HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-09 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot\ ( d . SUNDAY EDITION Serving the Newp9rt-Mesa community since 1907 ·MARCH 9, 2003 HIGH s·cHOOL GIRLS ·soCCER CHAMPIONSHIP . Mustangs share CIF crown Walnut contains Costa Mesa's explosive offense in 0-0 CIF Division III title game fie. championship. ·were going to celebrate as a team.· said junior defender Stacy Krikorian,oneofmanystandou~ who helped hold · off Walnut. which outsho1 Costa Mesa. 15·8. "I'm a little disappointed, but we accompfisb~ so mlfch. We made history." season vit10ry record by eight The Mll!.tan~· high-powered offense, whtch had outscored op- ponen~ 105 15 this season. was held in checlt by a strong Walnut defense. Walnut became only the second team to blank Coach Dan Johnston·~ Mustan~ this season. Mesa averaged 4.2 goals per game. before Saturday. Costa Mesa's Sharon Day (9) keeps Walnut defender Courtney Saldivar (3) turned · around in CIF Div Ill trtle game. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot FUUF.RlUN -The CIF Southern Section likes to pmmote a sponsmanship program called "Victory with Honor,• but the Costa Mesa High gitls soccer team proved Saturday night there can be honor in a draw. as well. C..osta Mesa (22·1·3) and Wal- nu1 (20-4-61 played to a scorele>.s deadlock in the OF Division Ill COMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Prices got you down? It could be worse , 'F ill i• up?" ~No thanks. just two gallons. I only have a twenty on me.· How 'bout those ga.pricee1 Ln case you missed it, Friday was a big day in the Land of Orange. Just 48 hours ago, PETER BUFFA Orange ·County set an all-time record for the average price for a gallon of gasoline - S2.05. This is so exciting. The previous record. set on May 25, 200 I, wasS2.04. These days. when you sUde open the Utde plastic door on ·the pump and reach for the receipt. it's like getting a letter from the JRS. You're afraid to throw it away. and you're afraid to look at it. And that's for my wimpy little car. My wife has one of those SUV's that kill everything In sight and support AJ Qaeda. and those receipts I do throw away. My doctor says I can't look at them. The average cost per gallon of gas in califomia ls. of course, the higheat in the country right now. You know why of course. everybody does. It's the threat of war in Iraq. Ob. and the lagging SM Co.ENTS, Pace A4 ftSl>E THE PLOT LFE& LEISURE Adventures abound Down Under eXploring the Greet e.rier Reef. ......... championship giune at Cal Stale Fullenon. . The standoff, after which no overtime was played. pe'r section rules. gives the Mustang~ a share of the program's first section championship. Before this sea- son. they had won only one postseason game. While some Mesa players were down~ after the end of the 80- plus minutes of regulation, others said they would sa~r the co- The deadlock extended c:osta MesaS unbeaten ~ to 23 games, but ended its . winning streak at 17. Costa Mescl, whidl also captured the program's fim league championship this year. winning an 12 Golden~ contests, broke the school~ The game marlced the end to the prep career of Mesa senior -Sharon Day. who amassed 83 goab and 71 assis~ over her four varsi 1y seasons. . For lllOft ~ see Sports PageBl. SUNDAY STORY . , 5TE .,if >J CRAAI'. DA! , PllOT SEAH HUER I DAil Y Pl.OT Hank Adler. chAirman of the Toshiba Senior Classic is retiring from his posrt1on at Delortte and Touche to go back to school and become a teacher. A ' bit more sc-hooling· Hank Adler, known best for his work on the Toshiba Senior Classic, is calling management quits and heading back to the classroom -to learn and teach. June C•sa•r•ftd• Dally Piiot A t 57 years old. and at the end of a prestlgfous career. Hank Adler Is going back to school DONUACH/tw.YPlOT Toshiba Serior Classic c<>ehairman Hank Niter hits hts approach shot on 14th hole during Toshiba Pf'<Hm townament last ye• . The longtime Oeloltte & lbucl\e executive and CO*cbainnan of the . lbsh.lba Senior Clusic golf tournament la cuhllig in on his 6rst opPortunity for early ttdieinent to punue a c:htWn th8t bu been on his mind since before he eYerl atalUd hll MXOundilg career: ·1 want to be a te.cber. I~ .-W.JI wanted to be a teacher. If the wodd '*I~ a dilferent place when l 8rst got out his mind ls thorough)y rcfmhed ~t wh81 it• Ul.e ol 9Chdol. I would haw probably become a te8CMr co be a atudent. he will look for a job ~ hiat' s:tght then,• Adler ukl. . lthool history or IOdal fi"'- Adler, Who allo terVa on the boa.rd at tloag •t tove Udl, 1 l<Ne history. ff perfect tor aw," Mid Hospital. ii belt mown amongl<X:81t r« hit woR: on Adler, who .wnita tha1 bo the oldest in blS dulel. the 1\>9hlbe Senior OMslc Bolf tournament that "but not by•much you'd think." bellna In IM th.n thttc ~ -a jOb he'a not He lllcl he hopel to woct tn hki MW career at~ about to aM up e¥en u he tu:el muter'a·leWl 10 ~ hopeluly much '°"lef. And lhou&fl the COW1el in ech.adon at Chapman Unlvtnlty. ...__of hii new fob wil mean be PnJblbtJ l1lri't CMuaUY cHMt 'J ' 11 the Idea that ffillht hold OCherl tab• on a~ llftemoon to P..Y with tOW '*:k-that 51 ll too oldJ() IWt •new c.Mr -plOI. ~ lft hei'I be It* to Rel>~ hll dliliei Mier, who turn157 In...,.~ ...... ctm.. . ..... ~~ OIMicfor,_.. tommt. ~ lhll ..w«. tfejllllil to Mw I~ 9fta _ ..... tWC)'Ol• 11iif4hld. • llklAiller. a.-....W .. maa1~.-ollhllywmda :ra&t1~:= ,... .. ,_~wW .. "pN I • _..,...,.,.,_,,.._ ....... ....._n.a. 1w1n , • ...,.,. ... ,..., ... Let FYI The Toshiba Senior Classic golf toumament will t.lte place March 17 to 23 at the Newport Beach Country Ctub. For infonnatlon, including • schedule of events, visit www.tosltlba•niordosic.com Oii ~ (949)~1001 . .. 1\'evino and fuzzy l.dlu. This yar. be'll ~ p\ft.t for fun with Don Kennedy. ln the early 1990s. Adler even pbyed In ibe tournament alonpide brother· in· law JoM ~ Adler first beogan volunteering for the tOWMIDtftC around 1986 and became co<balimlln alcJaC Whh Jake Rohrer in 1989. Most of hb voluntrer tllDe spent woridng with the eYtnt sporuors, k.Mpina them happy to contribute to the dw1ty golf~ for years to oome. I , · .. And it's a job far too fun or rewardiric to pye up. be .aid. • ·Al the eod of the daJ. the dVUI Olebe IOUmlmenl • l,100 WU'lt &eu1riC ~ whb • lule nuinbc'r ol ~ aDd beiDg 1lble to Writ a ched for• million to Holl ttolpbl. • Adler -.1. -:rbat'a What It Ill M>oul. We hlM a..... " Hia pw1on for the~• hil pillion a tMChillg la redy an ateftllion olhil ~ lot Md; ror /def, therH no l1llllGD lo l¥tt 9C01> 9hclOU..a for 10'll dnllml. "Afle II a numb«. lbu oQIJ lmiM lhii dmall once to die bat ol my b\awae .. IO,..... IOC to do tbe bell 10'I can. 1rNlybrelkw11111..\111 .. ,... a nUrhb.r; It bOI. bmiet ~.., ....... lid.. • .._CMJ'Mt.MllOCMl'IM• P , ... _.JIM ..... Alrpcift. .. ...,be ............. . ., ........ ,..._arr 0 ..... , 11 I .. Al ~. ~ 9, 2003 NEWPORT BEACH Judge signs off on JWA flight caps Flight caps at John 'WaYne Airport appear teCUre a1ta: a distrlct court judp sigl1ed olf on the expanded John_ Wayne- Setdement ~L Newport Beach leaders cheerecf the IDO'Je, saying Chat while it was no surprbe, It stm makeS for • some comforting usurance. 1he Orange C.ounty Water Dbtrict bas latmehed a massive public lnfoanatioo agn~ to inform residents about its Qoundwater Replenjshment System. The program tmds waste water to drinking-water quality then injects it back into the Wldergrouod water sUpplies. Greenligbt and anti-Greenlight forces pulled out the big 8'lM in ~n for a aty Council study session on . campaign reform. Both sides accused the other of impropedy bandll.ng and reporting their campaign ftnanais A UO-aae Orangie Coast River Put wiD get its day In the sun Tuesday when coundl members hear a presentation on the project. Organizers hope to that the part. which Includes Costa Mesa. Orange' Qrunty and Huntington Beach lands, can provide open space and environmental benefits. • JUNE CASAGRAN>E COY8rl Newport Bead'l end John Wsyne Airport. She may be reedMld ll't (949) 57oM232 or by e-mail et june.caugrllfldetllatim-.com. BUSINESS Sterling BMW nears purchase of Auto Bistro ...... Managers of Sterling BMW by mid-~ said they expected to dose escrow OD their long-planned purchase of the closed Auto Bistto restawant oat dool:. Sterling general manager John Belanger said the deal would be done shQrdy, after Orange County planners approYe final amendments to the pan:el map. Sterling plans to use the land to expand its used-car bwiness and service area. Sterling is purchasing the land from Theodore "Bob'" ~ins, Jr., whose 6iifier ran Robins Ford at the site in the 1950s.. Both parties declined to disclose the tenns of the deal. lndudlng the purchase price. In ocbct. news. the Four Sea,,om hotel maoe• published 1n two travel ~ that Include Lt IU1lOJ)g the top ~in the WOfld C.oode ~ 'IhM:ler listed the h.muy hotel on its annual Gold Ust of the world's top 700 lodgtngs and nawl & Leisure induded it on the T8d.. 500, the top 500 hotels. 0 Despite high praise for its businea-friendly atmosphere. C:Onde Nast said the restauran(s dining wa,, "nothing to write home about." Hotel managers disagreed with that assessment of Pavilion. • fWJl a.MT0N COV8f'S the environment. buline9s end politics. He may be reached et (949) 764-4330 or bv e-mail et pau/.dinton@latlmes.com. COSTA MESA Sober-living home loses council appeal The dwner or a sober living group home st:rudt out in her appeal to expand the number or clients &he serves by two. The aty Council voted unanimously to deny Eleanor Manion. the owner of OoYe Cottage in the 3100 block o( Cod Lane. to ~ her dients from lix to ~The dty is already lmolved in a lawsuit against Manion for exceeding the dty limit of lix clients. The dedsk>n means that Manion now bas to reduce her clients to sh or face the dty in court in June. ___ EK IN -RE-VIE-. . . PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'IN PERIL, OVER FREEWAY' PUBLIC SAFETY Costa Mesans lose power after outage An Wlderground transformer outside Diangle Square Tuesday afternoon paraJyud downtown businesses and triggering power outages in the area. No one was hurt in the incident that happened at about 3:20 p.m. in the1800blockofNewport Boulevard, but more than 2,000 customers lost power. Service was restored in an bour to all but 22 customers. who bad to wait until the next morning. However, most businesses in lkiangle Square closed for rest of the day. Witnesses said they saw a conaete grill cover blow up and shatter and then saw yt!llow smoke spewing from the damaged vaulL , Fire officials said they did not know what caused the blast, but that Southern California Edison was investigating it • D&CAC: NEWMAN aMn Costa Mesa end may be l'9lld'9d et (949) 574-4221 or bv e-mail et deirdre.newmanfllatime&oom. EDUCATION Students read to honor IX. Seuss' birthday lo honor o( Dr. Sa.as,,' birthday and in celebration or reading, 9Cboob in the Newport-Mesa School District partook ln the natioowide Read Aaolm America event mt week. In an effort to encourage children to read and speik their academic drive, adults took time our of Mi Job is to be the ere-'and ean of our 'tommunfty. This means covering the belt•and , wopt ol tblnp. Hveo events as tragic u last~ suid4le attempt But no matter what the situation ls, It ls my responsibility to capture the moment-to teU the storf through my photographs. Th visually communicate through plctu.res isn't easy. Sometimes I may think I'm telling the story as best as I can. but. sometimes, it isn't perfectly dear. Maybe it's about The moment Maybe it's the excitement of not knowing what's going to happen nm. I feel compelled to search for that peak second, tha~ special glimpse of life, like the one of a father breaking down in tears as be hugs his son at a high school graduation or something so horrific like ~g witness to a man falling to what he Intended on being his death. But being able to capture the human struggle and heightened emotion unfolding right before my eyes in .one dramatic frame. demonstrates to me that I have fulfilled my responsibilities as a photojournalist ·Sean Hiller To view the photograph in color and Mar CHP Sgt Rogelio ~Ch1co· Ramo. rsn.ct on Ian WNA'~ dr.matic rncue of Jorge Dominguez. who aunnved, elide onto www.,,.,.nbc.com/modulesl theweeklnpktural SEAN Hll.LER I DAILY Pl.OT Costa Mesa flrefighters check an underground vault wtlere an explosion rocked Triangle Sguare, shutting down power in the surrounding area. • ~ BHARAnt covers public Nfety 574-4226 or by e-mell et end courU. She may be reectted et (949) c»ef».bharathtl111tlmn.oom. their bl,i.,y days to read to kids. In older to help children train for the Spirit Run Race, a group of students at Halbor View School in Newport Beach prepared for the annual race Tuesday with stretches, sprints and aerobics. In addition to ~students pbysk:al training, the dinla also gave them tips on m.ttrition and hydration. A benefit to raise money for Newport Halbor High School teacher Jerry Tugaml was held on Wednesda)t Groups of studentB, feDow t~ and friends attended the event, which WU held at The OUcb:n Coop, to show their support and raise money for blg term medical expenaes for the 31 ·)"!81' ~ Thgam.l &Ufrered an aneurysm on Feb. 3 and was in a mma for a few~ He is now In stable condition and showing sigN of improYement Gene Farrell. the Interim president at Orange Coast College was offidally named president by the Coast Commwlity College~ Board of nusteet Wedne9day night Rlrrell bu 31 )Ul'S of experience WOl'ting both as an instructor and an administrator for the disb1c:t and bas been very &dive in the college's budget problems. • OtflS11NE CAim! I 0 covetW education end ITl9'f be reecNd et (949) 574-4268 or by e-meil et dlrllt/M.oatrillo lltirrw.oom. Notable Quotables ~thmlsan aploslon. p ·lfJWl1V1Wnd ,,.,,. ""awayfrom lhers. They should mJtvale ~ not~ taWOnL" -Bob Dmtmn. Costa Mesa Police eergeant, Oil ~ interf.st In a transfo.rmer exp&oeion at Tdangle Square on Tuesday "Its importanl to know that quaJily standards for our groundu.Gter basin are as tpod or~ than bottled water. If therB's a bad chemical out dwre so~ In the water supply. it! more Ukdy to end up~ yoivbottltd water than In the grounduKllel: Me. I'U drlnJc the groundwater. .. -~ m. Newport Beach assistant city manager. on promoting the Orange C:Ounty Water District's Groundwater ReplenLWnent System -Jenna Owtlllon. an ~PJementary fifth-grader. on Ik Seuss' •Green F.ggs and Ham· during Read Aaos.5 America day on Monday "CDsta Mesa should be cnJJed the 'Oty of Public ~inst.tad of~ 'Oty of the Ans. .. -Beth RdMul, Costa Mesa resident. on a businessman's request to build a two-story mini-storage building near residences on Tustin Avenue ·rve U!tzma:I thal you should mur off slow bec:ause if you start off fast, you wottt be able IO /fnish. • -Paullna 7..ulJlllov, an 8-year-old who has competed ln the Spirit Run the Wt three )Ul'S. on how to make It through the SK "Why ls aiaythbtg bnng done in S«:l'«)'7 ~ is being done in st.eallh. It is not a historlaJI monummL It ls an e)G)n!.. -Dick Nlcbo9. Newport Beadl coundJ:man, on why no one was told that the Port Theatre wa_, sold 1 ~ )Ul'S ago and that plans exlsm to renovate the cloeed theater DailyAPilot .. Corelw..o.t News~ (948157 .... corM.wllrlone1'tJnw.Q0111 PttOTOOMPHERI Box 15CIO, co.t. MeM, CA 92826. Copyright No news storiea, lllultnrtlone, editoriel IT\ltlef or ~ l'lefeln cen be l'9Pf"Odliced without writlJln permiuion of oopyright OWl'IM. SURF AND SUN ' ,.._Edlafe Glne ~.Lori Anderson, PIM.II s.ltowltz. o..lie4 5cr..na NEWSST.Vfl .,... ...... Crlmeend couna~. <•>57~ dMpe.blwllthe/ati,,._oom JwwC* t•Mll Niewpo,t 8eec:tl 1'9pof11et, lMl61+.Q. /u.M.~fidm.w.com ...... °"*" '°'ltka end erwfronment r~, , ... , 7'4'.4330 pttU1.d1ntione111t1,,,...com Ylee ..... Cotumnllt cultUre ~.(Ml) J74-G71 """"-,,.,,,.,•~ .,.... .......... ~ ~ "'*""· IMIJ7.wa21 --..,.....,..,,.,,,..,,._"°'" Cll 1 • ac.119 ldwo9don 1'9POfter, .. ~ ........ .,. ....... .,,,, Sein Hiller. Don lMd\, Kn'll'ipow READal HOTUNE (948)842 .. Reoont your commenta about 1he Delft .-iiot or NIWS tlpa. MMllJ Our eddr-11330 W. Bay St., C:O.. M.., CA 92821 Ofllce hou,. are Mondiy • ffidey, e.30 • m. • & p.m Coc1ud11M ... the Pllot"a Pollc:Y tO prompdy-COMCt.,. errOi'9 of .. ti.t.ence. ,,..... c.ell (Mt) 7'4-"32'- HOW TO REACH US ChulMlon The Tlmee Or~ County (800) 252·9141 ........... Q11 Wtd(948)M2-5878 Dilipf9y (948) 842~1 ~ ..... (949) 842..selO ,..., .... )57~223 ........ , ... ,~170 ...... ,_ (948) 860-0170 1.....it dMlypllot.•~oom MmlltOMee ........ Olloe (941) &42"4321 ... .._,.. 19481 aw12t WEATHER FORECAST Plltd'ly morning low doud9 end fog ere In the ton.c.t with • mocttv aunnv aft.moon. Hlghe In the middle 80a to near 75degreea. The fog end low doudt roll ~In OYet' n~ and overnight lows expected to be near 60. Mondr(e condition win be fnuctl of1he .. m.. lnlom.cloto: www.nw..no...gcw BOATING FORECAST Wlnde wtN be veNble, 10 knots or ..... becom"'9 ' W--1y In dlrtcdon in the afternoon. WeYM preclcted et 2 f91tor ..... wtthwaet .w.nt of2rwt. Out ...... V8Nible wlnda gt\19 ~to nGl1tMwt 10-to 20-llnol drllftl In the~. wtlttW8Wlof2Mt end.wtlt olfour ..... ................... ........... In ...... SURF Sunday loob lib. fefrty smell turf day. But Monday euffers cen expect to ... • mbc new activity. Nothing too epic, but the 8W8tt is e>cpect9d to hits> '°"""' t.dng bcwb get Into Wlilt-high turf. Thie .. not loc*Jng Yef'Y OOf'*-nt .. welt. :The dc>mlnent pioftlon of 1he swell 18 eome nonhwelt ec:dvtty thlt wtll bUtld more on · Tueedey • .... .-v: WWW.11.1,.,,,,...otfl TIDES ....... 7'43a.m. 2..-o2p.m. ~57p.m; 12:80 .. m. WATER TEMP£RA1URE • f 'I ... • .. , . I -:1 ,.. J '; ·~ . , .. .. ' ' ' t .. Stmay, March 9, 2003 A3 LOOKING BACK Protesters rally to ~upport U.S. military 'Bal' Week was Dozens in Newport demonstrate for support of troops, patriotism as country inches closer to war a simpler ti!11e o .. pa Bh1r1th Daily Pilot Nl:!WPORT BEACH The Lolita Harper DaityPtlot I I was an innocent time full of innocenJ fun, when teenagers 'from all over Southern California Oocked to tbe BaJboa Penini.ula. It was • BaJ • Week -short for Balboa -and it was good clean fun. rhythmic, patriotic chant of ·uSA ... USA ... USA ...