HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-08 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotSer:ving "the Newport-Mesa communiJy since 1907 SATURDAY, MARCH8, 2003 , Election rules go before dais . . PHOTOS av DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Javier Salguero is fitted for a helmet by Costa·Mesa Police Motor Officer Bryan Wadkins during a bicycle safety program at Davis Elementary. In one demonstration, a jar of Jell-0 was used to show the conseQuences of not wearing a helmet. .. ~ "' \ Safety in heltnets Davis Elementary students get some graphic lessons from police on why they should be careful riding their bikes. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot "A common excuse for not weanug a helmet is 'I feel uncomfortable.'' Wadkins told the students. "Is it more Wlcomfonable to sweat and get your hair messed up a little bit or spend all that time in the ~tan· Thefihn also sh~ an experiment in which a bra.irf"mQdel made of Jell·O survived when plaCed in a helmet It lost a few parts when it was placed in a glass jar and let go. That disturbing scene got the·;.. reac:ion it was supposed to get from the students, who recoiled in sheer disgust. T he human brain is as delicate as a glob of jiggling JeU-0 in a jar. . lhat was a slimy piece of information to swallow for fifth. arid sixth-grade students at Davts Elementary School who heard Costa Mesa police officers tallc about the dangers of getting on a bicycle witJ1out a helmet Costa Mesa Police Motor Officer Bryan Wadkins talks about the rules of bicycle safety to kids at Davis Elementary. Wadlcins told the children that the brcti.n is much like a piece of Jell-0 in a glass jar. If unprotected. it could shatter. "I find kids are more aware about these things now.· Wadkins said after the session. "P'arents and teachers tell them. But it's always good to rem.ind them." The informational session on Friday morning was the last of the Police Department's Bicycle Safety Program lectures targeting founh·, fifth. and sixth-grade students. On Friday, Costa Mesa Police Officer Bryan Wadkins showed students a film about Travis, a boy who had suffered a brain injury after being th.ro'.vn 120 feet off his bicycle in a traffic accident. In the video, Travis talJced abo\Jt bow he spent several months in the hospital and had to relearn basic sJci.Us such as eating. swallowing and walking. The Bicycle Safety Prc>gra1]1 was sponsored by a .grant from th'7ea.lifomia Office of Traffic Safety through the Business Transponation and Housing See SAFETY. Paee A4 Those in the spirit asked to volunteer Annual Spirit Run, which has grown into a major fund-raiser for Newport Beach schools, takes off tomorrow. June CHa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Anyone who shows up at the Edwards Theater Parking lot at 5 a.m. Sunday rooming looking to make a contribution to their community won't be .dlsap· pointed. ·u they show up at 5 a.m. Sunday, we'll put them to work," said Nadine Turner, a longtime volunteer Cor the an- nuat Spirit Run who helps coor- dinate about 300 volunteers each year. The run, now in its 20th year, has blossomed from a tiny fund-raiser for three schools into a huge community eYent that includes the largest chil· dren's race in Orange County. It now ralses money for five elementary schoo).s: Andersen, Harbor View, &stblutf, New- port Coast and Uncoln. In its two decades, the Spirit Run has FAMILY TIME raised more than Sl million for education in Newport Beach. The run includes l9K and SK runs for adults and older chiJ. dren. and shorter courses for children 3 to 12. The event will begin at 7 a.m. along Newport Center Drive at Fashion Island, Newport Beach. Race Day Registration begins at 6:30 a.m. in the Edwards New· port Theatre parking lot, 300 Newport Center Drive. Next to the ~ registration more helpful can call today for information about volunteer· ing: (949) 640-5350. Tasks up for grabs include helping to register runners. set - ting up the race course an·d cleaning up the inevitable mess. To sign up to run or for more informadon about the race, call (949) 451 ·~· For directions and parking information, visit wrvw.klnaneevenis.coml EVENTS/Sptrlt/Splrlt.l1tm. booth will be a volunteer sta· •JUNE CASAGRANOE covers lion, likely manned by Turner, Newport Beach end John Wayne where anyone can show up to Airport. She may be reached et offer a helping band. · (94"9) 674-4232 or by e·mail at Those who want to be even ju,,..c.UQr•ndtl latitn411s.com. Wheres the vision in Mesa Verde? Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTtEWEB: w..w.~com I I ls almpty amazing to me that there bu not been at least one visible · en~Who loOked at the Mesa Verde Center and 1aw a golden oppoit_uitity. · Alter all, tltUng In the ~center are atbdng ~5 .. ~ Inda Wllb lddtdoa of. of M: dlldwly ltrlteak Yenuee on .. thlt combUiedon Ma the rnUirJ11 of one of the county's bot...a......, lltntCdonl. MJ • S I dollll would lndude ..... tbberit '*" wllldl rtclen STEVE SMITH WEATHER tt'll be lnOhr t>eeutiful one. S.PiaeA:l SPORTS City Council will study carnpaign reform amid a battle between two political ca mps. June Casagrande Daily Pilot NfWPOBJ lff•\C II -Should c.:ouncil cand1datc>s ..,1gn off 011 fliers and '>cript ... produu~d by their Lampaign 111aJ1agen;? Should thev file t ht·..,e rnatenah with tht.> · t 11y c lt·rk'c-, ofhc.:e·1 ~hould lhey he l11111tl·c.J to tol lecting no mon• than $25.000 per car11paign7 \hcmls.1 a c.:0111 mittee form to .iudJt campaign cxpen~es for l'\Cr\' eh·curm'I These quc.,tion ... ftl'I \kirn the surfatc of the trf·,1therouc, wa ter<, lht' Uty ( .ouncil \\lll wade mto Tue\dav whl'n thev hold a -.tudy <;t•..,..,_u.in on t a111µ.11g11 rt• forrn "/\ lut of ctlon ha-. g11ne 111!0 this bt·camt· 11' ">Uth a tm k\ area. Our ul11mate nhJellive ''to try to clean up C<t111paign .... ~ -..ud City Counulman John lletter- nan. who originally called for the study -.e..,.,1011 la-.t year .111<.1 who ha'> hl'ell working wllh Luy ~torney Bob Burnham and ex· pert coun'>el Dan<.1 Reed tu de termme what ic;c-,ue'> and options the counnl rrnght con•Hder Central to the d1..,rn..,.,11m i.s that much political at 11\ity ic; pro· tected und(•r free ... pt>ech laws. • 1 support iJ review of our campaign policies and I'm will ENVIRONMENT QUESTION ? WIUlt specific dlangn do Newport Beac:ti campaign a laws need? Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642·6086 or send e·ma1I to dailypilot a.i/atimes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only ing lO look at campaign reform .. Mayor Steve Bromberg !>aid "But what t <,ee 1c; that the sub '>lance of the i<,c;ues we are go mg to look at really involve attempt· 111g to legi.,late -duectly or 10· dirt>ctly -political expression You can't do that You can't leg:is· late cth1c'> You can"t legislatl' ..,peech Simrm·nng beneath the ques- UC>n'> of how to re\Htte the city'!. campaign ordinance ethically and effectively ,., an uglier battle het\\een two camp!. that have tJkcn the ,.,.,ue to heart I (.•d hy Phil Arsl. thl' uty ') < .reenhght rnal1uon has been pu-;hing hard for thange., m urv 1 ampiilgn.... fhe) have charged rnmpaign manager Oave Elli., and local pohucal group., like leam :--iewport -which tn elude-. thret· of the nty.., cow1 nlmen -of breakmg rule.. 111 tamp;.ugn finance repurun~. fund ra1c,mg and wor~ on behalf of candrd<itrs. I Iii~ ha-. rcturnt>d fire. ~uhm11 ting d le11er to the city pointing out potenuaJ camp<ugn viola-· See ELECTION, Paee M City asked to OK · reef expansion Man who challenged Coastal Conunission wants to add to his system of tires and plastic bags off piers. June Casagrande Daily Ptlot NfWPOHJ BIJ\t II -fhe crt>ator of an artilinal reef who caused the < aliforn1a Coastal Commission 1(1 be ruJt'<l uncon · stitutional la<>t year wiU ask the city\ permission to expand his artificial marine habitat. Rodolphe Streichenberger. principal of the Newpon ·based Marine Forests Socit>ty. has asked the city for a permit to build an addition to a system of tires, PVC tubing and plastic bags in 40 feet of water more than 200 feet offshore between the Newport and Balboa Piers. "The first experiment has been a success, o we want to expand on it to achleve critical mass.· Streichenberger said. The structure provides a place for seaweed to grow, ere- atrng habitat for fish and other marine life. The city gave Strei· chenberger a permit m 1995 to install the reef. hut when the Coai,tal Commission insisted Streichenberger get a penmt from them a<. \veU, the parttei. ended up in court and the com- m1<...c;,ion ended up on the brink of nonexistence The state Legislature 1s prt'- c;1ding over a reor~antzation of the statewide commission. which is conducting busme~ a<, usual in the intenm. Strei- chenberger said that, if the city grants the permits he seeks, he plans to foUow the rules and re· quest a pemtlt from the com · mission. ·This will allow us to have a new discussion with the Coast.at Commission,· Strei- chenberger said. "We hope to convince them chat the experi- menfis useful and success.ful. • The city's Coastal/Bay Water Quality Citizen Advisory Com· mittee will consider the teq\ae.$t at its meeting Thunday. Mayor ~eve Bromberg ~ed S.. REEF, hl•M . , . ... A2 ~. MMch 8, 2003 DailjPlot" FAITH \ THE MORAL OF THE STORY Honesty ·prevails in the end ,Remerilbefing A _shkhell '11onesty is ti~ first chapter of the book of wisdom" -ntOMAS JEFFERSON I searched for ju.st the right quote for today's column on honesty, and found it interesting that in one of my boob, "Honesty' .. comes directly after "Home," and right before "Honor." The woman I wanted to write about was honest about what was occurring in the her home, and God honored her for seeing the truth. telling the truth and then also for ma.Icing some changes. On the outside. the woman looked perfectly put together. But the minute she spoke and shared from her soul. I stopped seeing her for who I thought she was, and instead, listened to what God had done in her life. A5 she shared her Story. there WdS raIDance around her, as if God CINDY TRANE \ CHRISTESON were glowing through her. I'm sure God must have been smiling. because she was honoring him in her honesty, and encouraged those of us who heard her to stay close 10 God as well She is a young woman with young children. bur she lived through some terribly dart and depressing years. She said she was raised in a family that believed in God, but he did not become a personal pan of her life until she was older. Before she was married, she was involved in an unhealthy lifestyte with alcohol and drugs. She was headed toward disaster, but saw that God worked in creative ways to protect her from others. as well as from herself. The 25th ArmeQian Women Saints Day service was ·. dedicated td St. Ashkhen. By Mlch•I• Marr J ust before noon on Thursday morning, a · brigJlt winter sun penetrated the stained-glaM windows of St Mary Armenian Apostolic Omrch In <:osta Mesa. iJJwninating a doz.en jewel-colored Images of saints for worshipers ins.Ide. On the south wall of the sanctuary, a window depleting St Ash.lchen, queen of Armenia. stood alon~Jde a window of her husband and fellow saint. JCing Tuiat A garland of tulle and silk roses outll.ned the window's arched frame. 1Wo votive candJes on tall brass candle sticks flicker beside it The window, installed in July on the Feast Day of St. Ash.khen, held unique significance for hundreds of women and several handfuls men. husbands and clergy who were gathered in the church to pray. "We celebrate Armenian Women Saints Day every year,• said Rose Kasbvaldyan. chairwoman of the St Mary Armenian Apostolic Oturch Ladies' Society. "This is the 25th anniversary of the celebradon (in the u.s.1 ... This year's celebration was dedicated to St Ashkhen, the first Christian queen of Armenia. and to the I, 700th anniversary of Armenia's Etcbmiad7in Cathedral Ashkben was the daughter or the ld.ng of Alan. in what is today Karabagb and Azetbaijan. She was married to JCing Thi.at ol Armenia in An 29L The royal couple ~ among their nation's first Oui.stians, brougJlt to the Caith by SL Gregory the lliuminator. Thdat converted to Christianity in A.D. 30 I, many believe greatly influenced by his wife, and proclaiined Armenia a Ouistian state. 1n A.O. 303, Ashkhen and Thdat encouraged the establishment of Armenia"s first cathedral, · and she is said to have helped. hands-on, to dig and lay its foundation at Etchmiadzin. The Ladfos Society at St. Mary planned and hosted Thursday's prayer service, luncheon and music program to remember Ashkhen for her remarkable faith, which through her dedication, loyalty a~ sacrifice is an example to them and to all Ouistians. She later mer and married a wonderful man and enjoyed several good years. years that induded buying a house and having children. Having so much responsibility for little people and feeling no time for herself. she said she • became despondent and extremely selfish and emotionally detached from everyone. She admitted that she chose the wrong path to find happiness, a path that led to extramarital affairs. Velo Herbeldan, chairwoman of the Western Di.ocese Central CouncU of Ladies Societies, said members or the Central Council, chairwomen of local Ladies Societies and their members from parishes throughout Ocange. Los Angeles and San Diego counties came for Thursday's events. Some came lo large groups. arriving in rented buses. ln English and Armenian, the service offered prayers, Suipture readin~ from the Gospels, EpistJes and Psalms. hymns and a short biography of Queen Ashkhen, in tribute to St. A5hkhen and as an encouragement to women today to follow her example. MARK C. DUSTIN /DAILY Pl.OT Moushegh Tashjan, pastor of St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church, stands in froot of a stained glass window depicting St Ashkhen, the first Christian queen of Armenia. program of music. "I felt like a total slave to sin, caught up in the world and pursuing fleshly desires,· she said. "I was miserabJe and I knew deep down in my soul that what I was doing was so wrong, yet I couldn't stop." Her husband found OUI the truth. and she found h~ at the lowest point sheCI ever been in her life. She was ready to leave her loving husband and children. when she fell God calling her back to him. "We remember St. Queen Ashkhen's · commitment to the fa.Ith and, (following herl example, we dedicate our lives also to the Caith on this day,• said Father Moushegh Tashjian, pastor of St. Mary Olurch, who presided at the morning prayer service. reminded the women of the unique and holy task they have to serve God and, ln their homes, to raise by example children who love God, who love the chureh and who live in the world as peacefully as possible with Ouistian love and good will. After the service, a Lenten luncheon, a menu of various traditional m eatJess and dairy-free Armenian recipes all prepared by the women of St. Mary Cltwch, was served In the parish's Fesjlan Hall. Hilda Salcarya, choir chairwoman at St Mary and vocal soloist. presented a As a commemoration of the day. and to mark the 25th anniversary of the Armenian Women Saints Day celebrations. each woman was given a porcelain plate depicting the Good Shepherd and the 23rd Psalm. "I know God had me in his hands and that was why he revealed the truth when he did.# She said "God knew how close I was t<) m~ the biggest mistake of my life." Under an archway inscribed with the message ·Love one another,• Tashjian God worked through people, as well as a church service, to help the woman and her husband rededicate their lives to God. She also attended a rehab center, which gave her needed help and healing, as well as the desire to seek God and tm oounsel She talked to God. prayed to him and knew he was with her. Since then. 6he and her huW8nd have repaired their marriage and are~ to living and raising their family In God-honoring ways. She was brave to share honestly about painful chapters in her life. but in doing so, she encouraged us to listen to and follow God. and choose to live lives of light instead ol ~ And you can quote me on that. • CJINl1I( TRANE CHRISTESON ls • Newport Beach resident who tpNb frequently to parenting groups. She may be reec:hed via e-mail at cindytlonthegrow.oom or through the mail et P.O. Box 6140-No. 505, Newpo11 Beactt, CA 92668. FAITH CALENDAR . SPECIAL EVENTS ~VOICES LUNCH Ertn GNwell, two"*"8 Caltfarnie T8ac:t* of~ YNf', II the~ tpeekerfor the~ Fedel'"'°" of Orange County's Women'• Voicas lundwon Ill to:301.m. March 18 It the Hv• ffeoel~ IMM, 17900 J8mbofM INvd. "-'vlltk>M: (71•) 71Mi61, ..... 222. The ~lh Fedlrltion Corel Wl9orl PMllH LElfl"EN •SION st Jwd••• a-cti .. hive"' PlfWt ~ Millllon .r 1:161.m • and 7:30 p.m. from M9tdl 1710 20, """"~ Ljrfy FM9lf • PNll illllig. lnfonnetlon: (949) ~'MOO. ut. 3218. MY. CMOltJOlllt Ni&ION JM Aw. Cenon John,.,.,,,, MCI~ ilr*8f OftM Arliglk:en ~ ...... E=au.dMWMld\MI, • \1N Dltw8'id ,..._..lnCoriiMdll Mir. on Box 1660, ec.te M--. CA 92820. Daily A Pilot News a .. istant.. (941) 57""'298 Copyright No news storiee, t:0nl. wll«>nOi.tlmaoom lllultretJone. editorial nwu.r or l'HCJTOOfWlttER ~herein can be s..n Hk, Don lMdl. ~wMoutwrtu.n ~TNPCOw permllalon of COPVriGM owner. VOL 97, NO. 67 AEADERS HO'T\ME HOW TO REACt4 U8 1ltOMAS H. JOffNSON New.Yeorw 19411842~ ~ Publllher Gine Aleundlw, Lotf Andet9on, f*:ord your comment1 about the The Time. Orsnge County TONYOOOERO Paul Seltowltt, Daniel SteY9na =lot or news tips. (800) 252-11'1 Edttor Adtl111111ng .A/ti( Ol1TINO NEWSSTAlf Our add,... le 330 W. S.., St.. eo.a. Ch nlfted (!Mii 842-6f78 ~~, o...---Meu, CA t2t27. Otrlce howl.,. ~ (941) 6&2--4321 Ctfme and coutta repc>f\er, Monday • Friday, 8:30 e.m, -5 p.m. EdllofW PromobOne Dir9Ct0r IMI&~ COln1da>1• ..... ~bhiidl•l«Jm-..c::om It It the l'lloe'a pofq '° promptly (148)142·~ IDfTNl S1'NIF ..... c ......... COt'NCI ell errorl of tubetance. ......, .. ) '74-tWJ a.:J~ ~1ngEditlOf, ~leedt~. PleeMC911 ~ ~ .. .... ... 1148)~170 Ml~232 ._...,.. (M91 llO-O'l70 1949167«233 }urw ~••111t1m.oom FYI a.mel: o.Jlypl1o«•JatJ,,,...oom •I c:.hn• lati"* com ,..Cllll.a The~ a.ecM::oN ~ Mmlli<>llee .... ~ flotttb end .,wt;oi""'"' tepOtUr, Delly PJIOt (Uln-144400) 11 ...__ OIWlit (Mel 842""321 . CllvE~ • . IMI~ Ml1'Moa30 publieMd •Uy. In NMpon hMltt .......... '-llMll e3'"712t ~--IMinw.oom '*"...,,, • ...,,...«:Im lltld eo.... Mela, 1Ublcrlptl0nl ... ..... Catt.ori Lellil...,., evelleble onty by 9Ubecrlblng to The In &po.'11 E_,,, Cofurnnfl(. cuftulW "PO'W. (849) Tlmee OfancM Cou!"V 1800) , (!Ml) IS7iM223 574-4275 252 1141. In .... OUlllde of rog-.~•~com '°""' 1-r1iet•ldtN&oom Newpcwt INd'I end Cotta Meet. JoeeJ ..... IU~ to the Dtfly ll'loc ... M OU.C.or, ,_.. o.l Cttltf, .,..... ...... (Mt)l5~ Cotta MeM tepOftef, , .. , IS7.w221 ~ ontv by flttt d-,.,...,, fl'utlll9Md by Tl~ Community ~•,_,,_,com ....... ,....,.,,.,_,,,.com 830 I* inonlh. I,,_~ .. ....... dMtipnOftheLOt ~ .... MIC II Cltk~ uc.tlo eppllHl!te .... end loCll WJ nm... ~lend .... ";:,~';='· (dOCllCJon '*POftilf, {M) 174-4291 ~-·~ moOI Timee CH. M tW* ~•,.,,,.com tt;n../lhOIO.... . .... ~--OJI¥ ..... '-<>. ........ The plates were given to the women of the Ladies Societies as a gesture of appreciation and support by St. Mary members Peter and Henrietta Bodourian. •MICHELE MARR writes religion features. a potludc dinner It 8:30 p.m. Friday at 2401 IMne Ave. TM Cefetil'don Wilt~ the lncMnt story from the Book of Edler. lnformltion: (!MS) 548-6900. ntOIMS .&FERiOH IRRIOM110N Temple ........ cf Newport lr"""8 the oorrimunlCy 1D., ~"' fun, ectllClllOn. ~ toOMl• liid ~ noeed Imp •loiliat,.... Smell, whowll •--·the ladenOI • Thomea Jelf8riet>i1. The ewnt le 1117:30 p.m. s.udly, Men:f'l 21, •the 1llmPft Sodll Hal, 2401 IMr.e Ale., NM-.,,o;t Beedl. lrifotmllion: (M) &a elOO. · SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF Areal of fog wm greet.u1 We'll'"~ of the lowe.t this morning, thoUgh we'll surf In • whlle. Expect eome enjoy v-t another aunny day, tnM-to welat-hlghl todrt. complete With highl In the Sunday'1 waves won't m~ anc:flowa netr 50. lmprow any, and the next Sondly will be limllar, but • awell doetn't amve until few degreee warmer. Cotta Mondey. By then, w. Melt wtll near 70. unfortunl1ely'" moatly £>epeCt the ume Monday. wtltt·hlp ~= The nontwJ9lt IW'llt ""'" bulld qillte 1 bit on Tu.edaY, www nws.noae.IJOV btWng UI chelt· to BOATING FORECAST ~fght.~,-1 tNI point, loc*I Just• atrone· The weetet'ty wlndl Wiii ........... blow 10 knot:l In 1he inner www.turtrld#.org 'Mt•rt todey, with 2-foot wtWI end. we.t IWlfl of 2 TIDES fMt. Not "'uch wffl ~ thla Time ewnlng, thoUgh fog wtll rwtum e:281.m. torilQht. Out ferthtf, the 12:1ep.m. nom ..... , rtv wtfMM wtH blow &:t6p.m. 10 eo 11knotl.wWt2·tc>Ot 12;091.m. ----·--.... of• .... ,,.. ....... clawn ................... ral ..... .. ·--r ... • .. ... .. I ' ' I • SatlJfday, MMch 8. 2003 Al ' domain. Gas prices put drivers in a pinch BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Monday tn the Neigh- borhood Community Center at 1845 Park Aw For information. Costa Mesa will . can (714> 754-5635. As in much of California, prices at the pump have shot up in Newport-Mesa, and there is no end in sight. Oejpl Bh1r1th Daily Pilot $2.04 on May 25, 200~. • he said. "(On Friday), the aver- age price per gallon in NEWPORT-MESA -Costa Orange County was $2.05. H · Mesa resident Oavid Nestor Some stations In Newport says he wants to drive less. Beach were selling gas at-aJ.- "But l also want to have a most .$2.20 a gallon l'f the life," he said, with a pained .end .ol the day on Friday. expression on bts tace. "So I Costa. Mesa's ~verage was have to drive.• ,: : · dose to $2.09: · Over the last few weeks, gas There ls no way· to know if prices in California have shot gas prices will continue to up, skyrocketed, broken re-climb in the days to come, cords and earned the state's Spring said. gas stations the dubious dis-"But there Is no indication tinction of pumping some of that It's going to come down the most expensive gas in the any time soon," he said. nation. While the lmpending war Orange County broke the with Iraq could be looked at record for the highest average as a cause for people's pump gas price on Thursday, said travails, there is another, Jeff Spring, spokesman for more significant reason not the Automobile Oub of many know about, Spring Southern CaJifornia. said. "The previous record was "This price hike is mainly because our supply from Ven- ezuela got cut off," be said. "The workers are on strike opposing government policy.• That situation bas caused a shortage of 3 million barrels, Spring said. But people don't under- stand policy, politics or pric- ing, said Afsan ~ani, office manager at Newport Beach Olevron. •we -Ourselves don't lcnow why these prices go up, .. she said. "But customers ·don't understand that. They yell at the poor cashier who is mak- ing $7 or SB an hour." · Fhsani said gas station owners, who are dealers foT the big companies. suffer the most. ~Because or' the price ln- crease. our volume goes down,· she said. UEven our car washes go down. People spend so much money for gas, they don't want to spend more on a car wash." Ehsani said life ls tough for a dealer, who buys gas at a lower rate than the consumer, but loses money all the same in taxes, fees and rent Customers sud) as Nestor say they cannot believe how quickly prices have gone up. "Yesterday at this same gas station, the price was $1.99," he said. "This morning it was •$2.05, and now in the after- noon it's $2.09! How do ·you e~lain that?" Molly Fawcett -of Newport Beach, offers a different per- spective. 'Tm concerned about the increases," she said. "But the fact is that other countries have always paid more for gas than we have. So, in a way, I'm thankful that we've had ic so good for so long.• • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deapa.bharath '9-latimas.com. consi<;ter~evel~pment · Habitat for Humanity Oty leaden will again consider home to be built'today the prospect of adding more than 400 aaes to the downtown re-More than 30 volunteers will development zone Monday, al-be on hand to break ground on beit in a larger auditorium than the lOOth Habitat for Humanity the one that couldn't handle an home on Saturday in Costa overflow crowd last month. Mesa. Dozeru of employees On Monday. the Redevelop· from local Home Depot stores ment Agency -council mem-will join volunteers from Habi- bei:s acting under a different tide tat fo r Humanity. of Orange -will consider approving the County to beglo building a preliminary boundaries for the home earmarked for ·a low-1n- odd-shaped: area. which Is · come family. roughly bordered by L5th Street. Ferr the I OOth house built, Whittier Avenue and West 19th Home Depot volunteers will be • Street work.ing wllh 1he future home- On Feb. JO, the Redevelopmen1 owners. providing hands-on Agency had to poscpone tts meet--.upport once a week until the Ing after a large, emotional crowd home 1s completed this fall. of industrial property owners Throughout lht' huilding tried to squeeze into the Police process, there will be several Department auditorium and opportuiiiues for community ended up posing a fire hazard. members tu lend as~tstance. The owners are worried they The IOOth hou!>e I'!> part ofa six- may be included in the zone be~ home building prOJt!Ll. cause they don't feel their prop-The groundbreaking cer- erty is blighted, either economi-emony will take place at 8 a .m cally or physically, and they fear Saturday at J 925 Pomona Ave. the city would be able to take To volunteer. visit www.llablla- theit property through eminent toc.org. Mail OldlS8 11ie.._.~ .. No ... 1.(800) ... ,_.___ ,_ YOU SAVl: UP TO S10 96' 666'7 ()t0"'9) 11le Di five Care~ FARM FRESH PRODUCE .. Salt! Organic Peanut Butter :sgg Sr.! K TfD"' h• as 1. Cereals • GoLetm Ounch -Low Fat • .. Goletm Sliinmin' REG. '2.99 SI'-! Organic Jams • 911..e,e., • Apricot • <lla1y • Red~ • Wild BlurJlary , ·WIW ........... ,,sm • Blood Onap REG. '2.89 11.2o:z. 1111ie CbunJI.. hian Noodles & Saua MULKITS • Garlic Black Bean • Garlic • Chow Mein Pe.anut :~~S•S9 REG. '2.19 & a.202. RICE Non-Dair.Y DREAM Beverade 1% Fat &liihed & MJe from Organic llD. Sog Aw =or&nidvd:W •Qrfdml ~ •CaU> ... . REG. '1.49-.,.99 32 az. 112 Gal .. • PUBllC SAFETY No bail for man accused of threats Ao Onnge Q)~ perior Court judge denied ball on Friday for a 23-year- old Costa Mesa man ac- cused of threatenJna to kill Orange County Sberift' Mlb Carona. kill a friend's mother. Townaend wu 18 years oJd when a Olevy BJazer be and nine other teens were In ~ed on Irvine Av- enue. Townsead and 17- ynr•old Amanda Arthur suf- fered brain injwies amfwere in 'Critical condition after the acdd~t, which killed their friend Donny Bridgman, 18. Sberifra depudes aerated TownJend in b.la Costa Mesa home on Feb. 4 on suspicion of telling two of h.la friends tjlat be was going to till Ca- rona and of threatening to Tuwnsend's family main- tains that be has a mental illness and ~• care 'and ~tmept. He Is being held in Orange County fall. • ~ lliNUlTH CO\l9ft public . safety and OOUftl. She'""" be reeched Ill 1949) 5?44228 or~ &mallet -•• deep&bhanrth•latime&ooni: J OONlbCH/DAl.YPlOT Flftj).graders raise their hands at once to answer a question about . .bike safe\)' laws after a' presentation at Davi~ Elementary. . COSTA MESA •Harbor Boulnard: A robbery was repQrted in the 2300 blodt at 8.'03 p.m. Wednesday. • Hert.or Boua.'V8rd: Grand theft was reported In the 2700 block at 12:11 p.m. Wednesday. • Rod*Sta 811.t Vandalism was reported In the 200 block at 8 p.m. Wednesday. • Wlbort StrMt end tt..bor Boulftwd: Sale of narcotics was reported at 2:A6 p.m. Wednesday. • EMt 17th S1rMt: Vandalism was reported in the 300 block at 6:64 p.m. Wednesday. • EMt 17th S1rNt end Irvine Avenue: A traffic accident Involving injuries waa reported at 6:55 p.m . Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH • cameo Highleltds DrM: A burglary was reported in the Bafb8i'a Jean De Mott Servtces fOr Newport Beach resident Barbara Jean De Mott Wdl be held at 11 a.m. Wedneiday at St. Andrews Presbyterian Oturch, 600 St. AndreWJ Road, Newport Beach. She dJed March Of lung caneer and heart failure. She wu 77. She ta aurvived bY b\isb8nd of 57 yean Ray De Mott;~ten~ 700 blodt at 11 :<>6 a.m. Wednesday. • Goldel•od ~A hit•n<kun waa reported In the 400 block at 2:56 p.m. Wednesday. •~Boulevard: A traftlc accident Involving Injuries y.ras reporteQ In the 4600 block at 2:28 p.m. Wednesday. - • Opel lw9nue: Petty theft was reported In the 200 block at 10:02 a.m. Wednesday. • Pine Vllll9y Lane: A garage burglary was reported in the 100 blodt at 2:02 p.m. Wednesday . •Via San Remo: Grand theft was reported in the 100 blodc at 8:41 p.m. Wednesday. •Via Unclne: Grand theft was reported in the 100 blodc at 7:26 p.m. Wednesday. •21st Piece end w.t OcMn Front: A hit..and-run was reported at 10:31 p.m. Wednesday. Scott and Cindy Galloway; IOD OUistopber De Mott; alx grandchildren; and one gieat-grandchild. •The Deily Pilot welcome• obituaries for r .. lct.nt.t or former residents of Costa Men and Newport Beech. If you want to have an obituary P<lnted In the Piiot, ask your mortuary to fax us the Information at 1949) ~170 or call the newsroom at 1949) 784-4324. ~~ Re s taurant EJO*>Usn.a In 1962-- ELECTION Continued from Al dons by the Greenllght Commit- tee, including charges that the committee was out of line when it coUected money on Its candi- dates' behalf and distributed it to each of their own campaigns. Heffernan, a Greenlight coun- cilman, and Bromberg. a fonner Ellis client, said they intend to keep partisan infighting at bay REEF Continued from Al Strelchenberger take the matter to the committee before bring- ing it to the City Council. "That committee is a who's who of water quality experts; they're our best resource for everything to do with the wa- FAMILY Continued from Al store of this type in the city limits. Costa Mesa is home not only to one of the nation's premiere shopping malls, but to many places offering department store items. I question whether we . need another outlet to buy more stuff we probably don't need. But there is another concern. one that economists might appreciate. I have ~o doubt that one of the carrots dangled in front of the city muckety-mucks is the increased tax revenue generated from adding a Kohl's store. But. without getting too and keep the city's best interests at bean. Heffernan points out that be asked for this study session long before it became known that Ellis had CI'Qated a misleading campaign telephone message. Heffeman's call stemmed from· concerns of conflict of mterest that. once again, involved Ellis. The political coD5Ultant bad benefited from a dty giant for airport education, which MS le- gal under city ruJes. But Heffer- ter," Bromberg said. "We will look at Mr. Streichenberger's projects on the merits of the project, .regardless of what we think the Coastal Commission will do." Asmtant City Manager Dave ICi.ff said the committee may want to consider whether envi- ronmental studies should be done on the project. ·lofty, there is a counter theory chat a store such as Kohl's does not add anything to the city's coffers. Over time, it may even reduce the amount of tax dollars we receive. lbat's because the store will not suddenly create demand for their products on top of whatever else will be available, it will merely draw customers away from existing retail stores. In the long run, other busin~ will $Uffer. And the city's business-friendly reputation will suffer, for it ls hard to justify to a business prospect why a location should be established in the city when there is a good chance that the decision-makers will open a You told us you want to make your life easier ... simpler. We heard you. So we redesigned our bill to make it clearer ... simpler. Now see what else we off er-like convenient payment options and 24/7 access, through our Web site, www.sce.com, to more than a dozen transactions. You can find free energy-saving tips and inf onnation, report a street light out and request service turned on or off-all online. . Just some more ways we 're helping you save YOUR energy. . . nan says the rules should be re-dead and burled by Tuesday considered because of Ellis' night • relationship wlth council mem-·it's up to the council now,• bers who conttoUed the grant Heffernan said. "If a majority money. want to do something. we'U do Tuesday's study session will be something. Otherwise, it will be the first opportunity for the just an interesting d.i.sc:usslon council to take action on cam-~d that will be the end of it" paign finance ruJes. /. After their discussion Tuesday, •JUN£ CASAGRANDE covers they could ask staff' to look into Newport Beac:h and John Wayne the matter further. Or. if council Airport. She may be reeched at members don't want to make (949) 674-4232 or bv e-mail at any changes, the matter could be june.caUQrande /lltitn11$.com. "There's a lot to think about, especially what it means to wa- ter quality," Kiff said. "We want to know whether there's any- thing unsafe about putting tires and plastic down there. Does the material leach over time? Who decides when It should be re- moved? Who removes it? Who monitors it7" Streichenberger said the arti- competitor just minutes away. Case in point There is a Target store within walking distance from the proposed Kohl's. We need a Kohl's like we need another oil Change place. I am all for free enterprise and take a libertarian view or compedtion, but at some point, someone has to step in and act in the best interests of our kids. And ifs not as though a family fun center would be a drain. There are plenty of tax dollars to be bad from the right family development, which would draw residents from neighboring cities. But all or these business and financial reasons are secondary to the lack of vision of our leaders (save Mayor Karen Robinson), whose short -term thinking may drastically alter the quality or life in this wonderful dty. The change won't be because we've added a Kohl's but because we've wasted the opportunity to be one of Southern c.atifomia's family-&iendliest communities. Once the bowilng alley. movie theater and skating rink are gone, they are gone forever. lbat there are homes just behind the center should not play a large pan in the fate of WHATS AFLOAT •WHATS AR.OAT is published periocficalty. If you are planning a nautal event. submit the lnfonnadon to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, ea.ta Mesa, CA 92827;bVfaxto(949)646-4170;or bV•malfto dlllfypllottll.rlmn.com. SALING Cl.ASSES Oningeeo.t College ....... new cred1t and noncrecfrt sailing daaee this 9Pffng . .Most classes are five WMta In length, end boat. range from Udo 14 dlnghief to large OCNn racera, even kMfboata. Crulting ..min.rs.,. eleo being tMlght The occ S.fflng Center Is at 1801 W. Peclflc Cont Highway, Newport Bed. (9'9) M6-9'12 Of vWt ooculllng.com. 0...,..County......,_.cen bring their~ out to Newpoft BNdl on WMkdays to t'*>Y I dlV of sailing COUf1eSY of Orenge eo... ~.The . School of S..llng •nd s.m.n.hip now off9r'S • d\anoe for~to'M>ft ~the on-board IMtructor on dlh •rt •Hing lec:hntquee wt1i1e ~get ecMoe on how to l*form Wiii in bueinMI. No eMNng upeflence nee 111-v. an.ctey ~ COit ffomS100to$12t5. (Mt) ~12. ICWMJfTMS _.lliillwW t 1t'tPar111•t11e 8elboe fvn Zone, you cen ~ ................ from mldtO wttd. 'Me ..... guldld llCM.-of the b9y In your ... of poww .-1d .......... ~lu.mP-- OCMn .... In I IN doo )etbolC, ficial structure he installed in the mid-l 990s is now .borne to about 40 different species of seaweed and diverse species of fish. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beech and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or bv e-mail at june.CllSllflr•nde larimes.com. this center. Anyone who moved into that area a year or so ago knew dam well that their neighbor was a shopping center. and whlle I don't think we should allow skateboarding at midnight every night. it is, after all, a shopping center and it will have activiry. So, where are you. Mr. or Ms. visionary entreprenew'l Why haven~ you seen what so many in ~ community see; that if you invest in families in Costa Mesa you will reap big rewards? And where are the city leaders who need to realize that their first consideration for any major changes or additions to our town should be the quality of life, and that a city's quality of life and the quality of its citizens are inseparable? Open a Kohl's if you want But don't wonder a few yea.rs from now why your tax base didn't go up, why you can't attract other businesses and why parents are getting so frustrated that they just don't care to live here anymore. • STEVE SMrTH is a Costa Mesa r-'dent and fntelanoe writer. Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 642-«186. PURMORT Louis Louie Purmort, longtlm. Newpott BMdi ret1dent Md former Founder and Chalnnan of U.8. Fitter Corpondlon, died of nat\nl c.... on~ FebnMiy 25. 2003 In OceMllde. CA. ....... 78 ,..,. old. He IMvee beHl'td hl9 WW., Barbara Purmort of Oceanakt•, hie daughtn TM frtend of Lu _~ ~ L:...on ol CaMla ...... 1HeM MlcNI of OcNIMllde. Md hla ean Md'/ Pwmart ol ............. ..... ... be held .. P8GlllO YllJw •••morW ..... l800 PllOllo .. Dr.. can.. Del M•, CA on Thur8dla;. -.a.1111; ..... ......:· The...., .. ~ lbd .... Mtl dlim ..... .., .. Iii • SOU'fHOtN C.AUf~IA EDISON. • pueyou IPO't.W...11 .... eo"' 1111 In. Wv .. ....,.. lotlon ...,,or .. ...,.ll .. on1 ,.,llF' ........ t.fla !JDt1 -.can;ln 1 •viii• ......... , l1i ., .... ,.... .......... .,. ...-, a~V: ur. ~11Gt. 1He ...:-: Wt ,.., , ...... ~ n-n1k1Dra....~e11t Pl 2:11• 41tm•sn 'l:: .... )a., Of•lll CIMa .-.., ' l • . -:Morale from school mural • -. !For California ·Elementary students, . blue walls are blank :canvases. School J>rid e a goal of ~beautification. • • • hrJatlne C1rrlllo , • Daily Pilot 1 ' With an assortrqent of . brushes, careful strokes and a palette of colors such as Buff -Pill. Sa<>!>y Miss and Planet Tea. -. the once bland walls at Califor- nia Elementary School were • uansformed into brilliant mu- " rals of student expression by c •Friday. ~· With d cOdl of bright blue r. paint covering the 33-by-9-foot walls. third-. fourth-and fifth- grade '>ludenh had the chance to talcc a pan in their schoo1's beautification proc~ with their own haud<;. "These patntings instiU school pndc and they make the school look nice," said Stepha- -nie Heck.. a parent volunteer 1:and artist wh.o de.,igncd the ing on top of the world -or 1 ·murals. "They see this and they half of it -with "California l .thmk. 'That's what we're all Cougars are RespectfuJ. Re- 1 •• about.'" • sponsible, Ready" lining the top Students and parc•nt volun-and bottom. The other mural, teer'> workl•d with <;taff mem-directly across the playground hers from Operation Oean Slate and nearest the library, show- lll Costa Mec;a this week to.. take cased various books with a '>1tnple yet bold .,tep to beau-"Books are the Doors to Di'>cov- ttf}' the Costa Mesa school. ery" above them. A'> the artistic expression of "They will remember this for nt.>arly 120 s1udent'> went onto the rest of their lives." said Mi· l'AO building waJls along the pe-chael Howard, executive direc- nmeter of the playground, a 1or of Operation Gean Slate. a c;enc;e of fulfillment and pride campus and communiry beau- fell over everyone that panici-tification program hired by the paled PTA to help with the projec1 1 • "I learned that everybody has Having started his Cos1a •to do the <>ame 1h111g '>O they Mesa business 10 years ago as a don'1 fight," c;a1d JO-year-old Je· means IO <>top graffiti, Ho\<\ard .,us Pere7., a fourth-grader who discovered that the primary rca helped paml a hook on one of son for 1he graffiu was people\ the mural-.. ·11·., great. ... It · de'>ire 10 see 1heir work d1'> look.r, better with paintingi. on ii played publicly. bccau.,e the old ont• didn't have "They wan1ed 10 do public art any." . . '>O I became 1he person that rundl'd by the '>Chool\ Par· went and got the perrni.,sion:· ent-Teacher A''"·· the project Howard said. "It gave them a -not only met the goaJ of finish· sen~e of pride, ownership." 1ng before 1he Jo~· A· fhon on "This is helter than a painting ·March 19. but ll al.,o retnfon:ed you make in class -this one is .. :.chool pride permanent," Beck. said. "lt'c; • One of the murah ncarc~t the reaJJy sp.arXed an artistic mter · primary cla.,i.rooms featured est in the kids. It really malc.ef>. children hand-m -hand Mand-them feel good.ft PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAIL f PILOT Above, children walk past a nearly completed mural painted by students and PTA members at Calrforma Elementary School on Thursday Left.Ryan Quinlan. 9, paints one of the murals wrth other students. Meet the Wells Fargo Saturday, March 8. 2003 A5 FULL BAR COCKTAILS MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED .OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·645·7626 RosEYs AulQBODY ... . ~ ... ~ .. -You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY Full Service Collision Center Insurance Approved Shop (949) 642-4522 IOSIY'S AUTOIOOY 12' 1ndustriat '#fry Costa Metca ~--.-~ --~ -. --I ~ !JI r! \' ,1 I' 1 , I I u-. 'l "' ~ I ~ l ...---:: ' I I ~~'--.IU\.1_ -· . -~ ~ .. !"WW.champlon-aatoreatal.cam (714) -434-0133 We re n t & sell b ot h cars & trucks! 1202 S.E. Bristol Street, Santa Ana Hts., CA 92707 Fourth Annua l MARCH YARDAGE SALE! 25°/o OFF Entire Stock of French Fabrics Sale Ends March 31, 2003 c t•• r>r-~<.:JVf ,....,.C _,C- 110 Marine Ave. Ba lboa Island (949) 673-0719 Open 7Days 10:30 am-6:00pm acbell.net -.. Private Mortgage Banking Team Place your home financing needs in the hands of Private Mortgage Banking. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home financing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. •Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-only loans ... • M Satwday, Match 8, 2003 . . FORUM I .... HOW TO GET PU8USHED -LM1wa: Mall to Editorial ~ Editor S.J. C.hn et the Deily Pilot, 330 W. a.y si, Costa MMa, CA 92827 •Ai• ..... Hodn« catl (949) 842-«*S Fu: Send to (949) 648-4170 E-mel:&md to dailypilot l•tifTHM.com •All co'1'9lp0fldence must lnch.ide full name, hometown and phone number (for veriftcatk>n purpote1). TM Pilot ,....rves the right to edit ell tubml-!_on• for cl•~ and length. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Lecturers are nOt c.hOs.enlightly .· 8y J•cquelyn Beaure1ud Diiiman ' A s the co-chair of the Martin W. Witte Distinguished Speakers Lecture Series, I am responsible for searching for and suggesting potential speakers for the series held in the Newport Beach Public Library under the auspices of the library and Newport Beach Public library Foundation. It is important the ~ceptlon expressed by Oty Councilman Dick Nichols be corrected. as well as to note that PlOnitoring the politics of the series would be inappropriate. Speakers are selected by timeliness of topic, name recognition, subject expertise, availability and affordability; this aiteria Is crucially important, as the series is produced on the strength of donations to the foundation and with community sponsorshiP,-As co-chair, I have been responsible for bringing in speakers since the series inception six years ago; we have never deviated from this criteria except to add gender balancing (for which we have been criticized this year, as the series ·showcases only male speakels). Speaker selection is independent of the individual's policies, tn coiffiasTfo Nichol's suggestion of emphasizing this issue in choosing speakers. Again, timeliness of subject matter is the primary issue. All speakers are approved by the entire series comminee, which is composed of community volunteers, representatives of library staff and two members of the Library Board of lhlstees. Jeremy Rifkin, president of the .. ,. * ~ Foundation on llconomic Tumds, was selected for his latest work. "The Hydrogen llcooomy, • which foresees a new economy no longer dependent on oil and fossil fuels. President Bush made direct reference to a new hydrQgen fuel cell program in his State of the Union address; the series brought a timely issue to the community. Ri1kin's lectures were not just sold out. they were oversold md maintained a waiting list. We have received nothing but kudos regarding Rifkin. David Halberstam. Pulitter Prize-winning journalist and honored author ("War in a Tune of Peace: Bush. Olnton and the Generals") was selected for his entire body of work and ability to provide penetrating commentary about American society and politics. Given that our country may be in active war with Iraq at rhe time of Halberstam's appearance, we are fortunate to be able to present his in.sight regarding current events. The Halberstam event on May 21 and 22 is already completely sold out. oversold, and bas a waiting list David Kessler, former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, was invited to participate because most people really don't know the history and woridngs of the FO\ despite that decisions made by this government agency concerns rhe lives of all citizens. , His lectures on March 25 and 26 will discuss the FIWs role in everything from medical devices, clinical trials, drug approval procedw:es. nutritional labellrig on food packaging; biogenetically modified foods as well as his personal expertise on the tobacco industry and,related politics. A small number of ticets are still available for · Kessler's lectures. entitled: "Presaiption for Ufe: The FO\ and You." Ray Suarez. senior correspondent for PBS's "The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer,· was selected for his interest and reportage ofl Immigration issues. lmmlgradon. America's open borders, the impact of illegal and legal Immigration on social and economic programs h:1 both the nation and Califomla are serious and timely issues that need to be ad~. Obviously, immigration and border patrol efficiency reflect on national security; Mr. Suarez has accepted a real challenge in 88Jl!ein8 to speak on this topic. Some tickets remain on sale for his appearance on May 16 and 17. - Howard Zlnn, professor emerltusatBo~onUniversity and revisionist historian, participated in the 2002 series, as did David Gergen. senior editor of U.S. News and 'M>dd Repon and former member of the Nixon, ,Ford. Bush, and Clinton White Houses. Also part of the lecture last year were l...aurle Garren. prize-winning medical science author. who spoke on virology, and Tod Buchholz, economist CNBC commentator and Wall St Journal editorial contributor, who addressed economic globalization. Zinn was selected in part because one of his texts is used in AP American history class at Newport Harbor High School and he is revered as an "elder statesman" of American history, revisionistornoL -- ' h a personal, proj«t, I ask all speakers to voh.antee( their time to mentor high 8Chool 81l,Jdents in a question-and-answer session held prior to the Saturday afternoon lecture. More than 150 students~ thrilled to meet llnn, a.Utilqr of their text and to have an intellectual~ of ideas and debate. We are open to suggestions regarding potential speakers and topics. The series undertook such a swvey in a formal manner this season by including a response card in the lecture program brochure. We will be happy to make the results of this survey known to the city council and the community. To Mayor Steve Bromberg, C.Ouncllman Tod Ridgeway and the COWlcil members who voted in favor of approving the council agenda item to administer $6.5,()90 for the Distinguished Speakers Lecture Serles, I offer my deep and personal appreciation for their confidence in the series' committee and . suppon of the series. To reassure Councilman Nichols. let me advise tha1 I sought to bring conservative FOX network talk show host Bill O'Reilly to speak in the 2003 series. We couldn't afford him. His honorarium tipped the scales at $60,000 and the provision of a private plane for one lecture. (Our series has a two-lecture formal) lf Nichols can put this package together, the series will be happy to host O'Reilly in 2004! • Jecquelyn Buutegerd Oiimen 11 co-dlair of the Distinguished Speakers Lecl\Jre Series and a member of the Newport Bea<ta Public Ubnlry Foundation. -..:. • My husband and I were at the COsta Mesa Planning Conu:Disslon meeting the other nlgbL We s,tayed Wltil 2:45 in the morning; wlth both of us having to get up in the morning and function and having to tab care of kids. I have put in a phone call to Peny Valentine of the planning department and have yet to hear back from him. We are very unhappy about the fact that kohlta d~ent store Is tr')i!lg to SC? into our netjlborboocL Befote we lived in thU home, we lived lri Uleatylea in Coit.a Mesa and bad to deal With D1nlty Broadcastlrig, and we thoUght we were leaving beblnd bavlnJ to look at a monster big building, and now we ate coming here, and Kohl'I la trying to come here, and it just does not ftl It doesn't belong in people'• back yards. I have no problem with Xohl'a. I think It sounds lib they ate an amaring com~y. They ha~ done well ftrianclally, but it doesn't belong in out neJgbbc_>rhood. There ue plenty of placa to lbop around here, and there must be a bettn, more sultedlOaltioaforlCDhl'I to build their buildlng, We are not happy about the additional traftic that will be going on. We a.re not happy about being able to see a 30-foot building from our home. SU~~ Oalty Pilot 1 GEn'ING INVOLVED • GETTlNO INWOIED runs periodically In the Dally Piiot on a .rotating bails. For lnfonnatlon on adding your organization to thla list, call (949) 574-4298. GIRL SCOUTS Glr1 Scouts of Orange Courrty needs volunteers who will bt trained H troop leaders, aerve on special committees and gfve lecturn, demon1tratlon1 or classes. (71 4) 979-7900. GIRLS INC. Of ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed to offer educational and enrichment opportUl'litlea for glr11 and boys. (949) 646-71$1. HOSPICE PREFERRED CHotCE Volunteers ere needed to help make a difference In the llvea of terminally Ill persons and their famlllea. Volunteers would aulat them with nonmedlcal needs such as providing reaplte for the primary caregiver, running errands, reading to the patients and weekly social visits. The organization is also looking for clerical and bereavement volunteers to aa1lst with office duties. Training Is provided. (714) 980-0900. HUMAN OPTIONS The organization t helters. counsels and educate& abused women and children. It Is looking for volunteers. (949) 737-5242, ext. 24. