HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-04 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotI .. \ -. a1 1' . Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 2003 ....... ,Last hurdle for flight . . , restr1ct1ons cleared Judge OKs extension of JWA settlement agreement, which all ows expansion in excha nge for fl ight caps through 20 15. June Casagrande Daily Pilot Nl·Wl'OHT BfJ\C:I I -A Dl~tnct Court judge ha\ pul hi~ \tamp of approval.on the amended · John Wayne Settlement Agreement. cleanng the la-.t hurdle for re">tnctions of flighti. and t>X· pani.1on al John Wayne Airport. "We expected that the 1udge woultl 'i!lfl it, .. City Auomey Hob Rumham-said ... We didn't feel there wa<> an} rca<.on for lum not to .,,gn 1l. but we are happy he did " Monday\ dct.i'>ton by ( t'ntral l>i.,trict Coun Judge lerry Hatter Wa!> the likely r£"-.t1lt of a tar more difficuJt hurdle that wa' deared in Janu ary. Burnham .-.aid. PHOTOS BY DON LEACH /OAJlY PILOT Lisa Senske hands out green eggs to students at Eastbluff Elementary before a reading of Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs and Ham." The federal Aviation Admini-;trat111n and Air Transport A.\sn in January gave their ble'>-sing' 10 a modified ~e11lemen1 agreement 1ha1 r<\l'>t'' the allowable number of pa'>l>enger'> by abou1 I million. 10 10.R million a vear .. md will even- tually allow 20 gates there· by 2011 . fhe agree- ment offered some growth in pa.,.,enger cape; and gates in exchange for a~-.urarice-. that the Evergreen reading See FLIGHT. Paee A4 Eastbluff Principal Chartene Metoyer reads the children's classic •Green Eggs and Ham" on Dr. Seuss' birthday on Monday. Students at Eastbluff Elementary celebrate Read Across America with a little help from Dr. Seuss Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot W ith a bounty of green eggs and ham -on crackers -student~ at Eastbluff Elementary School celebrated -the 99th birthday offamed children's book author Dr. Seuss on Monday as part of Read Across America 2003. The event, started by the National Education Assn. six years ago, not only celebrated the birthday of Dr. Seuss but also worked 1oward promoting Literacy by encouraging adul~ to read 10 children and help them improve their academic performance. "We've encouraged everybody to celebrate reading." said Susan Despenas, assistant supt of elementary education for the district Reading "is a sk.iU that must be taught, supported and sustained." f.ach school got to chose how they wanted to celebrate the nationwide event. For Eastbluff Elementary. the celebration included having parents reading to different See READING, Paee M CITY HALL Sober "house can 't add 2 residents City Council upholds Pl anning Commission's denial, sayi ng Dove Co ttage representative didn't show 'special need.· Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot , Four Seasons among best in the four comers COSTA MES,11; ...:The owner of a sober livmg group h_on;ie in the Hall of Fame neighborhood failed again in her quest to increase the num ber of clients she can c;erve. On Monday. the City Counal voted 5 10 0 deny Eleanor Manion's appeal to mcrea.se tht' clients she serves at Dove Cottage from c;ix to eight, saying no new evidence of a "special need· was presented. · Conde N·ast Traveler and Travel & Leisure put Newport Beach h otel on their world's best lists. Pa ul Clinton · Daily Pilot NEWPOKr BEACH -1Wo travel magazines have listed the Four Sea· sons Hotel among the top lodgin~ in theworld . · In addition to making Cond~ Nast Traveler's Gold List of the world's top 700 hotels, the Four Seasons bas also made Travel & Leisure's list of top 500 lodgings. None of the 13 other hotels in Costa Mesa or Newport Beach made the lists. "Wbat's terrific about this is, it's a survey of their readership," said Katie Mitchell, the hotel's director of mar· keting. "lt's a re6ection of bow our customers really feel about us.• The Four Seasons ls also the only local hotel that has achieved the THE VERDICT ·Fishing the Okie way American Automobile Assn.'s Five Diamond A~ard. meeting the group's highest standard. In Cond~ Nast Thlveler's Gold List. published in the January issue. read· ers responding to the survey praised the hotel's "spectacular business en- vironment" and "responsive staff," who "make your work easier." 1be magazine also reported guests' comments about the food. noting that the hotel's PavUion restaurant ·1so't worth writing home about.• Alluding to Pamion lsl3nd's eateries, the survey ~~ that guests "wander aaoss the street for some good restawants.·" ln one way. the hotel's appearance on the List has become old hat. It bas made the list nine conseeutive years. But Ttavel & Leisure included the hotel oil )ts "T&L 500, the Greatest Hotels in 'the World," which ~ putt· lished in January for the ffrst time. Appearing on the list brin~ -addi· tional tourism business to the area and highlights Newport Beach as a desirable destination. said Bridget Undquist, deputy director at the See SEASONS, Pqe M "I'm rusappointed in the results." said Eric Katz. Manion's attorney. The city is embroiled in a lawsuit agains1 Manion for already exceeding the number of clients sh e ·is allowed to have. Neighbors have m~e numerous complaints about the trash and other unpleasant items strewn on their lawns, allegedly from clients of the home in the 3100 block of Cort lane. On Feb. 10, the Planning Cornmisston de-, rued Manion's expansion request. citing prob- SM SOBER. Pace M Man who fell from bridge expected to live Daily Pilot ATAGLANC~ ONntEWEB: www.~com WEATHER ~ Tustin man is in custody and in critical condition. His fall Saturday snarled traffic. .. MoMtV cloudy, with poeelbly ~ drope ftOM llMM. S.,...AZ SPORTS The COiia Mele tlgt\ girt.• 90CCllf' twn 9'111'9edrforaf llmiftnll ~ .......... ........ . I . A2 Tuesday, Madi 4, 2003 i1'-' KIDS TALK BACK Knowing hOwit wofks The Daily Pilot went to Waldorf School of Orange County in Costa Mesa to ask third-graders, 'Why is it important to know how to work together?' "h's hnportant because if we don't then, we'll always get in fights and we won't do exactly what we're supposed to do.• SARAI LAMBERT, 9 Fountain Valley "It's important because if you don't. we wouldn't be a very class and wewouldJlt be very good friends. and you must ~rk together to have friends." SEAN MCCORMICK, 9 Tustin "You can be friends by woc:k:ing together ... so you won't be in so much big -fights and you won't hate tQ go to school." ZACHARY BOHTt, 8 Fontana "It's important because you learn how to share." SAVANNA FlUTER,8 Aliso Viejo -Interviews and phows compiled by Oirlstine Carrillo ON, CAMPUS . "' ... • 1 IN THE CLASSROOM OON LEACH I DALY PLOT After making a cutout of her shoe, Waldorl Elementary School third-grader Lily Anderson measures the floor of her classroom. A lesson that measur~s up Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot U sing feet of all shapes and sizes. third-graders at Waldorf School of Orange C.Ounty in C.OSta Mesa measured nearly everything in sight on Wednesday. Some slid their construction paper foot, which they outlined themselves; across the room to· uncover its length and width. Othen> twisted them from toe to heel in search of the dimensions of their school desks. The rest of them used the finger placement method -marlcing where the tip of their measuring foot left off to figure out the distance between their classroom door and the girl's bathroom door. Their lesson in measurement didn\ end there. In addition to calculating the number of their feet it tool to get from point A to point B. they also had to log their measurements on a sheet of paper and compare their figures with those of their SCHOOL LUNCH MENU ' The Newport-Mesa Unified School District often menu choicel each day at elementary schools. Students may dl<>os8 •vegetarian entree. The ielection V8ries and ITUIV be 8ither e Mfad, Unctwkh or hot entree. Sdtool lunches ere $2 Uc:h. Here'• what'• being Sfrved thi• wMlc TODAY Munchable Lunch Salad With fiuit yogurt or hot dog on a bun, potato wedges, <fl~ of fruit, choice of •milk ' ' ·' Students at Waldorf School in Costa Mesa find out that not every foot is the same length. partner. ~It's fun because we get to skip math," said 9-year-old Taylor Young, not reali7lng that they hadn't skipped that subject at all. It's fun "because we get 10 create our own stuff and because we have different feet sizes," he said They eventually shared their mdMdual measurements with the entire ~ -and found just how much they varied. And that led them to understand the importance of universal measurement "Its all in the experience, and I think it's just a more rich and fulfilling experience.· said Caren Ola. who has taught this same group of students for the past three years. "We try to stay away from the absaact" With this lesson, as with every lesson taught at waldorf, it began with a Stot)! The story was about a ldng who Wants to get a table made. He provides the aaftsman with his dwn dimensions and the aaftsman, who happens to be~ short. builds it in accoTdaoce with bis dimensions. And what do you know, the finished product doesn't measure up. Just as the students learned about the need for universal measurements from the story, they also learned that leaon by the group actMty that had them moving their feet around the classroom. "We try to readl children through the thinking, the feeling and the~-said Diane Kastner. director of community Outreach for he IChool •AD these thin&.'> are incorporated in the subject matter.· • W ntE QASSROOM is • weelcty feature In whicti Delly Pilot education writer Christine Carrillo vilfts • cempue in the Newport-Mesa area and wrtte. about her experience. WEDNESDAY --..V Muf'l(:Nble lunch Salad or toa-.d d*lili Nndwtdl, MuncNble Laand\ Wed°' Minburgef Of wp crisp green salad with ninat:l dt9uing. crallfna. burger.on • tu\......,. .net......,..._......, choice of milk ctlOk:iii ot ma THURSDAY Oriental chldten Nied With freah·baked whote grain roll or1•co chalupa,jic.me aticta wf1h ranch dip, choice of Jule., enlmal crtcbre, choice of milk '' FRl>AY Munchabla Lunch Salad or tfoppy JOe on • bUn, baby carrots with rench dip, aPficote, chok:e of milk TNMunchiillle LUnd\~eo1lllilr•toellil ..... dwi'r/lllii __ Q' ..................... . dw, ... o ........ hll~lftd.....,Fa l•d ~~~on 11'1 led~ lt»dtlldia~d.,,.,_,,, • .,o1,.., .... ""'°" ,..,.,,.., °"""' ... "' ... ,...,, "",. b1#9ii<ed. dt1lil ,_,,..,. dltOlmtntlld ........ Wr*-l~lolfN~Of ......... ~.DC2QIM Dai~yA ·Pilot CoralWlllon NOW1 aulstant. (949167.._.298 coral.wilsontllatimncom , PH01'0GRAPHERs Sean Hiliaf, Don Leecti, KemThlplow Box 1560, Costa M818, CA 92626. CopyrlgJ\t No news atorlel, illustratione, tditorlal matter or advertlaemenfa tierein can be rlpfOduced without written permission of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Mosdy c:louda today with a chance of rain In the urtv eftamoon end then egeln efter theaunNts. to 8-foot swefl from the west. Conditions wm cetm down after sundown. Wetd\ for poait>e. periods of rain. --- -,.!. VOl.97,N0.&3 Newe Editors Gina Alexander, Lori Andor10n, Paul S.ftowitz, D•nlel Stevena · NEWSST~ O...,.lhwwlh Crime •nd courai repotter, (949) '7 ... 226 ~•1ar.1rna.oom JuneC111grwlde Newport '8e.c:ii reporter. (~~4-4232 /u1».C11NQrarK»•1atr,,,_ com ..... Clmon • PoUticll and envlronm.m "9$)0f(er, (IMS)~ 1»41/.dimon•Jat1fN9 cooi 0 Lolbtfarpw ColOmnilt. culture repolttf, (MD) 57 ... 275 /ollt4.harper•1.r1,.,._oom °""*9 NewmM Cosi. Me.a reporter, (949) 514-<U21 <Mrdf9.~n•1«tm#.oom Clwtldne~ EdUc:ildon reporter, (Ml 67 .... ~/Jo ,.,,,,,.ootn READERS HOTUNE (9491642-«186 Record your comments •bout the Dally Pilot or news tips ~ Our 8ddre11 II 330 W Bay Sl, Costa ~. CA °92627 Office houra •re Monday Friday, 8:30 •.m -5 p.m. CoMctJoM It 19 the Pilor'1 policy to~ comtct 111 errora of aoi:.t.nce. ,,..... call (IMi) ~4. FYI The NMport Buc:nlCoN ~ Dally Pilot (USPS-144--800) Is pabU1hed 41lly. In Newport BNc:h 8nd Cost1 M .... tubecrlptioM •re ev1ll1bl8 only by sublcriblng to The T1me1 Or•nge County 18001 252 ·9141. In ar .. 1 oUtllde of NewJ)Oft Beadl Ind Co.ta MeN, tubtcr1ptlon• to the Dally Pilot .,.. 1V•1ltble only by nr« c1 ... mall for·• $30 P« month. IPrlOM lndOO. •II appllcebfe It.It• and local w..) POSTMASTER.·s.nd ~ dulngea to The Newport 8MdVCoN Meu Deily Piiot, P.O. HOW TO REACH US Circulation The Tlmea On1nge County (800) 252·9141 AdvectWl19 . Ctn 1'9d (949) 642·5178 Dbf*y 19491542-4321 EdllofW Hewe (949) 642-5&80 Spo;ts (949) 67 ... 223 Newe Fu (949) 148-4170 Sports Fu (949) 650-0170 E-mal: dllllypitot•t.tlm..et>m MMIC>Mcie ........ Ollcie (949) 142-432\ 8uetneee Fe• (949) 831-7128 Publi.ahed by Times Community Newl, • divltlon of the Loa An9t'ea Tlma. C2003 Tl!MI CN. All rtghta r~. ~ Temper8W,.. will kict off the morning et •round 50 degreea and wilt riM ontv to about 80 deg,...., with eome d\llfy bnlezM In the demoon. h wtll fMI demp and unpleaun1 ell day k>ng. ............. .: • www.nwa..noa1.gov BOATING FORECAST Light wtnde 8"d ~on the Inner Mt8rl todly, wflh 8 to 16 knot wlnde end 2-toot wevM. The lwel • from the w.t et & toe fwt: w.td\ for• dlanc. of rein. The outlr wwterswtlt be • tld roughtr, wltt'l 1 g. to 2Mnot wtnde frOm the norltwlltlll w.ve. wt• be a-. wtttt • • SURF There could be.,,,,. head-high surf on the atrongelt dey of thte OOfthwe9t awett, but~ wffl be t.lfty lnccN--lt'due to the llhedaw from the~ Wide tide .wtnge won't help. either • .... ...