "ER °"'°EA 1•- SAl.f.S "'' MAV Ar•>i.Y MUST MENTION COUPON AT TIME Of OHOfA Anteaters took advantage or some .. C:.OUKJN fXPIRF'> ~EBPUAAV 28 2003 .. - - - - - --.. -..-- - - -aJ>sent Wavt..., to help the cause. SLAMMERS FC ----• Newpor1 Beach (olrformo Horne of t'1e ~iris Ur1oer I ·1 ~uttonal Chomp1oris, 11111\ Under I/ For WPst Reg1onnl ( ho111p1on 1J111 u1e 7007 Bo·,s :ike Cup Champion> The Slammers Fu1bol Club tryouts for the 2003/200 4 soccer season ore here . . . · ltys tWer 9 /u.ler 10 /IWtf 11 February 14 tfi and February 28th 4:30 PM -6:30 PM Lincoln Athletic Center Contact: Jose Duarte 71 4-343-4821 Girts lWer 9 /u.ler 10 /u.ler 11 February 21sf and Februory 28th 4:30 PM -6:30 PM February 22nd 8:30 AM -10:30 AM Estonda High School Girts u.ler 12 February 19th and Februory 20th 5 PM -7 PM Februory 22nd 11 AM -1 PM Estunda High School Girts lWer 13 Mordi 8th SIM -1 (lAM Estancia High School For additional infonnotion contoct Walid Khoury (714-437-1924), m tryoots@sJommer.org or visit the Slammer FC website at www.slommefs.om. Pepperdine. without freshman Natalie Br.tVt'rman, and two other starters. did not have enough an- swers for Anteaters Jenny Bow- man, 'JifTany <hang. Ouistie Pol>er and lfuj J.eo. Bowman and Chang were win- ner; in No-.. I and 2 singles and they te-.uned up to win No. I dou- bles Chnslie Po.4'ner and Hui l.eow hath won hy default in sin- gles to clinch the victory. UCI i., now 4-4. Pepperdine. ranked 33rd in the nation, fell 10 5·4. UC Ir.line 5, Pl dine 4 Sing6es -Bowman ~I Vernaz, f>.2, 6-J; Chang (UCI) def . As1mgil, &J. 2-6, 10 8, Scnlapbach (P) def. Bentzer, S..2. 6-1. Andersson (P) cJef. Tranclono. 6-3, 6-2, Po5ner (UCI) won by defauh; Leow (UCll won by default. DoutM -Bowman--Chang (UCI) def. Asimgil-Vernaz. 8-6; Anderason-Scnlapbadl def. Bontter Posner. 8 4; Leow-Tranci(ino (UCll won by default · SCHEDULE TODAY BllMtblll College me n -Cal State Nonhndge at UC Irvine, 7:05 p m. College women -UC Irvine at Cal State Nonhridge. 7 p m. High school girls -CIF Playoffs, firS1 round: Nowpon Harbor It Edison (II-AA), 7.JO p.m.; San Marino at Corona def M er (Ill-A). 7:30 p.m.; Costa Mesa at LB Canada (Ill-A). 7:30 p.m.; Sage Hiii vs Connelly (IV·AI. at Fairmon1 Prep, 6 p.m . W..PG'° High sc:hool girl1 -CIF Playoff•. firlt round: Esperanza 9t Newpan Harbor (Div. I), 3 p.m .; Lo•ra et Corona del Mar (Div. II), 3:15 p.m.; Costa MMa vs. Culver City, at the Plunge, Culver Blvd. end Over11nd, 3:15 p.m. Yotleybel College men -UC Irvine et Univenffy of the Pacific, 7 p.m. ~ College men -Vanguard Unlvenltv et Wetlmont College, 2 p.m Community college men -Or1nge Coest .t Alv.raide, 2 p.m, Communffy coti.ge women - Rlv.nlde et Or-.nge Coat\, 2 p.m. I / "It feels great," said first-year Lightning Coach Sieve Keith. "Not too many team'> travel on EAGLES Continued from Bl Gabrielino Coach Scott Brum· melt said. "We wanted to d ouble them inside and try to make them beat us from the perimeter. But they were tough and .. their size hurt us. (Undlfuic;t) ls a tough kid. a very big boy. and he fini-;hc!>.·· Meanwhile. Gabrielino, also n ick.named the F.agle!>, had a horrid shooting night. The ho ts made just 13 of 55 field-goal at· tempts (23.6%). including just 4 of 35 three-point tries ( 11.4%). ·we started out in a man. bur went quickly to a (one-two-two) zone." Sorce said. "We wante'd to make them try to beat u' fro m the outside.·· Brummett said the -.hooter. who h ad helped h i-. team win a league title, couJd not find the range Wednesday. "Danny Carrasco (who came in averaging 11 po int!>) had been shooting very well fo r Ult la tely, b ut he came out very cold to- night (fin ish ing 3 of 16 from the field. including just I of 13 fro m beyond the arc)... Brumm ett ~d. "We were getting open jumpe n>. but jus t didn't co nvert.· Estancia senior guards Matt Cachola and Zack Novak were additional shining examples of the Eagles' offensive efficiency. Novak made 4 of 5 field-goaJ at- tempt~. while also admin istering eight assists and coUec.1..ing seven rebounds and two steals. Cacho- la netted 3 of 4 from the field, in - cluding a three-pointer, and chipped in eight as.sists. two re- bounds and two steals. Estancia got only four points from the nine player. who came off the bench. with Scott Sankey and freshman Michael McDa· niels, one of four additions from the lower level<,, each co ntrib ut- ing two pomts. Junior Jordan Stroman, who missed Friday's regular·'>Ca'ion finale with a concussion, was one who came off the bench CDM Continued from B 1 three-pomten.. I le came off the bench to finish 4 of 7 from beyond the three-point arc. The Sea Kings( 12-16) answered back when junior Adam Freede (nine poin ts) drove the lane and dished out an a~ist to senior Bren Matsen for an ea")' b ucket in lhe paint Then, the Giants went on an 8-1 run over the nex1 four min- utes, but CdM cut into the lead with a &-0 run in a 55-second span. -n,e Sea Kings we re down. 58-57. with 1:15 left. Matsen started the run. I le grabbed an offensive rebound that was tipped twice by other players and was fouled on the putback. but scored anyway. CdM junior Jay North.ridge. who scored 15 points. converted two free throws from a one-and -one op- portunity that cut the dt>Cicit to 58- 55. Then, with I: 16 left. Freede ran in front of a pass at mid-court. re- corded a steal and scored on a layup. But, Taylor drained what proved to be the game-winning free throws with 57 seconds left. Ganesha twice mis.scd the front of CIF Continued from B 1 58-2:6, while San Marina dmpped a 44-34 dedlk>n. CdM It keyed by seniors Kel· lf3nn IOetn ( 12. 7 ppg), Madison Otterbein (8.0 ppg) and )ldje McCoy (7.3 ppg). Co8la Mesa (lS.11). the third- place ceam from the Golden We.1t the road for two h ours and beat the league champion on its home coun on any level." I lamilton {17 -5) was no match for a Sage HiU attack that in- cluded Michael Fitzhugh's 22 po ints and 17 rebounds to go with a season-high 13 poiJ1ts by Matt Loper and 12 from Kevin Joyce. "That was· Matt Lopds best ~ame of the year," Keith said . He hit a clutch thnie-pointer at the three-mlhute ana1k to Set us breailic easy again." Loper's three increased the lead to seven. as the guard scored 11 of hls 13 poinlB in the second halt despite Hamilton ~ Sage HlU. 30-25. in the Onal rwo quarters. . ~we had a great first half and were executing weU, but the sec- ond half got ugly with guys start· ing to get fatigued ," Keith said. Sage I fill led, 30-17, at the break. Scott Q io scored six points to go with 5CVen rebounds with Joyce and Fitzhugh each a dding Cive assists. "I don't tJ1ink there' a Michael Fitzhugh In the Big Sky League," sald Keith praising the effort o f his sen ior. Sage 11m· advances to Friday's second ro und at Los Angeles- bascd Yeshiva, the co-cham pion of the Uberty League. at 7:30 p.m. ~ DMllofl "'~ Ant round ~ .. 57. Hamiton 47 Sage Hiit SaHe ~ ~ 13 I ~l Hamilton I I 11 1' -"*' .... tll-loper 13, Joyee 12; Wiflthu 4, Fitzhugh 22, Cho 6, l.Bfler 0, Brewer 0, Samel J pt goals -Loper J, Joyce 2. Fouled out loper Technicals nona Hamitton -Quin1onez 8. Estrada 7, Davis 14, Mendez 7. Mlnen 9, Lope1 2. Delgado 0. Tuxson 0 J pt goaB; -Estrada 1. Minon 1 Fouled oul no ne Tocnn1cals nono J ol A<., H KIM I I< !Hf A 1' l'I t T Estanc1a's Ca rlos Pmto (44) rs left alone and Gabriehno pays for 1t. Wedne!>day. After Gabnelino took a 'i-4 lead in the opening monll'nr-.. Estancia reeled off 13 -.1ra1~ht points to ~ume command Novak's three-pointe r sparked the vb itors' 14-0 run in the 1hml quane to create a 48-22 cul>hion and , after a Gabrielino ba'>kl'I, Estancia scored the next fiw po ints to effectively bury all comeback hopes. Jeff 1.im, a 5-10 senio r three year starter, led Gabrielino wllh 11 points. It Wal> the sixth ume this 4'eason tha t Gab rielin o ha., bee n held in the 30s and tl\c eighth time this season F.stanoa hru. held a team to rcwer than 40 one-and-one opponuniue., wit.h 28 "CCOncls left and then with nine seconds left. the laner when CA.tl.1 <;enior Pancho Seabom fouled out. Seaborn led the Sea Kin~ with 16 poin~ Sea King c,enior Kevin Mancillas wabbed the rebound off the mis!> by Jeffery Jordan, but officials did not hear CdM Coach Ryan Cuny shouting for hi'I final timeout until there was five seconds showing on the game clock. "You'll alwa9i; go back and look at whar could have been different; it's human nature,tt Cuny said. "But we had the kids we wanted on lh e floor. We just came up short. We had a great season. Our kids, they do everything we~ of them Our goaJ was to be in every game so that we could win and I thought we were in a lot of the games this season." The Sea Kin~ opened the game with a 7-0 lead. They went up 9-2 with 6ve minutes left in the first quarter. but then the Giants scored seven straight points. How- ever, CdM outscored Ganesha. 8-2. to close out the period. as Northridge drilled two three- pointers in the spun. CdM earned its biggest lead, 25- 15, after Northridge recorded a League, makes its 14th st:raight CJF appearance at ta Canada (20-5) In Division CO-A game at 7:30. The Spart.am. co-cbamplom or the Rio Hondo I.ague. enter on a nffie..game winn.ins streak. The ~ are led by 6-0 senior Rhondi NaJf ( 18.8 ppg) and S.3 .enJor Staa!e Sanchez (9.0 ppg and 4 I three-pointers this season). S. HlD School (13-7) meets San Joaquin l.eegue cbampk>n Clf OMslon 111-A First round ES11ncia 61. G1t>nejino 36 Score bv Ouarten Estar1C1d ·~ t• u lO "' Gab11el1no t •, ., 11 lb E.staocill P1n10 15. Aodorson 0 LindQu1s1 24 Novak 9 Cac.tiola 9 5.in~cv 2 McDan1fllS 2 Hoffm,in 0 S1roman o Escob<"1o O V11amo nif s O. Meissner 0, Aryumcdo 0 Sc MdrlcleyO 3 1)1 goals Pinta 'J C .u:tiol" 1 Novak 1 Foutod out LmdQl1191 Tc.'Ctln1cal& nonP Gabrielmo Lim 11, C11m 11sco 8, Mou 5. Nyuyen 3. Dinh II Chon 3, Ltn 2 J pt 11011ls Ca,,dsco 1 Nquyttn 1 Dinh 1 f'ouled oul norn TechnicJI~ rtn<u '>ll'al then t ollt'\ wt.I an a......,..,t un .a fa.-.t brt'al.. that l'nd<-d w11h a layup by h ee<le 11w Sea Km~ abo gamed anotht'r 10-pomt lead (3 1 - 21) \\;th 5J <,('('Ond<, left before halfom e. Hut l ... me<Jla hit hack-to back Lhree-pc1111ter. and then CdM ~ttJl'CI for a :12 27 halftime lead. TI1e Giant'> came within one three Li.me<. in the third quarter. but the ~a Kin.-;. held them off thanks to M:o ring by Seabo rn and Mandlla'l. "Our effon ha.-. been great aJI season ." Otny said. "I wanted ~ to play well, that was the goaJ ev- ery game. no matter th e score: Clf l>Mson lt-A Ant round Genesn1 eo. CdM s1 Score DY Cua.ten C<:IM I~ 15 11 I 117 Ganesha 11 11 n 11 eo CdM -Seaborn 16, Non.h11dge 15, • Matsen 6. Freedo 9, B. Wek:tl 4, Mencillas 5, Sheridt-Odom 2, Luce O J.pt. goats -Nonhndge 3, Seaborn 2. Mancillas 1 Fouled out -Seaborn Technicals -none GIMlha -Teylor 15, Hoang 10. • Evans n. Smith J, Phelps 14 • .Jordan 5. lke2. J...pt. goals -Phelps"· Hoeng 2, Evans 1. Fouled out -none Technicals -nono. Connelty (9·5) in the DIWion IV·A first rmmd. The game is 8 p.m. at Fairmont Prep. Sage Hill. mak1n8 the program's flrit aF appear· ance. hu defeated Connelly twice this aeaaon. by a oomblned tc:0re of 103"'49. TI~ l.Wltnlfl3 is led by &-I fmhman t laywood ~ (12.9 PPIO· s.-2 eopbomore Kade Pullh· YI ( l 0.6 PPB) and K'nior C1nte Oarlc (9.0 ppg). • ~--..-• e · · e • t;&,; h ., b t & -.m-·· · · • · O O ht D D D St 2 2 09 9 0 SQQ? 9 2 S. 0 2 ·a bb • •e• e•e•• e e= &em e -____ __...-_,_ • ----..-.---------... --. . -. . ... -- Dally Pilot S POR 'I S lhu<~ay let>ruJl'y ?O. 2003 83 YOUTH SPORTS CdM powers to sectionals MAnd the Batlle of the Bay goes to ... Corona del ar. The CdM boys under-12 soccer All·Stars from AYSO Region 57 defeated Newport Beach. 5-0, to advance 10 the Southern California Sectionals March 8·9 al Arbor P'ark Field in Seal Beach. CdM won the Area Q championship with an 8· I · I reconJ. beating OUI Costa Mesa, Tustin, Newport and North and South Lrvine. rive <WTeren1 playen. scored goals for CdM indudmg Camden Nlchobon. Wee Baker, Hwiter Alder, Bunk Hooper and Mike McK.enna. I looper added an assist on McKenila's goal and mjdfielder Ort Thbak helpt.AC:t the CdM offense with <1trong p<W.ing. Led by stopper James Cunningham. the CdM defense agam allowt.'<.1 no goals. Sweeper C.Onnor Bannan, goalkeeper Kendall Pick and fullbacks Mat Cohen and 10mmy Bangert added 10 Lhe defense. Gold inch closer to first • AYS~ REGION 97 GIR(S: ·1 he AYSO Region 97 go ld ~1r1., under· I 0 All -Star soccer learn edged IO within '>ix pninl!> of first placl' with two wine, !"eh. H. Nt.-wport c,hu1 out North In ine, J 0, on three goal!> from Blakeley Ficenec. 1 lcr fir.,1 goal came off a corner kick by Beth Barnard in the '>eco rHJ quarter and go1 an assii.t from Lauren Grupe on the !.econd !'.core. Barnard and Amy Kanotz aS-'>i'iled on the third goal Newport dt:featt'd rite other Newpon -area leam. l. 0, w11h bolh goab rnming from c.rupe. Fire111>c <1c,.w.1ed on (;rupe's second goaJ. H.unard. Tori Sarris. O alre SUva, Callea Elsen burg. Natalie Swift, Kano11 and Mary Yeager 11ui..ho1 1he opponent~. lJ·O Gwen Gaytord. Sadye Busby and ltannah McLeod .111t tuned the defe11.,e. Cosla Mesa take~ ti tle • AY~O REGION 120 GIRLS: fhe 1-a'r & l 11n0th .trl' rhamprom I hl' girb under 12 gold 1\11·!'