HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-22 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilotr • a1 \ Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 2003 The reality of 3 -·Maririe reservist Officer Glorioso Manigbas of the Costa Mesa Police is going to clear land mines in Iraq. 011 fH E FAMILY TIME Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot ·r can't say I'm happy about the war," the young Marine re- serve said. "But rd be. lying if I said I'm not excited to go there. It's time to do what I was trained to do." HOMEFRONT For more coverage of war-related stories, see pages AJ and AS. Kids don 't need so much war news COSfA MESA -Police officer Glorioso Manigbas patrolled his heart out on the city's Westside. Supervisors say he is a •tough street cop." They don't forget to add that he Is a ·super, super nice guy." The 26-year-old officer is pre- paring to leave his wife and two kids on Monday to fight a war that's already begun. Manigbas trained to dear land mines for four years in the U.S. · Marine Corps. lbat's what he is being sent to do in Iraq as part of the infantry. Perilous thoughts of war catch up with his brain only when Ma- nigbas thinks about his family - wife Leah and two children, ages 2 and I. "I h~ve mixed feelings abo~ leaving.• he admitted. ..Part of me wants to stay here with my family, and another part of me is just dying lo g.·1 out there and fight the war." Leah Manigha'> !><tid she war, "'>hod.ed" wht·n her husband got his papers. Manigbas hirru.elf said it was "tot.ally unexpected." But he knew Wednesday morning when he saw a FedEx messenget walk up 10 his door holding an envelope. "Yeah , by then I knew what was in the envelope." he said. Leah said she is "not upset. but very. very worried" ror her hus- band. "I hope it'll all be over before he leaves, and he won't have to See MARINE, Page A7 0 ne of the advani i::es of the information age is that theiy is no shortage of, well, information. Turn on the TV or the radio or pick up any newspaper or ma;azine and there are •j!Jioni-f experts who will telJ you any 'lg, from how to pie. · P your n to how to mate as you plea• A lot of the inr, n is not good for IUdi.. , good for ldds. and tt. , 11110·1 have to be within striki •;~, nee of a Scud mis· " '' ffects. lnere lS \.,,, J>o. '"'1 oil . tr PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Ashtyn Cullen, 9, of Brownie Troop 269 goofs around with blankets she and other members of the Girls Scouts Newport Harbor Service Unit 2 made at Eastbluff Elementary School for children and teens who are ill, abused or in foster care. Warm touches Newport Harbor area Girl Scouts and Brownies team to create blankets for those in need Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot T here are few things more soothing in life than the soft wannth of a fteece blanJcet on a chilly night. and troop leaders converged on the auditorium of &stbluff Elementary School, huddling in groups to make a variety of colorful blankets. The effort is part of the Orange County Girl Scout Council's attempt to collect l ,000 blankets to donate to the Binky Patrol in April. The patrol is an organization Brownies and Girl Scouts from the Newport Harbor area worked diligently Wednesday to mab fleece blankets to help less fortunate children and teenagers stay wann and cozy. dedicated to making and Amanda Garrett, left, Tasha Greenberg and Molly Downing of giving handmade blankets to Girl Scout Troop 21 7 make alterations to blankets stacked in More than 190 young girls See WARM, Paa• A7 the auditorium at Eastbfuff Elementary School. Two dogs fi~d life after neglect Daily Pilot Purebred German shepherds recovering "We've never aeen anything quiie that tragic." said Marla AT A GLANCE since August will soon be up for adoption. Dales, chapter leader for the ON THE WEB: rescue group. Ca11ady Jer•mlas underweight. Jane was bo81'ded at the www.~can DallyPik>t I\ county German Shepbeni Coromuniry Veterinary tlotpl· WEATHER Rescue group claim tNt bOth tal ln Garden Grove for 6ve COSTA MF.SA -Duke and dop were a<> neglected under days and released. Her brother =looked more like withered the car~ of their Co ta Mea8 , Duke was ln worse condition. :Tete edventegt of this of akin and bones than 2· owner that thdr ribt and verte· 1 le tayed for three weeb 10 beiMldful dey. Hight wffl ,., ~-old pu~ Gennan bme thawed t.tlroup thdr bare make aure he wu ~ IO lnllnd inct 1'"' mid-70I ~ when concerned akin. to rnedicadon for lldn ailment: ~--COMC. ~ti brouabt theol co the Otiputy Ofjt. Atty. Maureen B1U G1Bllt, the wcmnutan s.9PtieeA2 atttndon of the district attor· I tall contacttd Gcnnan Shep· who wort.ed with the dc:IP. Mid EXCHANGE PROGRAM Mys ollce Wt August. herd Retcue of Otange County ft piobably took mont.N or Duke'• condition wu ao bad to '" if they cowd hdp tho twn yean of ~ect ror tM ~ .... \IWICcjj&i ,mt moet of hit hair had fallen dop aftt'f the owner volun· out and he WU 30 poundt tirily pw up~. IM NECl.ECT, '1119 M hor 11t'. '>ome of i1 ex.pres\cd by our son, who is 10 years old. Un Wednesday evening, only ~----~ two hours STEVE SMITH after our first bombs h11 Iraq, I wa.-. tucking him in, and he a'>ked me if we were .ii war with Iraq. Whik this wa-. a lung way from reading a chapter out of "Oiarlotte's Web," II was important because I did not want him going to '>leep anxious. "Yes. we are." I replied. ·Are yoll worried?" "A linle," he said. Al that point, I got to the heart of the matter quickly. "The president believes that Saddam Hussein is a very bad man who will try 10 hurt many people unless we prevent it," I See FAMILY, Pace M C\it of the fire, back in the pan After two years· absence, Fish Fry returns to its Lion s Park spawnin g grounds. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot OOSTA MF.SA -The historic herald of summer that W-cll> brought to its knees by one woman's ankle ,., rnaitng a comeback this year. The Rsh Fry will make rt'> tn· umphanl return May 31 and June I at !Jons Park. '>Cud Mike Scheafer, president of the Costa Mesa·Newport I larbor !Jons Oub. The 57-year old event floun- dered after Arlene Wolff claimed she hurt her ankle al the 2000 Fish fry, when she stepped off a curb at Orange Coast College. nie Livil lawswt wa., '>t'ttled ou1 of court last M.iy for $30,000. I foru. Oub officials. who host the event said the Fish Fry would come back to life gradu- ally ;.II.!> been gone. and we need to gel the momentum going ar,oain." Scheafer said. "With -;upport from che city. we're go· mg 10 tie it into the !city's) 50th anniversary. We're really excited about getting ii going." 111e event may be scaled back. from its t:raditional three· day run and offer fewer rides, but the main attraction will be the same -pure Icelandic cod fried with i~ secret-recipe bat- ter. Scheafer said. Uo~ Oub officials did nol want to plan a Fish Fry while the la~uit ~ pending. Scheafer said last June. lhe club is moving the venue bad to Li· on5 Park to take advantage of See ARE, Pac• M HARBOR COMMISSION Item pulled to study conflicts Permit changes that were up for a vote would affect four commissioners. June Casacrande Oaity Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -How do you find seven people will- ing to serve on a Harbor Com· mission who are knowledge- abJe of and dedicated to ilie h.arl>or but who have oo con- flicts of interest? You don't. When they created the Har- bor Col1lltlission in April 2002. M9N High School. S..,...A7 -DATEBOOK Colt.a Mee. High Wilt praent •foodo,,.: the~ ebcMrt cetllOt'lhip Ind~"' • ~ eown,IMwd'lit....t. ... ,...All SPOITS Tht Tothlblt ~ Qeilic .,....,. ~WW\. horde of '*""' •• , .. tei.t by .. ~ of Jam Ahlm"""' • .,....., ... ......... council members knew that some of the applicants best suited for the job had vested interests in the harbor. Now that reality is corning home to roost The city attorney bas yanked from lhe col'.IUDisslon's agenda. to review potential conflicts of interest. an item about how to deal with wide- spread violations of fire codes in the harbor. A survey by the 6.re marshal has shown that more than half of the businesses that hokl perm.Its to operate in the bar· SM CONFUCTS, hp M t • FAITH THE MORAL OF THE STORY The voice o·f the Bible Spring is alive "Spring is God thinking in pd. laughing 111 blue, and speaJc:ing in green.· -FRANK JOHNSON S pring has certainly sprung where I live. Although it seemed like the sun and the warmth played tug of war with the cold, wind and the rain the last few weeks and months, it is officially spring, acoording 10 my calendar. As I write this column. the sun ls pJaying peek-a-boo with the clouds and I've just came in from a brisk and refreshing morning Wdlk. By Suzie H•rrlaon M alcing the~le • accessible to everyont' has been Stephen Johnston's goal for some time, and through his creadve projects, he's making it ha.ppen. Johnston, a Newport Beach resident since 1956, has narrated more than 15 Bibles on cassette and · CD and is producing the first DVD Bible. "in the aany, 1 leamed to dramatize radio programs," Johnston said. "I created the first dramatized version with the founding actors for the South Coast Repertory." He had never done a voice-over for audio before. ·1 had to make my own sound effects, like I did in the old radio ways.• Johnston said "There's 10 popular versions of the audio Bible. I've done every version and have sold over 100 million CDs and cassettes.. I first began writing this column on St Patrick's Day. There was an abundance of green everywhere J looked, adorning . people's outfits and displaying how God and gardeners adorned the outdoors. I saw the color green in all my SWTOWldings on St Patridc's Day. I looked CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON The concept of an audio Bible is new to most people. Johnston said technology has made.it possible, allowing him 10 do all technical aspects himself. SEAN HUER /DM.Y PILOl Stephen Johnston has narrated more than 15 Bibles on CD at his Newport Beach studio. Actors from South "I can go to chapter and verse easily,· Johnston said "I add dramatic el"l'Ylents, sound effects and mu :c. Its u.ke producing 72 hours of one-hour radio programs." Coast Repertory lend their voices for the parts of the biblical figures. He is also preparing a Bible on DVD. closely as I walked, and I've been watching out my window as I write. There are more shades of green than I can count God is marvelously creative, and I'm thankful for spring. I was also mesmerired by the many hues of blue wherever I looked as I walked or wodced. Many people near me stopped to wait and watch, seeing the blues in the sky and the changing blues in the sea. Before finishing this column, I drove by a special place to watch the ocean for a few minutes. I needed some time away from home. l needed to pray, and I needed to be refreshed by the white caps moving playfully on a lively blue body of water. I can't describe the intensity of the color, other than to say it was a shade of blue that I would use to dye Easter eggs. God is wonderfully creative, and I'm thankful for sJ)ring. On my walk. I also passed tulips that were brilliantly yeUow and seemed to salute me in unison Soon after that. I passed a fidd of crisp golden daisies that waved happily to me. I waved back at them without thinking. and then noticed that nearby gardeners had '>topped what they were doing and were eyeing me curiously. I smiled said hello and kept walldng. When I returned home and saw my newspaper, I was taken aback by the contrast of the pictures of dust storms on the front page compared to what I am surrounded with bere. This may be spring in our area. but for many people lt feels more l.tke winter. ·oh. It's a dark winter in my soul Cindy,· one friend said. She and I visited awhile, cried and prayed together. and even laughed a little. We also talked about God, springtime. colors and Easter. We agreed t.ha1 even though we don't understand dn:umstances, we appreciate that we can always tell God how we feel about him, and we know that it won't change his low for us. Sometimes after hearing the latest news updates, I stop and pray and then look outside again for reasswance. The colors around me bring springtime back to my soul no matter what season it has been in God is magnificently creative, and I'm thankful for spring. And you can quote me on that • aNDV TRANE CHRISTESON Is a Newport Beactt resident who speab frequenUy to parenting groups. She may be rNdled via .mall 1rt a ndy@ontheQrow.com or ttirough the mall et P.O. Bole 6140-No. 505, Newport Beactt, CA 92668. That he can put the entire Bible on one DVD astounds him. Johnston is able to fit a lot of layers on it. including scripture and words that people can read to follow what he is saying. as well as 60 pictures of the Holy Land. "The exciting thing about this to me is that I wanted to bring the cost of the Bible down so everyone could afford it/ Johnston said. •tn 1969, 72 hours of the Bible on CD would sell for $250 to $280 -now it sells for $69, and putting it on one DVD FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS LENTEN CHORAL EVENSONG The Lenten Choral Evensong concert the traditional evensong service, will be performed by St. Midlael's choir and soloists at 5 p.m. April 6. It's the seventh concert in the 2002-03 Friends of Music "First Sundays at Five" Series. All are welcome to these events. No admission charge. Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, a Christian Community of the Anglican Communion, is at the comer of Pacific View Drive and Marguerite Avenue, Corona del Mar. LENn.N PROGRAM 2003 The Episcopal Church of St. Michael will have a program starting 81 5:30 p .m. through April 9, with evening preyer, dinner and its "Who Wanta to be an Episcopalian Series 7" video aeries. The church ia at P&cific View Drive and Marguerite in Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 644 0463. THOMAS JEFFERSON IMPERSONATION Temple Isaiah of Newport lnvit .. the community to an evening of fun, education, getting together and enjoying noted Impressionist Peter Small, who will entertain the audience as Thom111 Jefferson. The event is at 7:30 p .m. Saturd.ty, March 29, at the temple'• Social Hall, 2A01 Irvine Ave., Newport Beech. Information: (949) 648-6900. has allowed us to come down to $29." Johnston has other related endeavors in the worb, one of which ls a PBS special. He said that he is going to talk about the origins of the Bible as an oral work. meant to be heard. "It's a new era. and not a lot of people know about the Bible being available through audio,• Johnston said "People can drive to work and listen to the Bible. and in three or four months they can hear it in its entirety." Another we he suggests Is that the family listen while on a vacation traveling by car. Because they are TEMPLE BAT YAHM CELEBRATION Temple 88t Yehm will showcase event-related businesaea at its ninth annual Simdla and Cetebnrtions Expo from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesday. For information, call (949) 644-1999 or go to www.tby.0111. JEWS DOWN UNDER During Shat>t>.t 8efVlces at 8 p.m. Friday, Rabbi Arnold Rachli• will speak on •Jews Down Under. Travels In Australia and New Zeeland:" reporting on the recent congregational visit to Sydney. Melbourne and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and Christchurch. Queenstown, the fiords of Milford Sound and Auddand in New Zealand. University Synagogue 11at4915 Alton Partcway. The public la cordially invited to attend at any time. For more information or for a complimentary subscription to the synegogue'• newsletter, pleeae call (949) 653-3536. NOTED JEWISH SCHOLAR Prof. Shalom Paul, noted lcholar and Biblical expert, is coming from JeNNlem to .. ,,,. u Orange County's aecond annual ooe-month Jewish ~tar In Relldenoe under the ausplcea of the c>r.nge County Jewi-'1 Community ~r Program at the Jewish Federation Campua in Costa Mesa. (949) 789-e122. WORKSHOPS BNW FlRESl>ES Membe,. of the S.hal faith hold DailyAPilOt Corel \Wlofl News usiltant. (949) 67._.298 coral.wfl.anet.tl,,,.._oom PHOTOGAAPHOS Sean Hill«, Don l..Ndl, Ken1 Treptow Bole 1580, Costa Mlee. CA 92828. Copyright No MWI atortee, Ill~, edltorlel INthlf' or ~herein c:en be reproduced wfthout written permlaalon of copyright owner. VOL.97,N0.11 ntOMAS H. JOHHSOH Pvblither l'OHY DODEAO Edhor .lllCN OITTINO ~~ PromotJone Dlr-=tcw ..... ~ Gina AJeundet, Lori Andenon. Denlel Hunt. Piii.ii Saltowltr. Daniel~ NIW81TAFF Crime~ c::-" ~. (948) 574-'21e ~ l>lvnfh•llltlrrw.oom ..... =·· Neiwport ,....,....,, (948117'"4232 /uM.