HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-15 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 2003 ' Dredge drudgery EDUCATION Presidential Award goes Several tons of debris left by the last El Nifio is set to be dredged out of Newport Beach channels. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -The notorious El Nino storms four years ago did more damage to local bays and marinas than meets th~. apparently. · Plazi Miller:, vice president of SheD- maker lnc., said his company has been hired to dig out a portion of several hundred tons of sediment that washed over from the upper bay Into the <;han- nels after the stonT\S. •1ts causing a lot of problems," he said, ·0uring a low tide, boats ~et in and out of the marina.· Shellmaker was hired by the property manage'ment company for the Balboa Marina to dredge the sediment The project. mvotving a giant derrick barge and an equally large dump barge. be- gan on Wednesday near the Newport Beach Nautical Museum. The sediment was causing problems for boats docked in the marina. said Glenn Zagoren. the museum·s chief ex- ecutive officer. "Some of the hoat-; were bottoming out." he said. "So this is probably !>Omething that had to be done." Miller said he had also done a similar dredging job at Swails Anchorage. The sediment problem is common to several parts of the bay. he said. But perm.its that need to come from the Anny Corps of Engineers take as long as a year to obtain, Miller !>aid. "The city has one master permit for Wedging." be said. "But the sub-per- mits that must be obtained for each in- dividual area must come from lhe Anny Corps of Engineers. The city will issue a fmaJ perm.it based on the ap- proval from the Anny Corps of Engi- neers." There's a "lot of dredging to be done" Miller said. Oogged are the entire inside and outside of Linda Isle near Newpon Har- bor Yacht Oub, the north side of lido Isle, the perimeter of Harbor lsland and the west side of Bay Island. he said. l ·to UCI professor Martha Mecartney, who teaches engineering, honored for mentoring disadvantaged s tudents. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot UC IRVINI I ll'lp1n~ yoong minds find a palh lhdl v.ill ll'ad lhe.>m to the world ur t'llh'lnt·t·nng. prult''>'><Jr Martha Mecartnc\., mentonng l'flon., have gamed her pre<.1den11.t1 au.la1m. fhe \.Vhlll 111111-.t• announn:•d F nday 1ha1 J're<.1den1 Hu'h 'l'lt1. lt.>d "1ecartney. aJung wuh rum· otlwr peoplt.> and '>lX ansu 1uuon\ IO rect•a\l cl 2002 Pr~adenual Award for l·..\tellL·m l' 111 \lalhemallc'>. 'x 1t•ntc ,md E ngineenng \frn aorin~ Becau'e of her 1molvement Jn d num- ber of menaoring pro gr.tm'>. \ome of wha(h give underrepre<.cntt•d \tudent' a chantt• to pur<.ue graduate '>tud ic<> and facuhv po-.1 11ons. Mecartney\ name reached Lhe Martha steps of the vVh1tc Mecartney Hou<,e. "This lond of recogmuon doe\n 1 rome along very oflen." \aid Marjorie DeMaru no. a'>!.Oeiatc dtrector of C.ahlorn1a Alh ance for Mtnonty Pamc1pauon ~talt'Wlde, I a mentonng and tutonng program head- quartered at Ul I "Martha wa'>, of c:ourw. one ol our ~-en proactive mentor. and '>ht' ha!) bl'en an m. credible Vl'>Ual role model I think II ., her personal intert">t tn the <>luden1 and that !>he I'> 'iO gMng of her tune and 'iO pos1uve a <;ourcc tha1 she m'>ptre'> people to go even farther • Miller said h.is project at the Balboa Marina will be completed in about a week. in which time, 9,000 cubic yards of sediment will be removed. ~HLLER /CW..YPILOT Crews aboard a giant barge dredge the ocean floor between the Newport Beach Nautical Museum and Linda Isle in Lower Newport Bay. The work is expected to go on for about a week. F.ach of the awards. given annually by the NauonaJ Science 1:-oundauon, ancludes a presidenual commemorauve ceruficate and a $10,000 grant to pl"OVlde financial o;upport for the rec1p1enl•; conunued mentoring work. "On a pen.onal level. I feel h.ke mentor ing is very important because that\ how I became a UC Irvine professor," lMl!d Me cartney. who has taught engineenng al UCI for more than 12 year-. "Ifs tha1 per sonal touch and t.>nrnuragemenl that lS !>() 1mportan1 and l·an make '-UCh a differ- ence.· FAMILY TIME Choose homespun over corporate Many of Mecartney\ c:oUeagu~ behn't' '>hf' embodies 1he goal or the president's ...;o (fuld Lefl Rehmd Act, which is to m - creil!>e dCCe<.'> IO quality educauon for underrt'p~nted and d1~dvantaged stu- dents. I n the Mesa Verde section of Costa Mesa. there a.re plans to erect a Kohl's department store to replace a bowling alley, lc:e rink and movie theater. The area's savior. Mayor Karen Robinson. has called for a revisit of the plans to replace these family attractions, which ls quite ironic, since Robinson does not have any kids. But there is more to the Kohl's vs. family attractions story than (J)'lng to keep a part of Costa Mesa f:amDy frien'dJy. But to describe lt, I have to ptay fast and loose wtth some information I heard several years ago. SfEVE SMITH There is a tremendous benefit to any community when residents make their purchases at businesses that are based In that city as opposed to those headquartered in another city or state. As I recall, every do~ spent at a local shop ls circulated four times before leaving the area. Spend it at a big cha.in. however, and the profits depart to Pigsknuclde. Ark.., or Wherever, Kan., immediately. So while many of us believe we are saving money by getting a discount at a big cha.in. our thinking is short-term. In the long run, we are going to benefit more by shopping at home-grown stores. In short, price is not and should not be everything. Community support in C.osta Mesa and Newport Beach rubs very deep. Thanks to the generosity of a dedJcated core of businesses and people, many worthwhile services conunue to emt and grow. Th~ people ask for nothing in return. allhough each of them may secretly hope that waves of people will beat a path to their door as a result of their contributions. 1 don't see anything wrong with that. The folks In charge of each of these chantable organizations can do much worse than ulng a plaque or banner or listing a name in a program. But they could also do a lot more. They could and should make sure that people in the community Sff FAMILY, Paa• M "She\ alway-; demon.'>trated a deep understanding of lhe challenges that underrepresented '>tudents and women face in lhe soenre<>," said Man.nl Goma. vice chancellor of ..rudent affairs. "She has somedung very pecial. She is able to ig- nite interest in the young minds of ltU- dents in co the soences.. .. The award. which Mecart:ney will re- ceive during a ceremony In Washmgton. O.C on Tuesday. nol only identifies those people who have demonstra.led a com- mitment to mentoring students by patk- SM PftOFESSOR, Paa• M Heading into battle, axes at the ready Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTtEWEB: --~com Members of Newport-Mesa teenage band ~parent.. we can make • +Unfeigned+ will compete against 19 other =~:.:= bands at Newport Harbor tonight Newport Harbor dassmate • Oleyne Smith and F..standa Lofft.a H.,.,.r OalyPik>t boyl, ranglril from 15 to 17. WW aophomore Lee de Arabl- compete ljllnlC 19 Othef' too of Byron de ArUaJ. C.O.. bands in the annual Ne'Wport Mela Parb and ReaNUon Harbor KAib SChool Blule ol ~and tanner the Baodl compeddon. Dady Pilot cotumnllt-jcMn &ch bend .. allowed. Mam and nm to ante the IO-minute .. and the wtnnet ~ wblch meeu thrice Waiki away wtth $250 to lpltt. weekly to perfect their edgy oftldall aid. •melodic herd rock IOUnd. .. For the~ men ol Altboush mewe ii no olldiJ +Unfetaned+. the prtlie" rllucb <t... c:Ode. -.ct\ b6J. trMtef than eame mn colnddeftcaly WfMrinl blKt ~Qlh.. , ..... __ ...... •tt\ lbout ...-ct•_.. lome·ilttq ,_.Ind T·thlrU ... Adlln ....... 17, Mkt. for 1bundllJ\ bind pniak'e. "Wtwmc eo ..._our n., 111 • ..cta oim md ..._ WEATHER ~ Tut 1U1. ....... r.in. And rllri ft II. Hlgihl neweo. ... ,.AZ. DATEBOOK Muedoon'a pub. hoet .......... ~ ...,...Alo SPORTS uam. .. •111 , ... .._ Qi¥Mllall .... Ullh SIMI but .... "'°"' tt•. M .-. ....... cow •llk»nC... . ........ 11 • Al SWday, tiilateh 15, 2003 . THE.·MORAi. OF THE STORY Peace in his presence .. Peace ls not tile absena! of conjlict. but the presena! of God no matter what the conflict ... -ANONYMOUS N o matter what our political beliefs are, I th.ink we would all agree that the political and financial wodds are anything but positive, predictable or peaceful. I mow we all want peace and we are all praying for peace. I also know that we have different views about how peace can best be attained in these trying and tumulruous times. We need to continue to pray for those who make daily decisions that do and will have worldwide effect. I read a beautiful little piece on peace by the son of a friend of mine. My friend's CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON name is Debbie and she has done an impress!~ job raising her son Kris witht>ut a spouse. Debbles husband died unexpectedly when her son Kris was 4 years old, and over the years. I have prayed to and praised God for the strength and guidance he has given Debbie to raise Kris to be a godly young man. Kris is now 12, and Debbie has great stories to share about him She has done an amazing job and an incredible balancing act, staying involved in Kris' life, activities, schooling and church while also wortdng full time. Debbie has carefully chosen the right organ.i7.ations and clubs for Kris to participate in. as well as volunteering In many of them with him. As a result. God bas brought wonderful male role models Into Kris' life. and he is certainly a wdl·rounded and remarkable fifth-grader. One of Kris' school assignments was to write a paper for Martin Luther King's birthday. Debbie and Kris gave me permission to share what he wrote. It was titled ·1 Have a Dream .... " Kris wrote: ·1 have a dream that there would be world peace. l would like that because I would never have to worry about going to WjU ever. Freedom means to me that no one will be treated dlff'erenl If that would have happened, there would have been no Civil War. Prejudice means to me that you judge people before you get to know them I don\ think being prejudiced is fair to other people. A hero of mine Is my mom because she is always hard working and loves me a lot She Is just an excellent mom. If I could do one thing to change the world, lt would be to have world peace. I would like that because It would mean no wars." I'm sure that parents and c.hildml around the globe share similar hopes and prayers for peace in the world I also sense that God is reminding me that no matter what goes on in our indMdual worlds, as well as in any and every country, he ls still lovingly and patiently offering his peace to our weary souls or sagging spirits. All we have to do Is asJc. And you can quote me on that • OfND( TRANE QtAISTESON 18 • Newport Beech resident who speaks frequently to parenting groupa. She may be reeched via .mall 8t cindyOonthegrow.oom Of' through the mall st P.O. 8o>c 8140-No. 505, Newport Beech, CA92868. Oll1y Pilot FAITH J • • •• Learning to h~al the s p irit .~ A workshop based on the book 'Science and · Health With Key _to the Scriptures' comes to Costa Mesa.· By Suzie Harrison H er life crashed. She had a failed marriage, no career path, no resources and two tiny babies. · · Some would have been left emotionally bankrupt and tum to drinking or drugs -but not Jeanette Smith. She turned toward a dilferent path to glue the fragile pieces of ber life together. '!'J really thought it was the end of the line." Smith said. Then she turned to the book "Science and Health with Key to the Scrlptures," by Mary Bak.er Eddy, a book that she had grown up with. "I would take one or two thoughts from th.iS book and hang onte them," Smith said. "It's sort of my lifeline and it didn't happen over night It was sort of gentle, then really began to speak to me in a different way." Slowly, she began to find hope and rediscover her purpose and a new reason to livP "Wl•l"I' ,.,u get through these hard times, you reali7.e there's more, .. Smith said. "l went from being.down and out to having a good marriage, now for 27 years." Because this book had such a fantastic affect on her life, Smith has been reaching out to other people, and will speak at a workshop on spiritual solutions put on by Diane Hill on Saturday, March 22, in Costa Mesa She had a whole new career doing public speaking that began to skyroclcet Smith was thrilled to be helping others, and that's what she says this worksho)>'does. "I like to ta.lit to all people." Smith said "Everyone's life Is not perfect. and some may aeem to be perfect on the outside. but no one truly is. FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS WOMEN'S VotCES LUNCH Erin Gruwell. two-time California Teacher of the Year, I• the featured speaker for the Jewish Federation of Orange County's Women's Voices Luncheon at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Hyatt Regency Irvine, 17900 Jamboree Blvd. The Jewish Federation Campus ls 260 E. Baker St, Suite A. Coeta Mesa. Reservations; (714) 755-5555, ext 222. PARISH LENTEN MISSION St. Joachim Churdl will have its Parish Lenten Mission at 9:15 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, wtth Father Larry Farrell presenting. Information: (949) 574-7400. ext. 326. REV. CANON JOHN PETERSON The Rev. Canon John Peter10n, secretary general of the Anglican Communion. will vitlt the Episcopal Churdl of Saint Mldlael, at Pacific View Drive and Marguerite In Corona del Mar, on Sunday. Information: (949) 644 0483. LENTEN PROGRAM 2003 The Eplecopal Churdl of St Micheal . DON LEACH I DM.Y PILOT Diane Hill is in charge of workshop being held about the book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.· Everyone has problems, and because what I've been through, I am finding I am really helping, showing how to paclc your spiritual parachute." She feels there are times in life that people feel like they are free falling. and her wodc as a spiritual healer Is to help them discover what they know individually-the truths of the universe. "I don't tell them how to think." Smith said Because it is Women's History Month. she feels her wodcshop Is extra timely to help those who want help. Eddy is Smiths hero. She was a woman of the 1800s who accomplished a lot in her life after will have a program at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday through April 9, with evening prayer, dinner and Its •Who Wanta to be an Episcopalian Series?" video aeries. The churdl Is at Padflc View Drive and Marguerite In Corona del Mar. lnfocmation: (949) 644 0463. PURIM CELEBRATION Temple Isaiah of Newport will celebrate the 1-tival of Purim wfth a podld dinner at 6:30 p.m. Friday st 2401 Irvine Ave. The oelebnrtlon will represent the ancient SlOfY from the be<* of Either. Information: (949) 548-6900. THOMAS JEFFERSON IMPERSONATION Temple Isaiah of Newport invites the community to an evening of fun, education, getting together and enjoying noted lmpreuionlet Peter Small, who will entertain the audience 11 Thomae Jefferson. The event le at 7:30 p.m. Sarurday, Maren 29, at the temple'• Social Hall, 2401 lrvlne Ave .• Newport Beach. Information: (949) 548-6900. TEMPLE BAT YAHM CELEBRATION Temple Bat Yahm will ahowceM event-related butineues at Its ninth annual Slmcha and Celebnrtlon• Eicpo from 6 to 8 p.m. Wedneeday. For Information. call (949) 644-1999 or go to www.tby.otp. age 40, despite the myriad obstacles that were in her way. f.ddy devoted more than 40 years to communicating a message or hope. healing and spiritual strength. She lectured and bad many books published Her first edition or "Science 8"d Healing" was published in 1875. She also laWlched the Ouistian Science Monitor. "She focused on the discovery, healing people through the truth of her own experience," Smith said. Eddy won Plany prestigious awards and has been recognized by Harvard University and the Women's National Book Assn. •People choose their medicine based on what works for them," Smith said. ·rve bad all life's JEWS DOWN UNDER - During Shabbet 1ervtcea at 8 p.m. Friday, Rabbi Arnold Rad\11• will speak on" Jews Down Under: Travels In Austrllia and New Zealand; reporting on the recent congregational vielt to Sydney, Melbourne end the Greet Barrier Reef In Australia and Christdlurdl, Oueenstown, the fiords of Mitford Sound and Auddand In New Zealand. University Synagogue la at 4915 Alton Partway. The public la cordlalfy invited to attend at any time. For more information or for a complimentary subscription to the synagogue's newsletter, please call (949) 563-3535. NOTE> JEWISH SCHOLAR Prof. Shalom Paul, noted scholar and Biblical expert, le coming from Jerusalem to serve 11 Orange County's second annual one-month Jewish Scholar in Residence under the auspices of the Orange County Jewish Community Scholar Program at the Jewith Federation Campus In Costa MeH. '949) 789-6122. WORKSHOPS BNW F1RESl>ES Members of the Bah•I faith hotd Informal pubflc dlecuulons on spl'rituel topics at 7:30 p.m. evttry , FYI WHAT: Spiritual healing workshop WHEN: March 22 at 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. WHERE: Wyndham Hotel at 3350 Ave. of the Art.a in Costa Mesa. FEE: Includes the book and all materials, $20 In advance or $25 at the door. MORE: Jeanene Smith stresses that everyone le welcome and no one will be turned away. Information: (714) 546-4262. problems in my past, and this book helped me be a healer of self and others." Smith, who Is from Orange County, said she looks forward to giving back to her community. 'Friday and at 11 :30 the laet Sunday of the month. The talks lncfude brunch or dinner. Aleo, lnterfaitti devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 76S-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting, and (949) 64EHt328 for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Worbhop from 3 to 6 p.m. the first Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. $50. (949) 722·7818. MASTER MINO New Thought Community Churdl preeenb M11ter Mind. a group for those who want to "manifest good" in their dally fives, at 7 p.m. Fridays and at 1 p.m. Saturdays at 1929 TustJn Ave., Costa Mesa. (949) 646-3199. A SPtRfTUAl. JOURNEY A 2~euon study on the life of Jesua Chriet'titled •Journey to the cro..• ii taught at 9:45 a.m. Sunct.ya during the Homebuilder'• BibMt a ... at Liberty Baptist Churdl. The ttudy parallels the four Go9pela to pteMnt the story of Christ. The church Is at 1000 Blton Ave., Newpot1 Beac:n. Free. (949) 78(H)M4. Daily A Pilot ConlWlleon New1 aulatant. (&49) 57~298 corel.wil.ontllatlma.fJom PHOl"OGRAPHEAS San Hiller. Don t..cft, l<9c"lt Trepeow Box 1660, Costa MeM, CA 92626. Copyright No MM atone.. llluetratione, editonel metter or edWnlaemema herein can be reproduced without wriu.n permlealon of copvrlght OINner SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST . SURF VOL 97, NO. 74 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publlaher lOHYOOOERO Editor JUCN OliTTINO Adveftitlng Oir.ctor I.ANA JOltNION "1omc>tlon9 Otr9Ct0r f f t READERS H01UHE 19'9) 9'2«>86 A.cord vour commenta ebout the Delly Pilot Of' news tips. AddrtJee Our addreM le 330 W. Bey St., Costa M .... CA 92627. omc. houra 119 Monday • Friday. 8:30 a.m. • 5 p,m. ConcdoM It le the Piiot'• polk:y to promptly oon11Ct 111 errOf'9 of 111beUlnce f'*Mcall(IM9)~. HOW TO REACH US ~ The Tl"* Orange County (I00) 262·91'1 ~thine C1111lfled (9'9) 8'2-6178 Dlepley (&49) 8'2""321 EdtloMI ,.._. (&49) &U.608() ~ (9'8) 67 .... 223 Hawll fU (&49) MfM170 ~,.. (Mii MC).0170 ~ IUllypllof.l«l,,,_oom Mm0119e ....... Ollee (141) 8'2"321 ..... _ ... (9'8) 831-7121 , J In Pvb119h9d by Tlmee Communttv ........ dlvt.lon of the Loe~ 1ltMa 0200ITllN9CH Nlrtfl*r .• ,_., The n1ln bu anived and will be with UI at least through Sunday. tt11 be hNvy It tim.. te>ct.y, with highs neer 80 end I.owl In tM lower 60t. On Sunday, 11 won't be •• bad •• today, but there will be ....,.,.., Ptriod• of lhowerw. lnlonndon: www.nws.noa.gov BOATING FORECAST A tmalt-<:ftft advieory wtll bt In~ In d'4t lnnerwetwa" ""~ wlndl blow lltfonQ It 15 to 25 ltnota, with 2· to 4-foot Mvet end. W8tt ~of e 10 e teet. n.. w1nc1e wtlt ..... bit this wening. but d'4t ..... wlM bul1cf. Out ftfthiir, 1hen wlfl alto be • "'*' a8ft ICMeofy, wflf\ 15-to~--2·to ~ weWM~•WMlllWl9lofllO 111Mt. Ttwt ..... too, ... ........ wel .... I012to ,. ...... The northwest twell th9t anfved Ft1dey should pnwlde us aome more overheeds toct.y, and occeak>nel Oll9rheade. But with the rain, county health official•~ that we stay dry until three days ebr It SU>pl. tf you go for h •f"tVWSY, Just bewart th9t there ... rtp CUfTIM ldvltofy. Sundey"e W9vee wllt be tfmtlar, but h'• retn ~ w......-: www,a1f'frK»r.oro TIDES Tllne 8:4Sa.m. 1:'48p.m. 8:1•p.m. 1~•·T· WATER TEMPUATUltE ·--, • \ American Vanguard thriving in a struggling economy BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Councilman Monahan is Irish honoree In the fi ght against bugs·, the company has grown sales 2 1 % during its fiscal year 2002. strong quarter and year, In part, to the company's .. basic growth strategy, .. whlch lnvoM!s purchas- ing additional prodUCI lines. While St. Patrick's Day has special significance for {;ary Monahan, the Co~a Mesa Oty C.ouncilman was beaming with lnbh pride a few days earlier 1hls yt>ar. P•ul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -In a world of debt-laden technology companies slowly slouching t(JW8Jd profitability, local agricul- tural products Supplier Ameri~ Vanguard Corp. has again ser iiself on the other side of the ledger American Vanguaro. which trades on the American Stock F.x change under the symbol AVD. has announced robust earnings dnven by a string of acqu1sidons. The eamingl> release came Jl1ur.- day. The Newport Beach-based company grew sale> l0% during it!. fourth quarter and 21 % during ill. fiscal year 2002, both of which ended Dec. 31. "We are pleased wtth the rel>ull.'> for the fourth quarter. tw.roncally our strongest period, and the year a.'!. a whole," said Eric Wmrennute. presidenr and chief execudve. "\Ok In 2002, American Vanguard ac- more than met our previously an-quired Syngenia Crop Protections nounced goals for 2002, which Ambush 2SWP, an lnsectidde, and were to grow sales by at least 10% cotton defolianr Folex from Aven- and ~chieve a more rapid Increase tis,CropSdence. In eaminp." In the fil8t two months of this AmeriCan Vanguard, which pro-year, the company con tinued ilS duces and marlcets a range of In· buying spree, pwdlasing Syngen- secdcides and other chemicals lo ta's cranberry herbicide evital 5G protect crops and turf from bugs, and Pace lntemat.ional's Pre-Har- also said fourth-quarter sales vest Crop Proleedon line. jumped to $31.4 million, from $21 American Vanguard d<>Sed out million during fourth quarter 2002 in a soUd cash posnion, 2001. holding $27.8 million in working Ner income, afrer taxes. depre-capital. ·The company'-; debt·to- ciation and other expenses, came equity ratio. which is often w.ed in at $3.4 million, or 83 cents per by Wall Street analysts to gauge a l>hare, which was a 23% increase company's financial footing. came from the previous quaner. in at 85 cen~ in debt to $I m The company roasted another. equlty. profitable year. logging $7 .G4 m 'Ille good new<. sparked a buy· profit. er $1.74 per diluted -.hare, ing rally in the <;tock. wtuch ru-.e in 2002. Profitability grew 25%. 6.5% on Thursday It cl~ out from the $5.6 million rn profir for Fnday with another '><>bd g<1111 of 2001. 2.28%. to fint!