HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-21 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• • a1 10 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2003 PHOTOS BY KENT TR£PTOW I DAILY PILOT Students shout antiwar slogans as they march through the campus of Orange Coast College during a student walkout on Thursday. War Sparks Rr.otests,. support Demonstrations held at OCC and South Coast Plaza on first full day of U.S. military action in Iraq. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -The drumbeat for peace re- fused to be silenced Thursday after bombs began dropping on Baghdad,• reverberating through Costa Mesa with renewed pa.Won. The peace movement started with a mellow flavor at Otange Coast C.OUege in the morning with a wallc- out sponsored by the Peace Coalition, made up of several groups at the school -the Green Party chap- INSl>E For more Newport-Mesa reaction to the ~r with .Iraq, )elt Page AS :=· 9i;d poetry. ter, Peace Project; United Stu· dent Sociologists; the Psychol- ogy Oub; and the Muslim Student Assn. At one point. students gathered on the grassy quad to hear speakers numbered 150. Those ror and against the war with Iraq expressed their send· menta through soliloquies. rap : • The purpose or the walkout was to encourage !Gose who are again.st the war not to give up just be- eause the military campaign Is underway, co-organ- iur Federico Moreno said. • ·we have produced a successful protest _move- ment." .Moreno said. 'We can't think we failed be- cause the war started. We have to tum it into a vi- brant antiwar movement" During his peech. Moreno railed against what he amslders the hypocrisy or the government for Jaunching a co tJy war in the mJddle 0£ a recession. "Were spending billions or dollars on a war that wUJ make the rich richer and the rest of the wodd more dangerous," Moreno said. • 'fyler Hoff, who expressed support for peace, said it 0 N T H E HOME FRONT Orange Coast College student Niki Nilchian, 20, listens to speakers dunng an antiwar rally at the SM PROTESTS, P .. e M school on Thursday. Schools try to assuage students' fears about war How Newport-Mesa teachers address war depends on the pupils' ages, but they want to assure them that they're safe. Christine Carrillo DailyP1lot NEWPORT-MESA -With war coverage born· barding Americans from nearly every angle. school officials have taken a united stance to protect young students from the constant barrage. By trying to address students' concerns about the war in Iraq, schools in the Newport-Mesa Uni- fied School District have tried to 6nd the best ways to assuage youthfuJ rears. "Our response Is we're not going to teach it; we're going to respond to it.· said Charlene Metoyer. principal at Eastbtuff FJemenuuy Scbool in New· port Beach. "We're going to respond to students with facts. ... We're not teaching; we're reassuring. Our big responsibili~ is that the parents and the Irids know that coming to school is sale.· Although principals at elementaJy schools have not directed teachers to give lessons on the war. middle school teachers have been able to teach a historical perspective on the war through their so- cial studJes classes. Overall, teachers are addressing tudent con· cems about wartime events by explaining the facts SM FEARS, P.11• A5 Ellis charges Greenlight leader OK'd city grant .· Consultant for City Council Just this Week. Ant and Gttenlljht ~d-subc:Ontractoruuch u1Vc:ommemal pro- '°\ • h •t , en launched a ~ng new campaign re-duciioo comp8nies and literalUre print members says p l Arst S forminitiatMtorqulatedtydKUonsthat Ar5t defended his pe>Qtion. saying that charge of conflict of interest ·they hope woUld bauuch practkes. • his support of the spftldi.nc plan ln 2001 1s , , . , 8Ut documenta dilcloeed to the Delly Pi· not incOntiltent with his cum:nt J)O'ition lS distngenUOUS. lot by £IHa ahow that Ane, who haS aiti· that E hid an appearance or a conRict of dzed dty oak::lela for ~log to p F.W. lntttelt with the d~ JVne Ca1a1rande the pant money wtt.hout pubUdy an· In May 2001, the Airport \f!oRing Group Oaity Pilot ~ theii' del to hJm. Nd °"llMOY ~ ~ llpptOYed a propoeed , ij>pnMd ol lhe ~ p&an that WOUid tpmdina p&an for the $3.f.mlllion ....,t. Al. NEWPORT BP.AOI -8niak1ng his ti· p1y Ebll' ftnn more thlrl $300,000 for con· tbe dme. the cominiaee IDduded NII Md JeOC:e to go on the oft't'NIYe, cam.,_. con· tuldnl and media ..W.. wofti'l& poup w.<e JAdiderM ltichlud 'nay· tUltant Daw Wiit h&i ICCUled Gnlenlijht •My point II chit .PhD Ullng thll .,ant to kJt who It now a GnMlrillllll llllMnl com· ~ Phd Ant of 1 conwnleht change of further hJa ~ caa.e la ~u-mlltee member. The..,... ·pa. called 1*it about a 200 l dty P*fl' for airport ous blame,.. .. pan and pual of ttu. lbr S 10.000.·month r-b Elia' 8rm «Mlf "adon. .,.,,t.~ a .met In 1 phoril .-. .-. • 13 rDorithl. pus s.12.400 CMr the l! •:iAnt hM led the ~ ...... P.IUI for !ma.., nol9d .... ~ blli lmi... montbl for llboi' C'Olb and •• .,. 10 plJ ~ on lbe ~ ol Cound1 cdwd lbouc S45l.ooo of die.-. ... por• lntema. 1Mn.,... who hid appoWwd the ar.-lhlt don ldll9I)' pjkl ID bll lrm W sUo.ooo. Would uttraWyblnlll B1W Inn. badlw 1be nllllllnder .,.. uted '° p1y ... 91 E ... lr ..... M - I THINKING ALLOWED A different · war, a different time P eace was lhe bunword or my childhood. We always tallted about putung an end to war in school, and it seemed like my entire sixth-grade class had that tie-dyed lrapper Keeper with the large peace sign on the front of it. Rings. necklaces and anJc.leL., were decorated with the popular fashion symbol, and ju<:.I like beauty queen.,, we all IU.led world peace a.., one of our top~hes. It's hard to imagine I have -~"('n" two war; in my hfe the Pel"'iian (,uJr LOLITA HARPER \.'var and thh War on rerrorism (If we are counting w~ on ab.,tract thmg.-., I have watched the country conunue to lose the War on Drug'>. but thafs ano1her column.) Anywdy, as I w~ waJlung into the ne~room Thur;day. I ..aw our paper\ ht:Jdhne, ·war feels far away." and 11 cap1ured exactly how I feh about 11 all Without a family member or clo'>e fnend deployed in any of these wan., they never really hit home. Sure, I watched the patriot missiles explode all the scud missiles fired at our troops during the Persian Gulf War. but as with everything else on television, I felt \.-Cry disconnected. The closest I feh to this war was accompanying Costa M~ Manne Reservist Cass Spence and hi.s family to Camp Pendleton 10 watch them say goodbye as he shipped off to Kuwait, but still, I was technically an outsider Mine is such a different senoment from what I have heard from local seruor citizens. All or these sourc~ have "wartime· s1ones and remember the effects of World War II vividly II was before Vietnam, when war was collectively thought of as honorable, and young men were itching to serve their counuy. It was a Lime of extreme pride in the nation and its troops. And although that war was also fought on foreign soil, Americans made great efforts stateside to help in any way possible. Longtime Costa Mesa Senior Center volunteer Mary Anne Bane, 68. said she was 7 when World War U was declared Bane said she remembers the efforts she and her family members took to save re.souroes dunng wartime. ·1 remember, as a child,~ saved our chewing gum wrappers for the foil. and the snne with dprene pa.cb. • she said. not that she was smoking at age 7, r·m sure. "'We did the same with tin cans. We smashed the cans. ~ the foiJ into little balls and took them aU to the recycling site.· She remembers gathering an>W'ld the radio every ni.ght to hear the latest war news. Even during the Saturday matinees. which childnn attended religiously for a nickel, there would be a weekly news update before the alMM •Tuey showed footage from Peart Harbor and showed footage or the SM ALLOWED, P ... A5 Daily Pilot ATAGLANCE • ONllEWEB: www°"'Mk.c:an Theeunheleome ODmfl llNon todeY. ....... A2 GOLF n. TOINbe Senior Qlilllc .............. °' .. ............... ....... A7 --. -------.-.,--------- A2 f'nday, ~ 21, 2003 ON THE ~TER The American Pride, a 130-foot schooner, will dock at Newport Harbor today and remain there until Monday. A friendly visitor Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot F or the first time ever, the tall ship American Pride will dock at Newport Harbor. The 130-foot schooner will • make her way into the harbor today and will remain docked at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum until Monday. The American Pride, which sailed 7,500 miles through the Panama Canal from Bar Harbor, Maine, to the West Coast, will be welcomed into the bay by a flotilla of local yachts led by the Harbor Patrol's fire boat. The tall ship will then stick around for display over the weekend and will give the community the opportunity to learn history while having fun, said Glenn Zagoren, chief executive of the museum. •1t's good to be able to show our children what the world was like before WHATS AFLOAT •WHATS AF(JJAT is published periodically. · If you are planning a nautical event. submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or bye-mall to ' dailypilot!§latimes.oom. SAILING CLASSES Orange Coat Cohge is o&ring new credit and noncredit sailing classes this spring. Most classes are five weeks in length, and boata range from Udo 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelbo81s.. Cruising seminars are also being taught The OCC Sailing Center la at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412 or visit oocsailing.com. Saillng fe9dnatlon off9rs eta.. In boating safety and uiling year·round for persons with disabilities. me. (949) 640-1678. Orange County employers can bllng their employees out to Newport Beacti on weekdays to enjoy o day of aa11ing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offera a chance for groups to wott with the on-board instructor on different aalllng techniques The tall ship American Pride arrives in Newport Harbor this afternoon. It will dock alongside the nautical museum for tours said. "Tall interest with its history, heritage taJ s of pirates and the days of yore." American Pride, the only three-masted schooner now on the West Coast, was built in 1941, originally as a two-masted •schooner-dragger" and launched as the Vuginia. She served many years as a fishing boat in the ports of New England and Maine. She also spent weeks at sea in search of cod, haddock. Hounder and ocean perch. ln 1986, she was completely rebuilt ln while they get advice on how to perlorm well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day dasses cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS With Matfna w.t.rSpot1s at the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self1Juided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft. jump the ocean swells in a Sea-<k>o jetboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler. or soar above it all on a parasall flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary Ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. Balboa Boat R.nuls" can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, efectric boats, 14-holder .sailboats. pedal boats and runabout9 for off'ahore UM or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour llCaVen981' hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outinQ\i The hunt padc.agea include boats, trivia qUestiona, mapa, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hont begins at $226 per boat and catering is available at an addltJonal rate. For hunt reseMltions, call (949) 673-7200. Thomaston, Maine, and certified by the U.S. Coast Guard. The American Pride wu bought in 1996 by the American Heritage Marine Institute that brought it to the West Coast. Tall ships are quite uncommon these days, Zagoren said "We hope it will inspire kids to learn about history and round them out as a person," he said. "But the bottom line ls, it's fun." The tall ship will be open for tours from lO a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Admission is $2 for children; $3 for adults; and $7 for families. Admission to the museum is free. Barbecue and beverages will also be available. Anyone interested in participating in the welcoming Ootilla can do so at 4:30 p.m. today. Call Marshall Steele at (949) 675·8915. For general information, visit the museum's Web site at www.nhnm.org. EJectrtc bcM1t ,.,..,.,. aw I He bf the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window endosures and CO players. Ice and a.tps are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour reotal is $75. (949) 645-6812. P9dal boata, electrtc boats. boogie ........ kayaks, Inflatable rafts, catamarans, beech fumlture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sparta at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. GondoM..,.... ... oflwed by the GcMtdoM Co. of Newport. 3400 Via Oporto, Sul19 102-8. The $75 cost lndude9 a basket of bread, cheese, salami, Ice, gtaues, a b&anlcet. music and a Polaroid picture. Wine It alao available. (949) 675-1212. Gondc>M~S10'IW. Coast Highway, offers~ mld two-flour gondola cruises. A onHlc>ur tour with champagne is $70. A two-hour tour wtth dinner and champagne is $180. Paup It available at wateffront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. tMne Coast a. ...... In Udo Mllftna Vllaga offers two-hour efectric boat crulMI With a gounnat dinner. $180 for two penons. (949) 67M704. DailyAPilot Cof1lf Wllon 8oJC 1580, Com Meu, CA 92828. N.ws a111at8nt, (9'8) 61._..298 Copyr1gtlt No newt stortee, corel. wf/Mm .,.,,,,,...com lll1tttmlone. edltortal mdlf or l'HOTOORAPHEM edveftiMmentl t..in c.n be Seen Hiller, Don l.aed\, repn>duced whhout wribf\ Kent~ permleelon of copyright owner. VOL 97, NO. 80 READERS HOTLINE HOW TO MACtt U8 ntOMA8 H. JOHNSON News Edleots (9'8) 642-«>88 Cftulllidoft Publlelw Otne Aliilrjnder, Lori Andef9on. Record '(O\lr comments •boot the The Timel Orange County TONYDODIRO Denlel H""'-Piii.ii Seitowlt7, Delly Pilot or newa tls». (800) 252.t141 EditOf' o..ISC.W.W Addlleee MMtllll .. JUI:/( OlTT1NO ... l'TNf Our edd,... II 330 W. 8-v St., Com Ch111tllld (IM8) 642-N78 ~~r cnm.'=9~. Meu. CA 92tl27. Office hours .. .,...., (149) 14M321 ~ • Ff1drf, l:30 • m • 5 p.m ,....... Ptomotlont Director ca.1 c. ........ ..... EDmNGITNt' ..,,..bMillflle,.,.,.,,_com ti le CM Plloe'e potlc:y to PfompdV IMl..U·MIO &.J.C.. ..... =·· oon9CC en enort of ""*8nce. ....... , .. , 574-4223 ....... ('.911 , ... , *"432A ..... ,_(MtlMM110 ~Editor, ,.....,.. ,..,...,, ...... ,_Ml eeo.ot70 ) M2l3 ... 57'-4232 m .._. *"r'Pllot•,_.,__com 1./cahitll ~ • ~.: HQ •••~com The NNpOft ~ MtM ..... --.......... .... CIM&t Oeitv P$IOt (lJSPS.c M4-t001 .. ....... --(Mt) ..U-4321 OlvlicMor. Mdce end 9"\llrOfti 11e11t """°"*· pubfflhed de61y, In Nliwpoft leed1 I I ,_(Mt).,,.,,. (Mt~ ~*'..t330 Md eo... Meea. IUbttct .......... ,.,,_,,..., • ......_com PliN'.dlnlon•,...,_com ..... c...... ~onll'I bV ~'°The 8poftl Ecl*>r, .......... TW.. Onlnga County (IOO) -C..PM223 Columnllt. CUiiin ....,,..,, 252 .. 1'1.ln--~of fOfl#'.mrtlot'l•wn..com ... PM111 Newpoft leadl end Coi* Mala,• ..... .,. ...... ~-....oom eubwitpll011• to IM~~_.. M Chew IN.wt 0... Chief, ........ &1 . ._.. ... °""".., ...... melt'°' ~t.,Timeia~ C...PMnA COltaMaM ........ ...,..,..., ao .,., l'l'IOf'llh. ""'°" fMlude .. ~ ....... ,..,,.,,""'" ...-.achtllonoflMLoe~ .... MIC ... ................. , . .,,, 8jlptio1ttl1 -end'°°" ..... , T""-";:.~· a1a1c--. POl'TMAIT'Eft. """addr-. lducllllon ...... _. PMm ..,...n. ........ 02002 TIM9I CN. NA .... ..,.,,,,,.., • ...,,, II Wt ..... 111 ............ I IY911t1 --~ ...._ '-<>. ·--- I .. THE HARBOR COLUMN I ·~.tall ship sails into ./fewp·ort f!atbor . A ~a wandogto partldpate In the welcoming ftotilla &houJd mnbld .... 5'leele at (949) 675-8915. ell. 104. winter ltonn system that pesaed though Southern California this week. The aystem generaled 9-foot swdlswtth pie-force wind& The sea modidons MIKE I want to extend a special thank you to those who attended Wednesday night's Marine Committee'• event were ao rougtt on WHITEHEAD Monday that the Catalina Ayer could not dock In Avalon to pick up the~ wanting to return to the mainland. I commend the captain's decision. I am tracking the sea conditions very closely beawee 1 am leaving this morning to trawl south of the border. 1 will be joined by Qwwler Bell, who is a captain wi~ Bongo's Sportfishlng. This weekend. we are taking possession of a new 54-foot yacht that is antvtng in Ensenada from Florida aboard a transport ship. On Saturday. we are scheduled to off-load the vessel from the ship, then oomplete the Mexican paperwotk. and .6naDy quickly prepare the vessel for the trip to Newport OD Sunday. I am hoping that seas will <lea-ease for a smooth ride uphill and that the war will not dose the international border. Since 1 will be south of the border, I will miss the American Pride's anival to the Newport Harbor Nautical Mu.sewn this afternoon. This ls the first time in history that this 130-foot three-masted schooner will visit Newport HaJboc. American Pride was built in 1941 and launched origlnally as the Vuginia. - Now. she ls mmpleting a 7,500-mile voyage from Bar Harbor. Maine. through the Panama c.anaJ to our hart>or. She is the only three-mMted schooner on the West~ A ftotiila of boats will escort the schooner up the harbor to the museum. Leading the flotilla will be a county Harbor Patrol fire boat with a water display. She is expected to arJtve at 4:30 p.m. ~and local boaten are weJmme to join the flocilla. Theo. from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m Saturday &nd SUnday, the public is welcome to tom the .. American Pride" from stem to stem. Her ~dressed in period OOll\DDes, will be Oil band to show you the ropes. There Is. small admission feed only $3 for adu1t8 and $7 for families. 1be Newport Harbor N8udcal Museum is at 151 E. Coast Higbwa)t There is amp1e m,e paddng. Those at the Newport Harl>or Nautical Museum It WU a very enjoyable evening listening to the storjes of the nautical authors and Ray~. the director of callfornia's Department of Boating and WaterWays. Ray arrived in town that morning. allowing us enough time for a cruise of Newport Harl>Or. So, I called our retired barbormaster, Marty ..-....-.. to borrow his tender. Ray just bappmed to bring his fisbJ.ng rods, and while we were visiting Gey HID at b1s fuel dock. Gary just happened to throw a package of frabty frozen squid into our boat There was onJy one thing to do, and we eadl had only one hookup Ooating off Corona Del Mar. That evening, Ray spoh a.bout the importma of the Wallop-Breaux nust Fund that boaters pay through a fuel tax and special fees. As such, a portion of this money ls legislated to go direcdy baclc. annually to each state to support boating and those who paid into this speda1 trust. The funds pay for infrastrucnft such as launch ramps and marinas, boater education. on-the--water law enforcement and much more. ~. the boaters' funding is being eyed by · others in Saaamento. ln committee now ls a sligbt-of-hand OlOlle to merge the Department of Boating and WateTWa)'S with the States Department of , Parts and Reaeation. The merger would allow the boa.ta funds to be siphoned into the Infamous black hole of the state's general fund. This was tried onoe before during the Gov. Pete Wilson era and it sp8J1ted sUc:b an uproar from the public tbctt it was eoon abandoned. I wiD haw moM on this, hopdully, in my next column and lnfonnadon about bow you can conlad your legJslators. Safe voyages. • a.£ WHn&tEAD le the Pllol's bollting and herbor cok.mnist. Sand him your hertJor and~ thoughts end story MJggeStions bV e-mail io Mike0~1Y.«>m. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF We1I web up to c:louda thit The nofthweet IWl4f morning, much lb on tl'la'tllll todty, WfU'l 1111 Thur9dey, though It'll get paltty building Into the~ tuMV tNt diemoota. Highs range. .. top 70, ~ ju8t barefy. Setunt.y ~.,..,,..., Lows. hoYtr nMr 60. .. the 9Wel piMb. though SetufdlV'I k>oldng mud\ 'Wt'" encounlllt '9wet' • eunnier, 1hough h6gtW wtl d oYeftlMdL be In the kMw 70s: ev ~ .... bedlcbM1 w.11 .. men douda on Into cMlt-to ~ Sund9y, but It'll di be eunny. zone. ............. ~--be~ ..... ,,..,noM.(l(N, am6h. BOATING FORECAST --~ w.w.AlrlWdlr.~ o.;-. foe ....... boMari TIDES ...ty.11-...... blow Ito TlnW 10 lcnOll In ... '""9f WlllN ........ ........ IOOn, ...,_ 2.foal 6:1ta.m. -0.%7 t.t low WIWl Ind I._. .... of I to 11:211.m • '-10tMthlgh ,...., U?p.m. l02tllt1DW CM..,._, ncdur;1111tfy ..... lllow 11to21 ..... 11:21 p.m. 1.a•Ngh .-2 . .., .......... anc1 • WATER~ -· • •MllOfltolO .... ........... _ ..... 11 ...... ,... ..... ._ ' .. .. . • • • • .. frlday, March 21, 2003 A3 Tire reef expansion request postponed Supervisors oppose Santa Ana River agency Newport Beach activist says his plans could hinder the city's bid for Local Coastal Plan. Paul Cllnton Dally Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Ro· doJpbe Streichenberger, who won a court ruling last year that deemed the CaJlfornla Coastal Commission unconstitutJonal, bas postponed plans to expand the tire reef that sparked the le- gal and political battf e three. " years ago.· nte Newport Beach activist shelved the plan a week ago. pulling an application to th~ city's Water quality committee to add l,000 new tiJ'es to his ex· lstlng artificial reef, which Is be· tween the Newport and Balboa piers. S~lchenberger said he yanked the plan LO take politi- cal pressure off Newport Beach, which is applying to the com- m{ssion for a Local Cpastal Plan, wl)kh, if grante4. would hand over coastal development p,owers to the city. wit would be another load on their back," Streichenberger said. "It's just postponed in or- der tu alleviate and avoid a showdown." The outspoken Streichen- berger, who founded the New· port·baaed Marine Forests So- ciety. said be wouJd revive his reef exp,anafon once the city succe~fully pins down an ap- proval for its plan. Strelchenberger had asked the city for a conditional permit to add the tires to a reef that consists of PVC tubing, tires and plastic bags. The city has jurisdiction in waters three miles out Crom the sho{eline. · Approving the permit could have caused the city political headaches when it headed to the comm1ss1on with the coastal plan, Streichenberger said. And few have spoken In sup- port of Strelchenberger's reef. Councilman Tod Ridgeway said. Ridgeway is the chairman of the city committee formulating the coastal plan. He also.sits on the Coastal/Bay Wate r Quality Committee, whkh was set to consider the ilem last week. "I'm not prepared politically to crusade the Coastal Com- misslon without adequate sci- entific data supporting the con- cept." Ridgeway said._ "It will allow the committee LO be more objective if there is no political consternation in o ur detiher- ation." Newport-Mesa Supervisor Jim Silva says conserva ncy would create more red tape in Sacramento, though its author' disagrees. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Wedneisday. "The bill is Mill in its infancy." Greenlight backs Hyatt's renovation COSlA MESA -5uperv1- "or Jim SiJva joined two board colleaguel. m oppol> ing a Santa Ana River con- '>ervancy lhat couJd protect and reMore i.egmenb of the %-mile waterway. Correa. who said he IS mulling a run for a supervi- sor seat. disagreed that the bill creates morf' bu- reaucracy. I le said the bill would, in a<·tuaJtty, puU to- gether a variety of agencies to increaM! bond funding for river projoct.5. Slow-growth group says plan for a $14-million restoration of the Hyatt Newporter won't trigger a citywide vote. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BFACH -Leaders of the Greenlight movement praised the Hyatt Newponer's restoration as an ideal example of restrained growth. Hotel managers. during their process, won't be required to seek a public vote on the plan because it doesn't significantJy expand the hotel ''That's the kind of develop- ment that Greenlight supports," said Phil ~t. the Greenlighl spokesman, "upgrading older ar- eas of the city, rather thaa..adding density." The Greenlighl uuuauve. passed in 2000, requires a public vote for large-scale development that either exceeds certain size thresholds or needs an amend- ment to the city's general plan. The I lyatt Newporter project do~ not trigger any of those thresholds, which include a p roj- ect tJiat adds more than 100 "peak-hour" vehicle trips. more than 100 new dweUing units or other statistical criteria "As it stands today, to renovate the property we have no respon- sibility to the Greenlight lnitia- tive," GenernJ Manager Bruce Brainerd srud "It has no impact." Ille Hyatt Newporter's new management, Sunstone Hotel lo- ve.tors, !