-: WWW.alrfrid-.Ot'IJ TIDES nn.. 9:381.m . 4:03 p.m. 10:11p.m. 4:08e.m. WATER TEMPERATURE &ldlgi'Me 1 ., Tuesday. March 4, 2003 AJ County pushes water prog~am BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS F.arthquak.e forum uks · when, not if Ad campaign wiU fQcus on project to add treated sewer water to Newport Beach faucets. lt'a tiot a question of whether a major earthqualte will bit the area. experts say, It's a questioo Wat.er District. of when. The West Newport "AbsoluleJy, we support the' Beach. ~ will bold a panel June CHa1r•'1d• Daily Pilot plan, but with the caudon that di•sc:ussioo dtled. ·Noj If -But the water district continue to When." dadgned to help ~- stay vigilant to watch for con-dents prepare for a major earth- taminant.s that have taught us quake. all lessons in the past, like 1,4-Panellsta Kenneth Hudnut of dioxane and NMD\" Aaai&tant the U.S. GeoJoglcal SWvey. City Manager Dave K:tff a&.ld. 0ollQ8 Boston. emergency sel"V- • rt's tmportant to ..know that l~ coordinator for the city of quality standard& , for our Newport Beam; Denita Ca.lkiDs NEWPORT-MP.SA The groundwater basin are as good of the c.allfomia Office of Emer- Orange County ~ter District or better than bottled water. If gency Services; and Milo Pear- bas launched a full-scale media tltere's a bad chemical out · _ son of the C.allfomia Earthquake blitz to promote Its Groundwa-there somewher!! ln the water Aut.bodty will ~ where ter ReplenWunenr System - a supply, it's more likely to end earthquake faults are in our project that will add treated up in your bottled water than area. how earthquake insurance sewer water lo drinking water ln the groundwateL Me. I'll worb and what the city and supplies. drink the groundwater.· residents can do now. The message "safe as bottled 1,4-dioxane is an industrial The event will take place. at 7 water" is central to the $700,000 chemical that was found in p.m. Wedne9day In Oty Council promodonal campaign, that in-very small quantities in water Chambers at Newport Beach eludes public service announce-drawn from Newport Beach Oty HaD. 3300 Newport Blvd.. ments on five cable stations and wells in January 2002. Red Qoss representatives will be three rounds of mailers, each to Though the contamination on hand beginning at 6 p.m. to 783,000 homes in about 20 was corrected at the source answer qua;tions and give out Orange County cities. within a few days, the incident materials. For more information. The Groundwater Replenish-was an eye-opener for water contact the city's Public lnfor- ment System. the first of its kind regulators because they tutdn't mation Office at {949) 644-3031. in the country, will use wastewa-known that chemicals could ter treated to drin.ldng-water get past 'the re\ierse-osmosis standards to make up the differ-treatment process. As a result, ence between supply and de-the water district has added a mand for water in Orange third treatment process, using County. The water will go ultraviolet light, to remove through three treatment proc-agents such as 1.4-dioxane. esses -microfiltration, reverse The project will be paid for osmosis and uJtraviolet dislnfec-partly by government grants. tion -before it is sent to ponds partly by increased costs to wa· where it gradually filters back ter CU\tomers. The district has into the groundwater basin. secured about S92.5 million Council to vote on advisory members Newport Beach aty CoundJ members will consider oom.ineet for eight vacandet on the cltiz.en General Pl.an Advisory Commll- tee and are expected to we at their March 11 meedng OJl nomi· nee& chosen by the General Plan Update Committee. The city aeated the dttzen committee to guide officials in re- Wing the dty's general plan. the document that will guide city policy decl&ions for 20 yeam.. But when the committee was first aeated last year, app~ns for the committee underatimated bow long the committee mem- bers would serve. A3 a result, not all the original committee mem- bers can through the final phases of the general plan update proc· ess, which will likely be about an· other year. The COWlcil will consider nine nominees for a total of the eighl vacant spots oo the comminee. A run committee has -30 members. Nominees are Dennis Baker. Pat- rick Bartolic, Owies Remley, Kim Jansma. 1iaies Johannsen, Alex KakavM, Lucille Kuehn and James Schmiesing. Phase I of the project. which from state, local and federal will cost about $450 million, Is ~ts, which includes $37 rnil- expected to begin supplying lion from the State Water Bond about 20% of the water in the (Proposition 13) approved by groundwater basin in 2006 or voters in 2000. The portion 2007. The project is expected to paid by consumers will average be complete by 2020. about 74 cents per month per "Ooer 50 Ytars of FiM Quality" All Types of Wtndow Treatments "Imported supplies are be-household in perpetuity. coming less and less reliable so "The most advanced tech- we need local projects like the nology will allow us lo obtain Groundwater Replenishment purified water as dean and System to ~nt local short-pure as bottled water: U.S. ages.· said Jenny Glasser, public Rep. Ouis Cox said in a state- affairs specialist for the water ment Monday announcing that district. "We want to malte sure the U.S. Congress wouJd give that everyone ln Orange County financial support needed to knows that we need this project, complete the project by 2020. and understands the reason "Orange County's Ground· why: So we can't prevent future water Replenishment System water shortages.• will aJd our state in avoiding a • Valances & Cornice Bons • Roman Shade& • Blinds • Vercicalt • Shutters • Bed.spreads VL~ Demand for water in Orange serious water crisis in times of County is expected to rise about drought and fiscal shortages." 20% by the year 2020 -a level said Cox. a Republican who re-DESIG N CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd ., Costa Mesa thal can't be sustained by cur· presents Newport Beach." -~ -~~ (949)642-8400 ;.:..m;~u::. rent supplies. Further. sources of imported water that the district relies on to make up the differ- ence are expected to cut back the amount they are willing to seU to the Orange County Water District. The city of NeWRQrt Beach is one of several doz.en agencies that supports the plan. Newport Beach gets about 75~ of its wa- ter from the groundwater supply managed by the Orange County GETTING INVOLVED. • GETTING INVOOIED runs periodically In the Deily Pilot on a rotating basia. For Information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 674-4298. SP£AK lF NEWPORT A nonprofit organlution thet promotes the aociel ~re by educating the public end Improving locel government In Newport Beech hokk monthly meetings the MCOnd Wednuday of uch month 11 the N.wpott Beectt Tennis Club. A reception begins at 6:30 p.m •• end \ meetings begin et 6 p.m. Free. Annual membership dues ere $20. Send cNdt to "Speak Up Newport: P.O. Box 2594, s·.~ Newport Belld\, 92683. (949) 873-1191. mTCHES FROM ntE HEART Mede up of a group of women from Southern CaHfomll who love to knit and croct.t. the nonpn>ftt corporation la looking ~ wfunteen to knft end crochet hltt, booties and bfaM:• ~ prefMN,. beblee end beblee In need. The tt.m• .,. doMtlld to hoepltltt ecroa the c:oun1rf, Patleml..,. wetlea., .net don-*' yem 18 .pprednld. 1 Ka1hV Sltverton, (310) 472.-o3. SWEETADBMI OfOUWCCUfTY iThe elnglng group~ wom9n who lb to """to ~n • ettem Tueed9y nights for ~hlfmonV,Of ....... ~11n9'ng.(M8) .,. SAVE A LIFE -SPONSOR A PET For Only $19 You Can H elp ... Arc you an animal lover? flerc's a great way to express it. Sponsor a ~t photo on our special "Save a Life" page publishing on Thumby, March 27,-2003. Your sponsorship will secure a space for a photo of a pct who is ,?-wilablc for adoption and needs a good home. This special page has saved hundreds of lives all over the stat~ dlanks to people like you! Be a pan of saving a life and fcc1 gxcat about doing it. This page is presented in conjunction with local animal shelters and Newpon Beach Animal Control Services. For ju.st $19, you can add your own special thoughts under the pet's phoro. It will display your name as the spomor of th.is pct, or you may include a loving memory of one of your own cherished furry friends. SAVE A UFE SPONSOR FORM Nam'"'-----------'--------------~ Address·~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~- City. Sure: Zip-· ---------- Crc:dit Gud#· Exp-·~~~~ S. agnature: .. £ • Phone (optional);...· ----~-----------­ Foe Chea,. mm payable to: Daily Pi.lot Text to appear in 1pacc bdow photo. 20 d.unacrs or IC$$. ChOo.e One: O in ~manoryu~~~~~---~--~~~---~-:--- O ~DIORd~ _ Mail rhis bin with your &cdc or cn:dit caril information to: Save A Life,% Daily Pilot, P.O . Bok 1'60, Costa Mca CA,26'J.7 • ' Another wcancy migbl occur ii the coundJ foDawl the General Plan Upda1e Committee's ~m­ mendadno to replace Joe Glq- IOn. Committee members salt that becallSfl Gleason expects be may not be avall.ablie to attend as many meetings as the dty would like, that the council recommend replacing Gleason. Oty Council agendas are avail- able several days prior to each meeting at www.city.newport· btach.aa. us. For more informa · tlon, call (949) 644-3000. Concert to trace music through the cenl}lries. · Pianist Michael SeUers will present a free program titled ~Three Centuries of Piano Mu - '>ic, • incl uding worts by Mozart, Otopin, Poulenc, Debussy and Samuel Barber. at the Newport Beach Central Ubrary at 3 p.m. on Sunday, March 16. Sellers is on the facuJtlea of Mount SL Mary's College and I.he Southern cali!om1a Con- servatory of MUlic and dlrect.a the William K.apdl Piano Foun- dation for Contemporary Muaic and Musician" For more infor- mation, c&u (949) 717-3816. Photo exhibit on display at airport The photography exhibit ~Ihlemational Plowers -Local Gardens" by Paula Phelan of Scolls Valley, Calif., is OD dla· play in the Concourse Gallery of the Thomas F. RJJey Terminal of the John Wayne Airport through ApriJ 27. The exhibit feature 92 close rang~ im•ges of Oowers photographed Wlthm two miles of John Wayne Airpo rt lll nearby com- mercial and reside ntial areas. Oill (949) 252-5 17 1 fo r mfor- mation. FU°LL BAR COCICTAILS MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS titEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949 ·64S ·76 26 Come see the new Shaper1es· blinds from Huncer Douglas. The sofl-nowing curves and cexcured linen-hke finish captu re che look of rhe soft-fabric fok1s on a Roman shade And Shaperies wm noc warp. crack. peel or fade. Even in humid areas or direcc sunlight Come in and see these t>eauuful blinds today IU*ID1 4l1n "'-'-/"'1Wtu .... ., ......... ,.~ Wtltrr Grt•f t1••• l#J•• Ft 0oa CcNulNG ANO OJmlM WINIXKO:r.urNCS 1663 Pbcnrtia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4833 - ' I -------~~------~ .. -.... - M T~, Mitth 4, 2003 FLIGHT Continued from Al agencies would not sue to over- turn the· settlement agreement. A letter that aviation adlllinia~ tration offtclals sent to the city afBrmed that the ad.rninl.stration considered the agreement to be in line with rederal law. Bauer's signature was the fqiaI formality required 'o solldify lbe .settlement agreement ~I am \9y happy to finally see -•JUNE CASAGRAN>E covers · Newport Beach and John Wayne Alrpqrt. She may be readled at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casa9J71nd6@/11tifnflS.OOm. ' SEASONS·_ Continued from Al Newport Beach Conference & VlSitors Bureau. The fulD' . Seasons, wbi.cb first opened in 1986, offers 295 guest units, indudlrig 8.3 executiVe and luxWy suites. The lrvine Co.rowned hotel also offers 35,(XX) square feet of meeting and function space. 111t helps call attention to New- port Beach. which is great for all of us," Undquist said. "People associate the Four ~ons wi1h luxury, quality and service." • MOL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be r8acned at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@latimes.oom. •• @juniirwA},dJ Floral & Gifts New shipments of Accessories (or your Home lnduding Lamps and Shades WitA custom opdoa twallabk Mon-Fri 1°" • Sat 10:-S •Son 10-4 369 E. 17tb Street I~ C061a Mesa• (949) 646-6745 (Across from Ralphs) Offering Individualized Instruction • Basic Math • Algebra • Geomet.ry •Trigonometry ·•Calculus CALL TODAY 949-645-7900 488 E. 17"' STREET • COSTA MESA (oomer of lrvfne Ave.) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • HARDWOOO • LAMNATE'S • CARPET •CERAMIC TIE• WM. FLOORING ·~'!~!'!!! f •fwb'o•iei•a S0LARIAN ~ALAa£!M 3/4" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT ~DWOOD STAINMASTER $449 -$14sq~ from sqa Travertile 1s• x 1a• ............. m: ......................................... U 111a. Ceramic Tile ................... : .................................. :.m..i tom ..... 