• ech· oed across 1he intersection of MacArthur Boulevard an<i Campus Drive sa1urday eve- ning as close 10 100 people par- llcipaled in a de monstration and candlelight marc h in sup- port of U.S. troops in Iraq. PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Louise and Mark Archambeault, left, sing to rally support for Nita M1ddle1on and Lucille Stafford. now neighbors m West Newport, recounted fond memories of their weeks of revelry in the 1940s, during which they would escape the hall!. of academia for Easter week and travel from inland Pasadena to 1he beaches of Newpor1. troops and eiesident Bush Saturday. · The Stand Up for Freedom March was organized by New- port Beach resident Jane Alt- man-Dwan who said this is the first lime she has ever publicly taken a political stand. ·1 was tired of seeing aJI these an1l-war raUies.· s he said. •1t's like telling our troops they should be ashamed for what they're doing. It just breaks my ·" heart 10 see that.· It turned out thal AJtman- Dwan was not alone in her sen- 11men1. People from all over Orange County and neighbor- ing areas showed up wllh signs, Oags. candles and patriotic fer- vor to show their support for American soldiers. Several people driving by the interi.ection honked in sup- port. but there were a few who yelled out in opposition. One man rolled down his window and shouted out: ·Make love no1 wart• Another" man triggered a cur ren1 of emotion as he held out a "No War· sign and drovl' around the group. He lowered hi!. window and lingered around shouting anti-war '>lo · gans as the emottonally charged group yelled out their pro-war and pro-Bu!>h '>lo~an'>, tapping a1 his car with thl' flag'> they held. People who gathered for the march said they wan1cd 10 '>how '>Upport for 1he Pre.,1dent and thousands of Manne'> who have been shipped oversea' re cently They held .,igns like "Proud Americans -thl' \ilt>nt majonry, • ·freedom h not free,· ant.I ·support our 1roops: Michelle Daniels !>aid her fi . Beautiful -· • ance left for the Pcr;lan Gulf a month ago. "I'm here ro support what ht' and other<; are doing for our country." she !>aid. Mark and Louise Ar<:ham beau II\ 21-year-old '>On. Jo.,hua . .., s1ationed aboa.rd a .,111p 111 the Arabian ~ea ·1 don't even write to hun abour all the protesh and anll war <>tuff." '>he c;a1d while hold 111g a lramed picture of her '>On "I'm a:-.hamed to evt'n tall. .1hout it." Sara Hellinger drove up from San Diego for lhe march. "My boyfriend is a Manne," .,he ..aid. "I've go11en one e mail from him and he <,ay'> 1t'!> hard being there and seemg that people don'I \Upport tht:m • Relhnger wa'> taking photo!> of 1he march and signs 10 ma1J to her boyf ncnd. "I wan t him to see and to know not everyone is against !the possible war>: she <,a1d. " ... Waterfront ... , .. i " ... Banquet Rooms ' ... ' -. -~ .... " . -15-125 Guests Busin~ss Dinners Birthdays & Annit1ersaries Wedding Receprions & Rehearsal Dinners Villa Nova 9491642-7880 3131 Wl-st Coast Highway SUNMIST . SPRAY TAN SPA $fira.J OI Jiii tal II 50% OFF 1st Session $15 VaJue A passenger of a passing car denounces the group's rally to support a possible U.S...ledwar wrth Iraq Saturday night in Newport. rhe group'> of giddy girls would save their money all year to rent a house on Balboa. When school let out fo r spring break. they would head down to Newport Beach "10 lei off c;ome !>team· after spring final\. "Mainly, the girls would ogle the boys," Middleton said. "We would all ~ort of vie to !>ee who had the cutest swimsuit, then ge1 our hair all fixed up. hne up our beach towels and wa1ch the bo~ play volleyball.· Each girl would '>Cope out J!~ R es t au r a nt Establlsneo In 1962--=~ ••:Quality Service••• .... Ni d Entcn.a.inmcnr'0 State's Gasoline Price Average To~s $2 a Gallon I! 1iifjf;t(ff;f i l'l,fi) ;lff;fJi11!4;!3 I WITH UY llAJOR TURI UP Same Owner Shiu 1965, 38 Yt-ar.s in Cosra Mesa TB CUBDRITGB SBOP llC. 294 5 Randolph Ave (Bristol & RJk<"r) . 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 E-mail: carb ans@thecarbsho .com • Using the Latest Copying T edu_!ol0$Y · • 600dpl Xerox Digital Output• Quality Color Copl~ .39~ • B&W Copies Small and Large Volume • Laminating • Folding • Cutting • Stapling • Binding • Rubber Stamps ~ BLUEPRINTING •large VeUums •Cad Plotting• Lg. Bond Coples E-mail your plot file$ to us at lagunaprlnt@eorthlinlc.net Pick up & OeJivery ·Fast Quality Service Proudly Serving You Sinu J 984 11,:. lfAl'I' </;tv.,/y 11 ~'6/ip J,,N'/H/ifl/l.J • kr / Now Open Saturdays LagunaPrint 1 ~-,' f ••• ,,,th,, l.1q1111.1 H, .. ,Ji (949) 497-6016 l.tttllll.lpr ll1f t t I,,,. I +Ill\ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 314• 90LI> DOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE t4•• !!!!!!I.. $149 from ... -... Tl'Mtire 1s• X 1f'..-................. ~ ... w •• --·--·--· U "'' ~"Tie .................. .-... ........ ~ ................ .-...... ..-, u . t.nitlll Ytfood ......................... _ .... -.• ·-·-..... ~-u .. her choice for a dance partner that night and do her-best to catch his eye, she said. When 'they weren't flaunting their stuff on the beach, the teenage girls 'would head into town for ice cream and snow cones. When the sun wen1 down, the spring breakers would converge on the Rtndezvous Ballroom for the nighdy dance. she said. ·w e jus1 had a ball,· Middleton said.· A little devilment, but pure fun.· S1afford remembers the dances fondly and can recall ll;le "Balboa Hop: It went one, two, three -hop! It was very simple and caught on fa!>!. she said. ~vou can imagine. ~th a room full of people doing the same dance, when you got to the hop part. the floor wouJd shake,· Stafford said. S1afford and her girlfriends from Pasadena would pay a pretty price to travel to the beach because it was a time of war and 1he gas was rationed Each girl had to pitch in for gas tickets to get three cars to the coast, she said. Stafford visited Bal Week in her later teen· years -.nd therefore avoided the hassle or a chaperon, she said. But most of the other teenage girls were watched closely, while the boys were allqwed to roam the streets as they pleased "II Wa!. really an innocenl lime then," Stafford said. "It wru. really innocent fun.· She doe!> admu that many or the boy~ got fake ide ntification to buy beer. but that was aboul the ex1en1 of the mischief, she !>aJd • rhere wa., no dope .• she said ·No hard stuff.· • LOOKING BACK runs Sundays Do vou know of a person, plac,e or event that deserves a h1Stoncal Look Badc7 Let us know . Contact James Meier by fax at (9491 646 4170, e-mail at 1ames me1erta>/ar1mes.com; o.r mail him at clo Daily Pilot, 330 W Bav St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627 FIRST nME CUENTS • MENTION OUR AD AND GET $25 OFF YOUR NEXT VACATION•!! CAU NOW!! Contact us to start planning your next vacation! TIJ.4 VH.. ft.Ale> Cruases Tours . Cvstom Packages Leisure . Corporate t9•9) 3ro. l 199 I Toi free: (U8J 3ro. l ltt Email: j0(1ell01rove1-nor.com www lrovel-tloir.com MUNICIPAL BONDS ONE OF • california's leading underwriters • New offerings ~vailable •AAA Bonds • Non Rated Bonds RBC Dain Rauscher llJ Set an Appointment. Please.J:all LANTZ E. BELL Branch Manager 610 Newport Center Drive. Suue 9<.XJ Newporr Beach. CA 92660'' (949) 726-8901 lantz. bell@rbcdain.com Imagine taking an intimate stroll through the private studios/homes of some of Laguna Beach's most prestigious artists. Later relax at an afternoon reoeption with art. wine & music amidst a three acre eucalyptus grove In a canyon not far from the ocean. M SuldaV. Mirth 9, 2003 PUBLIC SAFE1Y Su~~cted area robber gets Cleath COSTA MESA • Anton loule"'9iid: • Grand tfleft WM reported In the too bfodt et 12:48 p.m. ThUl"lday. • H•mlhon StrMt lltd Meyef lltec« Posaeuion of f•I• Identification waa (eported at 11:50 p.m. Friday. ' •Monte Vllila Avenue: Posae&sionofe controlled aubatence was report8d In the 200 blodt at 4:30 p.m. Friday. • N•wport Bouleverd: A commercial butglary was reported in the 2000 block at 12:39 p.m. Thursday. • Picbtt une: Grand theft was reported lf'I the 6100 block at 8:10 &.rTl. Friday. • V.19"cie Str .. t: An assautt was reported in the 900 block at 8:51 p.m. Thursday. •Whittier Avenue: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 1700 blodc at 2:55 p.m. Thursday. • 17th Street and Sante' An• Avenue: An individual was reportedly drunk In public at 4:34 a.m. Friday. NEWPORT BEACH • Cliff Drive: A hit-and-run was reported in the 2000 blodt at 5:63 a .m. Friday. • East Coast Highway: A battery was reported In the 2700 blodt at 8:25 a.m. Friday. • Irvine Avenue: Petty theft was reported in the 600 block at 5:49 p.m. Friday. • Irvine Avenue and 20th Strff1: A traffic accident Involving injuries was reported at 7:16 a .m. Friday. • Mac:Arttiur Boulewird:A hit-and-run was reported tn the 4500 blodt at 1:29 p.tn. Fri~y. , • 16tft StrMt: Indecent exposure was reported in the 1800 block at 9:52 a.m. Friday. • 38th Street: Vandellsm was reported In the 400 blodt at 7:33 a.m. Friday. ·. Man who police believe robbed area jewelry stores two years ago sentenced to death in Los Angeles County for utl!elated murders. DHP• Bharath Daily Pilot Duong was sentenced in Los Angeles Superior C.ourt in i><). mona before Judge Robert M.ar- COSTA MESA -A 28-year-tinez. Duong bad reportedly old gang member, under ioves· tried to take his own life two tigation fo~ jewelry store rob-months after bis arrest by goug- beries in the Newport-Mesa ing_his arms. He sunk into a area, was. seotenced to death ,eoma for a lew months, but sur- Frtday for murdering four pa-. vlved the attempted suJcide. trons of an El Monte pool halJ Duong was present at hb aen- four years ago. tencing Friday where be report· Anh The Duong eluded police edly apologized to the families for about two years, triggered a of all but one of his victims, who nationwide manhunt and was were attending a birthday party eventually featured on the tele-at the pool hall. . vision show • Americ;a's Most This. however, will not be Wanted.H Costa Mesa police ar-Duong's last court appearance. rested him on July 16, 2001 He faces more trials in Santa while he was playing basketball Oara County in Northern Cali- at the 24 Hour Fitness on Anton fornia on federal racketeering Boulevard. ' charges. He ls also accused of COMMENTS Continued from Al oil output in Venezuela Oh. and the changeover from winter to spring gas mix. Oh. and the high cost of refining gas for California Yeah, that's it. Everybody knows that. That's why the cost of gas in Orange County has shot up over 25% since January 1. Have you ever wondered how they come up with the price of a gallon of gas? Don't. It's bad for you. But if you enjoy migraines. here's how they do it. It 's based on the monthly average of the composite refiner acquisition cost of crude oil; the difference between the monthly averag£! of the spot price of gasoline and the price of crude oil purchased by refiners. which is called the crude oil component; a percentage of that month's distribution and marketing cost<;, and finally, state and GETTING . INVOLVED • GETTING INVOtYED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot pn a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. PROJECT CUDDLE Project Cuddle, a nonprofit organization, serves the needs of abused. abandoned and drug-exposed ctiildren. In addition to office help and once-a·month, 12-hour hotline shifts, volunteers are needed for an auxiliary group, fund-raising committees and to help distribute stidcers to stop babies from being abandoned in trash bins. The "The Art of Making Pizza., WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5.9 PM federal taices. ln other words, nobody knows bow they do it. There is an old saying: MEverything old is new again.· Old sayin~ become old because they're true. navel back in time with me to the year I 973 and something called the Arab oil embargo. In 1973, the Arab countries were really mad at us. l know that sounds silly today, but they we{e. They were so mad that they cul atI OUT efLI. . And if you've ever had your oil cut off. it really. really hurts. Gas stations would open at 6 a.m . and run out of their meager supply of gas within a few hours. Long, long lines of cars would fonn before dawn and snake back out onto the street and around the block. My petroleum purveyor of choice was a Union 76 station at Adams and Mesa Verde East. By 6. the line ran the length of Mesa Verde East and almost to Harbor Boulevard on some organlzetlon also needs donated gift items for mothers and babies. (714) 432-9681. PROJECT TOGETHER Project Together seeks adult volunteers to establish a trusting. one-to-one relationship with ctiildren stressed from family problems and abuse. This component .of the Orange County Health Care Agency's Children's Mental Health Services offers training and supervision for the program. Many of the ctiildren are economically deprived, victims of neglect or both. (714) 850-8444. READINGBY9 The mentor reading program seeks volunteers to read to students In kindergarten through the third grade. In Coste Mesa: NEWPORT IUCH CORONA DEL MAR imA&. C0'4 W*OE 3423 VIA Lm 3001 E. CXlAST 1-fGfNAY 7955 E. CXlAST 1-fQfNAV IU.71!3.0707 Mll.1711.4100 .... 715.1117 FAii .... 723.5147 FAii .... 175.2211 FAii Ml.719.1111 ------------ Pomona Elementary School. (949) 515-6980; Whittier Elementary Sctlool, (949) 515-6898; Wiison Elementary Sc:nool. (949) 515-6995; and New Shalimar Leaming Center, (949) 646-0396, need help for students In reading, writing and English. Mentor sessions may be scheduled from 8:30 to 11 :30 a.m., and after sdlool from 3 to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. SAVE OUR YOUTH The Westside Costa Mesa youth organization is looking for volunteers to help creete a positive alternative for people 12 to 23. Volunteers ar9 needed to help in areas eucti as boxing, spona, health, fitness. aeroblca and academic tutoring. (949) 643-3256. 1 $3DFF FREE I I LARGE PIZZA SMALL SALAD • BUY ANY MEDIUM PIZZA & I I GET A SMALL SALAD OF I YOUR CHOICE FREEi I co_>PQN NOT' '"''.IC wm• ANv OTHEA CIFFI:.~ PARTICIPATINCJ lrT'OREJil I Oii&. <f' ~ or..e CXlUPCN PEP OAOER &Ai.ES T,tV< ,.,.AV """"'-v MUST MEN110N couP0N AT TIME Cl'~ .. CXlUPCJ'4 EXP9'll!!B MA~ 31, Q003 _ • .------------.. ldUing two men while allegedly belat have been recovered, committing robberies at stores Archer said. He added that the in San Jose and Fremont. Most lnfonnadon from Coata Mesa'• of hi! helst.s are saJd to include evidence may be uaed as back- weapona such as handguns and ground in Ouong'a upoo~ assault-style riJJea. trial in the Bay Area. Locjlly, Coeta Meta and New-Newport Beach detectives are port lteach police have imad· adll lnvestigating the Fuhlon 11- gated Duong ln connection with land lnddent, U. 1bm GazsJ two jewelry atore robberies -said. one at 1bmeau Watch Co. tn "The evidence we have indl- Soutl;> Cout Pl.,,..-in ~p~mber eates he is respon~le for that 2000 and the. other invoMns a . robbery," he said. "But the in· dramadc shootout at FashJon II-veatlgation ia ongoing." land's 'nadJtionaJ Jewel&. that Gazsl said Duong's a.nest· was left one ~ty guard mad«i possible thanks to a suc· wounded. cesaful collaboration between Costa Mesa Police have closed Newport Beach, Costa Mesa. the investigation for lack of evl· fountain Valley and Santa Ana dence. Det. Sgt. Jack Archer said. police departments whose de- "We're pretty sure he was the tectlves, after a lengthy lnvesti· one who was ·responsible," he gation, tracked him down to said. "But we don't have enough Costa Mesa's Westside. evidence... oetectives worked under- 'IWo of the several Rolex cover to capture Duqng. New- watches s tolen in that armed port Beach Police Det Mart mornings. It was like commuting by train. You got to know everybody around you because you'd end up in roughly the same spot every morning. We all looked like bored cab drivers in the hack line at the airport. Some people wouJd bring cookies or doughnuts and pass them out from c:aI to car. When the attendant appeared and unlocked the pumps. chat time was over. Everyone hurried back to their cars and' the line crept Corwatd, ever so slowly. a few feet every five minutes or so. Everyone sat in their car and prayed to the deity of their choice that the attendant wouldn't give the •aJJ goneH sign before they got there. And so it went, for more than a year. Before the embargo, gas was about 30 cents a gallon. By the time It was over, gas was about $1.20 per gallon. And keep in mind that in 1974, $1.20 a gallon was even more SERVICE CORPS OF RETIRED EXECUTIVES Join other business professionals to help small businesses sucoeed by leading seminars and coaching entrepreneurs onllne. The corps is a nonprofit ctiaritable organization composed of 11,500volunteer business mentors, both worting and retired, who counsel boslnesses from nearly 400 offices throughout the country. Call (714) 560-7369, and ask for membership. SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED Serve as a guide for homeress families by helping them set goals and maintain a basic budget. Bilingual skills needed. Orientation and training provided. Theresa Rowe. (949) 757-1456. SENIOR MEALS AND SERVICES INC. Volunteers are needed to deliver meals to homebound senior citizens residing In Costa Mesa who are not eble to prepare their own meals and do not have anyone to prepare meals for them. Volunteers are asked to donate at least one hour per week for a six-month period. Substitute drivers are also needed to fill in for regular drivers. (714) ~11 or (714) 891-0804. SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED Serving People In Need, also know aa SPIN, 11 looking for volunteers to help prepere sack meals for the hometeu, assemble hygiene kits, dlstt1bute meals end pick up food f~ staggering than $2.00 a gallon todl!Y· On March 18, 1974, the embargo was called off. But then, an interesting thing happened. The lines went down within days, but the prices didn't. One month, two months, three months, four, but gas was still a dollar or more. Hmm. How odd. Pretty soon, people were in a highly agitated 1tate, with much huffing and a goodly amount of puffing. Politicians across the land were waving their arms and jumping up and down really high and calling for inquiries, examinations and investigations. 