>h the wee.k. at Wmtennute attnhuted the S22.45. Monahan was named as an lrlsh honoree in early March. The honor was bestowed by rhe Irish American Founda- tJOn of Southern California Monahan i'> one of 10 Ameri- cans of Irish heritage who have cuntnbuted greatly in government, to the commu- nity or to lmh event~. or dem- onstrated religious leadership. I lonort>c-. wt•re invited lo re Leive an award <md proclama- tion from tht' L.os AngelPS Ciry Loun,cil on l·riday, but Mona han wa' unable to allt•nd. Ur~ini fami ly get!'! Mayor\ Award I ran .u1d John lJr'>im are RICE Non-Dairy DREAM Beverage 1% Fat &rrichetl & Malle from Orparlc Rh. Sog F1W = Ot' F.oriched:«w -~~ •Carob ..... REG. '1.49-'1.99 32 oz. the late11t redplenta of the Costa Met.a Mayor's Award. The Ursm1 famUy owns and operares the Newport Rib Co. In 15 yeart1, more than $200,000 has beeo raised for AYSO and Kiwanis charities through AYSo • pancake breakfasts that father and son Fran and John Ursini have chaired. Mayor Karen Robinson se· leered Fran and John Un.ini for their generosity. diverse volunteer efforrs and years of service. They will be honored at the Aprif 7 City Council .meenng. Costa Mesa Visitor Bureau earns awards The I losp1rah1y ~ales and Markeung A'>sn Intl hd'> recogn11ed the Cosla Me-.a Conferrnce and Visitor Bu reau with two awards in thl' 2002 Adrian Advertising lnll. Travel Awards Compe 1~1ion. fhe bureau earned the only Gold Award pre sented in the Direct Mail Travt'I rrade compe1111on . d' ''ell a-. a \liver \1ern Av.ard 1n thl• Hoom'>l1rau•I Sal\.·, Salllfday, March 15, 2003 Al I category. This year's contest at tracted more than 1,500 en- tries from 45 countries and desunallons around the world. wuh entries judged by t~ams of experts from aJJ ~c­ tors of the industry. OCf A info center offers more hours The Orange County Trans· portation Authority's "'Cus· tomer Information Center has extended its hours. The center'" open'l l m ore houri> edch week. openmg earlier and closmg later to proVlde bu., and othj!r transit mformauon 10 the au thorny\ l 1 O,IKK> daily cu-..tome~. I ht• extended hour!> are pan of the tran~ponauon Juthorny\ ·Putting Custom er'> hr..t" in111a11vt-. I ht• new hour'> are: 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through rnday, 7 a.m to 7 p.m. Satur day and "iunday; drtd 8 a rn to :, p rn ho Iida Y"· I ngl1\h and !:>pamsh '>Jlt'dktng c u-.wmer., Lan get fare 1nlormatJon or help "11h tnp pl.inning ~ Organic ~Potato ~AAfr-:1. Chips K ffc,,. h • -J~ a s 1. ~$~~ Cereals~ •Just Cranberry Juice -QUART RIG ON I YOU SAVE S3 001 p~~t~~~ Allergy a~ Homeopathic Spra.y Allergy Medicine SOlJ'l1IERN CALIFORNIA MIX • llnlque and Specllblllg Fomtufated for ,,,. Soudllt!m CalllOniJa Region • lleBevaAIJowSgmptoms ~~s • ABNatural ~7 • No Side El1ecb SUGG. '12.95 1 ft .oz. • Chipolk Chili BBQ :=Herb S•49. REG. '2.69 .IL 5az • Goletm Cnmch -low Fat ·~, S•99 REG. '2.99 .IL 15az. • Thu ~/tu 1101 bttn n»llMtN 6, llN FDA. Thu ,,Ww:t u ltOl inlottltM lo 11.-.. b'Nt. ,,-nnl or an_,~*· ~ SUGG. '6.99 Hf!, .' qq -- -- F1£L5~ '11ie Largm, !Ftntst, ~rientflUst 'B~ty Supp(y & ~ull Servia Salon In Orange Caunty NEW ARRIYALS OF StrrtclMbk PmonaJiud Br11«/.ets Best Prices -Best Service - Best Selection :Avoid the ordinary, com.e to Tile Italia." l>I "I(,"\· ~l PPl ) · l'"l \JI \1'10"\ $695- f'tn~ pon:daio Uld natural ltOU told a.nd in.stalled at compai~ prica. WA GRANITE IOTCIUJll COUNTt.RTOP IS NO LONG£R A WX\IRY ... rr's A NE~ITY'!" Plea.K call wl T ' 18" 18' I' 52 9-'-I I• ra,ertme \ , , ) ..... "" ,,, Tile Italia The Ston~ Activists 2112.7 BRIS1 #201 •COSTA MESA 14 751•4441 TARYN R OSE Feotu1ed on tolk shows nationwide,. orthopedic surgeon, Dr Taryn Rose designs beou11ful footwear using only the finest matenols for luxury and comfort Ju«I one step and you "'1111"'€1 the difference ~~(~,~~~~ 949-644-5939 Corona del Mor f1azo 836 Avocado Avenue, Newport leach Near Bristol f.onm •@llllUllMlul1 • CONSIGN • DESIGN Quality Furnishings & Accessori~s For Your Home Glass/Iron Coffee Table ................................. $225• Sora ................................................................... $225• Pine/White T-.tbles & 4 Chairs ...................... $250" 4-piece White Wicker Patio Set .. ~ ................ $250- Pine Buff'et ••.....•...•.....•.....•.•...•...•...•..........•...•• $35()1' 48" Glass & Iron Dining Table ..................... $495- Designer Duft' et ................................................ $795" Pair of 87'' Down Sofas ........................... °" $2.SOO- ' "II '}' lfl 111 II I • \I I I / 1/ I 1 I Ill \,•(I ,.,,,,JJ1 ., .. ',,,/, 4 .. 369 E. 17th Street #10, Costa Mesa, l.ocaf~ behind Plum's Patio Phone(949)764-1746 • Mon-.Pri IO:oo.n-S.)Opn. Sat I~· S«lpri. Sun JO:OOllll-4:~ . . PUBLIC SAFETY Newport court gets bogus bomb threat . A bomb threat tJ'\at' turned out to be bop wu reported at the Hamor Justice Center in Newpo(t Beach at 8 a.m. .Pri· day, police said. The threat was called in, Newport Beach Police Sgt. Steve Shulman ~d. but no one was evacuated and no de- vice was foqnd.. ' Newport lifeguard tryouts set for Sunday The Newport Beach Fire De· partment will hold open try· outs on Sunday for seasonal lifeguard positions in the sum· m er. About 40 people are ex- pected to qualify for a training class to be held later this spring. The department bas re- ceived more than 100 applica- tions. The tryout, to begin at 8:30 a.m. a t the Newport Pier, will include a _ 1,000-meter swim and a 1 ,000-meter run- swim-run. Stariing pay for seasonaJ lifeguards is $13.12 per hour. For information. call New- port Beach Lifeguards at (j49) 644-3047. 1\vo chiefs to give preparedness talk 'Mesa Verde Community Inc. will bold a meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday to talk about disaster preparedness. The in· formational meeting will fea· ture Fire Chief Jim Ellis and Costa Mesa Police Capt. Torn Warnaclc. The officials will talk about how their departments are working together 10 pro- tect the city in a disaster. The Costa Mesa Fire Depart· ment's new Mesa Squad 85 fire engine will be on display be· fore the meeting. The session wilJ take place at the Mesa Verde United Methodist Omrch, al 170 I Baker St. For more informa· lion, call (949) 225-4296. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • East Bay Street and Newport Boulevard: Possession of drugs was reported at 3:32 a.m. Thursday. • Bristol StrMt Forgery was reported in the 3300 block at 11:44 a.m. Thursday. • Elden Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported In the 2300 block at 9:15 a.m. Thursday. • Joann Street and Placentia Avenue: Vandalism was reported at 10:03 a.m. Thursday. • Monte Vista Avenue: Petty theft from a vehicle was reported in the 200 block at 9:47 a.m. Thursday. • Rhine Lane: Petty theft was reported in the 600 block at 11:45 a.m. Thursday. • University Orfve: Vandalism was reported in the 300 bloc::k at 9:11 a.m. Thursday. • East 17th Street: A commercial burglary was reported in the 100 block at 10: 12 a.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • Cagn.y Lane: Grand theft was reported in the 200 block at 12:45 p.m~ Thursday. • Coral RMI: An auto theft was reported in the 100 block at 5:49 a.m. Thursday. • Mam StreM and Ent Ocean Front: Illegal fireworb were reported at 10:07 p.m. • Newport Coalt Otfve; A hit-and-run was reported In the 21000 blodc at 2:34 p.m . Thunlday. • Seashore Drive: Battery was reported In the 3800 btodt at 10:07 P·"l· Thursday. • 38tt\ StJMt A garage burglary wu reported In the 100 bloc:k at 2:42 p.m. Thuradey. BAmE ContinUed from Al the microphone. The vibrationa from the ampllfter ripple duou8b the Ooorboerds. throuab thf frame of the couch and into 1ije seat cuahion& Heads of the baod members inatincttvely rock u the pace inaeases and Tun and Cheyne'I ftngers frantically pluck at strings to keep up. Lee's facial expressions change from unassumlng to almost m8nacin& 88 bis busy ballds atrike the~ pads ' wJth uru:elendng fury. Adam's eyes dose. hll face turns an · alat1n1Jl8 eJ:wle of red and bis • voice booms from the speaker in a raspy. guttural howl. "Coward, coward, .. be alngs the lyrics of the band's original song "Throw Down," "tum your back and walk away.• Despite what the discernible lyrics seem to imply, the tune is not about a physical confrontation but facing the battles of life. It preaches·never turning your back on problem, having DO regrets and FAMILY Coqtinued from Al ' know who is supporting them so that ~idents can make a more informed choice about where to spend their money. That is what you are reading today. Here is a partial list of the outstanding businesses and people who have helped make the Costa Mesa National Uttle League a fun, affordable experience for hundreds of kids this year: Poseidon Yacht Services, JL5 Enterprises, American Sterling Bank. Marine Terminals Corp., Hi Tech Collision. Deloitte & Touche, JMC Laboratories, the Montague family, Charles G. Hardy inc., FACS Financial Systems and Jennifer Pritcbett/ColdweUanker Real Pstate. I am not involved with any Newport Beach organizations that benefit from charitable contributions, but I know the same type of network: we have in Costa Mesa exists there. as well So I urge all Newport Beach residents to support the companies that support the community. H you don't know who Is contributing to your IYfA or PROFESSOR Continued from Al ing their interest in science, mathematics and engineering, but a1so honors those people ·who ha~ encouraged students traditionally underrepresented in those same fields. ~It's tremendous validation . .. and to be picked as one of the l 0 is a real huge honor," Mecartney said. "The university sometimes can be very narrow in what they think is important YOUR SCHOOLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AdamsK-5 2850 ctubhouse Road, Costa Mesa Candy Ck>ud, (714) 424-7935 Anderlen K-6 1900 Port Seaboume, Newport Beach Mary Manos, (949) 61~ CalfomNIK-5 3232 California St, Costa Mesa Jane Holm, (714) 424-7940 College PINtt K·3 2380 Notre Dame Road, Costa M8N Carol Lang. (714) 424-7960 o.vllU 1060 Arlington Drive, Costa Maa Cheryt Galloway, (714) 424-7930 ~K.e 2627 Viste dil Oro, Newport Bead\ Cheriene Metoyer, (948) 616-6920 tt.bot View K-8 900 Goktenrod Ave.., Corona dtC Mar M*llllie ~.(IMS) 615-«MO ec...u 2130 Santa Ana-.., COiie M ... Oeiyte Plllmer, (IM9) 51&el0 _,...1lllK-6 3151 ~ Lln.,C.-. ~ ~..--.C7Mt424-7M ........ I( .. ttOI rr.Mc ""-Ortw, OofDN dllMw ...... tWitiict.C• ..... peraisting oo matter th~ obstllde. tJnCei8ned means genuine, alncere, heartfelt. the members saJd. and that• exactly what they want to portray and conwy. The boya don\ sing about auahes OD gbts, bumping and grinding or sbterboya. Their tVrlcs talk of succeu against ab odds. having the courage to face adversity and challenging life'a hwdles. "If we were based on heart; l'm·confi'dent we would do... J, better than half the bands in tile competition." Adam said. Which ,brings them back to the reason 'they started the small rough band six mond)s ago. Respect., . The competition is ~pretty tough." they say, and if they can pull out a win, they can quiet some less than Oattering assessments from naysayers. "W~re going to shove it down their throats, .. Tun said. "Well, maybe not that harsh." Adam said, motioning toward the reporteL "No. We a.rt going to shove it down their throats," said Tun. who was defying grounding Little League. make an effort to find oUt. Learn where to buy your pizza. where to get your tools and where to get your toys -although for some guys. they'll find the tools and toys in the same store. The Kohl's debate will rage on. For many residen ts. it is a turning point in the life of this city. Plopping down a Kohl's where family attractions once existed cannot be ad~ in the simplistic terms of the Libertarians. who claim that the family stuff failed and therefore deserve to be scrapped. Despite their pleas. this is not the end of the survival of the fittest fight. If you ~oubt that just ask the mayor. The controversy reminds me of the day several years ago when Disneyland eliminated the MSkyway" ride that Oew overhead round trip between Fantasytand and Tomorrowtand. lbat ride was scrapped because, we were told, there were not enough riders to support it. I rode the Skyway on its last day and recall thinking about bow small that decision was; that the Slcyway was more than just a ride -it actually added a visual dimension to the park that is missing to this day. Disneytand has not been the same since. . . . I hope this encourages other faculty members to participate." •CHRISTINE CARASU.O covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at christine.carrillo§latimn.com. CONNALLY Paul Longtime ~ of Newport Beech, bom In Miff Valley. CA In 1919. Passed away March the '2th after • ehort MIMta. Devoted husbMd to Bart.a and loving father to eon Peter and daughter OelOI (Ben) Fitcher and grwldchMdren Mtchael and Megan. He wee lnvotved In vartou. YOk.w1teer orvantz,ations after l8llring from MenUI lynch lnckdng the Brah lnstttute, HOllg Hoepftat, USOG aux.llary and the Newport Harbor Nautlcat MUMUm. SeMcee pttvate. In lieu of nowen. PU .. wtah would be • dondon to The Bnllh lnstftule 527 N. Dale Ave., Anahein'l. CA 92801, H011Q Hoepital Founddon Buldlng Fund, Of the Newport Hart»or Nautic:tll Mueeum. from hll falber to attend band pracdce. "'lbat .. exaa1y what J lt\Mll.. Wanting to play In a band Js a joke to most people. l.ee said. "Anytime you tell an adult you want to play In a band. they • shoot yo\ldown or tell you ydu · better make other plans,• be .said. 1be memberi of +Unf~ saJd they will never give up on their dreaml. • "Even if people think we are bad," Adam saJd. •Tilefe are : crappy bands coming out every . day. If they really think we (are .untalentedL then we'll JUst be another crapPy band. But there, Js no limit to our sucicesa." Their road iO s~om starts 8.t 6 p.m. tonight at the Newport • 1 Harbor ijigb School BattJ~ of tl\e Bands. The rest i.s still up in the air. ~ "We°'1 just take It as far as we can," Adam said. • lDUTA HARPER writes columns Monday., Wednesdays and Fridava and covers CtJlttJre and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 9r bye-mail at /ollta.harper@latlmes.ccm. And so it is with Kohl's. If this decision bad to be based solely on projected tax revenues. I'd be writing today about what to tell your kids at><>.~ the war. But as C.Osta Mesa runs out of land to develop. there is a nagging fee1ing that if residents don't speak up about Kohl's now, the merit of future projects may be decided only by the bean counters. · • STEVE SMITH ls a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readers mey leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086. Phyllis Ann Graves 83, of Costa Mesa. She was the wife of Frank Graves, mother of 4 chUdtwt who live In the 8198, grandmother of 13. and great.grandmother of '4. She loved her famlty with all of her heart and was always delighted with a new addition to It. Holidays went especially senUmentaJ to her and she glowed when the whole family wu together. She had a zHt for life and enjoyed being wlth people. Phyllis was a devout Christian and had a deep love for the Lord. She attended and wae actively Involved with Christ L.utherml Cht.lrch In Coata Mesa. Orchid• were her passion. A member of the Newport Harbor Orchid Society, her bec*yn and houn were ftllecl with ftowena. She went to be with the Lord Monday. Mwch 13, 2003 wt 8:30 A.M. Vlewtng w8I be held at PllClftc Vt.aw Memorfal Park In COrona d9' Mar on Sel:wday, from 4-7 P.M. and Sunday from 2-6 P.M. A cefebradon Hntloe wlll take place Monday, ~ 17, 2003 at Chrtet Lutheran Churoh of Coeta M... at 1 :00 P.M. ~IOW!g.n•ys~ her lrieh eyea wtl '*1illlnfy be MNNng upon us thla -Md ~.We IGY9 you, Mom. .. Satl#'ddf. M.lrct1 I 5, 2003 A5 COMMUNITY & CLUBS .. A birthday to Exchange about T he National~ Oub "Stand Up America• membership drive has nearly topped the 600 mark. said o.vtd A. Nenhl, its executive vice president. "We are rapidly moving toward our goal or l ,000 Stand Up America members.• he said. a life: Firestone added.·r think this is just awesome.· During the week of March 23, local Exchange Oubs will observe Nalional Induction Week as part of Celebrate ~e. This Is the Jirne lo fonnaUY induct the members brought in during the Stand Up America membership drive. Firestone, who works at the Hoag Hospital's Cancer · ·JIM Center, was Exchange's 92nd birthday is March 27, so th.is will be a very DE BOOM one of the speakers that evenirt~ She~ her experience with breast cancer. CHAMBER FUNCTIONS The $35 per person dinner dd.et lndodes hon d'Oe\Mea donated by tht uea4s finest restaunl.nt.a. ~ODS 811' a must, as this event lells out every year. C.a1.I Ou1sdne Can at (949) 642-8306 for tickets or to donate an Item to the auction. WOftTH REPEATING From "Thougbt for the Day" provided by Gloeg ICelley of the Newport Mesa lrvine Interfaith Council; -. special week lndeed, said Tum Keyee, president o r the Exchange Oub or Orange Coast The Corona del Mar Chamber or C.ornmerce will hold its monthly luncheon on Tuesday at the Five Crowns Restaurant. with netwocking beginning at 11 :30 a.m. and lunch at l}OOn. The chamber's mixer will happen from 5:30 10 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. March 25. and will be hosted by the Discovery Shop, 2600 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. For reservations or more information, call (949) 673-40SO. "7h.u! success ln life is not measured by how much you . make, but rather by how much of a difference you 171IJk.e." SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK • ln honor of Exchange's birthday, the Orange Coast Oub, with the leadership of Bob and Ttn1 Scott, ls making 92 Easter baskets for distribution by Share Our Selves. There is still time to join Exchange, America's Service Oub. The Orange Oub meets at noon Wednesdays at lhe Bahia Corin.1.h.lan Yacht Oub while the Newport Harbor Oub meets at noon Thursdays at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum. MATI'ERS Of THE HEARTMATI'ER Sandy Plratone, one of the honorees at the January Matter> of the Hean dinner i.ponsored by Soroptimist Internacional, M!nt a note 10 club Pte>idenl )M:quln Anastasio lndicating that she had "received a call from a nurw I know from a local clinic who told me she ~ t:reating a young women who ha-; JUSt been diagnosed. • "This young woman told her 'that she had found a lump. but ,was afraid 10 do anything about it until she heard a woman speak ~ut her experience with breast cancer.· Firestone wrote. "She ;heard ttus pe™>n speak at a :·dlnner in which she wru. ·:receiving an award. The young "woman was one of the .'waitresses that evenlng at 'Matters of the Hearts d innt:r. "You guys may have just saved 30TH ROMAN FEAST The Youth Employment Service of the Harbor Area will hold its 30th annual Roman Feast and Chariry Auction on Thursday, April 24, at the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Communiry Center. ll's a time when old and new friends gather to have fun and 10 support YES. Orange Counry Philanthropists C.J. Segerstrom and Sons and Henry Segastrom. managing partner. will be honored during the evening. You will dine on the famow. G1ovmetti's Penne Pasta prepared by Yl:.5 chefs and !>erved by members of the Orange Coast College Airline ltavel Careers program and UC Irvine Sigma Phi Epsilon fratemlry. There will be live and silent auctions. a raffie and dancing to the music or Darvy Ttaytor throughout the evening. Hoag Hospital's Jim Dale will M!rve as the auctioneer, while Ewtyn Hart and Jlm Wood will serve as frutSters of ceremonies.. TUESDAY 7:30 am.: The 40-member Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Oub will meet al Five Crowns to hear Superior Court Judge Pamela Dee discuss ·Domestic Violence Communiry Court.· 6:30 p.m . The Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Uons Oub will meet al Costa Mesa Golf and Coun1 ry Oub. WEDNESDAY 7:15 am.: 'Ibe 20-member South Coast Metro Rotary Oub will meet at the Center Oub ( www.southcoasmutro . rotary.org); and the Newpon Harbor Kiwanis Oub will meet at the University AlhJetic Oub. Noon: The 40-member l:xchange Oub of the Orange Coa'>I will meet at the Bahia Connth1an Yacht Oub. 6 p.m.: The 60-member Rotary Oub of Newport· Balboa will meet at the Bahta Connlhian Yacht Oub "to hear Daily Pilot colummc;t ~Buffa; the 20-plw. member Costa M~-Orange Costa Breakfast IJOrL'> Oub will meet at Mimis for a l.ad1es Night Social; and the_ I !arbor M~ Lions O ub meets at the Newpon Hih Co. THURSDAY Noon: The SO-member Costa Mesa Kiwanis Oub will meet at the I loliday Inn; the SO-member •' .. Name the Duffy Contest Winners will get to Cruise the Harbor on Us! .. I I I . . , r ,, ,. ,. . •• r ,. , .. " • .. .. . . . . . . . .. .· f , , , ,, ' ... '" , r , ,, ,, , Pl • ' ' ~' \ !: ' '" ' , , .. , ~ II •• • • We're adding colorful new Duffys to the rental fleet and they need · creative and clever names! Submit your chok:cs! Our committee will select thtcc (3) namcs-cach 9decdon will be awvded a free 2-bour rcotll coupootlbc boats will be very vlvkl colors, and as always, great fun for parties, romance and b\Wncss. Good Ludd • ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUFFYNAMEl :~-~~~--~--~------~ OUPPYNAME2:~~~~------~~~----~ OUFFYNAME3:-~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Pbooe No.: ---------- Fill <M this bm and ~<Al 0t md to: DU Wat Cout Hwy., . Nniport Beach, CA 92663 "",.,.,_, ,..., .. ....-._...., '~ or ta to: 9'9151 S-0672 Wlaam wtll bf lliDounml 00 Mlldl ~·· ~}. Newport Beach-Corona del Mar Kiwanis Oub will meet at '1le Bahia Gorinthian Yacht Oub for a program by Robert Molko, Orange Counry assistant district attorney (www.lciwanisorgl clllblcostamesa); the 80 mernhcr Exchange O ub of Newpon Harbor will meet at the Newport Harbor f-:lauucaJ Mu-.eum for a program Bill Hendricks of Sherman Garden'i; and the IOO-member Newpon-lrvine lunary Oub will meet al the Atrium 1 lotel for a program on the Rotary Rose Parade 11oat ( www.nirotary.of8'. • ~UNITY & CLUBS IS published Saturdays 1n the Daily Pilot Send your service club's meetmg mformat1on by fax to (9491 660-8667 by e mail to Jdeboom • aol com , or by ma1l 10 2082 S E Bri:.-iol Su11e 201 NewPol1 Beach CA 92660 1740 H.J. Garrett Furniture Full Design Consulting Service Fine Furniture Since 1960 A h1mi~y lradi1ion l1 /'rut irlm.'< <.r111c t .,,,,, • ,t/111 ,fem11t,~11lu1mn 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open "11m thru \Jt 10 111 (,, \u11 1~111:, \ J Ir Qualtty ~crvicc Value . M Satixday, March 15, 2003 · , Ou -FORUM ) . . •• HOW To Ger PUBi.asHm -~ Mall to Editorial ~'Editor S.J. Cahn at tne Dally Pilot. 