111 t. Lamilate \\bod ................................................ lfrlllltdtom ..... Ill .. ·c.r..nm..m....m.mt1111 READING Continued from Al -·· .. . green tl8BJ and ham." Although the Seuss·lnspired soad. spar:bd the studentll fnterat.s. beplns their atteotioo wuanotber task that pnMJd cla$ses, as well as two • dlftlcult. yet weD-worth ii. school-wide readings by the "The purpose of tbia Is to principal herself. · show haw much fun muling can j\eading her faVQ.rite Dt. Seuss ·be a.pd bow ft doesn't stop when book. "Green F.ggs and Ham," YoP grow up." ~r said. •rt Eastblufl' Prtnci.pal Oladene just higbllghti the importance of Metoyer got the chance to share reading .•• and that reading her passion for reading and . permeates every part of our show the students that Rlading life." defies age. 'lbe,students see.med to have "She ha~ a lot of expression in aln:ady learned that lesson. her voice ~d on her (Jlce," said "I love to read because it's 10-year-old Jenna Chatillon, a · better than watd'Unk TW sai.d fifth-grader at the sch90l "We " ' ., 9-year:pld Halley,Seo.ste, a really get into the story by eating fo~-grader at F.a.sit>luff. "You SOBER -..Continued from Al !ems caused by the current num- ber Of clients. numerous 1>9lice and code enforcement com· plaints and the lack of salient in· formation provided by Katz, who said be was hamstrung in divulg- ing information because of the lawsuit. Katz appealed, arguing that it's the city's responsibility to pro- vide "reasonable accommoda- tion" under the rederal Fair Housing Act, which bans dis- crimination against the handi- capped. People recovering from drug or alcohol addiction are considered handicapped under the act. Th~ decision means that Ma- nion will have to decrease' the number of cllents to the city limit of· six or face the city In court in June. Neighbors of the ~ome were · relieved by the <Jec.ision. "There may be a need for Dove Cottage, but oot for a Qove Cot- BRIDGE Continued from Al wlit, where he remains, she said At 3:08 p.m. Scrturday, the Cali- fornia High.way Patrol received a call that a car was bloct.ing the transition road from the south- bound Costa Mesa Freeway to the southbound San Diego Free- way. On arrival, officers found Dominguez perched on the interchange railing, holding a VERDICT Continued from Al flats. sand bars, sand islands and $Wamp. A nairow channel ran from the Rhine, where the fishing Beet made its home, to the Newport Harbor Yacht Oub, hugging the bay side of the • peninsula. At the yacht dub, it turned left around Bay Island, then went between mud flats to a channel that Joe Beek bad dredged through the Bay Island mud Oat so bis ferry c;:ould cross. They then followed a narrow channel next to the peninsuJa up to the Point. where the alwaya hazardous harbor mouth awaited. Beyond that was the ocean and fish. The exception to this was the dory fisherman, who rowed their dories out through the surf and then several miles out into theoceantodotheirfishins They rowed for the simple I JF!\1PI Ill.L'S --IH ( I"' ~· ( \I{ p I I "' ... 'There may. be ·a need for Dove Cottage, but not for a Dove Cottage hotel, and that's what it looks like they're going for.' KlmPedenon Costa Mesa resident tage hotel. and that's what it looks like they're going for," resi- dent Kim Pedeison said. "The~s nothing to show when those people are coming or going." The group home 6J'st came to the city's attention in July 2000 when the city received com- plaints that Manion was :oervi.ng more than the six residents she was allowed foe the residential area. lo investigating the property, code enforeement officials con- firmed that more than six dients were living there. At that time, the· city filed a civil lawsuit against Manion for violating city code. small knife. Officials said it was obvious the man was distraught and preparing to commit suicide. As he let go of the railing, fout patrol officers lunged forward and caugb\ his right' ankle, de- spite bis cries of protest. After more than a minute· of banfJng precariowly over the railing, Oominguez used the edge of the overpass to pull himself out of the officer's grasp and fell to the San Diego Freeway below. name was snarled for miles Satucday, as law enforcement of- reason that mankind bad not as yet invented a retractable propeller for boats. 1t you came into the beach with a propellec-dtiven craft. as soon as you bit the sand, you lost your propeller. An ingenious local dory fisherman named Shorty Guenther thought he bad the answer. Shorty equipped bis boat with an airplane engine on a stand. attached a propeller to it and, voila. he was off to the fishing grounds without having to row a stroke. It was a grand idea. Shorty started out just fine. The englne made a lot of noise, the propeller wblded. and the boat ent.ered the water. · When the first wave bit the boat. the boat stopped, but the airplane engine. the propellec and Shorty d.ldn't They just kept going. After that. dory fishermen. continued to row. Then came ·the Great Depression. and the so-called Oldes began to escape the dust bowl by coming to California Most of them went to the Central Valley and were immortalized by John Steinbeck In the "The Grapes of Wrath." Some didn't get as far as Fresno. Some ooJy got as far as Newport Beach. '1be Wellness Doctor' announces the availability of an advanced, indlviduaJhed approach' to health care ~ on breakthrough predJcttve genetic testing. The tes&s provide a previously ~n glJropse Into each person's potential health " future, ~lng their genetic susceptibility to many common diseases. · . . Free I nfo~mative Workshop . Wednesday Evenings @ '6:00 P.M. I C.11 to Nlln8 8 illlllt tot Ihle pop..W and~ ~I have to think and rou have to build tbe pk:tures. · Many of her daamatea · qreed. ·. "Reading is IO fun,,. said • 9-year-okt "9bleY Svendsen. "lt builds dp the &mqlnation.." Just as children shof.. 8l\ lnterest'in readin& .Read AcroslJ Americastrtves to encourage paients to show and interest too. "Nothing can .replace reading a. book." Oespenaa said. "It's really a wonderful opportunity for everybody." •CHRISTINE.CARRI ID covers education and may ~achect 8t (949) 574-4268 or bv e-naall et christine.catrlllotllatlma.oom. . . Manion thei:i applied for the inaease. ~rting __ that having more residents 1JViDt:1n the house decreases the chan.ce that one resident could isolate him- self QI' herself, whk:b would be detrimental to recovery. Manion also ~ed that adding more residents would not adversely af- fect the neighborhood. Katz argued that eight resi- dents were necessary because there had to be at least two in ev- ery room to provide peer sup- port. Mayor Karen Robinson used hec legal authority and incisive questioning to deflate many of Katz's arguments foe why the home needed to serve eight peo- ple. . ~1 wasn't provided any evi- dence that eight is better than six and warrants a special need," Robinson sajd "Where. does It stop? Why don't we have three to a room instead?" • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and mav be reached at (9491 574-422T or bv e-mail et deirdre.newman@latimes.com. fi.cials shut down both sides of the San Diego Freeway and the southbound oonnector from the Costa Mesa Freeway for more ttian an hour. It was unclear at press time what charges Dominguez might be facing. • LOUTA HARP£R writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers rulture and the arts. She may be readled et (949) 574-4275 or bye-mail at lolita.harper@latimes.com. There. dirt farmers though they were. they decided to become fishermen. or course, they didn't know dlddly about fishing. For example, about th.is time, scoop fishing for mackerel became popular. The traditional way for fishing for mackerel was with jigs. However. someone discovered d\at by holding a Ugbt over the water at night, the curious mackerel would come up to look at the light, and you could simply scoop them aboard. The Oldes were tbrille4 at this way to catch fish, so duilled that a good many of them scooped so many mackerel aboard that chey swamped theJr boats. lllat't when Marco An1cb, son of pioneer fisherman Pete Anich, christened them the Okie Fishing Fleet. Unfortunately, all these fishermen, plus the IM! bait boats, plus sport fishing from every yacht In the bad><>r, ftnalJy caught all the fish in di& • Catalina channel The canneries · closed, and our fishing Oeet. as well as the Okie Fishing Fleet. disappeared. • A08ERT GARDNER la e Corona del Mer resident end e former judge. Hit cofumn runt Tuesdays. Help keep our city clean! PUBLIC SAF.Er( BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS· Fire in Back Bay put outquic~ • .A small vegetation flee in the ~ck Bay was put to rest in a routine man- ner Monday after some slight difliculties In get- ting to the flame, officials said Officials responded quickly to the small blai.e l!K!cause they did not want it wto get out of band," said Edward Gallegos, a dispatch su- pervis9c • at Newport , Beach Fire and Marine Department The loca- tion of the fire also ca.used unusual chal-r lenges, as the large fire engine was force4 to travel down some dirt roads. he said. A helicopter was also called to duty to ensure the fire was extinguished. Nobody was hurt. and no structures were threatened or damaged, he said The minor complica- tions were taken in stride by the Newport Beach ficefigh ters. "It was nothing we couldn't handle," Galle- gos said. · -Lolita Harper POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • 8emard S1IWt and Maple Awnue: A man was arrested on suspicion of possession of a controlled substance and , resisting an officer at 6:55 p.m . Sunday. • Harbor Boulewrd: A man was arrested on suspicion of burglary In the 2300.blodc et 7:30 p.m . Sunday. • o.I Mar Avenue and NeWpoft Boulftard: Two men were arrested on suspicion of receiving stolen property at 4:24 &.m. Monday. • SMTt8 Ana Avenue: A residential burglary was reported in the 1700 blodt at 4:42 p.m. Su'nday. • w..t Babr Street All assault was reported in the 600 blodc at 4:31 p.m. Sunday. • w..t Beker Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of forgery and receiving stolen property in the .800 blodt at 5:37 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Blrdl Street: A commercial burglary was reported In the 5100 blodc at 9 a.m. Monday. • 8i9on Awnue: A commercial burglary was reported In the 1300 blodt at 9:43 a.m. Monday. • Hoeg Drive: Battery was reported In the 100 blodc at 11 :«> p.m. Sunday. • Jamboree end San Joequln ... roads: Re<*:Jess driving WU reported southbound on Jamboree at 8:09 p.m. Sunday. •Opel Annue: All animal bite waa reported in the 200 blade at 1 :32 p.m. Monday. ·San~ .... RNd: A vehicle theft was reported In the 2600 bfodc at 8:25 a.m . Monday. I ... --=~·~-,-.._.......___ •=.-....-=---._ ..._-.--... _ ... .__,_...~ • ._ .. _c.._c....,.c.·--n---.....__-...a...._.._.~__. ..... _. • ._ • .....,. ...... __ _ ' - TueSday, March 4, 2003 A5 FORUM .. l>atal·= ~.~Jo~ -l..a.n: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Cotta Mesa, CA 92827 • Ae1it.s Hodne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to UM91646-4170 ~- . 0 81•rJA t .. times.com • All correspondence mu.t Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification pof'POMI). Th.ti Pilot reeerves the "Ght to edit all .ubmiaic>N for clanty end length . LEITER TO THE EDITOR Saf ~ty paramount aboard harbor boats R e: Community regulation of our Industry Is Commentary. sd1t encompa.Wng not ooJy Thursday. by Paul fire and relatecNssues, but James Baldwin. much. much more. ~ I make an efi'on to not ~ biep in mind that I become involved in the am knocking oo wood as I machinatioM of local type du. nett aenteoce: lb gcMmlnent or court of my knowledge, we haw baO opinion. It's not apathy. More no fire response emergmcy aa:unatdy. it lies in the belief in Newport ~a thal oo9 opinion iS cornmerdal vessel -at ie'ast b:Ivalidated if one bas any for the 14 )'e8J'S I haw been interest in, or involvement here. with, the subject area Thllning advanced fire So. my Intent with this . suppression systems; safecy brief letter is no< to debate consciousness; dosed·drcuil the merits of the charter monitoring systems on the boat industry-001 ID cite bridge; a responsive, statistics regarding revenue drug· tested. prof.essional gained nor any advantages aew who, In many cases are assndatrd with the ·sea·tesled~ for years (where industry's presence in there is no one other than Newport. nor disadvantages. the aew to proYide It's really nothJng more than emergency services) are the an opportunity to help reasons. someone understand better Just as a matter of point how regulated the industry There are 17 agoendes to Is. whom I am 1':SpOOSible to BaJdwi.n's al1ide regarding operate my litde riverboat in the seeming dangers of Newpon. There jlJ'e two fiRd charter boat operation mlght Ore sup~ systeim, one be. weO l3kerl if it weren't for each in both the diesel and the regulatory presence of electric propulsion rooms. several agencies. not the There are ~ portable . least of whldl ls the U.S. systems. There i1 ooe fire Coasl Guard. main putting out a ~the turrenl COl'ltinl.IOl1' 