><l}'l> 1t plans to spend $14 million tu renovate the oldest ho - tel in the city. Swishine is manag- ing for Wes1brook I lotel Partnel" IV, which bought the hotel in De- BEST BUYS cember from Wyndl1am Interna- tional Inc. The Newporter Inn, as it was once known. was buiJt in 1962 Sunstone has pledged a broad- brush renovation that would re- vamp the hotel's 403 gtJf">t moms, meeting rooms. public ar- eas, restaurant and sports bar. Hotel mangers say they need to upgrade the hotel 10 keep up with the competition. lhe Balboa Bay Oub is readying it!> new hn tel, set to open in May. and I.ht! Costa Mesa Hilton has compl~ted a major overhauJ. Worlc would Ix-gin in Septt.·ni ber and wrap up by next summer Silv-d, who represents segments of the river in Costa Me'X!, Newport Beach, Huntmgton Beach alld other area!> of C )range County. said the proposal w~ vague a11d would cre- ate more red tape 1n Sacra- mento. "I am conct-rned about the overlapping 1uri'idic- tio11 a con!tervancy would create and it!> effens on county operation!>," Silva '>a td 111 a stare ment Wed11e'>day. "I bt-lieve we '>huuld avoid c:rea1111g aJd1- 1iunal layer., 'or govern mtnt " Correa al:.o saJd he would he wi lling to tweak the bill to a.!>Suage :.om e of the t ntici..,m. "'nib biJI ,., aimed at co- ordinating aJJ of tho'>t' gov- emment layer'>," Correa ~atd. • fhjs t!> a new bill. It will go through a lot of change!>." Silva called the bill vague, !.Bying it hasn't properly defined who would s ll on the conser- vancy board Bring home a furry friend The hoard voted J to 2 at it'> lue'>day mecttng to op- pose a bilJ from A'>'>embly· man Lou Correa ID-Ana· heim) to create the agency. Correa said he was somewhat surprised by the vote. considering his bill had lhe support of Asc;em- blymen Ken Maddox (R- Costa Mesa) and Tom llar- man (R-Huntington Beach). among others. 'rhe bill ha!> aho caused con<.wrnation among Su- perv!'>ors Rill Campbell and Chris Norby. who joined 'lilva in opposing it, be- cause 11 could create an- other hurdle to the county's plans to extend lhe Orange rreeway. Maddox "<lid he doesn't support extending that freeway, which wouJd be "running through Fountain Valley and Co-.ta Mesa " Y ou can take home a lovable' pet at Three Dog Bakery's Furr Therapy Adopt a Pet event from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday and from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday. The bakery works with local rescue gi:oups. including All Retriever Rescue. Modjeska Canyon Rescue, Newport Beach Animal Shelter and Hearts for Hounds. At the I~ adoption weekend, 18 animals were adopted in one day. Corona del Mar Plaza. (949) 760-cxx;S. CAPTURE THOSE MOMENTS Since 1945, Figge Photography has earned a reputation as one of the best local photography studios. Figge Photography is offering a spring children's special through April. Book a studio sitting and get 50% off the nonnaJ studio-sitting fee. Beach and location sittings are also discounted more than 20%. Order prints and get 15% off. Call for details and sitting scheduJes. Open from 10 a.m.. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday; and ' from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays. 240 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 644-6933. www.jiggesrudio.com. WANT TO GET AWAY1 Unda Slaughter at Newport Trawl Concepts says they're having a travel fair from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday. #Let's Celebrate America-will showcase 15 of the top companies for tours, cruises. hotels and more. Prize drawings will take place every 15 minutes. The grand drawing is for two American Airline domestic tickets. Wmners mu,,t be present at the time of the drawing. The fair will be held at 1600 Dove St. in the atrium courtyard. (949) 261-8660. GREER WYLDER SHOP TEMPLE BAT YAHM A March Madness sale is at Temple Bat Yahrn's Gift Shop .from I 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. On sale are Judaica, gifts, books, tapes and m ore. IO 11 c.amelback St .. Newport Beach. (949) 644-1999. DECK OUT WITH DENIM Bloomlngdale'a is throwing a denim party from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday in the Y.E.S. Contemporary Sponswear department on Level 3. BJoorningdale's has styles from denim to twill, from Oared to straight. and from light to dark. Models, music and gifts galore! Receive a complimentary subscription to Lucky magazine with any denim or twill purchase. Also, receive a denim tote bag compliments of Cotton Inc. with your denim purchase of $200 or more. BloomingdaJe's is at Fashion Jsland in Newpon Beach. (949) 729-6795. Also on Saturday at Bloomingdale's, the hottest sandals will be shown from I to 4 p.m. in Shoes. Level 2. Also, Spa Gregoria will give complimentary foot massages. Receive special savings on your sandalpurchaseoftwoormore pairs, including a gift certificate good for a pedicure at Spa Gregories (while supplies last). (949) 729-6739. GET READY FOR ntE TRUNK SHOW Best Buys reader Ida Middlesworth ls accepting appointments for the spring/summer trunk ... how of the Worth Collection through April 4. "The Worth Collection i!> the premiere in home collection and speciaJi1.es in clothes to fit the customer's lifestyle. including c.Jre~y casual. professional wear as well as cocktail and after five." Middlesworth said. ·This is the perfect way for women to shop who value style, quality and personal service in a relaxed acmosphere." Sizes 0 to 16, 0 to 14 petite and select styles in siz.es 16 and 18 are included in every collection. The Worth Collection is featured in both Town and Country and Veranda magazines. Ida Middlesworth at (949) 673-8028. TAKE A BITE FROM THESE APPUS The latest Apple products are at the Apple St.ore at Fashion Island. The front haJC of tJ1e store carries hardware; the second haJC is for photos, movies. music. kids reference, printers. scanners, etc. Biggest sellers are the iMacs, which cost from $1.299 to $1,799. The higher-end model has a SuperOrive to bum DVDs. There's a Genius Bar for service, and an area for free presentations, demonstrations and workshops. At 9 am. Saturdays. a •Getting Started Workshop" teaches the basics. Most popular items are the iMusic MP3 for CD coUections; iPod for recording up to 4,000 songs for Wmdows and Mac products;andiPhotofor creating printed picture boob. Buy any Mac and Microsoft. Office version before April 7. and save up to $300. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; from JO a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. (949) 729-443.i. fnsl1ionislarui@apple.com. • BEST BUYS appears Mondays and Fridays. Send information to Greer Wylder at greerwylder ti. yahoo.com; at 330 W Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627, or by fax at (949) 646-4170. "It's a ltttJe soon to form an opinion." Maddox !>aid The supervisors took the vote as pan of their peri- odic revtew of new bills in their legislative bulletin. Where You Can Get uSauced" And Still Drive Home! - March Madness Party Pa.ks Aftllable After lOam Pick-Op I Bacld Gr~ MJ Eliib\' Ba<t Ribs BBQ"d Chlckm loulSanl Hoc ~ Sl;ml BmUt. Coo1 8rcld llonry Bull.er. ho Sklr5 Ind all !hr uttllSlb Party Paks SOLE APPEAL A flt solely for you. • Manni, out bbdca1Joq. clcl:aWnR and lily Cl'lbtru-OUt coHecdon OI European~ rOOl~lll ffOCn ~ MN:d and V.tft Eli. Manm tbc .... .::lot*-' In "1W'D wlh nay llyla • k\ • ful ... ,,.. 6oa ... u. andlnwlllhlfrom q:m M •wMe. eoru...,,. .. Rimi '64 MaclMIDAteme, (coroa OllllcArda a IQO • ,.,.721·2325 ....... 'hJaicam , ------------..... --------~--___,.-..,--~------- M Friday. March 21, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY Man suspected of having child J?Om Newp0rt Beach PoUsie ar- rested a 61-year·old· Santa Ana Heights man Wednes.· day night on suspicion of toms P.nforcetnent a.nd the Newport Beac;h Police ~ partmenl Bullet fired through school windows possesalng about 100,000 Someone reportedly inlages of cb1ld pomogra· fired a gun at an empty phy ln his home, officials building at Sage Hill Hlgb said. School in Newport Coast John Mawice Aldrich . breaking two windows, was arrested after a aimi-Newport Beach Police offi· nal complalnt was filed cial$ said. · yesterday in Federal Court The incident· likely hap· ln Santa Ana, -according to pened between 5:30 p.m. a news release from the 1\resday arid 7:45 a.m. U.S. attorney's office. Pos-Wednesday, Sgt. Steve session of child pomogra-Shulman said. 1\vo school phy is a federal crime. employees called the po· Prosecutors have lice on Wednesday mom- charged Aldrich with pos· ing, he said. No one. was ~ Images depicting· hurt, as the school was minors engaging in sexu-closed and the building ally explicit conduct. De· was empty, he said. tectives, who searched Al· "Officers saw that a bul- drich's home on Sept. 20 let had hit the south side ..... after a tip from bis land· window of the school's gal· lord, found nyg,__oomputer lery and come out through hard drives, about 75 CD-the north side window. ROMs and a stack of breaking both windows," printed material, all of Shulman said. "The bullet which contained images of was found outside the child pornography, officials building near the north said. side window. N The charge carries a He said the school has maximum possible penalty never experienced any of five years in federal simllar incident. There prison. The case is being were no suspects, though investigated by the Bureau an investigation is on- of Immigration and Cus· going, Shulman said. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Andros Street Petty theft Avenue: Battery was reported at 11 :21 p.m. Monday. was reported in the 2800 NEWPORT BEACH blodc at 5:34 p.m. Monday. • East Balboa Boulevard: An • Garfield Avenue: An auto auto theft was reported in theft was reported in the the 400 blodc at 1: 16 p.m. 3000 blodc at 6:32 p.m. Wednesday. Monday. • West Balboa Boulevard: • 17th Street and Sam. Ana Vandalism was reported In Avenue: An assault was the 1300 blodc at 3:17 p.m. reported at 6:01 p.m. Wednesday. Monday. •West Coast Highway: Loud • East 19th Street: Petty theft music was reported in the was reported in the 100 • 2600 blodc at 11:16 p.m. blodc at 7:26 p.m. Monday. Wednesday. • w..t 19th Street An • Irvine Avenue and Mesa assault was reported in the Drive: A hit-and-run was 500 blodc at 5:25 p.m. reported at 9:58 a.m. Monday. Wednesday. •East 20th Street An auto •Sea Gull Lane end 18th theft was reported in the 100 Street An auto theft was blodc at 5:21 p.m. Monday. reported at 12:36 a.m. • 21st Street end Orange Wednesday. GREENLIGHT Continued from Al The spending plan also in- cluded a pre-approved 18% com· mission for Ell.is' firm on expendi· tures for 1V production and air time, a fiscal analysis for the pro- posed Great Pad: plan, direct mail and other services. "I am fiercely protective and Joyal to AWG," Ellis wrote in a fax he sent a Pilot reporter. ~1 take great offense at the suggestion - peq>etuated by your newspaper [the Daily Pilot) -that the grants or any fees 1 received was some sort of payback by city council· men that r have worked to elect" He also noted that the grant went through extensive legal re- view and public processes before Che 0ty Co\mcil voted in 200 I to awmdit. Ant aaid that is not the point .. OUr issue is not that (the grant! WU payback.• Arst said "We say I 11 :.i\IPl111 ~l -'S ---IU <.'i~ <\Rf>! I~ • that the city council members wbo having voted to give him the money should have announced their hiring of Ellis as a campaign consultant . . . There's definitely an appearance of a conflict of in· terest in how they did thin~ n Last week. the Oty Cmmcil held a study ~on on how to help avert improper campaigning in local elections. Prompted by Greenligbt Councilman John Hef- fernan, they considered, among other measures, requidng disclo- sure of relationships suc:b as the one Ellis had with COWlc:il mem- bers whose campaigns he wolt.ed on. That idea was shot down by other council members. That's when Arst and Greenllgb.t decided to launch their own campaign re- form initiative. •JUNE CASAGRANDE oovera Newport Beac:ti end John Wayne Airport. She may be reached et (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail et june.casagntnde§latimes.com. ,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, PROTESTS Continued from Al la important to make a distinc· don between people and thetr opinions. "I IOve George Bush, T love th.is man/' Hoffman ·said. •tte has a dilferent perception. He's not wrong. lf you tab d.Ufereot an· gSes and listen to your friends and fam.l.ty. it's more than just what the mainstream media is saying. Peace is possible." Kbawer ~. 22, president of 'the Muslim St00e'1ta Assn., took a mo.re bard-line stance against .. . • . KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT the . U.S. ~mment and the , . W8l comparing 'the United : Stude~ march tbrough the Orange Coast College ~ampus on Sta~ to a historic imperialist .Thursday during a walkoot protesting the war in Iraq. power. "Welcome to Rome," l<han said. "The Roman Empire started yesterday. Imposing democracy sounds like an oxymoron to me. •[Husseini did gas the Kurds. but the same year, [Donald) Rums.field was there hugging Saddam and saying it was the Iranians [who gassed them)," Khan said. l.a.in Kara.mali used rap m~ic to aiticiz.e American foreign policy. WTh.e government monopo· lizes the Middle Ba.st like beasts," was part of Karamall's rap. While the event was billed as an antiwar forum, the organizers gave the microphone to anyone who wanted to speak. Thay, who did not give his last name, paraphrased the Beades before launching into a defense of the war. Tony said that while AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 5744298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilotcom. TODAY The 9Chooner "A.metican Pride'" will make her way into Newport Harbor en route to the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum. This will be the first time In Newport Harbor for this graceful 13()..foot vessel, which sailed 7,500 miles through the Panama Canal from Bar Harbor, Maine to the West Coast Visitors are invited aboard Saturday and Sunday from 10 e.m. to 4 p.m. Admission $2 for children, $3 for adults and $7 for tamiliea. For more infonnatlon, call (949) 673-7863. The ua Arboretum ia Mlina en· overstodc of the unusual bUlt>ir brought in for the Winter Bulb Festival from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in front of ua·s Student Center. For more Information, send e-mail to ld/yons@uci.edu. •eommuntty Science Nlg~ et Orange Coast College offers planetarium shows, stargazing through OCC's telescopes and other activities from 5 to 9 p.m. Admission Is free. Call (714) 432-5725 for more lnfonnation. SATURDAY "°*""'"" ... needed to help Re-Leaf Costa Mesa plant 30 Califomle sycamores in Fairview Part et 9 a .m. No experience is needed, just a love of nature. Wear wortt dothea and bring gloves; they'll euppfy the shovels. Call (714) 835-8504 for more information. Pltnce of P'9ece avtstlen Church and School la hosting lta annual Country Day Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m . at 2987 Mesa Verde Drive East, Costa Mesa. Events will Include rides, carnival booths, pedal cara, face painting and more. For more lnfonnation, call (714) 241·7361. The Leegue of Women~ of Orange Coast will heve a membership coffee at 9:30 a.m. et 1836 Santiago Drive, Newport Bead'I. For more Information, call (949} 648-7117. An "E.comm.n.for ~ Businas'" WOf'bhop, eponaor-.t by the Servtoe CoJPt of Retired Elcecutivea, will talt• place from 9 a .m. to noon et National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa MeA. The oc.t 19 $26, $20 If ~Formore It!~ Clff (714) 560-7369 • ............ , .......... f_.,lon et'OW and tuncNc>n epoMOt8d bv tNt Newport ~of tt.. Nadonef Charity ~ .JUrWora WIN be held It 10'.30 e.m. It \t'9 Four S.•ooe Pllm a.den, NWJP0118eech. T1c:btl .. ., for eduttl end '80 for cht'ldl • 1. For more Wonn.ion., ~(Ml) Mi......,,, IUNDAY lpeGiaan.-.111,.....,..._... Wit doMle 3" of .. P")CMde 10 .. 0...,. COurity ~of It-. ..,. .. "°"*' ... ce.ar ~ .,.,"*"••lowlrd • CW.-IPilOll•••• .. allt..,. hmla.m. tolp.m. ti he supports peace, it will not onstration later in the evatlng bring about the fundamental sponsored by the No War on change that be believes Is neces· Iraq! Coalition. sary in Iraq. Three f>eople sat on the comer "I read the news today, oh ~ · of Bristol Street and Anton And America's going to war with Boulevard holdirig signs sup- Iraq,• Tuny ,said. "Otange is bet-porting peace. while farther up ter for the people of fraq, better Bristol. a man stood with an for the people of the Middle P.ast American ilag to support the and better for the U.S." troops. Some students who attended Syd.ne Brunner of Huntington the walkout said they thought Beach, said she took the day off certain speakers did a good job work to make a stand for peace articulating the need for peace. because "it shouldn't be busi· "I think it's great,• said Lauren ness as usual ·when we're in a Tellez, 18, who misSed a math sovereign country murdering class to attend. "I'm totally people." against the war. I respect every· Brunner, who wore a pin that one's opinion, but I don't thinlc said "Resist Bush's War on the the [war] is called for.• World, Not in Our Name, N said Later in tJie afternoon, a band· the U.S. should take care of its ful of people began gatherin.g on own affairs before butting into the sidewalks outside South the affairs of others. Coast Plaza for an antiwar dem-"The regime change should be Call (949) 644-6672. The Bau.t Montmeri. will hold e fund-falser for the organization's scholarship and outreach programs at 12:30 p.m. in the Wyndham Hotel, at 3350 Avenue of the Arts, Costa Mesa. The champagne lunctieon buffet will have e live auction, raffle end door prizes. Tidcets are $30. For more lnfonnation, call (714) 241·7424. MONDAY Aegl5baticw1 begins for NVenth-, eighth· and ninth-graders interested In attending Spring Camp through Costa Mesa's Downtown Recreation Center. For $95, campers can visit Magic Mountain, the Irvine Spectrum, the Long Beach ~uarium, Sommers and the Balboa Fun Zone from April 14 to 18. Registration will continue until the camp is full. The camp will he held weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call (714) 327·7560 for more infonnation. fUESOAY--. A free spring deaning WOlbhop called "Detox and cte,naing Through Ayurveda" will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Mother's Martet, 226 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. A "Mailbting and Promotion'" worbhop, sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired Executives, will take place from 9 a .m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The cost ls $25, $20 if preregistered. For more lnfonnation, call (714) 550-7369. Orange Coast College hom the annual Banff Mountain Alm Festival. Three houra of "the best of the best" will be ec:reened at 7 p.m. at the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. lnchldlng films from Canada, America, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and Switzertand, the films reflect a wide range of mountain experiences. Tidcets cost $9 in advance, $10 at the door or $5 for students. For ticket lnfonnation, caJI (714) 432-0202, ext. 21058. WEDNESDAY A dell~ ldon oanmGn¥ for the nemlng of Howard A. Schneiderman Leeture Hall will be held et UC IN'lne'a Biological Sciences Courtyard It noon. M en edtnlnistnltor end 1"8M8n:fter, Scnnek*men (1927-1990) wu • IMdfng flGUt'e ln buHdinv the quality end tepUtetlon of UCt's SdlOOf of 8iologlcaa Sdencn. Call (Mt) 826-7262 for Information. ,.....,..,. .... CommUnlly • k.1oelwfft prtMnt• new ...... of dr9wt.ig end PeltrtJng WOfbhope ... ""' tndlvlduel l~for~IO 8dYMClld---ln mbced rnedlt. The ....... OOftlinUe for -'Oht Wldnelda~ ... 10 un. to 12".30 p.m. In• YlrlOit Jo,.. ... ~=··.., Meri.,.,.. Ubtary, DDwl' Dftve, '*"'*" ...... ,_ .. ................. ,., moreln~aMl(litlt Ml-311t. ... •0ruts: N'egh1llf9 or Nlghtme,.,• presented by Orange Coast College's United Student Sociologists Club and Psychology Club, is e symposium offering students an unbiased approach to the issues behind the physical effects, personal experiences, cultural aspects and legalities of drugs. It will be held from 10 e.m. to 2 p.m. in the college's Student Center. Call (949) 929-0527 for more information. A busineu ~"'lur sponsored by the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m . et the Turnip Rose banquet facility, 1901 Newport Blvd. It Is free for members and costs $10 for potential members. For more Information, call (714) 885-9090. Weekly sto,Y time et Toy Boet toy store with stories, songs, finger plays and crafts. Newborns to 5-yeal'-Olds ere invited from 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m. et 21t11 Newport Coast Drive. For more information, call (949) 769-8697. THURSDAY A lung c:encar IUPPOf't group wll discuss strategies and resources for coping with lung cancer. The group will meet from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center, Conference Room.A, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. For more information, call (949) 760-5542. The Col. William Cebett Cheptllr here, H Brunner said. "When your own house la not In Older. dodt go mesalng up someone else's house." Keeping a healthy distance out of respect was Dan BaJdasare of Santa Ana. Balduare said he spontaneously bought a large • American flag after be saw the antiwar protesten and blew off watching "General Hospital" tq support APlerlcan troops. "I have a nephew that'a gomg to be going [to fight in the Mid- dle Bast)," Baldasare said. "I'm too old to go, so I can do some- thing for them.• No organized tallies or pm· tests have taken pl&Ce at UC ft, vine this week. said Jim Cohen, media $J>Oke$11180 Naem Mohamed~11:5ldent of the Ahmadiyya M Stpdent Assn. on campUSi said the phi- losophy of the worldwide AhJna. • diyya organl.zadon is to maintain loyalty to the president of what· ever oountry they are tn. "It all boils down to the mean- ing of Islam -peace, obedience and submission," Mohamed said. Emotions over the war did permeate a Costa Mesa ea~ry. • At Mimi's c.at~ Thursday after· noon, a manager took down a French flag because some cus· · tomers complained that it was making them uncomfortable. Jeannie Turner from Mimi's corporate office did not return calls for comment • DEJRORf NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@lstimss.com. of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution will present 140 awards for patriotism, citizenship and excellence in American history to students of the Newport/Mesa elementary, middle and high schools. The presentation will take place at the Costa Mesa Community Center at 2 p.m . Good food, new bualneu c:l9nts and a beautiful location. If this sounds like your scene, make plans to attend the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce Afterhours NetworkJng event at the Colony Apartments, 6100 Colony P1aza at Fashion Island, et 5p.m. The Cost. Mesa High Grad Night Committee is holdlng a silent auction n their mein fund-raiser . ~ from 6 to 9 p.m. at Hefec:test Perle • Clubhouse, 3107 Klllybrooke Lane, Costa Mesa. Dinner wlll be served until 7:30 p.m. To make a donation or purchase a $6 tlc:bt, call (714) 657-0256~ SCHWARZWALD Leola E. 84 of l.agw\a Woods puaed away March 15, 2003. She Is swvtved by her daughter, Erlka Schwarzwaad; 9lsters, Hazel Foqel>erg and Toni Jamee. Visitation wll be from 9:00 to 11 :30 a.m., Satuday, ' March 22.2003 at Paciftc View Mortuary, 3500 Pacific View Drive, Corona def Mar, CA. 92625. 0 N T H ( HOMEFRONT Congressmen positive about war Reps. Cox and Rohrabacher say the effort to remove Hussein from power seems to be on the right track. P•lll Cllnton Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -As 81\ anxious country watches the _ U.S. military wage war against Saddam Hussein's Iraq, mem- bers of Congress are engaging in similar activities. Reps. Ouis Cox, who re- presents Newport Beach, and Dana Rohrabacher, who re- presents Costa Mesa. popped In and out of their offices to check war news on television between meetings and con- gressional hearings on Thurs- day. Chris Cox Dana Rohrabacher Cox said he was encouraged by preliminary reports about the military's strikes on Iraq. "We are hopeful that we will succeed in the liberation of Iraq,• Cox said. ·u is far too early to tell how the conflict will progress.