HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-25 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot-----------------·- Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 190 7 TUESDAY,FEBRUARY25,2003 Marinapark hOtel may go to voters Newport Bea ch le aders will decide tonight if the proposed 110-room resort wi ll be put on a ball ot. QUESTION Should the proposecfresort a1 Marinaparit be put to a citywide vote? Call our Readers Hotline at (949) ? nw VOil' llllJ.:hl al\11 IJ~ (() rt'M J cur rt•nt t 011fu-.1011 mer ''hethl·r lht' pru1 t·u \<\OU Id go hdort· !ht' 'olt·r-.. I k w l opi:r ')lt·pht·n \utht·rlJrnl h.L., 'w!ld hl' \.\-dtotnl'' !ht• ttka nl lmnging !lw pro1 en bl'fort• 1111: \ 111er-. t'\l'll though ht: bl'lte\l'' that 1r<1Hil gl'llt'rJtt'd h\ the rt· \on Vvutll ht• <,tg111fit.1111 1·1111u!411 111 rt· 4u1rt• .t C 1rt•e11hgh1 \Ult' I he < 1rt·t•1tl1gh1 C.CJllllllllll'l' !J,1-, "\llt•tl ,1 'l<lll'IJlt•nt '>•I\ 111g II hdtt'H'' 1hc pro)t't I req111n·' .i C rrt'e1thgh1 t•ll'I 11011 Biil t'\l'll 11 11 d1tt''ll I lriggt•r J < .rt·t•nl1gl11 h.11101, n.•-.1tl1·nh 11r offirtJI' haw llll' ngh1 10 t .di 11 11' llldllt•r up for ,, 1.011· 111 1 l w pl'oplc· d'>'>Uft' th.ii !ht h1111•I p1 1111 t I~'.•'" p11I 1111 J hallo111111 "'" 11r .11111111• r June Casaerande Daily Pilot recommended that the city rcqum.: both '>lepi. take place before the pro1ect i' ap· proved. Council member' will ,Ll\o vote on whether 10 accept formally the mO'>I recent modifications 10 Lhe propo.,ed proiect that ratcheted the origmal I Sfl room~ down to 110. 642·6086 or send e-mail to dailyp1/ot @/at1mes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. \utlwrl,uul h .... pr••I""' 11 l•1 l111 Id 1111 I lll·flJIJlfl ll"'llfl .,llt'lt Ii I \l,1!1lt.IJl.trl molull honw p u~ d •I• ! .1 • \r.·1111' l'l.lr~ .J ilt.I 11·11111 1 r • I r 11\\ 1 arid 1 11\ NEWPOHT IU:A(.f I -City C'...ouncil members will dl·cidc 1onigh1 whe1her an environmental i.tudy should be re· quired for a luxury resort al Marinapark and also whether UH' project should be put 011 a ball ot. IJnil IJI ... h,1\1• .111 •. ,,I 1 1\1 w 'l'fllt'fll \\Illa lhf< d t•\t•l11111•( Ii l1lt1 I IJlt' ""'' I Jrltt·r !111 ... '' .i: 11. •, 11 I lll>.1111 1111111 ... h .1gn • d 111 1 1 1 I I r 11111· ••·o11 !Ill' le.t\l' 1111 "'''"' " I I 11 ' ,,, 111111111• Ml'm worried people will th1nl that thi!. vote ii. IU approve the project and it's 1101," Mayor Steve Bromberg '>aid. UThat dec1~ion i!'. a long way away and the public will haw plenty uf chance•' to ~peak lo th,11 que-;tion." fonigh1'~ '>cheduled vote on the '>llf' plan i'> n~4wred by the California l:nvi ronmcntal ()uality Act and a.bo will pave the way for 1he environmental l>tudy, Ci ty Ally. Bob Burnham explaint"d in a rcpon lo council rnemberc;. hmm•'> .11 tll\ 1 lll "''""" 111 Though it''l possible that the election and the environmental study would take place anyway ai. part of lhe ap· proval process for the reson. i.1aff has • JUNE CASAGRANDE 8~dd 1 ,.nrJ J1,r , ;, , , 'P ,. I 1• tnrtV If courH ti 1111·mlwr' lulltl\\ .. 1.111 " 11•1 Olllllll'llll,Jllllll' lo111g li1, lht•tr \Oil' \\Ill b,. r~C1dH .. 11 UI lf,1'~ JU'lP CiJ~d'/' .Jfl/)1 J; •• r 1 •· rn 1 Id Trinity decision postponed "Thirty-year-old Christian n etwork wa nts to produce programming outdoo rs, but seve ral Costa Mesa resid e nts objecte d . Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MI:...\/\ -Ba.wd on nl'ighhor. mm· plamti., the l'lanning Lomm>~'>ion '>hut down ln1111y 0 1ri.,1i.m Center\ outdoor 1elevi-.1on 1ap111g at1tvitte' until 11 hac, morl' lime 10 fl' view the ccnlcr\ ongin.J permit. Re..,1dem'> dt~turbed by the noi-.c and glare of the cen- ter's outdoor filming pleaded with the com· mt~"lon 10 prohJbu any ourdoor attt\'11)'. On ~londay. the Plannmg Comml\sion un.irnmou .. ly dl"l'tdl'd Ill po .. 1polll'. unlll See TRINITY. Page A4 REFUELING ., ~r ~· .. /v EDUCATION Teachers of the Year A seagull makes ott with a prized Cheeto courtesy of Jorge Chavez and his wife, Mana. at th e Newport Pier on Monday evening honored THE VERDICT Newport-Mesa selec ts Judy Taylor a nd Pauline Mara nian to represent the district in countywide competition. The blind mullet off the Newport Pier Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot NEWPOIIT·MFSA -They've taught SIU· dents in the Newpon·Mesa Unified School Dis trict for years. TI1ey've shared their lives with their students and have shared in their students' lives, as well. Now, ll1ey're being recognl7.ed as top educators in tJ1e district. They're Newport-Mesa's teachers of the year. In an award banquet held Feb. 13. the See TEACHERS. Pase A4 P eoplt• who complain Jhou1 waler quahty today don't know how >;ood they havt.' it compared to Lhe early day<; of Newpon. A compari5on of our two piers is illui.tralive. The Balboa Pier was a 10uri<;I pier. "ll1us, the Balboa Pier had railings so that tourists could lean against them while admiring the beautiful blue Pacific Ocean. The Newport Pier had no railings. When 'lhips tied up to load and unload, railings would have been a nuisance. Even when shJ ps no longer tied up to it and trains no long~r came our on lhe tracks, the Newport Pier had n o railings. If a ROBERT GARDNER toum1 lcU olT Lhe pier whtle admiring the beautif\JI blue Pacific Ocean. thar wa'> 1us1 100 bad. But the real difference between the two piers was their toiJet facililics. If. while strolling on the Balboa Pier. one felt the need to go to tJ1e toile t, quite a challenge was presented. Time meant everything. Hopefully. on e h.id a 101 or tt hr...i. one lldd 111 walk bad. to the loot of the pier at MJm ~1rer1 llwn one walll'd nr rau, depcndmg on rhc ume element.""' blodc.., dnw11 Mam Street toward Lht' Pavilton. \.\lhen one came 10 \<>10·!> Curio . hop al lhl' cornt'r of Mam StrL'l'l and Bay Avc•nue. one rurnrd tn the left anc1 wallwJ (or ran l 111 the comer of Bny Avenue dlld Wai;hington ~trt'C'l. Tiwre. Ol1l' found a small cement '\tructure beanng a sign that read "Puhhl Comfort Station: lllat wa ... tht• pubht 1111let. I have alwa)"' thought 1hr ~tKn HC..omfon ~talion M \Ya!> mon· accurate than lhl' mort' common Getting his plans set for life after the commission Costa Mesa Planning Co mmissioner Walt Davenport has served the city for almost 23 years, a stretch that is near its end. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MF.SA -Walt Davenport bu sat on the dais for more than 1,000 Plan- ning Comm.lsaion meetlnp. No one on the newty appointed Plan- ning O>mrnillfon even comes ck>Se to that atadldc. But when the new commJukK\ con- YeneS for the ftnt time In Muth, OIYen· port's familiar face will be absenL Davenport. wtto served on the com· miMion for almost 23 years. was not re-ap· pointed last week af- ter the council changed Its selection process to indlvidual appolntments. Walt Davenport The los.. means the new commiwon will haw to wort much harder on gruplng some ot the complex ls8ues It ls con- fronted with, said l'\anning Commission Chairwoman Kao1.na ~ who u the ltCOnd lnOIC ..., commitlioner ls go- lnl Into jUlt her llfth ,., 00 the dais. "What (Davenport) provides is an understanding or traffic modeling. an understanding of land-use planning. an understanding that none or us. as hard as we work. will have because we haven't been doing it for as long.· Foley said. "Whether you agree or disagree on par- ticular outcomes for particular applica- tions. he has an understanding and knows how to ask some good questions that rnlght trigger discussions about a>T· Ulin things.~ When Davenport was first appointed to the ~ In 1980, the dty was In the early days of ~t and ~projects lb &be Colla Mesa Courtyards. 1901 Newpo(1 Plua lftd "Di· qleSqmR. AA ftrM. be )Ult -.med he WoUld serve ou1 hi fo ur-year term. Rut ht· rn joyed the post loo much to give 1t up ·1 lilced having a hand in shaptn~ !ht' way Costa Mesa would look in thf" fu ture, • said the soft· poken, circum-.pl'ct Davenpon. He also said the rugh caliber and Ion · gevity of the city's planning taff, includ · lng Zoning Administrator Perry Valan· line and Red~lopment Manager Mike Roblnson, kept hJm comln$; back for more. Som<1 of the prof«u he is mc-»t proud of hdplng to c:nold lnd.ude ~e Orange County Performlnc AIU c.enter, South Cout Re:ptttoty's theater, South ~ Pla1.a ~ and the bddle coonectln.g i& S.. LIGM:Y, Pmp M "l'uhl11 ltt--.1rn11111 1 >111 11, 1.111\ >ll''' .I I t'rt<llll dt•gTt't' IJf 11111111111 1\hllt 1111lvJ11g \Ut h .1 pl.1t t' 11111· fr,,., 11111 rll't e -..'>dfll\ gel 111u1 Ii 11•-.r 11nf1''' nnl' had 11<'t·n .ll 1 ht 1·11d 111 1 h• Halhna P>t•r \1rh1•n ll.lllllt' l ,tllnl In that t .1w. onl' got "m11• 1111H h neetil'<l re,1 .l'> \\t•ll .1 .. 1 « 11111011 On the othl'f hanll !ht• '\e\\ port l'tt•r '"t<. d t umnwn. 1.il pwr llw 11lt1.1 ot havtng worknwn \\ho \\t'rt• lw111.: paid by the hour ialmg llllll' on di the employer\ ex.p~n't' to le.aw tilt' pier in -.earrh nr atlOtlt'l/rnmlwt ... 1auon1 rl..,lrnom on the 'hon•"·'' r See VERDICT. Pa&e A4 Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TIE WEB: www.~com WEATHER ~ It's looting wet eerty on. SeeP.qeA2 SPORTS Hefl of Ft1me member Oldt fnMtmeo, 1 fomHlf Newport Herbor High footbett ltendotJt. ... S.,.._M . • • · A2 Tuesday, Fetiru.y 25, 2003 KIDS TALK BACK Getting hands dirty in learning The Daily Pilot went to Our Lady Queen of Angels School in Newport Beach to ask eighth-graders, 'What form of teaching do you benefit from the m ost?' "Probably a hands-on melhod because it involves you in I.he work. and because it's instilled in your memory more when you're doing it. H KELLY MORRISON, 13 Newport Beach "Interactive and hands-on demonstra- tions because when you just read from a book. you dop't retain it as'welJ.." MARY FlYNN, 13 Newport Beach "A group hands-on melhod because you get to interact with your peers and you get I.heir insight on what you're learning." ·~-, •\. . .A .. ··, .,~ ... TREVOR GLADYCH, 14 Newport Beach "Hands-on activities because if you work hard on something, it I.hen goes into your long-term memory and you'll remember iL" STEPHEN LJIJMiJ;-'t4··--... ._ .. _____ _ Newport Beach "I lands-on and group activities because it's more =~· KRAHE, 14 Newport Beach -Interviews and photos compil.ed by Olristine Carrillo Dally Pilot ON ~-CAMPUS IN THE CLASSROOM StAN HILLER /DAILY PILOT Marine Science student Chris Larsen listens to a class demonstration on how to feed various aquarium fish last Friday at Orange Coast College. . Getting their hands wet Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot T he crab and I.h e lobster fought. The lobster buJJdozed over the crab. The crab trampled over I.he lobster. And a lesson in survival of I.he fittest was learned. As bolh animals were driven by hunger, I.heir instinctual behavior kicked in, despite their simulated habitat, and I.hey fought one anotJ1er for nearly every piece of fish Lhal fell into I.he tank. About 13 students carefully observed and took notes on I.he animals' behavior and I.he feeding process as a whole, since. after aJJ, I.hat is what I.he Marine Aquarium Science class al Orange Coast ~· The Newport-Mesa Unified School District offers menu choices each day at elementary ~ta may moo.. vegetarian eotree if desired. The ••llCdon varin and may be either a 11119d, undwlch or hot entree. School lunches are $2 eech. Here's what's being l8rved this week: TODAY Mund\8ble Lundi Salad with fruit yogurt or pepperoni end cheese pizza, Students in OCC's Marine Aqu arium Science class learn about the ocean's creatures without visiting the ocean. College is all about "We're very happy to have this class because it gives our students a hands-on learning experience ... which i~ the best type of learning." said Professor Dennis Kelly. "They work way harder in this class but I.he payoff i!> that I.hey get to learn Lhese animals personalJy." . After listening to Kelly's brief lecture late Friday morning. the srudents learned about aquarium feeding through a more sensate method. 1Wo of Kelly's former s1udent!>, holh of whom nuw work as student aquarium managers at OCC opened their bags of fro:t.en fish - • anchovies. squid, etc. -and taught I.he students how lo cut and prepare I.he food for I.he different fi5h in each of the aquariums along I.he classroom's walls. •1t's just such a responsibility ... you're responsible for I.heir lives,· said 16-year-old Alden Glinert, a marine ecology major. "You can learn so much from viewing I.hem through I.he glass. Aq uariums. in geneml, are just intriguing.· Sin ce many of the students, like Glinen, have an 111terest in aquariums, I.he cl'™' also serves a':i an education I.hey can talc.e home with them or even tum into a career. SCHOOL LUNCH MENU crisp green salad with ranch dr&uing, sliced pears, choice of milk WEDNESDAY Munchable Lundi Salad or two mini cheeseburgers, lettuce and pieties, Craisins, choice of milk THURSDAY Vegetarian health undwic:h or turkey fryz with dipping eeuce, bebv cetTOCS with randl dip, ctteeto., pif1811PP1e tidbits, choice of milk FRIDAY Mund\eble Lund\ Salad or two beef or veggie eoft tacaa, leauce, ..... and ctte.a, choice of Juice,~ graham crec*ers, choice of milk MONDAY Munchable Luncft S.lad or c:hidcen nugget1 wtth dipping uuoe, baby c:.n'Otl wtth qnch dip, dlOk:e of fruit birthdey ~.choice of milk The Mund\9bie Lundi Saled contains By teaching student!. the mechanics of aquarium!> alon~ wilh how to '>tmulate lhe animals' naturaJ life-.ryle-. in an arufic1al setting. I.he '>11Jdent5, Kelly hopes. will walk away from IJ1e da.5-\ with a well-rounded knowledge about marine aquarium science. "The ocean is so huge and we know !><l li1tle about it." said 20-year-old Nilc.ola.J AJvarado, who came 10 I.he United Slales from Costa Rica 1ust to study marine science. "This rnanne sdence c.Jepartmt:nl is really good. It's no t JUSI lecture. We get tu learn by doing." • IN TME CLASSROOM 1s a weekly feature m which Daily Pilot educatt0n wnter Christine Camllo visits a campus 1n the Newport·Mesa area and wntes about her experience tossed greens. c:heny tC>fNtoes, crackers and protein eourcea 8'd'I .. cheese, aunftowef Meda, fruit yogurt and~ peanuts. (•ft9Mut butter on selected days) No child~ d/.mmlMfed .... becau .. of race, NM. color, nM101t.J origin, 11ge or diubillty. If It 19 b ... .ed •child ha beett dla•naMlld,...., write imm«lilllely fO ,,.. s-.... y of Agriculture,~ .. DCMM>. Daily A Pilot CorelWlhon News assistant, (949) 574-4298 coral.wilson@latimos.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leedl, Kent Treptow Box 1560, Costa Meu, CA 92626. Copyright No news stories, illu1tratlon1, editorial matter or advertlaementa heteln een be reproduced without written permiulon of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Rain will continue this morning and in the eariy afternoon, but by evening, it should taper down quite a bit. Highs will top out around 60. Lows will hover near 60. SURF • VOL. 97, NO. 5e THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYOOO£AO Editor .AKJ'( OETT1NG ~~or Promotions Olrec1or News Edition Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Paul Saltowitz, Daniel Stevens NEW88TAFF Deepeltw8th Crime and couru reporter, (949) 57 .... 