65 pounds of state Of intematiooal affiurs. pressure while pumping the <:oast Guard has water. continued to monitor and 1here are 118 lifejackets police the activities o( stowed and ma.eked. while commercial shipping and my average passenger load passenger carriage for those numbers about 65. There is vessels sut>;ect to their an automatic external inspection. defibrillator aboard and a While the charter vessels tra1l1ed aew member is In Newpon appear to be alwdys aboard {Halbor Patrol outside the · of the boats do not have these COast ~are not devices). We are, In fact. h.ighly All of my miw is drug regulated. and In many cases tested very regulady. Abuse subject to the same laws, of dlemica.ls or alalhol ls regulatiom and proa!dural absolutdy 00( t<*ra1ed requiremencs as (please oompare this with ocean-going. some or our local 1,000.passenger liners. recreational boaters). proportionate to the vessel's There is an~ size: The I.Isl Is extensive, and procedures policy posted l<I be pleased to share tt with and regulady revlewfJd by 8akJwin and anyone else aew dudng tr.lining who may~ an interest. ~ IDJ n~ol As most folks know from emergeney aazns. Materials the periodic news reports ll'iled in COiJllJltJdal ~ ~Coast Guard are fire suppressant or lllUSt activities. search and rescue be secured by fire systems. episodes far more often than Devices and chemicals not rl'Jate to pleasure boaters stowed regularty on whose budget and leisure nw.:reaiional boats are not ~ axnbmed. exceed their Allowed. Smoking is blgbJy oommon lel'lSe. Our local / oonfioed to specific fire safe HaJbor Patrol responds to ~ distreM ca& &om pleamJre The mt is nearly endless. boaters probably much more frequently than Ibey would prefer. and rarely to oommerda1 wssea. I can assure Baldwin that • JOSEPH *AfEN ii the owner and captain of the Eledric ~Angela Louile. ... READERS RESPOND DON LEACH I DALY Pl.OT Unless ttie City Council overturns a Planning Commission dec1s1on, ttie Kona Lanes bowting alley tri'Costa Mesa may be tom down. S_hopping fOr an answer AT ISSUE: Whether to have Kona Lanes bowling alley or a Kohl 's department store in Costa Mesa. I t seems to me that the Segerst10ms just want 10 sell that land. Costa Mesa does not need another departmenl score. We need some places for recreation. A reader complained that Kona l.anes IS run d~. I am sure that if lhe owners had some security a.bout the future of that site and assurances that the bowting alley can remain, they would invest some money i.nto ~furbishing lhe facility and make Kona Lanes whal it once was. Kona Lanes needs to be saved. O>sta Mesa badly needs places for recreation, especially for teenagers and young adults. I hope and pray that Mayor Karen Robinson's appeal works. If lhe Segerstroms are bent on A g the property. perhaps lhe citY ~T Cost.a Mesa can take over. Th.Ls ls probably impossible in lhe present economy, but the city purchased the farm for soccer fields, so I am sure Lhal something could be done Perhaps the Segerstroms could lease ii to the city for recreation ~ Ma~ a wue part could take ~ place of lhe theaters, something lllce the successful skace facility at the Block at Orange. MELISSA UPPANO Cost.a Mesa For I.hose who wane a bowling alley the most, get your bowling team together and purchase Kona Lanes yourselves, and then go into tbe bowling alley business. lf we residellts are entitled to bowling, perhaps you could make ii free to bowl. as well. Believe me, if there were a robust market to support a bowling alley (and ice rink for that matter) the parking lots would be full. and these places would be making money for their owners. Also, for lhme writing in to support keeping Kona Lan~ please repon how much money you've spent there in the last three months. CHRIS K£JUNS <:osta Mesa I'm iD agreement with Cindy Brenneman's statement in the Daily Pilot today about needing *something more family oriented• (•tcohl's bowls a strike with c.:ommiss1on,· Wednesday). Soon there will be nothing to do in Costa Mesa except to shop. Why do we need another store? Ideally. I would like the ice rinJt and bowling alley to be updated with state-of-~an facilities. These were great venues.. creating fond memories for my kids as they were growing up. With one still at home, I wtSh there was another activity~oriented facility available there now. I think kids deserve a local place to go and have fun \ As a patron of that center, doing grocery shopping, banking, etc., I beli~ a big department store would make the pa.ricing situation and traffic even worse. I llus was not the case when the ice rink. bowling alley'and theaters were i.n use.J I hope our city leaders will be insightful enough to provide our community with enriching opponunities. • DEBBIE DEIEUO Co~Pad COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Plea9e be advbed that Kona Lanes is a very import.ant activity for our youth in Orange <..ounty. It i.5 aft"ordable and oJiers young people a place to meet with friends. enjoy a spon and be in a safe environment Please keep me informed ~Mt Newport Beach Rlght now, Kona Lanes is an eyesore. It's a place for kids to bang that haw no where else to go becauae there ls no one watching those pa11s of the place. And gee, wouldn't it be nice to have a center for our kids where they could play and that ls an ~ location. localed between so many schools.: Fstancia. Cost.a Mesa High. TeWinkle. Ray. Walson and California. It 1s just such an ideal location for lcid~ II ~ 100 bad the planners aren't thinJcing of the lads. Still Kohl's IS far. far better than the empty vacant buildings waiting for vandals and people 10 hang without supervision. It is a ~nd choice, but it is a bener choice than whac is there now. II i-; unfortunate that we can't find a way 10 pool our energies and nol have to dnw to lrvine. Laguna Hills and Huntington Beach for a child-centered location. DIANE.JONES Mesa Verde M) penonal feeling is lhal we nttd a decenl recreational facility m our neighborhood for the yowlg people and Kona Lanes should be reestabhshed Also, it is too bad that we cannot have a part or some other opportunity for other people to have some plecfsurc in that area GWEN ORTIC Costa Mesa To voie or not to vote, that is the question · QU01t OF THE DAY "We're loaded and it's going to be fun." · Dous Volclnc. CdM gir1s swim coach . Sports EAltor Roger c.rtson • (949) 574-4223 • 5"rtl Fax: (9491650-0170 , . ·HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER PLAYOFFS · .. ~ EYEOPENER Daily~PWt· s,.ta llll fllr... Coll!lnllnl ............ Marcil 10 honoree JIM WARREN Daily Pilot I 1 Mesa hosts: . ..J~onita ··in · GIF ·s·emifinal ,. . . . -.. ; . I . ~ ' , j • I I I I I . I I I I I j I I I f l I f I I l f • I ! I • j " I I I I I I I I I I I l f . I ' I I ·: Costa Mesa senior co-captain Devin : Denman (above) celebrates a goal by : _ fellow senior co-captain Sharon Day in a Golden West League game earlier ·this season. At right, Costa Mesa sophomore forward Jenny Sparks celebrates her goal in Thursday's CIF Southern Section Division Ill l quarterfinal victory over Centennial of • Corona with teammate Rachel I I ·1 I I I I I f L .. l, VI Ronquillo (15). The No. 2-seeded Mustangs host· No. 3-seeded Bonita today at 3 p.m. for the right to advance to Saturday's championship game at site to be determined. ~ HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS PREVIEW _,, :~Newport Harbor bids f o~ :: Sea ·view League crown . ~ I • . .,. Deck, two freshmen "' bolster Sailo~' !:! lineup as they aim to ~ tum around recent "'. mlsfortUnes. ... · ltk:l)erd Dunn ,... OailY Pilot 1 mWeonlum, m;-. aeeond-year coadl la trying to go lightly on the exped8tions. But It's hard not to get exdled about incoming tal- ent. especlally diamonds in the rough, u the Sailors have expert· enced fn 2003. "Lut year wu deftoitely a tough year, a rebuilding year, for sure, but th.la year wtlve made huge atrldea,• 'l1'lOn*'1 eald. ~re defln.ltely a lot more IO.lid and we1l be compedni fur the leeclie d· detbia .. In:, to retUmlng No. 1 ~ Pla)'W 1)ter DecS Md Siie HDI trinafer OJde tvmer, both jurilOll. muna the ... . . OCC ATHLETES OF lllE WEEK • Explosive Mustangs· battle Bearcats for berth in Saturday's title game . Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot COSTA MESA While some coaches run up phone bills networking with col- leagues, meticulously ·break down videotape of opponents, and scour newspapers on the in- ternet for the smallest scouting de- tail, Costa Mesa High girls soccer coach Dan Johnston virtually ignores his opponents. The No. 2-seeded Mustangs (21- 1-2) have extended th.is pnctice to game day of late, giving a collective cold shoulder to their first three CJF Southern Section Division rlr playoff foes, whom they have ou~cored, 15-1. In so doing. the Golden West League champions have compiled a 21-game unbeaten streak, including 14 straight victories, apd have broken new ground for a program that had one playoff victory and just two post- season appearances coming into this season. Today's Division Ill semifinal op- ponent, No. 3-seeded Bonita (19- 2-4), figures to be the toughest obsta-· cle to a CIF championship for the Mustangs. And, while Johnston may lack specific information, both he and bis players are aware the Bear- cats are riding their own cycle of suc- cess. "They lnow that Bonita took apart a Louisville team ,.that beat us Oast ~. year, when Bonita shared the CIF Di· vision IV title with Harvard-West- lake)," Johnston said. "(Mesa players) know they're in for a donnybrook (3 p.m. at Costa Mesa).· Bonita, champion of the Mira- monte League, has a1so yielded just one goa1 in three playoff victories, but bas scored only five. J'be Bear- cat.S earned a second-round victory over Sunny Hills on penalty kicks, in a game that was scoreless through regulation and 30 minutes of over- time. Bonita defeated firsJ-round op- ponent Arroyo Grande, 1-0, and han- dled La Mirada, 4-1, in Thursday's quarterfinals. "They have a reputation as bejng a strong defensive team,· said Johns- ton, though La Mirada Coach Dennis Guerra seemed to be most impressed with the Bearcats' speed on offense after Thursday's loss. Guerra a1so called Bonita the best team in Division m, a label some be- lieve belongs to the Mustangs, espe- cially since top-seeded Troy fell to Orange Lutheran in the quarterfinals. "I've said a1l along we have as good a chance to win it as anyone," said Johnston, whose team has backed up · this belief. The Mustangs' 15-1 play- off scoring edge is more lopsided than the combined 13-2 advantage ea.med by the other three Division Ill semifinalists. Costa Mesa, with its dizzying display or offensive fire· ·power, has outscored the opposition th.is season, 113-14, In the playoffs alone, senior Sharon E>ay, a second-team All-OF Division IV performer last season, · , bu five goa1s and threee assists. phomore Jenny Sparks. bas chipped in four goals and three as- siata, while freshman Jasmin Day, Sharon's sister, has three goals in two ' games, having sat out the second- round victory at Santa Monica with a sprained ankle.· Sharon Day, the reigning CIF State blgb Jump champion, who will com- • pete in track and field, and possibly soccer, at cal Poly San Luis Obispo aa . a collegian, has amaased 28 goals and 34 ualsta this season. In four vanity seUC)na, the mldftdler has produced 82 goala and 71 aaaiata. Spa.rb. a forward, has 27 goals and 14 Wists thia aeuon, while Jasmin Dayhas23goalsand14 aaalsta. But while the aforementioned threesome bu been most produc- tive, Johnston aald the key to this year'• tuece11 bu been the depth of , the contribution from the entire roa- 7 ter. ). "'lbete ~ t>laY t<>1ether better than any l'ft bad,• said Johnston. in · \ b1a 11th eeat0n at the the Mesa helm. ' SttatejcaUy. Johnston cites tbe tarilltion pme as the uy to the Mus· ~·eucxeu. "We'w done a couple th1np really wen this year, .. Johnaton .a.Id. "Ant; •ve aotten to the 50.50 ball and, leCODd, wn. been able to eewe it I • .. I ~ - I· SPORTS T~sday, March •. 2003 A7 HIGH SCHO L GIRLS SWIMMING PREVIEW ' Sea Kings ready for breakthrough Voiding believes ' this could be his best team in 19 years at the school. Bryce Alderton · Daily Pil~t OORONA DEL MAR -Over- flowing enthusiasm swirled in Doug Volding's voice when di5- cussing this year's C.orona del Mar High girls swim team. The veteran coach, entering his 19th season at the Sea Kin~ helm. believes this could be his best team in that span. "We're loaded and it's going to be fun,· Voiding said. Strong words, but Voiding backs them up. Sophomore Jordan Anae and junior Kim McKay garnered C.o-MVP honors for the Sea Kings, who finished eighth at last season's CIF Southern Sec· tion Division 11 finals. Anae swam to a personal-best in the 100-yard freestyle (54.20) and 100 backstroke (59.03), the lat- ter ~aming All-American con- sideration. Seniors Brittney Bowlus, Christina Hewko and Jackie McCoy rerum. along with Danielle Carlson, Daniela DiGiacomo, Jessica Hackins, Nild Hendrick.son and Kelli Kline. Returning juniors indude Katya Eadmgton, Tracy Kubas. Vivian Uao, McKay. Ao Roden- huis and Natalie Wayte. Anae heads· the sophomore returning class that also fea- tures Brittany FuJlen and Lau- ren McAdams. McKay finished eighth in the 200 free, clocking a personal- best l :58.63 at last season's CIF finals in addition to a 5: 19.50 man in the 500 free. Bow1us went 25.56 in the 500 free for seventh place and was 15th in the 100 free (55.99) at the OF finals. Also at the CIF meet, Hewko swam a personal-best 25.30 for 11th place ln the 50 free and Uao came In 13th in the 50 free (25.57) and 11th in the I()() free (56.06). Anae. McKay. Uao and Bow- lus earned All-Amencan con- sideration in the 200 free relay (1:(2.07), good for fifth at CIF 6nals. 