'Oil company executives spent hours in front of one committee or another. reading long. mind-numbing statements a~ut ·composite refiner acquisition cost of crude oil" and the Ncrude oil component. H Before long. everyone was exhausted. They all went back to whatever it was they were doing preparation. SPIN provides move-In costs for housing, case management and support services to families leaving shelters. SPIN worters also serve as tamjly advisors or mentors and conducts wor1c.shops on budgeting and more. Visit SPIN at 2900 Bristol St, Suite H-106, Costa Mesa. (714) 751-1101. SHARE OUR SELVES CLINIC The clinic, whicti provides emergency services to the needy in Orange County, la loolung for volunteers to deliver and pidc up food-from local restaurants and grocery stores, help with medical and dental staff, data entry, assist with food sorting and distribution, to help at the front desk and some other duties. The group also needs translators. (949) 642-3451, ext. 257. SHERMAN LIBRARY &GARDENS You could assist with the garden, wort in the gift and tea shop or become a docent guide for children and adults st Corona del Mar's botanical garden and historical researm libosry. Stefanie Kristiansen, (949) 673-2261. SMALL BUSaNESS ASstSTANcE CENTER The Small Business Aa.sistance Center of Orange Coast College needs volunteers to advise small business owners In finance, B<XXX.lntlng, law, martteting, sates, human resourcea and other areas. (714) 432-6916. SOMEONE CARES SOUP KITCHEN Someone Ce1'89 Soup Kltdlen nMda food MMtrs and volunteers for kitchen duties. The organil.atlon la at 720 W. 19th St, Costa Mesa. (949) 648-8861. SOUTH COAST LITERACY COUNCIL Volunteer tutors are needed to meet a greater demand for llter9cy and English at a MCOnd lenguau-d....._ Students ere taught English l'Ndlng, writing end apeek.lng •kills et their own le\lel in smelt groupt or one on one. There e,. centers ell oYer Orenge Courity. Once tratMd, MOtS may dK>oM tM center .t whld'I ttwv want tot .... M1rv Fltzgenkf. \949) -.... SOUl'HCOMT M3lW()()09 bltnck. To look• them yoJd 1111ar tlw:Y~ !al wood '-cf.-bliMs wonl Wt, wwp or cnc.t.. '""°'In thr kidlen R£PER'fORV ntEATEJt n..South eo.tt ~orv T't-..ter nMdl YOluntMtt to help ~ uahef:lng ( ... ~he) and °"'* fundiona. (714) 70N600. <K bldwoarL A.I__. EVEIWOOO If"' t "' .. ..., ...... ...... add....... ...... to~ dlct'rt., prlctk:al. • Stt """' IOday ,,.,,, ""' .......... . SP£AK lit NEWPORT A nonprofit~ thl1 promot.a the eod8I w.ffant by educ:lting the pubffc and impnMng k>Cef goywnmenc In Newpoft ~ hoktl montNy ,.,.....,. the eecond Wtdl...o.y of ... month .. the~ lwf\ T9nM Club. A teOlpllOtl ... .. 5:30 p.m... and meich9 ....., •• p.m. me. Mnuaf ' H.a.mllton. who recetwd an Award of Merit from the depart· ment for his undercover work in Duong\ case, said in a previous interview th.at he knew be was up agalnat eomeone with a high propensity for violence. "He was an eittemely danger- ous aimin.al." be said. Undercover, Hamilton played bask.etbalJ with Duong at the gym, and then helped SWAT team members move ln on Duong and arrest him without incident. C.osta Mesa Police (lllef Dave Snowden said be is pleated that Duong paid the ...ultimate price for hls crimes.. "Sometimes, justice la sJow," he saJd. HBut this just goes to prove that the system does work.· Duong sentence. however, will be automatically appealed to the state Supreme Court. .. before the embargo. What they didn't know was that the days of less-than-a-buclc for gas were / gone. Gone forever, and ever. amen. Last week. a number of state and federal politicians started waving their anns and jumping up and·down really high and calling for inquiries, examinations and investigations about this ridiculous notion of two dollars and more for a gallon 'or gas. No one knows how high it will go m the next few months, bu~J have a bad feeling about this. Long after the war on Iraq aiid the troubles in Venezuela are ~ done, I think that we shall never see gas at S 1.50 a gallon again. But don't let it get you down. Remember, the darkest hour iS just before things go tolally black. • PETER BUFFA is a former Costa Mesa mayor. His column runs Sunday.. He may be re~ed via e-mail at Prr84@aol.com membership dues are $20. Send check to MSpeak Up Newport," P.O. Box 2694, Newport Beactt, 92663. (949) 673-1191. STITCHES FROM ntE HEART Made up of a group of women from Southern California who love to knit and crochet. the nonprofit corporation is looking for volunteers to knit and crochet hats, booties and blanke1J for premeture babiM and babies in need. The items are donated to hospitals across the country. Pattema are available, and donated yam is appredated. Kathy Silverton, (310) 472-6903. SWEET ADEUNES Of ORANGE COUNTY The singing group invites women who like to sing to join them Tuesday nights for four-part harmony, or Berbe~le singing. (949) 495-6685. TELl·A-f'RIEND Orange County cancer groups seek volunteers to encourage women to have mammograms.. Participenta will take part In a one-on-one program of education and encouragement specifically related to .: mammograms and earty breast cancer detection. The Susan G .• Komen Breast Cenoer • • Foundation, (714) 957-9157. UNDERGROUND The Underground program, • function of Child'• Pace, provid.a soclel activities end Interaction for adolescents. Volunteers ere • needed In many areu. (949) 548-8849. VISIONS FOR PRISONS Visions for Priaona, a nonprofit program that~ ettlt~ heeling •nd meditation In pri8CX\ needa typlsta to tranacribe l.ittk1 from Inmates to troubfed kids.. Weekday hours, Meu def Mar. (714) 668-8000. VOUMrEER CENTER OF GREATER ORANGE COtRTY With mote than 1,500 YOluntMr oPPortunltl•. the VoluntMr Center wlll tnetch ~Ind groupe withing to YOlunt.er With not\Proftt agendea In their....._ Volunteer Connection Une, (714) 963-6767, ext. 108. • ..., • 1 • .. 1 '• t •• ' .~'' p r•;.. ··"CHECK IT OUT ,,. :;.~~ ·Ge~ting "re el at ·'.'.N~wport ~:·libraries W hiJe Hollywood's galaxy may be the most da7.Zling of those fl'Piesented at this month's 75th iannuaJ Academy Awards. the world of cinema extends far beyond the constellations of local studios. Find evidence of distant stars as close as Newpon Beach Public Ubrary shetves. , If you're loolcing for a crash course in foreign films. browse 51.nday, Ma<ch 9, 2003 A5 • ezsure TRAVEL TALES The Technicolor finds . . ,, .. . . of the Great Barrier Reef Tcip to Australia's natural undeiwater preserve a 'G-R-E-A-T'experience fill ed with spectacula r coral ma rine life. By Liz Newman through Elliot Wilhelm's ' W hat's great about the Great Barrier Reef? The object of our trip down under was a 12-day cruise from Sydney, Australia. to Aucldand. New Zealand, but because it's a 24-hour-round-trip llight from here. my husband Lee and I didn't expect to make the 1ourney !Wlce. "VldeoHound's World Cinema." With critiques of movies produced in the Far East, Europe. South America, Latin America ,.. and Canada, the Detroit Institute of Arts film curator 11..:L..:1:....... ... ~m:J • illuminates a universe of cinematic achievemenL Included are reviews of epics by such legendary filmmakers as Kurosawa. Truffaut. C..oddard and Fellini Indexes organized by titJe. country of ongin, cast, director, writer, cinematographer. composer and category facilitate finding listin~ Additional testimony about the diversity of films bemg produced around the globe is in "World Cinema: Dlaryofa o.y." F.dited by Peter Cowie to honor cinema's IOOth anniversary, entries document activiues of more than l.000 fiJmmakers on a single day intthe rnid-1990s. The result is a Wl.ique anthology of .first-person accounts from directors. producers. screenwriters. actors and cinematographers who make films happen. Numerous volumes concentrate on achievements from specific regions. They indu~ Lee Semer's "Asian Pop Cinema," a visually explosive volume covering horror, fantasy, gan~erand animated tilms from the Far East Far heftier is the "Bnc:ydopMdla of Ind.Ian Cnema," a guJde to one of the world's largest motion-picture industiies. by Ashish Rajadhyaksha and Plw1 Willemen. For those interested in the director's art. legendary lltmmaker Ingmar Bergman duonidea what wenf into the S.. CHECK, Pqe M ' " •• f . We wanted lo see as much as we could while we were there. We'd enjoyed do1.ens of nature shows on the glorious fish and coral of the Great Barrier Reef. I Im" could we go all the way to Austrahd and not explore 1t for oursel~? Because of the upside-down 'ieaSQns m the Southt'm I lenusphere. we cho~ late December to travel: winter here: i.ummer there. Afier a cool and ramy rwo da)"' an Sydney, we boarded Qanta'i for our three-hour flight north to Catm'i. a prime pon for 'ih1ppmg toum.ts mto the water. of the Reef. Stepping olT the plane~ much like arriving in I fawait Instantly. we knew we were in the tropics. The au W(l!) wann and humid, and palm fronds !>wayed again'it an unsullied blue i.ky. We i.tayed at the Cairn!> 1 lilton, between the upscale Pier Market and the colorful Esplanade. a touristy strip of souvenir hops. restauran~ and sidewalk cafes. The ferry we would take to the Great Barrier Heef was withm walhng distance of the hotel. Though we'd heard that the reef can be seen from outer space, we hadn't conceptualized Its vastness.. The Great Barrier Reef is, weU. G-R-E-A-T like the Grand Canyon is G-R·A·N-0. According to the Marine Park Authority, there are 30 distinct "bioregions."" and they stretch for 1.500 miles north/south and beyond the eastern horizon. We visited Moore Reef, rwo hour; from <:aims by a ferry quite similar to the Gltalina Flyer. A stop at Atzroy Island. one of many reef islands. broke up the trip. The Vte-N from Fitzroy Island, one of many islands in ttie Great Barner Reef Reef ferry 1s ptclwred snorkelers and c;un lovers among uc; had an hour to enjoy the shore. while Lee and I and other day trippers took the ramfore,t tour. shaded by towenng eucalypruc. and brilliant red Oame trees. I 1t7Ioy LS a ram forest, lush with trees and flower;. By contrast, its beach LS a narrow gray Mretch of broken, i.un-blcachc<l coral. It ii, illegal 10 remove coral from the reef. I examined an average-'>17.ed piece, though. It was about as big 3S my index finger dlld hard, porous and scratchy. Another hour on the catamaran brought us to Moore Reef. We docked at a pontoon platform about as big as a tennis court, wtuch provided a base for snorteUng, scuba diving. and deep-sea-diver wallc..' through the living coral. Lee and I explored the reef on a ~-bonom boat and a sem1-submer;1ble (much like Disneyland\) The "Coral Sands" of Fitzroy ls!and 111 ttie Great Barner Reef. The average piece is See TRAVEL, Pa1e A6 two inches long. Author finds inspiration in writing Chinese-born writer, who will speak at UC Irvine on March 31, says healing came from her books. Julie Sully, associate director or development. 1s looking forward 10 the Mah'c; c1.1mmg to UCI. subi.equentlv the family Wa..<. d1vaded into two cla\Se'i. The fi~ step children. mclm.hng her were con<;1dcred second da<;.<, Suzie Harrison Daily Pilot T alldng with her and hearing her voice Is like an exercise In Zen medltation. But if anyone knew ber miserable youth, it would be hard to believe that Dr. Adeline Yen Mah would tum lnto such a succes.Vul. caring and inspirational person. The New York Tunes best-selling author will aha.re ber jowney (p'OWl.ng up and her plight from communist China to the U.S. on March 31 at UC Irvine. \1ah has been selected to appear an the UCI Ubraries annual Speaker Series. The event will include her c;pealc:ing and signing books, as well ac; a conversation with Ketu Katrak. chair of the Department of Aslan Amencan Studies and professor of English and comparative literature. ·1 feel very tronored to be doing Uu.s event and to be chosen,· Mah said. ·rm not a big-name author. Tu have them choose mine over the millions is overwhelming, Only lo America couJd thi happen to an immigrant first-generation O:Unese American.· NO PLACE LIKE HOME "We're thrilled to have someone of her caliber corrung to ucr and to be co-sponsoring this event featunng her. • Sully said. "We're happy to have this event for the community and to promote reading and the joy of. literacy.· Her fir>t book. "Falling Lea\-es, ·was hard to write. Mah said • 1 had med to write 1t for a long ume. • Mah said. "All my ltfe, I wanted to write it. It's autobiograph.icaJ -l had a painful childhood.• Her mother died when she was bom in communist Ollna. her father remarried a French woman. and -vw~ were considered the lowest of the low,· Mah <;a1d. ·1 wanted to wnte ["Falling Leave<;") to danfy m my own mind tht> whole t'iSue of my famlly thal had been bottled inside • She !Ml.Id ~t> would try repeatedly to wnte her \tory. but she couldn't complete 11 until after her father and stepmother were dead. "I had to ta.rt after they died,• Mah said. "Then. there was no bloc:Qge. It started pourmg out. I didn't realize how cathartic it Wll.'> • B ehold, the incredible edible flower • • ~ f1owcr5 are unexpected ~Sent that gJve a large return on lri ent. lmpreu the f~ or better~ inVlt a &!w frtcDda OYer rot tunch and llupilo them wfth IOtne of theM bNutitul and d ldous redpol rtom .Flowers u R>od,. mustafd ' tab6elpoon Whit• ~nt ¥1negef. ult and ground P8CIC*' Combined~~ TC*with~Md~ Just bdoft MMng. M.tJIGOlD CMJUll.OWa ' Medium elzed C:euiftower, lighlv •umect wttrftUUCE Almow from hut end alt In ~l*t I ,... tlhe J'tQMv coohd 09Ulfftowwlnto. ~ dWI end Pour che l9IJCe tNIS the top. B..OlllR.OWlll Ml i I W Eldld1kiwws~""' ~ z-.. KAREN written by Jane Newd.lct and Mary LaWrence. l4 cup bullilf ~cup...., ...... ~ ,,.cupe,,. ~ cup i>'llln ftcu 1Y.eup1tna ldng .... OI tot delP fiYlnt WIGHT K~O'*dct... ln*'fOld ... Sift end PIN* Combine ......... b ..... ---,., ......... tour ........ Wiii in .. ..... of ..... Md lidd .. ;dlta. 0... lour .. ,,.....,., ........,edd .... ...~ ..... • ... M &may, Match 9. 2003 INSPIRATION Continued from A5 rt took ha; four years to write It, and it facilitated her healing process. She was a succes.mat doctoc- at the time she wrote it, an~ decided to give up her medical · career to focus on writing full time. Her second book. "Ol.i.nese Cinderella," was written for children. She found this project to be the most emotionally satisfying to write because of the feedback and.letters sh4! .'would recei'v'e from children. "l dedicated it to ·children all over .the world -tp the . unwanted child," Mah said. The book was written to the child who was rejected, as she had been, and to the children who had been told that they are stupid and ugly. "The child starts to believe it," Mah said. "I want these children to Jcnow that the only person who can determine her destiny is herself, that she is the only one who will decide what she has to believe." Her third book. "Watching the Tree," is about Ol.i.nese AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., philosophy. In her most recent book. •A Tho\1Sand Pieces of Gold! A Memo(( of China's Past Through its Proverbs," she reveals Oili'lis past throuah her own perspectM, exp!Qring llfldent OUnese bist9rY and bridging the East and West. She Is now working on another children's book. "Emotionally writing is extremely gratifying." Mah said "I am happier now, earning one-tenth the money." "Otlnese Cinderella." the easiest book for her to write, she finished in six months. "It's different writing f<:>i:-a younger audience; Mal) sai4 "As a Child, J too~ refuge in boob and lead a wonderful private life, me and my books. When I wrote stories, l could be anyone I wanted." She wrote a lot as a child to ~pe and said that she is very hippy when she writes to be back in that world. "The other message I have for obildren is bow lucky they are if they have loving parents who believe in them," Mah said. "A Jot talce it for granted: and it's a wonderful gift." She said it would be wonderful if after readin8. one patterned kilt, will host. Muldoon's is at 202 Newport Center Drive. Information; (949) 640-4110. Author Adeflne ·Yen. Mah will, ·speak at UCI on Marcil 31 . of her books a child would tum to their parents and tell them that they appreciate.Jhem. The event will be held at 6 p.m. March 31 at the UCI Student Center in the Emerald Bay Room AB. Parlcing is $5 at • the Student Center parking structure. It's a free event and open to the public. &cause seating is limited, reservations are required. c.an (949) 824-4651. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to MUS IC (949) 646-4170; or by calling BEETHOVEN AND DEBUSSY The Philharmonic Society prt!sents the Trio FontEtnay performing the music of Beethoven and Debussy on at 8 p.m. Monday at the Irvine · Barclay Theatre. Tickets are $29, $25 and $23, and can be purchased by calling (949) 854-4646 or onllne at www.thebarclay.org. The Irvine Barclay Theatre is at 4242 Campus Drive in Irvine. (949) 574-4268. A complete list is PROKOFltv MOZART available at www.dailypilot.com. '·AND TCHAIKOVSKY SPECIAL SEXIEST KJLT COMPETITION • Muldoon's Dublin pub in Newport Beach will hold its first . "Sexiest Kilt Competition" at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, March 16. A panel of female judges, including actress, model and former Miss Ireland Olivia Tracey, will determine the competition. Chris Pierce, drummer for the Orange County rod< band the Fenians, renowned for his zebra Orang~ Coast College's Symphony Orchestra will offer the third concert of its 42nd season at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, featuring works by Prokofiev, Mozart and Tchaikovsky at the Robert B. Moore Theatre. Ti<*ets are $8 and $10 and can be purchased at the door. lnfor{Tlation: (714) 432-5880. Orange Coast College is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. PHILHARMONIC STARS OF TOMORROW The Philharmonic Society of Orange County will present "Stars of Tomorrow" at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Barclay Theatre in Irvine, showcasing nine performers from Orange County from 9 to 18 years old. Tic*ets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Information or tickets: (949) 559-5440. GRAMMY WINNER MARK O'CONNER Grammy Award-winning fiddler Marie O'Conner will make his jazz club debut at Founders Hall at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Friday, March 14, and Saturday, March 15. His performances will spotlight his new CD, •1n Full6wing; a tribute to his mentor, late French Jazz violinist Stephanie wappelli: Tic*ets are $49 to $46, available at the Center Box Office, online at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Big West Conference Men's & Women's Basketball Tournament March 12-15, 2003 Anaheim Convention Center l).rena • Single-Session tickets are on sale now. CaJl the Anaheim Convention Center box office at (714) 765-8980. Vi sit the Big West Conference website at www.bi&west.on~. All-Session tick.et~·are also available for only $60. The House of Blues® and the ESPN Zone® at the Downtown Disney® District Official Headquarters for the Big West Tournament Fan Fest Thursday March 13 All Day Boogie Nights will perform live at House of Blues at 9 pm AHIOI M>GSTWI • e•tSc:Mahale Wednesdl)'. March 12 Session 11 Women's Quarterfinals $10 (Games J &2 -starting at g:_OQ. pm) Session 12 Women's QuarterfinaJs SJO (Garn~ 3&4 -starting ar 6:00 pm) Tbunda)i Marda 13 Session 13 Men's Quarterfinals $20, $15 (Games 5&6 -starting at 12:00 pm) Sessionl4 Men's Quarterfinals $20,$15 (Games 7&8 -starting at 6:00 pm) Friday,. Maeda 14 1 Session IS Women'$ Semifinals $15 (Oames 9&10 -starting at 12:00 pm) Session 16 Men's Semifinals $25, $15 (Oam.es 11&12 -stArting at 6:00 pm) Satpnlu, Mattia I! Session f7 Women's Championship $15 (Game 113 -starting at l :00 pm) .. Men's Championship $25. SIS (Game #14 ·start.tog at 9:00 pm) -I°"""" /Juo Ttrr«t /Jw•I Md 1AN HOtJ al$/ j """ 1- rut if. .wno ot $20/or QrMmm fl/flll/ W '"' $.t1nU aNJ J.'iltnb. S«Utid 119' Cf llw wsiott IO w1l11 "'1fJ'!.Uflffdttl1 J() W!UtMN.1 /ollow•"i llw c(JIJ(·lMsHJri of. t/tj prnlotu f'll1IM.. , TRAVEL Continued from A5 The Aquarium ln Sydney had exhibited llWlY reef: fish. and we anticipated seeing even more -every tropical fish we had seeo op every underwater program we had watched. Of oourse this couldn't be: the Great Barrier iteer ts biologically • too diverse for all types of fish to be in one area, and we couldn't go deep enough to view the unique t.ropiatl fish whose glowing t>ea.uty had wowed us <luring those compactly edited documentaries. Many schools of fish did·swim by the submersible's windows-striped and spotted, electric blue, orange and blaclc. silver, and golden. One variety resembled Catalimt Island's bright orange garibaldi. While we were somewhat disappointed that we hadn't seen hundreds of varieties of fish, the Coral display wawed us indeed. The glass bottom of the viewing HOME Continued from A5 Beat batter until smooth. Heat the oil in a deep pan. Dip the flower heads into batter, shake off excess and deep fry the flower head for two minutes. Dry on a paper towel. Cutoff stallcs just before serving and dust with sugar. GERANIUM JEUY 4 pounds cooking apples 4 cups water · Granulated sugar Juice of 2 lemons • 15 scented geranium leaves. There are.t"any types of scented geraniums~ rose and lemon-scented varieties are the CHECK Continued from A5 making of such masterpieces as "The Sewnth Seal,. in "Images.,. French journalists Antoine de Baecque and Serge Toubiana look at another filmmaking giant in "Truffaut." FranJc Burke examines the cannon of one of the best Jcnown postwar Italian directors -from his beginnings in 1950, through the height of his international fame with "La Dok:e.Vlta"'(l960) and 10 his last film, "1be Voice of the Moon,. (1990). in "FelllnJ's PIJms." OailY Pilot • COURTESY OF THE S Uz.~nd lee Newman. toured Sydney~ Australia in December of 2~ c • • .,. boat seemed just Inches above of the Great Barrier Reef, the .. r acres ofTeclmicoJor coral in a itself. It W<>uld be exciting to view multitude of shapes-waving it from all of the access points..~. leaves, huge boulders. ferns, Maybe we will make that , ' fingers, tubes and con.figurations 15,000-mile trip again somedaw-• that looked like the human .i· brain. • LIZ NEWMAN is a Corona det MiM" To us, this was the great aspect resident. " best for making jelly. Serve with scones Chop the apples, leaving skins., Put apples in a large pan with the water and simmer until soft. Strain. Do not squeeze the fruit through the strainer or the jelly will be cloudy. For every two cups of juice 4 cups of sugar. Add the lemon juice and the geranium leaves. Stir over low heat to dissolve sugar Boil rapidly for 10 minutes until set. Quic*ly remove leaves and pour into clean, wann jars. • KAREN WIGHT is a Newpart Beadi resident. Her column runs Sundays. Numerous films by these and other masters are in the Newport Beach Public Library's seven-day loan coUection. They include such classics as '"Ihe 400 Blows," .. Grande Wuslon" and "Das Boot," as well as contemporary hits such as "Crouching llger, Hidden Dragon" and "ArnBle." Titles in VHS and DVD formats. most in original language versions with English subtitles. are lis ted in "Foreign Films on Video," a bibliography available at all Newport Beach Public Libraries. Renowned filmmakers. screenwriters. designers and . .. Nasturtium~ have a peppery flavor which make them the !"· perfect companion for a 'mixed green salad. composers will look. al the art and craft of filmmaklng closer ro home at the Newport Beach Palm Festival Seminar Series, from 9. a.m. lo 5 p.m. Saturday. April s; and Sunday. April 6. at the . Newport Beach Cenlral library. , For more information. call (94$ 253·2880 or visit , · u1ww. newport beaclifilmf est. com. • CHECK fT OUT is written by the staff of the Newport Beacti Public Library. This week's column is by Melissa Adams in collaboration with Sara Barnicle. All titles may be. reserved from home or office computers by accessing the catalog at www.newportbeachlibrary.org .... This ad is being reprinted due to a typographical e"or 31612003. Costa Mesa Redevelopment At What C_ost? Redevelopment is funded with an increased percentagt o1 property tax revenue from properties included in the redevelopment 1erritory. The Redevelopment Agency (RDA) currently carries over 4 million dollars of principle and interest debt. The RDA is now propos-C-ng to add 434 acres of the West Side of Costa Mesa to its redevelopment territory. The agency's proposal includes reinstat,ement of its power of eminent domain for the existing and added territories. The proposal ·states eminent domain wiU. be used to acquire groups of pr\Jperties into what are described as larger more productive !?:ad bays. For . property owners this means loss of your property to a.ii agency that thinks they can put your property to a better use than you can. For residents outside of the redevelopment territory it means millions of dollars of addjtional debt. · The debt and ~xpenses for the existing and proposed added territory will be pajd for with property· tax revenue. Funds that would otherwise be used for critical state services polic6, fire, education, etc. will be diverted to the RDA. The only way the loss of property tax revenue for critical services can be made-up is tax increases. We will ask each agency member, before they vote on this proposal, to publicly state what t~~ increase they would propose to make up for the.property tax funds diverted for redevelopment. As a property owner in the exist.ing territory or proposed added territory. you must become involved with the hundreds of propetty owners who have attended the previous meetings and protested the agency's attempt to add territory and reestablish eminent domain. The next meeting will be Monday, March 10, 2003 at 6:30pm at the Costa Mesa Community Center. 1845 Park Ave. Your property rights and millions of dollars of diverted property t~ are at stake. I John T. Hawley Westside Industrial Property ~er www.cmwest.org ·' Oat/ Piiot .. ... :ONGOING •Send~ lteme to the Deity Pilot. 330 W. Bey St, Coste Meu, CA 92627; by fax to (949) CW&-4170: or by calllng (949) 17'"'298. l~ude the time, date ~ locetlon of the event. as well ai •contact phone number. A ~plete listing 11 available at tflfWW.dal/ypllot.oom. lil!lm SuMvor. • noropeofll 9'Q8nlzation encouraging women vfJo have been through cancer watment to exercise, hosts ,411.talk and Talk" at 10 a.m. the '~d and fourth Frld(ly of the 1monfh in front of NIKEgoddess store In Fashion leland, Membera meet for lund't 'after et Atrium court. It 11 free, and all fltnhs levels are welcome. For more Information, call (949) 27S.3888. Newport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In S.A.F.E.Handl.S.A.F.E.standsfor safety, awareneu, faith and empowerment. The group meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m . each Monday.Free. For more Information, call (949) 721-8079. feena.,. lnvfted to drop by the dty of Costa M esa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m . Monday 1hrough Friday for indoor and oOtdoor sports and activities. The Center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. 11M Newport Beach City Hell is displaying watercolor paintings v by Juan Casado. Ned Parsons, Raymond Otis and Jim Teegarden through Marcti 28 at 3300 Newport Blvd. For more information. call (949) 717-3870. The Aun. of Bueln ... Sef'vices hosts a networ1dng meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805-0011. "Dtvorce: A N.w Beginning; a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Dnve on the third Saturday of every month. Cost is $40. For more information, call 644-6435. The N9wport Beach Public library hosts an hour of stories and crafts for children m kindergarten through the second IS YOURS TODAY! Make The Most of Every Moment! grade at the Corona del Mar branch from 3 to 4 p.m: Tueaday1. The library la at-4i.20 Marigold Ave. For more lnfe>nnstion, call (949) 717-3800. fTM toun of the °"'"99 County ~rformlng Alb Center take guests to the drealng rOQma, perlormer'a lounge1 bec:Qtage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday et 600 Town Center Drive, Colta Meea. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext833. The Newport BMCh N9Wc:ornen Club holds a general meeting on tt1e third Wednesday of every month. The organization la open to all women'resl'denta in Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 64S.9922, or visit www.newcomers- newportbeach.org. O.sit Senior Centef holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage. coffee and orange juice for$3 and $1 for children. The center is at 800 M arguerite, Corona def Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244 luuee between Interfaith coupl .. , auch .. raising children, obtervlng holidays, symbols In the home end relationlhlpe with extended families. The cost for three MMion1 la $46 per couple. ~lstmioo la required. Call to schedule date and time. The ofllce ii at 260 E. Baker St, Sutte G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4960. WCl~.n. ea-50 Md olcltw, can join a llCUMiori group coo neted by Jewish Family Serv" to eddrea risues auc::h as an lety, depression, relati I . lonelineu and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays et the agency ofllcett, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa M~. Prereglstretlon requlr6d. (714) 445-4950. Friends of the N9wport Beach Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate book.a to replenish the dwindling stodt. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. All books, with the exception of magazines and law book.a, will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759-9667. The Breffle IM1itute of'Nroa free computer classes to people wrth Macy's Soutti Cont Plaza fading vision who have difficulty presents #Workshop seeing at computer screens. The Wednesdays: A Hands-on Oasts Center at 800 Marguerite Cooking Class Program~ hosted -Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six by chef Alexx Guevara. The class sessions. Call to sign up for 1s held from 6 to 7:30 p.m . . classes (714) 821·5000. Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. The cost. including materials, is S30. To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075 Yoga and ltlythm, ·vogamythmics" combines yoga, dance and fun. The class 1s held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Dnve East. Suite 111, Costa Mesa For more information, call (714) 754-7399. The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers the exh1b1t ·Your .Majesty, There Is No Second· The America's Cup 1851·2003" through April 30. The museum 1s at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway. Newport Beach. Free admission For more information, call (949) 673-7863. lntef'fehh couples with one JeW1sh partner are invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office The group 1s geared toward dealing wrth A spiritual care dass m..U at 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. The Com M ... Chamber of Commerce hosts networking luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11·45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A bniin tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m . at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Reg1strat1on not required. The group 1s designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness (949) 574-0232. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church -~ ~:HA ~ COURSE AlplM IS for mvunc who •Wanes 10 aplnrc th<" Chnman fa1th • H:is \Cnuu' qu<"Suoru .tbout the mc:lmng of life VOLUME SELECTION • OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED • Wanr, m find a wum ;i_nd loV1ng communuv Alpha bt"~1n.' Much 11 .tt 6 30 PM. ~ TUSTIN AUTO CENTER • (714) 544-4800 • tustinJexus.com Res (9491 6 ... 'i-0210 no durgc S.Uni Jama Church -.. V1.t N n lk ch 1111;"1";" ISSAY l~ESTAVRANT l\Jtl\\ 111·11\J 1\' OESAI RESTAURANT INNOVATM PAN PAOFIC CVISINE ALONG WITH ISSAY PASTA FAVORITTS . . . ' IUI '.-11,\)" "-•l' "\1'\Jl>A) ~ .l (t1\./l\~I Cl )l~l"\l ~I 111 II ) UU IH\l"-lli ) l )UI~ '.'-11f\\\\1\1\1 \\ 11\:I 11\'.' If'\;~~ l>l '\:'\;rn~ l. /\I I ll )I\ l';f l) ' • fVll BAR • EXTENDED WINE UST • PARTY CATERING • PRIVATE PARTIES . . Tuesday -Sunday 5-10 pm 215 Riverside Ave. Newport Beach (949) 646-2333 COAST HWY ASSISTANCE LEAGUE Of Newport -Mesa ./IKlfa.al ~fl'l1' Fa.l(~Q(~~ M•rch 13, 2003 141J:Jl-4D•1ilit;t --.. _ . . _::____~ ~ -~ ... - Soclal Hour and Siient Auction 10:30 am DAVID EISENHOWER • JULIE NIXON· EISENHOWER Luncheon and Ent.Ulnment 12:00pm HILTON COSTA MESA JOSO BrlStol • Costa MeN Tickets $75 ($3'5 tu d1dudlltl•) 1 " , 111 1 , . " " .r . " , , < , , 1 i"\ \ " 1 ., 1 • ·11·-. 1 f ! 1 r' 1 , l 1 I ' if N • .. •. i: · · • r :.. . " : · · .. • · · · .. ' hocts a mental illneu aupport group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays In Olerenflefd Hall C et 800 St Andrews Road, Newport Bead\. (9'9) 57~2236. The Jewlah Fernly 8eMce of Orange County sponsors a diacusslon group for adult ctilldren end their parents from 8 to 7 p.m . two Tuesdays a mon1h 8t the Jewl•h Family Service ofllce at 260 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per session. Preregistration required. (714)~. The Jewtlh Ftlmlty SeMce of Orange County has e wefJkly parenting support group. Parent.a leam ~rategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their ctiildren. The group mee1S from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer pressure children experience. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Coste MeM Senior Center has ballroom dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m . every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St.. Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884 Jewish F8mily Service of Orange County sponsors an ongoing healing· support group for the chronically ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support IMPOUND ACCOUNTS, YES? By D11w WOnt In the eMtem l nttcd States, 1f you tall about an impound account. you II probably get a blank. look for a while, and eventually the ea\tcmer will say. ~oh, you mean an escrow account ~ D1tfrren1 areas. different name ' Different people. different pnont1cs An impound account co llects your propcny uucs and insurance on a monthly basu, then makes the payment when 11 1s due- generally semiannually Good idea? It depends on how you like LO handle your finance~ Some loans, especially those 'Ntlh minimal down payments. require impound accounts What do you. though. do 1f the choice 1s yoursl Herc•s what it comes down to. If you'd prefer not to worry about a largt payment you ·u be facing a few times 1 year, and would rather mate a ~mailer monthly payment, then you may view an impound IC~OUDt U I nmtUVCf, not to mentioo a release from emotional busies. lf. on the other band, you we no pleasure in handjna your money 10 a crecht« before it ls lctUllly due Ind pmyablc-jivm Iha& you prtfer 10 lccp "I 1 money under your ow control, lbank 1ou. and patiap '°be wnina intc'f'Ut on it"'4hen an impound account may loot owly evil tn your eyes. h '• yoor call mtml)'. And in it1elf. is • pd . For help writb Y* n:aJ e call is II H·UOO or v· t m1 .e ita IS dn M>m or oad'or'dt\'Jld . tMw '1il\f IMI M.t ulb'"I ,,,,,.,,, ;,. ~ &.ill "'f' , •• u""" Giiat ~ ~&abr. to manage Illness end ita consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays •t the Jewish ftlmlly Service ofllc:e at 250 E. Baker St., Costa M .... Auendanoe i. free, but registration ia ll'q\.lired. (7141 445-4950. Scrabble Club No. 3&0 lnMtl from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursdays at Borders Boob. Music & Cate at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St. 1n Costa Mesa. $3 New ·players are welcome. (949) 206-9822. The Coin and Stamp Club mMtl from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Cemer. New members interested In trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are welcome to jQm the tnformal meetings There are no fees required, (949) 644-3244. Jewtsh family Sefvice off9t"ll ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grief. receive support and team ways to cope with loss and sadness. One group meets at 7 p.m Tuesdays at Temple Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea 1n Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Sulday, March 9, 20()j A7 An.helm Free. but advance reglstretJon Is required (714) 445--4950. J.wi:lh Femly S..Vlc9 of Oninge Coun~provides•IUPPOf'tand d11CU11tOn group for peraons recovenng from childhood or teenage sexual abuae. The aroup meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 260 E. Baker St •• Costa Mesa. Advance registration 1s required (714) 445-4950. Two-hour kayak t.oW'S wtth a trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m. Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive, Newport Beach. $20, or$ 10 for Califomia Wildlife Campaign al'\d Newport Bay Naturah'1$ and mends members. (949) 729-1150 A yoge and dan~ dau Is he6d from 4·30 to 5:45 p.m Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Dnve East. Surte 111. Costa Mesa. (7141754-7399 The Rev. Connie Ryd(man leads a discussion group using the ~ #Conversations wrth God~ from noon 10 1 p m Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery. 