HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-06-05 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotI • • a1 Serving the N ewpo rt-Mesa comnzunity sin ce 1907 SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 2004 Possible .changeS to Greenlight near Newport Beach City Coun cil will discuss altering the guidelines for the slow-growth law next week. Alicia Robinson Daily Pilot FWPORI BEACI I -After months of hagglmg, c11y officials dr<' poised to adopt cltangei. 10 tht' < ;reenligh1 rules that are largely in line with what 111e111· l>er:. of the slow-growth group wanted. It's still um:lear whethl'r th11~L' changes will mean the t'ml of tr lawi.uit Greenlight leader'> filed in late March over the guiddirw~ for how the city applrc'> the Mca- ~urc S law. On l\Je day. tht• t ity Coundl wiU coni.ider arnendmt'nl~ to the Me~ure S guideline-.. ,\., llwy .ire wriucn. the guideline1> rl'qutrl· a public vote on ...c1111e develop- mt'nl plans if thl'Y exn·t·d what b in till' city' l(eneral plan by 40.000 ;.4U.trl' fert. I (XI flt' ilk hour rar trip:. or 100 dwl'lling unit~ rht• mw.t l>ig11ilicant t'hangc proptbL'd is that lloor area will hl' J,1rtored in to how much traf- fic a hu1el or theater may gener- ate ;md thus wht>tJ1er it requirel> a puhlir vote. l'n·viously. hotels wen: uH1nted by the number of roo11h .111J theatl·ri. by the nuni- hl'r 111 wat..,, but if thl' change i~ adopll'd. thl' ba~eline alluwt•d usl:' for hotl'b will be 1.000 '>4uar<' fl'l'I per t0l1111. and I;. -;4uare ft'l't \\ 111 lw .11l11ttl'U p1•1 the<ller w.11 rt101>1· '>lfllilrt' !1111tagl''> wen· .11 ready i11 a11 c~11111,11ed growth ta ble the city u..,e,, IHll tlil'Y werl•n'l spedfil'd in tlw t'lly\ general plai1, nty 1\ttontt•y lluh Humh<.1111 said. "It I~ thl' u11ly w.1y that Wl' h.1\'1· been a hit• to 'den ,1 bn!>el 1111• when \V(' don't h.1\1' •• 011111 otll'•' entitle111t•nt tn tlw gerll'ral plan," he <;aid. "1 lw un1111·1J lool..t·<I .11 that la~t. time. a11d I think th1·y PHOf11~ !:IY U()N l[A! 11 llAll Y I'll JI Fifteen-year resident Irene Shannon reflects on the last days of Nido Trailer Park, where she will vacate on Sunday. Shannon spoke at several council meetings on behalf of residents of the park. Bidding adios to El Nido Once-bitter deb ate be tween those li ving at two traile r parks a nd th e owner is replaced in the closing days with kinder, gentler feelings. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot cos·1A Ml:..\/\ -On 11"aurs- day, a small flag ce~mony took place on the grounds of El Nido trailer park. The imprompn1 crremony that was designed to com- memorate the dosing of the park Sunday also represented 1he mendi11g of bitter feelings between some of the parlc's rNident:. and owner Joe Brown Sr. Brown had been maligned month after month by u group of residents of t11e park because A private vehicle packed with personal belon~ngs waits to 1hey felt the relocation package leave the Nido Trailer Park, one of the last loaas to leave. he was offering them was not generous enough. lne resi-cidcd not to pa.!.S a law tighten-parks. dents' frustration came to a ing up the mies fur owncn. whn But Thurs<lay. thl' bittemes.., head when the City Council lie· want to dose mobiJe honll' of the pa:.I was replaced with FAMILY TIME If you build them up, they will play I felt vcry l'ornfonahle with cllh('r of them at fi rst h<L'le. .,;1dm•,., aml 110;.1.11~•1;1 thilt t·I Nido and •h m·1ghhonng park Snug f l,1rhor. \\l're LltN11g Arni the vitnol 11im Led tow;ml Brown h,1., mostly h1•1•11 n· plact-d by k111d word\ for ht' gcnerou\ at'tion' owr 1lw pa'I fl'W l1111111h' "I Lim umJ I .trt' likl• old h11d dll''>." 'kllll DiLk Matlil'rly, who like many other rt•sitk-111., 111~1 mf'l Brown in person for thl' first time rt't'cntly. Thi., ~lamJ, i11 o;tarl< tontra'>t to comment;. Matherly maJe at City Counc1l !lll'eling.o; 1hro11f:}lout tJ1c P'L't yt'ar, complaining of dt•plrrrahlt• conditions at the park a111I faulting Brow11 for a low hall n· location offer. Other resident . ., haw abo no- See EL NIDO, Paae A4 Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.datyp~ot.com SALUTING DADS were prl'tty L<1mfo rtahle with iL" The propo-;ed guidt'lint' FOR MORE COUNCIL NEWS, SEE PAGE A3 change~ ,,1,0 ~tipulatl.' t!1a1 pro· pnsab (or lt·s~ common uw,, ... uch a~ howling alley' or tcnni~ euUI ''· whkh aren't nw."ured hy noor art'.I Ill the gerwral pl<m. will hl· 111111pared with tlH' floor area fur that use in thl· city\ growth tahl1• 111 the art•i1 uf whJt· ever i-; ..iln•,1dy 1111 th1• 'ill', whid1· t•ver ii. gi1»1t1•r. ( oll't'lllight VOil' mu-.t Ill' ap- provl'd hy the UIUIH 11 hl'ltlll' 1411- hlg to thl:' h.11101. I Ill' :'\IJnna l'<1rk JlfUJl'CI ., ext·mpt 110111 that provi~IClll hl'l olll\>l' of ,Ill ol!41\'e· 11w111 111ad1• with ih ckvc·lt1pcr'> hdorr thl' g1111ll'1111l' lha11g\'' gut undl'rwa}. rtw othl'r mc11or ch<111ge in the guiddim•' p1opnses that any cit' vl'lop111t•111 plan thut I rigg1•r., ,1 (;reenltght l'Ol'TllllllllT llll'lll- See GREENLIGHT. Paee A4 Costa Mesa councilman losing support C:hris Stel'I. who is still weighing n ·clcction o pt ion~. can count o ut help from colleat,rucs and other previous backer<\. Deirdre Newman D;itly Pilot I I>._ 11\ \II '°11\ \\. )111!• < 11111111lr11;111 t\ll.111 :'o.l.11..,oor ~111 dn tnl 111 LO(I.! l.11gl'ly he l .11i..1· of vt 11 t'•' who put l 1111111 ilm;111 < )111~ :0.1t•t•I 0 11 lhl• d,1.., Ill ,!1)()1), ~1.11),l)OI .... mt I rul.1v lw \\ 111 11111 '"P port "H·d Ill ~11\l'ltlht•t '°11(01•1 ha' 11111 yc•I Ml 1111111 wt•d wlll't lwr hi' will t l111 tor t l'l'l1°L t 11111 lkg.11 dll'"'· ~l.111,oor h.1 ... tht11\\t1l11.,11111 ,Hft•r:rhll· llll lllllllt•lll 1111111 hd1111d rn11d1d.1t1• ,11111 l'lo111 111111-: ( orrn111,,111111•1 1.ru fl(•\' l'I I h.1\'1'11°1 '''I'll •"ll'l'll ''Ill\\ lt".11kr.,h1p 1111 1tw 1..-.uc-. th.11 pt•opll' bring f11r w .11 d." I\ l.111 'lt111 ,;iicl. "It'-. 1111111· rt·a1111111 oil\' illltf loll~ lh,lfl •Ill\ 11'.I) • I I ,. " 'llh,t.1IH I'" S11·d c-uuld not hl' rl'<tl hnl fur romn 11"111 Fnd.1v l\l,11t\llllf ''rn I l ll' I .1 VOi' flt•\/('I Chns Steel h1·1.1l1w Ill' \\ill 1 ur11h11 t hllll1-t'll llll>ft' p111lr0 ..... ic111,1ll\ 1111 llll' d.11 .. than !-.tt·c•l lt,1' I +.1111w lw \\'Ill Ill' 1 dr.1blt- 1111 .. 11rl111g111 till' 1 ..... 111·-.. ru11 rn11g •• 'l'tl'lhh· llll"l'ltllf{ .111tl frJl'll,lllg 1111 r<".11 "111111111" Ill 1111p11JVI' tht• \V1•,h1tl1• nt luWll, 111111' Cllt 1111• '111111 ul tlw g1°111•r .ii pl.111 .111d h ·l·p 1ralf11 ,11 .1 111111111111111. :O.l.111 """ "lid "1\11d ht'·, g111111.1 In See SUPPORT, Page A4 NEWPORT BEACH Trying to find the right retrofit The city a nd Li ttle• Balbo a residents are trying to lh·cide on the be t plan: i111prove a 70-year-o ld bridge o r tear it down ri nd 'ilart over from sq uare one Lolita Harper o.111y Pilot ft, 11111 1lw w.111·1-. that .ire• II !!tthlPd; 11 \ 1 llC' hritlgt• m1•r 1lw111 th,11 111\ uffit 1,tl, \\1.1111 111 II\ 1111' l.1ttl1• Jl.1llrna l1'la11d b11dg1'. wh11 h h;1c; hl'l'll 111.11~1·d hy ... t.111• tr;.111<,porta t11111 ollrrtt1I' ·" "ol><.Oll'tt·." 1-. 1111wed11f -.t1t·11gthcr1111g, hut rit\ """"'' '· 1•11g1111·1·" ,11111 n·.,.d1•11h ,1tt' ,11 rnftJ, .rl1111J1 wlwthl·r lo 11•lrof1t till' 70 Yl'.U old ht 1df{t' or dl•lll11lr'h ti anti .. t.rrr .ill llVt'I rht• l111tfg1• I" I till" Of fultf -i11d11di11g lilt' (111ldt'llf1Hf Aven ul' pcdc· ... 1 n.rn hr id gt• .ind tlu· 11ur1hh1111nd and See RETROFIT, Page A4 B y the time you read this, the Costa Mesa National Little League Mlnor A Dodgers team I've been coachlng will be playing their last game together. Anyone who looked at our won-lost record would conclude that oor season was a disaster. But the record doesn't tell the whole story. us. Connor is a bona fide pitcher, and if he does not play next year. it wiJJ be II great loss lo the league. Daniel ·hamma' playc<l a'- much <;eeond base as I cnuld ).:l vC' him, and in return, he nmH'<I three double plays. 111 two nt them, he fielded grounder-;, tagged a runner headed for second and threw 10 first A couple of times, I spoke to J1anirl about celebrating these and othrr accomplishments before the game was oVer. By the end of lhl' sea.<;<m. he had mat\lred and was setting an txample for the rest of the team. Send a few paragraphs about your dad. along with a photo, to the Daily Pilot for publication on Father's Dey. "11lis season, we may have made a baseball player out of C.onnor Gilligan. whose appreciation for soccer was made clear to me early ln the season. But Connor turned out to have a very strong and accurate ann and started many games at pitcher for • STEVE SMITH A couple of players, Manht.>w Castaneda and Zachary Bates, hawed up loolcing ror conching and exper1ence and wound up becomi11g very strong players. During the la~t half of the season. S.. FAMILY, Pa1• A4 E-mail to datypjfot@fa!Jmes.com or mail to 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627, Ann. Editorial/Father's Day. The deadline is June 11. WEATHER Fog again wit h temperatures rising to the mid-701. SeeP•1eA2 SPORTS Teams heart into quarterfinal action today In the Daily Pilot Cup. SeeP•1eBl I f 2 a < 4 BO·OMERS & BEYOND Running thfough life's cycles B e n Jackson isn't your ~vernge '>cn ior. l h e lo ng-te rm Ncwpon Hl·.1ch rc!i1dt•nt 'till goc ... 111to the offitt• t•ver)•t!ay a-. • in at1 orn1•v. I I<• l!> married \\I th rh rl'e ·, hiltln•n. ont' of ''hum Jllt'IHh Nt•wport 1 IJrhor I ligh "ichool. Orw 1hmg that d1.,11ngui.,hc., th1' b -i-\t•ar-o ld '' 1ha1 ht• 1111i1pl'I<'' tn 1r1<11hlo n .,, 11 1~ l,t11''' part1cr pa11011 wa~ rn tlw lo.ring & Cl1u11g Ne ,·vport lkad1 I t1a1hlo11. )ark-.on pl.111·d lounh in the JtW ll5 tt1 hl/ 1 atcgorr. ·1 he Pilol'-. Luis Pena rl'CCntl) had a I hat \\llh !Ill' .11hkt1c '>l'l\llH .1ho111 h1-. t·.irlv n1t•1111>rit·'· Whert' did you grow up? I .1 Can.n.l.1. wh1rh w,t~ at the 11111<• .i \l'r\' •rt1.dl 111111111un1I)' It 1,,1', lwl1111• tlw ht•1•1,,1, \\J' 1111111111>: thro11~h It''"' n'.ilh .1 '11•1111111· ltll .1111111111 j \\j\ \\1• h.111 .1 1111 111 '1110.: ,111d hot ,11111111t·"· .111d ,., t·rvhodv 1r1 IOI\ II l..rtt'\\ l'.11 h 111iwr What kJnd or childhood did \•ou have? . II \hi' hc1ppy \I\' p.ire111' .111d 111\' '"lt•r .111d I \\t>rt• ,1 1 lo'l' l.1m1lv. ,111<1 I h,I\ l' h.1pp\ rl'l t>llt'l I lllll\ 111 II\\ l h1ldh1111d llow did yo u entl up in Ncwport -Me~a7 I 1\," pr.11 II• 111g 111 lht' 1'.1\,1tkll.1 ,1((·,11ll1tf \\,I, 11 f11•rt•tf ,1 10'1 Ill '\'1•\\ p11 11 l:Jt•Jdl JllU 1 '""'down fl"'''' 1972 In 1111'''"'" I "·" lool..in.: 101 .1 1111111· II\ 11..111111 plau· .1 pl.1u· \1111! ).:rt'Jl1·r promiw. 11ppo11u1111\ I u'cLI 111 \dl.1111111 111 Hall111.1 \\ 111'11 I wa' Ill or 11 \\1•d corm· down for d wet>k on 11 . .iti.1.1 J,l.11111. .1111! 11!.11 \\ ,, 111,1 1"111d1•11111 I lilt of rill' h 1111'"' '" -.\,1\1•d Ill"·'' .1 \\'(\ '1111pl<' h 1I\ '11 lh lltn· It \\ .1 ... 1 14111 •d "" • 1)11111 ii r I\ t• I ht 11 \\I'll' 1)11 llt'<'l\,I\' Wha t are ym~r ~rcale~I al·complishment' In li fe? \I\ ~·11-.tlt''I .11111111pf1,Ji11w11r 1, h.1, 111g a \\1111drrt11l l.tmtl~. d' ""ll '" h.l\·111g llw r1·l.it100<, I h111 lt up 11\ \ht• ne11plt' In your 1111· lhdl 1 Ollllt lkr11g 11\\llkt'tl in the l111ild1ng of the '\'l'l"rurt B1•,Jl h \1.1111 I 1hr.ir\ r' 111 1J11ht.ind111g 111t•n1111\ .111d .111 o mpli-.hmc111 -"''Pt'1 lilll\ lw111K d -.mall pan of ull tildl, wh11 It'" many pc1>rk 111 ""', n111mu11i1v p111 111g{'lht•r Ir you could re-do one moment or lncidenl In your THE OLDER CROWD life, what wuuld it be? '\;o, I CJll I lhlll~ of .111\'thing. What profo'lslon o ther than yours would you like to have tried? I 1\lrnld lt.1\l' lth•d to haw ht·l'll .i "1111•1 m 1uurnJl1\l. becau~c I've alway~ admirt:d the people who could communicate weU through writing in any context. I gel a 101 of enjoym ent our of the art of writ mg, particularly creative wn ung . What are some differences between a typical day In your life now versus a day In your life 20 or 30 years agol t would say that I'm much more rd axed and confidc111. that l1f6 a wonderful Llrearn. Things that ;1ppeared 10 bt· major concern~ or worne' :.w year\ a~1i -with the adva11t.ti.;t' ol expcnt'nce ctnd age, you realin· 1ha1 ~omc nf tho'l' 1h1ng~ weren't ~o r ri11c11I, weren't ... o important. l.11t· l.tkl'' it., cour...e. Work h," t 11n t11Hlt'tl to hccornc more challt·ng111g 1Wen1 y yt';m, <igo." l•it ol 1lw things I did were rcla tivl'ly simple and basic. And 11ow they are relatively complex anti challenging. What Is the greatest lesson you've learned In your life? Thar every person ha~ Ill really identify 1hemselve:.. learn who they are. They s ho uld be satisfied with themselves. as well as liw a moral and ethical life. I laving mo ral and e thical c,pintual value~ are rewarding of 1n themselves. What do you trea.sure m ost? fu~t the family relation'\h1p~. becau:.e family is permane111 There i!> no substitute fo r family. whether that fam tlv lit· one person or 30 peoplt'. Famil y is family. What was o ne of th e be t of the unexpected things that happened tn your life? From a triathlon s1a11dpot111 , the fir'\l one I was in I w o11 my age group having no idea what I was doing. Now that was a surprise. Love and companionship has no age limit I II \pnl 10111.1111 l' flll1'{f till' olll .11 lht• l "''·I \h ..... 1 '-t.·111111 ( 1·r111•r \, 1111' \t•rnor t 1·1111•1' .f1r1·1 lllf II ""' hc·1·11 ll'\\<11d111g Ill 'I I' jll'lll'll llll'l 'I ,111J fl)rlrl fa_..,11111-: II l.1IH1thlll(" 111 1.111 •llll' p.ur nf 11111 lnrtf, \\Ill he· 111.1m111J{ Ill ~·p11•111hc I \ fto\\ tttf\l'r C llllrll'' 1\,1\ ,. 1)4'\, 1111•· h\ ,. 111 111rnp.i1111111' "1111111h1·1" .111· ')1111•' lllllli'lll Ill 'u111 •ll c.l.111· 111 lw grnitl lrll'ndo. '\111111•1111" 'l11dw' h\ 111ed1l.1I \I ll'llll•I' ·11111 tf1 11111gt.1ph1·r. t11lllllll lh,11 \\I' •llt' ,1/1 fl\111)i 111.111\ r11ror1• ''""' 1h,111 pn'\10ll' v1·111·r ,Jllnlh 111 l,ll I 1hu ... · 011 lht• • ll"I' hi !lint i.:"ld;,·11 \\',1r' .inti 11111 \111111~l·1 g1·1wr.111n11' ',\11 Ii 1111. h•l\\,lfll ht l'lllll\'lll>t lllllh' \\',II'\ 11( ltl'.11iJ11 ,111d 11g1111lll' hll' 1h.111 1•\t•r I\\ 11111• \1•r 111 1111' l.1111•1 v1•.11, ol lh1•11 "' ,..., "·111111' 11t1t·n lind 11l1·111-..·h1·, .1111111· \11tl l111wl1111"' I olll ht• lt•fllhl\ 1khtlll•lllllg fl h11m•11i-ll\'11111.1' ol <111gl'I. ...itlnt'''· p.1111 .111tl w11·I. ( lh1•11 th1· qllt"llOll" ,...,l1-<l. '\..,11y 11w1" lnJt't'tl. l<H mg l1k al111w .1l1t•1 Ill.ti\\ \ t'.11'' 111 111.1rfl4:1' (If fn1'11d,)11p '' \1·r. d1tlkuh h 1' ,111 AVIVA GO ELMAN till' 11\ltll' d11t11 uh h ti 111d.1\'' '"111111' \\ho ).!I<'\\ llJI d11n11g .in l'r.i \\ lll'll hfl-\\,I, .1 'lh'ht'l1'd 1''Jl''1 tl'111" 1111•\ •Ill' Ill II 11,nl 111 1\w 1nclqw11dt·rn ,111~!1• lilt•\(\ ll· lh,11 111,111\ of 1<11.l.t\ '\llllll)~l'I g1·1•1•f 1lllllll pl.ll 111 t' \l.111\ '>1'11111!' ti11d ,1 \\,II Ill ,1n1~1t· th111u~1lht 1r lo11d1nt"-' I 11111p.1111cui...l11p ",1~l1111p'>t•11I ll~IH 1111 1h1•111 \11d ,,, Ill'\\ II 11•11d,}11p' ltll Ill l1tlll'h 'l'lllitr• l'llll 1'):1' lrOlll 111\'ll "lhll1tl1· .111d "1111,111111\llh ,f llt'I\ '('II"' 111 1·1111,.1\\l'flll•'lll the nd1'''"l'" 111 1r11,t ,11111 ,1 r "oh 1111111 lo 11•pl.1l 1' ll-1'11111-.., ol 't·ll il1J11l>1 .111d h111 >t.'ll''-'"l''' l11r11u11.h 111lt'f\t1'"' I h11Vl' tnntlurlt'<i \\1th ""'t'r,l1 "•n111r-. .11 1lw '-t·1111ir l t'llll'r, I h.1w h11111LI 1h.11 '4'1llllr... hd\l' d ""''''Ill .111J Daily A Pilot VOL. 98, NO. 157 THOMAS H JOHNSON Publisher TONYOOOERO Editor MARKEY DANIELS Advertising M11n11ger LANA JOHNSON Promo1tont Dorecto• f.otTING STAff S.J C*'n Menegong Editor, (9'91 574-4233 1 / cehn q lat1m"1.com O.nette ~ City Editor. 19491 764-4324 dllf'ftne flOUHrt ~ l•flmee com RlcNrdOvnn Spor1s Editor. 19491574 4223 flch•rd dunn o lat1mt1S com Ry_,.~ Au111ant City Editor. 1949) 574.4286 ry1tn.C1Jrtor "/atimes com ~Mc:Grri Photo EditOf. 19491 76'-.t3S8 ''""" f'fl(Y'f.~ .. k!tlmfJIS.COffl Jo. J Sent<>$ Art OireclOf N()'Wj Dos~ C'h1a1 <949i574-4224 '°'" sanroJ " l1wm11s com News Editors Ci1r1a AleJ<anoor. Tl"lomes Griggs Paul 5&1tOW1tl. Mike Sw11nson NEWS STAFf Deep.~ Crime and oouru roportr• 19491 57~226 dflepa bfl8mth " l.tl!mos rom ~HllttJ* Enterpri11e 1md special PfotOC\i r&pOrtf'I 19491 574 4275 lo/tra h/llTJef " U.r1mtJS com Deirdre,.._,_ Cott a Mesa reportllf 19491 5 74-4221 <Ni<rdre1 ~n o lat1mes rom Mal* O'Nll Cducatron reporter, (9491 574 4268 manu.<>ne1/C$/M1rnM oom Aldl~.,., Polito bull..-end 11n111ronment ~. (9'9) 76U330 IY.O. n:>OINOl'I · lenmee oom 11plw,11 11i...1J!111 111!0 c 1111111t1n11111'l11p .iml 1·11111\lng hh· \\l' l.111 ht•m•r otir nvm hn·' It\ 11,1en111g w 1,ha1 t11ev h,l\ 1• 111 1,;1\ \\ 1wtlw1 tht' '>llhJt'C1 \\d' ol d.11111g l1111g 1t•rn1n:l;i11on,h11"111 l~11m111g 11t'\\ fneml<.J11r• 11\ll'l of tlw -..·111ur. I w 'tlf>l.. .. 11 1\11h t.111..t'tl 111 thl'lr hH-... \\11h \\<lfllllh .md 1.1111l11r ( )111• '\lt'h I O\l)lll' 11\t'l oil llll' '>1•111111 I l'lltt'r tltlnn~ l111H h. I h11· Ill 1h1' 11.111 IM' ht't'll "11gl1• lor 1 rt.11\\ \ l\lf'. UH' uther 1\ ,, rt'\ 1•111 \\ltlmwr I ht•\ \'<lllll'<l lCI gt'l 111 l..rul\\ t'.1d1 otlwr ht'llt'r 0111· h.1d m .111\ ft•in,ul' lncnd' al tht '>1·111111 l C'!llt•r .tnd l\J.' h.ipJl' 1\llh lll'r d.111\ rrn111111·. nw 01hr1 "·" loo\..111g lo ll·.1r11 how 111 t.111gh .1ga111 Both 'kl'plil.tl .i.' tht') ''1'rt ~·1 111 tllt'1r W;J\'\ 1lin ,h,m·d \\Ith I'll' \\ h\ tht•11 111"\\ l111111tl n·l.u1011,h1r ,,mi..., lmpon,u11 kt""· tht•\ ... utl .m· h't·r111~ up ,,,,h pnQf'lnl'11J,h1p ... .ind ll'armng IO t11mprum1...c .111d 111 f\''llC't"I l'•Kh ulht•r I h1·'{· pr111c1plt"\ are 1n11· \\1 th frm,\lt• fne111J<.. n1.1ll' fm·nd' .ind 111\t'r-. I ht'\ lc1111\\ .111d ~ll"l'l'PI 11111. rli.11 Luis"-"• l\J1•W!. llS.,StBnt, 19491 5 74 4:?J8 l11•s J]tlnJ n l1111me~ o..1m PHOTOGRAPHERS Murl C Dustin Don LPaeti l(pnt Trepto"' DougldS z .mm .. 1n"'" READERS HOTLINE 19491642 6086 Aeco10 vour commeflls dD0111 VH Da1ty Pilot or news tips Addr .. s Our at1dre11 11 330 W Bav S1 Cost II Men CA 92&27 Office ho1Hs t1rA Mon<111y Friday, 8 30 a m S o m C0"'9C11ont II IS lhe PtlOI'$ Pohcv 10 p~mplly correct all errors ol subslan• ,. Please call 19491 764 4324 FYI th1·11· an· thrllh" .11!111111/u•u IM''' tlll'v c.u1'1d1.u1g1·111 111.1h· ~11.1w,1\ 11111 tlwv c.111 "'"I' 1he111 Imm t Olllllllllll>: llll'll h,lppllll''-1111'\ h.111• lea111ed 111llt'llt>r11ndl'r-.tamJ lht'1r 'tn·111-1h' ,u1ll 1~t·.tknt''><" .u ill lll'){llll to Ollt 1• ,1g.u11 t'llflJ\ hi(• .u1J 11\ll\'t' on to th1· lu111w r.1t11t•1 UJJJI 1111• 111 the P·l'I It~ fl-,1\lll).: lltt'll 11.1~,l~t' ... It h11llll', thev 11\\ f\:,1'-l' tlwn upponunity tn lt•.im what ii l'- .1hrn11 ltu\ Ill'\' f>t'Nm m 1be11 hft• 11wir mten•,t "111 111 th"><·ll\ en11g 1d 1.u 1hn d11111111..t• .1ho111 llw f>"'">ll. '>'I 1he\ «Ill l.1und1 111111 J 1111"11111 to t h.1111:1• 11wm. lh1'V lnuw I~ 1hr11 "1..Jom that Wt' hl..e .111d love tht1'4' 111 011r h\'l"-lor wh11 lht'\ ,\ft'. "an~ Jntl all And thr·' .1cr1'pt tlwm lllP'4.' '('OIUf' ,11'0 kn111\ thl'\ 11<'•'11 IO h\c c.tch tl<1\ 10 1i... tulle"' l1 1t•1r '''rwm·nu" haH' 1au¢11 1h, 111 t11JI J.i,u11g rt•IJt1011sh1p., arP c 011,rnit·tt'tl \IO\\f\', are courted 011l' d.i\ .11 .1 ur1w I h1, btalcJ, 1111dl•N.imhn~ tht:'ll friem1'htp. And fril'nd,l 111) li>.id' lo .1 deqX'r rt•l,111omh1p rht'\ va!Ut' COUrl!1h1p ,inti ,11111, tnm111111h" -qu1e1 Bri.1S61' Co~111Mos11 CA 92616 Copyrighr No nows s1011Ps ll.JSlra11on~ OdtlOrtlll mallflf or l OYPrtlsf!mf'nts h0<fl1n can I'll' "'01fl0UCPd WtthO•JI 111111nen P''l"'•5S•OI\ ot COP'VllQhl ownM HOW TO REACH US Cin:ulatlon f hf' Tomes Orange Coun1•, •800 2529141 Advertising Ctessifttd 19491 642 5678 Dltplay (9491 642 432 t Editorial Newt 19491 642 !;680 SporU 19491 S74 42n News FH (949) 646 4170 Sports fa• (9(91 650 0\70 E·nutil: dailypilot A /1tflmM com Main Olftct ~ omc. (9491642-43:11 The Newp0rt Beedl Cosla Mesa Daily Pilot (USPS-144.800111 publtsl"led deoly In Nlrwport 8041(11 and Co1t11 Meta, subs<:nP11ons are available only by 1ubscrib<ng to lh11 Times Orange County 18001 ~~Fa• 19'91 631 -~2 Pubhthed by Times Community News. 11 division of t/le lot Angeles Times 2S2 914 \ In 11111111 ouu 1oe ot Newoon Beed\ and Costa Men subknl)llOns to the Dally Pilot ••11 av111lable only by flrrt clns mill tor S30 e>or month. (Prices include 1111 apphcable ttate and local tun I POSTMASTER S.nd adch., ctiange• 10 Tll4I NewPort &adl Costa Mesa Daily P tlot. PO Ulllllt',...., 11101>11li~fll .111d rl\ll"L .111d ,111.111 ~tit' l11c:'<-" 1hey ..a,, .Ill' tlw ..implt' hut dt·1·ph mt«111111~11I ~l',lllll'' 1h,11 builJ ,, hlltm· lcig1•tlw1 11 \ \l'f\ 1mpo r1.1n t Ill m.in\ \t•111 or' 111 IC',1r11 the pr.ic11ce of IH~ ... , hdt.I\ lllf Ill lhC' tlt'\l'lllpllll'lll Of Ill'\\ rl'lt1t11111,hip' Tht• '1mple aC'I it( hold111g a hand, gt\ 1ng l omphmemi.. 11 ... t1.•111ns;. <.howrng affettion and Llu,llnJ; off wo·ds hkt-"plea~l"' and •th.ink )OU" are p11ldrs of lril'nd,h1p building As we look to relchmtt' the wonderful yc-ar. ol our '>enior;' hvcs. we di..cover that 1herl' are \'l'f)' fc'W cere111onie. marking the ''>,1111fitdl1te of lo11gewy At the ">ernor ( emer. we strl\-c 111 mark 1mlt...,tont" m a memorable' way. I or 11t<;tanre. the "ic'mor (.t·nter 1,11J bt-hos1mg a pJny 10 rell'hrate our <.en111r-. who hmt· rt'.IL hell the \\!>n derful age of HO. I Ill\ tlt• all of vou whn have n.•tiched 1h1" mal(icai ag<' to :.han• your .. 1nnt". mrmorit"'i :md ble-.sm~ 1\1lh ,111 of th on I nday. Jtme 18. from I I a.m w I p.m. For m•m' 1nforrn.1rion, plea.'>t' call 19-IHI &iS·l.:156. If you .trl' a semor looking for tlie compamonship of \'QUr peer... come 10 tlw Senior Center and take d.:is..e<> lhat are of 1111ere...1 lo )'\lll. \\.hether you participate m arts a nd crafts. computer cl.~ .... dancl' cla,'l.-.es, health and litnt">'>. fun and game!>. paintinK, p<:N>n.il cnnchment suppon group' or 1us1 en1oy lunC'h. you are ccn.un 111 find nC\\ fnen~ -anti perhap!. romance. I am bles.sed to ha,·e the w1ique opporturuty tO work \\1th <;{) many '!pedal seniors from whurn I leam new things every day. Our elderly don't have to lw )"llllllg!>ter; in old tx:idic.-.... wnndenng what happened lney can bt-~mor... \\ith a }'\lUng-tl'r' IC'\l ror hfe, fnend-;hip and d1...covcry • AvrvA GO£t..MAN is the 011ecu11ve director of the Costa Mesa Senior Center and Wlll wnte occasional columns about the center. ns members and senior issues SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST l ook for areas of morning low clouds and fog becoming mostly sunny later on Highs will be from 70 to 76 near the coast and 83 to 90 inland with light winds. Tonight will be mostly clear in the evening with areas of low clouds and fog after midnight Lows will be from 59 to 65. lnfomurtion: www.nws.no1111 gov BOATING FORECAST Winds will be variable at 10 knots or less becoming westerly at 10 to 15 knots in the afternoon with wind wa"es of 2 feet or less on a miud swell Tonight winds will be ou1 of the 1outhwes1 at 10 knot• becoming easterly overnight with wind waves of 2 feet or leu on a mixed swell. Farther oot, winds will be out of the north at 10 to 16 knots becoming northweste rly at 20 to 30 knots in the afternoon on combined seas of 11to 13 feet. Tonight winds will be out o the northwest at 20 to 30 knots on combined seas of 10 to 12 feet. SURF It loolts like we'll still be seeing hud-hlgh aurf from the soothwut swell. and it looks like we're in tor a touch of wind swell In the waist· to cheet·hlgh range. ~qu•ltty. www.surfrider.org TIDES Time 6:12 a.m. 12:691.m. 6:10 p.m. -11:31 p.m. Heivht -1.63 feet low 3.69 '"1 high 2.44feetlow 6.45 feet high WATER TEMPERATURE Mdeg,..... -~~~~~-----------_;_ _____________ .._ ....... ....,. __ ............... ~ ......................... ~ IJd1ly "''"' ' Council decides on'balanced, benign budget for Newport Lolita Harper Oa1ly Pilot NHVPOll1 llFACll Caty le.ttll'r' will 't'Jrrh for wayi. to -..ave and waY' IC> M>rvc 011 l ue:-.d:ay, all while keeping a pro1wr tnalanct· of tht• city's fumb when they analyze 1he pa 11 po,ed budgl't lkpJr1mt·nt lwatls, council 11w111her' a11d fl''>idents wall n·vww tht• propo:.ed t•xpendi- tun.::-. anti rl'venul' 'iOurces for fi,ral year Z004 05 al a study ~l''-'iun 1111 Tm·..i.lay, wht•n Ad· 11111al\lr.11ivc !'>ervaCl' Director l>1•1111i:-. D;umcr ...aid officiab will "n•ally get IO th(• r11eat of llll' hutlge1. .. Till' propo.,l'tl $1511.5-mil- 111111 h11tlgt'I wa!-. "vc•ry 'talus q1111," l>.allnt•r "<!itl . It i' bal 1 ) allll'd .ind 'tr.111(ht forward/ FYI WHAT: Newport Beach City Council Study Session WHEN: 4 p m. Tuesday WHERE: City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard INFORMATION: (949) 644-3309 • takmg intu accou111 vanou!> economic facton. :.ud1 JS 1hc 'tare's unpreclict<iblc financial woes. "If we had thi~ ..ame budget next year, people would hl' plea-;ed," he said. City Ma.nagt:r I fomer Hlu dau said tJ1c city "g.rappll'd" with issues s11ch as lhl' rising cost of the city's pension plan, me timing of employee con· trJcts and the Cu!>t of delayed capital improvement projerl!. lhut have rolled tJ1eir costs into the upcumi11g fiscal year. l11e Capital lmprovemenl l'rogram i11c:lude<l in 1he bud· Kl'I serves as a funding. plan for Ncwports public improve- rnl'nH., sped al projects and ongoing maintenance pro· grams, Bludau said. ·n1e pro· gmm, which consislS of about 100 project!>. 1otal-. $24.2 mjJ. lion of tJw S 171.2 mi.llion of cakulatecl expenditures. ac· ('Ording to tJic proposed bud !(Cl. l11e city plan!> 10 see a rela- tively Oat increru.e in reveuues, t'~timaling about $156 million, up only 1.38% from last year. The slro11g housing market, which brought about rugh property values aml taxes in previous years, i!> expected to rnn1inue to bobter the city\ finru1ciaJ sta.mJin8. Officials ex- pect property taJCCs to nllu:.e lip 26% or re~nues. ~·n1js financial plait for 2004-05 b a conserv.Hive. C«U· tious. balanc;e<l plan mat !>till a11c111pLS to competentJy ad- dross all known land some un- certain) challenges we tJUnk we wilJ face in llae upcomin~ year.· Bludau wrote in hi' summary. City ufficiab distrihutt·cl the proposed budget on April .10 and held public meetings May 11 <md 25. Uanncr said rnunnl members will make a "check- lbl'' during 1.he stody Sl':.sion of various items they would like to f'urtJ1cr scrutinize. City officiaJs will take input from the res idents ;111d rl'work the numbers for final adoption J>f the budget on June 22. 100%0rpoic OPl1MUM CERFALS ~ • Slim • Zen sr. • Powa- Bl•elftet REG. '2.99 14 oz. Non-Dahy Beverage Made Fmm Real Almonds : ~le· Vanilla ~ REG. '1.69 ...,....,32az. 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Nick Covelli played the first or second tougJlest position on the tidd, depending on whom you ast. ~ one of our two catchers, and a new one at that. he was often aslced to do more than he had been coached to do. But he rarely complained. and when he dld. he usually had a good case. Then there Wa5 Andrew Albers. who joined our team a little late thanks to the defection of one our s&ar players. Andrew is tall and broad and batted fourth in EL NIDO Continued from Al ticed a change in Brown. Irene Shannon. a feisty fJ Nido resident. who led the charge for the mobile home ordinance. said she thinks Brown started acting nicer toward the residents who comp.lained af. ter the council made some change5 10 Browns location re- port. ·1n the last few weeks. he is tak · Ing personal charge and dealing with residents and being extra nice and going beyond what he has to do for the elderly and dis- abled. • Shannon said Brown says he alwcl}"S intended to be generous and compassion- ate toward the residents. but he encountered such extreme emo- tion ~ him when he first an- nounced he was closing the pan that he wanted to wait until ~ cooled off. Ille truth is we were always ready to do this.· Brown said "We just never had an opportunity with everyone screaming al (us). The emotiom were really high. We go1 to be the ones who ~ what we ~ going to do in.stead of just tallci.f18 about iL • Brown said he felt emotions bad calmed down after an inde- pendent review of his reloca- tion repon fo und it was ad· ~uale. Once the fairness of the SUPPORT Continued from Al ~ on balancing the budget. He's gonna fOCU5 on the respon· sibilities that we expect from a council member.· Westside activist Mike Berry. who supponed Steel in 2000, said he will not be supporting Steel in the fall. "Every issue I have asked Duis 10 weigh in on, he voted the other way: Berry said. Mansoor accuses Steel of flip- Oopping on a lot of issues, and REIROFIT Continlled from Al southbound Jamboree Roa"' bridges over San Diego Crtti -that won federal highway funds for ~trofil!J that would aUow them to remaJn standing during a magnitude 7 earth- q uake. Federal transponatlon funds would pay for 80'JI. of the project, and the city would pay the remaining 20~. city engi- neer Lloyd Dalton said. If offi - cials decided lo stan anew, the federal government would pay the same percentage, he said. Newpon Beach City Coun- cilman Steve Bro mberg. who lives on Little Balboa, said he held a town hall meeting to get a aense of what the communJty wanted done. ·we're pretty democratJc over there,· Brombefl! said about U ttJe Island, ·When you get something that la golng to effect the entfre community, you've got lo do outreach.· Many residents have a very strong alfectJon for the bridge. t'hlng ha charm and character as a reason to retrofit Others MW the declalon ln a more practle91 light. pointing to the fact that a new bridge would laat an estimated 50 yean - twice u long a atttnsttJened, old one, Bromberg Mid. When be took a straw poll, the 100 people l.n anendanC11 weni di- vided. 2 2 a our line up. 1bat. as you may know, ls called ·c1ean up.. the lheory beirlg that this batter oomes up to dtM In the betters before him who~ made it safely 00 bate. Andrew played the rde very wdl and proved to have a grat dutM< from third to llrat. Thn!e guys-Brian Golden. An Teano and Carter Norris- p&a)"'d more outfield than they wouJd have libd. I am sure. But along lhe Wrj they learned what it means to be pan of a team. I know tha1 they will all contribute to their next team next season. That's my hope -that each of these pbyers retwru next year to play some more baseball. lf they do, l'Ye done my job properly. Oh. and there's one more player to mention. lbat would be my son, Ray. Once again, I asked too much of him. and often he was not shy about letting me know. Having compared notes with enougtl other coaches. it seems th.a! tha1 is standard operating procedure for a coach and his kid. Ray is my kind of baseball player -always thinking ahead about the next play or the next two plays. Last baseball season, Roy and his friend, Ryan Ouistopher, took a few pitching lessons from Dan Keller. Dan runs Weletics. a coaching and summer camp program. Dan was recommended to me by someone whose name I can'\ recall. but I remember the repon had been vaJ idated. he was ready to negotiate-with the residents, he said. Brown's basic relocation offer wa.s S3.000 for single-wide trailers and S6,300 for double-wide mobile homes. But Brown went above and be- yond that. including paying fo r storage and moving costs for some residents. For Matherly, who lived at fJ Ni, do ror 27 years. Brown made many generous gestures. includ- ing giving him a few mont.M free rent. putting in a new Ooor and adding a room onto his relocaled mobile home at Anchor Trailer Pad to help store Mat.herty's pro, lific a>llection oC lighthouses. ·1 think. everyone's pretty happy -I am.," Matherly said Friday afternoon. SllM!')'ing his new en- vironment at Anchor. "I'm having fun fixing this place up.· Shannon. who will be one of the last FJ Nido residents to move out on Sunday. remains frustrated that the city still doesn~ have more authority over the conver- sion and closure of mobile home padc.s.. All mobile home pan own· en; have to abide by is state law. which requires cities to review re- loca.tion repons and decide if they provide the reasonable costs of re- location. What's mJSSing. Shannon said, is any reqwremenl that pad. own- ers compensate mobile home owners for the value of their Berry said Steel says one thing and then votes a different way on many issues. •If he's going to be voting fo r som ething. then he prefaces that with a long explanation of why he should vote some other way and then he goes ahead and votes the way he was going to.· Berry said. Steel is also hard to contact to discuss issues. Mansoor said. •A lot of people have com - mented to me that it's hard to get ahoJd of him, and he calls late a1 night." Mansoor said. •f.rlc has a very responsible approach. and l ·A number of households were split, with the wives in fa. vor or retrofitting and the hus- ban ds who wanted a new bridge,· Bromberg said . Ille reside nts of the 2J I homes on Llttlt' Balboa will have the opportu nity to weigh In on the issue through an offi· claJ vote, with ballots and aJI. to be held sometime in the neirt couple of week.s. Brom- berg said. Bromberg can then give a recommendation lo the City Council, which will have the final say. Council members sh ould make their decision by the end of June because tht' city's Pub· lie Worka Qepanment must start the bidding process for the project. City officials hope to s tart construction by Janu- ary 2006, Dalton said. But there Is more 1t play In the bridge debate than senU- mentality and practkallty. The coat of both projecta ts between Sl mUllon and S2 mU- llon, Bromberg saJd, and either would receive the same (ederal funding. Both the relrofltllng and the reconstruction would be ·incredibly Inconvenient and disruptive,• he said. "But that Is the price~ pay for living In pandlse, • Brom- berg added. o.Jton, who 11 the project manager, said he la leaning towud total ~nstructlon beau~ he •uowa 70-year-old concrete.· •1r1 like tkln; after It get.a a • m:ommendadon. •t le coaches the whole game." WU what I was told I dldn'\ know what that meant until the boys staned their lessons. and I started II) receive Dan's e-newslener. It was then that I realized that In addition to fundamentals. Dan taugtlt patience, decency. c:MHty and sportsmanship. with an emphasis on sponsmanship. I a5ked Dan to give me a coaching nugget or two, and here's what I goc ·ae realistic. Maintain a goal of developing the kids, with an emphasis on wccess. Do not get caught up in winning a JO-year-old league championship at aJI costs.. in the big picture, this is just a step In the deveJopment or an athlete and more importantly a young person. Be realistic with the ability of your youn~ers. This - makes victory more fulfilling and assists with learning how 10 handle frustrations.· Parents and coaches. please read that two or three times. Jhis is my kind of coach. If that's your kind of coach, you can reach Dan at (714) 875·5294 or at dan@li[elelics.com 1banlcs fo r the memorie:., Dodgers! • STEVE SMrTli tS a Costa Mesa resident and a freelance writer. Readers may leave a message for tum on the Daily Pilot hothne at (94SI 642~- homes. which many have in- vested time and money in fur dec- ades. Shannon lived at fJ Nido for 15 years and said her home is worth about $30,000. Friday morning. wearing a Libertarian T- shirt -a party she helped get on the ballot for the very first time - she htd some fighting words for others who might find themselves In the same situation. "I encoumge other mobile home park residents to keep at Qty Hall to change (the existing rules! before it happens to them," said Shannon. who is moving into an ~led-living facility. "Recause it will happen the next time some- one wants to close a part." Brown is closing the parks to build a medical office building on his property. The environmental report for the projt!ct is finished and will be available for publ.ic re- view this week. he said At the Oag ceremony Thursday. Brown videotaped Matherly and former fJ Nido resident Dorothy Harmer, who also moved to An· chor. lowering the flag for the last time. ·This is very emotional for my entire family," Brown said. "No- body wanted 10 do this (close the parts)." • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa. She may be readled at (94SI 5744221 Of by e-mail al deirdre.r>eWl7llln iii>/atimes.com have tremendous respect for lhaL" Mansoor said he will help Bev- er any way he can during the camprug:n. Bever could not be reached for comment. Bever is one of six residents who has filed an intention to run form, which does not guarantee they will run for the three open council ~eat<. this faJI. • DEJRDRE NEWMAN covetS Costa Mesa. She may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at de1rdre newman@la11mes com. certain age. it is just Impos- sible to repair.· Dalton said. The bridge is in need of ma- jor maintena nce. and for virtu- ally the same price, residents could get a brand new hridge that would last more than 50 years. he said. Lanes on the bridge, t"urrenlly 10 feel wide, could also be built to new scandards that caJI for at least 12 feet. he said. The bigger, ·better· bndge could also have its drawback.s because it would eliminate two permanent parking spaces. Bromberg said. If a new bridge were constructed. a temporary bridge would have to be built near Balboa Avenue a nd Grand CanaJ, he added. "Obviously, those residents aren't too happy wilh that,· lhe councilman uid. There an pros and cons, and the debate will linger until lhe final votes are tallied. Unlit then , the public outreach will continue with more meetings and Informational pamphlets, Bromberg said. ·we lust want all the lnfor· m at Ion out now,· Bromberg aaid . ·we need 10 know the good and the bad, what wtll be Inconvenient and every con · celvable optlnn: • L.OUTA HARPUt l11he enhlrprlM ind lnv .. tlgetlvt reporter for the 01lly Piiot. She may be reachtd st (Mil 57'~275 or by •·mall at loflt•.h•rperlllarlm••·com. • _, PUBLIC SAFETY Daily Piiot POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • 8ri9tot StrMt: A burglary was reported In the 3300 blade at 10:35 p.m. Thursday. • Fordhem Drive: Identity theft was reported in the 2300 blodt at 8:55 a.m. Thursday. • Hert>or Boulewrd: Grand theft was reported in the 3000 blodt at 2:32 p.m. Thursday. • Newport Bou'9Wrd: A burglary was reported in lhe 1800 blodt at 10:10 p.m. Thursday. • Plnec:reek DIM: Petty theft from a vehicle was reported In the 2800 blodt at 9:28 a.m. Thursday. •Superior Avenue: Graffiti was reportedinthe 1700 blodt at 8:58 a.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • Em BalbcM Boulevard: Petty theft was reported in the 100 blodt at 2: 11 p.m. Thursday. •Jade Avenue: A garage burglary was reported in the 100 bled< at 4:43 p.m. Thursday. • Marine Avenue: Petty theft was reported in the 200 blodt at 12: 23 p.m. Thursday. • Mariners Drtw: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2100 blodt at 9:37 a.m. Thursday. • Or.,. S1rNt: A home burglary was reported in the 200 bled< at 6:53 a.m. Thursday. GREENLIGHT Continued from Al bers had been asking for both the hotel/theater provision and the requirement of a council vote on Greenlight projects. Mayor Tod Ridgeway said tha1 after those changes, the Measure S guidelines can probably be pul to bed at least for now. "At thi!> point in time I don'1 think 1here's anything left to be done." he said, adding that there's room for further modifi- cations if they are needed la ter. "It's to our benefit to. in fact, correct any inconsistencies ot ambiguities." Ridgeway said. 8111 no one would definitiwly say whether the changes will bring an end 10 the lawsuit. "I thjnlt it's fair to say that these amendments address some of the issues.· Burnham said. "Whether they address all of them, that's something for the at1om~ to deal with." Greenlight spokesman Phil Arst ~d arriving at the proposed amendments took effort on bo lh sides. but they may not be dont• yet. ·All I rnn say is we havf' worited hard to cooperate with the dty and protect the interests of the voters to decide the furure course of the city,· he said. ·we have made som e progress on ad dressing the issues of our law suit. bu1 some major com:cm~ remain.·· • AUCIA ROBINSON covers business. polrttCS and the env11onment. She may be reached al (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail ar al1c1a. robmson (!t la times.com AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Oaity Piiot. 330 W. Bay St., Coste Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to luis.pena@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (9491 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event. as well as a contact phone number. TODAY ChlldtMlp USA'• Costa Meu chapter will hos1 F-emtgalto at 5:30 p.m. at the Bloomingdale's coonyard In Fashion Island. 701 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beadi. The event will include an ltallan buffet, dancing, live music. opportunity drawing• and llve auction. Tidcets cost S66 to $76. Information: (949) 548-4228. The Cosb M11• N9wport H4MtMw Lions Club will host it. annuel Ash Ffy and cemlval, whidl will Include the cfub'1 famous fried cod, oofeaiew, fries, musical entertainment and the Miu Costa Mesa BNuty Contest. TNt event will be from 11 uri. to 9 p.m. at Uons Part, 670 W. t8th St., Cot1a M .... lnform.tlon: (9'9) 646-1800. (949) 674-0337. hftp:l!Www.g«X'i•comAioN ffshfry. Sur La---holt lta ........ Bridal Feb ttl9t wfll lndude lnformaf modeling. bfidet ooordlnetort.phot~.and dnwingt for sWM-The ewnt .. Bill .would. bring increased Homeland ·secur~ty money Rep. Chris Cox's proposed legislation also aims to stop red tape tha t stows community fund s. Alicia Robinson Daily Pilot Nl'.WPOlrr.r..Jl· .. SA -Lrn al po- lice aml firefigh ter!. will get more fetleral luntling with less red 1arw ii ,, hill wri11en by Ht'p. Oui:. < ox m.U..l·s 11 through .tll tht• l11u111'. I he ht!>te r ;mtl Smarter Fund· i11g 10 1 rir!.t Hespontlers Acl would 'crap the current lt111di11g formula for the Oepartment of I lornt:land S1·curitv's terrorism prtp:iretlne'' 111orn:•y in fovor of a ... uh1cctiw method i11 whirll luntling would he ha..,etl on an .trt>a\ rjsk ll·vt•I. i\ romm11ni1y "itll .111ud1:ar plant or ma1u1 'ta port, tur example, would get TOWN Continued from A4 will be from 1 to 5 p m. at Sur La Table, 832 Avocado Ave .. Newpon Beach. Information: (949) 640·0200. The Environmental Nature Center will host a birding wall< with expert birder Maya Decker. The event wilt be from 7:30 to 9:30 a m. at the Environmental Center, 16th St . Newport Beach. The cost is $5 for nonmembers. Information: (949) 645-8489. The Camp will host HMade in Costa Mesa:· a ponery bazaar reaturing ceramic a rt by local student an1sts wilt be from 2 to 5 p.m. at 2937 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 966·6661. http WWW thecsmpsite.com The Health Emporium will host a free osteoporosis screening by Lane Labs Bone Mineral Assessment System. The event wilt be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Chris Cox money a rural wiLh no terrorist more than area likely targets. "We spend billions of dol- lars each year on intelligence," Cox said. "What this bill will do is Ut.e what we learn about ter- rorist capabilities and intention~ and match it with what we are leaning about domestic vulner- abilities." The current formula divide~ 40% of the available money equally between all 50 state~. and the other 60% i~ doled ou< to states based on population. In 2003. California received S482.5 million. which worked out to S l].74 per resident. while Rhode Island was giwn $37.2 million, l>u t with ns much smaller popu- lation that divided up lu $33.20 per person. 3347 E. Coast Highway, Corona det Mar. Information: (949) 673-2244. The lido Isle Yacht Club will hol1 a CPR certification class from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Lido Isle C-ommunlty Assn. clubhouse, 701 Via Lido Soud. Newport Beach. The cost is $25 for Lido Isle Yacht Club members, $30 for non-adult members and $5 for yacht club juniors, instructors, scouts and others aged 12 through 21. Information: (949)675-1904, (949) 675-7977. Adam Collings will discuss and sign his new boot< "California West of the WestH at 2 p.m. at Borders Books, Music and Cafe at South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bear St .. Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 432-7854. SUNDAY The Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club wilt host its annual Fish Fry and carnival, which will include the club's famous fried cod, coleslaw, fries, musical en1erta111ment and the baby "California ha~ much at stake in this bill, because on a per capita basis, we receive le~:. funding fo r homeland security than any other state.w Cox sald. Cox's bill also aims to get rid of bureaucratic red tape that keeps funding from getting to commu- nities. The Department of Homeland Security would et clear terrorism. preparedne!.' standards to determine wha t po· lice and fire departments anti other agencies would reasonably need to respond to a terron .. 1 threat. "Concep tually it -;ounds likl• it's a smarter Lhing," Newport Beach Fire Olief Tim Riley saitl of the bilJ. "Any tim e a congre~­ man talh about bypassing red tape to get the dollar~ down to the local level we support tJ1a1." Riley said his department anti other O range County agcncie'> have developed a fairl)• coop era tive s~tem 10 apply for home land security dollar-.. so lw contest. The event wilt be from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m . at Lions Park . 570 W. 18th St .. Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 645-1600, (949) 574-0337, http:llwww.geoc1tes comllionsfishfry. The 11th annual Balboa Island Parade "Remember When" will feature such thinQ_s as the 3rd Marine Aircraft W111g Band, antique cars, floats, fire trucks and notable guests. The parade is dedicated to the 1s1 Battalion, 1st Marines. Camp Pendleto n, adopted by the city of Newport Beach. The event will begin at 11 a.m. Information: (949) 723-4177. Officer Frank Caruso will read and sign his new book. "Let's Meet Officer Frank; at 3 p.m. at Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Metro Pointe, 901 S. Coast Drive, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 444-0226. WEDNESDAY Sherman Library and Gardens will host "Patio Gardening" with Wade Roberts, directo r of gardening. Roberts will provide Weekend Sale Saturday Sunday Monday 30-50°/o Off Our Entire Inventory I I .1 n d -W o ' ~ n D a y h e d Feat h er an d D ow n S o f ~ Zen S tool B ro nz e Buddha Sh into Dinin Chair Indi go C l as s i c B e droom S e t Come visit our beautiful showroom and discover the best o f home furnishings, Oriental antiques, artifacts, hand-woven fuminJre, and original paintings from international artists . . PA ER N S" ll~JJ S l ,.te r Ave . #A, Fount•in Valley, CA 92708 Call : (7 14) 708-2000 Houri : Mon-Sat:I0-6 S und1y li-4 tJunh they've bel'n ge11111g their fair share. lie hopt>d that Cox\ bill would mean feWl'r o;tnngs at- tached to money that 11> doled out, howe w r. "It make~ it pretty lruMranng when someone tril'.I. to come in and tell yuti wha1 your 1wed), arl' and how to 'pend your money." he said. While tht' 1 umm t formula mearn:i J windt:dl for i,mall Matt'' while big ~tatl''> go he~rng. C :ox ,,1ic.J, h.-. hill dOC'>ll't 'llllply n• vcr~e tll.1 l. lfl Jliforn1J ).:l'h rn111e m oney 1111der the lll'W lull, il will be bernll'I.' 11 ha). high-mk tl'r rorb l targl'I:-. .iml l.11 gl' vulm•r· ahle population n·n lt'I ', hl' ~;.ml The lll''(I -.tq1 111 the hill\ pmg re<;-. h Jpproval b) llll• 1 lou'l' Jll d1ciary t11mmllll.'l'. wh1r h t 0 11ld happl.'ll ""' '><Hiil .1, lll'>.t 1wd ... l OX -.;11tl II Ulltld lilll\l' Ill thl' I hlll'>t' n11111 1111 J 111ll' bl'lorl' u mgrt'". 111 1~ I rn l'"· and II could lt'<ll'h l'rt•'\ld1•11t 1111,11 ... dl·~k l.lll'I th1' Yl'Lll. 111forma11011on1.onta111er gardening, soil r11111es, watering schedules, lertilwng dnd pest control The event will be at 2647 E Coas~ Highway Corona det Mar The cost 1s $30 lnfonnation and reg1s1rat1on: (949) 673-2261 THURSDAY The Sugar Plum Arts and Crafts Festival will be from 9 a.m to 8 p.m. 1n Building No 10 at the Orange County Fair and Exposition Center, 88 Fair Drive. Costa Mesd Information (562) 598-0857, http 'WWW.sugarplum crafts com. Macy's and In Style Magazine will host "On Impulse~ a fashion presenta11on fr om designers such as Max Ama, Shelli Segal and Ma rc Jacobs The event will also feature, music. cocktails, mal<eov1:1rs and ski n treatments Participants must be 21 or older. The event uenefits the Newport Beach Film Festival and wilt be from 7 to 9 p.m at Macy's Impulse department. South Coast See TOWN, Page A6 Near the 405 Freeway on the cor ner of S l a t e r and Newhope between Harbor and E uclid ·''-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_, 5..ilurdJy J1111~ 1J ?004 AS ---------------~--~-l I-'< >I{ ALI . Y< >llR ST<>NI-' &·. Tl I.I-: PIU>JI ·:< 'TS , C<>Mf ·: T<> ... Tile I 1talia • ( 11'(0111 l\~il l lll'll ( Ollllh.'rlOfl' • B.1d11 00111 lh-111oddi11 g • ( :u ~tom Iron \Vork ""LSO. Rl:ADY TO INSlAll" GRANITE COUNTERTOPS :Z!':;~:;~~~ $695 • %'1.U>.>.I I" • Doubk e..Jk,,_ Edi!" Decorative Backsplashs for Kitchen & Bathroom Tops America's Favorite Comfort Shoes - l )rn '"ti lt>i1d1<1 url'"" \\'·II' I .i; It It <I ii I '<>t1tlo •II ( lf,l-l.1~h11>n, .. J !\til<'fll·ll> d lfr•lll.ttt,!111' 1-!"I'' 11\i•I 1'1<'1 ~ ,,hi('\\\' 1t1:1k.-\V11h .1 lull r.1111.;1· "' 'l:l'' .11hl w1.lil u., "" -.111 111 \•••I MEN'S SIZES WOMEN 'S SIZES Sllm Narrow Medium Wide W·Wide Slim Narrow Medium Wide W·Wlde 8·15 7·15 6·15 6·15 6·15 6·12 6·12 4·12 5·12 5·12 O ur s tnrL' in Orange a l w:1 y~ ha:-. thL• L:1rgl"'r 1 1H'l'nt ~1ry iln~I E,·L'ryda) L 1w Prtl 'L''! W e w ill match A n y C u rrent A d11ertised P rice! I 11 q •Ill ,,,/, I /i, \ t. ti/ 11/ I 111111)~1· f ll11H J..111111·11 cl\ 1/11 \ ill.ti:,1 di ( lid II!.!" I 111 1/1" r11~/11 11/ 1/i, \\' 1/ \ l.o I \rurc h, /1111i/ '"' 1/11·; l 110,/, 11 1< .... 1<111111111 2332 North Tustin A ve. O range, C A 92865 ( 714) 283--4950 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! Mon -Fn 1 Oam 9 pn1 • Sat 1 Oam to 7p1n • 'Sim 11 am Gpm • ' ·- .............................. ~, ... --~.,_,.~··---.-..ll!!'!ll!!~~~~~~...._~~--------- MlEIA TEAi HARDWOOD SPECIAL SAXONY PLUSH • ln>lo1Jl.-J "''h l'.OJ' • IOU'-\HOfltHhlll' f1l•m. 111 m Ion • 111 ".ir "f'" •n4 'i ,.. .. , ,1 .. 111 ~u.'lr•nltt POICILAIN 111.E INI" 1374 Lo•an Ave., S uite F COSTA MESA (888) MESA-777 www.aeaaca.rpet.net a (if~ • .. ...., • fit ~"' IQ Sf ~= IJJI0 ...... -......... 0..--~~-... ... ~---°"" ... -1--"-''°'°' wittl this C°'4X)n not Viid wlCh M'Y ott"1 offtt. Exdldts slcil (ft pro<llcts. Wt iCCtpt al c~s c~. FULL SERVICE SAi.ON See Us For AJI Your Color Questions. Senior Citizen Discount on Sundays. 111111 LOOP ~~SJ66 .... -~~ S..Pt. Volunteers hit beach About two-thi rds of the sho re line fro m the Santa An a Ri ver to The Wedge wi ll be lookin g a lo t clean er. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot NEWPOH I Bf.A( II I 1\t> milt'~ of bec1.ch havi.' bt•en swoopt'd up by pnvate e11111tt'" in I~ than 1wu week.'>. and't II) offic1aJs an• thrilled Ahout IWO·third' of thr <>hurel111e from thl· ~ll.s Ana 1<1ver IO The Wt'<l>(t' ha5 bt't'll claimed h~· re.,1den1'. organ11J twn~ c1.ml hu!.111el>.'-l''> through 1h1· Adopl J Beach program. c11y offic1ah ..aid. l'he Adop1·a ·Bcach program. "-h1d1 offic1.lllv lucked off Ma\ 2.!.. I'> sponwred b)• the c it) ~I Newport lkach and r.inh Ht' 'ource J.oundation in C.o~ta 1\lc!kl. It 1<, "m1lar to the ~tatt>\ l11ghwar program 111 that peuplt' comm11 to 1alun11. CJre of litter alnng a designated ~tretch o r 1he beach. l.anh Re<>ource fo un dn Stephame HargN <;a1d. • Mo~t uf those people \H1rc· aln·ady p1r kmg up <>ur headw' -the~ \\t'r<· l.md of lll.e un,ung hl·roe,: Barga "k.IHI -I ht'} ha\C' been domg 11 .myway. hut TOWN Contmued from AS Plaza, 3333 BttS1ol St . Costa Mesa The cost 1s S 10 Information (714) 55&-0611 ext 4231 The Newport 8-dl Pub.lie Library will host a groundbreaking celebration for the new Donna and J ohn Crean Manners Branm Library at 1 p.m . ne)(l to Mariners Elementary Sdiool, 2100 Manners Dnve. Newpon Beam Information 19491717-3078 The Newport Beach Ch1mbef of Commerce will host 11s annual Chairman's Reception and C1111en of the Year Presentation The event win honor Bill Ring. president and owner of Harbor Realty, Corona del Mar. The event will be at 5 p m at the Newport Dunes Waterlront Resort. 113\ Bade Bay Dnve. Newport Beam The cost is $30 Information· (949) 729-4400 FRIDAY The Sugar f>tum Arts 1nd Crafts Festival will be from 9 a m 10 8 pm. 1n Building No 10 at the Orange County Fair and Expasrt1on Center. 88 Farr Drive. Costa Mesa lnformalloff 15621 1w" the} .irt' getung .. 011\c rct ogn111on -whu:h 1'> lht:' lea.'>t uf Lhc1r mo11va1ion for doing it. really · Newport Beach t,ouncilrmin. ~tt'H' RoS<tm.ky !>aid the pru gram had far l'X(·eeded his l'X pt>t tauon., It wa'> d plea'lllll \urpnse. ht· '41HJ. l..irgt' c11mp.rn1es like h :.·t.leral I· pre,., have adopted four blot k.'> or the pemn<,ula. on tht• ocean side. and oq~:inizat11>1h .. uch a!> thl' \urfntfrr l"oundJ· non have '-l.il.ed their claim ;.., well. Bart:cr ~aJ~ 1\lon~ with tlw obvious cun1nbutu" Jfl' ll''>"t·r known ont'' hl.c Uovc.J illld lluth Dalton. Uo)'d Dalw n. d .!5-ycJr tit• 'IRO rngincl'r fur I ht• ti1y·!> l'uh ht· Wor~ l>cparllnt'lll. !>aid Ill' anc.J h1~ "1fr malcl' .1 hah11 ol waJk1ng do\\11 lu 1he beach and p1rk.111g up Pl'<>ple'., n•fu'>t'. -1 hdve .ino1hc1 term for 11. but 11's nol a .. polne, • IJoyd Dal Ion '>Jid. "I don'1 k11ow why p1·0 pie • .m~ hie th.it. bul 1ht•y ll'ctVl' ;1 lot 11f htter 011 1 he bt·.1ch " I he Dallon.... whu .idoptctl tv.1) block.' lrum 47111 10 4~llh ~tn·cl'>. 'aid u>;~trt'lll· hull' .trl' tlH• hJrde .. 1 r 1t'tt'' of l111er 111 collt'1. I bt•t Ju'e thl'\ .ire 'o '>mall Ahh1111.,:h they :ue l'4UIP pt>d Y.llh .r hud .c-t. ~lme' ,ind "Krnhba· <ll'vi1 t''>. bu1h r.111 11~h1 through 1hc· grip' 11 lw 598-0857. firrp 'WWW sugarplumcrafts com The Errvironmenu l Nature Center will host Bodac1ous Bats with bat b1otog1st Stephanie Remington Those m anendance will get to meet a live bat as well as learn about Orange County bats. The event will be from 6·30 to 8 p.m at the Env1<0nmental Nature Center. 1601 16th St., Newport Beam Information-(949) 645 8489. http IWwW encenrer org JUNE 12 The Sugar Ptum Arts and Cnrfts Festival will be from 9 a.m to 3 p m 1n Building No. 10 at the Orange County Fair and Expos1t1on Center. 88 Fair Dnve Costa Mesa Information: (56:2) 598-0857, http 'WWW sugarplumcrafts com NP Expos Inc. will host a computer fair from 10 a m to 5 p m 1n bu1td1rig No 17 and tent No 8 at the Orange County Fair and EJ<pas1t1on Center. 88 Fair Dnve, Costa Mesa The cost 1s SS lnformallon 18001 800-5600 Someone Cares Soup Kitchen will honor Anton SegerSlrom at 11s annual Flag Day Dinner and Silent Auction from 6 10 9 p m at 720 W 19th St Costa Mesa The Summer is here! L et us r estore y our t eak to its original b eauty. I year Gu arantee FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 1.866.GOT. TEAK Teak Rcstorat ion. In< .. Costa Mesa (wile" hai..khn:akwg worlc tu hend down and grab 1he fjlter'>. lk~pite the unappealing no- 1lon of piclung up after other!>, l.Joyd Oahon !>aid he thinb thl' pruKram " a "great idea~ hc- cau~c it not o nly clean!> 1ht' btad1n hul nuse~ awarcnc'' ahout the hllt'r problems. "ll't'oplcl will ~ee u& uut thl'h: roll1•c11ng 'luff and he a httlu IOOrt' cognizanl or lh('1r lt11er: I .hiytl Ualton .. aid. Linda 'Harnage. a Newpnn At·arh C,irl Seoul 1raop leadt·r. .,aid 1he benefits of the program ;irt' two fold for her ~1r1 .. RJrnagt' 'aid each time the girl~ of lroop 2700 go oul 10 pick up tra,h, tht•y tal.e turn~ recording the data ;u1d report it to 1-..arth Ht·,ourcc l·ounc.Jation. Tht' ex pt'rit·ncl' '' l>e11efic1al not only for the environment but for le;irn111g rl''>ponsibilit¥. "It " 1cad11ng 1hcm how ''' follow ur 110 the oq~an1zat1on;d "<ll' a nd report back," HamaKl' .,aid. Ac,ide from Lht' good leo;'iOn'>, Ham..i~e !>aid the v,1rb are having a hla'>I using 1he "picker'.>." ·1 hl'Y alc,o u Ln'1 wall lo Set' 1he1r 1roop nu111ht'r o n a plaqul' at the en traml' to !Ill: 16th 1hrouv,h lttth ~ln·t·t britlgc'>. " l lwy'd pruhably want 1lw1r n;mw '>... R.imagc ..aid. •bt11 ,•1thl'f way. they arc cx1:11t>t.l ." e vent will feature Chef Leon Manhews The COS! IS $45 Information and reservations. 1949) 548-8861. The UC Irvine Arbonrtl.lm will host 11s •End of Spring Fling" plan1 sale, whim will feature late spring perennials, early summer bulbs, scented geraniums and other assorted plants The event will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the UC ln11ne Arboretum, south of Campus Dnve and Jamboree Road. lnformat1on: (94S) 824-5833 James P. Reger will discuss and sign his new book. ·sapt1sm at Bull Run;· at :2 p.m. at Barnes 8t Noble Booksellers, Metro Pointe, 901 Sou1h Coast Drive. Costa Mesa Information~ (714) 444-0226. Maria Nidlless and Gina Romanello, authors of "Ch1dcen Soup for tne Bnde's Soul~ will sign their book at 5 p.m al Barnes & Noble Booksellers. Metro Pom<e. 901 South Coast Dnve, Costa Mesa Information· (7141444-0226 JUNE 13 NP Expos Inc. will host a computer latr from 10 a m. to 5 p m in building No 17 and tent No 8 at the Orange County Fair and Exposi11on Center, 88 Fair Dnve. Costa Mesa. The cost is SS Information (800) 800-5600. Robert W. Price, author of "Roadmap to Entrepreneunal Success; Martt Keys, author of •My Best Day. Spans; John De Puy, author of "Building Busrness 1n the Twenty-First Century• and Erlend Peterson, author of "Money Changes Everything; will sign and discuss their books at 3 p m. at Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Metro Pointe, 901 South Coast Dnve. Costa Mesa. Information (7\41444-0226 JUNE 16 St..nnen Ubntry and Gardens w1ll host a short history of Corona del Mar's ·china House· wi1h 01 W1M1am 0. Hendricks, d1rector of the library. The event will be at 7:30 p.m. at 2647 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Information and reservations: (949) 673-2261 The Newport e..ctt Newcomers will host a lunmeon to recognize new members and install new officers at 10 a.m at Shady Canyon Golf Club, Shady Canyon Drive, lniine. The group is open to women who have lived in Newpon Beam for less than five years. The cost is $4:2. lntonnation: (949) 645-9922. hrtp:Jlwww.nBWComers- newport.org. Da1lyP1lot Saturday, June 5, 2004 A7 FORUM HO~ TO GET PUBLISHED -L.tters: Mail to Ryan Carter at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RMden Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Sond to (949) 646-4170 E-maU:Send to daifypifot1.a'fat1mes.com •All correspondence must include f\Jll name, hom etown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves tho right to uclit all submissions for clarity and length. LEITER TO THE EDiTOR A public endorsement awakened I n 1 (•..,pon:-.t• to I ;1·011 Wes!'!. ll•tll'r 111 tllf' l·ditrn Sunday ("Crit ki<;111'how!.111a11 behind thl· 1 urtain"). I rl'<lllV don't ~nuw wllf'rl' to .,tart Wl'st'~ daiin'> an· 1101 only ridiculuu., h111 arc al..,o a · lil>elou ... p1:r..,.111al 'i1ttack again!.t my characll'r a111.l 1ha1 of Frie lll•vt•r. I Wa'> '"I l'rl"l'U tli.11 the l'ilot eve11 printed !.llrh 1111,11b~1.11111att·d balont'y lhal trip., lo p,Ji111 mt', Oiri.., Stet'! a11d l'ri1· Hrver "" u group 1ha1 dot'' M.11. Millard\ biddinl-(. C)u11P ho11e..,1lv. I wa.., 11111 even goi11g to )4l1 invoht•d in thi~ upcom1n~ C'lcct11111, 1>111 'A hl'll \C>l1WUIH:' 411(•MiCllll> 111y charaLtt·r with unfoundt•d rl1l•tori!', 1hnt\ going loo far. I Vl'ryo111• knmv ... I a111Ir1t·111t.. with I .rh Bever and thJt I woult.I like to \l'e him win, hut I wo11ltl have to wo1k with wl111t'Vl'r g,.t, t>lt·rted. i.n I wa ... not going tu l'ntlnr..c anyo11t'. Wl•,t h,I, d1angl'U all of th:tl \\ hl'll I I k Bt•\ l'I tleudt•\ 10 111akl' lw, oflitia I campaign a1111ounn•111l'llt, he ha.., my full ... 11ppo11 n11u t•n1Jo1'1'llll'lll. I 1hj11k \Vl'!.t0~ t om111t•11t.; 11'11 u., J lot al>oul hirnwlf anti thl' c:111d1dalt•.., hl' will 'llpporl thi~ fall. :-in. lt·t\ ha\'l' a look at \CHiil' of tht• rn11diclatt''> and till' i-;sut•., Iha! will he co111i11g hcfore u' \t•ry shortly. /\twr all. l'\t·n I >.11ly Pilot l\1 ,u1aging f:dilm ~ J ( ah11 <.;11d rl'l l'lllly that d111111g thf' lasl l'll'l'lio11 1 hl' i"lll'' wl'rl' not ac..lclrt''iM'd ALLAN MANSOOR suflk1ently. Wes< argued that Eric Bever .ind Cllns Steel will "carry his (MiJlard 'sJ banner, .. and that along with All,111 ManM>Or Lhtc•y would "implernen< his grand plan for the cx.pul.,ion of Latino immigrant.., 111 our 1111di.1. .. l:ven West'!. le11er acknowledged 1ha1 "Millard's l('!ter clearly shows hb viewpoint." For the record, it i-. illegal immigration of any type that I am againM. and I have complete rei.pel·t for people of any national origin when they come here legally. as both of my parents did. I lwlit'V<' Frie Bever hold:. the <,umc \llCW. I have al'io di.'>agrccd with Millard <m numt'ro11s isi.uc!. and been the focaJ point or hi~ criticio;m, a~ ha~ Erit· lkver. nut let's gel back Ill the candidates and the i.,!.ues, and where we differ. I ... ay tht' follmvi11g w11h complete rr:.f)l'Ct for a11yone who run~ for otlicl'. hut I am going to t:all it likl• I see it. Wt>l>t mentioned Lhris Steel Ll't mt• JU"t come uul and o;ay ii. I r;urnot and will not ... upport lhri~ ~tl'el. <l1rh Steel has Oip-Oorped on so many issues I ranncrt keep track. t:irst, he wa~ for 190 I Newport , then again~t a revised version of ii. Now, he'~ voted for it again. Mr. Steel will bring an bsue forward and then vote against it. I le will say !>omething like: "I don't like th•~. but I am going 111 vote for it anyway" or "I like this hut I am not going 10 vote lor i I. .. This goes on with !)0 many i~sue~. and West wa11ts to align l:ric never and me with that? Wes1 has to he t•1ther joking or dcsperare. West has ex.pres!>ed support for Rruce (;arlkh and given hi-; rca ... ono; why. Now. I like and respect Garhch, but the ''sue., and voting record an• fair )(Ullle. I have great ronccrn that he suppurled the double-density t ~O I Newport project and the Kohl's hig-hox. traffic-increasing dcpartml'nt ston·. a~ did Katrina foley. Garlid1 dc!>cribed him~elf a~ a liscal con~ervative and a ... oliul moderate If you l'ontinuc to increa~e -;pending on government social r1ogram!., how is tl\at fiscally conservative? Many l..11ino!> arc ~odaJly rnnl:>ervativc with pro-life and pm-family belief~. I low due., a '>ot·ial modcrnte reprt'!.l'nt lhl'ir viewi.? Su this hring" u~ lo Fril· Bever, and why I am supporting him. I have gouen to know Eric Bever over the past few years. I le i~ well respected and ha!. demonstrared a high level of intellecr while on the Planning Commission. I le is very reasonable and sen~ible 011 development isi.ue!. as well as properly right<;. I le has a clear grasp of the issues, does his homework. and is a man of his word. Eric live ... on the Westside. which i~ the moM d1ver~e part of the clly. llt· was raised to treat everyone with respect and apphe'> that quality of rharal'tcr in his daily life. Fnc has a pro-family ethic and bclievei. in equal rights, 1101 'lpecial right~. l·.ric i~ \trong 011 Costa Mc ... a\ quality-of-life is!.ues. o;uch a~ n·a~onable develop ment 10 minimize tralftc impacts and airport ll>sues that affect the quiet enjoymt>nt of homes. I le ~ces the importance of focusing o n infrastrucwre and street repair and places a high value on reducing crime. rhc<,e are only a lcw of the rea.,on~ why I ~upport Eric Bever for Costa Me ... a City Council. West has strengthened my rc~olve. I now know more 1han ever tb,11 Eric Bever i'i right for Co..,ta Mesa. • ALLAN MANSOOR 1s a Costa Mesa City Councilman . LETTER TO THE EDITOR N ew· youth center won't drive traffic I attended a Newport Beach Planning Coounisslon meeting on the St Andrew's renovation. und it appears that vehicle trank generated by the church's proposed replacement facility ls of primury concern to opposing neighbors. It also appear<, that the Increased vehicl1• traffic Is a red herring thut b fast becoming a myth. What's being proposed hy St Andrews is a youth arnl family cemer to replan• the curren I iJ iadl'q un t e cla%rooms. ·1 he <ipN·ifk .Purpose Cbeyuncl the children's and youth programs already in plalcl is to target En'iign lntenncdiate ~d1uol anti Newpon I larl>ur I figh School st11dcn1s with after-schuol pmgr.1111'>. I his isn't a ne~ idea; St. /\11drl•w'<; successfully offer.. after-school program~ a11cl tutoring at its off-rnrnpw. Shalimar Strcf'< fudlity in Costa Mesa. In regard to the on-campus project. krcp i11 mind half of these kid!. ilu11't even have driver's license .... much less cars -there ft rn·, think bicycles and foot traffic. Vehicle traffic is generated primarily by parents and high school students who are aln·ally driving in the neighborhood. If tht'ri"" a11 incrc~· 111 pare11t/liJgh 'ichoul whiclc traffic, the increase originated at the three rlt'i>(hhorhood hiA}1 school~. not St. Andrew's, whkh is merely auemplinR to improve facilities and provide programs for students otherwise urn;uperviscd during the "trouble hours" between 3 and 6 p.m. Natur.tlly. adult program'> aren't greatly affected by yuut11 facUities; therefore. no one can rightly forecnst a :.urge In adult-generated vehid1• traffic hased on-this p1uposal. Hcgruding pas king -the below-grade tier of tl1e pmpo~cd two-tier garage will be used mo~tly by personnel, regular volu11wers and other ac..lults nunnally using the campus. Daytb11e child and yuut11 progmms -now using half the existing parking lot - will be going inside. funher permitting full use of the ~treet·lt•vel lier every day. If lhe City Council am.I tJ1c Planning Commission feel that parentfhigh school vehide traffic is an issue. l11Cn a master plan induc..ling the t11ree neighburhuod schools needs lo be implemented. J\ replacement faciliry at St . Andrew'~ is not the problem. PETER W. SMITH Newport Reach .................................................................................. __ _..._... ...... --..-----------......... ~------~------- l(ll4J..,.P .... t~1m1111:~tt•s ..... :;.,. ..... s ....................................... ._.,.. ... -. ............ --............ ,..,.~~'~.,...,..-.-;~-""'7,..~',,,_~~~---.--..... ---. I . .. A8 SatUtddy, June 5. 2004 ~ 0 C I l: 'I 'I THE CROWD How 'bout breakfast at Tiffany's? ENGAGEMENTS AND WEDDINGS J elTrey Henneet opened tht• vault likt• door.. .ofllfTany & Co. at So111h < o<L'>l Pla7.a to welcome the ldtlil'' or llw I >t.>l·oratiw An i. S<iciety lu .111 ILIO J 111 brl'.1~1.1,1 .11 thl' l111o:" I " 1 lw monun~ runtah Wil'I dt''1~11t•d by Bt·1111t·t1. <111111'!1 U d-i< 111,ur I 1 tfa II y vwt· pH">lth•nt whu ha' 1u111pl'<l 111111 lhl' or.111~e I CJlllllV llllX fmm liL' 1 • .-.t 1.u •• .,t B.W. COOK rout' with .1 htll-,pt•t•c.l aht·acJ attitudt'. makinR .,.,re tllill d1.in1y itlld CCJmrn11n11y 1mul\ clll1·111 Jn• jomt"Cl wry clo,ely "1th c11111pJn)' hu..-ines..-.. 111(' r11r11111la hit!> worked h.1mh111111•ty A win-win for 1 tlfany .111d tor C lr.111~1' County. SonlC' 100 wry d111 wo111l·11 of tlw Society t:anw tor rhll< hJl, tn·.;h oranw· juice and 111orn111g dd1canc ..... and to meet Prank Arcaro. Vll't' pre.,1dcnt of I 1lfany\ l'~t 111 .. 1\ll' FJsa Peretti 1 oll1•l t11111 lk111w11 1.1hl'11·d tlw 1•vt•n1 "1'1.irl' l'l'rt'll•" llll' Ne\'\port ·l\.tf·"'1 crowd lowd till' pmi.:r.1111. It wa.' an. dt'!.ti,:11. ftk,1yle. l.1 ... hw11. husines/> a11d p1•1-.c111,1! l11 ... 1ory rollc:-d into a frw ... 111111hc1111'111 lwt and <li...uivt•I) A shton-Stone WJ111on and Pal Ash1on of Newport Beach announce 1he engagement of their daughcrr Janice A'ihton of Newport Beach to Michael Stone ot Santa Barbara The bridl'-cll'l l graduu11·tJ from Newport 1 larbor I ligh School. Orangr < ·oa ... 1 Michael Stone and Janice Ashton College .ind San Dic~n S1.11r. The futun.· bndt>groom .... on of Allan and Brenda Stone of !'aim ~rring,, graduated from Beverly I fills High Sdwul. llC San Diei.:u and lhe Georgia School of Prof cs~1rnrn I 1 •, )'cholnh'Y· An Oc1 17 wt·<lding i5 plaruwd at St. Andrew·~ l're-;byl<'ri.111 <Jrn rrh in Nt'\'\ port Reach. Thompson-Kapko Ethe l'ho111r.,011 and ~la11 Kapko bolh of Costa Me~a. exdrn11getl \ m''' JI l'aJ..,adt·'> (;a:t.ebo Park in Dana Point on April<! I f'lll' hntlt• I~ lhl' daughtt•r ul Andy and Silvia \n .u11 .11ldn•., .. 1•d !Ill' Crc>\HI. -.t'dl1·d tJll \\hilt• i.:lo" f>Jllllt'd dl.tlr' 1111h1· d1.11111111d -..111111. thin).: a Pow1•tl'w111 tf1,pl.1\ 111 ,h,ir1· dl't.ul-. ah11u1 th1• life· 111 fl1·11·111 f\lotlt+• parndt•tl throui.:h 1111· I 1tl.111v ... ion" ... howing off l't'fl'lll de'!).:11' .1 ... 1\n aro u1· ... nibrc.J tlwit c111g11i.. Sara Abraham & Manon Palley of the Decorative Arts Society attending "Pure Peretti.~ fhom P'f11\ ol Costa :vk<;,1. She wc>rl' a ~lraple!>S headed ivory gown wi1h tra111. ( ]1.11r1·d h\ Ann l>ennls or Nt'Wfltlrl lk,11 h. \\ llh .,.1pp11r1 from Joan \am ml\ ol I J11c.la 1,1e. th<' 111urn111g t'\l"lll \\,t' ,1hlllll lllll" \\-lJlllall\ Vl,11111 1h.11 Ii .... 1 h .111g1•tJ live .... 11w 1'1·n·111 ''"'Y· c c1·.11111g opponu111ty ai11I 11p1·11111i.: 1111111 .... W<L' a pt•rlt•rt lll.llrh li11 tht' I h-111r,1\lv1• An-. ~K1t·1y With tilt' p11q)l 1,,· ol 'll)lporllng Nt·w I hn·11111,l 111 \\1111w11 • .i .. uti .. t.11111· .1hll'>t' pmgrJ111 .unwd .11 , h.1ng111g tlw hvt·" ul 1rouhl1·d wu1111·11 tigh1111i.: .tit 11lt11I .llld drni.: 1!t-p1·11d1•111 v. till' goal of 1 n·.11111g l'll"ll\t' t h,111gt• Will> 011 tilt• lllllllh ol .111 '111'1" 111111g tilt' l'Vl'lll. • THE CROWD .tlJIJ('ilrs I hur~d<tV~ ,1m l ',,1 tu r de-lV'· BODY TREATMENTS Soothe your muscles with a massage $]5* PACKAGES OF 4 AVAILABLE FOR $240 • One-hour treatmenu at the Hyatt Newporter Newport Beach, Cali/ornio FREE VALET PARICINO t I 07 Jamboree "oad, Suite #2, Newpor~ leach. CA 92660 (9 .. 9) 6-4M093 WW :ai.tllCllM Monday -Saturday -9m\ to CJpm • Sunday -I Oam to '4pm: by appointment -~ l r, Frank Arcaro, vice president. Elsa Peretti Collection, Tiffany & Co.; Ann Dennis, chairman. Decorative Arts Society; Joan Sammis; and Jeff Bennett. vice president. Tiffany & Co .. South Coast Plaza. gather for a morning "Breakfast at Tittany's" in support of New Directors for Women The bridegroom IS the '1111 Of Hick and Namy Kapku of C.o~la MC \it. 'lhc Matt Kapkoand Ellte Thompson recep11011 wa'> lwld al tht' I ra11r1-.1 art c;arclens in San Juan C clpl'-1 ranu. l he co11plt·\ honeymoon was <ip erH on t ht' kndoc11111 <.oa ... 1 I ht• two plan to live in the San rr;111cic,1·0 Bay Jr<'a. I he lmdt• 1., currently 1·mployt·t.I a!> a teacher in 1 lumholdt. ·1 h1• groom rt•t"l'rttly grnduated with a barhrlor\ dl'gtt'I.' rrom I l11111hultlt <;tall'. -------.www. so fau lov e . com,__ _____ _ Sofa L 1 -- Hundreds of fabrics & styles available. lest prices in reupholstery • ..... •• th• ......... since 1971 CORONA DEL MAR 2846 East Coast Highway (949) 760-3137 Sonia Barbaro !80517307770 •Brentwood !3101207 2540 •Studio City (818) 76&8630 • Holtywood (3?11 46.4 3397 • Bev81ly Hill\ !'.l IOI 3600043 • Son10 fllionito (310) 3Q3tl87 4 • Ncwp-w1 Booc.h (Q4QI 7603137 • Woodland Holli (8181 888 5683 • Hemio~ Beach (310) 376-5856 ---------... •• --.................... ..........._~ .. ·~-----..-..-..------~ t.--~ -~---..___~_ ... __. ....... ._.. __________________ .._ __ -.._. _____ ..... _ lor nttcn ------•-w-u-a.--a·-,._;;._; __ C_O_C-.;10.w-,.w-..;;o,.1r"6-"6-•'°"~""'<t"U.-:OOW•;-~--~-----.,=----.,. .• ~,..<l',....,•=-'"'_.,. __ _....,... __ ,;:i-__ ~.....,_.~ ~-"" .... .,.._..._._...,...._...... .. ~-~ w FAITH THE MORAL OF THE STORY An ode to an angel IN THEORY 'Loving thy neighbor' -hood '"f'lti11g' 111/11('/1 •'Vt'""·' /lfl/ q•1•11f/f11/1•11f flfL\ I/fl/ fll'l/rt/, WI// ttlfllt'fl /1<1111' f/11/ 1•11/1•n•tl t/11• l11·1ir111/ mtm, 111/ t/tat (,()(/}It/.' fHl'fXll1'tl for tltfl\t' 111'111/111~·111111 " -1 CORINTHIAN S 2:9 \ >11 111,11· 111 my '·"' vi,11:-.. h1 •1 1l.111glrt1·1 l11•n11v told lilt' th.11 '"l' ""' ·"lt•t•p, h111 I I 1111111'l'I'111'1 I 1~ a high rd1g11111-. 1d1-.1I .11111 re~pec1i11g hm1i.. 1., d 111p11· frpqu1·111lv 4'pok.en ul Ill l ht• pulp11 I t W•t:-. a 111111· whl'n w1· 1.tlk1•d .1lr1111t I.11th. fam ily. l1tl•r111., and loolt>t.l al pho111g1.1plt' ol .1 t.ll'ar lovf'd om· It wa .. a llOll' of -..1d111•.,., >I' \\t•fl ;1, n•l1•hra111111 It ~.1<, .t litttl' of lt'<ll '-dllt' lll lu" .111d CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON .. 11111..1•11 lw1 h.111 .111d lfVll'tly ... 11d htM llHH h I lm•t•d lh'r. .11td \'\I 'I yhutly lowd 111·1 ;\1111 \\lh.rt .r hit•"" IJ!, ,,ll' w ..... 111'1111 t• I 11111111 '"\ mud 1 1111111-. .. tw ltt•ltl rny lt.111d, 11p1•111·tl h1·1 ,.,,., .111tl a'kl'd 11111\ I .111d Ill\ l.11111lv w1·n·, .uuJ ,1fl1•1 Iii\ ,IO,\H'r, '"l' p1.1v1·d .111 .1111.11111g .11111 l1111g pr.rwr ~lw ;i-.l..1·d AT ISSUE: Local places of worsh ip have been in the n ews la te ly regarding their leaders' plans to deve lo p new fa c ilities fo r the church . St. Andrew's Presb yterian Churc h is the mos t recent cong regation in the he'a d lines. Whe n is a church or temple jus tified in growing or expanding its facilities? In general, how s hould churc h lead ers reconcil e the te nsion between church facili ty growth in the ir neighbo rhood a nd the neighbors' concerns a bout tha t growth? I hj ... t' 1101 .11 1 1"u1• ol till' f11·t· l'Xpt1·<,~1111111l 1Pi1gi1111. It b 0111• 111 land u:o.e th..it t!> 11111punion.111• 111 llw rwighlmrhood in wl111:h tht' rdigi11u, i11,ti1utin11 ,t,11\d~. l·vt'ry rchgio11 .. renter nlll'>I n111lor111 to lht' pa11· 111 tlw t'11mmunrt\ a11tl not ll jht'l tht· dd1call' hJla111·t• wtth 011r..11t'tl dt•maml' for pa1l111g 'ti.11·1· 111 llltl'll!\IVl' orru1>.1111·y .11 all hour.. 11·ar' of JOY a-. w1• n·ntlleJ h.1ppv mcmori1•-.. I ;..,I Wl'\'" w:i~ 1I11• 111cm1mal \t·rvrn· a11d rt'l't'Jll1011 1111 111y Wi.'ilt aunt 1\1.iry i\1111 hulw, 111'> hard 111 tlc•,rrtlll' tlll' "'" 11 ,. \\p ... 111g h11111i... lw.ml B1hl1· 11'.1di11g,, ,,11d .11111 rl't 111•d po1\1•1 l11I prnyl'r', 1i,1t•111·tl 111 \\1111d1·1 l11l \\t11tl, .ihout .111 111c·11•tlihh-worn.111, 11•1·t•1v1'll I OlllllllllllClll .111d 'h.trl'tl (.rid\ J>l',l\'I'. I ht• '''rvtt t' ~\·" wa1111, 1ou1 l1111g. p1·.i1 l'l11l .111d 111111lr11 tu1g 1\1111t l\l.11v 1\1111 ..,h1· "·" 1111111 tlw day thl' I 11,11111 ,,1111. m i\p11I I'll 1 ..,Ill' w.1, .1 lll\t'h .111tl gr.11 mu' l.1tl1 \\hll ht 1glll1'lll'tl 11111 lt\l'' \\Ith 11111 .. 1a111Inv<-.111v .111d l111pt• Slw 1,,1, .111 a111.11i11g w11111.111 wlr11111.i1.k .i po,itivt· 1111p.11 t .11 111 i111pll'''10111111 1·\1•ry p1•"1111'"''111t·t \hi· .. 11 .. ,.v, "'l'llWt.l 111 l..1111\\ Jl"I wit.it 111 '·'Y .111d h.111 •• lllllljlll' gill 111 111.il..i11g \'\t'1ylm1h 111tlw1011111 kl'l lil.1· tlll' 11111 .. 1 1111p1111.1111 pl·r .. 1111111tlll'1\t11ld l\ly l'Cll l~lll 11111.1 'lllllllll'd 11p 1d1.i1 I ht'.trd t'< h•ll'd 1111111 11tlwr-.; "If 1·v1·ryhndy 111 .1 111111l1 wc·1t· ,,..knl 111 ,t.111d. 11 ht• Cll ,,II' It'll 111..t· lhl'\ \\I'll' r\1at\ i\1111·, l,l\11111t· p1·r,1111, 1•v1•r \ p1·r,u11 \-.1111111 .. 1.111tl up ... 'Ill' ,,11d '\I.tr'\ i\1111\\,!'>111lt'll''lt'd 111 .11n 1h111g .111.t l'\1·1v1h111g 111h1·r.. '"'" 1111e11·,1t·d 111 .111d tll'\t'r t111•d ot !waring ;11111111 pt•oplt·< li1·t·' ""'' -.pok1· p11.,.11v1·I~ .~111111 t'Vl'rvo111· .11111 .ilway:-. w1111· ,1 p1·1 lttllll', .1 lr.1g1.11111 • I'll tlt'\'\'I 11111.;1•1. \'\tlh ,1 11Jl111' I I rill 111·v<·r w1·111 111 11•1111·111lwr Slit' 11<11! .1 d1·1·p lrtl'I, hlljll'. Jiii ,ll\d lm1· 11l ( rlltl .111d lovt'd pr.11111g 1111 ollll'r'>. .... u Irish Crystal ( rntl 111 hit''' t'\ll'IY 11111• nl "' .111d .tll llll' lt11111e g1·11t•1;il11111' !'>hL' rt·111t•d pa ...... tgl'., lrt1111 lht· l\1hl1• with 1111 r1·1hhh• 1 li1nl~ "I h.tvt• lt\1·d 'Ill h .I lt11tg hlt•''l'd """" ,1,.. ,,1111 "I 111·"""Ill'111 g1•1111 h1·.1q•11, It 1\lll lu• 'o \\111t1h-rh1I · l't'llll\ .1 .. l.1•d ti .. 1w lll't'tlt•d 11111'\l '()I 111111,1• IHll I 111 11111\' 'IL, 111\1111-(fi 1111.t\ 11111 lt-1'1 l1k1· t1.1111111g l.lll'I ... '"'' '11d \\llh ,1,pa1l..lt • Ill flt·I t'YI''> 1111·11 .,,II' p11111·1·tl1·d t11 l1ll 11(1 .111 .11 111 .111d '"m' lw1 11111,\"11· ,\ 11•1\ d •• , ... 1.111•1. '"l' h11-.1llll'cl h1•1 1.1,1 hll'.lth I In d.1111:htt•1 , :-.11,.111. "·" 111,p111•tl I 1\' 1111• dq1lh .111tf I 1111'1,ll'lll'\ 111 111•1 I.11th I >.1ughl1·1 1'1·1111y '.rid .,jll' w;i-. .11111111nlil1lt· 1·111•11111.ig1•1 ,.., w\'11,.., h1·111g h1·1 lrl'.,l lrw11tl .• 111d lll't '1111 J11lt11 wa' hl1•...,t·d 111 \\lllh'" lw1 111111·d1hl} '111111g .11111 p1•r..1111.1I 1..t.u11111,J11p "'th 111111 \\1· .tll 111i" yo11 1\11111 1\1.rry '\1111. Intl \\I' l.1111w v1111 .itt· wh1·11· v1111 \\.11!11•tl 111111', p1•1 li.1p' \'\'I'll "l llglllJ!, .111d d.1111111g Ill ht'.IVl'll I h;i11I.. ytHI 101 h1·111g ,111 It .111 111,p11.1tio11. Y11111 11111dd1111: .11111 p1.111·r, \~1ll 1 t1111111111• Ill 1111p.111 1111111· p1·11pl1· th.111.111y111 .... lt 111\\ 1\nd \11111.111q111111·111t· 1111 th,11 •CINDY T~NE CHRISTESON 1~ a Ncwpnr1 l3ec1ch rc.,1dPnt who Si'•Wks lr1·q111•nlly lo 1JdrPn11nq <Jlllupi. She rnuv 1>1• rl'.tt:lwtl 111;i c· ni.111 <11 t miltr u11//11>y1tJW HJtll or lhlOU!lh lht• fllJ1l ,11 ~J/ Nrwpnr1 ( c·nll'r 011111" Eln~ '10''· Newport A1•,1rJ1 Cl\ 92660 A hou,1• of worshlp, like any in!\titutio11, ha' Lh c right to grow altll l'xtcnd it,l'lf physically. fl aho hl•:m the ohligat1011 to tlemon't rnt1• .. en:.ilivity and ff' c1111c1.·rn l11r co111111u1111y rt•,p11n'l''>. Ah11vt• .111, ti 1•11j11y' lht• 11pportu111 ty to 111utlel t•xt·mpl.try behav111r 111 fullilling thl' llibltt·al 111a11d.11l' In "low your nl'ighbor as ymm.l·ll." C:11m111u111tiC'<. <1flcn struggle with neighhori11g rcligfou:. facililil''· l''JlPl'1ally 111 rl''idential area ... It wa., 'impler whl'll rt'ligiou:. buihJingi. Wl'rl' 'oll'ly "liouscs of wor..hrp," whl'rt' co11grcgant ... met hut !'.l'Vi.'ral llmt''-,1 wt•C'k for prayer and ~•utly. l hl'y an· 1111 longer n1:1:upicd primarily oil lhl· Sabbath. but of1t·11 upcratl' 24 hour' a day and :'>l'Vl'll uay .. a ~eek. lkligiou<, 'itc·:. offer a w1dt' vam•ty of pmgramn11ng, meeting,, UIH.l activitic~. many of them :.t'cular Ill form a11d content. Often. 11011tradi1ional offninw, are fea111n•d .1!> part 111' th(' markl'ling ol <rod'!! h1111!>1'. Traffic, lighting. vil'w 11h~1ruuio11 and noise a rt· am1111g 1h1· lort'nlo'>I j.,.,uc' that havt' arou-.t•u t'lllll l'll l in tlw "Wal-Marti'l.atum" 111 rdigiou~ fol'ih1ic1o. T hO!\C who 1 .11-.c obje1·111111!> art• frt'qucnlly bra11dt•d ,,, "prc1utlic<'d," and their legitim.ttl' cmKcrn!> hru~hed as idc as "anti-rdigiou:-. d1sc:rimina1io11." A:-. Marci I la111ilt1111 wrote in a pi1•t·l· called "!-itruggling with l'hurdw:. "' llC'1ghbor'>". "Whl•n neighbor' t•xprc·.,, their leg11i111al<' ('onn·m 1h.1t tlw1r propl't ly vah1t· wtll ht• nt·g;1t1wl) afTt•t·wd by till' 1111rotl111 tu111 ol .1 la1~:t· huildi11g a11d parking 1111 111t11 th1·11 1wighborh1111d, tlll'y arl' ~uh11·ctnl t11 rha1 gt''> of lw111g 111on· co11n·rnnl with "m;rm111o n" than rni!.:-.io11 ..... though tlw11 prop1·rty righ t~ 1111i..t takl' a hari...w.11 1111h1• l'hurd1\ rt:hgi1111' agt•11tla ... l.11111:n·.,., 111 .moo 1·1i.11 trd 1 lw Hd1ginu' I.ind lht' ,11111 h1..,1i1u 11011.tl111·d l'er~on:-. A1·1 10 prt•v1·111 rilll'' lro111 us111g /.011111g l,1w' 1t1k1•1·p11111 n·ligi11us ins ti1utio11'>. It gr.1111~ rdigim" i11,titutio11~ tilt· nght to di-.rl'gard loral land ll'>l' l11111t.11io11' unit''-' thr.:rl' i., ,, "n11npdlt11g gowrnmental 111tt•r1•,1 " 10 .. top tlw111 lrom h11ildi11g 1\h.11 1lwv want ( H l'Ollf'('. till' tOlll)ll'lltng lllll'll''>l !>h1111ld 11111 he gowmnwntal. h111 rt'ligiou ... Nol 1•wrything that i' JlO!>'ihil• " j)l'rtlll:'>!\lhlt', 11111 l'very1 h111g ,hnultl lw dom• '1111ph ht'l':tll'l' nnl' 1.111 do It. \t·ll n·-.tr.11111 0 lllll'. <lllll t'l'rl.11nly 1101 Ill till' 11a11\l' 1111l'hg111n. has tt"ll' nghl to di,nipl lite' lll':ll'l'. q11i1•t and 1·1111111111 111 the .,ur 1ou1ul111g nl'lghhrn h1111d 1\ rd1g11111' I.11th t-.11111111 prt .. 11 h "I tl\t' }llltr lll'IJ!,hlmr" \\htl1· in pra1·1in· rau-..11g 1h.11 111·1~hhor d1'>lrt'"· 111-.11111111 11·,11 h "l)o 1111111 tllher' ,,, yo11 \\llltltl havl' 1'11•111 d11 111110 y1111 " wltrll' .1111.1go11izi11g 11 .. 11t'ighh11c..., '' m11g .11111i11g 1h w.1y 111111 111w11, and rnl111g 1t111gh,hod 11\l't c 111111111111111 '1·n,1hilt1w'> in tlw 11.11111· 111 < .od \\ hl'l 1 .1 whg11111' gm11p 111lnng1•, un 1111· \,1lt1t'' .inti 1·1h11' 111 tl11· 111·1ghh111l11111cl, wlwn 11 hlt11lgt•1111' 11, lt-llnw ut111·11' 111 tlll' 1·111111:-., it dt·111011,11a11•, ,1 ,1'1 1i~h11t•" .11 odd1, wi11t 1111· ll1hh1.1l1•1hw 111 ''' /t',tl 1111'\ll.llld, II Ill.I\ lllljlll"' It' \\'.I\ 11p1111 .111 11111\lll111g p11hl11 llut .11 Wh,11 I 11,t I I clll't'n'll' '' .1 l lic·rt,lll'd 11lt'.tl 111 prolt't llllg Olli \\,1y 111 llll'. lhunrmJd111g .111 .1gl'111l;1 dm\11 tlw 1hro.1h ol p11111•,1111g 111•1ghhor.., '' h.mlly a 1t•lig1111" 11"'' """ "Our w.1v 11r th1• highw;i{' d111·' 11111 lullill 1,ai.1h·, 1·11111h1·I ol "( 11n11'. 11·1 '" it•,..,011 togt·thl'I I .11th g1mqh 11111'1 l1•acl tht• \\,IV 111 cl1•11111n-.l1.11111g re<ipl·11 1111 11111 ll'llm' h11111.111 ht·111g' W1· ltvr• 111 tlw l.111d ol 1h1· 111·1-. 11111 \\1 1111ghl 11111 11111,1dt•1 11111'1'1\I'\ I 1t•t• 111 .1h11~1· 11111 11t•1ghl>or, 111 tlt1 • pur..u11 111 ll\Ort' t.111tl. " I Jlu111.1to•h'. "I ht• t·;11 th 1' 1lw I 1111h See THEORY. Page AlO I l.1ppy Father's Day Nathan! Annie, Amanda & Nicole H.J. Garrett Furniture I· M11r1po\o • Bc111u1ooud Regular Price $160 ~ 0 ,,. OUR PRICE c.> 0... $128 co 0 .... 6• Sapphire ROMt Bowl ~I ~ .,, • Full Des ign Consulting Service Fine Furniture Since 1960 A /·;1111ily !rt1rli11011 o(l'rllf!1d111~ .~f't'l'/11· 11111/ \ :d11t . . . 2215 Hf!rbor Blvd ., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 ( )f'l'll M1111 1h1u \.tr I() 111 I• \1111 I.' 111 c, Open Everyday 7am to IOpm 949.673.2244 3347 E. Pacific Co:m l lwr Comn.1 dd M.u "''" .11-.11/.1/1/, Quali ty Service Value LwE . N l·WCllAPTJ-.R. AdvaCAL ""-·-holy basil lane labs Advaca l Ultra 120 caps $22. 99 lane labs Advacal 150 caps S29 99 Nf(turn \lru1 Reduce' \UQM • 1,w1n•1 · [(lWf!\ COlhlol level1, lO'f w~•Qhl E: u CRISTAL 0... (Q ,. 0 rs the •1 bone building calctum. clinically proven to bulld strong. more fracture 1eslstant bones. AdvaCal clinical studies have shown up to a 10~ increa se in bone mass In as little as 6 months. PA LAIS 0 CJ ~ Groinwore • Vero Wang • Hcrtla . 0 0... !E I 0 0 ....... .,, ....... 0 -< 0... on Armetole • Hoya • Reed &. Borton -toki WE. n.-.-"-DtllNtt YOUl WAY TO '°"ctlAIN Sit.IN AM> AUlUS llAUTY foll•9tn, Hy•luron•c Acid (, C•lc•ulll ~"P 1k1n look1t19 Youthful. Hyd11l•d ind Smooth tlghttn• •9• •pol• ' aacc··a·accssccsrccczs a caccna·aa ·ccco•o< crtrt••=••= • .. ...... ~ ... ,.. I I ~ l AlO Sa1urday. Junt 5. 2004 MEPHISTG SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL "A C-"J """11# If u.llf Jlil9 Qtid "",.,.,,,, ... ,.. ,....,. I ( '"'.("~'"'"'' "/ tlor in,(111.i• ( 1•r•uNNn11m ' Ill II fl/\/, Ill /I Hiii/ /IJI /\/, < 11/11\I .,,, \//II/\(, Ill /1111\flll \111 The Rev Proll1l0fl Bvnyun, Rt!(lO< J 209 v 10 li<lo Newport llc!och 949/675 0210 I,,, I(,\ .11·.", I I 11 .. '"' •«· "" 'l "I\\ \I 111111 11 7 JO om TrodoOOl>ol 9 om ConlempO<o')'. 9om Chvr~h SchoOI ~ ;111 I !uh I 1t<h•rh1 'I"'" \uncl.-\d11w1llA1lulr ll1hl< \t11th Ill ,,,, ~ h11i;l I"' lw••• I lorn Chommolic ond Wednetdoy Noon \I N\I Ill 1 ~Ill iL.m HI// l'RI \In 11 l{I '' "THI-., .. ,CRi:T 0 .. UVI N<, A C'OMPI I:. n uFE~ (I rfl...,1.1m 1·14 l l l ''-• ·~ "ANDRfW\ \alurJ•y. June ~. lOIH. < 10 I'M \unJa~. jun< h, 2004, ll: 10 II. 10, I~ A \1. W<Jn..,J•~ !ll111h1 81hl< \1u1ly, i;· 10 r.M + "A Co<l·lcnccml pansh community, inmuucJ hy the Won.J ufC11J A Our L~dy1cQ~~~~a~t-Angels 2046 Mar Vista I )rivr Newport lkach. California 92660 (949)644-0200 fax (949) 644-1349 Rev. Monsi~nor William I~ Mt.Laughlin PaMm LITURGIES: aturday, 5 p.rn . (Can<or), Sunday, 7:00 (Qu1e1). 8:JO (Contemporary) IO:OO (Choir), 11 :30 a.m. (Cantor) ;ind S:OO p.m. (Comrmpowy) WORSHIP DIRECTORY Publlshe. Every Satwday in the Daily A Pilot CALL 949.574.4249 '· ,F AITH THEORY Continued from A9 and the fuJJness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein." We are temporary tenants on God's land. Our every acl should demonstrate the recognition that we must abide by God's call enshrined In Deuteronomy 19: "You shall not tllOVe your Neighbor's landmarks. set up by previous generations, In the property that will be aU01ted to you in the land that the Lo rd your God is giving you to possess.· RABBI MARK MILLER Temple Bat Yarun Newport Beach My first experience of Zen mcdilation wus in the mountalns of ldyllwild al llJl artist's s tudio, a cracltllng fl.re heating the room on Sarurday mornings. It Is comn1on for Zen sining groups 10 meet In someo ne's living room. with perhaps five to 15 people getting together once a week. Practiti oners are encouraged to mcdilnle al home every day and to practice awareness ln daily Ufe, whether at wort. on the fieeway, taking a walk or shopping for groceries. Urban Zen centers tn the United States tend to be small. We prefer to expand by adding more times 10 meet for meditation rather than by enlarging facilities. l confess, I am sometimes envious of the little comer neighborhood churches buUI in the early 1900s. l.en is in the early s tages of growth in the U.S .• and lacks some of the benefits of the more established religious communities, such as property ownership, local seminaries and salaried clergy. Whenever I travel, I like lo visit the local group 10 ger a sense of how Zen In America is developing. r was amazed lo flnd that a sitting group now meets in t)le library of my hometown ln Iowa. If facilities do need to be expanded, being In harmony WORSHIP DIRECTORY 11\\l'..ll TEMPll ISAIAH OF NEWPORT BEACH Preaents Guest Sptaklf CAROL SMITH AMBAHAOOR FOR ELOERHOSTEL on Frt d1y night, June 11, 2004 1t 1:00 PM. Her topic wtll be: "ELOERHOSTEL ADVENTURES" R1blll Mm Rubenstein Hd C1ntor Svetl1111 wlll Otllcl1tt. Tiit ""'"" Is he lo 1M CM-'ly $ Ftr ""· Clll: (1411Ml1111 !401 lnW .................. Illa..,,-.. s..u......, ( I 11 ~ I" I I \ '-.. -.... ' .• -~· ! Accepted Wordllp 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dlaclpl" ot Christ) 2401 lmn• ""· Newpof't leecll, CA (949) 145-5711 llllilllr. °'· OIMlll Slllft ( 111\1'-ll\'\. >I II ',< I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Via Udo NPwp:>r1 Beach 673-1340 or 673-6150 01wch IOarn & 5 pm Sunday School 10 am W<olno-.IOV ~ 1 )q<I' -SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST.SCIENTIST 3100 Pocttic View Or Newport Beach 644-2617 or 675-4661 Chwch !Oam Sunday School I 0 am ~~710pn &111 ~11•"""' In the beginning God crNted the heeven and the N rth. . .. AncfGod uw every thing that he hed !Mde, and, behold, It was very good. o.n..a. 1 :1, 31 fto ht.) llliu~ hr• ol lllr MOlhtt C'lurh •The Fi,. Oudl o( Oirisi. ~ • lblon, ~ l'l\l"d\\111~1\\. 1: llill!\''. ST. MARK PR ESBYTERIAN. CHURCH "Open Aims u/IL/ Optn Minds" Worship 9:30 . J1mborft II ·~bhin I• NfW)IOf1 lkKtl Newport Catter United MethocUat Chmth Rev. Calhleen Coou, Pastor 160 t Marguerite Ave. corner of Mugucritc and San Joaquin HilJ, R.cl (949) "4-07•5 s..,,, Q#in ,,..,,~ SnWt 10.m Wcmh~ 11#111 OUJmti S.NlllJ &'-' Y1iw1h Mttlilfl t11ttil] < '·' • Newport H•rbor Luth•r•n Church (£.LC.A.) 798 Dover Dr. Newport a..ct\ IrwlllOMI Lutlwwl PMtor Jemee McCammon Wonhip ..... wtth Holy Communion 8und8Y .. 11 M'I CMLDCAM AVA• Aa• aan.t a.uct. .,. the s.. Uniud Methodltt 1"400 W. &lboe 81¥d .. Newpon &.ch M' ui. ,... Sw*r Sdioel .-a10 ..... ....,, ... a.a....-..,Sdlooil ............ Or.~. Crilp,..., (Hf>'?J.JIM wilh the neighborhood. considering the use aml scale of the other buildlnp aad streets. ahould guide plans. Trying to get along wilh lhe neighbors is what world peace is all abouL THE REV. DEBORAH BARRETT Zen Center of Orange Counry Costa Mesa In addition to b eing the ·one, holy, catholic and apostolic communi<y of the New Covenant," the church is a human instilution; anyone ca n see who our visible members are by coming to take a look. True members are to be "the Body o f Chris!," oi;. as Saint Teresa of Avila wonderfully pu1 It. "God's hands and feet in I his world here and now;· only God sees who is and who is not. The great Archbis.hop of Canterbury during World War II, William Temple, said, ·n1e church is the only human Institution which clC!sts to serve people who are nor Its own members.· And the author of the Book of Revelation (21 :22) FAITH CALENDAR •Is your church or place of worship planning a special event? If so. send the typed information al least two weeks before the event to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627. attention: Mike Swanson. rehgion editor; fax to (949) 646-4170; or send e·mall ro dailypilot@latimes.com. SPECIAL EVENTS CAPPELLA CANTORUM Cappelta Cantorum, the young adult dloir of St. John V111nney Chapel, is beginning its fihh year. The choir is open to students in grades six to 12. It provides active faith participation for leens during their high school years. Participation includes singing al mess regulerty and at speclal events. Rehearsals are fro m 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays in the Chapel at 314 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. Younger children are invited to join. For more information, contact Na ncy Kelly, director at (949) 673-4595. 'MASS OF THE CHILDREN' St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 100 member sanctuary choir and 40 member orchestra will perform •Mess of the Children~ at 4 p.m. Sunday et 600 St. Andrews Road, Newpon Beech. Childcare will be provided by reservation onlv.. Information and reeervation: (949) 574-2228, (949) 674-2283. • YUi READY R>R TltE sumo ,., .... ••••IMCYlll•,_,, Rabbin Insurance Agency AUTO • HOMEOWNERS • HMlTII SulnblJ 6 f,.1~1r, '"'" / 'J~ - ~~ ~S r"JJ ,.. ~ 949-631-7740 441 Old~ &hod..~ Bach (Near H H iul) • gjves us the high lnspimtion thal tJ1ere•is "no remple In lhe New Jerusalem,· thus squelching once and for aU the tedious quip that since h~a•en is one endless church service. anybody with 1wo wits to rub logethcr would prefer heU. Given tJtal lhe church is a here-and-now human insUrution composed of people Who arc mandate<l IO serve others, ii seems 10 me that the key ques1ion for an y particular church feeling moved to consider expanding lls faciliries is: "Wtll tJ1is growth affecr enough I.Ives sufficienlly and posllively to justify 1.he negative effects this expiosion may have on the lives of persons in our exrended neighborhood?" Significant defjberations over substru1tial periods of 1ime must be given to these ethical questions of "the grea1es1 good for the grca1es1 number of other people" by as many church members ru1d neighbors as possible. And. of course. churches should be subjecr 10 locaJ zoning rules and reguJatJons as are all human institutions. THE VERY REV. CANON PETER D. HAYNES . Saini Michael & All Angels ~piscopal Parish (hurch Corona del Mar 'A JOURNEY THROUGH JEWISH MUSIC' "A Journey Through Jewish Music.n a concert celebretlng Cantor Jonathan Grant's tO years et Temple Bat Yahm will take place a~ 7:30 p .m . Sunde'( at Temple Bat Yahm, 1011 Camelbadc St., Newport Beach. Information: (949) 644-1999. WOMEN OF THE TORAH Women of the Torah, a lunch and lea rn with Rabbi Rayna Gevurtz will be al noon Wednesday at Temple Bat Yahm, 1011 Camelbadc St., Newport Beach. Information: (949) 644-1999. JAZZ VESPERS Friends of Music will present Jau 't'espers by Grammy Award winning Rev. Norman Freeman. The event will be at 7 p.m. Sunday at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, 3233 Pacific Vi ew Drive, Corona del Mar, (949) 644-0463. · WORKSHOPS SEASONS OF THE SOUL: THE JEWISH LIFE CYCLE The Jewish l earning Institute is offering an eight week course titled ~seasons of the Soul: the Jewish life cycle:' The event will be from 7:15 to 8:45 p.m. every Tuesday through June 15 at the Hyatt Newportef).1107 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach. The cost is $99 Information and registration: (949) 721 -9800, http.'llwww.jlicontral.com PARENTING GROUP Jewish Family Service o f Orange County is forming a parenting group to help parents to understand and deal with the feelings and behavio r of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m . the first and third Mondays of the month at the center, 250 E. Baker St., S uite G in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. Pre registration is required. See FAITH, Paae Al 1 ' Catering (949) 645-0209 "· Daily P~ot FAITH Continued from Al 0 THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family SeN ice is oftenng e suppon and discussion group for adults whose children or spouses suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. The group meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. Preregistration is required. BAHAI ARESIDES Members of the Bahai faith hold informal public discussions on spiritual topics at 7:30 p.m . every Friday and at 11 :30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks include brunch or dinner. Also, interfaith devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 759--0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting, and (949) 640-6328 for Saturf!ay devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Workshop from 1 to 4 p.m. the first weekend of every month, typically on a Sunday, at 120 E. 18th St .. Costa Mesa. The cost ts $60. (949) 722-7818, http://www.zcoc.org. A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY A 26-lesson study on the life of Jesus Christ titled H Journey to the Cross" is taught at 9:45 a.m. Sundays during the Homebuilder's Bible Class at Libeny Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The church is at 1000 Bison Ave .