>1.tr '>Oner tPam from AY~O Hegron 120 ({,oo;ta ll''al got a 1-(0al from forward Karen VIiia iba off an a-.~1.,1 by Bree Arellano in 1he w cond ov<>rtime period Ill down \oulh lrvrne. I O. lor the 111lt· l·orw;mJ AJexa Aguliar provided lht• \>\<llllllllg ('fll'>' I ullh.1t k' Corl Chapin, Teresa Fox, AJex Payl.alll t1111.l Carlee Tuppan helpl'd 'i i Op .,coring d1dlllt'' Abby ~cheafler. Kendra Fisher. le phanle Fox .md Corl PatelskJ took I urns c unrrolhng 1he mrdfit·ld \tnkt•r., Mariah Balley Jlld Daisy Martlne-.t 'll'Jdted 1h1· ofh·n<,t· {,oalh·l'pt'r 1hll ll'' Wl'rl' 'harl'd hy Harlev. Arell.1no. Aguilar dlld flJlt·l-.k1 In at IH>n 1--l'b 8 C '"'d ~lt''>d r('conkd \I< wne' over :'\ewport Bt•Jd1 11 01 t111d YorbJ I rndt1 12·0) 01.1p1n 'l ored till' lnnl' goal agarn.,1 NC'\\ port on .i pa..,., from Mar1mt•1 P<iy1an1 and 1-'ox prm1ded .. u~ady dt•frme. l<.11lt')'. plavmg JI ''"~l'r, made a pa.,, IO I upp.tn .11 h,1.Hh.1r~ fur the fir-;t 'tore t1gt1111~t 'mrh.1 I 111dJ Arellano a,.,..,led 10 VillalhJ for the 'l'\ ullll ... uirt· AKu1lar, !'\l ht'.tffer and f--r,hl'r -.1ead1t·d rlllv al rn1df1dd A strong fini\h • AY~O REGION 57 GIRLS: I hl' t\'t ~O Rt'g111n ;-;-~irh undl'r 10 gold All <;tar 'nn:er u·am llcebn·akt•r<,) fi111,hC'd it\ 'l'ac,011 Sa1urdav. going I•· 1-1 over lhl· la'>I eight ~.m1e..,, with only l'Ao goal-. allu""t'tl rn thdl -.p.in c dM rdged 1hc other Rcgwn 57 ~old kam. I ·0. on d go.ii from Kellle Langwell ~lrdfieldt•r., Kaytee O'Connor and Samantha Gall along w11h forward'> Sophie Solow. Megan Kim and Allie Pries, all scored goals during the streak.. Fullbacks Aah.ley Svendten, Katetyn Baker and Taryn Greenberg alongside 1>weepers Amanda ButJen and Langwell with m1dfit!lders EmUy Romano and AU Halford, steadied the defense. Pries, Romano and Greenberg ab o contributed as goalkeepers. Newport buries Bruins • YOlITH HOOPS: The Newporl·Mesa sev<:nth·grade buys All Net ba.,kl!tball ream improved 10 9·0 with a 50-35 victory over the Yorba Unda Bruini.. Newport led by 11ix in the fir'il quar1er and pulled away for the victory. Joe Eberhard led the scoring with 12 poinli. along with nint! rebounds and 1wo assis1s alongside Robbie Boyer laJlyinK 10 poin1s w go with three assisl'i and two sreab. P.J. Simpson added eight pornts. seven rebounds and two assists with AJI MeshkJn ('.rx poinls), Jonathan Howse (five points) and John Swift (two poinls) contributi ng to the ~coring. Strong defen<te was played hy R.J. O'Cl'\12 and Will KelJy (<1even poi nts, two '>leah. two a.,.,,.,,.,, Hornets go undefeated • YOUTH HOOPS: Nine player-. of the Newport-Mesa hoy., National Junior Bac;ke1ball Division I team \viii adV"d11ce 10 the NIH championship 'lerie'> the nex1 three weekend., after going I 0-0 rn the regular '>t'a,011. rhe I lornel'> beat 1he Laker' ~unday in 1he regular-o;eason finale. Otase Pinesett. Gus Ellis. Timothy Regan, Erik Rask and Andy Rovzar cuntrrbutecl on offense with help from Kevin Rask and Austin AprarnJan. J.P. Gormly and Thomas Olalynas aho con1rihu1ed throughout th<' WJ'ion. Bob Rovzar and Bob Rask l oal h the I lorm·t'> No stopping Newpor • AYSO REGION 97 DOYS: Logan Newell recorded his fifth '>hu1ou1of1he '>ca.,on and lht> Nl'wport boy., under· I 0 gold All '>tar ...cKn·r ream from AY 0 Reg10n 97 wrnred a J-0 \ICtor) over '>econd·plate North ln.im• \\11h the \-.111, Newport 1akc., fir!>! plate 111 An·J <)play dntl advances 10 1he rcgwnal playoff, 111 March Colton Gyulay -;cored lWlll' in 1lw 1hrrd 4uarter off pa"'t''> from Scolt Ridgeway and Joh n Barton . Timmy Root \Cored Ne\\ port' fir.,, gual tor a I U lead. Stevie Miller and Ivan Becerra had , ... 1wt<, on goal w11h Otristlan Ochoa and Taylor WUdman helping on defen'l' Drew Oilier ~ept 1he hall away from Newell Ncwpon shows no mercy • ROLLE R HOCKEY: Newport I IMhor l l1gh '<; duh froc;h-soph roller hockey learn mercred '>Jnld MargarrlJ. 9· I, Sunday w11h two 1111nute'> w go m the setnnd period. rhe wrn ma1n1arn., Newport' fir'>l ·place .. 1t1nd1ng ( 11 ·I ·0). Gdalkeeper Jake Men.olan limited S.rn1.1 Margar11a 10 one -;core. Rory CampbelJ's four go.ti'> led l\lewp(Jrt\ 't orrng allatk with Grant Casserly addrng 1~0 goal'> with Z.ack Boston. Jesus otelo and Cl'trls Wiiia.rd ne11rng om• goal each In acti on a Wl'ek earlier· •Esperanza 5, Newport 3 Newport c,ufft>red ii'> fip,1 lu,., of 1he '>t'J-.on after leadrng. J 0. going 11110 the third perrod < ampbell led the \l'Ortng for :'lwewpon '"1th two goal<, and Ollt' c1''>1'>1 \\ht.le \otC'lo adlled one goal. COLLEGE WOMEN'S GOLF Anteaters take sixth at Bay Area Classic UCI' Angela Wo n fi nishes third . VAU J·JO -ll1e UC Irvine womC'n\ J...•olf 1eam finL<Jied sixth al the Kay Afl'a CJa.'>.'ilC al the Hjd- denbrooke Country Ouh Wednes· day. lenth ·ranlu.-d California won the tournament wilh a 601 fol· luwed by mnlh·ranked Washlng· Ion who shot l\\O round" of J 12 10 fin1....h with a 624 San franci:.co placl'd thin.I f642), Nevada fourth (644) and Or· egon !'>tale (648) fifth. The Anl eater\ firushed '>ixt.h with a 36· hole total of 654. Calrfomia's Sarah 1 luarte shot even par (144) throughout ll1e toumamenl 10 earn medalisl hon· 01"). UCI freshman Angela \\Un <dlo1 ,. a 3 over 75 Wt'tlnesday 10 move Imm nmrh JO thud place overall w1Lh a two day rotaJ of 152. It L., Lhe rughl">I firuhli of her UCI ca- reer. ~phomore '>lella plact'tl 21st ~1th a score or 162 after shooting a 14 ·over B6 on ll1e final mund. Ch anrung Lovejoy and Shelly Ra worth both ~hot 170 for the tour· namen1 10 lie for JSth. Sara I tuber'" will1drew. COMMUNITY COLLEGE SPORTS r A•. H f P DAii. Y Pit.OT Orange Coast's Daoe Gtlkam (nght} d11.1es rt past El Camoo's Matt Bellante< 15) 11 Wednesday's match. Pirates -pound El Camino •MEN'S VOLLEYMU. I rl''>h · man oul'>ide hilll'r Poyt·r l1rn.i pounded out 13 k.ill.., .mu c1ddt'd I 0 dig., 10 ll'ad Ora11gt· C uc1.,1 "' a 10-24. ~ ll.. J0-20 \ll lllr, 11\t'r visiting 11 {Afllino \\'ednt-.,dtt\ afternoon in rn1erumtl'rt'lllt' play 011 lhf' nee campu ... 11ie wm put-. the P1ra1t·' .ti b· l overall, 1m lud111g a i o mark dgar1ht 1t•a111-. from thl• \oulh Coa.c,1 < 011tt'rt·nu• l'or.1 >{!II thrng ... gwng t'Jrlv 1111 111 thl' lir.,. ganw. cullt•ctmg ,1 pair ol ~II" in the opt•11111g rnomenr-. a' 1ht 1eam .. trJdt:d prnnr-. 1 lw rrend rnn11111wd up through ,1 Ill 10 lie heron.· tht· Rul' ht-.in 10 ra~t' chargt' I l'\ 1 I u.-.1pr rt'l ordPd hack 111 bad. pulJwav.,, llwn J>o1a h.1d IWO ll1Clrl' <llll'r ,, 'l'r"\ II l" error for a 14 I!. lt:dd llw l'rr,m·.., ton11n11l'd 10 11111~ I heir l u.,h111n, bu1 .,tt•ppell up the prt><><,urc· a1 IY lb 111 pul 1he gaml' ''""•'Y· After d \l'r\ al' error made 11 :w. I u~1er fired 1~11 mnrt• lalJ while Mt11t Sl olnil .1ddl'd a Wr\1n• al r lor a !.4 I 7 Jch '111 1age Ldmt: !. WJ'> a 'trugWl' tor tht• ·ckfcnd111g Orange 1--mpm• Lon· ferenu• l hdmp1on,, bu1 a JMtr of la!(' ,uh,111u11on., d1ang1•d tht' moml'ntum rn fa\Or of the Pr ra1t:., Coach (hutl < Ult'llt'W 111- .,ertPd '°>\.'llcun Allah anJ l>t1VJd DoXl'} 11110 1lw g;mw \\llh 1he Httt' trailing. I ~-111, 1 hallh'l ng 11p 1lw feel nf lht• uffe1ht' 1 lw fiw µ01111 advan1Jgt' l arnt'd 1 hrmrgh ICJ 2·1 I 'J. bu1 tht < 11."1 offt>n'L' was hegjnnrn~ IO find"' rhythm Paul Pomroy rnllt•Ctl'd hal·~ tu batk ~Ill'> aher a \\arnor,· -.el'Vlce l'rTOr, tlwn 1 omhrnt-d w11h Allah on J him~ tu Ill' tl1e game a1 l 4 AJlah .,.,ia.,lwd home· Lhc fir..i of hi\ fivt' ~111, on tlw fol lowing po1111. then 1h1· \.\a.rrror' were Ill 1lw net for .1 ..'h .! I ll·all. Lhe fir<..1 < .OJ'I edge 111 lht· ~dill(' <,ince 2 I Doxey a.nd M1~l' \1 urph\ wrn bined IO dr-.h Olli 47 ''""1' IU lead the C.oa<,I offt>n,t· All<1h had a pair of blocb 110 It'll' twm h while ~kolmk 10-.wd in wven dtg ... Pirate~ survi ve. 8-7 • BASE&\U: Orange C.oa~I College 'iurvived a '>car(' hut held on 10 defea1 ho<tt Palomar. H 7 111 J nmH 11nlt·n·1H 1· ha"· h.111 ganw \'V1•d11nd,1~ llU. IH 4 11 JllO\\t•d J l'All run llonw run 111 till' n1n1h h111 rt·ht'\l'r Hr\Jrl )dl \..,1)11 rl'IHl'd lilt' lll'\I lhn:l' h111t•f' It> w.il 1h1 · \\Ill It'll 1'1a.,i..m,.,\.1 ' pint h h11 1wo run hnn1l ru11 111 thl' 'l\lh prm 1dt·d J 'PJfl 111 1lw l'ir.111· nlft·11'l' ( )t I ll'd -, II .11 llll' t•ntJ •11 ''' 111111111-;.,. hu1 J•,1lo111ar 11111~ .1d \CIOIJgt' Ill ti\1• \\,ti\., Jnd l\\11 t-rror.., 111 pl.ill' lolll run-. 1n 1111 W\l'rllh (11llHh1 lf...,t:r. hi \ '"t rtlifl ll\ h\ "-'It> "i1,111 ln .u1d ,1 p.t..,...t'd h.111 ~,l\l' I fld'I 11, ., •. , 1·n1h and l'1gh1h run.., 111 1111· l'tghth inn111g 1'11Jlt· '1ar1n \11~" I an.1., \.\.t'rll ht' '>dwdult•d 1hn·l' 1n 111ng' <,triking out thrl'l· dlld "illl1ng none )d'>IHl C "'"n.111 .11,11 \\l'lll 1hrt't' 111111ng-.. 'tril111~ 1nJ1 lhrt•t• \\llh no \\cil\.., "it•< 1111J h.1.,tman Bt'n 11,mn.l \H'l11 .!. Im J \\Ith t\\U run' 't ou•d \\hill' ( 1rt'g Hrn1111 po.,lt•d d 2 for i marl.. di rht· plJll'. l<>dll \l,11ht•\ \\l'lll .! lor • \\llh one RBI for Loa'' \\hfl op1•n' Ordngt· I mpm· l nnl1 r t•nu· pl.1\ I l'h !.7 .11 h111n1· ag.1111'1 '-<1ddlt h.i1 \.JI ~pm occ Noncoofereoce OCC 8, Palomar 7 Score by lnninas )(I n 11 I •7 P~IO'"df Ot' ' JC Far JS Cr·SS,.,.,dr> 4 John~un i Bo y I I Ha'1 7 Jrl ~$On 9 Jnll h1r1t~ R.tmos Cumming~ 14 G ... • a 71 M t vers •9 anti Rot11n$on VV Faflas Z O l Robe11son 28 Rotre11so11 1P;i1 1 HR P J)>~ow~~. OCC R.trno~ Pal Gauchos ~w~cp OCC • l\:\!'\KI I HAI I Ordngl' l 11<1'1 < ollt·ge\ mt•n, .md \\111111'11' ha'>kl'lh,111 IL'Jlll' \\l'rt' llt .. 11! dde.1i.. b' \ 1\11111~ "iallllll h.u k Wedne,d.t'r night 111 Orange Em pm• ( onft•n·n1 t' pl,1) 1 lw "omen'-. te.tm dropped .1 M '1'l deno;ron and the nwn' IC'dlll ".i' a -;--;-r;-;-lu.,er 111 '>.1ddlt•hacl ( oa'>I \ women, lt•d b'.Y I 11 ~IC'11d111a\ 18 porrll'>. fc.>11 111 .!'l h, 10 ·1 rn the OH a' ~ddlt• ' e h.id" 1lw <JI < r hJmp1on 1m prmcd 111 .!7 .! I l IJ I he 1T11·11' ll'am led bv I -0111t·r Hm"n' It pr11n1' lell 10 1•1 I.! 7 "111 I lit c JI< '>JddlebaL ~ 1t.1 1111 k111gp111 unproved 1•1 •I It I I II OEC men Saddleback 77 OCC 57 $i'1 1<-IJ<J > 81 4 Pa• 15.f>• "5 .: _.,., .. lj M.,,., 2 G1 ff .i P1 '• ,..,(,,, ~ H=tl ti H..,r-tw 10 ~ ['>1 ',., l'j '! ''' .J< d '> P.o , •¥'11-2 f: I tr , ~ .iif~rJ r, .f • r '1~ +-0Ul'•'1 () ~· 'fl 'H Tf" t•f\t(if'' ,,, .. ~ '1•"1<' 3.l j .l oec women Saddleb1cit 64. OCC SS S<t·1•J1 .. i..ar• 0.iw~o" F Noon' ,, Gr otlmdn 8 qlehd'117 E: SI ·"!l" 1:; Pt'IOla 7 HO< I'"' 2 J l•I IJOd s C.iwv•n 2. E ~l '"!l"' '2 P .. 101a 1 tglf''1drT 1 ~ouff.,l OtJI """' T•·rhn1cal~ oion(• Or 1ngr Co<!"'' HJ!SUSl\1 tl udlJ!i~' 'Ci Mu•'-~> 8 M.,nClotd 18 Out10/ C 5,. ,.,.. ~ Jj "T:;"""~f·ln 4 Carr1UQ ._ .JI' (jOitS ~I r 1 18 1 ""·it<,u\,. ' Gd1~S'> I • ,,.,, • -, tHh,..d 'i n nP Holl•"f' S <1lllh l1• '8 '.l' On\? v. m. l v. n lo,,c:, • \1t::"\'\ GOU· lhe <>r.111gt' I •1.1.,1 l 1illt·gc llll'll' goll lt'd lTI opt'llt'd Or.111Kt' I mpirl' t cinft'r 1·111 l pl;i\ \\t·dnnd.I\ 111 J lour 11·.int 11\JIL h gorng I .! Tlw l'1rdll'' I .! I -Ill the. I H ( 'h111 Ill.! to ht'dl I \ rre.,.; H1<1 hut tdl w hr .. 1 place ,,1Jdlt-ht1t . .._ rn.t 1 and '"11111ago I .trl\11n \Hh '·mlld~o < an\ on' Ryan 11111111111~ -.hor -o on th• par· 72 I llllf\I ,I( \.1111,1 o\na I •lUntl') < li1h to ,111J1n medalt...i h11no~. JJ \.t• \llJllJ( h led ( 11<1'1 with I 111 t'\rn pdr 7 .! regr.,11·r111g 12 Pd" \\llh 1hrt•t h1rd11•, \\hrlt' 1,1.,rng .!'I pull' l>a,1d t..i>ndall :'I f...t'lh \\ 1d.. . ., t ;-lh an Pt•a,lee 184 Jnd Rrat.l < l1.11n· pmn H51 ftn"hl'd the 't nr111g: lor l 11a ... 1 Call (949) 642-5678 GET THE PO I NT? Daily Pilot Cla,,ifil·d ad' \\orh for .'•11 1'. I .. • I .. Dail Pdot ~,=~==~~=~~-~·~-~ ..... =~:-~·~·~·=r ~:-= Ltlllllllll • ....., ...... • .....,..._ • .,......_ =; Ea tal n..L.•a.-•-'--..a-~ B ..._.._ ..._..._ .....,., as n•• viromnea ~llNR; a.wormadon M--w-ru OU9e .......... ......... •• • ,...... Subjtct to condilio11s .... _ f-"-PfHCl'itled b1 the un· ~ 6, 2003 ,,,. -·~ per-'°"' The tottowNlc pe~:r.ons ,..._.._... •r•ICllH. ieai.d bids W!Mrut. tlHI O.ttrlct 8oerd dot• h•tth cles11t to codify Hid t f<!Ulrtmenh, Now. the1tlo1t, llM Burd dc>ts h•••h ORDAIN n follows: Of •C·l3" llcMH, tMI tlliO b• P'•QU•lll•td " reqvltt4 br lew A Contactq, ui 1na • '"" or c;l•n lhullon 110 1 1hown on th• Ctl'ef•I Prevt1lin1 W•c" Oeterm1n•tion' mty be required to P•Y Ille W•k• rat• of th•I craft or ''•ulflc•tlon "'°'' CloHIY 1tlated to It I\ •llown ln the Centr•I Oelern11n•tlon'J elfecllv• 11 the lime of th" ull for b~a are doiflC buMMU n : ire dolflt butllltH H ' Th• fOllowifll '*'°" l0t • ~unip sum Con· 11w Qty " COila Mesa ..... Caltraal an ll!tld .. Pua.Uc Commtall oa ...... RttOllfC• f'wlnen, l03 Sloe> , .... to ... AualMar1 hH •b•ndoMd th• UM t111<t .,. Invited for the ror tbe St.le Route 55/Newport Boule¥anl ·-~ D-1-9~~1 Wood, lrvlne, CA Netw°'.~1 1800 E 16th of Ill• f tetitloua Busl follow:.i.WCHk: --..