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE . OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed for Project Caring, which provide& socialization and cultural expenencestotheJewish residents and others at Fairview Developmental Center In Costa Mesa. Volunteers "adopt" a facility to provide programming of Jewish content to the residents on a monthly balls. They must take a TB teat and undergo a fingerprinting ba<*ground che<*. Volunteers are also needed to provide comfort and support to the Jewish terminally ill and their families. The group sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group for people with chronic illness at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. JUNIOR LEAGUE Of ORANGE COUNTY , The organlzetlon of women, oommltted to promoting : volunteerism. ~oping the •potential of women and : Improving oommunhlea through 'the work and leadership of trained voluntters, Is aeeldng :new members. (949) 261-0823. : KAISER PERMANENn :HOSPtCE SERVICES Volunteers are needed to spend :four hours per week visiting : patients or doing errands for •them or their caregivers in , communities near volunteers' •homes. (562) 622-3805. · ; LAGUNA GREENBELT INC. •Volunteers are needed to assist : Laguna Coast Wilderneu Parle 'staff and James Dilley Preserve •staff and docents with hiker : registration and generel public •orientation. (949) 488-0287. I . : LAGUNA SHANTI •Laguna Shentl, an organization : that works with persona with HIV or AIDS, is )ffklng caring • volunteers to assist with running : the front office, delivering meele, , providing tranaportetlon and , providing compllmentery : thtrepl" such as message, acupunctu,. end chiropractic , care. Lisa Toghle. (949) 494-1446. I : UFEUNE LIVING CENTtRS : Mentelly Ill lduftl rely on the : Newport 8Mdl center for , rutdenttal housing. ft needs : profeulonal fund-ral .. r1 to • aupport and m elnUiln this · trMOurce. ' • :;::::::::;:;;===============; 1 i THE I AU'HA l COURSE ' l ~"'is for anyone who~ 1 • Wana to explore the Christian faith I • Has .mow qucstiolll ebout tbc , mc:anins oflik • Wanta to 6n4 a warm and lovinc I • , commwucy , ~ bcgiN Matth 1 l at 6:30 P.M. ! Ra. (9'49) 67S-Ol 10 oo clwgiC • Slil\t James Cbwch ( \ I I ' I 11 l 1 I I II \I I~ \I'!' I I Rabbin Insunn~ Afl:ncy Alfi'()• HOMIOW'NIU • HIAll1t i .51#fif1' S1111r 1'17. ·~ ~ -G~::,_, /_ , 949-631· 40 ~·ow..,.. ... • ... om WV-A-PET CENTER • Vofunteera Who love to work with c.ta end kittens are needed at the Luv-e..f>et Center et PetsMart in Coctl Mesa For more Information, call (949) 451·3272. MASTER CHORALE OF ~GE-COUNTY The performing arte organ1zat1on needs volunteers for computer Input, t1<*eting, filing and handling phones. (714) 556-6262 MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA. Community Se Mees needs mentors to make a tastir1g effect on a young person'a llfe. Students 10 to 18 y .. rs old art metched with mentors to improve their school performance and self-esteem while developing positive peer and edult relationshipia. (714) 549-9622, ext. 35. MOZART CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA Orange COunty'1 only nonprofi1 resident chamber orchestra needs volunteer• for t1cket1ng, ushering~· phones, mailing and help w11h receptions Nominees am also be1rig sought 101 the -r-- board of directors. (949) 830-2960. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN INC. The re«Nery center for women with alcohol or other chemi<:al dependencies seeb volunteers (9'9) 548-9927 between 10 e.m. and 6 p.m.; Of Joy, 1949) 648-8764. NEWPORT BAY NATURALIST The Upper Newport Bey Nature Preserve is looking for volunteers to assist with naturalist-led tours and programs. cpeclal events and habitat restoration projecta. The Saturday, MMth S, 2003 A7 Interpret ve c:enter Is at 2301 their reeding and wtfdng ...._ University onv.. Newport Bead\. VofuntMB will b9 cel1ffted ~ (714) 973-8829. tra n ng WOtbhope the c..tlhl ~ NEWPORT BEACH CONFERENCE AND VISITORS BUREAU The bureau Is dedicated to the promotion of the e1ty to potenual vlsnore. Vo1unteen with extensive knowledge of Newport Beach are needed (949) 722.-1611. .. NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY LITERACY PROGRAM The program seeks volunteers to tutor adults who want to improve Ubrary. (949) 717·3174. NEWPORT BEACH~ CINEMAa..D The Newport Bad\~­ Oneme Guild, whjd, euppotts the Newport 8Mch Alm r=.stl~. la looking for new members. Interested eandidetM ~ want lo help further en af'tidc and cultur•I heritage in the community and should hlW e . . Set INVOLVED~ P ... Al to n er Communities Come celebrate thetbudding of ~he l ooth Habitat for Humanity home ·n Orange County. As the sponsor of rie 1 ooth home I The Home Depot is proud to have been port of helping 100 famil ies realize their dream of home ownership and looks forward to being port of the next 100 builds. Saturda~ March 8th Ground Breaking Ceremony at 8 a.m. 1925 Pomona, Costa Mesa ORA NGE COUNTY For more inforrflo tion on how ;ou con help build stronger on m , ···es please visi t the . hobita for Humcmity Orange County site: w.w.1.hobitatoc.org. A nationwide supporter of offoraable housing, The Home Depot hos built hundreds of homes for hundreds of families with Habitat for Humanity affiliates across the country through its volunteer force, Team Depot. Annually, Team Depot associates donate more than s.ix million hours of their time to help the communities in which they work and live. M smdly, Mll'dl 8, 2003 H .. E R-------------------------, I · NEI.SON & AsSOCIATES 1 I l;et our former IRS revenue agent with a Masters in I I Taxation prepare your income tax return. If we I I f:~J ~0~::cd~%.1cJfbm.t~4:~f8Sur I ~---------------~---------~ ROGER'S GARDENS CoLORSCAPB •• ~OUll LANDSCAPE DtVlstON 1301 SAN JOAQUIN HIU.B, CORONA DEL MAR. CA 92625 949.64().5806 N R E 0 N FURNITURE OF NORTH CAROLINA Introduces ... ACQUK§KTKQN§ Henredon Furniture Premien Their New !Acquisitions Collection With An INTRODUCTORY SAVINGS OF .40%oFF &elusively Available In Southern Calif omia At ... They have selected Treasures Furniture as the exclusive Southern California showrooms to introduce this all new 115-P.iece ?>Wld-breaking collection of classic Euro~ reproductions. ' ' For this initial introduction Hentedon has ship~ 11 truckl~s, allowing most items in this superb collection to be available for lmmOOiate delivery. Daily Pilot ilo40 INVOLVED Continued from A7 love of clnetN end e ~rwto nN8e ~of the film MtJvel. (949) 263-2880. NEWPORT BEACH PWlJC LmMV f0Ufl)A'1"IC)N The library foundMion nMdl extre hende to perlotm deric:el , -..'¥~-- dutlM, lud'I .. filing, orgenlzlng end ttufftng envel~. at the 1" 111 II !11 Centrll Ubrery, 1000 Avocado ... , .. Ave. (949) 7,17·3890. ,,.,.,,. t1.;f1 NEWPORT BEACH ,- RICfTAI. SERIES . The Friend• of :The Newpon 1· ·~ •• l • S-ec:h Recital Seri .. Gu lid needt ...... 'J 1'1-t. volun•rs to ••ltt In foetert~ mualc apprwcf ttlon ao clanlce "/f.] mualcwlll endure. (949) ! 'd'• 844--l208. •t!-h .1. NEWPORT BEACH '' ntEATRE Co.ANY . I The compenv needs votunt .. ,. • ' • to help wtth COltUme dnign. "~·· 1ewlng, met.up application, Ht · 1 1•. conttructlon, ted'lniCll help, ,, ., , publicity, lt8g9 management end • ";: bechtage 1upervltfon. (949) • :• · 769-1048 or LKS.f•.ot.com. . ~. ==HARBOR .,•. MUSlUM The Newport Harbor NaUllCll ... Mu1eum offers a number of . f .,,, volunteer opportunltlea In the gift 1 .. 1. 1hop, •• docente or receptlonltte, . J: with clericel work end with fund-reltlng evente. Training 11 vl• provided. (949) 876-2366. 11:•. NEWPORT·MESA I~ I SCHOOL FOUNDATION • 1 • The foundation 11 look.Ing for '· volunteera to help with .. ,. fund·rsltlng eftorte, 1peeldng ·~ ~ opportunltlet, public eventt end occatfonel offtce work. (949) I I' j 631-4143. '• ': NEWPORT THEATRE ~CENTtR A veriety of Jobi need to be tadded. Including let construction, uthering, melllngt and aaorted tactinlcal dutl ... Scttedullng 11 flexible, with •two- to 20-hour commitment per ' .. .... '· '· ',. ., month. The Newport Theatre Arte Center 11 et 2601 Cliff Drive. (949) ~ 631-0288. . • !. OASIS SENIOR CENTtR . . .; .... , Meal• on Wheel• volunteera ere needed to dittribute prepared dlthet to homebound tenlora In the Newport Beach eree. The delivery time ls between 11 :30 e.m. and 1 p.m. dally. The center elao need• volunteer nursea for Its semi-monthly blood preaure 1ereenlng1. The center offers thlt aervlce between 9and11 a.m. the firtt end third Tuetdeya of the month. Volunteers 1hould commit two hours once a month or volunteer on a 1ubttftute basis. The center 11 et 800 Merguerite Ave .• Coron• del Mer. (949) 644-3244. ., • j_. " ) I.~ .,, .... ,, ,, ,, 11 •I I •' •' ~ , . . , ,. :1 :: .. •' ----------· ,. ·: '• • 't '• '• :· ,. 1; :· ,. •' ,. eff Ewing & Lyleen Ewing THE ALMOST PERFECT HOUSE ,. ,. . •' •' ,. ,. ,. ,. •l '· Your Realtor's job is to find the :· perfect home , in the right :· location and with all of the •' •' amenities you want-·and at the •' ,• right price. It is the home •' . •' inspector's job to find any ,• skeletons in the closet, or more :: likely in the plumbing, wiring, :: roof. or appliances. :; The inspector won 't pass 1: or flunk a house based on what I! he finds, but will go over the • 1· I• house thoroughly to help you _J• understlnd what it is you are • buying. H there m any serious problems, and if they are reflected in the price, your inspector can give you a realistic idea of bow much the repairs will cost. If there m swpriles, you will have the opportWUJy to re-open negotiations with your sellers before you commit to the purcbue. ~ good inspector will also explain how some of the basic emel'ICDCf Systems wort. such u the main water cut off valve and the circuit breaker box, and JO over the items that will need routine maintenance. If you m buyina a bOose, we recommend that 1ou make • pro(essionlJ home mspector pct "}OW hcft purcbMe tellD. I Lyleen and left have 31 ":J comecutive yean of real awe ' · experience in Ne~ Be.ch. • For profet1loftal ttnlce or ad•lce with all 7our real .... te ..... aD tM lwlap at Cout Newport.COidweii ...... • (Mf) 79'-J7M. ~ lwlnll Nt COlllt NeWS*! ~" lMm,., I001 .. . I Sattxclay, March 8, 2003 Al u COMMUNITY & CLUBS llL\1PlllLI '\ - The trees are ~omi11:g . again I{ l ( I\ ,'\ ( \I~ I' I I \ . . C onttnuing a 33-year tradition, members of the RoauyOubof 'Newport·Balboa will dlStribute more than 2,400 seedlinp to third-graders attending public and private schools in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach on March 10 to celebrate Arbor Day. The first Arbor Day was celebrated In Nebraska in l872 to • · create windbreaks and reduce -~il erosio'n while providing shade, t'ruit, fuel and beauty to the plains. The timing of the celebtation varies from state to state, but is generally determined by the best tree planting time. In California, the date Js chosen to celebrate the birth date of noted horticulturist Luther Burbank. who developed more than 800 strains and varieties of plants in his Northern California penhouse. Since Its inception in Newport-Mesa. the Rotary Oub has provided more than 81,000 seedlings to generations of third-graders, who are provided with planting and care tips so that the seedlings can flourish in yards or in containers, ~d Rotarian Peter Smith. who chairs th.la year's Arbor Day program. In preparation for delivering the~. Rotarians will spend today at Hines Nursery In Irvine, trimming and pruning the seedllnp to make them ready for planting. One other tradition that continues is the dedication of large specimen trees to school ; campuses. One was planted Friday at Newport Heights mementary School. with Rotarians and school officials present Tu quote J. Sterling Morton. editor of Nebraska's first newspaper, and leading advocate of Arbor Day, .Other ' bolldaya iepoeeupon the~t. Arbor Day proposes for thetunue." PRINTYOUR CAT JIM Computer DE BOOM Prlenda ot Oulameeta Wednesday at the oasis Senior Center in Corona del Mar for lta monthly computer club p~ Don BUer of IOassic Spectalitiea will present a unique and wonderful prognll!l. "Can I Print OnMyCat'r Baker Is an experi on printing, worldng with 1nlcs and using unique papers and materials such as sillc and lexan. He wfll discuss cleaning and maintaining your printer and will demonstrate how to take a $99 printer and scanner and turn out a professional quality picture. This program la appropriate for seniors and, helpful to everyone who uses a printer. regardless of skill level The program begins at lp.m.; Baker will begin speaking at about 1:30 p.m. A S3 guest fee is charged for visitors who are not members of Computer Friends. The Oasis Senior Center is at 800 Marguerite Ave. (at the comer of 5th Street) in Corona del Mar. E-mail vbou~box.com for more Information, or call (949) 759-4921. BUILDING A BETIER FUTURE The 10th annual Newport Harbor High School Navigator Benefit. a rocldng night of dining, dancing and action-packed live and silent auctions will be held on March 15 at the Grand Newport Plaza. Newport and 19th Streets. Costa Meg. Puoda raised will be Ulled for academ1c programs and ac:bool Improvements, sakl Debbie Newmeyer, event co-chair. nckets. at $100 each. can be obtained by calling (949) 515"63M. ' CRUtSING TO ENSENAJ>A The Bahia Corlftthian Yacht Oub wtD host a program from 7_ to 9 p.m. Wednesday on "P.nsenada the EasyWay." This seminar will cover cruising down to Ensenada Instead of racing. The bigb points will be routes to take. stopovers In Dana Point and San Diego, missing the kelp beds, high security protocol in San Diego - be(:auae It ls a naval harbor, more caution has to be taken -and documentation and papers to have, including lnsUrance, and where to get them. It's free to the public. WORTH REPEATING: From "ThoUgbt for the Day" provid~ by Orea ICe.lle)r of the Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council: "Both optimists and pessimistJ con.tribute to the society. The optimlst Invents the aero plane. the pessimist the. parachute.~ -GeorpfBem.ard Shaw SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS COMING WEEK 11JPSn\Y 7:30 a.m.: lhe 40-member Newport Beach SUru1se Rotary Oub will meet at Five Crowns to hear Oty Councilman Tod Ridgeway dlscuaa a "Vision of Newport Beach's Puture." 6:30 p.m.: The Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Uons Oubwill meet at the Costa Mesa Golf and Country Oub. WEDNl!SD\Y 7:15 a.m.: The 20-member South Cout Metro Rotary Oub will meet at the Center Oub (wwwsoUlhcoastmetro rora1)W7l0; and the Newport Harbor Ja:.vanis Oub will meet at the University Athletic Oub. Noon: 1be 40-member fJCchange Oub of the Orange Coast will meet at the Sabia Corinthian Yachttlub. . 6p.m.:1he so:inembei RotarY Oub of Newport-&lboa will meet at the Bahia Corinthian YachtOub. ntURSD\Y 7 a.m.: The 20-plus member Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Uons Qub will meet at Mimi's. Noon: The SO-member Costa Mesa Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Holiday Inn; the SO-member Newport Beach-Corona de! Mar JCiwanls Oub will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Qub-for a program by Joe Rubio, CEO of theWmeOub (www.kl~is.orWclubl oostahzesa); the 80-member Ex.change Oub of Newport Harbor will meet at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum for a program by Newport Beach Police Officer Rachel Hall on the DARE. program; and the 100-member Newport-Irvine Rotary Oub will meet at the Atrium Hotel for Teacher Awards Luncheon ( wwW. nirotary.org). • COMMUMTY a a.UBS Is published Sat\Jrdays in the Oalty Pilot Send your service club's meeting Information by fax to (949) 660-8667; e-mail to jdeboom@aol.ccm'or by mail to 2082 S.E. Bristol. Suite 201 , Newport Bead'l, CA 92660-1740. Call for detalls 949-644-11 85 2852 East Coast Highway· CORONA D EL MAR www tonyflorez.c.om YOUR SCHOOLS C.llfomla K-5 "' &9tblutf K-6 EVERWOOD• blinds To look at them vou'd ~car thrvrt rtal wood. 3232 California St., Coate Mesa Jene Holm, (714) 424-7940 2627 Viste del Oro, Newport Beech Charlene Metoyer, (949) 515-S920 But 1~ blinds won't fack, warp or c:OO even in ch<: kuchen or bithroom. And now EVERWOOD is available: in new natural toaet and ccched finishes. hard 10 bd1c:vc: 1hcy'rt so practical Set them today ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS ~m•K-5 College Partc K-3 Hubor Vl.w K-6 2850 Clubhouse Road, Coste MeH Candy Cloud, (714) 424-7935 2380 Notre Dame Road, Costa Meae Carol Lang, (714) 424-7~ 900 Goldenrod Ave., Corona del Mar Mellissle Christensen, (949) 51~6940 Dma 4-6 Ka1Mr 3-6 ~K-6 1900 Port Seebourne, Newport Be&ch Mery Manos, (949) 615-0935 1050 Arlington Drive, Co.ie Mesa Cheryl Galloway. (714) 424-7930 2130 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa Daryle Palmer, (949) 515-6950 •••••••••••••• ~ALDEN'S Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? Did your stockbroker recommend stocks based upon' his brokerage firm's stock analysts' recommendations? Were the recommendations misleading. premised on baseless criteria, and fail to disclose a conflict of interest for the analyst and the firm? Did you suffer losses based upon the recommendations? If so, you may have a case for fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. Were your investment objectives long term growth, income, and safety of principal? Did your broker recommend unsuitable, high risk stocks? Did your broker over-concentrate your portfolio in technology stocks? Your losses arc often recoverable and you may be entitled to punitive damages. We specialize in representing irtdividual investors. Please call us for a FREE consultation. -No llecoftiy • No Fee Marc I. Zussman, Attorney at Law USC Law School Graduacc OVer 29 years of Law Practice Fqrmcr Los Angeles Deputy City Attorney Member of Public Investors M icration Bar Association Toll FM 1888-66,l.S66l1310.~22SO Law Offices of Marc I. Zussman 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., 8th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90067 . Thursday, March 20 7:30 a.m. Mayors' Prayer Breakfast GuM1 Speaker M~ Git)' Daichendt Stew Bromberg We Invite you to Join the Mayors of the Orange Coa.St cities, and other business and community leaders at the 39th Annual Orange Coast Chrtstfan Outreach .. Mayors' Prayer Breakfast." This event waa patterned after the original National Prayer Breakfast In Washington, D.C., which began In 1952 by leaders In the U.S. Senate and the House of Repreeentatlvee and la stlll held annually. It la a time set aside for the rededication of lndlvlduala and of our nation to God. Newport Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg wlll be hon<>Nd, and wlll present a city proclamation recognizing the event. Aleo Guest Speaker Gary Daichendt wm be apeaklng to-the buelneee community. His topic la •tnt.ortty Counta the Moat When ft Coats the Mo.t• REI latratJon: Seating la llmlted. Pleaae Mall cheek by 3/15/03 ($26 per pel'90n or $250 for table of 1 O) to Orange Cout Chr1atlan OUtreech P.O. Box 8024, Newport Beech, CA 92658 E Location: N~-B~ach Mi.n10tt HOtel · 900 NeWpc>t:t c.rt9r Drtve Newport Bellch . For more lnformdon, cmll 11-5388 WWW F •'J(1\ ~-'' .\' ', ~ a C H>ol Pluent~. Cost. M~ 949-040-4838 B. J. Garrett Furniture Fine Furniture Si n ce 1960 A Family Tradition of Pro viding Servi ce and Value Consistant Good Prices Everyday. LEXI NG1\0N. HO\Cl IRAh Ol NOW ON SALE , Full Dis. CoD.l\iltin& senice · ~ Semce \Talue 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 . Open Mon. d)ru Sat. l 0 to 6, Sun. J 2 to ' --- ..,....,.. ____ "'!"I' ______________ ..__.. _ __,.._..., ______ _,..._____ -- AIO ~. Mirth 8, 2003 3/f' 80UD EXOTIC DUPONT OOD STAINMASTE · !!!!!i! s 1. 49 -1qft T'1IY8"tile 181 X18" .................... , .... ,: ........ :t ................ ; ...... U IQI ~ Tlie ....................................................... ~iro,,. '4.H tQl Larnilate 'Nood ................................................ lrmllfd/ltltll '4." eqt • ~ 1S St. John The Divine Episcopal Church 183 E. Bay St Costa Mesa 949-548-2237 Comer of Bay & Orange Ave. Sunday Services: 8 :00 am and 10:00 am Sunday School 9:45 Hoty Eucharlst at 7:00 am on Wednesday The Rev. Dr. Bllltlwe Stewar1. Rector www. A Co11l"f11rio11 of1ht Antfiw1 Comm11n~11 IJUTU)/NC OUJ FA/111: LOVING CHRIST AND SERYINC OUR <XJMMUNITY. Tht Rn'd Peter 0. Haynes. Rmor SUNDAY SCHEOUU. 8 im • Holy Euclwut 9 im ·Sunday School/Adult Bible 5<Udy I 0 am • Cioni Eucharur NURSEAY CAM AVA1Wl£ SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL 'AC.....,""'-"'" Lnilt-' Mrrilt "-Orirt .. Leri -Hrilr' The ~ Proveen Bunyon. Rec1or 3209 V10Wo =~ Presents: PfTtl SMAll NOTED HISTORIW 1MPIESSIONIST AS THOMAS JEfftRSON (II cm.t) s.tw4ly """ ..0 29., 7:30 ,... Mets .. SI0.00 r. ....... $12.00 t. -..... s. lefn • II--~ MrYe4. Costa Mesa First United Methodist Church 420 Wt....,t I 9th Slreet, ( ost.1 Ml·-...1 (949) 548-7727 Re\ M1chat:I BJnl..head, Pastor 7 30 om Trod1t10nOI Adult ~undt1) xhool. 9 om Conlelnpororr. 9om Church SchoOI Childn'n's Choir 11 om Chon$1T'O!ic ond Wednesday Noon Worship & Childrt.