• Newpon Beach. Free. (949) 760-5444. DREAM ON The Adult Faith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Newpon Beactl holds a dream analysis group from 1 to 4 p.m . Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Drive. Newpon Beach. (949) 219-1408. MEDITATION LESSONS A free lectio divma meditation group meeting is held at 7:10 a.m . Tuesdays at Our Lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar Vista Drive. Newport Beach. Lectio is a style of meditation that includes using Scripture or a special reading as a stimulus. The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7·30 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the center. The format includes two periods of meditation with some instruction on how to meditate, a talk and a discussion. (949) 219-1408. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family Service offers l <'D. F.winx & L~·"'"" Ewing IMPA('T O F klS l"l<; l"•l'l'EREST l<A I ES O" V /\LllES l\11luy· ...... 1.,wly n"")! 1111,•rc ... 1 ru10:-. ,tr•· 11\ll l1.1vmll .1n a1lvo:r-.<' ,•lll'<"t •HI tlw v:ilu•· .uul ,,1li1h1l 11 y nf h•!lltl'' .• u .. •<•rdmit 111 "''"' in<flt,lf'\o '''l":n,. Vult1"' w ill '-""'""''" fo ri"• untl -.alo:-.. al't1V1tv '"" r.·11111111 ,.,.lfl~ 1 vo:n thnui.th 1111in1o?allo: 1111,•r•·,1 ralo:' .trl' p1t>1t:l'l<'<f 111 d 1111h II> 6 .t> p.:rt:<'nl h,Y lhl' ;•11<1 t>I 1111, Y•'W-. urul n w to 7 flO:lll'lll llC:\I )'O:.lf , lhll"' u u,:r. .. ·._"'-'' will h.evt! n u1un1al clkl'I Ill\ hOlll\' 'Ull",, J l'l'<lrtfltl(I. 111 I )avul I .creah, ''"''' l.'.'<t111n1111s 1 1111 tlw Nut1111t:1I "''"ll:llllh >n 111 l<o.~al111.-.. "fnl•'~'' rail'' J rl' rl'tll¥ lx'l'Ull-.C the Cl'\llll llllY ti. e'tpamlinll. and th.ti'• il l/.<>1>11 lhtlljl." h" !'Miid . "i\11 lac lw' drivml/. our l'l'11111>111y prnnt 111 a healthy e •q1.11i-11111 111 lhc h,>U,tn(I. m nrkcl cl"' vo:<tr :11111 nc•t yl·ar " ,-.. It "n 't JU'-1 luw 11t1o:rc~1 ralo:-. 111111 huvl" producl'd th•· 'ln>ll(I. h11u~tn[l m arket hn rn•l/.r .. n"· ....,cclflfl-ll<~mc huy1•r1. Aahy lh>11mc rs, and nnw l"mcr[lllljl f~hn Hnomo:r-. t k 11f~ 111' l11111m1."rs) aro: ccmtnhulifl(I. 111 the stron!l growth Ill h llttlt: 'lllc~ lll1d vuluo:., The CITM:f[lCOCC {If lhl' la..;1 gm11p will pmllahly prnducc a ~t11fl ovr r the no:~t decade fmm a mMk\•t dom111:11ccJ hy luxury home .. 111 one fuclo:cJ hy cn1ry lcvd 111111 n1111k'ra1cl pra·o:d honK•, The Ewin!!' h11vc rcprc,cnted the Ncwf)<lf1 Hcuch area •Ince 1972 Pnr oil ynur rcnl e~tatc nec.J' c11ll on the ex~ncnl'cd flw1ng team 111 <.:011~1 N t'wpot1/Coldwc ll Ranker Jdf Ewing 949-759--3796 Lyleen ~ 949-7!9-J786. a support group for women older than 50 to address issues such as anxiety and dQpression at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Monday of eactl month at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Family SeNlce of Orange Count'( has formed a bereavement support group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meets at 10 a.m. Thursdays. Both groups meet at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills, 24512 Moulton Parkway. The service is also forming a parenting support group to meet the first and third Mondays o f each month at 10 a.m. at the Jewish Federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa M esa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. CONTAGIOUS CHRISTIAN Pastor Hein Austin leads a Bible study on #How to Become a Contagious Christian# from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at 377 W. Wilson St., No. 15 in Costa Mesa. AH are welcome to come and meet new friends. Information: (949) 722-7498. CHRISTIAN FAMILY CHUftCH SERVICES Pastor Hein Austin conducts diurch seN ices where you cpn make new friends, enjoy upbeat music and hear pos1t1ve practical messages at 2 p.m. every Sunday at 2401 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. Information· (949) 722-7498, http://Www.cfcmterna11onal org. SHABBAT SERVICES Temple Bat Yahm in Newport Beactl has a new schedule for weekly Shabbat seN ices. The first and third Fridays of the month, services will begin at 6 p.m. The third Friday is a catered Shabbat dinner of chicken, baked potato, salad, challah and wine after seNices. The cosl w ill be $12 for adults and $5 for children. Paid reservations are required by the Wednesday before the dinner. -$ ••••• 0 ws o oosa I· A I I' It Saturday, Junt-~ ill04 Al I For the second, fourth and fifth Fridays, seNices begin at 8 p.m All services are conducted by Rabbi Mart Miller. Rabbi Rayna Gevurtt and Cantor Jonathan Grant. Information: (9491 644-1999. GAY /lESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family SeNice of Orange County plans to present a discussion group for parents of Jewish gays and lesbians if u enough people are interested. (71 4) 445-4950. MYSTICAL AND SPIRITUAL The M ystical Spiritualist Church of South Orange County holds Sunday seNices every week at 10 a.m. at 2482 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, Suitera. A spintual healing service starts at 9:30 a.m. (949) 581-2290. RE-MEMBERING GROUP Our Lady Queen of Angels holds a re-membering group at 6:15 p.m. every other Sunday at 2046 Mar Vista Drive. Newport Beach The pansh center is at 2046 M ar Vista Dnve. Newport Beach. (949) 548-3844. BREAKFAST FELLOWSHIP St. M ichael and All Angels Episcopal Church holds its Men's Fellowship Breakfast at 7 a.m. on the second, third and fourth Thursdays of ead1 month at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Corona del Mar. Free (949) 644-0463. MEN'S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST The Men's Fellowship Breakfast of St. Andrew's Presbytenan Churctl meets from 7 to 8 a.m. Wednesdays in Oierenfield Hall, 600 St Andrews Road, Newport Beach. $2.50 at the door. (949) 631-2880. SEPARATION SUPPORT Jewish Family Service of Orange County holds a women's divorce and separation support group at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the Jewish Family Service's office at the Jewish Federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa. For dates end fees, call (714) 445-4950, oxt. 114 Super Charged Shoes! · Docto• Recommended Po• Poot a Baclr Pain COME IN POR A PREE TEST DRIVE 191:5, ./{;r~R~m -· Sul:" un tll;;s aod joinb , inu-ca..ing .,ndu"'1\~~ while inc......ing comfort •nd ~un1rol ./ Works Grca1 BURN YOUR-BUNS- with uu.1om .uch 'ut'•MJrh o r prcurih.,J urtho1iu w.JJr;,., I ,,.ill ia MBT u tlH "l"iP•knr of-1ln·11~ J Miu1 in "'f"U' 1hon.' ·~ · Foortll· /·=·~==,:=:=c~&. SOLUTl9NS 1835 Newport Blvd., Ste A107, Cona Mesa {near the UPS Stott In the Co..ta Mesa C..011rtyard11) Get the Best for Less! BRANO-NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT 3165 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA O"t" Oioc-. Soulh nf .tu~ F..-., r ~~ ....... , , . ....._ ~~~ (714) 545. 7168 ~. ····~ (949) 734-2020 THIS WEEKEND! We've filled our showroom with Sale Merchandise, Furniture, Rugs, -Fine Art, Accessories at our Best Price Ever. SALE ON NOW Mon-Sat 10-6 •Sun 12-5 714-4~4-664~ 2777 Bristol St. • Costa Mesa t -4 --~--' oz l ! . ·.-..... A12 Sd!Ufday. June !>. 2004 •/A'YUf~~MW • FINA MU[J .tt'Aiuf'!MI Wo1u..1!J.1M1111 JlSA r.>..AvJJMUt! JoH• 10 l J • Mu•• fH.V. 800 U \ \W1Jrio't.o '" ,.,,,." 1J Au"rll.AJ•AN l.Jt•~'1AJ0, 1N4.1uu1Nt1 tAN f11tHl. ... I U1 U Ulttl JuHl JO Jw1 1 • A ••ru1 111w t1H V.1 ~\)•\Cl MIWtlhU"l\1 • ftNA Wi1~1.t(1 ~1ut...eow Wviu.u Ll.A.l.VL .lw'ta f JMJ. • f&M.1.11'l W.lli&l'llt..v WJMl.D W ltlll Sl/fUI fl/VII. J J'•I l t 11 • • ... u ~ V\ OH WCJ•au \ llJt .lv•Nfl.t.,M\ P•u"NffOMV ~..: J'-H'I 16 18 • J111 U., 1 u Mfl'• ll\ A41A&Jt\t IHI NUii! if\ tM U~t , ..... , FOR TICKETS: l OHGBEACH2004.COM OR CALL TICKETMASTER AT (714) 740-2000 ,.. Earn hooks for your sr hool! II 1 111// .!flllll/1' 'i• 1 rl/ /111nJ.. 1 /1111 ( lt1111•tl (/I 1//1 /110 ,,/ 11 //1111/ 11/ I ti/I/ ! /i1111 I 11/J 1/111/11/('I /1111i.: J 11111 o u r ,11111 m a n ·ad ing pro~ra m lor 1,1 lhru Kth ~r:uk~ ·1 O DAY! 'J' It 1,1 Fit d Lctg() ~7L) l·.1-.1 17th S 1rl'l'I , l :1 >~t .1 Ml·-.;1 <-J 49 -645-K I l 1S / , I', J i I. '' •G1u "' Buu"~ · G111 /\I G 11 I':>· G lll /\l Sr rMCL • ~ RO LEX r@ ... , ... .,,..ual ··--...... w .• ~ ·1-11 ....... lap•I' ~,~, .... ,,, l/.plocl. clo•t• ..... 1 r·~~"''''" l1n' ~'~' htuf rlr' Pr~Hutt!"ptnol If' I,()(}() ~I ~..,,i.,UJ,, 111 11aml1m ,,../ .1oini..•1 >ft'tl/ oMJ 184• ,..tluw g.)/d.,, I 8l1 ~ (loJd BLACKMAN LTD. ·.di : JEWELERS I , ... J408 I Vio Oporto, Nowport Boach 949 613 9334 '· 1;: 11 v 1 1 a : a N s s s assacc ca a a cc s as c s a a a a a 2 a 2 COMMUNITY & CLUBS A focus on peace in the Middle Ea:st ' 'I ntcrfailh Solullun to . l'eace in Lhc MiddlfJ! ha.st" will b:e the subject of the Newpon Mesa Irvine ln1crfa.11h < .ounnl luncheon at noon on Wedne~day, June Ill, al Saini Mk hucl t<i AU A11~t'ls EriM·op..il < l1urch in Corona dt:I Mar The prc.,cn1er i' Shady I laJdm vt the Middle Fast Peace Ftluca111111 Progrnm, Amerk an l·ncncl' ~rvin· <.om n1111ee • ..aitl program d1ainnan Cre~ Kelley of C 111r 1.1dy 11f Ml. < ~11 n1t'I C~11hollt < l 11u d1 "'ihJdy I l.1k1111 \,111 provid1• 'i)llll' l11 ... 1onl'i.1l IM1 l..gru1111d ol 1111· l'.11l•,11111an b1.1l·l ,i1ua11011, pn·,enl till' ma1or lll'al'c pla1i... ,111J !)lll\>11lt• ll.., 'Wll h \UAAe.,111111-.. 1h.11 l':11 h 111 u' u 111ld u~ for h1llrn' llfl w11 l111111111 owi1 fai1h 1·1111111111111111·-. 111 lit·lp t•nco11r,1gl' 1lw JW.tl I' p111t 1•-.-.," 1-:dly addt·d 1111' I hlllt h i... ,II l.!.1:1 1~..tl'iflr \'w'' I >1111· 1lw11w1·1111g 1~ up1•11 In 1 lt•rgy. ( 011g1q;.111t111 1111•11 ilwr.., horn< 11 ... 1.1 :\It''"· lt\lllt' .11111 \;t•\1 pm I llt•.tt It .111d 111lw1 lltll•tt 'h'U \1.fflll'' l<t''l'I \\1111111' .111· 11·q111wd .111tl 1.111111·111.ttll• hy t .1lli11g 171 11 'I.' I llhhr1, 1•:1.I I 111 h\o t' 111.111.11 l/ll/ll/1/1'!/llll/l(•ltl!Jf (II/I/. I ft1• lllt'l'llllj.( I il ... h 'j,7 c)\I j)l'I pt'l,!111 w111t 11·-..1·1\,1l1t111 ~10 w11l111111 it'"'' \,1111111 .1111l 1111·h1d1·-. lum h COMPUTER CLASSES FOR SENIORS I he 111'\I 1·1gh1 \\t'l'i.. ,t . .....,11111111 llll' l 11111p11h'I c l•"'I'' 'l'tlll'llll'tl h\ '°1<'111111 :\1•1 \\Ill ht•glll 1111 f\l1111d;1\', h111t· 'I .. 11 lllt' I ,11,l:i f\lt•,,1 !'>1·11111r < t•1111•r I k-..1g11l·i.l lot 1ho"' 'lU illld 11ldt•1, lltt'\l' \!'\I'll -..1111h•nl ''·"'t'' ""llllll' .1 ,1 11tl1·111 ltl llhll 1111111 1.11111 ol I \~II (II lllll' \,11 tll It' g1•h It'll hd 111ul < 11111pu11•r h111d.11111•111.il:-. i' ,1<,p1·11.tl ft1lll \\'f't •I.. I J.t" lh,11 I\ 'llllahlt• lt11 tho"· 1d1t11.111 11.111'1} '1"'11 t 11111p111t•1. .11 .1 1 ml ol ~:!II Pl'I p1·1-.1111 I 1glt1 ctllll'r1 l,1.....,1•, ,Ill' .w;11l.1hl1• 111 'l'llllll' \\li11 lt.1,1· -..w111• l.tllllh,1111\ \\llh I OlllJlllll'f' lt111 OthH lttlll lo C.11111p1111·" t J,t11g \\'111tlow-. XI'). P11111 <;hop, I >1~11.tl l'h11111w.1phy !1'110111 '-httpl. \111111•\ \l,111.1gt•1111·111 GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED runs pPriod1t·dlly 111 lhl' Du1ly Pilot 011 a 1uldt111y li.t~" I-or info rmation on i1dd111~ yc1t11 019am11t11on to this l1s1, t.ill l!J4!JJ 574 4298 GIRL SCOUTS Girl Scours of 0 1dn4e County need:. vt1lun1eers who will he 1ra111cd .is 1roop li•aders, serve on 5pec1al com111it1c1·~ and give lectures l.h•mo11•,1tJllons 01 tla~SC!> ( 7141979 7900 GIRLS INC. OF ORANGE COUNTY Voluntuers drt! nt•edcd to offer cduca11011o:1I .,n1 I L'1111d1mm11 oµµortu1111t1•s for yirls and hoy!. (9491641i / IRl HOSPICE PREFERRED CHOICE Volunteer•, Jre nee<1cd 10 help rnoke J d11fure11ce 111 the hves ol lermmally rll persons and their ldmtltes Volunteers would assist them w11h nonmed1cal needs s uch d S prt.1v1ding respite for the pnmary co:1ri!91ver. 1unnmg P.rrands. wading 10 lhc patients .md weel\ly !:>ocral v1s11s The JIM DE BOOM (Qu1ckcn). Word Processing (Microsoft Wort.1 2002), E-mail, Interne t. and Explon ng Wmdows XJ~ TI1e fee for th e cigh1-wcek classes i~ $65 for Costa Me~1 Senior Center me mber.. aml $7!1 for nonmentbcr1>. l'he fet' 1ndu<.lt•'> u~c of 1Jw :-.111wrviscd cumpull.!r lah fro111 :I lu 5 p.m .. M11mJ,1y through n1ur..day. ~1g11 up now al lhe l o-..w I\ lt'!><t S1:nior Ce111t•r (I ~th ~1n·1·1 .111d l'11111ona Avl'1111c) or call {!-111<1) 645 ..!:154. SPEAKING OF COMPUTERS; AT OASIS I )11 you wi.,h keyboarding wert• .t, 411it I.. and l'il'i} .1-.. 'i>t"1k111g·1 11w J11m· ~l 1m·1·1111g ol Cl1111put1·r l·11e11tb will '>l'I' .1 prod111 I lhal r1111vt'rl., tht• -.pol t•n word 111to 1•d11ahh· tcx1 and t•xec111.1hh• t"Cllll lllatlCh th.II Vt>llr \ 11111(11 lll'I 1,1111111t-rprt:'I. lk1g1111 Na1111.rlly ">p1·.il.111g prl'll•m•d V{·1-.H111 7 i-. rlw ull1111a1<· i11 '111'1'\ h lt'l'O)tlllllllll -..oh",llt'. .t11tl 1<11 h Hlunwnthal\ prt''l't11.1111111 wtll ht· a n1111h111.1tio11 111 tlw I >r.iw 111\ ll'.111m·-.. plu-.. llJh ,11111 tt't'hllllllll'' l11r ht·11t·r d1r1.111t111 llhtrlll'IHll.111~ 1111111 V1111·1· I ,ll'fl)I .111d lt.i.., 1>1•1•11 p11·,itll•111 111 tlw 'uhllt'lxu;l Vall1•y 11\M l'I lhl'I (11tlll(l'lllt'(' l'-111ll. IJt1•(11111pt1lt'I I 1 w11J, progt;1111 will .. 1.111 .11 I p.lll. Ill 1111' lllllil1p11111t1"' ll HHll .111lw < >."" '>l·:11t11 <.t·111l·r lt\l.11gt11•n11· .111d I tfth 1\\1°11111· 111 < .rnu11.1 del t.1,11 1 B1·,111t·-. .111 0111-..1.111tl111g prt·w111.1t11111, lh1·11· 1'111 Ill' door J>lllt''· 1t'l11'.,h11w111 ' .11111 -.pt·n.tl 11111•n·-..1 group' 1<;1< ,..,) I hl!.lt' 1-.. a S:I r h.ugt· .11 llit· do111 tor 11nn1111·111ht·r .... v .... 11 llll' C 111np1111•r l·rrl'lltl\ wl'lhth• .11 111111 //1•11•u111IJ<111/m.1rt/HJ1l1 '"" YOUTHFUL GUYS AND DOLLS N1•wport lk.irh l'lwa11•1 < 0111p.111\ pr111lu1111111111 "(•II\' .111111>011-..··11p1•11' hllll' 11 .11 organization 1s also look111g for clerical and bereavement volunteers to assist with office duties Training 1s provided (714) 980·0900 HUMAN OPTIONS The o rganization shellers, counsels and educates abused women and children. It 1s looking for volun1eers. (949) 737 5242. ext. 24 IMAGES SALON Images Salon will hosl a book dropoff for a locul area school. Pa rticipants will receive a 10% discount on retail prices w11h a 1.xmk donalton now through June 30 Information. 2515 E. Coast Hwy Information 1949) 675-5531. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers aro noe<1ec1 for Pro1e1.1 Caring, which provides soc1alt1a11on and cultural expe11ences 10 the Jewish residents and others a< Fnirv1ew Developmental Center in Costa Mesa Volunteers adopt a facility to provide programming or Jewish contonl 10 the residents on a mon<11ly basis fhey must ta\e a TB test and underyo a f111gerp11nting bad<grounci du~d< l.u1cou1 Elementary ~t.:hool in Corona del J'Vl'lD':'"'11)c compnny 1~ a nonprofit young peoples performing ans lhcater t·o111pany that develops 1he talcntl> of local actors frum agi•.., 7 w.i I . -.aid Peter Smilh uf Lhc conipa.ny·~ hoard of director-,. Guys and OoUs promises lo ht· another o utstanding ~how from Lhjs group of talented and t·nthusm!>lil' younK perfornwr-.. l 11e entire rroduclion, hotl1 1111 ... 1e1gc and lmck-st<tgl'. 1s run by lht' young people. and Lhc llllality of 1hcir r rot111r11on-; h ..... 11,l!en favomhly 011npared lo th.11 1)1 u p rofc.,...iun..il t·o111pa11y. l'rl'Viou:. 11111 ... 1cai lht·a11·r production-; indudt• An11i1· Jt>'l·ph and lht• A111a1111g l't·1·tmicolor J)rpa1m 0.11, I lw W11A1rd of 01, I 11111lcimt'. Yot1°fl' ,, l 11Jod M;u1 < J1:irlw Ill own ;111J l rntlert•lla. I .1-..t y1-.11 ' 1wrfor111a111·l· 111 I 11111lt10,1· d1t•\\ an .1udit'llll' 1)1 1111m• 1'1.111 I ,!'i'ill rwoplt'. ~m11lt .... 11d i\hhou~h 1h1· pl'rl111111.111t 1' ,, 111 "1u:-.1an1•lt·1111•111a1} "'liuol." 1111' 1ht•<1tt·r 1-. 1r;11 1 ... t1111111•tl 111111.1 11111 llcdgl'tl 1heatt•1, \\ ilil t'\ll'lldl·d -.1.1gl' pr11h·-.,ion.tl ... 1.111d,inl hgl11' .11111 -..011ml .111d hill "'l!> anti '>rt'1w1 y. All 1fti, "dom· wi1h 1111· lldp ol -..1u1knh and ,·11h1111.·1·1 ,, -..11 th1 \011111-: 1wllo11111·1, g,1111 1•\pl'l ll'IH I' Ill .111 ,1-,pl't 1' t)I lllt'alt•t ,111(1 .111· .thh· 111 pt·llrn111 Ill 1111' ht''' p11 ... -...1>1i-t 1111th111111' I lw 'h'"' d,tlt'' .111.l 1111w-.. .all' 7 111 p.111., I rid.iy . .! p 111. and . llJ p.111 .. ~a1111d:iy: ~ p 111 .. 'it1111lav 7· 10 p.111. I rnl.1v. h11u• IH . .!. p 111 ,111d ;-IO pm . 0..,.11wd.1~. l11m· 1•1 I or 111111t• 111ll11111.1l1t111 '"'" llw11 wt'l1,111· .11 l1111rllt1111•11· 11/111 (/'">:Ill ,. 111.111 "'""" .11 11,11111/1e•111·"l1111 111111, 111111 I 111 111 kt•b I .111 ('M~l) !'i(HI 111\ll~J tll \'I'll 1111· \\l''""t' WORTH REPEATING I ron1 tlw I h11ugh1 1111 lotl.iv, prnv1d1·d hv C .n·g J...!'il1·v 111 llw :\L·wp1111 \ll''a In 1111 11111•!1.11~ ( IHllH ti "I .t·.1tlt•l'h1p 1l ....... h.11d1·1 '"" 111 do 1h.111 jo ... 1 1 hon,(· ,11Ji--.. II 11111\I lmng ... 1dt'' 111gt•lltt•1 · -ANONYMOUS Volunteers are also neeclcd lo provide comfort and s upport to the Jewish te rm inally ill and thu11 families. The group sponsors dn ongotng Jewish healing s upport group for people with d'lronic illness at 7 p.m. ThursdAys at the: Jewish Family Service, 250 E Baker SL. Su11c G, Costa Mesa Free Prereg1s1rat1on required. (714) 445-4950 JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ORANGE COUNTY The orga111Lat1on of women. committed to promo1tng volunleerism. dPvr.10µ1119 the potential of women anrl improving commumlles throuyh the work find leadersh1µ of trained volunteers. 1s soekmg new members (949) 261 0823 KAISER PERMANENTE HOSPICE SERVICES Vnlunteurs arc ne1oJdcd to spend lour hours µer week v1s111119 patients o r rto1119 errnncls for 1hem or their caregivers in commumlles near volunteers homes. (562) 622-3805 LAGUNA GREENBELT INC. Volunteers are needed 10 assist Laguna Coas1 Wilderness Park staff and James Dilley Preserve SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS fHIS WEEK TUESDAY 7: 15 a.m.: 1 lw 17 nu•111ltt•1 Nt·wport Bead1 '>11nr1-..1· l<rH,11 y lluh mt•1·1~ al hw l '11>wn-.. !lc~1aur;1111 111 he.11 lorn ll111lw1~. r a11d1d.11c fo1 ... tale A'-'l't11ltly ( 111'111/Jllrf ll!'at /1.111111 i'il'rcJll/l,I' '''I:.'· WEDNESDAY 7:30 u.m.: I ht• 10 1111•r11ht•1 South l o."l Meno Hotar}1 < J11h will 111t·l'I .11 1lw I lolld.1y 11111 .• ind 1ltt• N1•\1 p1111 I l.1rhor t..iw.1111-.. C Juli w1ll 11H'<'I .11 (lw llt1t\l'"tl\ Al hlt·t i1 < luh THURSDAY 7 a.m .: l'Jll' ,!() phi-. llll'lltlh'I Lo-,1,1 l\k-...i <>r.111g1· l 11,1,t Brl·akla~1 l.1t11 I'< J11h ~1ll 1111'l'I .11 ~lt111i' ... ( .. 111'. Noon: 1 lw 111 1111·111lw1 I 11\1.1 f\ It·'·' Krw,1111-.. <J11h "11l nw1·t 111 till' I lolid.1v 11111 lt11 .. p111g1.1111 1111 "\Vork I 111' ll.il.1111 ,.· l11111 ll11•w11· A'"''""' 11rgl1 /11/i/ 1 mf1/1t/1'1t/I; 1111' '."1tl llll'llllll'r \,1'Wjlt1ll lk.1dl I .or1111,1 tit'! I\ l.11 lo..11\ ;llll'I ( h1h 1111 1•h .11 1111' 11.1111.1 l orn1ll11.111 \,11 hit ltth hu .r prttgi.1111 hy 111111 '>1 illlll'ltl.111 111 ll·d .. krh1111ltth'Y II 11 th1· l1.111-.p1111.11u111 l11du ... 11\ · rlu• 11. 1111·111lw1 I'' h.111g1• I l11h 111 \'1•11111111 I l.11hor llll'<'h .11 tlll' "·'""' .11:\lu,1·11111.1111· 11)1) lllt'llllll'I ll11l,ll \' ( )11Ji Ill \.1°\\lltlll ll\llh' lllt'l'h ,I( lht• \11111111 I lo1t·l l111 .111.1-..1 p11•-.l(l1•1\I' illl)t ltt'Oll 111·11·11 11/11 \f /11111~:•'! /11/1.1 tlllll fi:OO p.111.: 111<• I \1 h.1111;1 I lult Ill 1111' I )1,1111:1• ( 11.1,I lllt l'h .11 1111 l\.al1t.1 ( 111 Hllh 1.111 \,11 Iii ( J11h lt11 1'14 • .1111111.al 11i...1.1ll.1111111111111li1·1·1 - .111d 11111'1 1n1-.. SATURDAY Nrnm: 11 w 11111.11 \ 1 It 111 111 \;1\\jlllll l~.tll111.11111·1 h ,11 tho• 11\..111 "\t'\\fllll!i'l lt111li1 ll1,lttt l 1l.'IJ1 Olllt'll'llt I' 1it1\I ht'flll \11111 ">lq>l1:11111· I 1h.11t1~ • COMMUNITY & CLUBS I puhlr~t11:1t ::,,111111f,1y-, 111 llil• l).11ly Pilr)I """'I v11111 "''IVH 1 1 lul1". m1•1·111111111l1111111111111t>yf.1x h)l/111 •1? l Rh'·'•'" l>y I 111.111 ". 1<1,f~o'"" ·"''''''" staff ,md <'loce11t!. with hiker registrJtivn and gc11eral public oncn1a11011. (949) 488 0287 LAGUNA SHANTI Lagund Sh.inti, Jn orgilfHldllon that wo rkc; w11h pP1sons with HIV or AI DS. is sccktng rariny volunle~rs lo ass1s1 w11h n111n111~1 ll•c lronl office. deltvc11n!J 1111•al:. prov1rlrny tr<111sportc1 t1011 Jnd prov1d1n4 c.omµl11n e n<ary 1herap1ns sud1 JS massdgl• Jcupuncture d111I cJ111oprac.IH. care l1s,1 Togh1.i (949) 494 1446 LUV-A·PET CENTER Volunteers who lovt' 10 W()lk wtth cats ancl l.inens ,ire• needed ill the luv d Pct Cenler <11 PetsMMI in Cos1,1 Mesa (949) 451 3277 MASTER CHORALE OF ORANGE COUNTY The per1orm1ng .1r1s WH<11111.i111111 need:. voluntec1 s for t.:ompuler mpul 111:1..1'11114 f1l111g ancl ha11c1h11g phunP!'. (714) 55(j 626;.t MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Comr11urnly Services needs 111c111ors ll> mrtke a l,1c;t111y HHel.t 011 c1 yu1m\;j person's lilr S tucl1:11I'> 10 to 18 yc.irs old <11(• See INVOLVED. Page Al3 SUMMER'S HOT ••• WAITING'S NOT! When it gets hot, the electricians get overloaded and backed up; sometimes for weeks. If you ate thinking about a fan or two for this summer. come in now and avoid the hassles. Take advanta~e of our early eason sale. Enjoy the beauty and comfort now. Nt.'N\ (]\111d/r·l!t1111 I /(Jll'. ,,,.,, ~· J • Large S2" Qit • IS RIMf pi1ch In. /11,/1 •/,,•th 1111l1~h1 t1r11/ i/1•1111/1~h1 1111111111 '""' ''''"''' ''''"''" ,,,,,,,,,,, -lOllf TIIA-'"1 K GUUlllf IAll -K141l.U\f -IAl& N ICI • t ~j)ll'd 1'1111 ( h.1111 • I 1h·11111\ \l11111r \\ .ir1 inn • \l<"r ()111~1 M11111r \1,11IHhk • YOUR • "( CHOICl or ) ~ SllOI wtllfl 0. C1.AS$K l ff tlf • Lifctirn<' 11111111111arranr1 • Grca1 11(11 ~tvlt Hnd prkt $Ht $298 $519 $Jl99 $419 $279 $M9 $199 LARGEST CEILING FAN DISPLAY IN CALIFORNIA e1•1 IEE Wiii Y• 1111111 TlllllT Pllllllll llllY STYlE IUll-U UIDEI 111 lllR »Gplc•I ... A•l•n C••u•I •.• Animal ~nts ... CJ•s$#C f~ Century ... Old World Europe•n & Italian Cl•••lcs... 1t'•dltlon•I ..• to Modern... to Tim.le ff lfeproductlon• of ».bl• F•ns... to Outdo or Fans t .... ~ ~ i TRADING POST FAN COMPANY <o.nmui11iif I ! I~ Kl'tlCI :1·; i Ol"lllT-"" 0952 W•rner Ave. at Ololde nweat -A a lph·a Cente r wt-1 (111 AU-,. HUNnN•TON aaacH • (7 w 4) e4e-4:a s:a MWW10ll S(IM(IMJO ~ POOo ,_.. l'oll O p e n 7 Daya, Saturday 10 -6 • S und a y 11 -5 • M ·F 1 0 -8 av-.. .:_;:_;_~·~-~·..:.·...:·~ .. ;·~·;·~·~·..;,-~·~·-·;.;.··;;.;,i;i;iii·-..mi-....iii;.rrii ..... _. .. , ........... --aiioilllflii.i'l..rll'.-·-..· ... ,•.••~d"""'"-i""'"•l..Qjad....,.•i...t•~•-..i< .... •..., ... · ....... ...-~ ................... ~~~~~~~~~---~ ----- • 0 ••••••• •>•• sou • _.._ .... __ ...,,_ -~·"" ""·~8f''F.*£swwww 9~"$=.u: # 1cs=c4PJIL!•" oz z;.== . - Daily PllOt INVOLVED Continued from A 12 matched with mentors to improve their school performanoe and self-esteem while developing positive peer and adult relationships. (714) 649--9622, ext. 35. M081L..E MEALS • Volunteer drivers are needed to help deliver nutritious meals to homeboond, ffail or elderly clients Incapable of shopping and cooking for themselves. (949) 645-ao50. MOZART CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA Orange County's only nonprofit resident chamber ord'lestra needs volunteers for tic:lceting, ushering, phones, malling and help with receptions. Nominees are also being sought for the board of directors. (949) 83().2950. NEIGHBORS FOR NEIGHBORS The City of Costa Mesa will host its annual community clean-up event on Saturday, April 24. Those interested in volunteering or making donations of cash or in-kind donations of supplies for the event can call the Neighbors for Neighbors hotline at (714) 7544892. (714) 754-4870. Advisory Committee. The comm1nee meets from 7 to 9 p.m . on the second •nd fourth Mondays in rhe Newport Beach Police Department auditorium, 870 Santa Barbara. (949) 644-3005. NEWPORT BEACti PU8UC U8RARV FOUNDATION The library foundation needs extra hands to perform clerical duties. such as filing, organizing and stuffing envelopes, at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. (949) 717-3890. NEWPORT BEACH ntEATRE COMPANY The company needs volunteers to help with costume design, sewing, make-up application, set construction, technical help, publicity, stage management and badtstage supervision. (949) 759-1046 or LKSaf@aol.com. NEWPORT HARBOR NAUTICAL MUSEUM The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers a number of volunteer opportunities in the gift shop, as docents or receptionists, with clerical work and with fundraising events. Training is provided. (949) 675-8915, E>ct. 107. NEWPORT-MESA YMCA The YM CA needs a variety of general volunteer help. (949) 642·9990. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL INC. FOUNDATION The recovery center for women with alcohol or other d'lemical dependencies seeks volunteers. (949) 548-9927 or (949) 548-8754. NEWPORT BEACH 1/1 ADOPT A MARINE BATTALION FUND The 1/1 Adopt A Marine Battalion Fund was created to accept donations and to provide financial support for ongoing programs and events planned to show appreciation to the l st Battalion, 1st Marines. based at Camp Pendleton. (949) 644-3124. NEWPORT BAY NATURALIST The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve is looking for volunteers to assist with naturalist-led tours and programs, special events and habitat restoration projects. The interpretive center is at 2301 University Drive, Newpon Beach. (714) 973-6829. NEWPORT BEACH CONFERENCE ANO VISITORS BUREAU The bureau is dedicated to the promotion of the city to potential visitors. Volunteers with '·~ensive knowledge of Newport Beach are needed. (949) 719-6100. NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY UTERACY PROGRAM The program seeks volunteers to tutor adults who want to improve their reading and writing skills. Volunteers will be certified during training worttshops in the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Newport Beach (949) 717·3874 or literocyCii>c1ty.newport-beach. ca.us. NEWPORT BEACH PREMIERE CINEMA GUILD The Newport Beach Premiere Cinema Guild. which supports the Newpon Beach Film Festival. is looking for new members. Interested candidates should want to help further an artistic and cultural heritage in the community and should have a love of cinema and a desire to raise awareness of the film festival. (94S) 253-2880. NEWPORT BEACH, GENERAL PlAN ADVISORY COMMITT'EE The Newport Beach City Council is seeking applications from residents or business owners to fill vacancies on the General Plan The foundation is looking for volunteers to help with fundraising efforts, speaking opportunities. public events and occasional office work. (94S) 631-4143. NEWPORT THEATRE ARTS CENTER A variety of jobs need to be tadlled, including set construction. ushering, mailings and assorted technical duties. Scheduling is flexible, with a two- to 20-hour commitment per month. The Newport Theatre Arts Center is at 2501 Cliff Drive. (949) 631-0288. OASIS SENIOR CENTER Meals on Wheels volunteers are needed to distribute prepared dishes to homebound seniors 1n the Newport Bead-I area. The delivery time is between 11 :30 a.m. and l p.m. daily. The center also needs volunteer nurses for its semi-m onthly blood pressure screenings. The center offers this service between 9 and 11 a.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Volunteers should commit two hours onoe a month or volunteer on a substitute basis. The center is at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. OPERA PACIFIC The Opera Pacific Guild Alliance, a support group for Opera Pacific. has activities for volunteers. (714) 546-6000. OPERATION CLEAN SLATE Operation Clean Slate, a Costa Mesa·based organization for graffiti prevention, needs volunteers to paint over graffiti and other duties. Michael Howard, (714) 435-0745. OCC NAllTICAL LIBRARY Orange Coast College's School of Sailing and Seamanship needs book donations for its Nautical Library. Thousands of volumes of boating-related titles are needed The School of Sailing and Seamanship is at 1801 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412. ORANGE COAST INTERFAITH SHELTER The largest family shelter in the county needs volunteers for its children's programs. It especially desires tutors and those who can take part In activities after 6 p.m. Tutors will wortt with groups of children or individually, helping children in their academic probklm areas. Volunteers will also act as a big brother or big sister during the summer. Jaime Mayo, (949) 631-72 13. ORANGE COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY A volunteer group serving the communities of Costa Mesa. Newport Beach and Huntington Beach needs animal-loving volunteers for two-hour ehiftS on weekdays to walk dogs and help socialize them to help them get adopted. Before pordlasing a pet. please visit the shelter at 2163 Newland, Huntington Beach between Pacific Coast Highway and Atlanta. (714) 540-2288. ORANGE COUNTY CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION CENTER The center needs volunteers' to work with high-risk families and children, providing weekly emotional support to families, infants and first-time mothers in their .homes. The center is asking for a three-hour weekly commitment. (714) 543-4333. ORANGE COUNTY COASTI<EEPER Newport Beach-based Orange County CoaS1keeperis looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help monitor water quality. Ti:aining sessions for volunteers are available. (949) 723-5424 or hnp:/twww.coastkeeper.org. ORANGECOUNTYCOMMUNfTY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Volunteers are needed for a variety of functions. (714) 839-6199. ORANGE COUNTY HOMELESS TASK FORCE The task force 1s recruiting volunteers for the Interfaith Council Network to wort( one-on-one with homeless adults in a program on basic life skills. (949) 263-1774. ORANGE COUNTY MUSEUM OF ART Learn more about art and share with your community by becoming a docent at the Orange County Museum of Art. A volunteer docent guides adults and school groups through the galleries and teaches about the museum's collections and exhibitions. (949) 759-1122. ext. 204. ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Docents are needed to lead tours of the Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa M esa. Learn about the history and the development of the Center and I~ workings of the bad stage are~s. f 14) 556-ARTS. ext 833 1 ORANGE COUNTY WORKS Participate in Hfe m anagement and employment training· workshops as a success coach to foster teens 16 to 18 years old. (94S) 509--1451. ORGANIZATION FOR THE HUMANE CARE OF ANIMALS Volunteers are needed to care for stray and lost animals in the Newport Beach. Costa Mesa and Corona del M ar areas. (949) 722·1357. PACIAC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The Orange County Pacific Symphony Orchestra's Volunteers in Education Opportunities program needs volunteers to assist children ma variety of hands-on musical activities. Volunteers spend a total of six Saturday mornings with the children. (714) 755-5788, ext. 244, HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE We're local. We know th e playing field . Su II iv an C urtisMonroe Wh e n you 're looki n g for h o m eo wn e r ~ insura n ce. we'll make s ure you 've gol all your bases co vere d . C all Us Today 949.250.7172 Irvin e • Pasadena www.s ullivanc urtis m onroe .com• License No . 072 1187 Saturday, June 5, 2004 AJ3 --Did You Knowl "That we are a full service nursery with qualified . California Certified Nursery Professionals and landscape designers. We can meet all of your gardening needs. Come in today to~ Nurseries and let us show you how.· NURSERIES, INC. ___ _ COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 2700 Bristol St . (714) 754-6661 2800 N. Tustin Ave. (714) 633-9200 TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PRO Manager Flowenlale NUrlefY • Calta Mela Master Nursery Professional COMPLETE LANDSCAPING • 45 YEARS EXPHJENO LICENSE # 308553 ·s~ ~ESIGN CENTER "For All Your Decorating Needs!" __ ll_ FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY •Cus tom-Made furniture •Slip Covers •Patio Furniture HO• v•uo wm• Draperies. Shades. & Bedspreads · wrr" PlillCHASE"' llOTh Oll1Ell OfTI:RS r A111t1C a U80lt ~\~~~ MIKE'$ ~~e°cARPET9 OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Opl'r ated by Mesa U ho Isle Laminate , Texture-Plush Flooring Carpet \"\l..L)\'J'ls2~ Featuring ALLOC No G iv e /n.<:.tclll<1tion aq ft ln!>ta lled Ceramic ,~w.,...,""' $ .1 so sq ft Wood Flooring Vlnyl Flooring Re finishing & N e w Berber Carpet \·\~L)\'J'I s 1 89 ln ... t.11/ecJ sq ft ~\l.L-,\'A s 1 H aqft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates CALL NOW 642-8400 Now put as little as 1% down! \ ... And we'll grant you 3°/o of the purchase, too. LOW DOWN PAYMENT MORTGAGES Whether you are buying your first home or moving up, the FHA Nehemiah program offered through Chase offers you : • A 3°/o grant of the purchase price to qualified buyers for down payment and closing costs • As little as 1°/o down • FHA loan limits apply For more details about this exciting program, call Chase today -.. Denise Kasparoff 91J9·263-7075 Roy Kamlnske 949-263-7070 4400 MacArthur Blvd .• #950 Newport Beach, CA 92660 \ ' ....... 11111 ........ 111111111111111i-.111 .. 11m1 .... 111 ............................................................................. -. .................... .-...._..-....._ ______ --- au , I t I ~· . --..... --. ... -s at ax Xlt!iii&: st£ £t :: il Ji a zczzaaz • RosEY's AUIDBODY You hav~ the right to choo:,e you r repair faci li ty Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY full Service CoUiaion Center lnauron<e Approved Shop IOSlY'S AUTOIOOY 12 l Industrial Woy CcAIMIH (949) 642-4522 ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ John \Vt· l1t·l1111g 10 thr 11 or/,/~ /,11 )!.<'1 t jloori ng 1rt111/ ~roup -ro-op. \~':· a re thr hiJ(~l'j / flom 111x tlmlen 111d1 fllrlu11/ly nwm•d -1, 000 S I "ORI;" Ill/YING POi'VER NOIJOD Y 1111ywhrrr 11111 h1•11r vur rrlectio11. f'1'11 es or sa11ia. }nu 'rt· 1•111ying 100 111111 /1 1 / juu 're ""' b11y1 ng from UJ. Jennifer ·r .c, .or.,~ ~ lifetime ~ ~Warranty .~ Carpet $1 '' l Will IAM I< C IH Jl I( 11 I\ """()( 11\ll\ Lrr WA.203560 Over 20 Years Experience! • C:um1111 I lorne Oc~igns • Prompt Plans • I lomc A<l<li11uns • :Xnsible Oesigm • Comm~·1li.1I & lo<lusiriaJ •Cost 8ficie111 (714) 374-6273 Brenda 100% FREE No Questions. Asked 60 dd.y exchange. If you don't like it, we will replace it FREE j FULL SERVICE Coun te r Tops • Showers • Cerunic • Stone • Granite • Wood Refini sh ~ ONE STOP SHOP Window Co~erin s • Cleanin Car et & U holster • Paintin -Interior & Exterior : '"'• -_ Costa Mesa Irvine (949) &50·7676 (949) 838·0141 1: '12:N~R~ 9~7th l~~!~~.~~!:R D:~;, "'~""' ~ SATUROAYS B. SU NOAYS 10·4 SU N & MON CLOSED °& n. s n .. , c,,, iii l Goh '; * > >----< • EVE~INGS BY APPOINTMENT 1i ,.; _,....r ,._.,i., _,,_ .. •-""'_.. _.,... .... _.. ... _,.... .... -""' .. ,...,... .. ,._.,,.,.. ...:;;;.--;:~iiiP-:;::;;;m:.,..c;i AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295 SPECIAL EVENTS ART OF ALFRED HJTCHCOCK Orange Coast College is offoring the last of its nine-part film history on Alfred Hitcttcock. The series will be moderated by retired OCC professor H. Arthur Taussig. The session will be held at 6:30 p.m. today. It will be held ar OCC's Fine Arts Hall 116. Adm1ss1on 1s $6 for adults and $5 for seniors and OCC students. Information and t1c:kets, call (714) 432·5880, /1ttp:llwww.occt1clcets.com. UILL COSBY ·~ornedian and TV legend Bill Cosby will perform at 8 p.m . July 22 at the Pacific Amphitheatre, Orange County Fair and Exposition Center. BB Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. lnforrnat1on (714) 740-2000 MUSIC CABARET BY THE BAY Duke's Place will host Cabaret by the Bay to benefit local cttarities at 9 p.m. with a preshow dinner 1n the First Cat\in restaurant at 7:30 p.m. June 16. The cost is $10 for the show and $37.50 for the dinner. Information and reservations: (949) 630-4145. REBA MCENTIRE Grammy Award winner Reba McEntire will perform as part of the Pacific Amphitheatre Summer Concert Series at 8 p rn. July 11 at the Orange County Fair and Exposition Center. Information: (714) 740 2000. hrtp'llwww.ocfatr.comlpariftc amphitheatre/ TRAIN Musical group Tram will perform as part of the Pacific Amphitheatre Summer Concen Series at B p.m July 15 at the Orange County Fa11 and Exposition Center Information (714) 740·2000, http://www. ocfoi1. comlpacrf1c amph1t11oatrel HOOTIE ANO THE BLOWFISH Musical group Hootie and the Blowfish will perform as part ot the Pacific Amphitheatre Summer Concert Series at B p rn July t8 lnforma11on· ( / 14) -• __ J)_q_~mer~ !/nteriq(J Sinec 1920 Warehouse Sale 'Event! Sale Ends Sunday, June 6th 740-2000. http://www.ocf11i1 coni1pac1f1c amph1theatr81 BAROQUE TRlJW>ETER The Baroque Music Festival will present Baroque concertos. featuring Baroque trumpeter John Thiessen al 4 p m . June 21.J al St. Micttaels All Angels Church, 3233 Pacific View Drivt Corona del M ar. Tickets cost $25. Information: (949) 760-7888 BAROQUE ORGAN RECJTAL The Baroque Music Festival will present an organ recital, featuring Baroque trumpeter John Thiessen and organ soloist Gabriel Arregui at 8 p.m. June 21 at St. M icttaels ).11 Angels Churctt. 3233 Pacific View l1rive, Corona del M ar. Tickets cost $1 5 Information: (949) 760· 7888. BAROQUE IN THE GARDENS The Baroque Music Festival will present ff Music in the Gardens I," featuring Baroque trumpet.e1 John Thiessen at 8 p.m. Juno 23 at the Sherman Library and Gardens, 2647 E. Coast Highway. • Corooa del M ar. Secular. cantatas and instrumental works by Purcell, Handel, Torelli and Carpentier. Tickets cost $30. Information: (949) 760-7888. BAROQUE IN THE GARDENS The Baroque Music Festival will present ·Mus11; in the Gardens I.ff featuring Baroque trumpeter John Thiessen at 8 p.m. June 23 at the Sherman Library and Gardens, 2647 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Tidlets cost $3,0. Information: (949) 760· 7888. BAROQUE IN THE GARDENS The Baroque M usic Festival will p resent "Music in lhc Gardens II," featuring music by Bach, Tplcrr;inn, Couperin ;ind , 1 8 µ.rn Ju 25 di the ..,11e11 nan l 1b1 <tr and Gardt..t •S. 264/ L C 11.1dy, C.01Una del Mar Tick 1st $30. I 11~11 111 '~"I 760-7888 BAROQUf IN THE GARDENS The Baro ·v1u!>1C Festival finale fea "us music by B11cgcl Bach. M ou1et and Charpun11er ar 8 p.m. June 23 at the Sherman Library and Gardens, 2647 E Coast Highw<Jy, Corona dtil Mar Tickets cost $25 lnformatio11 (949) 760-7B8B UC IRVINE JAZZ ORCHESTRA The UCI Jan Orchestra will host a Spring Jan Concert at 8 p rn June 4 and 5 at B p.m in W1n1fred Smith Hall al Ul • Tickets cost SB to $12. lntorma11on (949) B24·278/ All Home· Furnishings and Accessories Don't miss our Warehouse SaJe and save 25-750/o off all home furnishings and accessories for a limited time onJy. Factory showroom, one-of-a-kind pieces and discontinued items! C osta Mesa I 595 Newport Blvd . (949) 642-2050 South Bay 23649 Hawthorne Blvd. (3 10) 373-0442 Li2una Beach 34)North PCH (949) 494-655 1 Extended Store Hours: Monday -Saturday 9am to 6pm •Sunday 1 lam-6pm. All Sales Final and in "as is" condition . . ~ ~-...,.. ___ .............................................................................................. __ ~ ---------( ' I I L GU cu a ooaooue a wsoo seas The Completely New 2005 Legacy And Outback Sedans & Wagons ~ Now In Stack! POWER AND PERFORMANCE 4 Cyl. Boxer ... 168 HP A1111ilable in a 5 spd. manual or 4 spd. auto llllsport shifi 6 Cyl. Boxer ... 250 HP Availt1ble in a 5 spd. manual 4 Cyl. 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The charts below illustrate the dramatic differences the maximum allowable annu1I tax depreci1tlon for a Range Rover or Discovery vs. a comparably priced luxury car••• While these Land Rover models qualify for an accelerated depreciation schedule • allowing then to be fully deprecl1ted In Year One · rules for luxury cars limit tax depreciation to fixed annual amounts. • Individual tax situations may vary. For more det.ails, pleat• consult your tax advisor. •• Groat Vehicle Weight IGVW) •The manufacturer's rating of the vehicle's maximum weight when fully loaded .... Cherts and tables reflect figures for taxpayers who elect 60o/o bonus depreciation. SIGNIFICANT ADVANTAGES This Ta x depreciation comparison is for indlvidu1l1 who purchase a Ran~ Rover or Discovery and use their vehicles 100% for business. Rules for lessees also compare favorably.• Under current law, owners of vehlclet with GVW r1ting1 over 8,000 pounds are et ibte to expen1t up to $100,000 In Year One. Bonus depreciation is generally available for purchasee made before 12131 . Conautt your tax advisor for complete details on rules applicable to your transaction. ... INSPECTED.GUARANTEED. LAND ROVER CERTIFIED PRE·OWNED OTHER PRE·OINED MAKES AND MODELS '. .. i • f I I .. ---·..-..,---....._...,,___.--"'~-·~·~4 £•~·~·~~ ....... , ...... ~·~·-··--~·~·~· .. aa .... ~, .... ,., .. ~, ...... s .. s~c~'·F .... ?.Zllll'•Z .. P•'•P•'~! .. 2 11i0l2 •t•P .... , .. r.r11ilil•'Fl111ii QUOTE OF TIE ·DAY "/l's ju.st a lot of fun. It i.f tht! only opportunity all year for thue kidJ· to represent their school." • OM Ford, Andersen boys 5-6 soccer coach • ' : lftt9ns execute plan to perfection t. Ii NiWPOrt Elementary se~ures shootout with Carden Hall to~ay following 8-0 vi~tory Friday. B~e Alderton Oai~Pllot CX>STA MF.S1t -The scenario plaj,d out Ideally for the Newport Ele~tary girls third-and fo grade gold division soccer Friday in the wt of two ~games in the Daily Pilot with an 8-0 victory Priday over St Joachim Newport and Carden Hall. which tied. 1-1, Tuesday. will com- pete In a shootout at 8:30 a.m. to- day for an automatic spot in the qua.rtet1inals later this afternoon. The loser would play at 9 a.m. to- day with a chance at being one of two wlld-card teams to reach the quarterfinals. Newport Coach Cesar Cappelli- ni was expectedly giddy foUowing the victory. "We lcnew we had to win by a shutour and we did the job.~ Cap- pellini said. "The girls connected with each other and showc.'<i all out effort." Kelsey l.o!lg led Newport with three goals while Madison Walsh Spom Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sporta F•x: (949) 650-0170 DAILY PILOT CUP SffV( M<.CRANK I DAJLY PtlOl The Newport Elementary girls third-and rourth-grade soccer team ran through a tunnel of family .tttbe Fann Spons Complex. l\tons. needing a shutout • shootout with Carden , cSe top spol in the pool '1f atrtomatic berth inlo to- ,."qUIU'lerfinals, got their wish see TRfTONS, Pace 86 members after they won their contest on Friday against St. Joachim in the Daily Pilot Cup. . .. .... .. L .• HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL June 7 honoree LIZ MORSE Saturday, June 5. 2004 Bl Harbor Day wins to advance Moore scores twice in 4-3 boys vi ctory over Newport Coast. Rick Devereux Daily Pilot COiTA MESA -Harbor Day advanced to the boys fifth-and si.xth-grade gold division quarterfinals by beating Newport Coast, 4-3, Friday night at the CoMa Me!>a Sports Farm Com- plex. Willie Moore scored twice and Michael Borchard and Cohan Gyulay each had one goal for I !arbor Day and 01ru. Freeman had a hat Lrick for Newport Coast. Sea Kings clash with Titans Corona del Mar battles Pacific Coast League rival Tesoro for CIF Divis ion IV title at Dodger Stadium. • earned a hard-fought 2· I mad rn- umpb April t6. The No. 3-seeded Sea KlnW> have won 16 straight and 22 of their last 23 and advanced to the title game with a 6·5 come-from- behind win over PCI rival North- Barry F•ulkner Daily Pilot Friends on the opposing coaching staff, Pacific Coast League affiliation and a double-digit winning streak are all things Corona del Mar I ligh and le- soro have in common heading into to- day's C1F Southern Section Division IV championship baseball game at 10 am. at Dodger Stadium Bur, in the end. the collective emo- tion of both teams, dJctated by the final score, will be as dlJferent as the hi"tory of both programs. CdM (24-5) is playing for its third CU: crown, having won the 2-A Division in 1981 and Division rv in 1999. the laller under John Emme's guidance. The Sea Kings are paced by a veteran nucleus tlwt includes seven senior ~ars and many predicted they'd make a tirfc- game appearance this sea.son. Tesoro (20-10) is in only its second varsity season and has just four senio~. only one of which figures to be in 10- day's starting lineup. After finishing 7- 18 la.st season, 3-12 in the PCl. Coach Rick Brail said there was no way he could have foreseen a po:.tSt:aSOn run this momentous this spring. CdM defeated the litans in their three le<lb'lle meetings thl'> season, in- cluding two on the still spanking new las Flores campus. The Sea Kin&" pre- vailed, 8-2, in the league opener March 19, won. 16r6, April 13 at home. then wood. i~ founh victory uvcr 1he run- berwolvcs this scm-4.m. CdM 's lS-0 PCI. c.ampaign gave them their second straJght league crown and their fourth league title in tl1e last six seasons. Unset.'