HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-17 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotS erving the N ewport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2003 IN BU.SINESS Toshiba. blows .in, bringing tourism windfall TOSHIBA_ Chedc out our Toshiba Senior Classic special section. For highlights and whom to watch, see Page AS City's hotels, restauran ts a nd stores prosper during the two-week go lf tourna me nt. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -The nearly two weeks of prepara- tions. buildup and playing of the Toshiba Senior Oassic should in- ject millions of dollars into a somewhat torpid local tourism industry, business leaders say. revenue and valuable exposure for the city by the cable 1V cov- erage. "It'~ a very soft tourism market lal the present timel,H said Bill Gunderson, general manager of the Newport Marriott & Tenni') Oub. "lbe benefit fof the event! to local tourism is phenomenal. We benefit directly and indirectly." F.stimates vary as to the spe- cific: dolJar amount generated hy the event, but some thing~ can be quantified. rooms. Newpon Beach hotels pull in $700,000 in revenue from the event, said Marta Hayden. execu- tive director of the Newport ~ch Conference & Visitors Bureau. The event also generates $300,00<l in revenue fro.m sky- boxes at the Newport Beach Country Oub, $150.000 in food and beverage revenue ~or the club and $50,000 to the Marriott for hosting a Tuesday breakfast with golfer Ben Crenshaw, I lay- den said. "It's one of our signature evenLc;," Hayden ~d. "It'~ going to be well an ended." For other business news. seePageA2. '---~ --------' Hy bringing visitors to the ho- tels. diners to the restaurants and shoppers to the retail cen- ter.-., the event generates direct LocaJ hotels, for example, have booked about 3,000 "room nights" from late last week though Sunday. Guests of the event, tour officials, golfers and caddies, out-of-town sponsor-.. member'> of the international media and others book these I loag I lospital. which organ- ize~ the event and hands any FILE PH010 I DAll 'f Ptl ('\T Hale Irwin doffs his hat to applause of the gallery as he walks up See TOSHIBA, Page A6 the 18th fairway, Toshiba Senior Classic 2002 Victory in hand. --1 It looks better on soine Contestants a re dancing, singing, jo king and fl ashing to be nam ed winner of pub's fi rst Sexiest Kilt Compe tition. Coral Wilson Daily Pilot W hile dancing his best jig in an intense. last, tie-breaking effort, Marl: Palrick I lenne~y thre-.y up his red tartan kilt to reveal a pair of green St. Patrick's Day underwear. The panel of five women blushed and burst into laughter. But in that instant, they made their decision. I lennessy was deemed the winner of the sexiest kilt competition, which was held Sunday at Muldoon's Dublin Pub and Celtic Bar Sunday. "No song in Ireland could have changed that result." firM runner-up Nicholas Jordan said. Jordan had told jokes, sang an Irish song and even kicked up his legs to beat his good friend, but as for the color of his underwear? "Virgin white," he admitted. People gathered in the entranceway, filled tables and looked on from the balcony 10 get a peak at the 16 sexy men in skirts. Nine and a half hours before St. Patrick's Day. the event kicked off the first of what organi7.ers hope will become an annual event. Accepting the gold trophy that will be named after him in future years, Hennessy took one look at the statue's red cloth kill and then held it against his own. It almost matched. I lennessy was even born on St. Patriclc's Day. The five panelists were Irish expatriates Olivia Tracey and Aileen McKeagney. Irish Americans Shannon Gibson and KeUy Fitzgerald and "Irish at heart" Marissa Schwartz, who "grew up in Muldoon's." Schwartz's parents started the Irish pub almost 30 years ago. "What does sexy mean? It is not just a physical aspect or component, it ls more like who owns that kilt," event coordinator Richard,.Kaplan said. Minutes before the competition, the panelists discussed their criteria: good legs, charisma, a sense of humor, charm. swagger and a mix of traditional and personal style. McKeagney suggested they have participants show some legs. do a quick jig or imitate a Scottish accent SM KILTS, Pqe M MARI< C DUSTIN I DAILY PtlOl Nicholas Jordan sings an Irish tune about an Irish man who discovered Amerlca in the tie breaker for first place in the Sexiest Kilt Competition. THINKING ALLOWED ' How the Westside has won -my heart W hen I was lookjng for an apartment in November (aft.er a roommate horror atory that cOuJd 6.U I.his entire newspaper), I aU but lgnQred the Westside. I had heard numerous complainta abOut the no!Je. the tratnc, the bliatll. the homel tt\e loitering~ worter.. the alme. the patfitf. etc., end I had drtYm up and down Pla«rtda and Ptxnona a\'ffiua ind 19th Street. I Wlthl rNOy intdelted and I couldn't ewiri dord It. The c:hiillpdt thinl I round WU I ltudlo on 19th and Pllceoda '"""9 ror lbout. MOO. So I bind a plii&ll on lhe FAstafde. The aJde t · ~up on. The stde my famUy Uws on. The side that would allow my 110n to attend NeWport Peach tchooli. lt 'wM also the side wtth • vet)' ed«tl( nm ol hom with needy manlaired LOLnA lawna In front Of HARPER ~pWple~ natdoorto• •·mt mado ~built. bkSCk -.Y frame... Mil IO a Group home owner will ask council to reconsider City used wrong standard when it denied her request to add 2 clients, owner says. Deirdre Newman · Daily Pilot ( OSTA MF-\A -l:leanor Manion 1'-a per '>i~tent womdn. The owner of a sober-li\1ng group home will a..,k city leader\ yet again w t-xpand hl'r dtentt'le after gelling rejecred tWlce -unu by the Planning Commir»1on and oncl' bv the Cil} Council -on ~larch ·t On Mondav. l\lanion will a..,k rhe ( It\ Council for a rehl'ctring ha-;ed on rv.o INSIDE For more on tonight's Costa Mesa City Council meeting. see Page A3 lhatge'-. Lhat the Lit\ < .ouncil applied the wrung legal <,tandard 111 denying the UICTl'a'>e in d1en1.., and that tt failed to compl} \\ith the law ~1anion al..a c,aid c;he will pmvtde evidence <.upponing ,her clcum rhat thl' "JX•t>r ~Y'lem" 1'-es..,enual for recovery. rhe city ,., t>mbmilt'd in a law<>ult against Mamon for already exceeding the number of clientc; c;he is allowed to havt'. Some neigh bor. have made numerous complaints about the trash and other unpleasant itrms '>trewn on their lawn<,, aJl~edJy from client'i of the home. in the 3100 block of Cork Lane rh~ neighbors remain adamant that the dientele should not he expended because the property 1s not maintained properly and the home po<,es a threat to the ..afety of neighbors. "We will not wane in this area." said Kelly Smith, who has led the charge against ~ expansion. "We're not going away. We will fight arduously. We will continue to be on top of this issue. We have children that we're f\ghting for. We want to reclaim our neigh- borhood." Dove Cottage is in a neighborhood of Irish-named streets like Killamey, Umerick and Kerry. Four-leaf clovers hang from some homes in preparation for St. Patrick's Day. The cottage is a modest gray house with a SM HOME, Paa• M Daily Pilot I AT A GLANCE ON11EWEB: --.·dli\;~arn WEAJHEll Oouck. """ and Mid. S.PIPAZ *""' occ end IDUmlmlnt MVP ... HMMNWln ............. Meli .. .. cNmplcM ......... ... CoNr9 Colli. ... ,. ... ,...Alo --A2 Monday, Match 17' 2003 YOUR The Daily Pilot's weekly ·report on local businesses . .. BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT . DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Julian Whitaker stands next to his hyperbaric oxygen chamber, in which patients undergo treatment in lieu of surgery. .. Providing a substitute to Surgery P•ul Clinton Daily Pilot F or more than two decades, · Julian Whitaker has been offering clients his brand of alternative medicine, via the route of vitamins, oxygen treatments and other methods off the beaten path. Whitaker, who founded the Newport Beach-based Whitaker Wellness ...... Institute in 1979, has argued that hls therapies are better than surgery, at least for heart disease, arthritis and other painful ailments. Whitaker says he thinks that surgical recommendations are usually a business decision, not a medical one. ·No swgeon is going to say you aon't need it and stay in business," Whitaker said. •Ninety percent of bypass surgery isunn~· Instead of the knife, Whitaker offers the chamber. Patients sign up for a week's wonh of Newport Beach-based alternative medicine institute has been taking on conventional wisdom for mor~ gifln 20 years oxygen." Reclining on beds inside deep-sea-lilce steel chambers. with small ponholes to allow technicians to check up on them, the patients receive a dose of 100% oxygen at double the air pressure. At sea levJ?I, people breathe a coclctail of 20% oxygen and 80% nitrogen. Other items from the treatment menu 'are chelation vitamin injections, acupuncture, reflexology and prolotherapy, in whk h a vitamin fluid is injected around joints to reduce pain. says the treatment improves circulation. A weelc.long treatment regiment of any of these treatments, which costs between $4,000 and $6,000, 1S designed to keep the client Cree of drugs and surgery, Whitaker said Whitaker, the editor of Health & Healing. the nation's largest health newsletter, has also been a thorn ln the ~ide or the Federal Drug Administration. He won a major victory as a participant in a lawsuit against the federal agency in 1999, when a federal appeUate court judge, supported a Whita.ker--supported claim that producers of vitamins and supplements could make certain ·health claims• on the labels of their products. Over the past decade, Whitaker has participated in half a dozen lawsuits challenging the FOO authority to ban claims on product bottles. These cases are still tied up in the courts. • ~~ents in a hyperbaric oxygen "1'Crulmber, where they are given "pure Whitaker also offers a treatment known as Enhanced External Counter Pulsation, where the patient is wrapped in a body stocldng and undergoes compressions of their legs. Whitaker ·The agency's policy is not to comment on pending litigation,• agency spokesman Jason Brodsky said. ,, .BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS William Lyon Homes sells ~250 million in convertible debt William Lyon Homes said Thursday that ~rinwy subsidlacy had sold S250 million lb convertible debt t The notes. issued by William Lyon Homes d.:; at a 10.759' interest rate. an payable in 2013. , The Newport Beach homebuilder expects di sale of notes, which will trade on the ffew York Stock Exchange. to close Monday. , The company said It wtD use the proceeds of sale to pay off higher-inte~·rate debt, including the existing 12.5% rate notes. UBS Warl>urg U.C and Salomon Smith Barney Inc. are underwriting the offering. William Lyons builds single-family hous- ing in California. Nevada and Arimna Shares of the company's stock. which trades under WlS on the New York Stock Exchange, rose 0.9% on Friday to close at $22.30. File Net Corp. signs deal with Korea· s second largest bank Korea's second largest bank has signed a deal to use a software product provided by Costa Mesa-based FiJeNet Corp. to manage its loan-financing process. FiJeNet announced Tuesday that Woori Ban.Jc. which has a customer base of 13 m.llllon, would begin using the company's Enterprise Content Management soft- ware. FileNet will provide the software via Samsung SOS and Dawin Data Systems, Its partners in Korea. The software allows bank employees to retrieve documents, fonns, correapon- dence and other important lofonnation over the Web. It is also designed to streamline the Oow of loan documents between the bank's various departments. Thrms of the deal were not disclosed. FUeNet trades on Nasdaq under the symbol FU..F. the stock closed Friday at S 11 .60, a l.19' loss for the day. Daily A Pilot eon.t Wilton News Hilst.ant, (9491 574-4298 coral.wilsonOlatl,,,.._com PMC7TOGRAP'HERS 5Mrl Hiller, Don lAech. K.8rtt Treptow Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright No news stori., illuatr8tiona, editol1al nwcter OI' lldvertlMments hefwln can be fWC)l'Oduced without wntbJn pennlaion of copynght owner VOL 97, NO. 76 NIMS fdllaf'9 €1N"'bticander, Lori Ander9on. Paul S.itowltz, Daniel Stevent HEWSfl»f Deepeltwwd'I . Crime end courts reponer, (949)57~ ~.~th•11t1,,,_oom ...._Cnn1r10• Hewpoft 8ud'I ~.,. (Ml5~ Ju,.,. ••~••~"*""°'" · .... ca.... ptofjdm end erMromwlt reporter. (M)714..Q3() f»4Jf dltttoll•l«tffW:COtn a..e........- COlum.-. cullaM re~. 18'91 ~'15 lol1tJ1.,..,.,,.,e111t1,.,,.. com .,..,.. ............ ~I~ rwpofW, (IC9)17oM221 .,,.,.,,.....,...,. ,,,,,,,.., ClO'" Cllt ~ Edi re n reporw, CMI 17~ ......._,.,.Aldnw.aam READERS HOT1JNE (949) 842.fi086 Record your commenta about the O.lly Pilot OI' newt tips. ~ Our add,... 11330 W. Bay St., Com ~. CA 92627. OfTioe hoora are Monday· Fr1dt'f, 8:30 • m. 5 p.m. CoMcdoN r h la the "lot'• policy to promptly con'9Cl •11 etl"Of'I of ~bttAlnce. Pi... cell (949) ?&M324. FYl The Newl)Oft ~ ~ • O.tly Pilot (USPS-1'4-IOO) le publi.hed deify In NMport 8Mdl end eo.i. Me.. tubKriptione .,., eva•i.t>Ae ontv bV eubecnbing to The Tlmet Or8nge COuntv llOO) 252-91'1. In....,. Out.ide of NeWp()ft 8Md'I •nd CO«a Meet, au~ &o die o.ily Piao.-. Wllleble Ol1'V by flrlt ct.. mail fof l30 ~ "*""· (,.... lndude. llClp.tigmtiaWMdloc:*--.t P'OST'MAl'TB'I: s..td eddrwe .,._.,The~ I it!Qoela ..._ Dt1tr Not. PO HOW10~US CirQMdon ~ Tlmee Orenge County (800) 252·91• 1 MMllWr .. ClanllflM (94918'2·6678 Ollptey (949) 842-4321 EdhoNI .... {949) 842-6880 lpoft9(9'9)17.w22l ,.._fu (M)~170 8pofta Fu (Ml &50-0170 E-fn9lt dailypilot.latJ"*-cont Mlill<>llee ... -Olftoe IMl .. 2"'321 .. ... _,_(toet,131-7129 ~b'(Tlril~ ,.._,._. divillon Of the 4lt ~ Tl"*. . C2003 Tlmee CN, All rtghlm JW'*"id Monday, Marcil 17, 2003 A2. BES;T BUYS · . . L'Aittlco Spleridora to auction imports A sUentauction featuring imported Italian antiques is set for Thursday from 7 am. to 7 p.m . at l!Antk:o Splendora USc\ Inc. warehouse in Costa Mesa available include Jobst, Medi, Sigvaris, Juza and Therafirm. Call in advance to place telephone orders.. Open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 400 Newport Center Drive, Suite No. 104, Newport Beach. (949) 644-0065. Up for auction are renaissance revival furniture, Italian ceramics, gilded mirrors. paintings, GREER MORE THAN WYLDER HANDBAGS It's hard to believe antique stone and metal urns. Participants can leave bids, check in later and claim winning bids after 7 p.m. Prices are affordable, starting just above dealer's cost Ten per&nt of sales are donated to charity. Preview the showroom from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. 2940H Grace Lane in Costa Mesa. (714) 751-1475. lanticousa@aolcom. PARTY TIME AT MACY'S Also on Thursday. Macy's and DETAil.S maga7ine are hosting a party fashion event at the South Coast Plv.a Men's Store from 7 to 9 p.m. "Fever: Cochai.ls. Music. Fun." .The event benefits the Sports Oub Irvine's For Kids Only Foundation, a program to help children in need, and the Newport Beach Film Festival. A $15 donation is required at the door. The semi-annual event features 19 designers. including the Calvin Klein Collection, Dolce & Gabbana. DKNY, Ferre Studio. Hugo Boss, Iceberg. MANI, Moschino, Nicole Farhi, Paul & Joe, Theory, Thierry Mugler, Versace O~ic, Versace Jeans Couture and Impulse Designers: 4 You, J Bamet1, NY Based and Sharagano. Famed local DJ Logic will be spinning llve, as models show the season's hot looks. For a reservation, please call (714) 556-0611. ext 4231. You must be 21 years of age or older to anend FASHION FOR A CAUSE Macy's South CoMt Plaza is hosting a breast cancer awareness presentation and cosmetics display from 4 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday in the Main Stcxe, Level One. Ellen Tulcy's Spring CoUection Is featured, and Dr. John S. Unk. renowned breast cancer specialist and author of ·The Breast Cancer Survival Manual· will make an appearance. Makeovers from Paula Dorf cosmetics will also be provided. Proceeds will benefit Breast Cancer Care & Research Pund and Healing Odyssey, a treatment program to inspire women cancer survivors to be strong, hopeful and courageous. Adonatioo of$15 is suggested. (714) 556-0611, ext. 4230. BE KN> TO YOUR LEGS Saw 209' on all compress.ion stoddngs at a one-'day sale on Fdday at Newport Center Orthopedic. Name brands that Louis VuJtton'I monogrammed coated canv-clS L'> still in fashion since its introductio n in 1896. The luxury French company started out in 1854 making fiat trunks and steamer bags. In 1914, Louis Vuinon gained notonety for opening the world's largest travel accessories store on the Oaamps-Elysees. Since Marc Jacobs took over as anistic director In 1998, the company has improved and expanded its selections. Jacobs added a ready-to-wear line and footwear: launched new handbags and accessones collections: Monogram Vemis, Monogram Mini, Darmer Sauvage. Monogram Glace. Graffiti, the Patchwork Collection, and a new jewelry line. With all the new products. the monogrammed handb<Jgs remain the core of Louis Vuitton's popularity. No sales. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday: and from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level Thro. at South Coast Plaza. Z PIZZA COMES TO CRYSTAL COVE • One of Orange County's favorite pl7.za restaurants, Z Pm.a. has opened at Crystal CovePromenadeinNewpon Beach. Z Pi7.z.a Is known for cusrom pb7.as. Patrons can choose their crust, cheese, toppin~ and sauce. Mexican pizza with picy lime chicken. green and red onions, fresh salsa. avocado and cilantro is often requested., as well as the PortabeUa pizza with portabella mushrooms, roasted garlic. green onions, fresh thyme and feta cheese. The pizz.a.s have. quality ingredients. are made with hand-stretched dough and then baked in a brick oven. Traditional toppings are available, too. and a selection of calzones and sandwiches made on fresh French baguettes. The menu also offers a variety of salads and pasta salads. Z Pizza is at 7955 B. Coast Hjghway, Newport Beach, between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach. (949) 715·lll7. • BEST BUYS eppnrs Mondays and mc:s...... Send lnfomlation to Greer Wytder at orwrwy1<»r•yattoo.corrr. et 330 w. Bev St., Cost. Mete, CA 92627; or by fax It (949) 648-<4170. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST lt11 be pertly cloudy with flOf1hwest winda up to 20 mph 1tirough to the ewnlng, wt1h 8Ceftefed thow9ra end a slight c:tt.nce of thunderatonns duting the day. The high wilt be 68 to $6 degl'MI, end the lows wlll be In the 40a. tr• "°' gt"Mt weatMr, but tt'll ~· Tueedey'a tunny Ind 80 degreee ttMlt mud\ ewNter. ......... k WWW.,,.,.~ bv about 6 lcnots only der midnight. AJ night. the combined .... 1l'9et 13!016 feet. A smafl craft edvlsoty la In 9f'f9ct wherewr you boat SURF A high au;f ecMeoty Is tn d9ct. The~ ere• wee bit .m.ller today, but not so .. you'd notice. Rip tides end ator.g-ehcri C:UnMCll .... dMatbed -~.eo bc*d Whh Ceudon. -...-,: www.~OIV TIDES .,..... 1:2<1 1.m. 7:21a.m. 2;1tpm. 8:38p.m . HlillM 1A1f91llOW U2...t'high •\OZtMetow ..., .... ~ Oat!'i Piiot Monday, MM-ch I 7, 2003 Al COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA FYI fiete are some of the ilems that will be d1SCU58ed Ill tonight's City Council meeting: without requiring the additional landscaping. so Mansoor appealed' again. Th&CitY'Council continued the item, upon Crowe's request, on March3. Its purpose~ to help city staff develop transpona11o11 improvement recommendations for Newport BouJevard, F.ast 171.h Street and Eastslde neighborhood.!.. Monitoring ~epon ldentifit·s 1.hangc m traffic condjtion1>, web as cuHhrough traffic from more arterial congestion The purpose' of rhe repon are Lo track rraffic rondlt1ons so immediate respon!>t"S to any significant changes can be made, to identify ways to ease traffil problem!> and to ensure that e.wng problems Ul one area doe!> not transfer problem!> to another area. f-rom all 'treetit wh<>re new data wa., collected, onJy '>even rc'>idcntial street segments intlic.:att'd an increase in traffic tha1 mt't tht· threshold. •WHAT: City Council meeting •WHEN. 6:30 p.m. today •WHERE: City Hall, n Fair Onve •INFO: 1714) 754-6223 APPEAL OF MINOR DESIGN REVIEW ' -WHATTOEXPECT "Well, I just want to soften or break up the Impact that vehicle storage i!> going 10 have," Mansoor i.aid. Hit's Important to the Westside. We talk a~ul improving and ma.Icing the appearance of the Westside nicer, and I think this is a good place ro start." 1wo vacWlcies exist 011 the committee. Slaff ha& received applications from Ma.ck Reader, representing Newport Boulevard bu!>inesses. and Anne Hogan·Shere .. hevsky. repre.,enling f.&tside rcsidenuaJ ne1ghborhnodi.. WHAT TO EXPECT ~taff ~d 1t l>ehevel> the exisung traffic volume' .u1d rnnd1Lions do not require any ma1or traffic control mea'>utC!> at I.ht~ ume Jbe next repor1 will he in July 2004 On Jan. 16, the zoning administrator gave a permit to John Crowe to store vehicles 6utside at Pacific Coast Auto in the 800 bJock of West 18th Street."3ouncUman AlJan Mansoor appealed the decision because he would like 10 see landi,caplng added to the general industrial property 10 Improve the appearance of the location with a 10-foot landscape setback. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS "That seems preny.siJnple, doesn't it?" Counctlman Gary Monahan said. i( l was a betting man. they'd probably be appointed." WHAT TO EXPECT "I think 11\ !>omething we need to lUnunue to keep on top of. but J rhinlc there ha\ lo be a certain amount of mcn:ase to 1us1ify any rna1or chaogt'\: Man.-.oor srud. "!l's not the t-~1t•<,t of situation!