~•IMfm..com ..... ~ Polldoe lllWf ~ NPCH111f, • (148)~ 1*1Ld1nton•1Mt,,,_oom L.-. ..... READERS HOTUNE (949) 942.eoll Record VQUr comment.a •bout t,,. O.lly Piiot or newe tips. Addr.- Our add,... I• 330 W. Bay St., Cotta Meta. CA 92627. Of'rlcl hours ,,. Monday-Friday, 1:30 1.m. -6 p.m. ~ ... It Is the Pllot'a pol1ay to pro1nptly com.ct all enora of tubstance. Pt....cell (948) ~ m The Newpon 8MctllCosta M ... 0.lly ltllot (VSf'S.144-IOOl 19 publllhtd dally. tn N9WplC)rt 8-d'I and eo.a Mttl*. 9Ubec:r1pdonj ... r1en.ol9~ ~~.,The Timee OrariOf COUntv llOOI 252-81•1. In .,... OU\llde of Newpon &Md\ •nd eo..c. MliiN. HOW TO REACtf UI Chuledon The Tl"* Orange County (8001 262-91'1 ~ .. Ctw lfled (IM8) MH878 Dllpley UM9) 842-4321 (dleofW N.wa (948) 842-eeao ._._ lMI 174-4223 fMM,_C .... IMM170 """'-'9ir (IMI) lll0-0170 ~ t»llypltot•latl,.,..com Mlillt Oltee • .._ CMlm (IMI) 842-4121 ... ~ .... , ... , 131-7121 drama.tiud, it holds the audience captive, he says. "'Everyone thinks it's a good idea.· Johnston said. "Whether you're Christian or not· He did a Korean version in English and sold four times as many as he bad in previous years. His business has increased five-fold In the last four years, Johnston said. He said that he has more than 30 different Bible products that are sold at popular bookstores and on the Web. "It's taken me since 1982 to do all these narrations," Johnston said "People seem to enjoy listening to me for some reason.• informal public dlacuasiona on spiritual topica at 7:30 p.m. every Friday and at 11 :30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks ind~ brunch or dinner. Also, interfatth devotional meetings will be hetd the last Saturday evening of the month. Call forlocationa.(949)769-0999for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting. and (949) 646-6328 fOf Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an lntToductlon to Zen Worbhop from 3 to 6 p.m. the first Sunday of every month 81120 E'. 18th St, Costa Mesa. $60. (949) 722-7818. MASTER WND New Thought Community Church present.a Master Mind; a group for those who want to •manifest good" in their daily lives, at 7 p.m. Fridays and at 1 p.m. Saturdays at 1929 Tustin Ave., Costa MfJl8. (949) 646-3199. A SPtRfTUAL JOURNEY A 26-leuon study on the ltfe of Jesus Christ titled• Journey to the Cross" la taught at 9:46 a.m. Sundays during the Homebuilder'• Bible a ... at Liberty Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The church 11 at 1000 Bison AWJ., Newport Beach. m.. (949> 760-6444. DREAM ON After the army he and a friend from Harbor High opened up an advertising agency from 1971 to 1991, where he honed his skills doing voice-overs. He won an Emmy for a public 1V show called "The New Testament.· which was very successful, he said Johnston, who likes to keep busy, is working on myriad of projects. including a new worldwide satellite radio program and a documentary. He works out of bis studio on Newport Center Drive. His products can be purchased on www.biblesondvd.oom, ourbibkstonu:om or christianbook.oom Sundays a1 2046 Mar Vista Orlw, Newport Beach. (949) 21~ 1408. I I : I MEDrTATION LESSONS : A free "lectio dMna" medit.ation • group meeting is held at 7:10 a.m. • ! Tuesdays at Our Lady Queen of • : Angela, 2046 Mar Vista Drive. : : Newport Beach. The Chrlatl1n , Medltltion Group meets from 7:30 td" 9 p.m. on the firat and third Wednetdays of eacts month at the center. The format lndudet two per1odt of meditation with some Instruction on how to meditate, a talk and a diacuaion. (949) 21~ 1408. ' I WEEKLY EVENTS l. -· SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN --4 The Jewish Femi1y Servfc:e of'fe,. a j ! ' support group for women <*ief than l 50 to address issues such 111 anxiety 1 at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth • Monday of eacts month at 250 E. : Baker St, Cost.a Mesa. Preregistration ! required. (714) 445-4950. ; ,, FRIDAY GROUP Temple Isaiah of Newport Beach , hotda weekly Friday night servicet at ~ 8 p.m. with a fellowahlp hour and : refreshment.a afterward at 2401 lrvlne I Ave., Newport Beach. (949) 648-6900. : • I • • • la your dlurtti or place of worship • ; planning a special event7 If eo, tend the .. • typed Information et leeat two weeb • : before the ewnt to the 0.ily Plio._ 330 w. : Bay St., eo.ta Mela. CA 92Ql .aention~ .,,,' Peul SaftowfU, religion edhor.; oreend The Adult Faith Fonnation at Our Lady Queen of Angela Church In ~Beach hoktl a dream enatysis group from 1 to 4 p.m. tHNll to d•l/ypilottllatim«1.oom. r " -"' . ..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---, SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It'll be beautiful today, with hlghl In the mfd. to upper 10a. The low wlll hollef' In the mld-fiOI. On Sundey, there wtll be 1 f9W mote doudt, with tllghttv cooler: hlghl. The low wtll be timllar. Mondly loob a bft foggy .. rty, b\lt eunnv i.ter. Hight wftl flfl tt'f of 70. ~: www.nws.noea.gov BOATING FORECAST The~wtndl wt• blow 10 to 1 a ""°" in the Inner MWI, wtd\ 1· to Moot WIY8I end .~ twtlt of 4 to 8 fMt. Utlr, the ewetl wtM bedc dOWn a foot. SURF The northweat ewell will puk this momlng, eo we11 be In the OYeffleld range. Thie abmoon, we'll atart dtopplng towerd the head-high zone. 0n SuncSev. \WV9e wtn conttnue 10 ~ emaller, ~h we'll tttn ... eom. t:t.t· to ~ Anodw~twell aniwe Monct.v, IM Ira not nurty • atrong, IMYfng us Ju.t thy of tM heed-high ,.,.. .... ~ WWW~Otf1 Cofu1nMit. cutlure r9f;IO!t•. (141) f74..4Z76 lo/ltll.,,.,,_,.,.,,... com ~ ........ , c.. Mele nipofW, (M) ~1 dlaltdta,,..,,,.,,•Wimlil oom aw1a•1~ ... ~to the o.ilty P'!lot ... ...,...,.. """biy'""' ~ ,., tot ao per month. I~ lncfUde ... ~ ..... end .ioc.t ...... , l'OSTMASTE": IMd ~ die..-to TN NMpoft IMdveo. ~ Qlltv "~P.O. ~ tif'T'llMI Community ...... •dMelof\ of the lot~ Tlmee. Out fwtfw, the wtndl wtft Mow 10 to 20 kr'°'8 ...ty, but • wtl lnan 111 to 11 to 21 U,. .. "" .. 4lflllmoon,...., 2· to +.filotww. end .......... TIDES TtMit 8'231.m. 12:37 p.m. l~p.m . 12.'0la.m. ~ ....... ,...,PMm ,,., ................. .,, 02002 Tl"* CN. A.II rtghtl ,...,wed.. . ofllDI .... WATER TEllPIMl'UIE . ..... ----·--~ , ... -Sltlxday. Mach 22. 2003 Al ,. . Clergy offers guidance without ·slant · Security gets second look O.epa Bharattt OailyPiot 0 N TH r - NEWPORT MESA -Man· HOMEFRONT . Prayers are for quick end to war iil Iraq with few casualties. O N THI and M have bawb. • HOMEFRONT ·ha~~~~~ dnue to take part An antiwar et- as wel as lead bmal prayas on forta. but they do not reftect the behalf m the en0m aqrepiion · oplnJon ot the body of woahip- during duch mWles, he said en, he Aid. Loltt. Hnper ~Bill Godwin at Fairview Fairview Community Ouut:h Daily Pilot C.Ommunity Olurdl In Costa is a member. of American Bap- . Mesa said hi,, church as a bQdy tis'f ·Olurches USA. which ha! • NBWPO'R'f-~ -Repro-has t¥><>fficial stance on~ Wa.r come out against the war and . leas of what side of the political and will bot set a.side time for encourages humanlbU'ian aid to · fence local, rellglous leaders fall prayers spedfic to that subject. lmq1s after the ~ c.odwtn .. on. most deli)' agreed Friday He. 84mits many member$ said, but he reiterated that his ! that thdr role was to encouragie are "definiteJy part of the anti· church ~ keeping an independ- : prayer-for qukk resolve to the war lllOV'etnenL" Individually, ent stance. .. war. with minimal ~of life. members of Fairview C.Ommu-"We are praying for the whole "No one likes war, whatever nity Olurch have posted an-situation." Godwin said. "The ~side you come down on," said nouncements on where and general agreeing point ls. no • John Huffman. pastor of St An· . how to attend antiwar rallies. he matter how you feel about the drews Presbyterian Onm:h In said, but the church has not politics of the war. you pray for a : Newport Beach. preached on It as an issue. quick end. for the American • Ke and his congregation at St Church leaders have aJso en-troops and the haqi troops." : Andrews prayed justice could be couraged people lO write letters Reuven Mintz of Olabad Jew· : served without a war. but since to President Bush about their ish Center in Newport Beach : it could not be averted. they are thoughts on the war, but never said the center wiD hold a spe- • pJ"a}'in8 for minimum casu· told people what to write. ciaJ prayer during regular serv- : a1ties, he saJd. The chun:h will "We have people on both Ice for the men and women ; set aside a time for silent pra~r. &ides.• he said 'We have doves who are serving so •they can . . • • • .. . ~ adJieve their millk:Jo and come back home quk:ldy and~- MJntz a110 encouraaes peop1e t(> ooorJnue lo "spread light'" and 8'U c:A. Jcindbee8 dudns a time that Is malbd whb vio- Jmce. PtJoplie should pcay lOr general peace and try to help their neighbors u often as pos.- sible lo spt'ead the cyde of good will.he~ 1be tatter spobSOred a .spread the ligbr campaigJl" ' shortly after Sept. n. 2001 , 1n which they distrlbured small boxes to be filled Whb coins, to be donated to c:harltable causes. The purpose WU to remind people that charlty can be spread daily, through inaemen· tal giving, and althouf)l the por- tiom" may be small, the aff'edS are far-reaching. "We are always enoouraging that." Mintz said. "Now we should inaease that and recom· mit tQ our efforts of good dee&, especially in this time when we need it the most.• 9ft of MYt:ral hlgb·profile ar- eas aod buiklinp in the area are spokeswoman f)ebra J.4;an t.aldng precaudona d~ war-sak1. · time against terrorist anaCb or 'We inae-d.Sed 'leQ.lrity stair other acu of aggression. and made changes m the way South Coast Pla:za has "a plan we access the h06p1tal; she in place fur an contingencies... said "We haven~ increased it spokeswoman Dd>ra Gunn nO'N after the war tarted. We're Downing said. comfonable with wbai we did ~ have e(lhanced security back then and befleve u wouJd with orange alert.• she said. keep the hospital "4Ue and se- "Our spedflc security measu.ra cure." are confidential, but we have . Legan said security is ;llso very strong relatiqlships with ti~t at the TQ;'ilvba Seruor Clas- 1ocal. state and federal law en-sic. the golf toumamem run by forcement agencies." Hoag Hospital . Gunn Downing said infonna· "We've increa&ed security this tional sessions for tenants as year," she said. "We also check also pan of South Coast Plaza's ba~ lhar are broughr rn and rel.I comprehensive plan. · spectator.. they can't bring large Fashion Island management bags or backpack.-. " declined to talk about security Such checks are likely to slow measures. down adrru&c;1on during the "Security is certainty a top weekend, wht-n ..everal hun· priority for us." spokeswoman dred people are expected 10 at· Jennifer Hieger said "But we tend, Legan "'1.ld don~ thinJc it's appropriate to "We're also woricmg closely talk about it." with our own contraeted secu- . Hoag Hospital made several rity firm and the Newport changes in its security arrange· Beach Police Department.,. she meots after Sept. 11, hospital 'laid . • .. ~ 7h:m fl«4t a S!Me... I ~'lherapy 'r:6 rw n.4wa-. el ,.,.. -• fh• ....... Cltdet $ REG. '25.15 SOY DREAM ~ • Origina) ·~~ • Carob REG . ., .49 32 az. ~~~ Organic Salsa •CHUNKY -Mild -Medium -Hot •GREENamJ -Mid -Hot SI99 -Medium REG. '2.99 11 .. Ma's Original WDlOle Wheat Bnad ~8479 REG. '3.29 --.--6f 32 az. WfsrBRAE NATURAL· Organic Beans .... Red • Soup • Soy 8em • Chm • Crat Northern. Lad •s.I •Pinto • Kidney •Gabmzo REG. '1.19 YOIJ SAVf $70 00 A CASF 1 PENTA-HYDRATE· PENTA WATER WTm USP MEDICINALCRADB OXJtZN ,.,.,,..,.,...# ···~··_., .... , ...... ,.... c 611MsW..iJ/ =,.~14!!GL r.Yf f«llWbnk •lr!fu · 8De Dr , .. ,,s.J117,, . . ..,.,, .. ,]~ -Organic •Whole •2%1.owF.d • 1%1..owfat • Fat Free REG. '2.99 Milk OH> VALLEY RANCt£RS Organic Brown Eggs ~69sI~ M ~. Mirth 22, 2003 State's Gasoline Price Ave,age Tor $2 a Gallon •ri iiif jlU9?!:f 1j'iillJ;l1;f J~ I I ri ff:id I CllllU'll •11 -1111 DP &.m, Ounrlr Si~• 1965. 38 ~.,, in Cost4 Maa ,.., .. ·······-· 2945 IUndolp~ Ave (Bristol & BUcr) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 E-mail: carb ans@thecarbsho .com ... ••••-.-• ana.•bal.- (714) 434-0133 We rent & sell both cars & trucks! 1202 S.E. Brtstol Street, Senta Ana Hta., CA 92707 cham 20 bell.net RosEY's AUIOBODY ,,_ ~ ---.: . . ~ --- You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY 949) 642-4522 IOSIY'S AUfOIODY 121 Industrial ~ c.aa Mesa Don't Pay Too Much For Your Brakes I NOEPE•.::o~-:­ SE P ~ : E CALL US PERFORMANCE LTD 2037 HARBOR BLVD 650 5860 COSTA MESA CA 949 2 BLKS ~.0 O• 7R'ANGLE SQUARE WWW PERFORMANCELTD COM '11u fAtJJest, rrne.st, 1'rieruflltst '&auty Supp[y & !FullServia Salon In Oranfit County NEW ARRIVALS OF ~p~ &wtJets Best Prices -Best Service - Best Selection PATRIOTIC SUGAR STAR COOKIES with purchase of one doun Qi, Good n,. Mm lSi 2rA13 M. PlfJt'll C..,..AI T. O[P.