226 d#pa.bha,..th Ollltim..com JuneC•11rwlde Newport Beed'l reporter, (949157 .... 232 ju,,..CMaQ,..n<#fllatlm..com ,..,.~ Polltlca .n<t environment reporter, (949) 7&M330 f*J/.dinton.latimes.com lolta..,. Columnl9t, culture reporter, UM9) 574-4275 loHCe.N,.,,.,Olatim-.oom .,....~ Co9t8 Me.. reporter, (948) 57._.221 d*dre.MWnMmf!ll«Jm-.oom OwlldMC--. Educ4ltk>n reporter, (Ml~ dtrlstl,,..c.rrlllof!lllltf,.,,...oom READERS HOTLINE (949) 642-6086 Record your comments abou1 the Daily Pilot or news tips AddNM Our address is 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627. Office hour.-are Monday -Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 6 p.m. ComlcdoM It It the Pilot'• pollcy to promptly correc1 all errors of 1ubetance. PleaH call (949) ~'· FYI The Newport BeachlCotta Meu Delly Pilot (USPS-144«>0) 11 published dally. In Newpof1 8eed'I end Co9t8 MeM, subecrlptlona ere available only by subecrlblng to The TlrMll Otange Coun('( (800) 252·91'1. In..., outtide of Newport 8eed'I .n<t Co9t8 MeM .• eubeeripdOI• to the Delly Piiot .,. eveReble only 1Jv first c1 .. melt for S30 per month. (Pricee lndude ell eppMcable .... end local taw.) POSTMASTER: ~ lddr'tlM d\engee to The Newpoft a..cM:oet.e ~ Deltv f'tk>t P.O. HOW TO REACH UI CircUUtion The Timee Orange County (8001282·91'1 ~ Cl•11fted (949) &42·6678 ~ (949) &42""321 ~ ,__. (949) &42·6e80 lpot1s (949) 67-M223 ,__.Fu (949) 846-4170 Sports Fu (948) l50-0170 E-mel: d.llypllof•IMl,,.,...com Mein Olloe ... .._ Olllee (Mil 842""321 9u1lw ,_(Mil 131·7128 Pubfllhed by nm. Community N.ws, • dMllon of the Loe Angetee Tlm.. Cl2002 Tlmee CN. All f'lvht9 reeefWd. On w.dnesday, it'll get sunnier, but we'n still see some ctouds. Highs agein will be in the lower eo.. '"'°""8tlon: WWW.llWl.noM.(l(JV BOATING FORECAST The~wtndawill biow 10 to 20 knoll In the Inner wetert today, with 1-to 3-foot W8wa and •west IW9lt of 5 to 7 fMt. The winds wlfl .... this eve.q to M>otlt 10 knots, wtth Moot w.we and 1 weet awell of81DlfMt. Out '-hr, the "°'1hw • ••rtr wlr1dl wtll blow 15 to 115 knoll. wtth 2·foot wewe and. Mil _,.of. to 10 ...... The northwest swefl arrivN, but health officials wem against swimming 72 hours after a rain stonn. But if you're still looking to get some waves in, expect some cne.t-to heed-highs today along west•fadng breaks. The better apots ~ expect IOme ovem..da. w.d!IMdey will be eimUer, though twell will begin to tMlc* down eome 8fter noon. The next IW9tl antvee Thurldrf . W....-llY: WWW.SUrfrid-.OfV TIDES nn.. 4'29a.m. 12:18p.m . 7:18p.rn. 11:24p.m. ........ 15.21 fMthigh ~AfMtlow 3Al .... high 2.M._low WATER TEMPERAnltE 51degiw • r Tuesday, February 25 2003 A3 Newport-Mesa bills are ready for. state exposure Three state lawmakers meet Friday's deadline to tu rn in bills. One would extend ¥egan's Law, which expires this year. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPOR1·MESA -State law- makers here hope to wake the Mate up from its budget night- mare with more than 60 pro- post.'Cl laws tha1 they submined by Priday's deadline. Members of the state Assembly or Senatt had until Friday to ap- ply for biU numbers for the 2003 legislative i.es.<Jon. Newpon Beach's . Assembly· man John Lampbell. for exam· pie. has propo!>ed a handful of ambiuous propo!>a.ls that would enar1 ~ubstantial changes to the current :>tructure. ·lhls is a time for dramatic ac- tion. particularly on fiscal lsrues given the condition or the state budget and che economy.~ CampbeU said . •1t's the prover· bial 300-pound gorilla.~ Campbell's Assembly Constitu· t.ional Amendment 6. as it is ltnown, would limit future legis· latJve funding by tying it to in- creases in population and in.Oa · tion. Spending. in essence. could not increase faster than eco- nomic growth. Pan of the current crisis has re· suited in a more troubling imbal- ance in increasing state funding, as proposed in Gov. Gray Davis' budgei. and a loss of revenue .. ) caused by a stru~l11g econom y. Among his 17 bills, campbell has also prop(>sed to extend Megan's l.aw, which expires at the end of the year, extend tax-free access to the lntemet until Jan. I. 2008 -also expiring thi'> year - free cities from l>O·called "un· funded mandates" by the <1tate and implement a "po'>tcard" state tax return. State Sen. Ross Johnson's pack· age of 23 bills aJso !>how. an awareness of the state budKet fallout. Gov. Davis has estimated the current year's deficit at more than $30 billion. 1Wo bills introduced hy John· son , who represenu. CoMa Mesa and Newport Beach. would \Ub· :>tantially change the way the '>late funds school diblricts, which Davis' cuts have hit hard. Both Senate Bill 177 and Sen· ate Bill 588, mt.roduccd Wedne.· day. would give local districts more OexibiJHy, Juhnwn poltcs- man Mall Ross said. The first bill would repeal state funding cat- egories and. instead. hand money to the cli!>triru in a lump ~um. "It's pulling away the Sirin~." RoS!. said. "Who hcner to make the detcrrrunation ahou1 how to LI!>e the fundc; than the schools themselvi:~." Johnson abo propoc;es two bills 10 cut down un workers compensation abu~ that would c;et higher :>tandards fur what would quaJjfy for J chum. One bill raise. the bar for '>tres.s-re- laled claims like chronic fatlb'Ut' syndrome. Johnson h~ aJ\O introdul·ed bills to exci:.e the idenuuei. of vie· tim!> and witnt.''-'><''> from polil:e reporu.. I le ha.-, albO rernt:roduced h.is proposal lo move the state's primary from March 10 Septem- ber. That bill wru. passed through the state Legwa1ure in 2002, but was vetoed by Dam. Co!tta Mesa'1. N.sembtyman Ken Maddox. in tus pack.age of 23 bills. hasn't been J.'> o nented toward the '>late\ No I 1<,:.ue. N> a re!>erve police officer and '>Oc1al conservclt.ivc. Maddox's bilb tend 10 reflect thO<il' 'itMCC'>. Maddox\ most po1en1ially hot- buuon bill. which he proudly call'> a "pru-hfc bill: would give unborn felUM' more nght'>. Preg- nant women wuld ui,e the <;ame -reasonable forte" in defending their fetu:.e'> durinf( an anad.. Anotht:r Maddox bill would limi1 the ngtw. of local .:ovem· rnenl'> lrom <,eiz.in~ thurth prop· ertic~ with ernuwn1 domain pow- er... I le acltnowledg~ th~ prn· po&a.ls could face significant op pos.illon. ·There ..., not a large amount of really religious people:: u1 the capital rigt\1 now.~ Maddox !>did ·nne latter propo~I "'no1 d bill that h~ rebgiow. ovenonb. II'> bas1ca1Jy a propeny ngtm bill." Maddox ha<, al!.o mtro<luu~d bills to increase \Creening of da)' care woritcr... cratk. down on 11 legal pharmac1e!> and hnut lhe applicauon of ~ taxe-. w non hotel ai:tiviu~ · Maddox I!. clho 1 JrT)'lllK lite water for Orange < <11m1~ <..cicl'>l keeper. an e11v1runr11t•111.tl wuup ~ tn Newpon Ht-dlh. 111 f>d.'' a bill tha1 wouJd wve luld.I agt.!n cie'> who u'>t' rnicrofihra11on ll> treat urban runuO IJll' nld'tl 10 , •. 11 the water tot ullen fl•vi:nui- NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGE NDA I lere a re some 11ems the Nt.•wpon Beach Ciry Council will con.,idcr 1onigh1. SENIOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING 'two itL'ITI'> on 1he (i1y ( ounol\ agenda could pu'>h forward a popular plan w build I 50 u1111' of affordable '><'mor hou"n~ a1 l.ower Bayvit'\>\ 1 .. 1ndmg ,hem\ in front of Lhe rnurml toni¢11 include r.1pprovmg a loan aw-eemen1 IO hl'lp finance 1he project and app111v1ng cuncepiual plans. WHAT TO EXPECT loniw1r'., public hearing i-. likely ICI gcncrnle M>me inlcrei.t. ~mt<' lhl· fir.t murmur that there 1111gh1 ht• ">uch d proje<.t, ml·mhcr., of the public haw FYI • WHO: Newport Beach City Council meeting •WHEN: 7 p.m. today • WHERE: Council Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. •INFORMATION: Complete agendas and staff reports are available at www.city.newport·beach.ca. us; (949) 644-3000 been damoring for information on how to score one of the units. F.ventualJy, a lonery will decide who gets in. SANTA ANA HEIGHTS ANNEXATION Council members tonight will finally vote on whether the city wants to annex unincorporated West Santa Ana Heights. the Sanra Ana Country Oub and a <1mall area south of Mesa Drive Staff m embers have compiled detailed information on wha1 the annexations could mean for the city. indudtng to 1hc bud~el bonom line. WHAT TO EXPECT Though some di~entl'r., are out there. most out:>pok(•n residen ts of We'>t Santa AnJ I !eights have ~d they'n• anxiou., to becomt" pan of Newpon Beach. 'Ille city\ main reservation wa-. whether lhf' less· than-luuallvl' propt·n~ 1.tx prospect:> of the area neate<.I .1 financial di1'ince111ivc. Bui aLcording 10 ~taJf rt'port .... ft'clr'> the city wo ul<l lo<,e money frorn annexat.ion appear unfoundl·d Annexing the art'a will likl'lv ,1dcl abou1 $90.000 a yt·ar 10 rill' l llY\ budget Ille que<.uon of\\ hcther 111 dllnex the tounll)' llub j., J llule ~uclc.ier. ThouKh club lcadt'r'> '><I~ they're anxiou'> for t1 l\lcwporl Reach addrc.-so;, nly uOil'lal'> art· worried dbuUI ~ll'pp111g 1111 <.11-.ILI M~a·~ drum to tht lluh CITYWIDE TREE POLI CY lo comply with 1cn11' 111 a lawsuit se11leme111. lOUnc1I mt.!rnbcr. tum~t wlll LC>rNder whether IO bulT dlld poh,h rule' go,erning city uwntd lrt'l'' ll1t· ci1y agrcc.'<.l w tale .a IM rt'<1th111g look a1 ii'> tree pohlll''> .t'> p.111 of J .,e11Jt•men1 wr1h thl' Halb11J Arbor ~otiel} u\lcr 1lw wy'-. rl'moval ol 2.1 lieu' lrl'C'> in H,dllCJa VLllagt• JJ.,I tall WHAT TO EXPECT lrei-1upito., Jlv.J~' '>t'l'lll IO clr;J\\ " cro" d In .11.lt..l111un lO NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL BOARD PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA FRANCE STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM llw hoard wiU hear a prc-.cn1a1ion from ~ix members of thl• Newport Beach Sister Ciry A'>'ln .. which has joined the Nt'WJlOrt·Mesa Unified School Di...lnct over the pa.st few years 111 ho'\ting exchange studen ts from Ant1bes. Frclllce. Members lrom the .b'>ociation. as well as exdiange c;1udents from Anti~ Jnd lheir Newport-Mesa LhJpt'ron' and host family memher<o. will !>hare information Jnd their experiences about the exch1m~e<l program with the hoard. MEASURE A OPERATIONS REPORT Under the consent calendar. which reqwres a single motion from the board 10 pass a series of proposals, the board will be pre:>ented two issues concerning Measure A operations. The first part o f the proposal deals with the completion of asphalt repair and reRlacement at various sites totaling $251.923. The second part requests the approval of construction inspection services al two different groups of chools. Those schools receiving services by Kleinfelder lnc. are I IF:\lPI f ILl.'S --IU '( I" ~ ( \I{ I) I I " . . . FYI •WHAT: School board meeting • WHEN: 7 p.m. today • WHERE: 2985-A Bea r St., Costa Mesa •INFORMATION: (714) 424-5000 not to exceed $360,000, while those schools retaining the i.ervices or UCMJ Inc. are not 10 exceed $210.000. WHAT TO EXPECT The board is expected to approve the proposal. 2003 SUMMER SCHOOL The board will hear a presentation regardjng the location and calendar for the 2003 summer school for secondary education. The proposal asserts that the middle school level summer program be held at TeWmkle Middle School and consist of a 25~day session. The high school level program would be held at ~tancia High School and would consist of a 30-day instruction . Oasses would generally meet between 8 a.m. and 12:20 p.m. daily. WHAT TO EXPECT The board is expected 10 a pprove the proposal. -OJmpiled i1y Oiristine Carri/le HO PASSPORT IS HEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·645·7626 "Over 50 Years of Fine Quality'' AJJ Types of Window Treat ments • Valances & Cornice Boxes • Ro m an Shad es • Blinds • Vcrtica.ls • Shutters • Bcdsprt'ads Complimt,,t•ry Cons"l1111ion in Yo11r Homt 20"~ t -< I 11"" ,, "'I,, 1e1l I .il111,, 01:1 ; \\•II I~''' 1.J11: \!.tr,h 1i\1 :1111' ?/~~ DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd., Co ta Mesa ~~ (949)642-8400 Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More l'ereonill Attention to Our..,,,,_,.. • Semi-Prtvate for Men & Women • Lott of E~nt/Free Weights • PllatM Studio & Mat C18.sses • SPINNING Theeter-Llcen6ed • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers • Child Care 8am-noon M -F • Ample a Convenient Parking • Yoga, TaJ Chi, Stretch claasea • Step, Power Pump. Cerdio • Showers, Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shipe-Up Phy9ic:el Therapy Center • P9"Mnenl MeQ-Up • Shipe-Up ... c... . • Aoupunc:Ue/Acupfeeeu,. w..,... Cllnlc re.,1dent'> devo1ed w 1ree prt-.. ervdllon. 11\ p<>'-"1hle that l ouncil memher'> could hear from re<,1<lenr:> rnnremed about view\. If the ci1y decide'> 10 rcvi!>e 11:> poht'le'>, offi cial-; will have 10 take rnw con<,1dera11on re1'ident., who...e Vlt'W'> couJd be blocked b> uverwown lree'>. ~laff member't hdw rl'tumrnt>n<lecl that the Lii) d,mfr and CUl1-'>0Udalt' JI ll'J\I ... 01111! of thl·lr poliut-... and 11., hkeh. 1ha1 l'ounc1I rrwmbl•r., v.111 lolluw thal retornmi:ndJ110r1 -(junp1/11d IJ}· /11111• Ca.<;flgrande L~ H t--s l a ur an t :--:a--BtaOllSheO tn 1961 --..