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111 Costa Mesa Bring a lunch 1714)754-7399 _...ORANGE COUNTY .. ~PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 1 1714) 755 (;236 C.ROUP SA\H 171• 556 2787 Nrul<MATION 1714) SS6 '2746 TIY • 0C'AC: O«Ci 1 1714 ) 740 7878 ...,_.-.... llOX OfFICE IOAM OPM UP CLOSE W1TH <j}uliee.Andrews Spend th~ ~nlng with the one-and-only juh~ AndttWI ~he reminisces about her W\AR 24 Monday d 8:00pm $59-$29 .. ASl .... pwl.d ' Al SUnday. Match 9, .2003 FORUM HOWTOGETPUBUSHED :;_ LAttw1: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot. 330W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA92827 •A11dlnffodne: Call (949) 842-6088 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 :s E~Send to dailypllott!llatimes.com •All corTespondence must lncltide full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purpoeet). The Ptlot reMrves the right to edit all submlsalons for ctarlty and len~ . EDITORIALS ·.Chance for · -reform ·on vefge Of being lost T•he noise surrounding possible reform of Ne'wport ,. Beach's campaign laws has become deafening. Since before the November election, the city's two main political camps _:_for simplicity's sake, Greenlight on one side and pro-business leaders on the other - have been engaged in an extremely public fight that at times has been about development and traffic in town and at others has been about the politicaJ process in Newport. This month -about four months after the election was decided - the debate turned entirely to the political, with both sides leveling charges that the other had violated city ·campaign rules. Such charges are serious. and in other situations would deserve serious discussion and action. But given the build-up in animosity and the frequency with which these two groups have been going at it. it is hard to treat them as anything other than politicaJ back-and-forth or one-upmanship. It's also all too clear why the charges are beingt"' made now: City leaders wiH soon be taking up campaign reform in study sessions, which were initiated by Councilman John Heffernan. These sessions have the potential to improve the local political playing field vastly. Among the suggestions already made are a requirement that candidates file the scripts of all recorded campaign messages wit.ll the city cl~rk's office before they are used and strictures forbidding candidates rrom misrepresenting their political party affiliations and endorsemen ts on campaign literature. Both would have squelched the more notorious incidents from the past election. But the council discussions that are scheduled for Tuesday will go nowhere if they degenerate into a shouting match. And the lead-in to them gives little call for optimism that the talks will be any more substantive than the last election. If that is the case, a rare opportunity will have been missed to make Newport Beach elections a model of decorum. decency and results. " Having heart in the right place I t's always wonderful when people go out of their way to help others, especially those who have difficulty without that help. Grace Castro, the supervisor at Abilityfirst's Newport-Mesa After-School Center, completed the LA. Mararhon last week. But she wasn't alone. She pushed Kendall Milteer. an 11 -year-old Costa Mesa resident who suffers from tuberous ~clerosis, throughout the 26.2 miles. It doesn't even matter that she finished the marathon. After all, it was a team effort. They were in it together. Were it not for Castro and others at AbilityFirst, Kendall and other children may never had had the opportunity to partake -and especially finish -a marathon. Castro's efforts do so much to inspire others and help others. Ke ndall was even nominated for the marathon's Patsy 010co Courage Award - an honor that wouldn't exist without Castro's unselfishness. "I work to try and bring out the best in every lcid. I try to find whatever it is that each child has and focus on it." That was what Castro said after choosing Kendall as her partner in the race. This wasn't the first time Castro teamed to compete in a marathon and it probably won't be her last. We hope it isn't THE LAST WORD Hotel sweet hotel P ut It In the ~not too wprising new1( colUJlln! The Four. Seasons in Newpon Beach ls on ft of the best hotels f n the world Ever checked It out? If so, ~u know what the rea<Jen. of \And~ Nu t Truvcler' and Travel 8t Leisure magvJna were thinJcing when they checked ln. Luxurious entry. Spacious rooms -and we haven't ewn seen the blggc t ones. Plenry Of room for p rtJes ' ' and fund-raisent. The hotel is tops in an area filled with high-class elegance such as Newport-Memi, but it gets a nice highlight of its own by being one of only 20 places In CoJifotnla to get mentioned by C.Ond6 NasL Others that r ceived the pre tlglous mention were: BeVcrly HJJls, Oana Point, San f ranci. co and Pebble Beach. But. that'~ not too urpr Ing. ls ltf • ·i BOLTON I , \. ' .... . ~" -. I ·-.. . . , . ' . ' LETTER TO THE EDITOR . . . Don 't oppress Independence (Day):· . . I would like to comment on Lolita Harper's Monday column, "lake their money before driving them away." I've got to hand it to her: "I couldn't have said it bener." For the record. I've been living in Newport Beach, on the Balboa Peninsula, for almost six years now. I'm a single maJe. 29 years old, a college-educated young professional I have family in New Orleans, and for the last nine years now, I've attended Mardi Gras. That said, I've never understood the disdain with which the Newport Beach City touncil and police regard the Fourth of July here in Newport. First of all, th.is is an all-American celebration. The City ,Council admits that the peninsula is full of renters. We don't tell them what color to paint your mailboxes in their planned communities. Let us enjoy ourselves in our -how do you refer to it - War Zone (a relic from times past). And as for the Newport Beach Police. these guys need to do us all a favor and just relax a little. I've never seen a larger group of police just standing around looking for some minuscule citation to write someone up for. It's like trying to have a party in Tiananmen Square. Why don~ they just roll the tan.ks over us? It's obvious that this policy isn~ working. They treat us like dirt every year, yet visitors still return. and residents still party. If anything. their repressive policies and poor attitudes incite negative behavior from the crowd. On the other hand, every year, New Orleans entertains up to 1 million drunk young people for up to two Weeks solid without major incident, netting the city $ l billion. Their officers are in control, yet professional, and relatively pleasanL I even took the liberty of recomtne~ding to one of our two resident members of the Newport Beach ·City Council Fourth of July Committee that perhaps we should send some or Newport's finest to Mardi Gras this year to learn from these guys (I'm sure they . wouldn't complain). They're truly a class aCL And yes, they do train police officers from other cities. So. it was a welcome relief to see Harper's column. I must point out one thing 'though: She overlooked our City Cpuncil's largest insult to their residents, the now infamous "Newport Beach Fourth of July Survey." On Jan. 24, I received a Fourtti of July survey in the mail. It was sent by the city of Newpbrt Beach and was accompanied by a letter from Homer Bludau. Newport Beach city manager. For those of you who didn't get this splendid piece of creative writing. the lelter basically pleaded their case: Every year more than 50,000 visitors descend on Newport Beach, interfering with "public enjoyment of coastaJ resources" and making it "difficult for police and fire personnel to respond to crimes and medical emergencies." It goes on to say that last year with over 200 police they made 160 arrests (isn't that just 0.32%?). wrote more than I ,300 citations (2.6%), and "faced the potentiaJ for a violent confrontation with laige crowds." It also stated that the increase in city services cost the city $100,000 last year (ls this offset by the additional tax and citation revenue generated? I don't think so.) Therefore, the letter stated that they mayor has appointed a committee of council members, the police chief and area residents O later learned, two residents) to "study the problem and make recommendations to the City Council" Anyway, they close by asking us to complete the following survey to help them develop a plan ~that all<J\yS everyone to celebrate ln<tependence Day in a manner that respe<.'tS our values as a nadon and as a communJty. • Here are some examples or their recommendations: • I would support additional street dosures and fencing in the West Newport area on the Fourth of July. • I would support restricting access to West Newport to residents for &<>me period' on the Fourth of July. • I would su'pport a !>)'Stem for limiting •• • guest access in the restricted area that required tenants or owners to register the'·• ' gueslS' names and/or obtain a limited '\ allocation of guest passes per residence. After reviewing their survey, I must say ·' that it looks like more of a temporary authoritarian controlled government than a . celebration of our nation's independence. It 1 doesn't look like they are going to listen tQ . , me, Harper or any other resident who actually lives in Wesl Newport. J took il asa • , personaJ insult to me and every other resident of the peninsula Jn fact, doesn't • • , • this go agaipst everything that we're fighting for as a country? My personal feel is that if the Newport Beach City Council is out of touch with their constituents in West Newport. These people would never actually live in West Newport. Our bouses are old, too close together, and there is no parking. They think that if they scare off the renters. then maybe they will have a place to park when the relatives c;ome in from out of town and want to go to the beach. But who else would live here -not them, not millionaires, not famlUes. Who then? Sorry guys. bul we're all you've got! So rather than the Newport Beach City Council trying to change the face of West Newport, maybe the residents of West Newport need lo change the face(s) of the Newport Beach City Council And if they still don't represent us. then maybe we need our own city counclll You can read the survey in its entirety (and linJcs to the Newport Beach City Council e-mail addresses) at www.ftttnetuport.com. We need to get involved or continue to gel ignored. So, this Fourth of Jut)( have fun, party responSL'bly, respect ct. police, but remind them all that this is our neighborhood. BRIAN Cl.ARKSOflf Balboa Pminsui. .· HOW TO CONTACJ YOUR REPRESENTATIVES , ,. I .. I BIO ~35 Oicupetlon: Entrepreneur; also opened now-defunct Atta nus In Newport Beach Educ8tlon: Studied finance aocoonting at Cat State San Bernardino; took entrepreneur program at USC R11lllewla: Newport Island in Newport Beac:h slnoe 1986 r.nly: Mother Hotlblel· Ashing saltwater and blue water; boating; jet skiing; diving; snow aldlng SAFETY CONCERNS 'We fully believe that our particular space will be the safest nightclub that can be built to date given the kno~ledge and expertise involved in the design of the project. And I think that.is reflected In the plan that we 've submitted and I hope the city will find th e same.' . . . .. . .. ' .... FORUM Sunday. March 9. 2003 At STEVE McCRANK /DAILY PILOT Hoping to break out· W hen Newport Beach resident James Hawn applied for a conditional use permit in August to create a nightclub in the basement of 190 l NeWp<>rt Btvd. -the Spanish colonial building once referred to as Pacific Sa~ Plaza -he figured aub Vegas would open by 2003. He didn't realiz.e thar worlc on the project would not have been started by Marcil. But it is March and Raven still awaits the final OK to start building a dance Ooor. martini bar and such. The Planning Commission approved the project in January. but the Costa Mesa Fire Marshal has safety concerns. . The recent nightclub tragedies in OUcago and Rhode Island. in that order. have put the spotlight on nightclub safety and the nwnber of exits nightclubs should have. Jn regards to aub Vegas, it would need three exits for 500 or more people and four for more than 1,000 patrons. aub Vegas plans to host about 600 people at most. On Friday, Oty Editor James Meier stopped by Raven's office in 190 l Newport Blvd to discuss the dub, the fire marshal's concerns and the recent rash of nightclub tragedies. ~when wUl Qub ~ openl lhe·shon answer is as soon as I can pos.gbty get it built. At this point. I wouldn't be able to hazard a guess. I had hoped some time in May and that had been revised forward several ti.mes. l(s the nature of these projects, I th.ink. to make it difficult on you to predict a fiim date. But I<! say before sununer ~ pos&ble. 11* would eean remmbble. You ba"1e to mrt from ICl"lltCh -It .. dpt now. Newport Beach resident James Raven hopes to add more night life to . downtown Costa Mesa with a new .nightclub at 1901 Newport Well, yes. I think. at the st.age that the design process is. it's possible we can gel the space built 60 to 90 days from the moment we start. I think. It remains IO be seen whether that's reality. Al the same time. I filed my application for the befµming of this process in Aug\.Lst of last year. Sa I would hope I could be open by August or fall this year. What are your thoughts on the holdup by the Ore marshal? ReaJisticaily, his concerns are weU-noted and they have been expressed in meetings with my code expert. architects, myself and various building officials. And our goal is to accommodate the needs of the safety of the citizens of Orange County and Costa Mesa. We have submitted a revised plan that incorporates a third exit in that space. which ~ us a total of four in the entire venue. The plan we have wotked on for four months to ensure. with code experts, that it completely complies with the California Building Code. which is the most restrictive code in the nation regarding my particular use. We are very confident that it does comply with that The building is made out of cement It is fully (protected with fire sprinklers}. Theres nothing that's going in there that doesn~ meet the c.alifumia Building Code, material-wise, which is also the most restrictive in the nation with regard to my use for fire safety issues. And we fully believe that our particular space will be the safest nigbtdub that can be built to date glven the knowledge and exper1i1e involved in the design of the project. And I think that b reflected in the~ that~ submitted and I hope the city will find the same. Now how haw the trapdies lo Odcago and Rhode Island affected your projectf They have certainly created an increased interest and scrutiny In the safety issues, which is not necessarily unwelcome. The more.scrutiny we receive in this process at this time, I think increases the level of confidence that everybody has in the actual safety of the space once we finally get open. And as far as I'm concerned. I would welcome that from that standpoint and I do belieVe we have a very sale pJan. ... To reiterate what l've said, it's a cement building with full fire sprinklers and we're not going to put anything in it that's flammable beyond the California Building Code statute. which. again. is the most restrictive in the nation and our plan complies with that It's kind of a three-ring circus. We have the restaurant and loimge portion with the martini bar that incorporates the entrance and patio deck. And that is basically designed to resemble a son of retro-modem 19505-Sfyle martini-modem fabulous las Vegas in the 1950s wine bar where you rnighl see Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin sipping a martini While it's not quite so retro as to be stuffy. we think it's warm and comfortable and we're very excited to offer something of that scale to the area. The nlghtdub space itself. which is an adjunct to the entire operadon. is designed to resemble a Palm Springs martini modem pool bar with blue vinyt tile on the dance ftoor .... Our primary target maitet is an afDuent upscale FROM THE NEWSROOM clientele between 25 and 50 years or age primarily beach.side of the (San Diego) Freeway in Orange County. Whm made you c.hoo8e 1901 Newport Btvd.1 I had always been interested in the property since, actually. Atlantis dosed in 1996. I had spent a great deaJ of time looking in the area of Cost.a Mesa Newpon. l.rv\ne to find another place to continue my busines& At the time, it was under different own~ip than it is now and was unavailable to me for the use. I had noticed a lime over a year ago now that it appeared the ownership had changed. So I spoke to the new owners and was surprised to discover the availability of the space of the east wmg sublevel that 1 don't think anybody ever really lcnew about I thought it would be ideaJ for my use and they (Rutter Development apd Kennedy-Wtlson) agreed and here we are. When did )'OU tnttlaDy plan to opmf Initially. when we filed for a conditional use permit last August. we had hoped to be open by New Year's. Whether or not that was realistic. in hindsight. perhaps not. But we certainty hoped we would be able to open in a reasonable amount of time. Yes. rd like to add that given (Thursday's) Pilot article. I'd like IO thank the City Council members and planning commissioners that have spoken on my behalf to lhe city with regard to my project I'm not sure that the appropriate venue to air these grievances would have been in the paper. but there it is. And. realistically speaking. my experience with the city; although it has at times seemed to t:aJce a loog time. they have always behaved in a professional manner and I would say their concerns are not out of line. And I hope I can be a benefit foe the community and can open my wnue. Pilot's youth .soccer tournament needs volunteers lamented ~theloss oftheUons cup, • soocer tournament that for years WU connected to theUons behind the whole event, b looking for just that. It bas always been my belief that we doO:t do enough with the boating community. mosdy because so many of us know nothing abOut lt. So. l welcomed .John With open IU1DS and offcied him a •pot. ••• TBJ.rr 10 nE EDfroR Tony Oodefo it the editor. He w1lcomee ~ commetlta onrMWS~, ~Ofother' ~.