HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-28 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing th e Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2003 Mayor plans appeal of Kona Lanes vote Robinson says Costa Mesa n eeds to be a good place to play as well as to do bus iness. But future of bowling is not bright, Segerstrom official says. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot 111g alley and the defunct Edwards The.tier and k c Capades 01alet. COSTA MESA -All work and no play makes Co .. ta Mesa a dull city. "A., a <.ity Council, we have an obli· gat1on tu '>l'C to it that Custa Mesa is not onl) a good r lace 10 work and do bu'>im•''· hut to play ... Rubinson said. "Hut 111 pldn11111g. 11 "l'cm.., like we've t:omplt•tcly· lo'>I '>igh1 ol play Cor the quality Of ltfe or rci.1tk n1 .... H So ...ays Mayor Karen Robin .. on. whu plan-. to file an appeal today of the Pla nnmg Commi~~ion\ arprov<1l or Kohl'~ department ".>tore a'> a la".>t d11 ch attt•mpt to save recreational op11on.., at thl· Mec;a Verde· Ct·ntt·r Tlw u1m111i..,.,1on voted 4 to I to al- low 1he ~l·g1·r ... 1roml. to build the 95.li:l~-... quart• loot Mort' agai ll'>l th e f{'('()ll1llll'lldatio11 or clly plannl'r'>, who <1.....,1·m·d that tht• building wa~ too The Kohl's !.lore. approwd hy thl' rnmmi~sion on Monduy. i~ sl<ttl'tl trJ replan• the existing Kona I ant•., bowl JWA will test for bomb resistance The airport. like others across the cou ntry. is doing the work under White House watch. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot 1011 I WAYNI AIHPOH I I ht· mrport ':. build mg., .md ro.itl way ... will unde~o tl''>l:> tu '>t'e what ki11d or damage homh hla'>I:. could cauw .• urport offi l'lah ...Ud. ·nw engineering report will not unJy look at the damag(' that Cl'rtain type:. or explo"'Vl'" m ulti caw.c. hut also how ..,uth < Jtil · \trophic ~1ru<:1ura.I tlamagt• 1.111 he kept 10 a minimum, o.,;ud Ju., 1111 McCui.kt>r. an airport ... pok1•., man. "lt'O look at what ..,ll'P" tlw a1rpun ran tal..t• lo lm11g duw11 thl' ri-.b,.. ht· -.;11tl .. I h.it in- d11tll'" thl't l tng tl1l' Ullldill011 Of 1 lw roof. tilt' \\all.,, 1 ht Oour .and gla ....... · I he S.! H 11111111111 -.tud\. to lw 111111plett·tl 111 l1111r tu"'"' 111onth'>. \.\-111 l>e h..i..,l'tl on 111lorn1.111011 111.itlt· ava1l.1hlt• hy ft·dC"ral aulhurlltt.'., about wl1.11 kmd of l'XpJo.,iw' an· hl0111g ll'>t'd 111 at ta1 it... aero.,.., tltl' glolw, Ml'Lll..,kl'r .... 11d llll' \\Ofl \.\-Ill ht•~tll Ill 1\pril Ahout ll()'li, of tht· l O'>I for thi-. -.tudy ,,111 ll<· funckd h) j...'Tallt~ from thr I t•dt•r,11 '\\1,111011 Atl111111btrat1011 l11i.., 1 ... the w1 ontl t ltnl' 111 JO 'rl'<lf" th.11 lohn \V.1pw Airport h,1., unJer1.1kl'n '>Ill h J .. 1 ud}. \ k < ll'>kl'r '>attl. "The fir,I 11111(' \\t' did II WJ., Ill fytl5," lw '><11d "I .triter, ii wa., See JWA. Page A4 PLANNING COMMISSION The surprise new face in City Hall Cos ta Me sa Pl a nning Commissioner Dennis DeMaio, a she riff's li eutenant, is relatively unknown. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -When -;u rn e people hit 55. they began 10 think about slowing down. Not Dennis DeMaio. The surprise pick by Council man Chris Steel, the newly ap· pointed planning commissioner. is getting revved up about the chance to serve his communit y. As a lieutenant for the Orange County Sheriff's Department. DeMaio is used to protecting people. As a planning comml'>· sloner, he says he wants to make ..,url' rt...,1dcnl'> propt•rt) and community lllll'ft''>l., dfl' pro- lt'l. ted ·· fhl' ['lanmng < .0111rn1'>'>IOn to nw ... mure or J thalll'llge. Onl" that yo u would rt•ally lwcome in tum• with the tommunity." De· Maio "aid. "II MUil loJ help riti· 1en.., afraitl to come up and have a ..ay-.,o. It\ an opportunity to champion their ca u!<.e " "iteel appointetl t>cMaio be cause hl' was imprcs~d with hi-; mtegrity. the councilman sau.l. l)eMaio, who is from the PitL.,· buiW1. Penn. area. lx-gan wo rk· ang in law enforccm('nl in 1973. After the ('ntirc police force was laid off because of tough eco· nomic times. he decided to move to California, where some famiJy members lived. I le and his wlfe. Deborah, moved 10 Costa Mesa See SURPRISE, P11e A4 72 HOURS A quick guide to the weekend rrsAGEM GIOOYAP CATWN.J( ma!>sive for lhe neighborhood In addit ion lo lamenting tht• loss of traditional places to hang out and have run, Robinson al!.o expressed concern thal the commission allowed Kohl's to supply 14 fewer parking spaces than the city requires, considering the pa rk· ing problems that have been cam(•d hy a nearhy beauty school. I'> jtl'>l not a v1dhl1· h11..,111l'"" thl'w da~.., "lndl'pendt'nt of till' nwm.., or dt .. 111er11 ... of Kohl\, olllV dl ... l ll ...... IUll of the bowl111g all] -.hould he U1Hkr..,t<111d1ng of tht' mar~t'lplat l' lor howling, dlld ll ui 11'1 tha1 good." I rt·cin.in <,attl "I ha1\ JU'>l lht· wav 11 '' .. QUESTION ? ts Costa M esa no tun anymore? Please si:,i~H , "' name and tell us your hometown and µhon• numbers for verif1 c.-ttt01 purposes only ~1 find tha t quite astonishing in light of what we're experiencing in the Paul M11chell area." Robimon <,aid "It make.. no '>enst' 10 me 1ha1 we could even con'>ider '>Omething like that 1n thi'> particular area ... l·rt·ernan al-.11 n·t1l·r,11t·tl thJI Koh(\., mt•..,he' """" tlw uty\ gt·m·raJ plan wh1d1 \,,, ... JU'>t upd.IH·d IJ'-1 )'f'cH ,md lC1111JlltP' Wllh lht' /fllllflg '>•lid thl'y JJI plt•J"'ij 'I •I h 'dt•I "lllJI \'I. 111 gt·I J 'l'l 111111111 ·~ Kohl., I'> .tl'>fl ht1) 111g tlw pm pt· rt). wh1lh 111u ... 1r<1t1·'> tlll'H < onir1111nw111 111 '>laying sn I U'>l.1 \fr,,1 I n•t•m.tn .1ddctl I m glc1d hl·1 o111<o1• I 1 11 • 1h..., 111·1 ti Hlllft' l'\cll1111l.!ll11 I I' f I II I 111111 ~ II .J good ht 1111 11111 1 • , dl'nt lloh111 I ..in, r .1 fl ... Paul 1-reernan. '>poke'>rnan fo r tht· 5egerstroms, -;aid that while: he under <;lands the no;.talgia and pusltion 11ur rounding Kuna Lanei., a b.:)wling alll'y \\111le llte 'wgt·r ... 1ro111' 1\011 1111 r till· I 0 hornt·111\ 111·r' t lt1'>l'"' 111 fill' p1011·1 1 the ~k<,a Verdt· I fom1·11w1wr' A'o'>l1 11p pow'> 11 'l11111t· \k,tl \'1·nJ1• r1· ... 11frnh • DEIRORE NEWMAN . •>Id M., .rnd mJy br· ,,.,,, t•· i • • l ~ 4;n, , bye 11\011 <11 Grace Castro wtll push Kendall Milteer. 11. who has tuberous sclerosis. for the 26 miles of the L A True tag team Costa Mesa reside nt Kendal] Milteer, 11. an'd Grace Castro will compete togethe r in the Los Angeles Marathon on Sunday. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot K endall Milteer will complete the 26.2-rrnlt· course mapped out fo r thousands of Le>'> Angele'> Marathon participants on Sunday. To e11!>ure that he docs complete the course. he has trained for it. Ille I I -year-old Costa Mesa re ident hasn't trained alone. He can't. Nor will he attempt this trek by himself. He'U do so with the assistance of another competitor, Grace Castro, who will push h1!> wheelchair the entire courae. Kendall, who was even nominated for the marathon's Patsy Oioco Courage Award. has tuberous sclerosis, a neurologicaJ disorder rharactenzed b\ -.t>111111·"· fill 111.11 relarddt1on. ".>k.111 ..ind l'Yt' ll• ... 1011 .... 11111. in '01llt' ca..,e-., neuroh1•h.1\ 1111.il problt'm~. lnrough Ability! 1r'>l. om• of Southern California'!> large ... 1 .and ult.lest nonprofit "orial '1'rviu· organization~. Kendall .111d 111,ul\ other children like him will j.:l't a chance to compt'te for thl'u l'Jli..t' They'll get a chance to r.11"'' 1110111'\ for their Newpon-\ lC">a t\fwr 'ld11K1l ("..enter in Cos1a Me...a. l:stablished in Im by ( .d.'>lro. "ho now works as the -.upervi">or. thl' center has trained children w11hm the AbilityFirst program to participate in the maralhon ro1 the past four years. l l1i!. year, the rl'nter has more than 30 people pa.niclpaling in the marathon and 'I work to try a_nd bring out the best tn every kid I try to ftnd what ever it is that each child has and focus on 1t .' Grace Castro lt11pt·' to f.iJ'>l' ,11>11111 "-'i 000 tru1~ 'POll'>Or ... for th1• l l'llll'I "It\ vl'r} \\lllHkrf11J ..,t.•e111g ti•• chtldn·n t11g1•1 llt'r c111tl pl.1y111g ..inti gt•llmg .ilong .... llll "-t•nt.lall' n1111lw1 Brenda I .1t111H'r1· "ht1 \'1.llrk .... 1, .1 tl'..tdwr .11 l'.1g1• l'r11 ale 'x honl 11 C n<,tJ \fr.,.. '°>t'<'lllg thl' p.in·ni... .111tl tht' l..1d' togt·tlwr 11 JU"' hr111~' u·ar.., lo \our t'\I'" (..J.,tro tnt'" 111 make tht• ll~dllll.<111011\ \l .... Clll llf *J "Ollt'I' that \'Cl.h1r' t.•.ich 111d1V1dual .illd pruVlde.., tht• opportunit} lot ,tit pt>opk 10 lc>ad full dfld producllvt See TEAM. Page A4 THINKING ALLOWED Daily Pilot We remember lzis lessons 1 Gem Faire lnc.'a gem, jewelry and bead ahow will be at the Orange County Fair 8t Expoaltion Center from noon to 7 p.m. Ftidey; from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday In Building 12. Admltlion for eduhl la $6, end c:Hkhn younger th9n 12 get In he. For mon1 lnfonnedon. call (78Q) 747-9216. 2 The public la invited to view •The American Cowboy; an exhibit of photographs by HOWllrd Fotaom. whktl la on dlap4ay Saturday through April 30 et the Newport Beac:h Central Ubr'ery, 1000.Avocado Ave, For more lnfonnetion, call (949) 717-3818. 3 The Malibu Cat Club ii aponaoring a cat show from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday et the Orange County fairgrounda, Exhibition Bultdlng 10, 88 Feir Drtw, Cotta M .... Admiaeion ,, • for eduh:I and S4 '°' ~end..,.,,., For mont AT A GLANCE ONTHEWEB: ~.~com WEATHER ~ .We get one day wtthout rain, end maybe more. Pmtv tunny today. S..hpA2 SPORTS M y contact with him was limited because I was only aJJOW!!d to watch an hour or so of teJevislon per~ I always reserved at leut 30 minutes for 11\ttnoon cartoon . so that left me wtth only 30 minutes in the morning for •Selame Strftt. • LOLITA HARPER to walch ·Mr. Roger's Neighborhood • Tht' dilldren's 1V icon. also known as Fred Rogers. died Thursday at hi'i Pittsburg homt' from stomach cancer. t ffl wu 74. My mt'mori of the show a.re a little fuzey. I remember watchlng IL I remember lildn& It, but l don't remtmba much llbout It. 110 I lnfonndon, cell (908) • 372·9079. But IOO'ldimea, when my mom WM di git(ting rady ror wort. or WM lenient with the 1V dnte. I~~ my lime rter pubd In tronl ol be tube c:aDed on an expert to help mt mnftDber; Mom. ... M.LCMED ...... M A2 Friday, Fet>ruaty 28, 2003 ON THE STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, which operates within a river boat stationed in the harbor, is adding family activities. Not just boat lore now Newport Harbor Nautical Museum has planned family events such as a clam chowder cook-off. FYI The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum is at 151 E. Coast Highway. Phone (949) 67&.8915. Details of upcoming events are on the Web at www.NewportNautical.org. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot A quiet, djgnified institution on the water is about to make a big splash. The Newport Harbor Nautical Musewn is rolling out a series of activities to make the musewn not just a repository for the city's nautical past, but a fun, exciting place for family activities, as well. ·0ur mission is at least one m ajor event a month," said Glenn Zagoren, the new president and chief executive of the museum. By stepping up services 10 the community, the museum is also stepping WHATS AFLOAT •WHATS AR.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the informatipn to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; o r by e-mail to dallypilot@latimes.com. BOAT RENTALS Whh MariN w.t.rSpof'b mt th• Blilboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild . Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft, jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, <K eqet aboYe it atl on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beverages are included with all elee1ric boat rentaJ1. Belboe Boet Rentals can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats. 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit orgenizations and groop outings. The hunt up opportunlties to gain assistance with its expansion efforts. ·we're reconnecting with the community," Zagoren said ... llis is Newport Harbor's museum." The new focus will kick off with doclcside tours of the ship American Pride and a barbecue on March 22 and 23. "It will be a fun and affordable family outing.· Zagoren said . "For, like, $20 or $30, the whole family can have a fun and educational day out and eat, too." April will bring the Oean Harbor celebration, which will include an exhibit of artworks by local fifth-graders. ln May, the museum will hold a book signing by maritime artist John Stobart to padcages include boats, trivia questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. Electric boat rwntals .,. .,,.Hbae by tfte hour at Duffy.Electric Boats. 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CD players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 645-6812. Pedal boatl. electric boats, body boerdf, kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Gondola tours ........ by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-B. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread, cheese, salami, ioe, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 675-1212. Gondole Adventuree/Nwtpor".,. 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour toor wi1h champagne Is $70. A two-hoor toor with dinner and champagne is $180. Pidcup is available at waterfront restaurants. (949) accompany an exhibit of hls works. An exhibit of paintings by Joe Duncan Gleason in June will precede a •family boat building weekend" in July. ·Familles will get to come out and build their own 9-foot wooden boats. Then there will be contests for best boat. fastest. most seaworthy. many categories.~ Zagoren said. But, perhaps the tastiest evei;it will come in September: the "Oam Chowder Challenge.~ a cook-off for adults. families, kids and even firefighters. "That one will be fun,· Zagoren said. 675-4984. Gondola Romance oftiM'I deity toun of Newport Harbor during lunch and dinner. Call (9491 675-4730. The tours go out of Lido Marina Village, 3400 Via Oporto. Newport Beach. CRUISES Electric Bo8t Tours oftiM'I two-flour cruiMI of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Round-trip hotel o r off-the-water restaurant shuttle service is available. Pidt·up from restaurants with dodts is also available. Chartered and catered tours . (949) 291-1953 or www.wattsontheharbor.com. The N9wport Lending a.le ls .-.llllble for weddings and· receptions, codctail and sightseeing cruises, and meetings. The cost is $500 for the first two hours. ~us $150 for each additional hour. (949) 361-3640. Fun Zone Boat Co. NM• 45-tNnutit auiM (adults, $6; children, $1) and a 90-mlnute cruise (adults, $8; children, $1 ) departing from Balboa Fun Zone fJ\lery 30 minutes from 11 a .m. to 7 p.m. dally. A 60-minute showboat sunset cruise (adultl, $6; children, $1) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. daily. Private charters are available. (949) 673-0240. Daily A Pilot Corlf Wlleon News assistant. (949) 57._.298 coral.wil10ntll11timn.oom PHOT'OORA.PHEAS Sean Hiller, Don Leach, Kent lreptOW BoK 1560, Costa Maa, CA 92626. Copyright: No newt llOriet, illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. VOL. 97, NO. 59 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYDOO£RO Editor JUf1( OETTING ~~r Promotion• Director ' NewsEdhon Gina AleKander, Lori Andereon, Paul Saltowltz, Daniel Stevens NEWS STAR' O...,.INmh Crime and courts reporter, (949157~226 dHpa.bharathilllltlm..oom JwteC111••• Newport Beach repe>rtef, (949) 57 .... 232 /une.CM11Qrende•tatl1M1.com ,.,a.... Polltlce •nd environment reporter, (949) 7&M330 Pf'Ul.clintontll.ri,,,...c:om u...-... Columnltt. cultu,. report9r, (941) 57~ lol~.lttHJ»r•IMlrr>aoom .,.._Nlwn-.. Coeu Meu ~.(Ml 574-422 t t»frdr9.,...,,.,.,,.,.,,.._oom Clte ....... C--. Educetlon ~. tMI 174-4291 t:ltrllJtJM.Olll'rlllo•ladmM.oom READERS HOT\JNE (949) 642-0086 Record your comments about the Dally Piiot or news tips_ Addl'Me Our eddresa It 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meta. CA 92627. Office hoort ere Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.tn. · 5 p.m. Cottecdo111 • It It the Pilot's policy to promptly comict all en'Ort of 1ui.tance. PleaM call 19491 764-432•. FYI Th9 Newport 8Nc:tllCo9ta M ... Deily Piiot (U5'S-1'4-800) It published daily. In Newport Beedl end eo.t. MMe, sui.cripdo,. a ... evell.ote only by tubecrlblng to The TIMM Orange Councy (800) 252"'"1. In.,...~ of Newport leedl Md CON Meu, lllbwlsldoill to the DllV flltot .... ~Ofrlyby .... mell tfK S30.,., monlh. t~ lndudl 8" appll08blt ... Md local ....... , f'08'TMA81"ER: lend ~ ~.Thi Newport I•~ Mw Dell'f ""°"P.O. HOW TO REACH US ClmMtlon The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 ~ awrtf!ecl (9491 642-5678 Dllpley (949) 6'2-4321 EdttotW New9 (949) 642·5680 lpon9(949)574-4223 News,.. (941) Me-4170 lpofts fa (941) ll0-0170 E ...... tJ.ilypilot•lad,,,...oom MlllnC... lu1lw Ollee (Mt) 842-4321 ...... fa (941) 831·7129 PublteNd by Timel Commumtv NliM. a dNWon of the Loe Angelea TI~ cnoo2 Tl"'81 CN. A" riOf* reetrYed. THE HARBOR COLUMN Court ruling could muddy motor standards Ahoy. A few summers ago in Tennessee. Rex and Jeanne Sprietsma. husband and wife, were enjoying a day's outing aboard a boat when things went from good to rragic. Jeanne fell overboard and received fatal MIKE WHITEHEAD manufacturing an accessory follow those codes. The Coast Guard researches each proposed regulation, solicits feedback from the marine community and adheres to intemationaJ decrees by the In ternationaJ Maritime wounds after being struck by the outboard motor's propeller. Their boat on that Juty 1995 day was being powered by a rrud-size 115-honepower Mercury Marine outboard motor. Rex Sprietsma sued Mercury Marine for not preventing the injuries from the propeller that helped cause his wife's death.. Sprietsma claimed the Mercury Marine's outboard motor did not have a p ropeller guard and thus the motor was unreasonably dangerous. ln December. the Supreme Coun made a decision in Sprietsma vs. Mercury Marine that may require all boat manufacturers to satisfy different safety standards for recreational vessels and associated eqwpment in each state. Additionally. in the court's lack of understanding on this is.sue. the coun did not comment on the appropriateness of propeller guards. The Supreme Coun's ruling, which ovenumed the decisions of the Ollnois Supreme Court and rwo lower courts. set precedence that the Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971 does no1 preempt state ton law. Now. rather than the one set of federal safety standards set by the U.S. Coast Guard. marine manufacturers may also have to satisfy standards that can be impo~ by each states independently. This will lead to confusion and increased liability on the part of the manufacrure~. since one state may impose standards different from another state. Therefore, if you use your boat in neighboring states' waterways, not in the stale where you originally purchased the watercraft. the vessel rrnght be OUI of compliance. Naturally, the consumer will ultimately pay the price. as it will behoove manufacturers to build to one set of standards, so every independent regulation imposed by a state will be lncorporated into every model. Cost is not the onty issue. This may open a Pandora's box. The Coast Guard governs the uniform boat manufacturing standards, and the marine manufacturers decide whether building a boat or Organi.7..ation. To date, the Coast Guard has concluded that the evidence is undear whether prop guanis are beneficial or have inherent dangers. and federal regulations do not mandate propeller guards on recreational boats. ln Sprietsma's lawswt. there was insufficient safety evidence whether a prop guard would have prevented this tragedy. Further. Mercury Marine had followed the standards imposed by the Coast Guard. The Supreme Court's decision begs to differ. If a car's tire runs over you. causing injuries. can you sue the car manufacturer'? This ruling now allows state judges and politicians, who may know very little about boating. 10 set boating safety 'itandards instead of the Coast Guard, the expens in these maners. Abo. I feel there has to be liability assumed by the ves.o.el operator and the ~ngers, in this case hJ.s wife. Was the operator safely operating the ves.seJ. and how did she manage to fall out of the boat? It is easy in injury or fatality cases to point the finger at a manufacturer. a gCNemment agency or private entities. If prop guards are needed. then let the Coast Guard establish the regulations and mandate the design and placement. not each state. The coun did not find Brunswick Corporation. parent company of the defendant. Mercury Marine. liable for the incident that led to thl.s case. This ruling allows the case to move forward in the Illinois state court. TIP Of THE WEEK Before you leave the dock. take the time 10 advise your guests aboard how to be safe when underway, such as remaimng seated and not hanging over the sides or bow. You as the operator must act responsibly to keep the watercraft under control. and CoUow the slogan of Safe Boating Week -·eoat Smart from the Start. Wear Your Llfejaclcet • Safe voyages. • MIKE wtlTEHEAD is the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist. Send him your harbof and manne-related thoughts and story suggestions by e-mail to Mike Boathouse TY.com or visit BoathousaTY.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF It'll be partty sunny today, with hight near 60 and lows near50. Showers could return Saturday, but the chance Is onlyllight. Sunday'• looking lite • rwtum to nonnalcy, complete with mody sunny lttiea and h6ghl In the mld-«>9. fWn could threaten again .. '°°" • Tueed8v. ........ Dill: WWW.tM&noN.QOV BOATING FORECAST The WMtef1v wtnda wm blow 10to16 knota In the Inner W9Wt thia .-noon. with 1· to 3-foot W9WI end. Wiit 1W'81of5to7f!Mt. Tht~ • ... tNe .v..•19. Out flnher, the not1ttuu •••rty-. will blow ....... 