HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-10 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. h --. Serving the Newport-Mesa community since !907 MOfiDAV .. MARCH 10, 2003 IN BU.SINESS Branding a new Gtn The Cannery Lofts, now selling for more than $1 million each, were a risk worth taking, their developer says. Paul Clinton for an August completion. Daily Pilot The spacious high-end lofts in Cannery Village have no preced- ven't slowed a stream of interest, in them. ·ir you talk to any standard home developer, this would be financial suicide,• Weeda said. ·0ur goal was to have the projeCt sold before completion. and we're slightly ahead or that right now.· INSIDE For more business news, see PageA2 NEWPORT BF.ACH -Luxury ent in the area. Weeda has used a home developer .Kevin Weeda modem, somewhat edgy, archi- roUed the dice a bit when he be-tectural style. And even their gan developing the concept for ritzy price tags, starting at the Cannery Lofts, on sched~le slightly more than SI million, ha- Weeda, since receiving the California Coastal Com.mission's approval on the project in July, has sold 1'4 of the 22 lofts and maintains a waiting list of 500 potential buyers. Weeda has set up an office in the village that simulates the look of the lofts, but these 14 buyers have essen- tially bought in sight unseen. SEAN Hll.LER I ONLY Ptl.O T The construction of the Cannery Lofts is in full swing in the Rhine See NEW, Pa1• M Channel across from the Blue Water Grill. PHOTOS BY MARK C. OUSffi /~Y PLOT Kids of all ages had a chance to compete in Sunday's Spirit Run, which kicked off at Fashion tsJand in Newport Beach. Spirit of sch()6~ Thousands showed up as the Leigh and Lucy Steinberg ·~ Spirit Run celebrated its 20th year. Coral Wiison Dally Piiot T housands of people rose before the sun to compete In the 20th anniversary of the Leigh and Lucy SleinbeJs Spirit Run on Stmday morning. • By 6:30 a.m. the atreeta vaund Fash.loo lsJand in Newport BeaCh were closed lo traffic, filled instead with hundreds of bleary-eyed partjclpanta. Urifazed by the cold morning air, runners came decked out In shorts, l-sbirts and their best shoes. They clutched cups of coffee, did some wann-up stretc:bing, cbeded their watches In anticipation. bid good luck to friends and made lut·minute port-a-potty runs. · The IOIV'ace was ICbedu1ed to begin at 7:15 a.m. Owr the last 20 years, Splrtt Run bas become the largest children's race in Orange County and the third largest In Callfomia. Annually, the event raises more than $100,000 for local elementary education. brings together more than 8,000 lttendees and often attracts Olyqlplc contenders, said board member Rita Goldberg By 7 a.m., people were d reglstertng, bringing the total nU(l'lber of ,nmoen this )'e8f to 4,981. . . - About 600 people aowded at . Garden Gr<We resident WMn s.. SPlttT, P• M Gidabuday crosses the finish line. THINKING ALLOWED OK, now I know ~verything about Costa Mesa, mayb~ . . LOLITA HMPER A CLOSER LOOK Tax s w ap bill could aid Co sta Mesa But some resid ents say plan comes late as city nears build out. City manager says idea could help in weak economies. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Residents concern~ about a lad of housing drum thar a pru posed bill to replace a portion of c1ue.· ~es tax with property tax 1s too late tu reven what they cons1der a downw-clld slide in the cny's quaJJty of life. Assemblyman John Campbell h~ co· authored a bill th.at would swap our half the amounr of sales tax revenue uue. generate for an equal ainounr of property tax revenue. The goal as ro spur etlies to resist the siren song of 'i4li~ tax from commercial developmenr and build more housing instead. While some residents, espeoally those who opposed the Home Ranch develop ment. say the concepr is a good one, they fear it won't help Costa Mesa. which ~ al- most built out. ·1 think ii would have been ruce af something like this had occurred earlier.· former mayor Sandra Genis srud.. •it may save some of the cities in the inland Em- pire from comrrurting the mistakes made in Orange County. We're tarting to have retrofirting and redevelopment of some areas, but Orange County has made ma- jor commitments in some areas thar are not necessarily wise.· art MADE llSTAKES, RESIDENTS SAY About -46' of the city's genera.I fund ii derived from sales tu while only 1 n. comes from property tax. That simple statistic is what's wrong with Costa Mesa. said Robin Lef!Jer, one of the staunchest opponents of Home Ranch. which will transform about 9.1 acrea of the Segerstrom familyls Uma bean field Into a mix of ~opment. In· duding a 17-aae lkra; 791,050 square feet oC omce pace; 252,648 squue feet of See-.&.. P1iP M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE C*THEWEI: ••1~com WEATHER . . -- -" A2 Monday, Match 10, 2003 .YO U ·R • SEAN HILLER/OAILYPl.OT All employee at Ceradyne inspects protective armor that the company manufactures for the military at its Costa Mesa facirlty. To protect and profit Paul Clinton Daily Pilot J oel Moskowitz's assertion that he "saves lives" as the chief executive and chairman of Costa Mesa's c.eradyne Inc. sounds like exaggeration. Last year, however, 29 U.S. soldiers survived machinegun attaclcs overseas with armor provided by Moskowitz's ceramics company. MoskoWltz even received a letter from 8n army ranger stationed in Afghanistan who said be was shot in the bade with a Russian-made AIC-47 assauh riOe. The bullet was absorbed by Ceradyne's ballistic annor. "That's a dead man [wtthout the armor),• Moskowitz said. "In order to stop a machinegun bullet. you have to have something harder than the bullet The only thing harder than these ceramics is a diamond" c.eradyne, headquartered in the city since 1975, manufactures and mai:kets state-of-the-art ceramics products, including the annor, ballistic plating for a new lincoln Towncar. orthodontic braces, BRIEFL;Y IN BUSINESS Fletcher Jones Motorcars breaks car sale record fletcher Jones Motorcars broke a 100· year-old tec:ord for vehicles sold during a calendar year. The Mercedes Benz dealership logged 5,168 sales of new cars during the year. No other dealership in the country bad ever sold 5,000 cars in a single calendar year. "We are delighted to have been recog· oiz.ed for setting a new standard." General Manager Gerth Blumenthal said "Our mission bas always ~n to offer the finest quality automobi.let In the world while Ceradyne Inc. of Costa Mesa builds armor that arm U.S. soldiers against machinegun fire. truck engine parts and other prodUdS. In the defense market. Ceradyne sells protective panels for m.illtary helicopters -the Blad Hawk. Cobra and Apache - ceramic-plated seats for Hummers, as well as the persolU!el armor. As investors scour the stock tables' for defense-oriented companies, with President Buslfs readying a military action against Saddam HUMein's Iraq. Ceradyne has worked its way into the spotlight Moskowitz said be isn't counting on the possible war to benefit his share price, which closed Friday at $8.65, down 22 cents. "What is going to affect our stock is our performance," be said. ·n.e future looks pretty bright" On Feb. 24, the publicly traded company announced that it beat Wall Street's consensus earnings estimates, by reporting fourth-quarter sales ofSl 7.6 million, or 11 providing the highest level of service." Fletcher Jones rang up $463 million in sales for the year. Fstablished in 2001, fletcher Jones Is the nation's No. l Mercedes dealer and the No. l dealer in Newport-Mesa. The dealership counts 180,000 square feet of showroom space and includes a cappucctno bar, tdevision lounge. work stations with telephones and computer hookups. a retail shop and putting green. The dealer bas 400 employees and of. fers ser:vice &om 77 service bays. Costa Mesa-based ICN has growth of 18.7% in 2002 ICN Pharmaceuticals Inc. grew rev- enue 18.7% in 2002, from $620.8 million to $737.1 million the previous year, the cents per share, which was a 45% increru;e from the $12.1 million, or 10 cents per share, &om the fowtb quarter of 200 l. Ceradyne trades as CRON on the Nasdaq exchange. In 2002, the company grew sales 35%, &om $45.3 million to a record $61.2 million. Moskowitz Ceradyne's founder, owes his succes,,, in part, to his sudcess in attracting contracts from the military. On ~ 13, rhe company nailed down a $3.7-million deal with the Anny's Oefeqse SUpply Center in Philadelphia to provide the personnel aimor. Moskowitz himself served in the Anny. as a young RCJfC officer in the 19608, after graduating from Alfred University in Western New Yo.i:k. After a stint at a base in Alabama. Moskowitz worked for a ceramics company in Glendale: he formed Ceradyne with colleagues in 1967. In 1970, Moskowitz took the company public with an offering of shares. More than a qaarter of a centwy tater, c.eradyne now counts three operational plants in the country (including Georgia and Kentucky), 350 employees and two satellite offices in London and Beijing. company reported Thursday. ICN's fourth quarter revenue. which it also reponed, was essentially Oat, as the company put the lid on simmering prob- lems with spin-off Ribaphann Inc. by ousting tha t company's board of direc- tors in January. The company reported rev~nue for the quarter ending Dec. 31 of$199.6 million. compared with the $194.2 million the company earned the in the same quarter of2001. Despite the slight increase in revenue, ICN reported a net loss for the quarter of $100.7 million, or $1.20 per share. In ~e prior fourth quarter, the company was profitable, with 40 cents a share of income. · JCN, which trades on the New York Stock Exchange, closed Friday at $9.39, lil> 0.86911 on the day. ~ Daily:ilPilot Coflll Wleon ' News ... i.c.nt. (9491 574-4298 coral.wllM>nOllttltTH».com PMOTOORAPHERS Seen Hillel', Oon l..Nch, i<.w1t Treptow Box 1&e0, Cost.a MeN, CA 92828. Copyright: No newe ltOliel, illu1tratlooe. editorial ~r or adverti.e"*"ftS.._..n can be reproduced wtthout wrltttn • permlNion of CX>pyrfght owner. l I N.wa EcltDrs Gina Alex.nder, Lori Andenon. Paul Seltowttz. ~Stevens NEWSSlVF 0..,. ....... Crime end couna N!POl'Wf. • (949) 574-422t dtHpa,.,..,..,..,,,,,,,,..oom JuMC11 .... Newpott Beedt ~. !M)57<M232 Ju,,..~e"1tlfn#.tltHrl .... CIMDft Polit.lea end 9"\ltrot lf'Ml'll reporter, <••~ 1»ul.dlnlone 11tf"*oom ............ Coluninlet. cUfture ~.CM) ~ "*-·,,.,,,.,•""*"'--oom ......... llll c..-. ,..,,..,, , .. , PM221 .,,..NIMIMtt.,.,,,.,__oom Cllukl I C9lll9 Edi ala A""°""' -a'M-<Ull ...,..,,., ........ """' READERS HO'JUNE (949) tS4U088 . Record your CX>mrMnta about the OaUy Pilot or newt t1p1. ~ Our eddrela It 330 W. e.v St.. eosta M .... CA t2827. Otrlca houra are Monda',' -Friday, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. ~., .... It It the Pllot'a poliC'f to promptly correct all errors of eu~. ,..._.call(949)~ FYI The N9wpott ~Meet • 0.lly l'ltOt (USf'S.1.w.4!00111 ~ de&ly. In N4Mpoc1 leldt andC-.Meea.~art MMeble only by 9utlecrtblng to The nn. ar.,.. C°"'"Y 4800t .... 212..,41. in .... outlldeOf N9wport 8eec:tt and Co.ta~ -~to the Deify ........ ew,.... only by""' ce.. ""'fDr -per month. (Prtoa9 lndude ... .,,.,.. ----... ...... . l'OITMAST'fR: .... ...... ~toThe ... poit ~Mele ~Plot. P.O. HOW to REACH US ~ The Tlmee Oranoe. County .(800) 252-1141 ~ .. a111!fted (949) 142-W& Dllpl9f (948) M2"'3l1 EdROltll Hewe (Mt) 142-Seeo 8pcMte(M9)574-<U23 Hewe,.. (!Mt) 848-4170 8pcMte .... (Ml) 860-0170 E..,... tJ.ltyp11ote1a11,,,.oom MllRC-.. lu11Rwe>MM!Ml~1 ......_ ,_ (M)Gl-7128 Pul:JMefted by T1rnes Community ..... •• dtttelOn of Wit lot Angellil nm.. 02003 Timee CN. AH Mtlb ,....ved, . ..- BEST BUYS . •, ' ' NtiJ language .. . barrier here ap~ce. Msolu on D·Ccintraxol from Lan<:6me ts an intensive anti- ueannent created t hydrate and soften skin. ~lution is supposed to work o skin cells that manufacture co S uper friendly Nadia Dorsey of Spectrum l..anplages offers pdvate foreign language sessions .and weekend adult · seminars. The language and culture institute also offers elementf!Y and high school tutoring, after-school programs, adult intensive learning and elastln. LancO GREER scientists claim that WYLDER within four weeks number, depth and ize of Wrin.ldes will be significan reduced. (l.7 ouncea/$68.00) Blotherm~ Densit~Uft - a three-product care li.rie - contains Purified Yeast P.xtra that claims to help the sessions, travel language and business language programs. Business owner Phil Willms of Wet Okole in Costa Mesa says he's ~ry ~pressed by Spectrum Languages. "My Spanish is coming along great." W111ms says. .. She's teachlna me ways to learn SpanlBh that r would never even think about.• An intensive Spanish Weekend Language Speoial teaches the belies of SpanWi in one weekend It's $250 per person (nonna.Dy $400), with a three-person minimum. Language tes&ons are offered at your home, office, school or the location of your choice. Lessons are personali7.ed to fit your goal .and Je9el. Language classes otleftld include English. Spanish, ltallan, French. Portuguese, Mandarin. Japanese and Latin. (949) 706-2661. r.uwtuspectrwnlang&IQ8es.OOm. AU ABOUT MEN Avvartura has the most men's shoes, belts and jackets of any boutiques at South Coast Plaza. Most of the shoes are designed exclusively for Awentwa. European destgner brands include MeWul, Lorenzo Banfl. Donald J. Pliner. Moresdll. PaC£0 Bucci and Aldobrue, as well as the Avventura brand. The • recently launched Via SpJga line is available here. Matching belts for almost every shoe, and a large selection of exotic belts. Size 14 and up available. Jackets are made ii} Italy. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mondaythrougb Priday.10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m.. l9 6:30 p.m. SWMiay. Level One, near Saks Fifth Awnue. (714) 979-9900. www.avventura.com. A DATE FOR DESIGNlfG Designer Dlma a.dun.an will be at Neiman Maia. on Thursday to show her latest line featuring interchangeable pieces in beautiful fabrics, tailored with special attention to detail. Modeling. refreshments, music and more. Neiman Marcus is at Fashion Island in Nf!wport Beach. To RSVP, call (949) 759-1900. ext. 2375. BETTER TitAN BOTOX · Macy'I South C.o.I Plaa bas new and-aging alternatives to Botox and Collagen from Shleelclo, ~­Blot.berm. From sa..dltlo, a Tutal Revitali1h\g ~ (1.8 ounces/$220) cl~~,! reduce fine Unes while the face repibs a finned WEATHER FSCAST ~~¥* Ind'*--foeWll bHity .... thane et tfmeelnthe Othetwt• thlnge lllould be mottty deer. Lool fw highs to be In the mkl .. tD mid 70a. E>q>9Ct low c:lqudl and fog tonight. Lowa. be In the mkt 40t to mid l50I:-.; cen't bNt thlt SoutMm Cllbmte atiM pressure system by ~skin's moisture l tor renewed density and plumped wrinkles.. (Serum/ Eye cream/$30, Moisturizer/ (714) 556--0611 ext. 4135. PEMLS OF WISDOM Mlld:moto is known for offering the hJghest-quality oultured pearls since.1893. F' e jewelry and home acoessori $tart at $95. 