HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-13 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• Planners reject Eastside restrictions Costa Mesa Planning Commission sides with opponents of plan to place limits on new construction in 140-home tract. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA "--A group of Eastside resi- dents concerned about what they perceive "' as a deteriorating quality of life in their neighborhood struck out in their efforts to get special design standards for new con- M.ruc1ion. On Monday. the Plannmg Commission unanimowJy decided not to approve the neighbors' suggested changes to the roning code and rejected three other proposals fTom tity planners. The decision wiU now go to the City C...Ounctl for review. Ille m.idents ruggested limiting new con- '>truct1on in their 140-home tract -roughJy bordered by East 19th Street, Irvine Avenue, l..ast 18th Street and Tustin Avenue -to al- low only one-story additions that don't ex- ceed 14 feet In the rear 40% of the lot. I lomeowner> would sliU be able 10 add a S<-cond-story 10 the front of their property See Pl.ANNERS, Paee A4 NEWPORT-MESA Federal funding set for Santa Ana River Representatives urge removing the county's flood-plain designation along the river. Paul Clinton Dally Pilot COSI'A MESA -Hep~ Dana Rohrabacher and Ouis C.ox have successfully lobbied President Bush for continued federal fund- ing of the 20-year Santa Ana River Oood con- trol project. Bush has induded Sl9.8 million ln fund- ing for four such projects ln his budget cov- ering the 2003-04 Oscal year that begins Oct. I. The money would, local officials hope, be used to remove Orange County's Oood-plaln designadon that requires homeowners to sheD out at least $800 per year for Oood ln- wrance. Rohrabacher CR-Costa Mesa) and Cox (R- Newport Beach) are also· readying a second round or funding requests for other local en- vironmental project& Those would need to be submitted by the end of the month. Among those ln Bush's budget include a Daily Pilot ATAGl.ANCE ' See RIVER, Pace M • .. • a1 Serving th e Newport-Me~a community since 1907 THURSDAY,MARCH13,2003 l<[NT ~Pfr ~ Al 1 r- The St. John the Baptist School cheerteadmg squad, wtitch recently won a national champ1onsh1p, runs through rts routine Wednesday Cheers at St. Johns Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot T he 28 ch.eerle.ider. h1.1every 1nove Wlth preci~ion. They shouted each word of their cheer with a bass lifung from the depths of their diaphragms And they did It OY'l'r and over ag.un -ll's competition Lime From basket-tOS.'it"i lo tumbling. big <;miles to the occasional wmk. every girl bn the nauonal champion l heerleadmg '>tluad at Sr. John the Baptist School in Costa Me'KI has learned how to step up their lewl of performance. They've had to. llll'1r coach would accept nor.tung less. ·nus is kind of what the lpcc.t five year'>I ha!> huilt up 10. • 'kt.id 20-year-old Eddie Strachan, who staned coaching when he wa'> a sophom ore and a cheerleader at Mater De1 High School. "It\ very strict and really rigid a' Once labeled 'rea lly good for a junior high school,' cheer squad at St. John the Baptist School has earned national honors far as disc1phne goes It\ hard, but at the same time, they know why and they le.now what they're worlong for.· Returning to hi'> alma mater after having graduated only two year.. prior, \tmchan rook a -;quad of 13 girls -the' only om.•\ who tned ou1 -to Lhe '>late final., With goah ~et much higher, he worked to tran.,form the lo'>t cheerleading \outs of St. John~ into a national-winning '>quad. th<' fir'>I t'\Cr at the school. "From day one, when I fir<il \aw lum with the girls, I knew he would take lhrm '>omewhere ... \aid lJ'-<I \farou 11. d l hn·r parent and St. John-. alumna l'hat was prl'<:i'>t'I) what he pl.mm'tl to do With the phra . ...e,. me·} re really good for a )UntOr rugh school" nngmg .mnoytn>:J) in hi'> earr.. Strachan dedicated himself to makmR tus squad "just a really good l>qUatl "I feel Like you know what ~rformmg ,., now so you know how 10 fake ll, • C..tr.ichan rold his squad after seeing what he Lhoughr was a mediocre performance. "It\ got to bt> genwne . Every smgle time. think ahout what you need to do." Exemplifying what ll mean' to be lht• hghung lrish. the cheer -;quad fought 11., WJ\ through the t:rencht"> and t"Ven managed to revel, a bit, m the !'e'\.\-ard'> "It's been fun." <;aid I l yeJr old C.a1herim fran, before heading back to pml llCt' "Ir\ excllmg becauc,e it's an adventurt· for U'> performing for different people • See CHEER, Pa1e A4 Newport seeks to get to root of tree-view issue Those with great views have urged the city not to change the policy in a way that would affect their vantage points. June CHa1r.nde Daily Pilot NEWPORT BP.AO I -Trying to balance the concerns of Corona del Mar residents worried about their views with the orders from a lawsuit, council members on Tuesday In- structed the Parks, Beaches and Re- creadon Commisslon to begin the delicate process or reviewing the city's tree polioes. Residents in parts of the city with great views, especially C...Orona del Mar, have mobi.li7,ed to persuade the city to not revjse the tree policy in any way that might jeopardae thetr scenic views. "This isn't Thee Qty USA. thJs is View City USA." resident Barry Allen told council membeTS. Balboa Arbor Society· President Linda Grant and Vice President Jan Vandersloot assured residents that they have no intention of harming anyone's view. "We are not here to be militant and to take away your views." Grant told residents in attendance. Her words were taken Lo heart by council membel"'i. They modified their mouon 10 forbid the commis- sion from changing any provt.sions of Lhe city's Ln>e pohcy that preserves views. That policy, commonly called the G-l policy, aUows residents to pay out of pocket for extra trimming of city trees that threaten to obstruct their views. a practice Qty Manager I lomer Bludau said is common. The policy also allows residents to •refor- est" some dry trees. meaning they can ln some cases remove large trees II they take on the expense of replac· ing them wilh new trees. ·nie reforestation policies have been expanded so that anyone can reforest a tree for almost any reason.• QUESTION 7 How should the City Council .,_the Newport B4NtCh tree • polic:y7 Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642~ or send e-mail to dailypilot ,.lat1mes com f>teaM spell your name and 1ndude your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. Vandersloot said. "We'rr objecting to an uneven ~don or this G-1 policy: At. part of an agreenaent.l the city agreed to tevi~ 111 tree pQBcies a S..11tE£.PaceM ~ELL CURVE ~evisionist history that needs revisiting ON1HEWEB: www.~com WEATHER I 'r'n not aOoWed to UM any C\.111 words tn thll column. Poky of the newspaper. nm II a family peper. 5efne old. Ntne okl, but with Nohe..., 72. ........ A2 SPORTS ua men'I blelretblfl ~fofhablm. ...,.. c.l 9tal• ~tonight. .. ,....1 • the editors tell me, arid ~don~ wuu to be a party to expoting kld81o protarilty. I can Jne wttb thlt. even whea the dams aild becb eound pretty awkwi.rd. But what r.oy trOUblet me 11 tnconutency. II we are tolna to protect kkll ....,_. bad~ • .-n welhould aleo protect them tplnlC t.d hlMory. That~ why I'm pine to violate ooc of my~ rum~ I don't nonnllly rwpond to letwwriten ~ '"'bid lllJ tbol. and mey hM a.... no mMter hoW m•akled It ft#ll be. lul rm nltl1' 1lrd IO 111pond JOllPH N. MLL ._._ ...... M AZ llu1dly, MMth 13, 2003 '• POLITICS • SEAN HtllER I DAILY PILOT Judy Anselmo of Irvine, front, Cindy Foley of Costa Mesa, center, and Suzanne Bronson of Fountain Valley, rally to support U.S. troops overseas Saturday night at the Stand Up for Freedom March on the corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Campus Drive. State senate race heats up Paul Clinton Daily Pilot A campaign consultant for Assemblyman )i(m Maddox hinted at the excitement le9el to come a year from now, wh«;n the be and fellow Asstmblymll.fl John Campbell square off in the primary for the state Senate seat that covers much of coastal Orange County. Valerie Dk:hlara. a consultant with Sacramento-based MB Associates, said the race between Maddox. who represents Costa Mesa. and Campbell, who represents Newport Beach. is shaping up to be the Htop Senate race in the' state this year.· Both candidates are bidding to replace Sen. Ross Jotm.on, who is tenned out. in the 35th District.- Maddox hired Dichiara's firm. · along with consultants Johnson, Out & Associates, to run his campaign. nm am. a partner in that firm and Maddox's campaign spokesman, agreed that the race will be a barn burner. "You've got a couple of heavyweights going at it," Om sald. Owing a March 4 fund-raiser, Maddox raised ·in excess of $60,000" and sald his goal is to raise $500,000 during the campaign. HCalifornia taxpayers d eserve a state senator that understands how to cut waste and keep our taxes low," Maddox said. "That's why we're so focused on winning that seal" In late February, Maddox said he wasn't impressed with a Campbell announcement that the Newport Beach representative had raised $32,000 in an unsolicited announcement letter. •This race shouldn't be about the money," Maddox said at the · time. "It should be about the ideas." However, Maddox has accepted the state's $600,000 fund-raising limit and challenged Campbell to do the same. He has refused. Campbell held his own fund-raiser on March 5 and raised about $65,000. Called "A Taste of Scotland," the event fearured Campbell donning a kilt and sipping scotch with supporters. That event was held at the F.squire Grill in Sacromento and drew about 50 guests. who made their donations before the imbibing the liquor. So far, Campbell has raised $140,000, said Matt Back. his chief-of-staff. CONSERVATIVES ~E DRUMS FOR WAR As the nation moves closer to war with Iraq, local troop-supporting rallies have cropped up more often around town. A Newport Beach woman, irked by a series of antiwar rallies. organized what was a well-attended event Saturday. Jane Altnwl-Dwan, who Jives in the dty, said she put together the "Stand Up for Freedom March." which went off at the MacArthur Boulevard and Campus Drive. Oose to I 00 people shouted patriotic slogans supporting President George W. Bush and yelled for passersby to give a cheer for U.S. troops gathering in Iraq for a potential war to unseat Sedd•m Huw.tn. An elderly man drew taunts when be drove by and held a "No War" sign out to the raucous crowd. Altman-Dwan said she organized the rally as a response to similar rallies held in Costa Mesa. near South Coast Plaza. that have protested Bush's preparations to invade Iraq. ·rm tired of seeing aU these antiwar rallies," Altman-Dwan told a Daily Pilot reporter. "<It's like telling our troops they should be ashamed for what they're doing." On a separate front. the Orange County Young Republicans haw scheduled their own similar rally for noon this Saturday. The group is asking local drivers to tum on their headlights as a show of solidarity. They are scheduled to hold their event at the intersection of Bristol Street and Anton, the same location antiwar groups use on Friday evenings for their rallies. POLmcs ASIDE No stoppi~g this ball.once it ~tarts rolling N ewport Beach resident Martanne 1Jppl learned a valuable lesaon when &)le ran for City Council last fall: ·0on't go up against an incumbent. .. she said in a Tuesday Pilot story announcing she ls seeking the Republican nomination for the 10th Ai\tembly District now held by RepublreltQ . .Jobn Campbell of Irvine. While the numbers vary, incumbents · typically win 90% or more of the races they are in -quite possibly the best argument for term limit& But next spring, incumbency won't be in play in three elections ln Newport-Mesa: the 10th Assembly, the 68th .--------. Assembly and the 35th Senate. The two Assembly seats. will be up for grabs for slightly different reasons. In the 68th District. Assemblyman ICen Maddm Is being term-limited out, and he's running for the 35th Senate seat now held .by state Sen. Ra. Johmon S.J. CAHN caJso being termed ouo. The 10th District ls.opening up because C8mpbell is also running to replace Johnson, even though he could have played it safe and stayed in his seat {Of course. with his own term due to end in 2006, doing so would have meant missing the opportunity to ascend to Johnson's seat.) Along with Zlppl, Anaheim businesswoman and Republican party fund-raiser Crtld Crtatlcb and former Irvine Community Services Commission Ol8lrman <Jud DeVore have both announced their plans to rui). That is good for voters, who -because Campbell locked up the nomination for the seat in 1998 before the primary-did not get a chance to exercise a meaningful vote five years ago. Expect many more to jump in too. (Usually, once the ball gets rolling it just picks up speed. Remember when Rep. <Juta Cm was poised to move on to a judicial seat? Would-be replacement.a appeared almost daily.) The primary-which, baring a Demoaadc upset even Hollywood would have trouble conceiving, will decide who ls beaded to Sacramento -ls only a year away. Maddox's seat has yet to create the early scramble that c:ampbell's bas, but it certainly is only a matter of time before hopefula begin popping up there ~ wdl. Costa Mesa City Councilman Gary Monahan has already said he's not interested, which leaves that fleld open given Monahan's strong Republican ties in the county. Depending on the outcome of the elections. Newport-Mesa stands to win big. thanb to the realignment of the districts after the last Census. lf a Costa Mesa resident does get Into the fray and eventually win the 68th seat and a Newport Beach resident takes the 10th, Newport-Mesa would be far better represented than in recent times (it would cut ltvine's influence, as well, though perhaps a tad late to change the El Thro airport debate). S'-'ch a twin bill of tnnuence seemingly would mean more dollars for the area. possibly directed to the Back Bay and water-quality issues. POLITICAL CALENDAR MARCH Today: The Hollywood Congress of Republicans will present an Inside look at Hollywood's antl-war movement at the Orange County.Young Republicans' monthly meeting et 7 p.m. at the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel, 686 Anton Blvd., Coate Meaa. Information: (949) 476-6569 or www.ocyr.org. at 7 p.m. et the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel at 686 Anton Blvd., Coate Meaa. Admlaalon la free, and all Republicans are welcome. (714) 556-8556. 23: Rep. Dana Roh rabac::her'a St Patridt'a Day fund-raiser featuring the Fenlana lriah Band and lriah Dancers, from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Harp Inn In Coate Meaa. $100 per person. R.S.V.P. (714) Certainly, with the important primaries In March (Democrats will be choosing a presidential candidate, too, along with saatfidal candid.ates for state and congressional teats) and the presidential election in the fall of 2004, there la a host of important voles headed Newport·Mesa's W8}t And that's without mentioning the · Marlnapark hotel vote In Newport Beach. also set for that November 2004 ballot Todey: Formal Installation ceremon'f of Ne)'llport Beach's Glenda Sanders as a judge of the Orange County Superior Court at 4 p.m. in Department C1 of the Central Justice Center in Santa Ana. Monday: Repu blican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a eeneral meeting ' ·nail;YAPilot . VOL 97, NO. 72 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publilhef TONY DOOERO Editor JUf1't OETTING ~~r flamotlonl Dt'9Ct0r Newt Editofs Gina Alexander, t.ori AndeBon, Plul S.it~tz. O.nlel Stevena NEWS STAFF Deepe Bhlnth Crlme Md COIJrta reportef, (IM8) 57""'226 d#pa.t1hanlth •t.t1,,,.oom JuMC11111•!de Newport a,.d'I reporter, (949) 574-4232 juM.~•i.t~oom PMC11"91t Pohbcs end environment reporter, (949) 784-4330 l*Jf.dlnton•lflt"'-.oom La9111 ..... ColumNlt. ~ 1'PQltef', (MtJ .. 174-4VI IQI,,. 1*1*• ..... ciom ............. eo.tt Mau~. (9411674-4221 ~ 161ltrwcom Ct kll•C..... Eduoldc>n repon.r, <Ml&,.,..._ ~oen111o•....,,,...oom CorlllWhon News ... i.tant. UM9) 57~ coral.wtl«Hl•t.tf"*'com P'HOTOOMPHERS Seen Hiltef, Don Leecti. Kant Tntptow READERS HOTUNE (949)642~ Record your comments •bout th9 Dally Pilot or new9 tips, ~ Our addren l1 330 W. Bay St., co.ta Mela, CA 92627. OfTice hourt ere Mondey Ffldr(, l;JO • m. • 5 p.m. eon._. .. It 11 U. P\lot'w policy to promPtty COtr9Ct aft 4WTOra of aut.tanoe. ,,_..cell (949) 7&M324. 969-~7. .• Box 1580, c.o.ta Mesa. CA 92828. Copyright No MWI stories, 111~.editoNl~or ~herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US Clrcul9tlon The Times Orange County (800) 252·9141 AdweftWI .. a..Med (949) 842-M78 °"'*" (9481 &42~1 WtoMI .....,. (949) &42-ee&O 8port8 (Mlt) 1174-4223 Newsr...("9)84M170 ........ (tM91-..o170 1......a *"YP11ot•"'1l,.,....oom ......... • I' •• Olloe (Ml) &42-4321 .......... , .... ,631·7128 • &..J. ~Is the managing editor. He can be rud'Mld at (949) 57~ or by e-mail at ..J.t:MtnO~com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST We'll start off wtth epme deflM fog 1h8t wm eddt eround until'*~-But w.'11 deer for a pet1ly eunny afternoon. Hight wtff top 70 whli. lows wtH hcMlr In the lowwl50L f11drf • be YefY llmtler, but5mndly..s~ .... tooting .. Wiit. it. be et i...t mo.dy cloudy. lnlo aallui11: www.tMe.noN40!f BOATING FORECAST :The eouhu 1 .. 1rty ~ •blow I to 11...__ ln the Inner ...... ., 2.fooe ...... 8nd1W111-..of4tolflllt. The iwill wtl buld ~ 10 7 10tfMt. Oul ...... '°""" 1111 rtr Wlndl wll llldw 10IO 11 llnc-. WiltNDol~llid IWlll -..oreto•flllt.lht .... Wllbulld•ttot2 ..... 1t1nli., SURF 1U ... 1 drop In .welt lizit todey, '° uped nolNng.,..., ihenthe.,_.to ... ~ nmge. The next northweet tweet, though, amvn Fridey end wtlt provide • f.w greet deyt of hud-Ngha 8nd ov~ UntonUnatety, h'd be wtMtt to .catd'I h Frldey line. "'-WMltilricre looltlng dlmp. . 0..~0ould lfTM~ . .... ...-,: www..urlWdw.orv nDES ,.... &Oea.m. 12:iiMp.m. 7:40p.m. 12:o't a.m. .. NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL BOARD WRAP-UP INSIDE THE SCHOOL DISTRICT Here are 6Pme or the decisions coming out otTuaday's school board meeting: NEWPORT HARBOR HIGH POOL WHAT HAPPENED Newport-Mesa Unified School District staff presented 11 request to the school .,. board regarding a SI ·million two· phase project to ad~ the #f#MI deteriorating cond.Jlioo of the swim.ming pool at Newport Harbor High School. The pool bas posed health and safety concerns in a number of areas and, as a result, must be either repaired immediately or shut down. Staff recommended that the board approve the first phase of the project, which would cost about $450,000, to put the pool back in working condition. Since repairs to the pool fall under priority six of Measure A, and Measure A construction at the school sites b only expected to go through the priority four level, staff said they are also looking to other sources for funding. d.istrict't superintendent "When we look at the other priorities, we thJnk this ls justified." Since the pool isn't used only by the students at Newport Hari>or, but allo by the dty of Newport Beach for about 23% of the time, by the dty o{ Costa Mesa for about33% of the time '1Jd by a few other community organizations, the school seeb funding ror the project from them as well However, lo order for the pool to be . operadonal by Aug. 2.6. when the h1g9 school'• water polo team begins practicing fur Its season. the dl.'ltrlct is in a rush to get started. While 1e>me trustees d.Jd express concerns about the cost. the board approved the recommendation to .. move ahead. WHAT rr MEANS By agreeing to move ahead with the first phase of repairs and renovations of the pool. the board gave authorization to staff to advertise for bids and accept the lowest bid for the work pending subsequent approval by the board. LANGUAGE ARTS TEXTBOOK ADOPTION WHAT HAPPENED Hougbton·MlfDln Language Arts textbooks uo aoa for grades JC-6. In accordance with the state . of Callf omia's textbook adoption cyde. the school board Is responsible for selecting Instructional materials that would best meet the needs of the uudents. ' ~ conducting an extenstve test of the Houghton·Mifilin product. which would cost about $100 per student. staff, faculty and parents agreed that the text, alone wttb the mttterials tt inclOdes, would maximize students' achievement and enhance teachers' abilities to ~ . WHAT WAS SAID ·it's designed to make a teacher's job more efficient and give them more time to work with students," Swann said. WHAT rr MEANS While the board approved the recommendation to purch~ the Houghton-Mifflin text, exactly when or if they will have the funds to purchase them is unknown. "The funds for this will be a primary concern," Barbot said. "We want to be prepared and it's important that we [make this decision) cntically ... I'm pressed to see this happen." Tlusdby, M#ch 13, 2003 AS CITY· COUNCIL Marinapark discussion goes sllently Residents are silent Tuesday as Newport Beach City Council accepts plans for 110-room resort. Puf>Lic may vote in 2004 . June Casa1rande Da1lyPfot NEWPOHT BFACH -Pretty much every time the Regent Newport Beach Resort comes up in Cny ClluncU. you can bank on some surprises. Last year\ vote on whether to mitiate the proce'ls for cons1d ering the re'>Ort at the site of the Marinapark mobile home park, a routine '>tep that neither ap proves nor endo""es develop ments, almost '>lopped the proJ· ect cold when three council member.. voted no. ·we are delighted that this will be going to a vote of the people." / said Greenlight 1.pokesman Phil Arst, who wound up engaged In a debate on whether the project would have gone tq, a Greenlight vote had the council not decided to irutiate the ballot Arst said he believed the proj· ect would have triggered Mea· <,ure S: developer Stephen Sutherland said it wouldn't. MThe pool is used by hundreds and hundreds of kids, as well as people in the community," said Robert Barbot, the Bonnie Swann. director of elementary education for the distnct, gave a presentation to the board recommending the a"doption of the More surprising, one of them -CompilRd by Oiristine Camilo j wa~ Tod Ridgeway. who has supponed investment on the ------------------------------------------------Balboa Peninsula and whom ·Tue public is probably going to hear more about this project than any other project in the city." Mayor Steve Bromberg said, assuring residents that the process will include numerous public.: workshops and opportu· ntties for residents to register their feelings. Mlf this were a GreenJight. vote. Lhe scrutiny wouJd not be even close to the >enlliny it will receive under this process." BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS OCC to offer new transfer degree Orange Coast College may M>On widen Its degree options to incorporate a path that many students have already taken. for years. lnstead of simply meeting the requirements for an a.ssoaate's degree, students earn· ing an associate's transfer degree will also have fulfilled the re· quJrements for the transfer cer· tificates the college offers as well. The transfer certificates that OCC now offers are specific to either the Cal ~te or University of California systems and, in some cases. are accepted by pri· vate universities as well. The proposed degree will help expand students' career options and resum~ University professor of psychia· try and behavioral sciences will djscu~ it. Stuart Zola will explore the mystery of what people remem· ber and what they forget by us· ing the film "Memento." As a leading expert in the neurosci· ence of memory and its organi· zation in the brain, he will also explore reasons for why memo· ries work as they do. The lecture. sponsored by the Irvine Health Foundauon a11d the Center for the Neurobiology of Leaming and Memory at ll< Irvine, I'> J'lart of a distinguished lecture series that focuses cm the brain, learning and memory. . The event 1s fret: and open 10 the public. Parlung is $5 ·1 he theater ,., at 4242 Campuc, Drive, Irvine. ror more infor mation, caJI (949) 824·4275 ur v1sit www.cnlm uci.edu. ln an effort to fall more inJine with the academic standards of other community cqlleges in California. OCC officials may award students the option of not only obtaining their associate in arts degree but also an associate in arts cransfer degree. UCI lecture will focus on memory, brain FOR THE RECORD Although the proposed amendment to the general edu· cation requirements may seem to offer students another route to tau, the new degree plan is ac· rually one the college ha.s offered r ~ For years. the acts of remem· bering and forgetting have posed questions about the function of memory and, at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Ir· vine Barclay Theatre, an Emory In a Wednesday story c·Clty will ask developers to fund rail atudY'). it wu lnCorrectly reponed that Paul Freeman. the Stgersnom's lpokesman, believed it was Costa Mesa's respooalbility to pay tor a study of underpounding the light·raD ~through the dty. freeman was referring to the Oraogie c.ounty 'l:ftnsportation Authority, not the dty. ThisWeek@UCI Athletics March 15 l\'ack a nd Field. Spnr1g Break /r1vitational.. The Anteaters face Cornell Uni~rsity, CaJ Poly SLO, Cal Poly Pomona and UC Riverside. 10 a.m .• Anteater Stadium. $3-$5 Presentations March 18 Discover the Physic.al Sciences Brukfast Lecture Series. Nanoscima. Nanot«h'l"logy. Nanojiction. With Phil CoUms, assistant professor of physics. 7:30-9 a.m., University Club. Frtt March 13, 14 March 19 University CJub Forum. Vokr Apathy. With Martin Watten~rg. professor of political scimct. 11:30 a.m., Uniwrsity Qub. $7.SO March 19 Ninth IHF Distinguished Lecture Series on Brain, Leaming and Memory. ".Ah yes. I rmie,,.,. bu it well ... •: Rmtmibaing, Forgrming and due MDVie •Memento.•With Stualt Zola, Emory Univcmty. 7:30 p.m .• Barclay Theatre. Frtt UO Symphony OtdMsua. lnstrumcnrol Color. lmprasionimt ond Sonic Imprcuioru. With Stq>hm • Tudta, conductor. 8 p.m., Barclay lbeatre. $&-$12 March 15 . UO Jan Ordwstra. Sal.fa Ni1ltt. With Cha.rlet ()Wcm, conductor. and guest ar1ists Bobby Roclriguu and the Latin Jau. ~bk 8 p.m., Oa1tt Tmor Tbcatre. S8·S1l cnttc'l paint as the quintessen· t1al pro df'velopment council· man. fuesday·s council vote on whether to adopt changes to the development plam for the pro1 · cc1 brought the most surprising surprise to datC': relative i.ilence. Aside from a .. mall ca.st or key players, no re'>idcn1s spoke on the project or used the councll vote as an opportunity to ad· dress 1he larger question of whether the rl''>Ort should be built. In relauvc pt·ace and quiet, touncil mt>mber'i voted undrn mously to accept the reVl'>l'd plans. which rt"duce to 110 Lhe number of ~est room'> The s1lemc may be due 111 pan 10 the fact Lhat council members have alreauy decided that voters will have 10 approve the projell in an upcoming election, most likely in Novem ber 2004, and that an environ· mental .study must be done. Though Green.light has opted not to taJc:e a position on the pro1ect itself. a number of Arst's points might have led observers to be he\ e that GreenJ1ght surely \o\OO t be a cheerleader for the pro1ect either. Tom Hyans. president of the Central Newport Beach Assn .. implored council members to include m the official documen· tation references to I.as Arenas Pad., a portion of which the luxury resort wilJ replace ~utherland said that much of whai's there now wtll -.till be there when the resort's m place: I It' will replace tht-four tennis t·ourt'> 1here and build a new C11rl ~cout house un the si1e. Half of the basketball coun now at the las Arenas Park will not be replaced. ' PUBLIC SAFE1Y Gunshot leads to arrest, evacuation Costa Mesa police a.nested a 30-year-old man ~­ day on suspicion or flrlng a gun at a colleague's parted pkbq> truck. oftlcials saJd. No one wu Injured tn the 4: 15 p.m. lnddent Both the suspect, Jorge LWs Romero, and the un- identified victim were em· ployees at an office .bWlding at Harbor Bol.J)evard and SUn8ower Avenue, said C-oata Mesa police oftk:iaJs sa'fd. ·0ne of the employees was mad at the other and appar- ently 8red at the truck," saJd handcufl'S as other em· plo)fts lc>oked on. Cindy Dawaon . said she was at her desk when her SU• pervisor said everyone should go outsicle at once. "I was ldrid of shocked, but I doti't think any of ua pan- icked," she said. "We came outside and there was police everywhere. .. Romero was arrested on suspicion of po5.W'$$lng a loaded firearm in •public, shooting an unoccupied ~ hide and VlJJldali.sm. . Two accidents slow evening rush hour Sgt. Bob Dudwn. The northbound Costa He aald both men "worked Mesa Freeway was backed up in the same area. but have between the C.orona del Mar bad no altercation prior to and San Diego freeways after this." two unrelated aasbes along A clean, round bullet hole that stretch of the freeway could be seen just below the tied up three lanes We<ines- truck's door handle. The bul-day even.in~ c.alifomia Higb- let had penetrated through way PatroJ officials said. the door to the inside of the The fiBt accident, an injury truck. The victim said he was crash. occurred ·about &i>9 inslde the building when the pm. at the San Diego freeway alleged incident occurred. and the second. a two-car coJ- •1 didn't even know any-lision, happened about 6:25 tbfng happened." he said pm. at the Corona del Mar "Someone told me and I came Freeway. No injuries were re- out to see what happened." ported in the second aash. Police ~led the two- . No SlgAlert was issued, story office buildl.ng. arrested but traffic was slow, officials Romero and led him away in said. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Anton Boulevard and Bristol Street A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 9:52 a.m. Monday. •.,_.,.of the Arts: A vehide wea reported in the 3400 blade at 10:09 a.m. Monday. •HMbor~and Wl9cN'I Annue: Possession of narcotica was reported at 9:45 a.m. Monday. •Newport Boulevwd: A traffic accident invotving injuries was reported in the 1900 blocl at 1:18 p.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • West Balboa eow.v.rd: A garage burglary was reported in the 1000 t¥ocl at 8 a.m. Mondi\Y· • Bin:h StrMt: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 3700 blocl at 3:08 p.m. Monday. • East Coast Highway: Grand theft was reported in the 8000 blocl at 2:42 p.m. Monday. • Via Eboli: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 100 blodt at 10:45 p.m. Monday. Wor1d Class Colonst •..