10 to 20 knol9. wtlh ,. to Mooe W9WI end. Wiit IW'8lof7tolflllt. The swell will continue to bade down today, though'M'R still see aome dleat· to head-highs. Given the rein on Friday, it'• prob8bfy ltin • bit unhqtthy to hit the WllWe, county health oiftdala Mid. On Sunday, we'll drop Into the waist· to dleat-Ngh ...,., though we lhould ftnally pkt up egeln Monday, complimenc. of the ...... northwest awel. Whh 1NI on8. we'll ... eome~ .... ...-,: WWW.1Urlrfdw.0tg TIDES 11'M 7:20•.m. 2:22 p.m. l:SO p.m • 1:5'•.m. ........ 6..82fMthlgh ·1.0lfMtklw 4.16fMINgh Ulflllltow WATER TEllPERATUIE 151..,... I I ' I I I I ' . I • ~-~· " ~ I< Council colleagues chide Nichols New counci lman 's suggestion that library speaker series include more conservative vo ices causes an uproar on the dais. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPOHT BEACH -A coun- cilm~n·s ~uggestion .that the city morutor the polilics of the li- brary's Distinguished Speakers Lecture Series drew outraged barbi. from council colleagues on l'uc~day. Councilman Dick Nichols sug- ge!>led that the "left-wing-lean- 01g" lineup of speakers for the ciry lecture series be modified to heller reflect the more con serva- tive view~ of residents. But Mayor Steve Bromberg and Councilman Tod Ridgeway both -.aid ii wa:o. "repuJsive" that Nich- ol~ would try to contro l the con- tt.·nt of the speaker series, espe- cially because a private foundation. nol the city, funds the series. u If you want to keep them out of the city just because they're libe ral, there's something seri - ously wrong with that," Brom- berg said. "It sure brings up bad memories in history when we start telling people they can't taJk because of their beliefs." Ridgeway echoed Brom berg's comments. "I, too, find this repuJsive," Ridgeway said. The brouhaha erupted Tues- day as council members were cons.idering approving a council agenda item to administer $65,000 for the library's lecture series. The series is funded by a private foundation. and the city administers its accounts. Nichols protested the pro- gram's politics and asked BEST BUYS whether there was any way to ensure that the balance of con- servative speak- ers to Liberal ones better re- flect residents' views. Dick Nichols "These speak- ers shouJd be picked on a more equitable basi.s between liberal and conserva- tive," Nichols said. "They shouJd meet the median of the commu- nity." Speakers this year are author Jeremy Ri.fkin, Pulitzer Pm.e-win- ning journalist David Halber- stam, former Food and Drug Ad- ministration Commissioner David Kessler and 1V and r'ddio news correspondent Ray Suarez. Last year's Lineup included revi- sionist historian Howard Zinn. Council members approved the item 6 Lo 1, with Nichols dis· sen ting. Walk on do wn to Westcliff Plaza W estctiff' Plaza is havi ng an armual Winter 5idt-walk Sall' from I 0 a.111. to 5 p.m. Saturday w11h ;,aving!> for the whole family. as well a:. r1111•nainmen1. crafls anti lace pai111ing for t.Jw kit.I<.. ~hoppl•r-. will t11'0 haw the opportunity 10 win one o l llirec $200 gift c1·rtdi1.ite'> to the GREER WYLDER Arts Academy in Janet Duke's Culinary Arts Class. The students can teach you. Oasses are at 6:30 p.m . March 4, 6. 11. 13. 18 and 20. ·me cost is $20 per person. Reservations are necessary. You can send cao;h or a check pay-dble to NHI IS Culinary Arts Academy. Ann: Henn ie Sondel 610 Kings Road, Newport Beach, CA Vv1•,tcliff Plaza !.lore of their chu1ce. Variow. !.tore~ at Wt•.,trhfT Plaza will participate in the ~e. 111cluding Kayaks. Blue Mambo, Robert & Taylor and Manhew-Taylor's. Crown Hardware will offer discounts on barbecue nwrchandise and "dect 'ea.-;onaJ items; California Sryle will offer 20% off one item; lmagC!l Hallmark wiJI offer up to )0''{, off paper products, including '>tationery; RaJph's Fresh Faire will have drawings fnr giveaway'>; Mailboxes, Etc. \II. 111 offer a free celluJar phone anti tree 1V witl1 a new T-Mobile j C1Jva11on of $39.99 or more ; and Flight Centre wiJJ offer $25 oft µer pen.on on lo~. cruise~ or intcrrrntional airfare boo ked <>n the day of the Sidewalk Sale Al,o. Pick Up Stix will offer '>dtnplt·~ .. coupons and balloon~ .wd have drawing!. for free tum hl':.. horn 11 a.m. to 3 p.m .. tlwre will be free face painting, and kid~ ran decorate spring flower pol<>. The Ma.instreet I >1x1elaml band wilJ also cntl·rtam ~hopper~ from 11 a.m. to :1 p.m . Customer<. can complete enter-to-win fonns 11Ndc any store. Wes tdiff Plaza i~ JI Irvine Avenue and 17th Strl'cl. Newport Beach. (949) 790 9713. STUDENTS BECOME THE TEACHERS Learn how to make chocolate basket tuxedos and dip 'itmwberries through Newport I IJrhor I ligh School's Culinary 92663. (949) 548-4044. jlich1nanS@aol.com. GET FIT AT TIGHT ASSETS Today is the last day ofllght Assets' buy two, get one free fitness sale. The offer is good on multiples. too: buy four, get rwo free and so on. Open from I 0 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday; and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. 488 E. I 7th St. Costa Mesa. (949) 646-8200. CORRECTION The correct address for rhe Automobile Oub of Southern California's Vehicle inspection Center is 3350 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Me:.a. (800) 713-0003 or (7 14) 424-7805. A TOUCH OF PERFECTION A Uttle Touch of Heaven is offering a $25 savings on permanent makeup and $I 0 o ff on any facial Owner Tam era ii. a licensed aesthelician who has performed hundreds of correctionaJ and original applications of lip liner, eyebrow design. eyeliner, scar camouflage and areola restoration. She aJso specializes in custom faciaJs for sun-damaged, aging and acne troubled skin. Body waxing available, too. 512 29th Si., Newport Beach. (9491 673-5966. GOT BUNNY EARS? Stop by Build-A-Bear at Fashion Island Sa1urday and Sunday for a workshop featuring the latest addition. Lil' Floppy FOR TH E RECORD In Thursday's report on Newport Harbor Higb girls' wa· ter polo, senioc Alexandra Andersen. a fourth-year Sailor in the school's water polo program. &hould have been listed as one of the ~ .Wting up for their final high school water polo game. but was inadvertently omitted. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS }-lenry's gives $10,000 for playground toys Henry's Marketplace an - nounced Thursday that it will do nate $ l 0.000 to purchase playground equipment, on the eve of the store's grand open- i)1g. · Henry's announced it will give the funds to the Costa ¥esa Community Foundation to purchase equjpment for Jtetchum·Liboh Park. : The grand opening of the healthier-food s market a t 3030 Barbor Blvd. is set for 7:45 a.m. l):>day. Mayor Karen Roblnson ls expected to cut the ribbon on the store. · •secause Costa Mesa is grow- ing rapidly, cJty f\lnding is not atways available to fully cover "11 U\e projecta that Out U • pandlng communJty reque1u and desires.~ tald Mary Hom· ijuckle, the community found&· tlon'1 vice chair. ·'"We are to pleased with Henry'• Martet· place's donation." I The co mmunity foundation, formed in 1998. has raised funding for a number of proj- ects. Construction on the West- side park is set to begin later this year. Newport man sti ll on state corrections board Gov. Gray Davis reappointed 57-year·old Donald R. Sheetz of Newport Beach to the Board of C-0rre<:tJons. • Sheetz, a member since 2001, is active ln the Leadership Cabi- net fo r the Orange County Sheriff's Department Profes· sional Services Reserve. He also directs the Orange County Re· serve Deputy Sheriff's Assn. and chaJrs the Homeland Security Advisory Council foC' California. Region 1. The Board of Corrections worb with clty and county offt· dU. to develop and maintain ttanda.rda for the comtrucdon and operadon oC k>cal Jalll and juwnlle detention r.dlld-. Bunny. Receive a free pair of neon glasses with a purchase of $15 or more. Also. free bunny ears for everyone. Register 10 win great pri7,es. Build-a-Bear is near Fashion Island's Iris Fountain. (949) 64-0-0865. GETCOOKIN' Macy's cookwMe demonstrations start Saturday. Top cookware lines from professional chefs and cookware experts from AJJ-Oad, Anolon and CaphaJon wiU be on hand to demonstrate and explain the different uses for the various cookware pieces including chef\ pans. woks and skillets. among other:.. Each chef will prepare food utilizing the appropriate cooking item and wiJJ discusl> aJtematives. Chefs will also compare hard anodized. stainless steel and nonstick cooking surfaces and describe which one works best fo r different foods. No charge. There is no charge to attend the demonstrations, The sched uJe is: 3:30 p.m. Saturday for Anolon: 3:30 p.m . March 8 for AJl -Oad; and 3:30 p.m. March 15 for CalphaJon. Macy's Home Store is at South Coast Plaza The CelJar, Level One. • BEST BUYS appears Mondays and Fridays. Send information to Greer Wylder at greerwylder a1yahoo.com; al 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa. CA 92627; or by fax at (949) 646-4170. PLUG IN Plug into your communtty. Find out what\ gomg on 1n your <:tty, parks, churches, schools, entertainment and sports Read the frlday, February 28, 2003 A3 l Daily Pilot How to reach us1 Call the Dady Pilot di 642 4321 It's Time for Our Annual Sidew~I~ Sale! See a pcl1icipoling Wt5tcliff Plaza reloiler for on entry lorm and details WES TC LIFF P L A Z A 17TH STREET AT IRVINE AVE NUE • nte RVWE CDWfiWolY AETAA. PROPamE5 """'~·- Dtmtory of )tom (;Rf JC..lRY !A'UG & HARDWAPE Ralphs fresh fore .646·H1 1 641·221 l 642·1133 Sov-on dru~ Crown Ace Hordwore APPAREi Champagne Draper's & Damon's Kayaks Surf Shop Three friends SPEC IA T • & HONI; California Style lma911 Hallmark Matthew · Taylor's FOOL Champagne French Bakery Cafe Helen Gra<e Oia<olates Posto Bravo Pick Up Stix Ralphs Fresh fare Starbuc._s Coffee .645-6731 646-5521 .631 ·2996 548-9881 548-8899 631-8888 642·7311 646-0520 .631-8700 . 548-3406 .. 650-7849 646-1411 .650·0369 r-;.A · >, P• ... JTY Blue Mambo 646·5746 Robert & ToylOf Solon 646·7197 "~ ~ Anthony's Shoe Repair . .548·4053 Bank of America .7 64· 2600 Flight Centre Mailboxes, Etc Robert & Tayloe Solan Shell Oil W es1cliff Plaza Clemier1 I , .. 570450 .631 ·5400 646-7197 645·5968 646·2392 -- 19'1> St t !.\ < .., ~ ~ "' ~ ~ ! .,, .& c , 1t~ St -<i E l z -hff°'I ~ L--...-F.._1fJ( (.o.s1 '11'9"W•) I --·- A F R E :. H N E W P L A C E T 0 S H 0 P & 0 I ~J E M fllday, February 28. 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS -Woman 's car drops from freeway A 20-year-old woman suffered major injuries Wednesday morning after her car dropped 33 feet fro m a sUck freewdy, Cali- fornia Highway Patrol offi- cials said. Mandy Harris of Irvine was driving northbound on the Corona del Mar Freeway at about 7:27 a m. Wednes- day when her ear slid to the right in the heavy down- pour. officials said. The ve- hicle went along the top of a bridge railing for about I 07 feet before rotating over the top and dropping about 33 feet, coming to rest on Mac- Arthur Bouleva.rd. Harris was transported to Western Medical Center in Santa Ana. Officials said she wa.\ Lrnveling at about 65 mph at the time of the Cra.!th. POLI CE FILES COSTA MESA • West B•ker Street Petty theft was reported in the 600 block at 10:51 a m. Monday. • Bristol Street: Graffiti was reported in the 3300 block at 7:45 a.m Monday. • Canyon Drive: Grand theft was reported in the 2100 block at 2·40 p.m. Monday. • Coriander Drive: A home burglary was reported in the 1600 block at 6:58 a.m Monday. • Aower Street : Vandalism was reported in the 200 block at 9:34 a.m. Monday. • Harbor Boulevard: An auto theft was reported in the 2300 block at 10:15 a.m Monday. • East 17th Street and Irvine Avenue: A traffic accident involving injuries was JW A opens roads after alert lowered John Wayne Alrpon re- opened all access roads into the airport's terminal road- way system Thursday morning after the alert level issued by the Homeland Se- curity Department came down from a high orange to a lower yellow. On Feb. 20, official~ dosed the Michelson Drive entrance into the airport and on Feb. 21 closed the direct access road from the San Diego Freeway. Vehicles corning into the airport had to Lake either Campus Drive or the Costa Mesa Freeway offramp. The airport is also closing down ecurity checkpoints where vehicles coming into the airport were randomly inspected. Vehicles entering the parking lots are still subject to search. For more infor- mation, vi~t www.(JC(1ir.com. or call (949) 252-5200. reported at 4:53 p.m. Monday. • West 17th Stl'Mt: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 700 block at 8:41 a.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • Hoag Drive: A hit-and-run wasreportedinthe100 block at 11 :28 a.m. Tuesday. • Newport C.ntltf Drive East: Petty theft was reported in the 200 block at 12:06 p.m. Tuesday. • Newport <Anter Drive West: Grand theft was reported in the 700 block at 4:48 p.m. Tuesday. • Pl•centia Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 1500 block at 4:51 p.m . Tuesday. • Vi• Genoa: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 200 block at 2:05 a .m. Tuesday. @j~ Floral & Gifts 50% OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids Home Decor • F urniture Mon-Frj 10-6 •Sat J0-5 •Sun 11 -4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa • (949) 646-6745 (Acro~s from Ralphs) JWA Continued from Al based on dlrecttves from the FM. Now, those directives come from the Transportation Security Administration." The security administration was set up by President Bush shortly after the Sep t. 11 attacb to ensure airport safety. McCusk- er said airports all around the SURPRISE Continued from Al in 1986. ln h is role with the Sheriff's Department, DeMaio splits his time between duties as the po- lice chief of Villa Parle and over- seeing patrol functions for un- incorporated areas of the county north of Irvine. He serves about 75,000 residents in all. As the police chief of Villa Park. DeMaio makes It a priority to go to City Council meetings so he can respond personalJy to residents' concerns. "It's best to be there when people come to express their views," OeMaio said. "I would prefe r to talk to them, even if I can't help them right away, to queU any problems in the com- munity." Bob Bell, the mayor of Villa Parle. said DeMaio's people skills are one of his b iggest assets. ·Being on a planning com- mission ... [you) need to have the ability o work with people and meet 1hem halfway," BelJ said. TEAM Continued from Al lives: looking beyond disabilities, focusing on capabiUties. expanding po~ibilities" a reality every day. • J work to try and bring out the best in every kid," said Castro. who chose Kendall as ALLOWED "Well. I don't remember much about it except for him always puning on and taking off his shoes," my mom told me. "I always wondered why he wasted time doing that, but you mw.t have liked it because I rem ember that little horse." A horse you say? Still doesn't ring a beU. I know. l'U ask m y peers. urely, they remember our famous childhood role model. "Ohmigosh. that guy that was always taking off his clothes.· my friend Adrienne said. "I remember a lot of V-neck sweaters. but that's all. r don't think I watched him much." Sigh. Katie. h elp me out here. Conbnued from Al 1{.istorante Afamma (jina Presents LIVE MUSIC NIGH1'IY in our Venetian Lounge HAPPY HOUR With T he Romantic Sounds of Julien,s Guitar From 6-7pm COMPLIMENTARY ITALIAN BUFFET! From 5-7pm SENSATIONAL POWER MARTINI'S $5.00 for Premium Martini,s (Goose, Vox, Belvedere, Kate!, etc.) ·Plus some of the best entertainers in California playing in the same place Walter & David or Paco Starting at 7 :30 pm nigbOy Come Join the Fun! (94~J.~?;9SOO 2S 1 East C.oest • Newpcwt 8ada Alto 1a ,.._ o..r. a ...._cc...., '"""' ----- 'It'll look at what steps the airport can take to bring down the r1sks. That includes checking the condition of the roof, the walls, the floor and glass.' .Mtln Mceusk« an airport spokesman country will conduct the blast damage analyses. On Thwsday. the Bush admin- istration loweled the weeks-long "orange" tenorism alert to "yel- low." The orange alert is lhe sec· ond histiest on a 6ve·rung scale. The yellow alert still means there is a significant chance of an attaek. Engineers will perfonn three separate blast damag~ analy~s for all of the airports parking SEAN HILLER/ DAILY Ptl01 Dennis DeMaio is a new Costa Mesa planning comm1ss1oner. "(With some people). it's my way or the highway. Dennis is one who will work out these d if- ficulties with each side and com e out with a smile on his face." When asked what specific ex- perience or skills he brings 10 the Planning Commission. De- Maio resp onded with a laugh. "I d on't have any," he said. the child he would pu~h through the race. "I try to find whatever it is that each child has and focus on it" Helping school· age children develop social skills and modify certain behavioral problems. Castro and her staff have quite a challenge to face day after day. "It i'i like a second family ... said 20-year·old Margo Klumh. "Yeah, I remember him. He died." Katie said in a mournful tone. "What do you remember about himr "Shoot. I don't know.~ she repUed. "Lots of sweaters, changing shoes. It was on right after "Sesame S~e1." Oh, wasn't there something called speedy delivery and his little kingdom. And what was that trolley's namer -pause -"Oh yeah: Trolley." OK. So. he didn't make a big impression on my friends. As the news of Mr. Roger's death spread across tl1e newsroom, colleague and education reporter Christine Carrillo. who is also my age, was my saving grace. "I loved Mr. Rogers." Ouistine said. "Remember that little trolley that went around? I loved iL • OK. I've got the image of the trolley, but I need more. I need substance. "Remem ber the lrip to the factories and how crayons were mader Christine a'iked. Bingo. I totally remember that episode. I remember being so mesmeri7-ed by the process, I shared the information with my cousins ad nauseum. It all started with a big glob of plain wax. which was melted down and assigned different colors. The liquid oozed along the assembly line, pouring into various vats. The molten wax gushed into little m olders, where it cooled and was spit out on to a Wha t he doc~ bring to the dais is a desire 10 get 10 the heart of issues and a hea1hy ap- petite~ for asking que<;tions, he said. "I want 10 know completely before I make a decision about the legal ramifica 1ion'i and the rnmificauons on re ident~ and busine.!>M?S." DeMa10 <,aid. DPM:lio uid say he wo~ld be who works at the center "l.verybody i~ alway~ working together." And the challenge of helping children come out of their ~hell~ to en1oy life has given Castro the bigge t rewards. For her. cro~..,ing the fin1~h line by hen.elf wouldn't be enough. For her. ~eei ng the light 111 the eyes of the children she helps is. The fir<;t time -;he ht>lped unc conveyor b<'h to be covered tn coonli11a11ng paper. 11 w-.u; so cool. Wail, wall. Don't put the paper down. You're acting hke my cousin.!>.. It was fascinating. really. I have never looked at a Crayola in the !>8Jlle way. There was all>O Mr. Roger's visit 10 the lady who collected dolls and I recall a quilt-maker and a stamp collector. I le also talked to the mail earner (it was OK to caU him the mailman back then). fed his flSh and promoted polite conduct. Actually. I thinJc it wa'i he who inspired me to want lo learn how to tie my hoei.. I remember pestering my mother about the task until she sat me down and taught me. (And she though! there was no method 10 hb footwear madness.) But seriously, as a pareni who is particularly concerned with all the 1V images m y young son is exposed to, I do mourn the loss of wholei.ome -albe11 a Lad tedious -shows and role m odels such as Mr. Rogers. CYes. this is '>Lill Lolita, not Steve mith. We can have ~me things in common.) Anyone who dedicated his life to educating children, teaching them manners and how to hang up your clothes after taking them off (can I get an amen from m ot11ers across Newport-Mesa?) should be commended. I looked on the PBS Web site and found that perhaps Rogers strucrures. roadways, terrninall., buildings and public areas. "These analyses will be done from time to time," McCustcr said. "We don't know when and how often, but will foUow direc- dves issued by the Transporta. don Security Administration.·• • DEEM BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath@latimes.com disappolnted if the Kona Lane<. bowling alley is torn down to make way for a Kohl's depart ment store beeause Kona pro vides an environment where residents can hang out and hav(• fun. ")The loss ofJ those kind o( things scares me," DeMajo said "We need recreation, we neell things for children. We need a1 eas where we can go. and losing [them) is the stan of the down fall of the comm unity." He would also like to glean a~ much as he can from outgoing veteran commissioner \Vd.11 Oavenpon . ·1 would like to have lune h wi th lhim l and keep my mouth completely shut. because I'm su re I could learn a lot," DeMd111 said. DeMaio lives in the I lillcre ... 1 area of Costa Mesa. I Ii~ farrnlv include his wife, Dehorah. daughter Deenean Vogel, ~u11 Dustin, daughter·in·law I le1d1 and grandson Trenton. •DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Co&ia Mesa and may be reacned at 1949 574-4221 or by e·mail at deirdre.newman1Q latimes com of her children finbh a marathon. she found her purpo~e. 5he said. "It was the most incredibl e high to ee tho e eye<> light up like that." she said. "That\ \.\II.II has earned me through.· •CHRISTINE CARRILLO covers education and may be reacned a1 1949) 574·4268 or by e-ma11 a1 chnst1ne.carrrllo a!/a11mos.com had mort' uf an effec.1 on mt' Lhart I realized. "LJttle by little, we human beings are confronted wuh situations that give us more amJ more clue:. that we aren't ~lerfect ... Rogers wrote on a pdgt titled "Thoughts for all age<..· Boy. can I relate to that ont' ·nus one, too: "As human beings. our job in life is to help people reali7.c ho\o\ rare and valuable each one of ll' really is, that each of us has o,omething that no one el'ie ha .. -or ever wilJ have - -.omelhing inside that is uniqut 10 all Lime. It's our job to encourage each other to discover that uniqueness and tu provide ways of developing ii" expression.