>, bur it's .. onw1h1ng we'rt• continuing 10 monllor TRAFFIC REPORT The Planning Comm1Sl>ion upheld the 1oning administrator':. approval On May 21. ZOOL, the City Council formed the Downtown And Eastl>ide Transportation ·Ad Hoc Committee. The P..astside Biennial Traffic Staff detenruned thdt tht· lfll f{'il'>t'"> did not correlaw to any '>pt:nliL panern and therefore don 1 prec;enr any significant lhan>:t: m area 1ratric -< .1>mp1/1>cJ lry Deirdre Newman GETIING INVOLVED • GEmNG rNWLVED runs periodically m the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298 COSTA MESA LITERACY COUNCIL The Costa Mesa Literacy Center needs volunteer tutors to teach English as a second language. People who want to leam English as a second language are atso · encouraged to call. Call to register (7 14) 435-3310 or (7141 545-3445 COSTA MESA MS SELF-HELP GROUP The Orange County chapter of the national Multiple Sclerosis Society has started a new self-help group in Costa Mesa for people newly diagnosed or w ith minimal symptoms of multiple sclerosis, or both. The group meets at 11 a.m. the second Tuesday of every month. (949) 650-7659 COSTA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT Seniors 55 and older are invited to help staff the Westside substahon. Voluhteers are asked to work two four-hour daytime shifts per weelt They would be responsible for answering phones, bicycle registration, fingerprinting. data entry and assisting with other citywide pro1ects. Seniors who can spftk Spanish and English. are also needed. Call for an application Fred Gseclcler. (714) 754-5208. COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER The muhipurpose senior services facility at the corner of 19th Street and Pomona Avenue seeks volunteers who can greet members and the public at the front desk and volunteers for the Resource Department with Excel computer expenence and sharp telephone skills. The Senior Meals program also needs people to deliver meals to homes (9491 645-2356. COSTA MESA SENIOR CORP. The nonprofit organization at the Costa Mesa Senior Center is looking for new board members The fund-raising and policymaking board needs volunteers who will participate in monthly meetings, occasional committee meetings and special projects. Candidates should have connections in Costa Mesa and surrounding communities and an interest in serving the community by helping seniors. (949) 645--2356, ext. 16. COURT· APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES Volunteers are needed to serve a• advocates for abused, neglected and abendoned children. Vofunteera work one on one with a diild for three hpurs a week. (714) 663-.90:M. CRISIS ASSISTANCE libraries -Balboa, Mariners or Volunteers are needed to spend r>ROGRAM INC. Corona def Mar -or in the four hours per week visiting The nonprofit organization is special book closet next to the patients or doing errands for seeking volunte«1rs for its Friends Book Store, at 1000 them or 1heir caregivers in expanding trauma response Avocado Ave. Volunteers are communities near volunteers· program. Some volunteers assist needed to staff the used book homes. (562) 622-3805. law enforcement, firefighters and storn. which is inside the entrance other emergency-type of the Central Library. Volunteers LAGUNA GREENBELJ INC. responders by providing must be members of the Friends Volunteers are needed to assist emotional first aid and support to of the Library and are asked to Laguna Coast Wilderness Park injured or traumatized people. work one three-hour shift per staff and James Dilley Preserve Other volunteers provide month. (949) 759-9667 staff and docents with hiker dispatch and office support. No registration and general public experience is necessary. Training GIRL SCOUTS orientation. (949) 488-0287. will be provided. (949) 588-1414. Gir1 Scouts of Orange Counry needs volunteers who will be LAGUNA SHANTI DISPUTE RESOLUTION trained as troop leaders, serve on Laguna Shanti, an organ1za11on SERVICES special committees and give that works with persons with Volunteer mediators, case lectures, demonstrations or HIV o r AIDS. is seeking caring specialists and outreach classes (7141979-7900 volunteers to assist with assistants are needed to help in a running the front office, variety of mediation cases. GIRLS INC. delivering meals. providing Biltngual language skills are OF ORANGE COUNTY transportation and providing needed for office volunteers and Volunteers are needed to offer complimentary therapies such for mediators (949) 250-0488. educational and enrichment as massage. acupuncture and opportunities for girls and boys. chiropractic care. Lisa Togh1a. EASTER SEALS (949) 646-7181 (9491 494-1446 Easter Seals needs volunteers for LIFELINE LMNG CENTERS ongoing clerical work, programs HOSPICE PREFERRED CHOICE for children with disabirrties and Volunteers are needed to help Mentally ill adults rely on the special events. (714) 834-1111 make a difference in the hves of Newport Beach center for terminally 111 persons and their residential housing. It needs ENVIRONMENTAL families. Volunteers would assist professional fund-raisers to NATURE CENTER them with nonmedical needs support and mamtain this Volunteer trail g~ are needed such as providmg respite for the resource. 10 help visitors lea about their primary caregiver. running environment (949) S.-8489 errands, rt1ading to the patients LUV-A-PET CENTER and weekly social visits. The Volunteers who love to work with FAMILIES -COSTA MESA organization is also looking for cats and kittens are needed at lhe This team of community-based clerical and bereavement Luv·a-Pet Center at PetsMart tn organizations. which works to volunteers to assist with office Costa Mesa For more provide youth and families with duties. Training is provided. (714) information. call (9491451 3272 counseling, family support. 980-0900 health education, mentonng. MASTER CHORALE tutoring, after school act111it1es HUMAN OPTIONS OF ORANGE COUNTY and kinship services, needs The organ1za11on shelters. The perlorming arts organization volunteers 1n all areas (949) counsels and educates abused needs volunteers for computer 574 3976. women and children It 1s lookmg input. t1clcet1ng, filing and for volunteers (949) 737-5242. handling phones (7141556-6262 ASH -MOBILE MEALS ext. 24. Call (949) 642-6060 to help MENTOR PROGRAM Friends in Service to Humanity JEWISH FAMILY SER\llCE YMCA Communily Serv1ces with the Mobile Meals program OF ORANGE COUNTY needs mentors 10 make a lastmg and provide ongoing emergency Volunteers are needed for Protect effect on a young person's hfe assistance to those in need. Both Canng, which provides Students 10 to 18 years old are always seek volunteer assistance socialization and cultural matched with mentors 10 in a variety of areas. (949) experiences to the Jewish improve their school 645-8050. residents and others at Fa1rv1ew performance and self esteem Developmental Center in Costa while developing pos111ve peer FRIENDS Of THE BAU.ET Mesa. Volunteers •adopr a and adult relationships (714) MONTMARTRE fac1hty to provide programming 549-9622. ext 35 The fnends need volunteers who of Jewish content to the residents want to help talenled local on a monthly basis. They muS1 MOZART CLASSICAL dancers perform 1n professional take a TB test and undergo a ORCHESTRA theaters. For 30 years, the fingerprinting badtground ched Orange County's only nonprofi1 organization has provided the Volunteers are also needed to resident chamber orchestra community with quality Russian provide comfort and support to needs volunteers for hdteting, ballet training. To help youth the Jewish terminally ill and their ushering, phones. ma1hng and develop strong disdpllne skills. families. The group sponsors an help wrth receptions. Nominees build high self-esteem and ongoing Jewish healtng support are also being sought for the act11eve dreams of betng a group for people with chronic board of dtrectors. (9491 professional dancer, call (7141 illness at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the SJ0.2950. 241-7424. Jewish Family Service. 250 E Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. NEW DIRECTIONS FRIENDS Of TH£ COSTA MESA Free. Preregistration raqutred. FOR WOMEN INC. UBRARIES (714) 4454950. The recovery center for women The Friends is a support group for with alcohol or other ctlem1cal the three llbraries in Cost8 Mesa JUNIOR LEAGUE dependencies seetts volunteers. To Join, help with fundralstng OF ORANGE COUNTY (949) 548-9927 between 10 a.m. events and help promote librery Tho organization of women. and 6 p.m .; or Joy. (949) 548-8764. programs and services in our committed to promoting community, call C714) 656-4396. volunteerism. developtng the NEWPORT BAY NATURALIST potential of women and The Upper Newport Bay Nature FRIENDS OF THE improving communities through Preserve 1s loolong for volunteers NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY the work and leadership of to assist with naturalist-led tours The boobtore needs donations trained volunteers, is seeking and programs, special events and for book aales. Good quality new membert. (949) 26Hl823. habitat restoration project•. 1ll9 children'• and nonfiction books Interpretive center is at 2301 are especlalty needed. They may KAISER PERMAHEH1"E Univer8ity Drive. Newpon Beadl. be left at any of the branch HOSPICE SERVICES (714) 973-6829. WHAT tS ... QQ(~ ~~ 67oajt? The sin'rt u in tM flavorful broth mak fro m c.ratrll- Jrr. h ~arh moming. ~ ('},unJcs of chirun lmtut and rU'-in our dtlicimt.1 lirOlh. GamisW with dittd avocado and dlantm. ftnisMd lllilll a Jl/V"l.U efftr. h ~ NEWPORT BEACH CONFERENCE AND VlSJTORS BUREAU The bureau 1s dedicated to the promouon of the crry to potential v1sttors Volunteers with extensive knowledge of Newpon Beach are needed. (949) 722-1611 NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY LITERACY PROGRAM 759-1046 or LKSaf(waol.com. NEWPORT HARBOR NAllTICAL MUSEUM The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers a number of volunteer opporton1l1es in the gift shop, as docents or receptionists, With clerical Woft and with fund-raising events. Training 1s provided (949) 675-2355 The program seeks volunteers to tutor adults who want to improve lhetr reading and wrrting skills. NEWPORT-MESA YMCA Volunteers will be cert11ied dunng ._ The YMCA needs a variety of training workshops the Central general volunteer help. (949) Library (949) 717-3874 642-9990 NEWPORT BEACH PREMIERE CINEMA GUILD The Newpon Beach Premiere Cinema Guild. which supports the Newpon Beach Film Fesuval. 1s looking for new members Interested candidates stiould want to help funher an an1st1c and cultural henlage 1n the community and should have a love of cinema and a destre to raise awareness of the film festival 1949> 253-2880 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION The hbrary foundation needs extra hands to perform clerical duties such as filing, organtllng and stuffing envelopes, at the Central Library. 1000 Avocado Ave (9491717·3890 NEWPORT BEACH RECITAL SERIES The Fnends of The Newport Beach Recital Series Guild needs volunteers 10 assist tn fostering music apprec1at1on so classical music will endure. (949) 6444208 NEWPORT BEACH THEATRE COMPANY The company needs volunteers to help with costume design. sewing make-up application set construction, technical help. publtc1ty, stage management and badcstage superv1s1on (9491 NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL FOUNDATION The foundation 1s looking tor volunteers to help with fund raising efforts. speaking opportunrt1e~. pubhc events a'ld occasional office work. (949) 6314143. NEWPORT THEATRE ARTS CENTER A vanety of JObs need to be tadded. rncludrng set construction, ushenng. mailings and assorted technical duties. Scheduling 1s flexible, with e two- 10 20 hour commitment per month The Newport Theatre Arts Center 1s at 2501 Chff Dnve. (M9) 631-0288 OASIS SENIOR CENTER Meals on Wheels volunteef'9 .,. needed to distribute prepared dishes to homebound seniors In the Newport Beach area. The delivery trme is between 11:30 a rn and 1 p m. daily. The center also needs volunteer nurses tor its semi-monthly blood ~ screenings. The center off eta .. service between 9 and 11 a.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Volunteers should commit two hours once a monlh or volunteer on a substitute ~ The center is at 800 Marguet* Ave .. Corona del Mar (949) 644·3244 Come in today lll1d Me wtndow covenngJ that wiJJ always fit pef«tty Tlie Classics Never Go Out of Style. ,. ... ------"!9'"-!I _______ "-=' __ ~-~-----,---.,.------~__,-._,.._,___._ --- --~ • -" AZ Mondly, March 17, 2003 YOUR ' The Daily Pi.lot's weekly report on ~al businesses ·-. .., ' . . BUSINESS .SPOTLIGHT DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Julian Whitaker stands next to his hyperbaric oxygen chamber, in which patients undergo treatment in lieu of surgery. .... Providing a substitute to surgery Paul Clinton Daily Pilot F or more than two decades, · Julian Whitaker has been offering clients his brand of alternative medicine, via the route of vitamins, oxygen treatments and other methods off the beaten path. Whitaker, who founded the Newport Beach-based Whitaker Welln~ ·•"·~Institute in 1979, has argued that his ··' therapies are better than swgery, at least for heart disease, arthritiS and other painful ailments. Whitaker says he thinks~t su ·ca1 recommendations are busin~ decision, not am ·ca1 one. •No surgeon is going to say you Clon't need it and stay in business," Whitaker said. •Ninety percent of bypass surgery is unnecessary. H Instead of the knife, Whitaker offers the chamber. Patients sign up for a week's worth of Newport Beach -based alternative medicine institute has been taldng on conventional wisdom for more than 20 years oxygen." Reclining on beds inside deep-sea-like steel chambers, with small portholes to allow technicians Lo check up.on them. the patients receive a dose of 100% oxygen at double the air pressure. At·sea lev~I. people breathe a cocktail of 20% oxygen and 80% nitrogen. Other items from the treatment menu 'are chelation vitamin injections. acupuncture, reflexology and prolotherapy, in which a vitamin Ouid is injected aroW'ld joints to reduce pain. says 'the treatment improves circulation. A weeklong treatment regiment of any of these treatments, which costs between $4,000 and $6,000, is designed to keep the client free of drugs and swgery. Whitaker said. Whitaker, the editor of Health & Healing. the nation's largest health newsletter, has also been a thorn in the side of the Federal Drug Administration. He won a major victory as a participant in a lawsuit against the federal agency in 1999, when a federal appellate court judge, supported a Whitaker-supported ~aim that producers of vitamins and supplements could make certain "health claims" on thelabelsoftheirproducts. Over the past decade, Whitaker has participated in half~ doun lawsuits challenging the ~ authority to ban claims on product bottles. These cases are still tied up in the courts. • ~~tn:ients in a hyperbaric oxygen • tp'alaDU>er, where they are given "pure ~ , Whitaker also offers a treatment known as Enhanced External Counter Pulsation, where the patient is wrapped in a body stocking and undergoes compressions of their legs. Whitaker "The agency's policy is not to comment on pending litigation," agency spokesman Jason Brodsky said. Jc BRIEFLY IN iltJSINESS of saJe to pay off higher-interest-rate debt, including the existing 12.5% rate notes. UBS Warbwg U.C and Salomon Smith Barney Inc. are underwriting the offering. · FileNet announced Tuesday that Woori Bank. which has a customer base of 13 milljon, would begin using the company's Enterprise Content Management soft- ware. William Lyon Homes sells ~250 million in convertible debt Wtlliam 4'on Homes said Thwsday that \s:l:>rlmary subsidiary had sold $250 million Jh 'Convertible debt William 4'ons builds single-family hous- ing in California, Nevada and Arizona Shares of the company's stock. which trades under WIS on the New York Stock Exchange, rose 0.9% on Friday to close at $22.30. FileNet will provide the software via Samsung SOS and Dawin Data Systems, its partners in Korea. t The notes. issued by William q.on Homes rhc!'at a 10.75% interest rate. are payable in 2013. File Net Corp. signs deal with Korea, s second largest bank The software allows bank employees to retrieve documents. forms. correspon- dence and other important infonnation over the Web. II is also designed to streamline tpe tlow of loan documents between the bank's various departments. ~ 1_'.he Newport Beach homebuilder expects & sale of notes. whioh will trade on the New Yolk Stock &change. to close Monday. I The company said it will use the proceeds Korea's second largest bank has signed a deal to use a software product provided by Costa Mesa-based FileNet Corp. to manage its loan-financing process. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. FileNet trades on Nasdaq under the symbol FILE. the stock closed Friday at $11.60, a 1.1% loss for the day. Daily A Pilot ConlWhon Box 1560, Costa Meta, CA 92626. News asal1tant, (949) 574-4298 Copyright: No newa 1tories. coral.wilsonOl11timu.oom illuttrationt, edltortal mett« or PHOTOGRAPHERS edvertltements herein cen be Sean Hiller, Don l.elld1, reproduced without written Kent Ttept0w permlAJon of «>9yright OWMf'. VOL 97, NO. 76 R£ADERS HOTUNE HOW 10 REACH US THOMAS H. JOHNSON r#M Edlton 1949) M2-tl086 an:ua.tlon Publl1her Gin. Aleicender. Lor1 Andert0n, Record your comments about the The Times Ontnge County TONYDOOERO Paul S.itowltr, Denlel St9119n9 Deity Piiot or news tlpt. (8001252·9141 Editor NEWISTAR ~ AdwrtWng JUflt OETTWO •· Our addr ... i1 330 W. Bay St., co.ta ctur"led 19491 842·6678 ~ 0... ...... ·. Mesa, CA 92627. Ofrice houra ere Olepl9y 1949) 842-4321 Oime and oourtl reportef, Monday • Frict.y, 8:30 1.m. -5 p.m, l!cllto.tef Promotlont ~ (9491674-<t226 CorNc1kH• ,__ . dNf».~h•JatJ,,..com It la the Piiot'• policy to promptty (949) M2·6680 mmNOITAFF JuMCnn1 •• C0"1ICt Ill en'O(I of .ubstence. . ipo"81949167.4-;t223 LI.Cahn NMpoft 8eacll ~. PleeN call (9491764-4124. ..... ,.. (949) 846-4170 =Ing Editor, (149)67~32 lpotta fe• 19491 e&C>-0170 ( 67~ jur». e..,,,.,,.•IMI"* com FYI E-fNM: dllllypllot•latlm..com •J.oMtri• la~ ' ,., Clrnlolt • The Newpott ~ Mel.t MelnO.. ...... M-. PoHtJct end environment~. Dally Pilot (USPS-144-800111 ...... ()Me. (Mt) 842-4321 OtyEdltot, <Ml~ IM l1'M330 publiehed ~ly. In Newpdl't 8-d'I ............ (9'8)631·7128 ~lfJtinW.com i*Jl.d1tttOn•111t1~ •nd ea.... Meta, eubecrlption4a ,,. ..... c.... Le9'1 ..... aveila&* ontv by autlec:t1blng to l"M Spoltl E.-r, COfumnltt, culture tepotter, (949) Tlmee Orange Coomy 18001 Simes .. S'JIMm 514-4275 252 9141. In.,... ciutaide of ,...,.....,, . .......,,,, IO/n..,..,,,.,•'-ftnw.oom News>Oti 8-d'I end Coet.t MIN, CGiilifrY ~" ....... aubec:npdonitto IN Deity Piiot ere M 1Hew9 Dell Chief, 0.W.. NIRAntlft Cl9t0Mnt Coet.t MeM ~. (IMl)l74-4221 9'11u.t>fe onty by ftrtt cteM mtll for P\tbtithtd bYTlmM Com""'"'9¥ .....,...,.,,,,_OOnt .,,..._,....,,,.,,.w;,,,...oom l30 Pllf moftl\. (Pncle lnclUdt ... News, 1 dlvi11of\ of IN LCM ~ .... 1111( .. a.s1e•a~ eppl ............ 1oo111 ...... , Timee -===~ Eduollllon NpOftlr, lM) 57~ POSTMMTIR.8.nd ~ = I01"9 NewpcNt Cl003 Tln'lll CN. All fietM ................. .,,, ,...11'9d ~ --... Olly Noc. '-0. .... Monday, March 17, 2003 A2. BEST BUYS · • . .1 ·• .# ~ • ~ ,-. ---.. . L'Antico Splendora to auctjon imports A silentauction featuring imported Ilalian andques is set for Thursday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at l!Antk:o Splendora Us,\ Inc. warehouse in Costa Mesa. ....------, available include Jobst, Medi, SJgvaris, Juzo and Therafirm. Call in advance to place telephone orders. Open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 400 Newport Center Drive, Suite No. 104, Newport Beach. (949) 644-0065. Up for auction are renaissance revival furniture, Italian ceramks, gilded GREER MORE THAN WYLDER HANDBAGS It's hard to believe mirrors. paintings, " antique stone and metal urns. , Participants can leave bids, check in later and claim winning bids after 7 p.m. Prices are affordable, starting just above dealer's cost Ten per&nt of saJes are donated to charit)'. Preview the showroom from I 0 a.m. to 5 p.rn. Tuesday through Saturday. 294-0H Grace lane in Costa Mesa. (714) 751-1475. lanticousa@aolcom PARTY TIME AT MACY'S Also on Thursday, Macy's and DEJAIIS magazine are hosting a party fashion event at the South Coast Plaza Men's Store from 7 to 9 p.rn. M Fever: Cocktails. Music. Fun." .The event benefits the Sports Oub Irvine's For Kids OnlyFoundation,a programto help children in need, and the Newport Beach Film Festival. A $15 donation is required at the door. The semi-annual event features 19 designers, including the Calvin Klein Collection. Dolce & Gabbana, DKNY, Ferre Studio, Hugo Boss, lceberg, MANI, Moschino, Nicole Farhi, Paul & Joe, Theory. Thierry Mugter, Versace Oassic, Versace Jeans Couture and Impulse Designers: 4 You, J Barnett, NY Based and Sharagano. Famed local DJ Logic will be spinning live, as models show the season's bot looks. For a reservation, please call (714) 556·061 I, ext. 423 l. You must be 21 years of age or older to attend. FASHION FOR A CAUSE Macy's South <A>aat Plaza is hosting a breast cancer awaren~ presentation and cosmetics display from 4 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday in the Main Store, LeveJ One. FJJen Tracy's Spring Collection is featured, and Dr. John S. link. renowned breast cancer specialist and author of -The Breast Cancer SUrvival Manual" will make an appearance. Makeovers from Paula Dorf cosmetics will also be provided. Proceeds will benefit Breast Cancer Care & Research Fund and Healing Odyssey, a treatment program to inspire women cancer survivors to be sttong, hopeful and cowageous. A donation of $15 is suggested. (714) 556--0611, ext. 4230. BE KN> TO YOUR LEGS Save 20% on all F.mpression stocldnp at a one-day sale on Friday at Newport Center Ortbopedlc. Name brands that Louis VuJtton'a monogrammed coated canvas is still in fashion since Its introduction in 1896. The luxury French company started out in 1854 making Oat trunks and steamer bags. In 1914, Louis Vuitton gained notoriety for opening the world's largest travel accessories store on the Champs-Elysees. Since Marc Jacobs took over as artistic director in 1998, the company has improved and expanded its selections. Jacobs added a ready-to-wear Une and footwear: launched new handbags and accessories collections: Monogram Vemis, Monogram Mini, Damier Sauvage. Monogram Glace. Graffiti. the Patchwork Collection, and a new jewelry line. With all the new products, the monogrammed handbags remain the core of Louis Vuitton's popularity. No saJes. Open from I 0 a.m. to 9 p.rn. Monday to Friday; from JO a.m. Lo 8 p.m. Saturday; and from l l a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level lwo, at South Coast Plaza Z PIZZA COMES TO CRYSTAL COVE • One of Orange County's favorite pizza restaurants, Z Pizza. has opened at Crystal Cove Promenade in Newport Beach. Z Pizza ls known for custom piz.zas. Patrons can choose their crust. cheese. toppings and sauce. Mexican pizza with spicy lime chicken, green and red onions. fresh salsa. avocado and cilantro ls often requested, as well as the Portabella pizza with portabella mushrooms. roasted garlic. green onions. fresh thyme and feta cheese. The piuas have. quality ingredients, are made with hand-stretched dough and then baked in a brick oven. Traditional toppings are available, too. and a selection of calzones and sandwiches made on fresh French baguettes. The menu also offers a variety of salads and pasta ~ds. Z Piz7At is at 7955 E. Coast Highway, Newpon Beach, between Corona deJ Mar and Laguna Beach. (949) 715-1117. • BEST BUYS appears Monda~ and Frida~. Send information to Greer Wylder at greetwyldertlyahoo.com. et 330 W. 8-v Sl, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; or by fax at 1949) 646-4170. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST by about 6 knots Of11y after midnight At nfght, the tt'll be paltly doudy with combined teat ere et 13 to 16 northwest winds up to 20 mph feet. through to the evening, with A smell Cl8ft edvisory la In tcatteted showers and e allght effect wherever you boat. chance of thunderstorms during the dey. The high will SURF be 68 to 86 degrees, and the IOWI will be In the 408. A high surf ldvltofY fa in It's not gl"Nt weather, but tt'll effect. The W8VW Ire a WM bit make T~ aunnv end eo amaltr todev, but not to ea deg,... thet much S'W'Mter • ~ you'd notice. Rip ddee end elong"8hote cu,,........,. . www.nwt.fQta."°"' deecribed .. ~. '° boerd with ceutton. BOATING FOllCAST --.....-v: www.aurlric:w.DtV Jutto1--. ..... w1nd 1e 20eoao....: .. ..-..3to TIDE$ • &-. .............. ,to ,..... ,, ............. Md'! ........ h llCI I l tt by I foot 9t night. 1!'24 a.m. tA1 .... loW FeltMrout the nol1h~ 7:28a.m. U2•hlgt\ wtnd. elreedY 21 to ..... ,. 2:11p.rn. ·t.02•• Jc*tedby.......... • ttllp.m. U1flilt .. .,......\IO'# ..... W9r'Nng, . =. ....... The~ .. 4to 1 n1hl..--..11 n • MfllltWlnd Incl.-~ ..... ·'- <...._ Dady Piiot Mondly, MMch 17, 2003 Al COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA without requiring the addil.lonal lts purpose is Lo help city staff Monltonng Repon 1Jen11fie-. change$ FYl develop U"anSportation improvemem Ill traffic condltloru., uch as landscaping. so Mansoor appealed •WHAT: City Council meet.Ing Herc are some of the items that again. The City Council continued recommendaLlons for Newport cut-through traffic from more • WHEN: 6:30 p.m. today will be discussed at tonJgtic·s City the item. upon Crowe's request, on Boulevard, East 17th Street and arterial congestion. The purposes of • WHERE: City Hall, n Fair Drive Council meeting; Marcll3. E.astside neighborhoods. the report are to track tralJlc • INFO: (714) 764-5223 Two vacancies exist on the condil.lon• MJ immediate responses APPEAL OF MINOR DESIGN WHAT TO EXPECT committee. Stan; bas received to any significant c.hangei. can be REVIEW MWell, I just want to soften or break appUcations from Marlt Reader. made, to identify ways to ease traffic Staff said it belteves the emung up the impact that vehlcle storage is representing Newport Boulevard problems and to ensure that e~ing traffic volumes and c:.ond.tuon~ do On Jan. 16, the wrung going to have: Mansoof said. "It's businesses, and Anne problems m one area doei. not not require any ma1or traffic control adminlstrJtor gave a permit to John Crowe to store vehicles 6utside at important to the Westside. We talk I logan-Shereshevslcy, representing tram.fer problem'> to another area. mea. .. ure!> at this time. The next about improving and maldng the P..astside residential neighborhoodl>. From alJ streell> where new data Wd' report will be in July 2004. PadOc Coast Auto in the 800 block of appearance of the Wes.tslde nicer. collected, onJy seven residential "I think 11'11_,sornething we need to West 18th Street. Councilman Allan and J think this is a good place to WHAT TO EXPECT street 11~gmenh indir:1tt'd an conlinue to keep on top of, but I Mansoor ~ppealcd the decision start.~ •That s~ms pretty simpfe, doesn't increase ln traffic that met 1lw think there has to be a certain beeause he would like to see ltl" Councilman Gary Monahan sai~. threshold. amount of increase to justify any landscaping added to the general COMMITTEE •1f I was a betting man, they'd WHAT TO EXPECT major change'>.· Mansoor said. •1t's industrial property to improve the APPOINTMENTS probably be appointed.~ nut the eas1e<,t of situauons, but it's appearance of the location with a Staff determi'ned that 1lw 111ut:a'>e' '><>rnething we'rt.> continumg 10 10-foot landscape setback. On May 21, 200 I, the City Council TRAFFIC REPORT did not correlate to any 'f)C!l lfh monllor. 11le Planning Commission upheld formed the Downtown And P.astside pattern and then."fort' don·1 pre-.en1 the zoning admimstrator's approval Transportation Ad Hoc Committee. The F.astside Biennial Traffic any significant l'hangt· in area 1raffk -Comµ1led try /Jeirdrr Nt!wman GETTING. INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically In the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. COSTA MESA LITERACY COUNCIL The Costa Mesa literacy Center needs volunteer tutors to teach English as a second language. Pebple who want to lettm English as a second language are also encouraged to call. Call to register. (714) 435·3310 or (714) 545-3445 COSTA MESA MS SELF-HELP GROUP The Orange County ctiapter of the national Multiple Sclerosis Society has started a new self-help group in Costa Mesa for people newty diagnosed or with minimal symptoms of multiple sclerosis, or both The group meets at 11 a.m. the second Tuesday of every month. (949) 650-7659 COSTA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT Seniors 55 and older are invited to help staff the Westside substation. Volunteers are asked to work two four-hour daytime shifts per week They would be responsible for answering phones, bicycle reg1stratton, fingerprtnting, data entry and assisting with other citywide pro1ects. Seniors who can spftk Spanish and English. are also needed. Call for an applicatton. Fred Gaedtler, (714) 754-5208 COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER The multipurpose senior services facility at the comer of 19th Street and Pomona Avenue seeb volunteers who can greet members and the public at the front desk and volunteers for the Resource Department with Excel computer e><perience and sharp telephone skills. The Senior M eals program also needs people to deliver meala to homes. (949) 645-2356. COSTA MESA SENIOR CORP. The nonprofit organization at the Costa Mesa Senior Center 1s looking for new board members. The fun<kaising and policymaking board needs volunteers who will participate in monthly meetings, occasional committee meetings and special pro1ect1. Candidates should have connections in Costa Mes.a and su1Tounding communities and an interest In serving the community by helping seniors. (949) 645-2356. ext. 16. COURT· APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATtS Volunteers are needed to Ht'Ve as edvoeates for abused, neglected and abandoned ctiildren. Volunteers work one on one wfth a dlild for three hours a week. (714) 663-9034. CRtSIS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INC. The nonprofrt organization is seeking volunteers for its e><pandlng trauma response program. Some volunteers assist law enforcement, firefighters and other emergency-type responders by providing emotional first aid and support to injured or traumatized people. Other volunteers provide dispatcti and office support. No experience is necessary. Training will be provided. (949) 588-1414. DISPUTE RESOLUTION SERV1CES Volunteer mediators, case specialists and outreacti assistants are needed to help in a variety of mediation cases. B1hngual language skills are needed for office volunteers and for mediators. (949) 250-0488. EASTtR SEALS Easter Seals needs volunteers for ongoing clerical work, programs for children with disabilities and special events. (714) 8J4.. 1111. ENVIRONMENTAL NATURE CENTER Volunteer trail guides are needed to help v1s.itors learn about their environment. (949) 645-8489. FAMILIES -COSTA MESA This team of community-based organ12ations. which worils to provide youth and families with counseling~ family support, health education, mentoring. tutoring, after-school activities and kinship services, needs volunteers in all areas. (949) 574-3976. ASH -MOBtLE MEALS Call (949) 64Hi060 to help Friends in Service to Humanity with the Mobile Meals program and provide ongoing emergency assistance to those in need. Both always seek volunteer assistance in a variety of areas. (949) 645-8050. FRIENDS OF ntE BALLET MONTMARTRE The Friends need volunteers who want to help talented local dancers perform in professional theaters. For 30 years, the organization has provided the community with quality Russian ballet training. To help youth develop strong disopllne skills, build high self-esteem and achieve dreams of being a professional dancer, call (714) 241-7424. FAJENDS Of ntE OOSTA MESA LIBRARIES The Friends 1s a sopport group for the three libraries in Costa Mesa. To join, help with fundraising events and help promote library programs and services in our community, call (714) 656-4396. FRIENDS Of THE NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY The booUtore needs donations for book sales. Good quality children'• and nonfiction books are especially needed. They may be left at any of the branch libraries -Balboa, Manners or Corona del Mar -or in the special book closet ne><t to the Ffiends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave. Volunteers are needed to st.aff the used book store, whicti is inside the entrance of the Central Library. Volunteers must be members of the Friends of the Library and are asked to work one three·hour shift per month. (949) 759-9667. GIRL SCOUTS Girl Scouts of Orange County needs volunteers who will be trained as troop leaders, serve on special committees and give lectures, demonstrations or classes (714) 979-7900. GIRLS INC. OF ORANGE COUNTY • Volunteers are needed to offer educational and enrichment opportunities for girls and boys. (949) 646-7181 HOSPICE PREFERRED CHOtCE Volunteers are needed to help make a difference in the llVes of terminally ill persons and their families Volunteers would assist them with nonmedical needs such as providing respite for the primary caregiver, running e1Tands, reading to the patients and weekly social visits. The organization is also looking for clerical and bereavement volunteers to assist with office dui188. Training is provided. (714) 980-0900. HUMAN OPTIONS The organization shelters, counsels and educates abused women and ctuldren It 1s looking for volunteers (949) 737·5242. ext. 24. JEWISH FAMILY SERV1CE Of ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed for Pro1ect Cenng, wh1cti provides socialtza11on and cultural expenences to the Jewish residents and others at Fairview Developmental Center in Costa Mesa. Volunteers "adopt~ a facility to provide programming of Jewish content to the residents on a monthly basis. They must take a TB test and undergo a fingerprinting badtground check. Volunteers are also needed to provide comfort an,d support to the Jewish terminally ill and their families. The group sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group for people with ctironic illness at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service. 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. Prereg1strat1on required. (714) 445-4950 JUNIOR LEAGUE Of ORANGE COUNTY The organization of women, committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the work and leadership of trained volunteers, Is seek.Ing new members. (9491 261-0823. KAISER PERMANENTE HOSPICE SERVICES Volunteers are needed to spend four hours per weelt visiting patients or doing errands for them or their caregivers in communities near volunteers· homes. (562) 622-3805. LAGUNA GREENBELT INC. Volunteers are needed to assist Laguna Coast Wilderness Park staff and James Dilley Preserve staff and docents with hiker registration and general public orientation. (949) 488-0287. LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti, an organization that works with persons with HIV or AIDS, is seeking C8nng volunteers to assist with running the front office, delivering meals, prov1d1ng transportation and prov1d1ng complimentary therapies sucti as massage, acupuncture and chiropractic care. Lisa Togh1a (949) 494. 1446. LIFELINE LMNG CENTERS Mentally ill adults rely on the Newport Beacti center for residential housing. It needs professional lund·ra1sers to support and maintain this resource. LUV·A-PET CENTER Volunteers who love to work with cats and kittens are needed ar the Luv-a·Pet Center at PetsMart in Costa M esa For more information. call (9491451 ·3272 --~ MASTER CHORALE OF ORANGE COUNTY The performing arts organization needs volunteers fo~mputer input. tidteting, filing nd handling phones. (714 56-6262 MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Community Services needs mentors to make a lasting effect on a young person's ltfe. Students 10 to 18 years old are matched with mentors to improve their school performance and sell-esteem while developing positive peer and adult relationships (714) 549-9622, e><t. 35. MOZART CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA Orange County's only nonprofit resident chamber orctiestra needs volunteers for ticketing, ushering. phones, mailing and help with reoept1ons. Nominees are also being sought for the board of directors (949) 830-2950. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN INC. The recovery center for women with alcohol or other chemical dependencies seeb volunteeB. (949) 548-9927 between 10 a.m and 6 p.m., or Joy, (949) 548-8754. NEWPORT BAY NATURAUST The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve is looking for volunteers to assist with naturalist-led tours and programs, special events and habitat restoration projects. The interpretive center Is at 2301 University Drive. Newport Beach. (714)97~. WHATIS •.. cdvila ?fh,ickn 6J9oo/i? ' TM t is in IM fkro<n:ful broth maik frmn fCTalc~ .frt.sh tarh 11'111ming. Gtnerow chunJcs of chidun /ma.d and rir.r. in our ililiciow brrith. G'.lnWMd urith dicnl nvoca® mail rilnntrv, jiniJluttl wilh a sqwct ~Jrtsh li11tt. NEWPORT BEACH CONFERENCE AND VISITORS BUREAU The bureau 1s dedicated to the promotion of the city to potential v1s1tors. Volunteers with extensive knowledge of Newport Beach are needed. (949) 722-1611 NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY LITERACY PROGRAM The program seeks volunteers to tutor adults who want to improve their reading and writing skills. Volunteers will be certified during training work~hops the Central l.1brary (949) 717-3874. NEWPORT BEACH PREMIERE CINEMA GUILD The Newport Beach Prem~re Cinema Guild. which supports the Newport Beacti Film Festival, is looking for new members. Interested candidates sh·ould want to help further an artistic and cultural hentage in the community and should have a love of cinema and a desire to raise awareness of the film festival (949) 253-2880. NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION The library foundation needs el(tra hands to perform clerical duties. such as fihng, organizing and stuffing envelopes. at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. (949) 717·3890 NEWPORT BEACH RECITAL SERIES The Friends of The Newport Beacti Recital Senes Guild needs volunteers to assist in fostering music apprec1atton so classical music will endure. (9491 644-4208. NEWPORT BEACH ntEATRE COMPANY The company needs volunteers to help with costume design. sewing make-up apphcat1on, set construction. tedm1cal help. publicity. stage management and badt.stage supervision 1949) luXURY IS YOURS TODAY! Malec The Most of Every Moment! 759-1046 or LKSafl!!aol.com. NEWPORT HARBOR NAUTICAL MUSEUM The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers a number of volunteer opportunities in the gift shop, a5 docents or recept1oni~. with clerical wot\ and with fund-raising even11. Training 1s provided. (949) 675-2355. NEWPORT-MESA YMCA The YMCA needs a variety of general volunteer help. (949) 642·9990. NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL FOUNDATION The foundation 11 loolung for volunteers to help wfth fund-raising efforts. spealong opportunities. public events .,_. occasional office wortt.. (9491 631-4143 NEWPORT ntEATRE ARTS CENTER A vanety of JObs need to be tadcled, 1ndud1ng set construction, ushering, mailings and assorted tedlmcal dutht&. Scheduling 1s fle1<1ble, with a two- to 20-hour commitment per month. The Newport Theatre Ans Center 1s at 2501 Cliff Onve. (IM9) 631-0288. OASIS SENIOR CENTER Meals on Wheels volunteers an needed to d1stnbute prepared dishes to homebound senion in the Newport Beacti area. ~ delivery time 1s between 11 :30 !I m and 1 p m daily The center also needs volunteer nurses tor rts semi-monthly blood pr~ screenings. The center otfera .. service between 9 and 11 a.m. lhe first and third Tuesdays of the month. Volunteers should commit two hours one(,• month or volunteer on a su~ute beais The center 1s at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244 VOLUME SELECTION • OOTST ANDING CUSTOMER SBVICI GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED TUSTIN AUTO CENTER • (71 4) 54'·,800 • tustin&.XVLCG11a -. The Classics Never Go Out of Style. wtndow covttl.ngt thae will ~ways fit perrecdJ -----------------~,_....,_...,._,_._,... ___ ~~-;----.--------=-------------- M Monday, Mitch 17, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Newport bus~ness catches fire The Grant Boys, a sin- 'gte-story Newport 8eacb• business, was in Oames on Saturday evening. The Costa Mesa Fire Department. responding to reports that ca.me in at 7:23 • p.m., discovered smoke coming from the roof and the north side of the structure, fire officials said. No injuries were re- ported. About 35 fire- fighters were at the scene, and the fire was contained by 7:35 p.m., within 12 minutes of their being dispatched, officials said. Pire investigation de- tennined the cause of the fire to be electrical. The estimated damage to the structure was $5,000. Smoke damage to the contents of the build- ing has not been deter- mined. The last fire units left the scene at about 9:38 p.m. after complet- ing investigation duties. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Bristol S1IWt: A woman was arrested on suspicion of petty theft in the 3300 block at 2;30 p.m. 5aturday. • Harbor Boul9wlrd: A man was arrested on suspicion of burglary in the 2300 block at 5:20 p.m. Friday. • Hetbor BCM•~ A man.was arTeated on __ _ suspicion of possession of drug paraphernalia in the 3200 block at 7 a.m. Friday. • Miner Stre.t: A man was arrested on suspicion of resisting an officer in the 2200 block at 6:51 p.m. Friday. • Eut 11'th Stre.t: A man was arrested on suspicion of trespassing in the 100 block at 2:50 a.m. Friday. • West 19th Stre.t: A man was arrested on suspicion of having an open oontainer in a public par1c in the 500 block at 5:30 a.m. Friday. NEWPORT BEACH •BiMn~MCI MM:Arthur Boul9winl: A traffic collision with no injuries was reported at 11:31 p.m. saturday. • N9wport Boulewnt: A physical fight was reported in the 3000 block at 11:06 p.m. Saturday. • Platt Ceftlpn Piece: Petty theft was ntported in the 1900 block at 2 a.m. Sunday. • Sente ........ Drive: Water and sewer problems were reported In the 800blo<*fi12:19 a.m. Sunday. • Sherington Pllloe: A vehicle burglary wu reported in the 1700 bloct at 8:44 a.m. Sunday. • South a.., Front end CollM Awnue: Hazardous materials were reported at 6:36 a.m. Sunday. HOME Continued from Al blue and white garage. A variety of Oowen and pla:nra line the en- try to the front door. ,The front yard has one IJu-ge tree and an- other smaller tree that is over- gmwn. 1he dty limit for resldenra of group homes in reside!J~al areas --is six. Manion insists that adding two more people is necessary for peer support to allow two ,.esi- KILTS Continued from ~l "I am loo.king forward to some of that classic Irish and Scottish wit to show up today," Schwartz said. •tt is always a good time when ip the company. of people of Celtic ethnicity." Ouis Pierce, drummer and singer for the Celtic rock band the Fenians, came out to co-host the event. Known for wearing his clan's tartan during performances, Pierce premiered a new, green "Elvis kilt." with sequins, for the special day. Pierce, who is booked for pedormances in Los Angeles, San Diego and Anaheim on Monday, called St. Patriclc's Day the bands "high holy day." "With all the recent rain. it was almost going to be the sexiest wet kilt competition, but that didn't seem quite right," Kaplan said while introducing the event and then the contestants, who were dressed in plaid, camouflage and leather. Oayton Sunderland came in a plaid skirt, with only tattoos to cover his anns and chest. Nathan Armstrong wooed panelists with his 2-year old son, Liam Armstrong, dressed in a kilt and diapers. Robert Huntley play~ his bagpipes. 