·n's Sunda School: lOam l PISCOPAL ~· We're excited, our new church is """""-' J '/'~ open and we'd love to have you vi5it St. Matthew's Church & Preschool a r.imh of the Anghan <. .1thol1c Chw .. h Traditional Epi.tcopal Sunday 5aviccs: 7:'6S, 9.00 & 11 :00 .un Sunday School: 9 00 am (cnrrw:r Ronica Canvon & Pr:ain~ Rd) The R"" \1cphcn ( 'iurltti, Rtc1or (949) 119-0911 • AROUND TOWN •Send AROlN> TOWN heme to the Delly Pilot, 330 W. Bey St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; bv fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. lndude the time, date •r;td location of the event. as ~I H • contact phone number. A compfete l,lsting J• 1vailable at www.dllifypi/ot.com. ·'TOOA'f The USC NewpqrtllrviM Alumni Club wlll have its annual fund-raising event at 9 a.'m. A fun day oftournomentputting will·be held at the Greens. Catt Jennifer at 17'4) 448-4661 for tldcet lrfformatJon. The NP Expos ll)C. ~ fair will 1.1e at the Orange CoUnty Fair and Exposition Center from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. today and Sunday In building 10. Admission is $5 for adults, and children under 10 get In free. For more Information, call (800) 800-5600 or log onto www.lacomputerlalr.com. •Oandna From the Outsk»fn• is a free lecture-demonstration focusing on the impact of dance Newpon C-enter United Methodist Church Rev. Cathleen Coots, Pastor 1601 Margucme Ave. corner of Mar~ucnte ~d "i.in Jo:iqum 1 lill~ Rd (949) 644 0745 811111 f),111t1 \\rm/up Serwu IOam \'(/nnh1p 1111d Childrm's ~111ul11y .~choo/ Youth mt~ti11g weekly Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (l!.LC..A.) ' 7H Dov. 0r. Newport a.acn TradltlonalLutfl•ran Paetor o.vtct Monge Worehtp S.mce with Holy Commun.Ion Sunday D: 15 •m • moYement on hMhh and the body. It wUI begin 813 p.m. 81 the Newport BNdl c.ntr.i Utw9ty, 1000 Avocado Ave. For m«e lnfonnatlon, cell (949) 711-3870. A allb tcOUt Nmm ... lllewll be held from 7 a.m. to noon in the north perking k>t .. KaJMr Elementary School, 2130 Senia Ana Ave., Gott• MtMa. Proceede suppon the tocal ecoudng program. Todon-.ttem.orfor more Information, call (949) 646-8835. . A free walking tour of 1h• Bade Bay will leave fNery 16 'minutee between 9 and 10:16 e.m . . Tours begin at the comer of East BMf Drive end Sact e-v Road. F,or more information, call (949) 78&-8878. I The Great AmedcM W~, sponsored by Women for Orange County, will feature representative. from local and national advocacy groups, urging people to appeal to legislature on important Issues. The event will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the University Club at UC Irvine. free. For more Information. call (949) 581-3938. MESA VllRD& UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Babr, C.M. Worship & Church Schoof 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. {714} 979-8234 Or Richard Geor0t Rev SllC>hAn e Toon Semor M1111S1et Youth Mlrnster Christ Church By the Sea L'n11t-d M1.1hotfo1 1400 W. UJ lboa llhJ., NC"'pon B..·~ch ~ H un \J.lo ... ,,u, \t~~ S lll& 10.... \\\.~r • ..t< t.AdJa, ~1 'xho..4 Th~ Rn. Dr. George R CrUp, Putor <949)67J.J80S ! WeWelcome Folks One By One Wonlllp 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CffRllTIAN CHURCH (Dlaclpln of Christ) 2401 lrvlne AW. N9wl'Oft ... cll, CA (949~ 145-6711 ....... °'· °"""""" ST. MARI PREsBYTEJUAN CHURCH "LENTEN LESSONS FROM JUDAS• (Matthtw 26:14-16) HOptn Arms and Optn Minds" s.tw4iiy, MMtti I, .too), J:JO P.M. s.M.y, Mri J. 2001, l:JO IC IO:U A.M. Worship ·30 --------------~..:.'_+_•_1'1.;...;~.;...-a.We--.Scad-._'r,;..7_l00_P.M. _ _.11 ,....._a.......,,..,, I• Nn,.rt lacll Our Lady Queen of Angels A + •A God-<mlcrcd p.wh comtru.i.Uty, instnactcd bf the Wooi of God and ttnewed 1zr the Sffemcocs 2046 Mar Vasta Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 (949)644--0200 Fax (949) 6#-1349 Ra. Moluignor WtlUam P. Mcl.auihlin Pastor LITURGIES: Satu~, S p.m. [Cantor), Sul}day. 7:00 (Quiet), 8:30 (Contcmporaty) 10:00 (Choir), 11 ~30 LIL (Camor} ind 5:00 p.m. CConwnwnry) ' FIRST CHURCH OF SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST CHRIST. SCIENTlST 3303 Vb Udo 3100 POl:Ulc Yi8W Dr Newport 8eoch NeWpcl1 a.act\ 673-1340 or 673-6150 644-2617 or 675-4661 Oll#eh 10 am• 5 pm. Chwch 10 OJU ~ Sc:hool 10 am SW'ldoV Sc:tlOOI JO am Wldl..ia., ......,., 30i:n ~......_.' 'lO,... • lO~llmlJJ )2 "'81 I heW olle4 ~ lhee, fW theu wit..._ l!'f, 0 ..._ ........... ~ ... "'·"'· ...... , ........... , wMfl I ...lri, wlllt lhy _1n11• Ptuhw 17•(•11), fl Id - bdnflTlie MoMQlldl '111tr..a.Mf CJril.Scilllil t ............ I . ...... . . ---. =c --....... -"" .... lite ............... ~ chffdr9n'• rec. In Orange County, ia a joint community ven1Ure beMfhlng local •lement.9rv educdon1 The t8Ce la ld\eduled for.7 a.m .. ak>ng ~Center Driw at Feahlon laland, Newport Buch. To enroll or for more lnfonn!d<>n, call (949) 461""848. "w.tdng, Publiehing and Marketing Your Arlt Book on a Shoeatrfng Budget: a daytong conference at Orange Cont College, wlll taJce piece In three 1ea~lon1. Attending just the writing, publlahlng or marketing conference co1t1 S29, whne $78 ge11 you Into.ell th'ree. •writing Your flrlt Sook" start• et 10 a.m . end 11Matketlng YolJ Book on• Shoestring Budget" ends at 5 . p.m. Call (714) '32·5880 for more Information. •o..p HMling Through Sound and Stlllneu • la an evening of rutoratlve yoga off'ered by Full Spectrum Yoga, 2018 Quall St, Newport Beach. The cost la $25 prepaid or $30 at the door. For more Information, call (949) 966-1965. Rllbbl JoMph '&lulhldn will dlacuaa the relationship of Herzl In the modern w orfd to Moses at the Memorlal Auditorium at Chapman College. Doors open at 6:30 p.m .. and the lecture starts at 7 p.m . Tidcets are $20 at the door, or $24 for the balance of the aeries. for more information regarding subscription to the series, call the forum at (714) 997-1032. MONDAY A wide variety of children's boob geared toward Infants and pre&choolers will be sold at a benefh hosted by Orange Coast College's Harry & Grace Steele Children's Center March 10 to 14. Books will be on display for the public In the center from 7:30 a.m . to 6 p.m. daily. for more information about the book sale. call (714) 432-0202, ext. 26700. A Grellt Decisions discussion of "Europe: State of the Union" is the seventh in an eight·week series on U.S. foreign policy topics. The discussion will be led by Ted Gielow from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Mark Presbyterian Chun:ti. 2100 Mar Vista. Newport Beacn. For more Information, call (949) 760-1691. A,,.. eduutional pf09,.m, "Muhidisclpllnary Treatment of Colon Cancer," will take place from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Radiation Oncology library, Hoag Cancer Center. One Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. free. To register, call (949) 7-CANCER. A •Love for a Lif9time" workshop, on how to call love forth in your life, will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 M esa Verde Drive East, Suite 111 , Costa Mesa. The cost Is $25 or $30 at the door. For more information, call (714) 754-7399. TUESDAY A fne seminar called •A Natural Approacn to Vision and Hearing Treatment# will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's M arket, 225 East 17th St .. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS, LAMBK-Bom In W'uu Mint Satt . A •ANnc11n9 yow1u-...• wort.hop, aponeored bv ttt• Service Corpe of Retlred EQcutlv.., will teh ptee. from 8 e.m. to noon at National Unlver.tty, 3390 Herbor Blvd., Co$ Mesa. The COit ii $25, $20 If Pf'•Jeglsteted. Formore Information, call (714) 560-7369. WEDHESOAY N.uonalty ..nowned conservative economist and political commentator Stephen Moore wlll ap~ar at the evening codctall recepUon sponsored by the Young Executives of Am, at 6:30 p .m, at the Peclflc Clu Newport Beach. Admlaalon I $16 for m•mbera, $26 for 4 nonmembe,... C~ll Brfen Reddoch et (949) 72l·8686 for more Information. . ,, A frM book signing end Hml"•r called "The Mood Cure" by ...., r author Julia Rou will be held' from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Martcet, 226 Eas117t'h~· St., Costa Mesa. For • reservations, call (800) 695-MOMS. A open reeding and live mull will be held at 8 p.m . at the Ab Coffee House. 506 31st St.. , Newport Beach. Sign upa beglo et 7:30 p.m . for the open read\ng. For m ore information. call (949) 676-0233. The Callfomle Retlr9d Teadlers Assn .. Harbor Oivlslo11 No. n will hold a meeting tor their members anti their guests with a Home Depot representative to taUt about home repairs and what's · new in tools. The meeting Is at f p.m. at the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center, 1846 Park Ave .• Costa Meaa. All retired educators are welcome. For more information. call (949) : 551-5082.. • . . The Lung Cancer Support I Group will hold "A Caregive~ ! Journey," from 6:30 to 8 p.m. ! the Hoag Cancer Center. • • Conference Room "A7 Newport! Beach. Free. For more ,-, informalion, call (949) 760-554~ ,. ' The Balboa Bay R..,ubllc.an Women will have a luncfieon at 11:30 e.m . at the Bahia Corinthian. 1601 Bayside Drive, Corona del Mar. for more information, call (949) 644-9530. "The Roman Forum Project; • An Exploration of the American• Political Spectacle; offers a ' critique of American issues. Performances are 1cneduled tor. 8 p.m. today through Saturday, ' with a post-performance discussion at UC Irvine Admission ia free, bu1 apace Is limited. for reservations, call (949) 824-6206. Weekty story time a1 Toy Bollt toy store offers stones, songs, finger ptays end crafts. Newborns to 5-yeaM>lda are imritad from 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m. at 21111 t Newpc>ft Coast Drive. For more: information, call (949) 7~~·f.!W THURSDAY "Doff h T•k• Rockllt Science to Create a 'Good Roeder 7" Is topic of a lecture to be given UC Irvine Professor Virginie Mann at 6 p.m . in the univers~ club, library room at UC Irvine The coat is $30, and reservations are required for more information, call (949) 824 2sf1 • • ROZEN DFJIROSTFD •I SWORDFISH STP.AKS Hot.,MIU ITALIAN SAuMGE 1 Olll'J Pilot I t "' ,, pnu ' . • $atixday, Match 8, 2003 All 00 ·:sorn~thillg spe~ial on the side- . . . Weezer drummer Pat Wilson's side project, the Special Goodness, will play Detroit Bar. Bx Paul S1ltowltz Daily Pilot P at Wilson, drummer for Weeur, is ready to break. out After being buried bdll.nd the kit for the geek-rock poste.r boys for the last decade. he ls ready to explore his :kmer-front man. 'Meet the Special Goodness. an amalgamation of Wilson's idolatry for Led l.eppelin and Van Halen, "with a UttJe less wanking." of its primary members' pedigrees.. "I just think that I'm ready to explore some new options as a musician,· Wilson said. "I love being in Wtt:zer, but there are some other t:bing'S I need to do Qutside of that.• Wt.lspn met Willard while Weezer and RFfC were touring through Spain. The two later ran into each other at an LA. rehearsal studio. "We both wanted to play some new stuff, so we got together and went from there," Wilson said. signature sound of front man Rivers Cuomo began to define the band, putting most of the songwriting ort his shoulders. Wilson shouldered the majority of Weezer's backup vocals from the dnun riser, which made.him a natural for his latest t.rans.i tioo. "I'm really enamored with the whole thing." he said. "It wasn't hard to make the change, but it's a completely different feel when you're playing live." FYI WHAT: The Special Goodness WHEN: 9 p.m. Saturday WHERE: Detroit Bar 843 W. 19th St. COST:S6 been a welcome change. ·lhere is definitely something amazing about playing in front of incredibly large crowds. but at the same time there is a feeling of disconnect," Wilson said. "It's just great to be able to see the faces of the people that you are playing for." ' With former Rocket From The Cm>t drummer Atom Willard, ihe group has been steadily creeping out from the shadows He had been recording songs for years at his home studio, but as Weezer progressed, the Another difference on stage is the size of the venues. Playing small clubs for the first time in years -although the band actually opened for Weezer on its last tour and tentatively will be playing some shows with Audioslave and the Foo Fighters in the next two months -has Another change for WUson Is the do it yourself manner in · · which the band's debut album, "Land Air Sea," came to fruition. Pat Wilson and Atom Willard of the Special Goodness will bring See SPECIAL, Paae AlS their gurtar-dnven rock to the Detroit Bar tonrght. l<[NT TREPTOW I DALY Pit OT Mary Barton. left, program director for Orange County Reads One Book, sits with project director Susan Redfield at Borders Books. =Meeting by the ·book ~ralWllson ,.8aity Pilot magine groups or people gathered in bbraries and coffee shops, people of all different backgrounds and generations rapt ln nverution. ln many cities. people .ve been coming together to share ~mmon story. a book. •Finding new friends, finding new ~ns to talk to people that you 'Otherwise might haw never gotten to CNI before," was Mary Barton's on when she heard the concept the first time on the National Uc Radio about a group that had ed in Chi~ And she thought. they can do it In OUcago. we can ~doithere: . The ·0ne City. One Book." ill"Ofp'am. traced back to Nancy Pearl c• 'Seatde, has taken off across .l"'Almf"l'k'lR. ln 2002. Barton took It to ng Beech, where it WU an ~llllllmle<lllate succaa. in9oMng more JOO ewnta and 100.000 '""'•"'""pan• • -• I Orange Couruy rillldentl lhOMd Susan Redfield and Mary Barton joined forces to create the Orange County Reads One Book project up at some of the Long Beach events and someone suggested taking the concept to the county level Susan Redfield. who would become the project director for the local spin--0ff, hesitated at the time. "We can't do it In Orange County." she said then. "It is a huge ootmty. There are 34 cities. ... Plus, Orange County ls really complicated." But the cbAllenge was exhilarating. Redfield and Batton teamed up to create the Orange County Reads One Book project. ln what they call a vezy graa-roots effort, they knocked on doors to spread the word. •1t was amazing bow many people were interested In partidpadng. and it WU pbilal!throplstl. educatota. journalists and museum people,• Redfield said. "It was~ to ine.• But when the Orange CO\D\ty Qeperunent of Education came oo board. and Supt of Schools William Habermehl became co-chair along with Steven Barth, vice-president at the Los Angeles nmes. Redfield knew It was going to be big. "I get approached with a Jot of things. and I have a life that is overbooked and OW!rscheduled now, but this was something that as I listened to for just a rew minutes. I oould qulckly see that it was a program that had real possibilities," Habermehl said. "Kids that can read become good ddzem and do well In life. and I just said I can't afford not to do it. so ft was an eiuy dedslon to add it to the list.. be aa.ld. In preparation for events to take place March 23 through April 12. people have been talking, achoo1s haw been collaboratµ1g and people throughout Orange Cotmty have been~ ·01me.e anderella· and its counterpart, "Falling Lea\-es, • by Adeline Yen Mah of Huntington Beach. ln her autobiography, Fallmg Leaves.· Mah wrote about her struggle to overcome her d~tmy ~ an unwanted daughter m Ouna. Her biggest fan~ were children who related to the feelings of parental rejection Mah had d escribed. "When many children fttl desperate they confide In one another. If there is no one to turn to, they tum to me,• Mah said, trying to explain the huge l'e$ponse she had ~lved. Mah wrote a second book. "Ollnese Cinderella." encouraging child.ren to believe In themselves and detalling the harsh realities or the first 14 ~ of her life. The two books allow for discussion among children, adults and people from all cultures. Mah and her boob seemed like the ~rfect choice. espedally when the author agreed to appear at D\lJlY of the ~ts. AD of the Borders Boob. &c SM BOOK, P-ce All TUESDAY THEATER 'Laramie Project' focuses on tragedy The OCC production recalls a town 's reaction to a brutal hate crime. By Tom Titus I n 1998 a gay Um\el">lty ofWyonung srudem. Manhew Shepard, "'-'ll." kidnapped. tonured and murdered in one of Amencas most bl7.arre -and most publicized -hate cnm~ The aftermath of tlus t.ragedr'" effect on the college town of Lararrue, Wyo .• L'i chrorucled m Moises Kauhnan~ "The Lararrue Project, which Orange Coast College will produce !'.1arch 19-2.3. In '\;O\'t'mber 1998, four weeks after the murder. Kaufman and rune members of the Tectonic Theater Project traveled to Lararrue to collect Ul(erview5 that nught become matenal for a play The resulting producoon opened in February 2000, a t the Denver Center Theater. then moved to the Union Square TheateJ m New Yor1c three months later. ln November 2000, it was staged in Laramie 'WThis is CUJTently the most widely produced play on college campuses throughout the state of California." said the plays director, John Ferzacca. "It is important and rich. and 1Sn't qwdly forgotten by people who see it • "The Laramte Project.· named by Time magazme as one of the I 0 best plays of 2000. IS an ensemble piece about the town of Laranue dunng the year after the murder. More than 60 chara~ers are depicted. representing Laramie's ciattnry The play offers little reproach or condemnation, but depicts a town struggling to come to gnps with a horrifymg incident Fen.acca labels it a "dramatic docu-drama. • OCCs cast of 20 ls double and triple-teamed, representing these 60 people whose lives were touched by the event -Were enjoying a large lnftux of new . talent In OCCs Theater Departtnent. and that's very exciting,· Fen:a.cca dedans. "lbirteen of the 20 cut members in this show are appearing on our stage for ihe first time. Major roles in the drama a.re taken by Jennifer Drake. Angd Correa. Travis \\\>ods and Vanessa Long. Drake, • graduate of UC Santa Bllbara. Is appearing In. her first occ production. while Correa haded tho cast of the college's •Side Man• and •Jack and among others. Woods stamd ID •Side ... THEATD. ,_.All ,. A12 ~. March 8. 2003 SOCIETY \ ' 'A s The Olannels Tum," a musical romp through 1V Land, will debut March 14 for Children's Hospital of Orange County. CHOC Follies VU, executive produced by Newport's Gloria. "Zlegleld" 1,.1iJier will .,resent an 11all·star Ioctl cast" making fun of the small screen. , Given the new reality craze hitting · the airwaves, some of the old shows look like Pulitzer material. • Nevertheless, Zigner, in association with Lola Auptlne, John Vaughan,_. Do .. Amtln and Lee Mudno, will atage the benefit for children on March 8. W. COOK 14 and is at the Grove of Anaheim. , To reserve your tickets, call (714) 532-8690. aiwGHTY CHARITABLE ACT They were all •ducked-out" for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation dinner al the Hyatt Regency, Irvine. The Mighty · Ducks of Anaheim helped organizers raise in eccess of $343,000 to fight cystic fibrosis, and then served as celeb ~ters to boot, delighting the crowd of more than 500 locals. Bob Waltos, in association with the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network/The Waltos Group, was the title sponsor of the evening, as he has been since inaugurating the fund-raiser for disease in 1999. CELEBRATION OF CHILDREN .. Celebration ofOli.ldren .. scored a JO for Court Appointed Special Advocates. A black-tie gala last week at Newport's Sutton Place attracted a .. dressed to impress" crowd intent on making a difference for abused and neglected children facing the judicial system without advocacy. Kylie and Doug Hodge were honored as the 2003 Olildren's Olampions for their generous support of CASA. Gary Vincent and llmothy Hay were also honored, and Cathy and THE CROWD Maury Jacques were nam'ed Advocates of the Year. The special corporate honoree and sponsor was State Farm Insurance. The evening attracted 380 guests and raised more than $300,000. Spotted in the crowd were chairmen Pred Port and Ouis Massey and chairwoman Lude Moore, along with dedicated volunteers John <>'Malley, Glen and Susan Schafer, Unda Port, Prances and Rich Gadbois, Dee Ogawa from American Airlines, and Jack Grlftlth from Deloitte and Touche. Glamorous Newport Coast couple Bob and Marie St. John Gray added their support to CASA, along with Lynn and Bruce Fetter, Lori and Robert Cole, PIMCO's BW and Nancy Thompson, and Buzz and JulJe Hawting. •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. OESAJ RESTAURANT INNOVATIVE PAN PACIFIC Q/ISINE ALONG WITH ISSAY PASTA FAVORITES TUI ~1>1\) ~ '\O COl~l\1\l~ I 111 IF ) OV IH:INli ) Ol/I\ '.'-T ff\ \\\';\l\F ~\.1\ll>t\) 5 .l COVl~~l \\ 1\ll TA~Tl~li l>l'\J'JI 1~5 CALL fl)f\ l!\JH) ~ ... ~~~ MIKE.'$ ~\}~°cARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate ~exture-Plush Flooring Featurinfn ALLOC No Glue nstallation ~arpet f\\-0 •2m1 •q ft Installed Wood Flooring Refinishing & New Berber Carpet ~~o~ $169 Installed Sq ft ~ Cl) Ir 0 Q. ~ w z COAST HWY Ceramic -r~o~$1 so sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs •.Vinyls CALL NOW Ceramics• Wood• Laminates 642-8400 ~s11te44 . DESIGN CENTER ''For: All Your Decora~ing Needs!" FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio furniture Draperies. Shades. & Bedspreads f t 1 r 1 q· \ · 1 ~: '."--I 11 1 W I 1 " q ll • · , I CJ-l 'J ! () ~ 2 -i ~4 () () Above, Charles Harris, Mighty Ducl<'s goalie J.S. Giguere, Kristin Fawthrop and Bob Waltos gather • for the fourth annual "Dux r- in Tux" dinner to raise for cystic fibrosis research. Left, Geoff and Lucie Moore kiss for Court Appointed Special Attorneys at a Sutton Place dinner that raised $300,000 for children's advocacy services. 50°/o Off Sitting Fee 15°/o Of!Orders Ea:ellmce in Photogmphy Sina1947 FIGGE ... _WEDDINGS J6 DI Porter-Jackson Mr. and Mn. James Port~ of Costa Mesa announce theJin- gagement. o' thelr daughter, \\:d cynn 1'9.rter o( Co~ta ~~~LO nmothy Bryan Jactson of~ dale, Ariz. JI The bride-elect ~ from Mater Dei High Schoqttin . Santa Ana and Cal State Igtg Beach. ~ The future bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jackson o~­ Porte, Ind., graduated from 'la- Pone High School and Pl:J:lll.llJe Universjty in Ind. JT A March 29 weddingO is planned in St John the Bafi'ist Catholic Oiurch in Costa tvma. with a reception at Stra~ Farms Golf Oub in Irvine. 1 . ti. R Brant-Piil Mr. and Mrs. David B~of San Oemente announce 't\te engagement of their daugii~r. Amy Brant of San Oement~to Douglas Pi.ii of San O emente. The bride-elect gradu~ from Corona del Mar J ligh !if.d the University of the Paciflfqin Stodcton, Calif. The future bridegroom, "'.!Pn of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Piil~of. Toronto, Canada. gradu~ted from the UniverMty of Ton!Qto in Canada. ~., An Aug. 2 wedding ts plarmed in the Bahamas. C~o gc & Buddy :MO Newpon u 1 r Drive, Suite 110, ~ l Beach 949.644.bJ33 -Bgge.tud" om Oaily PilOt AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURs Items to the Delly Piiot, 330 W. Bay St., Coste Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to UM9) 846-4170; or by calling (949) 67~68. A oomplete llst is wallable et www.dallypilqt.com. Barclay Theatre la et 4242 Campus Drive In lrvlne. GRArtWY WINNER MARK O'CONNER Grammy Award-winning flddhw Marte O'Conner wilJ make his jan club debut et Founder• Hall et 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. ~day, Mardi 14, and Saturday, Marc::h 15. His performances will spotlight his new CO, •1n Full SWlng: a tribute to his mentor, late French jazz violinist Stephanie Grappelli. ldoon'a Dublin pub In Newport Tldcets are $49 to $46 available et Bead\ will hold its first •s.xi,st the Center Box Office' onllne et Kitt Competition" at 2:30 p.m. • www.ocpac.org or b.