• ,...., Is Offering t/I Ollll HIGHUGllTI Thia la your chance to expenence highlights from a top a>lorist. Missy Judy ha 8xt8nlM experience and trainJng wl1h Vidal Sassoon (Los Angeles), Toni & Guy (Oelaa), Paul Mitchel (San Diego), L'Or6al (New Yortq Just to name • r.w. Her lec:hnlques ara gent» and always leave ~ heir strong, healthy, and full of shine. Take~ of becoriig one of Missy Judy's tinst cl9nts In the Newport Beach .,... Vafuad up to $75.00 Space Is lmlted. MkqJudy1-v~ltt Selan GragoN9 Newport Beech 949.295.2546 ...... M ....... ,,,,. ... ....... ~ ______________ ._.... ___ --·--. . . . ----~ PLANNERS contiOOed from Al The housing tract poses alt into •ltllcco anyons. • Beck saJd. archltectutal ~ because The resSdeo"' propo&al called the propeniea, ~ lo the for a conliiluous line or •lngle- late l!HOt. contain 20-foOt-wtde story c:Onstrucdon In the rear alleys that provide accesa to the yard area, but required the build: under the proposal. Th~ otheT rear of each lot. The ~pertlea · lng height to llope down as it ap- opdoos wer9 variations on this are d.lstincdve because of the protltbea the de property lines. proposal with dUierent degrees &padoua atta they provide for The other three opriom In· of limit.a.dons. back yards. · duded either one-or two·story The neJgbbors' proposal was Hlstotically, there bas beeo a constructJoo tn thtl tar portion ID attempt to pre5eMI the char-linsle-'story house ln the front of Of the loL The option most &lmi· acttr of their moatJy one-story the Jot with the back yard beb.lnd lat to the netghbors' proposal neilhbodlood tn the face of a It and then a detached alley ga-llmJted co.nBtrUcdon to ooJy one few homeowners who have built rage In the badt of the propeny. story In the rear SO feet of the lot walls on their property that 1.onlng standards mandate a-and also required the building "tower over neighboring baclc height Umlt of 27 feet and the re-height to slope down as It ap- yards." quired minimum amount of proacbes the side property lines. Some vowed to ~eep p~g opeo space Is 409(, of the tolal ~\It 76 humeowners in. the the dty for some sort of relief. lot tract supported tl)is proposal '-"We stiD need to coQitn'ue to About ~ of properties in the and 24 adamantly opposed any look for a so!ut:iont" said~ tract still maintain the traditional . zoning changes. calling restric· Peck. who U~ tn the 400 bJock layout. Beck said. But recently tlons a tb.reat to their property of Flower StreeL "We want to about 4«Jri ot the homeowners in rights and a.rchitectul'a.I freedom. protect our development from the areas have extended a two-C.ommissloners sided with the the overdeveJopment that Is story wall, or a combination of opponents, agreeing that the spreading up from the fBaJboal • one-and two-story walls wnJng starus quo provides Peninsula over Newport Heights. throughout the lot, transforming enough 6exibllity. Costa Mesa is next." their neighbors' sunny baclcyards "I was personally opposed to CURVE Continued from Al followers. and the Tuft admlnimadon came along reluctantly only if the tax could be offered as an amendment to the C.o~tion. That required ratl.ficadoh by three-fou.rtM of the states, which seemed unlikely at lhe time but was achiaied four ~ later. Although there were serious -and probably valid - charges of fraudulent certification of some of these votes, the 16th Amendment was officially approved Feb. 25, 1913, by a rote of77-0 in the Senate and 318-14 in the House of Representatives. Only then did newty-elected President Wtlson enter the picture to sign an income tax bill. Williams ~ the Founding Ruben "turning O\'ef in their graves" at such a departure from their rejection of direct taxes in the C.Onstitution unless apportioned to each state by population. But in their wisdom. the founders also provided machinery to amend the C.Onstitudon to cover their own oversights and to deal with the drastic changes and needs of a rapidly growing population and an industrial society. The 16th Amendment was sandwiched around amendments that Creed the slaves and provided the vote to women. two matters that ...:: like the federal income tax -the Founding Pathers didn't include In the C.onstitution. So that's our history lesson for the day. Meanwhile. back at the ranch, we ha~ a brouhaha In state Republican circles that might be inBtructive in the Newport Beach Oty C.Ouncil's current consideration of election reforin. Seems as how the 2 lSt Coentury lnsumnce Group gave $950,000 to the California state GOP two weeks befo~ last ran·s election forlast-nlhute doling out to candidates in the closest ~ 1he source and the amounts - which would have had to be reported in 24 hours ff given directly to the candidat.es -were kepi secret until well after the election. Although the n~ are much smaller. some interesting parallels played out in Newport Beach. where $40,000 in donations were distributed to a group of candidates called Team Newport the day after the cutoff RIVER Continued from Al Sl5.7·milllon outlay to build dams and shore up levies in the river. 1he federal government has been funding a 20-year effort to protect Costa Mesa. Hunting- ton Beach, Fountain Valley and other communities that would be hit hard tn the even1 of a I 00- year Oood. "Anythfug they can do will cer- tainly help eliminate what seems like a n0nsensical Oood plain (designation!." Huntington Beach C.ouncilwoman Debbie Cook. said. "Every time we have rain, we have 1looding here." Significant portions of Hun- tington Beach, and some parts of C.osta Mesa, lay in a Oood plain, putting many neighborh~ In those cities at risk during a cata· strophic Oood, Rohrabacher spokesman Aaron Lewis said. TREE Continued from Al concession in a lawsuit with the Balboa Albor Society. The society filed an emergency suit against the city ~ fall lo stop the cutting of ficus trees in Balboa Village. On Tuesday, they made good on the settlement by instructing the commission to aeate a sub- committee to review the policy. period for filing finance statements. Tham Newport members are divnissiog complaints about tbis ploy as "much ado about nothing" and charging Greenligh1 candidates with similar end runs. But some Republican heavy hitters are ta.lc!ng a very d,i.ff erent tack at the state tevel. State Sen. Tum McOlntock CR-Thousand Oab), for example, lold a Los Angeles nmes reporter: "I disagree with those who say this is only shady. not illegal l chink it is both. lC the allegations are true. it could constitute money laundering. and ought to be investigated." And former C.OP party chairman. Shawn Steel, said: "lf the charges of circuitous money transfers are accurate, this obviously raises serioll'l legal and eth.ical questions. M Hopefully, such questions will also be explored in Newport Beach -especially now that the City C.ouncil ~finally gotten this hearing underway. Then we have "Gods and Generals." which I wen1 to see last week.end because I'm deepJy involved in writing a QviJ War novel -but, alas, not this deep. The film takes almost four hours. .Other funding for river proj- ects tncludcs $3.8 million for flood-control efforts in the river basin, which extends beyond Orange C.ounty's borders to Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Riverside counties. Bush is also requesting $150,000 for an environmental res1oration survey of the river basin and $150,000 for an envi- ronmental survey of the upper Santa Ana River watershed The congressmen must. by the end of the month, submit any addidonaJ requests for funding. The second round of funding would be included in an appro- priations bill from the Veterans Administration, Housing and Ur- ban Development, and Energy and Water committees. • MUL CUNTON covers the environment. bu11inen and politics. He m11v be reached at (9491 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.cllnton fj) /atimes.com. And though there's some support among council members to streamline rurrent rules and clean up some inconsistencies. there doesn't seem to be much support for revamping the laws to further protect trees, especially Jf it 'WOUkl threaten views. ·1 support !he G-1 policy as it exists,.. Councilman Tod Ridge- way sakl "If we can dean up in- consistencies, great But I don't think that It's broken." lf the commJsslon decides that changes should be made. those changes would have to come be- fore the Qty C.Oundl for ap- proval •JUNE CASAGRANDE covets Newpol18"ch end Johrt'Wayne Airport. Reach her Ill (949) 574-4232 or jut».C#llQ,..nde•latim-..com. CHEER Continued from Al ~ I.hough they've woo their national title, the cocnpetition • iln't ~ Wlth their dghth and rr1111t.1r x 1r ................................ ~ ........................ H .. , ~ ......................................................... .......,... •l ~ Wt>cxth•••• ........................................... .......,.. 9'l • Jlnal rompeddon -the Cheetleadera of Amft'ka West Coeit C.ompedtlon at the UC • lrvlne Brm Center -awah:lng diem tJ\li s.cwday. the 1bu •till have a lotofwott.aht.ad of them, •rt'• a iot othud wotk. ·..:kl 13·y.t·old JKquellne ~~captain. "Bw•tonn bed., much dedkadon. JR fUIC I dlfrerent attitude du. Jal.. ..... .,....one. lany cbangi I because I thought It was bad land-use policy to Im- pose tho.e kind of arbitrary regulations or ~cdona on those kind of propertie1," laid Plannln.g C.Ommi5'ion OWr Btuct Garllch. The council Is · tentatively scheduled to review the Issue April 21. C.ounci1.Q1an Gary Mooahalt. who originally dt- rccted wr to explore the ndgb- bors' proposal. said he supported the co~on's declsJon. "A proposal was made to me by a group of resJdents and I thought it was my ~ponsibillty to (get ft looked into)," Monahan said. Mu was studied by the~­ nlng Department and the com· mJsslon. and the cornmisston thought 11 was not appropriate and I agree with IL~ • DBAOAE NEWMAN COYeB Costa Mesa and may be reached Ill (M91 574-4221 or by e-mail at de1rdre.Mwman@l11tinl(IS.com. and -as one of my companions remarked on the way out -it would make a good <' hour-and-a-half movie. But despite the endless scenes of Stonewall )ecbon playing uncle to C.Onfederate ch.iJdren. I canied aWdy one persistent lhought both sides. were certain of Gods suppon for their cause and fough1 with a dear sense of almighty sanction. lb.ls puts God In an untenable position. since someone ~ to lose. It also strongly ~ tha1 no one -not even the United Scates of America -has an exclusive covenant with God.. Ftnally, I am off to the Anaheim C.onvention Cenier. where an of these wetghty matters can be sublimated to the wodd's most satisfying event for an Indiana boy; a ba.sket.ball toumament I figure I'm on a roll. I got the Angels in10 their first \\brld Series. Now I plan for UC Irvine to win the Big West toumamenl and its first trip to the NCAA Big Show I'll be watching. • JOSEPH N. BBJ. is 11 resident of Santa Ana Hetghts His column appears Thursdays OBITUARY Frank.A. Giovinetti A funeral mu5 fo1 Z3- year Newport Beach resf.. dent frank A. Oi<Modd wm be held at nooo Prt- day at Pldfic View Me- mortaJ Ouipel In Corona del Mu. Mc. GkMnetd died Sunday of a card&lc amst. He WU Tl. He la • survMd bY wife Rt&a; brother AJ t and mt.er MoUy Mlswaca. 1be burial will be at Padftc View MmforlaJ Palk. • The Dally Pilot wetcOfw obftuariM for residente or fomW raldentsof Co.ti · M ... 1nd ~rt Beed\. If you want to hllV9 en obituMy pnrMd In me Aloe. ISk YoUf' mortu.ry to f.-uethe~.t (Mi)~ 170 °' c:afl h newsroom et (8491 76M.324. BAER Harold, Leonard Harokf Leorwd &Mr, 87, d«f Frtday, Feb 21 at Oevonahlnt Center In Hrenwt. Bom In Ferndale, Waah., Mr. Baer lved In San Jacinto two~ He WU a mMne cwpeM.-at Pedftca In Newpon 8-ctl for 40 years. OuMg WOf1d w. ... he MtVed In 1he U.S. Navy M a tearch-and rHcue pilot. He waa awarded the Dlattngul1h~no c~ and the Ak wfth ...... battle stan. He went on to Mfve 20 YMrt In the NllY'lll R•eNe. . Mt aw helped ~ one of the flrllt ftbergl 111 boeta for Untftlte.~ ec;contfno .to tt• 1M11y: He ........ by ,. ..,. of 68 yeere, Obrothy: a eon, wtllM\ of S.n Jeclnto; two d9ught..... June of ONnoe Md Judy 8-Ntt of eo.ta ~tow •• ~ ... ~wldctllchn; and a .... Glorta HughH of Mzona. GNue•de ... .._. ... held. 4:00 pm. Ndilr. '*'-Y .... Wa11181 ' c.rt 1t1ry In ........ .... ...__......., ... ... Jaolnto "•ndled ttte ........... , / r~. MMt:h 13, 2001 AS " -FORUM , . ' HOWTO.GE!PUIUSHED -Ldln: MantoEdltottlf P.geEdltor S.J. Cahn et the Deily Pilot, 330W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • A11ilef1Hotln«Catt (949)642-6088 Far. Send to (949) 646--4170 e.m.l::Send to dailyp(lotOlat.lnw.com •All con'eepOndence must Include fuU Nme, hometown and phon, number (for verlficetlon purposes). The Pilot reMtVee the nght to edit aft submisaion:S for darity and length. .. EDITORIAL Costa Me·sa team truly triumphant W hat a 6lory the C.Osta Mesa I ligh girts soccer team has been. For the first time in the history of the school, the team has a CIF championship. And even though that championship has to be shared with Walnut High, which played to a O·O lle with the Mustangs last Saturday, this team has -proven time and again that is made up of winners. With a rec<nd of 22 wins. 3 losses and I lle. the Mustangs recorded a 17·game winning streak and played with grit and determination all year. "We're going to celebrate as a team." said junior star Stacy Krikorian. "We made his&ory." That's a theme that has stud: with us in watching this team go to the top, the teamwork. Sure, there are so many stones to teU of in this historical championship season. But with so many personal achievements, we don't have nearly enough room on this page to chronicle them. so we'U stick with telling the story of the team. Let's stan at the top. C.Oach Dan Johnston has been at helm for 11 year& For seven of them, the team has struggled against much stronger powers in the Pacific C.Oast League. But Johnston's penchant for a hearty laugh bas infused the team with a jovial spirit that has become as much a part of the victories as the talent they possess. He and his assistant coaches. Erin Van Hom, Nicole Price, Patty McGehee have gone where no other Mustang girls soccer team has gone before. ·Being a real team is something JOU strive for, but ' rarely achieve, ""'1ohMton told our reporter. ~1 think everybody out there has contributed something to this season. It's really cool the way it has worked out. What's also neat about it is that all the girls recognize one another's contributions." So with that we won't single out cenain players. we are just happy for the team. They deserve congratulations and praise and we know the rest of the community is proud of them. Here are the first in history, C.OSta Mesa High girls soccer champs: · Stacy Krikorian, Nelly Barrios, Jenny Sparks. Vera Gale, Rachel Hughes. Devin Denman, Jasmin Day, Sharon Day, Laura Dinsdale, Kara Jenkins, Kristen Bagwell. Sara Bryant. Valerie Gomez, Rachel Ronquillo, Kindra Bailey, Julie Nomura, Nilani Duarte, Toshia Bryant and Kaitlyn Gentling. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY 1000 H ours Free: A n I nternet User's Guide to Lent By Biii Gartner I get at least one a month; usually more. They come in the mail. both U.S. mall and e· mall. The companies that send these make grand promises about the kind or services that they provide. They always try to get me to leave the company that is currently providing my lncemet Service Provider. Each company that markets its product this way vows that their service is the-best, ·so dump the rest· And, all of them guarantee one thin~ 1.000 hours free Internet service. Thinking that the grass was always greener with another company. I used to change service providers quite frequently. But 6JWJy I realized that lel'Vice providers do not change lhe Internet. Regani1esl of what the service providers promise, the Internet remaJns the same. 1 receive so many or these free trial offen, that whenever I bear any phrase containing the words • 1,000• I automatlcalJy think of free Internet Rt'Vice. And now, I have become 10 condJdoned Crom th1s mus·marketing teebnJque. that ti' I altnply bar a numbr.r that la 8.nywbete cloee to 1.000. r be&in mentally swilnt the net. 1be number "960" ls very dclW in Value to J ,000; It bas )wt luch an dfect on me. But. u a pastor ol a chun:h. tbil number ~bowl ocherthao lnla'Mt ~.hours that hlrWI ..-i• lfgnUkaoot tW>t ~ Jet d remind mt' Of~ ..-.ntoed he ltatt·up .. wkiel. 980 hoUrl.,. the total amount ot boun In a\eo.day pedod. alldl .... 40 dlJjl c)( tent that are caklnl pba rfcbt now. Oltin::hee Ill CM:r dMI wot1d .... putidpt.tifll ln Lmt ftM' al.molt 1.000 houil. Often enoup, C'hun:hel IRI not Iha& diftaa1t from JSPt In lheir 1D1ita mmbdftldwtngthe Period ot Lent. We Proftllle ................. chaift:h .... )Ul .. Currmdy ......... ............ ~­a...-..-Wlda • .....,flt .._ •P1•wma9ndbJ • churches. and a slick marketing campaign, Lent easily becomes a wonderful time to advertise l ,000 hours free. But, this year, I have noticed that churches are beginning to realize the same thing that I finally realized about the Internet. 1bat is, there is one fundamental reality. No matter what services that churches provide for this " l ,000 free hours,~ there is really only one church. ln Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and Anaheim, at least nine chwcl>es have collectivdy made a bold statement conceming this reality. They are participating in a united prayer mcwement called •40-24;1: This means 40 days of prayer, 24 hoW'1 a day, 7 days a~ It comes to just about l,000 bow'S or pl"a)U Rather than competing for other chu.rcbes' •customers," during this traditionally high-end marketing time. these "40:2.4:7· chun:bes are cooperatin& with e:adt other. They realize &tw there ls really only one church. and its goal la not to compete With eK.tt ochtt for the other ·companlel'• businesa. Instead. during thla 1,000 houri, tbele drun:hes are joined together lo lnterc:elaory prayer for our c:ommunldes. our leaden and sped8c needl for Ndi of the cburcbes kM>Md. IDlteld of oompedng wltb eecb oeber, they are pnyfng for eecb ocher. ArMI. this wOI be_.. on at ooe of the pertldpeq dudm b almoet 1,000 boun COD~ Jm ue that I will ltill think of lritemit Senk::e ProVldert Wbenewr I tw. a number that • ~lo l,000. um.. prcMden start plGa ...... 2.000 he hours. But.• leMt DOW I mn lift ~ibe,.....prom6;11ola better piOdui1 md bow that In redty, Chert .. ,__ .. llemel andlt ....... thew. Rtprd'Wa ol.t*I ... ~ tt ........... --uUlh hcildi ftriD ...... dUda .. ..,.. ............ JOU Medape ............. .. n.-llOOlee ..... . •aL ......... .-,. ,..._aw, r :Ml t•• C-.Mlill , MAILBAG r lE. PttO TO DAIL V Pit. 0 T Houses along Crystal Cove are slated for renovation by the Parks and Forests Services. Most Wlll become rental umts. Time for B Morro debate - and leases -to end They have got to be kidding! When 1s enough enough already? Those El Morro Trailer Park people are at II again with their scare tactics, their grandiose plans and now the full page ads sprouting up every where (several m the Daily Pilot in March). · Don'! they get it? They have squatted on public property for more than 25 years and now it's time to let go. We c.atlfomians want public access 10 our state park. a park we purchased decades ago. Their tactics have focused on: First, it was the horror.. of having lowly RV owners overnight in a state camp ground next to a school. Of course there never has Ileen problems in other nearby state camp grounds faced with similar carcumst.ances, but heaven forbid. not at El Morro. Then there was the approach that the tratler people would gladly pay extra so that money would be given to the restoration of the Crystal Cove Cottages -in exchange fo r another 20-or 30-year lease extension. That idea is mteresting. but no one seems to note the fact that funds coUected from leases at El Morro, or any other site, are funneled into a general fund and used wherever the state deems necessary. There is no direct way lb route funds from El Morro to the Crystal Cove Cottages. Also, it has been weU established that only a very few trailer owners actually reside on the propeny year-round. Obviously then. a vast majority of the owners would find any lease extension to be a very lucrative business deal since most of those units are $1 ,000-a-week rentals 10 or more months out of the year. Finally. aU the hype or how beneficial their plan would be for Laguna Beach is a mystery smce El Morro is right next door to Newport Beach's Newport C.Oast That being the case. one would think that Newpon Beach would be the city that had the vested interest in whatjlappern In the FJ Morro Trailer JWt. not Laguna Beach. Come on and let go! Ir's time. The public has a right to have access to the propeny they purchased dozens of years ago. BERENICE MALTBY C.Orona del Mar Pon future looks brigh~ but oversight needed The Port Theatre owne r bas finally come out or the shadows. Congratulationa to the City Council for putting pressure on the owner and not granting landmark sta1us without a'>cenaining what he intend!> 10 do with the property The aruclc on March 7 implies thc.11 sub'>tanuaJ renovation and repairs m add111on to a parking plan will be required before a pa..uaJ rec;taurant u!.e can be implemented ("Port fheatre <,old. upgrades planned"). Corona Del Mar will benefit from a revitalization of thi'> property, but the Uty Council -.hould impose a deadline for this to he accomplished. The granting of landmc.1rk status should be conditional and sub1ect to revocation in the event the renovation and parking plan are not completed in a timely manner. By holding the owner accountable, the council can help avoid another prolonged penod of a vacan1 eyesore in the community RUSSEU. HOWELL Corona del Mar Newport campaigns laws need a few clear changes Regarding changec; !O Newport Beach campaign laws· I) All past. present and planned busmes., dealings between elected official and proposed recipients of city grant money should be publicly disclosed at least 30 days prior to placing the proposed granr on the City Council agenda. If an elected offic1aJ has had past, present or pJanned businer,s dealings with the proposed recipient of the city grant that elected official c;hould recuse himself from voting on this agenda item. This would avoid actual, o r percetved appearance of a ·payback" from the elected official to the recipient of the grant money. 2) Olange the way voung is earned out in the city of Newport Beach. Currently. voters can choose candidates outside their own distnct. This is supposed to be representative government. The voters m their own district want candidates to represent them on issues that come before the City Council. When you allow voters to elect representatives outside their own district you do harm to residents in that district because the outside voters can help elect candidates that may not have the majority interes ts of the district In mind. The entire problem will not be eUmlnated because you cannot stop campaign contributions being received by candJdates from outside the di trict. but with campaign financial dbc.10$U~ rules voters can see who ls contribud.O.g to a partJcuJar candidate and qu Uon the molivadon behind IL Any last mJoute campaign contributions will be LETTER TO THE EDITOR disclosed after the elecuon (that c;hould be changed but by and large mo'>t campaign contnbuuorn, would he transpai-enl lo thl' voter-. pnor to the election This wouJd help ehminatt' t·leuing candidates that d o not represent the majority of voter... in the d1'>tm t ANN WATT Newpon Beach Renovation of Kona Lanes does not mean de~truction Bowling 1s a na11onal pa..i1me. Unfortunately. at thl'> point in hi'>tory. 11 is not a profitable one For this simple reason, Kona Lanes 1s doomed But why doe:. Costa Mesa havt' '>llCh a '>hon-term vision? Surely. as Tim< romwell suggested in a March 6 letter to the editor. there ai-e other u~e for the current structures on th1s propeny c·smarter way to save ._ona Lane•i1 The aesthetic of Costa M~ 1s constantJy tom down and rebuilt \ .. 'hy can't we take what httle of Cosra Mesas history remains and preseive 1t7 Historic bwldmgs ~e Kona Lanes could be used for so many other uses. such as a restaurant Orange C.Ounty has c1tJel! like Orange and Fullerton chat are proud of their older buildings and go to great lengths to maintain and restore them It's a reaJ shame that Costa Mesa is slowly transforming into a city of stnp malls not unlilce our neighbors in South County. Refurb1shmen1 doe'>n't need to mean demolition MATTHEW FLETCHER (o\ta MeQ New lofts far too lofty over harbor Regarding the Cannery Lofts article m the Pilot on Monday, I found the photograph of the buildings loom mg over the Rhine Olannel disconcerting c·eranding a new Can"). One aspect of Newpon' bay and beachfront that I have a.tw.ays enJoyed has been the gentle "Cape Codisb. slcyiine or the bwldmgs. In many other beach towns most of the waterfront homes are talJ. square-shouldered brutes with Oat roors. Somehow Newport was able to avoid that for the most part. • So I was saddened to Stt chronicled In your paper the arrival of those big Cannery boxes. Why, one must ask. did the oonnally dlCum peel Planning Corn.rnWlon app«Ne the seven-Coot additional bdgbt aUowance lhat made tbae. dare I uy. awful, loomin1 g1an possibler IWI. s. PEllOSlN Newport Beach Kona makeove r should be welcomed • • ....... __ ... _._. M Th.ndly, Mlrch 13, 2003 AROUND TOWN TODAY ' ·Do.e It .......... Sdenceto Creat9 a Good Reader?• la the topic of a lecture to be given by UC Jrvine Pt'Qfeaaor Virginia Mann et 6 p,m. In the university club, •tbrary room 8( UClrvine. The cost ls $30, and reaervationa are requlnld. For more · lntonnetion. calf (949) 824-26n. . . The Modal Unlllad Ndon8 Qub of Orange Coast College will hOSf Its second annual tund-ralslng dinner and silent auction from 5;30 to 9 p.m. in 1he coflege'a Student Center. The club It desi9ned to edUcate students In areas of International relattona and dipiomac:y. To buy tk:bta In advancefor$10, caJI (714) 432~. ext. 26. Tldcets are $12 at the door. KMWt CUlhman'• ma. Baled of LU<:Y Whipple• will laundl a discussion about growth and change at the Mothe..Oaughtar Book C1ub, at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central library, 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. For more information, call 949-717-3816. FRIDAY lMJ lttdalefllil ....... •waa .... thfoulh 18 wtU S*form et 1he annual "S..rth for Taaent• oompetidon pre11n19d bv 1h8 Exchange C1ub of Newport Harbor. The thow will begin.et 6:30 p.m. For lnfonnetion and entry bfanb, cell (M9) S73-870t. SATURDAY A "HoW to 9t.lft _,,Own au.fneu• aemlnar, ipONOf'8d by the Service eo.p. of Rednld Executives, will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Coeta Mesa. The~ fs $40, $36 ff preregl8tered. r.or more lnfomurtion, call (714) 660-7369. o_n;..CGUllty Artists~. In axNbidng ertwortc in the Spring 2003 Orange County Artist Juried Exhibition can brfng work in for judging to the Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona Del Mar between 9 abd 10 a.m. For more Information, cell (949) 717-3870. •Diwfoce: A N9w Beginning.• a WOfbhop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is held from 10a.m.to12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive. Colt la $40. For more information, call 644 6436. "Bulldlng a B.a.r f;itu19,• Mid bv the Newport Harbor Navigators, will benefit Newport Harbor High Sdlool. The benefit will be hekt at the Grand Newport Pta:za In the Tumip Rose Ballroom, 1901 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Tickets co.a s100. r« lnfom\8lion end"' ·~· Clll (9'19)61~ stN)AY Cle rh1l ftMlllo llldOii'Mldoe .. H"Nlt8d to erlfOv "'llVee c.ntune. of Plano MUlk:; et 3 p.m. et 1he Newpod-&ied'I Central Ubrwy. Aaniet MicNeC Sellera IMll .,,..nt 1he he progrem. whktt wilt Include WOtb by Mourt, Chc>Pn. Pot.Ilene.~ end Samuel Barber. The Newport Beed'I ~ Central Library It et 1000 Avocado Avenue. F-or more Information, call (949) 717-3816orvialt www.nfWPOl1beadlflbraty.of"(J. "'Whet le Memory Loa• ahd "Creating a Partnership with your Phyticlan• ere free worbhope eponsored by the Alzeamer'• Ann. The first worbhop will be held from 11:30a .. m. to 12:30 p.m., and the eecond from 12:30 · to 2 p.m .• et the Pfesbyterfan Churdl of the Convent. 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. To make reMrvatlons, call (714) 545-3727. Concert artist...., and guitarist Steve Walters Is known es the "Singing Buddha.• He combines deep spiritual Insight, humor and his voice at 7 p.m. at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Orfve East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. Tidtm cost $10. For more Information, call (714)764-7399. MONDAY A Great Decisions dltcuuton of "'The Global Struggle for Vbnen'a Rights" Is the last in an eight-week ------------- -- ---- MATTRESS OUTLET STORE Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mes~ Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN · 30%off CALL NOW 642-8400 ~s ..,,~.~ ~~ DESIGN CENTER '""For All Your ·oecorating N~eds!" FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made PumJture Slfp Covers • Patio fijrnlture • Draperies. Shades, &. 8edspreads ... -.W.. Cofoe81u ,...from and ligna •Reef Carpet Olarte.: Cojocaru, falhk>n ~ fot1he "lbday Show" and~ Magazine'• 9tVI• tdftor, rwee .. the dlrt beneath the red carp« of todr(a celebridea. Event starts at 6 p.m. at Book Soup South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St., Suite 2400, Costa Mesa. f'Or more lnformetlqn, call (714) •2666. . . •Gf11ba ...... 1n~·­ part of an l.,...i·styte Purim calebrMion'COUrtMy of H Chabad JewWl Center In Newport Beach at 8:30 p.m. It will be held In the Radisson Hotel at 4645 MacArthur Blvd •• The cost la $15 per adult. $10 perdlild. For reservations, call(~) 721·9800. TUESDAY The N9wport Harbor On:tald Society ia hosting an ord'tld plant auction from 7 to 10:30 p.m. at the Neighbomood Community Center, 1845 PJr1t Ave., Costa Mesa. Free. For more Information, caJI (949) 642-4148. A free Mmfnar c:alled '"The Role of Supplement.a in Aghting Cancer• will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Martet, 226 East 17th St., Costa Meaa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. A "Making the AJght RNndal Decisions• workshop, sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired EXecutives, will take place from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The cost is $40, $35 if preregistered. For more information, call (714) 550-7369. The Sutfrider Foundetk>n Newport Beadl Chapter is holding a public meeting at 7 p.m. at the Oasis Center, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona Del Mar. Assistant city Manager Dave Kiff and Newport Harbor Master Tom Rossmiller will discuss the clean water quality for Newport Beacti and the harbor. WEDNESDAY "Nanosdenc:e, Nanotechnology, Nenofiction; presented by assistant professor of physics and astronomy Phil Collins at UC · Irvine, wlll cover the realities behind the nanotechnology revolution. Sdleduled at 7:30 a.m. at the University Ctub on campus, caJI (949) 824-4613 for more information. N9wport Beach~· general meeting will take plaoe at 11 a.m. at the Archea Restaurant The club is open to all women who have lived in the area less than 5 years. To leam more about us, call 949 645--9922. "'Tu Fne College Swings -A review of •529 Plans and Your Other Options" is a free seminar . that provides a complimentary dinner at 6:30 p.m. at the Newport Gateway Center In Irvine. Address is 19800 MacArthur Blvd. For reservations call Celeste at 1-800-876-0353. <./ A free temlnar called "Feng Shul for a Healing Home" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Martet. 225East17th St. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. The Newport Beach Chember °' Commerce will host Its Newport Beach Marine Networ1dng and Speaker Forum from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, 161 Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. FT ... For more infonnatlon, call (949) 729-4400. COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION MEEl ING WRAP-UP .. Here ue some or tho ls.sues wnilng out ofMond&y's Plan:ning ComrilJ.ssiori ~ RESIDENTIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES In Spring 2001, the Oty Coundl adopted new wning code regulations · for new resldeotial : construction and . ..,,.,. additions. These , chan8es Included two new review procedures: minor design review and design review. Minor design reviews were delegated to the wning adm.lnist:mtqr while the Planning Commission will consider NEXT MEETING •WHAT: Costa M ... Pt1nnlng -. Commleslon meeting • WHEN! 8:30 p.m .• Merch 24 •WHERE: City Ha", 77 Fair Otiw •INFORMATION! (714) 7&4-62'6. .. conoeptual plan ror the future : improvement of the porUon of 1bwn Center Drive between Put center Drive and Avemie of the Arts as a pedes~·ort.ented public plaz.a. llnldng the major arts'Vellues within the South Coast Plaza ToWn ~ter Theater Arts Dlstrfct. WHAT HAPPENED The commission voted to continue the Issue undl April 28. design reviews. WHAT WAS SAID In addition, the council "There Is a theater arts dls1rlct -adopted residential design plan, which ls pretty l.oteractive guidelines. which are used with with (the Town Center Drive the review of new residential Master Plan), that ls not yet construction and additions and available for our review," Garlich include the criteria of being • said. ·1 thought It wouJd be "harmonious and compatible" better to look at those two with lt\e neighborhood. together." WHAT HAPPENED The commission continued any decision on the guidelines because it wanted staff to look into some suggesdons from residents, including changing the definidon of a bedroom to ease parking requirements and changes for setbaclcs for second-story additions. WHAT rr MEANS Staff will now have more time to work with suggestions from the public and the public will have more time to comment before an prdinance is drafted. WHAT WAS SAID ·1 thought there were a lot of good issues raised that night and [there werel a lot of people who couldn't be there and its good to let the public absorb what we talked about before we took a vote on anything.· said Olair Bruce Garllch. VIEW PRESERVATION GUIDELINES The collUTtlsslon considered the view preservadon part of the ~~':1ew separately. The ••llOWID view preservation guidelines would affect homeowners in the Marina Highlands. Preedom Homes, Marina View and California Seabreere neighborhoods. WHAT HAPPENED The commission told staff to include the guidelines in the ordinance, with Commissioner BUI Perk.ins dissenting and Commissioner Joel Faris abstaining because he lives within 500 feet of some of the affected properties. WHAT rr MEANS The commission will consider the entire ordinance when it is drafted. WHAT WAS SAID •1 supported it on the basis that I thought we owed the City Council (the opponunityl of making up their own mind about It." Gartkh said. TOWN CENTER DRIVE MASTER PLAN The master plan is a PERFORMING ARTS CENTER SYMPHONY HALL The Performing Art$ Center proposed a 296,500-square-foot symphony hall that will be across 1bwn Center Drive N Mowt from the existing facility. The five-story building includes a 2,000-seat main auditorium with a secondary. 500-seat auditorium. WHAT HAPPENED The commission unanimously approved the master plan. WHAT rr MEANS It will now go to the O ty Council for revitw. WHAT WAS SAID -"We approved it beca~ everyone looks forward to (the symphony haJJJ: Garlich said SUBDIVISION OF COMMERCIAL PARCEL A representative of the Irvine Ranch Water Discrict proposed the subdivision of a 2.26-acre commercial _ ~ property lo the 1 I 00 block of Bristol Stteet into three lots with a permit for shared access between them. The Jot is now vacanL The applicant proposed to subdivide the property into three 30,000-square-foot lots for three office buildings. which have already been approved by staff'. Approval will allow each of the three lots to be sold separately. WHAT HAPPENED The commission approved the: subdivision, with Katrina Foley ~ dissenting. The dedslon • includes a condition that • required one sign for all three properties. WHAT rr MEANS The applicant can now subdivide the property. LOT SUBDIVISION The property owner of an existing 27.800-equare-fooc residential lot ln the 200 block or Santa l5abel .,,..,.. Avenue wanted to subdivide It Into foui Jots wfth a pennJt to allow shared driveway acc:ieu In October 2002, the commission approved the construction of a detached, .. four-unit two-story. : single-Camlly residential project : ' for the lot. ' . • WHAT HAPPENED : The conlriilsslon unanlm~ app~ the subdMalon. ~ Put a bug in someone's ear Call 'the Daily Pilot CIAS ' ., Ruth Montgomery-Chicchese of Corona del ~r at the Montgomery..Chicchese reunion Chris1mas in Maui. The Smith Barney NeWS>ort office went to the Phoenician in Scottsdale, Ariz. Pictured front to back, left to right Bin and Kathleen Moore, Gary Robertson, Ttm Marshall and Taylor Browman. ~I State's Gasoline Price Average To~s $2 a Gallon I! @iif j l:tf(d;f 1111li) iid;f )Jilijff:id j Wli& DY ..... IDB DP Same Oumn-Since 1965, 38 ~an in Costa Mesa TD c•••UU'l'la ••••me. 2945 Randolph Ave (Bristol ~Baka) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 &mail: carb ans@thccarbsbo .com Grand Openin Promotion 2 .. 1 .... , ...... .... • lit ... Cllllt c.-• ............. •W.Cldlil . ..,..,,._ .,•CldlM ............ ............. '*"' ........ _ .. _ ............. ........... ON VACATION Tlvsdly, Mardi 13, 2003 . A7 . . Nancy and Daniel O'Toole taken on Aug. 29, Daniel's seventh birthday, in front of the Transporter Bridge of Biscay in Spain. On vacation at Hearst Castle (left to right) Matthew Mossman, Michael Shaw, Alex Shaw, Brian Shaw and Morgan Mossman. Fraturing. ~~~ The .secret ts in the flavorful broth madR from scratch- fresh l'ach morning. Generous chunks of rhirken brPrut and nee in <JUT delicious llroth. Garnished with diced avocado and cilantro, .finished with a squeeze of fresh liml! . • ' Al Ttusdly, Mlrctt 13, 2003 SOC I ET Y \ THE CROWD In honor of the Sophisticates. P --~ Updudlwill ~her Newp9ct estate on the Back Bay for a reception . honoring the~ of the A81essment and neatment Services Center. Gueats at the Upchurch evening nen week are · und~nmters for the upcoming Spriog fashion show being called "Le Beau Boudoir. w The m.asstve fash.IQn_event will take plaee on • April l IITThe grand ballroom of then~ Hyatt 'Regency, Huntington .Beach. and it will be 1 the 20th annlversary celebration of the Sophisticates dedicated to the children assisted by ATSC. The dynain;c ~----duo NDl SteYmland BYe IC'omyft will chair the fashlon luncheon event in association with Nordstrom, South Coa.5t B.W. COOK P1au. Kdmyei reports that it will be a spectacular fashion show featuring the Spring . collections of both American 4'Jld European desjgners. Working with Stevens and Komyei is Sophisticate fashion chair Grace 1belen. with dedicated support from Newport-Mesa standouts including Sharf <lko, Tun Brown. Nancy Olson. Debbie Newmeyer, Carol Dwtwn, FJena Ro., Ondy Jones, Q>eryl, Johnstone and Carol Pontn:moll. Datlce Mock serves as president of the Sophisticates. and with her husband Brian and underwriters inclurung Harriet and Sandy Sandhu. Nora Hester, and corporate sponsor Mercedes-Benz of North America. to mention only a few, are planning the fashlon event of . the season. ln addition to the show the presentation will honor 20 years of past presidents of the Sophisticates of ATSC. Many of them are expected to attend the party. Reserve your fashion show tickets by calling Christy Netro at (714) 730-6529. TENNIS EXTRAVAGANZA ~, ~--'\; ~;, ~ 7~ ~I Come to the I The hlgh season in the desert is in full swing. and a large contingent of the Newport-Mesa social crowd are commuting from the oceanfront to the sands of the San Jacinto desert region. This. week. Newport's Pacific Life is sponsoring the big tennis extravagaro,a in Inman WeUs and the private jets are filling ·the Palm Springs airport with Eve Komyei and Nm Stevens will co chait the April 1 fashion show for the Sophisticates of ATSC. Puri111 Carnival .. the rich and famous who love the sport of racJcets. Recently, an elegant tea party was thrown in Palm Desert at Masion Felice, a gallery of fine art and antiques on the famed El Paseo and hosted by the fabulous PhyWa Washington. Author and designer Betty Lou PhDUps was invited to address the crowd, speaking on the influence of French d6cor. Enjoying the tea were glamorous locals as well as more than l 00 distinguished guests from all over Southern CalifonUa. including Newport. Spotted in the Q"CJWd were Donna Schuller, the daughter-in-law or Orange County's Rev. Rohen Sdwller, HONORING GOLDWATER CLAY Social activist Peggy Goldwater Clay of Newport Beach was honored recently by the "Freedoms FoUQdation at Valley Forgew as an outstanding American citizen. Oay, daughter of former U.S. Senator Bany.M. Goldwater, joined local restaurateur Antonio Cagnola. · actress Donna Douglas, former co-star of the television series "The Beverly Hillbillies" and Luis Armijo, a Navajo Indian code talker who served America during World War IL The luncheon event. which took place at the lrvine Hilton, was billed as a tribute to "America, And lbose Who Love Her." 'The luncheon was sponsored by local citizens Ubby Panby, Jerry and Jamie Brital.o, Stephen and Prances Knott. Vlrgtn.la Scboepe, Vm>na Weeks, Ben and Barbara Hanis, em and Harriet Hanis, Rkha:rd and Marilee Hawldns, Marion Knott Montapert. and Dale and ~ s.ckett. Also ponsoring the award presentation were Newport's John and Donn.a Cran and Oraoge County hamburger baron Carl Kan:her and his bride Marpm. •The Crowd runs Thursdays and Saturdays. C ·\ I I Y 0 l' I~ LOC1\I RABBI I' Rabbitt Insurance-Agency AU1U • HOM.EOWNERS • Hf.Atlll W1b1J S""r 1957 ~ Id ~S r)_, , , 949-631-7740 ... Old Ntwpan 8hd. • lhpan a.ti (Ne. He1111 Ho.pie.I) Congregation Shir Ha-Ma'alot 3652 Michelson, Irvine, CA 926 12 Sunday, March 16th • 11: OOam until 1 :30pm Enjoy great food, games and enter1oim*ltl Costumes ore encouroged--Beoc:h/Howoiion or anything else For more information call: (949) 857·2226 m~~ ~ tk. ~1 i1 u liUleu 3 Weeb! 'lilli11111l SAMPLE TREATMENTS For Jut $i8 =1 rael • Abdominal Distension • Midriff Slimming • Waist Redll:tion • StomaCh Flattening fill Jll.m.mJ ..... ~~-- ---------------------- 1 ~ '.'> I\) I·' I ' I \I, ' I : \ 'J I nESAI RESTAURANT INNOVAJM PAN PACllC NINE Al.ONQ WllH ISSAYMSTAJNOlallS • fUl.1 IAR • EX1lNDB> WINE UST • PARIY CA1'ERIN<i • PRIVATE PARTIES . •. Tuadly-Suntt.y 5-10 pm 115 Rtvenlde Ave. Newport Bach (949) 646-1333 •• DATE BOOK Ttusday, ~ 13, 2003 At REELCRmcs 'House' is Cute and amusing while 'Canyon' annoys : 'Bringing Down the • House' d6es just that · A tax lawyer starts up a :: ronversation with , •1awyer1Prf" in an online chatiOOtn. One chat turns Into many. She sends him a picture and they make a date to meet : 1-'s ~a slender blond reporter. So when a black . ... · -~ ex-oonvict r.. , ( \ shows up on his porch, things get a bit m~ She needs his help, but he wants her MELISSA ~~";· The RICHARDSON problem? He · • desperately needs her help too; .. he just doesn't blow It yet • "Bringing Down the House" is , billed as a comedy headlined by ..... -COMING SOON . Steve Martin with a little help from Queen latifah, but it should be the other way around. Martin is the stodgy one that balances his time between funny and annoying. Latifah, though. shines through each scene and plays a dozert different roles. Tuget.her they are a force to be reckoned with. Benicia Del Toro as Aaron Hallam and Tommy Lee Jones as L.T. Bonham in "The Hunted." The story is a bit far-fetched, but "Bringing Down the House" is also cute and amusing. So 'fl/, maybe an ex-con who swears i. she didn't do the crime is a strange house guest, but there have been wor!le. And Martin's tax lawyer probably wouldn't last a minute in the midst of a gang. but that's the beauty of it. The movie takes all the improbabilities and makes them happen. It gathers the stereotypes of society and . . -:AFTER HOURS and former Miss Ireland Olivia Tracey, will determine the competition. Chris Pierce, drummeffor the Orange County rode band the Fenians, renowned for his zebra patterned kilt, will host. Muldoon's is at 202 Newport Center Drive. Information: (949) 640-4110. • . • • Submit AFTER HOURS items to ; the OaUy Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., : Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to : (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) • 574-4268. A complete list is : available at www.dailypilotcom. • • ~SPECIAL MUSIC . PROKOFlEV, MOZART AND TCHAIKOVSKY . . SEXIEST KILT COMPETTTION Muldoon'a Dublin pub in Newport Beach will hold its first ·Sexiest KJlt Competition• at 2:30 p.m.' ~unday. A panel of female judges, including actress, model Orange Coast College's Symphony Orchestra will offer the third concert of its 42nd s.eason at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, featuring worts by Prokofiev, FULL BAR COCKTAILS MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 949·64S ·76l6 • nttco Splendore · USA. lNC I I \I I I I '' I I IH >I' I \ '\ \ H I EYBlWOOO' ...._To look• W.. ywd swar thtY1t a wood. Alt dim.._. won' fide, werp "'ad ... nm In the litchrR "'bedwOOln. W ... ewawooo II ao d t I ta..., r • ... .... ... eicW .......... lwd 10 ~~lit to pnCltcll. S.tlm.-Y. ~A•neNS fll.OOI ~.W()lmJMWKdr °"11111NC:al .... HIAf IH ..... ,.. t6N.... 110 C-. ..._ ,.,,._ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • bashes them on the head Since the movie does touch upon almost every stereotype imaginable, some people migbt be offended at one time or another. Remember, though, this is a comedy, and no harm actually came to any of the characters. lf politically correct Mozart and Tchaikovsky at the Robelt B. Moore Theatre. Tickets are $8 and $10 ~nd can be purchased at the door. Information: (714) 432-5880. Orange Coast College is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. PHILHARMONIC STARS OF TOMORROW The Philharmonic Society of Orange County will present •stars of Tomorrow" at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Barclay Theatre in Irvine. showcasing nine performers from Orange County from 9 to 18 years old. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the dictums do not run your life, go ~ ~Bringing Down the House.· 'ft causes just enough laughter for a good time, but leaves room to enjoy a bit of popcorn, too. • MELISSA RICHARDsON is a Costa Mesa resident and a junior at UC Irvine. door. Information or tickets: (949) 559-5440. GIWMIY WINNER MARK O'CONNER Grammy Award-winning fiddler Mart O'Conner will make his jazz club debut at Founders Hall at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Friday, and Saturday. His performances will spotlight his new CD. "In Full Swing," a tribute to his mentor, lat.e French jazz violinist Stephanie Grappelli. Tickets are $49 to $46, available at the Center Box Office. online at www.ocpac.ofP or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at "The Art of Making Pizza•• WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5-SPM .... I II.at t C11DM GB. MM iYlllL mil llAGMDIMlf 3423 VIA lJXl 3601 E. <DAST ~fli'f 7955 E <DAST ~AY Ml.7a.0'701 ... 171.4100 ... 715.1117 FAX Ml.la • .., FAX Ml.175.1211 FAX 141.715.1111 -----------s3B~'!ZZA l1Mr~~Lc• • BUY ANY MEDIUM PIZZA & I GET A SMALL SALAD OF I YOUR CHOICE FREE! COUPON NOT VAl.LJ Wl'T"' N><Y OT>ER ~ PAA'TICl<'IATil\.G ~ I ON. Y u-.<rT ONE CIDUPON P£R ORCER eM.£S TAX M4V APJ»..V NIU8'T MENTION 00&.FQN AT TIME OF OROSR CO-FON ex-. M,tlROH 31. 2003 _ _a ____ ._. ___ ._._Lmma.-l_Lm _____ - - -~ TARYN R OSE Featured on talk shows nationwide, orthopedic surgeon, Dr Toryn Rose designs beoutifvl f ootweor using only the finesl moleriols for luXUfY and comfort Jusl one step and ycxi will feel lhe difference 1. . . . • • - l A less than grand view of 'Cmyon' I can't pinpoint why exacdy, but "Laurel C.anyon" annoyed me to no end Perhaps it's the d~piction of the "sex. drugs, and rock 'n' rolr lifestyle V13tseems such a crashing bore. If it Weren't for fhe knockout performance by Frances. McDormand, SUSANNE 1 would have PEREZ hated it completely. Written and directed by Lisa OlOlodenk.o ("High Art"), this film is centered around four very lost souls. Sam (Olristian Bale) is a glum, joyless medical student with an equally humorless and controlling fiancee Alex (](ate Beckinsale). The opening sequence tells you alJ you need to know about this couple. Sam accepts an internship at a Los Angeles psychiattic hospital, and the plan is for them to Oy out from back Elast and stay at . his mom's empty house in Laurel Canyon. Sam bas a complicated relationship with his mot.her, a legendary rock producer, and describes her as "psychot;ic." which could explain his fear of expressing any 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. TCHAIKOVSKY'S PIANO CONCERTO NO. 1 The Pacific Symphony Orchestra will welcome Stanislav Loudenitch to perform Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 in B·flat minor at 8 p.m . Wednesday and Thursday, March 13, at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall. Tickets are $19 __ ...,. erootlon in bis life, lest he be labeled as out of control.' When they amve at the house they find Sam's mother, Jane (McDormand) smoking a bong with a rock band beaded up by her much younger lover Ian catessandro Nivola). It seems that Jane gave her beach house away to the lover she just broke up with, and she a.nc..I the band are stayjng at the house while they try to come up with a hit song for their neit album. • • Inexplicably, AJex finds hm;eff drawn to Jane's hedonistic lifestyle (alt.hough I'm sure it m ust be fascinating to her after working on a dis.sertation on the sex lif~of the fruit OyJ. Sam is drawn lo a beautiful feUow student Sara (Natasha McElhone, with an unfathomable accent) who has the hots for him. Ian has the hots for Alex, and is inspired to write an exrremely bad song that plays endlessly over the closing credits. The best r;noments belong 10 McDormand, in a role about as far removed from the part of Marge Gunderson ("Fargo") as you can get. Her Jane b tough. vulnerable, sexy and maJces no apologies for who she is. Someone should apologize lo her for not giving her a bener movie. • SUSANNE PfRE2 lives tn Costa Mesa and is an executive assistant for a financial services company. to $59 and available at the Center Box Office, online at www.ocpac.OfP or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at See HOURS, Pa1e AlO [!]rzj Dunn-Well · -;, 1820 Monr'O'tt4 AYe ~ ,,._. CA 92627 ~&~ ~~~ Robert Dunn ~~())'W111 Tel: 940.548.9373 CaJl8( ~ 714.Me.3434 -· • ~ I It°""' 11&5 I LOAF OF IRISH " SODA BREAO Offer Good diru M»th 1-WOJ M#SI !1tlllll ""1"' 11 llWtt ·J~ Wiiis I p CV/U1llll 12-1 1-111 ,11:11 1 '·"i\\11". ,,,., l11hl+10 "1 I -"" I '"' • ' . "" ; !>fl • ' I .,, I I ' 'I 'ii "' 'Ifie. Liltjjest, rrmst, 1"rimdliest '&auty Supply & 1"ufl Service Salon In Orange County NEW ARRIVALS OF ~J>mn.liuJ ~ Best Prices -. Best Service - Best Selection ~---------------, 1Calindar Show Proudly Presents1 : 7le~ •: : \ At!lf1'te St. I Sele : I QUIMY 0... Collllbillld. 0. 40. el Cw: 1•1 QCI. Nnlure. I I Gme..,M......,,,..."--. .. .-._.._ I £Ven1111G AIOll llf 101lfMf m R:M&.11I11t.,I001H .:. ' .. .. . • 11: ~--........... ' . I• ' j I I I I I 7 HOURS Continued from A9 800 Town Centw Olive, COO. . M.... ' Meu. StlRL£Y JONE$ N*J FRIENDS Bri>edwey, mo1lon plctute end TV star Shif1ey Jonel, will Join comedian Sheltv Bennen and the Nelson RJddle Onlheltra In THE PRAZAK QUARTET · conoert at 8 p.m. Saturday, March One of the c:lnticat music world'• 15, at Orange Coaet College et leading International chamber 2701 Fairview Roed, Coate Mele. eNemblet will ~ at 7:30 ;r!<*ets for $37 to $C3 can be p.m. March 13. The quirt.i wtfl purd\ued at the college or by perfonn BeethOven's String cetling (714) 432-5880. Ouertet No. 1, Janacek'• String Quartet No. 1 end more. The THE CANADIAN BRASS Prazak Quartet will perform et Take five vfrtuo.o musiden•, OrellQ4 County Performing Alts drea ~In formal attire end Center11 Founder's Hall. Tldurts tennis shoes, provide them with are $43, eveilable at ~ Center · music from d)e cte..icel, Jazz. pop Box Off'ICe, onllne at • · and contemporary mueJc world, www.ocpac.Olfi or by ceiling and put them on e stege. The (714') 740-7878 •. ~Center Is et rett1lt la the' Canedien Brea, e · 600 Town Cent'9r Drive, Costa serlousty fun end entertafnlng RllSEIVla 111 IYOP llOP Jolin .. DATEBOOK 9nMmble that comM to ~lbom Hal on F1idlly end s.turday, Mardt 14 end 16, .. pelt of 1he PacHlc Symphony Pope ...... at 1he ~County Perlonnlng Ana <AntM; 800 Town Center Drive, Cotti MMe. Ttle concerts begin eedl .-..nfng at 8 p.m. lldt• ere evaUable for $80,$63. S60, $38, end $29: for mote lnformatic>n, cell the Padftc ' SVmPhOnv ~ Tlc*8t Oflice et (714) 766-6798. ~ATTHE TEE ROOM The Mart Devtdsof'I Trto, with Ron &chete on gutter, performs et 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beed'I. $10cover. (949) 766-0121. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant In Newport Beed\ ~een .. •jazz. Oio 6'riMv through w.dneeday .. regutar entertaJnment at 860 ~Ave., NewpOc:t Bea<ft. Hoora are 6 tot p.m. SUndly arid 8 to 10 p.m. Monday through w.d~ay. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLYJAM . The Sblo ~ pNMrl .. Monday~ Jamt from 7 to 11 p.m.fMlttYWeelc. ~· musicians include goiter ~4'Y9"· be• players, alngers, drummera, k~rdim end others at 100 Mein St, Newport Beach. Free. (949) ~fr 7lf!JIJ. MUSIC AT THE GRlt,J. The Bluewater Gnu otr.ra IW. music Friday end SeturdeV • nights. Greg l\4organ, NI<* Peper end ~tv Gordien (known u . Brenda Miles --·-·-... 100% FREE MPG) perform ct•a* rode. R&8 end twlng et 8·30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory end MPG will perform cleAic rode, awing end R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant I• at 630 Udo Pertc Drive. Newport Beach. Froe. (949) 87&-3474. MUSIC AT T1tl PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offer• the mU91c of Common Ground from Wedneedey through Sonday. The bend perform• from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednftdey end Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday end Saturday Cllnd from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant ls at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport llead'I. A'ee. (94$) «Mi-3431. WEEKENO MUSIC , Anth"ony's Riverboat Restaurant In Newport Beach presents Jesse on the aex on Friday end Saturday eveningt end Sonday for brunch. The program features all your favortte. on the . sa>cophone. Anthony's Is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 6, a funk, rode and Motown ect, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Rlstorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken SandeFs i>erform1 classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT Rl.B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 'TAMING OF ntE SHREW Orange Coast Comnrunity College's Theatre Department is staging a one-act cutting of William Shakespeare's comedy "Taming of the Shrew," a 40- minute production of full m easure slapstidc comedy. Performances are at 1 :30 p.m. March 25 and at 5 p.m. April 12 and 13 on the lawn of the Arts Center and at 1 p.m. April 22 and 24 in the college's Drama lab Theatre. Performances are free. For information. call (714) 721-5508. The college is at 2702 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. TONY AWARD WINNER DONNA MCKECHNIE One of Broadway's brightest stars. Tony Award winner Donna McKechnle, will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center for the Elvin and Marjorie Klein Cabaret Series at 7:30 p.m. March 25 through March 29 nightly at Founders Hall. ridcets are $49 the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Cenfer Drive, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 740-7878. VIETNAMESE CULTURE NIGHT Vietnamese music, folk songs, folk and modem dance and fashions will be showcased at 6 p.m. Saturday at Orange CoaS1 College. Tldcets are $10 In advance and $15 at the door. For informatlon, call {714) 721-5508. The college i1 at 2702 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. 'TWO GENTlEMEN OF VERONA' William Shalcespeare's "Two Gent1emen of Verona" will be performed at the South Coast Repertory on the Segemrom Stage through March 30. Preview tidcets st.art at $19. For tidcets, (714) 708-5555 or visit www.scr.org. 'RELATIVELY SPEAKING' 'Relatively Speaking' will be performed at the South Coast Repertory at the Julianne Argyros Stage from Tuesday through April. 'Tldletl oost from $19 to $Sf. South Coast Repertory is at 655 Town Center Drive In Costa Mesa. For tidcett, cell (714) 708-5555 or visit www.scr.org. 'l.ARAME PROJECT Orange Coast College ia staging Moises Kaufman11 •u.ramie , Project" March 19 through 23 in the Drema Lab Theatre. Tldcetl are $12 aod $8 and ere sold at the door and by celling (714) 432-5880. Orange Coast College ia at 2701 Felrvlew Roed, ea.ta M .... fa et 2701 F1tlrview Road. Coit.I Mea. ART 'ZINE SCENE' "line Scene; an exhibit of zillu organized by the Cntnbrook Art Museum, wlll be on display through .April 27 et the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellite Gallery, South Coast Ptaza. 3333 -Bristol St, Cotti Mesa. Zina ere poblicatlom -like magazines - created by Individual• or small groups. Mus.um hours ere 10 e.m. to 9 p,m. Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6:36 p.m. Sunday. Free. (948} 769--1122. . • DOUBLE HORIZ<JN'OO.. . ~ev Ambroslno's exhibit "Double Horizontal" Will feature "Brown Note lounge," an installation ot two molded plywood sub-woofer loveseats that play an original bass· composition, and whose frequencies are tuned specifically to the building's architecture. The exhibit will also include a video projection of Oskar Schlemmer's 1926-46 "Triadic Ballet" The · exhibit will run through Mart:h 22 at the Shed, 3000 Newport Blvd. Information: (949) 723-3406. 'IN ntE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER' An exhibit of worils by Mid'lael Perez and Kirsten Prosser will be on display at Bayside Gallery Res1aurant, 900 Bayside Drive. Newport Beach, through Saturday. (949) 851-918, www.studiogallery.net .. DANCE ntE STUTTGART BAU.£T The Stuttgart Ballet, said to offer some of the best dancing in the world today, will perform repertory highlights from •The Seventh Blue," "Cindy's Gift;" • ~Sunday Symphony" and a full length "Romeo a.nd Juliet" , Performances will be M art:h 18 • through March 23 at the Orange County Performing Alts Center at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tidcets are from $20 to S75 and can be purchased at the box office or by calling (714) 556-ARTS MOMIX: OPUS CACT\IS Human bodies metamorphose into a single serpentine figure. ·and dancers shape-shift into exotic birds, flowers and cactus and other forms with visual splendor and theatrical magic. Exquisite costumes and illusionary visuals, sublime modern movement and Olympian gymnastics combine into this transforming event of. beauty, humor and spell-binding power. ncttets are $40 and $33. The show will be given at the Barclay Theatre March 27 through 30, with shows at 8 p.m. and a Sunday matinee at 3 p.m . Call (949) 854-4646 or go online to www.thebarclay.org. THE TRINITY IRISH DANCE COMPANY The Trinity Irish Dance Company will use Irish dance as an instrument and a metaphor. The all-women Irish-American dance company daules audiences with hard-driving percussive power, aerial grace, lightning fast agility and astou nding prdc:Woo. The show will be performed at 8 p.m. March 15 and 16, with a Sunday matinee at 3 p.m. Tidcets are $40 and S35. Call (949) 854-4646. SWING Lessons are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m . at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Danoe Club. All agu are welcome, and no partners are needed. For more informatioh, visit ocawing.com or cell (909) 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing Is offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month at Densoene Studio, 2980 McClintodc Way. Coste Mesa. (714) 641-8688. PROGRAMS HAPPY 300TH. PIANO Cla.ical muliC aficionedoe are 'fOOTlOOSE' Invited to enjoy "'ThrM CenMtM "Footloc>M, the Broedwey of Plano Mut1c,• st 3 p.m . ...,.., Mu.at• will open Friday, March Merch 18. It the Newport..,. M, and nm through Merdl 22. It c.ntral Ubrery. Pianist Mia.t wUI be peiforrned by the Newport Sellen will preaent the tr.. 8each Theat9r Comptny. lldtet.1 program, which will include ~In at $10 end cen be worts by Mozart, Chopin, P'irchtMd onllne at Poulenc. Deboeey and Samuel www.nbtco.ot11 or by phone at Berber. The Newport BMcti' (948) 769-104& n-. ehOWI are et Centrel Ubrery 11 et 1000 7:30 p.m. Frldtv and Seturday Awcado Ave. For mo,. =~:;~·~~~ ln~on,call (949) 717.,.18 or COronadel Mar. r;t~llMry.org. 'DON QUIXOTE" IM.llT Kl S . Or8nge Councv'I foMtvlf ~ ThMn wtl oftwlla IMeh PJS MO IOOKS ~ Of "Ooft ~bcote" at A ctiltdrtn'• ttorv tirn. le Oninjl CoMt College Apttl 4 p~td et 7 p.m . Mondeya *°"Oh 8, Whh curtain time 8 end et 10:30 1.m. Stturdaya at p.m. MMv and 9llurdlv night tht Newpon hach Centr.t end 2 ,...,.~. llc:Mll rtnge Ubtary, 1000~1M. .fPafri S20 ID .. and._ be Children may weer~ tO ....... 11 ..,...,. _, the w.nlng ..-on •. Free. (Mt) ....,., ONnge c... Cohgt 717-31Cn. .... !I. QUOTE OF THE DAY "We're going to be relaxed, because we're not tht No. I seed." P.t Ooualat•. ua men's basketbalt C03Ch Dally Pilot • PREPS . . "°"' Eclelor Roe~ Catlson • (949) 574--4223 • Spotts Fu: (949) 650-0170 COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL M1:1stangs ·GloOer key· figure guided to · · t!). · ' · · Day-light Sharon Day's talent led Mesa girls soccer team to unprecedented heights. W bile the Costa Mesa girls athletic program's glorious 2002-03 campaign contin- ues, Lhe soccer team's bril- liant 22· I ·3 season had little to do with this yeals placemem in the Golden West League. In fact, Coach Dan Johnston's C1F Southern Sectfon DiVision Ill co-cham- pion Mustangs, who ,.,..-~....,,,,,,~--. tied Walnut, 0-0. in Saturday's title game at Cal Stale Fuller- ton, became the first Newport: Mesa girls soccer team to eatn a OF crown in spite of their lowly league competitors. The Mustangs' BARRY 12-0 league record, in which they out- FAULKNER scored opponents. 