1Wo new collecti ns were recently introduced: in Motion and Milano. Pearls · Motion are white Japanese d b1adc Tahitian cultured that giide along an 18-karat white gold chain. The wearer can mow and reposition the pearls. to aeate an infinite number of loob. This con ranges ln price from $1,900 t $3,400.,The Milano Collectio a contemporary line. All pi band ~ lq Italy. lt fi Mikimoto South s.. and Japanese Akoya pearls. Ptt range from $590 to $13,000. (714) ..U-5440.10 a.m. to 9 Monday thiougb Friday, 10 to 8 p.m. Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level One, Nonlstrom wing at South P\aza. (714) 424-5440. ntE FEn OF a.ASS l.oro Plua Js an Italian company, mostly known for i cubi:nere and fine wools. collections for men. women children include knitwear. sparuwear, accessories. bap and small leather acc.essori Q.astom tailored clothing available. Styles are classic timeless. Only colors change from sea.son to season. Loro Piana cashmere robes at n $2,000 are one of their most poJ1ular sellers, along with outerwear for the end.re and throws. Oasslc V·ned: cashmere sweaters for men women start at $495. No sal 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday. 10 a.m. to 8 m. Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level 'IWo, at South Coast Plaza. (714) 432-1301. ., Daily Pilot :Eastside building restrictions under fire Costa Mesa Planning Commission ton.ight will take up a fight that pits groWth-control advocates against their property-~ts neighbors. Deirdre New"1-an ' tiona can be located. Daily Pilot Wblle supporters of the OOSTA MESA -Battle lilies have been drawn fn an Eastside housing tract over a pro~ by a group of resl- dentB lhat would create ape; ciaJ design smndards for home additions. Tunigbt. the Planning Com- mission will consider the plan for the tract, which Is roughly bordered by East 19th Street. Irvine Avenue, East 18th Street and Tustin Avenue. Propo- nents are concerned that "big box" construction is destroy- ing the neighborhood's his- torical charm and bloddng neighbors' views. Their proposal calls for lim- iting new construction on homes in the area to the rear 40% of the lot and would only allow one-story additions that don't exceed 14 feet in height The commission will also con- sider three options submitted by city planners that range in restricting how much and where on the property addi- plan feel it will preserve the chatacter of their F.a.stslde ne:ighborbood, opponen~ view any· type of restrietion as a threat to their property .rigtita and ~tectural free- dom. "All of the options are unac- ceptable (and) would damage our property wlues," said Warren and Jennifer Taylor ln a letter to the commission. "We are not in a view commu- oi.ty. We are ln a family com- munity. These restriction- s ... are anti-family." In September 2002, Coun- cilman Gary Monahan di- r«ted city planners to come up with some proposals for addition guidelines in this neighborhood. The housing ttact poses an architectwal challenge be- cause the' proi}erties, devel- oped in ~elate 1940s, contain 20-foot wide alleys that pro- vide access to the rear of each lot The historical trend has been a single-story house in J the front of the lol with a aln- g\e·stoty garage to the rear, off the alley. Current zoning standarda manda~ a height limit of 27 feet and the req~ minJum amount of open space ls 40% ol the total lot The residents' proposal al- lows a continuous line of ain· gle-story construction in the rear yard area. but requires the building h.eiBbt to slope down as it approaches the side property lines. The dty planners' 6cst op-· ti.on is to limit new construc- tion ln the rear 50 feet of the lot with a maximum building height of 15 feet. It would in- clude a "no build area" be- tween 30 and 50 feet of the rear property line, preventing a continuous building line along a side property line. The planner's second op- tion would limit construction to one story in the rear 50 feet of !he lot with a maximum height of 15 feet and other re- strictions that reduce the building mass as it relates to the neighboring properties. The third choice allows two- story construction in the rear 50 feet of the lot with a 15-foot side setback. While this option also reduces the building mass in relation to adjacent properties, yiews from the second-story level into neigh- bors' rear yan1a ·are likely to occur. Opponents charge that con· struction on the rear portion of the lot should not be lim- ited and is more conducive to second-story additions since it is not visible from the street. "Because of our large Jot sizes, the most loglcaJ and economical area to acfd living apace to yow home ia in the back area." said Scott and, Wendy 7.achery, in their letter to the commission. Planning Commission Olairwoman Katrina Foley said While she understands the concerns of supporters of resttictions, she still beUeves each project should be re· viewed individually. "I think what fits for one street may not fit for the next street and it's very difficult to apply generic standards un- less you have a tract housing development where every house is !he same model," Fo- ley said. "ln an eclectic model like the F.astside, what might be really intrusive develop· ment on one lot might not be really intrusive on another lot and I absolutely don't want our city to look like South County." COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA Here are some of the issues that the Planning Commission will consider on Monday: CHANGES TO THE CITY'S RESIDENTIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES In Spring 2001, the City Council adopted new zoning code regulations for new residential construction and additions. These changes includ~ two new review procedures: minor design review and design review. Minor design reviews were delegated to the zoning administrator and the Planning Commission decided on design revieWs. ln addition, the council adopted residential design guidelines, which are used with the review of new residential construction and additions and include !he criteria nf being "hannoruous and compatible" with the neighborhood. WHAT TO EXPECT Expect changes to be made after months of debate about the guidelines. "Some of the changes I th.ink will go a Jong way toward addressing the inefficiency with our current process as weU as trying to better address issues of massing and imposing stru~. while not focusing on architectural style, which I don't think our Planning Commission should be in the business of dicta~g architectural style." said Planning Commission Olairwoman Katrina Foley. Arts District. WHATTOEXPECT The commission is expected to approve the resolution with conditions, including a roundabout at the current intersection of Avenue of the Arts and Town C.enter Drive. ceasing the use of Town C.enter Drive as a public street and creating left-tum access from Avenue of the Arts into the Center Garage parking structure. "I th.ink it's really exciting and I'm anxious for it all to get underway." Foley said. MASTER PLAN REVIEW FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER The Performing Arts Cent et is proposing a 296,500 square-foot symphony hall to be located across Town Center D,rtve from the existing facility. The five-story building includes as 2,000-seat main auditorium with a secondary, 500-seat auditorium. WHAT TO EXPECT The commission is expected to approve the proposal with conditions. including prohibiting weekday performances except when the audience arrives and departs via bus or other mass ttansponation. "There's still a lot of details to be worked out but I think it's very exciting for the future of Costa Mesa and the whole d)eater arts district," Foley said. SUBDIVISION OF A TOWN CENTER DRIVE MASTER COMMERCIAL PARCEL PLAN The master plan is a conceptual plan for the future improvement of the portion of Town C.enter Drive between Park C.enter Drive and Avenue of the Arts as a pedestrian-oriented public plaza linking the major arts venues within the South Coast Plaza Town Center Theater A representative of the Irvine Ranch Water District is proposing !he subdivision of a 2.26-acre commercial property in the 1100 block of Bristol Street lnto three Jots wiih a permit for shared access between them:-The lot is CWTently vacant. The applicant proposes to subdivide the property Into three FYI •WHAT: Costa Mesa Planning Commission meeting •WHEN: 6:30 p.m .. Monday •.WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFO: (714) 754-5245 approximately 30,000 square-fool lots for three office buildings, which have already been approved by staff. Approval will allow each of the three lots to be sold separately. · WHAT TO EXPECT The commission is expected to approve the subdivision with condioons. including requiring the establishment of a property owner association and limiting the signage to one eight-foot high monument sign to discourage sign clutter and help to tie the project together. "I have a concem about taking a lot and dividing it up into three," Foley said. "Our general plan strives to make lot - combinations, not divide them. because we've had problems in the past where lots have been divided and then when someone wants to come in and develop or remodel. it's difficult to get all the owners to agree," Foley said LOT SUBDIVISION The property owner of an existing 27 ,800-square-foot residential lot in the 200 block of Santa lsabeJ Avenue wants to subdivide it into four lots with a permit to allow shared driveway access. In October 2002, the commission approved the consQ\Jction of a detached, four-unit, two-story, single-family residential project for the lot. WHAT TO EXPECT The commission is expected to approve the subdivision. -Compiled Deirdre Newman Plug Into the Pilot Classified section to find services from Read about what's going on in your hometown: ·Read the JCS plumt>eB, to and painters. e.awOOiF W. TolDllt• ._~ ....... ~..,wood. ........................ a.:t. ........ ..... ...... w ... w.rwww111:• 1' .. _...., ........................... ~chO'tt ......... ......... ~-1----. ·-- GETTING INVOLVED •GETTING IHVOUfED run1 periodically In the Dailv Piiot on a rotating bui1. For information on adding your organization to this list. call (949) 674-4298. ACADEMIC YEAR IN AM£RJCA · c~ Meaa famllie1 can hOlt a German student and earn up to $1 .000 toward a number of travel-abroad programs. Danielle Carpino, (800) 322-HOST. ALS ASSN., ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Asif\., Whid\ helps individual• who have tM disorder that ls also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. needs volunteers. (714) 375-1922. AlzHEIMER'S ASSN. OF ORANGE COUNTY Support group leaders. Vis1tmg Volunteers, family resource consultarts and office volunteers are needed. Volunteers may wort on one-time projects or ongoing programs. Training sessions are available. (800) 660-1993 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The Orange County Region of the · American Cancer Society seeks office volunteers. The society afso seeks volunteers to answer calls for the unit's Helpline lnfoCenter. (94.9) Z61-9446. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancer Society Discovery Shop needs unwanted goods sucti as clothing, furniture, jewelry, accessories, antiques and collectibles to fund the society's research. education and patient services programs. The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday a\ the same location. (949) 640-4777. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transportation program needs volunteers to drive cancer patients to and from medical treatments free of ctiarge. The required commitment is a few hours eacti week or month. Drivers must have a valid driver's license and insurance and be at least 25. Volunteers may use either their own vehicles or American Cancer Society vans (949) 261-9446 or scomer@cancer.org. luXURY AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The American Heart Assn. ia l!)oking for volunteers to perform various general office duties in th• main off~ and Implement educational and fund·ra1stng events through Orange County No e>cperience necessary Training will be prtMded. ~9) 8!)6..3565. AMERICAN HOME HEAUH HOSPICE PROGRAAt The American Home Health Hospice Program needs volunteers to give emotional support to terminally ill patients and their families In the greater Orange County area. Training Is provided (714) 550-0800 ()( (800) 540-2546. AMERICAN RED CROSS, ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The ctiapter needs volunteers to address community groups about Red Cross services and to act as liaisons with the media tn disaster and emergency srtuauons. Lynn Howes, (714) 481-5376. ANIMAL NElWORt< OF ORANGE COUNTY Become a bottle feeder or take in pregnant cats at your home Many shelters kill pregnant cats upon arrival Dogs and cats are also available for adopuon.(949) 759-3646or www ammalnetwork org ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF NEWPORT-MESA Volunteers looking for varytng levels of involvement are needed to help the organizauon with 1ts goal of helping ~1ldren tn the community. (949) &45-6929 ASSN. RENAISSANCE CREATORS The Costa Mesd group sponso~ and supports outrea~ commurnty service programs, sucti as the homeless sanctuary Voluntaers are needed •714) 540-5803 BEST BUDDIES The nonprofit organ12at1on t5 looking for volunteers HI and older to provide companionsr11~ for adults with de"elopment ·, disab1ht1es As a "Ct112en Buc1d\ volunteers will v1!>1t with a bu.Jdv twice a month and call or •. mail them once a week Ttw organization ;;1lso h<1s an e-Budd1es prograrr that for rns friendshi~s entirely over tht' 1titernet. Volunteers tor thdl program must be di least 12 years old. (7141 546-1826 or www.bestbudd1Ps ore; M Monday, March 10, 2003 NEW Continued from Al •Jt'a pmty much a blank can· vu." Beers d. "You can start to do th.lngs and give them their own pe11:0na.JJty .