HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-21 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot'I ---...... • -10 Serving th e N e wport-Mesa community since 1907 I ... District schools shine on state API Majority do as well o r be tter tha n in previous years. Newport Harbor High and six othe rs fa lter. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot NEWPOl!"I MLl.il\ -Mo'>t school!. in the district met or l'Xceeded their goals of 800 on the 2002 Academic Performance Index (API) fk'>c Hepon. which for the first time included :.Lore<, from adc..huonaJ testl>. While JR '>(:hool'> nMtntamed their previ- ou., rdn~'>. lour '>thool-. College Park. Paularuw .:111d \"ioodland elementary <md Orangl' <..oa'>l Middle College I ligh schools -improved thl'1r '>t.llc\"llde r.uoong. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 , 2003 P" _Tri BY c;fA~ Ii. f\i • PtLOI "We foel that they really did weU and we're really proud of tht• :.chools," l>aJd Peggy Anatol, he,td nf te.,ung for the New- port-Me..a Unified ~hool D1'>tnct "We juM continue IO work at t•vcry -.c.hool in every .irea." 'Ille report '>hOWt'd lhJt ..even schoob - AJ1de~en. F.a'>tblufT. I !arbor View. l.mcoln. Mariner.., Nl·wport Loal>t elementary and Lorona dl'I Mar I h~h -.chool~ -held the hlghc'>t 'tatl'widt• r.111k of I U, which they've Crews hoist the 30,0QO.pound top level of a two-story manufactured home above neighboring homes and into its place on 32nd Street See API, Pa1e A7 A safe landing PUBLIC SAFETY Remains )-:~fficially ·~identified ... f)iscovery in Humboldt County leaves family of ·• tJewport Harbor grad Ma tt : ;.. µrge with m ore questions. .. -. ---· .. -.. · . ·: ep18hu1th tly Pilot ow big was Matt Large's smile? \Vhen he smiled. his eyes lighted _ · .. up. When he smiled, you could see A new h o m e finds its way from Coro na to the Balboa Pe nins ula on Thursday by trailer, caus ing something of a s pectacle June Casa1rande Daily Pilot S teve R1chley ~on htl> way 10 work Thur;day when a spectacle made him do a double-rake: A pretty yeUow house !>al on a trailer in the middle of 32nd Street. workers '>truggiing 10 attach it to a crane "I've lived in Newport Beach my whole life and I've never i.een CUlything like thil>," Richley !>aid. "I jusr had to pull over and watch." The show he !>aw did not dJsappoinL ShonJy after I 0 a.m .. the 40.000-pound first Ooor of the mwufactured home dwgled m the air from the er.me. With surprising ease. the crane gentl} ~1 the hoUM> down on 11~ foundation before repeating the proceso; for the 30.000-pound '>econd story. "I thought they were going lO have more trouble thCUl that.· ~d Dee Williams, another Newpon Beach resident enjoying the show from the Albertson's parking lot across the street. The lot wtl the $!j8,000. 1.410-square-foot home on 11 Jean Poole, owner of the 1.410.squar~foot home, left, and friends See LANDING, Paae A4 lean over to watch the manufactured home set m place . · _ : :...-iost. if not all of his pearly whites. And : : : :-: : Jftere was such pure joy in his smile that. --.< lmetimes. It almo t k:noc~ed the • : : • : ck-rimmed glasses off lus face . Daily Pilot makes its prime time debut • :.;A former Newpon Harbor High School ~pion wrestler and a lifetime Costa • esan, 23-year-old Large had just moved -iuntington Beach. He was buff, excited : •: •: d counting down the days until his :::::--ever "ultimate fighting" match 14 • • • • • onths ago when he suddenly Newspaper gets mentioned in episode of NBC 's 'The West Wing.· Characters complain of Pilo t 's coverage of their stump visit to Newport Beach . S.J. C1hn Daily Pilot • • 41s&ppeared. His family reponed him •• :•: ~lng Dec. 8, 200 l, after he didn't show -•l ·~for a "pre-match.dinner" bis mom had NEWPORT-MESA -The clock is ticking. Tune left: about 13'r'l minutes. the NBC drama "The West Wmg" on Wednesday night know whose 15 minutes of fame is dropping grain by grain through the hourglass. It's ours. • : -See REMAINS, '-I• M ·~· ·~ Those few -It seems like a few, really. ln Newport-Mesa -watching For those many (really. as strange as it sounds. not many in this conser- 72 HOURS A quick guide to the weekend FULL OF ENERGY 1 Global trend tradcer Jeremy Rlitlln will present "Petroleum, Politlcl end the Hydrogen Economy~ et 7 p.m. Friday and 2 p.m. Saturday et the Newport Beech Central Library, 1000 AYOC*lo Ave., Newpc>f1 Beed'I. Tldtets for Frldey .,.. $66, lnduding • butr.c dlnn.r. s.turdey tic*ets C09t $18, Inducing ~menta. Register In edlt•a by catting (888) 301·2A11. ti» ON 1ltE ROOF 2 Vanguard University will preeent ib third main st8ge production of "Addlef on the Roof." The play will run today through Sunday with I MCOnd leg Feb. 27 to Marth 2. It will play et the ec:hool'I Lyceum Theater, 66 Fair Drive. Cotta MeN. Information: (714) B-6146. A VIENNESE DELIGHT 3 c.19 Ludwig's host pianist, Christopher O'RHey, will tah the audience on a musical tour of the cobblestone street• of Vienna. The show will take piece et 2 p.m. Sunday In Founders H.11, 800 Town Center Drive. Tldteta ere $46.. (714) 668-2122. Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER It'll be beautifully aunny. S..Plc•A2. BEST BUYS Chee* out the la'99t .... S..PlceA3 SPORTS UCl4t "*'" ........ ...... hea .on. OOlilpel"Y .... .. .. ,.... vaovely minded area seem avid viewers of the leftish how) who dtd not see the program. a quick recap. White House Deputy Directo r of Communications Sam Seaborn (played by Rob Lowe) is running for a Congressional seat in the 47th Dis- trict. a fictionalized amalgamation of Rep. Chris Cox's home turf. Tu help his campalgn. which is spunering just a bit. President Bartlet (played by Martin Sheen) and company make a '>~mg out to Orange Counn Now. unagine the rett•ptw n Bill Omton would have recervt'd had he come to Newpon Beach to p11r h one of his Wlute I louse 1>taffer:. And then muloply 11 bv ·Holly- wood" and you haw rhe negative re- !>ponse Bartlet gets when he amve~ Early the next morning. the <.taffers are grou ing about the rec:epnon. in- SM OEBtn', P11e A4 THINKING ALLOWED / ~ \ The mayors bully pulpit I was baptlzed by fire loto the Newpon Beach politk:al scene ln at what Mayor Steve Bromberg ca.lied the • schmoo7.e fest of I.he )'Mr:· the Mayor's Dinner, hoited by Speek Up Newport. chernseMs. ewe heard Rep. O:uis Cm was mawed ln on w East Coast and couldn' make it.) Hundreds of beaudfuJ people got out of ltW l\mury CIR and •wnered their C.Onwratkms were tivefy, drinb Mn' abwldant and the mood Wll cheerful Mel-an hour ol cock1dl. ...... LOLITA wktenecL U. looeened HARPER anct tbe bollteroua crowd wu haded Into the dining room tor lbe formal ..... -ctn.ed teh'll!ll Into. .... bdroom .. dlt Ne..,,an lwh MmtoU. ..,. ......... hmtbecA:iilot-lnd ..... ,.... Wllft ..... bUlnaneottbe....-.-. ~ I don't bow ltl-· wtne or ihMr' dwm. but_. md AZ Friday, Febfuary 21, 2003 ON THE DON LEACH I OAILY PILOT Brian Carlson, who started at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club as a food server, is the new general manager. A colllf ortable fit By Cassady Jeremias Daily Pilot B rian Carlson, the new general manager of the Bahia Corimh1an Yachr Oub, has more on his mind than just yachts. This married father of a 2-year-old daughter admits he's nor even a sailor. "I just love being near the warer or on the water. Sailing is just not my Lhing," he said. "If I were to be out on the open water, I'd much rather be on a big Duffy electric boat. Ir would get me there faster, too.· Carlson, an avid golfer and Orange County native, staned out as a food server at the yacht club in 1992. He worked his way up to food and beverage manager. Different management jobs took him around Southern California to the Newport Harl:>or Yacht Oub, where be was th e clubhouse manager, and most WHATS AFLOAT •WHATS AR.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dailypilot@lstimes.com. CRUISES Electric Boat Tours offers two-hour CNiSff of Newport Merbor ($75 per cruise). Round-trip hotel or off-the-water restaurant shuttle service is available. Pid<-up from restaurants with dodcs is also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291 -1953 or www.wattsontheharbor.com. The Newport Landing Belle is av11ilable for weddings and receptions, codctail and sightseeing cruises, and meetings. The cost is $500 for the first two hours, plus $150 for each additional hour. (949) 361-364-0. Fun Zone Boat Co. runs a 45-minute cn.1iH (adults, $6; ctlildren, $1 ) and a 90·minute cruise (adults, $8; ctlildren, $1) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m . to 7 p.m. daily. A GO-minute showboat sunset cruise (adults, $6; The Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club's new general manager doesn't sail, he just loves the water recenlly to the University O ub of Pasadena as general manager. The commute from his house in Irvine to Pasadena took up to an hour-and-a-half each way. I le was happy to find something closer to home. "It is a smooth and easy transition for me. I probably know half the members here and many of the employees,· he !>a.id. After graduating from Ordnge Coast College with an associate's degree. he got a bachelor's in management from Pepperdine University. ·1 always knew I wanted to be a manager,· he said. "Oub managemenr is definitely my career. I definitely want 10 ctlildren, $1 ) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. daily. Private ctlarters are available. (949) 673-0240. Catalina P.ssenger S.vice runs 45-minute harbor cruises (adults, $6; ctlildren, $1) and 9().minute cruises (adults, $8; ctlildren, $1 l. departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m . to 4:30 p.m. daily and on the hour until 7 p.m . (949) 673-5245. Cruise the harbor aboard the Electra, a 100-foot Classic Fantail vessel. Charters with catering are available fo r up to 145 passengers. (949) 723-1069. A thrM-<OurM dinner and dancing while cruising the harbor are available at 8 p.m. Fridays and at 7:30 p.m. Saturdays at Hornblower Cruises & Events, 2431 W. CoaS1 Highway, Newport Beactl. The fee is $59.95 per person on Fridays and $64 on Saturdays. Brunctl cruises also are available. (949) 631-2469. The C.Ullna Ayer ct.pans from Balboa Pavilion at 9 a.m. daily and returns from Catalina Island at 4:30 p.m . S36 round-trip for adults; $20 round-trip for ctlildren. Reservations are recommended . (949) 673-5245. be involved in it for the rest of my working life." At work. Carlson loob after after club members' needs and interacting with employee~ and the community. He admits it can be tJ1e bei.t and wori.t part of hii. jub. After he was interrupted by co-workers with a quick quei.tion about the dining room seating arranKement, he went righ1 back to businesi. witl1 a quore from tl1e rrussion ~tatement: "We arc our members' home on ll1e hay," he hl!id. In the future, Carl'>On hopei. to manage a country club so he can be amund golf but sayi. he wants tu stay local. He likes the feel of a club, which has members, be11cr than tha1 of a hotel or re taurant, where people come and go every day. "It would really have to be worth the while to my ramiJy and me to pick up and move," he said. Hornblower offers weekend dinner dance and Sunday ctlampagne brunctl cruises on Newport Harbor that celebrate imaginattve cuisine and pampered service. 2431 W. Coast Highway, Suite 101, Newport Beactl. (949) 631-2469. The Adventures at S.. v.tht Charters of'Nr cruises around Newport Harbor from 12:30 to 2 p.m. every Sunday at 3101 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beactl. $20. includes cruise, parking, cookies and sodas. Reservations required. (949) 650-241 2. FISHING Fishing daSMS leave Balboa Pwilion at 6 a.m. and return at 4 p.m . M ondays and Tu esdays. $125. (949) 673-2810. Get to the N.wport P* earty to wstdl the dory fishing fleet return with the fresh catctl of the day. Fish are prepared for sale at M cFadden Square. an open-air martcet. Fishing supplies and boat c:hartltrl (open party and private) are available at Davey's Lodcer, 400 M ain St., Balboa (949) 673-1434; and Newport Landing Sportfishing , 309 Palms, Suite F. Newport Beactl (949) 675-0550. D<iilyAPilot ConlWlhon News assistant, (949) 574-42!t8 coral. wilson@/atlme1.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don l.aacti, Kent Treptow BoK 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright No news stories, illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced withcx.lt written permi11lon of copyright owner. VOL 97. NO. 52 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYOOOEAO Editor JUDY OETTING Advertising Director LANA JOHNSON Promotions Director ' Newt Edttof'I Gina Aleunder, Lori Anderson, Paul Saitowitz, Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF Deepe lhandl Crime and courts reporter, (949) 674-4226 dMpa.bharllth l•rlmes.oom JuMC1111,..lde Newport eeac:n reporter, (949) 574-4232 ~~r•nde l•tlmes.oom ,.,.CIMofl PolltiCl9 and erwlronm.nt reponer, (M) 764-4330 f»Ul.dinton•larimacom LollllHalper Columm.t. cultu,. repottef, (949) 5~275 /ollf.a,,,.,.,,.,.'-'timaoom .,..,.. .......... Cotta Meet,.,,..,, (949) 574-4221 c#lrdt9.,..,,.n•1a11,,,...oom a.tk••~ Ectuci.llon ,...,._, (948) 67U2tl mrl#ln..t:M#lo•i.t1,.,._com READERS HOTUNE 19491 642"6086 Record your commen11 about the Dally Pilol or nows tips. Addt-. Our address it 330 W. Bay St., Com Mesa. CA 92627. Office hours are Monday -Friday. 8:30 a.m. · 5 p.m. eon.dot• h is Ille Pilot's policy to promptly correct all errora of substance. Please call 19'8) 7M-4324. FYt The Newport Beac:hlCotta Mesa Dally Pilot IUSPS-144-800) 11 published t»lly. In Newport Beacn and Co.ta MeN, sublcflptione are avaflabte onty by eubecribing to The Timee Cringe County (800) 252-1141. In areas outside of ~Beech and Cotta M ... tubecrtptiont to the Delly Pilot Ma tvailable only by flrat cl•• mtll for S30 per month. (~ Include aO 11Pt1tioabte w and k>ca1 ~I POSTMASTER: Send eddrwM cflengee '°The Newpoft ~ Meee OeifV l'tlot. P.O. HOW TO REACH US Clrw&ation The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 ~ Cletelfted l949) 6C2-5678 Dispa.y (94916C2-4321 EdltotW News UM9) &e2-5680 Spom 1949) 574-4223 News Fax 1949) 646-4170 5pcMU Fu (949) 650-0170 E-mail: t»lfypllot•l•tlmn.com MMft<>MM ........... OMoe (949) 6C2-4321 ....... ,...(IM8)631-7126 Publllhed b'( Tll"I* COmmunlty rMwl. a div~ of the Loi A"""9e Tlmee. C2002 Tl"* CN. Al~ ~- ' Oaely Pilot THE HARBOR COLUMN Coast Guard could use boaters' help Ahoy. The U.S. Coast Guard asb that all boater~ help test their coastal stations' Global . Maritime Oistres'> and Safety System Digital Selective Calling capa&ilkies. MIKE eligibility reqµirements. The marine Ml-II IF radiotelephone i.ervice is part of the osc WHITEHEAD fheOMC Foundation began 111 1945 with a grant from the Lvin rude family a' the Ole Evin rude 1-oundation. It changed iti. name in 1he late '80s. The pmnary mi.,~1on wa .. 10 gl\ e ~c:holar~hip'i f111 OML employeei.. Any 'irholari.hip'> ~•ilJ system, which aJlow!> boaters, with the rouch of one button. to send a di~tres.-. ''KnJI to the Coast Guard complt·1e with Mobile Mari11me Servin· Identity number and latitude/longitude if co11ncl'll'd to a Global Po!>itioning Sy.,tl'rn from anywhere in the world Also with the DSG boarrr' can send or receive distre" signals and regular r.sdio r.111'> by dialing anotht!r boater\ radio directly. The test will ~tarl Mo11dJ~ and last until Marrh 24 for ,111 vessels becween :W and I !iU nautical mile!> from the <.ci."1 Guard stations. ·1 here is 111w 111 Washington a1 Group l'ort Angeles (MMSI 00:1669904). and rwo in Oregon, ar c;roup Astoria (MMSI OO.lbb99 IOJ and Group No r1h Bend !MM~I 0036699 11 J. In California. tht!re drt' (,rnup 1 lumboldt Bay !MMSI 003669909), Cam~pac San Francisco IMMSI OOJ669q'KJJ. Group San Frano~rn (MM 'il 003669926). Group I ung Bl'dl h (MMSI 0036699121 and Acti vities San Oiego IM~1)1 003669913). fhe Coac.t Guard .1'b th.11 yuu initiate a routine D!>< tt''t caJI directly 10 one of 1he toJ't guard station~ lbted above ui.ing the MMSI number for thar station. Wlwn callinK tlll' Marion, you will u~t.' tht' frequency of 2 187.5 lilohn11 Once i.ent. you i.hould wa11 fur the DSC acknowledl{menr and then shift to 2182.0 kilohert1 for voice commumcat1on' "'"h the station. If you cannot ei.tablbh D~C . or voice communica11on .. w11h the Coast Guard, caJI (5 1 OJ 437-3510 or !>end t!·niail 10 gllil/@d/l.11scg.mil IO report 1111' problem. You can read mort• information on at www.navct-n. uscg.goul marcomms/dsc_ te~t //Im GRANTS AVAILABLE On another note, the OM< Foundation is closing their doors, since OMC we nt bankrupt. The foundation "' giving its finaJ round of grant' to nonprofit group~ rhat tedth young boaters. I have heard there may he up to $1 mlJlion remaining in 1lw trust to be distributed to the various organizations. A portion of the money will ht! used in the communities affected by OMC closures, and one-fourth will be avaiJable for those nonprofits meeting the rt•111a111111g will be hono red. I enuwra~l' yo urh 11011profit hn.illllK urgJ11i1.at11>n' to i.c11d .tll l' mail w 0111cjuwulm wn~ au/. cum hdun· 1lll' dpphr.sli on dcadl1111· 111 ~l.m h II TIP OF TiiE WEEK <JH~l k yuur ve-,.,el\ -,ea ,trJ111c•r<, n·.,..larl} dunng lht.• 1J111y 'eJw11. \ea 'rrJiner., Jfl' 1lw wlll'llion ba ... kl'I' 1hat art' u11111t'lll'd 111l111e after the thru ~hull .... 11t watl'r pickup' ltnmrnonly 1 ,Vied raw watt•r). I ht'}' look lil r pool drai n hJ,lt'l' I hl' 't'J "" .u ner u 1llect<. dehn<, '>Ul led up in w thl' how from till' mt.·Jn. Ille rain , .... 111·r l''>pt·nall} .tiler the lir\t rt.11n!>. will flu,h dll\\11\trl'am a lot ul ddm., tha1 hit' been n 1llecl111K 111 1ht.· <,tor111 dr.sm ch.inrwh. 1111'> cfrl>m will doK up rJw -.trainer'> thth preventing thl' 111H111Jl \\Jler fluv. pd'I rhc .,,,,11nt·r' Wh.st 1111 .a boat ha'> strainer-.·· o.,1rn111er.. Jfl' 0 11 mo'>t engrnl',. 111dud1ng llldtrl!> and gl'ncrato"· except those wi1h h ·el cooler.., hc.st111g dnd arr 111nd111011111g unit!>, water mJker\. raw water ht:ads. rJ\\ \-\dlt·r fauu.'l'> dnd rJw water "'•"h Juw11-. It ,., 1mpundnl to t.hel·k and dl·an lhl' -.tr<.1im·r' fur thl''>e m•nh 10 UJll'rate. and it is vital to lt•ep uwlm~ V.Jter to the t.·n~1nei.' hl•at exchanger~ :,o the l'ngme'> will nut overhea1 when 111wra1111g II the engines 11verhea1 , they can be damaged I hi' cngi11e-. may automatically 'hut tlm' n, t Jusing the skipper 111 lo'>e rontrol of thl' boat. You l>houltl ab(J kl'l'J> the '>trJ1ner.. de.in '>O that '>mallt'r debm does nor work 1ti. way rhrough thl' ..irainer and. for t•x:1mplc. 11110 your heal l'>.t hd nger. wh ich would r1·411ire much mon• 10 dear 1he C'loi.: 1.htly. for tho~c t n 11\ing after dJrk. keep dn eye out near the hend in Balboa Island ea!