78-2, allowed them to match the girls league championship banners already earned by water polo, tennis and voUeybaJJ this school year. But Mesa proved. as Johnston has be- come fond or saying, it could play with anyone, finishing the year with an un- beaten streak of 23 games. • • • Any OF championship is a tough act to follow, bul the 2003-04 Mustangs face the reality of competing in the post- Sharon Day era. Day. a senior who deserves heavy consideration for Orange County Ath- lete of the Year, capped a phenomenal prep soccer career with another sterling effort Saturday. The reigning CJP State h.igh jump champion. who earned alJ. league and AU-Newport-Mesa recogni- tion after leading lhe M~tangs ~o the program's first league volleyball crown las1 fall, left behind some s1atistical soc- cer records that may never be broken. Day's 29 goals and 34 assists this year upped her career totals to 83 goals and 71.assists. Combining the two as points. as they do in hockey. she averaged 1.6 points in her 94 varsity games, despite being removed early from dozens of lopsided victories. Wllar's more. Day's presence helped the program make four straight tnps to the postseason, a feat it had never ac- complished before her anival. Mesa's record with Day on the fieJd was 57-16- 21. Even more remarkable. Day's coaches and teammates expressed more appre- datJon for her humility, unselfishness and team focus than her ample soccer skills. U Day's scoring stats are to be ap- proached. the biggest threat may come from acro&S the family dinner table. Freshman Jasmin Day, Sharon's sister, compJeted her first varsity season with 24 goals and 14 assists. lf she can main- tain that pace. she would finish with 96 goals. ••• Sharon Day bas saJd she plans on eompedng in soccer and track and OeJd at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. 1f she does play soccer, she will team with Newpon Harbor High tenior 1Uyn Flamson, who signed with the same school for whJcta flamsoo's older • ter. Broob. a senior defender, became the program's first Di· vision I All·Amerlcan thJs past season. Cal Poly won Its fourth 6lgWe5t Con· ~nee title last season and, with re- aulting like th.is. future sucooss is likely. ••• . ....... ,... .. UCI's. point guard will be an important facet of tonight's quarterfinal game against Cal State Northridge at ACC. Steve Vlraen Daily Pilot ANAHEIM -Bac.k in high school, before Jeff Gloger transferred to Capistrano Valley and before be became the starting point guard for the UC Irvine men's basketball team. he had a nickname. People called him, ·Flea.· Six ye~ later, lhe 6-foot-4 redshirt freshman still Uves up to the name he received in his one year at Santa Marga· rita. "I was just annoying and pestering people on defense: Gloger said. ·1 guess you could still say that now.~ GJoger, ak.a. Aea, who set UCJ 's sin- gle-season record in steals with 70, could very weU be the difference-maker when the Anteaters face Cal State Northridge in a quarterfinal game of the Big West Conference Tournament to· night al 6 at the Anaheim Convention Center. The 'Eaters also feature senior for· ward Jordan Harris, a first-team All-Big West honoree who leads UCJ in scoring, and junJor center Adam Parada. who ... earned serond-tearn laurels. Ian Boylan, who leaqs Northridge in scoring ( 15.9 points per game) and steals (2.2 per game). broke his nose in. the Matadors' season finale Saturday. He should be a game-time decision to- night and is expected to wear a mask if S'TM MtCR'-NK I DAILY PILOT he plays. Be did not practice Monday or UC Irvine's Jeff Gloger (10) has been the 'flea' tn the oppasition's packets. Tuesday. UCJ. the No. 2 seed, split with the sev- enth·seeded Matadors this season. TV: KD0C last year. which was fortified this sea· Gloger did 001 score and he bad three RADIO: KUCt-FM, 88.9 turnovers in the 69-63 loss at North- son. Now, he said. he wants to be a part or ridge. Jan. 25. He srored It points and dished out six assists when the Ant- eaters defeated the Matadors, 64-57. Feb. 20. However. Gloger also had five tum overs. The Matadors. who are led by 6- foot-7 guard Curtis Slaughter (14.0 ppg). will most likeJy use full-court.~ defense to take advantage of their ath· leticism while trying to attack UO's youth at the ball-handling position in Gloger. However, the ever-confident GJoger said he would rise to the chaJ- lenge and ua Coach Pat Douglass sup- ported those comments. "He's an unusual talem.· Douglass said or Gloger, who broke through with a brilliant performance in ua·s first vic- tory of the season at Pepperdine Nov. 30. and established himself as the 1eams point guard. "He has been the glue to our team. He's competitive. He comes to play all the time. Sometimes freshmen drop off during the season, but that didn't happen with him. Also, most of the (UCO fans have enjoyed ·his play more lhan any other player.· Perhaps a reason GJoger has become a fan favorite is because he epitom.U.es the Anteaters in regard to uaa place- ment in lhe college basketball scene. Earlier this week. a local television sta· tion lAbbed ua as the best-kept secret in South.em California college basket· making history UCJ has never reached ball: The same could be said for GJoger, the NCAA Tournament and the Ant· who is hardly a scoring option. yet eaters know the onJy WdY 10 do so is to sometimes finds his poinLS in trnnsition win the Big West tourney. The first step after steals. He has also shown a knack in that proces.s comes 1onigh1 agains1 for 5COring after offensive rebounds, a Northridge. testament to his relentless husde. "Make no mistake about it, we are go· "F.ven though I'm younger. in temlS or ing in with the intent of winning ir aIJ." a physical standpoint. I don't see any-said Gloger. who made the Big West AD· body who is much bigger and scronger Freshman team this season. ·1 really do than me at my position." said Gloger. think thJS is our year. We're going to go who dribbles and runs the UCJ offense in there and try 10 not let what has hap- with a bit of a swagger. "J really attribute pened the pa'it two year.. happen that (confidence) to my two older again.· brolhers. Playing against them and in UCl won the Big West regular-season their summer leagues all the time, I was title m 200 I. but lost m the conference always playing against older players." tournament. Gloger's elder brothers. Brad. 24, who Then. the Anteater; won a share or played at Columbia. and Spencer, 22, the conference·s 2002 regular-season who jusl finished his season at Pnnce-championship, but again lost in the Ion, used to pick on the younger GJoger. tourney. The 'Eaters have not reached But that only made him stronger. the Blg West Tournament final in Doug- ·111ey would Just play rough with me lass' five seasons. and push me," Gloger said. "When I "ln recent years, we Y.'eTil through a played again.st them, I knew I wasn't go-(bad) stretch at the end of the year.· ing to play anyone considerably better Douglass said. ·1 thml we're fresher than any one of my brothers. That gave than we have been . We're going to be me a sense of security." relaxed because we're not the No. l Gloger's defense bas been his greatest seed. strength. thus rar, and that can also be wWe·n just go out there with every in· aruibuted to his redshin season, when tention of winning the tournament, but. be had to guard Jeny Green most of the at the same time, realizing that any time during practice. Gloger said that team can win it and you have to play forced him to build a competitive spirit three ballgames.· DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Ann Marie TOpps , Softball slugger's steady improvement could allow her, and Mesa's Mustangs, to clear new barriers. EYEOPENER Daily~kl Sportl Hal flp ·~•c• .. ~...,.-· Marcll l 7 honor• JOHN KATOVSICH Tlusday, Mardi 13, 2003 81 HIGH SCHOOL TRACK Relay roundup forCdM Sea Kings take both relays and more to win tri-meet with Newport Harbor and Mari'na boys. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DEi MAR -Ewn after winning his second event of the day. Corona del Mar High'!> Oms Ringstrom looked ahead to the 1.600-meter relay. a sign he is never sallsfied. The junior won the 200 (22.9) and 400 (51.2). helpmg CdM claun \'lctory in a nonJeague tri-meet Wednesday al GdM High. The Sea Kings earned 64 points to .Newport I larbor's 43. rou~ by. Ma· rina's 28. Ringstrom. along with junior Kevin Artz. Brandon Borcoman and Blake DtJ- lion. won the 1.600 relay m 3.30.3. ·1 ran f~ter today than last week.· said Rmgstrom of his 200 ume Last v.-eek. Rmgstrom Y.On the 400 and took ~ond in rhe 200 (23.2). while anchoring the 1,600 relay with Dillion. Borcoman and Artz. ln addil:lon to Ring.trom\ victori~ . five CdM runners churned wms Wednesday. including Artz m the 1.600. He took the lead after two laps and in- creased the margin between he and his closest competition to cro.,_., the ftrush line in 4:36.9. •1 was determined IO IJel this cacie," said Actt. who attended Newport Kai- t?or Hlgh as a freshman. "It proves that if you want ll bad enough. you'll do it. I was wprised Wlth my rune toda) rm good friends with Nick Miller (Newpon Harbor) and we've raced each other on and off over the years." He also won the.3.200 (10:32.8). Newport senior Alec Unusuastegw also knows Am from his time at~­ pon_ The current Sailor raced to first in the 800 (2:02.30) -ahead of Artz. "With 300 meters left. I JUSt took off and hoped he couldn't stay wuh me.~ Urtusuastegui scud "The la.!>t 100 meters was the funnes1 part or the whole race. I was stoked." Other Newport winners were JoeJ Waller In tl\e I 00 (11.3) and Jon Sl.ec:sei in the discus (l 31 -2\. CdM wmners mduded F..emaan Jalili In the 110 h.igh hurdles. Andrew Wong m the long jump (18-7' l. Stephen Minard in the hlgb jump (5-10) and Ross McKee in the 300 intermediate hurdles. CdM's 400 relay team of Ring- strom. Matthew Morris. Dillion and MJ- c:hael Caponera won m 4•.0 ·run~m and Kevin Artt did very well· SUmner sa.Jd. Newport girls stop Sea Kings, Marina CJayton, Whitfield and Belida each win twice to power Sailors• victory. · l --..------......... --~ .... -----........ --...-"""'=""""'!"'""'"~----r-------,_.,..---------------...--.-.,,..-----~._,,,----..-.--~~.---~~-.----~~ 12 TiuldlY. Mlrdl 13. 2003 .. Run ....... ,. Ownl~ Men -1. Wilhelm Gldabuday, G.rdeji Gnwe, 28, 33:41;"2. St~Wlrkua,31.~. 33'.62; 3. Ell Rodriguez. 19, Whittler, 33:69; 4. ...._..., a.m.., 28, Huntington Belch, 34:42: 5. Dave PMMI, Costa M .. , 47. 34:51. Women -1. Tereea Vega-Vecaroe, • Chino Hilla, 28, 38:04; 2. Rosalinda Alcala, Anaheim, 34, 38:43; 3. ~ Smith. Corona def Mar, 22, 39:10; 4. Meroe Sastre, Garden Grove, 34, 39:43; 5. Christine Jlme~ Apple Valley, 17. 40:0~: OWrel M.ter9 Men -1. Dave Parsel,'Co& Mesa, ' 41. 34:51; 2. David Smith. 46, 38;30; 3. Grady Howe, Corona def Mar, 43, 38:37; 4. Ffedget Alexander, Loe AngeMe, 48, 38:59; 5. Alt Hemandez. Costa Mesa, 42, 39:01. Women-1. Denise Ripley, Diamond Bar, 41, 40:39; 2. Sheni Hal..CUrt, Costa Mesa. 51, 40:50; 3. Judy Keweley, Simi Valley, 58. 40:54; 4. Una Baker, Dana Point, 43, 45:29; 5. Laura Weissert, Costa Mesa. 45, 45:34. DMllon LMders Boys (age 12 and under)-1. Alex Popof, Irvine, 11, 40:29; 2. Kristoffer Wigler, Newport Beach, 11, 58:39; 3. Zachary Lewi, Yorba Unda, 12, 59:08; 4. Joshua Miller, Newport Beach, 5, 1 :03.53; 5. Erict Perez, Los Angeles, 11, 1:20.58. Boys (13-15)-1. Mario Zamora. Corona del Mar, 13, 48:27; 2. Robert Boggio, Dana Point, 13, 49:42; 3. Alex Raia.I, Santa Ana, 14, 66:01; 4. Rodcy Faurot. Santa Ana, 13, 59:04; 6. Michael Bedcman, Orange, 15, 1:10.23. Boys (1&-11)-1. Arnold Mu~ Rialto, 17. 38:49; 2. DaVld Oellema, Mission Viejo, 16, 51!49; 3. Ramsey Nabahani, Laguna Niguel, 17. 52:01. Men 11•241-1. Ell Rodriguez, Whittier, 19, 33:59; 2. Roger Mignosa, Huntington Beach, 23, 34:59; 3. Neal Rogers, Aliso Viejo. 24, 40:22; 4. Sean Culmer, Irvine, 23, 51 :23; 5. Geoff Webb, Newport Beach, 24, 55:52. Men (25-29)-1. Wilhelm Gldabuday, Garden Grove, 28, 33:41; 2. Haven Barnes, Huntington . Beach, 26, 34:42; 3. Alex May, Westminster, 28, 43:30; 4. Joe Roresi, Huntington Beach. 27. 44:21; 5. Jason Beal, Costa Mesa, 28, 45:18. Men (30-34) r, 1. Stephen Wirhls, Pomona, 31/33:52; 2. Erik K!oster, Newport Beach, 35:35; 3. Enc Korbrine, Irvine. 33, 35:47; 4. Claudio Delpuedle, Mission Viejo, 30, 36:09; 5. Warren Bloomberg, Corona del Mar, 33, 36:27. Men (35-39)-1. Al Valdez, Anaheim, 39, 37:44; 2. Morgan Addis, Fort Collins, CO, 39, 37:46; 3. Vecentevai Nciac, Tustin, 35, 38:05; 4. Jose Ano, Chula Vista, 36, 41 :'II; 5. Cody Oakland, Laguna Beach, 39, 42:15. Men (40-44)-1. Grady Howe, Corona def Mar, 43, 38:37; 2. Art Hernandez, Costa Mesa. 42. 39:01; 3. Dave Kobrine, Newport Coast, 41 , 42:08; 4. David Lillicrop, Cypress, 40, 42:36; 5. Robot Rodgers, Laguna Niguel. 42, 42:~. Men 145-491 -1. Dave Parse!, Costa Mesa, 47. 34:51; 2. David Smith, 46, 38:30; 3. Fredger Alexander, Los Angeles, 48, 38:59; 4. Matt Hagemann, Newport Beach, 45, 40:14; 5. Irv Dawson, Costa Mesa, 49,40'.35. Men (50-64)-1. ffldt Delgado 51. 41:17; 2. Michael Naylor, long Beach, 54, 43:56; 3. Thomas Singleton, Laguna Hills, 52, 44:07: 4. Dan Seelinger, Mission Viejo, 53; 44:10; 6. Steven Fry, Laguna Niguel, ' 52;45:~. . Men 155-69) -1. Greg Henk, Tr•bt.ico Cenyon, 56, 47:00; 2. Stephen Wheeler, Newport BNch, 59, 47:12; 3. Robby Sheetz, Cott.a M .... 57, 47-.27; 4. Paul Allow.y, Midway City, 56, 47:48; 5. Kar1 MOICh, t....guna Beach, 56, 49:25. Men,..,_.., -1. Peter Jones, San o.mente, 62, 42:31; 2. Gamma Chavez. Irvine, 63, 4':12; 3. Mike Harrlton, Corona del Mar, 60, 47:26; 4. J im Lyons. Laguna Beach, 63. 47:45; 5. Frank Noble. Santa Ana, 60,58:39. Men ,....,, -1. Luis Varga, Lake Forest. 65, 44:37; 2. Roberto Varg.as, Ontario, 65, 44:51; 3. Stanley Polski, Fullerton, 69. 47:44; 4. David Miatchel, Costa Mesa, 65, 51;30;5. Donald Glngow, Irvine, 66, 1:02.48. Men ~)-1. Aurelio camadlo, Pico Rive,.., 72. 49:33; 2. Lew Hankins. P•loe Verdes. 74, 52:17; 3. Don Hllll•rd. Newport Beech, 70, 52!AS: 4. EdWard Salkin, Corona d.i Mar, 70, 52:A8; 5. Chuck Leisberg, lAguna Hiit.. 75, 1:01. .. 1. Giit. (12 Md under)-1. Emilia Rincon, Pomona. 12..t 49:48; 2. Rachel Putkowsld, ll, 50:43; 3 M~le Urac., Garden Grove, 12, 52.:.23; 4. Emily Baker, CoroN cW Mar, 11, 63:50; 5. Laigh• lec*man, e>r.nge. 12. 1 :13.16. OMS 11> ti)-1 JenOv Lehmer, lhtbuco C.nvon. 14, 1 :00.17. C-...11 .. 1tJ -t Christina Jimenez. App6t VaHey. 17. 40:02; 2J.Nlc01e PMiicont, Yoft>a Unda, 18.69:59. -...... (-.aA)-1. Chefyt Smith, c:o.on. cW Mtr, 22. 39:10; 2. Chrl9ty Undlley, ltvlnt, 24, 44:52: 3. S.r•h v.gi.y, FU~. 23, '4t:(J8;4. JeMtfw .... Newport'""" 23. 53:21; &.. Jufle DNWne, MlileM>n Viejo. 22. 11:42. -----1.,.... ... ~Qllno.-28, ~ 2. ~ a.a.v •..... vpon llNcft. •. ~; 3. Alr"J ... "'Itel,,, .............. 28,4d0:4..Amber ,..,..,.. .... Ane.n.a:tt;a .. Maid kaidllla. Mio*'°· 21.-.oa. ..._ _._ '· ftoulnd9 AICldll. AnlMlm. 34, .. 2. Mtroe a.re. Olftlln Otove.,., •'3;S. ....... ~ ... ~ IMdt. ••• ,~, .... l.¥ndll--NewpOrt .....,.,, 41:31;1.~~ ae..Ma.14. ....... -1. ...... ....... ...,...,0, ........ , ... ------·- RUNNING Jeannie Robinson, Long Budl, 37. 42:18; 3. Stad SchlK111g, Tuttin, 38, 42:56; 4. Sh~ \lefones., 38, 43:08; 5. Shen1 E118f'by, 0.n• Point, 38, 43:35. w.n-(44Ml)-1. D9nle Ripley, Diamond Bar, 41, 40:39; 2. Un11 Baker, Dana Point. 43, 46:29; 3, Kim Prlctett Newport a..cn, 42, 45;59; 4. s.nm. LudJow, Newport 8eac:h, 41, 47:46; 5. Mary Haugen, Corona cM4 Mar, 40, 48:4 l. Women 145-4t)-1. Laura Weissert. Costa Mesa. 45, 45:34; 2. Kate Steiskal, Aliso Viejo, 46, 48:46; 3. Brenda Edgell, Lake Forest, 46, 50:55; 4. Cynthia Co~ Newport Beach, 45, 63:31; 5. Sulan ~las, Laguna Hiiis; 46, 53:45. Women CSCMi4) -1. Sherri HalKurt, Costa MeuJ 51, 40:50; 2. Cerollnt Beeson. Dana Point, 53, 50:00; 3. Judy Chang, Yorba Unda, 51. 50:02; 4.. Unda Petross!, Fullerton, 51, 57:02; 5. Tent Castellano, Sun City, 52, 59:54. Women CIMll-1. Judy Kewtey, Simi Valley, 58, 40:54; 2. Renee Vettorello, S.llne, Ml, 56, 50:58; 3. Sally Tyree, Yorba Unda, 59, 52:21; "·Jane 'Nalgan, Laguna Beach, 58, 55:29; 5. Merrie English, Riverside, 56, 5$:03. Women,..,_..,_ 1. Penny TVree, Huntington Beach, 81, 52:08; 2. Lynn West, Newport Coat. 61 , 1:09.51. Women (-..)-1. Wllll Harm•n, Irvine, 65, 1 :o7.41; 2. M•rianela Montero, Cerrito8, 67, 1 :19.14. Women (1CMI)-1. Chieko Allweln, Torrance, 70, 55:58; 2. Mary Storey, Rlve,..lde, 78, ):10.23;3. Dorie Smith, Tustin, 72. 1:11.11. SK Owrllll.eeder9 Men -1. Julius Gldabuday, 26, 14:41; 2. Oscar Gonzalez, Irvine, 39, 14:42; 3. Jason Kolb, El Segundo, 25, 14:49; 4. Eddie Venegas, Rowland He!ghta. 25, 15:03; 6. Peter Maksfmow, Whittier, 24, 15:05. Women -1. Liz Guenin!, Long Beach, 34, 16:25; 2. Eliza Alexander, San Diego, 27. 16:29; 3. T•nla Ascher, Santa Mona, 38, 16:48; 4.. Kristen Ohaf'll, Paloa Verdes, 37. 16:57; 5. Sarah Harris, El Segundo, 27. 17:36. Owrlll MMtilrs • Men -1. Dan ~na.ult. Santa Ana, 40, 15:08; 2. Jamee Kurtzman, Trpbt.ico canyon, 40, 15:20; 3. Marte Hulme: Tustln,41 , 15:29;4. Gus Hermes, Irvine, 40, 15:46; 5. Keith· Wltthauer, Apple Valley, 47. 16:58. Women -1. Sue Davis, Costa Mesa, 40, 18:19; 2. Carol Keller. Dana Point. 43, 18:32; 3. Kim RouM, Long Beach, 42. 19:31; 4. Tammy Sargeant. long 'Beach, 45, 19:38; 5. Rozanne Strong, Ftlllerton, 42, 19:45. DivWon LMden Boys (ege 1)-1. Bryant Rincon, Pomona, 21 :54; 2. Alejandro Maldonado, Tustin, 25:03; 3. Ricardo Cardova, Inglewood, 26:49; 4. Conner Michael, Norco, 27:22; 5. Daniel Anastos, Newport Beach, 29:29. Boys (._10)-1. Sebi Puraci, Colton, 9, 20:21; 2. Atthur Chavira, Somis, 10, 22:11 ; 3. Jantzen Oshier, Trabuco Canyon, 10, 22:15; 4. Shunpei Toride, Riverside, 9, 24:16; 5. Matthew Hinrichs, Cypress, 10, 24:17. Boys (11-12)-1. Billy West, Oceanside, 11, 19:47; 2. Justin Kan, San Gabriel. 12, 21:21;3. Garrett Glore, Newport Beach, 11, 21:55;4. Marte Bloom. Oceanside. 11, 22:12; 5. Struan Nicolson. Newport Coast. 11 , 22:28. Boys (13-15) -1. Ridcy Pena, Lake Forest. 15, 15:58; 2. Jadt Turner, Newport Coast. 14, 16:32; 3. Westley Noble, Ontario, 15, 16:55; 4. Ryan Guthrie, Newport Beach. 15, 17:30; 5. Phillip Brown, Laguna Hills, 13, 17:35. Boys (1&-11)-1. Chad Trammell, Yakima, WA. 18, 15:20; 2. Audfe Alexander, Glendor•, 17. 16:23; 3. Jarrett Yanez. Los Angeles, 16, 16:41 ; 4. Devin Murtaugh, Corona def Mar, 16, 19:11; 5. Billy Morrow. Newport Beach, 17. 20:34. Men 11~)-1. Peter Malcsimow, Whitt.let', 24, 15:05; 2. Antonio Delavega, Fullerton, 2.2, 15:07; 3. Chris Dewitt. Los Angeles, 23, 16:12; 4. Jeff Howley, cansbad. 23, 16:12; 5. Juan Granados, Sun Valley, 22, 16:16. Men (25-21)-1. Julius Gldabt.id•y. 26, 14-'A 1; 2. Jason Kolb, El 5.gundo, 25, 14:49; 3. Eddie v.nega., Rowland Heights, 26, 15:03; 4. '-'att Harris, M•nhattan Beach, 26, 15:27; 5. Rogelio Aores. Torrance, 28, 15:34. Men (J0.34)-1. Juan Ramirez. Senta An•, 34. 15:06; 2. Mau Umbert. Eoclnitas, 30, 15:14; 3. Rasmus Tamstorf, Los ,Angeles, 30, 15:35;4. Ian Blalr, Long Beach, 31, 18:23; 5. Marte Steyven, Irvine, 32, 18:53. Men (JWI)-1. a.car Gonulez, llviM , 39, 14:42; 2. Patricl Green, c.rritos, 37. 15:07; 3. 0.nlel Routes, Anaheim, 35, 16:53; 4. Kevin~ Newport Beach, 38, 18:US; 5. G.dto Cachero, Newport' Beactl,35, 17:29. Men (4CM4)-1. Dan ArMnault. s.nta Ana, 401 15:08; ~ ames 1<.ur11m.n, Trabuoo Canyon, 40, 15:10; 3. Mett Hulme, ru.tln. 41, 15:29; 4. Gut Germet, Irvine, 40, 16·46; 5. Mike fJllipow, Long BMch. 42. 18.'04. Men~-t ~ Wltthauet. ~ v.tlev, 47. 16;58;, 2. [)eve Parlet, Coate Meet, 47. 18."05; 3. ""°' o.w. laUrtfWd. 47, 17;2.4; 4. OW'it Robt* ... Long BNdl. 415, 1l:02; 5. Vltali l..Mieneld, s.tn Juan c.sMD tno. 47, 19'.Ae. ......... -1.Hugc>~. ...... ....,,, 52. 1137; 2. JemM ....,, A.Meo Vlefo, IO. 11:10; 3. Oon Ooune.AMhelm.M, 11:12.4, ftoa-~ NWJpOrt a.en, IO, ».17; &: f'i4 "'*• FoUnt.ln *'9y, 12. 21 :01. ----1. 8&11 Sumner, =" ~ .... 11:10; 2. Don ~ un.. M, lt: 1t; 3. .. L.ltige. ----....,_,fl H• 41M ....... 2"11;4. HlrW¥ """"c... ... Met, .. a-.-1. MlcNetWat11it 1nlluoD SPORTS canyon, 57. 23:47. Men "°44)-1. em Sokol, Leguna Baech, eo. ».41; 2. C...r Mlhhet, Rancho Paloe, 80, 21:i1; 3. Outne Schlahan, Aiverelde, tie, 27:59; 4.. Robert ei.e, Newport &Mdl, os. ~8;24; 5. Jeny Mcf•r1•ne, Hawthorne. 86, lfr.32. Men (704l)-1. Jeny Jeff9non. S.n Juan Capistrano, 70, 21 :34; 2. Allen W.rren, Newport Beach, 70, 24.'09; 3. Gordon Cohn, Long Baach, 70, 24:50; 4.. PJul Kuhn. Newport ee.ch, 70, 27:03; s. Bart Stryker, Tustin, 70, 27:28. Gitt. (I and uadar) -1. Danelllee Hai.tine-. f*iondO Beach. 8, 26:AO; 2. Darcie MaraMll, Newport Beech, 8, 34;30; 3. Sav•nnah Adamo, I • 3 38:02; 4, Avery Jollitr., Beach, 8, 39:40; Adelaide eWport Beech, 6, 40:22. Giits (•10)-1. Caylle aio.tee, hlrndale, 9, 23:G4; 2. Da"'81 .. Wlsn~. Alleo Viejo. 10, 23:53; 3. S.f'llh Keddingto(\, Newport Beach, 10, 27:02; 4. A.m•nd. Butien, Corona del M•r, 9, 27:03; 6. Madison Turner, Newport Coaat. 10, 27:04; Fran Prevel, Laguna Beach, 26:10. Glrta (11-12)-1. Karina Bracamontes, Santa AN. 11, 19-A1; 2 .. Mlchelle Flelcher. San Bernardino, 12, 21:24; 3. en. Yuen, Rancho Palos, 11 , 21 :43; 4.. Chloe Bayne, Rancho P•loe, 12, 22:31 ; 5. Rayna Bede. Anaheim, 11, 22:61. Gltta (13-15)-1. Christy Ad.,ny~. San Dimas, 13, 18:50; 2. Nicole Chestnut. San Bernardino, 13, 20:57; 3. Hilary May, Newport Beach, 14, 21:00;4. Jessica Ramsier, Irvi ne, 15, 21 :09; 5. Christine St Geme, Newport Beacti,,13, 22:05 .. Gltta 111-11)-1. Maur• Tyrrell, Torrance, "17, 19:02; 2. Anna Ngo, Ftlllerton, 18, 21 :03; 3. Aahlefgh Eppens, Irvine, 18, 21:43;4. Sant Claster, Corona cW1 Mar, 16, 22:53; 5. Cindy Lee, Mdftterey Partc. 17. 23:20. , Women (1 .. 2A) -· 1. Christine Appell, Huntington Beadl, 24, 18:16; 2. Eliulbeth Cempagna, Huntington Beach, 23, 21:20; 3. Jennifer McCarthy, Irvine, 21, 21 :23; 4. Lauren Obryan, Altadena, 21, · 21:42; 5. MeQAn Cordes, ThouNnd Oaks, 23, 23:55. Women (25.29)-1. Eliza Alexander, San Diego, 27. 16:29; 2. Sarah Harris, El Segundo, 27.17:36; 3. Veronica Skiles, BrN. 28, 21 :57; 4. Amy Arena (Long Beach), 26, 23:43; 5. Hilleary K.ehrll, New Yortc. NY. 27. 23:52. Women fJ0.34)-1. Liz Guerrini, l.Dng Beach, 34, 16:25; 2. Beth canson, Seal Beach, 30, 18:46; 3. Amelia Valinsky-Rllipow, Long Beach, 33, 19:39, 4. SotTel Hanaon, Irvine, 30, 19:59; 5. Heidi-Anne Mooney, Corona del Mar, 31, 22:13. Women (35-39)-1. T•nia A9cher, Santa Monica, 36, 16:48; 2. Kristen Ohara, Palos Verdes Peninsula, 37, 16:57; 3. Pam Boyles, Bakersfield, 38, 17:36; 4. Dotty Ginter, Huntington Beach, 39, 17:41; 5. Erin Petrossi, Fullerton, 36. Women (40-44)-1. Sue D•vis. Costa Mesa. 40, 18:19; 2. carol Keller, Dana Point. 43, 18:32; 3. IGm Rouse, Long Beach. 42, 19:31; 4. Rozanne Strong, Ftlllerton, 42, 19:45; 5. Debbie Watson, Chino, 41, 20:39. Women 146-49)-1. Tammy Sargeant. Long Beach, 45, 19:38; 2. Patty Na ruse, Newport Beach, 45, 21:55; 3. Brenda Colgate.,Newport Beach, 45, 22:14; 4. Doreen Ramsey, Chino Hills, 47. 24:15; 5. Trish Jansen, Tustin, 45, 24:48. Women (50-54)-1. Kathy Sanchez, Costa Mesa, 54, 23:36; 2. Pat Damion, Newport Beach. 51 , 25:18; 3. Jo Brltton-Reish, 62, 27:43; 4. Kathy Higa, Camarillo, 54, 27:45; 5. Terri castet1an0; Sun City, 62, 31:47. Women (55-69) -1. Jeanie Leitner, Irvine, 55. 22:37; 2. Sue Robbins, Huntington Beach, 57. 27:26; 3. Cheryl Rossi, Newport Beach, 55, 28:04; 4. Sharon Speights. Newport Beach, 57. 28:51; 5. Jackie Evans, Huntington Beach, 55, 35:06. Women (6044)-1. Myra Lauder, Newport Beach, 60, 26:17; 2. Connie Kidd, Irvine, 61 , 42: 14; 3. Marylea Todd, Fullerton, 61, 47:04; 4. Sandy NIU, Calabasas, 63,47:14. Women (-..)-1. Lois Austin, Laguna Beach,.~ ~:04; 2. Lorraine Seidmeyer, Rarta10 Santa Margarita, 67. 26:43; 3. Sh•ron Sims. Lagona Niguel, 65, 35:29; 4. Winnie Rich, 66, 33:25; 6. Molly Ball, San Diego, 66. 34:36. Women (7CMlll) -1. Lois Edds, Newport Beach, 82, 37:00. 5KWalt Owral LNdera Men -1. Mic:tutel HelShmfn. Huntington Beach, 26, 39'.37; 2. Danny Borg-Stlndatrom. Newport Beach, 10. 40:38; 3. Rocco Monary, HuntlOQton Beach, 54, 40:41; 4. Tyler Maloney, Cof'Onll del Mar, 8, 40:51; 5. Gery Phillipe, Woodland Hil19. 40, 41:06. Women-1. Dayna Shu«hart, Huntington Bueti, 26, 39:38: 2. Karen VogetNng, Costa Meta, 4', 40:28; 3. M•keN M.teaty, Newport Coast. 5, 40'.29; 4. RM\iOQton Wtlta~ewpott ee.ctl, 7. 40'.45. • o-..11--. Men-1. Rocco MeNry, Huntington e.acti, 54, 40:41; 2. Gary Phllllpe, Woodlande, 40, 41:08; 3. ~ l<.utn¥, Newpof1 leectl, 57. 41: 10; ... Robeft N4tmbe, Corona cW Mer, 43, 41 :.21; 15. Martr Harryman, Comna cW Mer, 46, 41 :44.. ----1.KaNn~. eo.t.a Meu, 4", 40'.28; 2. Man. Hulect, Fountain v.ney, 40, «>:47; 3 • Jacqueline Phfltlpe, ~. 40, 41:01;4. Diane Henion. Newpoft Colee. 43, 41 :07; I . Oebbte .Jotul90n, Newpoft C.O... 41, 4 t:GI. TOPPS h .. _..MME'IOPPS Continued from Bl .. Costa Mesa High softbau standout Ann Marie Tapps is the Daily Pilot High School Athlete of the Week after a spectacular start of the season in a two-game slugging barrage. MARK C. DUSTIN/ DAILY PILOT • "She's going 100% and it's just incredible to watch." Costa Mesa C.oach Rick Buanarigo sakl •She Is constantly in the cages work- afo~tioned two homers. ing on her swing." · lnduding a grand slam, and lbpps takes regular hJtting Jes. --·~·~s 111 a k:a1t: Cotta M-.' ·=S-foOt-e ·aeven RBJs agam.t Uni, she sons from Jim Bullingler aod oom-170 ~loflbaM went 3 lor 4 with two lriples petes for the Athletics 18-and-wl· P..-..1: 5'IOttstop and five RBis Saturday in a first-der travel team. for which she has c:.da: ltlct IUC>n8fl90 ... ........ , .. round Costa Mesa Tournament started at shortstop the last two ....... ~ "l.ool.inder" win over caplst.rano Valley dub seasons. It Is this experience ............... Christian. The Dally Pilot Alb-agaimt the top talent in her age ~home Nil OWf the lete of the Week followed that group that has helped her be-fwa In c--sa In the'c..clM Olll trwlt ball up by going l for 2 with two come an elite prep ~ ~!alt unmer.• walks, two RBis and three runs "She was a little bit behind the in the Mustang9' 13-7 non-other gim when she started travel .......... MN9tle lilt-Wiek Jll: She WWlt 7 foJ I with two home M-. 12 Riis. 1hrwe league win Tuesday over former ball. but. now, she's ahead of most triple MMf four "'"' to hep the PCL rival Corona del Mac. of them." said Buonarigo. who be-MultMgl~wWCNef"~ That makes lbpps 8 for 10 lieves lbpps will extend the Mdaiy end c.p.taa10 v.ii.y Owtstien Satunf.-y. with 14 RBis, two homers, four school career home-run record . triples. one double, 2J total she already <MnS (10) . ..... bases, seven runs and, seem· "Travel ball really opened her CollctDr ipotU CMd Mfes QJ.S ingly enougb confidence to in· eyes to what softball was all timidate any opposing plteher. about at the next level,• Buonarigo said. "She has a But Tupps, whose path 'toward a softball scholar-lot of strength in her legs and also has an ex- ship to the University of Oregon has beeo more of tremely strong throwing arm. Put that together a fast track. since joining the travel ball circuit be- . with the experience c;he has been able to get in fore her sophomore prep campaign. emits none of travel ball and that makes her pretty tough.· the swagger such slugging might induce. As tough as Topps can be at the plate, as well as ·1 doo't know if I've settled in yet," Topps said of ln the field, where her range on baps hit in the air her 2003 debut. "I was sure nervous last weekend spans from shallow right-center field to the -left. when the season was starting out I had to step out field foul line, her outgoing personality and pas- of the (batter's) box a covple times to take ·some sion for laughter project a completely different pie· deep breaths to try to relax. because I could feel ture off the field. my heart pounding." "}like to have fun With my teammates, no mat- Despite securing her coUegi.ate future in the ter what team I'm playing on." she said. I always sport. Topps has done anything but scale back the have so much fun playing softball and I love play- pursuit of her potential. ing with these (Mesa) girls." COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Gabbe guides 'Eaters, 65-60 UCI's lone senior scores 18 points, leading her team to first victory in Big West Tournament since 1997. Steve Vtr1en Daily Pilot ANAHl!IM -For the past five seasons. UC 1rvlne did not know anything about a win ln the Big West Conference lbumament It bad been one and done. 'Thar Is until Wendy Gabbe's senior sea- son came along. Gabbe, UO's lone senior who overcame paln in heT right (shooting) shoulder, scored a team-htgh 18 points and led the Anteaters' women'a basketball team to a £5-60 quarterfinal vic- tory ~r Idaho lo the Big We6t Tournament at the Anaheim Convention Center Wednesday nlgbt. Freshman Lauren Yadon. um 6-foot·3 center, contrib- uted 13 polnta and slx reboUndt. while aophomore polot pid U.. Ft.ulkner added JO polnu and 8Ye~ts. So Alb-ley Btgatnt a c:MeaWl 12 rebo to help bald olf a gritty Idaho twn that Mled dgb.t playm b!Duae Of lqjUra "1bAa II a WhOle lot more bl thin aua year.· ucr c.o.a. Mn Adamttaid.. .h .. lib .. fuoenJ ... ,_ ThJs year has been a completely different season." Last year. the Anteaters ·tost to UC Riverside in the Big West tourney to cap an 8-20 season, the worst in Adams' five seasons. But the 'f.aters won their 17th game Wednesday. UO advances to the Big West semifinal Friday at 0 000 and will face the Big West's No. l seed UC Santa Barbara. the heavy favorite of the tourney, which defeated Cal State Fullerton, 93·58. "Were confident we can beat any team: Gabbe said. "Santa 8arl>ara l.s hopefully our next vic- tim. .. Gabbe received a .cortiwne shot Satwday after injuring her right shoulder early in ua·s loss to Long Beach State in the regu- lar·Rasoo finale. But she said she dJd not want to miss thl game. "There was a time earlier in the week when we didn't think ~ would play; Adams an.id o f Gabbe. who hit 3 or 7 from be- yond · th'e three-point line. "Wendy WU jUM saying. Tm lauC .. '" • p.aymg.: . GUbe .cored 13 lD th first balf.11*",. ua to a 36-23 lead. The '!Men doeed out the first half wllb a 13-2 run and then lcared tbt llnt [lour polnta of the -...s MW to.,., their b .... Jlllld of dw llft't. 40-23. But mid- w.y lbnlUF lbe .cond half. kllbo 00.11)...,. a 10-3 run aoS:....-.51-41 ....,_ ~a Junior IDrWIUd who *cll lhe Ante.ten in scoring and rebowlding. struggled with foul trouble. scored four points and even- tually fouled out late in the game. That's wt\y Biggins' play off the bench ~ key, Adams said. UCI he)d its advantage in the' second half and led, 60-50, with 3:45 left after Yadon made good on an 8·foot left-hand book shot along the baseline. However, the Vandals, who were led by Keisha Moore's' 25 points.. .scored six straight points to cut the defid t to 60·56 with I :25 left. UCI hJt 5-of· 7 free throws ln the flnaJ 46 seconds to hoJd off the Vand als. • "Th.ls team comes together when we need to,• said Gabbe, who was on the ua squad that upset the Gauchos at UCSB ln 2001. "Last year we didn't have any team unJty. This feels great This is the farthest I have ever got:. ten" ...... .,. __ ~ ... ua-. ....... kWIO -Benton l Toeltl 11, Moore 2$, Klneev e. Fleldlng 7. Goec:r 2, Silton 2. 3-1:Jt goele -ICl""Y 2. Aeldlng 1, ~ 1, TOeut• 1. Foul.:J out -Gdiltt. Ttdlnicel1 -none. ua-aa~ 11. ea1i.ww.v •· ~ • 13, ,_,lkntir 10. Grwn 8, Bigelne J, Fquton .. ""-0. 31Jl, eo.--GeDbe,, ~ 1. o...n1.~t Fouted out-~ ~-none. ...,.,,,. _ ua. -.u. Youth hoops: Jazz rolls in 38-29 win LITTLE LEAGUE Go West, young man Giants.' starter gets it done at the plate and on mound in 4-3 win. 