'The same quartet was ~nth place in the 400 free . The Sea Kings •• Jordan Anae So. Tumua Anae Fr. Kathryn Bilder Fr. Brittney Bowlus Sr. Arny Catlin So. Ashley Chandler Fr. Danielle Carlson Sr. Daniela DiGiacomo Sr. Katya Eadington Jr. Brittany Fullen So. Brianna Galloway Fr. Jessica Har1lins Sr. Camille Hew1co Fr. Christina Hewko Sr. Niki Hendridtson Sr. Atyssa Jones Fr. Kelli Kline Sr. Katlin Kubas So. Tracy Kubas Jr. Lauren McAdams So. Jackie McCoy Sr. Kim McKay Jr. Katie Lemmerman So. Vivian Liao Jr. Justine Primavera Fr. Alexine Rodenhuis Fr. Flo Rodenhuis Jr. Bree Schuman So. Ali Shue Fr. Amy Stradt Jr. Natalie Wayte Jr. Ann Winners So. Erika Yamashita Fr. Amy Zudter Fr. Coec:h: ~Voiding (19th year) Assistant: Ann Kittleson relay (3:42.62). ._ Junior Amy Strack. along with sophomores Amy Catlin, Katlin Kubas. Katie Lemmer· man. Bree Schuman and Ann Winners. are varsity prospectS. according to Voiding, as are freshmen Tumua Anae. Kath· ryn Bilder, Ashley Oland.ler, Brianna Galloway, Camille Hewko, Alyssa Jones, Justine Primavera. Alexine Rodenhws. Ali Shue, Erik.a Yamashita and Amy 1.ucker. With a wealth of water polo players making the transition into swimming th.is spring, Voiding said the swimmers come in already in shape. "You have to convert their strokes quicker. but It's nice having them womng out.· he DON l.£ACH I OAl.Y Pl.OT f.bcve, Kim McKay, who shared MVP honors for the Sea Kmgs last season, competes In the butterfly. Her spec1albes. however, are the freestyle and backstroke. Below. Jordan Anae (right), the other MVP, displays her superior freestyle form last spring. said. One or the team's strengths j~ that many swimmers can com- pete in multiple events. Vold-. lng said. He will use the preseason. which begins Thursday at home against Edison. to assess swimmers' abilities and what events they are strong in. "Throughout the season. people will move all over the ...Yin~ area schools. with many place in pre~lion for the compeung for club teams Ir· March 26 Pacific Coast League vine Novaqualics and Aqua- duaJ meet again.st University.· 1.ots. Voiding said. said Voiding. who expects CdM "If you crank those kilo- to battle with the Trojans, as meters out. the techniques will weU as Northwood. for league come and thats what you have rupremacy. 10 have at the Clf level. -he Umversity defeated c.dM last !>aid. ·we were one body shon. season, en route to the titJe. but we might have patched SWimmers feed mto the Ir-that role up." NEWPORT ~llACH I OAJll' PILOT Ann ~ttJ~,c>n. who teach~ Engll5h at CdM dlld coaches the junior V-clJ'Sity team. will as- sist Voiding on ch~.~~~~~ son returns dds - gjving birth to a baby boy, Jake. "UttJe Jake WLIJ be on the pool deck..· 'voiding ..aid. ·1 look forward lo Lht. .... worung with aJJ the people • Shadow lands Continued from AG top two ~pots, the Sailo~ feature freshman Roben Khoury at No. 3 singles and a well-stocked dou- bles lineup. THE SAILORS T he Orange Coast College women's basketball team rolls to a 76-57 victory over visiting Allan Hancock in the second round of the Southern California Regional Playoffs. The Pirates, coming back from a 12-day layoff, jump out to a 14-0 lead and hold advantages of 23·5 and 31 -12 in the first half. Orange Empire Conference Player of the Year Jmnlfer Lodwlcld drains Coast's first. three baskets and recei~ defensive help from sophomo~ Becky l.Adwk . Ludwfck:l finishes with 30 points, hitting fJve three-polnten and gJabbing elght boards. Nat.alle Weeb gets 11 rebound& 5 The visltlng C.orona del Mar High boys wUeyball team opensltaseasonw1tha 15-13, 15·7,6-15, 15-2victoryoveT Costa Mesa ln a nonleague showdown. The Sea ~who the year before reached the CIF Southern SectJon Dtvlsfon Ill-A championship match, •ahow ilashes of brilliance and Ouhea of lnexperjence, • according to third-year Coach SC... • ContL Junior ft.rat-team All·CIF returner Dennla Allhuler and. Gft1 Coon combine for 20 kills with 10 each. CdM (1 ·0) , jumps to a 14-10 lead ln Game I before Mesa (1-1) creeps to wtthln 14-13. CdM letllor Gree Burden rifles a shot past Mesa blockers to secure the Ge.me 1 win. Mea flnt-year coach Ywtte \'bun says her team baa athletic ability but b p1-ylng u individual&. The Muatanp dominate the third pme behind B.J 1Jsbnoet (18 kills). He ranJes oft ID terVla points ln the game. CdM am.lo.r ~ I' • contrtbU 22 uslPI and h.la Mesa counteipan. Ovtl ......,, ta1Uet ~· Coaches vote Newport Harbot High'• Mdla llllMin Sea View League Plaf'!l' or the \ar-ID girts wat• polO. M0ore belpa tad Harbor to tta ftrst lague cbamplonablj> and ~ the team wt th 69 goala. SeYeo Back Bay MaDdOUu an Dalmd flrat·team all·leque, lndudlni Corona del Mar'a Unpn ..... and Newport'•~ t... Second-ceem ~ include NO'wport'1AuW W and JMAIJA ttu ft ~ •nc Wtth CdM'• KrtiKa BJOitfllt and ...... ..-. Hardt.. lefilor, ICC.di a team-high 87 ~and eddt S8 teellt and 15 .... O>tta M ... High'• Musta.nga give ColCh IClft .... •ti ..,. a nice wdCOllM blietfll! ~a 5-l vtctoiy ewer bola Century in' DOOlelllCM!' lllCdon. Bauermeltter o~ hll ftnt MUOD at die helm e.lnce he Coeehed .. Meta ttom 1981·• SWtef.,. 0 I tiv dlrowl jua $3 ptchle In 5~ innlnp,. • etrildlw out bar and aUowtnc bW hltl. Junior ct.nup hll1ii ...._" m bunmen I ehot 350 feec for tM ............. balllllrun. .... I 'llt md ...-r.1 .... ..ch rip bMa M Chi , , Mustangs score three runs in the seventh inning to put the game away. B efore nearty 1.000 fans at Loyola Marymount Uruvenity, C.osta Mesa High's girls basketball team downs arch-nemesis Rancho Alamitos, 72-55, for the CIF Southern Section Di'Vision Ill-A championship. Three-time All·ClF star Olivia OICamllll scores I 0 of what wouJd be a game-high 27 points. foUowed by Heather RoblNods • 10 points in the first two periods and 16 for the game. Netar Kabua hies seven or her 15 points ln the winning wetch. Mesa 10 (26_.) shoots ~ from the field by halftime while Rancho cans only 14CJl, (4 of 27). The Mustangs. who have now won 22 consecutive games, are coached by Lisa McNamee and host Alemany (25-5) in the first round of the CIF State playoffs. Corona del Mar senior captain 1bdd Merriman Intercepts a pass with 23 seconds left and bits two free throws with 2 1 eeconds left to clinch the hosts' 47 ·46 victory over St.· Bernard in the CIF Southern Section I>MsJon JV-M title game at Estancia High. A missed Sea King free throw with 14 seconds left gtves St. Bernard (13· 15) poe.sastoo. but a Gregory lletOJV three-pointer bounds off the l)oop and CdM ( 17-12) le time expire without lnbQJJ.ndlng the ball. CdM Coach ,_.om. earns h1.t first Clf"dtle ring ln thn!t title-game •ppeara.ncea. along with the tc::hool first section title since 1981, the third in its biatory. Mentrnan neta 13 points to follow senJor a..t. Qulndl team-blgb 14. Senior forward Iflil Thomp.oa chips lo ~ points off the bench. Quinn and Merri.nW'l c::orub6nie for 17 ol I.be Sea (lop' 25 ftnt-balf po.I.DU and l!B Wr1 .... thtte-polnt play wtth 2:17 ldt ln the ~t q~ glve1 tbe hotu the teed for good. 7-5. Smothertng defensive prcuunt Al provtded by Du ~who fn.wtratet St: lerriard'• ~ Hldcmon. WbO 1CDrea 19 points. but only foui In the eecond half. lb Sea~ bOlt Con:oran (21--6) ln tbe ftnt round oft.be t ~~.Coast Collegewomena bubtbaD team makes ... nm trip to thil tat tournament; bUt lallt lo lhe 6nt round to UanClx:k. 82· 76. The l'tralies fZ'T-6) tib a 68--ee lead wtth one miinni to play in ,..dedon on • pai.i of ftte throwl. bUt ..... ....,.... bits. field .... With 42 MCOndt left lO de II at fie u\d eac:h ttlun faUa tO ICON •o fbrce CWW1kne. Hancock <27·S) OUllCOftl b ........ I .. Ii~ ... .. IKJpcn Md ..... .,_.. wb ... 17 poblCI Wblle =:.a::::=.•C'hfthM.,..•10·~·15 ¢' f lllJ91.,mAJ' ._ . . Senior Jason Lund and sopho more Dylan F..spley-Jones return as the No. I double!> team. while Thomsen will send out senior Brandon Lutfy and freshman Ruslan Serdyuk as the No. 2 team. His third doubles team lS still undecided and will be deter- nuned among five candidates. Thomsen. a 1994 Newpon Harl>or graduate whose tennis playing career took off at Golden West C.ollege and the University of Oregon. said next year could be even more anticipated with two eighth graders expected 10 play for the Sailors as freshmen in 2004, induding nationalty ranked Jake Aeming. This season, however. Thom sen can see nothing but im- provement for bis program, which went winless in league last season for the third year in a row ind 6n.ished with three wins overall. , "We 1bok extremely weU In sin- gles and, hopefully, doubles can pick up • few wins.. 'Q>omsen said. In Oed.. ThOOlSlefl has the ace ~ c:oac:h ls looking foc. an es- tablished lou.n:wnent player wbo la woddng toWiUd a mllql- ak carftf. Rumer. who .... out last ymr after traodcrring from HID. competa ngulady and~­ fulJy ln United Sta 1ennls Id· IOdadoo C'WllJ in &be 18L ~ M, pllryl UJ> in the US- ~ dR:WL ID tho 161 and I and c:wld be. dominant ...... playu tor four ,.n. His -..er. CamM:n. • fft!ttuNn on lhe UC 1rvine women's tmnll tmD\ whUie biJ om« .-et Diane. • .undoUt on Harben Fta tmm. Umd Ind Blipley-)ocJM ~ No. t ... .,... ._. JIM' ed are apec:lMdeo...,.....,lbia ........ ~ -bJW11JoUllJ It -.._ ...... _,_ ..., .... .,.. ..... ..... Tyler Deck Jr. Char11e Farmer Jr. Robert Khoury Fr. Jason Lund Sr. ()ytan Espfey Jones So. Brandon Lutfy Sr Ruslan Serdyuk Fr. Derek Davis So. Bob D'Ehsco Jr. Jonathan Tweena Sr. Brian Hodlwald Sr. Chue Ayres Fr Coed\: Jeff Thomsen (second year) caught Thomsen's eye "Nobody knew about him.• Thomsen said. ·He said he used to live with a tennis coach In Ulcramc and said he wanted CD play 1enrus again. He'I rea11J good. . . he's well-built and • strong kid. t-kt's very mab..ft fur h.is •· He' tuts ~ ball ex· tremefy weU and tJ,a., a lot Of ex· perience. He's going to help ua tremendously ln doublea. Hitt ilnd of like the diamond in chit ~-~any who lhrougtl ._. t:r)'OUtl haft little ~aped­ mce or hive M\W pkkat up a mcbt. m It wa euy to whniee aMMld llD <Mta I Al Tuesday, March •. 2003 STEVE McCRANK /DAILYPILOT Costa Mesa star Sharon Day (9) has proved difficult to contain. MESA Continued from A6 1 into our play. The only team that has really beaten us at that was Long Beach Wilson and that was our onJy loss." The Mustangs cast of stand- outs also includes sophomore · midfielder Nilani Duarte, sophomore forward Vera GaJe, senior halfbacks Kris.tin . Bag· well and Toshia Bryant, sopho- more halfback Rachel Ron- quillo, }tmior halfback Rachel Hughes, senior swee per Devin Denmap, junior defenders Stacy KriJtorian, Valerie Go- mez and Kara Jenkins. as well as the goalie tandem of sopho· more Kindra Bailey and junior Kaitlyn Gentling. Nelly Barrios. Laura Dinsdale. Sara Bryant and Julie Nomura have provided additional sup- port. Bonita, which lost three first-team All-CJF standouts to graduatioo after -lasr-seastm, including Division IV Offen- sive Player of the Year Lisa Jen- son, is paced by All-CIF re- turners Kelli McGrath and Randie Massro. McGrath, a junior forward, was a second-team AJJ-CIF pick a year ago. She had two goals in the win over La Mirada. Massro, a junior midfielder, was a first-team All-CIF choice last year. St)e had one goal against La Mirada, as did Heather Lausch. Senior co-captain. Kellie Prather had two assists in Lhe Bearcats' quarterfinal victory. Today's winner advances to Saturday's title game, against either Orange Lutheran (20-6· I) or No. 4-seeded Walnut (18- 4-4). The championship game will be held at either Cal State Fullerton or La Mirada High, at a time to be determined. .. . SPORTS -- BRIEFLY . . ,.. Sea King~ .~in tieb11eaker • GOIJI: The Corona dd Mar HJgh boys golf team ftnlsbed nine boaes tied. 191-191, With Esperanza 8l the Newport Beach Cowl- try• Out> Monday. bot won the ~ slsts). also contributed heavily for the F.agles. Vanguard tops Villanova twice based on sixd:l llWl Alex OUkoYan1. •TENNIS: vanguard Unlverslty men5 and bad five birdies. Devid KendaJJ (72), Shlum Vickers 04), Jake A1lanach (75), Kelly Wac.b (75) also played well for the Pirates (4·2, 1·2 in confer- ence). Chlkovan.l shot 6-over·par 41, three atrobs women's tennis. teams were both vlctodous better than bis Aztec dval. to seal the_ non~ Monday In no~erence matches against Orange Coast e11"9rs costly league vi~~ tn llte opener for both schools. visiting VUlanova. CdM's RabinoYicb was medalist (35), 1he men won, 6-3, to improve to 4-2, while· • SOFl'&U.l: Desplte two two-run home lndudlng a bird.lo on the par-4 ninth. ffe,hlt the women earned a 5-4 vk:tory to go to 4-l. · runs. the Orange Coast College aoftball team ftve .of seven possible faiiways and bad 12 Olp Hlushchanb didn\ lose a pme ip lost. ll-6, to Orange Pmplle Conf~'visl· putU. • • · · · ·' her an;es sweep llnd AJeoa Vota'90Va beat tor Riversf'de MOndar, Sef\lor Nick Sherman and Brad Ownber-her opponent, 6-0, 6-J. Hlushchanka and Vo-OO:::S five euors .ec:f to.