390 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ,....... Hodln« Call (949) 6'2-6088 Fo: Send to (949) ~ 170 ... E-rMl:S.nd to dallypllot lat!,,,.._ corn• Alt co~ must Include full name, hometown alld phone number (for verlflc8tion purpo ... ). The Pilot reMrVes the right to edit all submission• for dartty end length. ' y MAILBAG -' . Omnery Lofts create blight at Y community's expense . Instead Qf extolling the virtues of the Canneiy Lofts 'project ("Branding ·a new · cant Monday), you fhould be talking about .. the visual blight they wiD create by their sheer mass and height. There are four of them erected now, with 18 more to go. So much to look forward to. I invite those of you who care about Newport Beach to come down and have a look. My neighbors, who were afraid to get involved in opposition to these monsters, are now wishing they had. Instead, they let the developer run wild with the decision makers who had an opportunity to maintain the charm of this neighborhood. The decision makers. our Planning Commission and City Council, in tum, gave the developer maximum profit at the expense of the commwlity. The only saving grace for me is that my building looks to a different direction. JAMES "BUZZ" PERSON Cannery Village Segerstroms should fund CenterLine ulidergrounding The Segerstroms can make or break that CenterUne project ("City will ask developers to fund rail study," We~esday). They've given $Ome . indication that they are for the project, so now, if the city wants to underground the p roject, then I think they.should help pay for that. If they never really supported the project. then I think they should have said som ething in the beginning and should stop wasting taxpayers' money. Not only should the city drop undergrouncling, but they should bury the project In a trash heap of wasted public funds. ANN WATT Newport Beach Newport Beach residents wise up about tree group I was watching the Newport Beach City Council meeting Tuesday night and I just had to jump up and cheer when a clear-eyed woman went to the podium and gave that phony Balboa Arbor Society Mwhat-for." She wasn't alone, either. There were others at the meeting who had had enough of the extortion-like tactics of that m isguided group. Bravo, fellow citizens. PAUL S. PEDERSEN Newport Beach HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES Cl'Tf Of COSTA IESA Costa Mesa City Hell, 77 Felr Drive, Costa M ... , CA 92629, (714) 754-5223 ~Karen RobiMOn Cound: Ubb'( eow.n, Allan M•neoor, Gary Monahiin and <llrb Steef Cf1'Y Of NEWPORT BEACH Newport~ City Hall, 3300 Newport BMf., NeWport Beech, CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Coundt. Gary Adams, John Heffernan, Oldt Nichols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 708-FAIR eo.d: Pre.idem Ruben A Smith, Vice President Patricia Velasquez. Randy Smith, Emily Sanford, Peggy Haldi, James Barich, Deborah Carona, t..lie A Ray and Frank Barbato STATE ASSEIB.Y John Campbell (R), 10th District, State Capitol, Secramento, CA 95814, (916) 319-2070 E-fNil: district70@•ssembly.e11.gov Ken Maddox (R), 68th District. State Capitol, Saa'amento, CA95814, (916) (916) 319-2068; Or local office at 1503 South Coast Drive, Suite 205, Costa Mesa 92626; (714) 668-2100; Fax: (714) 668-2104 E-mail: Ktm.Maddox§a1m.ct1.(IOll READERS RE~POND l t Eminent domain leaves divide ~ AT ISSUE: Cos ta Mesa delays Westside redevelopment question, but residents still have tho ughts on the issue. ShouJd the city of Costa Mesa adopt an additional area on the Westside, and make use of eminent domain(.Redevelopmentzone vote held up.· March 11)? Absolutely. Anyone who has ta.ken the time to understand the problems plaguing the area and the solutions would surely agree. Eminent domain and redevelopment are tools to be used wisely. not enemies to fear. While it is unfortunate that both conjure up the worst in people's minds, they are sorely needed to ameliorate blight. To qualify as technically Mblighted, • and thus to qualify to be included in an added area, the vicinity must be deemed unable to improve without the involvement of the Rede\'flopmen1 Agency. Given the fact that one of the most pressing problems facing the area is that of mixed or Mspot• zoning. it will be necessary to rezone, and consolidate parcels to create effective planning areas. Thi~ may require eminent domain Another problem lies in the hundreds of tiny rental properties. The small properties create streets with dozens of driveways per block. and cause repetitive and needless waste of open space. Many of these areas wouJd benefit from lot consolidation and establishment of larger, more efficient complexes (which current owners could theoreticallyownsharesofin exchange for their current operations). Beyond the other examples illustrated herein, the predominant wish I have heard from Westside ... WESTSIDE ADDmON The ,Cotta Mete P1ennlng Commiulon has approved pnJllml'\•'Y bou(lderioe for the downtown r~evelopment project. • Recommended edde<l arH of Westside CostaM ... • homeowners is for a new commercial center (grocery/drug store) on 19th Street. lhat ~ a preny simple requ~t. and I'm sure that anyone wouJd agree that such a center would act ru. a catalyst to help bring up the area This J~ where eminent domain '" especially important, because there are no lots large enough to acconunodate such a center. The pos.\ible locations feature do1.ens of parce~ that wouJd be nearly impossible to consohda1e without eminent doma.in, and as such, eminent dornam i!> es..enual in breaking the logjam. Once again. it is possible that existing buc;ine~~ could be relocated into the new center in much the same way that local favorite "Nick\ Piz.7.a" was allowed to remain when the I !arbor Center was redeveloped. Without redevelopment. and eminent domain. we all bener get used to things the way they are, and worse. ., ,. "· /'• ERIC BEVER·· We..tside • EDrrOR'S NOTE: Enc Bever 1s a founding member of the Westside Improvement Assn and a member of the Community Redevelopment Ac11on·~ Committee I think tha1 the construction in CoMa Me..a 'ihould try 10 find another avenue other than the eminent domain. I think that 1s very d1ctatonal I don't agree Wlth I' 11 at all. I thmk there are other .. ways 1hey can accomplish what they are trying to do. There are many other avenues they can pick.· RICHARD CORNEll •· Corona del Mar I do not believe the city should UM~ the eminent domain. My husband h~ a business in that ,. area and is doing very well. JANE MAURER~ Costa Mesa . Come in today and see window coverings that will always fit perfectly in your home. From Roller Shades to Woods to Shutters, the Come sec th~ new Shapenes· blinds rrom Hunter Douglas The sofl·Oowing curves and textured llnen·hke finish caplure the look of the sofl.fabnc folds on a Roman shade. And Shapenes will not warp. crack. peel or filde Even In humid areas or EVERW0009 blinds. To look It them yold swar they'~ ral wood. .. these blinds won' fide. warp ora.i .. CYtn In the kitchen orbMtvoom. A6lld 90W EVl!RWOOO,. ,.....,._ •..,.....,... ---dchcd ........ hied 10 ~they'~ so pnctic:al. Sec them todly. The Cl assics Never Go Ou t of Style . ........ window ftuhfons direct sunlight Come In and see 1hese beauuful bllnds loday THESE IEW FAUits Will APP EAL TO EYERYOllE. nu HSUIDS. 1"1ioftW.ot.,.._.-_,..,,...,_ -11\tfwwMlrMra .......... ..,,.,,... c..----- •••••• • • • ••• • • _ ............. _ "'" .... , ........ .. I I I •• e' e e . W r • t e I • e t ... ......... * .... H iii UUr UHS 11111 Come see the new EverWOocr Coun1rySlde blinds rrom Hunter Oouatas Overlapping sJats create 1 ~utiful bOard-on·board design. And the 'step-up· look adds deplh. dimension and character to any room. And Ever'M>od Count.rySldc wilt n0< warp. crack. peel or rtde. Even In tuNd ateu °' dlrila aJnlif'lt. come .. theSo beaullruJ bfinds today. ' -.. AROUt,D TOWN ... • Send AROUfD TOWN ltwnt to the Delly Pllodl30 W. B-v St., Colt.I Meu, ~ 92827; by fax to (949) 848-417. or by calling UM9) 67'""'298~ the time, dm tnd location the event. at well • 1 c:om.c:t OM number. A complete II It avallabte et www.dal com. TODAY A •How to brt 't\>ut Own Bualneu• ,mlnar, tp0ntored by the Servlce;orpt of Retired Executlv..,wlll take place from 8:30 a.m. tqt p.m. et Natfonal UQlveralty,t39o Harbor Blvd., Cotta M"' The eott 11 $40, $35 If P"9'9glltetd. For more lnformatloj, call (714) ~7369. Orange cq.my artists lntltt•t.d In exhlbftlig artwork In the Spring 20Q Orange County Artist Juried !tbftlon can bring work In for Jud ng to the Oa1l1 Senior Center, Marguerite Ave., Corona ()I Mar between 9 and 10 a.m. For nore Information, call (949) 71JG870. •Dfvotcc A New Beginning: a worbk>p for men and women divorcet'or getting divorced, ia held fron 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. et 180 N~rt Center Drive. Cost la $40. Formore Information, call 644-&G. ·eu11c1119 a Bett9r Futur11t held bythe Newport Hart5or NavigaDra, will benefit Newport HarborHlgh'School. The benefit will be lleld at the Grand Newport Plaza 11 the Tumlp Rose Ballroom, 1901 Newport Blvd .. Cotta \1esa. TI<:keta cost $100. For inbrmatlon and an Invitation, call (9'9) 516-6365. SUN MY aa..ical music .ndonados are invfte~ to enjoy "Three Centuries of Piano Music; at 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach ~I Library. Pianist Midiael Sellers will present the free program, whictt will include works by Mozart, Chopin, Poulenc, Debusay and Samuel Barber. The Newport Beach Central Library la at 1000 Avocado Avenue. For more Information, call (949) 717·3816 or vi alt www.newportbeachlibrary.org. "What Is Memory loss" and wcreatlng a Partnership with your Physician" are free worklhops sponsored by the Atz.imer'a Assn. The first worbhop will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and the teOOnd from 12:30 to 2 p.m., at the Presbyterian Churctt of the Convent. 2860 Fairview Roed, Costa Me.a. To make reservations, cell (714) 545-3727. Cencert artist. singer end gUitarist Steve Watters 11 known at the "Singing Buddha:' He combines deep spiritual Insight, humor and his voice at 7 p.m. at Ewing &: Lylun Ewing BUILDING YOUR DREAM HOME If you are planning to build a oew home, you should take full advantage of the opportunity to design a custom-built home that takes into account your needs and includes all the amenities JOU want in your home. If you want I kitchen for the "gourmet coot" in you-you can have itl If you want the master suite at the opposite end of the house from the kids, it's DO problem. This may be the biaacat project of your lifetime, so be certain to select a team of professionals to wort with you. four home team stiould consist bf a real estate lllcspcnon, an lrcbitect. a builder, and a lender. Your "Oram Team" will wort frith you to assm that all the ltpJ requiremaits are met aod that there are no "surprises" in JOW future. , • 1.nterview each member of Joar team and &et rdttenea IO that you bave the beat ~cssiooala for the job. You Will be wO(kina closely witb fltele prolessiouh for over a l"'• '°you nm to be sure d'8t ,.. ttam Will be able to wed hllfoadher. : LyJeen ud Jeff have 31 b...Uve .years o( r'Cl1 eltate ·~ in Newport Beach. I• prof_...I 1tnlce or lhkt wltll ,all JHr real ........ call&Mlwllp • c.-Newpott.coadwtll ..... ~ (M) 75'-l1M. .. • ~....,_,_.OOMI tie°"*' : '""._..,,"-",.at .. .... .. I • the Center for Ss>'rituel Dfecowry, 2850 M ... Verde Drive Eaat. Suit. 111, eo.t.a Mesa. Ticbts coat $10. For mote Information, call (714)7S..7399. MONDAY -A ar.t Oecla'oe• clea~ of "The Globel Struggle for Women'• Rigttta• ta the fut ln an eight-week aeriea on U.S. foreign policy topics. The diacustlon will be I.ct by Karen Sperot from 7 to 8:30 p.m. st St Mart Pretbyterlen Church, 2100 Mar Viata, Newport Beach. For more Information, call (949) 760-1691. Steven Cojocaru,... from and tfgna •Red CarpetOiarin." . Cojocaru.., fashion corr91P<>ndert\ for the "Today Show• and ptople Magazlrfe't style editor, reveaJa the dirt beneath the red carpet of today's celebrities. Event starts at 6 p.m. at Book Soup South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St., Suite 2400, Costa Mesa. For more Information, call (714) SSS.2665. •Grab a F.w.r In JeNsalem" aa part of an Israeli-style Purim celebration courtesy of the Chabad Jewish Center In Newport Beach at 6:30 p.m. ~twill be hekt in the RadlAOn Hotel at 4545 MacArthur Blvd .. The cost is $15 per adult. $10 per ct.lid. For reservations, call (949) 721-9800. TUESDAY The N.wport H•rbor Orchid Society 11 hosting an orcttid plant auction from 7 to 10:30 p.m. at the Neighborhood Community Center. 1845 Park Ave .. Costa Mesa. Free. For more information, call (949) 642-4148. A free NmiNr C8Ued -n.e Role of Supplements in Fighting Cancer• will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Martcet. 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. A •Making the Right Anandal Decisions" workshop, sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired Executives, will take place from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The cost is $40, $35 tf preregistered. For more information, call (714).55().7369. See TOWN, Paee AS 20% ?"OFF with thl• coupon ""' lfalld """" any otlter ,,,,.,, .. c ..... ..,, _,.. ~----.n ct0ft'IP9tltor'a~ ...... ~f/03 -----• FULL SERVICE SALON • SEE US FOR ALL YOUR COLOR QUESTIONS • SEHtOR cmzEN DISCOUNT ON SUNDAYS ' SW.day, ~ch 15, 2003 A1 WHAT IS ••• cdvda ~~ 67~.P TM secr,t is in tM jlav<nful flroth made from scratcJi,- fresh each morning. Generous chunks of chickm /mast and riee in our delicious flroth. GarnisMd with diced avocadc and cilantro, finished with a squeeze of fresh lime. a~-ease of '1{,wport 'Bea&. . ZAllll;a,L;A _ IR-M ••• _, M Wn'H TH ZAN LL.A REPA ENTATIVE SHOWING SPECIAL FAlllllC9 ROM ITALY, AS WELL AS OUR NEW PAINQ/8UMMER COLLliCTION. -OVllA 100 FAllRICtl TO CHOOe• FROM AT TM• llVllNT• REC IVE A FREE COMBED CO"n'ON SHIRT WITH AHY. ZANELLA PUACHA'lll IN-sTORll DRAWING flallll A ~SS ... ALSO. vvm-t 'THE flURCHASE OF 3 PAIAB OF N« ~ a· 11 SLACKS, YOU'LL RECEIVE A OOM~MENTARV OtNNERH. FROM AT-EASE TO THE ARCHES AESTAUAANTQ CJ' VAUJ QI' .,00) at-ea•e Fashion Island• 949.759.7979 THE TOP 10 WAYS You CAN TELL ROGER'S GARDENS DESIGNED AND INSTALLED YOUR LANDSCAPE • • SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL •A '--"r_ Watt• tt ~ 8' s.rilf Jtm Grist If""' -sm.' The Rev. Pl'O\'eel'I Bunyan. Rector 3209 Vta lido =~ 7 :30 om Trod"llionol ~:~~ 11 om Chorismolic ond WednesdayNoon WORSHIP DIRECTORY Publishes E:very Saturday in the Daily A Pilot CALL 949.57 4.4249 . ~ '\. A Wll[!tglltUm of 1/x Ang/Ua11 Comm1"'io11 BU/WING OUR FAITH: LOVING OIRJST AND SERVING OUR COMMUNITY. Tu Rtv'd Pcm D. Haynes. Rector SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8 am -Holy Eucharis1 9 :am -Sunday SchooV Adult Bible Study 10 am -Oioral Eucbaris1 NURSERY CAREA\W.LABLE 420 West 19th Street, Costa Mesa (949) 548-7727 v. Michael Bankhead, Pastor dult Sunday School: · dren's Choir: orship & Children's Suncfa School: -. 8:45am 9:00am lOam 11'1\C(ll'\I --- ~ ~ We're acited, our new church is \[/""'-open and ~'d love to have you visit St. Matthew's Chwch & Ptaehool a parish of the Anglican Catholic Church TrtditionaJ EpilcopaJ Sunday Scrvica: 7:45. 9:00 &c 11 :00 am Sunday School: 9:00 am www~com 2300 Ford Road, Ncwpon Beach (corner Bonim Canyon & Pl"Llric Rd) The Rn-. Stephco C. Scarlett. Rector HARDwOOD · STAllUSTE t4•• . !!!!!!I.. .' s 1 " from ; . IQft -~ 111• TraVEW'tirle 1s• x 18" ........................................................... "I.II tqt. Ceramic Tlle .......... : ........................................... hdlfldfrom a aqt Laminate Ylood .. : ...................... ., ........ : ............ lnrl*dfrom aqa. l~AIJ .. I OF NEWPORT BEACH Presents: mtl SMAll. NOUD HISTOIKAl IMPR£SSIONIST AS THOMAS JIFFOSON (11 cem.e) s.ew-, r'1JA Mri H • 7:l0 p.a. 1ldim .. $10.00 .. ~ $12.00 .. - p ' LRtfrtdn lttwl ...... Newport Center United Methodist Chwch Rev. Cathleen Coots, Pastor 1601 Marguerite Ave. corner of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 Sam Quin Worship Service I Oam Worship and 01ildrm's Sunday School Youth meeting wtelt/y I I I 111 H \ '- Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (LLC.A.) 798 Dov ... Dr. Newpof't a..ch Tradltlonal Lutb•ran Paetor David Monge Worship 8ervloe wtth Holy Communion aunc1a1 o:ta am ~CAM AVA&Aaa \:I : 1\1 I!'( I) I I \ \ I I I\ 1\1: \: 11 Rt111ntetl1n Btaeh 12S9 Victoria Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Sunday evening service at 7:00 PM Rev. l•t••t• Hayn11 Telep~oae (714) S39-7727 En11il RBMCC@tti1t•1il.Ht MESAVE .. DE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 S.k«, C.M. WC>nlhlp & Church School 8:30and10:00 a.m. f714) 979--8234 Or. RIChard George Rev Stephiole Toon Senior Minister Youth Minister Chrut Church By the Sea Unircd Mcthodiu 1400 W. Balboa Blvd., Ncwpon Beach 8:45 •.m -Aduh S..ndn School a.JO & rn ...... 'l'onh•p UM! Ouldtma Swid.. Sdiool The Rev. Or. C-rgc R Crisp, Putor (949)67}-380S c llHl\ll\'\. ·-· Expected Hara Worship 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRlSTIAN CHURCH (Dlaclpl11 of Cllrtli) 2401 lrvlne Ave. NeWPott l .. cll, CA . (Ml) MIH5781 Ml.-W: Dt. O... llloft ST. MARK PmBYrERIAN CHURCH · •LENTEN LESSONS FllOM PETER" (Luke 2.l:ll·J.4. 56-62) "Optn Amu and Open Minds'' A~ ~ Codo(acued ~ .=::~i=~ the Word of God Our Lady Queen:of Angels 2046 Mar VJSta Drive Ncwpon Beach, Ca.lifOmia 926(,0 (949)6-U-0200 Fax (949) 6f.t.. l 349 Rn. Mi>Nipor Wdl.Wn P. Mc~in Pator unJRGI£S: S.nuday, S p.ln. \Cancor), ..-,, 1=00 (Q,liel), 8:)0 (Coricaftpong> 10:00 (Oaou>. lllJO aa ((MDf) -aj:OO p.m. (Co-a"' omy) Worship 9:30 Jt.111111oret a £Mtllfd ta NewPGf1 llldl (949) 644-1341 a">r:A..A.:JND F CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3100 POdfJc VtitlW or NtwpOrt Beoc:tl 644-2617 <X 675-4661 ChUn:I\ 10 am ~~ 10 cim bldaySchocil lOam ~~,~~ · wr:::r1:.:- o LeN, .............. .., ...................... theu ........................ .,,..., "••• 1CMOI ._...,111 ...... CW•Dll'lllOmalf ?' t • TOWN Continued from A7 TM..,,..,~ Newport Beed'I Che~r It holdlng 1 l)l.tbllc meeting et 1 p.m. at the Oeti• Center, 800 Marguerite Ave., eoron. Del Mer. Aulatant city Manager Oeve IOff and ~rt Harbor Mater Tom RoMmlller will dlJcu• the clean water quality for Newport 8N<ti and the Harbor. WEDNESDAY •Neroa1el1noe, Nenoe,c:fl."'M>logy, Nanoftctfon,'" preeented by aNlltent profeaorof phytlct and Htronomy Phil Colline et UC Irvine, will cover: the reelltiea • behind the nanotechnology revolution. Sc::heduled'et 7:30 a.m. at the Unlveretty Club on campus, call (949) 824-4613 for more Information. TM C0tta Meea ... itf191 Sodety wlll hold ltt g meeting et 7 p.m. et 18 Anaheim Ave. Guett Giles Brown wlll di.cu dey1 et Orange Coat more Information. cell ( 631"6918 Neu~ Dr. &ulllllc• . of Erllory University, e fl!Kpert lri' memory, wlll g lecture In the Irvine Barcl theatre et 7:30 p.m. He II dlacun lnslghta gained fr · research about memory distortion, memory lmpal and maintaining SU11V'.A1•.n• memory function a1 we ag . Call Lori Metherete at (949) 82 666 for more Information. ., 1• h. •• '"'•' . ·~~"'· fL ,"h ..... ~ ......... •" v'•• . ...... J IL ~., ,. ... .,. ., , ..... .. 'h . f"-H . ·. Newport 8Mc:h Newcomert' general meeting takes plaoe at 11 a.m. at the Arches Restaurant. The club is open to all women who have lived In the area fewet than five years. To learn more, call (949) 645-9922. . ,,., ,.• "Tax FtM College Sevlngs - A Review of 529 Plans and Your Other Optiona• is a free seminar that comes with a complimentary dinner at 6:30 p.m. at the Newport Gateway Center in Irvine. Address is 19800 MacArthur Blvd. For reservati_?~~leste at 1-800-87~3. WMkly 11ory dme at li§]toy " store offers stories, songs, ger plays and crafts. Newborns 5-year-olds are Invited from :30 to 11 :30 a.m. to 21111 N A frH Mmlnar called •t=.ng Shul for a Healing Home" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. M ... Verde Communtty Inc., a nonprofit organization, will host its general meeting. Special guests Include Fire Chief James Ellis and Police Chief Tom Wamac:lc, who will discuss disaster preparedness. Call (949) 452-3964 for the meeting time. Coast Drive. For more Information, call (949) 769-8$7. THURSDAY "lni.grfty Counta the Mo.t Wien It Costa the Most'" is the topicfor the annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast. Featuring Gary Dalc:tiendt, the event will begn at 7:30 a.m . at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel, 900 Newport · Cer\ter Drive, Newport Beadl. The cost is $26 per person. For moie information, call (949) 219-535&. The Com,.._. Chamber of Commercet "90 Minute Breakfast Boost" will be held from 7 to 8:45 a.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club, 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. Cost is. $13 or $18 at the door. To make reservations, call (714) 885-909(). See TOWN, Pa1e A9 . . . .-..----------........ · :~j RosEYs AUIOBODY You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY Full Service Collision c:.ntw Insurance Approved Shop (949) 642·4522 I SPRING FASHIONS BLOOM AT NEWPORT BEACH STORES Spring fashions have arrived in stores throughout N ewport Beach so now is the time to I lighten and brighten your wardrobe with feminine fabrics, I colorful prints and delicate detailing. Some of the hottest spring looks can be found at Three I Frinuls, a new store in Weatcliif Plaza. Three Frinuls appeals to fashion conscious w omen who also like to dress casual and relaxed. Tile store carries popu· lar labels such as Lucky Brand, Tribal, Kenzi, Buffalo Jeans, American Heart, Angie dresses, Hard Tail, Language and others. TJme Frinuls has everything from casual stretch French terry skirts, capris and zip-front jackets, to pretty floral georgttte Rebecca Taylor and Nicole Miller into the store's fashion· able collection. I 8. Magness Is located in Newport North Shopplng Center at MacArthur Boulevard and Bison, The store can be reached at (949) 644-4477. Another favorite of locals is Shade1 of Red located in Bayside Center. 'The hot oolor story at this boutique is shell pink. The beautiful pastel can be found in strappy, feminine tops as well as sweater sets that Look stylish paired with capri5. Another big look straight from the runway is the return of the knee length skirt. Shades of Red has shorter skirts in an array of colors and fabrics, eome with detailing such as eyelet trim. V11l/t SlwdfM of lf«I In Ba~ c.nter fOr ti» Jatut In woman• falh/onl. dressa that are perfect for Sluulu of Rd It ~ted In bru.nc)\ showers or other SJ>rinS Bayside Center on Bay1ide get-togethaa. Stripe. An! mo Drive, off )ambofte. The tton hot thit season, with skirts, can be ruched at (949) 719-9360. panta and capr'll and m ore S,,,..,, ~ It another iton thowcuing stripet In muted with grat caaual apring putell or colorful prlmariea. fa.ah.Ions, from denim to caprla 11uu Fm.uh ft located ln to e1lk IWHlen In. rainbow ol WatdJff P1au at the comer ol beautiful colon. In addition to I:rvlne Avenue and Seventeenth the colorful palette ol atylet Street. The boutique can be belng thown, there are alto reached (949) Sf.8..9881: many p~ta to be fOund tn • At B. M•I*.. ln Newpoit variety of ltylet. ' NOlth Sbopplna Center, a new-One of the more popular collection of colorful 'Prins Item.a from S#Mlli IWlc rtsht fuhiona hu !ult arrived. Some now 11 llMI-cut ie.tha ~ of the toou found at tt\e In t"O&or. lud\ u iOlt ~ boutique Include lloralt, ~la and blaek aNl beige. TIM _,... .. weu .. bright colon, and a1sO Mt fun new~ for 1tylee l:rom chiHon dte1Mt to ~ cuu.al athletic wear 1uch u S.,..,, Pttlc Ii lcX»lld 1t camtonable yoga pants. ~ View ~ _., B. MitpUI catrld dealp by on dw comer of ~ Votre Nocn, 8tilfal0 Jtena, Allen Milli and San Mlguitf Drive! Aa.n, City Lf3hll. 6-\di end The •tON can bl ~ 1t w.,.. ~. The ttore hu {9e) 121.otll. •nctntf)' broupt d ...... by PIW•hndpmdlor!'1Ml•11 H c 11 R.ltaUS. .. -. "~ ... : •,' ' . . ' . ., . . . ., •• .. .. .. ,, •1 TOWN Continued from M .... for the erwlfofement .. right 1ttvour bedc yero, 11ye Douglo Kent, author of "A New Era of Gardening:"' Kent will preeent •aerdenlng for Oxygen," e free program et 7 p.m. et the Newport Beach Central Ubrery. For more lnfonnetlon, cell (949) 717-3818. fNDAY The edtooner •Ameftcan,,.... will meke her wey Into Newport Harbor en route to the Newport Harbor Neutlcal Mueeum. Thie will be the flret time In Newport Hefborforthle graceful 130-foot v....i, which sailed 7,500 miles through the Penema C.nal from S.r Harbor, Maine to the We.t Coast. Vlalto,. are Invited eboero March 22 and March 23 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m . Admission $2 for children, $3 for adults and $7 for famllln. For more Information, call (949) 873-7863. "Community Scfenc:. Night• at Orange Coast College offers planetarium shows, stargazing through OCC'a telescopes and other activities from 5 to 9 p.m. Adml11lon 11 free. Call (714) 432-6725 for more Information. MARCH22 M'°9 of Puce Chrfstian Church and School is hosting its annual Country Day Fair from 10 a.m . to 3 p.m. at 2987 Mesa Verde Drive East. Costa Mesa. Events will Include rides, camlval booths, pedal cars, face painting and more. For more informatiOn, call (714) 241-7361. The L..Ngu. of Women Voun of Orange Coast will have a membership coffee at 9:30 a.m. at 1836 Santiago Drive, Newport Beech. For more information, call (949) 548-7117. An "E-Comm~ for Small Business" workshop, sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired Executives, will take place from 9 a.m. to noon at National C: .