'Dlyloi1 wee drove in two Nll8 with a bases-loaded double to deep center and ~ ICnapp also collected two RBla with a alngle ln the fourth inning ln the Giants 4·3 victory ~ the Di· amondbacb in Costa M~ Na- tJonaJ l.Jttle League Majors dJvi. sio(I play. . West, the Giants' starting pitcher, struck out-nine in 3¥.i m- nlngs, while Gavin Mont9glle threw three scoreless innings for the D-bacb. Knapp relieved West In the fourth and struck out four in 21/i innings, including the D-bacb' Nos. 3 and 4 hitters with the po· tential tying nm on third base in the 6naJ inning. The D-backs scored ~eir runs in the bottom of the fourth. Ryan • Boedo drove in two runs with a single and Montague scored on a passed ball. In other Majors play: •Padres 7, Dodgers 5 The Padres receWed strong pitching from IC.eYtn IClaer' and Danny O'Neil in the two-nm vic- tory. Dan.lei Derteg. Jamee Wan- baugh and Gian-Paul Stebbins each had strong ruts and out- fielder Ja.e Fox shined defen- sively. He snagged a bullet bit by Nick ~n. and a Dy ball to center hit by Cody Green for the final OUl. In Minor A action: •Rockies 15. Padres 4 Elublo Castillo struck out l1 and had two hits while Tummy Price went 3 for 3 with four stolen b~ for the Rockies. tub Rober1s hustled on the basepaths and also went 3 for 3. The Rockies (2-0) have scored 26 runs in their first two games. •Mariners 12, 0 -backs 4 P.J. Maloney pitched four strong innings and added a dou- ble while scoring three runs in a 12-4 ,Mariners' win over the Di- amondbacks in National Little League Minor A action. 1yter Shefner and Tommy Stephens pitched weU in relief. Shefner also coUected two hits and scored three runs alon~de the contributions of Matt Mello, J.T. McLucky and Matthew Langmoe. Jamel tewt., Dakota Giibert and Aaasdn Knott all tal· Ued runs for the Mariners.. In the Fann Division: • lbe Mets shined both offeo· sively and defensively against the Padres. Jake Stone led the of- fense with seven RBls and Chad Peckler went 6 for 6 to go with an unassisted double play. Ryan West and WllUam Reed each had ~ hits and strong of- fensive performances were put in by Matt Thoma. c..se Ste- ~n and tfantlon Stem. l!ric Pfaut& and Brandon Dleckhotr played solid defense. Bndley WU.On was awarded Mets' MVP for his contributions on both sides of the field. •Alex DeSoto earned player of the game honors, collecting Ut.ree hits and knocking in three runs for the Diamondbacb again.st the Astros. Date c.poc:la. Outsdan Duruw, 1)ler Owem. Nathan Prank. Cole Memtnpr and DlnleBe Moran each had muld- hit games. The defense was hlgbllghted by a double play completed by Prank and M~n.slnger.. 7AC Rel- die. BID ero.oo and MltdwJI CJftldmm also sparkled. 6-Tett Deutlda started the scoring In the aec:ond inning. knocking lo the first run. •The Farm Dodgers received strong offensive pedormances egaJnst the Pirate& ""' ~ went 6 for 6 with four doubles and ICOred four dmee WhlJe ........ 9laltwlD bad th hits and* runa; x.,ta ...,... DI oacl 1fttl and A.J • ....._ Neb collected ftYe bJq and Noill PetaO Cot h1I Ont hit Of the leUOQ. lb Amerlcah DMslon play. • The Tigera got two home n.uWand added offe.n.tive hdp to notch a 5-2 victory ~r the Madnm ln ea.ca Ma& Amert· can }Jule LeqUo JWm Dfvlston .moo. =andl.alra~·· doubled to c:olect two RBis ~hid ..... hlt and tbeil. cloUI*. 1bt MldlMrS' ~ Hanltf cal• lied a btlle bit md 1c61 leldAng Wll pcowtdid bJ: ........... ..... -....... AJitel. ...... a.lllJ, a.. ...... wt ... on ( ·'Cl .... n a [ ~-===-... ..... 1 , .......... ... ..... ... .. c:lllllt-.......... W•~mam-..- •• SPORTS SON HILLER I DAllV PILOT CdM's Eemaan Jalili swept to victory in the 110 high hurdles. TRACK Continued from B 1 Mesa area (she competed last week for the U.S. undt.r-19 na- tional soccer team in Mexico), edged out her competition in the 100 (12.7), despite not having competing at a meet rather than trained much ln the event thus 30, • said Sumner, referencing the .far. number of athletes schools such ·I felt like I had a good start as Newport and Marina bring. and stayed focused on being "This is what competition Is like. quicker,• Burlingham said. "It's so we want to see who the best is.· OK. I've (Uil faster before, but it's Newport ~ victorious in ~ still early.· events. including the 400-meter re-· Early on for CdM. senior Becky lay. in which the team d Elil3beth Cummins led off with a victery Clayton. FJda Hernandez. Amy in the 3.200 (12:03.5). Klippert and Amy Burtingham A pleasant surprise for CdM combined for a time of 51.9. came from freshman Anne St. Three Newport competitors Geme, who won the 1,600 (5:27) each woo two Individual events. and the 800 (2:26.5). Oayton won the 100 hurdles in "I felt better than I did last 12.5 and the triple jump (32·4), week.· said St. Geme after the ~e Jillia'hne Whitfield cap -1,600. "(Sumner) said to get be· tured the discus (119-9) and shot hind during the first lap, so I put (~ 11 ~). Sophomore Jackie· would have energy at the end. Belida woo rbe bigh jump (4-10) Last week. I started fast, bu1 fell and long jump (14·7~). apart at the end. The third lap_ "I md badly today. I'm mad at was the hardest. but in the end I mysel!," said BelJda foUowing gave jt my all.· her long jump. longing to jump Melissa Swigert took first in farther with increased training as the 200 (26:01) and was part of the season progresses. Many ath-CdM's winning l,600 relay team letes at the track. Wednesday felt of Whitney Weidner, Sara Caster the same about their lndividual and Nicole Parise that docked a events. 4: 13.9. Burlingham. a senior £resr Kelly Morgan won the 400 in from her return to the Newport· 1:00.7. Not .... girts Newport 58. CdM 50. Merinll 77 100-1. Buriingham (NH), 12.7; 2 Riven IM I, 12.9; 3. Swigert (CdMI. 13 1 200 -1. Swigert (CdM), 26.01; 2. Burlingham (NH), 26.S; 3. Rivera (M), 27.1. 400 -1. I<.. Morgan (CdMI. 1 :00 7. 2 Clnter (CdM), 1:01.2; 3 We1dne< (CdMI. 1:03 1. 800-1. St. Geme ICdM), 2:26 5, 2 An.rd (M ), 2:29.8; 3. Parise (CdM ), 2.317. 1,600-1Cummtna(CdM).12:-035, 2 Attard (Ml, 12:07.9; 3. Kattan (CdM), 12:46. 100 H -1. Clayton (NH), 12.S. 2. Pet~ (M), 17.9; 3. Misu-.wa (CdM), 19.0. 300 H -1. McKee (CdM), 46.8: 2. Morendo (NH), 47.7; 3. Ngo (M), 48.0. 400 relay -1. NH (Clayton, Hernandaz, Kllppert, Surtingham), 51.9. 1,600 relay-1. CdM (Clastef, P9nM, Weidner, Sw;geft). 4:13 9 HJ -1. Belida (NH), 4-10; 2. Heeec:hen (CdM), 4-9; 3. Chemvle (M), 4-3. U -1. Belida (NH), 17-7~ 2. • Clayton (NH), 1'"4; 3. Tucci (CdMI. 14~. TJ -1. ClaytOn (NH), 32-4; 2. Bellda (NH),30-8~ 3. s. Serrano (M), 30-5~. SP -1. Whitfield (NH), 33-11 ~; 2. L Wood (CdM), 25-6~; 3. S. Se~ano (CdM), 25-5~ t") OT -1. Whitfield (NH), 119-S; 2 L Wood (CdM). 88-10; 3. Budrafa (CdM), 81. Nonleegue boys CdM 84, Newport 43, MMn• 21 100 -1. Walker (NH), 11.3; 2. Moma ICdMI, 115; 3. Leperie (CdM), 116. 200 -1. Ringstrom (CdM), 22.9, 2. Walker (NH). 23.2; 3. Moma (CdM). 23.6. 400 -1. Ringstrom (CdM), 51.2; 2. Tracy (NH), 53.2; 3. Rosenberger IM), 53.9 l!OO -1. Urtusuastegu1 (NH), 2'.02.2; 2 K Artz ICdM). 2-02 9: 3. Liggett (Ml. 2:06 7 1,600 -Artz (CdM ), 4;)6 9, 2 Liggett IMI. 4:38.8. 3. Rosenberger (M), 4:53.9. 3,200 -1. N Miller (NH), 10 32 8, 2 Rudinlc:a ICdM ). 10 36, 3. Weidner (CdM), 10:44. 110 HH-1. Jahh (CdM), 19.2, 2. McKee (CdM), 19.6; 3. Peterson IMI. 21.5. 300 IH -1. McKee (CdM). 46.8; 2. Morendo INH), 47.7; 3. Ngo (M ), 48 6. 400 relay -1. CdM (Caponera, Dillion, Moms. Riogstroml. 44.0 1.800 relay -1. CdM (Artz. Dillton, Rlngauom, Sofcoman), 3 JO 3 HJ -1. S Minard (CdMI. 5-10. 2 Nott (NH), 5-10; 3. Beshore (CdM), H . W -1. Wong ICdMI. 18-7~. 2. Q. Nguyen (M). 18-1; 3 Macctua IMI. 17-10~. TJ -1. 0. Nguyen (M~. 39 10; 2 A Wong ICdM), 37-3; 3 Nott INH). 34-S~. SP-1. Flanagan (M), 48 4; 2. Szeceel (NH), 43-8~; 3 Castorena (NHl.~·10 OT -1. Smc:Mi (NH), 131-2; 2. AaMgan (M), 129-8, 3 Price (Ml. 1~7. SCHEDULE , .. Newport HartCr et C.pist,.no ~2p.m. High ldlool boys-Oxford ~at Sege Hiii, 5:30 p.m. Golf HiQh a:hool boyt-Gerden Grow It to.Iii Me9e. 2 p.m.; Felrmont vs. Sage Hill,. Str9Wbeny Fatme. 3:1"t> p.m.; Newpof1 Hatborw. c.nvon. et An.t'h.ffn Mil 2 p.m. PREPS Continued from Bl BRIEFLY 'Eaters. belt Waves UCI baseball team Starting to stir behind 12-hit attack in solid victory over host Pepperdine. Anteater outfielder Chris Klemm was a home l\lO short of hitµng f~ the cycle. finishing the game 3 pr 4 with three runs and an RBI as UC Itvtrie handed tile Pepperdine Waves a 9-4 loss at Eddy D. fle)d Stadium wednes- day. The Anteaters jumped on Pep- perdine starter James Carroll in the top of the first. After loading the bases with three consecutive singles. Pepperdlne shorutop Kevin Fstrada mishandled a Mark Wagner grounder that yielded two runs. UCl's Matt Fisher delivered his team-lead- ing 20th RBI with a single, giving the squad a 3-0 lead. UC lryjne got another in the third 'when Klemm scored his second run of the game on car- roll's wild pitch. Right fielder Jor- dan Si.a.ho cashed in a Klemm double in the top or the fifth 10 give the Anteaters the 5-2 lead. Pepperdine's Brandon Dagujo had the squad's second home run of the game in the fifth to bring the Waves within two, bu1 the Anteaters got three more runs in the sixth on Brett Dal- ton's two-run single and Klemm's RBI triple. . Alstot retired the last six bat· ters in order as UCI improved to 8-12 on the season. Dalton. who ls coming off an ankle sprain, played his second game of the season for UCI and went 2 for 5 with two runs and two RBis. Szabo extended his hitting streak to 11 games with a 2-for-5. one-run, one-RBI per- fonnance while Wagner also went 2 for 5 with two runs batted in and a run scored. UCI starter Michael Koehler got the win. improving to 1-1 on the season after pitching the re- quired five innin~. yielding four runs {two earned) on four hi~ and striking out two. NollCOl ... 91W:. ua t . P9ppefdine 4 UCI sec: bycn~~ 9 12 2 Pep 200 Oii 000 -4 ~ I Koehler, Sdlroer (61, Tripoh (7), Alstot (8) and \Negner; Carroll, Miiis (6), Ptlillips 171 and Carabello. W - Koehler, 1-1. L -Carroll, 1-2. 28 - Klemm (UCl), W8gner (UCO. 38 Klemm (UCI). HR -Wagner (UCI), Kelly (P), Daguio (P) Lions fall, 5-2 • BASEBAU.: Concordia re- corded a 5-2 Golden State Alb· letic Conference baseball vic- tory at Vanguard University Wednesday, banging out 12 ruts 10 drop the Uons to 14· ll, 6-5 in the GSAC Justin Millward was Jhe only lion with multiple tuts. going 2 for 4. Go6defl Stat• M*ldc: Conl. ~ 5, V.Jt9Uard 2 SCCM'9 by lnnmas Cncrdia 010 100 1d'J 5 u . 1 Vanguard OOI ooo 001 2 1 4 Carreon and Cox. Cam•h•n. Harris (7), Srunea 191 and Sower W - Carrion, 3-3. L -Carnahan, 2 3. 28 - Rloa (Cl, Neleon (Cl. Deleon (C), Clifton IV). Sage rolls, 21 -I • MSEM.U.: Tim Wtlkins struck out 13 in four innings of work and hit a solo home run in Sage Hill School's 21-1 non- league baseball rout of visiting Thrbut V'Torah Wi'd.nesday. Sage Hill (l-0) bad 19 strike- outs and no walks. Zack Frie- drichs and 1.a.ck Shockley came on to relieve Wllkins and thQ"-'W solidly. Friedrichs struck out the aJde In the Ofth inning. Wilkins went 1 for 3 with (our runs KOled and had one RBI while Prledrtcb.s I for 3 with rour RBIJ and three runs ICOftd. Tarbut commlned 14 er- rors. Nuh1pe Sege Hll 21, T4"'tMlt YTonh 1 TM'but &co:~"""'T 1 1 14 Sage Hill 121 Jl4 " 21 12 2 Couren. Heller 161, and Howitt end Wowpcole 16); Wilton•. Friedrichs (5), Shoc*ley (6), •nd KofMWeit. W WllllfM, 1..0. L Couran, 0-1 38- Frledriclle. HR -Wilkin•. Sailors top FJ Toro • BOYS TENNIS: Junior Tyler Deck and freshman Robert Khoury swept m singles action to help lead Newport Harbor High'<> boys tennis team to a 14-4 nonleague road Victory over El Toro Wednesday. The Sallori. improved to 2· I. while dealing El Toro (2-1) its firs1 los'> of the season. NofllH&ue Newport 14, El Toro 4 Singlea Dad INHl def Brown 6·4 def Curro, 6 2, def Schumacher 7·5, Farmer (NHI loll. 3 6. won 6-1 6-0, Khoury INHI won, 6 1, 6-0 6-0 Doul»ft-Lund/Espley·Jones !NHI lost to Kang Paul, 2-6. lost to NQrdberg Keller, 2 6, def Erau1-Tran, & 1; Lutfy Hochwald INHI w on, 6-0. 7 5. 6·2. Davis· Tweena (NH) won, 6-3, 6-1, lost, 6-7 OCC wins thrice • GOLF: 1 he Orange Coast CoUege men'!> golf team earned three Orange t-.mp1re Confer- ence victones Wednesday a1 Santa Ana Country Oub The Pirate'> shot 383. besting visiting River'>ide (387), Santa Ana (401} and Cuyamaca (405J. Jake Allanach. '>hot 1-over- par 73 to lead the Pirates. lie fini!ihed two c;1rolces behind medaJist Jod ·Nash from Cuya ma ca. OaVld Kendall 175). Jared Bruce (76). Kelly Wicks (781 and ~rad Oiamp1on (8 1 l also scored for the Pirates (8-3. 4-3 m con ference). OCC cruises to win • JC SWIM: Sherry T<iai. a freshman on the Orange Coast College women's SW\m team. set a school record in the 1.650· yard freestyle (17:41 73). as OCCs women\ and men's teams dominated Orange Em- pire Conference visitor Santa Ana Wednesday The Pirates (2·0) won every men's and women's event. The OCC women were victo- rious, 152-13. while the men won. 139-38. Sophomo~ Tyson Beamer won the SO and 100 free to lead the commanding effort by the OCC m en Yale prevail • TENNIS: The UC Irvine women's tennis team dropped a 5·2 nonconference decision the visiting Yale BuUdogs Wednes- day at Anteater Tennis Stadium. nffany Oiang of UCJ was tops in singles wuh a 6-1, 7 -6 victory over Margaret PurceU at the No. I slot. Anna Bentzer rolled to a 6-2, 6-3 victory in No. 3 singles. but that was the extent of UCJ's success as it feU to 8-7. Tars lose to Mi ssion • BOYS GOLF: The Newpon Hatbor High boy golf team lost its four-stroke. first-half lead and fell to Mission Viejo, as the two teams finished play Wednesday at Mission Viejo Country Oub. The Diabloa won. 396-404, and had two compedton sbaie medalist honors. Davis Pem· stein was Jow man for the Sail- ors (l-1) at 39, while Michael Benvenuttl (40), Rhett PahDer (43), Bn.ndon So\wrs (43) and Garrett Wbitfield (45) rounded out the 1COring. lknvmunl had the lowest oyera1l eco~ for Newpon with 77. Mesa earns first win • VOUJ!YBAU.: The Costa Mesa High boy-. volle-yball team earned Its fim win of the sea son Wedn~day, topping non league ho'>t Loi. Amigos, 17-15, 16·14, 9-15, l5-3. The Lobos serv~d for game point in both of the firs.t two game'>, but Mesa rerused to re lent. The Mustangs ~1 -1 l were led by Adam Nlli (17 killsJ. Tony Krikorian I 17 di~). John Santo" 120 a.o,sists) and C.abe GonzaJez (four '>luff blod .. '>J Floridians romp • TENNIS: The University of WeM Florida Argonauts had 11 eao;y m nonconference men':> dlld womtm's tennis Wednes day, rolling 10 a 9-0 men's Vlt tory and fi I women's win al Vanguard University GuWaum1: DeVeibl2.ier keyed We'>t Honda\ men's victory at "lo. I single-'> Vanguard\ Olga Hlushchen k.a, at No I '>Ingles, was the l.J ons· only winner in women\ play Eagle~ win opener • SWlMMrNG: Three first plale fini .. he<, put visiting r:s tanc1a I hgh 1n the drivers seat lO win a (,olden Wes! Leagut> boy'> du.i.I 'wim meet. 91 -74. agam:.t We\tmm'>ter The I aKlt•\ (2-0, 1-0 m league) ·received first-place ef forb from Frank Gamboa in tht' 200 111d1v1dual medley (2:31 .45) P'c1ul Cother' in tht.> 500 freestyle 16.17 l I) and Cllad Kunnert in tht' JOO back.<.tmke (1:09 6). <.;ophomore la.!.on fncha nique tame 1n 1h1rd in the 100 free. besting hi., time m three week.\ tn 10 '>econds m thl' event. arid gammg praise from Coach John Carpenter. Kunnert. Anthony I lermann Gamboa and Collier teamed to win the LOO medley relay m 2:05.38 In the ~1rl<. meet. Marilyn Re1t h and Jayme Fay each won lndlVldual t.>vents and contnb uted to l·.s1c1nua ~ only wmnm~ relay in 1he Lagles' 95· i 5 lo.,., Ht Westmino;ter Reich won the 200-yacd mw· VJduaJ medley m 2:43.47. wt11.le faye was Vlciorious in the 500 freestyle (6:57.97) Reich and Faye were joined by Brilla Pini and Llhini Keenawinna on the winning 400 free relay quartet (4•42.19). Estancia s~ond-place fimsh- er; included Keennawinna (200 free an 2:41 191. Pini (200 IM m 2:57.91 I. < ounnev Hess (100 butterfly 1n 1.26.241. Jordi Brad shaw 1500 free m 7:41.50) and Reich ( 100 breaststroke ut I 18.691 The Fagle'> fell 10 1-I, 0-1 in league OCC le~ one slip away • VOLLE\'BA.l.J.( The Orange Coast College men'c; voUeyball team lost It grip on sole po • sec;s1on of first place in the Orange Empire Conference Wednesday. dropping a 30-28. 30-28, 30 18 decision at Gross- mont The P1ra1es (9-3. 6-2 in con- ference! are JOtned by Gross mont (9·3. 6-2) and Golden West at the top of the standings Wlth three · matches remaining in the first round of OEC play. OCC. with two tarters out (dtsciplina.ry reasons and an In · jury) had opponwuues to win both of the first two pmea. Coach 01Uck a.ti.enese said The first game was ti~ at 25. 27 and 28, befo an occ rut- ting enor. ~ UoWOd by a block- ing error. allowed tM Grilfins to pt'e\-ail occ ltd ~ nd pmt. 19-9. but allowed Groamont to rally. Kalma.na ................. Pola eacli had .11!11.------~----------....... -------...-----:-----:-----------------.----:--......,.......,,..-~---~------~~ ....... ---....---____ _,_.._~ • l a llv5dey, aa.cti 13, 2003 ..,.......,....,...... -0...-l..Mdn MM-1. Wtthetm Gldabuday, Gatden Grove, 28, 33:41; 2. Stephen Wlrir.u•. 31, Pomon., 33:$?; 3. EU Rodriguez. 19, Whittler. 33:69; 4. Heven Bamee, 26, Huntington Beec:h, 3':42; 6. Dew Pirtel. Costa ..., .... •7. 34:61. Women-\. Terea Vega-Vecaroe, Chino HiJl9, 28, 38:04; 2. Rolallnde AJeala, Anaheim, 3', 38'.A3; 3. Cheryl Smith, Coron• del Mar, 22. • 39:10; 4. Merce Satre, Garden Grove, 34, 39:43; 6. Christina Jlme~AppteValley, 17,40;02. <Mrlll~ Mlli-1. Dave Plrwl, Co&ta Meu. 47. 34:51; 2. DavlqSmlth,"'6. 38:30; 3. Grady Howe, Corona del Mar, 43, 38:37;-4. Fredger Alexander, Los Angeles, 48, 38:59; 6. Art Hemandel, Cost.Mesa, 42, 39:01. Women-1. Denlte Ripley, Diamond Bar, 41, 40:39; 2. Sherri Hall-Curt, Costa Mesa, 51, 40:50; 3. Judy Keweley, Simi Valley, 58, 40-54; 4. Una Baker, Dana Point, 43, 46:29; 5. Laure Weisset1, Costa Mesa, 45, 45:34. DMlion Ueders Bop (119912 end under) -1. Alex Popof, Irvine. 11. 40:29; 2. Kristoffer Wlgler, Newport Beach, 11 , 58:39; 3. Zachary Lewi, YOfba Linda, 12, 59:<>8; 4. Joshua Miller, Newport Beach, 5, 1 :03.53; 5. Eridt Perez. Loe Angeles, 11, 1:20.58. Bop (1:J.15) -1. Mario Zamora, Corona def Mar, 13, 48:27; 2. Robert Boggio, Dana Point, 13, 49:42; 3. ~ex Raicu, Santa Ana, 14, 56:01; 4. Rodcy Faurot, Santa Ana, 13, 59:04; 6. Michael Bedunan, Orange, 15, 1:10.23. Bop 111-11) -1. Arnold Munoz, Rialto, 17. 38:49; 2. David Deliema, Mission Viejo, 16, 51 ~49; 3. Ramsey Nabahani, Laguna Niguel, 17. 52:01. Men (19-24) -1. Eli Rodriguez. Whittier, 19, 33:69; 2. Roger Mignosa, Huntington Beach, 23, 34:59; 3. Neal Rogers, Aliso Viejo, 24, 40-.22; 4. Sean Culmer, Irvine, 23, 51:23; 5. Geoff Webb, Newport Beach, 24, 55:52. Men (25-211-1. Wilhelm Gidabuday, Garden Grove, 28, 33~41; 2. Haven Barnes, Huntington Beach, 26, 34:42; 3. Alex May, Westminster, 28, 43:30; 4. Joe Fioresi, Huntington Beach, 27, 44:21; 5. Jason Beal, Costa Mesa, 28, 45:18. Men (30-341-1. Stephen Wirtws, Pomona. 31, 33:52; 2. Erik Kloster, Newport Beach, 35:3S; 3. Eric Korbrine, Irvine, 33, 35:47; 4. Claudio Oelpueche, Mission Viejo, 30, 36:09; 5. WarTen Bloomberg, Corona del Mar, 33, 36:27. Men (35-391-1. Al Valdez, Anaheim, 39, 37:44; 2. Morgan Addis, Fon Collins, CO. 39, 37:46; 3. Vecentevai Nciac, Tustin, 35, 38:05; 4. Jose Rno, Chula Vista, 36, 41 :31; 5. Cody Oakland, Laguna Beach, 39, 42:15. Men (4CM4)-1. Grady Howe, Corona del Mar, 43, 38:37; 2. Art Hernandez, Costa Mesa, 42, 39:01; 3. Dave Kobrine, Newport Coast. 41, 42:08; 4. David Llllicrop, Cypress. 40, 42:36; 5. Robot Rodgers, Laguna Niguel, 42, 42:44. Men (45-49)-1. Dave Pa,..I, Costa Mesa, 47. 34:51; 2. David Smith, 46, 38:30; 3. Fredger Alexander, Los Angeles, 48, 38:59; 4. Matt Hagemann, Newport Beach, 45, 40:14; 6. Irv Dawson, Costa Mesa, 49, 40:35. Men (50-54)-1. Ride Delgado 51 , 41 :17; 2. Mk:hael Naylor, Long Beach, 54, 43:56; 3. Thomas Singleton, Laguna Hills, 52, 44:07; 4. Dan Seelinger, Mission Viejo, 53; 44:10; 5. Steven Fry, Laguna Niguel, 52;45:34. Men (55-59)-1. Greg Henk. Trebuco Canyon, 56, 47:00; 2. Stephen Wheeter, Newport Beach, 59, 47:12; 3. Robby Sheett, Costa Mesa, 57, 47:27; 4. Paul Alloway, Midway City. 56. 47:48; 5. Karl Mo9Ch, Laguna Beach. 56, 49:25. Men (6044)-1. Peter Jones, San Clemente, 62, 42:31 ; 2. Gamma Chavez, Irvine, 63, 44:12; 3. Mike Harrison, Corona del Mar, 60, 47:26; 4. Jim Lyons, Laguna Beach, 63, 47:45; 5. Frank Noble, Santa Ana, 60,68:39. Men (llWll) -1. Luis Varga, Lake Fof9St, 65, 44:37; 2. Roberto Vargas, Onuirio, 65, 44:51; 3. Stanley Polski, Fullertoo, 69, 47:44; 4. David Miatchef, Costa Mesa, 65, 51 :30; 6. Donald Glasgow, Irvine, 66, 1:02.48. Men (70.99)-t Aurel~iCamac:flo, Pico Rivera, 71. 49:~ . ~ Hankins, Palos Vera.a. 4, 62:17; 3. Don Hiiiiard, Newport Beech, 70, 52:A8; 4. EdWard Salldn, Corona del Mar, 70, 52:48; 6. Chudt Leisberg, l.eguna Hiiis, 75, 1:01A1. RUNNING Jeannie Robinson. Long Beech. 37, 42:18; 3. Staci Sc:hllllng, Tuttin,38, 42:158; 4. Shawn~ 38. 43!06; 5. Shen1 Ellert>y, Dena Point. 38, 43:35. Women (4CM4)-1. Oenle Ripley, Dlemond Bar; 41, 40:39; 2. Una Baker, Dana Point. 43, 46:29; 3. Kim Pridcett. Newport Beach, 42, 45:69; 4. Sandra Ludlow, Newport Beach, 41. 47.48; 5. Mary Haugen, Corona def Mar, 40, 48:41. ~ (-..)-1. Laure WeisMtt, Costa Mesa, 45, 45:34; 2. Kate Stelskal, Allto Viejo, 46. 48:46; 3. Brenda Edgell, uke Forest. 48, • 60:55; 4. Cyothla Co~ Newport Beach, 46, 53:31; 5. Sula n Peebles, uguN Hills, 48, 53:46. Women (50.M)-1. She<ri Hall-Curt, Coat.a Me91, 51-. 40:50; 2. C.rollne Bee9on, Dana Point. 63, 50:00; 3. Jucf9 Chang. Yorba Unda, 51 , 50:02; 4. Linda Petrossl, Fullerton, 51, 57:02; 5. Terri castellano, Sun City, 52,59:54. Women (55-11)-1. Judy Kewtey, Simi Valley, 68, 40:54; 2. Renee Vettorello, Saline, Ml, 56, 50:56; 3. Sally Tyree, Yorn. Unda, 69, 52:21; 4. Jane Welgan, Laguna Beach, 56, 55:29; 5. Merrie English, Riverside, 56, 58:03. ,. Women (ICM4)-1. Penny Tyree, HuntingtOn Beach, 61, 62:08; 2. Lynn West. Newport Coast, 81 , 1:09.61. Women (-..)-1. Willl Harman, Irvine, 65, 1:07A1; 2. Merlanela Montero, Cerritos, 67, 1:19.14. Women (70.tl)-1. Chieko Allwein, Tol'T'8nce, 70, 55:58; 2. Mary Storey, Riverside, 78, 1:10.23;3. Dorie Smith, Tustin, 72, 1 :11.11. liK OwnlUllden Men -1. Julius Gldabuday, 26, 14:41 ; 2. Oscar Gonzalez, Irvine, 39, 14:42; 3. Jnon Kolb, EJ Segundo, 25. 14:49; 4. Eddie Venegas, Rowland Heights, 25, 15:03; 5. Peter Makaimow, Whittier, 24, 15:05. Women ...... 1. Liz Guenin!, Long Beach, 34, 16:25; 2. Eliza Alexander, San Diego, 27. 16:29; 3. Tenla Fischer, Santa Monica, 38, 16:48; 4. Kristen Ohara, Pllos Verdes. 37, 16:57; 5. Sarah Harris, El Segundo, 27, 17:36. OwnllMu •• Men -1. Dan Arsenault. Sante Ana, 40, 15:08; 2. James Kurtzman, Trabuco Canyon, 40, 15:20; 3. Marte Hulme, Tustin, 41, 15:29; 4. Gus Hermes, Irvine, 40, 15:46; 5. Keith Wrtthauer, Apple Valley, 47, 15:58. Women -1. Soe Davia. Costa Mesa. 40, 18:19; 2. carol Keller, Dana Point. 43, 18-.32; 3. Kim Rouse, Long Beach, 42, 19:31; 4. Tammy Sargeant, Long Beach, 45, 19:38; 5. Rozanne Strong, Fullerton, 42, 19:45. OfvWcM'I Ueders Bop (ege 1)-1. Bryant Rincon, Pomona, 21 :54; 2. Alejandro Maldonado, Tustin, 25:03; 3. Ricardo Cardova, Inglewood, 26:49; 4. Conner Michael, Norco. 27:22; 5. Daniel Anastos. Newport Beach, 29:29. Boys (9-10)-1. Sebi Puraci. Colton, 9, 20:21; 2. Arthur Chavira, Somis, 10, 22:11; 3. Jantzen Oshler, Trabuco Canyon, 10, 22:15; 4. Shunpei Toride, Riverside, 9, 24:16; 5. Matthew Hinrichs, CyPf'9SS, 10, 24:17. Boys (11-12)-1. Billy West, Oceanside, 11, 19:47; 2. Justin Kan, San Gabriel, 12, 21•21; 3. GarTett Glore, Newport Beach, 11. 21:55; 4. Marte Bloom, Oceanside. 11, 22:12; 5. Struan Nicolson, Newport Coast, 11. 22:28. Bop (13-15)-1. Ridcy Pena, lake Forest. 15, 15:58; 2. Jedc Turner, Newport Coast, 14, 16:32; 3. Westley Noble, Ontario, 15, 16:55; 4. Ryan Guthrie, Newport Beach, 15, 17:30! 5. Phillip Brown, Laguna Hills, 13, 17:35. Boys (11-18)-1. Chad Trammell, Yakima, WA. 18, 15:20; 2. Audie Alexander, Glendora, 17. 16:23; 3. Jarrett Yanez, Los Angeles, 16. 16:41 ; 4. Devin Murtaugh, Corona del Mar, 16, 19:11; 5. Billy MorTow, Newport Beach. 17, 20:34. Men (19-2A)-1. Peter Makslmow. Whittier, 24, 16:05; 2. Antonio Delavega, Fullerton, 22, 15:07; 3. Chris Dewitt. Los Angeles, 23, 16:12; 4. Jeff Howley, C.rtsbad. 23. 16:12; 5. Juan Granados, Sun Valley, 22, 16:16. Men 125-291-1. Julius Gldabuday, 26, 14:41; 2. Jason Kolb, El Segundo, 25, 14:.49; 3. Eddie Venega1, Rowland Heights, 25, 15:03; 4. Matt Harris, Manhattan Beach, 26, 15:27; 5. Rogelio Flores, TorT•nce. 28, 15:34. Mer.. fJ0.34)-1. Juan Ramirez, Santa Ana, 34, 15:<>6; 2. Matt Limbert. Encinitas, 30, 16:14; 3. Aaamu• Tamsti>rf Lot Angel", 30. 16:35; 4. Ian Blalr,\;;g Beadl, 31, Giits (12 Md under) -l. Emilia Rincon, PotnON, 12, 49:48; 2. • 16:23; 5. Martt Stayven. Irvine, 32. 16:53. . Rechel ~I, 12. 5():43; 3. Mldl9Ue Utat.a, Gatden Grove, 12. 62."23: 4. Emily Batcer, Corona.def Mar, 11. 53:50; IS. Leigha Bectman, Orange, 12. 1:13.18. °"'9 f1J.11)-1. Jenny ~hmer, Trabuoo Canyon. 14, 1:00.17. Olftt &1•1•-1 Chrittlna Jimenez, Apple V..lev, 17, 401>2; 2. Nicole · Menconi, Yorba Unda. 11, 69;69. ...... (~)-1. Q*Yi Smith, Con>ne def Mar, 22. 39:10; 2. Chrilty uridMy, Wine. 2A. 44:62: 3. Serah ~. Fullefton, 23, "9:08; 4. .JtMW... IM. Newport Beach, 23, 53:25; 5. Juli. °'*"8. Mltlllon ~.22,U42. ........... -1.Ttittll ~...._OYno Hiiie. za.. »:cM: 2. C'MOWn ........ Ntwport a..ctt. 28; 44."4; 3 Amv len~n. Nei.u,,on leei:I\, ·--'·Amber Alllnwt.5-1'1Ant,27.47:$; 6. M..u 9Cudlb, AMlo Viejo. a. 49:08. ............ -1. lblell .. AIClla. AMNIM, 34. 3ltA3; 2. M«Ce S-... Getdtn Grow. 3f.. •a: 1 Jecqul ROttillCl'•lll Huntinglon ...... 30. 41. 11: 4. • LYNMI V9IOll. ~11 'P °" ...,.., t1, G.:31;1.~~. ......... ........... ,.,......~ .u • ..,. ....... , .... MM ta.nl -1. Oscar Gonzalez, Irvine, 39, 1"4:.42; 2. Pltrk* Green, Cenitos, 37. 16:07; 3. O.nlel Rosales, Anaheim. 35, 15:63; 4. Kevln Herbert, Newport Beach, 38, 16:16; 5. Gedco Cedlero, Newport Beach, 35, 17:29. M9n IACM4)-1. Dan Arsenault. Sama AN, .O. 15!08; 2: Ja,,,... Kurtzman, Trabuoo Canyon. 40, 16:20: 3. Matt Hulme, Tustin,41, 15~29; 4. Gus Germee. Irvine, 40, 15:.46; 5. Mike Filllpow, long ~. 42. 18:04. Min C64tl-1. ic.tth WIUMuet, Apple V.lley, 41, 15:58; 2. Dave p.,.i, eo.a Meu, 47. 18;06; 3. 8'Uce o..c.r, Bat.mietd, 47. 17:24; 4. QN1e Ac>bbln9. Long 8Mc:t'I. u. 1l:02; 6. vtt.11 U..ntki, Sen Juan Cepiatrano. 47.19'A9. MM (IOa4J-1. Hugo v.lezqua. AedondO 8"d'I, 52. 1837; 2. Jama ..._, Alleo Viejo, IO. 19;10; 3. Oon Oci.tne, Anehelm, 54, 11;12: 4. AogW ~. N9Wpolt a..cti • IO, 20;17; 6 Aide Hoer, FounttSn v.Mey, 62. 2 1 :01. Miii .....,_ t 8111 Sumner. N.wport leldt, M, 11.10; 2. Don ~ 'lottle Unde, .. 19 19, 3. INll Lange. .. ~,, ee.dt. ll ~ ...,,, 22:05; 4. Hltwy ...... OINRe .. Met, ... n-. I. ~Wl•llld, ThtbuoO , SPORTS Canyon. 57, 23:47. .._ te044)-1. em Sokol, L.Atguna e..cn. eo, 20:41; 2. Cesar Mihhel, Rancho Paloe, 60, 21 :27; 3. Duane Sc:hlahen, Rlveralde, 89, 27:59; 4. Robert BIN, Newport Beech, 86, 28:24; 5. Jerry Mc:Far1ane, . .. 1-fawthome, 86, 28:32. · Men (70a)-1. ~ Jeffenon, San Juan Capiatrano, 70, 21 :34: 2. Allan W•rren, Newt>ort ~. 70, 24:09; 3, Gordon Cohn, Long Beach, 70, 24:50; 4. Paul Kuhn, · Newport Beach, 70, 27:03; 6. Bert Strytter, Tustin, 70, 27:28. Glct. (I .... )-1. D•1?elllee He,letlne. R.4ondo Beam, 8, ~:40; 2. Darcie Marlhell, Newport Beadl, 8, 34:30; 3. Savannah Adamo, Irvine, 3, ~:02; 4. Avery ,Jolllffw. N.wport Beach, 8, 39:40; Adelaide Alva, N.Wport Beach, 8, 40:22. Gwta ( .. 10t-1. Caylie Choatee, Palmdale, 9, 23:04; 2. 0.nlefl• Wisniewski, Aliso Viejo, 10, 23:63: 3. Sarah tc.eddlngton, Newport Beach, 10, 27:02; 4. Amanda Bastien, Corona del Mer, 9, 27:03; ~ Madison Turner, Newpott Com. 10, 27:04; Fran Pnrvel, Legune Beach, 28:10. Glrta (11-121 -1. Karioa Bracamontes. Santa AN, 11. 19:41; 2. Michelle Aetcher, San Bernardino, 12, 21:24; 3. Ella Yuen, Rancho Palps, 11, 21 :43; 4. Chloe Bayne, Rancho Palos, 12, 22:31; 6. Reyna Bede. Anaheim, 11, 22:61. Glrta (1:J.15)-1. Christy Adamyk. San Dimas, 13, 18:50; 2. Nicole Chestnut, San Bernardino, 13, 20:57; 3. Hiiary May, Newport Beach. 14, 21:00;4. Jessica Ramsier. Irvine, 15, 21 :09; 6. Christine St. Geme, Newport Beach,.13, 22:05. Glrta (11-18)-1. Maura Tyrrell, Torrance, 17. 19:02; 2. Anna Ngo, Fullerton, 18. 21:03; 3. Ashleigh Eppens, Irvine, 16, 21:43; 4. Sare Claster, Corona dll Mar, 16, 22:63; 5. Cindy l.se, Mtlnterey Parle. 17, 23:20. • ~ (19-2Al -1. Christine Appell, Huntington Beach, 24, 18:16; 2.Elizabeth Campagna, Huntington Beach, 23, 21 :20; 3. Jennifer McCarthy, Irvine, 21, 21 :23; 4. uuren Obryan, Altadena, 21, 21 :42; 5. Megan Cordes, Thouund Oaks, 23, 23:55. Women (25-29)-1. Eliz.a Alexander, San Diego, 27. 16:29; 2. Sarah Harris, El Segundo, 27. 17:36; 3. Veronica Skiles, Brea, 28, 21:57;4. Amy Arens (Long Beadl). 28. 23:43; 5. Hiiieary Kehrti, New Yort. NY. 27. 23:52. Women (I0-34)-1. Liz Guemni, Long Beach, 34, 16:25; 2. Beth Carlson, Seal Beach, 30, 1a46; 3. Amelia Valinslty-Rllipow, Long Beach, 33, 19:39. 4. Sorrel Hanson, Irvine, 30, 19:59; 5. Heidi-Anne Mooney. Corona del Mer, 31, 22:13. Women (~)-1. Tenla Fl«:her, Santa Mo , 36, 16;48; 2. Kristen Ohara, Palos erdes Peninsula, 37, 16:57; 3. Pam Boyles, Bakersfield, 38, 17:36; 4. Dolly Ginter, Huntington Beach, 39, 17:41; 5. Erin Petros.si, Fulletton, 36. WomM (4CM4) -1. Sue Davis, Costa Mesa, 40, 18:19; 2. carol Keller, Dana Point, 43, 18:32; 3. Kim Rouse, Long Beach, 42, 19'.31; 4. Rozanne Strong, Fullerton, 42, 19:45; 5. Debbie Watson. Chino, 41, 20:39. Women l45--t91 -1. Tammy Sargeant. Long Beach, 45, 19:38; 2. Patty NaNse, Newport Beach, 46, TOPPS Continued from Bl Costa Mesa High softball standout Ann Marie Topps is the Daily Pilot High School Athlete of the Week after a spectacular start of the season in a two-game slugging barrage. MARI< C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT ~ _ c· ~ "She's going 100% and It's just ,.,,,. --TWPS incredible to watch: Costa Mesa 6 Coach Rick Buanarlgo Aid. "She aforementiooed two homers, Mesa ing on her swing,~ :::=.,~ 5 (I Is constantly in me cages work- ipdl1dlng a grand slam, and =5-foot.t Thpps takes regular hitting les· sewn RBis aplnst Uni. she ~ ~ll sons from Jim Bullinger and oom· went 3 for 4 with two triples ~ ShofUtop petes for the Alhletics 18-aod-un· and five RBla Saturday in a first· c..e.: Rkt l uon•r1go der travel team, for which she bas round Costa Mesa Tournament reuul'8 fM* PMI started at shortstop the last two win -r .... '--o Valley reuu• ....-•lool.nder' dub seasons. It is this ~ """' -t>&.l>UCIU .... .-...c •• I Jt: ~ ........... Ouistian. The Daily Pilot Ath-~ a home Nn Oller the against the top talent in her age lete of the Week followed that Cllf'IWofield '-nca In can.s. In group that has helped her be-- up by going t for 2 with two ~ ~.'!-'1 come an elite prep player. walb. two-RBls and three runs ..... -.... MN.ee of ttM ·She was a tittle bit behind the ln the Mustangs' 13-7 non· ..,.. JO: She went 7 fOf t wfttl other gim whda.she started travel league win Tuesday over former two home runs. 12 ~Is. """ ball. but. now, she's ahead of most PCL rival Corona del Mar. ::::,;' !:' = !!.,. ~~ of !hem." said Buonarigo. who be-- That makes Topps 8 for I 0 fficYy and c.pistr.no Veltey lievcs Topp-; will extend the with 14 RBis. two homers, four Owtstt.n Setufday school career home-run record triples, one double, 2i total ..,,.. she already owns (10) bases, seveJl runs and. seem-Coo1flc1lor JpOtU c.wct ..ne o.M u fravel ball really opened her lngly enough confidence to. in-i..