-s--.H you~tmrnrgeou ..._ID the ecllof, eel hit ~.-.;...........;:.;-...-.., Oub'a annual He needs volunteen who can help orpni.r.e team memben and coacheia: His ~ as ahftya. ls to have t~ from tNery achool in Newport·Mesa. He got cloee to that goal lut year but adU could \lie help in some of the W..Wde schooll. Thus~ a too·ahort relationahip with one of the nicest gentlemen l'W ~bad the jJIMlw'e to meet. Jotin WU ~ gradoul and peAal for wba~ .pace be could 11t tn the~ Flnally, (wanted to fill you ln on some. exciting news we bad. Many of you probably remember S-a..... dramatic photo of a man attempdng to ta.Ice hb own life by jumpm, off the co.ta Meea Freeway CJWrJ>aM onto the Sin Diqo frwway. dndbll ... ...... 0tlht9'11i11r1 ..... .. PW\ fry and Parade. Al TONY DODE RO traditJont like the pan4e bepn to wane. eo dad the eoc:cer towney. Blrt Lobdell, Mamie and Mdntoeh, whO all Md Children playtnc tompetldw eoccer. ~all too .... of die .port's popularfty. So the Piiot CUp ... born IDiit 11'1 nowa.f.,.ar-&I · IDddllrWllbno_.ol...,.. ..... .... ..,._. -"--...... ...... ...... ~.., .............. . For thOM who'd lib to hdP out with lhe PUoc Cup, contec:t Mdntoeh at (M8) ... _.,or vtae·...Oat U..wclllu .. ecarthM ' .... ••• \~~·~ ~editor or reponer who C9JDe In cont.la Wllh him ~~olbll eDdeiutJtc nalUn. AD -.W. of USC fObn oNila told me lhlt be lhed IQ Newpon 8Mds ..,,_of .......... ,. ... CJIM.M._.be _.,.,_ CJllhe dtflmljor .., Jira. .. .... ,.. ........ ...., ...... The·-dlC\--dei*Uld low<*JINa l .. iWl'f Plllrol omc.. .. ID_,_ lhe IDln bf ...... on., ..... HebroUhe. .. .nd lllCftdlblJ iUn'lwd. but .. bi c::ddail condldon It ·Mlllttn MldlalCtaler . '11118,...._...., ..... bfOll;Jlllll_... ...... ....... Ni plftt'FI -. 11*Cilllt-• •..iec •' ,, __ ., .. ... = 5 ........ . -WB!ll!S It 11• ea 1111,...,..1tbife-meito .............. 11 IHIOt ... , .. uek• • 111&.0t ........ by' mll ID l30W. 89v St., c.. .... CA. IM27 -.---~--- .. 101 SUICl.AIR SHADY CANYONo, IRVINE $3,695,000 /. QUOTE OF 1lfE DAY "It would have bttn nice to win the whole thin& but it doesn't bother me. We had a magical season." 0.. Joll111ton. Costa Mesa ttgh gir1s • .. soccer coach . · EYEOPENER .. ~ !IJ~PikX SporW Hal alP I . Match I 0 hoftQfee JtMWARREN Sportafdlor RoaerCartson . (949)57-M223 . SpottaFu:(949)650-0170 St.may, Match 9, 2003 81 . • PHOTOS BY STrVE McCR.ANI< DAILYP!l.0- Costa Mesa girts acknowledge cheers from the crowd after becoming CIF Division Jll co-chan;ipions with Walnut Saturday at Cal State Fullerton. The game ended at regulation time m a scoreless standoff • 1ece o Costa Mesa, Walnut share CIF Div. III co-championship after a scoreless tie at Cal St. Fullerton. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot "We came out here to wm. • Sc::oRelOMD said seruor 'M'ttper Devin Denman. a four-year \'arsiry perfonner. ~erued man) crosses and deflected severai- ll'lCOnung shots hit ~ Walnut attacken, M she keyed a de· fense that was tested. walnut (20-4-6), the No. 4 Walnut o seed and champion of the San Meu o Antonio League for 1ts fifth FUU.EIUON -Wcdnut comecut:M league title (four High's ~soccer team met lts in the Baseline lea8uel. out- match against Costa Mesa Saturday In the shot the ~ 15-8, refying on the aF Southern Section ~ m final at firepower speec1 of lead« and Cal State Fullerton. sophomore Olristi.na Qmiap and mid- But. then again. the same could be said fielder Janessa Quner. in the reverse order a.s the two IChook Freshman Jasmin Day. who used her dueled to a l>-0 tie at the eod of regula-gazeDe-1.ike snides to trad. down balls m don. both sharing the champioosb.ip in the Walnut zooe IOr much of the game. their first ClF title game in gids IOCCU sbmd similar send.men a Denman. Mesa (22-1-3) took home OF l*Ches "I'm a little sad because w.i·~ oome all and Walnut WU awarded the plaque after the way here and wanted to win.• Day a ooJn 8ip roDowlng the ftnal whistle. said. OYert1me is not played In OF tide pmes. In the~ minut Day fotmd her-• The MIKfl"&' the No. 2-eeed and flflf poCtioned nm to tho near J>Q5t torr- chaml*>m of the Golden West teaaue. oeive. pass from jl.mior RKheJ RooquiDo. condmaed their unbellC:n stl...t to 23 Ronquillo ~ but the bill sailed pmel and ~ their lllOlt aXXlellful toward the t.ct line. j\.ISt out of ~ lelSOO in 13 years of the plCJtPaaD eDst· rach. ence. But IOllle left the &:Id Slturday. wanting more. See tlSTORY, Pap 83 12 ~. Mirth 9, 2003 ' JC WOMEN'S BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS Carrillo scores 21 points, including final two free throws, to put Coast in state tournament for first time in five years. OJSTA MESA -Oh. the sweet cohfines of Peterson Gym. The fourtb-seeded Orange Coast C:OUege women's basketball team (27-7) advanced to the State foumament for the first time l>lnce the 1997-98 season with a scintillating 51-49 victory over visiting Compton -the No. 5 ~ -Saturday in the Southern California Regional final The g3.me went down to the ft. · nal seconds, ~----~ with c.oast Compton 49 occ. 51 needing a defensive stop as Compton called a timeout to setup a play with 11 sec- on<k N'lCOle Hunter, who bad 14 points for SPORTS Compton. threw up a 22-footer but missed short and sophomore Lauren Murray (six points) grabbed one of. her eigtlt re- bounds before time expired. Freshman Alisa Canillo hit two free throws with 18 seconds left and finished with a game-high 21 points on 7 of 11 from the 6eld and 7 of 8 from the foul line. STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT Anteaters' Jordan Harris goes up for a shot in UCl's 95-60 blowout victory over Long Beach State. . "The sophomores deserve to go to the stale tournament.· said occ Coach Mike Thornton. " fhey have been so good to ~the l,tSt c.ouple years. Just to have the opportunity to go to the (state toumamenl), that was their goal cit lhc bt.'ginning of the. year. We've h.11 I l.ome ups and some downs a11d !.orne good times and some b..11.l limes. but 10 be able to play he1c and win on our home floor w~great • Going out with a bang Sophomore Liz Mendoza fin. Med wilh nine points while Und- y:y Galasso added eight with three steals. Sophomore Nancy l lat...ush.i tallied three points with three 8.5SislS while Candice Quiroz led Coast with five a<>&sts. n1e Pir.ites made 9 of 24 field goaJ attempts in the first half (37.5%) and finished 35.3% for the ~e. including a 4-of-20 clip (20%) from three-point range. but Compton fa.red worse. 'The visitors shot just 29.9% from the field. 'The Pirates contained Compton forward l.aConia H.atcher, the South Coast Conference Sout.bem Uivision Player of the Year, who came into the game averaging 21.4 points. She managed just 5 PQints Saturday (2-of-16). "We worked really hard in de- nying (Hatcher) the ball in their half-court offense, -lhomton said. "We knew we couldn't go out and pid her up full oourt because WC knew she wouJd bJow by de- fender&· Ille l~tes trailed. 49-44, with 5:37 to play. but held Compton without a point the rest of the way, tJmnks to a 3-2wne1homton has now used in the last two victories for UM-·.1. ·w.. haven't reaJJy used a wne at all this sea.son. but it made a big iliffcrenc:e when we did,• Thornton said Caniilo hit a short jumper with 41>1 to play for the final fie&d goal of the game. Murray grabbed a team-high 10 rt-boumis with camno adding eight ·1 he Uuc:s goer set to travel to the fenm'. Craig PavOion at the Uniwr· ty uf Siu'! ~ for the SCate ~nammt Jhdr oppooa:lt wm be oourJCtd nu.diy. Harris and Hood sparkle in the .Aiiteaters' rout of Long Beach State to the tune of 95-60 before packed house. Steve Viraen Da1ly P1lot BRF.N EVENTS CENTER -Jor- dan Harris bad the type of night most college seniors dream or when playing in their final home game. He played with aggression. He did it with style and he did it with emotion. Along the way, Mike Hood. UOs only other sen- ior. got in on the act. revived his out.side shooting and also com- pleted a memorable perfonn- ance. I LBSL 60 Antaeters 95 The two seniors were a pan or ua·s night when the Anteaters displayed their fuD po- tential in de- feating Long Beach State, 95-«), in front or a season-high capacity aowd of 5,000 rans at the Bren Events Center Saturday. Harris matched his season-high with 23 points. on 10-of-13 shoot- ing from the field. whDe Hood added 14 points, including 3 or 5 from beyond the three-point line. Adam Parada. ua~ 7-foot junJor center, perhaps performing the best he bas during the conference season, led the 'Eaten with 24 points and 13 rebounds. "I don't think it gets any better than that,~ Han1s &aid. "It was a good night. It wasn't a toiybook ~Its not storybook until wt get to the NCM ~t It we pJay like we did tonight there's oo reat00 why we can't do lt (mach the NCAA toUnley). • The AnteaJm 6Mhed the l'fillW ltaPl. 19"8, 13·5 In the . ~,....,.. c.... 8(g Welt for leCond place: Pllyiflg ,.'If._,...... .. the No. 2 _. in the Big West r...COi .... -, .............. ~u,,;~ 6, • Tuuiriarneri&. 00 wtl face the Per*1naS, Sheetl 15, Hlltl«O, Wrottn ecWnth teed. a.I Seate North· 2, Ch8tlt»ll 0, Mllt!W O, Wtleon ft, ~. lhW'ldly n_llbt at 6 It che 1f1111w 2. m ConYendol1 ~. ,:.=-o:-=3. Wli.c>n 1 The 'F.Aten. Who won or hied lechw.-.-~ the ... w.. ........... dde ~ c..t-Mentlora I, CMillo tbe plilll IWO ~ li9le lolt In the 71,·MVn9'YI. Hmuetll So o.i-o I, tu1two.raes~u ldOl ...... W ........ lhe .c: OUlroz 0, SMw O, Yon~ 4, 9-PL1Q919-a..o2.~ 1, Mendou t ....... lbe Nrt FouMctou.-none. ua 101t • :,.. ........... ...,,,... 9-63. TedNllc•-none. 20, ... cl fJ Ill I ,._ ....._ Hlilftime -Compeon. •29 dOri. et-57, • e.e 11111111 ,. a f'. That was when Hood disJocated a finger on his shooting hand tn that game and the fol-UCSB lowing three, he went I ua for 15 from behind the Utah St. three-p6int line. The c.1 Poly previous eight games Idaho to his shooting slwnp Fullenon Hood had hit 23 of his Northndge 35 three-pointers Pacific (.6.57), and became one Riverside ~1 learned from (HanU) a routine and w l how to tiefiave on the road, and how to come ~; : prepared for every 12 6 game," sald flt:Vberha, 10 8 who i!. Harris' room- 9 9 mate during road e 10 games. ·He was a e 10 mentor to me. He's 7 11 meant a lot to this 5 13 team. 4 14 When he's ready to of the hottest shooters Long 8dl St. in the conference. play, everyone else gets ready to play. He's been a catalyst for this team.• He scored the eventual game· winning ~ in January wins over UC Riverside, Utah State and University or the Pacific. ·u feels a lot better," Hood said of the finger. Douglass said the two seniors were instrumental in lifting the Anteaters out of their three-game losing streak eartJer in the teaSOn ua responded lo the skid with a seven-game winning &beak. The 'Eaters won seven of their past eight games to close out the sea- son "Those two kids (Harris and Hood) really carrled us,. said Douglass, who was Impressed with what his team accomplished this season. "1 don't want to pat myself on the back, but I think we had a good year. N'meteen wins. A lot of people dkln\ think we would win dl8t many g;a.mes without Jerry (Green), and ~ we a.re with 19 wins.• Douglass also aald redshirt freshman point guard Jeff Ologer ·was an Import.ant factor toward the team's succeu this season. The ua Coach called bis p&ay a surpNe and abo thougflt he "handled hlmself wd1.. tlu:Ou8h· outthe~n. Gloger scored eight points and dished out five I le, Just as the rest of his teammates and the Anteater fans, applauded loudly when ua honored the two sen- iors after the game. Harrl.9 reveled fn the moment. The Antea.ters opened the sec- ond half with a 26-2 run in a 6.1>7 span. Parada. who had his fifth double-double of the season. capped the run and poured in 10 points in the sooting spurt. •tt's a real confidence booster for me and the whole team." Para· dasaid. · ua led by u many as 39. twice, the latter coming after a three-pointer by freshman Ros,, Schraeder that gave the Anteaters a95-561ead Long Beach State (5-22, 4-14) was led by 'lboy Darden 8nd bb game-high 27 polnts. though the 49el'S appeared to play lazy de- fense. ua had 1CMra1 buckets to ttanstion. which 8lso featun!d dunb. DouglaM said UO's victofy pro- vided the Anaters Mth momen- tum. however. the tournament maJb a start or a new teUOn. He said the Anteaters ha~ a aoHd chance to win the tournament d· tie and eam the schools' ~ NCAA 1bumarnent berth. ·Any or the eight ceems ~ a chanCe to wtn It," Doupsa Mid. ZOT8 -uo 91191" horilored ..nlof' C:urda Mlltddnd. au Mad Dog. who is 1he ~of the Complet*y ,,... .. ne AntNten. The C1A It the group of fans who wur yellow lhlrts and e<e noted for their unique dlMf"I ... UCI ia one victory~ from ed119v· Ing 20 wlnt fO< th9 thlrd..miight year, whld\ would CIPitaliZll on their ac:hoof record Earlier, he left the pme with 6$ l remaining end the Aliteaten &Mad. 82-46. Before he toot hl ·eeat on the bench. he pw Dou(j· las a big, playful bug, c.he rwo .. ._. c.•www ahared a laugh. 't be Where we are ua •·a.on.....,. It. to ~ WMn'l for Jordan: "--._. ..... _....,_ 1• • .,. " L.ewnom t. Graetn 4, Hodges t , aald lifter UCJ' 68-Oetden 27. Jtd:8Qn o. flW'IOn I, 62 W:tory over c.a Poly t:et>: 27. J.cuon o, et.Ito. P.-..o o. Jentc•nt Thit statement Go applied lO 0, SMurday ~ whien llarris ' :=:=~·Hod9te 1· .oo.eci 20 pobl tri the ftnt hllll, T~ -LeWhom • uo tMJ'CWDe • 26 11 delck ua-...,. n. °'°'° 2 • ...,.. M.o Midi a 9--0 run, then ~ oUt =I. Hood M. ..._.OJ:: .. _.~Chal7-6lpUltlO*• ~~\,':;.~:•• o. 43-35-~ ~-HoOd s...,,... '·,... IJalp• llld • ..,,.. lader· '· Glotlet' 1, Zuleli 1, ldlf .... l lllip hill*> been.............. ~ N-lt0f'9 pidlll)o b UC\ lone 0'\11 W. Teet• ta••-,.,._ ...-..... ttntx.t. ..... -ua.oa. ____ ... BASEBALL A .. nteaters poSf 7-2. Victory oyer San Diego St. UC Irvine's seven- game Win drought at home finally ends - during weekend series with Aztecs. AN'Il!ATER BALLPARK -UC Irvtne's baseball team snapped a winless streak seven Saturday night. shelling the visiting San Diego ScateAztecsi 7-2. Anteater center fielder Jon Horwitz drove in ua·s first run in the bottom of the second and added a lWO·NO double in the fourth tnning. Third baseman Steve Guth· rie gave UCI a 2-for-4 per· formance with two runs scored and an RBI. First base- man Matt Falk also gave the Anteaters a lift, going 2 for 3 and scoring twice. UCI starter Brett Smith held ~e Aztecs scoreless through four lii01n&I before Sin OiegO Slate woldd'ecoce Its lWO rum ln the. ~ . Jordan Szibo ~ • two-run fifth for the Anteaten witb bis ftrst eoJo home run of the aeason end the ua buDpen did the rat. ReUewn Chris NJcoO and Paul Freocb com: bined for 3~ Inn.logs of shutout ball to dose It out. ua improYeS to s..u, San Di- ego State falla to 6-14. · The finale of the One-game series ~ today at 1 p.m. at Tony Gwynn Stadium tn San Diego. "°""' .. •ice ua1&en~~2 SOSt. so:~~ -'4 1 o uo ClllOZ2000.-7t11 Carque, Undeev (5) end A.Hen; SrMh, Nicoll (8), F'fend\ (9) •nd Wegnw. W - Smith, 2-2. L-Cerque, l-2. 29-AUen (SO), Horwltt (UCI), Wellia (UQ), Guthrte (UCO. 38-Stonerd (SOI, G~ (SO), W.1119 (UO). HR- Szabo (IJC!). Pirates bounce back to beat Irvine Valley, 10-7 Beniot, Hicks drive in decisive runs in the ninth inning for Orange Coast. IRVINE -The Orange Coast College baseball team gave up a five-run lead, then rallied back with five runs in the top of the ninth inning Saturday afternoon to defeat host Irvine Valley, 10-7, in Orange Emp~ Conference baseball action. 'We saapped back, wbicb was nice, because we've been losing them in the ninth.• OCC Coach John Altobelli said. In the ninth, after OCCs Ryan Mathes (3 for 4) was in- tentionally walked, Greg Beniot singled off the JVC third baseman's glove to score Tyler Shaffer with the tying run, then Dusty Hieb singled to center field to plate Mathes for the go-ahead run. Beniot later scored from third base on a double steal. The Pirates ( 1-4 in the OEC) travel to Cypress for a 2 p.m. start Tuesday. IVC fell to 1-4 in conference. 0r.,.. Empire Cetllwwice occ 10, lrvtne \Wley 7 occ ~ ~""'T . 10 13 , lrvlM Vly 000 OOI O:lO • 1 t1 1 Murdy, H•rt (8), Boyd (8), CMamen (8), Fen. (8) •nd G'8nt. Hieb (I); Ramirez. lklf"80ft (5). Lewis (9), ~ (9), McEed\ln (8) and lAne. W -Ctlritamen. L -Mc:e..chln. S - ferl•. 28-Stiltz U>CCl. Lene (IVCl. AM• (IVC). 38-Sheffer (OCC), Meth• tOCC). HR -Smith (IVC). Vanguard splits in Azusa Lions blow 8-0 first -game lead, but salvage the nightcap. AZUSA -Slung by an 11-9 loss in the opener of a double- header with host Azusa Pacific in Golden State Athletic Conference baseball, the Vanguard Uons bounced back with a 9·3 victory to salvage a apJlt Saturday. Jason Sea.de went 3 for 5 with four RBis and ttU1!e tunS scored in the opener, and Joe Olmabao was 3 foi' 4 with two RBis and two rum ICOred. Soott Mlrtin was 3 for 5 with three RBJs and scored a run. Searle and Martin each aJugged three--run homers to stake Ya.i:Jguard to an 8-0'lead If· w two lnningl before the roof caved lib • The nllbtcap Was modler story, ~ as All-G&C J>ltcbef Mattu& Hurli bdled die CouP!'s for 7 i.rJninp to lead die lJoOI to the 9-3 win:. Sea.de. with two bOme Ni» ID the Opeoet. WU 3 for 4 with two RBis and two NN ried.; . Millwan:I was 2 for 4 with two doubles, four RBis and ecored twice: Martin was 2 for 4 with a double. an RBI and scored twice; Bower was 2 for 3 with a double: and Carnahan was 2 for 4 and scored twice. With the spUt. Vanguard is 12-9, 6-4 in the GSAC. Azusa Pa- cific is 8-9. 5-5. GllMZ ~ ....... ~'9cMcl ~so: ~ -tt2 0 An* P9c 000 OCll2 , • • • 2 Heme lind aow.; Strlc*:lend. Aa.. (31. OM C7l end Haebr. W -Heme. ).3. l -StriOJ9nd. '""' 28-CIMDf'I (VU). 5-tte (VU), Maf'tin MJl 2. Mllw9rd (WI 2. 80W8f (VU), Omme (AP), HMker (AP), HR -Gwtnn (AP). T)ouble trouble for Tars Pacifica sweeps past NeW,PQrt Haroor big time in a tWin bill. NEWPORT BF.ACH -New· port Harl>or H!gh's bud>8Jl team dropped a pair of nonleque games to Padflca Saturday, 10-2 and 18..(), and they have 'IUelday to Joc>k forw&rd to when the ~ lume play ln the NIWpOlt PJb BBl) met Miner (2 foe 3 wltb • Nn ICONd), Whk:h WM the II• tent ol N9wpoat'• etgtll-blt at· tack. The s.ilon Cl ·2), by virtue of their 8·3 Vfc:tory aver c.rury on Priday In the Newport Blia Tbui· nament, ate ftM:ed with Plpfk.a (3.0) on Tuelday at Che .._ lite. ~~ ... leClOOd· • NcWJ'lort Harbor pitching sunenderid 29 blu and the . Sal.Ion were guilty of eight er· ron. but there •re aome briaht apols ~. ttPectaPY With )t;anlor ·Kuo MWe..pari, Matt P.tlebOn. Ryan to~ and ~~Iii ju. .. MicdDd ,., "'......,.,ll 11!.a went 2b31n=lliMl--2 flit2...... .. .. .,.... .... ..... .....b =~~.:-.:=-.::= ._ • ....,CZ.lw4wa• ,...., 'n..i..; • ._.,Plot HISTORY · Contilued from Bl Mlnutts before. Day lpdnted aloQg.