>t of thl· ferry crossing. as Newport Ba y\ channel light number 10 1c, Mill extinguished (the Coast Cu.srd 's term for 1101 worlcjng). ~afe voyages. • MIKE WHITEHEAD IS lhe Pilot's boating and harbor columnist Send him your harbor and marine related thoughts and story suggestions by e-mail to M1k.eraie oathouse TV com or v1s1t Boathouse TV com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST The darn weather just keeps ctlanging, bot it won't be any different today than it was on Thursday. So expect sunny sides and highs near 70. l ows will be in the mid-40s. More clouds will show up Saturday, though it'll still be nioe. Rain may return by Monday. ~: www.nws.noaa.gov BOATING FORECAST The westerly wlndt will blow 10 to 16 knota In the Inner weters today, with 2·foot W9Vft and a west swetl of 3 to 4 feel The winds will blow lighl9r thil ~ng. Out farther, tht ~wfndawillblow 15 to 20 knots, with 2· to 3-foot ..,.. encl• nof1hwtat ...et of I to I fMt. The wlnde wfll blow llghtlr. ebout 10 to 16 lcnott. tiaev..lllig. -SURF We'll see a slight drop today, th~gh we'll still see mostty waist-to ctlest-highs. Saturday will be slightly smaller again, with weist·higha eerty. There will be a late afternoon bomp as the next northwest swell begins to roll in. The swell wm build Into the ctlest·high range. The swell will peak Sunday, with mostly dlest· to head-higha. W..quettty: www.wrtrlc#r.orp TIDES nm. 6:34a.m. 12;2Sp.m . 6:12p.m . 12:54a,m . ........ O.IOfeetlow 3.nfMthigh 1,03feetlow 6.0lfMthigh WATER TEMPERATURE IO~ ' .................................... ~P•Z•Z'•0•? ....................... ~c~a...._. __ Dally Pttot BEST BUYS Give th e f amily dogs th e lu x ury they deserve D evoted dog lovers already know about Three Dog . Bakery. '!lley regularly bnng their dogs in for fresh bakery I.reals 1ha1 couJd rival a fine pastry shop's. Dog!. mostly request the Puptaru., Pupcakes. Boxer Brownies and they wan1 dozens of Oo1tie's Spots (carob chip cookies) Also popular are custom cakes. for weddings 100, and personaJized carob-printed Dino Bones. Ownen. Sandy Deem-Naff and Roger Naff say that, occasionaJJy. clever unl eashed dogs charge behind the counter and slurp froi.ting '>lratghl out of the bowl. Not tu he mis.sed are the two annual c.:os1ume parties: a 1.ummer pool party, when dogl> come dressed in swimwear, and I lalloween. when 150 10 JOO dogs show up in coM umes. Some owners just .. lap a sarong on. but others go all out luxedo .... bulldogs dres....,ed Like ladybug~ and Ausun l'owers CO!>lllmes are worn. The bakery is abo filled wilh hats. rollardenshe..,, hed ... wys. -.harnpoo ... earner ... '>Unglassec, .ind more. "If 11\ ou1 1here. I've go 111," Sandy ..aid Open from 10 a m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. 924 Avocado Ave., Corona del Mar Plaza. (949) 760-00CS. rrsNOTTOO EARLY FOR SWIMMING Dlan~s GREER WY~DER Swimwear carries year-round swimwear and active wear. There are one-piece sui ts, bikini sets, i.eparJtes, cover-up!., shoes and arcc..,sories. Best selling bikinis arc Lucky Brand. Vix, Becca and one-piece '>uits from Calvin Klein. Top si.7,e range from extra -;mall to DD. and bouom M.7.es range from extra small to large . Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. ~unday. 920 Avocado Ave .. Lorona del M ar Plaza. (949) 759·68HO. MAKE Ml PlACE YOUR PLACE I-or the pa.st 28 year<>, Ml Place owner.. Mary 1-rankrl and Im Jlubcn-;1ein have offered <,ome of MEXICAN RESTAURANT MO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949 ·645·7626 Melber You Buy or lease- v ou'11 Find Incredibl e Values on Your Favorite Le xus! INDEPENDENT SERVICE • PART the best designer apparel and accessories In a small boutique setting. They carry Michael Kors, Celine, John Galliano, Jean Paul Gaultier. Narcisso Rodriguez and Alberta Fen-elti. Custom gowns and special occasion dresses are their i.pecialty. Beverly HiUs-bru.ed iewelry designer Loree llodk.in, who specializes in platinum, while and yelJow gold witJ1 diamonds. is featured here. Rodkin also designs Gothic croi.c;e-.. One of her first customer!> was Cher. The prices on falJ/winter colleclions are reduced 50%. Open from lO a.m. 10 7 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. 10 5 p.m. Sunday. 916 Avocado Ave .. Corona del Mar Plaza. (94 9) 219-9919. GIORGIO ARMANI READIES SPRING, SUMMER WEAR Today. the GJorglo ArmanJ Bou~que a t South Coast Plaza i!> having an exclusive trunk show featuring the women'!> spnng/'>ummer 2003 colJection. Open from l 0 a.m to 9 p.m. Monday 10 Friday: from lO a.m. 10 8 p.m. Saturday: and from 11 am. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level one, ou~ide of Macy's. C7 l 4) 546·93n. HIT THE PAVEMENT FOR THIS SALE I luge d1..,count!> are offered from 10 a.m. Lo 4 p.m. today and Saturday al 1he sidewalk .,aJe al FA:l.'>1 17th S1rret and Tll'ilin Avenue m Co.'>ta Mesa. ParticipatJng merchants are BMslneta ., Blueberries. Bow Dangien, Blue Sprlnp, Flare, Villa Bella. Amethyst Hair Salon and Tea Ii Sympathy 369 E. 17th St .. Costa Me5a. TASTE A err Of PARADISE Gelato Paradiso makec, smaJJ batches of gela10 at 5:30 a.m. daily Ul>ing imported ingredients and recipes from Italy. Pistachios come from Sicily. harelnuL'i from the Piedmont region and 1ts lemon sorbet recipe comes from Sorrenio. The mosl popuJar flavors are stracciatella (chocola1e chip). hazelnut, Ttramisu and cappuccino. C.0-owner "fyler George say.. they have the large-.t selectton ol sorbets in the county and they supply 40 m.1aurants and hotel., with gela10 ;rnd sorbet Beauuflll custom gelato and '>Orbt°I cake'> were launched In June. they -;di 'iO quickJy, the <;tore can't make them fast enough. Open from 11 a m. to 9 p.m M o nd ay 10 Thursday: from 11 a.m 10 l!I p.m. Fnday and ~uurday: dnd from 11 am. 10 q r.m. Sunday 952 AvocadfJ Ave .. Corona del Mar Pla7a (949J 040·9256. Ah<> in the Atrium L<1un at l·a.,hJon l!.land. C94'l) 71H '!800. • BEST BUYS appears M ondays and Fridays Send information tu Greer Wylder at greerwylder a yahoo com Spa Gregorie's . AND SA L ON G R EG OR IE 'S C~.7~ Y<'h•· :;·, /~ ...... ·_:/·· -• 411 SPECIAL EVENT! lllndav. ftbfuary 'l1 rn-t ~N Specral only ms. reg $175 Includes SJS tttdll tow11rd ~111en jltOduct. Get a M~tj lleitment plus an eniyme peel foi a net pnce of iUS1 SllJI Spa Gregorie s Hours Monday 11 am 9pm. Tuesday Sunday 9am 9pm 200 Newport Center Drive Suite 100 Newport Beach Calllornia 97660 Costa Mesa City Counci l drops several objective Deirdre Newman Daily Pelot C < J\ It\ ~ti \A I .1111111 1lmie11 ( "" y Mo1ttlh.rn 'Ut < t•t•tlt·d tr1 ft·rrl'llll~ out \\h,11 Ill' '1111,tJ l'rt'd Ouff lro111 1h1· C 11\ I 11111e 111' lOllllllllllll\ <1hJl"t IJ\I'' ()11 htt·,d,I\ \11111,1h,111 (Oil ve111 t•d lw. 111ll1·,1~1w-. Iii w11111\1 • ,e IH1'il ol llf'lll\ 1111111 tlw t 11) ·, p n ont) 11 ... 1 1n .... e\1· p11·11111" 11t\ lunch . I Ill' .. 1.llt• l.u ,., ol "1r, hrl hun ddiut .11111 I •1'1.1 \11•,,1 hkl• C.:lllt'' lh1•111gl11111I tilt• 'eJlt'. 1.1n 1·~pl·t e .e 111·' I 1111llto11' ol tlolJ,tf, v. llt'll I ~1•' .!llll S IJ.1 hudgt·t 1-. ul11pl1·tl l.111·r the V\'cll. < 1!ll11· .i11· ohi1•1 ""''' -.u1 h ..... pur...u111g hrnd111~'. .111d ton ... 1rlll l 1u11 ul ,, 111mprt'"l'd llJIUrnJ gd' (,11 tlel\ .t11d Ull' I\ f1<1ri...1on ol .il11·r "hriol pri1 gr<1rn' t•1 1111 1111etdl1· .111d l111:h -.1 hool' l 1nam1.tl 1111111.d -. h.1\• v• 1 111 1,tlly l(JC• -..i\ lflg' 111 till' t 11\ 11111 lilt' l>1~nt .1ll111 .1t11111 lr1·1·d 11p \\,1 '))llO•MiCI llll•lldt•tl 1111 ( 11,l,1 \It'· I .1rt'' .11111 t1lllf'r ,!( ll'r 'd11111I p r.,).!1.1111-. .... 1111 \!.111 11111 kt Cl dllt'l"ll•I 11f 1111 llll• I lit' ft111<1' \\di 1111\\ • 111• r 1lw g1·111·r.tl fund 1111 11111• 1 p1111" '""· ..... lll'fllt•Ll 1'111 ~ t'll '·"" \\l11Jt. '"1111' !t•,e1j,o1 h L 11111 1111·111h-J th1 , .. 11111 11 tur r1·d 111 Ill~. II' pn• •rll w 1 1 pwp.111• l11r ... hnnl..111g 1111111 .. rl 1·\ t•111p l1.1 '"l'd Ult' 111\ 11111'-ll'l1U1f1,llll ,. flf lllt hfdlflg th\ I t JllJJllJl111 111 1tw 1 •11u111111111\ 11h 11•1 ri,,., 'Ir' 1111"d\ .t 11111111 I " I 1i,1 ,' /joo"d··11f I .1!111; '-,111" ..... ,d '1111'\ llJ,J\ ~·I lftH 11• It • tlllll 1111111 1111 II I <HlllOllllft~ 'UP port~f,, bllt lht'll'' 1111 rt•dl JllOI ''" Ill ~!) 0111 MHI work. \II.Ith th t I IJllllllll/111) Jlllf Jll ern Jll/.t' W)Ml 1111 < •1111111u111I\ would hk.t-to t•t• I h1· 1l1111nw111 f•H < 11..,1,1 \.11•-..1 ( .u1 ' \\,I" \llJIJll"1•d 111<11111\ tJUI ,,, 1111' ( t..t'> 1..i• '•·lllt ll!t'lll I 111111 °'''"I""' \11·,.1 I l111twd 'id111ol h•1.ird 11wruht•1 I >.1\1' Urook.,, <111 .1d\!1l.1lt• ol .1lt•·r '' hw1I ,pro )\!•tr'" 111llw111~. ,,wt lo"ilng !ht· lurul' \\Ill 11101 ht• "i.:n1hc.u11 1r11 tllt di.Ill h l>lll l llllhl h,1\1' .111 .1d \l'I"' c•ll1·1 t l'\1,'llllhill\ 11 ... llllt ~11111g 1•1 111,1~ ... 111,: d11f1·rt·r1t • 111 11!1 \hort 11·1111 h·· 1.111,1• 111 1111· l.1 ~ rh,ll tlwrt \'ii'"' .a 1111 !1 1•11! I•• .111•''' rh,11 111rn1t'\,' 1!11.r ~, ,,1111 -111 tlit· l1111g 11•1111 11 111.11 h,1,, .1 r1·<1l 1·I lt·r I .trtd 1h 1 • ll"il\ 11 1111'.111'> Ult' .el>1li • I "• t 'I"'"'' ' 1111\\ (!•JI(\ 1 1111 111·tl I HIJflt h \\IJIJ1 11l I lllh\ I O\\,llJ dt "I fo ·d tilt 'II" t •111 II 11111\lll~: ""'" •11 ltlt ' llfll•I lll"'i 1111 lud111g ltll ll,11111,J ).',o•' lo1 ii!!. o11td 11'\l'I lllrl Ill 11 l.t.11! •11 tlw .111 ' HI \\ ·' !l ''"" t ,\ Ill 'IUI \ I I I• , '-. .. r~. &~ I-I 11 r .1 I ~\. c , i I h 50 9c <>FF Topiarir~, Pott('d I\~ & Orchid" HtHllt: l>tcor • .. u r niture --·-- \lun -1-ri IU-6 • "'·•' I 0.5 • "un 11 -~ 369 E. 17th "lrt'el #13. ( "''<I \lt:!\a • t9.l91 b~fl -67~~ I '"'"'tr lfl l<,dl'h~ •CERAMIC TILE • VINYL FLOORING l!IMNtlNG~ I 1111 .. \·J : ' • '. ~ from s449 Travertine 1a·' 8 Cerarmc Tile Laminate Wooo 1374 L~n Ave.,_~ite F COSTA MESA (888) •u.&· 777 -(6~) l£ MON.-FRI. 10AM to 5 PM • • SAT. lO AM to 2PM ~ CLOSED SUNDAY .. ~ ... :- I .. " , PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Bristol StrMt: Forgery Involving credit cards was reported in the 3300 bkx.t at 4:23 p.m. Wednesday. • Bristol StrMt and Paularino AV«1ue: Petty theft from a vehlcle was reported at 8:55 a.m. Wednesday. • C•rnegie.Avenue: Petty theft was reported in the 2500 blodc at 10:20 a.m. Wednesday. • Fairview Ro.d: Petty theft was reported in the 2300 bl<><* at 12:30 a.m. Wednesday. •Ha~ Boutev.rd: A hit-and-run was reported in the 2400 bl<><* at 2:02 a.m. Wednesday. • Newport Boulevard: A commercial burglary was reported in the 1900 blodc at 8:50 a.m. Wednesday. • West Wilson Street: A commercial burglary was reported in the 500 bl<><* at 8:31 a.m. Wednesday. • ult 17th StrMt: Robbery was reported In the 100 bl<><* at 11:41 a.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH • w.st Coal1 HighWlly: A home burglary was reported in the 7200 bl<><* at 12:45 p.m. Wednesday. • Newport Center Drive ult: Forgery was reported in the 500 bl<><* at 12:19 P..m. Wednesday. • Old NewJ1ort Boulewrd: A co mmercial burglary was reported in the 400 bl<><* at 12:35 p.m. Wednesday. • Palit Crest: A garage burglary was reported in the 100 bl<><* at 3:52 p.m. Wednesday. • 35th Street: A commercial burglary was reported in the 100 bl<><* at 2:27 p.m. Wednesday. seen your window sm ile? .. ~ALDEN'S FLOOR COVERING AND CUSTOM WINDOW COVERI 1GS 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 "''~ •••••••••••••• ••• ~unterd1¥9l11 1t111 rt#llf li llAT I OOM S IC'I# 0 Hllllllf Oougjls I~~ RtQISltted lllleleml11t Of Hunltt Doligll1 Inc LANDING Continued from Al belongs to Jean Poole, a Newport Beach reaJ estate Investor. Assistant City Manager Sharon Wood saJd that the house is the second manufactured home in the city DEBUT Continued from Al eluding the coverage by the me- dia. Then comes the moment ln the middJe of the complaining. ~the Daily Pilot" gets mentioned on the airwaves as one of the lo- caJ papers. Shocking. no7 Maybe noL Bui realistic, yes, and that was the in- ten1 of including the locaJ paper, one of the show's writing assist- ants said. "They do their research and figure out who will be covering these events," Stephen t'iootslein ~id. It w·as one of many details the how has incorporated into epi- M>des to root them in reaJjty, he added. But it is hard to ~y who, ex- actJy, brought the Pilot to the writini:; table, he pointed out. Newport Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg, one of the few who do -yes indeed -watch the show, has this compelling explanation -conjecture might be more ac· curate. MPersonaJJy, I th.ink they're probably doing it because M>me- one who works on it Lives here." Bromberg said. adding ali proof that he heard on Wednesday's epi!>ode the name of a local per- son he recognized. Trouble was, the mayor couldn't recall the name. Bromberg, who dei>crihed himself as a fan of lhc !>how. re- acted to hearing Newpon Beach and the Daily PiJot in a.typically fan-like way. "My rear-end ju.'>t about lut the couch, M he said. The episode wasn't the first time Newpon Beach has been a locale for the show. but this week's show, which included a lo- cal couple .berating a pregnant and unwed congresswoman for being a bad example and point- ing out the president'<; African- American aide as the one who had been dating hjs daughter, Mgot a littJe heavy-handed.• The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce would like to show its appreciation for those who lielped make the Boat Parade, Ring of Lights and Awards Dinner and Auction such a success ... AmericanAlflines "-'f~f ~~ ,,. tlw "'' THE IKERD COMPANY 1'I WP<'XI WAI. H ~I. ....... .,~, ... Auction flrt"t'ntrn:~ ponsor TRAD~TIQ~~~ ~ Jo'OLH. t:A~O"S ll<rn :1 •. ,,,,.._ 1'1...4' *WNiiMiji§IM* '""~ CIWd~ BMdlO..d Colnnf Cl f .... ,,,I loif f //.tll/,' I>aily.APilot 8AUER JA~ installed-On a pennanent foundation not in a traJJer park.. The other one, in Newport Heights, drew some concern from neighbors at 6rst, but the matter simmered down once the ho use and landscapb1g were in place. Wood said it's probable that neighbors' worries that the house would s tand out were assuaged after they saw it in place, blending with its Bromberg said. Orange .County as conserva- tive. sociaJJy and economically is how the rest of the counlry (HoUywood included) imagines this area, Newport Beach prob- ably more so than any other pan. A way to change that, politi· caJJy speaking (given this is aJJ about a White House show. after all). is to have good Democratic candidates, said Jim Toledano, a Costa Mesa resident, former head of the county Democrats and -believe it or not -a man who does not own a television. . w•n1e way you'd fight that im- age would be to have a functi on- ing Democratic Party." he said. which would include fund-rais· ing and organizational wengt.h. as weU as a candidate. Would a good candidate be one like Lowe's character. who has White I lou-.e connections and the ability to tag along with the president? Those connections worked for Reps. C.ox and Dana Hohra· bacher, ·foledano pointed out (which might just give away next weeks episode, which appears 10 be election night for the w ngn...,. c;ionaJ race). To he fair, thl' Pilot \\"J<.n't alone in getting a little air time. The Newport Beach C l1amher uf Commerce got a 4u1ck mention -as did the Newport lk'l1ch l'o· lice Department. which was in- volved in an aJten:ation lhat wa~ part of the !>tory line. and a cer- tain other Orange Coun1 y new'- paper. The pohce depanmcnt did not help out with t.tll' production. though they were contacted about the use of offiual depan ment patches. Sbrt. ~wve Shul· }Tlan said. MWe wouJdn't do 1hat unl~c; Wl' had some control over the .,crip1 or in some way felt ii wouh.l ben- efit the department.· he ..aid. Still. for tho!.e watching. includ- ing Newpon Deputy Fire Ouef Tom Arnold, the PQlice pa1ches looked remarkably fammar. "It did look very real ." ~d Ar- nold. another fan who points to the quality of the writing and the interesting situations ac; the rea- son he tunes in. Shulman also had tJ1i<. tidbit (again. for lhoi>e handful of fan.s1: He received a fax cm reb. I I a.-.k- ing for help. and Uu~ '>how Wa!. being done on Feb. I 3. which makes for quick turnaround. The chamber did not get any pre·waming or ple<L'i for aid, •.,aid spokesman Doug Stut key. who also provided a bit of drcum<;tan- Cial support to Rromhc~:., con· temion that a writer of the show must live in Newport. The rumor Stuckey ha., heard has the writer livin~ on the llaJ. boa Peninsula. But. seeing how there can't be more than I 2 minutes left of this fame, back to the paper'!> i.tory. "It blew me away ... Amold '>aid of hearing the Pilo t'<; being men- tioned. After the show, caJb came into the Pilo1 offices from fonner em- ployees and family members. There was even one e-mail f:rom a former Orange County resident now living in Minneapolis. "I have often thought that no matter where this 47th District is, the HQ won't be in Newpon Beach. It wouJd be in Irvine. or Costa Mesa. or Laguna Beach. but not in Newport Beach." Hanna HilI wrote. l.udcy for this paper. it was. • S.J. CAHN 1s the managing editor. He can be reached at (94.91 574-4233 or by e-mail at s.j.cahn@latimes.com. surroundings. ·1 think there's a big difference between manufactured homes and what people think of as mobile homes," Wood sald. Poole is certainly soJd on the difference. "It's a good way 10 go." said Poole, who purchased the Silvercrest-brand home through Corona·based Nu 'fiend Homes. Poole said thal once she has REMAINS Continued from Al cooked. Large's pickup 1ruck was found submerged Dec. 28, 2001, in Humboldt County. On Feb. 8 of this year, detectives f~und what lhey said wai> possibly Large's skeletal remains buried in the sand aero!>~ 1he bay from d boar ramp where the truck was found. On Wednesday. 1hc search for Large officially l'oncluded. The Humboldt County Coroner positively Identified the remains, Huntington Beach l'ohce U. Ron Burgess said. "I don't know how cxac1ly lhey came to the condu~1on." he said. "I would J,'UC<.'> II wa' done with dentaJ record., .. Police have i'>'>Ul'd an arre~I warrant for 5~1-ycar old Tommy McGuire. who is c;u,re\:tl'd of murderint' I .argc I le is al'o wanted for on -.uspic1011 of posse!>Sing ex:pl u,iVl'!>. Police said they beliC've he 1~ armed and dan~cruu' Jnd b known to frequent 1 lumboldt and Orange count1e' Large w~ la\t -.ccn 1n an <'>range Loun1y <tpartnwnt occ-upied by McGuire• JJld h1., 21-year-old '>011, lraVl~. who wa'> a friend of J-argr'!-t, II urge~., '>aid. He said Tommy Mc<.rnrc-"h,1d connection~ in 1 lumholdc County and even ll w d cherc for a while.· he ~ml TraVL'> Mc(.u1re dlt'd l.L,I WJr of unknown mc•diral complicatmn' 111 I JC I A ~kd1c-al Center. Hurge-.., ..a1J MWe don't lo11"' what hi' condiuon wa<., but \\C do lmuw that he wac, a candidate for J kidney transplant," he ,,ud. L.arge'!> parenh. Kim and lm1y l..ar.:e. <:.ay they nl'Wr ht'ard uf MrGuire nor hi'> 'Oil "We le.now a Im of Matt\ friends." IGm l...irge \Jtd ·11111 we've never heard of lh<•,t• people. Wt'rt· wondenng \~ho this per..on is.· That, she'><!)"'· 1-. my'>tenou!>. becau'le her 'on wa<, "very. very clo!.e" to hi:. r>arent'! and brothers Nate and Mlkcy. Matt had mowd out uf tJw1r how.e !lix montJ1i. before ht<, disappearnnce. but Ill' wa" lherl' Mfive out of wVt'n dJY' in a week,· hi'> mo1her ..,;mJ I le wa' al must dil altern.11t· parent to hi'> brotht.'r \.11k c•). whu wru. mne year'> h1'> JU111or, K1111 said. "I le wa., alway' aftl'r 111111 asking him whdt he wa., d11111g. who he wa'> hanging 0111 wit Ii, .. she said. And thal WU'> not Jll. Mall loved hi'> bahy flll'lC., .mcl nephew'>. Whcn he held them, hi~ face lighted up with tJ1.i1 big smile his iamily rememben. him for. It used to be a smile thdt da72Jed their live ... Rut now. 1t remains a memory tha1 takes them to ecstatic he1gtm mw moment and plunges tJ1ern to depth!. of unbearahle sorrow anolher. Matt had aJwayi. been a very physical person wi th a love for the great outdoors. his falher said._ ~e enjoyl•d fishing. -.kiing, slcydtvmg, roller-blading. riding motorcycles -iust about anything under the big. blue sky. "I le was a great skier, .. 