\ I I Y 0 l · n l.OC:\I. It\ BBi I Rabbitt Insurance Agency Alf'J'O •HOMEOWNERS • Hf.AJJH Subil11y i;,,,,., /95~ UnlveRity, 3390 Harbor Btvd., Coste M.18. The cost Is $26, $20 If preregistered. For more lnforrndon, can (714) 660-7369. The .,.,...,mothtir,..,..._ fashion show end lundteon aponsored by the Newport Chapter of the Netk>nel Cher1ty l.Ngue Junlora wtll be h9fd et 10:30 e.m. et the Four S...Ona Pelm G.rden, Newport Beach. Tldleta era S90 for adults end S60 for cttlldren. For more lnformetlon, cell (~) 842-449e. MARCH23 lpe ONgOfle'e In Newport a.ech wlll dontJt• 25% of •II proceed• to the Orange Countv Affiliate of the Sunn 8. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. "Pampering Toward a Cure" eppointmenta ere available from 9 a.m . to 9 p.m. Cell (949) 644-M72. MARCH25 A frM lpl'lnQ deenlng WOtbhop celled "Detox and Cleansing Thru Ayurveda" will be held from 8:30 to 8:30 p.m . at Mother'• Marttet, 226 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 695-MOMS. A "Martletlng and Promotion" worttshop, sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired Executives, will take place from 9 a.m . to noon at National Universlfy, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The cost is $25, $20 if preregistered. For more information, call (714) 650-7369. Orting• Coast Coll-ae host• the annual Banff Mountain Film Festival. Three hours of "the best of the best" will be screened at 7 p.m. at the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. Including films from Canada, America, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and Swltzetland, the films ,.ftect e wide ,.nge of mountain experience.. lldteta coct $9 In advance, S10 et the door or S8 for atu<Mnta. For tldtet lnform.tlon, cell (7.14) 432-o202, ext. 21068. MMCMH .......... d ...... ...,.., called "The Teo (Wey) of Cleantlng• wlll be held from 8:30 to 8 p.m. et Mother'1 Market. 225 East 17th St., Coet.e M .... For reaervatlona, cell (800) 595-MOMS. Newport a.ech Community Servlcet will present a new aeries of drawing and painting worbhOpa featuring Individual Instruction for beginning to advanced studenti ln mixed media. The aeries will continue for eight Wednesdaye from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. In the Vince Jorgensen Center adjacent to Mariner's Library, 2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. Fee is $66· for the entire aeries. For more information, call (94S) 644-3151. "Drugs: NlghtJlf9 or Nightmare,• presented by Orange Coast College's United Student Sociologists Club and P1yc:hology Club, is a symposium offering students an unbiased approach to the issues behind the phy1ical effects, personal experiences. cultural aspects and legalities of drugs. It will be held from 10 a.m . to 2 p.m. in the college's Student Center. Call (94S) 929-0527 for more information. A busln ... aftef..hours mixer sponsored by the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Turnip Rose banquet facility, 1901 Newport Blvd. It is free for members and costs $10 for potential members. For more information, call (714) 886-9090. l LOAF OF IRISH SODA BREAD Offer Good chru Much 17, 2003 M'f!I pwa Chfl'11 ll t1111t ef ~ U.U I f'T OIS1Mtt l~-1 l-11; '-11'11 I I"'' \1i'1 11111 (•II' I lill \I I -1111, """ •' 1111 '"" •'111,111'1'11\\' --Did You Know? "That we are a full service nursery with qualified California Certified Nursery Professionals and landscape designers. We can meet all of your gardening needs. Come in today to~ Nurseries and let us show you how." ~ ·® ---• NURSERIES, INC.---• COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 2 700 Bristol St. (714) 754-6661 2800 N. Tustin Ave. (714) 633-9200 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING • 45 YEARS EXPERIENCE LICENSE II 308553 "Better Skep Through Scinzct. " .--~--~r-- TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PRO Manager Flowerdale Nursery -Costa Mesa Master Nursery Professional fif J; ~ Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Place your home fmancing needs in the hands of Private Mortgage Banking. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home fmancing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-only loans AlO s.uday, Mirth 15, 2003 00· &alsto~. gQ~s 'Y~Y back· .with S.CR. ... . . . . . . ... Teri Ralston, who has starred on Broadway and performed all over the world, returns to her roots as a musical theater teacher. By Tom Titus the past four decades. David Bmmes.and Martin Benson were weighing the prospects of starting their own theater, Ralston e8rbara.• They were wonderful productions. ·1 was still In school, so at the end of the summer I went back to SF State, iµid they continued with the theater.• Mama Rose In •0ypsy.• all . Sondheim creations. Al a di.rector, Ralston baa helmed· Sondheim'• "Into the Woods• USC. "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" In Ala.ska and •A Uttle _ Night Music" In Thousand -I· 'i" Oaks.' Y. ou won't find Teri Ralston's name among South Coast Repertory's honor roll offounding artists - even though she performed with SCR before It was SCR. and instructs a class In musical theater for the company. Yet the Laguna Beach singer-actress has found time to share her talent with SCRfrom time to time -In shows like "Jacques Brei is Alive and Well and Uving in Paris,• "Side by Side by Sondheim,• "Sunday in the Parle With George• and "Prelude to a 1ass.• ...__._...,_-""---"'-...... played a South Coast Rep. They had a dream and they were beginning it,• she said. "We were at the Off Broadway Theater in Long Beach and several of us, including the founding members. all lived together in a house up an alley from the theater. I think it was two bedrooms, maybe three, and one bathroom. It was cozy." When Ralston graduated, she got, as she puts it, "sidetracked to New York." but ahe found time to perform In SCR shows over the years. She joined the reunion of the ·,. original "Company" cast at \ both the Long Beach Civic Ugbt• Opera and New Yorlc'a Uncoln 1 Center. major role in Teri Ralston the process. Ralston, unlike the handful of "regulars: hasn't focused her talents on the Costa Mesa company exclusively. little things like Broadway ~hows and concerts have Intervened over The thing is, Ralston's specialty is musical theater, and SCR doesn't do a whole lot of that. "I went to San Francisco State University right after David and Martin graduated: she said. "l got to know them, and when they were doing their first summer of they.ter In Long Beach, they asked me to join them. The troupe of young and ambitious thespians shared meals and work.. Ralston, admittedly not a seamstress. was in charge of costumes for one of the shows. "That summer we did 'The Alchemist,' 'Major Barbara' and 'The Hostage,'" she said. "I was in 'The Hostage' and 'Major She was In the original productions of Stephen Sondheim's "Company" and "A Little Night Music• and has directed and performed In the tribute to the composer, "Side by Side by Sondheim,• with Peggy Lee. Ralston ts teaching not only at SCR. but at UC Irvine and the Orange County High School of the Arts, where ahe directed the musical "Side Show." She also But ba~ in 1964, that embryonic period during which "This was the beginning of She's also played Sally in two productions of "Follies" and SH RALSTON, Pqe AH OONLEACH/OAILYPILOT Clayton Sunderland holds daughter Raven, wrapped in an Irish kilt, at Muldoon's Dublin Pub, where preparations are on for the sexiest kilt contest. Who looks the best in a Coral Wiison Daily Pilot I t ls not necessarily how a man looks that makes hlm sexy, It ts how be wears his kilt Nine and a half hours before St. Patric.k's Day, men In sk1rta wU1 battle Lt out to detennlne the winner of the Sexiest KJlt Competition at Muldoon'• Dublin PublnNewponBeachonSUnda~ "I think it ts going to be a mJx of nJoe lep, dw1ama. .eme of humor and a UtiJe bit of swqger," lrtsb expatttate and panellat Ollvla Truey aa1d. "Let's see how they wear that kilt. .. A former Mila lleland, Tracey just ftniahed ft1mtng the Irlsh movie "Red RONI and Petrol." "For a man to come out weadng a kilt In Newport Beach is already, In my boob. a manly man," h1lb pane1Jat Aileen McX.eagney aa1d. •rn be looldna at bow be weara bia kilt uid haw he came. his kilt.. MdCngney and her hulbend, Nlcbolu Jordan. were honored Friday by tbt Loe Angeles City Coundl for their Involvement In the lrilb·Amerlcan community. • Jordan will be arriving at Muldoon'a ln a kilt. but a vote from b1a wife won't come euUy. "He, of coune, uked for my vote, and I told him, ablolutely nod" Mc:K.eagney said emphatically with a heavy accent. "I'm a liberated woman -I'll be piddng who I think lbould be wtnnlng." The competition will kick off the ftnt of what will become an annual event All fUnue troph1ea will be named after thta year'a aalest man lnakllt. •Haw often do you pt a chance to haw a trophy named after you?" ubd Richard Kaplan, event c:oordioator. Chdl P1en:e. drummer for the Celdc rock bend the PenJam, will be • wearing his kilt and hosting the ~t with Kaplan. They are not setting any boundaries. "Lei's just see what these contestant.a come up with," Kaplan aaJd. "Maybe we'll be attracted and repelled at the same dme." Partlclpanta are encowqed to be aeadYe and have tun. and Kaplan hopes this mJgbt start some new trenda. , "Who la going to aeate a trend with this apparel loolcf I think it is antiquated When we think of plaid." Kaplan aald.. •0r maybe 1t is the plaid that theee judges will ftnd eexy." The ortatnaJ kilt wu nothing more than alx and a half yards of heavy wool, aid Guy Snydeii manager at FYI Fl"1 Sexiest Kilt Competition will be held et 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Muldoon'• Dublin Pub, 202 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beech. For more lnfonnatlon, call (949) 8404110. the Soottish Heritage c.enteL Scottish and Irish men used to use kilts u blankets or tenta. When they woke up In the morning. they would spread It out. fold some pleat.a, belt it up and they were dreesed, Snyder aaid. Durlng an intense battle, they would shed their kilta, de their sblrt t.aila between their legs and go. "l think the kilt la the greatest garment ln the world," Snyder II.Id. ·Because ft ls eo udlltartan." The wool aklrt provtdea protection from the rain and atmnely cold HJabland weather. It breathea well In wanner weather and can be euOy h.lbd up when aoaalng Scotland1a many atreama with few brldpa. The plaid color comblnation.a, called tartana, are uaed to Identify f amlly clans ln Scotland. In Ireland, kilt.a come ln solid colora and tartans ... KU',, ... A.15 ' THEATER occ . shows fall Victim to ,.. . . . ' budget cuts· · • Summer program will be : absent this year because of ~ financial hardship. · ~ .. By Tom Titus . .. F ew local theater traditions reach .. ' back further than the summer •' ·-·· shows at Orange Coast College. Since 1956, OCC baa pruented either a • summer musical or a variety of t less-ambitious productions. But times -and finances -change. • The 2002 summer program at the t:Osta Mesa campus has fallen victim to the • college's $2.8-million budget cut. : ~ necessitated by the state's ongoing financial crisis. OCC is facing a cutback of at least $6 • million for the 2003-04 academic year. and is expected to slash more than 1.000 ~ course selections from Its summer, fall • and spring schedule. : \ The theater program -one of the : ~ most active in the nation among : ~ community colleges -ls taking a · • ' prodigious hit, and one that weighs : ~ heavily on Alex Golson, chairman of the : OCC Theater Department • • "We regret having to cut our summer , ~ season. but we have no other alternative • : at the moment; Golson said. "Our summer season hu been a trJdltlon that • we have maintained for many years. and we hate to see It go by the boards this year. We're hoping to be able to bring it baclc ln 2004, or by the following aummec.• Por more than three decades - starting In 1956 with "South Pad.Ac" - OCC offered a lavilh muafcal productions every summer 1n the apadoua theater, which wu to become known u the Robert B. Moore AudJtortum, named for a former president of the college. _ _ 1 Local audiences applauded such exp&nltYe (and expenatw) ahOWI u •oJdahoma." ·euouae1," ·Mv Fair Lady.· "Man of La Mancha.· •evtta:'' •eamelot" and .. Fiddler on the Roof." In 1963, OCC presented "1be Sound of Music," and In 1964, •1tye Bye, Blrdle" ~ both stantq local ac:tnu Diane HAD. • who would accept ber beat actreu (for .Annie Hall") • dKade later under her profllllonal name, Diane ~on. About 15 yean ..,, an liarUer roUnd budget cuta forced the occ !beet.tr Pl'OIJ'UD to dOWDll&e. Out W9Dt the bfa musicals. and In came MYel'l1 smaller ahOW1-uaually a comedy, a drama an • producdon for younptera. one IUCb ... THUra. PtpA.11 _ _...r...-• 4.. • • • .. sq • ; ., ..... , .. SOCI E TY Saturday, Marcil 15. 2003 . All , .. THE CROWD Lifelong Girl Scouts honored ENGAGEMENTS McflfreSb-Pi~ Mr. and Mis. ROM ani:i BOnnie McElfresh of NidWpori Beach : N ewport social activist and leader s.Dcly SepailttOm Danlela jo).ned fellow comon,mity standout G1ngier KJeerup as the 2003 Women of Distinction selected by The Girl Scout Council of Orange County. Santa Ana Country aub was the setting for the Man::h luncheon. -----La.dies and ge.ots filled the"posh club to support the Girl Scouts and, in particular, to dlute Segerstrom and Kleerup. Gall 8. W. COOK FJ.Us-0tc1a, announce the · enpgement Of their daughter, Marin Mc:Elfresb of Costa Mesa, to ~tofer Pitman of Costa Mesa. The bride-elect gaduated from Newport Harbor High • • School and ~apmao • . • • • ~ University. , Mann MCEifresh ' The future and Knstdte.r Pitman bridegroom, son of • Lynette Matheny of Pensacola and Dwight Pitman of Sao Diego, graduated from Hilltop High School and Olapman University. An Aug. 16 wedding is planned at the Sherman Gardens in Corona deJ Mar. Ouroll-Graveline representing the{Jirl Scout Council of Orange County, proudly shared the ba~ounds of the honorees. The 2003 Commodores Ball at the Bahip Corinthian Yacht Club attracted Marshall and Leslie Caplan, Barry and Nancy Levy and Ray and Jean Kovacs. -AddJe Carroll of Laguna Niguel and Tom Carroll of Reno, Nev. announce the engagement of their daughter. Colleen Carroll of Laguna Niguel, to Greg Graveline of Newport Beach. . "Ginger Kleerup celebrates 50 years as a membeF of Girl Scouts," Ellis-Olds said. "She is one of our most extraordinary volunteers serving on the col81cil's board of directors as well as the fund development committee and many other adihinistrative volunteer roles." Sandy Daniels, a m anaging paJ!ner of C.J. Segerstrom and Sons and the daughter of the late Janette and HaJ Segerstrom, has taken her parents' philanthropic concerns to new heighti.. The Girl Scouts embodies a family tradition that was part of her life as a chiJd growing up in Santa Ana . Serving on numerous community boards. Daniels has become a voice of the new generation of Orange County leaders. PRINCESSLY WELCOME The dynamic Mary Cook, an executive with Northern Trust Bank joined local social and business leaders welcoming Her Royal Highness Princess MJchael of Kent to Newport Beach this week.. HRH greeted the locaJ crush at Newport's Pacific O u b, where she led a Lively lecture on "Serious Pleasures: Celebrations in History that Olanged History." The lecture was followed by sunset cocktails and conversation. Born in Bohemia, the princess is the wife of HRH Prln<:e MJchael of Kent, first cousin of Queen rutzabeth II. COMMODORE'S BAU Commodore Ray Kovacs and his wife, Jean. presided over the fabuJous 2003 Commodore's Ball at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub. Co rona del Mar. The Satur~ay night • extravaganza-began with a traditionaJ parade of house hopping for cocktails and hors d'oeuvres a t member's homes, including those of Verna and Joe Degenh8rdt, Zeta and Carl Jones, Patti and Phil Kohl and Mary PJlen and Russ Sindt. The Kovacs were joined by Vice Commodore Barry Levy and hls wife. Nam.")'. and Rear Commodore Marshall Caplan in stopping in a1 the pre-parties before converging on the clubhouse for the annuaJ celebration. The bayfront ballroom had been transformed by a creative decorating committee. the highlight being chandeliers hung over each table setting. It was all about romance and · community pride set in a decidedly Newport setting. In the last few years. the Bahia Corinthian has championed the annual Leukemia Cup Regatta. sponsored by Volvo, partneri ng with other clubl> u p and down the Southern Calilornia Coast that raise hundred5 of thousands of dollars for cancer research. ln the crowd at the Commodores Ball were O.C Judge Brian Carter. Joyce and Jack Barnes. Jane and Jack Benson, Joe Brand, Judy Cole, Doretta Ensign. Nancy and Joe Mendoza. Joan Morris, Tally Penhall, Audrey and Howie Reiss, and Patti Rozalc. •THE CROWD appea'rs Thursdays <!nd Saturdays. FULL BAR COCKTAILS The bride-elect graduated from Dana Hills High School and Colleen Carroll Arizona State University. ~nd Greg Graveline The future bridegroom, son of Wayne and Lexi Graveline of Newport Beacb, graduated from Fountain VaJJey High School and the University of Southern California. A Novem ber wedding is planned in St. Timothy's Olurch in Laguna Niguel with a reception at the Center O ub of Costa Mesa. •Weddings and engagem ents run Saturdays. For a form, please call Christine Carrillo at (949) 574-4298 MEPHISTGM TueRdays No ' Pasta Ni~hts Corkage MEXICAN RESTAURANT THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES '""''' 11-.,, '"''"' .\ '·~: .. "' ""'· I Wednesdays $11.95 NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO lt\EXICO 296 £. 17TH ST . COSTA MESA · 949 ·64S·76l6 FOR FEET'S SAKE ... Stylish, Comfortable Shoes True Custom Orthotics ~- Come to .Foot Solutions, we have Computer Foot I ScanaDd I COnsultation I lor C9lla. onbotics I $7SVALVE I I-· -~·~'!_ -~ rthists able to help you! . Ii._ Foortlf : $1Q-: SOlUTl9NS : Off : 1135 Newport lfvcl, Costa Miii I Alhlctic Shoe I P\irc~. . , ............ & 19'-..,..., no. W>IOl (949) 734·2020 O,. .... Slt.10• "9 l --~-:""_ -.I ,.iave You Lost Money in the Stock Mark~t? Did your stockbroker recommend stocks based upon his brokerage firm's stock analysts' recommendations? Were the recommendations misleading, premised on baseless criteria, and fail to disclose a conflict of interest for the · ':lnalyst and the firm? Did you suffer losses based upon the recommendations? If so, you may have a case for &aud and breach of fiduciary duty. Were your investment objectives long term growth, income, and safety of principal? Did your broker ~ recommend unsuitable, rugh risk stocks? Did your bn>ker By Order of Board of Dfrectoni WAMBOLD fURNrTURE, INC~ Manufacturers of fine fumiwre 5 MILLION DOLLARS IN FINE FURNITURE INVENTORY • Dining Seta • China Buffets • Game Tables • Home Office • Swivel RoduN'I Plant Closing After 28 Years in Business A Everything MUST Be Sold! Inventory Sold First Come First Served • Complete lledrl.orn Set9 • Youth Bedroom Groups • Minors • Night Stwls • Annohs •And Morel Various Styles & Finis~ .... 0111 .. : .................... w. Ontw March 15th & 18th over-concentrate your ponfoUo in technology stocks? Your Ios5cs arc often recoverable and you may bC cncided to punitive damages. We specialize in representing individual investors. Please call w for a FREE continuing March 22nd, 23rd, 29th & 30th Saturdays 9am -4pm • Sundays 1 Oam-.4pm consultation. . .-· .. ----~-~ .. - 34·02 Ml Harvard S~, Santti Ana Sal9 Continues Until Entire lnventoty Sold I NO CREDIT r.MDS ACC1Prm I • t , I I ! I " AIZ Slbrdly, Mlrdl 15. 2003 DATEBOOK I ~---------------, 1C.lendar Show Proudly Pre•nts1 AFTER HOURS " I l'JJ_ IJ.-i~,. ISfl_ •... I I fllfl ~ f'"44I =~-~~to I . -'1111J1111. SJ. ; 5.ft I = =·~ !1:~;;'.!(:S, I ,,~ I 67~. Acomplete list ls I ~at www.cM/'>'Pllotcom. I QuelitJ ~ ~ •<>wr40 v..,. o1e.:111nce.,.,,,...., ·1 ~~==1==.DnH I SPECIAL • on-tlltthllf,_.idlallfyJf/AI/ ........... ,.._ :JWEANDRIWS ~IUtllllJ s:=r~~ ·--------~ p.m.Tidt9"ere$29to$69~ I O~ Cot1J1ty ~ds, ~Mesa, CA I ·=~=:U:-(7~;,™·· I Hours: Frida1and'Safunlay 11-8•Sunday11-5 I· 550-2122.ext.~.o..a· . I SPECIAL OFFER--.1/2 pr!ce' on Friday after 4pm I ~~~~::.=· I ( __ l !J 'th ) I Mesa. Form0relnformetion,ceH not noo '!! coupon (714) 666-AATS or onllne at I Fine Gbss, Porcdain and Jewdty Repair Available at Show I ~.oq>ec.OIJ1. I SHOW INFO: (800) 943-7501 OR www.calaadanbows.com I SEXIEST KU COMPETITION I I Muldoon'• Dubliln Pub In $8 ADMISSION Wlllf FREE RE11JRN PRIVILEGES $5 wrm AD Newport Beach Will hold Its firet THIS AD SA\fES YOU & FRIENDS S3 .00 PER PERSON •Sexiest Kilt Competition• et 2:30 p.m. Sunday. A panel of female judges, Including actress, model end former Miss Ireland Olivia Tracev, will determine the competition. Chris Pierce, drummer for the Orange County rock band the Fenians, renowned for his zebra patterned kilt will host. Muldoon's is at 202 Newport Center Drive. Information: (949) 640-4110. ORANGE COUNTY POETRY FESTIVAL Poeta John Gardiner and Katya Glritsky will be featured at the Gypsy Den for the Orange County Poetry F=estlval. There will be performance poetry and muslc with a musical performance by Courtney Montgomery. The G~ Den Is at 2930 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. The free event Is at 8 p.m. April 1. For information, call (714) 664-6526 or (714) 549-7012. WANT' The Newport Beach Film F=estlval will •how the Southem California premiere of Midlael Wohl'• daring feature film debut, •want; at 4 p.m. April 9 at Udo Theater. The film takes an unflinching and provocative look at the d6rt underside of dot~m mania. Set in Silicon Valley during the dizzying last days of 1999, •Want• follows a hapless software • Lamp Shades • Tiffilny Lamps • Table Lamps • Floor Lamps • Chandeliers • Catalog Ordering -For C0"9d Fn On ShMI• Pl .... Bn Lam Lamps Factory Out/st 17424 B••t:h Blt1d_ (•I Sl•t•r) 1 ~ mll•• So. of th• 4115 Fwy. Huntlnl/fon B••t:h 714 847-8100 t\~~~ MIKE'I ~~~°cARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Texture-Plush Flooring ~arpet Featuring ALLOC f\\-0 •2a8CI ft No G lue Installation Installed Wood Flooring Refinishing & ·New . Berber Carpet f\\-o~ $1 D Installed Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics• Wood .• Laminates Ceramic f\\-o~s1 so • ft CALL NOW 642-8400 'S?Jle44 ~ESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decor.atirig Needs!" fURNITURE Rl!UPBOUDRY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio furniture Draperies, Shades, & Bedspreads I . 