- J.,.; I p,r...,. With State Fa,.,,,. Medicare Supplement insurance. See me for details on hOw Medicare Suppleriwnt lnsUrlnCe can help you fill ihe ppe in Medicare coverage. FIRE Continued from Al the miovadons the dty made on the community center. ScbeaCer sakl. in its sttongeSt yean, the Fish Pry raised up to $100-000 per ~ benefiting local cxganll.a- tions such as the Boys and Girls Clubs, Utde League and school!L Dean Moore. executive direc- tor of the Boys and ~ Oub of the Hamor Area. said the or- ganlmflnn is weJooming the Plsb Fry bact because lt is Sbiv- ing to ~funds. "Wf!re in the same situation -other nonpro6ta who ale lb'Ugling to make ends meet and proYide the ISvioes we have in the past." Moore l8id. Coundlman Gary Monahan aald he was elated the fish Pry WU~ "I've worked with the Uons Oub and think th great." Mona- han llkl. "It'• the belt fNfS\t that Costa Mela bll had <Ml' the ~ and rm rm11y looking rm. want to ... It bappm again. .. Continued from Al dogs to look like this. ffe a8.id they were emaciated, almost balrless and UD80dal. "We are a throwaway sodety," · be safd. :'~le don't want to. tab the ttnie or spend the money to get thlngs 6ud, so they just throw things away." German Shepherd Rescue has spent more than $3,000 on care for Duke. provided entirely by donations from animal lovers and adoption fees. He ls now at a foster home south in Encini- tas, where he has been re- covering smoothly. "I think he had seen the worst in human beings and bad just given up hope. There was no ex- pression in his eyes. They were just hollow," saJd Diana Pobn, Duke's foster mom and a Ger- man Shepherd Rescue volun- teer. She saJd the maturity level of Duke and Jane have regressed to that of a puppy because of phy- sical and emotional neglect. Duke's hair has finally grown back. and he's almost back to normal weight. minus some muscle tone. The German Shepherd Rescue group has created a mail cam- palgn to encourage the district attorney to come down hard on the owner If he Is found guilty and to send the community a strong anti-abuse message. The owner, Costa Mesa resi- dent John Haddad, was charged with two counts of animal abuse, which could land him up to six months in jail and could carry a fine of up to $20,000, Hall said. He also faces two counts of permitting an animal to remain unattended without proper care and attention, which could re- sult in six months In jail and or a CONFLICTS Continued from Al bor are berthing boats ln a way that poses a fire haz.ard Of the seven Harbor Commission members, four hold such per- mits: Ralph Rodheim, Marshall Duffield, Seymour Beek and J>au- lette Pappas. "It's kind of a C-atch-22." As- sistant Qty Manager Dave ICiff said. "We kind of are in a Catch-22 because we want peo- ple who have extensive knowl- edge of the harbor. but we're also finding they have all sorts of po- tential conflicts lnvotved." Harbor Resources Director Tom Rossmiller said that the item was pulled from the agenda of the March 12 co~on meeting after Oty Atty. Bob FAMILY Contiooed from Al saJd. "But you are in no danger of being hurt here, and neither is mommy or daddy or Bean. We will not ~ missiles attacking ua and we will not be poisoned by gas." Ordinarily, I would not have gone into such detail about the ~me ways ln which we couldCne, but I knew that these two Issues were on bis mind and I thought it better to confront them. It wotked-be smiled and gave me a bug, and then went to aleep. There ls one pl~ of advice that la common throughout all of the "What to Thll Your Kids" columm I am ieadlng. One hundred percent of tbeae advisors suggest that k:ida not watch war coverage on 1V or that 1V vlewlng be severely limited. I am Ill over that one. PHOTOS cxumsv Of IMHA POHN At left. purebred German shepherd Duke last year, when he was suffering from starvation.~. Duke after recovery. $1,000 fine, and two counts of a leash law violation, she salil. DiAnna Pfaff-Martin, presi- dent and founder of the Com- munity Animal Network in New- port Beach, said animal abuse and neglect cases are hard to prove. "You have to have evidence. It is very difficult to prove without a videotape," she said. "But ln Duke's case, because it-was a private residence, it was obvi- ous.." Tuday, Duke will make his first public appearance ln a while at PetSmart ln Encinitas, where perhaps he will find someone to give him a permanent home. Pohn said she will be picky about who adopts him. "He needs someone who is very, very patient," she said. "Someone who accepts the dog bow be is and does not have high expectations and Is willlng to let him go at his own pace. "He doesn't bark too much or do too much bad other than to stuffed animals," she said. She said Duke will do best ln a home with other dogs. Jane has been at a separate boarding facility and is also ready for adoption. She will do best in a home without other animals. "She needs a lot of work to get her nice," Pohn said. •She's not too good with other dogs." Gennan Shepherd Rescue of Burnham saJd bis office must first review whether commis- sioners who bold lwbor permits have a conflict that should ptt- dude them from voting on the fire hazard issue. Possible remedies for the widespread fire hamrds could bit some commissioners tigbt in the wallet "If you're a permit bolder who's found to be out of compli- ance, you might just be able to n!dock your boats." Kifr said. "But if you don't haw: room to do that. then it could start costing money. You mjgbt have to pay to have your dock rebuilt in a way that's in compliance with the fire codes or you might have to sell some or your boats crowding around the dock." City fire codes are designed to ensure that, if a boat at a com- As long as you're going to follow the advice or these experts and tum off the tube, why not extend the pleasure and keep it off after the war's over1 Ob well, just a suggestion. Here is some o~er unsolicited advice ror parents: I) Keep the war news away from kids who are not in school Four-and 5-year-olds don't peed to bear any of this, so don't tum on the radio or 1V whlle they are awake, and don't talk about the war at dinner. Kids are &hup and they will $eJlSe your anxiety. 2) Be proactive with kids who know about the war. Ask them wJtat they are hearing in IChooL O>ances are good that thelr friends a.re telling your lcfds that Saddam Husadn and bis army ~ on the way to America to tab over the country. or that Iraq hu developed a bomb capable of overpowertog mm the Power PuJf Qrlt. But don't d.iac:uA It ~r dinne.r. That meal abouJd only be for good ruMI. 3) Get teenagm involved In the war effort. Por many puenca, elm ... wry IDOd oppornmitJto ~to teens 1'Mt bow blielecl WI ale Ind hoW their Ufe bl America .. IO tweet. Go Online and joUl a letter-wrtdng ~ ConQIC:l the Red en. and -bow,... teen can eend a •care~· to a eemce man OI' W01DeD In the war. Yau nMIY be~• the hei.n J'O'll' chlkl ..... 4) Olbel'thm =wlth w. wtdl NOi. l 3, • .... ,... ............... ----w.-.GI• .. •tr 1·;;t_. .. ,_, I •• Orange County is a branch of an 1..A.-based group. Dales said they receive up to 300 calls a month to place dogs, and do find more than 500 dop perma- nent homes annually. "We are the ultimate safety net,• Dales said. "We are here when all other options are ex- hausted" Grant said the rescue group really saved these dogs. "I really respect their effort. They really gave this dog a chance," he said. ""Ibere are a lot of rescue groups out there ~t would ju.st choose euthanaala, but they spend their own time and money on thi&." Usually dogs brought to Ger- man Shepherd Rescue are boarded at a private kennel ln Orange until they find a place to live. ln Duke's case, he was so sad looking that Pobn volun- teered to take him into her own home. "It was just sheer will that got him through because tbeie was not much else theie," she said. "Duke was just so desperate. I really felt so sony for him and was willlng to sacrlftce our whole routine here." she said. "We just tab it one day at a time and, each day. there are minor improvements.• • C'8SAll't JEAfMIAS ia the Intern. She may be reached at ca.udy.j11remi11•fllstime1.com. merdal dock catches fire. it can be pulled away from the dock without being bJocked by Ot.fl· tached to any other boat. MiR than half of the c:ollllJMlldaJ docks in the lwbor are not UQto this standard. . Qty officials want to maa. it easy on permit holders to com- ply. They may begin by notifylng permit holders that tbey'nt breaking the rules and then ilS- lng the business OWlleI'S to a - plain bow and when they llllill make the necessary changes. But none of that can happen until the commiss;ioo mamee call. Expert counsel Dana Reed. who consulted for the dt1' Qi\ campaign reform. will exa.t!lfne how such conflicu apply to commission and present opinions at the April 12 commis- sion meeting. _... ,_, your kids nervous -and thaa: the bad guys win. Besides, th~ president bas asked you to <» this. 5) If your kids are in schoQJ.. check in with their teachers ald find out what they are being told in class. Some teachers~ not d.Llcua the war at all, some will have to talk about It because they know their srudents won't be able to concentrate on IChoo1 if they'" don't. Bue lt would help if everyone w-., on the same J>&F with tbe aame mesaage. ('!Mchen: If you are dilcuuJng the WU to dau, please let J>llmlU know and 14( them knowwtw you said.) Sadly, r beUeve that the temw and fear chat gripa other OUi4Pa -the IUDe tenor and rear ... we'Ye nolded tor many ye.n-· will now be at our doorllep. Don't tab that u an antiwar statement. beca•w lt Would haw tieen here with or wt awu. 'ftMS other •t>est" we can~ for it that our cbDctnin are n vtcdml of their .,.,.en.S lean. That .,_ for lraijl cbJldreri, t • 8TIW IMITM1e a Com Mael f ,..........,,, .. ,,noe......,. : ft11d991,,..,lliweam111191' fOr him on 1'M Delly P'llot hodlne • "' <•1942.«Jll. • I ,, I I ... . . " PROTESTS CO~TINUE Mario Campantle of Laguna Beach and his daughter, on his shoulders, make peace signs on Frid~y night at Anton Boulevard and Bnstol Street during an antiwar rally that shared the corner WJtti supporters of the U.SAed war in Iraq. SE.AN HILLER OAJLI PILOf ~·Corona del Mar students take stand on war ,, ... ·Plans for walkouts at 'two o ther district . schools fizzle. .~oepa Bharath , .Qb•ly Pilot ·~s~~fWPOlrl Bb\U I \I ll'J..'t .. ~ Coron.t del M.tr I h~~h '><:hool 'Ww!dCnl' walked mil of Lhc·1r ~~ I nday aftemtKJll and held -hancb 111 lhe quad for .1hout dfl Jiour to m.ile a o;tatcmcm .iga111'1 iU"le war r11 , ,Sophomore lodd I la, .. t.., '><llll ., ~ -.tucll'lll'> had startc'tl pl.111111ng ihe protl..,t on 1 ut.><,dil} ··A \mall .,-uup of ll' .. 1.1rtlil talk.mg about ll aftl'r \\t; ht:.trd I JI '>l).(ll llntl·n11ed1atl' "M. hool and Newporl I larbor I hgb V..1.·n· plan nil11< walkouh. • he• .... 1111 "fhr word got out prl'tty l.i.,t JU't \\1th llier. and p<'ople 1dll.111g to om ,J'jlother " HOMEFRONT I luwcver. l:n'>igl 1 lntermetliall' "M.hool .md Nc\.\1J0n I laroor I figh ..iudt-11~ \'<U'e not ~I m 't.«1'11( a prute...t. I n-.1gn Pm1t11JJ.I ~11.ke McGuire -...ud the Mudcn!'> have their con '>lit utiunal nghi.. and that they can ht.• l.'Xt'rci'>t'<l hdorc or after '>t. hoof. I le saJd that te.1thers wen: trying to ellplam the conflin to c;1udcnL'> ~ tht'} can fomi op111 ion' ol thetr own. t\ \o\illkout. Me< 1u1r1: ':Ml.Id, "10, not '><> 111ud1 J '>ta.rile tt'-111., a ch.mu• IO get Olli of da.'' :-.!l·wpon 1 larbor 1 llgh S<.hool -.1udt'111 ... · effon' \\l'rl' unsun·~· ful rt'portrdly ht.•cau<,t' of a lack of n-..,po11~· Hut .11 <..oruna tld Mar I hgh. lhc -.1udt·11t'> walked out of Lia.'!> 15 mmute'> into the fourth pcnod at about noon and remained 111 Ull' quad for an hour. Hawe'> \c'Ud ~I administrators did not a!Jt.M' news media irl.'Jde the camp1L'>. hut I !awes. who rame out to the i.idc wctlk to talJc. to n:porters. 'ia!d '>tu dents hekt banners that read "Sc.an f\vdCe" and wore T-shirts that rend ·war is ntWr won." ··nus war i!> being fought for horribly WlJU'il rcd.•.oru.." he Xt.td. "We see lhe dra.5tic effect it's gotng to have on America's place in the world This Tcxa.o. vigilante ha., dt• CJded that he\ gomg to spread dt' mocracy by any means. It\ JUM continuing unperialism into tht• 21'>1 century." 1 lawes said the !>tudent•,' w.Ul out is not a reOecuon of the popu 1ar opinion m lus school. "The maioriry of the srudt•rw. are pro-war because their pan•nt., are.· he said • lllat'~ why I thrnk it'!> important we tell our cmN.·r vat.ive commuruty that there are ..... Read all about it ... our semi-annual event where we OPEN our trade-only showrooms TO THE PUBLIC and pass on amazing savings -direct to buyer -come browse through our tent and enjoy tremendous values! -J ...... M_~_c_h _21_st_-2_3r_d _9_a.~m_. _to_4~P·~m __ • I '' Furniture & Pre111ium &brics marlced down .... to a fraction of their original wlue I ~Dining ~ms • ~Rooms • ~ • I.apips 11 Mirrors and a huge ~n of Fine Fabria . ... ............................................. .. lOOOlofHome.Accessori~ • '>tut.ll'nl'> m l'\ewpon M~ whu behe\'l' that peace 15 the only W.1~ ( AHom·r del Mar eighth-grader 1\1 • .mt l ... 1thman said she signe<l up to \how her !>Uppon for the pri.. " tr fauion on campus I lel'I that we need to suppon our tmop,," ...he said. "If we don't do '><lnll'thmg to Saddam M>On. he\ gu111g to do something to us." Prinupal Sharon Fry said the o;n1dt·111' , .. 110 stage<l the wallcout \>\ill lw l on'>ldered truant and will fa{'{' cktenllon. .. l11t'y know and undl'f'>tand the rnn'>t..oqucnces." ~h<' ..ald. "01t'} 're• prepared to fate the con· 'ie'CjllC'llC"e'> " 11) .... ud II IS importdnt for ~lU· dent<., to ~l<M "what they're doing and v. h} tht>y're doing 11 • "I think our student!. are mak· ing ,1 -.tatement." '>he '>aid ·rm proud of the wa} they're going about rt." Saturday. March 22. 2003 A5 •HARDWOOD• LAMINATES• CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYi. A.OORING l!IMMtatcilON f.1111~11.,:,:.j SOLARIA~ ':-.4,L.\PpT .. l,.l,\ll rl~ -111 • • 111 -....... 'J/4• SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE s449 !!!!.!:!I!.. s 149. from sq• -SQ~ Travertine 18" x 18" . ....... . .. ........................ 14.29 111t CeramlC Tile.. .. .......................................... ./ISUlleC lrDrr '4.99 $Cl t Laminate Wood .......................................... ~ ~ '4.99 111• • \ M Sltlxdly, Marcil 22, 2003 . FORUM • • I •• . . ""'· . -· MOW TO GET PtaJ8HED -t..u.s: Man to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn et the 0.UV Piiot. 330 W. 8-v St., CoN Mela. CA 92827 •Rt 1 dera HodM: Call (949) 8'2..eoee Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 ~ &mlll:s.nd to dallypilottllati,,,....oom •All conespondence muat lndude full name, hometown and phone numbet (for~ purpoeee). The Pilot reeetVe1 the right to edit an aibmltek>n. for clarity and leng1h.,: DEAR JOE Bell's war words ring tru~ for some . . .. . " . ,, •• .. •• . . ... "• .. -· AT ISSUE: Antiwar column called 'sensible' on one hand but 'thinly disguised propaganda' on the other. Thanks to Joseph Bell for his sensible and patriotic commentary (The Bell Curve, NKeep us blessed with the right to dissent.. Thursday). rt would be ironic indeed if in the course of promoting democracy in Iraq, we allowed our own freedom to be diminished. It is an ominous sign that Sen. Tom Dascble's criticism of the Bush diplomacy was characterized by the Speaker of the House as tantamount to giving aid and comfort to the enemy. For our country's well-being, we need, even in wartime, thoughtful criticism and dissent like that of Sen. Tom Daschle, Col David Hackworth and Joseph Bell. PAUL AND SHERRY EKLOF Costa Mesa Normally, I can tolerate Joseph Bell's slanted personal views as "local color"; the best effons of a more-or-less harmless colloquial journalist -wannabe. But this morning's thinly disguised attempt to propagandize his left-leaning political views goes beyond mere ignorance and poor taste. Even political adversaries to the president such as Sen. Joseph Lieberman had the decency, intelligence. and patriotism to show solidarity, not divisiveness. to our dettactors and our enemies once our national military decision had been made. For every out-of-touch retired military person Bell can cite who does not support our attempt to neutraliu the lraqi threat to America and the world and to free an enslaved populace from a murderous dictator, he could, if be wished. cite the views of dozens of informed. active military leaders an~ rank-and-file soldiers of every service who support the decision of our national leadership. But tellingly, he chbse not to. None of us wants war. But do we support genocide? Do we sit with our hands tied while an avowed enemy amasses weapons of mass destruction, standing idly by while he continues to torture and butcher the Iraqi citizenry imo complete submission to utter tyranny? rs that what America has ever been about? Do we return to a naive policy of turning a blind eye to the buildup of terrorism, inviting a national disaster that makes the events of Sept 11 pale by comparison in destructiveness? The views of such people as Bell are nothing new. WIShful thinking, acquiescence, and appeasement have empowered every tyrant in recent history: Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and ldi Amin. to name but a few. The decision to procrastinate, to ignore dear evidenee of threat. noncompliance and evil in the hope that •something" will allow us to avoid tough decisions involving great sacrlfice. or to appease other nations that do not have America's best interests at heart is also a decision. Fortunately for Bell and other ·peace at any price" advocates. they will never have to bear the sautiny of having their decisions second-guessed so long as men and women of courage continue to lead this country. It would be unfortunate ln the extreme for the rest of us were it otherwise. Thank God, some among us have eyes to see and the courage to act, regardless of whether France. Russia, Qlina, Saddam Hussein or Bell concur. CEctl M. PROULX Costa Mesa r completety agree with Joseph N. Bell's take on the Iraq situation. I am 60. a veteran, six children, eight gn.ndchildren. Cowboy junior Bush must have been taken in with reality 1V and all the "Survivor· joke shows, and with sweeps just around the comer. he must have needed ratings. The president is a joke for the world to laugh at, and when they laugh at the president of the U.S., they laugh at our make-believe country of free speech. With Orange County. a prosperous and rich community, with a strong starboard list. it toolc courage and strong conviction to write that column. Now we have John Ashcroft, Tom Ridge, Donald Rumsfield and Dick Oleney slowty and methodically taking away basic freedoms. Bell quotes some very credible military specialists. Good thing for all the major media we have an abundance of •military experts." taking us blow by blow, as we destroy, lcilJ and damage HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES -. -our •ugty American• persona. Why just blame France when, of the 189 nations ln the United Nations, we only have 40 nations. being paid billions , under the table, to side with his .. Bush's mentality. , ~ · Enjoy Bell's writing. Keep up .. the good work. I care for our , troops and those being forced to' participate ln this strange, and very difficult 10 stomach. pursuit. TERRY TURRELL Huntington Beach I think letter writer Oaudia Downs outwitted herself in her critique of Joseph Bell's comments about "The West Wing.