~ Wle8med NN Jin shot 38, while nm Probling and Rob lhy tavova them teamed up to earn an 8-3 vie-for the TWn. Freshman catcher ~ shot 40. tory in doubles, Vanguard's only win In that Wlkernan 6elted a l\W-ruo booler and Kera •1t feels great.• said CdM Coach Mike ~ Mathes' two-run bomb made it 6-6 in the fifth. Starkweather. '1.a.st year we would consider Ivan Bjortland and Philip Mardh each won Mathes bad three RBls and sophomore throwing out a 41. Now a 41 is a deeent score their mens singles matches and were both on outfiekler Autumn Pearce went 2 for 4 with a on this cow-se. • the lions two victoriou.s doubles' teams. double for cxx; (5--6, I -2 in the OF.c). Eagles sweep season opener Rfyerside improYed to 13-5, 3--0. Cllampion paces OCC triumph . a.-...~ew ... a • YOU.EYBW.: The Fstaoda High boys volleyball team opened fts ~n Impres- sively Monday. sweeping visiting Century. 15-2, 15-6, 15-3, in a nonleague match. Josh Kornegay pattd the Eagles with JO kills and two blocks while Ouis Hartwell (nine kills) and setter TheYOr Holmes ~ as- '\. • GOIP. Orange C.oast College sophomore Brad Champion shot 2-under-par .68 to lead the Pirates to a 364-407 Orange Empire Con- ference men's golf victory over visiting Cerri- tos at the Costa Mesa Golf & CoWltry Oub's Mesa Linda course Monday. Champion, a transfer from hvine Valley, Ah:•lide11,0C:CI Scol91:J¥..,.. Riverside 105 003 2 n 10 2 Onlnge Coast 202 mo o • • 5 C. Chaey, Monroe (41 end Barttt; Matti. and Shan.im. W -Monroe; 11·2. l -Matt., 6--3. 28- 'M>ltz IRI. Hems1ev (RI, M. O\ll98V (R), Pure» (OCC). 38-Hemsley (R). HR -Matt. ICX:Cl. Wakeman (OCC). · SCHEDULE OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK TODAY BaMball College -Vanguard Bt Cal State Los Angeles, 3 p.m. Community college -Santa Ana at Orange Coast, 3 p.m. Vol9yball College men -UC Irvine at Long B'.eadl State, 7 p.m. Soccer High school gir1a -CIF Southern-Section Division Ill semifinal, Bonita at Costa Mesa, 3 p.m. Tennil College men -Virginia at UC Irvine, 1 p.m. College women -Vanguard at'Westmont 2 p.m. Community college men -Orange Coast at Saddlebac:k, 2 p.m.. ._ .. Community college women -Saddlebact at Orange Coast, 2 p.m. . High school boys -Brentwood at Corona del Mar, 3 p.m.; Laguna Beadl at Sage Hill, 3 p.m.; Oxford Academy at Estancia, 3 p.m. Golf High school boys -Mission Viejo 8t Newport Harbor (SACC), 3 p.m.; Katella at Costa Mesa, 2 p.m.; Foothill at Corona del Mar (NBCC), 2:30 p.m. Softball College -Vanguard at Azusa Pacific, 3 p.m. , o# WITNESS HISTORY . IN THE MAKING WATSON TREVINO RODRIGUEZ CRENSHAW MCCORD & ZOELLER Are coming to Newport Beach, March 17-23, 2003 for the [Toshiba Senior Classic Be a part of this very special section of the Daily Pilot on [Friday, March 14, 2003 Just treat your phone like that two-foot putt ... PICK IT UP_. And call: 949.642.4321 Dai Ir Pilot ..; TOSHIBA. ], C IRVINE EN'S VOLLEYBALL BEAT LA! #S ua vs. n uc• A ~. Mm'Ch 7 al 7 p.m. er..,.... .... c...-.111 ............. ,..) UC IRVINE MEN'S BASKETBALL EXTRAVAGANZA UCI vs. Long leach State Slllurday, March 8 .. 7 , ..... 1hl Ira ..... Cllll• . .................. .., ....... '~(Int-) UCI Min's laHtNlll 1'S. '°''' Gwv••'• Allecs of San Diego State . S....,, M1rcll I 814· p.a. .1111111• lnQr lltl .. 0 I ............ c.iia-... t ''111(1111•) _ .. 'I .. I PtilY Pilot • _____ ..... _____ lipfNaaca .. Llpl .... NUC&llOI " ""blk hHrlnp will be ~ a-. ti.. Cost• Mew ,J'.i.nn1111 Commluloll •I 1 City "'"· n h lr Drive. Cent. Meu, C1hfornj1, •t 1(30 p.rn., or 1s soon u pwllbl4 ther .. tter on • ...,,. ..,.. 24, IOOJf 111e,-dln1 the follow Ill epplle.ttlons. 1. r1ann1n1 Applicetlon PA-03·05 to epPfove a Final Mester Plan for "T ewlnlll4 Perk a t 970 Atllnston Dtlve 111 lhl lnttlMlonel 6 RKte 1tlonel (11.R) '°"'· Tiie f tnal Me.tar Pl111 !fl. clu~ rKOmmtfld1llon• for redulan of tlle .. 1st1n1 buebell/softball complu to 1 fOUl·fi.ld 10Ub1ll only fecmt,, n1w tennis, voll4yban, •nd basllelb1ll courts, 20,000 aq ft, permenent &!\ate faclbty, 10,000 IQ. ft community cent11, like renovallon, a nd propond pedutr1111 brld,./rnedlen IMf)IOYI· "*''*on Junipero Drive. lanctsceplfll, end m "°' consltU(:tk).1 (e.a. ptr:nlc shtlt11s, r"lfoom f•· c11itlaa) are •lso In· ch1d1d. E11vlfonm•n••• determln111on: MC•hva dacbltation. TIM lllptiva m laretlon is IYltlable for publlc review/com· ment from Jbrch 4 • 24, 2003 1t the followi11& loutlons: (•) Public Count«, Plann•nc Oivi ' tlon. City Hell, 77 fair Dflve, (b) Mtu Vwcla Llbruy, 2H 9 MtH V«4e Orlvt, (c) 0\'1111• County POblk Library (PMll Avenue Branch), t~ Per II Aven.,. If a"y of ti,. Pfecedlna actloM are chalJanaed In COUit, Ill• ch1lt.n,. m1y be limited to only tllosa Issues MIJ'IMOll• ,..bes at the publlc he ar ~I desttibed In this •otlee lllVllSnY Of <AllomA, .. CA1PUS llQ11CI 11¥11-SllllM COlllAC'IOIPIEQllA&llCAllOI~ FOi COllSTIJC1'l)I Of UO aAl CBml lllWIBT llOSftTAlm ... 1UllOYA1IOl-IT fUlllll llOCATal PIOM •• tMSOO hlnn 2003 • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Gen11et Contrector Ptequetftlutlon Que"ionn1ires wlli be received by the U111versrty of Celifor111e, Irvine C•(tlpas. for qul1iflcatlon to bid on UO MIDICAI. ctMna ~CUHNT ttOS,nAl AND IUllOfNe tA klMOYATIOM -Jn f'Ull UNI lUO<ATtc>N, ,.OJICl "°'"''°° . . . All Cenarlil Contractors !"ho afl Interested In prequ11tfyln1 for this Project and wish ta obtain tM Prequehhc11ton Questionnaire Paci.et may c1ll etther (949) 824-8034 or tlM Hot Line at (949) 824·8111. Prequalrfted .Gen11al Contractors wtll be required to han the follow1n11 Calll0tnl1 contractor's llcanu at the time of the Bid Deadline. •A• GINElllAl INGINHlllMG DUCl9'Ttc>N Of THI PRO.If.CT· · Work includes the relocation ol an 8' diameter U S Navy 1et fuel hne which will indude tfie constructJon of new ptpellne and the remov1I of u~hh& p1pelone wtth all approp11att appurtenances for valves, bends, bacllfill. cathodic proted1on. etc. Construction Cost Est1mete $200,000.00 PllOUAUfl<ATfON SCHIOUU 0. T ... 4-y, Mwclt 4, 200S, ~ .... llflcetleA O•e•tl-lrH wtll be 1uued to interested Contractors at.Desl11n £ Construction Serv1ce1, University of California, Irvine. 5201 Cahfornla Avenue. Su1t-e 250, Irvine. CA 92697-2450, (Corner ol Btsort Avenue and Caltfornta Avenue). for lnformatlOO call the hotllne (949) 824·8117 or (949) 824-7009 On W.......,, Merdl 12, 2003, • •-4•tef}I o-ral <-tracter ,,......,.lflc.,1-C..ter-e will be conducted be1innin11 promptly at 9.00 A.M. Only General Co11ttactors who part1c1pate in th•. ~onffrence In Its ent•r.ety Witt be allowed to submit Prequaltflcatlon Quest1onnatres. Persons 1trtv1n1 after 9.0S A.M. wtll not be •llowed to submit Prequahflt:ation Ques tionnaires Participants she ll meet at. Desl&n lo Construclton Services, University ol Celiforn~. Irvine, 5201 Cahforma Avenue, Suite 250. Sulhvan & W111ht Conference Rooms. Irvine, c,-. 92697·2450, {Corner of Bit.an Avenue and C1llf0<n11 Avenue), for further 1nform1t1on. contact Lynn Javier at (949) 824-7009 The ...,_ te receive •-plete4 Pr...-llffc•t'-Ou-t1_,.1, .. will be We•e14ay, Mwdo 19, ZOOJ, et SrOO '·•· at· Destan & Construction Servicn. Attention: Lynn J1v1er. Un1vers1ty of Cahfornia, hv1ne. 5201 C11tfornt1 "venue, Suite 250. Irvine. c,-. 92697·2450 General ~ontrector Prequahflc1hon Quesltol)rH11i<e!>, mclud1n1 any requ1red attachments. shall be submitted tn sealed envelopes marked wtth the notation on the outside. •GINEllAl CONlU<TOlt ,RIOUAUfKATION QUISTIOMNAlal t ... UCI MlOICAL ClNTEa aEl"lACIMINT HOS'1TAl AND IUllOIMO IA aENOVAT10N -JET FUil UfU Hl0CAT10N, PaOJlCT NO. 9945~ and addressed to the otfu:e destgnaled above .,,._ Generel Contractors shall a»ume lull respons1b1l1 ty tor tunely dehv~~y"lt fhe 1ocahon ctueanated for receipt of Prequaltficahon Questionna11e{ Oral, telephonic, lacs1m1le, or telearaphtc Prequahhcatlon Qu1sttonn1lres are 1nvahd and will not be a"epted No prequahfic111on documents w1ll be accepted after S:OO P M .. Wednesday, March 19, 2003. However. the Umverstly reserves the 111ht to request, recetve. and evaluate supplemental mlormalton alter tile above h~ and date at 1ls sole determination. COMTUCTOll PaEQUAUfl<ATION PIOCIDUHS1 The evaluation 1s solely for the purpose ol determ1n1n11 wt11ch Bidders are deemed quahfted f<>< succeaslul perfo1m1nce of, the type ol work included 1n this Pro,ect w1lhm the Conlu1ct Time. The Untvently shall determine the low b1dde1 from tile' pool of prequahlied bidders who submit bids on the basrs ol Ille Lump Sum Base Bid, plus the amounts of any accepted 11ternales The Un1vers1ly ruerves the 111ht '" reiect any or all Queshonn•tres, to 10111e any inf or mahly 1n the Questionnaires and lo invite tl>ose prequaltfted conlr1cton to submit bids for the Project Bid Secunty 1n the amount ol 101. of the lump Sum Base Bid, e1eludin1 alternates. shall accompany n ch Btd The Surely 1ssum1 bonds for ttie Pro1ec1 shall be. on the Bid Oeadhne. an admitted surefy Insurer H delrned in the Calllorn1a Code ol C1v11 Procedure Section 995 120. All inwrance pol1cll!s required lo be obtained by tile Bidder shall be sub,ect lo approval by Univenity for l0<m and substance ,-.11 pollc1es for Commerdal Form General llab1l1ty and Busine..S Automobile k11b1hty lnsurence shall be issued by companies with a Best r1hnt1 of A· or better, and a financial cl1ss1f1callon of VIII Of better (<>< an equivalent rat•nc by Standard & floor or Moody's) All pohetes required for Workers Compenution and Employers· l1abtlrly Insurance.shall be Issued by companies (1) th1t have a But ratin11 of B+ or better, and a financial class1hcatlon of VIII or better (or an equivalent r a11n11 by Standard & Poor 01 Moody's) or (11) that 11e uceplal>le to the Un111ersrty The Ce111flcale of Insur ante \hall be issued on 1111! Unt11en1ty's form Prospecl1Ve bidders inteodtni to be p1equa1tlled are infofmed that they will be sub1ecl to and must fully comply with all ol the bldd1nti cond1flons mcludina state p1ev11t1n11 waaes. 1004$. payment and 100'1. perlormance bond, aod 1nsuunce 1equ11ements All lnlormahon submitted for prequahhcoflon evaluat1011 will be considered ntl1c11I mlormal1on acqu11ed tn conl1denu. and lhe Untvers1ly will m<1lnlam its wnlrdenflahly to the ulenl permitted by lew THE REGENlS Of TH~ UNIVERSITY Of CALIFORNIA Publl$hed New ort Beach Costa Meu Dail Pilot March 4 11. 200.3 March 2003 T061 ot In wrltlf n corre· s.ponde11c• deltvwed to tlM P11nn1111 CommlllSlon at, or ptlot to, the public hear In• for further intorma lion on the 1bove epplic.atlons, telephoM (714} 754 5245. or Ylttt ti.. office of the Pt•n· nfll& Division. Room 200. 77 F1tr Drive, Co1ta Mn•. C10forn1a ~bllshed New,Sorl Bu lh-Cosh1 MeMI Dally .Pilot Mereh 4, 2003 T063 HIST fOI flllOSAIS Oran1e County Sam talion District (OCSD or the 01s1Jlct) of Or1nge County. C1hfornla, will r.celve suled proposels unUI ~r1I 1. 2003 at 2:00 p m Propouloa must be received at OCS0'1 Adm1ntatratlon Lobby ot Pllrchnlna OMsion Office, by the d9te and time lteteln above se~ forth,. 10844 Elli• Avenue, founllln Valley. Cehfornla 92708· 7018 HQUUT fOll NO- POSAl (llOID) CON- FINED sPACI ltlSCUI lWNIMG, SPIOfKATION NO. S-200S-122a Proposals must be $ubmitted on the form supphed by OCSO 1n accordance with all prov1s1ons of the spec1· hc1t1ons. Speciltutrons. proposal blanlls, and further mformal1on may be obtained at the abov6 address, telephone (714) 962 2411 Pubilstled Newport Beach·Cosla Meu Oatly Ptlol March 4, 2003 T062 Adltlm ..... ... s...... The followln11 persons are dou'I business as PtGITAl SERVICE COM· PANY. 1041 West 18th Street. Suite A 105. Costa Me5.t, Cal1forn1a 92627 Carl lee Clmstiansen. 27555 Bellogente. Mts· s1on V1e10, Cahforn1a 92691 Ivy lm Chri~iansen. 27555 Bello1ente. Mts· seon V1ero, Cahlornla 92692 flw1 bu~rne~s ts con· ducted by co parlners Have you started doing business yet? Ye~. 02/ 01/03 Carl L Christiansen This statement was filed with the County Cieri< of Oran11e eouf\IY on 02/03/03 · 200S69321S I Daily Prlot Feb 25, Mar 4. 11. 18 2003 T059 1.01•-,N11~ PUO.,U.WIW ..-TMYSOIOll A.114~"-•• , 114 o ........ . T•e..ley, Aprll 1 at, JOOS. 'l tOO ...... 8. PIKa of Bid Re· ce1pt · Ne•~ort M•n \J.nlfied Sdluol Olatrlct Purdlasma. 2985 B 8Hr StrH t Costa Mesa, ta 92.626 C Project Name Manure 'A• Modern iutlon Harbor View Elementary 0. Pt1ce Plana .,, on hie PROJECT MANM>· ER'• office, McCarthy 8ulidin& Compan1u, 20401 S.W Blfch Sheet. Sulla 4300, Neltport Beactt, CA 92660 McCarthy Butld1ne CompameJ/Menure 'A' Office, 2985 C Bear Street, Costa Mesa. Ca 92626 1.02 SUMMARY Of WOllX Pro1ecl Description · This proiect constsh of the phased modernlza· llQP of •n elementary school •n the Newport Men Un1l1ed School 01strtcl The bod packa11e will consist of Harbor View fleml!nlary School Prehminary £st.male SJ.300,000 00 I ·1.03NOTICl1 f.