=:==========:=J eyes 10 what softball was all timidate any opposing pitcher. about at the next level," Buonarigo said. "She has a But lbpps, whose path toward a softball scholar-lot of strength in her I~ and also has an ex- ship to the University of Oregon has been more of tremely strong throwing arm. Put lha1 together a fast track. since joining the travel ball circuit be-with the experience she has been able to gel in fore her sophomore prep campaign. emits.none of travel baD and that make!> her preny cough." the swagger such slugging might induce. As tough as Topps can be at the plate, as well as ul don't blow ifl've settled in yet,• Topps said of in the field, where her range on haps bit in the air her 2003 debut. "I was sure nervous last weekend spans from shallow right-center field to the ~eft­ when the season was starting oul. I had to step oul fie ld foul line. her outgoing personality and pas- of the (batter's) box a couple times to take ·some sion for laughter project a completely differenl pic- deep breaths to try to relax. because I could feel rure off the field. my heart pounding." "} like to have fun with my teammates. no mat· Despite securing her collegiale future in the ter what team I'm playing on," she said. I always sport, Topps has done anything but scale badt. the have so much fun playing softball and I love play· pursuit of her potential. ing with these (Mesa) gjrls. • COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Gabbe guides 'Eaters, 65 -60 UCI's lone senior scores 18 points, leading her team to firs~ victory in Big West Tournament since 1997. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot This year has been a completely different season.· Last year. the Anteaters lost to UC Riverside in the Big West tourney to cap-an 8-20 season. the w orst ln Adams' ftve seasons. But the 'F.aters won their 17th game Wednesday. in scoring and rebounding. slruggled with foul trouble. scored four points and even- tually fouled out late in the game. That's wtw Biggins' play off the bench was k.ey, Adams saJd. 21 :55; 3. Brenda Colgate, Newport Beach. 45, 22:14; 4. Doreen Ramsey, Chino Hills, 47. 24:15; 5. Trish Jan1en, Tustin, 45, 24:48. Women (50-54) -1. Kathy Sanchez. Costa Mesa. 54, 23:36; 2. Pat Damion, Newport Beach, 51, 25:18; 3. Jo Britton-Reish, 52, 27:43; 4. Kathy Higa, Camarillo, 54, 27:45; 5. Terri Castellano; Sun City, 52, 31:47. Women (56-59)-1. Jeanie Leitner, Irvine, 55, 22:37; 2. Sue Robbin•. HunlingtOn Beach. 57, 27:26; 3. Cheryl Rossi, Newport Beach, 55, 28:04; 4. Sharon Speights, Newpon Beach, 57. 28:51; 5. Jae.tie Evans, Huntington Beach, 55, 35:<>6. Women (60-M)-1. Myra Lauder, Newport Beach, 60, 26:17; 2. Connie Kidd, Irvine, 61, 42:14; 3. Marylee Todd. Fullerton. 61, 47:04; 4. Sandy Nitz. Calabal8S, 63, 47:14. Women 1-..1-1. Lois Austin, Laguna Beach, 67, 26:04; 2. Lom1lne Seidmeyer, Randlo Santa ANAHEIM -For the past five Margarita, 67. 26:43; 3. Sharon ..,_ seasons, UC Irvine did not know UO advances to the Big West semifinal Prtday at noon and will face the Big West's No. I seed UC Santa Barbara. the heavy favorite of the tourney. which defeated Cal State Fullerton, 93-58. "Wt!re confident we can beat any team.• Gabbe saJd. "Santa Batbara is hopefully our next vic- tiln." UCI held its advantage in the' second half and led, 60-50, with 3:45 left after Yadon made good on an 8-foot left-hand hook shot along the baseline. However. the Vandals, who were led by Keisha Moore's' 25 points, scored sh stra(ght points to cul the deftdt to 60·56 with 1:25 left. Sima, Laguna Niguel, 65, 35:29; 4. anything about a win in the Big Winnie Rich, 66, 33:25; 5. Molly West Con(erencie Tuumamenl It Ball, San Diego, 66, 34:36. had been one and done. Thar ls Women (7~)-1. Lois Eddi, until Wendy Gabbe's senior sea-Newport Beach, 82, 37:00. son came along. av..ILuderl ___) ~. ua·s Jone senior who overcame pain ln her right (shooting) shoulder, scored a team-high 18 points and led the Men-1. Mic:hael Heishman, Huntington Beach, 26. 39:37; 2. Danriy Borg-Sond81rom. Newport Beach, 10, 4&.38; 3. Rocco Monary, Huntington Beach, 54, 40:41; 4. Tyler Maloney. Corona del Mer, 8, ~51; 5. Gary PhllllJ)9, Woodl•nd Hills, 40,41:06. Wom.r1 -1. Dayna Shu<*hat1, Huntington ~. 25, 39:38; 2. Karen Vogel1anq, Coste Mesa, 44, 40:28; 3. Makena Mateaky, Newport Coest. 6, 40:29; 4. Remington Wefu, Newpott Beech, 7. 40-..45. aw.ti ....... Meft-1. Rocco ~rv. Huntington Beach, 54. 40:41; 2. Gary PhlUlpe, Woodl•ndt. 40. 41:09; 3 Aaholc Kum•r, Newport BMc:h, 57. 41:10; 4. Robet1 ~mbe. Corona def Mar. 43. 41:21;5. Mark Henyman, Cofone dllMer,"'6,41:4'. ....,. _ t Katen Vogelung, · Anteaters' women's basketball team to a 65-60 quarterfinal vic- tory over Idaho In the Big Weit lbumament at the Anaheim Convm.lion Cinter Wednetday nighL Freshman Lauren Yadon, Oct's &.foot-3 center, contrib- uted 13 polnt1 and •ix rebounda. while eophomore point )uatd Lisa Faulkner added 10 polntt and ~homore Alh· ley BifllPDi a auwr:lbWt 12 to help bald olf 1 gritty Idaho team that llUiled etght played bean.-of tnjUl1el. "Thia Is a ~le lot more bl than last year, UCl Co.ch ~ Adamlsald. •Jt WU lib I tuoenJ ... ,_.. Gabbe received a .cortlwne shot Saturday after injuring her right shoulder early in UO's ~ to Long Beach State in the regu· tar-season finaJe. But she said be did not want to miss this game. "There was a time earlier ln the week when we didnl think she would play,• Adams said of Gabbe, who bit 3 of 7 from be- yond the three-point line. "Wendy was ju t saying, Tm playing.'. Gabbe acored 13 In the first halt auldina ucr to a36-23 lead. The 'PAien doted out the first half Wtdl 1 13-2 run and then ICOl'ed I.._ lour points of~ llCIOnd bllf to p their bl ... of the pme. 40-23. But mid- ~ ~ the MClOfld half, ldlho (IC).J8)~ I 10-3 run to pul Wllbln, 52-43. Ollildna ~ a Junior bward Who ..... the Anteat UCI hit 5-of-7 free throws in the final 46 second to hold off the Vandals. •This team comes together when we need 10,• said Gabbe. who was on the ua squad that upset the Gauchos at UCSB ln 2001. "Last year we didn't have any te4m unity. This feels gmt.L Th1s ls the farthest I haw f!'W!r got- ten.• ....... ,.._,., .. a......... ua•.klliltoto Idaho -Benson 7. Toelk 11, M~ 25, Kineey e. Fielding 7. Go.a a. Sftlon 2. 3-pt. goele -KlnMV 2, FWdlng 1, Beneon , • Toefte 1. Fouled out -Gd9CZ ~nic:et• -naM. UQ~bbe 18, Cali.w.y 4. Yedon 13, feufknef 10, Green 9, Blgulne 3. Fefguton I, Uther O. 3 pt. ooal9 -GeObe I, Faulkntr 2. G,..,, 1, r.rouaon 1. f.ouled out -c.tt.wey. TldWllalts -none. HeH\ime -UO, SU co.ta Meu, 44, 40'..28; 2. Mar1e Hui.tt. Founta3n v.tley, 40, 40.17; 3. Jecqotllnt Phllltpt, ~. 40, 4, m:" ot.ne H9Mon, N9wpon Cottt 43. 41111, &. Debbie Johneon, N9wpof1 c.ioit. 41. 41:0I. Youth hoops: Jazz rolls in 38-29 win ..._ DailyPlot SPORTS nusciay. M•th 13. 2003 a LITTLE LEAGUE Go West, . young man Giants' starter gets it done at the plate and on mound in 4-3 win. 'bylor West drove in two runs with a bases-loaded double to deep center and Ryan Knapp also collected two RBis with a slhgte in the fourth inning in the Giants 4-3 victory over the Di- amoodbacks ln Costa Mesa Na- tional Unle League-Majors dM- slo(l play. West. the Giants' starting pitcher, struck out nine ln 3~ in- nln&'. while c.vtn Montmgue threw three scoreless innin&' for the 0 -backs. Knapp relieved West in the fourth and struck out four in 2Y, innJngs. including the 0 -backs' Nos. 3 and 4 hitters with the po- tential tying run on third base in the final inning. The 0 -bac.ks scored their runs in the bottom of the fourth. Ryan SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT CdM's Eemaan Jami swept to victory in the 110 high hurdles. .. . Boeelo drove in two runs with a TRACK single and Montague scored on a passed ball. In other Majors play: •Padres 7, Dodgers 5 The Pad.res received strong • pitching from Kevin I08er and Danny O'Neil in the two-run vic- tory. Danie) Der1eg, James Wan- baugb and Gian-Paul Stebblm each had strong hits and out- fielder kwe Fm shined defen- sively. He snagged a bullet hit by Nick Pedenon, and a fly ball to center hit by Cody Green for the final out. In Minor A action: · • Rockies 15, Padres 4 f.aublo CastJllo struck out 11 and had two hits while Tommy Prk:e went 3 for 3 with four stolen bases for the Rockies. Lub Roberta hustled on the basepaths and also went 3 for 3. The Rockies {2-0) have scored 26 runs in their first cwo games. • Mariners 12. 0 -bac.ks 4 P.J. Maloney pitched four suong innings and added a dou- ble while scoring three runs in a 12-4 Mariners' win over the Di- amondbacks ln National Little League Minor A action. 1)'ter Sbefner and Tommy Stephenl pitched weU in reHef. Shefner also coDected two hits and scored three runs aJongside the contrlbinions of Man Meno. J.T. Mc:tudcy and Matthew ~-James Lewie, Dakota Giibert and Austin Knott all tal · lied runs for the Mariners. In the Farm DMslon: •The Mets shined both offen· sively and defensively agamst the Padres. Jab Stone led the of· f ense with seYell RBis and Claad P8dda-went 6 for 6 to go with an unassisted double play. Ryan W.. and WllUam Reed each had five hits and suong of- fensive perfonnances were put in by Matt 1bomea, C.ude Ste- wmon and Hant8on Stem. Bric Pfautz and Brandon Old:hofr played soHd defense. 8ndley WU.On was awan:led Mets' MVP Cor his contnbudons on both sides of the field. •Ala DeSoto earned player of the game honors, coUecting \hree hits and knocking In three runs for the Diamoodbadcs again.5t the A5tros. Dute Capoda. Outsdan Dvrow, Tyla' Owe:na. Nathan Prank. c.ole Mensfneer and DanleUe Monn each had muld- hit games. The defense was hi8b1Jghted by a double play completed by Frank and Mensinger. 1AC Ad- dle, 881 o.,_. and M1u:bell QMdence also spaBJed. Continued from B 1 competing al a meet rather than 30," said Sumner, referencing the number of athletes schools such as Newport and Marina bring. -nus is what competition is like, so we want to see who the best is.· Newport was victorious In seYer1 eYeflts. induding the 400-meter re- lay. in which the t.eam of Elizabeth Clayton. Elda Hemande-4 Amy Klipper1 and Amy Burtingtlam combined for a time of 51.9. Three Newport competitors each won two individual events. Oayton won the 100 hurdles in 12.5 and the triple jump (32-4), while Jillianne Whitfield cap- rured the discus (119·9) and shot put (33-11 ~). Sophomore Jackie BeUda won the high jump (4-10) and long jump (14-71'?). "I did badly today. I'm mad at myself." said Belida foOOWUlg her long jump. longing to Jump farther with incr~ training as the season progresses. Many ath- letes at the trade Wednesday felt the same about their individuaJ events. Burlingham. a senior fre h from her return to the Newport Nol~glrM Newpon 58. CdM 50, Marina n 100-1. Bur1ingham (NH), 12.7, 2 Riven (M). 12.9; 3. Swigert (CdM), 13.1 200 -1. Swigert (CdM), 26.01, 2 Burlingham (NH). 26.5; 3. Rivera (M l. 27.1. 400 -1. K. Morgan {CdM), 1 00 7, 2 Clester ICdM). 1:01.2; 3 'Neidner (CdM). 1:03 1 800-1 St. Geme (CdM), 2 26 5, 2 Attard (M), 2·29 8, 3 P1nH ICdM) 2:317 1,600-1. Cummma (CdMI, 12 03 S, 2 Attard (M), 1207.9; 3. Kattan ICdM ). 12.~. 100 H -1 Clayton INH), 12 5, 2 f>et9f9()(1 IMI, 17.9; 3. Mrausawa ICdM I. 19.0. JOO H -1. McKee (CdM), ~.8; 2 Morendo (NH), 47.7; 3. Ngo (M). 48.0 400 relay -1. NH (Clayton. Hernandez, Kllppert. Burtlngham). 51.9 1,600 ret.y-1. CdM (Clnter, Pltfiw, Wetdner, Swigert), 4:13 9 HJ -1. Betide {NH), 4-10, 2. Heachen (CdM), 4-9, 3 Che<nyle (M ), 4-8 U -1. Belida (NHI, 1J.7Y,; 2 Clayton {NH), 14-4; 3 Tuc:ci ICdMI. 14Y,. TJ -1. Clayton (NH). 32-4; 2. Bellda (NHJ,30-8Yt; 3. S. Serrano IM), JO.SY!. SP -t, Whlfrrild (NH), 33· m~; 2. L Wood (CdM), 25-eYt; 3. S. Serrano (CdM), 25-SV.. . OT -1. Whitfield {NH), 119-9; 2. L Wood (CdM ). 8&-10; 3. Budnlja (CdM), 81. Mesa area (~he competed last week for the U.S. under-19 na- tional -soccer team in Mexico), edged out her competltion in the JOO (12.7). despite not having trained much in the event thus far. NI felt like I had a good start and stayed focused on being qwcker, ~ Burlingham said. "It's OK. I've nm faster before, butj's still early.· Early on for CdM, senior Becky CUmmins led off with a vinory in the 3,200 (12:03.5). A pleasant swprise for CdM came from freshman Anne St. Geme. who won the 1,600 (5:27) and the 800 (2:26.5). "I felt bener than I did last week.· said St. Geme after the 1,600. ·(Sumner) said to get be· hind during the first lap. so I would have energy at the end. Last week.. I started fast, but fell apan al the end. The third lap was·the hardest, but 1n the end I gave it my all.· Melissa Swigen took first in the 200 (26:0 l) and was part of CdM's winning l,600 relay team of Whitney Weidner. 'Sara Oaster and Nicole Parise that clocked a 4:13.9. Kelly Morgan won the 400 in 1:00 7. NonlMgue boys CdM M , Newpon 43, Marina 28 100-1. Walker CNH), 11.3; 2. Moms (CdM), 11.S; 3. Leperie (CdMI. 11 6. 200 -1 Rlngstrom (CdM), 22.9, 2 Walker INHI. 23 2, 3 Moma (CdM), 23.6. 400 -t. Rlngstrom (CdM), 51.2; 2. Tracy (NHI. 53.2: 3. Rosenberger (M), 539 BOO -1 Urtusuastegul (NH), 2 02 2, 2 IC. Artz (CdMI. 21>2.9, 3. Liggett (Ml, 206 7 1,600-Artz (CdM). 4 J6 9. 2 Liggett CM). 4:38 6 3 Rosenberger {M).4:53.9 3,200 -1. N Miller INHI. 10 31 8, 2 Rudinica (CdM), 10 36, 3 Weidner ICdl\ll), 10:4'. 110 HH-t. Jahl1 !CdM I. 19 2. 2 McKee (CdM), 19 6, 3 Peterson (M), 21.5. 300 IH -1 McKee (CdMI. 46 8; 2 Morendo (NH), 47.7; 3. Ngo (M), 48 6. 400 relay -1. CdM !Caponera, Dillion, Moms. Ringstrom). 4' 0 1,800 re.lay -1. CdM (Artz. Oilhon, Rlngstrom, Borcoman). 3 30.3 HJ -1. S. Minard (CdM I. 5-10. 2 Nott INHI. 5-10 3. Beshore ICdMI. ~ W -1. Wong (CdM J, 18-7'1>, 2 0. Nguyen (Ml, 18-1, 3 Macdl1a (M l. 17-10>\. TJ -1 0 . Nguyen (M ), 39 10; 2 A. Wong (CdM). 37-3; 3 Nott INH). 34-6~. SP -1. Aanagen (M), 48.4; 2. Szecsel {NH), 43-8111; 3 Castorena (NH), 42-10. OT-1. Sl.ecse1 (NH). 131·2, 2 Aanegan (M ), 129-8, 3 Pnce (M). 120-7. QuTett Deu19Ch started the scoring in the second inning, knocking 1n the first run. SCHEDULE •The Farm Dodgers ~ved TODAY •tron3 oCJ'ens~ perfonnances ~-UC Irvine at Big against the Pirates. West tonferenoe Tournament at 9eG' Cut,le went 6 (or 6 WI.th Anaheim Convention C4t,nter first four doubla and acored f.our · round: vs. C.I State Nor1ttrid0e. 8 dmee while .,._.. Sullwn bad p.m. six him and lh run&. Ill It.I ~ ...,_ ":h =wlDlewtled =1l.~~;.~ and A.J. fllcbelo co ect . High.noot-=x;:Eltl ftve hit.a and Noib ~ got his Tournament. . net· Pldftc8 81 ftm tut Of the te&SOn. Corona del Mar, 3 p.m.; fl1'h-placa In Amedcan OMslon play: • aemifiNI. Garden Gr<Ne •t •The n,er.. got cwo bomo Newl>ort H.rbor: con101ation runs and added offensive help to Mmlfln.t; l.Algune a..d't ~ Collf ch . .a •'-Meee, et e.nc1., 3 p.m., not! a 5-2 Ticte>ry OYet' "''e CONIOl9tion: ~ .i Bot .. Marlnm in Colta Mesa Amctl· Gfande, 3 p.m. can µttie leqUe Parm Dtvklon ._. udOn. Coe'9ge men -V• .. UC IMne, 1 =JOI and Luke flodt'tvtl ~. women -Centnte AOridll at doubled to collect two R8ll UC !Mne, 1 :30="'· A.Siii bad a baae hit CommuMy m.n-"""- and thsl. • auuc double -.V •Orange 2 p.m. The Mattnen' Cody Hlnlty tal-Community colege ~ - lied • bue hJt and IOIAd aelcUna Ontng. CotM tit IMM~. 2 WU pnjwkW by Mme a.rt.. ~ echoOI -f.oVnWn ~ 81 M*ww ....... Mell. Nldlila Ntwpoft Htrtlor, 3 p.m.: eo.ta C11rt11J, 0.. Awe sdu and Ill-,...._ M El Modlwla,J f m.: .............. &lendtM~3p.m .... 'O' I ... " 1 I ...... ...... 0, .. :r.w...... t¥ .... -.... ~· ............ _...::: Caiw ...... J:11-.m~E.-.. -r.--• ••t11aa....N1 llllft ............... ..... ............ a:JDp.m. M • .:-dti ':' c'rr II =l.d:.i. lllla-ColtN dll Mir, Newport Harbor at Cap111trano V.li.v Relays, 2 p.m. ~ H.igh ac:hool boys-Oxford Acedemy et Sage Hill, 5:30 p.m. a. Hiah ictM>OI boys-Garden Gf'CMt 8't to..a Me.a, 2 p,m.; Fefrmont VL Sage Hill, .. Snwbenv Fwrm.. 3:15 p.m.; Newport Harbor Yt. C.nyon, at Anaheim Hili., 2 p.m. PREPS Cootil)ed from Bl b!oJ1 and ..,_ croee coun~ boyl water polo-pt& tennla and foocblD. hlYe beca W'l'ull dde a-=Nna Only once In the IMl 29 eill WICM» hil a Nlwpolt· M8lli 8dlOGl Wl9d to ~ Mint 111 &eeit ooe ..._ or ate crown. BRIEFLY 'Eaters belt Waves UCI basebaJJ team starting to stir behind 12-hit attack in solid victory over host Pepperdine. Anteater outfielder Olri.s Klemm was a home run short of hitting for the ~cle, 6n1shing the game 3 or 4 whh t:bree runs and an RBI as UC Irvine hande61-the Peppetdine Waves a 9-4 loss at F.ddy Q. Field Stadium Wednes- day. The Anteaters jumped on Pep- perdine starter James Carron in the top of.the first. After loading the bases with three consecutive singles, Pepperdine shonstop Kevin Estrada mishandled a Man Wagner grounde'r that yielded two runs. UCJ's Matt Fisher delivered his team·lead- ing 20th RBI wtth a single, giving the squad a 3-0 lead. UC Irvine got another in the third when Klemm scored his second run of the game on (,ar. roO's wild pitch. Right fielder Jor- dan Szabo cashed In a Klemm double in the top of the fifth to give the Anteaters the 5-2 lead. Pepperdme's Brandon Dagwo had the squads second home run of the game in the fifth to bring .the Waves within two, but the Anteater.. got three more runs in the sixth on Bren Dal- ton's two-run single and Klemm\ RBI triple Alstot retired the last six bat - ters in order as lJCI improved 10 8-12 on the season. DaJton, who is coming off an ankle sprain, played h1s second game of the ~on for UCI and ~nt 2 for 5 with rwo runs and two RBis. 57.abo extended his hitting streak 10 I I games with a 2-for·5, one-run. one-RBI per- formance wtuJe Wagner also went 2 for 5 with two runs baned m and a run ~cored. UCI starter Michael Koehler got the win. improvmg to 1-1 on the season after pitching the re- quired five innings. yielding four runs (two earned) on four h.its and striking out two. ua s. P9ppefdllie 4 UCI ~ byOI~ 9 12 2 Pep 200 011 ooo 4 !. 1 Koehler, Schroer 161. Tripoli (7), AlstOI (81 and Wagner. C.IT'oll, Mills (61. Phillipe 171 and Carab.lllo. W - Koehler, 1· 1. L -CarT'oll, 1·2 2B - Klemm (UCI), Wagner (UCI). 38 Klemm (UCI) HR -Wagner IUCI), Kelly IP), OaguiO IP) Lions raa. 5-2 • BASE~ Concordia re- corded a 5-2 Golden State Ath· letic Conference baseball vic- tory at Vanguard University Wednesday, banging out 12 hits to drop the Lions to 14-11. 6-5 in the GSAC Justin MiUward was j.he only Lion w1th multiple hits, going 2 for4. Gok*1 State MNe«k Conf Concordia 5, Vanguard 2 SCOfW by lnnlnaa Crn:rd1a 010 100 ~ ~ 12 1 Vanguard 001 ooo ooi 2 1 " Carreon and Cox, Carnahan, Harris 171, Brunett (9) and Bower W - Carrion, 3-3. L -Carnahan, 2·3 2B - Rios IC), Nelson ICI. O.Leon (C). Clifton IV). . Sage rolls, 21-1 • MSBB\LL: Tim Wilkins struck out 13 ln four innings of wort and hJt a solo home run in Sage Hill School's 21-1 non- league baseball rout of visiting larbut V'Torah Wednesday. Sitge Hill (1·0) had 19 scrike- ou ts and no walb. Zack Frie- drichs and Zack Shockley came on to relieve Wl.lldns and~ solidly. Prledrlchs sttuck out the side in the ftfth lnn.lng. WUkinl went 1 for 3 with four runs scored and bad one RBI wblle Friedrichs was I for 3 with four RBb and three runs acored. Tarl>ul commJued 14 er- rors. ...,., .. S..-Hiii 21, Tetbut YJoqh 1 Scote bv lf1ltlnga Tarbut 100 boo 1> -I 1 14 Sage Hiii Ut * • 11 12 1 Couran. Heller 18), and Howltz and Wowpc;ole UI), Wilkins. Friedrictls (5), Shodllev (8), and Korn~it w - Wllklne. 1-0. L-Couran. 0-1 38- M'iedrlcha. HR -Wiikins SaiJors top El Toro • BOYS TENNIS: Junior l'yler Deck and freshman Robert Kb~ury swt>pt in singles action to help lead Newport Harbor High's boy-; tennr~ team to a I 4-4 nonh.•ai..1\Je road victory over F.I foro Wedne~day. The Sailor'> improved to 2-I. while deaJ1ng E,I l'oro (2-11 II'> firo,t los'> of the -.eason. Nonl•acue Newport 14, El Toro 4 Singles Deck INHI def Brown 6 4 def Curro. 6 2. def Schumacher 7 5. Farmer INHJ lost. 3 6 won 6-1 6-0. Khoury INHI won, 6-1, 6 O 6-0 Doubles -Lund!Espley Jones fNH1 lost to Kang Paul, 2-6. lost to Nordberg Keller, 2 6, def Erau1 Tran. 6 1, Lutfy·Hochwald INHI won. 6 0 7 5, 6 2; Davis-Tweena (NH) w on 6-3. 6 1, lost, 6 7 OCC wins thrice •GOLF: 1 he Orange Coa'>t College men\ golf team earned three Orange E-mpm.• Confer- ence. victories Wedne'>day at Santa Ana Country Oub. The Pirate'> shot 383, besting visiung Riverside (J87). Santa Ana (401 ) and C.uyamaca (405J Jake Allanach. shot I -over par 73 to lead the Pirates. He finished 1 wo 'itrokes behind medalist loel Na.,h from Cuya mac a. David Kendall 175) Jared Bruce (761, Kl'lly W1Ch (78) and Brad Oiampaon (8 I 1 also scored for the Pirate-. !8 1. '1 -J in con ference) OCC cruises to win • JC SWIM· Sherry T!>ai. a freshman on the Orange Coas1 College women's '\wun team. set a school record 1n the 1.650 yard freestyle ( 17:4 l 731. a.<, OCCs women's and men's teams dominated Orange Em- pire Conference visitor Santa Ana Wednesday. The Pirates (2·0) won every men's and women's event. fhe QC(; women were victo· rious. 152 I 3. while the men won, 139-38 Sophomore Tyson Beamer won the 50 and I 00 free to lead the comm.mdjng effort by the OC.C men. Yale prevail s • TENNIS: The UC Irvine women's tennrs team dropped a 5-2 nonconference decision the vi!.1ting YaJe Bulldogs Wednes- day at Anteater Tennis Stadium. Tiffany Olang of uci-was top~ m singles wtth a 6-1, 7-6 victory over Margaret Purcell at the No. I slot Anna Bent7..er rolled to a 6-2. 6-3 victory m No. 3 singles. but that was the extent of UCl's success as 1t fell to 8· 7. Tars lose to Mission • BOYS GOLF: The Newport Harbor High boys golf team lost its four-stroke. first-half lead and feU to Mission Viejo. as the two teams fimsht,d play Wednesday at Mission Viejo Country Oub. The Diablo won, 396-404. and had two competitors share medaliat honors. Davis Pern- stein was low man for the Sail- ors Cl -I) at 39, while Michael Be.ovenutti (40), Rhett Palmer (43). Brandon Sowers (43) and Garrett Whitfield (45) rounded ·Out the scoring. Bcnvenutti bad the I t ~ran score for Newpon with n . Mesa earns first win • VOUEYMJ..L: The C.Ost& Mesa Htgh bo~ volleyball teall) earned its first wm of the sn· ~on Wedne day. topping non league hor.t Los Amigos. 17-15. 16· 14. 9· 15, 15-3 rhe 'Lobo~ berved for game point in both o( the first rwo -ganws, but Me..a refused to re- lent. The Mustan~ O · ll -wen: led by Adam Nili ( 17 kills), Tony Krikonan 117 d1gs), John Santo., 120 ii!>!.t!.t'il and c.at>e Goruale.t: Hour '>tu ff block\) Floridian:-. romp • TENNIS: fhe Un1vt>rs1ry of We'>t flonda Argonauts had 11 l'asy in noncunference men\ and womt'n\ tenni<. Wednt-\ day. rnlhng to a 9·0 men\ v1l 1ory a11d R I women's w1n at Vanguard 1Jn1versi1y C1u1Uaume OeVeibmer keyed \.\est Honda\ men\ victory al No I '>ln~lt-'> . Vanl(uard., Olga Hlu-.hchen k.a, at No I '>ing)es. was the LJ on.,· only wmner in womt'n., play _Eagle~ win ope ner • SWIMMING: Thret' fif'>t pldCe firw.ht''> put Vlsitrng f·..'> tanna High rn the driver\ !.eat ICJ ~In iJ (,olden Wesl Lt:agut- bor• dual '>wim meet. 91 74 a~arn.,t Wc\lm1n~1cr I hl' I aglt>'> !2-0. I -0 HI ledgue) ·rc·ct>1ved first-place ef fort'> from hank Gamboa 111 th1· 200 individual medley (2:31.45J, Paul < olhi>r in the SOO freestyle 16 I 7 21) and 01ad Kunnt'rt 1r1 the 11>0 bachtrnke 1.09 61 '>oph<>fll<H<' la'>on J-.ni ha niqut• camt' rn 1h1rd m tht I 00 free. bt•\t1n~ h1' time rn thret· Wf't'k'> b} iO '>etond., m th1• l'\Clll, and gaming praJse from Coalh luhn Carpenter. 11.unni·n. Anthony Hermann Gamboa and Collier teamed to wm the 200 mrdley relay in LO'> IH In tht' 1<1rl\ meet. Marilyn Reich and Jaymt: ray eath won md1v1dual t•vent' and contnb uted 10 btdnoa .. only vnnnrnK relay tn the r a~e' 9:;. 75 lo-. .. lo Westminster Reich won the 200 yard mw- viduaJ medlev in 2:43.47. whue Faye was v1ctoriou'I in the "i<XI free,.tyle 16·57.971. Reich and Faye were jorned by Britta P11t1 and Llhin1 Keenawinna on the winning 400 free relay quarter (4:42.19) F.stanc1a second-place fimsh er<> included Keennawinna 1200 free in 2·41 I 91. Pini 1200 IM rn .!">791). Courtney Hes'> !100 butterfly rn I :26.241: Jord1 Brad- .,haw ISOO free in 7·4 t 50) and Reich ( 100 breaststrole in 1:18.691 T11e Fagle<; fell 10 I-I, 0-1 111 lea gut> OCC lets one slip away • VOLLEYBALL: The Orange Coa'il Collt'ge men\ volleyball team lost rt<; b'TIP on sole pos se.,~1on of fir\I place m thr Orange Empire Conference Wedne-.day. droppmg a 30-28. 30-28. 30 18 dtt.1sion at Gross· mont. The Pirates C9·3. 6-2 m con ference) are joined by Gross mont (9 J, 6-2) and Golden West at the top of the standing!'I with thrtt matches remaming in the first round of OEC play. OCC.. with two stanen. out (discrplina.ry reasons and an m · jury) had opportunities to win both of the first two games. Coach Chuck Culmese ·c1. The first game was tied at 25, 27 and 28. before an OCX: hit ting error, rou~ by • block· ing error, allowed I.be Grtmn~ to prevail. OCC led c aecood pm~. 19-9, but .Oowed Crossmon• to . rally. KaimaJUt l.iunalanf IJ'ld PoJwt Pola ttch had ror occ. I\ f Of~ '\i( ~ '\llC.1>4TL 'r •, G p11,• ---E.IDITHIMNlr _....... .......... --- ·: .. nu.Y: ~ 1J. 2003 BASEBALL ~·Late-inning . ·~ ·ch~ge lifts .~·. the Giants tt • 1be Giants trailed. 3-0, after .. four innings but scored 11 times ln the final three inoing:s to post an 11-7 win over the Dodgers, in • Newport Harbor Baseball Asso- 0 dation Bronco DMsion (11· and-12-year-olds) action. G~ts pitcher JD Gnce. Ja· .: cob McQmn. and ,..._ Oun· ......,.. c:ombined roi; solid 'pitching efforts with Grace and ' McCann also bitting well. Dodgers' starter Nkk 9ftnd. · em struck out nine batters in a row after walking the first hitter • he faced. He went 3 for 3 with •• five RBis at the pJate. Dmon Prteberg hit 3 for 3 and l(yle Lawrence, Ryan Hatcher • · and Z.C Gagnon all hit well. Earlier. the Giants topped the Yankees, 7-5. The defense was led by solid pitching from Grace, Bric Hol- land and McCann. Jab C...igbDI scored the Gi· ants' first run and was helped by hits from Mark Canaldde:n, Cunningham. Bric <llebU, Jab 0.W.00 and Sean Mangano. " In Mustang Division play: • D·backs 8, Astroe 2 Diamondback pitcher Grant Frazier threw two scoreless in· -nings and had two RBis ln an 8·2 vilctory over the Astros in New- port Harbpr Baseball Association Mustang Division action. The Astros were led by Conor ~ two bits and two in-nln&s of solid relief pitching. In the Pinto Division: • 'lbe Red Sox received some strong hits from QuJnd Holgate, Aa.-ttn Smith and Andnw Olaee ,. ln their game against the lWins • Saturday in Pinto American ac- tion of the Newport Harbor Baseball Association. Each Red Sox player had a hit • and 11motby McGetrlck and Dub Morales displayed strong defense. Robert Alaander, Bstevan M~ Martin Najera Jr., Daniel Ochoa. Bryan SholUn and Spen· cer Buduuwl all played well. In Shetland Division play: •Ala Puller made a double play, tagging out a base runner ~ and throwing the ball to first. as the Cubs and Phillies played in • Newport H.art>or Baseball Asso- "' dation Shetland Division (6· year-olds) action. Parker Young bad several hits and Jdfrey Slednskt showed quick hustle in center field. Jer· any Schwartz made several ' ... stops at pitcher. •The Dodgen and Giants battled in the Shetland National division. Blab Lenk and ... z.cbary Sora...n showed off their batting skills with Tbol Hol- land and Julia C.amey displaying speed. CamDle O:utstenlen stopped a hard hit ball and was slightly injured, but received a standing ovation for her oourage. .. " .... .. .. .. . . - "' I .· •Cody Wl19on went 4 for 4 and scored four runs for the Blue Jays against the Mariners Satur· day at \\OOdland Field. Derek Anthony and 'laytor Conem shared pitching duties and played errorless games. Ievtn McCarthy opened the game with a solid defensive play at second base. ____ __, ____ -...--~---~-------~-----_.,. ... __ ._,....,..._ ___ ~_ ..-----·,-.... -~ -~...--. SPOR~S YOUTH SOCCER CdM advances . . . . . ·to state finals · Corona del Mar's Blue Clues completed a perfect season with a 10-0 record In the Silver Division gins under-12 Al~Stars action. Kneeling, from left: Valerie Avila, Leila Pozin, Claire Schmidt, Kathryn Conner and McKenna Caskey. Back row, from left: Coach Bill Caskey, K~lsey Davis, Amanda Johnson, Megan Otterbein, Alexa Cohen, Malayna Kelley, Tayfor Rhodes and Coach Jim Conner. Not pictured: Kimberly Condino, Rebecca Beyer and Rylie Levasseur. c.moi Geal and MMon C.e each ICOred goals In the ftrst half and the Corona dd Mar bays un- der-10 All-Star soccer team shut out previously-~ten . Dow- ney, 2 -0, to clalm the Secijon 11 regional townainent. · . . CdM held lta opponents to one goal. with stellAr defensJve play from Bnmt Gray, Garret I.anon and goalkeeper Oark c.hlon (three shutouts ln four games). CdM advances to the state finals, held March 23 in le- mecula. and will be one of onJy five teams in Region 57 history to make It this far. ln a 5-1 victory over San Mar· cos of San Diego In its first game. CdM got goals from Brent Lawton, Jack Gorab, ICjell Wolk- YOUTH BASKETBALL a (two) and Cue. Jack McBem and Qsae each found the back of the net in a 2-0 win over Huntington Beach. CdM cruised to a 9--0 win over La Mesa ln Game 3. McBean Ull- lled three goals with two coming from Blab 'lbomlm and Gaal, Case, Brennan Andenon and Hector MariDo scoring On<:e. In girls soccer play. •The Corona del Mar Blues Oues completed an un~eated season (10-0). beating Tustin, South hvlne. North Irvine, c.osta Mesa and Newport Beach twice during the six-~ season. The Blues Oues, an under-12 Silver AU-Star soccer team, scored 32 goals while allowing onJy two. Undefeated Hornets win Division I crown Team finishes season 13-0 in victory over Riverside to secure NJB championship. The Hornets finished the regu· tar season undefeated (13-0) downihg the Riverside Magic, 51-30, in their game las! week- end. The seventh-and-eighth-grade boys National Junior Basketball team won the Reebok Division I championship with the victory over Riverside. The Hornets were led by Gus Fllls (11 points. 11 re- bounds), OIUe Plne.ett (two blocks, five points. nine re- bounds, two assists), Andy Rov- zar (seven points, three assists) and Erik Rask (12 points. two as- sists and two sleals.) Also contributing were Ilmo- thy Regan (one rebound), Austin Apnunlarr (two points) and Thomas Dialynas (five points in· eluding a three•pointer, three steals, one assist, one rebound). J.P. Gormly (four points, two rebounds, one assist. one steal, one block) and Kevin Rask (three points. one rebound, one steal) showed strong offensive skills. The Hornets are coached by Bob Rovzar and Rob Rask. In other NJB championship action: • Newport atppen 53, Tra· bucoHeat45 The Clippers, boys team, won the Reebok 9-Division 2 champi· onship Sunday at Whittier High . Jadde Andenon. • Joel Be- tonte, Ryan Caprett, Jim Nel- son. Alec Putre, Jacob Sblcho- wlak. Matthew Wheatley and ,Bryan Yasu.kocld are team mem- bers. Head Coach David Yasukochi and assistant Joel Betonte over- see the team. Jn AU-Net play! • Trewr Miles scored 35 points and the Newport-Mesa Red Raiders, a fifth -grade boys AU-Net basketball team. finished the regular season undefeated ( 14-0) with a 54-49 victory over Santa Margarita Miles added 10 n:bounds and OlUon Campbell finished with seven points followed by six points each from Pa.Iker Stone and Neil <>'Han. The Red Raiders also defea1ed Huntington Beach. 