• She ends up admitting ' that the series portrays the _ idealistic (Mailbag, "Bell Curve ~ just like 'The West Wmg' -r• fiction,· Thursday). I think that, too. I jusl wish WC bad a more ideal government in real life, instead of just in fiction. ELEANOR Kl.Elf Costa Mesa' . " CfTY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall. n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 M9yor: Karen Robinson COAST COMMUNrTY COLLEGE DISTRICT President Dana Bladt. Oer1c Serene Stokes, David Brooks, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linda Sneen Ferryman, Art Peny, Greg WoodSlde and Dan Worthington •Thomas Wtlson, 5th District (Newport ·' Coast). (714) 834-3560 Council; Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and Chris Steel crrv OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beacti City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 M..,or. Steve Bromberg Council: Gary Adams, John Heffernan, Dick Nichols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb District Office: 1370 Adams Ave .• Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 432-5898 aiancellor: William M . Vega Bowd: President Paul Berger, Vt0e President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jeny Patterson and Watter G. Howald; student trustee Derek Shelly NEWPORT-MESA UNIFlED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St. Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 424-6000 Sus-ii illiiiict.r1t: Robert Barbot Bowd: President Martha Auor, Vt0e ._.. MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT 1965 Placentia Ave .• Costa Mesa, CA 92627,(949)631-1200 Boant: President Jim Atkinson, V1<:e President Mike Healey, Trudy Ohllg-Hall, Fred Bodcmiller and Paul E. Shoenberger COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT P.O. Box 1200, Costa Mesa, CA 92628-1200, {714) 754-5043 8oMd: President Arlene Schafef, Jim ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9050. Costa Mesa, CA 92628-9050. (714) 966-4000 Elizabeth D. Partier, member, Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa. Newport Beach ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hall of Administration, 10 Civic Center f>taza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 •Jim Silva, 2nd District (Costa Mesa, Newport Beach). (714) 834-3220 Meet the Wells Fargo ... ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 708-fAIR 8oant: President Ruben A. Smith, Vt0e President Patricia Velasquez, Randy Smith, Emily ~nford, Peggy Haidl, Jamet. Barid'I, Deborah Carone, C8Slie A. Ray end Frank Barbaro '' STATE SENATE Ross Johnson (R), 35th District. 18552 "' MacArthur Blvd., Suite 396, Irvine, CA 9271s. (949) 833-0180; me: (949) 833-0698f• Press Secretary P.t Jovc:e, (916) 323-1200: • .. Private Mortg~ge Banking Team Place your home fmancing needs in the hands of Priv ate Mortgage Banking. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home fmanc ing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-on! y loans · I .. . . PLUG IN Plug lflto the-Piiot Classified S«tlon to find seMCes from etectrorncs and plumbers, to landscapers and pa1ntef'S Daily Pilot Fourth Annllll llARCH YARDAGE U• 11 25o/o OFF Entif8 Stoct of French Fabrics sae Ends March 31, am !210 Marine Ave. Balboa Island (949) 673-0719 Open 7 Days 10:30 am-6:00pm www.lc~alp1lle!>-provence.com • Salwday, March 22. 2003 A7 KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Exchange students and advisors from Vienna, Austria, in front of Costa Mesa High School. O/o Life lessons Au strian students visit Costa Mesa High to exp erie n ce tee.n li fe in Am erica. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot They tossed the school books out just before getting on the plane, yet they could not avoid ~on from the moment they ~pedotfit Every daily activil)' became a lesson, a lesson on the American way or life. For a little more than two weeks. 17 students from Borg! Hegelgassel2. a high school in Vi· enna. Austria. got a taste or Amen· can culture from students at Costa Mesa High School "It was very interesting 10 com· pare our differences . . . 'J)eWdng F.ngl.Lsh all the time, living with the families and getting to know them." saitl \\blfgang Moser, one the two teachers who traveled wlth the Austrian class. "The kids are not living like tourists, so the experience they get is much more Intense.. The students. who were 16 to 19 years old. spent time with their Atnerican hosts in and out or the cla.ssroom. • The Austrian travelers agreed • WARM Continued from Al • ¢hiJdren and teens who are ill, fbused or in foster care. • "It's really fun and it11 keep Olem warm," Hanna Stuart. 11, C&d. : The troop leaders bought .arlous colored fabrics with • . • MARINE Continued from Al • tP. • she sald. • Q> ta Mesa PoUce Sgt Tun ~ said the department will feel Manigbas' absence. Del. Vic- ~r BaWla and Frank Castorena. t cadet with the department. have already been deployed. ! • (Manigbasl has been with us b' over a year," said Stam. the ~cer who trained him. "He's twned out to be an excellent • lhe experience, from performing al an international assembly in front of the school to sighl5ttmg in Los Angeles and San Diego. W3.!> time and money well spent. "I feel (the people! are very nice,· said Marie Aichelburg, one of the many students who wt're experiencing America for the firsl time. ·r reel that I'm very wet· corned here." Costa Mesa High students em- braced the chance to learn every- thing they could and make new fnends in the process. "They gel more opeo-minded and they find OUI things about l:urope. Austria." said Fveline Hoelbling, the head 1eacher of the etas& Unlilce in the U.S. high school syi.tem. students in Austria don't make daily treks from one class to another, their teachers do. And their clas.5mates don'1 change ~ their subject does. Instead, once they find their niche. wtuch for this Austrian class ~ music. the students stay together for years. The Austnan students. who spend 40 hours a week Ill school Ulcluding Saturdays, were sur- different motifs, induding footballs, basketballs and cars. The girls combined two piec~ of fabric. then used Popsicle sliclcs to cut 5-lnch strips on rhe ends and lied the strips into knots or bows to keep the pieces of Oeece fastened together Eastbluff Principal Owlene Metoyer said she was l!Tlpre<;Sed by the young girls' ahruistJc cop." He said Manigbas. who worked on the graveyard shift. i" kllown as one of the "hlghest producing officers on that shift.· Stam said the employees who left will nol be replaced. bu1 other officers will be offered over- time to do their jobs. It Is a chal- lenge because the high orange alert requires the departmer.t to deploy more officers. he said. Manlgbas said he will leave for the 2nd Battalion. 23rd Marines, 4th Marine Division in.Encino on prised to see how the American i.chool system worked. They were almost as shocked by the casual reladonships the American students have with their teachers as the American students were by the Austrians' being able 10 dnnlc and smoke at 16. THE BRANDS YOU LOVE! "We're getting as much out of it as they are." said 16-year-old Car· ley Millian, a sophomore whose family is hosting one of the Aus· trian students. "I've teamed a lot· The students quickly discovered the similarities and differences be- tween them and their counter- parts. showing school officials from both countries how signifi- cant the experience Is. "We've been very pleased with the interaction or our kids.· said John Baney. the Costa Mesa High activities director who helped es- tablish the program about five years ago. "Austria is a country that values an educational trip like this. They're here to learn English and 10 make the world a smaller place." The Au.strian students are scheduled to return Tuesday. • CHRISl1NE CARRIU.D CO\lers education and mtrf be readled at 19491 5744268 or by e-mail at christme. cam/lo 1i' latim'fts com. spirit "You hear so much about how selfish ctuldren are and this just illustrates all the wonderful and ..elfless thing1 kids do," Metoyer said. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 5744221 or by e-mail at de1rdre.newman a,Jat1mM com . j NAUTICA HOME ro .. wr aA1t•wA. ·?Imber 9sfe_ COLLECTION PALM ER HOM E • SUSA N S.4RGEN'r freoh 14eet fer •e4e r11 li•••I Monday and then go to Mira.mar Marine Corps Air Station. H.J. Garrett Furniture "I don't know where 111 go from there: he said. "l'U JU.St have to wail and see." • OEBIA BHARATH covers public safety and courts 5™' mtrf be reached at (949) 574-422e or by e-mail at dffPIJ.bharath@latlmes.oom A Family Tradition of Providing Service and Value Since 1960 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open Mon. thru Sat. 10 to 6, Sun. 12 to 5 6 LIZ cla1borne THE· WORLD'S BEST KNOWN APPAREL BRAND COMES HOME iNTRODUCING LIZ CLAIRBORNE FLOORING Choosing the ~ht flooring for your home juat 9!lt ~· Because Liz Cl81rbome offer1 up the ooloi'a arid atyle8 to match you . Perfectty. Quality, eMe and value. These have aJwaye been hall· ~rka of the Liz Clairbome name, and thta new flooring line le no exception. Beautiful flooring, from ~ to hardwood, even vinYla and lami~I with taating_ ~ in cok>r't ana e1ylee that are fashionable and lirn&-leSa. • • NO INTEREST FOR 6 MONTHS. Thru March 31, 2003. O.A.C. S.. ebe fOr detaila . . And it'• aYililable exdueivaly llt: I J M Saturday, March 22, 2003 • Ample & <ronvenient Parking • Y.<>{jo, Tai Chi, Stretch closM,· •Step, Power Pump, Cardio • Showers, Steam & Towels • Shope-Up Skin Core • Shope·Up Hair Core • Shope·Up Acupuncture/ Mouop 949760-5054 www.shape·up.com • www.flitnesseancii 2101 East Pacific Coosl Hwy, Corona Del Have You Lost Money in the S~ock Market? Did your stockbroker recommend stocks based upon his brokerage firm's stock analysts' recommendations? Were the recommendations. misleading, premised on baseless criteria, and fail to disclose a conflict of incerest for the analyst and the firm? Did you suffer losses based upon the recommendations? If so, you may have a case for fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. Were your investment objectives long term growth •. income, and safety of principal? Did your brQker recommend unsuitable, high risk stocks? Did your broker over-concentrate your portfolio in technology stocks? Your losses are often recoverable and you may be entitled to punitive damages. We specialize in representing individual investors. Please call us for a FREE consultation. •No Recovery -No Fee Marc I. Zussman, Attorney at Law USC Law School Graduate Toll Pree :888-663-56611 310-772-2250 Law Offices of Marc I. Zussman Over 29 years of Law Practice 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., 8th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90067 Former Los Angeles Deputy Cicy Attorney Member of Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association By Order of lloard of Dlrecton WAMBOLD FURNITURE, INC., Manufac:tumra of Rne furniture 5 MILLION DOLLARS IN FINE FURNITURE INVENTORY ·~ .... • Chan. 8ufletl • o ... 1'lblel •Homeomce • Mvel Rockers Plant Closing After 28 Years in Business Everything MUST Be Sold! Inventory Sold First Corne Rrst Served ~ Complete Bedroom Seta • lbuth Bedroom Oroupa . .,,....... . a... •Mlirarl •AimOlrn I • Night ..... Various Styles & Finishes ~ Sala D1t11: Frldlp, Saturd1p I Sund1p Only Mlrcll 21 1 22 I 23 CoiltlnulnJ March 28, 29 I 30 Frldlp I SatunllJI 91111 • 4'111 • Sundap 1 Olm -4pm 3402 W. Harvard S~, Sllnta Ana Sale Continues Until Entire Inventory Sold I NO CREDIT rARDI ACCEPl!D I II I ALI MANAOID IY: otRlCllONI: • Br:Ui• Tata Aaocilita,u.c ...... "'*'41 Oo .... 1·112 '~·AUCJ'ICAW ·~ ..... ~................ (8,., ................... ... Daily Pilot A NEW ARRIVAL DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT The 130-foot schooner American Pride prepares to dock at the Newport Beach Nautical Museum after a 7,5QO.mile journey from Maine. It was met by a flotilla of local yachts as it entered the harbor. The ship will be available for dockside tours at the museum this weekend only. It is the first time the "American Pride" has docked in Newport Harbor. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or bY calling (949) 5744298. Include the time. date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dsifypilotcom. TODAY Volunteen are needed to' help Re-Leaf Costa Mesa plant 30 California sycamores.in Fairview Park at 9 a.m. No experience is needed, just a love of nature. Wear work clothes and bring gloves; they'll supply the shovels. Call (714) 835-8504 for more information. Prince of PNce Christian Church and Sdlool is hosting its annual Country Day Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 2987 M esa Verde Drive East, Costa Mesa. Events will include rides. carnival booths, pedal cars, face painting and more. For more information, call (714) 241-7361. The League of Women Vo-. of Orange Coast wilt have a membership ooffee at 9:30 a.m. at 1836 Santiago Drive, Newport Beacti. For more information, call (949) 548·7117. An ·E.commerce for Smell Business .. workshop, sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired Executlves, wilt take place from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa. The oost is $26, $20 if preregistered. For more information, call (714) 650-7369. The annual mother/daught.r fashion show and luncheon sponsored by the Newport Chapter of the National Charity League Juniors will be held at 10:30 a.m. at the Four Seasons Palm Garden, Newport Beach. Tlcbts are $90 for adults and $60 for ctiildren. For more information, call (949) 642-4496. SUNDAY Spa Grege>M'a In Newport hectt will donate 25% of alt proceeda to the Orange County Affiliate of the Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. "Pampering Toward a Cure .. appointments are available from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Catt (949) 644-6672. The Ballet Montm•rta will hold a fund-raiser for the organization's scholarship and outreach programs at 12:30 p.m . in the Wyndham Hotel. at 3350 Avenue of the Arts, Costa Mesa. The champagne luncheon buffet will have a live auction, raffle and door prizes. Tickets are $30. For more information, call (714) 241-7424. MONDAY Reglstratlon begins for seventh-, eighth-and ninth-graders interested in attending Spring Camp through Costa Mesa's Downtown Recreetion Center. For $95, campers can visit Magic Mountain, the Irvine Spectrum, the Long Beach Aquarium, Sommers and the Balboa Fun Zone from April 14 to 18. Registration will continue until the camp is full. The camp will be held weekdays from 8 a.m . to !> p.m . Call (714) 327-7560 for more information. TUESDAY A free aping cleenlng worbhop called "Detox and Cleansing Through Ayurveda" will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Mother's Market. 226 East 17th St.. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) ' 595-MOMS. A "M.rbting and Promotion" workshop, sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired Executlves. wilt take place from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The cost Is $25, $20 if preregistered. For more information, call (714) 550-7369. Orange Coast College hosts the annual Banff Mountain Alm Festival. Three hours of "the best of the best" will be screened at 7 p.m. at the Robert 8. Moore Theatre at Orenge Coast College. Including films from Canada, America, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and Swltzerlend, the film • reflect a wide range of mountain experiences. Tlchtt coat $9 In advance, $10 at the door or SS f or students. For tldtet information, call (714) 432-0202, ext. 21058. WEDNESDAY A cMdic:ation ceNmony for the naming of Howard A. Sdlneiderman Lecture Halt will be held at UC Irvine's Biological Sciences Courtyard at noon. As an administrator and researcher, Sdlneiderman (1927-1990) was a leading figure In building the quality and reputation of UCl's Sdlool of Biological Sciences. Cati (949) 824-7262 for Information. A free aprfng clMning seminar called "The Tao (Way) of Cleansing" wilt be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m . at Mother's Market, 226 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 695-MOMS. Newport BNd1 Community ServiDeS wilt present a new series of drawing and painting workshops featuring individual i.nstruction for beginning to advanced students in mixed media. The aeries will continue for eight Wednesdays, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Vince Jorgensen Center adjacent to Mariner's Library, 2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beac:t.. Fee is $66 for the entire series. For more information, call \949) 644-3151. •DNga: Nightllit or Nlghtman," presented by Orange Coast College's United Student Sociologists Club and Psydiology Club, ls a symposium offering students an u nbiased approac:t. to the issues behind the physical effects, personal experltnces, cultural aspects and legalities of drugs. It will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m . In the college's Student Center. Catt (949) 929-0527 for more information. A bu9ineu .rt.hours mixer sponsored by the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce wilt be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m . at the Turnip Rose banquet facility, 1901 Newport Blvd. It Is free for members and oosta $10 for potential members. For more Information, call (714) 885-9090. Weekly story time at Toy Boat q store with stories, aonga, finger plays and craf\sc. Newborns to S.yeaP<>lda are Invited from 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m. at 21111 Newport Coaat Drive. For more Information, call (949) 769-8697. SOLE APPEAL A flt solely for you. nm eeuon. 1t Mllml, OW'~ dallq end Wdllillly ..nnce out --caGeaian d 8uropclft lntUef"*1 footww from laneonl. 5-> Me\MlCI end~ !U. Manrd ... tbe ...... 1el e cDon In llOWn ~ mlftY .,S. ndlble "'. ~ ....... &om 4-ilJ. and rn Wield» 6orft 1 • #a • wtk Corontl IM MM PIGrf 964 Arocado AftllUC, (axner ol. M.lcAidnlr' lad POI) • 9',._721·152' W'W'W.lnlnDllboa.com 'I -~---·------· .......... -'--.. I. ·~ ..... ... -· '• . . .. I," , ·' . . . : . .. . ...-· ... - v·"' ' .. ' .••, . . .. ... ·~ ... -: • ·o . ~ I _.: ,,. I COMMUNITY & CLUBS Time to honor Paul Salata is now P aul Salata Sports Palk: That's what Raymond 2'Art.ler of Newport Beach wants to name the active sports park being developed at Bonita C.anyon. "hul Salata should be honored while he Is still with us,~ 1.artler added. Salata. who played college football at USC aJ1d pro football in the 'National FootbaJJ and c.anadian football leagues, ls probably best known for his charitable efforts in our community and Orange County. He bas raised tens of thousands of dollars for youth sports through out Orange County. He's chaired douns of community events. A willing master of ceremonies for htmdreds of charity events over the years, Salata is aJso the quiet one who will write a check to pay for a teacher's 35-milllmeter film developing for the school year. "'!. Salata is probably best known for irrelevant Week. that Newport Beach-based celebration with national implications that honors the last pick in the annual NFL dmft. Salata is one of my heroes! He is a successful father, husband and business leader. He shares his time, talent and Lreasure willingJy. I agree with Zanier. Olanging the name of the park to Paul Salata Sport Park is the right thing to do. Let's honor Salata while he is still with us. TRACK AND F1ElD CHMFIONSHIPS: Boys and girls from age 6 to 15 are Invited to compete on a fun, recreational level at the Youth Track and Field Ouunpionship 2003, at Newport Harbor Hlgh School OD Friday, April 11. Co-sponsored by Rotary Oub of Newport-Balboa and Newport Beach Recreation Services, the competition will Include Individual running. throwing and jumping evenu. as well as team relays. The Rotary Oub not only underwrites the event. but more than 20 members of the club will volunteer at the championships to serve as timers and judges. club Presidmt Ropr Mc:Gonepl said AU pardcipan ts will receive an event T-shin. First-, second-and third-place winners will receive awards and will qualify to represent Newport Beach In the Orange County Ownplonship Meet In May. Optional clinics held at various school and park sites are included In the $10 pre-registration fee. Meet lnfonnation and event GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INYOUIED runa periodlcelly In the Dally Pllo1 on • rotating bula. For Information on eddlng your organization to thla 11.t. call (949) 57~ COSTA MESA MS SELf.ffELP GROUP The Orange County chapter of the national Multlple Sc:leroela Soci9ty ha ltal'ted e new eetf·help group In Coat.a MeN for people newly dlagnoeed or with mlnll'TWI aymptoma of multlple lderotla. or both. The group m"'8 et 11 e.m. the MCOnd TUeedly of .,.ry month. (948) 86().7869, COSTAIMIA '°9.JCI DUMTMENT 54"'1ore N end older are Invited to help ltd the WMtalde eubttatlon. VoluntMrl .,. uked to wott two four-hour daytime times are at www.city. newport- beadi.ca.us. Oickon "depart- ments." then "recreation" and follow the I.inks. For · more JIM information DE BOOM or to obtain a registration form. call (949) 644·3151. A FEW TICKETS LEn: The Newpon Beach Ouunber of Commerce reports a that there are a few tickets left for Thursday's 32nd annual Police Appreciation Breakfast being held at th.e Newpon Beach Marriott Hotel and Tennis Oub. The event, which is sponsored by business men and women who work. live and play in the Newpon Beach area. honors the outstanding efforts of the Newport Beach Police Department and its dedicated officers. 11ckets for lhe 7:30 am. breakfast. at $25 each, can be obtained by calling the chamber at (949} 729-4400. TALENT FOUND: Dean Bottorf. chairman of the Search for Talent committee of the f.xchange Oub of Newpon Harbor, discovered quite a bit of talent in youngsters a week or so ago at the Oasis Senior Center. The committee started with 30 performers in 23 acts. The winners in the Primary Division were dancers Reano Nathan and 1BHa Pndrle; in the Junior Division. Stephanie and Kmneth Wong, who played a piano duet; and in the Senior Division. Crystal Cooper, vocalist. Bottorf was assisted by Man:e.I Pahmer. w.c. Fox. Bob l'nlcy, Dick l'ftieman, Dan Palmer and Mlb Gertner. LIGHT TECHNOLOGY FROM UFOS: The nonprofit Mutual UFO Network of Orange County is hosting author Nancy Red Star from Tuos, N.M. She will speak at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave., Costa Mesa. This program will stretch your imagination, MUFON member Bob Wood said, as it answers "How do UFO propulsion systems relate to light technology1" "What does an 80-year-old veteran say about extraterrestrials at Area 517" and "Were the Nazis wodd.ng on shifts per week. They would be reaponsibfe for answering phones, bicycle registration, fingerprinting. data entry end aulstlng with other citywide projects. Seniors who can speak Spenlah and English are also nMCMd. Call for an appllc8tlon. M9d Gaectter, (714) 764-5208. COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER The multlpurpote Mnlor Mrvk:ea fecillty et UM comer of 19th StrNt 1ndPomon1A~Melta voluntMrt who can greet members and the public et the front deU end volunteera foi the Raourc. o.pertment wttl'I Excel computer experience end sharp telephone aldlla. The Senior MNI• progr11m elao need• people to dellver meal• to horn ... (9'9) 846-2368. . COSTA IEIA IENIOR CORP. TM nonprofit orventutton et the Cotti Meal SenlOf' Center la looklng for new bolrd rMmbera. The funckeltlng end poUcymekJng board needa flying saucers?" For more lnfonnadon, call (714) 520-4UFO (4836} or visit www.mufonoc.org. WORTH REPEATING: From "Thought for the Day" · provided by Greg keuey of the Newport Mesa lrvine Interfaith Council: "Success for a service 01'88njzatlon is achieved by providing the service people desire, not by creating obstacles for them to jwnp over." SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK ruF.Sll\Y 7:30 am.: The 40-member Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Oub will meet at Five Crowns to hear Peer Swan of the Irvine Ranch Water District on "Our Future Water Supply. WEDNP.SMY 7: 15 am.: The 20-member South Coast Metro Rotary Oub will meet at the Center Oub ( www.southcoastmetro rotary.a~; and the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Univer:.ity Athletic Oub. Noon: The 40-member Exchange Oub of the Orange Coast will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub to make Easter baskets for S.O.S. 6 p.m.: The OO·member Rotary Oub of Newport-Balboa will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub to hear Bo Glowr of the Environmental Nature Center. THURSD\Y 7 am The 20·plus member Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Lions Oub will meet at Mimi .. s. Noon: The SO·member Costa Mesa Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Holiday Inn; the SO-member Newport Beach·Corona del Mar Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub for a program by Wade R.obttts on the Sherman Library and Gardens (www.kiwanis.orWclubl cosUU1U!Sa); the 80-member Exchange Oub of Newpon Harbor will meet at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum for a 'Program by Mike McC.ormk:k and Joanne Buday on Secure Horizons; and the 100-member Newport· Irvine Rotary Oub will meet at the Attium Hotel for a program by Don Lal'tooo on Stop Gap. (www.nirotary.o~. • COMMUNfTY •a.UBS is published Saturdays in the Daily Pilot Send your service club's meeting information by fax to (949) 660-8661; e-m••I to jdeboom@11ol.com or by mall to 2082 S.E. Bnstol, Suite 201, Newport Beadl. CA 92660-1740. volunteera who will participate in monthly meeting•. occasional committee meetings and apeclal projecta. C.ndldlltea ahould have connection• In Cotta Mna and aurroundlng communltiea and en lntereat In serving the community by helping Mn~. (949) 645-2356, ext. 16. COURT-APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES Volunteera are needed to serve H edvocetea for ebuaed, neglected end ebandoned children. Volunteers wortt one on one with • child for th'" hours e week. (714) 863-9034. CRIStS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INC. The nonprofit e>rg11nlutlon la seeking volunteer9 for Its expanding trauma reaponee program. Some voluntMrt ... 1st law enforcement. fir.fighters end other emergency-type reapondera by providing ... INVOLVED, Pa1eAlO Now THROUGH APRIL 30™ 5 0°/o Off Sitting Fe 15 °/o Off Orthrs Exallmcein Photography Since1947 Saturday, March 22. 2003 At Where You Can Get "SG.uc~d" And Still Drive Home! FIGGE .. P H 0 T 0 I I A P ff Y March Madness Party Pab Available After lOam Plck·Up 1 Budet or rartJ Pak! ~ a..& Rlbo i.ru-qa ~ '~ Slkt<l Bn..ktt C<rn brf-<111 ~ity lllitll'r ''"~anddtht-u~ Bucket Party Paks of R1bl Pig PU GHffio 140 Ncwpon Center Drive, Suite I I 0, Newport Beach 949.644.6933 -.figgcttudio.c.om DOlL emerr- !IDterioG since 1920 BAKER SALE SALi INDS MARCH 2•111 . Lamina Beach :UJ'Norda.P.<:H. (9'9) -49USSI Moe..&&1 llelO 6aOO S-.11~'600 .. AlO Slti.wdly, Marth 22. 2003 Come see lhe new EverWoocr CouncrySlde bllnds from Huncer: Douglas overlapping sfalS create a beautiful board-on·board design. And the 's<ep-up· look adds depth, dimension and charac<er <o any rQC>m. And EverWood CountrySlde will not warp. crack. pedl or fade. Even In humid areas or dfrea sunllf'\t. Come see these beaulift.i blrndf today. · "W''· •••t•t4••tht .. lee W•"t tirt•I IH•I _,,, .. ~ALDEN'S fl.OOl CO'IUINc ANO ClJm>M WINDOI' COVUDp 1663 Placentia, Costa Meu 949646 .4838 SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL •j c....., °""""'" ~-' s.,.., ... ~-'-'-'...,.. The Rev. PrtMllll Bunyon, Rede)( A Conf!tf11114fl 11/ thr AlltfJc11n Com11t11nion 3209 Vt0 Lido 6UllDING OUR FAfrH: LOVING CHRIST ~~ AND SERVTNG OUR. COMMUNITY. 7:30 am Troctrtionol Th< Rrv'd Pcttt D. HEbLJ'i Rector SUNDAYSCH UlE 9~8=:~ 8 am -Holy F.udwist 11 am Ooiwnolic 9 am -Suncby Sc:booVAdult Bible Scudy and Wednesday Noon I 0 am -Oioral Eudwui NURSER't"C.AR£ AVA/WI.£ WORSHIP DIRECTORY Publishes Every 420 West 19th Street, Saturday in the Costa Mesa . Daily A Pilot-(949) 548-7727 . Michael Bankhead, Pastor CALL dult Sunday School: · dren's Choir: 949.57 4.4249 orshfa & Children's Sun a School: < # -. ll'h((lj'\I "• .... -----... -- We'ie excited, our oew church u open and we'd love to have you visit St. Matthew'a Church & Prachool a pariJh of the Anglican Catholic Church Tndidonal F.pi.M:Opal Sunday Scrvica: 7:-&S, 9:00 & 11,()() 1m Sunday School; 9:00 am 2300 rord Road, N~ Bach (comer Bonir:a Canyon & Prairie Rd) TM Rev. Suphm C. Sc:arlm. R«tor INVOLVED Continued from A9 J emotlonel ftrst aid and eupport to Injured or tnum.tlzed people. Other volunJeert provide dltplteh and office tuppe>rt. No exp9ftenc;e It necauat'V· Ttelnlng will be~ (948) .. ,,, ... EASTER SEALS ~ Seea. needs volunteers fw oogoing clerlcel WOttc. progremt for dllldren with disabilities and tpedel eventt. (71•) 83'-1111. ENVIRONMENTAL NA~CENTER , Volunteer trail (IUidet ere needed to help vltitors leem ebout their environment. (949) 646-8489. FMIUES-COSTA MESA Thlt team of communlty-beaed orgenimions. wNdl WOfb to ~youth end famlliee wfth Pr-ts: PntlYW.l NOllD HISTOllW IMPIESSIOllST AS THOMAS .IFFllSON Pl CMtmt) ~"" ... 