· And whil e thili neX1 one W3.!t wntten about others, it applies to him and hts legacy perfectly "If only you could sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to people you may never even dream of," Rogers· wrote. "There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.· Fred Rogers met us each morning with a smile and kind words. He was an icon and will be sorely missed. • LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the art.s. She may be readied at (9491 574-4275 or bye-mall at loliUJ. harf"Jr latimes.com. GETTING INVOLVED •GETTING IN\IOLVED runs periodically in the Delly Pilot on a rotating basis. For infonnation on adding your orgenization to this list, cell (949) 674-4298. PROJECT ACCESS Project Accesa Is a nonprofit organization that llnb resident of low-lnoome housing dewk>pments with beneficial IOdat MfVfces u.uelfy through reeource centers. Volunteers are needed to turor chikhn, tudl crafts end computer tklll• et the verious centert. P.t.11 Shapiro, (949) 263-3120 ext 229. PROJECT CUDOl£ Proiec:t Cuddle. • nonprofit ~. Ml'Wtthe need9 of ebueed. ebet'4b..t end ~dtlldr9' .. tn eddldon to ofllce help Md onoH-month. 12-hour hoalne lhifts, voewmiere .,. nete*S tor ., ewcJllefY 9fOUP, funckalelng commlll•• end'° help clllftbutl lltk*en to..,.,..,... from.,..,. ....... "'.,...,, blna. The OtgM .. don "'° ._j -' -- needs donated gift items for mothers and babies. (714) 432-9681. PROJECT TOGElHER Project Together seeb adult volunteers to establish a trusting, one-to-one relationship with dlildnHl stressed from family problems and abuse. Thia component of the Orange County Health Care Agency'a Children'• Mental Health SeMoet offers training and supervision for the program. Many of the ctilldren are economically deprived, victims of neglect Of' both. (714) 860-84'4. READNBYI The mentor reeding prognim .... vofuntMr1 to read to studeml In ~09f1iln through the third gr.de. In Cotta Mela: Pomona Ei.m.ntary ~. (949) 51~; Whtaler Element.ry School., .. , 51Mlll;Wlfilon Ei.m..itMy $cN)of, (Ml) 61s-m&; end New SheMmer l..Mmtng c.nw. (Ml) &e&.o388. need help for......_ In fMdlne, f writing and English. Mentor susiona may be scheduled from - 8:30 to 11 :30 a .m .• and after sdlool from 3 to 6 p.m., MondeY • through Fridey. • SALVATION M11Y OF ORANGE COUNTY . .. Group or femlly volunteers are needed to adopt• family, sponsor en~ tree, hoad a cenned food or toy drive, or make a apeclal gift or dondon dirdv , 10 the Salvetk>n Amrv· (714) 832-7100. I '• I • Daily Pilot H f ridc1y. I ebruary <!8. 2003 A5 :Support cautious for Assembly tax swap bill I . Newport's John dollar for d ollar, has m et w.ith depe ndent on saJes tax" from property tax revenue. In '>late ha~ nut been Ir.ind tu c..ille'> owr tht> '>l.ite\ bud~e1 ui'>i\. lr1 Campbell says giving cautious support in Costa The rwo legislators floated essence, the state would match and has alway., found wayl> o f St1•111h1.·rg. t.Jrnpht:ll, aIJ ac Mesa, a city with a strong retaiJ their plan. known as Assembly half of a city's current 'iales tax eroding their [tax revenue(." rnu111.1111 dnd auto deaJcr him cities more property base Bill 1221, a t a morning news proceedl>. !he goal of the bill 11> lO in· !>Cll, hJ\ <I'd Ill <HJllt(Jr Ollt~ of tax instead of sales On ThUisday, Assemblyman conference in Sacramento. Costa Mcba, during the 2001 1>pire Cllle'> thal aggres .. ively 1he '>tdlL'\ llHIJt• ltheral Ucq111 John Campbell, w ho represents Part of a series of proposals 2002 fiscal year from July I to court new retail.er~ a~ revenut-crill~. tax will balance Newport Beach, unveiled the to overhaul state budget and fi. June 30, received $32.69 mil-gt.'nerators to build more huw.· llwy lllJY h.1vP wildly differ h · d I plan with Assemblyman Darrell nancing, the biH would cut in lion in sales tax revenue and 111g, Campbell ~f.lid. 111g polt11l 11I \lt'W' 11111 11!1·\ OUSl ng an retai · Steinberg (0 -Sacramento) as a haJf the amount of revenue cit-$12.26 million in property tax .. What we're tryrng to c..lo b have t11u11d 1 •1rn1111111 gr111md joint author. ies receive from sale~ tax. Citie~ revenue. Vl'ry <.1mple ... Campbl·ll 'did. on 1h1' 11111 1!1·1 J ll'.1' of 1!1t·11 • Paul Clinton Daily Pilot .. ll's an interesting concept now get a pe nny of each dollar Newp ort 8eatih City M.111ager .. We'rt> trying to ren1ovt· the db mutual f(•,p1·11, 1111 ''"1·111hl, and is \'\orthy of more dbcus· sp ent. If the bilJ becomes law, Hom er Bludau was abu '>lepli-incentive for loLal gowrumenh men ~a1tf NEWl'ORT·ME~A -A local ·~s!>emblyman's pro posi,il to swap out sales tax revenue to ~itil!s for rroperty tax revenue, ~ion, .. Costa Mesa City Man -th ey would get only half of thilt cal of thf bill , citing a handful w build housing. We net>d ii "'\'\ lwn )•11111 < .unphl'fl .1mJ ager Alla.is Roeder said. "Tha t penny. o f state tax-revenue grab' from balance:· D<Jrrell \I E>IObt>rg g1·1 111gt•rlw1 may sound like heresy l'Oming In exchange for that revenue cities over the past decade. fhe bill '' a11 odd lollaborn on u bill. 11\ i1 -.1g11il11 ,m1 d1·\1 I from anyone from Costa Mesa loss, the state would hand cit-"The devil would be 111 1he tiun, coni.1deri11g the poht1rnl o pment." ':>te111twri: .... ud 'I 11• because our t'ity is so heavily ies an equal s hare of money detdil.,," Bludau ..,aid. ..'The rulartl'.aliun in <-iacraml'ntu '>Pl'< t Juh11\ 111tl'llt~"·1111 .. NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL BOARD WRAP-UP I i· r INSIDE THE SCHOOL DISTRICT I Jere are :.onw of tl1c decisions corning out ol fuesday's '>chool bnartf meeting. LINDA MOOK HONORED WHAT HAPPENED ll1l' board honored Linda ~look, the outgoing pre<iident of 1he Newport-Me~· Ft·dl!ration of Teacher5, with J '>tarfoh plaque for her 35 yl'ar'i of -.ervice. neceiving two '>landing ov.itil:ms, Mook gave an emotional thank you HJ the board for appreciating her work. .. I truly think thi:. honor i-. le~ abou1 me and more about who we've become together," Mook said .. I lhink if'-; rt:ally u te'>tamc11t of what v.e c·an do together. We <lon·t -;pt·a.k with a single voice, but we can '>pt·ak with a united \'OIC('. Huard member. l!Xprc!.se<l gratitude for the relation'>hip .,he helped build brtween the 'choul di'>trict and the 1cachers union, as well a.-. - hupe 1hat they will he able to continue that rcla110115hip in the fururc. 2002 API SCORES WHAT HAPPENED Peggy Anatol . director of a~se'>Mnent for the school distrkt. presented the Academic Performance Index report for 2002 10 the board. Sel•ing large discrepancies arnong the variou!> rnnkings within the report, board rnt•mher' expressed concern about the accuracy of the numbers. "It looks pretty bogus lo me, what the 5late does," said Trustee lorn Egan. the fir)it to expr~ concern ahout the repurt. 'Tm jul>t concerned about what pt'rception it gives to the outside world." Most a l lhe other board mt•mber., a~reed. V\11ile concern" ahoul tht· '>latbti<.:al a<.:curacy of the report \ven· expre:,sed, hoard member<. abo agreed that the b,t-.e c;1:nre'> could stiJI bt· u:-.el.f a~ ~ motivation for improvement. WHAT IT MEANS lkcau ... e of conci:rn-. exprc,,ed by board nwmber,, Anatol agreed to work with the board to provide a better understandjng of what tlw rdnkings represent. No decis ion was required. 2003 SUMMER SCHOOL WHAT HAPPENED Jaime Castellanos. assistant superintendent of secondary !>Chooli., gave a presentati on to the board on the location and calendar for the 2003 summer school for secondary education. I le aJ50 told the board tha t they were workmg un expanding the courses offered during the summer se~1on to include art and adult and evening clru.ses. The middle school summer progrnm will be a 25-day se1>Sion at TeWinkle Middle School. The high '>chool program will be ii 30-day session ;it 1-.... tancia I hgh School. WHAT IT MEANS fhe board approved the L003 summer school loca1io11 ant.I calendar for the si:condary and middle school rrogrami.. -Com plied lry Oiristine Cllrrillo Newport Center expecting New three-story Irvine Co. building will provide 50,000 square feet of office space on Newport Center Drive. It will not trigger a Greenligh t vote. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT HEACll -A clas.'ii· cally styled three-story office tluilding is expected to comple- ment other Newport Center sLrucn1res once it is completed later this year. - With the 50,000-square-foot building al 680 Newport Center Drive, the lrvinc Co. ho pes to a t- tract more of the upper-level professional clients that now lease other space in the center. "We expect the building wiJJ attract financial service firms and other p rofessional services firms." company spokeswoman Jennifer Heiger said. "We expect the interest in the building to be very strong.· Right now. a' slew of law finns. financial service companies and other professional groups oc- cupy Newport Center. Those in- clude PIMCO, Pacific Life, COURTESY OF THE IRVINE CO An artist's rendering of a 50.000-square-foot office building to be built by the Irvine Co. at 680 Newport Center Drive. 01arle~ Schwab & Co. and O'Melveny & Myers. The Irvine Co. is also building a 200-staJJ pa.ricing structure to accommodate the whHe-coUar workers. Roth structures will be adjacent to the Four Seasons Hotel. Metal rebar and framing from the building now jut into the sky; constrnction began late last year. The office project skirted a vote under the city's Greenlight law because the land had been entitled before the passage of that law in November 2000. The Irvine Co. did not need an amendment to the general plan. The building's architectural m otif will be similar to that of the existing buildings in the cen- ter. It will feature a rolling lawn, flowering evergreens and a rwo- story lobby with glass and lime- stone, Heiger said. Company officials declined to provide leasing rates. In November, the company presided over the opening of the new Thaifoon restaurant in the center. No other developments for the center are planned at this time, Heiger said . Save YOUR Energy You told UI you want to make rour life euier ... limpler. We beard you. So we redeaiped our bill to make it clearer ... simpler. Now eee wt.t eJae we offer-lib convenient ~ apdonl and 2417 eccea, tbrou8b our Web alte, www.--.a>frl, to more thm1 a domt trmlledonl. You c.n ftnd free WflY-avlni dpt and lnformadon, report a 1treet Habt out Ind nqumt •rice turned oo or~ oollne. fUlt tOme more WlJI we're helpJns you tMe YOUR WllJ ,, NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Adams K-5 2850 Clubhouse Road, Costa Mesa Candy Cloud, (714) 424-7935 Andersen K-6 1900 Port Seabourne, Newport Beach Mary Manos, (949) 515-6935 Califomia K-5 3232 California St . Costa Mesa Jane Holm, (714) 424-7940 College Part< K-3 2380 Notre Dame Road, Costa Mesa Carol Lang, (714) 424-7960 Davis4-6 1050 Arlington Drive, Costa Mesa Cheryl Galloway, (714) 424·7930 Eastbluff K -6 2627 Vista del Oro, Newport Beach Charlene Metoyer, (949) 515-5920 ~ RUGS & CARPETS Harbor View K-6 900 Goldenrod Ave .. Corona dP.I Mar Melliss1a Christensen, (949) 515-6940 Kaiser 3·6 2130 Santa Ana Ave .. Costa Mesa Daryle Pal mer, (949) 515 6950 Killybrooke K·5 3155 K1llybrooke Lane, Costa Mesa Kathy Sanchez (714) 424 7945 Lincoln K-6 3101 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar Barbara Haddock, (949) 515-6955 Mariners K ·6 2100 Mariners Drive. Newport Beach . Pam Coughlin. (9491515·6960 Newport Coast K·6 6655 Ridge Parle Road. Newport Coast Mon1Que Vc.nZeeBroec.k 1949 515-6975 Newport Elementary K·6 14th Street and Ballioa Boulevard Newµr,n Bead• Denise Knul!><:n :1491515 6965 Newport Heights ~ 1; 300 E 15th St t-..ewr;on Beach Judith Chornbr:r' ':1491 515-697'' Paularino K 3 1060 Paulanr11, A. e Costa Mias ... Patricia Insley • 714 .124· 7950 Pomona I<' 3 2051 Pomor, Av., Costa MP'>d Julie McCorm10 949) 515 698( Rea 4·6 601 Hamilton S· Costa Mes;; Ken K1ll1an 194'~ 515-6905 Sonora K 3 966 S<JnOrd CrJ' .. 'a Mesa Chnst1rir1 Anrjerson '714 424 7955 Car Accident? Co,ta \tf~a. C..\.--\ tree uin,uma ..iv...irt:ne" 2.+ lwur. toll tr-:-: recorc.kt.I nw ~,;,ige 1-. no~ :t\,11l.1hk 111 ~t'l'P L.lf 1cuJent \H..t·m~ from ..,el!ling·their t.l,l'' \\ h1k 'till 111 p.un '\u\\ the' ~..in ~l'I lhl· frel' rtport t·nt11kJ 'The Slll•lk1ng Tru1h \h11u1 ( ·.n .\u11kr1t lnJune\ The Jn,u r.tnl e Comp.in1l'' Dnn t \\.ml '••u lo J\.np1.1. , .. Imm the rnmfon nf their h11ml· h\ l.tllinf tht 2J t11iur tnll lrn· rec.:orded ml'"..tge at I -X00-1(!"' .l}.f,2 Th~ Ctll h ln:l .md 'o 1, the repon. Le Quai Unique \,flate1ji·ont !Ji11i11g Canrn:ry Village 2816 LaFJ)<:tt<:.·\\'l' • :"ewpon fkad1 949 673-9463 W'alk-in & Re~ervations Wek.ome O PEN FRIDAY & SA1T RDAY FOR Ll f\:UI SllNDAY FOR BRl lNCH I AVAILABLE H>R PRf\'ATE PARTIE~ & £\I '\TS Gondola Cruises from Le Qua i's Dock Friday, Saturday & Sunday Special Introduc tory Price -$10 ptr person pt:r half ho ur crui-,c Small craft u1efcome at Le Qua i's Dock u •hile dining. first .. come J;asis Overstreet's Wine Merchant & Bar 3400 Via Lido • Newpo rt Beach featuring UVEJAZZ Wednesdays & Saturdays 7:00 -11:00 pm 25 Wines by the Glass & Bar Cuisine 949 566-9463 for Reservations ----~~·. ft ••• ~a,:;_~~~ ------------··"""" ................... __. __ ..... _......,...._......_ ...................................... ;...;"""'-.;.:..,-.::.-..:..---------- - • .. • • EI "'. gs. tpW .... - M Fnday, February 28, 2003 Dady Pilot FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -Letters: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • RNden Ho1tlM: Call (94_9) 642~ fax: Se7d ~~~~~ ::;41~~d len th E-m•ll:Send to dailypi/ot~latimes.com •All correspondence must include full name. hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the nght to edit all subm 551 ity g READERS RESPOND Residents not bowled over by decision LEITER TO THE EDITOR Affordable housing does not belong on the Back Bay AT ISSUE: Kana La nes, which m ay be replaced by a Ko hl 's de p art ment s tore if the Costa Mesa City Cou ncil backs the Pla nning Commission. I have lived in Costa Mella for the majonty of my life and have been a Me!>a Verde resident for a long time, and the idea of bringing in a Kohl'!> depanment ...iore 1'> abi.olutely ridiculou'>. Let\ get thii. right. Pl.inning Comm1S!>ion and City Council. and let's put in !tome good family entertainment wi th !>omc good re,taurant' and upgradl' the bowliQg alley and put something 111 that the whole community can e njoy as. oppoi.ed to a nother retail outlet. Come on people, let\ get it right GREG SPICER Co<ota Mesa I have lived in Mesa Verde for the la..i I t.J years and I think it is such a ll·rrible idea We ahltoluwlv do not need another depanment ~tore, and when wt· moVl'd here 19 years ago, our whole famiJy U'>l'd that entertainment center all the timt:: lhe 1n· skating, the movies anti the bowling. It wac., '>0 nice that the kids could ju!>t walk over there and have all thi~ entcn ainnll'nt. 1 lwre bn't any t·ntenainment wilhin wulk111g distance in thi-. neighborhood. Wl• haw tn drive eVl'rywhcre, and the ne<irl''>I nice bowling arC'a i' 1-ountain Valley or ~11<.,11rn Viejo. It wo ulJ he rcaUy wonderful if the SegerMrom group would gwc u' a new entenainmcnt center there. lhc iLe i.kati n~ would have been popular if they haJn't lt•t the place get run down. And !-.anw w11h the movie theaterlt and now the howling aJh·y. It is not that people do not want to he entenamed. they ju:.t want it 111 ht·11cr condition. So I really hope wt• do11 t gl't anoLher departm ent tore CHARMAINE LAURIE Mesa Verde This situation is upsetting to me. Why c.•m't a city the si7.e and location of Costa Mesa agree to modernize the Kona lanes and ice rink and gives the kids land adults) a place to go for recreation? I don't think we n eed any more retail space. The re is enough already, and with the state of the economy being as it is, many reLailers as weU as other businesses are finding a tough go of it. Pora city that advertises itself as that of the arn,, it seems sad to even consider taking away a pan of old -time America and a recreation place for families 10 go 10. I am adamamJy oppo!>ed to the KohJ project. The '>Ong sayll it all: "TI1ey paved paradise and put up a parking lot.· RALPH ROLLINS Costa Mella I am in !tUpport of keeping Kona lane!>. It halt been here for very many year!>, and we need more fam ily-oriented places to bring o ur children and be able to do family thing!>. I think we have enough retail stores in the area and I think we need to concentrate on our kid!> and thing~ we can do with our children and where children can go to ket·p them off tlie ~trec11.. I think that the owners of the property ... 110uld give Kona Lanes a long lease -.o tha t they could al'>o refurbish the lanes and the exterior ol thl' building to make it more updated. whkh would therefore bring in a lot more people. PAMELA W1ENER Cosla Mei.a l believe that UJ'>ta Mesa :.houJd not ~o by Lhc way th.it Loi. Angeles. the VaUey and o tlwr plac<''> that only concern thenu.elve!> witl1 growth. development, that silver dime. ~torC'~ that an: not needed are brought in while hi,toricaJ places or businesse~ such a'> Kona l.ane.'> arc tom down. There -.huuld he !tome compromise. at worst. to kee p Kona Lanes there, and I believe redevelopment of that area should include what was there: another ice rink, another theater complex or mayl>c even a mall playhouse. THAO SOUOWAY Coi.ta Mesa Please pre~rve the Kona Lane!> a~ it i!> now. Maybe a little face·lift, but keep its character. GEORGE QUEZADA Coo;ta Mesa Please leave Kona Lane~ ru. i' -we don't need a store there. LORI JARVIS Newpon Beach Since moving to co ... 1a Me.,;1 Ill 200 I. I have been an active bowler at Kona 1 .ane~ and look forward to my ·111ursday night league. Despite it~ current Mate of repair, Kona presents a unique !>odal gathering place in Costa Mesa -it i' virtually tli" only place left that is not a bar, re\laurant or retail outlet. It attracts a wide demo~raphic. from seniors to UC Jrvine students. and i-. very popular with children's birthday panies. etc. While it is indeed sad that the nnema and the ice rink are closed . with a corrc-.pondmg painful lack of in coml' lor tlw owner~. do we really need yet another rt·tail outll't in <.1hta Me!>a? Personally. I think not. So. to an~wer the quei.11011 you pu'>ed in the new:.paper. what should bt• done with Kona Lanes? My ideal '>Olution would be to refurbish the propeny while rctai111ng mo" of the hi~torical a:.pecto; of thl• lam:,, for example, the unique ro.id..,idl' "W1 and the wood lanes I nouced that Kona retl•ntty advertised it-.elf a!> ~retro bowling." amJ that environment '>hould be prl•M•rved. 1 lowcver, the retro leaking roof, rt•tro men\ room, and rt·tm unreli.1ble lane equipment wuultl nut bem~ed. Let'~ make Ko na l.ane!> an entertainment facility that Co!>ta Ml''a can Ill' proud of. DICK EASSOM C O'>ta Me!>a I lward from a good authority that the city of N(•wpurt Beach has plan'> to approve the co11.,1 n1e11on ol al) affordable hnu'>ing project. \O nll' I ')0 lllllt•,, 1n tht' lower part ol the currently open -.pan· hound by l:.a'>t Coa't I lighway. Jamboree am! B.1rk Bay I Jnv£'. fhi-. i., a had idt·a. rir'l, inland flpen ... pall'. partirularly with a view, ill '>par'>e in Newport Beach. I lert• 1., .1 l hanlt' to prt''><'f\'t: J '>ITIJll open parn•I th,11 "un par with the< .a<,1a~a}"> <,itl:'. ~et·o11d. thl' .,pace in que-.tum "an llltl'gTal p.ut ot our lJpper :"Jt·\~1u1r1 HJy c.,tt1.1rn1l· '>'11·111 It 1nd11dt., t·,t11a1 llll' bluff, .uuJ <1 -.trl·am 1•mbaynicnt, lt•Jtllfl'' that l'l-.ewhl'H.' art• included 111 thl' ernlogiral rt''l'rVl' I h" plot ... tmuld he pn·.,t·rvl·t..I .1-. open -.p.il t· ,Jllt..I .uJdt:d Ill the rt''>t'rH· It .. i.ould no t he 11!.lll'tf \\-llh l'llllLH'l(', houw' .ind l'Jr" 111 thl' manner 1h.i1 typifit·, 1110.,1 111 our <llY I hinJ. till' hm1"11g 1iro1t·1 t ~ 111 grt·atly 1'Xill l'1h.1 11• lhl' traOiL <,narl tha1 .ilr('.1dy i·xi'" 1111 hiwl'r L_ lam ho rec. I under'>tand that, in thi'> plan, the upper part of thi'> open ~pan·. which horder' l:.a<,t C.oa<,t Highway, is to hecornc a park. The park '" to be made "pretty" so that dnver-5 un f-.a!.t C..'-oast I llW'iway will gain ae,thetic plea,ure!> while .,pl·edmg hy. Whereas I rornmend our leade~ for avoiding the principle of "rnm·rcte first" on this upper level of the open .,pan:. a re'>toration of the· natural environment rathl:'r than a preuified p.uk I'> far preferable. I \UAA<''t th.it COa'>tal chaparral, accc<.s hy trail'> fro m nm k fkly Orive and ht'llLhe., for those who want tn take in the view of Uppe r B.iy -.hould be ,1doptt•d . I herl' will be a politital 4ut•.,1111n r.i..,cd in City 1 lall: Wherl' -.hall we plat e the .itford.:1ble hou<,ing rt•qu1n•d of till' c11y hy l11ghn authoruy if not at B<1t I.. Bay? I low about a rnupll' of l11gh n..,e.., ,1d1J(t•nt 10 thow aJready exl'>llng at l·a'>hion Island? ROBERT SPEED Newpon Beach WITNESS HISTORY IN THE MAKING WATSON , TREVINO RODRIGUEZ CRENSHAW McCORD & ZOELLER Are coming to Newport Beach, March 17-23, 2003 fo r the f Toshiba Senior Classic Be a part of this very special section of the Da ily Pilot on f Friday, March 14, 2003 Just treat your phone like that two-foot putt ... PICK IT UP. And call: 949.642.4321 Daily UC IRVINE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL UC Irvine vs. #18 UC Santa Barbara Saturday, March 1at7 p.m. ~food ....... .., ... ~ ..... c-.. ......... ,.... .. ...... ..................... -. ............ , .... -4 ..... w. "-PaJ1amdAU11•111hNilhl-....... ,_.. • .._~ .... ......................... ,.... ,,_ ua Wa••'• ........ Tr .... c.rd ....... n.. ... '"" ~ ............................. ~ ••••• ,.., ~CJIJt. UC W IA~NI. -nat4'• 11W w.111 ,......, IAW .....,, ...................... -· '· .......... ....... -... ,~ CW_aM ........ el ..... Celetett• ... .._11 .. ~....._11 -··-·· . .., .... WOlllN'Sm••-•n ...,,._..,,,, ....... '-I._.