( calling · , 5rundav· M arch 16. An all·woman (714) 740-7878. The Center Is at ,panel, lnc.Judlng actren, model 600 Town ~nter Drive, Costa ;· llld fo rmer Miss lrela!'ld Olivia Mesa. 1recey; will judge tt)e '. Competition. Chris' Pierce, drummer for the Otang'e County rock band the Fenlans, renowned ~r his zebra paftemttd kilt, will hott. Muldoon's le at 202 Newport Center Drive. Information: (949) 640-4110. MUSIC PROKOFIEV, MOZART AND TCHAIKOVSKY Orange Coast College's ~ymphony Orchestra will offer the third concert of its 42nd season at 7:30 p.m . Sunday, featuring works by Prokofiev, M ozart and Tchaikovsky at the Robert B. Moore Theatre. Tickets are $8 and $10 and can be purd'tased at the door. Information: (714) 432-5880. Orange Coast College is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. TCHAIKOVSKY'S PIANO CONCERTO NO~ 1 The Pacific Symphony Orchestra will welcome Stanlslav Loudenitch to perform Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 in B·flat minor at 8 p .m . Wednesday and Thursday, March 13, at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall. Tidtets are $19 to $59 and available at the Center Box Office, online at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. THE PRAZAK QUARTET One of the classical music world's leading International chamber ensembles will perform at 7:30 p.m. March 13. The quartet will PttfLHARMONIC STARS OF TOMORROW The Philharmonic Society of Orange County will present •st~rs of Tomorrow" 81 3 pm. Sunday at the Barclay Theatre in Irvine, showcasing nine performers ~om Orange County from 9 to 18 years old. Tickets are S'O in advance and $15 at the door. Information or tidtets: (949) 559-5440. • perform Beethoven's String Quartet No. 1, Janacek's String Quartet No. 1 and more. The Prazak Quartet will perform at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Founder's Hall. Tickets are $43, available at the Center Box Office, online at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is a't 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. BEETHOVEN AND DEBUSSY The Philharmonic Society presents the Trio Fontenay performing Ule ~uaic-Of Beethoven and Debussy on at 8 p.m. M onday at the Irvine Barclay Theatre. Tidtets are $29, $25 and $23, and can be purchased by calling (949) 854-4646 or online at www.thebarclay.orp. The Irvine SHIRLEY JONES AND FRIENDS Broadway, motion picture and TV star Shir1ey Jones, will join comedian Shelly Berman and the Nelson Riddle Orchestra in concert at 8 p.m. Saturday, March 15, at Orange Coast College at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa Tidtets for $37 to $43 can be purchased at the college or by calling (714) 432-5880. Nobod y does it better ... better than ... JOHN BLOESER CARPETONE1 2927 S. Bristol Street, Costa Mesa (714) 751-2324 www.bloesercarpetone.com Afso·fn Long Beach and Los Angeles •@umnwAM1 •' CONSIGN • DESIGN QIUllity F11mishiltg1 cl A.ut1ao1W1 For Your Boin. Dre:xel Heritage Co«ee Table ........................ $200- Pine/White Table w/4 Cbalrs •.•....••.•••••••••••••• $250" Pair of Brome Cherubs Statues ................... $250" Black 4 Dra'Wtr Dresser ............. _ ....................... $3SO- J,ory Leather Sofa ............. _ .......................... $475" Pair of Designer Leather Chairs .................. $5~ .. ~r Buffet (6fl IOn&) ......... _._._. ...... $795'9 ,, .L - -._ ___ ----.... DATE BOOK CABARET PERFORMANCE One of Broadway's brightest stars, Tony Award winner Donna McKechnie, will come to the Orange County Performing Arts Center for the first time to perform m the Elvin and Marjorie Shane Klein Cabaret Series from March 25 to 29. Shows will be nightly at 7:30 p.m. in Founders Hall, 600 Town Center Drive. Tickets are $49 and are on sale now at the Center Box Office . For information, call (714) 556-2746. AMERICAN COMPOSERS COMPETITION To conclude the 2003 American Composers Festival, Carl St. Clair and the Pacific Symphony will present the American Composers Competition at 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, March 13,(as part of the 2002-2003 Hal and Jeanette Segerstrom Family Classics Series) and March 15 at 3 p.m. (as part of the Classical Connection Series) at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. 'Ifie Lar[Jest I J"iiust, J" rie1ufliest 'Beauty Supp{y & J" u1f Servic.t Salon In Orange County NEW AJlRJVAI.S OF Stmchabk Pmonaliud 8r1Utkts THE CANADIAN BRASS Take five virtuoso musicians, dress them in formal attire and tennis shoes, provide them with music from the classical, jazz, pop and contemporary music world, and put them on a stage. The result is the Canadian Brass. a seriously fun and entertaining ensemtJle that comes to Segerstrom Hall on Friday and Saturday, March 14 and 15, as part of the Pacific Symphony Pops series at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town . \ . Best Prices -Best Service - Best Selection Center Ot1ve, Costa Mesa. The concert• begin each evening st 8 p.m. Tldceta are availabfe for $80,$63,$50,S38,and$26.For more fnfonnstion, caH the Pacific Symphony Orchestra Tk:ket Office st (714) 765-5799. ~USIC AT TME· TEE ROOM The Mart Davldaon Trio, with Ron E&dlete on guitar, pefform.s at 8 p.m. Fridaya at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach. $10 COV'er. (949) 756-0121. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a Jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular enteiulnrrient at 850 Avocado Ave .. Newpott Bea'ch. HQUrs are 5 to9.p.m. Sunday and 6 to.10 p .m . Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188'. WEEKLY JAM ,,,, The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. ~Wanted" musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-n60. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live mu~c Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nick Peper and Kelly Gordian (known as MPG) perform classic rock. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rock. swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. Tl\e band performs from no 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p .m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Sa~. March 8. 2003 AU Coast Highway. (949) 873-3425. POP-ROCK NfD F,J.AMENCO Tete 5, a funk. rode and Motown act. performs st 9 p.m. Seturdeya st Carmelo's Ristonlnte, 3520 E. Coast Hlghwlly, Coron• def Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs dHstcal .fl11menco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and S\lndays:Free .. (949) 676-1922. SATURDAY NeGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at S4tton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacA,rthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Pree. (949) 476-2001. · STAGE · 'TAMING OF THE SHREW' Orange Coast CommunitY College's Theatre Department is staging a one-act cutting of William Shakespeare's comedy ..Taming of the Shrew; a 40- minu1e production of full measure slapstidt comedy. Performances are at 1 :30 p.m. March 25 and at 5 p.m. April 12 and 13 on the lawn of the Arts Center and at 1 p.m. April 22 and 24 in the college's Drama Lab Theatre. Performances are free. For information, call (714) 721 -5508. The college is at 2702 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. TONY AWARD WINNER DONNA MCKECHNIE One of Broadway's brightest stars, Tony Award winner Donna McKechnie, will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center for the Elvin and Marjorie Klein Cabaret Series at 7:30 p.m. March 25 through March 29 nightly at Founders Hall. Tidtets are $49 the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Onve, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (71 4) . 740-7878. VIETNAMESE CULTURE NIGHT Vietnamese music, folksongs. folk and modem dance and fashions will be showcased at 6 p.m. Saturday at Orange Coast College. T1dtets are $10 1n advance and $1 5 at the door. For information, call (714) 721-5508. The college is at 2702 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. See HOURS, Paee Al 4 1 LOAF OF IRJSH SODA BREAD Offer Good chru Marchi-2003 .l,{1111flrSfJllil"{IO•111 tl"lf of pvrrlo6St u111a I ptr r1Sl11'f' 1.:!-r. I-Iii \IHll 1 «1,f\ \II ''· 1>11> htl. I ttO \I,, 11 , -un ,, <1<1 • ' -no, · ; rn1 • 1 11 l\I 11 'i ',I•"\ 1 -- ) ( A.14 ~. March 8. 2003 HOURS Continued from Al 3 " through April 27 at the Orenge County Muteum of Ma Seteflfte Gallery, South eo..t Ptaze, 3333 Brtatol St., Col1-Meu. Zlnee e,. 1WO GSm.EMEN OF VERONA' WllW.m St\aketpMrt4e ""IWo Genttemtn of Verona" -Mii be pet'formed at the South Coast R~OfY on the Segeratrom Sta~ through March 30. Preview tidcett start at $19, For tl<*ets .. (714l708-6666orvisit WWW.IC(.Otp. 'AElATIVELV SPEAICJNG' 'Aelatfvety Speektng' wlll be perfQrmed at the South Coast Repertory at the Jtillanne Argyroa S~ from March 18 through l'P(ll. Tidcett coat from S19 to · $64. South Coast Repe~ It et 655.,.o<Nn Center Onve In Costa Me.a. For tJdcets. call (714) 708-5555 or visit www.scr.org. 'LARAMIE PROJECT' Orange Coast College is staging Moises Kaufman's "Laramie Project" March 19 through 23 in the Drama Lab Theatre. Tldcets are $12 and $8 and are sold at the door and by calling (714) 432-5880. Orange Coast College is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa '-1eSL 'FOOTLOOSE' "Footloose, the Broadway Musical" will open Friday, March 14, and run through March 22. It will be performed by the Newpon Beach Theater Company. Tidcets begin at $10 and can be purchased online et www.nbtco.org or by phone at (949) 759-1046. The shows are at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Sa1urdey and at 3 p.m. Sunday at Lincoln School, 3101 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. 'DON QUIXOTE' BAU.ET Orange County's Festival Ballet Theatre will offer its lavish production of "Don Quixote" at Orange Coast College April 4 throogh 6, with cunain time 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday night and 2 p.m. Sunday. Tidcets range from $20 to $24 and can be purchased by calling (888) 622-5376. Orange Coast College is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. ART 'ZINE SCENE' "Zine Scene," an e><hiblt of zines organized by the Cranbrook An Museum, will be on display publlcadont -lb maguinea - C1Nted bv lndMduelt Of smell group&. Muieum hours ere 10 e.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, 10 e.m. to 7 p.m. Saturdey end 11 e.m. to 8:30 p.l"Q...Sundey. Hee. (949) 769-1122. • OOUBU HORIZONTAL Dewey Ambrosino'• exhibit •Double Horizontal"' will feature •Brown Note Lounge;" an installation of two molded plyWood sub-woofer.IOVMeats that play an original ~ • t:omposfdon. end whoee · ' frequenci• ·are tunect specfflcally to the bulldlng-architecture: The exhibit wilt also inefude e video projection of Otlcar Sdllemmer's l 192~ •Triadic.Ballet.• The exhibit will run through March 22 at the Shed, 3000 Newport Blvd. Information: (949) 723-3406. 'tN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER' An e:Khibit of works by Michael Perez and Kirsten Pro-.er will be on display at Bayside Gallery Restaurant. 900 Bayside Drive, Newport&ach;"through Saturday. (949) 851-918, www.studiogallery.net DANCE THE STUTTGART BAUET The Stuttgan Ballet. said to offer some of the best dancing in the wor1d today, will perform repertory highlights from "The SevenJh Blue; ."Cindy's Gift; "Sunday Symphony" and a full length "Romeo and Juliet" Performances will be March 18 through March 23 at the Orange County Performing Ans Center at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tidcets are from $20 to $75 and can be purchased 81 the box office or by calling (714) 556-ARTS. MOMIX: OPUS CACTUS Human bodies metamorphose into a single serpentine figure, and dancers shape-shift Into exotic birds, flowers and cactus and other forms with visual splendor and theatrical magic. Exquisite costumes and illusionary visuals, sublime modem movement and Olympian gymnastics combine into this transforming event of beauty, humor and spell-binding power. Tlckets are $40 and $33. State's Gasoline Price Average To~s $2 a Gallon I! jiif J t:M?&:f ij1l111Jild;f J~ll! &;!Hi WITH AllY llAIOR TOH DP Same Owner Since 1965, 38 ~an in Costa Mesa Tiii CDBDRITOB IBOP me. 2945 Randolph Ave (Bristol & Baker) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 E-mail: carb arts@thecarbsho .com · .. DATEBOOK 'IN FULL SWING' Grammy Award winner Mark O'Connor's Center debut will take place in the Scott's Seafood Jazz Club Series on Friday, March 14, and Saturday, March 15, at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Performances will spotlight music from his new CD, *In Full Swing," a tribute to his mentor, the late French jazz violinist Stephane Grappelli. O'Connor will be joined by his band, the Hot Swing Trio, featuring bassist Jon Burr, who has toured with Grappelli for years, and guitarist Frank Vigflola, one of the finest American players in the Django Reinhardt tradition. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive. Tickets are $49 for the 7:30 p.m. shows and $46 for the 9:30 p.m. shows. For inf~mation, call (714) 556-2746. The show will be given at the Barclay Theatre March 27 through 30, with shows at 8 p.m. and a Sunday matinee at 3 p.m. Call (949) 854-4646 or go online to www.thebllrclay.org. THE TRINrrY IRISH DANCE COMPANY , The Trinity Irish Dance Company will use Irish dance as an instrument and a metaphor. The all-women Irish-American dance company dazzles audiences with hard-driving percussive power, aerial grace, lightning fast agility and astounding precision. The show will be performed at 8 p.m. March 15and16, with a Sunday matinee at 3 p.m. Tldcets are $40 and S35. Call (949) 854-4646. SWING Lessons are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m . at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newpon Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. For more information, ·MEPHISTGM THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES ' FUU. SEllVICI Counter Tops • Showert • C.tu1le • Granite • Wio4 Wu · 011 ITOP IMOP Refinish• CIMttlnt Carpet & U .... lttery • Pehtfl"t-lllferior & btlrior ; o a esa (849) 650-7878 U4E. 17th --Rtt-s IAlUltOAYS & au .. _,, 90-4 rv ne (948) &18-G141 17777 Main .. , .. fUU-MflO-S WHMUtAY uemL 1:00 ... CLOSIO IUHAYI & •o••m no1•netlft · .. visit oc:swing.oom or e1ll (909) 65&-8119. ARGENTltE TAHGO Tango dancing Is of'fei'ed from 8 p.m. to 12;30 e.m. on the ftm Saturdey of eed'I month 81 OeMCene Studlo. 2980 Mc:Ctlntoct Wey, Cocta Mesa. (714) 841-8688. PROGRAMS. HAPPY 300TH, PIANO Cla .. leel muslc.41f'lclonados are lnvhed to enjoy "Three Cen1urie1 of Plano Music," at 3 p.m. $unday, March 18, 81 the Newport Beach Central Ubrary. Pianist MldJael Sellera wlll present the free program, which will include worb by Motart. Chopin. Poulenc, Oebuuy and'Sainuel Barber. The. Newport Beach Central Library Is et 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3816 or visit www.newportbeachllbrary.org. KIDS MOTHER·DAUGHTER BOOK CLUB Karen Cushman's "The Ballad of Lucy Whipple" will launch a discussion about growth and change at the next meeting of the Mother-Daughter Book Club, at 7 p.m . Thursday at the Newpon Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Set in Gold Ruch-era Califomla, the historical narrative is about a young gir1 uprooted from her Massachusetts home when her widowed mother decides to move her family to a rough mining camp1n the Sierras. Gir1s in fifth through seventh grades end their moms are invited to register to paniclpate in the intergenerational discussion at the Central Library Children's Desk. Call (949) 717-3800, ext. 5. For more information, call (949) 717·3816. BAU.ET PACtACA Ballet Pacifica, Southern Callfomla's premier professional dance company, will present an encore presentation of its Ballet for Children Series featuring "Winni&-the·Pooh" and "The Princess and The Pea" at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 16, at the Robert B. Moore Theatre in Costa M8$a. Tidcets for one-time-only performance are $13 for adults and $10 for children, w ith special group discounts avallable. For DWjPllot J more Information, cell the Bel Peelftce box office at (949) 851·9930, ut. 108, or visit www.blllfetpM:lflu.otp. 1'" J , .. ;. STARUGHTSTORtES ,,11 .. n Children 3 to 7 yea,.. old ere . ~rJ i, Invited to pertic:lpate In songs 8flCI r! t finmtl"PUppet plays at 1 p.m. "'" • . , ... ,, Mondm et the eom Me11 Library. 1866 Park Ave. (949) l'Jl'" ~ PJSAHDBOOK$ A children'• atory'tlme la presented at 7 p.m . Mondays an at 10:30 a.(TI. Saturdays at the 'J : Newport 8e11ch Ceniral Library, r .. 1 r. 1000Ayocado Ave. Children ma'(1 )'' wear pa Jam.a' to the ev_,nlng 1 r aessions, Free. (949) 717-3801. ,. , ,, · ~ ' • , l WE&t<l:T SToRYTEUER i , 1, A children's story time la held at ' :,, • 10-.45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes 1, & Noble Booksellers at Metro ''I • Pointe, 901-B South Coast Drive, ' Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. ·• • STORY TIME A children·a·story time Is held at 10a.m . Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m.frida'Vs at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. Free .• (714) 432·7854. I \- I '' DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS .) , The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m. ' Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast l:flghway, Newport Beach. $10-$15. (949) 642·3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. fo 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $8-$15. (949) 642-3431. TWIUGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes sod"I as chidcen parmigiana and calamari picante at reduced prices, is offered from 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m . Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newpon Beach. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1:30 to 8 p.m . Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. See HOURS, Pac• Al6 • .. , ~ SPEC---.. Contnled 'from Al 1 . No ~·priced atudjos or big name produten were involved wilt> ,lhe project. Band friend. a1'il BamfoJd produced the aJbum, wbJch WU recorded comp~ analog on a 2·!pcb ~!~~ Man" and •epic Proi>Qrtions" at ocq Long...a professional model apd m~, is ~ng her first acdng tum at the college. Other cast members lnclude Julio Almanza, Sandra Barber, ~Budreau. c:aroUne Buss, Ralph CUdln, OUvta Catron, Ben Draper, Jennifer Gelbert. Amanda KuJruk. Jessica Love, Isabella Melo, Adam Nava(l'O, David Reider, Shelly Schulz. Ridlard Thomas and Vtncent Tunes. · "The Laramie Project" is ticbled for one week onty at OCCs Drama Lab Theater. OJ.rtal:n times are Wednesday through Friday at 8 p.m .. Saturday at 2 and 8, and Sunday at 2 and 7 p.m. . Advance tickets are priced at $10 for adults and $7 for senior tape machine. "Land Air Sea.· which came out oo Tuesday. was rdrued on the band's own N.O.S. Recordings. ':With our connections. we probably could have put IQJ11eth.lngout dght away on a major label, but we just wanted to do aomethfng on a grau·roolS -' dtlzens, students and dilldml, while at·the-door prices are $12 and $8. Reaervatlons may be obtained by calling.OCC at (714) 432-5880. ••• South C.oast Repertory is feelirls ~ a million these days. $1.05 milliQn. lo be exact. SCR and six other nonprofit American theaters will receive a total of $6.3 million in support through the I eading National Theaters Program, funded by the Doris Duke Clwitable Foundation and the Andrew W Mellon Foundation. The Costa Mesa company will receive a $750,000 challenge grant from Duke and $300,000 In program funds from Mellon. The lNTP funds will establish an Emerging Artists Endowment lo generate funding to support new creative and diverse voices in the American theater. through artist their own program, they get a ·eooK Continued from Al 1 ~sense of empowerment," Redfield said, MThey get a sense of participation and belonging. and I think we are at a time in our history when belonging is really important. Caf~ locations in Orange County will be hosting discussions on March 27. Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf night will be April 7. Bame5 & Nobles Booksellers has a variety of Ustings. ~fessors will speak at UC Irvine's ·Meet the Author" night on March 31, and the Orange County Department of Education has sponsored a workshop to incorporate the concept into schoob.. Libraries, museums. schools and universities have also been developiQg creative ideas. WWhat is maltjng it wo rk is when you let someone de~ign FYI ct.or more lnformadon on Orange Countv ~One Book. oell m•> 848-8717. or !"lllt WWW.0fltt9'C0Unty f'Nd&otg. ' CX.aNA oe.: MAR: ._, .... ,... lellf Wll hold. ditcUak)n from 7 to 9 · p.m. April 7 et 2933 E. Coeit Highway, No. 3A. CorOna del Mer. fNe co«-and peiltiieL for more lnfonnadon, call <sar873-1012. HOURS ConDnued from Al 4 SUNDAY BRUNCH A 5'1nday brunch featuring international Mafood and salad buffett, roasts carved to order ·and bf'eakfut favortt .. ls held from 10:30 a.m. t.o 2 p.m. at Sutton Piece Hotef, 4500 Mac:Althur Blvd •• Newport Beach. S30; $40 with champagne. (949) 478-2001. CLUBS ALTA COf'FEE Mu11ca' tcta perfoml et 8:30 p.m. Thuradlyt through s.turdaya at Alta Coffee HouM, 606 31at St, N Beach. (949) e?&-0233. MARQUIS Illiteracy is a-serious problem in Orange Coun~ Redfield said. Obvious goals for the program indude increasing reading and community building, But what makes the Orange County project unique are the Objectives of Intergenerational and multicultural understanding, something that is needed more than ever since the Sept 11 attacks, Redfield said. .. With the logo. ·orange County For more information, call (714)755-0340 .. Bordwa Boob lftd Mutic will hold a discussion et 7 to 8:30 p.m. Mardl 27et1890 N4!'Np0ft B1vd, Costa Mesa. For more Jnfoimlllion, caU (562) 430-6275: ...... loobMdMllie will hold • disCI ISsion et 7 to 8:30 p.m. Man:h 27 llt 3333 Bear St.,~ Meu. For mont lnfomwtk>n. cMI (542) -· 430-6275. Author ........... Wilt dieam her boob and per80n8f JourfWf from com mun.1st China to the Urut.d States in e talk sponsored by the UC Irvine Ubrari .. and the Orange County Reeds One Book Protect. A~ signing and refreshments wffl be o1fered after the PfC)gtam, which will begin et 6 p.m. March 31 et the UCI Student Center, Emerald DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music is performed aft.er 9 p.m. Thursdays, end pop and {"<><* is presented after 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays et Din Din et the 8emboo Terrace. 1n3 Newport Btvd., Costa Mesa. (9491 64S-5550. OURTY N£LLY'S Uve music is performed et 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, 2916 Red Hill Ave .• Cocta Mesa. (714) 967·1961. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live musk: 11 performed Monc:t.ys through Saturct.ys et the Foor Seatona ~. 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport BMdl. (949) 769-0808. HMDROCKCNt ~and avoid the mad\J.ne,. Wilton said. . So far the graal·l'OOta thing hu been wortiag. LA.'s DOQ·FM (106.7) bu~ up the afn8'e. -ute Goes ey.• • With Weezet on an Jndeftnite blatua. look for the SpedaJ Goodneu co be on the rOIMi for tho remainder of the year. • resldencla, radings. wocbhops and stud.Jo producdons. "Pa.rtldpadon In the lNfP comes at an opportune moment • for SCR." Mid David Bmmes. the company'S producing art1$tic director. "O.X:. the $750,000 matching grant ts met. SCR Will • have a $1.5 millJon restricted endowmetit to support grants lo new artists and artists from diverse cuJtwal backgrounds.· ~the past two years, SCR has doubled the number of -cornmis&ons given to emerging writers. The company now expects to expand Its support of new works by two or three additional annual commissions, a two-week staged wodtshop, three one-week developmental workshops and one studio production. • TOM Tl'T\JS reviews local theater for tho Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Thursdays and Saturdays. Reads. One book. Many Stories,• the idea is that people from all different backgrounds will have something different to bring to the table, she said. "You lcnow the academic decathlon program was started about 35 year.. ago here in Orange County and It grew from a county program to a state. a national and then an international program.