2t. 7:JO,... 1kbtt .. $1t.OO .......... $12.00 .. N~rtCeotu United ediod.ist Church Rev. Cathleen Coots, Pastor I~ I Marguerite Ave. c.omer of Marguerite: and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 &tm Quia Wonh1p SmlU-t /Oam Wonhip and Childrmi SuNiAy School Youth mtttint Wttkly Newport Harbor Lutheran Church &a.LC.A.) 1M Do¥W Dr. Newport 9eecft Trwlltlonal Lutbemn Peator David Monge Wonhtp SeNlce with Holy Communion 8undQ 9:18 llfft oe..DCAM ,..,, .... •LENTEN LESSONS FROM PONTIUS PU.ATE• n~'S (Matthew 27:1-2, J J-26) li7rn1W., c ....... S.tw .. )', Miida ll, 2001. S:JO P.M. Suday, M#"* 13, lOOJ, l:JO tc IOIU A.M. '-edlleeclar N".P. lhl* SNdy 1IOO P.M. + •A God-uotmd pWb commwuty, iNtnaCttd by dv Wont of God A and rcnewt:d by the ~ti' Our Lady Queen of Angels 2<M6 Mar Vasu Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 (949~.0200 Fax (949) 644-1~9 . . ReV. MC>Mgnor WJliam P. MclauPlin Pastor t.mJRGlES: Nrday, S p.m. ~). Su~, 7:00(Qmft),1:30 (Conwnporaty) 10:00 (Qoir), 11:30 a.m. (Cintor) and S:OO p.m. (C.ontcmporary) I }' couneeMng. ftmity 8'JPPC)rt. hMtd'I educ:don, '""*>ring. Moftng, .-.. edlool llCCMdel end ldneNp .....-.. neede YOb1tlMrs In .. e ....... (949) 67'"3976. FISH-MOILE MEALS Call (949) 84.2-«>80 to tMlp Friends In S..W:. to Humenlty with the Mobile Mealt pr(>gram and proyide ongoing emergency ...tstanc:e to thole In need. Both alweyt _.volunteer a..i.tance In a veriety of ateM. (949) 846-8060. FAEND8 OFntE BAUET MONTMARTRE The Friend• need volunteers who want to help talented local dancers perfonn In profetslonfl theatera. For 30 yurs, the organization hit provided the community with quality Rualen bellet training. To help youth develop strong dltc:ipflne aldlla, build high tetf-ateem end IChleve dreams of being e .•... ,, ... , ..•.... 12S9 Viotori1 Str11t Cotti Meu, CA 92627 Sun'•Y ev111l119 terviee If 7:00 PM •••. ..,~.,. 1., ... T1l1p~111 (714J SJ9 -n27 E•ail RBMCCOul1twall.11t MllSA VllRD• UNrTED METHODt8T CHURCH 1701 Bak«, C.M. Wonhip & Chwoh School 8:30 Md 10:00 e.m. ~87M2:M Or RICNtd RtY Sllphanle Toon 5entC)( Minilttl' YOUlll MlniSltr Clirist Oian:b By the Sea United MahocilR 1 '400 W &lbpa Blvd .• N<-wpon Beach l:<I 5 ........ Adult Suacby Sdlool I.JO ec 10..,,., -'7onh., u4 ~ ~ Sdioal The Rn. Dr. Geo~ R Cri.tp, Pucx>r (H,)67 3IOS ( lll\l'\11\" --" ' Challenged to be all you can be. Wonblp 10:08.A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dlsclpln of Cltrtlt) 2411 IM•An. Ne.,.rt Inell, CA (Ml) 145·5711 ......-: Dr. .......... ST. MARK PRF.slrrERIAN CHURCH "Optn Arms and Optn Minds" WorsbJp 9:30 ~I dancer, cell (71') 241-7'24. ....,.,.OFntE COSTA MESA~ The Frlendt It • aupport grQUp for the thl'M llbrertea In Costa Meaa. To join, hefp with fundralslng evenu and hetp promote Ubrary programs end ..rvtcee In our community, cell C71•l 656-4398. FRIEN>S OF TIE NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY The boobtore Medi donetiona for book aalet. Good qualtty dllldren'I and nonflctJon boob ere eepecf ettv needed. Thev may be left •t env of file brendl llbrerlet -Belboa, Mer1nert or. Corona del Mari -o(ln the tpedal book cl()fet next to the Frlendt 8~ Store, et 1000 Avocado Ave. Volunteers are needed to staff the uaed book store, which la loalde the entrence of the Central Ubrary. Volunteert must be membert of the Friends of the Ubrery end ere eaked to wort one three-hour shift per month. (949) 759-9667. GIRL SCOUTS Gir1 ScoW of Orange County needs volunteers who will be trelned ea troop leaders, serve on special committees end give lectures, demonstretions or classes. (714) 979-7900. GIRLS INC. OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed to offer educational an<t enrichment opportunities for girts and b(>ys. (949) 646-7181. HOSPICE PREFERRED CHOICE Volunteera ere needed to help make • difrerenoe in the lives of ttnnlnelfy HI peraona end their femffiet. ~would ..... dwn., nonmedlcll needle tudl • pnMdlng,..,... for the ptmwv caregiver, running lfT'lndl, reading to the pedents and weektV eoclal vllitl. The organtzdon It alto loolclng for defjcel and berNvement Yolunteert to ... with offtoa dutiel. rr.lnlng ii~ (71•) 980-0900 . HUMAN OPTIONS The organlzetlon eheltert, countef• and educates abuMd women end dllldren. It It lookJ for voluntHrt. (9'9) 737-6242, ext. 24. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ORANGE COUNTY ·The or .... flliotJon of women, ~ -•)I committed to promoting volunteerlam, developing the : ,., : • potentlel of women and ... Improving communities throu~ the wort end leadership of trained volunteert, la teeking ' new members. (949) 261-0823. ,,. "' " LAGUNA GREENBELJ' INC. ~ Volunteers 111re needed to easlat' Laguna Coast Wiiderness Pert · ' staff and Jamet Dilley Preserve' •• staff and docents with hiker '' " reglatretion and general public • " orientetion. (949) 488-0287. I ' LAGUNA SHANTI Legune Shanti, en organization that WOfb with persona with HIV • • or AIDS, la seeking caring , · · volunteers to assist with running , the 'front oflice, delivering meals, providing transportation and providing complimentary thereplea auctt as massage, ecupunct\Jre end dliropractic care. Lisa Toghia, (949) 494-1446. THE WORLD'S :: BEST KNOWN APPAREL BRAND C.O M E S H 0 M E: ~ C Ltz cla1borne INTRODUCING LIZ CLAIRBORNE FLOORING Chooaing the right flooring for your home jutt got easy. Because Liz Clalrbome offers up the color• and atylet to match you. Perfectly. Quality, styte and value. These have alwayt been hallmarb of the Liz Ctairborne name, and thit new flooring line it no exception. Beautiful floorinq, from carpet to hardwood, eYen vinyla and laminat........it with luting qualdy, in ook>ra and atylea that are fuhionable and bmeleaa . NO INTEREST FOR 6 MONTHS. Thn.i March 31, 2003. O.A.C . See store for detailt. And rt'a available exclusively at: JOHN BLOESER ~CARPET ONE ~ 2927 S. Bristol Sl ·Costa Mesa· 714.751 .2324 ,, • Mon -Fr19am-5~·Sal.&Sun 1~·www~.oom , ' Also in Looo Beach 562 4l1.7501 & Los Angeles 213.627 4738 •CA Uc.1272823 1 \ J 00 I Slitwday. March 22, 2003 Ali Live behind the Orange Curtain Todd Oliver, a rock 'n' roller turned jazzman, has converted the young playing regular gigs at La Cave with his quartet. By PIUI Saltowltz T he deluge of no1es running up and down the fret board. accompanied by the soaring saxophone, walking bass line and odd·timed beat, all coming from a dark basemenl-level room, recalls Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Otarlie Cluistlan. Uve jazz Is no1 something Mesa. The group's namesake began playing guitar as a child and slowty evolved from a rock 'n' roll player ID a jazzman. "About 10 years ago. a friend of mine bought me a Wes Montgomery tape. and from that point on I was intrigued with playing jazz," Oliver said.· reblrth of jazz among younger people In this area. At regular gigs at La Cave on 17th Street on Wednesday and Saturday nights, and a Thursday night stint at Memphis on Bristol Street, the hJp crowd makes it virtually impossible to get in after I 0 p.m. "We're really fortunate. We get a young almost Bohemian crowd that is really into experiencing live art in the environments we play in,· Mathews said. conversatioo, and as we've become better players, we've discarded reading music and we just kind of go with the flow of what's happening," Mathews said. The last two weeks of April, the quartet will be traveling 10 Romania, Bosnia and Macedonia to play for American troops stationed there. "Our drummer was contacted by an agent who books those shows, and we were asked to it.~ Oliver said. "It's a Unle scary, but also a great honor for us • one would expecl 10 find filling the night behind the Orange Curtain, bu1 the Todd Oliver Quartet has brought the spirit of 1960s jazz back 10 life in Costa . Rounded out by Martin Mathews on saxophone, QifJ Stratton on bass and Olris Wabich and Lorca Hart manning the drums on given nights, the quartet has been largely responsible for the The group began playing together seven years ago, and over the years the sound has changed as the members have become better at their instruments. Before the trip the group will be heading into the studio to .record an album of mostly original songs, with a few MARK C OU~TIN/OAll..Y PILOl M~rtm Mathews, left, and Todd Oliver are one half of the Todd See LIVE, Pa1e Al5 Oliver Quartet. which plays jazz at La Cave·in Costa Mesa. "Jazz is basically a musical KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PtLOT Ffom left, Costa Mesa High School students Lindsey Navarrette, 15, Javier Flores, 16, Angelica Sinajon, 16, Chris Reed, 17, and Keala Asuega , 18, r~hearse therr parts for the musical •Footk>ose" at the school on Wednesday night. The production begins its run thrs week. • an-c1n against type dQsta Mesa High School students connect with • • m es of musical production, 'Footloose.' ., • .. "Footloose.· now less than a week awa~ they agreed that danctng may not be banned ln their town, but atereotyplng, censorship and oppmmon 5till exist It I.I the ltol}' of a big-time dty guy who goes to a small town and tum1 lt a.round. IS.year old Angelica SinaJon u.id. "They are stereotyping dancing and saying it is always bad," Sarah Crandall, 15, added. The glrls agreed that. while times have changed, they relate to the characters in the script who sttuggle with the old-fashioned ideas of elder& Only now, there are modem-day conflicts and bigger school dances to flgbt over, such as the school prom. Parents see a movie or bear of one bad experience and tend to th.Ink that all 8ChooJ dancea are the same, the girls said. "JGds go to prom all the time and don't drink and don't do bad lh1ngs and come back and go to bed," Cnuldall said. "Parents are oppressive.· "They think we should be doing what they were doing." Sinajon said. "People over-exqgerate," Cnmd4D said. Ouis Reed, 17, ~eud thdr conversation and joined In. THEATER Who said may the best person win? Many of movies considered the best have never been honored with a statuette. F or every effus ive winner clutchmg his or her Oscar on Sunday rught and tharudng everyone he or she came in contact with since lc:inderganen while trying to avoid a Halle Berry meltdown, there are four other nominees in the audience who will be wondering just what they did wrong. Well. for the most pan, probably nothing. No one ever said the true best actor or actress wa1Jcs off with the statuette. Consider the litany of losers -r really dislike that term; let's make It non-winners -who are very good company. Many cineastes consider "Cinzen Kane· to be the best motio n picture ever made. Funny. you won't find it on the list of Oscar winners, nor its actor-~or, Orson Welles, who captured Hollywood in his rnid-20s just before World War II. I personally favor "The Last Pictu.re Show" for that desigriation. That's not on Oscar's honor roll, either. Peter Bogdanovich's early masterpiece lost out to the cop caper "The French Connection· in one of the more blatant miscarriages of Oscar-related jusuce On Sunday, they'll present actor Peter O'Toole with a lifetime achievement award After seven nominations and no wins. thar's the very least they could do But another great actor, Richard Burton, also went 0 for 7 and died Wlthout receiving any recognition. Next year, before it's too late, the academy should gtve another lifetime achievement trophy for one of Hollywood's best actors who also never got the big 0 -Ridwd Widmark. From •JG.s.s of Death" to-~ the High Ground" and "Judgment at Nuremberg.· Widmark bu etched an illustrlous. though un-Osca.red. career. In a Hollywood where Bunon, Widm.alk and O'Tuole have het'etofore gone unrecognized wb1le John Wayne. Lee Marvtn and Guy Cooper (twk:e) ha~ stepped to the podium. the 8C8demy voters have a lot to answer for. But eomedmes. they do man.age to comet their Mztler mlsjudgroeots. Eliabeth 1kylor. for lnltancle. ddJwred briD::::t:1°'maocea In •eat on a Hot 11n mi~ Liil Summer.. I • I r :: Al2 Setl.wday, Match 22. 2003 SOCIETY I THE CROWD ' I lo ' Fashionably charitable ' . :, ~he RainboW oll:foPe fahloo I ebow ft lliaiCheon benefiting the Pediatric 1 Cancer Resean:h Foundation will hit : the runway on ApJil 5 at the ' Newport ~ch Marriott Hotel Produced by the Newi>ort Harbor Alumnae Chapter of Def ta Detta Delta, organizers ~~~~-MariltrlDamm andO.WO Sather and wlunteers Dawn 'hCnult, Lura a.irone, Nancy tncy,Smml -.cbderand Betty DelJPDater are worting to ' ensure a success : 8. W. COOK that will raise funds to help : local children afilicted wlth various 11 types of cancer. The fashion show will be : comprised of garments from select : Fashion Island stores.. Bloomingdale's will host "Breakfast at Bloomingdale's," a : post-fashion show event by l.N.C: : Sportswear at 9 am April 15. : BJoomingdale's plans to make a ' donation to the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation from all the shopping done in the store that day. To reserve a free ticket for this : special breakfast. call the PCRF • office at (949) 859-6312. : Also participating in the fashion show is the fashion island boutique : This little Piggy Wears Cotton. It, too, is planning to donate a portion of sales from a shopping day it will host on April 9. : The luncheon and fashion show ' will begin at 11 am. April 5 with a silent auction. Tickets are priced at $50 per person and can be reserved by calling Dawn Sather at (949) 721 -3316 or Wendy Schlft'at (949) 720.7494. ., • ... • • • • WbllherYou BUyorLease- I A DIFF£R£NT CATWALK . And speaking of fashion, the men in this community will solit down the catwalk for the 25th anniversary celebratiqp of Gentlemen's Haberdashery benefiting the Heart of Jesus Retreat Center and the Sisters of the Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart serving the youth of the community. • .Fashion Island will once again provide major sponsorship, with·thi! help of American Ai.rURes and the · · generosity of the chairs Melinda and 1bny Mollo. Also lending support are community members Barbara Roppolo, Sandy Keedy. Gen. wuu.m and W1Da Dea Lyon, am and Harriet 11an1s, Richard Howanl. Giibert Aguirre, David Stone, Betty and~ Barry and Paul s.Jata. The event wlll take place Tuesday, May 13th at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Irvine. For tickets and information, please call (714) 557-4538. HUMANITARIAN AWARDS The National Conference for Community and Justice, founded in l 927 and formerly known as the National Conference of Ouistians and Jews, will hold the 26th annuaJ Orange County Humanitarian of the Year Awards Gala on April l2. The Newport Beach Raddison Hotel will be the setting for th~ black-tie-optional dinner paying tribute to Robert Brown, past president of Toshiba America Electric Components. Also honored will be Congresswoman Lomta Sanchez and Bob and Rita Teller. along with Jeff and Deana Teller. Special recognition wlll be paid to the Orange County Cancer Education and Research Foundation, led by Dr. Glen Justice, chairman. The gala committee includes Fran Paulson and Phil and Andrea Northcote joined forces for the patron brunch at the Center Club for Children's Hospital Orange County. CHOC will be sponsoring their annual fund-raising fashion show luncheon. participation from Hoag Hospital's Michael Stephens, Mel Rogers. president of KOCE-Tv. Sarah Murr, Rev. Karen Stoyanoff. Regina front. Fareed Parukhl and Xuan Vu. NCCJ is dedlcated Lo promoting Marilyn Dammand Dawn Sather from the Tri Delta Society Alumnae are producing the "Rainbow of Hope" fashion show for the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation. understanding among all religions and cultures. For ticket information, please call (949) 442-28 I 4. •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. MEPHISTGM ENGAGEMENTS Peckenpaugh-Bartz Tom and 8Ubua ' ~paughof Corona del Mar announce the engagement of their daughter, Sally Peckenpaugh of Corona del Mar to Aaron Bartz of Irvine. The bride-elect gradueted from Cate School in Carpint~ia and UCLA. The future bridegroom, son of Alan and Lonnie Bartz of Irvine, g{&duated from University High School and VanderbOt Univ~rsity in Na.shvilJe, Tenn. •• 1t A June 14 wedding Is planned at Mauna n Kea Hotel in Kooa, Hawaii. Burch-Rudnid John Burch and Diane Sixt of Los Altos and Temecula announce the engagement of their daughter Alison Burch of Los Altos and Kevin Rudrud of Thousand Oaks. r,, ..