HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-26 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot-----------------------~-----------------------... "'· • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2003 Kofi] 's bowls a strike with commission Unless appealed, Monday's decision paves way for department storetto replace Kona Lanes and vacant Ice Capades and movie theater at Mesa Verde Center. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot Theater and Ice capades OiaJet with the 95.839-square-foot store. COSTA MESA -Only an appeal to the City Council stands between a wrecking ball and the Kona Lanes bowl- ing alley following the Planning COm · mission's decision to bring Kohl's de- partment store to the Mesa Verde Center. The approval bucked the opinion of city planners and some residents in the vicinity who d eemed the building too massive to abut homes. But the com- mis..'iion's favorable reaction to the proj- ect jived with the neighbors living clos- est lo the proposed store. "Would you Like to come see what's behind me now?" asked Kevin Orton , who bought a home on Ashwood in back of the center Last year. "What sort Monday, the commission voted 4-1 to allow the Segerst.roms to replace the b owling alley and the defunct Edwards ·Newport to crack down on Fourth of July Council members set aside $64,300 for additional police officers to control holiday crowds. By June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPOR1 BEACll -Answer- ing the pleas of West Newport Beach residents who endure drunken mayhem each Fourth of JuJy, City Council members on Tuesday reaffirmed their com- mitment to crack down on the problem .. Council members voted unanimously to set aside an ad- ditional $64•,300 to pay for police REAL ESTATE officers to control crowds. "We need to begin to send a message to communities that things in Newport Beach are changing on the Fourth of July ... ~d Alan Silcock. president of the West Newport Beach Assn. Council members in recen1 years have begun strntegizing ways 10 crack down on the prob- lem. Las t y ear the.re were abou1 190 · arrests in West Newport Beach 'On the Fourth of July -20 of them felonies. "We've got to ~el tougher." residem Mike Johnson said . ·we have do something positive to change the atmosphere." Officials and residents alike want to find ways to change See FOURTH,Pa1eA4 Home values continue to climb Although sales dropped off in January, prices of Newport-Mesa homes stay high. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -Although home sales dropped radically in January, median home values in the area continued to rise steeply. with Newport Beach homes selling among the state's priciest cities. lo the California Assn. of Real- tors' January median-price re- port, Newport Beach again placed among the state's top 10 for sale prices. Orange County's ritziest city placed ·No. 4, with . Daily Pil ot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com .. WEATHER ~ • The rain'• gone and the 1un'1 bedc, albeit with a few ctoudl. . SM Pll•A2 SPORTS Corona del Mar and Costa Meu high gittl blllnk eec:onckound CIF Pteyoff • eoccer opponents. ... ,...,. • $755,000, sta1ewide. Manha ttan Beach. at $918,500. placed at the 1op of the list in mid-point vaJue homes so ld dur- ing the month. Palos Verdes Estates. at $910.000, and ·Beverly Hills, at $865,000, also came in above Newport Beach . Calabasas, at $750.000, rounded out the top five. Costa Mesa. at $387,000, didn't place among the top 10, which also In cluded Malibu, Rancho Palos Ve rdes, Danville, Redwood City and Indian Wells. Still. according to the report, both cities saw solid growth, at least among mid-point value homes. Newport Beach's mid- lever home value 'grew 19.84%, from $630,000 in January of See VALUES, Pace M of bothered me was the loitering that was goir)s on back here. I'm looking at them right now. (Andi I'm looking at two vacant buildings that are eyesores." The Mesa Verde Homeowners Assn. opposed the project and has begun conducting a survey of its m embership and is contemplating filing an appeal, sai.d m ember Cindy Brenneman. City planners first reviewed the proj- ect in April 2002 and identified several concerns, in cluding allowing the enor- mous building next to homes. planners said. The Edwards Cinema building is only 17,926 square feet. The Segerstroms addressed some of the planners' concerns by designing a heavily planted landscape buffer be- tween the proposed swre and the homes. Based on neighborhood opposi· lion, the land.,cape buffer was ex· panded, a 6-foot-Wide pedestrian walk· way in 1he rear landscape area waJ> addeCI to provide easier acce!>l> to the center. and limit!> were placed on truck d eliveries. routes and store hours of op· er.ttfon. said Paul freeman. '>poke!>rnan for lhe Segerstroms. These changes won over the 10 homeowners closest ·w the project. But other neighbors in the Me'>a Verde area contend the last thing they n eed in the area b another d epartment ... w re. "I'm a little disappointed becau!'te I would have liked to have seen 1he com· munity get a lh tle more invo lved Im the QUESTION Wh•t are your thoughu·on the Planning Com mission's deci.sion7 Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to ? • da1/ypilot@lat1mes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. decision!." Bren nt'man said. "I think something m ore family oriented. 1 don't think we need another huge depart ment store right lhere. We have Sou th Coa.<.t Plaza. farge1 Greatlandc,, Mervyn'> See KOHL'S, Pqe A4 DON l£.AC11 I DAILY PILOT Students at Corona del Mar High School walk past a puddle of ram water on a soggy field . A brief washout Winter storm drops le ss than an inch of rain on Newport-Mesa. The next storm could arrive by Tuesday. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT·ME .. \A -Uttle Tomrn\ c~ play alJ he wants. The ram ha), gone away and wiU come bark an other day. Next week. that is. me1eorologbt~ say. I SEAN HILLER I DAILY PU.OT Just like Mother Nature did with Tuesday's storm, Luis Torrento replenishes water tor his customer s on his delivery route on Balboa Peninsula. · Newport-Mesa got about 0.91 inches. less than an inch of rainfall from the storm system that swooped across Southern California on Tues day. Neighbors Laguna Niguel and Ir· vine received 2.2 inches and 1.5 inches. respectively. No major incidents were reported See BRIEF, Paa• A4 THINKING ALLOWED These here are .fighting w ords B "Y· do I feel sorry for those who oppose the Kohl's project in Costa Mesa Not because they had to stay at the Planning Com:m.is&on until 3 a.m. Tuesday to receive bad news. And not becaute bowling~ to be their most passionate ~ time. I feel aony for them becal.- nobody bochered to tell them c.osta Mela'1 leel'el political paswords: Harmony and compettbWty. Bel lhe llightelt whitper ot these WOl'dia en.llel incre• 11 d'ICNUny ot · any project ad perblpe an lppell or rwo ... the-.n.ewonk bmmony md~pMI a lot : of weight in Cose a Mesa., causing numerous residential house remodels to be postponed, appealed or uldmately denied. Pllnnlng ~ Owirwoman K.tldna Foley said lbe eupponed ..... IOr. deplnment llUn! • the comer of Hllbar ~ ........ YllM DIM 11111111«•• Ill •IMltl lftd .... exceeds all zoning reqt,premen~ • "We are limited to land use." said Foley and were therefore mandated to allow the project because it complied with all the rules. Those on the inside know differently. F.nter bannank>us and compatible. The two Mfarioul words~ found in city Q>des ........ ··~ti to met\ apedllc IOl'llng requiftmeotl -which indude a1becb. t}uild'ng ~ loor-Ndo-and allo be deemed • ......,...... with the • turnJUndinl TI Wbol.Mod. - . ' < ;n;1 •••• A2. Wecilesday, February 26, 2003 I 0 L "OCALS ONLY NEIGHBORS • ICevbl Judd bas been named marketing manager of StacoSwitch. a Costa Mesa-based company that makes lighted switches. controllers, keyboards and keypads ••• Tonie GekM of Newport Beach, and Carly Rilbf, o.vtd Riiey and Plltrlck Riiey-all of Costa Mesa -will be P.art of an Orange County High School of Arts theater production called "The Laramie Project," based on the interviews of the ~dentS of Laramie. Wyo., following the beating death of a homosexual student •.. Juan Prand8co of UC Irvine received an award from the Orange County United Way for his contribution to the field of education ••• Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute student Douglas M. Du.bl of Costa Mesa made the dean's list for the fall semester 2002. The materials engineering major had to maintain a grade-point average of at least a 3.0 and have no grades below a ~en ... University of Mississippi student Ad.am Ouutes Sdlpnbauer of . Costa Mesa was named to the Fall 2002 semester dean's honor rolJ. A grade-point average of 3.5 to 3.74 is required of full-time studentS to be named to the list ... Navy Petty Officer 3rd Ous Jerenw.b · 0. Oeveland, a 1998 graduate of C.OSta Mesa High School. Kevin Judd recently departed to the Mediterranean Sea and Arabian Gulf aboard the guided missile destroyer USS Porter. Oeveland is among more than 8,000 Pacific Aeet sailors and marines aboard ships in the USS Theodore Roosevelt earner Battle Group ready to participate in Operation Enduring Freedom ... Navy Seaman Apprentice Eric L SaNgkn, a 2002 graduate of Estancia High School and stepson of Richard S. and son ofTina M. Hammerschlag of Costa Mesa, recently completed U.S. Navy basic training at Recruit lhl.ining Command, Great Lakes, lll. • NEIGHBORS spotlights achievements in the community. Please direct noteworthy Information to Coral Wilson by fax at (949) 646-4170, or send e·mail to coral. wilson@latimes.com. DUI ARRESTS These people have been anwted r808ntly on su$picion of driving under the inffuence of an intoxicant. They have only been arrested on suspicion of a crime and, as with all suspects, are considered inflOC6nt until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Sunct.y • Sean Thomas Hogan, 22, Irvine • Sean Michael EUiot, 34, Mission Viejo • Char1es Frank Zavala, 68, Newport Beach • Raymond Lee Leonard, 43, Trabuco Canyon Saturday • Jenniellonce, 21, Garden Grove • Takanorf Tani, Tl. Garden Grove •Jon Russell Jenkins, 41, Irvine •Christopher Joe Lara, 24, Tustin Friday • Homan Fazilat Faraji, 24, Costa Mesa • Benjamirt Nathaniel Davidson. 25,Anahelm •Stephen Wayne Miller, 23, Irvine • Lovie Calo Baumgardner, 34, Newport Beach • Bryce Edgar Manrique, 26. Orange Thul'Mley • Steven Ray Burns. 39, Garden Grove I •John Patridt Fitch, 19, Santa Ana Wedwday •Antonio Morales-Aguilar, 38. Costa Mesa • Rebebh Selah Thome, 29, Costa Mesa •Thomas Joseph Doino, 38, Newport Beach • Jason Liavaa Ryan, 24, Wilmington NEWPORT BEACH Sundey Humberto Deloera Diaz, 27, Santa Ana Seturdey Jojo Nghiem. 34, Irvine John ~ridt Welaome, 31, Hermosa Beach Morton William Hemnann, 72, Capistrano Beach Jose Antonio Perez, 61 , Irvine Lily Ghilardi Jager, 36, Surfside Patridt J. Flaherty, 33, Los Angeles Steven Paul Klrtd>aumer, 47. Laguna Beach Jason Loois Rold, 27. San Clemente Friday Jose Luis Rodriguez, 26, Riverside Peggy S. Wang, 21, Buena Par1c Thunct.y Alfred Sharif, 43, Laguna Hilla PET Of, THE WEEK Brownie Brownle will be up for ldopdon dUt wnU.MI after & IUCCHlfall nc:GNIJ flom ... .... .,.aw ........... ,. ........ CIDIT-bM ... due to a IDlldla D ..... OCCUited ....... birtb. lmlde ... womb. • ._ eo1--m-w--mlmculoUlly nomnllld. ._ l.at.wldl.,... ............. • Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 57 TffOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TOHYDOOEAO Editor JUf/'( OETT1NO ~~r Promotlone Director • Newafdleofw Gina Alexender, Lori Ander90n, Paul Seltowltz, Daniel Stevena NEWllTAff 0...-....... Crime and courts reporter, (949) 574-4228 dHpe.bhar.rh•l«l,,,...com JuneCue_. Newpon 8Md'I iwportef, (948) 574-4232 }un..c...,,,_,.•,_,,__oom ,...CIRIOlll Polltlca and «Wlronment ~. (948) JM.4330 paul.cllnton•l•rl,,,...com l.oleeHerper Cofumnltt. culture reportet, <Ml 574-<U?I lollta.M,,_.,.,,,,,...oom . ~·--Com MeN ,..,..,, , .. 1574-4221 t»lrdre.Mlf/llmllll•WJ,,,.com Oall*wc.lle Eduo9tion l'9POftlt, (Ml 17~ cMllJne.CMrltlo•,..,,_com FOR A GOOD CAUSE Sollleone to lean on L any Vescera I.Otes being a surrogate parent The 57-year-old F.astbluff resident becomes one -albeit for only a few hours every week - when he volunteers for Court Appointed Special Advocates. a national organi7.ation that helps abused or neglected children who are wards of the court and child welfare system. Vescera. who wodcs with the Orange County chapter of the group. has been assigned to four teenagers over the last seven years. Volunteers like him carefully srudy an individual child's disrupted life and make a recommendation to the court as to what they beUeve is best for the child. Vescera, an employee of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. donates at least five hours a week to his pet project. one he says he has grown to love and cherish OYel" the years. "I got involved with it because I thought at the time that it was something different.· he said. He went through a 50-hour orientation program to qualify himself for the job. The kids. most of whom live in group needed. Eastbluff reside nt Larry Vescera helps counsel and s upports children living in group homes . homes and shelters, have a variety of people laking care of them. indudmg judges. doctors. psychiatrlsts and teachers. But they usually don't have that one person to hetp them malce sense of everything they a.re going through. Vescera said. "They don't have anyone who looks over their whole life and make<; sure pans of their l.ives are not falling through the cracks.· he said. ·For example. there was this one boy who was being ovennedicated. I found that oul only when I sat down and looked at all his records after I though! his behavior was strange. His behavior 1otally changed and was baclc to nonnal right after that." Vescera has worted only with teenagers so far. he said. "I specialize in the older ldds." he Other call and clop looking for homes iDdude a Rhoc1911ui Ridgeback and Lab mix q, M¥enl Shmeee Snowshoe mixes and a dedawed HllllUlyan. C°'91Whon 'hlllponry bomea are needed for kittens found in bulbea and abandoned animals . See Giber ulmall svailable for adoption at ..... .,.~orror Russo's pet atore at r.lalaa ll&md between noon and 4' p.m . on......._ lnformadon: (949) 759-3646 or CommunJty Animal Network. P.O. Box 8662, Newport Bw:b. CA 92858. saJd "I got each of them when they were 15 or 16 and o;iayed with them till they 1umed 18." Three of h~ "wcllds" made it 10 college and one of them is trying 10. Vescera said. "It's greal IO ..et> them all go on with their Hves. • he ..aid. "One of them made it to the Unlver>ity of California after spending several years under the system. lllat ~ an accomplishml'nt for him and a rewarding moment for me.. But there ace also the cha11enges. "Sometimes. ldds wiD get in trouble or run away from their group homes.· Vescera said. "Their grades drop or they get in 6ght.s." It is pan of Vescera's du ti~ to file a periodical manda1ory repon to the coun about the child under his watth.. Building a relauonship with the children is also a significant cha.llenge. he said. ·At first. they're skeptical or standoffish.