· Habermehl said. • 1 see this same Reads One Book concept as being something almost as powerful as that, that could expand and grow mto other regions and areas because ii is good for communities.· he said. "People love to bade it up." Bay Room AB et UC Irvine. The event Is free end open to the public, but P9f'ting com $6, f.or ruet'VaidOne, call (949) 824--4661. C4*e ._. ... ,......., wiU hold • dl8Q llliof'i fn>m 7 to 9 p.m. April 7 et Soul\ COMt Ptca. 3333 8rittol s~ No. 182, Costa Mele. free cof'fM Ind ~Formore lnfonnadon; calf (714) 549-1788. c...-. ......... lellf will hokt • chicl ...ion from 1 to- 9p.m.Apftl7et1835 Newport Blvd., 18122,; eo.... Meae. Free Coffee end.,...,..._ For more Information.'*' (9'9) 722-9873. ·~-· ••O... will hold a clllCl...ion 8t 7 p.m. April 9 et 8efnea arid Nol>M, 901 8 ScMld\ Coiat DrtW, SUite 160, C:O.... M9u. For more lnfonTI81k>n,cell(714) ....... ,863. Wednesdays through Saturdays at 8ermid\ael'a, 3950 Campus Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 261-8270. UDO CIGAR ROOM Enjoy a smoke with your drink at UdoCigarRoom,3441 Vie Udo, Suite 0, Nwtport Beec:h. (949) 723-0695. MARGARITAVUE Uve musk: la performed et Margaritavllle, 2332 W. Coast Hlghwly, Newport Beach. (949) 631-8220. MARRAKESH Authentic MoroclC8n cuisine end beUy dendng le ofJ9f9d et 6 p.m. deity et Marraketh, 1978 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Mela. (949) ~ , MMRIOTT' HOTEL of live mutlc la .,,...,,_,deity et tM Atrfum'a Qub, 18700 Mac:Althur lMne. (Mi) 833-mo. Uve musk: is performed Sundlyl at~ Roct Cet6, 461 Newport Cent9r Drive, Newport 8Mc:h. (948) 840-ae.W. JHEHMPNf • Uve mu.le le perfoimed MOnd9y9 thn>Ugh Saturdays st the Mamoa Ho'81, IOO Newport center Drive, N~ 8Ndl. • Uw ""'* .. perfonned Thurtdeys through s.tuid8ya et the....,,""'· 130 E. 11th St., ~Melt.( .. ) Me 11(6. HOGUE umatAEa:s Uve ""'*a. performed • (948) MMOOO. m.ooon Muldoon'a II en trteh pub 91202 N4Mpoft c.. [)Wive, F8lhlon Wend, Newpolt a.ed\. (Ml) MM110. Saturday, March 8, 2003 AH I can't believe ..... . It's M)7 HoDie Landscaping or re-landscaping is your answer to a beautiful new look for your home. FLOWEROA1£ can mm your '2nd.scape dreams come uuc, and increase your home's value, too! Come in today and discover the people who can mm a difference to you and your gasdcn. KAY MATSON, A.A C.C.N.P. Landscape ~es!pcr @~~ COMPLETE LANDSCAPrNG 46 YFARS EXP. L1ccn~ No. 30855.3 '>ANl~ ANA• 2800 N IU\lln Ave (714) 633-9200 COSTA MESA • 2'"'00 Bmcul A'c (714) 754-6661 TERRY MEIKLE C.C.N.P. Landscape Designer \ " Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT - FIN f.URNll URE • ARTWORK LAM?S • MIRRORS • CCESSORJES e!Yoy ?avl':!?~ o,{ 15% co 50% of{f{ -ti New Merchandise Arrives Daily Hurry in for Best Selection! "Wtll DaipeJ funiturt for Wtll Dtsigntd Homes" UPIW-.rkJ: ''We know we can score oals in bunches, as long as we play our game.,, Dan Johnlton, Costa Mesa High \ girls soccer co~ch . l , . • I : .GOLDEN WEST ' , tEAGUE I ; ' CHAMPIONS · Costa Mesa High's girls soccer:. tearn, unbeaten Golden West League champions and on a 22.game unbeaten streak heading lftto tonight's CIF 'Division Ill championship game against Walnut at Cal State Fullerton. Sitting, from le~ Nilani Duarte, Stacy Krikorian and Kara Jenkins. Kneeling, from le~ Jenny Sparks, laura Dinsdale, Devin Denman, Vera Gale Nelly Baggius, Sara Bryant and Valerie Gomez; Standing, from left: Coach Oari Johnston, Kindra Bailey, Sharon Day, Kristen Bagwell, Ra~llel Hughes, Jasmin Day, Toshia· ~ aryant, Rachel Ronquillo, Kaitlyn Gentling and Coach Erin Van Horn. SEAN HILLER I OAIL V PILOT SEAN HllER I DAILY PllOT Costa Mesa senior Sharon Day (9) is the driving force for the Mustangs in·their CIF title quest tonight against Walnut. ..... 0 0440 -. •• 4 u -• 0 0 4 0 EYEOPENER Match 10 f'lono<N JIM WARREN 81 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER PLAYOFFS Mustangs battle for CIF Div: III i championship Offensive-minded 0 League th.Ls season. . • Mesa and Walnut have three Mesa, defensively ~ common o.pponent~. mo~t n.r driven Walnut I tabty Bonita. ,,hJch coc;ta \te-.a ff topped. 2· I in Tues.day\ <.enufi-square 0 at 5 p.ffi; at nal. Walntjl ned the Bearcat'> t\\1Ce Cal State Fullerton.--· -~ ·with identic:af-1-1 scores. Walnut's playoff run mdude-, a 1-0 first-round win over Kenned\. a team Mesa tied, 1-l, as well a'> a 2-I ..errufinaJ win over Orange Lutheran, wtuch \le<.a topped. 4-1, in early December. Barry Faulkner Daity Pilot FULLERTON -lhough the combat- ants in tonight's CIF Southern Section Di- ~on m girls soccer title game share many similarities, it is the differences be- tween Costa Mesa High and Walnut that figure to produce an intriguing matchup. The game is scheduled for 5 p.m. at Cal State Fullerton. Mesa (22-1-2), the No. 2 seed. has rid- den a prolific offense to the most suc- cessful season in the program's 13-year existence. It is the first CIF title match for the ~ who captured the pro- gram's lone previous playoff victory last year in Division IY. This yeats Golden West League tide was the program's first league crown. Wahlut (19-4-5), the No. 4 seed, bas re- lied most heavily on a strong defense. Also nicknamed the Mustangs. they are making their first appearance in a OF fi- nal. bul have been to the semifinals once and have made several ttips to the quarterlinals. They have won five straight league titles, four in the Baseline League before dominating the San Antonio Costa MesaS firepower is keyed by sen· foe four-year standout Sharon Day an AIJ- QF performer a year ago, who leads the Golden West League champron-. m goab (29) and assists (34). The reigning state high jump champion. who plans to com· pete in track and field, as well as soccer at Cal Poly San Luis ObtSpo. ha'i "'x goals and three assists in four playoff contesu. this season. A nudfielder. her career out - put as a prep 1s a staggenng 83 goal~ and 71 assists. .. Sharon is the one who make-; u' go.· Mesa Coach Dan Johnston said The Mustangs' unselfish and well-or chestrated passing game has abo helped sophomore forward Jenny ~ and freshman forward Jasmin Da). ~haron<. sister. be extremely produc:ove. Sparks has four of her 27 goals in the playoffs and has added three postseason as.si!.t'i to bring ha" total to 14. Jasmin Day. whom her teammates call SH ~OCCER, Pqe 84 COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL ·Anteaters, 49ers close ,0ut the Big West slate DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK TV:KDOC. RADIO: KUCI 88.9 13 recotd In Big West action. However, ask seniors Jordan Harris a.nd Mike Hood lf this game~ Impor- tant a,nd they'll be sure to tell you that lt is. Harris, a 6-foot-5 for- ward, and Hood, a 6-4 guard, will play ln their final hOme game, when UCI (18-8, 12-S In the Big West) facee LOn9 Beach State at 7:05 p.at. at the Bren Events Center. HoOd and Hatri1 wU1 be honored tminediately after tonilbt'• game. Hanla!. who lead• the Anteaten ln UC IU~nlde. But the Gaucho• an 1C01ini at 12.4 pc;tlnta per prne, hu u4 11-vel*kle ClllDOI q1aaJJ!Y for 719 poiDll ..... rebDuncll "' Ilia Jda WUt T~ 1ld Mii ·nw. ,_ w. Hi trlDlletred'""" Colgate Unlvenlty, Mt out a ,..r and W. llreldy IOdr.ed up the No. 2 then, alone with Hood, bet~ l•d h the.Ill Wilt 'lburnlmiml. Whk::h ucr to a lhare or the Bia Wiit ,..,. 'lblndsY at the ~ C'.Glwm· lar·MUOn title, 20 whll uCI an NtT QldS. MelnWlllt. Liq a.b .. • qm11ry l>r ... ...,... ... .. ... ....... _., ... -.&-~-------- JJ.rittney Bowlus The senior displayed the will to win overco~ pain from an eye injwy to help lead CdM to the CIF title. 'I j • ·.: .. .. . , • * Fully.Equipped Service Dept. . *.Consignments Welcome * ASE certified Technicians * Cash Paid for Your Car * Warranty Included . * ·Competitive Finance & Lease Rates (on Most Vehicles) . DMW MERCEDES PORSCHE 95 318i SON <1670'1>-'C:y1 '-SpHdHDwfol&JMJ.. $9,980 98 E320 SON (16722)~6a.c.d\A'9danl0nly1 .. $23,980 80 911 TARGA (18646)"41M ... IN9'-*-1.--$12,980 96 Z3 CONY c1mo,~<>Go1g9ous1.. ............. $10,980 97 M3 SON c1e9m>'1owi.u ·Local ear ...... .. ..... $21, 980 01 Z3 CONY c1ee91)Blodo. 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(019i~··"._°". $65 980 00 CHEV. CORVEm CONV. (19,~>... ... ..... $36, 980 " ,,. , 'DadyPdot . , SPORTS f HIGH SCHOOL SWIMMING Living without aces Girls and boys both fall to powerful San Clemente, but coaches and players keep an upbeat tone. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot NFWPORT BEACI I -ln a show of sportsman.ship and camraderie injected with humor, a few members of Newport Har- bor High's boys swim team joked with San Oemente's winning re- lay team at the end of a non- league dual meet F-riday at Har· bor. A _ Newport swimmer com- mented, "Guys that finish 1-2 get to clean up." A San Oemente swimmer smiled in response. San Oemente finished near the top In many events Friday, with the boys nening a 109-61 margin over Newport, while the lfrls gained n 126-43 edge. Both Newport teams were handicapped somewhat. Seniors Hayfey Peirsol. Nicole Matley, and Mai Tajima on the girls learn and Andrew Cole on the boys. are swimming this weekend at an event in Canada and missed Che meet Friday. Peirsol fimshed ~nd in the SOO free at last season's CIF Southern Section Division I fi. oaJs. Matley broke school re- cords in uoong second in both the 200 IM and 100 Oy an the fi- nals. Cole went undefeated in (he I 00 free and won CrF last season. "It's a learning experience," quipped Newport girls coach Ken LaMont. On the boys side, senior Jay Thompson won the 200-yard CM In 2: 10.00, while finishing second ln the 100 breao;t.stroke (1:05.25) to gain CIF. Thompson also took third place in the I 00 backstroke ,1:04.97). . •My back and free have been taddng so those are the strokes I'm working on,· saJd Thompson alter his 200 JM swim. •The breast Is my strong swim, so I tried to go out and ~ a bi.g ad." • "Those were solid swhm," said Newport Coach Jason 4'Jlch about Thompson. "He's defi- nitely an asset.· Lynch also praised the wort of seniors Ross Sinda1r and Brent Annstrong. Atlnstrong came In ~d lo the 200 free (1 :52.83) ~e Sinclair took the aame et.anding ln the SOObee (5:<17.61). Amlor Michael Bury finished feCOnd in the 100 Oy (59.34). Newport'• 200 medley relay team or Ann.strong, Thompt<>n. lyle ShertlWl and Sean McGbfe r • gained an automatic Cl F benh with a 1:28.60. "I'm a little sore." said Sinclair after the 500 free. ·rm still out of shape. but I got e1 good wann up and swam pretty well. It's the first meet. so I think I can do bet- ter." Lynch said San Oemente IS probably the best Division I dual meet team right now, so he had added incentive for Friday's meet. "The key is to get excited about (swimming). to get mou vated which helps in trauung." Lynch said. Senior Jenna Murphy gained OF consideration for the 2:17.45 docking in the 200 IM, good enough for second. "That was probably our high light," said LaMont of Murphy's time. San Oemente's Kaby Skora notched automatic CIF qualify- ing times in two races she won, the 200 free (1 :58) and 500 free (5: 15.66), while brother Andy Skora gained automatic qualifi- cation in the 500 free ·(4:50.95) and consideration in the 200 free (1:47.97). "Without their stars. I thought we would be OK.• said San Oe- mente girls coach John Banda- ruL "We bad automatic qualify- ing times on two relays so I'm happy about that.. Harbor's relay team of Mwpby, Annie Wlght. Ashley Parole and ~Beebe tinisbed third In the 200 medley (2:00.9Q) to gain CJF consideration. Above, Newport tiarbor's Jay Thompson made his move on the breastroke leg of the·varsrty 200 indivdual medley to win over San Clemente. Left, Newport Harbor's Kyle Sherman leads the boys varsity 200medley relay to a wm against San Clemente. 200 free -l Skora (S), 1 47.97, 2. Armstrong (N), 1.52 83; 3 Edgcomb IS). 1 :53.83 200 IM 1. Thompson (N). 2 10, 2. Bonners !SI, 2.10.51, 3. McDaniel (S), 2 1087 SO free -l Edgcomb (S), 22 63, 2 Skora IS), 22 80. 3. Bury (N), 23 42. 100 fly -1. Della Betta (SI, 58.57, 2 Bury (NI, 59 34, 3 Dominguez ISi. 100.05 100 free -l Hwang (SI. SO 32. 2 S Staudenbeuer (SI. 5157, 3 Wong (SI. 52 26 500 free -l Skora ISi. 4 50 95, 2 S1nci1tr (NI, 5 0761, 3 Jorth !NI. 51155 200 free relay 1 SC (Hwang, Wong, Skora, S. S1audenbauer), l 3107 100 bad< -1 McDaniel (SI. 58 72. 2 Bordlert (SI, 1 01 54; 3 Thompson (NI, 1 0497 100 bfeaet -1 Cunningham !SI, 1.04.83; 2. Thompson (NI, 1:05 25, 3. Price (SI. l :08 81 400 free reloy 1 SC (Hwang, Wong, Skora, S Staudenbeuerl. 3:2788. Non ...... gl .. S.n ClemenW 129. Newport 43 200 medley relay -1. SC (Coble, JOhns, Cunningham, l.1tala1n), 1.55.70 200 free 1 Skora !SI. 1 .58, 2 Jones (SI, 202.42, 3 Travis (S), 2:06.47. 200 IM -1 L O'Neill (S). 2'.12.99; 2. Murphy (N), 2, 17"5, 3. H. O'Neill (S). 2;18 65 SO free -1 Cadman (SI, 25 72. 2 ' Ruseell (SI. 26 34. 3 Belden (NI. 26.70 100 fty -1. H. O'Neill IS), 1:01.66, 2. CAJnmngham (SI, 1:02.02, 3 Teytor (N), 1;07.62 '100 free -1 Bll90e (SI, 56.33. 2. Ruaell (SJ, 57.43; 3 S.11 (NI, 59.22. 500 free-1. Skorl !SI. 5'.15.M; 2. S.blnt (SI. 5:24 121; 3. Ha'l)ef (N), 8:10.SO. 200 fTM relay -1. SC (c.drNn, H. O'Neill, UUltal\ Skora), 1:44.19. 100 bedi-1. Jotee (SI. 1:04.03; 2. S.blna (St. 1:04..08; 3. Belden (N), 1:08.158. 100 breul -Btitoe (S), 1:08.13; 2. ~I O'Nelll (S), 1 :11; 3. Travle CSI, t~J.~. 400 free ...iay -1. SC (CtdmM, S.blna, RUNett, CAJnnlng~). 3:47.38. _ ---THE THC: TH•. .. -Satwddy, March 8, 2003 83 C_?:-·) Bl••·t1.1 ... JE:~---: m:3SJE:~---: ... JE:~---( (../(./Af Park SELECTION VALUES DEAL~ ---__ o &o ·· l'fewk11l#mtang : Automatic Trans JYewrmlPJMJ XLT Su~ 'l.&.al. f27.2'f /IU.&r. ,....,,, ..., ... , 0 , .... ,...,,,,,,,. ...... ,... ~-·- • l l • ~ : I • twday, M¥tll 8, 2003 • .SP 0 RT S OllyPiot BRIEFS L S~ilors .sparkle Marsh.all very s~ in girls 1,600 at the Santa M~ta Invitational. . • TRACK: Courtney Marshall clocked a 5:31.4 for the fastest 1,600 meter time of the day at the Eagle 'IhlCk and Field Invitational Friday, which was composed of Mater Pei, Rosemead, West Tur-rance. Notre Dame-Shenn811 Oaks. Edison, New· pon 'Harbor and.the hoSt Sanra Margadta Eagles. Also wfth solid efforts on the girls' side were llliz.abeth Oayton in the triple jump tsecond at 33-3) and 300 hurdles (fourth in 51.8), JerinJfer Ry- der in the 300s (third at 51.7), Amy Burlingham in the 400 (fourth overall lo 592), Kiley Hall ln the 400 (1:01.7), Jillian Whitfield In the shot put (fifth at 34-9) and discus (she won with a 110-0 effort), and hJgb·Jwnper Jaclde Bellda (fourth at 4-10). The 400 relay team of Oayton, Elda Hernandez, Hall and Burlingham went 51.8. The di.tance medley relay team of MlbeJ Larsson (1,200), Alex C.Uuo (400). Johll Nelson (800} and Matt Meyer (1,600) turned In• 10-26.9, Lats.son (3:06.9), Castro (55.8), Nellon (1:58.9) and Meyer (4:25.3) missed quallfytng for the final despite ~8 in the best Vanguard time for the event since 1974. Larsson weot 2:32.82 in the 1,000 aemUlnaJ race Friday. finishing hinth and m"'-ln& a finals ·berth by one place. lenny Thune ran a 2:22.86 ln the 800 semifinal and was 12th. Orange Coast rumbles, 17-9 • SOPTMLL: Orange Coast College's softball team lifted its record to 6-6 with a 17·9 Bve-in- ning victory over visiting Cerro Coso College Fri- day. banging out 12 bJts In the process. DOH L£Aai I DAILY PILOT Cor.on~ del Mar water polo star Brittney Bowlus is the Daily Pilot's High School Athlete of the Week. Dartangan Johnson was second overall in the boys 100 at 11.58, and Joel Walker. a junior, went 11.6 and 23.55 in the sprints. After giving up seven runt ln the top of the fifth inning, the Pirates ended It ln the bottom of the iQ.ning with a two-run burst for the necessary edge for the mercy rule. . ·sintrell Ryder, Olivia Ball and Emilee Hodiford each went 2 for 2 and Juliette Bricldey \YllS 2 for 4 with a double and three runs scored. Ball had four RBis and Ryder drove in three runs. BOWLUS Continued from B 1 circumstances. "It was the most heroic thing I've ever witnessed as a coach." Chaney would later say. "She1J do whatever it takes to make herself and the team better.~ ,, Bowlus shut down one of Villa Park's top scorers. Melissa Soria. as the Sea)(ings defeated the Spartans, 10·5, to capture their second straight ClF championship March I. Soria entered the CIF title game having scored 14 goals in the three previous playoff games. Yet, she scored 1uM once against Bowlu!> and CdM. Bowll.l!>, who m1ure<l her eye in the second period. aJso scored one goal for the Sea Kings. "When we first started the game, I wanted to go into set and get going.· Bowlus said. ·After I got hit, all I could think of was. I can't see. I think my adrenaline took. over during the game. I was really mad. There was no way they were going to win. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of winning." Bowlus. who will play for UCLA after she graduates from Corona this spring. was the one who was dishing out the pain ~er tn the week wheo she scored a game-high 6ve goals to lead the Sea Kings to an 11 4 wm over Canyon {Anaheim). CdM was without senior Daniela DIGiacomo. who in1ured SOCCER Continued from B 1 Jazzy, has 24 goals. three in three playoff games (she sat out a sec- ond-round wm with a sore ankle) and 14 assists this season. "We know we can score goals in bunches, as long as we play our game.· Johnston, ln his 11th year at the helm, said. It took the Mustangs m06t of the firs1 half to settle into any of- fensive Oow against Bonita. a luU Johnston attributed to post.season nerves. "A few year.. ago. our nervous game was the last game or league.· Jobnston said. •Ally time a game counts for something, there ls potential for nerves." With the aforementioned trio combi.nina for 80 goals and 62 as- sists, Mesa. aw~g 4.2 goals per game. bas outscored its oppo- sition. 10-5-15, tlm &eaSOn, indud- ing single-game output.s of JO. nine (three times), eight (twice), seven and six (lhcee times). The Must.ang5. unbeaten in their last 22 games and on a 17-game win- rting streak, have scored ~ than two o>4b onJy three times, induding onJy one shutout Costa Mesa's defense, anchored by eenJor 1W1!1eJ>U Devin Den-man. another fow-yeac varsity paformer who shares aiptaln du- des with Sbaroo O;ay. has been WlhenUded. but ext.remdy sol.id. The iw·pblyer' beck Une bas also been keyed by junlOT fullback Stacy Xrikodail, while Junior stop· per \\Uerle Go~ .. furuor tullbadc IC.ma Jenkins. amlor Nelly Baniol and M>phomon! Nilan.I ~ haw bdJ*i minlml7,e BRITTNEY BOWW5 eon.: July 16, 1985 Homatown: Newport I Heh .... ght: 6--foot w.JtlM; 165 ~:Water polo .-0.ltlon: Two meters Coadl: Aaron Chaney F•vwtta food: Artichokes F•vorftie 1nOVI•: •LegJlly Blonde• Bat atM.tk moment: "Winning OF two years in a row.• Athlft9 of h Week JC: The sen- ior scored a ~igh five goals to help lead the Sea lClngs to a OF DMsioo II semifinal win, then, whiJe battflng pain In her right eye, she provided defense on one of VIUa Park's best scoref'S to con- tribute to CdM's OF DMsion U cNmpionship vktOf'Y at Belmont Plau. DllJ ... Cd1«ta sports CNd wfes QJ-S her leg the night before at a team dinner. and senior Christina Hewko pick~ up two player ejections early in the first quarter. But Bowlus scored CdM's first three goaJs and she scored a goaJ in each quarter, ru. she used her power and size to find the cage. Bowlus said her scoring ability has come about because of the extra time she has put into practicing. She just started playing water polo the summer before she became a freshman. She used to watch her elder brother, Garren, who is now a sqptlotnDreat UUA.pJay for the Sea Kings. She had aJwaY!> enjoyed swimming. but water polo became anractive ·1 've been swimming since I was four," Bowlui. ~d. ·1 Directions to C.I St. Fullerton From 5, north on 57. Left on Chapman, or Nutwood, and tum right on State College Blvd. School on right. chances faced by the goalie tan dem of sophomore Kindra Bailey • and junior Kaitlyn Gentling. Mesa has posted a S<:fool·re cord 13 shutouts this season and has aJlowed only one goal in nine other contests. Only three oppc>!> ing teams have scored more than 'one goal and none have scored more than twO. Bailey played the entire way against Bonita. as well as a 3-0 ~nd·round win at Santa Monica She shared time with Gentling the other two playoff wins. Johnston said he has supreme confidence in both goalies and he will not decide on how to distrib· ute their minutes until today. lo addition to Sharon Day, the midfield rotation has included senior Kristen Bagwell, sopho- more Rachel Ronquillo, senior 1bsh1a Bryant. 8lt well as.Juniors Raebel Hughes and Sara Bryant. Sophomore Vera Gale has also provided a spark up front. while junior Julie Nomura and sopho- more Laura Dinsdale have con- oibut.ed to what Johnston terms the mo6t oom.plete team he tw ever coached. Walnut, wttich has a pair of All- OP ~ In senior Courtney Saldivar and sophomore <lurirr (both third·te.am pida. ln Division II ~ n), has al· lowed lust ·one playo.IJ goal and remember watching (Garrett) play. I was a UttJe scared because it looked hard. But overall I thought it was fun. (Age-group coach) Ted Bandarulc ask.ed me if I wanted to play, and so I did. I liked it so much J didn't want to swim anymore." Bowlus' love for water polo has increased through her years at Cc.JM. lbe Sea Kings' success has aJso helped Bowlus remain passionate about tj1e sport. In Bowlus' three years with the varsity lel!ffi, CdM has won consecutive Pacific Coast League titles and the past two seasons the Sea Kings have won CIF championships. Yet for all the taJent CdM has po'>SeSSed, Bowlus said when the Sea Kings really needed to win, they relied on their chemistry. There are close friendships among the players on the CdM squad. Intimate enough that they told Bowlus she looked fine in that title game, and that proved to be the ultimate encouragement. 'Then, the next day, when Bowlus rested and lay still, as to somehow minimize the pain, her teammates came to her home to deliver Oowers, smiles and hug.-.. WOur team U. really dose," Bowlus said. wwe do everything together. It carries into the pool and the game. We know what the next move will be and that is important. That will maJce us flow better. We were fortunate to have a close team and that helped U!>." 1u:,t four goals during its current 14-game unbeaten streak. C.Oach Scon OeGratI, a walk-on m his 17th year at the helm, moved Saldivar from fullback. to stopper this season and shifted Qurier from sweeper to center midfielder. Mustangs assistant coach Lor· mine I Jansen said freshman Katie Horabaugh has been a stalwart on the back line, as ha.s sophomore fullback. Lisa Soliz. who may be the team·._ must trusted mcuting held. Walnut has 15 !Jlutouts this -.eason and has yielded one goal m 11 other contests. Only St Lucy's and Diamond Bar man· aged two goals again.st the Mus- tangs. The W'alnut olTelllie. triggered by assi<;t leader Cristina Carriaga. a sophomore forward. and scor- ing leader Niklci Becket a senior forward, has had some 1roubJe finishing. Hansen said. I lansen estimated Becker had about a dozen goals. roughly 20% of the team's 61-goal output Th.e Mustang.'9 have been shut out four times. Including a scoreless quarterfinal tie with South Tur- rance {they advanced on penalty ldcb, 4-3). They have scored only once tn 10 other games and have scored more than three only &ie times (a single-game high of 9, as wcU as four five.goat games). Junior midfielder RiJesha Hay- nl also helps create otrenslve chana!S with her strong throw·in. Ha.men sa.id. Overtime is not played In OF dtJe games. lf the game is tied at the end of rtglllation. the two ten.ms are declared co champi· Matt 1iacy was third overall with a heat victory in the 400 {53.05), and Wcky Nott went 5-8 in the high jump. Jack Slcahen was fourth In the shot put (45-3) and John Szecsei went 136-0 in the discus. Costa Mesa Topps University, 16-1 • SOPTBALL: Costa Mesa Hlgh's softball team opened the season with a 16-1 vi~tory over Univer· sity in the first round of the,.Costa Mesa Tuuma- ment, as the Mustangs pounded out 18 hits Friday, including two home runs by Ann Marie Topps and a two-run blast by her sister, Kelly Topps. Ann Marie Topps went 4 for 4 with seven RBis an4 ss:ered three runs. She hit a grand slam in the third inning and a two-run shot earlier. Lau- ren DeMeUo and Jade Moss each went 3 for 4 and sophomore Jackie ButJer got the win, giving up three hits. striking out five and wallcing one in four innings in her first varsity start. Mesa plays again today at I :45 p.m. a t the ..ame site, TeWinkle Parle. Cost.a ..... T~ Costa Mes• 18. University 1 Score by Innings Costa Mesa 338 1 1& 11 1 University 100 o 1 J l Warner and Gaulo, Butler and Miiter W-Butler, 1-0 l - Warner, 0-1. 