1 1 1 • 1 r '· , \ :---! 1 , " , 1: r· • ', · ·' . • " i " ( ) -+ 2 -: ~-l ( H ) l ( "Les Miserables,• the legendary awardwiMing musical, will make a triumphant return engagement to the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall for tw~ we~t<; only, April 8 through 20. This production of the musical by Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg is presented by Cameron Mackintosh. Tickets ar~ $64.50, $57.50, $51.?0, $44.50, $34.50 and $27.50, at the Center box office or onhne at the Center's Web site, www.ocpac.org. The Center's number is (714) 556-2746. The Saturday, April 19, matinee at 2 p.m. will feature sign language interpretation . engineer hiding from reality through an increasingly dangerous sexual obsession. • orchestra f6r Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5 In E-ftat major, the "Emperor." The orchestra will also play Mahler's Symphony No. , 4 in G major. The concerts will be in Segerstrom Hall on April 2 and 3 at 8 p.m. Tidcets are $19 to $59. Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 740-7878. MUSIC DAVE BRUBECK Dave Brubedc, a legendary jazz great, will perform at 7:30 p.m. April 3 through 6 in Founder'• Hall. The pianist and composer sold out performances last year. Tldceta are $100. Orange Coonty Performing Arte Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. For more Information, call (714) 740-7878. 'EMPEROR' CONCERTO The Pacific Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Cari St. Oair, welcomes pianist Stephen Kovacevktt. He will be join the GAAi/MY WINNER MARK O'CONNER Grammy Award-winning fiddler Mart O'Conner will make his jazz club debut at Founders Hall at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. today. His performances will spotlight his new CO, "In ftlll Sw ing;" a tribute to his mentor, late French j8Z'Z violinist Stephanie Grappelli. Tldlet.s are $49 to $46, available a1 the Center Box Office, online Jt. 5 0°/o Off Sitting Fee 15°/o Off Orders FIGGE P H 0 T 0 G l 0A P ff Y www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. SttRLEY JONES ANO f'RIENis Broadway, motion picture a~ star Shirley Jones, will Join • comedian Shelly Berman and the Nelson Riddle Orchestra in concert at 8 p.m. today at Orange Coast College at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Tidtets for $37 to $43 can be purchased at the college oc by calling (714) 432-5880. THE CANADIAN BRASS Take five virtuoso musicians, dress them in formal attire and tennis shoes, provide them with music from the classical, J8Z2, pop See HOURS, Paa• Al4 Isabel No Newport Center OrM, Suite 110, Newport Beach 949.644.6933 -.figgestudio.com , . FURNIT U • • LIQUIDATORS . 8966 WARNER AVE., FOUNTAIN VALLEY SALE HOURS: (714) 848·1994 Behind Chevron Gas Station · Corner Of Magnolia & Wamer l Fourth AnnUll IUJICH YARDAQI SAi. I' . 25% OFF · Entire Stock of French FabrlCS S*Ends Marcll 31, 2003 110 Marine Ave. Balboa Island (949) 673..0719 Open 7Days 10:30 am-6:00pm = ........... . The -Cafe & full of surpmes, not ham. 'rtow ~ou and ~ou.r Lunch buddi.e.s can rtor. b~ The Hone~ed Cafe for a~M.st.ii,,t, wt.de ar>ra~ of deliewu~J rn.a.de from seratch, lu.D.ch tem_ptatl.ons. T ~ ou.r flone Aked ehi.c.ken Cor>clon Bteu, Beer WellUi~n, or f(}or>k F°Jletti ~Fresh Btackbert;J ie. Or~~ a fresh, cM.sp~ IT\ast:er en~ Salad. Ana, if brealtflast; is to ~OUJ> Liking, we serVe i.t au da~ tons· W t.th chow.es like our l~t and flu~ Hon"!JBa.ke d Omelettata Wt.th T w:-ke~, Avocado and S~ Cheese or scrurnpn,ous Stuffed French Toast So next"tirne ~ou do Lunch, do i.ti.n ~le atThe Hone~Ba.ked Cafe .. : where ~ou'tt f u:id over ~ deli.ewus thi.n:J&-¥or lunch, besl.aes ou.r a.ma,ein8 ham. C.Ome see us toda~. We're r~ht n~ door to that fanious ham st;ore. 0pen Monday -Wednesday Sa.m.-6:30 pm THE HONEY BA llmday -Saturday 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Sonday 8 a.m.-2 p.in. 1lstln 13771 NtwportAw. # 13 Phone : 714-731-4;616 fax :714-731-4907 tu6• Beadl 19022 Beadl Bhd. #( Plme: 714-961-6174 fax 714-378-1216 Brenda Miles 100% FREE No q~3s C•••ttt T.-• ~" • C.t1111ie ·• 8t11it1 • WIM Wu Rtf1111.e. • Cl•l"t Carpet & Uphelttery • Pahttl19-htterior & Eiteriet o esa Irv ne (Ml) 850-7876 . (9'18) 818-0141 124 I. 17th 17777 Main ..... . . " •• SYLVAN SINGS Grammy and Emmy award-winning American baritone r • Sanford Sytvan will appear in concert as part of the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Voices in Song series at 4 p.m. Sunday in Founders Hall at 655 Town Center Drive. Sylvan is noted for his radiantly pure lyric tone, the clarity of his diction, his interpretive respect and understanding for words and music. Tickets to Sanford Sylvan's recital are $60 and are on sale now at the Center box office or online at the Center's Web site at www.ocpac.org. For information, call (71 4) 556-2746. HOURS Continued from Al 2 and contemporary music wor1d, and put them on a stage. The result is the Canadian Brass, a seriously fun and entertaining ensemble that comes to Segerstrom Hall today as part of the Pacific Symphony i;>t>ps series at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Canter Drive, Costa Mesa. The concerts begin at 8 p.m. Tldtets are available for $80,$63, $50, $36, and $26. For more information. call the Pacific Symphony Orchestra Tidtet Office at (714) 755-5799. MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Mart Davidson Trio, with Ron Esdlete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave .• Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. JA121RIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Bead1 presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wedrl8$day as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. M onday through Wednesday. (949) 718--0188. WE£KLYJAM The Studio Cate presents Monday Night Jams from 1 to 11 p.m . ffVery week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers. keyboardists and others at 100 Main St. Newport Beach. Free. (9491 675-nso. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan. Nidt Peper and Kelly Gordlen (known as MPG) perform classic rodt. R&B and swing st lt.30 p.m . Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode, awing and· .. , R&B at 8:30 p.m . Saturdays.~~~ restaurant is 81 630 Lido Part Drive. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 1 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m . Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. • Sunday. The restaurant is at 27'3!1' • W. Coast Highway, Newport • Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT P«.AYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight f!IVery Friday and Saturday. This week's featured' artists are the Wildcats on Frida¥ • playing blues and rhythm and bluet and the Whiskey lmperiala playing blues and rodt on Saturday. Players is at 612 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restauram in Newport Beach presents Jes&e on the sax on Friday and ' Saturday f!IVenings and Sunday • for brunch. The program teatur..- all your tavoriteaon the saxophone. Anthony's 1sat 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK ANO FlAMENCO: I Tate 5, a funk, rodt and Motown · act, performs at 9 p.m . Sa1urd1!1'¥9' at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona de~ Mat.1 · Solo guitarist Ken Sanders • performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 676-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald lahibashl and the Stone Bridge Band play rodt and R&B st Orance C.st MldcDe Collece lllcla School ~DWASB 1 • Weather .... t..... I • lat~Jt Mareb lit HOJ (:') ~ IBOa.m.·ZaMp.m. ~· 0 at Marlnera El...eatal'f n 21• .Mutaen nr. OQ, g}-0 Ne~p1rt ••eh ~o (0. lnlle ... WWlll 1.,.. It. .. 0...)o(J -. .. donation Nfl••lted Fandlte .. ••lllOredwthaal ' . HOURS Cdntinued from Al 4 9 ~.m. s.turdayt et SUttorl Piece Hotef'I Tlienon ~. 4600 M~ Blvd .• Newport Beedt. ~· <M• 478-2001. • STAGE I Ml'ROV Kl occ Orange Cout C.ollege la pr;.nting 1 unique and hlllriou• Improvisational prC>ducitlon under the direction .,.. M8 the Orange County P9ffonnlng Atta Center, 800 Town c.nt. Drive, Ca.ta Mela. For mot'9 lnfonnadon, can C714) 74().7878. i'WO GEN'fUMEN OF VERONA' Wiiiiam Shat...,.....'• 1Wo Gendemen of Veron.• will be S*'fonned et the Soutti Coat Repertory on the ~mom Stage 1htough Mardt 30. Preview tlcteta sta.rt at S19. For tkbta, (714) 708-5666 or visit WWW.«r.Otp. of pc theater profeuor Alex Gofeon. The 40-to 80-minute prpdUctlon la modeled after the populer lmpNWiaational TV ahf:>w. •WhoM lfne i• It AJtvwayr It will be perfo"T'ed at 11 •.m., noon and 12:45 p.m. Tu.eday, March 25, et the Robert MOo ... Theatnt. Other pettormanca are ad\eduled for • 61>.m. April 14, noon Aprll 15, 8 p.m. Mrt 12 and 1 p.m. May 13 'REL.AlMLY SP£AKftG' •Relatively Speaking" wiH be performed at the Soutb Coat Repertory~ the Julianne AtvYros Stlge ffom March 18 tfltoug.ft Apiil. Ticketa coat ftom S19 to $64..South Coast Repertory la at 866 Town Center Oriw In Costa M .... For tick.eta, call C714) 708-6666 or Visit WWW.9Cr.Ot'Q- ~PROJECT Orange Coast College is staging Moil89 tc.ufman's "Laramie Project• March 19 through 23 In the Orama Lab Theatre. Ticketa are $12 and S8 and are sold at the door and by·calling (714) 432-5880. Orange Coast College la at 2701 F9irview Road, Cqsta Mesa. In the Orama Lab. Admission la fr~. Or•nge Coast College la at 27~ Fairview Road in Costa M;aa. For Information, call (714) 43!2-584(), ext. 5. 'TAMltG OF THE SHREW' Orenge Coast Community Coflege'a Theatre Department la staging a one-ect cutting of William Shakespeare's comedy .,..oonOOSE' ·The Taming of the Shrew;" a ·Footloose, the Broadway 40-minute production of full Musical• will run through Marett measure slapstick comedy. 22. It will be performed by the Performances are at 1 :30 p.m. Newport 8ead1 Theater Marett 25 and at 5 p.m. Aprll 12 Company. Ticketa begin at $10 and 13 on the lawn of the Art.a ' and can be purchased online at Center and at 1 p.m. Aprll 22 and www.nbtco.org or by phone at 24 In the coUege's Orama Lab (949) 759-1046. The shows ant at Theatre. Performanoes are free. 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday For Information, call (714) and at 3 p.m. Sunday at Lincoln 721-5508. The college is at 2702 School. 3101 Pacific View Drive, Fairview Road In Costa Mesa. Corona del Mar. TONY AWMD WINNER DONNA MCKECH_U On~ 'if Broadway's brightest start, 'Tony Award winner Donna ··~·Ms:J'edlnie, will perform at~ Orange County Performing Al1a Center for the EMn and Marjorie Klein Cabaret Series at 7:30 p.m. Marth 25 through Marett 29 nightly at Founders Hall. Ttckata RALSTON Continued from Al 0 has a number of private voice students and has joined the coi;qpany of a musical tribute to composers John Kander and Fred Fbb for the No Square Theater in her home t~or Laguna Beach. "I'm having a wonderful time.'' she declares, "but it's been way too long since I've done' some~ (at SCRJ, and I'm anxious to o something again." If seniority -not to m ention vocal and performing excellence -carries any weigfn. South Coast Repertory audiences may be applauding Teri J\alston once more in the not too distant future. ••• Speaking of Oscar winners, we'll have one right in our own back yard on Monday nlgbt!Wben Julle Andrews gives a one-night concert at the Orange County Perform.lng Arts Center. Andrews earned her gold 'DON QUIXOTE' BAl.lET Orange County's Festival Ballet Th9atre will offer its lavish production of ·eon Quixote• at Orange Coast College Aptil 4 through 6, with curtain times p.m. Friday and Saturday night and 2 p.m. Sunday. Tlckata range from $20 to $24 and can be purchased by calling (888) statuette ln her first movie role, as the airborne nanny Mary Poppins, baclc in 1964. or course. she should have played Eliza Doolittle in the screen version of ·My Fair Lady,• the role she originated on Broadway, but the best actress Oecar gave her the last laugh. even if "Lady" did win beat plcture honors the same year. Andrews etched an impressive movie career with "The Americanization of Emily,· ·Hawaii,• "Thoroughly Modem Millie," "VlctorMctorla" and the Oscar-winning *The Sound or Music.", She etued her G-rated image by baring more than her soul in ·s.o .B. • She returned to Broadway in 1995 after a 30-year absence to headline the stage versloo of "Victor /Victoria." And. she's the answer to a Trivial Pursuit question: "What actress drives a car with the bumper sticker 'Mary Poppins Is a Junkie'?" •TOM TITUS reviews theater S.turd•Y •nd Thursd.Y.. DATEBOOK 822-6378. ()qnge Coat Cotlege ft at 2701 Fairview Ro.d, Com MeM. Ul laERAILES' Orange Countv flllwfonnlng Art Center Pf:M90ta •lea Misen1bfet• at Segerstrom Hall Aprll 8 through 20 •• part of their B~Mries. Thlam09ical haa won m«e than 60 lntem.ttionel theeter awarde, Inducing eight Tony awards. Ticbta C09t from $28 to $83. The Orange County Performing Atta eent.r Is et 800 Town Center Drive, Coete Meu. For more Information, call C7.14) 740-7878. 'SHAK£SP£ARE R£WF 'Ttvt ~,.Revue', a witty cablret..iyte mu*81 from the Rol(al Shak..,.are Company, will be performing at the Irvine Barclay Theatre et 8 p.m . Frlday, April 4. Tdets are $38 and $32. Call (949) 86;4 4648 or go to the box office. The theater la at 4242 Campus Drive in Irvine. ART 'ZIHE SCENE' •ZJne Scene;" an exhibit of zlnes organl:zed by the CranMook Art Muaeum, will be on display through April 27 91 the Orange County Museum of Art'' Satellite Gallery, South Coast Plau, 3333 Bristol St, Costa Mesa. Zlnes are publications -like magazines - created by Individuals or small groups. Museum hours are 10 a.m. 'to 9 p.m. Mondrt through Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Free. (949) 759-1122. DOUBLE HORIZONTAL Dewey Ambrosino's exhibit ·0ouble Horizontal• will feature ·erown Note Lounge; an Installation of two molded plywood sulHYoofer loves:eats that play an original bass composition, and whose frequencies are tuned specifically to the building's architecture. The exhibit will also Include a video projection of Oskar Schlemmer's 1926-46 •Triadic Ballet• The e)(hibit will run through March 22 KILT Continued from AlO are used to represent regions and counties, Snyder saJd. Both descendants of the Celtic race, the Irish and Scots disagree over who wore the kilt first. It was about the same time, Snyder said. And the bagpipe actually came from ancient Egypt. he added Today, the kilt is primarily used for formal ettemonies or special events. not for everyday use. •If you wear a kilt in Scotland, you might aa well hang a sign around your neck that reads, THEATER Continued from Al 0 example of the latter was particularly memorable: I watched. my then-pret~en daughter Mindy play Beclcy Thatcher in the college's version of •Tum Sawyer.· Lut year, OCC mounted the first local production of ·side et the Shed, 3000 Newport Blvd. tnfonnetion: {949) 723-3408. DANCE THE SlVTTGART BALLET The Stuttgart Batlet, uld to offer some ()f the beat dancing In the world today, wiM perform ~ hfghHghta from~ ~Blue;" •c;ndy'a Gift,• •Sunday Symphony• and •full length •Romeo and Ju11et.• PerfOrmanc:e9 will be Tuesday through March 23 at the Orange County Perfonnlng Atta Center at 800 Town Center Drive In Costa Meu. Ticketa 11re from $20 to $75 and can be purdlaaed at the bo>c office or by calling (714) . 666-AR'TS. ~OPUS CACTUS Human bodies metarnorphoee Into a single 9efP8ntine figure, and danoera shaplHhift Into exotic birds, flowers and cactua and other forms with visual splendor and' theatrical magic. Exquisite costumes and illusionary visuals, sublime modem movement and Otympian gymnastlca combine into this transforming event of beauty, humor and spell-binding power. Tldcets are $40 and $33. The show will be given at the Barclay Theatre March 'Z7 through 30, with ltlOWS at 8 p.m. and a Sunday matinee at 3 p.m. Call (949) 8544646 or go ooline to www.thebarclay.org. THE TRINrTY IRJSH DANCE COMPANY The Trinity Irish Dance Company will use Irish dance as an instrument and a metaphor. The show will be performed at 8 p.m. today and Sunday, with a Sunday matinee at 3 p.m. Ttdtets are $40 and $35. Call (949) 854-4646. SWING lessons are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. For more information. visit ocswing.com or call (909) 6~6119. 'tourist.'• Snyder said Of course, the thought thal will cross everyone's mind at some point on Sunday is the age-old question: "What do men wear, or not wear, under their ldlts?" To allow for free movement in a battle. strict military dress code dictates that a man not wear anything under his kilt But nowadays. that is really up to personal preference. Snyder answered. What contestants choose ln that matter won't necessarily sway Mc.Keagney's decision. Either way. she said, "I wouldn't be wanting the evidence.· Man,· OCC Instructor David Scagiione's adaptation of the children's folk tale •stone Soup," and a rollicldng, bullet-paced show titJed ·Supersonic Shakespeare." Now the stase is bare, as Elvis Presley once observed. Hopefully. not for good. • TOM TITUS reviews theater Thursdays and Saturdays. ~ .. ~. March 15. 2003 A.l5 ~~ R e tau ro nl · Estlbllsnect In 1•1--- Personal Training • Yoga • Indoor Cycling Exceptional Fitness 10 Orange County's Finest faahty 8'ctt Bay Ctnttr 2675 bvine Aw.. IA 949.631.5587 fllfo@lldclayfitness.com 1Kklayfftntss.con1 Grand Opening Promotion 2ror1 or 50°/o on Personal Tr1111 • Slltt "' 'l>f •:t ~t~· e<;L"P"'f'lt ' l~ ~!J!!'SS ure-.c ...::,. ... ~ "!!~ 'l' ... 'SIOl!I •• 'ldrot :vtt.r.q • Soi.llCI procl ~· rocin: • Ct<t1~ tni~ •llC instrucun • S~t) Procj<i~ for Cf!IUl!n lllitJ'1! WU WO!llt!I incl motf • IMmion. a>ullSfl1ng ·lfli~p~ UC Irvine Libraries Speaker Series m Con1unctton with Oran~e County Reads One Book P-reMTW Adelme Yen Mah Best Selling A uthor of "FalUDi l&aw" and "Cbmese CmdereUa" '\ 11 O. Marine Ave. lelboe Island (949) 673-0719 . Open 7Days 10:30 sm-6:00pm The Cafe & full of surprises, not ham. now ~OU and .,OUF lunch buddi.es can st;or ~The Hone~.Baked ea.fe f<!r a~runn~l:J wt.de a.rra~ of det:Wio~J m.ade from scra~ Lunch tiem,r~twn.s. T~ OUP Hone Aked ehi:c.ken eoraon Bteu, Beer Wetti.n~n, or fc}ork Yul.en. with Fresh Bt.a:cXbe~ ie. Ore~~ a fresh, cr>isp~ ~r eh~ Salad. An~, if breakfast; is t'o ~our tt.ltt.n8, we ser-ve d-all cla~ lon:J. With chot-e-es ti.Ile our l~t'and fluff~ Hone!J8a.ked Ometett'a.~ Wt,t;h Tw:-ke~, Avocado and Swiss eheese or scr>u.rnpttous Stuffed French Toast:. So nertti..me ~ou do tun~ do d-in ~le at'The Hone~Bded Cafe ... where ~ou'Ll find over s~ delict.0us thin:JS-For lunch, besiCles our anu1.cin:J ham. C.Ome see us t'oda~. We're r+t' n~ door t'o that' f&Tlous ham st'oPe. 0penMonday -Wednesday8a.m.-6:30pm THE HONEVBA Thtlsday -Saturday 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m.-2 p.in. ll5lkl 13771 NmportAw.. # 13 Phone: 714--731~16 Fax :714--731-4907 tU.._.. Bad'f 1902'l Bad'f Blwl #c Phone: 714--96U174• Fax 714-378-1216 Momma John Jennifer Gus Brenda Miles we H"1nt w the 100%' worlll's ""rm:fo'!rint "tail£"% -(XJ-op. m-"" ":!::' FREE foori"t "" iNJi~OWMJ No anJ operllkd. Q~eWS 4,000STORE BUYING POWER Ufetime NOBOOY~ Warranty e., • .,... lf:Jlll'•.,•~ Wood am kill """Ulttti.11 ~99 wwill~it Yn n "fj'Yi~ too •Wb i/1'!"'" 11111 .FREE IN]i111ftom Ill. C111ter Tett • Shewer1_rt.r111io • Onalte • WIM Wu Refhdslt • Cl .... h•t C.;,.t & Upholrtery • P1htff19-lm~ & Emn.t --.-•• a esa <Ml> 650-7876 124 I. 17th __ ,.., ... .UTIHtfAYI & n•tAW .._. rvne (Ml) ~8-9141 17777 Main ·a" ~--· WlMI•• HTll l:MM CL.OIH 11 .. Aft I llOlttM tlTII IT . .., SYLVAN SINGS Grammy and Emmy award-winning American baritone Sanford Sytvan win appear in concert as part of the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Voices in Song series at 4 p.m. Sunday in Founders Hall at 655 Town Center Drive. Sytvan is noted for his radiantly pure lyric tone, the clarity of his diction, his interpretive respect and understanding for words and music. Tickets to Sanford Sytvan's recital are $60 and are on sale now at the .Center box office or online at the Center's Web site at www.ocpac.org. for information, call (714) 556-2746. • I •' HOURS Contilued from A12 and contemporary music wor1d, and put them on a stage. The result is the Canadian Brass. a aerlousty fun and entertaining enmble that comes to Segerstrom Hall today as part of the Pacific Symphony Pops series at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. The concerts begin at 8 p.m. Ti<*ets are available for $80,$63, $50, $36, and $26. For more information, call the Pacific Symphony Orchestra TI<*et Office at (714) 755-5799. perform classic rode, swing anct • • R&B at 8:30 p.m . Saturdays. The, , restaurant is at 630 Udo Partt v Drive. Newport Beach. Free. (9491 67S-3474. MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Martt Davidson Trio, with Ron Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. JAZZ TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hoors are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. ·wanted• musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 67S-7760. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers five music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Ni<* Peper and Kelty Gotdlen (known as MPG) perform classic rock. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m . Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The RustV Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m . Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. " Sunday. The restaurant is at 27~ W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. This week's featured' artists are the Wildcats on Friday playing blues and rhythm and blues and the Whiattey Imperials playing blues and roe* on Saturday. Playel'1 is at 512 W. 19dl St., Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949)~15. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant In Newport Beach presents ~ on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday , for brunch. The program featu~ all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK ANO FLAMENCO: Tate 5, a funk, ro<* and Motown · act. performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays" at Carmelo's Ristol'llnte. 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del MatJ Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical ftamenco , tunes at 7:30 p.m Tuesdays and Sundays, Free. (949) 67S-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play ro<* and R&B et •,, HOURS cdntiooed from Al4 9 q.m. Seturdavt at Sutton Place HOcert Trtanon t.ounoe. 4600 Mic.Mhut &Nd .. NeWpo" Beedl. Ftfe· (9118• 476-2001. • S;t'AGE M'Rov/l.TOCC o;,.nge_Cont College la p~ng •unique and hi•riou• tmprovlutlonal . prOductlon under the direction otpc 1heetAtr profeaor Alex GOison. The"40-toto-mlnute ~i.~efterthe ~l•T lmproviMtlo"al TV ahOw, .. Whc>M Une ls it" ·A!fvwr11• It wfll be performed at 1i l'.m., no:<>n end 12-.45 p.m. . T~ March 26, at the Robert M~re Theatre. Other pefrformances ere scheduled for • 8 q.m. Aptlt 14, noon Aprll 15, 8 p.m. May 12 and 1 p.m. May 13 In •he Drama Leb. Admission is free. Orenge Coast College it at 27b1 Fairview Road in Costa M..