-. .. ...... ···-- ,.,..,. .............. , plun al (t4t) ua WINS ., ...................... ... DailyAPilot ' ' Da11y Pilot NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HAL L Here are some decisions coming out of Tue~ay's Newport Beach City Counctl m eeung. ANNEXATION AND TREE POLICY and lhe Santa Ana Country Oub. They had also planned to consider overhauling lhe city's rules for dealing with its trees-everything from trimming to when to remove and plant new trees. Bolh Items were continued, and will most likely be taken up again at lhe M arch I I m eeting. NEXT MEETING •WHEN: 1 p.m. March 11 •WHERE: City Council Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. •INFORMATION: Complete agendas and staff reports are available several days prior to the meeting at www.city.newport-beach.ca us. Information is also available by calling (949) 644-3000. BALBOA ISLAND REPAVEMENT 1Wo of the most anticipat ed of 'f\iesday's cow1cil agenda Items will have to be anticipated som e more. As ~fuesday's Ci ty Council meeting stretched tnto t.he early morning hours, cwo issues were postponed. Council members had planned to vote on annexing uninc~rporated West Santa Ana Heights, the neighborhood south of Mesa Drive Council members approved pla.J1s and a $135,565 contract wilh Sully Miller Contracting Co. for a second phase of ~ a project to repave areas which will reconstruct concrete: roadways, curbs, acces.s; ramp~ and alley'> on Pearl Avenue from Park Avenue ro South Bay Front and aJso on Park from Grand Canal to East Bay Front. on Balboa Island. Sully's was I.he lowest of 12 bids for I.he job, -Compil.ed lTy June (rLSfl>,Ff111ul1• AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St.. Costa M esa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (9491 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event. as w ell as a contact phone number. A complete listing 1s available at www.dailyp1/ot.com. TOOAY Gem Faire lnc.'1 gem, jewelry and bead show is coming to the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center Friday noon to 7 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Building 12. Adm1ss1on for adults is S5. children under 12 are free. For m ore information, call (760) 747-9215. Baja Fresh will donate 15% of alt sales to Share Our Selves. a nonprofit agency serving low-mcome families. from 11 a m to 8 p.m. through M arch 2 Flier is required for the donation Dow nload the flier at www.shareourselves.org, or call (949) 642-345 1 for more Information. SATURDAY The Malibu Cat Club Is sponsonng a cat show from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m . today and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday at the Orange County Fairg rounds, Exhibition Building 10, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. Adrnission is $5 for adults and $4 for children and seniors. For more information. call (909) 372-9079. The public is invited to view •n.e American Cow boy." an exhibit of dtam at1calty lighted pho1ographs by Howard Folsom , on display ttirough April 30 at the Newport Beach ~ntral Library. 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. A Mardi Grat c.tebntion held 8t ilt1'arTiott Suites at 12015 Harbor Blvd. in Anaheim to benefit Share Our Selves. a volunteer organization dedicated to providing services to those in need will be held on Saturday at 6 p.m. Dinner and dancing New Orleans' Style will be featured. along with a Mardi Gras mask contest. Cost is $75 per person. Por reservations, call Karen Harrington at (949) 642-3451 , "8nd e-mail to lfharrington@shareourselves.org. Vislt the Web site at www.shareourselves.org to learn more. ..,...,. Night Outl .. host9d by Costa Mesa's Recreation Division, invites teens in the seventh, eighth and ninth grades for a qroup exct.1rslon to the Staples Center to see the Los Angeles Clippers and Seattle Supersonics on Saturday. Teens will meet at lJ,e Downtown Recreation Center It 6 p .m. Seturdey and leave for the Stap4es Center at 5:16 p .m . They will mum at 10:30 p.m . The oott 11 $30, which Includes tldcets, transportation and aupervltlon. ~ittrations are accepted by *8lk-ln patrons only It the Qowntown Recntatlon Center. 1860 Anaheim Ave. For mont 16formetlon. call Robby Waite (f14) 327-7660. .,. ....... a tNtMI of ltudent-dlrec:ted one-pertOn AJaye, wtll be tteged by Orange Coe9t College's Repertory Theatre ~In the Orem• Lab =et Orange Coett College. n la Mt for 8 p.m. s.turday 6ening, end et 2 end 7 p.m. 9undey. Tldceta are se end may a» ,...Ned In advance by calling (114) 432-6725. or mey be pun:heMd et the door for S7. SUNDAY A ThenJ*ltic Knee Workshop with John Childers will be held Sunday. M ar<t1 2. from 1 to 3:30 p.m . at Nill Spectrum Yoga. 2018 Quail St., Newport Beach. The workshop focuses on learning more about your knees. especially for bow legged and knod<·kneed people and people with hyper extension, sore knees, knee injuries and torn meniscuses. It will include po stures for the ca re and strengthening of knees. The cost is $30 in advance or $35 at the door. For more information, call Full spectrum Yoga at (949) 955-1965 or send e-mail to fullspectrumyoga@earthlink.net The Spirit of Adoption prnents ·Room for One More:' Three fam ilies share their experiences of opening their hearts and homes from noon to 2 p.m. in the Stewart Lounge. Free. For more information. call (9491631-8758. The ·so and Better' dance group will have. its dance party from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Holiday Inn, 3131 S. Bnsto l St.. Costa Mesa. A $10 admission cost includes dance lessons from 1 to 2 p.m. For more information, call (949) 675-9708. MONDAY A Great Decisions discussion of ·c hina in Transition: Is Real Change lmminentr is the sixth in an eight-week series on U.S. foreign policy topics. The diSC1.1ssion will be led by John Austin from 1 to 8:30 p.m . at St Mark Presbyterian Church, 2100 Mar Vista. Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 760-1691. Auditions will be held for the Orange Coast College spring musical at 5:30 p.m . and Tuesday at 6 p.m. in the drama lab theatre. For more information. call (714) 432-5640. TUESDAY A free seminar called ·A Natural Approach to Arthritis" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p m . at Mother's Martel. 225 East 17th St.. Costa M esa. For reservations. call (800) 595-M OMS. During a global awareneu forum about the possible war in Iraq, guest lecturers and professors will speak from 1 to 9 p.m. at Vanguard University in Costa Mesa. Community members are invited to attend. A •Low for a Ufwtime• wort.shop, on how to call love forth in your life. will be held from 1 to 9 p.m. at the Center for Spiritual DiSCO\lery, 285Q M esa Verde Drive East. Suite 111. Costa Mesa. The cost is S25 or $30 at the door. For more information, call (714) 754-7399. '-fonnanc:e, poetry end live music are offered at 8 p.m. at The Gypsy Oen Cafe, 2930 Bristol St.. CostaMesa.~ee.Formore information, call (714) 54~7012. A • ...,.._ Pfen• wotttahop. aponaontd by the Service Corps of Retintd Executives, will take place from 9 a.m . to noon at Netlonal University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Cotta Mesa. The colt Is $26, $20 if preregittentd. For more lnformatJon. call (714) 550-7369. WEDNESDAY ·Not I lut WMn· wtl ...,,. • panel of eerthqueke experts .-ining t.urt lines, lneurance end preperetlon advice for • major earthquake. The meeting wtll be held et 1 p.m. In the coundl d\embers et the Newport B..cti City Hell. For more lnformetk>n. call (949) 648-49ee. FULLaAR COCKTAILS M~XICAN R~STAURANT MO MSDOIT It NllDID OUI MIMI All A TllPTO MIXICO ~ I f [ 1 ... T H \ • ' \ I \ ' .'. •. : ' .\ ' : . ; ' ' •.. "Cymbidlum Orc:hld1 .. 11 the tide 760-1691. of a work.shop to be held at 9 a.m. at the Sherman Library and A frM educational program. Gardens, 2647 E. Coast Highway, #M ultidisciplinary Treatment of Corona del M ar. Nleding, Colon Cancer; will take place watering. repotting, light from 6:30 to 9 p.m at the requirements and pest control Radiation Oncology Library. Hoag will be discussed. The Cancer Center, One Hoag Drive. registration fee is $30. and Newport Beach Free To register advance registration is required. call (949) 7-CANCER. For more information. ca ll (949) 673-2261. A ":.Love for a lifetime" workshop, on how to call love lliURSDAY forth in your lile. w1ll l>e held from ·Tue Roman Forum Project: An 7 to 9 p.m . at the Center for Exploration of the American Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Political Spectacle" offers a Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costil critique of A merican issues. Mesa. The cost 1s $25 or $30 at Performances are scheduled for 8 the door. For more information, p.m. today through Saturday, and call (714) 754-7399 March 12 through 15, with a post-performance discussion at MARCH 11 UC Irvine Admission is free. but A free seminar called "A Natural space is limited For reservations, Approach to Vision and Heanng call (949)824-6206 Treatment" w ill be held from 6.30 to 1 30 p.m at Mother's Market, MARCH8 225 East 17th St Costa Mesa For The NP Expos Inc. computer fair reservallons. call 1800) 595-MOM S will be at the Orange County Fair and Expos111on Center today and A •Financing your Business· Sunday, March 8 and 9. from 10 workshop. sponsored by lhe a m. to 5 p m. in building 10. Service Corps of Retired Admission is SS for adults, and Executives. will take place from 9 children under 10 get m free. For a m to noon at National mo re information, call (800) University, 3390 Harbor Blvd 800-5600 or log onto Costa M esa The cost 1s S25 $20 1f www.lacomputerfa1r.com. preregistered For more information, call 1714) 550-7369 ·o.nclng From the Outside-In• is a free lecture-demonstration MARCH 12 focusing on the impact of dance A free book signing and seminar movement on health and the called "The Mood Cure" by body. It w ill begm at 3 p.m . at the author Julia Ross will be held Newport Beach Central Library, from 6.30 to 7·30 p m at M others 1000 Avocado Ave. For more Market, 225 East 17th St. Costa 1nforma11on, call (949) 717-3870. Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-M OMS A cub scout rummage sale will be held from 7 a m. to nobn m the The California Retired Teachers north parking lot at Kaiser Association, Harbor 0.vtSIOn No Tl Elementary School. 2130 Santa will hold a meeting for their Ana Ave , Costa Mesa. Proceeds members and their guests With a support the local scouting Home Depot representatrve to talk program To donate items o r for about home repairs and what's new more information, call (9491 1n tools. The meenng is at 1 p m at 646-8835. the Costa Mesa Netghborhood Community Center; 1845 Pane Ave .• A free Wlllldng tour of the Back Costa Mesa. AJI retired educators Bay will leave every 15 minutes are welcome. For more between 9 and 10:15 a.m. Tours infon'Tlation. call (949) 551-5002 begin at the corner of East Bluff Dnve and Bade Bay Road. For The Balboa Bay Republiean more information. call (949) Women will have a luncheon at 786-8878. 11 :30 a.m . at the Bahia Corinthian. 1601 Bayside Dnve, Coro na del The Great American Write-In, Mar For more information, call sponsored by Women for Orange (949) 644-9530. County, will featu re representatives from local and '"The Roman Forum Project: An national advocacy groups. urging Exploration of tho American people to appeal to legislature on Politfcal Spectacle;· offers a important issues. The event will critique of Amencan issues take place from 9:30 a.m. to 1 Performances are sdleduled for 8 p.m. at the University Club at UC p.m. today through Saturday. with Irvine. Free. For more a post-performance d1scuss1on at information. call (949) 581 -3938. UC Irvine. Admission 1s free but space 1s limited For reservations MARCH9 call (949) 824-6206 ·o..p HNling Through Sound and Stillness· is an evening of MARCH 13 restorative y oga offered by Full ·0oes It Take Rocket Science to Specirum Yoga. 2018 Quail St.. Create a Good Reader?" 1s the Newport Beach. The cost is $25 topic of a lecture to be given by prepaid or S30 at the door. For UC Irvine Professor Virginia mo re Information, call (9491 M ann at 6 p.m. m the university 955-1965. club. library room at UC Irvine. The cost is $30, and reservations RlblM Joteph Teluahktn will are required. For more ditcuH the relationship of Herzl In inform ation, call (9491824-2511 the modem world to Moses at the Memorial Auditorium at Chapman Karen Cushman'• ·The Balled of College. Doors open at 6:30 p.m .. Lucy Whipple" will launch a and the lecture starts at 7 p.m. discossion about growth and Tidcets are $20 at the door, or $24 change at the Mother-Daughter for the balanoe of the aeries. For Book Club, at 7:00 P.M. at the more Information regarding Newport Beach Central Library, subtcriptlon to the Mriea. call the 1000 Avocado Ave., New port forum et (7141997-1032. Beach. For more information, call 949-717-3816. MMCHlO A OrMt DecWonl clecueelon of MARCH 14 ·europe: Stat• of the Union" Is Tal1ntld c:hadren agee • through the MVtnth In an eight·week 18 will perform et the annuel Mriea on U.S. foreign policy "Search for Talent• competition topica. Th• dl8CUtlion wtll be led presented by the Exctiange Club by Ted Gielow from 7 to 8:30 p.m. of Newport Harbor. The show will et St Merit ~enan Church. begin at 6:30 p.m. For Information 2100 Mar Vlata, Newport 8Mch. and entry blanks, call (949) For more lnformetion, call (949) 673-8701. frlday, February 28, 2003 A7 COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL 1 lnl JJl' .i fl'" ol tht' <lf'c 1~1on~ lr111n Munday\ Planning ( Olllllll"l"llUll lllt'l'llll~ DESIGN REVIEW PROCEDURES ~r.111 n11•111ht'1' li.tvt' been rt·Vtt'WlllK 1111· t lly\ 'Hmdardi. u11d lll•,1gi1 review pmledurb IO m.ike tht•fll more 1 lear cJntl « rm -.1,tt·nt antl rakl· lht· ,llhJl•l 11v11y uu1 of 1he p1<1te,., 1111· rc•v11•\o\ c·11111l'' ,, )l'<tr and .1 hJ.lf .thcr '>l.ind.u(h \o\t'fl' t1ll11µ1t'tl tha111·q11111·1•vt•rt 'il'C 1111d 'tlOI) dd<lll!Clll 1<1 pd'iS 111u,1t r on 11'. 11111111.111h1ht) and h,tr111C111y \\llh tlH 1w1ghhorh1111d c•\1·111111 mc·c•h .1fl 11l lllt' Cllhl'I \IJllcJ.ircJ, WHAT HAPPENED 1111 l\<..lll \\ '" I 111\l llllH'U 1111111 FYI •WHAT: Cotta Mesa Planning Commission meeung •WHEN: 6.30 p.m March 10 • WHERE: City Hall, 11 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (71 4) 764-5245 Man.h 10 AUTO SALES CONDITIONAL USE PERMI T A t:at 101 owner wanted a rnndiuonal u!>e permit to le~ali'l.e automob1it> '>die' and lca-.ing w1tl1 011 "Ille vdrn lt- "orage d1..,pld\ and dt>1,ul111K di 1545 Newport Hlvd WHAT HAPPENED fhe comm1~'1on t 11111111ul"<.I lht: l~"IUt' unuJ \fdJCh .!4 10 gl~t' 1he apphcanl mon:· 11nw < 11m111lt'tl II\ / >.·1rcln• \ttu-num eve r seen ~ALDEN'S f (tl(l~ (I \fKl\11 ·\\!>U \](l\j \X't \(){l\X'(O\!-Rl,<,\ 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 . . tbtterllcJudas ........ , ..... U l t / Grf AI I OO ll S 1£51# Spa Gregorie's \LO ::>.\LON GR EGO RIE'S ~ ~ --== ~ SEl.f.RENEWAl CEl.EBAATION Througt1 Yl\All ~ M1crodenn -·,;:. _-&vyme Peel -$1~. reg $175 Ao.rft.c.aJFT Chinese n8'Uf8' tacekt( • Senes of 6 -S!60 reg •12 Dfllll tfVDfllM1)I (Jfi ()fT~ SE.~ ~-l~ofl . - I • .. ---·. ~ Spa Gre~ont• s Hours Monday ltam 9pm Tuesday Sunoa~ 9am 9P" 200 Newport Center Drive Su•te 100 Newoort Beach Cal1forn1a 92660 WWW.SPAGREGORIES.COM 949 644-66 72 Rt-!'laurant • tea hout"f' • Jau Cluh -----htabtlll'led In 1962------' Pmmts Frank Sinatr fro m 6-9pm on Monday Nights I. ei:zc $ 3 £ £ £ £ $ il $ 0 W Z S 0 u P"P!'"'P!'-.... •""--.-• -' Al fnday, February 28. 2003 cfemni LIVI ADVERTISEMENT Huntington Village new complex features amenities designed for senior living Personalized care at Country Club Convalescent This newly constructed complex was specifically designed and built fo r senior living. Huntington Village d~ not charge any up-front entrance fees. Living here wiU free you from the responsibilities of home ownership allowing you to enjoy your independence and leisure time. Extra wide, free flowing corridor.., eliminate the narrow and closed feeling of a standard hallwJy. An intercom to the gated entrJnce, fire sprinklers, smoke detectors, paging and an alt1rm -.ystem add to your safety. The two-story, 2,800 square foot recreation center uverlooks a tull-Mze pool and Jacuui wh1d1 are heated year-rounu. 0.Jr social director, a<; well as the rest of the staff, arc !>ens1tive and understanding. Wl' are here to help make your new rc~1dence the place you c.1 11 home. Achvities are organized to t>nhance your social hfe while you t>nJOY the compan1onsh1p of other M?mor resident!>, nMny who may have back~rounds and interests similar tu your own Of course, your independence and privacy will be respected if you prefer to sociali1e with fami ly or friends in one of the conversation areas. The local neighborhood offers a sale mixture of homes, condominiums and residential rental properties. Shopping and public tr;msportation are conveniently located. Plea~e feel ( rt'C to call or stop by anyhmt' For add1t11mal mfonnation, call <714) 840-1203 daily from 9:30 n 111. until 5:30 µ.m. or (800) 995-89~3 24 lrours daily for rt'cordrd rl'lllnl mfon11at1011. a . anng mpanions J?Lt Jlome Caring Companions At Home i~ commirred ro helping seniors remain in rheir homes by providing chem wi1h compercnt companionh.Jregivcrs. Our companions ass ist with: Country Oub Convalescent Hospital is a modern, private, skilled nursing fadllty with 54 beds and single or double occupancy, with a bathroom and shower in every room. Residents enjoy the excellent food, personalized care and a high staH ratio. Family owned and operated since 1973, we • proVide quality, home-like care with dignity and respect. Country Qub Convalesa11t Ha;pital, Jue. is located at 20362 Santa Ana Avt. Olli (n4) 549-3061 or visit the Web site at www.seniorllOUSing.net/ADIC.OUntryClubCmw. At Si lverado, your loved ones with Alzheimer's continue to lead an active I ifestyle We feel "lrongly that our mission C. to provide meaning. purpose and quality in each ot our rcsidt'nt's livc.'S. There are many ways th.11 we are ablt> to fulfiU our m1;;s1on. We have successfully coml.JJned a sooal model of care integrated with professional nun.mg c;erv1Cl">. acti v1he. including nlt11-.ln~ das~·.,, .. peoal l'nll•rt.1111nwnt anti gardl.'nm~ our t\"i1d1mh l'nJOY weekly bu!> lnp., Wt• ewn ht1w .i '>pcual nwn·., wur~hop1 Wl' prov1Jl' un·'>lll' 24-huur l1Lvn.<.ed nu~"'· 111dud111~ J full· time £{J' .inti .1n• Jbll' h1 <.al\ for our re-.1ut'nl.., thmu~h tht• pl\)~n.-:...,1011 Lii llwu d 1"1.'.i'-(: Prov1-.1un t>I th1.., It•\ l'I 111 nur ... 1ng ltlt\' I" UTUllUt' <lnJ h,i-. l..,lablt..,hed ">ilVt'r.1J u ,1.., .1 o.,IJntlout .Jo.,<;1<.!l•d hvm~ t.1t1ltt\ • Personal Care • Dr. 's Appointments By mcludm~ JX'l4', plants anti children in our community, "'l' have been abll' tu create a homt>--hkt.> t•nv1ronment. lnmugh our activity programming. wh.llh includes oni.' lull dav each wee!>.. with a mastl'r\ 11.'ve'I mu.•;ic therapist, wt• .in? able to lnl'\c'I thl· !'iOC!al need!> of the folk.'> who hw with us. Plt'J!'4.' fl'l.'I tn., to Jnir 111 1ur .1 l Up ot cofll'l' Jnd mt''' uur d11g Ao.,hl'r .Jnd the n.•..,t ol thl· '-,1Jwr.1do t.im1h •Meals • Companionship, Comfort & Support • Light Housekeeping • Medication Reminders • Shopping & Errands • Hospital Discharge AJI compan ions are bonded, insured and hi gh ly qualified. In add1hcm tu inleractivl' C11/l '-i11l'mu/1111/ fll-l'llt•ll .!!/! /111 111/t1m w/11111 We offer an afford ab le solution and keep in touch on a regul ar basis with bot h client and companion. 881 Dover Dr., Suite 260, Newport Beach (949) 5 74-075.0 To advertise in the next Senior Living section publishing Fridayt M arch 28 call Lorraine O tDonnell at (949) 574-4245 Retirement Living Condominiums A luxurious ho m e with a fu ll array of services and amenir i e~. Assisted Living at The Inn Emphasizing health, wellne ~. independence, socialization , and security. Alzheimer's Care at The Gardens Innovative programs for those loved o nes who need more supervision. Re~pite Care and DayBreak Programs When home is not quire enough. Please ask u~ abour our unique programs for seniors and their family caregivers. Call today to schedule a personal visit. (949) 234-3000 ~r;. ( 800) 846-4440 ~Ip. T I-I E F 0 U N TA I N S \llf A T S E A 8 L U F F S 25411 Sea Bluffs Drive • Dana Poinr, CA 92629 www.chcfountains.com Walnut Manor displays coll ectio n of vintage dresses at open house and tea EVl'ry t.'ril ha. ... il' own 'look' IOl\'Vl'r brandl-'d by the duthl" thJI pt•ople won.• In th1-. \VJ\, l<1!>h1un 1.., an intl'gfal part 111 h1 ... tory In 1970, the Cthfom1.i Lulhl•rnn Hom~ Auxiliary o~X'nL>d a thrift shop in Alhambr.i, Gihfomta A ;; items wen.• rvuwed tn1m ml'mlx-rs anti trienJ., ot lctn),"Tl~atmru., 11 wa.., ob'-t.•r\l•d th.11 -.c1mL· nf thl' dondlt'<.l d11thmh \\ .,., h1 ... 1unc.illy valu.ibll• .inJ p1t'l l"' Wl't\' ~t a!>1dl• l·vt•11tu,1lh .i numbl:r of Jre,.<;t.~ fmm lht• l'JrlV ]9(l(b ,md 3 fl'W IM)~t'-bnmnlt'd hat-. ap~lt.·Jn.'\.I ,1l11ng with many vnlu.1bll• au t">'-'IOI.'.., Thu~. tht· I f(•nt.1~t· ( tlllt't tmn of 0 .l'!luml..., bl.·~Jn l·Jl'\ l'n of the uldc..,t ~amwnt-. h,wt• hl 't'n n. ...,tun.'Cf .1nd w1ll bt· 1111 d1.,rl.1 v JI Walnut Manor JI .m l ~)('n I ltiu<.c and Tl'il h11-.ll'<l b\ tht• l 111 W.ilnut Manor (h<1plt·r Ihm! t•n \1arch 12 from I Ir n lhl"t' ~·lnTit'nlo., n.-pn.~·nl ,i pt•n11d 111 h1 ... 111ry hum 1~""11 111 tht• h.md l'lt'.ldt-d flJpper Jn....._~..., 111 th,• Jll2th Tht> hl.'avilv bt•adt·J . 111.it i... .. 111>.. L'"n'Pl' l'venmg ti n...,, h." .1ppn•\l!l1Jklv 7<i,t•1..,1lvt·r·n1t gl.h ... bt·JJ.., .inJ multi w l11n..J gl,1..,.., '*'-'I ht·.JJ.., th.it an.· ...._." n • •n l•fll• ,it J llllll', U!>tng <I LhJlll ..,t1td t••lll•d 1.1rnbounng in .m .1rt J," p.itlo'm \'\r 1111·111· 1/1111 lo 1•1c11• t/11, .m11.ll'rf11/ u1/I('( hon Plt~N }( '-I I 1// 1-1-1 I:! N b!IJS nu·!~,,.,, //,111, ,,,,,/ fr1111t1 ,\-11mh I! ,1.,// /1c· lu-t.f 11 1•11r I \<1/1111/ Cmtrr H111/J111.'< 1111 tl1t 1tlnl/'"'1if ~\<1/11111 1\1Wm11 84 / ., IV11/1111I St 111 A11nlu-1111 ------------------------------------------------------------~--Yes, I'd like to receive more information about THE FOUNTAINS AT SFA BLUFFS. "."'""