1 ony Large said. "I le couJd du everything everyone dreams about -the nips. jumps -he could do them all." He made a big picture card for his mom on Mother's Day 1998 that still hangs in the living room. He bought white T-shirts for his brothers and himself, went to the store and got a pkture of the three of them together. "He aJwa~ cnJJed her momma," Tony Large said. "Not in a joking or kidding way. It was what he called her.~ Matt excelled as a wrestJer in high school and won severnJ accolades for Newport Harbor Daily Piiot added her own peoaJ touches 10 the house. which already has a dishw-.&Sher, cabinets and other amenities. the Balboa Penirlsula house will go on the market for "somewhere in the nJnes." . • JUNE CASAGftANOE COV8fS Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reac:hed at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.CBsagrands latimss.com. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE LARGHAMILY Humboldt County police have confirmed that remains found in Eureka. Cahf. were of Huntington Beach resident and former Newport Harbor High School student Matt Large. FYI Tommy McGu1retlalso known as Tommy Cotton:is described as a 59-year·old, 6-foot-1 white man weighing about 240 pounds with blue eyes and white hair When last seen. he had shoulder-length white hair and a mustache. He 1s possibly carrying a !landgun. Anyone with inlormatton about this person 1s asked to call the Huntington Beach Police Department's Investigation D1v1s1on at (714) 536-5951 I llgh Ill· won 1ht• Loach'!> Award "' wdl .t'> thL• lop 15 Athlete!> A\\.ird I k \\J' a two-lime Cll pl.11.1·r .md ..i t\\O ume Mac,ier., 4u,1llfit·r 111· '~orkt>tl 't'ver.J 1obs after high .,, hoot. hut h1~ crue amh11wn wa .. 10 b{·come dI1 ult11nah' ligh11ng d1.imp1on. lllt1111att• fighting i' a ~port that 1111nh1nt''> \Vfl''>lhng, rnamaJ art.., and k1< kbo>.ing "MJll workl'tl very hard at thl' gym tu get to \\hcre he got." ht'> rnotht•r '><ltd "I Ir had picked 0111 h1<. outfit and ro~ for the big fight Hut hl' nt•\.er got the i:hame to gel up there.· I >cw<, Wt•dnt·<,day\ d1~overy bring a ..crh€ of clo!>ure for the l.a~l~? "N111 rl·alJv." Kim said. choking ur "I kno~ II 'hould, but it's ~nmg to take J while before I l .tll dll l'pt 11 " rhc f,umly\ wuml''i bt.-gan Del. b. LOO I, \\hen Matt did not return t dlJ.._ "Wlll'n he didn't 'how up for dmner on Drt Ii. we were all womed." ,ht• ~ud That was thl' day thl'y reponed him missing. "f-m one month, all we did W<L'> look fm h1111. • Kim said. "W1· cher.kl:'d frc t•way ufframps aJI over OrdflRe Lounty. Maybe hl' had gone off the road, maybe he had an an 1dent. We had to look evcrywherl' " I w11 wht•n pohce found his 'uhmt•r1wt.11nu:k in I lumboldt < ounty, thl' family held on to th e hopl' that their !>On might come hack to them some day, !>he said. Kim hl'ld up a ~mall button with the words I IOPE printed on 11. It was sent to the family by an organization in Phoenix. she ~id. M l'ht!t bullon has been near our telephone for the last 14 montJ1~." Kim said. "And I still have11'1 removed it from there because it'" hard to." Kim has been looking at stac~ and stacks of Ma n 's photos. Baby pictures. The toddJer playing witl) his toys. The little boy in the yard. The adolescent with his brothers. The young man with his family on vacations, fishing trips. · holding babies and the playful boy. JUSI ticking out his tongue and goofing around. "lie was a lover and a giver: Kim said. ·11e was a happy, happy, lcld. • • DEEM IHARATH covers public safety and courts. She mey be reached at (949) 674--t226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath lar1,,,.._oom. SAVE MONEY! SAVE TIME! Wtthh Daily Pilot Cl.AS SI REDS CALL 642-5678 , -~~--·-~-------- Daily Pilot SEAN Htll fR DAILY P 0' Arttiu r Cortez. a maior in political science and economics, left, and Armando Cervantes. a social science ma1or, sample Top Ramen soup recipes after competing m the "Top Ramen Cook-Off' at UCL Dining out to cry out UCI students hos t a Top Ramen cook-off to illustrate wha t s tude nts will end u p eating if tuition continues1to go up. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot II<. IHVINI Mix a l11tlt• lop 1l.1men With '>tUdt'nl IUlll011 h1l.l•., and you'v<' got a c oolc·off hl..cned 10 tht' Iron Owf\ cuh· nary battle., on tht• 1-ood :--:t't work. In tJw hope., ol 'Jl.irking '>tu dt·n1 awart'nt''' <1ntl emouraging .,tudenr 1m olvcmenl JI the '>< hool on fhtir'>dd) thl' A.'>.,Ort · a1cd ·tuden1-. carefutl) prepared d1'he-. of lop Hamen 10 give '>tu d<'nl'> ,1 tac;t<' ol o nt· of 1 he fe"' d1.,ht~ the) ·u ht' <1hll· to .illortl th.inlc..c; 10 1u111on hikt•' 0..,ince tu111on fN'" \\111 llll rt'3\t' $I 35 for 1he '>pnng term 200.l - .md may '>lgnifirJntly 111crt'a'>c agam -and '>tuden1 .. have bc j.,'1111 IO 'iee cutback.., 111 of '>Oll1l' of 1h1·1r -.crvice., and outreach pro grnm-., .. tudt'ntc., decided to takc "'lance "We 1uc.,1 want IO get our U< '>tudelll'> heard,.. '>aid Om'>lllla Gagnier. execuuve vice pre<;1dent of the Associated Student .... "Ir· vine t'> defi111tely an apntlH•llc campu'>. . . We're 1uc.,t try111g to get out there wi1h llllr voi1 t•" A&.ociated ~tudcnr-. Jrl'n't JU'I trying to get lJU -.1ude111.,· \llit l'' heard. thev're aho planning 10 -.end the word 10 ~tl ramenro m M.irrh. along l/\1lh about 4,000 'tudenl pl'llllOn,, tor 1h1· m·x1 lH Hegenl meetmg. ( ,Jg11 wr '>dtd I tan under...tand lhl:' '>Ill dt'ntc.,' comern. but m llgh1 of the .,late budget t:rl'>h wt• bcheve thdt we re pro1ect111g their ,1{ l l"· .. ., 10 da.,-.e-.: '><ltd \ 1anut'I < .o ITTt'/, \1le l hancrllor of <,tUdt•nt afT.ur-. JI I H I "Tht'lr l'th1t .111<ir1.1I Jmb111un .111d a_.,p1ratttm' aJe go- 111g 10 hi:' protec1ed_ We've prr>trttt-'<-1 1he1r fundament;1I pur po.,t• -nhtairnng •111 education " lne lO.,t of ob1a1111ng that edu· cation ha., alreadv mcrea.,etl by 5405 for the 200:1 04 acadenul: war, an increa.c,e tlta1 could 1ump Jn .idd1t1011al $7~15. "llu<:. j, a camµaign thJI ap· pht'l. to everybody,· ..aid fammy Nguyen, an intern wnh the t'X· ecuuvc vire pre'>ltlent\ office. "It\ frighwnmg how many pt•o· pie don't l'Vl'll know what\ hap· pl'mllg." Although univer<>i ty offiua.b untlcr...taml and appreciate 'Ill· tl(•n1•,' rnnrern'>, they .,LiJI hJve t·u1had .. ., to mal e and tht'y're trying 1hc1r ht.·c,t 10 makt' Lhem a\ balanced a'> po.,,iblr. "I Lh1nk thl'y haH' a nght to vmt e 1 lwir conct-m'>, untl Ult'\ re tlo111g '"·" (,ome/ '>JJd "I af\,:i~' lool.. .11 that J.'> J -.1g11 Lhat we hJ\ t· oul'>tandmg '>tudent lt'ad· er.. Hui thl'> l'>'>Ue I'> '-'Orne· thing that ha'> Lo be faced dJld Jdtlrt-..wd. JJ1d the um\er<>ll~ I'> do111g tht• ht•c,t that we can \/\1th tht• protf'cllon of the ... 1udent' I ht.· UC Rt:"gent'> "mat.le a promt'>t' to u' to make higher edurn11on allordable." (,agnwr SJ1tl "'lt11tl1·n10, are gomg ''' he paying more· for le<>'> .. ervice<, .. UC IRVINE MEN'S BASKETBALL UC lnine vs. the University of Pacific Salurclay, ~cb. n at 7 p.m. ,.,_ , ......................... "' ............ ..... .......... , .......... ne.. ............. .... ...... ..... .. NCAA ..... , ... ,--'..,.... A IW Te•._,. (f...,..,.. __ •• , ..,, ........ ,,... ....... ,.eM ft•IM1 ...................... 0 1 I ... .... ............... .._. .......... ....., .... ... .._ c-.r .. ,,... •........ -r.e.. ........ ._.. ,.. ........... -.. ,. .. _ .. ,. .... 1.111• ,.,..,....,.,. ..... , ,ae•• all (Mt) UO.Wllll or vllM •et www.alllda.llCI .... Ftlday feuruary 21 , 2003 A5 Ho me prices continue general ri se In fi ve of Newport-Mesa's seven ZIP Codes, m edian home prices we nt up in January. Newpo rt Coast saw a 61 % cli mb. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Imm JJnuary of 2002 1 IH' area registered a nw titan '>ale pnce of SI 01 mt.I - NEWPORT· MF.SA ll lion, which 1-. al-.o the m1d - January i<; any indirntor. lot,tl 1wm1 price for aJI '>ale._, home vaJues are 'howtnK no lhJt 11urnbt:r -.hould be sign of falling off. vlt'l/\-l'd with 'iome li:Hllion. In a repori iv.ued Wednt·., l!PJhor-. .,,ud, becau.,e build- day by San DleKO·ba'>etl 1·r... art· -.1111 rapu.lly addin~ OataQuid Information "'Y' nt•w lwnH~'> that weren't there terns, only two of the clfC.t\ a yc•ar .igo seven ZIP Code<; .,hmwtl .1 "I hat number ,., a l11tle ar· drop in home priLt'' from a 111i11al. :.aid Pacnc1a Moore. year ago. t•xt·Lullvc.: Vlce pre.,1dent of "We expet 1 '>ale' to '-lav 1he OrJnge C.oa'>t Assn of Re· strong. although proh,1hh not ;1Jror., I fome., tha1 haven't record breaking" '>atd \I.tr been IJll the maJket Me St'll· shaJI Pren lice. the company., 111g president "\Ve don't .,t't' .111\ H;1lboa l'entn'>ula\ 92661 thing in our \l..tll\11('' lh<tl \'l<.t'> ,11\0 rllbll'>I '>howing a would indicate 1ha1 thl' mar 11 111 1ncrra'>c. to a $2.n3 le.et I'> due for any rhangt· 1n 1mlh11n nwd1:m .,ale pnce. the immediate lutun• " lht' l 11\ ., otht'r 1wo code., Ne\vpon <.oa<,t\ qir,;; /II' 11..!hhO and YL6fri \<\t:re e'>-.en C.odt' -.howed tlw largl''t 111 11,111> 11.it In q2fm0. which m- crea<>e. a sharply h1glwr I) I i ,. 1 tudt•d I "'thluff .ind 81g Lan- apprecia11on 1n me-titan pm t· \ 1111. 1ht· mt•d1an pnce Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our Members dropped 2 ]'!(,, 10 S870.000 ·1 he median pnce rt' maint"d Oat. w11h no growth or dt'clme, 111 92663. coming 111 JI S408, 750. That code m elude., West Newpon Lorona dt'I Mar, 1n 92625, '>howed the .,harpe.,t dechne in Newport Me'M:I, dropping 64% 111 January, w an even SI million. rherc were I 04 home... sold in January in Newport Beach. Jn neighboring < ,o.,ta Mei.a, home value'> -.hot up 11ub.,1an uaUy The city., Y2b2f> code grew in value J4 b%. to $402,000. Thi-. large'>I of rnv postal 1.ont:'> include'> the Westside "Costa !\.1e'>d 'AOUld tw go mg up becau<,e 1t' mort:' af fordable,'-\loo re ..aid "It'> more affordabh_· <,o there._, more roorr for dpprec1a11on there · ( O'ld \t._•,.J' 4,!f)[;' the UI\ ., I J'>hldt· )(rl'I/\ I 0% in med1Jn pm t' 111 SJ59.000 l hen: \\l'Tl' ;"4 homt"• '>old in both C <J<,ta \lt-• .. 1 lode._, dur mg 1h1· monlh • Sem1-Pnvate for Men & Women • Lots of Equipment.Free Weights • Pttates Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater-Licensed • 16 Full Time Personal Tramers • Child Care Sam-noon M -F • Ample & Convenient Parkmg • Yoga Tai Chi Streich classes • S1ep Powet Pump Card10 • Showers Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Physical Therapy Center • Permanent Make-Up • Shape-Up Hair Care • Acupuncture/Acupressure Wellness Chnic tltCO ~ ..... s1991 ' I I .. Daily Pilot M fnday, February 21. 2003 FORUM . HOW TO .Gf! PU~HED -Letters: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • R ...... Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 f91i: Se~d ~o (94Sl 646-4 170 E-mail:Send to da1/yp1/ot@lat1m8S.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length COMMUNITY COMMENTARY A way to make voting a bit better legislative, congressional and local elections, state and local propositions, and presidential nominees. A separate presidential primary would have allowed the election officials primary-scheduled for Mardt 2, 2004. That means the filing deadline to run for offic.e in 2004 is in early November of2003. C allfomla voters set two dubious records last year. the lowest voter turnout ever in a primary election and the lowest voter turnout ever in a general election. Oearly, voter participation and enthusiasm conti.nue to decline. One reason? California's Ross to shake the kinJcs ou1 of the system before JOHNSON putting a more Already, lawmakers who were just sworn in a little over two months ago are working on their re-election campaigns or have announced plans to run for higher office. This at a time when California is facing a multi-billion dollar deficit that should command legislators' undivided attention. early March primary election. which has resulted in our state having the longest campaign season in the nation. Last year, I authored Senate Bill 1975, which sought to split th.e presidential and state primaries. As you may remember, that legislation would have kept a stand-alone presidential primary in March and moved the state primary to later in the year. Despite bipartisan legislative approval of SB 1975, Gov. Gray Davis vetoed the legislation for the stated reason that election officials were already facing challenges in 2004 because new voting systems will be in place and thus they could not deal with separate presidential and state primaries. The governor: argument in his veto message. frankly, doesn't hold. water. Holding a separate presidential primary in 2004 would allow election officials to test the new voting machines with the least complicated baUot -one that would only include the presidential nominees rather than a ballot with numerous complex ballot before the voters. I have reintroduced legislation this year to split the presidential and state primaries -with the presidential primary remaining in March and the state primary being held in September. Once again. the legislation has strong bipartisan support lf27 states, including New York, Georgia and Michigan. are able to hold separate primaries for president and state and local candidates, then California can. as well. For roughly 30 years. California held bifurcated primarifl>, with the presidential in May and the Statewide in August There is certain to be much discussion about a September state primary. There are many rea:.ons fo r making such a move, including keeping down the cost of running for office because the overall campaign cycle would be shortened. But more imponant is the fact that a March st.ate primary has a negative impact on the effectiveness of the California Legjslature. It is just a little over a yea{ until the next state Be a part of Costa Mesa's By moving the state primary to September of 2004, the filing deadline to run for office would not be until May of 2004. Thus. potential candidates would have more time to decide If they want to run for office. Currently. we are losing many qualified candidates because they must decide more than a year before the general election if they are going to run for office. Last year's proposal was supported by the League of Women Voters, C.Ommon Cause. the secretary of State. the California Chamber of Commerce, the Business · Roundtable and numerous newspapen; throughout the state. Once again, I would like to ask for your support of this important legislation. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (916) 445·4961. Thanlt you for your consideration. • EDITOR'S NOTE: Ross Johnson is the st.ate senator for the 35th Distnct covering Newport Beadl and Costa Mesa. 50TH AHHIUERSARY ADVERTISE DUIJING THE • CELEBRATION Costa Mesa Your Name Here As part of the CostaMazing 50th Anniversary Celebration the City of Costa Mesa is seeking Costa Mesa businesses. organizations or individuals interested in purchasing a street banner that will be displayed on some of the most highly traveled streets in our City. The 3 foot by 5 foot banner will feature the CostaMazing logo .along with your name (left). Depending on the number of interested businesses, organizations and individuals, the banner will be displayed for a period of four (4) to twelve (12) months starting in June 2003. After the CostaMazing Celebration banner is removed, it will be given to you/ The cost of the banner is $200 (regardless of time displayed). This opportunity is LIMITED and available to the first 250 respondents. l If you are interested, please complete the information below and return by MARCH 14, 2003 to: Amy Kuchta, CostaMazing Coordinator City of Costa Mesa 77 Fair Drive P.O. Box 1200 Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 754-5085 ------------------------I ! BusJness/Organlzation/lndlvldual Name·._ _________ _ t Contact Name: Tltle: _________ _ I t 'Addr888· Telephone Number: ____ _ I 1 Number of Banners you are Interested In:,_, --------- ,..,., Imprint la Hmlted to 2 llnee of text only, no logoe, .. 11 oMr9ctan per line. Do NOT Include P9rment. '-------------------------------- 7 MAILBAG No reason to attack Trinity Broadcasting I have no ties with Trinitf Broadc~ting and have. never set foot on their property, but Cathy Larson's letter to the Daily Pilot sent a chill down my spine ("Trinity should move out of the neighborhood." Feb. 11). Her baseless and offensive comments reflect a prejudice which needs to be exposed. I have friends who live quite close to the Trinity building. and they emphatically state that claims of excessive noise from the facility are greal.ly exaggerated. The weabte~ of• the criticism was revealed by outrage that Trinity did not rurn off its Christmas lights during an energy crisis a few years ago. That is hardly evidence for an eviction. Larson suggests our community should force Trinity to move "so that we may have the privilege of enjoying the benefits of a legitimate business." By that. I suppose. she means one that is not tax-exempt.. but Larson's ill-chosen words leave readers wondering if Trinity is operating illegally. Hopefully. others are as . appalled as I am by LM1><>.ns far·.reaching effort to malign Trinity Broadcasting and especially for her blatant attempt to encourage others to join her in trying to strip them of protected freedoms and constirutional rights. CLAUDIA DOWNS Newport Beach C.Olumn hit home run in explaining war "The Bell Curve" column on Feb. 13 was read with m tere~t r Never such a feeling of disconnect"). My feeling1> of ambivalence, uncertainty and ill at ea!>e were significantly clarified and pu1 into perspective by Bell'i> column. My wife and daughter and I want to express our thank.5 for Bell's "sttaightening out the curves" regarding the argumenl for war. Thanks aud congratulations fo r what in baseball 1erms may, to some. look like a foul ball, but to our family was a "home run.· CHUCK MCCANN Corona del Mar A. imple plan to improve Newport Holly Smith has very thoughtfully done the job or the Newport Beach City Council with her wise and prudent observations regarding the ·west Newport Problem.· "Stnving to be pan of finer ci1y," Tuesday). I'm sure all Newport residents know of a few likely addre ses to start ~"'th. Implementation of such a plan would be a tremendou' hoon to us all (and certainly. in the long run. to the property owner~. too). I'm only afraid it's simply too logical and '>traightfo rward fo r the pohtic1dnl> PAULA HUNTER Newport Beach HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES STATE SENATE Ross Johnson (R), 36th District, 18662 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 396. Irvine. CA 92715, (949) 833-0180; fax: (949) 833-0696; Press Secretary Pa1 Joyce, (91 6) 323-1200 STATE ASSEMBLY •John Campbell (R), 70th District, State Ca pitol. Sacramento. CA 95814, (916) 319-2070 E-mail: disrrict70@assembly.ca.gov • Ken Maddox (R), 68th District. State Capitol, Sacramento. CA 95814, (916) (916) 319-2068; Or local office at 12865 Main St .. Suite 100, Garden Grove 92840; (714) 638· l 393; Fax: (714) &•M1IU,.e H•rt.or E•etl>lvff A,,c1.,...,,, View Ll"'°I" Ho6ted l7y 638-1496 E-mail: disrnct681a1assembly.~ gov GOVERNOR Gray Davis (D), State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 445-2841 ; fax: (916)445-4033 U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES • Chris Cox (R), 47th D1stnct. 