· Vescera said "Slowty it builds up. Its like any relationship or friendship. The key Is to be honest with them.· Story by Deepa Bluuath. f'twto by Sean Hilll!r News auimnt. (949) 674-4298 coral. wllt0ntllatinHM.com PHOTOORAPHER8 Box 1560, Cotta Meta, CA 92626. Copyright: No newa stories, illuttrat!ons, editorial matter or advertisement• herein can be reproduced without written permiuion of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF Seen Hiller, Don L.eectt. KMlt Trwpeow AfADERS HOTLM (949)8'2~ Record yc>Yr comments about the Dally Piiot or new1 tlpa. ~ Our add,... 11 330 W. Bay St., Cotta M ... CA 92827. Office houri are Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. Col1u110,. It le the Piion Polley to promptly oon9Ct aN errors of 1ut.tance. ....... c.11 (9481794-4324. FYI HOW TO REACH US Cnua.tlon The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 Advet1teil19 Cl1111fted (9'9) 642·5678 Dtll*Y (949) 642-4321 EdleotW Newt (949) Ml-5680 Sport9 (949) 574-4223 Newt ..... (949) 846-4170 Sport9 ..... (949) &50-0170 E.....-t dllllypllor•,.rlrnw.com Mellt <>Moe ......... <>Moe (949) 842-4321 ............. (949) 631-7126 There'• a very alight chance of showers posaible this m orning, though more than likely It'll just be doudy. We should'" IOme tuMNne this eftemoon. Hight will stay on the cooler lide of 80 while Iowa drop Imo the mkMOa. Thul'9dey wtN be VfllY similar, though dry. '"'°"'11111 L www.nws.nc>N.(JOV BOATING FORECAST More cheat-to head-highs will anive .. rty today, but county heelth officials contin to wem us to atav dry 72 hou after a rain. We'll drop dOwn this afternoon Into the chest- ahoulder-hlgh ntnge. The next northwest swell enivn Thur9day, J>('OYtdtng IOme chest-to heed-highs, though Fridev'• looktng ever\ t>ea.r. ly then, we lhould IOme owme.da. ... ...-r. www.~org I I I . • # # # • • • • • The Newport~ MeN Detty Not (USPS-144-800) II pubMehed dtlly. In Newpon BMd'I end ea.ta MMe, eubectipdone are eY8llible only by IUbecriblng to The ~ 0rtnge County (IOO) 2&2-1141. In.,... outlldl of Newpoft IMdt end co.ca MeN, IUOecrlpdone to the Delly Pilot .,.. ~ ... only by flnt dw mell for 830 per'"°'*'·(~ lndude ell _..._.end loClll tu-.I flOSTMAS1"ER: Send~ cNf9a to The Newpoft ~ MeM Deity "tot. P?O. The not1tM: llllrfV wlrMia wtl blow 10 to 15 llrtDta In fie Inner ....... wll't 2-fDot W9VWI end ·--~oflto7...:The ..... _ ...... TIDES Time &:31a.m. 1:0Sp.m . 7:64p.m. 12:21 a.fn. ........ . 6.46*tNgh • PllblWled by Tlmea Commun"v Newa, a dlvteion of the t..o. ~ T1me9. CQ002 TlfMI CH. A.II r1ghta rMef..ed. • ....... .... wll b9dldown '° •to• .... Oul ...... ... R0111nte I II ~ ..... wll blow 11to2D ........ ,...... wwea end 1 Wiit -.I of Ito ltMc.The-.wtlbeowt ted~ ......... ; ....... ~--low 3.74f!Mthlgh .. 2.21Mtlow .. . .. -. Dally Piiot Planners welcome 4-story buildings Costa Mesa Pla nning Commission unanimously adds 4-building condo project to 1901 Newport. Deirdre Newman Da1lyP1lot COSTA MESA -Look up and you will sec the future of lhe downtown area 'lliat's the direction develop· ment is heading, planning commissioners said as they appruve<l a high·density four· story condominium project in the hean of downtown over Mlme residents' objections about lhe project's density. Commissioners unanl· mol.l!>ly favored Rutter Devel- opment's plan to add 161 up· scale condominiums 10 the 1901 Newport Blvd property, which now contains lhe Span· ish mission-style Newport Plaza building. The condos wouJd be housed in fou1, four- story buildlngs measuring about SO feet high. BecaW>e lhe property is in a redevelopment zone, the proj- ect needs to cam lhe blessing of lhe Redevelopment Agency and lhe City C .our1ci1. WhiJe nearby ~idcnts complained that the project \V<L'> tryini:; to cram 100 m uch BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Science medal rec ipient will speak at UCI today I he ZOO I Nauonal Medal of ~1cm·e reup1ent, I nmc1<,co J Ayala, wdl ~IH' a ll'cturc on lhl' "11ie Bmlogical 1-oundati on'> of I thics • at 7 p.m. today tn tht• UC.. lrvme Cl)"tal Cove Auditorium. Ayala, a Donald Bren profcs'Or residential density into a com· mercial space. commissioners argued that with the city as built out as it is. up is lhe onJy way to go. "This represents the viston for the future of the Westside." said Chair Katrina Foley. "l bere are places in the city where density is good. This is one of them." David Eadie. chief executive of Rutter Development. said he thought lhe commission made a sound deruion. "It's the kind of deliberative process that takes place and unpeels like an onion,· Eadie said. "I think it was an ex- tremely reasoned decision lhe way they approached it.· Rutter Development envi· sioned the residential project ac; the perfect complement to the mix of the downtown area and the !>ite, which will a1sv in- dude a Vegas style nightclub in lhe Newport Pl~.a building. he said. Some resident5 <lid not share his enthui.iru.m. In addi tion to complaining that the density was twice what's al or biologicaJ science and profe:.- '>Or of philosophy at lJCI. will give the lecture ru. pan of 1he Al- lergan Foundation l.e<:ture '>t'rie., in Modem Biology. N. an l'volutionary b1olog"I. at UCI. Ayala has become d fre quel)t participant rn the -.c1en- UVEEKEND SALES EVENT! C IRVINE OMEN'S BASKnBALL UC Irvine vs. cal Poly SLO ftuscllly, Feb. 'ZI at 7 p.111. UC Irvine vs. UC Santa Bar'oara Sa...,, March 1 at 7 p& lolll 91•a el Ira lv'lllll Callar lowed in the city't. genera.I plan. they also complained about the building bloclang sunfight to nearby hom es and an increase in traffic in the al- ready clogged area "'11ie traffic ~ already here." said Sandy Johnson. "If you go down the !Costa Mesa Free- way!. the traffic i!. already jammed pa..,t Victoria [Street)." 'lb d£;al with a furure traffic surge because of the condo!>, the commi~'iion required $150,000 in cac;h or secunry bonds from Huller for a poten- tial trclffic ~iwiaJ ar I !arbor Boulevard and Bemanl Street. While city planner.. rc.'COm· mendt'C.I that flutter re<lucc lhe building's size at the north· wel>t comer of the project site from fou1 to three 'itori~ 10 make it m ore ae!>thetically ap- pealing. lhe commL'i51on dill not agree it w~ nece<--<iary The pro1ect aJso include<, a two-level underground pa.rk ing structure and a Cive·level above ground parting .,true ture. TI1e cornmi'i'>1on ap- proved an excep11011 to re-,1 - dential parkmg requirements :l-2. with 8ruce (,arlic.:h and Eleanor l·.gan · di~nlinK Some rt'Sidt1nlo; disagreetl \\tlh thi" a.., well, r har'Wng there " a lack of parking in the art'<L tifk dt•hatc u>11u·rn11 1g \\lwther or not human t·th1t '> ,u1d moral 11y an• 111ht·r11ed or dl'H·lopl'd through .. on .. tl trad1111111., llw lt:l lltrl· .uuJ rt·u·rmon .ire lret• Jlld OJWll Ill till' p11hl11 I or mort· 111formJ111111 c .111 !4-IY1 Hl4 ; !SL C11nell foM ...... -.., ... _, .... , .--1w1 .... ..-. ......... _ ............ , ...... -. .............. . ""_ ..... ... ................. ., ........................ . ............... _ ............. ..... ,,_uaw1•..,••r11r.a .. " •1CM1,.... ... ... ,,..,... ........................ " ... ... -.c.u. UC-• Umw • 11sw I I ..... w.11tMW .............. ~. 1 *•·-· .. , ..... ... I fEJl-·lrt .... c-......................... , .. .._ .. .. _, ........... 0 •1 t I .... . ........... ), *, ...... ,. .... .............. -..•.... JWA expansion plans lift off Supervisors OK proposal for construction of six ad ditional gates, which are needed to ha ndle expected passenger growth. u-.ed th e .urpurt during lOOl, till rea.,e'> drt' expected Pnor to June. lhe .urport rnuld not hdve gro\\n beyond II'> t ap of Ii 4 m1Jhon per yl'al Paul Clinton Daily Pilot JOI IN WAYNJ-AIHl'Oll I County :.upervi<,or<, I ue.,day <,enl airport manager-. to the negotiating table with fivc firm'> LO hammer out contract.,, w the tirms can begin planning tlw a irport's expani.ion. Supervi'>Of'>. at tht•ir rt:gularly .,c;heduled fue.,day mel't1ng1 unanimously approved Airport Director AJan Murphy\ rclOm· rnendation 10 !>plit the work h<· tween the five. Murphy mu'>t n· turn with c;igned to111raci... spelBng out co11q>t0n'>.1t1on ctnd workloads for l'ill h, bclur1• planning work ca11 begin The approval, \\Ith :\twpcHt .Mesa's repre')enlallw Jim '-i1h .i absent. mark., the hcg11111111g of a muh1-year prou· .. ., b} tlw cllr port to step up night lJJhlllt\ by adding '>IX gate .. ''' tlw t'\l"t ing 14 at the I hom.1., I Hilt•' terminal. "The '>IX gait"' art· '"hat 1., needed 10 incrl',IW our pa.,...en ger cap.it11y... ...pokt''>WOmt111 Ann M ccarley ~<J1d "I hi.. '' tht· m·xt '>lt'p 111 impl1·11w111111g tht· agreement ht•twl't'll '\l'l>'<port Ht'ach, 1he l O\lrll\ ,ind tht• two communi1y group' ~uperVl\CJr'> In l>l'1 1·111lll'r granted tht: airport olll 1·xpa11 Crevier MINI Sann 41W .t.uto l.<.oi • SS frw1 11 I~• i"' (888) 823-9808 '>IOll of a June l 5 dppruvaJ of four ddd111011aJ .:ates and o ther llll'red't'' Ill Otght Jeveb, rill' 1111tial dpproval ended a yearlong cffori hy Newpon Bearh leader' to extend tht' I !:llil ...i•11lt·nwn1 ex1e11?>1on, whirh llr.,t 1mpu.,ed re<,trictions 1lll the Jtrport. Newport Beach ollld two lOmrnunity groUp'>, 10 l luding tlw Airport Work.mg < 1roup. ha\t: ... am·t1oned tht' plan. "I tl11nk lhdt\ along the lint>'> with the ~l'ttle11wn1 agreemt'nt that we hJ\e -.1gnt'd off on." .,,ud lom :'llaughton. th<' group\ pre.,1dent ~ l hJI hJ'> been ex- 11l'<:tt'd .. \\ h1le 7 <:!· 1111111011. pa,.,enger' FOR THE RECORD I he airport t ould grow w a., many ~ I U s 1111lhon pa'>wn ger'> un11I .!OJ I, wlwn t Jpaury u1uld agJm be rdmpl'd up agatn, to I U Ii m1llm11 dnnual travelt'r'> Airp<Jrt leader-, 'JY tlwy II de velop a lll<htt·r plan fur the prO)l'Cl, Whll:h l'>n I expe1 It'd tu heg111 ron~trnl t11lll until l O(J">, MrCarlt'y '>did I h<· ,11rpor1 would build a .,all'llllt· tt·rmmal ddji:ICt'llt to th(• l'X.lllllg lt'fllll nal. Murphy .., 11u .... ht·ddt·d tu the tabll' tu work out lrnal contra~'" w11h DMJl\1 \v1a11un , I .andru111 & Brown. Hon ll'rra C or1'UhlllK Int Ml''>lrc C ;rc•\t' A"oci.1tt•' and AU\1111 I ou'>I A""' IJIC'" In the ·reachers of the YeaJ honored" ~tory that rem lue!>- day. Cynthia Blackwell of California FJementary wac, mad· vertentJy left off the list of the Newpon -Me!>a Umfied School D1c;1rict 's educators of the year. MO PASSPORT IS MEEPED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 9'9·645-7626 MATH Help At TUTORING CLUB Offering Indivi dualized Instruct ion • Basic Math • f gebr.::; • _;iecrr'°'~r,, • Tngcnometry • -o J 1J_ CALL TODAY 949-645-7900 488 E. 1 T" STREET • C OSTA M ESA rcorner o l 1rv1re Ave 1 • Sem1-Pnvate tor Men & Women • Lots of Equipment/Free Weights • P1lates Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater-l.JCensed • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers • Child Care Sam-nQO<l M -F • Ample & Convenient Panting • Yoga Tai Chi Stretch classes • Step. Power Pump Card10 • Showers. Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up PhySJCal Therapy Center • PermanentMake-Up • Shape-Up Hair Care • Acupuncture/Acupressure Wellness Clinic NOTICE OF VACANCIES THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH IS CURRENTLY ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS ro FtU VACANT PO JTIONS ON THE AVIATION COMMJlTEE.. ros moNS ARE CUJUlENTLY AVAILABLE REPRESENTING COUNOL OISTRJCTS l, 2. 3. 4, 6 AND 7 . THE DEADUNE FOR FtLING APPLICATIONS IS f;OQ P.M, ON MONDAY. MAllQ{ 3. 2003. APPLICATION BLANKS AND ADOmONAL INFORMATION ABOtrr 11fE COMMJTIF.E CAN BE OBTAINED FJlOM THE CITY Cl.ElllrS oma.. 3300 NEWPOIIT 80ULEVARD • OR WILL BE MAJLED OR FAXED TO YOU BY CALLING 949~JOOS. 111! APPUCATION ANO INFORMATION ABOUT THI COMMTITf.£ CAN ALSO IE ACCF.SSED TillOUGH THE crrrs WEB ~m AT: ....... """ h t A. UNDf.a ~ENERAL INFORMATION/CITIZEN PAm<lM110N INF()Jt. APPOINTMENTS AU SCHEDULED ro I! MADE ON TIJF.SDAY, MAliCH 11, •J. .. • ' f Wednesday, February 26, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Bristol Street; Petty theft was reported In the 3300 blodc at 1:31 p.m. Sunday. • Center StTeet: Drinking In public was reported in the 800 blodc at 12:08 a.m. Sunday. • H•rbor Boulewrd: Grand theft was reported in the 2300 blodc at 5:35 p.m. Sunday. •Johnson Avenue: A vehicle burglary was. reported in the 3000 blodc at 10:53 p.m. Sunday. • Monrovia Avenue: An assault was reportEtd in the 1900 blodc at 11 :05 p.m . Sunday. • Newport Boulevard: Possession of marijuana was reported in the 2200 blodc at 9:56 p.m. Sunday. •West "'8th Street: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 600 blodc at 6:04 p.m. Sunday. • West 19th Street an<t • Wallace Avenue: Possession of marijuana was reported at 6:20 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH •Avocado Av9nue: A commercial burglary was reported in the 1400 blodc at 1:45 ptm. Monday. • e.yshON Drive: A boat burglary was reported in the 2800 blodc at 3:03 p.m. Monday. • C.brillo Md 11th strHts: An auto theft was reported at 11:37 p.m. Monday. • Newport Center Drive Eut: A hit-and-run was reported in the 600 blodc at 9:14 a.m. Monday. • Newport Center Drive West: Forgery was reported In the 900 blodc at 10:26 a.m. Monday. • West Ocean fn>nt: A loud party was reported in the 2100 blodc at 5:48 a.m. Monday. • Paris Lane: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 200 blodc at 11 :37 a.m. Monday. • 16th Street: Battery was reported in the 2400 blodc at 1:10 a.m. Monday. LUMINETIE l..irrn<ttel'• P11vocy Sbeer~ Hier light through soh lab11r vo•oe~ h1dJ~r ornonq th«! fold~ vi elms•< .. \f•Cn'I '"I If,. • II '/I XII I., •of ifL-ofi,,t ~ALDEN'S FLOOR COVERING A'ID CUSTOM WINDOW (OVERJNGS 1663 Pla centia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 ~ ...... , ... , .. , www.hunttrdouglo1.1om WHEIE GIEAT IOOMS llGl/t. J 11wntt1 Oougtili tot. 11-lleg<1tt1eo t1adfma~ ol Hunter Oouo~s Inc Harbor Vit..w East bluff Andersen Llncoln Newport Elvnvitory Schools Coo.st Hosted by Leigh and Lucy Steinberg Featuring gasn Jo..m.hA 'Ju.k.& 10K Run/W•lk 5K Run/Walk llutnk• to our Span.ore: fletcher Jones Motorcar5 FAIWards 'nlutru Wtills Fargo Nestll Ldlie Aspis, OMO Daily Pilot Pashion Island t .. ~J ... D .. , OChmffy KA8C QliM' Robyn MOM ~ Mttro ~. The Irvine CclmplnY Apartment Communitie$ ~ 1'71ll~ • 1 _ ... ;;::;:: .... other entertainment .uses. KOHL'S Continued from Al -it doesn't seem like the best fit. .. Commissioner Bill Perkins, who cast the dissenting vote, agreed. ~Kohl's is a good (project! to me, but it's in the wrong neigh- borhood," Perkins said. "Tu build a department store that big next "We think it's going to be far ~intrusive or impactful a use as compared with recreation or en- tertainment where the concentra- tion of trips. Qaflic and noise is in the evening and on weekends, whereas Xohls traffic is broaclJy distributed throughout the course of each day," Freeman saJd FOURTH Continued from Al Newport's image throughout the region as a destination for Fourth of July parties. Busloads of revelers traveling from places like Ventura County are partku· larly problematic most agreed. · to homes that dose, I'm a little sketchy on." But Paul Freeman, spokesman for the Segerstroms, countered that Kohl's will be less of a nega- tive presence in the area than VALUES Continued from Al 2002. ln Costa Mesa, the m id- way home rose 17.63% in value from $329,000 a year ago. "The robust m omentum we witnessed iii the California hous- ing market throughout 2002 con- tinued in January," said Toby BraclJey, the president of the group. uThe median price of a home has increased by double digits for the last 14 months and shows no signs of abatement." Statewide, mid-level home BRIEF Continued from Al in the area. TI1e slick freeways were more or less free of crashes. On wet streets, people used colorful umbrellas to shield themselves from mostly mild drizzle that got heavier at times. "The showers wi1J taper off (Tuesday night)," said Miguel Miller, meteorologist for the Na- tional Weatl1er Service in San Di- ego. "[Wednesday) will be bright and sunny. with temperatures in the 60s.