°".....__~..,,~· I'm inrercsccd in: 0 Retirement Living 0 Assisced Living 0 For me/us 0 Alzheimer's Care 0 DayBreak or Respire Program 0 For someone I care abouc My optimal timeframc is: 0 under 90 days CJ 3-6 months 6 months-I year 0 1 year+ Name Daytime Phone ( ) Best Ti me I Can Be Reached _ a.m./p.m. E-rtUlil Mall ro: THE FOUNTAINS AT EA BWFFS • 2541 J Sea Bluffs Drive • Dana Point, CA 92629 ' ( f ---------------~--,--..;-........----_..,..___,.....___,,_ ---~ -...------.....--··-----~--~--..---_..___,.._ -------__ .,.......__._~-.....--....""."'9' ... Friday, February 28, 2003 At cl'em0i LIVI ADVERTISEMENT Costa Neuporte: elegant, peaceful senior living Oldes t living twins re ach ce ntury m ark at If you have spent timl' looking for a beautiful and peaceful place for one or both o f your parents lo spend their rehremt•nt years, you have probably noticed how difficult 111s to find Jccommodations that mt'<'I your expectal1oni. Coi.ta Neu porte in Co ... tJ Mt•,J 1-. clll dl'g.:int St!nior livin>; rl's1dt'nCl' w hich will ~un:lv put vour mind at ea!-t'. I he ~rand entrance Icade; to ,1 hNutiful ~rl'al rottm which open'> onto a magnif1n•n1 wurtyard After t•n1oying tht· Kmund ... n·turn lo the dl'gant dining rcx1m for a sumptuou-. nwal Costa Neupo rtci abu offer-. transportation to medic.ii appointrrumts, shopping a nd banking. a.., welJ as lci<,un· actwi tit·~ Cv,ta Ne11portt! '" lc>catrd at 22t0 farn•1rw R1I . C1ht11 M1·,a f11r mort• 111Jormat1tm, tall <9-l9J b-lb 63110 Seniors enjoy independent living in the comfort of their own homes with the assistance of Caring Companions At Home Perhaps you're a famil't member overwhelmed by tht· n.>sponi.1b1l1hes o f attC'ndmg to tht· needs of your aging llWt.'<i onl', or maybe you're an oldl•r pcr.·,on who wants to continul' livmg .11 home but you have no onC' to provide the assistant"'-' You JI\' beginning to lll'<'<l Whatcwr your situation. Canng G>mpamon..-. A t Homl· tan hl'lp vou find a 'iOlubon w11uld nl'\'l'r put ht'r m ,1 !\">I homl' \\t· l..nt•\v 'ht· nt .. .'dt'l.I ""''lonu• \'o 1th o,c1ml' 11! hl'r da1l't h\'m~ .:1d1\ 1t1t..,, but not tull hnw Wl' t.111..t>d 111 hl'r dPdor .1boul our lllml·m-, and hl' rt'tommcmkd Cmng (omparnon-. At Hnnll' l.mng ( ompamun.-. Al Homt· wuld P"" 1d{" \lorn with tht• hdp 'ht• Ol'l."l:it.>d mi:al preparatmn ml-<l1cah(ln J'\'mmdt·r-. hghl hou'-t'l..t,•pm~ laundf'\. t•rr.md' rll.·r.cmal l.Jre and r11mp.m11111 ... h1p m ht•r OY> n humt• Ginn~ Compamon'i At Homt• I' a trui.ted rt><.ll\Jf\l' for affordJblc at home: cumparnon.-.h1p ,md 1.aregiving for -.cmo~ They t.:ikt· pnde in their "peri.onal touth" and maintain an on~oing n:labonsh1p with both companion and clii:nt tn eru.un• that '*'"'llt"' .:irv meeting thl'ir clwnh' nt"-'d' All !>Cl'Vlet..., arl' .:iva1lablt• for .:i m1mmum of two hour. or .1~ much as 24 hou~ ~r dJv, ,ind all nimpamon.' an: bondt:d, m'un'\J .:inJ highly quahfit>d Afier our Mother -.uHt•f\•J .1 'truk<.', Wl' wen.-ll'H with tht• difficult la-.i.. of "Wh.ll du '" t' dn now?" Wl' prum1~·J hl·r \W Gil/ f9-19 I 'il+-07.S<J ,.,, 11/llrl' 111 /VmUltlllll Enjoy a Spacious Suite, Sumptuous Dining, Entertainment, Bingo, Crafts, Billiards, Beauty SaJon, Transportation to Doctor, Shopping, Fun Trips, Friendly Caring People. 2283 Fairview at \Vi Ison Costa Mesa Minimum age 58 For more information please call: 949/646-6300 or Fax 949/646-7428 C ( > t 11,r r1 ~) · ( i _ t '1 ~ CT:>Nv'/\L J :.sc:1 :.1,.rr~f lc >S I >rf/\L.. Ii c ;_ Cou1111:i1 C lu/J Co11l'a/n;cull.} i<>Sf Jitul. Inc ... u n1od< r11 . prirfll<. skil/((/ 11ursi11gfadlity is located h l'liind Iii < Santa. /Ina Cou11tr.lj C lu/J i11 lli<-' "N(·11·port B<odt/ Back Aa.11arc'afo ur 1nilo• Jron1 .. J loag /\len w ria (j losfJital Presbyterian ,.\'1nall 54 bedfac-ilit.y,fantily (>ll!tt('d and operated .-.inrr m-;-:r S ingle and double bed O<X'ttpancy, 1citll /Jath1T>01 11 and .OJ/wH.~<,,. i11 et?ery 1'oo n1 .. <Beautiful surrou11dir1~. qui<>l, p<>aceful, ru:cellPttt food. hig h staff-ratio. h o rt and long ternts stays . \ W e are ronimilled to prorJiding fine, pers01ial care with 1-t:an111/1, dignity and 1"t'sp ect in a ho1n<>-likR atnwsplu>re. 20362 Santa Ana Ave nue San tct Ana H e ights. A 92707 (714) 549-306 1 Call f or a tour and l'i8it us o n tilt' Web a' ~//www ' •• p • ...., .. ,., 7 ;C 78 u ' . - Th e Founta ins Amenc.in-. .1n· not only hvm~ longer, tht·y an· hvmg bl'lkr, thanks tu hl'tllthcan· cldvt1nu~ and the evolution ul -.-upporhH· lwing l'nv1runm1•11L-. whKh, b\ dt"'>1gn, hdp people' a~<· '"di fhot'' th-.· mt"'-clgl' th.:11 I ht f-ounta1n.<; hopt.•., Aml·nr.1 will wake up lo on March "i, 21101 (. m that day, Maggw Whitt• .ind l'.it T.:ivlor -the oldt.~I 1dl'nhc.1I twin ... hvin~ m the Unitl·d I.it.lit''> "' 111 l~·lt.<brate their HlOth l11rthdc1\'' fhe odd-. fur twnl' .. bom 111 114(11 to liw tu <;t'l' thl•lf I OOth b1 rthd.:t\' Jn> scitd to bt· I in 71~111111111111 Thl' 1-ountam-. opt·rJlt'' '.!ti tchrt'ment u1mmun1111•, m 1-1 ... 1.:itt. .... lhl'\ -.~c1.lli/t• 111 1. rt·.11mg ... ttmulahng t•n\ 1mnmt•ni... th,11 -.upp<lrt pt·opll· m tlwir 1.jUl''I 11 •r litdon~ Y> l'll being. ·r ht Arl/ona-b.:i..,..•d u1mp.111v v. .1 ... naml•d l:lu..,m1•...., 111 lht• 'r1·.ir b\ the Anwnl,111 '><>1 td' on t\gmg in I lNo tht· """' , 1·.ir 1h1 , llpto"nl'J lhl' I t1lllllJll1' .11 ..... ,J Bluft... m Um,) l'rnnt "lwn• I' 11 ,rnJ \1,1gg1t• n..,1.lt• I ht• l~n.1 l'rnnt t1•mmuml\ ",,, n•u·nth hunurt-J \'o llh l\\1> H·..,I 111 ...,,_,1111•r-.' I I l11tl'•ln).: I >e,1gn J\\, .irJ, h•r 11 ... ·'~"'''ed livm~ and rn-:murv cart' n·~1dl'ntcs calh:d 'I h1: Inn cmd Thl.' Cardl'm•, n·~pt·ct1vl'ly fhe h1unt.iin .... to~etht•r with 1'.:it and MaAA1e·, familv, h.ive planm·d a '>U tt.:i bll· cdt•br,lt111n · lor tht• famou' 0.,1-.kr .... "h11 lnol.. forward to thl'ir b1~ dc1y for 11/tlrt' 1nf11r111atrun about Thr f,111nt11111' at ">1•u Rluf( uill Judy Norman 11/ 19491:? H 3UIJO Phu~ J 1 tund111111111111n' arr ttm1111x )>0011 HUNTINOTON VILLAOE Quality Apartments For Active Seniors 62+ __ 1 & 2 Bedrooms Plus 1 BR & Den Units • Nex1 IO a )hopping c.entcr, markr:t-\, bank.-. and 99c Hore • l'ool and ~pa • Recreation u:nicr • Free ~tor.tge • Handic~pped unm • Ovcnll U !lt ~ uu)ji;y fm •Gated • T nnsporuuon nearby • Planned Activ111e~ • Open <U1lv/W;i.Jk-1m welcome I PLEAS!:. C.All FOR MASALER.S SPECW. AND FREE CA.LENDARI 800-995-8993 or 714-840-1203 161 7 1 SpringdaJe St, Huntington Beadi Optracc:d by dv er l nvc:srmenc~ 310-8 58-8900 FAX 310-858-890 l Katie ~a is a fumier grade school teacher who lives at Walnut Manor. When she's not on her daily walk. serving on the Resident and Oi.apel Councils. or volunttt(ing she enjoys the beautiful view of the mountains from her apartment Join us for lunch and a tour.. We guaranttt VQU'lt mttt some inttttsting people! Call 714 239 6202 and ask for Vickie. WALNUT MANOR Celebrating the Human Spirit with Dignity SILVERADO S E N 0 R l v N G Assisted Living A Specialty Care Community for individuals with Memory Impairment, Dementia and Alzheimer's • A secure, enriching community wit h engaging activities, pets, children and walkin g gardens • Resp ire and day services available • Full-rime RN and 24-hour on-site licensed nursing with expertise in Alzheimer's & Dementia care • Masters level social worker and suppon groups fo r families and loved ones • Highly trained professional and cor:np~ionate staff • Hospice services for end-of-life care • Please cal l for information or to schedule a tour, we arc available 24 hour a day 350 West &y Strm Co1t4 Ma11, Ct 92627 ukplioru: (949) 631-2212 . a _, QUOTE OF THE DAY "That's as sweet as it gets." Dan Johnston, Costa Mesa High girts soccer coach AlO Friday, February 28, 2003 COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL JAYSON MELLOM I AP UC Irvine's Adam Parada, top, grabs a rebound over Cal Poly's Diaby Kamara. 'Eaters collec·t seventh straight The Anteaters outlast Cal Poly, 68 -62, to set up a battle for first place in the Big West Conference with Santa Barbara Saturday. Steve Vireen Daily Pilot SAN LUIS OBISPO -On a night when UC Irvine set two noteworthy achieve- mencs. it also won its seventh-straight game after a scrappy bartJe with Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. UC! freshman point guart! Jeff Gloger became the school's single-season record holder in steals (70) and the Anteaters' victory marked the first time UCJ has won at University of the Pacific. Utah State and Cal Poly in the same season in Pat Douglass' six years as head coach. The Anteaters (18-7, 12-4 in the Big West Confer-SCOREBOARD ence) remained atop the Big West and improved their conference-leading road record to 8-4 after they seemingly outplayed the Mus- tangs. 68-62, Thurs-Anteaters 68 day night at Cal Cal Poly 62 Poly's Mon Gym "Defensively, our effort was remarlcable." Douglass said. UCl senior forward Jordan Harris also proved to be remark.able. He scored a team-high 18 points to go with a season- high 11 rebounds. This after sitting out of practices on Monday and Tuesday be- cause he hyperextended his left knee in u crs 78-73 overtime win over Pacific. It's the same knee that wets injured (partial tears of the ACL and PCL) early this past summer. However, the latest injury did not prove to be serious, as Harris sat out Monday and Tuesday mainly for a precaution. "If anything it was a little bit of extra rest for me," said Harris, who fought off' illness to score a season-high 23 points, leading to the win over Pacific Saturday. Against Cal Poly (12-12, 8-7), Harris held Shane Schilling to six points. Schil- ling, cal Poly's junior forward had scored 20 points in each of the past two games and is averaging 14 points per game. Hartis virtually led the Anteaters to the victory, yet Adam Parada (14 points), Mike Hood (13 points) and Gloger (12 points, eight rebounds and four steals) also figured largely to provide UC! with Its season-high seventh-straight win. ua. which is seeking its third straight Big West regular-season tide, tw two pmes remaining, Including a d)Jel with UC Santa Barbara The Gauchos are a hllf ·game behind the 'Eaters. "Our ldcb played haro." DouglaM said. ·1 was really proud· Douglass was lmpressed with his squad's dereNe in a somewhat ab'Ociow game that fmtured 46 fouls and low-per- centage shooting from both teams. t.JCI ahot 38% (18 of 47), while Cal Poly fin. Wlecj 359' (19 of 54). The Mu,,tanp com· rmttec:t 20 tum~ and the Anteaters hldJ5~ ~ atarted sophomore Greg Eth- See UCl. hi• A12 ' _ • _:z;u a a a a a a a p -4 a EYE OPENER 11 Daily~ Pilot Ill SporU .... ~Fame ( .. ~,,,.,.l~'ll th» rnW.-nolurn March 3 honoree KEU Y CAMPBEU • pa .... ~ Sports Editor Roger Carlson • (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fu : (949) 650-0170 Daily Pilot HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER esa belts foe, 4-1 Mesa's second-seeded Thundering Herd gets life from Jasmin Day as the Mustangs advance to the CIF Division III semifinals Tuesday against Bonita. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot \ COSTA MESA-Like the cha-cha, the Brazilian passing game is accomplished with quick moves and fancy footworlc. sort of like the Costa Mesa High girls soccer team. especially with freslunan Jasmin Day back in the lineup for the Mustangs. Coach Dan Johnston's Mustangs, the Centennial 1 Mesa 4 No. 2 seed behind Troy. improved to 21 -1-2 overall after defeating Centen- nial of Corona, 4-1. in the CIF Southern Section Division HI quarterfinals . Thursday on a slip- pery Costa Mesa field. They will play Bonita in Tuesday's semifinals at a home site to be determined by a coin flip today. Bonita advanced with a 4-1 win over La Mirada. The Golden West League champion Mustangs, who played without Day in their second-round road victory against Santa Monica because of a tender anJcle that she roUed against first-round oppo- nent John Glenn, scored twice in the first half and built a 3-0 lead in the 50th minute after some nifty give-and-go work by senior sensation Sharon Day and sophomore standout Jenny Sparks, who completed the offensive rush on a cross from Day. STEVE McCRANK •OAJL'f P1L01 Costa Mesa's Jasmin Day (8) duels Centennial's Shireen Seif (16) for the ball in first half action ofThursday's-CIF duel. "That's as sweet as it gets," Johnston said immediately after the play, coach- ing from a wheelchair (recovering from Achilles' tendon surgery) across the muddy track, while hls players sat on a bench on the sideline. Centennial (13-8-1), the Mountain View League's third-place team, ended the Mustangs' shutout bid when junior forward Tessa Smith scored in the 61 st minute on a cross from Cathleen Rodri- guez. "Our girls played hard, (but the Mus- tangs) had a lot of fast players." Centen- nial Coach Cori Tallman said. Costa Mesa's passing worked to per- fection on myriad occasions, at times making it seem like no defense was in front of them. It was Jasmin Day's second goal, in the 79th minute. which ignited the esti- mated crowd of 250. With control of the ball down the visiting sideline, Day unleashed a rocket from about 30 yards with her left foot. Hooking right. the ball could not have been placed any bener into the far right comer of the net, just past Centennial goalie Kim Pax.man, whose 10 saves kept her team within range. "That was beautiful," one fan said. Day opened the game's scoring with a goal in the 11th minute on a cross from Sparks, whose goal in the 39th minute on a long pass from senior Kristen Bag- weU provided the hosts with a 2-0 half- time lead and plenty of breathing room. "We've had teams here with more tal- ent, but we've never had a team play as a team like this," Johnston said. "They just live in each others' minds. That sec- ond goal (on some fine passing from Sharon Day, Jasmine Day. Bagwell and Sparks) was as good in soccer as you'U see anywhere. l11at's an exam!)le of See MESA, Pace Al 2 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER PLAYOFFS CdM KO'd in OT, 3-2 Sea Kings eliminated in fight-marred CIF Div. II quarterfinal match. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -If anyone wants to see how to play with inten- sity, heart and desire, they should pick up a copy of the Corona del Mar High and No. 3-seed Canyon of Can- yon Country girls soccer game Thurs- day. 'Phis was no ordinary game, in more ways than one. 1llis one was a CJ F Southern Section Division 0 quarterfinal matchup that went over- • Canyon CdM 3 2 time, had a brawl with about five min- utes remaining in regulation, ln whJch two play· ers on both teams received red cards, and saw Canyon come out victo- rious, 3·2, on a free kick that a CdM player ac- cidently hit in for the deciding goal. Both coaches, several parents and a few players all said they had never witnessed a brawl like the one at CdM High Thursday that happened moments following Junior Elizabeth Almaaz'a goal off a header by use. bound aenior Paige Janes that tied Canyon, 2~2. with flve minutes left in regulation. A mWDed stir swept through the stands on the CdM side as CdM sen· tor AlMa Mazura, who Jed CdM with 11 goals and 12 uaiatJ th1a INSOn, Mt on the pound, in a ftat·punchh\g tus- llle with Canyot\ eenlor defender Am· DON LEACH/DAILY PILOT CdM's Jenny Long (left) gains possession despite being hit by Canyon foe. ber Anderson, who referees David Hammond and Elkin Yepez said insti- gated the fight. Several players from both teams rushed into the melee, which referees at first didn't run ln to stop, baftling Canyon Co-Coach Jeremy Cook and CdM Coach Bryan Middleton. Cook and Middleton were able to get con· trot of their players and both teams mumed to thelr respective sidelines before play resumed about 6ve min- utes later. Anderson and junior midfielder Nikki Smith, whom Cook told refer- ees wu on the bench during the ftght, along with freshman Jessica Muura. Alivia's sister, and Janes all received red cards, stgnaling ejection from the game. Anderson and Smith will aJao sit out the Cowboya' semift- nal game. Janes said she didn't throw a punch. Allvia Mazura played the rest of the game, but was apparently hit on the head during th.e flgbt and was visibly shaken following the game, unable to speak to reporters. Her parents took her to the hospital immediately after the game, fearing she may have a concussion. ~I've been around (soccer) since I was 4 and have never seen anything lllte that in girls soccer. In guys' SOC· cer, yes," said Middleton, who pla~ on three large-school dJvision charn- plon.shJp teams for Jesuit High ln Portland, Ore. •Against C'.anyon Tues· day, after Blisha ™organ) was knocked down. the girls stepped back and didn't allow It to condnue. (The OghO took us out or our game. We f.. were dominating the game at that point and anacking. When your start- ing sweeper (Janes) and leading scorer (Alivia) can't function, it buns. But my team would not let down." Morgan was thrown to the ground by Caitlin Van Wormer of Canyon CAnheim) in Tuesday's 3-0 Sea King victory, another physical affair. Middleton and Cook both said they djdn't see how the fight materialized Prior to Janes' tying goal, CdM (ll- 6-2) drew three of its eight comer kicks, keeping the ball ln the Canyon zone with help on defense from sophomore Vanessa Fallon and fresh- man sister Taylor, senior Lauren Loe, who bumped the ball to forwards Jenny Long, Alivia Mazura, Morgan, and sister, Kelly. Regulation ended and the teams played the first of two 10-minute overtimes scoreless. Loe shot from the near comer lnto the hands of Cowboy goalkeeper Lyndsay Taylor, an All-CrF selection according to Cook. while the visitors mustered two shots, both by junior def ender Jenna Shay. Then, six minutes into the second overtime, senior midfielder Deena Plach rolled the ball to sophomore defender Brianna Caceres on a throw ln. Caceres kicked the ball right back to Plach, who booted it from 20 yards out toward the upper reeches of the net, where It was deftected in. The approximately 75 Cowboy sup· porters. along with the , .. yen, roared following the goal. but the visltom attJJ had to play defense for four minutes. CdM junJor defender Kinzle Kram- er knqcbd down two balls and sent them upOeld to Bliaha Morgan, and sophomore 1aniaba Senaratne. who gave their legs one last desperate IMCOM.PlpA12 , ' . .. I I • ' I I -----• --~~-----------------_ ..... _____ .__ .... _...., __________ .-ii .............. __ ... _-. .................. ~--- Three of Newport Harbor's best are Hayley Peirsol, Mar Ta11ma and Nicole Mackey. Pe1rsol (above) 1s the school rficorcHlolder in the 500-yard trtestyle and was second at the Cf finals as a jurnor. She was tt)rd in the 200 at CIF. Ta11ma (~ht), another senior, gives Harbor depth rn the free styles. Mackey. also a senior. was second at CIF 1n the 200 individual medley and the 100 butterfly. All three figure prominently rn the relays. JC TENNIS Pirates win, 8-1 COSfA MESA-Orange Coast CoUege's women's tennis team was an 8-I winner over Orange Empire Conference foe Santa Ana Thursday, running their re- cord to 4-0, 3-0 in the OEC Or.nc• Empire Cuolf••ice occa.~Ana1 ~ -Jucaban (SA) def. Bec*8f, 1-s, 6-7. 6-3; Nelson (DCCI def Gately. 6-0, 6-0; Tanamal (OCCI def. Rivera, 6-0, 6-3; Sessum IOCCI def. Grace. 6-4, 6-2; Mariyama IOCCI def. Cruz. ~ l , 7·5; Wenskl (OCC) def. Tibayan. 7-S, 6-2. Doublee -Bec:ker-Tanamal IOCCI def. Jucaban-Rivera, 8-6; Nelson-Sessum IOCC) def. Grace-Tibayan, 6-0. 6-0; Moriyama-Wenskl (OCCI def. Cruz-Leija &-0. 6-0. FOR THE RECORD ln Thufaday's report on Newport Harbor HJgh gj.rls' water polo, senior Alexan· dra Andersen. a fourth-year Sailor In the 8Choola water : polo program. should have 1 been listed u one of the : 'Ian suiting up for their ft • : nal high ldM>OI water polo : pme. but WU inadven· -endy omitted. S P 0 I~ 'I ~ lriddy febflldfy 28. 2003 All HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SWIMMING PREVIEW HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratJng the Daily Piiot's Athlete of the Week senes TODAY 23 Nerissa Reidenbaugh Orange Coast College Water polo, '99 21 -Brandon Hall Orange Coast College Football. '01 SCHEDULE TODAY Basbtbal Community college men - Southern California Regionals, first round: Orange Coett at Mt. San Antonio, 7 p.m. Wr••• High school -CIF Masters at Fountain Valley, 2 p.m. ........ College -Baytor at UC Irvine, 6 p.m.; Vanguard Unlvers.ity vs. Chapman University, at'Hart Field, Orange, 3 p.m . Community college -Saddlebecl at Orange Coast 3 p.m. Softbel Community coUege -Fullerton at Orange Coast. 3 p.m. ........... Community college _. Sant. Berbera et Orenge Cont. 7 p.m. ............ Coltege men end women -UC lrvlne M 86g West Champiorllhipe .. hknont Plan,~ M 10!30 a.m.; tlnelt ... p.rn. ~ LAGUNA BEACH LAG UNA BEACH SOCCER CLUB 2003 -2004 SEA ON TRYO UTS BOYS AND GIRlS 7 -15 at Moulton Meadows s.e •• ,, ... 1 Girts 12· 1:30p.a ... ,, ... 4 ...,, ... . Sela.,, llri I 1en 10-11:30L& 4·S:30p.a 4 ·5:30p.a 10-11:30 L& 12-1:30,... Coachi11g directed by ANDY AND MIKE THOMAS LA Tames Coach of the Year CIF champions English FA Coaching licenses • Club philosophy Think long term in developing players Focus on skills Understand the game ' • Call (949) 415-0991 for more information. 11w ....... Be.di Soccer Oab ii• aoa-pro6t orpehwrio- wl melm~l:I' ol cM ~ c.o... Soccer c..pe. .............. , ................................... ... .............................. ... ... ..... • • Senioritis dominates the Sailors' • swim season Newport Harbor Ta r~re turn I 4 seniors in ques t of CIF glory. Bryce Alderton fJaily Pilot '\;f \\I'< >HI Bl .t\C 11 -llie as- • • l'll'>IOll ol rrwrnlwr-. ot '\e,.,,pun I larbor I t1glh girl' .,,, 1m team h<i'-p11 ~l·d up ... 11·drn dnd no\<\ l on tam., ,1 lull tJnk ol fuel read} for on<' l.l'>t 1n11rnl'\ 111 the prep r,tnk'> I hn·l· ... w1mml'"-'1'1 I fJrbor 1t·nJ11h la'>t '>l'fi.,1111, \\lt11 h lulrrn- 11.11cd 1.n J lourth pl.Ill' tiru-.h 1n .tht LI I· '-< 11Hltl·rr 1 'x·1 111111 D1\1- ... 11 ill I hn,11., 'x.·.i \ tl'\<\ I l·a~t: l •Hlllll'rp.irt In 111t• 1or1I.. thl' < II :11lt· for 1h1· 'l'lolld ttHhl'l'lltt\e \e,1r I 11th \t·.1r I l.11 l11ir l oadt "-en I ..a\lont lll'ht'\!'" lr\ltll· \\Ill bt.