1'enn.is O'Dell charmed the women with a kiss on the hand. Others told jokes and stories in a heavy Scottish or Irish accent to win laughs, if not votes. "I never heard so many beat-up Scottish accents before as I did in the back room, H Scotsman Donald McOymont said. Jordan, Hennessy and Mario Aroz came out as a trio, dressed in formal dress kilts. They danced ann-in·arm and kicked up their legs while the audience cheered them on. ALLOWED Continued from Al through the wide sidewalk. As we came to the city's border, I saw the sparkling ocean, with only a few smokestacks spoiling the otherwise pristine view. We were on the edge of the plateau. at the top of the table (or mesa. in Spanish) that gives the-city its name. It was beautiful. I was infatuated. I had to learn more. Certainly, this isn't the Westside everyone was complaining abouL A quick drive through the neighbo.rboods would have had me locking my doors in no time, J assumed. Nope. An independent tour of the -.am& found euctJy the opposite. I found the same eclectic homes that made me fall for the "New Hope For Carpal Tunnel Symptoms!" Newpon 8ada, CA· PVBUC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT. If you wtrer from carpal tunnel syndrome and ue tired of taking pills and wearing wrist apllnts then call the carpal tunnel syndrome hotline and discover the shocking trv.lh about C4rplli ll.lnnCI syndrome your doctor may not be aware of1 Call J-800-S4 l-92 I I (Tull-Pree, 2A hr. recorded memge) fULLMR COCICTAI U MO .... HT IS IDID OUI MIAU All ATll•TO MUICO dents to live in each of the bed· rooms of her modest home Man.ton's home has ftve bed- rooms. She ls asking to expand the number of clients from six to dghL During the Oty Council hearing, Manloo'S attorney, Bric Kall:. argued that It's the dty's re- apo111$ibillty to provJde "reuon- abJe accommodation• under the federal Fair Housing Act, which harts discdrnlhadon against the handicapped. People recovering from drug or aloohol addiction are cqnsJdered handicapped un- der the acL BeCore rejecdng ~on'• ap- peal at the laat City CouncU meeting, Mayor Karen Robinson said she didn't see any evidence why eight resldenta would be mo{e beoefl,cial than atx. Manion is reluctant lo talk about her home to res~'t the privacy .of her clients. but on Fri- day. she spoke th:ro\lgh the front screen door. She eald sbe is averse to turn- ing ~er extra bedrooms into Uv- lng or recrea.lion rooms bec::ause she already has both. She called the neighborhood the "worst~ abe h.u ever lived in and tald her nefghbora and dty oftlclalt doo't want to help those who need IL '"Jbey don't want to help peo- ple in recovery," ManJon said. "That's all I'm doing -help.Ing people who need help." Smith, however, says the street is a close-knit commui:Uty and Manion bas not been a good neighbor. The oeigbbotbc>Od comprises mainly $400,000 homes, and Manion's property doesn't fit ln, Smith said. "She was asked to repair her PHOTOS BY MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT MCD Nathan Armstrong carries his son, Liam, on his back while waiting for his tum to display his kilt during the Sexy Kilt Competition at Muldoon's Dublin Pub in Newport Be~ch. The panelists retreated to the back room to make their final decision. .. This is very tough," Schwarz mumbled as she consulted her notes. The five women huddled togelher and discussed each conte5tant. "He had the tradition thing going on," Fitzgerald said about one of the men. "He was very confident in his skirt," lhlcey said of another. "He was unique, not over the top or trying to get attention." "Even though he didn't hit lhe note, he was great,• Gibson said of a contestant who sang "Danny Boy." "I didn't like his joke: Tracey said of one man. "It was kind of crude," the other women agreed. Eastside, minus the random group homes, condo complexes and apartments. Most of the streets in the area were lined with attractive houses and more than a handful was undergoing some sort of renovation. Houses. Sigh. I would live there. As my heart began to ache, I turned left on Wtlson Street, just west of Canyon Drive. Apartments. Condos.. Renters. Ohmy! Be still, my beating heart. I was even more determined to find a Westside home. I scoured the neighborhood for "for rent" signs. J saw only a few (these people are no dummies. I refuse to diwJge the exact location because l don~ want any competition.) Oh yeah, and did I mention these places border Fairview Park and offer an ocean breeze WHATS AFtoAT • WHATS AR.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Dally l>ilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa,,CA 92627: by fax to (94.9) ~170; or by.-mailto daflypilottllatltNu:om. CIMSES Eltdrlc 8CMlt Tour9.,.,.. two-hourCNiMa of Newport Harbor (S76 pet cruiM). Round"4rip hotel or off ~the-wa18r restauntnt thutde .. Mee 11 available. Pict-up from rettaureni. wtth docb le at90 tvaileble. <:ht,... and catered tours. (liMe) 291-1963 or ~~c:om. "Sexy should embody charm and tradition," Schwartz said. • J gave your husband a 10," Gibsn told McKeagney. •He that makes the Eastside feel like Riverside? I was already hooked, but the Westside won my undying attention when 1 visited the part on the comer of Victoria and Pacific avenues. It is literally on the edge of the city, overlooking the Santa Ana River and the Pacific. It has a hQge, great jungle gym, clean bathrooms, barbecues, a huge grassy play area surrounded by a concrete track. which is just perfect for little bikes with training wheels. (I've seen better slides, but I could overlook that minor ilaw.) Little coves are carved out of the lip of the park for blankets and benches ideally positioned to watch the sun sinlc into the ocean. My son, Donovan, and 1 took advantage of this Tuesday night, much to his amusement. The bike trails below inspired me to buy a beach cruiser, every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. A. 60-minute showboat sunset cruiae (adults, $6; children, $1) IM\181 the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. daity. Private dlarters are available. (949) 673-0240. ~~ ... ,.. ............ 46-Mlnute h9rbor cruiMI (adutta, $6; dllklren, $1) end 90-mlnute CNflet (adult.a, $8; dliktnin, $1 ), depertfng from Belboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 e.m. to 4:30 p.m. dally end on the hour untll 7 p.m . (949) 673-62A6. a...tt.e'*'bor ....... the Electra. e 100..foot Cl•talc FtntaU wa.I. Chartets whh C81et'1ng ant available for up to 146 peteengefl. (949) 723-1069. Dennis O'Dell makes an attempt to charm panelist Shannon Gibson while the contesfs other panelists look on. danced, he told a joke, he was funny and natural." Contestant Jordan was McKeagney'shusband.But she complete with attached toddler seat, and I am determined to head west. The place I am crossing my finger for has a pool, designated parking. on-site laundry and one more . bedroom than my current place. (Donovan and I Uve in a one-bedroom); and it still costs $75 less per month. Please, someone pinch me. I understand the "Westside" most people refer to pertains to the areas around Harbor Boulevard and the eastern portions of Victoria Avenue and West 19th and Wtlson screet.s. To me, this area constitutes more of a "downtown" or middle area than a "Westside." Calllng it the Westside makes it sound like half of Costa Mesa is in shambles when, in reality, it ls only a small portion. And that troubled portion happens to surround the most heavily traveled thoroughfares in the children. Reservations are recommended. (949) 673-6246. HombtouJet ofllnJ weebtad dinner dance and Sunday champagne br\lndl entlaea on Newport Hartor that celebrate 1 imaginative cultine end pem~ntd •Nice. 2431 W. Coett Highway, Sult. 101, Newport Beed\. (949) 831·2489. The .......... ~ Olertera off9t CllnllMS around Newport HartK>t from 12:30 to 2 p.m. every Sundey tt 3101 W. Coat Highway, NtWpcHt a..ct.. S20, lndudee crulte, ptftdng, cootJe. end IOda Rete"'81ione required. (Ml)e&0-2412. FISIMG ..................... Pavtllon tt 8 •.m. lrid NtUm at 4 p.m. MOndevtaftd~ $126. (949) 873-2810. Getto .. Newport ... ...,_ w.tdl Che dort~ ... ~ tM\h the ....... Cltdl ofthe d9y. ~ ... ,,. ........ . Mc:feddel1 ~an ope1~ nwtcet. f11Mi1110t••---........ .._ ... ~ ...... , ... ~ ..... . -........ .. fence -she u.ld the can't atronl it," Smith Mid. "She waa Qked to cut her tree. She didn't do that, either ... Sinlth also u.ld there are a lot of group homes In her area and that she will urge state oftidals to Introduce legi.slalion next year to prevent these type of homes from being within 300 feet of each other. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN COVll'S Costa Mesa and mav be readied at (9491 574-4221 or by ..,,,au at delrdre.n11wmantllatlme•.com. 'He said he was wearing his kilt the fully traditional way, as . well, but I didn't ask for evidence.' Panelist AllMn Md<eqney had promised to keep ber vote for sexiest man objective. "Even for a liberated woman, this is a pretty hard decision," she said. "They were all pretty darn good ... During a last tie-breaking competition between Jordan and Hennessy, the pressure mounted for McKeagney, who dropped her shoulders in indecision and initially had to withhold her opinion. The final decision, originally meant to be "winner takes all," was too difficult to make In the end. After a singing and dancing showdown between Jordan and Hennessy, Hennessy was awarded the trophy and a $150 gift certificate for clothing store Tommy Bahamas. Jordan, the first runner-up, received a dinner or two at Muldoon's. Paul Buchanan, who came in his wedding attire, won two T-shirts for tradition. .. He said he was wearing his kilt the fully traditional way. as well, but I didn't ask for evidence," McKeagney said. Two-year old Liam Armstrongwonabagofgiful for most adorable. "I am just lucky that my good friend Nicholas Jordan went on for IO sloppy verses," HE: joked. "My one regret is t J have to come back next ear." ·1 reckon if you cans and dance, you are always a winner,· Jordan said. "You can go anywhere." • CORAL WILSON is the news assistant and may be reached at (949) 57~298 or by e-mail at coral.wllson@latime•.com. city, if not the county, which a.re also plagued by poor planning, some unsightly businesses and little or no landscaping. Yes, the neighborhood commonly referred to as the Westside needs some attention. But the most western portions of the city are breathtaking. Let's not paint the most beautiful part of our city with an unflattertng shade. llate a drive around the true Westside -far from the dull roar of the two freeways that cut through other portions of the city -and see for yourself. But stay away from the places with the "for rent" signs. They're mine! • LDUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdaya and Fridaya end cover• culture end the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mall at lolita.harpertJlatimu.com. 673-1434; and Newport landing Sportftthing, 309 Palma, Suite F, Newport Beech (94.9) 876-0660. o.y end nltht .............. groupe or elnglee are~ at 8oclqoe ~on Balboa '9ftfflel)la. (Ml) eta-2810. KAY~ ..... -.-............ dlnlca encl.,.._. lillloril .. offered et ............ 1!500 w. lelboe IMS., ..... ec.-1"4 _., ...... ..., .... ~ < .. >m-1211. ~u , l. ...................... hOur) MddcMltll11 CS11perhoUf) .................. ....... In ...... l'un?ofa .... 171-'1200. ,.....,.,...., "'° pnMdfe ............ Md ainoe ....... CMlt 111-1215. 1'eU.-N1 ;1 llllir fMilr11h1l'111rve ....... ---... ·=·--a.m.MJ-.......:D1 ................. = ..... .,.. .............. --. •y .. . ... ( Daily Pilot Special Section Motmy. Match 17, 2003 A5 I TOSHIBA ·coUNTDO.WN TO THE CLASSIC GOLF The legend of Gene Baum lives on Former pro player recruionent director of Newport Classic had golden touch and helped establish Hoag' s relationship with PGA Tour. S omewhere in the heavens, and probably on a golf course. the . late Gene Baum is praising his former volunteer colleagues through Hoag Hospitals 552 Oub. None of~ the PGA Ownpions Touts Toshiba Senior Classic at Newport Beach Country Club, would be quite the same, or perhaps even pos.sible. if it ~'t for Baum. who. in his golden years. helped transform a ~-and-giggles pro-am clambake into a highly respected mini-tow event -the Newport Oassic Pro-Am The same core of volunteers, who operated the Newport O&'sic (fOITJledy the Oosby Southern ~---~ Pro-Am} for 23 years as a fimd-rai.ser for Hoag. moved aver to manage the Toshiba O&'sic six years ago and have nourished like a fresh bouquet of roses since. Baum, co-founder \ and organizer of RICHARD ~tbemost DUNN fund·ralsing efforts. died on June 25, 1996. at age 85. and. unfortunately. didn't get to see the Big MOYe in 1997, when the Senior PGA Tour phoned for help and Hoag came to the rescue like a wartime medic. Along with Tushiba Senior Oassic Co-O:laim)aD Jake Rohrer, Baum would travel fNe"tY fall to the PGA Thur National Qualifying Tuwnament and invite (l e., recruit) players for the Newport Classic Pro-Am in late Januasy. lt was an annual ritual. a piJgrimage that formed and nurtured a strong relationship with the PGA Tour. "We were really only one or two townaments allowed to recruit players at Q School.· said Rohrer, who was the guy PGA Thur ot6cial Tim Oosby called in '97 to talce over the Tushiba Senior Ocus.le. lhanb to a long relationship with the lOllr. Baum. a man with a golden touch and twinkle in his eye. dedicated his retirement life to the Newport Beach conummlty and Hoag Ho5pital. He made sure eYel)' golf pro who teed it up had a S..GOLF,P .. eM -TOSHIBA'S TRUE WINNER Or8ngewood Foundation for folter chlldNln ha• received $46,000 from the event In the i..t two yeara. SeepegeM A LOOK BACK 1* It ... look ltHlll lrwtn\ ~"' lrNllMflOmtM 2002 TOlttb stnlor a-le. ..... ,., I PLUI GEmNG READY · Saul Zaizar, left, and Jesus Amzubia, right, assemble the stands around the 18th green at Newport-Beach Country Club. Touches of gteen It takes about five weeks to turn the Newport Beach Country Club and its 18th green into an international golf tournament host. June CH11r1nd• Daily Pilot NEWPORT BPACH -In just five weeks, the Newport Beach Country Oub ls transformed from a pristine and serene sbetch of green into a mabsblft city, bustling with the buslneu of one big golf event. The wort required to get the golf coune ready for the annual ~ Senior OM&lc Is staggering. but worthwhile. And nowhere is this more evident than on the 18th green. . "There's a tremendous amount of preparation that goes into getting the golf course ready," said Jdf Purser, tournament dittctor for the Champions Thur event. How's this for tremendous: The tents and other temporary structures SM GREEN, hp M PREVIEW Event Technical Services set up the 18th hole for the upcoming Toshiba Open at Newport Beach Country Club. PHOTOS BY MMKC OUSffi/ Dotl.Y Pl.OT Toshiba Classic · opens today with pro-am Irwin, Doyle have to be considered early favorites to win PGA Champions Tour event at Newport Beach Country Club when ~gs get rolling Friday. -------~----------~------.---.,-..,.-.,_,...-~-.,-,-.--·-----------. ------------------ M Mondey, Mirth 17, 2003 ~ ~ TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASSIC Champions Tour players offer some insight to improving your game •want 10 ltit more f~rways off IM'"? Stonil on IM co"ect side of the tee box. M In order to hit tM ball a long way, ~ou need to have the right equipment/~' your swing. If you're a /atkrof the baU (left to ri1lu. if yo"'rea rrglu-hander), nand IU close as you can The right golf shafts can htlp you generate club hMM s~ in the hllling arta. 10 IM right tu marker. If you draw tht baU (right to left), tte tlii,boll up_ on tlu left hand side Most amottlU'I probably play with shllfts on their tlmm th.al on too stiff for thtm. of the tee box. This works, believe me.·.. • If you go to a softer shaft in t~e driver, tlu club won., ltlwt k> work as har~ to kick at the · FounClation for foster children has received $45,000 from the event in the last two years. Jun• casaarande Daily Plot NEWPORT BP.ACH -On a gorgeous green golf course. a who's who of the charity circuit rubs elbows with world-re- nowned golfers. At the same time, scattered throughout the Continued from A5 . that spring up for the tourna- ment en~mpass nearly 100,000 square feet of Ooor space, much of it right next to the 18th green "We're basically building the facilities that we need for the production of the event: entry lents. merchants' tents. scoring tents. communications facilities -a lot or things we need for our sponsors." Purser:sald. The 15th through 18th greens and fairways have, by far, the most structures.. On the 18th hole, about 15 structures will seive as comfy vantage points for the guests of more than 20 q>on- sors. On the 17th, there's six structures that will. house about nine companies. On the 16th green-. there's three. On the 15th, there's only one. but that tent houses about 14 companies that sponsor and enjoy the event. Of course, none of the tents or trailers can go up until after the greenskeepers at the golf course have done their thing. Under the guidance of Newport Beach Country Oub expert Ron Ben- edict. the green is meticulously kept up all year long. ·1 would call It an art form," Purser said. "The timing of the application of the chemicals and seeds, the watering. the day-to- day process he needs to follow to keep the course in shape is an art.• But in the end, Purser said, it's worth iL "You definitely want to know that. when the tournament starts. all this is ta.ken care of and '" bonom, 1U1d it just might give you 20 extra yartb off du tee. · region. hWld.teds of young peo- ple outgrowing foster care faf% a frightening world alone. But thanks to the Orangewood Olildren's Foundation, some of these young people will l!llJoy a bit of comfort and support from participant& of the well-heeled Toshiba Senior Oasaic. For three years nmnins. Orangewood 1-been one of the charities that benefit from the golf toumamenL Though Hoag Hospital is the best-known ben- e6dary of the annual pro golf event. some smaller charities also get a needed boost. .. Whiik liil~ lit lfro- vide tei'vkes to foster youth who are leaving tbe faster care 8YS"· tern,. Oran~ Executive Di- rector Gene Howard .wd. •As you ~ kids that leave the fos· ter aw ~ don't ~JM!· ents ., care b them :we provide housing. ~ eduadion. ~ have a very laige scholmhip foundation.. We've helped over 200 fonner foster youth at col- leges and universities aaoss the. United States. and these doDars help us help these lcids realize their dreams. .. In 2001 and 2002, Orapgewood MARl<C DUSffi/OALYPl.OT Bruce Bennett hits his approach shot on to the 18th green at Newport Beach Country Club, while George Ochsner watches. In the backgr0ll1d, Event Technical Services crew assembles stands for the upcoming Toshiba Open. you can get on with the business and taking care of your spon- of putting on the' tournament sors." the S52 Oub launched the Cosby Southern Pro-Am. ".'We had a veiy intaesting idatiomhip. .. Rohrer said. "We were persooal friends. We were c.o-YOlunteera obYioU,Jy for the. (Newport Oallic). but he wa,, a little more like a father figure to me. My dad alway$ liwxl oo the P.ast Coast. and I didn't get to aee hirri that much. IO Gene kind of 6Ded tt.t role for me. More than ~ M were p><i friends, delPttea~ di&ieuce In 116 (abi:Jut 33 years). and we worked well together." Bai.uil, who spent his 5UOlJ11erS gowing up on Balboa Isla.od and later reUied 1tlel"et also volunteered foe key roJes In other Hoag Hospital fund·raisers. such ~ the 552 Oub Stag Shoot. Bertram Yachts Tug & Release 8Ul6sh Tuumame:nt and the FestJval of~ eaam. Che 5520Ub\ ~t ol the pteedgious SUaam AWald in 1982. was a charter member of the Balboa Island Yad\t Oub, founded In 1922. a dub that tead:les children ages 4-16 about boatmgaod watersafet}t ~r the Assistance League ~ ~-Mesa. Baum dressed up Santa Claus each year and showered the c:bi1dren with fPfls In the day we center. Domin l.os~ in l911, 8aUm lived In die An:adii aiea for many years womng as a general IJlaNllfF ol Coast En~ a dMsk>n of Hammermill Paper. Baum~ son, Steve. and daughter-in-law, Cathy. have upheld the tradition aJ)d volunteered the Wt three yean at the 1bshiba Senior Classic, which enjoyed another banner year in 2002 In charitable gMng. . Hoag. the lead <;hadty of the 1bsh1ba Clasalc. ls lbout to take the natlorial atagr. The Newport Beach~ wYI bi feerured iri • 30-second pubJic: service Jim Dent Di f . . Jm Dent has won 12 times on the Champions Tour and led the Tour in OtMng stance or six consecutive ~ $45,000 from the 'Ib6bl- ba Senior Classic -en<>Ulh to send eight Coraia foster children to college for-four years. "We have partnershipa with lo- cal colleges that match the money we put in, so it twm out to be enough to cover: full tuition, bodb, bPusing and ~. Howardsakl The golf tournament Is the most lucrative charity ~t on the PGA Ownpions 1bw. In the last five years, the 1bshiba Senior Clas&c has donated more than $4.7 to more than 20·different ch4uities. Last year. it became the years · first ewot on the tour to raise $1 million fbr three consecutive yean. Molt of that money goes to Newport Beadt'a Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian. which bas beeil the organizer of the event since 1996. Last year, the hospital took in just more than $1 million ln proceeds, aD of which went to building the hospital's W>rnen's Pavilion. 1bis year, o~rs hope to match that amount. •rt's been really important to the community fund-raising process for the Women's Pavil· ion," Hoag Vice President Peter Foulke said. On top of thjtt.. the Toshiba Senior Classic Scholarship Fund gives $2,000 and a To6h.iba com- puter to l2 Orange County stu· dents. The Explorer Scouts of Orange County. the Cystic Fibro- sis Foundation of Orange County, the J.E Shea Therapeutic RJdlng Center, Boy Scouts of America. UO Athletics, LA Conservation Corps and the Coro~ Del Mar HJgb School Golf Team also ben· efit from the evenL •1 think it's a real testament to the altruism of golfers.· Howard said. a positive move for us.~ Purser said. "While last year's.weather Continued from AS was spectacular, we believe our chances of having ideal Senior Oassic, the flnt name condJtJons get better as we that pops up i Hale Irwin. she move later Into March." eveBt's only two-time winner The weather has alway& and last year's leading money been an issue here, but Purser winner, who bas opened the and his team are doing a sun· 2003 campaign on fire again. shine dance to keep the clouds In lnrin's first 12 rounds tbls uatus quo through the week. year, all have been under par. Practice rounds and pro-am and his last two ataru ba'Ve rounds have been hampered been runner-op efforts. He in the past by rain, enough to now has 88 top-three finishes ·-. the' point of disallowing golf in 187 career starts. ·carts on the course. which Irwin, 57, has dominated STE\'EMt<:RANK /IW.YPILOT turns into one expensive walk Newport Beach with Toshiba . in the park for amateurs. titles in 1998 and 2002, captur· Hale Irwin lines ~pa putt 0~ ~ The final round of the 2000 Log last year's Toshiba Oassic fourth hole on his way to wmnmg Toshiba was completely with a tournament scoring re-last year's tournament. washed out because of lnclem· cord 17-under 196, a victory ent weather, and Allen Doyle that elevated him to the top of like what I get at my home was declared a 36·hole winner. the money Ust on the PGA course (ln La Grange. Ga.]," fn 23 years of the Newport Olampions Tour. He never Doyle ' said. "Shooting (201 1 Oassic Pro-Am. a Toshiba pre- moved from the top on his way wa.sn't good enough for this cursor, onJy once (ln 1986) did to a career-Orst $3-miUion year, but second ain't bad. J rain cancel a round or shorten season. did u good as I can do. I've the two-day event to 18 holes. The previous tournament bad a second, first, third and From an operational stand scoring mark at Newport second here. This tournament polnt, with Hoag Hospital as Beach, where the event has has been good to me. Maybe the managing charity. the been played since 1996, was we should set up a Doyle an-Toshiba Senior aasslc can be held by,.J.twiD at 13-under 200 nuity." _ _ _ traced back to the early 1970s. in 1998, when be shot a As for the~~e-ltays when Bing Crosby got the ball course-record 62 in the final we've been ~g lately are rolling on a satellite tour event round. . the type Tos hiba Senior aassic called the Crosby Southern When looking for a possible Tourna01ent Director Jeff Pro-Am Oater caUed the New winner, prognosdcators must Purser bas had ln mind since port Oasslc). also consider Allen Doyle, the Hoag Hospital hired him in · Crosby, good buddies with 2000 Toshiba Oasslc cham-September 1997 to turn the Newport Beach's Marshall pion who finished as runner-ship around. The Toshiba has Duffield, felt bad for the up last year, shooting his 11th· been pushed back -to the golfers at Pebble Beach who s tra.lgbt sub-70 round ln as fourth weekend in March, its didn't make the cut at hls for· many starts at Newport Beach. lateat ever -and that should mer Crosby National Pro-Am Doyle mot 68~68~67-201 and work to everyone's advantage. and had nowhere to play over placed in the top three h ere for ·we asked the Oiampions the weekend. And so Duffield the fourth straight year. Tour to move Os back in the and Oiarley Hester started.the •The scores I get here are schedule, so we believe this is "Little Crosby." annOWl.cement that will run prominently during national 1V programming. induding PGA Tuur and PGA Ownpions Thur telecasts. The Tusbiba Senior Classic has been the charitable flag bearer on the PGA Olampions Tour. In the past five years. the tou:mame:ot has raised more than $4. 