~ sreaks •Seafood • Cocktails 1"'EEKEND SALES EVENT! • VOLUME SELECTION •OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE • G4!EAT f>t!ICES GUARANTEED MATH Help At TUTORING CLUB Offering Ind ividua lized Instruction • Basic Mat.h • Algebra • Geometry • frigonomet.ry • Calc.ulu s CALL TODAY '949-645-7900 5"vmf tlH Cnu,uaiil] for 30 yttn MARINATED M.wNATm Tiu nr O UCKF.N HALVFS SIUlu MArill or Lnto11 Gt.rlic ]ouk1111 Sl]k M' Lnt.on G4rlK $5 99 l b. GREEK STYLE MARINATED Bo~UMBLEG BBQ -25 •iJutuJ or &Ill 1:15 .,;,.. "350- Cllati-i FAMOUS HANDMADE CltAa CAm $60'~l_ of 2 s2 29 lb. MEAT loAf MIX BEEF PoRK k VF.Al. p,y,,,, ().,. /)Ji O.,W• ......,., ITAWN SUB SANDWICH M Tuesday, F~bruary 25, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Alarm stops Costa Mesa burglary An attempted burglary botched by a burglar alarm was reponed Saturday night at the Boys Qub in Costa Mesa. At about l l:30 p.m .. the alleged b urglars entered the bullding in the 2100 block of Tustin Avenue through a locked door, said Costa Mesa Police LI. Dale Birney. "They began to gather all the stuff and left it near the front door," he said. "But the alarm sounded sud· denly and they left every· thing by the front door and Oed." Birney said they at· tempted 10 steal a variety of items including tools and electronics. No one h as been arrested yet, but the incident is being investi- gated, he said. Two injured in freeway accident Two women suffered critical injuries earl y Sun - day· morning after their sport utility vehicle rolled over and came to res t u p· POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Fairview Rolld and Merrimac W..,-. Petty theft was reported at 9:40 a.m. Sunday. • Harbor Bouteverd and Newport Boulevard: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 1 :45 a.m. Sunday. • Loren Lane: Petty theft was reported in the 3000 block at 8:09 a.m. Sunday. • Newton W..,-. Vandalism was reported in the 700 blodt at 12:30 p.m. Sunday. •Placentia Avenue: Graffiti was reported in the 2100 block at 9:41 a.m. Sunday. •~Street: Graffiti was reported in the 1000 blodt at 10:27 a.m. Sunday. • Ea.st 20th Street: A home burglary was reported in the 100 block at 4:32 a.m. side down in the mlddle of the southbound San Diego Freeway, Costa Mesa Fire , officials said. When firefighters ar- rived on scene f4t about 2:23 a.m ., they found one woman trapped under the vehicle and the second one ejected from the vehi· cle, said Costa Mesa Fire Ranalfon Qlief Ouis Riley. BoU1 women, said to be in their 20s, suffered critical trauma injuries and were transponed to \Wstern Medical Center in Santa Ana and UCI Hospital. Preparedness event set for March 15 Mesa Emergency Aux· iliary Communications and Harbor Trinity OlUrch wiU co· host an Em ergency Preparedness Fair on March 15. The event wiJI take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the church's parking lot at the intersection of Baker Street and Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. Several public safety agencies will participate in the fair. The fair will show visitors what the city is do- ing to prepare for narurai disasters, as well as threats to n ational security. lnfor· mation: (714) 966-0556. -Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • East Balboa Boulewrd: Petty theft was reported in the 000 block at 3:56 p.m. Sunday. • East Bay Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 300 block at 9:04 a .m. Sunday. • Fordham: Battery was reported in the 2200 block at 2:34 p.m . Sunday. • West Ocean Front: An attempted theft was reported in the 2200 block at 3:20 a.m . Sunday. • Polaris Drive: A home burglary was reported in the 1000 block at 10:54 a.m. Sunday. • Torrey Pines Lane: A home · burglary was reported in the 100 blodl at 11:45 a.m Sunday. • 36th Street: A burglary was reported ip the 600 block at 5:19 p.m. Sunday. LUMINETIE P f t 't i. ' ' 11t t I t 1• lumlnatlP Privacy $heeri filler hghl through sofl lob11c "Vllnci hidden omoog it. folds al dossic "'1eets See them ol yo.x locol dealer ~ALDEN'S fl.OOR COVERING ANO CUSTOM WlNOOW COVUINGS 1663 Placentia, COIU Meta 949"'646-4838 •••••••••••••• ..... ..., .... i..c .. fllll UUr HHS I Ull, 0..-0....-•• ...... ..,....• ...... 0..-• . ' TRINITY "I'm glad that the cbalrwoman found a way to look deeper, N ~d Continued from Al· ~ and~ucb started the center in 1973 in Tustin, thougb March 24, modification of the they mewed the international center's original pennit and Its re--headquarters to c.osta Mesa In quest to conduct outdoor 1V ac-1998. The center's rel.igio~ pro· tivity on a regular basis until the gramming is brOadcasl a~ ~ commission could get a more so-country and intemationally. i phistfcated legal opinion on those · In 1996, the center received a issues. Nearby residents also • special event pennit to conduct charged that the oenter was vio-outdoor activity on certain occa· 1ating its original use permit sions. But four yea{& later nearby Some residents rejoiced at the residents complained that the cornmis&on's decision to take outdoor activity was occurring more time to study issues. more frequently, which required a TEACHERS Continued from Al Newpon·Mesa Unified Federation of Teachers presented Teacher of the Year awards. which included a $2,500 check. to 30 teachers throughout the district for achiev· ing excellence in teaching. · Judy Taylor Dally Piiot wants to be a good nelghbor. ditrerent type of pemllt. •11 may oot have happened i11 Theeedcitfoy alertth ed. thepecenmu~t.er~~ the past, but that's not lmen. the n r e new • r .. r~ • said the center claimed that since it lionaJ. ~no · ~ organization It While Marianne Reger, the ~..3 have to comply. said Mel city's senlo.r deputy anom~. !.aid . .Jnnner. ,,.. that the aty could only llllpo!.e Lee ~te.,_. ... · I .. "U . The ci ated the need fur a the "the east restnctl~ mtth on nni :;' ~8! center refused to the cen~er because of new reU- pe ·"' ~ u til late 20oi Lee glous land use laws. Olair Kalrina ~·1 or Qne un · Poley asked for a more in depth m' the meantime. the center legal review. continued to conduct its outdoor TV activity. ~ting a nuisance nearby residenl3 said. John <:asorio, who represents the center, claims the church • OEJRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (9491 574-4221 or by &-mail at dairdre.ne1111man@latimes.com. Pauline Maranian NEWPORT-MESA TEACHERS OF THE YEAR SCHOOL Adams Elementarv Adult Education Alternative Education Andersen Elementary Corona del Mar HiQh Costa Mesa High ColleSJe Park Davis Elementary Eastbluff EJementarv Ensign Intermediate Estancia Hiph School Harbor View fEkHER Diane Bonthlus Karen Budner Carol Cums C.rol Jewett Peter Shelby "I would say these were teachers who were not only exceptional teachers, but they had also found ways of giving back. to their pro· fession or extending the ir influence lo In- volve the community," said Linda Mook. outgoing president of the federation. "I think they're peopJe who deeply care about their students and want to see them excel and share their talents with others ... to achieve that same level of excellence.• After completing an arduous application process, a Pll.iel of judges, which included former teachers or the year, administrators and PTA members. selected one teacher to represent each school. The judges then chose the district's top three teachers of the year from that list, two or whom will re· present the district in the Orange County Teache r of the Year competition. 'It makes me feel honored but also humbled because ... I feel like I'm in good company.' Pauline Maratlialn Kaiser Elementarv IOllybrooke Elementary Lincoln Elementary Mariners Newport Coast Newport Elementary Newpor1 Heiphts Newport Harbor High Paularino Cheri Sheldon Susan Shinners Tammy Evans Nancy Gilbenson Gwwn Blankenship Pauline Marani<tn Wen<ty Jawor Elizabeth Slezak Arlene Wells Judy Taylor C.rol Singer Lainie Mc Gann ~Lester John baffron Anaela Newman lhomas Ban Julphe Maniquls Pomona bled because ... I feel like I'm in good com· pany," said Maranian, who has taught both English and drama at F.stancia for the past seven years. Teactung "is just about meeting the kids where they are. You have 10 reach them at their level and help them to nse to where you know they can be." Rea Elementary Sonora TeWinkle VtOtoria Whittiet Roberta Stidtler ~a~a':r~~ Susan Harmon Ka ren Ridlter Cheryl Roberts Eva Wagner Wilaon Woodland ''We had some absolutely fabulous tc~achers that we recognized this year.~ Mook said. "It's probably, personally to me. one of the most inspiring pans of my job . . . I'm really proud and honored to be a part of thls process. I think that they are not only out· standing teachers, but they are also put in a position of representing all the really great teachers that we have in our district." With that m entality driving her teaching methods, the judges !mew that Maranian would be an exceUent representative fur the district in the Orange County competiLion. They had a similar feeling about Taylor d1 .. tric1 .1t 1hr t oui11v compelitJ011 The district"s top tllree teachers of the year represented . the elementary, intermediate and high school levels. Judy Taylor of Lincoln Elemen tary, Cheri Sheldon of Costa Mesa High School's middle school and Pauline Maranian of Estancia High School were se· lected as the district's top three teachers. "I think. children live up to wha1 we !whew in them,· said Taylor. a sixth-grade teacher who has worked in the districl for I 8 year,. "In teaching. my goal is to try and alway!> keep them at the edge of their comfon 1.0nc. There's always somebody in you1 room that needs something differenl; there·~ alway<> someone that is ready to be taugh1 uut,i<k or the box." Wtule both teacher' felt honoreJ to '1·n1· a.' repreM'nt.111\'f''> for Lherr -.chool, Jr,lnrt and t'\t>n ilwrr profe..,'iion. they bolh ddrn11 led lhat tht•rr l'\eryday expenertct'\ lrt tht' cla~roorn n•m;un their bigge!>t rt'W"M<h "I think ll'3l lung b never boring." laytm '>aid. -If you can ~<> IO bt>d every nti;ht kllll\\ mg you've 1a11~h1 'orneone 'orne'thin~ 11, 1ust a woncfrrful Wd\' to Uve a hfe <111d I Ill\,. \~hat I do .. "It mctkes me feel honored but also hum- After conductiilg on site visit<, 10 1he11 classroom and extensive intervieW'>. laylor and Maranian were chor.en tu rcprel>en1 tht' •CHRISTINE CARRILLO covers educa1ton and may be readled at (9491 5744268 or bye mail a1 christme cam/lo " lat1mes.com VERDICT Continued from Al simply unacceptable to the employers. Thus, the Newport Pier had its own toilet/comfort station /restroom right there on the pier. However, since there was no sewer line running out to the Newpon Pier, it had for its toilet/comfon station /restroom an old·fashioned privy. an outhouse, a structure enclosing and supponing a board large enough to sit on and do whatever one does in a privy/outhouse/comfon station/restroom. In a society that has a hard enough time saying the word toOet., trying to describe in words acceptable to the general public just what is deposited in such a toilet presents a challenge. However, the t:rdditional privy or outhouse is ordinarily built over a hole in the ground. The Newpon Pier had no such hole in the ground. It had a hole over Daily Pilot @!LMi Floral & Gifts 50% OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids Home Decor • Furniture Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10-S •Sun 11-4· 369 E. 17th Street #13, Co.ti Mesa• (949) 646-6745 (Across from Ralphs) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • IWIJM>OO • t.WTES •CARPET • CERAllC 1IE. Km. R.OOflf«i •!.!!.'!!le l ·i.i•foMi.i SOLAlllAN (PALAR.e!§ 314" SOLi> EXOTIC STAINlfmR HARDWOOD from-·~~ -'1' T-1i1o1r.1r .......................................................... g~· ~ T'le••u••••111\111101111011111111ut11•h••••••••••••••••.......,. 8'l l.ar'rillte W>od ...... ,.,..,,.,.,,., . .,n .. •"'""""'"""" .......,..,,. 9'l . ~ ·-~ ... ... the ocean. V/hatewr wen1 through that hole m Lhe privy/outhouse/comfort station /restroom went plop right into the beautiful blue Pacific. II then floated a.o.hore where the happy bather; were frolklung in the surf. The local Nl'Wpon kid' called thol>e obJl't.t' "bhnd mullet." It wasn't just the pier 1ha1 had this problem. lktng•al t.ea l~el. you couldn't have outhouse:. in early Balboa and Ralhoa L'>land. so there were .-.ewer., but thei.e sewers emptied right into the hay LEGACY Continued fron:i A I to the eastern pan of the -;hop ping center and ·.,eeing Metro Point finally develop into o;ome thing after ~everaJ fu1ile nt· tempts." Throughout 1he rnyried pro posals he con.\idered. the emo- tional reactions they provoked and the vagarie" of politics. Oav· enpon said he tried to maintam an unbiased attitude. "When there was room for subjectivity, I tried to act on the side of what would benefit Costa Mesa las a whole! rather than iit· dividual interests,· Davenport said. Oavenpon said he was di!Mlp· pointed when he was not re appointed last week. The council lndividually interviewed and se- lected commissioners, who did not need the majority of the council's aJ)provaJ. Even before he was not re- appointed, Davenpon said he did not approve of the selection process because of concerns . that the commissions would be too.closely attached to the <.:oun- cil. .1t tht• t•mJ of each ~trl't'l. Ami '" 11 Wd' that th<™! of U!> who IE'amt."C.l w swim in tho~ t.IJY" aJwJY" teamed to dog paddh· or do Lhe hrea.st stroke MJ wt· wuld w;mh ahead for anyth ing '>U'>pidous that happenc<l tu bl· nooung in the w.iter ahead of u' We .tl..o learned to k.eep our rnoutJ1., tightly do'-t."<l whilt• '>'""1mming. Our w:lter ro<lay m .1\ haw prohlem!>, but not hke th.11 • ROBERT GARONER is a Corona fl• Mar resident and a former 1udge H ~ column runs Tuesdays 'When there was room for subjectivity, I tried to act on the side of what would benefit Costa Mesa las a whole] rather than individual interests.' Walt Davenport n1at 'Mild, he aJso acknowl edgl'd that the council migh1 have· felt it was lime for ~me "new blood.· . Although he hasn't given Lhe future a lot of thought. becom· ing a civic activist seems like a n.itural segue. Davenpon said. I olcy says she would be highly <iupportlve of Oavenpon's con tinued involvement ln city plan ning Issues. . Davenpon is "1so looking for· ward to doing more pleasure reading. woodworking and keep· ing up with the various home· owner re ponsibiJJtles when he has more free time come March. • O£IROAE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readled at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman latimu.com. . OB RU ARY Olllly Piiot TueMiay, february 25 2003 A5 FORUM ' E-maij:Se~ ~ .~~ PU~HED -L.ett.n: Mail to Editorial Peg~ Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .• Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Readers HottiM: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax; Send to (949) 646-417() 0 81 ypi ot@fa times.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometow n and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to ech1 all submissions for clanty and length. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Kohl's store is the right answer I 'm one of the IO rebidents on Ashwood. I'm directly affecred by the propobal to replace Kona Lanes. I a nd m y nine neighbors a ll want Kona lan tb and the other two other buildings replaced. Why, you may abk? Because of whar is there now. and what could be there in the future. I h ave not heard one other proposal that makes any seme. There are two vacant building<; losing mo ney. and one outdated bowling alley. I bowl in two league!