-. For Jnformatlon, call (714) ~-5840, ext. 5. ' 'TAIMG Of THE Stl1EW' Orange Coast Community Coflege'a Theatnt Department is stiglng a one-ect cutting of William Shakespeare'• comedy "'The Taming of the Shrew; a 40-mlnute production of full measure slapstldc comedy. Performances are at 1 :30 p.m. Marth 26 and at 5 p.m. April 12 and 13 on the lawn of the Arts Center and at 1 P..m. April 22 and 24 In the college's Drama Lab Theatre. Performances are free. For information, call (714) 721-5508. The college la at 2702' Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. T~ AWARD WINNER DONNA MCKECHNIE 0n, qf Broadway's brigh1est stan;Tony Award winner Donna McKechnif', will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center for the EMn and Marjorie Klein Cabaret Series at 7:30 p.m . Marth 25 through Marth 29 nightty at Founders Hall. Tldcets I RALSTON Continued from AlO has a number of private voice students and has joined the co~R&OY of a musical tribute to composers John Kander and Fred Ebb for the No Squ~ Theater in her home t~f f..a8una Beach. "I'm having a wonderful time," she declares. "but it's been way too long since I've dooe'8omething (at SCRJ, and l'merudous to do something again: If senJority -not to mention vocal and perfoqning excellence -carries any welgfit. South Coast Repertory audiences may be applauding Teri .J\alston once more in the not too distant future. .: I ••• Speaking of Oscar winners, we'll have one right in our own back yard on Monday nigbt!Wben Julie Andrews gives a one-night concen at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Andrews earned her gold DATEBOOK are .... the Orange County 822-6378. Orenge Coat College 11~3000-Blvd. P.rformlng M:a c.m.r, eoo Town. .. at 2701 Fairview Road, Com ;AN ·on:CIM81 >-. ~ Dnve, Cott. Meta. For MMe. more lnfonnatlon, c:atl (714) 74()-7878. 'LEI WMll.ES' * ~ GEN'flDEN Of VERONA' Orange County Petformlng Art THE STUTTGART 8Al1£T c.n.. pre .. m. •Les Mlsenlbles" The Stuttgart eau.t, aald to offer William Shelt...,.,. "1Wo at Segerstrom HaJI Apt118 some of the belt dandn(I in the Gentlemen of Verone" ~II be through 20 n pert of their world today, wi" perform peffonned at the SOl.ith Coat IJroldwey .....__This musk:el repertory hlghllghta from "The Repeftofy on the Segertttom haa won more then 60 Seventh Blue,• "Cindy's Gift,'" Slage through Matdt 30. ~ mt.m.trona1 theater awards, "54'nday Symphony" and a full ddceta Jtart at $19.. Fortldcets. lnduding eight Tony awards. length "Romeo and Juliet:' (714) 708-6666 or vtaft Tldtets cost from-$28 to $63. The Performanoea will be Tuesday www.~fV. Ore,. ~nty Performing Arts through Marth 23 at the Orange Center la at 800 Town Center County Performing Arts Center at 'RELATIVELY SPEAKftG' Ortve, Cott. Meu. For more 600 Town Center Drive in Costa "twlativety Speelclng" wilt be Information, c:atl (714) 7•7878. Mesa. Tldceta are from $20 to $75 performed at the. South Coat and can be puntiased at the box RepertOfY et the JuNenne Algv~ ~REWF office or by calllnq (714) ~from Manti 1& 1hrough 'The ShakMf)Mfe ReWe', a witty 656-ARTS. April. Tidceta cost from $j9 to caberet-style muaical from the • · $64. South Coat Repertory Is at Raval Sbakeapeare Coinpany, MOMX; OPUS CACTUS 656 Town Ceflter: Drive tn Co9ta will be performing at the Irvine Human bodies metamorphose Mesa. For tidcets, cell (714) Barday Theatre at 8 p.m. Friday, Into a llngte let"p8ntine figure. and 70&-5656 or visit www.1er.org. April 4. Ti<*ets are $38 and $32. danceri shape-shift Into exotic "LARME PROJEcr Call (949) ~or go to the btrds, flowers and cactua and other box office. The theater is at 4242 forms with visual splendor and Orange Coast CoUege Is staging Campus Drive in Irvine. theatrical magic. Exquisite Moisea Kaufman'• "Laramie costumes and lllusionaly visuals, Project" Marth 19 through ;z3 In ART sublime modem movement and the Drema Lab Theatre. Tdets Olympian gymnastics combine are $12 and $8 end are sold at the 'ZJNE SCENE' into this transforming event of door and by celling (714) · "Zlne Scene; an exhibit of zines beauty, humor and spell-binding 432-5880. O~nge Coat College organized by the Cranbrook Art power. rldceta are $40 and $33. Is et 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Museum, will be on display The show will be given at the Mesa. through April 27 at the Orange Barclay Theatre Mardi Z'1 through County Museum of Art'• Satellhe 30, with shows at 8 p.m. and a -FOOTLOOSE' Gallery, South Coast Plaza, 3333 Sunday matinee at 3 p.m. Call "Footloote, the Broadway Bristol St, Costa Mesa. Zlnea are (949) 8544646 or go online to MuSical" will run through March publications -like magazines -www.thebarclay.org. 22. It will be performed by the created by individuals or small TliE TRINITY IRJSH DANCE N91!VP<>rt Beach Theater /groups. Museum hours are 10 Company. Tidcets begin a! $10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through COMPAHV and can be purchased onhne at Frid~. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday The Trinity Irish Dance Company wwwnbtco.org or by phone at and 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. will use Irish dance as an (949) 759-1046. The shows are at Free. (949) 759-1122. instrument and a metaphor. The 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday show will be performed at 8 p.m. and at 3 p.m. Sunday at Lincoln DOUBLE HORIZONTAL today and Sunday, with a Sunday School. 3101 Pacific View Drive, Dewey Ambrosino's exhibit matinee at 3 p.m. ndtets are S40 Corona del Mar. "Double Horizontal" will feature and $35. Call (949) 854-4646. 'DON QUIXOTE' BALLET "Brown Note lounge,• an SWING installation of two molded Orange County's F-estival Ballet plywood sub-woofer loveseats Lessons are given every Sunday Theatre will offer its lavish that play an original bass from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Avant production of "Don Quixote• at composition, and whose Garde Ballroom in Newport Orange Coast College April 4 frequencies are tuned specifically Beach by the Orange County through 6, with curtain time 8 to the building's architecture. The Swing Dance Club. All ages are p.m. Friday and Saturday night exhibit will also Include a video welcome, and no partners are and 2 p.m. Sundey. Tidcets range projection o1 Oskar Schlemmer's needed. For more information, from $20 to $24 and can be 1926-46 "Triadic Ballet." The visit ocswing.com or call (909) purchased by calling (888) exhibit will run through March 22 656-6119. statuette in her first movie KILT 'tourist.'" Snyder said. role, as the airborne nanny Of course, the thought that Mary Poppins, back in 1964. Continued from AlO will cross everyone's mind at Of course, she should have som~ point on Sunday is the played Eliza Doolittle in the are used to represent regions age-old question: "What do men screen version of "My Fair and counties, Snyqer said. wear, or not wear, under their Lady," the role she originated Both descendants of the Celtic kilts?" on Broadway, but the best race, the Irish and Scots disagree To allow for free movement in actress Oscar gave her the last over who wore the kilt first. lt a battle, strict military dress laugh, even if "Lady" did win was about the same time, code dictates that a man not best picture honors the same Snyder said. And the bagpipe wear anything under his kilt. But year. actually came from ancient nowadays. that is really up to Andrews etched an Egypt. he added. personal preference, Snyder impressive movie career with Today. the kilt Is primarily answered "The Americanization of used for formal ceremonies or What contestants choose in Emily," "Hawail," "Thoroughly special events. not for everyday that matter won't necessarily Modem Millie." use. sway McKeagney's decision. "VictorMctorta• and the "If you wear a kilt in Scotland, FJther way. she said, "I Oscar-winning "The Sound of you migbt as well hang a sign wouldn't be wanting the MusJc. ",She erased her around your neck that reads, evidence." G-rated image by baring more than her soul ln "S.O.B." She returned to Broadway THEATER Man," OCC instructor David in 1995 after a 30-year Scaglione's adaptation of the absence to headline the stage Continued from Al 0 children's folk tale "Stone version of "VictorlVlctoria. • Soup," and a rollicking. And, she's the answer to a example of the latter was bullet-paced show titled Trivial Pursuit question: particularly memorable: I "Supersonic Shakespeare.· "What actress drives a car with watched my then-pttteen Now the stage is bare, as Elvis the bumper sticker 'Mary daughter Mindy play Becky Presley once observed. Poppins is a Junkie'?" Thatcher in the college's version of "Tum Sawyer.• Hopefully. not for good. •TOM TITUS reviews the1ter La.st year, OCC mounted the • TOM TITUS reviews theater Saturday and ThursdaY.. first local production of "Side Thursdays and Saturdays. I I Saturday, March 15, 2003 AU Personal Training • Yoga • Indoor Cycling Exceptional Fitness in Orange County's Finest Facility BKk hy Center 2675 IMnt Ave. IA 949.631.5587 fnfo@~Sayfttnm.com Badhyfftneu.com Grand Opening Promotion 2tor1 or 50°/o on Personal rra111 •Plus a Ollf-tlfllf ~m1111stmion fet • SUtt ol :lit •rt ~" ~pmtn! • Lift ~!MS c.JrdlO <t,ltt< #It~ Inell~! lr\tY1\~ • I 'IOOOI ()rt ing • Solilld pfoot yoq; room • Ctm!Wd !n111'!1 jn(j l~I • SP'CIMty pmgrims ill' t!nlllt!n. llYtllrt ~ll IOOl'!Pn ind l!IOlt t 'futntlOl\il C0U l1St\ Ing • Ito melll~ fftS UC Irvine Libraries Speaker Series in Con1unction with Orange County Reads One Book PT~U Adeline Yen Mah Best Selling Author of "Falli"i Leaves" and "Chinese Cinderella " • •· ..... '9.,.__...._...,..._.._. .............. W cayc;ocw WP PWWW Z 2003 Hummer Hl Sliver/Grey 8K Miles, Custom Wheelt & Exhaust. Lux Pkg-Roof $59,500 I . -.. L ' ..., h .. ' • QUOTE OF THE DAY "/was confident and just shot it, but thank God it went in." EYE Cl'ENEll IAily.IPib ........ HellolF- 1---.0.. Spotts Eclllor Roeer Carlson • l949l 574-4223 • Sports Fu.: C949l 650-0170 Sabxday, March 15. 2003 Bl SEAN HUER I DAILY PILOT UCl's Jordan Harris finds his way Inside the key in the first half of Friday night's Big West match with Utah State. COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL .UCI ·sees it big chance fade away The Big Dance awaits the winner of tonights' Utah State-C al Poly San Luis Obispo duel after Friday's loss to Utah State. Steve Vlr1 en Daily Pilot fought 1ooth and nail, and wme· body W'ci!> going to win it." Douglas~ '>poke candidly abou1 wha1 could be in his team's near or distant fu1ure. Utah St. 61 "We're gomg 10 Anteaters 55 the NCAA.s at some ANAHEIM -It happened again. pot.nt,. he said "It's For the third straight year, UC I.cvine not something I 'U missed Its opportunity to rach the Big lose sleep over. llus teason will end West Tournament ftnaL The Anteaters we'll have a banquet. I'll play some golf have not reached the Big West Confer-and we'll get ready to get some recru11s ence champloruhlp game since l~ •.. in. The media will write abou1 tgomg to when they were the 10th aeed. the Big Dance). but it's not an i~o;ue for Thia time, UO WU the No. 2 seed and me.• fell under the commonly held college Oouglasa said Jeff Gloger"s nght ankle baaketball belief that you can't beat a lnjury, suft'ered ln the second half. defi· team three times in one sea.son. nitely hurt his team. He also said the The Anteaters (20-9) fell to the Aggies. Anteaters would await Sunday mgh1 61 ·55, ln a semifinal Friday at the Ana· word on receiving an NIT ben.h helm Convention Center. UCJ and Utah State games are almo11t "It was a good college basketball always epic. It has been that way for the game," UCI Coach Pat Douglass said. "You bave two teams that went at It, See UCI, Pase 84 COLLEGE WOMEN 'S BASKETBALL Anteaters run into · a Gauchos' roadblock Big drubbing takes little out of the Anteaters' hope for next season. Steve Vlr11n Daily Pilot ANAHEIM -Mer UC Santa Barbara displayed its dominance, and after the Gauchos showed why they're the l 7th- ra.oked women's basketball team in the nation, UC Irvine looked to next year. lbat's really all there was left to do. · U~B. the No. l seed in the touma- SOOREBOMD ment. won its 20th straight Big West Conference tour- nament game. an 83-50 victory over the Anteaters Sat- urday at the Ana- heim Convention AntNtera 60 Center. ucse 83 ·rm very proud or this butetball team: ua Coach Muk Adams laid in reference to bis tee.m'a b.1rQarOUnd eeuon. "We more than doubled our victories rtom last year ... but (the Anteaters) set tbem- aelvea a new atandard for om year. Sev- enteen wins. that'I nice. bvt hopefully In the future thar'I just c:onsklered moder- ate RJCCaS for this team. 'Ibey know we have a bright future. But they know we're going to have 10 wort hard during the offseason. • Adams said ua must wort hard, par- ticularty to gain strength and become more physical, aspects the 'Ea1ers lacked against the Gauchos Friday. The Anteaters (17-12) aJso 8388ed off U~Bs guards. instead focusing on Big West Player of the Year Lind.say Tuylor, the Gauchos' 6-foot-8 junior center. But Santa Barbara hit its shols. The Gau- chos (25-4) shot 53% and, at times, ben- efited from the feeling tha1 everything was going their way. With 4:49 Jeft in the first half. U~B senior guard Jess Hansen nailed a deep three-pointer to beat the buzzer, giving the Gauchos a 40-22 lead. Hansen shol 4 of 4 from three-point range in the first half. guiding her team to a 46-29 halftime lead that proved in- swmountable for ua. U~B outscored the Anteaters, 19-4, in the first 9:05 of the second half and grabbed a 65-34 lead "We got beat by a very good basket- ball team. a very physical basketball ream.• Adams said. ~took away our insidepme.• UCSB opened the game with a 12-2 lead in the first 3:45. ua senior Wendy Gebbe kept her team in It by scoring the Anteaters' ftl'lt l2 points. lnduding two atnlgbt three-pointera to draw the 'Eaten to withln 15-12 wtth 12:14 left in JC WOMEN'S BASKE I BALL· STATE PLAYOFFS ·-occ on. to final four the first half. But UCSB maintained con- trol with an 8-0 run. ua cut the lead to 23-16 after Gabbe bJt an 18-foot shot along the baseline. However, UCSB answered with four straight three-pointers, two by Hansen. Gabbe, the 'Eaters' only senior, scored 17 points and finished her ua career with 1,000 points, becoming the 11th player in achool history to do so. "I'm proud of the way Wendy Ga.bbe finished her career: Adams said "I'm really sony to see her go.• Gabbe scored a team-high 18 points and led UO to a 65-60 quarterfinal vic- tory over Idaho Wedneaday. It was the Anteater Kristen Green beats Santa Barbara's Knsten Mann for a loose baU \mder the UCI basket in second half of Friday's Big West Tournament semmnal. The Anteaters fen to the Gauchos, 83-50 in Anaheim Convention Center Ant.eaters' first Big West Tuumament victory since 1997 Gebbe' effort came just three days after receiving a coni- zone 5hot for pain t.n her right (shoot- ing) shoulder. For Gabbe. that type of wength came See 'EATERS, Pqe 84 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK • Keith Long CdM senior started out season with a bang, displaym1 his capabilities. .. • ... co~mitment to em:el11Bli~tfUi ....... &l!ol~· independent lu:mi.y and emdc dealer in Orange County. . . Since 1984 we have sold over 20,000 of the finest automo • I invite you to take a test dsivt: today!" ~'P~ * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * ASE Certified Technicians * Warranty Included * Consignments Welcome * Cash Paid for Yo~ Car (on Most Vehicles} * Competitive Finance &. Lease Rates · MERCEDES 96 Z3 CONV c1ano)looclltd6~ -·-···· $10,980 98 E320 SON c1•122~6~5edonl0r.¥ $23,980 97 M3 SON c1'9,22)AowleG 1.oco1c.or ....... $21,980 64 280SL c186e.3)Y0oi111u1~n.-_,.,."-dwl5odde $24,980 96 740il SON (191S3)0Mlk :>0!(1'411 • •• • $23,980 90 Sl.500 c1"723,.,.,_~MllN an.o-.r ........... $27,980 01 Z3 CONV (11191)~~1..owMIMI ·--$24,980 99 5320 (19156~»-~ MintCond ......... $29,980 00 323i c11121~,.°"~•'-"°-·-·----$24,980 99 CLK 320 CAB c•9CMaC>~ loallC>wnelf. $34,980 00 328 SON ,,9,93~._w'lbll.._s ....... $28,980 01 CLK 430 CPE c191"1ia011•0.~ ...... $39,980 99 540i SON c1mo~~---·-·--... $29,980 99 SL500 (1tm~381'\MIM.~ ...... $41 ,980 01 5251 SON c19202)11wwfroa~.-... · .. -·-.. -... -$32,980 99 SL500 c18977)11od!wtronlltv10nly ............. $42,980 99 540i SON cm92>51-...i.~..-vas.oan.-.$33,980 00 SL500 c•m1~~-0ntym;,..._mnod .. $44,980 97 6400 CPE c19•aooa--.""'*.•.•.l.oall.$33,980 00 S430 SON c191">'"*ban.,...,sc1cm $48,980 02 325ci CONV c•m•>,...lltmac·-·--$37,980 00 S500 SON (191'3,, .... ., ... Lllt~~roa-$51 ,980 OTHER MAKES ' 00 FORD MUSTANG CPE (tl6not. ............. s 15, 980 97 INFINITY Q45 <•~~lh--·-·~$16,980 01 HONDA S2000 CONVc1to7:10._Ao,...._ $27, 980 98 JAGUAR XJR SON , ...... _..,.•••0ita«Ct1111t. $29, 980 . 02 MBZ CL55 c1~MI .. . . INQUIRE EXOTICS 99 FORD COBRA CONV 1m11• ...... .,,..,,....... $34, 980 03 NISSAN 350Z 'TRACK civit~~1 $38,980 99 FERRAAI 360 MODENA c1tw~ .. _INQUIRE PORSCHE 80 911 TARGA (18'M6}1oU -.. ~ $12, 980 98 BOXSTER (189,~>~ lowMll.sl~SpMd • $26,980 01 BOXSTER CONV. (1911W)b u~ .. ..,,."-'YI $34,980 99 996 CPE (19216~~1.Jtv 1e·w..~ $48,980 99 99 6 CAB (1919C)llodl °" llodt. an. o-.r $ 53, 980 01 996 CAB (191~7~'-GIMn ..... 1()1l...., $65,980 96 993 TURBO (l~OWf'<lt tl!'>IW $69,980 02 996 CPE (192~)0Ny41\trl~Loadld.li&W5tD $72,980 01 996 C4 CAB c1~<-y. ~Opllonll $ 73,980 01 TURBO COUPE c192,9)811.,. loallea.t JNQUIRE! SUVs (, PICK UPs 99 FORD EXPLORER cmoe)lpt ~ 6-<yt. 2u.,.. $12, 980 99 JEEP CHEROKEE SPT (191'7>"'-,... c-.. $12, 980 99 TOYOTA4 RUNNER c19CW1•~** $17,980 00 LAND ROVER DISCOVERY c11M1)LJ!e Hew $18, 980 97 AANGE ROVERc1~•Gl9al'*-~-$24,980 01 OfM F.XltND CAB PAJ ,.._.Ill'-'-'••• $27,980 03 HUMMER H2 c~o-.~o..~-.-.$58,980 i 1· I I ' i 1· I I I I l j S POR1 S STE\IE McCRANK I DAILY P1LOT . Corona del Mar baseball standout Keith Long is the Daily Pilofs High School Athlete of the Week. ·1 never have lo lell Keilh LONG Continued from B 1 ICBIHLONG to work harder," Emme l>aid of his shortstop, who has drawn interest from Long Beach State. "The work he does combined with hi"> play, it's interesting that Long Beach State has been following him. practice. It wasn't like I was ta.king a big risk by saying that.• Long. the Daily Pilot Athlete of the Week. bad a sense a game like last week's would be corning soon. He had been working toward iL The ~n he had last year onty motivated him and the results have followed in the early going. "I knew someday, some . game, it would just click and all come together." Long '>a.id. "It just felt good. to be able to see the ball as big as a basketball. "I learned last year that some seasons aren't so great and that just inspires yoµ to get ready for the next year." Gerung ready for the next year, in reality, was like any other off-season for Long. His quest for a breakout season doesn't come from one off-season. It's also a result from three varsity years on the baseball team. The reason Long and Emme sensed a breakthrough year is because the CdM ·s shortstop's relentless worit ethic has been a constant throughout his lime with the Sea Kings. "Keith and I have been together for four years, and I've never had to worry about Keith's effon." Emme said "He works out like a maniac. He worb hard on the field He is defiru1ely one of our on-field leaders.· There have been no reasons to draw up schemes or special drills to challenge Long. In regard to hard wort. Long has a bit of old-school flavor to him. TODAY Bubtbetl SCHEDULE Community college women -Orange Coast at State Touma·ment semifinals, 7 p.m., vs. Ventura, at University of San Diego. 8nebel College -UC Irvine at C.hfom1a, 1 p m .; Westmont at Vanguard. dou~header, 11 a.m. High school -Newport Elks Tournament. Third-place, Corona def Mar at Magnolia, 10 a.m.; Consolatlon cttampionship, Costa Mesa vs. Sana Ana Valley at Estancia, 10 a.m.; 13th-place, Rancho Alamitos at Estancia , 10 a.m.; Fifth-place, Los Amigos at Newport Harbor. 10 a.m. Softbel College -The Master's at Vanguard University, doubleheader, noon. High school girls -Costa Mesa Tournament at TeWinkle Park. CoNOlation semifinal: Estancia vs. Connelly, 8:30 a.m.; fifth.-place semifinal: Corona del Mar vs. Sl Margaret's, 10:15 a.m.; cttampionship semifinal, Costa Meu va. S.Vanna, noon; championship semifinal: Newport Harbor vs. Saddlebecl. noon; cttampionship and third-place gamea at 3:30. Swtmrnllig Community college men and women -Orange Coast 8t Cuesta Invitational, 9 a.m. High ec:hool boys and gtm-Newport Harbor, Corona del Mer at Capistrano Valley Relays at S.ddlebedt College; Sage Hill 9t'Lo1 AmigOI Relav-, 3:15 p.m. ........ College men -UC lrvt'-at Brigham Young, 7 p.m. Communit,' college men -Loyola ft Orange Coe-. 6 p.m. High ecmol boys-Newport Harbor, Corona del Mir• at San Diego Tournament of CNmpfon1: Sage HiU ft Foothill Tournament. 8 e.m. bdc-"'fleld Col• men •net women-V.nguerd Unl\let'litv at Long 8ead'I State I~. 10 e.m. High IChool boys end gk1a-Newport Harbor, Corone del Mar at INine lnvi\ltioNI. · Long Beach Slate take., pride in that they caJI them!.elves the Dinbags. dlld Keith fits that. No one plays harder. A lot of guys bring talent, but then bring the lackadaisical effon on the field. He brings the hard effort on and off the field. That is '>O rare. He make!> the most of the two hours in practice everyday. I le'c; always open to any sugge<.tion'> we might have for him. I le\ 1us1 a joy 10 coach." Loog's tenacity was strengthened dunng ht., off-season, which included his final go-around with the CdM football team. I le played tailbatk and outside linebacker, where hard work is required. When he turned his focus to baseball he noticed a difference about himself. He knew he had to make hb -.enior season ht!> best. After all, Long Beach State would be watching. Long said he hopes to decide on his college before the season ends. I le said Azusa Paetfic, USC and Arizona State have shown interest, and that, too, has boosted his confidence. "That shows me that I can play on the next level: Long said. ·rm just concentrating more" Long is concentrating that the end of~ season will be much like the beginmng. WOMEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL Lions' R uss Davis Coach of the Year COSfA MfSA -Russ Davis. currently in his sev- enth season as head women's baskelbalJ coach at Vanguard University, was recently selected as the Women's Basketball Coache-. Association Coach of the Year for Region 1. Davis, who leads Vanguard into the NAlA Cham- pionships for a fifth time beginning Wednesday. was chosen by coaches in the Western region. He will be a finalist, along with six other coaches, for national Coach of the Year. The recipi- ent will be honored during the Russell Athletic/ WBCA Coach of the Year luncheon at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis April 7 at I p.m. Davis led Vanguani (25-9) to the Golden State Athletic Conference title game this season before losing to The Mastef's College. 76-66. He has oom- pUed a 161-66 record (.709 winning percentage) in seven yean at the school TheJJom have made a playo1f appearance eac:h year during bis tenure. Between 1998 and 2000. the Uons won at least 27 games a &eaSOn in earning three consecutive G.5AC championships. Davis~ coaching girU at 'M>odbridge In 1991 aftet~ an~ to the boys since 1982. ,...P.stanc:ta Hlgb hired Davis after the 1991 season Kid ~ the program. He stayed with the Eagles until being hired at Vanguard after the l995-96 season. Twice be bu been selected to coach'ln the hlgb acbool Orange County All-Star game and was named Golden State Athledc Conference Coach of the Year f'or the second time this season. How /~r would )IOU • dri.,e to saw: '1000, 1.2000, maybto more7 ....... Salwday. Marcil 15. 2003 13 ( &:;;:~) ~~~~E YOU~.~REEN S ALE --- 1 M San.day, Match 15, 2003 The 1 Chria ChJboUc:9I Jr. 2 M.U Sanford Jr. .. M.U loper So. 6 Devld Pec:brd So. 8 Zadl Miider Fr. 7 Jordan Salinger Jr. 8 George Dempsey So. 9 Andrew Wlntennan Fr .