1 Newport Place, Suite 420, Newport Beach, CA 92660, (949) 766-2244; or 2402 Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C 205 15. (202) 225-5611. fax (949) 251-9309 (represents most of Newport Beach) E-mail: c:Jwstopher cox a!ma1/ house gov • Dana Rohrabacher (R). 45th District, 101 Main St., Suite JC. Huntington Beadl. CA 92648. (714) 960-6483. or 2338 Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C. 20515, (2021 225·2415; fax· (714) 960-7806 IRepresents Costa M esa and West Newport) E-mail dana ti'ma1l.house gov PRESIDENT George W Bush (R). White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave . Washington, D C. 20500 Hotline· (6 am to 2 pm ) (2021 456-1111 E·ma1I president a wh1tehouse.gov Fax: (2021 456-2461 SPIRIT RUN 5K/10K RUN/WALK SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 2003 Fashion Island, Newport Beach RACE FEATURES • Quality fou r-color Spml l<un T·\hirt to .ill rl'.jl1~t(r(J pa rticipants • New l' ATF et:rt1f1.-J 21Mt.~ lllK and 51\ ~our~' • C1Jmput(riwl Mulh hv runt' ~.inagt'ml'nt • Split times. Willt'r \t<it111m dlm11i wur'>( • MeJal5 h1 all k1J~ 12 Y<'•m .inJ unJ .. r Leigh and Lucy 5teint1erg • Free rdrt'shments to all rt'~l~krrd part1c1pants prov1JeJ bv Nl')tlt. Jamba Ju1c~. Vt'g Fmh Farm~. Cdato ParaJ1~, ltanM"n \ and mor( Presented l7y • Featuring PclSICS. j cunh.o.' Ju.le.a 10K Run/Walk 5K Run/Walk 8 Youth Racee 11C ~ Toddler Trot till a C & I ~ • t -= >r Kld'e Expo 1-11AM .. 710 .....•. START TIMES • L1w entertainment featuring the Ur~k.lways . • First plact m.tle and female wmner ,if SK and IOK ag, grl)ups recm't a l'!ll of ASICS runnm11 shoes. Top thr't'.r finisher~ in all age dlVlsums recerve tickets to .i Mighty Ducks gamr REGISTRATION On-line Registntion: at ~· kmaneevenL\ com W~k-in Registration llld T-sh1rtlpack.et pick·up: F'Mh1on Island at Neiman Marcus courtyard. March 8, 11 a.m. 3 p.m. Race Day Registration: Re1tms at fi:30 a.m m lht Edwards Newport Theatre parking lot. JOO N~rt Center """"· 6LUE CROSS OF CALIFORNIA SWEEPSTAKES Regisl~r for the Blue Cross of Cahfom1a Sweepstakes onhne at www.kmaneevent.s.com and go to lhe Spirit Run page or at the Blue Cross. booth on race day. You will bt entered in a dl'lWlng to win ~tickets on Southwest Airlines courte~y of Blue Cross of Cahfom1a. or one of their many other prizes. Registration 6:30 a.m. CATCH THE BANANA! The lOJ> 10 men and women 39 years and undu and the lop 5 ~en and women 40 years and <M r who but the fa.nest ~na Man Runner· will win a "Prtt Yt.ar of J~ Jwet Smoothies (52)" and a •1 But ~ Man" T-shirt. Expo 7:00 a.m. lOK Run 7:15 a.m. SK Run 8:30 a.m. Stroller SK 8:33 a.m. SK Family Walk 8:35 a.m. Youth Races from 9:30 -10:4S a.m. (Kids 12 & undtr) INFORMATION ~ (949) 451-4848 (780)434·n: Co-Sponeo,.. t.eA~·!lf' cox tt••ttttU ltlt 1111 -GRIGG & ROBYN M018 91Jl.lmt2 Ilm ..... a 2 a 9 a 2 c .• • - ()ally Piiot BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS ALLOWED Governor signs Coa~tal Commission bill Gov. Gray DaVI'. '>lgnt~d d hill 'fhun.day thqt he -..ud would rt• move the CaJiforn1<1 ( 11<1,tal Commission from a lUtl'>tllu tio naJ crisis brought 1111 I~ J Newport Beach cnv1ro111m•11tJI 1st's lawsuit. Davis, who signed tht.' hill at J noontime ceremony, 'aid 11 would solve the agl·ncy\ l .,,,,,, API Continued from Al each maintained owr the p<1't 1wo years. Andersen <1nd 11..irbor View scored the h1ghe'>t nh!rk.-.. at 900 and 899 -out of I 000 respecuvely. As some sthoo), fllJllll.unt•d or improved Lhe1r r..inl111K. \l'\ t·11 sthools dechncd Addlll\ t .iii forn1a. Whittu.•r <1nd \\tl,1111 l'I ernentary and <.o'>t,1 \lt•'.i I :-. 1ancia and Ne\.vport 11..irhor lugh '>thools dropped 111 th1·1r ,t,11t· wide rank. Anatol attnbuu~' lllU< Ii ol tht· decline to the 1m lu'1cm ot .11hh tional test'>. i.chool dt1nogt.1ph 1cs, student mohihtv .111d .1 11t1111 ber of other factor\ · Unlike score<, relt•a,t·d 111<>t111 ber. the 2002 API ll,1,t• 1111 lt1clnl murh more than n•,111f, lrc1111 tlw 'itanford 9 exam-.. The new ba'>C' int lu<.lt·d rt·,1111, from lht-Lahrorni.1 'itt111da1d' le'>I tn l:ngl1c;h l.111gu.1g1· .u" mJthemauc-. <111d. lor gr.ult' Ill and 11. social '>Ctt·m t• I lw ,1 1in·, lor Lhe h1¢1 -.dwol' .al'" 111 d uded tht' ( .1ltlo1111.1 ll1Kh ',(:hool f-.xit l .x.am111dt11111' l>t'>plle not \t'('tn~ 1111 n·prir1 lorn Antal, pnm 1p..iJ .11 1 ... 1.im 111 I ftgh ~hool, exprt·-.,t·d .1 1h'll'r mmdllOn to 1mpn1H· -.t 011·' .cl hi'> !>chool ·we're teadrn•K 1111 1111111111 '>tandards re.ill) l1.11d \111.cl ..aid, adding that tc•.11 h1 r' Jrt' e\cn chang1n~ thl•1r 1t•,1111g 'l\lc·' to help student-. unpri" 1 "Our teacher' gt\1' tt·'h 11l.1t Ml' more open t·ntlc ·d ll•· ,,11d ·we·re rt··doin~ th1· \\ ltolt· '" "' tun' of the lt''-t' 1111, \l'.11 \\e'n• doing d lot of pn·11.11.11 11111 Overall. the go.ti '' 111 kc·1·p 1111 proving. "There\ al\'.,1\' ru11111 1111 1111 pnl\ement \\1· II 1111111111w ll/ tut1onaJ que~tions. The biU, pre- -.cnted by A'\Sernbl~oman I Ian· nah-llelh Jackson CD-Santa Barham). wouJd remove the I~ l'>l<llure'i. power to remove com Oll'>'>loners at will • o '>ymbol of the CaJ1fom1a '>Pini 1:, mort' widely recognized or rt:Vt'rt>d tha11 our magnificent 1 oJ,t," DaVJ-. !>aid "',ince 11 .. 1 rl'Jll<lll. the coastal 1 um1nii.'>ie>n h,l\ bl'en the h'Uardian angel of 1h1'> prenou'> naturnJ rc<,oun c." NEWPORT-MESA API SCORES lC ')1 Ah ~001 811.Sf STATE C.CCP£ ,, 0€ "'"'''. ~A''H 'o<J ,, ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Addm~ 670 5 Andersen 900 10 Cdhforn1a 790 8 College Par~ 703 6 Davi~ 695 s Eastbluff 868 10 H.irbor V•P'./V 899 10 l(a1ser 768 8 K1llvbro(Jkt 672 5 Lincoln 874 10 Mannl'r~ 869 10 Newoon Coast 868 10 Newuon 824 9 Newpon Heights 823 9 P11ular1no 734 7 Pomona 570 2 R1-d 627 3 Sonora 731 7 V11.10rta 746 7 Whinier 602 2 W1h,1m 553 l Woodland no 8 MIDDLE SCHOOLS f ns14n 719 7 Ir te1n11•r1 dlt' TeWinlcle 641 5 HIGH SCHOOLS ' ,r •nd di' Mar 803 10 Costa MeScl 641 5 l ~•.ir .J 579 3 Newpon Harbor 703 8 SMALL SCHOOLS A I ~ B,,,y H1qh NA "J A '-•I nud!•(;'l Monte Vrsta High Alternat1ve1 NA NA U•dngt' Co. SI 680 M·.1•JIP Col ~!JP H ri~ Continued from Al Dally f'ilot w lumrusr f~tcr Buffa Wcl.S l.'l>pl'CtaJly fwmy. When I flN ::.aw tus name on the pmgr..n1. I was a punJed Why 11> a former Co~ta Mesa mayur '>pealang at a Nt.wpon llcach event? I knew Buffa was a sought·afll'r 'tJeaker m lw. own neighborhood !how many nmditlaw forum-. d1tl he mo<ler<1tc?} but I had no idea hi!> populariry -;preacl acrosi. city hortlcr,. l\Jrn'> out, I had a lot to learn about my neighboring city. But th<tl comt"> later. N, '>O<.>n as Buffa took the 1111tmphone, I knew why he was there. I le wowt'd the JUdtence with his ew York wit and 'Kll"Ca\U<.. ..CO'tt.' of humor. f-ven when he 111adt• fun of them, they luvt'tl l11m. I le could do no wrong 111 their eyt"- l lc nd1rulf.'d their l ht:'erieader.., .tnd they laughed I le told them to 'ttop wturnng about the fic.-w. uee;, and they howled. I was waiting for lmn 10 tdl a momma JOiee so they would give tum the key to the city. hut 11 didn't happen. More jeer. at h11> audience, a ~1011 of name-dropping. another aw·.ird prci;ented to football legend Paul SaJata. and the food w..c. -.erved. Whill' the wine WdS still plenuful, the 'teak defirULely l ountcrcd the effects of the alwhol when 11 h11 the bottom of empty 'itom.tuh. Rt'd cheek!. p..tlcd to a 11w11er '>hade of ro!>f. and peoplt• became a ltttll' more amculaw By the Uml' keynote '>t>t'"dkt-r C Jrange County c.;henff l\lih• <...mma firn,ht.'d hi!) '>Umng '>JWt.'\.h about I lom<'land '>erunty. thc mood m the duung mom wa.<, d1J\.HtnWJt •,umber I 'c·n B110a. who-.e ta\k 1L ,, • .c. to 1ntro<luu• tht' next '>peaker. did 11111 f o llo\\· ( .df( Hld '> 'pet'Ch Wl th ci t ornt><fi<. )<lb ~·""''"" h.1tl '>topped pounn~ ,.,.,m• Jhmtt IS mmut<.."> earlier and rnp' \\l'fl' hnmming with p1p111g ho1 wilt'\.' ( lr..u eyes. jw.t abow \\or~ th" \t•..i1, Anatol ... a1tl "I hr nomM.11) pigmented rheck.'>. were "1111111, .1rt· rt'all~ "ork111g hart.J fixt-d on till' 'tage. waiting for the l't•opli· .trt' beginnmg 111 rt«tlly m.1yor·, ~Lat•· of tlw City addn~.._ .•111plJJ,11t· .inti tc•ath tht' ... 1.a11d· Bmmbe~ adtlrt">..'>t'<.I hL'> .ud' ,111d 1lw "or<'' c11nt1t1Ul' 10 < o n-.11tu<.·11h ma bold and r l\l' l11rlhngh1 manner. lik.e Buffa. Bt·c J1ht' dw d1'>tn<:t '>t h11111, Bn>mbc~ l·xuded J tough Aronx .111· un '.11 Jt1u11 1h" \'.t'ek. man} Jtlltude anti lxogan hir, :o.pt.'t'Ch ''' 1lw 1ir111111Mh \\l'rc unc1\a1l-\'.1Lh ..arm.• tJn~er.. des1gnt.'d to ,ahk Im 1 0111nw111 011 I hur-..d.i}. evoke J few chucldl~ Maybe it --- The Duffy Annual Pass Is Back! Get yours now, limited supply! Thac pWCtl pay for thcmsct~s ln no tlmt. Hurry! They will sc.IJ out. Baca 'e your pus by calllna (949) 645-6812, Ext.110 2001 Welt c:oat mpway, Newport Be8Cb •No Insurance Costs •No Maintena.nce Costs • No SUp Fees, No Hassles • Great for business, family, friends and soul crutstng. • Huge fleet of exciting, all-new models • Convenient Newpo rt Harbor location, fanlMtic amenities "",.,,, Mii,.,.,., .. 8'dr*' ,,_,, smc. 19·0- ~ &ark lcJll ~ www~iicMD w& becau'>t' Brombt•TK wru. ln11u a roug.ht'r J.lclJ1 ur the Bronx or becal.ll>e he had had e11ough chardonnay to l~n h1'> tongue. but the mayor plrM"ed nght through lhe GrecnlJght 111uwlit'ld Lhal Buffa had 'iC> G.1refully avoided While n~er dddrt.,.,mg uw st~ring comrrunee by name. Hromberg alludL'<l 10 a ten.un group·~ sugxt".'>t1011 uia1 my official!. are trytng to 111anipulatt uie genem.1 plan procl'<.IU!t' a plan dt>!>1gnt'<l 10 outline developntent until 2CU5. 'This ii. JlL"I nut '-.fl," Bromt)(:~ '>aid. "It's not u1e ca'>t', lli.L'> llt'WI been the case. and the absurd1ry of ~uch a comment is bt-yond my imaginaoo11." Brombe~ defended ru.., c.:oum 11, !><lying the majority of n.">1dc:11t' feel their elected official' art' do111g a great 1ob. lne voter. '>pok.t.- loudJy in the n'Cent City Coun<..11 election, he !.<lld, 111 which onlv one GreenlJg.ht·bac.ked cand!daw w Wd.' 'Ull l">\llll l'l•oplc 111 :\t"\\.p11r1 tk-.u It d1">t:rw.'<.l tlw l>l"I Jllt.l lht•\ ~l:rl:' wtllmg to IMY l1J1 11 I h'> aU'>t t•nrv J 1t.l 11111 '111p lht·n· Al cmc prnnt tlunn~ th1 'f)f;'t'( h. ht' told uir11f>l.JJ11l·r.. 111 l'ut up or - ,1c.;1t fl..111-.C 'top 1.ill.mg .U111u1 II You "'"uJd u1ut.k .JJtt'r ""t'n11g ( O'>td \ h-...L lllJthJJlg \\llUlcJ '>h ><J. 1111'. hut I \\d' wall\ '"f"Prt'>t'(I .11 Hrurnht·rg' 1 .u1d1dm..,., \1terw-.trd ht' 111ld 1111· 1h.11 lw la..u.J '>Jld ''-hill lw lt·ll .md d11h11 ,1ig.1n '1.Jl 11 lc>r ufl\:IJlll' 1'1·rh,1p' 11 "'"~ .i wiHd 1Ji111g tht· hoott· hdd ...aopp<'d t11Mmg I >~pile• tlw \lt'l1~1l\JH'1hat ( rf\>('1iJ1gl1tc•r, tltl' llllHI' lllll m.ir un· I 111uld 1111Jg1111· .i P•t'-\lcm.itc" .urohnl 1111!111 ··d rumlil1· 111 n·,po11-,i• 10 ,111 Ii c OllltllC'lll<., llldl d11l111 li.1ppt·11, hl,t Brrimlwr)( dl'll\l'fl'tl ''" 1111·'"''~:1 And 'utt 1•11•111gl1 r 1n·1111ligt.1 \po~1 .... uld11 l'l ul V..1 ~01 11 It' ,JI 11r-.1 p.irt cit tJ ,,. ham• $ 0 It I A7 ~I \did 111 d ph11111• lllh'IVlt'\'. \'\l'<lll~} \r..t lOUlltl'Jt'tl 1!1111111-..·~' -.tim....uun 1h.11 w-.1dt'Tl1' .m· \'\oillmg to p.1\ 1111 1111· ht...,I II\ 'td~lllK 111t11w\ c 1111111 ht• -..1w<l ll'f pnvatum~ 1 •·rL1111 -.t'IVllt" Ar.1 '>did ht a11t.l Brc1111ht rv, la.111 ddldtl'<l pm .1111.1111111 .u 1d 1111 < 1rrt'1a.11wu ,,11.~1 ... m.u1 rt'.uv.1-cl tht' ob\1<11h J••h .11 Ith df).'IUllt'lll dun11~~ th• 'l"'ti It 'I le Wil' 1111111•11cl111g 1h1• g11\f'rt11Tlt'nt I'> Jlt•llt-1 I JI t'Wr\'U1111g ,111d I hml th.cl hcut1 lo ht:lit'Vl ' •\r.1 'c.lltl ""' ...ud ht 1011k 111!1•11 ..... 11 lln nnht·rw .. 1 h.1 .. 11"-tl th1 111.i.Jrnnfl·m.: lor c h.i.Jlc·ngJn~ 111< .11 Vll\t'lllllll'rtl J tlt111J~ll lhJI \\,t\ I.he· \1111'111 ;111 W'1tt•111;' lw "aid Jr \\Ill ht wr' 11111-1t ... 1111~ 111 \\,ell II tht....c IV.Cl t11lo11t1! I h.tr..tl ll'f' t.!111..l· II lllli in 1111' puhhl t•H· d., tht• gtrl\\lh ddi.1tc• tlmm.J1L..., \\duir111· 1q '••""pon ISt-dt h 1)111.tu'' brightcolors . perfect flt Our ne\\ ~pring coll<.:U ton ha~ ..trrl\ nl 1 1 r.1•. I 11 1 • ' I ,, .1 I I h1•c! ... 1111 I ~•h •1 111 i to I.! • " ·' 1('1 I .II II .I~ ,. I ' .\km ion th1-. aJ bl.'l\.\ lTn • l·h l 1 · 28 .tnd • 11 ... 10"11'oft , • 11.. l·HEI: .,, ,;. '• ., 'I • Cor<J11a /JC'/ .liar Pla:a 96--• An>cado AH·nu<.:. (cornn o l \lacArthur .tml PC 11 1 • '' tlJ -21 I .:.2~ JOE GOODE TONY D ELAP MARCH 1 -22 . 320 NORTH CO AS T ' .· - c:. .. ~ .......... QUOTE OF THE DAY "(The Big West Conference championship race) could go any way; you never know, " Adam P•'*· UCljunior JJf Al Fnclay, Febfuary 21 , 2003 GOLF Drawing to an in·side straight Toshiba Senior Classic, partnering with Fuzzy Zoeller in opportunity drawing, appears headed for another $1-million donation to charity. W he n you hjt the mark once, the expectations for you remain at that level, · whether you're shooting cue balls in the side pocket or raising money for charity through a professional golf tournament. In the case of the Toshiba Senior Qassic at Newport Beach Country Qub. the most philanthropic stop on the Oiampions Tour, each year's goal is to reach S 1 million -a nice. round figure -in charitable donations. And. since much of the week.long tournament's financial results are generated through five pro-ams squeezed into a three-day package, it appears that next month's Toshiba Oassic is well on its way to eclipsing the SI -million .-------.self-imposed RICHARD DUNN standard for the founh consecutive year. TI1at's because all 348 pro·ain spots for the 2003 Toshiba Senior Oassic are sold out -all but two, that is. ln a similar arrangement as last year with Mr. Personality Fuzzy Zoeller, tournament officials and Roger Dunn Golf Shops are sponsoring a Toshiba Senior Oassic Opportunity Drawing. The winner of the raffle gets a charice to play in the Monday Pro-Am with Zoeller. Each ticket is $10 and no more than 2,000 tickets will be sold. One Monday Pro-Am spot is valued at $2,750. AU proceeds of the raffle will benefit the tournament's lead charity, Hoag Hospital. Tickets for the opportunity drawing are available at six Roger Dunn Golf Shops in Southern Callfornia: Anaheim, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Mission Viejo, Santa Ana and Seal Beach. The drawing will be held at noon on Saturday. March 15 at the Santa Ana Roger Dunn store. "We're always looking for unique ways to get the community inyolved in the tournament and to get fans even closer to the action." Toshiba Senior Oassic Tournament Director Jeff Purser said. •Ten dollars is a small price to pay for what would certainly be the golf round of a lifetime We expect a signlficant turnout but we'll have two winners. so the odds should be pretty good for everybody who enters the drawing.· The Toshiba Senior Oassic Opportunity Drawing winners will both receive all the amenities of the Monday Pro-Am, including full hospitality during the day. brealcfast and an award s ceremony with the Champions Tour players, 18 holes of golf, a custom executive golf gjft package. two weeklong clubhouse badges and 10 tournament lickets. They will play with l.oeller for nine holes and another Olampions Tour player for the other nine holes. With the news of the pro-ams, the ninth annual Toshiba Senior Oassic March 17 · 23 ls a virtual lock to remain atop the tour's charitable-giving list. The $1.55 million event plays host to 81 Olampions Tour pros. For tickets, or more information: (949) 660· 1001 or log on to 1bshibaSenlorOasstc.com. ••• Last year's Toshiba SenJor Oassic became the first event ln senior four history to donate more than SJ million to charity In three conteCUdve yean. The tournament ralaed Sl,011.000 for charity ln 2000, SJ.035,000 ln 2001 and Sl,001,920 Jut year. "The charitable achievements of th1a tournament are a ~endoua source of prtde for Tothlba and lta employees," 1beh1be execudve Rod JCeUer said ... The fact that the Tothlba Senior Oualc continuet to break new ground on the ..Uor tour In tmDJ of clwttable benchmmb ii all the mon rewudlng. • Good debt ... and good weather, wbkh umdy., band lii hand. are ocher U, llcton ln bJtting le'W!'D digits • an rbe bottom line. A ltrOng player ... QOLF,, ... AlO ...... -... Spom Editor Roger Carlson • 1949) 5744223 • Spom Fu: (949) 650-0170 COLLE.GE MEN'S BASKETBALL PHOTOS BY DON LEACH /OAJLY Pit OT UCl's Adam Parada (right) goes up high for inside dunk despite the defense of Norttiridge's Curtis Slaughter. Pacesetters Anteaters share the Big West Jead with Utah State and UC Santa Barbara after disposing of Northridge, 64-57. Steve Virgen Daily Pilot BREN EVENTS CENTER -With the Big West Conference season winding down, every pos.-.cssion be· comes that much more meaningful. Every drop-step turned fadeaway bucket provt:'> c•vcn more important, every thn·c· point homh SCOREBOARD bring., about more mornen· tum and ultl· mately every game carries more worthi· ness for posi· tioning In the Northr1dge 57 Big West. Anteaters 64 The UC Ir· vine men's basketball team. led by Adam P-clradn and Ross Schraeder, won its fifth straight game and moved Into a three-way tie for rtrst place in the Aig Wc'it after defeating Cal State Northridge, 64· 57, in front of 2,289 at the Bren events Center Thursday night UC Santa Barbara. which entered the night arop the Big West, lost to the conference's darkhorse Cal Poly San Lula Obispo. 66-63, while Utah State defeated Cal State Fullerton, 62-4 I, to bump up to first, u well. "It's a tough race," 18.ld ua Coach Pat OolJ81aee. whole team lmproved to 16-7. 10-4 In the Big West. "PJght- een league blllpma. J(a hard to wtn:ln leeple. We had to bat· Cle to win thia pme., Our ldds played to win chis game. So. dld Nortbrtclle· They came out and bat· UC l's Jordan Harris ( 13 )puts away a reverse slam dunk after getting ball down low in front of Norttiridge defender Ben Sullivan in first half. tied us .• Parada, UCls 7-foot junior center, scored a team-high 18 points. while Schraeder. a redshirt freshman guard, sparked the Anteaters in the second half with nine pointc; on 3· of-4 shooting from beyond the three-point line. nedslurt freshman polnt guard Jell Gloger added 12 points. six assists and three steals, while junior for- ward Stanislav 7~ contributed I 0 polnts and a crucial three·polnt play late In the game. "(Mike) Hood was missing a cou- ple of his shots; he's been so on the past month, J guess this was bound to happen,· Schraeder said of his tearmt)ate, the Big West leader In three·polnt field-goal percentage (44%) who d1d not hit a shot from the field. Hood finished with four points, on free throws In the 6naJ nine eeeonds. "I just came ln and I got a couple of good open loob," Schrader aaJd. "1 guess I'm a bit of a streaky shooter. like Hood or anybody. When I hit a couple of them I get a lot of confi- dence. My reammates were finding me: Northridgc (10-IJ, 4-9jcut into a 38-28 deficit with a 7-0 run. as UCI went through a scoring drought that lasted 4:46 in the wcond half. But, Schraeder broke the An teaters out with his first of three three-pointers. He drained an- other 27 sec· onds later to give UCI a 44· 35 lead that forced a time- out with 10:56 left. When the Matadors came within, 48-43, with 8:33 left, Schraeder drilled another UCI Ut.h St. UCSB CalPoly Idaho Peclnc Fullerton North ridge Riverside Long BchSt. W L 10 4 10 "' 10 4 8 8 7 7 6 7 5 8 4 9 4 9 "' 10 trey. However, Northridge, which was led by Curtis Slaughter's 18 points, would not go away. Slaughter later hammered home a three· pointer with 2:49 that pulled the deficit. 