• /vJ the ft.rst customer ln line. P~BLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA '9tESA Bob Beers, a retired aerospace BffrS hat flnt cllolce on one of , ex~ttve. was the ftnt to pur-the ton... Which are ~ed to : 1-ctase a loft last year. be completed in two ~ 1n . Been retired hi 1999 and bu August and October. Of the 22, •EM Me.II~ o.Ne: A man was erTested on tuapldon of hit-and·run property damage In the 2700 btodt et 4:25 p.m. Saturday. •FW~:Amanwas arrested on suspfclon of . credit card theft In the 400 • blodt at 8:48 p.m. Saturday. • Harbor Boulevard: A man was arrested on suspicion of petty theft In the 2300 blodt at 7:25 -p.m. Thursday. • Pidc9tt StJMt: A man was amtsted on auspidon of grand theft in the 6100 blodt at 8:10 a.m. Friday. • South Coat Drive: A woman was arrested on suspicion of burglary in the 900 blodt at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. • East 17th StrNt end Newport Boulevtltd: A man was arTested on suspicion of violation of parole at 4:40 p.m. Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • East Coast Highway: A commercial burglary was reported in the 3000 blodt at 9 a.m. Sunday. • Jambo A Road and Bison ""'"'9: A person seen throwing an object fTom a vehicle was reported at 11 :50 a.m. Sunday. • Kings Road: A residential burglary was reported In the 600 blodt at 10:56 a.m . Sunday. • Mac:Arthur Boulevard and Bison Avenue: A signal malfunction was reported at 6:36 p.m. Saturday. • Port Seaboume Way: Trespassing was reported in the 1900 blodt at 2:10 p.m. Saturday. • 30th StJMt: A hit-and-run felony was reported in the 100 block at 4:50 p.m. Saturday. BILL Continued from A 1 industrial use and 192 homes. NCosta Mesa has made a big mistake to go for the sales tax, not just because of our housing imbalance, but because of what it does to the quality of life around here," Leffier said. #Costa Mesa's been oriented toward a pleasant residential neighborhood, now it's subli- mating it to the commerciaJ in· terests and that doesn't make for a good residential commu- nity." During the Home Ranch ap· proval process, opponents in- volved with Costa Mesa Citizens for Responsible Growth said the project should include a lot more housing instead of Ikea. ·Tue proportion of residen- ~tial Is shrinJdng while bu iness and commercial use are grow- ing exponentially," Leffier saJd in October 200 I 1.i wanted to set back to bis tint four will be on the Rhine <lwl- love -painting. Beem earned a net watedront and 18 will· master's in ftne art& before get-somewhat Inland, at 30th Street. th1g lrito the aerospace field as a between Vllla Way and LaFa· marketing executive. He said be yette Avenue. is excited to move into the "live-Weeda baa said be wUl com- worlt" loft, which will be.given plete tbe four waterfront lofts an industrial look..' so be can· ftrst -by Aug. 1. Those are ex.- create a woddng studio for bis pected to reta1l for u much u art. $2.8 million. The inland lofts are SPIRIT Continued from Al the starting line and in '1le front, Patsy Metcalf of Newpon Beach was using the nearby fire-hydrant to stretch. In the past, Metcalf bad competed in marathons for fun, but this time she said she would be watching her perfoanance carefully. She recently set a two-year personal goal to compete in the Iron Man Triathlon on the big island of Hawaii. Now she trains everyday, and her colleagues .keep her on track by watching her diet for her. •If you tell people your goals, they will hoJd you accountable.'' MetcaJf said. Announcer Rudy Novotny brought runners to attention with 1 O seconds to go. followed by the blast of a horn and then the steady rhythm of feet hitting the pavement Relatives. friends. teachers and supporters were left behind on the sidelines, sporuors prepared information and giveaways, and soon newcomers were arriving for the SK race to begin in another hour. About 300 volunteers bad come for the day, including the Costa Mesa High cheedeaders. the Corona del Mar cheerleaders and track team, various key dubs, teachers and lots of parents, said volunteer coordinator Nadine 1\.tmer. #wtien you think about how many peopl,e are out today, it's incredible," Goldberg said. The mass at the starting line divided into smaller groups as exhausted participants slowed to a wallc and stopped to rest and grab some water. Others pounded steadily byb.reathing heavily and lifting their shirts to If Campbell's bill does be· come law, Genis said she hopes it would not only increue the amount of housing. but make it more affordable as well. "Based on supply and de- mand, it should result in at least less expensive housing, but when you have a lot of retail jobs and when people say they are going to build offices and these are good quality jobs, for every executive, there ls some- body who will be sweeping the Ooor at night and answering phones on a fairly modest salary, (sol it really creates a de- mand for low-cost houshig. • Genis said. CITY PROGRESSING°" HOUSING ISSUE According to the annual re· view of the 2000 general plan. the city is making progress Od meeting its share of regional housing needs. Between 1998 and 2002, the dty approved 455 residential units and granted final permits wipe their faces while taking time to wave to friends. The sun bad come out and B)Ye8t was dripping. At the 6n.Lsb Une, 28-year-old Wilhelm Gldabuday of Garden Grove aossed first at 33 minutes and 41 seconds, foll~ within seconds by Stephen Wldrus of Pomona and Eli Rodriguez or Whittier. Originally from 18mania, Gidabuday runs everyday- about 75 miles a week. "It's Just fun, especially when It benefits the community,• Gid.abuday said. Spiting. sweating and wheezing. other runners crossed the line. IG.ndergartenteacherat Anderson Elementary, Patty Uberto had her eye out to award medals to kids, no matter what place they came in. "I love seeing the kid's faces when they get a medal," Uberto said. "I know they (keep theml because my kids still have theirs.· By 8:15 a.m .. almost 1300 runners were lined up for the SK run, the stroDer wallc and the family walk.. Novotny introduced 94-year-old Paula Pellecer and explained the group of Jamba Juice employees dressed as bananas at the starting line. weack bananas,. he ordered those who were sneaking across the line. Tup 25 runners who could heal all the bananas would be awarded free Jamba Juice for a year. The SK runners were especially impatient and Novotny had to call back a group of early starters. A horn version of "I've got the power" played on the loudspeakers and the group was of[ One runner tripped and others tumbled into a pile on the ground, bouncing back up again quickly and the race went for the construction of 210 units. It also approved the building of six units by Habitat fo r Humanity for "very-low in· come" households. City leaders say Campbell's bill will not malce a huge dent In Costa Mesa because the city ls already so built out. "Where are you going to build housing?" said Planning Com- mission Olairwoman Katrina Foley. wwe don't have a lot of land left and what type of hous- ing?" When the Planning Commls· sion approved a condominJum project at 190 l Newport Blvd. last month, there was an outcry that the design was too dense for the area. BU. WOUlD NOT HAVE CHANGED PROJECT ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, City Manager Allan Roeder said he didn't think Home Ranch would have necessarily turned out any differently if Campbell's bill were already law because be believes land-use decis~n.s are not based strlctJy on how much income they will generate. For example, al· though there was a lot or dia- cusslon about putting homes on the parcel next to the Los Angeles Timea bureau OD Sun· Oower Avenue, they were ulti- mately scrapped becau.e of en- vlronmeotal concerns, Roeder said. • HARDWOOO •~JES• CARl'ET • C8IAAIC TIE• Kfm R.OORING •!.'!!!!2 1.o,,m1 .. :.µ1 SOLAlllAN ~ALAJ!e!S Travertine 1a• x 18" ....................................... .u ................ , •t ~ T'le.............................................................. •l ~~ ....... ttttt•tlt•t .. ttlt\•••t••lt•Utf•lttt•••t•t ~-1111t And ll more bouaing and leaa commerdal development had Cc:iotnJed from Al , sellln& for $1.3 ml.Uion to awt. 1n addldon to Been' ttudlo, Weeda said the project abould attract &rtiltt, papbJc ~ ers, architects and otber profet- alonals. The two-story &ofta could also attract tome hflh· end ietall uses. • '"Ibey are more aftluent. crea· dve professionals than bualneu oo.ala. • Weeda aid. •rt'D really be ~ wfthlo • vO- lage." With the hlgb ceill.op. 3,000-squa.re-t ftoor plana, enviable loca n aDd proximity to the auea'l top mtaurants and shopping, . the lofts have won tbe admiration of other Real· . . on. • WbeeJcbalrs, strollen and dogs OD leuhes strolled by, while two UC Irvine students broUght up the ~carrying large signs that read "'War is not the answer," and "War Monger.· under a picture of President George Bush. "We are trying to get out the message that war is dangerow for the wodd," said SO-year-old . criminology student Hueteo Lopez. "We need to haWJ faith In the belief that humans are intelligent enough to find a peaceful solution." Within 15 minutes, the lead runners were already celebrating wftb Juliu5 Gidabuday fin1shlng first at 14 Olinutea and 41 seconds.. On his heels and one secobd after, Oscar Gonzales finished second. Confused by Julius Gidabuday's similarity to his brother. the anoollllcer called Wilhelm Gidabuday's name by mistake. "It's OK. he is my brother, it is the same to me," JulJus Gid.abuday said. The two brothers train together and have competed in Europe, South America and the United States. The first banana to cross the line was Jon ShaJp. general manager for Jamba Juice at the Block In Orange. Sharp confessed he bas not run since high school, but he saldlhe SK is for people like him who do not run everyday. The ideals or Jamba Juice and Spirit Run are the same, he said, personal willpower and to "always be the best you can be." Four 5-year-olds finished the race piled on a two-seat stroller. "We did run a little,~ Garrett Godbersaid. "No, more than a little, we ran almost the whole race," Brooke Taylor argued. Corona del Mar cheerleaders been included in Home Ranch, it would have cost the city, he explained. That's because the cost of serving residential develop- ment is hlgher than ·serving commercial or industrial proj- ects because of all the services that go with it, like parts and recreation and fire and police services, Roeder said. BIU. CAN HELP COSTA MESA But Roeder ls a fan of Camp- bell's plan. He likes the bill because It levels the playing field to give cities more incentive to build housing and because It wUl hopefully broaden Costa Mesa's financial base, since it relies so much on sales tax now. "One of the things I annually bring up with the council Is the reliance the dty places on sales tax dollars," Roeder said. "It ls the leading soun:e of OW' rev- enue and. accordipgly, we are very much subject to the ups and downs of retail aa.les . . . A bill such as this could broaden that base and lend ua more long-term financial at.ability."~ Roeder said be bu talked to Campbell and that the assem- blyman ii amen.able to refining some of the detabe or tbe bill. While Roeder admitted be and other city oftlclals from around the state are suepldout about the 1~·1 modwil for the revenue twap, be Lt glad tome· one II tld.:llng the l8ftl'e dearth ton. "lt'I wry dl.ffereot from any-thlnl )'OUW IMO built in New· port Beach before,. Mid Stew Htgb. p~ of Strada Prop- erti• •rt 1oob Uke a fun p1ace to live." • Prom a .lending ttandpolnt. Weeda hu al*> strayed from the norm. Ft.nancing for the project 'Wal lo place before the Coutal Comm11eloo'e July 8 approval. Weeda needed special approval from the commllalon to exceed the 26-foot height limit by 7 feet. Weeda pinned dOWJJ ftnanc·. lng from Bank of America. Ke ,, . Brin Heming, Natalie Poulter and Casey Lange. all 14-years-old. poured water at the water station hi preparation for the nut races about to start of[ They had to wake up at 5 a.m., in time to get to the race by6:15. •My mom threw me off the bed," said Natalie. Novotny pttpared lJ and 12 year olds !or the upcoming race by asking them, "Did you de your shoelacea? Old you check your equlpment?" The kkla were divided Into Individual races starting every 10 to 15 minutes, based on their ages. With determined looks, kids dashed across the starting line, getting shorter and shorter with each new group, each sound of the horn. Each race started with a set of warm-up songs. stretches and 6-year-olds Oapping their arms to the "Silly Willy Wigle.. The races came to an end with the toddler trot and pa.st directors over the past 20 years. Linda Wawra. 62, and ~nny Norton. 64, have been there since the beginning. Both women were part of the orWnaJ committee and the first race · with Harbor View Elementary. "It was one school. no t·shirt. all alone," Wawra said. The race went through the old streets of Corona del Mar, across the footbridge and along the ocean front The women - laughed, remembering how the kids threw up in the bushes at the end of the race during the first year. "It was long before running was common, so the kids didn't train for It or anything.• Norton said Anderson Elementary joined next followed by Eastbluff. Lincoln and Newport Coast FJementary Schools. The race of housing. ·Because housing is a real cri- sis statewide, It really la,· Roed- er said. "In my own personal opinion, had we not had the en- ergy shortage of 2000-01 and now the state budget crW.s and general ecooomJc decline, houslng would be an Issue of the order of magnitude of either one of those." NEWPORT NEARS BtaD OUT Newport Beach officials share the same concern that Camp- bell's bill doesn't do a lot of good for a dty that Is so built out. "There's very little land to provide any housing on and, se- condly, we just got OW' senior housing project," said Council- man John Heffernan. ·1 think we worked on that for 20 years to find a piece (of land).• , Hefreman also said the state should not mesa with property tax revenue until a property tax lawault that la currently hi the court system ls resolved. The lawsuit could require clties to refund miDJons of dollara ln property taxes. to homeowners. The case ls baaed on "recaptur- lng." or the ralstng of property uaesamenr above the 2% llmft required by Propoaltion 13. Ota.nge County Superior Court Judge John Wat.aon declared re- cap~ u.oconatltutlonal in December. Heffernan Mid Newpo.rt Beach would have to give bedt Mid the project requl.red w... lendec acrudny, apedafty t.om form« R!&loml ,,,.,,..... 1bm Fama and' eeOior loan comult· ant nn Brown. Andina cornpmnble proper· dee to Mt tbf mubt Y9lm OD the lofts WU a ttn.aaie-Weeda said. "lbere'a nothlna lfb them bl the ue... Weeda Mid. "But there'• a Jot of midendal to bud)' value." 