<led Tesoro has won 10 straight, induding a stunnin~ •1-I up~t of rop-see<led La Quinta i11 Tuesd:1y"; semifinal. The Titans fini<1hed '>t.'Cond in the PCL with an 11 -4 record, their only loss to an opponent other than CdM corning at tl1e hands u( third-place Northwood. "We both kind of caught fire. but l1he Sea Kings! have been on fire aU ~a­ son." said Brail. whose 'itaff includ(':; former CdM assistant and F.mme's dose friend, Aaron Kolcx. Koloc was among those who spilled out of the CdM dugout in 1999. when the Sea Kings capped their 20-H se<L<;tlll by scoring frvt' nms in 1ht' bottom of the S<.•venth to dairn a 9-H title vic1ory OYCr El Segundo a1 Angel Stailium. Emme said he and Koloc remam close and their relationship has helped Emme and Brail forge a friendship. as weU. "We already negotiated a rn-dwnpi- onship, bu1 I don't think 1hc Southern Section ur tht kids wuuld go for it," fanme joked ... It'<; an inr rc<lihlc thing for their school 10 be in a champion ship game this early and 11\ 1nr l"t'dihlt• for lL<; to be back for thC' M'rnml lime i11 five yean>. .. F.mme acknowledges thl' cJ1ffirnlty of MARK C DUSTIN /DAILY PILOI Corona del Mar pitcher Blake Contant has been one of the constants for the Sea Kings this season, posting an see SEA KINGS , Page 85 11 ·2 record with a 1.83.ERA. The senior will take the mound today against Tesoro in the CIF Division IV title game. DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Trevor Holmes ... I Eagles' super sette r settles for nothing but the best, which is why Es ta n cia could repeat as Cl F c ha mps. Rick Devereux Division Ill champions Lhis year, Daily Pilot f) have a hiller; that cru.<ih harder than an auto yard, which malces T he setter on a volleyball 11 all th e more remarkable that 'team is similar to a Tr~vor I lolmes is so highly quarterback on a • n·wgnizable. n1e 6-foot -I junlor football ream because that i~ had the opportunity to set Co-Golden the· player that airs out the ball so West l .eague Pin ye rs of the Vear. seniors teammates can get points. But a setter Josh Ko rnegay and Kris HartweU. Is also Uke a lineman, neither getting Holmes. an alJ-league selection and much recognilion for the a bility of varsity slartt'r since his freshman year. others to shine. took to being a setter when he was first "If a hitter h1ts a haU out of hounds or introduced to the sport in tunlor high gets blocked, he can blame the setter,· school. playing with the Balboa Bay P.stancia High boys volleyball coach Oub in the seventh grade. lracey Ingraham said. "'They can say Holmes' older sister. Jennifer. was a the set WU too far tn, too rar OU1, too setter nt Irvine 1 llgh and for her club high, what~r. And lf they crush tht team and was one of the first to notice ball, no on e notices the set." &tancla, OF Southern Section S.. HOLMES, P .. e 83 . {''' .· .. ~~ - ,·. J,' ; .. ~· ,)I :'·_r , I '~ ,'.i~ .. . 'T. I' ' . -.· ':\ I . '" • I I . <1_1.~ J I t s \, A ,,a,4 .... )t.a » :t • A .. ' ~·:. a::;;;:a g,. ,. ' a ' •• ' I I :. ; ; " • a .. ;. •.• ,;, ;, ! A :.I +, :· ;: ; ;A ;J . ! . . . . . ' . . • . . . .. . t . . . . . . . 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M res dote of business 6/7 /04: • Dt • • . • • • .. . • • -.. .. -- ------____ ._.. ____ ... __ ,,.,... ___ .. _ _.. __ ..... _ ... _____________ .,..,. ___ ._. ................................ a ................. , Oatty Pilot S I' 0 I{ I I\ HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD St. Geme, Day, Stokke advance Newport-Mesa trio wilJ ma ke the ir firs t appearances in the CIF State finals today in Sacramento. Newport I !arbor I ligh fresh- man AJlison Stokke continued h er impressive season, while sophomores Anne St. Geme of Corona del Mar and Jas min ~f <;osta Mesa were stellar fo t~eliminaries of 1hc CIF State track and field champi- onships Friday at llu l(hes !)ta- diurn in Sacramento. Newport I larhor High !>enior Elizabeth Clayton and CdM freshman llilary May also compe ted in tlw s tate r11ee1. Stokke will he the top seed in today's pole vault final. Sh e cleared 12 fl'Cl, with n o m1s:.e . to lead the group or nine who advanced. Stoklc:e , the national high school freshman-record holder (12-7), we nt over 11-8, which would have qualified her. but fo r confidence s he went for 12 a nd got it on her fi rs t attempt. t'hree others cleared the 12·0 mark with more 1han on e miss. St. Geme advanced in 1he 1,600, winning her heat a nd clocking the top time of two heats with a 4:56.87. . • 1 fell really good." St. Ge me said by telephone. "I liked hnv- 111g the whole day 10 relax. I feel confident about 1 tlw fi. nalsJ.'" Lauren Mulkey of Wood· c reek finished in 4:57.44 10 win her heat and will be one of IO· tlay's favorites. whom also in- rlude College Park's Lindsay Allen (4:57.82) and Saratoga's Alida Follmar (4:59.84). nay was one of eighl wh o BRIEFLY cleared 5-7 to advance i11 the high jump. Uay will be seeded seventh because of m isses. She is looking to be the second Day to win a s tate title, as her old er sister, Sharon, won the cha mpion ship last year. Jas- min Day won the title in the high jump for Cll· Southe rn Section Divisil>n Ill a nd the Masters Meet. May, who t'nteced as tho fastest freshman in the state meet, finished in 5:07.73 to put her 18th overall. "She had a fantastic year,· CdM Coac h Bill Sumner said . Clayton also closed out a successful st.'a:.on. She went 36-3 in the triple jum p an d wa:. not among the top nine who qualified for today's fi . nals. Clayton, bound for Brig- ham Young University, holds tht.' Newport Harbor record in 1hc triple jump (38-4'1.·). Six on. youth national team Corona del Mar, Newport Harbor gi rls well represented on Team USA water polo squads this summe r. T he Back Bay high :.chools will be well represented on the USA water polo won1en's na- tional youth team, 11s six girls from Corona del Mar a nd Newport I !arbor high schools earned spots 011 1he 1wo squads. Corona dcl Mar's Rrittan y Pullen and Cam ille I lewko, along with Newport I larhur'<> Anne Belden aml Meh'isJ Wheeler wiU be on the na - UonaJ youth A team. Jordan Anae or CdM and Ashlin~ Tay - lor of Newport Harbor a rc on the B team . The six girls qualified for the team by showcas ing their tal - ents at a tryout in I.a Jolla over Memorial Day weekend. rul- len, I lewko, Relt.Jen and Wheeler will be leaving June 2!:1 for New Zeala11d, where they will compete against vari - ous teams. They wlll also play in Sydney. Australia, July U-15. Fullen, a goalie who will be a senior al CclM n ext year, a nd 1 lewko, a versatile player who will be a junior in the fall, helped lead the Sea Kings 10 the CIF Southern Section Divi- sion II championship. Fullen and llewko shared MVP hon- ors in the Pacific C:oa~t League. The 6-foot-1 rulle11, who n·corcled 2t!O savc'i, was HOLMES Continued from B 1 named Cl F Division II Player of the Year. Anae. one of the Sea Kings' lop two-meter pl.1y· er.,, will aJso he J senior in the fall. Heiden, a skilled lef1 -han· ded driver who will be a f>e111or next year. and senior-lo-be Wheeler, known fur he r 'tpt>ed. helped lead the Sailors IO the CIF Divisio n I title. Belden is the only lefty on thc A 1eam. Taylor, who can play with her ri~ht or left hand, will al'!lo he a senior. Contest beckons youth •SPORTSWRITER SUM- MER CAMP: An open-entry rnntest for any budding you1h s portswriter h a!> been launch· ed fur lhe !>Ummer hy the Daily Pilo t spom s taff with three divhions for boy., and girls: Third· and fourth· grnders (in Septemherl; fifth .ind sixth-graders: a nd s<'v - e nlh· and ei~h tlq~rader!> Participant'> must :.imply write a spor1 -. .:;iury o n any subject with a I ,OOO·won.1 maximum and submil ii 10 Daily Pilo t Sports Editor Rich - ard Dunn at llich - C1rd.Dunn@la1imes.com or fax tht• <;por1:. desk ill (!M9) 650· 0 170. The mailing address i.:; J:IO W. flay St .. Costa Mcs;1, 92627 . All entrie!> must indud<' nome, add ress, phone num her and e-mail (if pos-;ihleJ . Ab o includl· your grade in \•pJemher and school yn11 a t· tl'nd En1ries will bt.' accepted 1REVOR HOUWIES llom: July 12, 1986 HomftDWYl!COSU throu~hu111 1 Ile <,ummer ol 2004 for the future s portswril er' of the l I st ccn1ury. Each suitable e111ry will be pub· fished in the Daily Pilot spom section and judged unsympa thetically by all fiw members of the sport:. staff. The las t on<.' ~landing in each of the 1hree divisions at the end of the ~u mmcr will win an op portunity to cover a m ajor event regularly t:hrunided by the Daily Pilo1 while !>hadow ing a ... 1affer. Only one sports story is al lowed per s tudent. but t11crc are no res trictions 011 1he 10p1c a~ long a:. it\ suitable for a family newspaper. 'Tennis Tickler' signing •TENNIS: Louisa Arnold will be 'liKning copies of her hook, "Tenni!> Ticklers," tod:iy and Sunday al tht• Balhoa Bny Cluh Hacquet Club from 11 a.m. 10 5 p.m. durin~ 1hc final weeken d of the 2004 lloy l:m e rson Adoption {,uild tennb tournament. The hook, now in its third edition . is a collection poem-; Arnold has writtt'n over the past 20 years. The fi rs1 edition was published in 1994. anti Arnold was invi ted to the lnterna1ional Tenni!> I lall of Fame in Newport, IU ., for hook signings. "II is certainly not an in· structio naJ book," Arnold said . "It':-funny poems abnul things that h aVt.' happened to me on the court through lhl' years." per match in the playoffs while leading the Eagles to a 15· I record en route to the school'" firs< CIF championship. U:.'e lll't.' cxcrl·mcly 11e~ociublc 1111 1 ~7 11...·w '04 E320 edan. {<) cl'"'''l' E-;oo's. 0 hcrc1Hil ! We've lowered c/1e /)t1yinl!nt' on 57 nett• 2004 S430 Sedans. The prc~tige, m1 1he orlit.'l /u111d , H'lllllllb h1Rh • : Trevor's natural gifts a., a ~ ~~fooH ...-160 poundl tp9rt: Volleyball Poeftlon.: Setter Bui I lolmcs is aJready focusing on adding to the banners hanging on the Fs tanci:i gym wall. sen er. "We would set 10 each other in front yard, she even said I had better hands that she did and that I should go into setting," he recalled. Those hands arc what Ingraham say:. makes 1 lolmcs :i cut above other l\etter., "I le came in with such good hands, that's a natural thing," she said. Ingraham. a former aJl-league setter for the Ea~e:­ in the 1990s. is pleased that. even though five of her six starters are graduating. I lolmes will be back to led the offense. "I think ifl'm going to return anyone, l'U take my sener, no doubt about it." she said. •I'm going to miss aJJ these other .. mo4FHO IUPIR CAI ILT S.41. VII, AUTOMATIC, TC1N PM0. NM'M CASS WICO. IT AllJM WHEElS SlllnoPra $24,4" llTCSI f«lory ~ uooo '22 488 ..... ... --.-. . ' ..,.,_. COlldt: Tracey ~m ~..-:~ ~-'-:"Meet the P..m" -..t ....... 11-wt: "Winning the Clf <N~lp this ye•r. • ..... In~ ...ipec:1 le.cl EsUnda Higtl to the OF SouUlem Se<tlon DMslon Ill ~whip Ill the junior ~ OWi 'D ~. metth In the pOltlUIOn. leedlng the Eatles to. 15-11'9COfd In the Of ~ and 9Mng the tdlOOI ~ ftnt C1F vol~ dMtloMI tide. ~· Co#edor ~<Md-* guys, but with lfevor running the show. you know he's solid aJI the way arowid. • Holmes, the Daily Pilot Athlete of the Week. averaged 27 assists ) & 4l V9 TC1# PKG. CO. UlNl IWMK)W, KEYlESS ENTRY. p,OflMR !lAT, FOO lNil'S NfJ WCR 5'lllto Pllce ~.188 llT c.T f:7::~*'24,388 ..,._ "Even though we're going to be losing five seniors, I think we've really got a good chance next year. ton, because we all of these up-and ·coming sophomores." hr 'laid. Ingraham recogni7.ed Holmes' talt>nl:. early-on, including his relcntlc.>ss desire lo succeed. "I le has the bes1 work e1h1c I've seen." she said. "I !e's never in a bad mood. When he walks into the gym. he says to himself, 'I want to get better today. I want to work hard today.' Unless it's perfect, he's not satisfied. J like the way he takes responsibility. 1 le's never thinking. 'Oh, that's good enough.'" . . .~ .. ·.~·--··· . . ... . ~~~~~~---~~~---'!!"""!""~~,~.-.~~,~.·.~,.~lll!ll·.~.!~~.<!!!llJ.!ll!~t~.11!11!1!1!.~J.ii~•&J!.iU~v'''@4 .. _•.• ... tt•s121111"111 .. 1111~~1!1..-llilllll~-'" .. llll!ll~ . ...... 84 Saturday, June 5, 2004 S POR 'I S DAILY PILOT CUP Lincoln's attack leads to win Leopards top California in girls third-and fourth -grade action on Friday. Rick Devereux Daily Pilot C.OS'IA MESA -An overcasl i.ky thrl'atl'ncd to rain on Lin -~: roln attd California in the girls ' third and fourth-grade gold- dtvi .. inn ganw at the Coi.tf ' ~k .. a Sport 1> !'arm Complex I 11tlay, hut thl' weather didn't d.tmpt•n the fil'ld or the"Spirits, ul thl' pl.1ycr1. during the 6 -0 I c•11rrnnl wi n . I 111rnln U/>l'd a disdplined .11 t.1cl.. .11111 .1 four-goal pe r-: t111111a1111· hy forward Kari.ten '\1gha11d 111 pressure the Cou· g.1,., throughout the Kame. : ~1gha11d gather~d a <;aUfor-~ 111.1 go.tll..td, ra ced tti'rough' 1h1· 1.lt-l1·nw and scored early 111 till' g.11111· tor Lincoln. Katie t ,, ul..1· l'·'''l'd 10 Sigba?ld 0 11 thl' h•lt 'llh ·, who m n:t.ed her w.1y 1h1011gh traffic and nrnde ti :! O 111omc1111. later. < .tltlorn1.1 did not give up. ltopt· cfto.,pitt· the early h ole .111d pl.t\ 111g w11hou1 c;ubstittt-: 111111., \1glt;iml pushed up the· ldt 1111 1' again .rnd .,hot from 1111' Ill 1111•1t•r ltnc, bul Cali fur-· 111a g11.il11·1Hkr C:hri~tine Ma~ -.i111 wa .. tlwrl' to male th~ ... 1vt· I >.111ni lllackman led a\ 111111111·1 .111ac k for thlf Cu11- g.ir ... lull the Lincoln defcnse i 1l11-..1r1t·tl till' advan ce. S1gli.111d\ rn111rol of the ball · ",.., 11111 111111·h for California. l10\\1°v1•1. ~Ill' ~lopped and .. 1oll'tl'd, dar11·d and dashed , l..11 l..1•d .111<1 n111trnllt-d ~r way 111 .. 1d1· tllJ' pC'nalty hox and ,' .. 1111l'd 1111 .1 .. 11111 to th e upper·. 1 tght 111 I h1• lll'I W111t 111111'11 or 1h1· Cougar 1lt-f1•1h1' 11111n·111ra11ng on lhe "h1•n·.1lt11111.. of S1ghand. <.rat 1· l\1·111a·dy w'" able to p11 .. 1t 11p thc· ll'lt .. idt• .111d ,1·11re .1 g11.1l to 111,1kl' II 4·0 I 1111.:oln I lw I c·o pa rd-. ui.cd '>Ub l>! i 111 · lion .. to h·1·p ln·1.h player' 111 1h1· g;11111• and wear down Lilt l11rn1a Nlll'lll' c:ooding I'll 1t·n·d th1· ganw .ind hla!>tcd J h.tll at 1lw 1wt, but Mason ''"PPt·d thl' .. 1ro1. At least ini t1.tll\, h1·1 all'>l' <he h.111 rollt•d .1w,1y 1111 111 hl'r and almo~I 1111...,t•d 1h1· goal li111'. but 'hl' q1111 kl~ ri·cowred and i.avl·tl FRIDAY'S SCORES Boys 5-6 gold Carden Hall 3. Llncoln 1 TeWinkle 2, Andersen 1 Harbor0ay3,Newport Coast 2 BoysMlitver Prince of Peace 1, Wll~n 0 Mariners 2, Harbor View 1 Gli19Mgold St. John 4, Davis O Andersen 6, St. Joechim 0 Our Lady Queen of Angels 2. HarborV\9w0 Mariners 2, Newport CoastO ' Carden Hall 2. l..lncoln t . Mariners Chriden 7, t TeWlnlde O • Kaiser 2. Ea..,_ O 1 Harbor De..v 1, ~ HeightsO Ande!'Mn 7, St. John 0 f GtrteM ..... · -.. Carden He" 2. Ma" Peace 1 8oy9Mgold Anderten 8, c ......... St. John 4, N9t4'*' Elem.1 f'llO ros UY s f£Vl Mc CRANK I DAil v f'll 01 Lincoln's Alex Benson Ines to pull the ball away from Caltforrna goalie Chnstme Mason on Fnday afternoon in Daily Ptlot Cup girls third-and fourth-grade action at the Costa Mesa Farm Complex. 1 h1· goal < 011w11 t1l'l1·11d1·1 11a11 1 , ... I hot pc put h1·r.,t•ll hl'I \\1'1'11 till' ball and tl11· goal hv p1111p 111g 111 lrnnt of .1 powl'rlul .. ltot It~ \1gh.111d I horp1· ruhl11·cl hl'r .. houldl'r lrom 1 lt 1• .. 1111g ol th1· .. 1t11t. h111 .,hl' hd1wd l..1•1·p ll H' 'l'ort• ·I 0 .II lht• t'IHI 111 th1· ltl'>I h.tll, < altl111111.1 pl.1ye<.l 1 011~'1 tll· lt•t1,l' I ll tht• \l'Clllld lt,tlf, hut ,1 h.111d hall inside lhl' 1wnalty h11\ r<''11lted 111 An11ahell1• 1'1d gl'on\ p1•11ally ~hot th.11 111 1 n•,1wd I hl' ll-ad IO S 0. l'idg1•011 had a 1 ha111 l' for h1•1 '>t't'Olld goal of tht g.11111' Lincoln's Noelle Gooding, left, and Caltforn1a's Frances Thorpe duel for a loose ball in girls third-and fourth-grade Daily Pilot Cup play Friday. when .. hl' rat 1·d down th<' right ..1d1· and firl'd a .. hot 11t.11 w;i~ hlor l..1•cl hy lllacma11 , who vnl- 111111•l0rt·d 111 ht• th1• Cougar go.1hl'mln for the '>l'C<md hJIL ~igh.111d addl'd another goal 1h;11 hit thl' rm:;'> har and fell ht•h111d thl' go.ti li11C' for the· fi - 11:11 fi 0 ~run• Newport~ .. .,.... 1 HarborV\9w 1, ~ Lincoln 8. Newpott H~O " Adame 11>7. MertNret Christian(2) 1 BoysM.._ 1' Lincoln's Karsten Sigband breaks away from Caltfornia defenders and takes a shot on goal in Daily . Pilot Cup third-and fourth-grade contest Friday afternoon at the Costa Mesa farm Complex. Lincoln 2, OeYl9 ' • Carden Hell 7, Nlnoa of , PeaalO • GlfteM .... St. John 4. Hart»or V... I Adams 3, Mari.,.. Christian 2 , ~ Our I.adv Queen of Angefa 7. Eastbluff 0 ~ Newport 8, St~ 0 Davia 2, Newpoft eo.(l 4 Lincoln 8, CalHomNI 0 Gl:teM..... ' Newport ~3. St. .Jc>adtlm 1 Our Udy Outen of ' Angela 3, CoMege PMtd Mariners 1, tt.ft)or0.,0 Lincoln 4, Chrt.t l""*-n 1 AodwHn4,AeeO Lincoln's Annabel Pidgeon. in white. tries to take a shot on goal past California's Danelle Moran. left, and Caitlin Roche in Daily Pilot Cup action Friday. PllOfO BY SlfV[ McCRANK /DAJLY PtlOf Lincoln's Ryan Peyton cha ses down Carden Hall's Ben Capaldi as Capaldi fires a shot on goal in the Daily Pilot Cup on Friday in boys fifth· and s1xth·grade ac tion . Wild play in boys wild cards Carden I Intl advances to boys fifth -and sixth-grade quarterfinals with 3-1 victory. Rick Devereux Daily Piiot < ()~I /\ Ml....,/\ llw wild card ph1y 111 g.111ll' h1•twt•e11 (,;inlt•11 I l,111 .111d I 111c11l11 1n thl' boy' filth .111d \lXth ·gradr gold divi .. i1111 livl'd up 111 ii., htllillK from lh!' gt·t go wtlh :1 'wild' dl'lay at 1h1• ( .11:-1.1 M l''<I Sporh h11 m C 11111pl<'x I nday ev1•11111g. ( .mkn 11.tll w1111, :\-1. and advantTd 111 till' quartt'r fin.11-. ag,1111't 1\,11.,.·r. w1111ll'r., of pool I: lj11rol11 wa .. d1·11il•d tl'otng a rd1•n•1• ii brought 111 lro111 I o .. A11gdl01>. "I a'kc•d 11>.iily Pilot< up rn nrd111.11or Ktrl..I Mch1111 .. h if I could bring 111 th1 .. 1l'f1°rt'l', a11d hr o,;tid ii wa-. lint•," l.inroln Co,11 h 1-rederick Wckh .. aid. "Ill' w;L., a FIFA n·nilil'd rd ('fl'l' 1 hl' l·.1gle .. thought till' rd - <'fl'l' would -.how prefen·tttial treat111t·111 to I 111col11 .md Vl'lm·d I hi' idea of l'Vl'll play· i11g •• IWO·rl'ft•rt•l' 'Y'>ll'lll. " I hl'y p.11d 111 gi·t .1 rl'I hen· and tht•y l..11C'w 1·a1·h other," C:.1rdl'n I la.II < '.oarh ll1r l.. Mor't' .,;ml 011t1• Ille' g.11111' did <,I.tr!, lhl' a1·twt1 wa .. 11111 .. 1,1111 J\ll'x 1\1.tdllll>. Imm < .1rdl'n I lall applil'd pn·"11n• with hi~ hig ngh1 111111, 'l'1td111g tlw ball 111111 thl· l 1111 oln .r111w through- 0111 thl' day. l'ylt·1 !\ring .111· .. wt•n•d for I m c11h1, <lllJd..tng lhL• lt'llll'I of 1111' fil'ld 1111 till' I .eopanl~. Tht• I.a~''' .. c11rt·d fir.,1 whl'n Ben Lapaldt look " throw i11 from I revur l);iv" and .,licrd through 1lw L1111 oln tll'll'n'l' i111.id(· lht• IH ya rd box and plan•d Llw h,111 in ... de 1lw left po't Mor<,e la11·r rel'l'ived :i />l'nd ing !Id'-' .11111 out ran .111 1.k fendl'ri. and 'er\I a '>hot lhal I hm11111·d oil 1lw ems~ bar 11110 1 ht· nl'I fo1 .i :! 0 Carden 1 lall h·ad. Lrnn1ln 111ade M111w ofTen · ,,ye IHl'>hl''o, 11111st notnbly hy Kring. hut till' half l'lldl'd with till' 1wo·goal l·i1gles advantagl'. li ncnln a ....... 1ant coach Sa- '"11 Sadri 111ld his players at the break 1ha1 in order to !olUfl'. I hl'y llL'l'ded to pass. "You h"'Y!-. '" c dilly-dallying 11111 thl're 1ryi11g to dribblt' past 1·vl'ry11m-." lw .. aid. "Use each other. !Cardt•n llall) is spread- ing 1111' fil'ld. rhat\ Whal WC lll'Pd Ill do." l lw kid!> wok 1hr coach's .1dvin · and hl'gan to play more .111d 1111irt· 1J11 the l:.1gles' ~ide of tltl' fidd. lll'l'd W1llta1m, a fixture in 1 ht• Ll·ctpard ufTen~e all game, took a l'l'lll1•ri11g pa~ up the 1111cldll· of lht' field, h111 Carden I lall goahl'llder Slt'ven An· dr1·w '>11111 down lhl' chance. f\ 1or .. e and Maddox led a co11111era1tack, pulling Lincoln on iii. herb. Ju'>Lin "lam finally 1 ll'Jrt•d the ball for lhe 1.cop- :crcb. fl..ri ng wa!. ahll' 10 pu!.h tlte h,111 till' other way for Un- rnln, .md hl' Oip ped a nice 'hot from right·to-ll'f'1 over the gm1h1•11tlcr\ lwad. but the hall wa~ 1.ligh1ly oil-target and Wl'llt out ol hou11d1>. Knng gamed pm,.~cc;s1on of the ball again mid sc•nt a nit:t' piL" to Willtc1111,, who plared thl' h.111 1wrfrctly in Lhe top- right l'llrtJC'I of thl' goal and inrh I 1nn 1ln 110..,er. l. I. With a lit' 111 ... g111. IJncoln pu~l1l'd hard I larri .. on Rolfes had .,11111 1>.111 widl' nght. Wil- ha1111o pu .. 11l'd up the middle. l'hc I A'OparLh even had a five- on thn•e rounteraltack. B111 w11h l'ildl wt1vt· of attack, the < .inlt•n I tall lil'fett'l' .. 1oml its ground. l'IH' pres. .. un• by I foc.:oln ll·d 111 a t·ountl'raltack by the I .<t~t'' wlwl'(' Maddox flipped " 1m..., 10 C<ipaldi. who nipped the hall into the nt'I for the 3-1 final. "Wt• knew this W<L'> .:oin~ to he " w ugh game," Coach MorM' said. Carden Hall's Alex Maddox. right, tries to move the ball upfield past Lincoln's Alex Ludlow in the Daily Pilot Cup on Friday 2 7 s a 2 2 7 7 ca a ·a s··aoo· ·-······· ( r. b h g a r. il n F St Ci a bi l F d H b· a l Ba Da laJ flir Irv th( tht the C:o ley Iii~ \ ior pre wh net kill! Ile jlUl ner I helt Sot.. the the ing· T in ~ han mat Nev Sch reat .illy on t "I well play Coll NA! all f well tow II high l'hl'l crm~ IJ· !Ian cum unel eted help Sc Beac.: playi Kc (rtm jumJ Es conll !ituff Th tum, nega· on 11- ond f Wi first ~ third. and: towa.1 ., who Newr Oub form< expec never Ing to Its paign with SE Conti1 beatir in om ior ac on th anxiet C.or and a tbn.>e ' offs th last tv three-· "Tu nings allotm a&1r:r I ________ ,..w_.. ____ ._, .. , ___ P_•-•""·-•......,•-•-•""'3*_.W_..,,_,.,W_"_,._ ________________ -.--.,. ----. -• - - -• -· • -• ·--. -·· ·----......-- \ I' <) I~ I S COLLEGE BASEBALL Anteaters miss opportunity in 7-3 setback The stage was se1, it seemed. for the UC Irvi ne baseball team , but the AnLeatcrs did not deliver in their debut at the NC.AA re- gional Friday in South Bend. Ind. UCI !aft 12 runners strand t·ll and lost. 7-3, 10 Arizona at Notre Oame. The Am eatcrs (34·22 -1) also missed out on a favorable rnatchup, us Kent State upset the Fighting lri!:,h, the regional's top seed, 2-1. · UCI, which defeated the Wild- cats twice and tied them onre i'n a February mall st·riei., will try 10 bounce bal'k in tlw douhlc- 'l·.all'r,. eliminauon re· giunaL TI1e Ant· t.'illcrs face Neun· Dame 149-11) lu day a1 9 .1.111. <..lcnn -;wj 11..,11n will "Lari fur the "We had a lot of opportunitic~ to l'a~h i11, but Wl' weren't able to Kl'I tht· big hi1." lJCI Coach )t)hn Savagl' 'ai<! hy telephone. "They walkl'd ... ix. W'e had 10 hits and Wl' ll'ft I.!. otl base. It was ju:.t a frusl r.H ing nighr." llw \Viltlc-ji.. t3 1-24·11. till' """ designated V1s1tors. scort>d two ru us in the first. UCI left the bases loaded in 1hc first, but later cam e back w1lh 1wo runs in the third. Mall t:i.'>hcr. Jordan Szabo and ( .ody Cip riano had single:. 1n the third. With the basel> loaded and one out. Mark Wagner siJ'lglcd 10 l'entcr field, bringing in Fistl('r. i\11 error in the outfield alh>wl·tl S1.al>0 lo. score. l1m Stewart .singled lo lo.HI thl' bases again. but David Ken 11cdy hit into a'6·4·3 double pl:iy 111 l'nd tht: urning. HIGH SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL Ari1.ona scort'd single runs II\ the third aml fourth inning!>, a\. Jordan Brown and Dt'rek D1'l'atur 'mackl'CI '>Olo home n 11h . llw Wiklrnti. puUetl .1w;1v w11h .1 thrCl'·n m sevcnih .. 111 wllh lwn out:., 10 ~nib a 7 ·'.!. lead. In thr Anteater "f'Vl'nth, UU had Lill' hasl'S lnadt·d w11h tllll' 0111, hut d ie.I lllll SCOll'. Matt i\mlcrsn11 had .1 ... arntkt• lly ICI Sl'Ort' ._,t'llllt'dy 1111 I h t• Ant l'att·r.,· final run 111 the t•ighth. lun1ur righl ·ha11d1·r 1111·11 'm11th \\l'lll ti inning,, .1lltwm1g '" nm' on l'i~ht 1111 .. t k ''°'l I<. out 'ix ani.1 walkl·d 1w11 1111 l l ti pitches. \~lb. the fi.r~t ye.Jr pl.1yl•r dmft looming Mc111tl.iy, 11 111.1y lmw been .Sn 11th\ fin.ii 111lil'g1.111· 0111111g. "It wa-;11'11111t• 11I hi.. hl'lll'I JH't lormann•,," '>.1\,1141· ... 11tl "I k wa~ too exdlcd. I It• -.1·ttll'll 1l11w11, hut you ha\ll' to g1v1• Arf1011a crt•dit. 'l'hl'y dill a n.,11 111l·t· joh 111 111ak1ni; him w11rl. ll waJ.. a littlt· 1111 of hint .md .1 Jr11lt• 1111 111 1111°111 .. h-.hl'I w1·111 ! toe .I. wl11k \/,1 ho .111d I tpn.11111 .1J,11 h.1d 1\\11 I 111-. t'.tt II ll1rhard l\krrndo led Ar11.1111a wrth a .!.·lor-4 pt'rfonnc111re Lhat l'illlll' \\ iLh th tee llHh Wildl·at:. ,t,ir1t·r i-olt•\ lo..11lhl•n 11nprowd to ~l h. gl\ mg 11p t•1ght 1111 ... 111 "" '" NCAA re&ionat Ari:rona 7. UC Irvine 3 Score by Innings A1tLUll.I .'110 110 tO'll I '" t UCI 1111.' '"~' 1110 I Ill I Kulli"t\J, Burn~ 1 II .111d llut•dlt•v Smith St111t"" \lt Ktll'hlt•r I'll 1111d Wfhltl••r W J<.olhti"f 't ft l '..;r1Hth ti 'J 511 Bt1111~ IJI /li ll11y1•1 !Al ll1111.1hl A tUI lJu• '"" 1/\ ij""'"11 tAI IEWPORT UllTED SOCCER CLUB AYSO AHIUATED • M[MBER LOAST SOCCI R Ll AC..lil UCI-bound Wilson shines NEW SOCCER CLUB TEAM NOW FORMING FOR GIRLS UNDER I l (Born on or o~er Augu~t I. I 991) Future Anteater denies Eagles' Hartwell MVP award by leading South to a ll -star victory. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot 1 llJN11N(;Tt >N Hl·J\CI I -b - 1am.ia I ligh 'l'lllllr Kris I lartwdl flirted with MVI' honors. hut UC: Irvine-bound lrJv1~ Wilo;on h'tl tht' South bo~ lO victory lo claim Lhe ult11na1c 1mhvidual honor ai tht• Dave Moh' ~kmorial Orange County hoy~ anc.1 girb all-o;tar vol- leyball 111a1rht·, rriday al 1-.clison I lih<fl. Wilson, a <~piMrarw Valll'y sen· ior whose Ii-root 7 fr.une and su· prcmc a1hll·llC'1o;m may he jusl what UC.I Coach 101111 Spt:rjw ne<'tb. rnlll'l'tl'C I a lt'alll·high \IX kill~ in 1hr 22 25, 2S·22. 15· IO win I le alo;o Jcltll'd lwo stuff block.,, a jump '>l'rvt• au· and a -.crv1n• win ner. I lanwC'll. lt-i..'i Limn ii wt-ek aftt•r helping llll' I ~1gll·~ dairn thl' C:ll Soulhern St.•rti1111 Divi:-.io11 Ill litk'. the Pnlh'rnm's li"'I C:IF crown. W<I" the difTcrt·nn· in lhl' North'~ opl'n ing-gwm• lriumph. Ille 6·2 uut,itll' hittl'r, malche<l in ~111h l.c1-Loach l'mrcy lngm- ham\ h111·11p with 1.,1a11crn tl'am mall' Jo'h K11m1w1y, as wt'll .Le; Newpon I larhor 'tandout..., Adarn Schle...ingcr and Morg-jn < 1<M1ar-;, readwd a hight'r k-vd, ho1h liter aUy <1ml li~ur.1tivcly, lh;m anyont' on tht' noor Ill lhl' li"'t game. "I w.i' pu111pl'tl 11p," s..1id I I.in well. who i., <.lending hl'lWl't'll playing ll t'Xt yt•ar al Orange Coa ... 1 C:ollc~t· nr J11l11N•11 & Wall·"· .m NAii\ '(;hool 111 I wnwr. " 111i' wa' all for fun. hul I \V.llllt'tl 10 pl.1y well and 11 "' r111ltl h<iw ht't'll 1111T Ill Wiil " I lanwl'll li111,ht•ll wllh .1 11·an1 hi~h \ix k.111,, lllCl'-l of which d11'W rht'l'fl> of .1ppmv.1l from lhl' crowd. I Ising hi' notahll' vertical lc.1p, I Jartwcll suarrd ,1bove hlock.t'" to rnnvert Schk•.,i11g1·r 'l''"· 1 ll' ni11· Lincly hit owr blockc"' ancl rot·~ ctcd ont• 'pike ofT thl' fau· of .1 hdplt~' hack-rnw dcfendt•r. Schlr.,mgl'r, hounll for I J111g Beach ~\jll'. rnlll·<.:ted 16 .t-.,1 .. i.... playinR lht• fir..1 and third game-.. Kornegay had 1w11 kilb. wh1ll' C rl1v.iar... had onl' loll and 111w jump-~crw me fstanda si•nior S<.:oll Sankl'V rumri hutt•d ft}llr kill~ and C111l' st11fT block. A' 'fhc North seizt.'tl tJ1e momen- tum, howi:ver. with I lanwell, Kor negay. Schll'.,ingcr and c;oV<tar\ on the bench for mo ... 1 of tht.· <;(.'I.' ond game. Wilson. ,v110 did 1101 play in thC' tir il game, ~1am.'<.1 Lhc wcond jlld lhinl, launching kiUs over hkx:ke!". and sloping sin Jing jump S<'rvl.., toward relur wnt North passers. "I was n•;tlly excitL'CI," Wilson. who i,<\ now competing for the Newport Beach-based Ralbo:i Bay Uub proW-Jlll, said of his pN formancc. "I tlid11'1 know what to expect, coming in. because l'w never seen one of 1hcse match~" Ingraham, who g\iided Fstancia 10 ils unprecedented Litle cam rajgn, shared coaching chore.., with Fountain Valley 1 ligh's 'lbdd SEA KINGS beating the same 1cam fo ur times in one season, bul he'll have sen ior ace left-hander Blake Contant on the mound 10 help ease his anxiety. Contanl. 11 ·2 with four saV('S d a l .83 P.RA this season. has bree wtru and a save in the play· ffs thL'I spring. lfc is 16-3 overthc t two seuson.'i and 19-5 in his ree-year varsity career. "Tu have Blake with eight in· (of ~ IO-lnning-per-~ lllntnvm1J: wt\at more could you • F.mme said. ·He's getting the YM<I\ I 'llN 11111 i It!\ Tito! teAm t• opeu w "'II \\:\I\ pt Of.'"'"vr 111 tr lul• \1l 1yt·1' 11ul plJycr\ wnt1 1dv.1nc c·tl \uCt c • \lr1il• W E ASK: MARINE CANO, 1't1l'C1tJ1 ol "it>1 •er orut Wn111 ""I"'"" C '"'lo It''"' u .... ,,~11y ol C1l.tu1111"1 I ...... (llCI) TRY OUTS: Wt'd1tt'Stl.1y June 9 }()()4 lrorn S 00 l'M 10 6 JO PM '.> 11ur d.1y J11H1 I] 1004 lion I 0 AM 10 11 10 AM LOCATION: BACK BAY SCHOOL For further in(orma11011 contoct. MARCO ARGUE TA 17141 \71 7616 LARRY CANO t '14'11 /60 Hl~4 Estancia H1gh's Josh Kornegay m. f1nng a kill in CIF playoff action, was among the players on the South All Star team Fnday mght m the Orange County all star volleyball matches at Edison High t l.111 .. 1111 J lit'\\,,.. It >t.rlh 11111.' 'Ill' -..11d h1gr,1h.t111 ,11,0 11111l1mll'd th.it 11'.ornq~.1y. .1 lour >'\•,1r v.11..,ll\' ,t;r11d11ul who 'harnl ( 11lldt•11 \V••..,1 l.t•ag11t· MVI' ht1t11ir' w11h I l.111wtll ;11111 m.1y do tht• "''I'll' whe11 1\ll l'll l>1\ls11111 Ill hw111n. arl' an nm111n·d. will l11111imw hi' i:a1v1•1 .ti till' I hll\.l'r...tly or I ..i Vl'me C.ov.t.Jf". tht· !'>l:'.1 View I 1·ah'lll' 1'l.1yn 111 1111' Y1·ar .1f1C'1 leading tlw \;t1l11r. 111 1111· lt"lh'llt' 1 mw11. " h11t111tl Im tlll' l1111wr...11y nf w.1 ... h· 111g1011 -;;1Jw 11111 ~ 111101 'c•111111 Kevin Jnyi·1• w;" 'l'lt•rfl'd 111 thl' N11r1h, h111 cot1ltl 1101 attend, due to a n 11111irt with hi" ):{mdnalmll n·r l'll IOllY • Jlw ._,<irb. 111.1ll h. wlurh pn.' c c'tll'<l llll' 1111}" ronle,t, f1·.1tun'tl a tno of Nl'\\J)(lrl J larhor 'tandoul' who pl.1y1'<l fur tlw ~111th • .. quad Lhat fell. Lr; U. I ~J l.'i, I !'i 11. tu lhl' N11nh. l·omll'r "-1tlor '>C'ller Kellie King u1ll1't'tt'cl II a ... -.i,ti.. one arr anti hnll and h1.'IJ keep tlw hall We'll <lo what wt• do with lllakl' 011 1he mound ,u1d wt.'11 be happy with tha1." (mHant wiJI oppo<;e junior n.;11 hantk r Aryan llvans. who J<; 11 5 with a l.46 ERA. Evans h.'L<t thrown 1w11 t\hutouts in the play- off"-a two hitter again.<>t Temple City i11 tl u: 4uarterfinals and a four-hit. first round win over r>uartc. In addllion. P.vnns lhrew rwo scorelC'M innings 10 save 'l\wsday's scmifinel triurnph. (..ontant outdueled P.vans in C.dMs 2· I win in tlwlr last meet lng. CdM is hlttinR ..358 as a team. whilt• Tesoro clleCks in al a .348 ww -..·rvitl' \\11111t'r. \\l11lt· lwr 1111 11wr 11.irhor tc.1111111.111· ... 1\i\"4111 klllllllh" .md Laun•11 ~hllt•r .11 ... 11 cqm•..,1•nl<'d the ~llllh J1•11111ni.t."· a 5· foot-~) rn ll!tldl' h11 t1•r wl111 will n1111im1t• her rnn'L'r .it flll' U111vl0r,ity ofTexa.,, 1110~1 likl'ly 111 .mutlwr J>INlion, had two kill' h1day M1llrr, ... 11JJ rt•covC'rinR frum 'ur gl'ry 10 rorn't'I a problem wuh pa 1dl.1r tl'11d1r1it" in hl'r left klll't', ... aw hmitetl actmn, primanly .,\Iii btng m In ...crve. It Wd.'\ Ilic fin;tl cnmpt•tillvt• vol lcyhall appcara11n.' for k..inKo who will roncc111ra1e on obtaining .1 bu~int~ dt..i:,"'l"l'<' at Ceil Poly S:1n I A 1is Ohispo. King said .she had 1101 pl:iyt'<l '111c<· 1he fall c;eason. hlll any n 1 ... 1 111 lwr garnt• w.l.s difficult w d1·11't'l "I thoughtJ did well. rn1Ndcr 111~ I haven't playt'<l," '>he "ud. Millcr. who undcrwt.·111 -;urgc·ry 111 l<'hmary, ..aid she is JU'I m un· than hJJfw.ty tltrough the pmJt'l'I cd 'I"' m onth 1'1'habilitation pc d ip, ll1t· Sea Kings' big hati. .in· wi eld('(] by senior first h,."l.'>Cmnn llarTCtt Sprowl (.495 with fuur home runs and 25 RHlsJ. All-CIF senior designated hitter Josh flradhury (.378, 11 homers. 2•1 Rflls). junior third baseman l)'IN IJmce (.421. three homen.. Z:I RRLc;), senjor left fielder Nik Pal chikoff (.316, five homers.JI Hills) and Jtmior right fieJder Wess Pres· son (.3.:.17, three homers. 24 RBI~). Tusoro's lop hitters include· jun- iors Derek Craddock C-182. four homers. 31 RBis). Curtis 1 lill ( .. 482, three homers, 24 RBis) and Nile Nebon l~'lRS. four homers. 22 RBis). noel. I ht• 1 !11111 11 1111h11ll· h111t·r. ho1111tl tor tlw I l11cvt•,...11y 111 i\n /A>l\,1, -..ml "ht• '' "till 11111 qt1ih' ltlll'\i,, though 1h1· 1111lv 110w 1-.1hlt· '').(" 11r Ill'' 1111111v w ..... 1lw kr1t·1· hran· ,f11· WClrl' "I lt·d likt' l rnn do t'V1'l)'tl1111g. 1>111 111y dot·lllr... haw told nw nm to," M illl•r <;<ud. llfl«t 011111Ja l ligh <,t•111or Hntt.1111 I rn11-..k·11. who 'f>t'arlwndl'd th1• 11nh v111nrv .1ml '' ho1111tl l1H \INIV. \V.L' n~111N,I wrl' MVI' CARMACK I " I \1111'1 II11 I 1 WE ARE PROUD TO HAVE BEEN SELECTED TO PROVIDE IN SU RANCE FOR ANOTHER FIN E PROJECT f'rOJI'{ I S43,000 Sqvare Foot Office & Warehocise luffdiftg I rn .1 1111n: Rlalto, California Black & Dtdltr ( )WllC'I Prolc9s y,.,, Ar< h1I<'( t· RICZ, Ttsftl Pft•,1ftc c.11/ our Dt•vclopnwnr .\c•rv1c t·~ Vcpartment 01 11matl mfo@c,umac kinsurancc>.< om 11 we may~ o/ .\t•rvru• on )'OUr m•>o,/ hwldmµ f IW/t'< 1 I o o o <i" .11 I "11 1• t• 1. "u 11 I' 1 on. N ,. w p" 1 1 u <' .1 c h . ( A t' l. 1i b o 949 .851.383() ' --~--~·---.-------~~------_______ , ___ ........ ...._ _____ ~_ -"~-~---------·...---.... ·-··----· ............... ~-··;..,·-· ..... ·---.......................... .._. __ .__ ----- 004 87 :OOpm :OOpm :OOpm :OOpm OOpm .OOpm :OOpm ~ >• l Sba pt! pa1nl I C31 K'" '91 4630 11"" ., •• 11<' l~und l mo nu 119 44?!> !MOOWO "' lt!J'W rflW l'b.I 1 c }.~}{l) _......... Br 1 !.Ila up$ avail an 3938 7!pt 3 ' ...., I\ \>. I ill., wd ~ocom >42 1800 lbr 7b• nl 10.tde/ ' a•••a• '93 4631 "&. pflme ill Cklt. I $1900 \94 tDl3 h I GOfl1plele 7 • (11\1, g '<.hOok 7003?7 AUS r HOMIS :lAl.TottS ~,., ) ,. .. f. ts t.onOo ~" bat 721~ h lo 1..y 1mmuntly !S2Srmo 1400 nth•wt•, 1, bakony Vsp• aat Pl Nr HG.\fl ocn/bay we! 2 C 18 19116 1br Iba J condo •/d .. aaent 673 7800 ........ ·--« --... · _ .. ~"--~ .... w, ::s :w azs:z:E:s ---s -=••••••1aaas u aeasss ccass zascasssaczzz ass sou M ~tu..day, June 5, 2004 Daily Pilot DAILY PILOT CUP ·Te Winkle holds firm Strong goalkeeping, opportunistic offense s park 2-1 wild-card win over Anderse n. Bryce Alderton Da1lyP1lot COS'IA Ml•.M -TeWinlde ~oalkeeper M1d1at•I Uedtke ex- c11lplillcd wlt111 hi!> couch said had c.Lrrie<I this boy:-filth and .,ixth wade ... nc:cer team tu tlw hrink 111 tlll' 4u.1r1l'rfinah 111 1h1· ~ult.I 1hV1MOll uf I ht• ().iily l'ilut Lup. Ill' ~111otl 111') w uu11d . lJnh kt' 111,tdt• four 1'4WC:O. tlJIJ 1ean11na1t• Miguel Vill.ifucnt· '>l.Ort'll IWll l(Oali> Ill lead lt·Wi11 kk to a .!· I v1C1ory over A11Jcrscn 111 Ollt' t1I three wtlt.J-<.wJ >'arne~ to de1t·nni11e whkh two reams advanrcd to today'<. 4uartcr fina1'. t>1·s1111t• 1 ht: cflon, ·1t-WinkJto\ poinl 1111al was one le:..' 1han f'ilht•r I larhor Day or L<1rdt•n I laJI. wh1th ho1h moved on. TcW1nklt> lo:-t to Killyhmoke. . 1-:!. 1"1111rsday, h11t Coac:h (;eor~c (1Ullt'rr1.·1 ~lid hb team nm tnillt•d llw tempo in tlHtl i;:a111e, mud1 till' "11111• way hitlay\ 1111111·'1 unfottlt'<I. ~·1 ht• kid' diet .twe,onu:," C 111 11 .. rn·1 ""d "1l 11.·d1t..c·I j, t1 ''nm~ GIRLS~GOlD Kyl<1Wlnkle Uncoln LM>t»rds Tava W1nkl11 Kavtoo PUtiolla Claire Hamm goalk.eeper and the strength ties in our defense and forwards. We were able to rotate lots of players on defense.· Ironically it ww. the TeWmkJe dden~ that gave the Andersen 1.>olphtm. their only goal. wi th twu minutes remaining. A free kkk from 20 yards out landed inside the six-yard box. and deOccted off a TeWmkle de· fender into the net. A TeWinkle defender. already beat on a break. pushed Ander· scn's J>arker Stone i11 the back to set up the kick. Ander..en, though. didn't have enough lime to ride any hiut of momentum before the whisLle suumkil. l11e Dolphins had their l.'hances tu lie 111 the ..ecomJ haJL Hrian i:onJ, up from h is sweep· er 'POI, hurst around the mid· lielden. before steering near the top of the Iii yard box. where he !>enr a shot that made Ucdtke dive lo his ril:ht 11ear the far post to make rhe stop. .. onl later got loose for another break and dn.>w a penalty shut when hl' wa:-tnpred from be· hJnd in the W-yard box . ford'' t:nsuinl{ blast h it the c:ro:.sbar and T(•Winkle quickly rnun1ercd with a 4-on-0 break. Hicky (;omc:.t !>ent a hullet from ahoul JO yards oul that An· dcN·11 ~oalkt:eper Emery Mnl- ROSTERS Coec:h: Dennis Vnarelli Brahs nar knocked down with both hands, causing a m omentary sigh of relief from the Andersen crowd. But second~ later ·rewlnkle forced a com er kiclc. that Villa- fuerte booted inside the JeFt post for a 2-0 lead. Andersen plugged along. but just couldn't chlsel through a tight TuWinlde defense. A11dersen's midfielders and de- fenders sent clearing passes to speedy Randall Stone along one sideline while Parker, Stone pa· 1roUed the opposite side of the field. In one second-half transition. Nelson broke past the defense as a d earing pass headed his way, but the official whistJed Ander- sen for offsides. Andersen defenders Evan Dean and Beau Attyah made subst.>quent steals to ignite at· tacks. but leWinkle stopped those charges. TeWinkle forwards Gomez. Villafuerte and lsael Villafana set up numerous sets. but Ander- sen's defense held strong with Max MueU1auser creating turn- overs. Andersen Coach Oan Ford barked praised his team's collec- tive effon. "It is the onJy opponunity all year for these kids 10 represent their school," Ford said. Claire McKinnon Elllabeth Budungham AJe )(ls Meruelo GIRl..S ~ GOlD SaruhCo11 ChnS1ina P8ge Sy<lnay Bromhol Martssa Cumming~ M..wMl"ll Corinne D11mon Shelby Pef8l Slirnh Kodd •ngton Roley Ldrar Mtlaghan Kay Meredith Davin Taylor Rulo Mad<hfJ S1m1nonds KJue JohnstorW> Molly Anderson Salty Evans Carohne Strom Carol1110 Wang Lalor& B1andl1 Allison Sd"lelln Kan Hanoodc Adrianna VVotherall Oanot~lo W1snosk1 Sarah Light Tuturn Non on Kelsey Humphreys Niki Ziik Ah Hdlhml Piper 8IOOsoe Madison Wooters Caitlyn Johnson Coedl9: Mike Perez. K;;tly Langwell Melvssa Alanis Malflson Grant Samantha Knapp Marit Vlletherall Kolsev Rustoyan Molly S1lvern1.11I Shannon Boler Paulina Leacti Paige Siyhanct Cold\: Toet Bui Alox Feira Maddte O'Connor ~ Chloe Haroer AMist.-.t: Ken Llluren Cltimenoo JamoeSearles Ale>t Benson Akl•e Oss1pofl Reln/ICtl Casey Thompson Ava Soleimany Kauo Curci Claire Eadongton RoblnYounu Coecn: Craig Co>t McKeN18 Dalton Coec:tt· Ralph GIRLS 5-8 SllYm Christina Young ~JimDamon Noelle Gooding S1rnml)M" Lincoln l.lloperds Coedl9: Dave KatoeGroke Shelby Bradt0 Wooters, Jeff Grant. Our lMfy O&--. al Ca1horine Kellg1an Knsten Coumns Kevon Sc::tleh n ~ Graoe Kennedy ~Com Casey Goldberg Hannah Bann11n Molly Leritins Cvnth111 Bui Mt.Ken.!18 Ludlow HMbo<D.y Allyson Bernardy Annabelle Pidgeon Alo~1m<lt11 Rrttnt11-t1 Maddy Ludlow Shannon Banh Natasha Daboul> Karsten Sigband Ashleiyh Srn11h Ashloy McCarthy Mogan Bathc11 Shannon Griffin Alyssa Wllhams Alh11Pr11'°' Madison Vrtarello N1k:lu Bord\ard Hannah Htlf"old Coedl9: Mncn N1Uu Warnell P111ge Bowle Allyson Elisalltma lmpagliazzo S1gband. Kit Curci S ffV( McCRANK /DAILY Pll OT Newpt>rt Elementary's Madison Jabara, right. tries to push the ball pas! St Joachim's Natahe Cortez. left, on her way to a goal Friday in girls third-and fourth-grade action. TRITONS Continued from B 1 srnred twice. rr.:im:esca Cappellini, Ricki Ar· chic and Brinley Siemoru,ma ead1 udded one goal for Newpon, which needed the shutout lly a1 lrast a 5-0 mllfl,"in to equal Carden 11a11s point to1aJ. But it was the passing that please<l Cesar t.appellini the most. '"D1ey connect and make friends,· he ..aid. 'They look. to each other Ill pass the ball and learn to assist moll' than lo scon:. lhey have fun with this." The Trltons took a 6-() lead into halftime. f.'ive of Lhcir first-half goals came within an eight-min· u1e span. Long scored Newpon':-S<-'Concl and third goal-; les .. <: than a minulr apan in virtually the same f~h ion. I . .ong twice burst past tht• midfield to control a pass in stricll' and dribbled lo within 10 yanh before firing acro!>.S her hody and into the leFt side of the net. "nl1c liitonsl are a good team,· St. Joachim'!> Meghan Oevenger ii.aid. Newport'!> attacks ktpt till' SI Joachim defen.~ hu,y. Sweeper Erin I hnklrman. Kirn berly Watanabe and P·aige R<-11 Wheelan.'! pro1ec1ed a goal ).,'\tan.l- ed in the fin.1 half by Olrbtina I .u· go and I lan11ah iWl•k in the set:ontl half. Newport's defense, 111 tum. hl'ld ur ttS end. k(.'Cping ~I. luar him out of ideal ~coring mnge. Jacki Cappellint in rhe fif't halt and Aly Dclbn.)()k in tJw o;i'( <111<1 p;ttrolJe<l the N1'Wror1 goal. Mile11a llunnancc broke fn.oe on Newport's Ali Delbrook, left, and St.Joachim's Meghan Clevenger battle for the ball in Daily Pilot Cup girls third· and fourth-grade action. ocnL-;ion for Sl. Joachim, but W.:L" oft en mer with n:-.is1ancc by New· pun midfielders. DEEP SEA FRIDAY'S COUNTS Newport undi"9 -5 boats. 92 anglers. 81 yellowtail, 2 white sea bass, 21 barracuda. 403 calico bass, 341 sand bass. 2 halibut. legal Notices 2640 Legal NotJces 2640 Legal Notices 2640 L191I Natices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Leoal Notices 2640 Legal Notices ~~·~--------~ Re*'-....., llmeS...... Jtu lnll11wrnu Jlflr•,1111-. .," d11111~ ht1\1llf''~ .f\ '~·"'"·~·11t1 "'lugv l 1•u '"II 1111• uf '11ull11 rn t .tt1f••l 1tt1• M1•d11 11 t;n1110 4f}.tt \ H,. • ., h 81vol /14 An•l11 "" t A 't/HIMI ~ll.·tH M111" t llfflll Ml> IJ/I Vol t "•'"I llwv Nrwp 1t I Jl;o u ll I A '1/hl1 t ......... .,,., ... ,, '' t "" •hU .,.it IPt .. , UHllVlffU1•I tf,tyf' itUU \I Ar ll'd IJ111tt~ btf\ttU"'\ V•'" y,,,, l~I A~l:lj,M•1 k I 1111111 fy-: 'tiJl,.tnrnt WA\ tflflld With thr l IHIOty t:lr1., ,,, 01 AllJi!M t.ount 't' nnO';/:.I/ 04 2004HU7t0 0Mly P1l11t ~"°' '> t l 19 76 /(K).5 ~~6't I fie*'-...... .... s...... The folfuw111R V"' \on\ At t< dllHli lHl\tnt~\ •t'~ •• I llu11 Whoh R• .. llv II I M(tfhti'(t:mtul 011.. Uun Wl11to 79() I Newµ"' t Blvd N""'l"l' I l!noor 11 CA 9ltit. l B•¥hw4J~ hi. (WY I 7'101 Nt•w1001I f\IV!I N"'"'Vt.•tt Rt1.td1 r A 'l?fib I ftti\ fHl\tllf"\\ f\ I 1111 111H '"" hy 41 .._,,, ''°' 1tl1<1n u •• v .. vnu ''"' '"'' ''°'"R htl\11" \"-/tit' Yr' Hl l'l!ll t'"lll flwAlh In• loan ltout 1'1•\l<f,.nt tht' ,, .. ,,.mttnl w'" lolod woth lh• L"'ontv l '"'' k nl n, "'""r Cn11utr un (Jfi 0/ 04 7004'9117SJ O•lly 1'1101 hmt S. I? 19 /6 7004 Saf.49 Actl"-s"9iMu .... s..... 1 llr lullowon~ 11r1 """ .,., £hone hu\uun., .• , fl) Oo•nRt f'o1111ly 1.u, loon (1111!1 II> llo.m&r t outtl)' fu\lom Ur1hf\ Ji'()l I Muullrm l'kwy I '> l •K11n• 11111• C.A 'J4'6SJ p,..,, M''1H1 C11p111•~ ... 2 lOl 1 Muull1>n Pkwy f '> t •aun• ll1lh r A 'li'fJ') l 1 h1i bu"",..'' '' c.on d11< ted by •n 1nd1v1d11•I •t""'" ynu ''"'ted 601111 bu"""'~ yet' No I' •ul M C•lPP•K• lh" \IAl~mrnl WH ltl<'d woth lh• County t.l.,k o l Uo •n11t County on 05/07 /()t 2004'HS11S Oaoly Piiot May I!>. 22. 79. lune 6, 7004 S.632 fit*-..... , .... s...... llil' IOllowon1 pet SOii\ 4r(" do1n&. bu:.rn,.ss •~ t.:~lolur "'" B1lloon Com "iny :nos S•nl• Ana Ave C"n~la Mn u (,~II 101111• 9?62 / Jellr ty Lowell Btnd1ll 7708 Soni• An• Ave Cosl• Mu<1. C~htorno• 9'1671 f h1 \ bll'H'~'' 1-. • ,,n lt11cl•d hy •n 1111l1v1rtu1I II ave y'OU SI•• l•d MonK b•"'"t'"'-yel,. Yts S, 101°" Jeth •Y l Bend<•ll lhos \t•ltfllMI WO\ toled woth llor C:n11nty Cler-ot Of•na• C:oor1ty on~/io/04 7004 ....... O•llY P1lol M•y 72. 29, June !J I ?. 2004 Sa&l~ flctlllMltlsiless .... s...... Thr lollowon& p•r ~on\ •re dOlll& bu•ine~~ ns Bo11arl Auloono l ove l!>7t:l l aladro C11 Ste A, Moss1n11 V1e10, f f\ 9?691 ChllKOrn, Inc (CAI 100?2 Pur I Cor Hun l•neton Beat h. CA 92646 Thi\ busmen 1~ con dull•d by a cnr po. ahnn lllVf! Y(lU \IMtrd doing busoneu yel1 No Chr"corn Inc Romy c11.pnan Sr tr et Ary/, l;h1tl hnanu1I Ollote1 I hos stalernent wn lolod with lht Counly r.1 .. ~ rif Or•n&~ County nn ~/?i/04 2004 .. 1760 O•oly Polol Juno ~. 12 19, 16 2004 Sa650 NOTICE Of OIVl>ED "'8UCA TIOH J ""-~ID SeciDrl 3351. R--.. ft~ Code l'U<lUlllll ID Slld!On1 m I lhrough 33M, Rt~ end Tot41on Codi .... "°*" "' Pow. ID Sell Tu-OllN!ed "'-"' In end b OrW1QI County Slllle cl~ i. beef> lhoded end~ ID....-.....,.,.. d ger4l'll ~~In r. coiny A portan d ..... lq)Nn'" Nell"' Mtl ~ NolC8 •'*'°'I QMn tNI..., P<Ol*1Y .._Ind n --.111 Otl "'~ dMcl1bed ~.,. ,_"""~he Of men~ °' '""' iaM d orao.rtv Ot1 "'1tcll , ~ .......,. lln ti. beell ,__,_ tne °' mcn.,.... The l*tllll lolllld wtl bealn-. Mltld to hi Ml• ooledor'1 pcw.i In Ml Otl >.;, t. 200C. II 121lt A.M by opet1lllon d llw The le• oottltU'I OC-ID ... ..ill.,.. ..... h lllOC*IY e 9lflef rodeetned Of mecle toAl;ect ID ., NWnwlt llllt> d recllmp4lon ~ II pr'OViclld by ,_ pnar ID S 00 PM Otl Nl9 30, ~ Thi nght tu en.,....,_.. plllr'I ~on,_.,. JO. 2004 end, ...... dlllt. r.. erllor1I blNfa cM nu! be peel In Ml ID prWVWlt Mlt al~ 11 p.Allc ~ The llgllt d tedtmpCton ...,_ ... ll'°'*"f beconwlg Mtld ID h llOl"" ID ... tu•.,.,_.,. II S 00 PM Otl fie 1111 ~ dtly betolll ICM! ... ol h Pf'Ol*1Y by ...... oclecD ,., .nlormnor> -""9 r~ Of ... ......., d .,, ~ 111111 al~ .. be ~ l4IOft l9q.lllt. by JoM .. w ~. Ononge County lll..collc:tor, 12 Cl'flC C.. Plu.a. Room G-Se. S.U Ma. CA 92702 (714) &34-3411 fhe urcMI01 -., Oolllt tl<ld ~. Of!9"lllliJf dldlred tu-dlllullld .... b'll opjlCllll9 Ill P9'0ll rMmber The lmlMll doea rO lldidll lldc)llonel cl9floulltd \Al.II, ~ #Id ... f* ,_ llCDV9d llrQ fte dlolt d -~ ,Men. NU191.MIO IYSTtll EXJ'lMATIOtl lilt AAMMOr'a P8fl)lf ~ W'N). "'*' i-' ID 6ewlbe Pl'CC*l'f In hi Ille. rein to fie -...o't m1P boC*, W. m1P PIQI. the lllOdl (ltl ... ,,.., -IC)lllaltlil. Ind flt~ l*tlll Oii fie <MP P191 0f In'"'~ The_._ !NII» ll'IO ....... ...,,..,,, d"' l*Clll IVTOemQ ,.,. ........ 