· He said there is a "very, very, small" chance of showers both Thursday and Saturday. "Even if it rains, it's going to be very small amounts," Miller said. There ·is. however. chance of heavier rain next iteek as early as Tuesday, he said. Miller said Tuesdays rain was the result of a storm system that An appeal has to be filed within seven business days for the City Council to consider the issue. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reacned at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latimes.com. sales grew an averc1ge of 17 .3%, even though sales rose only 0.1 % during the m onth compared to a year ago. lYJ>ically, January and February are slow months for the real estate industry. When compared to December, the number of January sales in Orange County fell 21.6%. in the price arena, the county saw a 1.6% rise. • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be readied at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@larimes.com. originated in the Gulf of Alaska and crept into Southern Califor- nia from the ocean. "It did not hit land w1til it got here," he said. Most storms hit landfall north along the coast. An urban-and small-stream advisory Wf1S in effect fo r about 12 hours Tuesday -from 5:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. A small-craft advisory w-as aJso in place until Tuesday night not because of winds, but because of choppy seas, Miller said. In Newport Beach, however. the small-craft advisory was in effect only from 6 p.m. Monday night to 6 a.m. Tuesday morning. Harbor Patrol officials said. The seas were ~not rough" and winds were-dying down by Tuesday, officials said. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and couns. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath @Jlatimes.com. • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL FLOORING ·~!.!~ t .i,,,@:.:.:.i SOlMtAN ~ITTJ>~2!,': 'J/4" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTER $449 from sqtt -$14~~ Travertine 18" x 18" .......................................................... '4.29 901t Ceramic Tile .................................................... installed from '4.99 901t .Laminate Wood ............................................... tltS18116dtrom '4.99 ... 11. • r---' l!rfWTU1I ,,,,,.._ 675 llel 1374= Avt • .J:!t: F :' (888) tm":l)777 ... MON.-FRI. 10AM to 5 PM. • SAT. 10 AM to 2 PM [;;;iiil; CLOSED SUNDAY I .. ns.r--,~~~-.i • <!/JllDlllWAluJJ • CONSIGN • DESIGN QuaJµy Furnishings & Accessories For Your Home Oval Coffee Table .......................................... ~ ... $95• . Lexington Wicker Glass End Table .............. $100- Leather Iron Bar Stool ........••.....................•.• $125 .. Lexington Wicker Glass Coffee Table .......... $165" Occasional Chair ............................................ $?()()" Sofa ................................................................... $225• Pine Bun et ....................................................... $35C>" Anttque Table w/6 Chairs .............................. $5.SC>" ' ' I \ I I I 4 • 369 E. 17th Street # 10, Costa Mesa, ~ bdllnd Plum'• Pltio Phone(949)764-1?46 • Mm-fri 10:00..S~-~ IO:OOllD-S:OO,a S.. ~- "I'm very grateful you're think· ing of us on the Fourth of July.~ resident Peter Smith said. "Our Fourth of July problems are a sympiom of the attitude of the city toward this part of town. With a an attitude like that per· ALLOWED Continued from Al Angered residents who have opposed a variety of home additions have pulled the "H&C card every time. Anyone remember Michael Schroclc's plans to b uild tl1ree homes on an enormous Eastslde lot? Scrapped because it was ,not in harmony with the quai111, ranch-style homes that surrounded it. And then there was that p~ky Aviemore Terrace home addiLion where those greedy home owners wanted to add another story to their modest Westside home to accommodate their growing family. No go. Not compatible enough. The houses on Sumatra Pldce. Madison Avenue, Broadway. Magnolia Avenue and Wc:.t I ~th Street -to name only a few - underwent exhausting examination because those in opposition argued the plans would create houses tha1 did not fit with the charnct1:r of the neighborhood. F.ach plan was wlthm ~l'llcral ci1y guidelines bur denied a1 one level or another because of comJ)acibliity issues. 'T he plans were beauliful, the architecture divine," resident/> would say. "ln any other neighborhood, it would work. just not ours." · Now, in the city's defenM- . many of the above projects were ultimately approved with a few minor rweaks or adjustment!> - except the Schrock and Aviemore Terrace homes. Despite ultimate victories, projects subjected to the harmony and compatibility litmus test suffered costly delays, drastic project changes and many sleepless nights -not to mention the COW1tless hours spent in titillating City Hall. foley said harmony and compatibility were considered m at least her decision. "There is an element of that within the analysis not related to the use but the location of the building," Foley said Tuesday. The location of the building is perfectly legal and the commission could not deny the project simply because there is a AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND 10WN items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; o r by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY A wot'bhop on ·unctemandlng International Trade" will be held from 9 a.m . to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The $25 fee includes materials. For more information, call (714) 550-7369. Global tNnd tndcer Jeremy Rifkin will present .. Petroleum, Politics and the Hydrogen Economy .. at 2 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Tickets are $18, including refreshments. Register in advance by calling (866) 301-2411 oronlineat www.newportbeachlibrary.org. MONOAY A OrHt Ded9ions dl9cunion of •1ntemational Food Wars: Growing Controversies" led by John Benner is the fifth In an eight-week series on U.S. foreign policy topics. The discussion will be hetd from 7 to 8:30 p .m. at St. Mark Presbyterian Churcta, 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beach. For more lnfonnation, call (949) 780-1891. TUESDAY w.m.. ......... Wonten wll hoet tta ennuel open houM from 4 to 8 p.m. The nonprofit orgenlQtion Mtvn avet ~000 women ennually by providfng ctothlng to women In hnlftk>n end eeeklng emptoyment. ~menta will be MfVtd. n,. center la et 711 W..17th St., Cotta Meet. For mon lnfotmedon, cell UM9l 4DOOSl .. Dally Pilot vading our city we will never bring o ur neighborhood up to the standards of the rest of New. port Beach." City Councilman Tod Ridge- way reaffirmed his belief that the way to fix the problem is to sh ift the area's character from pri- marily a rental area, to mostly owner-oc<.-upied units. "We need a long-term solu- tion," Ridgeway said. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beacn and John Wayne Airport. She mav be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e·mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. drive 10 save the retro bowling alley. Kona Laiies. Councilman Gary Monahan, who could be considete<J Foley·!> arch -nemesis, said he was surprised by Kohl's approval. "We haven't bothered to bring that up before," said Monahan in regard 10 tl1e property own~r's ' legal rights to develop their property as long as ii met city code.. Monahan, tl1e most vocal !)ttpponcr 1jf erasing harmony and compatibility from city codes because the words are far too '>llbjective, wondered how city sLaffers could recommend denial of the Kohl's project if it m fact met all the city's zoning requirements. ~I low could staff deny it if then~ were a legal problem?" Mon.than wondered. if unly those in opposition to the Kohl's project would have known about the "H&C card. Th ey could have stalled the project right o ut of the gates. Planning Commi~ioner Bill Pl'rl1..ms certainly tried to steer them in the right direction. f le denie<l 1hc project because ii "dOC'>n't til. ··Perkins even u.-.ed a line s1raight out of the nol ·hannonious playbook. ·•11\ wo bi.: and brings too much 1r.iffic," Perkin/> said ... It \ .1 great projer l. IQ't'31 idea. w eal store bul it's 1us1 not the right neighborhood." Kuna l..anes t>nthu_.,ia.slb. forgt•t your mtional argumenll. about t1 i.1ck of whull~ome t·ntcrLainm~llL or the proltforation of boxy retaII store' i11 thc cued. Neighboring homeowners, stop complainin.,: about the po:..c.ible noise from the loading do<:k.s just feet from .your bedroom windows. R~ident.s. quit your useles.c; mwnblings about traffic on tllt' parking lot some people Wc.e to cal.I Harbor Boulevard. Just repeal after me: "Not harmonious or compatible. - ln Costa Me.!><l, it's all you ha~ 1osay. • LOUTA HARPER wntes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts She may be reached at 1949) 574--4275 or bye·mait at /olrta.harper a lat1mes.com A free 1emln•r ~lled .. The Connection Between Inflammation and Chronic Diseases" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. A worbhC"1 on •M•fbting •nd Promotion" will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The $25 fee includes materials. For more information. call (714) 550·7369. An opera •nd sjnging discussion led by local voice teadler Patricia Shanks will be held at 8 p.m. at Alta Coffee, 506 31st St.. Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 7234473. WEDNESDAY A"-aeminar and book sign6ng called "Anti-aging for Baby Boomers and Beyond" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mothe r's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. The Cost.II Mesi! Chamber of Commerce will host a ·eusiness After Hour Mixer" from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Kari Strauss Brewery Restaurant, 901 South Coast Drive. Free for members and cost la $10 for potential members. For more Information, call (714) 886-9090. lMURSOAY A ..... ..,...., c:eled •ttonnonee. Rejuvenation, Nutrition and Oeto><iflcetlon" win be hekt from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Mertet. 225 Ea1117th St., C09ta Mae. For reservationa. cell (800) 595-MOMS. t Dally Pilot Wednesday. February 26. 2003 A5 . FORUM HOW TO GET PU BUSHED -letters: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Rei den Hotine: Call (949) 642-60fli Fax: Send to (9491 646-4170 E-m•ll:Send ro dailypi/ot•" latimes.com •All correspondence must include full name. hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length READERS RESPOND Bowling for answers on the fate of Kon a Lanes AT ISSUE: The destiny of Kona Lanes a nd its possible replacement by a department store. T his is in respon,t· 10 the Kona Lanes artide ("J>laJ111ers give Kona Lane!> hope," Saturday). I feel that Kona Lance, should be kept in our city. We need Kuna Lanes for numerous rea-.on .... It could U'>e a face lift, but 11 i'> one of the only recreation fadh1tC'> left that provides a physical at:11vity for all age ... There ha<, been a rc,urgencc of bowling as a popular pa.,umc fur ld11Hht:!> .uld individuah. l'ht• ncare'>t howling aUie.,, lO our area are Fou111a111 Vallt•y urn.I Santa Ana. Our i:i1y '>hould reJp tile benefill> from 1h1' at1iv11y A fhvolou!> rea.,on would be 1h.i1 ii i.!t a landmark and J reminder of c.l1c "good old day.,,." We arc lac~ng in that area. People who haw hwd lwre for a long time remember Van\ !fowling Alley, 1he I IMhor Boller 1!111k, lht· Mel.a l'hea1er. Pink.'> Drug '1101t· and more chat I havt' no1 mt·n1H>11c•d \1111wonc from my family ha' hH·d 111 Lo'>lil Me!><I conlinuou,I\• \UH t• I~ I Ii and tlwrt.· are very few lrnc• l,md111.1rb. \\'t> dw1'1 '>ceq1 10 value our J>J'I \\c• do hJw lhl· historical '>OUl·ty. hut thJI 1-. 1.·vcn ma ccimpara11vl'ly 1w\.\ h111ld1n).{ and \\hat rematn'> art· JU'I p1t111re., \\1• haw managed 10 ket•p 1lw ~ ll•lhu<.11.,(church on I 9c.11 'iln'l'I. h111 Vlllll'llllll'' 1h.11 I\ 111 doubl. We hc1vc an over.1h1111d.inu:" ol dcpanmen1 and d1'>1 c>t1111 'IOrl'\. One of 1he'>t' day' I ex1wt1 'ornt•om· IU '>UAAl'\I wt· change our lhlme lO "St>ger-.lromvilll' ... l\lv gmmlmother would laugh ill thal. \h1· u,1•d 10 mv11e .1 new. '>lruAAhng, f,mn ldlllll} hi dinner when 'he liVl'cl lwre .111d llll'ir n;um· wa.i, ~·gl·"1ro111 Ille famtlit·., lll'df lhl' l t'llll'r 1ha1 have 'upponed 1lw dl•par111u:n1 'core haw nul l'Oll'>ldt•rt•d 1 lw a11111u111 of 1raffit 1lld1 w1ll lw gc1ll'rawd on Me,.1 Verde Urive. With traffic a'> congested as it is on Harbor Bou.levard and on Adams Avenue, people will find that entering and exiting using Mesa Verde Urive 10 be much more expedient. That cannot help but 10 have a very large impac1 on the houses and apartments located there. On another subject: II\ 100 bad that the f>-aul MitcheU School didn't locate in d ther the old empty thea1er or the ice rink building. The par~g would have been more than sufficient and the rest of u~ wou.ld nor be inconvenienced by the congestion the i.tudent~ cau~ on th~ sLreet~ where c.lley now park, walk and just "hang out." D. JOANNE COOPER Costa Mesa I think ii is absolutely ridiculous that we add a huge shopping place there. We need th e recreation. Segerstrom ha!> billion!> of dollars, he does not need one more penny of revenue. If he doesn't care to have that shopping center. why doeso'1 he ju.st ~II it? And we can have '>Omething useable for the public. We do not need another huge .,hopping facili ty. SUSAN SHAW Co<..la Mel>a I feel that Kona l.anes bowling aJJey · o;houJd be upgraded like Fountain ValJey Bowl and Irvi ne Bowl so that local residents have a new and modem bowling alJey facility to go·co for rcnealion. We do not need Kohl's department <,tore or any deparunen1 ~tore like i1 '>illing on 1ha1 1<11. It I!. inappropria1e for a department !>tore to be in a re.,iden1ial 101 .,urh a!