· 1111' ll',lllt to h1•.1I .1~.1111 111 l>1\i wm t. .dong \\Ith .!II 11p-JmJ 1 11m1ng \'tll.1 l'ar~ "<tUJd, but hl' ~M~ '>llnll' \\(•,1po11., of hh q\.,n ·\mo11g 1110 ... 1· I ...a\ tonr n:lurn' 1mltHfr '>t·n111r ... I f.1\ll'\ Pl'lf'>lll '\;1tol1· \1a1 kt•\, \IJr IJJllTIJ and \,hie\ 1'.1roll· l'l'tr,11! tlw \oungl'r .,1.,tt~r 111 \\ orld t h.11np11111 \,mm Pe1rwl \\d' '>t'UJlld 111 till' 500 lfl'l' ·I 45.·I, a"' ltool reuird Jnd thm.I 111 thl' .!00 lr1 t• JI l.1.,1 -.pnng., {IF- final:. I ht•n. 111 till' ... ummt'r .,ht· won tltt· HOO ht't' JI the Janel h - .m.., lm,11.111011.1l IH::1lJ.7)J and fu1 i...hed ...ecortd 111 lhl' HOO frl'e 1r1 A.ugtr'>t a1 the Phtlhr., f>fi "\atton.il (J1amp1<m ... h1r., "ht· \\111 ,lltend -\uhum 1Jn1\l'r.,.t\ nl'\l falJ "I don't lnCJ\.\' rf tht're t'> an\ one 111 Orange < .ount\ who t.:an ,beat l'l·1r.ol in the CXICI lrl'c." l.a\lont -..ud \lackey ''"1m 111 """ nmller- up tirn ... lw ... 111 till' .!00 111d1v1dudl med le\ ..! O.! 601 dnd the I 00 huucrtl> I 'j i.H7J, ho1h '>Lhool re- cort.ls. at 1<1 ... 1 '>l'J,on\ Uf· final~. ~1acke} .me.I l'c1r.ol. .tlollg wuh Parole .ind la11111.1. fint~ed third 111 the -100 mt'll'r frt't"•tyll' relay UJ 4.!l al l.N .,pnng·~ C II li- nah. • l'l'lr'>OI. \IJl ~l'\ dnd Ta11rn,1 fom1 J potent tt•.1111 rn the 200 fret· rela\, .irrnrd111g w L.i~lont. \\hO '>JIU ht• ha ... ht>en blt>!>.-.ed \\1lh ti f.i-..1 ll'iHll Among ;\t'\' port\ 14 ... enrur-. .iJ..,o illchtdt·<, /\il'x Andersen. P~" Beebe. \11nmdnc I larwy, The Sailors Alex Andersen Sr Jessica Ball Jr Peggy Beebe Sr Anne Belden So Carolyn Conway Jr Katie Erickson, Jr Annmarie Harvey Sr Hillary Karges. Sr Brynd1s Klein Su Paige Lan!.ing Sr Nicole Mackey Sr Trffany Maderino Sr Jenna M urphy Sr Ashley Parole Sr Hayley Pe1rsol Sr Raelyn R1tc:ti•e. Sr Jennifer Scharlr~. Sr Mai To11md Sr Ann1f> Wight. Sr Coach Ken LaMonl (fifth ye an 1 lill;ir\ fl.,irg1·., Bn nd1s Klein 1'.11g1· I 4trhlll~ I 1flan~ Mandt:n no. Jt·n11.1 \lurpll\ Raelyn R1tlh 11· k111111t·r 'x.h.1rfe and Annu \ \ 1gh1 I hrt•t· 1un1t>r'> I Je<>'>iC~ Ball < .1rol\ 11 ( 1111\.,,<1\ and l(aue Lnd .,on Jlong w11h .,ophomort: Anm· Hdd1·11 I, gl\C' ;\e\\'pon dt'pth. I .1 \10111 fi).,'llrl'' ... wunmer-hlte l'dr-.ol a11d \1ac kt•\ w1U rn"' 'lllllt' n1l'l'I'> bl>t dll\C' thl'Y wtll Ill 'tt'dd r 11111pe1t· Ill 'nanonal l'\ent., .,., tht· Jdded number\ '' 111 hl'lp during tho..e umt"> I m i.... ... 1111 .md &Iden ""ere h11tlt ""'1mn11·r... on 1umor \~l!~ la-.1 ...._.J.-.on .md hnng '>Lrength rn 1 ht• hu11t·rfh .md free. re<> pet 11\\'I\ .\l11rptn '' \ l.'r,.111le. "'1mming rn thl' 1\1. l1.1t ~<.,1rnl..e and frel' \\ h1le \\ 1gh1 ... pmth tn 1.he SO fret·, I .. :t.\ I um '-<utl I hl' ... l ho11I rt•rnrd m tht: SO lrt'l' \\,)' "t'l If I 4<f'j ~ \lelJs.<wt ..,t hu11 thl' 1ld1•,1 I !arbor re<.ord ,1111 .. 1and1llg \\l' flit!\ hJ\l' .i '>hOl dl hreal- rng tht• ;o lrt•t· till'• ,ear." I .a~1ont "ud 1 lw h'lrl., .trl' '<I fru.t and so 'trong I \l' gollen lud.\' the last tour H',1r-. 10 'l'l' lht>'>t' l{lrl'i 1m- prm l' ------- SLAMMERS FC -----Newport Beoc~ (ah!ormo l • 1. \)Ir~ Llr1oer 1-~ 1, 111 Ch '1 p10 1~. G • s l" • r L 1 • Cl1Jmp10· J' 'th: 1 1 • Bo,) \ kF- The Slammers Futbol Club tryouts for the 2003/200 4 soccer -season ore here ... loys Ulcler 9 /Ulcler 10 /Urtitr 11 February 14th and February 28th 4:30 PM -6:30 PM Lincoln Athletic Center Contoct: Jose Duarte 71 4-343-4821 Gits u.ler 9 /u.ler 10 /lWer 11 February 21st and February 28th 4.30 PM -6:30 PM February 22nd 8:30 AM -10:30 AM Estoncio H~h School GitsU.12 Febroory 19th ond Febroory 20th S PM -7 PM Febroory 22nd 11 AM -1 PM EstooOO High School GitsW.U Mcrch 81h SAM -HWA EstooOO Hidi School . . l Al2 fnday, Februaly 28, 2003 COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBAil. Anteaters put Cal Poly away BREN EVEN1S CF.NTER - Kristen Green recorded a career- high 19 points to lead five Anl- eaters in double-digil scoring as UC Irvine topped Cal Poly, 86-74, Thursday night The 86 points equals UCJs high of the sea- son, which SCOREBCWI> they have Cal Poly 74 Anteaters 86 done IWO other times this year. Tue Ant- eaters im- prove to 16-9 overall and 9-5 in Big Wesl play. while Cal Poly falls to 9-14 on the year and 5-8 in conference play. The Anteaters opened up a 17- point first-half lead. but Cal Poly ended the half on a I 7 -6 run to go into the locker room at 45-38. 'Ille Musiangs scored the firs1 basket out of the intermission, but UCI went on a 7-l spurt to bring the Anteater lead to 11 (52-4 1) with 16-24 remaining. The Anteaters would build the margin back to 17 on five occasions as Cal Poly could pull no doser than JO the rest of lheway. Green was 8 for 15 from the field , including 3 for 5 from three- point territory and was one shy of a double-double with nine re- bounds. Wendy Gabbc had 18 UCI Continued from Al 0 ington in place of junior forward Stanislav Z.uzak because Zuzak had a bruised heel problem. Douglass said Zuza.k has been dealing with that all season. Z.uzak came off the bench to score seven points and he also drew Cal Poly junior Vamie Dennis to pick up his fourth foul with 13:23 left in the game. Dennis. who had said UCJ's frontcoun was not physical after Cal Poly won in Irvine last month. scored a game-high 21 points. Coach Douglass did not respond to Dennis' comments Wednesday, saying only, "Th.is was a big g--dlfle for us." Harris also downplayed UCl's frontcourt play that es- sentially w L quieted Cal UC1 .JCSB Utah St. Cal Poly Idaho Pedfic Fullerton North(idge Riverside long Bch St. 12 4 1 4 Poly. 1 "I'm not 10 5 8 7 7 8 7 8 6 9 8 9 one to go through newspapers and talk about that." s 10 Harris said. 4 12 "That's points. followed by Ouistina Callaway with 15 points. Callaway and Gabbe each grabbed six re- bowtds in the win. Usa Faulkner recorded her second career dou- ble-double with 12 points and 11 assists. Courtney Ferguson came off the bench to add 16 points, go- ing 4 for 8 from three-point range. ua ended the evening 12-24 from three-point range. The 12 threes ties a ua school record and ties the most in the Big West the season. Kari Dupemm led the Mus- tan~ with 15 points. Courtney Uphoff and Heidi Wittstrom each pitched in 1 J points and six re- bounds. Heather Journey taJUed 10 points and six rebounds, while Kate Valdes had a team-high seven rebounds. UCI will entertain No. 19 UC Santa Barbara Saturday in the home finale at 7 p.m. in the Bren Events CenteL lie w.. Col""'•ice UCI 86, Cal Poly 'H Cal Poly-Journey 10, Valdes 3. T umer 7. Duperron 15, Uphoff 11 , Dooley O. Wittstrom 11. Grieve O. Uiagalelei 6. Henke 11. 3-pt.. goals -Uiagalelei 2. Duperron 1, Uphoff 1. Fouled out -Turner. Tectinicals -none. UC1 -Yadon 4, Callaway 15, Faulknef 12, Gabbe 18. Green 19, Biggins 2. Ferguson 16, Usher 0. 3·pt.. goals -Ferguson 4, Faulkner 3, Green 3, Callaway 1, Gabbe 1 Fouled out -Callaway. Tectinicals -Fifuilcner 1. Halftime-UCI, 45-38. S POR TS DON U:.ACH I DAILY PILOT UCl's Christina Callaway turns and fakes out two Cal Poly defenders under the basket for a bucket. what he think:.. Oh well. For what it's worth, we got this win.· Harris scored 11 of his 18 points in the first half. after UCI over- came a bumpy start to take a 30- 26 lead at halftime. STEVE McCRANK I DAil'!' PILOT Costa Mesa's Jenny Sparks (4) dodges the Centermial goahe and puts the ball in for Mustangs' second goal in Thursday's 4-1 victory. UCJ, which trailed 6--0 in the first four minutes, went on a 12-2 run that lasted seven minures to gain a 2&-22 lead. Hood. who fin- ished 8 for 8 from the foul line, drained two free throws to give the 'Eaters their first lead, 20· 18. ln the second half, UCI built its biggest leads of the game, with the credit going to Gloger. The red- shlrt £reshman grabbed one of his three offensive rebounds and was fouled on the putback. I-le con· Vft1ed the three-point play for a 51-41 lead with 8:50 remaining. Gloger recorded another offen- sive rebound and quickly threw up a straight-away bank shot in the paint to give ua a 55-44 lead with 6:39 left. However, Cal Poly amwered with a 9-0 run and cut the deficit to, 55-5.3, after Steve Geary drove the Jane and swished In a running jumper with 3:4 I lefl Down the stretch, UCI junior forward Man Okoro made two free throws for a 61-54 lead with 1:28 left. Then. the Mustangs an- swered with two free throws by Dennis and three-pointer by Jason A.Den with 55 seconds remaining • to bring Cal Poly to within, 61-59. A 92'lt free.throw shooter, Hood dtained his foul shots to clinch it ...... C...,•a UCI •· C.t Poly 12 UCI -H.m. 18, Ethington 0, Parada M, Gtoger 12, Hood 13, Zuzak 7. Sdwaedel 0, a.uu ... 0, Efevberha Q, Otron>4. Jil&. goell -Hood 1. Zu:zM 1. flouled out -Plwede. .,.,,._. -none. Cll fllllr-SdtMllng e, P9bnon 2. ~ 21,,.,,. M, 0..Vl ~ .. Nellon 0. ar.."' o. Sempeon o. .....,,,0, KMwl .. • ~ out-ScHNng. ~l6oMI -none. ~-U0.3021. ' f MESA Continued from AlO what I mean when I say they Uve in each others' minds.· Sharon Day leads Mesa with COM Continued from AlO push, but Cowboy defenders were just a little quicker getting back to thwart any chance of a tying goal. Caceres and Plach connected on almost the same type of play as the game-winner to give the Cowboys a 2-I advantage in the 65th minute. "The Cowboys (22-1-0) a.re a good team and they set up as much as possible,~ said Loe, who along with Lo ng. Alivia and £U- sha, each played their last games as Sea Kings. injured senior Lau- ren Shepherdson watched from the sidelines, and senior Chris- tina Tuylor did not anend Thurs- day's game. "The whole team baclced (AIJ- via) up. and unfortunately they had to take (Janes) out defend- ing our team," Loe said. "Physi- cally and mentally It was a rough game. We had to stay focused and not get into their game." CdM outsbot the QJwboys, 17- 15, lndudlng an l l -4 advantage In the first half. A Janes throw-in resulted In CdM's tying goal ln the 23rd minute. 1llytor Fallon lddted a rebound alter the ball deftec:ted in a sea of playen. llrylor 28 goals and 35 assists this sea- son, while Jasmin Day has 23 goals now and Sparks 15 assists. "That's a pretty good three- some," said Johnston. whose team last year when the first- ever CIF playoff game in Costa Mesa girls soccer history. before dropping out with a second- ro und loss 10 Louisville. "We've sort of prove n that we can score against anybody." Johnston added. "And that's the mind-set I want other teams to have, thar we can score against anybody. That gives us an edge if they're worried about 11." Sophomore Rachel Ronquillo, junior Valerie Gomez and junior Sara Bryant were aJso "very solid" for tlie Mustangs in their win. Johnston said he was pleased with his team's perform- ance. DON LEACH I OAILY Pl.OT Wrth two players down, a melee ensued late in the game, sending four players to the sidelines . stopped the ball. but not before it roUed to ICclly Morgan for the tap-th goal. CdM pelted Taylor with four more shots to end the Orst half. Janes threw the ball In and Long headed it to Blilha. but her header Of!W lncbes rlgbt. •(The Cowboys') defen.e was weaker than r e.xpec:ted, we just couldn't 6nlab." Middleton llld. ' "We got crosses but didn1t draw any to coUect a goal." CdM sophomore goalkeeper Rachel Waters made Ove saves. of'ten positioning hersell against the right or left post to block the angle of an lncomlng ahoc. Sophomore Rachel Yelley got in on the act1on Thuqday for the Sa Kiop, who ~ abo helped on the year by tophomore Brooke Burgner and recently, by freshman Undsey Mannlng and junior Kellie Flint. The Sea Kings had reached the mifi.nals of Di- vision IV each of the previous three seasons before Middleton took over this season. "I'm proud or the glds' work ethk. espedally ln the CtF ~­ otrs." MJddleton aaJd. •rw-en- joyed thl program tO much." ( Daily PlloJ COMMUNITY COLLEGES ~ Quite the ' turna ro und " ' f o r P ira tes '. Bu cs begin playoff drive tonight, a year after fin ishing with just seven wins. .. C all it .what you will. bu1 : Orange Coast College second-year men's basketball coach Steve Spencer has rumed the program arowid. at least for this season, so far. The Pirales (20-12) will travel tp face Mt. San Antonio (21-13) tonight at 7 in the first round onalf the Southern California Regio ' Playoffs after managing only seven wins last season. Coast has won four of five games. getting valuable scoring contributions in the last four conlesb from freshman Aaron Bobik. who has averaged 18 points in that span. aJong with sophomores Stepha n Seales ( 13. 7 ppg) and Lanier Brown (10.2). Bobik (12.2 ppg). a guard. finished second to baclccoun teammate Jason Garey (12.6 ppg) in scoring. but led the Hues in three· point shooting (43.2%), rebounds (4.4) and steal'> (68), good enough to lw the only Coast player cho~n 10 the All-Orange Empire Conference first team Gan-y. a BRYCE ALDERTON second·leam member, finished the scawn with 108 three-point · field goal~ I le broke the !>Chool !>in~t>-~d.'>On record of 80 rnid"v-..iy thmugh the sea.<>on and was M..ocond in lhe stale in treys. Garey. who had a tring durin~ Dt'Cembcr of )Coring in double figttre!> in IO of 11 game5. including game!> of 26 and 28. ~ tailed off scoring-wt.Se of late. managmg only five games 111 double digjts in January and February. Rut where one guy falls. if you even wanl to call it 1hat. another one. or two or three, is there 10 • pick hin1 up. Boblk. Seales and Brown have all increased their point producrion recently, giving the Bucs multiple scoring options if one guy is having an off-nighL It hel~ l1lat the Bucs have been draining shots from the free throw line. Seales leads at 8 1. % followed by Garey at 74.5% and Bobik (71.%). Coast i!> al50 getting it done at the defen.'live end, colJecting 325 steals (10.8 per game) to just 188 for its opponents. while tallying a plus-six lead in rumover margin. Bobik. Seales and Garey each average just over 25 minu1es a game with Brian Bobik and Brown running the floor for just over 20 a contest Also averaging more than IO minutes of playing time for the Bucs this season are Bryan Wtlliams. Alfonso James. Derron · Putnam. Mau I latdl, Dimitriw Alexander and Nytcolas Peppers. Brian Bobik. who leads the team with JO blodcs. and Brown each have amassed 40 steals, while Alexander ~shooting 50% from beyond the three-point line. Peppers, Brian Bobik. Brown and Garey have each played in all 32 of OCCs games. " Sam Bailey, Kevin Stacey, Owl Vaklli. David Evans. Ali Shaheirn and Andre Waters give Coast added depth coming off the bench. Spencer doesn\ put anyone our there the entire game, or just a minute or two. He leaves them ii\ there to pm11e their worth and it • appears to be working. Mt San Antonio split games with Oxnard and East Los Angeles. two teams OCC fell shoit to In the regular season. The Pirates were bumped up tb the No. 18 seed since Riverside . was seeded 13th and two teams from the same conference can\ • meet In the first round If occ . comes out~ today, they would likely head bade 00 the • road against No. 2-seed Ventura What~ the outcome of the Pirates' ~ th.roqgh the playoft's, Spencer & Co. have already had a suc:c:est'l(U) 9e8800. The rest ls f\.llt ldng on the cm.:; ••• I, ---~--~.-:...-~------....;. _______ ..._ __________________ ~ _______ ........ _______________ ~~·------~ t)ally Pilot SPORTS lriday tebruary 28, 2003 AU COLLEGE SWIMMING Anteaters sparkle at Big West championships . ~ONT SHORE -UC lr-Gonny Shimra and Kevin Olson. ~ dM?r ~ton ~Wlov bur-Garcia was second in the 200- ied the field m mens I-meter div-yard freestyle with a time of ing to claim the Big West 1 :38.09. GIRLS SOCCER Sai lors' Burlingham competing in Mexico cha1ski (eighth jn the individual medley at 4:16.58) and 8cia.n Kim (eighth in the 100 ~at 59.05). C.Onference championship, rack-Shimura was third in the 100 ing up 604.90 points as the Ant-backstroke (50.62) and fourth in eaters went 1-4·5 u1 the event in the 100 bunerfty (50.6). And Olson the conference finals at Belmont was third in the 400 individual Plaz.a 'lllursday. medley {4:00.92). The men continue in third place with 390 points. The Univer- sity of Pacific is the leader with 61 LS points and UC Santa Bar- bara Is second with 540.5 points with today's 6nal rdCeS upcoming. In womens ~-meter di~ng. UCI Also with strong ™ms for the had a 1-2 finJsh by Melts.5a Wtl-UC! men were Uirry Olong (fifth mine and Frannie Briltle. Jennifer in the 100 fly at 50.37), Attila Szila- Marcus was sixth. b'Yi (fifth in the 100 breast at ln women's competition, it's the same team scenario with UOP (642), ucse (509) and ua (458) the leaders after the second of the three-day meet Evan Mitchell (430.90) and Al-56.97), Keith Ryan (sixth in the in- Jen Moheimani (321.60) went 4-5 dividual medley (4:06.45), Roben in the men's even1 for UCJ. Noh (seventh in the 1.000 free Also with big effons in the (9:35.57), Kareem Adnan (eighth men's swimming were Phil Garcia. in the 1,000 at 9:39.54), Danny Pu- Semah Zavareh was second in the 1,000 free (lO:l0.48) and Lara Bjargardottir was third in the 400 individual medley (4:24.22). • Tll llSTICT CUT Of nlSKOl9..W llSTICT Of Tll STA n Of aMO,•AlefOITII COlllTY Of .-Z Piia WAYN( I NCACl iOd Pf NNY l N£ ACl hu' band And wife Platnlttl\ v TRIPOIN T CAPllAI CORPORATION. • lorm.., Caltlorn,. ~orpur •ltu11 ROSSL llR[ r l.INOINI, INC, a fo1me1 Nt.•da ~01pore 1 1on a11d •II uther perwn~ or pMI••'• un~nown, • l•1m1ng ""Y 111ihl. lotle. nl•lt. hero <1• 1n lr1 ~>I 1n lhr lullowone rt<ll proprrh localed In Ne1 Pr11 r County, Id.tho 11 .,., 'ub1ec t th~ name ind add"n ol lhe pfi'r 'on w i th '#hOm f ldllll\ llo.ty l>e ltl'd I\ Srlorl• Kw-t11 £Hf ow 0 1111 '' Guld•n l ~u uw. In, I ~l'> S"ulh Car lttld Avtnur Alh•mbr • C.A 911101 Atlll lht lo>I day l0t f11tnr. • IJ1m• >hall be M•r<l1 II /OOJ wh1d1 I\ the bu\m, •.•, ddy behut' lh,. ,.,, •f•I• weul1t!d .ehtiv" llll 11 0 I>•• ~"'''"' 74 °/007 fl<AN',I I RI I S I UN II AN t IM INt. t;ahlu1 n•o Cu• por Jltun l'ublt\hed Newµo1 I fir al h 111>1• M•\~ llaoly 1'1101 f ebt Udl y 711 700 I ')1!41119 I 110 The Norlh 98 le~• ul SUPIBllCOlaTOf lot IZ. 81Ulk '>l l( WIS TON ORCHARl>~ CAlfOlllA. !RAC 1 /'10 1 "" •11d1oa CMTY Of OIAllGI lu lhr r t«ll ded 1.11•1 thftreof lelOtd\ nf N•/ ObllGECMTYSll'lllOI Pette County Idaho COlal,PIOIAnCOlal mf'a!.uremf'nl\ bfl'1n,-. l1om the u•nttrltn~ ul oraATm, 341 TJI OTl •dfntnt '""'I" ~nJ DlrVl,l'OSlOffKllOX •lltr> Otltnd•ol\ Coo Ne. CVOJ-00234 14171rOIMGE,CA97613- SUMMONS 1 S1J KnftNtl Of 10 TRIPOINT CAPllAI ,rmr"'" COHPORll llON • ''" mrt OllD Alll C•hl111n1• '"'""'"'"'" fOl~()fUM( •nd 411 uthrr Ptr "'" • -.10tlMWlf&uu~ I)•' t I e \ U fl ~ ti ~ W r1 ~ JnV" UWJI""' < l11m1na •nv 11~111 t•tl• I CKAl6( Of UM( "''''' hen 1>r mlrr• 'I WfllJllll:A217HO •n tht If•) "'"II'" I de~t 1bed 111 lhr l.<>111 I IJ All IN I£ R£ ST f 0 pl•tnl l•f H\UN'. NOTl<l: YOU HA Vl I PrM1unr1 UMIO ll ll(N SUlO IY W.AYN( llMIHI l1l•d o1 1>•ltllnn l . Nl.ACl ANO PINNY with '"" wu1t '"' a l. Nl .ACl, HU SI .AND cltr • •• •"""~"'Ii. n•m~' ANO Wlff, THI AIOVI o 1.,11,1w OMIO B NA.MIO P'l.AINTlffS, IN AMIRI 1., KAMRAN OMIO THI OtsHKl COUllT IN AMIRI ANO fOl NlZ ,(l(f ? 1111 rouR 1 UROI R\ COUNTY, IOAHO, CASI lh.•I •II 11~"""' 111t•r NO. CVO:S~2:S4 t\INl 1n lho' motltf \hdll lht nnlur r tll th• •111~•• hrt111r ""'•<>Ult 1 la1m av~11HI you I\ In <ti thr h~Mlll~ 111dll 4tf'd 'fUtf"t t1 u .. tu If'''"'",,.,., flf'IOW Ju \flOW (.dUi l' tf 1v r•11e1ly known•• 11/l ·•"I ,..,y II>• ""'''"'n Int 11 lh Str•tt 1n lh• L•t; 1 h•ngr of n.rrte \hould nl lrwr.ton ~et Prn ti fh1t b' i!(t.4nt .. d r ounty ld•hn And m••I• NO fl( I Of H[ AHINC 11•rl1t t1l•tly ll•\<t1lr•d Cl41t 4 I OJ T1n1e I PM •l><>~e o .. pt l 1' Any 1110• AllN lO "'••\ lh• ddcl"\\ of the 1 <lurl tnlkH•inl th,. '''' ,n.11 ·~ \tll'T'fl> , • not,d 1bn._t- lt<4ll10n ul lh" wm I ' " • •PV • t lh" 01de1 mon\ th~ court nt.ty ,,., ~how f dV'~ \h4U b~ ~nlet I 1udl1nt•OI ·~··n\I '"'''""''•d •I le•\t nnH fOU wtlhnut fut lh•• 1 ,..,. h ,,,.,.". lur four nultte unlt11,,,\ Pftvf t., "" lt'\\1~r •n .. ,\ pt.of th•I ''""' yuv h••• lllt:cl It• lht d•I• 'I.el lnr • ,.,.lttfl rt\11<rn\t 1n lh• ltunnl nn th• eietrlton VfUfJrt hH m uu ludrn~ 1n thfl' totf• w1n1it 11.-w, the Cnt Nn 4nd p.;111 P•c>e• ul tt•nt• •I tllr.u Any reQtmPll foluo2 1-. ''''"" p11nted m lh.- to lht Cltr~ nt th• I nu•I • uunty Co\t• Me~• •I lh" Ne/ Pr1 ct I ounty ll•1ly Pilot Courthou'<• P 0 ffo• OATI: 2/ I 3/03 896 lewl\lon ld•ltrJ JUOGI llCHAIO 0 . 83!>01 •no \el~•. tOPY flAZU, Sl .,. JUOGI OJ ol your 1 e'pon•r nn 1Hl SU'lllotl COUll Pl111nt1fh 1llQ1ney O.ivul Publc\hed Ne wporl I Oolik Pn r:red\Un But h Cu,I• Mt\a Daily MO-Ort ' Oolllien Pllt;, Pol"t I rbrua1y ?I, 78 1219 ld•ho SllHI MMrh I 14 ?003 Fl68 L~w•\ton. ld•ho 83'>01 Phone (208) 743 1~16 A Lopy ol the C11m pl11nl lo Quiet I olle 111d Surn111on\ t•11 be ub tamed by lOnl•<l•n1t e1lht1 lhe derk uf lht Coorl Of lhc illt0tnry IN Pl11n1ttf, If y1111 Wl\h le111 U\1St1nce y<iu •hould 1mmed11l rly tet11n 1n •llor My 10 1dv1se you 111 lht> m11lt1 OATIO T11b Jr4 ...., el ,..__.,, 200:S. Cll lK Of THI OtsfltKT COUIT l y1 TllfSA HkOll"", D...,tyo.rli Pubfhhed Newpor I Such Costa Me~ Daily Pilot f 1brna1y t4 21 28. March 7. 2003 r 144 I01ICI lO CB10IS Of .. SMI (Sedlm '*" 10S u.c.q ISCIOW IO. •Jt~SI Notice " hereby 1iven lo credltOfs of the w1th1n named sell~ir that a bull\ sele 1s •bout to be m1de Of the H H I$ desc11bed below. l he n1me(s) and business add11u(s) pf the seller 111· Du Sun1 Perk 111d Min Hui hujluch1, 267S ln•n• ~••nu•. IO, Costa MeH. CA92627 lhe loc1t1on In C1l1 for n11 of the chief uecut1ve ottk:e of the ieller is· 267S Irvine Avenue, IO, Costa Miu . CA92627 As 11$tad b)' the wller 111 other bus-.s n1111.s llnd •ddr•~ used by lhe setter within ltlr" )'HU ti.fOfl lM ~ti 'Such list •IS Mnl Of delivered to the buytt WI lfOM The 1111111(1) end bviJMU 1ddlrt1S Of the bt1Y9r ire: CUN JCAM UM. INC., 267!1 lnlne A-, 4'0, Coste Mui, CA926l7 The aseb to bt mid UWIOTKI IOTKI Of MUC SAll Of AIA_,.PIOPllTY Noltt e is htrtby 111~en that lht undtrs•ened will \ell al 11ubltc auchof1 11ur\u4nt 10 SM t1on ll 100 ol tht Bu~1nen ' 1'1oln\uln1I Code the l11llow1na dtsc11bed 11ropt• I y to w11 KRISS CRAN[ l.INIT C!