>, one a t Founrain Bowl in Fountain Valley. the other at SaddJeb ack Lanes in Mission Viejo. Ask youro;elf why would I drive to lhe'ie bowling establi hments when there i' one in my back yard tha t I could waJk to. Th e reason: Decent bowler~ can't bowl there because it messes up their game. The aJley is old a nd needs to be replaced. The cost of this alone would run into to the millions. an d competing with Fo untain Lane'>, wh ich is state of the art and cost effective -Kona can nor comp ere. 11 wiJI continue 10 gel old and run down until ii aJso is closed. Then we will have three buildings vacanr. whic.h are old an d very few thfag'i can go in there. What can o r what will go in there? There are three very specific use buildin gs that cannot really be upda ted to their previous uses. except the Edwards thearer. in which a ·e· movie house could go there. And this is an im provemen t, ope n until all hours into the night ere.? Or the re wo uld be the proposed KohJ's department store, with wh ich I and my n ine other neighbors get a park behmd u . What in the world do you think we want behind us? When this was first p roposed , I was against ic. Bu t KohJ's has m et with us and has satisfied all of our needs. The que tio n I propose to you and everyone else thar is against this is: What wouJd you like back there ? Thi..s is the question nobody seems to be able to answe r. MAILBAG KEVIN ORTON Costa Me a OnJy the future will tell success of the council picks Well the deed is done. During a marathon City Council meeting - which began promptly at 6:30 Tuesday evening and ended at l: 15 a.m. Wednesday -the council consummated their ill-advised new selection process for the Planning and Parb and RecreatJon commissions and made their appointments. Deirdre Newman's article on Thursday c·eoundl pleb tum up several surprises•) covered the appointments -and surprises -very well. Eady in the meeting and despite pauiona~ appeals by speakers before the coundL toduding former mayor Sandra Genis who pomted out the many pitfalls of tbe prC>pC*d plan and desaibed ll u "plmltinl tbe aeeda of conupdon.~ the coundl eelected the new medlodoJoo. This plan. although adll wry ftawed. ii a ttep b9c:k from the origlml propoaJ IDllde by Ubby Cowan rwo weeb.., wbk:b Would haw llwa the •power of Goer to~ coundJ memben OM mppoinlfta. The mechodoloo c:bolm requlnl a four out of 8w "super rmjodty" to overtuin 111 Mlanpc by c:oundl memben 11D ..._.. commWIA*1 ~.,, ..... 'lblepecMlcpolcy paaq.._.mHldllllnocyettn pm. . ~ :=t:; I d IO pul Che c:.n blfole.... .,, ........ t~.=\r:=.- wllbe•iddl111rd mlbe~­ whlll ca dllll ~be....., , ( ,,._ ......... of f READERS RESPOND The d~ys may be numbered for the old alleys at Kona Lanes. there 1s talk of a Kohl's department store coming m to replace 1t. What's next up the alley for Kona Lanes ? AT ISSUE : The furure of Ko n a Lanes a nd whethe r it sho uld be re placed by a d epartment s tore . Y t".. Kohl\ -.1orc -.hould Ix· dpproVt'd A bcuer qul">urm '"· Why d<>e<;n't the <.Hy ( ounl'il and Plannm~ Lomma~ion follow the City'., rule-. .tnd regulation ... All 10 affectt>d propt.'rty owners have approved Kohl'!> plan-.. lne plans meet the code and rulel> and regu.lation.c; or the ciry. \,\lhy not approve? Shouldn't the city polHiw ... ht- compeUed to follow lhe ruJe<>? If thl'} du not, the fl.">ldl'lll'> ur thi~ city ... hould bring them to tct'k for a dear dl\n-gctrd of the rule. .. , ;md rt')~tilation.c; or C(hta Mesa Perhap., lhe mayor. a Mf''-<1 Vt•rd1· resident, il> '>W-Jyed by tJ1e oppm11mn ol Robin l.effier and Cind)l Rrenncman or the Mesa Vc•rde ( ommunity 1\.s.'>n llw association doe~ not speak for all of lL'> residenL'i or Mt...a Verde. I for one rt•el that l.effier. Brenneman and olhl·~ have no business pushing the ciry to override ciry rules. TI1t' affected home ownerl> have approved lhe project, ... o '>hould the association ~ its member-. are 1101 unpacted by the project and arC' al be<.t only distant observer; of the approval process. fheir opposition i'i rnL'>placed. Why listen to a negarive nrinonry? My guess is your l.urvey will show mm.t of the ciry residenL'i feel a good <;tore in <i convenieni location would be a d isunity -Mayor Karen Robinson and Mayor Pro Tem Ch ris Steel dissented, preferring a more traditional selection process. Very lare in the proceedings -after midnight -they finally gor around to the actual appointmen ts.. This followed acrimonious dialogue between teel and a person he describes as ·arguably our No. I improver and our No. I wondt'rful replau·ment for what ,., now a derelict l')'l">Orc· Out with I.he derelict. Bring on a 1.trget and K·Mart aJremctllve Hring on Kohl. LARRY PARKER Me<>a Verde I am 1 ll yl'ar.. old and a sruden t. In r~pcm<.t' 10 thl' ~what should we do with Kuna l..ane~?" question, I suggest that Kona I ane'> herome more fixed up and teenctger onented and 1ust maybe re· open rhc movie theater and add somt' type of hangout place where kids can go and 1u-.t hang our I like 11 how ll ts now, hut I wouldn't mind if 11 were a little mon• updated. It is very, very nice that they have uch rt'asonahk• price<; ao; compared 10 Irvine Bowl or Fountain Bowl. I en1oy o;pcnding CIJTle at Kona Lanes \\ith friend-; and meeting new people. w I just think thar it would he -.ad ar we destroyed 11. Thank )'OU for asking for input LAURA MORTON Costa Mesa Save Kona Lanes. Several weclc:s ago, you asked for reader rec;pon!>e about the Pon Theatre in Corona del Mar. Should the old landmark be "c;avecn My thought was. confounded many of his loyaJ supporters. since he opted nor to select o ne o f thein. Nor did he select Walt Davenp ort -a bastion o r reason . srability and intellect on the commission for m ore than two decades and a man Steel had recently advocated for retention. Steel's wartJng influence on the council and rus diminishing suppon in the communiry does not bode well for the Redevelopment Agency, which he chairs. This Is an especially critical time' for the agency. with the proposed tripling in size of the downtown redevelopment area arid the attendant outcry from the community. This is a time that requires a steady hand at the helm. critic,~ Martin Millard. Millard had criticized him for. among other thing.... failing to fulfill his campaign promises and for complaining about only having· one vote. Prior to the selections. Steel launched into a five-minute long disjo inted diatribe in which he accused Mill!lfd of demanding adherence to the Brown Act for mo nths. then advocating the direct appointment concept, which Sled apparently feels tw the poten tial to circumvent that law. Steel's subtequent rambling attempt to apologtlie to potential candidates nor sel«.Ud -beyond pathetic. It was a claMk emnple of too many mouths to feed. He "-d only two political pat.rcJnlle polldom available aAd many suppor1a1 apparently jockeytng for them. So. next month the tenure of the new comrniMioners will begin. How long each will last remains to be seen. ince they will be se.rving •at the pleasure" of their benefactors.. We can onty wall and watch to see how the new commissioners pedonn in their roles. For some of them it may be akin to walking a high wire with one foot on a banana peel -one slip and you're history. nme will tell. During this never-ending couodJ meettna one thlng became clear to me. SleeJ'I 1Upport base seems tQ be det.torattns. During thls m eeting and OChert recently, he has been crtddled ~pJe who ha d a his a~ aupporten. ... tbooc from the hip. • 1 d far thl need to do bk bC>lmwadt and 1111 lnabllcy to stay foc.wllt a udculate bit lhovc"t1 on ... ._. at Mnd ha¥9 ftnally begun to tab thetr toU. His telectlori of a....., he apputindy 1111 newr CMG met -Dennie DeMalo-to the Plaaainl Ccl•mfrrlDD __.haw f Let's hope that. with th.is process behind them. the O ty Council can 6naDy figure out how to manage an agenda so It can be completed during the day ln whJch it begins. It terWS the residenu of t!U9 d i)' poorly when rwo such Important --a the abcM mendoned ~and die tnmim ~ rMew occur after~·­ when molt lntereMCI relklenta twYe ::ct~=~~oltbelr obwwm ~ 10 ....... out 10 lbe bll1" end Ind ...... ..,~ focw IO .... atdcll ...... I .. lpecl lhemmldl_ ... ~ 11} .. llM of course' Why even ask? Had I uropeans razed their old landmark.<, !e.g. Monet's ccrunuy home and glorious gardens. southw~t of Paris; the na ruralist Alexander I lumboldr's ho me in Berbn; the Tour St. Jean in I.a Rochelle on the French coast; the Globe fhearer m Stratford-on-Avon). then American tourists fro m Newport-Mesa would have no place to go. Awww, shucks. Today you a-.k the same question about the Kona Lanes. How !.ad thar folks in Costa Mesa or Corona del Mar would ewn consider destroying -.ues lilce the<ie. How sad that o,ome of u.-. are so shon · ighted and have such a diluted sense of history Let's shed our throw·aw-dy mentallry. Kona Lanes and the Pon Theatre are located on main streets, near coffee shops and restaurants. Don't ra.7.e them. Refurbish them. Rring on the tOurisL'i. FLO MARTIN Costa Mesa Regarding your artide. ~Planner-. give Kona Lanes hope.· I am not in favor of another department store m such dose proximjty co the Target and Harbor Shopping Centers. The ciry of Costa Mesa desperately needs more kid-friendly resources in this area ·It has been a huge loss to the Westside community with the movie theater. Ice Capades and Kona Lanes lost. There are for their participation. GEOFF WEST Co ta Mesa Too many questions remai n regarding Marinapark I con tinue to see columns and letters representing the •fairness· of the prospect of a hotel project on the Balboa Peninsula. When the project is described, It is as a -uo cottage. five-star resort." The fact is that along with the 110 cottages. there is a 7,000-square-foot ballroom with outdoor terrace (business area). a bar, two restaurants, a spa. two swim.ming pools and tennis courts. It will be 37 feet tall ln the middle and 950 feet lonK- lbe Balboa B.y Oub Resort ls also 37 feet tall and only 600 feet long. Imagine a Balboa Bay Oub-tih hotel I ~ times as large. ·eo~ ~rt?• A quaint "boutique hotd1• I don't think so. I am a longtime Peninsula resident across the strttt from the planned hotel. I have not had Stephen Suthe rland knock on my door. although I have approached hlm at a couple of d i)' meetings. I have qui1e a few coo<*tU about the plans for the boteJ. I uted SUthedaod where the workttl would park (not only the hotel tta«, but beJlroom. ratauraru and .,_, wortaen). He Mid he would haw a •part Ind r1c1e·.,... tomewben .._IO lbulde them ln. Do we know wbtft tMt wll ... be located? .. dill • I*! ol cbe plan that ls belns COl..W .... .,, .... dCyf SUtherland ... thlll ...... would not be., ............ to nllc and~ontbepT tr ••cbe ....... for ihe ·-pllt. .. ..... hlwems.-..1 ........ ... ..-............ 1-.a.e 1. w re-.v reneallon and entcnctinment r~urce-. for tJ,e children an th1' pctn of Co'>ta Mt·-.a With aJJ the nt.'\o\ '>hoppin~ renter. alon~ Harbor Boult-v.mJ from Wilson down to the San Diego I ret•wa) the traffic ha-. become .tlmo ... 1 unbearable There have been too mam bilce \ el"'>U..'> car fatabue-. 111 tht' lct...,t · couple of year.. "'1uch will probdhl\ only ancrea...e with the addmun of another large department '>lure and mort' traffic congesoon. And then thert' t.. Home Ranl'h I tooL. my lod~ to lrvme tlw, \\ ~k to go bowbng fhe bnwimg .ilk•\ v. d'> fuJJ of duldren .tild parent~ lxmim~ eaung and playing Meade game' In fact. there W8.) a wcUting Lt-.t for lane<. \\fh\ can't the c11y of Costa Mesa and tht• Seger;crom dynasty find a fanuly·fnendly w.e for tht.-uno1:rup1ed buildings m the Mesa Verde '\hoppmg Center? Perhaps <;0me or tho'>t· Home Ranch dollar<. could go inward renovaong Kona Lane... to make 11 a top-norch recreational cemer \laybe Vans would he mterested m budding a skate parl where the ace nnL. or the thearers used 10 be. While thec;e suggesoon-. md) not generate the amount of tncom~ that another bag department store would. I bet that it would hetp to generate a healthier, more family·cenrered and kid-friendly community with I~ crime. LINDA HOGSETT Costa Mesa re plied that he would have ·waler taxis.· He proposes a 12-shp doclt with additional tie up at 16th street. This wo uld d issect the current shoreline there now. This stretch of ba~ade beach is the lo ngest on the peninsula and provides a beautiful vtt>W all the way to the entrance of the harbor. He also says that the location of the dock would not s top public beach aC'Cess. I believe it would. I'm wondering if this is acceptable use for ddelands. Also, could these "water taxis" ~helping preserve the h arbor that is already polluted? The hotel will ~ ta.king away potS that the p ubUc ls now able to use with a pa.id parldng permit. The residen ts lose here. too. We att owner occupants of a legal non conlonning duplex. We pay our taus and take good ca.re of our home. We have great tenants (year round) who att very good neighbors. As 11 Ii, we don't have family pa.rtin or gatherings around at our house because of the lack or cunent parting. I believe that the trafDc and eovtronmentaJ stud ies will be drastically skewed according to Suth~rtand's claims. 1 have n ot even gone lnto the ddlvery tNCb and late nighl oolte levels. l urge all Newport Beach residents lo not be railroaded by a few choeen people who CttJ that Ibey know bea« than the mldeots what Is good for ua. Al of our tuppoeed input for the ~ Proceta .. tw '*" lpored. nm " my~. 1·m 1Ute tr me ... protea wet'9 propMed acroa t!w .... tom your home you Would ..... 11lb ...... ...,.. protKt for ..... .......... -.. " twmlAM&J .. .............. ' .. I QUOTE OF THE DAY "You know me, I always think we're going to win ' it all. II 1'1111....., Corona def ·Mar boys · tennis coach EYEOPENER •Daily~Pibt 11 Sportl tW fl Fame (l*bnlln11 IJ11> tldlWVllUUI March 3 honO<ee KELLY CAM~ELL M Tuesday, February 25, 2003 · Sports Editor Roger Carlson • (949) 5744223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 Dally Pilot HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO HALL OF FAME Corona del Mar's Pacific Coast League girls water polo champions: Back row (from left), Natalie Wayte, Camille Hewko, Kelsey McCormick, Vivian Liao, Amy Strack, Tracy Kubas. Katya Eadington, Brittany Fullen and Jordan·Anae. Middle (from left), Katie West. Jessica Harkins, · Brittney Bowlus, Daniela DiGiacomo, Danielle Carlson, Christina Hewko. Front (from left), Keelan Cuyler, Kelli Kline. SEAN HILLER I DAILY P1L0f Legendary f orrner Newport Harbor tackle Freeman dies ·The All-CIF player in '44 w~ aµiong the first to t1se weightlifting as means for gridiron conditiohing. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORT BFACH -Dick Freeman, an AIJ-QF Southern Section foolball Standout for Newport Harbor High in the 1940s and a member of the Baily Pilot Sports Hall of Fame, bas died He was 76. Freeman, who died of heart failure Fri- 1111111 Daily .6Pilot 1111111 1 ;!.%. ·~r.:..