54·52. With I :24 left, Zu.zak made good on an 8 -foot turnaround shot along the baseline while he was fouled. He completed the three-point play for a 57-52 lead. Moments before Zuz.ak's three-point play. Northrldge Coach Bobby Bra.swell sh outed for a travel- ing call when Hood apparently Jug- gled a pus while taking an extra step. "lbJs whole week. we talked about how big each posteMton would be In th1a pme," Braswell said. "On that pl.ay, the oftldal wu there, but what can you My? It's juat one of thoee thlnp where (the omclal) dJdn'I lee It. You have to live with It. (Zuzak'1 three-point play), that WU huge ... IMUCl,hpAlO .. EYE OPENER • Daily~ Piklt 1111 Spo111 Hal al Fame ( .-lrl)r•••-.C I) .. n..ilt••"'"'' February J4 honOfH MELISSA SCHUTZ Daily Piiot COLLEGES NQbody does it like Faulkner UCI's 5-foot-5 sophomore point guard has been guiding the Antea ters to a turnaround season. I f you le.new Lisa Faulkner, the difference she's making for UC Irvine wouldn't surprise you. If you knew she has been experiencing tendinitis in her knee while perfonning at a high level for the Anteaters, that, too. wouJd not be shoclcing. Faullcner. the 5-foot-5 point guard of the UCI women's basketball team, has been assisting the Anteaters m their turnaround season. and it' been of little surprise to those who know her. UCI, which was picked 10 finish sixth tn the Big West coaches' preseason poll, is in econd place in the conference and own a record of 15·8, 8·4 in the Big West with four games remaining. Las t year, ua won eight games, and that includes 6ve in the Big West. all season. STEVE Faullcner has been VIRGEN one of the main reasons for the Anteaters' improvement Last week. he dished out 16 assists in a 72-59 wm over Idaho to break a UCI school record for most assists in a game. Faullcner's 16 asst.5ts is the most in the Big West this season and the fourth best mark an the nauon this year. ·she's our most valuable player al> far as the way she keeps the off en~ going,· UCI Coach Mark Adams said. ·in our mind she's the straw that stirs the dnnk. She's little. but she has a big heart. She has been very important to our succes.-., so far.· As far as-Faulkner is concerned she Is meeting expectations. She came from Oregon City High in Oregon, where winning was. and is. as natural as breathing. Olampionshlps at Oregon City are as traditional as the Star Spangled Banner performed before every game. The Pioneers have won eight of the last 11 state titles. They've been ranked in USA Today's Top 20 every year. except fo r one, since 1987. USA Today named Oregon City national champions in 1995, '96 and '97 and the team is ranked sixth so far this season. When Faulkner was a sophomore at Oregon City in 1999, she had to have surgery on her ACL The Pioneers were ranked 14th in the country and undefeated. They lost their next game without her and they lost ln the playoffs. When Faulkner was a freshman she came off the bench and hit a few key three-pointers to help lead Oregon City to a state championship. She also guJded the Pioneers to a state title in her senior year. "J think that's one of the reasons UCI recruited her." O~n City co-coach c.a.rt Tinsley said of Faulkner's background. ·Usa blows what she's capable of and she bas developed the will to win and with the polnt guard position that ls very Important She's the type that wills a team to wtn. Just on sheer desire she can take them over the hump sometime.· If you need to know anything more about Faulkner's reputation and, perhaps her penonalJty, just know that at ua. she ls studying to em..n.WJy become an PBI agent ·She's "'>ugh kid; lhe can perform under pn!llW'e, there's no queldon about It." TINiey said. • 1 believe If ahe wun't injured her aophomore year we would have won atx C•tate titles) In a row. She had the 1urgery In February and ah~ wu playing ap1n In June. She's ~her wt.nnlng aeuona at Oregon CJty, Faulkner came to ua. where she endured thfOUlh • trying aeuon (8·20 5-11 In the B'8Welt). ' "It waa humblins.• she llkl. "I came from a echool where we won. People :. ?'°'1 lelm a lot from loetng and I ... COlU ........ AlO • j .. ' . Dady Pilot SCHEDULE ~y BllSlr.ett>ell Communtty college men Orange Coast at Fullenon. 7 30 p.m Community college women Orange Cont al Fullenon, 5 30 p m Htgh 9dlool boys -CIF Pl1voffs fir~• round, 0.viSIOn II AA Newpoft Harbor 111 Buena. 7 JO pm.; C1F Playons second round, D1v1 .. on 111-A. Estanc111 a1 Bishop Montgomery, 7 JO p m s- High school girls -CIF Playoffs, first round· Corona del Mar at Munett1 Valley, 3 p m , John Glenn at Costa Mesa. 3 p.m ..... College -UC Irvine at Univer .. tv of San Diego, 2p m ""'9W poto College women -Hawaii 111 UC lrvlne. 4 p.m.; Chapman at UC Irvine, 5.15 p.m . ........ College men -UC Irvine et Stenlord, 7 p.m. Community college men -O<enge Coast at Long 8eadl CC, 7 p m Softb8I College -Bethany College at Venguard University, doubleheader, 1 p m .... College women -Loyol• Merymount al UC lfvlne, t JO p.1n. . .... High tctlOOI CIF Prehm1rn1<oes at w..t.mlnsttH. all day ............. Community college -Orange Coast at Fullerton. 3:30 p.m. HAPPY BIRTHDAY \ S POR1 S fr <ld~ I 1-tiruory 21 7003 A9 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL M esa closes campaig n w ith loss at La Ca nad a Mus tang tie it at halftime, but Spartans drain fi ve threes in third quarter to pull away. I A CANAf>\ CoMa Mesa Hlgh's girl'> basket- Coach hm Weeks san.1. " Owy're Jll'>t a '>lrong team. A 101 of 1hinw- went agaJn't U'> today . . but rn11> 1cam played h.ud all year. lnis is a green team and l 'm very proud of IJ1l1> team. lney gave 11 every- thing Lhey had all year long, and as a coach you can't aslc: for any- thing more than that · I .a Canada's ball tt.>'am, appearing in the CIF Southern Section Playoffs for the I 4rn con- secutive season, ran into a Lalented I.a Canada squad Thursday night in the fU'SI round of rne CU: SCOREBOARD Diahnn Futalan: a fi-foot-1 junior cen- ter. scored a game- high 18 points, while teammates Division Ill-A bracket as the ho."t Spanans de- feated rne Mustangs, 62- 45. Kam Gilmour ( 14 points) and Kasey llurlbun (II) also scored in double figures. Mesa 45 La Canada 62 "Naff added four assists, three ~­ bou nds and rwo steals for Mesa, while Sanchez was 4 of 7 from beyond the Lhree-point line. The Mustangs. rne Golden West League's third-place representative, fin- lshed 15-12. La Canada. rne Rio Hondo League runner-up, im- proved to 2 1-5. Rhondi Naff (13 points) and lllckeU Reeves (II ) scored six points each In the second quar- ter as Costa Mesa outscored the hosts. 15-10, 10 de the game at halftime, 27-27. But La Canada netted five three-pointers in the third quar- ter and eventually opened up a 20-polnt lead. Mesa'• Stacee San· d'M!Z (14 pointl) drained two of her four three-pointers in the fowth quarter to cut ta Can-.da'a le.cl lo 14, befote the Sputana ltletched ll lo 17 polntl by pron end. "They were to much bfaer than we were." ea.ca Mme \ La CIMda 12, eo... ..... 45 CF DtvWort ._A Rntround S-.bvO.... Cott• ~ 1} 15 7 " La c.~ 17 IC) " ,. COiia ...... -l(lbln 0, Underol 4, Neff 13, Aeev-. 11, S.nchez 14, Vergere 3. Bridl 0, Cluff 0. l<Allly o. Langmoe 0, Montoy1 O, Tn.1llNO 0 . 3-pt. G<*S-S.nc:hel 4, Neff 1, landetoe 1, ~out -none. ~-non.. Lac...-Toyoca 2. MoCoy •• ~ 18, Giimore 14. Hurtbutl 11, L.-,de 3. M>olede 8. 3-<pt. ~ -GllmoN 3, McCoy 2, tMtbua t ~ CMA-nona. ~**'-none. Titans win this clash De pite McCoy's d o uble -double, CdM fall"> in first pl ayoff gam e in two '>eason ~. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot. < OH<J~A I ll I \1'\I< -lh111g-. .,h,\H'd d h11 .lltn ,, hmou' -.1.in :>111 1101 111 tlw .11h.11lldgt• ul th1 ( IHl/llil tld \l.ir I f1gh girl ... b,1'kt·tli.-t.ll 11·.i111 \'1-.iting \.111 ~1.1n1111 t I:! I I hl1t1nl 10 an Ill I I lt'.td .1h1·r 11111· pt·nod. 1.irgl'I\ 1111 till' -.h1>uld1·r' 111 ~1elmh < J1l'u11g\ 14 p11111h 111 1he qu.ir ll r, .111d ... t.n1·d roll the WJ Ktng..,, ·I.! \~, 111 ,J Jlr-.1 111u11d <.II IJ1v1 .,11111 I II A l'liivoll 1.( .. 11 nt· I hur,d,1\ Utl.(hl ,11 < ti\ 1 I hglt C ll• ung hll It 1ur of her gt11111 · l11gh fiH• thrt t' pro11lll·r-. 1t·01pb JO''-• But t!w l lldl1' 1\11 1m 7 of I; 1hrt·t··p u1111t-1.., 1 <1111 fJdred to 1111ly I of 8 tor 1lw ~·a Ktng~. \tarting g\1Jrd Kt:ll1<11111 K.h.·111 l 111K.kt'd d11\'o 11 < .d.M \ on!~ LI in· ... pomtn 1111 .. 111 "'""'~' I rom J.il lit \1d .(1~. \\h11 1.dlll'd a ll'drn I ugh IL po11 n-. 111 go \'I.1th I CJ rl'hound-.. l\\IJ l>lm k.' ,111d l"'-ll a"""'· tu nlf 1lw I llJ.11 l1 .. 1d 111 Ill-l I \'o Ith lour lllll!Ult'' Jllll I '-t'< 11111.h Ill go 111 the l(Jrllt' \ 1 < 11\ "ould ult 1ht 1t .. 1d UJ II\ 1· 1\llh .i pull up 7 10111 JlllllJll'r ~\llh I l'i lt>h .md < .d\t h.1d .1 1 li.11111· 1<1 1nm 1lw lt·.id li1nlll'r lull11\'\ 111g .i 1mw11u1 Hut .i 1111"-t'd I.a\ llJI 1111 I Jlll k .111d f(J I ll''llht·d 111 r1111 111 .._dUH\11 \kw prt' -.1\ n·lir11111tJ-.. ,u1d < d\t "•'' ltu11·d 111 111111111 .,lllp thl' dt11 l I u·• 1111•111 "' J,11 k ol 11 . " ,., I 11\I, • , lp111 11 • 11rd111g 111 B,1• k.tlr I\\ \ \(' \\dJltt·d It• 111 tlll' 11p1·11111g qu,1nt•r .-- 1 .11uJ f11w .. l1t·d \\Ith .i SCOREBOARD ,1. 11\ 11 dow11 u11J. ,.., '" lidd Jll •JI' , l.1\up ancJ ll<JI 1n ''' 11111 \\llh tht:lll 1 ... g.111ll' l11gh !.1 fHllflh Ill p111 1tw l1ta11 .... \\l111 lin i-.l1t·c.l third 111 1111 11111 I l1111cl11 I '"'~'111· 111111 1lw -.i·11111d ri111111I \\1• d1d11t pl.1\ 1k ~ iJr I\\ -..aJJ \\I' d1 l 1 Ji.11 .md du1r t l11r I \ tfllllg \\1 II trl • •pp11nuni11n At left, Corona del Mar's Madison Otterbein (21 I looi-s to place a shot after taking the rebound from San Manno s Raquel Benito (44) 1n Thursday night's CIF playoff game Above left. Corona del Mar's Jackie McCoy (44) puts up a shot over San Mari no's Sharon Ho (4 1 AbovP nght. Corona del IAar s Kathryn Heese hen (231 drives full steam down court tn the D1v1s1on Ill A first-rnund match Corona del Mar NdS eliminated 4._ 35 ft-11'>!' 1hat lir'I 411.1111 r." .... ud ftr,1 ,,. 11 t d\1 ( 1.11h J.i1111•, lt11L1l11\\ Sctn MiJr'''l H'w'I .· ''"rt: but d1t1111 1.11 .id\ J.ntagt· t 1I11 ·• I c I ldl • llwn \\I h.1d ,.,, 111 h· 11•11,t· 1lw .,.., 1111d q11.1r lt'I ,111d llit• 11!!1•11-..1· 11·11 .t(J.ifl I d\l 11!. I I 11i.111.1gl·d 11111\ '" -..•1111111 qtt.Jllt r p11111h. hut 111 Id 1lw f11.1n-..1•111i...1 ll\t· 111 .1 p1·m11I 111.1rr1·d h\ tu 11irr111"'r' hd\\l1·11 li11lh ll'.1m-. .1, g111111g11pt•11 '""~' ll1·1.111w 1111111 d1ll11 ult t .d\I t1.1d Ill I llllll'IHI \\llh J lull t IJllrt (Ht'" thmughu111 lh• g.lllll .111d l1111k1· 11 l11r th• 1111"1 p1r1, l11 l1111• '-11 \l.Jrlflt" d1 It'll'\ l.1111p1•d d11\\ll 111 ll1l I"''' I d\I, \\1111 111 ti l11r .,,., l•IHI pl.ti I Ill 1111• ('.11 tlll ( 11,1,I I 1'.l).!lll 11111 \\,i' ti .. ll'd ,,, 1111 '" \ ,, <1111 1111 I II m.11li· 1i... ti1-.1 plt1\oll .1p (l\',lf,llll I 'llh I 111 I\\ 11 \ t'<tr' I ht' '' J. I\ 1m .11 g,1mt: 101 11, .... 11d "-111 '.\ 1.1r11111 ( c i.1d1 1'.11 (.ii l.111 · \\l' ..,,. 11111 .1 gwa1 n llt-11-.1\1 11 .. 1111 \\l' H' wlwd 1111 \lelrnl\ .111 \ «'•lf long and h.1\l lwl'n \'o llllllll).! g.11111·-. \\Ith 1111r dl'11•11,t·. '' l11d1 drd ,, tr1·11wnt.l1111-. 111h ~II \1Jrt1111 l•1r11•d 11 ..,1t·,1h th.111or11nh1111·d 111 Iii< d.\l 111111 11\1•1-.. lht· 111 1111' li11al q11<1n1·r "1111 h '-<!\'\ 1h1: lt".lln' r11rnh11u for Jll'-1 I \ 1'"1111, I d\1 -...·11111r \J.11fhon < )th'1la 111 di...pla\Pd '1111w lo ugh J1 11'11-.1· 111 h1·1 II\\ 11 'wa11111g aw.1\ 11,11 -.11111, 111 lht• t11urth q 11ar11·1 111 ke1•p 1h1· \1 .1 .... 111g-. Ill tht• g.11111· th1•\ It-ti 11111\ lhft'I' flllll''· thl (,hi I Olllll\g ,If h i "11h 'i >1 1 1 gc 111 th<' ltr-.1 qu.inn <>11t·rht·111 11111-.lwd '"'h 1•1gh1 po1111.., .111d liw rd1111111J-. 1111 I ol 7 -.11111111111• \-. .i 1e.irn. < d\1 ,11111 I 'i for Ill 1111111 1he lidtl 1;--, \\htlt· \,111 \1.1111111 l tlll\l'rlt·d I ' 111 10 .11 I ,th1ng' t1 I \Pdf 111111,d.1\., ~ 11111' w Ii• ' •• lo1r ,1·111111' 1 lllt·r!Jt·,, \111 ••\ (l.11·111 .111d \r\I 1>1111a I,,. pl 1\1•d \\llh l-.1 111.11111 I (11 \1• "' "' It ~Ill pl.1\ \\ If t .. ' .1n\ r1111r1 \\Ill Ill' '>l rarll,t c 1111 lh'lll ,,lld \\1• l\,1d ,t 1\,111 l1lt1 I 'I\ 1· r 11gli1 11111 d1cJ \"di 1111 di 1t•1i-1 \\,. h.111 1 good H. r ,, 111 111 • .. •• .. , 11wd "''t'll cit II• r Jllllll II tf1t 'l'IOlld IJ,iJI 1111 .11fd• 11 ·~J.1 rl'l1•1111H1' .md \\ .i '·'1' ,,11111 I r1llt•l'll \litrb (Ill hi• cl I .)1 lt'lhl\l' ,p,trk 11111'11 .'• 1 11111.: 11111111 y it1nl I )1·h•1r.111 I 11 ,.,1ir1 l1111,1w1! .! '" 11 lri.11 11 • t •Id ltrr 'I\ pi•tllh \1..,rJ..-. tJI It· d I Ill p••lllh h.1d '''" II 11• 1111.J, .11111 11111· 11.11 "'-.Ir.ii "'' 11' II d \r \fl 111111.1, tu th hdl! .111 '" -.1 11111 -.1.ir1"1 l..11" I I•••·' 1 I • 11 i.:r ii t ,..tJ 1''" n·hrn111tJ, • ~" \\ II ,,, ,,,,,1 CIF °"""°" 111-A F1"1 round San Manno Q CdM 35 .;>.t \"' 'r r 1,,.. S11n Manno " •ar.no 3 M Ch•• mQ , .1 ~•o•r H, 4 ltlh 6 I( Ch1·ur1y s 8f'n•t • .,;.-,,Ci Chu 0 Got D 't(HJ (J 'J nt Go 11~ M C.t""'ni; 5 Bt-r\ •n • • '1 1 ~ t"""d r r r • ~hr rll 1r)t Corona del Mar Mrr, , 1] on ... t>t•in a 5,,,.11 o I(: .. " 11 H,..,,,.-hpn 0 C MJrh 4 , •<Tl.I., O 51· ,, u ,) r 1 Gc:..1·~ ~,, n • , a .-uour "'\ ,,, i• l'ftn1\.als IU 1r, Sage Hill puts/away Co nne ll y Sailor ' effort fall hort against potent Edi so n A.~AI 111~1 -''l\l' I hll \t:hool-. girls baskt>tball learn, bduml Jou ble-double1> from K.111t• l'w<Jiy-. and I laywood Wngh1. chmmatt'<l Connelly in rne fir.t round ol me OF 1>1vis1on IV-A Playoff, lnur,- day mght, J3·22, at 1-'arnno nt Prep "Our shoLS weren't ing. ~ fall- Newport unable to handle a ho t Edi on q u intet. 57-39, in first-round defeat. I Ill~ flM .1 <>~ RI.AC.I I \\ 11htn a plavon lo"-'>-Nt>wpo n 11.ubor 111.;i ).'lrls ha.,kNball rnac:h Jen I hornpson .... 1w many pt1'lll\ c<... three potnt .... tour rt>hound'I \'a-.qut•1 h Jd 1 reall\ good. g;1me ... he mdde thing., happt>n." I hurnpson ..;ml Ncwpon ll•d 1·ttrl\ 4 2. but rnuldn I rt.1(.1111 mt· Jlh .intllf(e af lt•r mat I .3.\I 'l'd...Clll !'.t>wpun Harbor managed univ fow \\1ns. !ioO reaching me playoff6 wa' an ac1:omplish ment. ll1ompson '>dld. Sage ... 11d llill Coach Shanna Renken. ~, jusl told them 10 • l11e SatJor; 11 1 151. malang melr tir.t l lt- rtayofT appearance \tnt't' 1999. out~ored . un'lt't I A.'a~e champion hli- ..on (2 1 ·5) in rne founh quarter. but fell 'ihon. 57-.\9, ma Cll Southern ~uon D1V\s1on 11-M fiN-round game. • "It' ... a whole dtf- rerenl t'ra nQ\\: Thompson "'11d "Before it was. 'Let''\ win a couple game<>.' now w~re not look mg 10 ht! la.'11 m league. bu1 to makt> kttp shoot· ing, and lo and behold. they did start falling,. 33 22 Pulshy's had 12 points and 11 rebounds. and Wrigh t had 11 points. 10 rebounds and seve11 blocb. Debbie Yoder-l.tt added six teals. l:di on has n<J\.v won 10 in a row and received 'lterling scoring efTons from Rebt'cca Kepillno (24 points) and Fva Camarena (16 pomts). lne 0l3J~G Wt-re rankc<I No. 9 in the final Division 11 -M potl. Sagos rnn. now 14~7. will play the winner of the CaJvary Chapel (Downey)-Westem Ovistia:n p.me Sallllday f\lght ·cKrpilino) wns driving, mak- ing free throws. everything.. Thompson said. ·She Is a sopho- more and is rt"ally good. \ •t lhink. a lot of people thought we would get stomped by 30 or 401 but wt' stuck wath them. TM D guU~~up.• . n Lading Newport' attaic* were senior Albma Vuquez < lO point& three U). V..... Miller (~ polnta), JUlmnne Whicftftd c.a poinu..., ..._,, ~ Waler (four potnca. • ~) Md Vk1Dria ~ 39 57 the playoffs and ~ct a lot more win • I AIO Friday, Febt'uaty 21, 2003 COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Anteaters in 58-54 Big West win over Cal St. N orthridge Four players share scoring laurels with 11 points apiece for UCl's soaring 'Eaters. NORTI-IRIDGE -UC Irvine's women's basketball team is be- ginning to take their idea of bal- ance to an extreme as evidenced by the Anteaters' 58-54 Big West Conference victory at Cal State Northridge Thursday night. No less than four starters shared scoring honors as Chris· tina Callaway, Lisa Faulkner, Wendy Gabbe and Kristen Green each scored 11 points for the Anteaters, who improved to 15-8, 8-4 in the Big West Faulkner added seven assists and Green and Ashley Biggins shared rebounding honors with seven apiece. Faulkner had six boards. The Anteaters were nursing a 27-26 lead at the half and man- aged to Mpull away" In the sec· ond half with the four-point margin of victory. The ultimate difference came from three-point territory as UCI netted 6 of 20. Gabbe had two treys and Lauren Yadon, Faulk- ner, Green and Courtney Fergu- son each had one. North.ridge was 0 for 2. 8ic West CCNftleoce UCI 58, Northridge 54 UCI -Yadon 7, Callaway 11, Faulkner 11, Gabbe 11, Green 11, Biggins 4, Sturgeon 0, Ferguson 3, Usher 0. 3-pt. goals -Gabbe 2, Faulkner 1, Yadon 1, Green 1, Ferguson 1. Fouled out -none. Tedmicals -none. Halftime -UCI. 27-26. Norttvldge-Anderson 7. Tulikihihlfo 9, Cushing 6, Gildersleeve 12. Rhodes 13, Hodges 6. Maritovich 1, Garcia 0. 3-pt. goals -none. Fouled out -none. Tecl1nicats -none. Halftime -UCI. 27-26. COLLEGE MEN'S VOLLEYBALL · Anteaters, in four UCI drops first game, then rolls past UOP. STOCKTON -UC lrvine's men's voUeyball team, ranked No. 3 in the nation, improved to 14 ·3. 7-3 in the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Thursday with a 26-30, 30-24. 30-2.3, 30-20 romp at the University of the Pa- cific. After a sluggish start the Ant· UCI Continued from AA (bu t) we had a chance at the end (trailing 59-55 with 40 seconds left) but we just came down and shot ourselves in the foot• Douglass said he wasn't sure the game was over uncil there was nine seconds left, when flood hit two free throws fo r a 62-57 lead. "We just couJdn't put them away." Douglass said. "Ross Schraeder hit some key buckets when we were struggling offen- sively. Adam Parada looked much bener in the low post. They've been coming after his hook shot. He wasn't getting any shots off. They take away the left shoulder where he can't hook it. The Anteaters gained mo- mentum when they scored six unanswered points in the final 2: l 8 of the first haJf. They scored four in the final 35 seconds after, Gloger scored on a layup and Northridge committed a turn- over on an inbound violation . Jordan !farris nailed an eight- foo1 baseline shot to beat the halftime buzzer and UCI took a :.i 1-23 lead to the locker room. Parada scored 12 in the first half. "It could go any way; you GOLF Continued from A8 field, which is expected again this year, contributes to the sizable galleries the tournament attracts\ each year. In five years as managing operator of the tournament. the Hoag Hospital Foundation has raised more than $4.7 million for charitable purposes. Hoag was named the SenJor PGA Tour's inaugural Otarity of the • Year Award winner in 1998. Prior to '98, the event suffered through some difficult years, highlighted by an acrimonious and sometimes comical split between the former operator and Newport Beach Country Oub. The tournament was about to dislntegrate. Things went on between the two parties that one PGA Thur omdaJ aid bad never happened before, But Hoag entered the picture lo August J 997 and ran itl nr.t event In '98. Three years Jater. the Toehiba SenJor Ouslc becune Che ftnt stop on the ~sour to join the $1 Million Oub for Char1ty, an amazing tunWQUnd with a remarkable ltoqc. ••• Tbe 1blhlbe OMlk. moved to eaters moved into high hear and were never threatened as the en- tire team played with a crispness reflected by a team attaclc per- centage of .44 l. Jimmy Pe17.el led the way with 24 kills and two errors for a .595 effort, and Spencer Bemus (12 kills) and Kyle Weichert (II kills and one error, .588) were the pacesetters. David Kniffin was credited with 57 assists. UOP drops to 9-6, 6-3. never know," Parada said of the Big West race. "Our goal is to win league and go to the NCAA Tournament." ·nie 'Eaters return to action Saturday night at 7:05 when they host the University of the Pacific. which has key players Christian Marak.er and Demetrius Jackson nursing injuries. ZOTS -The Anteaters recorded their fifth-straight win, their longest, w inning streak of the season ... UCI associate head coach Todd LAie celebrated his 39th birthday ... UCI junior forward M•tt Okoro rattled the rim with an impressive tip-jam with 10:32 left in the first half after a miss by Greg Ethington ... Northridge's Justice Graham quit the team last week. prompting SeJgei Lepi•shinsld's removal of his red sh1rt status ... Gloger has 63 steals, bringing him closer to Scott Brooks' single-season school record of 66. Bi& West Confennce UC164, Northridge 57 Not1hridge-Thomas 6, S"laughter 18, Read 0, Boylan 13, Frazier 3, Lepiashinskl 3, Benjamin 8. Sullivan 2, Davis 4,Scott 0. 