-v • ·~ ~ St .. 1.,,,,10 • HewPOtt .. c 11 l .... v.--·c1 Ron 801d1novlch, 103 Buch, CA 9~ ""' ,...,,,.; • 1 orn • •-,.,..._ • S Custom WOfma, 536 E A~.:;{i COll<llll h1dy Wood, Irvine. CA Abdul Alh~•ll. 1800 (. Oyer Rd . Sent• Ana, CA y NOUWIO 92620 16th s t.. •H3to. N••· 92707 uwrs, 11 z. s a• Kelly Bl•chlOtd, 16855 port Buell, CA 92663 The Fictitious Buslnns PltOJlcT ll0.1 CB~y90vi.7w42• Sunut Beech, Ch••••• Holt. 1755 name ,.feued to above SMl2•tlll- Sec:tioll 1 Th1t 'ub ~e4Hon (j) 11 herebr .1dded to Cost• M•n S1n1t11y Dltlrlct Ope.-· Ilona Cod• Section I 05 OJO to rHd ,.. Sherlneton Pie:. IWJlJ, 1•1)C-TUCT This bus•MIS Is con-Newport ilt9'h. CA wu filed '" Or1n1• • • vw dueled by: 1 ae-al 92'63 County 1>11 l/15/01. rllf M0.1 Sl-111' "'Mine.•"'-s •-u-1t 1755 S .. _. NO. 20016851023 UNIVf.RSITY Of ,. H .... .,. uz.,. "" • ·-. Ch 1 r I es W • y n e CALIFORNIA. IRVIN( ave ~u 1tllfted doo111 1n1ton Pie . IWJ lJ , OuBotse. 2061 Philaropc tRVIHE. CALIFORNIA "(I) Bonds For any sewtr work lh•I will bl 1~upt1d n 11•11 ot Otltroc:t'• 'Y't'"'· • p<1tf0fm1nc;e bOnd .and • la.bot •r'ld m.tltrial$ bond •h•ll be 1equ11•d to be m11"l•lned on Oostrlct'\ 101ms H • .. oncklton ol pt• nnt ruuanc• • llHI Contracto1 \hoM comply with the PIO•• 11<>ns ol Section 1770 If> 1780. oodu••••. ol "" C111forn11 labot Cud!' th• pr1 .. 1hn1 "'e ~1111 scale of w1ae' e.l•b hthed by lhe Coty ul Costa Men. Whith All' on 111• with ll1e Ctly Clerk of th~ City "' Costa Mon, ~nd ,h,111 buslneuyet1No Newpoft Buc h, CA Court. Costa Mew, CA 92697 Ron 801d1novi<h 92663 92626 NOJICT fhll sl•l•rMnt WU This bUStntH IS COii· Beth Ann Du801.se. 2061 DIS<lWTION1. filed with lhe County ducted by an vn1ncor p Co c w I 1 .... b t Cler• of Oran-Countv 1 d 11 hal110Qe urt, ost1 0<k nc u.,..s, ut •~ no 0~1 /0 .-• por 1 e 11'0'1• o n Mes•. CA 92626 flmlted to the fottowrn* on ..,11 3" other than a partnersh11> This business 11 con Provide and install 200l6tUOIO Have you started doma I Section 2 Should •ny p•rl, rl•use 01 ~uctton of ttu' Or t1111ance be de(lartd by •ny Court of cornpeterll 1umdoct1on to be 1nvelld, lite 1ema1nrna j)tOVl\IOn\ Of thll Ordrn.-nte shall "ev11 theleu be and remi11n m lull force and 11llect and the Board ol 1J11ector~ ol the Cost• Mesa S.n1tllfy 01\trocl of Or a nae County. Ca tr I or ma flereby dedat ts that eath -.nd t¥1"r~ \eclron clao,e. provision 01 part ol this Ordin•no would h~•e b'en adopted and made • pat I nl ""' Ord111~111" without the adoption ul ~11y f "'t1on lherenl Alld Ill t 1114' Detly Pilot Feb'. 13, 20. buslneu yet? No ducted by; husband end npltalt • overlay 011 M wife dn12naled wafkwilyl. 27, ., . 6. ~ TH191 Abdul Alk•y•h C h •' t" s W a Y n e 's1dew•lll and service .......... .......... This s tatement was DuBoise road,. Provide and filed with the County Thts statement wu 1nst1ll concrete side ' Clerk of Or•nce County toled with the County w1lks as shown nn the on 01/24/0J Clerk of Oranoe County duw1n1. 200JH3"J4 • Darly Pilot Jan 30, Feb on 01/31/03 UllMATID 6. 13, 20, 2003 ThlJ.4 200J6tJ1Ut COMSllUCTIOfl Datly Pilot Feb 6, 13, COST1$120,000.00 The fc>llow1n1 persons .,, do•n1 business as M Bradley Bouc Stone, l<Ml W .18th St., Sit A 108, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 20, 27, 2003 Thl.t7 Mete: Pri.. II.Wen ....... _,_, .... -LCICATlllW Borte & Saluer, Inc (CA), 1041 W l8th St . Ste A IOIJ, Co~a Mesa, CA 92627 NOTICE OF petition will be on .-llflcetl-• '" the PE11T10N TO 03lt~ at I 30PM In (..,,,.,, Decu••"" ADMINISTER ~ L·73 located at -y _, It• ell1tWe for ESTATE OF: 3.t1 THE CITY DRIVE, e::ft~ll Documents will && .. ---Th11 busmess os con ducted by: a corporation Have you started do1oe busrneu yet? No WILLIAM 8. ORANGE, CA 92613 be avatlable to Brdders MORAIS Ail.A IF YOU OBJECT to the on THUISDAY, fEHU- WIJA T IS BEING PLANNED? WILUAM BEftNAAD granting of Ille petition, AU u , 2003 and will MORRIS )'Oii should appear at lhe be lnued "' faL1flhes The City of Costa Mesa. in coopmtioo with lht California Departmtol of Transponatioo (Cahrans), District 12, p<oposes Improving the traffic and pedestrian cooditioas oa Stale Routt SS/Ncwpon Boulevard. from I 7d! Slleet to 19th Street, by addi.ng lanes while retainillg existing oo-strect parking and c.-istiog sidewalks. The project will inc!Ude evaluating landscapt/aestbetic Uq>rovcmaus IDd upgndes to pede$1rian facitiucs in the project limits i11 compliance wilb die Americans wid! Disabilities Act. The alternatives include the additioo of a fowth oonbbound laoe through the entire projca limits. and the addition of• fourth southbound lane from 19th Street to a roiu11Yt.el 400' south of the intersectioo. Boric & Salazar. Inc. Jesus Salazar, President This statement was filed with the Count) Clerk of Ot1n1e County on 01/2.t/03 200HUOt40 CASE NO. A217546 Ehnring ~ ~le~ M~na2ement. University To aft heits, .,. "'" '""'""' of Ca1tfo1n1a, Irvine. 201 beneficlatlet. Ct9drt0nl. wilt! the OOUl1 lnletrrn Olfrce Butld1n11 contingent credttoB, and l'lea~ Your (ma11tn1 address). 19172 rn\laltdtly ''' •ny II"'' or prOVl)llHI htltuf ihlll not 1n Jny w•v •llUI the ••lrd1ty or flllor r~ mfnl nl the 1 rnu1nn111 prnv ... ul\~ of th•~ lhd• nante tht1t 111.ay itand on thelt own persona who may appearance may be In Jambo1 ee Boulevard othelWise be in4er1!Sled person or by your (Ph)"tcal address) Irv tn Ille will or estate. or al!Omey 1ne, CA 97697-5444. WHY THIS AD? Daily Pilot Jan 30. Feb 6, 13,20,2003 Thill *'-'" Ah' 'tllhetl ActltlM ........ boll\ of Wll..UAM B IF Y'OU ARE A t!M9) 824 1404 The City of Costa Mesa llld Caltnns are formally initialing environment.al studies for I.his prOJCCl. A public informatioo meeting/open house will be held to give you an opportunity to talk about the ·ecrs desi fc.1turcs with Cit and CaltranJ' staff YOUR INVOLVEMENT The purpose of this public information meeting/open house is 10 soltcu comments from public agencies. private entities. and interested individuals cooccnung al1cmati11cs to be studied or cnnal soet1l. economic. and cnviroomcnt.al i IS related 10 lht ro cct. WHEN ANO WJJEJlE The mecung will be held oo March 6. 2003 from 6~00 p m to 8 00 p m at Cost;& Mesa Ctty Hall Council Ownbcrs. n Fatr Dnvc, Costa Mesa, CA 92628 lodlYlduals who require special accommodation (Amcriao Sign Language interpreter, 1ccess1blc scaling, documcnuuon 10 alternate formats. etc.) arc requested to coouet David Sorge 11 {714) 754- 5183 11 lcasr 7 days pnor to the scheduled mecung date mo uscn may coot.act the Califomia Relay Service TDD line at 1-800-735-2929 or Voice Ltnc at I 800· 735-2922. or the City of Cosra Mesa a1 (714 754-5.244. lite lollowong person has abandoned the use ol lhe r oclolrous Bus• nen Name a) Tustrn Automotive Lrmo Ser v1u b) Tu\hn Auto motrv .. Center 1830 S Santa Fe •B Santa Ana. CA 9210':> MORRIS l4J(.A WILLIAM CREDITOR °' a Chee~~ for .i ,,_. BERNARD MORRIS conbngenl creditor ol lhe ref-ololtle fee will b" A PETITION FOR deceased, )'OU must Ille required on the amount PR08ATE has been your claim with the OOUl1 ol $25.00 per ~et of filed by CHARLES J and mail a copy lo Ille Brddrna Documents MORRIS In the Superior pen;onal reprEtSenlative Checks •rt to be m.ide Coull o1 Qillfomla, appointed by the court payable to "The Reaenh County of ORANGE within foor month$ from ol the unrvet \lty ot THE PETITION FOR the date of first issuance Catrforn1a • PR06ATE requests that of lette<s as proylded in Sut11d Bod~ will not be CHARLES J MORRIS Probate Code sectJon •~cepted alter 2:00 be apJIC)lnled as 9100 Thebmelorliling P .M. on fltlDAY, pef10nll representatJve dalms Wiii not expire MUCH 7, 200J to administe< the esta'9 before lour months from Bid Securrly 111 Ule of the decedenl the heaJlng date notlOlld amount o I t O'\. of th<' lHE PETITION~ abOYe lump Sum Ba!><! Brd authonty IO admimtef YOU MAY EXAMINE the u tlud1n11 alternates Ille estate under Ille hie ~ by tne court If ~hall accomp•ny u th lndepeudeut yoU are a person B•d Th, Surety rnurne Admmialrllbon ot Estates interested in the estate, th<' Brd Bond ihall be Act (Thts autnonty woU YoU may hie with ine c>n the Bid Otddlrne an allow ' lhe per10NI court a Request for adrmtted S<H<'IY rn~uter representalM! to take Soedal Notice (torm DE· (a~ d.,f,ned 111 lt>e many acoons without 15.t) of tne filing of an Ca1tto1111a Code ot C1v11 obla.nng coon approval Inventory and awaisaJ P r o c e d u r " s e, I 1 on Before taklng certain of estate assets or o1 any 99!> t 20 > CONTACT Please send your comments ID wnt:ing no later than MA RCll 20, 200.l to· Mr Davtd Sorge. Pto1ec1 Manager City of Cost.a Mesa PO Box 1200 Cost.a Mesa, CA 92628· I 200 ddsor @CJ.Costa·~ ca u~ <m.00.0.41 lhe r rclrloous Busm11s name referred to llbove WAS !tied on Oranee County on f 2/07 /00. FILE NO ?0006848716 Roy l<o~h. 3050 E Mudowerove Rd Or ane,e, CA 9Z867 • This business ts ~on ducted by an tnd1vrdual Roy Koch I his statemenl was lrlell wrth the County Cieri< of Orirnee Cuunty on 02/18/0J 2003693'721 Daily Pilot Feb ?O l7 Mar6. IJ.1003 lh;IOJ All ODIWKI Of Tll IOMD Of DIKTOIS Of T1I COSTA llS.A WITAIY DISTIKl WClllG GllASI COlfTIOl IKWTIOMS WHI RF AS, pursuant to Health 1nd Safety Code Sectron 652t lhr Co\11 Meu Sanitary Orst11cl ha~ the auttiorrty to no~ke drtd ~nfort4' retulatoons tor sanrldty purposes not m conlltct with stale law, ~nd WH£RLAS, the Costa Mesa San1ta1y Oostroct provides sewe• s"v1ce IQ the ent1"IY of the Crly of Co~la Mn~. as well u to part ot the Coty of Newport Beach and In part of lht unmcorporated nrea of lhe Counly. and WH(REAS. pursuant to Health and Saffty Code Seclron 6570. the Orstroct ha~ the a11tho11tv to compel pr up~• ty owner\ lo tonnecl to the 015111<:t's ~ewers and WHER£AS. the 01sl11cl 1n ~o act11111 I' oMcmn& th~ authorrty ol the \late and no eenerbl aovernment entoly may 1nt"lcre wtlh lhl" Drslrrtl s powe1 rn so dotn& (Home G~rdens So1n1tary Oo5trtCI v Crty ol Corona 116 Cal Rptr 2d 638 (2002)). and WHEREAS. the D1strrd mlly not reeutat~ rns1de ol bu1ld1nes and struc turn (Health and Salety Code Section 65?2 I> but m .. y otherwise do any e<ts necess.try or PfOper to complete llir u~rcr~ ol tb powe• (llealth and S1lety Code Seclonn 6522>. •nd WHERCAS sanolary d1~t11cts ar,.. aulhorned by Hedllh and Safety rode Section !>4739 1n provide lo• pretrulment ol types of non human wntew.111u •nd WHEREAS. an NPDES permrt has bl"en issued bv the Cahlo1111• Rell"'""' Wtll.'r Qu•lrly Control Boo1rd Santa Ana Re111on <RWQCB I lor the 01str1CI as co Pf'rmttlee by Order No R8 2002 0014 whrc.h esl.Jbloshed General Wa~te 01sthar&e Rtquoremenh requ111n1 the D1st11ct and other entotoes to monrtor and reduce sanol••Y ~ew~r uverllow~ 1sso·s1. and WHEREAS rt has been demonstrated that arose cloes '" ~ewer pipes are • mator uuse of :.ewer ~polls and the Oian&e Cnunly Cr and lury (2000 2001) has reported that the m.,n cauu of SSO\ was arease clogs from restaurAnl~ and hrah density apartments and has challenaed all 11overnment aeenco~s wrth sewer prpelmes to enact r eeulatoons to cnntrnf and/or prevent sewer d1:scho1rees "used by grease accumulatron. and WHfRCAS. the 01st11~1 ha\ lhu authorrly to terrn'"ale service to property fnr vr••l~lton of 01\lrtcl rule\ pur\uant fn Health and Safety Code Sedoon 65?3 ? and WH[RfAS. the 01st11ct hn the aulhorrly tu corrut v1olalt0M nl rh nrdmance and to add the •Ost ol currectonn lo any sew~• charge payable by tt>e person v1olalrnl( th" ordinance or tht uwnl"r •rr tenant ul th!! p•o~rly on whrc.h lhll v1nlatoon ouurred and Viall have remedies l<>r lhl" collect1on of wth ~u\h •• 11 hal lor tht collectton of ~ewer urvrtr rh~ran pursuant lo the 8ulho11ly of Hulth •nd Silfety Code Section 6523 3 and WHER£AS. a v10lahon fll ii D1>l11c1 ordrn•nle •s a misdemeanor pul\uant ID Health and Safely Code 5edron 6!o2J. ~nd WHEREAS the D1slrrll Board ol D11ectors doe• therelore desrrt to •riact erea\e <.urotrnl mu•u•n lo prottrt lhe hulth and ••fety arid IC) provodf: 101 enlorc.,menl mHhanos= <ind ll"medre• related lhtrelo NOW THERHORf lh~ Board of Dtrellnl\ doe• hereby Ordain as follow~ s.,, hon I Thal Chapter 7 09 r~ heri:by addPd to the Colliil Me\a Sanitary D1•l11ll Op"''"""' l,odt to tud n follows •ci.c.ter 7.09 Gr-•• c-trel s .. c loon 7 09 010 Purpt>u lhe purpo\,. nl these re11ulat1ons rs to e•l'•~ru th~ Dr•t11ct' authorrty to p1otec1 the µubhc '1talth and safety by prevent1ne stwcr spill• lhe Board hn determrned th1t lhe1e rs substantial ev1denc" that area~e •nd "mrlar produch accumulate 1n the \ewu lrnes causing back up\ lht Or.tnge County Grand Jury hu made frndrne• that thoe u:•er spills largely lan be prevented of lotal a2enc1es with aull1n11ty adopt ellect1ve gree1se regulation• lhese buk ups tan sprll onto the street~ or other surht<.t'\ or esc<1pe into other tond111h lh~t can cause health rrsks A very s111nrf1canl hf'alth rmpAct that hn been well documented ts the pollulron of the Pac•li' Ocean Due to the Dostrrct's close prollmoty to lhl' PA<.tlH Otea11 and the well documented pnllul1on of the Nrwpotl Buch And lluntrngton Beach ~oasthnri., a11d the tact that the 01strtct ha~ been mandated by the S3nta An• Re111on W•ler Qualrty Control Board (SARWQCB> to turnply with tht Nahonal Pollutant Ooschar&e flrm1nal1on Sy,tem (NPDESJ reeulat1011s du1&ned to prnli1b1t sewer spills. lhn,. reaul11tons ~re necesury tor the Orstr1ct to ptrlo1m 11\ duty to p"vent sewer 1prll\ ( .iu,ed by e•t'd'e and s1m1lar substances Section 7 09 020 Delrn11tons f or putj)u~e\ Ill thr~ Chapt .. r nnfy ·erea\t-\hall mean and rnclude any wnte contarnrn1 eicess1ve QUllnlottt• 01 1 uncenlralruns of d1spe1\ed bt0de1r•d~blt ool>. f..ih •nd e•~•~n. such llS lard tallow ur veaetable url S.