41V11!111Mt In ... -·· olllc9 ~RTY T~-OEfMll.TIO II TI4E BAH(, cmZENS Of COSTA MESA. NO~l -AP~ll).-06. (FORMERlV Y!All I .. FOfl M TAXES. SITUS NA 55-lll-05 0300), '3307 .3 I, TAGLE. ASIHllllDTI NIO OTMEll NOS73 ·AP424-let·28, 12m80. NESTOR. 37 PlYMOVlli CHMOll Of M FISCAl YEM YCAAolG, GAAY. 82t SUNSET OA. N0.582 • AP 530-212-23, "39 90. ,., .. NO 574 ·AP 424-Jl~27. 91346.12. WloHS-m:EET. 8REHT lEt. 2' YOUNG, GM't, a SUNSET M LAURElWOOO HEWl'ORT lfACH CITY N0.575 .Afl~l.()8, 1744.74, NO 513 ·AP 5JG.211t-~. (FORMERL V Ao19E2. PETE R. 319 E 22tC> ST ~2'1-61 llOI~ .. 71.38. SJOGfel, NO !1117 ·AP 047·101-02, '311279. NO.sn -AP~ •1uo. lNtS A. 41 CWCHURSl RO IMOTO. t<ATS\.U, 11 e 29ll1 ST JIMEHEZ. PETE R. 2080 ~WV NO SM ·AP OCt®-09, 1672214. NO sn · AP 431-2t~14. (fORll:Rl. Y IOl!Gm. MB.ODY WOOO TR AU.IA S 4»21).1401006 ~.~.a. I OW-, Of ldtdlft) \#ldlr PIMlly d IMP£RATRICE musr. 311 IRVINE AV POI.HEWS. W WNAAD 11. 200 '*""'· '* .. '°"'91*'9 • ""' tW'ld N()jf9 ·AP 9314IDM1. i toet •7. FN/MAYPl CIOll9Q. LEDBETTER. 8£RYL H -'I TR. 90 N0.571 ·AP 45-271-<M. l1414Jt. BAYCREST CT. UNT 63 GEYER. JOHN E, 2311 NEWPOA'T Ill 11/.lollllM..W ........ N0.579 .Af'-.-17, 11111342. Orwte ~ T....colldDr COil A llllA aTY HAMIS, t10HNE 0, ~ B..oOI AV, EMCUld .. Or-. Collroly. s.... Ma, UNIT 17 ~ Cll ~ 1t. 2004. NO 570 ·AP 1»Jl,2.Q3, $25'28 OC. MC LA.H, l YNN RSHEll 2112 TAllAOO ~QTY PVIL9U; Pl ..-oRT ~TA •M N0$71 ·AP•1M04-tt, S118141. NC>5to • AP '5).()l t .13. 11773.At OM.Y"-OT, CORVI. JOSE.PH A. m1 MILOCI< OR awl. JAMES TR,45111OMEN1"REE *"':;. .. H0.51' -AP41t-101-07. 1'49.91!: lN ........ c.1 .. I • . MUCMOTICI CITY Of '°'°'1 IUCH CJty cm a...,"" CJty"...,., .... llOO...,.,~ ...,., .... PIAml6 COUISSIOll AGOllA ..,......,.-.11, 200ht~JO~ I SUBllCl C:ar ty Re.,denre (PA7004 0791 IJ06/IJ08 '\1111111 B•1 t rant 'illMMARY An •11f}ul ul the Mod•ll<•louns Comonollee • dt111•I uf .. tequesl 101 appo uval ol • ModohC•hOn Permol to allow the oddohon ol an elev1101 th•I woll rAdur~ lht drplh of the t • 1\Ung <•1 pnr I pao kong •P•<e lh• proP0\41 tntludes a reque>I lu allow _).Kc ,., pni I parkonK sr••c~ in enr-1 n•< h 4 leel onto the 1eq11ored !I foot •e•r yord setback •I the Alley APPllCA !ION MOdolo c.lton P11rn11t No 7004 078 ClQA COMPLIANCE lhl\ proiect h•' hten • ev1fwed, •nt.I 11 h•S t>ern del•rmonf(l lhal 11 1s c.le&o"c•llY uernpl uod~r lhe ttQuuemrnh ol the C~hlornoo Cnv1 1nn1nent1I Quahty Act 11n(te1 Clas~ I (I 11ston1 t A(lllhe\) ? SUllJ(CI ll•hoa Co111llh1an Y alhl Club <PA2004 oon lfiOt B•y,1de Orov• SUMMARY Req•JO\I lo •~duce the roqu11ed on stir p•rkong lrorn 177 to ~ •Pat&\ •nd lo 1n cruse lht dry slo••at boat c•PAColy horn 100 l o 200 boat\ This rtquMt requuu <on s1ct.raloon of • park1nc w•••u pei Se<t•on ro 66 100 APPLICA ltON U>e Prrmll No 2004 001 CCQA COMPLIANC:C lhis prorecl ha\ b .. n r1v1ew,.d, and 11 h'' been del etmonell th~I 11 I\ cateaorocally eumpl under the requlumenb ol the Cahlornta lnv1 ronrnental Quahty Ari undM Clau 1 (f •••llna r•cll1t1u) 3 SUB If Cl Manner s Mlle l•nd~c•P• Sl•n d.,ds (PA2004· 104) SUMMARY R1l1tod lo landscape standards •P91icabl<t to pr09erl1es wllh1n t.,. Mtrlnlf'• Mti. S1>9c1fk Area Pion end lht Millner'• Mlle Oorl•y dlshicl Th• art1 1fle<le4 Is lho•• comm.rci•llY ct.sttn•tect prn1•ertlu with lront11t on Coul HIP••y M lwMn Newport Boule verd and lht Beck Bay Brklt• The pr09<)Hd amendment tHk\ to prowlde tlealbltlty In the apecles Qf p•lm trtts 1nd h1tf1n requlttd aeron the lronlap of reclevelopd proptrtlH APPLICATION Codi AtMndmenl No 2004· 006 CE QA COMPLIANCE Tho\ pro1ecl ha\ betn rfv1ewcrt and 1t h•' bren d~l•1 n1111~(t lh:il •I 1:,. 1 tJleunru •. ttlly t.u~rnpl "'" S ellrnn t!UOS (M111u1 Alie1aloun• tn I a11!1 IJ\e llmohtlonn~) »I t h ' 1 mp I e 111 ~ n I I 11 it Ru•d~hnes ut lht (.~to torn1i. t 11v11n1Hntt11l.tl Quahly A< t Publl\htd N~wp11< I Beath1Co\la M~'• O.ioly Pllol lune 5 i<I0-1 S.iMK FidlllMa.Mn .... s........ fhe lollowma Pt• ~·'M ire do1na bu-.i"ti'' ,,~ f' ac 1f1c. Pt ortHl t 11•" Crnup I ?01 lley W.-1 Cornn• del Mao I fl 9262~ Orr ck Bnul It••• 1211/ l\ey We•l. C11r unJ 11~1 Mar CA976?'o Stevr Mat•u~. 1 l4 ·o lelluruJ~ 01 . t;h1110 Holl' CA 91109 Jon P•ul Bell /'ol/ Crn tv1ow Oo . N1•w11t1•I Buch. CA 9266 l l htS. bU$lfle'\' I\ C. Ott ductelt hy a l!ftn,. •I paotner\hoo Have YQU ~tao f Pd tluoni,: bu"nr\~ yet' V~~ M•y ?!>. ?004 o~rtk Bmof hor lho\ Sldtcrnfnl w~' toled wolh thr l.1111nly (;f.,rk nl Ora1111t i..111111ly on 06/!M/04 2004HHSSI Daily P1lol J1111• 5. 17, 19,76 7004 Sa6'\0 MOOOIMlllG llW ADV9TUI& l9S NOTICE INVITING llOS tn be received un, or be I or c the ho"' ol 4 00 p m on I roday. June 11 7004 tor a nne year cnnh•cl cnwerln1 the publo,t1tn11 and prlnton11: of le&•I notice" or olh~1 male111I re 11uored lo be pubh\htd 1n 1 new1p1ro-.r o l een~· al t.1rrulatlon ublishtd •nd c orculaled In the City ol NewPQr I e .. ch tor F !SC.I Ye8f 2004 ()!) (July 1. 2004 lune 30. ~) B•dd11s. trt req1111ed to ~ubmll • COIJY ot the" latest ver ifoed f audited) cu cul1lton llaur.s hoon lht 1udlhn11 ll<m u P••t ol lhtir bod Oocurnenlalion mlisl bt from nudll1na firm L.v-• ............. CltyCi..t City ef N..,..rt •-" Publothtd Newpor I 8Hch/Cost1 ... u D•oly Piiot M1y 29, June 5. 2<Xl' s.M• ~ ..... ......... rlM followln. pel\On$ 1r • doint b11.,neu I\ TV N TRANS PORI 13612 Otympu>. Or , Wntmln$ltt, C•lotornla 92683 Vl11nt. Nippy NauyAn 136 t:l Olympu\ Or . Wnlmtnster C•hfr)I n11 92683• Thi• buslneu I> con ducttd by 1n lnd1v1du•I Havt •u 1!11 led d;QltlJ bu\Hlt!~' vet / Yl'\ 04 fl':i \Iii Vurn1,. N1i•11v N~:••Y"'' llH' ·\l,th•m1•11I W+l '- fll,.d with the f t•tJrtly tier k ut Ur .rncc t •1uoly on 04 Ii t)~ 20046983463 O•oly l'•lflt M~y 71 i'I hon~'> 17 /004 'i.•MU fktitiM IWntsl ._stat-.t the toll~wmg J>t'f '•'"" di t-tlmn~ Uti.,111•"">' ,1\ lho flntl•1U1h11o Mo11hcl '"It t'nmp .. 11y 74'>111 11tl f'rAtfn •701 l• "'·' l'omt t .lhfllt OM C)}h}i~ S lrvP y,.1. !Oft Av,.1110.i P1,.\1tt1u \,tn tlrm• nt•· t ... '1t1un1~ 'J2&n lf!ff I "•••It /4411tl l'lrl P1 ,u1u •/>hi U.u1.• l'u111I r-1oturn .. •t}hl'J I ,lt~ hll\111*'' 1'1. t OH dut ted tn ,, •~·· ncr di ""'hlt'!t'\fllp H14Vi1 VH11 •I tr 1t·d tl11lli(t t1u\lut-•., v•·t, N11 '"r•r Y•h·' I ht\ '' tlrm,.ul wit' filed wolh lht l.1111nh Clt~r" uf tlJ ~••t~w ' uunty un O!> llVO<I 20046911189 O••IV l'olot honP 4 I I Ill )'l 7004 I Jl'h SELL your stutt through classified! fictltiln lvliln1 ... s ....... Thl' folluwm~ ,,,., '"''' Jft• dUlllK trn•,llH">"" d oi. •I llAN()YMAN llf\N, b) ltf\NO't'MAN DAN, l) llf\NllY Ml\N OAN d) l>AN 1111 llf\NOV MflN 1 I [!AN llfl ltflNOYMAN 11110 W M•cA1lh111 Blvd • 14 S.1111 • An.1 r .tlo 1111111• 'I) IOI ll.1111•1 fl 11.okrt IOl!I W M,., f\o th11r H 1'\ \..tnld An.• f .•lttn1111,, 11)/0/ flu~ ll11,111c~\l t\ t 011 d111 It-it l1y dn 1mttvut11AI ''"'"'"you ,,,,tl .. tl ttnin~ hll\Htl"'"i" vet) N n 0.011i'I fl ll.ok~• th" ''"''"'''"''" w.,, lth•d wolh 1111 l.uuntv Ll11t k f)t Otdll~~·' C~1HHll'( n11tl'l/lll 0'1 70046917925 fl,)lly 1'11111 lull~ '1 17 I q 76 ?004 S.ol;~7 ftdttiM hNllns ..... s ....... I hi"' fr1llhWtnl J•rr Sllfl\ .o ,. du1ne hu~uu''' a\ f:r11li.11t f)~mollt l\iU .. nc1 Htlo111hl Seo ••It< 77111 Nrwh,•dR•' t ""~ f mi-\t 1..1o1111 "'• 'l/'6 IO O.wooy Wltlo,ino Cerm.011. 1/11 l Nrwh11d~1· I •k~ r "' t'I L•hln1111• 97610 ftll', h1"ll1~\~ 1::. COfl 11111.hltl hy "" ondmdual ll•ve ynu ~l•ol~d do•n11 b11<1ne•~ yet? Nn O"n Gto m3n l~o\ \laltn•~nl WA• 111~0 wolh lhe Counly Cleo k ol Uo .1ngt Cu11111 y on 0!>/1 l/04 20046•15172 n .. 1v P11111 May n . ?9 l11nt 5. II 7004 Sa&~4 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • fictltiln ltlsiless 11.es ...... lh1• loll••Wlrli µer.i111\ Hr t: Jome bu\ines,!a .ts Villa S•lllld&O 81 7 [ 70111 St Sdnla A11d. CA 97/06 CnMu~lo M llotlr 1guP1 81/ C 20th SI S•nln """· r.1192706 Tt11tr. bU~lt1t\\ t.S (.11n dul lrd by •11 111dmdual tl11v~ you ''"''~d ""'"¥ htt\lllt'~s yt'I' Nu t;ntt~\IPIO M Rodrtauet t hf\ \tt11temeol w11~ lol!'d with lhf, r.rwntv Cle1 k ot Oo a1111~ rnuntv on <I!>/ I I /(14 20046015461 Daily P•lol Mav I~ ?7 79 lune 5 7004 '\.i6l1 FktltiM llllillm llmeS....... lh~ lollowrng ptr w n• ao e d•J111g busmen a\ All Munchon& Innovation llMI 7601 West Ball RoAd An•hP1m. Cahtur Illa 92804 Mehloou I arnn3 Alan•. 2601 We.I Ball Road, Anahmm Cdlllo1 noa 97804 I urrukh ~ Alalm 7601 WP\t Ball Hoad, A11a he1111. Callfornoa 92804 This bu•nots-os con dUC lrd b y • gcnr1 Al par Iner shop fl ave you •la< ted 0011111 b1mn•\• ytt' Yes Ol/'/',/07 MahlOOI Alam Tho~ •blen1ent wa\ hl~d woth the County Clerk ol Or•nae Cuunty on 04/73/04 t004Hl3SS6 D•oly P1lol May ??. 79. June ~ .. I Z, 2004 Sa639 T1v l fK!1l I 'lf?<'rt"""' 11111., I l.i1/t rr/,.111 ploutJ t• .,.noult('t 1 11nt• innn 111111• 1111111L.bk ro nru• /ntirt1tun II'~ nU 1'11t1' ,\f.ARCJ( tht MIM far ,.... 111 M t7rt1W tft.rtr• 11,,J 11110, yttw tht mw 11.nJ 11., mp t• 1lw ( ;,,,,., I loNJt 111 S.11111 AIM. /-,,,,., •f '"'"'· 11jrtr 1ht- 1t1rrh io 1ampltr1.J « w~ll fi/, 11111r firrtriolll li1<1i1'm ,,,,,., '""''""" 111tth w ( .fW/11' rf;rt. f"'blu/t tMr I u...,i jttr jwr "'°'!, fl/ ,.,.111nJ., l.11t 11..J "1nt fi/, 'ltlllr prot1/ •f pub/1<"11r14" lflllh W 0wnry (/hi. f'ltvll mip by 111 fi/, JM' firt11111"J bim/lfJJ ""'"" •lilllnrtnlt 11 1/,, l'Mrl] l~IM • JJQ Ir&, St (arur Mru If I"" 111r1M1 ®' '1J. /'lrw c.U 11111(949!641-4 Ill anJ U'f ll•tll motr llmllltf"''NU for Jfl" fl "'1/IJ/, th1J /'rum/.11rr '1J -•l If JOI' WH.IJ "'"" ""1 ~nJ.n ifWJ'"llS. plNu '"" "' 111.J u ,.,,u ., """'11M11 ""'",, IJ!lj/ "'" (/iioJ '"'~ ,,, ,ortr ""'' btu1tll'U 1 Daily A Pilot ~'?$ff . C 9£7 'CS 3 3,5 SCCS? 2 2 t tr re 3 3 5 3 2 1 7 7 a a a rte'?' ft •• ta.,. te••.e 0 • ,., • _, .. ------ .......... --.._ --. .. ~--............................................. .._~ .... -. .......... ~ .................. ~~~~~~~------~~---·-··----.--___ ._ __ • #. • .. . J --.-- Policy How to Place A Deadlines-- l<.1tl'' and deadlines are subject to d1:111gc without notice. The publisher •c,cl\ c' the right to censor. reclassify. ll'\'t.;c or reject any classified, dassified J 1,pl.1y or display advertisement. Pk."l' rcpon any error that may be 111 .'our dassified ad immediately. The IJ.1ily Pilot accepts no liability for any 1•11 <t1 1n an advertisement for which it 111.1y he responsible except for the cost 01 the space actually occupied by the cn111 Credj1 can only be allowed for 1hc 111,1 insertion. CLASSIFIEAD -lil ~_onday .. , .................. Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm 1770 ~ .... By Fax (9~9°) fl.\ 1 -659~ tPlc.a\I.( lfh.luJC-\iiHJ! tlJIU\ .u1~1 i)t\1m~ """'lWf A"\l ¥.\' tl, o\ll \HU fi.&4.~ '41lh 11 pH\.t. \.Udh I Tdcphonc t\ 30.1111-5 OOpm MuncJ:iy-FrnJa) ~ M10-S940 Bv Phone (1i49) 642-567~ II ours Ind ex Bv l\ila il/111 l't•rson: • :no West Ba>. S1rcc:1 Cmta Mesa. CA '12627 At Newport Blvd & Buy C\t Walk-In 8 JOam-5:00pm MoncJuy·Fnday Wcdnc day ............. Tue. Jay 5:00pm Thon.day ........... Wednesday 5:00pm Friday ......... ., ....... Thur~day 5:00pm Saturday .................. Friday 3:00pm Sum.lay ...................... Friday 5 :00pm RVICE DIRECTO r;--~ HOS-5850 ¢ ch 80,000 Homes Each Wi $32 per week (4week m· Donna at (949) 642-4321 ' .. !115-2490 Collectibles/ M0 morabilia Garage/ 1160 Yard Sales Garage/ 1489 Yard Sales IOI' SS 4 RECORDS ETC lo • I k ~s & OOs 0111, • ~il-1, tube amps I • 'M'J fi 4 5 7505 £N TERTAINMENT Special lvents 1310 Pit It GARA f S lf IRVINI TfltRACf, CORONA Dll MAR 19th ANNUAL COMMUNITY SAll Satu1 day lune 5th 7 JO•m I OOpm ' Come lo PCH and It ••n• lertdCe D•m· (bclweert Jambur•" ~nd Ma•Arll1u11 Pie~ up d m•ll with ltsl ul addrc""' 1489 Cats 3610 Balboa Peninsula --------RESCUE 9 t I lit. • U1u trt.t1nt1r' H,1pµr11• Pel 1 lwnt• •, N•~d 11.111 Well Mdtllll't vd Adult C•h & Oldct 0"11" ''""'' 11ew l111111e\ fHlul)l A0111! Af1111Ml~ ~u ddV , ehJI ., Pnl11 v NWW ,u11m .. h1etwm-.. nq WOWI fi,,y horH w1lh (jrn lo. fuh t1f um'.r 1Jdf'\ llt klllhl'll w111dow\ 11f,.. t;. 111111• JBr l B• \I '>00 UOU l.•11 l•<k fut tl•l~•I' ':14':1 It i blU1 Corona del Mar OPEN SAT-SUN I I 4 4824 SURREY DR lllM7SO Laguna Beacfl OPEN HOUSE THIS WUIUND 410 l.ypre\' Or lu111 k ~y brdt1d 11~w r ~111vdc Nol u11 ML S ll•I c r lttd Shur I Wdlk lu ~••"'''· He••le• P••k /br 7b• SB2!>.000 B1 11ke1 Co op Ownt• Aal loh!'I I dlltlW 949 37? 0932 80!> 368 685!> Newport Buch NEED TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY OUR HOMES Of THE WEEK PAGE ON Ten;;h° Court h i°q1e 5~ bb• tµiJ•u • bOOCl\t on t I) .. t, r-' Nr J ,t\h1on I \ CJ1. .... ut & bdy 'tlfll'W' 8~1u1"' Mdl kl-1 VJIUt.: l l l~U 000 t •II f'<1tml.. f\:f"iu1· Nalh.JnwuJ1• lJ~A ':Wil l!~b •H(J', MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS Rental To Share 6030 (oat Coato M•••, 01 bal~ b•Y 2b1 I 5ba condo. 11ew urpel pa1nl Ii! deck. r P 2 t 3r 1•• .. ~, $1500 949 293 4630 P'orlt·lllte 1etfln9 tpoc CdM L!J lb<, 2bo, lwm, Jbr l b• 1111vat~ laund '"'~"' M.t•,tfli ~1111,. $850. wla•• SJ1;00/mo no t~ .tw lMlh S7.-, lt111 prd P•h llffily /14 719-44~ '>18 Ir" '14!:1 711 1197 WT SIDl ltlMOOBm T~tll.'W,_,._ 7bl "" ollt ?Ila ? ' i"" SI tro i11!1 9$D'>4/fJJ EOUAl HOUSllG OPPORTUllTY Sµon~ured by M•r,.n Pt11lhpp1 Pt0den11~I C•l1lo1 n1a Re.illy (949) !>66 1110 SPRING IUTHHS & CATS Dug' on ''"*: www~,.'tt~tl<.crg Ri6 !0 n 1M "'"~ .(J 1);,y lll'..,ftf1 ~ hi•<! lN...l oietltl.t..i, 1 ·""~" 1t1~h••nd• """''' • Laguna Nlguel uff•u 111j.l ""t' ul UH• ffflt"\I ------'---- SATURDA.YS CAN HELP CAU OPEN SAT-SUH 12 5 1943Pan~PI ~r 1dr "' O'fl'li'lhU\luv 1.•~•m pull Ha(bor Vu ~ hull,., Jiit lt1• tuu ll!dHY Ul.Jkf cHfl'~ ft, llttHI 111111• SI 7% 000 tlw1m l\1uk•• Y49 /If) 461/ Rooms for Rent 6040 HI 0.-View ~ t. •-· Pool, 1-. jocuul kitchen,....,, ~ w/d s1so1-949-SU-4S16 w .. ts1c1e ,..., ,........... 1ownlto1ne 3 lg Br. 2 !lb~ 7 L gM w/d hkup> ••ail I I Sl900m 949-831·393B H '•· 11 , •• t.tte advert1s 11 '''' utwspaper 15. , ... the r edet al •t "' 1111: Atl of 1968 '"' 111ft!d wh1c.h 1, ii tlltgal 10 1 , ,,ny pu~t~t 1111111,-, 1•011 or ' 1 , .,,, .. , 11111,, bcned on • ' 1 n•hg•Oll s~v I I 11111l1al stdtU~ 1 11 ur 1g1n or ~n ' 111 "' t 11 make any • '' t ,. f1•rt't14 r hm1ta· , ,., d• '• muna11ou .. ,, ~· ''!P• w1U not '' i1.., ,, c.eol any • ' ,.. 1d 1or 1e~• t I #t hit h IS H1 I lhe l•w Our ., .. I,, .,,. hereby II •I All dw•tl 11 1•1t tn ttu~ ,, 1· .tVdtfable .•I uppOt l\1n1ty ,.1 t •m ot d1\ Lost 1505 c~ay parrol w/rr.d I.lit red Id "''II Losl 5/31 IMgtl ~11111 ell, Haibc</13ake. Rcwnid 714-SU -7703 Stolen hdrtd m•d• SlUlplurt Of f tSh•I bUdt C•Pl•tn "Sp1~~ I. ~ feet ht~h S•ulplU!<! " ot personal det eased h •Md If see11 in yuut ne1v,hborhond ploa-. i.Jll 949-UD-7655 General Announcements 1610 11111 Sh.td<!11t Host I An11i.,., r~led 11..s Wlllttlt"I H'llfr School .1ge. ~rdrtt.~. Sjid111. l I\ W\.'\...._, Patd H.l'l r cc GIOS &tglhh A<""-my 714 .... 2-741' 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coast Coln Needs "'" ••-111..:I iv -.,, trut1 f dul !>.. W..Ocl\ •••• (I "•• ll<\111 'A:JtMLll'J Olllces tor Lease 4540 Old Coin\ 1 C:uld "'••• WTSIOI CM Otr >jll. ieweky. w•ldl<!• .iuhqu•' ••atl 17111'1 9'l0!.t J':iCT,t tollet11ble\ 94!! b4l 9448 119 !,.ti•*> \I •~JI!!! • "'"" (OeAI ltll.1 ')il<j.647 ~111 Cats 3610 tA#aWt Cots woh tor Adoption SA1 17 4 00 Pe!Smat I l.O,I• M~\a 1 /lh & Supt110t I Ne• I lu Mii.i~) ~4'>1 Jl71 Co I (949 642-S678 Put a lew word• lo work for ou. Prime Ollie• Sult• Appr o• b8ht. 1063\I & 12?3>1 "'SI l!O SI 981'~ nut N•wll•tt l Cenltr AvJ•l•bl~ l l l 746 &JOU t)ltt\41 ,,,,,t t AflO •I ot;>f11111\tl h1111 '" uuhw11 1M.l • .. , t11 , lnlt 1m Sb~A)n1111 ,., f~1AM 11•1 ')l<J~.l'lN1 LOTS/ACREAGE V•eW\ N111 lh ul f'(.H Ill • 1•o;' to pvt b~dt ""'' Jb1 ltl.t ,-.tt~1 etJ (oJ S, IOO 0110 Sl ~llO uuo lut!H M1Uc1 f II\\ ltcHtt 949-280·3 IOO Htghlondt 400 Uc ~ul~ f ~f I Jt.C 4b1 Jh11 h UIHl' lul \<le l(J 000 1111 ltte r.dll'tt1U 01 tdll ¥1~W t 11111µ~ I t""l "t' r ~m 11 t1 11 <j<j<j 000 \/tt P~let \On rt-tt:"r \11U I un~h u' •• , ... O"~'W" 94':1 ':12!! 141'1 Costa Mesa Open Hou.. Sun t ·4. 3367 Nevodo Ave 'um'''' lt'ly ftfllodded ,,.,, l ti •• Hum, ffr.wlttul ltt1Hl'~ '•1t'd Y-''d .. iltll(V rffu lt1•lt dll 91 .. w .pµl1 '"" tt•. ...inl\t • u~1ltq , ·'''""" fv "c11tf,•I ,w 11,u k 1tJi:httui , •Utf'd' ,,1 • 11 ·t•o 1 , .tll HUD toll I I ' Ill 474 8590 HO~E A=uc=lio=ns=======1483::;:; FURNISHINGS HOME FURNISHINGS Out Of State 4735 Ml .. outl Cottle or Hor<• form ~O "' ••' ...... ,"'~ ''""'"" .'0(.)(hf S/44 ""O By 11..,,,., "' .... ~ ~ ..... /14 l'>I ilJ/4 OP(N SUNDAY 12 4 /I /U H1Hdl f'J t 11.iftllllli.t tflt i k,1 """"' I .'UU~f lut UV~' .1dHJ f..111 hcrt & J1-•tt" qwt-t fl .. •tithbor 1'111tf1 Rv ownt'• S./99t\ WANTED ANTIQUES t '' f ' S•ylc r:umiture 1"/INO~ If. Coll•ctible1 . ,.. .,., ....... SS CASH PAID $$ • t •"'"''-- WF BUY ESTATES 'WE PAY MOii( $ FASTtJI" CONSIGNMENTS c:·:t:~t·::,'.~~.";.~:·,'" Wellnt11•1r ,, .Stlf'' fat lnl1rm1t101• [ 4tl 11141 UI 117' I~ 549,4922.: "m · m cgAsT At!CTI N ?207 So ...... St. s .... AM. CA t2701 •''~· -• •'84 "~ , ... ~~·6!Jrll'wi Garage/ Yard Sales 1419 "·o.i•ll•' .,.,,p ~· 10.4 • 1 ,,... VirN tht:.'<Jle wine •' tl.111 HHlhltl'<J tm\hd('I\ & , •.. ,. •o-r11 U1.-tnce Cr H8 Tu.~~T...,.... Gnt "'9" Sale wtl OCClf Sat h1111 '• ,.,.,:1nnm1 ltom x '"' Htt1111 m th~ fr vine f •• , r ,,, ,. r11·1ghhorhoud wt111 ~. 1·. lt1t 11tr"'tl wr.sl of f ll lfti I H1t'\I ltWY bOI • .l•-1Hf 11• lw ..... n Jamb0tee I lv·I It. Av ... ddO Bl•d . u' t>t11U•\td M~1 • N•wporl leoch • SAT 1-3100, 111'10 O•&na In. N , ,,,u iv tm "' weddma , , ""•1.,.11, """'1' ylhtni mu\' ,.,,, l\nl11111~ "'"~"' de~ ,., llWI JhlHO lurn hoH\t-hnld 1lf!m1.. bed IU II I ~ fttfll\ fn(')f@fl N•Wf!O<t klurtcl l ....... ,....... I IUHJHlh~r eqrnp., ,, "1111• h"n . rn, Sttit. J800a......Pl. ('..,....,. Sak, St11rmasler. t ,. am llH l•t.t.. encl ,.,.., ,,.,.. IM'" mlSC iteM.\ •I II I YlO'I Cltff Or Se your unwanted Items the easywayl Place a Claulfled ad today I 949 642-5671 Furniture 3435 Furniture 3435 NEWPORT CO NSIGNMENT GALLERY AHTlOUES & COLl.ECllBL.ES • UPSCAU' F\JRNrTURE PIANOS Ii ART • Rc1.,J l111,,. Kr.111 .. ,f • \\r \1•k• H""" I ,11, • t o\ \II KL I rn h • ( lnt \t1(\.f uf \ mnl' \\Utt' • \ om1gnm<'nh t-''-"'"t'i J)ul\ • h1~1t \•!<. I t·tt•I ''111'""''' • l\1111Jr.l 61 I ''' 11-.:d •Kl\\1i1 I ~Kll\\1\l flHlNIA(,I \1111\\l<t t(l,\t • 111 l rnl• \In• I nJ 111 \\ f ... rou. F?EE 888-434-07 2 2 !.1H 111..: I'"'~'°' HHlfl' \ht'''' I th1l!!f'I~, fiti 1111 to fl, .m-.1111 MO \ltf1J 1HJO fi11h '·"·"'·"" Uutlt tJ l uuflh y l u¥11r I(,. •II~ I 111111 6 l/ /04n HuMr .1 on ,At r ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Island HEW OHERINGI llf'I N!.IJNIJl\Yli fi. I.' 4 11 t t •• ~11n r.n.11 r AUld\IH I Of nt'r W~ttPt ftolll W btMhJtU k1 (ofl df vtt•w• • .i\b1 Jbd uµw.r .•rt e4J ~ltt hf*U llvtn~ tttut11 &, """" Uni~ 17 I Y'> 000 Ow1" Iii,~ £>7 l'ill ·II A~'.t.>111 Wt h.umt f'4fl 90·63 I ·1 SU EASTSIDE Lo .. ly gated I lllllll1111111y W ~ 'IUfTlf"' lht illd AIJ\)11" lb~I 111.,., S.mt ct A11.1 (t,.lllh y llull S66()ll tu l ) I()\ Cu ,,, w ..... ~t:f 44':1 /lJ fH> for Sole by Owner tlJr /6d l 1 ,tr gM il~l fJVllU' 1 onm\, llldV t-'lll~t 1010 "~··nt' / 14 /t-iO 40~4 WIN! WIN! WIN! Tickets to The 1 ~r>ID()V Comedy CluiJ & Restaurant Win A Night Of Comedy For You And 3 Friends! Just Mail this ad in for our weekly random drawing along with your name & phone number. Mall to: Daily Piiot Comedy Contest, 330 W. Bay St. • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Name Phone Best place In the world to advertise! Call today to place your ad Classlfled &42·5678 UN 1 II COX Clt•nnel •3 OPI N Sal Sun Sp.i lg 4111 dt'-'K"•' ~~·I 1 e•ur I >tyle .... bldle l U>IOnt ~uul >P• tou111.,,.,. V1~w> on it•led B•ar 1l1and R1d1t• Sl.!>00,006 Sl.~.cm PaU.::11 leito1e 9'l!Hf.6·971b Ndb)< twtdo USA OPEN SUN l·S 29646 P.a.-Way l,.,,~'ilU\6 I \IOIV !!ltd llM luwnhm pvt lrnm4t. Jbr tb.i Iµ, I'd&\' lh. l& ~ \do " bdl.ll yd $499.0CC Joe I> llten R1M~ ~9 533 '.b81 ( J) 949 63J.9b8/ (l ) I 61lditt.ll'k RMftlH CllANOUr YOUR HOUSE WITHA GARAGE SALE! W1 (949)642-5678 FIND ...... ... ~ lOIWI OOOlllll •••·S74-424S Allt GUIDIOUS m-m-•2•• OPfJI lKlUSI SAT·sutl 1-4 I I 8dlb•M Co•e' Jbt lb• I ot the tat w~'' & hd\I luh Ill B,1lbu.1 LIIV< Pvt duLk II.tr bu.it up IO .\611 """' 1cd11.-d lu SZ,100000 l i.1u• t,;11 l •Y•un Coutv• .. Re•I ( \IAI" (}49 18~ 87 ];' OPlN HOUSE SUN t 4 17 Lroo~ed $111 ~ K,u ~ cm ner tot BalllO• t'IM1 I "' ll• 11s11111uu• 011c f vt d Ro•d •0111mut11ly Jflr 3 584 AtJpttlA /bU()·.t Guunne.t ar drnte t'>l k1h.h I I &95,UOO C•ll P11111•11, P•flll•"~ 949 /06 3()()11 I LUHS TOWNHOMl OPEN SUN 1-S 4 Sfl VIH A TlUCHA A t u~lum 1Uli•ll1.1 .. hNJ \\'llUfHH '\n WH.h~ ii Hb'°lt lbl I !Ill• It S'l6!> 000 Nvr .1l~t Pduhv11 fh.-11\ty '14Y h t;I <>4KCI IAYfRONT W 7 '"'" I·~• 4br ''>b.1 bOOO ~t "'IJlt µoul 'P• & Wdl<IJ cult~ PoCru.~ lt"nutt> ~11) .. IWO. lM 'l49!(b9/lb Newport Coast WATlllMAltt( CRYSTAL COVI lJ11ub\trth. t~ct lht tn11t lop' 0• 11 & t ,,1,-1m,1 view~ lrum 1111\ rd~h.11 .~11\ ,1lWVt." f'l'lu 1HI l·ull l.lllH\t• W Vlt'W\ fro lll ll\.' I•• ~·c .. 11 \4 SOO 000 ~rl.i w~v, Y4':I t'fJ t/<J t IUST LIS HO lilt 2. SIA lip, 11 11 .. .,,. '>u~~av I? 4 18 l!.11gcmun II HM\ I ,111 N.il 94'1 HK / H'.11 Zero Down Homes! Fn:e oJmputcriLcd pnntolJI OrangeCoa.stFrccHomef nfo.org, Free On Pm Buuon REMAX RES fl! .iurr rn111 Rt t n 1\1 s ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula 1)2 ,_,_ 2lll :.>.Sba 3 ' p "'"°"' "'"" wl'.I Ill \>. GI ..,. W/'if"* At, wd 192:> /\t1.nwn ~ooom S ?I !>Otntu 949 642 1800 Meta Verde, ll>r 7ba tl(IU\~ ntw paint 1n~1de oul Ii yard 1 c o:a1a10 a1tl S2300 949 293 4631 &&.C*J ~•td.1 f u u l..I, """' \J M~ / l(; 1J '~ 7 di! If> ~" 'ft{ ~ .,.. d ~,., 96&".>91al ,.,. 210, ,,.,, to .onc11 Laguna Beacfl 100 Blk 1 lo~· tu t1JI Ott't111 -,,o-n_l_b_ld-e-. -p(-,m-e SJ JOO,"'" "'Jll b, I IOI. W/U<rt Vlt!WS. )JO Clift, 1949> 400 011 /l l'•o~"' I & 'lbr ••~ti Sl900 Yrty .._, 4.!10 N-!\A" dJI :lM w .. 11 1· • ,..., ....,..., l~ lnl. #14' bal Ufit) """ l.ue /14 4h!Ue Corona def Mar (101 HellU\ 'llht flt'V¥ JlH / ~b" ott h \f' w ~a11huw,,. f ~· At ,tff .' f W•U (h. C"dll 0'tk d "'~w Mu'-f •.tte t u ''""'~' ''''~ Klttm M~ml 1tll/ll lM Kh4'1 •'J.'10 www lilh mpru 1.on1 31r, l llo, Oc"°" lllew '1¥ i W l\ hVU\b Al ~d\ ~~\/t.>bu SJ'Y,l)'h, '"'' of I~ II '""" l'r'IJltY f)I li..tel lit /14 Ir/ IHI I •/7J S?'l001mo 949·494·~ Newport Beach 3tlr 2.st.a IMfs complele t<O•td w/d. trie. 2 c II"'· •t"I" 10 <,hops & ~hook S~lllMI 949-720-0327 YlAIL Y llASfS FINE NCWP<>ll MOMlS llU GIUftOY llWTOltS ••t-'7$-611>1 LAllGl S TUOIO PINT- HOUSE llersMlles •Ondo w.i1 p11nl l1lne5', b•I .. my SI ZOU 9d9 721 0889 21r. Ila, I SOft lo l.y PrrvAI# bt•cll <Ommun1ty ltnn•> •" \ 1525tmo lbr 2.Sbo i-.... -I•·"" 949 718 1400 ~lllhelf. ff' Wlllk 111 \11<~1' I e\IDl.I• anl\ ? l W·" lltlf $J400 949 6/ i /!()() Costa Mesa 2br 2l>o Penlhew••, i•led quoel art•. bakony •tew romm pooVspa, ~et s 1600 949 673 7800 9 50 11 Apt ,. At.uve tor VILLA IAl.oeA. Nt Hoai lllttc> and •tldoHd lbr I Sb' U>ndO ocn'bay ~·· dt:t Nl'w~r •••~ti •M!w IJ<)Ot spa wd 1 C '""""' lrl•• 9'\'l '>I~ 4881 ll~ll $1850 949 378 1'186 /Ur lU.1 tl11'•1t, mt Oceonfront Zb1 t b• 11t1t1U ucw ••Jmt AC tuahly l1pgrdded condo. ""Kl L 11•• .. ,.,1 6 I vrew b•llony, w/d,.aaen\ S 14!>0 mu 94'1 bl!! 4548 S1700 080 949 673 7800 Wedding Experifs SHOWCASE \ !7<each 421 doo ~eaders in Xelllpor/ Jleac£, :71afboa !l.sfcuuJ, Ow/a !J/(esa1 a cfef !7/(~1 Xewporl Goa.JI Ask about advertOflal space avallabtllty $90 Ibis chance in I.his field/ 6/icalion '!Joie: edne.ulay, ;June 2.:J, 2~ cSpace 7>ear//,i1e. 9rir/a_y, f/un(? 14, 2004 ANNIE (949) 574-4249 or e-mail onn. endrolisOlotimes.com 't -------------.-.-_ _....__.._._. . .._ ___ _,.,,........,._.~·-----•-·-·-·-·-.. -.-. .............. -.............. ,.._._, ... ,_._s,...c~-·t..1110--·-rtwo---·--· ... ·-· .... •-•-•-..-a-.ic -ea Saturday, June 5, 2004 I cROssW8;~'~uzn~ ACROSS b6 ~u ._,,, Bridge By CHARl.E8 GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH , \o\, A\c,~ lX) • lhrPf" s 1.'"'"" .,s Routai , ... ~ 9 111~ °"' • . "" Nar"'r • w'"""" 12 Like t>otrut hl(;ilt> 10 0.I Wl"lj t(>'JfTI 13 MCEn<oe , u' 7 I M•ld ,_...., •i. o • .a 1,... .. "V1 12 0oi ..... 16 W1litiwl01..., 1J W.IOfli'ul• 11 si..t•1111:.q>'1J'I ·~ t.os..o •8 AW-t1r'»l~ttw t11 <~I',,., v -~ ~f •1t .. ft. I ,, •• ~. j ''" 11 t. '"""of '' " I ,M,\1J,.,\, """•'' 11 0.11 , •• t~ ,tv ,.,,,, .#j ..... t , •• ,,, f-Kt"ot,,.., "'"' Jf At I •"'JI• 41 i·~·,.,. ,,, ,., ,, ·~ . ,, l bo t 1 ?bu ,, ' ,,, j DOWN •t U~b •11H> FntmA 'r.., r• • ' I l.t l1t "''' i ,•-•I ..... I; '111 I I ,,, "• I ~I,. • tt ;tf\\ '•,. ~ .. , ''"'., .. , "' f..' n ~ .. t T t'I• (,d t , (". •lC. tty!. itA , 1 r, .. , ." ... t t V.tl11J .,..1......_111111J • ! ti •tlf•' (U A,1\ .... ,•4thJ . f.;.~t·~,, ~I I ; P• I • .. ,, ' .. , .. ! ltlfl I If• t "-,,~ tt •1•t••1Wl•1 ' t~ Jf'!ti. "'' ~ I' • ... 4,llOtjl t A'1At" unit ,,, n , "~·1 .. lt illl f• 11.' I•, •""' f I ' " ,.. I 1 1 t ,I JI I i ,,.i I" I 11. I! ''· ,, PAlVIOVS PVZZl.l SOl. V£D 1. l.V!"'"l''""'- lJ<'tt\o'•tf '-.JU 14 u" lll~fl'\J t' W1ur I ( ~:,·~:,'f,. ~.1 Ir1-.JW llQI t .,11 4-, 'AiO '\, .... ,.~ t•wr +•IJJil•'l '>1.> ~n 'rt. "l ,,,..., "'"' J '1.u ,,.,., \)tfe\l\.f ' I• \.Kil lr1t0\J\ll ' •• ',;t ••• ..,. • ~I $c.11"Pl.t .,H lfOft1r') ll(JiJlfrl •,•ilnw~PJt\ ·~ ., ,._.~ ... no•U •,. 4'.1k1l•twt i.°""lft •d , ... ~. t~ ''0¥r .. •Pl ~..411 l,.11 h' 1 q I tlWWJ 10 " If" 1,~,., 1 ON THl HAR BOit q~ • I !I I 41 t • ,fl 4•1.t "-.1.~t-... t h• .. 1·111· ...... .. .. , ...... t.-flt' i' 1 11 I hti , 1 )1'fll rh futn W Wt1 11 I 101.., ut' ........... u·nt,tl SllflU J •••• ill 1 l(11l1ttl W1'-• ~J hi'it' Newport Coast Wt:EKJ.\ BRJDC f: (}LIZ O .' · 1\• S.!Uth, 1-ulr1o.:ruhlc. yvu huld, • Q IUU -'Q~J QI06J •\\Atl Ille h1dJ111v hu' pro.ceded Sot Ill \\f'.•\I M>RlH l';\,'r Q 4 • Ncolht'r vuln<"r~hlt-. a> South you hold • i., J 10 9114 \ J K 5 ,\ 4 • A Th• "ti.ldtng hll\ pm.ceded I• I'll-. l I'•" ..,OI 111 \\ K\ r \OK'nt t.A."i I ~ I• '''"' 1 vr r..-. \\ h.111~1 \llU "'J 1\11'" ' () ~ • \ '" 1111 \Uh 1.1hk )I'll holiJ "'K 7 4 \ '" \ IJ J \14 l • () J (.) 5 • 1111111 \ullll'rJhk, ii' ~outh \I'll hvlll 1 11..-1-"1..1t11f 1t."f ""•«-Jet1. "ll I II \\ ~ ~ "lltrll t: 'ff • 71>.I Q9S CJYH • \Qll I I I• I'•" 1',11111,·1 111~·11, lh<' h1dd1ng "11h 1111~ d1.11111111tl V. hnt dn you "''pond'' . I \, ..... "·· ~ .... 1 .. ll """ • ().\ '"llu rnln.l·''""""ult\\\lh't.I Vil· ll•tlh ,uJt~.iNo: ,.., ~·uch )touh.>IJ I • Ill H ~ ! Ai.. I ~ t J 11 • 10 H 111" h1d1ht1!:' h.1• p111<.cnlnl •.I ll II~~ 11.11711 ~.l •II.I l'.11t1l<'r ''I"""' the h1dd11tf "'llh '" i• 11•• tn llll(' •.!U 2:1 \\'hJI JlllHll d1> ,,,, ,,,,..,l. 'UHfll I "'' 'ot'lll \\~" t ,.,.,, I l'ii'-' ~· , ... ,, I \\ti.ti du \t IU hhl lh 1" 1 '' '"' ,,,, '""" ,., \ '"' \1111Ui(I\ Private T utorll!Q 7990 T to<Mr of Picllo ~ 4e POS<11t M.M. °""' n 'lf5 ••1«.,,ice le\'°''' m your home Rt:\..Ual' 111 .. 0111mun1ty . 949-673-2174 Employment ASSISTAN T needed, Nt-wi•• I l\to.(.tt h t1~11rwtta 0..9'~T,,._ lur di! & lll!>IOlll h """'II: "1uwrn1 r "'' IM(<'<l ,,.., •• w t.U1t~li:mt t.htmt t.t..nld<t 811,y !JI•"""' Multi td'11~11: .. ~ ~._.., 4 ~V WOii\ w1• k N1, whends Call /14 ',.u, ?I~ l0t """' .. r 14 • lt,Um4' 714 546 '>ll/ D•1vus PUl·TIMl Moro r11 011'/e 111Ct (di~ and eet p11d lor 1l Call 949 86? 7474 SHI MAN GAaDlNS, Ca11f••111112 As.1\l<tnt PT Motl I II !I· I? dultt\ UIC I mow1n¥ ,11antin.: &d• dtin maintenance SI 'iO hr 949-6 73-2241 H YOUa OWN IOSS Le.1r11 } o m SIOOk•/vr wo1krn.:, fr om home pll NOT MLM IOCM'M-SIJC> llfl<h•n Manoger & l reoltlo•f line Cook pu\111011 Mu•I b~ alllt' tu 1elocale tu Sduld C•I <tltna l\ldl•d I m 111fn l:all ( 1101 '>10 4?04 rd• (JIOl!>IO 8690 v.ww V"'1 TwoH.wW.' com NEWPORT HACH l~AND UPUUlNClD LANDSCAPING MGR, 2 t ~U\l\ot l\ldtld \l:t'k~ t ""1\J'•' ,,_.,. Mau1t.-n.uu.;o Mdlld~~· SlJiWl~.h ,,! ... Coud ""1.:.try & ttt111~uw pt1\\ltJt .. J 4 -. fl'\Ulllf f11 !Jl'"lt'o '149 671 fA~I UI ••II 'M'I 67 J l777 with quttlitntilt•.1n-:. Demonttrotor1 r'T tor \tur ~\ 1n ~uvr ,., eel <;A l SUN ~•yt1111e• $8hr I 800 4!10 4JJ6 111 J<Jl1n 949 M l 47113 l'tatll W8tetious.I MGR Mon I 'I' ~•P Re-; 10< "1~Jll"1&. 'l('/leO•ie production. sllllf Con-.> ••P 714 6 M OOf!7 a.I. IAJIN $2SOK IN HAI. ISJATI I Ill •I .elhn11 lndepen den ll y o w nt d Real l \tale com r any 111 L;alifor n1a, 1s an11oum 1111 a umque h•&hly re ward1ne oppnotunrty tor a 1u soned >ale> po u tess111n.1I We .,., 'eek 11111 " tvµ (ludhly sales o~• s.011 w ith " pr·Ovtn h ad" ttHord vn,1 nrn\t b~ e:cltt'Ol~ly l.U\tOnlt'f ouented relate to d broad r ""i t ol t l1ent loohro~' dnd n~cd• and c onimun1c-•t1• w i th P•"4.rng ptrsud• 1111ness If vou hove ·• 'h one, d .. ~" e 1u -.uu e:,.f1 are a \Up er \ldt who l1h lhe bill """ <r't(IY ~clhn& '"',.,.um~ -dtld ' ln•,1ng Gov• ll\ '' 'all (fd li88 4'>4 O'>'JI e •I 941> ltlver ~O ,,.h··· ~, .. ,oc.1atr' hdvt tdlltt"cf Ill ~'lr\\ ('If 11'>0 noo"' ;00.i 1 i...y ~ .. ---"' ( l.o-.t" M!"'>d t..,.,O.. ••P ~tit lb /'2..Sbo o.o..l...i Hon. l{o ,.1 l ,t11te 011•J fl Mm lwlp etiQutte "''"' Ji,rn ""'Y 1\1111 949 rn 11 // I '•"·•I•\ ""' llr'. I'•''''" 11.. I\., No• fl! ht ••• , 1111110 ,, u I '•I•·• •'•H•ff tu' !)i.tl .iv [M,( l.h rt~ll_. to \WU 949 644-9491 M> 1 .. ~ \l•l>d' ':.14'4 .. 11 14'•1 SAlON PAPIUON NE WPORT HARBOR !VACATION Community RENTALS (~C~fOOOJ , •••• 0-0 !t611 Morine Mechonl<l & Shorelioot Operotott w/2S Ion U<~•. M11>I tit• ,bh· I• u·k14 Alt hl ~Jtil" c:dltth11a l'\ldlUt rn1 1111• r.11 c llOJ '>IU 4111>\ I • • I q 0 I~ I (J lll"lO www Vn1t fwntl,-,rbn1 \ • 11111 tlll'new~ """"'••Chuo•~~ M.• luul\M11: lut eAlltn .•• "'1 J.)111ft;\\,Ullat & ,u tl\llC 'tyh\I' & makft up "''"'' 949~9J9 2J!>8 large 2BR. 28A 1 -Va_ca_t-lo-n-Ae_n_ta_ls--MARINA Ou1et Locc1t1on, Garaee Included P..-;-i>.-1 A<-. 1~ ••• , 1liE IRVINE CDMPANY' w11h Harbor View Exchange 7930 j Llr•e Prll'ate Pitlos • Tiied Enlrla • CVl&fl 1• .. ,., -~"" " • 00 1 11 ' "' 1 • 1 ·•'"" 9 ,., 'f f')~ .,It _.4r.,.. ~,_ I• t t t t 'I f\l'I J \t ~ l•1• • 1;.t Wood &lndAt flrtpl1ces • Prtwtt Btacl g. .... u , •• ~ & ~· 1i:,1•1 , .. ,.1 · . , ·' '''" .. ~5•0011"1 .1 .. ""-' q' ,, ,, , ., t, Mar1na. Sperkllnc Swlmrnlftc Pool• LU'lfl c.r4•h Av.,11 w~ekttnd\ l'ffltll('f1' lfl•l ••• u111r••H ' ..1l1l1tlltlif H(\1Ulttol1 ~ 1101pHh W• I kl~ 1MCf fl/ ROI I 'lh 1111l11v.11 .. l"l\111111" ,,, ""11~1.1. lropicel L.indscaplng • Secol\(jj lo Balboa • · • 1, ,, 1 ~""""', l\land 8.J>5Jde Shopplfll ~nter. ~ ,,, . ., ·.:• • \" •· 1 " • Fashlo1l l·1·11d & Cor,,.., del Mv ·\I • ""' ''"' " '•1• ,.. vwp-'\1A11 ,n .. nu I >."•t 1 N••pot't ....... Apt. Homes ...., ·1 .... ,,, .. 1. "'"'" • 91 «> sa,.ide oriwe. N•,...c 8Mc.b dmlfitd! ·1, • .... (949) 760-()919 11ewportmar1J1amjr*wn1.c.-,, Sell your unwanted Items the easy way! Place a Class If led ad today I 9 642-S678 '··~ !. - HoM£, HEAL TH AND SilslNE$S -. " ;" . --- Automobiles 9000 Automotive 9004 ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CARS, & WEROWOSE PRCES REDlXE) OLE TO UJ\ESS 300 IL CAMINO UAl, TUSTIN 714-731 -4165 Dally Pl9t ii.• iiin1iimii1ittii1-l•ii1 Atll 11 1 -•.. ,. - u•el IOVla .. , Couilty 1u,1 ...... blut/tan, ~ .,,. 714--5161 .. IMW 'tS 140 Cl, N941tlful, nHr·p.,fec t ::r'a'-:'L ~ wtl ~ & uwefully Clrtven n*=s by 2 owrws, fully optioned cl1n1c model $2411 949·6 73· 20'4 ot J IO 318 9300 IMW JUd '02 Convt t».1 °"* lea• $661/rno GM< lftY6J ll 'OJ Tift -'ily i<ni. white. 171( White. 16k mo. suh 7, nu, ~•If now 949 23!> 89o11 st l enhanced pache•. IMW S2SIT '93 Owned by mA>lct BMW te~h mt11n th1m111nae1lth1 Inter I 26K nu run~ alnt, mu\t s.etl moving out o l ~late $%00/obo 949·?'.ll 6531 IMW '97 U 2.1 Conv, !>~pd 56km1 Bo 1lls h rac11111 are•ll/tdn llhr p~ CD. book~ '~•urds ~Ullfl b ,.ina111o n th1ou1111uut i l 4 /9S v79/017 949 !>86 1888 www .ocpol:tl.com lvlclt leSob ... 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TOYOTA '91 Ml1 2· seat. sports CM Wl!W m .. nllNned, »npe I own $350'.> 000 949-642 2165 Volvo 00 V70 Cl T w11on. $tl~er /oat1T1ul lthr, CD, mnrf, alloy whls. supoob cond Se habl• Espanol $12,!lo/.i vl~ll Bllt 9658f> 1888 .••... ,.~ ....... AUTOMOBllES, MISCEUJHEOUS AUTOS WANTED ..,_, nnq a rd. Tndl>. v-Pay Cll!h. free T~ We come lo ~ w/casH P-.y $100.1500.Sl<XX>.s.:m:> 949-29S-J710 MOTOR HOMES BOATS PowerBolll 1615 M .. t•rcr•h •ts Mil i.-with towtt, stereo, custom covet low tits protes~ionally ma111t&lne~ $17.900 562 212 4117 Sallboltl - I Cap11 1411 2• & in<; 1411 complete w/se1i.. no tr aolor $!>9!1 eactl Minney"$ 949 !>48·4f92 SWAPMUT JUNE 6TH Newport 21Electrlc Boat Motorboat hull, 8.4 ft beam, swim step & recessed ladder ./ 6 New AGM Batteries Completely sealed and JU:,t installed ./ Enclosed head with Vacu-FJush toilet and sink ./ Goodyear Eagle side-toothed drive belt ./ Full boat cover. AM/FM cassette player. anchor. life vests. fenders ./ 50 ft shore power cord plugs into outlet on transom CALL HOWARD REISS AT 949-597-0226 ~ ERVICE ford your needs... & ~ Service Directory Accounting N<•l '' r Auto Serlices IAllOA IM.OIT llPAll Tmpcifts & oomes110 (6mpetilivt Ram Conv.nlently located on the Penllfsuki t41 Jiii St .....,.... ._. -7 Cargentry A l HANDYMAN tt1\I ,11 •f f,-.,, rah'n~I\ klldWI """"O'>l~­nrilq Ool.111 71• ~ rJ&lj Carpet Cle!~ng _ II ~puter Services 810"-• Ca.rt Sentlc. t-411 ,., ' / ll<l ,.,...... j!) 111 ... o 1 • '" t.1; 1 .. ,., ,,.. l+-f-Cll",,,."' enc~ of you 4 , 'tt .,, ,..,, ~,. ... j.~ .. ~ P1l..\rffl &1.-ilill1'·•J111 ._.., Carpet Repair/Sales ' • ·~"·A· ~· (1,,nt"·tftf ~41l.JO, t. Upg'~ CAlll'fT CARPfT 15 y-•••p ~O't"' • J •I· t1111 .. 111 f.ttl I kxt-; ""'""'"' ;,.: ~::~ :;~; •• , 949-S41-l .. 7 I oul·h of Kh1" I 1 I"' 111 I 'I" 11 111 llotM' ( 'll.'11nlnJi! 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Free ES!tmates 949-646-9356 l'l•Ct' your H I t1>da~: f9491 M2·5fl711 IMI TO ll IN YOUll HOMl IMPllOVlM(Nf PllOJlCTl ..tll ,t 'JIUIHl.Jt l jl.411\lf'I hM\dVn)ttr\ HI ,uty '" thr lt(fr ~f ~ .. \.I t h oh•1I t1n f" 10 ""' \•''"'' 1 ''"' ~ torv1 1111 "I l IJl.Al ~.VI Pl 11r1 l l AN Hl l r• l'OU IUOAY1 El ectrica I Services . SMAll JOI lXPlaT I 11\AI Otfl( ~ H'"'lfUH'1" tlri111 .. YMd & f)lu > f lf'i t .'1 V" I •I• l~•~ "'ii"" Ir• t •/N'.Ill ~ 1#'1 /r'4/ I.(.( lletlrh t uw 1•• ,..,, ~" ,,1 Of1h1~1i1 r•• j111h t1111 --rn.ttl flit ,,., ''"' ,...,, kf"f \ "'""' '"''""' l "' Ill 11101111 (114)114? 1410 llClNHD CONTUCTOa N111 ''"I··-'i.111 A.JI \,l"'fY.tMI H.-p,111 lf"IOOd~I ,,,.,., .,., .. , .. w '"' '149 t.4'> 16">f1 Flooring/Tl le DIRTY GROUT? St00t lloort ind ~ounltn ~ t.11.nt? SWnoed tor(".., !li•Otuj)t~t? C1ll WI IOf CIHnh1t . ,.11.~1119, '"" .. 881-438·2403 Eddi.Co. Inc. Srll l'nur C'ar In ('/aHl,fle1I I FloorinofTlle Coocrete Staining D11vowayS/Walkways & Sidewalks 7M..IJ2..a '"'~~l'~* Ll.AICY si..-.. R_. NI R•~• uu1tn11 & lol\t•ll•llon Ill£ O(AN 949 671 8065 /14 1144> l!!>/6 114 8!U .i'OJ I Gardenllll' landscaplng - 01•!1V.0rkl.1·•~'o .lDP rnm 714-715-2828' l~ ¥td Trpe 5enoctJ 5or"9 ~ lll"e "11 A.cll"'ll~ T'""' \Joo'~ ()w> 1.()1 lfld P\,y!nJ 'Wl4do~Otfylllltt' Tree S.rvhe, V11d Clunu11, M•11nl•ll••l•t' S17' 111kler R~p11r H111hn11 (t49) U0-1711 Handyrna!V Home Repair Ctwtati.n Handyman F_,, c.pen.,. ~~ llVCCO 9"C> "'°°" ""100wS/docrs. N ... 11&rca l>OlrO• a PfltnC"'ll Senior OtKo."1 F'1!1' ~Cel JDM 714-e3&-8W RESTORE • RCPAIR & RlMOD£• ING Da"e Hamilton 949-322-8291 H1ullno JUHi( TO THI DUMPlll 11 4 968 1811? AvAtlABlC TODAY' 'M9 673 S~66 fe6le ll·Awoy H .... 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Low Rates Slorage Specials Since 1981 949-645-4545 ll ST MOVlllS SS5 H1 Servin& All C1toe~ ln•med 116.!844 J?l-9')1 1191171 I)~ '1971 PUBLIC NOTICE I hr C•lll Public Ut•l•t••• Comm•~"on 1eq1111 rs that ~II u\ed hou•ehuld goods movt>t \ pr111t thrtr PU C Cal I nurnber. ltrno~ and thoulleu,, p11nt llletr I C P numher tn all 1dve1 • ttsemPnh If ynu h••e arov qun llnns "bout t he 1evat1ty ot • mnvt r . limo or ch•uflrur ull PUIUC UTlllTllS COMMISSION 100 117·1H7 Nurs~IClre .......... c-. SerAceo by l\ltat, "' your home [\p &. 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Qualtlv Work. ~ ~ Co /14.4J'J{X2) Plumbing • 0( "'" ., d O•vl'""n (I' MI TJ a.invert S[ W£R If II ING ClECTRONIC SLAB LEAK OUECTION f 11endly Ser vi re t4 9 -67..S -9 304 www thrioca.Jmb"r com l •1S:Z.•911nw r.-ct NONl1' & llASOHAIU rlUMIH free Esll Sm r~s OCTfCU Dile. 714.~9150 W1llCMrtnga TH( STIU,,Utl Speclfl•11n111n Wallpapr Remov~I I #')118241 949·360·1211 Window Clanlng GOlOlN WIST WINDOW SlaVK( Sat1shct1on Guaranteed 949-6.ll· 1562 714-9fi6.9040 TMSemct 714A35. l 7"6 Trimming • Rtmoo11/ Yord Clton11ps. c..ftlfte4 ArlHNt9t fwt/69.UA ····•-#-.. , ... # ........ . ..._ ......... .._ .. • . -_____ .._ _____________________________ . __ ---------·--- -----. --.... . . AnlllClng for limited terms. on above average credit 2004 CADILLAC ESCALADE ESV PLATINUM '01 CADILLAC DEVILLE WHITE PEARL, TAN LTHR, CHROME WHEELS. NON SMOKER, CERTIFIED' $22,995 1Q<1/Pl1 '01 CADILLAC DEVILLE OHS HIGH LUXURY, BEIGE. TAN LTHR, COACH ROOF. CERTIFIED! $28,995 7414131 '02 CADILLAC DEVILLE OTS I WN 27.CXIJ WES, M()()fl()()f, ~~.CffilHD' $32,995 (1 440021 i.-tar ~ $399°0 . . /month plus tax one at this~ · for.48 monlhs on abcM Mrlge ad. $1, 170.~ ~Ive off with proof of current owrmtllp ~ a rion-GM wt1icle « $2,670.ll> WilhoU proof of OMlel'Shlp. SO security deposit 12K mills P9' Y9 aid~ per mne In apss. (1~) • In Stock Now! 2004 CADILLAC XLR ROADSTER 2004 CADILLAC CTS V SERIES . ·. '01 CADILLAC SEVILLE 101 CADILLAC ELDORADO LOW 33,640 MILESI BEIGE, TAN LTHR. MANY EXTRAS, CERTIFIED' $23,995 !2!>41 761 '01 CADILLAC SEVILLE OHS HIGH LUXUFN, BEIGE. TAN LTliR. NON·SMOKER, CCRTIAEOI $28,995 (1715841 102 CADILLAC ELDORADO ONl:V--14.670 MILES! RED PEARL, TAN LTHR. COLLECTOR QUALITY. CERTIFlfDI $36,995 (103013) COAST @~lt'«e LOW 27 100 MILES. SILVER. CHROME WHEELS. NON·SMOKEA, CERTIFIED! $27,995 1108!> 131 102 CADILLAC SEVILLE STS LOW 27.401 MILES, MOONROOF. CHROME WHEELS. CD & MORE! CERTlFIEOJ $31,995 11874341 '02 CADILLAC ESCALADE 2WD LCJN 29,!ro Ml.ES. BOOE, • (}roJE 'Mffi.S. CERlffD! $39,995 (164648). • "WHE RE YOU ALWAYS GET A GR EAT. DEAL" __. •• • -.. ~-----~--- ~ 0• ••••• • I • -.. la ••• --' . MSRP ....................... $33,115 ~2 Nahers. Di:-.rnu nt . . ............. -$1716 NET Sale Pm:e .................... $31.399 Factory Rpbatc ................. -$1500 COST • LEA~EFOR 24 PlusTax · Per Mo. ON APPROVED CREDIT 1 AT THIS PRICE/PAYMENT (4cr622211164560) MSR P .. '. . . . . ............... $43.980 Naher.., Di ..,cuu nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-$2400 Sale.: Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~4 1.580 Factory Rehatc ................. -$1500 NET$40080 <D $394 COST , LEASE FOR 'O ON APPROVED CREDIT I AT THIS PRICE/PAYMENT (~RS4611U461•1 ELANTRA GlS SEDAN 4D TAURUS SES SEDAN 40 YU~ON SU 40 TRAILBLAZER ' , ,,6.1 t A ' P'-. AM r ~ «)11"" \/, A ,, • I PS PW POL t+•I • .6. tit\.; • ~14r' I ~ f c. 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I I "'•J"1 \ ~'( \\ i I~ I ~. ~ttl• ~1111'\I' 1•1 \ ~. \ "' ~l I• N 1'1•1 ' ,, Wf' !/'~Pin\ ~~f 6 8,995 6 131 595 6 16,595 6 20,995 s12,995 s16,595 s21,595 s21,995 '03 MINI COOPER '02 CHEVY '02 GMC '02 GMC TRAILBLAZER LT ENVOY BU 40 SIERRA 2500 CREW CAB 'oo CADILLAC '02 CADILLAC '03 CADILLAC '01 CADILLAC ESCALADE SEVILLE SLS DEVILLE SON DEVILLE DTS ,.,~1t· P~Pt'l •~•U:Sf•'• ,., • 1:1s •urt.1 S1•1•--6C't' '"' ArPS J..'l.f1US1•'• Sl"·t~•~'l~Au1QAtPS t~·1.\\ P)l'"i,J'PL ~-~1Jt1tA\ J•:,l1WrDl<>"'.:iTAU v•~llfllAIUV\t"PHLll\ftlli.: t'~'\1 1\• 1~ ~"'\. "tUI 1 .. ,,,. 1(11}41) "' ~.1t 1)1\f'i,.. OuA t:r,1rt A' S.g11~311 11'1~811 C}~'-r ''ft619! i~'~lt L'I'"'"'•• ,,~,. ,..,,~-. ''"/l\P J oi,, •• u .. s20,995 6 20,995 6 21,995 6 21,995 s24,995 s26,995 s26,995 s27 ,595 '04 CHEVY '04 CHEVY '03 CHEVY '04 CHEVY '03 CADILLAC '03 CADILLAC '03 CADILLAC '02 CADILLAC ENVOY SLE 4DR TRAILBLAZER LS ENVOY 4DR LS ENVOY SLE 4DR DEVILLE DEVILLE DfflLLE SEDAN 40 ESCAlADE ~··~. ~;~;." 0~~R~~.;~01 ~~. ~:~~ •. • .. ;,~~R~~7~~J v~ Auto ~;J:a·t~.~·.t·~ 1"' Cu• ~~~: ~·~~ ... ·~1~~R ~~-~s V• AIHI\ "' ,., Plf l'l'I V• 41l!I 41~ "~~!AP 1 IHP ,, AUT<l 4lg P) ...., ~DI. , ~·1· A ~c·~ "~ I '~. 9 22,995 9 22,995 6 22,995 6 23,595 s21•:ls9s s27 ~595 s'3'o:9'9As s3(;'~~g'g5 '02 CHEVY '03 CHEVY '00 CADILLAC '03 FORD '01 CADILLAC '04 CADILLAC '01 CADILLAC 'Ot CADILLAC SILVERADO 2500 LS SUBURBAN 1500 ESCALADE 40 EXPEDITION XLT . ESCALADE SEVILLE SLS ESCAlADE ESCALADE 18 A1.f ,.., 1 tllt·t' AV. r ~ I t '" Aul(i. AC A•., A.u Pn~., Rttntal "~ Aul A.+• p~ PW POL Cru ,. v" A·' • ~s l·a S4&1 ~M F\ii t"• '""' "~ Lil ~k ""' , .... 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AMFIASll•to(~327Pl211l311 \DUl)L n~-lADIP'll<Pl•'~"'' l•l!Ll•lllP~U\ll'/l,l) ll1111SE tl~STAPU•ilP"•I>" ~ ~U\·~ ,, 6 28,995 9.291 995 9 29,995 9 33,995 s40,995 s41_,995 s44,99? s44,995 J I I / • J, • I ___________ .__.. __ ...,.... ______ ~-----. ,, .... .. · . . ___ ._ ~~--- I' Ii 1 l I' I I! I \ 1 1 I I 11 I \\ I I " PELICAN POINT PRESENTED BY JOHN MCMONIGLE OF STRADA PROPERTIES COVER STORY ON PAGE 2 2 Gracing Pelican Point's premier lot with golf course frontage and white water views, Palazzo Olivia is a grand residence that exudes drama and elegance. Built with the world's finest construction and fini shes. most imported from France and Italy. The Palazzo features 4 opulent bedrooms and 6 baths, lavish living salons, chefs kit.chen. library. theater, wine grotto, pool and 4 car garage. $17.900,000 COVER ... S'IBADA PROPERTIES 2. Cover Story/Index 113. Wells Fargo Private Mortgage 3.-33. Prudential California Realty 11 4.-115 Armstrong Properties 34. Metro Realty 116. Coastline Realty 35.-39. First Team Estates Washington Mutual 40.-42. Abrams Coastal Properties 11 7. Kolar & Co. Countrywide Mortgage 43.-74. Strada Properties 119. Loan Advisors 75. Cote Realty Group Cal Invest 76.-77. Roger's Realty 121. John Dundee 78. Laguna Seaside Realty Portfolio Financial 79. Cannery V tllage Realty 123. Bank of America 80.-81 . Remax Real Estate Services 125. Loan Advisors 82. Wells Fargo Bank 127. Mortgage Rates 83. Brenexus 130.-132. Homes of the Week 84. Hanu Reddy Realty 133. Open Home Guide 85.-112 Coldwell Banker/ 135. Prudential California Realty Coast Newport Properties 136. Strada Properties Daily A Pilot l'roudJy serving Newpon Beach, Cosu Mesa, Corona dcl Mar, Newpon Coast, Shady Canyon, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Dana Poinr, Monarch Beach, Capistrano BC2ch, San Juan Capistrano and San Clemente. For Additional Information Please Contqa;- John McMonigle 949.640.3604 Strada Properties 140 Newport Center Drive, Suite I 00 Newport Beach, CA 92660 3 Proud Sponsors of ~ -Register Online AT WWW.ACTIVE.COM • s • I /tsSllll /.Jmg 949/42596().l Su11 l~-5 52 Nantucl<et Dtbbit Bradburv 949{!23 7080 VII .... /udy Mun1-y 9-19/f>.U blW Sun /-4 Sar/Sut1 H 3B 112 Poppy Sdlo llill mle!bin offm bdwttn S'lilfl.ll ·SWS,876 Karm Lvnch 949171099<15 lease S7.(ro'Mo Furnished 2SlS2 Ocran Knoll Selltr wiU niterUin offm bml"ttn S999.®Sl,194,876 SIC.llnnt Rtbb.'Qh 94W49971li'<J 3D6 Uinino upistrino Sally M;irtm 9.JQ/723 71J/liJ Sal/Sun I 4 'l.lr/S1111 I-I St\Jer will etrmin o(fm bftWttll Sl,100~,Xll,676 Sat/Su11 1-5 43 Prairie Grass SJ,500,ool Drl! P11Jy q491;n ;tJ!q1Sun14 LADERA RANCH SeUrr will ~nlt!Uin offm betwttn ~,o:JJ.SSIJ9.~ 8di Irr/and MrGu1ga11 940/425.%dl ~at/Su11 I 1-5 Stller will etnmam offers bmoltll Sl.nJ.tDHl,400,876 Sellfr ~ill etne!Uin otters betwten Sl,:00,®$1,699,876 Sellft will mttrtain offmbmottn ~,®sg?q,8'16 Seller will tnll'!Wn offers betwl't'll Sl.~,®Sl,ICJ'l,876 2S6U Point la!u Seller will tnttrtw offris bmo'ttll Sl~.@Sl,499.876 Sun 1-4 27881 Siribeth Ln Seller will mlt1tlin offm between S7i5,®SS19,876 Ad.1m I 1vrn>k11!4W425 91"-~I Su1111-5 zm GrttllU1111 Stfler will mlt!Wn offers bml'ttn SlJm,®$1,50,8'/6 Slit/Sun 12·5 5359,900 Kim Foun4 Orir/lf Uu'IS ~9/495 1 !lOO Slit 11-5 Le H~nclrt 9491415 9tl'XI '11/Sun 1 n i5895 ~It Prky r2tl2 Sdlrr will tntnltrtlln offm bflwttn S.US,®4374,876 Slit;Sun ll-.'i $189,rol $1,425,ool Sat/Su~ 14 1506 Dolphin Terrare Sl,600)IDS1,349,87& Selltr will tnte!Uin offrrs betwttn ~,®S'Pl,876 Sl,299,(XX) '"" 14 2ll6 Port Urlislf Selin Wiii tnlf!Wn off~ bet.Im Sl,700,®Sl,~9.876 • \u111-I Seller will mlr!Uin offm betwttn S6C)UO}Vlt876 S<itf.i11n 1-1 s .. uso,ini Sat 12-5 So~un IM $1, 100,(XX) Siit/511n 11-5 l ! I ---~--~~~~~~--~--~------~----~~~~~~~----------~ Prudential Callfm11la Realty ----.. ·-·-------------------- www.prudentialcal.com · Seller will mtertaba offfts between $795,000 -'8'7'-876 Lapna Niguel Great SBR. 38.Afamily hOme! Wooden flooring, large yard. no &llOdatlon dues. (SU9073) ~MJ.78tf (S352241) Seller will entertain offera betwttn $900,000-$999,816 MolWdt Beach Just Listed! Unobstructed ocean views! N-aryet, paint, tile &t garage door. CuJ de SK in gated comm. (SJ50892) Hf.2.H.56n Seller will enteltaln offers between $~1---$U00,1'16 MM.Aon Viejo lmpecable home! full llBillte and maple, cabinets, tnverilne flooring. private muter suite. (Sl5Ml2) M.367 J400 Seller will mtedaln offers betwem $850.000-tM9,876 MJ..lon Viejo Just listedl 480 +Office le 3 car att. Garage. M....-Suitr w I Jacuzzi tub &: walk:Jn doeet. Great eat-In Kit (SJ4&10(;) "9.2U.5689 . Seller will entertain offers between $750,000 -$824,876 Lake Forest Great 4BR home i.n great neighborhood w/open noor pion, remodd~ kit, nice yard w/spa & view! I (5348296) 949.768.1000 Seller will mttrtaln offers Mtween $290,000. $329,876 Long 8ead1 Exceptional 28R. lBA condo with garage. Great romplex, clO!Je to beach ind Fn!eway. Secunty bulldingamenlties. 949.425.9600 Seller will entertain offen between $725,000..$799,876 uke Forest 4BR hc1me on large priv<Me comer lot w I new roof I wood flool'b, granite cpunter.> + much more! (5352224) 949.768.1000 Seller will entertain often Mtwttn $485,000 • $530,876 San Juan Capistrano Supt>r location for SenlOn! Single level, big open floorplan w I included washer, dryer, stove, refrlgerator. 