• 10 Brendan Mangnitz Fr. 11 Tim WilkJns Jr. 12 Kyte Ramer • fr. 13 Cliff Swanson S" 14 Peter Haderteln Jr. 16RayUm Jr. 16 Mathew Komswiet Jr. 20 Mldlael Morgan Ft. 21 Zade Frfedric:ht Sr. 24 Zade Shoctley Ft. eo.d\: Bert Emerson Auktant coech: Steve Wishek BASEBALL Wilkins key to Lightning possibilities Sage Hill bids to help fledgling program, under first-year coach, improve. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot" NEWPORT COAST -The Sage Hill School baseball team is hoping to earn something this season that lls star, Tun Willdns, already has: credtbility. Willdns. now a junior, hit .493 last season (33 for 67) with 24 RBis, 19 runs. 13 steals, 15 extra- base hJts and an .821 slugging percentage. He was first-team All-Academy League and also became the first Ughtning athlete to make an All- Newport -Mesa Dream Team. Meanwhile, the Lightning was 6-16, 1-14 in the Academy League. in its first varsity season last 'ipnng. Seruor Zach Friedrichs is ex- pected to share shortstop and headline the starting rotation with Willcins. Wtlkins and Frie- dri~ are expected to man the Nos. 3 and 4 spots in the batting order, while sophomore Man Loper. a starting guard on the basketball learn, is expected to add production in the No. 5 spot, according to first-year coach Bert Emerson. who comes from College of the South, a Division Ill school in Tennessee. for which he was an assistant for two years and also played. Emerson, 26, who teaches English at Sage, said he will work with the pitchers and infieldm. He said he has already suc- ceeded in instilling a greater de- gree of discipline and the players have responded to his request for a stronger work ethic. Additional pitching help is u - pected Trom junior left-hander Jordan Salinger. as well as Loper, sophomore David Pacb.rd and freshman 7.ack Sh.ockley, Emer- son said. Junior Matt Kornswiet and sophomore George Dempsey, who opened the season at first base, will handle the catching chores. while Loper helps so- lidify the defense at second. Packard and Olff Swanson, a senior, are both expected to see time at the hot corner. Salinger. the projected leadoff man, Is the front-runner In right field, while junior Ou1s Olfbou- ca." is Emerson's choice ln center. ~ hntan 1.ach Milder, who has impressed Emerson with hJs ath- letic ability, Ls expected to battle )union rtay Um and Peter ll dedcin for time In left 6eld. Jun:Jor Mau San.font well as lre&hJnen Andmiv Wlnterman, Brendan MAngnltz. k'yte Ramer and Mlchad Morgan are ex- pectc:d to odd d pth while gain- ing run'I for the future. ·me t gtunJNJ coounu tea prclcague campaign tOdsy wfth a douht b der chc Carls· bad-b Army Navy Academy , ---~--·-----· ----~----------·----------...... SPORTS DllyPIDt r BRIEFS CclM rolls over Monarchs -~ DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT UCrs Wendy Gabbe is emotional after coming out of the game. 'EATERS Continued from B 1 with the territory. ·c:oming into this season, knew my role as a senior was to lead the young players." Gabbe said. •rve been instilling a hard wort ethic. I think I made a dif- ference this year to come.into this season prepared and it really helped throughout w C:Ourtney Ferguson. UCI 's sophomore guard who came off the bench and scored 13 points. looked to the future with excite- ment. UCI Continued from B 1 past three seasons. The teams have been separated by a total of five points in the last four meet- . ings. UCI has won three of those. Desmond Penigar, the Aggies' star forward "-vnio scored 24 points, got behind UCl's defense and scored on a break.away dunk with 19 seconds left to give Utah State a 59-55 lead. There ap- peared to be a breakdown in UCI's defense out of a timeouL With 36 seconds left, Utah State's Cardell Butler drove the lane and hit a short runner over Adam Parada to give Utah State a 57-55 lead. Then UGI senior guard Mike Hood. under heavy pressure, missed a three-pointer and the ball went to Aggie Spen- cer Nelson,· who called a time- out Hood thought he was fouled. ln the mayhem during the closing moments, UCJ freshman Mike Efevberha missed a three- pointer and Butler nailed two free throws for the winning points. Hood. who had been a thorn in the Aggies' side. led the Ant - eaters with 14 points. The Aggies reached the11 fowth straight Big West Tourna- ment Oiampionship game. It figured this one would be close. The last time these two teams met. Hood bad to hit two free throws with 1.3 seconds left to give UCI a 59-58 win. And. earlier in the season, Hood scored the game-winning bucket. a seemingly improbable scoop shot to beat the buzz.er in overtime for a 75-73 win. In Friday night's game. the Anteaters went up, 45-35, with 14:35 left. but Utah State came right back. The Aggies went on an I 1-3 run, capped by Toraino Johnson's three-pointer, which bAlugbt Utah State to within 48- 46 and prompted a UGI timeout with 10 minutes left. The Aggies eventually grabbed a 55-54 lead with 4:42 left and the teams bat- tled back and forth down the stretch. UO junior forward Staruslav Zuzak. who &cored all 13 of his Bil WMt TOUl'l\lf'Ml1t Semifinal UCS8 13, UC lfvine 50 ua -Gabbe 17. Callaway 4, Yadon 0, Faulkner 8, Green 4, BlgglN 0, Sturgeon 2, F-ergueon 13, Usher 2. 3-pt. goals -Gabbe 3, F-erguaon 3, Faulkner 2. Fouled out -Yadon. Tedmlcals -none. UCS8 -Richardton 11, Mann 7. Taylor 13, Hansen 16, Fisher 15, Bonds 4, Willett 9, Caine 2, Sarr 6, Pertclns 0. 3·pt. goals -Hansen 4, Richardson 3, Mann 1, Willett 1. Fouled out -none. Technicals -none. Halftime -UCSB, 46-29. points in the first half, proved to be an lmponant factor. He started in rus firs1 game since Feb. 22, when the Anteaters de- feated University of the Pacific, 78-73, in overtime. Before UCl's next game, at Cal Poly, Feb. 27, 1.uzak went to Coach Douglass and asked to be taken out of the lineup. lie com- plained of pain in his heels. but it wdS clear his confidence had been down and Matt Okoro re- placed him for the next four games. But then came Friday and Zu- ~ re-entered the starting lineup. He shouted into the air and pumped his fists after each three-pointer he drained. This was a high-intense game. The early moments had all the makings of a heavyweight bout This had been the matchup the Big West was hoping for the past two seasons. as the squads have been the class of the conference and the top two teams prior to this year. UCI went on a 13-2 run, fueled by Hood and Zw.ak. Hood nailed two straight three-pointers and Zu.l.ak scored seven points in the run. After Utah St.ate scored, to cut the lead to 23-14 with 7:56 left, Hood answered with another three-pointer. Mark Brown, the Aggies' point guard, swung back with a three-pointer. But Zuzak then hammered home a three- pointer for a 29-17 lead with 6:03 lefL Zuzak hit 3 of 5 from three- point range. while Hood netted all three of his treys. UCI built a 32-17 lead with 4:25 left, but the Aggies closed out the half with an 8-0 run. trailing, 32-25, at halftime. llaW..T~ Semlftnel Ubh St:ne 11. ua 66 lJQh Stnl -Penigar 24, Johnson 10, Nelton 4, Butler 12, Brown 5, Rosa 5, Hema 0, Puay 2, Evans 0. 3-pt. goal• -Penigar J, Johnson 1, Brown 1, Ro11 1. Fouled out -none. Techniul1 -none. UQ-Zuzak 13, Harrit 10, p.,.~ 9, Gtoger 0, Hood 14, Baskaulltu 0, Etavbert\a 3, Okoro 0, Ethington 6. 3-pt. goals -Hood 4, Zuzak 3, Efavbert\a 1. Fouled out -none. Techntcala -none. Halftlme -UCI, 32·25. Sea Kings maintain unbeaten status in 15-3 victory over Mater Dei. •TENNIS: Corona del Mar Higb bays tennis standouts Gar- rett Snyder and Car.sten Ball each had hard-fought singles battles with 'Newport Qeach mlident and Mater Del junior Xael Van't Hof decided by a tiebreaker Fri- day in the Sea ICJnp' 15-3 non- league victory St Los c.aballeros Racquet Oub ib Fountain Valley. Snyder, a senior. defeated Van't Hof, 8-6, in the tiebreaker, while Van't Hof prevailed over Ball. a sophomore, 8-6, in the tie- breaker, after Ball had rallied from a 2-6 deficit The CdM doubles teams of Bryan Warsaw and Brennan Roberts. as well as Wesley Miller and lssei Saida. swept for the Sea Kin~ who improved to 4-0. Mater Oei fell to 4-2. CdM hosts Woodbridge Mon- day in another nonleague clash. ~ CdM 15, Matw Del 3 Sin91es -Snyder (CdMl def. Van't Hof, 7-6, daf. Danae, 6-0, def. Burrows, 6-1; Reitz (CdM) lost. 2~. won, 6-0, 6-3; Ball (CdM), lost, 6-7. won, 6-0, 6-0. Doubles-Warsaw-Roberts (CdM) def. Nguyen-Williams, 6-4, def. Herrell-Miles, 6-2, def. Gonzalez-Lam, 6-1 ; Mlller-Saida (CdMl won, 6-3, 6-2, 6-0; Gingold-Nguyen (CdMl lost. Hi, 6-4 (sub Pham-Glngoldl won, 7-5. UCI men win, 4-3 • TENNIS: UC Irvine's men's tennis team edged visiting Port- land Universlty in a nonconfer- ence match Friday, posting a 4-3 decision behind the play of singles standouts Jon Endrikat, Zoran Korac, Brian Morton and Eric Yandoc at Anteater Tennis Stadium. Yandoc. playing in the No. 6 singles slot, clinched the victory with a 6-2, 5-7, 6-2 win over Pe- ter Mislcovic. UCI improves to 10-7. The Anteaters return to play March 27-30 at the 24th annual Ant- eater aassic. Nonconfaf9nca ua •. Potttand 3 Singles -Endnlu1t IUCll def Malacek. 6-7. 6-1, 6-2; Korac (UCI) def. Borvanov, 5-7, 6-4, 6-4, Monon (UCI) def. Hernandez, 6-1, 6-4; Borchard (Pl def. Biortman, 3-6. 7 6, 7-5; Redpath (Pl def. Surapol. 6-2, 6-2; Yandoc (UCI) def. M11kov1c, 6-2, 5-7, 6-2. DoutHes -Endrikat-Morton (UCI) def. Hernandez-Borvanov. 8-2. Borchard-Redpath (Pl def. Korac-Prentice, 8-1; Malecek-Garrison (P) def Williams·Surapol, 8-5 UCI women win • TENNIS: The UC Irvine Anteaters' women's tennis team improved to 9-7 with a 5-2 non- conference victory over visiting Central Aorida Thursday, with junior Tiffany Oiang Jeadling the way at No. l slngles at the Newport Beach Tennis Center. Also with wins in singles were Anna Bentzer, Amy Tranckino and Kristina Boss. The Anteaters will return to action on March 23 when they ta.Ice on the Nebraska C:Orn- buskers. UCI will also begin the eight-team 6th annual UGI Spring Invitational March 23. Grossmont wins, 6-1 • TENNIS: Defending state champion GroSSJllOnt College COLLEGE BASEBALL Grossman, Bears powers past Anteaters, 8-7 UCI edged in 12 inning in first of three games. BE.Rm...EY -Junior catrher Chris Grossman hit two home runs and drove in the pme-wln- riing run In the 12th inning lO l&d Cal to an 8-7 nonconference baseball victory over UC lMne Fdday. His ninth·lnnlng fWO-n.tn ' home run, alter fou1lng off nine consecudve pitches, send the game Into extra innings. Grosaman's effortB. 4 for 6 with a double and Cow-RBI.I ln add.I · lion to the home rum. ovenhad- owed a 12-hJt UGI attuck. which included a two-run homer by Man Palk in the tighth Inning and doubles by ~ Wallll. Chrla IC:lemm and Jon I lorwftt. HorWltz'• two-run double hlgb)Jshted a four·run Courth·ln- ' ning. NoacN ...... Cell.lJa7 UQ ~by~-7 12 2 C.I JOO 000 202 OOI -I I l Swan.on. Ai.cot (7), ~ (9) end wtgner, Brown, TelbOI (8l, tngmn (8J. Pldglla 11) Md Gft*men. W -PlldOett. 2· ll -Fninctt, ().1 28 Wafila IUCO. Ki.mm IUCll, Hofwtu (UCI), Nicholeon (C}, Oro.man (C). HA -Fe.tit (UQ), -**'on (C), GroMtNn IC) 2.. proved ltt bWing Friday, knock· lng off Oran~e C:Oa.st, 6·1, In a nonconlerence women'• tennis match shortened due to duk- neu. Freshman MJcbelle Weiuki won her last two sets to gain the only win for Coa.s1 (s.-{, 6-0 in the Orange EmpJre C:Onfer- ence). Freshman . Rachel Ses- swn won the only othe~ game for Coast Friday.. "They are teal good competi- tlon~WhJch is g~ for \18. • said Coast • C:Oach Janice Maran about playing Grossmont Coast begins. the second round of OHC play Tuesday when It faces Riverside, which ls second to the Pirates in the conference standings. Estancia dominates • · SWIMMING: Estancia HJgh's boys and girls swim teams both recorded blowout victories Friday in a nonleague duaJ meet at Santiago in Gar- den Grove. The Eagle boys won, 127-19, while the girls posted a 129-29 margin. Sophomore Richard McElve- ney, senior Frank: Gamboa and Cllad Kunnert each won two events to lead the F.agles (3-0). Anthony, Hennann ( 100-yard breaststroke) and Sean Good- man (100 bunerfly) each took one event Friday. Santiago had only one swim- mer place in the top three in in- dividual events (second in the 50 free). Kunnert won that event in 24.9. On the girls side. senior Lihl- ni Keenawinna, Jayme Fay and Marilyn Reich each won two events to pace the f.agles (2-1). Keenawinna. Fay and Reich each were in on two of the Eagles' sweeps in the relay events. Coach· Bob Bandaruk said several girls garnered personal records Friday, including junior Brilla Pitti. who shaved four seconds off her time in the l 00 buuerny to touch in 1:22.89. Vanguard sweeps • SOFTBALL: Vanguard Uni- versity swept to 4-2 and 7-2 nonconference softball vic- tories over visiting Dominican Friday to improve to 15 -5-1. Marciea Ball spun a seven- hiner for the win. Jill Jessen had a run-scoring double and Lisa Jackson had an RBI-single. Krys tal Keltner had an eigh1- hitter for the win in the night- cap. Jackson was 2 for 4. Lightning wins first • TBNNIS: The Sage Hill School boys tennis team earned Its first victory of the season Friday. topping nonleague host Ocean View, 17 -l. The Ughtning's No. I doubles team of senior Mark. Ramadan and freshman Ara Demirjian led a 9-0 doubles sweep for the visitors ( 1-3). Ocean View fell to 1-4. Sailors bumped • VOlJ..EYMIJ.: Newport Harbor High's boys volleyball team finds itself in a t.hiJd world of sorts this morning as the Sailors continue the San Diego Tournament of Oiampions in the consolation bracket at Fran- ces Parker High. Newport dropped its opener Friday to Long Beach Wilson, 14-16. 15· 7. 15-10, defeated Basic of Las Vegas, 15-2, 15-6, occ Continued from B 1 ·1 knew we weren't going to continue to shoot ~ for the rat of the pme," said OCC Coach Mike Thornton. Freshman Alisa CarrOlo hit six free lhrowl down the atmcb to hold off the Slue DeYtb. who were led bY • seCond-balf surge &om Rataya Wlllla:ms, who ICOt:ed 21 ot her pme-hJF 'J:T point.a ova a 10-mJnute stretch pannJna both Hal Carrillo led the 8uCI wtth 20 poWI and added four n!bound&. SoPMmore eancuce QUiroi net· led eu i>olntt oa ~ol-6 ahoOdng in 10 mlnutee o( ic'tfon. • A ttlo Of three-polnten by Ui Mendc>u MIJ*I Coillt sr11b tN! tiiuty ectp. Mendoa lnlihed With 14 point.a on 5·of-t0 lhoot- -1 .. , ... , '" . .. ... JOOAY • ... 21 -Chrittlne ~nald Orange Coatt College w.ter polo, '01 21 -CMttlna Geurin Orange Cont College Soocef, '01 then lost to Frances Parter, 15-9, 15-10. Mike Toole (13), Ol.ad Rorden (12) and Nedim Pajevic (11) were the kill leaders in the opener. Rarden (six) and Adam Schlesinger (sill) were kill lead- ers against Basic. Nick Glassic had sill kills against Frances Parker. Coast pounds Mesa • VOllBYBALL: Orange C:Oast College's men's voUeybaJJ team defeated host San Diego Mesa Friday night, 30-19, 30-23, 30-28, in an Orange Empire Conference match . Setiam Allah led the Pirates (10-3, 7-2 in the OEC) with t2 lcills followed by Poyer Poia's I 1. David Doxey had 28 assists and also tallied four solo blocks and- two service aces. Paul Pomroy led Coast with nine digs and PoUi added eight. • Dane Gilliam coUected four blocks. San Diego Mesa falls to I -8, • 3-9. Cd.M wins twice • VOLLEYBAlJ.: The Corona del Mar High boys volleyball learn went 2· l in pool play Fri- day to advance to the champi- onship division of the San Di- ego Tournament of Oiampions. The Sea Kings, playing with- out 6-foot-6 Stanford-bound senior middle blocker Eric Jones (sprained ankle} defeated Capistrano Valley, 15-5, 15-10, then handled Grant ofl..os An· geles. 15-5, 15-10, before being topped by Mt. Carmel, 15-10, 8- 15, 15-6. Sophomore Kevin Welch had a team-high eight kills against Capo Valley and shared the team lead with senior brother Bart (12) against Mt. Carmel. Senior Miles Yourman's seven kills led the team agalnst Grant. Greg Gabriel had a combined 43 assists against Capo Valley and Mt. Carmel and Brian Brin kerhoff was another consistent standout for CdM, which be- gins double-ellminatJon play today at 9 a.m. UCI falls in four •VOLLEYBAlJ.: The UC Ir- vine men's volleyball team, ranked No. 7, was defeated at No. 3-ranked Brigham Young, 30-17, 30-25. 28-30. 30-23, in a Mountain Pacific Sports Fed- eration match Friday. Jimmy Pelzel had J 2 killa and , Jarrett Jensen added IO for the Anteaters (15-7, 8-7 ln confer- ence). Jaime Mayol led BYU with 18 kills to help the C:Ougars Im-' prove to 14-4, 12-3. The two teams battJe again , tonight at BYU. ing from the field, including draining 4 of 5 from beyond the arc. all four coming ln the first hall The sophomore forward also grabbed six boards. Men:ed, the nortb'a No. 2 seed. turned the ball over 13 t1ma in the first 12 minutes, allOWing • Coast. the south'• No. 3 aeed. to • tab a 24-1 O lead. l • SPOR1S Wtdly, M.veh 15. 2003 11$ HIGH SCHOOL SOF I BALL PREVIEW St.arting off strong Giffin, Mejia coach a veteran-laden Sea King squad. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot OORONA DBL MAR -A com· parison between the pl.ayen\ making up the Corona del · Mar High softball team and the eoilcbes oveneelng their play yields an intriguing juxtaposi- tlon. Next to a team that has seven seniors and returns a core of the nucleus that qualified for the CfF Southern Section Division JV Pla)'Ofls a second straight year sits co-coaches f.d Mejia and Ra- de Giffin. Mejia will begin his first full season after taking over last year following the team's sec- ond Pacific Coast League game for Yogi Johnson. who resigned due to medical reasons. Giffin, 27, enters her fi.rst season coach- ing alongside Mejia, and has coached at the high school level in Utah beglnrung in 1999. •everything Is going weU so far," Giffin said. ·The girls are very receptlve and want to do well" CdM returns seniors Lauren Loe (second base), pitcher Alissa l.oelle, right fielder Melanie Cole. c:aLcher Amy 'fyson. Brianna The Sea Kings Lauren Loe Sr. Alissa Zoene Sr. Mefttnie Cole • Sr. Amy Tyson Sr. Brianna Jones Sr. Raeleen Galvan Sr. Jackie Manning Jr. Kianna Jaye Jr. Annika Gaar Jr. Sarah Stem Jr. Heather Lohnnan So. LaurnnGega So. CcMloac::hes: Ed Mejia and Racie Giffin Jones, left fielder Raeleen Galvan along with juniors Jackie Man- ning (shortstop), IGanna Jaye (third base), catcher Annika Gaar and outfielder Sarah Stern. Sophomores including Heather Lohrman, who should get the nod in center field, along with pitcher and second baseman Lauren Gega, give CdM added firepower for a run in the Pacific Coast League. CdM finished tied with Costa Mesa for second place in the Pacific Coast League last season. lYson gained first-team AD- OF Southern Section DivtsJon IV bono.rs bitting a Newport-Mesa leading .463 (19 for 41) with two home rum, two doubles, two tri· pJes and 14 runs. As a pitcher. 'fyson went 4--t with a 2.50 ERA before having her season halted prematurely after getting hit in the face with a line drive while in theclrcle. . Zoelle ma.,de first-team AD·PCL for a third straight i.eason with a 6-4 record, Including a no-hitter or Estancia.. and a 2.15 ERA. She hit .367 ( 18 for 49) with rwo home runs, four doubles, four triples and scored l;! runs. Loe aJso made tirst·team aJJ. league with a .450 batting aver· age (18 for 40) with rwo home runs. four doubles, two triples and eight runs scored. Stem earned honorable men- tion aJJ league. •1 th\fUt we'U have a very good hitting teaJtl,. Giffin said. ·IGan- na is amazing at hitting and fielding and Lauren is very taJ. ented. ·Amy is an awesome catcher and Alissa is a good pitcher that can play anywhere. Heather pro- vides speed on the base paths." Giffin said softbaJJ players in Southern California are more polished than they are in Utah. She attributes that quality to the ability to play year-round here. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TRACK AM> FEI D PREVIEW Eagles ready for Golden West Estancia enters new league with unknown label and talent in several events. Steve Vlr1en Da~ly Pilot COSTA MESA -Before the Fstancia High boys tr.1ck and field team left the Pacific Coast League last season, the F.agl~ started eyeing the competition in the Golden West League. What they found was that the Golden Wet.t, which they wiJJ enter this season, i~ virtuaJJy wide open. Santa Ana. Orange and Wet.t· minster are considered the fa. vorites, but with Estancia being relatively new to opponent.!., the F.agles could very well have the edge, or disadvantage. ·This league is more com petitive (than the PCL), • said Charlie Appell, who coaches the long distance runner... ·Any given day. some team can beat the other.'' Appell said the F.agles are ac tually more team·orit:nted ll!> they prepare for their new league. 1\vo or more athlete!> have taken leaden.hip rolei. in their respecuvt' event:. • .ind 11 The Ea les Matt Cachola Sr. Alex Cahuantzl So. Ulisses Cardena Jr Martin Diaz Jr. Panfilo Elles Jr. l\belFlores Sr Jason Johnston Jr Gary Jones Jr Abdul Kaivum Sr. Bubba Kapko Jr. Nidt Koreerat Jr. Joey LmdQuiS1 Sr. Francisco Morales Sr. Ian Morton So Zadt NO'llak Sr Gerardo Orozco Sr. Steve Pedroza Jr. Humberto Rojas Sr. Scott Sankey Jr Mitt Stevenson Jr Matt Zid1 Jr Sean Zidl Sr. Coach: Steve Crenshaw Assistants: Charlie Appell (distance), Haven Barns (sprints), Frough Jah1d (1umpsl. Jeremy Villa (throwsl has helped ui the mei.ll.ing process, Appell said. ror exam· pie, senior Humberto Roia.s has done such for the long distance runners and for the rela~. Rojas will be one the Eagles' highest point-getters this sea- son. His leadership is expected, not only lo the dis1.ance events. but for the entire team. ·He needs to step it up: Ap· pe'lJ said. WThat'i. what he needs to do, and he knows It.· Rojas' experlence should abo be beneficial for Fstancia. Ille senior has elevared his athJeticibm each o( the past th.ree years. ~1 season, he broke through with a rags-to·. riches-like story in the 1.600 meter... He quallfit'Cl for the CIF <itate prelmunari~ as an alter nate, yet he finished second m the evenl to advance io the '>late Finals brealong hlS own 'iChool record and fim~etl in 4:14.71. lbe T:.agtes have ~mor Joey 1Jndqlll5t in the discus. Seruor Zack Novak. excels m the high Jump, whtle Abdul KaJyum's fo cm 1s on the 400. Nick Koreer· at, a 1umor, i.huuld be a force in the '>prin~ and Junior J~n Juhn!>tun wiJJ be looked on tu gam pomt~ in the hurciJ~. Junior Hubba Kapku. who played football. will compete m lht' tllru\\ ... w '>Uppon Und· qui'>l. 111e di'>lam.e event& '>houJd be one of l· • .,1ancia's fa vorite with HuJa!>. '>ophomore Alex C.ahuant7j and '>t'mor Abel F-lore.. Policy Ilow to Place A .....-----Deadline~ --- Rates and deadlioe.s arc subject to change without notice. Tile publi)\hcr reserves the right 10 censor., ~cla.ss1fy. revise or reject any classified advertisement. Plea~ repon any error that may be Ill your cl~.s1ficd ad immediately. The Dady Pilot accepts no hab1hty for any error 111 an advertisement for which 11 may be rcspom1blc eitccpt tor the coi.l of the space :tctually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first mscn100 CLASSIFIEIAD Mo nday ..................... F-mia) 5:00pm Tue~day .................. Monday ~:OOpm ANNOUNCIMINTS & MISC. By Fax (949) 631 -6594 tPl<a\C' 1ncludr ~''" ~ Mld ph(>M numbct .alJ """II ,..i1 •oo hat~ ""•lh • prkt 'IU()(t I Telephone 8 .30am-~ OOpm Monday Fnday ••Ht40 By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours Index .·., .·, ~- By Mail/In P er son: no Wc:,t Bay Street Co~ta Mc,a, CA 92627 At Newpon Hlvd & Bay S1 Walk-In 8 10am 5 00pm Monday·Fnday Wedm.::-.da> .............. Tuc,d.ty 5:00pm Thun.day .......... Wednc~.t) 5:00pm Fnday .................. ThuNia> 5 OOpm Saturday .................. Fnda) 1 CX)pm Sunday ....................... Fnda} ~:OOpm l 'ndvr thl' Se1YiL'L' Dirl'ctory B~1nncr GARAGE Slll I • lllHSIO IUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2305-2490 SOOS-SISO llpl Malca 2MO ...... ..... 