-<toon 7 09 030 Ca) New Con•h UClrnn lnle•t eptors Rl"Qu11ed lht 01'1r1tl d11es nnt have 1urisd1ctt<Jn w1lh1n stru1 lures but doe\ ueutat' sewer tonnect1<>ns and sewer conslru<loun lht Bn.ird ha\ dtll"rrt11nt'd that all n1iw comme1c.1al construction \h•ll have •Pl>•OPftale ereau 1edu1..1n2 dev1'e' rnctud1nii vw~r 11rle«eptn" 1111fe\'. thr develop" demonstrates lo District f n21nee<'s saloslact•un that such dl"Vl(t\ are not nece .. ~1y lbl E1empt1ons A dtvl!loptr may b" granted an e•tm11t"'n by O"'"''' I na•nef'r lrQm lhe mterceptnr 1rq1111emenl on on .. or more nl the lollowrne bas" •A) T1aps or other devrtt's are berne 1n\lallec1 that writ be elltct1ve and mAkes a sewer rnterceptor unnetesury lB) The developer '"" demonstratP that the p101>trly " 111ned or tiPtOE lonstructed so that rt c•nnot IJe uvel 1n lhe l11l111e as a development (such as a resllluranl) that rs l1kety 111produce1trU~e •oJ other ctourng subslantn . <C) Other methods of grea~ tontrul wrll h~ utrlrzed d11LI enlor<PAblP nsurance\ ha\le been prnvrded to protecl the public ht'alth. safely and welfare (0) Othfl factor\ make a11 eumpt1on con\ls lent with Ifie puhlr< mle•e•I and not •dverse lo the publr~ hnllh. saltly A•ltl welfare, pruvrded lhat the District r 111ttnee1 mdkes \Ill h ~ tecommtndaloon lo the Board based on reh1ble evidence dP\Crtbed tn a 'tall repnrl and lhe Board C'"'"'' wch an ~••mt:itonn after makmi: the lrndmiis that lht fa r.ls eal\I fur such •n eumploon as dncrrbed rn this \Ubstcl1on Section 7 09 041 Prohobrloon Cv"y nwner. tena11t and petson\ u\ln& properly \>hall ha•t a duty not to cau\e, permit or allow the accumulation of areHe 1n the D1strr~1' 'ewe• lrne so that \ewa2e sprlls may 11<.1 ur Such person~ shall use reasonable melht>ds to reduce crea~e atcumulatl()n 1n the Or~lrlll s \l'wer lrnes rnctud1n11 but not hm1ted to reduun2 or ehm1n11tng the &•ease that os depoi1tod rn th• sewer and utrh1rn1 entymes and S1m1lar PfOduch that prevent 11ease burld up No person shall dtscharee 1rease min lhe sewtr system so u to <.ause .tn accumulation rn the O•slrocrs lrnes so •s to substantially contribute In the pon1b1lrty of• sewaee overflow Section 7 09 050 Abatement Provided 01sl11<.I can prove that • person frrm or corporatt0n uu\ed &•U\e build up ~o th•t a Doslroct hne or appur lenanc11 ts damaged or so thal a sewer overflow occurs, Distrrct may charee the responsible person for that damaae and tor the abatement costs thereof 01\t11ct \hall l11st provide the Ollen"bly responsible person with a copy of the evidence that lorn" the basts of the proof •Rd 11 copy of the D1st11ct En11neei's tentalrve conclustons about the cause of the arene and a copy ol lhrs Chapteo Said r"ponsible person s hall have an 1ppropro•te amount of trme lo rt~pond lo said charaes rn a hearine 1n whrch appropriate due proce" will be provided Generally, at least ten d&ys notice of the hearma shall be a1ven II pnss1bte. the 1e1pons1ble person shall be arven nnlrce al the time ol the sewer overflow 01 damaiie ti the perso" is believed to be th~ cause al th81 time The responsible person 'hall also be p1ov1ded w Ill a copy ol the char1es incurred lo dall" belnre the h11fron111f tllose 11e available Section 7 09 060 Retrol1tl1n11 In cues rn which a property rs a sourt.t of sewer spill$ on more than one occasion such 111•1 re<.urrence 1s hkely. Of In caus on which there os an 1mm1nent d•n&er of future sewer se>•ll~. the Board may order that a Pfoe>erty install a sewer onlerctptor or other &P9fop11att device to protect the Distroct's system Said ordtr shall not be made unle's the PfOperly owner and other •PP<Oprrate persons have been 11ven nottee ol the proposed ec:tron •nd an opp0ttuntty lo address the Board of Doreclors 1e1ardtn& the PfOpostd action Any order to rehof1t shall contain a flnd1n1 that the .tt hon was nects»ry to prolect the pubhc health. ulety and wetf1re. whtth are threetened by luture S41•11f sPtlls that are otherwise lthly. Section 7 09 070 Termination ol Service The Dostnct shall tlso hoe lhe rraht. 111 add1tton lo any othe1 rrahts that 11 may have. to terminate the PfOoed y lrom Oistrrcl's service Before 'uch let mir1ahon shall nt.i:ur, D1St11ct ~hell llfOVKle the due p1octtss requottd by Health and Salely Code Section 6523 2 Seclton 7 09.080 Vlot•llons Any persnn v1<>lal1nc •ny provl'Jtons of this Chapter. 1ncludon1 la1ll11a lo l•ke corrective action after be1n1 p1uv1ded wtlh a hur1n1 thereon, shall be 2uilly of a misdemeanor and punished H provided in Sectmn l.02.0\0 of thos Code: Section 2 Should any pa1t. cl1use or section of this Ordrnence be tletfared by ariy Court of competent fUrtsdlction tn be rnvalid. the rem1in1ng provisions ol lhls 01dlnence shall nevertheless be and rtmaln tn lull fo1ce and 11llecl and the Bo1rd of Dtrectnn of the Costa Mesa S1nit11ry Dl'Jlrtet ol Oran2e County, Cahlornr~. hereby declares that each •nd every section. clause. f>'OVts.ton or part of lh1s Ordinance would have been adopted and made a part of !hos Ordinance without the adoPhon ol any portlnn thereof ind that the 11w1ltdlty ot any part or provision hereof sll•ll not tn any w1y 1fltcl the valtdlty or enforcement of Ille rem11nln1 provls1<>ns of fhts Ordinance th1t m1y st111d on their own Section 3 Punu1nt to Health •nd Safety Code Secltons 6490 and 6491 J. the Cl,rk shall ctuse this ordinance Of a summfty thereof lo be pubhshed tn • newsp1per of iene• 11 clrculatoon printed and pubhshed rn the Olstr k l 1ccord1n1 to law and ot sh•ll tab effect U90n the t1ptrel1<>n of one wffk alter publication PAHfl -4 AOOf'TlD *-1 Jtt. 4trf ef f._., 20H. /S/ ,_. M. f•~· Sec.re-, {SI Alt.-ScW•. Preet4.M TATl Of CALWOttlU) COUWTY OI OUIMI} SS CITY Of COSTA MISA) I. JOAN REVAK. Clerll of the Costa Mesi S1nrt~ry D~luc:t. hereby cfrttfy that the •bov• •nd h1111um11 Ordrntnc• No 41, Wat duly 11111 r•eullfly posed 1nd 1dopted by llld Board ol D111ctor\ •I • 1e11ttl•r meettn1 thereof, held on the IJth di)' of febfuary, 2003, by the lollowln& vote· AYIS. Alt.-~ .... W ..... 14e, II"' feny-. Art Perry, Dea W•tM.ttt ... .,.,, . .. ,. .. ,, ..,, •. lfll WITNCSS WHCl'tcor I 11.ve he11111nto set my h•ttd "nd ,111•'4 lh11 sH I ol th« Costa Mcu S•nltary Otstroct. th11 13th day of r•.-12003 {S/ ..._ 1-*, Oerti ef ftle C-.. MeM S....., Ohtrlct A t.I ~ of ,.._ Ol*•tlOM Codt " enrlable for rolew et IM Dt~lrlct Clerli'1o olftee, 71 ''" Dtlve, 4Ul floot, Cost• ~-· ' ~l•Me<l•011t Pilotr~bfuer 10 2003 1111 very impOrtant actJOnS, b""" ~-A mandalu1y f're Bid tiowever, the """~ pe """ °' ............,'" as C:c>nlerent~ drtc1 Pre Bid ,..... proYICleCI 1n PrObate rep<esenlatlYe will be Code Sedior1 l 250. A Job W•lk wrll be ~un required lo give notice IO ~I for Speaal due I ed on fltlD.O , lnteresled persons No6oe torm IS avlllable FlHUUY 21 , 2003 unless triey hiMt waNed trom the court der1l bl"&rnnrnc l)fnmplly "' notice or oonsenled to "='°' Pe!ttioner 9t00 A.M. P11tot•P•nl• the proposed acbon) \hall mel"I al The ,,..-.....ldetll WARN R. OLNE vt:RANO Pt Arr llOUS ............ MAGEE admnsttabOn authority 144 N GLENDALE AVE ING OHICL Unrve,.,rty will be grafl1ed unless an ot Catrlo1 n•• 11 vine interested penon files '228 6Sl'9 Ado bl" Cu o I~ Road an obfeC11on to lhe GLENDALE. CA 9l206-Soulh. 03ke ?nd Mob• petition and allOWS good 4903 Cutlt Ro•d South eo cause wt1y the ooun ~· 02/l4/03, trance, park "' lot • )l SllOUld not !>'ant the CNS-4112211 on •<HllPll\ map) Irvin~. authooty NEWPORT 8EAC...COSTA Calrlotnra 9269/ S444 A HEARING on the MESA DAILY ,._OT A TTINDANCI AT THI '"'----'-"::;..;;~=--=-;.;._..;;.;.:::-.;;.;..;;;;;.;._;;....;;..;;._.....;;;...:.._ __ Pltl-llD CONFHINCI NOTICE OF TRlJS. TEE'S SA.LE T~ S... No. ll05l72 Loen No. OOUOIOe02 TIU. Order No. 2653314 YOU ARE IN 0£fAUl. T UN- DER A 0£ED OF TRUST DATED 02/2W2002. UNL£SS YOU TAKE ACTIOH TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, rT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PAOCEEDIHGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 02J2tl2003 9t 02:00 PM, CALIFORNIA RECON- VEYANCE COMP"'4Y .. the tMy ~ted Trustee Under and pursu.ne to Deed of trust Recordl<t 02.l2&'2002, Book , Pege • ln9trumenl 20020174138 of onlclaf records In the Office of the RKon»r of OA· ANGE Cowlty, C.if0t· nit, euctMd by: HONG S. PARK, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AHO SEPERATE PROPERTY,• TIW\Of, WASHINGTOH MU· TUAL BANK, FA, A FEDERAL ASSOCIA· TION, u Benefklwy, will M4I at publlc euc· lion •• to the highest bidder IOf cul\, c•h- ler'a checli drewn by• atete 0< national benll. a cultter'a check dr-n by a It.lie O< teder81 Ct'9dlt union, Of • caahler'a check drawn by I &ta4e Of ledef.i NVlngl and loen MIOCieOon, NY· Inga MeOCldon, Of ..mg. lier* apeclfled In MCtlon 5102 of the Anenclal Codi and euthorillld 10' do ~ nna In tflla stn. Sele "'" be held by the duly appolmed 1tu1• .. shOwn beloW of afl right, 00., ;;, lmerfft conve,..cS llO end now held by the truetM In the hef'elNner .. acrttled propeJty ur*' and pwsuent llO the Deed of TruaL The N6e """' be l'Mdt, ..,. with-°"' ~ Olf ..,. rwity, ......... Of lmpled, reg91 ding ttlle, poNeMk)n. O< W4Mt- tnncft, llO P9Y .. ,_..,... princlpel IUlll of .. note(•) llC"'9d by .. o.d ot ,,,.., ,.,..,.. llllNon, .......... ..... ~r=.:-C-: )Otlf llftOUnt (II .. ""'-ofttielrlllllllMM-- cMloft tll the Nodcie of .. ) fUl INllllfr elti- fftlllld to bl ... '°"" bllow. The ....... meybe.,..., °" .. .Ol .... Pllceof a.le: THE NOAnf FRONT ENTRANCI TO THE COUNTY COURT- HOUSE 700 aVIC CEHTEA DAM! WEIT IAHTA ANA, CA laOllf D11011'4foo: 1»191f A AU.*>.~'M­cn A: Lot 11 w ... ,..._OIL.oe ....... oil ........ ~ ="7°"~ -11c1s1 • • ....... .., .. ....... ,_ .. .... ,a.~ .. •1 111111 • -. ... .. Clll8 ..... ---., AND Pltl-llD JOI WALK IS MANDATORY Foti AU PRIME CC*- TlACTOltS. THI MlU- ING WIU ClOSI AT t:OS A.M. ANY CONUACTOllS Alt.ltlVING AnEa THIS TIMI Will NOl ll IUGllU TO PAllTICl- P AH IN THI llD PltOClSS AS A PlllMl CONTltACTOlt. Only boda~'' Nhol par ltl IP•lt in bo>th th~ Prl" Brd (.1'"fe1tn1t and lh@ >ob Walk rn tht'u enl11l"ly will b" allow .. d If> bid on th .. Pro1e<I a' pomr C onh~ttOf~ r t"lf fotlht'' •nhHm.ition cont•< I UCI Con Ir di '' Dl"P.t•lm,.nt w1thur I~ trhl11"\ MdnAll""" nt Brenda R llnrktnhull "' (9.t91 g74 '4().4 lhl" \U<ct\\IUI Boddct and th Sub< onlr •• '"" will bt required In follow tht nond1\t t 1muut 1un t•Quortmenl\ ~~I '1nrth rn lh• 81ddin1t Ono u ment\ anti '" P•v prevarhn2 wae• .... ~, al lhl" loutron nf the Work I he sucro\lul !lrddet wrll b• re11u11"d In h~n tht' lollnwtn.i Sl~le ot C•lrlurno• r.11ntr a1 tor ' hcl'n\Al < urrtnl at the hff1P o f ~ubm1,'\tnn nf 111' Horl UClNSf ClASSlllCATION: UCINSI CODI: General lne,111e~rrng Cnntr Ac. tor A Ctn er al B111lding Contradu1 B C:or1u ete t.t•ntr1ctor CM l•rlhwur~ and Pav1n1 Contractor C 12 Other Preject Spe<ifl<•: 1i.u.. Q_,.ffcrrtl-• cellecl t .. te lte 1'4- •lttecl •1 t""8 el ltlcl l...-ho4e • ...,, ore _, .... e .. •rlly 11 .. ,, • ., ,., I lhe Contractor shall han hfl~n in b1niness under the same name and C~lrfQrn11 Contrac tor ·~ l t•ensl! lor ' mrnomum ol 5 cont1n11 ou~ yurs p11or lo the bid open1ne d.tte for this Proiect The h.en>e used lo lallsly thrs requ11e m•nl \hlll b" 111 the same type r equ11 ed by the cont,.ct 'l Ille ContraclCH sh•ll provrde a minimum of 3 references for pioiects s111\tl11 m scope and stte to lhts Pfoiect which have bacn successfully completed durona the past 3 years IHE REGENTS Of THE UNIV[RSITY or CALl- fORNIA Feb111a1y 2003 Publls hed N•wpor I Buell Coste Me11 01rly Pilot Ftbfuery I 3. 20. :>OOJ lh163 G•IUllCI llO. 42 AH•IUllCIOf• .. Of .. Of • COSTAllSA •MY mm••11 COl1IM1alS lO POSf ........ ••1m11S-Wllert11. U pMt of D1ttrlct'a I* rn.t procius, 011trlct hn required conlt•clo" 11•torrn1n1 !l'lnte wor", lftckld1111 lllt bulldlfl1 of se- liMI alld 9PtM1tt~ 111•1 Ontrlct wWf let• ICUl>I to pOSt l*fOr· Mtl\Ce .,.Cl labor Md _,., ... ., """ for t1" .._ portloe of tlle jOll; •llcl ftsi •• ., e a a ·a· On a a • a r a 2 m nm 0 a ··=·····-······-···=·------ St't 111111 I P11r\11•nl In Huitt; Md S~l•ty fode SetllOll\ 6490 «nd 6.t91 3 lhP Cte•-'''all t&use lhts ord1n~nt~ 01 a sumrnar y llreo eof lo be publ11olttd 111 a newspaper nl a~"·r al ClrCulalrOn po IRICd dlld publr•hed Ill lh• o"'' It I ace or ding t" l•w .,,nd •I \hdll lake •llMI upon lht e1 p1utonn nf onl' week •ll•r publt<allon PASSED oftcl ADO,HD thl1 1 l th doy el Jet.