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Newport Mua Unified School District aclin& by dnd throuah ti's Governmii Board will rece1Ve soled bids f0< award of a con Ir act for tile above named Pro1ect up to but not tater than the bid deadline B. Bids shall be re ce1ved In the Pl11ce tdenltlted above Whelhe• or not btds arl' opened eiactly al the time fixed tn this notice no bid wtll be received after the bid deadline C. PLANS AND SPEC• lrlCAllONS ARE AVAIL ABLE NOW lhe docu ments m.Jy be 1ev1ewed at the PROJECT MAN "CER's olfrce (He address •l•m H below) Ofl CAN BE PURCH'-SfO FROM INTUNU IWINJNTs 1637 2 Co1Utructleft Ceftter, lrvffte, CA. 92606, (949) SS2 · 7SU, FAX (949) SS2- 1209 0 Each BIDDlR must post a btd bond or other security 1n the amount ol 10% of tire amount ol the b•d with the bid ( Eactl BIO(){ R so multaneou~ly with lhe uecut1on ot the Con tract Ai• eemenl .will be required lo furnish a l<1bor ~nd Malenal Performance Bond in an •mo~mt equal to 100 petcant Clf the Conlr.ct SUftl end a F •11111111 Perform•JIC• 8ond tn an 1mount IQll.tf to 100 P«Ct nt ol the Contract Sum Satd Bonds sl!aH be from •n admttted C1HfMnl1 Surety aatb factory to the 01strtct and listed in the feder1f Re11Stll. ISSued b~ the Oepartrt'Hlnl of Treasury end lteens.cl 1n Cali(or n1a Silld bonds .tlall remeln 1n lull fOfce and e lt1c 1 throuch the auaran111-.per1od f Ttie BIOOER shell be a llcensed contractor pursuant to tt.. Buslne:.s and Profession•ls Code •nd be ltcenHd tn the appllcable cleutltcalions tor the IJades f°' wh1eh the contr11ctor 1s sub mtttine ;i bid G Tht;t proK,ct has 3'So Dtsablod Veter in Busi nus Enterprlu. p:arllc1 p1t1on 11oalS' ' H, Questions about ltus PltO .IECT should be directed to the PROJECT MAN,-.GER Contact Bonnie Mar tin. Telephone 71 4/424 8950, firm McCarthy Bu1ldin& Co FAX 714/ 424 8951 Address 2985 C Bear Street Costa Mesa. Ca 926l6 I No Bid ITldY be wrlhdr •wn unttl S1 tly days .titer lht Bid Openin11 Datt J. The Dl'llid te"-"rves llje ~lllht lo reject any and all bid• ur to waive 1rre11ula111tu 1n any btd K Ne wporl M .. sa Unihed School 01ttnct 1s an "equal opportunity employer l. The ltldde" win lte required to ~.qualify. r or prequaltl1cal1on paci.aaes plus .. contact the Pr oiect Manaeer at •bove address M No teleptlonf or facsimrle ma~h111e will b• av;ulable to b•dde•' on the DISTRICT p1 em1s"s a I the lime nf bid Published Newpo• I Bea ... h Costa Mesa D~ily Pilot f ebruar y 25. Mdrch 4. :?003 TCY.>7 FlctiliolS IMISS ... s ...... The lollow1n& persons are doina busonen a' T ~ Cdrpel Clean1n11. 263869 Via Roble Mis soon \lrero Calif or n1a 92691 Alt1and1a Yam~I Oo1antes 26386 \Ira Roble, M1ss1<>n V1~10 Cahfo1n1a 92691 Thi\ business rs con dutle(j by an 1nd1vrdual H•ve you stuted dome business yet' Ve' 081 31/02 ,-.1e1andr d Dor ante~ lh1s •t•lement was filed with lfle County Cletll of Onn1• County Oii 02/03l03 200Uts2'44 Ollly PMc>t Mw 4, ll, II, 25, 2003 TOS7 ......... ... s..... TIM follo•lnt P«'M>llS ere dotnl businHS n· Cetallna FWt Kttthen. 670 W. 17th Street, IG8, Co,ta Mesa, Cehfornla 92627 Buc-hc:ombet Rntau · rants 111(., 670 West 17th Slreet, #G8, Costl M .. a, Cehforni. 92627 lhls busmeu ts con ducted by •c<><pOt•llon Have you U•rted do1na business yet> Yes, 03/ 20/97 Beachcom~t Resl'au rants tnc . Wlllt-m B Wiikins, P1u1de11t Thrs statement was hied with ,tt>e County Clerk of 011nae County on 02/28/03 2003'93531• Daily P1tol Mar 4, 11. 18. 25. 2003 T065 AclttMllsiless "-S...... The lollowtnl( per\(JM are dmne business as Stewbio. :;>07 Cedar St Ste "· Newport Stach Cdt1lnr nia 92663 Ceorae Stewarl 2D7 Cedu St Ste A. New port Buth, Cdhforn11 92663 Mrreya Rub•o. 801 N loafi St '182 Ana he1m. Cahlorma 92801 This busrness 1s con ducted by .. eener ... partner~hrp Have you s t .. rted dorn& bu.,n•s\ yet? Yes. 01 01102 George Sl•warl Thrs statement was filed with the County Cl~ri. of Or 11na• County on 02/07/03 20036'328S2 Daily Pilot Jan 14 l I 28 Feb 4 2003 T046 Flditi.s ...... Mmes..._., lhe lollowrng person• .ire dorn11 business as \K[VWORO 1700 Adams Ave •204. Cost.t Mesa Calllor rua 92626 <H M E•l•a llC I Nevada) 4544 Cr and spur Street. las Ve"as Nevad .. 89147 fh1~ bu'iitne!.$ •~ ton due led by • t11n1ted hab1ltly Co Have you star led 001ng busmess yet? No OE M hlr.t llC Rod Tolentino Membt• Tho\ st.tlemenl wa} ftkd ·"1th the Covnl y Clerk ol Orange County on 02 26103 200369JS0 27 Daily Pole>!! Mar 4 11 18. 25. 200J r066 .......... .......... TIM followln1 per10ns If e dol"t busll\ftS as R W Constfuctlon Com-11•11r 1180 H f ounta1n Wey Unit C. Am1he1m. Calllornle 92806 Richard Weyne, 5005 E H1tklda Ave . Oranp. Caltfor '"• 92867 Tamm~ Way"· 5005 ( H1Hslde Ave . Orllflce, CalilOfM 92867 r111s l!,uslnut is con · ducted by hu5'>and and wife Hive you stMted dotnC tlUSlf\IH yet? Yu, 12/ 01/1981 hrnmy W•y11e fhl\ statement wu ftled with the County Clerk of Onnae County C)fl 01/13/03 20036929440 Dally Pilot f eb 11. 18. ~r 4, 2003 T051 ll01ICI Of AlfWTal TO SB1 ALCOltOUC llllW6 ,,. .......... '*-'ft7,2003 lo Wtl,pm ti May Concern Tile N1mieCs) ul lhe Apphcant( s) is/ ate KAVEH INC rhe apphcants listed ~bo•~ df" dpplym& In th" Oepartnient of All1Jhol•< B••eraee Cuntrol to ~ell •lcohohc buera11es at 2831 BRISTOL sr A COSTA Mf SA. CA 9?626 type of h<ense<sl Ap1Ji1ed for 4 7 ON SAi f GENERAi EATING PlACt f'ublished Newpor I Beach Co\16 Mes" Oatty Prl1>I Marth 4 I I 18. ?001 T064 flditiMW..U ... s ....... r ht followme ptr~·in·. ., e do1na bu$1neu d' Lola\ Whnlesale flower~ & Supplies. 885 S f .. st 51 ·B· An1he1m CA 92805 Just Rubtn Ajtu1rr• 1553 £ Terr dt"-St ·o· Anaherm CA 9?806 Thr\ busm~~!i t-5 ton duded by an 1nd•v1dual Have vou >tarted dome business y~t' Nu los• Agu111e fhl\ '1.iltmenl w~' hied with the Cnunty Clerk of Or a1111• County on 02103/03 20036'32033 Daily Pilot Mar 4 11. 18 ~. Z003 T068 AditiMl.sillm ... s....... ffle followrn1 person• at~ doing business as Charle" R Seaton MO 275 \lrcloria Street 2H Costa Meu CA 92627 Charles Robert Se; ton I Aalea. Irvine, CA 92620 ThlS bus!-~ LOii dU<.ted ~· Ill lndwidual Hn• you 'IM ttd do<<11 bU'MMU y•t• Ho Chw 1M R !el tOfl This statement wa• ftlff With tlM Co11nty Chlrll of Ot•nv Count~ pnOl/28/03 IOOhttt4U Delly Pllot fab 11, 18 , ?5. Mar 4, 200J T049 Rell. ..... ... s....... The fo.1towm11 po1soft& ete do•"I bus.IM" as L•mm• Island Tndfn& Co . 2973 Harb0< Bh1d. 1257 Costa Men Callfor n11 92626 Aneeta Sanders, 2973 Harl>of Blvd 112!>7. Costa ~. Caltlornla 92626 Thrs bus.n~ as con· due led by •n individual Have you ~ta•t•d do•"tl busineu y1t, No "n1el• S.indttH Thi,. .!>\1Jement was filed with the County Cterll of Or anre County on 01/13/03 2003692'470 O•tly Pr lot f eb 11 18, 25. Mar 4 2003 f050 fidllM ..... .... s...... fhe follow1ne pt!r\ons are doina bus1ne~~ u In Pttvate. 29082 Alom.t "ve Laguna N111ue l Calif 92677 Jade L u1\ l aRo~ .. 2908 2 Alom• AH L•11una N1gue~ C.ahfornta 92677 Thi' bu~in~~ ts l<H' due led by an 1nd1v1dual Have you starred doma bus1neu yet' Yes Dec 3 2002 fade lulS laRo,... Tiu$ statement w"' hied with the Counry Clerk ol Orange County un 02/06103 200S6932627 D.01ly Pilot f eb 11. 18. 25. Mar 4 2003 T047 ClASSIFIED It's the solubon you 1 re searching for·whether you 1 re seeking a home, apartment, pet or new occupation! How to Place A -----Policy----- CLASSIFIEJAD Ra1es and deadline ... a.re ~UbJCCt 10 change ~1thou1 nouce. The publisher reserve~ the nght to censor. reda.,~1ty. rt"v1se or reJCCt any cla\s1fted advertisement. Plea~ report an)' error that may be tn your class1fted ad 1mmedJat<'ly The Dail)' Pilot acc<'pt.'- no hab1ht) for any error m an advent!>ement for which ,. ma) be responsible u cept for the co~t of the spac<' actual I) occupt<'d by the error. Credit CMt only be allowed for the first msertmn . By Fax 1949) 631 -M<J..I B,· Phone By Mail/In Per son: .MIM&JI ll'lr.a n:i.dr .... - ~~ ~~~~ SERVICE DIRECTORY ~.,, .. u::-;-/•· 130 V.N 8d\ 'ltn'tl Casa MN. CA qz6~7 At Nev.port Blvd. & B~~ SL Hours: .-------Deadlines------. Mnnda) -For All Your Home and Business Needi -~i/T ..._.e.dl Wedi For OnlyW per wed (<lwm minimum) •c.I ..... • !Mtl'S74'414S lZl. liiill • Telephoor SJOam-5:00pm Monda~. Fnd.ly WaJL-ln 8J0:11n ~OOpm ~)·Fnday r U<' '\(ju Y . Wednc:...Jay ThuN!ay .. .. 1-nday H X)pm Mooday 5.CWlpm T LIC'<ia y 5 .CXlpm . Wedne«day 5·(X)pm Fnday Sal\ln:b) Sunday ThuNb)-H X)pm Fnda) HJOpm Fllday !i:()()pm Pedfk View n,.p ••-crypt. lacumta Court. s.-~. IJS• jl9blllare lar 2~ p:1r:n MMil-0261 Conedllllrl ..... Ill 1160 TCW $$ 4 IKOllDS nc -a.re. Ek !I)! ' fJh ..... Mic. stiltJ. bA)8 111.,s Mike 949.u 5.7505 EJITBITAIMIT Cit•"'•" £'111111 1310 ..... ~ All rHI est1te al!ver· tisln1 In Uus M WS99941r is sub)Kt to the f eder•I Fair Hous.tn1 Act of 1968 e s eme nded whtch mallu It lll•a•I to 1dvertlsa •any prefer· enc e, llmlt1tlon ~t dlscrlmln1tion bued on reca, cokwl relfllon, Mk, han~. 1mltlaJ status or n•Uonal orl&Jn, or •n lnlenlioll to m1lle 1ny such Pf•ference, limit•· tlofl 0# discrhnlllatlon • This MWS9..,_t wlll not llnowln1ly ace.pt Illy e4~mtnt fol' rMI utate whkh Is '" wlolallon of the lew. Our rta4ara are her•b1 Informed ttt•t en dwell· 11\P ff\t..tiMd in this ~ llft ev1iltble on ti\ .._.., OS1P«l11nlt1 bule.. To coinplallt of dlt· etllrMnaUoft. c .. HUO toJ. free at 1-I00-424.-1590. ClASSIFllD ~s the solution you're searching for-whethe( you're seeking a -prtrnen~ pit new ~- \ A1ct10111 14&.1 HOME ~W~'A~N~T~E~D==i FURNISHINGS QUES Older Style Fumiture PlANOS Ir Collecttblet . ....,..._._ •St.,..·~·~~ $$CASHPAR> .. ....................... WE auv ESTATES • """'-"-lroonclr - CONSIGNMENTS I '' • • I SUIPOSOfA Queen Beauty Rest like New Sl95 N8 949-645-1809 JEWB.RY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS ,_,, ........ Old Coins! Gold. sdv•. jewelry. watches. anbqun colleclibtn 949--642-9448 3111 Dip/Diieo _... _ ...... lillwor1'.ora ... '" Pldc wlrlwlds fltfSJn lstllld ~2279 ... WAY tor monwn. Cl/I/ .............. ~ 9&53.l-0411 Kittent f ound Ill Bushes need boltlefff<Ws Help Save lives All upenses peld Alllmal Networll • 949·533-041 LOTS/ACREAGE 4740 $495/ACRE Prime 40 1cre Rancl>es tn NW Aruomr E Z, no quah ly1n1. low down terms• Adjecenl to Gott Course Community, off Historic Route &6. C1ll T od.tyf Brooks Rea"y 866-300 5263 (CAL •SCAPC) SO. COlOlADO wild wesl rancll. 87 •ens $44,900. Prices slashed to mon inventory! N11t to 6,000 acres rec area. Rolllnc fle lda with fantastic Roclly Mtn. views County roed w/utllltin, own« finenclna. C•ll Rad Cnell Rench loll l-866-696· 5263. (CAL •SCAN) Rf.NCHO VISTA REAL r< Relocation speclahst of Southern Nevada Buy ets 111ents on new homes u1sl1n1 homes. HUD eaperls Call (800) -510· 1703 AsA tor Byron or Adam (CAl •SCAN) NIWPOllT HEIGHTS DUPUX Cozy. Compact. quiet, rastdenllal, net&hbor hood. (1031 uchanae OK) $599,950 By Owner 949-275·4073 ACT fASTI o..i--S/2. Jn•..000 ..,......., ..... hdi ~.uas,ooo 9f49~fn PllMllSTATH P&T..alHNOll NAnoNWIOl VSA 949.S5~70S w-.patrlckten0<•.com 500 I ..... m11t1d used de~I tile. Plam in procns. 520Ckl tot. Asklnc S795.000 act 114-658-8980 OCUllNOllT ....... 2 • .....,.. 1mn.....-t1 AGT •• 49-72,...120 '"TM MIMMtTS" SnAWIMO l..UOH NSlUSTD AGT.•49•72M120 MISCBUNEOUS RENTALS Rental To Share 6030 ..,._Isl,_ avail 2br. Iba. f)fOI n;smk, fp, dl<lw. ~ Micooy, wnny. $81'Sn1 + tee ~).1071 NI Sh••• f..,,.fs hed 38r. 2Ba. on aoll cour:r.e. comm poot/spa/tennts $1000/mo 949-632-6318 RESIOENTIAL RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY &..,. s-y !Br. l/2l>lll from So B•yfront. Avail 4/l. S1550/mo yearly. 949-723-,1735 by •gpt Wloaf'lnlnllll ci-OW... H_,. vrn. '•'"' c_. lbr IAYtaDGI pied comm. WIST NEWPOaT ~ 2br. Iba. w/d. 11ardener. lba Ip wd p;oho. &a• 2br lba II dedl. w d. 3Br 2Ba Z La decl<s p-., nl&n ~ nsoc pool um. &•led reft111 incld no smll&tPt!U raraee + urp0r1 I~ to t49-642-4610 Sl575/mo 949-675-2514 Sl850/mo 949 291 XJn i-:11 S2«nn ~ 21r, 2 fd beth, upper. 2 c det;ached &••. bal· conv. new/carpe1Jpa1nl/ .tppl~ SI S95/mo 3023 l•n11s Bay 714 865 2252 Slw 2. Sito .,.,.., unit c<><ner location. 2 cer tandem aar. wd hllups, agt $2200 949-673-7800 Hunttwglon Beadl * YIAalY * UASlS Bill GRUNOY REAL TORS t4t-47S-6161 •TIARlY * UAHS Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS t4t-47S-6161 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • o.t.4 5..,i Srr, 78r 28a. del Ilse 2 c an a• A/C sa-1 P*l. rmwc.. IVfml';. S2CX)n -~lll9 u ... ellew•ltle 145ft be'(lront view 4bt 3ba 2 c pi\&. dock av ad $4900 t4t~71-S6H ..... ca.a ' .. .. .. . .. • .. .. .. • • • .. • -.. .. .. .. .. All TutSdat. Marth'· 2003 l·-.......... ~TO~D~AY~'~S .......... _ _ CROSSWORD PUZZLE fWTl USSONS Eap·d teach..-has new open 1np In Costa Mes-studlO Lise Slack 949-574-0517. Tell Us About YOUR GWGESAIJ! In ClASSIFIED (949) 642-5678 IOOIUCUl'ot n up'd for NP8 membership or1 Or1•n1zed, depend. del<11l oriented. Quick· books a must Will train for custom softwue. Benefits. Call M·F 9am- 5pm Jan 949 722·2300 IOOHHl'll PT, basic slulls in c:omputw. hrs 111e open CM area Fu only 949-54a-2201 ..... ·IW• ·4+/I\ 0 AtAOERS Caltfornl• law re quwes ttlat c:ontrac tors taklns jobs that total S:500 or mot• (labor « mat«lllls) be hc:enud by the Contractors State License Board Slate law also r9qutrn tflat contrac:ton Include thH ltc:enr.e number on all.advertlsln&. You can chedl the status of your llcenud contrac tor •I www.cslb c:• 1ov or 800·321 CSLB Unll c•nHd contractors ullln1 job1 lh•t tot•I 1111 lh•n $500 must si1I• In lh•lf advartlMments th.It they are not llcanHd b)' the Contractors State license Bowd - M••I A••••- M1m•11 enws ICllNft / Mii / ..._.. =::;-=..,; ·ca,.