· Spor18 Hall ol Fame tling illnesses I -~ lnlJJJI( 0• md~ DHIUll• for more than . five weelcs, was a legendary tadde for the Sailors from 1942 through '44, meriting All-CJF honors in '44, and was also a World War II vet- eran. He lived in the Newport-Mesa com- munity for 70 years. · Freeman, who attended Newport Grammar School, played his senior year of football, then entered I.he U.S. Navy as soon as he turned 18 on Oct 4 of thal autumn. He was among I.he first athletes ever to utiliz.e weightlifting as a way to enhance his play on the gridiron, developing into a rod-solid two-way tackle for the Tars. Freeman's successor at tadde at Har- bor. Dick Harper, once said Freeman "was one o~ I.he greatest tackles I ever saw." According to I !arbor football historian and scribe Don C,antrell, Freeman, a backup on the 1942 Sunset league championship squad but one of only two sophomores on the team, made the All- CJF team in '44 when making • All-CIF meant a lot more than it does today ... because I.here was just one division of big schools and small schools. There weren'r HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS STEVEMcCRANK/DAILYPLOT Corona det Mar senior standout Garrett Snyder, who has signed with Texas, wiH play No. 1 singles for the sea Kings. G-man, Ball will lead Sea Kings Mang's CdM squad should be tops in Orange County, with Brentwood looming as toughest CIF Divlalon I foe. ........ .,.. DailyPlot (J)ll)NA DID. MAI -1bere will be two .......... I • .. .... Corona dllMlr .......... tmll ..... • , ' son: One in the Pacific Coast League last year," added Mang. whose squad and the other in the CIF Southern Sec-finished 23-3 and ranked No. 1 in Dlvi- tion Division I Playoff& slon V. but Jost in the semlfinaJa to "All the good teanw an beck in Divi-Brentwood, 10-8, in a clauic playoff lion I now, except Untvmllty (which battle on the Sea King&' court& waa ranked No. l in OMllon D at the Corona def Mar, ~ No. 1 in end of last year)," u¥t wtenn CdM Orange County lat year, will likely open head coach Tun Mang. wllOl8 blahJY re· in that apot again this sprins with noy garded team will ecp.-off twice holding down the No. 2 ranking. against the Th>jans for tbe ~ PCL d· '"Bverybody'a down a little tfUa year," tJe, then face the pabllble 111'81 of saJd Mang. referrin.g to the Onnp Brentwood, Siil Mublo md Hmftrd· County landlcape. Westlake ln·ukn-comp;dlM Dlwllioll l. "All the beat ......... DMllon v . aD lhese brackets, or A. B 'and C or AAA There was none of that When you made All-OF, you were it" Freeman's daughter. Jill Stacie. said fu- neral services will be held Thursday at noon at Pacific View Mortuary Otapel in Corona del Mar. Freeman is survived by his wife of 45 years. Jan. two daughters. Leslie and Jill and three grandchildren: Emily Tong. 13. Madeline Stacie. 12. and Riley Slack. 9. ~Dick was so proud of his years at Har- bor High and so proud of his days In foot- ball," his wife said Monday night "There was a group of friends who'd grown up in Newport and stayed together for so many years. It's so amazjng. They all felt it W"dS a privilege to · have grown up in New- port." Freeman, who trav· eied the world for seven · yeaTh. retired from a consulting business. but later re- entered the work Dick Freeman force because of boredom. During an interview for I.he Hall of Fame, which ran Feb. 12. 2001. he told this reporter "it's been a good, full life." PRO TENNIS Dent captur~s Memphi s title Former Sea King dominates Roddick to win second ATP Tour event in eight months. ' Dem, who lives in Huntington Beach. is the son of longtime area teaching pro Phil Dent, the former Australian Open finalist from down under. Tuylor Dent, who lost his first three matches this year before catching fire in Memphis, won the 1996 CIF Southern Former Corona del Mar High boys Section singles championship as a Co- tennis standout Taylor Dent. 21, cap-rona del Mar freshman under Coach tured his second title on the Association Tim Mang, then turned pro two years of Tennis Professionals Tour when he tater. He only played one year of high defeated Andy ROddiclc. 6-1, 6-4, in the school tennis. championship Sunday of the Kroger St Making his second appearance in an Jude Tournament In Memphis, Tenn. · ATP Thur final, Dent has now two titles Dent, who won the Hall of Fame lnvi-ln eight months. tational last year at Newport, RI., over-The Kroger Sl Jude event featured the powered Roddick with his serve-and-16th al-American final on the ATP Tour volley game, which bas improved since since 1997, and only the fifth not featur- Oent made a few adjustments on his big lng either Andre Agassi or Pete Sampras. serve to alleviate back pain. By Rlcbard Dunn OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK r l "\ . .. Dally Pilot S PORT S Tuesday Februaty 25. 2003 A.7 Bryan Warsaw. a senior. will counted on to play singles and doubles for the Sea Kings ttus season. TENNIS Continued from· A6 The ~a KJ nw-. howt•\cr, appear as 'itrong a . ., ewr with lexa'>- bound -.enior .,1a11dm11 (.,arrell Snyder at No. I .,ingle-. and sophomnn.• '>Outhpaw ..erl!klti1111 Car;ten Bal.I ar No. 2 ~ingl~ nwy lost Cameron Hall IO l,rratluation last year Ille 1~111 hrmlwr. havt' been compc1111g 111 1\u,trnJia - Cameron in pro '>Jlellitc event'> and (::ar.,len Lil JUlllOr IOUnla· men~ C.ar.1en won a 1ourna· menl t>arller lhL'> year down u11- dtr "I 11,•,, playing in all kind., of toumamen~ • Mru1g '>aid of Car· .,ten. whm.e father, Syd. i.'> a fur· mer touring pro and Au.\lralian Davi., Cup member, and who~ brother i.s playing hie, rookie earn· pa1gn on the satellite circuit. After Snyder <md Ball. the !-ica King., will count on W~ley MiJler or Spencer Re1l7q both sopho· mon..,, 10 fill tl1e No. J c,ingl~ po· 'IUon. and whoever doe.n't play 'lllglt"i will post up a'> the lead on the No I doubles team. Mang -.aJd Miller. who played No. I dou bl~ lac,t year, and Reil7 are inier- changeahJc. Senior Bryan WaNtw and junior Brennan Robert.., wtU pl.iv either No. I or No. 2 douhlt.><>. nut nCCl"-'-.ltlly together. '>enior ls- '>t'i Said.a could play No. I doubles again w11h Miller, while sopho- mon· double-. players Alex Ngu- yrn aml 1chola.., (,ingold round olll Mang\ lop 111ne. ~.'llior Ir.in < .u-.hul'. '><>pho· more Scan Pham and fre.hman Hoben Koury have the best shots ol c.r.ick.in g a ~pol i11 the varsity double-. lineup thib SCCL!.On. one in which the <.ica King-. will open with new ncmc-.i-. and rival Brent- wood. llw Eaglt.><; urxet the top- <,('(.'(]t.-d Sea Kinw.. 10-8. in the CIF Division V '>t'mifinal'> la.o.t year. "Ynu ltnuw me. I always lhinlc we·re going to win it all. ·mats my .11tm11.le Cahou1 th1'> c;eason)." COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL S11WWIC/OM.YPl.OT ~ Jllllllf WlcCll (231pubup119atws Poif LOml dl .. idln lllt·l'undly In ~come 1ram blhild 5445 wen. w ...-to Cli1stiln Hlt'llp tDdlJ. . PtiOTOS 81 DOt-l I.LACH I DM.Y PLOT Carsten Ball, a sophomore sensation , wall hne up at No. 2 singles for Corona del Mar an 2003. - Mang said. ~we1J win league. then go and win CJF. That's our warn goal. It's time the seniors '>lcp up to the plate. They promJS(.'tl me they'd come through. War;aw and Saida c;aid they will come through And the G-man (Snyder) and (;ir- sten will always do their job ... Snyder, mnked sixth in Southern California in 1he boy'> 18s and a top-50 player nationally. signed an early national le11er of intent with Texru.. Snyder won the 2001 CIF dou· bles championship with Bnan Morton (now at UC Irvine) and last year's CIF doubles title with Carsten Ball. becoming only tht• sixth player in CIF Southern ~- uon h~tory '>tnce 1922 to win two C.11· double-; Litle<. with two differ· cnt partner.. \Viii he go for J three-peat? Mru1g ~d he\ aiming for )lllgles play in the 2003 p<J'>t· '>t'a'>On. hut thmg. can always ch,mge. ~nyder abo once cap· 1un.>d an Ojai double., title with Cameron Ball. Univen.11 y\ nauonally ranked playcn.. including Jack Lee and Aaron YOV"d!l. will probably get their wt.no. agairu.1 the Sea King<.. who believe they have more depth th.rn the Trojaru. and Lht• ab1luy to wm a., a team. ~We open with BrenfWood !March 4 at home). and 1ha1 will he our tnughe--1 match of the BRIEFS -----occ earns No. 4 seed COSTA MF.(\/\ -l>e!.pite 10~111~ the final two gam~ of the ')Ca'iCm, the Orange Coa'it Colll>ge women's basketball uyam earned the No. 4 seed in the ~>uthem California Regional Playoff~ and. along with that, a fin..1 -round bye. while the OCC men were "'-'Cdt'd 18th and will ~it Mt. San Antonio in the first round Friday at 7 p.m. The Coast women. who fin ished 25-7 and ranked No. 8 in thf' state. earned the luxury of a bye. needing only two wins to advance to the state wumament March 14-16 at the University of San 01· ego. Coach Mike Thornton's Pt· rates will host a second-round game March 5 against the winner of No. 13 Cerritos and No. 20 Santa Monica The OCC men. who finished 20-12. were o~ seeded 20th. but were bumped up to 18 since the 13th seed was Riverside and no two teams in the same conference can meet in the first JC WOMEN'S TENNIS: Orange Loa.'>L wphomore •\..,h ky 1't-L°'°11 won in <.,tngf~ and double<. al the Soull1wt,.,1em 111d1 vidual 1oumamen1. completL'<l Sunday. . Nelson defeated a foe from Riverside. 6·3, 6-1. m the i;ingl~ final and teamed with freshman Rachael Sessum to earn a 6-2. 6-0 doubleb final Ulumph over a duo from Saddleback. Ncl'><ln·~ singles victory came among No. 2 singie. compeotol"'> from 12 schoob. OC:C freJunan Michelle Wen- slo. compeung in the No. 6 single-. lbght. also earned the tournament crown. She defeated a Saddleback rival. 6-3. 7-5. in Lile final. Fresh· man Sabnna Tanamal was de- feated in the final of the No. 3 sin· gles Oight. 6-2. 6-2. by a competitor fmm Cerritos. SCHEDULE TOOM' .... .,.. . I College -UC Irvine at USC. 6 p.m .; Cal Baptist at Vanguard, 2 Azusa Pacific, 2 p.m. Community oollege men - Orange Coast at Cypress, 2 p.m. year." Mang "'ud .. I have d feehng we·n be pla\1ng the F.agle.l agam m the < 11 I mal'> 'l<> Brentwood "''II ht' our fir.t. and hopefully our l..L'>t, rnarth of the vear" :-. tang. knm\TI ..t'> a thorough "4:11u1 of h11urt· LdM opponents. "'1!d h1., -.quJd "'111 ·remember· la-.L \l',1r when HrcntwoOd sent lhl' <x-.1 lo.:mg., homt in the play· oth \ h l.11h l.now (the 1-.agles') hlll'll(l ngh1 no"': ~lang said ·· 01t'\ l.no'' \\h,11 they haw to do \\1• rt· grnng to .. urvn'l' them a In· lll' .. \tang. t·111t·nn~ lw, 10th year as Lilt' "'-'J ... lllg'> tc>Jl h, L!> dho host· mg 1lw 1h1rd 1nnual C.dM Na- 11011.tl lm11a11onaJ \larch :! I 22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebr..iting the Daily Piiot's Athlete of the Week series M ONDAY 22 (j,1ry Robinson Newoort Harbor Boys basketball, '99 21 Nattwwl Ww Costa ~ Foott>dll '98 '99 19 Krrsti" Hanson Corond r1el mar Gort<, SOCC'Pr 02 TOOAY 18 Kalpy N"< lllewoort Harbor F1elr1 hockPy 01 20 Jpnrry Cumm1n!. Corona dcl Mar Girls tradr. 98 DEEP SEA •. • •• •• .. :: •. .. •• •• •• •• . , .. ., ., ., :1 . . · .. •' -· MONDM''S COUNTS ! ; Newport Lanclnt -2 boata. 31 :! anglers. 2 sand baa, 1 heh"but. 24 • • sculpin, 1 calloo ba•. 1 r! sheephead, 12 blacbmith perch. i:: p.m. .......... College men -OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK Vanguard at Christian Heritage, 7:30 p.m. College women - Vanguard at Christian Herit8ge, &.30 p.m . .... High~ girte-canyon .. COfON def Mlf, 3 p.m.; C:O...Meeeet s.nt. Monk:e, at John~ Middle~lft S....Moftice.3 p.m. ... ,. Col9ge-* • • d•c.t -·. d1ld, , p.lft. ..... C'lallll--- Vlrl .. rrd• .... .... ..• . , ..... ~z:a::-...-:;;;-------~.-.-.·-.-. ~-... _...,.. ... .• ~---------.--~-·-._-~ ~ ..... _~ __ ..__ ...... ____________ _ . Al Tuesday, February 25, 2003 SPORTS Dally P1M S£AN HILLER/DAILYPILOT Estanc1a's Xochitl Byfield drives past Westminsfer's Rochelle Estrada in recent action. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER Costa Mesa, CdM battle second-round opponents Mustangs visit Santa Monica in Div. III; CdM hosts Canyon in Division II. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot Corona del Mar 1 ligh enters to· day'ci c;econd round of the the CU: Southern Sccuon Divi,ion II girls soccer playoffs with an heir of fa . miliari1y, while Co!>ta Mesa. the No. 2 '>t.'ed in Divi-;ion Ill. is at· tempting to move on to un- chaned territory. Coi.ta Me'ia (19-1·2). is O·I in second-round cont~ts. having advanced pa!>l the fir..t round for the fir..t Lime in the program'1o his· 1ory last year. 111e Golden West League champion~ will attempt to advance to Thursday\ quarter- finalci with a 3:15 p.m. clash against Santa Monica (13-5-2) at John Adams Middle School, 2425 16Lh St in Santa Monica CdM (11-5·2), which has reached the CIF Division IV i.emi· finals each of the last three sea· c;om.. hosts Canyon of Anaheim (13-6 4), in a Division II contest al'>O '>Cheduled for 3: 15. Costa Mesa's second post.season victory came in convincing fash· ion Friday. as Coach Dan Johns· ton's high-scoring outfit roUed over visiting John Glenn, 8-0. The victory. which included four goals by returning All-CIF senior Sharon Day, extended C:Osta Mesa's win- ning streak to I 4 and upped its unbeaten streak to 19 games.. The Mustangs have out.scored oppo- nents. 106-13, this season. Day, .the reigning state high jump champion who~ also an all-league and AD-Newpon-Mesa perf onner while leading the girls volleyball team to the progam's first league title Last fall, has a team-high 28 goals and 33 assists th.is season. The Mustangs are also keyed by sophomore Jenny Sparks (25 goals and 13 assists) and freshman Jas- min Day, Sharon's sister. (23 goals and 14 assists.) Sophomore Nilani Duarte (nine goals and JO assists), sophomore Vera Gale (eight goals) and sopho- more Rachel Hughes. all scored single goals Friday, when the Mus- tangs outshot John Glenn, 26-1. Santa Monica. the runner-up in the Ocean League behind South Thnance. advanced to the second round with a 2· I win Friday at Cy- press. The <:osta Mesa-Santa Monica winner will advance to face either Yucaipa (19-2-3) or Centennial of C:Orona (l2-7-2) in Thursday's quarterfinal. Johnston said if rain makes the John Adams Middle School field unplayable. they will move to a newty built high school in Santa Monica and play the game on an artificial surface. Johnston did not know the name of the new ·high school, but said both teams will meet at John Ad- ams first , regardless of weather conditions. then caravan to the new slte. if necessary. CdM, which had its three-year streak of Pacific c.oa,,i League ti· des halted with a second-place finish to Northwood, got past Murrieta VaUey. 2-1, in Friday's opening round Jenny Long and Alivia Mazura scored to give CdM a 2-0 lead, before the second· place team from the Southwest· em League got on the board. CdM has shut out nine oppo· nents this season, while being shut out just three times. First- year C.Oach Bryan Middleton's squad includes three-time All·CIF performer Elisha Morgan. as well ao; fellow seniors Paige Janes and l;turen Shepherdson, who have twice received All-CCF honors. Canyon, champion of the Cen- rmy ·League. bretl.Cd . .througtube..:.. first round with a 7-0 triumph over visiting lfuilto. II was the 14th shutout of the season posted by the C:Omanches. who have out- scored teams. 