7 miJUon for over 25 different~ the ino.st on the CharbpioOs 10Ur. The Tusbiba Senior CJMidt was the first lbur 0 e'Yellt to raise $1 million for Charity in a single year (2000). and Wt year became the finlt to raise $ l million in three c::onsecutM years. lo 1998, after numing Us first senior tour evem. Hoag was awarded the tour'a inaugural Clwity of the Year awant alter raising more than $700,000 through the Toehi>e <lall6r- Could you ~the~ in BaWilS eye after..-. ame figures? TOSHIBA Continued from Al proceeds to its foundation and a handful of other charities. pends almost $5 million on ho- tel rooms. payments to vendors. rent for office space and other expenses. The event brinp in about $6 mBlion ln rewnue. MOft than 85,000 people are expect CC191•* Ill &poi( Beach. moet durlrig the three days of the golf tournament. event director Jeff Purser said. About 10,000 dckeu will be sold. "This event has such a positive impact," Purser sa.f d. •1t puts the spotlight on Newport Beach for a whole week." Many of the visitors shop in local .. 0 .... ind\.ldlng Pashlon Island. "IUhlOcl Wand wdcomea rna-Jof events such as the 1bibib9 'This event has such a positive impact. It puts the spotlight on Newport Beach for a whole week.' Event director Jeff Purser Senior Oa!llic, .., it sbowas.es Newport Be.ch met dn:ws local and regional ri:iilc to the area.· sakl~ •• en .... center's ..... _,,_ 1 director of silei and m&lkedng. "We enJay partnertDg wfth these events to support the commu- nity, as well u brln8 MW custom- ers to the caJter 1o abop. dJne. enjoy the theater al1d tbe overall Fash.Ion. lsland exper1eoc.e. .. • MULcunae--..,_. ...... •y .....• ...,.ltlce. ..... -~ ...... ---... e.r..-.. PM ..... •~ . . .. TOSHIBA SEN IOR CL ASSI C Monday. March I 7. 2003 A1 I 2002 Toshiba Senior Classic A veteran group chased Hale· Irwin on the final day of last year's tournament, but was una~le to catch the eventual champ • • DON LEACH I DAILY PLOT The tee shot of Larry Ziegler rests on the 17th hole, where he tapped in for bir<fte dlling the 2002 Pro-Am tourney. Hale Irwin holds his trophy after winning the Toshiba Senior Classic in 2002. DWCtt/OM.YPl.OT S.U pro Fuzzy Zoeler, left. ............. M 111111•-- pertner on 1hl 11th hale. DON LEACH /DM.YPILOl Major League slugger Mark McGwire looks skyward as his ban sails over the trees on an approach sho~ to the 14th hole during the Toshib~ Senior Classic Pro-Am. DON LEACH I DALY P1t. OT M Mondly, Mardi 17, 2003 LEGEND • FftJRWAY • GREEN • WATER • TREES I .. ~. T 0 S H ·1 B A S E N I 0 R C L A S S l C Oliy Piiot t . T H E NEWPCJlT BEACH C 0 U N T R Y C L U I • GRANDSTANDS 0 17thGREEN • CONCESSIONS • SEVENTH GREEN II RESTROOMS • 15thGREEN II FIRST AID 0 HOLES S E s A • • • ' I . , • • # I ., .. . . ... . . . . DAILY PILOT STAff C L .A S S I C · Newport Beach Country Glub Advance-purchase tickets are S 15. Call 949/~1001 or visit : .• c -· • ~ ·~·1 ;1 ...... . .. ... . ... . .. --' ,, . -, ' -----. , . .. . >I • . .. AROUND TOWN •Send AROUM>lOWN hems to the Deify Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, · Coeta Mesi, CA 92627; by fex to (948) 846-4170; or by cafflng (949) 574-4298. tnctude the ttme, date end tocetlon Of the event. ea well u • contAM:t Phone number. A ~tilting I• evall.abfe ot www.dallypllot.oom. TODAY A GfWJ D1clll0t"\tl ~..aon ol "The Global Struggle for. Women's Right.I• I• the last In an 8'ght~seriea on U.S. foreign po8cy toptca. The discuaaion Will be leid by Karen Speros from 7 ti>" 8:30 p.tn. at St. Merle PrMbyterian Chllt'd\, 2100 Mat V!sta, Newport ~-For m0te lnfonnation, call (949) 760-1691. ~ eotoc-u .... from end signs "Red Carpet Diaries:' Cojocaru, fashion conespondent for the "Today Show• and People Magazine's style editor, rweal1 the dirt beneath the red carpet of todav'• celebrities. Event starts at 6 p.m. at Book Soup South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St, Suite 2400, Costa Mesa. For more Information, call (714) 689-2665. •Gf'llb a FUiW In Jen.tulem• u part of an lsraeli-styte Purim celebration courtesy of the Chabad Jewish Center.in Newport Beach at 6:30 p.m. It will be held in the Radisson Hotel at 4545 MacArthur Blvd .. The cost is $15 per adult, $10 per child. For reservations, call (949) 721-9800. TUESDAY The Newport Halbor On:hid Societf is hosting an orchid plant auction from 7 to 10:30 p.m. at the Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Pa rte Ave., Costa Mesa.Fnle.Formore infonnation, call (949) 642-4148. A hee seminar c.lled •The Role of Supplements in Aghting Cancer• -will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Martcet, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. A •Making tM Right RnandM Decisions• workshop, sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired Executives, will take place from 9 a.m . to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. The cost is $40, $35 if preregistered. For more infonnation, call (714) 550-7369. The Surfrlder Foundation Newport Beach Chapter is holding a public meeting at 7 p.m . at the Oasis Center, 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona Del Mar. Assistant city Manager Dave Kifl and Newport Ha.rbor Master TOil) Rossmiller will discuss the clean water quality for Newport Beach and the harbor. WEDNESDAY •Nano9delw:e, fUnotlchnology, Nanofiction; presented by assistant professor of physics and astronomy Phil Collins at UC Irvine, will oover the realities behind the nanotechnology revolution. Scheduled at 7:30 a.m. at the University Club on campus, call (949) 824-4613 for more infonnation. Nwrport a..d'I Newcomers' general meeting takes pf ace at 11 a.m . at the Arches Restaurant The club Is open to all women who have lived In the area fewer than five yeara. To learn more, cell (949)~22. "Tu Ft9e Colege 5mngs -A Review of 629 Plana and Your Other Options· is a free seminar that comes with a complimentary dinner at 6:30 p.m . at the Newport Gateway Center in Irvine. Address is 19800 MacArthur Bfvd. For rese~atlons, call Celeste at 1~. A he ..mn. called •t=eng Shul for a Healing Home" will be hotd from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Maftet. 226 Ent 17th St.. Costa Meea. for reservations, call (800) 695-MOMS. Me.a~ Community tnc.. a nonprofit organludon, will holt lta general meeting. Special guests Include Are Chief Jamea EMia and Polk:e Chief Tom W.madt, who will ditcUU diu819f~Calt(949) 462-3984 for tM MMtlng time. The N9wpolt .... ChMnber of ComrneR:e wQt host ha Newport 8Md'I Mart.,. Ntcwoftlng and Spellker fonlm tom 5 to 7 p.m. 9t the Newport Herbor Nautical Muleum, 1&1 Pldflc eo.t Hlghwrf. Newport 8-d1. m.. For more lnfonnadon, call (Mt) 12JM40(). NI IE II ......... ,..,, Emory UnMnillY •• a.Ing .... In ""'"10fV, • .,.,,. I ........... lnilN ... ~-7;9p.1n ..... dlec1Ju Insights gained from reeeerch about memorf distortion, memory Impairment and maintain~ .ucceuful memory fUnctlon ae we age. Call Lori Metherata at {Mt) 824-7666 for more Information. . WMldy lflOry..,... 91 Toy lollttoy store offera stories, songs. finger •vaanctcrlftll. NMbom• to S.yearolda are Invited from 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m. to 211t1 Newport Coast Drlve. For more information, call (949) 759-8697. THURSDAY .. ·11...-v Counta the Moet wt., tt Coats the Moat• ta the topic for the annual Mavo'rs Prayer Brea~st. Featuffng Gar( Dalctlendt, the ·evetrt will begin at • 7:30 i.m. at the Newi>ort Beach Marriott Hotel, 900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beadl. The cost la $26 per person. For more Information, call (949) 219-5358. The Coat.a Mesa Chamber of Commerce's •90 Minute Breakfast Boost• will be held from 7 to 8:45 e.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club, 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. Cost la $13 or $18 at the door. To make reservations, call (714) 885-9090. BEST BET More than 11400 elementary school children, their parents and community members will attend Orange Coast Co.llege's second annual •community Science Nighr from '5 to 9 p.m. Friday. Admission is free. Children from schools in the Newport-Mesa Unified . district and districts in Huntington Beach, fountain Valley and Westminster win attend the event. a Cure" appointments are available from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Call (949) ~2. MARCH2S Tumip Rose banquet facility, 1901 Newport Blvd. It is free for members and CC>Sl• $10 for , potential members. For more information, call (714) 885-9090. joum9V from communist Chln4 to the Uni19d States In a teltc lpofl.ored by UC Irvine Ubrariel and the Orenge County Reads One Book Project. A ho<* signing and refreahrnenta will be offered after the prdgram, whldt will begin at 6 p.m. at the UCI Studont Center, Emerald e.y Room AB at UC lrvlne. The event ls free and open to the public, but parting coats $6. For reaervatlon1, call (949) 824-4651. APRl.2 A support group for c:af99lvera of Lewy body disorder and Pick's dlaeaselfrontal temporal dementias, sponsored by the Alzheimer's Aun. of Orange • Coun1'(,wlll meet at UC Irvine's Gillespie Facility In the second floor of.the conference room at 9:30 a.m . For resef'(ations, call (949) 824-2382. Admission idree. APM.3 A support group for aireglvera, sponsored by the Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange Countf, will meet at Hoag Health Center. 1190 Balcer Street, Costa Mesa. from 1 to 3 p.m . Call (714) 593-9630 for reservations. Admission is free. APRIL4 Ameriat'1 Family Pwt Expo runs through April 6, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday; from 9 a.m. to 7 p .m. Saturday; and from 9 a.m. to 6 Help for the ..wlronment is right in your bade yam. says Douglas Kent, author of •A New Era of Gardening;" Kent will present .. Gardening for Oxygen;" a free program at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. For more information, can (949) 717-3816. A free spring cleaning worbhop called "Detox and Cleansing Thru Ayurveda" will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225East17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. • p.m. at the Orange County Fair & Weekly a1ory time llt Toy Boat toy Exposi1lon Center. Admission ls store With stories, songs, finger $8 for adults, $6 for seniors (60 plays and crafts. Newborns to and older) and $3 for children (6 5-year-olds are invited from 10:30 to 12). Call (626) 447-2222 for to 11:30 a.'m. at 21111 Newpon more information. FRIDAY The IChooner .Amerlcen Pride" will make her way Into Newport Harbor en route to the Newport Harbor Nauticel Museum. This will be the first time in Newport Harborfor this graceful 130-foot vessel, which sailed 7,500 miles through the Panama Canal from Bar Harbot Maine to the West Coast. Vjsitora are Invited aboard March 22 and March 23 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission $2 for children, $3 for adults and $7 for families. For more infonnation, call (949) 673-7863. •eommunlty Sdence Night• 11t Orange Coast College offers planetarium shows, stargazing through OCC's telescope~ and other activities from 5 to 9 p.m. Admission is free. Call (714) 432-5725 for more information. SATUROAY Prince of PMce Christian Church and Sdlool ls hosting its annual Country Dey Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 2987 Mesa Verde Drive East, Costa Mesa. Events will include rides, carnival booths, pedal cars, face painting and more. For more information, call (714) 241-7361. The l..Hgue of Women Vo'9n of Orange Com will have a membership coffee at 9:30 a.m. at 1836 Santiago Drive, Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 548-7117. An ·e..com1Mn1e for Small Business• workshop, sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired Executives, will take place'from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The cost is $25, $20 if preregistered. For more information, call (714) 550-7369. The annual mother/daughW fashion show and luncheon sponsored by the Newport Chapter of the National Charity League Juniors will be hetd at 10:30 a.m. at the Four Seasons Palm Garden, Newport Beach. Tldteta are $90 for adults and $60 for children. For more information, call (949) 642-4496. SUNDAY Spe Gregorie'a In N9wport a..d'I will donate 2fi% Of all proceeds to the Orange County Affiliate of the Suaan 8. Komen Breast Cancer foundation. "Pampering Toward A •M•rtceting and Promotion• workshop, sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired Executives, will take pface from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The cost is $25, $20 if preregistered. For more infonnation, call (714) 550-7369. Coast Drive. For more information, cail (949) 759-8697. MARCH27 A lung cucer support group win disouss strategies and resources for coping with lung cancer. The group will meet from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the Hoeg ~ncer Center. Conference Room A, 1 Hoag Drive. Newport Beach. Free. For more information, call (949) 760-5542. The Col. Wlffillm Cabell Ch•pter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution will present 140 awards for patriotism, citizenship and excellence in American history to students of the Newport/Mesa elementary, middle and high schools. The presentation will take place at the Costa Mesa Community Center at 2 p.m. Orange Coast College hosts the annual Banff Mountain Film Festival. Three hours of "the best of the best" will be screened at 7 p.m. at the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. Including films from Canada, America, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and Switzerland, the films reflect a wide range of mountain experiences. Ticket.a cost $9 in advance. $10 at the door or $5 for students. Fortic*et information , call (714) 432--0202, ext 21058. MARCH26 A free spring deening seminar called "The Tao (Way) of Cleansing" will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Martcet, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. • Good food. new business dients ·· and a beautiful location. If this sounds like your scene. make plans to attend the Newpon Beach Chamber of Commerce Afterhours Networking event at the Colony Apartments, 5100 Colony Plaza at Fashion Island, at 6p.m. Newport Beech Community Services will present a new series of drawing and painting worbhqps featuring individual instruction for beginning to advanced S1Udents in mixed media. The series will continue for eight Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Vince Jorgensen Center adjacent to Mariner's Library, 2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. Fee is $66 for the entire series. For more information, call (S49) 644-3151. •0rup; NlghtlW. or Nightmare; presented by Orange Coast College's United Student Sociologists Club and Psychology Club, is a symposium oftering students an unbiased approach to the issues behind the physical effects, personal experiences, cuhural aspects and legalities of drugs. It will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the college's Student Center. Call (949) 929--0527 for more Information. A bu*'-8 ~ra mixer sponsored by the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce will be hetd from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the The Coat.a Meu High Grad Night Committee Is holding a silent auction as their main fund-raiser from 6 to 9 p.m. at Halecrest Pa rte Clubhouse, 3107 Killybrooke Lane, Costa Mesa. Dinner will be served until 7:30 p.m. To make a donation or purchase a $5 tic*et, call (714) 557--0256. Roww chlldren, peace rallies and local landmarks in earlier incarnations may be among the images presented a1 ·0own Memory Lane; a free slide lecture at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. The program will include a discussion of local new& stories from the earty 1960s to the eerty '90s. MARCH30 Kida Md their families .... i"""*I to "A Very Special Outing; an afternoon of interactive storytelling and crafts from 1 to 4 p.m. Admission is free at the Newport Beach Central Library. Call (949) 717-3816 for more information. llARCH31 Author Adeline~ M.at wtl discuss her book.a and peraonal ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, ~ r/. ~(_) A • HAROWOOO • LW7ES • CARPE1' • CSWIC 1IE •Km. R.OORl#O •!.!!!!!!!!! if.i,Hi4Mu SOLAIUAN t>ALC\S!llf JWIOIJ)~ ~~ HARDWOOD STAINllAl .. I E~11 t40 !!!!!!i. '1 " from 11111 -"' APRILS The April in Venice •nnuaJ gala of the Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange County will take place at the Four Seasons Hotel in Newport Beach. Call (800) 660-1993 for more information. The Fairview Pait Friends Committee of Costa Mesa invites the community to participate in the first annual Earth Day in the Partc at Fairview Partc and quarterly •friends" ki<*off meeting. The event begins at 9:30 a.m. at the picnic shelter on the Partc's west side. Call (714) 754-5698 for more information. APRIL20 SaUing Marina d.t Rey and Newport harbors, Hornblower Cruises and Events is featuring a Champagne Brunch Cruise on Eas1er Sunday. The two-hour cruise features a lavish brunch and dessen buffet prepared fresh on board by our talented chefs. The cruise boards at 11 :30 a.m. and sails from noon to 2 p.m. The cos1 is $41.95 per person. For more information or reservations. call (800) ON-THE -BAY. ONGOfNG TNm Survivor, • nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts "Walk and Talk" at 10 a.m. ttie second end fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodess store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It is free, and all fitness levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 275-3888. Newport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cyde of domestic violence through the support group In SAF.E. Hands. SAF.E. stands for safety, awareness, faith and empowerment The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Fnle. For more information. call (949) 721-8079. Teens ... invt'9d to drQp by tM city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The Center la at 1860 Anaheim /We. For more infonnation, call (714) 327-7560. The ~:lpOft a..d'I City Hell la Monday, Matdl 17. 2003 Al displaying w•tercotor pelnti11g9 by Juen Caudo, N4Jd Pet ton9, Raymond Otia and Jim Teegarden through March 28 at 3300 Newport BIVd. For more lnfonnation, catl (949) 717-3870. The Aaen. of ...... s.wlcm hosts t netwOr1dng meeting trr8t deal• With education connectiooa from 6 to 800 p.m . on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St, Costa Mesa. For more information. call (949) 806-0011. •otvon:.: A N9w Beginning,• • W'Ofbhop for men and women divorced or getting divorced. r. held from 10 a.m. tQ 12130 p.m. at 180 Newpolt Center Drive on~ third Satu~y of every month. Cost is $40. For more irdormatioo. call 644-M35. The Newport BNch Public Library hosts an hour of stories and crafts for dlildren in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar branch from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays The library is at 420 Marigold Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3800. FrM tours of tM Oninge County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge, bade.stage and on stage at 10;~ a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by sp;ecial an"angement For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext. 833. The PMwpot1 a.ch Newcomen Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to ell women residents in Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922, or visit newcomers-newportbeach.org. Oasis Senior Center holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes. sausage. coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. MllCY'• South Coast P\ua presents ~wor1tshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program· hosted by chef Alexx Guevara. The dass is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 3333 Bnstol St., Costa Mesa. The cost, including materials, is $30. To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075. Yoga Md lflythm, "Yogarhythmics" combines yoga, dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Suite 111, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 754-7399. ·earthquabl -Not"· But When" will be re-broadcast through April 12 on Adelphia and Cox cable systems for Newport Beach. The show has been edited to 30 minutes and runs Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m .. Wednesdays at 9 p.m. and Saturdays at 7 p.m. The Newport Harbor ,.uUcel Museum offers the exhibit "Your Majesty, There Is No Sec:onc:t The Amenca's CUp 18&1·2003" through April 30. The museum i$ at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highwlry, Newport Beach. F"'8 admission. For more information, call (949) 673-7863. Women SO Md older can loin• discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address Issues such aa amoety, depression, relationships. loneliness and family. The group meets from 10to11:30 a.m . Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker 5i., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Pretegiatf ation requiNd. (714)~. QUOTE OF THE DAV "It's the greatest moment in Orange Coast womens basketball. " ••Thornton. OCC women's basketball coach AlO Monday, March 17, 2003 s.,Orta Editor Roger cartson • (9491574:4223 • Spom Fu : (9491650-0170 i.... EYE OPENER -----""1 Ill DaityAIPilot Ill Sports I 1411 ol Famt1 l .. l:rnlllii;pJ ... 