> tha1. JANICE WEBB Co'>ta Mc._.1 TOSHIBA ' f FILE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT The days of bowling at Kona Lanes may be numbered. • I thmk it would rea.l.ly be nice. an improvemenc for the neighborhood and nice to have something for the neighbors and surrounding area 10 go 10 . if Kona Lanes were 10 be fix.ed up a litt.le bit. II look.s like a ramshackle place but if 11 wa' '>piffed up. it mjght be much more appealing to have people go there Give the owner a lea.!te tha1 would be consistent w11h his investment. • J.D. STEELE Cosca Mesa Please save the Kona Lanes. II is the only safe plate I feel my lods are safe It I'> a grea1 family galhenng place. DANIEL ATKINS I Costa Mesa • M)' message lO t.11e Co~ta Mesa Also. ii would be nice to have the movie come back and be kept nice and clean and run some first run movies there. There are al 0 a lot of other nke entertainment, family-oriented things thal would do weU there. I feel. I know ii may not pay as much as a big department store, but it would make c.lle people who live here a 101 happier. Planning Comm1~ion I'> c.lus. This new t store is a terrible idea. Costa Mesa h~ plenty of Mores. It needs good recreational facilities a'> Kona Lanes. especially a place with ~o much tradition and good memone!> ru. Kona Lanes has. DOR01liY BEUER I vehement.ly cxpre.,., the opimon Costa Mesa tha1 .the new 'itcire I'> a hJd idea Kuna PAUL PEARSON ( 11 ... I I \,,.,I \Alha1 do our l'lann111g < 111111111 ...... 11111 and Ci1y < ounul hd\t' .ig.1111'1 lt\I· entertammenc { I or 1hu ... 1· 111 u' \\ho lt\1 nonhwe'>t ut I 71h .,1rt·t·1 "1111.i I .111•'' • ., the last venue, comt·n1t·111h 1111 .11nJ .,ull in Co,ld Me'><t. \•.llt'rt rt·g11l.01 1111~ 1.:an go for unreh1•Jf'>t·tl lrt\11ltl\ F-or a Cll} look111g lur ,111 1d1·n1m. 111 my op1rnon, ,.,c\t l 111d 111 g11111·11 .m.1\ from our rooi.. It \v,1"11 1lt,11 l•i11g .1g11 when P-d c1fit Arnpl111h1 .tll'r ,,,1, 111 operation tha1 ch" lo\\ 11 IH11.1nl \l\h1·11 1 <,how t..Jml' 10 rwrtorrri ( 11 •• k''>lf extent, 11 you havt111 lw1·11 111 ~' 111.1 l.ane., on a \l\eekend rngl11 \llll wouldn'1 Iulo\.\ c.l1t pl.11 t' ",1J1w w11h people and a 'ant·t\ ol 1·1111·r1.11nrm·111 Somewha1 of a rl.1r.ufo\ ., tltt• Seger•.trom~· plan tor 1h1., prnpeny n1ey are commi11ed 10 m,1k1ng the Orangt < uunl'\ l't·rforn1111g An' I l'ntt· aJI one of 1he ht·'>t m 1lw IJnd. and 1hJ'"' a good c.llmg, but 11., 1101 tor t•\er,·111w On the flip 'ide. 1ht•\ \l\dlll 10 lurn "'''' 1 Lane., 1111w ano1hrr t1cp.1rttnen1 ''"rt Lhat \\ha1 V.l' \.\<Lil' or n11•d · fhe Me~ \ enfr ( t•r111·1 11,1, 'ud 1 po1en11al \\1n 1101 .1dd 1 •1uph· ol good neighborhood n·,1,11irat11 ... J111 pub'> and a.I.low tllt•m tu .11L1·11111.111 I.• cenier by pmmoung hH· entenJ111men1 \1J\ht· ,011w1l1111g \\111 dll ln..,h 0<1\or or hLe tlh q111tt' 1x1puJ 11 H1lbo Haggin' that u-.t•d I•• h<• 111 the 1..enter IJnhLc lnanglt· ~111.ir1· \.\h1th '' a p..t.iu 111 gt•1 in .ind out 111 \le...a \!t•rd1 Lcntt r ., an t·....,1l>lt• I r .. 111 1 lm•1· 'tdt•<, 111 ll'> him k and l .tll pull from <11 11·.i,1 three 1hn\ mg u1111111u111111•' \ll',.1 Verdt'. ~k-..1 dl'I \lar .111d < 11lh·~1· I' 1rl<. We haH· plerll\ ol pl.11 ,., II• 'hop ngh1 herl' in (.(>,la \lt•.,.1 \\t don I h.1\t enough pldCl'' "'lwr1· t 111w111111 1111~ .1111. eat. drink ..Ull.l bt• 111\'rr\ FLIP DARNELL Dance Lessons: $15 Every green is a dance floor when you have the grace and • game of Chi Chi Rodriguez. So why should you pay a vis it to the Toshiba Senior Classic ? Well , there are more reason s than you can shake a putter at. • Marth 17-23, 2003 Newport Belch. Country Club Advlnce-purch1se tickets are $15. call 949/.1001 or Visit • • i __________________ ..._. __ .._ __ _.. ___ _. _________________ . ___________ . __ · QUOTE OF 11E DAY "When I got my yellow (ca rd), I was reqlly mad. I just wanted to com~ back and get a goal." Elllha Mor&M, CdM senior MllfCh 3 honol'ee KELLY CAMPBELL M Wednesday. February 26, 2003 Sports Ecllior Roger Carlson • (949) 5744223 • Sports Fu: 1949) 650-0170 '.I Daily~ HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER' •. Aside from barn-barn, Mesa's 'D' has it's day Mustangs blank Samohi to advance to the CIF Division III quarters against Centennial. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot· SANTA MONicA -The Costa Mesa High girls soccer team's de- fense has not been overlooked this season as much as ·it has been underused. This was not a problem Tuesday. when the Mustangs met San ta Monica in the second round of the CIF Southern SeClion Divi- sion Ill Playoffs at John Adams Mid- dle School. Led by a determined and deep de- fense, the No. 2-seeded Mustangs earned a 3-0 victory, advancing to Thursday's quarterfinal against Centennial of Coro na, with the host to be de ter- mined today by coin flip. It's the first time in the program's his- tory the Mus- tangs (20-1-2) have made it Costa Mesa 3 past the first Santa Monica O round. It was " " DON LEACH I DAJlV PILOT onJy last year they won their first playoff game, after making Corona del Mar High's Jenny Long is all smiles after scoring point blank on Canyon goalie in CIF action Tuesday. CdM advanced to the quarterfinals with 3-0 win. their first trip to the postseason in 2000. Centennial (13-7-2) defeated Yu- caipa, 3-1, in overtim e Tuesday. For a change, Costa Mesa Coach Dan Johnston had something to talk about after Tuesday's win other than his prolific offense, which has now Sea Kings show some ·fight. outscored opponents, 109-13. . ·our d efense was tested today and it came up really big/ Johns ton said . ·(The Vikings' sophomore midfielder London King and junior forward Oaire Beitcher} are two really good Olympic Development Program players and we shut them d own the entire time. And, when one of them did beat a defender, there was another d efender in her place helping out. Our cover zone was so smothering today. If teams d on't get big numbers up front against us, they're in trouble." Mesa sophomore goalie Kindra Bailey made six saves, but senfor sweeper Devin Denman, junior full - See MESA, P11e A7 CdM answers Canyon's apparent challenge with 3-0 victory and advances to CIF Division II quarterfinals. Steve Viraen Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -A word of warning to the teams remaining in the CIF Southern Section Division LI girls soccer playoffs: Don't push around Co- rona del Mar High. Apparently, that's the statement the Sea Kings made after dismantling Can- yon (Anaheim}, 3-0, at CdM's field Tues- day afternoon. The Comanches (13-7-4) used a physical style of play. and in th~ process, they appeared to challenge the Sea Kings (12-5-2). A first-time charm Costa Mesa woman prepares for Boston Mara~on in April after winning age division in her first marathon. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot 0 ne race is all it took. All it took for Costa Mesa resident Nancy Mitchell to win her first marathon in her inaugural attempl had a good pace th.at I kept up with." Mitchell said. uOne person would pass another and it would go back and forth. I just stayed with it with headphones on." A pre-race pep talk eased some of MitcheU's butterflies. "'The night before I was nervous so my husband (Steve Mitchell) said, 'Don't be anxious. You entered this to have fun.' That completely took the edge off. Everything worked out. It was a beautiful morning and I didn't kill myself over It." She did it in January at the Pacific Shoreline Marathon in Huntington Beach. spanning the 26.2-mile course in three hours and 19 minutes to claim the top sp0t in the women's 40-45 age category. MitcbeU's ftn1sb qualiftes her to compete In the Boston Marathon April 21. Turning 40 earlier this year signaled a drive to race competitively for Mitchell. who has been running reaeadonally for LS years and initially, never imagined racing the 26.2 miles. ·1 needed a goal and thought it was a good d:Wlenge to hlM ror betng 40, .. said Mitchell, who baa three children: Kasey (8), Buddy (6) and Mitch (3). •u was one of the most exciting dayt of my life," recalls Mitchell about the marathon. "It wu so much fun. • corny as that sounds." M die nice progrellt'd, Mitchell dkln\ ~ ...ui.e she wu near the ...... 91 _.behind six guys and they She owns her own Interior design businesa. but makes dme for nmning. Her tra1nlng retJlmen includes ftve days of running, one day of crou train1ng and one day of rest ... aw..~M .. They were trying to get us "They wanted it more out of our game by tallci.ng trash and pushing us around," said senior Alivia Mazura, who scored a sensational goal for a 1-0 lead in the 34th minute. ·Paige (Janes}. Elisha (Morgan) and the seniors know, because we've been in the game. tha t we needed to step up and we needed to say, 'hey, don't let them do that to you. You're better than that.' It obviously • and there was no doubt about it." said Canyon Coach Alex C-anlatgo, whose team was ranked No. 6 in the CIF Division poll at the end of the regular sea- son. "We were beat to the ball almost every rune. They took us out of our rhythm. They took us out of our game. The bener team defi- Canyon CdM 0 3 didn't affect us. It made us play harder, because we just wanted them to keep their mouths shut." CdM outshot Canyon. 19-5, and won the majority of balls. The Sea Kings also seemed 10 frustrate the Comanches, the Century League champions who came away with several fouls and three yeUow cards. RUNNING nitely won. today." The Sea Kings advance to the quarterfinals Thursday at 3 p.m., when they will host third-seeded Can.- yon of Canyon Country (21-1), a 3-0 winner over Quartz Hill CdM continually attacked the Co- manches' net, yet did not score unti.1 the 34th minute. That's when Mazura came. CdM freshman Kelly Morgan centered a . ball that lobbed to Mazura. who settled it and quickly struck with a shot that went to the top, middle of the neL Less than a minute later, CdM nearly scored again when Mazura and Ellsb.a Morgan almost teamed up for a go¥. Then, three minutes afterward, Morgart was tugged to the ground by Canyon sophomore Caitlin Van Wormer. As Morgan was trying to get up Van Wormer shoved the CdM senior to tlit; ground again. The referee charged bol)i players with a yellow card. • . In the 60th minute. Morgan scored io put the game away. 3-0. "Th.is was a brutal game." Morgan said. "We were just trying to proteq ourselves out there. We came out hard and got the win, and th.at made it more sweeter. When I got my yellow, I was See COM, Pase A7 -. , .. tlllD/OM.YPl.OT Costa Mesa's Nwy lltdlll won hlr OMsion in the Pldfic Shcnlne Mlir.lleon in t"*"llDn lllch In Jllwy with a tine of three hows Ind 19 miUes for ttll 26.2-mle ccuse to tJlllly for 1 spot It .. .._. MlallutAprl 21. Dally Pilot MESA Continued from A6 back Stacy Krikorian, as well as junior Valerie Gomez were additional defensive stand- outs for the winners. "We haven't been tested much this year, but, today, they tested us," Denman said. "It was fun to get a lot of ac- tion today. Most of our games, I can count the times I touch ~ ball on one hand. Some-~es the defense gets left out, lijt we don't care, as long as ~ win. I'd rather they taJk ~ut our offense, because t means we're scoring a lot goals." ·:With Mesa's defense doing it~ job, the Mustangs' offense didn't disappoint. :Sophomore forward Jenny Sl'.)arks scored the fi rst two goals and Sharon Day. who as- $111ted both of Sparks' &cores. added an insurance goal in the second half. on an a~sist by jun ior fullback Ka ra Jen- kins. 'The first goal, in which Sl?arlts redirected a Day cor- ner u ck. came in the I 31h minute. Just 97 seconds late r, Sparks squalled 10 head a Day throw-in into the net, fli cung it beh ind her for some added piece of mind. "We bam-bammed 'em," Johnston said of the quick sq>ring sequence. "One trade ttierlc of thi-; team has been to c~ck off goals in h unche., and, when th at happens, it really demoralizes the other team.· Mesa displayed oppressive dominance in the firs t half, utilizing quick passes and lay- ered runs 10 produce 13 of its 19 shots. In addition to Day, whom Johnston said owned the midfield, and Sparks. sophomore forward Vera GaJe, se nior Kristen Bagwell, sophomore Rachel Ronquillo, sophomore Nilani Duarte, senior Toshia Bryant and Kait· lyn Gen tling, helped Mesa's cohe!>ive and unselfi sh of- fense put the Vi kings on rheir heels. "We do some s tuff that make a lot of teams go 'Wow!' " Johnston said. · Day's goaJ, in the 47th min- ute, was such an occurrence. Jenkfos lofted a we U-placed through baJI 10 a streaking Day, who ran it down about 35 yards directly in front of the net. Showing u ncommon poise. she settled the bound- ing ball and. with a defender approaching, boomed it over the goaJie with her left foo t lO !>quelch a ny thought of a Santa Monica comeback. Oay upped hear team-leading to· ta ls to 29 goaJs and 35 a'>siw ... Sparks now has 27 goaJs thi ~ -.eac;on . Mesa's victory came wi thout fre~hman Jasmin Day, whu sprained her ankle in Friday\ 8-0 fir!>t·round win. Johnston said her availability fo r Thurs- day is unknown. The younger Day ha~ 23 goals and I 4 a<; '>i '"' COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL . yanguard wraps up GSAC champion~hip EL CAJON -The Vanguard University women's basketball team won the Golden State Ath- letic Conference title after a Si - 42 victory at Olristian I leritage College Tuesday night. The Lions, whom were picked to finish ninth in the conference coaches· pre~ru.on poll. clinched the11 fourth GSAC championship with one regular- season game remaining. It is their first champ1onsh1p since the 1999-2000 season. Vanguard Coach Ru~ DaVJs· squad never trailed in the game and built a 52-32 lead with 7:39 ~ma.ining. Sophomore Lacey Mills led the Lions wilh 17 points. She nailed 4 of IU from ~nd the three-point line. Jen- nifer Wilcox. a sophomore guard, contnbuted 13 points. while Vanguard senior guard Paulette Seaman came off the bench to add 10 points". Senior guard Robbin Dittenbir gr.ibbed a team-high 11 rebounds and She hit 5 of 6 from the free· throw line. The teams played nearly even in the second half as Vanguard cooled off from Jong distance and the Hawks sank 9 of IO free throws to Vanguard's 4 for IO. The !Jons stretched the gap to 20 when Dittenbir <;et up Sea- man for a two-point bucket with 7:39 left and the stage was ~• for rhe Jjons' title quest. Christian Heritage responded with a 7 -I run to the cut lead 10 14 with just under four minutes to play, but the Hawk.<. could ger no clo<,er. Ch ristian I lentag~ (1 1-181 re- mained a t the bouom of the GSAC standings at 4-14 The Lions (22-8. 17-2 in the GSACJ are guaranteed the top seed at the GSAC post~ason tournament, which begtm March 6. They abo earned an automatic qualifica11on into the NAJA DiVJsion I National Tour· nament Vanguard returns to ac11on Saturday a1 5:30 p.m. at A7u"3 Pacific. GSACwomen Vanguard 57. Christian Heritage 42 V.09uard -Molls 17. Lee 3 Wilcox 13, McKinney 2, D1ttenb1r 7. Seaman 10. Josefsson 3. Candelaria 2 3 pt. goals -M ills 4, Wilcox 3 Seaman 2. Josefsson 1 Fouled out -Candelaria. Tect1n1cals -none Christian H~ -Rathmann S, Relph 3, Zunic 15. Wall 9. K.1m2ev 8, LeBaron 2. 3 pt. goals -Rathmann 1, Zun1c 1 Fouled out -Wall, K1mLey Tecnnicals -none H1lft1me -Vanguard 34 21 HONORS Five Pirates granted All-OEC hoop~ laurels COSTA MESA -1\vo members of the Orange Coast CoOege men's bask:etbeJI team and three fro m Ole women's squad earned All- t:>range P.mplre Conference recog- ftition. chosen by the conference Coaches. · Freshman forward Aaron Bobilc was a first-team All-EC choice on lhe mens side. Joined by sopho- l)lOl'e guard Jaso Garey on the sec- ond team On the womens side. sopho- mcwes Nancy ~ Lindsey ~and Uz Mendcm ~ aD lnt-telm~ ; 8obik WM one of I l playem se- ~ co the all-conlemlCe first teun and the only Pirate honon!d. He lnilbed lhe regular aeuon 4eOond on lhe b!em In ICOl1ng al 12.2 per pme. but iJlmJUed his -.. in CXJ11'eta1Ce play to 12.6. He led the Pb*JI in three-point .ooom. petWlllillB (.432). re-'°'811 (4.4) Ind ... (68). ; ~ who iblllelid lhe prevt- q.a ..... lllllOll dne-pomt ftekt :;'.,.am m eo mklMy throu&h &Ille plly and tlnllbed lhe -.i wtdl 108. led the team In ~. 