949.493.8812 Seller will entertain offel"I between $2,300,000 • $2,650,876 Monarch Buch Just listed! Former model w I us>graded office, bonus loft/ml'C!ia space. Custom wine ceUar & pool. (53522.26) 949..234.5689 Seller will mterta.tn offers between $875,000 • $974,876 Rancho Santa Marguiu HiKhly upgraded view property. Versafile floorplan, up to 5 bedrooms, 1 baths. (5353795 ) 949.425.9600 Seller wm entertain offers between 52,300,000 • $2,650,876 Laguna Hills Spectacular views, masterfully upgraded 4BR, 5.SBA Nellie Cail custom with pool and pa. (5351043) 949.425.9600 Sella will entertain offtn between S79S,OOO-t87f,876 Luuna Niguel Stunning remodel with lricttdlble unobstructed coastal views. "· Seller will entertain offen Mtwttn $1,700,000 . $1,949,876 G:orona del Mar Lucated South of PCH in th4! heart of the Village. Peek-a-boo views from both lrvels of thL~ income property. (04J58969) 949.644.6200 Seller will entertain offer, between $550,000 . $599,876 Huntington Beach ~C\utiful custom homt> with great cul- dl~'lllc l1~.11ic>n. Fmnt & ba.:k patio•,. (04J60050) 949.644.6200 Seller will entertain offers between s 1,200,000-$1,400,876 Ladera bnch Stunning 5 UR Ranch Classic. Custom upgrades throughouL LavL~h landscaping w /l<oi pond + fountain (S.152928) 949.495.1800 Seller will mtertain often between St,800,000 -S2,,0A9,876 Lagu.na Beach Magnificent Oc;ian Views. Newly remodeled 3BR/358A .• (L14014} 949.949.499.70~ (Lt3740) !H.9.491.3331 .. '' t • Art lndlplncllnlly OWTllO Ulcl ope111ee1 member ot ltle Prudtnlla4 ~. t -----tr -- -:-.~-:c:c-._ -·-_;: _• ..;..* = -·--= ::=-.: ·-= .: !--- ---·_,= :' -=----':' .:: --=~ '4 .......... :z::s:: a:=.~·::: .-c: -=-=="-= -• -~. if~! f 2 j it" A ~.· .. -;. f~fll .. ,. i • mg! ~ 11f1st : i 11 l · .r 1111 I ~··· ' ti1111 ~t "lhtt ~:·1 • ti I :-k' i. . • rn -' • :. '?i-;:--- :'!J .. ' .. -· f' . ...,.~· '.. .• r;' ' •I . '" I _.., '· t r ~--~·-~.'.. 1 Hi ~I .. -!fl II J .. itrf;I I j( ct ·-: I ~! f Rs·r ~ i~. " -I~ a~ i!~~il 1.;r~f. if flit I H ~, I ~ lfH .. H =C~ i~ Il1'. 111 •. { ,1 ; ' I HH cl 1Hil !t~ i fl,, --=-.,, c=• . ' . -·~ ' f I 'I' I. itfr~I ufi1 l , i u lf r11 I -U. ,~ :e~~ Jfif ii 1 fliit ... .· I !~ f . .. J' ~s_i;: ~ ,.$ lfi !l<j = . . Urii t~~· ! J!tit . ~· ~ f r r -. ~ i --"·.: I I Daily Pilot • Real Estate • Saturo.iy. Junf' 5 2004 :; ~~~1 ~ ~~1· zi hl fil SJ§ . . fa~lft 'rrj ~, IUI I 1t1·~I I iiqf I h I . ~,~ t ~dl ~ '!.ifl1 f rilf i j! ~, ~ a.~ i 11 ' '· 1~ flisl1 I r j I ~ I . t j 11 . I 11 sn .. I , '· 12 a WEISENBACH -· 949.422.8611 JANE POLLEY 949.677.5263 13 . ~ 3 ft I I , I '• 14 J --------~------------- DUNCAN FORGEY 949.548.4800 BROKER ASSOOATE 15 "' 0 0 z.... -- SALLY SHlPLEY 949119.2414 CHAJRMAN'S ORCLE \'\<WW .SALLYSHIPLEY.COM MARCY WIEN 949.466.3533. ?? 17 ·~ 0 I , ; J Bojorquez joins Prudential's San Clemente branch He treats each client's transaction as if it were his own Lmda Scarberry. manager of Prudential California Realty's San Clemente branch, has welcomed sales associate Mike Bojorquez to her staJT. A resident of San Clemente's Forster Ranch, Bojorquez has lived m South Orange County the majority of his life, having moved to the area as a ninth grader attending San demente High School. •1 joined Prudential in April this year to be free to market myself in the community I love and live m, Forster Ranch: he said. "With great schools, close access to the freeway and beaches, tons of kid-friendly cul-de-sacs, and the friendliest people on earth, it truly is one of the greatest family communities in the world: Bojorquez wants his 16-month-old daughter and future baby to grow up in this community. Prior to real estate, Bojorquez worked as a manager and dispatcher for a legal services/messenger company in the O.C. Metro area. He had long noted, however, an interest in real estate. Commencing a career in real estate in 1999, Bojorquez bought his first house in San demente at the age of 25 and closed escrow the week he got married. "During the next two years, not a weekend went by where I could not be found going into an open house or srudytng the ru1 estate section of the newspaper,• he recalled. '1 knew that someday I was definitely going to have to become a Realtor: Upon landing his first job as a real estate agent two years later, he found that he was going out to survey the inventory every day. ·11oved it: he enthused . "1 feel that one of the best things a Realtor can offer clients is knowledge. So learning every nelghborhoo<l and tract In South Orange County became my full time job. I feel that if home buyers are willing to give me the time either on the phone or at an open house to really go into detail about their dream house, I owe it to them to be Mike Bojorquez thoroughly prepared. Chances are, I've already seen the house.they're describing. ·er if inventory is tight like it is right now, I'll know where the perfect house is, and I've just got to find someone willing to sell it to them. This is also what makes me a great listing agent. When going on a listing appointment, I've very likely to have been in ~ery house to hit the market in that tract for the past Ove years. So I'm able to come up with very accw'&te pricing opinions.• Obviously, his methods att sound, for he has met with enormous success throughout his auspicious career. A top producing agent this past year, Bojorquez completed 20 transactions for a total of more than S 10 million. 1 like to represent every client the way that I would expect to be ,. represented," he said. 1 have sold many homes to people on the first time out looking at homes, while with others it's taken two years to find the perfect house. Either way, I stay focused on trying to fmd the perfect house for my buyers and always offer them the second most valuable thing I have to off er: unbiased advice about everything. Buying a house is a very emotional ezperlence, so I always make sure my buyers have noticed all of the same things 1 notice when looking at a)louse, such as location , condition, proximity to potential nuisances like busy streets, e.tc. I've met many people who say they jumped into a house too fast without considering some of these things, and after a few years some of those th.Ing$ can wind up being the reason they want to move. So I always make sure that people are aware of the types of See BOJORQUEZ, page 24 . SUSI AMsrAoTER SaiOLL 949:127 :1272 Back Bay Entertainer's Gem Futures of th~ home : ' Luge, fully uu ble lot ' Entert.iiner'a ynd w/pool and spa ' In-Ground fireplt • Gr1nitr countertops in balhroonu • ExttDJive Uff of hardwood floors • Kitchen w/nrw appliancu · • Criling fana in most rooms ' Rur yard hu a largt playhouse • Low tax bur with no MdJo Roos This Is a wonderful home th1t un grow with an exp;anding family or lo be perfect for that fltn11y, couple or alnglt-penon that loves to en~rtain out· dqors. The tt11 yrrd futurtt 1 1p1rkling pool, •SHI and lo-ground fittplt for enjoying from d1wn untll aflu dark. A cunmt pl.ayhoaH It l11p eno.p to be connl1ed to a poolside cabana, home office, uerdte or hobby room. This home is vahw ranged. The owner wlU enurtain offem betwttn 5950,800 and ll.075.876 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY PROM 14. '-c ., "' ,,, ,... l' I I ,, . , I 'I '• I 1' ' t I I L, 20 1n · Susa n Weir />n u lf'11tial (1alifornia Real(r· 'I.Th e Dai~r Pilot offers the most co1111Jrehe11siL'e col'e rage .fo r marketing real estate in coastal Orange Co unty . I ve been aclvertising in th e Daily Pilot fo r 10 J ·ea rs -it u;orks!" -usan H1eir Daily A Pilot For advertising information, call (949) 642-4321 ,_ C1 -~ l ., E •• ,, 'r I 22 >-"' 'O 2 "' VI r-----.......... m!!~~----------~--- 23 G fd ' ' t , ' -------- Manager Vermilya welcomes sales associate George Smith He Is dedicated to providing cu stomer satisfaction Jim Vermilya, manager of Prudential CaUfomi.a Realty's Three Arch Bay branch, has welcomed George Smith to his staff of successful sales associates. After anending the University of South Carolina, Smith moved to Orange County where he has resided since 1989. His experience stems from over a decade of sales and management positions in the beverage industry, where h e worked with both Coors and Miller brands throughout Orange, Los Angeles and San Diego counties. As a result, he honed his interpersonal skills, as well as a working knowledge of myriad communities throughout the metropolis triad. A six-year stint in the United Stated Marine Corps Reserve, during which he had active duty during Desert Storm, is also a pan of Sm ith's colorful· resume . An active member of both Toastmasters and the Orange County Association of Realtors, Smith has continued his quest for ongoing education by completing advanced courses in finance, real estate practice, legal aspects in real estate, 103 1 exchanges, marketing, contract negotiation, as well as presentation, buyer and seller counseling. "1 am deUghted to be associated -with Prudential California Realty,· Smith said. "Prudential is a full-service real estate company with BOJORQUEZ continued from 18 things about a house that may later drive them nuts. I know that my past clients appreciate this because the first two years of my real estate career my business was generated from picking up clients from open houses or ad calls. The past twt> and one-half yea.rs I've been very successful from almost exclusively working with re?.Cat customers and referrals from past and existing clients." Aside from possessing a passion for the real estate industry itself, Bojorquez enjoys the freedom that his job allows. "What I love most about being a Realtor in San demente is that I'm able to..}Vork George Smith affiliate companies for escrow, mortgage, title, and specialized services: A believer in custo mer satisfaction who listens and communicates with his clients, Smith coaches his customers, enabling them the a bility to make important decisions with ease. '1 am cornmined, dedicated, and will work hard to provide you with quality personal service," he asserted. George Smith is available for your home buying and selling needs and can be reached at (949) 813-4757 or (949) 499-7070. E-mail him at ge,orge@realestatebygeorgesmith.com. His offia is located at 32356 South Coast Highway, South Laguna. Prudential California Realty is proud to be a member of HomeServices of America Inc., a Berlt.shire Hathaway affiliate. Additional company information can be obtained at most of the time from my office at home. That way I can spend a lot of time with my family. My wife is a stay at home mom and it allows me to take breaks from work throughout the day to go swimming in the pool with them, or colortng with crayons with little Quinn: · Mille Bojorquez. is available for your lwme buying and selling needs and can bf: reacW at (949) 291-2043. Visit his website at www.southOCmilte.com and e~"'4il him at milu:@soutlwcmilte.com. His office is located at 635 Camino dews Mares, Ste. 100, San Clemente. Prudential California Really is prp-ud tobeamemberofH~of America Inc., a Berltshtn Hathaway a.ffililite. ~dditiotuil company inf°"""'*"' can be obtained at WWIO.~.com. U~-------------- ,........ l 2S f ~ ' ---------· =============~==== ... 27 (/) Q> 2 a. "' ":" '-c ~ "' U' "' 0 0 "' ;:u I 1> ~ ! r'1 "' n: ii C' '::'. 3l § ' VILLA LAGUNA I\ r;r, JnJ t1hul11u1 ..crcll(' pm11c mJ p tcd •ttlJ ot•lt" si1w1rd m M}'\oc Hall\, m Ltituna Beach "" I ~ ''rt"' 11111 <•nc of J linJ n~1crpi<u uRm uqumtc qwlm Jnd gurgro1u ;u11h1m.c 1hltlllf)I out llrJrNlt• ""I p.inorin11, , .. c•n. UtWN and • .inmn •tt">1 Imm all roumi ~ nh tntt 11 .(M~J "I Im tn tile m•m hou..c "'"h ~ hcdroorru and fi•T and a lull lmhi A"'""'" bu1h h111nc 1hcJ1tr b.icn'l•t u1< 111 ru1urJI >1111\e-, nwhlc. T ra•cmnc, gran11c and moYI do1gn1 wnh bamboo llom· 1111: 1h11·u~h11111 (,um huu\C 11 "Jl1r.Hro hy 1nliniiy pooll'f'•· wuh bq:t fiat [tr3>.IY arrJ1 \'11lun11n.•u' •btc lloonn~ i:;iragtl>howmom lur m plu1 u~ AJd111onJI p1rluni: 11111dr pmm !'~It lo..~1,J •I criJ 1•! ,ul-dc u. OITmJ JI S9.990.000 -----·-------- THE BFST OF PELICAN CR.EST E.xccption.i,I Newport Coast c51atc, locJtcd in the pr<·st1~ious multi-million dol- br community of Pclic.in Crest. Affording ir;mquil. •·xqu1sitc qual11y. and pri- vJtc living wuh =ading watcrfalb. and .i, lu;c1om IJndsapcd courtyard and l>ackyard Gnr~c:ous panorJm1l ocean views. six l>edrooms wuh ;even one and half baths. Thu cs1a1c 1; gated with wrought iron ro'c Jnd lt"af .icccnis with a privatc driveway cnclmcd. lnJoor pool. dry s.1una and dt'varnr access to all 1hrct' lcvds. Thh home u aprrox. 11.438 sq. feet with an approx 8 car garagt" A fini1hC'd turnkey t";Wc Offcn-d ;11: $9,900,000. OAK KNOU FORM.ER MODEL GATED CONNEMARA FSTATE BEST ENTERTAINING HOUSE IN I ,, .. ,nJ 1n 1hc fHT\llpOU' p;u.ud ,:AttJ ,ommunm of t orn Jt Lau t.orf1'>\lt lck.itrJ tn the prnt1gtO\O ftUil1d g;.tn:I lummunnv ot l onorm;au. lll.11H•I« J,~I \Ulh.i_"(' COin ~llh l m.uhk mcJ4flh•n m l., .md fJhu.IOU't ¥lotldtt l·\UI('\ fhl\ full~ tt.JilC°d JHOpc"rty ha.• bcauuful 0..C'~n VJCW\ 0\C'floukm~ nn' "'C"'*' 1hn"'-1~hoo1 luvtnuu f11k\1111~ y.1 u111c-u•uMrl' ut the r1HHmt1 I )J1u l11111u harbor. I hi\ t'\t.tlt h.u \U btdroom\ .and •1x JttJ .a hJlflurh, \.111.het1 JfH.I "ht-rrv ""°'-1 \..1h111t1n thr• ·1~h<101 lho home h 'M'""'m.nch 'Alf'1 h"mlvop room •rni Jt<lnlt room 5"p;ancr gunc h~ \II.Uh oi..t.rn \ hllO .._, tm •1th f1~c t.rdr 'l•fm ,an,t h"t' ""J • h•lt turfn Ill"''*'''' 1ilr ~to.' \I<""' I .1hult'lt.1\ l.ut:t cntC'tt.,Un1ng b.ackprd wuh bp poof 'nd buih 1n "'' " I \•.ii rt•,, .r.J Ill.. 11.. nl Jr..irnJ• 101.-od<I W •..S < ~!u ll!1(1 11>< ul11m•1< 1n r"''''' .tnJ luxurl()U> hv1ng Sdlu will m~n ,, ,.,, xlltr will cntrn.;a offrn ""-ttn: Sl, 100,000. offen bnwttn: S l.600,000. Sl,999,876 sz.i.~o.8~6 ORANGE COUN"IY ,\pp1<1\•m•1clr I I.WO "I""'' fttt of tlqcantt. '" ll<droom' •nd «•to •nd on< lull IMth' lmn" wuri unJ<rJtrounJ rM.qunb•ll '°""· "'""" 11lc pool •ml <pl """ founmn• gu<>• ;nd ,,,.,J 1 qumm plu• l.rg< f!UC'I ht111'< .ml p<•~ hoWt (I.can ...,.. ( ul-d< '°' The <J'l!On>< ol J'.._'°"' h.,"I\ •nd • wondcitul I""' tic.me Offer~ u $4,67S,000 I .bulou, ~"' Niguel horn< "rwrrd 1n rh< r<""'-, fam1lv netjthhm· j,,..,J ol lk .... on Hill A •rMumu hom< '""h lrvr hrdroom• wJ lnur full bath• A l.rit< corner !QC w11h 1 fal•ulom '""" vlt"W, lull .,cw and JWk •~ ~"""""'"+I b...kymJ with lu~ j\l.&."I .,...._, wuh mom for punl. 'I" •nd 1 'I'"" cnurr tf< I hid •rtlOd floo,. throuj1/>ou• <k"""""'" •nd pt•nutH'•n J\uut~ on~ window' A!' A~"''1m_art '.100 ~ fo.K """" I lun tMln• T•kc I'< H WXJlh ro N"~ Kw.I And It" !tit rurn n on tt.._r..,..,. p• all rhc way lfph1ll and turn lt11 on Alrnct Sdlu will rntutal• off..,. !we_,, SIJoo,000 ·Sl,4'9,A76. GRAND nPPElmlEE BEND ESTATE MISSION VIEJO DELIGHT 18.10<1 tquarc fo°' tcnnlt courr csut< •pnwh owt t .69 km ol lu<hJy l·ahulom Mu.uon V1tiu 110111< Gori:cou• nurbl< flooring thruu~I l•nd-'l'aj'C'd itround1. ru1urc> include 11 ~"'°"~" 11 i-AlhroonH, dowmt""· with• '"ul o( four b<..lrt~"'"· thr"" full bath• and "J>U•I< brlun11 lor 20 an, mck poul/•pt w11h 2 "'"•. r'f•ll•. 4 fircpl"-" l full nlli,c loured down""" l .. ug• "'"''" "'"• wuh lacurn cuh. lu• and • -'-L _, 1i ..£. ___ h ._ __ u , 1 _, htf onlu •nd l•'l\'I' "•lk tn """'· l'lcncy o( nmual l1Kh1 throughouc ,..,.. u.ntm mAmK :a.no fi\,'CftlM tun-=n I roug"""'' c.1mtot. • AUl"l\.lry hofllC'' lhrtt ca.t , ind J un_un.ud llOO fat .. Mwt ""°' room1. indoor finng...,.,. and ltJ"'lll< <mdN> •pornn<'nt I h< ptopcrl) SdJtt ..;11 .. tt~~ffirn ~ sa~,000-919.176. · u oqurnro.tn coned Offi,ml" $6.'99.000 ~~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilmii~~~~~--~-----=-~-~~~~ LAND FOR SALE • OCEAN VIEW RFADY TO BU I.LO Gorgrnm mc.111 VICI\ l\ll 111 c:xclu,ivc: gudrd gacc:<l communin of ~Cd Pointe Estates. I .1hul11u~ .ipp1u~c:d pl.ms for 6,.WU ~q fc::ct home w11h scvrn hc:Jrunms and c:1gh1 .in<l h.1lt b.11h, ( ;urgcnm two level b.ick).ird 2,000 ~4 feet t'Jth level w11h poul JnJ ~p.1 JnJ l.rrgc grass .irca. Musi sec! Offcrc<l di S895,000 •BUI.LO YOUR DREAM HOM E ~pacrous Int l1•lJ1c<l agJim1 chc \1Jdlch.1tk 11111u111Jins, Cmn dt· ( Jt,.1 rn .J guJrJ·gJcc:d. gulf 11111r'r Jnc.l c4uc\1C1.111 u11nmu- n11y h.uunng 1w1> 18-hulc golf lllUN:,, world -clJ\) ccnni) and c4Ut'\trI.in fac1l - 111c\. plm \pun .1ml r1·crcJ11on p.irk,. Cl plus .inc\, \ .11rc' lbc. hor~c propcrry m- ua11:J "11h111 the "I· nd,l\c" .11 thc 1·nJ of .1, ul-dc·'J' ( )m' of dw hc,t lnrs w11h '11·w, of Com \'.1lb, rlw !?.olf t1111r,1· Jnd hdl1,1dc view\. Olli:n:d .11 $2,459,000 NEW OCEAN VlEW MASTERPIECE • CUSTOM ESTATE SITE: l-.!111 ,1,111 .:!(I ,1,n: home 1uc 111 rlH· g.11nl w111n1ll- n1tv 111 Juli.w.1 I .11111\ I 4ut·,1r1.111 11•11l 'uhm11 View~ uf th1· rn11rc 1.illn· ot \,111 Juan C.1pistr Jnu t\ppru1 cJ 'It" pl.1m Jrc: .11 JtlJblc for home: Owner 1' m111i1 .it- c<l .111d will 1r.1Jc or 1"<lhJ11gc. ( )tf1·r1·J .it $2,200,000 Mp11< 1 ltlk I .1i:1111a Bc.t<h hr.111J nn' home! l'JIHHMHIC wh11e w.11e1. 111.1111 hcJdl. •»l'.111 JnJ ( .. H.limJ view' ( ,,,IJl n I r.iwmne tloor~ 1hrougho111. V.-nu 1.111 plJ.;tn wJJI, .111d hJmhoo tl1•11llflj! 111 <"<Tl r11"111 I ~ljlll\llc L1p1d11, f\1.11111.111 grdllltl' <ou111u1 m _g•>tumtr kml>nt \\llh r11Jpk w111.J .. 1l1111<11 I 1111 111.1""' f'<"k~kJ ltJli,111 1l1Jing gl.t" "' ,.,J <l,.,,r, lu .. k 11u1 10 "'."' IJ.,uhl. ''·'"'J" ka<l1 111 IJ1g1 hJ,kJArJ \\1th l\\t• 11<lnl t'lltrJn"' lhJ1111lull1 d.-1i:nnl llU\ll"f 1111tl' "11h !'{.,,Ali~ l'l'1ge 1IJh' I hrn linlr•"'"., .111d 1hrrt lull hJth, ,111,I J 11.111 I"" large: J1;crc11011ary ht111u'''"'11111/111li,dli111m 1h,-.11"1 "" Appro\llllJI• 11 (1,0110 "IJ' 1111tk·r roof. l'h.: d11.-111m1 .w PC I I 111111h .111d 111r11 n 1111 I "f'"" \1., rt"" Cl.11n1·ryc. n un P.uk A'"'· I'·'" high "'h""I kh 1111 \k1l1r1, .111, ldt •Ill i\na,Jp.1 "·'v Offered .11 SJ.')90,000 ~~:;:;']!fr.~:"".1'1 ~------------__;_--~-~-.-_,.. ..... ......,,._.........,.. ..... .,..,... ....... ...,.... ....... ~~ .... ,........., BEST VIEW OF COTO DE CAZA 1 .. h aiu·•· •"'Clo ,JIC\I 1c•·· 11 de ,f ( ''" llt ( "'"' J .. t•ul•t1I\ OlflUO l.ltll ''C'~' l.ua;c l1H1f 111('\h"•'m f, 101r "11h 1hru f111l h.;ch~ .1n.J .1 ~Uhl\ ,, 41nr 1t1.11 \_11111,J h_-'-"'htfft..f 1m 1 J t1llh hc,(r.,um f,.hul11u\ h u.L.\JtJ \\ 1rh ..:,11"\ .i1..-1 i.11.,:,t hrt p11 l hit fl 1111m.: .ire.-"11h JU\t) 111J ~ ~01 ~t'itll\ lo1tt1 .. 1111"'' f+nHll 1111 \ 1.1d•lt 111'\111Hf! 1hrt~11~~hnt1I 1hc ,tu\\ th I JI" \p11rn\ \ tltJO '-ll kt'I \\!lh ,1tl11n•111 ._:.H.t!;,t' \fll\I \4.'t I >Hl'diMU 1.aL.r I\\\ rnmh r\11 (ho l'.u~'' 1\ ""I J ,, l.11..t. ~ h1• 11l 11 tlt"JJ cnJ, 1111tt ' or,, ,t\ ' .11.1 111J .,:u lctt f, , rut J , c" Offtrtd al S 1.189.000. MONARCH POINTE MASTERPIECE 'Hunn1ng Monarch P:o1nrt ("'Utt wuh 1Wttp1ng 0tc;an VlC'W\ lf\d (paf· ftng '") •nd •O""'al l1glm I ;hulnu• grand <lltr>n« wnh • Travmm< doublr .... irc.t .. and. gorgtou• w•nd founmn. Mum \UllC wuh whnc waler vwws .and 1 wine ullJr wuh J cau1ng room Thu tJtatt bo.1~1 •pproum .. dy 8.400 iq r ... wtch nqut.111< qwl1iy 1hrout:hou1 Sdln ..iu tetmai• oBm .,.,,_,. U.900.000-M.500.676 ------------ FABUWUS MAIN BEACH VIEW \h \lh. I IJk U.,."\JfU Kc.1id1 I hi .. ~or~rou' hnml' 1 ..... fl"""'"-""'-11u111 l'C'.h.lt \o\hut "'-Jl<'f tkl'.m t .u.a1m.; .. nJ """""''1 '"...,, °'''I'''" h \pfl "1 frc-1 ¥rlfh '°"'n k11'-hcth 1\\-r, trnoJn 1ot111t' fi\C'· hnlr1\Cmt\ li\f' .rnd .. h,lt hJ1h .. 1nJ _.,, 11lfi1.r ,111 """ f.1hul1•U\ \lt'\H 1."t!' "'"''t • '"'" "11h l111yt· u,11~ 111 dtlto.('I\ 111d "'·''''"' h ,Hhl11'1'11 lhuh IH t.ihHlclH dt1H11~'.h HU! \\.llh ... thrcr \.JI .~.UJ .. _.,t ()fh:ft'tf ..t.1.S,,-;00.000 BEST OF RITZ POINTE I •hulnu• homc loc.urd in 1hr guardrd v•nl communtr) of R111 fl11nic Wuh n-cr S(,00.000 in modd t1P11rada cllu bc-•u11ful home 1ndude1 lour hcdr0<)mJ, rhrtt ;nu • h•lr lu1hJ, w11h a folly upgwk<l ol!kc •nd b<1ni" lortlmnlia •P.K• '"•Pl'''"' HOO~ fcc1 F•hulnu• hoclcy.rd 1ndudt• pool and •r•· buih-1n BBQ w11h rrfrigrmor •nd lu•unou1 bnd1upt •nd h•rdJapt A gorgrow oettn "'"' proprny' fhr d11rnion1 Jr< l•kc P< II '6Uc.h. rurn ldi on Niguel Road, curn fcf1 on C:.01n1J.c. jt;tt< """ Sdln will mcvu.la o~ ._......, S2J00,000-S2,6S0.1116 TOP OF OCEAN RANCH I Al•ulnu-. l l 11 ~ .1 t, ltumc .... 1h 11 •II hnl1•,01tl\ It 1t Ju,\ .a lult I f .111J ~o ~·lf1u '1h ''um 1""'Hd ''''"'"'I.tit ''"h tull t 1d1 1••d ~ .u, n ..!11"1 lnr1 •'''' 11~.,~mhJ1~\.111I hu1llu1h11 urA"t1hHIH,1 1t1l l..r.,;c p.1111,. t\.i 111.,11 h .. , J,:1JH1•r .1111flltl\ 11ul 11t1 .. ~rlll l111ill*h 1•~1111, ( n/\ l1ru1h '''"°' 1.\lf11 hwh 1t r111rrt • .wm1rm 111,lic J •hl lmpl.ht \pr1o1\ i ' H 'll he I I h' rcr•u.t t 1m1h. ti •• rru:' ~lier will C'nu·n .un off<r-hc-1,.ttn ~ t .1>00,000·S l .11411./1~(, 29 -. 30 .., I CURRENT LISTINGS KAREN LYNCH (949) 720-9995 www.karcnlynch.com #1 Top Producer 14 ofLaat 15 Yean ~~-------------------------------~~ • £ ... 2 ~ Prudential California Reahy . . CURRENT LISTINGS KAREN LYNCH (949) 720-9995 www.karenlynch.com #1 Top Producer 14 of Last 15 Yean .... 0 r~ ------- ~--~--------~------... '- 33 I I I I t l l ' ·v o u R SOUT HE RN CALIFOR NIA . . flRH TEAM ESTATES NEWPORT BEACH 17 CORPORATE PLAZA. SUITE 21 O, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 FABULOUS PV!N . ~ftllaf. cw ..... 7 ... ..... 1 lllldt ..... --fl;Nft----..... w. ............ c.c: 118111 • ._......, .............. u.uuao ",... CM.I.......,.. FIRSTTEAMEST,,TES COM ~~------------------------------------.... -.... I I ,. I I .. ., I • 'A LlfOANIA ESTATE S THIS IS IT ~LINDA. ................... . ......... l blClr .............. ,.. Mt-·--1~ , C1Nlltt CML---Mlt f IRS TTcAME STATES.COM ... YO U R SOUTHER N C A LI FORNIA EST ATE S F1RS1lEAMB1ATES COM ,. r• I I ,, I , ., I\• , ,, I) . , } 'J I I ! • Kent A. McNaug,hton & A11oc1-i_es Most Trusted N•me In R•al E5tate i Tilce I Vtrtual Tour at: . website NIWORTF INEHOMES.com emall KENTNEWPbRT@aol.com NEWPORT BEACH OCEAN & BAY VIEWS CORONA DEL MAR. 4BR, SBA, home w/approx. 4,000SF, pool, spa, bullt-ln BBQ, cherry wood cabinetry throughout. Travertine flooring, granite counters, Sub-Zer0Nlkt.1g appllances, high celllngs, muter suite w/huge closets. Formal llvlng/dlnlng rms, den retreat w/deck, upstairs. C11t Kent to 1chedul1 en appolntmlftt. UAtS,000 1 l FtR'JI TIAMESIAll!>(OM • , ,. .... a .. a .............. _.&11.i!!'~~c~--------------~ YOUR SOUlll!ll N C A LI F O RN I A ESTATES CONl'tECTION MARY Mc COY cell 949.293.1552 pag('r 714.285.7794 I Q\1llAME\11\ll S CO"I ' f '39 11 I, rt ,, ,, I '1 I I ,, 'I I I I I I f j r Just Completed Masterpiece Three Doors From South Bayfront Don Abrams, Broker Sue Abrams, Associate ABRAMS COASTAL PROPERTIES 315 Manne Avenlie Balbol lal8nd, CA Ofc. (948) 175-4822 Three bedrooms and four b11throoms including guest unit over the garage. Pegged hardwood floors, chef's kitchen, granite counters throughout. four fireplaces. water views from roof deck and balcony and much morel Asking $2,225,000 Call Don Abrams or Sue Abrams to see. Live in Paradise on The Little Island's Grand Canal Don Atwame, 8rok9r Sue Abram., AMOClate ABRAMS COASTAL PROPERTIES 315 Marine Avenue Balboe lea.net, CA Ofc. (148) 175-4122 Sought-after remodeled duplex on the Little Island side of The Grand Canal. Three bedroom and den main home with a one bedroom unit over the garage. Dock tor 18 toot boats. Oversized square footage makes for a fabulous primary residence. vacation get-away, or Investment property. Asking $2,069,000 Call Don Abrams or Sue Abrams to see. t• ,. I I t1 I I 'l ' '"J , I l t. r 8 '. --··--,..,. One-Of ·A-Kind Comer Home in the Bluffs Gwenn Abrama, Ae.ttor ABRAMS COASTAL PROP£A11es 315 Marine ·Awnue S.lbOl leland, CA Ofc. (848) 175-4122 Cell (949) 887-0784 Wonderful remodel and upgrades to this -w-plan end unit. Three bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths plus two-car garage. Granite countertops. new kitchen. crown moldings, beautiful built-Ins, new windows and morel Lovely picture window looking out to peaceful patio garden. Asking $879,000 Call Gwenn Abrams to see . . ' ' ... . .... 1111111111•2 .. z•E .. 11!11 .............. ~E~r --------------~~ 'Pe&t1>111 Cte1t · J;,4g5,ooo '!Md ~!:! · 14,900,000 ,. Pelican Crest estate of unsurpassed quality Back Bay equestnan estate, great views lrvi'ne 1irMte · ,fJ,6_q5,ooo CotOM it/ .)!Lu. • $),J_)J,000 Prime view. perfect ) Bd. home with pool ) Bd. ) Ba.. ocean views ,..t 1y1tir J-ld/J · l.2.J1.g5,ooo 1hee ,£Jnk '!My • l.2.,.2.95,000 Unbelievable contemporary style home Wonderful, charming home t~ c~ ,J ~ · lr,tco,ca?-lt~gs,rm fJeN/*°Jt J-lei'fhtJ · 1949,900 Easts1de income property on an oversized lot Spacious Eutslde Heigllts 3 Bd. 2.S Ba. home {"1fJik CuifA vVlefd · .f;.2.5,000 Great. newer home built in 2003 .4f1tM tJi~e · /j,.J.00/;,.p11f},. Wonderful home on a liiirge. flat lot rr 44 ~ 8 N .r; CJ;e1t J-1 owe 7.JireclJJry ~ :> -. ~ "' -0 5 ~ 4J BIG CANYON :;; v; w Georgina Smith -;;; I 7 Rue Saint Cloud $2,399,000 Sun ,....,. 4J 0:: 0 ~ CORONA DEL MAR ~ ;;; 220.5 Marprite AV9"1ue $3.333,000 Sat , ..... Amy E. Baumprtner 0 Sun , ..... Amy E. Baumprtner 226 HeUocrope AV9"1ue $2,830,000 Sat , ..... Katie Rollins I Sun ,....,. Katie Rollins 1: 11 260 I Island View $2,050,000 Sat , ..... Bill Hill t Sun ,....,. Robin Tench .. '. I 027 Whitesalls W-q $1.750,000 Sat , ..... The Sheridans Sun ,....,. Judi Ulrey 27 I 0 Bayside Drive $1 .'499,000 Sat , ..... Roseanne T. Levan Sun , ..... Roseanne T. Levan 617 8eplia $1.285,000 Sat 2-5 Vosel/Barttiolomew 609.5 his AV9"1ue $1 .195.000 Sun 2-5 Marino/Feuer I I CRYSTAL COVE t I ----q 'I 86 Sidra Cove $2.295,000 Sat , ..... Cammy Leslie ' i j 'I DOVER SHORES '1 I ;1. 19 I 2 Sanm,o Drive $1,765,000 Sat 2-5 Rod Graham J 'I Sun ,....,. LouAnne Rm.y I EASTSIDE COSTA MESA ---- 271 Rose Lane $n5,ooo Sat , ..... Gnayce Taliaferro IRVINE TERRACE ----. ---. 730 Santana $1 ,'499,000 Sat , ..... K.en Carr Sun 2-5 Rod Graham LAGUNA BEACH 1185 Ocean Way $6,150.000 Sat 2-5 Matt Perry Sun 2-5 Tf"IUdl Hansen 369 HMlhome $1 ,900,000 Sun 1-5 Nancy Mlkowsky 250 L.droft $1 .849,000 Sat 2:30-'4:30 Christine 8"WWW t 31371 Monterey $1 .795,000 Sat 2-5 Kimberly Hutchlnp 03004 c........ ...... ,_..,, r-~°""*'""" .,.....i.., Nin' lnc.CcWMI ....... _ -c:::"" ICiQftC)' "' ................ lot .. OI .... ~ _,...,. candloloft OI ...... fll ......... Pf"'4llod br ft Mlor OI--ptAllc _. <11 ""'-.....-.nl ..,_....,_.,......,.,, ..... .,...,...,_........yolM""'"'-._.,,..__, .......... ..-.... _..... ............ -• fte n J-lo!AJe l:Jireclory NEWPO RT BEACH 16 Geneove $5,195,000 Sat 1--4 Jerry Snyder Sun 1--4 Cammy Lesh 21 15 Arbutus Street $1 ,J.49,000 Sun 1--4 Ka.tie Rollins 2918 Paper Lane $1 .295,000 Sun 12--4 Bill Hill 2071 Churchlll Coort $799,000 Sat 1--4 Tennille Rattt.r Sun 1--4 Tennille Rather 26 Sea Island Drive $715,000 Sat 1--4 Donna PHbles Sun 1--4 Donna Peebles Nl WPORT COAST 3 yYlndemere Court $4,9'49.000 Sat 12-5 Teresa Hyatt 26 Calais $1 .225,000 Sat 1--4 Aines Tont.y NEWPORT HEIGHT S 5 18 8 Mod.la $1 ,799,000 Sat I ... Mlpl'larp Soo I ... Grant BbdJy 23 15 Holly Lane $I ,'495,000 Soo 1-5 Wllilrn~ 3310 Clay Street $1 .2'49,000 Sat I ... Heather McEwen Soo I ... ,..,Vllp NORTH LAGUNA 581 Dunnepn Drive $2,995,000 Sat 1--4 Jim & Catherine Turco Sun 1--4 Jim & Catherine 'Turco SANTA ANA 11[ IGH r S 20'491 Savanna une $n5.ooo Sat 1--4 Todd Bryson Sun 1--4 Gary Hesselpsser SOUTH LAGUhU\ BE.ACH 31883 Circle Drive $3,395,000 Sat 1--4 Michael MacK.ellar Sun 1--4 Ron Felsot SPYGLA:::iS RIDGE 1627 Bay Cliff Circle $1,895,000 Sat 1-5 Evan Corbtt Sun 1-5 Evan Corbtt TURTLE RIDGE 5 3 Gl"Mnhouse $649,000 Sat 1--4 GeorJina Smkh CQ004 c;......,. ..,_ ~ ~ c.or,or-.. °""""end __ by NIT lnt.C-..,_ ._ -c:: .. -al..-......... ........ -.....,__... .. ....-.,,. ........ a1,....,.,,.-..,. .. -.,,.__. ,....._..,,, ___ " ......... ~ .. ~ ..... •• _., .. _a1_.....,_.....,.,.,_..__.., _ _..,_,..,,....... HI • • ' I ' -t r I t r f 1 f • ' I I , l \ "\' 1 \ \' ' '·' ' ' '' t ' t , t t ' I ,. .. I I I I 'I '' ,Ill t I ,, ~i " •I I "J ., ............................................... ..... -·······-····················-··· . . . . . . .. . . ............ -. . . .. . .. . . . Mediterranean style. 5 bedroom. bay front estate with approximately '45 feet on the bay . "' --' ..... . . : ~ -..... -.. Fabulous custom bay front on oversized lot at street end. Completely remodeled in 199'4 with state-of-the-art finishes. Mo /Ju· J1,59g,ooo Spacious home on oversized lot at east.em tip of island. -Mo /Ju· ti,995,000 Gorpou1, tum-lcey Udo ble home. Hup comer lot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . ...... .. . -. . . .. ......... - •------------------------------~----~~~ 47 M o /Ju · $2,695,000 Beautiful. traditional home on an extra large comer lot. Completely remodeled in 2004. Superb quality. 3 bedrooms plus den and '4 baths. One bedroom on first floor. M o /Ju · 11; 695,000 Fabulous opportunity on one of the best interior locations. Large street-co-street lot. '4 bedrooms and 3.5 baths. .. 8 N .,., ~ ~ 'O :; ~ ... ~ .,.. w ;;; -... 0:: ~ ~ i6 0 ,. ,. .. -....._ __ _ ~?'' ~ · 159s,ooo a..d*I ~upper Pllrt A Hardwood floors, &rMlice courun:ops. S.Zero I efl p MIOt", new'llf' applll ices. fbl ltadoi I shutters In bedrooms and closet orpnizer in mastef: ~l)d /J~. /2.,04~000 Excellent newer Income property. Very spacious. light and brt&ht units. Each has la own laundry Inside and 2 car prage . IJeNfMJrC ~tMh • $9251 000 Big Canyon Villa Model C. Nicely upgraded with hardwood floors, slate and travertine flooring. Custom paint throughout. Newer appliances. Wine refrigerator. Brand new custom home on the sand. Estimated completion in late summer. '4 bedrooms, '4 baths. ~{/Joa h1ii1iJf1U 1 $~750,000 Fabulous, S bedroom. S bath, brand new bay front home with dock. Estimated completion in early August. Gorgeous upgrades throughout. .......... ' ...... . . ...... . . . . . ' ....... . . . . . . ' , . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . "' ........................... . . . . . . . . . . .. . ............................. ,. . .. . .. .._ . . ................................. . ..... c. => .,, ll' f , .. IO 8 N /J&NfllrC J-1~10 . /2-,t 95,000 This home often warm family living and elegant entertaining posslbilldes. Wonderful side patio wtth spa and outdoor fireplace. 4 bedrooms, 4.S baths plus master sitting room . f2buk>us views are yours on this r'efTIOCWed, front row Irvine Terrace 3 bedroom home. Spacious great room with fireplace, gourmet kitchen, gym and pool. fj,cf95,ooo --51 Sweeping views of the ocean. harbor and golf course. High beamed ceilings with an open feeling throughout this 3 bedroom. 2 bath Mid-Cenwry home. Kitchen with Viking stove. breakfast area, family room with fireplace. courtyard and view side decks. Immaculate and tasteful home with canyon and ocean views. This S bedroom or '4 bedroom plus separate guest quarters/office home is surrounded by beautiful gardens and patios. Remodeled with fireplace In family and living area. 3 bath and 3 car garage. , I I ,, I I .. 41. ~n ~in6 • t/fj,900,000 Palazzo Olivia In Pelican Point celebraces dme-honored traditions of European style estates. fJ. Sea 4 rt-enJ • Jtt, 500, 000 6 bedroom, 9 bath, Fari designed estate on premier Pelican Hill site. 33 S,/;,yr4e · lto,500,000 315& Std S'lutiPJeJJ . ¥),(95,000 Luxe indoor/outdoor living. 12 car ga~. Stylish European villa in L.aiuna Niguel. st Slw~e · /JJ.95,000 Ma&nlficem oc•n and canyon views. lb -:1iirr.>A!f "AJ~{ • lb,495,000 Classic California estate In Pelican Hill. .. --------~~~~~~~~- ... -............ --.. 7 Cdhyo1t Rilk • /5,395,000 Bepnt French Normandy style residence. Elegant Harbor Ridge custom residence in the English Tudor style. J/J"J) CiNlt 'Drive • IJ,395,000 SM 'D11111tt5;;01 'Drive • /2.,995,000 Amazing South Ug\lna oceanfront. Some of the best ocean views In the region. ft StiJ.tA Cwe · JJ-,J.95,000 J.t CA!AiJ • /t,J.JJ,000 Elegant 4 bedroom. 3.5 bath Spanish sey1e villa. Beautifully upgraded family home In Montserrat. , I ,. ) ' , .'• S~HJ · /11,904000 Spectacutar front row Sm'l£.ttrs home. 4 bedroom, 7.S t.th home. ~ • lt,t95,000. r.buba. rnocW perfilct PW\ 2. /.Jy.J'°"~ · lt,7gg,(}()() Fabuloua 5 bedroom home on delnble IU"Mt. ~tmf l.JTlll},, • lt,t95,()()() ~tmf 1.Jll& • lt,tgs,()()() ~lat cu••iflCWW 'I home. ~pool home on...,.. II lrvw c/irJ-AU, • /1,4gg,ooo Remodeled soft. contempe>rary home. &AJ&ik-Co16t vVlt.Jd • 1'775,000 Charming home with a large rear yard on a quiet street. ~wt 1itMa • S!,41-9,000 Fantastic expanded Plan Boo a larie lot. ~ /\)e,,v"'I{ • $1,J.99, 000 Duplex wtdl a phenomenal locadon. /\Jt NJ>l'J{ J-/df/riJ • lt,J.49,000 Bnnd new condominium wlch ocean views. /\)tNJ>l11' J-ltiflriJ · lt,J.49,0~0 l bedrooms. 2 full bathrooms and In. badlroom. I , .. "I , 'I . I ' . , rl J l ~, I l I ' '.> .. .,, 8 N .r) :i! -il ~ a ~ ~ 7ii v; w jij ~ 0: :2 ~ ~ iii 0 .. ~~Ai· Jj,tg~ooo FIOCUdc home~ bmudful bay. ocean Md wet Ylewl. Completely remodeled ·Ind hW"1 upcraded. this S bedroom and S bath home Is pert.ct for entenalnin& CAfitrdnv ~k · Jb,350,ooo One °'the most magnificent contemporary beachfront homes ewr built In Orange County. Cll'PM Jd ~ · J4,450,ooo ~. a..lul, tndltlonal ti.y front home locat9d In Carnation COYe. ~ JJi!"d · J4-,z;o,ooo This hlth qulllty, ndldonal style home has the,_..,.~ a prtonte esiu.. • l l7 Only I I exclusive uguna Beach oceanfront custom home sites remain. All the luxurious services and amenities of the Montage Resort and Spa. Lot sizes range from 13,000 to 16,000 square feet. I I I I f{ I , I I 1 I "-c I •, • I I I I J I ' I , I• 51 "1 8 "' .I> ~ ~ .;; 'O 2 ,., (/) CIJ ~ ;:; ;;; CIJ 0: 0 if &:- "" 0 Absolutely tum-key, newer custom home featuring S bedrooms and 5.S baths. Formal dining room. large kitchen. family room, an entertainer's delight. 1/vu Ank ~y · $2,295, 000 Wonderful, charming home In Three Arch Bay with 180 degree ocean, coastline and Catalina Island sunset views. Rare grassy yard in back. Situated in a private bay and beach community. Absolutely charming throughout. Wood floors, French doors and seagrass flooring. 3 bedrooms. 3 baths plus separate work space. Incredible attention to detail throughout this 2 story. 3 bedroom, 3 bath New England style fiome. Premiere location, close to all community amenities. .. I , , l t ,. .. I && Spectacular French Italian style estate. Harbor, city, ocean and golf coorse views. No expense spared. Separate chefs kltchen in detached cabana. O ne of the highest lots in Pelican Crest. NNN. I 014trerI6. aJ"4. This 3 bedroom, 2 bath. single level. top floor condominium commands a panoramic tree-lined view of Corona del Mar and Saddleback Mountains from Its elevated lot. Ui ii ..My1& J-iil/J · I~ 495, ooo Contemporary style home designed by Horst Noppenberger and feawred in Coast Magazine and on Laguna Art an d Architecture Tour. Rare Corona del Mar opportunity to build on approximately 8,800 square feet of land with golf coun e and ocean views . . . . . . . . ....... ..... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . - . . . . .. . . . . . .... . . .. . . . . . . . . ' .......... . ................ I ~ t ' , ' f .. ": I I t: r: . , a I t ' I• I > "· . ' ''. t t • a ., 8 '" .r; cu c... :> ..... > "' u "' ~ r/) cu ~ :;; w "' cu 0: 0 ii:. ~ IQ Cl t t It tt t ' I It ft I q U p II I I f p I • I t I ,, r ft I fl I c fl ' If II H I f If II II ti fl JI I I I fi.Je1V?Jf ~. fl,295,000 Beaudful W&e home on an OYel"Stzed lot wtd'I pooC. spa. ~ustom slide and waterfall. Hardwood ftoon downstairs and ca,,,et upstairs. )Jo!f},, ~lfM ' J2,99f,000 TO«al!y remodeled. North Lacuna home with sOm. "' the best OC*n Ylews in the ,..;on. ~ CAJtyo1t • IJ,700,000 N.w cust0m,Tusan style home on a lup lot~ canyon vlsw. IN ESCROW _, ·' ._ M .~, e . -~ -· -- Slwty C"nyo,. • J2,cfg5,ooo Elepnt .. bedroom. '4.S bath Shady~ villa. J.Jt-N~ &.cd · l4,gg5,ooo "-"-Dovw Shores blly front with approxlrnat.ty 1'4'4 feet on the wauir. . . JJe1Vf>OJt CvAJt • ~tgg,goti Gorp>us. soft~ Ocean RJdae eustx>m. 5 bedroom. 6 bath estate wtth ~ and OCMn vtews. Hl&hly ~ 1iv& Rod Cred · /4,300,000 Ma&nlficent Turtle Roc.k Crest. one-of-a-IQnd, 6 bedroom. 6 bath contemporary view masterpiece. Sweeping panoramic views. ~'°" &cd . J';99,000 This aoraeous. rr.hly redecorac.d. 3 bedroom. 2.5 bath home is !WK.~ and r-.dy co mow rWht In. , . .. l ''I I • lo 'I ' ., .. M 8 "' "' CIJ c ;) -. ,.. "' 'O :. ;;; V> CIJ ~ ;;; ..., ~ CIJ a:: :§ 0:: ~ .;; 0 _ ~ J.ti/L · Jb,goo,ooo Front raiN ocean and goff course views from this new esute. ~h J.ii/L . 15'295,000 Beautiful custom home with fabulous views of the ocean, golf course and city lights. J.Je,.,11'°;6 ~. /;,JJ9,000 ~HM J.-/i//J • /;,#0,000 Sophlsdcat9d custom estate wict\ vi.ws. Exqulslta, Mediterranean style custom home. JJuv/"°1'6 C1JA.ft • Js,900,000 Sn •tpil 11 oc.n. Cal3lina !stand and city ff&tlts vtews. ~.Hill: f715,ooo N.w . .,....,. !Ned In bllore . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . ............... . t ••• " ............... . • • • • .. • " ••••••• t ••• J JJe;v;ore J-teiflriI · 1~495,000 Contemporary style home on large Newport Heights lot. This well located property is close to 17th Street, shopping and is approximately a I 12 block to Newport Harbor High School. Designer kitchen, skylight. black marble counters, stainless backsplashes. cathedral ceilings. dramatic floor-to-ceiling northern windows, large upstairs master suite. hobby room, secluded pauo shaded by a wisteria trellis and sunny vegetable garden. • ., • I ,. cc ~~ CAJtYVlt • IJ,199,000 4 bedroom, 3.S bMt'I custom cownhome located on Blc c.r,,an Golf Cow-se.. ~ ~" • /1,("15,()()() ._,lllUy remg d1l1 d UMMClme on Fil quw. 2 M*o+1M. 2 ......_ , """ ,. . ... •••••••·····~·········••••A ·~······~····· .......... ._...•••••• ••4••····~·······················~······~-· ~······· .•.•.•• • .. -... ••• ·:. ••• -4 ... • .. ~1,·:.:,,:.·:.•.:1~.-......... ~ ... ~-~·-· .. · ... ·.· .. ·.·::.·:.·:.·.".·.·: ·; . .,.-... ,.· .. -.... ·~· q Enjoy panoramic ocean views from this charming, remodeled, North Laguna cottage with a rental unit in back. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home completely remodeled to the studs. Upgrades galore. crown moulding. vaulted ceilings, granite counters and more. 7-1 ' , JI r. f I • i: r: ' • )o t I .. ' I '• .. II .. 8 "' .ri ~ ~ ,;. <'O 'O :s ;;; Vl ,., ;;; v; ..., "' ,., 0: Si a: ~ ;;; 0 --- /JeNfOK ~k · /rf,ZJSOO Fabulous p course views from fNefY room in this exquisite comer location. Complet.efy remodeled, granite baths and kitchen, stainless appliances and hardwood floors . &tl&ih Cv1fA vt1eJd • /~100,000-/~295,ooo Well maintained duplex on an OYenlz.ed comer lot. Great opponunity for income or owner to oc.aapy . ' • • (J) "' c a. "' ':" '-c: :> ~ ~ "' 8 ~ :x:J ~ !!!. ,.., "' I» Ci) -0 ~ -< 31 §: ,- ' Spectacular harbor and ocean views can be seen from this European inspired home located on exclusive Kings Road in Newport Beach. .. , ' . I ' 1. I ... . . . ••• .. .. I I • I ' • ~ . ............ . • £ '/1Jih4"4ttre Cvd · fj,Jf!9,000 Custom 5 bedroom. 4.5 bath Ocean Ridge estate. Serene canyon views. J 'f\Ji~~e Cvd •. t/4,949,000 .. Approximately 6,200 squa~ foot custom Ocean Rldae estate. Exqulsitety remodeled In 2002. Panoramic ocean, harbor, Catalina lslana. city ~ and sunset views. . . . ~ ._. . .. . . . . . . .... . . . ' .. , , . . , ·~ . ......... ,,_.,. '"..'/ .s~cvd Sfpan Coleeckwa. Oc.r'I RJda9 Esme. Gourm.t ldticher'l lnCI bofu room. .... . . . . .. • • ~.•at• ... • Ill• t I ... ·.· ........ ·.,.·.·,·:,,·.·,·.--.. ·.·:·.· .. l;,,,.,,.,; ... , .. . ,,,,.;.,.~,.,,. .... , , ,. . . . . . . ---.. • 11 'ti> ... c a. ~ '-c ::i "' ' .<" "' 8 "" ;;o "' !!!. "" "' I» n; 0 "' ~ -0 2 "'°edible oceanfront home In prd-pcied views from this breathtaking property. 1£500,000 One of the most magnificent contemporary beachfront homes fNef' buift In Orange County. This property is located in the 14354000 ,, f I • 'y I ) I r I • • I I I I • t • . . , ... . . r;• • . . , ·~ .... • 72 ·r c "' .,.., "' c ) -. ~ .., ~ 1 '? J .,.. :u :,, ., .,.. er ' n > "' a (. N C:W LI ST IN G )Jorfiuvood · $1,3 ~ 000 Custom home located in Northwood Pointe's guard-gated community. Tum-key, 6 bedroom home with neutral colors. CoroM kt~· lt,49~000 Great location south of the highway. Close to parks, village and beach. Remodeled duplex. very clean units. Great income property or build condominiums . • n "" ~ c: a. "' ':< '-c: :::> "' U\ "' ~ .( ::c "' ~ ...., "' or (ii 0 a> -< -1 ~ Sitting high up on one of Newport Beach's premier streets, this lot offers commanding views of the ocean, harbor, Back Bay. Saddleback Mount.a.in and the city of Newport Beach. Located in a popular family neighborhood close to all schools. restaurants and the beach. "" a -, • I I I 1.'\ .. • • I • • 74 8 N .r; J ~ i V) ~ ~ "' ...... ~ .. er £ i' 0 OtMl\jolll ~ • lt,154000 Molt..,.... .... ocwitont toa.dcn. Sold home wtd'I pOol ~the bwtl and uf on In ... CIDCiN!Cllly 9,000 ~toot lot. lndudls ~ .... for I NW home. )Joi{),, ~M • $1.,995,000 Tocaly rwnodeled. Nonh ~ home wid't some d the best ocean Ylews In the l"flCk>n. 3 bedrooms. 2.5 bechs and wraparound awnce. . . . ',. .... .. .. . . . .. . ····-···················~~~---~~ ~ ·······-·······~~········~~-·~···· 'I This IS TI-lE f111e5t oceanfront property in the Western United States On 2. ~ and more than , ,octJ fttt of f>ac1~c shortlme ....,th 270 ~ vil!WS of the P&0~c and ~yood This estate letl\Jre amen1tres 1ndudm9 J.4 beaooms, beveled glc1$S mahaEy lronc ~. tJ(teN•'ltl French. pillowed. l.1'119$tone lloonng 100 foot long atrium art gallery and floor to ceiling throvghout offe11 mesmenz•ng whitewater "'ews and crw ung wa'ltl'l everywhere Sea buds nest and Harbor sta are born on PfOPerty, with m191aM9 \W1alts iust off.shote This korne simply says lu•vry $9 950 000 Th1l> HISTORIC Norm11ndy re•Mdl l!!>tatu wrth outst11nd1n9 111e~ of CrH cont B.:iy. Ocean ilnd C11t11l1n<1 sun1e1 views. ,, " mu,t see Fe<1turing 3 1torte• on a 1/'} "'' acre corner lot There are n1ult1ple renc.;il unirs on e&ch 11001 rncludrny "'Pel t11cul111 p.,,,chou~o unit plus 11 P.1, 1f1r CoMI H1ghw.1v rt'tll•I ~""" fhl\ ,. .1 1rc1rhy L1HJl"'<l Be11\h Proptir1y, $4r195,000 Wateriront living at rt's finest This 1ncred1b'-' Bayfront home located near the harbof mouth entrance offers spectaclJTar \llf'WS of all bo.lt tr11fhc leaving 11nd enrering the Newport BelKh hatbo< Wrth ~thwest e.l<pOSU!'E! ~nd superb afternoon sun this is a temfic opportunity to build your dtei.'rn home right on the water or move right •ntl' " ii btidroom 3 bath house ""th a 40 It boat dod<. $3,995,000 • .. 75 (/) cu 2 a cu ~ '-c: :> 11> ~ -( N 8 ~ :::0 Cl> ~ rn V> ~ n; -1 0 !!! ~ 3l ~ I I ·H I • • 'II ' ' .. . ... . . •' .. . . . . ' .. ~,\ ... . ~ .. ,. .. • .. • °>' .. ., 4':: t::' 71 '<! 8 "' .,-; Q; c :> -. > "' ~ :; <6 ff) Q; ;,) ;;; UJ "' Q; er 2 ci.. .?:-.;; 0 77 ~ e a. "' ~ '-c ::> ~ ~ N 8 ::. :io ~ ~ ,.,.., "' a; ;; 0 ~ -< Jl ~ ···~· ... ·-······-························-..... _ .................. -................................. _ ... _ .............................. . 2 7 3 7 E A s T c 0 A s T H I Ci II w A y • c 0 R () N A 0 E I. M A R ~ .. ' 4 ( ..,g -· ' ... . ,,,. .. \ ' " 71 '<f 8 "' .,; ~ ::I ...., >. • .,, ~ '5 ;;; V) QJ ;;; ;;; ..., ro QJ er '1 • ~ n: >. ~ 0 • (<. re ._,.. '"" . John Stanaland Broker I Manager Cell : 949.689.9047 John @LagunaSeaside.com EASIOE REAL TV 618 Lordla. Laguna &each Rent1t(/i1/. m~1 · l11J111t'_/it!I '?/'( 'atn!tilfl r><'f'rm riru.1. ,'j Ix/rm . .J.S hath. dm & ho1111.1 mom. )1.975.000 Laguna &each f;l/N'rt<'llrt' 1/w .rimplr' l>t'OWJ · u/a Mnrk .~iit{lt'rdr.,iµ11rd lm11w. ·J lx/1111 l :J .. ; hatlt. P01wm1111(· <Ylll.J rm r1r1111. )2.950.000 Laguna &each Ormn l'irw rv11dr>1111iu11. 2 hdrin. :! both. ( '!tw· 10 I irtona Bmch. Contnrt Kni/1 f rrmrr: 94 .9. 63 7. .5236 )'199.000 Laguna Nigud /,orr'11 · 4 bdrm I J hath home. i ir'll'. /,a'l(<' patw u·rdt h11111-1i1 hbq. C/11hlwn1r 11 I pool. tt'11111.1. lxukf'tlxlll. a11d 111017'. ':)899.000 Downq .J l>dnn. I hr11/1 l/IJ111e 011 mrner lot. Room to t'.t pm1d MttJt .1t•r! Co111an Jory. font!e_1 : .<J-1.9. 6.r N066' .)L.50.000 Laguna &each .~i11m11i1/l. 2002 Mark Sti1ger de.;iµ:11ed Imme. .1 hdnn1 . .J.5 hatll. 4.000.rq.fl. f'atiM 011 f'l'<'rl' feed .)1.925.000 Laguna f>cach Laguna &each Rancho Mirage C01tage b, I" 1!1r .im. :J hmm// . .5 hat II. Ort'an (iutom .Alork 5iill(f'r de.rigll. 4 bdrm.• I .'j J\r,,. /Jome in gated rom1m111il): J lxln11. 2 .ride r/PCI/. Ort'flll 1•ir11jmm a/1110.11 e11ery bat Ii. J. 8{)(J .rt7.ji. Ort'on 1•1<-111· Cmtflmt'/tun bat/1. A._i:.mcia1io11 bbq, .Jp<.1 &po<>l Contact wom. 'i-t)' dwnninµI ~2.250.(X)() b:• Peter MrCam>ll )2.850.(X)() Ke1i/1 fel'('nrr: 94.9. 6.J;. .'i2.J6 ~ 9.500 fo r addiHonal inf ormalion, please: caU or visil our we:bsile: al lagunase:asick.com 1045 South Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, California • Office: 949.494.2124 • LagunaSeaslde.com -. • .... 79 V> I» 2 g. ':"' '-c: ::l ct> ~ N 0 0 ~ ;u ct> ~ l"T'\ .,. Q;" ~ ~~ 0 I» ~ ::9 § ~ ' ~' t r • • t •• t ' ' ~ ' ) I I I I t •• &,, • \ I . .... . . . . . . ·; ... ·.·: . ~ \ .. ,,. 71 v 8 N .,.; ~ c:: ~ >-I t'I) E' ~ ~ (/) "' ~ .,, w c;; ... er .. 0 a: ~ "' 0 I ('" • • John Stanaland Broker I Manager Cell : 949.689.9047 John @LagunaSeaside.com EASICE AEAL TV 618 lordlo. Laguna !)each Rm11q/i1!. m.:_1 lwmeJ11ll <?/Cmaltiw <>r<'flll 1·1~11.i. 3 bdrm. 3. 5 bat II. dm & lxm1u room . .)1,915.CXX> Laguna &each Etf>f'rit>flre tl1e .rimple /)('all!)· <fa Mark .~ii1µer dr.J'1'µ11rd ho111r. ·I hdrm I :J. S />(It//. l'mwmmu <YlllWfl 1 w11.1 . .)2.950.()(X) Laguna ~ach Cottlll(<' b_l · !lw .1m . .1 bdn11/ I. S batlt. Ocerm -11dt> f!( PCJI. OrY'nfl l'lru:from ol111<J.1t ('('-ery mom. Jic-ry clwmuitµ! .)2.250.COO Laguna i)cach ( >«nfl r1't-u· ro11dom1i1111. :! hdrm. 2 hm/1. Clorf' 10 linoria Broch. GJ111ac1 Keti!t f f>rr11re: 9-19. 6Ji..5236 Y199.0CJJ Laguna Nigud /,orr~1 · ./ hdnn I .1 both home. I ieu-. I ,a'l-.'<' pa tit J U'li/1 lmi/J-1i1 hbq. C/11blm1t.1<' tr/ pool. lt'11m1. ha<'krtball. and mmr. ':/399.CXXJ Laguna !)each Ctutom Mork 5iit1fer de.rip.11. 4 hdrm1 I .'J batll. J, 8fKJ .1q.Ji. Orron t•ieu•. Co11.11m111011 h.> Pe(rr Mt{'ormll .)2.850.0CJJ Downey .J hdrm. I hat/1 l/()mf' 011 rurner lot. Room 10 r.qx111d. Mwt .it'<'! Conta('f }<Xy Srmtle_l :· .9-19. 6.r 8066 .)1.50.COO Laguna l)cach .