111l!!;of lltu• M .. rch 24 hono<ee TOM PESTOLESI Dally Piiot PHOTOS COURlESV OF CALIFORNIA COMMUNITV COLLEGE'S COMMISSION ON ATHlf TICS Orange Coast College basketball players enjoy the aftermath of their 69-61 victory over Contra Costa in the state championship game Sunday at the University of San Diego's Jenny Craig Pavilion. l Pirates captu.re first · state crown MVP Hatsushi, Carrillo lead OCG to title-game win over Contra Costa. Steve Virgen Daily Pilot SAN DIEGO -Nancy Hatsushi. Alisa Carrillo. Li.z Mendoza. Lauren Murray. Lindsey Gallasso. Mike Thornton. Those names will be significant in Orange Coast College women's basketball history. Thornton, the OCC quintet and the rest of the Pirates took one last breath in their storybook post.season run and ex- haled with a momentous performance that led to their sweetest victory. The Pirates won their first state cham- pionship in womens basketball by pow- ering past Contra Costa. 69-61 , in the title game of the California Community Col- leges Commi.smon on Athletics Slate Basketball Ownpionships at the Univer- . sity of San Diego's the Jenny Craig Pavil- ion Sarurday. CXX. the No. 3 seed from the South, took down the North's No. 2 seed, Mer- . ced, as well as the Souths No. I, Ventura (the three-time defending state cham- pion), before defeating the Comets, the North's top seed. "It's the greatest moment in Orange Coast womens basketball," l)lomton said, moments after cutting down the net "We talked about putting a state championship banner on the wall be- cause there isn't one there ... We knew we were going to do that someday. That someday is now. This is huge~ COLLEGE BASEBALL : 911 tops U CI • '" • BERKELBY -The UC Irvine baseball : team was shut out for the fifth time this : seaoon. dropping a 2-0 nonconfenmce • decision at UC Berkeley Sunday. ; The Anteatera (9· 14) managed four : hill and received four walks and two hit : batsmen, but f.ailed to score, allowing • the Golden Bean to capture the aeries, : 2·1. : Freihirian fint baleman Matt Falk • went 2 fbr 4 for the Ante&te11, while : sophc>more third l>Wmao Brett Dalton • and sophomore right fidder Jordan Sza· : bO also bad --es for the viiitors. : UCI .wttt Michael Kodl1er )'ielded : bOth runa to ~ ~ hit lecond loM In • chiee dedllonl. ~ Cal inaNlled : jutt four hiCI. UCJ• SIM SdvOer ~ : four l!hutout ~ ol one· hit mtef. • c:aJ ~ ro IS.9. • " . The Pirates (30-7) led throughout, as Hatsushi and Carrillo came up with big basket after big basket any time Cootia Cos1a came close. "This is just a grea1 reeling and I can't even explain it." said Hatsushi, the tour- nament MVP who delivered a team-high 20 points on 6-of-8 shooting. indudin.g five three-pointers. "This is what we al- ways wanted. It's nothing I ever experi- enced." HatSushi scored 11 points in the sec- ond half, including a three-pointer with 3:4-0 left that gave the Pirates a 58-51 lead She then recorded a steal a1 the other end and ran down the shot clock on OCCs of-· fensive set. She was fouled whj.le driving for a layup and hit both free throws for a 60-51 lead with 2:47 left. The fouJ shots capped a 7-0 run that started when the Comets cut the deficit to 53-51 with 4:55 left. Contra Costa almost caught the Pirates again, coming within 61-58, after Jasmine Demery completed a three-point play with 55 seconds left. But Mendo1.a drained two critical free throws with 28 seconds ·left for a ·63-58 edge, forcing the Comets to try to win on two possessions. Prom there, OCC made six free throws while Contra Costa managed just one three-pointer. It was a bit of redemption for Men- doza. who missed the front end of an im- portant one-and-one free-throw oppor- tunity last season. With 18 seconds left in the game that wouJd have advanced the Pirates to the state tournament, Mendoza missed the free throw that left OCC still $£.AH HUO I DM.Y Pl.OT ucrs StanislaY Ztitlk U 2> ts amona the f[ltlrs e>epeeted beck next ye111. - Orange Coast College sophomore Lindsey Galasso helps cut down the net. leading. 68-67, last year. Los Angeles Val· ley CoDege subsequently scored with three seconds left to win the game. "It was all about this year," said Men- dm.a. among six sophomores who were on that team. "I reaDy dldn't think about (last year). I dldn't think. I was playing so well .1 just went to the line lilc:e I had nothing to lose.· Carrillo. the only freshman in. the Pi- rates' starting lineup. also gained some vindication Sunday. She scored just three points Saturday night., when OCC knocked off Ventura for the second time this season. But. on Sunday, Carrillo was an inside force. She scored ,J9 points on 8-of-14 shooting. forcing double teams and gain- ing open space for OCC's shooters. She piclced up her fourth foul with 11:44 left and did not return undl 6:14 remained. when the Pirates led. 51-49. Carrillo. who earned all-tournament honors, scored four points before fouling out with 55 seconds left and OCC ahead, 61-57. ··nu., Wtl!> the la..-.t chance that I wouJd be able to play with these wonderful girls.· Carrillo <;aid of her motivation. ~, just wanted to put everything on the Ooor. Tlus was partially for my benefit. but 11 was mostly for (the sophomores). This w-~ their last year. I wanted to do my pan to make it as special for them." The Pirates played with inspiration from the out'iel. They built a 21-8 lead in the first 12:30, as the Comets (34-5) strug- gled from the field But Contra Costa led by Jackie Rrown (23 points). came baclc with a 12-3 run. cutting the deficit to 24- 20 with 4:25 left in the half. The teams banled to halftime, when OCC held a 33- 30 edge. The Pirates opened the second half with a 13·4 run in a 5:35 span to build a 46-34 lead Carrillo scored seven points in the spurt. I latsushi added a three- pointer, and, shortly after, procured a steal and was fouled while making a fast· break layup. prompting a Contra Costa timeout amid loud cheers from the OCC fans. "Nancy is Nancy.H Thornton said ~vou know what? She wasn't even on the first or second all·state team. She was on the Southern Region team and not the state. Thats a joke. "She's the best point guard I've had in tenns of intelligence and being efficient When we take her out of the lineup. we're See PIRATES, Paa• All COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL . NIT snub ends UCI season Berry Faulkner Daily Pilot The UC Irvine men's basketball team's third straight 20-wfn season, put on life· support by Friday': 62·55 10$5 to Utah State in the semifinals of the Big West Conference Tuumament, was officially terminated Sunday. when the Anteaters were denied a bid to the National Invt. talion Tuumamenl UCI Coach Pat Douglass said he con· aidered the slight a &lap in the r._ce to his program. "I thought we got Jobbtd," said Doug· lua. whO expected h1I team (20-9) to make its third consecudw NIT appt'IJ'- ance. . •tt'a very unexpected, becaUSfl we had about the aame record we Ma Lut )llllU'. We Marted out with a loll to Ok1lhoma. had to play the nai dlly and ~ . . 0-2. SJnce then. we were 20-6 heading into our final game. Its really dlsap· pointing for our two seniors, who busted it really hard for us all season. I feel sony for thern. There are teams (still playing) that bad a worse RPI th.an us and four or five fewer wins. This shows a lack of respect for our confer- ence." UC Santa Barbant. which edged the Anteaters for the tt.lJU)ar-season Big West crown, before losing to Cal Poly In the Btg West Tuumament semifinals. re- ceived an NIT bid. Big West Tournament c:harilplon Utah state. which UCI defeattd twice In con- ~ play this aeuon~~a!lt·Jec· orid drlmadal:. WW paay the No. 2 teed kl the N<M West Regional, 1btftdllt In Oldlhoma City. · ~ ectnDwledged thero are ochet ...... ~ ipJrift tKJ. The IJ program. with a 5,000-seat arena, mod· e$l by Divlsioo I standards, has never hosted a postseason game. going 2-4 in NIT road games. Additionally, the Ant- eaters are not known for brtnglng many fans with them to road contests, which hinders gale receipts that factor in the NIT selection process. "It's not a decision I have any Input in or can pleaf:I my case," Doug! sai<L lbe NIT snub brinp an end to the coll~ careen of UCI seniors Jordan Hams and ,Mike Hood. Harris, a Ont· team All-Big West J>frfooner. led the. team in sco.ririg (12.7 points per game> this .eason. Hood. a 6 ·4 guant. averaged 10.3 points in his final campaign. The Anlt"<ttCnJ lost in the ftrst round or the Jl{IT thtl la."t two aeuons. dropplnt ~ 76 SS verdict at BYU !AM Y"&1' to ftnlm 21-ll. They feft. 75·71, at 1\Jlsa to final· tze their 2000·01 reroro at 25·5 . • • PIRATES Continued from AlO Just not the same team. I think that's lhe bes.I game she played for us." Hatsushi, who nailed her first rour ~-pointers and finished 5 of 6 from beyond the an:, went to high school across lhe street from OCC at Costa Mesa. She was a star for the Mustango; and a oonstant reminder of how valuable hu.-.tle is in the ~e of ba.!..ketball She took that same mentality to OCC As did Carrillo from neatby SaddJepaclc Hlgh, Galasso from RI Modena and Mwray from J lun- tington Beach. And the lis1 goes on or OU. players who hruJ from Orange C.ounty tugh M:hoob. That. along with the chemistry on the squad. proved to be special for the Pir.ues' '\ea!>On. "That's whal'!> really neal," said Fred 1 lok.an'>on. QC.Cs A1h leuc Director. "They're all locaJ kid'>-· Thornton '>aid people told him it would be dtffirnll 10 win a stale title with so many local products. But he sn1d the Pira1es proved that theory wrong. "Mike worlc5 '>O hard, th1 ' 1<> really neat 10 ~ee.~ Hokan'>on said. while watrhmg the OCC team receive 1t'> champion\hip plaque "1lm JU'>t goe.. lo 'ihow you how lm•Wi our program really is. We've won the Orange Em pire Confert'nce !>upremacy award for 20 of the past 2'4 year:.. 'lnis is soml' of the rl!a«<>n. be cau<;e we have some ad1u ncl cO<tch~ like Mike who put in fuU-urne worL. • Thornton rut In the extra wori becau\t' he lrww 1h1~ team rnuld he special. Even though t.he Pirates did not win the OH. championship. he continued to remind hi'> play er!> rhcy were on the w'rge or malu.ng history "I told them from the start that this could he a '>pc<:lal team.· fllornton c;a1d "We'w won morl' game:-dmn Wt' ever won at <X.C Inc :.ophomon.., have won more game!. rn a 1wo-ycar span than any other sophomore group Bui, Lhj'> I'> morl' '>Pl'l'lal hecau\t.' or the type of kid' they are." ~ occ 69, Contra Costa 61 Onlnge Coast Mondoza 8, Carrillo 19. Mu1Tay 4, Ha~ush1 20. Galasso 8 Ouorol 7, Shaw 3 3-pl goats Hatsur.h1 5 Medoza 1 Galasso 1. Shaw 1 Fouled out Camilo Tectirncats none ContTa Costa Caner S M organ O Dom1nguo1 0, J Brown 23, Gaines 1, Demery 9 Hanis 8. Braggs 6, N Brown 5, AbQrcromb10 4 3 pl goats Han1& 2 Caner 1, J Brown 1 Fouled out -nonf· Tectimcals none Hall11me -33 30. OCC P 0 R T HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SWIMMING PREVIEW Eagles ready to rock Estancia aims to crack the upper echelon of Golden West League after struggling in PCL. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Same team, different league. 'lllose were the word~ &tancia 1 ligh boy& swim coach John Car· penter, in his 24tJ1 year with the program, gave when asked to give his impressions of the sea- Mm that hM begun. Ille Eagles return a corps from a team that made 'trides to fin- l!>h fifth in the Pacific Coast League last season, but now wiU LOrnpete in lh6.. M'ven-school Golden West Leagu~. "Our goal is lo finish in the top three in league,· Carpenter said. "If we can do that, we have a .,hot to win it (ar league finals). Or.inge and Ocean View, on pa- per. are '>tronger than us. but they have more swimm ers. And, of course. our meet with Costa Mesa should be good." lhe !>wimmers ~.standa does have include the only two sen- ior'>. Frank Gamboa. and Skipper lodd. Gamboa qualified for the P\I finals lru.t !>Cawn in the 500· yard freestyle. 'lhe junior class features Na- than MarsteUer, Paul Collier and Anthony Hermann Lo go with sophomores Sean Goodman, Ja - son Echanique. Richard McElve- ney and Ma tt Metkovtch. Fresh · man Danny Aldre te, Devon Mellin, and Olad Kunnert com- plement the upperclassmen . "we lost two swimmers last year, so we basically have t.ne same nucleu.s. with the addjtion of people like a Chad Kunnen. • Carpenter said. One of those swtmmers Car· penter lost is senio1 Je~ Hell· mich, who is playing on th e vol· leybaU learn this \eason. f lellm1ch. along with Gamboa qualified for the PCI. finals after docking a personal-best I 02.98 in the 100 bunerfly at the league preliminaries. "I le was one of our best i.wim· mer!>, !>O we'll defrnltely m iss him," said Carpenter. who, li ke most coaches, wants 10 qualify as many indrviduaJs for the CIF prehnunaries as possible Estan~ da wiU compete in DiVlsion Ill this <>pring. after compe1.ing in Divic;ion II last year. I le I!> optimistic about the pos- '>1bihty of Gamboa and Kunnert making the CIF prelims. "We haven't had kid'> going to Ctr '>Ince '>Ornething hke 1994." Carpenter said. "Gamboa could THE EAGLES Danny Aldrete Paul Cofller Jaaon Ecttamque Franll Gamboa Seen Goodman Anthony Hermann Chlld Kunnert Nathan Marsteller Richard MoElvenev Man M allcov1dl Devon Mellin Skipper Todd Coactt: John Carpenter (24th year) Aaslstarrt. Jed Yocum Fr Jr. So Sr So Jr Fr Jr So So Fr Sr make 11 1n the 500 free and maybe the 50 free while Kunnert could go in the 200 free and I 00 back.Stroke. Those two guy!> should be able to hit the time i.tandarch set for Division Ill (which are le'iS demanding than those in D1V1sion II}.· Estancia ha.s staned ·3-0, giving Carpenter added optimism, nor 1ust for this year, but for the fu ture a.<, welL "The kid'> get more psyched up and c;wim better when the school announces the swim team 1:. 3-0. • Carpenter said. "We want 10 gel more kids inlo the program." COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Lions' dream continues Steve Vireen Daily Pilot JACKSON, 'lenn Vanguard l1ruveNty'<; own bmnd of March Madnes1. beg1.m \ .. 1th .i first-round game again.'>l Mohde Urnver..iry of Alahama Wednc-.day mgjit at I 0.15 C,1 in the NAIA Women\ Basketball National Champion· -.hips at rhe Oman Arena. C.oadi Ru.c;,.<, DaV1.\0 l Jon.s. the (,olden State Athll'UC Conference champ10ns. haVl' \"'.}" 15 of thetr la.<.I. 17. Their ta .. 1 lffiS came T~­ t.l.iy 11 to Ille Mru.tcr'!>. 76-fjt), in the GSAC Toumamentio. titJe game. 110\Yl"Ver. Davis is confident hi!, team is capable or making a run in the NAlA tournament. mainly be- cause the Lions are motivated Vanguard has won just one fiN rmmd gctme in rhe 32 team Jo...cf<,.<,{>n C6.5), a.s well a!. i.enior NAIA ruumament. and that rnme guanh )l..,_.,1C'<J Lenderman (6.21 m 1999. nm. year, the Uon!> meet and Paulette Seaman (62}, round the ltlfru.. who reached the i:.ec-out Vanguard'., offensive arsenal. ond round !S~t 16) ta..1 !>eaSOn. "We have really good balance: Vanguard Ls the No 2 'it't'Ci in the said DaVI..,, who Wa.!. named NAlA fourth of four bmcke~ Each Region I (.oath of the Year by the hr.ickct rnn.sists of eight <,quad!>. coaches .l.\.'>OC1auon. "I lopefuUy. l>".tVl., !>aid his learn has so that will take t:are of us . ." many weapons. Mobile will have Davi.\ also ..aid Vanguard. a difficulr time trying to find one ranked No. 7 m the NAIA, mw.t pen.on 10 stop. The IJOl'I!> fearure step up its defense. part1cularly m seven players who aver..igc 'ix or the po\I, where 6-fool freshman more points per game Sopho· (.l)"'>tal Coston tends to score for more Jennifer Wilcox. an All-GSAC Mobile. Co'>ton leads the Ram.\ guard. leads the bunch, scoring (22-12) al 14.8 points per game 11.2 pomts per game. wtule All-and her 95 rebounds per game GSA(. senior guard Robbin Dit-are also a team high. tcnblr (10.6 ppg). Senior fOIWal'd stto'Uld' tile Uons advance. they Courtney McKinney (8.JJ. ~pho-:-wm..Jd meet either Transytvama more pomt guard 1 .. cey Mills UnM!Nry of Kentucky or Auburn (R.3). freshman forward Cecilia Montg<>mcry University Fnday. HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL PREVIEW Eagles hope to raise bar Long in a softball funk, this year's squad looks for reversal of fortune. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COSfA MESA -Inspiration can come from a variety of sources. including coaches' pre season polls, where the leader" rank teams In predicted order offinlsh. Coach es ln the Golden West League picked Estancia to finish near the bottom , giving second- year coach Ma.re Rodig added fuel as the season gets Into gear. ReailtJy, Estancia, formerly of the Pacific Coast League, has faced the doldrums tn softball. Just last season, the Eagles claimed their first league w1n ln two years -a 3-l triumph over Laguna Reach. The Eagles come off a three-wtn season, but Ro- dlg look.~ forward. ·w e want people to say they haven't seen a team this good a t the school 111 c;everal years,• i.aid Rodig, who returns four- year varsity talent in seniori. Gabby Acosta (catcher). Karleen Curran (outfield}, who played in !ht' 'occer team, and third base- m an Laura Morton. Junlor ~hon.stop Rebecca Kaplan. who garnered second-team All Pa- cific Coast League accolades lac;t season, returns to solidfy the lineup. Curran earned all- league honorable m ention a year ago. Senior Evelyn Aores and freshman Muriel Mason share pitchi ng duties, whUe returning sophomore Hilary Ocl:ey -a pitcher last year -will transi- tJon to the outfield. Rodig said Ockey, an all-league honorable mention, can also play catcher and "has a good arm for the oucfieJd." ln Estancl4'1 7-3 victory over Sage Hill Thursday, Mason got the start and struck out nJne. Three freshmen have earned starting nods, including Mason. Olelsea Kaplan (Rebecca·~ sis- ter) and second baseman Alli- son Wyman. Aores can play se<:ond and Mason covers the outfield when not in th e circle. Wyman bats leado ff wtth Ma· son following in the No. 2 spot. Sophomore Hillary Larsen provid es depth in the infield and freshman Wendy Scofield has been called up from junior varsity. ·we have a 10 1 or speed and skill.• Ro<lig said. "We can do a UnJe bll of everything: play small ball and have girls who can hit the gap like Gabby Acos- ta, Flores, Mason and Ockey.· Ockey connected for two doubles in a 3-for-3 perform- ance in a game last week. R<><Ug added. •Gabby Acosta leads by ex- ample,· Ro<lig said. F.stancia opened 3-1 and league play is scheduled to l;)e.. gin April 4. RodJg said Ocean View, West- minster and Orange are the THE EAGLES Gabby AcoW1 Karleen Curran Launi Morton Rebeccl Kaplan Evelyn Florea Muriel Mason Hilary Odtev Cheltea Kaplan Alhaon Wyman Hiilary LAlrMn 'Nondy Scofield Coec:h: Marc Rodig (aecond year) Sr Sr Sr Jr Sf Fr So. Fr N So. Fr teams to beat in the league and he expects similar competJtloo to the PCl- •we had teams in the lower half (of the PCl.) that we could compete with.· Rod.lg said. ·We expect to be competitive ln league but don't expect It to be a walk in the park. .. Monday, M¥ch 17, 2003 All • 1111 D~ly A Pilot 1111 ~rts Hall of Fam Celebratii1g lhc ruillenniun1 JOHN KATOVSICH Corona del Mar Former linebacker h elped tum the tide for Sea Kin gs ' football progra m in late 1980s. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot M <Mng trom J~ to C .omna del Mar early m one·., tugh school year. could be a pamfuJ traru.1tmn Rut it didn' takt long for John J(a1c,....;1ch and hi.'> oldt•r brother, 'Todd. to ~t acdunatec.l to their new ~urround~ "If it wa..<;n't lor foothall and the program there at Lorona del Mar High., the rn<M' would have lx>t.·n more dillicuh, but the ~ gor tnlo the '>Will~ of Lhmg<; very early i:>e(au.se football pradice starts 111 Augu .. 1." ....ud cht•1r fatl1er, Denni'>. t..Jt1>'V'>lch Wal> an all league -.election that ye<tr, whtJt. Kurt llimann. quanerbac..k Milch Meltxm and funm· ',upt'r Bowl t.hamp1on kff llmma-.on <itarred on lhe '87 team In KdtOV'>lch'' -.en1or Vt"'df, he enJ<JYl'd a hanner )'l'tlf at lmd>ad er. e-dlll111g < II I >rvwon VI Playt>r of the Yt>ar and Orange County Defen\IW Playt'f of the Ye-ar honor.. among other .iu.oktde-.. "It Wei.'> a prt"fly 'l>t'tkil thing for lJ.'> and a n.-ally fun ~jX'flt'OCe to l(IJ through m high -.dlOOl." kato\'-l<fl \aid or llw '-co Kin~' 1488 < .u-champ111n.J-i1r. \\-tuch nilm111<11t'd with a 17 7 wm over \\-110 mowd lw. famtly to ( .dM in the summl'r of I~ Valenu.1 1n tlw Lil- ~--~-~ l.>ivi,11111 VI Final "I Wd.'-V('f) happy to gt>t that for Coach Illar nlf~. how~."lll'r. would greatly alter the '>t'a Kini.,..,· pnw-am In fact, longnmt' <.dM eqmpmen1 manager John Poncr unw ..aid that C .dM fnothall pla~,...., didn't tmly under<.land h<MI to play the game until the Katovsich bmthE'T"i aniVt'd on the \Cene 1 lolland I leu tx.>en rea11y worhn~ lwrcl with these bt'ath klch . lhen they finally l&l w around for hun wt• JU.'1 got on a roll and w.10t1>d 10 kl:'t'p 11 going. • .. ome~ cxpt'rimenung with n~ John Katovs1ch lhm~ 10 gei bettl!r • "I take th.Jr .L., a huge compliment. .. -..ud klhn Katov-Jch. the latest honol"l't' 111 the Daily Pilot Sports 1 lall ut I-a.me. ·And. definitely. my brother was a little ahead with rlw v-arsitv <oettin~ the tone (in the fall of '86). "Basically. we were playing the way we had been wught We'd had a ton of expenence. having stam'<l playing football when we were 7 or 8 year.. old Back there in Tcxa'>. they teach you how 10 play football when you're 7 and 8. rhey donl say. Hen•~ the wonderful, beautiful Paofic Ocean of C..alifonua.' They ..ay. Here\ football -go get 1t ' Thar\ whar you do in l C-xa..._ lllat's how you play wirJ1 other kid'>. lt'i. a prettv inlenst' thu~ there. to the point where there would be IOJXX> to 20JXX> ar high school football games.· Katovsic:h (pronounced: Kat-toe-such) made a three-~ lasting unpact at Corona del Mar, including helping Coach Dave Holland's Sea King-. capture th<.'lr first OF Southern Secoon tit.le (Division VI) tn 1988. the program'<; first of bad-to-bad championship!>. When Katovsich amved. he found the CdM lode; •;ust living a much more casual lifestyle" than what he had become accustomed to in Texas with a higher "inrensiry level" on the gnd.1ron. while going through two-a-day pracbCl' sessaom when temperatures reached tnple figures with I~ humidity. ·Here. guys Wl're surfing between practke6." added KalowJch. who opened on Coach em Cools sophofll<n football team. playmg running back and linebac:ker, bef'cn acding Holland's v.m;;ity the following year. As a junior, Katovsicb SWted at linebacker for the Sea Kings. who sttuggled to a 1-5 reconl. bmft winning five~ -tour Sea View leQgut pines to win the league tide and • Orst-rowxl ClF DM*xt VI VICtOl'y over ThJ)\ 28-7. c ..dM ftru.'>hed lhal '-C"'d.'