· Shelling of Baghdad began Wednesday night, not long af- ter President Bush's 5 p.m. deadline for Hussein to leave Iraq expired. Bombs continued to fall Thursday after a tele- vised broadcast of Hussein ad- dressing his country. "One has to believe that Sad- dam Hussein is struggling to 'Saddam Hussein will soon be joining Bin Laden; and Bin Laden will soon be joining Mussolini, Adolph Hitler and all those other tyrants who are burning in hell.' Rep. Dana Rotnbacher maintain his persona before his been amazing tales of bravery.· own followers," Kohrabacher ·Cox has also. been meeting said. •Saddam Hussein will with Bush, on a weekly basis, to soon be joining Bin Laden; and discuss various bills he is pro- Bin Laden will soon be joining posing. One bill, known as the Mussolini, Adolph Hiller and all bio-shield initiative, wouJd re- those other tyrants who are suJt in the stockpiling or medi- burning in hell." caJ vaccines. Cox said Bush is On Thursday morning, Cox '•very focused" right now. met with Deputy Secretary of "AL this point, there is no Defense Paul Wolfowitz. The turning back.· Cox said. "The congressman said he was given only thing to do now Is win." a confidential briefing that left As bombs fell on Iraq him in an optimistic mood. Wednesday evening and "I learned significant details through Thursday. repons about our opening strike: Cox came across newswires that the said. "What surprised me was military bad also stepped up the bravery of our pilots and operations in Afghanistan. Cox troops. I here have already confirmed those reports. Web site moves front a little closer Newport Beach resident Steven Gooden uses the Intt~rnet to help soldiers abroad and family at home keep in touch. soldier; is 'Hurry back home. Get the job done.'" he said. ·The messages we get from the troops is one of love. llley beUeve they are doing the right thing. In fact, they are excifed about it." Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bf.ACH -Steven Gooden knows what it is to have loved ones fighting a war. The 28-year-old Newport Beach resident has a brother and sister in the Persian Gulf, em - broiled in a conflict watched by millions across the globe. So less than 10 days ago. Goo- den staned a Web site - www.godswar.cjb.net -where people can post messages to sol- diers at war. The troops can also reply to those messages and write to friends and family back FEARS Continued from Al in a manner appropriate to the students' age. and by encourag- ing them to share their concerns with their parents. ·ln talking to our younger chil- dren, we're using a globe and showing where Iraq Is,• said Bar- bara Rothman-Haddock. princi- pal at lincoln Elementary School in Newport Beach. •it helps put ~ Into perspective. and for ALLOWED Continued from Al home. Gooden said he decided rather suddenly to take his patriocic fer- vor to cyberspace because he be- lieves that the U.S. ttoops are out there •fighting an honorable war." •They have a noble cause." he said. "This~ by no rneans an un· just war. Our men and women need to hear these messages that encourage them and give them hope." Gooden said the Web site is just starting to take off, but he is seeing several thousand hits al- ready. "The kind of messages we're getting from the citizens to the On the Web site are also Coo- den's view-; on the curren1 con- flict. I le calls it "God's war." ·1 know a lot of people are against the war," he said. "But It was war that liberated African Americans from slavery. and it was war that liberated our coun- try from England." Gooden said he beHeves that ·war bring'> peace and peace ends war." Several Newport-Mesa re- 'ierves are fighting the war in the Persian Gulf. Among them are C..osta Mesa Pohce Det. Victor Bakkila. A second officer from 'In talking to our younger children, we're using a globe and showing where Iraq is .... [l]t's somewhat calming to know how far away it is.' Barbara ROChman-Haddock, pnnci>aJ at Lincoln Elementary School them to see where Iraq IS, if~ somewhat calming to know how far away it is.· ln taking a step back from war coverage to protect students from it. school officials have f~und It has helped them handle their own concerns. tal.ked about was how we couldn't wait for the draft so we could enlist and do something about it Now we just sit. wait and watch.· ~t Newport Beach resident Lucille Stafford said she remembers the effects of the drafts. although she was exempt from being called to the battlefield herself. ~ practicaDy wmt to an all-girls school,· she said. Her senior~ was the La.st of the mandatory draftees, making school dances and ntghts at the drive-through single-~ acdvlties. 9Tbe girls certainly bonded: she said. ·we have 5-year-olds and 6- year·olds. and they get scared." Metoyer said. ·Tue biggest thing they need to feel here 1s to feel safe. It's tough for all of us. and I'm actually grateful that we have the kids here becauc;e they make me feel safe, too." points to another wealc. link in wartime credibility: the media. I know we can't go back to the 1940s. nor would I want to. I'm happy to have the opportwl.ity Lo learn about the differences between then and now. It reminds me to take heed of the wisdom of older generations and recogni7.e the bene6ts of a unpJer life. It reminds me Lo tum off my n; cell phone and computer and spend a quiet day outside with my son. I can also appreciate how far we have come and am grateful I live in a time when people are FYI Those interested in sending out messages to U.S. troops may visit www.Godswar.cjb.net If you experience teclmical problems with the Web site or for more information, e-mail Gooden at sgooden @msn.com. the Police Department. Glorioso Namigbas. will leave on Monday. Laura Ginther, who works in the Police Deparuneni's Records section. said she would hke to use the Web site to send mes· sages to the officer~ as well as other soldiers. "I think it's a great thing to be able to do," she said. "It doei.n't take too much to do it. and it could give our troops Mlme much-needed encouragement." Most school officials agree - the job of a school is •to help the kids feel safe and secure and support them if they do feel they have some anxiety in this situa- tion, -said Jeff Gall. pnnc1pal at TeWuU:le Middle School in Costa Mesa ·1 think we're all kind of feeling the same thing and I thtnJc it's important to let them know that." • CHRIS1lNE CARRIU.D covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at chnstine.carrillo <V/alimes.com not afraid 10 question the powers that be and refuse to simply follow along blindly. In this time of war, I may not ball up my gum wrappers or lout any blankets. but I will continue to follow our presjdent's actions. scrutinize his decisions. speak my mind and pray for our ttoops. • LOUTA HARPER wntes oolumns Mondays, 'Wednesdays and Fridays and COY9f'I culture and the arts. She may be reached at (9491574-4275 or bve-mailat lolit&harper ladmes com In simpler times, it seems the nation felt more affected by its actions oveneas. When ~pie generally trusted their government. rallied behind their leaders and pledged blind allegiance to ''the cause" - whatever it happened to be - they were united. People waited with baited breath to hear the latest war news and bpt their &eMce men In aD their prayers. Help keep our city clean! C.Ompare that to now. Friday, Marcil 21. 2003 A5 New sltipmmts of Accessories for your Home Including Lamps and Shades Wills custom options atiailabl~ Mon-Fri 1~ • Sat, 10-S •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street 113, Costa Mesa• (949) 646-6745 . (Across from Ralphs) · FURNISHINGS • ARTWORK• GLASS • RUGS • CLOCIS We are paying top do ll a r for quality merchandise to s upply oar 30,000 sq. rt. rttJil antique ceattr. Complete estates or single piece purcbaae41. For a confidential consultatloo call Mark C hristense n at 71 4-665-5994 or toll free: 877-224-8626 Spa Gregorie's ANO S AL O N GREGORIE 'S t .-7, f ..... ~/ .).>. .... -./ ~~--.~ . . -. ~ . MARCH 23 PAMPERING FOR THE CURE 25% of revenues benefit ttle !(omen Found abon lden!Jfy VoUf$8hu parncrpant wnen you book your ----------' appomtment and recatVe a FREE gilt! ~ ~ . -. . - I " ~ ----~· .. Spa Gr~rie s Hours Monday I lam 9pm Tuesdav Su11day 9am 9pm 200 Newport Center 011ve Suite 100 Newport Beach. Cal fornia 92660 Come see the new Everwood· CountryS1de blinds from Hunter Douglas Overlapping slats create a beauuful board-on-board design. And the 'step·up· look adds depth. dimension and character to any room And Ever~ CountrySide will not warp. crack. peel or rade. Even in lunid areas or direct SUl'\ligtu Come ,_11111• see lhese beauufuJ bhnds today I' , D • s a ..... ,, ........ ··-•• ,,, ,,. ••••.••. .,,t-9 ~ALDEN'S flOt• ( ll'tHl.NC, Mn Cb ll'M TllClOll' (Ill. UJH •' 1r.61 rta~ta. c~ Meu ·,., 646-4838 Fcaturi .. A large majority of my genttadOO WU Jailed by fom>er hippies and antiwar PwlditL And eveo if d'ieY wemtt. ~ hlYe all eeen aciandal aft.er political ec.ndal. rrom Watergate ro Monica~ • .Amnktlna an: more lllely to lnllt • pqd\lc than • poliddan. ~t~11fdSJl-tA•11• We are aD busy with our cell ~ JJlll!I' ~m.n. YOice mail. 1ntemet. D6L ~ mn suv .. 401 ICI. ATMa-d ASAP! WI! don\ beYe drOe to~. ftunWa al'Olmd the dlnnit lllblO, much lem ihe rido for a prWdendll lddrela. NOt do -bnt to. We cm II lull dk* on~ at tllf'/dml aad ............. ......... ne\lllt. "'**' cdlt4cl4...,blM*•IDbelbe _ .......... _ ..... '\1 'li11...-· ..... ....... Q9fvda · TN JtX'Wt is in w jlaVorfal liroUl flllJ& /mM t:ralilt- fta"h taiA MOnttng. Gtnm1u.f chufth -of ClaitMa ~ aM. ria i1t our~ brolA. GontilMd WA tlic:tid mJO«Ulo """ rildl*, Jiftw..d Wit • lfl'.,.Z~ "',,.,. he. AG fr~, MMUI 21, 2003 FORUM HOW 10 GET PU8USHED -~Mail to Editorial Page Editor $.J. Cahn et the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Meta, CA 92627 • R11 llin Hot1n« Call (949) 642-6086 Fmc Send to (949) ~170 E-nuil:Send to dailypllotOlatirM&com •All ~ must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purJ>OM9). The Pilot reMf'Yel the right to edit ell eubmlaiona for dartty end length, MAILBAG· Marinapark beach access through gate is available Just to set the record straight. r would . like l<) respond to Ouis Dabbs' comments IUld ml J~ding pJcture you painted (Letter to the Editor, "Gate doesn't seem llke easy access," Feb. 20). He was responding to a letter to the editor fro~ Betty Berkshire regarding beach and boardwalk access in front of the Marinapark mobOe home site on the Balboa Peninsula ("Marlnapark is not closed to pubUc," Feb. 13). 1be gate picture he supplied as evidence that the mobtle home park somehow prevents people from reaching the beach or boardwalk is terribly misleading and completely untrue. lf be took the picture, he knows he has provided a false impression. One might ask. why does Outs Dabbs believe It is so neces.5Cll')' to distort the truth? He says, "a picture b, worth a 1,000 words.~ Well, that picture is worth one word: deceptive. First of all, and most importantly, no one would ever go through that gate to reach the beach. Why? Because that always unlocked gate does not lead to the beach. but leads to a public boardwallc that passes m fro nt of the mobile home park that many people use to get between 15th and 18th streets or to and from the Amencan Legion building or docks. As to lhe ~ue of beach access, there are seveml avenuet. of access to the bay beach as has been said by many before me. lhey include the walkway leading from Las Arenas Park and both 18th and 19th stret11.. As a matter of fact, there is nothmg preventing people from wal.lcing directJy through the entrance to the mobile home park and on to the beach. JOHN RETIBERG Newport Beach Santa Ana Heights avoids Costa Mesa successfully Congratulations to the residents of the west section of Santa Ana Heights in achieving their quest for a prestigious Newport Beath address. This also gives the l'llY of Newpon Beach the affordable housing area that it has been PHOTO COll!TESY Of~ RETTBERG Shown is the the gate at Marinapark that reader Chris Dabbs complained about on Feb. 20. Residents disagree that the gate provides easy access to the beach. seeking for a long time. Now is also the time to rein in Russell Niewiarowski and friends with their written/verbal degrading remarks about the residents of Costa Mesa and the city of Costa Mesa. I want to repeat a statement that I made in a lener to the editor that was printed a couple of years ago. Niewiarowsk.i should build a Berlin-type wall around his little enclave out there in order to keep us Costa Mesa residents from coming in and contaminating those residents and property. Unfortunately, he could not build it high enough to keep the "snob appear smell from drifting over into our Costa Mesa neighborhoods. Westside should fight redevelopment zone OONKNIPP Costa Mesa I am still reeling from Martin Millard's melodramatic diatribe in Wednesday's Daily Pilot (Lener to the Editor, "Rezoning bluffs will aid Westside"). It is almost laughable that Millard is so dead certain that there are places where only those with "enough disposable Income" should be allowed. The plain little businesses and their surroundings should just be whisked out of the horrified gaze of the • moneyed, the sooner the better. They are the "lowest and worse" use of the • land. they "fester and rot," etc . Intere$~gly. to a lot of us of the hoi poUot, another development of cookie culler million-dollar-plus "estates." crowded cheek-to-jowl on the bluffs, would not exactly be nimma. For all their grandiose names and archJtectwal exc~, they are still constructed of two· -fours, chicken wire and stucco. I lit knowing that there are still plenty f thriving small businesses in Costa esa and neighborhoods where worlcing people can sJ.iU find shelter. What we do not need is more development and higher-cost housing and heavier traffic and great-big pretentious houses. So I hope that the offending owners of the bluffs-bUgbting businesses stick to their guns and put up a good fight. I'll be rooting for them. WALLACE WOOD Costa Mesa Newport campaign reform issue should be put on ballot Yes, we should put the issue of campaign reform and conIDct of interest before the citizens of Newport Beach on a ballot ("GreenUgbt hopes to put reform on ballot," Wednesday). Expecting the City Council to police itself is absurd. It is up to the citizens of Newport Beach to set the standards for its city council and then hold them accountable. BARBARA JOHNSON Newport Coast Newport Beach should go farther to honor Salata We think it's about time (Mailbag, "Rename Bonita Canyon park to honor Paul Salata," Thursday). The only thing better would be to rename the city New Salata. JAN AND MICKEY ARTUflAN Newport Beach By Order of Board of Directors CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES • CM1 Cox (R), 47th . Ofltrfct. 1 Newpot1 Place, • • · Suite 420, Newport • .. Beach, CA 92860, (9491 766-224'; or 2A02 Rayburn Bulldlng, Wahington, o.c. 20616, ~ (202) 225-6611; fax (949) • 251·9309 (repreHnts : most of Newport Beedl) - • Dana Rohtabed'9r (R), • • 45th Oistri<.1. 101 Main St., .. Suite 3C, Huntington Beectt. CA 92648, (714) 960-6483;or2338 Rayburn Building, Washington, O.C. 20515, (202) 226-2415; fax: (714) • 960-7806 (Ropr9eents Costa Mesa and West N8"'J)Ort) • -. ~ U.S. SENATE .~ •Barbara Boxer (0), 112 Hart Senate Building, • Suite 112, Walhington, • o.c. 20610, (202) 224-3~; or 2260 E. Imperial Highway, Suite 545,EIStgundo,CA 90246, (2,3) 894-5000 E-mail: unator boxer. senatJt.QOV • Dianne f.einetein (0), 331 Hart Building, Washington, O.C. 20510, (202) 22~3841; or 1111 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite' 915, Los Angelel, CA 90025, (310) 91~7300 E-mail: senatortlfeinstein. 5'tnllla.QOV ... PRESIDENT . . . • .... ·~ ~ GeorgeW. Buth (R), White HouM, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.. Washington, D.C. 20600 : Hotline: (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.) • · (202)466-1111 ! E-mail: •"'.' president@whitehouN. : ~, . .. flO'll .... • WAMBOLD FURNmJRE. IN~ M8r1uf9c:bnra of Fine filmhure .... 5· MILLION DOLlARS :: Read all about it ... our semi-annual event where we OPEN our trade-only showrooms TO THE PUBLIC and pass on amazing savings -direct to buyer -come browse through our tent ~d enjoy tremendous values! IN FINE FURNITURE INVENTORY • Swlvel Rocken • Plant Closing After 28 Years in Business ;1i! Everything .. MUST Be Sold! lnventoly Sold First Come Rrst Selved • Complete Bedroom Seta March 21st-23rd 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. I • Youth Bedroom Groups ........ Stmd8 •Dressen ·a.... •Mlrion •AmlOll• Various Styles & Finishes Sale Dates: Fridays, Saturdap & Sundays Onlr Msch 21, 22 & 23 Continuing •ch 28, 29 & 30 Ftldap & Sltlrdap 9pal • .,m • Sundljl 10. -4~ to Dilly Piiot F nday, March 2 I. 2003 A1 f ,. Daily Pilot Special Section TOSHIBA COUNTDOWN TOT.HE CLASSIC. Watson, above. tees off on the back mne Thursday morning at the Toshiba Senior Classic Pro-Am. Hale Irwin. below. Imes up a putt during the Thursday pro-am. Ginn & Co. victorious NEWPORT Bf.ACH -Champions Tour pro Stewart Ginn and his foursome of Jim Cardarellia. Alan Subo. Man Moschetti and Mike Bagh.ra- rniam coUected the first-place payoff of $500 after the second day of the pro-am on Thursday at Newport Beach Countty Oub as the pace height- ens for Friday's start of the Tushiba Senior Cassie. In a three-way tie for second place, three strokes off the winners' pace. were the teams paced by Sammy Rachels. Dick Mast and Lanny Wadkins, each netting S350. · Playing with Rachels were amatews Doc D'Eri- co, JCirk RoUer, Paul Folino and Fred Gill Mast's team consisted of Masaaki Nomi, Mike Winkl~. Don Schrock and Tun Craig. Playing with Wadkins were Rick Thylor, Todd Mavis, Bob Franz and Gene McGillycuddy. Super seniors In the Georg>a Pacific Super Seruors Pro-Am at Strawberry Farms Golf Oub in lrvtne, Tom War- go·~ team of amateurs Ken Cabley, Josh Thra!lher, O.J. Dutcher and John Pa.squaJetto came out on top wtth a one-stroke margm over Lee Trevino's team. rm.ishing at 52 W1th lrevino were Gale McBride, Sean Foushee, Steve Swan and Norm Swan. In third place at 53 with Gary Player were Pete Meichtry, Kurt Robbins. Marty Brand and George Silver. Player's crew edged another which also fin. ished with a 53. but lost in a ·card-off.· compar- ing scores moving backward on the scoreboard from the 18th hole. MEDIA ' GOLF Champions Tour players showing th eir colo rs With America at war, there's a strong patriotic feeling at Newp ort Beach Country Club. T en '> of thousand .. of fan!> will <,troU through the ground~ tlu!. week.end for the r osluba ~emor Oass1c at Newport Bea< h Country JJub, some, perhap'>. to momentanJy escape the sobering news of WClI After the fir<.t dry Thur'>dav of Toshiba week <,tm l' the lc1..-.t nuJJenruum -the prl"\lOU\ three To'iluba ~mor Cla'>'>ll Pro-Am round-; on lnur-.d.ir all had ramdrop'> -tournament officials are geanng up for weat weather and big crO'f\-d' But It ,., .-----~ 1mpo'>!.ible RICHARD DUNN not to -.t>t' or ft:cl thl' p.iuiollt o;pmt tht•-.e day\ around the golf cour.e with the United State'> at war with Iraq. Many member. of the Jl(,A 01amp1on::. Tour served m the rruhtary On Thursday. red, white and blue was everyone, W1th American fla~ flying proudly throughout the club and on golf carts. Some players. such as John Jacob~ have Stars & Stripes club head covers. while severaJ are ~portmg a "Support Our Troo~· panel on their golf bag!>. produced by the Oub Glove In the locker room-; and media center, tele'\1s1on., hooked up for the tournament are dtaJed in to news coverage of the war. "I hope our lrOOpl> do thelf 1ob and get home safe." wd Jacobs. a veteran. Some in the Toshiba camp believe this weekend'<; crowd turnout could be the largest m event history because of the combination of expected sunny weather and the war The Toshiba Seruor Oas.sic. however. has no plans to change the playing schedule. though additional security precauuons have been taken to ensure everyone's safety. The Newport Beach Police Department will inaease pacrols. and anyone entering the tournament with ~will be checked. Some~ ~ will not be allowed on the premises. ••• If the weather rnlly wamu up this weekend, Ownp1ons Thur players could be m for a bit of a swprise with various f~ gallery members from Newport SM GOLF, P .. e Al O INSIDE CARDIAC ARR EST Toshiba coverage shines spotlight on Newport Teny Ireland, 1 Newport Be8Cti cc~ end toumement mel"lhlll, dies on the COUl'M. S.. pege A10 ... Twenty-five media organizations worldwide, including CNBC and the Golf Channel, bring the city extra publicity. P•ul Cllnton Daily Pilot Golf may be the centerptece of che Tuebibia Senior CluUc, bUt Newport Beach allo lbUlel. cMc leaden ~ whh the eDenllYe medJa COY81'1P- Wlth more than ab houra of TV CICM!fll8 of the eveot and more than two <loan media out· leU In town to COftl' tt. the spot· light ii ~ on Newport 8-:h. . ·~you--~ .... .... ..,..._.._ __ _.. • good tb1ng.. Newport Beach Ownber or Commerce Presi· dent Rtchard Wehn aaid. -what'• that WOrth to have the oommunlty highbgbted on tele-- vlllonf It's wonh a whole bunc:b." 1Wo cable 1V netwocb, CNBC and the Golf Clllnnd. ..... echedWed ~ boun of ~ «N· enee of the awnt today. S.tur· day and Sunday. 1nd,25~---­ U¥esq content tom the ewmt. .. co..i--.,.uo manetw1 .., ... I• Al f~. Matctl 21, 2003 . .. TOSHfBA SENIOR CLASSIC Daily Piiot J GOLF TIPS Champions Tour players offer some insight to improving your game "Many amateurs struggle to hit the ball solidly because of their balance. One way to practice proper balance is to hit about.20 slwts with your feet close together. Start with some half slwts '!rid then work your way into almost a full swing. This drill will help get the arms and body '!loving together at the proper s~ed. Amateurs think they need to swing faster to hit the ball prop~ly, and invariably this leads to improper balance. You actua{ly have .to start the club back slow enough so that your hands and arms lead the tum of your body back. " TomPwtzer Tom Purtzer was a five.time champion on the PGA Toor. A classic swinger of the golf club, he hit 73% of his greens in regulation (fourth on Tour) and averaged 280:6 yards off the tee (sixth) in his rookie season. . Home. away from -home Gary Player and Vicente Fernandez may not be Americans, but they enjoy what Newport Beach has to offer. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot 'Ille Toshiba Senior Oassic is ttuly an international golf tournament, featuring 23 players from eight different countries. ~ · Most of these golfers travel year-round -from one country to another constantly jumping wavelengths and getting in tune with a different culture, language and cui- sine. Al this year's tournament, players come from Argentina, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, Canada, Ireland, Australia and South Africa For the most part, these players enjoy the diversity travel offers and often learn from it At least for Gary Player of South Af- rica and Vicente Fernandez of Argentina - both regulars at Toshiba -the world is their classroom. Fernandez has traveled all over the worid for the last 27 years, while Player says he has traveled about 14 million miles over a 50-year career. Both have had their share of challenges. For Fernandez. who speaks Spanish, the trouble has been the language barrier. "In the beginning. all I could do was or- der meals and get around," be said. "Com- munication was really tough_ But I took classes, and the more I traveled, the more I KENT TREPTOW I OAllY PILOT South African golf pro Gary Player shows his ball the way to the hole during prcram competition at the Toshiba Senior Classic at Newport Beach Country Club on Wednesday. learned the langu~ge." problem communicating." Player said. Fernandez not onJy learned English. He "You make yourself understood." also picked up Portuguese and Italian. He~ The biggest pleasure and challenge for can even understand French. him bas always been traveling with his Food has sometimes been an issue for family. When he started in the early 1950s, Fernandez. a flight from South Africa to the United "When I came (to the United States), I States was 40 hours long with six stops. He used to find it difficult to eat healthy," he and his wife traveled with their s.ix children said. "I gained weight and was feeling un-and about 30 pieces of baggage. comfortable. But then, after a few times. I "Those are things that I look back and learned to include foods like fish and pasta wonder, 'How did we do it?"' he said with a and cut out the high cholesterol foods." laugh. For Player, language has never been a But now trave l has b ecome way problem. He speaks English, Japanese, easier, Player added. The journey is now Zulu and fluent Dutch. Player also designs a convenient 16-ho ur nonstop flight, he golf courses worldwide. said. "Even otherwise, I have never had a "Also, those days, we had to catch a cab from the airport or get a ride from another player," he said. "These days, they have court~)' cars, wonderful food, phones - it's all very well organized." Food has not been an issue for him. "I'm fortunate." Player said. "I can eat spicy Indian food one day and American food the next day and be OK with it." -Both players agreed that coming to New- port Beach has been a pleasure. "I love any place close to the beach, the mountains or the lakes,'' Fernandez said. "Any place with natural beauty." Player said California reminds him of South Africa. "Bot.fl have beaches. wildlife sanctuaries and, best of all, perfect weather,· h e said. FIRST-ROUND PAIRINGS ToshitNI Senior Clusic Fint Round. today 8:20•.m. Rafael Navarro, Tommy Thomas. R.W.Eaks .. .30 •. m. Oidt Mast, Bobby Walz.el, Terry Mauney 1:40•.m. • Al Geiberger, Rodcy Thompson, Chartea Coody l:SO•.m. Bob Eastwood, Martt Pfeil, Jim Dent 9e.m. John Bland, Miller Barber, Billy Kratzert t:10a.m. Rodger Davis, Wayne Levi, Larry Ziegler 9'.20a.m. Vioente Fernandez, Allen Doyle, John Mahaffey 9'.30a.m. Jay Sigel, Dave Eichelberger. Ed Dougherty t'.AO•.m. Moma Hatalslcy, Stewart Ginn. Joe Inman 9:50•.m. Bob Gilder, Tom Wargo. Walter Hall 10•.m. Sammy Rachels. Bobby Wadkins. Mike McCullough 10:10a.m. Leonard Thompson, David Eger. Jose Maria Canizares 10'.20•.m. Dave Barr. Graham Marsh, Gary Pf ayer 10'.30•.m. Gil Morgan, Hubert Green. Dana Quigley 10:40•.m. J.C. Snead. James Mason, Doug Tewell ~a.m. Bruce Reisher, Jim Thorpe, John Jacobs 11a.m. Bruce Lietzke. Tom Jenkins, George Archer 11:t0a.m. Chi Chi Rodriguez, Tom P\utzer, Jim Colbert MSRP. • S21 ,625 Robins Ford Discount .. ·S2,630 Selling Price . . .