3-pt. goals -Slaughter 4, Boylan 2. Lepiashinski 1. Fouled out -Boylan Technicals -none. UCI -Zuzak 10, Harris 4, Parada 18, Gloger 12, Hood 4, Schraeder 9. Baskauskas 0, Efevberha 3, Okoro 4, Ethington 0. 3-pt. goals -Schraeder 3, Zuzak 1. Fouled out -none. Technicals -none. Halftime-UCI, 31-23. a later date in 2003, will be played in the spring for the first tim e. The dates for the competitive rounds (March 21-23) are later than any other time in tournament history. This year's event will be played during the fourth weekend In March. tn 2000 and 2001, the championship rounds were held on the first weekend of March. Last year, those rounds were played on the second weekend in March. "We asked the senJor tour to move us baclc In the schedule, so we believe this is a positive move for us," Purser said. ""Whlle last year's weather was spectacular, we believe our chances of having ideal conditions get better as we move later into March." This year's Toshiba OMSk will once again be preceded by the SBC SenJor Oasslc in Valencia. The two weeks following the Tushiba Oassic will be open weeks for the tour, which not only changed Its name this year but scaled down the number of tournaments horn 3;/ to 31. fAch of the tut twO lbah.lba Semor Oassk: events have attracted 30 of the previous year's top-31 money wtnnera. making the Newport Beach atop a perennial home of one of the ~· ftedl on the tour. SPORTS Dai!Y Pilot HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO S£AN HfllE RI DAIL V PILOl Corona del Mar High's Jessica Harkins and the girls water polo team were runaway winner s over Loar a Thursday afternoon. Newport, CdM win, easily Clf DMsionl Rm round Newport 12, Esperanu 2 Score by Ouarten Culver City tops Costa Mesa in Division VI, 5-4. • Corona del Mar. mean- While, blitzed visiting Loara in the first round of the Division U Playoffs with a 12-0 run in the first quarter witl1 eight girls sharing the scoring in that span. Costa Mesa, one of three teams that shared the Golden Wesc League championship. feU behind. 5-3, in the third period. Sophomore Allyson Harris scored before the quar- ter ended, but the teams went scoreless after that. The Mus- tangs (14-9) had a few scoring chances in the founh period but could not convert. Esperanza o ' ' o Newport 5 6 o 1 12 Newport -Belden 3. Conway 3. Murphy 2, Anderson 1, Lansing 1, Ritctiie 1. Taylor 1 Saves -Cottam 1, Housep1an 3. Newport Harbor High's sec- ond-seed ed Sailors improved to 22-5 with a 12-2 win over visiting Esperanza Thursday In the first round of the ClF Divi- sion 11 Playoffs. Amy Straclc and Katie Kubas each scored three goals for Corona del Mar and Danielle Carlson. Kelli Kline and Chris- tina Hewko each scored two goals. CFl>Mtionll Am round CdM 20 Lo a,.. 8 Score by Ouanen ~ara o 2 • 2 e Sophomore Sarah Bowman led the Mustangs with two goals, while junior Jasica Steenhard added another. Qyen Nguyen recorded I 0 saves as Mei;a's goalie. CdM 12 2 3 J 20 The Sailors. paced by Anne Belden and Carolyn Conway, who each had three goals, will duel MontebeUo, a 13-7 win- ner over Capistrano Valley. in the second round on Saturday with the site and time to be determined today. The· top-seeded Sea Kings. who improved to 23-5, will travel to El Segundo for its second-round game Sarurday. El Segundo advanced with a 9-6 victory over Santa Ana Val - ley. CdM -I( l(ubas 3, Stradt 3. Ch Hewko 2. Carlson 2. Kfeno 2, Wayte 1. Liao 1, Bowlus 1, Harkens 1, Cuyler 1. Anae 1, Ca Hewko 1. T Kubas 1 Saves -McCorm1dt 4 Fullen 2 Clf OMtion V1 Ant round Culver Chy 5, Costa Mesa 4 The Sailors built an 11 -l halftime edge and coasted the rest of the way. • Costa Mesa dropped a 5-4 CIF Division VJ decision to host Culver City, but very Little of the luster covering the Mus- tangs was disturbed after a very successful season. MFor me being in my first year, I thought it was nice to have girls that worked hard." Coach Tl.Ill Postiff said. MThey were tri-league champs and made it to the playoffs. and I don't thinlc anyone expected us 10 make tha t far, period. I'm excited about next year with the girls who are returning," Score bv Ouarten Costa Mesa } o 2 o Jenna Murphy scored twice and Alex Anderson. Paige Lan- sing. Raelyn Ritchie and Ash- ling Taylor. Culver City J 1 ' o Costa Mesa -Bowman 2. Steenhard 1, Hams 1 Saves - Nguven 10 Culvef City-Coleman 2. Kaeye 1. Bornyasd 2 Saves -Martenez 7 COLLEGE HONORS UCI, Vanguard standouts •UC Irvine senior forward Jonlan Hanis has been named the Big West Conference Player of the Week after averaging 15.5 points and 6.0 rebounds in road wins over Utah St.ate and Idaho la.$t week. Harris, who has overcome partial tears of anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments In his knee suffered this past summer. scored 13 poinis, including nine in the second half, as the Anteaters topped Utah State, 59-58, Thursday. The victory marb!d the first regular- season sweep of the Aggies by UO since 1995-96 and was the first time the Anteaters had won two con- secutive games in Logan in 17 years. I farris scored a team-high 18 points ip UOs 65-52 win at Idaho Sat- urday night He shot 52.4% from the field for the week and 87.5% from the free-throw line. He also added four as- sists and three steals in the two wins. Harris leach ua in scoring at 12.0 points per game. He is averaging 4.3 rebounds and has hit 00.4 percent of his free throws (86 for 107). • UC Irvine senior guard Wendy Gebbe has been selected to the 2003 Veriz.on Academic All-District YID second team in women's baskaball.. Gabbe is majoring in English at ua. She has been a three-time Big West Conference Scholar-Athlete and is uas 2002-03 Big West Conference female Scholar- Athlet.e of the Year. Gabbe, the Anteaters' lone senio(, is cunently awraging 13.3 points per game and leads ua with 48 three-point field goals. Tu be eligible for the aw.ud, student-athletes must haw at least a 3.20 cumuladve grade--point average. must be a starter or important reseTVe. and be tn at least their seoond season of athletic and academic eli· gibillty at their current school· • Vanguan:I Univeisity senior Robbin Dittenblr w corded two double-doubles. averaging 14.5 and 13.5 rebounds, to earn Golden State Athletic Conferenq- Player of the Week honors. She led the VanguanJ women's basketball team to two GSAC victories last week. She was ll-for-18 (.611) from the field. induding 3· of.4 (.750) from beyond the three·point line in the two games. lo the 86-73 win against Fresno Pacific. Dittenbir scored 13 points, grabbed 14 rebounds. dished out six assists and collected seven steals. In the 66-59 victory at fifth-ranked The Master's. she srored 16 points, while sinking all three of her three-point shot anempcs. The 5-foot-7 guard from Dinuba also grabbed 13 rebounds. • U. ~a 2001 graduate of Troy High in Ful- lerton. has been named the newest Lion of the Week by the Vanguard University Sports lnfonnation De- partment Jaclcson is a 5-foot-4 sophomore who is in her seamd season as the starting shortstop for the Vanguard softball team. 1he lions were rained out on Wednesday, but re· sumed play with a non-conference double header at NCM Division D CSU San Bernardino on Saluniay. After a week's layoff the lions were excited to take the field and made the Coyotes pay as Vanguard ex- ploded for 26 hits and 14 runs between the two games. Jacbon's bat was loaded and ready from the start and she deliwred eady and often offensively through- out the day. In the opener. she doubled and scored in the first inning. and doubled again to lead otJ the fifth Inning. Ja,cbon whacked her third hit of the game with a two-run home run In the top of the seventh in- ning in a 9-5 victor)< COLLEGES guard Kristen Green have been Important to UCI's success. West and 24th among NCAA Division I player in . three-pointers made (271). Continued from A8 FauJJc.ner also learned during the off-season. Adams said she worked diligently to improve her game. so that when this season came around. no one would be surprised. When Faulkner set the UCl record for asai.i;ts in ~ game last week she didn't think too much oflt "r wa.i;n't having one of my best games," Faulkner sald. "There weren't really any spectacular passes. l was mostly sentog up people for uay bucket&." • ln addition to ~n efforts. junJor forward Ouistioa CaJlaway and senJor guard Wendy~ 18 well U junior { Callaway has been leading the Anteaters In points (13.4), rebounds (7.5) and steals (1.9) per game tn Big West action, while Gabbe. UCI's lone senior, has provided leadership and averages 12.5 points per game. Green. who has also eJe\lated ht r play thls season, is scoring 12.2 points in Btg West games. • 1Wo reasons why. Faulkner, Gabbe and Green have improved this season are Kim lummus-0-abtree and Selena Ho. the asslatant coaches who have been wortfng wttb the guard dUI aeuon. Ho Is the newest member of the UO stJdJ. She come. from Che Un.tvmity o.f the Pldlc. where abe WU & cwo-dme ftnt-team ~Big Wat telection and the ended her career ranked tint tn the Bag Ho will return to Pacific for the first time as an opponent Saturday, when UCI takes on the llgers. She led the Tigers to the Blg West Tournament championship game last season. She ftnished her fow-year career third on Pacific's all-time scoring list wtth l,6.Sl points, third in wist& (430) and ninth In steals (135). '"It's going to be exciting." Ho said. •1 want for us to tab care of bu.Mnee& For 40 minutes, I'll be all about helptng the team to be ready to wln. Then. der the pme I can apend time wtth old trtendt. IC will deftnit~ be ..,eda1." • An intenltdng noce: Paullcner't beat fttend, l..eciey MDII. plays for the Vanguard I Herbert's jersey to be retired CUNmN. N.Y. -Former 1 lamilton CoUt>ge Continental hockey goaltender Guy Hebert. a re!>idenl of Newpon Beach ~ who is with the AnaheUT1 Mighty Ducks public: relations depanment, will be honored when Hamilton retires I lebert's game jersey to the mfters in a t'eremony on Feb. 22 al 2:30 run A graduate of I lamilton Col- lege in 1989 as the program's all-time leading goalie, Heben led the C..ontinentals to four straight Ee.AC Playoff appear- ances and a No. l national ranking for the first time in the programs history. ln the 1993 expansion draft Hebert WclS the No. I pick for the Mighty Ducks, talcing him from the St Louis Blues. He spent'the next eight years as the starting goalie. earning a role in the NHL All-Star game. Hebert holds seven different goaltending records for the Duclcs. indudlng m ost games (441 ). mo.st wins (173) and most saves (ll,8l:ll. women's basketball team. The two played together at Oregon City. Faulkner went to support Mills. wheo the Lions defeated Point Loma Nazarene. 54-45, at Vanguard's gym, The Pit, Tuesday nigh t. The Lions have been enjoying some surprising success, too. Well, surprising to some folk.,. Vanguard, which was picbd to finlAb ninth in the Golden State Athletic Conference, ls two wins away from clalming the cbamplonship and the Lions are ranked 15th to the NAIA. • The Anteatm wOl &W part in the NCMa 'hb A Kid to the Game program Saturday night. when the Anteaters 00.t Padftc. Kida, .. 17 and~ wtD receive a free ddet wtdl the purchue of• fuD-prlced adult ticket for the pme that ltU1I &l 7:05. I . . .......... -..... ... ..,,. ... ~ P 0 R ·1 S HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS Sailors, Eagles travel the CIF trails tonight Newport Harbor opens up Division II-AA play in Ventura against Buena; Es tancia travels to top-seeded Bishop Montgomery in CIF Ill-A. ri~ lhe last two weeks. Coach Larry I Urst's Tars have also played t.he whole l»CUMJll without 6-8 junior Jamie Diefenbach. who tore hi' AU. in fall wort.out!.. lf Newpon I tarhor I hgh I'> 111 make goo<.l on <lllY long ran~t· plans for it!. JJU'>L'>l'<L'-<111, tlw ',ail ors-will need to f)(' m111lJlul of host Buena's pcrinw wr 'h11011·r' in a en: Soulhcm St•ctum l>ivi sion II-AA fir..t round hoy-. basketball playoO Kanw 10111gh1 at 7:30. \age 1 ltll )chuol, a 1>econd-ye<1r vttr.ity prognun that wun n-. fir-.1 (.II· rnnll''>I Wednesday, wilt play 011 Saturday JgainM Lo:-. AnKelc'> hoi.t•cJ Ye-..h1va 111 Division IV A 'l'<:ond-ruund ronw:-.1 11w Saito~. howt:ver, do have fi 9 '>l'nior center Nedim P..ijevic, who Oni.,hed the rci,>ul.ar season ;.iveraging 15.5 points and nearly 14 reboltrHJ'i per gam e. Bretl l.owenlhal, u 6-6 junior, avl'mge'> l'lt;hl point'>, while -.cn - ior guardi. (haw Caml'ron (7.6 PPK) and Umd Hordcn (6. 7 ppg) ha\1' aJ.,o l'>t't·n l·on,is1en1 '>tal- Wdn-. tor till' ">tulur-.. ·1 hl• ganw 1.., "('I lor Marymoun1 1 ligh w11h ,m H c1'dock 'tart Siltur d,1y Ye ... lm .1 1' 17 4 and the I jb l'ny lt·<1gm· lh<1mp1on:-.. Meanwhile, btdlll t.1 gt·h 1lw ta.Sk or up~lllng top 'l'l'dt•d Bi.shop Muntgorrll'ry. whu h ht: gins its qut">t for J founh ... 1r;11gh1 section crown 111 c1 1>1v ... 1011 111 \ second-round d.L'h 111111gh1 ,11 7:30 on lhe Krnw11,· lloor Nl'\\ port 11,irhor I 16-9). rnalong ti' 'l'\l'ltth \lr.ttght trip to till' p<1't""1'011. \\Oil e1gh1 of 11-. la.'t Ill g.11m·' lo fi1t11>h ..,1·umd 111 the '>t·.1 \ 11·\, I t·.i.,'lle J lw )dilcir .... 1111\\1'\ l'I .trl' 'honlmndl'd, havmg 111 ... 1 111111111 'tJnl·r Andre F'111e-.t·11. ,,, \\di .1, "1phomore pJn llllH' ... 1.tn1·r flrt·tl t•nnne to lull'c m1u llul'na llh-4). which lied for wrnnd 111 1hc t h.mnel l.cague, Orw .. hed the rcgulM <;ca.son with a -.tllUol -.m~e ~ame rt·cord 14 tllfl't' J><>llllCI"\ ui .u1 8S-fi5 "1n nvt•r \.u1 \1.trlfl' LeplNotices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices • TllDISlllCT COi.iT Of 2oo 3 "'' ",, ' '"' t , ... 111SK,_ •1N11&1 norut \IRlfl ~ ft 1f1• t1I tt'• ' 11 11111 ft DtSlllCTOfTHBTAn Of ,,t ... .,,,, ,, , th· 1 ••-,•·-U\ATHI ""' i ., .. ,,..,,, ,, ......., -rva M • I" M or<h 3, cOOlfTY Of 112 roa 2003. ... .. .1., • . 1. WAVNI l Nl Al l 111ul 1 '10 111••,. I in IJ,, •I HI P( NNY I NI ACI llto' '""~ ltn·' 1" 1•'' "'' band rtnd wit,. Pt,1111t11t I If 'l'i''""' •t '' "'' , "'' y lRtPOINl t Af11t A1 ,,, , .. _hh 11.,. 'it• II CORPORA flllN • '""''"' ' 11 t • 1 Cttllformd lWlJ ,, •111111 llOSSl All( I llNl1IJ'l1, INC t. Uff>4JJ.ttl11ll .t11 I 11 olt' Pt>r •,uu• "' u uto \ uu 11wn , f.J''""'~ u , tt~ 11 fttlf' f •,f tt• f I u t 1nl, 1,.. t ft• l1>llowm~· ,., ti µt ,1 •1t, ""' •tf"d Ill N1 I ' I I I ( ountv Id.th• 1ht N1itlh W' tr1 I •I l 11 17 kl, > I I I Wlo; ION 1tllf ttAl<P lkAl:.I NU I u lo1 h11m thf" ,.-1ttr1 ·•Hiid tJlll tt ,,. .. t o:tll~y\ Drft. ud "''' ' ' c ... Ne . CV03 0023• SUMMONS llJ IRll'IJINI Af ll\I ! IJRl'CJRAIHJN , t '""' I dl1fOfOIA 11t~1••f •f+1 1 ,, I ••I I ' I I' 'l and 411 ulhH prr 1r1 tti, pd1t1t• 1111 h 111 rtr t1 f·ltt 111 • f·ltm•n•1 "'V ,1,,ht ''"' 1 1' " HH •t•t ' ' ' .. \tat,. 11..,, 111 .,,,,.,, 1 f ,,, 1 f11 ' N• ""' •' in thf' ff'dl lJt••p••tf i If, I' ( t t M· ' dtt\l tlb••rJ "' ttH· I tt1 •• 1' l I • l' ; ti I i1tll1nt •ouc NOTICE: YOU HAVI HIN SUlD IY WAYNI MUCATIOfl l. NlACI AHO f'lNNY '' '" " '"' 'I l. NEACI, HUSIANO 1 .. 1.t I 1 II• It<· AND Wlf(, THI AIOVl 1 1 '" ' • ., t •1 NAMID f'LAJNTIHS, IN 1 1 11 ''' 11 t "' I• " THI DtsTRKT couaT IN 1 • 1 • ,,.., • • • • • AND FOa NU f'UCI 11 1• " ' COUNTY. IDAHO. CJ.Sl • I r • ' • • •"• HO. CV03 00234 M oncloy. M o1<h 10 rhf' n .tflJff' Jf fl flf 200), I ~ t \ l 14•m •itttn~I 1,,u 1 I t• wt • •P\ •1 uu~• ••Cl• ,,, '"''-i•n It' t I ~ t I I •••• Ht ... "'" Jlfnpt"rlt iii.fl,_.,, .... JI/ • A I I Ith ~tr.,t on lh~ 111 II uf l rt1tl\f<lt ~· 1 f'"' .. Counh lrt.tho u11J flH•'' p•rtnuhflt ,,., f IJ••J at>ov .. Any ltm• 111• 1 .'O I 1y\ tollt1Wlil'1nr. tto I t .t a•u t h«-thun 111 "'' •"' moo\ tt1• 1·11'1 '"'' _.ntfl'r it l\,l\J~n1,.nt ·•• Wt I you w1th11u t tu1lh• • notu.e unit"'' ,,, ... , f, th~I t1m,. ynu h h • 111 .. tt d wr1t1~n , .. ~u· • "'Uit pt OOf't ftH rn UH huJm~ tht" Ctl\r No .tr11t 11.1111 dny •~QUtrfld l1hn•' ,,.., to tht" t lf'r~ ''' lhr ( ""'' At th,. Ntl f'fl'r,,. f 110111~ c:our thou\.P r1 CJ Ho I 896 I t"w1-..t1.1n ht.•h•• 8.l'IOI and '"' vr 1 • u1•Y ut your 1 .. ~.µ1111•.• '"' Plaintiff\ -.tto1n .. y ll.h'ul l O<Jk~rn I tt t'"l1 Moo,. & Cl•·H •" f'I I t I ?19 ld•hn Sit'"' I ewf\ton ld•ho H l'illl PhoM IJ081 141 I'll!, A copy nl lhr t ""' pl•tnl to Qutt'I I tll' 1n1l Summon~ '-4" b• rill l••ned by 111nt•• t1nr ealhtt the 'lt1 ~ .. 1 th• Cou1 I O< the •llurn~y 101 Plainlllf\ ti yuu ,."" l@&lll llHf\lllnt I' Yl•ll ~hould 1mmtd••l~ly 1ttaan •n •llorney to 1d11 1~r you 1n th1\ m•tte• DATED Thia Jul 4ey ef '·'"'-'· 2003. CUH OF THI DISTatCT couu ly1 THISA HllDatTH, D.,..,.., CJ ••• Pubt1~hed Ne wpm t Beach Co''' Me)• Odtly Pilot r ebr u .. , y 14 ;tt 28. Mar c;h 7 ?003 f 144 MUCllOTKI ,.....Dnchr's lhe Ptnllllt lt200J.407 ,A2903-04,, Nohce Is htteby &lvf'n that 1n appltu hon ho ~en 'ubm11ted by Dan• Conley. to allow •n 1ndepende"t m•naae ol1bhsllment u~ w1th1n an u istan1 comme•c1al olltce bu1td1n1 lhe l1c11tty P•OPOH'!> on• lrulment 1oom lh•I will be sh1red by two 1ndc pendent mnu1e tech 111Ct1ns No mote th.an one lech111c11n wall oe>tille 11 1ny Ofll lime Also. included 1n the •l>Pltc•llon Is • request lo waive the location tequ•emenl to allow 1 new taclllty within !IOO fttt of •nolhef maua1• u t1 b llth menl fhe property is localed In the PC (Newport Place Plenned Community) Ois lt1tt PtOl"flY loceled 11 l\51 Dove SltHI. Suite 110 This PfOfect hH IM•n rt11,.w1d, •nd It hn bMfl dtlt1ml!lff lhtl II ii ceteeortcllly uempl 11ndlf Ille 11q11111111t11ta of the CMtfofni.t f n<rl ,~, .. ()11.Mity Act """' Ctau l (h lstlfl& fteilllln) ""--Doctor'• uw '"""' IW200l 007 it IC ..... for re..-...!l .... ,.......,,..,, flt Hie Ctty .. ""'°'' 1 .. c11. -..... .. ,....,, ...... . \ h'•ll'' ,, 'l SUP£RIOI C OORT Of WJO«llA, COUNTY Of OWGl OUHGE COOHTY SOPIRIO« COURT, flaOIA Tl COURT OPfRA TIONS, 341 THI CITY otM, POST Off1CI IOX 14171, OWIGf, CH 7613- IS71,mmotl0f OMJJAMll fOI (~Of MAMI 0«011 TO SHOW CAUSI fOI CHAJtGf Of MAMI CASf lllMIEH217'90 ,., f I \ I lyl..t' ~nmh, J fi I -.t:rnor ~1ard, " thl' Bulldog-.· leading \Corer '" H tt, , I Uo l''' 1 11!