· rUOTy 2003. /S/ Jomes M. Ferry-.,._, Secretwy /S/ Arlene S<hofer, Preolcle .. t SlAH Of CAUFOltNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE) SS CITY OF COSTA MESA) I lllAN l(l VAi\ Cl~r ~ n l thr C11't" M.-• S•urt M v (lr\t111 I ""' eby •tr lily thal Utr •b•>v• o.tltd fl')f f'~Ulfll 0HhnAnr t N11 4? "•\ duly "nd r ,._.ut4rl1 P·"' .. tt -•nfl ad<)IJlrd by ••d a .... d ut 011•• lo,. • .-t .t , .. r\1fi0 noetl11•a thd~ul held 011 the t lth d.•v 1111 •h11Mry 700 ~ by lh~ 1 .. 11 .. w1n1t vo lt A YIS1 Arlene Sthofer, Greg W .. clslcle, Jim ferry,,,_, Art Perry, D-Worthln9ton NOES: AISINT: AISTAIN: IN Wll Nf ..... Wiii kl or I h~vr hrrf"untu '"' m't h•nd Jlld All1t•d lh• 'l"AI n f lht-f u\t it Mc'A Sa mt., 1 01-.111<1 1111\ t Ith nl day "' f •ltt1•M y ?OOJ • /S/ J .... a.vol!, Cleril of the Cute Me•• s ... ltory Dl•ttlct A lull •••PY ul lht' Opfl ol111n\ Cod• " dW!itlah14f tor t~\tfft~ .. t the""''"' <l•rk \ ulln r 11 f •11 (Inv• 4th f luur I~• It M"''" CAl1foruia Pu bit ltr d Newpt11 I Be.tth I "'''' M•\• 0 11ly Poltd I •b1u~r1 )0 JOOJ tht~ OTYOf COSTAIW OW6f COUWTY, CAlfOlllA MOOO IMTllG IDS NOllCI IS ttfHtR'f l.IVf N !hdl ~olrd '"II PO"fit1' tot furr11,h1n.: 4111 lt•IUU ntflN lllf\ t'IJUIJ) ntf"'nt trill'\J>t.>tfothun 49nc1 \UC h otht1r fAt 1ftt1t'· A\ mny be r.c1u11rl1 lnr THI CONSTltUCTIC* Of Sill IMPltOVIMlNTS AT THE HAMM.JON STltlll COMMUNITY GUDIN, S23 HAMIUON STltfll CITY PltOJICT NO. 03 O.t, wolf hr ,,., l"••~d hy lhr t 1tv nf ro\I• MP-.~ ~• 11r~ (llh;r ul "'" rrty I lert. l 1 I"" Urt•t (n''" Mc-\• l Jlrlr1• riro ' unt ,, lhr hn11r vi 10:00 o.m.. Mon 4oy, Moult 10, 2003, 41 whtch trme lhty will he n1Jeried publr•ly dlld rHd aloud rn lht! tounl ll r.h•mbt'" ~uled plU po\ah \h•ll hear lhf' t1lle 111 lh~ work and namr •rt lh~ brdder but nu nth" d•\trnRu"h"'C mat ks Ally hrd "~"•Vf'd •"" the H htduled clO\IOR l1ptr '"' the receipt ol btd\ Sh•ll be ret urned lo brddet unopenelf II sh•ll be th~ sole re\pon\lh1tr1 y of the bidder to se, that ho~ btd 1~ received 111 proper lrme A i.et ol Bid Oocu menh may bt obti11ned 11 the 0111<.e 111 the City ! 111mee1 77 f a11 Dron, Costa Meu C•hforn11 upon ., • .,,ef11.,cleltle ~· •• $20.00 .... ....... .__. < ....... $5.00 must be onclu~d 1f handled by marl Bod Oocumenh end other contrt1et documents M•y also be eumrned 11 the Offtee Ill the Ctty Clttli of the Crty nf Costa Meu Bt(I Oocumenh wlll not be m•lhtd untns the 1ddlllontl SS 00 ch.tr I• " tntluded with p•yment f •< h bid lllall be n1ade on the ProPOsal fOfm Mleeh P I throu111 P 9a provided on 1~ c1>11trect document\. •nd •hall IHI •ccomp1nl~d by 1 cet lifted nr CHhter'\ Chee" Or • bid bond fOf not leu th11t 10'1. of the •mount ol 1h•H bid, m111cle ptyabl• to Ille City ot Coit• Mo e No propoul ihall be con ,lck!r ed unlftu •cc:om p1nled by such ctihler'a ch•c". cuh, 0r bld611f'1 bond ,..., btd MlaU be COii Mdet e.d U111fts It Is "'"9 Oii • llflllll P' otioul fOflll ti# llitf!M llF tti. C.ity of Cott• ..._. eltd Is ...... !ft ICCCNAllU wial tlN pro.ltoof\ of t1" ,.~,..,._, . Uc.II W.. ""'11 "- • Cttu 'J" t!c111H tfdL lorlett pen11t10 "'" 'L' 1bed th er eon 101 11'inc omphan~~ ot '""' Code The City Counul ol th• City ol Co1t. M", re">Airves the ueht to re,ect any and/OI '" bHh JUUl FOlCIK, DefM'ty City Clerk City ef CMt• M81o Dated February 10 2003 f'ubl1shed New11111 t Beat.h Costa Mes' Oa111 Pilot f ebru~rv 70 71 700~ llll'.:11 "-sly .... SUMOIS OI CIOSS.. COMAlfl (OTAOOI MIOAl) NOflC[ TU CHO~' DI fC NOAN r (Avr•,11 , ArU,<OdO) HaHI M Hennessy by Ma• k I Henneu y. At1111nt y 11 Fact pursuant tu llur.1 ble Power of ll!t11111rv !lated r ebruary 'l"i 71'~11 Anthony Jam" B•I• C•tilornoa Co•\'•' Honon Shnha• Wrf\1H• Ceor&• Bet•I lhet> .. , Clar~ and ROL S I 7f lndU\IV .. YOU ARC 8l tNG Sllf It BV CROSS COMl'I AIN ANI I A Ud 1., e\la d•ntal 11 t1ndn) Rnn•ld W11f1.1111 AnlhOny You have 30 CAI IN OAR DAYS •Her 1111• \ommnn~ '' \t!I v~d •H• you to 111 .. a typtwlltl•n f~'.pOOSt!' •t tht~ tmnt A l~ller 01 phunt'. , rll Woll llOt pr Oii'• t v1111 y1111r typ•w11ll•n •• \Oun'" mu\t tu 111 pro11n l~&t!I fnr m rt ,,,, wttnl tht' 4..0ur I lu fo •' •nu1 t ,, .. It yuu du nul f1lf" 'f"°' rf'<.pnn'f" ''" t1m~ 11111 O••V lc.n.• thP t ..t\t' rn1t yo111 WAit'\ mnnt f '' ~ pruµerly fl••Y br ldk,.r without furthrr Wotnin, Imm the tow I lhH• 11re otht• 1 .. ~.,1 'rytHt,.mf'nt~ You m.t f Wflttf ht f dll .Jn ll!tft•1tfl,. • 11~hl away II yuu ol11 ""' know '" t11ttornty, .,,, .. llUy tjll "II MllOrrll f tt f~rr Al \ti VI( r tH 1 .. 11•1 ~·d ullo" ''"'"'' '" the phon" bnr•k t Ol"""ul"• de 1u• entrf'gUf'n t'\I• rttd' 1 JUdH .. htf U\lttd lMtnt" uo plarn de lO OIA~ (Al l NOARll)S 11•r• """" 11U UUA t!''l>U~\IA ,. tr 1t41 A m•qum• .-n ,.,, ,. c °''" Ur-4 ".ut .. 11 u11 1 ll~m"d" 1,-,1~fmrn .. nn h nfrC"f t'r,t pr11tf'1(111n \u f t \"Uf'f\f 41 .-• 1f11.t ,, m1qu111• II• rtr l'tU• 'umolu '-un '•" tnrmof 1tJ,dt'\ f~lJf,.\ tµt HIJI •t d .. , '' tl'\.fff(t fl'"" ... 110' f.+ l nrtf' .,,, u1 ht' \U c. '"' \1 o•.l,.d hu pr ,. •. ,.,.t t \U t r \.l)U!'\l .t .it h"nlli lll.lf'dot ,,, .. f dtf ,., ..... , , Ir t.1t1rd .. n ou•l.ff ''''" Wl \O d1n~tu y at," '"~"'d" '"pr oprtd3d \10 •Vt\U Adil HmAI JUH l'AI It d .. 1 .. ' n••• l ~~\ten olfo' '""'" .1 lea lr.11o1i..s f'ued~ 1111• 11\trd q111era ll•m•r " uro Abu~"du onm~d••I• mttntt S• no lOno& r • 1111 •b"it•do pu•d• lf,un,,r •l un \f'r vtc. •<> df" r tier err< 111 d4' 'b<litd••\ n .t Un• of1l1n.-dt-•yutJA le&AI I •l'• el d•rt< '"' 'n ll'ltf<in1<0 I CASI NUMHlt: {it-ere 4el <•••) 02 CC D7.tl0 I ht n•me •nd •dd1 "" ul lhl' tt1ur l I\ 11! nnmbr,. y dtt"'' Hut ch •• "" te r'1 Otan&f' f'ountv Suva""' Cou1 I Ce nit Al lu\ttt ,. Oo,lrtcl. 100 t:1v11 r.11nl•r l>llVl' We•I ~.nt a An.i f A 97701 I h~ nam~ add•~\\ •nd telephone numb~• nl pl•111trlt s 1lt0tnty ~r 11t,rrit11f without All altornry •s ((I nomb•• la d11ecc1on y el numeo u di" tefelono det aboaedo dl'I dem•ndMte o del demand;rnte qu" nn trene •boaado. es> Trmotlly J Crbbs lht Grbbs l•w form. B•r Nu 137867. J 10 Cul Ave111da Pahuda. Surlt 201 Sari Clemente CA (!M9) 492 3350 DATl: {feet..) NOV 1 S 2002 ALAN SLA na. """' ,..,_ .. ), ~y UNOA S. CUNl, Depwty(De&.p4e) Publis hed Newport 8t1Ch·Cost• Mn• 011ty Pilot febfuuy 6, 13, 20 27 2003 Thl!il fkllM ..... ... s....... The foflowin& person\ ••e do1111 bu$lneu •• Pqasus Studtos, 3075 S Harbor. S1111t• An•. CAm().4 ttolly wood Mu"< . Inc (CA). 6~2'2 l C•m1110 V111a. An•h111n. C~ 92906 Su~masson Indus lriH, Inc . (CA). 9422 H.,court C..cte. thin t1nato11 6•ac:h, CA 92646 American lnt.,natlonal Aeroa.peu. Inc.. (CA)< 2031 C. Via 6u1ton If, An1hetrn. CA 92806 Thli buslllt"a la con· duct•d by: a I'""'' Piii llltfslllp H.tv1 you stllf11d dC)lftt bvikless y•t1 Ho HollYW0041 Mii~. fne , Stevt llftotone, f>resl dent 11111 st•••-• wat ~ llittl • C..ty Cl!Mt. °' Ot ..... Co.tr o..01/MJ ......... Daly ~ hb. ~ !!J MIW.l ,U,2003 '~ • . . • Daily Pilot l.1111 ..... -~ ..... ............ -Liiii .... --CMIOf --. cmYOf- MI •CJlrlr .. P.O.la 14171,0..,.,CA. ..U.IS71 ........ c... ..... ·-lllUI NII OMlll Of_ _.TO SIOW CAll5l fOI CllAl&fOfllAll Wl ... A2171U TO AU INlfRC SHO PERSONS I PeUhoner NA lllAN11l OUTLER hied a 11et1tmn with this COUI' for ~ decree t.ha11am11 n~lllc\ as follows NAIHANll I GREGORY DICKMAN, (A~; ON OIRIH C•RllHCAH I HAV[ f.l WAVS CONl BY NA rHANll l Bl 111 f k WANf TO CARRY Rf Al BlOOO NAMI t u NATHANlll VO N Ill lfLC R ? fHl COURI ORO!R\ th•t 111 per \Oils 1n1~1 e~ted rn th•~ matt'' \h~ll 1ppe~r befo., '"" < ""' t at the he•1tn11r 111d11 Jt~<l below to show l 3U\~ 11 .iny, why the ~hho11 1or th•nae ot 11•m{$ '\h1111ld not be &r .inted Son Vt0lln Shop, Inc M .. e We1uhu1. Pres. IMnt lhl\ ''•l•ment wu hkd wrlh the Co""'Y Cle1ll of Onnee County 00 01/Jl/OJ 2003'U1176 Diily Ptlot Feb 6 13 20.27.2003 fhl40 ........ ... s...... The lollow1n1 pe1,ons dff dornte b1n111es\ u Am•11<• l•b•nt•• Ch•mbe1 111 Commer"'· Nnt lh Amr111 a 1400 S•n Mrgud Or . rr,.urtil dlll M•r l:A 9tf/l'> l •b•""'" 1 r •de incl lntorn1~t111n IJ111Cr (C/\1 1400 S•ff M1auel Ur Co11111~ dr'I Mdr GI\ 9267'• f hi\ bU\-l(U:\' I\ LOU <1u1 ltd by • rn1p<11,1tion ltdvr you \l~rl•d d"'"K bu\111"\\ y•I 1 y,., 17 I'> 01 l t11hitOt11! (,JO., dOd Int •H 111 .-I "' n O I t H t' MI( " ..... I .. f H d ,, ( htttflOdO fh" ''"t.-r11en1 lfd~ 111 .. t.t "''h lht 'ti1Jt1ly ( 1~1 liii uf IJr .. mr• f 1•untv ""oz 07 "j 2003'932110 Cl.uly f'otut f Pl I I /0 U Mdl b /(J()I 1111/? NOflCC or Iii ARIN!, D.ite 4 I OJ lrm~ l l'M Dept LI j lfu f 111 h¥1h~' '-' .. '~''""• The •ddte'\\ of 1ht tnutl dtt-•Jwn~1 t11J" 111·\\ ~\ 1~ "me a\ r1ot~d •bttv• tt1~t1 (J.-•.rr I t .H nt ,/ 11'-tH J A COc>Y of th" Otdt"1 l tt11I t M "•" ''''' f'llf' The 81 yc e Garrett C<Hpo<allOtl (CA), 3943 l<v1n. Blvd •150, Irvine. CA 92(lQ2 2400 This -llinineu Is con dueled b1 a eotl)OfalM>n Have you lt11 led dolnc business yet? No lha B1 yc1 Gett ell Co<pouhon, B11an T Peec!er&htst. PresldenV cco Thtl lhlemllnl WH ttted with the County Cieri. of Oranae Counly on 02/04/0l 200369323'9 D~rly Pilot I eb l 3, 20, 27 Mat 6, 2003 lHl61 the fallowrn11 pe1 ~Olli dt" domg bu\tne'~ .. s a) Mth~'\ C•rpel\, 1998 H•• bor Bl•d , Co\ la M~\6, CA 9?67 / Virginia lnte1101\, Inc 1c .. 1i1 1 1998 H•rbm Bt•d Lu'o.t• Me'a CA <f/6// t tu~ bu~lfi ... \\ 1~ ton Cluo l~d by a lUIPOldffl>ll Ii••• you \larltd dOtnK bu'\111~\"l yfl'P Ve\ Jcttl II l'J'i9 V11&1111a lntt'rlOf \, lnl l md• 0111 5eu et a• y '"" \t.Jterne11t Wd\ l1l~d with th~ r uunty I Irr~ nt Or dng~ County un 02 07 03 20036932711 U•oly P1lut I eh I j ?0 ll Mar I> /OOJ IHl/d to Show t •u\r \lt~ll ''" •I i4 M1\\1 "1 '" l ' I A publt\hed •I ltd'.at ••rt•~ •uff•Jl 1 ht' l11flooN1ng ,,,,., .,.,,., ,._th Wf't:~ lot tout .Ailr • W 1o11t h• ~ ii dt4" dtut•e, bu-.m~~· d '\. WlCeS~•v~ wt~ll\ P""' N• Nfl••• I f ti •I I • lfumAn Pnl~nhal JIOI N, N~JI ,, h• 11 fl i A I w ro•\t ···~hWi\¥ '1tP I•> the d~t• "'1 1''1 •t/11'>1l 1111 N•wpor I !l~ "h t /\ hedfH1& un fht-JH•lltu1t1 ltw h11 •w .... •• on 'i/tid in the fulfowm" Ut"W' tl1u ''rt '' f ''' 111rl1wrdu '' q,..11j1 l ~ur11f1 '101 Pap.-1 of w, .. nrt Jtl i 11 • 11 I 1• 1 •·t IJhOo. prrnled 10 ttu tl4~" 11111 f,J,h•tl 1111111• W lud\I ll~~ lW4tf -., t' t1wo11'""· ;o 11 ~. I I llfl N~wp111 t H•dlh C'A I ounl '/ Newpnl' a~dl h Cl I 9/f,1:,j Co\ld M~'• O•llv Po1t1t Ah • W+Ht+ tw, I I h1• tJ11• 1nt•'t"t ,..., ••Jn JMl W 1lo1y(u,1a M~· .. 11 • d d t Ou ,f il1•i1t1 111 "•' •tu• t"'u lJV <HI lfl 1v1 U<t CA 9'/:f,7/ l'M'lt 1,41 l1h I "th tho I ooo111tv lfn\I~ l"U ,f,f11•<1 rl••1n~ ~f i1, HI 18 2003 I,,·~ "' '" '"•'' I '110011 hu "'"'" v•I) y,., I I JUDGl RICHARD 0 . • 1"1 IJI II/ !I I I 01 l fUZEE, S• .. JUDGI Of 20036937719 +t.•11h t t\1rn1l1 THI SUPE•IOR COU•l lJ,ul1 f•1tot f .. h Ii /U ft1•• l.1f,.m, nt .... h !J M t /Ot) lttlll I t11,.,1 wtth thr f 1111"ty Publl\hrd N•w111J1 I 41 1 I••• .. t Ur '"~~ 1, 111111 Buch ro\t• M•• 1 11.,,ty flc1itious lvdntu ,, 11 • U/ r11 Pilot I f'blltHy /O I 1003693271S MJI ~h b I j '()()/ 111/fl-\ ,._ ~......... o~oly p 1 .. 1 f .. 11 I N ACC:ORUANI I WI flt fl. I '"" "'"• l•P"" ' M" f; >flO I 1Hl PROVl\lllN , tll lttl ~·.~.., '. "• 1'",,:"'" :Ill CA l ti 0 II NI A • f I I Won•IN ,,,1 I "'' '°I• "I" ot S fURACl I At 11 llV Al I I!•, 11 I/\ 1,._.~1 SI C llON I .'OU f I I CJ BUSINI SS AN(l f'IHI f I SSIONS r l)(Jl Ill I ttl Sf A 11 UI I Al 11 llllNIA lltl llNOf H ,!(,NI I Wit I 1$£ 'iQI [) A I Alli llON tlN Oi' Ill 111 A I I ttJ 1· M 111l r 111 t u w•N<. I'! RSllNAI ANIJ 11H l!USIN( s~ PHllPI II r' C.I N[ RAI ltOU'.111111 I 1 8USIN[ SS f l)tJIPMI N I 100lS l 11 Slllllltl l\I SUU IHUIA'i I t I ,IORAGI 1kl 11 W WARNfR AVI NIJI \ANIA ANA C.A 'J'llJ.4 I< r I HI I t.)11 OWINC, l'I 11\flN U111t • 11 l•me• /\• H' n Aulh~r I ff , r .. ,, ,i<j 811110 M, • .,.,, " f'h1lh1> H,tf 86 hrn Cld•~•· 'll"f .. f ., '''111 1 !j I I I flf 10036931743 11'+ 1 f'1lorl f tt '/ M ,, f, nu~ 100 Vunutri•• V.e111,, .~, 101 f11mn1vl.t,1uof• C,?'J Mittltn• It 111 '>II Matl~n• "' ' .. i1r• I Adifi.s~ l ?'J 0flf' u ...... ' i•"'''•··. 1A'f1•... it-s.....,. l1 • H• t 1, t' lti 1h• f ,..,,,._.. '1 .. t\un• 1lf.i Rof>t!•I It 011rrnU l l'> l\plly I 11•1111°1• llWNl R Ill .111•1 S 1111 111(.,H r lo lflll O N PROP! Rl'r 11 hi <.111 ll Al I PUHl.tlA I n 1·1or1 I .. I f '' ''''1 "''' .. Hr ;;t. '"f Lu\1llt>.,,\ d llJ ~•wi ''ft,.., 11 1 A ff,,.. t Hit-8 1'f >.. Lui .......... r. flt~·~.... I'., ') ( '"" lh tu '.., "-• •n .... 11t1n, A1t 4hr11U l:.d u t .. tr t .,. 111111., to1l f f, fni .. ·t~l'..t It"'"" t••U t H't t in;• 1 Y' t fl,. Vo1,•tf y ).;. tJ f Rf Y IS ,1 t llN A"' A\ 1<; RA'l ANll MU I Bl Rl MOVI II WI llllN .' l HOUR:i 111 Allr '>Alf fir• t • • W 100 ir 01 • rr11-l•n• An ,u. ''· •hlrotmd <;t 'Hlt'> All SAi I , Mlt I HI ltu\ I rlro11r<il PAIO I ttM fN I A\11 1.1,.1 "'"~ '"' llNIV lltfkl Will HI •1 1••• •·1 '"""' f tu 1 tau· \unJ., 1lct '-,?r, M .. 1nm, 0111• PLH~ Iv 11,. 1 '"'"""·' '• tl<J j • ly f. )'>II I'• I I I ANINI, 1 ·nlll /11111 01 POSll 11N Al I llNll 10036931310 Sf.11 IS ,1111111 I lo I , , t•11 .. 