>!I I v OR'l'l R llRC C.UITAll BIKI Cl0TH£S MISC BOX£S & MISC HOl.ISE HOLD COOOS CHARLOTT[ DAU . UNIT EV tOOl BOX COM· PUHR l Ql.llPMCNI Tl NNIS R ACQUC I STC R£0 lQUIPMCNT MISC CLOIHINCi MISC BOX CS S.le will be by com pehfl•t b1ddtnl ( w11tten suled b•d~ may bt submitted on edvance) on the 6th of M11ch, 11 9.00 A M al the pte mises where u od prop er tr has been \IOfed i nd which IS located •I AYR[S sc1r SlORACl 1880 Wh1tt1er Ave Coste Mesa. Ce. 92627 Ph 949 650 IZ82 Lind lord IHe!Vts the rll:hl to bid a l the ult Purchases must be m1de by cuh end p1ld for 11 the 1tm1 of pu1Chue All purchased coods are sold •~ 1s ind must be removed •l time of ule $lie Is s ub1ec t t o c1ncetl4lt10n '" the event of 'ettlement between llWldlof d end obll1.aled pltt)' AYRES CROUP 80NDNUM8ER s 400-1614 A~ff S.tf St0t 1 .. Rnlcleftl MM11aw /S/ftOY DYElt Publis hed Newport Buch Cosl• Mesa Dally l'ikll fabfMlf)' Zl, 28. 2003 fll7 S.......tf M I ,., .... ............. Karen Vauehltt lhl\ \latemenl wu "'•d wolh lhe County Cieri. ol Or.nae Cuunly un Z 4 03 70036'32208 0•1lr P1lo1 r tb I 14 21 Z8. 2003 rl26 RctitiM IMess •s....... lh< tot1nw1n11 person\ ait doing bus1neu u \111 lA ANCONA. 1001 Nullh Flowto Street S•nl11 Atta CA 92703 ?Jl& tOCIM Lid a Cahlo1 111a t 1m1led Partoersh1p, 1609 North Bu\h Street •6 Santa Ana CA 91701 H'lO lh" bu\onen os con clut led by a llmoltd pat lnel\h1p Have you starl•d c:to1n11 bu\lnt>\ yet' Yu 08 MAY 1998 COClt.i! l Id d c .. 1o1u1 noa l1m1led Pa1111"'"'" I.Iv PROPllMl\X In• ti , Genr,.1 f' •• l11er by lt!an J~t rJll•\ VIII I I N ti \ Pr .. ~.tdPnt fht\ \lat~m~ttl W"\ ltltd '"'h lhe Countv C:lrrk ol Or•nl(e Cuunlv nn0/1003 200:SU32179 llA•ly 1'1101 r eb /I /R M•t I 14 700J I 166 flditiM IMess "-S....... Tht lollowm~ per~on> •• e d(11n1t bu,•nn' o f<l CAI l:ARP! I r:ARI & UPllOl'il!HV 1'>011 Clemr.11\ C11d• Ir.on~ l,A 91604 Ceur,ze W1lll.uT1 Q Pauhnu ISO/I Clemon> rtrll•. ltv•M, ,.,. 9?1)(M f 1~11• Pb11iln11 t!>07l Clemon' t'rr1 le l1v111• f A 9?604 Th1.\ bu\intt\S 1\. ton du< led bv hu>b•rod dn<I .v1te Ha" you \la•l•rl '191n1t bu\tne" yel' Vt> OI 01 1998 G•Ofl(e Pauhnb • 1t11s \1 .. ltmenl wn filed with lhe C1Junty I '"' k ul Or •nee Cuunly un 01 I'.> Ol • 2003692H SI Oaoly Pilot I eb 14 71 18 M•r 7 2003 f 149 S......tf ~ I 'tfU..tf fictillM ........ ll1r tnll11w1ne perwn h•S •bandonert th~ "" ul lhr I'' ltltuu\ Bu\c n~\\ N•me Av~nur~ B1ll1•rd 19092 Buch lllvc:t <;1e J K l M liunt1n2ton Beat h CA 91f>48 fht f tl lfltous Bu-..nn' name 1ele11ed lo .ibovt w•\ lo led 1n Or •nee Cuu11ly on 10 29 OZ I 111 l'lO ?007692?0'J7 l'.ho1 Vu 111934 C1p ense SI . r nun1 .. 1n Valley CA 92708 fhos busrness ·~ <on dueled by •n 1nd1v1du1I l<h01 Vu thrs statement wu filed w1lll the County Clerk ot Or1nee County on01/Z9/0J 700JHJ1SH 011ly Pdot f eb 28. M11 7 t4.21.Z003 Fl// FlcllM ..... ... s..... The followlnc persons ere do1n1 busmess n The Buffalo Hrll$ Echo 1701 POfl Abbey Place Nf!WPOll Bu ell, CA 92660 N•ncy St>rra Craent 1701 POfl Abbrey Place Newp otl Bu ch, CA 92660 This business is con dueled by· an 1nd1v1dual Hive you started dotnl business yet? Yes. 01/ 20/2003 Nancy S Creene This statement was filed with Iha County Clark of Ounce County on 02/11/03 200JH U OH Daily Pilot feb. 14. 21. 28, Mel'. 7. 2003 Fl56 ........... "-S....... The followln1 p1uons tre do"'I business as· Dorian Menecement and Consultin&. 250 Ne""°' t C«lter Drive, Suite 1111- 106. Newport Be11tll. CA 92"0 llbf'll D. Dor-. 250 ~I Centtt Drive, Surte M-106, NeW'pOft Buch. CA 92660 Th+s bllslnns Is con· dvcted by lWI lttdlvidull ... .,,. )'Oii •lifted ..... buslnni 11n "° llllrll 0 0or- Tllb state-t was fltlHI wtlll ti-. County Clefk of Ot.,.. Covnt1 Oft 02/1 1/0J . ., ..... ,, O.rt'I Pilot Fell. 14, 21, 21. M.. 1, 2003 mu ......... ......... .,. detctibld Ill ·-" n ; •-""t•unnt 1nd la louted et: 2675 Irvin. A~!f!J. #0, Coste Meu,CAwzw.7. Th• lutlnH• n•-llMd 11r t11e ...., 11 thet loutioM ls: N'.A· c .. W'MlSC ltUTAU• ltMlCOSlA. TIMI followlftt penon hH 1NndoMcf tile UM of tlll f lctltlotlt lu~I· ""' N•-: Cieen Kl1ty Co111p1ny, 61 l'tl111t Tiii folloWlllt '*'°'" HftOft.. Aliso Viejo, CA Ml ~ bwlne'* H : t185t fOftVN FlllMCtel, Ill Tiii Flctltl!Mn ,_,._, N. itoolltluftt S.eet. -,.._,ff to 8Mft Sult• 114, Attell11111, TM IMki.eted ... of U.. Wk M1e II Mlrdl ... 2'003 .. .... Offk• ti: ci.... (tier-' Ille., llH ... 111 Glfft•t• ~ • .....,_,CA tdDI .,,. .......... ...... c.Mw• Ullt .... C-dll c... ...... ,. '. ... rM '" °' '"•• cllb• 11mn eo...t~G1. ru i.. ....... ._.. uc NO. 1 (CA), Sl l N •• ;;u..;r,, ...... v..-. ti ~ ..... &l ...... .............. Vitti ...... c...-. CAii 11111 ......_ II -UM GNU.I, 11113 ••d•• llJ: l l1111t1• M 111 -. ,_.., CA l...-, C. . "* ..... ,.. ........ .1:-:;:.:.-:--;:--..,.m:... ' l • Investments. I LC, I e;anne T huHoen le Membet fht\ \latemtnl wu llltd with the County Clerk of Or•nlt County on 02/ZS/03 200'6U4757 Q.,ly Pilot f eb ?8. Mar 1 14 n. zoo3 r 185 ~ ..... •s....... lhe lollowona person~ a1e lluml bus1nes1 n W•oth Coif Alltre, ~8 Beath 011vt, Newpor I Be.ch. CA 92663 lonalhan Charlu Novak, 1387 Cameo Or . luslln. CA9U80 Cn1111oph~1 K1n11m1n Brel\t h&tl 77 Blulf \11ew ltvmll CA 92£>1Z lh1\ bus•nns " con du~teo by to pat Iner\ Have you st.tr led dome buw1ns yet, No Ch11\ Brthchter lht\ \ldltnitnt w1> tiled w1lh lh4' County Clerk ol OrJni:r C11unly on 'l 4 OJ 20036932370 D•1l1 Pcl<il r eb 7 14 l l 28 2003 Fl31 AdltiM ..... "-*-"' I h• tnllow1ng Ptl\011\ •r• doon& bus1nen n Coven•nl Ch11s111n S• hriol. llr.>~ N 01an1e Ohvl' Ro Or •nee CA '12&>'• 4340 r.uven•nl Prt\bytt11•n (..hu11 h (CAI. 185'> N O• ~nKt Olive Ro1d Ur .an~r CA 9?86!> 4 'l40 1 ho\ busonu\ I\ 'on dulled by • ~or por •lton H4Vt yuu \I.tried dome bu\ont\\ rel' Ye\, 9 198~ Go,.nant Pre\byle111n Chun h 01111d Runnion P<e \tdenl Th•\ \l•lement wn hied with lh~ Cvunh Clr rk ol Or •ne:e County on 0217~103 200'6t347SO 0111r P1lo1 r eb 28 M11 7 u ?I 7003 Fl8J ~ ..... •s....... ~ The lollowrne pet\on are clo•n& bu\lnt\\ n Ma• Mar~et Solution\ ?8'>!> Pmecree~ D11•e AlOS Co ~lf Men C1hlorn1• 926Zb Jeth ey 8 l 1mat he1 78'>!1 P1necrtek D11ve Al O~ Co,11 Mru C•l•lornlll 9?626 Donald W I 1m1che1 3721 Sh1mne St•• lane Co1ona C•hlorn1a 9Z88 Thos busi11en is con I I ducted by • tener I p11 lnenh1p liave you \tar led do1n bu••neu yel 1 Ye\ OZ/Ol/?003 Jellt'y B L1m•cher lht\ \lateme11t •• l1led with lht Count Cltrk of Orantt Count on O? 05/03 700UtJ7St2 R ~ y y Daily P1lol Feb i.'8. Mu 7 14.21.2003 fl7 2 Re-.. ..... •s....... ' s The followinc person •re do•nt busmen u Studio Pu1f1c•. 191 Red Hill Ave • Suit~ A IOI Costa Meu . Calr I Of n11 92626 )' Ab•tare Ou1cn. Inc (CA). ZZ~ S Bentle A•t l O\ Ancelu C1hforn11 90064 n This bu\1neu cs con ducted by • c0< pooho Ha~• you started doll' bu\lneu yet? No Ab1t1re O.s11n. Inc Hamid Nader. Treasure Thrs statement wa filed with the Count Cieri! of Orana• Count on 01/16/0J 200Htl0061 I I s 1 y 01111 Piiot r eb 7, 14 ZI. 28. 2003 r t 3 5 Re-.. ..... "-S..... s I The followin1 person are do1n1 buslneu u Jaa Auto O.tall, 1919 l••rence Cenyon. Si 011do C1nyon. C I· A 92676 I. Rk htrd LH L1wrenca I 19191 Lewrence C.nyon Sllv1t1do Canyon. CA 92616 I Thts 1>111-n IS con d~tad b)'' In indlYldul ....,, )'Oii II.If led ..... buslnau ,.n "° R1eh11d L .. L1w1enc: " • This slltemMI we I flied with tM Count Clttll of Ot•n1• Count onOl/a'Ol ~, .... y ' . DlllY l'ltol ,.-. 1. 14 21. ti. 2003 fl 36 1 A $ • l a fidlllM ..... "-S....... R The follow1n11 person\ re do1n1 businns as est Assured Security ervoce 909 N Bayhont C. B1lbo1 Island CA 2662 s • 9 D C1e 11 01y Ma t k onahue. 909 N Bay ront IC, Balbu Island, A 92662 I c d Thts busonH\ 1s con· ucted by "" md1v1dual Have you sl•rled dome usoness yet' Ye• 06 21 999 b I C1e11ory M Oon.thue Fh1s statement was f c tied with the County ltrli ol Oranee County n 02/2S/03 0 700HtJ4761 Daily Pilot f eb 28 Mar 7 . 14, ZI , Z003 F 182 Rdlll.llllilless "-S....... lhe lollow1n11 persons tt dornt business as Phoen" Mana11ement 4 s It N Brookhursl Street Suite 214 Aiu e1m C•hlornca 92801 h ( le lnvtslnienh I LC CA) .,It N BrookhUt \I Slreel Suole 21 4 An• he1m C•lttorn1a 92801 Thcs bu.,ness 1s con dueled b~ L•mcled I 11b1hly Co H~ve yov started dotnt bus1ne\\ yet' Y". OZ OJ/2003 L le ln ¥nlnitnh LLC. tanne lhuH1tn le Member I lh" \lattmenl was •led with the County Clerk of Orange County un 02/2~/03 700,.U47S3 Daily Pilot f eb 28 Mar 7.14.ll.?003 1186 Rdl"-I .... "-*'-" lhe lollow1n1 persons ire dome bu'>one.-u •I OC P1opt1ty Compa ny bl Oun1e County Pr09trly Comp•ny c) OC Properllu. II) OC Prop Co ~140 81tch St Suite 100 lhwporl Buch Cahforn1a 91660 Aleunder S Velland1 4 Andrsu Ir •one. C1k Ofn•a 92614 ' This bu\lnt'I<\ I\ con ducted by •n 1nd1•1dual lta•t you stir ltd dome bus1nen yet1 No Aleunder S Velland1 fh1s st11emenl wu 1led with lht County Clerlo. of Or1n11t Covnty on 02105103 2003Hl7S30 I Dlllly Pilot f eb 7 14 21 28 2003 fill Rdlll. ..... "-S....... The lollowm& person\ are doine busintu u Clean 1<1tty Comp1ny. 61 Ntl(ht Heron Altso V1e,o. CA 9Z6S6 Karen V1u11h1e1. 61 N1£ht Heron. Ah!tO \11e10. CA 926~ Jolene Poncombe. 10011 811chwood, Hunttn(lon Buch. CA 92£>46 This bustnes.s ts con- ducted by a eene11I putne•"'lp Have you started d<Mnt bus1nes.s yet' No K1ren Vaulhltr fh1s stetemenl wu hied with the County Clerli ol Oran1e County on 2/4/0J 200Uts72" 011ly Pilot f t b 7. 14. 21.Z8. 2003 f l25 ........... .......... The followrnc persons are do1n1 business as. SoCalWed. 280 C•1ney Lene 120!1. Newport 811ch, Cahforn11 92663 Sar 1h Ann CtvendlMI· Boulton , 280 C11ney Lane inos. Newpott Bt1ch. C1Jlfo1n11 92663 SHn Merk Cnendisll· Boulton, 280 C11ne1 Lene nos, Newport Retch, C1llt0fnl1 92663 This business Is con· ducted by; husllJlnd Ind wife He1t1 .,ou st art Id dolr\I buslnns J•t1 Mo Set Ml Allfl Cnendlsll eo..tton Tiils 1t1t...,.nt wn folH with Ult Counlr Ci.II of On11,. Countr Oii 02/25/03 MUffMlf7 D.ity l"r40t Feb 21. ..... 1.1•.21.2003 rm ........... ......... Thi foMo-. ,.,_ .,. Oolfll ... sineu .. : KeUley llte4i1 Gr141t> • 20271 SW llrcll f200. :.gort l11ch, CA 1t1<h1td M Kettler. 2027\ SW Bwdl 1200, :a;gort l11cll. CA n.h llttMlleu II con-MtHW.•11~ ttew;..aarw .... ....._ ,.t? v-. Ol/ Ol/l• llkW•• K.-., T1lla ........... ....... c:..tr Cllrtl ., Or ... c....-, •ll/llM ......... Diii"" r-.1-. n a•.1.-nil Katina Economides and Sara Showalter went 3-4 in the 100 ~ with times of I :05.70 and 1:05.71. Megan Walker was fifth in the 1M with a 4:29.13, followed by Cheryl Jennings and Kim Wong. who went 7-8 with times of 4:35.35 and 4:38.75, respectively. Wong was sixth in the I 00 breast { 1 :06.34) and Kim 0o was sixth in the 100 backslTO.ke {57.50). NEWPO HT Bf:AU I - Newport llarbor High senior Amy Burlingham. a Parad e AJl -American in girls soccer as a 1unior, i' playing for the under-19 U.S. na tional team in an international f:vent that hegan Mund.ly in Mexico. I he event, wh1th p 1l'> tht• American'> dgt11n'1 Lhe MeXJcan women·, nation al leam 1n d i.t>rse' ul 1·xh1h1 11on'>, conllnut'' through ~unday. The Anteaters went 7-8 in the 1,000 behind a vareh, Alexia Sheridan and Codi Jensen going 1(}'20.02 and 10:27.80, respectively. Hurlmgham. ii lollr yt·ar standout fur lht· "l .. ulor'>, ha'> '>igm.·d to pl.iv l ollrgi ately at I t•x.J" Shannon Coskran was dghlh in the 100 Hy (59.n). Rc:tlllalllilm ... s...... The lollowtn& persons are dom& bvs1ness as Oealers 01oly 7480 Harbor Blvd • Costa Mesa CA 92626 Franch1st Dealer Ser vices, Inc , (CA) 2480 Hatbor Blvd Cost.r Mna. CA 92626 fll1s business ,., ton ducted by o corpor 11ton Have you \tarted doml bu>1neH yeP Ye. 6/01 fr anch•se Oealer Str vtee\, Inc , Jorn Oillon, President lhos ~latement wa~ fried wtlh llte County Clerk ol 01 ante County on 02/llr03 700'69330 .. Daily Ptlol fob 71 28 Mar 7. 14 ZOOJ r lf>4 FldlllM IMess --.s...... The following pt1>0n\ are dorng bu\lnt\\ a\ Spec1.thly f •n1nt11I 114 36th SI Newpurl 11 .. ~11 CA 92663 SP<!etaltty f 1n•n<•41 11 l CCA1 114 16th <,1 N•wport B~4• h I II 9?663 Legal Notices 2640 I Legal Not!~ 2640 L993l Notices 2640 su111ng I JOO Adams 1'•• I flditiM l4'liltu Suit• 14( Co\t• Me\• lid•e y-1u ''"l~d l111nr .._ S.....__. CA 971\7£> nu,111e\S yrl N , -- Nol hul•s P.nus I JOO Brandurt Krup•I p.,,.,, Ada"" A•e Suolt 14[ !ht\ \IJltm•trl , .. , Co\l.t Mt \d CA 9/f,'lf, lll•d N1lh lht r •ur•tv Thi\ bu\lne\\ 1\ lun lei• vi !Jr •hit• ( ,,.,nt t dutled by 411 md•••du•I ,n O? lb OJ llaY~ y<iu •l~rl~cJ ""'Oi 70036934'1'10 bu"n"" yrl' Nu D••ly Pilot I •b Ill M~• N1thnl4\P.tn11\ 1 I~ ~ lh1\ \l~temenl w.s fidltllus lusiltu ltl~d w11h lhe f.uunly "-S........ Llerk ot IJr 3nge l.trutth on 0212'.i O.l 20036'134762 0.ltl)" P11111 f eti Ill MM 7 14 ?I ?()()! f 1111 flctltiM~ MmeStll...t Th~ lolluwon& P•l\u11•. art du111~ bu''"".,' d\ Ntw Wu1 Id f nl~t pr''"" JI> 10 C.11n1n111nwr.lllh Avf-I ull,.ttt1n t.•htur n1a 928ll Cr•gu•y Rl.tkt H1n11111J 94'll \tin Way W••.t rrun~I" L•hlnrn1a 'i~I ltu• tHJ''"""'"·' 11 tnn f1Ul ff'"d hy .UI Hl•JtVt•fU I~ H,._,,. tou ·.t.u trn •t' .,.,, bu~llit"\. trl l t'4 "' C.1•1t•n ( Bl•~e ftmn cl Hh· •.t4h•m.-nl • • f1IPd w1lh lh,. ( •unt t t lf"f1; ,, ,,, '"it" • 1mtt lh1· ''·'''"',...'4' •tlf"tl wit h u1 .. h tk •• Ill""~'· ~ ,., l)l 11 IJ 2003693301 s .J4•1( l'tl I 1 rL 14 .II /IS M., •t~t I •1 .Ht: df11U~ t>u\m.-·., t• 1 tJmmurut f « 1•tf1r•1rr .. A\,DClftlrt_. i'?4•, Vt• t l Huerl" N ... woort b .. • f, • 1'YIWJ 1.ottl'!' w M• 1_.dr 4'' t.:. .t~ 't/1·.t..t H\1• r I• N• wvvr t Mr.Jr t1 A 'Uh{.(I ..... ll'\lflf".•. \ f ti 'r.1 'f tt• nO"lf'ldl ... H••• , ••tteo .j. •• n.._ I•'•\ II•• , .. , Ni,, It ... fJ, Ref tun• ft t' 1.1lf'"'Utf1t w••~ ~ Ir ft It' fr1f ! ()Ulth ,...,. ' HttnXt' ( "V"'' I I! 2003U lJ04J rJ .. ,, f 11 ' f t t.1 I')' Y ttl } 'OOJ 14 :I rir.s I' l11lh1W>tf1 i fjef '\Ofl'I. '' • l ••fir fHf$1nt~\ d !'.• • •' /vnt I '111'1 fl• t t l1l;d ~u•I• I ~ M ~ ,nlfngtun St..-, • ~ r ·f,41! .,, Ju ll)(Jl.4 ii· 1 I nur 1. fl, 9//0il T t tJu\U1~\. '' u• 1. ,,. t., dl1 ,n\J ..-ut..i•I •1 ..,. •••u l•tlt-c1 ,,, ,n~ f II .. ,. Wjlll Yf' c ' ) ' . "' t v tf ~ • t .. "'. ' N•fft lht t ''*"•. "I Oj .... unOI lJ [JJ Thts bU\rnes\ I\ <un 70036930823 ducted by l1m1ted lU••h P•lotf•·b lh-. fqll tWI01· ..... ,. •f ., .. tSom•· bu-.n ... t. .- 2003'93 I S74 ", P11 I f f'b J I '001 ·>-¥\1 I) I l•ab1hty Cu hb 4 l 1 ?OOJ Have you ~tatted d<1•ni bu"nos yet' Nn Spet tahty f 1nanflal I 7~ I lf,'J [J_.C..f"\,.tt... lnvp.: tn. r•h H71 '"""' •I l ''" ti r • W H .. , n<, LLC Adele Perry Mdn•ee• Thi~ \IAlement w•~ ftlec:t W•lh lhr Lounly Cl~rk ul Oran1tt C11unly on 214 03 70036937224 Daily Pilot r eb 7 14 21 28. 2003 F l l 8 RctlliM ltlsilKs •s...... Tht tollow1n1 pel\on~ are dom11 busmes> i \ CS Fltctron•C\ 17'>00 Ci1llelle Ave lr•tne CA 97614 CS System\ in, <CA), 17~00 C1ll~lle Ave lrvtnt CA 9Z614 Tll" busmus 1\ con ducted by a <eo1po1<11ton Have you stuttd doint hus1nns yell Yes CS System> Inc Ch•"' Schwult P1esulenl lhos slalement wa\ hied with lht County Cletk of Oran1e County on 02 11 03 7003HU063 Oa1ty Pilot r tb 14 ll 28 Mat 7. 2003 r ISS ~ ...... •s...... Tiie followone persuo\ are do1n11 business a \ WOLLMAN ASSOCIAllS I 0 Hauer\ton Aisle Irvine. CA 92612 l ewos H No\lnow, JO Haue1>ton AISie, Ir vme CA 92612 Thi~ bus1neu 1s con dueled by an 1ndmdual flave you ~tarted d<11n11 busrnen yet' No ltWI\ H NoHnow This s l•ltmtnt wu filed w1lh the Counly Cieri! ol Oran'e County on 02/ZS/03 200S6tJ4 7 51 011ly PtlOI r eb ZS M11 7. 14, 21. 2003 Fl84 Re-. ..... .......... The lollow1n1 persons i re dorn11 busmen as A.B W fmanc11I Coo fictlti9's 1usi9tu ,A 'JI~, IQ U•I ~'M• • ,. I -5....... '.c1mtt1 -.,.1 I"'" t ,w,..• fh..-tulluw111•' Ut'f',rnt· I (A'"•' tU ,., ~ t.lv•'l;i bu•.uit. 4, 1 t11~. tnp.111"'"\ Arnt! rm,uu 11f t}4'i I durlflrt tiy a11 ui111v1ttu1I *.;outh <.:11 •\t ()II\"" \wt,. H tvr 1• ~ -.l dflf"d J•""" 600 l ,,. Id Ml"··d l ,,h bu~.rn~~· 't t"l / 'ft ~ f I th forn1.1 91676 11 1 l1•0•2t 1 11.re;ro' 'J4':1 I"' 11,.1 e•M• Suuth C.u•\I D11•1 .. utlo• llw ".laltn1~nl W·I' £>00. Cu\I~ M• \d , I 4h 111,,,1 W•lh llo> 4.uunl~ lurn1<t 'Jlfolb C'h•1> 111 0!•111•1 t 11u11t1 I ltl\ bll".111•\• I\ ' "" '" ()? l'I 111 du• ltd by 11n tnd1v•d•1•I 20036934758 llnt VIJii \lar lrll 1!<1111~ [l•1l1 P1IC1I r •b ZR M•• bu•.tne'•'· Ytl' Y• I 14 71 'Oii! I 180 c.~1112tl A111y1u· ~..-U lht!t '.+tttft+mcnt w..t I hied '"'"' lht ruunl. ,._ s.._. r1rr1' of Or.tO)Eff { nunt" lh .. h1tlc1wtn~ r'lt•f'\Ult' on O? O!i OJ u e du1n~ bu\•ne\" 1. 70036932446 Skom Wur~'. 4l4 Riv.• O•tl1 P1l11t f tb II 18 I '·•d• Avr N•w11 "I M•r 7 14 ZOOi f lb'> be~<h LAqlf>bl lht tollowonv per M •ff dutne bU\IOO\ "' M1uil Consull•na Crvutr 4.)9 H•m•ltun .t.201 Cu\ ta Me• . ., (,. 9'l6ll Tnoma\ llottl M1\#lo. 4J9 Hamilton AIOI t;n,ta Mn a r.A 976?/ f h1' bu..-nr'~ 1•. t.nn du1 led by •" 10dtv1011•i H••e vvu \I•• lwrl doonR bu\ont\\ ~et ' Yt\ luly I ?00? lhnmd' 11 .. r1 M•v~ HttM•d A Mrlnlurti 4 ~ Rrv"t\1ct,. Av,. flfcwtt•1• I t:h .. h l,A 'Jt&l.1 J ht\ t'U'"»lllt:~\ • • ,n I Jul h~cJ I v •n md~"•du111I H'"' ytJO \t,tflt:"d dHUI .. hu,,n .. •.• yrt' Nf\ Rlfh••t1 A M1C11lo11 ll ltti\ o.,tdl•m,.nt ,..d.,. ltl•t1 w1lh lhe f ou11I• Llt't~ l•t Ord!nit Cnuu?y jll} 4 01 20036932 206 0d1ly f'rlul r •t• I 14 ?I 78. l003 I I '4 Rdlll.~ ... s ....... ""'" ·' " t ~ , r I 4 IH 20036932223 VA•IY P11. I I 1 l 'l .'r! lOO t H f ! I Hu t11H•..1Y¥1t•1 '''" • ' Ht dt1H1; hw lln '. f\ I h:~l(-1"1 N , l H •ut1iaw• 4 10 S Ifft ,ti ~1'' ~t."'#rp µut t L(, ·'' tt I A 1f 1ttt t MY A, "'''" '"..;4t• ~..,.., w'''" t 1 r"t111111.111 A 'MJll lh1 I 1;• H.,'\. 1• tHl 1 dvl ,,.d n. "'' 11'111,..rtuAt tf,111• fi>IJ l,Uft-0 dn•n• UH' lnfil" f~t f~... 0.' Ill /(}( Mt A114.t • lh1 t 1t .. n1~nt ftlt"t1 ""'''' •tit· J'6t'-. I ·U '"•'t" "PI ll• 20036'133066 D•·lv P,1 t f •t Mdr 1 ,1)()< "'I ,.,,,, ltnl'f ~ •I I I • ft1,.. r, Uuw1•1.-Pt"f'-•U ,u t" dmn1 tu1• tnl> ' .. ~ ' • "' /\ 1•1.111•. 'll 11 "'f" .. d.ft" tt. •t111•t10••1n,, H~ .. h I A 9'>J..4h • • t ··II• •w•n> p ..... ,,,, 1 ,. l'11 •tl1V hU\1Ur• ~r M.11 ... nmun1 ~.tlnn "IA tt·m t W1nd\unt 1utt ~I" A•• , f 8 I" d I t ( .. 'J lt,,L S W "' tld A ( ,,... t, W1nrl' 1H1~ C till' I Nrw I''" I H•~• h A 'l7fil> ! r~,. hu\ln•0~\ 1• 'nn dut h cl t,y •n nd1v1du•I Htt-v• ,.,.u 'J.l.itftf"fJ d.unr. hu\11t1.. vrt ,..1.1 W<iH.•l"'A. 1,.,0 Tt1 l.tt;o(fl,.r;t 111J11• f11"~ iN•tl tht" 1 11unt~ trf\•, d '11 .,,,,._ ' .unt , ,., r• 1 11 I) I 200:SU3307'1 !t.t•lv f' I• I r tt 111 M 11 ;H)(H frir t ·II ""'"V [t•f' n\ ,,,. tJu• ",.,. _. •I ..,,.,_. q, ' Al v•1t A..-.. tw• ~..... ,,,, ,, .. f .,..,.,..,, f ·•" "'' a.t"nur .. ,,,,,,,., rt 1 tiu-...n,-. • ,on H Ht'f I 1t•1fd ldyt1.ir tut ft1 I tiy .,1• i11.ti••du•I QJ l l Ri·-:·•" • Ch Hun H "'r i111u tot•t•d ctn1na tinrt ·n Fitd ti L A '!I f)4ti hl1\1tw'\· yt·t N Ow t•u'\•n" ... ,.. "1'1 1, t\'I f, .,,. '" l <1th tt'"tt n., ,., 111t11v1t11 t fhi• • '''"'"'''""' w~u Thi\ \l•lcmtnl w•· filed with lht t.11u11ty Cl.,1k nl OrAnl!t Cuunty un 02 0£> 03 700369375'4 lt~v,. 111t1 • l.irt,.rt fh1m~ t1lf'ld 'Ntlh ,,,.. County Thei fotlowin~ JHll\Ufl' hu\mtt'' ytl' Nu , ,,.," 't IH.tf\ .... rounty .. ,,. \Jnllttr: bu!lotnt'\ t\ HMf ~ (1A';'10f tlrt 02 1b q. Oa1ly P1101 I ell 14 71 'l8,M11 !/()()I 114/ fidHlm l4lliltu ,._s......, lht followona P~"""\ .tre do•nv bu\lnt\\ a\ Wot l..<i<UI Ol\l1tb11l1nn ?011 W•ll•< t Ave • J • IJ\11 Mna I •1tf111n11 92627 B1 •ndon l'.1u11e1 Puw e1 '1017 W4111< • Av~ •l Co\l.t Mn• I •h IOfnl.t 9?627 lhos bu\lnns n •un ducltd br a~~ Scµ1 \ Allwney Set ""~ Thi• .. t~lr•rtwrll "• 200:S693S0 20 141!!1 Yorha !.I •100 lllell w1lh lht I uunly IJAoly l'tl· I'•' 18 M:t• fu\1111 C•lllorn1• 11"680 CIP<~ 11• """~e c >11n1 1 I / 14 ?I >m• f 114 S~p•dth M~1d~don 6) 011 07 11 0 3 Shearwat•r Pl Ne-wporl I 2003••33082 Br4t ll Cdhlo1n1a q/660 I D~•lv P1l11I ftb 14 ?I Tht\ bU\lnP\\ •~ con Z8 Mar 1 .?00 3 f I '>4 du1 led by An 1no1.1du~I fittililB lllsilfts Ma•• ynu 'larlrd doing bu-sine•.• lftl 1 y,... I., ?O ?007 Srp1d•h M.i1dtdtn Thi\ 'l•lrm'fll w h lolrcl wtlh tile I nu11ly l.lerk "I Or•n11e < <1unrv on 07 IO·Ol 20036937'75 UA1ly f'1lot fell 78 M.ir 7 14 11 200J f l1J T ht tollowmt ptr \<111• Are dotn~ bu\tOe'\~ 411\ l\dvan< rd C1111oprart" and Hraltll Sy•I~''" 18003 S~yp11~ (111 Ir !;t~ J 1t11n~ [A 9)t; 14 Je:r omt (' \e&Jfl R~ rue h• ?8066 Ctvno1 .. vn <.11urt l a&un• li•llllfl CA SELL your stuff through cla ss1f1ed! STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?fi • • • • • • • • • • • TIN Legal DqHzrtment at the Daily Pilot is pkasrd to announce 11 new un11Ct MW avllilabk to new businesses. ~will now SEA RCH tlN nAme for you at no t'Xtnl rh11rr.e. ands.aw you tiK time mu/ the trip ro the Court Houst in Sant4 Ana. Then. of roune, after the se11rch is eompkutl wt will fik your fictitious business name Jt4tnnent with tiK Co1mty Cln*, pub/iJh one~ a Wttk for fo11r rmelts 4S rt'luirrd bJ Lzw and then fik JOI'' proof of j>#blialtion with the Cnnty Ckrk. Pk11se nop by "'fik J<>"' fictiti4us businm sl4tnMnt at ~ Daily Pilot, 330 W. &y SI. °"'4 MtSL If you CJtJJnot '"'P by. pk11H CJJl us 111 (949) 642-432 I 11n4 wt will~ 11m1ntrmmts for 1"'" to "4""1.t this pro<M4rt by wutil If!"" slxnJJ INiw ""l fonhn-tp#ltiom, pk11se adJ "1 11n4 wt wiJJ ~ ""'" tho tlM/ # MSJiSI JOfL GooJ /MC/t i11 J'I"' MW l>MJinm.' DailyJIPilot , -----~-~_.-.-·-----~---~---~· -------.-----..-----~-----------· ---·-•-''"'"'- Policy How to Place A ..----Deadlines ---- Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notiQ!. The publisher reserves the right to censor. reclassify, revise or reject any classified advenisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for \.\hich i1 may be re'ponsiblc except for the coM of the • • CLASSIFIEJAD -iii . . . Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00p~ 1 By Fax (949) 63 1-6594 ! Plca>e md..O. Y"'" namr and phone number and ,.e'll call ~ou bad -.11h a pnc .. quoce.) By Phone (949) 642-5678 By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Al Newport Blvd. & Bay SI. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm pace actually occupied by the error. flours Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. ANNOUNCEMENTS [~ & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL l'ecJflc View componlon uypt ld1;11n1I• lour! S@•,.. i.o•r•K•011?'>. ~ ll•'liJJI ..... ~ fut 2 lov•lll [>:!lnel ~ 949 651 02f>I Colledibf es/ Memorabilia 1160 JOI' SS 4 RECORDS nc kw..