&be far aide. but • lob ... riom her setlJof lilt.er Sharon n.y, an AD-QF performer a year 8ID r. and four-year Vandty standout who ,bas soored 83 goals to ~ wfth 71 In hf' Mesa career. flew slightly <M!l' bei' bead. "(llonquillo) aoeeed the ball and I hoped to whip around and get a goal, but it dktn't happen.• said Jasmin, who amaaeed 2A ·~· .koab along with 14 ~ this , season. .. . The final minutes provided the • most exdtemeot on boch sides. ~ -Walnut rnlS$ed itl eecond golden , scoring chance In the 74th minute . ·' when freshman midfielder 1lwya ,,• :Slusser gained possession in the middle of the field and crossed to ' Carriaga. But Mesa junior goal- • keeper Kaitlyn Gentling, who re- lieved an injured Kindra Bailey in the second halt; came out to deter . . Carriaga just enough that the shot flew over the aossbar. eliciting a pronounced "ob" from the Wal- nut faithful. About 500 were In at- tendance. Jn the 33rd minute. sophomore 1nld.6elder Andrea Pageo crossed 10 Shmer. who had broken toward the goal with ooty Bailey to beat But the Mesa goalkeeper tipped · the shot over the goal. HThal stuff has happened to~ all year long,· said Walnut c.oach Scott DeGralJ, In his sixth year at the varsicy helm and 17th at the <;Chool. a.bout the missed oppor- tunities. "We bad the opportu- nities but just fOrced the shots uver the goal But we definitely played strong the whole game. MESA Continued from B 1 had adhesive bandages over what cwistant coach Erin Van •· I lorn said were a_ pair of cuts .• qllgned vertically from the center of her forehead tp the bridge of ' her nose. Van Hom also said there was a knot on her fore- head. Her wounds were tangible evi- dence of the aggressiveness with which Bailey attacked her duties, capping her first varsity season. in which she shan!d time with t£ntllng. by helping produce her team's 14th shutout. It was the I 0th time In the last 12 games Mesa's opponent failed to score. lndudlng 3 or 5 playoff games.. "She was phenomenal: Van I lorn, a funner Mesa keeper in her second season helping coach the Mustang goalies. said ·0ur goalies haven't been tested a lot , this year, but she was ready and .• she played to her potential.• Bailey's aggressiveness was ob- .• viow early and she repeatedly • charged out to collect balls in- side the JS-yard box. sliding into attackers four tima in the first · half to smother loose balls. She .. . . .. • • Our ~ ltepped up IO much throughout lhb year and took~· Gothepen on both teams de.: nSed any lhoca Chat came tbdr ~ a.Hey had Ill 18\W while Gentling ~ ~ ltOp dur- ing her 20 minutes In net. ~ and Walnut forwanl NJdd Becker collided in the six- yard box as pla~ jostled for poliUion to recdve an incoming mmer kk* by aenior' ~ Gur- rola. Both players laid on the ground for four minutes before being helped off the fteld by atb- Jetic ata1f. After the pme, Bailey held a pack ·of ice to her head 8edc:.er bad a two-loch gash to her Cmmead and her parents took her 'to a oeaiby hoeptta1 following the game. DeGraft' said Bailey pattOned the goal ~ area around the net ip cat-like fashion. ready to pounce on any ball that came her way. even if it was 15 yards out. · "Kindra was fired up and played great and Kaitlyn showed us what she is made ot being tough when we needed her to be," said Mesa Coach Dan Johnston. Much like Mesa's 2-1 semifinal win over Bonita Tuesday, the Mus- tangs started off slowty. but got into their stride as the game wore on. "We started sJow, but had a great 10 minutes before the half," Johnston said "We powered all over them and they are a great team." Sharon Day. who will compete in track and field and soccer next season al Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. took. six of Mesa5 eight shots. her best scoring chance coming on a boot from 25 yards out in the 34th minute that sailed STEVE McCRN« I DAILY PLOT Costa Mesa's Nilani Duarte ( 18) duels with Walnuf s Cyndi Gurrola (7) in CIF Div Ill championship game Saturday. bad three saves by halftime. "She got more and more ag- gressi'ie toward the end of the season.· Van Hom said of last year's junior varsity keeper. "l think tha1 semi6naJ game (the second playoff victory in which she played the entire coolest), SPORTS STEVl M<:CAANI( /DAILY Pit QT Costa Mesa's Rachel Ronquillo (1 5) attempts to take the ball from Walnut's Andrea Fagen (9). ~the goal. Kristen B.igwell anchored the Sophomore forward Jenny midfield. Sophomore forwdl'd Sparlcs. who tallied 27 goals this Veta GaJe mn on the front line~ of season. had a shot in the second Mesa attach half. M~ poi.led ib 14th shutout Mesa's defense was' aided by .. a ~hool record -while Walnut Kara Jenkins. Sara Br'yant. Julie improved 1b unbeaten streak to Nomura. Nelly Banios. Stacy Kri· 15 whale allowing Just one goaJ an k.orian. Valerie Gome-J. Laura its playolJ run. Dinsdale and N'Uani Duarte. while When ~ed if a co-champion- Toshia Bcyant, Rachel I lughes and ship cam~ any consolation, Oen really helped her confidence." Johnston and Bailey's team- mates were also generoll5 with praise. ·Kindra played great," said Johnsto n. who had alternated her with Gentling in the first· round and quarterfinal playoff wins.. "(Bailey) came up b ig when she needed to. Kindra wclS fired up. She wanted to be a cham· pion. I wish the rest of our team was that fired up in the first half." "I was d ep ressed when she got hurt. because she was playing very well and very aggressively.· Gent.ling said. "We knew Walnut was a rough team and we had to play our best deferu.e. Kindra played an awesome game." Stacy Krikorian. a junior full- back who, along with senior sweeper Devin Denman. junior stopper Valerie Gomez. fullbacks Kara Jenkins, a junior, and Nelly Barrios. a senior, helped hand Walnut its fifth shutout this sea- son. said it was fun to watch Bai- ley's development. particularly late in the season. "It was a bummer when she got hurt. because she has was playing so wen.· Krikorian said. "She gives her all every minute she's in there. She was awesome tonight." Perhaps Baile)'!> bt'<.t eflon came five rnmut~ anto the ~ ond half, when, having bolted about 10 yard~ from the Lclge. she blocked cl Mrong shot lrom the nght wing by Walnut 01Te11 sive catalY.\t ~tina Carriaga. The rebound rolled about 15 fe('I back out toward the middle of the box. but Bailey quickly pounced on it. before a Walnut player t:ould do any more dam age. Gentlmg, who missed much of the league -.eason with a hip in· jury sustamed in a fall durmg a game. abo earned accolad~ for her play. "It w-a.s a tough Mtuauon to step mto. with very llltle wannup, but I thought ((.)en tling) played t,rreat; Van I !om said . "Kaitlyn is a really good goaJ1e and she showed that.· John~ton said. Said Krikorian, "We all beheve Kaitlyn and Kindra are equal, w when she came in, we felt JU!>I <e> good about our chances." Even Walnut Coach &oil lk Graff chimed in. "I thought both their k.ttpe~ did a good job.· he said. man said. "It\ hard lor LI.'> to thulk about that right nuw. Hut, wi: dft: the furtht!l>I any Ml~ team ha.-. come and u ha.-. bt.•t:11 .,., m ut h fun th.is ywr. Johnston -.umrnt'Ci up the ">t;"d son in a fe\<\ \Wrth. "It would h<1ve bt.""C11 run~ 10 wu1 the whole thtng. but u dllt'l>n't bother me. he -..ud "\\t' had <1 magical -.Cd'>Oll ... CIF CHAMPIONS The Mustangs Kns1en Bagwell Kindra Bailey Nelly Barnos Sara Bryant Tosta Bryant Jasmin Day Sharon Day Devin Denman Laura Dinsdale Nilani Duarte Vera Gale Ka itlyn Gentling Valene Gomez Rachel Hughes Kara Jenkins Stacy Krikorian Jutte Nomura Racnel Ronquillo Jenny Sparks to.ch: Dan Johnston Asst. Coach: Erin Van Horn BRIEFS VU' s Hall gains All-American laurels HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the D~ Piiot's Athlete of1he w~ series Sarah Hall, Vanguard's ftnaJ competitor at the NAIA Track and Field Indoor Nationals. galned national recognition Sat- urday when she garnered NAIA All-American honors for bet per- formance in the 3,000 meter event Hall entered the ewn£ seeded e ighth ac;cording to her prior quallfyins matb, but pulled off a minor upset by ftntshing ln ftt\h place with a dJne of 10'25.80, }ust 15 seconds off the pace of ~ two-time champlon. Olrisle Gr.-esory from Fresno Plcific. Hall wall one of three Golden State Athledc Conference runners to finl.sh in the top all of the 3,000 und earn NA.IA All-American honors. I lall la a eenlor from CostaMek. ~ She attended Banda H1gb "-' School and Orlnp Cout College prior to attending \laQguard. , ~ Hall wlU conttnue the IPf'lng : 1'0D ln hopee of (lua1ifylng for tile NA1A OutdoOr ·Natkina& in May. ,:, • SOFl1lt\ll.: Seoi« AM Ma- :.• r1e 1Upps ~t 3 for • with !we ,.7 RB& and one nm tcond, • the ,,. Costa Me. Hfih IOftbell ~ defeated ClpiltranO Vi1eJ Ovll- tlan. 13·2, Jn &hi leCOl1d round of tho Cotca Mella 'lbUrNment at niWlnkle ~ s.turdllJ. ~~--l"-The'llftW .. aled ...... , outs tn the bOnOm cl the llftb tn-, • rq became al IM meKt Nit., ; .llter 'lbppl .....-. hlr lic:Gnd "vn fWO.NP ~al ... ~ IW younpr .... ~ ........... 2 for 3 wtttt 2 Rllla 8Dd one tun foQticL while .... Mclll ...... oae bl&. two rum m.l lad two Riii. n.a.n2• • ...., .. • ................. I".,......... . ... .... »VI •• secOnaround .... 13, C..,o Vty QM. 2 CVChr. ooo 20 -2 3 3 Mesa 300 2t -13 13 2 Eicher end Krumpotld\; But* end Miiier. W -Butler, 2-0. L-Eicher. 38 - A.. Toppa ICMI 2. Sailors breeze, 9-0 • SOPT'BAl.l.; The Newpon Harbor High softball team re- corded its second-straight mercy-rule victory. allowing no hlts in its 9·0 win over St. Mar- garet'• in the second round or the Costa Mesa Tournament at ~Winkle Park Satwday. klm Moore collected bet sec- ond pitching win, that included fow no-hit Innings and ftve atrikeouts againlt the 13 batters abe faced. Ashley Gleason pitched ln the top of the ftl\b lnnlng, striking out ~ and the ~ was called. GJeUOn also hammered an llBI triple in the fourth lnntrig to help NeW(>ort go up, 9--0. Newport catcbtr Amanda campbell bad an IBI doubk>. The SUJOn Will hcMt ~ n..aday at 3:30 p.m,, play at NorthWoOd Thunday •• 3:30 and resume acUon In a eemlft- nal of Uui Coeaa Meu "lbUina· ment IPiOlt ~de Sltur· daY•tnoon. :nae wlnMr ..... C.O.. Meia·Saftlma Winn. at "°at Thwmtle Put.. . Cllll ..... 11 JI blanked visiting Hope Inte rna- tional twice in Golden State Athletic Conference play Satur- day. posting 4-0 and 1-0 vic- tories behind the pitching of Mareiea Ball (a three-hitter) and Jill Jessen (a two-hitter). Beth Burchell led a five-hit attack with a double in the openeT and Celina Qunarillo drove ln Ashley Mauro for the only run in the nightcap. Vanguard improves to 12-4-2, 4-3 In the GSAC. UCI men fall, 5-2 • 'l'BNMS: UC Santa Barbara (6-5, 1-0) dealt visiting UC Ir- vine a 5-2 Big West Conference lou ln men's tennis Saturday, .anapplog a four-match losing streak to the Anteaters. an O 'Donnell ~cored three goal!. for the 'Eaters. Junio r En ca Horman and junior Rebecca Wedem eyer each had two goals forUC I. The Anteaters will face the UC San Diego Tritons for the second time this week today at 9:10a.m.o UCJ will then race eithe r the San Jo e Sta te Spartans or the UC Davis Aggies in the 9th o r 11th place game at 12:40 p.m . or I :SO p.m. respectively. UQl,UCS87 SccN'9 bv au.rt.s UCI )111 a UCSB 1113 1 ua . O'Donnell 3. Wedemeyer 2. Hortru1n 2, Renea 1. UCS8 • Gorbett ;2. Clertr 2, Kunkel 2, l..eak1. · Giants handle Cubs, 8-2 • UTTL8 LF.AGUB: The atudy pitching combination of tatter Gnat Dana and reUever AIMdia Jome held the Cubs Lo juat two runt In an 8·2 win rot the Giants ln Newpon ~acb · Uttle league MA play. Davi red.red all &ixbaiters be faad. 1Uildng out four. 11 also had two hill to help 'f d the of· and o.aw Noto b.ll the ft11t home run of lhe )Vat for the Giant ... 1r· •• a11d AlliD ua dunks ucse~...,..._,. ..... ~phched Well tor the Qlbl In their ftnt ouu FRIDAY 11 -Jenne M urphy l'Wwpoft Hafbo< Water polo. 02. 03 SAT\JAOAY 25 -James Comfon Costa Mesa Water polo. '96, ·97 TOOAY 11 -Adam Cooper Corone del Mer FootbaU, '9' SCHEDULE TOOo\'t' ........ ~ -UC Irvine lit S..1 Oitvi> ~ C°"'91-........ at UC INio n •.m .. ... .... ~womsi -UC WW.• UC S... ...,.,. Gei.4'o 1oUnwnenl. ~. M.Gh 9. 2003 .. WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Vanguard holds off Westmont COSTA MES\ ,_ Tup-seeded Vanguard Uruvet'liity bdd off fourth·seeded Westmont, 70-67, in the semifinaJs of the Golden State AtbJetic Conference women's ba.<.ketbalJ lOumamenl Saturday at I.ht Pit. Vanguard, ranked No. 9 in the NAJA. advanc:et. to the touma- mt'nt tit.le game Tue!,day at 7:30 p. m. agcuru.t No. 19 ranked The Master's College. Vanguard sprinted to a 27-12 l~.td with Just less than rune mm- ut~ left in the first half, capped by a R1bbin Oittenbir jump shot that gavt' I.he hosts I.heir biggest lead of I.he~ lhe Wamors d<ht"d the half with a I HI bur;I 10 CUI the deficit to .IS 29 at u11em\15- -.11m Mer- t'd1 th Shan· klin provided 13 fin.I-half poinb for the Wamors dnd Dttten- bu had the Westmont 67 hot hand for Vanguard 70 the !Jo~ D1ttenber h11 7 of 9 fiekJ ·goaJ attempt.!> Ul che fir,,t 20 minutes. lO ht>lp the senior All·< .!i.AC. guard produce 17 of her tan't'r·tugh 23 poanL., WC'>Unont, needmg a WIII to ~t-ep 1l.!> n.aoonal tournament hopt.~ alive, found 1L..elf with a double-cl..igll deficu agam. after Vangaurd stretched the lead to 48- i5 Je<,sica I enderman drained a three-pomter with I J-01 left 10 che game to help the Uon.s reestablish control. Wbtmont refu.'ie<.l to give in. however. a<. Shanklm drilled a three-pointer lo cap a 7 I run to drn.e the gap to 49-44 Vanguard an'iWered batl ~1th a 15-8 run of us own to push the lead back to 12 with 4 04 left an the rnnte.L Afl-('.M( guard Jenrufer Wllcox capped the Vanguard of foOStve charge with heT second three· pointer of the game. Meghan O'Donogue capped We.tmont's final rally by nefting a three-pointer 10 bnng the Wam- ors within two w11h four 'iCCOOds left. But Vanguard'!> Paulette Sea· man sank a free throw two sec und.s later to seaJ the victory and end Westmonl's season. Wdcox finished with 14 points and added a team-htgh JO re- ~ She made 7 of 9 frtt throws to help the I Jons convert 16 of21 fouJ shots (76.2%). Dittenbir. who was I 0 of J 7 from the field (58.8%). added five assists for the wumers. She also JOined teammates Lacey Mi.Os and Laura Lee with a pair of duee- pornt~ while l.Jons Wilcox and Lenderman also connected from beyond the arc. Shanklin led the w.urlon;. who fell to 19-14, with 21 pomts. V-.mguatd unpnM!'d lo 25-8. Wesbnonl maM half o( & 50 fiekt-goal attemplS, and Vanguard \. finished 23 or 66 from the field r (36.5%). Westmont abo netted 14. ot 1 a fJ1!e throws en~>. Mills had lO points for the U- ons. • •. ~ .~' ' I .·.~ •. . ' " . •• YOP n 4 1t1cons nc; .Im, a.r. De. 91' ' '17• a Mic, S!*r. bbt.,. ,... 9'9·845 7505 erterrMtMENT .......-.- Ewnll 1310 (QUAl flOOSllG OPPOll1llTT All re•I estate •d•er listn& in lhts newsp•P41f 1s subiect lo the F tl»r •I Faw HouSln& Act of 1968 as amended which m1hs It 111•&•1 to •dverllH ·•nY preftr ence. llm1tat1on or d1scrlm111ation based on u~. color, rtll&JOl'I sex. handicap, famlllal status Of national or111n, or •n intention to make •ny such preference, hmlta lion or d1scromln1hon • This new59•p•r will not know1n11y accept any advertisement IOI real Mlate which is In violation of the law Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwell mas •dvertlsed In lh1$ newspaper are av11l1ble on •n equal opportunity basis. To complain of dos cnminatloo. c.tl HUO loll· free at 1·800 424-8590 Aadions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Furniture PIANOS i CollectiblM ·-----·~· ....... ·~·~ ~...-. $$ CASH PAID $$ ..................... lillll's TeMr ... ,N u.,..r., sti,w&W. Saturday, March 15th, 10.JOam-Spm Sun Milrth 16th, 10.m·3pm OC FHaround 88 Feir Or Blda. 14 Cost• Mes• 200+ Olrs 760-434 • 7 44-4 Steve 19SO O'ICMfe & Memtt 600 S...._., 40" width, oven, bfoller & erWI lmm.culate $2000/ m 949-673-0944 .. A llG MOICIY MAna CASH DAil YI Interactive Vend. Huae Pro(1ts. Free info! 1 ·800-494--6074, SS AT&T PA'l'PHOE. I01IES SS PflME LOCAL sntS. GAEA T R£l\llfl llX).94S.Zl00 ~ VotDlff aoun 72 $Mallin( Units . Only $9630. 20~ down WK. ll00-2SJ..8922 MSG&Un GOUJ•m ..,_..,._, .. .... ...... i..... .. .. $10,tts. IC»-~ Olbsbl.aase &O c .. 1e1 .... 400-aoo.t sublease SI per st. located near 405 & 55 freeways 949-632-6318 IDT/ •<M/...,,._'L 13Jl16J, N1 I. 1 SOO Medi of tfewpcWt PAINTINGS 3060 •iv•. 949-•n-1tu --------0.-...tA-Lec. kett K-cty Hl•twlc l•lbee lramed 1984 11.U of 200 S2500 obo JI0-456-0820 HOME FURNISHINGS Furniture Newport ._di Free rent for secreleriel svc business. Will uchan1e paym11ent tu '-dlt office duties. Creal office, steps lo w•ler 949-723-8485. Office t• Jtcwe. 3 Office suites prime Newport Bch loc by ~ cn.ne. Liii ind $350/mo 9'l9-Q5 7883. 7ft l-t <-ch Wlule, broc1de upholstery •Int cond. S200. Culbr an sen Console P1eno 1ood cond $500 949 854 8208 ......, lltmll,. 6:2IAf lfld Dlsl (c:;onUle ot Rf!) Antoqul! bdrm set. 8 fl Great IDc. open & lrJ, .- cu~ tom m•de sofa lrlt. Awinow~5475 dinette set, Ina. Call eves 80 949 574 9732 HOMES FOA SAi.£ 2 Lnyb.y recliners, 1 1 COUNTY 5200 be•1• wonaback, areal IJ\ • cond1hon S65/ea or two LONG IKll'U & for $120 949 646 5923 D"""1 ~649-4922. JEWELRY/ SOUTH cgAsT DIAMONDS/ 3460 VICINrTY lrdUdes l.aMewooO Loog Beach. North l.OOg Beadl AUCTI N PRECIOUS METALS StgnalH1 22t2S.. ...... ......... CAt2101 -•U.-Ao.~ Estate Sales 1486 "NO ADE.RS California law r•· quires that contrK· I.ors t.klnc jobs that total S500 °' mor • (ll1bor Of mat•11ls) .,. hcenwd by the Cont,.ctors St•I• Lkens• 80•1d ·State law also reqtlwes that contnctors include thw IKense number on •II edv.trslnc You c.n chtc:k the status of your llctnHd contractor et www.cslb.ce aov or 800·321 ·CSLB Unll· censtd contractors 11l11na 1obs thal total ten than $500 m11st 11111 In th•lr advertlsemenla th•I they 111 not licensed by th• Contraclota State llc4mse BOlfd " ••••• A1•1 .. 111 ,.........., ... "*'*' / Mfl ,...,.. Mll:ir& ....... ll'SolXWI Sll1'5 Y!'f IIRMcm5 ' , . ., A'fOC....,..YllAM ...... ~cab.nets .......... lg ........ ful c-at (eln Needs klldien wall 111 doseb. 