><>n 12-0·l. IL'> only unbeaten StrdSOn lh tu.story, but the u~ d~l:>t UnlVt'r-.Hy. 14 14. and ~dtllebad. 0-0. wt·n· fr11genable. "We played pn·uy poorly agam.<;t Saddleback that yt'ar." ~ 1 CJV'!>idl ..aid. " I ti unl. wt' '>hould\'t' won, bur I thmk we got a lltt.le complacent I lolland was very UP'("! al us tn our r>rt>paratJon and wt· read that. so \\-t' all shaved our hc'<Jd'> that next W('Cl in solidanly. Vk were telling ( .t'MCh I fulland ttklt wt.' fl' aD for him and aD for rhe team Then. .UM that. we \laflt't.l pla\IU'lg reaJ}y wdi ·11w key to u<> W1nrung Of was Lh.11 we had l} Pnet.> Car quarterbad} I le really came on and playro extwmely ~ in the plavoff... It wa.-. a good group of pt'Opje and t \'l'T)'body got along with l"Vl'f)'boJy and \\-1." ll'ied dlal to OUf ..ucces.-.. 1lle (Juru<>r.) beow w. were ~ demandtng. They dldn' know anythmg but success. Our group !from the (JaM of '89) Wa<> more of a rnJ.JiL'> class of people. The 1uruor. were really focused. They won two <Cll-trtlesl m-a row Mlovsichs colleg)ate-opoons were linuted -Cal and Colorado offered scholarshi(l5 -but he wound up at C.olorado and played four yearr.. The Buffaloes won three Big Elght Conference o~ dunng Katovsd1s tlmt' m Colorado. and sham! one nanonal championship ~1th Georgia Tech. The 6-foot-2. 24(} pound KatOY'ileh. a Cokxado ltnebacker. blew out his left knee dunng ~ training camp in 1991. KatCMidl underwent ~surgery. which included repbdng tm N:.1. then retlRfled to the 6eld after a ~ rehabilitlbon to play inside lineibacker. These days. rat<Mk:h. 32. operates a business that~ and aipeMsm auic (or film, tdrYlsion and ~ideo pmeL Hr lives In In 8l1ista' loft in Downtown u. Anll:ICI. ~rent. big~ bk lb!. big ap111D1e11a: Qll~l:h (---;yvrd ~ SAVE YOUR GREEN SALE -------0 60 """"---------"!!'I-..... ~~-... _,.-...... ~--,~~~~---~ - A12 Monday, Marth 17, 2003 SPORTS Diiiy Pilot YOUTH SPORTS Rally propels Cards, 11-10 • U1'TL8 LP.AGUE: The 'carctini:ils scored three runs· in the last inning to overcome a two-ruo deficir and beat the Reds, l l -1 O. in Newport Beach UttJe League majors action. Mk.ha.el Bloom pitched three lnnings, had two doubles and scored three runs to lead the Cardinals. Co:ry Vitalo had a $trong showing at the plate to go with solid defense from James Petrilli. Tummy Bangert and~ . , Starnes. Sean Thkuyama. Michael Borchard, Evan McNemey and WW Morrow led the .Reds' attack. rn Newport I larbor Baseball Association play: •Erle Oiebll had an RBI and Michael Carscadden. Eric HoDand, Sean Mangano, Jake Caughlll and Breu Olinger all scored runs for the Giants in an 11 -7 victory over the Dodgers in Bronco Division (ll-and-12-year-olds) play. Jake Dawson knocked a single down the tine and Carscadden :.tymied a possible Dodger comeback by snagging a hard-hit ball at third base with two outs and two runners on in the sixth. James Cunningham and Jacob McCann shared the Giants' pitching duties the last fo ur innings, allowing only three runs. Lakers win ti tle, 63-40 • HOOPS: flu.· NeY.'POrt-Mesa Lakers defeated the Placentia Eagles, 63-40, to win the National Junior Basketball1'tvision I Olampionsh1p Series. The offense was led by B{andon Booth, Brandon Davis, Olarley O'DesJcy and Taylor Stevenson. Grant Heffernan controlled the.post, with support from Andrew Wh.ttabr, Spencer Rlchley and Phi.nkSe Darmiento. The ~ers .were coached by Lyle Davis and Ian Stevenso~ tn other youth basketball: •The Harbor View third-and fourth~grade girls basketball team went undefeated In City of Newport' Beach league play to claim the championship. Strong defenseM''th l.ulsel.f\sh passing keyed 'the victories. · Harbor View solidified Its birth in the Southern California Otampionsrups, in Rancho Cucamonga March 29-30. The team includes: Cassidy Napolitano, Nikki Borchard, Coach Chris Shatz.el, Gabriella DICltlro, Marga.rel Valdes, Aurora Kaye and Duran Shup. Newport starts fast • SOCCER: AYSO's Region 97 girls under-10 soccer team kicked off the spring select all-star season with a 2-l come-from-behind victory over South lrvine. frvine scored early in the second quarter but Newport's NataJJe Swift tied the game with minutes left in the half on a shot from the left side. Oab'e Silva found the net in 1he third quarter to give · Newport the lead for good. Other scoring chances were provided by Blakeley Ficenec, Lauren Grupe, Mary Yeager, Kiana Whipple and Beth Barnard. The defense was con trolled by Hannah McLeod, Sadye Busby and Barnard. Tori Sarris and Whipple also played well in the midfield. Registration underway • YOUTH TRACK: Boys and girls ageq 6 to 15 are IJ}vited to compete ln the Youth Tutck and Field Otampionships at· Newport Harbor High on Friday, April 11. The event Includes Individual running, throwing and jumping even ts as well ~ team relays. All particjpants receive a T-shirt. Tup .. thtee finishers will be awarded prizes and will represent Newport Beai;li in the Orange County 01.ampions~p Meet in May. _ Optional <(linics are held at various sites and are included in the $10 preregistration fee. Meet information and event times can be found ar www.city.newport-beach.ca.us. Oick on Departme nts, then Recreation and follow the links. For information, or to obtain a regisLration form, call (949) 644-3 151. On to the playoffs • ROLLER HOCKEY: Newport Harbor High's club varsity roller hockey team defeated Villa Park, 8-2, Thursday night in Its final regular-season game before entering the playoffs. Kevin Wong, Preston Kelly and Brett Robinson each netted two goals with Cory AdJer and Olase Kelly each tallying one goal and one assist for Newport. Alex Crouse, Kelly and Wong also added assists. Collin Matthews and Collin Insley played strong d efense for Newport. El.Hott Thacker made 18 saves wl)ile ViJJa Park goalie Sirena Enright stopped 25 shots. Newport resumes action next week at the Gretzky Center in Irvine. Shadow lands Looking be.ck..5 years ago this week: Newport Harbor High 5 senior Ond loO wins four individual events In a 72--64 non.league I~ to FAison in boys track and field action. Loo bests the 6eld in both hurdles races in addition to the high jupip (5-1 o) and triple.jump {40-4¥4). ,Newport's Qat Rerberta doubles in the 800 l1letl:rs and 1,600 while. PAdle Oal:k edlpses the 150-foot. mask to win the discus (151-2~). On the girls' side. Amanda ICmt takes the 400 and conttibutes to both winning relays while C.arrle ~ doubles in the distance events for her first varsity wins. Amber SUen remains wibeaten while Krista DID wins the discus and Sara Mdflllan tops the field in the 300 hurdles and plays a part in the winning 1,600 relay. Costa Mesa High senior Ben Felter collects four hits and throws an inning of soorel~ relief in his varsity debut to propel the Mustangs to a 22·3 victory over visiting Victor Valley Christian. Felter goes 4 for 5 with four runs and two RBis and Clu1s DeSendro adds a 3-for-4 perfonnance at the plate with ·five RBls. Ryan Gallacber fans five and walks just one in four innings. Ruben Mandlla, Jhnmy Hermg and DeSandro all hit homers. Shantel Sherwood. Costa Mesa Highs girls basketball coach the past three seasons. ~gns, preferrring to spend more time on her career as a detective.with the Newport Beach Police Department. She led Mesa to a share of the PCL title In her second season. Looking back. 10 years ago this week: In a histoqc run, the Costa Mesa High girls basketball team falls to St. Francis of Saaamento. 50-43, in the OE Division ID State Fm.al Heather Roblll50n's 16 points and 11 rebounds are the only show of consistency for Mesa. which has trouble maintaining momentum, said senior Ollvla DICamlD.L The Pacific Coast League, CIF Southern Section Division ID-A and Southern c.alifomfa Division m champions (29-5) pare the lead down to 43-38 over a span of 6!20, after traUing, 43-31. But an errant pass gives ]j() St Pr:a.nois' Camllle Gudaftz a breakaway layup with 2:53 remainiqg. Andrea Whalen Intercepts another bad pass and converts to pad the Th>ubador lead DiCamilll, headed for San Diego State. averages 22.2 points and 30.5 in' the playoffs, but , Is held to 10. St Francis b'ails only ooce, ~-8. after a DiC.amilli bucket from the inside with ~:32 lefi in the first quarter. Newport Harbor HighS boys and girls track and field teams both win the Battle of the Bay over rival C.Orona del Mar. The boys win, TI·59, and the girls claim a 74-53 triumph. For the first time in Newport C.oach Ede 1Welt'I 14 years at the school, both boys and girls track. teams beat CdM the same day. Senior Jared Owrton wins both distance races for Newport., crossing first in the 1,600 (4:32.4) and the 3,200 (10:08). Newport& top wrestler, Outs Edwards, wins both hurdle events, dominating the 110 high hurdles in 16.3 and the 300 intennediate hurdles in 42.8, the latter a personal best Senior Beau Ralphs takes first in the shot put (53-3), while juniors Wade Tift (52-0J and Jay Berg-ff.amen (51·10~) finish second and thlrd, ~vely, fQr Newport. CdM's Jason 8o)u wins the 100 (II) and 200 (22.8). Three Newport. Harbor girls -sophomore Mandy Clayton, junior Gina Heads and junior l.JncUey Curds -each win two events. Sophomore high jumper 11na Bowman dears 5-foot-6. Sea Kings' freshman . distance runner KeUy OunpbeD wins the 3200 (11:25.7) in only the second time she has ever ran In the event and also takes the l.600 in 5:26.2. Oayton, the defending Sea View l~e champion in the J 00 low hurdles, posts a winning time of 18.2, while also taJcing first in the triple jump (3l ·2Y.). Curtis races to victory in the 100 ()3.2) and 300 low hurdl~ (512). Heads capcures the shot put (39-9Y1) and the discus (128-1 ). -compiled by Bryce Alderton -=leg=a=l=No=ti;;.:ce=s=-==2640=~1 l-=e:::;;ga,..I N=ot=ic=e=s =2640= legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices • 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2AO Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 legal Notices CUSSIFIED ~Buslntis MllM Stclttllellt fhe lollow1ne persons are doing busmess as DABBLE MINOS. 8?11 E Timberland Orange CA 97869 Samuel S Wu. 8211 f Timber I.and. Or an.:e CA 92869 Gene Cut1errel. 4877 Hackett Ave Ruseme.id CA 91770 T h1\ busonu~ 1s con Oulled by • genr1 ~I partnership I-lave you '>la• led doing bus•"ess yet> No Gene Gul1e11e1 fht\ 'lolalem•nl wds filed wtlh the County Clerk "' Orang.r County on 02 '701tl.l 200.36934120 Daily Pilot Mar 3. lO 17. 24. 2003 M649 The lollc.wtni penun has ahandoned lhe u~e of the f 1c1tt1ous Bu~1 nl!n Name lnlern•ltonal Pr t!S~ Ser vtce, 2666 Oranae Ave •B, Costa Me~a. CA 92627 The r1ct1t10US Bust f!'>S name referred lo a e wa' ftled 1n Orange County on 2/8/1994. FILE NO f'59794J ( Chatles 0 Tapia) Car lo~ 0 T apt a, 2666 Orange Ave #8, Casta Mua C.A '12627 This busmes.~ 1~ c.on· ducted by. an ind1v1dual {Charles 0 Tapia) Carlolo 0. T apta lhts ~latemenl wu filed wtlh the County Cl~rk of Oranee County on03/06/03 200UU6US Dally Pilot Mar 10. 17. 24.Jl.2003 M658 Fidi1iM Business NcntStot..- The follow1n11 persons .,,. do1111i bus111ess dS. Alm1eh t y Window Washing and Bltnds, 181 Cecil Place. Unol B. Costa Mesa, Callfornta 92627 Odv1d Hernand4'i, 3071 Pldlle Drive. Co~td Mes ... Ca It for ntd 92626 fh1s business " con· due led by· an 1r•d1v1dual H~11e you \la• led dome business yeP Yes. 01/ 15/2003 0Mtd Hernande1 I his stAlement was llled with the County Clerk of Orange County on 07,?6/03 20036935037 Daily Pilot Mar 3, 10. 17. 24. 2003 M648 FictitiM Business Haine Stot....t rt1e lollow111g per suns dre doing business u Advanced Coaltng~. 1927 Harbor Blvd Co~la Meu, Cl\ 9?677 James Van Vled1, 21 TS Pacific Ave • Co\ld Mesa, CA 9262 7 This bu .. nns " cun ducted by an tnd1v1dual Havt you star led dotna bus1ne•s yet? No James Van Vleck lh1s statement wn f1l~d with th~ County Clerk ol Orange Cuunty on0?/26/03 200369350 29 Dally P1lnt Mar l 10. 17. 24, 2003 M650 FIND SUUONS (OTACJON M>ICWj NOTICE TO OEFEN DAlfT· CAvlso a Ac:usa do) JEFFREY SCOTT KURBATZKY and DOES 1 15, Inclusive YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF. (A Ud le esla demand- ando). CONSTANTINO VENf:CAS CASTORENA You hBve 30 CAlEN· OAR DAYS af1er this summons 1s served on you to file • typewritten response al this court. A letter or phone call will not protect you, youf l ypewntten re· sponse must be 1n proper le11I form If you want the court lo hear your ca~e If you do not lffe your response on time, you m11v lose the case. and your wa11es. money and pruperly may be taken w1lhoul lurlher warn1n1 Ir om the court There are other le1al requoremenls. You may wa1•I lo call an attorney right away If you do not know an attorney, you m~y call an· attorney relern1I wrv1ce or • leeal aid off1ee (listed In the phone book) Despu~ de que le enlre1uen est• cltacton 1udlcial usted tle11e ur1 plazo de 30 DIAS CAL· corle OS para pruen· " respuesta es-maqutna en esta Una carta o un11 llamad1 telefonica no le ofrecera protecclon; su r e5puesta escrtl.i a maqutna tiene que cumphr con las formal· 1dades le111les apropla · Oa~ st usted qu1ere que la corle escuche su c.aso. S1 usled no present• su rupuesta a lltmPO. puede perder el caso, y le pueden quitar su salario, su dlnero y otras cosasde su propledad sin av1so tdicional POr ·p11te de~ corte. Extsten olrot retiuisl· tos le1ales PuelH que U$ted qulera llamar a un aboaado lnmedlata mente. SI no co11oce a un 1bo1ado, puede llamar a un senlclo de referencla de abopdos o a una oftcln1 de ayuda 1•1•1 (vu el dwectono leletonico ). CASI NU'-llli (N-eMi(eH) Ot<<U21• JUDGl SYIVUI rlU Drrf,(27 fM nama end 1ddrns ol Ille 1;0Url 1t: (El nombre y dlfecclon de la corte ... ) ORANGE COU.NTY $llPE RIOR COURT. 700 Civic Center .,.,.,,. WHI. p 0. 8ox l"4. S.lltt AM, CA 92702-1904 lht n1m., adclnu, •f'4 ttlt{>l!One numbtt ol pf•lnltfl'1 aftOtllay, ot pl1lnt1tf without 111 attMn•t '': (E:.I nombte, le dlrtfttlOP 'I al nllmtro de tetefono del abopdo !let d1m1nd•nt1, o ckll da1t11nd1nl1 411t no Ilene abo1ado. u) Jetfr•y R Salbeff, (sq S8H '1ll~11. \aw Offk;et ol lH A. Waotl & AncKt.t re "603 M.itl $ll.. .S111Ui 1000. ''"''"· C.t1rom11 91814 (IM9) 794-!.901 l (949) 704 ~t.11 I •• ,ts Ch•) ..... lt. 2002 ~;.:.::: OflMMll IP....._. llltllrw • ,.~, 02((13216 fo. JEFFREY SCOTT KURBATZKY Plaintiff· CONSTANTINO VENEGAS CASTORENA seeks damaees 1n the above entitled action. as follo-.s: l.G-rol .......... 1 Pain. sufferina. and lnvonvenlence. $100,000 2. Srecl"' .._...,, Medical expenses (to date). $7.500 loss of earnines (to date), $1,000 Property dama11e. $3,000 Date: January 9, 2003 /SI Jeffrey R. Salber 11, Esq, Published N ewport BeacJi Costa Mesa Daily Pilot March 3. 10. 17. 24, 2003 M652 IOTICI TO CBITOIS OflWSAll (Sdm 6104-6105 U.C.C.) ESCIOW IO, 32468-.fl Not ice i$ hereby 111ven lo creditors of the within named seller that a bulk sale is about to be made of the assets descr tbed below The name(s) and business address(s) of the seller are. MACL£, INC . 2222 MICHELSON OR '200, 1RVIN£ CA 92612 The loc:ation 1n Cell· forn1a of the chief executive office of the seller is. 2222 MICHEL SON DR , '200. IRVINE, CA92612 As ltsted by the seller, atl olher business namn and <1dd1us8$ used by the seller Wtlhtn three year" before the date such hst wo sent or delivered to lh• buyer are NONE The name(s} and bus1nes• addres-. ol the buyer a1 e ICOUNC DAI KIM, 2222 MICHlLSON OR fl200, IRVINl, CA 92612 The as>.els to be sold are desc11bed •n aener al n Furniture, flxturu. equipment, aoodwlll. tradename, lenehold .. improvement and tnlcr est. and coven~nl not to compete and ts localed al 2222 MICHELSON OR . '200 IRVIN( CA 92617 The Business name used by the seller .it that locations ts. MAY'S CAF£ Th11 anttc1pated date of the bulk s~le 1s Ap11I 'l, 2003 at the ott1ce of· Untied Escrow Co, 34<40 Wtlshtre Blvd .. #600. Los Aneeles. CA 90010 The bulk s•le subJ8cl to Cahlornut Uniform Commercial Code Sec- llon 6106 2 If so sub19ct, the name and add1 ess of the per son wi th whom claims may be !tied ts CUNIC( KIM SR ES· CROW OfflCER, United EHrow Co . 3440 Wilshire Blvd .. #600, Los An1elu, CA ·90010 and the last day lor ltlmg cl11rns shall be Aprtl I . 2003. Which IS lift business day before thf! sale dale spec1f1ed 4bove. DATED february 17 2003 !SI JEOUNG OAl KIM Published Newpor I Beach·Costa Mua DAiiy Pilot March I/. 7003 CNS512066 M661 Rc.titlMINlns --.s ..... fhe follow1ne persons are dome bustness u Century Collts1on Center. 1011 W Barkley A~e Oranee. CA 92868 Century C11t11s1on Center, Inc .. (CA). IOI I W Barkley Ave . Orann. CA92868 Thts busmess 15 con ducted by. • coi pc.r alton Have you started dome bU$tnen yet? Ve•. I/I/ 2003 Century Coll1s1on Center. Inc • Ceas•r Alvarei/C 0 0. This st•temenl was llled with lhe County Cieri\ of Oran1e County on 02/13/03 20036933280 Daily Pilot Feb 24. Mar 3, 10, 17. 2003 M645 ~ ...... --.s..... The followtnit persons are doina busineu as, CT Println1. 1930 H•rbor Blvd., Costa MeSI. CA STARTING ANEW 92627 Charles 0 r dp•a 2666 Or anee A~t •B Cost.i Mua.CA9?6V lhts bu11ness ts con ducted by an tnd1v1duitl Hoe you st4fled do1na business yet? No Charlu 0 lap1a Thts st1temertt wn lllrd wtlh the County Clerk of Oranv.• County on 03/06/03 20036936132 D~11ly Pilot Ma• 10. 11 24 JI. 7003 M6'J7 fidltiM hslnKs ..... s ....... I he following per\ons ,.,., dome busmen dS B•'fSlde Sun11sr1 PPr\-Ortal Assist.nl Services. 7332 Carlteld Ave l'B. liun· l tngton Beach. CA 92648 Gabnella l\n10 7)37 Carl1eld Ave •B. llun· tmrit11n Beac.h. Cl\ 92648 ThtS bu.int'•~ 1s con dueled by an tnd1v1dual l~•ve you start~d c:to<nir. bu"n"' yet7 No G1b11ella Anto Tht5 •lalement WllS !tied with the County Clerk ol Or an&e County on 03/04/0J 200369JS747 Daily Ptfol Mar 10 11 74. 31, 2003 M6!>9 It's the so/u. tumyo"'re searching/ or· whether you 're seeking a home, apart· ment,petor new occupation! Call Classified Today (949) 642-5678 BUSINESS?fi • • • • • • • • • • Tht Llgal Dtpartment at tht Daily Pilot is pltastd to announct a new stn1ict now avai/llhlt to ntw businessts. ~ wiO 1WW SEARCH tht namt for you Ill no extra charge, and savt you tk timt 11nd tht trip to tht Court Houst in Santa Ana. Then, of count, aftn the starch is compltted wt wiO flit your fictitious businm nllm4 staltmml with t1" County Ckrk, publish ontt a wttlt for four wttlts as rtquirtd by law and thm flit your proof of pu/JIU:tJtion with tht County Ckrlt. Pltast stop lrj to filt your fictitious business ftalmlmt al tht Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Coftll Maa. lf you cannot stop lrj, pit.au ca/J us Ill (949) 642-4321 anti wt will mat arrangmtmts for you to hantik this proctdurr bJ mJtiL , If you shtnJJ INzvt llllJ farther quations, pkast caO us and wt wiO bt morr than gl4d to assisl you. GOod lutlt in your ntW busines.s! DailyAPilot Policy How to Place A .------Deadlines --- Rates and deadline:. are subject to change withoul notice. The publii.hcr reserves the right to cen~or. reclassify, revise or ii:ject any classified ady~rtisement. Please report any error that may be jn your classified ad . immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liabiLiLy for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the co'>t of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the fir<;t insertion. CLASSIFIEJAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tue!>day ................... Monday 5 :()()pm Hy Fax (949) M 1-6594 t Pko1M" 1fll:luJc your n..an)4C' .1.tK.l 1'1•>0< numl1er an<I ,.c·ll cull ~OU hJ<L "'lih .i f'OlC <IU•~~ I Telephone 8:10-dm-'i:OOpm Monday-Friday By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hour~ Ind ex By Mail/In P~rson: • 330 West Bay Street · Coi.1a Mesa, CA 92627 Al Newport Blvd . & Bay St Wwk-ln 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Wednesday ............. Tue~y 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday-5:00prn Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Satu~day ..................... Fnday 3:00pm Sunday ...................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCIMENTS ~ & MISC. 1010-1110 ~ ~ UAL ESTATE MEICHANDISE lllTAlS GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ~ 1439 [§] 2305-2490 FOi SALE 3010-3940 rmn1 lfAl ESTATE FOR SALE \,. __ J soos-saso 7402-7466 ~~ EMPLOYMENT Ol90RTllllTIES &OOS-&510 [¢1 AUTOMOTIVE& 1UllSPOIW10ft 9000-9750 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week ( 4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S Collectibles/ Memonlbllla 1160 I LEGAL SERVICES Busl nm Opportunities Newport Beach PRIME fSTATCS PATRICK TlNORl NATIONWIDE USA Rooms for Rent 6040 Newport Beach NI/""' -· t~ Br pvt Ila. wall on do,1. fem 1Kefd. * YlARlY * LEASES HP Hit lg Quiel 'tuarn • lorg. 3br 2ba up w/srnall Jnlt k•l<hor.-tl~ 1 ··'·'"' du1>lt!• new pa1nV sh.Hed laund1v A,'t •d1p~t Ip wd appro• IOOKKHl'ING Ptol NP8 °'i n 'Pl re.pen po5 tor busy accounts dept ~&~ backeround. self·sl¥1.er ~ wt tr ... tor custllfn ~e .liln 949-7?2·ZD> Clerlcol PT 20·25/hour~ P•• week Immediate opemne Moc:r osoft Word, phones clerical & 100• cust \vc shills req d f aa resume 71' 957·6953 Phone 714 957 4070 ffOlltAl fMl'lOYMlNT Now hu Ing lntry·pro fess1onal levels Sl9 S72k• benefits/paid lr<11n1n& Apply now' for info on available post ltons I 800 585·9024 INHRIO• OlSIGNH: Tor ss 4 arco•os nc Im. ~. £IL 50s & 6h Jll Allac:, SpN, tube amps Mike 949·6 45 7505 EHTERTAINMENT calendar of Events 1310 fQUAl llOUSltG OPPOmllT'f All real e•lal" advn l1s1n& 1n 1111\ nl!wspaper 1s subiect I•• the Federal fair Hou .. ng A< t ol I 'l68 d 5: amended wh1Lh mahe\ 11 ill~tial Jo adverl1~ "ony p1Pler ence. hm1t.alloo or dlscrimm•hnn basrd "n race, color. rehe100 v , handicap lam1hal \talus or nahoMI ""i'" or an 1ntenlton In malle anv su~h preferencP. 11111110 lion or dl\c11m1natton • lhos newspaptH woll not knuw1n11ly •ttepl •ny adver t1~m~11I fn1 real estale which 1s in voolallon nf lhl' 1 .. w Our readers a re h•r •by 1nlou ned that all clwell 1n11s adver ltsed on thos newspaJH'r "" available on an equal opportunity bu" To complain of do~ cr1monali0f1, ~atl HUD loll free al I 800 424-8590 Olcte. Style Fvmlt\lre PIANOS & CollKbbl .. . .,,.,4"11.ft . ,......_,.. •St__,..,....~,"""' ... $$ CASH PAID $$ .... ~ .................. 1416 .. _,_, btdt• s-. Midcenb.ry rattMI fwn. edlctlc a1. l<Dl hew.-i sf*tr. Mf.450.4U7 loll 1505 LOST white aold and diatnood bractet Newp«t BNc:h REWARD 949-673· U!!2<-: 8-11 Mwments 1110 ADVERTISE TO OVER 5 MllUON CAllf"ORNIAKS with ' atatelllllde c:las· \lfled ad promot1on1 yo11r pr-~t Of Hr'lllce. OnlY S4:iO for 25 wMd~. NOf111•n/Soutlllfn Call •~n·• rect0na '"'"""· FRf.E tnforn11tlon ptt.k· •a• (916>288 6010. (918)288~19 WWW cal sun.com (CAl •SCAH) l 800 CHNllTYI Donate yovr vehicle dw.clly lo the orJarntl. n10onally 11ccl111Ncl Cll11lty Cara 100'1. c"-trty • not 1 used car d"ltf/fund 1111# l IOC)..CHAAITY (l 100·24 2 ·Hlt) WWW 800th1dtyc:an Otl (CAL•SCAN) -._.._..S's ,..., ..... ... ,.. ........ . .... e,m--. \ Adoption& Foster care Services 2650 Vobd..n...ecW AO.ptie/Fow C•• fhtit' /!IP ,_ 100.00'.) 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Po• t.• I pu\1!1no• le<ler a lllrt" $14 l!O• hr f'll tta1111n&., benelth 800 1178 '>4Jl5 A.nnnunrem e nt •CA970 (C:AL •SCAN) ABSOLUTE GOLDMINll 60 v~11d1"& m~< hin~s w1lh eu.ellenl luc •lmn' al fur SIO.~ tm 234 eEl Olfices b lease 4540 ~ .... 62().1 and < uimbrre or set> J Great loc. open & 1llrf' ,_ 949-8S.6-970S www patrn ktenore <nm "THE HUGHTS" SPRAWING I -STORY JUST USTEO AGT.949-723-8 120 n1pets1srnkg S500mo Reduced rffit for logjtt dlJlll!'s 949 nJ.8485 RESIDENTIAL Rf t IT Al<, ORANGE 7400 COUNTY lrm.d .....,_2020 I On:t.ld s...&·Br 5 !)8.i ~ \t. Balboa Peninsula SI ~ Mot Btollet 9'1'1 ,..-,1 9444 WWW fiilll~dltyorg OCEAN & BAY VIEWS REMODELED UNOlR $7SO,OOO AGT. 949-723-8120 Helgtrl'l ~ 7 Ullll'!i. Wo.e new """°" & ••II w.rl < ll"' lf,49,'D:l f'atrod llfl<lrt ~970f> :!§I Newport Coast PRIM( ESTATlS rAHICK TENOR( NATION.WIO( USA 949-8 56-9705 www oatrecktenore rom 0,-. S..O 12-2 ~28 L ....... ...... IW" 2Br IBa. Fp SI 7'bn yrtv '"'kB utl!.. re 949Jlf>S41..l Corona del Mar 2br I"'-. ~ & k._. uort w1>alc utl!. flC'd. ll 'I' .. llill Ava4 Nuw' n pets/~mkg $JJ50 & 14SOro 91$'Ul'>Tl'l •'157 Costa Mesa SI 100 949 1171 7M() I 2 blk to ~and S2400f Hll l GIWNlJV Rf Al TOR<; 949-675 6161 ------mn • dep 714·74S 1330 Udo P.sic cut;, 2'llr i'tM I ,._,_, llcsp.I l& h twn11m. Ldn. p.lbO 7 • ~.., 7.5ba w ret?eiJI "' gated wd tiol.\I 4 "'"lrTI pocK wmr11. wipuc~ ~ pvt l ~ · lutlt•l rm JM11o no ~ol• h• n \/'¥.> mo • s1oou ~ .. ,, n." s1dP •)t l't:H 'M<i r.,74 7701 • 112 tgt Sl650 ~13 78Jl rard UXXJ..mc. agt Parbd\ Sl'll vuur C ur lenor• ~g;ia; ;,, Cio"iflrd ! BAYFRONT ·c ommunity Huge I BR I BA w/Harbor View $2000 Gorgeous 2BR 2BA w/Harbor Vi'ew$2500 Llr&eflltratt Pltlos • Tiied Ell.Cites• Ctrl&es' Wood Bumhl& Flreplace5 • Prtva~ hid & Mattna • Sparldlq Swtmnilac Pool • blA TroprcaJ L.111dscapln& • S«D11dsto Balboa 111and, Baystde Shoppfq Center, FMMoe Wad & CDrou-del Mar Newport Coast e 2111 2.BA COtC>O 2 tar ~"' h'l. w<1 ~"' now ~ 1am1 $7.ID'Ml 91$ 246 18r.> or 949-500 22'13 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! In CLASSIFIED {949) 642-5678 Employment 8500 Cana M-M......__. h~s full lime np•none trn an e •pd Admlnl•trotlve A.uistant. SalMy 11:!0 •a• •P'l.Urn4' 949 '>46 1145 ------- :0.1•1/ v1111r ( ar ill Cian 1flrd I Educal1onal 1>uk1round & r•peri.,nce. some cnmputet •lulls To apply call 949 720 9963 ... /TIME llBD MAN- AGO Lg stOf"aee fec:*t't Sunday & Moociay+ OfflcE and lrtr mffl!Mantt E •P •plus' 714-841 ·4466 lrma 0[ MONSTRATORS PT eoocer y sto11~s on your area w~elt..ench, c~r nee 949 &42 4283 Gl rroflle slde/•ld• lrilo( w 1trmkr indoor waler/it• d•'>f) & -•• ,.p pull rj,;wn ~l,Jj'i.'-Jom fC\f beve1 •g~s. while $450 St!ar" Kenmor" dogohl w~sh~r & dr ver S300 2 Vintage t;Mlf'fll &iMdcn d\iln Sib.a 949 1'00 1610 lfll AvM now 9&6lS>S475 HOMfSFOASALf ~ocean & <rt-, lfltl~ V1llW PrM1te kxallon puol & spa, enlerlafle<~ ~eam1 Pr~ only .tar. I Br's lrom ~7S ""' w/v,ao on IOvely v,ale~ cnmm rwcu lq SquMe. hotJee. Indy lac1•ty Kh.-tn Mngt Rn 7()1 8649 • 9ll.ll lr9 I Br, new carpel & 1»it11t l VI d l drl)Or I 777 lfith Pl,1ce #J SI 100 mo nu pet~ 94 9 no 9427 i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii £'.W. 19-._...., 2br 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Cooat Coln Nee~ Old Corns• Gold solver ,.,wetry wale~. anloqu"' collec:hbles 949 642 9448 • 3610 OA POtSCAH KITTtNS Red & Cream• They Want Yoor Love•Only $400 Gal 94~451 2025 Dop/'°""9 _.... -~or& Pets " P\j)k wMnds FmhPI l<bld 9'9-644-Z1J9 fm WAY lot momma cM/ --kll1l!ns ... hom!5. 9&533-0&11 MISCWMEOUS MERCHANDISE All snll IUILDINGS 24x30 was S7.900. sell $3.900 Z!b!JO was $13.900. sell SS,!8> C9x90 was $26,900, sell s 12.900 ht Come 1'1 Ser"' Walt (Im) J92. 71lll LA COUNTY· 5200 LONG BEACH& VICINrTY ~ t lll<PW'<Xl v.-'ll Bed<;h ,,.,,,.,l<T9 01'4!<., ~I-+ - 1.-.g leodt Lt ......... lutrhen wall 11 ~ 2 blodos IO beach. lliJS 44 Allor• '& .\JJ 7m> HOt.'E.S FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Island co.-°""~ Older hnmt Unot on •l'f> lot R l 5. f .JbtAolA lol.ahon·buld ~ dream home! Pnncipals Ol1ly C<ll lire Lana. C B ~-S869 Balboa Peninsula OCEAlfrRONT NEWUMODU $679,000 AGI. $949-7U-a120 Udotslt e~OtSll e Best Vu LOWllll Priced O'oomVloll l5ft lol Remod I UXl5f cottap, 2br 2be 2 c: pr Go-191 2nd home. lllDUCID • SMt.000 ~S.-S..I~ 117Vlot ... ~96-~ 714-317-<4214 h C8 949-63? 5869 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Desert Property 5960 CAT'HBIUl C1YY $285.COO 10 _, to PS A.pert. 2:315 \I alt.ldl Ca:91.i/lnrl bacll house 4br .ba ""'..,,.. '* 11.iMe lits. ~ blodv rock ~wer l<'l tub. IJPlUad1 Laree walho"~ IM<k. RV/bOal ~ Blot.I< ~ yd """"' Doue Baio§ 7li03i2 2985 Other R8SOl1NaCltlon Property 5970 I.AXE TAHOE 28r 38a l\Jx condo sleeps ••· 1/4 or 1n onteresl. ~.000 per 1/4 Call 949-673-018 1 MISCEUANEOUS RENTALS RentalloShare 6030 COM "'-" w/yolq prof. b 2ba Im, patio. pYt ba. m$lr bf. new remod unno 949-~101 Newpot"1 SloOl'es JBr, 28a. bffch hou54! Ga rap carpor-\. comm pool & lt nn, fem n/smkr pr-1·1 s<JOO/mo 714 336·9136 Iba • Viltllty, b.llo•lflY pallO ,,_, llf'~ gas & watw Pi1KI s1200-no 949®Jn 28r llo Condo Sl275mo ( side. f p pvt yard pool lndry l,1cllrly 141 Melody I ane 949 67'> S714 act Or-View 28r, 28a, upper gar. n~w crpt l)alll!. els lo bead!. S l~n 949 574 3053 768 3344 l"SWe HM Et-2 58a f R. r p. remodl'led. hrdwd Jtrs. boi y<d, blodl lo YMCA Sl995tmo 949~2 9EB9 (abide J8r '28d W/yard. 7 prhne & 1 iiar. new 'very1hm2•1 188 Monll' v~ ..,...., dsl. w/d ~ S2000f mo 949 375 2816 •°"'-(' ...... 2.5aoa i..-, den 22$ la "'8y;i No S2.4!ltltno AvllA o\11 o.dd ..... C..w-1 ...... 949-7~74 ...... ,._ lovely ['Side Jbr 2.Sba. FR. den. F p Sf'R.wrth llJMlll e wunters. 2c c;w badr-d sxmno. Av-aj 416 949 -rB-"5726 Huntington Beach '-Y 3lir 3.5ba SFR. hdwd fk. rooltDp deck. lau11d f~. 2 c p w~tor as! um 9o&m-71m IMne The Newpon Beach/c.osta Mesa/CdM, Balboa Da.lly PUot presents you with a gear opportu:n.Jty to promote andque. a c:oUecdblet. Perfect for sb•, dealers, auaiou, booksellera. decorators, reftn.lsben, art pllette. -develop your busloeae wttb ust A Special PUblication -Just for YOUT Pilblishes: March 26, 2003 Space &. Copy Deadllne: 'March 20, 2003 -5pm Release Deadllne: Marcil 21, 2003 -Noon call today! A1ln Willey at M9 574-4249 or fax your ad to 949 63l:w6594 --DailyAPilot.-- ' ••• w. SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR A PET For nly $19 You Can Help. • • Are you an animal lover? H ere's a great way to express it. Sponsor a per phoco on our special "Save a Life" page publishing on Thursday, March 27, 2003. Your sponsorship will secure a space for a phoco of a pee who is available for adoption and needs a good hpme. This special page has saved hundreds of lives all over the stare, thanks to people like y-ou! Be a part of saving a life and feel great about doing it. This page is presented in conjunction with local animal shdcers and Newport Beach Animal Control Services. For just $19, you can add your own special thoughts under the pet's photo. le wiU display your name as the sponsor of this pee, or you may include a loving memory of one of your own cherished furry friends. SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR FORM Name_·------------------------~ Address-·-------------------~ City-· ____ Statc:.,;._ ______ z ...... ip,-· --------'---- Credit Cardi~· --------......-----p: ___ __. .... Signature:~--_,...----------------------~~~ Phone (optional) .... · ----~;....-. _____ .;,...... ______ ....__ for check, make payable to: O~ily Pilor Text to ap~ in pace bdow photo, 20 characters or I Choose One: - Q In loving memory of~---------------------_.,, OSponsottdby ........... ,,_.._......._....._...:-......... ~---..~__.;...~_..... ........ _._,__..--.. -:'Mail rht~ form with your chcdc or orcdir CUd infOrmation co: Save A Life. % Dail>-Pilot, P.O. B<D l 560. Co.ta Mesa. CA '2627 ., • ... --------.a. ----------~ .......... A14 Mondax. March 17, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE 10 11 "E l ,, ~mp oyee. HEmpleado." Bridge 8Y CHAAl.£8 GOAEN whh OMAR SHARIF Md TANNAH HIRSCH ANSW£JtS TO WEl!ICLY BRIDGE QtJ17. Q I • As South; wtncnlblc.. you even mon: ttOUblcsome. R~ hol(t one no trump • \W o A764J o ICllSJ •1ft5 Q ... Nei~ vuloerebie. you bold. • JtU1 QAllUl o U •'5 Pmuler ope111 lhe biddulg With one no ll'WTlp. Whal do you ~pond'l ~~p~·,..OllTB l • .... .... Obi ,_ ! Whal do you bid now'/ A • Yes, plltllCf ml&ht have the right hand for slam In one of the ~ sull.S. but to cue>bkt four fOlltb or ju~ in 1 ult punishes Non.fl unnoccsaaril y for rcfusina 10 sell out to th"'111 ~· Be oonienr with game by biddina four hclltb. A· You cannot w;c Stayman on thl~ hand bcuwic lhe ~ucncc I NT. l •, 2o. 2o is mvitatiorW, Therefcn, bid two heaiu and ri~ losing 1 4-4 wade liL If you play transfer bids. \runs~ to two hearts andpiw. Q 2 • A~ South. vulllCnlhlc, you hold· . . Q 5 • Both vulnerable. llS South yuu hold: •KQJ7 9 KI• 6 •K7'l2 The biddin21\15 proceeded. NOR1lJ J:AsT" SOlTlll W£Sf • KJll.l ~J 76 •2 ? 5 ~3 • .l The blddina ~proceeded: NOICTll 1!AS'r" souni wrsr ·~ .... 1• Pms t -Ja• 1 2"' .... ? Whal do you bid now? •preempti\e A • Fi rsL on dus llCQIJCnCC pal1llCt' s tw<>-hc:Mt rebid lS noc 1 rcvcr1C. 'Thal means the po6Slb1h1y of finding Nor1h wllh 11 44-4-I dJJ>tribullOO Ill Mill then:. and~ you want to icll partner you h.lvc four ~i.scs.. B 1d two \padcs Un~s partner,...~ btd three no trump next w tell part· ner lhal your two ~i-Jes WL\ natural and 004 foonfl \Uil. Whet action do you 1.-ike" A • You do not ha\C much. ooi IO pa» w1th li•e-carJ wpport for open· a-'s su11. 4 high-card point.\ and u s1.ogle1on put.Ii toQ much str.im on pann« Compcce with three hearu Q 6 -Boch •'UJDCAblc. as South you hold. • 7' .l J 6 2 8 5 4 • A Q 10 6 Q 3 • Both ~ulncrlble. you holJ •76J Q 8 5 Q965 •A Q J Panner open' the bidding with one chnmoo1t Wllal do you re~ 1 The biddin2 ha.~ l)f1)CCledc(J i..ORTH ~ SOllTH Wfo.Sf' I• Pas 1• Pua l • ...... ?' Whal do you hid now., A· With a Ont 10 poinL\, balanced hand and mCX>lly 110ft vuluc,. one no trump looks like the nutural rcspotL\C. While that r1111y make ~ wrong hand declarer 111 no trump. ro make a rnncy rcspon~ by introduc· mg u three-card major i~ likdy tu be A • Panncr·~ hel~u11 \u1l l(,Y in dub:. ai.kl. you to evaluate your club' fOI' game purposes. Although your han3 " not very pn:pos.<oes.\ing. your clubs cou Id OOI be heller. Jump lo four bpade.,. You migh1 no1 nw~e 11, but it should have rea:.onablc play SELL your stuff through classified! tlOllATTER HOW YOU SAY IT, CUSSIRED CAN FIND IT. The Newport Beach Chamber ol Commerce, a dyn1mtc business assoctahon 1s ueluna qu1hlled cendodales for a Public Aflairs Coord1· nalor Dulles mclude media telatlons, w11hn1 articles for newsletter, web updates and tnler actona wolh the mem· bership of the Chamber. Musi have •Int wr1hna skills and abthly lo coordinate many pro,ecl\ Pos aho works w/Covt Affairs Com m1tl•e w11t1n1 pos statements on tec1sla lion Compensation $28,800 to $38,600 Fu resume to 949·729·4417 • s• *"/•-c,.. Busy Newpol1 8-tl Rell E.sl3l.e office ~ ,n eqi PT ( ... StflS) Salary com- mt11$1.11 ale w/up. fu resume 949-67~2127 UCIPTIONIST Part time. for Newpor I Beach florist. Customer service exp reg 949-675·2292 vn HCll'TIONJST with upenence. Busy phones, boardme & <1pp· lolnlment.s, lpm-6<30pm & every olhtt Saturday Bad Bay Veterinary Hospital 949 756 ~ Otasif*ir CONVENIENT trlldMr '°" 'n blqUci, ulliat, or jut lootilt1, clun/Wlta Automobiles 9000 Automotive -IMW '95 S2S Black, tan 1nter1or. u cellent cond, low m1IH, SI 1.000 obo 714-412·5579 or ~S.136 as!< for Holy IMW '91 S4Df lled./ arey llhr . tmmac $25,995 vc60698 wcwarU> com ~7'122 IMW '97 3211 c_,,, silver /r,rey llhr 78k omma< S19 995 vt98272 'M:Wauli> com ~78Z1 IMW '91 3211 C-. white/ash ltnr rmmac, Sspd, $19,995 v21$487 ~.com ~1'122 "A rbeitnehmer." '·Employe . .:.' f .'/11 .,.,~/i1·tl • f, I :!-.)f, -;:: """' 1ouad ! CUSSJFTED (H9) U2-5'78 Co•flloc '96 Onllle Emen•d e-r\/'bn lltw, Sl4Jll clean $6895, 11305523 wcwauto com ~ 1'1Zl ' TIL.0'5 EUROPEAN AUTO HAUB 0--90 c.. In 8'o«* 1-800.598-9754 w~e1e..1 www.blocars.com IMW '99 7401 69k "11, 3yr warr .avail, sllvtr I arey llhr. CD. hke new tond, 11579241 $23 99S firm IW'm fin avatl. 8lu 90-586-1111 ~ ''6 Woring lXI Conv V6 s.411 m1 J yr w•r avatl. S4)¥kehnc blll In llhr CO supet b hkt new cond v2'597?1 S6995 f., avd Blu 949 586 1888 --eqdol-<- Cenr•tt• '00 VI White lan auto. ha11dehn& pke. 1211 nllln Sl2,500 New poi t ar u 949 644 0064 909-240 0030 cell D• .. t• '9 7 lntre,td Sport 3 5 116, 47k m•. whote/erey 1111, &Maeed. O/">, hkt1 llf'W $699!> l1nant1n11 & Wdll avail Bkr 949 586 1888 --·-~­DODG[ STIAl.TH U 'U Blue. auto, llhr. CO, loaded' 30 lon11 mp11. Smoued. $5200 Moved PP 714-72 1-•9'4 f.,.fi '00 lu 11ni-Xl T 1110, 29k mt sitver/1rey llh• CO runntna board• fully lo<1dt!d, hile new v872581 $21,995 ft nanun11 av11table Blu t4t-5H -1UI www. .c ... J.,.4 '9S T_.""' Cl '!>howroom cond. white fully loaded pwr ~•ts $3750 714 751 2464 F..-11''7 T--l X 78k m1 Whole. arey tlofh loaded booh & records. non smok•1, S3!JOD obo John 71 4 377 1154 D ily Pilot .. Aotl•lllll .. WI.... - NEW2003 BMWZ42.5 CoMlienat "'"heel wts,lacfidl!I •• ... $394 ,. .... + .. 111 ttiese terms ()ti AlftOVID CllDIT +.83e 13285 du-•t slanlna. Includes $450 refundable 1ec11rlty de· posll lOtl miles per yeer . ucess miles@ .20¢ per mile (LR62884) .. Oki• W.Sellip s,.dll '--',..... .. nnaawn ••.•.•....•.. SS fll!WAY @ ElMR SANT A ANA AllTO MM.1. (888) 823-9808 fM ..... Wlfochtw Gl 7 panenr.er, 6911 m1 , dean, S6.99S vd80981 wcwaito awn 9&641;. 7'122 HONDA ACCOl.D U '99 Champa11ne Only 20K m1, clean, perfect shape. 1 o wner Musi See $13.500 949 515·9031 Hendo CIV '00 auto Iran,, a~. full power, ct, low m1ln $15.900 Pp. 949 574·4244 .Henfio Prefude 5apd, red, \ml, mull! disc CO, blaci./ar11y int. alloy whls, superb 0111 body a. mt'chan1cal cond $4995 obo v797212 Bkr 9e!ill>Ulll -~" J..,cw '99 XJ8 Vaoden Plas 34k ml SP~'"""' bli.ltan llhr CO, ch<m whls. full fllct warr like nrw S28 495 llrm v842614 fonanuna avail Bi.r 949 586 1888 -.~l.c­J....., 'H HI c-v 34k m1 lull faclOfy watr, \parkhna black/oatmeal 11111. CD chrome whls. l1kt' new v677295 S34 995 financ1n1 <1va1I 8k1 949 586 1888 Jeoo;t "95 --a....-l.ltd.I h 4 6 cyl, whole, S 577S v547571 wrwautll com <)49.646 78Z1 land ........ o.c-y l ( 56k nv whole. Ian llhr, dual mnrfs. CO, brush eaurd. hke ntow v72664l Sll ,99S lo n1nc1n1 & wan avail Bkr 949-SH -llH -· ....... .._..._..,7~ St:.7 60I ll'I, dark 11r-vtan lthr. dull nwrl, 'eat llJll'4> teal.s rear .. CO. S14*"b or111 c.ond ""51291 Sl2.!P.li l!nanc..i & -r av• Siu 949-~1 ... WWW f ''C"lllt u.u .... '02 .............. JOI\ m1. full tact w•11 ••l•ef ..and/tan ~Utt CO ~lacker. chrome whls, ew Ir a •eat v6725 I 8 $78.995 Ion & warr nllol Bkr 949 586 1888 _...,..,,(98 ,......._'WC230 Emefald 1rn/l.tn llh1 '°' ft90US. s 12 .895 "617317 wcw.IUlll com 9$646-7'122 ... 'IO 290 Sil C1eman Ian.... blue auto $1995 v0199S3 wcwOIUIO com ~"21 ~AUTO ....Wty04S s.4.1''7 ,._, w/Saddle Llhr ·I pwr·only 5a mil .. (t\9234) JlU80 "-erH2'0J White w/Whlll Ltather '1'oonloof <•l9233C) 151.980 "'•-150.Z:T,.dl C....'0.S Chrome ~lvtf·Hava pllOf\. OMV paid (119213C) S37 ,980. IMW1400 c '97 Shine":f~ack with lmmac Grey L lhr C1eat rec:ordl. (#19lflOC) $29,980 IMW'JUI ' S. ... '00 White w/CrHin lealher·auto trans (119193) $28,980 IMWJJOCI c_,. 'DI Steel Grey w/Crey llhr-spt pka 31,._ miles full BMW warr <•19214C) $30,980 J.,._XJI s ....... 91 Tt11s a one near pe1 feet Shmey Black su per·ch1r1ed Sl'dln (fl88581> S29.980 MllSU00'9' Blllcll w ff.In Llh• (~~~7;;k wa~i~~ Mil SOOSl '90 Both Jops Premium wheels. w/Black llh1 (118923) $27,980 Pendle •996 C4 , ... 01 Seal Grey w/Grey llhr, lols of ea Ir as ~119206C) $71,980 Merce .. 11 1..,ze S430Se4on'01 Silver w/erey llhr. Navaaahon Below wholesale (119207) SS4 980 Merce4e11 l..u ClS5 AMG 'OO Stiver w/Charcoal Ith<, only 7006 moles' f •clory warr anly leases aood (OAC) (lll9248C) $1NQUIR£1 Merc ..... S4J O S.-.'00 s.iver Char coal Fact Of y warr •nty New body style <•19146) "8.980 ,..,. o. ... e1i ••••• Whole w Grey Int 6 cyl 5K mt 1tra Llun <•19157) SI? 980 90-574-7777 PHIUJPS AUTO plilRlp'-'•·<om __ _.. , .. MoO Sl •h•tll'I•"· immac ~ ,... .. -... ~ dllll-.114!J11 M151-XA ............... lS '00 ......,., ......... elttas, Mle new, Ol'C -• flOIVll*, $1 l,9!li ...,....,., 714-~ Miu ... '00 Plclu.,. e a:I call, •Int con4, •Uto fl•n•. A/C. •m Im bed !In«, 52JI f'fl'/ IN $9500 obo9e9~M¥y ...... ,. .,. Q1111t whit•. !1911 ml, clun, $7995 v21~89 5 wcwauto com 9&&46 7f'fl1 NIHM 'fl S-tre Oll Lib new, loaded, auto, moomoof alloys, low 7411 ml,$5900 714 751 2464 ONoa ,.. ..... AcHewi s blue, auto, CO, CIHn, u .u 5 . v 0 2 s 77 l M:WllulO.t.Ol1I 9ot!Ml42 1'1Zl f'OISCHl H• '9' Tip. low mile,, loaded, Cayenne Ofdtted, must ulll S52 ,900 OBO PP .... 244-5275 1-. l onr 'tt 4.0Sl 39k. full fact wa11 wh1lt: Ian 1111 . btlUI 0111 (Olld S26.995 v•89?l96 Ion avail Bi.1 949 586 1888 www.o~.c- lan9 1.,,.,. '99 4.0Sf melalhc blue u~lmP.tl llhr bru\h au•• d\ full h c l warr S79 Cf9!J v 79241:? Ion avail lli.1 94t-SH 1111 -.=e•.~· ... AUTOM081l.£S, Mesce.lANEOUS Wanted 9045 f..nly o,.-t ~ OwJ-40 y!lllr\ e•ll' Wiii pay II WYY ,.,. Pl•"" .lor Y.1"' uw 1/1111 or bud! patd fol or nut Cal O.il Rey (a) fon1JIO Auto ~ 714 457 1931 Cll 714 ~ Q78 CASH fOR CARS WeNH•Y-rCor Peltlf ... ., Not. "''"'p• A11te A11k f., Molcelnl 94t-S74 1171 AccessOftes 9200 llDCOVB TIOOXTUCAI, TOYOTA 111K1. PMHIOO S81$SO714-J7 4-&793 MOTORCYCLES ~ 9400 HONDA 2000 SHADOW, l lOOCX.. bl.•• ••oty ~ ~ Wflll •Ir ;r.I SUiQ) Puvatlo P.wty 114 ~<)Mq Chry~l•r '97 Selorlng C.<1nv l )\ 16 4/ll mo dr~ "'"ldllll hlu~ e••Y llho bf!.tut hkr """' tund v29257l '199'> lmJn11n~· & w•rrdnly l •dol Bko 949-516-1111 -··;t'·'·"' ,....... ... 'IO all Sil Crernan l.tni., blue auto $1995 vOl 9953 wcwautn com ~ 78Z1 M .... ..tn .... '82 .JOO BOATS m wacon. wht/bbt. '.llYI, •p--n-.......,---95-1-5 runs &OQd. $2995 ~7193 OW9f' llJ\HIY wcwaJID com 919-64& 7f'fl1 Mercetles '96 (210 beautiful black/er t:1m luHy loaded, showroom on/CU. Sil~ 714 l'!>l 24&C Mercetl .. '99 U 20 31"' mt. whole '11ey llhr mnrf chrome whls beaut hke new cond v57224 I S27 995 Ion a'lllll Siu !M9-586 11188 --, .. (_ Mer<etles •99 SJ2D lWB 5211 m1 3 yr warr ••111. s1lvu blk lthr buul Oftl cond v87!1241 $27 995 f1naric1n.a •••~ Bi.1 949.586 1888 www.ec:peloi.~- 2003 Duffy Cot 1 • Craph•l pk& r•mutr ~polhaht -1P1 I ""' h•n co ~.... ... l"h1111 l h.tll SWllll l•ddt!r & lntkp1t cvr kU lh•n 4IW1 .,,,. -S45cn> 9496r.> m. BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 4 NPI su,. o •olablt "" b<Jlh Ull lo 60!1 Idol tor privalP boat broke••lt!9491'tl 1141 for ii your ileeds.;. "'HO D REN.X RS Callfor n11 law rt quorn that contra< ton la~1n1 IOb\ lh•I total S500 Of mo<• (labor Of maltttels) be loc.ensed by the Contractors Slate license 8011d State l1w 1lso requtrl!S that contractors 1ncludt theor license nombef on all Mlvertosme You can check the 'tatu' of your h t enud contrac tor e t www cslb C!a anv 111 800 321 CSLB Uoh censed cont11ct1>rs Ukln1 1o bs that total less than $500 must stile 1h their 1dvarlisemenb tllel lhey are nol llten'41d lly the Contrec.ton St.ate ll«nw Boatd • -P1_J~llH ~;.,I AWYER A TO l HANDYMAH ln~l•ll. reface cabinets I(~ mmq. ~ 714 54&7258 • w U..fh . Custom Buoll on,. Crown Mold1nes. Base Boards l •577982 949 709 5642 Calptt Repair/Sala Cormll & Masanry l rlct. lledt St-Tiie Conaeta, Pabo, Oriwway fupk. BBQ Rers 25Yrs E•p Terry 71 ... 557.7594 r,.,_.._ CementW«k. Bridl, Tole & More Rtlt.t>le No ,Ob too smeff 949-548-6746 CClllllnlc:WCon MHI> MOil IOOM? CAR,lT ~ CAUIT o(j Ml0010HS & R£MOOELH> Rtpu". Pttchone. lnstal_I l1577982 949·709-5642 Courteou'\ any s11e ~ n..w-Pllllli.w... Wholaalal 949 492 0105 .,.._,,, _..,,. I TO lGIN YOUIHOMI IM,.OVIMIMT PIOJICTt CaU • plum!Mr, palnllf', handyman. Of any of tne Steal setvkff lftted here In our -ic. d1r1ctoryl TH£S£ LOCAi. SVC PEOPU CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI aJSTOM OIAlM TU hmlllbon, Mat& cs-. owl*, stane. hloi6i 1 '1 s l'6120M Jtll 71"1VJ!l61 LlMY IJec-ed Re11 outll'I a. lnslaftallOO TILE DCAH 949 673-8065 ~ 714-elD-21131 MIUllt'S HAROW OS ~ 2S Yrs, L1febme w1<ranty U763144 71• 501 •933 GngeDocn ...... tft.lfYn ... 1..-i wor11, ya-d de9r\ ~. ~"-""'~ Comm(Res 11• 436 1518 =. L.. Twrff .._ ... Ulf'9 w.Jy llWlt. lrw ~ & lnslabllon. 25 Yra .. p Uc/lmured 9$548-4313 Elalcllanc. ~ noeo -• .__ ........ ~ .... """ mw. .. anw. ..... .. --"'prep 949-515-8112• fr-s""'c•, Yard Cleanup, M1lnten1nc:e, Sprlnki.t Rep1ir, Haullfll (t ... )HO-a711 ,._WI We'll Underbid EveryoMI 909 681-6664 GENf.IAI, l£PAll 61WNJ!.NMD _ ........ r.anmnm 0 Job 1bO S'""'1 .,... .......... Mf.3JU29Z HNTAl..ffUSIAHO FOR HONEYOO'S your IW>ney won't From Elect lo lht kitchen ... 949 548-93&1 THI HANO AN Emercency S..vk• <>Ill ~ Ellctral, c. .. Doon elc .. 949-2 .... 8895 tt.llng JUNl TO THI OUMPlll 71•·968 1882 AVAll.A8LE TOOAVI 949-673·5566 Mowing' Sb1tl llST MOVOS $St /Nr servm1 ell cities lns111ecl lut, cour leous, carelul Tl63M4 IOO 2"6 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The C•llf Public Ufohl1es comtnlnlOn requos that •II uHd household 1oods mover' print their PUC Cal T number. limos and ch•uffeurs print their T C P number In all adver hnmenls II you have any 11.,.sllons aboul the le11llly of a mover. limo of cht utfeur, ctll PUB LIC UTllfTltS COM MISSION 714 558 4151 ~1 4 I ufa NHipcwt -••ill eble lor coollln&, companlonlhlp, llcrlt "°'*"""""' •randl. etc;.... Gr11t foul ,...,_ •121>&336 a..,.. c• o ti Pc Ne#pcwt mom ...,.,. ablt 101 cook1n1 com.,.nionslup. lfel\1 l'louMllMClll'll. err lllOs. etc CrHI local r•-96m8336 <"-I'·~~.,,., Gl•I P11ce! CU¥anleed WOfk rrH at l'37S602 71• ~ 1534 7.390-2945 l"S CUSTOM PMmMG Prof'I. clHn, quallt~ WOl'k Inter'°' /u I and docks. ll70J.468 949·631 4610 IUJHIO ma.l MAIN? Palnllfll_,tal, ~Apt Quallty IOf,ll Ft .. &St1m1t. l'5691197 714-6:)6.8888 Ptwtat111 a Stllcco ......._ Wfla:t Aemodtl X> • "'i'ews E&p Rea sonable, Dependable ll349020 714 638 111• •S..-. i9iill; ...... Restl!CCO. Room Addibon, Patchln1 Reasonable' 71 • 921 · 16"7 804-0497eg Plumb1n1 ,..,.,,., over 25)'rs up. All w~ .-.i, SIM 714- HOlllST & llASOMMU P\.UMBU L'506586. Fra E.sU Sm iwp1n. OC1FQJ o.c. 71 .. 2:69150 lPWMlfffG st..,an a. ~ernodeltn1 fRE£ lSTIMATE U6117391714 969 1090 Aoalllt'tallirs :-=,~: .. ~= Coltwn 9'Q 1«17 ltelG 91!Mi14-~ n..-31 " liq