*' • W .. U.lta • Custom 8ullt·tns, Crown Mold1np, Base Boards lt!>77982 949-837-5642 carpet Repair/Sala • c...,..,. .......... Software Upsrades, Tutorln1. Tr•lnlnJ. Co:J:ul: Dr 9&929--3983 Caf1Jll Cleaning SAVE 35%01 CorJ* e fumilure tuga..q S.ldu1'1a Ow I 1 I Flff rsnMAR 23 YIAIS VU'. BROTHER\ <ARPET SERVICE 800·SS9·7181 ••DRIVERS•• MAY TRUCKING CO "ls your road to •uccessi· •v•ns -11 Western 800-SO 9\69 x32Y,-•Reefers 48 st1tu 800-547 9169 a3214. Dedruited tum runs. Ow11er 09«1tors w a n I e d www.maytrucklna.com (CAL •scAM) ORMRS: NOR1lf Aminca Van l.ns has ~ "' ~ Housdlokl Gooch and · Fl.11lbed divisions Minimum of 6 months oNr tradllr ..... ell$)8" rin:e teqLked dliplncq on fleet. Trecu pniwam _..._ ~348-ZlC Da1Vll5' Eap'd/nup'd ... Start secure, STAY secure! Great pay, benefits. le1se purchhe, COL/A w/8 mos. OTR req'd. Central Refrf1W· ated 800-727-5865 {CAl•SCAN) flOUAl OIPlOYMIMT Now hlnna Entry-pro fesstonal levels Sl9 S72k+ benef1h/p11d lram1na. Apply now• For info on av1i11ble post lions 1·800·585-9024 Cnnltl&Macny Irick lledi S'-9 Tiie Conc:rna. Patio, DriYeway FirtPlc:, BBQ. Rtrs. Z5Yrs Ea,p. Terry 714-557-7594 rilec...et•- c.in.ntWOf-. Be-IQ. Tiie &. Mora. Rallal>la. Ho 10b too small 949-5'&1-6746 TIMITOI II YOUll NO.al" IMNOVIMlNT NOJKTT Call a plumber,. painter, h•nd)'men, or any of the are1t services listed here In our senlca directory! THES£ LOCAl. SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOtJTOOAYI -- ' Bridge. By CHARLES GOREN vt1th OMAR SHARIF end TANNAti HIRSCH . RICHT surr, RJCRT Pl.AV NOrrnf • '"°' J lt63 .., IC. J JO •9'2 WP.ST • 95 F.AST •J7l Ilise to rwo ~ it tn ~ocPlll Wllll the mQdcm P'9fUcc of i2J)Oli111 the double and rapoodin& IS 1f there hid been DO in~ntJon. llnd four speib was reacfled m quick time. Note that the dwbJe lllld keoc Nonh~ OUI of' an unll\llkaMe tour-tie.rt oontr1e1 on the..,.. fit. West lod the ~ o( dUbt, wtUcb WIS allo'l\txi to bold the crick. The I? KQI ~ 'l o A8753 •KQIO 0 9642 • 7 5 4 3 • defender found the best defense by shinioa lO a 'f*de, covcml by the ei&flt and jtd wxl won wit6 the q~. After m.ocb thouJht. declarer round ttic winni113 line. Jr was neces- sary tQ win two 1rtekl. In hcllrts wfule holding the defenders In ]\IM onel ,,. SOUTH •A06U 'V A154, o Q •AJ8 ~i~ I• Dbl NORTII 2• EAST .... .... Tbe queen of dbanionch was lod and WeSt 00ntinuod IO defend ICCU- rately by withholding the acc. Declarer countered by overtakina with lhc !ting uod coruinuina with the jacl.. South disc.:unbna i heart. We~t won with the ace an(! revened IQ 1 11Umr>. the ten wmnmg m dummy Anochcr heart went on the ten of dia- monds. Next came the a:e of heans and anodiec, losinJ to Wesl's queen. West was tTappod tn an cndplay. 4• .... .... ..... Ope~ kid'. Kini o(. 8y aod Wge. it 1!1 better to play ID ........... fit lhai1 S-3. You can usually cake discards on ~ ronit suu and ruff's ID either band while being able 10 mrunta111 crump oontrol l>lnce yoo have four carW. in each Tht-cacc:p- l!On occun when your 4-4 fit 1\ v.cak and you do not need the tb5eards Herc 1s an eumole. We endorse West'~ decmon to double one spitde for takeout desptte hokbng onJy three card.~ in the other map the minor suit ·~ too weak for a two level ovm:a.11 and 11 miJtht be too dangerou' to act later. Nonli's A chamond-would pennit dcclatcr to ruff in dummy while duicanhna the knave of club5 from hand. and 1 club would be iolO South's tenacc. ln ~ West coonnued with tbc king of hearts. [)e(-Jarcr ruffed. cros~ to the king of spades and tonk •club discard on the winoi11g hcan. Dccllll'Cl lost ooly ooc lllCk '" each side suiL 0-enil Offk• 30-40 houri/we.., Reception, ords prociesws. lb acda. Must koow Qutekbook, WOAD & E ~ctl. tncP-e lo Uor1I at 949-471H!878 or MJbmlt resume & Slllry requ1rments to dm@~ GOVERNMENT JOBS • Wildlife end Postal. 481<+ per year Full benefits P11d tralmna No upe rlence necessery. For epphc:atlon and oam call toll free I 888-778 4266 a850. (CAL •SCAN) WHCMCIJllltWON ,...._&,....._ s.1 .. , .. 1t1 ... Hewiut 8-:t! and ~....., loalbors ~lllpnon JOO! .llnCJlne *16 ~~9198iv.m 4Bll2 ,,....... ""-Y tO ht&l'l.....,9&~ Offke/1..adt-rMt for Newport BuslneH Oqulckbooks &. up req Chris @ 949·566·9463 Or ..... (,.try Irvine •rH et SlO/hr Ship & receive bKk&round.L.. E_!I~ H · perlance l·IMH>'l:>-297\. PMtel Wl .. lfe Hlrlott $351( pl us sllJl up bonus. Call Mon-Fri 7am·7pm 1·800-464·8991 btOS. Grtl W & W• 5""' OWbJr HP8 resblnnt [Jp'd & rsk r~ 94fY.166.9463 Of 2!»3.Jl5 VMn/SBJ . PAllllG rr & PT pos aY111 fu resume 949 223 8716 Bedr1cal s.vtces s-1 Mo bpMI Duncan Olc:trlc: 20Yrs £ap localiQIAcll Response ~ Lll275870 ~70'2 U<INSID COMTllACTO. Ho Jltl t.oo sm. ,. 19"'-l RepM. re~. fans, ,.. ,..,., IM: 9$645-3656 floodnl'TUe & Poll1hln1 Travertine All Floor Typea. We'll Also Re1rout a Saal Your Kitchen Counters, Showar1 & Floofl. Mille It look llhn1w11aln. ~ a-..1erwtca 1.-11-tU-lH 1 .... .., Cert av11I "'" 4, hes evarythm& incl A/C Grut lor Balboa Penn/Island. Bouahl new 2 yfs aeo lor Sl4,000, will sacrifice to best offer over S5000 MM7WSS6 IMW '91 5401 1iecti/ 1rey lthr, lmmac:, S25,995 vc60698 -.ilo.cotn ~Tf!flX IMW '97 S211 <-"'· silver /1r•y llt1r. 71111, lmmac, Sl9,995 "'98272 --*>.corn ~782'2 IMW '91 S211 C..V. white/ash llhr. immac, 5Sf)d, $19,995 ot215487 wcwallD.com 949-646-7822 UWUllC-'ff WhlleQ!n. auto, 8.llt m1. SI 5,uuu 310-375 2522 SEU your unwanted Items thfouah classthed MIU.lll'S HAJIDWOODS ~ 25 Yrs, UfetMM w•ranty U763144 714 SOI 4933 l.-f en-M ~·cepe Wet#f mm. trw ........ &. Inst.Ration 25 Yrs HJ> lie/Insured 949 548-4363 Dll1yW«fi4-. -o.talC.darq. tnsullatlons, Sprinkler T rCMlbltllhootq. Tune- ups, Rep ' lJpe'ades. 7 71S-21D YI US do your orry wor11· GllalMlmn IMW '9' 7401 69li "''• 3yY warr avail, silver I IU•Y lthr, CO, Ilk• new cond, v579241 S23.995 firm f1'm. fin aval, 8kr 949-516-1111 •-·•<pel.<•• IMW '99 MS Cetnr blue/erey, 5spd, spot less, S26.995 vc:43217 WCWMllD.aim ~782'2 Ce.tlllec '96 Dnllle E.rnerald ~ lthr. Sl.lpOI" ci..n. $6895, vJOS523 ~ !M!Mi46-7tl22 c.4llec Se4oe DeVlle 'II 5511 mt, cood con d1t10n 1n & out. SJ,750 949-646-7624, 642 9750 <••lllec 'It Snllle blue, •uto. 11411 mo, nice $895 v699270 wcwaJlo aim !M!Mi46-782'2 CHEVY 1/2 TON '96, I 500 short bed, •II power, ~ustom wheels. bed top, •m fm cass. S7000 760-285-5812 awv;i... u•ctr1c Glli 2001 nlfe factory doors low m1, Newport C11-S3lOO ~-887 3266 ~. J.• S4ksee.i ~.~arr avail, sperjlehna b~m lthr, m. superb like new cond ¥259721 $6995 fln ava• Bkr 949- 586 1888 -...,..w.-1>·•·· '97 letrepl<i Sport 3.5 V6. 47k ml, wh1te/11•y mt, 1•111ed, n/s, llke new S6995 flnal\Cin& & warr 1Y1U Bkr 949-586-1888 -. ..-... -,_. '00 ln~i.. JILT VIO, 2.9k. ml, stlvef/&nY lthr, CO, runn1n1 boards, fully loaded. hke new, v872581 S23.495 ft nanc1n1 •va1labl6 Bkr 949-516-1.HI --.P•··-Ph9n :your ad loda:yl (949) 642-5678 HUDYM.AM Home Remodelln1 T1i., Paint. No lob too small. Gr..t r9t.I 71'"205-Dll a"'"Y~ 20 Yuri hP«lenc• I'm Ywr H•ndyman .... 949-650-9525 llNJAUiU$1AJtD FOft HONEYDO'S )'OUT honey won'l From Elect to the kltdlen .. 949-541-9351 THI NA Emernay Service Otll ~ w.. & ... ~ £Jednml. a.. ~ ~ O:Qs, ODln etc ... 96-244~ 9-/Tlil -._. ..... =Sa-. !MN42-0CM --------.._..., t/ JUH TO THI OUMPlll ... ..,.. 114-9'1-lllt HomtD...&. AVAILA8lt TOOAYl ......... Mt-61J·SS. RISTOiH •RI PAIR & RIMOOHING ' I '' ......... -................ pailx f!!OJ -.-... ..... -"*'wlW A accoa• u '" Cllamp .. ne, Oiily 20lt ml, ci.an, perfect 1h..,. . 1 owner. Mu1t See Sll,500949 515-9031 V '00 auto t11ns, K , t11ll po-, cc, lotr miles Sl5,900. P 949 574 4244 l•WH 1t4 f,..,._ U 4x4 tibtls'Y .... , IUID trrl, dlln.. -y92D3IM ~~78:l2 ,.....~ XJf V•nclen PIH ~II. ml, 11JM'kll111 blk/t.n ltl)r, CO, chrm whls. full fact wlff, ltlle new S28,4 95 . firm v842614 flnanc;lna av•ll Bkr 949·'586· 1888 -Le-J..-r 'H XICI C..w 34' ml, full' factory wan sparkhnc black/oatmul lthr, co. chrome whls, like neW', v67729!> $34,995 ltnanc:ln1 •veil Bkr 949 586 1888 -. ..,.i.tu. .-.. '" GNiil" aw.; t..-*> 414, 6 cyl, white, SS775 v547571 wcwaito.corn 949-646-7822 ...,...,...,7._.., rl IDI ni dll1I ~ lltr, cUI mrri, rtlll ~ -b r--co, ll.-1> ore cond Ytl57291 SJ2.995 firw1Cq .. _, llVlll Sitt 949-SM-1111 WWW I ''--: ............. 0.--., lE !;&I mi, wtute/lln flhr, du•I mnrfs, CO, brush 11urd, like new, v726641 $14,995 II nencln& &. warr avail Bkr 949-5 .. -1111 _ _......_<_ Le1r• '00 lltlCSOO .i!V ... I ar •Y llhr, nav system, lmni1c, S22,996 v004959 wcwauto aim ~782'2 l '02 "-' .. ""' 30k ml, full fact wan, silvef sand/Ian llhr, CO stacker. chroft'HI whls. ut1• , .. t. v672518 $29,995 fin & warr avail Bkr 949 586 1888 --..-Lu. ............. <DO Emerald ffn/ta11 lthr, IP,_., $12.B!lr> v6}]j17 wcwai!o.com !M!Mi46-7822 ... 'IO ., 9'I. Gteman lank, blue, auto Sl995 v019953 waAUlo oorn 949-646-782'2 ...... D05l ~ llT, dlitrd. tq-. -.... dlsl. SIQ.!m ~133 WCWIUlo.oorn 949-646-'lPZJ Mere• •• le"a '19 560Sl Grey. both lops. 149,800 mt. must sell leavln& country. S9.995 Pvt Party 714 541 49-41 .... leR& '12 JOO m waeon. wtM*le. snt. fla'\S ID(ld. ~ ll007193 ~1111.o.oorn 949-Q46. 782'2 MercedH BNZ 380SL 182 Good cond, hd top/soil top, Taupe w/blk Inter, $5300/obo 949 854 8208 MHceliH '99 IS20 llk ml, whlte/pey ltbr, mnrf, chroma whls. beeut 1111• new cond, ¥572241 S27.995 fin..,., IJkr 9&551888 -,+1- Merce.t.. 't9 SJ 20 LWB 52k m1 3 yr warr u11I, silver /blk llhr. beaut or11 c:ond. v87S241 S27,995 ltnlllClnl IVllll Bf\I 949-586 111811 ---SrUyoMr Cor 111 C/.anlfl!d I ........SAUTO ...... """-'97 Rar•'-'9Nd·VI low Mtlesl. (llSS36) 124,lllO, Js!•!~ Shlnty llKWBladi leather. Cartilled (ill Ulll581) $29.980. aare•sx T-..'00 Speed Vellow· 12J( mllesl HllrrY1 (119005) $59,980. Nh-HOtTrd C 'OJ Chron:'e-r"'4 .... ,.av. 311 mile~. OMV paid. (1192l3C) $311.9$>. ._.,.slC C-re'94 ' Bladl on Black luth· er, 5 ~d, trade-In. (*1911,11) t.14,980. IMWt.40CI C .... '97 Shiney Black w/lmmac: Grew f/llhr ar••I records t•t9180C) SJ.USO. IMWJ281 ~·oo white w/c:reme lthl· et. I/main & bu~ to bwnper warrty ("19193) $28,980. IMWUOCJ c..,..•01 SIMI &J•Y ltnr-Spt Pk& 31k miles! Full BMWWarrtyl (•19214C) SJ0.980. c.lteyY c-v .... C-'00 Sltlney Black on perf 81adl lthr, 35k mites! CO player -pr em whls. (11918JC) SJ0.980 GMC Denali S,_t Uttl '99 Black w/tan lthr, chromed BIG whls! one owner-trade In. (119053) S23,980. MIZ SLSOO '99 Black w/hn lthr sl11mark warrnty Low m1 Prem IO(hls. (118977) $41,980. MllS500 s ........ 371( mi. One owner. lmmac: whtle Sedan w/c:hromed wheels (tl9102) S28.980. MIZ SOOSl '90 35k m1, Both tops Prem wheels, bt.ck on black l11t11 .. (tl8923) S27.980 '49-574-7777 PMIUIPS AUTO pWI .. .., ••• _ Mffce4" 'II SM> Sl whll•/lan, 1mmac l')bA. rug .. ,_. d qi, ~ SJ4.!D> n4151-X.4 .......... .,._. ts W sunoof, i.tt.. .. e1tras, like new, «Ii -• llOf\/SnW. $14.995 Ml..-.D; pp 714 97'9-6.lJ5 Nl .. •11 't6 Q111e•t white, 59" mt, clean, S 7995 v21!!895 WCWIUlo.alm ~7f112. Miu-'91 s-tre GU like new, loaded. auto, ll'lOOllfOOI alloys. low 7411 m1, $5900 71 4 751 2464 Ml '! 'M~S blue. auto, CO, c:lun, S 2 445, v02!> 71 I wcwaito.com 9"!M;42-78Z'l ..,..., .. PUBLIC NOTICE The Cellf. Public: Utthtln commrsslOn requ11as th•t all ~ household 1oods movers print their P U C Cel T number, hmos and chauHaurs print the tr T .C.P. number In all adver· l1Sements.. If you have any qt1est1ons about th• le1111ty ol a mover. limo of c.hautfeur, call: PUB- LIC UTILITIES COM· MISSION 7l4·558· 4151 ~ l Jflllh llfl ~ -...... 1bl• for cooklna. cGmp41111onshlp, fieltt ~:":'::I r...,_ 98-m&Di ... CREYIER _, . ----; . ~ \ , NEW2003' MINI COOPER LEAlliE.Rr AIR CONO, CO, & POWER GROUP! i1s,n~ la!thlsp-a (TC40494) AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES ·····• ······· · sMTOP C>Jhers at TIOO mA CM, TOYOTA. Slmllar Savlngsl • TIUCl,PAIDSIOO ".............. .. .. .. UT'SIOTOlt rMRll ., .••....•... 55FllIWAY@ EIKER SMTA ANA AUTO IWl (888) 823-9808 ~v..,..., ... ..._ 4 cyl, ps, pi). .. tpOd mnd. ,-is ~ you SlflllC. J560. 7l 4-~51!i6 ... ,.,,. '9t lext•r Conv. 2111. m1, 5spd. wt11te/srey llhr, full fact w111 , 1ara1ed, non/ smlo.r, hke new v126695 $21;, 995 8kt 949-586 1888 . -·•CfMl"l·'-"•••che '9 7 le1rl•r silver /blk lthr. 5 s;p. CD. Gorl!llJOS! $21.900 v6222lM WCWllllo.awn 9'&642 7822 Pen . '96 C11ner• mint cond. black/black coupe, bnnd new whls, best ~ Pone.he In ... "'1.llXl 9& 7'13-lfSl VW '99 l'-••t GIS Ille as JI< rn. '*'-aai. rmw:. (]). S12.!H> \"lDM -.utoaim ~nro SEU your unwenttd item~ th1ou1h clusohed seuso 714-l7WtJ MOTORCYCUS a...,.1 ... •97 s.a.n.. Conv LX36. 421< ml, dr( melallte blu•/&r•Y lthr beaut t•e new c:ond, v292521 $8499 hn•nc1n1 & wMranly avatl, Bt..r 949-SH-1111 --·Cf"'I>•··- Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAUi In CLASSIFIED (949)642-5678 PLUG ~ IN Plug into the Pilot Class1f 1ed sed1on to find services from electronics and plumbers. to landscapers and painters _Daily Pilot Classifi ed Community Ma rke tplace