50-36. last weekend. Miles tallied 13 points fol· lowed by J.D. Abbott (nine), An· drew Roth (seven), Campbell (six). Fletcher Della Grotta (six) and Collin Krahe (five). ROLLER HOCKEY Mungo is magic in win Vincent Mungo led New- port Harbor with four goals in an 11 -6 win over Mater Dei in roller hockey action at the Gretzky Center in Irvine. Mater Dei scored the first goal and led through the first period, but Newport turned it on in the second quarter. Olaae KeUy and Brett Roblnaon each added two goals ·and one assist, while Calvin Anderson, AJH Crouse and Cory Adler each tallied one goal apiece. Kyle Matthew• collected three assists while Preston KeUy added four. Solid defense from CoUln Insley forced Mater Del to take low-percentage shots. Goalkeeper BUlott Thacker stopped 24 of 30 shots. Randall Nebon recorded 10 each tallled 21 points and Jona- assists and was complemented than HOWie paced all re- by Austin RJos' five. bounders with 15 followed by ln seventh-grade AU-Net play: Kyle c.aldwell, P.J. Slmpt0n and •The Newport-Mesa seventh· AU Meshktn, who all bad 10 grade boys team split two week-boards. end games to end league season •The Newport-Mesa Sparks in first place 02·2). won the girls Division 3 cl:wnpi- Newport lost to Yorba Linda in onship series of the National double overtime in its first game. Junior Basketball league· with a 49-45, but came baclt strong to 33-29 victory over Orange al beat Fullerton, 44-35. Sunny Hills High in Fullerton on Robbie Boyer scored 26 to Sunday. lead the way over the weekend. AU-Star Dunn Sharp led the Joe Eberhard and Jamie McGee ·Sparks with 20 points and five YOUTH SOCCER Silver Bullets win big in Section 11 playoff_ Jamie Heinecke and Camden Nlchobon each scored a hat trick and Tummy Bangert added cwo goals to lead the Corona del Mar boys under-12 Silver Bullets soccer team to its highest scor· ing output of the Section 11 Play- offs -an 8-1 victory over a San Diego opponent. After trailing. 1-0, the Silver Bullets defense shut out San Di· ego, led by goalkeeper Connor Benwnutl, sweeper Ala Main· thaw, fullbacks Scott Batdwt- aen. ICoomJ Chebabl. Anthony Pnnd9co and stopper Ori llt- bak. Midfielders KeWI Corrigan and Jon Jaffee maintained ball control to assist the offense. 1 ' • Call (949) 642-5678 Newport-Mesa's NJB Division Ill champion Sparks. Kneeling, from left: Gianna Light, Alex Aiello. Kathy Schneider. Standing, from left: Coach Mike Sharp, Samantha Archie, Duran Sharp, Diana Murphy, Gaby Carpenter, Ricki Archie and Lexie Pickering. blocked shots while Sam Arcble chipped in seven points with seven rebounds. Gaby Carpenter added three points and seven rebounds and Ala AleOo tallied seven steals alongside solid defense from Rldd ArdUe. Gianna Ugbt. ICa- thy Schnelder and Diana Mur- phy. The Sparks beat the Jurupa Hot Shots. 26-19, in the semifinal to advance to the championship. Mike Sharp is the bead coach and Sam A.iello assists. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratq the Datt Pilot's Athlete oflhe Weefc series i Ii I ' 1 ' TODAY 21 -Aud,. Adema Newport Harbor Tennis, '97 22 -M«edith Mile9 Orange Coat College Softball GET THE PO IN T? Dailv Pilot < t;,,,j lird ;1(1, .. , ork !'111 \ 111 1 '. • • --, - - Diii Pilot _ ...... _ ..... _____ ................. -""' ..... CIY•C.Uma ..._.._ _ _,,, ......... tMll I' Th• tot1ow1111 !*a.oft• ... ere dol. DU114141M ft" l>Ynemlc: NK Systttns, ...... di H W l.ey, Coate "once II H RUY ....... CA 92617 CIVC" tNlt Me1H ,,,.. Mwc Mofetea, '3l·H posits IOf fwn1dli"I 111 W, l•J SIJMt, Cocb &el>of. matet'1tl1, 4tCllllll • .....,Th·~.~!!_ inent, ~tliWI ..-4 • ---11 coe-audl othef facll " tluclff l>y •n lndivlduel "'o l>t r equlfecl (Pf Havt 10U st¥tecl dolllt co•SHUCTION O• ~.mu. Y•l1 Ko alTCMU•-UIOU M11c Mot11t1 PAJUl. 2150 a.APll Thl1 1tat11111nt WM Smlf • ~ NOJICT hied wtth Utt Cou11ty •o. OJ_.., will I>• Cl«k of °''"" County received by the City of on 03/11/03 Coat• Mt.• at th• Office tooHtH6H of UM City Cletk 77 r11r Dally l'tlot M11 IJ, 20, Orlwt, Coale ' Men, 27, At>r J, 2003 . Th262 Ctltfornlt. until 1111 hour ..._........_ of IOtOO a.-., .._ ,_ :t •·di 2', JOOJ, "-S...... l hlch ,llm. tlMy will Th• follow.In~ pw'°n' bt . oe>ened publicly •nd .,, dolfla bus1ne11 n i rucl ,.l!tud In lM c.iund e) Th• ln' Otfeces of C~mt..ra. S..ld pro· Morton end Resm11n10. ponb aliJll beat tlM b) Morton and Rn-. tltM Of Utt 'WOfk •tlcl muSNn Cpnsulttnc, 2 neme of tlM bidder but su AIT)l>n>alo, Rencho BO other dlstJnculshlnc Senti Meraar111 • CA math Any bed received 92688 1fl1r the 1ch1dul1d Robert Mofton, 2 Sen closln1 time for the Ambrosio, Aencho Sant• rtulpt of b«la sheh bt M111arlll, CA 92688 returned to bedder Stephen Rasmussen un094ned It shell be the 171 Ntetil Heron ln ' sole responalbllity of Ille Alew Vieto, CA 92646 ·· btddet to see that hes This busmPU es con btd Is rec11vtd In proper ducted by 1 aenenl lime partnenh1p A set of Bid Docu Heve you started dotnc menu m1y be obtained bus1ntss yet? No et the Olfece of the City Robert Morton E1111neer. 77 fe11 Duve, This ~tatement was Coste Mist, Cehforn11, filed with the County upon 11••ref••"•"'• Cltrll of Ounce County ,..,_, .. s20.oo. ,.,. on 02/28/0J ..,......_, dter.. ef 200'6UU07 SS.00 must be included Dally Pelot Mir 6, 13 . tf h1ndltd by mail Bid 20. 27. 2003 Th245 Documenh and other conl11ct documents may •lso be uemlned et the Office of the City Cieri. of the City of Cost• Mtu Bid Documents will not be m11led unless tile eddlllon1I S5.00 cherae 1s Included with P•1ment. Each bid shell be made on the Propoul lorm. sh .. h P I throueti I' 91 fHOVtded en the conlt1cl documents. end shall be eccomp1nled by • et• 1tf11d or e11h111's chec;lo or 1 bid bond for not less thin 10'.\ of the 1mount of their bid mlldil pay1blt to Ille CitY of Cost• Meta No fHoposal thall be con sidefed un~s eccom pan..ct by such cashier's ~k Clsh Of b~'s bond No bid shall be con sldered unless 1t is made on • bfeni. propoul form furneshed by the City of Cost• Mesa and ts m•dt tn 1ccord1nct with the fHOVISlons of lh• Proposal requtre nMnts Each bidder myat be have• Cleu 0A0 Gerner ii En11-m1 license, and 1lso be preq111hf19d H 11qulred by law A Contrector uuna • creft or cleulhettlon not shown o n 1h• Cenerel Prev1111n1 W•c• Dettrmln1tlons m1y be requlftd IO pit)' the W81'e rete of lhet craft or c:l•ssll1c1t1on most closely relettd to tt u shown tn the Cenerel D1term1nett0n1 1Hecltv1 1t thl time of the c1n for bids The Contt1ct0t shell comply wtlh the prov1 $ions of Section 1770 to 1780 1nclustv1 of the C1hforn11 labor Code, the ptlVltllftl r Ill Ind acele ol we1es utab 1111\ed by the Ctty of Coste M.u. wflech 111 011 hie With the City Clefk of the City of Costa Miu. end shill f0tftlt p1nalllt11 pre scribed ther11n tor llOncomphence of said C.ode The City Counctl of the City of Coste Meu restfves tlM rlifll to reject 1ny end/Of 111 bids ~,Olm, D.,...., City a-ti City ef CM1w •"• D1t1d. f ebruery 24, 200J Publtsh•cl Newport Beech·Costa ~ Dally ~t Merell 6'nJ.:g SRl your unwa11ttd Items tllroucl\ c!Uslfltd *--" 111 ' dtlU..tl nc... ........ The follow Ina pet son hu abandoned the uu of the r1cl1llous Bust· nen Hem• O T uslln Automotive limo Ser· Yiu, b) Tusl•n Auto· motive Center. 18.JO S S1nt1 re #B. San~ Ana. CA 92705 The ficltttous BustntsJ neme referred lo above wu f1l1d 1n Oran1e County on 12/07/00, rtLE NO 20006848716 Roy Koch 3050 £ M&adowiuove Ad Or- an1e CA 92867 fh1s business 1s con ducted by •n 1nd1Y1dual Roy Koch T111s st.atement wu ltled w1lh th• County Cletk ol Oun11 County on02/18/03 200SHU121 D11ly Pelot feb 20 27. Mer 6 13, 2003 Th203 The follow1n1 per~ns •re dO•l)I business n Baa 1n a 601. 1001 w 17th St Unit D2. Costa Mua, CA 92627 Arthur Gulllen Rivera II, 2990 BredlOfd Pl #f Sant• Ana. CA 92707 Robert Jnon Car- nHdo, 21622 Brookhursl IC. Huntm1ton Buch, CA92646 This business is con due led by a 1ener el p11tnenhep Have JOU sltrted do1n1 businen yet? Ho Arthur Cutllen Rivera II This st1temtnt wu hied wrth the County Clerk of Onn1e County on 02/28/0J MOUHS2H D•1ly Pelot Mar 6, 13. 20. 27,2003 Th240 The lollowm1 persons ere dotna_ business as f reedom fleleltty, 28202 Cebot Ad Jrd floor. lecun• Kt1uel, CA 92677 Freedom f tdeltty LLC (NV). 28202 Cabot Ad Jr d floor , l •1una Hl1uel, CA 92677 Thtt bu1iness ts con- duc I ed by limited L1eb1hty Co H•v• you started dolnc business y1t7 Yts, 01 04-0J FrMdom ftdttllt)' UC, Jlltfllttr M. 81ttm1 Gulla. M1n11er fhls lll~tmNll WH hied with ttie Count,. Cltrll of Of1n11 County on02/2ll03 200~HJ!N Ollty l'tlot Mar 6, 13. 20, ~7. 2003 Th254 CJIY• CDAA& .. cemn, ~ ..... NOTICE IS HUtHY GIVEN lhet .. .i.11 ,,, ... pqs.ta for~ eM le«ior. metwl1hl, tqQlp rnent. tnlm.portetlOft •ftd t.uc:h Gt"-fecllltln es may be requhcl f0t HHAlllRAflO• Of SIVIUl MTaW. MO tlSIOrlfTW SllUTS A•O O•I AlUY, PaOUCT •a•, CltJ ,,.._. Ol.07, will IN rtcttvtd lly the City of Coatl Mui llt the otfi« of IM City Cltt•. 17 r11o D11ve, Cosfe Meu, California Until the hour of 10.00 •-... •-..,, lllwdl J t, 2"S. et which tlmt thily \!till be "'Oj)lnecl publicly ind read elpud kl the Colinctl Chembtfs. SMltd PfO- pouJs •h•ft l}ellt Ult tlti. of tt11 work and name of tti. blcldtr ll11t no oui.r d1stlncurshi111 marks Any bid received 11111 the sched uled clo5in1 t1m1 for th• receipt of bids shall be returned to bidder unopened It shall b• the sole respons1b11tty of the blddef to see that his bid received 1n tHoi>er hme. A stl or B•d Docu ments may be obtained •I the Otfict of the City En11nee., 77 f1tr Duve, Costa Mesa. C1lrf0<n1a, upon 1 .. 11ref1ut4elille ~ ef $SO.OO. A. ........... doerp •f $20 .00 will be m1de 11 handled by mail Bid Documents and other contr1et documents may also be eumined at the Olfke ol the City Clerk of the City of Costa Meu Bid Documents will not be mailed unless the additional S20 00 charae Is included with payment Each bid shall be made on the Propoul form, sheets P 1 throuch P 9a provided In the contract documents, end shall be accolnj)<lnted by a <.er t1f1ed or cashier's cht<k or • bid bond for not less thin IOJ, of the amount of lhetr bid, made payable to the City of Costa Men No propoul shall be con sldered unless accom pen~ by iuch Cllhoer s checll. cash or bidder s bond No bid shell ~ con sldered unless 1t is m•de on • blank form lur nt~ed by the City of Costa Meu end is m•de 1n acce>< dance wrth the prov111ons of the Pio posat reQu1Cements [a<h b•ddtr must have 1 Clan "A" (General En111nee1mc> license and abo' be prequalrf1ed u req1m ed by law The City Council of the Cely of Co~ta MtU reserves the rlahl lo re.iect any °' all bids The Contractor shall comply with the pro••· sions ot Section 1770 to 1780, mclu~tve, of the Caltfornil labor Code. the preve1hn1 rate and scale of waaes utab lished by lhe City of Costa Mes.a, whtch are on felt wrth the City Cler~ of llM City of Costa Mesa and shall torfc1t penalties P• e sc:11bed therein tor llOflCOmpl .. nc:e of u1d Cod ....... JuUl FOlCNt. Depwty City a..io Oty.tc ....... Oiled March 3. 2003 Pubhshed Hewpor I Buch·Costa Miu Daily Pelot March 13. 20. 2003 fh257 ._COUITOf ~ . aum Of OU11G1 J411t.O,Dr.,P.0.la 14171,0r.p,CA. til6J.IS71 i--w.c..r PrmlDIOf llA11Amll1UI fCllC.-Of- .. 10 .. UISIRll (1*10f- Wl-A21"• TO All INTERESTED 1'£RSONS 1 Petii-NAfttAHIEL .-OF ·--BElltEA hied • petition ....,,._ ,_,,..... ..i ot. CICIMllll'I m. wrth this court fOf • Ul.E ,.._ 81111 ND. ~I..., d fw"" •rff ch•n11111 names -lAmt Nil -1111 ~...._,...,_ es follow~ NATHANIEL Ol'imr ND. 141'IMDI ,,,,.. lit ~ ti>.. 2lriO GRECOftY DICKMAN (~ ~ 1RA ND. tf. ~UN. 0:. = OK ~Tli CERTIFICATI) -1lllllt -" .... CA. n. wildl HAVl Al.WAYS COflfE BY "'* a Died d ,_.. ,.._ ~ .,,, KAlHAKIEl BEITLER, ellll~ Urlllill ...., • .,,,~WANT TO CARRY REAL ,.. ........ ,.... .-dtw ... .._ BLOOD NAME to 1iD'lf ......-~•...,la ..Sot. C1111...an m. NATHANIEl VON BE· lllld • • ,.._ 1111. I ""*"' I ... lflOtln ITlER JIU ... • $0 tilart IWl9\. 8llid .. •la 2. THE COUR1 DRDEllS d tw ,..... fll .. ..,. ..-. M ,..... -... that II ptrlOITS Inter --_.,._,.. ,.. 1111 _,.... -nted In this matter lh1ll -*"" _... I ...,_ fRllllll « ..... • lflP9M before this court On --• ~ ._... -I · \ •t the 11 .. rlnc lndtceted ,.,..__. ,.....,. ot 8WiltlU~ l>tlow lo 11tow ClllM II .,.. ~ • ~ tw ..... any, wtly tflt petition fOf • C &z: •. tw .,. fl tw • chin" of n•M• should -......... """"' .... a.. ... Olild d not "r•nted. ..... ~ 9 1M1, ""'... ....... NO~IC OF HtAltlKC Died d 1N11 __.. ...... :':' ; ;:. -~~ ... In Dtw •·1·00 Time· 2 PM • ...-. -.w.a ~t.: L73 ~ fll _.. Wlllr .. -d ~ •Odreu Of II• cowt _. .... ~.,.. .,. It U<N u noted •bov• ........, ti 0.. ::... ~ ..... : 3 A copy of this Of def ~ _. ..... ti~ to Stiow etllM '11•M bt Ollilr ............... _. pulllbhtd •• i.11t -· • --., ~ d r\: .. ch wHll for t•ur ...... ... ..... s• --· .. succeuJv• .... , Pflof ,.,..... • • · 1 ._.. •.;;;. ...._. to tllt title Mt f0t .... -. ,.... .... .. ...... .._. ... ., ..... the patltiOll • .. .... .... .. ' ... ._ .. ... tM followt11& ,.._ .............. d ..... 1111. 1'11 p..-Of ..,,. .. C:lrCV• ..... lliiN...,.,.. lillll; -.. • latloft. prlltlad .. ttllt ~ - -~ • -CAIUflt.,: Ntwpott IMctl/ --. ............... Coate ..... 01i11 Plloa, tllllln ......... -,.. ........... , •-•.....,..,.,• -~t111'91i... »0w.a..,.co.ta1111u, ..... .__. __ ... _.. ... ~ CA "'17. (Mt) W · ............. -.... r ... UZI .......... _. __ --D-• ...... Mfls .. l•t99J ........... ___ .. • w l•HI atCMUI 0 . _,. - -Dllllil .......... .., lllAlll. ........ °' ·==·=4 .............. _ ..... TtmS-..0.a.sf ... ::::..!' .. "':':i· .,.,.............. .. ... 111••• .... ~ .. .;;;-,_...Ct9 II& -*4"" hedlc:o.t• ... et , , • • __. _.. W II Plot ,.., .. _, JO. 2 • ....._••=• =-:..--=:.: ..,cu.n,200J lll2CM :..: :-.. ~ :.::;..~-= = =--= ~ -a. ....... ~~.: Ht~~ .! ... .:=t:~F~ ............... ---....... " ..... . _ ....... -..... -................ 100, ...... .. ............... '= ,,, • ,=-:.. ': =~JJ::i Cute ~Ii L::i= :=~~~ • l=;MC.t .. =:c::. :-·.:. .. . .............. •· , ______________________ ,,::..c.-,...,.. ~ ' Gwy MMFMll, 3Cl01 lttd H• AH , Suitt C ?OJ, Co•t• Mti.a. CA t2e2t • f hla fllusiMU II COO dueled ~. a ptllftl pettneraJ!jp Hnt )'04I stllrled dolfll ~yet7Ko C '"'t Mcltf aon Thi. 1tll11Mnt WU fHcl wltb ttl• County ci.111 of Ot•na• c-•• on02/2llOJ IOOM9M'10 Deely '•lot F 141 'l7. Mlf 6, 13..l0,2003 Th212 ......... ... s..... I he followfnt persons 111 dolnt business A P•auua Studeos. J07S S Harbor, Santa An• CA92704 Hollywood Mu1ic, l11c . (CA). 6S22 E Cimino Vlsii, Anehtlm, CA ~1musl•• Indus tr!e•, Inc., (CA), 9422 Harcourt Ctrclt. Hun t1nrton Beech. CA 92646 American lntern1tlonal Aerospece, Inc (CA), 2031 E Via Burton •f. Anaheim. CA 92806 Th11 business ts con due led by 1 aener al partnership HIVt yOll stat led dome business yeP No Hollywood Mu"'· Inc . Steve Bartolone Prue dent lh1s st•temenl wn hied with tht County Clerh of Or1n1e County on 01/28/03 200SHSt41t 01111 Pilot f eb 20, 21, Mir 6. 13, 200J Th206 Rdll.. ..... "-S...... lhe follow1n1 persons are do1n1 bus1neu H PACIFIC INDUS TRIM COHCE.PTS. 11 76 Main St Ste 100 Irvine. CA 92614 Donald l Bendtlh, Trustee of The O&D Revocable !rust Dated feb 23. 1994. 523 Emer<1ld B•1. Laauna Beach, CA 92651 Bendeti1 "'socoaln, Inc . (CA). 11 76 M11n St Ste 100 Ir vine C-' 92614 This bustnes\ I\ •On dueled by a hm1ted pa•lnersh1p Hive you started do1n1 business yet} v~, 197'> P;aclf•c lndt1\lr1•I Concepts DloD 8endell1 Revoublt Trusl Duneld l 8endell1 Trustee Thos statement wn hied with the C:ounty Clerk of Ot •nae Counly on02/26/0J 200S6U047 Oaily Pilot Mar 6 13. 20 27 200J fh239 Rdll. ..... ... s...... The follow1n1 per sons 11• doonr bus1ntu IS [mer aid R1d11e -'i>•r t menls. 12575 Ninth St Carden Grove. CA 92840 Rudy A M111m1n, lrusltte tor Rudy Mafl man hust, elated 0!>/10/ 89 341 Bay11~ Dr 0 Newporl Beach. CA 92660 fhis bu>1nos is con dueled by 1 business trust Ii••• you stallf'd 0otn1 business yet' Yes 51'36 . Rucly Manm•n Trust Rudy A Marim•n fruslff This statemf!nt was hltd with tht County Clerh ol Orence County on02/281QJ 200,.uu .. Oatly Pilot Mtr 6 13 20. 27. 200J Th2• I Aclllm ..... "-S...... The tollow1n1 persons a<e doona businf!ss n Transportes Intern• CIORllH Or Ill (T I 0 ) 8JO Center St Surte 11 . Costa Mesa, Cahlorn11 91627 David Oritz. 8JO Centn St Suitt I I Coste Mtu . CahfC>fnla 92627 This business es con ducted bf' en lndMdu1I Hive you st¥tld clom1 business ye{t Yes. 11/ 01/02 J D1v1d Of't11 • This st1t1mtnl WIS hied wltlt the County Cltrll of Of•nce C0ttnty on 02/25/03 IOO,.tJ477e Deely Pilot f'tb 27. Mer 6, IJ, 20, 2003 Th227 ......... "-S...... The fotlowin1 persons ere dotnl business as a) United Co"'P'lltr lo Tetecommumcation, Inc . b) UCT. Inc . 18902 8ttd.-n A~t . lt"IM, CA 92612 Umttd Computer & T~11JC1Uon, Inc (0(). 1890? Bardeen Aft., ir..-. CA 92612 Thb business It COfl ducted by 1 corporation Hive you stertecl doinc bu11n.ss yet? Yea, M1y 23, 1995 United Computer & Telec:ommunlc:stlon. Inc , IOm Youn1 Joo Shin, S.Ct1t11y Thl1 1tetement wh ftltcl with the County Clt'k of Otente County on02/2Mll IMMtJSJOI °"'1 , ... , Mer. 6, 13, 20. 21. 2003 lllZS2 ........... ......... Tiie fOIJoWlftl petMfll -~~·· '•tssOfl 1 Yecllt Wnll, 935 C11mkf'l1ntl lltl , Of 91119, CA 128115 o .. i. 11o1Wt '•t•. Mlft, 0 CMlMerltll4 ltd .. Or-up, CA 92115 ....... LJl!n --.. 13' C11ffl9etll,,_ lt41 , 0tl"lt. CA WM Tilll ~ la COii tllltte' tty • ..,., .. ,.,1~ .... ,.. ......... ~~1Y.._F .. h t, toOJ l>tittM It, ...... tofl Tl\it tttt-1 w" Ned wftl h c.-tr Ci.tl of °'""" c;-t, •1101/71..01 ........... DllllY,... '" zr~• &. 1t 2IO IOOI .rml .... ......... (CA), 17$) O..ey Dt1v1, Cartltn Crowe. Ceft1orn1a t2MI lltt Thlt but1n111 11 con· Mtttl ~)' e COlporeUorl H.•• you slllrted doilll buslneu yeP Yes. 01/ OZ/200.l AGI' AHoctetes. In<, G.,y ft11dm1n, V1c1 Prtildtrtt ThtS mttment wu llt.d With the Counly Cltfll of Oun .. County on 02/24/03 200MtMSH Dallr rttot hb 27. Mar 6, 13, 20. 2003 Th226 ......... "-*'-' The followtn• penons .,, dotnl bustnus as Happy Eodln~ Des1en lo Dec: or at Ina Co , 1 ~9 Pl9C1nt1a Ave #211, Newport Beech, CA 9266J ~lu M. Aobbtns, 1549 Plecenli• Ave. •211, Newport Buch. CA 92663 1hls business is con eluded by. en 1nd1vldual tt.ve you started doma business yet> Ytt, 1/10/ 03 Ahtt M Robb1M This statement was hied with the County Cieri. of Orann County on 03/07/03 200SHS6216 Daily Pilot Mar 13 20. 27,Apr 3. 2003 Th263 fkllMW..U "-*'-' The followmc P•l\ons are do1n1 bu\mess as C•l1forn1a V1s1tors Net we><lo II 448 Magnotti St . Cost• Mesa CA 92627 Mermaids & Martinis, llC. CC-'). 448 Magnoh• St , Co~la Mts• C°' 92627 This busmen os •On dut ltd by l 1m1ted ltab1hty Co Have you ~tarted doing business y•P No Mermaid• lo Marlin". LLC. Tart Soderling CE 0 /Owner ThtS statement wn filed with lhe County Cltrll ut Or an1• County on 02,12!>/0l 200S6t341S4 D11ly Piiot r tb 'l1 Mdr 6 13 20.1003 Th235 RcH.sa...s "-S....... fhe lollow1nc per sons arc> dome bus1nos n lto1m One l oans 9121 -'tlo1nta St 111633 Hun lln1ton Buch CA '1l646 011com D1111a1 llC tCA) 9111 Atlenta St •t.J3 Hunt1ncton Beach CA 91f>.46 Thll bu\lness •s con ducltd by l1m1ted l 11b1hly Co Hotve you slar ted do•nii bus'"e\' ftt' Ho Darcon1 01c11al LLC. -Oarcy M~ve• I President Th1\ \lalement wu filed with the County Cler~ of Or a nee County on 02/28/03 20036tsSJ04 Oally Pilot M11 6 13, 20 21. 2003 fh248 FidtllM ..... "-*'-' The tollow1n1 persons 1111 doing business as Babybooboo 16'4 Bu<Jy St Costa Mesa CA 92627 .lennller l ynn Crow•ll 164 Buoy St Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Christopher Michael Coa 1041 W 18th St •"106 Cosh Men CA 92627 fhti business is con dueled by co P•lntrs Ha we you staned doint business yet' No Jennifer C• owell fht\ stalemtnl WIS ftled with the County Cieri. of Orance County on 03/0 7 IOJ 200S6tUUI D••ly Pilot Mar 13. 20, 27.~r J.2003 Th269 ~ ..... ... s...... The lollow1n1 persons ire doma busmen as. Huntln1ton financial Sen1ces IOI S l'.reel1'W!f Blvd Suite 111. Pl.1 · ctnha. CA 92870 Hunlonaton f 1nenc11I Group. Inc , (CA). 101 S l'.rHrntt Blvd Suitt 111 Plecenl1.1, CA 92870 Thn business es con dueled by a corporat!Ofl Have you sllrttd CIO<n& bus1nUs yet' Yes. 1984 March 17 Hun11n1ton F1nanc1ll Group Inc . Dutd l Runnion Ptestdent This statement was hied w11tt the County Clef~ of Or•n11 Co1mty on02/21/0J 200UtMS14 Datlt Ptlot F°tb 27, Ma< 6, IJ.20.200J Th214 ,.... ..... '-S..... lhe tollow1111 ~rsons ere dolllf ~nus H ; Creyatone ~tments. 2110 Thurin Aft , Costa Mna.CA92S27 Audy A Merlm•n. lrustff for Rudy MMI· men Trust, deted 05/10/ 89, l4 l Beysklt Or. •l. :;:gort 811ch, CA fh11 bu$1oeu II c:on· dllctM 11r: • bwlMU tr111t • "'"' )'Oii •tatted -IMBIMU ~et? Yn, l V • lllld'f Mwknan lrldt, ltwtl, A. Mtrl..,n , TruttM Thie 1tate"'9nt WN ftttd Wltft the C-nt) ci.t• of Of•• County on02/2IJ03 ieuMUUJ Dlll1 r•t Mllr. &. IS. 20, 21. lOQ3 Tll241 .......... ....... T ............. ._. .,, W'8 ........ IK! ,,.,. ,..._, 11010 '"' ... -. w. .... fouteln \lelley, CA 111709 • D•1ttlea lt•Uell OlscllNr, 8'010 S..: ......... , • ...!.._ t• \1...,, CA WIW T1* .......... CJOlt. ..... ., .. ........ ....,.,....,......_ ..... ..er ... D••il.. lt•u•ll ........ Nt •1 I ... ......... ~ ~ ....... e...lt r.:= .. ..-~ ... ~~·"'·'=-.. \IA Thi f0How1n1 P<tf son\ ,. • dol"I 1111-n u TreSummlt fln1nc1al 4S90 MKA/lhw 8i.d S te 500, Newport kach, CA 9'660 lt•ymond A Dte•in, 11 Whtie Chit t111uH Nt&Ull CA 92677 fent <t Millson. 12 White Chit, la1un1 Hi&Uel. CA 92677 Th~ bus1n.ss I~ f.C>lt dtXted by husband and 1111f1 Have you sl•rled doolll butfhns vet' Yu I I 22 02 R•ymond A Dictu' Terrt C MJlhwn This sl•lement wo hied w1lh th• C<Junly Clerk of Ofanae County on02/2l/03 iGOSOM,Oe Dil~y Ptlol hb 27, Mai. 6.lJ,20,2003 Th218 Re-.. ..... '-S...... r111 followln1 persons are doln1 busmen n Oltve Tree Apolrtmenls 2190 Collea• Ave Co,.ta ~.CA92627 Rudy A Mar1men Trustee for Rudy M.irt m•n Tru.,t d•led a!> IO 89 J..41 B•ys1de 01 •s Newport BeHh CA 92660 Thrs busmes~ •~ tun ducted by .J busmts\ trU'>I Have you \lart"d dome bus1nes\ yet' Yo 10/ 75 Rudy Marom•n ,.,~, Rudy A Mar 1m •n Trustee This \lalement wn filed with lht County Clerk of Oran11e C<Junty on 02/28/03 200S693S264 Daily P1101 Mar 6, 13 20. 27. 1003 Th24t flcffMlllJiltss "-S....... rhe lo1tow1n1 per son!. are doont bu$mtss o Oranae County Bu1ld1nii. Rep.,, artd Mw1t 419 Mam St •274 Hun tmeton Beath CA 92648 Mitchell B Hend1en 419 M.ton SI •274 Hunlmilon Be•ch CA 92648 ftt•~ bu~1nes.i 1~ 1.:on duclrd by an 1nd1v1dual H••" you 'tarted Oo1na buson•\s ytf? Yr~ 5 2002 Mitchell 8 Hendrtn rhos Sl•ltm~nt Wd\ filed .. 11h the County Clerk of Or•nee County on 02 28 03 200l6US297 D•1ly Pilot M•r 6 I J 20 27 2003 Th?•<.! FiditMs ..... "-S....... lhe tollow1n1 ptl\oos •re doona busoneu "~ l• Priest lnlerla1nmenl 351 Old NewPort Blvd Suit~ 409 N•wpor I Buch CA 92663 Glenn S~hu\lerm.in . 3!">1 Old Ntwport Blvd Suite •09 Newpor I Bea~h CA 9?663 Brenll I Arcement 10?02 !>dint Cloud Ave Cow•n Ht11thls 1.-' 9?705 lh1-s bu'\tnes~ 1s c.011 duded by 101nt venlu1t H•ve yOll \t•1 ltd do1n1 business yet' No Glenn S..husterm'n This. •htemenl ••• It~ w•lh the Cocinty Cler• of 0.•ne• County onOJ II 03 200SHS .. 24 Daily Pilot M.lr IJ 20 27.At>r 3.200J fh.261 Re-.. ..... "-S...... Tile lollow1n1 persons are do•ne busmeu as WPO (hwoopo') Bu11neu Soluhons 2043 Westcl1H Dnn Newporl Beach CA 92660 WPOB lnduslrlff. In' (CA). 2<M3 Wutcltll Dnve. Newport Buch, CA 92fi60 ll'llS busmen is con ducted by a ce><porahon Han you \t•1 led do1n1 busmes.s yet' Yes. NM 2001 WP08 lndustroes. Pit O'O.ttn President This sl•tement was hied with the County Clerk ol Or1n1r County Ofl OlJ :ZS/OJ IOOU9S47S6 011ly Pilot f tb 27 Mar 6. 13. 20. 2003 Tf\234 ........... "-S..... The followin1 person\ 11e do•na bus.neu u Access Ott-s 3020 Old ~anch Perkway IJOO Sell Beach, CA 90740 Su'""-Suites l020 Old lhnch Parllw•r UOO, Sul Beach CA 90740 This business cs '°" clucled by • corpora lion Htve you st1rt eel do<n& bullMU yet? Yes 01/ 03 Summer Suites. Deb Ol'lh Wtlllnson. Pres Tll111 statement wes hied with the C0ttnty Cl4irll of Of•nae County Ort 02/14./03 100.MtJJJll D1ily Pelot Feb 20, 27, Mef.6. 13.2003 THl99 ......... ......... The tollow•n& p.rtont lft de4nt bvslntu 11· W.S_ Auto, 317 W Wiltoll •10 Ct•ll Maa.CA WeU.r Stott R...,.t 'On, 327 W W1hon '10I, C.u -.. CA m27 Tiit ~IS C:Ofl• dUc:ttd by • .,, ..,,.d,,., ...... '°" ~ tloil't '•'""'" retf Yn, VOl ...,~tltok>t· -Th lt~ ... ... Witt\ tM eo.u .. 1, ~ of O.•no Cov11tr -~ ,..,.. .. , .. o.My Piiot f • 17. flllllr • 6, U, 2IO lOOJ TW~ ....... ......... "",........ ...... _..., ...._. H; tit ........ ... c...: ·'l•l? ... ... ---~lr ..... CA -·· ....~u.. .. ..., <CA> a•u ........... ~CA-lt 1Mi .......... "" ....... ~.-.. . .............. Or•np County's Unit ed W1y Sf V, .. C f 0 , lmm•n11et Y l•ltfNI C,A rh,. •tet1me111 wu htetl with th.e County Cl9fll of Ore.,p Co11nty on Ol/01/0) HH6tU21S Delly P.w>I Mar 1 l . 20 27,Apr 3,200) Th2&4 w.. ..... '-S...... The followtn1 P«SOnt ., e dOllll bUilfl•i. t lft R;ch.ud M ICiopflo &. Auoc••ln . 1100 Ad•mt. Ave •102 Cost• Mes.a, CA 9?6"6 Vtt tor y C nterpfln\ Inc . (CA). 1700 Ad1m\ ht(tby Cl~otft th•I Ille en111itl rl1111n for Ille f11.ul ynr IMlnl .... Wimber JU, ;lOQ2 Of the CHAR roN f AMIL y '0UNDA llOK. p11nte foundlltlOn is ••4111.ttNe for '"'peel, ore of ltw:llMcl II lhomas A f"rot1111oe1I A"~" tltllC, Cori>«at~. 05 lonu1• r.r ...... Lq ..... Seach, CA 92651, (949) 491 7234 dut11t1 r•&ttler bllsmen houn '' any c1t1.11n wllO reQlldh tt within UID dllya •"• the date of th•• pubNc:ahon Publ,.hed Newport Bt•r.h Cu$ta Mew Daily Ptlot Marc.II JJ, 2003 Th~ -'venue •102. Co\ta fidllM ...... Mes.t CA 92611> fh•l bu1>meas '' con "-*'-', duct<l'd by 1 c0<pont1on The lollow1n11 pen11n1> 11•,,. you '™ltd doin& '" doin& bu~1neu as: bu'llnen yet7 Yt •. 7/1/ Ehte Canva,, 660 w. 1986 17th St •J7, Cost• V1ctor1 Entuprtsn , ,,..,. CA 92627 Inc Rttherd Kepllo, Marlla ·c Ocon 22tl l'rtsodtf'll Anaheim Av• . Cost• Thia 'taltment wu M.u CA 92627 hied with lhe CauntJ Tht'S bus1neu " cOfl Cleo~ of 01 .. n1e County dutltd by an 1nd1vldual on 02/28!03 H•v• you SY• led doto1 200S6t3SSOS bus1n•s'> yet' No Oatly Pilot Mar b I 3 M•11• G Ocon 20 27 <'003 lh/'7 fhis st.tement wn fldlll....... loled with the County Cler~ uf Of•ntt Counly "-*'-t <>nUl ll OJ fh~ fullow111c oerwu 200S•tS4Sl1 di t d1.11nii bU\lfte~\ .\ O••IY Ptlut r eb 27 M<lr -'nyOAIA l"ORl'ORATION b 1l 70 200J Thl20 lll'Ml2 8Jrdcen Ave fidlMllsirllss lrv1nt CA 9lbl2 AntOAlA CORPOkA "-S....... TION 10( I 1890/ Tht loOowme P•t\011\ B•rdt:en Awt' lrv1nt !.-' •re dutnit buStn~\S •\ '.!?bl? Hull,wood Mu~K S111 l ht\ bU"llr\~ I\ tUll do(J• 6!">22 [ C•mono dutled by • •OlprH•ltun v .. u •2 """ht•m HIVt' you ''••hod duong Cahlurn1a 92801 bU\1110, v~1 1 VP\ Ort Slt ve B•rlolone Ill 03 2001 6S?2 [ C.•m1no V"I• •2 AnyOAIA CO RPOH-' Anaheim C•llfurno" HOH. Kim Yuuni Jun 'U807 Shin S•1 •~••• v This bus1neu ·~ •on Th" \ldltmrnt w.I\ du~ted ey an ond1v1dual tiled with lh• l.uunty H•~e you \l•rted ""'"it Clerk ul U1.tngt ltiunty bus1nrn yeP No on 02/l8tUJ Slevt! B•rtoktne 2003693Sl00 Tho\ st•ltment W•s 0d1ly Ptlol 1;(41 b I J. 11110 with the Cu uni y 20 'l7 ?OOJ lh/')() Cler~ ol Dune• County n......_ .......__ on 0 l /?.'2103 ""--20036930560 ... S....... D•1ly Pill}~ f eb 20 27 I h,. fullnwina ptr \un\ Mar 6 ,.. l003 Th207 ~rr dom~ tu\t0~'\1. 4,. fidl'-a...s JHullh Cun1n1un"•llons Jb7 N•wµurt Gten IA "-s.._. Nt•11url B~d•h C.A Th~ followona P<rsons 97660 •re d<11n2 business ., Sl~vtn lohns.nn Jb7 I Monc1u2un l•n~UP•"I Ntwpor l Gl•n Ct 16J w l'lth 51 ~I •3 Ntwpurl Bt4Ch l A CMh M•'• CA92627 '11660 lpvhl<I M1 ndr•iOn lhl\ bU\•M\\ '' ton l•ra 76 W 19th St du<ltd by •n ind1V1du.ol ,..., • j Cost• Mes• CA tlnf' you ~I.or ltd do1n2 92f>?l bu\1nn\ v•t' v~, l 71 lh~ bu''°''' " '-"n 0 I du< led by •n •nd1v1duill Sl••en J<Jhn,un 11.ov• you .,tarl•d do•n& lh1\ ~l•ltm•nt was bU)tntn yet' Yu 08,. l•ltd with th.. County O? flrr• uf O••ntot• Counly lp<il1lr1 Mondt•ion Lara on 02 l8 OJ Thi\ \ldlement .,., 20036 93S269 flltd woth the Counly Clot1lv 1'1101 ""•• 6 IJ Clerk ol Orana• County tO ?1 ?OOJ ..tt 1 hlSJ un oz t •!03 ' f1ct1t1M lusiMu 200S6t llS 29 .._... S....__. D•1ly Pilot f tb lO l1 - -Mar 6, 13, 200.l lH198 I he lotlnw1n2 p•r'o'" ~,. dum& bu\1nen I\ Ovt1111 al Movrml'nt 20351 Ir vmr Avt Su tit C2 s .. nt.o -'n• Httihl' CA ~2701 Slol\ C hdrle' l •mv m•n 20351 Ir von• -'vt Suitt C? S•nl• Ma Hei&hh CA92707 Th1\ b~1nen is •<in tlucltd by ~n 1ndov1du•I H••t vou ~tar led do1nc bU\lnt'\S ytf' Yt\ l 10 03 .Sloll C lampm•n lh1\ \l•lem .. nl ... , hied with the Cbunty Clefli ot Oranie County on O? 21 'OJ 200S604JS9 O.a1ly Pilot r tb l 1 M.ar 6 IJ 20 2003 Th229 Ac-.. ..... "-S....... lhc> followina perwn' ar~ do1nc bus1nes\ .ts P•mpered Multiples .)044 Cr •nt A•t Co5t1 Mesa CA 92616 M•rn•lee lydll loprz. 3044 Gr ent Avt Cost• Mesa, CA 92626 Jess• -'lonso Lopez. 304• Gr ant Av• Cost. Mna. CA92626 nus bus.nu\ IS <on ducted by huib•nd •nd wile Hav• you started d04n& bus•"en yet' No .luse Alonso Lopu This statement .,., hied with !tit County Clerh ot Or•n1• County on OJ 1)7/03 200S .. S6226 Detly Pilot Mar 13 20 27 Al)# 3. 2003 Til2'6 7 Ri91m ..... "-S...... The followinc penons ate dolftl bUSNMSS H N.ttllfe s HeaJt, ( uen hek of Cellfornll, 1400 Qu111 Street •260. Newl)Oll 811clt, C11t forn11 92660 'l7JD The Anclefson Or1•n1 lllion (CA), 1400 Qvetl SlrHl 1260, ... wporl Beech. C•lifo.-n11 92660 27l0 lh1s busmen 11 con ducted by • corporehon H1111 you \lwttcl cloine bua.rneas yet? Yu, 0'1} 01/2003 The Andefson O.pnl utlon. Wlllttin C Andtfson. Prtsldotnt This stattme11t •n ftltd with the Covnty Cltfk of Or1n11 c-ty on 0?./19/0J 209MtMOSS Dal~ ,tlo"1M 21, Mw. I . U lO, 200J '"-2°' 1111110f #NU9111 Sllal<W .. 'W .......... 0 ... w ~ ..... "-S...... The lollow1nii.pef\un\ dt' doina bus1n•n as Southco;nt Mob•"' So luttons 9SO w 17th St •D C<Jsta Me\a CA 926?7 l'.ombelly M s~halfer 950 w 17th St Cust .. Mel.ii CA'.12627 This bus1ntu " 1.on dueled by •n 1nd1v1du;al Han you slitted doone bu\lneu yet' Yu fet>. ) 2003 Kimberly M S..haHu Th1\ '\l•lement w•s hied with the County Cler~ of Or .. nee Couoty un 02 25 OJ 200HtS47S7 0•1ly Pilot f eb 27 "°'"' 6 13 20 2003 Th1J3 Acllm ...... "-S...... I he lollow1n1 persons ere do1n1 bu\oneu as Slt.y 14.mc A11 Photo. 1975 B Oran1e Ave , Costa Meu. CA 92627 R Gr ecor y f raz1er. 1975 B 0.1n1e -'venue. Costa Mtu CA 92627 Thrs bu"ness 1s con ducted by en 1nd1w1du1I H•vt you started doln1 bu"ness yet? No R Gr~&O<f fr uitt This statement wu hied with the County Clerk of 0. •nee County on 02/21/03 • 20036tMM2 Dady Pilot ftb 27 Mar 6, IJ,20 2003 Th224 ......... "-S...... The f0Uow1n1 ,.,sons art dowtl bllstnHS n HB WHtleu, 9606 H•molton Avenue. Hu1t ltfll'lon Beech CA 92"6 Btnh I ~yen 112S VICtorea St llO, Coste '*°"· CA 92646 Thti bvSi<>US IS Cotl • Ouctect bJ' •n tncltvldual Have you slitted Oolft& buMne5srutto Binh T ,.,upn Thrs st•l-t wu llltd with the County Clerll of Or•n11 C011nty on 02/14/0J 200MtsM97 D•tly Piiot hb. 20. 