28-Chamberlin (U), Moss IC.M), K. Topps (CM), Yamamoto (CMI HR -A Topps (CM) 2, K Topps ICM) 1. Zoelle tosses four-hit shutout • SOPTMU: Corona del Mar High senior Alissa ZoelJe recorded a four-hit shutout that came with 10 strikeouts and no walks. leading the Sea IGngs' softball team to a 10·0 season- opening victory over nonleague host La Quinta. ZoelJe aJso produced at the plate with a 3-for-3 performance to go with two intentionaJ walks. Jackie Manning also contributed on offense with a 2-for-3 outing. while IUanna Jaye smacked a double for CdM. The Sea Kings finished with 12 hits and wore down La Quinta with three runs in the sixth and four more in the final inmng. Tarah Sock.erson { 1-0) earned the win for the Bucs, going 4Y, innings, allowing four hlts and one earned run, strildng out five. Nonconfwenc• Orange Coast 17, Ceno Coto 9 SCON by lnnlna1 Cerro Coso ooo '17 11 t 2 Oange Coast MM 02 -11 12 1 Vonschlemmer, Stone (2) and Haefele; Sodcerson, Lindsay (5) and Valenzuela. W -Sockeraon, 1-0. l - Vonschlemmer. 28 -Albright ICC), Brlctley (OCC). Lindsay IOCC). Tars top San Clemente on games • TENNIS: Robert Khoury and l)'ler Deck, Newport Harbor High's Nos. l-and-2 boys singles players, each swept their matches, but it wasn't that easy all around. The Sailors ( 1-0) tied visiting San Oemente, 9-9, Friday, but won on games, 82· 76. getting a big boost from their No. 3 doubles team of Jona- than 1\veena and Olase Ayers. NMy No. 3 doubles team pulled out the last big set for us,· said Newport Coach Jeff Thomsen. Bryan Hochwald and Jason Lund played ex- tremely well." Hochwald and Lund won the only other dou- bles set for Newport, a 6-4 victory. San Oemente talls to 2· I. Newport hosts Back: Bay rival Corona del Mar Tuesday at 3 p.m. Nonle•aue Newpon turbor 9, S•n a.menta t (Newport wtn1ongemee,12-71) Sl"91H -Khoury (NH) def. Seng, 6-1 ; def. Muesae. f>.3. def. Spicher. 6--0; Dede INH) won, 6-3, 6-2, 6-0: Farmer (NH) won, 7-5, lost, 1-6, Iott, ..a. Doubles -Uind-Hochw•ld (NH), lost to Thompaon·Gruiner, 3-8; lost to Butcher-Barge, 6-7, def. le-Rutherford, 6-4; lutfe-Servyuk (NHI lost, 2 6, 2·6. 2·6, Twana-Ayers (NH), won. 6-2. lost, 2~. lost. 6 7 Anteaters rip ·Arkansas St.. 7-0 Corona def Mar 10, La Quinta O Score by Innings Corona del Mar 101 013 La Quinta ooo ooo Zoelle and Tyson W -Zoelle, 1 O 2B -Zoelle (CdM ), Jaye (CdMl • 0 10 12 0 • • TENNIS: UC Irvine's women's tennis team was a 7 -0 nonconrerence winner over visiting Ar- kansas State Friday, paced by Tilffany Olang's 1 1-6, 6-4. IO· 7 victory over Llga Geme in No. 1 sln- o gles. Newport's Moore spins no-hitter • SOPTBALL: F.ffi~iency was the name or the game Friday as Newport Harbor High's softball team received a complete game no-hlner from starter Kim Moore en route to a 12-0 victory over Estancia in the first round-of the Costa Mesa Softball Tournament at TeWinkle Park. Moore used just 48 pitches In five innings - the game was called after Estancia baned in the fifth due to the mercy rule -striking out six and throwing only 13 balls. Second baseman Sasha Grumman went 2 for 3 with two runs scored as did Ashley Gleason. Julianne Bass went 3 for <I and Shelby Crisp went 1 for l while Sabrina Couch came on to also col- lect a hit in one at bat ColblllhuT~ Newport 12, &tend• 0 8eof'9 by Innings Newport 003 13 12 11 Estancia ooo oo o o Moore and Campbell. Florea end Wyman W -Moore. 1-0. l -Florea, 0· 1. 28 -none. 38 -none. HR -none. Lions sparkle at N AlA Indoor 1 3 • TRACK: Sarah Hall ruqs In the 3,000 final to· day al 3:55 for Vanguard University after five other Uons bowed out of the competition at the NAIA Indoor Champion hips at East Tennessee State Friday. UCI hosts Hawaii on Sunday at I I a.m . Nonconf-.ice UC Irvin. 7. AlbnNs St. 0 Singles-Chang (UCI) de. Game, 1-6, 6-4. 10 7, Bentzer (UCt) def. Engelbrecht, 0-6. 7·5, 10-6; Poener (UCI) def. McCoy, 6-4, 6-7. 10-6; leow (UCI) def. Pogacnik, 6-4, 6-3; Trenckino (UCt) def. Carul, 6-3, 6-4; Boss (UCI) def. Lucas. 6·2. 6--0. Doubiff -Gema-McCoy (A ) def. Bentzttt-Posner, 8-6; Leow-Trancluno (UCO def Engelbre<:ht·Pogecnik, 8-3; Bou.Chang (UCI) def. Lucas-Gembosl, 8-1 Orange Co~t dunks Hornets • JC SWIMMING: Orange Coast ColJege's swim teams bad no trouble posting conference victories over host Fullerton Friday. the men tak- ing a 137...S victory and the women pasting the Hornets. 203-43. "fyson Beamer, Paul Frankenberger. Ashley Lowden and Jennifer Nelson were aU multiple winners. Kimberlee Frith was the big winner. claiming three wins in the 100 free, 500 free and 200 individual medley. Pirates women 5-0 in OEC • TENNIS: After a 5·0 run through the firs& half of Orange Emplre Conference women'• tennis. Orange Coast CoUege'a Pirates (7-0 overall) will host nonconference foe Groaamont on Wednes- day before resuming OBC play a day later al Ir- vine Valley. Coast's most recent conquest was on 1\lesday See BRIEFS, P8C• Be HIGH.SCHOOL SWIMMING Eagles sweep Loara in nonleague win COSTA MESA -Jun!or Pkul Man MetkaYich.. Collier and hshman Olad Kun-P.standa'• pu were 86-58 Win· nms CM:'r Loati. COLLEGE MEN'S VOLLEYBALL ert won two tvetlta ~a.ch and contributed In a relay victory 10 help le&d the Estancia High boya twfm team to• n·openlng 88~73 norileague Wlri over VWt· Ing 1.oara. fr1day. Honf'••••boirt ....... ~,, UCJjA exacts revenge at Crawford Hall • Collier won the 200·yanl free. laW nU • plc.1>91-wh&le tenJQr ttyle (2;22. 7) 1 and the 500 tn1e Monte lU<~ 8ddod 14 killr. &nd (6:2L2), while Kunen toUc:bed ;unlor5penorr8tmushad J:tkilla. 6tSt in the 100 ~ OlAWFORD HAU. -The nk>th< n~ U<l.A m I vuJ.h.-y. hell lam ~ twn ~arlles low. Wtlh • 30-27. 24..JO. 30-19, 30 25 victory <NU No. 4 UC 1Mne In tron1 Ma CIJ*lty aowd o 700 M ~ tJlll Friday: Thlt 8ND outh" ua. _,, :.25t imd out oo the Mt· ..... 12 bl the.Moun h · tliur ICtti."r Davkl ~ (1:08.8) and !he 50 r,.. (24.9). aQ\lqO(I 57 and junlOr Ii· Comer Ind~ eonabMed bcm Grf!'& Pord wnuibUtocJ 12 in &&.nda'i monou. 200 he •fur tho Antatcn {15-6, R & In relly (1:'3.M). The P..._ .alo the Mf'Sf}. Outs Pena leid the ~ the .tOO he relly (4:f0.2) • fftulns (12 9, 8·7) wt\h 18 JQlk and with SHri GOodmari. 5kjpplt lO blocD. . 'Jbdd, RIChant ~ and 200 INdley,....... -:1. u... ~ l; 200 free -1: ~ti>. 2'.22.7, 2."""' {U. 2:23.1; 3. MCEMnv (ll, z:a.1: 200 IM -1. Goodman tEl, 2;26,1; 2. Gtm- boa (E), UU: 3. z..mo... (!.); U1.2; &O tr .. · 1. ICunett CE~ 2A.t; 7. l'Odl'f guu (LI, 25.3; 3. M~ (£), '2U; 100 ftv-1 Z..mof9 It.I. t;OU; 2 Gam- bee m. u2.1:' °""tu 1:231; 100 rr. -t. ~ (U.11. 7; 2. Hermenn IEI, 1:0t.t: 3. ()geidd CU. 1:QU; IOO ffM -t Caller. Ct), 1:2\2; 2. Todd IE). HU; 3. ~ CU. 7:12.1.; 200 ._ r-wv -' ~ ca....... Ondft• .. ~ c.llerl, 1AJa; -... -1. Kiriilt en. 1lllU; 1 I• Daily Piiot SPORTS Saturday, March 8, 2003 15 HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL 'Wrecking Crew' punishes Vaqs, 14-1 Sea Kings belt out two home runs and seven doubles in a 14-hit attack. CX>RONA !;>EL MAR -P.resent· ing the Corona del Mar Wrecking Crfw, Class of '03. Th.ilfs how the Vaqueros of Rancho Alamitos must have felt Friday afternoon as they watched the Corona deJ Mar Sea Kings un- leash a 14-tut attack. bac.ked up with seven doubles and two home runs and Oawless defense. in ab sorbing a 14·1 baseball lashing in the first round of the Newport Ffu Tournament PRElay. Keith Long led the way with three doubles. going 3 for 4 with four~ scored Nick Palchi.koff had a solo home run and Todd Maddin socked a rwo-run four-bagger. while Jofl Bradbury. Barren Sprowl. Danriy Mann-Finn and Brandon Kurt7 belted doubles. The big inning was a tiYe-run third. and CdM ~ three in the fourth and four in the '1xdl. Bradbury finished 3 for 4 with 3 RBis and Macklin and Mario·Ftnn each had three RBis. Blake Contant started and went four innln~ allowing no runs and got the win. StodGtill finished ii out for Corona del Mar. The victory sends Corona del Mar into Tuesday's second round against the wumer of the Garden Grove-Sanut Ana Valley game, at Corona del Mar. H9wpGrt e.& TciwnwnM CdM 14, R Alemtto. 1 Scor9 by IMngs R.AJam 000 OIO 0 I 3 3 CdM tOS 314 • 14 14 o Wilson. Pe<uz (4) an<t Song Contant. Stodcstlll 151, 0ul'l28r m and Mann Fenn, Nodlolson 171 W Contanl. 1-0 L W11'on. 0-1 28 Long (CdMJ, Bradbury lCdM). Sprowl lCdM ). Mann Finn ICdM ), Kurtz (CdM) HR · Pah:h1koff (CdM ), Maddin (CdM) Newport off to quick start, 8-3 ~OTO~ Bf StAN HlllfR I lJAILY PILOT Costa Mesa catcher Nate Hunter 1s unable to get a shding Jose HE!rrera at the plate in Friday's Newport Elks Tournament opener :-Mustangs show some rust Costa Me sa allows six runs in first inning and never recovers. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot COSIA MES.A 'Illere were moment'> that would make rno'>l tut mm.ngs and Mruck out lour m the fifth and sixth But Lo'> Amlgol> went on to l>COre three runs m the final inntnK. which included a two-run home nm over cenrerfield by 6 foot I .• uo pound '>emor fo'K' Cardo1a Junior Adam Jor Sa ilors ease past Ce ntury in first round of Newport Elks Tournament. NEWPORT BFACH -A fast !>tan gave the Newport Harbor 1 ligh ba.!>eball team hope. which rumed into an 8-3 victory over Century Friday to begin the 2003 !>Cason in the Newport Elles Base- ball ToumamenL Mau F.Jickwn had a clutch two· out tut with the bases loaded to dnve in two U1 the bottom of the fll"'il to help Newport gain a 3-0 edge that quickly turned into a 6-1 mruwn by the end of three in· nmg<> at Newport Harbor. Erick.- c;on finished 2 for 2 with rwo RBis. Newport Marter Ryan Torrey struck out four while scanerin~ fiv~ hJt., and two waUc.s tn a lirlle more than 'ilX innmgs of work. Fellow !>ellJOr Ryan Heenan came m to -.nfle any comeback anempt m tht: top of the l>eVetlth inning. lom~} went I fo~ 3 with rwo runs ..cored. R.J. Miller was 3 for 4 with one RBI and a run ~ored. "We had a fa5t start,· said sec- ond-yecu Nt-wport Coach JoeJ ~gum The <iaJlor... 1-0 host Pacifica in a nonlt-agut> doubleheader to· day at noon and 3 pm Newpof1 Elu lol.nlament Newport 8, Century 3 Score bv lnnlnas Century 010 002 Tl 3 !> 3 Newporl Ji, 101 a n i Mancnaca <.1nd Rodnguez Torrey . Heenan 171 .ind Sanchez W Torrey, 1-0 L M anc:hilca, 0 1 28 Muller INHl. Ornelas !Conti gt'n<.on, the dl'''~ nated hlltt:'r lor tht· Mw.tang<>. rnllet ted an HBI :.mgje 111 the firi.t mning to g~l Me'i<I on tht• 'il ore board. I lowevcr, Co'>la Mc'>d hit 11110 fo11r double play'> and . coaches cringe and wince, as if to be 111 agony. Yet, Costa Mel.a I hgh Coach Doug Deats took a look at the bright 'iide, after the Mustangs' base- ball team suffered a 10-2 loss to 1.os Ami gos in the first round LosAm1gos 10 the l.obo'> retordcd Mesa 2 yet anotht.'r double of the Newport lili Tournament at Costa Mf'Sa t-r1day. It wa"i the season opener for both team!>. play becau.,e of a b a.-.e runnmK ~rrur b~ the Mustang ... COLLEGE BASEBALL UCI upends Aztecs, 10-5 •If I was giving 9 letter grade, I would give us a (4 • Deats said. • 1 don't thmk 11 was tragic. I still think we can be a pretty good team. That fir.t inning Wcl.!> tough." The Lobos '!cored SLX run'! m the fm.t inning After a slow c;tan. Mec;a 1umor Daniel Cooper serlled down. aJ . lowing jw.t one run, and st riling out four. "We had a real nice scrim- mage the other day and I thought we would be ready to play," Deats said. "But it just didn't happen.· Costa Mesa junior pitcher Jus tin Peterson completed rwo no- Mesa sophomore 'hurt-.lop AJex P1~:.kf crdflked out <1 two our RBI double to 'ilOre 'l'n11>r Nale Hunter 111 the third. but three ht~ over the final four 111 nmgs wa.<. not enougn ll1e Mu-.tang., return 111 \it•w port U b rnurnam ent alllon luesday and wtll play b ,tdJ1ua on the latter'<. diamond. Newport Eltls Tournament First round Los Amigos 10, Mesa 2 Score by Innings l Am 1;10 bOO "l 10 ti ~ M esa 101 ooo o 1 ., j Cardoza. Navarra (5) and MuniL Cooper, Peterson 15). Gomalci 171 and N Hunter W -Cardoza. 1 O L Cooper, 0 1 28 -M ercado (l.A) Pisarski ICM) HA Cardoza It.Al Costa Mesa pitcher Justin Peterson delivers in rehef appearance. SAN DIEGO -The UC Irvine baseball team snapped a four. game losing streak with a 10-5 nonconference victory over San Diego State Friday at Tony Gwynn Stadium The A7tecs (6· 13) opened the scoring with a run in the bonom of the first. but UCI (5· 11 ) an- swered swiftly, bringing JO bat· ters to the plate in the top of the second and tagging starter Mike Moat for five runs on seven hits. San Diego Stale narrowed the game to 5-4, but UCI extended its lead with a run in the top of the fifth and rwo more runs in the seventh. UCI sophomore left-handed pitcher Glenn Swanson. who is onginally from the San Diego FROM THE SIDELINES area. eamt:'d his first m of the ..ea.son aftc:'r pllchmg five tnUUlgs and gmng up five runs (two eamt>d I on two tuts and strihng out two. Swanson. who was not recrwted out of Morse High. said he wanted to "suck 11 10· the A:J tees before the season started ua wiD rare San Diego Stu:e to- day ctt 4 p.m at Anteater BaDpait 01 the second of a three-game senes. NclllCOl ..... ICe UCI 10, s.n ~St. 5 ScOf'9 by ua O'lO 010 10 111 • SO St 120 101 ooo 5 3 • Swanson. Koehler (6) and Wag~. Moat, Jenson (8) and Swaydan W - s-nson, 1 2 L -Moat. 1 2 Sv - Koehler (1) 28 -Wallis (UCI). Cool! (501. JB -Klemm IUCll BASKETBALL HONORS .Krikorian, Pinto ::first-team All-GWL Tribute to a legend Estancia's Lindquist, 1 Novak second-team honorees. ,, Cost.a Mesa HJgh seruor Danny .Krikorian and Estantla sopho· more Carlos Pinto top a list of , four locals named All-Golden West League by the circuit's :roaches. Krikorian, a 6-foot guard, aver· aged 16.6 points and netted 82· three-pointers for the Mustangs en route to first-team recogni· lion. A f our·)Ur vimity per· former, he was second-team AU· Pacific CoaSt League as a junior. Pinto. a 6-4 rorWanl. is another 'Ont-team honoree. In his second vaillty aea9()0, he led Bagi ' 'ICOttl'I 11 13.5 points per game. • Plnto's preaence helped EUlnda flnlah fourth and adYa.nce to the .. ClP Aayofb. IStand• nlora Joey IJnd· .. qulSt and 7.aclt NOvak are ond-team perfonners. Lindquist, a 6-8 center, averaged 12.4 ppg. lie was a second-team AJJ-PCL choice a year ago. Novak. a 6· 1 defensive ~lal wart, averaged 8.4.,ppg .• The Most Valuable Player is Ocean View junior Matt Sargeant. who helped the Sea- hawks win the league title. Friends and family pay respects to Newport's Freeman. football machine. ·1 he timing was bad Sportswrilerb of the day felt it would have , lined Freeman up A I most I 00 friends and once again with the relatives paid their future Heisman respects and Trophy winner named farewells to Dick Glenn Davis of Army, Freeman. one or the toughest one he remembered grid lineman to play for well from Bonita 2003Coechea Al-Golden w... Leegue . --~.,..,, Matt Sergeent. Ocun View Newport Harbor High in the High's '42 CU: battle '40 • last week at Pacific Hills with Harbor High In In Corona del Mar. the CJF OnaJ. Jr. Freeman, Oass of '45, who Meanwhile, Munlt Newport High athletes attending the funeral services, Including • « tackle Jim Douglas and fullback BUI Van Horn: '« All-ClF basketball atar Bud Attridge, basketball ace Jules Marshall and gridder Horace SUva. DON CANTRELL Freeman bad been battling pneumonia for five weeb at Hoag Hospital •before bis hell1 Just gave out: &aid Douglu. who had grown up with him out of Newport Grammar School . made econd-team All-CIP in subsequentJy wound up ln "We used tQ luff together, 1944 and was a ophomore Japan and camf' to ob erve the Sr taclcJe re erve on the aftermath of lhe atomic So champion hip '42 Harbor bomb'a Impact on N g ak.I. ~~· Uigh football le m. played After the war, freeman Sr under the late Wend eJI Pickens urpri ed many old rrtends by Although, 1t faded in the passing of years, Boero said the moniker came from his father. ·Papa· Gino. He may h ave weighed 240 pounds as an o utstanding guard for AJ lrwin, but many felt he was fairly quick on the gridiron. It brought amusement to "Papa• Gino. Grid rans used to wonder wby peopl~ ataned callJna Edwin Hanson, a '46 suarcf. ·0oc: a name that h endured ovn the ~ara. ·o • Boero replied. "Hanson had always bet'll a.rtna RSasse. and ftf Rgured that •onJydocton wear II • 8oeto added. FhttMm Denny Krikorian. Coste Meu Cano. PIMO, Eatanda B~n McGee. Senta AM Detric* At-. Santa Ana c...., Ortiz. OcMn View Ptttlde S.oderl, 0r-. Sr. and the late Le MilleT. eoterina lhe urfboard pursu.ine the best wa along Ed M r, who bdped a..d ...,.... ... Joir/ Undquiat, Ettancia hdc Novak. e.tancia Oenwtrius Msy, ~ Julttn Colllna. 0r-. Bur wuna. Ocetn VIWI Joe Muntz.. a tarting buslne . Munl7. recalled that bloclcJng back on the •44 team. freeman • a very (rl odly ~· rrmembercd Freeman •as one pctton and made fr1t'nd Jt: or the tough t guy around. t Uy.• tlence. he a good Sr I le loved football and he aa1 man. Jr. played wllh ln1t.n lty. • Unfortunately, F man Muniz and Fr cman I ft the enC'ountel'\'d a numbu of '44 t am before tho ea n tetiou medlc:al ptobt ma ln lhe coast, and now I Ute to think that Diel hu found that perfect wave. With a ride alJ th way to beaveo. • Ftteman la um.eel tJY w dow, Jan, and lWO daugbten. Ldlle and Jlll . Ora.nae " 10 • ·s 1 &rld t1tl at tKtJe. wu once eallecl • ey)al .. A tormer teammate. Ted • 1\'onrpeter, recan.d wftb a ... thal ii 9tUted wtth him. ~r. Who oftela pw Ttompeter • na.. Md a faUlcy ,I ' .. .. LITILE LEAGUE ·oded aft r the Navy called earller years hut tuid a good • • • them bo th Into World Wer II record of combating ctb c R ent I.ilk of old mctnama vtthtbat ... ~ tromP"" to 'c.i IUm.~AUey tw• nceme ... Wllilill abate:. :opening !Aly in Costa Me a ervfc:'e. f rnman wu lnitlaUy Munti A ti h one from Harbor Hiah daJ9, bu drawn Into tht Navy hocplt'1 ·• injured badfy ln a motorcyd prompwd a ftow Of n.-om In San l>lt&O for recovery from i.cddent and h left hJm OChen that a... IMl1etl In ra.. an ailment and mlaMd a Call Crippled. "Tb.at ldi hlm With 1 ofd da)I. frotn the Nny had '1MCb at Ump.• he takl. i:.w...,. a.w .._. •Olino• Ann1poW1. who had hopes of Muntz Mid be"° pleued • 8oefQ; IMt.11 f11!11H,J!Pt IM pulling tum ln10 thefta~ 10 • number oroaa nkblme .,._. .. .,. ~c:ew·•1-Anund0 Mani .. ~,._,. .... ................. ,,.., ............... .. ..... • Satl.rclay, ~ 8, 2003 Daily Pilot ...,_.,,..; ""' ,• . BRIEFS Contn.ted from B4 With a 5-4 victory ~ vi.siting Saddlebact, keyed.• pair of dou· b1es wins and singles. verdicts In the S·5;-6 stnglewlot& . 0CC 11 hddl 1• 1cf< 4 ....,.. _ Conlc-V IS) def, e.cket, 6-2, 6-2; Beebe (S) def. Nellon, &-7, M. M; lilnam1I (QCC) def. AJll>rooll. 8-3, 6-1; Slceli.tt (S) def. S...Um, M , NJ; Moriyem1 (OCC) def. Perez. 6-4, 6-3; Wenald (OCC) def. Tomeiko, 6-4, &-2. DcMablel-Bedc91' Tanamal (OCC) def. Beel»Althroolt. &-2. 8-3; . NeflOn..S..um (OCC) def. , Con~Skelleet, M, 6-3; P9fez-Tomaiko (S) def. I · Moriya!'la•Wenstd, &-2, !>-7. 6-2. Lions lose at buzzer • BASICETBALL: After 92 sec· onds of scoreless action and the game appearing to be headed for overtime, Ryan Roberts of Cal Baptist beat the buzzer with a shot in the Jane that gave the Lancers men's basketball team a 61-59 victory over Vanguard. · The Uons, 7·23, 3·16 in the Golden State Athletic Confer· ence, tied the scored, 59-59, with 1:33 left after freshman Uon Rosborough nailed a free throw. But Roberts' shot that bounced around the rim and fell in as the buzzer sounded proved to be the difference. Golden Stll9 AdMtlc Conflt"ellCI cat Baptist 81, V.ngu1rd 59 cal 8epdtt -Berokoff 2, OJanen 3, Elder 9, R~ 2$, Llng1tr11t e, Twl .. 13, Brown 2, Lands 1. 3-pt. goel1 -TINl11 3, Roberts 2, OJanen 1. Fouled out-nQM. Tec:hnleata-none. VMeu*d-Hartman 24, Pieraon 7, Ad1mc:;rak ,, Rosborough a. Burnette 2, Moreau 8, Cotta/ 2, Egkan2. 3·pt. go111 -H1nman 1, Ple,.on't, Moreau 1. Fouled o\R -none . "Technlcal1 -Hartman. Halftime -33-29, Cal Baptist. Sage Hill falls, 11-7 • TENNIS: Santa Margarita Higb's ~es dealt host Sage WU School ah 11-7 lQss in boys tennis Friday. to improve t<'-1·2. • .The Ugbtnlng. whic'h bad three single, players (Erle Bur· ton, Dan Chili and Ara Demir· jian) each win two of three matches. fell to 0-3 with a date at El Toro on Monday. Nonlequ• S. Margarita 11, Sage Hiii 7 Slnglea-Burton (SH) def. Grazer, 6-3; def. J. Patel, 6-4; lost to T. Patel, 4-8; Chin (SHI lost, 2-6, won, 7-6, S-0; Demirjian (SH) lost. 3-6. won, 6-3, 6-2. Doublet -Milovantsev-Montakab (SH) lost to D. Patel· Tennis, 2-6; lost to Rommel-Pikula, 3-6; lost to Jadc1-Rebenadorf, 3-6; Roser-Ramadan (SH) lost, 1-6. 0-6, 2-6; Livingstone-Kuran (SH) won, 6-2, lost, 0-6, 2-6. Sage Hill sweeps Sage Hill School's boys volley- ball team swept visiting Calvary Olapel of Downey Friday, 15: l, 15-~ 15-8 behind lhe double· attack of Kevin Joyce and Max Frederick. off the setting of Julian Smith-Newman. UCI Continued from Bl '· berth last season. Sage Hill wins opener Hood, wbo ts ave{aging 9.8 • SOFl'BALL: The Sage Hill points, baa 518 points and has High softball team staged a made 104 'three-pointers in tbrlWng comeback leading to a two season$ with the Ant· 10-6 season-opening win over eaters. Hood, a transfer from o.onleague visitor Connelly Fri· College of Southern Idaho, sat day. out his first year with The Ugbtning. trailing, 5,1, UCI due to tendinltia after 3~ innings, scored one in the knee. He dislo- run in the bottom of the fourth cated his finger Feb. and Ulen w~t for eight runs in 20, when UCI de· the fifth inning. Sage Hill scored fe~ted cat • State ftve rtlhs with two outs in the NorthOdge, but he fifth. has not missed aQy "They were all. excited," said . games. ' · UCSB UCI Utah St. °"'Poly Idaho Nofdi,_ one game remaining, still have the opportUnlty to reach Douglass' goal. He wants his team to play at lta best at the end of the 1eason so to have a: better chance to win the Big West Tournament title, whJch wo).l..ld provide uct with its first NCM Tournament berth In the school's history. The Anteaters have won or shared the Big West regular· season title the pa.ft two seasons. but settled for NIT ap· ~ l4 pearances after los- 12 15 ing tn the confer- 11 6 ence tourqa.ment ~ 7 bQth ye.ars. 1 the Lightning's &st-year coach UCI Coach Pat· fun Percival. "It was very en· Douglass said Hood couraging." has been receiving Freshman Catherine Dailey medication for the went 4 for 4 with three singles finger joint, and that and one double, and scored two the Anteaters' one-- Pacific Fullerton Ri~de long Bc:hSt 9 a "We really want to 1 \(I get ready for (to~ 1 10 nigh~ and' we. want 7 io to be ready for the 5 12 tournament the fol· 4 13 lowing week," Doug- runs. She pitched a complete week rest has also been ben- game that came with seven ' eficial for the senior griard. strikeouts and one earned run Douglass also said the sen· allowed. Sage Hill freshmen iors were responsible for UCl's Meagan McCullough (3 for 4) rec;ent seven-game winning and Debbie Yoder-Lee {two strealc:, which came after the hits), and sophomore Jessica 'Eaters had lost three in a row, Torina (2 for 3) also contributed including two straight home to the victory. games. The UCI coach is look- . ing to his seniors again to lead Non ... aue the Anteaters back to the vic- tory column. Sage Hiil 10, Conn elly fS Score by lnnlnas Connelly 300 '201 ll -8 7 o Sage Hill 100 1eo o -10 115 15 Rea and Comstodt; Dailey and Torina. W -Dalley, 1-0. Loss -Rea, 0-1. 