47-17. Canyon. ranked No. 6 in the final CIF Oivi· sion a poll. has been shut out six times. The CdM-Canyon winner will advance 10 meet either No. 3- seeded Canyon of Canyon C:Oun· try (20-1-0), champion of the Foothill League. o r Golden League champion Quartz Hill (12-6-2) in Thursday's quanertinal. .. . , . ,• PREPS Estancia crossing the l~ne Girls basketball team's antics giving school a black eye. W atching Estancia High gi rls basketball has become like viewing a Mike Tyson Interview. Both are often hard to understand and neither can be endured without wincing. Excessively hard fouls have become the norm for the team identified by a sign next to player photos in its gym as the "lady ballers," while a general disr espect for sportsm anship and officials has become alarmingly routine. Other ·unfortunate on-court behavior. such as one player quitting on teammates by refusing to retreat to the defensive end of the court, was witnessed in the Eagles' CIF Southern Section Division Ill-A second-round loss to visiting Harvard-Wesclalce. · Playing hard is to be admired and physical play is often a byproduct of competitive drive. But cheap-sh ot elbows and windmill whacks to opponents attempting layups. clearl y cross the llne. This behavior is ne ither cute, nor cool. and need s to be rectified by those paid to implement institutional control. After one of many hard foul-; left a Harvard-Wes tlake player s played on the noo~ under the basket, a Wolverine rooter yelled. ~1 want to press charges." He was k1dding. I think, but his point was not without m erit. ••• There are Estancia • players for whom the aforementioned criticis m is baseless. One of these is senior Xochitl Byfield, who capped a magnificent · four-year varsity for years. was led from his usual front-row seat across the court to the scorer' table. where he was presented with a plaque that included a team photo and a n inscription. It was a nice gesture and richly deserved. • •• BARRY • FAULKNER Sage 1 lill School's CIF Division rY-A boys bas ketbaJI playoff loss to Yeshiva Saturday night was unusual for more than the four overtimes it took 10 decide. career Sarurday with the type of exemplary effort that should be a beacon to players at all levels. Byfield scored a game-high 18 points, compeling valiantly to the finish. then, after shaking hands with the v?ctors, fell to both knees in tears, in front of the Estancia bench. She remained there for several minutes, seemingly oblivious to the attempts by teammates to console her, before walking 10 the locker room for the final time as a prep. Senior Tisha Gray ( 14 points and nine rebounds) also displayed the kind of effort that has made her an invaluable cog In the run of back-to-back league championships, a feat accomplished only once before in Lhe program's history ( 1960-81 ). ••• Before tipoff Saturday night at Estancia, the Eagles recognized super fan Ted Argott for his devotion to the program. Argott. a fixture at m ost F-stancia athletic even u. Lightning Coach Steve Keith said the Westside Jewish Community Center in Los Angeles, where the game was played , had no bleacher~. bent rims and a red. white and blue net o n one of the basket~. The game, originally scheduled for Friday at 7:30 p.m .. was shifted to Ii p.m. Saturday to honor rt>ligiou1o beliefs tha t prevent Yci.hiva student-athle te!> from competi ng on the Sabbath, sundown Friday to .,undown Saturday. ... Costa Mesa I ligh'!> H 0 victory over John Glenn Friday 111 the first round of the Cl F Division Ill girls soccer playoff'>. wa1o the most lopsided in the divl\ton. but hardly unique in rt•<,pect to dominance. . The division·., 16 w/!.mer-. Saturday out'\r<Jred 1\pponerll., by a combined 49 -J SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa's Nilani Duarte connects on a header in recent action against Orange. ' e Call (949) 642-5678 ,, r Daily Pitot _Lllll.:;..._lllCll ___ M_ i.lllllalcls _.lfAOI anamca AmA ...., .............. .., ...... ,.... ~25,2003 CURRENT BUSINESS PROPOSED RCfUSE COLLECTION SCHEDULE CHAl'«;ES (4:25 P.M.) PUBLIC HCAIUNCS COUNCR REVIEW Of THE APPROVAL Of MOOIFICAllON PCRMIT NO. 2003·003 I HE ENCROACHMENT Of A 12·FOOT WIOC CNTRY PORCH wnHJN TH( 9 FOOT FRONT YAR D SETBACK ISJO & 1!>32 OCEAN BOULCVARO BAV'VIEW S(NIOR Af FORDABLE HOUSING CONSISTING Of 150 UNITS ON APPROX! MATELY FIV£ A~ES & Ul'PER BAYVICW LANO ING VIEW PARK. CONTINUED BUSINESS [)(VELOPMENT LOAN AGRCCME NT WITH NEWPORT HOUS ING PARTNERS. l P FOR SCNIOR AffOROABl£ HOUSING AT LOWCR BAYVIEW LANDING MARINAPARK RESORT PROJ(CT RECOMMCN OATIONS or AO liOC COUNCIL COMMtnH PROPOSfO CONCCPTUAL APPROVAL or PROJECT OCSCRIPTION ANO sec O N O PROPO S ED AMENOMCNT TO SUIH EALAND !ALLA HOSPI TALITY CSTH) ACRH MCNT CURRENT BUSINC,SS ANNEXAllON or AREA 7 (WCST SANTA ANA HEl<iHTS. SANTA ANA COUNTRY CLUB ANO SOUTH or MCSA) LETTER TO ORANGE COUNTY LOCAL ACCNCY FORMATION COMMIS SION (LAf CO). FISCAL IMPACl ANO RCLATfD ANA.LYSCS POllNllAl RCVISIONS TO CITY IRH ORDI NANCCS ANO POLICIES Pubh\hed Newport Beach Co~t~ Me\.a D••ly Pilot F e br uu y 25. 2003 1060 1.01 • Tll(, DATUMD PUCI, HAllOI YIW IWIBfTMY SOIOOl A. 114 0,...1"' n ... . ..... .... 0 .... 11 ... , f to••"•y, April 1st, 20031 11 :00 ...... B Plitt of Bid Re ce1pl Nwwporl Me s a Unified SchOof D1\lt1CI PUfchu1n1. 298S 8 BHI Sl~Ml Cosl1 Mesa, C• 9?626 C ProJttt Name Mt•\UI& "A" Mode1n lat1on Harbor View Eltmenl•IY D. Pl1co Pl111s 11e on hie· PROJl:CT MANAC ER'' ufllu, McCarthy Bulld1n1 Co.mp1nlu , 20401 S,W B11ch Stteel, S111te 300, Newport Buch. CA 92660 Mee., th, .B ulld1n a Compan1es/Musu1 • ·A· Olhce, 298!> C Bea1 Street, Cn•I• Mtu . Ca 9~26 t .0 2 SUMMHY Of WO .. Pro1acl Oner lpllon This pro,..cl LOn•tsh of lhe phued moder mu lion of 111 elementary •Chool in the Newpor I Mtu Unified School D1st11ct r he bid pad•&• will consist ol lla1 bor lllew E tement•r y School P11hnrn1111 C \hmate '3.300,000 00 I .OJ NOTICl1 A NOTICC IS H(RCBV GIVCN lhal Ntwpo11 Men Unified School 01str1cl a< lln& by .nd lhroueh 11' Cov''"'"I Bo11d w1ll 1ece1ve ualed b•ds far aw11 d ol a contr•cl lor lhe .ibove named P1 OJMI up lo. but not lale1 lhan the bid deadl111e B Bid\ ,h•ll be 1 e Cf'IV~d Ill lhe plale •den llft•d •bovr Whelh•1 or not bid~ •• • opened ., •t lly al lhe lime haed 1n thl\ nolKe no bid will b• rtt e1ved aflu lhe b•d de•dhne t PLANS ANO ~PC e If ICA !IONS ARC AVAIL ABU NOW lhe dutu menl\ m•y be reviewed al lhr PROJ(CI MAN ACER'\ olllt t (He addr~\\ •I'm II below) OR CAN !:IC PIJRCHASfD fROM INfUtNlT llUIPRINT: t6372 c ............ .. c.,.,.,. lrvl,.., CA. 9260 6, (949) 552- 7511, JAX (9'9) 552- 1209 0 luh BIOOlR must po\! • bid bond or other utur1ty 1n lhr amount of 10% of lht amount uf lht bid with lh• bid l r uh BIOOCR. ,, multan•u1J\ly with lhe tucurmn ul lhr Con t1ul Airttmenl will be 1equ11ed lo fui111sh a La bor JOO Materr•I Perlor ma nee l:lond in an •muunl equal lo I 00 perunr nl the tonh al.I Po li<·" . sum and a fatthful P•formatKe Bond tn an amount equal to 100 pe1c:1nl of th• Cont1acl Sum. Said Bonds shill be ft om 1n • 1dmttted C1llf0tnl1 Surety sau,. factory to the D1slrtct and hsted 111 the f tde1 al R1eisl.,. luued l>y the Department of lr•Hu1 y and hcensed m C1hfor ni1. Said bonds shall remain in full force and effec t lh1oueh t he euat antiM ptrt0d F. The BIOOCR shall be a hunsed contraclor pu1~tunt lo the BU\1neu and Profeu1onah Code and be licensed in lhe aP1>hc-1ble class1hca11ons for the trades lor which the contractor I\ iub m11t1ng a bod. C. Th1s p101e1.t has 31. Disabled Veteran Busi nus E 11te1pr1s1> par l1t1 pat1on eoals. H Quu11on\ liboul this PROJEC I should be directed to lhe PROJCCT MANAC(R Contact Bonnie Mar tin, Telephone 114/424 8950. f1rm McC11thy Bu1ldm1 Co FAX 714/ 424 8951 Address ~ C Bui Street, Cost• M"'a, Ca 92676 I No Bid may be Wtlhdrawn until s,. fy day~ alter tho tltd Opening Dal" J The 01slrot t re•••••~ the t11tht to re1ett any and all bod~ or lo waive '"·~ul•rll•e• '" a nr btd II Ne wport Mt•a Unrhtd School 01stncl I\ an -equal opportun1ly t!nlpluyet L The l>l ..... n will loo ,....,,, ... I• tw• ...... lfy. f•>r preQu•hht al1on p1rk•1u pltd\t conlacl the Pro,.c1 Manaa•• •I abovt .dorns M No telephone 01 lat \11n1le mathme #Ill be •v .. 1lable to b1dd•I\ un tht OISTRICl p1cmnses al the time ol bid Publlsh•d Newpor I BuLh Co•,11 Mo • Daily P1lot f ebr uar y l!I Ms1t h 4. 2003 1057 Sllmll CCUT Of~ f<aA. (OllfTY Of QI. AMit lAICmAUX .lJSl1CI CBITTUSTAn OU&M D. KllTTA, All. MM DA~ MTA,o.c-4, wuo. A2141 26 NOllCI Of SME Of IUl PIOPBTY flOl.CODl §IQll NOllC£ IS HERE8V CMH 11\111 Atv. S. K~. ""' ~tor cA Ille C Jt9le ol A1¥t 0. Kun., O.C .. J.ed. wiN sell al prtviile sale, subjlct IO conf11ma'tlon by the Supero ~ on 01 after Mar ch l 2003. .t II :00 • m in ~. L·73 tn the above captioned COUit lol.aled at 341 The City Duve, Or itf1C9, CA 9Zll68, the folowwic ,.., property ol t he estate: Real Pf operty Ill the Qty of c..ta Moisa. County of Or 1f111, SIJlta of Cafdorna, COfM)Only known .n 318 Sydr,.y L-. Cost.I Mesa. CA and mote patticuWly ~!bed » follows· A coodom1mum COft'Cl(tSed of P11cel I. An undovded 1/15 percent tnlerest '" Mid to Loi I' of 1 r-.ct No. 9559, '" the City of Costa ~. County of Or~. SIJlle ol Calif or""'· as per map r ecordad in boo!< 3'35 pa~ 11 and 12 of "'~maps, and amended '" boo!< 40!> paen 14 and 15 of lllGCebneous maps, In ""' olf1u of the county 'ecor dow of slld wunty C •cepl1nc therefrom unrts 342 and 348 '" butld1ne A, urm 324 330 • .nd 3J6 In blJlldln& B. unit~ ~. 312 and 318 '" bU<idKtg C. Urllt\ )I I, 317, J21 and "12.3 1n bu11d"'1 0 llllld untl>. 335. 341. dnd JA 1 Ill butldine £. ~ "'°"'' UllOll the condo-m1n1um plan 1ecordesf Matc.h 9 1977. '" bool< 12091 ~ 669 of offic~ , tear ch. , " , 9COf ded May 17 197/ '" bOOk 12199 ~ 10 of ott1e..i rewr<h Md re 1e..orded .luly 1977 '" bool< 1'017 ~ 1902. ott1Cial rl!C.OrOS P•cel 2. unr1· 318 in butlOoi c. ..., shown upon lht! condomrnium plan refenr.d to abOve Tho t«rm and oondlt1ons of ..ai.. ., e I All cash lo S4:11er SS.IXX> ~ 2. Bu.,,,, M>d St-lie< to each pay one/lialf ( /, > ol norm.ti ..-.uow f~ 3 \eller to pro.nd!! Buy.:t with • U I.VAL.TA policy of Tiiie ....... ..._. 4 ~ lo PdY fur termite 111 <;0ec hon IU1d """'°"'.ate c~t of r.p..• 5 AJI Iii•~ ;111d ~nen ~'IOC• ''""' ~ lo be pro rated "' tlow ol ~ow 6 s.-1-., lo pr ovtde Birytt with d °hoo1" protel-llon pttn • M<Jed by r rdetrty Ndlin<Wt The c~t ot the ·p1.iin· ..naM nol uteed UlO 00 l P, ope-1y lo be pur C"-1 •A a· MJbtKt to lf1ICIOCtlon by Buyw Al leftt f Ml ~ (Rl.w>.00) Dolwi lnU$I be paid wtlh the ott• and the ~ must be paid on cloM of ~ow aft• 'onfw mehot1 by the Court Bllb or o"-' •• wwlted tor IM property They must be 111 wr ltJt1& and wtl be '~ al the t..w OfflcH of Thomils W. Clllan. »!Wt ney for the ldmine.htor, et 2501 C ~A-. Su:te 100, rlllerton, CA 92831, or hr '""'Y be tiled wtltl the d9rk of ttia c:o;.w1 or dttt,,_llld to Thomas W C6Ml i-SONll!y •I /tll'f bme •It« pub!Qtion of tlM not1ee Mid be for• tile sale TheUf~I~ the •llllrt to rt,..::1 •'"Y and dbtCt\ Dated r eb 4, 2003 !SI Anne S Kulla, Administrator ot tt.., l~e ol NM\ 0 KUila, Oecused /SI Tl'tc>tlw. W C.... Alt0t ner fOt Anne S Kutu, Adtrww.tulor Published Newport &ach Cos~ M6t. Dally Prk>I r f:btuary II. 18. 25. 2003 1044 FlctltlMlwillKs --.s...... l h• lollowma person~ are do1n11 bu•lnen n . Rant ho H~!O lender•. 245 f "Chet Avenue, Suile A l , Co•ta Mesa. CA 92626 jo•eph H C .. 1111 Tr us lee of '°""Ph H C1t1ol, CPA. 1n "''ounllng Co1po11 loon, P1ol1t Sha"nK T1u•I 19 Canyon Cresl Orrve. Coron• del Mar CA 9~25 k>seph H e .,ol. ltustee of Cl1d1~ l oh Mar1tal Oeduclton lrust. 245 f 1•cher Avenue, Su lie A l. Co•ta Meu. CA 926 26 lo'4!ph H Carol Ir u•lee of Eula M~aher 1980 lrusL 19 Canyon C1est 011ve, Cotona del Mat CA 9?62!> Carmtn Oyh•uabdl. Jl871 C1tm1no Cap1slra no. S•n Juan C1tp1strano CA 9261!> lhomn RodllfUO!t 401 W1lsh11• San Lui\ Rey. <.A9~7 k>seph I l mma 11 and Par.y A [ mma Detla talion ol lrust. 8112 Garfield Avenut Hun tlng!on Bu~n. CA 92646 W Rod Sterrt, a pro ln•uJn•I t 01 purat1on, Tru•tee of the W Rod Stern Prolot Sh•""I Pl1n1 I Su lerrace, .. Newport Coul, CA ~1 This business 19 con ducted by: io1nt ventUfe Have you star1ad dotne buslnn s yet? No Joseph H. C1rol This statem1n1 wH filed with lll• County Cl~rll of Oranae County on 01/22/0J 200uuo .. s Dally Piiot r eb 4, 11, 18, 25. 2003 T033 ll011C10f AYMmlJY Of AmlAl llPOIT lhe lullowln& persons are dotnR bus1nu~ n OICll AL SERVICE COM PANY 1041 Wwsl 18th Street. Sull~ A I OS, Co,11 Mt\I, Caltlorn1a 92627 Call Lea Chr1s1t1nwn, 27555 8elloiient•. Ml' "on V1e10. C1hforn1a 92691 Ivy Lin ChrrsltanSfln 275!>5 Bello&ertte, Ml\ lion V1e10. C1hforn1a 92692 I h1s bu\lnns " con Pursuant to Sectt0n du,led by co parlnt•~ 6104(d ) ol tht Internal Have rou started do1flK Revenue Code, notice 1s bu"nus yel1 Yn 02/ hereby a•ven lhal the 01/0l annual 1eport fo1 the Carll Chrosllan•on CALENDAR yur 2002 of Thi\ •tatemenl ,. ••• LUTHERAN GOOO SA hied w1lh the County MARITAN SOCI[ fY. INC, Clerh ol 01anae Count~ a pn•ate tounda11on is on 02/03/01 .v,1l1ble al 1he foun 20036932 t St dalton's principal off tee Daily Pilot Fob 25 M .. , 101 1nspecllon du11na 4, 11, 18, 2003 10!>9 1ecula1 bus1nes• hours Ill.....,_ L .....t-_._ from 8·30 AM lo 5 00 m-~ PM by ilny ttllzen who "-S...... requests it w1th1n 180 The lolto•"n& pet\OO\ days a lier the date ot •• ~ doinc bu\one•s u thtS publrcallon Proie,1 r undini C.arpo The loundiilllon s prin r•l•on 170 Nrwpoit c1pal office •~ localed •I Cenler Ollve •7 4'> 245 Heliotrope Ave . Nt wport 9,.;ch CA Corona del Mv . CA 92660 92625. PFC Lorporalo<)n (0( I. The pr1nc1pdl man,;11~• 170 Newpur I !,erlt•• D• , of the foundation •~ Jane •24~. Ntwpor 1 Bra• h , H•leendorf <.A 92600 l[O l RITCHI(, CPA r hi\ bu\'""'' ,. <.un JOI [ Color lido Blvd dut led by a torpei1 allu11 Ste 209. P1 uden•. CA Hav~ ~vu 'illrled do1ne 91101 bi"rn•v yet> t., I ll Published Newpo 11 88 ' Beach Costa M~u D•~y Pre C111po1•t"'" ~JI t eb1uary r&:a I Luu•'. M Lr•\•,., Pre\I dtnt fktiMe. t.iltss lhl\ ldl~m~nt was Tuesday, February 25, l003 At Thi\ statement wn flied with the Count1 Cltrh ol Or art&• C1>11rtly on 01/31/03 200S69Jta7S Daily P1lol f tb 4. 11 . 18, 2!>,200J T028 Ac-.. ..... --.s...... This sl•l•m.nl wn flied wtth th• County Clttll of Or 1na• County on 01/06/0J 200169215 SI Ot1ly P11o1 f eb 4, 11 18,25.2003 1036 Rdlllm ..... ... s...... Iha follow1na panons The follow1na pe1sons a1a domit bu•mess a.. are do1n1 busmen H Stewb1<1. 207 Cect.< St Chatln R Sulon, MD Sit A Newporl Buch 27S Victofle Sh eel 2'H C1hforn11 92663 Costa Mtse CA 92627 Ce<lf&• Sta .. art, 101 Chatln RObatl S.-1 tort e edat SI Ste A New I An lu 11 vrne t A po•I But h Caltforn1a 9~20 9266J lh1s bus1n.