•. S 18,QQ5 Foctor1 Rebote . -Sl,000 =--~N.tc-t---817,885 .. ,.. ... More n;i~gic . . . . fOr Irwin? Defending Toshiba Senior Classic • champion, battling elbow tendinitis and . putting blues, hopes to turn it around. Rich.rd Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -When it was brought up during an inter- view on Thursday, Hale Irwin didn't remember exactly what round it was in the 1998 Toshiba Senior Oassic when be broke the course record at Newport Beach Country Oub with a sizzling 62. Ot was the final round.) He did keep in mind, however. the 17th bole that year on Sun· day. "I planned on hitting that rake and bouncing it up on the green and getting it (into the hole) in two [for a birdieJ," Irwin quipped, referring ·to his Famous Rake Shot, when the best player on the PGA Otampions Tour that year received a big break from a buiiker rake. IIwin's tee shot on the par-3 17th rolled off the green and headed downhill, picking up speed down a steep rough and seeming doomed for the water. 6ut the bunker rake caught the ball cleanly and stopped it from getting wet Irwin, in turn, got up and down for par and birdied 18. These days. liwin doesn't ex- pect to win because of a lucky bounce. The defending Toshiba Senior Oassic champion has other th.ing-s to wony about. such as his putting and tendini- tis in his right elbow as he tries to win his third Toshiba title. Irwin, who only worked on his putting after a pro-am round Thursday and said he will con- tinue that pattern throughout the weekend because the rest of bis game is in order, has been suffering from tendinitis since late last summer. The pain reached its highest point in Oc- tober when be tried to close out his third money title on the Oiampions Tour. "That's when it bothered me the most, but it's gotten a little better since. But it's still there," Irwin said. "They say to rest, rest, rest, and rest has helped it. but you can only rest for so long. I've gotten back in the gym. You've got to use it to get out there. ... I try not to even think about it" Few competitors on the 11:20•.m. Tom Watson, Ray Aoyd, Larry Nelson 11:30•.m. lee Trevino, Fuzzy Zoeller, Ben Crenshaw 11:40a.m. Hale Irwin, Lanny Wadkins, Tom Kite tt:SOa.m. Andy Bean, Bruce Summerhays, David Graham Noon .Dave Stodcton; Jerry' McGee, Hale Irwin Cllampions Tour probably have much sympathy for lrwin, who last year set a Toshiba Senior Oassic scoring record at 17 un- der 196, while winning here for the second time. The victory el- evated him to the top of the money list on the 50-and-over senior golf tour, and he never moved from bis perch on his ~y to a career-first $3-millioo Sf3· son. Irwin, though, bas haci1ly looked like the Irwin of old sil)ce the season opened. But Irwin bas arrived at Newport Beach before with a similar sl(JW Qu1 and smoked the golf course here. The Champions Thur's ropst procluctive player the past tve years, liwin finished tied tor 18th last weekend at the SBC Qaitjc at Valencia CC and that was )Us highest finish of the year. "I haven't played badly by any means," Irwin said. "Last ~k was a bit of a disappointment, because I didn't play well. ~ut the thing that is the greater dis- appointment, or frustration. is my putting. ... but as I say tijat, you make a nice putt here <40d there. and suddenly your coafi- dence is back. and there you ~. "I haven't been playing badb'·" he said. "I've been bitting the ball well. ln fact, I've been hitting it spectacularly." liwin said it's "undeniable" that he's enjoyed "good suc!t:ess here" at Newport Beach Country Oub, where his tournament course record still stands. ' "The ultimate compliment is when people expect you to play well, but it doesn't give you any strokes off your scorecard," Irwin sak1. "You still have to do it The guy who putts well each week will win.. Last year, Irwin changed al· Jim Ahem 12:10p.m. See IRVM, Pq• MO Gary McCord, Hugh Baiocxttl, Martt McCumber 12:20p.m . Gibby Gilbert, D!Jle Douglass. Howard Twitty 1Z:30p.m. Bill Rogers, Jim Albut. Walter Morgan 12:40p.m . Terry om. Mike Smith, Des Smyth MSRP. . . S2o,97S Robina Ford Oltc»unt . ·'3.980 ~F Pric. .•. ~. $22,995 ~ Rebate • . -SJ 000 ""1"19.595 ..,l!,_ VIN•s: A 8'«> 3 87~ Operations wor1<er Jason Mattingly adju$ a flag after it had been raised from hatf staff in honor of Terry Ireland, a Toshiba marshal who died at the tournament on ,. Thursday morning. TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASS I C The final tune-up Thursday's Pro-Am serves as the final touch up for the Toshiba SeRior Classic's field before today's first round of play. Amateur Matt Troka of Bi• Rogers' group drives it out of the trap on the 17th hole Thursday during the Toshiba Classic Pro-Am ,, Bruce Fleisher signs an autograph for Ron McKee, a Toshiba IJOUlteer, on Thursday afternoon. Ani8teui Ted · Norioaaki With Bruce 'fleishlr's arouP lnesupa~on No. 3: F,..Y, Mlrch 21, 2003 M I -- Amateur Don Partch of Bruce lJetzke's group celebrates a birdie at the 1 7th hole Thursday at the pro-am. AlO friday, Miteh 21 , 2003 ~ ~ TOSHIBA SBNlOR CLASSIC . Quiet authority Club marshal sllff ers cardiac arrest on gol~ course, dies Doyle bas never shot out of 60s at Newport Beach in 11 straight rounds, and has placed second, first, third and secon d. Rlch•rd Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORI' BEACH -A big Southem man wfth an abbrevi· ated baclcswing, Allen Doyle has been Mr. Deep Pockets in the Toshiba Senior Oassic wfth fully spelled out ownership of the golf course at Newport Beach Country Oub, site of this weekend's PGA Champions Tour event Doyle has redefined the phrase "getting around the golf course.• Ke has been so good here, Doyle himself compares his challenges at Newport Beach to his home course in La Grange, Ga Since making a big name for himself on the tour in 1999, the 6-foot·3, 210-pound gentle- man Doyle has politely domi- nated the field in the Toshiba Senior Oassic like no other player. ·1 feel like when I tee It up here, if I play like I'm supposed to play, then l'U do well,• Doyle said 'fbursday. "I look forward to every event, but I have a good feeling when I play here. "There are three or four places that have each players' game.· Doyle said. "They're dif. ferent for mch play. I'll go out (todayl with good expectations. IRWIN Continued from A2i most every club in his bag before winning the Toshiba Oassic again. Before teeing off in the first round, he switched to forged blade irons, changed from graphite to steel shafts, added a couple of new fairway woods and a new sand wedge, and then went out and shot 67- 64-65 for the finest round of 54 in Toshiba history. It wa$ bls 34th career senior title three months before his 57th birth- day. "'When someone tells me I can't, It tends to motivate me,~ lrwin said ·rm not one that loolcs back. but looks forward, try to create opportunities for suc- cess." Allen Doyle l 've played well here." That's like saying the Yan- kees have.won the World Series if few times. that football is gaining popularity on autumn Sundays, or that Prince Charm- ing gets the girl sometimes. Point is, Doyle · has dis- covered a perfect fit to his golf game at Newport Beach, a 6,584-yilrd layout that makes the former hockey, who learned his unorthodox swing practicing in a low-celling room, feel likes he's skating on all alone on the ice. "The scores I get here are like what I get at my home course,• Doyle said. "Shoot- ing (201) wasn't good enough for (last) year (to win the tournament), but second ain't bad. I did as good as I can .do. I've had a second, first, third and second here. This tournament has been good to me. Maybe we should set up a Doyle an- Irwin and Bob Gilder each won four official events in 2002, the fewest number of victories to lead the Olahlpions Tour since Jim Colbert and Bob Murphy each had four wins in '95. Irwin, a three-time U.S. Open champion. entered the final round at Newport Beach last year with a three-stroke lead and woo by five shots, a larger margin of victory than the past six Toshiba champions com- bined. It was the 12th time in his career that Irwin won the same tournament at least twice. Never one to shy away from equipment change (except his putter, the only club be hasn't changed in the past year), Irwin was at it again earlier this year. Technology has had a big ef- fect on his game. "I'm bltting the ball farther now than I ever have,· Irwin • Sometimes it seems like everybody and their brother comes out fast [on Sunday], then other t imes, like today, no one comes o ut fast. We'll come back next year and try to do the same thing. Ahill>oyle nulty." Doyle, the 2000 Toshiba Sen· ior Oasslc champion ln a rain- sl)ortened 36-bole event -ln· clement weather canceled the 6naJ round -finished as run- ner-up to Irwin last year, shoot· ing his nth straight sub-70 round in as many starts at Newport Beach. Doyle shot 66- 68-67-20 l and placed in the top three here for the fourth straight year. Doyle, who started last year's Toshiba Oassic as the event's all-time money winner, has poclceted a mere $515,800 in four Newport Beach stops, sec- ond to Irwin's Toshiba-leading $581,615 in six appearances. Last year, lrwln opened the final round with a three-stroke lead, and it never wilted below two shots. before he won by five strokes over Doyle. "Sometimes," Doyle said af- ter last year's event, "it seems like everybody and their brother comes out fast (on Sunday). then other times. Like today, no one comes out fast. We'll come back next year and try to do the same thing.· said. ·1 think for all the players -I can't think of any excep- tions -that are not hitting the ball Carther now than they ever have due in large part to tech- nology. We are seeing the re- bound in the club bead, the ti- tanium heads and the graphite shafts. Part of the equipment change earlier this year was made to help alleviate pain in his right elbow. ~I'm trying to get away from the steel to the graphite in the hopes It might help lessen some of that vibration and stress,· he said Maybe this is the weelc Irwin gets back on track. "I'm very excited to come over to ToshJba, • Irwin said "It was a kickoff to a great year for me last year and, hopefully, it will be the same this year.· Terry Ireland dies before pro-am. Another volunteer died Sunday. Rlch•rd Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORI' BEACH -It0was a $<1mber tin:\e Thursday at New- port Beach Country Oub as one of the club's employees, marshal 'ferry Ireland, suffered a cardiac arrest on the golf oourse while repairing divots ·and died before the 7: 15 am. Toshiba Senior Oassic Pro-Am shotgun start. lreland, a club employee for 10 years and a volunteer at the Toshiba Senior Oassic as the course repair chairman, was on the third hole in a golf cart with fellow volunteer Jerry Mack. True to form, Ireland had arrived at the club at 3:30 am. to carry out his daily duties for the tourna- ment Mack tried to revive Ireland with a defibrillator after he was caned back to the clubhouse area, to no avail. lWo club mem- . bers also tried CPR, including a doctor who was playing in the pro-am, Newport Beach Country Oub head golf pro Paul I lahn said GOLF Continued from A7 Beach. a stop on the tour that al- ready has a growing reputation among players for being a social event, along with a golf tourna- ment "The golf course itself makes it feel more social, because there are more people around club- house and the holes are right next to each other, Instead of be- ing so spread out.· said Ouunpi- ons Tour veteran Jerry McGee. COVERAGE Continued from A7 Those include extensive cover- age by local newspapers, includ- ing the Dally Pilot. and exposure in national magazines such as Sports mustrated and Golf World. The Associated Press is also covering the event. delivering stories to newspapers aero the nation that subscribe to their wire service. Past events have produced in- stant drama. due to the usually Ireland WU taken to Hoag Hospital He arrived at 6:48 a.m. and was pronounced dead at 7:<17 a..m.. Ireland, a Newport Beach resi- dent, was 72. For Tushiba Senior Classic oili- cials, It came on the heels of an- other death of a tournament vol- unteer -Gary Koocbe of Costa .Mesa. . Knoche, who died Slinday af- ter an extended Ulness1 bad been for many years a scorers chair- man along with his wife, Karen. Knoche, who was 65, was the tournament's greenside report- ers chairman through 2001. He was a member at Newport Beach Country Oub. "We are extremely saddened about the recent losses of Terry Ireland and Gary Knoche," Tosh- iba Senior Oassic Co-Olairman Jake Rohrer said "They were both vital to the success of this tournament They really re- presented the generous ·spirit oL this community that has made the Toshiba Senior Classic such a triumph each year. "They were great friends of this tournament and of our char· lty, Hoag Hospital," Rohrer said. "On behalf of the Toshiba Senior Oassic and the more than 900 volunteers who served with Terry and Gru"Y· we offer our deepest -. r "Everything's aU right here, all in one little area You've "got the 18th hole, the 15th hole, the first tee, the ninth tee, the putting greens and driving range all in one area. ·And If ansl can walk this golf course. There are no houses be- tween holes. You walk from one to the other. "And speaking of girts here, my first year here I went to Fash- ion Island and saw all these older men with young blonds around their arms. "I calJed my wife that night and said I don't remember our tight leader board heading toward the end of the event on Sunday. The short par-3 17th hole tends to duster the leaders for the long-playing par·S 18th hole, CNBC broadcaster Brandt Packer said. ·There's always an element of surprise," Packer said ·You just know that something's going to happen.· Broadcasters this year are also providing live interviews with players from the tee-box or vari- ous holes along the course, thus giving viewers more interactivity with the broadcast. Packer said 'IWo·and-a-balf hours of the sympathies to their families.· Knoche Is survived by h.b wife and two daugbten. Gamet lbompeon and Gmcben Davi- son. Funeral ~ are today at Our Lady Queen of Angels Clwrdl in Corona del Mar at 11 a.m. Ireland's death was sudden, and his former colleagues sa- luted him. . "Th.ls is Turry in a nutshell, .dgbt here," Newport aetlch Country Oub assistant pro.RJth· ard Ortega said, while grabbing a plastic sack and pulling out a red cap with several pins and the words: First to F"ight "He was as proud as proud could be of that hat,• Newport Beach CoWltry Oub assistant golf pro Bruce Hooper added. •tte would always drive around with a U.S. Oag and Martne Corps 6ag (on the golf canJ. along with his divot seed.· "We used to say he was the First to Fill, because he would fill those divots," Ortega quipped. Ortega. IOQking for a silver lin- ing on an extremely sad day, said his former colleague, whose niclcname was "Bones,• is smil- ing in heaven. Ireland Is survived by his wile, Dee, two sons, Michael and John, a stepson, Robert Ercer, and two stepdaughters, Brenda Mot.'leh and Carol Kringlt. daughter sending me a Father's Day caret She said it's only March. And I told her it looked like it could've been Father's Day from what I saw.• Al Geiberger, who only com- mitted to this year's Toshiba Oass.ic two days before the event. echoed McGee's com- ments, saying -what's nice about this site is that lt seems to be a social thing to do. Thet'e'a not a Jot of housing development here on the golf cowae. and lta easy access to get around. You can go across the course and walk across at least m fairways.• event wiU be shown on the Golf Cliannel on Friday. CNBC will of- fer two hours of coverage on both Saturday and Sunday. 1n addition to all the national attention the event receives, international outlets also plc.k it up. A number of stations in Mexico, Japan, Australia and other countries pick up the video feed or the event and supply their own .announcers in their native languases. The event is also packaged and sold ln half-hour and longer segmeot.s and sold across the globe on tape delay. THE WORLD'S BEST KNOWN APPAREL BRAND COMES HOME NO INTEREST FOR 6 MONTHS. Thnl Matof\ 31, 2003. O.A.C. S.. ttore for dMah. And It'• .~ tiduelvely at JOHN BLOESER ~CARPET ONE 2f'D a. lt1llol 91.. COlfl ..... 714.751 .232• llan • fdllll-6~ • Sii & M ,._ • ... ._, 11 r 09plb•.cam Alllfft ... ..._,.,I U. ttlll7.4131• CAL1Ur111Z3 . I \ , . ~ • r ' \ QUOTE OF THE DAY "So, I just gave it all I had. My body was like a brick at the end. But it was good." Rhondl N.n, Costa Mesa senior EYE OPENER Ill Daily.4'Pi~ • Spana ltd ~Fame l~&Wll(l.b< ..... ._,_ March 24 honoree TOM PESTOl£SI .. Daily Pilot Sports Editor Roger Carlson • (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fu: (949) 650-0170 Friday, March 2f. 2003 All TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASSIC SEAN HILLER I DAILY Pl.OT Hale Irwin drMlg it to the green Thursday in the Toshi>a Senior Classic Pro-Am. HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD Mesa girls romp Mustangs establish themselves as among league's front-runners, while boys edge past Ocean View. lteveVlr1en OaityP11ot HUN'llNGTON BEACH .._ The rum· bUnp made of what the Costa Mesa ....., gldl ttaCk and fteld team can do ln the Golden Welt a.ague are~ a blt loud.er a.ft.er the MuttaJ'l81' .eet0n· .... pilrfonnanc:e Thundly. The Colt.a Mm pw dilplayed tu tal· enc and neWiy et'q\llied depth wtth a 16-, '1 Go"len w.t i...,... *'OIY OYei" bolt °'*" ~ *9nwhle. die Mull· ..... "°" ecpd tcCJnld • 62~1 thrUI· Inc ._tctury cbM came dow'il to the ftnal \ event. Senior 7.acb Powell. Mesa'$ ancbot. completed his 400 meters tn 52 aecon4' in the 1,600 met.en rela~ which In· duded Luis Gonz.alez. Omar Ruiz and Carlos Jbana. ·cnie Mustangs) spread all iaioUnd the ttack and ~ lib crazy.• c.o..a Mesa ftJst·year coach GleM Mltc:bell Mid. "That WU awetame -what high adM>ol ttadc and ftekl b aD about.. PoMO won the 800 (2.'()9.7), Junior. Marco H\.llpe took ftrst in lbt. 1,600 <•:•7.JS) and 3.200 (10:51.6), and the ~ aleo won the 400 itlay. whkh akkd Me.a In tu ~openlnc wtn. For die ~ Mnlor' Sharon Day wa ln rue form. while luNor Ottledne Bfel· land lhow9d PfOIPW In hef ~ from a bJp Injury the Md lo owircome llnce che (l'Oll CIOtlntry .,.,... • ... -U.,.All The lure of the fabled 1 7th hole awaits the field for today's first of three rounds of the Toshiba Senior Classic at Newport Beach Country Club where a field of 81 go after a 1ackpot worth $232,500. In all, there is $1.55 m1lhon at stake. DON LEACH DAILY PILOT Time to play Champions Tour event opens at Newport Beach Country Club today with the usual suspects taking aim at title. Ric hard Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORT BFACH -Never before has weather played such a positive role in the Toshiba Senior Oassic at New- port Beach Country Oub, but today, a!> winter turns to spring. 81 of the finest SO-and-over senior golfers in the world will experience the good wallc that is seldom spoiled on these fairways. And, as the dawning of the age of equipment on the PGA 9Jampions Tour escalates to higher levels and changes the way professional golfers approach the game. there could be a course-record performance in the 54· hole tournament, which continues through Sunday. With warm weather and lightning fast greens. whoever finds the putting stroke, as defending champion Hale Ir· win said Thursday. will win. Tius year's champion of the Toshiba Oru.sic will earn $232,500. MThe ultimate compliment is when people expect you to play well, but it doesn't give you any strokes off your scorecard," Irwin said. "You still have to do lL The guy who puns weU each week will win ... here on this golf course. it's not extremely difficult fiom tee to green, but the greens are tough." Last year, Irwin changed almost ev· ery club in his bag before winning the Toshiba Oassic for a second time (he also won in 1998). Before teeing off in the first round, he switched to forged blade irons. changed from graphite to steel shafts, added a couple of new fairway woods and a new sand wedge. • lhen went out and shot 17-under-par Dana Quigley. not Jack NicldaU5 or Ar· 196 (67 -64-65) for lhe finest round of nold Palmer. both of whom are playing 54 in Toshiba history. in Palmer's Bay Hill lnvitational tlu.<t -vou have to hit it straight here and weekend. hit lhe greens," Allen Doyle, last year's The seniors are playing for I~ pro..e runner-up and 2000 Toshiba charn-money this year because of at least pion. said Thursday. four fewer official events. but the Tosh· All of the past Toshiba champions, . iba Senior Oassic increased its purse except 1997 winner Bob Murphy, will this year to $1 .55 million. up SS0.000 be in the field this weekend. That from 2002. means George Archer (1995 winner). Further. the Toshiba Oass1c was the Jim Colben ('96 champion and spon-first on the tour last year to implemen1 ing a new beard), Irwin, Gary McCord the interactive player Q&A sessions ( 1999), Doyle and Jose Maria Cani7.ares with fans after a round. (2001) are all teeing it up today. · After last year's Saturday round. Ro· Other name players include bar-driguez and Zoeller were miked up and becue sauce king Fuz.zy Zoeller. inter-sjtting together high on a scaffolding national golf icon Gary Player, ambas· near the first tee. The crowd loved IL sador Chi Chi Rodrigue1~ Tom Kite, Ben This year, McCord and Jacobs will en- Crenshaw, Lee Trevino and Tom Wat-tertain the crowd after today's first son. round in a Q&A session with fans. There have been three playoffs in the while Rodriguez and Zoeller will repeat event -a tour-record nine-hole play-their stage feat after the second round. off in '97 between Murphy and Jay Si-Among the tour's fan friendly initia- gel, the laughable five-hole playoff in tives, whlch were new last year but '99 with McCord, John Jacobs. Doyle most not used until this year. are drop- and Al Geiberger. and another nine· ping the ropes behind the final group. hole marathon in 'OJ between Cani-The lbshiba Oassic did that last year zares and Gil Morgan. after all three rounds on the final three The tour also comes here again un-holes, with the Saturday and Sonday der a different heading -it's no longer galleries fairly sizable. the Senior PGA Tour. but the Oiampi-"You're walking right in there behind ons Tour. Players are now encouraged the players and watching their shots," to walk. instead of riding in the cus-Toshiba Classic Tbumament Director tomary golf carts. Jeff Purser said. "'The sad thing about As the tour becomes less nostalgic watching golf on 1V is that you can't and more competitive with the purses really tell if it's a great shot. because 1V increasing and players using high-tech, is two-dimensional. The great thing space-age equipment. the money lead-about dropping the ropes is that you ers and tournament contenders are get to stand right behind them and players named Bruce Aeisher and watch their shots." • Al2 Friday, Match 21, 2Q03 SOFIBALL Estancia HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL . . . . .humbles ··.Falcons Mason strikes out nine batters in· three-hitshutout. · Mtfiel Mason pitched aU six Innings, recording nine strike-. outs, and the &tancia High soft- ball team shut out host Santa Ana Valley. 