2 Old Coins! Gold, silver, ::': ~~~ 44 iewelry. watches, •nllques colletllbJn 949·642 9448 3610 GA Pas&AH IOTTtNS Red & Cream•They W111I Yow love•Only S400 Cal !M9-451 21125 Killen~ Found on BushM need bolllefeedets Help Save hves All eapensn p;ud Animal Netw01 k 949 S.13-041 • Welu..tta • C11~lom 8u11t-ins, Crown Moldinp, Base Bo.,ds Ll!>77982 949 709 5642 Clrpll Retsllr/Slla -O CAUIT-0 CMPn () Rep1ln, P•lch1na. lnstan Courteous eny site jobs Who .. ultl 949 492 0205 eon....,s.vtca • c..._,. ... •ttoe1rs • Softw911 Uparedes, T11lorin1. Trelnlna == Or 949-95-3983 ConcntllMllcny lrtck It.ell St-Tit• Cclncr ... , Petio, 0flvtWlly Flrepk. 88Q, Refs. 25Yra hp rerry 714 557.7594 T ... ,__.._ Cerntrttwork. Brlcli, Tile A Mofe Rtl11ble Ho lob too smell 949 ~-6146 CCllllll* .... HOMESFOA SAi.£ ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula OCEAJtfRONT NfWllMOOll $679,000 AGT. $949-723-8120 ~ NUO MOU llOOM? AOOrOONS & ADUlEl..WG l•5779829'9 709-5642 DalltDp Mlllhlng I lT GIN YOUlttfOMI l....OVIJllNT P•OJICY? Call • plumber. p11nt•, h1ndyman, or •nv of the areal sen ices hsted here in OU< service direclory! THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI Rtclt'1 D-r "'•tell1, ,....., Duer t-& • ~2~1~ Dlywlll Sri:a gor;-n:;= _c ___ >_tc_•_•_•_~ ..., .... ..... 1•.000.f i.t1 on oo of ttll llf P5t In 1tlrb« View Hdh Ocean views abound. SU.Id • wondwfu4 MW residenc:e or rtmoci91 U. 111StS1c. °""'9ol .. $ 1 ,4tS,OOO. COASllN ltlAlT'Y t49-7SM117 A C1•• •1 <-~oll to B11 Col'OM atld lookOlll pornl. 481 4.581 custom home C....h"-2003 .ottw.4 .. $2,950,000 COASTUNI UAlT'Y 949·7St-0177 1 S4 Moma Vl•t• Jbr 2 5ba DETACHlD sin& him home. HI cell's, crown mold1n1. shutters Bose sound system REDUCED TO $499,999 Maryfewel Re/Mu 949 646 9670 MlSAVlltDI OPEN SUN 12-4 1577 Baker SI Jbr I l/4ba Im. remod ia.-lut.c II? bkyd -loc. M99,(XX) ~ Mlrtys 9&~ 7004 £-we •-2 38<+2.58a, 28<+ l& Move 111 condo bon UlO Costa Mesa SI $749,IXXl ICl. 949 933 6786 Laguna Beach N04tTH LAGUNA Tropical bud\ house 2hf I Sba willl to beach from this open home wrth an •11$1 touch llr . im 005 7537 Udo Isle •w•etst Besl Val>e 1..-t !'rad (~) l5ft fol Remod. l IOOll cottJo. 2br 2b8 2 c p Great 2nd home ltO>UCID .. $149,000 0,.. Sot-S... 1-4 117 Vlea..ll Ael 949-7.J9.«iai 71'-307..CZ14 Newpolt Beach OPIN HOUSl SUN 1-4 UO CAGNlV 1310 VIWIAllOA F•ONT IOW HAllOll & OCIAN VllWS ,.,. no-,_,..__ DOUIU Miit SUITIS New~!).­~ locabon No l>afftc Seier wi ...wlalll ~ lrom S47'!iJXD to $524.816 ~ .. ~ l'rucll!rUI Calfor1W Ramify mstOM CIUTM TU lnstlillebon. slate ceremrc. nwtlle. 51oN. &t* I 97S l.1613)M Ml nc.G12 9961 llM't R,.,.ed Rt11ouhn & lnsleltabon TILE O£AN 949 673 8065 ll8M..l25 71c.81D-:IJXJ1 & Go.-. Polish1n1 Trever tin• All Floor Types We'll Also Re1roul & Sul Your Kit chen Counlers, Shower~ & Floors Make •t look hh• new •a••n ~0-...S... . 1-a77-t2S-)261 Ml ll'S HAH OODS ~ 25 Yra, lifetime wer1anty Ll7631-« 714 501-4933 .. ......,. ~ to $21615,(XX) Mable honw, blll loc. .... ~ honw, no rent In- -tor h nnt Z3~ 8-1 l'llUlt -2br a., ..... chm,,.. fp. °"""'~~ IONRA CANYON OPut SAY-SUN 1-S 10Wlttflwett 38R, 2.58A home Sep er ate ott1ee/1uest suite By Owner Sl,175,000 949 644-8288 T~ 'rm ... ,. 3br 2.5, LR w/fp, ,_ finish ~ lhrouafw,ut. ,_ windows and sliders, etc .. .tiUmet llilx:hen, 2.c 111 pap, ~.DI l&f Kristi 949-6n-5564 Of'IH SAY 1-4. 38 S.a!Dp W.terftont e.uty 3Br 2Ba W/'ttM*J Bay .......... °'*1 llocwpln. lob al windows. 118>.WV ~~~-=6 ....... vi.w ........ 4Br ce. home. con..- ,. build on 1reenbelt, 1amer0om pool, spa, wen. ~ c::elll 4722ld. ~ Sl 9 S2.199.816 l&f Slwl~-«191 ACT fASTI °""8• S/2. sata,000 ...,.,_~ Dedt A,,.,...., $3aS,OOO ..... , .... '-P- t49-290-&12a a no ,_ mndo. B•cl< B•Y close. on areenbelt uwer unit w,lblrbs, ~am, 2': p . ~ S365.IID$424.816. act Shill 96637.01. .,.,,_ si..r.. ~ for quick self 38r 4&, 1/4 acre lot, pool. spa $1,239,500 0,.. *' 1-4 1515 AlltJaw aet .• ~llyn Wiiiams 94~7215049 CAii,_ .......... -......~v.._ (•~L--1-.,_,.......~ .. o....,.c-.,. "THI HllGHTS" SPUWING •-nottv JUSTUSTID AGT. 949-7U-t120 OCEAN & IAY VllWS llMOOlUD UNDlll $750,000 AGT. 949-72s-a120 ........ o..i-. 2 Ids. .. ,_ ._,. & oul wfl c pr. $649,!D) Pln:tF. Tenore ~ma; Cl OPP! SAY-SUM 1-S ss.,w- llenl home. 2br. •dbl!, Gated comm. $151,000 At-'iefhaly4 ... 2.5ba, Strada home. $1,729.000 It.loan styi. 5br 501, ap· PfOX 18,000 to 19,000.f U;Cts,000 NIWUSTJMG Stunnine •ward winnlna Br~field home, built in 2000 3br +office. Ap-proa 3700sf $1,719.000 .......... en. custom esbllie with canyon & ocun wws.. on.red at $6,500,000. <-··11 ... ==t;g.949-759'"4177 RESORT/ VM:ATlON PROPERlY FOR SALE 4 llec'• from B•lbo• P•nln Wed&• beech! Ch1rmon1 2br. l l/4ba 2 c aar, sm1 story, slna family home l'et upon approval Y11y S2750/mo 9$nl IJ:IJ 9&2»9077 On 1'9 s...i ~ V11!W$...up coast & dow!1 CI08Sl La 48r 3,58a flmly home avail for lea5ll now $9,SaVmo ~ C.. llll o.yn: Pwttil 9e!Mi73-8399 Mounlaln 5965 Conn del Mar _Pro_Dl*tl;___..;..r____ a--. llw aJltlet, nu 11G IEM Wooded & h~ ~d, ~ bm!> £~ Lots ~ @ <*I. llrctwd firs. f"p, w/d. '68.!U>. Custom homes VI'· ~"fl111. 422.8a) ~ @ S21l9.!Dl. Cl 2lf 11e lb, .Jr/, Fp, pr, Bil Pacbrd 714433-7D> w/d r.ups. stnl y•d, pYt Only 50 lots R:n::J bc:h. 11/peb/SITW Sl650mo ot..ResclWacation Mille 9&~9019 ~ ann o,-,,.._ , ... 2"4a. I ,...,...,, iRrV ~m, ld.-i ~ Nl4) I.AIU TAHOl 2Br 381 lu1 condo sleeps el&fll. 1/4 ot 1/2 lnl•est. S29!S.OOO per 1/4. c.. 949-673-0181 MJSCEU.MEOUS RENTALS 2'1lt .-.~­k> i..:tl Sl91'5 9& 613-ZDi 21r 21• c;;Hi;. Frla. W/O. fp. 11 patio view, 2 car 111 w/slor11e. pet i* Sl975mo 949 7~ tlr, Sle, A4>1 Recently rehabbed w/l c11 11;, l block lo be•ch, no pets, RentaJToShare 6030 S2200/mo949 854 165> ..._ ..._./share la 2br lba tpl, pr, w/d, fem pref cl S700m+l /> utb. 949-566-3135 no/Sri., /pets. c.tM/share 2br 2ba. la lop unit, t>eaullful place, . new p;iint, 1111 pabo, 2 blls to heh. $900m. 949-9Q3-0955 ~ 2Br 2Ba '-'bflA condo, \Ill's Sl.Rledls, w/d, Clble. IAls llClkl. n/wrW Sl2JXllmo. ~1'572 NI Shore fu.-nl•he4 38r. 28•. on aolf course, comm pool/sp•/tenn1s $1000/mo 949-632-6318 ........., .... 3Br 38a sunny dbl rm, La closet pot ba w.<>. fp. anm WWII' pa;'g ~ !MMJ3D32 Roomstcw Rem 6040 F.W. <M Twmrne. pvt r!T\lbl. cleM, 11111. w/d. ~ f9ftl prtrrd. pa)nt+lfallls ~ OCIM I New home 4br J.5bt 2 aory, decan1lor psflltt ., fNfr'/ W1I'/ Only toot ~to--. bUh and yacht harbor tinirllnce c:hamll. Sun ~-Ata/lmd March furn/unlurn $9,950/obo ~2311 1• ......... I ml ID bm:t\ Yid <*I. 5*lMI. .... ciel fin. men S&nno lJ3 E lfilh Sl ,_ tar ~ 9&548-2421 Cat Ok St•41•, very small, clean, no par~•nc l blocll lo bHCh lltnl S550/mo 949 673 1800 llr'a from $875/ino w/p in l<Mly pied comm. ,_ Tn SQuse. 11 idp, Indy facilty KleWi ~-m 10C-86fi ~9200 Glm,t1imn HlndrmlN <-.....,.. & _..,... HOme ..... ~ ~ lbr1. ltlNTAt-ffUSIANO FOR 3-/ll:I 9Q ~ HON£YOO'S your honey Doors. So-. 986C!~ won't From ile.ct lo the .....,.,., lllldml viii ~9351 ttomeD-•lr TMI HANDYMAN ,...,... £mern1y Service Oki ........ ~ear.. s-.f <-hdlll Doors etc ... 9&2'4-8195 QMl1ty c;;tt_ 20 Years £ape1ience I'm Your H•ndym1n M.tl !M9--650·9525 Rl)lOIH •Rf PAIR a. RIMODlllNG ' ' . ~ • • •c.aa..ail No Joh 100 &Mil ~ JUNK TO THI DUMPlll 714·968-1112 AVAILABLE TOOAYI 949-673-5566 ...... ~ ,. •.~!LI-· SELL your stuff · thr~ classified! O.f1ult · Ok Bankruptcy Oii Tu liens Oil Good Cr tdtt Also oti Prtole Money Reh& PUfch ... K-4¥"-'MI 800 ~ 1514 Ol(R GZl.l!ll lllds ......... llSl MOVlllS $S9/Kr Hr vine •ff crtles Insured ftsl, courteous. careful TI~ 800246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Celtf Publlc. Utilities commlnlon requift1 that 111 uMd houaehold 1ood1 movers rr•nt lhelr P U C. Cl T nurnb11, llmos ind ch1ult111ra print their T C,P numlHN' In 111 advw lJHmtnls. If )'OU Iliff '"' , ..... 1on. •bovl the 1a1lity ef I 111ever, llmo of d\e11fft1•. e111 ,ue. t.IC UllllTICS COM MISSION 114·551 41!11 Sill your stuff ttroUih classified! ll ... lovfnw1 Sir 21• $SHomlrty 6H·H2-77S H6-2t7-H62 100 s,.,.. .. lay, Sunny Sb.tdio, pvt entJ, la bl, hrdwd fh. hrt.chenelle,. petlo. $800m 96673-7201 IAYFRONT ON UOO PENINSULA NIW21r21e conAGlS Pnvale BHch. Pool andSpe Walto to Ocean Shops and Restauranh Lease 6/mo 2yr + &at Si.ti Available 710UDOPAUDL 949--67 3-6030 or 94').723-5830 •YIAllY1t UASIS Bill GfWNOV RE~ TORS 949-67S-'1t1 .. ..,.,21ir n. ..... 2 ~pr, ~& l:ilca ysd. Prb 1n V2 000Ndl9& & v• ,.,., c.-. lbr (be "fp. wd. p•llo, Pf, assoc poolJym, pted. Sl575/mo. 9-675·2:51' ........ 8ayfront io- lBr tBI, 11 petlo, ""' .,,, lndry rm, muat see, Sl975m. Ill 9&~ .._.. "-ne.ar Balboa Pier, 2br. 2ba. w/petlo, S2100/mo yHrly lease. 94t·7U...o97S Slrn.,s,... .. ~ .....,...,s--.. .,_, cte.., suoo7-. 949-ts ... 11at · --------~ ------ TODAY'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS .._...Clmll,__ .. Newport mom evlll · eblt 101 cooll1n1, companl0Mh1p, lialrt ~wrandll. etc Crt1t loul '*-•m&US a....· ...... ~ap Creefl'rktl Guerant.ed W«ll Fre .. st U375602 714 531-1534 7-J9G.2945 mi <:USTOiii ;w Pron, clHn, QU•lllY wwll Interior/tat and doch ll103468 949 631-4610 lliiiow CliCii w P1lntl111...,..1t. I~ Qllal1ty lobl frM u timllt L~9«97 714-638 1888 Pladiltie • saiao ......... /bl._. :JI + l'.n Up "-" soneblt, Dependable ll349020 714-633-1114 ~L94m Retucco, R-Addition, Patchin& RHsonebi.I n .. 921 1647 804-0l97er ....... a..w. ...... FT "'1ft.ft1 N'8 mt bam9. nut .... --' ct-. ~-= ..... .. .... , ••••I seats 4. hH ••wython1 NICI A/C Crut roe B•llHMI · Penn/lsl•nd Bought new 2 yrs aao for $14,000, will s.er11ic1 to best offer ove. ISOOO MM75-UJ6 IMW 'ti J4011194/ arey lthr , lmmac, $25,995 vc60698 ~~112'2 IMW '97 SHI C.-. s.lnr/1ret llJlr, 7811, lfMllC, 119,995 •198272 wcwMID oom 949-646-7822 IMW 't8 SUI c_.... wlljta/Hh lttw. tmfTllC, Sspd, $19,995 v21S487 wt-*> oom M9-646-1112'1 111111• -...... .. -. ,_,. ... 'ff ., c--Wtiel•'i/4 ,., ftlC)t Whltlt/T ""· 111to. all! ml, ...... -• """" ll5,000 310 315 2521 -·· .~ ""-" ... .... ,.... ... --*>(1111'1 ...... 1112'1 )yr -( •Ylllz, •il¥1f/ (~lee '96 •ovf .. crey ltlv, CO. 1111• new Cnwald =' llw', t1.1J* cond, vS79241 "f2),99!i t .. ori, , Y~ hnn •m. lln ..,-. Bkt wcwailo.alm .._,1822 t49·SH 1111 ~ S.-hVllo ___ ,_,,,_ ... 5511 mi, IOOd cond IMW'007G In & out · MIM.t 5MI •P50 949-646-7624 <eMllec '81 S.vii .. blue, Milo, 11 ~ ml. ftlc:o $895 v699270 WCWUO.ta'll ~1822 CMIVY 1/2 TON 'H , 1500 short bed •II power. cusle>m whffls. bed too. •m·fm ens. $7000 760-285-5812 aww.-... ,.... .... UU Coiw, V6; 54k m1, 3 yr w1rr avail, spa1kehnc bllllltl lthr, CO, superb Wle .new cond 11259721 $6995' fin r.lltl 8kt 94g. ~86 -1888 _ ...... _ De... 't7 l•trepl4 Spcwf 3 5 V6, 4711 m1, whrle/grey '"'· c••red. n/s, hhe new $6995 hnancin1 & lfiln await Bhr 949 586· 1888 -.ecpeW.c- Fer4 '00 bcunl-llT VlO, 2911 ml, s~ver/a:rey Ith•. CO, runntng boards, lully loaded, hke new. •872581 $23,495 11 nanclng n11l1ble !Mo1 t4t-sa6-1au ... -.ecpeW- J.,.4 'ts T-Cl sllowroorn cond, white, lutly lo•cled pwr seals. 53750 714-751-2464 J.,.tl't7T__..LX 7811 m1, Whote/crey cloth loaded, boolls & recocds. noo smoker, $4000 obo John 714 377 1154 J.,4 '91 Wln<lstw Gl 7 pusenaer, 69k m1. clnn." S6.995 vd80981 wcwarlo.awn 9&646-7822 HONDA ACCO«D lX '99 Cb1mp•1ne. 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Phfllpsa.te Aslthr ...... ,,,_574.7771 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVm 149 800 mo. mtnl wll 11--'-e 1e ... 1n1 country $9,99':> --P'ft Party 714 $41 4941 Merced•• '81 S60 Sl -w. white/tan ommoc ~ -1w • ..._.... ._.,. ·12 300 f\fti .,.-. ,_ di ~ T rru m waaon. ~-vo-t. tttm~ $l45ll 71475121164 100 CAI, TOYOTA runa pd. $2995 ..oo7193 TlllCl,P•• Bridge By CHAAlES OOREN wtth OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WF.sT •U '3 J lt95 • A J 10 63 90\Jl'U • A5ll 'AK4 . u • .. Q51 sourn 1• 4Vf 6 .._ Fl~ THE Lf.AD Wf.\T .... .... .._ .._ The food boo~ icu, u' .,..: "'" learn from lhc mouth.' of bab¢. .u..s ~uddinp Thi\ dc .. t h frurn Uk' European J unlUr (lwnpt00\lu P' .ulll the bidding, dden-.c lllld pW) ,..._, most llbUULll~c 1'unJi') JU mp W fuur W"11'1Ufkh vn MOTORCYa.fS Macydes -Clwyd.,. '9 7 Selwl"SI Con11 L06 42k rn• dfk m1l.,ll1c blue/iir ~Y lthr ~ut hke nttw tund v29252LS8499 lm.tn~tni .& wurinty .tu11, Bkr 94t·SH -llll -·;gt:·'- BOATS BOATS SI.JPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9515 9680 MAKINO ROOM FOR ll•W lllVEllTORY ARRIVALS 2002 Duffy 18 Classic "Dduxe Edition" L'>cmo Model · LOADED Low Hour\ HUGE lnunuvc. ML'ST SEE! W.u SU,995 · Thu Wcckcnd Only · $26,500 1996 Pre-Owned Duffy 21 Classic ·" f";Ktory Rcfurbuhcd • • • . Ncw ~m:y, WmJo.,. Endosun & lm.cnor NE\l' Motor & Bancncs Ong Sl6.995 · Reduced $19,995 1993 Pre-Owned Duffy 21 Classic \X-'hnc Hull w/NrWGrttn ~Top ~mk Cooler & Priv.uc Head Ara Orig. S.!4.995 Reduced $17,500 IJ&IMf Electri c Boat• Co. 2001 W. Peclflc Coast Hwy (949) 64s.6812 .. . . A Special Publication -Just for YOU! Publishes: Space &. Copy Deadline: ,..,._ '" Ill c-~~ mo, lull factoty warr, sparkling bl11ck/oalmHI llhr CO. chrome whl1>, l1h new, w677295 $34.9% lmancmr •••~ Bllr 949-586 1888 wcwlllllo.com 9'9-646-7822 ••""'•• •• , c210 =======J..;;;;SBl;;;;;;SSt;;;;;;1;;1w;;;;;;;um;;;;;;;.:1:=======::!:::============== buut1ful blicll/crHm ;: Much 26, 2000 March 20, 2000 -5pm Release Deadline: Match 21. 2003 -Noon can today! Ann Willey at 949-574-4249 -ormxyourad lO~t~ ---DclllyA Pilo1t&iiiiiiiiiiii -.eqoai11•~- -. '95 ..... a.-a- Urd> 4&4 6 cyl, white, S S175 v54757J wt-*>cam ~1822 ....... .__ 'W .,.,.._., St:.7 f0mt dri~ ... • cUI mnrf. ,.. ~ -a ·--a>, supe1) or11 oond .-sn!ll S12,99& ~&wsrwli.Bllt ""-'586-1 ... -0 u- fully lo1ded, showroom .Vwt. s11..51<, n4-r.,1 2464 Men •4•• 'tf IS20 J iii m1. whlte/11•1 ""'. mnr I chrome whls. t>.•ut 1•e new eond, w5m41 ~7.995 ftn..,. • 98-516-18111 -4 11-• Merce4-'9t p20 LW8 ~211 m1. 3 'fl WIH 1n1I, Stiver /bill lthr, beaut Of le coftd. "875241 $27.99!> flllMClfl& ..... Bht 949-586 1888 -...... _ SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR A PET For Only $19 You Can.Help. • • Arc you an animal lover? Herc's a great way co express it. .$ponsor a~ photo on our special "Save a_frifc" page publishing on Thursday, Mii'ai 27..,..2003. Yol,lr sponsorship will secure a space fur a photo of a pct who is available for adoption and needs a goO<rhomc. This spccial page has saved hundreds of li\>cs all dVlt the state, thanks to people like you! Be Q pa.rt of saving a life and fed great about doing it. This page is presented 1n conjunction with local animal shelters and Ncwpon Beach Animal Control Services. For just $19, you can add your own special thoughts under the pet's photo. It will display your name as the sponsor of this pee. or you may ind~ a loving memory of one of your own cherished furry friend... SAVE A LIFE .SPONSOR FORM Name·~·--'~----~--~~~~~-'--""'--~---'---'-~'----~--~~ Addrcss-·~~-'-"-~~---~~----=--~--~~~~~"---'--- City: State· CttditCa.rdl·~:----~~~-----......;-~E~xp111~·~---- Signatutt:_...~~---~--~~---~~~-------~......,.---~--~_..;..~ Phonc(o~nal)·----~;...._--.-~~-_.;;;;..;;;.~~~-,:..~;.;;_...,:.._ For ch«.k. make payable to: Daily Pilot Tat to apf)QI in space below photo, 20 charaaen: or lcu. 0.00.0 One:: CJ In loring memory of._ ............... _____ ~.....___.._..._. __ [J Spompred ~----------------- Mail data fOrm widi your check or cftdit caJd ~ co: Saft A life. % Daily Pilot,· P.O. 8oJl I 5'IO, C.-. Mm. CA ~7 c • TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE AQ\0$$ 1 Gets ntrocllced 6 Come to • standstill 10 Melted toge1her 15~ 20 Plisola ·s sultOf 21 -plexlJS 22 Lead-In 23 K"rtctlen tool . 24 Egypt's Clpltal 25 Aultlor -Cualer 26 K•ton OI SaW)'ef 27Slogan 28Ventwes 30 Goltlic noV91 hero.nes 32 Thoroughfare 33 L.alldscape 35 Explod 36 Mlle . in AcapUco 39 Hew1r9 aid? 40. -too late nowr 41 M arllnl lnjJed181'lt 43 Mil noncoms 47 WOf1hlesS OOin 480ogma 49 Did Eas1er eggs 52 Leaven 54Greage 5!5 F<lrtlldden things 57 AOOert Fros1 wort 58 OM product 60 Hem IWld how 62Ehrty 63 CmtldDI I08 &4 Mustard greens OOU!ltn 65 Went belly..up 66 Slaw Ingredient 66 Blwnyard nobe 69 Faulkner ttte start (2 lllds) 70 Me>daln poc 73 Statftltl ann 74' C>awNest n w..rs ._crown 81 ObeOienoe ICl'IOOI WCJrCI 82Parched 8S - -Pfemtum 84Sha0e1TMS 86 Cen tradk>os 87 Make anent 89MostSICIN 93 0Nc:e -of lci.ng IU 94 Countertefter cnaser (hyph) 95Getsteepy 96Notdull 97 Make b6gger 100 S1ubble rsnc>llef'S 103 Pol)98Pfl ftUnk• 104 Inca fmpH loc8Je 105 G"' nabOn 109 GM one s Vl9VrS 110 lets out 111 Wiid tulle• 112F~y 113Chomped 114 Priml1iw weapon 118 Job benefit 117 Milrtary acldr 118 Ms Ha.g«i of films 119 Tennyson hefoine 121 Siii 12'2 Mai -(run <*'IM) 124 zoo staner 125 Wooden 5'rip 126 Poetic edWJtl 126 Says ·yelh" 130umted 132 Mlschtef 137 Defense oppostle 142 Mountain liom 143GroYe 144 Map artery 14'6 Bol(er's )ab 146 Legal offenlt8 147 Trouser parts 148NOOonl 1 "9 MultWOOf'MO·O. 150 a.>lr memben 151 Snouts • 152 ~-nunten IOCf\ 153 ·L.A:KI cnnr 1eea DOWN 1 Ctu~ Wf!lpofl 2Vsve 3 Fix a manuscnpt 4 Alf'lla saint 5 Pony's comment 6 More sacred 7 Top c:no.ces (hVPh I 8Wffh 9 Lodi 0( curl 10Sqult"ITI 11 Work•s Ol<X4>5 12 Barrel part 13 Allanbe n..- 14 Petfofmef 15 High pointil 18 Prods 1n10 ~ 17 MU5ic ano S<Upue 18 R06e oc Rcmllle 19 Son of Aph'odite 21 Loud ay 29 Get rid of wnn.,tes 31 Habtt wieaters :M El -(1-festoo 10le1 36 Fastest plan&> 37 P1owt 38 Band nstrumenl 41 •PnmaJ Fear actor "2 John n /lbesoecn 44 QtltecUve 45 Ebb or llOOa 46 Venlde on rumers 48 Thy speck 49 OB Wil:Jams 500U ano da 51 CPA pm 52 Egg mlOcles 53P~son 56 1 gn Wf\811! movte 57 Said 1'le rosary 58 Japanese dogs Si BlmCoo sialk 61 T..a before X 63 Ski kft (hypft ) 85 1 radOf owner 67 Kndl of dOgs eeaunytmes 70 ~st c.mpus llT~nm 72 Corporate abbr 75 Tom Mn< tnO\WS 76 Bank employel! 78 FtlneSS cemer 79 DC Q161 IObbY 80ACAIO 82BoUUques 85Pastures 88 Soon. 10 JUIHK 90 -out (malctng do) 91 Great achievement 92 OuartM part ~MTVwaknef 98 Can netghbcl S19Plla~ 100 P...,-na cove..- 101 Hear - -drop 102 Peme •herNl"'9 103 MaTdl Gras lollower 104 Lincoln raname 106 Han<lle roughly 107 Coma· Miss l<ett 108 In good Ofdef 110 Engage in rrvatry 112 Fl>er. -cal>te 115 Vane£Sa 's SISl8f I 16 Apple seed 117 Vrgil hero t 20 GeoeralOf 122 H<*day gt ner IZ3E*nale 124 Panoramas 125 Sting ope1..,.• 1 'ZT Refuges t 28 .Jaaet teatue 129 Glb<allar neigl"IOor 130 lJnkS war1*\g9 131 OIClatloma city 13:? Hi.mane org 133 nwow hald 1:MR8dl9tl 13!5 GIOSS 138 L8ft 138 w.1t by car 1 :JIJ ~ peftV to (2 Wdl ) 14'0 G•nt In twy '*9 1 •1 P091's CX>l'lhmOn