2MO l.1111 Malcll 2'40 ....... ....... -Llpl Nalicls 2MO llgal Malica llSCIURDll0.--15 A mcuT101OflllancomcaOf111 an Of llWPOlf IOOl ll<IAm m imrno1toawT1IU&10Awwa11S11SS • PllMBT ll19CT FOl111R5CAlTUIOfAPll1, 2003 TOIMOI SI, _.,Al9111 T11ml A9NCIOf AMK ...._ WMUIAS IN Bel~ Vtbte Bu&IMU Improvement Oistnct 111u esl•bhsllecl In 1996 putauant lo the P•h•nc end Busineu lqwo-ni Area Lew of 19t9. C.hfOfni• Streeh end H•P.•rs Codi. S.CllOfl 36500 wt S«q. (h«tin•lllf tlM ·Acn. wfltdl reQUltn •n annu.al 1epott to IM f11ff •nd "l>f)l'oved by the City Council tor each llsc•l yellf, •nd WMPlAS, I~ AdvlSOIJ Bo.ard hn .,.-ep•1td an Annu•I Atiporl lor fosul Ye• 2002 2003 whK.h ~ on hie In lhe OtflCll of ttM City Clerk. •nd WMlalAS, Illa Act requilu tlM City Council to decl•re its tntenhon to levy .tnd collect 1uessmenh w1th1n the Business IM91"ow..,...nt O•slttc:t IOf the nut flKlll 1Hr NOW, TltUU0-.1, lhe Ctty Council of lhe C1t1 of Newpo1t Beach resolves H follows kcffM 1. The Annual lttpof'I filed by Ult Advisory 8o•1d b het'eby •PPfond The Annu1I Rfl90tl cont11n1 • description of kCompli.lh1Mnla dutlnc 2002 2003 1nd a proposed buct,.t 10< ec:llv1tiu to Ii. provlckd !Of 2003 2004, the •ru boundMtu, ind th4 111nu1J UH~nl wllhln lh• District ~ I . The City Council h4tf1b1t d«l•res 11 intention lo renew the Business lmp<ovement 011tr1ct 10< th• f11cal yHt °'Prll l, 2003 to ~rch 31 , 2004 pursuant to the Act s.ct._ I . f he bovndllr es of the b~uwftt zoM •• on the 81lboll Penrnsult betwMn A Slrfft throuah COf'onaOo Street, u Mt forth with vutlf 1P«iflclty In the map attached es Exhibit A end Incorporated hlteln ~ t . The City CGunclt Intends lo levy 1nd Impose 1nd order I~ collfc:tion ol • benefit usnsment upon persons conduttln1 bus1-1n the District Such beneftl uussment llh•ll be as follows: A. 81nll1 11nd flm1ncl1t ln1tltutlons th•t ue exempt from City business license rec11t1llon1 sh.aH be usessed $500 I* yofil. I , lnJ1.lf1r>ce ... ncift lhtt .,, U•11'19l lrom City buslneu hcenM llOJMttlons aflllll M assessed $250 per yHr <. l'enons op1ntln1 one of llM totlowlnc types of businesaH H •n lndot1><1ndent contractor In •n tslllbhshment owned by 1110tl\tr IMf•on dl11U be eompl from tllb aunsmenL 1 Heir stythts 2. N.tll IKhnkllns 3 lte•I est1t1 ._..,,, o. The 1ues.sment for ell otltw bvsJMsn. •llflln tlN Olstrlet llld be 100 IMfUnt ot tM .-.ti bullMU llconu Lt• es 1ta~ pwMl.tnt to Chaptw ~ 09 of tM Munlc:~ Codlt ~ s . JN MMttt •~lt WI !It 'o~te4 by tlle City In -1nnu1t 1Nt.ii-nt. wttll cokt.,. IOf new bUllNSMI Ill the Obllitl on the .. , •f tlle llMl•nte of. Mline&l llc:-.,, the Cltt TM-· IOI' -llV'lftnMa illall IM tto rettd 1eccwdq lo die m.tmbtf of fut -ths 1~iftt lft ttie l)lstoct't foctl )'oar s.dtee 6, Ole pen.itJ. for Nlonquent pa11n&nb alltl be lwtt\ty •-""""' II" month, Pf ovW11>1 CNl UM f*lalty to lie eddM lllalt 111 no ellllftt u~ .,.,. """•",.,cent of tlle •-' _, ,_ s.ct'-7. ""_,..., -· tlllfl 0,.. ........ wtthVI Ult 0.trld WI°""-.. ,~·· lo OIJ .... ----"' .. lfll ljfl"t "'_,,.• • tlld all .. k •••m,t frOfll eue-ms °" eddltJolleJ IMn wtthln tl>e 0.tr!C1 s.cttee I . Tiie 1,,...0¥11ntfd1 ind Kliwtl• l• be fvl\dff .,, ..._...._fit• ti _ I IMlvdl ll'lly Ult followll!J; l MM••tlfl&. ll4Yertkln1 and l"'Mk r...,uen1, • 2. lfoc.t!uft ~l end dbt11but-. I. l'r°"'°'-lon of pubic'-''' th•t • 1 le l9't piece Oft°' 111 1111 p!lbllc: 11'-111 Ult •ea. • D.cbi•tlOfl ., '"'' "'* 114K• tn tM v..; 6 1'111118 tfM ~~h tn• IMlllttllMC. t<:l.WllS; & Tiit IMt'al pr-lion of retAtll lleClt ICtivltiN • 1£ fT ru1mci. ltCSCX.¥lD, "'" tllt Ctty Council •f ttie C.ty or ""'°'' 1 .. c11 .i..11 coMuict • !MIMc .._Int ... •c11 2S, 2003 ti 100 pm . ot u too11 llltct•ll• M th1t tntttef NJ be Mtld, Ill ttie CovllCll ~' 1Kat1141 wt !JOO"""°'' ~•Md ...... ftO#l IH<H, Cllllfor'"' al ltltkfl tlmt lhe COUMI wll lie.Ir .. 111t•• ... ,_..,.. W • ..... ll>e blM~1111 t of ti. 01 ti11;t. the eatent of ttl• DtttrM.t ind lM tP.«lfk ..,.,_ of '"'Ptll't1Nntt Of Ktfvlt to N ._.. •1 tM '""9flt HUUIMlll l'fttnts '"'' .,. ~ °''"' °' If\ wrltllla. but If"''"·"· .............. tiiltll Ille City CM\ ••• ~ .... ttme fl~of ftf IN HoMlfll 11141 cont1ln 11fflc11.nt M<u-•t•UOn to ..,.,tty bnlMH •WW*"'lt •ftd wt~ ttM t>wtK• ll'Ot•t It wi1tt1n tlfOtul tr• rece,.td •r tM -• Ot ........... wld\ln tfle Oiltrlr.t ht INY fifty ..,r•t iw -• lM total 11 .. ISl'lllnt• to be '"'lell, nn fvt"'-f ptOt ...... 19 Ill I•-lM 0.ttlct htll 1141 t•llt11 fOf • l*IM of OM .VIM frffl the 4111• !if t"-flf!ditll of • m.lur1lt r.•lftl bf the City Collncll. It tM ll'•l':itlty jlrttjj\I it _.,., ._.., IN t.llhhl of • lltM<lflc type 01 tyllff of lltiPfO.,.m.n • °' ~t1v1tr w1tlllft tht Oitlrlel, t~ t~ •f -·-h ., actt.ttm .... ._ -........... ,..., ...... ,,.......,. ................... Oittftct ,....,... .,_ .............. h ~ ...._...,......,, • ._...91'4 ,...._. 9Ndl,c....,,...,tlllM; , ...... <Mt>M4·1m alJ Qlfll .... UUM .. ,.....,... lit .......... Iii .......... ..C. Ill t ........ el ........ c.U. M ....................... ~ ... ,.. lllt' •11 .. hllittftlctM1!1111-....,_.. ........ P .... 11114 ...... lieflMCltyc:-.def ... ~ .. _..., ... , ...................... 1 ......... .. Rm 111~a. .. .-,an Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) ca-. Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 2MI ...... MClllcm 2MO 8u1khn~ and klbfl'Ct lo the modrfoed p<ov~ns <•) ltdo Thuter (~!19 v .. lido>. (b) ltw Balboa Th«1let (707 [ut B•I bo• Boulev111d) (c) the Port The1lre (290!) hsl CoHt Heflw•y), and (d) the B•lboa P.tv1llon (400 M.111 S11 .. 1) NOTIC(. IS HEREBY numtER GIVEN lh•I l.IM an Of llWPOIT llACll Fi.I~­...... IMTAlmfOI• .... PW •>naOf PUUWl: Amendment hu been I I •co revttwed. •nd It h11 ....__.,~ bffn determ1ne4 th•I II ~ is u\eaork:allr uempt Nolle• b her• 1 c•~n unclef Cius !I (MinOf th•t The City ol Newport Alteralk>ns In land UH BHch os olfllftnl for ll I ti ) t th publ!c ult to the heaflnl me • ons 0 • Bl....... via s..led bid, requltemanh of the ~ whlornl• Envilonmentat the swplus •utomotove Quality Act diernostlc equipment NOTICE IS HEREBY described herein in fUAlHER GIVEN that •cc;ord1nc• with the said pubtlc ht•lftt wolf statef l•ms •nd con be held on the Utt! city dotlo111 The II'* wilt l>e of ••• toeJ. 1t the 1tUlved et ttM 1'11r· "°"' 111 , ... '"'" .,, Ille dlaslftt Ofllu, C.I ~ ol CounCll Cflamben ol the lile•pott De1cll. unhl Newpof't 8ucll City Hd. t 00 AM on Wffnnd•Y JlOO NeajlOtl &oule• the 9tl\ of Atlfl, '°°3 van. """°'' 8adl. Ettuot>f" Ill IMludn. C.lifernoa. •l wtuc.11 time Snep•On I A It t1 ...... .. h lmiUloll An• and pl.U a11p a..., IJ•. °'*"'"lie (flCI II«-111'-rntof mer ,.,. ...... " wl OIO • .,..., 111141 ... ._. -· tlltreen n )'CKI cue.n. lntertec:•, and M.ttl• tMI lllfttKt ltt cowt ,.. tbowe 11..,nl Oyna- _, IM kllllteill tor--. "7"'.J:· to illf • ti 1111)' ttlO&e ~ .,.. ., ~ ... ...._ ~ -.... ,.., •l -~· -..... -~ the pullllG llHflftl :. -:-.:c:= ...... IM4 "' tNll llllliea ·11~--• ill wrltlP SONI • ·-~· .....,. .... '··~·' ... dM Cltr'rtt "* to .. ~-.. c.e1 ,._~ p~tthc ~ari.!11. 'ru •I "'11) .... ....,. lit. Int~ ,.. (M!) _, ..... -.. .t: .... 3100 ~ ............ .... G!{ .. '-"-a.:t.._· ~A". .. ~ .... °' •" , ... to.tied ,. •• ,.,, (O ~ ................. l<N<h cma.. Mn• o.ay ~,...,..., 1'119\ ... ,,.. u .. ~, .......... = .... <Clli!ID .... ..... tletGI l u 1160 TOP$$ 4 UCOIU>S nc mz. C11aK.. Ek 50s ~ 111' a. MK. ~ w. ~ Melle 949 64!1 1!10!1 BITERTAmlfl tnllllrof EWllb 1S10 EGULa. ..,.., All rHt esLtt• ad'nr· '"'"' N'I lhlS ll••~*POI IS ~ubjlet to 1118 F'edtfal fall Housenc Ac1 of 1961 as •mended •hlch m•kn it 111•1•1 to 1dvt1t1M ··nr Pftf• 111 ce ltmltetton or diuf-1111io11 btlll'd Oii IKt, Colol llllrtOn Ml, llandoelp 11"""81 status or 11111-.1 CNIPI. Of .,. Int.'-to lllM• .., wdl ,,...,ence. ·-·· hon"' •~•""' •llCI• • .... .,........,., .... 1101 l-•"IJY acc._t MIJ .....,,_,.., ,... tst•ta wlllcll • .. ~-ol ttle lllw 0. ..... ,. ..,. ..,.., iorior .... di.at .a ._. -SS......,~ ...... .................. ........ ...-1...., !lab Te C.....-tf O' .......... ..., .... .... ti I.too 4.14.eeD OtdM St"8 F1lmlbn l'IAHOSi~ ·-·-·-·-·C-.-$SCASHftAmM ................ "-- _ ........ .._._ca.,., -·-c..- ,. ' TODAY'S CROSSWORD £UZZLE 12 13 =ta 1489 Lost 1505 ANTIQUES _H_U_O_l~,A-.-.-,-N-G~l-0-T ~l-O-ST~w-hl-te_a_o_ld_1_n_d_ SAU incl Antiques, dlemond braclet. orainlal ut. framed NewportBHchREWARO mirrors, hand cratted 94~73-1002 1ewelry •nd moc-e from Its Alt About Me. De· s11ner fabrics •nd Antiques from Sweet Pu, And that shllC>PY chic loolo from Bits And Pieces Fri, Sat, Sun April 11 ,12,13 from 9-3 660 W 17th St park1n1 lot. iust past Trader Joes. F0t mfo C.lt Its Alt About Me 949-646·3069 to 1011 l•p•rtor U.,ttlot._ Classical dlnnttwlf• patterns from Derul1, lboly. Wholnalt pqces! 333 M11foc-d Dr. CdM «-sa.w .. ) SAT SUM 10-4. ._.... Wo s.t ... ,,. Furniture, iewelrr . 1p- ph1nces, kitchenware. clothes. books, mirrors knickkmtcks1 2SJO LlltVi Pt CM @ F•.Mirbar loy S.:euta Yartl Solol NI/Sot 7o-11SO, HlVJ Y•d Sale! IOlba f.NI, cltt'4. ~ ..,.,t. furn. LOS Ouch. 8>1 OoY9 ,_ <-ol 161M)!Mr) 0 Calllornla lew re· quires th.ti contrac· tors lalllnt jobs that tolAll S500 °' more (lebor or metarials) be locanMd by the Contractors St•te license Bo8td. State law tbo requires that con tr ectors include U-lie:-number on .. ~You cen cNc:k Ult status of rour lic:enud co11 tr1c tor 1t www.calb.ca.1ov or IOO 32l·CSL8. Untl· centad contractors tallln1 joba th•t tot•I less thin $500 must alate in their •dwtrtlumenb t111t they .,. not llc:MH4 b' the Contr•ctors Stat. llc:on9 8oord • •••• a R1•1•114 HEAi.TM SERVICES Hlldl:IUld s.vtca/ E.tillpmlnt 2535 .......... ~ You may quMly lor I Jazzy P~ Wlle*t\llf et no cost to c· 11 .. 20>-GM LEGAL SERVICES AdopUon• Fomrtare Servtcas 2650 v ........... ~fh*..C.. Th.n In! CNS 100,IXX) chlcten In u. US wm-c b a home. ~ i.., older brolhln ...... lqJt4tw. T..-...&F11111~ Info-meetq I 25 6:00-7~ !I() s Analan Blvd. '241, Anahlllm 714-517 l!ll> 8111-2$-4543 A TO Z HANDYMAN Install. reface c1binets KllclwVbllv'~ rrdtrw,.:;; 714-546-7258 .~Uftlh. Custom Built Ins, Crown ~~·Bue Bowds U5 949-709 5642 Cll,.eRlpaW/Sala ~CAllPn~CAUIT-t; Repau, P1tchln1. Install Courteous an)' &la Jobs Wholeultl 949-492-0205 Conalll&Maanry lrtdlli.diS9-Tlle Concrtta, Pillo, OrMway flreplc, BBQ. Rtf'L 25Yrs bp Twr)' 114-557 7S94 TIMc-.•-c.mentwo<11, Brldl, Tift & More. Reliable No lob too amell 949-SU 6746 CWJCIF..,._ ' ~bSlle 3"0 lmWs T...,._,hl &W,.T'Y sa..&w. Saturday, March lSth. 10 30am·Spm Sun March 16111. 101m-3pm OC Fairaround 88 F;tw Or Bldi 14 Cosl1Mes1 200+ Olrs 760 434 7444 Stovo 1950 O'ltoefo & Merritt 600 SorlH 40'' width oven, broHer, & &rill Immaculate $2000 obo 949-673-0944. GI Prefllo -''-/•I• Ina w/icemkr, indoor water/ice clnp & HP puH down atass door for bevera1tes. white S4SO Sears Kenmore d1a1t1I w•~ & dryer $300 2 Vint;aee cement prdln den SU5m !l&Jm.1610 ~ NlfD MOii IOOM' ADOf'OONS & REMOD£1.WC Ll 577982 949-709 5642 Oellllap Pl*llNng T I O I YOUllHOlll tanOVIMIWT HOJICTl Cell• plumbef, painter, handym1n. cw anr of the arut servlc:es listed he<• In c>ut serVICO dwectorrl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOf'lE CAN HELi" YOUTOOAYI Bridge By CHARLES GOREN *'OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WUICLV BRIDGE QUIZ Q •• AJ South. Vulnenble. you bokl; •\Wit ti A7Ul o &1153 • ltt5 'lbt biddiM baa oairded; • 1017 <:i AJ 1153 o U~• ,.5 hrtni:r opeftS the bidciaa with one no crump. Whal do YoU ~? f.AST' sdlml pr Wl!ST NOllTR 3• .... .... '* Q 5 · Boch wJnenble. IS Soudi )'OU bold: •l'91l ti J 7Ul o Hl •l .... 1 What do you bid now? Q 2 • AJ Sooth, vulnerlblc, you hold: . . •KQJ7 <:i K84 o' •K763l The biddinl has..tlnx:eeded: NORTIL 1.ASI' SOUl1I WF.ST 10 ... 26 ... lo ,_ 1 Whlll do you bid now? Q 3 . Boch vuloenble. you bold: • 763 o QIS o QU5 • AQJ Pittner opens the bidding with one diamond. What do you respond? Q 4 • Neil.bet vulnerable, you bold: lo<*. for amwen on Monday. HOME FURNISHINGS f'1llTllln 3t35 7ft "-t Ceudi White, brocade upholstery. alnt cond, $200, C11lbransen Console Piano aooct c:ond S500 949-1154--8208 JEWB.RY I 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c_.tCel•Neech Old Corns I Cold, sliver, jewelry. watci-, antiques collectibles 949-642·9448 3610 HOMES FOA SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY ..__JV--. _ ..._ OCIANfaONT --.-1----NlW llMODU WWWM•• .. ietwortl.ora $679 ,000 Pm"' Publlt wMnds AOT. 5949.72s..a 120 F aslmn ldlrld 949-644-2219 ,_WAY lot marmw ad/ COiia Mesa -.. klltlrls .... homes. 9496B<Mll MISCB.lMEOUS MERCHANDISE 3855 AU STlll IUllDINGS 24x30 wH S7.900. sel S3.!m 29a50 was S13,!m. sel $5,980 49x90 ~ S26.!m. sel S12.!m 1st Come lst Serw! Wall (8X>) 3'J2·11m mll:llb~- Offko ......... 3 Offtce suites. p<1me NeWI>« t Bch loc by .. CllJLne, uli Incl S350/lno 96-6«). 7883 ..._. ...... 620sf and DlJ ( CXllT'llln! or sep). Gtllill loc. opei ' sy. --lnl AYllil now 9f9.67'5.5475 CANNllY VtUAGI 410 32nd, Newport Beach. 4 ISsl ret111/commerc11I. S7SO/mo 949 673-0346 UCINUD CONTUCTOlt No IOI> too sm. ,. Mr1llcesl Rep•lr, remodel, fens, ,,., MW SVC 941Mjot5.JllJ6 Of'llUUN 1-4 1s.-....v1 ••• 3br 2.SO. DOACHlD sine lam home Hi ce1rs. crown moldin&, shutters Bose wund system HIKICID TO $499, 999 Mary Fewel Re/Mu 949 646 9670 ........ 1·2, ~+2.56a, 2Br+18a. ~"' condi- tion. 180 Costa Mesa St S749,0XI act. !M9 9J3. 6786 Of'lN HOUSE SAT-SUN 1-4 962SUllllnWAY REDUCED S7Sf( Outstendln1 oc•an vltwsl 4br 2 Sbe 3 declls, 2 c11 atleched 1ara11e Sl,320,000 John Farrow ReMu 949 322 O'J32· TltoDfffor-a.- 8-AIU ' ti~. tre """ C90, .. ~ -.i & tMlltt f!!IP 9'9 51s.a24 f1clortnWJ11t Tr90 Sonlco, Y11d OJSTOM mA1M ft.I Cleenup, Maintenance, ~ sll& cw-. Spflnkltf Repair, Heuhnc llWtiM.. stona. .... lt7S (!49} 650-8711 l::~~ll-9961 ......., Repou!Jft & Ins::::= ............ TILE OENf 949-673-8065 "°325 71~3m IW9TIUll MIU.P'S RuowOOis We'll Underbid hwyonel ~iibtttMv1Walill•c 909-681-6664 25 Yra, Lifetime warranty U763144 714-SOl-4933 CENEUl. IFllUI 61WN111WU .. ~·CalniftW 0 '"" 1bo """' ............. t.ee ...... 2W29J Udolsle ..... Ml. S 17 Vlo Udo S-tl, Of"IN SUN 12-4 Built by Jo• E Brown 1n 1931 only reme1nln1 3 + 4 towe1 estate on entire Island, 4br, 4ba. thrH sto<1n + towet 3 ur 1tar. pvt dock for 2 boats It 1s a t •c01tn1z able landm•tk $3 3 m1llton 949 497 8471 760-742-4200 lASHlUff llAUTY 2100 VISTA LAREDO 4BR 38A. remod kite & ba. Plant shutters, E • panslve view of areen belt. Turnkey priced reduced to $599,900 All Hamel Kall ~-'El09&mGl89 _.............._ .. Gwpaoa&I l9 2be wllbnry, '*"" windows. doors. ,_ '"*' lltxurld w*1c:ah. aa.i mot*lrc. clest&J-s tile, patquet ~ Ind nut! nu9 ~~I HllliW' y...., ........ • 48a holRI. ~ re-build on areenbelt, 1t<tmeroorn. pool. spa, IM!lbM'. Mle celer 47'l2sf VRM $1.9 • $2.199.876 aat Shm1 9&637-4001 a no ,_ condo Back Bay close, on 1treenbelt, upper unit w/b911w, cdl -. 2c pt ~ ~$424,876 aat Shm1 96Q7-«Sl mlHISTATU PATllKK TINOttl IUTIONWlOI USA 949-8$6--9705 www patncktenon com l eoyHew~~I "THI HQOHTS" SPUWING 1-STOltY JUST USTID AGT. 949-723..a I 20 .............. 20101 OftW 5*.6+& 5.5&, S6J4 st. $1.25 Mil Stoller 9"9-251 9'44 .__.......,, ara l.d9Cl83 IOllNSON COMPANY Kitchens, Wall&. 8attnom1 Merk 949-6S0·952S llMTAl..ffUSiiiiO FOR HONEYOO'S y()U( honey won't From Elect lo tho IUtdWI ,.. !M9 548 !ml Hmf Ing IUNK TO THI DUllPI II 714 968-18112 AVMA8LE TOOAYI 949-673 SS66 AIT151 909--681 666' FAUX I OE5'CN O<IAll & a&Y Wfiri ....... -'1• .... Ht ..... m-a ... • Everyday Is 8 great day In ClassHledt ·Be a part of lt, place your ad todayt (IMO) 6'2--5678 D YES, IBL MY CAR Run your ad in the Newport Beach-COsta Mesa Daily Pilot I I <Jy and the I r., Huntington Beach 1 Independent to r-:-:Pto='le:-_________ __ reach over 1 I Oden o...:: o W>A o *X 100,000 homes. . " Fax us this form Qdf.m!tUrb!r Em'- with your credit Ptmta.:tPlrtrwia. card # or mail •--• Modlf--- with a check g:~ g =. g~"':.. P11ce ----o--0-• I 0-0..-today! o...... a-.. c~- D • ..... a--a--Run for a week! o.11rc:.-oa....a.-a--a~-oc-oo.--lf your car does 0 ""-0 -..-o-.-- not sell, we'll run it for another week FREEi All for just $20' . L Mowing I SIDr1ll HST MOVUS SS9 /Hf se.-vlna 111 cities. Insured fHt, courteous. cere1ul. Tl631144 800 246·2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Cali! Public Ut1llhes comminion 1tqulrH that aN ~ llo11sehold aoods movers Pfinl tllolr PUC C.I T number, limos ind clleuffeurs print their T C P number 1n ell 1dv•· b,_nls tt YD41 hne 1n1 questions ebout tllt ••a•lity of • mover , llmo of chauffeur, c1tt: PUB· LIC UTILITIES COM- MISSION 714·558· 4151 .. , »ftMlllCln ....................... Newport mom _.. •blo for coolllna. ~-ship. """ ~-4"C.•,..... etc.... GrHt loeal ,.,__ ge.m1335 ....... 0 h' ~mom wal-eble for cookina. companlonshl!>, fcht ~.,, .. etc... CrHt local ,...,_ M!H2D&'JJ6 ll\\fl\,, .. , l lH• INDEPENDENT Pllltlr'•• a aao .,.... ............... R~. Rooni AddiQon, Petchma Re11oneblol 114-921.1641 S>4-0mer ........ an apartment throulfl classtfied ax Matters :Jath y..-111...tna Fedlnl & 8tllt9 .. BuelnMa & ~'TU R.tume ~-... ~=~ Depoeft ,. _. •• ........,.,.com : ••• _...,.,.com ,. 2052 Newport Blvd., Sutt. 16 Coeta Meu. 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AvriA ~ . .,...... ..... c..w-1 ..... ~4 .............. s.- vlmlh Ln. 3Br z.sea. din, LR, IJria COl.rdllr txJps. jKuzlj tlb, 2c ,,. • a.-. s..a-..irm.~ mo. aet. 9&:?JD.0:1ai .... .... lovely fsde 3br Z!iba, FR. din, F p. SfR,with lraMe counl8rs, 2c pr, b8diyard. s:Dllrm. AvliA "-9&759-3726 Huntington Beadl '-Y • 15ba SfR. hdwd lh., rooftxlp dedl, laund 11ue>. 2 c p w/sta. stUD>~J!lXl Irvine Uolehyfw-- Slr 21o u200. yrly 626-2a2-77Jj . 626-297-6262 Newport Beach IAYBONT ON LIDO PENINSULA NIW 21r 21• conAGIS Priv•le Beach, Pool ind Sp• W..lk to Ocean, Shops 1nd Rut1ur1nls. la•se 6/mo-2 yr•. Boat Slip Av11l1bl• 710 UDO PUil DL 949-673·6030 Of 949-723·5830 SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR A PET For Only $19 You Can Help. • • Ale you an animal lover? Herc's a grcac way co express it. Sponsor a pee phoco on our special "Save a Life" page publishing on Thursday, March 27, 2003. Your sponsorship will secure a space for a photo of a pee who is available for adopcion and needs a good ho~e. This special page has saved hundreds of lives all 'Over the scace, thanks co people like you! Be a pan of saving a life and feel great abouc doing it. This page is presented in conjunction with local animal shelccrs and Newport Beach Animal Conuol Services. For jusc $19, you can add your own special thoughts under the pet's photo. It will . display your name as the sponsor of this pet, or you may include a loving memory of one of your own cherished furry friends. SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR FORM Name·.__-----------~~-~~----~ Address-·-~------------------ City: State: Zip-· --------- Credit Card#· Exp_· ---- Signa,~·""--------------------Phone (optional):. ________________ _ For check. make payable oo: Daily Pilor Tm to appear in space below photo, 20 characters or less. ~ Choose One: CJ In loving memory o·.1....-------~------- 0 Spomorcd by.~----~~~----------~~_, Mail this form with yqur check of' credit card information to; . Save A life, % Daily Pilot, RO. Box 1560, Com Mesa, CA 92627 * YIAlllY * UASIS BILL GR\JNOY RCAl TORS 949-675-4161 NP Hts t1 quiet studio w/smd loft, ~itC!heMtte, shued laundry Ast $1100 949-673-7800 Ull9 M a-. S 2118 twrtm. Udo, pello, 2 c ... wd ~. 4 comn ~ act SlfM 949.fn. 7!lXl TWiillftl 2iW 21/JM 2<M" •ti 1•, beach close, avail now Slll50m, 868 Hlly•d 949-631-5106 Dave lb 2111 2 c pr. frplc. bolt s1ii> IVlli. Patio on Wllllr Slm'mo °"1 ~ Cell 9&817.91D! llr 21e, St_.,. te s;;;f, Newp«tSIMrH very d-~ s22007-. 949-258-1 11t ·, *L«1• st.r 2'9 up· stairs, duplu, new p1inV carpal, Ip, wd, approx 1/2 blk lo SIQd. $2400/ mo+ dep. 714-745-1330 layvlew Terrece Gated detachted house 2br 2b1, 2·c •It 11r. /VC, no peb $2400/mo 949-760-1219 ........ Hb Er 28.a holM ~ rornod. Ip. ~ 2-a. pr+. $2.!DWmo. 221 Pamer St 9'&63H6lll .................. Lih 2Sba wfretre.l IR pted oomm. w/pool. ~ pYI y•d. UXXl{mo. st Plr1Jdl T enora, 94!Mi56-IJ.ltl> rilliif a no twm, 1r1 b8diywd w/)lc, ~ quiet·~-.. MW $321XVrni>+ set. Awl I ;d LI{•-• • , Busy """"°'1 8-:tl Re8I Estlla oftb S+-)f'S exp Pl (~) Slllry 'c:om- rnensunte w/exp. F •• ~M9-47S-2177 llCIPTIONIST P tr t time, for Newport Be1ch florlst. Customer service up reg. 949·67!1·229'2 Vil IKIPTIOMIST with uperlence. Busy phones, bo1rdln1 & •1>1>· tolntmenls, lpm-6:30pm 6 every other S1turd1y. Back B1y Veterinary Hospltll 94!j.7sg.0554 W..ti ._ .__ S!'JOO. Sl!mt1o Pl )-6 ~,,__ ~21)..~,... f,.. Btodlln 81l1M196-1.G .\f15,i03. 949-956-2522 ............ u..... -Newport Coast ·-Nl-IUUIUUI_..,. __ _ e2la 2SA CONDO 2 a1 p , lrw. wd, IVlli now '*"' aJlml ~ 9& ;!A&.7832 or 949-500-1223 a Di T 1JSC10Y style c:onclo, Fp, 2c p , lmmed. Occupmq. S2650mo. 9o& 640-8841, 949-.J)G.2526 c..to ___ ...._. ha fuU·time opanlnc for 1n up'd A4ieWl1nlttve A.•11'-f. SllMY TBO f u resume !M9-S46-I 145 IOOltllllf'INO Prof '*'8 ori n /l'T. respon llO! far busy 1ccounts ,d1pt. ~ ' ICCOLWltirw blck&round, self-stlrter dlJ-1. 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Sll.9!;, 7147512.1164 Merce••• '99 U20 MomRycla - 31k m1, whrte/if•Y lthr, HONDt\ 2lllOO SMIDCJIW, mnrl. chrome whls. lUXX:X:, blllcll. orll!y 5(1) beaut hke new cond, n.-s ...oi xtrm:l allilX> v572241 $27,995 hn mi PfMlle Psty n~ 8llt 949-586-1888 -1 " .. , _ Clwy.Jw •97 MW-. Conv LX36, 42" ml. drli Mere•••• '9t SS20 met1lhc blut/lf•Y lthr, LWB 52" m1. 3 yr win buut Ilk• new cond, n1ll, 1llver/blk lthr, v29252117995 flnenclnc buut orla cond, "875241 & w1rrenty avell, Bkr. S27.995 fin1ncin1 av11t 94•-5*6-I ... Bkr 949-586·1888 -.:z=a.ce. -.-...L.-•liiliii-iliiiiilliiiiilll ·~ , .. s.o Sl BOATS whrt1/t1n. 1mm11c ~ ~~ 714~~ Powwloltl 1515 ......... ~ LS 1001 Dwffy c.. 16 1IO Mnool, i.ttw, el Grephlc pk1. remote utru. like MW. orlJ spotllcht. elect •nchor, -· ~. Sll,9915. CO stereo, flsh1nc cll11r, MuT.n pp 714-97'.Mi.l315 swim l1dder 6 cockpit cvr. less lllan ~ im .. ,_ '00 Pldt .. Ht !WW. 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Space &. copy Deadline: Match 20, 2000 -spni Publishes: March 26, 2003 Release Deadllne: Marth 21, 2003.i"" Noon can today1 Ann Willey at 9t9 674-4249 or fax your ad to 949 631-659t: ' I l ~ t I I . I ~ l I I \ I I ! I I I I I ~ .. q w waw Pee a e y ... • 4. Now ls Your Chance To Buy The Vehicle You've Wanted . At Tenns You Didn't Think Were Possible! PRE-OWNED SPECIALS OF THE WEEK 'llPOlllAC '9610YOJI '01 POl11IC 'OOPOl'llAC .... SUIRRESE CAMRY SUIRRE GRllDlllSE c:ARIVll Auto, Air, ntt. CD, R$Jr Aulo, Air, Leather, Power Auto, Air, T1lf. CD, ABS & Auto, Air, Power Group, Auto, Air, 21td Slider, Spoiler & Low Miles/ Group & Low MilesJ Rear Spoiler. CD, Alloys & Low Mn.I Prtvapy Gia#, c.u.ette a (812389) (690868) (191096) (510515) Low Miles/ (558100) s7 s7 s1450 80 s1097 •PllllK '02UCI '01 vw 'llPOlllAC ... ,.., &••PlllCT CEllURY CUSTOM IEE1lE lilS FllElllD EXPLmllSPT ~LMJher. """' Group, Tllr, Cruisll, LMllNH, Air, Power Group, V-6, Auto, T./JarRoof, Pwr Aulo. 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Power Gn:q>, AU!b, Air, Power Grcx.,, CD, ABS & Spc/IM. CD &LoWMllal (155333) (961342) S11480 811960 'llCAmlAC •POITllC CA11111 .... Power Group. Latl»r, Auto, Rear Air. DcJ# Mocntoof. CD & Low Slldera. Quad &Mltlng & Milelt/ (002478) Low,,,,.., (285360} S13875 s1 940 '9CllEVY mURllll LT 414 5.7L V-8, Rew Air. l.Mlw, CD, POlllW Groc,f). Tow