12.8.,.. ........ _ iecand In ... .-1n dne-poh· ....... wlllt .... 3.3 • ~,. .... I 1118 .. lllltblee<>rm.,0- ---.. lk+•Dw --. .............. ~*""' .... ,,s .... w .. w..a -~....-o·• •tn \ three-point field goal pen:entage (.432) and assists (156) while aver- aging 9.7 points a game. Galasso averaged 6.4 points pe contest for the Bucs. connecting on 42 three-point shots while ap- pearing in all 32 games for the Bua. Mendaza. who led the terun in scoring at 13.4, chipped in with 5.6 rebounds and 3. l assists per game. Saddlebd College swept all four ot the top awards. Marques Qane ii the Player of the Year on the mem side and Hazel W>ods took the womem POV honors. c.oaches of the Year are em Brum- mel (men) and Fen~ Wmn (~. M.oa:Mllt ........ -~aw. (Sed), M- ch Hlrdwtdt (Sed), DIYld Piii (Sad)1 a.t 8igtlr is.ti. Ao.on t.... IACCI. O.J. SmedllJv l"CQ, Dinny Umbelt (IN. ~. Ao.on Bollll (OCC), All9rt flUmell (All) • Onlw FoMllr CSA> .. Dwnlll GnNm CGWCl. ~ ..... ~ Jullln a.., (s.dl, ~ cNll 9nwb1nv (ACCJ. Jlm9I NdlOll CRCCI, Jollldm IQllbofn (Irv. '-1Vl. Mlmtl Lomb9ld (IN. vtrl, Jmon 0-V COCQ. ~ w.o.t (IA). Arm.Id MJry (OWC). ~Cook(Cyp~ MGIC- ,._ --..... Wllod (114. a.. .................. o...on ..... Ut ...... COCQ, ...... ~ COCQ, ~ ...... tOCa. ,._. ......... IRCQ. ..... ,....,_ INlQ. .... °"" .......................... ........ NI.~----~ .............. ~.-...~ ~0...0....ecwt. ' • S P O R T S '· ~ .. c~ ~ Wednesday. r ebl'uary 26. 2003 A7 COM Continued from A6 really mad. I JW.I wanted to come back and get a goal · CdM ftrc;t year coach Bryan Muidleton sa.Jd lht' Sea King, had been relymg on their talent, yet they al!>O u!>t'd grea1 emuuon lie !>3.ld that\ v.hat led Cc.JM w its victory. "( rhe ~a Ktng'>l '>hOwt'd hean and dt:!>irc," he -.aid "If we play like th1b Ln our upwmm~ Cll· Kamt:!>, we defimtely lwve a l>hot of makmg 1t p<i<,I rlt t M:rn1final.., thii. year.·· CdM M!n1ur Jenny l .ong di'> played '>Omt' hedrt Jnd de'>lrt' and espeo all} authunry, when r..he '>tored in lht' 'i-lth nunuw Sophomort' r.m .... ha ~nanllt'b -..hot went off tht' L<myo11 goa11e'i. hands and I . .ong wa-. thl're for the r~buund IJ>n~ hdcJ J dertr '>hot at the gu.il hel...dU'>t' lhe L.m yon goahe w:1yed <m lht' ground while Long buotecJ t lw h.ill. a.' 11 to <,<ty ~la.kt· LhJI ··we rcaJI~ d1dn 1 ll~t· them dlld they had no clJ'>'> Long ...ud 111 tht-c .omc1.ntht'' It JU'>I leh KOOd IO put another llllt' olWdV JU'! to lin1~h thi:ni otr I h11 11 prcm hc1.nl I \'a.' mad I 1u.,1 w.ulll•d 111 pUI ll IO with l/Hl'll'>ll\ Things got testy as Canyon's Caitlin Van Wormer (nght) pushes CdM's Ehsha Morgan to the ground l11c ~·a t-ing., rt•t 11rcJecJ t!wu lll1h <,hu1uu1 nl lllt' '>ea'>Oll, ti" lhl') held ofl rJ ... twn rclll)' ll1Jt IJ,led tlw lir-.1 IO 11\111ulc'> 11( tht· ~cnind h,tll. Hui ... ophomur1· goaht' HJchl'I \\Jh'r'• (five -.aH''> Jane-.. '>l'rllCJr l..iurt·11 I Alt', JUOl•ll >'111111· Kr.111H;r and ~ophm11or1 \'ant'-..-...1 I .!lion lwh.l < .anHm 1111 COLLEGE BASEBALL 'Eaters bow, 6-4 LO!-> A,(,111 I he lH Ir \lilt' bd'>t'hall team., rnll} !di '>hort a.<. lh( c.,cortd tlHt'l' nm' 1n tht' fir,t 1n11mg en ruu1e to a b-4 nonlO nll'r(·nc<' Vll tOI) ar De· deaux Field I t1l0'>day. U~L fn:-.hn1<1n tatcher Jeff Oement hammered a thret•-run home nin nfl UCI tre-.hma n Ch m N1rnll in llw hot1om of thl' tiri.t inning. fhe An teaters (4 -Iii c.,cored two unearnetl nm' in tlw founh, am! Om-. Kkmm rnl- lcctcd an HHI 111 the ..,1xth. bu1 the ·1ro1am (fj.f I srnrctl a nm in the fourth and '>1xth mntng'> to matn- tam their lead. Gl•me111 we111 l. for l , ... ,th a double. home run and three HHI., to help ~o I fi U ( ~nap 11.-. four- game to .. 1ng •.treo.k. Kl~mm fin 1<>hed 3 for 4 and thrt'<.' RRI'> Jo'h Rummond) 1-0 t'amed the \\Ill Im I JC:.< h\ Riling -, 1n nin~-. .inti .11111\\ mg tlHl't' run' ,all une.imcdJ on 1hrct• hn-. w11h c1 \\alk and '" ... tnll'OUI'>. Hre1 Butler earned lw .. fir-.t ...ave of thl' -,ea~on with :i mning' nt relit'f In the top ol tht' n11111t. IH I had runnns .ii fir'>! and wt oml with one out hcfore A111l1·r got Jon llnr\o\il7 to 1o.rr11wHI 0111 111111 .1 game-t>nding d1111h\(' pl::w Nonconference USC 6, UC Irvine 4 Score by Innings UCI 00" 201 ''~ l ' • use 'JC' •oo "·· , !! : Nicoll Trtp0l1 51 Sc:t1•or-r 71. Et1•·11 Frend'l 18 and Wcrnun R1.ornmon.1~ Butler 6 and ClemPnt W Rummonds. 1 0 ~ N c 1 0 l 5, Buller 11 2B -1(1emm uC11. t.t"ment USC Br~tf!• USC Moon USC HR . CIPmPnt uSC HONORS ------ Fi ·he r Bi g West Player of the Week AN'I EA ll R MU.PARK -\1all Fi,her. a jurnor 't'rnnd ba.,enMn on tlw UC. Irvine ha. ... eball tl'am. ha., hecn named Rig \\/e-;1 Pl.1yer of the Weck. threl' run-. 'cnrl'tl, 111dud111g .i doublt' ,md a horrw nlll Fi'iher helped lJU w 1b '>l'C· oml .:ent><, win of the ... ea.,on. a 2-1 ed8e a~ain.,t the llnwers11y of San Diego. In tlw two -.ictone'>. Fic;her collcctt'd e1~1 RHb and In the find.I g.u11e ol tlw 'l'nt'"· lw went 'J tor :'i wi1h fi\£• HBI., .md threl' run., <.c1ired. 1nd11di11g tht· team\ fir'!>t i.rrand -..1.im ol tht ... eason 111 the Anieater ... · I 0-.! '-It LCJry. Fi'>ht=r c11'0 rohbt•d J lom•rn hitter 11f a h11 to pre.,er.·t• ,1 I J lead di the umt ~untla\ LAGUNA BEACH SOCCER CLUB 2003 -2004 SEASON TRYOUTS BOYS AND GIRLS 7 -15 at Moulton MeadlJws M 12· 1:30p.a 4·S:J0p& 12· l:Jlp& Coaching directed by ANDY AND MIKE THOMAS LA Tima c.o.ch of tb~ Year CIF c.hampiom English FA Coaching licenses • • Oub philosophy Think long term la deftlopiq pla~n Foau on tkilb Uacla--.d dae game • Call (949) tlS-0991 for more information • 11M~ led s.c-c:w. ............. ·=--..... , ••• .,.. f If lwC.-S.U. .......... I ~lim6·-•fGt.llA•lpl"'11••~ ................... . . .. -. . CLUB SAILING --~ Local sailors dominate regatta CdM , Ne\"µort put competition away at Cardinal Invitati onal in Redwood City. 'l'\' pon 11.irbor and c o - rond tlt•I \Jar high ... chool l lub 'JlllllK 1e.1111' d1<.11n Klll'-twd Lhcmc.,eh t''> .it tht' ..!00 \ C Jniin.11 lm lldt1011.J 1r1 Buh"111J < II\ "11urtld~ 110.,H•J h\ "itJnford llnl\ er- ... 11\ I ht·n · \H'ri.: 111ur r.1ce' u1mpll·ted 111 \ .md H D1\1- ..i1111., ')aturdc1\ in \\ 1111.h ,. - l1111I'>. but llll'rl IH'rt' 1111 1.n 1· ... 111 ">111Hl.t\ bu .111-..t• 111 " IJ1 ~ ol \I 1 ml 'W\\f>llrl 1fJrl11H' flJ'.,llll I .I\\ .111d 1 fl 11 ll.111.inw\ I ou It ~ tin .... twd ti1 .... in lhl' \ r l1 \ hlCHl \,llJi 11 p<11nh lol lmH•tl b\ IJ111\l'r.,1l\ ll1gh ol ...,Jn [)wgo I:; .rnd < 11rn11<1 dt'I ~!.tr... -.ar,i1\. \d1 wnrw I '<1 I h ·r.,on and u e11 C .u1111la :'-J11,hJ'1-rd1 111 1hml pl.ice \\Ith .!.I po1nh 1 llf' < d \! I\ t>n m · ul I 1111.i ·\nd1·r...iin \l11terhng and trl'\\ f'l'lt·r IUlCl lt\crP t'1j(hth rJnd Id\ lor (,nme ... and (rev. l<uml· \It Kinnon ol 'l.:t·~ port I larh11r I\., \\J'> 11th I ornn<t tl••I \ !.ir' )\ lt'dlll ol I-nl At1U1u' .ind Lrt'V> "1;1c~ \.\ ilham' • .md th<' Ld~! \ c1.r,1t\ tt•;un uf < l1arll~ I Ill man anti trt'\' Hn11c1.m ...,,,, er \\-ent I 2 in tht' R lJ1vi...111n wnh 10 dlld I:> pmnt., lnl- lo"'ed m HrdJhOn 241 In 1h1rd pl:ilt' c1.nd 'l'Wpon Harbor' ...,1lrc1 l.eht1t•11 •.Uld rrt•\\ \\nllnt'\ I outl in rounh plJ1 e with ~2 pmnt' .\t'\\ pun... I\ 1eam ol I J.ul I onda am.I crt'\' < .arh U1c1mherl.1111 \H'rt' l bth \ lombult'd IOtill for .\ I >1 'i...1on ,111d H !>1\1\lon KIVl'' ( o ron.i dl'I ~I.tr tht• 0\ era II l'dgt• \<\-1Lh ~tt point'> '\ewpon I larhor follow<, ..... i1h 4 \ point.!>, tlwn tlw Ld 1 J\. third hv " lie· hrt>akcr, c1nd Pahc;adt•' "'llh h1. SLAMMERS FC •----He,p0r1 6eorn (o/orn10 J '': · J Chc111µ1 ns. l> r ... ~ 11 :: "0C'2 Bo-r. t.·~ 1p The Slammers Futbol Club tryouts for the 2003/2004 soccer season ore heJe . . loys lWer 9 /IWtt 10 /UtiM 11 Februory 14th and Februory 28th 4 30PM-6:30PM . Lincoln Athletic Ceotet Contact Jose Ouor.? 714-343-4821 r.sts IWer 9 /U* 10 /lWer 11 February 21st and February 28th 4:30 PM-6:30 PM Febroory 22nd 8.30 ~ -10:30 Ni-. Estoncio H~h School Sits IWlr 12 Febnoy 19th ond Felwoory 20th 5 PM-7 PM FelNJry 22nd 11 ~ -1 PM Esbldo High Sthool ~ ~ i'lommlion contort Wl6t Khowy 01~7-1924),.,..liyMslalwc.om Of W9 the Stan•• K _... • m••um ,_,._...;:......~ .r.----. --.o•.-c-=---~ A .•. Al Wednesday, February 26, 2003 S P O R TS CHARM COLLEGE ROUNDUP HAPPY BIRntDAY Celebr~ the Dai; Pilot's Adllete oflhe Weelc series . Continued from Ai:> An exampje MitcheU gave of a typical week begins with a cross training session Monday followed by four miles Tuesday, nine miles Wednesday, 11 miles Saturday and 17 miles Sunday. Anteaters sharp in Rossi Relays 11 I t 1 I ·1 add a mJle every week to each of those undJ reaching 20 miles," said MitcheU of her strategy. "I've been surprised how easy and fun {running) has been. It hasn't been a Ufe-aJtering experience. I don't I.rain with a group and don't have any special nutrition reg)men." • TRACIC AND FIELD: UC Irvine's men and women twned in some standout ef- forts at Saturday's running of the Carl Rossi Relays at Qare- monl CoUege Saturday in track and field. tance medley relay with a time of 12: 17 .80. Freshman Lauren Willis was sixth in the 400 hur- dJes (1 :12.44). Freshman Jes- sica Wisniewski was ninth in the pole vauJt at 9-10 and sophomore Kelli Vande rbwg was 11th In the 3,000 (l0:46.84). Advice has come from a pamphlet a friend gave her I.hat presents an 18-week gujde in preparation for a maralhon. Sophomore Ke nny Vinh was second in the 110-meter high hurdles in 14.57 and sopho- more Scott Jarvis was second in the 400 hurdJes with a tim e of54.l7. UCI competes in the All-Cal C~p al UC Riverside.'on Satur- day. MitcheU lilces to traverse aJong the Back Bay as well as pounding the asphalt through Huntington Beach to the Seal Beach Pier. where Steve and the children pick her up. In the 100, sophomore Elias Moreno and freshman Aaron Corb ett went 3-4 with times of 11.14 and 11.15, respec- tively. Hall gets Indoors ticket • TRACJC AND PIEW: Van- guard University men and women track and field stand- outs distinguished themselves with several standout efforts in the Carl Rossi Relays at Oare- mont College Saturday. She runs by herself and also likes bi.Jee riding, surfing. skiing and snowboarding. After I.he Boston Marni.hon Mitchell will not compete in more marathons. SeniQr Santosh Swamidass and freshman Jon Wratten went 2-3 in the high jump, both at 6-foot-6, while junior Michael Wong and freshman Mike Nguyen finished 2-3 in the long jump at 22-11 a nd 22- 51/4, respectively. Senior Sarah Hall qualified for the NAIA lndoor Nationals in the women's 3,000 meters, finished fourth in a field of 42 with a personal best 10:19.55, withjn a half-second or her mother's Sherri Hall-Curl) 13- year record of l 0: 19.0. "(Running a marathon) was a big goal fo r me and I've enjoyed it." Mitchell said. "I lived in Boston for a year so it will be Sophomore Patrick Grogan was second in the triple jump (46-7 1.4) and sophomore WLl- liam )(jng-Lewis was third in the shot put at 47-0 IA. The men's distance medJey relay (Mikael Larsson, Alex Cas- trop, John Nelson and Man Meyer) was sixth In a 19-team fi eld with a time of 10:29.55. ·neat to go ·back and see it. But I don't think (running a marathon) is something I'm going to do on a reguJar basis. I wiJJ always be a runner." UCI won 1he men's distance m edley relay in 10:07.07 and ·was second in the 4 x l 00 relay in 42.55. In women's compet1t1on, UCI was second in the dis- Larsson, a junior, put in an- other fine effort In the 3,000 =Lega~I Noti==ces===2640aj!:::Lega~I =lloti;;;;ices~=-~ Leoal Natices NOTICt: OJI pwpof11ed 10 bC 1116 aJTOfllWPOITIQCJt al (949) 64-4 3106 or a P•C~et on be pldled up al the above addreu ,.... ...... ... s...... TRUSTEE'S 'iALE aud mo We11 Balboa •DIPAITlllTIOOO f S I I ~11' lrnw:n)' 6oukvard. Nrwpcwt -IAftNlftft A p N • 1).17 n.i 14 Baell, Cahfonua Thr ••11-n -n VO ARI. L'll undrnogncd Tnu1tt Sealed quoles may be Published Newport Bea<.h·CO~I• Meu 011ly Polo\ February 26. 2003 W086 The lollow1n1 peuons are clo1n1 busineu as A) A PORTIA CHIOU MD. B> PACIFIC COASl PLASTIC SURGERY. C) PLASTIC ANO RtSON- STRUCTIVE SURGERY. 720 NOflh Tustin Ave nue, Suite 202. Santa Ana. C•llfornr1 92705 DE.I-AU!. 1 l 'lllJF.R A <1ucla1tn\ any bab1b1y received at the Newpo• l Of.FD 01-llltt'ST for any oncOtT'tCUw:Ss of Buch F1te Department, OATH> July 9 ::!001. tlw: .uttl addrn• and 3300 Newpotl Boule· l'NLF.S'i YOI rAKE cxhrr common vard. P.O. Bo• 1768. IOOO Of AIPWTIOI fOIOIAME •OW .. AC-TIO' fO de11gnauon. of any. Newport Beac h. CA f'ROTbCT VOl'R lhown bcre111. Said Sale 92658·8915 unlol 2 00 f'ROl'ERTY IT MAY of l'roptrty will be PM on the 3ht day of llL SOU) II T A rna« 1n ··u os" March. 2003. at which Of AlCOtlOUC l(VIW( UClll5I ~ .......... ~24,2003 Pl.IBU<' SAU. IF cnndillon w1thou1 time such quote' shall Anatla Portia Chtou. 710 North T U$lrn Ave nue, 1?02. Santa Ana. C11tforn1a 92705 YOU SEED A'4 covcnaol or warnncy. be opened and read for EXPLA!\A TION 0 1-upreu ot l1J11bt<I. GUAUfKATION Of rHE NA !URI: OF regard.on& ucle. naMS Foti FUil M00- 01.E PROCE£01NCi pouession ot lfl<ATION lONI Tu Whom It May Con cern This business Is con ducted by an Individual Have you star led do•na business yet• Yes, 011 01/2003 AGAIJllSl YOU. YOU encumbmas. co pay llUSH CUAltANCI '\llOUI 0 CONTAC-T lhr rcmauung pnnc1p1I AND/Olt THtNNING Th~ Name(s) ol lhe Applicant(s ) ts/are· I LOY• SUSHI INC /\ l.AWYl!R On M3rch sum of the no«e(s) STATIMINT OF QUALi~ ~. 2001. II 1 ()() pm sccwcd by md Deed of fl<ATIONS AND IATI 1 h~ apphcanl~ listed above 11re applyone lo lhe Oepar t111en1 n l Alcoho lic Bever aae Conlrol Ip sell alcoholic beverago at 7340 HARBOR 81VO COS fA Mr SA. CA 92626 -.m, lt1•te111 Tru1I. with 1~rell u in QUOTI RKoovcyaoa C'o • • nld llO(C provided. Atotw-... ~y Anaela Portia Chiou. MO t •hlum11 C"OfllO"IUOD ll(tvaooet. 1f any, undrr /S/ D•••• Led•"· A.I cluly ~ppomlcd lhr 1crms or uld Deed fire Menhol This statemenl .. u hied with lhe County Clerk ol Oun1e County on 01/29/03 200HU1'41 TNotlu undcr Jnd of Trusi. rce.. cbar~s Pre·quote meetin& on f"'llWIJll 10 Deed of and upentt~ of lhr Wednuday, March t2. rnu1 recorded Auguso Tnuiec and of lhe cnisb 2003 al 10.00 AM at the I). 2Xl01 •s lnsuume111 creaied by wd Dttd of Coty of Newport Buch. l ype of ltcenu(s) 011ty Piiot r eb. 26. Mar, s. 12,19,2003 W088 No 20010,5:M85. booli: Tnul Al lhr ume oflhe rwe Deparlment. Fite pilgc. of omcial n:cotch. I pubbcalx>a f lhls Confer en~ Room. 3300 apphed for 41 ON SALE BEER ANO WINE EATING PLACE w,.. ....-M "-J uuwi 0 .,e-port Blvd .. Newpotl uccu1cd by ltobcn llO(JCC. lbc 1oul amounc ,. " .. .., """'"' O.dfle4 ~ ...,, l'amtny and Trxy E of lhr u11p1id balance of Beach CA rll!Xlly. busb~ and lhr obhptioo teCtftd lo obi•'" • packet. Publis hed New po• I Bu;;h CM U Mesa Daily Polut rebruary 76. 