'MUl c;:uNTON coven the environment, bullneaa end polltk:9. He mr/be l'Nd\ed at 1949~ 7&4-4330 Ot' by Hn•ll .. paul.cllnton•latf,,._com. 10K SPIRIT RUN WINNERS Wilhelm Gldllbuday, 28 Tereu Vege-Yecaroe, 28 33:41 38;04 ' 5K Julius Gldabuday. 28 Liz Guenini, 34 ... _..Didi (1/4 ...... , Matthew M' azato Machon Bi:rc- s.-, ... Didi (112 ...... , ~= .,... Didi (112 mle) RYanC.~le Jesaica BOemer 7·yw:::J1mle) Aaron Monica Venturinl 14:41 1&.25 2:62 3;.28 4:28 6:()3 8:64 8:28 l'<Coldl(1mle) rt Sullivan 7:09 Nitti BorcNrd 7;46 • Md »JW ... (1 mle) Brian Fora, 10 6:58 Elle Macy, 9 7:12 11 end 12 -,w Didi (1 mle) Michael Aetdler, 12 6:41 Sallie Privett. 11 8:23 For full race re1Ulta, tee • www.ldnaf'l#WlnC..com ~ caDed Spirit Run because it promotes school and co~unity spirit Wawra and Norton recently each retired after 40 years of teaching at Anderson Elementary. They are still involved in the Spirit Run to see their former students at the finish line. "Some are 40-yean-old and are bringing their chlldmt, • Norton said. • CORAL WILSON la the newt assi.tant and may be ,..~ at (949) 574-4298 or by e-mail at coral. wilson@larimn.com. $5.5 million the first year and then take a hit of $3 million an- nually.ff the class-action lawsuit is successful. "I wouldn't be touching any taxes until that case gets de- cided," Heffernan said. CIMl'IELL. 'S TME Campbell said, for built out cities like Costa Mesa and New· port Beach, the bill would only be effective ln areas being re- built or redeveloped. "U you take Costa Mesa. they're not going to build an- other South Coast Plaz.a or an- other Auto Row, so they really don't have a way to Increase their sales tax .W,.tantially," Campbell said. "But lf property values in the city improve ... then they can get some more revenue from (property tul. • The ueemblyman tried to u- suage sUptidsm that dtiel wouldn't get the propaty tax the biD guarantees by saying the state could Just tab the ... tax away and not give anythJDg bed. Campbell aa.ld the main con- cern be bu beard from dty leaden bu been a request to make the revenue swap a con- stitutional amendment to pro- vide more security. He said be would be open to diacusalng tbeldea. • OBllDRE NEWMAN COYW8 Cont MeN end mey be~ et (9481 57+422 t or by a-mall et "-lrdre.MWm•n •1.rJ,,,...com. • LOUak'JU ......... ootunww l>"Y • J t.r!t rJ.i?:> t tl'tot:) ... ~ t.';i'! c.'~"'~ ) • ':-M "••n_,1 .• ;N. -..Cif!I .: ... r, .. .,.,":! i ·.~"' !'.111-:~ ro.1;.1 ,,.,·j,I') • • 'Jr' . ·' , .•. , . ... ... ,. '-~ • i~~. I '( ~'1 oJ. 1J ' .:~ , .... ., ,., ,, If ... t . I 1,t 'r ..... , I • I ,, -. . . . . ' -. -.J . ' I 11 : ~._..,·,.~ ........ ,,.. ........................... !I ~ .............. .,...,.., DilMNll• ........,...,... /' b.Not 'I MOUNDJOWN ., ~AMMN>TOWN !Wmt to • the Delly PAot. 330 W. 81y St, • COlta MeM, CA 92827; by fax to llMt) MM ,10; or by calling (949). ~ lndudf the time, date , ind locadon of the went, at well .. •com.ct phone number. A t:omplete 119ting ft available at · ' www.daitypllotcom. JODAY ,,. Wide wMty of chldren't boob geared toward Infants and wUI be IOld at a hoet8d by Orange Coast rry. GfKl9 Steele . Chllchn't Center~ 10 to 14. 8ooq Wtn be on display for the public In the center from l:30 a.m. t.o s p.m: dalfv. For more • lnfc>rmMion libOotthe book tale, c911 (714) 432-0202, ~ 28700, ~o...tDec ....... e11 nlanof Europe: State o1 the Union" la the-.,eitth in en eight-week Mtlel on U.S. foreign policy topics. The dlecutelon will be led by Te(I Gielow from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Merit Presbyte,;an Churdl, 2100 Mer Vista, Newport Beach. for more lnformetk>n, call (949) )80.1891. ............... prognm. "MuhklacipHnery'treetrnent of Colon~ will take place from 8.'.30 to 9 p.m . et the RediatJon Oncology Ubrary, Hoag c.ncer Center, One Hoag Drive, Newport Bead\. Free. To register. call (949) 7-cANCER. ""Low for. Lltdme" wortshop, on how to call love forth In your life, will be held from 7 to 9 p.~. at the Center for Spiritual Di9COVery, 2850 Meaa Verde Drive East. Suite 111, Costa Mesa. The cost is $25 or $30 at the door. For more information, pall (714) 754-7399. TIJESOAY A free.....,.,. caled "A Ntturel Approach to Vision and Hearing Treatment" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For res8fVations, call (800) 69!>-MOMS. A "RMndng your Butinest" worbhop, sponsored by the SeMce Corps of Retired Executives, will take place from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The oost is $25, $20 if . ---"~---· preregia1ered. For mo" ln~rmation, call (714) 660-7369. WEDNESDAY -. NetloMly renowned conservative ec:onom1st and political commentator Stephen Moore will appear at the evening codrt.ail reception spo"sored by the Young Executives of America at 6:30 p.m. et the Pacific Club In Newport Beach. Admission Is $16 for members, $26 for nonmembers. Cell Brian Reddoch at (949) 721-8686 for more lnformatio1t AfrM boot tlgnlng Ind Mmlf* , cetled •The Mood Gure• by euthot Julie Rost will be h8kt from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . et Mother's Market, 226East17tttSt, Costa · Mesd. For reservations, call (800) 695-MOMS. • (949) 824-8206. Weakly ttofy dmt llt lby .. toy store offers stories, 90f19S, fillQtr plays and erafta. Newborns to 6-year-olds are Invited from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at 21111 Newport Coast Drive. For niore information, call (949) 7~7. THURSDAY ·0oes ft TelGa Aocbt ~to Create a Good Reader?• Is the topic of a lecture to be given by UG Irvine Professor Virginia , Mann at 6 p.m. in the university club, library room at UC Irvine. The cost is $30, and reservations are required. For more inform•tloo, ~II (949) 824-2511. a.m. For more Information, call (949) 717-3870. . •Divofw:A New~· a workshop for men and w0men divorced or getting dlvorce1t, it held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. et 180 ~ewport Center Drive. Cost Is $40. For more Information, cell 644-6435. ·eu11d1ng. Better FutuN,· held by the Newport Harbor Navigators, will benefit Newport Harbor High School. The benefit will be helc~ at the Grand Newport Plaza in the Turnip Rose Ballroom, 1901 Newport Blvd., Costa M es•. Tickets cost $100. For information and an inv'1tadoo, <:all (949) 51&-6365. 'suNDAY Classical music efldonadOs are invited to enjoy #Three Centuries of Pi~no Music; at 3 p.m. at the Newj)ort Beach Central Library. Pianist Michael Sellers will present the free program, which (949) 760-1691. S111Wn Cofoc*u rlllde from.nd • tignt "Red Carpet Diaries." Cojocaru, fuhlon c:orrMpOndent, for the "Todty Show" and People Magazine's styte editor, reveals 1he dirt beneath the r8d carJ)et of today's~ Event starts at e p.m. at Book Soup SoUth Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St, Suite 2400, Costa Mesa. For more inform.UOO, call (714! 689-2665. "Grab.,...... In Jerunlem• .. part of an Israeli-style Purim cefebration oourtesyof the Chabad Jewish Center in Newport Beach at 6:30 p.m. It Will be held In tJ\e Radisson Hotel at 4546 MacAtth°' Blvd . .'The cost is S15 pe~ adult, $10 per child. For reservations, call (949) 721-9800. MARCH 18 A open reeclltg Ind Aw music will be held at 8 p.m. at the Alta Coffee House, 606·31st St., Newport Beach. Sign ups begin at 7:30 p.m. for the open reading. For more Information, call (949) 675-0233. The Model Clntt.d f481iont Club of Orange Coast College will host its second ann4JSI fund-raising dinner and silent auction from 5:30 to 9 p.m . In the college's Student Center. The club is designed to educate students in areas of intematlonal relations and diplomacy. To buy tickets in advance for $10, call (714) 432-0202, ext. 26. Tickets are $12 at the door. , · will include works by Mozart. The Newport H.rbor Orchid Society is hosting an orchid plant auction from 7 to 10:30 p.m. at the Neighborhood Community · Center, 1846 Park Ave., Costa Mesa. Free. For more information, call (949) 642-4148. The CellonU R9dred Tuc:Nn Assn., Halbor Division No. n will hold a meeting for their members and their guests With a Home Depot reprMentative to talk about home repairs and what's new In toots. The meeting, is at 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center, 1846 Parle Ave., Costa Mesa. All retired educators are welcome. For more information, call (949) 551-5082. · The Lung Cancer Support Group will hold "A Caregiver's Journey," from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center, Conference Room ·A; Newport Beach. Free. For more information, call (949) 760-5542. The Balboa Bay Republican Women will have a luncheon at 11 :30 a.m. at the Bahia eo·rinthian, 1601 Bayside Drive, Corona def Mar. For more infonnatlon, call (949) 644-9530. "The Roman Forum Project: An Exploration of the American Political Spectacle," offers a critique of American issues. Performances are sdleduled for 8 p.m. today through Saturday, with a post-pelformanoe discussion at UC Irvine. Admission is free, but space is limited. For reservations, call K.aNn Cushman's •The Ballad of Lucy Whipple# will launch a discussion about growth and change at the Mother-Daughter Book Club, at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. For more information, call 949-717-3816. . FRIDAY Talented children ages 6 through 18 will perform at the annual "Seardl for Talent" competition presented by the Exchange Club of Newport Harbor. The show will begin at 6:30 p.m. For information and entry blanks, call (949) 673-8701. SATURD"Y A "How to Start Your Own Business" seminar, sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired Executives, will take place from 8:30 a.m . to 4 p.m. at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd .. Costa M esa. The cost is $40, $35 if preregistered. For more information, call (714) 550-7369. Orange County Artists intarettad in exhibiting artwork in the Spring 2003 Orange County Artist Juried Exhibition can bring woril in for judging to the Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona Del Mar be.tween 9 and 10 • GJION~ TOUR. Chopin, Poulenc, Debussy and Samuel Barber. The Newport Beach Central Library is at 1000 Avocado Avenue. For more information, call (949) 717-3816 or visit www.newportbeachlibrary.org. "Whet is Memory Loss" a,,cl #Creating a Partnership wltfl your Physician" are free workshdps ' sponsored by 'he Alzeimer's Assn. The first workshop will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and the second from 12:30 to 2 p.m .. at the Presbyterian Church of the Convent, 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. To make reservations. call (714) 545-3727. Concert artist, singer and guitarist Steve Walters is known as the #Singing Buddha."' He combines deep spiritual insight, humor and his voice at 7 p.m. at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111 , Costa Mesa. Tickets cost $10. For rrore information, call (714)754-1399. MARCH 17 A GNet Decisions discussion of "The Global Struggle for Women's Rights" is the last in an eight-week series on U.S. foreign policy topics. The discussion will be led by Karen Speros from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Mark Presbyterian Church, 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beach. For more infonnation, call rrtte Sponsor A tr.. seminar called "The Role of Supplements in Fighting Cancer" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Ma{_ttet, 225 East 17th St, Costa M esa. For reservations, call (800) 595-M OMS. A •Making the Right Rnancial Decisions• worbhop. spon5ored by the Service Corps of Retired Executives, will take place from 9 a.m . to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. The cost is $40, $35 if preregistered. For more information, call (714) 550-7369. The Surfrider Foundation Newport Beach Chapter is holding a public meeting at 7 p.m. at the Oasis Center, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona Del Mar. Assistant city Manager Dave Kiff and Newport Harbor Master Tom Rossmiller will discuss the clean water quality for Newport Beach and the harbor. MARCH 19 A tr.. seminar called "Feng Shui for a Healing Home• will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St .. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. The Newport Beach a.amber of Commerce will host its Newport TOSHIBA Compwllii .. I I ...... ....... c •• c:..fw'•,.. • ._... ..... ............ -Monday. March 10, 2003 A5 Beach Marine Networtind and Speeker Forum from 6 to 7 p.m. It the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, 161 Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beacti. Free. For more informftion, call (949) 729-4400. The Costa Mesa Hlstorictl Society wlH hotq its general meeting at 7 p.m. et 1870 Anaheim Ave. Guesfapeaker Giles Brown' will discuss his early days at Orange.COast College. For more information, call (949) 631-5918. Neuroec:ientist Or. Stuart Zola of Emory University, a leading expert In memory, will give a lecture in the Irvine Barcley Theatre et 7:30 p.m. 'He will discuss insights gained frorp research about l)'lemory distortion, memory impairment and maintaining successful memory function as we age. Call Lori Metherate at (949) 824-7566 for more information. MARCH20 •integrity Counts the Most When It Costs the Most• 1s the topic for the annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast. Featuring Gary Daichendt, the event will begin at 7:30 a.m. at the Newport Beach ''Marriott Hotel, 900 Newport Center Dnve, Newport Beach. The cost is $25 per person. For more information, call (949) 219-5358. . The Costa Mese Chamber of Commerce's #90 Minute Breakfast Boost# will be held from 7 to 8:45 a.m. at the Costa M esa Country Club, 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa Cost is $13 or $18 at the door. To make reservations, call (714) 885-9090. Help for the environment is right in your bade yard, says Douglas Kent, author of #A New Era of Gardening." Kent will present •Gardening for Oxygen;· a free program at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library For more information, call (949) 717-3816. MARCH 22 Prince of Peace Christian Church and School is hosting its annual Country Day Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 2987 Mesa Verde Dnve East, Costa Mesa Events will include rides. carnival booths. pedal cars, face painting and more. For more information, call (714) 241-7361. QUOTE OF 1IE DAY "The coadres .know how to coach p/QytrJ, anll a~vtlop thtm into winntrs. It definitely rubs off. That's what happtntd to mt. n • JordM .Hllntl. UCt senior .. Former Corona del Mar basketball star expecting first child in September. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot T bough she doesn't live in the area anymore, Mollie Rosing still visits the Newport-Mesa confines quite frequently from her Long Beach resi- dence. The former three-sport star at Corona del Mar High (maiden name flint) at- tends church at Costa Mesa's Grace Fel- lowship with husband Jim and soon. a newborn. ~ The couple is expecting Its first child in September. Rosing. a certified CPA, is self-employed and works three days a week at a Fash.Ion Wand office. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS TRACK PREVIEW Young guns at Estancia prepare for new leagu e The Eagles will attempt to gain experience in their first year in the· Golden West League. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot COSTA MESA Longtime distance running coach Oiarlie Appell will be in charge of the Estanica High girls track and field team this season. And, aJong with Appell calling the shots, there's sure to be some bluntness, yet definite improvement before the season ls over. Take Appell's outlook on the season for example. He hardly holds anything .------------. back. THE EAGLES Amanda Abbott, Sr. Jenica Butler, Sr. F.tlma c.m.co. Jr. Olene c.tro, Jr. Nancy Cestro, Jr. Lucy Leon, So. Oulry Lomeli. So. Cynthla Luna, Jr. Radlel McMastera, So. Ntllia Pineda, Sr. Eriu Plietez. Jr. Crystal Rincon, Jr. Ashley Rodriguez. Fr Oiana~.Sr. Raffaela 5-neone, Sr Brltt.anie Stam, So. Ludl Valdez. Sr. CoedY. Charfie Appell ~Steve er.n.haw (hurdla), Hr/en Barnes (aprintl), Frou;b ... J,hld (jumsi-11 Jeremy villa (thtowt1. "We're in for a long season," said Appell, who also coaches the school's boys and girls cross country teams. "I'm just being truthful be- cause we're short on experi· ence." Appell replaces Jol\n Car· .__ ______ __, lisle, who remains a teacher at &.Lancia. He said while the Eagles wiJJ be learning the ropes heading into their entry of the Golden West League, crosstown rival Costa Mesa appears to be a favodte to win the title, along with Westmin- 1ter and Santa Ana. Individually speaking, &.tancla is sure to find success. Senior Diana Rosete, the Golden West League crot1 country champion, reached the CIF Plnala lut year. In the 3,200 me- len . The Bailes alao feature senJor Ludl Valdei, Who will compete in the hur- dles and relays, senior Amanda Ab- bOtt (jump ), sophomore Raebel McMuten (hurdles), jun.tor Bdka Plletez (1priot.a) and junior Nancy CUtro (throws). "Four or tho sl.X could possibly go to CIR• Appell d. "Amanda (will be) a four·year varsity Jetterwinner, aiKt Diana and Ludl have been on v&r&lty for three yeua." Estancia wUI be Without twin 111- tera Hanni ano Jumble Gelder, Who produced pOfnta and are now ~om• pctln& at Orange Cout COUege. .. # ~ lcllDr Rocer Canson • (949) 574-4223 • Spof1I Fu: <~9l 650-0170 Her parents, Garth and Oaudia, still reside in Newport Beach. and Mollie al- ways knew she wanted to return to Southern California after spending four years at St. Mary's in Northern Cali!or- nia. where she played point guard on the basketball team. · "I really liked Northern Califomta. but my friends and family were down here," Mollie said "St. Mary's was very chal- lenging, but I had the best time. I formed many friendships and the pro- fessors were very supportive. Everyone is a great player (in college)." One of Mollie's more memorable col- lege moments came when the Gaels trailed UC Berkeley by 17 at the half, but came back to win. She also mentioned the games against rival Santa Oara as being something she will remember about college. · Mollie, 27, comes from a basketball CATCHING UP WITH family. H~r father was her coach at CdM and older brother Mm was a standout prep on the hardwood. ·He bad an amazing work ethic to in- spire me,• said Mollie of Mark. "He defi- nitely set a good example." As did her father. Garth. "I couldn't have chosen It any other way," said Mollie about having her dad as a higb school coach. In her final bas.ketba.D game as a prep in 1~2. Mollie became CdM's all-time leading scorer, reaching the 1,500-point plateau. She evened Newport Harbor's Michaela Ross' 32 point-effort that day. Needless to say, Mollie bad some in· spi.ration to pursue basketball. "When I was young I played soccer and basketball," Mollie recalled. "But when high school came I couldn't play · See MOLLIE, P•a• A8 Mollie and Jim Rosing DAILY PILOT COLLEGE ATHLETE OF THE MONTH Jordan Harris UCI senior forward has been the cornerstone to the Anteaters' success this season as they get ready for Northridge. Steve Vlraen Daily Pilot T herewere several reasons Jordan Harris redefined himself in a game against University of the Pacific Feb. 22 at the Bren Events Center. Thens we~ several reasons the UC lrvtne senior forward shOok off lllneu to dell'Yef what wu one of his ftnest momenta in h:iS two years with the Anteaters men' basketball team. There were several reuona. but quite simply, the most linportant was his deaile. i Hmil' drive ha lntellSi.fied this year, his eentor seuon. 'That 18me "mOtiVatlon helped him cmrcome the reh.abOJtadon of putial tears of hts anterior and ~r c:tuciate ~ta he tu&nld JUrie 30, just lour montha before the teuon ltarted. That eame l'llotMldon ls what hU helped theAnteaten wtn 19 ~ thll eeuon, and earn a No; 2 seed tor the BJg West Conference~~t. wblch IWU 'lbianday. UCJ wW 18Ce Cal Suue NOrthiidji It 8 p.J1I. at the Anaheim - Convm.don Centet: ~ wouldia\ be where we are right now lf it wasn't for J()rdai't." ua Coach Pat 0oug1au said. •Jordan has been consistent. And, what people don't really realiU that be'• dolng a great Job defeOstvdy, too. In that Padftc game. be would.o' Tit our team quit He's foc:uaed on leading tJ)e team to a win every pme." Harr1a lcored • ..-on·hi&tl 23 points co 80 wtth ftve rebounds U\d four ltf. ~ ua to what Oouglall Called a 'IUUY" 78-73 ~rttmewln <Mr the 1lgen. The victory ca.me a bit more awwter. lllrik llld. beCM• Plld8c: auW Demilrfue JlcbOfl foloWecfhil . · three-point shots wtth defiant stares and some trash talldng, apparently challenging the Anteaters. Jackson should have known. All Hanis needs is a challenge and he'll make 61U'e to conquer It. That was seen when Hanis overcame the .knee injury. That was seen when Harris fought off illness to lead UCl to the win over the Tigers. The most important challenge for Harris now Is leading the Anteaters to the NC'M Tuumament. which ls unf.recedented at UO. I haven't really thought about that stuff," Harris said in reference to the memories he has while pJ.aylng at UQ. "When it's all OYU, I'll think about the memories. But. l(1 still not over~ What woWd be .-pedal for me, would be getting to the NCAA 'Ibumament." Hanis' piwlon for wtnn1ng It not only for his own sake, but for what he l&ld ls now tradition at ua. When the Ari tea ten endured• three-game l0$ing atrea.k. Which oduded their wont homo loll in four )'HI'S. Hanis, and felloW Mnior MIU Hood, took It upon themtelYes to I* the team back to victory. Douglua said. UCl answtl'ed lta ~-pme lkJd With a teuon·hlah eeven·pme wtnnlng au.k. which lndlided Vk:tortel at Utah State iand Cll POiy San Luis Obltpo. llatrlt; the DdY PUoc CoUep Athlete of the Month. ICOrtd 13 pOlntsand helped...., ... H:cras•.,...., Appell Mid Haven Baran, orlp· nally from Coaaecdcut, Will coech the 1Priftta, mm Prpup Jahld Will M the,....,. cMob Ud,Jereftrf' \111'9 WIDbMddlellDtWL • ._'-'-:------------:-----..--............... .._ __ --l..;,;_.------------~~----------------~~. " .. ;---- BRIEFS Pirates will: · ' duel Merced rriday in first round : . • B\SKETBAll: Orange Coast Col- lege's women's basketball team (Z7·7> will meet Merced (30-6) ln the .~t round of the State Tournament at the University of San Diego Friday, at 5 fun. Coast earned a berth at State wfth' a 55-47 win over Cerritos and a 51 -49 vic- tory over Compton. • Merced downed DeAnza. 6.3-57, ~d Sacramento Oty, 68"°3, for a spot In ttle Final EighL : ' The winner will meet the Ventuni- Butte winner on Saturday in the setmfi-nal. ;• Anteaters lose, 5-3 \ '. • MSE&\LL: Aztec starter :een Coon (2-1) pitched a three-run. six-lfit complete game as San Otego . ~rate avoided the series sweep against UC Irvine with a 5-3 win on Sunday In Tony Gwynn Stadium. ' • The Anteaters got two In the first 'in- ning on a Jordan Szabo sacrifice ~ lo score Jon Horwitz and a run-accfttr\g single by Matt Fisher. However, the"-%- tees answered In their half or the ttrSt, cutting the lead to one on Curt ~h­ doza's RBI double to bring In Anthdny G ~~ wynn. . . San Diego State took the lea~' lh three runs in the fourth, capped a two-nm home run by Reilly bfy. Enbry went 2-3 with two RBI and i rtfu scored. Jordan Swaydan's sixth-lnhb\g single drove in Peter Stonard, wh~ tilt 2-4 and scored twice. UCl got a run in the top of the fftf.h on Danny Miramontes' double to ~g in Horwitz, but would get no close~ Coon struck out seven and racea ~e minimum in five of nine lnnln*< b San Diego State improved to 7-14. 11 UCl starter Jlmmy Alstot wa1'. .~it with the lou to fall 1-3 after all~g four runs on sewn hlta through tow innings. With the Joss, the Antdt~'rs fall to 6-12 on the season. ~ u UCl hosts Nevada-Las Vegas We&· dayat6 p.m. · • r,i ! '.' 'I Cwtis vaults 12--0 • 11tMX: uc lrvlM sophomore £rln Cunis pole vaulted 12·foot in tie Ben Brown lnvltatJorial SlltUrday at C)1 Stale Fullerton to qualify her for ~ NCAA ~ OwnpjolllblPa. Weody a.an went 2:10.53 In the 800 metera, m1uiK1 ~by .23. Jtn§y Uou wu founb in cbe IOO at 2:~.18 and Amanda Al'IDtUCJlll WU ftftl In 2: 15.69. Julie Manion wu third )t 4:43.04 end ieDI Vanderbwg WU a~ in 4:48.45 lil the I ,500, " Jn men'I com~. Julet Castelo WU 8flh in the 800 (1:5430), RJ4J Banleil WU aewnlh (I :54.73), • drew Genatt -lllebtb (1:54.IO) ....... , ................... 10. .. .. 1111 Daily Pilot 1111 . allofF e .... JIM .. -,:-: ~;; .WARREN ~ t'<. ~1i Newport Harbor ~ngtime teacher, coach was a forerunner of \lstling boosters and big budgets. .& ~MhardDunn • Ptlot f.stancia. while establishing d new world order m prepathletics beyond football and basketbaJI. ~:J • • • ~ ,.~ ,.. ,. pioneer of sorts and ·we would have $35,000 to orchestrator of $40,000 in the banJc. ·Warren big-budget alhledc said. "We always dressed our programs. Jim WUJEQ ldds 6r&t cla5s and ba.410 paJd t;,f where he was headed out coaches ... it was the first time Dege -Southern California. for big boosters, because we n, born tn Arkansas and were doing a 1ot of lr'Jveling. mled in Sterling. Colo., met bis Then every time we'd trawl, WC • Sandra. in graduate school. carried 30 girls with us -the • tibe was from Texas, so moving cheerleaders. They were called ... ~was mutual. tht> WresUe Sprouts. .. "We were just another couple Al first. getting kids out to moving out here like everyone 0 wresUc WdS like pulling teetJ1. ~." Warren said. ·Before you Then everybody started showing .¥now it, you're in debt. you make up to the wrestling room. It friends, buy a house and look up became the thing 10 do It was m and two generatioru. have passed vugue to wrestle. Evenrually the by.· best athletes ac school were After graduating from enrolled in wre<;tling the University of and Estancia went on 10 Northern Colorado. capture several team Warren landed a and individual league teaching job at Gan~a championships. Jii8h in Pomona. then a Among the champ1tm year later amved at the heavyweights were Newport-Mesa School VIIlce Klees. a formt·r Diruict and stayed for Notre Dame (001ball 34 years. center, and Ke\'Ul Sloan. A fonner collegiate who later started at wrestler who became a tackJe for Washington longtime NCAA referee Jim Warren State. Other former m the sport, Warren was Warren \oVTeStlers hired at Estancia in the school's mclude Alan Greeley, now the seQlnd year, beginning in the fall most no1ed chef in Orange of 1966, and spent 20 years at County, and Costa Mesa E$tancia, while building one of Councilman Allan Mansoor. 'Southern California's top "(Greeley) was my 112 wi:istllng programs. pounder,~ Warren said ·1-1e had "Those were great times.· said a bad home life. He was so poor tJ\e 59·year·old Warren, who he couldn't eaL He joined a boys ~t1red two years ago. the same chef class at E$tancia so he rould time as bis wife of 36 yeal'l> who learn to cook and eaL" was also a teacher. WcUTen. Mlo tnafomd fn Warren. who also taught at business education at Northern Cprona del Mar for three years Colorado. also launched the and Newport Harbor for the final Estancia wrestling tournament, 12 years of his career, believed Ill at the ume one of the first to large booster clubs with a IIlgle host 32 teams in varsity and aim for the program -lo be the junior varsity. "Now all the biggest and best around MiMion tournaments are panemed after accomplished at Estancia as the that," he said. h~ wrestling coach, then later The huge Estancia gym would 't Newport Harbor in golf. hoUM' eight matches at once "We always had a lot or kids (Spotlights were installed for lnvolved and a lot of parents home matches to highlight Eagle involved.· said Warren. whose wrestJers.) During the p~ were notorious for tournaments, the program .. DpSting at the seams in terms or would profit about $5,000 a day nuplbers. with 100 kids out for merely on concessic;>ns. because ~ at one point at Estancia when the varsity wrestlers were ~ 50 slgned up for golf teams competing, the hungry JV lcids ~t 1"'ewport Harbor, all color were standing in line for a hol coordinated and ~ to the dog and soda, and vice versa nines in their Sailor outfits. "We bought the biggest • . ~arren. among the first in wrestling mats in the United Qllifomla ro hire walk-on States," Warren said. "We had Coaches, brought aboard as nothing but the besL And that's • as 10 assistant coaches in the way it was at Newport a ~n at Estancia. Harbor. too. Our clothing budget The Eagles ofteo traveled. for boys and girts golf was , iqdudtng once to Japan for the SI 0,000 a year.· . ~ National Warren. who taught 'ieVeraJ • ~pk>n.Wps. in which subjects during the course of his .