1 l•n I •I (AN f I l t A 11 it N IN I I I /() >()(J l t t. I '4 I VI NI 01 '.I It ti Ml "4 I rtetitiws l.siitu Rt 1Wl( N llWNI H ANI IJHI IGA 11I)PAii11 ,._ S"'-tt /\UI llONI I H 111• lu1luwt11t vr·• "'" MM RICliAMO 1liti I\• M 11• d ,,,,~ ~'""" • , •' Sl{J()f U'\ •• ,,,,.W1t1'·hu~•\tn ,.11 1n1 CCA S 1 A II fU1Nf1• , ,. . .,,,,.. lt<Mol.\t1w• 'llrt'W ~001 OW' IM»'•',ltttr••, "f .. w fhP PH• /14 I UI '>4111 I''""' ,.... v .... 11 ..... A .... P1.tbl1\h•d N~w tl• rt I•••· 1111 Nwor,._,1' AV• Buch Co\t.1 M1" • Ir "'' t .~ .. ,,, •"" M.41 I/\ 9267':> Ptlot r tbtu.tt-; I~ >ff tt• u1.-r111n lo~"'"" 607 2003 ttt}•,1 "411 I IJ A'WP' lfH't.lOd llOnaOf •mt li'ltfAING 1l•IM.t1 f.A'l/li" f'U9U\. ft11 t u'm• '\\ · "on NO ffC! IS Ill HI to '"'to 1 t f 11• ""' , .. Jv.11 GfV( N tt. ... t i lUthlt• ti.tw._ t• 11 t~t ''"ll tomt' heanna will fl• hr fit tJ' ~.1 ,.,,.. Yl'' > • , fJ/ lht-Co\t' M• • 1 ''' fll ;>!W toun<. ef on M H h 1 ht nJ..tm1n Jn• r101 .. 20()] It f, JO " .,, II fh t tl .. n • til "",., the C•tv r oun~ 11 ' h.ni hl+-19 ..... en ,,.,. ( ••VMh bl'n of C11y If 111 11 f '" 11rr• ,.f Or 1n~• '""'• o.... on th• ,, llu#lf·· ' o~ 01 ()\ 1t~m 10036932726 APPllCA !ION I kllM flJift I 1l•ll I rt ll IO Ct lC' Kali lelh•tn & )I M~r I, XlOI 1111/i! W•tktn~ llP •uthm11t d •genl f0< l lunn• Man ion appto•l11•e l hto Pl.inn1n11 Commr\\IOll \ den••• n l Pt .. nn1nw Apphcalton PA 07 ')i '"' • ·~qunl lt>t ,, .. ..,.,,,~bit ac:c:nmmod1thon tu ~tllnw • 9 pel\nn ak oho I dr ua rehab11tUt1on I•• 1l1ty (1 e, \Ober hv1nR 11roup home) in an ~•l\l1ne ""&le f~n11ly 1n1den1 t loc11led 11 J I J8 Co•~ Lane, in on RI inn• [nvironmental Dete1m1 nation [ umpl If HI£ Ar ORl Ml N llONlO AC flON tS CHALLCNGCO IN COUR f the challenfl' m11y be h1t1ited to only lho\t 1uues rat\ed i t lilt public hea11n1 desLttbed 1n this noh<• 01 in w11tten co11 espondenet delivered to the City Council al 01 II''°' to the publlc hu ttn& NOTICC IS rURlHlR GIVEN that •1 the •bove ttme e nd piece '" 1nte1esled persons m•y appea1 and be heard by ti.. Crty Council on lhe abon1tem JUUllOlCM, Th~ t1tllnw1n1 pef \Hfl~ ti., ,j,,tntl bU''"~"' ill'\ 1mi1w t Al 1 ,,~ 1900 0"''''' O.,ti .. ~1 ')urlf G )() l 1 "''• M~\~ f A 'Ut>?t. ln\pilll\ ti.Al 7900 B"'tnl c,~, ~el Suite G ;><H, Cost.! Mna CA 9lb1t> '"" bu\IRP\\ I\ l on. du< t~d by A to}!pOi dllOR tt~vr you \Id• ted dorng bU\tnf" v~t' Yt ... 01 01 2003 ln\p1111\ In• Aleundra ( D le•lall, (.(O !his \f<1lefY1e11t w.is liled will• lht County Clfrh ol Or•ne• County on 01/?4/0J 200JH309S2 Daily Pilot lan JO. r eb 6 IJ 20. 2003 ThlJ? Re-.. ..... ... s...... fhe follow1n1 persons "" c1o1n1 businus as •I Kine M••lr.•h bl Minule llrna M .. lleh c) Minute Kine. d) Ktn1 Liquoi. e) K1n1 liquor • ()ell 3!>30 h vine Blvd • Ne~porl Beach, CA 92660 rt11• • u•.011 ., h ,, t ,,,. f,H' ttit-"t \hip •\ '-''" ~ ,. ""'' ... Hi.ivr., •'iJ c.t..tt'tt d 1111fl .. ' hU'+IHt< yr t > No I t•>rtt~ Ouoel~r ltw ~tatPmPnt w,,. l1h·,J with thr ' ,1unt 11 I I• r lil. \it 01 MtJ(P C.ounly ,.,,111 n Ol 10036930798 IJ~•ly P1lul l•n ill I rb F, I I /U ?00 J I h I I'> (h• l•illnw•n~ J.!Pf\OJR\ •• t doinlt" hu''°'"'ii.\ d'""• CJtan~r fuunty Shd1na on... fl 19/ llin&fl\h~• 011v,. •funt1nitt1n s.-•• h r ,11tor n•A 9?646 p_,111 fhl)m•• O• t.,r•lle 81 'l7 Krn&ft\hff IJrov• llunhnttlun Bl'a• h .. ""'"' ntd 916'6 fhnma• Allen D• 1.u~11., 819? Km11:fl\hto1 U11vl' ttu11tin~lnn Bu~h f Ah for ma 9:<1>46 I h1,. bu\tnt~\ •!I (.nn ducted by • aener al pa1ln<'l\h1p Have vou \tailed do.ne b"\1nr\' yf'I 1 No Paul Oe Gur11e fhi~ \li1le1t1ent wu ltled wrlh the County Cll'r~ ,.f Oun&e Countv nn 0?/04 '03 200369322'3 Oa1ly . Pilot r eh 6, I l 10, ?7. ?003 fhl53 fhe lollow•n& pe<sons ••• doing businu\ n M 81adley 8 011c Tile. 1041 W 18th SI . Ste A 108. Costa Mua. CA 926'/7 Bo11c and Sala1111 In' tCA) 1041 W 18th St . Ste A 108. Cosla Meu, CA 92621 This business rs con dueled by • c<Hpou lt0n Hllv1 you ~I•• led do•n& bu11ntts r•t' No Booe • Satar.,. Inc Jesus Sal11ar, Pumdenl Thts statement wes Med with lh• County Clefll of Ounae County on otn4/03 HOU•io.41 Dally Pilot Jen 30, Feb 6, 13. 20.2003 Thl30 ........... ......... The lollowln& IH"On\ are dotn1 bu.slne\S n Sliver 1 Con•ll uct ion 9841 OcHnctnl 011ve. Hunhn&lon Bu'h CA 926A6 T1r&•t Development (CA), 9841 0<.n11c1nt Ortve, Hunbn(lo11 Buch CA92646 ThtS busmen " con ducl•d by • lm11trd par tnel\htp Hue you •la1 led 0011111 bu\tness yeP No ldwd1d 8 S1lvu1 Gener .ii Pdt Iner 101 r ••&et Developnt~rit lh1~ \tatl'mtnt wu ltled w1111 the County Clerh ot Or4111111 County un 0?/J J/03 200369'3070 lldtly Prlut r eb I l 10. 27 Mar 6 200l llfl88 FlctftlM lw111u "-S........ 1 he ft11luw1nii ll•"On\ ill• dOlll& bU\1119\\ d\ A11d1 u > 0•\r~n\ 116/ I MelLte1 I •nl' •4 ttun trnaluf1 8~•1 h C:A 9164/ A11d1u\ '>nmo~yt lllf>'J SylVdfl ktVtl l •RC ""'I f uunta111 Vdll~v t A 9:>108 Bu11n1.. '>urnunr 11 It." '.ylvotn R1v~1 • 16 I r ount,un v.11 .. 1 1 A 91/0fl ducted b'/ • c:orp<H •llOll Hn• you st .. twd doln1 bu'lnts' yet' Yu. 1/02/ OJ Black Ouadt•nl, Jnon Rodritutt Vtce Prest dent Tht• •l•ltmenl wn h!ed wrth the County Ci.•-of 01an1e County on 02/07/0J 20036932751 D11ty Pilot f eb 13 20, 27 M•r 6. 2003 rH f84 -Rd!IM ..... -*'-"' I htt follOWlll(I per ~unl ••e dorna b"''"~u o A'cen Oll1cn J<l20 Old Rilnth Perllway •JOO, Se.ti Beath, CA 90/40 Summer Suill'\ JO?O Old R•n1 h Pdlkway •JOO S•.il Be•< J1 CA ll(J/40 ftU\ l.IU\U1t''>\ I\ t:Oll du< ltd l.ov • 1u1r.ou1dlton tt,.vl:' you \IM I Pd dome bU\111~" ytt' Yf\, 01 1 O! S"'""''°' '-u1te' 11~1.t r1tt:th W1tli.11l'-.u1t Prt•. lh" 'taltment wa\ 111~11 wrlh lht C 1,unly I l~r • uf U1 rnit'" l.OJunty "" 01 14 OJ 20036933S31 ll••ty f'1101 r ~ti 70 JI M.1 b I J /OOJ llil!l'J fiditiMIWness M.IS..._.. (tit\ b11\tf•,.•,\. I I d., lrt h' .tn md1..id1 ti it.,.., ... you !.l•t c .. rt ij,.,,io. bu,tnt''\ tfof) '! P\ / U/ • The tollowm& p.,~on• wt do1n1 busmen •s t ) llecltonte Releil So llw •••. bl www ereta1lsol1 com 20101 Bttth Stael •150 T. Newport Buch CA 92660 New !t;o C..nwllln&. In<: . <CA). 20101 Bt1'h Street U !'>O I Newp0rl Be•c h (.A 91660 I ht~ bu\tne~• t\ con du,lcd by a 101pQ1at1un ll~v• you \l•r ltd dO•Ol bu\lflt\~ yrtl Vu 10/ o~ N~w fr• l.<tn\ull1ne Int , Muc ko\httnn••. P1e\tdent rtu\ '\.lithH11tmt wa~ ltled with th• Cnunly l:IPrh of lJ1a1111~ County Ult 07, 07 tO'j 20036932712 O.ttty Pilot I eb I J 70 /l~,?00$ 1Hl6'J fktitiws lvsiins ..... s ...... ri ... ,i-. f "' '''"t' n •J.' fJ/ r 10036932734 O.t1ly f'llt•I f •b J1 MM b }(JOI 111ttt., II .'0 I HIKl'l .... d• "'~ bu ... n.•o, • w '""' rl<1itieus lvsilns C, •';'It,. 11V,n411Uf'' .µ t U••ll•J 11117 1.rn11t1o1.r Swl• 7 lh1· ,1,1.menl ,.," ..... s ........ N•>N(.; '' l Br 1 1 11 f\ ttl~tt "''th tht-f • onty fh.., foltttw1n~ pt' 'J}f;fA r lf'f" ut '" ·UliH I Jfttv t ~',",:,\:.~t., ~6'1n'"' t otl A~ "" Ol 0/ o t 8 ;,'.:~Ive.~:~:,~ )~~'~,7v· St41~ 1003693273 d"" ti'.l.' I • """"" l'l/k ' So~"• l 1c11/ kd 0 •1ly Pih•I f "b I l Ill y,~1-•I Anah"m llVIR• r A '1/1,11 77 MAI h /(lfll flfl!!I r •"'"""• 9)801 !111 '"'''M'' " ""' flditi.us ~s s t .. •" H.11 1,.,,1nt 111 dul tt-d hy l 'orour .. fino b'>I? f L dfr11nr1 V1,lit I '} H•••Y""''••l•dd11m~ ie..tS........, lln~h•""' r,111t'"'"d bu\ln"' v~tl NIJ !hr• l<ll!OWllO~ II"' ollll\ I 'i!Ml G.i~lt'•' ~ku1 1 "''' I. ,., r doinR bu\tf\f~\-.)'\ I ft11~ b11~.ll1fl''' '' 1 nn C.u\meltt\ hu ft ~H1)..' B . .ubr-r\ticJµ dut lPd i.v dn md1v1d1JJ f D nu~ I l ' l H • 1 h 1 • ?081 f 111 dflitlhurpo HJ•t ynu \Id' l~d du1n11 ':it'll rt•• Y Pldt rnh" l A 97810 bu\inn\ Y"t ' Nu 1 hi\ ,, .. t,.nif'llf ..,_ t \ fr fin'-f' 11ddl.,..h.)t d l IR9X \It...,~ BM t, hrntt t1lr<l ·w1lh thf" 111ont1 Bu'"''°"1 J1.1tl Ot I fhi '\ltl .. mt!'nt <Nd'"· l'lrrh n l Ill Ill~• 1 roufl h t111nn.< I.A 9788 l . lrl•d Ntlh tht t """'Y "" 01 JI 0 I h•·»• 1'~11111 .. tord I ilN8 I IPr• nl Ur Jn.:• l.nunt1 200l693181>7 llu<k\l11n Ir.ad Or .. nOI Z:' OJ l)a1ty Pilot I rb b I I C,unnA I A 9l88J 10036930560 'O ?l ]O()J Th1 4 l lhi\ bu'""'' l'o. "'" OMI~ f'ilnt I tb lO 27 F1di1ie15 ~ dur l•d l>y h•1•t.a1•l1 tn<I M.a1 I> 11 XlOl lh, 07 ..... ,. a.a.u "-e S...... 11 .... '"" •t.11l•CI 11 oon~ fictitlels . lht lollow1n1 IJH \r•n\ hu• "'"" 1,., 'fr l 7'> M-S....... •·~ dqme b•1\1n.-, .. , I 01 www H..wHifolftStf'll• «<R'I 1 ,,~ 1 r •11dl~t "11 46 r~·~ O• , .. , flf1110< '"" \t .. IPmt'nl .... , Rancho S•nt• M••&M•la f·l•ll .. 1th thf' I ount1 CA 9?688 t IPI h of 01 •nit l<1untv Montt S.1101 4" r allt Oto "" O I 74 O l 1 O\ NtnO\ R•ncho S~nt• 20036930930 M;111•11l1 l A 91688 D~ilt Pilot Ian 10 I f'b P'l"•" S4kll 4f1 t..•11" i; ti ?O ?003 !hill Df' lo• Nino\ lb"'"'' fiditlmltlsllllu S•nla Marc•"'" CA 9?688 ... s....... lhl\ bU~flle\\ " < 110 du1 ttd by hui.b,ind and wit' tid•' vou \tar led do•na bu~IR~\i yet? No Munt~ S..l(lt lh1s \lalemenf Wd\ Med with tht-County Cll'lh nf Ounge Counly on 01'?8/0J 2003'931321 Da•lr P1lol i.n JO r eb 6. 13 20. 2003 rhl?l Re-.. ...... ... s...... fhe lollowrn1 pe1'on, a1e do1n& bu11nns n C mt• aency Rnpons~ CPR l 111n1n1 I 0:18 Wrl\.On SI •O Costa Me~ CA 92627 K1mbetl1 Kay Be• tr and 1028 W1IM>n . St 10 Co't• Mes. CA 92627 Ch11stopff., Wtlh•m Be<trand 1028 W~son St •D Cosla Meu, CA 92627 llct follown•ii pet\OR\ are domg bU\tnO• "' Newport f'Actlr< Paint 1n11 890 W l'>th SI NPwpor t 8Path Cl\ 'l/660 Coa~tal Pat.tfu Painting lo• H~A) 890 W 151h S t •Il l . Nt wpor t B~ach CA 92660 lh1\ bu\fnns 1\ con dueled by a coiponhon line vou •tarted do1n1 business yet' No c;ontat Pacrlrc P~11nl 1n1 Inc Sieve Cipolla Chrtl r m•nctal Ollrce- lh1s •tatement was fried with the County Cle1tr. of Dune• County on 01131/0J 200J'9J1172 D•.• fy Pilot f 1b 6. 13. 20 21,2003 Thl38 *'-"" M I ,., .... ............... ar,. '10102 bu,mr c.' dC. l\rmt•t•ly Brfdtnrd l vrnt Ptan,,1ni & (tr"~" 6'> l S6ont Vin1 •nl Irv int I A 97618 !11mbPrly Ann Alhr y1 hi 6!>1 Saint Vin• ~ot l1v1nt CA 97618 frHS bU\IOfl'\\ t\ \.•JO dUI led bV ~" tntf1v1duAI H<lve you \lafltd d<:J111a bu51nes~ ytt1 No K1mb~t1y A Alb•ytht fhl\ •latemenl wa\ Med wrlh lht County Cler~ ol 01•nii~ County on 02/07103 20036932740 Oa1ly Pr lot r eb l J, 20 '17 . Mar 6 2003 Th182 Rdlllls"""" "-S...... The lollow1n1 person\ 11 e dorna busrnns as Mondi •eon l and,caprn& • 763 W 191h St Apt tJ Cosla Mua CA 92627 lpolrlo Mond1a1on Lara 763 W 19th SI ""' •3 Co5ta MfJU CA 92627 This bu\lnl'SS 1s coo ducl•d 1>1 1n 1ndiv1du11 Hllve you ,tarted dotna bus1ne5s yel' Yu 08/ 02 lj>ol<to Mondle&on L11a This statement wa• frl•d with the Counly Cle<1' of Oun1• Countr on02/14/03 200S .. SJ529 on 01/28 OJ 200S69Jl,.2 Dail}' Prlol l•n 6 13, 20 2001 iO I eb lhllb -Ritll111 ..... ... s...... The follow1n1 pe-.on .,. ck11••1 bus1nns H Hov1e lnte11on 2 }(JI l aur•I Plto Ncwpoil 8u1.h, CA 9266J Julie C Hovn•nr•n '/XU I 1u1 el Piece Newpo!I 8u~h f A 9?t.bJ I h1) bu~me",. I\ t. cw dutted by •n 111d.,iduol Hav• yuu st•• trd d1m11( bu~1n•\\ yel' No Juh• C ltuv1t•1t1•11 Jh1\ \t•tf'mf'11t W•'\ fried .,1t11 tilt l uunl r Cler~ ul Or irng• <.uurtl y on 01/Jl /OJ 20036931882 0dtly f>1lul I rb fi I I 70, ?J L'OO J lh I l':I 200H9UN4 0•1ty PUol r •b I J 20 21 M•r 6 1003 1Hl89 lhc 1u11ow1n& P<tr.On\ ••" d<>tnl b\lilf\~ n H8 Wirel~u 960b H<omrltt.n Avrn""' Hun 1tn(lon llHth CA 'J?64b 81nh 1 Nfluyen 11 ?'> Vt< 1011• St tO L1~1i M•\" f A 92646 I h1\ Liu mr\,\ '' • 111, dU• l~ll b1 •11 t1td .. 10u•l H•11r you '\f,artttd 1,uut~ bU\tnt"\'\ t .. t I N<.1 I birth I Nvuyrn fh1' \lAh"mt"nt iNd"# ltl•CI w11r1 th~ l.uuflly l.le111 of Ur •n~t' l.u1111 t f ..... 07 14 ()! 20096933497 !Jorlt f•11.,1 I <b 10 77 M•1 6 I l 7fJ01 Jill~ rl<litiM~ N-S~ rhunday, f ebruary 20. 2003 IS llw tot1uw1111 pe1 wn• aJ" dmo1 tw~o1e\.t •' Mub1t.. Phulo 1713 Al•lt•m• Stteel •fl Hunt111ftun Be•~h tA 92648 K•tnleen A lehnde< 1 /I J A!.1bam" Shut ltfl Huntington 8e4tl1 t A Y.tt.48 Uu\ bU\IOf'~' I\ c..on du< t .. d by an r11d1v11l1t•I Ha'ic 1uu ~t•t1ed dou11i tiu ,me\. /t'I / N1, K•lhl•r11 A t.hnfl<'• f h" t ...... ,. .... ,, "'" fhe lo1low111• """"'" •'• do•n& bu)fn• n All AW..1 Pu\hM • l'"'4 I /()th St c;o,t• M•~ CA'J/b71 flonn.., Mt<t..lle A111t111 IU I 20th St Cost1 Mn• t A 916?7 11,.\ bU"-Ulfli\\ I\ tOtt ~ ... ted br •11 1nd1vtduat 11 .. n 1ou st., 1114 d!>tfl& lnj• uu· \ yrt 1 Nu Hu1tmt Mu he1Hfll Au'\ltfl 1111 \t•ltmenl ... lilf'd wrth tit• I"'"''' I '"' ~ \•t IJt •l•Cto I uunt r "" 01 /lj 01 200HU1326 ll•1ly P1h1t Ja11 iO I •ti fll"d ¥1J1th Uo C 11or1I v Cl~fk ul UtAHf't tnM1l1 unO?J4 01 20036933U4 ll I l Xl /O(J'l ltd IM ltf II I Jlt/IJ I Flctitlwl ~ 0A1ly f'1l1ot I rlt M•• b Ii /Olll I "-s...-t 1hr I •llh.;.m• µ.r ... 111 ,.,. dolllji t1wu1r· ti Flc1itlM llNilKs M.IS""-' 1111• lolluw11111 P~"IHI\ dr e dom~ b11\1nrv tt!ii ~1tv~1 Sttl• 11/ I H"' ltit.< l11llu""111., lJt'f .1111 I )t l NJ t' lftJl1lJI lt1,... ,.,,. d•••<•it: h•J' "lt'._, _. 104 1 'Iii IKth .t •M 1u•. f h,. fiJlhiwing ~f!f •'''1" Ntt~ilt'1 t I /01 _. kt flt I 11-.t 1 Mt ' A ''f,.'1 '"' f1hl0f. htt'\IOf''"" J', h• ( .... .,111 A11.t (A 91/hd •• /I.II I'"• 'W ,,.,;1Ju-wtt•1Utto-inn !, .... Mitut.I.,., l/fJI M.,,_., 4 111 '-'"t' 1w,1 • ~11iu,b1tt wt: .. Hunlm~hm t:S~it• h t A ;;~;_;.,''' 11 1 ' ""·' A f 1~' . .t 'lltAI ltw Lu·.1·1t• \ •' I bddU\ f'ldll' C11\l 1 Ml'\o CA 9/6/6 .. P.