2003 W087 wole • llWIOl(1>. Ill lhr by !he abo¥c desetolled please contac t Daryl orr.cc of lbc f"ounty derd of uu.s.t and Mackey or Nadine Morro' lt4t)642-S671 Kccordcr of Onoic esamaicd c;osts. COWlly. Suo1e of upentes alld advlras C'ahlomtll WUJ. SEIJ. IS SI ,206.9}8 00 II 11 AT PlJ RUC AUCTI0 !-1 lhr 10 HIGlll:ST BIDOtR pouoble lhac ac unx of u le Ille oeie n1ng btd fOR CASH (~y•ble II may be len lhan lhe umr of salr on Llwflrl toul indcb4Cdncn dut rnoncy of lilt UBllcd n.c bencfocia.ry under Statc1 llld/0< the Uld Deed or Trust. by cotshler's tcrufocd ot reason of 1 breach of Othrr c~b lptttflcd default 1n lilt 10 Civil Code S«uon obhpooM ~red 292-lh IP•)'Able on full ar l.hel-tby. htreioforc lhr tunr of Mic) 11 T on c~utcd and delivered llir from set~ 10 the 10 chr undcmgned a fn!l'llncc of llie Onnge wnucn Oeclanuon or I 1voc Ctnler. 300 I::. Ocf•uh .,td Demand fot cmp=n. Orange. Sale. and wnuen Not~ C•IJforn11 1U ng)\l. ltllc of Defauk ind of ..lid 1n1crcsc conveyrd 10 hltctlOll 10 jflUJ< lhe wid oow held by 11 undrrsi·...,. co stll u 1d undrr u fd Deed uf .. ~u rruic 10 the propeny propeny 10 umfy uld s1111111cd in uJd Courny obhplJOn> and and Slat( descnbed u lhereaflef I.he 12, undrmgncd caused Jard Lou ~ Jnd 6. Bloc~ '-· Nnhce of Otf1ult and uf Tt11C.I No ZJA. tn the EIKUoft to Sell to be Cocy of Newpon Beach (nunty of Orans,<. S~cc 1teordcd on lhe coumy of <"alif0tnu. u pei whrrc I.he real ll")pttly n•p r«onlrcl 111 Boo~ " localtd l.>.l1t 11. Pagn '6 and 17 or Fcbnwy '· 2003 RIVIERA rNKeluncou\ INJ>\ in RECONVEY ANC£ Ult off >ec or lhr t ounc > Recorder of uod county CO. } 114 E. LI Palma nv wcc1 .iddtcu •!Id A~mot Aoaheom. Ca otlrr comrnnn ~2806 714-632·9100 By deaop6oe .r 11ny OI "ihlllcy Folkens TAC t1w: ~•I proprny 4lJ)jllB PUB l/12. dctgtbcd t bpJ'C u 21191 YU WIVllSITY Of W--. IMI CAIM NfllBTOf COICllTl,flAm&, IOOlll$, DIYWAllOll WOOOmltSA9 ~ UCOlfTIACTOI PllQUMIKATIOI STAl'IMBfTS fOI COISTllCTIOI Of UCI '"° YIBl OPAISIOI NO.lCT IO. tt6HO FmUAIT, 200J Oritieelty ,._, TUUDAY, UllUMY 25, 2003 hea ..._ ... ferre4 te1 WlDNISDAY, MAltCH 12, 2003 NOTICE IS HE.RE BY GIVCN that Sub<.ontraclor P1equa1tl1cal1011 Slatemenh for Concrete r ram1n11, Roof1n11. Drywall on Wood Studi and floorrn11 Subconlractors wrll be received hy lhe Un1vers1ty ol C•lrlornra. llvone Campus. 101 qualiflcal1011 lo btd n a subcontra~lor on construclron of l'AlO VlltDl lXl'ANSION, l'IOJl<T NO. tHUO. All Concrete. Fr1mona. Roolln&. Drywall on Wnnd Studs and Floorlni Subcontraclors wllo are interested on prequalifytnR for this Protect .tnd w"h lo obtain the Prequahfocatron Packel mey call either (949) 824·81l7 Of (949) 874·803-4 SUIMlnAl DIA.DUN( AND l'IOCIDUIU : Subcontractor Prequahhcatoon Statements mus t be received at lhe 011rce of Oes1en & Construchon Services by S:OO l'.M., We4ftH....,, M•di 12, 2003. Please send Subcont,,clt1r Prequalrficallon Stalemtnts as follows. Attetlfl-: lr-4o D-. Oesoan & Construction S•rvltfl. Un1vers1ty ol Calrf01n11. Irvine. S201 C1hforr11a Ave . Suri• 250. lfvlne, Cahf0<n1a 9?697·7450 Subcontraclo1 Prequahftcalton Statements shall be $Ubm1tted 111 Haled envelopes marked on the OUIStde, wSUl(OtlflA<TGa NIQUAUn<ATtoM STATlMINl, (NAMl Of llAOI}, l'Al.0 VllDl lXl'ANSION.w MANDATGaY Nl-QUAUFKAllON COHFlltl NClS1 A mandalory Pre·Qualtlicatoon Conlerence will be conducted on WIDNISDAY, FlllUAIY It, 2003, be11nn1n1 promptly al ••JO A.M. Only Subc:ontract0<s who p11hc 1p1te 1n lhe Confetence on ots entirety will be allowed to Jubmot Prequallhcalton O."uments and, of quahliullon Is actueved. writ be included In lhe bid documents n awroved Concrete. Grad1n1 & Eacavaloon. Framrn1t. Rooton1, Liith1na & Plasle11n1. Drywall on Wood Studs. Drywall on Metal Studs and r loorm1 Subcontr1ct0<s of wh~h all b1dde•s must vse tor che work Persons arrlYlna laler than ails A.M. will no~ be allowed to submit Prequahf1ca1ton Documents nM bod on lhe Pro,ecl a s subcO<lttat lOfS Participants 5hall meet at Unovet soty of C1lllo1 n11 , Irvine, Oes11n & Constructron Services. 5201 C1hl01nla Avt , Suitt 250. Irvine. CA 92697- 2450, Sullivan & Wrlahl Conference Rooms. (Corner of Calll0fnl1 Ave. & Bison Ave) A H<OND MANDATotlY l're-o-Am ... ._ c-t~-· -..ty <~et•, Fr_..., ......... Dryw .. -W_.. S .......... ,._.., ~-"-• will be conduc ted on T-•~. M•ch 4, 2003, be1fnnln1 promptly al 21JO f'.M. Only Subcontractors who partic:lp1te in the Conlerence In ih entirety wlll be allowed lo submit Prequalificalion Documents ,nd, of quahlic11llon Is achieved, will be Included on the bid documents as approved Concrete. Fr1mln1t. Roofin1. D1ywall on Wood Studs and Floo11n1t Subcontractors of which all bidden mull u~e for the work. Persons arrovln1 later then 2· 35 P M will not be allowed to submit Prequaliflcation Documents nor bid on the Project H subcontractors, Participants shall meet at: Un1vers1ty of C1hf0<n11, lrvlne, Otsian & Construction Serv1cej, 5201 CAlllOfnl1 An . Suite 250. Irvine. CA 92697· 2450, Sullivan & Wrl&fll Cont.rence Rooms. (Corner of C1hf0fnl1 Ave. & Bison Ave.) CCNKlllTI, ~. IOOf .... DttYWAll CMll WOOO S'f'UOS Alie f~ sut<OllTRACTOU MUST f'AaTK•ATI M CMlll Of THI TWO SCMIDUUI CC*RRllKIS .. rrs INNln TO .. AUOWll TO sue•rr .... QUMWKATM* DOCUMHfTS, FCN further iofOfmatlon cont.ct Unlveuity'l Representative Brenda 011111a.s al (9'9) 814·9586. MK9note Of THI f'ltOJl<Ta ""' prOf>Ostd Palo Verde E •p1nslon Prot<K1 wlll provide Mt• lnlr~truclure, roadway lrnprovenl4lnh , community buil4int> alld apatlllltflla tor an 870·11ed eapan.i@n lo lht ulston1 Palo Vttde lious nt Tiie Palo V•de Expanslorl Project will develop 442 new 1pa,l1Mt1b In 1 lour 1tor7 burldinp on 19.3 tcre\ fht 442 ~ertments will Include 98 one·bedrOO"I units, 260 two bedroom unill end SA thrH bedroom unltfo. Thi l'roject Sc099 rt111y 111Cluclt dlvelop1M11t of utMitlts and 1urfac1n1 for portions of the Cllcfornla Avenw uternlofl ...... .....,. a<-'"""-c .. 11~su,,Ho,ooo.oo <CMKllll COST llTIIUff1 U .tOO ...... .. ~(Olf 1Sl'IMAtt1 ... , ....... .. IOONeeCOlf lll'IMATl1f1,000 ..... to MYWA&l Oii W009 STWI COIT llnMAtl1 f1,MO,OOO.OO JLO.... COST HnaATL ftl0 .... .00 sut<OllTUCTGe~noet PltOCDUIU1 I SubcontractOf Pr1QU1llfic.1tloll Stat11-nu wm be aY1lf•blt ,.....,, r~ 11, IMS al ltlt Office of Oesl1n & Conttructlon St1vlcea. Unlwor11f7 of Catlfornl1, Irvine, ~201 CaHfornla Ave., $ulte 250, Irvine, Cetrfornla mt7·1~ TIMI Prequat1flc1tlon '•c:lltl can llt r11trltd to prosptctlv• bidders untlllt to obt•ln them tn perMln by camna (M9) 81•·8117 Of (9'19) 824...eol4 2. ftlt evaluation ., .Oltly fOf Ille pUfpost of detllfminin& which 1>iddtt1 "' fffmtd •llflH fOf wc:cn1tUI ~1form1nce of Ille trPt of •Otll IMtuclttd In tMt ptofect fll • t1111tfy mannllf. They wltt llt Included ill tt1t 1114 documenll u ...,~ Concuta. 'r1min1. RoofM'll, Oryw .. Ofl Weo41 Sli.ds end rtootlflc S-Contractors ol ttllllcll 111 bkl"11 muat UH for tlltl WOtll. 3. Tiit Uftl¥tt!Nty ,...,_ .,.. rltflt, '"" llVlt•iflt the s•ontrldot' ~r~atlolt St.._.,tt, to reject 1111, end ell Stat-11b. to ·~ l•r llwfot-'it)' ill n. Stei...e11ta tfld to klv"• tMM it*....,Ktln le ........ II* to ttloM •""-cOfttlectors wtlo ll•ve it.. .......... .., .... ,.,ejlld. • COfttr•d •--" wttt " 111lllM1t for ~ pur~ ..., .. ........., 111Mwdl1003 fHl'9lCllfT•Of fH[ UMWUlfTYQr CAllFOIMA '*-:Ji= -· -..... ~ .. ilot , ... y" JOU Lions sweep Alliant with a time of 9:04.40, finishing 14th. Junior Tony Magana was 16th in 9:10.09. The NAIA Indoor Nadonal Meet is March 6-8 at East Ten- nessee State. Anteaters top UCSB • TENNIS: Vanguard Univer- sity swept visiting Alliant Uni- versity on Monday in noncon- ference play, netting a 7-2 victory on the men's level and a 6-3 decision in women's ac- tion. lOOAV 1.2 -Zach Wells Newport Harbor Volleyball, ·99 • TENNIS: UC Irvine de- feated UC Santa Barbara, 6-1. in a Big West Confe rence match Sunday at Anteater Tennis Stadium. The Anteaters (5-5, 2-0 In the Big West) swept the three doubles ma tches to earn the doubles point. Tiffany Clang, Anna Ben tzer, Ouistie Posner and Hui Leow won in singles and doubles for UCI. Santa Barbara fell to 6-3. 1-l. The Anteaters travel to UC Riverside on Thursday for a Big Wes t match. The men improved to 2-2 overall, the women are now 2-1. 11-Fernando Castorena Newport Harbor Football, '02 Nonconfweftc• -# V•nguatd 7, .Alliant 2 Sing ... -Lumsden (VU) def. Kabirif•r, 6-3, 6-0; Holmgren (VU) def. A mo. 6-3, 6-2; Mardh (VUI def. Tanaka, 6-4, 6-0; Bjorklund (VU) def. Lupien. 6-1, 7-5; Taylor (VU) def. Bui. 6-4, 6-2; Skoglund (A) def. Jardine, 6-3. 6-4. DoublM-Lumsden-Bjorklund (VUJ SCHEDULE TOOAV S.Mbel: Cal Baptist at Vanguard University, 2 p.m. Softbel: Community college - Orange Coast at Golden Wes1, 3 p.m. def. Lupian-Tanaka, IJ-4; Mardh·Taylor (VU) def. Kabirifar-Amo. !HI; Skoglund·Bui (Al def. Holmgren·Lay. 8-1. ~Community college men -Santa Monica at Orange Coast. 3 p.m. Bia Welt Cont.nnce UC lnltne I . UC Sam. Barbar• 1 Sine ... -Khan (UCSBI def. Bowman, 6-1, 6-3; Chang (UCll def. Gruenig, 2·6, 6·2, 6-3; Bentzer (UCll def. Pintar, 6-1, 6-0; Leow (UCI) def. Damion, 6-1, 2-6, 6-2; Posner (UCI) def. Butterwidt, 6-4, 6·2; Boss (UCI) def. Kuhle, 6-1, 6-2. Doubles -Bowman·Chang (UCll def. Khan-Gruenig, 9-7; Bentzer·Posner (UCI) def. Pintar·Damion, 8-4; Leow·Grandtino (UCI) def. Vyhnis·Kuhle, 9·7. Nonconfwenc• women Vangu•rd e. Altlant 3 Slntlet -Sfushc:flanka (VU) def. Folgetova, 6-1, 6-1; Tornqvist (Al def. Votavoa, 6-4, 6-4; Christensen (Al def. Yohner, 6·0, 6-1; Bradley (VU) def. Leslie, 6-2. 6-3: Hart (A) def. Krohn, 6-0, 6-0; Tenlen (VU) won by default. Tennis: College men -Vanguard University at Azusa Pacific, 2 p.m. Swtmming: College men and women -Big West Conference at Belmont Plaza, 10:30 a.m. preliminaries and 6 p.m . finals. w.t.rpolo: High school girls- CIF Semifinals: Div. I -Newport Harbor vs. Santa Margarita, at El Toro, 5:15 p.m.; Div. II -Canyon vs. Corona del Mar, at Newport Harbor. 3:15 p.m. Doubles-Hlushc:flanka·Votavova (VUJ def. J'ornqvi,af-Christensen, 6-4; Yohner·Bradley WUJ def. Folgetova-Leslie, 8-1; Krohn·Tenlen (VU) w on by default. ... l<JTACD JIKMij NOTICE TO DEHN DANT (Avoso • Acuu do) KENRICK UCORISH. 1n 1nd1Y1du1I, and DOES 1 throuch 10. tnctusove YOU AAE BrtNG SUEO BY PLAINTIFF. (A Ud le est1 demand ando ) VICTORIA A WENDELL. an •nd1v1dual Ynu have 30 CALCN OAR DAYS aftet lhos summons os served on you to hie a typewrolttn response 1t th1s court. A letter or phone c •II will not prolect you. your typewritten re· s pnnse must be on proper lttr•I fo1m of you wan I the tout t to hear your case II you do nol hie your response on l•me, you may lose the cne. and your w11Jes. money and property may be lll-•n without lurlller wiirn1n1 from the court There are other teaal requorements You may wadi lo c:tll an 1110• ney n&ht 1way If you do not l\now an alt or ney. you may call an attorney r~tenat seivtee 0t ~ leaal 11d otfoce (listed on the phone booi.) Otspues de que le enlrecuen esll c111c1on 111d1c11t usled hene un pl.uo de JO DIAS CAL ENDARIOS para preen ltr uni rupunl1 " cl1la a maqu1n1 en esta co•te Un• carta u un• ll1macl1 telt!lon1~a no le olrecera proteccton. su respuesta escr1h a maqulna 11ene que cumph• <.on In lormel odades le11les aptop11· d1ts s1 usled quoere que la corte o cuche su CH U St usted no presenla su rupuest1 1 hempo. puede perde• el caw , y le pueden qu1t1r su salaroo, w d1ntro y otou cosnde su propoedad sin 1vtSO •d~oonal por p1rte de ta corle C A1slen otros requ"•· to$ le&eles Puede que us led qu1e1 a Ila mar a un 1bo11•do 1nmed1111 men\" S1 no conoc.e • un .aboa1do. puede llamar a un servrcio de rete11inc11 de 1boc•do\ o a uni olicrna de ayud.i leaal (vee el drreclo110 ttlefonoco). <ASlNUMlllJ ("-t«t4ef(Me) 02((04137 JUDGI Gll.AlD G. JOHNSTON Dl,..C2• The name i nd •ddreu of lhe court 1s (El nombfe y dlreccoon cle te corte H ) SUPERIOR COURT or CAl.lfOftHIA. COUNTY or ORANGE . CEN TRAL NSTIC£ CENTER. 700 CrvH. Center l>frve WH t, S1nt1 Ana CA 92702 fht name address and leleohont number ol pl11ntrlf'' •llorney, or pl11n1tlf w1thoul an .attorney ts (El nombre. la d11eccooo y el numero de telelono del 1boc1do del dem1ndante o del demand1nte que no Ilene 1bo1ado, u ) MILTON B TENNANT. CSQ. J011N R SCHllllNG, APC John R Scholhna, £sq , BAR •041553, 4675 MecArlhur Court Surte 590 Ne wport Beach, C1hlor n1• 92660 (949) 833·8833 DATL (leche) MAI 27, fOll9S 2002 ALAN SI.Alla. Clerk ~ONIOUSAY, o......, (Dal f'•) .. O flC f 0 THE l'IHON SUVl01 y.., ., ... , .. , .. .,. llo4M ...... _.._.. Publis hed Newpo r t Beach·Cosl1 Men Dally Pilot February S, 12. 19 26, 7003 W065 llOl1CI CAU5fOl19S Oistr rel Hun1on11ton Beach Un10n H1eh School OrSlttCI Bid Ot1dhne fhurs day, March 13, 2003 200pm Place ot Bid Receipt Hunlon1lon Beach Union Hojh Schoof Dlllroct. Purchnrne D•partment. 10~1 Yor~town Ave Hunl1n1ttnn Stach CA 92640 Pro,ecl Btd •896 Footb1ll field Renova loon lluntonaton Bu ch H11h School NOllC( IS ltlREBY GIV(N th1I lhe llun· 11n11on Beach Union H11th School D•~lr~t of Or 1n1e County. CahlOt n1a ac ltn& by and lhtoufh •I~ Cove<n1n1 Board. here1n1her re lefrtd lo u "DISTRICT" will receo•~ up to. but nol lalet than Ille t bove stiled dt1dhne. 'Hlt>d bods al lhe plau 1ckn· tolred above 101 Che award or 1 contract tor the abnve Proiecl !here will be • man datory 1ob w1lk ind confererice at 9 .om. lhul\day, February 27. 1003 al llunt1n1ttnn Buch H1flh School. 1905 Marn Streel, Huntin&lon Beech (m~I al football field) Any bldde1 laolln& Sub1ect lo cond1hons prescribed by lhe uriden11ned. ualed bod\ IQr • Lump Sum Contract are 1nv1ted IOf the follow1n1 WOfk llf'A• & lll'UCI MlCHANKM SYS TIMS, HUIUNfTllS NAU '1tOJICT NO ..... ,. UNIVustn Of <Al#otlMA, llVINl •VINI, <AWGa•lA t2H7 l'IOJICT DISCl•TK>Ma. Wn<"' includes, but is not ltmoled to the lollow1n1 Remove and rep4aee two t•isl'"I •rr handhntr units on the Hvm.tnotre~ Hall buement mechanical room. inctud1n1 revisions to. •nd conntellon lo. ea1shn1 ductwork. ch1tfed waler p1p1n1. heatrna hot w1ter popin1, ind other ullhhu and ser¥ices Provide new preuure independent. vi111able a ir volume. m1a1n1 boaes In place of e11shn1 paors of mu1n1 dampers. Thrs includes replacement of thetmostats and connection to llle campus Siemens ener11 mana&ttnenl iyslem (EMS) Some re1onin1 of atus lncludona revisions lo ductwork. temperature control$, etc. w1H be required Provide new tiYAC controls Rework of the bu1ld1na relut n .air .md exh•ust ail ,ystems will be req11ired. NOTl1 ........... HVA< e~t-....ti.Mt at.tltt9 ,_. 14, 2003. Al _. _. ~ ~941 ..... w ..._ s.,...-w 14, 2003. IST1MATIO COMfltUCnCMI COST1 $HO 000.00 ..... , l'r.._ tw.n wt. .. _,_., ii.; ...... lfketJeRa 1,. the Ctwtrect o.c ..... I ....... ~ ........ ·--"· Biddinc Oocume11ls wilf be av11lable to Bidders on WID•ISDAY, FlllaUAAY H , 2001 and will be 1uued al Facilltles Mana .. ftltfll, Un1vers1t~ of Cattl0fn11, Irvine, 201 Interim Office Buotd'"I (m•1l1n1 addren). 19 172 Jamhoree Boulev•rd (physical addf-eu), lrvlne, CA 9'697·544-4, (949) 824· 1404 Check& f()f , _ ... eh ....... I .... wHI be required In the ftmount ofS~.00 p• set of Biddina Documents Chtc-1 are to be otlldt payable to "'Tht Reaents ot the University of California." Sultd Bids wtll root bt accepbtd alter: 2r00 PM on NISOAY, MAJICH H ,IOOJ Bid Secllflt)' In lhe amount of IOS of the l ump Sum Daw .Bod. eulud1n1 allernatu shell acic;ompen1 Hell Bod. The Surety lssu1n1 the Bid Bond shall bt, on tht 81d 0ti11dllne, tn 1dmitted surety lnsllftr (IS dellnt4 on Ille C,lif0<nla Code of Crv il Procedure Section 99!