28 -Shitani1hi (SH), Dalley (SH). Yoder-Lee (SH). UCI had its seven-game winning strealc: snapped last week. when UCSB played one of its best games of the season that led to a 67-51 victory. However, the Anteaters. with lass said. UCI defeated the 49ers, 69-52, to open the Big West season, Jan. 4. Long Beach State. which lost its first 11 games when facing NCAA Division I opponents, will most likely be attempting to end its season on a high note. The 49ers, who are on a three-game losing streak. have a 68-67 victory over Santa Bar- bara (Feb. 1). but another win over one of the top teams in the Big West would assuredly bring momentum for n ext sea: son . Tony Darden. a senior guard, leads Long Beach with 15.5 points per game. , .... Policy How to Place A --Deadlines ·-· --.,, .... Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified .advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can onJy be allowed for the first insertion. • • CLASSIFIEJAD Monday ...................... Friday 5 :OOpm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631-6594 By Phone (949) 642-5678 By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa. CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm (Please include your name and phone number and we'll call you biick with a price quoce.) .. Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Hours Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Mo~y-Friday Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday .. : .................... Friday 5:00pm Index -. ANNOUNaMENTS & MISC. I I' .. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2305-2490 llAa.ESTATE ltR SALE soos-saso -. I . ""' ' 'I :_.. ~ -...,,.;- ' , .. I I I .. Collectlllla/ 1413 Gtnerll Clta 3610 HOMESF.'OASALE Memcnbllll 11&0 ~iiiiiiiiiii~:iiiii Amoaramen11 1610 -Dets-/1C1f"91--_....--ORANGE 5400 TOP$$41KORHnc ......, 29,..... to -~ COUNTY .Im. CWt. ac. !ilJ's ' SJs tme Mlld'lt. Usa bst 2B r.:=. ~ ........ a Mlt, $clkr, taAll .. .. in f wemks. NllhnlJ U.I~ Mike 949.645. 7505 Older Style Fumiture == l~!Ul3 ... WAY lar momrra at.I Bllboa Plnlnsula anarra .... ran PIANOS 6 Collectlb6es aunnues eet II ~~lhomes. OClANfl.ONT ""'"'',....._..' .,..;_~:;:::--,_ NUIU NIW llMODR Cl.-~ ----·---Businaa H7t,OOO -"' .. CAIHPAIO .. ldqiabllle 3010 n-...tu..IH-AGT. $t4t·72M120 EWllla 1310 --·-'-""""'-nu-WE BUY .ATQ Stwe ttJO O'l .... ·& Bllimlllllnd CorollldelMar lQUM--• ............. "'-'dy...W.. M.mtt 6CIO S.fes,. 40" c-a..1a-. -._ Width. oven, brollllf & n•9'11•-._ COMING SOONll ~ IJ'ill. tnvn.cutata $2000/ CANADIAN DRUGS u Cu .. ld-4 s,r...., 200I All rHI nt1te •elver· obo, 949-67J..-OM.4 seen on n1tlon1I TV 516 & Sl•.5 ~ llsina In this MWlfllf>W ADT/ news open your store/ $"5,000 & 5749,ooo b sub)Kt to th• fedeul IVU. off!U helPl111 people buy & felr Houslna Act of 1961 nawnuGS IJMft !>f•sc:riptlon drup from 414 & 414.S ~ 11 amended which ,.""'"" '1'NV Canad• seva90".: 51,lts,000 a $7".000 makes It 111•&•1 to 803-276-21'!11 advertlM •1ny P<efllf· , _ 11 S«m l-"'f Hl•twfc COASTUNI llALTY e11ce, llmlt1tlon • ..-•M...,.,...... lefllM lr1m•d 198' C..b'"-8 Mt•7st-cnn d1scrimln1llon bas on VW.U~ 1111"4 of 200 S2500 obo, ..._ 16w::, ... , on rac•. colof. r~on. sex. so~A8T llMs..-20 c ....... 400 100.t :70f :::-":.,.... ,_ handicap, f1mllill 1t1tu1 subl••st 11 per st, -· .... "" ,..... "' « natlon1I «lcln, or en _ HOME louted nHr 405 a. 55 Harbof View Hills Ocun tnte'1tlon to meb en 281 .... IL freeways 949-632·6318 views aboOncl. 8"*1 • such Pf•ftrence, llmit'I• ... CA 11111 FURNISHINGS orwonderfur ....... ~ ~.!1s~ lion« diM:rlmtnallon." ...,.,.._CA_ •CM/.,.,.... 1'll1hf, .,,.._. .. ,. ~ -..- This n•W'IP•I* win -------fl Ill a.'35 ISOO Weck ef ~ OffwM•Sl.::,000 not knowlnal)' accept Eltlltlllll 1• 1l'llfl . lht4 ...... ,,,., u ~~-011r any advert1M.mt11t f« Antlque bdrm Ml, 8 rt a.. -4 A-LM. 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W... y., .....,..~ rd.dlc~.Lcno ~Only S7•j00. dotfllnt.-.. • .tc. c:.t ~t-211!1 811ctl.rdt!Lq8'Ul. &..-Jilolllia. ~ C. IWlr ... ..-wae liiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiliiiiiiil tiqWHI te21»UD ,_.._. .. 2.. !Ill... llUUtM f'041ft41 Ml llltlla ....-_...-_...._...___..__,;, liili!liililil!lil ... 1111111 -""'Ml.~ _, ........... ..., =z.. ......... .. .............. Sew llne. M ,.,........ ............ ,!9.....!.. ~ .. 1 ............... AlllllletliletWOtll -., _... .,..,, lletlll..... ~t ....... 1'1111 -- _ -~ · a a ·-...~~~------------------ 7402-7466 ..W510 l lndl'r the Sen icl' Directory Banner · Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-4245 The Newport Beach/Costa Mesa/CdM, Balboa Dally Pilot presents you with a great opportunity to promote antiques & ~Uecdbles.. Perfect for shops, dealers, auctions, booksellers, decorators, reftn.lshers, art galleries -develop your business with ust A Special Publication -Just for YOU! Publlshes: Space & Copy .Deadline: March 26, 2003 March ~, 2000 -5pm Release Deadline: March 21, 2003 ... Noon Call today! Ann Willey at 949 57¥4249 or fax your ad to 949--631 ~ Daily:APilo ' .. .. • I 11•-....v .... 11., U b• onACNID "'l 111111 i.o-HI '••h, '"'"' moldl11a. Jtiuttws tin" 'Ollnd '1'1tlll 1IOUCID TO S4tt,ttt M.,y fewet 1'•1Ma• IM~&Ci 9S70 MtsAVUlll OP( H SUH 11-4 1517 ahr 'it 3"' I 3141111 i.. . • ... 1,...~ .. 1'11. u.r-loc. 1" ~-~ .... , ... •-2. l8r+2.58•. Cr • I Ua Move 1n COfldl • I*> ~ta Meu Sl I II I lJO i111 W) 9.1J .Jlt, lewport Beadl OP(N HOUS--1-SU_N_l _-t_ 260CAGNIYU10 VIUAIAllOA 'llONT •ow HAlllOlt & OClAN VllWS ,.,,, ... , ........... DOUIU MH sums ·-U.tt..g·~ .,_ ,,,, .. t Ii.a alion No trtffic • '~ ... ..wi.i ollw\ •. , .... $1/<J.ln:l lo ~)J16 MwyArwi~ (949) ..... 700 .... ~ ..... ~Rllllllty \17 Via U6e Sou4, • •II IJy 1 .. ~ l Brown 1n • 11 ·inly 1 ~m•1nln11 3 • t •·•• "'tJte on entire ""' ~hr , 4bd, thru t fl • tOWt'f ) i llf 1ovl itoi k 10< 'l I I ft I .. (f't.O&ftt/ I ... trndmar" I I uulhon 949 497 111 If.II 141 ... 200 . •lUJ(S TOWNHOMU •~ ,. •1•.•nded upo aded "" une un "". nbell. I :01\qlt $!>49 900 OPfN SUN 1-S \'II• c nth~ &Oii tQUf..., ll f llt'IWtf •ti'• s 14J.900 41 ' •••., f' .tukon R•ally • 11'l fi l1 6489 •• s .. ,..,., Newport 1.1~,. ..... ..Jen... 4bo , I h ~ '""' rnorn utf111 r " I t<\) ~ 'i>d kot •ti>d • • ,,., ... t • urner lot u t 11 fe1ture' "'""'' Sl .649,000 <OASTUNl UAlTY 949 7S9 0117 .'07 I Oebereh l oft• S/49,SOO ls1abh~h•d • .~ .wl•••I ,..,.,., to .,i,,,,, 1,1 Id ... y I. "'""to.~ Rr "",., .. 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I& pitho. 2br Iba, all st. ~ S 1600,.m )'fly 949 !»411 1'lD! Op-. Sat 11-2 J2a L ...... ~ l4lP" 29r IBa. rp. SIMn ,..1y n::im I uth.. ~ 9&JJ6..5411 , ....... Er 2'/& Home. ,,., parn1 z.. P-• 2 llkrc >PC w 'd i....,, sleem rm bay YU'I. 21p'I. ~ S2~ )O'ly ~73 4034 4 l lod&-;-1;Gm Balboa Pe.nan Wed&• be.ach' Charmmc 2br I l/4b1 2 c &••. sone sla<y, sm11 larmly home Pet upon approval Yrly S2750/mo 949-121 1339 949-Z»!lln °" .,,_ -... ~""' .,,,,..,,. up coast .. down C.--1 le 48r )Sfla 11111'111y home ,,.,.,. for IM5e now $9.500/mo ~ty Clll 1111. O;iyna Pettit. ~3 8l99 Corona def Mar a-..,. ,.,.. ootttip. nu ~ yrd. -1-n cM, 1.-"dwd In. f P. w/d, flll. 966C2 ~. 422.30!) 21r patio. r p I &• • I< spc, ll57!>mu I•, I < sex: s 11 SOmo 2 Bkil' to Be Ca 8ch 9'9-7fiG.'3020 Dr lie Ille, .-y. Fp. 1W w/d ,.'4JIS, 5lnl t•d, p¥t bch fl/pets/,.,,., s 16!"JOmo .... 9'9-7fiG.90J9 , .......... J .,.. lo '-:ti, --' ~ .... ~ Clll fan, more. SllDno 133 E. 16Ch St."""' tor~ --2"21 Cal Ok. St•41e, very sm•ll, CIHn, llO QWklna. I blocll to beach •eenl SS50/mo 949 673 7800 I I r'• from $875/mo w/PI 111 lovely pied comm .,.. Tro $quirt, "•· Indy ladlty .,..., Mnct. tlTI 704-8649 • 9200 lr1 llr, new nrpel C. p11nt, cvrd '"f>O<t 211 16th Pl-f3 SI 100/mo no pets 949 720 9422 a-.... 2lr yard. .... pr w/d. rt loc nr 17th St St l50m l6J Roc:t.br 9$642 'fSll. 96-422-&U> l'.M. c..,... El'/lll• W/'fWd. 2 P'Mc .. I pr rww~U!8Mcnte Vista Wiii! " dst. w/d ~ $2100/mo 949 375 2816 SIK 2.SIMa ..,.,..r unit, corner loc1hon, 2 c•r t1ndem 111, wd ht.ups, act. S2200 949 67 l 7800 ..._ .. ~. 2sty condo, Hi!llts • U , Iii fl">lr SlJfla, pirbo, 2c e•' w/d, S2500mo 9ot9 19'i-40J8 .., ............ ...;;-s;. v.lNl1 LI\ :J:lr z.s&. don. LR. ..... mmter ~ jlQ.llll tab. 2t .... e.c-i s.u Al-. and ...... ~ rro st 96 2lD-0'20; Huntington 8eadl m l 150 ~ I 1/a. poo9 4 !*•. ..... yd. Pllbo. leuncrt pr. ... fNflY ' OMw 96942 2121 Laguna Btadl leach "-••, lbr lb• w d. sun<Mcll h.ardwood llr s steps to buch Sl6951mo 949 646 0645 Udo Isle LI ... lavfroltt H r 21• SJ2oo... yrty 626-282-7713 62• 297-6262 Newport Beach 100 St.pa to loy, ~wty Studio, p¥t entr, 11 t>., tv dwd lh, i.rtcht!••tt•. ~Slmn~201 IAYraONY ON UOO PENINSULA NIW21r21e COTIAGU P11vato Betth, Pool .tnd Spa W1I~ to Ouen Shops ind Restauranh lene 6/mo '/yr • Bo11 Slip An1table 710UDOPAll•Da. 949 673 61Jl0 or 949 723 58.)() • YIAltlY • LIA.SU Bill GRUNDY RCAL lOf!S t4t-47S-6 I 61 .......... 2br lbll tloul9. 2 c p . ~flt' l>ldl. ~cl. Prtc. <*'qiped fl l/2 000 Pet di ~J'll>.3516 v ,.,.., c;;&; 11>r lb• Ip, wd, p1tlo. ear • HSOj: pool (Ym, &ltod $1575/mo !M!l 675·2514 ,.....,. 2.lw 21/L 2-ar alt car, beach close. avail now Sl850m. 868 ltalyard t4t-6J 1-S l06 Davo Bayftont lower '8r J Ba 11 pil\lo, w p I lndry rm, mu~t see~ s I 975rn. 'Cl-9ot9 19f>.4038 llvfh tw .... , lse JM lbr on hY ana new c11rpet, new paint nr shops. s.:hools $1995 1-fNarlloe96Q2~ 1;oci; freld nur Balboa Pttt. 2br. 2ba, w/p•ho, $2100/mo yearly leas. t4t-71~75 Sir 21•, st.,. •• 5-4, JOBS OFFERED New,..., shone, "H'f d·-· 52200("'·· 949.2s1-111 Oonlestlc loyvlew Torroco Gated Ernpf detached house 2br 2ba, oyrnent 2 l att car, A/C. no pets Chlcl c..r......, S2400/mo 949 761J 1219 n r.bl r" NP8 my oo...,, J br 2 < wat•rirt, ITlU'!:I wedll f'tlldJ'Jt & dlMI hue• duk I blll to bch ~ & r.,..por, 11 •• , ... plle. laund. nu rernod, IU!fl.. 94964:> 2Glb $2400/mo 949 574 0844 8500 a-... ......,_, .....,... Employment ,., lie ................. -- newly rl'mO<leled, wMe MTIST J /T IOI do!<tom111 pc:Mt fnc.d yd. i.tolw! fp, ilr1 ~ Mm.I know pool ~ C. r,ar, W/d how IO 1>ot'"1 C. dlaw (.- $247!)/rro· ~.t!JXJ ....WC~) $11.ttw Newpo..t ShorH J l r, to sli11t Pie.~ ...,nd A frame $2500 mo photO'i & '~'"' 1" OH nw Platin~ P o eo. '>409 Ul<net IOI. double earaee ~ b.iand C. 9'/&62 Bllr t4t-49J-076 I. ---W IMTllly h<lmr 48r 900CJWPUI n .. ,pd fer 38 I b .. ~ NPB membt:1"ih1p ore •• •& aco)'••u ~ ~Id. df.Uol S3150mu yurly "i' · o-d ~ 714 812 56681 onented Qu•.llbou .. , .. -------must. Wtl D,., t.:. u~om ~ .. a. '--· re 5'•11war~ ~ c.11 Jon t.:kY11d wf,ac. cul~ '..K, 94'}72'1 z:Dl ur .. moo1 le:'> q&alt l"""ibol"hOod. !Me _,~........_..,,... IWW S320Q/mo+ ~ AvlllA I (~.:...-·· 1115,iOJ 949-95>252'l '"""' h•" open1n1 for Dcrta (fttry •nd NewportCoasl ••<•ptloftl•t. lde•I lor worlur1£ mother Moo ,..,._ CaYSTAI. COVl UASl/*W. 2 STort ~ 5br 500 + din pie &IJafdl!ci h\lf'Y CU5torTl ~... 11 ..... out. D•autm IOU<..he!.. llabcr 11111 lartd>c now i.dlr W"'J AwA 4-15-03 S7'9!lCVrno ~ ~2311 PUT A FEW WORDS TO WORIFOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 9am lpm, $15.,.. fA..,l.tt I Carol 949 650 9'>!!0 w...\' .._ .__ ~ SI~ Pl 15 tr ' ..... ~Slll»no ;io. tr ..... f rw Broclue 1118 896 I «B • , /1\M( ltBJ[f MAH- AGUt le st or tgP I"' 1hly Sun<lltr & Mondar oti..e and hie •N•tt~rw"' t C rp ~ 1_14 841 446& ~ma Ofllc. ....... l(T '"' ea~;ort ~' Must be r rliabl< & llutn1 111 al MlaMOll dlllll $17,'!Y '" ~.-t ~'>/!fl a;;p"'"'ol•t Bu-.y R11al ES!31r uffiu, '>+ Y'' P •11 PT (4 !HlS) NP8 s..i.y ~w·etp fa"' rl!SIA'ft9 M9-47S-212.7 HoME, HEAL.TH AND SUSINESS ........ .w .......... Custom 8utll Ins, Ctown Moldinp, Beu eo .. • Lf5n912 949 709 5642 C.,..Repatr~ -trc.ADO-trCAaftTo Repaws, P1tch1n1, lintell CO<Kltot.1\ eny sue job. Wholesltlel 949 492 0205 C..-Servlca .c_,...,..,_,". Soltwer• Up1r•dn. Tulorlna, Tralnln1 CooJ:if" °' 949-!0.BD concme a Masonry lrlcl I t.di s .... T ... eonu.te, Patio. llrMw!IY Fireplc, 680 Rers 25Yu E•P· Twr 1i.·S57·7S94 T (-9M- Ctme11lw11tll, 8ridl, lite a More R1!11ble No jOti too a111ett 949 548 6746 ~Servtcel C°"41'UTH SOlUTIOl'6 llJWl/lds, Rcp.11'1. (',,.,.,,,, l"C.J Built, ~~ ltltttn« ~ Ml. lf""'W I n/ <Lll1$U/t.11Jan CAu. fuf 949·S1CM1 30 Catt I~ G1 ri1 • 1 r:,•ntr t 1 r MUD •<Mii toOMl CU5TOll cmAlM ft.I MDroNS C. IODlE.lJC ~ ... ~ Lf517982949·709-5642 ITW'tllt...*-· ...... 1'7S n................. U612D44...., 714-6l2 9961 .,.._...,.'--..... LIMY ~ed 0 Youa I ~VIMUfT .NOJICTI C1fl a ptumbet. patnblf, hendymen, or 1ny ol lhe lfHI -YICH ltsled here In ow s.wvlce ctwectoryl ™ESE LOCAL SVC l'EOP\.E CAH HHP YOO TOOAYI Revovtlft & IMt.ll•tion TU DENI 949 673 I065 llaKl25 114-lllJ.2031 & Poltshlnc lrnertlne All Floor Types We"ll Also Re1ro111 C. Seal Your Kitchen Counters, Showen & Floor'l Mah It looll. lllltnewe .. ln ~O....s-toe l..U7-~·· M&l.Bl'S llUDWOOOS ~ ......... o'IW•illl•ll 25 Yni lef•tlme w1nanty tldt'e ·-....... , U IQ 44 714 !i01-491J "**wl. Door f-• .. =.. ~a...n .... LIS71l02!M9·5l0.65~ = ''" S«Vke, Yard Cleanyp Maenten.nce. Spt1nklef R~. H1u11nc {t4t}6S0-8781 Handyman/ Horne Repair ... c.tr.111 &&.p.n c.rp.ntry • Plutnbin& Dr ywal • Stucco PllllrtJrl&. Tiie C. ,,_ e 2Go-Yean C •penence• Je 714--Ht-5776 autTAl-HUSIANO fOff HON(YDO'S your honey won't. From EllKt to the litWten ... 949-548-~1 Q ... fty en.ft-Hlul"""' 20 Years E•perlt!nce __ ,._,. ____ _ rm Your H•rHl1m•n JUN• YO JHI OUMPlll M..t& 949 650 9525 714 968 1812 llESTORf • REPAIP & REMODELING 1-I '• AVAllABlf TOOAYI 949 673 55fi6 .. "' S1t11rddy, M1r1..h 8, 2003 17 INCOME T: SERVICES DIRECTO ·RY Call' 949.642.4321 PARTNtRSHIP -UC -ESTATES. . . 350 E. 17th See., 117 COSTA MESA , CA 62627 OVER 30t YEARS EXPERIENCE Tax Matters 13th yea< prel)Wina F9denll & State Busl,_. & PersOn.I Tu Returns EnrolMd Agent Free e-ftle e Free DUect Deposit www.~1.com ~.af9b1.com ~2 Newport Blvd., Sult• •6 Com Mesa, CA 92627-7140 Tel/Fax: 949.515.2862 GET THE PEACE OF MIND ONLY A CPA CAN GIVE YOU! ,,,. you gMting .. "' dtcb:tiolll you .,.. entllled to? Have your rt11.1'n done by a CPI\ It I REASONA.Bl£ rate. • • lndividUaVBusiness Tax Returns •Electronic Ftling • Get your refund in 1 to 3 days' Bodelmeter & Stathes ~ SIUdlys Cer*dNlc~ Br~ ,..,:::.,-:111 1949.851.967&1 I.Mt w.t o1 er. . ., OY OSTERHOUT, CP-----. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTAHT Over 30 Years Ex~rience TAX PLANNING & PREPARATION Individual • Corporation • Portners~ips Mlinber American lll}flute of CPA's CA~OfCPA's 949· 7 60-9033 2865 E. Coast Highway, Sle 308 Corona del Mar Are You Pa}Wg the Lowe;t Taxes Pos.~ible? Save Time and Get Expert Tax Preparation • lnd.ividual and Bu,mt..,,Hetum' • Basic·to h ·" <11mplt·\ H11um' • Electronjc him~ Call (949) 863-9956 IO '>t'I up m appo11Xlllt'Tl1 \\;ub)}k WC"t'lui.t\,al\d•t't'krnd .J· I WO \orth Rri_qol 'Ulu.• l ~i; '~pc>n lk.ldi, (..\ q~(if,c) war' Income Tax and Sdll Bookkeeping Strviu 30 YEA1!!' EX1'UllDICf. CPA OwtoiEA • Individual & Busmus lncom~ Tue~ • P•yrollTu Ruums • Esute Ta.xff/Pl;annmg • Speda.liiin& in Tu Delinquency & A udit Problems Person11lilfld s.Mc1 •I RNSOMbhi ~IU S. H&bl•E~ CM: 69-4 W. 19th St. (9-49) M6-1636 HB: 17479 Beach Blvd. (714) 847-1765 Everyday is a great da y • c.. O.l1un Oii 81nllryptcy Otl ha liens Oil Good Cr td1t Also Oil Prtol•"-Y Relr C. Purchne ·~F..._NI 800 i5o 1514 (AR IOl2l.D1 !!rd. McMng& .. llSl MOVlltS Sst /._ '•tv 1n1 Ill cthu lmut od fast, CO<Kf90U\, l "lful Tl638448()()2•1378 PUBLIC NOTICE l he C1llf Publlc Utifllles '<'mm"1>1on ltquttu lh•l •II uw41 hou,ehold 1n1td 1n11••• • rr tnt 111 r P U C t.al T numb• r. ltmn and cha11lleut11 print their T C P numw 1n an IHhe1 liHmenb fl yntt rt.YI IM1Y quuteo1n 911ovl Ill• l•&•lltw ol a lfte•er . 1111\0 •' ,h..,Hei.r. c1U f'UI l IC UTll 11 ll~ COM MISSION 114·U I •ISi in Classified! Be a part of it, place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 a......,~,...--­""°Porl mom ..,.., able tor coak1n1, <~~. ""'' hot> ... l!IPW .. ~ el< Creal lout ,.._.. 9&1'21).«0; Pltnting I ~ ~ow~ laMCT , ._.. ..... k•coc.r-..: P<ll'lll~at. lb.nlltlip & Repairs A~ Quabty joet hoe~. Cormt ,_.. 1937 l liof>l'N/ ~1714436811118 949644~1148 11! Plasfllring ' Sblcal .. /ht """1odlf ..., E•p Ree ~onabl• Depend•bl• l •3'9020 71 4 618 8114 •S--.&-. ....... R.UUCCIO R<IOll'I Alkit*' P'etchm& Ru'°neblel 714-9lH641 IOl 049717 Plla1lbilg • I I ,1 ' TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE • ---Pl&W'S AAITO lllfWty041 ~·97 ,.,.,, w/SHdlt lttw·f PWf•Ollly 5a mtlH WiEJCLY BRIDGE QtJlZ C•lt234) 11' 9IO f.lU ~~·w1~" J O 1• t 't{ha1 do you bid itOW? Q 2 .. A\ Solltb. vulQtrable, you hold: \ • • 3 o KU o A Q tS • A K 10 6 5 The blddinahas aroc.-.ded: sotrrH 1'Mf•: NORTH ~ l• ... J1;1 ..... f' • A Q f 0 o 7) ,, A Jt J 10 • fl The biddallll.1* l'#OCiedcd: SOUl'R «. WQ>1' HOR111 P.AST .. .... .... ? Wl\ll do you bid now? Q 5 -.As Sout.b. vulnenU>le, you hold: • Q 7 6 o 7 o A It 8 7 J • A Q J 6 M9rcecl.. '96 (110 bH11llflll lll•ck/trHm flllly k>acll4, sllov.roonl. ~ ~ 'Sii.~ 7lH51-2AIM The blddbi& bis proceeded; SOUTH WEST NORTH l o ,_ •• ' .... IMWl40<t c .,, Shlnemcl•, with tmm1c Grev l.ltv· Greal rec:otds. (flfl9180C) • $34,980. IMWUtl ,..._,00 , 1515 Uh ... ,... WMIM .......... ~,·· Y.-nehl. bottom .-II. no tnillr. F M-6.11 2391 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES • .. .. • ' • • t r • , • Whal do you bid a.ciw1 Whal do you bid.now? .., .. ,.. .., 1120 3lk ml. whlt•(11•Y ttf!r. mnrt, chro111• whit. b9111t' like ,.,w· co~ v5n:2A S27 ,995 f111 am WhlttW/Cf'Hm l"lhtr·•uto trens. (119193) $28,980. ' I I SEll 9000 Alltomoftve -------IMW '99 7401691<1111, 9QIM 3yr warr avatl, solver/ i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiii ar ey lthr, CO. hke new cond. v579241 S23,995 l11Ht G Cort firm firm. fWI ~ 8llr avail seats 4, hn 949-Sl6· l 111 evtrylh1n1 incl A/C Grut tor Balboa Penn/Island Boulfll new 2 yrs aao for Sl4,000. will sac11f1ce to best offer over SSOOO 949"47S..ss36 IMW '91 5401 llock/ Irey llhr, lmmac. 25.995 v c 60698 wcwauto.c:om 949-646-7822 IMW '97 3211 Conv. sliver /1rey llhr, 78k. lmmac, Sl9.995 vt98272 wcwaut.o com 949-64&-7822 IMW '91 3211 c-v. white/ash lthr, 1mmac, 5spd, $19,995 v21~7 wcwautocom 96&f6.7822 www.ocpal.co111 IMW '99 M3 COllv blue/e-rey, 5spd spot lev . $26,995 vc43277 WCWllllto.com 949-646-'1822 Coclllloc '96 Devllle Emeraklarrv'tM lttlr, Sl4* clean, $6895, v305523 wcwaulo.com 949-646-7822 Coclllloc Seclon DeVllla 'II 55k m1, eood cond 1n & out Must see! Sl.250 949-646-7624 Coclllla< '11 SIYllle blue, auto 1141< m1, nice S8 95 v699270 wcwauto com ~7822 O 3 • As ~ w lnctablc. you bold: • K 1095' o AQ11 o 114 +AQ Thcbiddin~ SOU1ll EAST • • Pllill • .. ,_ ' ,, . What do you b\d now? • Q 6 • As South, v~lc. you hold: •85 1:1 Klt95' O AJIO •1053 ~~; lo r-I '"' lo ,_ ? Whal action do you lake? Look for Gll.Sl4 tn on MONloy. I Slit ---1888 www. I.,_ Merceclaa 'M 560 SL white/tan, 1mmac ~ IMWUO<l C-,.'01 Steel Grey w/G,-ey tthr·spt pka·3lk milts full BMW wtrr <•l9214C) SI0.980 J..-rXJ• s~·91 This• one 11111 per· fact Sh1ney Black su per-chlf&ed utdan (1188581) $29,980 -AatDmaaw 90IM "" .... ,_ .. -drama ~ n.151·3164 Mil SlSOO ''9 Black w/l an lthr Starmark warranty! (•18977) $42,980 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij ~~ "t6 SMrtnit ,...,... ..... lUI Vanden LXI Conv: V6, 5411 ml, 3 Ptu 3'11 mi. sparkhn1 'f' wa<r avail. apatkelinl blk/tan lthr, CD, chrm blk/tn lthr, CO, superb Whls, full reel warr. hke hkt new cond v259721 new $28.495 firm $6995 hn avt~ 8llt 949-v842614 f1n1ncin1 avail 5 8 6 • I 8 8 8 Bkr 949·586·1888 -ocpa1i1.-· -.ocpobl.ca111 De~9t '97 h1tref'lcl Jol"ar '99 HI Co11v Sport 3.5 V6. 47k mt, 3411 m•. full ractOfy warr, whlte/erey Int, aaraeed, sparkhne black/oatmeal n/s, like new S6995 lthr, CO, chrome whls, fin1nclna & warr avail like new, v677295 Bkr · 949·586·1888 $34,995 f1nancina avail -.ocpol.l.cetn Bkr 949-586· 1888 forcl '00 bcunlo11 XlT -.ocpobl.com VIO, 2911 mi, sllver/erey Jejp "95 GiQllllf o.w.. lthr, CO, runnlne board.$, l.A'edo 4•4, 6 c~I, white, fully loaded, like new, s 5 7 7 5 v 5 4 7 5 7 1 v 8 7 2 581 s 2 3. 4 95 Ir. wcwau1D..conl 96&f6. 7822 nenc1ne evallable Bkr 949·516· 1 HI ~ .._ ... , Dllciowey --OCf!Ol.1.com '£! En ,.,., «In ~ far.I '95 T-rv• GL lllw. lia mrrl, 'real ~ showroom cond. white. seats r-• a>. superb fully loaded pwr seats, orie cond '""'57291 Sl.2.9915 53750 714· 751 ·2464 fNncq & -8¥llll, Btu Nf..514-1 ... far4 '97T-rvsU: WWW '*'-71111 ml, Wh1te/1rey cloth loaded books & records Lani ._ "ta 0..-V non smoker, $4000 obo LE 56k mt. white/tan John 714.377.1154 lthr dual mnrfs. CO FarCi ,91 Wlllthtor Gl brush eaurd, hke new. v726641 $14,995 ft 7 p11ssenter • 6llk ml, nanclne & warr avail Bkr clean, $6,995 vd80981 94._516_1 ... WCWMl!o.a>m 96-646-7822 HONDA ACCORD lX '99 www.ec;paltl.c..., Champaene, Only 20K LOJ1u1 '00 ltX300 aJIYer I mo, clun. perfect shape lllY ft hr. nav system. I o wner Musi See 1mmac. S22.996 ll004959 S 13,500 949 515·9031 wcwauto mm 96&f6.7822 Nav, CD, 291< miles H011do CRV '00 auto LOJ1u1 '94 SC400 Coupe #003263 $60, trans. ac, full power, cc, Gold. l·owner, chrm whb, Cab, black/black, Tiptromc. must see #461771 $27, TH ... 0'5 BURDPllAN AUTDHAUa 0--llO C:.-0 "' ... 1..aro.598-9754 low miles. $15,900. Pp. showroom cond. new 949·574-4244 tires, sunroof. earaaed HOiMI; PrekJCie Sapcl, Sl2,250 949 720 0507 red. snrf, multi disc CO, Lht<oln '02 Novl9otor black/trey int, alloy JOI< mt. full fact wur, whl1, superb oria bOdy silver sand/Ian lthr CD & mechanlcal cond stacker chrome whls . $4995 obo v797212 Bkr utra seat. v672518 9681'>Mllll -.oqllham $29,995 Ion & warr avail h11~u '94 Troapo-r U Bkr 9 4 9 -586-1888 ••4 '*"11Jt)' lllw, ""° -·-•cpoM.c- tlri, deM. -v92D3ll4 ......... ._ ... <230 --*>cqn~7822 Emetald nl\/t1n lthr ..... 't4 J,_.r S ~ JlUl!e-617317 .......... .,...._..LS 'QO .... oo1 luths. .. HlrH, ..... 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Be a part of saving a life and feel great about doing it. This page is presented in conjunction with local animal shelters and Newport Beach Animal Control Services. For iust $19, you can add your own special thoughts under the pct·s photo. It will display your name as the spo11$0r of this pet, or you may include a loving memory of one of your own cherished furry friends. . SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR FORM Na.111c_·--~~----------.__...;....;~-------------------------~ Addrcss=-----------------------Cicy:. __ _ Credit Card#:, __ ;.:..:;,.:. _______ .._........._.a;.A Signature·-__ ....;;.....;_..;;,;....... .......... _-..;;. _____ :.,.-.--=--------=-----;.;.... Phone (optional) ... · ------------=--'--.....------- For check, make payable to: Daily Pilot ·Text to appear in space below photo, 20 characten or I~. Choose One: CJ In loving memory of. ___ __:~.:....:;.----'"'"'"""---"~------- Sp<>nwred by __ ~--__;i;.~~~:....o-__.:;,;~-..;.;;;=--~--'~~ Mail tha form with your chcde oi c:ttdit ciid information to: Save A Life, ~, Daily Pilot, P.O. BOX l 560, ~ Mesa. CA 92627 Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa Me,a Daily Pilot and Huntington Beach Independent to reach over: 100,000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit card # or mall with a check todayr Run for a we our card ot sell, we' II run it for ~nother week FREEi All for just S20·. I I . I Hime ----------., D YES, SEU. MY CAR Qty • L - ... = 0.,flllM a:IOW llir II. Oo.-Mw; OA-r ... ...,. .......... 1 .... -... ----- --- • DARE',IO ~:tNofffAGGLE Pa1c1NG • _, ;I ,cu-STOMER COMES FIRST . ~'.';CJ\'f:f SHOPPING MADE f.Asy A.EAT WHEELS. GREAT D ·EALS. THE I SUBARU ALL-WHEEL DRIVE. AWAY ·SAVI . .-OVIR 1 DO MODILI TO cH·a·a11 FROM •ce111u••• Dl1e1t le1t I,,.,. The Lt11t 'Ive v .. ,. .. ,_ . 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