-n 1\ ton M11•yi RubtO 801 N dut l•d by "" 1"llmdu•I ln•ra SI •182. Ana Have you st ... ted du1n11 heim t 1hlorn1• 92801 bustnen yet' Nu l hl\ bu$1nen 1s ton Charin R Su ton dut led by • 11eneral lhts \l•lemenl ..,,., p~11n,u \h1p f1l•d wolll the Cuunly Th• lolk>w1111 peoon• ar • dollll bUMIMl\S I' a) 81a,k J~ck Coif. b1 Bladda,lo.Colf 'om, 'l217 Hatbot Blvd ""->Z2. Costa Men, CA 92626 Cdd1e Shook Mcl .. w 2217 Hat bot lltvd •5?2 tCJ\la Meu . CA 926~ I h1• bu~1neS\ I\ tOn due l•d 01 ilO rndlVldual Ha•• you st1>< fed dome busmen yet' No Cddit Shuol< Mel .. ..., lh1\ ''•l•ment ,..,, 111.,c1 w1tll 1'1e County tl.,rh <>f Or •"Ct Counly on UI 'JI/OJ 2003601111 Oarlr P1tot r tb 4 11 II! 7'> 200i IO~ -----RctiliM a.illu .... *'--H•H you \ll• led do1n11 Clerk ol On1n&• tount y bu~1ne\\ yel7 'fes, 01 / on 01/28/0l 01 /U:I 200J693142S lhP lullow1n11 Plf\(HI' Gec..ri" Stewart Oatly Pilot reb t I 18 ••• dum11: busm•u •• Tho\ \lllement ,.,., 2!> Mar 4, 200J llM!I l •mm. l·.l•nd lr1d1n~ flled with the County tu ?\173 H"'b°' lilvd Cl••k ol Or•nae Count/ Rdlli.I..... •'l'rl fvst• M • • on O?tOl OJ ... t~lrl1.rn•d 9162f> 200369 32152 S...... Aner•• ~•nders ~n O&oly Pilot Jan 14 2I. The follow1n1 perwn' Ha•Ou< Bl•d •~I c.;.,·1• l8 Feb 4. 200J 1046 are do1n1 bu\lnt \\ o M<0'.• C.•111•..rn • 9/f(l!J --j Kelly C•mpbell ln•uu nt• 1111\ ou"n"' " ton fidltlws ~ Serwicu 15?!> Pl•tent11 1 dutted by "" ond•••du .. 1 --.s....... 1 Ave •f I N•wporr H•n mu •lart«l ooont Buch, CA 92663 I bu\'"•" yeP N1. Th• f1,11ow1n& P••\ons Kelly Campbell 1!>2!> Anael• S•nd•1• "'" do1n1t bu\1neu as Placenlrd A.. I f I Hu, 'tatem•rtl ,, •• R W f,u11\trucl1on Com Newpi:.rt f.leot ll. Cl' 1 lit•ll w•lt 111. '.,,,,,,, p•11y, 1180 N Fuunla1n 92663 I' l•rl of CJ1•n1,. I .,,.,1, WBy Un11 C AnAh••ITI, Thi~ bu''""" 1, ton on Qt I; 01 t al1lor111• 97806 dut led by an 1nd1v1dual 20036929410 R1<h•rd Wayne 5005 Have you 'tarted dwna CJ••ty Pilot r •b 11 lis £ H1lh1d" Ave Ur an111< busmM"> yeP Nu /', M.r 4 lO()J l'J'J() C•ht11rn1• ?2867 Kelly Campbell .,....,___ •·-'-- 1 tmmy W•yne ~ lhl\ ">Ulternenl ,,., rll..,_ ~• l H1ll'.1de A•e 01aniie filed wilh lh• Cnunl• "-~ C•hlorn1• 92867 Cttrh of Oranitt Cour11; ltoo Ir.II """i ll•''" n• !hr\ bu\"'"'' " con on 01 )I /03 •' • d• n, t.J~,., • .,, •• du~ltd by hu,b•nd .ot1d 2003693 I &aO t "' ••'• 790~7 Alon•• w1f• Daily P11ot r t b 4 11 .. c;1111ed, w11n0 the ,tounr• 11., ... tuu ,14,1~d dom1t IS. 2S. 2003 10 ~) A•• I <llU"" "'P .. ••• ul 1•n,.;< flunly bu"nr• t•I' Y•'> 12 '•'I 'l?fi/I The follow1ne pt,,\on\ on 01 ?7101 OI l'IBI flditiws~ l4d• l JI'. l •Ii"'• --.s........ are dotnc bU\lnU\ H 2003693 I Is t 1 Ammy w"Y"• I /'1Ul\/ A'''(''" A., Cr ayer att [nterl•inment Ddlly P1li;t f tb 4 11 1111, \t•l~m•fll ,,0 ... s..._.. t a~un• No~ul'I f •"'''""• C1oup, 1614 Arch Boty 18. ?~. 200J 10.!4 1 ,,,.d Wllll the tuunl" lh• lollow1ng r ... ..., .... Y/b/} Drove. Newpo11 Bud1, I 'I d • It b ne« 1• 1 r n C 92660 r.i ...... __ • • ..:........_ Cit• k vi Ur •ni• I ounty ,,. oine bU\ln•">' •'· " "' U">• •• • ' A numw•-• un 01 1 l 03 & El MuHle1 '>pet.1•h• t ~ ... l•d b f an rnd1v•du• Bro•n Craycr all lbl4 "-S"'-1 20036929440 ?422 w Se•renlh at H••• vou \t<1rt•d du• 11 Atch Bay Or • Newpm t I Sanl An• t 111,,1111 1"'"n~·, y•1' Y•.• r • Beach CA 92660 lt1e lollowong Pl"f">Vll\ 041ly 1'11111 I tlJ II 16 d • • I /IJO/ This' bu\ln@\• " t.on .;,. do•n& bu~in•\\ a"> l5 Mar 4 lOOJ 10'>1 92706 t·"-.. ,, l ·"•• • • I ~I h I -Reiot1t l 1l1"'~ 111 '/', v·,.. v .... " ducted by •n ind1~1dual nner ien21 r a11\1ne .,....,., __ .__,_ __ , w P t "r .. 11 l•terr,.111 & I ort\11tl1n1t 96112 nm-.-.. rumn '" t r ,..., Have you \talled do•ne S 1, 0 11 --.s........ p.,it Bu•• 1 , 1 ""'" t 1,r1 '""' '"• bus1nen yet1 No UI tt••t , untinit q:z661J I It!. "' o ... n~ .. Brian Cr•ycrall ~ tnn 8td,h CA 92646 -lht to1lriw•rte P•'"On'. ""' bu\lnr• ' ' .,n ()} 16 OJ This st•lement w•\ M" ht'1' Alrt<dn(r %8? d•t d<1•n11 bu''""'" "'• 200369 32627 f1ltd w•lh lht Counly Surlc1e•I Drrn Hun ( l•on !.ut /!>'> v .. ue~> du~''" by dll d •~d· • Oa•• • "•kil h o Cletk of Oran1~ Counly tm&lt><• B~ath. CA 9/64{; 'Slrret 1:1••• ( .,11111rno• b ••• 11111 •:~N•t•d '" '& /!> Md• 4 2003 On 01/ll/Ol M•rr Alro<ano 968? 971'111 U~•nt\' yet S I D H R.,b.,t L ll10,.1111 2003693 1a79 ur ll~\I rrve un Ph1hp I< f olltn\ 7S'> Th•• Ul.,11•111 Oillly P1lot reb 4 11 . t1n~t1)11 Buth. CA 9264b Vall•t" Slr-•t 9,.d ,.., Ill 25 2003 10.l<J lhl\ bu''""'' '' < un I Calll41111a ?71i71 fll~d with Ill~ 1 uuiHy ' • dutl•d by hu,bdnd dlld rk b • • I Cl••~ ol o •. an~· C.trur1f( SEU .. 1\ u"nt\, '• ,on 0 1 '2'.l 'Ol wit• dur.l•d by 411 md1v1dual on -~ Havr you ,1a1ted do111e I Have you "l••l•d dl>•n~ 200369l 15r71 4 11 ,-b t t1 N , Darly Pilot eb ._.......,,~ U\ln •\ye o bu""'""• t •I No 18 ]5 20(H 1012 --r Maic Afrr,ano I Phthp R Golhn\ __:' __ _ . ' I'• I ' How to Pla ce A ___ Dea ctl in r~ ----. Rn1c-. and deadline<. arc .,Uh Jc<.. I to c hange without no1ice 'Jllc publl'her reserve~ the ng ht 10 cen,or, recl<b~tfy, revise or rejecl any cla~"fied advertisemmt. Plea-.c report any error thal may be in your cla."'>•fic<l ad immediately. The Dally Pilot ac1..·epti. no habiluy for any error m an adverttsemenl for which 11 ma) be rc~pon~ible excepl for the coi.t of the -.pace actuall) occupied by the error C redit can only be allo wed lor the fir~I 1n.~·rt1on. CLASSIFrnAD -M ond..1~ t-nd • .1~ 5 OOpm \1ttnd..1~ :dKlpm .,. ANNOUIKIMOOS N l & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SAU IUSINESS & f llWKW 1311 --Clf'GiltmY Alt ra•I ntate advtf· tit.Ina In tlllr. newspaper b r.ubject tot,,. Ftdtf•I Fair Hou"'"c Act of 1968 1 1 amended w hich "'•lies It 111•&•1 to 9dve~tlse •any flf•fw· ·•nee, lllnltation or •tctlmlnatlol\ baud on rec•. colof, reliclon. M•. llMdlc~. lamili.t r.tetus • 11atloftal orll!n. Of an 1"tent.ioft to .. -. any IUCfl 11'.t•enc... limit•· '*'Of 41isctllfllll•tioft." Thb ....... ..,.. ••" '"' k~ accetlt 11ty .._tiM!Mnt fOf ,... •l* wt1ld1 Is ht wtoeirtloll of tlle tew. 0.. rud e ra tr• hereby ..... N*I ttl•t .. dwtl•· !ftp ....,.,._. In tMI ............ ~ .... .,. "IUll ..... unity ....... '·~·· .. _.. ... -..ca1MUD '9I ......... ' • 1419 230S·2490 Oldef Style Ful'llltw9 PIANOS & CollK1lblet ·--·-·s.....·~·~~ .. CASH PAID .. .............. ,,..., WE llUY 19TA1'U ............. lrlendly_ COtJSIGm.mns By Fax ( ~4<f> til I 6594 1 P14 J.~ "" tuJic '•)Ut ri.tmt' .-uJ '""""' nu111I" ••iJ .... 11,.11 \111tJ hJ..~ ,.1th 1111fV"<"t.1U1tl4 I Bv Phone 1Q49> 642·567K I l ou r~ Hv '.\lai l/ln Pt·r~o11 : 110 w~,, B.1) \tr~t'I C. O\la "1l·,a. CA lf!627 '\t f\le~pon Hhd &. Ra\ t-nd..1) .. 1-ndJ) H IOpm l elcphooe 8 30am·5 OOpm Mond.i)'·Fnda) 'WaU .. -ln K .lOam-5 OOpm Mooda~ fnd.i~ SundJ} F-rtdJ) )·OOpm l ESTAn RSAU ,.,_, l.Ollll - HOME MORTGAGE LOANS. lowest lnteu~t ,.IH. All Ct edit lypn. "° pre-payment pen ... tits. Best setvlc• In~ state. C.lltOfnle 011£. Empyrean Fundina. C.ft now 800-720·8969 a IOI (CAL•~) SELL your•tutf ~ classifledl •' 3110-3940 SOOS·SISO LEGAL SERVUS ~c.! Sentca 2B v.e....s..4M ~·-~(l\c::, cNtt-.1" .. us ...... b • ,_... .., Mlp Oldlt' ~-,~_... T,... & flw1dlf :1r'1 ........... &m-1'~ 50 s.. """-" llW.f'Ml.~ 714617-1900 •Zf>.454.l APPlMB .. :::r • ..._,llrtw mon color an dry.,. 7 ,.., old. $400/botll. ............ , .. ... RllDW filllll• 3G ..... ~ IMCtllr '°'' Mt: ~ • ..,_., sofa 11150/el. 2 C1')'Jblf .... =· · ~-:Jj RU'f/ -.... PIECIDUI IEALI c....c... ... ow c.Mtl GoM. ~. =r. ...... :r:: --....- . - Inde x . ~ • I , ' . Cab 3110 ... ~ ...... -~ PtltS 11 PIA*: llllMrD Fdlorl ..., ~'lZ19 ,_ SPAY lo momme r.aV &el .. kltW6 .... homlll.. 965.IJ.-Oe11 Kt11ans found In Bushes need bottleteedou Help Save lives All eapenses palCI Anlrnal Netwotk 949-5JJ·<MI PHOTOGRAPHY/ om:AL llm .. 1• Ammrtes S735 MOlO, MIL0£W, FUNGI, bllct•I• frt yOU< hom.1 Bt on the u le Mitt. •Ml for F1H inllouM A;r QuaHty tut. Cet solu· tionsl SJ0.824-Jtt2 770.9zt.0033. WWW E-oAlrWeterWWI..~ fCAL•SCM) mce1A1111US ..... ........... ... 1111 -..... ........... -mATlt 111111 ......... ., .. SELL yow stuff ~ classified! - ~ J.!llL 7412·74'6 L'ndL·r thl' Sl'n ire.· Dirc.·ctor~· Banner •ws10 Reach 80,000 H omes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4w~ek minimum) <•Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 LOTS/ACREAGE S....,.., punte palt0 & en!t ance Ref111 incl uttl ' ubt. 19th & Harbor S700/mo 949 310.3258 l*1Acrugt -WIMlll 4740 L*lllt ------------------... KW ALL CASH CANOY fipute $495/ACRC P11me 40 1 .. t V.._ ~t Oo you earn S800 in • acre R•nches m NW f'rke4~/lotl day7 Your own local Arltona, £ .z. no qua It ao4we4 .. s a 4t,.00 candy route Includes JO fytna. low down termil o,.-s.t-S-1-4 machmu •nd c"ndr All Ad1•cenl to Colt CoUfst t 17 Vie a..11 VEior ..J9(·!?5l· • .,~~) 998 Community. off Historic "9t H t -7st--OSOS w ,..., _..,... """ _ Route 66 Call Today! 7H-M7-4114 DATA ENTRY Creal pay BrooU Realty 866 300 Flo ible t>oun Home S263 (CAL •SCAN) Computer & Modem NCW MEXICO MOUN requhd. Free 1111nm1 TAINS 140 AC . Only MedK:al Blllefs Nelwor" $49 ,900 Co rce ous 1-800-382-42112 C.t 34 v•ulancb, mature tne (CAl •SCAN) cover. 6300 It. elentton A+ M & M MARS/MS Mountain Vtews, yellf TLE vandln& route round roads. and elec · Unique mac:htne. Crut trlc Ptwfect lot horse opportunlt)'. Prima lo lovers. Adjacent to ution.sl hcellont l)l'Oltl national fOfHt. Caceltent potantlel. ln11estmtl\t fln1ncl111. Call toda1I raq11ired. S IOK and Tflls won't 1ut1 SW under. Flnanclftl nail ropettlts ot NM. Inc. I· eble . Toll f in •• 8 8 2 9 t · 9 7 1 I (8 00)637 7 444 •• (CM.·~) (CAL •SfCNt) IO. <OlCMAH wild CJlmtlra.-.. -• reftdl. 17 aaes 14'.IOO P•iw• ti•~ .....,_. ._. r,.. to -"'-t«Yt ..... Ant fOf 14CHtertef 3VC to 1.000 llCtft 19'. MN blnlMQ. Wiii ta<llM\fl Rolfl11• flald• w ltll pey1ns '"" tw ..,_ 6lt l•nlntl< ltocl,r 11tt11. ....... Qr..e ........ .,, ••• Cou11tr r oed to w•tw Mt·721·141$. w/utlltti.~ OWMt -..... ..... fl~. C4tl Itel!() ... .....__. hlldl toll ....... to.,_._ fllfllbM4, Ml SMJ (CAl.'SCfl!) ..-.b.°"9 0f.llOO-I -· llOOQ/Me ........ 7. t<MES~SAL.E ...... .a. .. ~ .. -wlt'i crA Co•t.rellr Cllll.,.Y ...._. .. C... ...,. II' ........ ..., '? I ---••H=LJ .... ,. A Sorer~ •••r•rt ......... rddlnce 4br (SUI Bt/prne r-Vonw. 00-'--l) S.S. toc;atW Oil I QIMt QW1* IDt Cuitom h1tur1' lllr~ $1,649,000, CCMS1Wa llM" ...._,,...177 .... am am rA~flteoa .......... nA .. ._..,...,'" www.petridlt-•.<- ,.. I .... 1111Jed ....... ~ ... .. ,,._ "' ,,--. r.200lf r.-..:i., 1'1'9r).oc.l -ct. ., ~ .. Hiner View llllOll, ,.... tft -=.::.a l!ll..St.ml .. I "I' -· -·--...,...,. Mt .......... . -..... _ ~=-.... ....,,.., . ... ._ ...... ~1='C:'~ ..... •Jll.IN ..... llSfATlS r A TitKll T Utottl •AnotlW.I USA t4t-tS6-t 70S www.pat11Clltenore com RESORT/ VACATION PMJPERIY FOR SALE --~ """" 5111 Ulll f Ala 2Br JBe lua _. -..is ..,., l/4 QI V2 .,.,.... 1296.000 I* 1/4.. C.tl !M!M7)..()lll mce1MDJS lllTAU • ) f i r t l o, ocu n••r• CUUom loW« ~J P,,.hU wld dlw 1 l~A &.tr41 S ll!iOm ,.-.., 9"; W-0&>8 ~~2!Ja._ I bt. to bdl ... dldl. ,., lilflb. •/d. "-ff1' S2J(l)-n ~7210 ~ 4 ...... hom B•IOo• Pantn Wade• bucht Charm•na 2bt I l/4b1 2 C llf, \l"C ~IOI 1 "Ill tanvly home. Pat llPO'l awonl Ytl}' S2r..G/IM 9&121·1339 ~9CJ17 c... ..... .• l A IO Tuesday, February 25, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS t Mind 7 ........ y. 'Otkml9Wa t 4 80Qlii entuiatll "-sor te Aar--Rakles 17 ~ol lea 18 lemporaty Job '9CeMbnty. 20 iPro's hlllldoul 12 W<ll;) 23 "1eo:ey 26 TKO offlctaJ 'l7 Ankara nattves 28 M~es 29 Ltltte child 30 F!ylrQ lorTl)llllon 3 t Matte1t1orn. e ·II 32 Boy 33 Re Signs (2 wos.) 3 7 Oisfioura 38 Smal ou11ar 39 Sall Lake Clly allllete 40 Tax 8hetlef 41 Leaned 11!)8J1•SI 43 Btlght color 44 Chem room 45 Stimpy's ca•1oon 46 ~!him 47 Confide in 48 Web-toed mammal 14 5 5' 8ollely Ille $2 Ptlu money $3~.'°"*1 (2wd9) 56 A«oss -Garr 67 Klplinfl novel S8 Alieorll (2 wda ) 62 'Mlged god 63 Compass air. 64 l.t>or IJloupc 85 Mon9ieut •• pall! 66 German ''* Slart 67 Infant's wear DOWN I Goodbuddy 2 Want-ad abb< 3 Coml>Ut« In "20()1" 4 Mud broct<s 5 Spons locate 6 Units ol energy 7 Fridy41 ~fc.ur 8 Ptct<pocj(lll 9 Old horses 10 MISSIOnS ot mercy 11 ChurchpM '2 Explor el'S Lewis and- ' 3 Flow et bed loeeles 21 Presseo ?? Coolled slowly 23 Quagmre 24 Typeol~ E ~ ,a M El ev I MO F l SE T H p e: AR L •A --1s1~ .. l ~H OE VE R IE ~, I ~-~ ,Q ~rt ~.B ,E. K I 'No 1 0 '~ ·~ 08• EN O•L AN Tl i RE AO ~~ J. N LO s s 1110 25 Copy 29 Keepeaka 30 Citizen 32 Oetuxe 33 Agent): 34 Nashville team 35 Europe-Asia divider 36 Furniture buy "2 Assvmption 46 TootSlled Item 47 Plll IO bed (2 wds.) 48 f'our dUO$ B ~ 0 H Cl R E I D ue r ,. WN J ~ E s ---I L s T ~_n HA u S • YEA l f.l .... F IRM 0 l lJ A N IP A E NE GES A R TS ·-I Z • o c U R E Z E OR CA GE R EE L S 0 s .. s w A P 49 Nol h11re SO F0t1une4eler't1 card 51 OevelOI> 52 Mover'a ctoallenge 54 -out (made do ..;th) 55 P1!ncil end 59 Time period 60 One. for Pre1Te 61 SNll!ehrs. 11 12 13 Corona del Mar OUAN/IAY VllWSlll l'few home 4br 3 !Iba 2 'tory. decorator perfect 111 every wav Only foot steps to otean vit•Wtni bluffs and yaLhl harbor entrance channel Sun loun&e/terrace Avail mid March lln\/L11f11n $11.<XlV obo. ~ 94%h231 I 31r, 210 Ho111e on 8th VIiia Polftt COftdo lbr fa1tway Santa Ana lba Ip, wd, patro, ear. Coun~ry Club $2,200/mo ai.soc pool 2ym, eated 949-9JJ-65 f9 Sl575/mo 949·675-2514 CostaMesa !Ir's fr om $875/mo. w/ear 1n lovely gated comm near ft1-SQua"'· Ir~. Indy fac11rty. K1e10 Moil. 877-704-8649 x9200 lr9 llr, new carpet & paint, cvr d carport. 277 16th Place 113 $I IOO/m11 no pet~ 949 720 9422 21r, 2 fufl bath, uppe•. 2-c detached ear, bal· cony. new/carpet/pa1nV appls, $1595/mo 3023 langs Bay 714 865-2252 f'5lde the :l3t 2.56a, fR. fp, remodeled. IYdwd lh, ht& yrd, block to Y"1CA S2195/mo 949-642-9699 Newport Beach * YEAttlY * ll.AUS Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS 949475-61'1 ant 2br Iba oo pe!WlSlAa. trt pato, Ip, wd. I c p , close to sdlools ~ $1600 .,.. !WJ.673.. 7llXl Huge I BR I BA wlHil'bor ,., Gofieous 2BR ~M w/Ji~·t.~iW Lar1t-.....-"8oir•1w ...... -'Glllpa Wood ....... ~·Prh'lle ... . .......... hlntmlac ..... .. 1"9plcll 1Mcfec:eplq • ~ .. ..... !Ulld, ~~Cellef; ............ "~- Bridge · 8Y CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH BEWARE OF STilANGt:RS Both vulnerable. South dcub. NORTH •A 108 6• "Q J v 109 3 •IB J WEST •KJ 972 'V Void O AS EA!.'T •Q3 1:-K 108S 2 864 •Q64 • K J 10 9 7 2 SOUTH •S 7 AJ 9764 ·, K QJ 7 2 •A The bidding: SOUTH WF.ST NORTH EAST Icy 2"1 I'&.~ 2• 4', PllllS 4.-. Obi "'-Pa.'ill I'll.~ two-heart C.'\IC·bid showed ~pades and a minOf, and the rest of the auction was naruraJ. At Tommy's 1eamrnutes' lllble, the lead was the j11Ck of club.-. Unawnrc how badly frumps were stacked, declarer won perforce in hand and led a trump 10 1he queen and king. We>t sluffmg a club. Declarer ruffed Ibo club return and stW'l(..'