>.120). A mandat«y Pre Biel Confllfenc• and Pre-Bid .loO Walk will be cMducttd Of'I' MO.AY,MMOl 10, NH btalnnlna promptly ttt 1o.M AMP.,tlcll>a11ts shall MHt at~ U11lv1rslty of C1Hfor nle. lfvlM, Adrftlrllstr•tlon Butldin&. Room 107 (Buttd1n1 • ll l on Campus Mlle>) lrvl1141. c.titomla 91697-5444 IAm....a AT T1ll NI•• COMllltKI MO .... _.. IOO ~ IS ~TOll'f Poa Ml,_. COllTIACToat. T1ll IUlfWle ... aosa AT 10.as AM ,,,,., <OllTUCTOn H---an• nm 1m1 WILL 110f ...... TO PMJlm'Att • '111 -PllOCISS AS A ..... (OllflACTGa. ()Illy biddet• Wllo p1rtklpat1 111 boll! tile Prt·81d ConftniK• and tflt .loO wa• In tllew entirety wift be ttlowtd to bid Of'I tlle l'1ojt<t '" llfi- contrtctora. FOf '"'"* l11forrMtlon. conlKt rlCllh1n M.n•ITltnt Contracts o.p.rtnMnl, Attn; 8f1Mt R. Hoeltt Mlulf 11 (949)824 1"°4. flit \UCUUful Bidder 111111 ill Sul>c.o!rt.rKton wilt lie requlre4 to fo41ow tile nondmrlmlnttt.ion rtqvlrtmentt Mt forth In the llddlfll Oocu-nls •nd to IMIY puvalllftl w111 retn et tfle loc.atlon ot tht Worlt. fllt succ111ful 81ddtf will be req .. lttd to llew• Ille fottowl111 State of Caltlomla Contr1Clof"• lktntt currtnt at tlM lime of i ubmlsllon Of lllt lid: .. UCIMI Coela A 8 C20 lo •ttend the ent11e )Ob ol Ille ptuperty beine walll. fnd cunlcrence will •Old, .alotli with the be deemed 1 nonrf •dentoly ol Ifie ouupant sponsrve b1ddei 1tnd will 1enl1n1 lhe '4>•<f: are ~ !\ave th b•d retu<ned lollows unopened SPACE NO OCCUPANl Pro1t'Ct Oocumenh 11e PROPERTY Ol SCRIP on Irle al Hunt111rton !ION Buch Union filch School A 03? S<.nll l\un.-n Olstnu al the .addlen b o >es fu r n 11 u • • al>ov" l lolhn neon \ICl1 In •CCOrd1nce Wtlh lho A 0!)9 WHI Lnut prov1s1ons of Bullneu Commu"'c-t1<1n\ torni and Profession• Cude lure. picture bo•O ltlc Sect ion 7028 15 ind c abonel. lfn11a ~nit Public Contncl Cnd1 clubs Section 3300. lht OIS A 133 lulr• S1audt IRICl requrre• lhel lh• bO•et. clothe\ lulnn b 1dde1 po,,eu the v.Luum Lklaner tollow•na claurloca B :.>05 Loretta fun~\. hon(a) ol conlr•clor·~ bo •e~. furnitur e rn• l1cenu(s) •I the lomt crowne. ~lolhn the btc! 1~ submitted C 0 24 l1m Schwrt Cius C-27 Any btddt'r fornrlure boaes, '"f"W not so hcensed •I lhe er a tot , OVO m,.ttres\ time ot the bid ooenonc T V will be rt1tc led h C 21& Robel! & Oott\ nonrnpons1ve Oeerrnc, furn1 tu1e bu• r rme '"' of the essence n . refrocefflO<. h1mos All wn<k mu•I be com ltle u1>1n•I p~t•d w1th1n 40 con £ 008 Pat,,r•• 0 H•tl secullve calendar days bo .. , !tie c1b1net from Ille d1le specolted C V 4 Ou\11n Bflelle on the Nott{e lo Proceed lu•n•turt. couch bo •~s 1u ued by the Ooslr ocl [ 294 loshu• [ l\1n.i Et ch bod shill bt lamo bo•ts pocluse a ccompanied by brd new\Pll!M!r 'ac.lo. secu111y on the I01 m of Published NewporJ ca sh a r ertol1ed or B•ach C~ta ~~ Olllt cash1t n checl\ 01 bid Pilot r ebfu•ry 26 M.r~h bond in •n "mount nol S 2003 W083 Ins lhan ten pet cent IOOO Of_.,. uu ( 104') of lhe IOl•I btd .._ - pt1ce. payable to lite rne lollow1n11 mini OISIRICf slor•~e lat ololy, l e lite DISTRICT 1n erves COfd1n1 to PIOYl'llOns ~ lhe r111ht to reiect 1ny 01v1sion 8 of II•~ l:lu•.1 or aol brds or lu waive nen :tnd Ptolt\\oons any 11re1tut111t10 or Code Ch1pfl'r 10 Set 1nf0f mah lies on any bods hon 11101 I • l t.~hf()f "" or rn Che b1ddin1 pro Sell Strv•ct S loratt cess F ac1hh Act, hereby 11ves The Cal>forn1~ Depart NOllC( o r PUBllC ment of lndu1l111I SAi r Relal1ons ho deteo A11j)(!tl S..tl SIO•a&e mined the 1ener ~I pte will cundu<I • public vaollng ralu .. r ""' diam u l" <ii lhe contenh of wacn lot the Int •Illy rn lht slot ftRt sp~ce(s) which lhe work I\ 10 be 111n1ed below w11h tit" p<!rlo•med l0t the P101 conlt11h bemc •old to eel Coples ol lh~u lhe h11th~\t bidder tnr wa&e rate deter 01111• lo•fol money ol !he lion,, 'nhlled Prt•a1hn11 Un1t1<I St•I•\ of Am"'"" Wal(• S1 Al• 11rt m~111 (Le~h 011ly ) Own~r tained 1t the 01'\IRICI tHttves lhe rt&hl to btd ollk e and ''"' ••••labte lhe ul4! " be1n11 held at th@ followonc websole to U ll\ly • landlofd' www dot <• 10• II \h.tfl It• 11 md will be held at be mandatory up<1n lltt ,\IHI RI '\ll I S TORAGf succusful bidder to I/ & lkOO Campu\ whom the co11trac1 os Oro• N~w1111rl Buch awarded. end upon any CA 9 .6() Oil ••ct. to, subcontractor hsted to 2003 ef 1 :0') IH"• fht P•Y not leH than lhe pubfo 1\ tn•oltd to uod '4)ettfoed r•tu to etlend lern" •oe ~·ih eH wo"•ers employed by only them tor the Ptoiect A 1• '"••I de\cflptiuo No bidder may with of 111~ P 11p~1 t y bt"'I d11w any b•d for a \Old, alon& with the period ol sltty (60) od,nffly of the Occ11p1nt calender d1y1 •lier th• ranlinlt lhe space it. u date sel tor the openln& fotft1w• of bids SPAC' NO~ OCO.Nff Pursu•nt to Pt1bl1t P'CC UTY ~ Conlract Code SeC\,.111 ! lw2 Jantce rrosl. Misc. 22300, the A11r .. m, • houuhold 11nd clothes wlll conteln provisions 2164 Annelle Ben abou. perm\ltina the success· Clothon111nd bou1. tul bidder to iubs!Oute 223!> Donni lan,.01111. iecorlllu lor 1ny mun B•~•. 1u1tcau1. clothti lu wtlhheld by the and bous DISTRICT to ensore Publl,htd Newport perlorm1nce under the Buch Costa Meu Otlli AcrMment or permUllna Pilot febfuery 19. 26J p1yment of retention• ?003 W<1/') u rned directly Into escrow 8Y: Govun1n1 Hoard Slcne4 /S/ SuS1 Meline Olrec:tor Procurt menV (Mt&Y Conserveloon Pulllhhtd Newport Buell Cost• Meu D•ftJ PWot FttHuary 19. 26. 2003 W074 01Hy Pilot L,..illalcll 2148 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Na11ces ... ..,Of CMMM, COllTY Of OUIGI M1l1I01l DIM P.O.IOX 14110, OU118t CA. t261l-1 ST I CMI --:.____ "1ITIOtl Oft .... T. ,.,., fOI OWl&I Of NAMI 01D8 TO SHOW CAllSI FOi OWllf Of llAll Wl 111118:A217'31 TO All INTERESTED PERSONS· I Pe1tl1oner Brett T Porr tiled a pehho11 with tht5 court lo1 • decr~e chans•ne ndmes dS follows B1ett l Po11 Ill Bretl l S1cthdno 2 TH( COURT ORO(R:, that all person' mt"' ested tn tlos matter stiall appear beJore this tuur t al the heerine ind1r •led below to show 1 ~u'e 11 .ny. why the petition tor chanee of name should not be granted NOTICC or HEARING Oate 4 I 0) lime 2 00 pm Dept l73 The address ut the cuurt •~ sam" as nuted abuH 3 A "•PY of this Or c:ter tu Show uus~ •hall be pubhshed al leost ont e e at h wo k for four "ut.t.tr-.> \tV~ wet!k \ pr 10r tu th~ d•te '"t tor hed1111¥ un the p~lltou11 111 the lollow1ne n•w' l'•Per ol ~en~• •I < '" u lattclfl 1>11ntecl tn this counly Daily Pilot DATli fll 10. 2003 JUDGE RICHARD 0 . fltAl U , SR •• JUDGE Of TH E SUPllUOR COURT Published N•wport Bo•• h Co,ta M••,a Daily Pilot f >.bru~• y I q, 21; M•rd1 '> Ii. IOOJ WOil 1600 Superior /Ive , Costa Men. Cahfornta, County of Oranee, State of Caltlornta will ton duU d publtc lien sale of the pet$onal prnperty de~u lbed below at 12:30 p.m on the ~ day ot Marl h, 2003 !he Un Oer\1&ned will anept t •sh bod~ to u tosfy a hen foo past due rent •11d mc1dental\ tncurred I he \loo ag-. spaces ~ener~lly LOH\lst ol the lollCJw111i.: appltante,, ~tectrunic,, household lu1n1tu1e and btds, l•n1p' l'b1net,, spo1 l1n& ~oods, b1L y1.Jes, toys, baby items, t lothona. ufllle e1ju1pn1ent and lurn1tu1r hdnd •nd power tools, veh•lle NOTICE Of PIJIUC LIN SAU -p.-ut~ 1i1td dltc\•w r1e\., Not•l< " he•~by ~oven 1Je1 'iel """ 21100 el '>eq nl ti•• Ca11f1)1 n1a Bu''""" & f'rnlt~\1011dl Code th"t the IJndtr ~·Kned SUf'tRIOI< MINI SIOllAGC lot ated at bo,~' (Lont~nl ~ u11 koown1. mu\lcal m~lru· m•nh •nd other mos Lellam·•lO\ items NAM[ o r ACCOUNT SPACE NUMBfR LOUIS Corona' I 09 Om•r Mendoa. 221 Ron Sp.rks, 274 Mark W Pe11111. 315 961871 Alberta L lD, 3:14 /\my C11 ton, 333 Martina Ocho1, 418 Bob Stevens 671 Auctio neer s Name homes k O'B11en Bond Number 158525941 Auct11>1101's lelephnn .. Number 4909) 681 4113 Pubtrshe d Newport Ben h CO\I• M~sa Daily Ptlot r ebrua1 y 19, 26. 2003 W076 Notice 1s hereby eiven that the u11ders1ened will be sold at pubht /\ucllon on Mar 5, 2003 Starvine Scholar's Mtnt·Storaee. 1957 Newpo1 t Blvd . Co~ld Me~a. Ca 92627. (949) 6 31 3379 •2014 lulyn r 1nn. Household ll~n1s #6 Janel Stein. ltouH· hold Item~ •18 Kathy ldlf10wsk1. Household Items •2033a/ 2034a Le•he £a tun. Household Items 12043 s,olt r aylo r. Huu~ehold Items Landlord reserves the 11eht to btd at ule. Cash only Sale 1s 1ub1otel to cancellatton 1n the -.vent of t.ettl•m~nt between landl0<d and oblieated P<lfly Stat vtni Scholar's M1n1 Storage Publl\hed Ne wport Beach Co,ta M~.a 0•1ly Pilot F eb1 uar y 19. 26 2003 W0/3 fidltim t..iMu ..... S"'-' The to11ow1na p111son• are domg bu11nus n Nater the Inflater. 10163 A•cot Cortie . Huflllngton Beath. CA 92646 Nathan Ray Garrett. 10163 Astol C11dP.. Huntoneton Bedt h CA 92646 1 hts bU\lfl~\S IS 'on ducted by an ondmdual H•ve you ~tM t&d doing bus iness yt>P Yes 12 I 02 N4tha11 Ray Garrett This statement Wrls toled with the County Cterk nf Oran11e County on 01/24/03 200HH1049 Daily Pilot reb 19, 26. Mar 5. 12. ?003 W0 79 fldtiMt.i..u "-*'-' lhe follo wing persons ~re do1n11 bus111n\ dS ltalton Stallton\ Bou toque, P 0 llu• 8151. Newport B~Jt h Calt forn1a 92660 1 a11q Oar wish 1880 Park Newport •IOI , Newport Buth CA 92660 Thts business I> cun ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you ~tarted doing business yet' No f 411q Oarw1sh This stotement was hied wtlh the County Clerk of O•an&e County on 01/27/03 20036931267 Daily P1101 Feb 26 Ma• 5, 12. 19. 2003 W089 Adit6M llvsilns "-S....... I he lollowrne per ~ons are doona business as G r Noon Contracting Ser ~ILf!S 2588 r all WIY Or Cost• Mesa. CA 9l 6V Cerald Noon 2588 f a11 way Or Co\l<1 Mna. CA 92b?7 1 ho• busrnes\ " 'on dulled by an 111d1v1dual H~•t you stdrted dome busone•• y~t> Yes, 02/ I )/1998 Cerdld Noon l hl\ stalt>tn~nt wa\ ftled wt th tl1e County Clerk of Or.torte County un 02/0J/OJ 20036932091 Daily P~ot I eb 5. 12, 19 26. 200J W067 FktitiM~ ..... s...... lht lollciwong prr\ons are doin2 bU\lnt"\S tt~ Glob\uft Resour, ~\ 972 flzdtea Or Cost• Me>a. Cal1f<H llld 97676 Uno;i Krt•hn.rnur lhy 972 l\zalea Dr Co\la Mtt•d CA 92626 · lhl\ bu"ne\s 1\ cun. dut leel hy an rnd1v1du•I Have vou started doing business yet, No Uma Krishnamurthy lh1s st11tement wn ltled wtlh the County Clerk ol 01an11• County on 01/24/03 20036931020 o.11y Pilot r eb 19 26. Mar 5. 12. 2003 W<l8t fidlllM ..... Mmes...... 1 he, followtne per sons •re dome bu,1nen as Po\t Bo• Newport. 3857 8 11l h S t Ne wpo r I Be•ch. CA 92660 Yoon Sook Korn. 6 Whttecl<iud tr vine CA 9?614 f hi\ bU\llltS\ IS ton du• ted hy dn 1ndmc!u•I H••• you \la• ted c!o111e bus1r""'" yet 1 No Youn Sook Kim lh1s statement wn f1IP.d with the County C.lerk ol Orange County un 0?/14/03 20036933SOS Daily Pilot f eb 19, 26 Mai !I. 12, t'003 W078 Wednesday, February 26, 2003 2.Ml llpl .... rhe followln& peno11s •r• dome bustnt\s u Irvine P11ntona & Coat tots 5405 Alton Park way 1336, t1v1ne, Call fornta 926(M Steve M1eh1el f en\pn, 24168 M1ch1&an. l ake Fo11st, Caltfornta 90648 Thll buStneu " con du~ted by an individual Have you started do•n& bui!neu yd' No Steve f 11nton Thts statement wn toled wtth the County Clerk of Oranae County on 02/14/03 20036USS26 Oatly Ptlot Feb I 9. 26. Mar 5, 12, 2003 W080 . Ac-. ..... ... s...... Tile foltowtna P41rson$ U e dolO& bUSll\e\\ U GOIT/\WANNA, 20618 Birc h Ctrcte. Vo•b• Linda, CA 92:886 Sue Orum, 20618 811ch C1rc l•. Yorba Lind•. CA 92886 This business is con ducted by •n 1nd1v1du1I Have yoo \tarted do1na bU$tneu y•t7 No Sue Orum Thi\ •l•t11ment wu flied w1tl! the Cou"ty Clerk of 01~nee County on 01/13/03 200SH29 S34 Daily Pilot reb 12 19 26. Mat 5. 2003 W070 SEll your stuff through classi fied! Pol it·v How to Place A Deadline s----. . Rate:. and tk.tdlrnc' arc '>UOJt:l:l 10 change v.11hou1 tlnllc..c. The puhli ... hcr reserve' the n gh1 IO ccn,or, rccla,,tl). rc:v1se 11r rqell i.111~ cl;""licd adverti,c..·ment Pk.1,c rcpun an} e rro r that ma} tx· 111 yuur c..1.i"ificd ad tmmed1atcl) Thi.' O~lll ) l'tlut ;11.;n :pl' no ltahili1: tor an) crror 111 ;111 adwrt1:.emcn1 lur v.h1d1 11 ma) he.· respon,1blc c\cc..·1>1 fur 1hc i.:1"1 ul lhl· 'Pa.Cl' auuall ~ •X:u1p1cd h~ 1hc n rm C'red11 can onl~ I'll: .1tlov.c..-cJ l11r the.· ltN tni.en1on CLASS lFIEIAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm Bv Fax ( t141i) fl 1 1 h)<l4 d •11 ·"'' llh lu1i· ~Hur n.1m~ .u"I J'h••lw.-numhi•"r .md "''' 11 c..tll \tlU ''·k ~ A tlh A plh.r \~U!~h. ldc:phonc X ~OJ.m-5 O<Jpm Munda) -Fnday BY Phonf> t9~4C/) 642-5678 I lours Ind ex Bv '.\lail/ln P t·rson : ~1() Wc,I Ba) Str~I Co,ta Mi:~a, CA 92627 Ai :'l.cv..pon Blvd & B.t~ St. Walk -In X·JUam-5 OOpm Monda) -1-nda) Wednel>day .............. Tue!>day 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wedne!>day 5:00pm Friday .................... Thur~day 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Fnday 3:00pm Sunday ....................... Fnday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. ~l 1010-1770 m 7402·7466 ~ GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 JOP SS 4 RECORDS nc Bu CttN: l IL 5£1' & fU\ J!l Met. ~ lube ·~ Mike '149 64'> 7'10~ ENTERT AJNMENT C.lendarof Events 1310 EQUAL ltOUSltG ~ All Ital ~\tdtt MhM l1~1n& 1n ttu' ntW\Pdl'•• is .. ub1ec t tu th• f t(h•r Al r "" HOU\•ne All nl 1968 ., ame11d•d ,.111th makes rt dle~•I 1 .. Adverll'e An~ prtl•1 •ne e , l1m1ta t1un n1 dl!Krtmon1to.,n bd\ed 011 I 4Ce lOklr r~f1g1on ~~A ~.and1t<1p, IAm•h•I ~••tu• 01 naflondl otr~m '" Cltn 111t•nt1on to fl'•all• any '""h t>fele1•nce hmlld Mon nr d1s.,1monat1on • fh1s new\P•Pe' will nol i.nnwm11ly atcept ilf"t adver llument fnr '"'' &\late wh•l h " on ¥rolat1on ol lh• law Our •e.ad•r s ~re he.-bv 1nlo1 med that all dwell '"'' adver loud '" thrs ~spaper are av••lable on an tQUdl op1101tunrty basis To complain ot d" c11m1nahon raH HlJO toll tree at 1 800 424 8590 1483 =-1• ,, f-'f • .,. .. ptOCHdJ to .,_ ti ~•nshln• Co-op Pr•· ttflool Fri. f'tb. 28 a. s.t. Merdl I. 7a·2p 11 Pres· .,_illn Churdl of ltlt ~ 2l!!iO , ... & ..,,,,. Calta ...... m ...,...,, ,_ n IZA Vlct orl1 1Al01 herr lllhlt Mllll 10, 6MiGllH, (ollectll>IU , MtO, rtffil, bedtM NI wz,...etoflln, ... /iMJ ' 1489 230S·2490 1505 I U:. I 81 A(;K LAlj <.HOW MIX. f, yr~ nl!l "1jllP. I H I -.~n 40JH 111 N~ ... J>Ol l f1•d h R~Wdld 714 77l 494\ lell 714 no nti~ General Announcements 1610 MUVtl PRODUCER seek' •~al hie 'lll1m~ t1f ah•n •hduttlon look m~ lo t~lk to "" l•m~ ul Alien Abdu1 t1<o11 and 01 Con \1p1r., y T'1em1sh and Qthri 1nt•ll1g~nl P•Ollle ·,n th• llnuw· on tOptt \ \Uth a' Seu et '\ocrrt1n R•pt1t1an Alien' The lllummal1 D1"nfo1mA twn Allen Mythoh•lo?Y lh• mal11• and the new w,111d O•dN 1111 011cu m•ntary him Some pay (All 11111 tr" I 800 105 8 i83 01 em•ol petulla (ji)e•r think net 1CAL •sC"AN) FINANCIAU PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Personalloans 2490 RUIN/INC£ NOW' 6 375 ft •f!d No point\ No I"\ APR 6 375'\. CAOR£ trcen't 01326024 Rates d\ ol 2 13'03 \Ubtect lo change Credit/Income/ Property 1es l11ct1nn\ apply Minimum lodn SIS0.000 800 928·3021 (CAL •SCAN) Sf NIOR HOME.OWNERS• Supplement Income wrth Resverse Mo1tga1es You mak11 no payments! Government Ins ured Seatlle M0<t1ae1 Com pany CaDRE•Oll51456 Aae 62+ Call tor a tree brochure 1-800·489· 0986 (CAL •SCAN) L ESTATE R SALE APPUAHCES 3050 Moytog Wo•her /Dryer -'lmond (0101 g•< diver 7 year old $400 both 949-640-0194 HOME FURNISHINGS Fumlture 3435 It...., white leather -.ota ..et. <-h•or tovr~at w la SI IS01all 2 cry~tal tamps $100 I antoque V3no1y, $450 949 646-767 3 JEWELRY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coosl CelnN .. 