•11• t• I Hr• h •ll•·llt't d Ill W' 1'11• '' 1ll .. r1.,·1 m 1Y lj• hi'"' 1t 1, ••ni1 th11•,1 I' llt I"' Ut1u I• M .. , ,1.t ,,,,.. hfl hrtl ~ .. ~l !<1 I hf I,, t Mt t J ,, , • '' f"hfll.H 4 1 )( ' I II I s ...... of ~---of Ike of FlctitiM lusiMis "- o•IWICI an Of COSTAllSA A PROPOSED OllOI NAHC( '' \Cheduled IOI adoption 11 the 1e1ut11 Caly Co1.1nc1I mttiet1n1 ot M~rch J 2003 be1n1 O!dm~nte OJ 'l. •eaard 1n1 C1tr Council Ap polnt11Mnl of Comm" •IOA\, 8011d' •nd Comm1lltt1 THl MOTION lo ••Vt Ordln•net 03 2 lusl rudln• c1rrled by the follow1n1 roll 1.11! vote COUMCll MIMlllS1 AYIS1 C.-,M..-~ :-..... ~:-· MOiis , ..... Al· s11n ....... Tift Hill mo of 1111 Ofcliftlftet lntY bt r .. d lft the City Cllf It l OffiC4I. n r •It o"''· C•nl• Mtu MllfOl(lt, ..,..,Otya..l P11 bllahd htwpert 8Nch C.st1 111tN Otllf f'tlot ,..,,_, ~I toOJ '1IO fiditiM~s M..Stat...m l lu lulh w1111i JJt-' \• .n .,, 111111~ hu "'' · Ill l,AI I Al<l'I ! l 111<1 /'. llllltil llllY l',ll/I I lt·n1111t• 'ft lt' It lfHH I fl 'l 1~~14 .... ,,,. tt tv.-1'"' 'I 1'1r'd S· fflt h11 .UH '• .,. ,, 'f .. \ Ot ~I I ~ f,,. •• ,~ .. ,. flthfl•) lh1 l.1lrm .. nt ..,, 1 111• I ...,.th lttf ( 111u1t1 '"''~ I tit tn1 r •f JI 1 I 2003"9290 I I ht follow1n1 Pt• '!>OOS 11e do1n1 bui•nen •n WrCllh Coll Atllft 58 Bu<h Ofavf' NilW1>0•I Buch CA 92663 lon•lhan Charles Novak 1382 C.meo OJ Tushn CA92180 Ch11"ophf'r K1n1m•n 811tsch1er 27 Blull View lfvlne CA 9261 2 This busmen is con dueled by co pMlntn t11v1 you st1tted doinc buslMSS yet? No Chris 8rtl'Khltf Tt111 st1t1ment was hied with lht Cou11ly Ct .. k ot D11n1e County on ?/4/03 200HUU70 D11ly Pilot r,b 1, 14, 21, 28, 2003 Fl31 SELL your stuff hou;t classified! (15.3 ppg), but lho~ Yo w1g. a 6-3 junior guard, has !>Cored 44 point-; the last two game.., IJ'lclud mg six t.hree-pointcf\ agaul!>t ~1 Marco:-.. holh uf which abo mduded UI '>tatl' 1>1vi..1on Ill i:hamp1oru.tup-. I hl' Kmwm are led by 6-6 -.en 1or forward I red Wru.hmgtun (2 14 PPW· whom 1 ..... 1anc1a Loath <l1n... \ortt' 1dt•n11fil'll a.., a 'tate player of th<' yt·ar tandtdate. work ~I H1~hop Montgom t'IY t\ ICJt of pt'oplt' out tlwrt' \'\-cJJ 11 to 't'e IUlf..' Kntght'>I gt•t llt'al -.11 thl'y wun·1 hJVI:' tu pl<1~ tlll'm 'A1u1 kno\o\'i. LJu· tt'tllll 10 h1.,11 tht·111 JU">I may lw '"' Buena, which al!>O count'> upon 5-11 senior guart.l Ot!chone Smith and 6-3 senior swing man htl ( iray, could have IJ'ouble rnatrh ing up with P'djt'vic. l11e tallcsl Bulldog b 6-5 senior J.D. f'roba.' co, who i~ listed a 290 pound .... "Wt'll, wl·'U gl'I a chante 10 WI:' how wt· '>t<ti:k up agatn'>I lhe No I team 111 our cJ1viwm after hiJving playt-u tht· NIJ. !. learn (( .oldt-n We'>I l.t•Jj.,'Ut' rival C.k.can View)," b1anu.i." It'd l>v h 1 1u111or f1ir w-.ud Carlo-. P1n111 ( l ~ Y pp~1 .1 wcU a' b H ,t•nior < .-111n Jor'\ I mdqult.1 11.!. '> ppgJ cu 1d wrnw h'llard.., IAJlk 'IJo\•u}. IH 1 PPRt Jilli ~fall C .<.tthola 17 1, J ll.11 I• 111r 'i<Hllt' \'\Ill hdvt' .. 111uw1 ·•<I to l<1l low, <1ht'r l ollt•l lt\1•1\ ... tuml1111~ 7tt t;~. lrorn tJw fit·lt.l .!..! • 11 .!tt ,JI C .ahnd11111 I J11dq111'>I 111.1d1· .tll rtlfll' uf hi... fidt.l w1dl .1111·111ph 111 tht'. fif\t -round 10111p hut lih'lHl" to hJH' mud1 111rm .11hlr'l11 d1· fendt·r-, tmught Estancia. whkh ·handled fir.1 ro und ho-.1 ( .abrit!lmo, fi I -i6. Wedne'><.lay, will attempt to halt Hb hop Montgomery\ 22 garrw wmning -.tn:ak.. nu: .... ntgjlh (25-1 J art champion-. of tJ1t· I >f:I Rey League and haw capturl'<.l nine league uu~ lhe l~t I J '>t.'H Min'>. lllt'y won the -.ectton I 11\.1 'iton lit-A crown las t ~~m .tftt·r da1mmg the top pnze 111 l>1\ 1'ton 111 ·M tht' prt'viOU.'> two yt•c.tf'., ')(ml' .... ud "Wl' \wren't too far 11fl agJ111 ... 11\.11 :.! tl<Nng. 02-50, m the rl'Kttl.ir ..,ca,on ftnalt' and drop ptng il hO Ill \l'rdtt I JJn. ~4 • dlld I th111L. wt· t ould pld} tht· I .akcr'> nght now iUld not he dfr .i.td \11111t·11nu ..... \OU Jl!'I hil\l' Ill ll'l' up .111d ht: ro,1d '' .tmor'> '>tnmger thing' llJw lhtp~flt't.l After lhe p.unng' r.irnt· out JI thl' c II of- ht t· ~u11t.l<1\ d lot of lOdChl·' of- ft•rt'<.I 'illj.(gl"'>lllln'> on \\ hJt might H1'hop \101ttg11111l'r\ '11111\ '"'' ''a.' J f,l 1H "l)J.11 > .w.1111,t I"' '\ngl'll"> C ll\ "'" t 11111 pr 1\\ 1•1 I .111 fax. . 11 I I' ti• ' f •• ,, t .,.,n1 • .,_. I 11 I (1o·ta1t I •I •I l ,,,..u f r "'I 11 q .,,,, r rn., , ,n , '' ' ! I\ Ht hH 1 •• l"'"'''' • It 1''411,.Jl1wqhi1rw, 1 '"''"' ,,1 ( t'l .... t ,, ' •1 II frw hu ,1111 '" 111 t1•1J j I tll dH1t¥111h t• t~A ,. ~1111 l,.o t• 11 S•.111• t'JU\lflt 11•t ~•l • f~u h,Hd l '"t: l J ._..,.,.111 ~ II 1111 l.Jl~m.-nl NA' ftlt'11 .,,;1lh th1 I 111nty f Jt-ri. ,t •h tnf .. f ••unt~ 1ntd >St 'H 2003693 1400 11.tolV P11 I f ~t. I !>I /fM)j 14 f I u-. The following Pe"""' are do.ne bu"M" 4\ l(pt tf~y Media G•nup 1027t SW 81« h •100 Newpo1t BPHh CA 9?660 Richard 20271 SW Newpor t 9?660 M l\fllley. !!11t h •?00. Beach CA rht~ bU\trtUS I\ COO du<ted by an md1v1duat Have you st1• !Pd do1ne bus1nu~ yet> y,., 01 01 19911 R1eh<1rd M l\etttt,y This sl•temenl w•s hied with the County Cterll. of Or •nee County on 01.1 11/0J 200S6tUO .. D•1ly Ptlol hb 14 21. 28 Mar 1. 2003 f 157 lhe lot10•1ne patsons ••• do•na bu"""' •~ Outers Only. 2480 H11bo1 Blvd , Ca.11 MaSI, CA 92626 r ranc;tuu Oe.ler Str VICH, Inc , (CA), 2480 Ha1bo1 Blvd Co,I• """" CA 92626 Tl» bu~n IS COii cl11Cled by. a COfporatlon Htvt ,_slatted doMI 1111,1n1u r•tt Yu, 6/01 f'flnChl$8 0tlMI Sef "'"'· ht4; ' '"" Otllofl. Prtt*nt ThlS lllllt-1 WH filed .,ttl 1M eo.ety Cterll ot OrllftC9 C-ty 9"02/l\/Gh _ ....... o...., ,,.., r• 21. 21 .... 1.14, 200J f l .. Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Nooces 2640 'Legal Notices 2640 fiditious lusints1 "-Shit..,. ltu t 1lf••Nmr 11•1 ... ,,,. 111•''• r 11 ,,, .. v .... h 1M u• •,/11 M.w, ·'", t tf 'X•tY. 1 1, M t1I 111 ' f I >< •A..1 t I I • "' .. fl II A ,. ' 1r•1 I ft 11 Ju•'''* '•fll It• .,. f ,,tMl_,t "" 1 ,,.dt !ho I hf ~ • II• U!> i t1 IJ 11 ( 20036 931 234 (J t·l t ••I I,,, I 14 :-! 11111• 41 , ,, I ti> It, .. t luwu . ., 'tr tk f 11 lfl~ tjif' 'lj I ··If' W • -t 14 k y"'f ""' "'~ I i t l II 1 lf1,. t• II-fl'lfh lJ' I J' t 1· 111~' r 1.-.1n1 • lit'! 11llflf f tll1H111.tl 111 it,rh t f-4.,...wi-u 11 f-41 1 I 1 A 11 1t.;IJ i •lll' tr11tl-t f111.tw11I llf I A I I 4 11 tt I • •· 1 t• I A A·l~lll p .. ,,, ,., .. Ill .... , 1fll 1 11 ... I f 1 2003"932224 '' J ' . tJ I, '• fK1itiM IWntss Ncne Stcrteftleftf 2003b93 2S!t4 . ' • II '. '' ...... t 11• .. ~ ,. A • •,t + ~ 1 .. I t I ; t t ' 11 1 f I , • .,,. fl "" Ir, d1 I 1,11, n1 1 t ,., It I, .. ,, I .,, ,, •' 1 II )1 II 2003"9 330(>3 ~ t I ., f I I f d >' M •' I '11 ~ r,. -I I •t "' t If 1flt-\1 t~• ,-, \1•• 1q t I Ar~"' .,, . '• I '• •'' ~· 1H . ·~ I •' .. , .. .. ,, ' ' • 1 .. ' l. ' I .,, 2003b9330U 11-, t l •I "" 'A 1 !tw ltt•m,.1• r ~. I w 1lh th• 1 .u-.t-1 '' 1 '' • 20 03"9301123 ~ 11 fl>. 1f I )r tr ~ I • "11/ II', Oi 2003693240 rJ.11lw Ptl•1I f •·I+ M.u I 14 'WJ I I ')< f ''•'• (lttdY C 'ft-I f ,.ti II ' ' • ' j Io, ~ 11 11 "' . , .. 200)!1933082 ·~ . ' ....... A ., ' "·"' 1'1t l' '•' 1, . ·. .,, .. " ' . 200J!t9 l308 l ., ... "' · .. "' .. •I .. I t I /, I, 2003&933079 . ' ' "'' '• Everyday is a great day ' in Classified! Be a part of it. place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ASSESSMENT DISTRJCT NO. 70 STATEMENT OF ASSESSMENT NOTICE OF RECORDATION OF ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM NOllCl IS It( RlBY CIVI N In all nw111·" nt '""' l"""~rt~ .t•V~\ed I P"' lhp "'''' :,nd ••I'"" '' ol lh~ ul11t tv und~1arnund1n1t 1mprov•mfnl' tn b• .ll•lUtt~d ""''"' fl"" ""d'"~' 11ondu<ltd 1, "" C•I• L•IUlll tl nl thf' r ••• nf N•wpntf 8Mlll c.~lth.,nta put•,u.rnl I thr '~'"" """ llflt••""' 111 the 'M11111111i.I lmprovtm~nt Ac I Ill I'll I llPinl( 0""'"" I., 1•1 Ill• \trf'rl o•nd llt~hw•y• t "'" I tilt <;tdlt ol r al1lo1 naa Art11 I• XlllO ol lht Con~tolutoon "f lht ~11t• "' < Jltlot ma and 111• r""""'"''" 218 Omntbu• lmplemenl•ftnn Ad I C1w•rnmtnt Lndt 'itt11n1" '>ll't(l •nd f111fow1111 I 11'11 A••••tmenl Dl1lrlct Ne. 7~ ol l ht fcty ot N•wpnr I B•~ch You are her ebr no1tft11d !h•I on the Janu•rv 19 lOOJ ""' '"'~\\mtnt Rnlf •nil ll•~rum 1 .. vn tht <O,IS •nd ''penus ol \Uth •cqut\tftnn w~•• "'CO<dl!d 1n mv """ • fh11 •"U\mtnh AIP now dut and pay1blt 1mmtd1dl•ly al lh• lllftr • nl Ill• l••nlfl •• •nll m•v be pitd within the ptr•od e~P"'"' on r eb1uary 18 lOOJ !he totJI .,,.,,m .. nl •Qual\ "" •u•I 11 the con\h<KftD'l nt th• tnlPfovement~ and the •nltc1palet1 ~mnunt nl th• •n..•d~ntal l•lltr•t I•• habthfy that may be unpo\td on lilt' P•Dlf't.I The '""'"menh mn be paid 1n whnlr ,,. '" ''" t dur "'I such per aod In tht ev.,nt •ny P«>Pfll• nw"'' do\'\ not P•> •nv pUf'lton ot llM> .J\'e"mt'•ll 101 IP,.. 1t>11•lrud1<t11 ol the 1mp1ov .. ment\ belort' lht ••PIUtaon ul \UI h period a bftnd r•P"'""""I? Ill.-unpud •mo11nt ol tht n"nmenl on \Ut h P•<t•I 101 the ton\hulf10n ol th• """''' .. ""'"" wilt I·• t\\U.d l)uf\u•nl 10 th• ·1mp1ovtmf'nl Bond Act of 191';" be•nc O•v••aon 10 11f lht Sl1M'h •nd H11hw•Y' < n<i• nt the State of C.ltfOf "'' Any l>fopf'f ty ownet who h•' tleclrd not lo II~• h" '" hf'! •\~· \ment luf the cnn1h1.1ctaon of lht 1mpto••mf'nt' tn lull ti.lore '""' l'•P•Ulk•n nf """ ,,,.,.. ~....., ,.,i. '"' b•lled •11nu1I antnmf'nl 1Mtallmenti lot the payment of the f)flll<•P•I ~I 1J1d '"'"""' the• com1ne due on llMt bond 1nufd to 1tprt~nt l!Mi unp1td nu\~ment lo< '"" cnn\truc """ I th.-111'1j>fov,.me11h lite •nnual 1uenfl'ltnl anillllmf'nl' wall be P•Yilble o••• I~ •*•" •nd '"" ~ toller t"<f •• P"' of the annu1I Co..nty prope<ly la • b•ll In the nent any p<op.1ty ownei don not pay any po<hon of thf' nw\•m•nl Int IN> '""""''' ltdctal tu luiblltty th~I m•y IK' 1mp<>•4'd belOfl" the ~•P••loon of •1Kh poo1111d /1 l><tnd '"'"""'"'"' Ille unpaid emounl ol that po<llon of the aun\mf'fll on \IKh Plll'el wtll be t\\u..d 11 llwt tn B tfl!C)OHd It •tt•1 .tPtlfO•tmatelr "'"' YHf\ ,,,. ••• B Ml '"IPO'•d ""' Atnot,tnl PAHi ,,.. lht au.nment IOI th• 1nc1deJ1tat f1ch11t tu hab1l1h will be telunded to llM llM!n <u11ent owntt ol ,.,. prop411ty IOI WhKh p1y11141nt WH m1de In , ... n•nl b()n~ ,.,, '"''" 1111 11\•I ptlfl!Ofl nl .... eu.nment 1mp11,..d It>< lhe •n<rMnl•I lfldefal taa llablhty the aflWhlflt wilt IN IMIY•ble In a11n1111 u seument 1111t•llmtnh fOf lltt 1>11~nt of tht pr11W "'*' of encl lntl'tOI ,,,.,, rom1t1c dUtt OJI tltf bonds 1nued and will be collected ov• I!> ru" H p•1I ot llM an11u.tl County pr~ty la. btll MOTICJ1 AUet boncl' have been f\sutd. that pOfllo" ol tlMt '"4''\mttnh fun~ by tlwt bona-. may bl paid end prrt91tt1ts clHred ot lht U.fl ol that l)Of llon ot I.ht HHnlnflflb bl!. tlM p111Mnt ol lh• lolklw1111 \um' (•) •ny lnstehment of pi1nc1pel •nd inlere•t •hteh "" b ... n "°''" to lhe 1.-toll IOI' the c111r11ht 11,u1 , .. , (b) ttle unpaid ballnc• of jlf111Clp1t 11tus Ille applk1ble 1Me!nptMJn prellllum, (c) the amount o 11ny dtfmquenuo, tnefll4•n11 l)llntlllt,, int"''"' •nd ro•h. (d) tllf u t1n111ttd co\t e1t t.tltnt bond (•) lfllentl to th• clAt• of nil unlen 1n<lude4 Ill (•) tlH!Wfl •""' (f) a reasoneble fee f111 the cost ol ettm111"l•in1 IM Pf-t>•Y11'14!fll and lht •~t«••l•cl lldlr•n 11111•-nt of bonh i\s'8UllWM\ IOI wllKll bonch 11'1vt not been luwcl lloftds may bt P•MI incl Pf~ltH cJur..t of the lltn of tll•l p0rhM of llM H WP1Mllt1 ,,. ttlt e>••fllffll of tilt 111..,.111 b•t.11 • of tht ,.,.._flt\ II •hllf ICl'C>fOUIMttly elfll 1•¥1.. IM I.la l'I not llllPOMHI, •ll'f amount Plllll on lht 11Hn-u !Of the lftcldtntal IMitf•I to t.•blot; will bf rwtvntk!d to Ille ,...,. ,..,.,tfflt OWMt ef tt.e pt09tft) i., w!lk.11 _.,,,_, wn lllde M lddlt-lo IM -ssmelll l«t tNY t.-. CO\h ttM ell~ ef lll<I _,.o_b tt l>t Ktl!IH!d. 11 "''*' of 1MI "'°"'t' wtttllfl tM ,,_, IMt':tl:' ht>je(l to • .._,,, al\f ..,.,..,,.... a~t to lie 11111M -• I• pay ftf ceau JIOt •• r....,._-4 .t\ttll •• rtMllt lrOfl'I ....._."'.,._ ..., hlll of •'MUl'Mftt • tr.-&tie HIMl&bauon • r..,.ttet-9' "' .MO( ....... ia.,m,rt. .... "'" ...... ·----•m-011111.n•. n• lft01'I. an• .... , llAG tlMtll ~blllleu ..... , ...... 1 fOOl f 1J • ' • ... • # ••.J ... ,. ... ..... .... (· (I Policy How to Place A ____ Deadlin es --- Rates and deadlines are subject to c:hangc without notice. The publisher reserves Lhe right: to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any" error Lhat may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisem.ent for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by "the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. CLASSIFIEAlr·· -iii Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ~ 1010-1770 ~ 1489 [IJ 2305-2490 By Fax (949) 631 -6594 {Plcl>S<' 111Cludc your name and phone numb« DJld we'll call you buck with a price quo1c.) By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours By Mail/In Pe rsoh: 330 West Bay Streel Costa Mesa. CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday ................... ."Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3 :OOpm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm SE ~ 3010-3940 m Al ESTATE R SALE soos-saso Ind ex .... ~ '' . . . I l ... ' . _.._ I ~·- i "I I & 74'2-7466 ~ IOOWSlO ~ 10lo-97SO Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S lost 1505 Offices tor Lease SOO l I..._ m1~ed used development site. Plans 111 proceM. 5200s! lot. A.slung $79!>,000. agt. 714-6!'>8·8980 OCEAN/UY VllWSlll New home 4br 3.5ba 2 story, decorator perfect on every way. Only loot steps to ocean v1ewm11 bluffs and yacht harbor entrance channel. Sun lounee/terrace. Avail mid March f\.nv'unf\6n Sil.Im' obo.,, ~231 1 BAY ONT GINlll.U OFflCl Cleric al P fl 20 30/Hr ~ F A.X Rl SUM£ C-.. ...... J'" I Bu\y Newport Be•ch olf1e.e se~s lull tome, hoefl ener11y, or11an11ed •nd detailed person with u cel1f!nt phone ~ilk ar>d warm personality Com puter -.lull-. req, incl Mrc rosolt Otf"e & Quoc~Boolr.\ Pro r., • r~me w/salary reQU•~ meob to 949 57• ons OPERATOf!tGRAVfYARO on Newport B.,.ch nr air por I f ull/Parl ton1< Woll 1 r arn 949 833 9790 (f'Wf for 2 at Patific v- Memonal Pn Na ocean 111eW from beautiful smset collt. Loe lO<H "l>aa! hc2. $9Dl vak.e Wll sac for S7500 949-e;;4-01s:z s~ Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 TOP $S 4 lllCOlll>S nc llllZ. Clas9:. EE. 50s & OOs BL AllK. Spt.r, tube amps Mike 949·645·7505 ENTERTAINMENT talendarof Events 1310 fOUAl HOUSING OPPOm#ITY All real estale adv er· t 1s1112 1n ttm. new:;paper 1s subject to the r eder al fair Housir12 A~t of 1968 11\ ame nded which makes it illegal to advertise "any prefer ence , l1m1t at lon o r d1scr1m1nat1on based on race, color. relog1on, sex, handicap, famoloal status or national 01111111. or an 1ntMtoon to make any <uch preference, hmlta· lion or d1s.cr1minat1on~" Thts ne111spaper will not knowingly accept any advertosi.ment for real estate which 1s in voolatoon of the law Our reade rs are hereby informed that all dwell· 111gs adver llsed 111 this newspaper are available on an equal oppo1 tumty basis. To complain of dis criminalion, call HUD toll free at 1·800 424·8590. lOST Mole OAT Black 111h1te tummy & paws & face, 12 months old, no collar. COM. ON Carna · loon, ne t t to lhe Bun· glow last seen Sun Feb. 16th 949-338-9058 General Announcements 1610 l ·800-CHARITY! Donate your vehicle dorectly to the 011gon al, nat10nally acclaimed Charoty Cars. l 00~ char 1ty • not a used car dealer /fund· r aoser. l ·800·CHARITY ( l · 800 2 4 2 ·7 4 89) www.800char1tycars.org (CAL •SCAN) LEGAL SERVICES Adoption& Foster care Services 2650 V~...4M Alllptim~c •• Theie are crm 100,cn> d*i'en or1 the US wartJria for a home. ~ klJql older brotllln & ~ toeetlB- T r awq & f NnClilf SlClPQr1 lnfor ~FB 25 6ID7~ 50 s AnllhEo!n Blvd #241, Anaheim 714-517 · I !lXl f!88. 255-4543 BICYCLES Bicycles For Sale 3080 Peugeot like l8sp Montleal E•pre$$ chtome moly frame, s h1mano sllrfter, $200 760-715 1962 Auctions 14&1 HOME ~W=A=N=T=ED~ FURNISHINGS ANTIQUES Older Style Furniture PIANOS & Collectlbles ·~ft· r"""-',.,,.,.llW • ~., ... ..,.. A.tl'c.. o-I<• ,..,.,....1,11. S$ CASH PAID $$ ,..,.. Po«-•"' ..... ,f. '""'1M WE BUY ESTATES ~649-4922• SOUTH COAST AUCTION 12t2S.. ... St. ..... AM, CA 12707 ~&l·.,.....A•/IM Furniture 3435 Double bo• s pr1 n2 mattress & frame new S:JOO, water coote. S50, m1CT0 $40, Apt. fTta S50 . 2<k fri& $250, De Humtd· If ier S 125, Down lounge chair $250. 949-642-2255 lAllGl ov1•- STUFFID COUCH, Modern. Maroon/ h~e new. S275 949-515·0337 ...._ white leather sofa set; cha., loveseat. sofa SI 150/all. 2 crystal tamps $100., I antique vanity, $450. 949-646-7673 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Estlll Sales <-•t Coltt Neolh 1416 Old Coins! Gold, silver, -s .. -•• -._,--Anbque--dil-, -.-111 jewelry. watches. antique:; charrs, dresson2 table, colt.ctibles 949·642·9448 colftt tbh.. lamps & mor el Cits 3610 1621 Kent ln. Newport 8ch 1419 C4M/s.t a.-12, hou$ellold Items, wlnd- llUl'fer. stroller. eames. aas dryer, etc. 35Xl Fifth Ave. CM s.t/S-8-2 quHn & double beds, couches, dlnona & 1V t1bln, oah desh & entr tenter, household & 11re11 m1scl 1694 Iowa St. (Harbor & Gosier) NPI ON UDO ISU SAT 1-11, 21' Yi. .... dill-. doll18S. ftmllln. 72. Porsche ~. unn. Fabtb llOlltlctPI ...... I s.t •-household items, pictlRS, plants, and mvef 1 man! I W'I fa I c-t, ._..... •-· s11, h ·l p, b.by lt em1, ~ furnft1n , ho<de> ldd llilrm. ~ pillowtq> mMt 125, 1245 Blue Gum Ln. NB Oover/WestCliff 5 ::r:rdl= .,.~_.. WWW .animllnetwortlOl'I Pets ill Plilic wt.ends f .won Island !M!Mi44-2279 Kittens Found In Bushes need botllefeeders Help Save fives. All expenses pa,d Ammal NetwOf'k 949-533·041 MISCEUNIOUS MERCHAHOfSE W .. TID IAl'ANISI SWCMtDS MD 111.ATID ITIMS t4t-4t4~17JI for a desllJ'I sol• otto, --------•ufftt, llllUM_. %33,~tleAve Nowpert l..ti r ree rent for sec:r•l1Nl1I n c l}u&llltu . Will u ctl•nt• P•Ylna rant I« IW'lt oMc. tit .... Grwt~ ....... to wattr 949. nJ.148$, .. w,.t .... OMc. to shatll. Furnlsl\ed, lutt Mnk e. Oov« Or. AOO· 11000/mo 949-689>-0957. Nrl OfFICI SPACI 833 OoYt!r Ot •14 Gtomd !;", 620sf can expand to 9:alsf SI .8lsf tnd uU & a.tonal 949-675-5475 SHAlll SPACI w/RN on Costa·Mesa, suitable fo medical aesthetics. S475/mo. 949·646·7673 HOMES FOR SALE VINTAGE HACH HOUSt ON TH( WATtlt. CAU NOW AGT. 949-72'-8 I 20 SW 11* &+-5.5 Custom £.sbrte. 'O l Bult 5634sf 949-25 l ·9444 i'O'a)l ()ctod Sl www.Hill!e1ty.org ORANGE COUNTY 5400 Newport Coast Corona del Mar COMING SOOHll ,......., ... Spring 2003 5 16&S l6.S ........... $995,000 & $749,000 & 414 & 414.5 Ncwddnw S I, 195..000 & $799,000 COASTUHl llWTY 949-759-4177 Huge 16 ,OOGsf lot, on on of the largest 111 Harbof Voew Holts. OGean OPEN SAT 1-S 3 s..,...e ... o l level home. 2br. +den, Gated comm. SIS 1,000 A towch ef Italy 4br 2.Sba. Strada home. Sl,729,000 Italian style Sbr 5ba, ap· pm ,; 18,000 to 19,()()(kf. S3,49S,OOO NlW LISTING Stunn1na award 111mnme Brookfield home, buolt In 2000 3br + office Ap· prOll J7()()sf, S l ,719,ooo vll!ws abound Build a PLATINUM PllOPlRTitS wonderl\JI new residence Stelame Meurer or remodel the eustong. 949.71~-3156 Offwod ot S l,'9S..OOO COASTUNI ltlAlTY PIUMl lSTATfS 949-759-0177 PATIUCK TlNOlll NATIONWIDE USA A c..........i1"9 c..,_ 949-856-9705 Locotlon. •• stroll to Boe www.pat11clttenora.com C0<on.a and loollout point 4Br 4.5Ba custom home Mognffk.-....._ ""1 c:1'.:t'-2003 custom estate wrt:h canyoo Off & ocean views. Olfe.