12~0, Thwsday in a nonleague game. The Eagles (5· l) ~~ six runs in the first on a string of walks and a couple hits. The defense did the rest "We actually played a really good game today," said Estancia Coach Marc Rod.ig. Rebecca Kaplan, the F.agles' No. 3 hitter went 2 for 4 with two RBis and was equaJed in those statistics by Laura Moq.on. Cliel- sea Kaplan smaclced three RBis in a multi-hit game and Hillary Larsen had a two-run triple .in a three-run sixth inning for the Eagles. PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANI< I DAILY PILOT Mesa catcher Nate Hunter ( 17) tags out Estancia baserunner Eric Scheafer (23) at home. ~ Estancia 12. SA Vafley O Est 603 003 12 1 1 SAV 000 000 o 3 3 Mason and Acosta. W -Mason, 4-0. 38 -Larsen (E). Mesa falls, 11-4 • Costa Mesa High's Mus- tangs pounded out nine hits and star Ann Marie Topps went 4 for 4 with a double, a home run and three RBis, but it was all for naught as 10 errors helped lead to a 11-4 nonleague loss to visiting Tesoro. Playing without three starters because of various injuries (Paulina Rodriguez. Jackie But- ler and Katie Renish), the Mus- tangs found rough going defen- sively. gjving up nine runs fri the first three innings. Also with a four-bagger was Kelly Topps, who had a solo shot, and a double, and Jade Moss and Jane-e Yamamoto, who each went 2 for 4. Nonteaiue Tesoro 11, ~ Meu 4 Tesoro 252 011 o -11 10 3 Mesa 110 001 1 -4 9 10 Gochenoer, Aronson (6) and Gates; Gallardo, Yamamoto (4) and Miller. W -Gochenoer, 4-2. L -Gallardo, 0-2. 2B -A. Topps (CM), K. Topps (CM). HR -A. Topps. K. Topps (CMI. CdM bussed out • Corona del Mar High's scheduled nonleague game with Saddlebaclc was post- poned when a tree fell on the Saddlebaclc bus as it was about to leave the campus. Report- edly, no one was injured, but the delay in waiting for author- ities caused the game to be postponed. There was no infor- mation on a possible resched- uling of the game. Sage Hill blanked • The Sage Hill School soft- baU team committed four er- rors, struck our 15 times and suffered a 6-0 ponleague loss to host Western Christian (Covina) Thursday. Sage HilJ pitcher Katrina Redelsheimer held the Lancers (3-2) scoreless through the firSt three innings, but Western Olristian collected two runs in the fourth inning and four in the sixth. Alexa Shltanisbi banged out a double for the Ughtning (2-2). Nonleque Western Chr. 6, Sage Hiii 0 S&Qe Hill 000 ooo o -o 2 4 W."Chr. ooo 204 " -1 1 o Redel1heimer end Torin•: Gomez and Deller. W -Gomez. l • Redellheimer, 0-1. 2B • Shltanl1hi (SHI. Vanguard falls, 8-6 • In a game at Pittsburgh. Kan., Vanguard UnJversity dropped a raged 8-6 decision to the UoJverslty of Mary from South Oakota. Plagued by r&lo and cold, Okl8homa Baptist decHned to play 1 nonconterenoe game afterwan:l, ddf\3 the cold. Van· guard's lions dropped to 15-6-1 after pulling from a S--0 deOcU lo tit ii at W in the alxlh. .Rai:hel Rolle'• R.BJ bue hlt wu the hlghdJght for Van.p.aard. 1«0nilng lO lions Coach Beth RenkolkL Mesa draws first blood Mustangs gain a leg up for Paul Troxel Trophy with 11-1 victory over crosstown rival Estancia Thursday. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COSIA MF.sA -Cllalk one up for Costa Mesa High's base- ball team toward this year's Paul Troxel Trophy. The Mustangs (3-2) scattered 11 hits all over TeWmJcle Park Thursday night as the desig- nated home team upe nded its crosstown rival Estancia, 11 · l, in a nonleague game. The Troxel trophy is awarded lo the winner of the lhree- Estancia 1 Mesa 11 game sea- son series. Mesa has also de- feated Es- tancia (l-5) in a to um a- ment game earlier this season. Mus- tang starter George Vargas went the distance, allowing only five hits while striking out five. But it was the play of Mesa's defense that made up for Var- gas' six walks. ~we had runners on early, but couldn't get the big hit," said first-year Estancia Coach Jon G~n. ~we had (Vargas) on the ropes, but we couldn't get that lcnoclcout punch. I tip my cap to (Vargas)." Vargas walked five in the first inning, but settled down after that, said first-year Mesa coach Doug Deats, who coached at Estancia for a little more than two years before resigning three games into last season. A microcosm of the Fstan- cia-Mesa rivalry occurred in MESA Continued from Al 1 And. then there were others like freshman Jasmin Day and senior Rhondi Na.It whom completed debuts that made the dual meet seem unfair for Ocean View. "They have some really high- level athletes,,. Seahawb' C.oacb Grant Mosher said of lhe Mus- ~ "They've got distance and eome field events covered, and In addition to that, they have depth. They are very strong. - Sharon Day epitomized that strength, as she was a triple winner. She provided a gllmpse1 of what should bring her a Golden West Lc:ague individual tftle In the hlgh f ump. "Five-feet, 10 inches; I repeat, 5-1 o. for the at ate deff'odtng champion,~ Moah~r announced oo his microphone about Sharon Day, who a1ao won the 100 03.4) and 200 (26.1). She also contributed to Mesa .. victo- rlOUI 1,600 relay. Bjelland won the 1,600 (5:35.47), finishing ahead or Ocean Vftw\ i.ytynn C.allo, Who wu teeond in Cl"CMt roun- uy lD the GOiden Welt l~e. 8ewrly Alna, a senior. won the diKut (91·2) and aboc put BS·US). whDe Vicki Pham fin· WWd ftl'lt tn lho JOO hunll 09.09). Estancia's shortstop Jeremy Hauser (8) tries to put a stop on a hard bouncing grounder in Thursday's city duel. the bottom of the sixth, when a Mesa runner attempted to score from second on a passed ball that had rolled lo the back- stop. Eagles' freshman starter Mike McDaniels ran to retrieve the ball and tossed it to catcher Cullen Crom. who applied the tag to the sliding runner. The Mesa player threw his helmet to the ground and stood up hastily. Words appeared to be ex- changed between the runner and Crom, causing members from both teams to scatter onto the field. Deats and Green each kept their teams under control. Deats then ejected his player from the game. "We don't need any prob- lems." he said. "We want lo play good, hard-nosed baseball without doing any stupid things." Green took the incident in stride as a gritty play in a heated rivalry. "That's hard baseball," Green said. "In a riv-dlry, there is going to be some emotion." Green said he went with McDaniels the entire game be- cause he had a low pitch count early and "Mesa wasn't hitting Naff won an exciting race in the 400. Naff, competing for just the second lime in the event, finished In I :04.84, three-hun- dredths of a second before Ocean View's Rachel Rojas. Golden Wnt Leque 80)'i M_. 62, Oc:Hn View 61 100 -1. Armendariz (OV), 11.69; 2. Brown (OV). 12.21; 3. Gonzalez (CM). 12.49. 200-1. Vehfinger (OV), 23.6; 2. Powell (CM), 2A.2; 3. Armez l()V), 24.3. 400-1. Vehflnger (OV), 52.66; 2. Hammel (OV), 53.37; 3. Wilkenson (CM), 1:01. 800-1. Powell (CM). 2:09.7; 2. HelT9ra (CM), 2.:12.4'; 3. Avillll (CM). 2:13. 11. 1,600 -1. Hulpe ICM). 4:47. 1&; 2. Herre ... (CMI. 4':47.7; S. Avilez ICM), 4';56. 3,200-1. Hulpo (CM), 10:151.6; 2. Herrwe (CMI, 10:51.8: 3. Avitai (CM), 11:28.8. . HO HH 1. IOVI. 20.0; 2. (OV). 20.12, 3 (OVI, 20."1. 300 tH ~ 1. KreNln (()V}, 60.50; 2. Aamlw ICM), 60.81; 3. Todd (OV), 62,19. COO re4ay -1. Cote. Meta (Luu, Oonr.tla.t, AUit, l<no•I. 80.6. 1.eoC> rollr( • 1. C:O.'-M .. e (Qoouilar. Ruiz, ibatfa. Powettl, 4:1&. tu-1. Herptir (OVI. r. 2: 2. non.: 3 . fl()M, U • 1,Arrnen1Mri1IOV).20-314; 2. Krttcor'.an (CM), 1HS; 3 H•fJ* (OVI, 11-6 TJ -t Arrnendarti (OVI. ISM; 2; frllnC» (OV), 31-4>1/J; 3. t<nllorlen !CMI, M-<&14 PV-not contWtltd SP-1 MMI" ICMI, *3, 2. l.M COV), 'S11; 3 °'9'*1'"1 tOV>. a&.a.. OT · t, ~"In ICM), '4114; 2 M1191 him hard." But the Mustangs' ability to hit the ball where the Eagles weren't provided the difference Thursday. There were no extra· base hits in the game. Mesa scored five runs in the first two innings, and added four in the sixth. Senior catcher Nate Hunter went 4 for 4 at the plate with four RBis while younger brother Dylan had two hits in two at bats with three runs ~cored. Right fielder Derek Gar- cia went 1 for 2 with a run scored as well. "I was just waiting baclc on the ball and trying to come out of my slump," Nate Hunter said. Hunter said he places the most emphasis on the games against Estancia. "We're expecting not to Jose this year," he said about the ri- valry. "I want that trophy." Estancia single came from Jeremy Hauser, 'fyter Hoffman. Tony Ippolito, Jose Juaregui and Eric Scheafer. Mesa senior first baseman Dan Bitler dove to make a backhand spear of a grounder nil lo his left in the top of the seventh and added some of- fensive pop of his own, tallying three singles in four at bats with two runs scored. Senior left fielder 'fyter WaJ- dron also displayed a defensive gem when he made a sliding catch of a pop fly hit into shal- low left, and then alertly threw to Bider a1 first for a double play in the top of the sixth. Hunter said the difference in the two wins over F.stancia this year has been defense. "lfwe can hold teams to one run, we're going to win the game," he said Nonleque Mesa 11, Estancia 1 Seen by Inning• Estancia 100 ooo ll -t 5 1 Mesa 230 20<I • -11 n 2 Vargas and N. Hunter; McOaniels and Crom. W -Vargas, 2-0. L - McOaniels. "When I saw (Rojas) go ahead of m e. I had a feeling I could still beat her." Naff said. "So. I just gave It all I had. My body was like a brick at the end. But It was good." (CM), 98-1; 3. Barbour (OV), 90-3. Gh MMll •. ac.an View 41 100-1. S. Day (CMI. 13.4; 2. Hughes (CM), 13.8; 3, Hellworth (OVI. 13.9. 200 -1. S. Da~ (CM). 26.7: 2. Hugh .. (CM), 27.5; 3. Ronqulllo (CM), 28.86. 400-1, Naff (CMI, 1:04.84; 2. Rojas (OV), 1:04.87; 3. Krikorian !CM), 1:05.3& 800-1. Bjell1nd (CMI, 2:32.78; 2. J. 0.y (CM), 2:36.1>6; 3. Rodriguez (CM), 2:40.38. 1,600 .. 1. Bjelland (CM), 5:35.47; 2. Gello (OVI, 5:A2; 3. Connell (CM). 6:A6. 3.200-t Gollo IOV}, 12:15; 2. Bjelland ICMI, 12:18; 3. Connell ICM>, 12:53. 100 HH-1. P!Mm (CM), 19.09; 2 •tuton (OV), 19.1~ 3. BucNnan (CMI, 2009. 300 IH 1. Hulen (OV), 54 ... t; 2 St.ltworth (OV), 55.12; 3. fltlem (CM), SUI. 400 reley ~ 1. COllU M ... (Krikorten, Hug™", Aonqu111o, S.~I. 54.~. t,IOO ,_.ey-l. Coili.t MN 1Ktlkor1en, Hug-Hlff. S. Dey), 4; \5. HJ -1. 6 Dey ICM), ._10, 2 J. 0.... ICM), .W; 3 • ....,_ (OVl. 4-?. w-1 Md.lughlln (OVJ, 14-6; 2. Nd' (CM). 13~3; 3. <:ampbell (0V), 12-&. TJ -l. ~ltn (Oii), J0.11K;2. Budltnan (CMI. %7-2; 3 ~I (OV), 27.1 PV .. noc oooteaid et 1. Al,,. ICMI. 3&-1 K:.., Pov ICMI. ,,..,,o.ng IOVl. a.6~ OT"" 1. AN CCMI. ~ Z: t. Oflwa (CM •7;1 CNnQ(OV),7~ HIGH SCHOOL TRACK ~ail~rs sweep .past .. Huntington .Beach Boys win, 59-48; girls post 66-60 nonleague victory. HUNTINGTON BEACH - Newport Harbor Higb's gtrls and boys track and field teams posted victories. Thursday over host HWltingtOn Beach in a non- league dual meeL · Amy Burlingham finished first ln two events and the girls added five more victories to stake a 66· 60 win over Huntington Beach. Burlingham raced to first in the 200-meters (26.7) and the 400 (1:00.4). Courtney Marshall led all runners in the 1,600 (5:33.5) and Jennifer Ryder took first in the high jump (4-feet-10). Jaclyn Belida finished first in the long jump (14-9) and Jillianne Whitfield won the shot put (35-l}. Belida, Whitfield. Tayler Gia- . comarao and Rydef all finished second as well Belida finished in second in the triple jump {30-7}, Nonteegue ekta Newport 66, Htn. Beach 60 100-1. Fanmen (H), 13.1, 2. Lambrakis (N), 13.3; 3. Hernandez (N), 13.3. 200-1. Burlingham IN), 26.7; 2. Farmer IHI. 27.3; 3. Ouilliari (HI. 27.9. 400-1. Burlingham (N), 1;00.4; 2. ,6;ragan (H). 1:03.9; 3. Randall (NI. 1:04.3. '800 -1. Schuleslen (Hl. 2:34; 2. Giacmarao"INI. 2:36; 3. Means IHI, 2:36.5. • 1,600 -1. Marshall (NJ, 5:jJ.5; 2. Schuler (H), 5:42; 3. Means (H), 5:57. 110 low hurdles -1. Barnes (Hl. 17.3; 2. Braun (H), 17.3; 3. Pesc:helt (N), 19.8. 300 intermediate hurdles -1. Aragon (H); 2. Ryder (N), 51.3; 3. Brown (HI. 52.2. 400 relay -1. Harbor, 51.8. HJ -1. Ryder (NI. 4-10; 2. Chamberlin (H), 4-6;. Betide (N), Brown (H). 4-6. LI -1. Belida (NJ, 14--9; 2. Winters (H), 14-6; 3. Meares (HI. 1J..9. TJ -1. Chamberlin (HI. 30-8; 2. Belida (N), 30-7; 3. Schulesler (H), 30-5~. SP -1. Whitfield (NI. 35-1; 2. Ciarelli rollowed by Whltfield in lhe dl&- cus (122~). Glacomarao in the 800 (2:36) and Ryder in the 300 intermediate hurdles (51.3). Harbor Wa.s also victorious in the 400 relay, crossing the finish line In Sl.8. On the boys side,. Matt Tracy, Alec UrtuSU¥tegu.i. Matt Bnci- nias, Rhett Hartsfield and Jon Szecsel all took first 1n their events as Newport beat Hunting- ton, 59-48. Tracy raced to first In the 400 (52.7) and was joined by Urtusuastegul in the 800 (2:98), Encinias in the.long jump (13-1), Hartsfield in the triple jL\IDp (39-3) and Szecsei in the shot put (47-1). 1 larbor also placed in second place five times: Dartagnan Johnson in the 100 (11.4), Joel Walker in the 200 (23.3) Nick Miller in the 1,600 (4:49) and Ricky Nott in both the triple jump (35-8) and hlgh jump {5-4). Newport won the 400 relay in 44.6. (HI. 31-3; 3. Faagai (H). 27-2. OT -1. Clarelli (H), 139-8~; 2. Whitfield (N), 122-8; 3. Feagai IHI. 91J..5~. Nonleegue boys Newport 59, Hur\dnaton ~ 48 100-1. Yoshida (H). tf: 2. Johneon (N), 11.4; 3. Walker (N), 11. 1 200 -1. Yoshida (HI. 22.6; 2. Walker (N), 23.3; 3. Tracy (N), 23.7. 400-1. Tracy (N ). 52.7; 2. Mance (H), 1:00.2. S00-1. Urtusuastegui (N), 2:03; 2. Kim (H), 2:09; 3. Maui (HI, 2:11. 1,600 -1. Meriya (HI. 4:47; 2. Miller (N), 4:49; 3. Urtusuastegui (NI, 4:51. . 400 relay -1. Newport. 44.6. HJ -1. Valbuena (HI. 6-0; 2. Nott (NI. 5-4. LI -1. Encinias (NI. 13-1; 2. Pedifla (H), 18; 3. Hartsfield (N). 17-10. TJ -1. Hartsfield (N), J9..3; 2. Nott (N), 3&-8; 3. Mance (H), 30-3. SP -Szecsel (N), 47-1; 2. Eecobedo IHI. 45-10; 3. Skahan. 44-5. OT-1. laagai (H). 15()..4; 2. Sayshe (N), 134-7; 3. Strayer (H). 128.5. Estancia boys roll; girls lose Novak triples for the Eagles; Rojas, Lindquist double in 83-34 blowout of Saddleback. SANTA ANA -Estancia HJgh senior Zaclc Novak tripled, while seniors Humberto Rojas and Joey Lindquist doubled, leading the F.agles' boys track and field team to a 83-34 Golden West League opening victory over host Saddleback Thursday. Golden Wnt......,. Emnda83~34 100 -1. Turner (S), 11,4; 2. Koreerat !El, 11.7; 3 . M oreno (5), 11.9. 200 -1. Moreno (S), 23.8; 2. Koreerat (E), 23.9; 3. Turner (SI. 23.9. 400-1. Ao1'81 (El. 54.8; 2. Zuniga (SI. 55.2; 3. Alcazar ISi. 57.5. 800 -1. Rojas (E), 2:01; 2. Sandoval (S). 2:09.7; 3, Elia1 (E), 2:12. 1,600-1. Rojas IE), 4:28.6; 2. Flores (E), 4:45.4; 3. Sandoval (S), 4:48.4. 3,200 -1. Cahuantzl IE), 10:43; 2. Zich (El. 10:53; 3. J.c:oto (S), 11 :11. 110 HH -1. Johnston (E), 16.5; 2. Novak (EJ, 18.5; 3. Steveneon (El. 18.6. 300 IH -t. Novo IE), 45.6; 2. Diaz (Sl, 45.7; 3. CabrerT• ($), 47.0. 400 relay -1. Sedcttebadt. 43.9. 1,600 relay-1. &tancla (Kaiyum, Elias, Floree. Rojn), 3:38.0. HJ -1. Novak (El. 8-2; 2. Sankey (El, 6-2; 3. none. LI -1. Jotumon (El, 20-10; 2. Alcazar (S), 18·10; 1. KaiV\lm (E), 1M.. TJ -1. Novak (E), 38-1; 2. l<ortMlfet (E), 36-7; 3. Chrt.t ($), 3&-3>'\. PV -not contelted. SP-1. UndQu~ IE), <&1-10; 2. Jonee (El. 36-8; 3. GuttelT'eZ IEI. 36-0. OT -t. Undquit1 (El. 11M; 2. GutietTu (E), 98-1; 3. Jonet IE), 90-7. The Estancia girts team lost its first league dual meet, 80-38. Novak won the high jump (6 feet, 2 inches), triple jump (38-1) and 300-meter hurdles (45.6). Rojas captured first in the 800 (2:01) and l,600 (4:28.6), while Undquist was victorious in the shot put (41-10) and discus 019-8). Diana Rosete (l,600 in 5:43.l), Ludi Valdez (400, 1:05.l) and Amanda Abbott (triple jump, 29-0) were winners for the Estan- cia girls. GIM Sllddlebeck 80, Estancia 31 100-1. Howell IS), 13.0; 2. Plietez (El, 13.7; 3. Hanson (E). 14'.3. 200 -1. Howett ISi, 28.3; 2. Gorv.atez (S), 29.3; 3. Ramos (S), 29.4. 400-1. Valdez (E), 1:05. t; 2. Gonzalel (SI. 1 :06.4; 3. Rodriguez (5), 1 :07.5. 800 -1. Urioetegui (S). 2:36.2; 2. Ruiz (SI, 2:36.3; 3. Navarro (S), 2:45.3. 1,600 -1. Rosete (E). 5:43.1; 2. Rull (S), 5:45.2; 3. Navarro (SI. 6:06.1. 3,200-1. Eacobar (SI, 13:36; 2. Aguilar (5), 13:57; 3. Rincon (El. 14:10. 100 HH -1. Wlleon IE). 18.6; 2. Makquart (S), 19.9: 3. Saneone (El. 20.0. 300 IH -1. Valdez (E). 52.5; 2. Rodriguez IS), 55.5; 3. Mekquert, 55.7. .-00 relay -1. E1tencia (Hanson. Pllatm, Abbott, Ca"olt), 66.1. 1,600 relay -not contested. HJ -not contested. LI -1. Urio.t.gui (5), t•t; 2. Gonzalez (S). n.m .; 3. Howett (SI, n.m. TJ -1. Abbon (El. 29-0; 2. not aveil1bte; 3. not 1w1t1~. PV -"°' contested. SP-1. Ptlny (SI, l!M; 2. Portugual IS), 28-6! 3. ca.tro (El, 26-9. OT -t: P9ny (SJ, 86-6: 2. °""° ISi, SM; 3. Pene (El, 71-4. VOLLEYBALL Eagles top Saddleback ~ for fourth straight _win j SANTA ANA -'lbc P.stanc:ta High boys volle)'ball team re· corded lb fourth ~· win and teeund conaecutlft Golden Wnt Lftlue vk.i.ory, after a ~ SWWp of bolt Siddltt>ect Thunday. &Mancia'• )uniof lrio Of Krla ftairlWlll (13 killsl, Jolh ~ ' I COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL PREVIEW STEVE McCRANK DAJIYPILOT Pautette Seaman is one of Vanguard's key figures m the Lions' quest for the Final Eight at NAIA. Lions take their shots against Transylvania Vanguard will attempt to advance past NAIA's Sweet 16 for the first time ever in today's game. JACKSON, Tenn. -Ille Van guard University women\ basketball learn hru. en1oyed a special season, thur. far fhe U ons' season could become even more extraordinary today. Vanguard will face TransylvJ· nia (lCentucky) al 4:30 p.m. CST in the Sweet 16 of the NAIA Oivi· sion I National Olampionship..<> at the Oman Arena. The Uon~ are trying to win their first Sweet 16 game in their history. Van- guard is making its fifth NAIA tournament appearance and this is the second time it has reached the Sweet 16 of the 32-team field Vanguard is the No. 2 seed of the fourth-quarter bradet. while Ttansytvania is the sixth seed. There are four quarters with eight teams in each portion in the NAIA tournament. The Transytvania Pioneers (2.3-4) are in the Sweet 16 (sec· ond round) for the firs1 rune m their history. They advanced af. ter a 57-56 victory over Auburn-Montgomery (Alabama) Thur.day morning. Nikki Young. 1he 1'10 neer..' 5-foot-9 '>t'nior guard, drained one of two free throw'! with four c;ec · ond'> left to give Trtlfl'>ylvan1a the victory over the Sena1or<. 1nur. day. Young led the Piont•er; wtth 16 point!., whjle semor lan Young added 11 points. Tari Young aver· ages 19.7 points per game. Kelly Lewis. who contributel> 12 poinll> per game. scored seven agalns1 Auburn-Montgomery. Nikki Young is Transylvania's third- leading scorer with 11.3 ppg. The Pioneers were outre- bounded. 47-24, and !>hot 44% (II of 25) from the free-throw lme. yet still found a way to win. The Lions (26-9), ranked No. 7 m the NAIA, used a low rank- ing m a conference preseason poll to motivate them throughout the season. Golden State Athletic.: Confer· ence coaches ranked the Lions runth in the 11 -team confer- ence. Vanguard went to cap - ture the GSAC regular-season title a nd record the most wans m GSA<. play in the conference'<; history ( 18). Now, the Lwni. are just our 10 prove they a re playing to 1heir po- tential. Russ Davis. the G~C Coach of the Year, said he. team features a balanced attack, which 1s led by '>Cnior Robbm l)t11enhir (I 0.6 ppg) and sophomore Jennifer Wtlcox (11.2 ppg). The duo earned All-GSAC honors dunng the reguJar season. Vanguard is aJ~ '>lrengthened by senior forward C..ourtney McKinney (8.3), sophomore Lacey Mills (8.3), freshman for- waid Cecilia Josefi....on (6.5), as we1J as senior guards Paulene Seaman (62) and J~1ca Lender- man (62). Dinenbir scored 11. while sen- ior laura Lee added 10 pomts m the Lions' 62-48 victory over Uni- vemty of Mobile CAJabarna) Wedn esday. U the Uons win they would advance to a quarterfmals, or Elite Eight, Saturday at 6 p.m. C>i. and would face the winner of Oklahoma Christian (20-11) vs. top-seeded Union (34·2), which play torught at 8. fnddt, ...-ch 21. 2003 AU HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratxia the Dally Pilot's Athlete oflhe ~ series I I I I ii ' j TENNIS Estancia puts Mesa away in city duel TODAY 21 -N1le1 Mrttasch Orange Coast College Football, '02 24 -Brooke Taylor Newport Harbor Tennis, '96, '97 23 -Julie Collett Costa Mesa Volleyball. Basketball. '98 23 -Chad Chop Vanguard Un1vers1ty Baseball, '02 SCHEDULE ~v a..... College ~•UC lnnne 6 pm V8nguan:l Un<YW"'V Ill Sonoma S1a1e oou~. "°°" High sdlOOI -Utvversity at Coron.i de! M¥, 3 15 pm. AlllO NIQUel 81 Newpoo Harbo<, 3 15pm.SageH1ll111Whitney,315 pm ~ High ld>ool bars Newpoo Harbor. Corona del Mar a1 Orengo Councv Chemp.onsh11J6 Drv1st00 I, pool play Nowpon Harbo< \IS M1ssi0n. Vte)O, 4 15 pm. 81 Ed<SOn. Newpcin Harbor vs. EspetaNa, at Edison. 5 JO p m Corona dol Mar 01 Manna 4 15 pm Eagles post 11 -7 Golden West League victory over rival. F..,tancia 1 ligh\ f-.agles were 11 . 7 wtnneri. owr Golden Wes\ League rivJI (,0.,ta,M~ rhurs· day in boy.. 1enni'> ~ Scott Braurudorf c;wept tn '\mg'le!'>, and go1 ~me help from the doubles team of Ch m C.Jt.ho and Loun Valdt">, who al'>u '>Wept for the 1-..agle., ~ho unprmed to 5-4, 2·2 111 leagu(• plJy MC''><.I ft•ll 10 o J 111 Lhe Golden We\l I .t•agul' Cn.,1,1 M t•<,11 1raveli. 10 WeM· m1mlcr TU<'\day. while btancia draw., J bye Go6d4NI West Lea.,.,. Estana• 11, Costa Mesa 7 Singles Braunsdorf (Est) def Le. 6 1 01 f 8 Nguyen. 6-1 def Pham. 6 1 Brael'>haw IEstt lost. 4 6, won 6 3 lost. 6 7 Stephenson (Est lost. 5 7. 3 6. 2 6 Doubles N1uv&s McKendry (Est! def Nguyen McNulty, 6 4 lost to Gomf!l SnPan. 5 7. Mumtal Mt Kondry (Est) def o.tlg Ngvyen, 1-e. ~ lhtl lost, l 6, won, 6-4, 6-4, ~ ~ tE•ll won. 6 3. •~. 6-4 Sage Hill f aJls, 12-6 Sage I liJJ School's boys tennis team fell to Tesoro in nonae.gue play at Park Newport 'rhunday, I 2-6. 10 fall to I·• on the SCJI· son l esoro improved to l-:l. The doubles team o( Dan C.hm and Tnstan Cormer Mood out for \age Hill<>, winnin1 two or lhrt>e match~. Thl· l.1ghtmng, which J*yN d nonleague schedule far abcJ\le the A<.:ademy League lewt. ~ Kine, league play on Tuesd9y ....,, ... . 1"oro12 ....... . Slngi.. -Solodllo (Sege Hill) ... t 10 Kord1istan1. 1 i def Fmlt. 6-1 loet to S1funlei 1 6. M1tovantev (Sage H1t11 lost 1 6. 0 6. 3..0. Burton (Sage H1lll won 7 5 lost. 0 6 0-6 Ooubl• Chm Cordier (Sage H1lll loll 10 Loper Stapleton. 4-6. def Dauw Reid, 7 6, def L1u-Oanto, 6 4 R•m•dan Montodo (Sage H111; lost. 4 6. 0 6. 3 6, Roner Kuran 15-ge Hill) lost. 2 6. 0 6 won. 7 5 Corona del Mai ..,. c.p.11ttano Valley. at Manna. 6 46 p m . Estanoa ot Orange County Champoonah1~ OtV1SIOO II pool play e.tanaa w Oceari View. 4 15 pm di Newpol1 Hart>or. Estano• w loll AJamllOS 5 JO p.m • 81 Newpot1 Hott>or (nonleaguel Whitney at Sago Hill. 5 JO p m . Costa Mesa at Vllllstem. 3 15 pm TOSHIBA FACTS AND FIGURES 'hc*8nd1Wd Community college mon end women Golden Wos1 and Saddklbad< at Orange Coasi. 2p m High ldlool boyS and girls Sago Hill al Academy League meet. vs Oxford Academy, Calvary Chapf!I Downey 11n<1 SI Anthooy, 3 p m SwWnming Community colloge men and women Orange C08ll 81 Cypress. 2 p m High achoo! bars and girls -Orange LUlhefan 81 ESlllnde, 3 p m ,.... Hogh school bars -Corona del MCI< Nauona1 Toumamenc first round Corona def Mar vs. La Jolla Country Dav Scnool at ~bod Bay Oub RecQUf'I Club 10 JO a m Softbell CQjlege -V.tngtutrd University at Pittsburgh State Unrve<$rty Tournament High sdloo4·Anaheom111 Newpoo Harbol. J·JOpm B.ec.tti.11 College women Vanguard Unrvf'rs1ty at NAJA Na1lonal Champl0n$h1ps at Jadtson Tenn . seoood round, vs. Trensytvania 4 ~ pm (CSTI Bedminlon Community college Los Angele5 CC at 0ranoe Coast. 