41 Old Coins! Cold 11lver . iewtty. wat~. anllQU9$ collecltble\ 949 642 9448 OFACE FURNITURE/ BUSINESS EQUIPMENT MedicaWetal Equipment 3565 All U£CfRIC WHEEL CHAIRS New No CO$t to you " tlo&1ble Medoc ••e acc epled Wheeh.hair~ and Pow ercha11s (s cooter-style) ·we treat you riaht!" Call 7 Oay\. (800)835 3155. (C/\l 0SCAN2 Clll 3610 DepJICl"l-...... -~.llfi P9b 11 Pubic~ rWoi l!ilalld ~'IZJ9 ,_. WAY b momme cat/ aec "' ~ arett homes. 949-533-0tl I "Employee.,., "Empleado. " "A rbeitneh~r. ' . 3010-3940 ~ soos-saso Cats 3610 l\•tttn'-F !Jund "' Bu\h•'> need bultlefeeder \ Help SA•e l•ve• All e<pen~~' paid An1m~I folelwork 949 533 041 PHOTOGRAPHY I OPTICAL ATl[NllON MOTHERS & OTH[RS Workon1t I"'"' any lf>Lal1nn ( ar n up lo SISOO-pe• mo wo1kme P l S'> {)()04 per mo wm kmg f I I 1 ee book let lull lrdllllnR I 877 888 2 2 ; 2 www fo1AGnodL1le ~om CCAL •SCAN > AAA VENDING lOUTf 76S....r ~ p,., .. i:> c.a~ J89'.I) ~ 20"-Mlscellaneous oown wat. a:n396-9311 _Accasot1 __ es __ 37_35 oras b Lease 4540 GROW LIGHT 1000 Watt MH HPS \w1tchable Sun System \II Supe1Sun re flee tor 'oc~et as semblv & both ldmp,t S399, 99 plu~ \ h ~1 2 528 898 0 or www lndoorerowlight~ com(CAL •SCAN) MISCEUMEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Merchaftcllse 3855 WANT ID JUAJUSl s woaDs ANO HlATlD ITEMS 949-494-113 1 -'\ION [n lrepreneur wanted Must be w1l1tna to work whenevet vou want. be your nwn bou. and en101 u11llm1ted nrn1n11s let's talk (888 )9 4 2 -4 053 (C/\l "SC/\N) FIR£ YOUR BOSS! Kwok 11.erb Business layine continuous concrete c urb1n11 Equipment. tr atnme. mar kelrne with bacll·up and support Don't w11t. some aren shit avtll1bte l-866·2!>4· 5372 www kw1kll1tb com (CAL •SCAN) Newport Beach f ree '"'"' for secretarial !.Ve bu\tneu Woll o change paymg 1enl for llgtlt ott....., d\lt~ C'.reilt nlflcc. \t~ to wate1 949 723 8485 CdM offi<e Spece.. Ou.et. turn•"""" office<> to 5/lar~ with CPA Centrdlly located on Coast Hwy UX> mo 949 700 9033 HOMES FOR SAL£ LACOUNTY· 5200 LONG BEACH& VlCINllY 1·< JOeS Ul•1M'Of<l ... r1.g Beacr N<Y1t> l.lT<; Be.ll.. ~ S-;ina.H '-9 ...... le ....... "" ~rtchen wall on ~-2 blocks to ~ S725 44 /lbJt'I 562-437 Jf'H) HOME:S FOA SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Of>lN SUN 1-4 134 Monte Vista 3br'2 Sha DlTACHlO song lam '1ome Ht cetrs, crown moldlna, shutters Bose sound sy$lem • .-... ,. $S0.,900 Mary Fewel Re/Mu 949-646·9670 •1111111 ..... n. CWIZ ICM ... "Employi. '~ , ,'' •• / • ' t I I I I • ' • ~ Under the Service Direct ory Banner IOOS-1510 ~ Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week 9000-9750 For Only $32 p er week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 PANORAMIC VIEW I Newp-Beach I soo l ,..._ m1<ed 2·BEDROOM RlTRfAT _ _:;._"'-'-----used devP.k>pment \1te S299.900 WATaRIONT Plans 1n pttx:e~ 5200st AGT. 949-723-8120 RfDtnO $1411 ON M lot Asking S795 CXXl •ii I BAV W><XXJ 114 6'>11 89&'.I ~hon-.. ~ ""'-· 00 OCIANJaONT Studio, pnvatt patio & rent 1nu~ lor tho? ne•t UNDER 2 MllllON entrance Ret11g, incl ulll l3 yrs 8edU rn.ist "« 2br BlTTlR HURRYt & cabl~ 19th & Harbo• 2lld oiiarwte Ltrvn nwble AGT. 949-123-1120 S7001mo 949 310 32~ tp batlrms much nnt I -.. na Beach Own~ 94').673.Sfa. NIC[ s TUDIO I block to .....,,.. bo th w cl kitchenette No.TH LAGUNA l1<'fl1C•I beach houw 2br I 5ba wal< to beach hnm this Ol>t'n llame wtth an artl'!.t touch agt . ln'.Hi05-7S37 Udo Isle e H881SUe Best V~ LOW151 Priced (home/\lt) °fjft lot Remod I 1005! wt~.., 2b 2ba 2 c ii" Great 2nd homo lllDUCB) .. $849 .000 0,-.S...-S-'~ 111 Vlo a.ii ~9$~ 714 JJ14214 BONITA CANYON OPEN SAT-SUN l·S 10 Wlftthrop 1BR 2 SBA home Sep er ate ofhte ·auttt 'u1te By Owner Sl.175 000 949 644 8288 ............... fo4ewix>r1 Ctesl CN>dc· UpiuMll!d throuetit end umt 2br 2 5ba, Per eo floor'· att 2c 11¥ $449 IXX) dgl Ra~ Bar~ 714· .m 4989 °' 7l4 l34-4Gl PRIME ESTATES 'ATRICk TENOR[ NATIONWID( USA 949-856-9105 www pat11tktenore 'om n smkr S795 mo ulls mctuded 949 650 0943 VINTAGE COTTAGl HOMl, PLUS INCOME. GaUTillA AGT. 949-123-1 120 BLUffS SPACIOUS E· PlAN JBr FR mu te.-oo main ~vel 1111ced to ..ell $599 CXXl 949-219-2414 SELL your stuff through classi fied! STARTING ANEW OPlN SAT-SUN 1-S 3 s..,.. .... o 1 lev~I home (b1 • d~n Gatedtomm S&St ,000 A'•-ct. •• ltaty 4t.. 2 Sba Strada hOme Sl,129,000 Hallan style 5br Sba •P pro• 18 000 lb 19 000!.f S3,49S,OOO NEWUSTING St unmna award w1nnrn11 Brool\ftelcl home bu1ll 1n 2000 Jbr • office AD ptOJ J70Qsf Sl,719,000 PLATINUM PaOf>llTIIS Stehme Meurer 949 71 5 3156 '•IME (STATES PATRtClt TlNOal NA flONWlOI USA 949-U4-910S www p~t11cktenore com BUSINESS?f. • • • • • • • • • • • RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SAU °'* RaorWICltion Property 5970 LNCl TAHOf 2Br 3Ba lu1 condo slffl>s e'ltlt.. I 4 or 11'2 Hlterest S29S.((() per I 4 Cal 94U 73-0l81 MISCEUANEOUS RENTALS Rental To Share &e30 U. ...._ cwt br pvt ha clo5e to Batt>oa i.. "1 yd aw pr~ lot eof stor act w Sl250m 949 759-0715 NB Sh0<e Newer JBr houw p11nte '><>m "b1th S550/mo • I 3 uhl~ fem pref 949 8!17 14 72 Tht Ugal Dtpartmmt at tht Daily Pi/m is pkastd t.o announct a new str11ict. now availabk to new businesses. ~ wiU now SF.ARCH th< n41M for you ar no txtra chargt. and saw JOU tht timt and tht trip to tht Coun Houst in Santll Ana. Thm. of cou~. 11ftn' tht starch is compkud wt wiU fik your fictitious business Nl1M lt4lmlmt with w County C/nlt, publish onct 11 Wllk for fo ur wee/ts AS "trUrttJ by iliw 6"" thm fik your proof of publication with tht CounlJ Cid. Pkast rtop by t.o file JO"' fiaiticus businm st4lmlnlt"' tht D.il] PWt. 330 W. Bay St, Costll MestL If JOU unnot st.op by, plug c"'1usIll (949)642-4321 '1111 we wiJJ 1111Zltt 11mzngnnnus for you t.o haru& this proctd." "1 1'Wil. If JO" sh<nJJ haw any forthtr 'fWSl'ions, p~.se aUJ us nJ we will k 1Ml'r ""'1t t""1 to llSJist JOU-. Good fMcft in J""' MW '1wtjMSJ! A 10 Wednesday, febfu1ty 26, 2003 . TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE • -Maicwel 81 On lho ~.up 82 CUleWll~t • l'M'lltOUI PUZZl.11 IOl YID 'l 1 14 pl-63~··9· 8" LOYe ili8dlv 05 Hardwllro ftcm fi8 Groupe ol ~ 87 Tlgtttwlld t58 Neutral QOlor DOWN I Ploces189 co«on 2 l.Jt..e--ot bncl.• 3 Cl!)' on !tie Trudlee 4 WlnOow 5'1001>1r S FlftP!"Ok mo. 6 19605 hairdo 7 Famous tabel 8 MarOhtng band need 9 To date 10 Unruly 1 I Labor OePI clrv 12 Osms·•·stM 13 Mo l)JI 21 8encfl WA/mefS 22 FIW!ldn 9' JcllSCln 24 Panr;00 25 By '1Sell 26 Quall plus 27 Wcb-loolod !*Os 28 Skyoolef 29 CUtMlte HESIDUI ·~ t<l IJf S Gal.d W.1..., Old\, Cblan v-Pool ll'ltm. l3r. 2Ba. de~ dn rm. Ill rrn, new tut. .,,...,e cnh, di .,..,.... w/d, n 2 .._ p $!>!iron. ITWI I yr '""' nl\'.lel'I. 114.all 9146 Cfl ORANGE COUNTY 7400 Balboa Peninsula 4 lledi1 from Balboa Pl'nin W~di.. beach' Cho>r m11111 lbr I I 4ba 2 t 11a1 '"II \tory ~•ni l1m1ly hnm~ Pel upon dPPI oval Yrly $2750/mo 9$121 1 ll3 94'} 2.l}'lJ77 Corona del Mar 21r 111110. f p, I ear. I OClAH y VllWSlll New home 4br 3 5ba 2 51ory. dfQnta pert.ct 111 ~ way Only loot ~ID ou.tn w~ ~ and ~actrt lwtor errtr lll1Ce channel s... IQureillbrr ace AllM mid March lur n/unfurn SIO.!Wlclbo ~75-2311 1ar11ort SIS75/mo lit, CostaU.... SI 1511-mo 2 Blocks to lft'IJM 111~ t:orun• 949 760 9020 a-...., llr .,,.,. above 2111 I IA APT llM. Ip, paho M W pa1m, Ov'r l tar 11ar wdhkup\, illr P'k&. quiet. a t ok. nn prl\ S 11'>0 mo call $860/mo 949 S48 'IIJ7 "~day\ 949 863 1390 lbr 21.o condo, frig. wd Ip le 1>At10 ,. 'vu 2 car ii•• No •n•ll srn pet oi. Sl975 '"'' q4q 735 4825 -Morgu•rll• 31r /21a huurv rPfurb home SJ'Mn Aho large relll 7fll I fl~. nt!w carpet & ~M~11 StlOOm 949-715-3513 11r'• lrom S875/mo w · &"' 1'1 lovely r.atl!d tornm MM lrr Square, Ir.. lftdy facrtrty Kleon Moat. 877 704 8649 •9'2al l.rg llr, new carpel & paml, cvrd t Mporl 277 16th Place ;) $1100/mo no oets 949 720 94?2 commen4 5.2 Spicy sl.W 53Pt-d S4 ~ell.Im of llW -' 55 Freucf1 concern. 66 Poop out 57 1917 abdlco1or 58 Cliartes lamb 58 Bank on 81. Huey ncapo I ' ll' 1) 21r, 2 Full ltoth, upper, 2 c detached 1tar. bal cony, new/carpet/paml/ appls, $1595/mo 3023 Lanes Bay 714·865-2252 l"Sade Hoo 3Br 2.581. f R. F p, remodeled, hr dwd fh, ~ yrd, blodl to YKA $21~mo 949-642 9IB9 31r, 210 H-• on 8th fa 11 w•y Sanh Ana Country Club $2,200/mo 949-US-6519 * YlAlllY • UASIS Bill GRUNDY R(Al TORS 9,49-67S-6161 Villa f'elnt c ...... lbr Iba fp, wd, patio. ear. assoc pool n m. 1111ted SJ575/mo 949 675 2514 am 2llr 1111 on penmu1a. trt ~.Ip, wd l c pr. cbse 1n sct1001s aei sum letnt 9567l-71m IAY111DGE &attd comm, 2br I boa, I& deck, w/d. retrie 1nctd, no srni\afl*U. $1850/mo. 949-291·X'72 WIST NfWPOW1' Sc>ecKJUS JBr 2Ba. 2 Li de<. ks, ear~ + c:trpor1 lblk to bmdl$2G)n~ Bridge By CHARLES GOREN wlth OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH Pl.AV OR OF.FF.ND? Boch vulnerable. South deab WE.'IT • 07 ./ 12 NORTH • JS () y A() 4 J •J91165 EAST • K JO 96 4 J65 K 10 9 7 2 •AQ7J 6 5 • 1042 SOUTH •A 832 AK 108 4 J JH • K Opening lead Seven nt Srudy 1hc diagram abo~~. !Mn decide· WoolJ )OU rJ.lhcr phi) or defend four hcaru. aftt:r 11 trurnp lcaJ? Note Lhc uuction. sy~Lcmically. Nonh·~ <>ne·oo.trump wait .fOl'C1nl\ and South'~ hean rebid promi\ed t1 ~u.-canJ ~u11. .Suicc Lhe dout>lcton q~n now "n' :idequatc suppon. Nonh 'howcd a ma>.imum 1mti:ll rc~pon..c by mv1tini: game "1th Lhl'l't' hean.s. ancJ South bid one morn for the rood. Su~ you ckoet 10 defend and get filT to I.he best lead of a INlllp. Dec later~~ pan:ntt's jock w11h the lmg and I~ the long of club<i. In with the llCC, Wc:st remove~ dummy's remaining trump. Dec:IW'Cr allow\ dummy~~ quet'n lo win and lead< lhc jock or clubs. di~1ng • p;idc from hand and losing 10 the 4oeen. You ~ift lO the queen or ~p;ulei.. which declarer unoocc""301)' doc~. and West continues "i1h 11 'pade m 1he jaclc. king und ace. Afte r drawing the last trump, decltll\!r·, jack of diamond~ is oov- c~-d by the kins and taken with the 11o:c. and thc nrric ol club~ 1> led. When lhnt fet.ehes the 1cn. JI I) all mer. Soulh ruffs and lhc remllining )pi.Ide goc) :away oo dumrny'i. eight of clu~ ~1~ lhc queen of diamood< '' \Ull there lb an <"ntry. Sou1h loc;e.~ only l\\O clubs and a spade Otcl&ret u med the hand beautiful- ly. bul don't decide on plllying the hand j~1 yet. Brilliant dcfcn~ will lead to the contract's defoaL SupJ>O!iC ·that. on winning lhe ace of club~. We•t \Witches to lhe· ~1ng or d1a. n1C111d~. Now when Wc:M win, the jacl uf dubs with lhc 4u~n. nnuther diamond wreaks huvoc wi1h the enuie~. and !Mrc is no way for South 10 come 10 I 0 tricks. ·1 ry JI. o-••'" H.a,. w-••' Housekeeper: CdM St Huge I BR I BA w/Harbor vtew ~ Goreeous 28R 2BA w.'Harbor --~ Couple seeks hstkpr, caretaker live 1n ptel'd Nice s epaute qtrs. Musi be eood Amer cool<. No pets. smok1n2. liquor. Musi be clean, neat & eood driver. Our car Mr Taylor day 949·644 4910 eve 949-675·7957. l.t'1f Nwllt PlllN. 'fle(EIUlat. ~ Wood ltrlllilC Fhpllca • Prtv• led t Mart.a• S~Swlmmilc Pllt• .... .Jroplcll ~.: Secoeck ....... ltlatd, ~ ~ c.e.m. ............ ~~ ... Ne ••rt•l1Pa!• Homes .. , ..... ...., ..... ._.. (949)~19 • Gated Sft91 Stry 2Br, ?Ba. det hse. 'l·c alt ear, A/C. cn::bt.ecl pair), fTmiJC. t\lpets. S2«»n !)19. 71JH219 Ude W. 4bt 3bot, !Mn, tnJOy Lido lrte1tyle !>ltlrne, IMnis, l22 Via P•let'mo $3200 mo 949 67!>-7168 leyfrent lecheler apt, brand n•w. sm yard w/patio. sm dock avail S700/mo • U,.ecrtoltle 14511 baylront view 4br 3ba, 2 c pile, dock avail $4900 949-371·3650 Newport Coast CRYSTAL COVI LIASlfNIW, 2 STOltY E~ 5br 5ba T den, pile &1-Wded. Many custom 1""'1.r"" t!Yu- OIA. Oecorir!a lDuches., ~ ln15c naw undlW ._y A'n/A ~ 1-03 v.li(),;~11 Employment 8500 IOOUllf'IR f'l, bn1c Pl'tVlll Tlltortnn 7990 skill~ m computer. hr!> ''11 ar~ o~n. CM eru ra1 flUll U SSONS Et.p'd only 949-S41-2201 leacht'r has new open ines 111 c~ta MMa studoo Use Slatk 949·574·0517 G..,erol Office JO 40 hours/week Reception, order pr~ lite accta Must know Quickbooll. WORD & E.itctl. lnqun to L~.n or wbnlll r-.me ' salary · requtrmenh to chas@~ -.... <Xl&IC1mlN ,......&...,...... s.1 ........ , .... ~8-tt•ld ~Vlep~ ""'*" ft per.on .Bll lin'b:r'lll lfl6 ~Bdl~!ml iBll2 ""'~ fl(wy I() Ms:sb'l Va!,> 9&2Kl-01([> c-..~r .. ' Busy Newport Bu ch office ~ tu1-t1me htel> ene1u. oream1ed and detailed pe"o" with e.cellent phoN .Julls and wwm personality. Com puter skills req, incl M1crosofl Office & QutckBooks Pro F •• resume w/salary requwe menu to 949-574-0725 f'AllT. TIMI oa1v1• MON.-fat. 1-5 f'M $9/HOUR 949-675-2792 • :• .,.,..._ d •• Bl6y office !>--~ eqi M (4 5HRS) NPB Sal•ry conwnens1nte w/u p f •• rest.me MM7S..212.7 SEll your unwanted 1ten1s throueh clai.~tll!_d HOME, HEAL TH AND SUSINESS ~ ..... 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Mml&IEI, Wf'f'IAEU CREYIER , . --.· ·,... - ~ .. -· . t(WL'OOJ MN COOPER! LMFOR $199 Perftlonth + Tat Jal these Isms OH APPllOO CREOO . ·---··-. ~· $3685 down, 36 month closed end lease, nose- curity deposit, 10,000 miles per yur, 20¢ per mile tor v.cn s mllu (TC42218) O'-sltSW. s..llpl •· lfT'S IOTOll rT'S FUii ............. 55 FRE.EWAY @ £IllaR SANTA ANA AUTO lW1 (888) 823-9808 Mercedes BNZ 380Sl '82 Good cond, hd top/soft top, Taupe w/blk 1nt1r, S5300/obo 949·854·8208 Mercedes '99 1320 31k m1, white/ere; llhr, rnnrl. chro me whls, beaut like new cood, vS72241 $28,995 fin ~ Btu 96-SIJ& 1888 WWW ff',_ MerudH '99 SS20 l we 52i.. ml, 3 yr warr avail. silver /blk llhr, beaut or1e cond, v87S24 I $28.9'.*> hnancma avall 8kr 949 586-1888 -.o ..... l.c,- ........ lf~LS 'OD W<Y ool, lulher • all u tr as, hktt new, or 'l owner. -v'llrlll. Sl4,995 to4lvr1kDi pp 714-919'6335 '•ru he '99 leater Conv 21 ii m1, 5"Pd wh11e/ere; llhr lull fafl warr &'"•i•d non smkr, like new vi 2669!> $26.995 8kr 949 586 1888 -w.ecpeltt.cent CASH FOil CAltS WeN..4Y-<• f'.Wferw...-.. .:e.1::--... 949.574.7777 ~ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES •Tor TIOOmACAI, TOYOTA llUCl,PA8S- S81SSO 71C-l74-17H TIKICOVB t. TIOO mA CAI, TOYOTA TIKI, PAa S- SBl $100 714-S74-17tJ MOTOR HOMES MoearHoma· Rlfll MOTORCYa.ES -caw.,.~ •91 s.i.r1.,. Conv LX36, 42k mi. drk metallic blue/er•y llhr, beaut lllle new cond, v292521 $8499 hnanclnr & wuranty aviU, Bkt 949.5 ... 1111 ... -.~···- SEU ;our unw•nled items lhroueh clns1hed PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed section to find services from electronics and plumbers. to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot Cl is .-.1fu•d ( o mmunity M a rke tpl•H " · for II yo~ needs... & ~ Service Oiredoty ~nting NOlK:l TO R£AO£RS C•l1for nia law '" •11111"' that contr ar to'" ta~m11 tobs that tnt~I SSOO or mor~ Cl~bor or material~) be hc.ensed by the Con111ctor~ State l•l ense Board. State law also requires that contraclors include lherr hcense number on all advC!f11SlnR You can check the •latus o l your lrc•nsrd cont r a c t or at www olb c• eov 01 800·321 CSLB Unh censed con Ir actors l ak1ne 1obs that tolal In\ than $500 mut.I $late in lhftlr adverllH ments that they ire not hteMed by the Cenlractor$ Slate l icen!.t Board." 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