~i1111mi1K 2()()2 Mark .5ii1ger desig11rd home. .'I hdrm.1, 3. S hat!t. </. (}()() .rq. Ji. 1'0110.f 011 r1 f'r) · /rrt>I )1.925.COO Rancho Mi<agc Nru Imme in gated rom1111m1f): .J bdrm. 2 hatll. A.r.l'r>c1011011 bbq, ·IJXI &pool Co1unr1 J..'e1ih f f.rr1uY': .94.9. 631..'i2.J6 .)/../. 9.500 for addilional informalion, please: caU or visil our we:bsile: al lagunase:aside:.com 1045 South Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, California • Office: 949.494.2124 • LagunaSeaside.com • .... 79 (J) "' c: a_ "' -:c ._ c :::> <t> !--" N 8 ~ ~ <t> !!!. ,.,.., VI c;; ;;;- ~· 0 ~ '< 3' ~ .. ·I .. p ... ~ r: \ "" .. I -q I 8 I "' r "' "' c ~ -. ~ >.. I "' 'O t 2 , "' (/) ' , QJ , Bl "' , ..., , "' "' 1 Q: I ,. . 0 f ~ ' ~ .v 0 , i r ~ r • I r ' ' I I ... • COWAN $3,3ff,OOO OeMn YleW--..., high tech home with theatre, game room. -vrm. 2 cllce9. pool & spa. Bob" FtYM BINn (94') 480.3f00 S.oaO iq. fl. JM."'°** H20 view:'" 4 BO. 4 BA. 4 '* ~7 1""' ~, - W.yne $tnlfh (JG) ~215 The V9iy 6esl ot1he"""8ac:tt tsay. 4~0. 2.5 BA. 2400 sq. ft., dei9* fNttnl th~ _OVerslZed .lot. a.nouc fa..,... tJ49) ~29 --'1!lil~,°"~ IOd1 attt ~~e Uit{~l· --; ...... ---· .. -. ·-.. -.. ~ ... ~ -, \l_!EWINO--SatlJtdlly. JuoeSfrom 1:00-4:00PM.ey.eppoi11tn'M1!lt only. _ -~n111cent custom 6 BO, 8 BA Pelican Ctettt"ESUlte offers perfection in design. The finistles are fX~tlonal,' lndodlng JlmMllliM, grwnlte. '9bric Wlllll"and ~·· and WQOd floorl. Ulttmete high tectl home oncJudlnlf ~ ~. terge game room. twcraf'llcn;1Mne1*lar. mirrored gym with bar. subterranean par1(1ng, dosed dioUft Olll'Mfn, stunning Views of~. bay and o'ly lights. plus• large pool and ap1l, C>Verslzed IOgglaa. EsthfH' Yank (IUD) tU0-1529 Califomla &.emq. 2 Story boroe -goldell Sande & wltt1e water. sM Ww'N.R~.com- RtlN AlenndW (Ml) ,._SHI ~ ~1'A _ --$875, .. Jmtltltad pool home! 3 80, 2 M. I t.mwood flocn._ ftrepleOe. MrMTI garden, 2 car garage.. Wea Welsal.., ,...., 5004715 --0eorve Ranold "' .. ~ .... Del Ms home! 4 BR. '-~ M. meny '"'**' -: Jaelc GJltonl-~ (941) no-~ :.... --KgU&@g.9iess community. wlth-an.DC"Mn-<b8 - -_ rocallon, V!eWS. 213 acre, and s.ooo.-&q. n.-lol - ~~ ~.).5 !'-~rtrn9deled 2001. step~ ~!--irach ~nd shapltVltll~.J~ Aillal.Jeo _ tJ41#--U0-2UB ---,,....,,.~ ·- ----. --C.rol McLalfOhlln -(~) 212~70 ~ - ~a.f'HOUSE -Salt & ~n, ei.C&-8'5, 1~PM--- ~"2S. Camino Caplsttano #.211.. ~ ~ ~."l-BA. . ·~Juli• O'NMll ~) ut-np. --... ----- .... --.... -. Out.KAMl~_:~f4!u-----· ---. -..-..=-. ~ .. · - ---Beaotlful 4 eo. 2 BA with large yard. ln a grief area Rita Wad• 4. Bob Kuna ~ ·fQ0-9122 -APIMM~~Nke.no.~..ae& a_, _ private toot af lhls.un~'9ild&Yi.-~ BUI DOiby--(fa} ·$-.,ai--:. ..... -· -:...-· .:....: -.. -• ._ _,. . '· R ~. /l I I I r I ' . . . . . . , .. , . . . ~·· . ·l9\~· . . fl4: I .. ... ft'>. I ·~ • a...,. -·- IZ 8 N .n ~ :::> -, ,:., "' 'O a ci1! .... 10 ;;; w -;;; Cit :i Q.. ~ "' 0 -. • . .... ::--. . .. . . . :.;~ r~ .,,. • .\ I r'I-:- ~ .. .- ,. r I I - • .. 8 N .,.; ~ ~ >. "' 1? a "' VI "' 3i V> w -;;; "' a: 0 iE >--= "' 0 .$3,580,000 ' ~ d» IQflllll« in lhls apeciOUA Dewer Shores home with private poof. Tnily .. enteiulner'1 dellahr! Orand livina room. formal dlnrna with custom t>mr. Einenslve use of rich wood pmiell and lavish muter 1ui1e with rcuect. CIOte lO Newport Aq&ladc Cenrer and Dunn Recrearion 11re1a widl ,.Birif ~ ... W..Chm fnorile Beck Bay views. • ~ < - :i... . --....... .... ------... ~~1mily IOd frlendt -lhl1 home hu everything you need IO aa !he .,.ny ....ti 80lutiM corner .lot fearures 4 ~ plus bonus IOOID Incl 3 bllbrooml. Gial club-"°'* . association pool. park, IOd remia nenr. Out~ng Irvine achool• in prune Nofthwood communiry $1,100,000 Irvine Uviila 11 iu tinesi!! Bayporte tnct A derachcd home in lhe helrt ofWOcJdbridael Appll. 2800 !IQ.ft. 4 bedrooms, 3 balbs,wf I bedroom and beth doW11111Ab111nd a 3 car garqe. Dramatic floor plan fe11urc1 catbcdral ceUingJ and lhe floor Dian It perfect for emenainina! This newer Sllllldlnl Pacific Home has ii all! ,..,,,.. ..... 2 -.,. 2 lid; l.75 ... '°"'**·One atlhe baa loctlloi! . In 1llCl *-tledftianl IOcJkiltt <Mr Wlndwood PD. .. to~°""' ~ peol. ~ tmy wilh new betilttairpet. All KW ¥inyte ..-.,.. A pllio doon. new...-, new wildow ~ Cldledral ceillnt ~llvtna AllllL lMidl '-dry, one li1.lllle ...-. ,... a GM CIMled CllpCll1 aad mlCli llllft. ceninlly locleed, •Y ll1cell IO fwly 5 • 40$. COllllCt ,. ~'646 for pm. lllowlnc· .. ·-- • •, • ~ C! a c.o ':< ..... c: :::i ,,, ~ N I 8 I :.. :::0 .1 ,,, !!!. ,..., "' a; ;;; !"'Ill 0 ~ -< 3' §: ... r ...... \ .. I 8 "' ~ "' ~ :.:. ,,, "O :; ;;; Vl ... open ho use ·invications ;;; ;;; ...., 16 ... a: ..... AllSO VIEJO 0 ... n.. 17 Evening light $879,900 SatJSun 1-5 ThersaV ~ "' 0 63 Via Abna:zi $629.000 SatJSun 12.,. 8111 Prescott . 26~ I Las Palmes $'417,000 Sat 12 ... Kimberly Welch ANAHElM HILLS '4318 Terra Vista Lane $650,000 Sat/Sun ,.,. ~ 6587 Calle Del Norte $899,000 SatJSun ,.,. Theodora "' BAY RIDGE 123 Hartford $539,000 Sun,.,. Unda Brehm SIG CANYON 18 Rue Saint Cloud $2.'497,000 Sun,.,. AnneTumer SIG CANYON YI LLAS 603 Bay Hill Drive $829,000 SatJSun I.,. Sue Young 209 Bay Hill Drive $965,000 SatJSun 1-5 Heeg/Heeg ~OST~ M]SA_ 399 BayViewTel"IT'ace $615,000 Sat 1-5 Kay Ranger 263 Santo Tomas $735,000 Sun I.,. Frank J. Gruver 209 Calabria $'425,000 SatJSun 1-5 Manal Bozarth FAIRE HARBOUR -- 2163 Calle Ota Verde $'429,900 Sat 1 ... Carol SunMd gAR_QJ~ _G ~OVE 131 14 Newell Street $519,900 Sun 1-5 Annemiek Cuperus ..., HARBOR COYE 1620 Arch Bay $1 ,S00,000 Sat I .... Brian Thomas HARBOR RIDGE 6 San Sebutlan $3,295,000 Sat 1-.5 Lynne Valentine . 17 San Sebasdan $5,995,000 Sat 1-.5 Lynne Valentine I -J• • . . .. ' '\' • open house invitations - IRVINE 99 W. Remington $09,000 8 Buellton $1 ,629,000 I 5+12 Cherbourg $675,000 LADERA RANC H 59 l<>'te $6-49.000 LAGUNA IEACJ!. _ 344 jasmine St s1 .ns.oob LAGUNA NIGUEL ---- 23702 Martin CQVe $455,000 25836 Avat.ar $845.000 LAKE FOREST 21835 Ticonderoga $989,900 LIDO~l:_E I CM Via Havre $1 ,750.000 520Vla Udo Soud $3,195,000 23 7 Via tchaca $1,995,000 90 I Zurich Circle $3.295,000 MEREDITH CANYON 26966 Calle Esperanza $989,000 .MISSION _VJEJO 2670 I Silb'Ola 2S87l~W., NEWPOU BE*CH 11oewr-.sw1:n 175plnldt .. II KJlloa $839,000 $4,600.000 s1.ns.ooo $765,000 ... • .... ,,, c DI M ..,.__,."I • I ...... ,~· ~.. ..~.a; I I • ~ J. I • . .. •'•" • • it • , • • • • . . . . . .• t.r..~~ • .,,.'\:.~ •. •'• • • I Sun 1-4 Ellen Walker Sun 2-5 Faith Wilson Sun 1-'4 Ginni Johnson Sun 1-4 Rosemary Hieber SatlSun 1-S Ray McAfoose .... --- ·Sat/Sun 1-'4 Marlene Mayer • Sat/Sun 12-'4 0. Bourgulgnon Satl2-4 Hafrner/Mamoe Sun 1-4 Marilyn Read Sun 1-'4 Marilyn Read Sat/Sun 1-'4 Stw'On Md<mofl Sun 1-'4 Ron Millar Sat/Sun 1-4 Debbie Padilla Sun 12-3 Peay~ s.t/Sun 1-'4 Theodora ~ Sat 1-4 MonlcaR~ Sun 2-5 Michaela McCloskey Sat/Sun 1-S Josef Szlptl I I NEWPORT COAST 7 Le Mans $2.299.000 6 Skycrest $13,500,000 NEWPO_RT HEJG ljTS 230 la Jolla $1,095,000 ONE FORD ROAD - I I 0 Old Course $2.650.000 ORANGE 2'45 S. Olive Street $6'49.900 651 S. Grand $575,000 QVAtL H!J:L 87 Passage $859,000 COLDWeLL BANl(eR 0 Sat/Sun 12-'4 Alla Peters Sat t-5 Sara & Brad Hinman Sun 2-5 Jeff Jones Sat/Sun 1-'4 Dave Wong Sat/Sun 1-4 David Anlevas Sun 1-5 Dan Shustennan ---- Sun 1-'4 Ron Millar RANCHO SANTA MARGARJTA 56Acom Ridp $609.900 SAN_ ~l{_A!_ENTE 20 I Ave Granada $1,350,000 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO 26000 Ave Aeropuerto #6 SEAVIEW 1905 '/¥ht Truant TALE GA 62 Pueo Rosa TUSTIN 2503 Wison 10502W. Ott c.no 18781 Deep~ 2 Los Gatos ••• t • • $1.520,000 $589,m $795,000 $5,299,000 $1.195000 $799,000 Sat/Sun 1-'4 Tim Smith Sat/Sun 12-'4 Sonta Matosslan Sun 1-4 Marlene Mayer Sat/Sun I ..S Ginny Anderson Sun 1-'4 Todd Schiedow Sat/Sun 1-S:lO LAnd,.. Sun l..S jln-Mane w.ls Sat/Sun 1-5 Sandra~ .- Sat 1-4 .. . .. •• ~ 17 U> C» f! a. C» ':<-._ c ::> "' !-" N 8 -"" :0 "' !!!. rn v> a; ib ... 0 !),' -<"" :y §: I '• • • ........ ... , r~., * • It ~ 8 "' .ri "' § ..., .;.. ro u :; ;;; t/) "' ;;; ~ .... ~ .... er _, .2 ci. ..?' "' 0 ... ' .~- . . . . t I t f . f • I f ·~ j t • •c \ I PEUCAN HIU. tl,IH.fft Custom home to be built. Panoramic views of ocean & harbor. Sara Hinman and Brad Hinman NCMITH TUSTIN f.f,JH .... Spacious 7 bd. 8.S ba. custom estate 2.25 acre horse prop. lake. Marie Todd & Judy Good .,,,...,,, ... Shorecllffs contemporary built 200 I. 4 bd. 4.S ba. Ocean view. . Menitee Hapeman .,_. UOOKU Pictu~ perfect! S bd '4.S ba. '4 car garage on oversized lot.. Marilyn "eMI Single family S. of PCH luxurious master, gourmet kitchen. Donna Wall lovely '4 bd '4 ba home Office. view of hills. '4 ur gar.age. Esther Fine Large ) bd. end unit Lovely private yard & envy . Kay Partrer ~0\..()UJ f: 1.. L khH f'.(•I• . llDO ISLE OfFllCE 9 49.723.$,800 .. -. .... ~ .. ........... ~~--..... ·----·-·------.. ----..------...----·--·--·----· -~------·-- .... . ~ .. uoo 16U Beautiful. newly-constructed custom home on large lot. Jon Flaa Excellent opportunity to build on oven1ud lot with pool "lck lanpvin 9UWff ~, ....... ) bd 2.S ba. Bluffs &ck &y. Greenbelt & canyon views. Gall York & Linda Field LIDO ISLE $2,495,000 BONITA CANYON Sl,d0,000 ~ family home on Udo Isle. Exquisite vilta. View. S bd. 6 ba. Guest quart.en. Lari-lot. ONE FO"D "OAD $1 ,119,000 Beautifully appointed. cndltloN.1 home with downstaln master b«lroom. NEWPORT HEtGHTS $1,095,000 0.rmirc 3 bd. l.S ba. remocWad home. Larp Of*'t kltdlen. CO"ONA DEL HAil $1 ,l99,000 Fabulous OCAll view front condo In CoroN def Mu. MESA BLUFFS $119,000 l.Jpgnded .. bd. l ba. home with -sraMa kltthen & j>f"l'nte spa. MISSION VIEJO $159,000 Clcy licMs view. 3 bd. 2.S ba. lmmacubte. CORON'A DEL MAR $4, 900,000 Views al encire ~ Hlrt>or and ocean. 4 bd. Spanish tJi..le¥el. ....,_., Morph) • Minda Bustt-Stroner LIDO ISLE $2,950,000 Luxurious executive free-stancU01 multi-use property. BELCOURT CUSTOM $2,195,000 Architectu"' Belcourt custOm wkh view. s bd~ library. oftke. Betty ComesP. N9ncy ....... NEWPORT BEACH OFF ICE 949.644.1600 . . : ':>l':>Uff!•.L U,h,.~.:.h •• -...,.,, .. .....-----__..,_ _______ .._ ____ ~-------------·-------·-----·--,-.---·------~-- • • .. .. ,. E. I \ • IO ..;: 8 N .,..; <11 c ::> ....., >.. ..., -0 :s ~ U) <11 3 VI w ;u <11 0: 0 Ci". ~ .;; 0 • NEWPOlllT llllDGE $l.Ut,OOO Auberclne plan 3 home. Huce lot. city fichu views. Upgrades. Alta ,.ten NEWPORT BEACH $1,S00,000 Harbor Cove 24 hour p ted community. ocean breeze 24-7. Brian Thomas CORONA D!L MAR $1 ,ltS,000 Superb locatlon north of highway. 2 bd. 2 ba. and I bd. I ba Harftyn Read NEW LL T I NG AVA I LABLE CPYGLASS Hill $1,Ut,OOO Panoramic ace.in view on Spyglass Hiii. 4 bd. pool and spa. ., Jeff Ewln1 and Lyteen Ewln1 CORONA DEL MAR $1,495,000 South of the highway duplex. Great corner lot. Derlk Brian ORANGE $I ,I 00,000 Exceptional 4 bd. l ba. fllm1ly home with pool and spa. Elaine Gordon - NEWPO"T 8EACH $1,77St000 A large beautiful end unit iownhome in 24 hour gated Belcourt. lob Clartre IALIOA P!NINSULA S 1,llS,000 Charming vintage craftsman cottage. four beds. beach close Carol Pu1h IRVINI SOt,000 Gorgeous 2 bd. 2 ba. upper level. Private and quiet. EllenWallcier NEWPORT BEAC H 949.644 1600 LI DO I S LE 949.723.8800 -·-...... --.. -· ----.. -· ______ ......... _._,. -____ ,_ -_,..4 _...,,_ .... _. __ ,,_._ ... .._.. ___ _,. _ _..,., __ I It ( t \ 'II Ill ..... ____ _,.,....,_.,._ .... --·-...... ----~·-··-·-------_ ... -·-··-·--.--·---... ·-·-----·--·--- MARI LYN READ 949.718.2733 www.lidoisle.net 2004 SALES 832 V IA LIDO NO RD · $5.500.000 220 V IA 11 DO NO RD $3.895.000 200 I VLNING HAR $4.5 00.000 1528 \ANl IAGO Sl.995.000 C>J7 V IA 1100 SO UP $3.995.000 8 18 VI A 1100 SOUO $1.79 5,000 165J rALAU $495.000 lJ851 MANTA COURI $849.876 Sit• rH ANZA Sl.995.000 • 1111 91 ~ c ~ '< '-C' ::> ,,, <JI '" 0 0 ~ :u ,,, "' ,.., !!: ... T. C') ~ TI q ' E ' • t .... . . . . I •• ' .. ,\~·,' .' - • • IO 8 N .ri "' c :> -. :>. "' 'O 2 "' Vl "' !9 "' .... ;;; (IJ a:c .Q a: ~ ;;:; 0 N~POltT RIDGE $1,ltt,000 Auber,,ne plan J home. Huge lot. city llgh~ views. Upgradu. Alla Peters NEWPOltT BEACH $1 ,SH,000 Harbor Cove 21 hour gated community. ocun breeze 21-7 BrianThomu COltONA DEL MAit $I ,ltS,000 Superb lcxnlon north of highway. 2 bd. 2 ba. ' • and I bd. I ba Marilyn Read NEW LI TING S AVAILABLE SPYGLASS HILL $1,149,000 P2noramlc ocean view on Spyglass Hiii. 1 bd. pool and spa. Jeff Ewin& and Lyteen Ewtna CORONA DEL MAit $1 ,495,000 South of the highway duplex. Great comer lot. Denk Brian OltANG! $1 , I 00,000 Exceptional 1 bd. 3 ba. fam ily home with pool and spa. Elaine Gordon NEWPORT BEAC H 949.644.1600 N!WPOltT BEACH $1,775,000 A large beautiful end unit townhome In 21 hour gated Belcourt. Bob Clarice BALBOA ,!NINSULA $1 ,325,000 Charming vintage craftsman cottage. four beds, beach close. Carol Push l"VINI! S4lt,OOO Gorgeous 2 bd. 2 ba. upper level. Private and quiet. Ellen Walker LI DO I S LE 949·.72 3.8800 _.,_ _____ .._ ___ ... -----_,_-.. -··-·----·--.... __ ... ___ ·------·-----·-------·-- " ; • r l ' 'f • 1 f I .. -..c.----... , ____ ....... ·------... --·-------_ ... _______ .. __ -·-----~----------- MARI LYN READ 949.718 .2733 www.lidoisle.net 2004 SALES 832 VIA LI DO NORD $5.500.000 220 VIA UDO NORD $3.895.000 200 !VI NING S IAR $4.500.000 15.ZM ~ANl IAC..0 $1,995.000 037 VIA LIDO SOUD $3.995.000 818 VIA LIDO ~OUD $1.795.000 1653 rALAU $495,000 33851 MANlA COU RI $849.876 51<> Of AN7A $1.995.000 • • 91 (/) .,. 'C! a. .,. '< .... c: ::> "' U' "' 8 "' A:) "' ~ ..., "' ;;: ;;; 0 ~ ~ "1J R ''( \ 't I · ..... . . . . . . . It• t f l '• f .\ •• r r • • -a 8 N .n ~ ~ ~ ~ .., "' t; ..... 1{j .., a: ~ 0.. ~ "' 0 ·····~"···••4 ·~· ...... rttrttt ·~1\1~.,t l!'·,.t.r ~~rr:rt · -~~~---------------------------------------------· RO D DALEY 9 49.75 9 .3776 VIEW FROM PROPERTY < '(, • . \ ~. -, • M • l "" 8 N .,..; 4J c: ::> -. >. "' "O 2 .?\ 4J ~ :;; w "' 4J Q: 'i 0 iE ~ .,; 0 • ....,--,. SHADY CANYON • PRO PE RTIES SOL D 11 Prairie Grass 17 Redbird 41 Blue Heron 5 1 Copper Creek 31 Golden Eagle 25 Watercress (I 3A) 27 Watercress ( l 4A ) 29 Bluegrass (Lot 5A) 38 Sahbrush (Lot 3 1 B) « Coppercreek (Lot 92) 34 Boulderview (Lot 38) 29 Boulderview(Lot 27A) 54 Canyon Creek (Lot 648) 78 Golden Eagle (Lot 3) (In Escmw) 6o Canyon Creek (64B) (In Es<Tow) 59 Can~Creek (398) (In Escrow) 61 Canyon Creek (408) (In Escrow) DEBBIE AND RON M I LLAR 949.933.7393 949.718.1741 rondeb~o:is tnewport .com KEV I N KUB IAK 949.874.4706 1Mim --~ ....... ._.._.,........., _____ ... --------·""-·-------~ --_ ... -~------..-. ...... -·-·--...... _. __ • .,_. __ '-_..,. ---· .. ·~ --___ .... -.4-·---·---_ ... _ .. _ .. __ ..... _. -·--...... _._ ... .......,__ ... _ .... _ DEBBIE & RON M I LL AR 94 9 .933.7393 949.718.1741 KEV IN KUBIAK 9 4 9 .8 74 .4706 MILLAR I l..IJRI AK l [AM )OCH n 01 l XU LLF NC£ • T IM SMITH 949.718.1735 HtE ATH ER WARREN 9 49.718.1734 Hml.1 • • VI ... c a. ... '< ..... c ::> tt> ~ "' 8 "" :.0 tt> ~ ,...., "' ~ '° 0 ~ -< Jl 2 • ---~ .. 8 N ..,.; ~ ~ "O B ci1! ~ .!9 "' w iO QJ a:: ' ~ a... ~ .,, 0 ---. I .... . ·~~.·,· . ri·~ C·H RIS VALLI 949.759.3738 714.883.4397 SHADY CANYON llROKER OF THE 'l'EAR 2002 RICK LANGEVIN 949.759.3759 SHADY CANYON ~ ·cuSTOM HOME - _. . • • • '-'rJ.J.J..\.J.tAA&,.:.,:,.:.,.:.·-., ;~....,.,.;:,.:,:.,:,:..~,;..~.:.,:.,·.,.:,....:..,;.,.:....:,.·.....:.t.:..:..:..,:..;.,.:., ... :...~.--..... -.--.-. ... _,, __ • • • • • ~. • • t j -t ' • • , • • • • • • • • • ( ~~~~--------------------------................... ... •••• ,t . ,, •.• ,.,,, •• , .... -'!t ., ..... ,. ....... : ... ·~ OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY. JUNE 5Tll I-5 --c:--"'-..-.~----....... ----...---.. ------·--------------·---·-~ ·-·----~-- .• t" SARA H I NMAN 949.759 .3705 BRAD H I NMAN 949.759.3732 hinmanbrad@hotmail.com www.hinmanrealest.ate.com t7 ~ 2 a. ~ • I 'f I • t t t t •• ~ •.•• f , :\' ., .. ..•. .. . .. . ' ,.. . • -· .... JIM KL I NE 9 49.759.3771 IN A~\O(IAI ION \\I I If LINDSEY YELLI C H COl.OWL'l.l. UANti.C!f-t.' H ARBOR VI EW HOMES IN ESCROW ---~--.._..o-... ___ ...... !---------·-·----· -------.--·-.. --------·------·---- _____ ..._ _____ J ~~-----------------------------~ -.c-..... .._..__....._. ____ ._. -c:-____ ... ________ • ___ .. _ ... _ .. -------------~ ·--------- G IGI THOMAS 949.759.3784 JEFF JON ES 949.718.2735 • jefnones@coldwellbanker.com l'RFSI OFNI~ llltr --_ ... -·----·--' . .\ I • t ••••• . .. •)• .,. j ' •••• . , ... ,.i .. ' ' " ·-. • RICK LANGEVIN 949.759.3759 COLDWEU BANKER'S •l SALESPERSON IN ORANGE COUNTY FOR 2003 JARROD FREY BEVERLY CLEVE LAN D 949.718 :2742 ' ()I lllll< 'l l 111\Ml'\C '". --.. ... ...._~-----....... c-...._. _____ ._..._ __ • _____ • ...._ .. ___ .. ___ .._.,__._.. __ ........ ____ ~-- _j -.c:i...-................................. , .. ~---...---·--...·-·---.. ---·-~·#8-·-----·--~ ..... --·-- SUE YOUNG 949.759.3708 PAUL WRI G HT 949.717.4745 SUE YOUNG 949.759.3708 l • 101 (./) ... 2 a. "' ':< ._ c ::> "' ~ "' 8 Z> ;o "' !!(. ,.,.., "' Q; ti) 0 9! -< " ~ • •• ' ' . ~·· • COAST NEWPORT PROPERTIES PELICAN CREST $10,900,000 Spectacular new home to be built by Glass Construction Corp. Sara Hinman A Brad Hinman SHADY CANYON• $6,900,000 Golf course view. French Provence home by Glass Construction Corp. Sara Hinman A 9rad Hinman LIDO ISLE $3,295,000 Premier Udo locadon. New remodel. Larp lot. S bedroom, 6.S bath. LAGUN.A BEACH $1,ltS,000 Pride of ownenhlp. Mixed UM bulldlng In WoodsC-. NEWPORT COAST $I ,62S,000 Floor to ceiling windows fnme captivating ocean and city lights view. Debonah Cowles IRVINE $1 ,100,000 Panorunk view 3 bd. l.S ba. 3,200 sq. ft. mari>le'\nd wood floors throughout. SonJa Powell LADIKA RANCH SS4t,tff G,..t fk>or plltl wkh l bd. 2.S ba. CloM 110 park and dubhouM l!I --~~..__..._._ ____ ,_c.-.._ _____ ~_..._..._ .. _____ ·_~--.. --·----~-~::--~·=:::= BALBOA ISLAND $1,lff,000 Cltannlnc Balboa Island duplex. 6 bd. 6 ba. Comer lot. NEWPORT BEACH SI ,199,000 Model perfect. 4 bd. 3.5 ba. Main floor master bedroom. T111wrtlne. g111nite. etc. ' Mina Mqhaml WOODBRIDGE $'59,000 Private estate home on the loop. Beautiful backyard. er.at location! Kim S.ldenbers • .. ., ..•. •• t •• ~ .. ~ ..... ~-...~-~.·"!" -ci..:--------..-···-----------------· ·--·--. -·--_...., -·-·--·-·--........... . . COLDWeLL. BANl(eRa califomiamoves.com RAY Mc AFOOSE BI LL BARTEK JU LI E SIEVE N S Ml KE JO HN SO N 949.499.8957 www.mcafoose.com • ' 103 (/) "' 2 a. "' ':"' '-c ~ "' ~ N 8 ~ :.;i "' ~ ..., J'O n: ;;; 0 ~ -< 3' 2 • ... I I r \ I ' ' .. . • • I\ .... . .. ~··' • \, •L'\'. .' • , I 104 v 8 "' .,..; "' c: ~ -. .c >. "' 1:> :; :v Vl .., :v :;; ...... ;;; .., a:: .2 a: >-~ 0 • ·• califomiamoves.com NEWftORT BEACH $.C,.C9S,OOO A custom view esate In a soft. contemporary style. Over 7.000 sq. ft. of llvin1 space. Unda Taaflanetti NEWftORT COAST $3,395,000 located on one of the most peaceful view lots In prestigious Crysal Cove. Joy Curtin & GaJI Grabner NEWPORT BEACH $2,595,000 180 degree bay. ocean and city views from most rooms and decks of this former model home. Teak ftoors. bay windows. '4 bd, office. Sharon Fapndes IALIOA ISLAND Sl,627,000 2 hon. on one lot.A golderl dwloe ID °""" and ~income al at die same cme. 2 bd. 1.75 ba. la&lra Gale NEWPO"T COAST $1 ,299,000 Excellent f.amlly home in sougtlt after community In Newport Coast. 5 bd. 3.5 ba .. Sydney Glelow NEWPORT IEACH SH9,000 Chamq courtyard envy to front door '-ch to two story. townhome wid1 great vlewi. NancyEn~ht 'COSTA MIS.A S721,000 Spacious 3 bd. 2.5 ha. in pted community. Light and bf1cht with neutral rona. 8onn6e1Umer --_____ ._ ____ ...... ~--------------------· --·--... ----------..... ________ _ l NEWPO"T BEACH Sl,510,000 ~._.....-home n fM'd flad s..ww. v-of Slm«S. dty lights. some oc.I\. GlnnJ Anderson NEWPO"T IEACH $1,059,000 Best loadoti n the BkA. ~"G" pbn hu huge bonuJ room wt!h full baltt CustOmiud. Kate and Chuck Cote.worthy NEWPO"T HACH $10,000 Loated in the p ted community of Bayview Terr.ace. Single lewl home with 2 bd. 2 ba. Cwta 8roffman-Wyffel1 . I CO"ONA OIL MA" SI ,149,000 Owmirc ®pie>< in dle heart d COM village. Front home has large pado wktt Frend'I doors. Tim Rhone LAGUNA NIOUIL Sl.J00,000 '4 bd. 3 be. Unique desrgn by Chris Abel.A comemporary collection of wood and glass Laura Gale T'. NIWfllORT HACH Sl ,JH,000 2 units. upper and lower 3 bd. 2 ba. ~th Most affordable duplex on the peninsula. Robert Taylor NIWfllORT alACH S 1,0lS,000 Enjoy cf!is gorgeous Back Bay ._,, home. '4 bd. 2 ba.. l firepbces. pool. spa and sports court. Janet Schnelder NIWfllORT HACH SHt,000 COSTA HISA S1H,OOO ~u!lful 3 b<I. 2.5 1>3. Hut>or Ridge Crest Chamung older home m Easutde, on a condo. This home has been remodeled quiet cul-de-sac. l bd 2 b3 Robert Taylor Linda Reed COSTA MllA Hll,HO Pride of ownership home. Loated near Back Bay. Ea1ulde l bd. 3 1>3. Pool and tennis. Jerrie Mahoney COLDWeLL BANl\eR (] callfomlamovcs.com SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO $l.6SO.OOO Custom view estate. S bd. '4.S ba. Entertainer's delight on a 2.8 acre lot. Nancy Lavigne NEWPO"T BEACH $1,295,000 Rare '4 bd. S ba. slngle level custo m ho me In Harbor Ridge. Large family room, library, and dining room. Lynne Valentine SI ,6tt,OOO Really special customi:z.ed Newport Beach residence. Remodeled with addition. Hijtlly upgraded.All rooms down including master suite. Jennifer Pritchett _..__..._......_ __ ..... __ .... --------·-··-----·----. ... ---.1,._..,,_ .... ___ ........ _.,... ____ ~ ... ----- t .' • 105 Vl .... c a. ~ '-c: ::I <1> ~ "' 8 t>o ;o t1l ~ .., "' Q; ;; 0 ~ -< J:> £ ..--I lOI .., 8 N ..n 111 c: ::> ..... i' >. t'O "O :, I ~ I 111 I ;o ;;; UJ iii r 111 0:: 0 a: >-7ii 0 ' .... . . . \ ... . . . •, '\ .. \\\ , .. • COLDWeLL BANl(eR r.J callfomlamoves.rom Ill.VINK. SHADY CANYON• $I J,900.000 Magnificent golf course view estate with guest house and pool on I .n acre site. LI 3513 LAGUNA BEACH $7,750,000 Fantastic beachfront home in Emerald Bay. Steps from the sand, parks, tennis couru. and gated commun ity with pool.s. ll3893 LAGUNA BEACH $4,175,000 Beautiful Irvine Cove 5,000 sq. ft. home on half ac.re, ocean views. pted with private beach. 4 bd. 3.5 ba. with pool and spa. Ll3699 1AH IUAH CNll11IAHO $1 .. 50,000 Tum-key • very Custom Belbcere home in San ~ I-Ills pt.eel community. Pool and ~ Ll3903 LAGUNA llACH $1 ,JH,otO Don't let this dr.imatic ocean view home slip by! Great style. great space. room to breath! Ll3883 SAN fUlliH CANTMHO $15t,MO ~ 4 bd. 2 Ila home that alows for great ~~ Xl'05S from lake & pool Lf 3987 AUIOYWJC) '41' .... 2 bd, 2 ~condo with 2 car an:ached gar.age. Recently upgraded carpet and tile. S3S2339 --~----._..,o-____ -~---------.....--------_,,, ________ ,.._ __ . ____ ,,__,,, __ LAGUNA llACH fl,IU,IOO 2 bd. 2 ~ with panoramic coutllne and Catalina Island vi~. LIH17 NEW,ORT IEACH fl,l H ,000 large home on large lot featurirc 4.5 bd. 3 ta 3 yards, RV parlUl1g. great neigl1borllood. LI 3962 LAGUNA HACH 2 bd. 2.S ta Rsnodeled CDW! •'-a' le -Mltl m:.xted garage. One a ctie best 1oac1ons n ctie Terr.ices. LIJ932 .I 1 ---------------------------------·-------------~~-- LAGUNA HIGUIL tt.no.ooo LAGUNA aeACM It, 750,000 Renovated '4 bd. '4.S ha. located off the 12th One <:J L.Je.nl's olde5t Mid moJt l'cRorial homes. hole of golf coune. Mother-in-law suite. Upgraded 3 bd. 2.S ba. Walk to beach & toWn. Ll°l796 1AN JUAN CAl'tSTAANO S,4,,SOO Fabulous single level J bd. home oo a huge lot. Tutefully remode4ed LI '4024 AL.110 v1110 sns.ooo SNuuful 3 bd 2 S ba townhome Great locatlOl'I"& views. gated. 2 pool/spa areas LI 3866 L.AOUNA NIGUEL t71',000 A Rare opportunrty 10 purchase a residence of this style. quality and location 535 1474 LAOUHA NIOUIL U 10,000 Panoolmoc .,.,_ d golf COO<'\e. 2 bd 2 ba.. ~lake i.-uM. rn~ to beach. SJS 1907 LAGUNA HIOUIL Mtf,000 BNutlful 2 bd 2 ha.. lake v1f!W West Nine condo Upper unit, ~In cond1tloo 5351 783 COLDWC!U. BANl(eRO callfomiamoves.com LAGUNA BEACH $1.675,000 Oceanfront esttte. '4 bd. suites. Beach. Whitewater & Catalina views. Ll3193 LAGUNA BEACH $6,-400 ,000 Gorgeous Emerald Bay ocean view custom built home. '4 bd. 5.5 ba. Steps to beach. LI 3317 DANA POINT $2,150,000 Remarkable 3 bd. Monarch Bay Home on large loL Music room, pool & spa. Beach Club. SH9859 ... --· ..... --.. ··-_,. __ --· --·-____ ... __ • 107 (/} "' c a_ <>--< ._ c "' rt> lJ> "' 0 0 &... A' rt ~ ,..., .,.. c;; iii 0 '!,> -< 3' §' '. 108 t ••• t • . •'•, .. . ' .... . °""'' . '. . • COLDWeLI. BAN~C!RO california m oves.oom VAUGHN &JULIE SAFFORD 94 9 .466.11 5'9 ll\ 11' J5 )I Al{\ tit Ill I '-'II' RIAi l\IAll t\rtllll,ll ClRlllllD 0 rRlVllW\0 \rH IALIH Hf All AVAILAf\1 I rRor1 RI"' IN CAlllllRNIA A I . www.camoves.com/vaughn.safford - --c-..--.---o.-·-·-'-c---------..... --.----.----·-----·_..-.,_,_..,..._.. . .._..._. ..... _..,.,_...._. ~~-_ .......... _.. __ - I ._ ------~---------------· .,._ .... _ ... _ ---·-. -...... -.. -~ ... -· -----.. ...._ --------··-- COLDWeLL BANl(C!RC I. ,1 Ii I (>Il l i.111 H )\.'(.''-.<. ( )11) T OM THOM ON 949.7 18.1547 tthomson@coldwellban~er com 1\)11\\\111 l\\'-~I Hl\t.-•lll llllH\I ,. I( I II' 11: " I \ ll I \ I ' I\ ) '\J 1111\1 I\ \i'o l\l'llUINl IP l'fl(lff\\101'.\I \\11\1 ,, '' '"'' '"'' "'"' '''"" lll\l',\'ll Ill>' l \II 111\1 l<lfl\' IP ll;\1ll\11 \\1 1 \1 \ Plllll\l'-"\ I 1111 II Ill''"' 111-..'ll•llll \'. ''"~' ltlft \\ll ; ' ......... ----------------------------~~~ • 109 :>;) " : . . , "' :.-; r: 0 " .. D ... ..... •••••• ' f .......... ' ,,·,·~·· ' " • • 110 8 N .,r; "' c: "' -. >. "' TI :; ~ Vl "' :;; :;; .....; -., "' er § Cl. ~ .;; '":) COLDWeLI. BANl(eR~ callfomlamovcs.oom ROBERT TAYLOR 949 .338.8885 rjstaylor@sbcglobal net I NDOR\f ll fl) lllRMI R l llMMl\\l\1"11 R \II RI\!'''"'" ()f I \lllllR~I>. SA NDRA ROTH BUC H ER 949.293.2984 rol'hbucher@coldwellbanker.com· www.homesbysandra.com --~----.,_... ___ .... ---------... -. ...._--·------·-.,-----·-.._ __ ..._ ____ ..._. ... _. __ _ ------------------ -..c.... .... __ ._. ...... __ ..... _c-.... ____ .. ___________ _..,. ______ .,._., .. _. _________ ........,..,. _ _..,.,_ ......... COLDWeLL BANl(eRa c:alifomiamoves.com GALEN COLW EL L 949.464.3036 DIRECT 949.230.1818 CELL gcolwell@coldwellbanker.com www.Lagu~RealEstate.net MONICA RUGGIERI 949 .646.8659 D IRECT 949 .300.8600 C E LL www.monicaruU'eri.com CAROL BROS SA 949.857.1660 DIRECT carol@arolbrossa.com www.carolbrossa.com • r ,_ < , ,, I ., .. • w <q 8 "' ~ ~ :::i -. • >, "' 0 :s ;;; ,,, QJ ;;; ;;; ~ i6 QJ 0::: .Q ~ ~ "' 0 . .. " ..... e .... ~~ •• I .. ~~~~ . • G INNY ANDERSON 949.718.1551 94 9 .759.1997 ginn)"h@sbqlobal.net CALI FORN IAMOV[ ~.(OM/ (,INN,.ANDl R\l)N INl lRNAllONAI Dl.U ,\\lNP 'llH llT'r GAL EN CQlW ELL 949.230.181 8 949.464.3036 gcolwell@coldwellbillker.com www.tacunarealestate.net JENNIFER PRITC HETT 949.2 12.5279 -~~com COASTAL HOM E SflECIALIST ror ·~ NATIONWIDE _. ............. ....., ... ____ ._c-........ -..-.. -·-....... -------.. --..... ----.. -·--..---.. --------- --- --------- • U3 • ~ c-a. "' ':< '--c: ::> R> ....... N 8 ~ ::u R> \!!. ,.,, "' a: n; ~ 0 ~ -< JJ !?: II ... l .. ..: ·-~ .... . . . . . . .... ' . \~,•\ ·. --... , • ~ ~ ~ ' < - ~ . ~ . --"i } .. -. , , ; : I~ I I l ~ -3-- •e!:•9'/lf' .. lllir-dellll'f ' • s \' ,_._.z.._, •-.ulil.~& .... ~cxm .... !~Z ............. ..,.. .. &.,1 .. llS'J ..... ; ............. .., ··~-"~WGa...,_....... ~ ... ,1IDDI ........... -.. ----~-- I) I{ ( ) I) I ~ I{ 1 · I I : S 517 Begonia, Corona del Mar Beach oottage on extra wide lot (42x118). with 3 bedrooms. 2bath in front house and 1 bedroom. 1 bath in rear house. Plans available for two oondomrniums on property: 2800 Sq Ft. and 1400 Sq.Ft. Owner will consider trade or build to suit Priced at $2.185. 000. Coming Soon! New Listing in One Ford Road! us ,, "' r:· .... " ' c , " J' ,, " " t . .,. c: re: l~ u IJ c: • I '\ I • .. - ,.,, • I -· .. • ~ .. .. # • 114 8 N .n- l >. "' ~ 2 ~ l!! ~ V> w "' 41 Ct: 0 6: ~ "' 0 ""ti.-s.8 ........ e, .. ......._...,._ ... ...,.,. N. .l!ltll.. •81./fl ., ... \tGr -1"" lt6 u • .- . Be._..~-~ end •nl Z PIM\ 4 BA. a.& M, ~It & bMI dlr*Q ioom w1 dlr*lJ •• 1n l*Nn. l.llige r-1o •• alDfV-. ' '** cwerb:llcllo ~ bell ' pool Seier ......... "-...11• ---.-'$1 .090.000 . .. ~ ... •11ao ~---.sJI ByMHNlll, ......... ~ I . . 517 Begonia, Corona del Mar Beach oottage on extra wide lo1 (42x116). with 3 bedrooms. 2bath in front house and 1 bedroom. 1 bath in reat house. Plana available for t'NO conoominiums on property· 2800 Sq Ft and 1400 Sq Ft. Owner wdl consider trade or build to suit Pnced at $2.185.000 Coming Soon! New Listing in One Ford Road! • I us U> ll .... ..: .. ~ ' ' ' "' .11 , ' : . ~ "'. c. t~ c• "' u I • { ..... . . . . . . •• \• l ...... , . I " . f .: .. ' • . 111 "' 8 '"" .,..; CIJ ~ ~ >. "' i::> 5 ~ •r , ~ '"': Vi ....., ;;; CIJ er 0 ~ ~ .; 0 COASTLINEV REALTY SUPERB NEW CUSTOM ITALIAN STYLED VILLA A phenomenal floor plan for this large residence located in the heart of Corona del Mar. Close to all amenities and stroll to the beach. This 4 bedroom. 4.5 bath home will be finished with top of the line appliances, custom cabinetry. custom tile wort. a sweeping staircase with wrought iron, fonnal dining area. library, living area opens to large decks to enjoy the ocean breezes. Ocean and Canyon views from the declc areas and still a large grassy yard!" The home is complimented with a 3 car garage! Offered 8' $2,175,800 RHONDA TIDD Senior Loan Consultant 949-721-0509 rondaJea@>mso.com For any further information on this home, please contact: MICHAEL BRINKMAN, BROKER Your run service local brokerage 949/759-0177 2744 E. Pacific Coast Hwy #8, Corona del Mar, CA 92625 NEWPORT BEAC H H OME LOAN CENTER 26 CORPORATE PLAZA SUITE 200 N EWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 B Washington Mutual HOME LOANS l'r<>(!rJrru •UbJ"' ro chang< C<n•1n rnmcuon_• •ppl). Ahcr 1ht oniual «X.'<>> monoh l"'"od. 1nrcrr.1 r:ort ~nJ APR may 1ncrcaw R.ur 'JIU\tmrnr 1.nd p•ymrnt t.11ps rnay rt'liuh tn dtfurni 1nrt'rc:n Rare/ARP tfftttn.t" .t..t of<< mtc:n d~u: h<r< » Wt haY<' luan offica •nd acccpo •ppl1c.a11un on: W...hongion Muowl !lank FA -many ~mu: Wuh1n11mn Muou.al l\•nk ID. Or, UT. WA: Wuh•n on Muru.J &nk f\8 -ID. MT. UT · CG Barbeau Senior Loan Consultant 949.219.8539 ca.roline.barbeau@wa.mu.nct ,4.5 Ltea. :>me lt net ~ An exceptional neighborhood' deserves exceptional service. As a seasoned home loan consultant serving Orange Count~ for over 29 years, I'm proud to bring my considerable experience to your neighborhood. I also have the technology, resources and innovative loan products from one of America's leading lenders to make your next home buying experience fast, convenient and virtually hassle-free. A vast selection of home financing options. including: ~ PayOpt1on ARMs '.:::.I Fixed Period ARMs 3/1. 511. 7 /l , 10/1 '.:::.I Interest Only Loan Programs '.:::.I Horne Equity Loan Programs '.:::.I Fast & Easy " Loans '.:::.I Purchase & Refinance '.:::.I Stated Income Available '.:::.I Primary Residence. Second Homes, H 1gh R 1se Condominiums '.:::.I New Construction (Rate Cap Program offers interest rate protection for up to 14 months) Kevin Budde Branch Managi>r C'ell 949 422 ;>Ul'i ~evrn hudde@countryw1dr com Wel)<.•le www loanapprovatsfast com Mission V1P10 Branch 2 7 I 0 I Puerta Real Su1IP I 00 M1S'>•On V1e10. CA 92691 Phonr 94CJ 28? 2::103 OirPct ra. 94CJ 348 I 6 l9 Irvine Branch 18044 Culver Drive Irvine CA 92612 Phone 9119 55? 2717 exl 224 HOME LOANS Easy. Really: . .:;, IOMtl ~ ,.,. c ~ """"'~ ~ ltit'\\ . .._ t M&W""•~'"-\ .. ,. tf'W' P"'O"'tt I .. ,.._...~I t'l't"i.I "'~~If·• \. ~.-,~ 1ariN!IG1Jtt1lf'DfoitMNr'ilf!1;.GroniM.10M .. MtMll'lrl1tt17""'"~'•" ~••rttl"f'd•t11Ac1 ~ .. 1J111f1'"'~not bf 1•141,tltt !'fl afl U,111 Rt"Jtr"nlOfl\ tQOirrr M '1fflh ~ rtl' ~l'l!'Vl"l.I ft\~'-W"lr¥ • U7 ., V> Q.I 2 a. ... ..: ._ C" > "' ,,, "' ' 8 ,,,. ::0 "' ~ '"' "' c;; ;; 0 .. .,._- :9 £ I • . . . . • • • 4 •• • • •• • • . . . , . . . . '· . • I f • w ... Q 2003 OCAR goH tournament photos ooort"Y of Lana H. Jotlmion ORANGE C OAST A SSOC IATION OF REALTO RS Annual Charity Golf Tournament Wednesday, June 16 Aliso Viejo Golf Club 25002 Golf Drive, Aliso Viejo Proceeds benefit: Blind Children's Learning Center Non Profit Tax ID: 95-6097023 Entry Deadline: Wednesday, June 9~ 4 p.m. Entry Fee: $220 Includes green fees, cart and awards luncheon . Reg istration: 7 a.m. • Shotgun Start: 8:30 a.m . Scramble Fo rmat • Buffet lunch: 1 p.m. Awards issued for: 1st. 2nd, 3rd place men ·s and mixed foursomes. Closest to the pin and men· s and women· s longest drive contest. Ra ffle Prizes, Grand Raffle & Earl y Entry Raffle Hole-In-One Car Discovery II from Land Rover Newport Beach Hole Sponsorship: $250 • Tournament Cha ir: . Rick Triola, Central Escrow, Inc. (949) 289-3299 Hole Sponsor Chairman: Jeff McVey, Chase Manhattan (94 9) 263-7080 Gift Bag Privileges: $50 per item For sponsorship information and an entry form , call OCAR at (949) 722-2300. J r n ~-----------------------.......... ............._ THINKING ABour BUILDING A .~ Why take a chance? Work with project professionals with 39 projects compfete We KNOW project devdopment from the ground up. Think about it: , ~do this? Get ready for backyard bashes A few ideas for preparing your home for memorable events Not too long af\<'. ouaJoor entertairung meant paLkmg a pu:mc basket and meeting fnends and family at the local park or beach. Today, many people-don't want to vcnturl' too far from the comfons of their home to entertain family and friemh in the wanner months. What's more, planning and cleanup can be easier when you have an outdoor space suitable for entertaining. · Add some pizzazz to your yard and ensure a successful outdoor event Everything's Coming Up Geraniums: Planting annuals adds .uistant color to your landscape. ln general, annuals are easy-care, low-cost plants, which last for a stngle season. With the right amount of care, these plants will produce more color and can extend the bloonung season until fall.· ·· All Decked Out: For a more permanent fix-up for your backyard, consider a new deck. The right deck can-extend your Uving space into the great outdoors. Wood composite decking eUminates the expense and hassle of annual tammg and water c;ealing It aho promise~ a cons1'\tent appearance and durability for a l1l'autiful deck addition, try T1mberTech's new Twm r1msh 514 Plank which features two sides with entirely different surface texturl's. One side featurt'S a bnished !>Urfan•, with a unifom1 textureJ look, while the other side 1s a new wood gram surf are, providing the look of top-quality vertical grain lumber For free mfom1atton about Timhl'rTech, call (800) 307-7780 or visit www t1mbencch com. Light the Night· Pennanent or temporary hghtmg helps set the mood for backyard parues Outdoor lighting 1s available tn a number of opuons from whimsical light covers shc1ped as animal , fish or stars to pcm1ancnt h~ts that Unc walkways, garden beds or decks. Although the days are longer in the summer, lighting also extends the duration of an outdoor party that goes into the wee hours of the rught. Make a Wish: Garden fountains come Ill all shapes and stzes and the sound of water can re!Jeve your daily stress. And, after working hard at fudng up your yard, you can re.lax by gazing into the fountain's Dowing water. Check Out Our 5/1 Jumbo ARM Why a 511 ARM vs a 30 year hxed' With a hxed rate tor the l11s1 5 years. before switching to a t year ARM. you can en1oy lhe security of a hxed rate loan with the savings of an ARM l'bst borrONers wi 11 ref mmccs or sell wi thJn ~ yr>ar .s SS% of all mongages are refinanced or paid ott 4 to 6 years 97°~. of all mongages are rehnanced or paid ott 7 to 1 0 years Savings Scenarios for You Put 1t 1n dollars and watch your interest peal.. l'aym<nt \«nario '"'"" Amo11nr Pnulaut R11u APR I' ,,,, s I ,()I){)'""' 'ill AR\t I ll '\ 00°1t '> I l'i'~• ~4. I<"• (I~ ~I 0110 lllJO 'ill J\l(M I'& I ... 00•1,. '\ I 1'>"11 $'!, \(1X 22 SI OIHl.ll(HI Ill \I 1 ..... 1 ,, .,,._., h \')>C• .... v .. 1 ... I ' 511 A RM at Sl.000.000 J.oa11 -Sl.990. So lr1tnY1t 011/y Mo111hly S.avi1111 511ARM111SJ,()()(),()()()1,o,,,, -S 7R8.95 Prinrip.J ~ /11tNYll M o111hly Savi"K' • l..kc 1hc-$7HX •)<; Jrffcrcn,r, ·•pplv " '" prt11• 1p;al ~11J ·~vc $'1'i,4011 I ii"' 1111<"re~1 •n<l ,.,Juu· clir p1111up..1I h..1J.m., hv 1hc """' """'UIH v• the HI y., ... , hx.,J ~le I 0..111 ..11 1hc en.I"' '\ vc..1" A.• 11•11«.I hdnw • $'l 1\,172 41 j, the lo..1n h..1l..1ncc ..1h"r '\ yt"..1r• .u 6.2'i% note 1..11c • $877.'17.2.2.i 1> rhe lo;an lulancc :i(ur 'i y~rs Al 'i.0()% note r.uc • Ut , V> "' ~ a "" ':" .._ c => "' IJ1 N 8 ""' ::0 "' !!!. ,...., .,. ;;; :b 0 ~ -< J:l s -, rr I I . 120 8 N "' Q; c: :> .... > "' 0 3 ~ U'l Q; ~ u.• ~ "' er 0 if .? "' 0 / • Great newer home built in 2003 fratures of this three hcdroom, two and one-half bcith home include J pnvate rear yard and tile in entry w.ty, k11chen, dmin~ Jrca, l.uindry room .rnd JI! hathroom!> There " upw.:idcd CJrpl'l ,rnd p.11111 tlirou~hout the homt• Granite countertop!> .llld st.unless s teel applianLCS in the kitchen and fireplace 111 1h,liv1n~ room Thi11 home 1s offered at $725,000. For more i1tfnmmtim1, call Gmy I Jesst'lf,esser nt (949) (>40-361)0 Stmdr1 ProperlittS. 140 Ne11•porl Ct·11/t'r DnV£'. Ste I 00' Nm·tJOrl fkach C.uld11·cll IJanker Residnrlial Brokeragl' 1.~ a 1111•111/Jfr oft/11• NRT/r1111i~y oj mmpamn NRT lnrorporated. tire nation's le11d111g rl'sidc11tir1/ rm1 cst11t1• /lrok1·rt1,e,c ro111pr111y L~ " ~11bs1diary ofCendt111/ Corporation (NYSE CUI Oceanfront opportunity Thi' 1~ J ~pt•t t.1cul.:ir Y,000 plu., '>ljlldfl' foot .;11e with nty .1pprovnJ plan:. Im ,1 dr.1111..itK four twdmom phi' l.1r~e am :.t ~t11d10 or wnrk~hop. Thl.· pnipml'd '5,400 squclrt.• lotll home ol ... tilt l tmtempor.:iry dt.'"Wl by :'\1om' ~kl'11dt•n,111 AIA li.·,11urc'i mil'i:o-1\'C dl•t k111~. pnv,11t· 0111llot1r 'J1J, '11•1< Hlll' dw1 ... • kllthl.'11llfll'lllllJ.!.1c1 till' gn•..it rt1t1111 ,111d cr.1'h111g ot w,1,·c~ ht•ltiw Tlw t'X1 ... 1111~ ... tmnurt• , ... 2,..JlHl 'lJlhlrl' kt·1 w11h J't>11l Thi\ propt·11y 1 ... (lfkrt·d .it Q;f\, 150,000 /·or mun· 111/om111t11111 r11/I c i lf'i>iy11 Skntdau11111/ f9.J9J -197 <;i;99 \f1t1d11 /'11111c 11tn. l(IHX S11rt/1 l ·11.1,f llt,f!./111·111• l 11.i:.111111 Hu11 It C '"1d1l'dl /11111~·11 /~1 '1tln1t1t1/ /1111):cr11p,1· 11111111·111/wr o/ t/11· NRT /111111~11 of u 111111,11111·, .VN r /1111117111r11t1·t! 1'11· 1t11/11111 'fn1d11t,1!. r1·11.tn1/1t1f rt'11i 1"ft1/t' bmk1111,t.:.• 1·111111•,11111 1, ,, '"/l,1d1t11') 11/ t 1'111/11JJ/ Co171111·,11u111 f,\ )'\/: C/JI Villa Bellissimo, Pelican Hill rl11' I .m dt•,1gnl'd ,lilt]/, hu1lt lllol.'>ll'l"J11l'l t' 1111 ,\ prntlll'r Pd1t,111 I Jill ..ilt' prl''>ellh ,1.n h1 ... 1om oppon1111uy 1t1 purtl1.1,1· .1 lamh11.:irk propt·11y Nto l11x11ry h.:i.' hl't'll on·ilonknl in 1h1' threl' 'tnry, '"' hl·dr110111. null' h,11h l' ... t.11t· wnh .1pprox1111,11dy 1 l7 kl't 111 J.!.olf to11r..c fronta~e dl1d s!lm111n~ ou·,111 \'ll'IV' l·.:i.n h.h cn:.:i.ll·d .m u11.ih.10,lw.lly dl'ga111fl'"IJl'l1lL'1vith hi~ 'i1p1o..11url' hh:nd of rn.·0Ll.h:o.1ca.l ~1~1ll' .m.t 111mll'm lt1x11ry J lsj.:hh~h llllhlUl' IWP lll.1'll'l 'llllL''· Jll eXt'l1111Vl' IJhrJ.I)', IWU h<lllll\ flllllll', ,1 lav1.,h honw tlw.11n· Vl'l1h 111,111111 'L'..lllll.L: ,1mJ .:i ... 1.itc-of-lhl' Jn CXl.'rl'l:o.L' mnm w11h 5tl'<1111 ,111J i..n111.i t.:xq11"1ll' h111,h1•:0. .JbounJ. fro111 uphob1crcJ wJll~ to mlm.:itdy L'ovcd aml toffl'rl·d t L·1h11.i.:,. l'Xfllll wood-., m.irhlc. j.,'Tanlll.' J11J '>l.Jtc Most of thl· l'i.t.ill'"• be.JutJtul fum1.,h111p .:111• mdudt•d 111 the ~cs pnu: Out-of-doors, enjoy,, four-i.1dl.'d 1111in11y pooVspil, rollinh lilwn~ ,111d invilm~ lQvercd loggias and h.irlll'qul' .1rl.'.1 The rco;1dence cil o includes g.Jr.1~mg for .,lX w c1~ht cars and elevaw1 Thie; home is offered at SI I ,<;11\ l,l)()O. for more i11fomiatum. calf )11/z11 McMmuJ!,lc al (9491640-3600 Stmdfl Proptrlies. t .JO Newporl Center Drft!e, S/1' I(}() Ne1cpm1 Betu:lr Coklwell Bankrr Rt'Siden/1t1/ llmkt•m;:e fr a member of the NR r /a1111~y oj comprmu:s. NRT !11corporatcd, the 1uttio11's leading residential real <'~lt1fC' lnnkrraJ!,e c"o111pany, is n subsidiary of 0•1ultml Co'7>0rtttum (NYSE.CD/ Elegant Tresor de Aix-e n-Provence Ne..,tlt·d 111 pres11g1ou:. Pelican Cre:.1, Tre"ior de A.ix-en-Provence I'> pun· poetry f·rom thc ... un b,1knl Frt'1Kh roof tile~ to the beautiful garden,, 1lm n•,1Jt.'nlt' meld., the wannth of a nm1c Provcn\al farmhouse wnh tlw l1.1rd1 t•ll'gJ11ce of 1ht· C 1hfon11.1 Riviera Casually chjc yerimpossibly luxunrn1•. rl a·,1dl'lh l.' compn'>e'\ morl' than approximately 8,000 square feet, 1m l11d111g hl•dro11111!> (CJ.ch w11h pnv..lte haknny), five hathrooms, two powdl'r W\1111 .... liv111g/di11111g rot1111~. chd'' kitchen and wine cellar The piece ue rC'>ht.11 11" th.: 11111d1101 tO\'t'n·d loAA1,1 w11h '>tone fireplace, openmg onto tht· poul "f' t .111d l!.·1rdl'11 .... .Jnd 111,1gnif1tent \'ll'W' of co.istal canyons and thl' Panht Au1lw11t11 ht•11d1 ,1111foc i..., 111.iten.:ils dml flni'ihes, indudin~ a1111q11t· 1111111i1 ... }L'.111 Cl.ii rl' hmt•,101w. Vl'1w11.111 pJa,1cr w.111'> and ceilings. hand-ht'\\ 11 "1111d bl'.1111,, I 1t•mh t h.lndl'hl'r..,, 'LOllCl''i, rrench parquet noor:i ,111d tlllllljlll' l11i1111.:i11i... h.H'l' hl·1·11u'l'tl1hrn11gho11t tht' house to rccreatt' the rom.11111.· .11i. d1am1 uf A1x l'll f'IOl'l'lll l' Thi, hnme I'> olkrl'll at S7,2YS.OOO l'or 111t111· 111/11n11aflfm, call jo/111 McM0111~/e at (949) 640-3600. Str11tl11 l'ropcrtin 140 .Vrn•ptn1 ( ·t'/1/a Drrt't'. Sti.: I 00. Newpo1t Bet1clz C11ld11·dl &wkrr Nn1d1·11t111I Hrvkcm,e,1· 1s ti 1111'11/bl'r of the NRT.fami(y ofam111111111' \/( /11torp111·11tnl. t/11· 1111t11m \ lmrl111,e, n •,1tfr11ti11/ rt'ttl t•sfaft• brokem/!,l' ((1111111(11\ 11 a ,·11bs1tl111ry u/ ( ·1·11tlf111f O n7w mtum (NYSI:. CDJ Villa Fiorano, Pelican Crest 1'1 re fwd 1111p l'l'l1t ,111 \ 11•,1, V1ll.1I11)1,1111\ hoa-.h 111nn· 1li.i11 I fl (ll)() "tlll.lll' k1·1nl1n1h•or 01111h111r II\ 111g \\ 11h p.111nr,l1llH \'I\'\\-, 1111111 l',liih \'t•rdt'" Ill l '.11.11111.1 l 11·"g111·d "'" ll'IHl\\'lll'd I HT,\ 1\1dllll'l h, th1, nll'lH 11hit1 ... lv ,1111lw11111 'p.1111 ... h \Joon'h 1·,l.llt' t'\11d1· ... tlh' ~l.1111<1111 of I Y2l1' 1'.1li11 Beath Prt·1111t•1 n"1011t l111111l'till1ldi:r '.\I.irk l·.1ltc111L' l'rt'l tl·d V1llJ J·1or.:inu w111! ,lJl .111l'lllH111 10 dl·t,1tl ,111d quahl\• rJrdv \l'l'll tnd,l\' Thl' WOI k of 111,1:-tl'r t r,if hmen " l'\'llknrt·d 111 t•n•rv mnm ol tht.' '>IX hnlmom 1·1~h1 b,uh l''>tdt<' lntncJtl' 1mn scrcl'n'>, hanJ c.1n·1·d \\•••I door!> and pandl'd te1hng~. dramJtll groin vaults. t'U4'tom .. w111· n1h111111' , ,1r11:-.anal -;1011ework and 111m.11C'. the h1ghl''t qtral11y constn1c111111 111.11t•n.i' fixture~ .rnd lt'dmnloJ.,•y .. w.:111.lble lncompMabk luxunc" 1ntludt·-. oCl.'J.n Vll'W<. from nearly .lll room.,,• ,I'' ii· ·1 ' 111.:i~tl'r c;u11 c, pool/.,p.1, pool pavshon, home 1he.Jtcr, ~ym, gounnl't k111 ftt•11. wuw t,1,t111g roomltl'llar. hmnc ofl1lcl'itudy, extl'ns1vc 12 L.tr gJr.1gt• \\llh mctharncal/tra~h room~ and .in elevator Thio; homl' is oflercd al $I 0,500,000 For mart' i1~(on1u1/ion. cn/1 Jolrn McMunit.le al (949) 640-3600 ::.1md11 f>ropertieI. 140 Nt•1<1porl C£·111£-r Dnvc. Sil'. / 00. Newport Bmrh Coltlll'dl Hrmker l?t•sidmlinf Urokcra/!.c is fl mmzber rf llll' Nlfffamily ofcom11n111<" \N 1 /11cnrpornlt:d, the 11alim1'~ ltwdinj!. rt'sidt'ltti11l real e.(/ate brokl'm,f!,t' mm111111\ '' ,, \1tbs1dw1)• of Ct·11tlt111I CIJrJ'Orat1011 (NYSE CD) ~-----L"-- Jfl' th1 ... h,1rc:tou1 m,, rlw 1d1n~ ... ix \lllh. 111bh .1 v1 10 I ' l' 11111 ., \JU 11/l I\ ------"""'!"----------------:-----·~--~ ---- REAL CHOICES . REAL SAVINGS New90% To $2 Million THE PORTFOLIO · DIFFERENCE zero In On De Home 01 Your Dreams! .....---------., -• Over 50 banks and lending mshtuttons t o choose ~rom Free No 1)bl1qat1on. 01ir1lif1catiori & Comn11tment Lr<ll1·• S,lVf' r, 10111~v & G01 R1·;il Nt ,qot1ilt1ng Power S1~lect111q Tt11· R1qht Proqram (.;m Savr You S 1()(11) '> • Loans tu $10 m1ll1on, all credit pro~ilc-f., in..:ludine, e;1st1-d oc a nd inte._rcst-onlq uur T ~.11'1 of F 1n.ir ":i,i: E: xperts All1l1tv t<l Pruv1de More Proqr ams cit Unbeatable Cumpet1t1'le Pfluriq is U11'-.Ur(JdSS<!<1 Realtor & Financial ional Inquiries Welcome Ill ' Ir 11 11 If J[JU ¥, rll (I Ill f ltNlKIM , i!(Cffll f\lfl(~IJI, fll 1 I NT I U/j(JlfJC 1.500,000 1,768,000 2,800,000 1,300.000 Iii.I'll r,11 ·,,','l'. __ J{f f1f flr pi t t~( .t HJ!, I•! f,: H f, ~ j I I I f.11 fl f[ r ,,., l.''• IJ• 11fJ1 r11.n H.111· l\J•H 1'1 l'f ,,., 1111• l I J' ~\ \''4 ,,. I 11.,','-,i T IPJT! Ill 'ol I 1IJ1 Y IU II HI ,1 ' IH' • I IHI I< l\!1<111 1111,1\l,l,:\l'll<'f' Osc..::ir l'.>ustamante President • Our go:1l 1s tu r rov1dc the' best r<1 te.s .me! lo wc-st c o:.t -all with <>U r he~! price gu;)r~ntee Southern California's Premiere Super Jumbo Lender w w w. a /1111/oa11. co111 TR Y F IXED S·YEAR TO $1 .S MILLION • 4 95°·0 • ZERO POINTS • INTEREST-ONLY OPTION • NO PREPAYMENT PENALTVl!I I -7 J-l-5-l'J-9800 /:"'xt. 2 22 PORTFOLIO FINANCIAL GROUP 949 .376.31 53 www. portfolio ti nancia l. co m rull •erv~GC real 06tate lender licensed through c,,1,forn1a DR ~ • -\\, ti11 ,,,,,11., It i1' 11111111 " I >1111tln ' .. ~1 . ,',,"''" '" ''"""' .... 