6.JO p m •WNt Tosh1tla Sl•n1or Classic •Whef'I Marctt 21 23 2003 •Pi.yen Eighty onl' PGA Champions Tour professionals. led by defending cttamp1on Halli Irwin •Form•t Three rounds (54 holes). stroke play w11h no cuts •Purse Sl 55 million. up from S' 5 m1ll1on tn 2002 The winner will rece111e $232 500 •Site IStnco 19961 Newport Beactt Country Club 1600 East Pac1f1c Coast Highway Newport Beactt. CA Par 35·36 71 6.584 yards •rickets Advance purcttase Good Any Ono Day excttangeable coupon, $15 Single Dav T1dce1. Monday through Sunday (admission gate pncesl. S20 W6f!k Long Grounds Badge, good Monday through Sunday (grounds UC Irvine BASEBALL only SSO ~ Oubhouse &.dge, good Monday through Sundey (~ 8rld clubhouse I. s 100 Corporate TOel Padcages Mio ll\lallable T1dceu are ev•1lable 81 Roger Dunn Golf Shops or by calling the tournament he.ctquaiters 81 (Ml) 660 1001 • TelevWon c-..- Fnday Marett 21 2003 -2·~ JO p m PST (The Golf Channel) Saturday Merctt 22. 2003 - 3 00 5 00 p m PST Live on CNeC Sunday M1trctt 23. 2003 - 3 00 5 00 pm PST tllve on CNBC1 ITV t mes subfect to d\engel Past~ 2002 Hele lf'Wln I 196) 2001 JoMi M Canizares 12021 2000 Allen Doyle I 13611 1999 Gery McCord 12041 1998 Hele lf'Wln (2001 1997 Bob M urphy 1207l 1996 Jim Colbert (201 I 1995 George Ar~ 1199 Three-game series vs. University of Washington Tonight, 6 p.m. Saturday, Mer. H, 6 P·•· Sanday, Mer. 13, 1 P·•· ~•lhr•t•••ls UC Irvine ....... Ta ll*t NI .... -.... ftnt ... fw ........... " •rwcehMafree ... lllirt, ••••red"' ua •••: .. ca .. .. ............... 11.,_. ........ ..,,... ........ . .,...,, ... ~ .............. -.. • IOOI UC INlllC sP0tt1 Glnla ... c .... •~ ,., .. •••••••••am ___ .... ' • ii A14 Friday, March 21. 2003 GOlF JC BASEBALL Edison is too much For. Estancia golfers HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Sage Hill s~ffers . . first setback, 12-6 Allen paces Coast with slick five-hitter :~ ... .. , Estancia drops nonleague duel. Estancia Highs Jason cas- sidy shot a 38, but ~ Eagles dtopped Thursday's nine .bbles to f.dlSOll. and lost the 18rhole match. • Newport Harbor High's Sailors fell to 2-2 on the sea- son after matching Servite's nine-hole score of 213 at Big Canyon Courwy Oub Thurs- day. Eight-run first inning wtth 5~ inninp of work. aDowing. too much &or the Sage Hill to prepare lta starters for 1• league action, which starts today. Lightning to overcome. Sage Hill 0-1-1> wW face host . Whitney at 3:15 p.m. to ~ Pirates beats Saddleback, 7~3,in Orange Empire Conference game. · · Coast runs in the first innlng. Ben Hanna and Dustin Hicks got two runs across with RBI ground outs, and Collin Stiltz fol- lowed a run-scoring single. • Hicks and Sdl~ ~ bad two ' Jtit.s and two RBis, while Ryan Mathes scored a pair of runs thanks to two walks. Shaffer and Ha{la a1So chipped in -with 1lBlS and a run soored each. NEWPORT COAST -The Sag~ Academy League play. Anny Navy Hill School ba5eball team allowed . Academy bnproved to 4-0. eight runs in the first inning and . . could not rally bacit. falling, 12-6, ."°"'~...,. .. . . The F.ag.les shot 217 to Edi- son's 218 Thursday on the par-36 course at SeaOiff Country Oub. That, coupled with scores from Tuesday, re- sulted in an Estancia loss, 413-424. Combmed with a 19- stroke deficit at Los Coyotes CC the Sailors wound up on the short end of 402-421 score for the 18-hole bome- and-home match. to nonleague visitor Army Navy Amry Navy~\!::. Hil s Academy Thucsday. Score..., COSTA MFSA -Sophomore left.bander l(yle. Allen recorded his second complete game or the season, striking out 11 While al- lowing just two earned runs to lead Orange Coast to a 7-3 win over visiting Saddlebac.k Thurs- day in Orange Empire Confer- ence baseball. Onnp Emplnt Co11fwtnee Sage Hill sophomore Matt Loper AN Acad 801 020 , -12 12 • t 2 ~ 4 d ed tw RBI ~ Hiii 200 020 2 -e e 3 went ,or an ~ . o s, Sc::tiwartz. Gomes (3), Shlmoto (6). while senior 7.ac.k Friedrichs Zimmerman (7) and Konatv; Salinger, smack~ a double a,nd contrib-Padcard (H, Shociley (7) and OOC7,S~3 s· bee:* m 010 100 -l s a occ 300 020 11• -7 9 ' Marcus Sost.ak fired a 40 followed by Ryan Brown (41),· Greg Les ( 48) and Austin Serr (51). Rhett Palmer led Newport with a 2-over 38, followed by Davis Pemsteln (42), David Motschenbacher (43), Mike Benvenuti (44) and Brandon Sowers (46). uted one RBI and one run scored. Komswlet. W -Schwanz. 1-0. L - So h D .d n...-L--' Salinger. Q-1. 28 -Friedrichs (SH). P omore avi r~u gave Parlier (ANA). 38 -Zimmerman (ANA). the Ughtning some needed relief Sophomore first basemari Kyle Stanley continued bis hot streak, collecting three hits I four tJips, scoring the second of three Walsh, Eridclon (6), Kruger-Burgess (6), Farquhar (7), Sandoval 17), Santos (8) and Struble; Allen and Hidal. W - Allen. 3-2. L -Walsh, 2-1. 28 -Scuderi (5) 2. Stanley (OCC). Hieb (OCC). HR -Araiza (S). ________ _..._ ... !"I>_._. --------------~ Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices fktlltee ...-.SS ............ The following per:wns are dolna busineu as: MaaMarket Solultons, 2855 Pinecreek Drive Al05, Costa Mesa, Caftfornia 92626 Jeffrey B. l1mac:her, 285!> P1nec.reek Drive Al05, Costa Mesa, California 92626 Donald W. limacher. 3227 Shinina Star lane, Corona Calrlornia 92881 This b'"i11ess is con ducted by: a general partner shop • Have you started dumg business yet? Yes.02/01/2003 Jeffrey B. limacher This statement was fifed with tt1e County Clerk of Oranae County on 02/05/03 200J69l2512 Daily Pilot feb. 28. Mar. 7,14.21,2003 fl72 s ........ Ma• a 11ttfUsttf fklflJ.s ...-.SS .... The following person has abandoned the use of the Fictitious Busi ness Name. Ave11ues Billiard, 19092 Beach Blvd Ste J·K·l -M. Huntington Beaclt. Cl\ 92648 The Ficlil1ous Business name referred lo above was filed 111 Oqrnge County on 10-29-02, rllE NO. 20076927057 Kho1 Vu . 18934 C11p· ense St., Fountain Valley, CA 92708 This business 1s cun· ducted by· an individual KholVu This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 01/2:9/0J 20036931569 Daily Piiot Feb 28, Mar. 7. 14. 21. 2003 fl77 04/1 o.'03 at 1 :30PM fl Dept. L·73 located at 341 THE CITY DRIVE, ORANGE CA 92863 • IF YOU OOJECT to the ~ of the petition. you should llf)Pear at the heafll'.9 and state ~ E or file wntleo with the court hearing Your appearance may be m per90ll Of by your r~Ou ARE A CREDITOR or a concingent c:redOOr of the deceased, you must file your daifn with lhe court and maM a covt lo the =~ ~ loof months from the date of fim issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for hliog claims will not expint before four monlhs from the tiearing date noticed aboYe. YOU MAY EXAMINE the Ille kepi by the court. If ~In~= you may Ne will Ille court a ReqlJ8lt for Soecial Nodoe (IOtm DE- 154) of Ille ~ of an irMlntorv ano appraisal of estate assets or of any pelltion °' aoooont as pn:Mded in Prot>ate Coda Section 1250. A ~ for Special NOtice loon It available from the court cleltl. Attomey for Petitionef FIZZOUO. JAMES M. 6355 TOf>f.HGA CYN BLVD.,15Z7 WOOOlAND HILLS, CA 91367 03flol/03, ()3.'ll/03 CHS-Slcxtat NEWPORT 9EACtt-OOST A lllOA OM. Y PILOT SlflllOI CMT Of CAllOllA, coum Of Wll6E 341 THf OlY DIM, POST OffKI IOX14171, ()I. ANGE, CA 97"3-1S71 WIOIWJX JUSTICI CllTB PmTIOllOf TOllYAYAlA fOI OWIG( Of llAlll OIDll TO SHOW CAUSl fOI OWIG( Of llAlf CASI MJllll: A2II101 TO All INTERESTED PERSONS: I ' Petitioner· TOMMY AYALA filed a pet11ton with this court for a de.:ree changing names as follows: TOMM.Y AYALA l o CASAREZ. TOMMY AYALA 'l THE COURT ORDERS that All persons inter· ested In this matter sltalf appeal before this court at the hearine indk:ated below to show cause ii any, why the pehhon for t hane" of naml' should not be granted. NOTICE or HEARING Date: 4 29 03 Time 2 PM Dept . L73 The address ot the court is same ;u noted above. 3. A copy of this Order to Show caus" shall be pubhshed al lust once each week for lour successive weeks prior to the date s.et for heann& on the petition in the following ne~· paper of 11eneral circu· lahon. p11nted 1n this county· NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PllOl, 330 W BAY. COSTA MESA. CA 9:l627, 949.642 4321 DATf~ MAR 11 2003 JUDGE RICHARD 0 . fRAZH, SR •• JUDGl Of THE SUPERIOR COURT Published Newport Beach·C-Osta Mna Daily Pilot March 14. 21. 28. l\pril 4. 2003 F216 FktlllM .... llmtS.... The following per<ions art> doing busmess as Covenant Christian School. 1855 N. Oranae Ohve Rd .• Orange. CA 9286';·434-0 Coveruml Presbyterian Church (CA), 18!>5 N Orange·Oltve Ro11d . Oran1tf'. CA 92865-4340 This business 1s con· ducted by a corporation Have you 'tar led do1111 bu\infl\\ yl't1 Ye\. 9- 1985 <Alvenant Presbyterian Church, David Runnion. President Tl11s statement was lllf'd with the County Clerk of O..anga County on 02/?5/03 20036934750 Dally Pilot Feb. 28. M11r. 7, 14. 21. 2003 Fl83 RditlM-...S llmeS....... I he followin& persons are doing busl"ess u : a) CPT Insurance Ser· vicn Benefits Resource. b) Benefits Resource. t) Employers Resource and Administrative Services. 1!)90 S Coast Hwy. Ste. 17. l a11une Beach, CA 97651 CPT lns.urance Servic· es. Inc. (CA). 1590 S. Cuasl Hwy. Ste 17. Laeuna Beach, CA 92651 lhls business 1s con·· ducted by· a corporation Have you started doine busine~s yet? Yes, 2/92 CPT Insurance Servlc~ es, Inc.. Christopher P Thurtn. President This ~tatement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 03/11/03 20036'36633 Daily Pilot Mar. 14. 21. 28.Apr.4.2003 F214 flditim .... llmtS...... The followina-persons ar11 doing business as: a) l1mberlme Investment Croup. Inc.. b) Mason financial Croup. Inc .. c) Senhnel Property Man- a11emenl Croup. Inc .• 3400 Ave of the Arb, #E303, Costa Mua, CA 92626 Progressive AHlance, Int., (NV), 3400 Ave of the Arts #E303. Costa Me~a. CA 92626 This business 1s con· dueled by· a c0<porat1on Have you started dome businus yet? No Progressive Alliance Inc , R1J;l11ird Meredith, Cf O !hos statement was hied with the County Clerk of Or a nae County on03/~/0J 20036935718 Daily Pilot Mat. 7, 14, 21.28.2003 f200 ........... llmtS...... The followlna persons ere dolna business as. R)R Deslan Consultant$. 3176 Pullman St • 1120, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Robf'rt J Harris. 10 Fellin& Leal. Irvine. CA 92612 Janel K Harris. 10 f alling Leaf. Irvine, CA 92612 Th15 bu~rness Is con dueled by husband and w1f~ Have you started doing business yet? Yes, 3· 17· 03 Robert J Harris Janet K. Harris This slatement was filed with the County Cleril of Oranee County on 03/18/03 20936937563 Daily Pilot Mar. 21, 28. Apr 4 11. 2003 F234 OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE AMENDMENT TO THE 1999-2004 REDEVELOPMENT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PLAN TO INCLUDE INCLUSIONARY HOUSING PROVISIONS fidltiM ...-.SS .... s....... The followine persons are doma business as: pa1nllnfools com. 660 Baker Strut •319. <Alsta Mesa, CA 92626 Ceres Indus tries . Corp .• (Cl\), 660 Baller St. 11319. Costa Mesa, CA92626 This business is con· ducted by: a corwation Have you started doine business yet? No Ceres Indus Ir ies Corp., Slt!phen J Sch11t, Pres !dent Tltis statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange Colmty on 03/11/03 200369366'6 Dally Pilot Mar. U. 21. 28,Apr.4,2003 f212 Flcltlllll ..... ... s...... The follow1na persons are do mg business as· Toy Boat • Toy Boat • Toy Boat, 3331 E. Coast Hwy .• Corona del Mar. CA92625 Toys Ahoy. Int., (CA), 3331 E Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar. CA 92625 This business 1s con ducted by: a corporation Have you started doing bus1nus yet? Yes. 2-2· 95 Toys Ahoy, Inc , Cary C Naumann. CFO This statement wu filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 03/11/03 200'69J66S7 Dally Pilot Mer 14. 21, 28.Apr.4.2003 f213 ......... .... s...... lite following persons are doina business as: Pllates on the Point, 34193 Colden Lantern, Suite A. Dana Pornt, Cal. 9262:9 Core Control, llC (Cahf.), 11 Via Adelia, San Clemente. CA 92672 This business Is con ducted by. a Umrted Uabihty Co, Have you stifled doina business yet? Yu, 9-4- 02 Core Cenlr al. tlC, Nancy L. Dickson, Manaaer This. statement was hied with the County Cl«k of Orange County on 03/18/03 20036937561 Daily Pilot Mar 21. 28, Ap~4. 11 .2003 F240 Adltlllllllsilm ... s...... The following persons are do•na buMness as: fOftune financial. 511 N. Broollhut$l Street, Suite 214, Anaheim. Calrfornia 92801 le lnvest,,,.nts, llC (CA). 511 N llrookhurst Street. Suite 214. Ana· helm, California 92801 Tbjs byslncss js con· THE COSTA MESA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WILL HOLD A PUBLJC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1999-2004 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PLAN TO INCLUQ.E INCLUSIONARY HOUSING PROVISIONS. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: EXEMPT. This public hearing will be held as follows: DATE: Monday, April 14, 2003 TIME: 6:30 p.m. or as soon as possible thereaft~r PLACE: Police Department Auditorium 99 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa Public comments in either oral or written form may be presented during the public hearing. For further Information, telephone (714) 754-5635, or visit the RedeveJopment Agency, Fifth F1C>Or of City Hall, n Fair Drive, CoSta Mesa, Caltfomla. The offioe Is open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday throogn Friday. OFFICIAL ~UBLIC NOTICE Publiehed: MlrOh 211 28 and April 4, 2003 ducted by: limited l1ab1hty Co. Have you started doln11 business yet? Yes. 02/03/2003 le Investments, UC. Leanne ThuHlen le, Member This statement was filed with the County Clerk ut Orange County on 02/25/03 200369S4752 Daily Pilot Feb. 28, Mar 7. 14.21.2003 Fl85 RdillM ..... ... s...... The following persons are doing business as Oranie Coast Torquf' Conveder, 443 Wut Bay Street Unit B, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Coast Automatic: Transm1Sslon. Inc. (CA}, 447 West Bay Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 This business rs con· ducted by: • corpor aUon Have you started dome blfsmeu yet? Yes. 1993 Coast Automatic rransm1ss1on, Mee Nickle, Secretary & Treasure This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 03/10/03 20036936362 Deily Pilot Mar 21. 28. Apr. 4, 11, 2003 F22J ficffla ..... llmtS...... The lollowine persons are dolne business n · LOFTY ILLUSTRATIONS. 2082 Marlrn Way, Coste, Me$8. CA 92627 Antoinette Ala. 2082 Martin Way, Costa Mna. CA 92627 Amtn Mo11haddam. 1850 Whittier Ave. •B· 203, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 This business is con ducted by: a aeneral partner$hip Have you star~ doing business yet? No 1'nto1nette Ala fhll statement was filed with the County Clerk of Onnee County on 03/14/03 20036937166 Daily Pilot Mar 'l I, 28, Apr.4.11,2003 Fl27 RdlMM ..... ... s...... The lollowin1t persons are doina business as Your Eucutlve Team. 129 S. Swldler Place, Oran11e. CA 92869 C1tr1st1ne Wilhelm. 843 W. 15th Street. #32 • Newport Beach, CA 92ti63 Richard Ledesma, 129 S Sw1dler. Place. Or ange. CA 92869 fhls buslnna Is CO(I· ducted by· a gen«al partnership Have you slaf'te<I doine business yet? Ho Christine Wiiheim rhis statement WH fli.d with the County Clerk of Ofanee County on 02/14/03 200HtH 6St Dally Pilot Mar. 14, 21, 28.Apr.4.2003 F210 He-.. ..... --~ The followinl ~ns ere doln& buslnqs as: P & R Cnterprlws, 4691 Pineerest Circle, Hun- tlncton Beach. CA 92649 Pablo J. Scwto, 4691 PlnecrHt Cwcle, Hun· llncton Beach. CA 92649 Renatto SHVa, 4691 Plnecrut Cifc!_e1 Hun· tincton 8eKh. "" 92649 This buslnus is COii· ducted by, ' pneral partnership H•ve you stMttd cloln& bnlnen yet1 Yes. 1/1/ 02 P•bto Sc111to Thia atat1m11n1 wu fifed With th• County Cieri! ot Ofanc• County on02/ll/03 2001ffU'14 I Dtily Piiot Mt,. 7, l4, 21, 28. 2003 F192 ........... "-S...... The following per:wns are do1n1 business as: Rest Assured Security ServM:e. 909 N. Bayfront •C. Balboa Island. CA 92662 Creaory Mark Donahutr, 909 ft. Bay· front •C. Balboa Island. CA92662 This business n con ducted by: en individual Have you started doin& business yet7 Yes 06 21 1999 Creeory M Donahue This statement was hied with the County Clerk of Orange County on 02/25/03 20036934761 Daily Piiot Feb. 28. Mat. 7, 14, 21, 2003 F182 ,.... ..... ... s...... The following p«sons &re dolna buslner.s as: .a) Monkey Arms Devel· opment Corp • b) Michael Nyberg Entet pnses, c) CWN Solu lto11s, Inc. 515 W Commonwealth Ave .• Fullerton, CA 92832 Monkey Arms. lflt (NV), 515 W. Common wealth Ave., Fullerton. CA92832 This business is c.on ducted by: a corporatlo11 Have you started do1n1 busmen yet? No Monkey Arms, Inc • Michael Nyber&. CEO This statement was filed with lite County Clerk of Oran11,e County on03/14/03 200S6U71S2 Dally Pilot Mar. 21. 28. Apr .4. 11,2003 F225 ........ ... s....... The follow1n1 persoM are doiflg btnlneas. as. Phoen1• Manaaement, 511 N. Brookhurst Street, Suite 214. An11· heim, California 92801 Lr Investments. llC (CA). 511 N. Brookhursl Street. Suite 2H . Ana helm, California 92801 This businll'SS 1s con dueled by: limited l1ablhty Co Have you star led doin& business yet? Yes, 02/ 03/2003 le l11veslments, UC. l ean11e I hul:l1en le. Member Thrs statement wu filed with the County Clerk of Oran1• County on 02125/0J 200369J4753 Daily Pilot f eb. 28. Mar 7.14.21,2003 F186 .......... ... s...... The followin1 penons are do1na b1111ness as D"lusc!ous Salon & Spa. 2418 W. Whittier Blvd., la Habra. CA 90631 Antoinette Ala. 2082 Martin Way. Costa Mesa. CA92627 loren Aaron Gameros, l5S5 Mesa Verde E. Dr 140 H. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 This bltSlneu is con ducted by: • eeneral partntnltip Have you started dotn& business yet? No Antoinette Ala This statement was fit.cl with the County Ci.rll of Orenge CA>unty on 03/14/03 200HH116S Deily Pilot ~r. 21, 28, Apr.4, 11,2003 F2JO .......... ......... Tiie foltowln1t !*'SOns are doln1 business n : David Rrnct.nerr • 0.· •lens. 9142 B•muda °' .. H11nt1n1ton BeKh, CA 92G44 Dtwld Danie! RI ndeoerr•. 9142 e-.. 1m1d1 Or., Huntlnaton S.•ch, Otlif '2646 This business Is con• duel ed br: an tncllvldu1I t11v• you atart~ Clolnc buslnen r•t? No Dold Oan lel RI v•l'ltyra fhts slat-I WU fifed wltll 1tlt County C~rll of Ortnae County on 03/1"3 200M.,1J62 Dally Pilot MM. 21. 28, Ac>t. 4, &I. 2003 F235 ......... ........... fbe followlfta P41f'M>ll• art dc>M& bu•lfttu •• • SUH Phllllpa 0 11 Sdleol, 24CU lflline An .• :a;r'' 1uc11, cA lacll 81y 1 ur11"" C...e. U c (CAl, H I o-•-l'lau. c..,. Meu. CA 92117 Thia ............ '°" duct•• ''· 11111tt•• lfMHltyC. tla .. ,., ............ ~,.,.? ... lacll •• , W.111at c:..r, l ~c1 }~!"" 1 llf. ....... ,..._ ,,.... .......... . , ..... £,, 2MO L1g1f Nallc:a 2640 Legal Hollen Clerk of O..anee County on 02/27/03 200S6935229 Daily Pilot Mtr. 14, 21, 28. Apr 4, 2003 F218 RdltlM ..... .... s..... The followin& persons are doin& business as· SoCatWed. 280 Cagney lane 1205. Newport Beach, California 92663 Sarah Ann C1vend1sh· Boulton. 280 Caeney lane 1705, Newport Buch. Cahforn1a 92663 Sean Mark Cavendish· Boulton. 280 Cagney Lane #205. Newport Beach. Calrlorma 92663 fhos business 1s con· dut ted by· husband 11nd wife Have you started dom11 business yet? No Sar ah AnJl Cavend1~h Boulton This $latement w11s hied with the County Clerk of Oranae County on02/25/03 20036934127 DllllY Pilot t eb. 28. Mat 1. 14. 21. 2003 f 171 Rctllleellllilm llmtS...... The follow1nc persons a1e do1n1 business n . lntertrust 122 East [sc:alones. San Clem· ente. CA 92672 Julio C. Manchego, 122 Ent [sc:alones. San Clemente. CA 92672 Ch11 s l1 ant B Manche&o, 122 Cut Escalones, San Clem ente, CA 92672 Tltls business is con ducted by husband •nd Wife Have you started do1n11 buS1neu yet' No Juho C Manchego This »statement was hied with the County Clerk of Or a nee County on 03/1~3 200369371 SI Daily Pilot Mar 21. 28, Apr 4, 11. 2003 rn8 fldfelm...-.U llmtS...... The lollowina persons a1e dolnc businHS as· AM Associates, 2!>522 P1nata C11cle. Mission Vtel". CA 92691 ANN M Mell WAIN. 25522 Prn•la Circle, Mission Viejo. CA 92691 JAMES l. McllWAIN, 25522 Pinal• Circle. Mission Vieto. CA 92691 This business 11 con dueled by husband and wife Have you started dotn& business yef? No JAMES l Mell WAIN This statement was hied with the County Clerk of Oranae County 00 03/14/03 20036'37 167 Daily Pilot Mar 21. 28. Apt. 4, ll, 2003 F226 ........... ......... The foltowin1 .,.rsonl are do1n& business as· WOLLMAN ASSOCIATES. 10 Hauerston Aisle, Irvine, CA 92612 lewls.H. Nosenow. 10 Hauenton Atsle, Irvine, CA 92612 This business is con· ducted by: en mdlvldual t Have you started dokt1 DusiMSS yet7 No lewis H. Hosanow This statement was f1i.d with the County Ci.tk of Or1n11e County on 02125/03 200UtS4751 Daily Pilot Feb. 28, Mar. 7. 14,21.2003 Fl34 ,... .... ... s....... The followln1 persons are dolna business as: 8randStudjol, 2603 San Marco, Newport llHCll, C11lfornl1 92660 Jim r..ace, 2603 S.11 Merco, Newport Buch, C1llf0fnlot 92660 Thia bu\lness Is con dutlld by; 1n Individual Have you 1tartad doln1 bullntU Yelf No MmHellU Thlt st.at1mttt1t WH ffitd wilh the County c..-of Oranp County Oii 02/71/03 ltH6'MJlt O•llY ,lfot Mar. 21, 28, Apt 6, II. 200J F242 ......... ......... Th• fOllclwtflt l*'Ollt •a do'"• llUMMD ... A.8 W fi!WKlaf Con allfti.w,. l'.JGO ~Aw. Stllte 141'.. Costa Mae, CA wtaoe .._... , ... , ,., Mittllt Ave Sllftt 14(, Cnttt Mlu,CA mzt ,.... blKiflesl la Ufl ~ttd bf ti' lltdlvlduel ...... ,.. 1tartt4 foMc ~ .... , .... Nldtotft ,.._ Jlltl ... ,_t ... ..... .... ... COUlity ~ ., Or ..... Cwllty •02/'lM)) ....... , .. Dllll!W .... ,. ,.. ... 1,..14;11.MJ rut RdllMW.S "-S....... Tiie follow1ne persons are doing business as· Metting Maaazlne. 17150 Newhope St. 303. fountain V<1lley. CA 92708 Quinn Bui. J 1346 Corlender Ave , f t1unta1n Valley. CA 92708 This business 1s con· ducted by. an individual Hne you started doine business yet? No Quinn Bui This statement wa\ fifed with lhe County Clerk of Or im&e County on 03/04/UJ. 20036935727 Daily Piiot Mar 7, I•, 21.28.2003 f 194 FlcffMllllilm ... s...... The lollow1na persons are dome business as Cafe China. 17631 l 71h St.. Tuslm. CA 92780 Jon X111 Yan1. 9019 Dartmouth Way, Buena Park. CA 90620 lh•s bus1nen 1s con· ducted by· an ind1v1dual Have you sl&rled dome business yet? No lin X1u Vane This statement wa> filed with thie County Clerk of Oran11e County on02/07/03 20036932811 Daily Pilot Mar 7. 14. 21, 28. 2003 rl93 Fldilllls....., ... s...... The lollowma person\ •re dolne buslntu as Assisi You Servoc:es, 722 So Mat Duff SI . Ana he1m. CA 92804 Oebu Vauahan Unruh 722 So. Mac Oulf St . Anatie1m. CA 92804 This buslnus ls con dueled by an 1nd1v1dual Hevt you stllfltd dome businlls" yet> No lnbra Vau1han Un<ull This statement was hied with the County Clerk of Or an11e County on 03/18/03 20036937571 Oa1ly Pilot Mar 'll 28. Apr. 4, n . 2003 r139 RdlllllslllllliltlS llmtS...... The lollowma persons are do1n1 business as la Mun1c:1pal ?0-20 l1111 De f utbol. 1744 S Mam. S11nla Ana. CA 9?707 Rodolfo H. Muno1, 2210 N Coller SI • Santa Ana. CA 9?706 Thi$ business is con ducted by. an md1v1dual Have you started do1na business yet? No Rodolfo H. Munoz Th11 statement w•s hied with the Counl y Cleril of Oran11• County 0<103/04/0J 20036935722 Oa1ty Pllot Mar 7. 14. 21. 28, 2003 fl97 MllM ..... ... s...... The tollowtne persons are dotne business as Splash Auto Detail. 101 Pearl. Lacuna Niguel, CA 92677 lahl11 Sllldmore, IOI Pearl. Laauna N1111el, CA 9~71 This business 1s con ducted by. an individual Have you started doln& business ret1 No Tahl11 Sllldmofe This st•tement was flied with the County Clerk of Orane• County 0003/04/03 200MHS12S Daily PllOt M•. 7, 14, 21. 28. 2003 rt 95 ......... ... s...... The followlna penon1 ar• dolnt butlnttt u : Sup•rlor Profenlooal tn1urance ,.~nen. 419 W111te Cap L11., Ntwpqrl Beath, CA 92657 SMl'I Mallfoo1I, 4111 Wlllt~•P l11.. Ntwpofl Bue.II. CA 92657 Tiiis business I• con d11eted by; an lndtvielual Have you started dolnt buil-• pt? Ho SMtf MtfltOott fhis ataltl'Mfll w11 filed 1111111 the Courltt Cltrk ot °' tna• Cou11ty on03/UIOJ ..,..,.. .. Oalfy Pilot Mar. 16, Z1J '9.Aflr,4,200.l f~h The foltowln1 persons • are dolna business as Information Manaaers. 2192 Oupont. Suite 106, Irvine. CA 91612 Dale De Alley, 2192 Dupont. Suite 106, , lrv1nt. CA 91612 • This business " coo· • ducted by: an Individual Have you star tl!d doln1 , business yet? Yes. 3/3/ 03 Dale OeAtley I h1"> •latement was hied wrth the Count) Clerk of Orange County • on 03/18/03 20036ts7567 Daily Pilot Mar. 21, 28. Apr 4, 11, 2003 F232 RdlliM ..... ... s...... Th.-following .,.r sons • are do1ne busmen as West Coast 01St11bution. ' 2fJ77 Wallau A>te fJ. Costa Mesa, California 92627 Brandon Kruger Pow er, -Z077 Wallace Ave •3. Costa Mesa. Cah· for n1a 92627 fhis business 1s con ducted by an lnd1v1dual Han you started do1fl& busmen yet? No Br1ndon Kruaer Power This statement was toted with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 02/26/03 200'6U4'90 Deily Pilot Feb. 28, Mar I . 