-ul• H Nt h11 .. u1 311? H•lb•du• l't•• • C'n\ld M•'o.o I A <Jlf,/6 f h1\-bU\tOt· 0 \ I l '''' dut led bt "" mt11v1flu~I H4¥t 'Jf•U \tdf h·d "'""'' bu'\tnt"· ... y•·t ' T.... 11 01 Paul• II Nl'.l11t "" 1111 •IJ~U1 M,., J Am.,.nt /tl'A I \ul1•Jt lHd t ,.,,. jl Jhltnt t '" ~Scot~ tt /\ t/1,41, ltll ltll1 11U ~· I I fill 1hJ• t1 If, • 1 •u'11w1du' tf ,_.,. t 11 I trft-d rjoif t' r,u• "'"' '"''' '" • f ht4L._ th An.~nt ft1 l<tl•·"1,.fll Nt I,, #ltl 111 .. c llH It I lt-rio t Urtt 19'~ t 111hlf ""Ill '4 111 fh1\ \l.ttrmt nt "'~ flleo with th.-t •uht., t Irr k r1f Or ..tn~f I ~ 11t, ''"Ill 01 01 20036931747 Oaoly P1ll1I I eb 110036930914 Ii ~, 0 ti f t h I I.tr• if I ..r~ n Md•·& ;roo 1 flflkl, 1, I• •ri /(Jill ltd flditlM~s "-eS11t...m t ht> fr•tl11w1na pr, o,•JU'\ 4f"' t1nin~ bU\IUt' ~'-t~ 1,Hf11JNO f IJkl ( I jJ W l!d, \I • l I! ln\tA Me•,• A '1'11'17 J+1ho A,,, W.tt~1111 is W l:la1 SI •I H 1 .. ,. t.1 M~,_. f A 'Pl>?l ,,. 1 "',,, hr> .t ti •• l•I• 1 2003692904S • y I ,, I f,.t '. NJ I '''ft I ltt1' '·'"'"'''"' •1'"'' l'l!•tn rn.-f ... 01 ). ,f llf 11 !lt I .nttl II tis 100369 31878 '1••1 • "' 1 ... t '' ,, Jilj \ (, .. , ,, .. ,.u A> tr ... If:' /OU• t ~ .. .,.,i \;A; r.t M· • M f, I l 1"14 tll' ~ u• .. 11\•·• ft'l•'.t lftJ .. ,ttl,.. .... ,._ IJft IJ111 h-tt I '( Ht tut trd t;y tn •r1(11v1<11M •1,.,,,. u.,v..->1ou t ,ft,.d rtu•n• t 1•1,,1 LU\ln•" ,~, tt\ 'I I .'00 l /Dt7 M11 " M r ""'' • ·hn V. •l«.110 Ito 1 .,.,.,, ... n1 ,,,."' rhl\ 'ldtr Ht Ill "t tr,,. h it h U1t-( 1;ntt1 f1lflJ with th .. ( 1111 t t"''"' f 1J1 m~t' • 11nt1 t 1, ,1o. ,11 Ot H•l.f' 1 oulf ,11 r I .1 it~ ! "" 01 lll IJ I 20036930938 70036931334 I CJ.tii 1 1 ""' , ., lll r •" 11,,rly Pilot I.in ill I rti It Ii /II /llOl ltll.'• ., i 1r~~h' '" rlditious awn.u "-Si...... .... s....... 111• f '"""'">' P~''""' fht-l11ll1twing 'wr~nn I tfr c1i11tt.; h11 .1nr•,\ ·t". "• 11<110~ bll\l:W" " ( lojf k\olf I I 10 I ~ e<-1 H?U I •P"""' • 01 1911· (h IV~ ''""J d~I Mai Str~.-t Nt-wvrn' Ii""* h I • A') 'f /' LA9?ht>J M.11,,,n lhn• k "~nllHI I\" Brtffd<1UA 1111 l'llh , , t(ll l\1·d Dr ... l-•>lllH• St r,.f'1 NP•~u1rt Eh .. Hh 11.,.1 M,,r A 4/h >'J f A9l6>ti Iha' tu1.1n~!. 1' ''" fh1\ "1J ·'" .. '' 1 "" 1ut It J t•v an 10J1v1•tu.d hJt t,.d ~1 •ri 1nt11Y•1uJI ;f •v• ,, ,, t.J•f,.d t•un., H.lv" y<uJ it.ti:,rtf'lr1 dotn~ 1111,10 .... ,_ 'it't' N,, t1U"Ol''' Y''' y,. 1 .~ M.t.-.n R .. n., Rn•.rnth•I n• Jh1• .. ,,,,..,..,,.nl .... Kdl 8P0Ul<I• lit f1lff1J ,... •• ,, •h,. I un•, fh1' '\lAh·m .. n l ..,, • C ~~·"-,f Ot 4,,. t" ''" ,,.., ltlffd with lhf' vuril • '" ( i I l.l~r• Ill Ur.in~~ fuunh 1003693186• on 0 1 JI 0) llt•lv t ol I eb >. 11 2003'931161 .... 71 '!Jiil 1hl48 Ddtly Prtot I •I• f, I ' lO 'll 1001 1hl44 -RditlM Wiritu M.IS....... I ht tollow1ne PPl\11n•. di t doing bu""'\' • P11olt Oro~t• \ I 'HOO lk' IOno Rd •? S•nt.1 Ana Cl\ 9'/707 M11 h•tl Krn&\lrv Sltvtni. 2!> Mad11r S dnds Newp or l Beach.CA 9?660 l his bu,lneu 1i. 1<1n ducted by a" mdrvrdu•I Have you star led dolflC bus1nns ytt' Yes. I ?!> 03 M1~e Krnc,ley Steven' Thti. i.latemenl was fried with lhe County Cluh of 01anae Counly onOYll/03 lhr t 11ll l'tlfl0i? P~''""' Uf" '1 IO.;! bu\IOf'~\ •\ f H•lt-1 lilt ,, . .,., ot hv1n .. l'Jtllli M< •••"' lrv1f1• CA 'ltbOI 11111 t W1lh•m l•v• 47 j f "'"1,..,t t nr"lnd df't MM l A '116?'> J hi\ lJU\1'1t!''\\ I\ l.6n du1 tPfl by an 1ndtv1duat 11••• 1nu ''"'' ,.,, ~01ng hu\1n~'' vrt 1 Nu !111rt lav• Th" \.f,1t.-mftnt w.1•, "'"d Wlll'I th~ I 111111ty CJpr h of Or angt t hUnty •Ill 01 28 01 2003'931322 Datty P1!til J~n JO I •b 6 13 10 ?00! Thll.? Jur ft' I i1 t •h H 11vtttu 1 H~t 1~ , •u "'"' t .. d dv111., ou•,,,.. ., tr-1 111111 " .. Mt>ru1ro/ '•1 ltlrrt fl ..... .,... ~u. "'' ''4'• ... f \ .( d 100369309 13 '' ; P1 t •'' '· I <JIJ " .... '" ,, ... I I hHtf, 1111•, 2003693131 1 JI 1 .. 1 '' I <> ,,,, 1.1 "",,. " .. ,,. '. 31 • l1U Hit • :': ~r • t 'I.. 1rH 1 t. , '•• ,.._, 1, .t ... Mt-\t .,... t I lt1 N •I ) ' .., ,,, d•Jf0¥ tJ J'' , ... IJt·l n i H••, n. lklh .I • <J M, ,, , A 1Jf, lf' ' I t , ti f/f' } ,, .,, .. 1111 ., ... , ldlll Ill ti.I I ft I• l >1!1• •ti t.1 'A• 'I/I. lt11 .i ,. hi 1t t 't ti 1Hltit11! 1 t U ''' ~ 1u f •rfl 1 • It, .,,.,, N• IHI 1ht \ f tAl1li ,+ II •t••tl It ;,Tf•I ''" '1 ... 1 !ti• •·•••I ,.,., tit ~ . I !I I '~ 2003693133S t • f I t. Ji 1fu I ., .. f1 .. tit•"'''. t I• l ""ii th• ' I j , " f I '" fl\~· .. r ' /" I 20036932723 .. I ., .. ... I r l 4 ,j t ~ 11 f ~ .. I 11 M, f, '(«' l 1 'H ,. '• • ! " . ,. 20036933S17 ~ 'f I I I I t M,., f-. I 11111 >ti I ,r,. .1, '''•_, tJ• • f1 " ,,. , "''.. i/'i4f.. [).Ulll".l1'11 t l •'1; f' •Int t A •'hi'• ... I th1· l "14f t-fJ I I <4 •'11u·l1 '"' • b\J"\Hlf' t1H ff"J • 1 tll I 11 •1 fH,t H,,,...,. ~•tU ~t 11 •1 •1 f U\ r t'~\ 'f ~,) 't ~· d<I A I ti I , ... , ., ... ,,..,,. 111rt• t 1•·1 .,..,p ltit-( unt, l 1f'1 1J I il"~t-C• urtty 111" •t ),I'( i 200369290.4 1 Ott1 ; P ,,,, 1,.t "Ji , "t h I lhl\t, rt~• t •ti tW•nl fH t '\IJO\. ,.,t' :1• '">' b''''"~''" .. Au· oP f y•wtAI ?;>RC, N~wp 1d R•vd Cr1\t.t M''~ 1 A 'J:'b?l 'U\411 Hdndel l!>I w 8dY SI •I~ Co\ta M"'~ l.A 'll'b?l T ht\ bu'-mr'\\ t\. c Ort flu< tf'd t>v ~n tnd1v1dual HA vi' vou \ldf ltd <1<>tn11 hU'\tnf"\', yrit >No 5u\an Hdndtl lt11\ \ldtrment wn t1ltd wrlh lhr County (lei k of Or 1n1tr County <>n 01 01 03 200U9327H 011ly P1101 r eb I l 20 11 Mdt 6 200~ 1hl19 fu f111 11, ,,, t 'U i.f I• MI A1lt11,, H••..S A, I 1 .1n t • An,. ' , I ,, I I" .H,t"*o\ I 11 , , 10 lfllt # ,, •• ~ , .,; • tdrt .. '1 V' I Nu u.,.,,. 11 .. I tJlt"MU· r I • If ' l'tlfh th• f f)f •fl• I ~ ,,. 10036932466 • • ,, t ,. ., . ,, /('/, 20036933711 1 • ,, '"• ... 111, . " . ,, I ' ~ I ' I ._ , M,,, ,, 'fJll .o ·•1 ., I• I . ,. t alt rri rr' ,. tr ,,,, t If Io ,,. I r • .. ~ u11, '""'' 10036931331> •I( .... t I " ' '"'''"' "' ,, ... ~·· f I~ J ... . '·~ .. , ,..,. .'•'" •1\idlH I !\ '1,'f\!"- • I~ ,'l.'0 .t• Mi \• " thdl'tl•."' ,, • r•• r' ' . 1 ''• .... tit .. , .. ,., .. II 7003693186S "'"• "'' • h ") >f• fhf' h+ll #t Io ,,,,. d.:nnt """" 1 \\ '" fl.tlbn• 1<., 1 "'11 I fl•lbu1 fl•• a ..,.._..,,. t fl••< 11 I A 'I/., Sut .. nn• 174'>1 V1ll•r• h I AQlJ!f;l "' ''"' J'\f " 'ht' b11• '" ... " ' " du< trd bV .1n m1h'f'11tu .. 1 H1vr you \f ,.~ t• ,1 r1mn~ hus1n.-•., w .. t > N1 Sutttnn .. I S• h· ,.,,., rtu\ "'"ttmr"' ~.• "'~" with lh• "'"', c1.,. k of Ot 140flt' I uuHIJ on01 II O• 200l'9UHJ 0111¥ Point f eb 71 N M•r 6 IJ '.1001 IHlO!l D9f""Y City a..t Published lhwporl Beech Costa Mes• D•1ly Piiot rebruary 20, 2003 Thl93 .......... .......... Vahe Pol1d11n. 8!>21 WindlHS D1tve, Hun 11n1ton Be1ch, CA 92646 Thts buslnH s is con· ducted by 1n lnd1vld~at Have you sllfltd dotnl buslnen yet7 Yes. 1994 Veh• Poled18n .......... .......... The fol1ow1n1 peuons 1r1 doln1 buslneu as: rnl Cul, 1017 Newpoct Center Otive. Newport Beach, CA 92660 This bu11nus is fOn dueled by husband •nd wife Hoe you atarted dotn& busmen yet? No Kimbefly 8t1t11nd The loflow1n1 pet SOii has ebandoned the uw of th• r rc:lolro"' Busl neu Name Newport Cont Paintinc, 2020 Monrovtt Ave Costa Mese, CA 92627 0111y PilOt Feb 20 27 M<tt.6, 13.2003 tHl91!1 The follow1n1 P•"on1 are dolna busrnus as A.) M • R WetuhUI •nd Son Vlolin Shop, Inc ' e') WelsthHI Violin St\o9. Inc ., C.) Weta lllHr Violin Shot>. 1763 011n1t Ao •• COiia MHa,CA92627 M • R w.,uhHf 1nd Soll Vlotln Sftocl, kw:. (CA). 17'3 Ottlltl Avt., Cotti.._, CA 92SZ7 TIM llvMMt• .. COfl MIM lty• I COflMlfttloft ..... you 1leried ... ~ ptP YM. JvM ltJ5 This atalemenl wH hied with tlM County Clerk of ()fan1• County on O'l/07 /OJ toOMtH7tl D"'' P. 11o1 re•. u . 20. 27,Mlr 6,2003 TH170 ......... ......... TIM foltowMt ,_,_, .,, ~ MlMss ... A!MflCll , ... lllo(tpp. JM3 lrwtfll ....,_ 1150. vMa f tr st Cut 4 Kklt, Inc (CA), 17 flMt1nd, N•w· port Co1st, CA 92657 Thi• b~in.u ts con· d\lcttd by: • c«pot•tk>ft Htwe you 1t11tted 6oinc bWSIMU yetJ No First Cut 4 lllCb. Inc. laf!C• Fote!, ,11.idl11t Th1t •t•tement wu ftltd witll the Cov11ty Cllfll ol Or ..... C-ly Ofl 0 l/21,/'03 teeMtJUtJ D~ Piiot Ja11 JO, Fe• '· 13. 20. 2003 Til12) This slatemenl wes filed with Ille County Clerk of 0.1nie County on 02/11/03 toOHtUMS Deily Pilot Feb 13, 20, 27, M.,. 6, 2<'03 TIH 90 ........ ......... Tiie fol'otritlt !>«Mint lfe dolftl tHnlMu 0 rac:tor1 81tcll. 201 l.o• Molinot. S.11 CleMente, CAD12 81Kll Q.1Htt11t, (CA). * r11t 11th St . C.Ste Mlw.CAm27 The F1<:11tlous Business n1me 1ele11ed to above wH !tied 1n Oren1e County _on 7·6·98, rll.E HO 199116763480 Brett P Clemelll, 2020 Monrovlt Ave , Cost1 Mtw,CA92'27 Thit bw~t Is COii ctucltd by. an '"4!vldlla1 l<ttt, C*Mflt lhlt 1t1tlr1Mnt ••s ftlff witll tllie C-ty Qerk of C)tanp CCMlflt1 Oll07Mi03 MUMHM7 Deity P'Jtot hit 6, l3, 10,V, TlllM .......... .......... "Employee." "Empleado. "Arbeilnehlner." "Emplo t .. •1111111 -••n. Cl.Ill& & Cll .... t /I .. .. , ' 'I • ' • I ' • ' . : • Policy How to Place A -iii ~--Deadlines---, ltatcs and deadlines are subject to eh.nge without notice. 1llC publisher reserves the right to censor. reclassify. revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classifi ed ad immediately. 1llC Daily Pi lot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except. for the cost of the space actual ly occupi ed by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. CLASSIFIEAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 63 1-6594 (Pie°"'"' include-)OOr -and 1>l100C number and ... c·u call you h:k·k w11l111 Pf'ICC quote.) Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Fnday By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours Ind ex By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay S ITeet Costa Mesa, CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay St. Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Wednesday .............. Tu;sday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm AmlOlllKEMINTS [~l ~ & MISC. 1010-1110 mKllAllDISE --' . ~. ' ·i. .... ·L ' . ....- ~ rmuu 3010-3940 GARAGE SALE 1489 . IEAL ESTATE IUSINESS & [I] fOR SALE m soos-saso . . - ~ FINANCIAL C,... b 2 al Pacific VIC'!# ...,,..Pan.~­ \lllw tom beaulll!J :w.nset cart Loe l04·f <;paOe hc2.. tilll) --W1I SIC for v.im 9'!M64-0182 ~ C1A11•llSI M I mllia 1160 TW" 4 a lCOllDS nc Jm. ai..c, Uc "iJs & OOs Jiil -.c. Spilt. lube ~ .. ,... 949·645· 7505 enaTAINMEHT CI J rof him 1310 IGIAl NOUSltG OfPOIMITY Ml rul estate 1dvor ltsinr 1n lhts new~ape1 ts subjtel to the F ~de• al f atr Hous1n11 Act of 1968 a s a mended w hich ,.._.., 11 11te11at lo adveflt:i.e "any prefer e10c e , l1m 1tal1on or Ot~11minat1on based on r.ce. color rellr 1on. ~ .. 11.nd!cap. fam11t1I s tatus Of national or111n. or an mttntton to make any sutll Pfeference, hm•I• !Ion or d1SC11m1nat1on. • Tiits newspaper will not knowinaly actepl any advertisement for real estate which 1s in ....C.tion of the law Our readers are hert'by 1nl0<med that 111 dwell ln&\ advertised •n ll11s news.paper are 1va1labt~ on an equal opportuntly bestS To complain of dis CT-•hon. call HUO toll h ee al 1·800-424·8590 .... 1483 act.J S~ Fumrtur-e "'AN05 t. Coli.ctiblfl •Af4'"""" ... l~ •1"1"'90f•~·Ol'lf"•'\al''"'UI'• M CASH PAID SS WI •UY ESTAT£S ·~~ ....... Tm- ooltl4Ml22..., 80UfHCOAST AUCTION _ .... St. ._AM.CAH707 ......_,AL-r......,.J• ... ....... 1486 ..... ._, AnbQue dtnlfli c:ti.rs, dress1n11 table. ~ tbb., lamps & morel S! ._ ln. N::pg1 8d1 =.. 1489 ht ...,l·PHt Mevl"I ........... , ...... tvff J46n.w", c .... M .... a ew ... COM r rl & Sat 8-2 d1n5el fOf I 6u 11n sofa olto, bufft t, blo.CUH+-+ Z3J ,Otnstttla An &elf .... CAT 81a~ wtlM tuinmr & paws & rece, 12 months old, no C.-.. Cl>M, Ofll C11tna IW, 11tal lo UM Bun .... IHI '"" Sun Feb. I• M9·338-90S8 Sill JOtK stuff hough classified! 2305-2490 LEGAL SERVICES Adoption& Foster care Services 2650 v~.-i ,,....ff.mt c ... There •e OV9 100.CXX> ~..,!tie u<; w~ l<r • ~ He.ti keep older brothtn & -..stws tneethft Tr IW1ina & F 11\ilneral :11Wo1 lnlor ~Fa25 6.Q).7~ 50 s Anatwim BMl."241 ~ 714-517·19008~ BICYCLES Bicycles for Sale 3080 , • .,,.o, ..... 18sp' Montleal C •II'~ chrome moly frame, sh1m1no Villt~. $200 7©715 1962 HOME FURNISHINGS Fvmilure 3435 Oe11blo box \IH1 na mattre~s & frame nf!W s:ol, water tO<Mt S50. ITl<CfO $40. Apt '"ll $50. 2dr frll[ S250. ~ Hwrnd tit« $125. Down lounee dlM S250. 949-642 ?Zf.> -- l ARCH 0 VI l - STUfflO COUC:li, Modern. Maroo11 l1kf new $275 9495150337 ....., white luthet ..,>fa set, chair. lovesut. sofa $1150fah. 2 cr~l•I lamp' $100.. I anl.tqoe vanity. $450. 949 646 /673 Oflices b lelR SHUE S'ACI w/RN 1 Costa Me\3. suitable l0t medical ae~thetrc~. $475/mu 949 646 767 3 Newport ·-·h Fr e r~nt for secret111al s v bus1ne\\ Woll ea chane payon11enl for llaht o dut~ Cle.of ott11;e. st to water 9<t9 723-8485 Newp;-rt I-th Offl< • I to \hit e r Ill n1\hed, fut s,erv10 Oovtr Or $500 $1000/mo 949 689 0857 --N'8 OfFICl S,ACI 8J3 OuW!t DI • 14 GrOUI ld lo 1\-, 620sl can expand 921);1 SI ills1 net ~ & .liwwtuW 949-67Y.>475 HOMESFOHSALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Corona del Mar COM*G SOONll ,...,..., ... Stir-. 