1111 1 1111· AB TRl>ST & LoAN \ \ 11 IU < . \ '-. B \'-.I' I· H \I<> I~ I < , \ < , L I I< I "I ,\ I t"' "ltl\1·.U' f't<Olt'll f111,I l,11.11.1111<~1f l<1·"tll," Newport Harbor High Home a Garden Tour a huge success The event raised in excess of $86,000 to high school educational programs The seventh annual Newport Harbor High School Home & Garden Tour, which was held May 6, 2004, raised more than $86,0001 Presented by the Newport Harbor Educational Foundation, the money will be eu:marked for Newport Harbor's academic programs, including free evening tutoring, professional career mentoring for juniors, smaller learning communities (academies), AVID (four-year college prep program) and freshman seminarS, among others. A special thank you goes to the Presenting Sponsor, Coldwell Banker. A gracious thanks to Ann Ramser Home & Garden Tour chair . . . and her committee for their hours of dedication, along the tireless efforts of the Home Tour volunteers. Thank you to The Hadleys, The Collopys, The Gittlemans, The Hemandezes, The Fabians, The Thagards. The Eutmans, 'nie Ayres and Usa Bostwick for opening up their beautiful homes and gardens to the public. Flowers, Bliss Fine Florals, Devynn's Garden, Jane Hansen, Oiseau.x Flowers and The Urban Gardener for their lovely floral arra4ements; to Plums for the delicious lunch, Sunflour Bakery for the pastries, Hoover Printing for their expertiSe, Barclay Butera for hosting the afternoon reception. Jeffries Ltd. for their framing of the homeowner gilts (and to the student artists for their drawings of the homes and gardens!), and Prette Fine Unens, Hermes, Les Interieurs, The Monogram Store, Plant.al.ion House, Quatrine and Sur La Table for the beautiful tabletop appointments. Thank you to the Opponunity Drawing donors: Barclay Butt>ra, Botanicare Landscape, The Caroden Group. Duffy Electric Boats, Garden Caf~, Haute Cakes, Kim Ptscus Home, Kitty Bartholomew, Udo Antique Market, The Lodge at Torrey Pines, Mary Lynn Turner, Balboa Bay Club & Resort, Philip F. Rosenblath, Plums, South Coast Plaza and Zinc Caf~. Also, kudos to Jed H. Horowitz, M.D. and Pl.astJcos for donating the protective booties, Susan Rinek for photography, and the many underwriters of the event. From le,ft: Emily Evans, jlnance chair; Ann Ra~ Home 8 Garde1 Tour chair; and Diana Long, 121 1bmb to Andttw Cromelt Couture ..... , ... , .. ····· , .......... . ......... ,... .... . .... , ... . photo by Jill U1ri1t.sen foondatlon exeantw dtredor •• • ., t•.•t •) t •• ' . . . . . . ' .. t'.' I • I • I I • . . . . ..... t ••• . ...... I • •• • ' --. Crystal Cove elegance Exceptional quality pervades this six bedroom and five bath CrystaJ Cove estate. Enjoy stunning whitewater views of the Pacific, Catalina Island and Newport Harbor from a very secluded spot. Located seconds from the shops at Crystal Cove Center and just minutes from Laguna Beach and Corona del Mar, this is the ideal residence for the discriminating buyer. Your first glimpse of the exceptional design and craftsmanship within is through the semi-rotunda tower entrance. A wrought iron chandelier is suspended from the soaring ceiling and a wood staircase ascends to the second level Custom woodwork, arched doorways, marble, granite and natural stone conspire to create a spacious and casually elegant ambiance in the formal Uving room, dining room and great room. Open to the informal dining area and a family room with a mantled fireplace, the gourmet lotchen is straight out of an Interior designer's notebook with parquet wood floors, granite counters, stainless steel appliances, center island and custom white cabinetry. Open to the family room, there are walls of glass showcasing the beautifully designed rear yard. The golf enthusiast will en1oy the pnvate putting green. The home Is offered at $3. 180 mil hon For more information, c.al/ First Team Estates' Antoine Bacha at (949) 721 -0272. ext 314 or Kun Co/eat (949) 466-3703. Coastal showplace with dauling ocean views Exceptional beach liV1ng can be found in the heart uf Laguna Beach's prestigious Laguna Village. A pnvate gated courtyard opens to a charming two bedroom. two bath home on 6, I 87-squatt."-foot grounds Calmed by the sounds of hrcakmg waves, residents of this enchanting hideaway will enjoy breathtaking ocean Views from almost every room. This peaceful h.wen is also a short Stroll 10 sandy beaches, eclectic shoppmg and Laguna's best cl.ming Introducing the residence arc rare coast.al California redwoods, which shade a charming bridge that crosses over a small creek bed. The entrance hall with polished wood f1oors IS enhanced hy tugh cathedral ceilings with stenciled beams Throughout the home, numerous ets of French doors maximize natural hght. The spacious living room IS centered around a brick fireplace The elegant banquet-sized dining room is adorned with a fireplace anti opens to a tranquil terrace. Surrounded by walls of French doon. and windows, the master suite has a sitting area with a fireplace and overlooks the crystalline ocean. r lidden from the rest of the home, a detached stud.lo offers refuge as an office, artist's retreat, gym or guest quarters. SunUt windows afford magnlfkent ocean views while a wrap-around balcony offers refreshing coastal breeus. This home is offered at $1 .595 million. For mart information, (A/1 DariY"e Woodward and Steve Par/ts of First Team Estaks at (949) 793-1001 . Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired home This home mw.'t have been way ahead of its time when built in I 949. lnsp11 by the simple contemporary lines of Frank Lloyd Wright, this breathtaking wo and glass home offers two bedrooms m the main house as well as a detached studio. Beautiful redwood, cedar and Douglas fir are handcrafted between glass and flagstone, creaung a seamless merging of the interiors with the exterior tropica landscape Three separate garden areas offer ponds and waterfalls; in total, the are no less than five oulSidt. .. sitting areas. The floor plan also features a fabulous library and living room with stacked flagstone fireplace, built-in copper wood box and built-in media center. Entertc in the formal dining room with a built-in buffet and dramatic indirect lighting. The informal dining area can function well as a family room. The home has be• updated with cable to all rooms as well as wiring for CAT 5 networking. Addjtional amenlties include an indoor/outdoor sound system, extra large laundry room and cedar-lined closets throughout. The natural driveway, reportedly favored by Wright, complements the home while providing parking for up to I 0 cars. This home is offered at $1 .049 million. For more information. call Mary Fryer of First Team Real Estate Inc. at (949) 759-5747. Oceanview classic European-style estate Located off Bluebird Canyon in Laguna Beach, this majestic home nses above the trees to offer stunning ocean and hillside views. This four bedroom, two and one-haJfbath estate has been meticulously crafted with beveled leaded glass windows, beamed cathedral ceiJings, three-quarters inch hardwood floors and French doors. There is more than 3,700 square feet of gracious living space, including a separate office/Ubrary, country style kitchen, breakfast nook and wine closet. There are more than 640 additional square feet of oceanview decks for al fresco dining and entertaining. A beautJful arched entry door opens to the step-down fonna.1 Uving and dining rooms and to the sweeping curved staircase tower featuring a custom-made chandelier and arched leaded glass windows. • This home is offered at $1 .995 million . For more information, call First Team Estates' Kathy James at (949) 793-1052 or June Campbell at (949) 793-1057. nspired .g wooJ tied sane.I opical 1, there :ked ntertain •ting. as been rge Jul y Coc kta il Mixe r Woody's Wha rf 23 18 Newport Blvd ., Newport Bea ch Wednesd a y, Jul y 14, 2004 5 -7 p .m . Newport 13each /s (un dnd friendly restaur,1111 \\ elconH ~c:; us ,1~din to th eir patio for con1µ/in1 cnlt1ry ,1ppeti/eri.; .n1d no-host cockt,1 i/c;. Affilifate and Realtor n1ernher.., ~ree Non-n1 en1bers, $1 0 at th(' door Pl ease RSVP to Kin1berl y t1l ()CA ~, (949) 722-2300 ----------- Call Bank of An1erica now a nd sta rt drean1ing a little bigger. Betsy Banke r Account Exec utive 949.347.1729 949.2 12.4744 cell Bank of Amer ica ~ ~ r"int oll -.1•1•IH1tflt' \\ 1ll 4111tl1t' fur rtcl11,td P"'Pff ~uril. 1,.,·11c.•l1t'-All•'' tfu h 'UhJl't I tu '41l1'ft1\ Ai, U1H'tnAI, n·~lit \lltOdiUtl\ lll'l'h l\.,o)i 1tf AI01'rl1 A, Gl' ~ ,,\ \f4•tth'r I I )I( 1 I qu.al 11011\IUK I rt1cl'·' 1fMI f Jti.119'. ul A;nnh .t ( urpor.•IHHI • 123 Vl n, 2 0 a. '< '-c :J '1> u• ,., ,.., . ,_ ;t• " ~ ..., ,,. r:: t; ' .... . T - .. . . . . I I • t f I I ·\.··' • I ). ... I • -· • ...,l frrJm 1.eft. Tom Stmp.son. Harbara ..\mPlt. Hirk \fr/nUrP. \trola PPtn!.Pn and A'1m JlufChtng.~ Hoh f'hapman and I ayP J. .. :1rJ.: 1-rom /Pft r:harisse LPake. Jay /lorn and larolinP llamPs Dara S andrini and Greg Adelman "A Taste for Charity" raise $36,000 for local causes ThF-!.a~t..'irt Boitrd ()f Rt:<.dtflrs and Af!Jl1ates lwlcl their ninth annual -A Taste for Charity" ,11 _1lent .\rt ..\-.ict1r1n at T1\'C1li f<1<1 <in .\lay '.!7 . lhc• hmdr<11sing event grossed S36.000' H1~hliqhts c,f the p1oure pnl1·c.t. di fn·<;U1 (•ven1ng in<:luded delkious s.amplings from loL.11 rtstaurateurs \'Jntner-; and m1·r<.hanl!'. :.ilnll and llw auctions· and soothing sa.x tunes Thf> ">ilent <s uc:t1on leaturPd milny original v.orks of art donated by local artists and the li\1 aucttcJn prrl\·1ded wonderful opp11rtunit1l·S frir travC'I. cl1111ng and a variety of gift items. The m<Jnt:y raised v. tll bent.'111 tht· Lagun,1 Beac:h Community Clinic Laguna ~ hanti Lagun.1 nutreach Community Arts 1 LOCA 1 First Thursdays Art Walk. C. P Youth helter. TLC f11r yr1uth aJcmg with six ind1v1rlual drt st holarsh1ps for local students Thank you to the follO\••ing restaurt.1nt~ for th ·1r partinpat1on Las Brisas. plashes. Hush \fr Pendergast hlf i..,andra Jonr•..,.( ampb,•11 ( hina Bistro "unc1riec1 Tomato. The Beach House. The \\h111 House Classi<' Catering Cllko Cafe & Deli Hennes e~ s fa\'e m and :avoun 's ..\ spe< 1al thanks to Rick ~klntire l.agunt.1 Board President R11 lo. l.agww Palms hy Jim l\Cxfark Gold. event chair and his -Taste .. committee. Jerry Bieser. master of ceremonies. all the Mt1~t:­ who gracious!~ don<1t1•cl t heir beautiful art for the auction: generou!> donor:-1 d the auction Hems. and 11!1• many \·oluntcers \.fickey Shau· and Rudy Lukes Fran Kieswetter with fabulous auction items Jerry BiPS Pr and Jay llorn Linda Cordova and Pamela S impson es • , ~ .• 1111 I s h\t 'Ul111 nr :-Ii lilt \'t '" st:- l' 2004 Officers and Board of Directors Bob Milliken Bob Chapman jennifer Wong Betty Comegys Officer President President-elect Treasu rer Secretary Directors Carrie Allen • Diane Coltrane Bing Girling • Jake Klohs • Judy Mertz David Pri nce • Jim Weisenbach Executive Vice President Tricia Moore, R.C.E., C.A.E. 401 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 722-2300 • fax (949) 642-4105 www.ocaor.com LAGUNA :: ~ = 2004 Officers and Hll,\l;ll llF lll:\UllllS ®Board of Directors Officers Rick Mcintire Les jenison Michael Gosselin )an Wendorf President President-elect Vi ce President Secretary /Treasurer Directors Wayne Baglin • Rick Gold • Dave Schaar • Ed Brown Beverly Milosevic • Bob Hartman • Marie Thomas fu·e cutive Vice President, Robbin Wignall 939 Glenneyre St., Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (949) 497-24 74 •fax (949) 494-3887 www.lagunaboardofrealtors.com . ... Loa11f\dvisors \f I R EFINANCING B UILDING Bu YING OR D EBT C ONSOLIDATION \X • 11 J," \lo I<' • l.11.11\ t\11munc' '1(1 ?-<1.!H)CJ.IHHI • /.c n 1 I )ow11 -Pu rd 1.1 w • I 00"11 Rel"in.111 Ld< '.1,h ( )u1 • N o I 111 .. omc \'t.·rd lL.ll iP11 l.u.111' •Nu l11co111t·. No A''t.'l'. No l-rnpl11\'llll'lll I 0.11 1\ • I 1Ht.·1n 1 <.. )nh· I n .1n' • I'.•)' Op1 l(lll 'ARM' • h xnl )\·rind 1\Rf\.1, '1 1511.-11.11)/1 • I <1w <.. 'r1.·Jit :-,corc' ( 1.K. • H.1d <.. 'r1.·d1t O .". • Lt.'\1' Tli,111 A Ye.Ir 111 Ynur lio n1 t.· Get your news published in the Daily 1_) Pilot Real Estate Advertising Supplement /\d\o'rlh•'I' ,Ill' 1•111 •Hlf,lj.(1'd In ,11lm11l prt''-' 11•11•,l'I'' l..1·1·1111111, 111 111111d lh,11 d.llf• •II puhl11.ll111n '' 1w1 'l'-1• , •• mcl' 11p\ rn." h1· 1·d111·d 'kn· ,\IP 'l'\c•r,il ~111d1•l1111· .. 111.11 Ill.I\ ,I"''' \CHI Ill gl'llm~ \IJIJ( r111orrn.il1111l pt1hl1,h1·d 111 11111 t\1.,111,1.111• ...,,., 11011 I h1• I ).1rly l'ilol '' ,1, 11111111111111~ nt'W'l"IJH'I, 1hc·rc•l1111• 11 '' m1p111t.1111 lho11 y11ur '"'"'or p1111wrt11•' ,11,11lwin1111' 1111111.\111111 ,111'.I \¥1•11 V'vllll1•11 Jffl'\\ rt•lt'.1\1'\ .Ill' t 11111pll•ht•l1,l\1'. ( lllH l'I' ,11\d 1 \ltlt'f11 ( llllh'lll 111.1\ r 11v1•1 .1):t'11l p11111I"' 1wr,1111111•l 111urn11t111n' < c1111p.t11\ •'\1•111, ,I\\ ,1111, , i·n·1111ir111·' 11101..1•.-. pl•''"''''· c nmn111111l\ 111\111\1•1111•111 p111p1·11\ proltl1•,, ,H\d 111cltl'llY,)lt,'\\' .111d l1t•11<f, M.11w1,i1, ,hould lw .. ulm111tt'd !iv 'i p 111 , M1111d.1r 1'11·..-r1·h"1'''' .111d pho1111:r.1ph,, w11h 1;1111d 1111111.1,1, 111.1\' 1•1tl1t'r In• gl\"'" 111 your rt'.1l 1·,l.1lt' ,11h1•rl1':ng H•pH·w111,111vr• or 111.11lt·d 111 Jill Ulrr~"·11. 11romol11111'. I ))11ly Pilot, I SOW K,1) <;1 ( 11,,,, M<·'·'· <I\ 'l.!lo.!~ Voll 1 .rn t,1' 111lurm.1t1111l (11 1•1..i111 t.1\l IHO.' II )1111 w1111ld likl' to,. m.111 .11lvl'rln11.\I ,\nd rn ph11111-,, cllrt•t I tlw111 111 pll.ulr1~,c·11@l.11mw\.111m It you h.1v 1• .my qll(''>l1n11' rn 1cl1"'' .ll>oul 111,11t•11.il ynu would lr~I' lo wt• 111 11ur rl'.d t•,1,111: 'l't 1111n. 1 .111 I .in,1 l11hn"111, prnn111111111' rlrrt•t tw .11 (<l-1'1t 17·1 ·I.! l11, r>r 1·-111.111 lwr tit l.111,1.111h11~1!11~l\11~nw' < nt11, • us T . 1 • • ....- 121 "'1 ~ ' . .r. ~ 2 ..., ~ '/, • 7 -' I \. er . ::;'i • JBZ Architecture + Plann ing introduces latest innovative design in Newport Coast Taylor Woodrow Homes· Belca ra features four, two-story floor plans JBZ An:h11t·cturl' + Plan11111g 1!> exutl·tl ro 1ntrodmc II'> latest cxprt·"10n ot ar11 ... 1ry and .:irt h11t'Clur.il 111nova110n thl' 1n11matl' vdlagl' of fkllar.i J t Pauf1t RiJge. placed high 111 the· h1JI<; of !':l'wpon Coa<;t Belc.ara WJ'> Je-;1gnl'd hy J13Z tor Taylor Woodrow I foml''i liehtnd Hekara's pn\'Jlt.' ~at('S, re'>t!> the fabled romance and elegant s1mphrny ol Europe'<, mo'>t thann111g VlllJge'> Four '>tunnmt: two-!>tory Jc<,1~ns. 1nsp1rl'J by umeless arch11enure, l apturc the WJJTillh anti character of ni:.llc Italian and rna'>t.iJ Europl'an '>tylmg Hekar.i·., four J1sttnc11vl' floor plam span approx1ma1dy 2,475 to 3,082 .,quare ket , 1ntlutl1ng .is many .I'> live hcdmom-. .ind lour and one-haJI hath'> Thl'1r nch Europl'an hl·nta~l' 1'> Jramall;:l·d hy pnvate touny,ud' anu ll1AA1.1'\ that treatl' .rn 1m:w;;11ble 111tl'rpl.1y hl'lWl'Cn indoor and outdoor ... patl'' l..:ich pl,m ,1Jso ha., 11'> own J1.,t111gui...h1n~ k•ature-. an 1mprl'''>l\'C entry urnnyartl, dowrhtair., hl'droorn and 'l·duded Residence Three front exterior ni.1.,1c1 '>Ullt' rl'trl'at m l<t·~1di:J1tl' nni: a lully mtl'mJJ1zl'd touny.ir<l .111tl doV\11'tair ... m.istl'r '>Ulll' tll lk'>llkllt l' Two, '>tdt' yard patlll'> .i11J J 10~1.1 t'Xtl'nd111g to J dctJl hed ht·Jroo111 .u1d h.1th 1n l<l''>1Jt•ml' Thrl't'. and ,1 tCJJIVl'lltl'llt d11w11<;t,11r-. bt·droum, Jn 11p~tJtr'> detached hedroom .111d d1:talht•d .. 1ud10 and .1 lllJ'>tt·r -.u11t· ri:trl'at in Re'>1tknce four Along with II'\ l!ltompar.ilik '>l'ltll11-: 111 prt·'it1~1ou~ Newpon Cu.1'>! lkkar.1·~ ll'~tt.leni... l'nJny th<' 1>Ut'>tcl1llhng .imt·n111t''> ol l'at 111< Rid~<.'. tndudm~ a '~'1111111111~ po11I Ullllltlt11111y p.1rk .111.I r1•< rl'.lllflll .lll'.l Hel1 .ir.1" .. pnc l'" r.111g1· from 'I I SI 6 1111llton I ll'l o r,lll'd m1i.l1•l holllt'' npl'nt·d 111 l.lt1· \l,1rd1 211tl..J ..,1111.ttl'd ,1111p pJ1111r..11111t nJgl·lml'' n'"'>-i Imm thl' l'Jult< tlLl'.111 .rnd ,1b<1Vl' thl' protn tl'd opt·n 'JlJll.'' of Io' Tran1.o!> .ind ~1u<ld\' lJnyon" ,., 1'.1uh t Ridgt', om· of rht• fin.ii vill.i~e'> of t•xtlu-;rvl' rl'St<ll'nt l''i w11h111 th«: pre<;11~10ll'> Newpon Coast Residence Four rear exterior l:n V1'1one<l to offer a \Vldl' rangl' of approxm1atdy 328 hd\11l''> w11hm four d1~1111n1ve m•tghhorhnod'\, Paohc R1d~e ha-; hcen ma.,ter planni:d w tnt ludc a ~11.ird-g.itl'd t:ntry, .i I 0-acre comnH11111y park, a rc~alcni...·011ly retn.'at1on tl'ntt'r, and 11lt11natl'ly, JCtl'"' to a network of h1k1ng and h1k111g trail'> k•.idmg to w1Jl' expan'>l'~ of open space found on ly on The lrv11w Ranch Prospccttve buyer~ may 101n the 1ntercS1 hst for Rek ara by calling (800) 474-3222 or vh11ing www taylorwoodrow c.om JRZ Arch11eclurc T Plann111.t\ ts a fulhervtel' archllectural and planr11ng firm '>peoahzmg in design mg affordable, senior, luxury Residence Three llvlng room and h1gh-dens11y housing for a vancry of ma1or dewlopcrs and Residence One mast er office non-profit organizations The fim1 also provides .irchnectural s1trv1ces for school djslricts throughout CaJ1fom1a for both modernization and 11ew constniction pro1ects. Sel"Vlces include feasibility stud1e.,, lanJ usl' analy'\1<;, ma!>ter plans, '\lie planning, programming, design guidelines, arch itectural de)J~n .u1d construction documents JBZ ha!> received numerous awards for design excellence from both the architeetur.il community and the huild111g mdu5try for more information about JBZ Architcctur~ + Pla nning, visit www jhzarchllel1~ lOm .J ~=======---==------::~----- R•IH H ol Ju,,. 2, 2004 Aapex 01sco~n1 M1g A Supenor Mongage A1mloan.com Ame'!can First Rate Mtg. Bank ot America CalDirect Home Loans C11y Loan Corp De111ck Mortgage Group D1vers1fed Funding Group Downey Savings Emery Financial E·Trade Financial 1mongagegroup com Provident Bank Mortgage Seascape Home Loans U S Mortgage Cen1er Wells Fargo Home Mtg World Savings TYPE PHONE K (800) 344 2739 A (800) 591 4446 R (888) 411 4246 A (800) 887 9106 K t877) 459 6467 K (888) 896 4CAL A 1888) 456 0223 R (800! 478 5995 A 1877) 644 9920 s (800) 348 5931 R (949) 729 9200 K (800) 350 4496 R (800) 400 1611 s (800) 250 1713 A (8001576 5612 R (800) 867 981'3 s (866) 713 4387 s (800) 9 14 8166 KEY LENDERS AND RATES INTEREST RATE 5 625°'0 6 125°0 6000% 6 125% 6 250°·. 6 000•1. 5 750°0 5 875°0 5 875% 5 875% 5 875°'0 5 875°10 5 750% 6000% 5 875°. 6000% 6 250% 30-year fixed " OWN 5 5 5 5 5 20 30 5 10 20 10 5 10 20 5 5 20 20 POINTS ( ... ) 2 000 1 000 0 ?50 0000 0 500 0000 1 000 2 250 1 500 2 000 2 500 1 500 1 125 2 500 0 000 1 000 2000 1 000 LOCK· IN A PR. 30 5 890 30 30 45 30 30 45 30 30 45 30 40 30 30 30 30 30 30 6 310 6 100 6 210 6 390 6 270 6 176 5 980 5912 6 100 6 184 6 234 6018 6 017 6 124 5 954 6 188 6 372 30· Year .ctJust.ble INTEREST RATE 2 750°'0 ... OWN POINTS \'lo) 1 000 APR :. 990 NA NA NA NA 4 875% 10 0 250 ~ 488 4 500% 5 0 000 d 610 4 OOO~o 5 1 000 4 510 NA NA NA NA 5 250% ?O 0 500 5 326 1 250% 20 I 000 3 628 1 250·-· 20 o ooo 3 192 1 250°'0 20 1 ooo 3 873 MAX. LOAN 3:J3 700 NA 33J 100 333 100 333 100 NA 133 700 800.000 800 000 333 700 0 990°/o 1 000 3 379 ? ,000 000 NA NA NA NA NA 1 250% 20 0 500 3 191 1 000 000 2 950% :>O I 000 & 4 71 333.700 4 875°1. !> o ooo s os1 113 100 NA NA NA NA NA 3 875°10 20 2 ODO 4 6?0 333 lOll NA NA NA NA 600 000 MARGIN l"°! 2 750 INDEX n s NA NA 2 750 lTS 2 750 1 TS 2 ?50 t2LB NA NA 2 250 12LB 2 300 1TS 2 650 !TA 2 550 110 2 050 115 NA NA 2 :?00 \TA 2 3!>0 1TA 2 ?50 12LB NA NA ? 7~0 1 TS ? 900 110 AOJ FREQ tY NA tY IV NA 1V 1M 1M 1M IY NA IM IM 1Y NII lV lM Bom "~ & ao,usrabtft Pf'oOHHT/S ate 30 30 oonven1f0flai rnnngaoes Tvpe Qt le"C,1411 ~ a. BarH· I(. mo~ twn .. ..,, A. mortgdQO ht()kar s ... , ..... ng-. A IO.d ~k•f1\JdQtt b.Ytli\.Af .. tr'i(J (Jf1 •kM"'. are .;11 ·f-<1 llf ltte f:dltlult• ,_t Depanment of A&al E;:staro as 9•'he' a broli..er 0t cofPOt1)l'«>n r Of '"''orma1.on c..1 l..J .1 ORL o~ J\G\ ?'ll 093l lnt•te•t R.t• tor adfU"ta.t:»tes ,s llf'l •"•roc:tvc.tOt"r r:ite 'ot m,. '''~' :-tar""ri-'tt"f p.u.oo Oo·.,n P•yment "•l"tr>V"I u• c •'"-" ol u les Pf'IC8J patd 10 10000, PflOr 10 signing monoaoe C:OntHtCl Po•nt.I a10 •• ot lodM t>alancu Odl() 10 \@nck)f a~ hmo 04 toan CIO'S1flg Lod(-tn I', rre nun•OtH ot dc1yc: fit't1f.ll Qvttf Jnteg!>, lift f')f'l()f ,. tlosi'1Q A p R ... l'VI cl'1 .t I peroen130e rate Which is an es11mat80 annua1 cosl ot thn loan 10 tha t>on-owo• ,Ali f\ PR !t ate based on a S300 700 ~oan amount lh<• uoinl! snowr• (\tld ''OO IOti\t foa-. rtitt A. J' fi s 11t1 ''" luiht•f 1n ms h,111 '"' ton10d• ~,, 11h '° Wt1l•' aoc>lying for n k>an. FOdorJI lrulh 1n Lonct1no 1nw r8Qulrt1S 1ondort. to caku1919 an A P A SJ:*Cihr to tl.lCti toan o11ttt M••\mum lo.en 1s the rn3,1,im1.1f'1 lttf'ltJor will 10111' 1.;n.Uo, g1v£tn tonn•, All 11e;pa r.uu µrogr.rn•~ tldve 'm,1 •• tuurr ut $300.700 Margfn (1n .._.'"lenders p-oht m11tg•n .. 1ncf.a-: • JCfi.,1,11 rate atrnr t1rs.1 adJus1rnen1 tnd•• ts the ba5•S tor Mlt1H''IO ao ad)u~tooie •J\tfJ 'M1.tro1r\ •Ir~~. Now 1loto , 1l' , ut1 CJ1!-ol ( o'' or I un<1t.. 11~ ~ Vo,v fmn .. wy ['111 L6M. 6 rnontri LIBOR 618. 6 ""°"'" lrOdSu''Y 8;1 '1A , YtJrlt lfEt.l!tU"'f Avo Adlu•1ment Frequef'\CY "lh@I J){tf'OO t>etwettn 1."1)'Ustmen\s H ... t Mnn~h SM .. f1 "'Wnth'i IY .. 'v,,,, At #.Jft:b 1tvh1ftrl I 1 tidflQA V~f IV t.tlf' dN'l renns poor to applying f()I a tdan Al ende'S. prOV"tOl! , .... n_s ~ ,,.., d lttttt:H·I r;;ttn!t 1•"2 ,erm~ tor o ltOf&nt loan am04,m'51 1hp 1nt0f""'lalt0" pol ,ftfltOO -; •Wlt 1 """ !O m6iofl: t 10 tr 1• yoo h •¥•• 11v(•no"1 " "",, It•• .rx11-.-, ,.-, ltl• 1• •t ,..,t 939 NFNS Cll<IC'I in1orma1>0,, oa 1y al ,,_ nrns con From left: Giff Bass. Steve Blackwell and Liiiy McBee .. Cruisin' aboard the Royal Princess on Newport Harbor The Orange Coa~t t\~i.m:1.mon of Realtors and Affd1.ite'> en1oyt·J a beautiful sunset cruise on l\:cwpon Harbor, aboard the lux unou., Roy.ii Princcc;s. Am1J lively conversation an<l karaoke, sponsored hy Julir f\farqucz at New Century T1rlt· Company, attendee'> cn1o}'l'J ·' fabulous summer huffrt and rd~csh111g libatmm. Thi<> n111th annual event continues tn he a -.ell -out! plu1t os /Jy La11.1 11. Jolmsw1 CQPVHI ,tll From left: Mlke·Perlsl, Bob Miiiiken and Michelle Pa e 127 ::0 .'I) a.. 0 "' • .. • •• • ua ~ 8 N .ri ~ :::> ...., ,:. "' ~ .., t/) .., !§ "' ..... -;o .., a:: 0 ... a.. ~ .., 0 I • - Orange Coast Association of Realtors ~\\v,e ~' Classes & > cf) "-rJ') 0 (/) 0 ~ Events C)· clijon ~ o\~~ June Wednesday, June 2 10a m noon. Valet MLS AdviJnced Class 2 -4 p.m , Valet MLS Beginning Class Thursday. June 3 8 45 a m , GPA Comm111ee Meeting 11 am 2 pm . Broker Open House areas 9. 11 , 12, 25, 26, 27 Friday. June 4 11 am 2 pm Bro~er Opon House areas l 8, 10, 14 -17 Tuesday, June 8 ~ a m , Affiliate Comm1tree Meeting Wednesday, June Q 10 a.m . noon, Valf't MLS Advanced Class 2 -4 p m , Valet MLS Be91n111ng Class Wednesday, June 9 12 CA R Sacramento Convl:nt1011 Thursday, June 10 11 am 2 pm, Broker Open Ho1ise a1eas 9, 11 , 12, 25, 26, 27 Friday, June 11 11 a m -2 p m Broker OpC'n Hc1use CHeas 1 8, 10, 14 -17 Wednesday, June 16 9 a m., MLS Committee Meeting Annual Charity Golf Tournament at A liso V1e10 Golf Club 7 a.m , registration, 8 30 a.m shotgun start Thursday, June 17 11 a.m . -2 p m , Broker Open House areas 9, 11. 12, 25, 26, 27 Friday, June 18 11 a m . 2 pm .. Broker Open HousP areas 1-8. 10, 14-17 Thursday, June 24 9 a m . Board of Directors Meeting 11 am • 2 pm, Broker Open House areas 9, 11, 12, 25, 26, 27 Friday, June 25 11 a.m 2 pm , Broker Open House areas 1-8, 10, 14-17 Wednesday, June 30 10 a m • noon, Valet MLS Advanced Class 2 -4 p m , Valet MLS Beginning Class Ora nge Coast Association of Real tors 401 North Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 722· 2300 • fax (949) 6.42-41 05 • www.ocaor.com The Sycamores at Shady Canyon -where inner beauty and outer beauty intertwine , Homes are designed to capture the essence of indoor/outdoor living At The Sycamore at !'lhady Clnyon hou1cb1tyl·r. will have the opponunity to shJrc their new hOml' with the sun, moo11, ~t.ir.. anJ sky The rw1~hhorhood rs set a1rudst a 1-pect.icular natural backdrop anti gated pnvJcy of Sh.1dy Canyon·~ re<;;dent1al .ind ~oil pre ·t:rve As Grcy-;1one I Jomes' The ~yl.imorcs c:onunuc<; to sell its finaJ rha!ICl> Of hrand new home.,, :.t:nOU' homehuycr. must v1s1t today, hcfort• 11 1s s1111ply too latt· The luxunou!I dcs1gns of'The ~yc.1morl'~ oiler an inLTt'dible array of 011tdllor <ipurc~ Tht> pre'icnc:e of shady 1 olonn.1de:,, as wdJ as a number of h..iln:>ntl!S .:mJ decks ava1lable to the up:."tairs rm.ims fun her highlight the screruty of 1h1s quiet canyon. Central wurtyanl arc also large enough for vancty of Willer featun-s and fountains, while :.ante hac:kyanb are sized to an:onu11otlatc iU1 opuonal family pool Berau~t' thl' IJrger counyanb arc Jd)Jt:em tu the homes· gathcnng 11111ms, tht•se magmlkent Lll'stgn arc rue.illy \lilted for year-round c nt t' na mm g A rare rnllt•l11on of Jll!!t 47 hcll'1c11tl.:1·m ... pU'('d Spanish f(l'VlV.lJ residence•,, TI1c Sycamore'> 1c; a must 'cc Don't mt!!'> the dwnn· to tom the 't1111n111~ llllKll'I hcmic., totlay Pro'l){'t1.J\'l' horud>uycr. tlrl' tr1Vllt'd Ill vi~tl onlinc .it www ~h.1Jyc.i11yon-syLamores corn to rl'gL,lt:r th1.·1r mtcrc5t for The "iylarnort''> I'm es Ml' currently from the nuu $2,000,000s Created for Grey<;tonc I lomes hy the aw.1rJ wmmng ftrm of B.isscn1an/LaJ.\Oni Arclutcct!I, The Sycamores bh:nJs the pe~cual ple.l'>Ure of hand-crafted Jcta1ls with modem technology and luxury 1 onvcmence' An 1mpre sive vanety of ~~11lential designs resembling the 1920s .ind '30s ~oldtn era of CalifolllJa archt1CC1ure c:atcr to the mJividual ~oah. of each homcbuycr. with nnc smgle-lcvel reSJdenct· anti a choice of two-<;tory lluorplans avatlahle Sprawhn~ mtenoN range from approximately 4,097 to 5,227 square feet of exqu1s1tcly detailed livmg space, with three 10 five bedrooms, three and one-ha.If 10 six and one half baths, and three to four~ space garages. A host of social family area.'> gives each residence its sense ofhospitallty and warmth Fonnal spaces are ha.lanced hy more casual moms, including great room famiJy room • libraries. A separate c.isita, which 1~ ideal area for a private suite, oOh c c pnvate guest accommodauom '' included m the Residence Thrct: an also available as an opuon in Residences One and Two . The splendor of The Syca1111>1 e., .u 11.l> prominent setting within Shady Canyon highlight a matchlcs~. re on~inspired lifestyle. The ~hJdv Canyon Fitness and Swim Club, situated just east of the enclave. embraces homeowners who WJ.nt 111 experience the uJtimatc in lt:1,..url'lv social Lrving within such cxdu.~l\'l' surroundtngs. A fuJI spcctn1m of rewarding advantage 1s av.:ulL1lik ,11 I 6,700 square foot dub\ pool~. 'P"· cabanas, tenrus coun s and tltnt''' center. Addressing the luxury honll'b11v1·r' desire for personal express11111, fh1· Sycamore presents an array ot personalizing opponuniues C1ey-.111n l tomes legendary "Everything'-, lndudedSM# program a."5\.lre'i th.11 tlw finest interior appointment~ will w.11.l' each residence. Master planned by lrvtne Conununlty Development Comp.uw • subsidiary of The Lrvme Comp.my Sl1dJy Canyon IS a private res1J1•1111.1I and golf preserve in the $.111 Jo.i4tu11 I li Us of Lrvine, Callfomia Shady Canyon incorporate' clpproximately 400 custom and custom-quality r£!!>"1denccs mto 1,llil 1 acres of naturally private and ct·1111 property, with a 300-all'C, habitat-sensitive Tom Fazio ~olf l 11111'<1' and 43,000-square-foot Golf Clubhouse. adjacent to thou<;amf, of acres of permanently protectetl 11J11111• reserve Greystone I lomes South Coill-1 D1V1Sion takes a unique approach h> homebuilding. providing its cuc;10n1er- with convenience, value, quality, ,111d m nfidence at an unprecedented lt.>wl Numerous services are offered, o;ud1 ·" compeunve mortgage program., .ind quality escrow and title service Greystone Homes is backed hy tlw finandaJ strength of parent compa11v Lennar Corporation™, which 1s h~tl'tl on the New York Stock Exchange To visit The Sycamores at Shady Canyon, travel the 405 Freeway .ind exit Shady Canyon Drive. 1 leitd south and follow the signs to The Sycarmm'' The Welcome Home Center and professionally decorated modcb arl' open daily from JO a.m to 6 p.m For moreinfonnatlon on Thi' Sycamores. call.Sales Associatesj11d1tlr Busch~ll. Gregory Troyer, Rosie De Francesca nr Carol }osepltN' at (949} 737-7655 1ty rtwru JJHI -uch ·~ .m lflkl' or l.!>h rct· and 1~ Oft''> and 1ady Mdv 1-i, • ,, .. ..tnt 10 1rclv. il\'l' ,, Jlt• .1t tht• ~pJ, . .,, 1.11 lhl' !-:hill' 1,my .• 1 1y n11al utn ~HIN<' .ul lllrl' 10 llll'I"> anti vd h .1~ 1d 'Y :cl th 'l) Harbor View Hills South: A pride-of-ownership community BOUNDARIES: Harbor View Hills South is bordered by Marguerite Avenue to the west, San Joaquin Hills Roat! to the north, Buck Gully to the east and 5th Avenue to the south . HOMES: There arc about 450 single family homes. The streets are terraced to give more than 50 percent of the home a view of the ocean and hMbor. All o f the main streets have water-oriented names, such as Sandcastle, Quiet Cove cind lnlet Isle. STILE: There are I I different floor plans. The smallest is a three bedroom, 1,866-square-foot home, to tl1l' largest, a two story, 3 ,200-square-foot m odel. lflSTORY: The homes wen~ built in phases from 1 96 7 to I 969. Many of the h omes have been com pletely customized w reflect th e latest in kitchen .llld bathroom tlesign. · SALES: Th ere have been 12 <;ales in the last 12 months. The list prices ranged fro m a four bedroom non-view for $1 ,299,000 to a custom two-story on th e c.anyon for $2,362,000. NOW LISTED: Then:• are currently ju t three h omes on the mMket for sale ranging lrom a three bedroom non-view h0j11c for $1 ,495,000 to a custom lour hcdroom for $2, 150,000. Last year there wcrt' six active listings. There are currently three in escrow ranW.Og from $2,049,876 to $2.495,000 listing pnce. The featured home (pictured) •~ ,1 lour bedroom. two arnJ one·h.111 hath listed for$ J ,495,000 to $1 ,695,000, v1..i Value Range Cape Cod-style beach cottage There are two bedrooms and two baths in this channmg couage Enjoy resort-style laving in this community tha1 includes J pool, spa, cluhhousc anti pnvate beach . All bwJt-in appliances, air cond111011mg Walk to hoppm~ and hest restaurants. This home is offered at $219,000 with a kaschold lanu For more information, call Elaine Gordon of Coast Newport Properties-Coldwell Banker at (949) 723 8800 Coat/ Neu.'porl Propotit"> 11 wcated 3377 Via Lido, Newport Bl'ach. Coldwell Bcmker Reside11tial Brukousc IS a member oft~ NRT family of companies. NRT Incorporated, the nation's leading residenh'al real estate brokerage company. is a subsidiary of Cendant Corporation (NYSE:CD) This home Is now listed In Harbor View Hiiis South Marketing SOURCE: Contact Mdmd,1 am.I Many Jont·~ o l Coast Newpo rt Prope.rt.JL·S- ColdwcU Banker, 4 Civic Pl,1z...1, Ste 260, Newport Beach. They c.:u1 ht· rc.:iched at (949) 7 17-4719 ur by e-mail at martyandmchnc.1,1<.roo ix.net To submit a community prolilc, contact Jill Ulrik ·en, Daily PLlot promotions, at (949) 574-4237 or e-mail jW.ulrikscn@latime~.com l . ~I J Three bedroom Belco urt end unit HARBOR ) VIEW HILLS { SOUTH I' ) A sophisttcated dnd gorgeous highly ~ought alter Plan D townhomc w11h three bedrooms and three and one-half haths End unit w11h a great lor.ltaon 111 the prestigious 24-hour guard gatcu commun11y ofRclrnun I lttgl· pnvatl' master hedroom suite wilh ad1oinm~ -;111mg room with ftrepl,1cc am l h.1lwnv Pnvate patios with bwlt-m barbecue L:kctroml awnin~s m p,Hio arl'.1s ul lotchen, living room and master suite smmg room This home 1s offered at $1 , 775.000 For mo re information, call Bob Clarke n(Coast Newport Propt'rt11•1 Coldwell Banker at (949) 644-1600. Coast Newport Properl1l'S is wcnfl'd nf 4 Cit11r Plaza, Ste. 260, Newport Beach Coldwell Banker Residential Brokera)!_e is 11 member nf lhe NRT Jam fly of companies. NRT lncorporatrd. the nation's lradtnl?, resirlrnt1a/ real estate brokerage company, is a subsidiary of Cendant Corporation (NYSE-CD) ~----------------------------~--~ • 129 (./) ~ c:: Ci .,. -< ::-:> ,,, Y' ...., 8 ~ :;u ,,, ~ fT1 "' c;: iii 0 \O' -< :p ~ •• J \ . . . . . ' .. : . . .. ~ .,. l l • • • CASSIS • NEWPORT COAST· OCEAN VIEW Best Buy on the Coast • Excluslve Listing S3,200,000 Tn1s e1eQanll1 aot>O'"'•'<l ~()ITII' na' IN ,.,.as1e1 be(J(:IOfTI llf1 tne mam 11001 "'''"views 11110 tile tia11>or ano S1Jnse1s Jhere a•e a iota o• 5 oeclfoorns aM • J car tandel" ga1aoe wrtn aotv""""Jle 14600 SQ~ fl. 1aroe yarO"' in app1ox1rr.a1ely 14 000 SQ n ooam •on~erlul ou1aoo1 ente<la•n·nq tou11ya1os ano OIJIOoor oaroecor A ?4 nou· Qate1J co"''""u111ly " 1" Clubl>& se .arid !en!lls coon s rr1nuies tro"" me Mrrt as '~ lhl' oe:icn dnd access ro the 73 Freeway Custoo lril'l·t on.11 upgidOes are 1P.atu1ed !"rooQhob! Hic".a<d M~1S11al' lurooe:an P:.i•k O S~"SSMJ WalnLJI Hard"'t!Od F1001s Walke• Zanger haveo Ill' h()()t1ng Cvstun-a'w~seo •'Cl lf:tlutal be.ifllS CuMom 01SllfSStJ Plaste• .iro r a..• v nt!>I\ ~o tnrouon&ul Custom llaiosco11119 1n10~1 G•a• '~ ~ •c'lt~ '°'-'l'flu;< anG Sia n.PSs Steel K11chl>n v,~·no Oven aoa Rall\j( CuSlO"" W Ilda .. C~mos ~. ::.G 8 no~ WoOOS11ottt« O•dtie'>f!!> Tu""t .,ls· rit ana Ma1Dt~ Master 8dln Crown Molding 111•ooqnou1 Ea•ly Ca •()In ao Oro WJrld St()fl:: t 1v111Q/COfll't'rs.i11on AOOI'· 0 Id I lld•[)f'(ue Cu.,.•oo Ot,t0oot LOQ01i1 E.1ens1ve ldllOSC.Ping w1lh cu~1om f 1~1()11 .. rr • .-e•Mf la•gt '""''•"•'Cl 001aoo111gn1ing Cus1om Ho~ P !neater Surround S)stem and O!l<l' Cn1e11a,RMf:flt Cente1~ 50 1ntn Plasma Big ')cr!'fn Stefanie Meurer (949) 715-3156 del Mar Highlands 4 bedroom. 3 balh home lot s11e 20.CXD. on the Canyon Ocean view completely redrnodeled $5,999,000 Vic Peterson Petereon fOMii'UCCiOn Deeiin INC. 948-829-1419 LAGUNA NIGUEL 76 Vista Montemar New Listing • View • V'iew $2,050,000 Stunning views from this spectacular home on large lot. Over 5,000 SQ ft of open floor plan with 5 bedrooms 4.5 bath plus office and 3-car garage. SANTA ANA ARTIST LOFTS $559,()()()-$625,000 215 Main Street Live and work in this fabulous new development minutes from South Coast Plaza. NEWPORT Stefanie Meurer (949) 715-3156 BEACH t 7 BALBO A COVES •O PEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY t -4 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath. One of the largest and best lots m Balboa Coves! Terrific location on the sunny side of the bayfront. Your backyard is your own private beach. Great for entertaining. A wonderful home. . Price reduced to S2,t00,000!I ~COMPASS L L ~...,,_f.orponlloa auren ayton 949.285.8722 --:.i ----------------------------------------------- SPECTACULAR NEWPORT TENNIS COURT ESTATE! 6,000 ~ft 'iBR, (1BA home 1.2~ ,Kit' uflu,h groun~. priv;uc: lighted tennis coun. 180° o(e.in G ulina. harbor .ind ~unset vil.'w~. HA n-ALL! A Trrmcndous homrltnvesrmrm Jt uni} ~t""?)Q,000. Suhm11 all offer\. OPI:N SAT/~UN Virn1.1I tour ar \V\vi.v.p.1crit.:ktenon.:.u 1m A' seen on TV Sunda)•:t. Cox Ch.innd #3 ~,) 13 AM h;11h ~ :11111.,., h "·-OV'" hu~ r'' ,,,J N\ •·" rr11l(\\~tJO,.I)\\ '"'"''"'.;p1.J l l!!h ) ( \'h ~"-1' ul ~-· ,\',ln111r \\o \1"1"111 ~ 11r •• 1, '''['' ""'" l Jll 11;111, I mot" ~~(, •l"O' I RR, 4 ~ BA. 6.000 "jfl f .. mrr l'"I 1~x1I 1p•. & gmd rnrrv. \X!1JI rr,dr ull lur dw1(1 & ;ct \'rruul Toor ~ubn111 ollw ~-""""""'W!fllllEm Gorgeous Single Story End Unit Town Home Quiet private. immaculate 3BR. 2BA t 123 Sq Ft Charmer Fireplace Pergo floors. murphybed. beauttful chandelier New window coverings and track hghllng Large landscaped side and back yard with amazing fountain No mello roos '499,000 Joe & Ellen Rocca 949.533.9597 (J) • 949-633·9587 (E) Landmark Realtors LOCATION ... LOCATION ... LOCATION Laguna Beach • 420 Cypress Dr 11 11 I! I! II Ii II Ii I• OPEN THIS WEEKEND Not on MLS! Ra re find! Turnke)·, Brand new re model just completed throughout. S hort walk to b eaches, Ht islcr Park, restaurantsand village s hops. T his is a wonderful light & bright condo with2 bedrooms and 2 full baths. A balcony with a pee k -a-boo vie w and J ca r garnge. Don't miss this one ! $825,000 Owner/ Age nt John Farrow Shown by Appointment Broker rn/op 9-'9.322.0932 • 805.368.6855 ~ Missouri~, Cattl~::mHorse I 50 Acres . Spring , creek, barns, sheds . 2 Homes. 60 miles to Branson, MO . I $199,900 I BOB JACKSON UNITED COUNTRY LOWE REALTY 1-888-63 7 -2040 I - Charming 3Br, 2Ba home 7 .200 sf lot. upgraded kitchen and baths. room for expansion Quiet neighborhood By Owner, Agents Welcome $799,000 949-631 -7583 NORALEE 'S "NEW LISTING" OPF.N SUN l -5 • 4 5f~ v 1-.·1/\ ll<lJC lfi\ I\ c u §tc:ln1 unattnc:.h ed tn wnhun1r tJn "''Ide ur-e ... nb<>lf 3 br .. 2 .5ht< ''"""'"· To p c1u.•llCy J., .. lgner ~tyl•• $965.000 :.!75 3 V i sta U m brosa Z Pla n $999.000 I N ESCROW 29 BOl>~GA SAY OR. IN L.SC HOW t ""'°'"' ""tth sit d own v•fl'~· o f oc:-ienn.!l an._t ., .. ,,...,ts . Larg e :th'" ; '"""..-.. · o ver 2.500 .. qft. fn Sp y o l,.1u1i :1 • '" t1ilrau•• :.. O ffers between S t .39 5.000 ·S 1 , 795.000 will be con<11ldered. ~ -NORA1£E PAULSON REALTY 949-632·6489 OPE"\ SAT -Sl ':\ 11 -:> 19 .. :~ l'ort St· a hou rrw f>l;w,. t'r id·· or"" 1wnd1ip. 1·r1·a111 puff. llurl1or \ ic·" li11nw ,. :UHL 2B \. 11111 111a1t) 11pgracl1·.., 111 11w11li•1t1! $1.i<J!),OOO ( )w1wr/Hrokc·r 91i9. 7 1 <>.4<>:~7 COSTA MESA . 3367 Nevada Ave. Completely remodeled 4br. 2ba home Beauhful landscaped yard. energy elf1c1ent. all new apphances. wine cooler. atnum. fplc, central air Lots of built 1n SIOl'age & fumnure, track hghttng cathe- dral ceiling. approx 2,000 SF Negohated Fee to agent for qual~1ed buyer $749,500 By Owner (714)751-6024 ~ <. '" '" l• • _, • I • f • . ' .... • . • • l • 4 ' ·' 1.' • 132 8 "' "' ... c: ::> --.,,;. ... 0 :, ;;; •J) ... -,;; ~ w "' ... a: 0 ~ ~ •"> Cl .. BAY FRONT WITH BOAT DOCK 3 Bedrooms 2 Baths Lots of Upgrades 4824 Surrey Dr., Corona del Mar Location ... .location ... locat Rare corner lol Balboa Plan 2 1n p1es11gou Ford Road community 3BR, 3.5 Bat~ Approx 2600 sqh Beau11fully upgraded gourmet granite island kitchen V11\ing a.pph. wood floors down, crown moulding. custorr and window treatments Professional!) landscaped and close to clubhouse Offered at $1 ,695,000 can Pinnacle Partners @ 949-706-3000 $1,500,000 Cameo Highlands Home offering one of the Finest Views North of PCH Located ot the top of Cameo Hiahlonds across from It Pelican Hins Golf Course this home offers Sit-Down Ocean and.Golf Co;me Viewsl. P~ivacy, Access to Private Beoches and To r of Potential Remodel or Bu ild New on this Lorge Corner lot. Pool/Spa plus Three tsec1rooms ond Two Baths Cheshire R.E. Inc., 949. 723.6037 Call Jack for Details NEW OFFERING! Fantastic corner m waterfront w/boatdock! fl Great views from this -..;.;.=.:.:: "end of canal '' beauty ... Light, airy & warm decor makes it the most charming home on the isla nd for twice the price! 4 spacious bedrooms, 3 baths, upgraded kitchen . living room & patio to die for! Only $2, 195,000 Owner/ Agent 949.362.1500 x21 Offered at $2,300,000-$2,500,000. John Miller 949-280-3100 HomesbyJohnMiller@earthlink.net Eastgate Homes • Lovely Gated Community!· • Distinctive Architecture • Approximately 1.650 SF • Near Santa Ana Country Club • cathedral Ceilings. Shutters • Wood & Gas fireplace • Only 9 Townhomes • 3 Bedrooms & 3 Baths • Beaut~ul Han<l·l.at<l Buck Paha Value Range: $660,000 to $730,000 2680 Orange Ave, Eastside Costa Mesa Tel: (949) 223·3905 For Sale B Owner, Broker Coo ration 1catlon. ;Ugous One • 1 Bath. ided wnh appliances ustom pa111: 1onatly >use 000 rs @ rom the I nd Tons Patio BALBOA ISLAND 333 Grand Canal 4Br 3Ba Sun 12-4 Owner/Agt. 949-362-1500 x21 BALBOA PENINSULA 2129 Seville 4Br 3Ba Sun 1-4 Vince M ayell Cannery Village Realty 714-264-1908 CORONA DEL MAR $2,195,000 $1,550,000 4824 Surrey Dr. 3Br2Ba Sat-Sun 11 -4$2,300,000-$2,500,000 John Miller 949-280-3100 345 Cameo Shores Rd 4Br 3Ba Sat-Sun 1-5 Patty Harvey 714-501-6110 Marianne Nahin 714-269-7851 Call for security gate access 5Br 6Ba Sat-Sun Pat rick Tenore Nationwide Real Estate 949-856-9705 412 Hazel 4Br Sat 1-4 Michael Brinkman Coastline Realty 949-759-0177 COSTA MESA 3367 Nevada Ave. 4Br2Ba By Owner 714-751-6024 2170 Rural Pl. 3Br2Ba By Owner 949-631-7583 Sun i -4 Sun 12-4 ENCINITAS 922 Sealane Drive Unit C $2,595,000 $3,995,000 $2,875,000 $749,500 $799,000 2Br 2.5Ba Sat-Sun 12-4 $640,000-$699,876 Agt. Karen Chastain 949-244-4727 LAGUNA NIGUEL 29646 Pelican Way 3Br Sun 1-5 Joe & Ellen Rocca (J) 949-533-9587 (E) 949-633-9587 Landmark Realtors $499,000 LAGUNA NIGUEL 34 Fairtane 4Br Sat-Sun Patrick Tenore Nationwide Real Estate 949-856-0267 LAGUNA BEACH 369 Hawthorn St. 3Br 2Ba Sun 1-4 Denise Hillhouse First Team Nolan 949-87 4-2354 NORTH LAGUNA BEACH $1 ,750,000 $1 ,900,000 420 Cypress Dr. 2Br2Ba $825,000 Open House This weekend John Farrow Owner Agt 949-322-0932 805 3686855 NEWPORT BEACH 72 Crooked Stick Or. One Ford Road 3Br 3.5Ba Sun 1 ·4 Pinnacle Partners 949-706-3000. 1943 Port Seabourne Place 3Br 2Ba Sat-Sun 12-5 Owner/Broker 949-716-4637 456 Vista Trucha 3Br 2.5Ba Sun 1-5 Noralee Paulson Realty 949-&32-6489 2224 Heather Ln 3Br 2.5Ba Sun 1-5 Patty Harvey, 714-501-6110 M arianne Nahin, 714-269-7851 2323 Irvine Ave. 3Br 2.5Ba Patrick Tenore Nationwide USA 949-856-9705. 911 Cliff Dr. 3Br 2.5Ba Alex Mathews Tarbell Realtors 714-715-5066 2224 Heather Ln Sat-Sun Sat-Sun 1-4 3Br 2.5Ba Sun 12-5 Patty Harvey, 714-501-6110 Marianne Nahin, 714-269-7851 17 Balboa Coves 3Br 2Ba Sat-Sun 1-4 Lauren Layton Compass Real Estate 949-285-8722 $1 ,695,000 $1 ,295,000 $965,000 $1 ,295,000 $3595/mo Lease $1 ,995,000 $1,295,000 $2,100,000 • 133 0 Q. < ~ ~ . ii ~ 4 v -. • • - • I , . . . . . . . • • • • • I , l • Private beach club u>LJkd m the popul.ir ~horecl10:. com11111111ty 1>f _.m Clemente, th1. four bedroom. two bathroom residence ha:. bct:'.n except1011ally customized. Re 1dents en1oy a hfl·~tyle centered .iround their pnvate beach, which feature:. a cluhhoust:. spon s couns, b.irbec:uc~ am.I neighborhood aC11vit1es. Spre.id acrus!> .:i single level with skylight., anti numerous shdmg doors, the honw 1o; '.>pac1ou:. anti light. with lmh colorful bndsc.ip111g outside of al must every room A pnvate courtyard .md expansive decks with hu1lt·in seating make fur ea. ... y outdoor l'OJOyml·nt and relaxation Vistas of rolling hills, night hght'.>, llCCan pt:ak~ and Catahn..i Island complement this picturessue setting Located 1ust minute-to the beach. ch.imung down111w11, golf and the manna The hullll' •~ottered at S861j,()Oll For more 111jonnati1m. rall l /1'101 Tholt• oj f'rt1de11twl Cnlijantia Realty's Sm1 Clemt'nte bru11rh at (9491493-HH12. ext. I 07 or (9491291 5024 Iler offirr IS lomted at 615 G m1111t1 t/1• /o~ Marn. Ste I 00. San Clt·mcnte Prudmtwl 0 1/!/t1nt111 R1·alty ,, pr1111J to ht• a mtmba of! lomeSeroius oj Amcnrn lnr. 11 Rcrk~hm· / f,1th1m•11v t1/f1/ii1t1· Corona del Mar custom home This custom, one -;10ry honw fr.llurc~ thn.'c hcdrooms, two baths, two fireplaces. d dl·n .rnJ l.u~c great room With unoh~tructed views o f the ocean, harbor, C.1tali11.i lsl.:im.I .mt! c11y hghts, the CoronJ dcl Mar residence 1s a must see Nurnerow. luxunc' .1hound, andudmg ample uw of marble, travertane and granite, a., well as rccc~:.ctl anti low voltage cu'itom lighting. crown moldanK and a custo111 ttle roof The home also ha" VikanK ... 1amless appliances, Su h-Zero, .;1x-huml·r '-lllvc and a hag o;c rccn surround sound entenaanmcnt center. In addition, thl• propl·ny yield.<. b111lt-1n clo~et:., mtenor and exterior spe,1kers throughout, French doors that upcn to a pnvate courtyard with custom pool and spa, .i Flagstone deck that surreunds the home and pool, and newer carpet and paint throughout The hom L' h.1~ been hsteQ via V.ilue Range Marketing, which meam the seller will entenam ..tll offers between $1 ,700,000 and $2,049,876 For more i11fonnatin11, call Rick Doyle of Pmdmtial Cal!fon11a Realty\ Oaa11side branch al (858) 33 7-I 000 Visit his website at t<nuw.rickdoylehome. .tom. Pmdential California Realty IS proud lo be a member of/ lomeSrroicrs of Amen·ca Inc., a Berkshirr I lathaway 11j}iliate. Additional company mfomiation ca11 be obtained at www.pmdentialcal.com. Forster Ranch home A four beJroom, three bathroom residence Lhat 1s urrounded by me. nature. Miles of rolling hills and night light vistas pro'.J1de a p1cturesqu• backdrop to this quiet private setting. The lar~e pool-sized yard enjoy" ample lawn, pauo, mature trees, gaze ho and a.n above ground spa. 0th• fcamre~ andude a family room, fireplace and RV parking Re-.1dcnt!' of popular Forster Ranch enjoy stretche-; of greenbelts for o act1v111cs and dose to beaches, golf. the marina, shopping and transpor This h ome 1~ offered at $719,000 For more information, call /Jelen Thole of Pmdential California Realty dcmtnfe brm1ch rttf949) 493-881 2, ext. 107 or (949) 291-5024. Herofii• located al 635 Otmino de los Mares. Ste. JOO. San Clemo1te. Pmdential Cnlifomia Realty is proud ta be a nwmln:r of l-lomeSeroices of America Inc Berkshire /latltaway ajj'ili11ft' Pntdentu1/ Clli!fornia Realty is ranked mno nation ·~ Top 5 real 1•state companies with mon· titan$ I 7 billion in sales vr, t1crordi11g to Natio11al Relocation and Real es/ale Maga:itie, Apn"l 2003. Additional company mjormation can be oblm11ed 11l 1cww.prudentialcal.c. Elegant masterpiece awaits This five bedroom, three and one--hal f bathroom gem features a m.irble cnu that opcm to a spaaous living room Numerous luxunes include a formal duu room wtth coffcreJ cethng, rustom window treatments, ..15 well as extensive 11~ of rruuble. wood noonng and uistom huilt-ins. The huge master suite with rct: anti Viewing bcllcony has a 4'eparate whirlpool spa nib, custom glass block, his and hers shower and lavatorie:., and double waJk-m closets Also within is a fom1al living room with a large wet bar boasting stain glas~ backdrop, as welJ as a home theater, brick fireplace and custom oak built-ins. 1 large gourmet's kitchen with separate breakfast nook, center-island. but.It-Jn refngerator, walk-in pantry and double ovens ts another incomparable fearurc t this finely appointed home. The backyard completes this heautiful horn~ with covered patio, pool, spa and built-in barbecue Nestled against the Sadd.Jeback Mountains, this home 1s in Coto de Caza. a guard-gated community that enables homeowners the opponumty to hlke, nck on hor.-c tra.tls, go to great local parks and send their duldren to ~at schools This home Is offered at S 1,449,000. For more i1iformatum. can Kan·n McCarthy of Prudential Califomia Realty's Mo1111rch Beach al (949) 634-5386. Her office is located al 2 Ritz Carlto11 Dnvt• 111 the distinguished romm1mity of Mo11arr:h Beach ~ • us ~ (ft ~ ~ "" '< '-c: :> "' '-" N 8 ~ .. ~ "' !!!. '""' "' w ;;; 0 ~ '< 31 §" )y lllOlhl'J resque njoys an . Other for nurdoor sportatmn eafly's St111 r ofjict' 1.1 tial • . ' .... . . . . . . t ' •• •, ., \ ... . • • , . .. , .. ----- --- 131 8 "' ..n Cl> c: ::::> ~ >; "' "O ~ a Cl> ;;; Vi w iij Cl> 0:: £ a: >.. ~ 0