14. 21. 2003 F 175 • lho foHowtna persons : are doln& business as • l ••m Solutions. 8 Amber • Street, Aliso Viejo, CA • 926!>6 ~ Sun1I W1clhwaney. 8 Amber Street. Allso V1ej0. CA 92656 This bu•iness 1s con dueled by an lndrvidual • Have you started dotne business yet? Ye s. • March9. 2003 Sunll Wadhwaney This ~tatement was flied wrth llte County Clerk of Or •nee County on03/14/03 20036ts7163 Daily Pilot Mar ll 28. Apr 4, 11. 2003 F229 ~ Mills ..... ... se...a. The lollow1n11 persons • are doin1 busineu a\ Decesare Investments, 9377 Somerset lane. Cypress, CA 90630 Eric DeCe~re. 9377 Somerset lane. CyJH ess. CA906J0 Th11 buSlness 1~ con ducted by an rnd1vldual • tt.ve you 5tartacl dolne • buiiMS' yet? Yes, 1 Jan 03 lnc: O.Cesare lhti statement was • filed wrth the County Clerll of Or•naa County on 0212!>/03 200369'4751 D111ly Pilot Feb. 28, Mer. • 7. 14.21,2003 Fl80 • ~ ..... ... s..... The follow1n1 peraont are do1n1 busloer.s H . a) HP DERM, b) SPA AT • NEWPORT, 1701 N0<th • Main Street, Santa Ana. • CA92706 : Hone • Lien 1. Ph1m, • 1701 Nortlt Main Street, S1nta Ana, CA 92706 Thi$ buslfless Is con· • dueled by: an indlvlduel • Have you started dolna business yet? Ho Hon& • lien T. Pharn t his •l•ternent wn filed with the Cotlnt1 Clerk of Or•rte• C.w11ty on02/27/03 20CJHtH .... D•llr Pilot MM 7. 1~ • 21,28.2003 flw.J • I .. • " • Dajy Pilot Friday, M11ch Zl, 2003 AIS _lilll;;._ .... ____ lllll .... .. l.11111 ..... -"-.... .. l.11111 .... ............ -1.11111 .... -""' ..... -Liii' ..... ........... ... s....... The followhla ilMl'Mna .... dolfta blAllMIU u. ComMunrt, eo-c· ~t-. 2145 Viti• ~ Newport '"'"· CA92"0 Jltm. W McQllMn, 2245 Vlat• Huett•, :=o'' eucb, CA This blHJMD .. con ducted br· •11 lndlvlduel Hllv. you atert.ci clolnc builnnsretf"o Ja"* W. McC1h1n This at•t•ment w11 filed with the County Cleft or Or1n1• County on02/25/03 100Mtl4760 Delly Pilot Feb. 28, MIN' 7, 14,21:2003 F181 flclllll ..... ... s....... The followlrl1 perao11s are dol111 buslnes• as· Peclflc Consultln& Croup, 111 1/2 Cwnet Awe , B•lbo• lsl1nd, CA 92662 AbblS K0<y Rul&hl, 111 in Carnet Awe., B•lboa Island, CA 92662 This bur.Inns os con ducted by •n Individual Heva you st.tad doln& busJness yet? Y11. 12/ 01/2002 AllllM Korr ltu-.N Tlllt at1te1Nnt wu hied .tth the c...i11tr ci.ra ol Ot•ftl• Coumy onOl/14/0l IOOUt.17'70 Datlr P'1lot .... 21. 28. Acif.4, 11,2003 F22' ......... ... i...... The lollowlnc penou are d0l111 business as: Bis WhMI Tiie, 1950 l"lfMlllS SlrMt, Cent. Mesa, CA 92627 Donald LM Hartshou1, 1950 Peraons StrHI, Costa Meaa, CA 92627· 2099 Thia business Is con· ducted by: an Individual Have you atllf'ted dolns bu!'.lnns y•t7 No Donald LH Hartshofn This statement wn llled with the County Cl«ll pl Ot'11111 County on 03/11/03 200UtH62S O•oly Piiot Mw 14, 21, 28.Apr 4,2003 f217 Rttll. ..... ... s...... The follow1n1 p4tfson• ire dotnl business as: Beach City Photo, 88 F al< Or lwe, Costa Meu, CA92627 Th•. followlna penor1a 111 doln1 buslneu u : Art Tillery, 931 w. 19th St... Cos\a Meaa, C4 92527 Steve Tilterr, 931 W. 19th St., 'Costa Mau, CA 92627 Tim bu.lness Is con· dueled by: •I\ lndMdual Have YGif started doln1 buslMSS r•tl Ho Steve Tillery This st•t•ment wes tiled With the County ci...11 of Oran1• County on03/18/03 200U9S7S .. D•lty Pilot Mar 21. 28, Apr.4 . 11.2003 F236 ......... ... .._ T1'e W.Owln& ,_,_ ...... 11.m.a ... 8rHk lue, 1 t092 BHdl ltv ... S4ilte J-1(. L M, Huntln&ton leech, CAttMI Kiie! Vu, lft.34 c., enu It., f'•unt1ln v,-.,, CA moe Thia blnlMff la COii duded by: 111 ln•wldual Htwe you atwted dolnc buslnu. ,.u YM, JO I 2002 Khol Vu Thia at•tement WH 1114Jd with ttM County Clef11 ol Orana• County on 01129/03 200Htl1S74 D1ll1 Piiot Feb. 28, M1r 7, I , 21, 2003 F176 Ml. ..... .... s...... Th• fdllowln1 p8faon1 111• doln1 buslner.& as: Keller Commun~allon, 715 P•lolltl Drive. Coron• del Mar. CA 92625 Annette Kallet. 715 P1lolht• Drive. C0<ot1• clel Mar. CA 92625 lhis business It con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Heve you started do&nr business y.17 No WIOW'llllT TO PIEQUAlllD PD0511S Subject to condotoons prescrobed by the University ol Caltf0<n1•, Irvine sealed propouls for a lump sum COf'ltract ire lnYltad for the lollowonr worll l"AlO VRDI IXPAJISKHI DeMrtptt-.t w.n Prefect ......... , ff6260 UNIVllshY Of CAUfotlfltA. •V1Nl The propo.ed P•lo Ve1de E xpanslon project includes the construction ol 1 tot•I ol 442 new student apartmenh In 14 lour story buoldin1s on 19 3 acres The 442 al)llrtmenh will 1nclucle 98 one-bedroom, 260 two bedroom i nd 84 th1ee bedroom units. The proiect also inc ludes the con.trucUon or laundry laclhtou, 1 community bu1ldon1 and related ut1hty, parllln1 •nd "'' 1mprovem~nts P-4w•• Propont documents will be •v•1lable to Prequahhed Proposen at 10:00 AM. Frld1y, March 21, 2003. Prequahfled Proposet& may poc-up frH of char&• • mu1mum ol five (5) Mlh of Proposal documents at 01111n .. Construction Services, Un1verstty of Cahfornl•. lrwlne. 5201 Cahfornla Avenue, Suite 250. Irvine, Cahfornl• 92697 2450 Additional sets m•y b• purchlSad •I prequ•hlled propo1'41f'• cost from Con~ohdaled Repro1r•ph1cs. Proposal documents will be available to subcontractors and des11n consult•nts at 10 00 AM. Frid1y, March 21, 2003, and will be issued only at <-•-'14-t .. t a...,..llpltice, lrK. 3182 Pullman Strfft Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Phone I (714) 751 ·2680 Attention Mohammed R•hm•n or Soffla Accal NOTl.s " IS THI SUICotlTUCToas• AND DlstGN CONSUlTAMTS' llWOMSfllUTY TO UGtsTO WITH THI UlllfVUSITT ott CONSOUOATID llf'tlOG«APHKS TO ACIUIOWUDGI HCllPT Of THI l"AlO VllOI DPAJl~N ... CWOSAl DO<UMINTS. UltlVDSITY WIU lfOTlfY SU9CONTUCT~ AND DIStGN COMIUlTAJITS, WHO HAVI UGtSTWD wmt DIS1Gtl AllD COMSTltUCTION smVKU OI COMSOUDATID llf'•OMUHKS, Of ADOlMDA. WMKH AIU AVAllAIU AT DISION AND CONSTlUCTION SlltVKIS. THI FOUOWtNG DISIGM IUILDOtS HAV11101 NIQUAUfllD TO SUIMrT ... OPOSAU ON THIS l'tOJICT< H-..1 P'hlpt C_._._ Ce. 2415Campus Or1¥e, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92612 (949) 852 Ol 11 (949) 8S2 0218 (r U ) Attn Ken K1tchun1 WH.11 <-trvcti-,......_., 16485 l a1una Canyon Road, Suote 120 lrYIM, CA 92618 (949) 453 9400 (949) 453 94~ ( f .. ) Attention Von Murphy • •-c-trvct•-. lftc. 748 N Popl11 SI 0. •n1e. CA 97868 C.W.PM•,IM. 20lS Bllkom FutleftOf'I, CA 92832 I c.Ma I ... •--. c.....-y 23651 N Pine Street Newhall, CA 91 l21 '--....... -.......... 179N ~Str"t Corona, CA 92880 w ...... c-tnoctt .. <• ....... 292 N Wilst11re, Suite 103 Anaheim. CA 92801 l .D. Of... c-tnoct'-Lf'. 2955 Main SlrHt. ltd Floor trvone, CA 92614 (949) 474 2001 (949) 474·1534 (raa) Attention Matt Grubb Prtete c-tnocti-<• .. t.c. 23162 hroyo Vista Rancho Sant• M111ar1t1. CA 926118 ,...,._, .......... IM. 351 Oal< Place. Surte J BrH, CA92821 Pest C-.-y ~ llK.. 1100 lr¥1ne Blvd , Suite 271 T ustln. CA 92780 o-ti ......_.. f,...... t.c.. 8780 Pre1t11• Court Rancho Cuc•mons•. CA 91730 c ................. 3329 w Castor St S•nla Ana, CA 927Gt .........., .. , ........... S..-ecten .... . a.. ....... ......_ c....,._, ... , ..., ... & w .. .,.,._...., ...._ 1490 N. Ctassell Street 19027 S H1m1lton Avenue O.~CA~7 ~~CA~ p,......, .... ~&,._., ...... ~_.. .... . 0...,.. c.-,., ............. c.......,, ..... • .............. IM. 3191 BI Alrf)O't loop Drive 154 H. Aspat1 Ave Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Azusa, CA 91702 .... C.......,/'-....,_., ..... 1010 lie. Ollvt SlrMI Anaheim, CA 92801 ,......,......,~_w_...s...._~"_. ....... ,...., ..... 11126 Sepulveda 81wd MisslOn Hiiis, CA 91345 ....... ,.._., t.c.. 1$4 lit Aspan Awe Awsa. CA 91702 s~~ ...... 6251 Schut• Awe., Sulla 0 Chino, CA 91710 ............... ..,... ....... s._.~ .. _,., •• ., ~C...-yf'-........ ,IM. ~Drr-1,llM. lOIO lie Ollwe StrMt 6251 Schiefer Ave , Suite 0 Anaheim, CA 91.801 Chino, CA 91710 ._ ............ 1$4 'h Aspen Ave Azuu, CA 91702 ... SWMITTAL llOU.IJIDfTS 1MAU II AS fOUOWS. ....................................... _.__,111nn. Fht Componer1t Submittal .. _. ... ,_...,.....,_. t.oo PM, PST, "'*v, a.-:"> 2:"s Second Conlponer1t 5'111mlttal wtl ...... reulve4 ..._. J .00 Pa. hT, , ...... 21, 200l Tlllrd Component Submllt•I wlll _. ... ..-.efw4 ..,_. 4AO •a. PST,.....,, Allirtl 21, 200I First Component Submltul, S.coltd Component Submittal •nd Third Component Sufunillal wlff be racelved only 11. \ MMtttKtk This ~l•l-t WH ,..... wtttl the County cw11 .t Oran,. County lfl02/25IOJ tteM9141H Diiiy P'lot r .._ 21, .._ 1, ••• 21, 2003 • f'l 79 ., IOICIOf Prmm TO 01 IMISTA11Clfi "~-· lAV. lOI •• "~···· WllO.A21•1S To all ti.Ira, benell· cletlK, crMllon, con· tln1.nt cr.clitors, 1n4 11«1on1 who 111•y oth· .,.wlM IHI ln18fnted In the wlll or estata, or both, of. LAVONNE Fist! 1ka LAVONNE LOIS FISI< 11>.a LAVONt*: P. flS,I( A PETITION FQR PRO· BA TE hes been filed by KATHY M TIMMINS In the SU!HM'lor Court of C•llforn1•. Countr of ORANGE. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE reqU9$h that l'.A THY M TIMMINS be appointed H 11«son•I represenllliwe to ad monistw the estate of the ctec.de nt TH£ PCTITIOft 11quests the decedent's Will and codicils, 11 •ny, be admitted to prob1te. The Woll a nd any codicils ate awa1lable 10< eumma tlon on the tole llept by the court THE P£TIT'°" requests authOfoty to adm1n1Ster the ••t•I• under ttie Independent Admonos· tnllon ol Est•tes Act (This Authority will allow the personel represen tatlve to take many actions without obllln· 1n1 court approval Before t•~lri1 certain very important actions, however, the personal repre~entat1ve will be required lo 11ve notice to 1nletested pe'5ons unles• they have waived notice or con..ented to the ptopowd action.) The ondependenl ad m1nostratlon authortty will be cY"anted unless a l 1ntetested person files an obiechon to the petition •nd shows iood c•uH wt.y the court $houtd not erant the authority A HEARING on the pehtoon will be held on APRIL 10, 2003 at I JO pm 1n Dept l73 touted at 34 l The C•ty Drove South. Or •nae. CA 92868 If YOU OBJECT to the ar anion& of the petition. you should aPC>ear al the he11 on& and stile yout obiechons or tole wrotten ob,ectlOns with the court before the he111n1 Your awur a nee may be In person or by your •ttorn1y If YOU AR£ A CR(OI· TOR or cont1n1ent credt10< of the deceased, you must hie your claim with the court and mall • copy to the personal repre\enlehwe appointed by the court wothin lout months from the date of the lit ~t ""uance ol letters as provided 1n Pr ob ale Cod• s.ctton 9100 The tome for ltl•na clllm\ wlll not uptre belou IOU< months from the hear>nc date noticed above YOU MAY CVMN£ tM Ille llept by the coiwt. tt you are a penon 1n lerested 1n Ille estate. you may hie woth the court a Request for ~111 Notice (form DE l 54) of th• lthna of •n inventory 1nd appr 11sal of ulate U!.41b or ol •nr petition or account as provided 1n Probate Code uction 1250 A Requut tor Specl1I Notice f0< m os nailable from the court clerk. .........., .. Pa""-1 s.Me ( ........ le41- (CS9• '77a7J). After- _, 9t &.., 2S601 • ..._ P..4iwwy, Ste • 220, L..-. H•, CA tlHS Published Newport B .. ch·Cosl• Mesa 011fy Pilot March 14, 20, 21, 2003 FTH203 IS( 12165 IOOO Of Pmnlll TO MM JllllSTA11 Clfi QYllL.._ Wll0.'21•11 ltMtioc of the petJtlon, rou .,...... ..,.,.., •• ttie hurlftl 1114 ..... , ... ~""'-or Mot writt• ~· Wltll the coin llu,~tM ... lflt. v- ...--_,IHI In pers•11 or •1 rour llttortMY If YOU A.Rt A CRfOI TOR or co1ttl111111t ulldltor of tM dec:oud, ~ -t file )'OW clMn wltll the .cowi end 111.U • eoc>J to the ~ r tpre••nhtlore1 •P pol1tted by ttl4I court w1th1n foUf monttl• from the elate of tlle first tsauance of letters u prowided In Prob•I• Code section 9100. The time for flllnr cl•lms will not ·expire belOf• four monttls fr om tile hHron1 date not6"d abowe. YOU MAY EXAM1N£ the file kept by u.. court. If you are • petSOll In t.rut1d In tlM estate, you m1y hie wtth the court • Request tor Special Notice (fcwm [)( I $4) of the f111nc ol an mv1ntory •nd appulsal of est.ate essets 0< ol •ny petition or •ccount u provided 111 Probete Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice IOfm t\ av11lable from the court clerk A.-..., hr I"~ ,.. ........ ,_, t.c.., {Csa• N04S1). 4010 ·-p_.._ w.y, Ste. 250, ..,,.,.., CAt2604 fubltshed N•wport Beach-Costa Mesa Oaoly Pilot March 14. 20, 21. 2003 nH204 ......,,... ...... Wee Coatl•I Development Perm11 Appllcetlo" No ~02-342 Appl1c 1nt: Coty of Newport Beach. Pubhc Worh Oep•rtment Protect Oncropt1on Construction ol four ( 4 J asphalt w•lllways on the beach towerd the ocun from eatshna accessible locations. Proiect location O"e (I) near the Newport P1et •nd three (3) nnr the B1lbo1 Pier Public Heaon11 Date 04/08/03 Hearona loc•l•on Radt»0n S1nt• Bllfbara 111 Cast Cab<1llo Bou leord. Santi Barbara CA 93103 Heaon1 Proc::eduru This item has been scheduled for a pubhc hur1n1 and vote. People wtShm& to testofy on thos matter may ac>9e• at the hearrn1 01 may preunt theor concerns by lettff to the Com minion on 0< before th.e hearon11 date Copies of all c0<resf)(mden'e will be provided to the Commission of received a m1n1mum of three worl\mg days PflOI' to the public hu1r1n11 Wrotten comments m1y be of any lenrtn. oral testimony may be tom t1ed to 5 monutu. or less for each speakM. de pend1n1 on the number wtsh1n1 to be heard The above item may be moved to the Consent Calendar tor ttus area by the Ea ecuhve 01uc t or when, prior to Commission cor1s1der. atoon ol the Con~nt Calendlf. staff and the applicant are tn acree me•t 011 th at.ff recom-ndelleft K I.Na 11e"' II lnOvM to tlM c:-t CatMdlll, ttle ~ wll ettlMr •tprawt II with lite ,~ ... c.olMllt19M ~tliiMd 1n .,,. ,un ,...,. at "-~ ttwo It• trom the COnwnt C~ by I llOte ef ttv .. 01 -• Commh .._. " tll9 It-.. removed. the publtc helWl"I ti.scrlbM • .,..,. will atlll be held •t the point In the meet Ins or~lnally lndk•led on t11e11~. No one can pudlct how quickly the Com mlllslon wlfl complete 111nda Items or how m•n~ will b• postponed to 1 l1tet d•te. The Commisaion beams each seHlon •t the lime llated and conald•ra •Jch Item •n order, eacec>t 1n utr80f4tn•ry cilcumst•nces Stiff al the eppr09<~•I• Com minion offlee c1n ,,..,. you more lnf0<mation prior to the heaun1 date QU9$llOns rer••d 1n1 Ous llam •nd re quuta tor •l•H reports should be ducted to fern•• Sy, Co•slal Proo1m Analyst. at the South Con t Oostr ocl Ottoc:e 1n lone Buch (562)S90·5071 Publ1$hed Newport Beach Costa Meu 011ly Pilot Mar c h 21. 2003 r241 MUCIOOO IOOO Of MUC llAm6 OTY Of llWPOIT IUOI DWfCMl·YIAI AClaNll RSCAl YUi 200U4 NOTICE IS HEllCBY CIVCN Thal tho City ol Newpotl Buch, Calo lornoa has p11pared Ill• draft One Yur Action Plan 10< the F~•I Yur. be1onnin1 July I, 2003 and endona June 30, 2004, u requtred by the Unoted States Depart ment of Hous1nc And Urb•n Oe•elopment (HUD) A copy ol the d• aft Actoon Plan " required to be m•d• •nllabl1 to the public fO< 11wiew and comment fO< • thirty (30) day period lhe Public Re•te• pertod l0tm•lly bea•ns on Apr 11 8. 2003 1nd ends on May 8 2003 PUBLIC HtARIHC In •dd1tion, the Newport Be1th City Council woll hold a public he1<onc lo reu1we comments on the FY 2003/04 Achon Plan at the follow1n1 date, tome and 1oc-11on Date April 8. 2003 Tome 7 OOPM loc1t1on City of Newport Buch, City Council Ch•mbers, 3300 Ne.,port Blvd . Newport Buch, CA DESCRIPTION The One Yu1 Action Plan p10 v1des a det11led de scrlption ol how the City ol He.,port Buch will elpend th lederal Community Development Blocll Cr•nl (COBC). flonc with locel fund•n&, Jh addreu1r11 ostabln.hed Community Development •nd Housin1 priority nuds IS out~ned tn the C•ty s 2000 Gt COf'lsoh dated Plan PURPOSC lhe p!KJ)O!! ot • rllOlc Hatlftl '" die • .,.~,.... ...... tN~tM -..ortun111 .. C!Ml-nt ~ "°" tM Cltr plans te utiltze f.-.al 9M -.f.-. .. fllllldlltottM -lfltl ,.nod ........ •~I. 2003 ..- ' Oft JllM 30, 2004 It W Of ACTION l'l.AJj OOCOlllllff: Cati ... of the •llft AdJoo l"le1t wMf be avlUllM I« publlc rev-•lld com mem beP.l'lln& Ofl April I. 2003, et the followlnr locatlom: • City of Newport Beech, City Clef'll • City of Newport Buch, Pl1nn1n1 Oe · partment COMMENTS: The publie " Invited to submit wrrJten comments on the dr alt Ac(lon Pt•n no lat11 than 5·00 PM on May8. 2003: (tty .... ..,,.., ..... ,._,... Oepw1...,., uoo ... .,.._......._ ••4, .. ..,,.., ....... CA t2''3 Published Newport Beach Cost• Mtsa Dally Ptlbt Mitr ch 21 2003 r222 PUUAlQI Pubh< huronas will be held by lh• Costa Meu Planno"I Commouion at Coty Hall. 17 r air Oro••. Co$ll Mesa, C1hf0< n1a 11 6 30 p m . or as "°°n n pou1ble theuafte< on Me1t4er, April I 4, 2003, re1ard1n11 the lollow1n1 appht•t1ons I Pl1nmn1 Appheallon PA 03·05 to approve a r onaf Mnter Pt1n tor Tewinllle Pa1i. at 970 Atllnrton Drove '" the lnshtuhonal .. Recre atoonal (l&R ) ton. The r 1n•I Master Pl1n in- cludes recommendations lor redu11n of the Ul$tona bueball/sottb;all complex to 1 lour·field \oltball only f1 c1hty, new tenms. volleyban. 1nd bukelb•ll courts, 20,000 •q It permanent ,J..ato facll1ty, 10.000 $q. It community center. l•ke renovation and pr opoud pedestrian brid1e/med1an Improve ments on Junlj)ero Or1u, l•ndsc•Ptnl and minor COf'lslruttion (•I poc:noe \heltets. restroom I•· e1hhn) ;are al'° de scrobed This s•t• IS not listed as " hazwdou\ waste site lhe necatovt declar a loon os 1va1lable for public revlew/c.om ment from Mwch 24 April l 2. 2003 at the lot1ow1n1 locations. (1) Pubhc Co.inter Pl1nn1n1 01V1s1on, City Hi ll. 17 f air Dove. lb) Men Ver de l 1brar;, 2969 Meu Vetde Ortve. (c) Or an1e County Public Library (PMk Avenue Branc.h). 1855 Parll Avenue If any of the preced1n1 actions .re chatlenaed on court, the ch•llenae may be hmlled to only those 1nuu i.om*One ratses at the public hearon1 desc11bed m this notice or on wrotten corre spondence dehvered to "1e Plann1na Comm1Ssion at. or ptlOf to, the publoc: ht1r1n1 for furthff mlorma· t1on on the abowe applte•hons. lelec>ho111 (114) 754 5245. 0< vlSlt the ottice of the Plan nona Division, Room 200. lZ £111 DUY' Ccuta ....... cnftf-,.,•11•hl4 "••••" ~u .... o..11 ,.,., .. .,c .. 21 . 2003 F2Jt .......... ......... TIM follow1q ,__ ... doillC ~ •. l..-te Eltl~ .... 14.20 Callfornia St "2, H!.11· ~ ... lttdl, CA 921541 v .. onlca l\ormendy, 1420 Calrtorn .. St •2. Hunttncton lluc:h, CA 92648 This bustneu '' con ducted by· an lndtwidual H..ve you sllt1ed doln1 bUSIM$' yetf No Vwomc;a l. l\Ofmendy This st•t•ment wn hied wltb the County Cl8fk of Oranae County on03/04/03 200UHS720 Dally Pilot. M1< 7. 14, 21, 28, 2003 r 188 fkllm ..... ... s...... The followtn11 peraons are dom1 bu"ness n Sept'\ Al1orn•y S«vice, 14181 Yorbl St 1100. T ustm. Catol0<nl1 92680 Septdeh Ma,O.d1n. 63 Shewwater Pt , Newport Buch. Callforma 92660 This bus.neu 1s con ducted br· an 1ndlvtdual Hive you started dom1 buwiHS yetl Ye\. 12 20/2002 Sepodeh Majded1n This statement was loled with the County Clerk of Or an11e County on 02/10/03 200l6tl2t7S Oaoly Polol Feb 28. Mar 7. 14.21 2003 fl73 ,.... --..SS ... s...... l he lollowln11 persons a•• dome bustneu as Municipal 20/20 Soctef leaaue. 1744 S Mam. Santa Ana. CA 92707 Edwin M. h t111. 19802 Chesapeake Ln.. Hun tonaton Beach. CA 92646 Thi$ bus1neu rs con ducted by an 1nd1vtdu•I Han you started do1nc busonus yet? No Edwm M Arhp Thos ~tatement wu toled wrth the County Clerk of Ounce County on03/04/U3 20036tJS72l Oaoly Polol Mar 7. 14. 21. 28. 2003 r 196 Rctlm'-ilm ... s...... The follow•n& person~ ••• do•nc busineu n Noahtowl Hetwo1k1nc 2016 CAivert A•enue, Costa Mes.a. Callf0<no1 92626 Travis R frilfn\on 2016 Calvert Aveoue. Costa Mesa, Cahf0<n1• 92626 This business 1s con ducted by an 1ndov1dual Have you .tarted dom1 business yell No Travis r ran..,on This st•tement was filed wrth the Counly Clerlo of Oran11e County on02/26/03 20036tlS020 Oa1t1 Pilot Feb 28, Mw 7. 14. 21. 2003 f 174 ......... ......... the f ........ ...,_ 11e ...... .._ •: Sunn Kay rhyatul Ther•J' S.11E•, •l [, Jeth SI "2, c.t. ...... CA92Q7 S-F flay, lll 1• SI 12, Ca.ta ...... CA 92627 Tllis bil..W'8U .. '"' *'<:tee! by an Individual ...... JOU &l•led dolflS llUSlneu ;ttt 1 "° SllsanF K•y This 'ta.temenl wu ltlecl wrth the County Cw-ot Ounse County on03/14/0l 2MUtl71M 011ly Pilot M., 11. 111, Apr 4, II, 2003 J'221 flclll. ..... ... s..-... The fot1owlr11 p«sons Me dolnl llus1neu as. Mwdy't Wood & FU<nl ture Ratcw•tlOft. 3419 V11 lt6o 1243, H.wport Beach. CA 92663 Mardy l Post . 156 Rose Or . r ullerlOf'I, CA 92833 This bu\lneu " COf'I ducted by en 1ndmdual Hatt Y°" 1t"'1ed dot .. business ret' No Mardy £ Post lh" statement -WI\ hied wrth the County Cletll ol Oran1• County on 03/04/03 200UtU71t Daily Piiot MM '· 14 21,28 2003 fl99 ClASSlfllD It's the solution you're secrching for-whether you're seeking a home, apmtment, pet or new nlMMRI oc...,,. ....... , D YES, IF' I MY CAR I I I I I I Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Daily Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit card # or mail with a cheek todayl C~--l)sS_a.a_,..._c.a_o_t.c_o_WiA_D-:=Es~*~,.-x--_ ...... j : Run for a weekt If your car does not sell, we' II run It for another week FREEi All for just s20·. L • - f-.a.t,...,a. I .... 1 I I t I -' ' How to Place A Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classifi~ odvertisemenL Please report any erro7 that may be in your classified ad immcdiat<:ly. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any • error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be aJlowed for the first insertion. CLASSIFIEIAD -iii Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm : By Fax (949) 631-6594 (PkaR IDC~ )Ollr !llll'K llftd P-numbrr .nd --.,•u call YIMl bKl Wllh I pnce QllOIC.) By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours , ' . We9flesday ............ :.Tues~ay 5:00pm Thursday. ...... ~ ..... Wednesday 5:00pm By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street • Cost.a Mesa. CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. cl Bay St. Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-(n 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm AHNOUNCEMlNTS & MISC. GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2305-2490 Health Foods/ HOMES FOR SALE AU real estate adver _Products ______ 2S40_ ORANGE 5400 11sin11 1n this newspaper ......,_..., ........... Sea COUNTY 1s subiect to the Federal s..ft ~ trom the -. Aliso Viejo Fa1t Hous1n1 Act ol 1968 M 84 ~ 11111lnl. ;u amended whith $995/pd bll. Good tor makes 11 1lleeat t o _,.... ~ IJllUrc, advertise ·any prefer 877-732.slli.T(7258) Robert OPEN SUN 1-4 ence. llm1tat1on or 47 Wisteria, ..... d1sc11 minallon bued on LEGAL SERVICES WINDFLOWER 3BR 3BA race, color. reh11or1, su . · • TOWNHOME, 2c118•, handicap. lam1hal status &.c-.tl-& near shoppina & schools. or national oriain. or an ......,..., Hwy 73, ready to move rntenhon lo make any f-osterClre in. $350,000 by owner such preference, l11mta l'.....i.... 2650 847·910-3519 hon or d1scr1minal1on • _._ This new5paper will y..L-t...-__ .1...J Balboa PlnJnsuJa not know1n111y ucept ~ - any adverllsemenl 101 "'--11-6..'-N£W UMODll .......-1•-"'!. \.S9 OCIANFltONT real estele which IS in There .we CMS 100.(XX) UNDEa $650,000 vtolation of the law Our chitt"en '"the US W-.. AGT. $949-723-1120 1eaders are hereby rarahome ... lleepokler Informed that all dwell brothers & SISt!r$ ~. Corona del Mar '"i" advertised in lhts Tr~ & Financial Sl4JPOrt newspaper are available lnfor. ~ MMCH 25 on an equal oppo1 lun1ty 6:00-1::Am 50 s. rVilllesn basis BM! 1241, Anlfan To complain of dis 714-517·Jgx)825S-4S43 crim1nahon. call HUO toll -~-·-· ... • i,_-800-4 ........ 2 ... 4 ... as.-1~--AHTIQUES Old« Style Furniture f'IANOS&~ ·-·-·-·-·Otaco'- $$CASH PAID$$ ~,,...Of ............. WE BUY ESTATES .:649-4922.: SOUTH COAST AUCTION 2202S..M.i.St. S..AM,CA12707 ~•l ....wJ4• +I Mevlnt/btete S....- -lalt..a ts. Sot O..lyl '°"'· Everythl"I Gaes. 21 1 01 ..... -clAve. Altqlel b Siie 3010 Stave 1950 O'lieefe & Merritt 600 Serles 40" width oven, broiler, & 1nll Immaculate S2000 obo 949-673-0944 HOME FURNISHINGS Casi Iron sink/latuet any SIOO In sink errator 1arba11e d1spo~al 3/4 H P SSO. Culh11n reverse Osmosis water system S125. Cull111an soft walet system S400 10a20 trade show booth nsy compfel• SSOOO many mlSc items to see 800 200·87 ll 25' color Iv M1tsubrsh1 SI 25 all •Int cond 949·64-4 6263 o--n Whitt covered sofa bed SISO, yellow lb al over stuffed chaw + ottoman SISO. chest ol dUIWef'S $50 949-n3 1220 Tft &.-. C...di WMe. brocade upholstery. xfnt cond, S200 949 854 8208 JEWRRY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS • • FerHt/Sun I• 101 ....... blby tt.m. c-t CM N-4. un sllJll hMlllOld Old CoH1s' Golcl. sifvtf, lid clhs. fin>. etc. jeWeiry, -Idles. anl!CIW' Pl ...... Gcw..