~ placed a respectable · career, hired the best assi.stant Iowth. OP Southern Section · coaches he could find at ottJd.als wouldn' let Warren go Newport Harbor, whe~ he , ~th his team to Japan in 1976 became only the school's third .. ~ It wa.s out of season. so golf coach. foDowing longtime w.nen hired former Olympic Thr coaches Oiet Wolfe and Steve ~Gene Davis to travel and Dye. Coicb bis team -all expenses These days. Warren, who once ppJd. of course. operated gas stations in ·· wamm, you see, was a Colorado, is still involved in groundbreaking coach in bustn~ allowing him to travel fund·ntJslng, piddng up a bingo with bis wife. tlcent0 (Which he never used) Warren, the latest honoree in md eettJ.ng up ftfework standt. the Daily Pllot Sports I fall of He clalml to be •the fhlt guy to Fame. bns owned a home ln bllYe otr-ampus accounts• 1t Corona. del Mar for 24 yean;.. ,, . . SPORTS . HARRIS Conbnued from AfJ the Anteaters to an emotional 59·58 win over the Aggi~ in Logan. Utah. Then, b.e roUowed that up with 18 polnts ln a 65-52 victory at Ldaho. The perfonnances resulted in a Big West Conference Player of the Week honor. "Everyone had to take the responsibility for the losing streak," Hanis ~id. "I don't think any one of us are lilc.e Jerry COreen) was. since he could take the offense on hls . shoulders. It hall to be a coUectlve effort to get out of the slump. "We came together and started talking more. It has helped out. We're more open w11h each other. Everyone became more vocal. You don't want 10 let things fall apart. l:veryone Wclllled 10 do something about iL We re used to w1nr11ng. We're not losers. We're winners here !><J everyone kept that mind-seL It's become the mind-~l or the program. Any other program, you lose some gamei. and its no big deal. but now 11's like we're 11ot !>uppo'>e<.l to lose. We're going out to win every game." Ole Anteate~ ~ven-game winning streak carried UU to the brink of capruring its third·strrughl Big West regular-season tide and brought n<>w life 10 a team that had been ~arching for 1h identity early in the season. To provide UCI w11h new confidence Harris had to elevate his Kame. I le'!> been attacking the basket more than ever witH the options of gainjng a high-percentage shot, delivering a pass to an open teammate or drawing a foul. I larri'>' free-throw percentage ha5 improved. I le HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratJng the Daily P11ors Athlete of the Week series I · TODAY 22 Shawn O'Oonni.11 Nl'WP()rt Harbor Bai.aball. '96. ·97 Is 80"1 from the rouJ tine tbJs aeason. while last year he was at 63.n. 11.wris leads the Anteaters In scoring. averaglllg 12.8 points per game in Bl& West action. Hams haS also prOVlded solid deft.rue. 1Wo days after tweaJdng the same knee he injured in the summer, he shut down one of Cal Poly's top scorers. Shane Schilling. I larris, who collected his first double-double (18 points. 11 rebounds) of tht! sea.son, held Schilling to six poinL<>, t.eVen below his B1g-Wes1 average in UCl's 68·62 wiJl at Cal Poly, Feb. Z7. It's no wonder Douglass values hls seniol"f orward so much. Harris also leads UCI in minutes per game with 33.J in conference play. "I Je's continued to improve tus game throughout the season.· Douglru.s said. "I le'.s playing at his be.1 now in the two year!> he\ been here." I larri.s transferred from Colgate Uruver!>Jty, mamJy because he didn't think Colgate wru. headed in the right direction I le came to IJCI because he said the Anteaten. were uuen1 on readung the NCAA Tournament and breaking new ground for their basketball program. I le wanted to be a pan of that history. "The whole (UCI) coaching staff ha.!> really helped me out a lot." I l~ said. "I under.tand the game a lot better. It has a great deal 10 do with the coach<.'!.. I went from a program that wasn't doing nol so weU with a fin.t·Ume head coach who wa.'> not really lc:n0WU1g what wa:. going on. lnen I went IO a coach (Douglass) who hru. been around for awhile. The coaches know how to coach players. and develop them mto winner!>. It definHely rub!> off. That'., what happened to me: ~· Mii~ tp. efJ3 A1 TENNIS UCI tops Hawaii ANTI.ATER TI:NNIS STA.DJ UM -UC lrvine'• women's tennb team was a 6-t wtnner over visll· i.ng Hawail Sunday. U08,H.wMI 1 ~ -Cheng IUCll def f'iage<•ld. 4-8, &-2. 10·3: Bowman fUCll def Haklkawa, 6-2, 6-1, Bentzer IUO) def Mainor, 61, 6-2. Leow IUOI dof htk1Shlme. 60, 6-3, Posner IUCll def Boutet, 6-0, 6-4, Curt11 (H) def Bou, 4-8, 6-3, l~. ~ -Bowman-Cheng def Boutet..Q.irtls, 8-3; Benue,..Posner def Hakikawe·htkflhlm•. ~ (7 5), Frtzgerald Mainor def.L~ lrandllno, 8 1 ~Stm~Conf ~ Azusa PM:lfk 9. Venauard 0 Singles -Fletctler (AP)de(°Lumsden, 6-4 7~. Baltalov !AP) def Holmgren. 6-2. 6-3. Davidson CAP) def Merdh 6-2 6-3, Hong IAPJ def Bionclund 6-4. 6-0. Jelsma IAPI def Taylor 6-2 6-1. 81ll1ng 1AP def Lay 6 2~6-0 Doubles F1eu:tler Oavtdson dof Lumr;de,,..B1or1clund S 3. Baltalov Jelsma def Merdh Taylor 8-4 Hong 81lhng def Holmgren Lay 8-3 Wom.e V.nguud 5. Azusa P1tClfic 4 ~ Hlushcnanka lVUI def 5d10 6-0 6 1 Vota\IOva IVUI def Earnes1, 6-4. 6·3 Sequra (APl def Yohner, 6-4 6-2. Bradley <VUl def Yor1hey. &2, 6-2; Hahn IAPl def Tenleo 6-0 6-0 Wi1e (AP) def Krohn, 6 1. 6 1 Doubles -Hlushc:hanka Votavov11 dot Earnes1/Yorlhey, 8 1 Yohnor Brartley def Sato Hahn. 9 7, SeQura Wise def Krhn Tnlen. 8-0 Big West Conference Men's & Women's Basketball Tournament March 12-15, 2003 Anaheim Convention Center Arena Single-Session tickets are on sale now. 21 Nu:ll Higgs Orango Cottst Foot hall CaJI the Anaheim Convention Center box office at (714) 765-8980. SCHEDULE TOOAY Baabtballl College men -Biota al Vanguard University, 7 30 p.m. -r.nnia College men -University of the Pacific at UC Irvine. 1 p.m. High sdlool -Sage Hill at El Toro. 3:15p.m Golf College women -UC lnnne Invitational at Coto de Caza G&CC, all day. High acnool bovs-Estancia Invitational at Mesa Verde CC, noon; Los Amigos vs. Costa Mfl98 et Costa Mesa G&CC, 2 p.m.; Newport Harbor vs. Villa Pait at Green River GC, 2 p.m.; Sage HiU vs. St Margaret's, at MarbeUa CC, 3:15p.m . YOUTH SOCCER Pride rolls With VICtori~ of I ·O. 4-0 and 2·0 coupled with a O·O tie. Costa Mesa's Region 12·0 guts under·l2 APP ·rnde· soccer team took 5eeond tn the blue light at the 17th annual Meyer's ... Cup Tournament in Orange. Pride succombed to Long . • Beach United in tbe 0-0 de, losing on penalty kicb. 5"4. Kade Ann. JamJferTbomM and ICellle Ed.Jet tpadaed In pl during the tournament wiU\ help on defense fri>cn ~ Unmoo, Krtsdna Roche. KrtltenG~ ~ ......... ~The tnJdft'eld was controlled by Sarah er.umctorf. Ayta Medina. Marina Luoe and Kayla McComb. Jmnlfa' ThoallM. Ally JCrlkorlan, NUlhln 'hlb1bchl. l!We Ed.Im and lCerry ICller' all playedwtll. Visit the Big West Conference website at www.bia:west.on:. All-Session tickets are also available for only $60. The House of Blu~ and the F.SPN Zone® at the Downtown Disney® District _()Jlicif!tJ/J.eadquartersfor t~~ West Tournament Fun Fest Thursday March 13 All Day cw UllEll WedpadQ· March 12 Boogie Nights will perform li ve at House of Blues at 9 pm Session I I Women 't Quarterfinals SI 0 (Games 1&2-starting at 12:00 pm) Session #2 Women's Qu;uterfinals $I 0 (Games 3&4 ·starling at 6:00 pm) Thursday. March 13 Sesi;ion I 3 Meo 's Quarterfinals S20. S 15 (Games 5&6 -startmg at l 2:00 pm) Session 14 Men's Quarterfinals $20. ~ 15 (Games 7&8 · st.artmg at 6.00 pml FridaL March 14 Session 15 Women's Semifinals Sl5 {Game 9&10 -tarting at 12:00 pm l Session 16 Men's Semifinals $25, Sl5 (Games I I & I 2 • starting at 6:00 pm) Satunlay. Mvda 15 Session 11 Womcn'sChampiooslup $15 (Game 113 -starting at 1:00 pm> Session 18 Men's Championship $25, S 15 (Game I 14 ·starting at 9:00 pm) Mtn i prict1 arr split lnw Tt"«t u11tl &id U>M ltfJlJ "'S 15 and tM mt of tM arrna Ill S20 fax ~ 4"" W for SatW QN/ Filtol.s SttotwJ 8t1N of tJw KUUM IO Mllll appro~rly .JO llWrMlU folJo-1"'1 tM ro«bdfO#f "'tlw ptn'fOfU ~ /Yew[llj'250 XLTSupercab: S.D. tXtil • .. • • • • ' M ~.March 10, 2003 SPORTS S-hadow lands .Establishing . goQd exampldi . tooklng back, 5 yean agu this week: Hal• Irwin Ores·a course-record 62 in the final row1d of the To hiba Senior 5 Oassic, comlng from five strokes behlnd to win the tournament. Irwin flirts with danger on the 17th hole, having his tee shot roU off the green, but a rake lying near the bunker stops the ball from rolling lnto the water. Runner-up Hubert Green has no such luck: with the 17th, as he hits his chip sliot JO feet past the hole en route to a ' bogey. lrwtn's three-round total (200) is one stroke shy of tyJng the tournament record set bx George Archer in the with Its ftt t victory In four years over ' · non.league powerhouse Mira Costa, 15·3, 18-20. 15-13, ll·l5, 15-J. Harbor Coach Dan Glenn Is pleased with his team's result, but says It played sloppy. The Tars reel off nine straight points to start the fifth game, wt~ senior middle blocker Scott Dote (3 kills, stuff block) being the catalyst. Scott Archbold nails a match-high 29 kills while Matt Jameson adds 16. Middle bfock~r Adam Hearl1on llnd outside hltte.-Zach WeU~ (11 ldlJs each) joiq [)pr~ C IO} in double figures. Leadership from upperclassmen exciting Bandaruk. Bryce Alderton Dally Pilot · -, THE EAGLES ~ ... . inaugural Toshiba Senior Oassic. Irwin makes birdies In four of bis first five holes and adds five more on the back rune. Looking back, 1 O years ago this week: Costa Mesa High's girls. basketball team erases a 12-point deficit with 6:51 to go to gaJn a 67-45 triumph over University of San Diego in the ClF Division Ill Southern Regional semifinal, its 24th straight victory. The Dons make 13 of thelr first 20 shots and stifle the Mustangs early with man-to-man defense. Mesa rattles off runs of 11 -0 and 14-2, all without a point from senior star Olivia OICamllll. who nets 36 points in all. Je .. lca Lurmann COSTA MESA -Some of the pressure has been taken o1f F3~ tanda High girls swim coach Bob Bandaruk. M1rina ~I. Fr. Caroline Bernes. Fr. Jordl Bntdshew. So. Andrea Btlv, Ff. Lauren Cushing, Fr. Allieon Oalton, l'r. Lauren Donner. Fr. Jayme Fay, Sr. · Malinda Hallo<*, So. Mitzi Herman, Fr. Courtney Hess. So. Jessica Kasper, So. Uhlnl l<.eenawinna, Sr. Katie Mahan, Ff. Lauren Mahan1 Jr. Devon Metkovic:tl, Ff. Britta Plttl, Jr. I I . . ' . High school All -Pacific Coast League teams are announced in basketball and girls soccer. Estancia Hlgh's Sam Nelson (23.5 pointi. per game) gains the highest honor of the Newport-Mesa contingent, earrting PCL Tri-MVP accolades. Estancia junior Jamea Dawkins (13.9 ppg) and junior Brett Valbuena (I 0.3 ppg) take second-team honors. Costa Mesa's Julie Collett and Evelyn Powers are named to the basketball first-team along with Estancia's Usa Steinfeld. Her Eagles' teammate, Prancla Diaz, makes the second team. Estancia's Jennifer Porter and Mesa's Gegl Van de Walker collect All-PCL first-team laurels for soccer. Me a's Fernanda Velasco and Ll2 adds five points during the spwt with contributions from Yool Klm and Nelar Kabua. Mesa advances to the regional final against top-seeded Morningside. His only two seniors, Jayme Fay and Uhini Keenawi.nna. along with junior co-captains Britta Pitti and Marilyn Reich, motivate oth- ers to get In the pool and swim hard, and Bandaruk believes that drive will result in a faster, and bener Estancia swim team. Wit's nice because I don't have to be the one getting on the girls.· sald Bandaruk. who began his third season at Estancia when it beat visiting Loara Friday. 86-58. "(Fay. Pltti and Reich) are step- ping up and making sure the girls get to the pool on time." Powell, along with F.s.tancia's Rebeka Roth, garner second-team accolades. Behind a game-high 21 points from Elaine Whlttemott, who breaks the school scoring record in bringing her total to 1,2 19. the Southern California College women's basketball team earns a berth in the NAIA Tournament in Jackson. Tenn. with an 80-69 victory over Concordia in the Golden State Athletlic Conference finale. The Vanguards use a 19-8 rebounding edge to post a 12-point halftime lead. AU five SCC starters finish in double figures in scorjng. Alana Kempton scores 15 along with Whittemore (2 1 ), Gina Josola ( 13). Amee Pina ( 11 ) and Kristi Wright ( 16). Estancia High's junior left-hander Jalro Arceyut preserves a 3·2 victory over Newport Harbor in the consolation round of the Newport Elles baseball tournament. Eagle starter Victor Martinez aUows one earned run with no walks in 6Yi innjngs. The Eagles score two unearned runs in the third and never lrall. Lead-off hitter Art Martinez scores on an infield throwing error and Pedro A.rceyut singles home Jairo Arceyut. Newport Harbor scores in the fourth when first baseman Mike Freeman singles to center, moves to second on Ryan Anderson's groundout, advances to thJrd on a wild pitch arid scores on designated hitter Dave Snowden'• RBI groundout. Juan Mendoza's RBI single in the firth scores Jairo Arceyut. Harbor loads the bases with nobody out in the sixth inning. but a pickoff at third and two popouts end the rally. Bandarulc feels the team will be Manlyn Reich, Jr. Haley Rosner, Fr. Ashley Sdlultz. Fr. Amaryah Thaler, So. "":ttwnin Flo1"81, So. Susan Cloud, Fr. Coec:h: Bob Bandaruk much improved from last year, should perfonn well in the 500 with a majority of swimmers free. he added making the transition from Weiler Carolina Barnes and Katie Ma· polo to swimming. han are the two top freshman wit's nice to begin the season in swimmers. according lo Banda- shape." BandaruJc sald. "We spent ruk.. Barnes is strong in freestyle two weeks getting in shape for and bacbtrolce, while Mahan will polo." sprint In the free. Three juniors and six sopho· Marina Abdul wbo played on Newpon Harbor l ligh's boys volleyball team emerges -compiled by Bryce Alderton mores complement 12 fresh.men. the soccer team, along with..An- making the Eagles a fairly young drea Bray.. Lauren Olshing. Alli· team, but one that BandaruJc is son Dalton. Lauren Donner, Mitzi excited about. Herman, Devon Metkovich, MOLLIE Continued from A6 Mollie assists Marumoto at schools that riioge from mjddJe school all the way to college. ball teams and assisted at CdM's summer camp. soccer and baslcetball at the same time so I went with baske1 · ball and fell in love with the sport." "He helped me in my career,· said Mollie of Marumoto's influ- ence. "He worb on offensive skills. shooting. in individual les- sons. I love it because it keeps me in basketball.· Mollie also ran cross country and track while at CdM. In l992 she was pan of the first CdM girls' cross country team 10 win a CIF Southem Section title, in Di· vision Ill. Mollie and Jim previously re- sided in Westwood. Her other siblings include sister Shannon Eusey, Allie Aint and Kevin Hint Occasionally Morne plays rec- realienaUy, and once or twice a month coaches alongside long· lime teacher Tom Marumoto. If the opportunjty arises. Mol- lie said she would consider coaching. In college, she coached National Junior Basket-Mollie's younger sister, Kellie, s ......... M ' hftkuf Rdlllm ........ lhe follow1na person hn abandoned the uw of the F1clihous Bu~• ness Name lnternahonaf Press Serv"e. 2666 01 •nee Ave •B. Costa MU3, CA 92627 fhe r ICllhous Bu~ineu 11<1me 1 cf erred to above was filed on Oranae County on 2/8/1994 rn r NO F597'M3 (Charles 0 ldp1<1) Carlo~ 0 l.ap1a 7666 Oran11e Ave •B Cost• .. Mes.a CA 92ti27 This busmen 1~ c un dutlf'd by an 1ndtv1du<1I (Charles 0 lap1a) Ca dos 0 I ap1<1 lh1s statement was hied with the County Clerk of 011n11e County on 03/06/03 2003 .. 361'5 Dally Piiot Mar 10. 17. 24, 31. 2003 M658 "10CE10<JllJIOF6\E-IUJ(SM.£ ~~~ !(JTU tS telBY CMJf .. .......... ., .. !ID Thi IWl'ICll 11111 IUliWI :--d .. ~ CXR'OIA'TCW. mm SK'l'PM( CR1E, «l, ME. CAlllW ~ .... -~ ,. I.ts .... ,..,. nl .a-... ....... .... Wlftl ...... ,..,. ~~ PNl(,~IME,CA ... l!ali:l:ll*JlttC....dlW OWElc.MObdlW'* Is • CXRIOIAlE PN11. ~ IME,CA- Thl -ll'd ur. ....... --.. 'QO Uf #() 9IXJf U£. TT WU.OW TRf£ UC.. IME. CA at2 Thi .. :S.,d: ··~ Wl9QD INIBUT NI) lllR:Ml8l'S, CXMMlr N:JnO<XllPElE 11111•~·.,.. IK'tMI( CIOE. «l ME. CABM ThltaAllll la*'lllt>• ............... " 1.8 --ID! UllPICJt MIU.GtWBICHM.CA _ .... ....-... -·-·-lllt lllA .. II .. D 0... lHDn CDilMcM ODldrlnlU ... 11111 .... d .. ................. lllf s 1.8 BCR)W ICIOR ~.U.CWla = ....... .......... .., ........ ................. ............. -'*""'·-OD UI AM) llXJM 1.1:1. ~ ..... l8IVlf IE,10f CXJlfA lll1fSo\ a.l'f "°' ... your stuff thi'ou&h classified! ' RcllllMa.Jims Mmes....... lhe lollow1n1 Ptr\ons •re do1n1 bus1neu as Bayside Sur111se Per son3t Assi'l~r1t Ser VICU. 7332 G.arfield Ave •B, Hun t1neton But.h, CA 92648 Gabrt•lla Anro. 1332 G.arl1eld Ave •B. Hun· ltnaton Beach, CA 92648 I h" bu\1neas '' coo dut.ted by •n Individual Hoe yuu star ltd dome bu\tnes• yet' No C4b11ellA An10 I h•s st"t~m~nt wa~ filed wtlh lhl' County Clerk ol Or4n11e County un 03 04/0J 20036935747 0~1fy Pilot M"r 10. 17 24. 31 ?003 M6S9 fidifiM INlns Mmes..... l hf' follow11111 per~ons .ire du111e bu•mess ~' Solutions Advo\ors, 1601 We't Mat.Arthur Blvd I IQ South Coa•t Mrtrn Cl\92104 KWAH. In' (CA) 1601 Wn t MuArthur Blvd llQ South Cont Mf'tro CA92104 (Ma1hn9 Addrn\ 2973 Harbor Blvd •799 Cosl• Mes•. CA 92f>26> lh1s busmns is con ducted by .11 cOrlJ(lrahon Have you sl•rtf'd doine busmess yet 7 No ( KWAH. Inc . Aleunder N Hawkins Jr I President ThtS statement wn filed with the County Clerk of Orance County on 02/05/03 20036932411 Daily Pilot Feb 17, 24, Mai 3, IO, 2003 M640 RdftlllS w.u "-S....... The followm11 persons are do1n2 bus men n Bottle Rocket. 2:i1 l n l 20th St Umt B Co5ta Meu CA92627 Patrick Jamu G.,ry 221 East 20th St Um! B Cost• Mesa. CA 926:>7 Ot!n1se Ko1a Garry. 221 East 20th SI Unit B Cost.. Mesa. CA 92617 fh1s bur.ones. 1s con ducted by husb•nd and wile Have you ~tarted do1n11 business yet' No Pet Garry This st.ilement was filed with the County Clerk of Ofanee County on 02/14/03 2003HS3417 Datfy Pilot Feb 11. 24. Mar 3, 10 2001 M64A St!ll your Car in ClaJ•ifltrd I RdlllM .... Mmes....... 1 he follow1n1 persons are dome business as Century Collision Cenler 1011 W Barkley Ave Or<1n1e. CA 92868 Cen tury Collision Center. Int.. (CA). 1011 W Barkley Ave , Or an11e. CA92868 fhls business 1s con ducted by a corponllon Have you started dotnt1 buslnts' yet' Yes. 1/1/ 2003 Ce n tury Coll1s1on Cent~r Inc Ceanr Alvarel/C 0 0 This statement was filed with the County Clerk of 0. a'1&e County on 02/131{)3 2003HS32&0 Daily Pilot Feb 24. Mar 3. 10, 17. 2003 M64S fldffiM a...ss .... s ....... lhe followma persons ire do1n11 busines' as Alm1ahty Window W15h1n11 and Bltnds. 181 Cecil Pine. Unit B. Costa Mn.a W.hforn1a 92627 David Hernande1 3011 Piette D"•e. Costa Mesa, California 9262ti fh1s business rs con ducted by •n mdov1dual Have you started dome businen yet' Ye\, 01/ l!>/2003 David Hernandez This st~tement wn hltd with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 02/261{)3 200H9350J7 Dally Pilot MM 3. 10, 17 24, 2003 M648 St!ll'o"rCar In Cltutrf/kd I I ............ Mmes....... lhe followmc ~rsons are d<>•n1 business u DASBll MINDS 8211 E r1mberland Oranire CA 92869 Samuel S Wu, 821 1 E l1mberland, Or1nt1e. CA 9?.869 Gwne Gutlerrer, 4877 llacltett Ave . Ro~lltneftd, CA91770 This bu~1ness 1s con duded by • 1ener al partnership Ha11e you started dome busmeu yet' No Cene Cut .. uez This statement was filed with lhe County Clerk of Orance County on 01./201{)3 200U9>4120 Daily Pilot Mer 3 10 I l ?4 2003 M649 Th• followina pe"ons ere do1na business n Advanced Coa1tn1~. 1927 Harbor Blvd , Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Jamn Van Vleck. 217S Pacific Ave Cush Mesa CA926?7 This bu"nns I\ con- ducted by an 1nd1vidual Havt you started doinc buslnus yet7 No Jamu Van Vlot k lh1\ 1tatement was hied with the County Cle1 k of Orana• County on 07./26/03 200J .. S5029 Dttly Pilot Mar. 3, 10, 17. 24, 2003 M650 m~de an appearance on CdM's girls soccer team during its run to the quarterfinals in CIF Oivi· sion II this season. Junior Lauren Mahan joins Pitti ·Haley Rosner. Mhley Schulttand and Reich alongside sophomores Susan Ooud roWld' out the fresh. Jordi Bradshaw, Malinda Hallock. man class. Jim anended USC and is cur- rently in his third year of medical school at the universiry. C.Ourtnry Hess,. Jes&ca Kasper, Bandaruk mentioned the Amary-uh Thaler and Jazmin Ao-team's goal is to make the top 3 in res, who played on the basketball the F.agles' new league -the team during the winter. Golden West ·ru probably t.alce some time off work. luckily I have the flex- ibility." said Mollie of the time commitment needed to take care of· a child. "We're so ex- cited." Reich's fone is the lOO-yard "Marilyn and Britta are setting breast.stroke and Pltti will be good exampJes for the girls to fDI· strong in the I 00 butterfly and low," Bandaruk saJd "They know 200 individuaJ medley. Bandaruk the hard work it takes to sWtm. said. Keenawinna's best strokes Wf!re going to do a lot better than are the 200 and 500 free and Pay what we were.• Ac-.. ..... '-S...... lhe f0Uow1n1 person' are "°'"I business as Cr Prmt1A1, 1930 H1ubot Blvd . Costa Mau. CA 92627 Charin 0 hp1a 2666 Or an1e Ave , •B. Costa Mesa. CA 92ti27 lhis buuness Is con dueled hy' an lndivldual Have you st11ted doinc business yet? No Charles 0 Tapia fh1s statement was filed with the County Cletk of Oran .. County on 03/061{)3 200SH361U Daily Pilot Mar 10, 17, 24. 31. 2003 M657 SllllOIS (CJTACIOI MeCMij NOTICE 10 DHEN· DANT· (AVISO • Acuaa· do) IEFFREY SCOTl KUABATZKY •"d DOE.S I IS. Inclusive YOU ARE BEING SUED BYPLAINllH (A Ud lo Ula cle!Mnd ando) CONSTANTINO VENEGAS CASlOftENA You hive 30 CAlEN OAR DAYS 1fter this summons 1s ser wed 011 you to hie • typewritten r~se al tins court A lette• °' phone caH will not PfOlect you, your lypewr1tt1n re sponse must be 1n Pfopar la11I form ii you want the court lo h .. r your c1se If you do not fife you' respon1e on lime. you may lou the c:ese, and you• wacn. money and Pf094l'IY m1y b1 lallen w1thoU1 furU..r Wllfnlll& from thecOUtl There are otfm lqal f'equwements You may want lo call en _.lorMy rtahl aw1y. If you do not know 1n 11toney, yOil may c•H •II attorney ref en at H<Ylce Ol • le&•I aid office (hst1d In the pllone book) Dt1c>ues de que le e11t11au1n HI• clt1clon judicial ustad Ilene un pluo • 30 DIAS CM • tNOAltlOS para pr1s111 te1 "'"' ,._.,.,..,, n · crlla • maqu1na en 1111 corta. U111 c:erta 11 une fl.llflact. ttlefon1C1 no lo ofrecw• protac:cton. 111 fHjlllUl.I 1 Crill I m1quln1 lien• qua cumplw con IH form1I• ldl<IM ........ tipfosKa . hi Ill 111te4 quiel'1 qlll I• c;orte HCl!Chl IU cnn SI i1'ltd no pr1Hnu Sii lbjhlHtl • llefllllO. j)lllff ,,.. dtf •• uw. , 11 pu1d1n qmtar "' salalio, 1» dinwo y otru f.0'8 de M P~oe>o"ad llM ••-edKlenal P4N IMWtt di II COflt ( aitt.11 Olio r .. lot ll&Ms 'Uitcle qw lllled QIMf e llllJIAI I VII •b•t•4• tnrn•df•le· ffltfttl Ji no HflOC• 0 llft ·-•t•d•, , ..... lttM" • vn nklo M ref11111e 11 de •botlldol o 1 11n1 of1une tie •ru• let91. <Y•• Ill diretl!lflO ~KO) CAll•m-. .._..,c.., ncc1111a ... ,..... ... ..,,(., 1119_.,.. ....... If "9 C4Mlt1 ~ (II ....... ,'"" ... II urto •) OMlim: I COURT, 700 Civic Centet Duve West. P 0 Bo~ 1994 Santa Ana, CA 91702 1994 The name. •ddren. and telephone number of pl11nhffs attorney. or pla1nt1fl without an attorney is (El nombfe la d"ecc1on y el numero de telefono del ebo11ado def demand.ante, o del damandante que no Ilene abocado, es) Jeffrey R S1lber1. h q SBN 216527. law Olfices ot lee A. Wood & Associates. P C 2603 ~m Street. Suite 1000, lr111ne. Callf0<n1a 92614 (949) 794-5901 I (949> 794.5931 r DATL (fedie) AUG 12, 2002 AUUI SlATH, C1erl (Ac-le), .. , A. DANG, Depvty (Det ...... ) STAnMINT OfDAMAGfS (Per....t...,..-, ... w,....,... o..tt.) CASINUMIH.r 02CC1J21' To JEFFREY SCOTT KUA8ATlKY PlaontrO. CONSTANTINO VENEGAS CASTORENA s•~ damacn 1n the above·entttled Klt0n. H follows 1.0-.......... P11n. sufferinc. and lnvonventence, $100,000 2.~4-oe-· Medical etpensn (to dale). S7 ,SOO lou of Hrnincs (to dale), $1,000 Properly dam.ace. Sl.000 Oata. Jan~ry 9. 2003 /SI Jeffrey R Salber c. hq Published Nawp4rt BHch Costa Mesa Daily Prlot March 3 10 17, 24. 2003 M652 1 o •II heirs, beneli c1ar..s creditors, con· 11n1ent craditon. and peraon• who mat olh· erwise be interested m the will or estate. or both. of ALISSA MAYA BEGELl A PfltTION FOR PRO· BA It hn bffn hied by Wit.LIAM BfGCll 1n the Svpertor Court of Cah lorn1a. County of OR ANCE THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requasts that WILLIAM BEGEll be appointed u personal representative lo ad minlstlf lhl estate ol lhl decedent THE P£TITION reqllftls the dececknl'• Will and cod1c111. 1f any, be 1dm11ted to Pfobele The W1H and any cochclls are anllable for uam1na tt0n 1n the hie kept br thecovrt THE PC OTION requests 111thonly lo 1dmm1ster the esl•te unde< ttle Independent Admlnls tr et ion ol Estates Act. (Thia Authority will allow the ptfsonal represen· t111v1 lo t1k1 many 1ctklns without obtain· 1n1 cou•I approval. Belore tak(nc cert11n vlf)' lmpo<tant actions, however 1 the peuomil reprewnl•h•• wilt be requ1<ed •o 11ve notoce to onterestect penons unlHs they hne wa1Ved nottce or consented to the p<opoM!d atl!Ofl ) lhe independent •d m1n1strat1on authorlly wlfl be cranled union an interested person flies en obiechon lo the petition and shows cood cause why the court should not 1ranl the auttl0t ity A HEARING on the pellllon will be held on MARCH 27 2003 at l JO pm •n Dept L73 located al JAi Iha City Duve South. Onnp CA 92868 ' If YOO 08JCC1 to the crantm1 of the pelrhon, yov •hould ~-•I the h .. nnc and state y011r object10ns or hie wr1ltan olllecllons with the court bef0<e the hur1na Your appurance may be In person or by your attorney IF YOU ARE A CREDI TOA or conl1n1ent creditor of the d.c.es.ed. you must hie your claun with Ule cOllf l and ma1f a copy to the !*'34nel represenUll'Ve appointed by the court w1lll1n tow months from Iha date of the first ossuance of letters as provlcltd "' Probate Code uction 9100, The time '°" 1111111 clalms will not uplre before four months from the hurinl date nollud lboYe YOU MAY EXAMINE the hie kept by the court II you ar • • pe< son in lerested In the estate, you may hie with ttM ·STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • Daily court a Aequnl for Sc>ec1.al Not>ce (fat• IX 1!>4) of th<t hftna et. .tn inventory and a~I of estate nseu 0t, ot any peltllon or eccount I\ PfO'i!ded In Prtbolle Co<le saction I~ A Re~uest for Special Notice l0<m •• 8Vlf'4C>lo hom the court cletk A"'-'-YferP ........... _ ... J. GOlflln, Cwkt-Miier .... Jeceh et.er W•(! & S!Moptre, 212t Av..._,f th Stws, St•. 1eeo, 1.-~,CA .. 7 Publlshed NewpJ!rt Buch·Costa MesaJ>ilfy P'1lot Mardi 3 1; 4 0 2003 ~ ., CLASSlfllD:. • It's the solution!: ' you're searchmt for ·whether. ~ .~ you're seeijng~ home, apartmenS . .. petornew :: occupation! ( ' ' ., ' Policy How to Place A .---Deadline Rates and deadlines are subject to &an-ge without notjcc, The ·publisher reserves the right to censor, reclusify, revise · or reject any classiCied advertisement Please repon any error that may be . in rour 'classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liabilily for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. CLASSIFIEIAD -Monday ..................... fnday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Mond.ly 5:00pm ' . By ·Fax (949) 631-6594 By Phone (949) 642-5678 By Mail/Jn Person: 330 We!>t Bay Srrect CoMa Mesa, CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay St. Wednesday ............... Tue~ay 5 :()()pm Thursday ..... . Wedne!.day 05:00pm C l'lc&5c 1ocllldr y~ rwnc lllld phone llWnbCf wld "'C 'U •all you boict '"''tll a pncc quote 1 Friday .................... Thur-.day 5:00pm Hours Sarurda) ..................... Friday ~:OOpm Telephone 8·30am-5:00pm Monday-fnday Walk-In 8 30-.un "i OOpm Monday-Fnday Sunday ...................... Fnd.ay S OOpm Index lNNOUNCWNTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE (' BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2305--2490 ..... - ..: . • soos-saso Older Sty4e Fwnitw. PIAHOS i Col~ ·-·------°"""'-M CASH PAID $$ .................. S•lurd1y M11ch l!">lh 10 JOam 5pm Sun March 16th lOam 39m OC f atrcround 88 f au Or Bid& 14 Costa Meu 200+ Olrs 760 4~ 744-4 7ft Leoot c-.. White, brocade upholstery alnt cond, S200. Culb,,nsen Con50HJ P11no aood cond ssoo 949 854·8208 Anhque bdrm set, 8 h cu1tom made soh, dinette set In&. Call eves SO 949 574-9732 s-19SO 0'1Coofo & M.ntt 600 Sorin, 411" w>dth oven, b<olltr & 111 '" hnmKullte S2000/ obo 949-673-0944 2 Lety,oy · rodl-n, be11e w1ncback. arut cond1t10n $65/ee or two for $120 949·646·5923 Alff/ PAINTINGS 3460 JEWRRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS 3060 C-.tCef11Nootl1 Old Co1nsl Gold, silver Scott ·a-o4y Hl1twlc ,.wW'y watches. antiques letlt-Ir uned 1984 collecllbles gu,642•9448 • 144 of 200 Sl500 obo '10-4S.-0820 3610 SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR A PET For Only $19 You Can Help. • 0 Aic you an animal lover? Herc's a great way to exr.rcss it. Sponsor a pct photo on ou.r special •save a Life" page publishing on Thursday. March 27, 2003. Your sponsorship will secure a space for a photo of a pct who is available for adoption and needs a good home. This s~ial page has saved hundreds of lives all over the stacc, thanks to people like you! Be a part of saving a life and feel great about doing ic. This page is presented in conjunction with local animal shelters and Newport Beach Animal Control Services. For just $19, you c:ah add you.r own special thoughr.s under the pet's photo. It Will display your name as the sponsor of this pct, or you may include a loving memory of one of you.r own cherished furry friends. SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR FORM Na.me·~---------------------------· Address-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cjry: St2tc: Zip·------------- CreditCard#-·~~~.....;;...