-e<t-at ... at S2•9SO,OOO $6,500.000. Ceostllne COASTUNl llWTY 949-759-0 177 lt=ta'.949-759-0177 ~ ;;-t5':'.'91 MISCELLANEOUS level:., 3 ded<s w/OCU/l RENTALS crty and Buell Cully VteW$. ~ •185 and Hady Chai,_ .1c.1 310-37&-8871 Rental To Share 6030 SHOllfWOOO ltlAl.TY TllHHOUSl SICWD(D UTIUAT AMAZING PlllCl AGT.949-723-8120 - . 2br 2ba condo. frig, wd. fp, la patio w/vu 2 car gar. No smk. sm pet ok $1975/mo 949· 735·4825, CoslJMesa 3• 21ci, sllyl'!lhU & cathe<t at c:ak. f p " LR, office. ,_ aorpet. 51Yt!pl!d ~ 5'lilC kitchen, pool· 511.ed bad<yard $435,<Xll. aet 714-345-m> ~ PANORAMIC VllW 2-llDttOOM llETRJAT $299',900 AGT. 949-723-8120 . l 51111 1R 4br b 2.200sf open ,.. plan. ~ ~ Sat 1-4, 378 [slher St S754K own ~7400 OpottSot&S-1-4 1 iO c .. to M"o St. . R·Z. E'slde, 2 houses $749,lDl st 9e9--93J.67ai LagunaBndl Spec tacular lot with views up the coast In South U1111una Best Value In Oran11e County OCl.ANV11W ~otWI alt OWnond .... ~ .... lib S1iefw1le ..... . 9$-71>3156 lldollle lr9WISfNKI ONUOOISUND O,lN SAT-SUN 1-4 llACH COTTAGI 117 Y1AllOU 2br 1• /• •• 2--c ~· bcli&t-... SS let. lto4vco4 to Satt,000 Aft t4t-7St-0505 ... 714-307-4214 IASTILUff llAUTY OP£NSUN 1·4 2100 VlS'fA LAREDO 48R 38A. rt mod kite & ba. Pl1nt shutters, h - p1nslv1 view of yreen· belt. Turnlley S6 4,900 Aat Harriet llott 91>662-9510 9o&-m.61f8 au J :' t - A ilj'i1't •ow ,ert ........ reslcl9nce. 4br ~:/prne room/office Uh) 5.sbe loeet.d ~ I .... COl'IW lot. Custo m h1t11r u !fir~ 11,649,(Q). COM'flMMM.n ..... 1 .... 111 CclM Shore •-Y 21r Apt. walk to b<!ach, $850/ mo utlls incl, a vail March 1st 949-673-3706 lASTSIDl llr, llo, small k1t/lR . pvt entry. w/d, ut1ls incl, fem pref S775-+dep 949-548·0871 ,.. on the bay, steps to bch, shops, resbu. 8oet .. kayaks. pvt ha, ~ Gatlld Fli ~7123 Rooms for Rent 6040 l' ... CM Twmme. pvt rm/ba, vsy clean, pr, w/d. n/pel.s/smll&, fem prefd, Avail 3/1/2003 $700n+-'/ltltls ~ RESIDENTIAL RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Island Ye.tr sm lbr OVfl p apt 1D431 r.....W, SI ltnT>+ sec. ncds uth/cable,llncry, rv'SIT*&fpeb.. 966J!>.8829 21r 210, ocean11lew, custom lower duplex, patio, w/d, d/w. 19-A Od $l850rn. yrly 949-642-0668 Balbol Plninllll J2J ._. ~ doots from bay! Low• unit. le patio, 2bl' Iba, off st P'k'1' Sl<m/m yrty 9&548-7IKl8 .._....2br2be~. I hie to bch w/dttO., !lky- liiits, w/d, ...._ P' S2l<Dn 9&67J.n10, ~ COronadllMlr ( Com Mesa I• .......... I 111 to be:actt. vllU Cl!is. sto.oe. lrll, ceil Ian, more. S8!nTio 133 E. I 6cll St kil>. tor speaals! ~2421 Nopm. 1 I r'• fr om S87S/mo. w/ear 111 lovely ialed comm. near Tr" Square. fnd&e, Indy lacllrty. Klein tmct. 8n. 704-8649 x 92.00 Lr9 llr, new carpet & paint. cvrd carport. 277 16th Place #3. SI 100/mo no pets. 949·720-9422 21r, 2 ,..., bofti, uppe1: 2 c detached ear. bal· cony, new/carpeVpamt/ appls, $1750/mo 3023 lanes Bay 714-865 2252 MM. lt.o :ll4' 2.5&, fR. fp, remodeled, hrdwd th, ~ y.-d, blodl to ~ S2195/mo !MS-642·9699 Newpoft Beadl IAYf110NT ON UDO PENINSULA NIW 21r 210 COTTAGES Pnvate Beach. Pool and Spa. Walk to Ocean. Shops and Restaurants lease 6/mo·2 yr •. Boat Slip Available 7 10 UDO PUK Dl. 949·673-6030 or 949.723.5830 *YlAAlY• UASIS Bill GRUNDY REAl lORS 949-675-6161 V......_ oon00 1R studio ,_ c.wpe1 ,... Hoa&. llJ1 loc. Resort ~ AvM now Sl<XX!{mo 714-$l-5!li5-.346 l_,. 21r 21•, new paint. new tole, gar, w/d hkup~. Sl.200/mo. 4101 Hilaria #0. 562·430·3275 lbr $1195. & lbr Sl395 on the water. Nw ov- eryfttl"I l g yd, sm boat ok 949·673-7353 atter 6 am 2br Iba on penirlsiJa, frt Piiio. Ip, wd. 1 c p . c1ose 10 scnoots IC! sum 1.eer'rt~J..71m IAY9GI pted cqqim, 2bl' Iba, lg declt. w/d, refti& lncld, no smk&/pel$, $1850/mo. 9&291·3072 N' Ht' 1, 2br 1 ba house, 2 c a•r, wdhhups, frt .. back yard. S2150/mo. Peh ok. 949·376·3516 Geto4 S..-Shy 2Br, 2Ba. del hse, 2-c •tt ear A/C, ~ poilio, m., Mm. "°"' -~1219 Hert..rV'-wH-Jbr 2b•, fem room, pvt pool/ spa, &ITdener incl, lease S2!lXltn 714-573-2900 llllr CIYSlAl COW UASl/..W, t non eapenslw &Or 60a + din, 1ate SUMdld• M.tny custom fHtures ttwu• out. Oeeor etOf t<MiChet, el•bOf•te lendK llOW undlr ·~ ,,,. 4'1.QJ ,.,.. ~ MtQ&.2'11 .... 11111111 -flln aa.... h p'd , .. ..., ....... Oft"• !ftp In CClllla ..... ...... t..lt4 Slldl MU74-oll7. Community Huge I BR I BA W/Hatbor Vt~ $2000 Gorgeous 2BR 28A w/Harboc W. $2500 Class~dis CONVENIENT wlutJiu JO" 'rt buying, stiling, or just looking, classijid Ml wha/ JOU Mttl ! Cl.ASSIFIED (949) 6'2-5678 ClllssijWis CONVENIENT wMlhtryou'rr buying, selling, or just looking, clllssifed Ml Whal JOU nm/! Cl.ASS/Fl ED (949) 642-5678 Employment 8500 ......... tratlve As,1.- schedute nat oonwlde appts fOf mobile notary rlos111& RC loans Must have data entry, out stand1n2 phone '"'"'· en2ae1n2 perwnality, be a problem solve<, Newport Bch loc. o teflent workmi c::ond fa• rfl:!o(Jmt & ~ h1'tor y tn 949 673 '.>186 714 435 0191 W..ti FT-HoMe Ma-Order /lntern!!t Busone\S S1500-S7000 PT H Free Booklel 888 863 1241 w-do4la<S10mohon com -... 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Su_u::.:::.:.:.n ___ _ S.lu/Gellery, Balboa lslarid 3-4 <¥> ..... ~ ar1lcUilbt l)l'nOl'l !Am ,_ '°'"' ~ fXj) s.rv • comm, 949-6n.an9 S•lon IOOTH ltlNTAl Costa Mesa beauty salon Rusonable Call Al 949·64':> 0662 Sell your Car in Cla.uifi'd ! ---------., D YES, SELL MY CAR Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Daily Pilot and the I Name I Huntington Beach Independent to I Address I City I Zip I Phone : I o.dt Cads D MC D VISA Cndt Qrd N&mw DAMX L Please Check Pettin«lt ec. ..,_ __ _ Mike-----Model---- ... 1111 °"¥ Plat 330 W, Bey It. 0.,. ...._CA 9"27 ...._.....,942~·"-19411911 .... ----------\ l reach over 100,000 homes. ·Fax us this form with your credit I card # or mail with a I check todayl 1 Run for a weekl If your car does not sell, we' ti run it for another week FREEi All for just $20·. Daily APilot ll ll l\flllO TO~ ltHn INDEPENDENT I ---------·-~-·"'--...... ~~..::.:..:-........................................................... 111111 ....................................................................... .-.......................................................... ~ •Bridge IMW ''7 3211 Conv ~, lltw, beao1. 77k "" lfl'•l ~IJ $19.99!'> • 198771 CM pt Ricmd ~ l'iVJ f<la rlOlf LS 'to Rum 1 kit. 6 c~. auto dt u~. su111oot pw, ps. tilt 1tlleelt llt# I•~ & C'!>S Blur book m?i wl $2S'l0 Pr vale jldlly 714-S34-7.0S iMW .J~ Whl/.i1'i11 ld'f J<JlU 58k 1111 ~;r.tl\'. ,_..,_ 1M ,_ $1 I ':111 l.>"9 ~ I> 9'964b ~. FORD "tOIE lS '90 IM '99 7401 •91. Ml, H1w• •lt11 1, 11 .,,, , ~)f Wirf 41V•ll -.1lv~r , ... , t ., Uflff•IJf ,,..,.. 61r1 ''tttr. CD ht\e nr"" IJ\ hit wrrth,.t:t\ ,,.....,.. lu..-'""0-1~79741 $/4 W; & I •1• 111.,. i.. .. k Sli'/' hi~· I'll AvillA 8llt g.sq !>Iii ·"" l ll>\JI') Prout• llJ' ty JSIO'I ,..,... ocpJHOll• 7 I 4 S 34 7 t.01 t MW ·~ 8la1 ~ fOltO II.ANGER XlT '99 1>11-hh• 4911 "''· .... '1 I'"' ·~ A .. 1 • I [J W'•lit'' $.17 99S ll''Jl/4'>':1 h'111 "" ;r, b•d .... CMlltR!thard949t*>/87/ 1'• ,,1, Puly lf',iJ( _ ----949 •41 sno IMW '91 5401 Su11~• tfW!'OJ tltCW I.EASE FOR ~199 Per Month+ la A I at lhe1ie term\ ON Af>PRIMD cRm I • $ ltJI~ J.,wn .lb 111unth 'hJ\ed t:nd h;.1\e nu \t" "'"IV d•pus1t 10,000 11111~\ I"" y•.11 i'Oc pe.r ''ult fur .. .,, t \!t nitlt.!\ 11t4?11!1) OthenatSW. SM!p! lfl'S MOTC>al IT'S FUN ~r~[itAr "@) £~·N(,iR SA.'!TAW AUTO MM.I. {888) 823-9808 Joguor '99 XJ& \/Jnt!trt Pl.t" iih nu ,.,,.., ~'"'•· Loi .. f It lth1 I 0 th th wM ti.II l.:s t Ndff t1k.r • .. Sl!! 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" 1•lmt "'"""' hf• ''1 It uit1 A~ lt-t ,, "'" uwnH S4 'iO 1 to1 ~ • ,it •11'1 l ~,.., ~ q~ 'liMI S•I/' t • 11':11 11 IX'! r PLUG IN Plug into rhe Pilot ttht d•,.•f n1uff ''JI 111111(1 ~..r•t h W .t• I (J ~,,,..,b .. ,, ... , yll"-J/."1-fl \t f 1fl t ""·'' ..... ~ ..,..,.,, ""··~ t11o.f 949 S86 1888 www.ocpabi.com le•u• '00 (S JOO 'I> I •'' •' t lft11 t r 111 It I,, illi A I ._., ,,. ,,. v•', ",//I \ 1 l f' t.t II f1 I t It •. , .. J:1'4 •J(I ~ WWW otpobi tom leau• '00 ES JOO W""' # r • I' I t It.I , .,. ,,, a.. , ,,. ,••I' J I . f'J•. I I HI ..i 1"Jll' www.ocpob1 com Mazda ·aa 323 M~ ·~r 4 t ...... .. • • .... ' yr ... 1 SI H ,1\11 .. t t-.A. .-~. li.• 11 ft H-41 "<' PMIU.WS AUTO IMW S40I S.4-'t7 Rare 6 Speed YB l ow Mil~~' tt1K'>l6) S24.980 MIZ SSOO S.4-'00 Bl•~lr. w/pa"hnoe111 fr•lhtt r •U.I W•ll 11r•1111um wh~"'' <•JqJ4 IJ S'>I «.l80 J....-XJlt s.4-·91 ';h1111•y bl•• Ir., Ull blo< h l•dfher • •ll•l10•<l" < #Jloll$S81 1 Sl<J 980 ferrorl 341 Spider co .. ,,, '94 H•<l W/P•rl~LI '"" ftllr Wt ~JI I ~«11 d\1 ctl'.11041 J M•'>.9!!0 Aturo NSX Targa '00 bµeed Y•llOW I i'K 11111~\· 111111 yl (•I 'K>IY>) $59 91$C) Meuedet len1 SLSOO '96 Ill•• h "lldl w .:rwy llhr lull '111ww.-r "'' l9t1UffJ #ht"t•lt,, (•I 19!4'J I S// 'JXO IMW 7SOll Spt. Sedo" '01 f ft" ffiU\ IJl,H " W ,.net b~ll(f' IP•ffl-' foll w 1rrlt 1111 I '> t • l'J()}l I S'>d ';j>ll) IMW 140CI Coupe '97 ln1111 '' ul.1tr-fit' Jul f c •l'J>IO< 1 S H 'lkO Me1Cede1 S320 '99 1lllli~ .. \•htf"( """"lllh M1ncl.11nll «41111.'IJ I S/'J 980 Po,.<he 9 I I Correro '99 Cobdo '•ttv• r w FU u k lip h 111111 Mu•I ·,, ... •1t t•IYl/l!t \'1/ 'IKO IMW XS '02 Wl11I • I 11 I• ry '"' •llllHH wft .. t•I\ I •IH'l/1) I µI 'IRO IMW Z3 'Corov '9t. kt-I h ht1m,11 ulJlt 111~, ~ "'" '• .µ .. t'd <rl~l/11 SI / 'J)(U f o• d ( •pedotlon '99 I Hh 1S ljllt, ,,.,,,11 1h "'ht .. lftMI .. •JI' 11 Slk ·~n 949 S14 1111 PHIUIPS AUTO pholliP>o .. ra com '99 Sl20 , .,,..,,, • ... ~ r t• 1 u11 I* ,,.. 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I It 71.a /4;'1J By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHAAIF and TANNAH HIRSCH l l'>t. \ Ol N I Ml !\lf'S \\ l"it.J.\ ORTtl • AJ 2 A 7 .& Y7 H • IJ 7 l \H~"il t.,\~ I • "7 •II 6 5 Q 141tl s 11'.()J S • 6 s J ,I 'I 10116 .. •.I JU II .& SO TH • h.QJ 104 K 63 2 A • •AK() l'hl' h1lkl11111 <;()lfl II \H~'i f l • p..._, !llCHt'lll 2 2• 1• ....... , 3• .&"-I l'liM 5 fl• I'll_" l'oru llpo.'llltl)! k.ttl 11.rng <II I ru111p' .m: " 'Jlu.thlc "'""' J)o ""' "IU•nJ.:1 itic111 unnc:~c".i.nl} 1 lul'. '' J <J"' in pc11111 Ill\: "l"'""'g ll1J ,. J\ Jll Jtt1lk1JJ )tattk' lr'll.< .tllll l~ rt='Jl'"'"' "rnpl) ,orsthe '99 loa t•• CAnv ll k "" S)pcl white II' r y llhr lull t .. ll BOATS PDWtt' Bolts "''J Uwl 'llunh V. oL\ Clllk'I "'l ..U.. 'H had no d c.u ,u1 t>U'ltl\c: -.11110 ""' 1hu-< """" bd1cH~ • Pl,,..,11,t' rl"r~m .... 111 1 ... 11 nu trump V>uu lJ h..'t' "'" ,, .. ,..... o1r1xuyouh: "'h) \h\•ukJ 111< v.c.0..cr hJnJ C\c:r dtk·1111M 111 •kd.111· 11\1: <1J1llro1<l 11 0 1e1t·Jth:r iii.: JU<ll•MI "''" 11Jtu111I Ahhuul•h "•~lh Ii. 1.11 .. 0 •"-'''· lhcrc v.c(I: •loll '"""~ I"'"'" '" wl-c •at\' ul '" '•iulh ".i' u•nt.·111 "'1th " •lllull ,J,.m Wc\I lo:d I~ 1-lnl' 111 d1 ,1111< •llol "'"" on Ilk' du....,.j l1J111l I>., l.11\'I drc"' th uu"1..uxlua!! 1ru111j" tlll·t1 <llll<i:.k.'ll " hc .. n Alt•·• rulfon)' 11,. d1~111ond rctum, IJc,:IJr<'I nu1 1hc 1.-.1 I lll the rru1111h und tlw dull\ hu1 V.1·,1 hiid llU dllTI<·Ult)' hJl\l!lll~ IHI 10 ,1IJ tit<. h..•1111' At 1hc end '>11u1h h.1J 111 "'" ·~-lit· .1110lhc1 licotn •k•\\ 11 "'k Wei) mg on .J l l 11.:.ui Ji>l\11111111 .1 111"'.1~c hy J dl'lcndu "'"' r.1llk·r n.m1·. "'fl'."-l.;11) "ri..' 1111.· "'"u "1 "'"' 'cnuJll\ untw .. 1.1nt. \111·1 .... " 11111~ lh< J1Jllloc1J k.1J J" 1.uu \hHUltl l J\h 11111) 1~11.· h1~11 lru11111 1111111 hdll<l 111.•n pl.t) ...,, ~1f ~ .11 •I J.IKlllk'r hc:Jl1 ...... ttlJlh' .... h.rl II dckn.J.:1, 0.1 dc:dJf<I .111 rult I ru1wm 111¥ llc.u1 v. tth Ju111111~ , , ,. "' 'l'..<lc' J1J"' crump, """ """'' 1,. re.·'' ul ~ Ut• '-' t11 IJl~I the ,1.1111 BOATS 9515 Power Boats 9515 "'"' 1 ~c11 cte,t-d non '111~1 hk~ ll<W vll66~ SJI> 911> tlkr \149 '>86 1888 Duffy. Deals www.ocpaltl.tom AUTOMOBllfS, MISCEU.MEOUS Wanted 9045 f..nly o,--.1 °"* 111/\J 4() Y"t"'> e11>1 W1I P<IY J WtY 131 I'"'-" la. your .. y.,., •• b..U. j)dod '°' ,. ,.,. c..a I.Jo~ l(~y @ Thjs Weekend Only Duffy is featuring 2- Pre-Owned Boau Available for "Sea Trial,, 1996 Duffy 21 Classic j l••n.rlo Aut.. ~ 71" 4 j/ 19..11 • , 14 J2tl Ji'28 Comple1dv Rlfurlmh«J NfW 'lurrC) Tup & I nd"'1m I CASH FOR CUS We Heed Y ... r (or ,old for or Hot. ,hlNlp• A"to A•lr. for Maltolm 949 574-7777 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES SMIGTOP TIOO X1U CAI, TOYOTA T1UCVAID SIOO SW.SSO 714-J7U7U MOTOR HOMES Motor Homa · Rent 9.155 ltV{WINNlaAGO I• ltCNT, 30ft C Oou, Xlnt Cond. CA&L FOlt OOAILS. 949.,..._7184 FIND ....... -....~ -Weekend Special $22,495 · 1996 Duffy 21 Classic \X'h11c Hull v./'k" \;J,1 'w•• I 'lupcr (Jl.rn lmt·rrur ·weekend Spel.ial $19,995 . Our Nn11 2()()3 Mothls Hav' A1Ti1wl Stop By and Su WJ,ar's Nrw CJ!lfl\I Electric B oats Co 2001 W. Pacific Coast Hwy (949) 645-6812 BOAT REPAIRS/ BOAT PARTS& ACCESSORIES SERVICES BoatPalts& BOATS SLIPS/ Accessories -MOORINGS/ --LAUNCHING/ ~ fP l'Jl& .... """"" outllold I ~ under STORAGE 9680 '""'' '""' IM new PY Sot,., I ... .t.Jrd ~ "" tudl h.lnd -------I do4y SIZ> 114 'J'i4 ~ Sllf'S AVAILAIU N~"'"°'' lf~•l>o•I 1,. "'''' I•~ nt4'0f ,.,,,. N •. 11 .... •l><•dt <I' ~'J "I~ 4lS4 I ERVICE ' ICf 10 RLAOI R\ fW~rn•• ,,.,. ,,. I Uf'P\ lh•I < l•lllr t• I "~ a..1une tob• thJI I I. S'iO() f" nl<lft ·~ IV rn•ll'tiitl') t " ~envd hy lhr ~f(l •H l0t, St~t• I ~"'41 Bo.lid St tlr 1 •• ~ fl'Qtilll'' lhdl tnh adn" 1111 tudl' 11,.., licrn~ oumbt·r •I .11t old•t< INOg 'You '<IP <hl'lll ti\<' \lilU\ )L you' ht~n\ ... d • •ntr4c t or 11 w"w C\lh ~a 1nv or ~'IO 171 t SI 8 llnh ••TI\Pd r nnlr ddOI\ l,•klllil 1111" lhAI l•ll.11 le" lh.1n $!>00 lllt \I \ldll' Ill lhl'U •ll1t•• 11\rmenl\ lht1I II y t rf! not hl~ll\rd b till' Conlr at lor' l>i.te I l(enS4! 80•ll d • (Alrn (AUlT H.,1,.... P ,,, h111e tn,tdll C '•Uf t,..uH\ ..tny \t/f' tub'\ Wflol• ·•'' • .14':1 ~'Ii Olli'> • c .... ..., •• r •• ,..1 ... Solt •Mr U1>«• ddl'\ 1 ut vr .,, Ir ..een1nl( r .,,,...,,,. () ~~ ~ c Qt.4rUTH <,()l uno-.~ I Jlt.. H'4 .... J.:., .. ,, .. ' .. /; ,, '"'"' ,,.,,,,,,..,,,,,.. I •I•,, .. I '4·1up ,,,./,.,.,,,"a. \fl ,, 1111 • I ,,., dtt f (All Jiit 949-5 10-41 JO ...... ... _.,_, .. r 'lllt••r 1 • ...,, .. •I(,,_• I .......iu.,. . "' ,,~ ~ .... ~ r-•1 ~ I/> I,_ • .., ...... 1111mu c.i ... _,.~ (949) 548-9595 C.,..a..lnl SAVE 35" ON c.,.,•,.......,. .. a.... 5 ff •lw&J11• ll&U'IMWI 2JYIAISIXI. BROTHfR'\ ChRPET \fHVICf 800 'i 'i</ 1131 Concrete & M~ I Electrical Services lrlcll l locl. Stone Tiie 1 __ Col><ltl<' Patou l-,.rw•y I Smoll Job £1tpertl lrr11>k 880 R•I l')tr ll111• ,, l~•lr~ /{JV,. I •1• l•P l•uy/14!>~//'o~ l•••IVt1•k H..-1•••"t· The Cement M-.,.,. • llrll••OI I .... ,,,.,,, .. 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Setvke 1 ... 77-22S-3U I = .... ~$1'>s;>O/hr Ouran Pl1nt Pnt Pr opaa•l•on. Pr 11nm1 [a<llilllnl rt/' 9119 51!Hl824 "'····-....... Orm ... ,...,.,,t. ... \ ............. ....... ,_....... -~ ..... Ganlenl"" l.andscatl 1119 ---- HandymaJV Home Repair THI HANDYMAN lo .. TerrHl-ckc .... [mtrno Selvlt ~ 0 .. 1 Wtt;Jy ,.....,,._, tree birmq ~ lle..trYI C.. v & •n•l•lldlNm 'l!i Y1s hp n....,,, elt 949 •19 75!14 I I< lll'>U• rd 949 !148 4J63 Halling r;;. Se nrl<t, Y•td 1,1,.4nup. M•inlenante '>111111lller RtP•fl Hauhn& {t49) 6S0-1711 , ....... W..&S...... ,.... ti'"" V4dlwlo. lhn. 'h-'"., tfli ~ ~ ... SutmS 96042-0424 HlndymalV HomtR111air Ovallty (refh- /0 Y•.i• ~ l apeuen'e I m You1 H.1ndym.m l 1167418.J 949 650 9515 ltlNTAl-HUSIANO roR HON£ YOO S ~our honey "'un'I Ir orrt E lee! lo lhe l11t~h<>n sonll 949 548 9351 JUNll TO THE DUM"ll 714 968 1882 AVAtLASLl TOOJ\Y1 949 673 5566 T-'s lw..-H-H ~ I~ tU1t. c.l ecW. ,. wen OOrll> tr/ 0.-... ''*"' 96q} 7434 Gf.NEW. IEP.UI Home~ 'IWN'IUANCE • RNli1tlW • CCllllllmlli No Job Too Small DaHBamlltoe 949-322-8292 RE STORE• llf PAIR & REMODHING Misc Services I Cr• It 0 o,.J.iull Uk a .. n~I UIJI• v Uh lia llf'll\ '" G1ood tr •dll Al • m Pttv•tt M;>Or)' Reh & I uro h.n• K-.fy fl..-<lol 800 7~ 1514 CJM: IUl1UlB1 &08 Mowtl'l&Sb1gt IEST MOVlltS SS9 /Hr '"'"1n1•ti '1t1'"~ ln'\ufM.1 fd\t. \.UUtt~vu\ "'trt'ful T 11>3844 800 /41> 71111 PUBLIC NOTICE lhl' <; .. 111 Puhll< Ut1hh @\ l tlfllllllV\IOll r equ11 ., th .. 1 Jll U\~J hOU\f'hold ~no d\ m ovel\ 111101 th,u PUC Co1I l 11111111>•• ltmu' and 1 hduflf'UI\ pr Int l11t11 I (' P number '" ~II ~•lv~• 11\emenh If vuu hdvt •ny t1U~''"-"" About lh~ hia1t1ly ul " mn ve t l•n•o ot chaulleur '.ill PUS UC UT tlt II[ S COM MISSION 71 4 ~'>8 4151 Oo you need help IOI your eldec ly somNnr 17 )'UU ... mt tGif rrfl. ... ~ 714-151-«lll 't f fld4y, hbr UJt y L J, l003 Al J r--TODAY'S I l -C_f!OSSWORD PUZZt!_ j ACROSS t 1111) ,,,_. ) t..oAot -If l..nq l\11 , ..... , .. " (ti _.,,_ ..... "' II> ~ 1>'11 I .. 1 I t o<:u..•;)l)f 18 l"lf"'""or o '• • l'J bt•·z1 ,.:O"t.1r, :"t f3~tl'J I. .,, .. tf ( ,.,..,11, '"" t .. 14 '-)o .dA f.ilJ•t ~ ....... If> H., ,.,.. I Ill I .... ~~,.., it tt 11)'1>1 ' W) L~~W ' .~Jr ;t lnJtn,.,,;Hl 1 i~ ~nc. .. •¥w~·w•1tt-t.o1ll --N,... .. lf11V"1..il I '.IJ llOO .M'U'l") A ~i.ll ~o1 c "" .)01.,...,....., I v llftr'oUI ... l8tj •Jt' .......... lJtJi"J .... ,..,., ,..,._ f>hJ• 'Ulr ..... ~ ,_,_ l '".;w " ,,., ...... • f 6ufl'J51on 1 Flov.v H _.,.... .. DOWN Jt. .. '-At"""""'"' ' EtPf U1 -'\ ).,.,.~'("1hf)"i f"'f'....,-ly 4 -1tf. ,J ._,,""'~t:~ f,; l u"'4V1 t utKlf fM.. I )<.;t•.lt-< \I! K"Y' ''"'" I! "•..gnl • 811•· ")1tu1 ... 1 ·12 T'J ""'' '""" !><•I""""' i'f 4'•1 , r-,,, .r 4.1 \VfdcJrQ Oft"t' 10 MtM<t ~qr 13 l.l'lu<Cfl rf.mltf\11 r, r •~rqn~ ><iq • • WaW!ri ~rt'l• )(, li.i.~1111c Uev f'\l't lltlfr< s..JY.lfl 4J 'l> ,~.(._ ..# .~ 1,J '~"'t-' I I "" 11•11• 1• (,, I ~I I • h wc;t-1 J,,... '! lo~1nw< ,..,,, .. 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I ff J• th (,fti41 '" ti ·~it........ ld'< l ~I'.!-•· Palnti119 Ch~· • ......., !'fr-..,, (,1 .. tf ~·, • • C.u ti t11l~,.d w •f ~ f tr• .1 '• '•L_,t,t 14 r,q, JO,\,$ •111 ..... ~ llU'\ CUSTOM ,AIHTING I fut I t h·.-.tf 1u thh lo\ 1••• lol ... 11 •t •t UH1 h ;,, I • IU j4N< ...S':f ft 11 •l> 111 UIHIOW CllKU MAIHT P.w1t.n11. ~tl ~,f l '-AN-..... C)utthty 1tit1• f ',.. , hn ''• l •'ib9!C'U /IA b !ti~ ET•PWm . INlC R!Olf UlC RIOA .. ..._ ...... _,.,.. .. ~, ."-.... .. . ...... ...II,_... .. , .. ._.... ~...,... ... ~ ..... _......, 714-632·5'60 Plumbing The locaf P' ff •C vf1i '"" " ~ tk. t • 1! l I IJ\ A I IN\. I I I I 11<1 NII \1 AH It Al\ I• I ~ f t"J'• ~ .. " t 949 67S 9104 Jlp•rt •• 1.. -Int Plur1brn, lt'p.011 ~•t't 11:. . .,. , • '-AU -.1~ t-. e:JY ... _, ~ '"'~~ HOHISl & tUASOHUU l'l llMBI k I •'>lll>'>tlb ffM t f' \I fl'l>o-• •• lll11 "'" 14 /,.'JI~ 'RICISf ,lUMllHG ~ ... ,,., & Wemi.Jto•rnt IHI! l'>llMJ\fl t •bli/i'I.'! '14 969 IO'JO a.AIN6KWU CUAMNG WlCIAUS1 TWEEDY Pll.IMMIG 949-645-2352 -.. R~Ubrs I ._..--·~ ti ..... ' ltt~"' J;, ~ I Ii \..ulnru '-'• • l'i.11 •t Ltl I 98614 ';o40 11•, .,. ., u r rr.-"' """* A ·~·c-...... ..i (949) ~"769 .... h ' ; IOU USSOIS 2 ... 1 SPICIAl ~- WatlC.,.. THlSTll1f'f'UI Si>"~ 1ak11nc '" W•llp•l'f Rrmov•I l •S8824194'1 lb() 1111 WiMDwa.ile , ..... YOll &AIHISAUI Ii CWSllD' M2-5'71 Oat/ Pilot l --· . ... .. . ·~~: . .. . ·.-.. -.. LINCOLN • MERCURY '00 FORD FOCUS 26K Mlle . Auto. Full Power (4JTU454) '99 HONDA CIVIC EX 4 DOOR Low Miles, AU1o , Moon Roof, Full Power (504131) '99 MERCURY VILLAGER ESTATE Top Of The Line, 24k Mlle, Moon Roof, CD. Loaded (4000395) '02 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS Leather, Full Power. Best Buy (4VIJ869) '00 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Sharp, One Owner, co. Luxury Pkg. (4JPH464) '00 LINCOLN TOWN CAR SIGNATURE Moon Roof, CD, Sharp (4MTY916) '00 LINCOLN LS One Owner, Moon Root. co. Low Miles (4HMD965) '01 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Showroom Fresh. 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