-collec:tibla 949 642 9448 Sat lam , 1421 Superior "-"- Av• household tl•ms. ~ 3610 dast&Nr clothei. Oofph1n ------- Ins tbl, b11 slools. Diep~_.... A c.-••t .... C.-~lroll to B11 Corona and lool.out potnl 4& 4 58a custom home C-:J":"-" 200S Offw at $2,950,000 COASlUHE RtAlTY 949-759-0177 ~ ~ 2Br 11/bl Wllhi1 ~ dlstara to the beactl located on h Southside of POI $489,!Dl Mld1lllll BrrMun. Coastline " 951S-01n CostaMm O"N SAT 12-4 1577 aUn ST. MESA VERDE cc sinale lam home. Sp.c hvrm Uparades Lov.ty back yard, 2 c car corner lot $450.000 Lora Vance Reaft01 949-47S~2 NEWUSTl"G ~ENHOUSl su .. 1-4 0v1Wt-41ttt 0c-. CoastftM v-S Pvt yd£ v•wln1 deck. 2 cer attach1d sauce $619,000 John farrow RaMax 949-322-0932 111111tn s, Tetrihc prlcn www.••1 .. 11twork.ora ..,. THI ILU,,S F.:::, ~~2Z19 bdualve Rita Pel"t SAT 1 -S 0-S111t 12-4 5 Vine Sele 2417 N-1• ..i '#AY b mormw ~ Bee ocn Yle#SI 4br + a.a-,....,.,.,, altver. Ill .. kltmr-. .-l'ol-. bonus, den built In 1999 -·u $1 -4 UP 9&m.otl I pool, 19•. cab•lll mor1• Q 1510 BlllMa 4.320sf. $2,250,000 JOl9 llAQIT --· c.i:,'11 &a::-..., . roM uate i.11. CaJ to de-•-• ,..._..s.:., a:rk 949-760-W. ft1ndlflel -New,art ladl w..ti ._.._cw -., Sl5mno PT 3-S Ir......_ 1110 IZJO).~ 21)+. ... ,... IWiiiiiiiiY~ ... -~c;CTl; .. ii F,.. &odue lllllMJ}&. IG ~._,_ ---~ -. ........, ...... T..,al.__ ~al ..,., (~ ...... «pl ,.__ ..-..,liima1 WM! cost M rn..u.d ... °"""••fr.,. .0. ... «i437. Smits a CA l/JtOil Ml1 fJALTHIBWUJ '••u'''' ......, ~""""' OffJc. ......... 3 Offiu wtlM. Pftme Nitwport Bell IOc l)y .. cow. ~ 111d BOllno --71!1 l S 17 Vle LI• 5"4, OPl'MSU..12-4 Built by Jo4I E Brown 1n 1!131 Offl1f•-•nlna 3 .. 4 10-ut.te on 111t•• lsllM 4~, 4b8, thfM slor;u +tower l Qr 1ar. pvt dock tor z boalt..lt i9•~ .....,_Sl.3,,.,,, ~¥71 1al-1C2..QO) 111.n•un 1111.ufY UOO VISlA LAREDO 481 lBA, r .mod kite 6 •• l"lanl 1h11lltn, r •· ,aMIY8 ""W el 11 een • Hit TIH"'9'f Jl"KM radticed to $599,IOO Alt H11r1et Kall !Ma.$> 9511> 0.m.6ta ........... - 3010-SMO r.-mn ••• I I soos-saso A EXGtmm S8r S9a Mar.lebJs tlowq flcxw plan, h11h ce1hn11s, curvln11 stanase, oulside F p, 1 e:un-et lutdl91. custom c:abnetry & mare.$1.799.IXD r.tdlael em.m... Coaslfre Realty 961S9-0ln IONITA CANYON OPEN SAT-SUN 1-S 10 Wlntlwep JBR. 2.SBA home Sep er ale off1ce/11ue~t suite By Ownet Sl,175,000 94 9-64-4 -8288 A 9wmAA Residence ... be ~ed lflls Sl)r ~ 58r 5 581 wrth • ~ "°WWI& floor J)Un. SI .750.<XX> Michael Bmlunan, ~ Rally llodt lay WMfft 2hr 2ba condo Hl lanl.Hlc locabon! 11ildl eels. wood ~ Fp, fa masltlr, 2c p s:R),(JX) .... Pai Shapwo 9$.Tlf).7400 f'ltlMEESTATES PATaKI( TlNO.l NA TIONWlOE USA 949-&U-9705 www.patricklenore com ........... 10201 OnhW Stb+& 5.56a, 5534 rJ, SI .25 Mil 8' oiler 949-251 9444 www~.or11 OCEAN & UY VllW THE NICI WJU AMAZE YOUI AGT. 949-7234120 Newport Com O,EN SAT-SUN 1-4 3s..,..-.... I level home. 2br, • den. Gated comm SI S I ,000 OPEN SAT 1-5 A touch of Itel~ 4br 2 5ba. Sir ed1 home Sl,729,000 OPEN SUN t -4 :30 Italian styt~ 5br Sba, •P pr ox 18 000 lo 19,000sl $3,495,000 OPEN SAT 1-4130 Stunnin11 aw•rd wlnn1n1 Brookfield home. butlt 1n 2000 3br + off tee Ap prox 3700\1 Sl,719,000 'lATINUM ,ROPUITllS Slelanie Meurer 949-715·3156 0.-. ..... V8a EnW 111e euard p1m 1n1o .._ hld..tY -.iM att.r oom rnnty and elqllr9'11le the ulllmate 1n hvlna on Newport's Gold Coasl S2.BllXX> lnt. tb!br1W, .... 9&58l·'Zl42 nlMllSTATES 'ATaKKTENOU NATIONWIDE USA t4t-U6-t70S www.patricktenor1.com ......... ,.._c..... custom esUte With ~ & °'*" views. Offered al S6,S00,000 ( .... 11 ... a..lly.t4t-7S~171 $639,.000 ~ dlt :Er 2.5e. home In pr ..... pm comm Won't i.t. ail= r •m2rm RESORT/ VM:ATION PROPERTY FOR SALE 1.Alll T AttOC 28r 3Ba lu. condo ...... .,,., l/4 Of 112 tnwast. ~.CO> P'lf 1/4 C.. MM73 0181 R.-Tollma Index ---- I\ I ,. . . ' . ~ ~. . . - I' I • • •· I •'' I & ~ Jilil l\ooms for Rent 6040 hvlne • •EASTSID CM Townhome Great Under the Scn·ice Dirl:ctury Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 NEWPOU HEIGHTS I• ON THI WATa 3Br 2Ba hous1 lolally M ,_ ~yd, vn boot ok remod. Ip. yd 2 car Sl:H> ""'days 96723-9896 car• 949 631 1680 -s 9'1!Min7353 layvlew Terroce Gated detached house 2br 2ba, 2·c all lat. A/C. no peh S2400/mo949 760 1219 Rentals Wnecl 7880 WANnD room rental w~ tor •dl\Jttider~ drsabled man w ·refs private room & bath, very clean Car •&e. w/d. n/pets/smke. female pref'd please trola studio rm, paho. no kitchen S795/mo • SIOOO dep Oen s1d~ of PCH 949 574 7701 a112 .. 1.25ba mndo '" Wla Bll>ol, -tom °' ..........__ 'ihort IBm tm!e ......,.., ... :Er 2Ba holm ~ IWllOd. Ip yd 2-c21 pr+ S2lln'mo 221 ,...,.,, S1 96&11 Hilll SQ)rno 9$65() ~I s100mo~ 1/>ulls 949·646 4065 ........ "" W/1>11, Newport , U4alayfr-t Hr Ha $3200.. yrly 626-212-77S3 626-297-6262 NP Hts 11 quiet studio w/small loll k1lchenette. sh11ed laundry A11t SI 100 949 673 7800 intd SISS)n 96-500-5445 UllD ,_. cum 2hr 2ba lwnhm. Udo. pabo, 2 c pr wd '11114>. 4 comm pools act Slfll() !M!Mi73 nDl Hort.er View H-3br 2ba. lam room. pvt pool/ spa, aardener incl, lease S2900!n 714 573 2900 Bkr 21w.,. Jl>r ,..,..., furn Newport or Coron• Od Mar w,nt to rent lo< Mo ol July 949 640 2581 home, 5ep1 enb, n/1ut, aa--Bndl quid nfstriv/pds. S675mo ,_.,.... utls incd. 949-6.11 ·5111 BAY ONT ......,..,...,,.... l& h 2..5bi w/relleal in 9lflld amTI, w/pcd !Pl+ pvt yard. SDn'mo ~ Plrtlct. Tenore. 9&816-9}(6 ClASSlflfD RESIDENTIAl. RENT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa 2IOOft 19 Gaol Yu. 2llr llNI, remodlaled, w/d. dlW. fp, pmo, aprt. l'2B E 8albo;t S185()no yrty 96-Snl1>9 0.. n. _,,, spectllcular views. .. up COilSI & down a.st. ~ 4& J.!JBa f.nily home ..... klr tease -S9.500tmo ~ Cel .... D:y:: f'ettll. !M9-67J..&399 Corona dtl Mar 2ir I.... l4JllS ' ~ IHI w/IJilk. uth incd le '51> 111 pr Aval Now! n/peb/smk& Sl350 & 14!i()no 949-222 5775 k'l'.il 21r, Saa, Apt Rrcently rehabbed w/1 car 1•• I block to beach, no pets. $2200/mo 949 854 1680 0,.-S.. 1_..,.. IS. to Be Corona Beech 3lr "-I Y' be. nolpet/uM U'lmno Ast 9&233-5371 Costa Mesa 1 .. 4mt _...., l m to i:-:t\ vU <*. ..... "" C!li tin. more. S80no 133 E !ah St. #19. tor Sp.;wd 9&5e2"21 Cat Ok. • tASTSfOl STUDIO All Ulls paid. lncd yard. Pet ot<, Coon op laun P75m/ S250 dep 714 545-0442 11r's from $875/mo w/pr ln lovely 11ated comm -Tn Scluw•. frtdp, lncty lx.,.y l\ir:in ~ lr77·704-8649 •9200 "' 11r, new carpal & paint. cvrd carport 277 16th Pia« 13 SllOO/mo no pets 949 72!J 9422 l 'altie 29r 2h dow11 stairs Apt 1n sm quiet complex Sm pet con Stdered Avall l /29 SI 175/rno 949·548 2446 E'alti.9 Hf'. I ........... w/d hllup, d/w, xlnl off St pllns.&•· ~ $1Bmt-l1'l0 ~1072 *I I Siii 1aftll dllrl "-* rwnocWid r,.-i 1111 ,,_....,.,.,., a .1 ... ~ ,.c1, I ... Ill -SJIB)n _. IU# ... . I ... bO yrd, I ... .. ,_, $l400m evil now. .... ,.,. b9ci yrd. 1 pr + 2 .... 111'#1 Sl&'5m 81111 md Mlrd1 9&~2Jl6 IAYntONT Community It's the s~ution you're searching ON LIDO PENINSULA NEW 21r 21• COTIAGIS Pnote Beach. Pool and Spa Walk to Ocean, Shop$ and Reslauranls lease 9291 2U aJM>0 2 UI pr, q, wd. ..... now pied oomm szmM> 9& 246-7832 or 9&500-Z223 for-whether you' re see~ing a home, apartmen~ pet or new occupation! 6/mo 2 yr+ Boat Sltp Available 710 UDO PAH DR. 949-673 6030 or 949 723·5830 • a. f lec:MYY sl)'le ~ 1*C! 'TtCMre". fp. lnwned ()ca..-cy SZiJ()no !M!Mi«).8841, 96.B-2526 Redlts WlrDd .,., •Y~lY• UASES WAN11D I or 2Br ~ CXJCb8! or mndo. 11.rn or ~ .. Heo<opor1 Beadi. Wll SV'I limo or lorvir Bill GRUNDY RE.Al TORS 949·675-416 I lease Have """' '""' nwnnd Wmtle Rl!f9 ... ' ' ' -..,... JD 521).8116 SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR A PET For Only $19 You Can Help. • • Aie you an animal lover? Here's a great way to expr~ it. Sponsor a pct photo on our special "Save a Life" page publishing on Thursday, March 27, 2003. Your sponsorship will secure a space for a photo of a pet who is avai lable for adoption and needs a good home. This spcciaJ page has saved hundreds of Liv~ all over the state, thanks to people like you! Be a part of saving a life and feel great about doing it. T his page is pr~cnted in conjunction with local animal shelters and Newport Beach AnimaJ Control Services. For }use $19, you can add your own special thoughts under the pet's photo. It will display your name as the sponsor of this pct. or you may include a loving memory of o ne of you r own cherished furry friends. SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR FORM Name: ________________________ _ Address·~---------------------~--City·-____ S12te: ______ __._,1p: __________ _ Credit Cardl: _____________ _a.;.ap-· ----- Signarure-· ----------------------- Phone (option.U)_· ------------------ For chock. make payable to: Daily Pilot Text co appear in pace bcJow phoco, 20 characten or less. Choose One: 0 In loving memory o------------------ 0 Sponsottd by~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~--­ Mail this form with yQur chedc. or credit card information to: Save A Life. <j(, 0<1ily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. Cosu Mesa, CA 92627 I • • • -.. • .. • • • .. MqllTKTUUl Ol9IC'l AUIHANT Ntwpert 8tech •trmtedrturll. rrm 11a immtditte aperq for · ~ f"'-.,.,_., offb asslmnt. ~ wl lncb» n.w-. bbiprfnb, ~ loc•I dtllveriu and ~ otll9' mac.. office duties. Some heavy llftq is involved. Must be a ~ dr'-able to prOOlidt IMdellCt of ~ ri*num insurance COii· er._ Hows .. from ~ 6/M-n+; 8-Hoolv'f. Sll 00 per hour. F •• resume to hylor &. Associates Ardlltecb. 9!9/574-1338. GlNDAl OfRCl Clerical P/T. 20-30/Hrs. FAX RESUME 714.-435 0191 I_.. OtlH lads PIT ~ .. om lOlm~ ..t.era .... lo know horre brawJ. ~ 96QZ.7D) c.... ... ._ ....... i-ful-lme opaq lor en up'd Acl1Wh1latrotlve ........ SIWy TBO. Fu resume 949-645·1145 Pl/S.a.s ruh1on Is dollq bout.JJe »llftn. Con~ pay r.\JSt be reliable & de!>endable CusOOmw serva onented. r.ab e.r.p pretd. 9$64(). 73Xl. Fax 949$0-7383 o Ae c epllo11ls1/ M••ila11111tw ...,._ po'lllJorl for a busy RMI Estate firm in l.aelJna Beach. TYl)fflK sllills a must One full lime posd.IOfl & one par I lime weekend po$'bon a~ Fa~ resume to S. L- al 949-644-3423. Sf!U ynur Car In Clauifif!d I SIMcl Dlredory "NOTICl TO Cilhfornle lew ,.. quires ltiat con tree ton tak•n• jobs tllat total l500 OI m«• (labOf or materrals) be lic4!nsed by the Contrtc:lon Slate Ucanse Bowd. Stele law abo requifes that CO!llr actors Include tnev lt(;tnse numtier on ell ftdvertlslna. You can check the sta I us of you1 llcenn d co ntractor •t Www.cslb.4'• eov or 80<»321 CSLB Unll· eensed contractors lak1n1 lobs that totel less than S500 ,,.ust 1tet1 1n their adnrtlsemenb that tbtf 111 1101 lk:ansed by th• Cnnt1uto11 S••l• I lc•nw Boa• II • ........ mie ~ 16"'1 I fltmodlll ~'*••••nMDn ~~--qv. c.,.my \ • i'iiiiii•'•'••--•iiiii t'dnlh CR~YIER • - LAHDRCM.R '7 DfSCOYE'A'f 4,14 loaded, low miles. 4x4 f\ll at a geet prioL #5494~ $13,900 Mil '95 SLSCIO COHVT. Bose, CD, lealh«, loaded, good lookilgll #113266 .• 900 .AUOl '00M1.IT QUATTRO SON Powa-~ Auto, tilt, alb/s, rbl t065288 $19.900 MSZ '90 JlOE SON Auto, leather, al'°'Js, nice clea'l car, great price. #270075 $7,9915 M8Z '98 ML.320 AUTO CO, lttv, Bose, moon, 4x4, reaDy a bargalnltll White, tan. #016225 $18,900 VW '00 JmA QlS Auto, pwr win, locks . 4 DR. good on gas!UJ #005140 $12.,900 FORD '01 EXPLORER SPORT2DR · CO. XLT, 2WD, real nice. #A08520 $12,900 TIL.C'S •UAOPllAN AUTOHAUB . Over l!IO c.r. In ..... 1-8Cl>59B-9754 w..., likes www.blocars.com Dod90 '97 l11tref1ld Sport 3.5 V6, 4711 m1, wh1te/1rey ml. 1er aaed, n/s, like new $6995 tlnanc1na & warr avail Bkr 949-586 1888 -~I.COM OOOGl NEON '2000 50ll+ mi. IOOK fu warr, 5 Sp, blue, erey 1ntefi0< •m·fm cd, beau CJr111R cond • ~ fin ..... Blu VH51'!12 Mt-516-1 .. -·"-DOOGl STIAl TH lS 'H Blue, auto, lthr. CD. loeded! 30 Iona mpt, Smoaed. S5200. Moved. pp 714-721-4994 ,.,.4 '00 bcw.1 ... XlT VIO. 29k m1. 111lver/arey lthr. Cl), runnme boatds. fully loaded. like new. v872581 $21,995. f1- nanclna avatlable Bkr 949-516-llU *ww.ecpei>f.wm .._... cav ·oo auto tran11, ec, lull power. cc low miles. $15,900 Pp 949·574424.t "-... ,,....... s. .... red, snrf, mulll dl$c CO. bleck/1rey in t. alloy whls, su~b orla bod)' & mechenrcal cond $4995 obo v797212 8k1 98611111 -J;qlllbijxm , Iii ~ Ccmlll&......, Incl la.di s .... Tile Concrete, P.t10, Or-.y fHplc, BBQ Reh. 25Yrs hp Terry 714·557-JS9.t c.,.e "'-/Sala Wt wm desl,si )OUt p:n.orW ~ com,,.11y "-*le lod Jl(lt yoo ooline ~You pay only l»<ti11a fees. 714412-2786 ~MlfO WWtyQ4S s.4.it't7 Petti w/S•Hle Ltllf ·f pwr·only S..tl'Wla (llt23') Sll,91G. ~M2'U WMtw/Wheat LHtlltf Moonroof (#192lJC) $58;980. • .._HOZTredi C....'01 Ctwome Sltvtt·Nava· ••tlon. OMV p•ld (119213C) $37,980. IMWl400 C....'97 Shtney lll•ck with lmmtc Grty Llh1 Gf'Ht recorcl.s. c•1t180C> nueo . ... WHll .,.....00 ~leW/Crtam lealhu·auto trans. (119193) $28,980. ••••sp<• C..,.'01 st .. 1 Grty w/Grty llllt·spt i>lla·31k mlltl. full &MW werr (119214C) $30,980, ,.... .. k4-'t• This• one near per· feet St!iney Blec:k su· per ·Char1td sedan. ('188581) $29.980 MIZSlSOO't9 Black w/Ten Llhr· Slarmar._ warranty! (118977) $42,980. Mil SOOSl 'to Both Tops. Premium WhHI~. w/Black lthr (118923) $27,980 ,_ ....... « c.a.·01 SHI Grey w/CJey lthr, lots of ex tr n . (119206C) S7l,980 Mere...._ I_ S430S."'-'01 Silver w/crey lthr. Navacatk>n. Below wholesale. (119207) $54.980 .... < ...... __ CUSAMG'OO Stiver w/Cha1coel lthr. ooly 7006 milts! factory werranty· leases cood. (OAC) (119248C) $INQUIRE! ··"·"""'° S.clCHI '00 S1lver/Cha1coal· Factory w•rr•nly. New body style (119146) $48,980 J_,.a-.. ..... While w/Grey Int. 6· cyl. SK m• •lre cleen <'19157) Sl2,980 949-$74-7777 PHIUIPS AUTO ,1io111..-•••• _ J,....... 'tt XJI Vanden Plu 34k m1. sperkllnc blll/l1n llhr. Cl), ctvm w'11s. full feel warr, litle new S28.495 firm •842614 hnanc1na 111•il Bkr 949-586 1888 -. ...-... - j_. '99 XIC8 c_., 34li' m1, fu" IK l0<y warr. iparklma black/oelmul ltllr, CO chrome whfs, like 11ew. · v677295 S33.995 fin1nc1n1 aveil Bllr 949· !>IJ6. 1888 -·~···- ~ cUSYOM llMOIEI ANO DISION ALL TRADES. JO vtARS EXP. Lt337169 949-631-2345 iiiD MOU tlOOMt MDOON.S & fDOlElMG LIS77982 949-709-5642 ~PalllllJI• YGUaNOME ,.,_vu.on PaOIKn Call•plum~. peinter, hendyman. or •ny·of the 1re1t nrva11 risted hen In our wrYlet difecloryt TltESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN H!lP YOO TOOAVt . ...., . .,_ ......... ~OoorffWT9.&ml ......... Oltb!I ...... U.578102 949 510 6S29 .,,.,.. ...... ·IWmi •amR ~a>&nn! LEASE FOR i1~1 PER MOl'ITH +TAX 1 At These Twms 0n woved Crecit ................. OllO,AT SllM SAW«;S! +.42e$3()00due at llaninc 48 nv:>nth closed end !HM .Q!> sewrlty deposlt, l :Qt miles per ybr. hceu miles@ .20¢ per milt CTE 132Tl) . ---.......... . LITSt.«lTOR! rrs~ ******** r6 FTlEWAY @ EIMJI SANTA MA AllTO MM.!. (818) 823-9808 NEWPORT AIJTOSl'ORT IMW 3300C '02 Converllble, WMe/ Bleck IJ'em!Um Ilka. low mtles, S44.900 °7s~ Yellow/Blad., r •e . only I CXXI n11 S67 ,In> FwrwiSSS Bfl-., Blad.IT an. finest available. Only 6.CXXI miles S 115.CXXI. , ..... 11 '01 Cabriolet SllYer/Bbdl Tlf)trONC, all options, 11._ miles. $69.500 ,_.S60 ........ Coupe Fl '00 Oeciric Dar,ton sats. badees. calipers. Sl59.500 PwtdoolntwS'OO Blad/8iac:k. ~onic. Musi -$39,800 IMW MWC..,."02 Gl'ey/Blac:k. dlJal sun· roofs, 2t< m.. *25,500 ...,_...,,.._.... '01 Rust/81.K:k. A sure Cl.assac, 7K 1111 S39.IXX> Hwt.y~1)2 Whtte/6lacll Road Kq Classlc:, $18.500 ...... QJ( 320 '02 Blut/Grey NM:. wtieeb. 7\ mt, SJ9.500 Auolno-ttw.. '-•t ... '02 CharcoaVT an, l .CXXI rt*s. $36.SOO "'-H2'03 B~eyLu•ury Group 2(1' wtleeh. only lOOmilts NEWPOftT AlJTOSfQRT 949 'f14-5600 OISTOM GIAlM TU lnstlltillon ..... cenmic, nwi*, S1Dr1t. a.. lt75 Ll6120M ""' 714-612-9961 LUICYillJWW ~ld Rqroubn & lnsta!Ution TILE OEAH 949-673-8065 ~ 71~3J3l •au.rs HUDWOOOS ~ 25 Yt1, Lit.time w.-ranly Ll763144 71 .. 501-4933 BlnllDacn Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH . The biddinr.__,. Wl'Sr NOaa n F..AST l • .... .... ... JNT .... .... TIMEOUTI SOlmf lNT ,_ trump. With f I poillu .ud a decenl r. .. e-card minor, Nonh had 1 ' comforuibl~ raise u( pcil'llM!T " reope.oina two oo rrump alltt WeM'I weak two soedel In fint star. w~1 led the 1op or lbe ~pade !iCQuencc.. l1ld dc:ctarer could c.oun1 only cighl ras1 winnen. Club!. were me to prodooe dltCe np-e trickb, bu1 there w~ a lAag. The defendtn were 11 tempo ahead and they woukl lllh more lhan eoough 8f)3de tncb to defeat the COlltnlCI before the clu~ could be nm. , Opening lead: Queen of • South, lhetefore, had 10 tUI .llf'OUnd for an«f'ICf J>O'i~bilitr,, Md 11 ~3 dWnond break. !hough a ~1 2· IC>-I llgaim.t. ·would produce 11 runJh trick. Roweva, declarer 'hould delay auackln& diamond~ to fiTSl pl<ly four round.-. of heart!.. Wby? lf bcanb Wen:' 3-3, each defender wtiuld have to maJce one discard. If the i.ui1 broke 4- 2. a defender would have to find !\l<O stuffs Who knows. M>meone nu¥ht pileh a diamond to inadvencncly g>ve declarer a helptng hand. The outcome of lllllllY a hand depends on who JletS the~ 'iustc•t with the mosleSl. Thal m11Uit ullc:r your approach to the play of ihe cw' dramatically. A balancing bid of two no trump after an opening ww rwo-htd shows the equivalent of an opening no Wm the fll'5l spade, cash our lhc: bcarU. discarding a diamond from dummy. then duc:k 11 Jiwnond. Win the spade return and ca.\h the ace dl1d king qf diamonds. tr thc Mnt brcili. you ha'"c nine trick.'l. If OOl. a~ they say, down one i~ good tmdge' Alltomative -AotornaaVI --..... -...... --.,.-..._.,--NlsMll ... s-. GU AUTOMOTIVE lE 56k m1, white/Ian Like new, loaded, auto. PARTS/ lthr. dual mnrh. CO, moonroof alloys. low 7411 ACCESSORJES/ brush purd. hlle new, m1, S5900 714-751·2464 v 72664 1 s 13. 995 1.. POASCH( '99 CAUlllA SERVICES nanc1ng & warr nail Bkr 6K Ml, 1 owner. aaraged, --------949-586-l&U Immaculate $56,750 Accessories 9200 ................. -949~75-2869 ........... ..,7~ SCI 0 1n. ~ llJ-v\ln ltlw, dual mnrt, real 111111> seats rear w CD, super1> Ill'• cond vf57291 $12.995 financq & ..,., mi, Blw 949-~1 ... ·www-.•·- Uecoti. '02 ".,,, ....... 3')k mi. full fact warr. silver und/l•n lthr, CO stacller. Lhfome whls, extra seat. v672518 S28,995 fin & warr avail Bkr 949·586 1888 -• .<paw • .- Mor~ '19 SOOCE 1-.... a:;anwed. ...... ~wey lllw'. tern. rri. fl .500 9&~ •• ,. ..... '9t n20 31k mi , whlle/11ey lthr, mnrf. c;hrom• whls. bHut hke new cond, vS72241 S26.995 fin 8Ya1 Bllr 9&5116-1888 -·"-......... '99 $320 lWB 52k m1, 3 yr warr avail, silver /blk lthr, beaut or111 cond, 11875241 S26,995 hnancma avail Bkr 949 586 1888 -·.....-.-·-Merc .... 1 '18 560 Sl white/tan. 1mmac 11/aJ. "" .. ,_ d tqi. c:trmnm. Sl4.9D 714 J'Sl ·~ ... tltl .,._,. lS '00 sunr()(Jf, leather. al extras, like new. or• owns. noo/!rit, SlJ.9915. ~pp714-~ Mis.-. •oo ,.~.., olll cab, alnl c:ond, auto tr ans. A/C. em fm. bed tinef, 52k fW'1 m1, $9500 obo !M9-fl59.0329 Mary. Fb-.,. Sttflioll•t All tyPeS of repair~. Elec trical. ~ doOfs, ntst.atin. tiles & more 24hr/7dey 714-366-1881 '-'IC.-... &~ Cwpentry • Plun\l>wlc Dtywall • Stuc:co PWltirw. Tiie a. more Z0+ v ... s EKptrNHICCI "714-fft-5776 Ldfi1Ci83 IOllNSON COMPANY Kitdllns, W& S.UW- "'erk 949 650·9525 llNTAl-'tUUAND F~ "°""VOO'S your honey won't. From Elect to the 1(4dliln .... 9&548<9J51 fHI HANDi•A• ~'!Cl..!-'..:..'G.: 0oon etc ... t49-244-889S ...... JMI TO Tiff DUMPlll • 71 4-968 1112 AVAllASlE fOOAYI 949-673-5566 • , • • , • :, It .. . --- POISCHl 996 'ff Tip, low miles. loaded. Spotless, its aot to an' S49.900 pp 949-244-5275 a-. • .,,.,. '99 4.0Sl 3911. full feet w•rr. white/ tan int, be;aut one cond, S26,995 vf892J96 hn avail Bkr 949·586· 1888 -.ecpa111.c- 1-. a.,,., '9t 4.0SE metallic blue/oatmeal lthr brush guards. lull tac t warr . S29.995 v792412 fm avail Bkr 949-516-llH -.ecpobl.c°"' VW '73 lu9 Good Condition! Well main· lalned, many e• Ir as S2.700 714·921 · 1789 Sher All11JM(lllES, MISC8.lMEOUS llDCOVB TIOO XTIA CAI, TOYOTA TlUCI, ,. $IOO S81$SO 714-374-1793 MOTORCYCLES Motrnydes HONDA 2000 SfWIOW, l lW:C. bladl. rrif 500 rr8 Wiit! I trasl Slifj(XJ Prftlale Parfy 71~9449 Cltry1ler '97 Sebrln9 Conv LX36. 421< m1 drk metalht blue/arev lthr. beaul hke new cond v292521 $7995 ltnancrng & warranty avail B~r 949-516-1888 --=Lcom BOATS Wned 9045 Power Boats 9515 ~~~~~~~~ f-9y ap.r..ocl De* (Ne-«l years e'-1>' ... fNJl'J a ve:y fat' pnce f0t 'fOt6 e1 V1111 or trud\ .,..., tor or not Cal Od Rey @ T ormto Auto Sates. 714- 437 1931 or n 4-32S 3?28 CASH FOil CARS Wl NUD YOUI CAA flAID FOR oa NOT PHILW'S AUTO ASK FOtt MALCOLM '49-574-1717 SELL your stuff through classi fied! ......... c..t.10....,. s.... Reslderl~aal 0 C 24Yrs. Ref's 949· 548-0054 949 637·4113 ,_.,,_..,_.._.. a... Talill Nsl OMl ~ ,. ... cb1t 11¥ -.. ,... 98422.14Jt lllllulflnl DOUOHlaTY UOTHlAS n-fbll loudl Sia 1961 ~TnllSlc.~ ln:t/Rep: 714·971 ·8746 ....... Mm 909 681-6664 FAUX /DfSIGN DUFF'Y EUClltlC 2002 2lft aUISll' l..ed, .ipplOI 50 In. r~ner mo,11ig, S21.500 714 815-<la> 2003 Dvffy Cat 16 Graphic pk11. 1 emote spolhel>t. elet I on•hor CO stereo f1\h1ng Lhdtr swim l;odder & cQclo.p1I cvr. leu than 4hr~ tr.>e new $45,(XXl 9&67!>-3336 BoatsWanled 9535 PRIVAn PAATY WANn TO IUY NlWllt 2 In DUITT. All CASH. 714-608-SSO 1 RND ~ Mowtng I SDage PUBLIC NOTICE The Cel1f Public Ullllh~ comm1ssron requrrn lh1t 11111 used ousehold c oods movers prtnt their PU C Cal T numbor; hrnos and chauffeurs prtnl the" T .C P. number m all adver· hsements II you heve any qunllons 11boul the leaahty ol a mover. ltmo ol chauffeur. call f>UB LIC UTILITIES COM· MISSION 71 4·558· 4151 ......... < ..... Of 18' aovtas $St /ttr nttds work. StO+ per stNifta all cl1lft. Insured hour Per. 949-112 -0620 fMt, court.us, c.-eful Hm 949~5.9137 a 13' T 163144 800-246-2378 Friday, Mlfch 21, 2003 Al7 1-. .-.. .... ~TO~D~~Y~'~S...-..... _ . CROSSWORD PUZZLE BOATS SUPS/ MOORJNGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 4 Ni'I Sllp1 •Vo•l•ble for bo4t~ up In bOft lde41 for prt••t~ boat brok~rae~949 7?3 3143 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAU! In CLASSIFIED (949) 642-567~ l(l"S CUSTOM Pun.G Pion. dun qu111htv won lnterlOf/ext and doclo.s. LI 103468 949--63 I 4610 IWM80W a.al IUlfT Pelnlflll~ekl. ~lclt Quelity job! Free estJmete U569897 714 6J6 8888 .......... SllcCO ......_ W/ht Remodel. 30 • y..,, hp Ra sonable, Dependable Ll349020 714-638 8114 ~--.&-.:m Rtsluc:oo, Room Addition, Patchin&. ReesonOle' 11 ... 921.1641 ~er PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot C lass1iied section to find serv1Ces from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot HOMS'f & ••sc.tUlf PlUM9l.R U506Sll6 r rw Esl! sm ,._...,. OCTFru Dim:. n4 Z!!> 91!JD NIOStPWa.-. Repair~ & Rtn'IOOeltn1 FREE ESTIMAfE L'687398 71• 969-1090 • AH F , March 21, 2003 P1111 govemmellt fees aod lllXCS. uy rlDllllCe charges. any dealer document ptq)8tlllion charg~. and any emjssion le.\ting charge. SPECIAL INTEREST RATE ON APPROVED FMCC LEVELO. I. & 2 TIERS ONLY. 1 At This Net Cost (J09689) ,, .. JOl'Cllllll..,. ,_ ..., tiw.a, .., ttNOCe charp. any ~ docwnenl prqiua11on charie. and any emission testing dw)c. REBATE IN LIEU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE ANANCING. 1 At This Net Cost (J 10209) Plw. govcmmcnt foes .00 tues. aoy lilWlCC charges. any dealer document · prcpanttion charge. and 1ny emission let1llng charge. l At This Net Cost Plus govemmcnt (tlell and tua. .ny finance charges. 1ny dealer document prcparalion charge, lll1d 1ny emission te.~ting charge. REBATE fN LIEU Ol' SPECIAL LOW RATE ANA.NCfNG. 1 At This Net Cost ,,. fl'VCIWll feet a ..... lllJ finance cNrges. 11ty dealer docllmem prepw1111CJ11 c:harge. llllCI any ernissioo lc$1.ing chm'ge. REBATE IN LIEU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE ANANCING. 1 At This Net Cost (668196) USED CARS 92 CADILLAC SON DEVILLE 316049 Sha Low Miies Leather Full Power 95 MECURY COUGAR 3KOP143 01 FORD ESCORT SE 221898 31K Miies Auto Full Power, Clean 00 FORD FOCUS SE. 203814 26K Miies, Auto, Full Power 00 FORD RANGER SUPERCAB A21073 35K Miies, XLT, Auto, Full Power 02 MAZDA 626 LX V6 287345 Shar , Auto, Full Power, Onl 1 OK Miles 98 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT 2WD (106639) Low Miies, Rear Air, Leather, 3rd Seat 00 LINCOLN LS (863171) S rt Pkg, Moonroof, CD 98 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 4X4 (3XL4010) Sharp One OWner, CD, Chromes 02 LINCOLN TOWN CAR EXEC (4VJK895) Affordable Luxury 02 LINCOLN TOWN CAR SIG (4VED787) Leather, CD, Alpine, Showroom Fresh 01 LINCOLN CARTIER TOWN CAR (4PPW360) low Miies, Pearl White with MOOnroof, CD, Loaded 00 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 2WD (44KY295) Certified (' •