27, Mar 6, IJ.. 2003 Tl4196 ......... ....... The follo•hlf ,_ Mlftt •• .-o+11t hs.IMn u , Cid De htllol "-91Ca SO Cll , l Zl5 W fitt( St. S..te AN. CA tzm f l)'tilw s.w: .. ~ 1 109 W. Fw1 St , S.W Ni• CAl21CM "* .., ...... -· ~-'" ...... ..... ..... ,. ... ~ .... MltnaM_.tfNe Teylui '*'" ...... TMI..,._......, ..... •• u. c.tillt't C.• et Ot .... Coiin•r .. 03,rWlflJ _,,.ua ,. f'ilot-. ll. V ,Aftt 20DJ Tllm Thr follow1n1 per ton• are doonc buSHMn n Oclysi.cy Ch111<1ns, 11!>8 W 18th SI Bl Cost• Meu CA926// }Ohn Janot\ Gr.thl, llJll lup., B"lbo• l\l•nO t;A 9'}6l,/ fll" bu'>olOe~' IS <Jn dut led by an 1nd1wo<hut H•n you '>l., ltd do111ti bu,.,,.,.., yet> No John J•mn C.u hl Thi\ \l•ll'ml'n! wn loto:d .. ,ui tht< luunt1 C1.,1k of Orantc C<Junt1 an01 21 0) 200JHS4311 Oaoly P1lut fcb ll M•r 6 IJ :tO 2003 lhll6 Th• followme pe1 '°"' ~rt dooroa bu~n~~' o ASTkOC.Ul 1070 P•r~ N<wport, Newpurt Be .. tb. CA 92660 Ruben Sheil I 010 l'ari.. N<'wpo<t N .... ~ur t Beath C.A 92660 Tht-. liu\1flf!·,, ·~ c.un dut. led bt •ri 1nd1w1du•l H•vt yvu ,t.,ted d0>1n11 bu\1.ne\•. yet, ~. Rubert Sh'"' Tht\ -.t .. h«1~nl ""'". lil<:d wot~ Ill<; (;ounly Cl<rh ol Or•rtttf' r 1unt1 <Jn 03 04 OJ 200369JS707 Oa1lr P1ktl M•• h I J lO 27 lOOf Th/ill fidilims ..... "-*--!ht lollvwm& person~ ar< doone bu\lntss n Mubtle Phu lo 111 J -'l•b•m• Sir tc>I IB Hunt1111itun B•••h I " 92648 "-•lhle•n " l•hrolle1 l 71J -'l•b•nt• Sh e•I •B Hunt111ttton Buth lA '}7b48 l h1\ bu\-Utt:\\ ., t. un du< led by •O 111d1w1du.il H•V<' you \tMt•ll doonp bu-.nrs-. y•P Nu l'.athlnn" z~hndwr Tho\ st•tem~nl ,.., lol"d with !ht' C<.ounty Lluh ol Ouniie County vn 02. 14 Ol 200JHSJSJ.4 D•1ly Pilot f eb 10 '7 M .• r b IJ 200J IH201 RdiliM ..... ... s......., Th,. lullowm11 prr wn~ •r~ dome bus1ne\.~ .i~ VUllL ll 3 •1 61 l • Se<~n• Suflt C 0.na Pooni CA 926.29 Michael Cun lhump son 34161 l• Scro:n• Suite C Dana Potnl CA 926.29 Tiles bu1.1nen •~ con du< led by 1n 1nd1v1du1I Have you started dol"I busmen yet1 No M1thael Thumps.on fh1s sl•tement was toled with the CO<Jnty Cieri. of Oranae Cctunty on02/28/03 200HUU06 Dadr Pilot Mer 6 13 20. 27 2003 Th246 ,...... ..... ........ The lollow•na P4Pf wn~ are dolnt bus1ntts es Real lmperio r C , 1235 w r d st Sant• Arui Cal1tornia 92703 1 eyto< S•lai.tr Huw I• 2109 w r k><a Santi Ana ~hlu<n•• 92104 Thn. busmeu a <.on chtclad by a11 ondrvicki.al line yo11 \Wlld dotn& blols.tnHS ftl? No Teylot Sallzw .._,._. Th•s stat•-• Wll hied w1tll tltt Co\Hlty C.k of Ortnee County on03 II/OJ nouu .. 11 Diiiy Pdot Mat IJ, 20. 27 • ), 2003 Tll270 Ac-.. ..... ... s...... fht foll<Jw1n1 petaon• .,,. ckun1 busmen '" Bill Burn\ Cunsttuclton $.fr v~u. b22 S Cort• Or S.tnu An• CA '270t W1tl1•m Clar11ore Bwrn' b21 South to<t• D11u S.anta An.a C.•h f0tn1• 9270ol fh~ buslftlSs ~ cun """ 1941 by an 1nd1voch1•1 Hawe )'UV 5tartec:I .... ~'men reH Y•. lfl OJ Wilham r. Burns lh" \t•te-t ••• tit.d with lite C-.r, Clef .. ol Oranee C-nty Oii 03 /07 IOJ MeJ6H6227 Daily Pilot ll&er 13 lO 27 •• J,2003 Th266 ,.... ...... ......... l h follow"" "' ere tlolftl '"'-.. D&S A11to Ale , 1161 $119•rtor An . C:..t1 ...,_ CAt2&27 st-Cll1111 Plum '""'. I 7711 S... C..m ••It St . f •••t•ln Ylhy CAJma lll" W 1 II con tluclt4 •r 111 1Mlwl4lwll IUvt ,..., U.. teo' .... "'™-,.u v •. lt71 .... no,,...,_ Jlllt t.taf•Utelll Wit filoN "'"' .... CUnl) c...-11 •• or.,... c.o.itwtr Mav'll./Q) ... ,.. .. ,. a..,'*'' r• n . .._ '· u.10 11111 ........... .......... ,.........,....,._ ........... Mi ............. ... llliV ~­n .. e .. .. H Thynd!x. kd! 13. 2003 Liiii..... ii l.1111..... .. Lill' .... .............. ....... .... ........ ........ ................... The followlM · i*•011• TM tollowlna '*"111 •r• doint '~Wt. n . er• dolnc busiMA u: •) Btlan l"rOduebol'ls b) Anrel'1 Tui, 2540 Ent MOH, 11218 llucil =r St, Allahefm, CA 81vd .. Hu11t111et011 8..eh, • CA 92"7 PrHt, me. (N9v!Hhl), Bnen Nolin, 17211 3700 South Gerd•n lleacll 8tvd., Hlintllla10ft Oflve, la ·veaas. He-8eec:h, CA 926'7 , 'VW 89121 Th.is busln•s Is c;on· This busllMu is con· ducted by· u lndlvld6•1 d11etM by: • t0fpotttlo11 i-c.v-~ tlar~ dcllllt Hev• you slal"ted doln& byskless y.t? Yes, 01· bwinas yet? Ho 01.03 f'rHt, l11ci., Surat 8rian Hokes Slnp, Man.,.r Tiils slatemeqt was This ·Statement was filed with th• Count>' fli.d with the County Clerll of Ol'•nce County Clerk of Oranp County on 0?/21/03 on 02/18/03 200S6•S4JS2 200!69SS722 Oaily Pilot Feb 27, Mer. D-'IY Piiot Feb. 20. 27, 6, 13. 20, 2003 Th219 Mar 6, 13, 2003 Th202 ........... ...... .... ......... ... ........ The followllll f>ef~''* Th• followln& persons The follo'tlrllll !Hlf'&0n1 ate dolnc buslnffl u· are dOlna bv•lMU es: .,. dolna builnan as aw SAL.ES I ltEGATIA Cl61, 1601 Dove St. SL LEASING. M04 Hep- GEAR. 207 Ec11ew1ter 1115, Newport BHch, tune Au., lhwport Ave. Suile A, Newport CA 92660 Beach, CA 92663 8,.c.11. CA 92661 Robert• M. low•, 400 • Scott It l1M!rl111lt. LeWfence G. Walter, Vif.ta S11erte, Newport 5104 Neptune Ave .. 207 Eda•weter Ave. 8nc:h, CA 92G60 9 Hewport Buch, CA Suit• A. "'4twport BHch, Tiiis buslnus Is con· 2663 CA 92'61 dueled by: 111 lnd1vldu1l This business Ii con· Thlt butll'llU Is co11-H•v• you shirted dotn& ductld by: en lndi11idu•I duttld by: an indivlduel busl1111ss y1tt? Vu. l·l· ttevt 1ou sbrted doln& Have you st.fled dome 03 business Y•t? No bll1IMJS yet? No Roti.rta M. Lowe Scott R. Tllerlault L1•r•nc• G. Walter Thit statement wts This atateme11t WIS This. statement was filed with I~ County llt.eO with the Cow1ty filed with the County Clerll of Oranae County Olerll of or1nae County Cleftl of Orante Coynty on 02/21/03 -on 02/28/03 on0?/21/03 1 200S6t'4'4S 200J69SJ29• 200S6914.J4l Dally Pilot hb. 27, Mar. Deily Pilot M11. 6, 13, 01i!V Pilot Feb. 'D. M1r. 6, 13, 10. 2003 Tll223 20, 27. 2003 Th251 6, U, 10, 2003 Tll228 ---------------- the tollow1n1 Pt"4>ns efe dolna buslnas es: Compulet Services, 1927 H111bor Blvd. 1395, Coitl U.ta,CA92627 Pel., Nor1aard, 2103 F•d•rel Ave.. Costa ,,..., CA 91627 Thi' business Is con· ducted by· .en lnclMdual Hav• you started do~ buslneu yet? Yes,-9-JO: 97 Peter Noreaard This stettflltlll WH hied wllh the c.o,,.nty Cl9rk of Or1n1• County on 021?1/03 to0J69SU 1S Dl!ily Pilot Feb. V. Mar. 6.13.10, 2003 Th213 .. ....................... fltmiii ... ... s...-... The followln1·P«aon1 •11 c1o1n1 busin.u es Balboa BHds, ~7 E Bilbo. Blvd., Ntwl>Oft 8HC.h, CA 92661 Suun11e Schoeler, 17451 VIU.p Dr .. Tu1Un. CA9Z780 This business i. con ducted by: '" mj!Melu•I Have you st»ted doln& busln•ss yet? No S111.an111J.Schoef.,- Thls ataternent wes lile.d with the County Clerll of Oranae County on 02/14/03 · 200S6'HSH Deity Piiot Feb. 20, 27, M1r. 6, 13. 2003 TH200 ......... .... ...... Th• follow Inc P.• aona lft doln& bUJtnell H! Ouna• Cont Cle1nin&, 9!H Vtleiicl1 SI., Cost1 Meu.CA926M Evstoll1 V1lend1, 994 V1lencl1 St.. Coate U.u, CA 9262;6 This bllilnesa is con ducted by' an kldl•iduel 11tv• you •t•rled doin& buslneu ~i No Eu,tollt Velel'Cla This Sl'1•ment WIS filed with th• County tlerll of Orenae County on 03111/03 20036'HUt Oally Pilot Mer. 13, 20, 27.Apf.3.2003 T1127J ..... .... ... ...... The followln1 person• •re doln1_ busl11111 es: C-F•lt, 928 W. 17th St , Coate Mese. CA 92627 Steven Victor De· Groou, 928 w. 17th St, Costa Mua, OA 92627 Tiii• business Is con· dueted by· 1n lnelivldu1l . H•'ll you s....Ud dohlt busln-yet? 'Yes, 1984 Steven Oe<lroote Thill steteMtnt WIS filed with th• Co11111)' Clerk of Otanp County on02/21/03 200HH 4'1' Oaily Pilot ftb. 27, M11. 6, 13,20.2003 Th212 Wstbesolution you're searching for·whether you're seeking a home, apartmen~ pet or new occupation! How to Place A CLASSIFIEAD -----Policy . .. f.Jff.IMO -· . SERVICE DIRECTORY ~~ -For All Your Home and Business Needs -~v1 ..... 11D.OIOH4lme$ W Week PorOnlyS.32 per week (<lftek minimum) •c.l .... •"491574-4245 By Fax (949) 6ll-6594 (l'blt .... 'fN-..i..,......,., ,.. ·u all )'tlOl t.:h idu picr411i*.) Collectibla/ Memcnllllla 1160 LEGAL SERVICES 3610 Balboa Peninsula By Phone ~949) 642-5678 By Mail/In Person: 330 We\t Bay Street CostA Mesa. CA 926rt At Newpclf1 Blvd. & Bay SL Hours: Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday.Friday Walk·ln 8:30am-5:00pm Mooday-Fnday Rates and deadlines arc subject to change without notice. 1be publisher reserves Che righ't to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advenisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot acceptS - no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it fl•Y be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occu~ by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first in.~rtioo. ----Deadlines----• Mooday ..................... Fnday S:OOpm Friday ............. Thursday 5:00pm • Tuesday .................. Monday S:~ Wednesday ............. Tuesday S:OOpm Saturday .............. Friday 3:00pm • Sunday ................. Friday S:OOpm .. Thursday ........... Wednesday S:OOpm Rental To Share 6030 llr'• from $875/mo . .._Beach w/1ar In lovely pied _nvwiiiiiiiiiiii""'iiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii comm. ,_ Trl·Squ.e. • .. -,O-f'_$$_4_U_C_ORO __ s_n_c_ ~& ..WZ. Oasislc. Etc. ~ & Ws fom care iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii OCEANflONT CFA '8tSIAH KmEMS Red & Clt!llITT' They Want Yoot love•Only $400. ca• 949-451·2025 NEWIEMODU $679,000 ...... .,..... .......... 48r 4& home, ~ re·bulld on ereenbelt, 1ameroom. pool. .sp•, welbar, -cellf. CZ2sf. VRM Sl.9 : $2,199,816. aat si-9&6l7-«Bl, .. ~.!Jell VW#, share lbr 2ba on Pennsulii $825m tnclds ulls. w/d. frkfee. ~ f1lcittty t<letn ~ 817-704-8649 x9200 IAYFaON' ON LIDO PENINSULA NEW28'21a conAGU lllf $1195. & Jl>f $1395 on the water. Nu ••- ·~ le yd. sm boat o11·949-~73· 7353 altti 6 •Lor.. !IK 2IHI up- Bl Allee, Spllr, 11.t>e 1111".,s 0.....1 2650 Mike 949-645-7505 _ .. ,ca v~~ ~·=~oo<::i OO'ERTAINMENT diknn in the us wailq 1310 fer ll home...,~ olclllr --r.N-.. - 1 _-____ brolhers & SISta!rs ~· ~--1..-.q & FNncill~ Cllendarof Events OPPOln.TY lrlb. meeq MAilat 2S All ;eal estate adver· 61XJ.7~ 50 S. M.heen Using in this· newspajMr 81vd.12iU, Anlheim is subject to the Federel n4-6l7-19X> 888-2!i5"'543 ANTlQUES Oop/Dlles _.... www.aiti•ietwMura Pm in Niie ~ F ashlon Island 9&644-2'l19 Am SPAY tor momma Ctit/ ael .. Wens 9'elt homes. 949-533-0411 Kittens Found in Bushes need bottlefeeders Help Save lives. All expenses p•1d AnimatHetwork 949-533-041 Fair Housma Act ol 1968 as ami.nded which makes 1t 1lle11al to adverhse "any prefer· ence, ltm1tat1on or d1sc11mmation based on race. color. rehaion. sex. handicap, lamiltal status or national orl11n. or an Intention to make any wch prefi.renc:e, limit•· I Ion or d1scnmlnation." ldqms tr Sale :ttto MISCEU.AllEOUS This newspaper will not knowinely accept any advertisement fOf' real estate whlc;h Is in violation of the lew. Our readers are hereby informed that ell dweH· mp am e<tised In this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. lo complain of dls- crin\inatlon, u11 HUO toll· frH at 1~"24-8590. 1413 ::~ SOUTH COAST AUCTION Saturday, March 15th. 10:30am·5pm $un March 16th, 10am·3pm OC Fairaround 88 Fair Dr. Bide. 14 Cost• Mesa 200+ Olrs 760-4_34· 1444 Stwve 1950 011Mfe & Merritt 600 S-tes 40" width oven. brOllet. & crill. lmmac:ul1te $2000 obo 949-673-0!M4. 3050 Gt Preflle side/side fria w/icemkr, indoor water/ice desp & sep pull down &lass door for beveraa:n. white $450. Sears Kenmore di(1tal wisher & dryer $300. 2 Vtntap atment e•den dWs $125ea 94&-Jm.1670 AJtTJ PAINTINGS HOME RJRNISHINGS 3060 7ft &..nt Ceuda White, brocade upholstery. 1tlnt cond, $200, Gulbr•nstn Console Piano 1ood cond S500 949-854-8208 2 LAuyltey re<IU..n, be1ae win&b&ek, great 1Mllill condition $65/H or two WV for $120 9'9-646-5923. MERCHANDISE MllceUaneoua Men:b111dlse AU sun IUll.OIHGS 2•h30 was $7 .900. sell $3.900 29x50 WllS $13,900, sel $5.911> 49x~ was $26,900, sell $12,900 lst Come 1st Servel Welt (800} 392-7803 Olclsblease - Newpwt l tedl Free rent for secretarial svc business. Will excflanae pay.na rent for fiiRtrt(office duties. Gr eat office, steps to water 949·723·8485. Office to share. 3 Office suites, prime Newport Sch loc by WJ11 cane, Id incl S35Q/mo ~ 7883. ..._, ....... 6C'Osf .m :mJ (aimbre -Sf!I>). Grat loc. open & BSy, MW ~Aval now ~5475 CANNEIY VILLAGE 410 32nd, Newport Beach, 415sl rebll/commerclal. $750/mo. 949·673-0346 HCJJIES FOA SALE LA COUNTY· 5200 LONG BEACH& VICINITY loc:Wes. LBl<eMxxl l..CJ'9 Beach, North LaigBeacti. Slgna!Hil HOMESFOASALE ORANGE 5400 COUlflY =JI&, 3460 8d»oa iiiin11 C../81& Movq s.. sat & 1&111 7am. 363 La Pn .... fl.wn, tooe. dl>tlm, ..,.. .-yttq must Col PRECIOUS METALS c-t c...N..- "Ofd Coins! G'ora, ilfver. jewelry,watdles,_,yllques c:ollec:llbtes 949-642-9448 AGT. $949·72J..8120 CostaMesa Of'fN SUN 1-4 134 •-•Vlato 3br 2 5ba DlTACHED sm1 lam home. Hi ceil's, crown moldme. shutters Bose sound system H DUCID TO $499,999 Mary Fewel Re/Mu 949-646·9670 • Eamida 1-2. 38r+2.58a. 2Br+ Illa Move· In coodi· tion. llK> Cosbl Mesa Sl $749,llXl agt., 949-933- 6786 Of'ENHOUSl SAT-SUN 1-4 962 SUMMIT WAY REOUCEO $75K Outstandlne ocean views! 4br 2.5h 3 decks. 2 ~r attached e-.ua11e. $1 ,320.000 John Farrow ReMn 949·322-0932 Udolde euee1su e Newport Beacl1 517 Ylo U4o s-d, OPEN SUN 12-4 Built by Joe E Brown in 1931 only rema111lng 3 + 4 tower estate on i.ntire Island. 4br. 4ba, three stories + tower 3 car ea•. pvt dock for 2 boats. It 1s • recoamz· able landmark $3 .3 m1lhon 949-497·8471 760·742·4200 EASTl lUFF IEAU-TY 2100 VISTA LAREDO 4BR 38A. remod lotc & ba. Plant shutters. E •· pa11s1ve view of areen belt. Turnkey priced reduced to ~.900 Act Harriet t<atz 9&$2-~ ~189 --·•1 7 ._ A Superlt New,.ort ........ restdeflce 4br (5th Br /came room/office downstairs) 5.5ba located on a qwet corner lot. Custom f eatures lhrouehool $1.649.000. COASTUNI ltlAl TY 949·759-4177 I 29r 2lla -condo Back Bay close, on areeqbell, upper unit W/berbllr • ca#I Cl!il5. 2i; pl VRM $365.lXX).$424,816. aat Shan 9'9-6.17-4001. PRIME ESTATES "AR ICK TENORE NATIONWIDE USA 949..a56-9705 www.patricktenore com "TIU HEIGHTS" S"RAWING l·STORY JUST USU D AGT.949-723-8120 ..... New-20201 OrcNd St.6+& 5.5Ba. 5534 sf. SI 25 Mil Broker 949-251 9444 www~.ore OCEAN & I AY VIEWS REMODELED UNDnt $750,000 AGT. 949.723..a120 ........ ~ 2 unts. 111,e MW tnSide II. out W/2 c pr. 1649.900 Patna< ,l enore 96856-91'(1) l§l Newport Coast . "RIME lSTATIS "ATRKK TINORI NATIONWIDE USA 949..a56-9705 . www.p•tricktenore.com .....,..-ocean & aty "'1b -· Private location pool & spa. ent~ cteMl! Pr..q,ats orly . .lane .Lane. C8 9&632·5869 ... ~ .. ---""' custom .estata.with cenyon & ocean \/leW$. Offered at $6.500.000. c ........ . •::ey.949-159.0177 RESORT/ VACA110ff PROPERTY FOR SALE OlherRnorWacatlon Propetty 5970 LAICI TAHOl 2Br 38a lu1t condo sleeps el&ht. 1/4 °' 1/2 Interest, $295.llXl per il/4. Cal 9$673-0181 MISCEWHEOUS RENTALS RemlJo Share 6030 COM stwe w/'fWrw/. PJof, lbr 2be Ilse, pebo, p'lt ba. mstr br. new remod $90)no 9&~101 ~ &;i;f we Silt .. 8am. lots of areat stuff! Ev•y mll$l 101 216 Knoa Pie. Costa Mesa Ywil we frl. 1/14, 9am-6pm. One of • lllnd 7ffs open WHYI rattan lvfll room set, very &ood cond, fltrnlture & misc 1778 s.ta ,,,. ,,,..,. Clllda Mlm@l~Ana. • ., '-• Y•I i'411et ••l s.t 7e-la.Mp .... Y.O Sllld 1CUbt C: 'The Newport Beachleost.a Mesa/CdM. Batbba Dally PUot presents ~~1r'0owr M. (mrnW ol I~) Ult 1515 LOS' ....... lold 1111cl cmmond' breclet Newport lkaeh REWAllO !M.917l 1002 ... I lflw - NFCD CASHf I w1• bvy your TNal 0..d or B""-Nott All cuh ltDC f WtdN MJ.540-0lll (CM. •SAN) you with a great opportunity to promot.e ao.dques &. collectlbles. Perfect for shops. dealers, auctions, bookseDers, decorators, reflnlshers. a.rt galleries -develop your business with UBI A Special Ptiblication ... Just for YOUt Publishes: Space &. Copy Deadline: March 26, 2003 March 20, 2003 .. Spm Release Deadline: March 21. 2003 -Noon · Call today! Ann Willey at 949 57~ or fax your Id to 949 631-6594 • ~ 00° ~llllill ~ 949-279-4444 "'• llr, new c1rpet & pamt. cvrd carport. 277 16th Place 13: $1100/mo no pets. 949-720-9422 E'.._19-._, l''211r Iba + vanity, l>*iony, patio. No pets. ps & Will« paid $Imm 94!MifiO. 37.li 2lr l lo c;;;,r; Sl27Smo E'side, Fp, pvt yard, pool. lndry facilty 141 Melody L-. ~5714. aet m 38'/28a w/yatd, 2 prtlne & I pr. new everythin'1! 188 Monte VISla. ..... dll, w/d 1111&41 $2000/mo 949 375·2816 st.an, duplex, new painV u-..tCoast carpel, Ip, wd, •PP<OX ,.. .. .,..., .._,_, leodi 38' 38a sunny dbl rm. l.i closet Private Be•ch, Pool and Spa. Walk to Ocean. ~ops and Restaurants lease 1/2 blil to sand. $2400/ nr 2lo Tuscany styte f,M la WA>. Fp. cmm W.V ~ ~ 9G4l3.;m2 mo + dep 714· 745-1330 ___ .._ F .,_ .....___. ........... p, ~-·--l oyvl-Terrace Gated Clccupaney, 919- Rooms for Rent 6040 6/mo·2yr +. deltc:hed house 2br 2ba, 64()..8141, 949-:D>-252& f'.W. CM Twntwne, swt Boat Sltp Available 7'0 UDO .. ARKDL 949-623·6030 or 949. 723-5830 2·c att 11••, A/C, no peu $2400/mo 949 7IO· l 219 rnyba .. cleao. pr, w/d, ~~ S7lnn+' .hutls RESIDENTIAL RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Corona del Mar 3tw 2.51.o ""'"' unit. corner locatlon, 2 car tandem car, wd bkups, aet. $2200 949 673 7800 MESA VERDE con1*.ldy nmod. 4br 2ba hse. 1715 Labrador ~ SUH 11.-S $ZRJ(mo ~1766 2lw Iba, IJlllB & ~ un« w/balt, ~ lllCd. le 'Sil .. pr Avm l*>W! n/pel:s/smk& $1350 & 1"50mo 949-ll2 5775 x1S1 • Gergeaus ..... .. 1.51. ....... den. 2298 La Playa No. $2.495,lmo Awr4 411 ~ ...... """"'-I ..... M9-7u..o14 ..... New ..... s. vamah Ln 3Br 2.5Ba, d!r\ LR. IJ'8fllCB aui1er tops. fllCUl2I tab, 2r: pr. a.-, Santa IWl8 and Mle ~ mo asl 9&~ Hr, 380, i\pl Recently rehabbed w/I car 11ar. l block to beach. no pets, $2200/mo 949 854·1680 3lr 211o hou5e. 2-sty. xtm CO!ld. fp, -' eels. ,_ 1r-. w/d. pr 7fl1 llllare>ld Aw. S3500m 96472-91128 I OOtcKHf'ING Prof HP8 ora niVT. rep)n pas 1or busy accounts dept ~ & ac:counlq bacfl&round. self starlet dlpmt M lta1 b aJ5bn 10ftwa-e Jan 9&7ZZ·ZDI Ccb Mesa 1 .. cl.t Clllfllllp, l m ID lido tsle i-::t\, viU a&. stove ..... llcielayfrtnt ceil tan. ITICft_ S800mo 133 Sir 28a SJ2oo./rly 626·212-77S '26·297·'262 E. 16th SL Mio lar Spedills! 9$548-2421 • •• .. c.t ()< SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR A PET For Only $19 You Can Help. • • Aie you an animal lover? Here's a greac way co express it. Sponsor a ~t phoco on our special "Save a Life" page publishing on Thursday. March 27, 2003. Your sponsorship will secure a space for a photo of a pee who is ava\lable for adoption and needs a good home. This special page has saved hundreds of lives all over che state, thanks to people like you! B~ a pan of saving a life and feel great about doi.Qg it'. This page is presenced in conjunction with local animal shelters and Newpon Bead\ Animal Control Services. For just $19, you can add your own special thoughts under the pet's photo. It will clispl?Y your name as chc sponsor of this pct, or you may include a loving memory of one of your own cherished furry friends. SAVE A IlFE SPONSOR FORM 1'1a.nic·~----------------------~-~.....;.-Addrcss:. ___________________ ~---- City: Stace: ________ -...ip_· ------------___; Credit Card#~ J • Exp·------- Signatu~·~~~~~~~~---~~-'-':.;._~~~~~~~~~....;_.:.- Phonc (opciooal)·.__ __________________ __.._.._ For check. make payable ro: Daily Pilot Text to appca.r in space bdow photo, 20 characters or less. C hoose O ne: Cl ln loving memory of. __ ..;...:. _____ --.;..,.;,.......-.....__ ........ _.,,___;._ a sporuoredbr.~~--~---......;.---;.,,;.;;::...;;...;.._...._;...,=----.-~---- Mait this form with your Chcd< or credit card information co: Save A Li~ 5<1 Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Gosta Mesa, GA..92627 -.. . -~ ......... -- • . • .. .. • • .. • . .. . . • " • I - • • • ......... ,, J • Thursday, Mardi 131 2003 17 Oahx Pilot llCIPflOMln l'arl MBZ'913201dn •Bridge CR EYIER TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE - Porsche '91 911 c ... blacM>lack. rtptronic, must see 14617if" $27 TILC'S •uiiOPiiA'N AUTaHAua o--eoa..111-.... 1-8CD598-9754 W8b .... www.Olocars.com -C...ene •oo va Whit•/ --------ta", auto. handelina pl\&, IMW 'ts 525 Black, 121c miles, $32.500 Hew I.in interior. u cellent port area 94!Mi44-0064 cond. low miles. Sll,000 · 909-240--0030 cell obo 714-412-5579 Of 949-645-SDli ml! for Holy IMW '98 S40I llodt/ arey llhr. lmmac, 5 25 ,995 vc60698 WCWllUID.oom 949-646-7822 IMW, '97 S281 c_,,. slfver/irey lthr. 7&., 1mmac, $19,995 vt98272 WCVAUID.com !M!Mi46-782'Z IMW '98 Stal c-. wHile/ash lthf. immK. 5spd. $19.995 v215C87 ~.oom ~7822 I MW '99 740i •t11 Ml, l y1 warr avail. silver I arey llhr, CO. hke new cond. v579241 $23,99!> lttm firm. fin ri811, 8llr 949-SH-HH -•-•cpol.c•M Doal90 '97 h1trepltl Sport 3.5 V6, 47k mi. Wf'ute/er•Y 1n1, c•r•aed, n/s. like new $6995 financina & war.r avall Bkr _, 949·586-1888 -~-U. DOOGI STIAlTH IS '9S Blue, auto. lthr, CO, loaded! JO Iona mpt, Smollted, $5200. Moved. PP 114-72l-6994 fwtl '00 bcwnl .. nT VlO, 29k m1, 'ilver /1rey llt!r CO. runnlna boards. fully loaded. hh new. v872581 $21 ,995. f1 nancin1 available Bkr 949-5 .. -taaa -.oqoeW.c- fwtl '95 T-GL showroom cond, white. fully loaded pwr suts, P*""AUTO WWtyQ4S ~'7 Putl wtsadcn. Lthr·f/ pWf•Of'lly $111 m1• (119234) $16,980. ~Hl 'OI White w/W°hHt • ,LH~«·Moonroot (ll92.33C) $58.980. •i.-uozTrect c-..·os CtlfOIM Sihttr <fMV•· &•tlon OMV paid (119213C) S38,980. IMWMOO c . '97 Shl~,l~k with lmmac Grey llhr· Great rtcOfds. (fl 9180C) $3.4.980. IMWSHI I . ~·oo White W/CIHm lfittiw ·at.IJ' tr ans (119193), ~-·· IMWHOCI C...,.'01 StHI Grey W/Grey lthr-spt pl\a·Jlk mites. lull QMW warr (119214C) $30.980 ,..,.vi Se .......... This • one near per- fec;I Shlney Black su· per -charted seda". (1188581) $29,980 Mil SLSOO '99 Black w/Tan llhf Starmark warranty! (118977) $42.980 MllS500 S.ala.'t6 Only 37k mi. One Owner. Immaculate While Sedan (1191402) $28.980. Mil SOOSl '90 Both Tops. Premium wheels. Black w/Bleck leather.· (•18923) $27.980 Pondte99•C4 c•.·01 Seal Grey w/Grey leather lots of extras (itl9206C) $73,980 ,...,_vs C-,..'89 Rau Vl2. Whole w/pertecl Tan leather intenor (itl8472) S7 980 .... , ..... ._. S430Se4-'01 Sliver w/Grey leath· er. N.tvaaatlon Below wholesale (119207) $54,980 PHIUIS AUTO , · ............. ,_ Ho.do Pro....._ 5Sf'<I, red, snrf. multi dose CO black/&rey int. ~lloy whl5. superb 0111 body & mec hanical cond $4995 obo v797212 Bkr 94&5 Ullll -Alqlllbam Coallffac '96 Devlllo fmttald ~IV'an .... ~ d ean. $6895, vl05523 ~.aim 96646-782'1 $3750 71 4-751 -2464 1-•94 Trooper LS 4 •4 ~ ... a4o wf. demi, SIS Y93Xll4 -.to.com 9'9-646-7822 _,. . ---.. ·..- NEW-2003 MINI COOPER MOONROOF, AIR CONO, CO, & POWER GROUP! i11}1~ httllisprlce (TC43199) ................. --······ Othenat Similar Savlngsl llMIOTOll IT'SRM .............. 55FREEWAY @mHGER SAHTA ANA AUTO tu.U (888) 823-9808 .... "9S w..al a.ni-1.a-ed:> 4x4, 6 cyl, while. $5775 v547571 wcwaJto corn ~7822 l-4 .......... '"--Y LE 5611 ml, white/tan lthr. dual mrnts, CO, btU5h eaurd, hke new. v726641 $13,995 11· n1nc1na & warr avail Bkr 949-58 ... 1888 -........ .<-l-4..._'97~ St:l IUI .... dn ir-vtan lttw. ~ mrwf, real ~ seats rear • CO. superb oril cond ""57291 $12.!l'X> finani:q & wan W-. Blot Mt-516-1 ... --····-Uotcela '02 "-'9"1W 30k m1, lull fact warr, silver sand/Ian lthr, CO stacker. chrome whls, extra seat, v672518 $28,995 fin & warr avail 8kr 949 586-1888 -=ec:r't···-....... ._ ... C2JO Emerald arn/lan llhr, aoreeous. s12.895 v617317 wcwaJto aim ~7822 ......... 'ID 280 Sil. Greman lank. bltle. auto $1995 vet 9953 wcwallD.aJm !M!Mi4&-782'Z ....... ... .., 280 SEl. Greman tank. blue. auto $1995 v019953 wcwaulo,a)fTI 949-°'6-7822 ....... ...... 2'05l lll"'1an ... • 90M1'd. lqJs. ..... d!D\ ~ ..cDi133 wcwaJto com ~7822 Morc.eclffa-·a2soo TO Wl&Oll. ~ snrf. runs pxl. S299!> .oo7193 wo:wauto.com ~ 782'Z ···~·.... ••• (280 beaLl\1ful black/cream fully 'loaded. 5howroom. 11/olA. Sl l.5K. 714-751 2464 CodllttK S.4-DeVIKo '88 55k m1, 1ood cond 1n & out. Must !>ee! Sl.250 949 646 .,624 fortl'97T-ll 78k m1, Wh1te/erey doth loaded boolls & 1ecords, non smoker. $4000 obo --------1 MercoalH '99 IS20 Catlllloc '8 I Sewlllo blue. auto, 11411 m1, nice $895 v699270 wcwai1lo com ~ 7822 a-.,~~'91 new 1>111nt. new bres, or""'81 ~ $1900/obo. 949-689 5680 Owydor ... w..-. lXJ Con• V6, 54k ml. ) yr wat1 avail.~ b8V In lttv, CO, wparb lih new cond ~21 $6995 Ion avail BM ~18119 WWWll ,,_ "HO Cahlornla law rt· quires that (Jlllf tK- lon lall'"J jObs !Mt tot.I $500 or '"°'' (Ith« or materials) be llcensod by the Conlrac.tor• Stat• l icense Board. State law also requlnts that contractors include their license number on all adwertlsine. You can dllck Ille statin ol your licensed con t r act o r at www cslb.ca.aov or 800 321-CSLS. Unll· censed contractor' teklna jobs that totel less then 1500 must slate In tMif 1dverl111nienu lhet they are not llctnM<I by th• Contracton State -.-8-CI. • M•t I R•a? I J John 714·377-1154 ,..... .,. WloMkt• Gl 7 PISMrt{er. 6911 m1. clean, $6,995 vd80981 wcwaito.aim 98646-782'Z .HOteA A<<OltD LX 'H Champ..,.e, Only 20k mt, clean, perftcl shape 1 owner. Mu.st s .. fl3,!IO() 149-515-9031 J.ptw '99 XJI Vanden Plas 34k m1. sparkllna blk/lln llhr . CO. chrm whls, full I act warr. llh new S28,495 lirm v842614 f1nanc1na avail Bllr 949 586-1888 -.ecpoiil.WM ,..,_'ff Xlll c_,, 3411 ""· full factory waif. sp•rkbn& blac~/oatmeal fttir. CO, dlrome whls. ......_ CllV '00 auto .lfh new, v677295 trans, ec:, lull powll', cc. 134..995 f1nan1:1111 n ail low rna1es. $15,900. Pp. Bkr 949-5116-1888 949-574-4~44 -.oqoeW.c- .......... Custom 8ul.1Hns. Cf own Moldinp, Base Boards U 5771112 949-709-5642 c.r,.. .. -.. ~CMPIT~CAltlf~ Rtt>alrs, 1?elchln1, lnsttll Courteous. any eize jot>s. Whole.sale! 949-492-0205 Cclncr91_, lrlcl It.cits-Tie Conaeta. Patio. Orivwway Fnplc, BBQ. Refs. 25Yn hp. T41f!Y 114-S.57-7594 .,_. ... CementWOJ~.Brk~. r!M & More, Rellabt.. No lob IOOPftf.~614' Ct l tltCt t•a I YOUltHOMI IMl'tOVUHlfT noJEcn c.11 a plumber. P•lnter, henctyman, or any of the pMI swvlcas listt4 hlff In Olli' servi« directory! THEst LOCAL SVC P(Of'lE CAH HELP YOU TOOAYI 31" mo, while/arey ltltt. "'"' f. chrome whh. beaut like new cond, v572241 $27,995 fin avail Blot 9i&586-L888 -, .. _ Mercealos '99 5S20 l W8 52k m1, 3 yr warr avall, sllve(/blk lthr, beaut oris cond, v87S241 S27,99!> hnanc:mg avaJf Bkr 949-586·1888 --.-..c.- Merc.e4es •aa 560 SL while/tan. 1mmac ~ nm .... ,_ d qi. cnun.. swm JM..151-3'64 • UMY..._..~ed Rqroutin & fnstallatlon TU DEAN 949-673-8065 llfiOtJ25 7l4"81B-203l rnaar.....a...... Polishina Travertine I All floor Typo. We'll Also Rearout & Snl Your Kit c hen Countef,, Showers & F loon. Make 1t look litt.enewaaaln ~do-'-S.... 1-111-ns.lu• MUD"S HAUWOODS ~-· 25 Yrs, l"-tlme warranty Ll763144 714-501~933 By CHAALES GOREN wl1h OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH at.UfPIONSRIP BIUDCEf 8oc.h vulnetlble. No(tb Ibis. l!.uropc8n C~WJI. A/ll:r Nord! opened the btddu>J. end Eut rupond- ed two. diamoad'1, Nonh laumhficl into Kiv-Card Bi.ctwood. Soulh'~ five.(:Ju6 ~ ~ none or du'Ce of the five cooDQls and .North. knowing 1111 Ke WIS mial.nf. ltClJed fof sh diamonds. Unfortun•tely, South inild' noc <believe that the Nonb band WU ecelel.s. llOd decided ttw Nonh had 1ICUled in the mlall 1lam knowina tlw !he kins of &nunp\ . .wu mwina. But South deddcd thM, with a sevc:n card luit, the grand fiWn ~Id be laydown (opposi1e, say. fl ve.-card suppon IQ the aoc) or, at wOl'St, pickina up lhc.miulna tJU~ whtn Nonh has four diJlmonds head- ed by lhe ~.·Unfonul\111.Cly, in the words of the late Bon' Schapiro. lhe ace of tnimps ·was off- side -down ane! NOJlTll •"§''2 <:I K o K 1'76 • 19 EA.BT • 107 5 <;;: 1084 , A • Ktl642 SOUJlf •A io Al <> J'I09543Z •AQ,7 ~nlur l • .... 4NT .... SOOTH l o ,. 6 ,_ 70 .... Obi .... .... Opening lead: Si11 of hearts WF.ST ' .... .... .... ..... Alrtlost all expc:rth ~ Blackwood. and with hardly an c:xcepuon the method employed i~ Key-Card Blackwood. where the king or 11\Jmj>$ counu as an ace. Bui then: arc <1omc hands wbc:ri: II 1s important t.o know W~ther II L' the Icing or 11\Jmps Of all · ace tha1 1s missing. This i~ a deal from the 2002 OM might dli.ii.k this was an oolat- ed instance. Not so. In all. the deal was played at 26 tables and. 11 stven of them. Nonh-Soulh reached seven di~! Al an eighth. the Pole\ u!ICd a complicated ~ of artificial bid.I. 10 reach seven no tn.imp. Someti~ dwlt COlllnlCt can be made misi.ina; an aa: if the key w il ~ not led. Thu wll.'> not one of th<l!.C Lime~. ~ ww. no road 10 13 tricu chat did not involve collectJng a kx of dia- mopd tncks -a cour>.e of aclJon that wa~ im~s1ble in thi• case. ... \I t I .,.__. lS '00 Sln'oof. leather. .. ea Ins, like new, orie -· non/sn*', $13,!l'X>. ~pp 714-m.6335 NIH-'00 Plcliup Hf cab. xlnt cond,. auto tranJ,. A/C. am-Im, bed line(. 52.11 fwy m1. $9500 obo 949-859-0329 Mary, Niuo!' '9• Quest whrte. 5911 mi, clean, $7995 v 2 15895 wcwauto.com ~7822 Nin-'98 S-o GU J..ike new, loaded, auto. moon(OOf alloys. low 7411 m1. $5900 714-751 -2464 oc I tr '94 ........ s blue. auto. CO. clean. S 2 445 , v02577l wcwa&Ao.com 949-642 7822 ~v,,,.,.... ... ...._ 4 cyl. ps, pb, at. flDCld cood, ~ woril, you snq,. $!'60. 714-54S-51.55 .... ,... '97 ••• , •• s ilver /blk llhr, 5 sp, CD. Gor~ S21.!nl v62'22ll4 wcwaulo.com 949-642 7822 •-t ·--'99 4.0Sl 3911. full fact warr, whrte/ Ian int, beaut oro& cond, $26.995 vl892396 ,.,.. avail Blu 949-586 1888 -.~.c-•-e ._., 'H 4.0Sl' metallic blue/oatm~al llhf. brush euards. lull fact warr, $29,995 v792412 fill avail. Bkr 949-586-1888 www.ecpaA.l.co. Wanled IMS BOAT REPAIRS/ · ~~~~~-~CDUll'a CASH fOa <AH \Xlll~ WeNoedY-cw P.UfororNot. Pt.llllpsAuto hliforMok.trn 949-574-7777 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES acova TIOO X1U CAI, TOYOTA lllJCK,PAI) $IOO SB1$JO 714-374-1793 MOTORCYCLES ChrtJet' '97 S.lwfft11 Conv LX36, 4211 mo. drk metallic blue/erey llhr. beaut Ith new cond, v292521 S7995 financina & warranty avail, Bkr 949-516-1888 --.:q:1:1.,_ BOAlS PowerBoats 9515 I Sft lost-Wlloler o....i... ~ 4 woke Yamaha, bottom p;wtt. no lnliler $7500 949-631 2391 BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STINGE 9680 4 NPI Slips available for bo.Jh up lo 60ft. Ideal for p11vate/bo1l brokeraee 949-723-3143, VW '99PnMtGIS .. ,... as B< rri. tu. ...,. rmw:. m. Sl2.!m d!XBI wcwauto com ~7822 AUTOMOBl.ES, MISCEUMEOOS 200S Duffy Cot 16 Gr aph1c Pk&. remote . ~othaht. elect anchor. CO stereo. hshina chair. swim ladder & cockpit cvr. leS$ than 4tn. use AeW. $45.(XX> 9$675-3336 ''Employee.'' "Empleado. " "Arbeitnehmer. •· "Employe. '' PUBLIC N CE WwllltClllllll,,_ ...... Newport mom aval- abfe ror collun1. c~. ICflt hcMllla .... ..-.ids.. etc.... G1nt local ,...._ ge..72().CJS 11 12 13 NOllAMR HOW YOU SAY n, CWSIFIED CAN FlmlT. °'-'• ..... 'Zl'trs""" GtNf Pocai Guaranteed wotll. free est. Lt375602 714-538-l!NI 7 390 2945 D"S CDSfOll ,_..., l'Toft. clan, ~ _. Interior/Ill IN1d docks l 1703468 949-631-4610 P'UOSI ll'WaelNC Repns 6 RemoOehn& rRt..E ESTIMATE l 11687398 716· 9169 I 090 The Calif 'Pullllc Utilities commission requires lh•t all used household aoods movers prlnl Uteir P.U.C. 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