~ ltc~\&ID\ ,(II. Alll'l !iQllt lube MTv> M1~1! ~49 645 7505 ENTERTAINMENT ~arof e; 1310 EQUAL HOUSllG OPPOIT1JITY All real e~IMe adv"' '"'"It on !hi<> nrww•11~· r: '>Ubl~ll ti• the fl'dt1al au ttou"ne Act of 1968 s am~ndrd whoc h al.t'> 11 1lleK•I lo dvtrh~t! .my 1J•efe1 nte llm1tat1un or ~1"rom1nahon ba\t!d on ralr lolor 1'hgmn ~· h•nd1tap familial \Latus or nahon .. 1 origin or an 1ntentoon to make any \Ulh prefrrPncr. hm1IJ lion or d1su 1rnon .. 11nn • l hi~ ll~W\pdj)t'I Wiii nc.I hn11wongly .1c• PPI dO'f adv~f li\em~nl fur IPJI t!\ldt~ wt11ch '' '" v1ol.1tmn of lh• l•w Our readt•'> .,,. li.r•bv informed 11t.1l •II rJ#ell tni.t' c1dvt·111\f"··d '" lh1.,. nt-w,pap•r .,. •• •thble 1111 dn rqu.ll rtLJJ)•·' lw11ty b.1\1' f II (.OMpl.tin hf cJ1~ I 11m11Mtion • all l~Ull 11111 ••~at I 800 474 8!>90 1433 Older Styt. Fumiture PIANOS & Collectibln •Ac .,._.:~ • • .. .. • to.. O"-.•. SS CASH PAID SS WE BUY ESTATES 22'2S..IWllSt. .._AM,CAt2707 ... •1"""l. ..,.... • "" ~ 1419 [I] 2305-2490 Estate Sales 1486 N.l ./So1. a 12. I urn gld\\Wdf. hOU\Cl hold 1le111s k1lthen item\ & dpl)IS t h111A & lllOI ~· I SOO Ruth Lone (off Dover) htote Sole SO Yeon 111 goods' r 11 & Sat 7 30 noon Anl•Qut~. hnlue. trA*:I "l ri*\:, w<Jy ~ t'lt 12l!91 Wocdlflld. CG @ C..<1111 C:,o-;e llt!HMba Garage/ Yard Sales 1419 48 fomlly Rumm09• Sole pr ot eed\ to bPnefol Sun\hon• Cr• Oil p,,. -.chool I 11 f el> ?8 & S...l M111th I /,1 lp 011 Pr~~ hy1~11,1n C:l111r ( h of th~ C:nvtnant ?8"JO f d• Vl!'W (al Ad,1r11' '""''Id Ml>..a CM SAT 1 -1, 277 le 293 Me•o Or Several fem 111 e• /furn I tu re, <hlldren• clothln9 & toy• ond ,,,.,<h mlu Cosio MHo SAT 1 ·2, 433 l 61h Pl., Mo¥1ng Sole, furn, cletlte•, atereo e""lp, bo ..... Item• APT SAll Thur·frl 8-12 !?4 V11 to11J '11701 f v~r vt """' 11111\I go l\nlUtll~\, I nlltH l1blt'\ ""' ''' rtlro~ tr~drm \el w do .~ r l11ln"' NPI ON UDO ISU SAT I 11, 216 Vlo a.a, l)<I•·· '~111 ... "-fll!IJr• /') p,..A, .. l~·­ l\ll~r f ti•" otr nlla.1¥rn1 H.8./Sol Som 1414 Dover Or. f"WPll y dllllQll"' hou~ huld wrnd\ br~•k' i..li>t~ & 1111111 ull1r1 \lufll' Lost 1505 l OSI Bl Al;K LllB CltOW MIX h yr\ old. malr [ .l't · ... ~n 4011! on N"w""" R~dt h Rtwar d 114 "J 4941 , Pll 714 no 776'> lHI 009 CO\l.J ~ No>W\IOI t .., ea on 2/l'!> l .tb M" 1 t!ddt!ih b< own white tt>Mt Lll>br 949 631 710'5 APPLIAHCES 3050 Mcrytog Wosher /Dryer lllmond tol111 ga\ dryer. 7 y~lH old S400/bolh 949-640-0194 HOME FURNISHINGS Furniture 3435 SlHl'lR SOFA Queen Beauty Resl l 1ke Ntw S195 NB 949 645 1809 l ESTATE FOR SALE JEWELRY I 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coast Coln Needs Old Coon&' Cold. solver. iewelry. watches. •nloques <.ollectibles 949 642 9448 3610 0.,./l(ltfles _... WWW~Qf& Pets ll P\bk ~ r asi-. Island 9$644 U79 Al& 'IAY for momma e<1V i"'! al luttens g,eat ~ 949-533-0411 Kittens round on Bus he) need bolt lefe~de1 '> Help Save loves All e~penses paid Animal Netwnrh 949 533 041 • CM/~L 13a 16sf, 1 soo w.dt .. Nowpwt llv4. 949-673-1 tU 0.-...dA-Lec. CclM office Spec.. Quiel lurnrshed 0H1<.es to sh1We with CPA Cenlr~lly located on Co.Isl Hwy Ukl/rno 949 7fl.J 9033 HOMES FOR SALE LA COUNTY-5200 LONG BEACH& VICINITY '"""°',.. ,.. ,.,..,~JCJ to " Bew.~ r~r. 1Q&d r q-.. 1-t Lang ....... Lg stuole, "" I.Ill.hen ...... Ill l~. ? bt>d<s to bea<Jl $n!i 414 Abn 562.4Jl ~ HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Corona del Mar So ef l'CH-77 3 Avococlo Blocks to tht! Ocean S417.000 28r l'bi! 2c '"' One level/eloat0< po<>I agt Monl<.d 949 646 8659 CostaMesa OPEN SUN 1-4 134 Monie Vost• Jbr 2 !'Iba OU ACHlO ~•ng lam home Ho t eol s. r1own molding, shutters Bo\e ~ound ~ystcm Reduced to SSOS,900 Mary fewel Re/Mn 949 646 9670 lao1Mcle R-2 3&+2 5Ba 2Sr •I Ba Mo\le 111 condr hon Ill! Cosia MeS<I St S749.IXXl art 949-933 6786 Studio, private pallo & en tr anct! Relrog. inti uhl & cable 19th & Harbor S700/mo 949 310 3258 Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Index . - ', .. ' , , I I 7412-7466 Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm .. m 'I ; , >. • • L'ndL·r thl' Sl'n·ice Di rec tory Banner lllHSIO Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week " SOOS·SISO I -· ·-· I I'' f ..... ,so For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Cal Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 ('SI... 281 !Ba. Rar. encM yid. w/d hkups. newly remodeled. pet oil $1?50/mo 949 642 6558 Laguna Beach Ol'lN HOUSE SAT-SUN 1-4 962 SUMMIT WAY Outstanding ocean views• 4b• 2 5ba 3 decks. 2 ca1 attach Rar Sl.395.000 John Farrow ReMio 949 3?2 0932 NOftTH LAGUNA lropocal bealh houw 2bi I 50d. walk lo bt!ach flom thfs Ollf'n home wrth an arlrst touch ag1 . lnJ..605. 7S37 Lido Isle euee1su e Bes1 Value Lowest Pi iced ( honlll/lol) 35lt lol REmOd, 1100;! •oltill!e 2llr 2ba 'l l 11.. c;, eat 2hd hon11: RIDUCIJ) .. $849,000 0,.. s.e-s... 1 ... 117Vloa.t ~949-~ 714 :l)]-4214 WA~ RCDUCED S24k ON n£ BA y S3l>,IXX) Mede home. be5t loc. no rml l'ICJease for the ne•t 23 yr~ BealJ fTIU'i( -2br ?I>.\, jf;,nrte C'™1 IT\lfl'ble Ip, battrna mu:h more Own/~ 9$67J.5Ea> IONITA CANYON Ol'IN SAT -SUN 1-S 10 Wlntlw-Of> 38R 'l 5BA home St!p ,., all' office euest su1tt! By Owner SI 175.000 949 644 8288 ACT FASTI Duplea3/2.Sltl,OOO l~C~ Av~,SJaS,000 .................... 949-2904121 ............... Newport C<est Condo Uwaded thrOUf!tlt end Ullfl 7br 2 5ba, Per RO floor\, all 2c gar $449.ax> agt. Raquel ean-714· 389 4989 or 714-J34.44!K} NEWl'OU HllGHTS OUl'UX Co1y. Compact. quiet. rts1denhal. neoahbor hood $599,950 By Owntr 949 922-3714 PRIM( lSTATlS PATRICK TlNOIE NATIQNWIO( USA 949-IS6-970S www patr1cktennre.com 2lr n.+ den, Harbor View Knoll. patio on er~. ..,-eat location. $'1400/mo Avlitl lmmecially "ii . StAMI 949-795-VJI YINTAGl COTfAGl HOMI, l'lUS INCOMl. GHAT ARIA AGT.t4t-723-1120 AESllJENTIAL RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Stops ......... ~ <'Bt llUFFS SPACIOUS l-IBa. dlw. w/d. fp. 14> PUN Jer. FR m•sler oo £"aded Sl850m Y'1Y n:kb main level. pro<.ed to sell utls, 11/pets. 9119-JJG.~13 $599,000 949 219 2414 4 lled.s from Balboa Pen1n WedRe buch' Charmine 2b<. I l/4ba l'"tSluff Sf• 31, 21 •• Rated home close to rash l~I. \chools & shopping 949 640 5399 Newport Coast Of'(N SAT-SUN 1-S 3 Supre"'o I levt!I home 2br. •den, G3ted 'ornm SIS 1,000 A •-ch ef ltoly 41or 2 Sb1. St11da home Sl,72t,OOO Italian style Sbr 5ba. ap pro• 18.000 lo 19.~f S3,4tS,OOO 2 c Ra•. sine story. sma family home Pet upon approval Yrly $1750/mo 96-721 ll'.!l 96-Z»!lm CoronadtfMlr '-1tlt Stuole w/fun sue kttchen & bath, pvt enlr and back pat10. So uf Pch $900/rno. 949 SJ3 S315 21r p1tl0. F p, I &" I carpotl, S1575/mo llr, $1150/mo 2 Blocks to BIR C0<on• 949 760 9020 211 llAAPT Over I car aar. wdhkups ·no pet~ Sl750/mo call J lr, 210 H-on 8th la11w~y Santa Ana Country Club $2,200/mu '49-U3-6S19 ....... .._ ...... Sa· vano\f,h Ln Er 2.5&, den llv rm. 11ra<Mte <XU11a' llJIJS. jJWZ2I llll>. 2:c p . Behw.erl S;;rJtJ Ma and lrw1e S28Xl,.I mo 51 949-28J.a.n.; Newport Badt IAYntONT ON LIOO PENINSULA NlW 21r 210 COTIAGlS P11vale Buth. Pool and Spa Wallo. lo Oc@an. Shop~ and Restaurants lease 6/mo 2 yr + Boat Slop Available 710 UDO l'AlJ( OR. 949 673 603001 949 723 5830 * YlA•lY * U.AstS Bill CAUNOY REAL TORS t49-67S-6161 NIWUSTING Stunnm& award w1nnm& Brookfield home. built on 2000 3br • off ice Ap pr.o• J700sf Sl,7 19,000 wkdays 949 863 1390 2tw 2h ,_., tne. wd. lb1 SI 195 & lb• Sl395 Ip. I& patio w/vu 2 car on the w1ter N• ev- a•r. No smk. sm pet ok erythl,. Le yd. sm boat $1975/mo 949.735 4825 Ok 949 673 7353 alter 6 PLATINUM P•Ol'IUHS Stefanie Meurer 949 715 3156 l'RIMllSfATlS l'AHICK TlNORI NATIONWIDl USA t4t-t5'-t 70S wwwf atricktenore com RESORT/ VM:ATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Olher ResorWICltion Prapet1y 5970 LAI(( TAHCK 2Br 38a lua condo sleeps eieht. II• or tn interest, 1295,000 per 1/4 ean 94!Mi73 01s1 MISCELl.MEOUS RENTALS Rental To Shirt I0.10 C..,.....,. pv1 bt/pvt ba. close to Balboa Is. Ii yd, eat prkf1f. lot of stor 11119 sp. $1 250m. 949-759-0715 NI Sh•re Newer 31r house pr1v1t1 room/bath $550/mo .. 1/3 ullls. fem pref 949 887 1472 OCIAN Y YllWSlll New home 4br 3 Sha 2 story, decorator Jll'(IKI 111 ewoy Wll'f Only toot sll!ps to rxeari ~ bUb and yacht harbor entrance chamef S... ~Av;ijnwl March furn/unlurn SI0.951Vobo ~2311 1 ........... I nw lo beac:h. YlllA oeh. stowJ, "-- eel fan, /TOI Sl9)no I lJ E. 16111 St. A9. for~· ~2421 Nopm 0-lbr Iba Near I~ Scµye Totlly r"'1"0CWed. s&Xllmo. See at 20D ~Ave.71~ !Ir's from S875/mo w/car '" lovely &illed comm ,_ 111 Square lfqe. Indy lac~ Klt<rl Mf1rl. sn 704 8649 •9200 Lrt 1 Ir, new carpet ' paint. cvrd car port 277 16th Place •3 $1100/mo no pets. 949·720·9422 21r. 2 Futl Mtti, uppe•. 2·c detached g11. bal cony. new/carpet/palnV appls, $1595/mo 3023 Lanas Bay 714 865 2252 3lr 2le WSlde. 2 sty. fnc.d. 5nwo to bc:h. pet ok 994 Trllbuco C. Av.ii Now $1~ 714-5'2-8718 Vl"4o l'elnt c-clo I b1 Iba h.1. wd. patio. ft"' U\Oc pool gym. sated Sl575 mo 949 675 2514 IAYlllDGI &aled comm 2llf Iba Ii deck w d ref! 'It 111c1d no srM&fpeh $1850/rno 949 291 "YJ72 WIST NIWP'OIT ~ 3Br ZBa. Z lg dech Ra• ail" • t¥PQI t I blli to bead1 S24IDn 949-644-6266 Goted S.... Stry lB• 2Ba. det hse. 2 c alt ea•. NC . ....o:m! !XlOO. tmu.. ~ $i1111)119&'/m 1219 ................. LRh 2 5ba w/retreat rn pied c.onm. w/llOOI. !II»+ JM y111 d s:Dn'mo ae1 Parbdl lenore.~ (....,, • a. ....... ~, bad.y•d w/rac. c:ul"il! sac. quoet "'9lbor hood, IN ,_ $3200/mo+ sec. A,,_ l'I 5,.-03 949-9!P 252'1 IUe kle 4br .lba. deo. enf(ly lido lrf~tyle·s.i~inR. tennis. 222 V1a Palermo $3200/mo 949·675-7168 0,... s.t 1-4. Westclrff lam•y homt 4br .lba. I& badlya<d. $3400/mo aet David Prone~ 714-812 5668 OCIANF•ONT UNDH2MIWON 1nn•HU .. YI AGT. t4t-72S-ll20 ........ c,._ :h. lll. lb HK( STUDIO I block to sz ITT\ ~ ct.M. 11114 bl. ~ beach. w/d. k1lchent!lle. Fp, QAe al <UTm tllW n/smkr. $795/mo ulls ~ min 949-41.J.lXIZ ...... c.....,. 38r/2Ba, wtyvd, 2 prt.nc ' I e• . new everylhina!! 188 Monte V5la lwM nwl March S21CDn !M9-J7!>.2B16 le.,tr-t l ec:heler apt. brand new. sm yard w/paho, sm dock avail $700/rno • UM.e.teMe 14511 b1yfront view, 41>< 3b•. 2 c pka. docll an11 S4900 t4t-J7J-36SO included. 949-650·0943 BAY 0 T Community Huge I BR I BA w/Hatbor View $lOOQ Gorgeous 2BR 2BA wMarboc, ... ' ~·~~·~ ................. ~ .... , Mlrtll•~fd t,,. ..... ~ .......... ~ ....... w..d ....... ~Caler. .......... ~ .. .., 2lr 21a T """'"''Y ''Y~ ,oodo, r p. 2, gar. tmmed CkLUpaocy, $265()no1 ~ 640 8841 . 949 n; ?'Ji'f· CRYSTAL COVE lfASl/NIW, 2 STOltY ( •p;Jrf!Ne Six 'ilJa ' dt'fl. &',11.e ~dt<I M.trty ClAlom ..,..tur"' !ti v out Dew"'°' tnucht-' ...WX....111! Lor1dS(. ,. ... in» way A.-.-4 I OJ SJ'M. rm AetrJt 96675-2311 Prtml Tmtng 7990 FlUTl U S SONS £ t pd teach" ha\ 11~w npen- 1ng\ '" eo~til Me'!.I ~tud" I IY Sldr k 949 574 O'\ 17 PL IN • . . Plug into the Pilot Classi fied section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters . NEWPORT BEACH • COSTA MESA Daily Pilot Cl assified Community M arketplace '• • • . • p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..L.;;:;::;:;;:.::;::;::;:::.L.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=..L;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J.. ____________ ... .1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J..:::::::::::::::.i..;:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. , ,, e • • • -... Call (949) 642-5678 GETT ' f ' , ·-l500 Aatomobiles 9000 _IO...,.,Oll"°'ll~l::(P~p=-o:r,=,,-:-ba_s_" sltills in computer, hrs Automotive 9004 af'I! open CM 1ru ff• ------~r t•t-541-2201 llW l21He"6 .._.tic ...... W-e<I Who I• I dn •ulo 83k flll Housekeeper CdM S. Sl'J.000 110 3/'l ?'in Cquple seeks hsekpr orelalu:r. Live in pref'd N1<e sepaute qtrs Musi bt &ood Amer cook No pets smokm1. liquor lilusl be clun nut & 1t->Od drrver Our car Mf Jaylol day 949 644 4910 e~• 949 675 7~7 G.,..,., Offke JO 4-0 hour\/week Reception otdtl pr~ Ille autg l'otU\I i.now Quici.book 'MKl ' beet !ncJ.we tu llU a al 9$476-6878 01 \lbnol I tsume & c,;;Milf y 1e qu11men t s l o d1;o!.@~u..n1 IMW '99 7401 6U ml jyf Wdf f dV41I \llVt:f • ~r~y llh1 1.0 h~,. n•w 1 •ond •'>79741 SI I 99'\ lorm l1rn fwl ~vol'I 111.t 949-Sl6-llll www.ocpol.com Co<llHoc S.don DeVllle '18 ~'\I\ "" it"''d wn d1t1"n on & nul SJ.1!.0 '149 b4() /6/4 1>41 9150 Cl"T'l•r llectr~ GlM ?00 J ti• ltll tur 1 tluut kiw 1111 N .. wµ,m I f ,., 'lllJO 'j<l<j ijk/ llhh -ford '00 hcurtlon XlT V IO 7'.11< 1111 • 1IY1·1 1:rry .. ,__ CXUICMIN lthr I II 1111111111~ tu••! fl'> 'HW.lf'SAUTO IMW Hot Se4-'t7 Hare 6·S11ted V8 Low Mole<>! <•18536) $24,980 ,.,......,. ! ....... Stunf!y Black/Bluk l ealhet Ct1tolied t•l88'l81/ S?9.980 Acuro NSX Tor90'00 Speed Yellow l?K mile\' llu11 y• 111900!>1 S~9 91!0 NIH°" JSOZ Trod c...,.e 'OJ ChfUme \1lv•r Nav l t. miles OMV P••d <•19?1 JC) SJS.980 Acuro NSX Coupe '94 Black on 81.o<k le•lh ~• ~ Wt•d Ir •de "' tol':lllll1 Sl4980 IMWl40CI Coupe '97 Shin~y Bl.il k w ln1n••l Gr•y l/llhr ~1-.1 r~«ltd• '"191HOl.1 $)4 980 IMW 3211 Sedon'OO wtute w, 1 ,.m. llht ol I "'•"' & bumper to bumpn watrly ( • 1'11911 $28.'l80 I MW 330CI Ceupe '01 StPel 1tr.iy llhr ~pt Pkg ll~ m1ln' Full BMW Wa11ty' 1•192141 I S lO 980 Chevy Corvette s.1 •• '••"'•"• Ntvtt!XJrl 8eadl -~ v..p kx:aCD'll. lull( lu•,lr~ lokt n-.. I vii/ "•F' I S/ I 4'J1; 11 Coupe 'OO Shine~ Rl~t k on p~r t Bl•tk lthr l'>k m1l~s• ro jlldyrr pr em whls I •19Ullr I S.JO 980 'Wifl~ .Jrlt llrrClree • 16 ~Bdl~ iRll1 M.wjJ..a ~ I() loha1 ~ 96 all OICb n.,,, Ulll t~41lt1blt" ff~t I u,.s .. 1au www.oc~l.com I FORD PllOlf LS ·•o Uuw, , Int b l ya :tuttt ·U l ' .U11t1 flf l)W I• lilt iNtit 1 I• n~w 111,.. & •1 fllu• t• .. • S ll?'i GMC De-II Sport Utll '99 HI.it k w l<tt1'ltht l t'tto"1Pd Btc, whl\f ''"" uwn .. , 1' ,,d,. in -~11 s -.~111 f·,. •. ,, .. ".,.. I •l~ir $/J980 ,AIT-TIMI D•fVH 714 Sl4-760& MON.-FRI. 1-S ,. I ~ . St/HOU• Hoftuo CRY 00 rnl 'I f4t·•7S-2292 lt•ll" ·•• t11ll 11••w••• '' h•w n11J~ S l '1 ':M.ICJ f'u , .. , .. Wl ... lle Hlrf1t9 '144 '•M 4·144 Sl!>K plus \Ii" up bonu\ C.•11 Mon r r1 ] om 7pm Joguor .,, x JI f .... , .... 1800 4648991 l ••O'> 1 1. i.t•"' IM•~llnr ' 1 ' 111--........ ltlP t•n ·~· I I h•lll BAA'i• offic.e ~ Y'\. h p PT 1 wr1I full I• t ~·" Ilk• I t 4 5HRS) NP8 S"lar y 1' "'' S .' 11 4 ~' I 1t "' j r..otr'l'TW"l5t~ta w f'tp r "~ I vK4i'bl4 tmanu"•' J 1 ..t1l I 1d1Jme MM7S-2127 llkr ~4'1 '>kl· lliAA OetelW lypl•t 1~1 -;;; al www.oc.pobl.com "'"'-SIO SIS per lto1u• l..d it-. .,a Oiww.y ~12oh~ Ad•m\ Hur>t I Y,i.. "" while IA•• Bd1 11• n• ?012 !.1~.. ltltt lu~ mnth f"11 YAUT/SBI brn .h ""ur.1 ... • n ..... v /il;b4 I S] 4 995 Ii I PAlllllG ,,.,,.,ng & ... ,, ""••' Ilk• fl & l'l PO\ h~tl l.t• rnume 949 ?'lJ 81tb Mt-nu110 PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 'T«l nee T 0 MAOC RS Ciilofotn1a l~w re quwn that contrac ton lak1111 !Ob" that tot.I $500 or mo•e (labor ot m'teflafs) be hcen~ed by the Con1t1ctors S lale Licens.e Burd St ate ~ .. •lw reQUWe" th•I con tr acto• \ include their ltccnw numbef on all <Klvl'f h\m&. You can dHlck the status or your licensed c on l rat l o r at www1cslb ca 1ov or IOO 321 CSLB Unh ~nsed con Ir actors te•1n1 IOh lhllt ~Ill len than $500 must stale 1n th~111 adverti.emenh th1t ltley are not licensed '1y the Contratton It.ate l1Cl11nH Bo•d " , .... .......... ~fOZ .... YMM l•tall, refaco eebineb. ~ ...... Ce:JIOlll Built ln1, C:r own ~ .... a-els L}Smi2 M9-IJJ.5&t2 ...., .... ~·~,'~1\1 :~·.,fR ,., s ... 1111 --·~···- • c-...t•• •• ,.,.. • Soltw11e Upe••dn. I u l11t 1n1t T111n1n e ConJ!ut" Or ~B3983 COncrltl & Masonry lf'l<ll It.di St-Tit. Concrete, P~tkl. OrlWWilY F Kepk:, BBQ Ref's ~Yrs E ap Terry 714 ~'i7 /S94 n..c-••-cementwo<k. 811ck 1.1 .. & More Rehable No j-Ob too small 949-S48 6746 SAVE 35%01 Carpet • Fumiture .. Cleaning s rlf , ... ._ ... , flflmMWI 2.1RAISID. RR OTHERS CARPET ~ERVICf 800 SS9 ·7181 Mil SlSOO '99 81dl k w ••• , ""' \ldtITTdf~ W1tfffllV l uw OH Pr,.m wl"tl\ 1•19971 1 S47 980 Mil SSOO Sedoft '96 C/~ m <Jn,. uwn~f tnu11.u wn1tt' \t"ddft "' rhrom"d wht,.I'.. ! •I'll Oh S?ll 980 MIZ SOOSl ''O l~k 1n1 Rrith 1111" f'r •m wl>r•f\ bid• ~ nn tJl•t ~ 1 .. ..eth,., II I 8<1? l S? I '-j/j(J 949-S74 1777 PHILLIPS AUlO phllllptovto.c- TIMI YOUR NOMI 1111,HVIMINT ,HJICT'P Call a plumber p11nte1 h1ndym•n or •n, of the 11ul servic~s lrst"d hrre '" our \elV•t • directory• THCSC LOCAL SVC PEOPll CAN UClP YOU TOOA'tl •1dt'• D-ht•t ... , ~O!u f,_,., li!rdw;n. Ql5lllm ~ I •578102 949 !110·652'3 Drywall Slnlcll CREVIER ;-. --.,· ·..-- ~ . -. . ' NEW2003 MINI COOPER LEATHER, AIR CONDr CD, & POWER GROUP! ~1~,nJ I at this price I TC40494/ • Others at Similar Savlngsl • Ul'SIOTOll IT'SRll ............. ~ FRUWAY @ £.OOW! SANT A AHA AIJT 0 MAU (888) 823-9808 AUTOMOBllfS, MISCEUMEOUS Wanted 9045 FMly o,-....1 Do* Over 40 ~ ~·p! ... pay a vtt y la• pr ice tor 'f04ll Id llM Ill b uc;k pa.I for or nat Cal DO Rey {a> Tomato M u ~ 711 4J1 l'.lll or 714 328 3228 CASH fOlt CAU We N .. d Y-r Cor '•Id for er Not. Phllllp• Auto A4for Mole'*' 94t-S74-7777 AlITOMOtlVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES Accmories 9200 SUTO. TIOO XTU CAI, TOYOTA TlUU, ,. $IOO S81SS0714-l7U7tl TIUCICOYEI lw TIOO XllACAlr TOYOTA TIUCI, PA9 SIOO S81S100714-l1U1tJ MOTOR HOMES Motor Homes - Rent 9355 .-V /WINN<IAGO fer IUNT, 30ft C 0-.. n.t ,....._ CN..l FOii DflMS. 949~7la4 MOTORCYCLES Motortytles 9400 Chry.ler '97 Sel>rl"t C•inv I, l6 4/1< m1 drk m•lollll blu• ;trry lthr ~•ut h• r n~w cond v29il'i71 S8A99 fm1nun& & "'drrdnl~ avail 9,, 94'-SH -1111 www.ec,.a.1.c- s .... nJ~hft9t1l °""'"" [fecllac: m .. [ap Loe.al Quock Rf!'\C>ORse 5"'vice111~ l•2r..870 949-65().1(M2 lKINSID CONTUOOll No ,:lb too "" M serw:eJ Repair, remodtl. fans. 'f"• MW SYC 9t$64S·lfi56 Aoortnt'fllt CUSfOM mATM TU ~.~·--· tNl'i., Wine &Ni lt7S Lt6120W )di 714-612·9961 UMY Rep1Wed Re1t1outln ' lnslallaUon TIU OCAN 949-673·8065 ~ 714"883-2031 ..... & a-. dil9ila Pohsh1n1Travertine1 All Floor T ypu we·ll Al'o Rear out ' Sul Y o ur Kit c h e n Counters, Showen & F loon Malle 1t look hi.anew 1111n A-o-1 a-.. s-w. 1..-11-HS-12'1 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF 8nd TANNAH HIRSCH TOO MANY MAXJMS liOlh V\Jlnerablc NMh lkah Wto:..-;T • Q53 J 1082 976 5 • Q8 NORTH • 10 8. 2 ,AQ AJ2 • K 765 EAST •6 97543 Q J 10 8 • 109 4 SOUTH •AKJ97 K6 K4 •AJ3 l lk blOdmg. !"OR'Jll EAST •• p-J• ,._ 4 ,._ 5 .._ 6 .._ , • .,.. r- SOtnlf 2• •• '1'<1 5NT •• Opening lead· Jar.I. of Bndge " pardd1..e lur tho.o.e 14-hn hk~ t~l c11e maurm M~I or them arc I.rue in general, but the) are not Jc,1gncd Ill me.!t \pcc1fo: \IUIUIJllO\ lfcrc i~ a case in potnt South\ hand L' ooe uf t"'u t}JX\ lh.it qualtf} fur "Jump >lull A po"' erlul huldmg "'tth .i good \Ull and J ht fur opener'> wu South clanficd BOATS BOATS 9515 Power Bolts 1996 Duffy 21 lh10 wn of h:and a/1cr recc.' 1n~ 11 raise and, following ii d1a.mood cue bid from Nonh. dro\.e 10 1bt ~pildt \WO. Soulh·s re(jUC\l for k.tngs "'a' UI ulfer pan.ncr thr npptwtun1ty to hid • ttr.md slam wnh .iddmonal v1due'. '°'h ~ the quocn' of \p;ilk' 11/kJ llubo.. We" kd lhe Jtil I. uf ht-an,, anJ even lhe \mall 'lam "'ll> OOI la)'d.1'4-11 then: wen-pt>tcnual lu..cn in ht.llh Mack \Ull' 1lie pcl\:cnt.s{!t" plo1)' tn lrumJl" 1' to try 111 dn)fl lhe 41.t«n .. c1gh1 c•cr, nu1<: nc,,..,.. . .:urreu c"1 lh11> dt:W, but nu lud. Ralher iliJn Ir\ lhe dub line.~ 11111ncc.11a1ch. Jcdai- cr ~ the uthcr tugh he..rt. lul lc114-cd by \he kini:. "'-C of d1amonth Jnd a cliwnood rull Wulh llkn t•\lf ed w1lh " 1.rump In "'1lh lht •1uccn uf trunip\. ~ • .,., rern<'mbercd anCJlht•r brumJdc ··rltC'.ver j;JV(' dcc;l,orcr .i rutt ilnd \lufl • UntU(tlJnately, 1n an .mempt to di\ 11,u1..c the holdm~. Wc~I .:Xlll'd "'1th the queen uf cluth IXd:.n·r -..nn dllJ. when both d.:h:ndc" lolln"'ed 111 .i <,cxond cluh. d.111ncd the 'mlill ,1jm It 'CCIII' (ll'l.'11) t le.u Imm the pl.i\ "'' f.ir 1h31 decl,tn:r 'J"tnbutwn 14-J' ~ :!·24, \Cnlicd h) 1 .... ,,., '-"fl!lul tounl "gna'' In lhal r~cnt" rull .ind 'luff wnuld d11 tk<.l.1rcr n.1 !:!lllld - there rnuld ,1111 he " duh hl\Cr Unln' cb.l.11tr ........ , :. pcd .cr. lhc per lCRlll{tt' pla) '" t lul'r. "'lJC.11.l he I I I.Ile.-lhe fine,...: """' n clO(' 9515 Clas1iMdis CONVENIENT •'MIMr you 'rt buying, stiling, or just looting, clasrifWIMu '111/uu JOU ntttJ! Cl.ASS/Fl ED (949) 641-5678 Factory Refurbished (Like Nc:w) White Hull, Navy Stripes & )urrey $22,995 1994 Duffy 21 White Hull. Nt'w Tan Surrc:y fop $21 ,995 CJ!lll\I' Electric Boats Co. 2001 W. Pacific Coast Hwy (949) 645-6812 Friday, f tbruary 28r 2003 A 1S TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS I Gusto S Stradord'• nw.r 9 Illy~ ta coro.oe llhOvl 14 -down 16 \':'.:'line 17 w .. ">H9nll l&Far-1 19 Unusual .I() Go.3'1> 2 i Oocent grade ?? PllCI< 9,..m•• 2• Canyon com.oadl '6~<.o 27 Nol so )() "Mwt. 118 --.. 34 Ctow ,I;, HUmlWlQW :J6 Trem l<X OOJCJtlQ 31 Moon jlOlftlClllly 38 Decrees '.lli Some '4> Moiecue part ~ ;> K'IOWledge "3 SID Otit •s Grano S4anQ!ly 4/ Edgier 4S Conwncts 41/ E-G!SO< syslfem !fO Pr~ '>.'i Eaon s >(a1 Soo4 Harness poec.e 58 Go on fie tam ee Sl!P Pll~ 111 Swl/'llp)l QIOUnd 82 p_,, cA MIT fl3 Dubbed 64 Q~ -Cfllpleln 66 Mlliles i.cie 66 C.ty -u~ 67 l<lnd cA jClC DOWN 1 eouoo -2 MoolM rod. J SliMers lNp 4 Vltonr.._ s Ge<onmo' !tb9 -s l.4olltc 'c n\al 1 $hwlll T •ylur • ~JO 8l~re """""Y" 9 ~· ostonl;,_ tO 5>1 lilt (hypt1 I 1 • "''1'119 l)feb '"~'··~ets 1 S OucstlOl'lealt' 23 An0 IOt Hant> ~ $f"PP'Jd 26 ·cape Fear Siar 27 l//Wlt !KJb (nyV> I 28 To-at<l ltlft N Clle 19 0!1 llrro'' XI Sernry 31 c.er S'()'- 32 Cow00y ~ tlNI JJ •llU>- ~rv l S W- d\all!'('> l8 SQuast' 4' Kl!l'flllt Miil ~·J Btr:l ~) Panl\;ltnOI> &.-Oeler~ 46 11,~co n •I ~1 r l/y ·~ AJp.fit' tf>HM'I "'/I ............ j~, ~ f J WJ'rT 'J(;,l"P ..._ Pop ~, r,.,r~ '>~ G8..... ~ U1 S,.j J l} l\:,Mlt ~I h · "'' I:; U t "..tw &t'• t Everyday ~ a great day in Cl~ified! ··£mplo_, f'e. ··£mp/N1do. NOMAMR HOW YOU SAT IT, CLASSIFIED CAN ANOR. Be a part of it, place your ad tooay! (~) 642-5678 = n.. Dlff-· ---BeaMU ' ea~ ~ lnm an. h llrrC. dr!\VI '~prep 949-51!>-8824 ~ w.. & s.r.tc. ~ ~ Dxn. ~/Tlt> IRj. ..-nna OooB, Sawns ~-00 Hllldymml/ HamtRlplir ,..,., C.rpentry • Plumbtna Orywall • Stucco Palotifla, Tile & more 2()+. 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