200.3 5 16 & Sl6.S _.,._ $995,000 & $749,000 " 414 &414.5~ Sl,19S,OOO & $7",000 COASTUNI ltfAl.TY 949-759..0r77 ..... 16,.ooo.f let, on on of Ille taraest 1n H... bOf View Htlls Ocean vie~ •bound Burld a wonderful new residence Of remodel the u1slm& Off•ecl at S I ,A9S,OOO COASTUNI UAlTY 949-7S9..0177 A"c .......... 1 c.._ Loc:crtt-•• i tr on to 81& Coron• and loollout poont 4Br • !>6• cu•tom OOl1le c::r:'i.. 2003 Off•• at $2,950,000 fAIUlOUS HACH COTIAGISI fAIUlOUS NlWPotll HACH UFESTYU II New 2 Story 38r l8e w/aaraae (176AC JJllWBP) s 150,000. Remodeled 281 18• (I 3 I 44XXU/XX J 543,000. Waterv1ew 2Br 28a w/ftteplate (SZ0053) $91,000 lUSEDl.ANO Call for appointment OeAnza Ba~ v.nac- (949) 67~ IU I A MANUfACTUUe HOME COMMUMrf l ASTllUff llAUTY OPEN SUN I·• 2100 VISTA l ARCOO 4BR 3BA. remod "'1tc & ba Pia"! $hullers. l a p1ns1ve view of creen belt Turnkey $614 900 Aat Harriet Katz 949--!'67·9570 ~!l.n6189 wwwJwvt 1 d' - A s11,erb Mew,ort ~ residence 4br (5th Bt/pme room/offa down-.tn~) 5 SO. loQted on 1 QU!t'I COffM!f lot Cust o m l e e l ures throuetiout. Sl,649,<XX>. COASTUHI awn 949-759-4177 ION"A CAHYOM OPIN SAT-SUM t -S IO~op 3BR, 2 ~A home Sep er•le otl1ce/iUHt 'u1te By Owner Sl,175,000 949 644 8288 1• I I 29r 2h, 2c pr, CMtlO, w/d, d/w, new c:rpt. pa11tt, lows ullll 213' /> 20th St Sl795mo. !MS 7ZJ 1186 ....... 2b 2ba 14l!l'f, I bl< lo bdl w/dld., !il<y IVlls. w/d. ~ p $21<nn 9i&OT7·7210. ~ Corona clef Mar ,. + L.tt .... c.por1, deck, d/YI, fweplc., re• urnt , 004 1/2 Beeo-Ave. $1500/mo 949·675 1326 UM V 2b lbe .... .., c:ei!., wd. caport. lp.wlll lo ~ SIEll(Vmo 96Z181003 2aa 11AAPT Over I car Cit, wdhlo.ups, no peu $I 750/mo call wkdays 949·863 1390 •-.•••It• J l r /21• luaury relurb home S3Z5Gn. ..... Wilt ru 2Br 181. -urpet & PM1t SllUlm 949-715 3513 ~ ....... o-.Ckai v..w. rom, r ...... :&, 2Ba. den. <ii rm. Ill rm. ,_ ~ ... an ,,~ w/d. " 2<. fPr llSDn. '"" lyr r.. r\lpots. n43ll ~46 m O<IAM/IAY vtlWSlll New home 4br 3 Sba 2 •IO<y. d4tc0<alor perf.,ct 1n over y ... y Only loot steps to ocean •tewmc bluffs and yacht harba< •"Ir a nee channel Sun lounge/terr au Av11I mtd Mwdl "'"""*"' SI I azy obo. "' ~ZJll ColDMesa I• 41.t ~. vaul Ulfs, rtove, Irie.. et1I f;lfl. more. S890rTI 133 £. 16th SI Asll for ~,_~1 949- 548 2421 No pets llr'a from $815/mo w/a• in lovely g.ited c:omm .-T 11 Square. ltldge, Indy lac~ Kim ~-~7 704 8649 •9200 COA.STUMI alAI.~ JEWELRY/ 3460 949-759-0177 VIMTAGl llACH lrl llr, new ca<pet & HOUSE OM THI paint. cvrd carport 'Z77 DIAMONDS/ ._..._5'~ o."1rc( ~ 48r 4. a. WATEa. CALI. MOW 16th Place -3 $1100/mo AGT. 949-723-1120 no pets 949 720 9422 PRECIOUS METALS c -at Coln Need• Old Coin•' Cold, stlvu. itwel>-y. watches, anltques collecl1ble1. 949 6-42 9448 Cats 3610 -0.,./1Clttl-..-h www ~ura Pets " P\Alk ~ f ashoon lslilnd 949--64-1 ?'.09 ll'a& SPAY b momnlil art/ ~al Mteos .,-NI~ 9"9-!ill-0411 - Kollen~ round tn Bui.hu need botllrleedel\ Uelp Sav~ lives. All e•penses p11d Animal Network 949 53J 041 SPORTING GOODS/ CAMPING/ EXERCISE EQUIP Eurcise Equipment 3760 ,....... Gt-........ Save n . new/uud , warran ~, delivery. • I ....ya1 .. MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE .... laneous MercflMllllle 3855 NEW srcn BUILOINC 24)(40 MUST SCll SJ.790 I M0-292 0111 F"*9 3Q5 ~. l dl!U5 w/or:nn, uty aoc:t BOO. Culy views ~ .. •18!> and Hady ChahtoP -1 Cl! 31().37EHl871 SHOalWOOO lllN.TY -HH HOUSl SICWDED HTitlAT AMADMG ... fCI AGT.949·723-8120 --Zbr Zb• condo, tna. wd, Ip. lg palto w/vu 2 car gar No smk, sm pet nk $1975/mo 949 735 4825 CostaMesa 39, 2h , ..i.y1ctits & c.athech l c:Mi. F p .., LR. office. new CiltJ)el. spr lpl!d .... ~ luldwn, pool Wed b«;f\y•cl S4l5.CDl, -et 714. J4!>.llJ) eel ,ANoaAMK VllW 2-llNOOM anal.AT S2ff,to0 AGT.949-72,_.120 LagnBeacll Spectacular lot with views up the coast in South lacuna Bn t Value •n On nr• County OCIANV'l(W GanWOUltt atf Dwnond l'LATINUM ,.._,ti Stflnllt Mluer 9"9-715-3156 Udolslt l9WIHNKI o• UOO ISlA .. D Of'IM SAT-SU911 1-4 llA<H conAGI . 117 VIA llOU ~ 1• /• •• 2-c1:,· .. c1 •• , ...... , .... a.-..t .. SHt,000 A9f t4'-7St..OHS • 7 14-J07-4214 Ftmltl• 3435 Newport Coat OrlN SAT 1-S Js.....--1 lr•el home 2br. + den, Ca led comm. SI S 1,000 A touch of h.ly 41tr 7 5ba, Strada home St,729,000 tlal1an style 5br 5ba. ap pro • 18.000 to 19.000sf $J,49S,OOO NIW USTING Stun111n1 award w1nn1nc Hroo ... fteld home, built 1n 2000 3br + ol11ce Ap pro• 3700sl $1,7 19,000 'lATINUM l"ttOPUITIIS Stefanie MelHet 949 715·3156 f'lltMllSTATIS PATIIKll TINOal NATIONWIDI USA 949-156-9705 www.palriclltenore .com M p ..._.. ,..._ Croet c~tom fl5bte wiU1 canyon & ---Ott.eel •l $6,500,000 <-•ttl- ...., ..... 7$9,0177 MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS Rllltll To Simi a c•~o~t• Apl walk to belC'.h, $850/ mo ullls Inc l, enff March Is l 949·673·3706 HP on h bey, Alps kl bell. shop!. ,.... llmt .-.. Uyill<s. ~ be. '*-c.w J1'96 ~7123 ............ !*/HoRiti~ll*ORS*! ~i?·~:=· E * UQUIM110N * ~=~ ! SAi E! ! ME_.,. * * COUNTY ! CLOSIMC:. AFTER ! ..._11111111 * JO YEARS * ,..., Ml 111r -., * Wicker Ra nan Seating. * • to111t _..,. 111~ * Lamps, Tabl s * m. ~ * anc1 Mu h Moret * .... ,... *•264-0 Avon St. Newpon ueach** nJ .... 5~fr-()ff Ht\.'('~ t t"3dtc Coa'if I twy IMIYI L-unit. II p«lo, * {)40-642-2255 * 2br Ille. off st fl'Vc * * Jt. * * * * * ** Jt * * Jf-** S1600,'ln 11'~ W>-547ld 21<, 2 , .. """'• UPC>tr, 2 c detached r •r, bal· cony. new/c•rpet/p11nV appls, $1750/mo 3023 lanas B•y 714 865 2252 MMe .... :& 2.58a. FR. r p, rlff!Odded. hrdwcl ~ ~ yrct. b1oct. lo YMCA S21 !l'ilmo 9&642 9filJ9 ,...,..Badl IAYntOMT ON LIOO PENINSULA "1w 2•2 .. conaou Prtvate Beach, Pool and Spa. WaMr. lo Ocean, Shops a nd Restaurant& Least 6/mo 2 y1 • Boat Shp An tlable 710 '--0 , ... H.. 949-673 6030 Of 949 723 5830 * YIAtiY * wus Bill CRUNOY REAL TORS 949-675-•••• v.-allldo • studio ,.. cari-t .. Hal&. 11'1 toe. ~ Mow Awil now Sl<DVmo 714"9&.v.Bl>al46 ...... 21r 2 .. , MW paint, new Ille, ,., , w/d hllups, SI.ZOO/mo. 4 101 HilM ia tO. 562 430-3275 lbr 11195. & lbr $1395 on the water. lie .,,_ .,,..... La yd, sm boat oll.949-&73·7353 after 6 Upper I br Iba unit, close to beach & bay. .,..-·•·boo b•y views. Alt $1400 !M9 673 7800 am 3Jr 11111 on.,....... frt piilo, Ip, wd, I c pr, di-. .., ldlooll lfll sum ,.,. 96613-nm IA"991 pt.ad comm, 2br Iba, '& cllcll, w/d. ;~-:,~~~· •Mt'•, 2br lb• houw. 2 c rar. wdhkups, trl & bK k yard. $2150/mo . Pets ok. 949·376,J516 ...... S"'J 28r, 2.8•, dtl hM, 2·c ett IM A/C. nn.I P*>, tm.:. ~ S1lQ)i. 98 •l219 Lua Ptnln 2br 2ba, •K llvrin, w/fp, B•y views frm mall llvrm, pallo, 2 c« pklna, tr11. wd, •rt usoo 949·67 3. 7800 '•ltfnw l• Point Sfll, 2br 2ba • loft, 111'1 p1tl0Jy6, <MW palftt/blllKh,/lallftc, 2 c ,., wd hkup -ct '2650 949 673 7800 7402·7466 l '11 dcr the Scn·icc Directory Banner &~ Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week 9000-9750 For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S7 4-424S FalftJlr21e .......... bad\J•d W('f/IC, a.ti-do s.K, quwt fltti!lbortiood, like new $32(1)/~ sec A•.iA 3/1 ~ 949-!l6-'l5ll. lW. i.a. 4br 3b.t den, enl(ly l tdo lrlestyte ">Miine. tenncs. Zl2 Viii P1i..mo ~mo 949 67!>-7168 SI!// y our Car In Clau lfl•d ! CRYSTA! COVI UASl/MlW, 2 STOaY upanstve 51>< 5ba • den, c•I• 11u11ded M•ny c u•tom leaturn lhru out OecOf •'°' touches . ela borate landsc now und4tr way """ 4 I -03 sn&mo Isl !M96~Zll I Prtvlle Tlltortng 7990 fWTI U SSOMS E •Pd teacher h•• new open ln&s in Costa Mes.t studio LiH Sl.ek 949.574 0517 A~-'"(~ .... ~ •• ,., persona traor11nc factlty 8111/wk Pt'fw nal tr11n1ne ben.ltts 949 675 3281 M :oMttallathe Auk- sthedule nal1onw1de •PC>b fa< mob•I" notary cl061ne RC loans Mini have d1ta entry. out ~land1ne phone shill~. ene•e1ne per sonaltl y. b• a probleni ~ Newport Bch loc. u cellenl wort.ine cond r •• ·~a. .,,..,Y ht\tOf't to 949 61J !>186 A4Mlfthtnottvo Atsk- Small COM ollt<.e 'M!efl• P(T mullt ta5"tllf •nd.- w/slron& computer & ccomn1 V.tll~ phont'\ ~nd alln to det11t l m11t reiume w ~•'"' 1 • t Q ~@~~ GENEIUL OfffCl Cter1u1 P fT 10 JOtHI\ FAX RlSUMf. 11• 435 019 1 ,. .... CIJUClllN ....... & ........... sot•• , •• 0 1 .... ~&.idl .nl """-' ~ lU.o~. ~ ., j)rJn()01 B>l ~•l6 ~l'Jd>~ m\2 ~Atwyll() Mn:n ~ 96<Bl-OK1J W.ti ,._...._MM Or def /Inter net Bu~ne" Sl~$10Xl Pl n rrer Booklet 888 863· 124 1 www dobr"'11110ll0fl com s,,.,,mvt• ... ~ need•d lor .m ed 1c1t o lf•c• M0<n1ne work 101 all "nool holld•;s •nd \um.net v•c.•tmn A.h.o I hUl\dar PM lhl\ I\ •" on c.tll pos11ton w1lh no auarantee tlf •Oll\1•111 employmeul but wtlh ' poS\Jbfe fulu1t po\1t1un 949 760 6086 or ,., resume to 949 640 6691 c-.~r,, , Bu'y Newport Bead• otttee ....,.., lull time, "Cl! enetay. 0<1an11ed and def ailed per son with ., cellefil pnon., l.lltll\ and warm persona11ty C.Ont put"' ~'"' r eq tn<I M1cro\olt Olfict & Quoclo.Booi.... Pio r a • resom.. w'$M.wy ••1111•• menb to 'M1H74-072!1 OPERATOR/CRAVCYARO in Newp0rl Bea•h. nr auporl r utt/Parl time Woll Train 949 83) 9 790 s.1 •• /G.11.,.,-;-B••bO. tMfld ).4 dy\ .... ~ ~~~'- 1ll1Tlt ~ell> S..., • comm ~}.(93B ---------D YES, SELL MY CAR , Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Daily Pil ot and the Huntington Beach Independent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us this form with rour credit card # or mail with a check today! I Oeclt Caros 0 MC 0 V1SA 0 AM X Em Dato Run for a week! If your car does not sell, we'll run lt for another week ·FREEi All for just $20·. V.---Mlkeie------ ...... Diiiy "'°' S30 W. Bey It. C01Ca ...... CA Sle27 ,._.(IM8)&42.-1•· .... ~13, ..... -----~---- ll u•.i r~c.io-. l u c11 INDEPENDENT .-_,~-..-..---- • • IMW 'tt J7JI Cenv ')spd, 43*1 m1, \llver btu .. &r•y lthr. holed u .. h lull I.ct "''" \uprt b. $21.995 lw m v362•11 ton n••I. 8 k1 9'9 !>86 1888 --~···•"' J . -' ·-Thursday, February 20 2003 11 .19 ::-a""'"'.•:-ll_w ___ • .:..:._t _Au_•_•_!JI ___ , ___ ___ c~ llectric MM 2001 rare f1ct0ty doof~. low ml, Newport c., 13100949 887 l266 Bridge TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Oirpa.-..w.....w Conv V6, 5411 ml, ~ yr wart •v•~. 'C>arllelnl bll/ In llhr co. MIC*b ... new cond v2fi972l 16995 hn ...... 8llt 9'&586-l8118 __ ......,. __ o..... .., ... , .. , ... Sport J !> \16, 47k m1, wh1to/11rey mt. iar•aed, n/5 Ilk• new $6995 110•r"'"& ' w11r avatl Bkr 949 !>86· l888 WWW.K ..... l.c- f .. 4 '00 h c..,ole" XLT \110 29t. nu. \1lvM/1Jer lthr to. r11nn11111 bo•rd~. fully "••<led, hkt1 n•w, •871•,111 $71,99!> " nan.,1111 •••ll•bl• Bkr 949 SU 1111 www.etp.a.1 ...... FOCll NOIHS '90 Run\ 1.nt 6 c~. ~to.~. u~ ~rvool, pw, ps, bit Nhetl\. 'It* tr es & ups. Blue ~ U7h '>ti S2S50 Prrv~te PMly ! 14·S34-760I PLU IN Plu g into the Pil o t Class1f1ed section to f ind seN1ces from electronics and plum bers, to landscapers and painters IJI .'11 • • I , A t4 • U TA Mt ,>\ Daily Pilot PM&JPIAUlO IMW S40I S.4..'t7 Rare 6 $pHd V11 Low Mlt.~I (•18SJ6) 124,980 MIZ U OO k4..'02 Blac:IL •/p.,cllment lt1tller fact warr, premium •hHls (#19143) $51,980 ,.,....,. , ...... Stuney bl•<k on bla<ll le•lher u rt1t1edll (t l88!>81J Sl'l,980 Jen ... 1 J 41 Spl4er c-v.'9-' Red w/podt, t t an llhr,2rutr•co1d'' <•19104<:) S6!>.9!!0 Auw• NSX T ... 1.·oo Sp~•d yellow I~ mil•"' Hurry• I •I 900!> I S'>9 980 .............. SLSOO '96 Bl•<k opal w/r.r ev llhr lull puwe1 pre n11um who•I~ <•1118491 S?/.'J80 9 MW 7SOll Spt. Se4en'OI l.o\mca black w '~"d btok• l'Afhf'r lull "'•ort1 loll j ., C • 190?/ I S'>4 '18'J IMWl40CI (OUf1e '97 h11111•Lul1tt li~auly I •I '18()(.) S H. 980 Merced•• SJ70 '99 \mohe Stiver w '•ddlt Mm! l.und 1•4001t11 i n 980 l'oro<he 911 c-r•ro '99 Col>rlo 511••1 w/lll"r k I op tront~ Mu•.t 'Set'" f •191 /RI S'>l.980 IMW XS '02 Whtl• l•dory p1,m1um wh•el\ I• 189?01 S4 I 981J IMW Zl 'Cottv '96 Jted w lmmdl ul .. tf bl•tk llhr S •.~ed t •IHllOJ S I? 'i80 ford lapedltl0tt '99 I •Mded. """ l•mtly SUI/ whit• lo~m1IB l•lll/'J4J Sl8 9RO 949 S74-7777 PHIWPS AUTO hlltl •-'•.<o ... I fOllD llAHGlll XlT '99 1 l•tt• r .• n ""'" 10 &911 1111 116 h•dl111n f'"v•I• I' •r I I SJ)()() 949 642 S620 GMC ·oo 0 .... 11 •wd, t'*' •r· • '""' 7 I •r 11..•r i tht Pft-m ,ound r.r> 1 hrome -.tll\ \OJI~' b hkt """' "'"J. vl'J0/11 '14 'l't'i Ion & warr ••••I lik1 ':}49 ~ 1888 .. -... '"*I.co ... Hondo CltV '00 •utu Ir An\ u full Pf>"'~' l l '""' m f' ll'>.900 Pp '.141 ')/I 4'44 By CHARL£S GOREN wfttt OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH K ELP FROM nu: E~EMY Bodi .. ulocr.ibk Somh duJ, TilC aucuvn w ll.) • l.uc! ul •1111ple anlhmcuc Nur1h ~ I 0 h1~h rnnl ''"'"'' 10 South', .JilllllUIKC'd Is 11 uu<l l.'411lC up with (r)t •ut'h f1w fJlll<' NORTH • 10112 Qlll !\ ti • ti. J "J 2 f Ill: fhc,"1\J ffilllHI '"" IOJ l'"-\11) "''"'h .in l"~tna pou111 \HS l •J6 .. ~,. \\n 1 kd Ille thrn ol l><·.tn "" r.:.cl\ """n rn 11,. du'<'<l h.tn<l "'uh lht· l..111).' •\duh IU 111<· J..IL I.. hN 111 tlll' ljUCC:ll J.IKJ f J•I \llllll'<I h• .I k1-. 'l'·~.a.-''"'" 111 h.mcl "'1111 lhr l..1nr 111< ntrtl' 111 dub-. .,. 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