~~~~~~~_.;,___..&.;Exp·-·....;.;...~~---- Signaru.rc-·---..,.....---~-~---------------..;.......- Pbonc(opcion~)-·~~~_..;..--~---;.........._;.;..~~~~~~......_.;,_.;._. For died(, ma.kc payable ro: Daily PiJOt Text to appear in space below photo, 20 chanacn or less. Q\OOleOne: 0 In loving memory o'--_...._...._ ....... _.....,...._..._--._ .......... ..._ ___ _ OSponsorUI~-------------~~----~----~__..;.... Mail this form with your check or credit oud information to: Save A Life,% Daily PUCK, P.O. BO& 156(), Com~ CA 92627 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 3610 °"I'/""-...... -......... ~, Pets" Plbk: ~ Fasto> Island ~ZZ19 MESA VEIO_E __ NIWUSTING l S77 B•ke1 SI 3br I J, 4bil Ille. remod p.w ~ Ill bk)'(I caner loc.. ~ax>~ Mally$ 96-ll>-7!1>' Im SPAY tor mormw ao1t LJdolsle eel al~ IJl!lll homm ---·~-··---949-5.33-0411 ~ Best v~ L°""""' Piioed K•ll.,ns Found 1n Bushes C~'lol) ~ lul Aemod need bolllefe.,ders Help lllnJ aJ1UV 2b 2b. Save hvu All upenses 2 c Iii" Cr911 2l'1d home p11d An1m1I Network l£DUCED t9 ~.000 949.533 041 a,.. s.-s-, .... 4 llodt1 lrom Bdlboa P~"'" Wedee beach' tharm1na 2br I I 4ba '1 l a•r sine story sine l•m•ly home Pel upon "pprool Yrly S27!">0 mo ~ nt l.llJ 9&ZJ)-'D77 °" n. s-otl ~ -14> coast & l).,wn cod La 48' 3 58a tarnly homl' avail lnr lu:se now '3.500,'mo ~ CM! "Ill O..yna Petbl 96673-3399 Corona del Mar Busl-117 ""'8MI 21r patio fp 1 ~~ + ·-Ail 949-Maia> ••• n.........-111-71._~-4214 le ~ Sl575mo 1•. I < "1't""-11uv. \4X. Sll50mo 2 Sicks to Businesses and Newpoc1Btach BIKCor 8d"I 949-760-~ frandlises -It 29< llo lite uy fp II"' A Supor Nowport ..... All CASH CANOY Route Ho+gltts re~nce 4b< w/d , .. ups, vnll y<Wd pvt Do you earn S800 on a (5th Br/Ill!-room/ottll.1! bch. n/peb/\ITW Sl650!no day' You1 own lo~al dowmtan) 5!">ba fouled Miiie 9tl9 l60-9019 candy route Includes 30 on • quiet cOlne< lot OCIAN y WW'Slll machines and candy All Cu s I o m I ea tu r es New home 4br l5ba 2 for $9.995 1 800 998 Uwou--1 Sl.649.000 s.lcJrY, deuntor perfect VENO (CAI. •SCAN) COASTUNI IUAlTY Only .._. MA COMPUTER WORK 949·159-0177 :1:t~ ~ w.:; S500·PT/S25 000 FT ....._ "'-.. ~ ~and )JdChl harbor month' Free info 48' e. horn!. ~ tw*ance channel Sun J 8 8 8 6 3 5 1 5 0 8 re build on 11eenbell ~~ Av.i rnd www.GdllortayY~ aameroom pool spa M•rch lurn unfurn (C'Jil.-st:#9 ween. --Ol!ls 472.2s1 S9.!l!Qlobo ACCIPTlMG CAUS VllM Sl 9 $2.199.816 act ~Z311 7 DAYS •• Postal Stw19'9-637-GI ~====== BAYFRONT Community 3br 2t.o •-' waterfn., E I 8500 hu&e de'k 1 blk lo bl h m, oyment pk& laund nu 1 ernod · - -S2400 mo 949 C,74 OIWI AlrTIST f /T kll de< c..altit• .,.., """"""'' ~ -..... how In p.lwrt &. IT.,. t-a..... Newport ~ ...... ......,_,, SIZ,'l'tr Jlr 29o .._. ......,. In \l.111 1'~ •"' .... nd newly reniodeted wNl• 1 phnlO\ & ..,......~ to Ott pdd mus )'(I 'itonl' f p Th<'· ~It" P 0 Bo• '\.4C1l poo1 ~ & pr .,, d a ...... 1<.&Md i.;:a 'J'lf:A' S241'5 mo 949-0tS~ ICiuuw ,., e•pd ta pos1l1ons/fedeu hire a a. -condo ,._..._ $14 80+-hr/PO lla•nm&f Bae.. Bay clo\e, on \IWWI -Ne ......... St.o.e1 31r, St•tllo, very •mall A r 11m• S2SOO mo beneftts 81»-878-!>485 1reenbelt upper unit Announcement wit.w C8111a*.21:91' 1 1 corn~ lol <loub~ c .. rare NP8 mombf'r~h'l' "'I fjpwed ""'*"' dNtl ootnl~ Qin<~ bo<>i<• • nv.t WWI ,.., h rU\llltn ~. &r1f'flb Cl6 ... 9151'12 7.0'.> Of 4!'mml ... ~om CPA "'"' ha• open1ne for Dot• l11try 1nd l eceptl-hl. Id<-•• IOI w<W'k .. ~ """' Hu 9am lpm. Sl!l1w tont..1 Carol 949 6!">0 9580 ICA920.(CAl •SCAN) ~ S3fliCJX>.SC?4.lf}6 act MSCIW1t GOLDmlll SIWI ~ .«J91 _......__.... ... 0--sa-... ~for ............. 4 ... ~,...Et 48a 1/4 $10,"5. ~~ acre lot pool <pa ,___1 _ -Sl.239.500 0,-S-'"" --.._ -1515 Antell .. M.~ c-te ..... 400-aoo.f sublease SI per sl located near 405 & 55 freow•ys 949-632~18 Nowport loed1 free renl for secrel•rt•I svc busmen. Will uchlin&e P• yin& r enl for "'11 office dubes. Cnlal office, st11J5 to water 949 723 8485 SO. COlOUJ>O wild west ranch 17 ecr es • $44.900. Pr>ces sllshed to move 1Mentoryl N .. t to 6.000 ecru rec: aree Roll1n1 fields with fenl•sllc Rocky Min •lews County ro1d W/lltilitits. owner f1Nnc111a. Cal Reel CtMk Randi toll l -llii6-696 5263. (CAl. •SCAN) Willams 949 nl 5CM9 (.4 For •"'-....... .................. v .... Es -...&-->-y_ ........... ....,..._.. .. ar...,. <Mily· ''THI HOGHTS" SPllAWINO 1-STOH JUSTUSUO AOT. 949-7U-8120 OCIAN & IAY VllWS IUMOOWO UNOH $750,000 AGT. 949-72'-at20 ........ 2 I.nib. ..., -.... ' out wrz c .. . '619.!D> Pllr'dl T.nore !M9-a'iS-~ lfll •• ..,....,..._Clwt cudom ..,.,. .. QftJOI' & --Offlred at Sli.!">00.ooo c-.u.• l:::t:y·"t-7St-0177 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FORSAl.E HOMES FOR SAL£ QlsRllolWlclllal lA COtlfTY· 5200 ,......,, 5171 1 ftlM K&l'&.I 9. lMI T AHOI 28r lh Illa L"""1 ~ • condo._._.. V4 or UMWMTV l/2 lrTWat. ~.000 pet •9'1ft 11 t/4 Cel MHJl-0111 c un no park1n11 a-r 949_493_076 l. block lo beach •&•nl S!">!">O mo 949 673 7800 I Ir'• from S87S mo "'Iii' '" lovely c•ted comm ne..-Trr·S<Jwe. fndp. Indy I~ K...,, ~ sn 704-8649 x9200 Westdlff l.omoly home 48r 38.t Ir& ba,ky;ard $3150mo ytMfy •&I 0.Vld Ptince 714 817 5668 lr9 llr, new urpet & p11nt cvrd carport 277 Cl~S Al. COVI 16th Pllce •3 SI 100 mo l.IASI 2 STQSY no pets 949· 720-9422 [~ + (' .. c..rtep 38r/281 d!fl. .. L'JSdfld Mlt1y w 'Y"''d 2 pn..nc & 1 p CIJ5IDm leaoblm ltnl ,_ .....-yl!W'4t' 188 Monte out. Oeooralllr ~ Vista Wllll-.i d5t, wffj '*41 l!labor* lat>d5c row S2100/mo 949 375·2816 lnlllr W'l'I ~ 4-l!">-03 S7!1!4'mo ~ J~ 2.Sbo ....,... unit, ~ZJll corner locahon 2 car .. _...., .... _.__. l•ndem ,,., . wd hkups. •gt S2200 949 673 7800 H111llngl11n Beach ml ISi 2llr I l/2m poa9 4 '*-' pllJd. yd '*'°· .....,.,, ..,. ,_ _., ..., 0.-9&Q2 2221 Lldollll •YUlllY* w.su Bill CRUNOY RCAl TORS t49-67S-.161 .. o P /T1MI ltlUD MAH AGO l.r ~tiw.tp 1,.,1•11tv Sund.liy ' Moodily+ Olf• p and ~te ,,_,t.vw1Ce £ •P !..fl!.~' 714 Ml 4466 -ma Oflc. ........ F /T lor ewt .. -1~· ~ .... r .... & 111.tenl Ill .. MicrO!Ofl .IJJlll Sl2ftw 1., st.I ~5787 .... ,. ii Buw R"-<tl [state otra '). I"'' p II> PT t4 5tftS) Nf'8 ~ --Wtl(p fa• _,...,.. 9"ff..47~tl 'U • llClPTIONIST P /T Rul Estatt OftlCe l'l/hr 12..» !"> :II Monday f rlday ')19 721} 7 'Jt1l OI 72(). 7)tl) TelUsAbovt YOll G~&EWll II CWSIR£D (949) 642-5671 FIND .. ..,=:, ~ntiqu.es~ <1Ia1Mnbles ,__.....,..~.,, ............... ...... ,... ......... ,,...., ................. ('I .. ..., .... ..... ........................ , ........ .. an:' ... _._......,,......._..,.. .. A spedjJ PUbHcadOD -Jut for YOU! ........ IMldlJ6.3DQ) spilce a eopy 0e,a,.... Mmda».:IOID ·- ...... Dead ... -..u ...... - can today1 . --~ ... ,...,. ... .., ....... AJO Moftdax. Mardi 10, 2003 4 9000 Automotive Cotlllloc '96 Devllle 901M Erninld ~ ltlY, 514* ~iiP.iiiiiii~iiiP,piiii;iiiiii clean. $6895, v30S523 • ~.corn 9&646-7822 Finest G C...t Automotive .. IMW '91 5401 ltlodl/ 1rey llhr 1mma,, S25,995 vc60698 wL-nu <om 9e9 646-7822 avail nats 4, hu ev~ylh1n1 incl A/C CrHt lor Balboa Penn/1sl1nd Bouahl new 2 yrs aao for Sl,,000 will sacrthc• to best offer over $5000 '49-475-SJS6 IMW '91 S211 c ... v. white/ash llhr. lmmac. 5spd, $19.995 v21~7 wcwauto.com ~7822 llW 3281 C. 'ff White/Ten, 1ulo, 83k m1 $15,000 310 375 2522 IMW '99 7401 69k Ml, lyr wtrr tvtrl, srlver I 1rey lthr. CO, hkt new cond, v5792'1 $23.995 hr m firm, fin avail, 8kr 949-516-1111 www.ocpol.ee111 IMW '97 1281 Conv. IMW ,99 MS Cenv \llve•/a•er llhr, 78k, blu•/arey, 5spd, spol· 1mma~. Sl'l.995 vl98272 less. $26,995 vc43277 wcwowlo com 94~7822 wcwauto com 9"9-646 7822 SlfVlee Olredory ~s C1hlornla law re· quires thet conttec:· In•~ t1kon1 1ob1 that totnl SSOO or more (labor Of m1terlals) be hcensed by the Conlrectors State Lrcen" Board Stale law alw requires that con tr 1clo1S include 11,.., license number on tll tdvtrlRonl You c1n check the 1tMu> o I your l"ensed con trac t or 11 www cslb ca lo" or 800 321 CSL . Unll· c•nsed conll 1ctots taklna Job• th•t total lus than $500 must 1111e In their •dvertlHment• that lhey are not hctnw by th• Conlrecton Shte Uunse Board• Additions& RtmOdellng BIJSINf ~S lAWYfR ' Carplnlry • WellU..ltt • Custom Built ins, Crown Mold•~· Base Boards l •577 949 709 5642 Carptt Repair/Siles ~C.AIPlT..:rCMrlT,:t Rapalrs, P•tdllna, Instill Courteous •nl site jobs Wholeulet !M ·492 020S COmpllWS.... • ( ........ ~ 1.,-rs • Software Uf,&redes, Tutoring; rain~, =-.949-9:5- Ccmtlll-.Y lrlc1r 9lecl S._ Tiie Concrete, rat10, Dl'IVtway flfttPlc. B~. Rer1 25Yrs f11p Terr~ 14-557·75!M ffMc·-••• Cementwork. Brlcll. Tole I M0t1. Rtlltble No J:ib too sl!llO 949 548.g 46 ~Slrvka cowuru SOtunONS lf!!:tks.. R('J...i•n, ~lrc..811111, N«wor":::f. Int~ !Wtup• ~. MOC Flll ton.wfutlOll. CAlL fm 949·51041 0 ~ Sir 1 r 1 C r •r,11 l1 r I Ceclllloc s.4-DeVllle 'II 5511 m1, aood cond In a. out. Must see! SJ,250 949-646-762• Cedllloc '11 Sevllle blue. 1uto, 11'k m1, n1<:e $895 v699270 wcwauto.com 949-646-7822 CHlVY 1 /2 TOH '96, 1500 'hort bed, 111 power, custom wheels. bed top, 1m·fm cen. $7000 760-285-5812 -~ ... s.-.... UI Conv. V6, 5411 mi. 3 yr warr av•1I. sperllelln1 blk/ln llhr. CO, superb hke new cond v259721 $6995 ftn avail 8kr 949 5 ·86 1888 _ _,...._ Ded9e '97 hetrepl4 Sport 3.5 V6, 47k m1 wh1te/ar•Y mt. a•r•e•d. n/s. h~e new $6'395 fmanclna & warr avail Bkr 949-586-1888 -.ecpo111.c"" ~ HHD MOal IOOM? ADDITDCS a. REMOOEl.Nl Lf577982 949·709 5641 Daldap Pvbf llhlng 0 YOUltHOMI IMrltOVIMINT rtt0J1cn Call a plumbel, paint~. h1ndym1n. or 1ny of the ar .. t senten ltsted here In our servtee dtrtclOfy! TifESE LOCAL SVC PEOPlE CAN HELP YOU lOOAYI Ooon,WIMM •tdi's Dfff "'•'.it:. MM-.. Door rr.r. ' Hs1lwln, QMlm = Lt578102 949·510 65 Orywans.ntca wtnMOln onwAU All plluu sm/lr1 jobs. C~rs~frff nt 71 14'7 Elcttcatsnca SflMll,..~I Duncaft Oeceric ... hp l~R..-e ~ L f'l7W70 M-660-7°'2 U<lltSID cOiifUUOI No job too sm. M-*"' Rtptlr, remodel, fens, ,..,..,"'°--.w r 11 sa • r 1 II I -Pl 181 -O!!tx Pilot iilnMWa. ANSWERS TO Wu:KLY IWDGB QlllZ • ~'3 t:J AQIU o '' • U4 Thr biddmR has~ _,..,.., NORTH 'b.ST", IOUTR """"' 10 •• • ' Whal do you bid now? A • Your hlod is ooc: 1ood enouati to bid 11 the two-level -whit would ycu do ahouJd partner n:bld dlR:!c of a mill()(? Bid a,ic oo tiwnp. Unlike • one no O'UIDP l'CSPQ!l$C w~ ~ wu no intcrfcrence, this bid abowt reasoNlble vallltl since you hav• , beell telieved of bidding et all 1411111 minimal value.. Q 2 • As South. Yutnerablc, you hQld KU <> A Q 95 • AK 10 65 The biddin11 has iJrol;eedied• • SOl1TH ~· NOttTIJ 5T •• ... l c:J .. ' WlW do you bid now? Metc.4-1 •tt CIM beeuttful bl1cl'./cream tully loltded, showroom, ~ 111.9<. 714-75l·<Wi4 Meue4es '9t IS20 3lk mi, wh1te/ar•l1' lthr, mnrf, chrome whl1, beaut Ilk• new cond, v572241 $27,995 fin Mil 8llr • ~18118 www_,,.,..w Merc14H 't9 $110 LWS 52t. mi,·3 r -.arr llv1ll. slhler /bl lthr, bHut otic Coftd, v87524l SZ1 ,995 flnencint avail BM 949-58&-18811 _,.....<_ Metteth• 'U 560 Sl ~i<ldinwsr~ • Q 7 6 Q 7 v AK 117 J •A Q J 6 white/ten, I~ nn.-.-dt4J, dmT-. $l4.9ll n.-151..-. I• .,_ 1'1 1 Whal do you bid now? The biddirut tw oroceeded: SOl1l'8 l¥ES't "'101tTK to .._ l • 'l A • There is a textbook way to deo;cribc your hand. Stan with a reverse into two diamonds. a ooc- round force. lheo raiie beans 11 your next tum. Make lhe five of di1· monds the five of bc:u1s. and you would be good coough for pme in hearU either by r&1sing dWctly IO the four-level or via a splinter bid. What do you bid now7 A • Your band is too strong for a raise to two spades and you need a fourth ~JllKSc ror lhe invtWlonal jump to tlwc spades. Under lhe car-cumstancc, all you can do I• bid two clubs Although lh8I is not fomna. &boa)d pertncr act again you will l>c well placed fO bindle the mswna IWCtion.. And ~Id plilF111ef pti • ycu are proO.bly in your ~ pot Q 3 • AJ South, vulnerable. you hold'. • K 10 9 5 4 ? A Q 8 7 o IU •A Q Q 6 • As South, vulnerable. you hold: The bidding has orocceded: SOtn'U WFSf NORTH • 8 5 :; K 10 9 5 4 O A J 10 • JO 5 J •• .... l• 'l What do you bid oow'> The biddm2 has oroceeded: NOR1lf f.AST' SOUTH l o I'.-I l o .._ ? A • Your band is clcllr1y worth a pme invitation. bul 10 bid lhrtt spades. e\ICD if yoo do ooc play lh8I as preempovc. 1s sloppy. Panncr might hllvc only three spades and four or fhe beans, in which case go.me in beans could succeed when four sl)lldes fails. Make a trial bid of ~hcans. Whal llCtlOll do you take7 A • Wtule the stron,a fnJIJICnl in partner's wit docs maease the value o( your band. we don'1lh1n.k11 " eoou&h to offer ~Jay for 10 lllcks opposii.e panncr 'announced mini· mum. So why lake lhe risk or gel· tin& too hi&h? Pass.. fer4 '00 bcvnl.,. XU VIO, 29t< mt, s1lver/arey llhr, CD, runnina boards. tully loaded, lih new, v87258 I $23,,95 ft· nenclna available Bkr 949-516-1111 -·•c;pmritl.c- 1.,.4 'ts T-Cl showroom cond, whrte, fully loaded pwr seats. $3750 714·751-2464 ler4 '97 T-..s lX 7&! mr, Whlte/ar•Y cloth lo1d1d. books a. records, non smoker. $4000 obo John 714-377-1154 for4 '91 Wlnchtar Gl 7 passenaM, 69k m1. clun, $6,995 vd80981 wcwailo.com ~7822 HONDA ACCotto lX '99 Chemp•cna. Only 20K ml. clean, perlect shape l owner Must See $13,500 9'9-515-9031 H-4• CIV '00 auto trans, 1c, full pow~. cc. low miles $15,900. Pp. 9'9·574-42"4 l111au '94 Treoper LS ••4 ~ lh, -.Ila 1111. ci.n. llli9l5 v93)3IM ~com~7822 CUSTOM mAlM TU ~ .... --. nw1lll, stone. ..... l 97S U612DM Ml 714-612-91961 ilMY' si;;;;; ReolWed Rearoulln a. Installation TU DEAN 9'9-673-8065 ~ 71~2031 ~l~.~.*i:'i All floor Types. We'll Alto Re1rout & s .. 1 Your K i t c hen Counters. Showers & Floors Make It look like new •&•In A.o-it a-.. s.vtce , .. 77-2254261 Miliiifi iiUDWOODS ~vWa491•c 25 Yrs, LifeUme w•ranty ll7631.M 714·!501-4933 -Aotomotlvl --------H-'41 rrelv4e S1!HI, red, snrf, multi disc to. black/arey Int, elloy whls. superb orta body a. mechanlcel cond "995 obo •797212 Bkr 98$18119 -.oqJllb.mn Jepor '99 JUI Vanden Pies 3'k m1, sp«khnc b"'ftan llhr. CO. chrm whls. full feet warr, Ith new $28,,95 ftrm v84261' hnenclna evall Bkr 949 586·1888 -.ecpa111.c- Joper '99 XU c...., 3'11 ml, lull fec:tOfy warr. sparklln1 bl1cll./oatmul llhr. CD. chrome whls, like new. v677295 $34,995 hn1ncln1 •vatl Bt.r 9'9·586·1888 --~"­...... "9S GrW a-.i- l.ndD '•4. 6 cyl. white, $5775 v54757l wcwaAo.com ---7822 '-" ...,_ '97 oi.-.., <Jr.1 D mi. dll1I .-wn llhr, dull mnrf, ,... ~ -ts ,_ .. a>. IUl*b q cond v'-17291 $12.9915 fNndrw .. WSf 11¥111. 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