<.I on diwnonds. West gmbbed 1hc ilCe and led another \:Juh for South ro ruff, ~ving Eust with a long trump. Declarer eventual- ly had 10 concede 1wo more trump tricks -down ooc. Opening lead: Seven of • , Ac Tommy's lllble Eai.t'b double warned that trumpb were 001 going to behave kindly. Tommy won the ~padc opening lead in dummy and imm•·diatel)' odvanced lhc queen of heurb. t•overed b)' the king and taken with the act: a• Wc,r dhcarded ~dub. Next came rhc king of diamonds, taken with the 11,'C. and declarer rufl'eJ the ~pade retum. Once in a while, when no one cf-;c wu' available. the club would ..:oo- scrip1 Trump Coup Tommy for a match. Team member~ hoped for wild distributions where Tommy\ proclivity for hllll<lling bad trump spli~ would wort 10 their ad vantage. C>pccially when he w:l\ not lv!uwn lu the opponent~. Such wa~ the ~a'e in a recent int.er-club match. The auction :11 the two mble> wiu. >imilar. i:xt·ep1 that Tommy wa., dou- bled in four ht<tns by EaM, who hud never seen Tommy in action. we,,·, Tiie nine of diamonds was an entry to dummy to 11.'ad another heart. woo in thl.' drn<cd hand a' cheaply a~ JX!"· siblt'. h wa~ now a $irnple matter tor Tommy to c~h lhl' ja<:k of ht: am Wld play winning dinmon<h. and whc1bcr or not &'1 ruffed, 1 .... 0 trump~ and a diamunJ were all thut the !kfcn!kr> o.:ould rnllc.:1. Thai l!ll\t" Totnm) \ 1e;un a ~ub,umrial gilin, and nm even ~·vcrnl attempt.' hy Tommy later 111 1hc mat~h 10 hring lhc opponcnl' IAY'lllDGI gated comm, 2br Iba, la deck, w/d, relflg incld, no smkg/pets, $1850/mo. 949-291 -'Jl72 NP Ht'•, 2br Iba house, 2 c gar. wdhkups. lrt & back yard. $2150/mo. Pets ok. 949-376·3516 Gated Sngl Stry 2Br. 2Ba, det hse, 2·c att aar NC. tn:t-i pilbo. imoac, rVpetr.. S2«0n 9$ ]ID 1219 Lw. hie 4br 3ba, den, enioy lido lrfestyte-$3d111&, tenn1$, 222 Via Palefmo $3200/mo. 949-675·7168 loyfr-t lodtel-apt, brand new. sm yard w/pat10, sm doc~ avail S700/mo. • Urtbeat ... le 14511 baytronl view, 4br 3ba. 2 c-p~e. dock avail $4900 949-378 -3650 Newport Coast CltYSTAl COVl Ll.ASE/NEW, 2 STORY eapans1ve 5br 5ba +- den. g-ale &uarded. Many custom features-thru· out. Decorator touchM, elaborate landsc now under way. Avaij 4-1-03 SJ950/mo er ~2311 Private Tutoring 7990 flUTE U SSONS Erp'd teaciler bu new open Ines m Costa Mesa studoo Use Slack 949-57t-0517. Classified is CONVENIENT wh.edter you 'rt buying, selling, or just looking, classified has wh41 younttd! CU SSIFIED (949) 642·5678 ·bad into tunh:nliun "<'re enough 10 ofhcl I.hi~ '"''ult. Employment 8500 11 .... ~ilatwatlw• Ank- schedule nat1onw1de appts for mobrle notary closing RE loan• Must have d.ata entry, out •landlna phone s~rll•, enea&m1t per sonahly. be a problem 'Olver, NeWtJ(Jf't Bch loc:, u cellent work1na cond. Fax resume & ..alary history lo 949-673-5186. D-••tlc Help Wonted Hoi»ekeeper: CdM Sr Couple seeh s hsekpr. caretaker. live 1n pref'd Nice •eparale qtrs. Must be eood Amer cook No pets. smokine. lrquor Must be clean. neat & eood drrver. Our ur Mr Taylor day 949-644 4910 eve 949 675-79!>7. FIND ....... dmilM ••DRIVERS •• MAY TRUCKING CO. Is Voll road to suo:ess!' "Vans - 11 Weshrn •Reefers 48 lil3tlls. Dedicated team rl.r6. Owner operatnrs W*lted. 800-547 9169 x3217 www.maytrudl~com (CAL•SCAN) Ge1Mrol Office 30-40 hours/week. Reception, order pr~ lite acct& Must know Quickbook, WORD & E~cell lnqure lo l.aU' a or submit r esome & salary requorments to chas@~des411u:om GOVERNMENT JOBS Wildlife and Postal 481'.+ per Y"'"· full benef1ls Paid tr a ming. No expe rrence necessary for applrcat1on and uam call toll Ir ee l 1188 778 4266 x850. (CAL• SCAN) Warit From Ho..e Marl Order /lnlernel Buslnes• $1500 $7CXXJ. PT FT frtt Booklet 888-863·1241 www dotlarSK1mobon com MM HOMI OllllCllDN ,.,...._& .......... Sale• Pe•ltl•n• Newpo-1 6-tl ;nf ~Vrp~ flfdt " per..on JOO! Jllmbcree 116 NiMcDt 8di 968iY.HJI 4BJi2 ,,_~ Alwy II() Ml!isi:wl Vt!f> 9&28Z-Oll!) Ollia Moni,w,'I " ; Busy Newpor I Beach office seeks lulH1me. h1efl energy, organ11ed and detailed person with excellent phone ~dis and warm penonalrty. Com pule• $klll\ req, incl M1c ro~ott Office & (Ju1ck8oohs Pro F aa resume w/<;alitly reQuwe ments to 949 574-0725 OPCRATOIVGRAvtYARO In N.wpoft Bt11ch, nr airport. full/ParHlma. Wiii Trtln. !M9·833·9790 • ,, "e': • JI BIAv office vn Ill!> PT ( t•SHRS) NPB Salary COITVlllfl5W* w/1141. fax r151.m8 ..._.7S-2l27 Seles/Gellery, Balboa l5llr1d 3-4 <tts wll. ~ . ~iilrmn.tor\lst t.w some PfflS* •llP-s.lwy -+-conwll.~ CREYIER / ' --_,· ... ',- "'· 02003 MN COOPER! LfASEFOR $199 Per Month+ Tu 1 at these terms ON APPROVED CREllfT ........... ·····-···· $3685 down. 36 month clo$td end lease, nose· cunty deposit, 10,000 mllM per year, 20¢ pel mile for u cus m'iles (TC42218) O'-slfS...-. SMipl ................... IET'S IOTOll IT'SRM .. ........... . Dal!x Piiot -WDldll - ~AUTO IMWHCM k4lea '97 Rare 6·$pHd·V8-l ow Miles1 (#18536) $24,980. MIISSOO s.-·oo Black w/parchmtnt IH ther·f act warr, premlum whtels. (119143) $51,980. J._-lUll s ...... Shlney black on black leather·certiliedl! (#188581) $29,980. ferrer.1 341 S'lllller (Oft¥,., Red w/perfeci Ian lthr, er eat recor dsl (#l9104C) $65,980. AcwoNSX T.,...'® lipeed yellow· I ZK mrtesl Hurry! (•19005) $59,980. • ... _ .,. Se.tr• 8U Lill• new, loact.d, auto, moonroof allOys, low ~ ml. $5900 7lt -751·246t Per.cite '99 leater Conv. 21k ml, 5spd, whlte/rrey lthr. full fact wur, aer•&•d, non/ smk.r. llke 11•w vi26695 $26,996 Bkr 9'9·586·1888 w-. .,-1.c•• ~~~ 0-«> ~s up! will ~ a -v fair price for yGI' ca-. Van or 1tudl paid lot or nol Cal Didi Rey @ Tomato /v.lttJ Sale!>. 7fl. UJ 1931 or 714-3322.8 CASH f.ott CAJtS We"Neetl Yeur Cw Paldf ...... ltet. PMlllpe Auto A.kfer Molc.i.. 949-574-7777 55 OOWAY @ IDNCER SANTA ANA AUTO MM.L _Aulomob __ 1_1es_•_ (888) 823-9808 Merced•• 1-z suoo '9' Black opal w/arey lthr·full power -pre· m1um wheels (#18849) $27,980. IMW 75011 Spt. S..._ '01 Cosmos black w/sand beige leather. tull wauty till 3/5 AUTOMOTM PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES Automotive 9004 IMW '99 7401 691i Ml, 3yr warr 11va1I, sliver I grey Ith•, CO, hke new cond, v57924 I $2.3.995 firm tl-m, fin avail. Bllt 949-586-1888 www.ecpal.co111 Chevy lxt....t.d c• '9 I new paint, new tires, on111nal owner $2,995/obo 949-689~ Chry•ler llectrlc G(M 2001 rare factory doors, low mi. Newport Car S3100 949 887-3266 '96 s•1ng oo Conv, V6, 54k m1, 3 yr wan avail. S4)ar kellng blk/ In lthr, CO. suporb like new cond v259721 $6995 tin avail Bkr 949-586 1888 _....,..1.c- Ded9e '97 Intrepid Sport 3.5 V6. 47k m1. wh1te/iir~y mt. earaged, n/s. like new $6995 financ1ne & warr avail Bkr 949·!>86 1888 w ww .ocpobl.co111 forcl '00 b curolo" Xlf VIO, 2911 m1, silver/grey ltht. CO, r u11111ne boa•ds, fully lodded, like new, v872581 $23,995 !r nancini: available Bkr 94 9-586-1888 w ww.ocpoJtl.co111 FOID PIOll lS '90 Runs xln~ 6 cyl, ~o. ac, ws. Sllllrool, pw, ps. ldl wheels. new Ires & caps. Blue be<* S32'l5 seY $2550. Prl't'ate paly 714-SU-7608 f ORD PltOll lS '90 Runs •lr1t, 6 cyl, auto. ac, en~, sunroof+ pw, ps, 1111 wheels, new tires & caps. Blue book $3225 sell $2600. Private party J.14-534-7608 fOttD ltANGElt XU '99 Ea tr a Cab. Aulu, CO. 6~ m1 . V6. bedlrner. Prrvale Party $7500 949-6 42-5620 GMC ·oo o....... 4wd, 39k m1. solver 'I tone erey llht. pr em sound, CO, ctorom~ whl,, \uperb hke new c11nd, vl56721 $24.995 fin & warr av•il Bkr 949-586 1888 w-.ocpo611.c- Hondo cav •oo auto trans. ac. lull power. cc. low moles. Sl5,900. Pp. 949-574-424' Hyundai '91 Se ftata 4dr, auto, AC. stereo, eood cond, 130!\ ml, $975 obo 949-631 ·3852. Ja9uor '99 lUI Vanden Plas :14k m1, sparkltna blk/lan llhr. CO. chrm whls, lull tact warr, ltke new $28,995 lrrm v8426 I 4 t111anc1ne avail Bk1 949-586 )888 www.ocpo6il.cot11 J..,_. '99 XIC8 c-v 34k m1. full lacto1 y warr. spar khng black/oatmeal lthr. CO. chrome whls. lik e new, v6772 95 S34.995 f111ant1na ava11· Bfc.1 949-586 1888 w-.ocpo&.I.<•• 1.-f .__ '97 ~ SC.7 60< ""· darll ~ee<lt'\en tlhr. dual mrwi, real ~ "'au reM aw CO, ">Uperb Oflg cond ¥#57291 $13.935 hnanc.rng & w-..rr ava4, Blu 949-586-1 ... _....,..._ 1.-f•-'98~ L( 56k m1. white/tan llhr dual mnrt,, CO. bru~h eaurd, like new. v 726641 $14.995 fl •11an~ln& & warr avail Bkr (1119027) $54,980. IMW840CI c...,..·91 lo1macuf'ate Beauty (#l980C) $33,980 Merced .. S.S20 '99 Smoke Silver w/saddle Mont Cond. (#40020) $29,980 '-·dt• 911 Correro '99 Col>rlo S1lve1 w/Black, lrp Ironic. Must See!!I (#19178) $57,980 IMW X5 '02 White. facto• y premium wheels. (•18920) $41,980 I MW Z3 ·c-w '96 Red w/lmmuulate black lthr 5 speed 11118770) Sl2.980 f-d b pedltl-'99 loaded, nice tam1ly SUV, while low moles. (#18794) $18.980 949-574-7777 PHIWPS AUJO Ill •outo.cet11 Merced•• '99 S.S20 l we 5lk m1. 3 yr warr avaol. s1lver/blk llhr. Maul one c.ond. v87524 I $28,995 hnanw111 avail Bkr 949-586 1888 949-SH -l lU -.ocpa611.COM -.eqMlll.l.c-lln<oln '0 2 N..,, .. ,_ 1~-------- 30k mt, lull tact warr, ~1lve1 sand/tan lthr. CO \lack•r, chromt whls, HI•• seat. v672518 $29,99!> fin & warr avail MH ce4eo '81 560 SL white/tan, 1mmac, ~ nn. 11• ,_ d qi. dnJn!5. $1~ n4~14Mli4 Bkr 949 -586· 1888 M'hdl ti .,.__... LS -......... 1.c-'UO '.IUIYool, leather, al utru. 1•e new, °'"1 MercedM BNZ 380Sl '82 o-. norv'srr*r, Sl4.~ Good cond, hd top/\111! ~Pl> 714-9~ top. Taupe w/blk inter. 9200 SMIGTOf TlOO X1li W, TOYOTA TIUCUAll SIOO SW SSO 714-37 4-1793 TIUCICOVll t.TIOOXlliW, TOYOTA TIUU, PAii SIOO SBlSIOO 714-374-1793 MOTOR HOMES Motor Homes • Rent 9355 ltV fW'NNHAGO fw llfNT, )Oft c a.. •. Xlnt c-tl.. CA&1 fOlt DfTM.5. 949-44&-7184 MOTORCYCLES Motorcycles Chry•l•r '97 Selorlft9 Conv LX36, 42k mt, dr k n1etall1~ blue/a1ey llhr. btatJI like new f.ond v292521 $8499 lrnancme & warranty avail Bkr 949-516-1188 -·;st•.<- BOAT PARTS& ACCESSORIES Boat Parts& Acceaortes 9600 ~fp..._~~ outboard, I owner, IJ'ldfr Str, use, M\e MW "" $475, w/o;t;nl atsc> sm boat hilnd dOIV Sl25 714-!l&U'.S $5300/obo 949-854-8208 ·-===============::::::; Merced•• '96 C210 beautifu l blatk/crum fully loaded, ~howroom. .Vout. SI I~ 714-751 2464 Meru4.. '9t U20 llk m1, wh1te/rrey lthr. mnrl, c hr ome whl~. beaut lr~e new cond, v5722AI $28,995 fin 11vu Blu ~511)-1888 WWW, ... _ Everyday is a great day {l in Cl~ified! Be a pan of it, place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 HOME, HEAL TH AND BuSINESS ~ ...... "NOTICE TO READE.RS Calrlor n1a law •e qutr es that con tr at tors !akin& JOb~ that total $500 QI more (tabor QI materrals} be licensed by the Contra ctors Stale License Board. Stale law also require~ that contractors include thelf license number on ell adverlis1n11. You can check ttte status ol your licensed c ontrac tor at www.cslb ca.11ov or 800·321 ·CSLB. Unh· censed contractors h krne 1obs that total less than $500 mur.t slate 1n their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors Stale License Board." ,..,.,..~ Kitdwl I Blth I Remodel Mlbll.~ lfBBl5 VSiiM: 9ll6ti9l2!> ClfPll*Y A TO I HANDYMAN ln!ltall. rel•e11 cabinets. ~~ ~ r.; 71t..54f>7258 .w ........ CuSl()m Bullt-lns, Crown Moldinp , 8ne Boards L'577982 9'9,837·5642 ..., .... R: 1~1rH SS LAWYFR 18 , ' Carpet Repair/Sales NUD Mottl IOOM? ,-.,.c AJtpn,-,CARPU-0-AOOIOONS & REIWXJCLING Repairs, Patchin&. Install ll577982 949-837-5642 Courteous. any site jobs. n..a.t-Publlshing Wholes.le! 949-492·0205 ...._...., Computer Services • c-puter ......... . Soltwdr 11 Up gr a des, lutor rng; Tralnlna. eon,:rter Or. 949·9'l!l--D!.3 Concme & Masonty Irick lledi St-• Tiie Concrete. Patio. Or lveway fireptc. BBQ. Refs. 25Yrs bp. Terry 714·557 7594 The CeM•llt Mon Cementwork. Bnck, Tile & More. Reliable. N11 job too s mall 949 548-6746 carpet C1eaning SAVE 35%0N Carpet • furniture lug Cleaning Sllif1clion......., flff fSJIMAJI 23 YWSUI'. BROTHERS CAR PET SERVICE 800-559-7 181 COW UlH SOLUTIONS UPRrades. Re(!IJirs, Custom PCs Built. Ne1workmg. lnre~ Selup and Sharing. MCSF F•Ef COflS<Jll~tion. Cu l Jm 949-510-4130 TIMI 01 GIN YOUllHOME IMPROVlMlNT PaOJlCT? Call a plumber. p11nter. handyma"· or any of the rreat services listed here In our service directoryt THE SE l OCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI WITIHor n HYWAU All phases sm/lfa jobs. CU~rs, fair. free est. l 71~1447 Etedrtal SeMca Mel!Jelt b pertl Duncan Electric 20Y~ Exp local/QUick R~ Service/Remodels L 1275870 949-650-7042 Eleclrtcal ServtCIS UCENSID CONTRACTOR Ho Jib too sm. M SfJVicesl Repair, remodel. fans. Sfl8t new SVC 949-645-36fi6 AOCJrinWTile CUSTOM mAlM TU lnstabtioo, state. cer amte, m.-ble, stone. &M. 1975 Ul612044 Jeff 714-612-9961 llMY .....,; Rl!)aired Revoutin & Installation TILE DEAN 949-673-8065 ~ 714-883-2031 ..... & 0...-. dllmil& Pollshlna Travertine i All Floor Types. We'll Also Reerout & Seal Your Ki t c hen Counters, Showers & Floors. Make it look like new •&•ln. A-o..da....s.mc. 1..-77-225-3261 DlrtyW ........ ~.­Oetail G•demna. Installations, Sprinkler T roubleshootin&. Tune- ~. Rtp11irs & Ui>lrades. 714-715-2121 "Have us do your Dirty WOI"~· fr•• Servi~•. Yard Cleanup. Maintenance. Spnnkler Repair, Hauhn& (949) 6 50-171 1 GlassMlmn G-'lty Croft•-20 Years Experrence I'm Your Handyman Mark 949·650-9525 ltlNTAl-HUSIAND FOR HONEYOO'S your honey won't. frpm Elect to the kitchen $Ink 949-548-9351 HandymatV Home Repair THE HANDYMAN [mer 110 Set vice Oki ~ Eiectncal, Cataae Doors etc ... 949-439-7554 Hauling JUNIC TO THE DUMPlll 714 968· 1882 AVAILABLE TOOAY! 949·673·5566 House Cleaning Misc Services I Cre It · Oehult Oil Bank•uptcy Ok Tu lrens Ok Good C•ed1t Also Ok Prtvate Money Refr & Puri:hase •-dyfl-dal 800-750-1514 CQ£ '°12lJ1Bl &'*" Moving & Storage r-'• Ew....-Heu.. H ST MOVIH $St /Hr Clanire. Totil tU5I. °""" s ervlna all clt1e' Insured ~ M wcrt done by fast. courteous. carefuL owrw tar ,_ 949-42'1-7()4 T 163844 800-246-2378 Co11t Uc# 239261 1·111-148·325 TOU.FI& SEU ,. ... .......... PUBLIC NOTICE The Calir Public Utlhties commission requires that 311 used household eoods movers print their P.U.C. Cal 1 number; limos 1nd ch1ufleurs print their T .C.P. number in all adver- tisements. II you have any qunhons 1boul lhe le&•lttv of • mover, limo o f chauffeur. call: PUB- LIC UTILITIES COM· MISSION 714-568- 4151 °'*' 7 Dllys Low ..... ltonlOe..,.... 81r'°91981 Mt-645-4546 SEU """"9 m .. ••I ts Newport mom itV&lf able for cooklne , companoon:.hlp, heht hous.ke«e>mL enands, etc . Great local references 96-728-8336 C"-9'• ..... 1/Yrs IJIO Great Pr tee! Guaranteed wort!. Free Ht. l #375602 714·538-1534 7.390-2945 $(('$ CUSTOM PMmNG Prorl, ci.an, quality wort! Interior /u t and dodt.s. Lt 703468 949·631 ·4610 ltA.INIOW mKll MalNT Pa1ntine•lnt/ext. ~Apt Qu1llty Jobi Free estimate Lt 56!1897 7 I 4·636·8888 HOUSE REPAIN11NG ec WOOD FINISHING ~ ~28 949~5-9957 .,._, . . ... Pl1>mbine repairs, over 25yrs up. AU work RI* ilfltMd. St.Ye 714-646-8298 MONIST & ltlASCMIAIU Pl UMBER l#506586. Free E.stt Sm tepan. OCTFCU !Mc. 71 .. ~9150 N ICtH PlUMllNG Repairs ' Remodelin& FREE ESTIMATE lfll687398714-969·1090 1"'N~ Pfutitbtrl DMlllSIWH':o;;:; Q.IM9IG WICW.ST TWEEDY ..wMllNG 949-645-2352 --. All r,,.. of R.oo6 ac llq>aln • Raidanial • C-...a.J (949) 548-0769 www.Wiltr rt)O(cnm IOlf USSOIS 2FOi1 SPICllL ~- WallCMrings TNI ST_,UI s.,.c11ffzin11111 W•llp1pr Removal l •588241 !M9·J60 1211 WlndowClantng PUTAFEW WOIDSTO WOllFOR YOU! (949) 642-5671