---------., ~ · The bride-elect Kevin Rudrud and graduated from Alison Burch Los Altos High School and UCLA. The future bridegroom, son of Ron and Kathleen Rudrud of Thousand Oaks, graduated from Thousand Oaks High School and the UCLA. · An Aug. 2 wedding Is planned lo Long Beach. • q ll ,,, •l; v• tt• 1! .h " - M •Weddings and engagements run Saturdays. ... .... For a form, please call Christine Carrillo at (949) 574-4298. ~~ Restaurant Establlshed tn 1962-- '. • ••Quality ScrYic:e•- •nN' d F..ntataio.mea~ " • • • • 561 CENTERAVE, #37 HUN l"1<'0tffi ;,, f Hd H t1nd I J/, \\9a~~ MIKE'I ~~'°eARPET9 OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Texture-Plu•h Flooring ~arpet ~~o •2a Featuring ALLOC No Glue Installation Wood Flooring Refinishing & New aq ft Installed Berber Carpet 'i~o~ $189 I nsta /led Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics• Wood• Laminates Rabbitt Insurance Agency AlTl'O •HOMEOWNERS• HF.AlTH Suhih'J '1111<'1' /'JS~ ~~ ~s(""'J_, ,. , 949-631-77 40 441 Old Newport Bhd. • Newport Beadi (Near Hoeg Hotpilal) Ceramic 'f~otJ'. s 1 50 sq ft Vinyl Flooring 0~•1° ~~ aq ft CALL .NOW 642-8400 ·s~ ~ESIGN CENTER ~~For All Your Decorating Needs!" fURNIDIRI! Rl!DPHOLSTl!RY • Custom-Made furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture Dra~ries. Shades. & Bedspreads I 1 l l i . ' \ l'-< ~ I 1. ' ,, r · '' 'r 11 • · q~ql (>.+2-i~f)() -------------------------· MATTRESS OUTLET STORE "Better Skep Through Scimce. ,,. .--. . .Jlll'lllm!..-..... Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT ,,,,,. ........ iJ , AFTER HOURS • Submh Afftft HOURS Item. to the Deily Piiot. 330 W. 8fY St, COICI Mela. CA 82e27; by fax to (Mt) -...110; or by catflng (949) 57+c*. A ~e lltit la 9\'elleble et WWW.dal1ypilotcom. . otiMaE COUN'N POETRV FUT1VAL Poets John Gardiner and Katya Glrtbkv wtll be futured at the GYPIY o.n for the Orange County f'toetty Festival. T)lere WJll be rperfotmance poetry and music with a muslcel performance by Courtney Montgomery. The Gypsy Den 19 et 2930 Brihol St., Costa M .... The free event Is at 8 p.m. April 1. For lnfonnatlon, call <n•> ~6 or (714) 6'9-7012. 'WNff' The Newport Beach Alm Festival will ahow the Southern California premiere of Mktlael Wohl's daring feature film debut, "Want;" at 4 p.m. April 9 at Udo Theater. The ftlm takes an unflinching and provocative look at the dark underside of dot~m mania. Set In Silicon Valley during the dizzying last days of 1999, "Want" follows a hapleaa software engineer hiding from reality through an increasingly dangerous sexual obsession. BEST OF BANfF MOUNTAIN Three hours of the "best of the best" from the 27th annual Banff Mountain Fiim Festival will be screened at 7 p .m . March 25 in the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. Tic.kets are $9. OCC Is at 2701 Fairview Drive In Costa Me$a. For Information, call (714) 432-0202. ext. 21058. 2003 PROM FASHtON SHOW Macy's South Coaat Plaza and Seventeen magazine host a 2003 Prom Fashion Show at 2 p.m. April 5. See the latest looks from Jeuica McClintoct. Zurn Zum, Blondie Nights, Rampage, Morgan and Co., Jump and LA Glow modeled by girts from the National Charity League Laguna Chapter. The fun takes place ln · the THISrT &hop for Juniors. For reservations, call (714) 556-0611, ext. 4231. The show is at Macy's South Coast Plaza's Women's Store, at 3333 Bristol St MUSIC DAVE BRUBECK . Dave Brubedt, a legendary jazz great, will perform at 7:30 p.m. April 3 through 6 In Founder'• Hatt. The pianist and oomJ)OM' 90ld out performances last year. Tdeta are $100. Orange County ~rming Arts Center, 800 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. For more lnfonnation, call (714) ~7878. 'OFEROR' CONCERTO 'the Pacffic Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Cari St Clair, welcomes pianist Stephen Kovaoevich. He will be join the ordlestra for Beethoven'• Piano Concerto No. 6 in E-flat major, the ~mperor.' The orchestra win 8tso play Mahler'• Symphony No. 4 in G major. The concerts will be In Segerstrom Hall on April 2 and 1J at 8 p.m. ncteta are $19 to $59. Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Cost. Meu. For more '°1!>rmation· call (714) 740-7878. ~Of ANCtENT aaJSIC Qrenge County Perfonnlng Arts Oenter in Founders Hall preeents .. world's foremost urfy music .,__,,hie, which will ofter a new ciritk:al edition of Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons." The concert is at 4 p.m. April 13. Tidcet .. re $60. The ~ 18 at 800 Town Cen1er briv., Costa Me.a. For more Jnfonrnrtjon, call (714) 74().7878. P9rfonnlng Alta Cent. In Costa Mell. The conceft alee>~ Quest Pope ~Cerf llpilo,.vpteytng Jaay, up-tempo melodies on his tr8demeft red dtrfnet. Tldteta.,. aw lablt for $80, $63, $60, $38, fnd $28. For more Information, cel11he Padflc Symphony~ :Tlcbt Ofllce at (714) 766-6799 ot vl9lt the Web site at www.pacifiaymphony.atg. GlEMt .aJ.ER TRIBUTE Orange Coast College la hosting a Glenn Miiier Tribute at 4 p.m. Aprll 13, featuring the Tex Be~e ~.vocalists~ Jefferies and Pony Podewell and the Pied Pipera, In the Robert B. Moore Thestre. Tlqurts ~from $35 to $41. OCC 11at2701 Fairview Road, Costa MeN. For lnfonnation, call (714) 432-5880. SOUTH COAST PUZA'S APRR. MUSIC South Coast f>taza offers live music every Saturday and Sunday in April. Sherman Fowler plays jazz on April 5. Suzanne Edwards Alford plays country music on April 6. Fletcher Harrington plays pop music on April 12. Maria Reid plays contemporary Christian pop on April 13. Danyl Morris plays R&B on April 19. Gabriel Mann plays jazz on April 20. The Push plays world music on April 26. And Kerry Getz plays pop on April 27. All performances are at 2 p.m .. except the April 6 performance, which is at 4 p.m. South Coast Plaza is at 3333 Bear St, Costa Mesa. Call (714) 432·7854. MUS~ AT TitE TEE ROOM The Martt Davidson Trio, with Ron Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beadl presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beactt. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St, Newport Beach. Free. (949) &1s.nso. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidt Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform aassic rodt. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform aassic rodt. swing and R&8 at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant Is at 630 Udo Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE P£lJCAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wed"8$day through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursdey, from 8:30 p.m. to 1~ a.m. Friday and SatUrday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant Is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS ptayers restaurant Is now offering live muaic from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Playera is at 512 W. 19th St, Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 64&6615. WEEKEM>~ Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant In Newport 8eecti presents Jeae on the sax on Friday and s.turday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program futures DATBBOOK JULIE ANDREWS COURTESY ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER The Orange County Performing Arts Center win present Academy Award winner, Presidential Medal of Honor winner and three-time Tony Award nominee Julie Andrews on Monday in Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Andrews appears as part of the new Up Close at the Center series. a celebrity speakers forum. The program will have sign language interpretation. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive. Tickets. $29 to $59, may be purchased at the Center box office or by phone at (714) 556-2122. ext. 240. For information, call (714) 556-2746. all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND Fl.AMEHCO Tate 5, a funk. rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo'• Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes a1 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-192.2. SATURDAY NIGHT R&.8 Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE lr.FROV AT OCC Orange Coast College is presenting a unique and hilarious improvisational production under the direction of OCC theater professor Alex Golson. The 40-to ~ minute production is modeled •@lUl1111RWiJ • CONSIGN • DESIGN Quality Furnishitig1 cl:Acctssoms For Your Bomt Rattan & Glass Table ................. -.................. $125" Bamboo End Table ........................................ $150-- Glass & lron Coffee Table ............................. $225• Sofa .................................................................. $225• Pine Bu.ft'et .•....•.................•..•.•.•...........••••...•... $35{)" Secretary ···············--························-·-·············$350-- Mission Style Table w/6 Chairs.-..••.........•... $55{)" Pair of 87'' Down Sofas .......... .-•..•... _. ....... $2,500- ( I I I'/ I I \, f 1'•/1 1/ I; I ' I . I I' I. I/ ( 'I! I 4 .. 369 E. 17th Street # l 0, Costa Mesa, Localed behind Plura ·s Patio Phone (949)764-1746 Mm-Fri ll>:oo.n-S:~ Sal IO:OOam-S:OOpm. Sun IO:OOanM~ eft9f the popular lmpnMut.lon8I TV lhow, "'WhoM Une 19 it Anvwr'f 1" ft wtU be perlonn.ct st 11 Lm .• noon and 12;A6 p.m. Tueedr( st 1he Robert Moore ThMtte. Ottw perlormtnc:e9.,. ldMlduJed tot e p.m. Ac>ril 14, noon April 16, 8p.m.May12 and 1 p.m. May 13In1he Orama lab. Admiaion 19 tr.. occ la at 2701 FakvJew Road in Coc\a Mesa. f'()( lnfe>nnation, call (714) 432-6640, ext. 6. 'TMING Of THE SHREW Orange Coast Community College'• Theatre Department is staging a one-act cutting of William Shakespeare'• corMdy "The Taming of the Shrew,"' a 40-minute production of full measure slaps\idtcpm~. Performances are at l ;:Jo p.m. Tuesday and at 5 p.m. April 12 and 13 on the lawn of the Alts Center and at 1 p.m. April 22 and 24 in the college's Drama Lab Theatre. Performances are free. For infonnation, call (714) 721-5508. The college is at 2702 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. TONY WINNER DONNA MCKECHNIE One of Broadway's brightest stars, Tony Award winner Donna McKechnie, will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center for the Elvin and Marjorie Klein Cabaret Series 81 7:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, Marett 29, nightly 81 Founders Hall. Tidtets are $49 the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 740-7878. 'TWO GENTLEMEN Of VERONA' William Shakespeare's "Two Gentlemen of Verona~ will be performed at the South Coast Repertory on the Segerstrom Stage through March 30. Preview t1dtets start at $19. For tidtets, (714) 708-5555 or visit www.scr.org. 'RELA11VELY SPEAKING' "Relatively Speaking" will be performed at the South Coast Repertory at the Julianne Argvros Stage through April. Tidtets cost from $19 to $54. South Coast Repertory is at 655 Town Center Dnve in Costa Mesa. For tidtets, See HOURS, Pace Al4 SatLwday, Mirth 22, 2003 Al I tf! Ewmg & Lylttn Ewing CALLINGIN A DECORATOR Many people recognize a decorating style they like when they see it, but they find it difficult to put together colon, fabrics, furnishings and window treatments to cceatc the look they want Where can you find a good decorator? If you hkc your fnends' home, ask them for recomrnendat1ons Many com- m u n 1t1es have decorator showcases where you can sec first hand the wort o( several local de)1gnen Furn11ure retailers som etime ) hire prof ess1onals to ass 1st their customeh. Before you commit to "'ortmg with a designer or I decorator. you )houJd )it down and d1SCUS) their f et )t1\JCture. your taste and goals. and your budget. Pay particular attention to whether the peoon is a good listener and comrnurucatcs well. Whether you are trying Lo make your home look wonderful in order to sell it or want 10 fu up a new home, the investment m ' prof ess1onal advice can !Mtve you costly mistakes and make your home a reOecuon of your good taste. Lylec n and Jeff have 31 consecuuve yw\ o( real estate expenence in Newpon Beach. For professionaJ strvice or advice with all your real estate needs caJI the E winp at Coast Newport-Coldwell Banker at (949) 759-3796. The Ewings Are Coast Newport Property's 11 Team For 2001 I • CUSTOM DRAPES • Custom Bedspreads • Upholste~ • WOOD BLINDS • 800/o off • Duette -Siihouette . CUSTOM SHU"nERS CARPE I PLUSH AsLowAs ~ ~ lfWI t""4'1111Cfoi_°"_L THE ToP 10 WAYS You CAN TELL RoGER's GARDENS DESIGNED AND INSTALLED YoUR LANDSCAPE .. Al4 SIU-. Mitch 22, 2003 Rll.SBMCE Oii ntfllOP w; '": DATBBOOK HOURS • Continued from Al 3 call (714) 708-5555 or vltlt www.~QfP. • \ARAMIE~CT about an Afrlcan-Ameriatn eeamst,.... In 1908. her divergent· cMen1s end the !ewe the flndl through her leUera, oo the Segerstrom Stage April 18 through Mey 18. Tic*eta coet $19 to $64. South COIMlt Repertory la llt 866 Town Center Drive In~ ~ For tick ... , c.u (714) 708-6666 or vlaft www..cr.~ 'LES laERAILES' BRUBECK RETURNS Onange COIMlt COiiege ii ltaQl'-'9 Mot ... ic.ufman ... Leramie Project" through Mlrd\ 23 In the Orem• Leb Theetr9. Tk:kets ere $12 •nd S8 &nd a ... lold at the door end bv C81Kog (714) 432-6880. Orenge Cout College is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Meu. Orange County Pefformlng Alt Center preeen1a ·u. MIMrabfea• .. at Segeratrom Hall April 8 'DON QUIXOTE' BAU.ET Orange County's Festival Ballet Theatre will offer Its lavish . ·production of •Don Qa.tlxota" at Oraoge Coast College April 4 and 5, wi1h curtain time 8 p.m. Friday and Saturdey night and 2 p.m. Sunday. Tldceta range from $20 to $24 •nd can be purchased bv calling (888) 622-5376. Orange Coast College Is at 2701 Fairview Road. Costa Meu. ,HTIMATE APPAREL' South Coast Repertory will premiere Lynn Nottege's "Intimate Apparel; a drama through 20 as part of their Broadway aeriaa. Thia mualcal has won more than 60 intematlonal theater awards, includinQ eight Tony awards. llcbts cost from l26 to $63. The Orange county Performing Ar1s Center is at 600 Town Celrter Drive, Costa Mesa. For more information, can (714) 740-7878. 'SHAKESPEARE REWF 'The Shakespeare Revue', a witty cabaret-style muslcaJ from the Royal Shakespeare Company, will be perlormlng et the Irvine Barday Theatre et 8 p.m. Friday, April 4. Tldcets are $38 and $32. Call (949) 854-4646 or go to the box office. The theater la at 4242 Campus Drive in Irvine. tp()()R RICHARD' Jean Kerr's bittersweet 1964 romantic comedy. "Poor Rld\ard; will run Saturdays and Sundays April 19 and 20 and April 26 and 27 in Orange Coast College's Drama Lab Studio. Curtain Is 8 p.m. Saturdays and 2 and 1 p.m. on Sundays. Tidceta are S6 and $7 and be purdlased by calling (714) 432.s640. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Drive, Costa Mesa. ART 'ZINE SCENE' •z;ne Scene," an exhibit of zlnes organized bv the Cranbrook Art Museum, will be on display through April 27 at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellite When You Deal Direct with the Factory Ufetime Warranty Ceramk Ufetime Warranty Wood C111ittr r.,. • Sbwm • C.ra•ia • O•ite • WM4 Wu Rtft1i .. • Cleetd .. ~;pet & U"9htery • P1btti119-lmrter & btwler COlMESY ORANG£ COUNTY PERfORJ.llNG ARTS CENTER The Dave Brubeck Quartet will return to Scott's Seafood Jazz Club in Founders Han at 7:30 p.m.April 3 to 6. Composer and pianist Brubeck, one of the America's music giants, win J)erform with Bobby Militeno on saxophone and flute, Randy Jones on drums, and Michael Moore on bass, in a concert-style setting. Tickets are $100 and are ava~able at the Center box office and ontine at the Center's Web site at www.ocpac.org. For information, caU (714) 55~2746. ,, ~, Gallery, South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St, Costa Mesa. lines are publicatJons -like magazines - created bv people or amatl groops. Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. F-ree. (949) 759-1122. DANCE STUTTGART BAUET The Stuttgart Ballet wiU perform three U.S. premieres at the Orange County Performing Arts Center through Sunday: Christian Spudc'a •The Seventh Blue; Uwe Scholz'• Seventh Symphony and John Cranko's brilliant fuU.-length "Romeo and Juliet" will be danced on at 2 and 8 p.m . today and at 2 p.m. Sunday. Tldcets at $20 to $75 are on sale at the Center Box Office, online at the Center's Web site, www.ocpac.ollJ, by phone through Ttdtetmaster at (714) 140-7878 or (213) 366-3500 and at all Tldcetmaster outlets. Student rush tidte1s ere on sale one hour before ead'I performance. A Preview lecture by Gary Smith is presented, also one hour before eacn perfonnance. STUOENl DANCE CONCERT Orange Coast College's Dance Department will host i1s 40th annual Student DallC9 Concert at 8 p.m. April 25 and 26 at the Robert B. Moore Theatre, fNturing modem, jazz, tap, ballet. Middle Eastern end flamenco dance. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Drive, Costa Mesa. Ttdtets are $13, for Information. call (714) 432-5880. MOMIX: OPUS CACTUS Human bodies metamorphose Into e alngle serpentine figure, and dancers ahape-shift into exotic birds, flowers and cactus and other forms with visual splendor and theatrical magic. Exquisite costumes and illusionary visuals. sublime modem movement and Olympian gymnastics combine into this tninaformlng event of beauty, humor and spell-binding power. Tidcets are $40 and $33. The show will be given at the Barclay Theatre Mardl 27 through 30, wi1h shows at 8 p.m. and a Sunday matinee at 3 p.m. Call (949) 8544646 or go onllne to . www. th6barcJay.orp. SWING Lessons are given every Sunday · from 2 to 6 p .m. at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance C1ub. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. For more Information, visit ocswing.com or call 1909) 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 , p.m . to 12:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of ead'I month at Oanscene Studio, 2980 McC1intodc Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 64Hl688. ' I KIDS •• t . STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old ere ! • I invited to participate In songs at1d .. fing81'1>Uppet playa et 7 p.m. Mondays at the Costa Me.a .. Library, 1855 Part Ave. (949) • ~ • 646-8845. • '\ .~ '' .. , - PJS ANO BOOKS A children's story tlme Is present~ 7 p.m. Mondays and ' ' at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the · Newport Beach Central Library, • ~' 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may '· " wear pajamas to the evening ....... ; sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801. " -'1 .-.,.' L WEEKLY STORYTEUER A children's story time la held at • : - ~ 'lJ. SM HOURS, PqeA15 JUST 6 TIMES IN THE USA. AND ONLY ONCE IN NEWPORT BEACH . ,, , ... ... • • • ~ .. .. ,· .a>t ~!nAll boll} of which went unrewarded at Olcar d.me. Then a leseer ~ caDed "Butterfield s· the j1nx. and a stellar tum in o'• Af:raJd of Vlrglnia • produced a second Steiger turned ln ly the greatest ~can!Cl performance or all dJn in '"The Pawnbroker," but Jost ut to -no .kidding - 'a dpsy gun&llnger ln "Cat • Thaiik1ully. Steiger got his ue-a couple or years later for IJ1a iedneck police chief.in "In ~e Hat Qf the Night" I LIVE Continued from Al 1 . standards thrown in. The idea is to have a record to sell at shows. a pturlng the spontaneity of the live jazz performance won't be dimcult for the group, which has never practiced in its seven ' DANCING Continued from Al 1 "Parents are oppressive, schObls are oppressive,· he added his oplnJon as he jumped over them and hopped down the stairs, waiting for rehearsal to begin. It is more than just generational conflict. the world suffens from similar problems. 18-year-old CeUnda Sandoval said. "I think the play is very apt al our school and the nation right now, cjeallng with censor.Jtip and $eeurity issues.· Sandoval said. "Security is a form of censorship.· Bu~the solution LS the same. for oppression at any level, she said. "(The problems) can be overcome if people keep striving to overcome them." she said. "It takes hard work and effort and someone to i.tand up and say, 'We can make a difference.'" The students agreed on anotheT point -preparing for thefr latest musical performance has been a lot of hard work. but been a lot of fun. "ln my major scene, I get to have a lot of fun, like a stunt show," Marvin Ramirez. 17, said. HOURS Continued from Al4 10:45 a.m. Wedneedays at Barnes & Noble Boobellers et Metro Pointe, 901-8 South Coast Drive, Costa Mes.. (714) 444-0226. ST<>aYTIME A ctiildren•a story time is held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. SPECIAL APcfiEARANCES ~---------- Then there was the yar they gave the Qscar to the wrong Hepburn. Audrey certalnly deserwd it for "Wait Until 0ait• (evat though she a1rady bad one for "Roman Holiday';, but the academy plied another award on Kathari.ne'a mande for a much lesser acbievement In "Guess Who's Coming to! Dinnel'l" · Jack Lemmon went to his grave with two Oscars on hJs resume, for "Mister Roberta" and "Save the Tiger." But two other performances were more noteworthy. Lemmbn's work~ "Days.of Wine and Roses" and "9Jengarry Glen.Ross" ls as awe-insplrin~ as Stelger's in years. "We definitely work bard and practice on our own, but that is not what jazz is all about,• OUver said "Its about being spontaneous and going with the feel of what's going on." With most memben ln their mid to late 30s, the players are JUSt beginning to bit their stride "And what are you supposed 10 do for the audience?" Sinajon asked "I am supposed to thrill them!" Ramirez said while his classmates burst into laughter. Costa Mesa High School puts on two performances a year: a play and a musical. But the school does not have an official drama program or regular acting classes, director Deidre Schoo said. With the constant changeover of acting teachers and directors. it takes bravery for students to participate - with very Uttle drama experience to back them up. "It is an issue of funding," Schoo said The school got a donation to buy lightbulbs for the neglected theater Ughts. a basic necessity. "We had the lights, but we d1dn't have lightbulbs. • Schoo said, adding that the bulbs were substantially more expensive and powerful than regular household bulbs. Schoo, a UC Irvine graduate, has enjoyed working with the students because they catch on quickly and have shown a lot of progress. "When they get it, it is just Like, 'Wow:· she said. ".They can do everything I ask. It is just a matter of time." The students have been AUTHOR PAT HENRY Pat Henry, author of •By the Grace of the Sea" will give a slide presentation and discuss and sign her book at 2 p.m. April 6 at Border$ Books. Music and Cate at South Coast Plaza. Borders is at 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. AUTHOR RONALD JUE Author Ronald Jue will OISCUSS and sign "'The Inner Edge" et 7 p.m. April 23 at Borders Boob, Music and Caf6 et South Coast Plaza. "The Inner Edge" outtines a comprehensive program for looking within one's setfto find deeper levets of balance, congru{ty. and fulfillment. Borders is at 3333 Bear St.. Costa Mesa. Stmlft tbt <:.-raril] for 30 ]Un ~ -<i_toW MmlWUll Now is a Great Tame to 112 ODCICF.N .,. stock up wnu.r &ea.a! l . ~ .1-'i'il"auCKF.N (lied[ oat ocar 301b. EconomyPab $222 SteAla •/Wm• M CM/s I b . ChiJtni BtwUt • Gt.aJ &tf 25 ,,,n., .,. ~ ,,.uJ lt't a GREAT OF.AU , l10181t 11'1t ... COlll ............ .,, ... ....... 7 ....................... ... ' r • DATE BOOK "Pawnbroker.• This year's Oecar voters have some tough cholcea to make. lf Jack Nicholson wins his Katherine Hepburn-tying fourth Ntuette fOT •About Sdunidt. • It'll be well deaerwd. But I'd sure hate to have to pick between Catherine ~-Jones In "Chicago• and Jul!anne Moore In "The Houn" foT the best supporting actres.1 trophy. ~-- Yea. more injustice will be aerved Sunday night. and the only sure winner ls Peter O'Toole. But at least that's a start. Next year Richard Widmark? •TOM TTT\JS' columns run Thurldays and Saturdays. as musicians. "Most of my favorite musicians are really ancient people, and that's the great thing about jazz.• Mathews said. ~For us, his is a Life commitment, and it's something that we really loVe doing and plan on doing for as long as we can.· practicing for about seven weeks, and have been humming tunes. tapping their feet and quoµng the script, in and out of rehearsals, in their excitement before the show. "I've never done anything like this. It takes a lot of work. I really respect professionals that do this,· Reed said. Keola Alluega. 18, will play Ren, the lead male role. . Admired on campus for his prowess on the football field, Asuega is known in Costa Mesa citywide for his Polynesian fire-dancing performances. "Don't be afraid of the fire. don't be afraid of things and just don't be afraid,· Asuega said of the secret to fire-dancing. Satlwdiy, March 22, 2003 A.15 . ~azz{ing s~ ~ent{U fjroup , CoSMETIC , • :. " GENERAL DENnsT'RY ' Tattk ~ :u11ou.oe o.o.s .• Inc. Dr. George --.dazz.li~takoaa OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday l0:00am-5:00pm SatUTday ~ Evenings Appts. Available W1t wnnmcmly accert e S 941-515-8111 20'4 E. 17th Street, Suite 201 Co.ta Maa, CA 92627 •Tiffany UITlps • Floor Lamps • C handeliers •Cata.log O rdering For Co~ct Flt On Shade Pl .. w Brin um Lamps Factory Outlet The other secret Asuega lives by: "lfyou can't do something. wing it." 1 7424 B••t:h Blvd. (•I Sl•l•r) 1 ~mil•• So. of th• 4115 Fwy. Huntington B••t:h 714 847-8100 • WHAT IS •.. Q9{Vl/a ~hicken <JT oujt? Tiu sefTt't i5 in tlu jlavoiful broth 11UUU f rom scratch- /re.sh each morning. Gennvus chunks of chicknz breast nnd'rice in our tklicWv.s broth. Gami.slud with dzred avocado and cilantro, finished with a sqUReze of fresh linu>. • a • .. • • • • Ill • ·. . .. • 2000 lentl~ Ama1• · led LllNI ..._,/C.UW.W, fY, IWD, Sound lytUm, G•1po111t 16k Ma.. $1Jf,OOO • ., . . .. ,., . aqwww QUOTE OF 1HE DAY "If my wife wa.t here, she'd keep telling m e to just take it one shot at time." Jim Ahem, first-<ound leader SportsEdtor Roie<Camon • 19491574-t223 • SpcwtsFu:(949)650-0170 . Mitch 2' honotee TOM PESTOLESI SW.day, Ma-ch 22, 2003 81 •I Tom Kite {left) hits out of the bunker on 17th hole, getting rt close to the pm. Below, leader Jim Ahem hits his second shot on the 18th hole en route to a 7 -t1nder 64 and a one-stroke lead over Lanny Wadkins and Rodger Davis. PHOTOS BY DON l EACH I DAIL~ P1LOT ern ea ~S ti trace The second-highest number Qf golfers (38) in tournamen t history shoot under 70 as Champions Tour players compete in ideal conditions Friday. Richard Dunn Dally Ptlot NEWPORT BE.ACH -Jim Ahem's wife, Tudy, sutfered a nasty fall down some stairs at home earlier this week. cracking her head and injuring her back and foot. making it im~ble for her to accompany her husband to the lbshiba Senior Oassic at Newport Beach Coun- try Oub. ~u my wife was here, she'd keep tell- ing me to just take it one shot at time. & fundamental u that sounds, It's so hard lO do that with your mind going in 90 many directions,• said Ahem. the first-round leader of the PGA Ownpi- ons Tour event. in which 38 pla~rs mot under 70, the second-hlgbest number in a lil.ngle round in tournament h.lslory, while playing in ideal condidons Friday. Ahem, who hasn't finJshed hlgher than a tie for 17th this year in four events, carded a 7-under 64 with eight birdies and one bogey (on the par-3 No. 8J. ·1 hadn't been putting that wen and my caddie told me Wedoelday why not putt like Bob Murphy,. Ahem sald. "My HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS : : CdM clicking : nn all cylinders • • :sea Kihgs sweep Clovis West, 9-0, to reach semis of ational tournament . ... TOSHIBA LEADERS Through first round • Jim Ahem .-................................. -.. 64 • Lanny Wadklns .............................. ..65 • Rodger Davis ................................... 65 • Wayne Levi ...................................... 66 • Dave Eger .......... -............................. 66 • Jote Maria Canlzares .............. -.66 • Marte McCllmber ...... -.......... --.66 Complete finrt·round scores and today's pairings on ,.... 86. caddie bad worked for Bob. So l guess Bob Mwphy was in my body today. I putted like him and I hope. he sticks with me. Murphy putts really well. I just bad a mental lmaglne of his stroke. He's one of the best putters.· Murphy, a golf analyst for NBC who's woddng the Bay Hill lnvltadooal this weekend and ii the onty fonner 1bshi.ba Oass1c champion not ln the 6eld, will INSIDE • Tothl>e ~. 84-6. • V8nguerd hoops, 83. • B111ball, 88. forever be remembered in Toshiba lore for i.inJong an 80-foot python pun to end a tour-record nine-hole playoff in 1997 against Jay Sigel. a two-tiered dou- ble breaker that dropped in through the backdoor as Murphy Dipped his putter and straw hat in the air to celebrate on the 17th green just before dark. There were no such dramatics in the flrst round for Ahem, but Newport Beach's 6,584-yard. par-71 golf course played right mto the hands of many players -45 players shot under-par rounds -and if the conditions remain the same today and Sunday, as ex- pected. there couJd be tournament scoring records falling. The 38 players under 70 is second in one round to last year's final round. when 41 players did it. ''We just had perfect weather today - it was warm and no wind," said Ahem, who tied his career-best round on the Olamp1ons Tour· and posted his best round at Newport Beach. Rodger Davis and Lanny Wadkins each hot 6-under 65 and are tied for second, while four players are at 5-un- der 66 -Wayne Levi. David F.ger, 200 l Toshiba champion Jose Mada Qmizares and Mad M«Annber -and four play- ers are squared at 4-under 67. Monday open qualifier Rafael Navano, John Ja- cobs, Bruce Uetzke and defending Toshiba champion Hale Irwin ad bunched together at 67, one stroke ahead of 14 players who shot rounds of See TOStteA. Pqe B5 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Nicole· Mackey Sinus infection and nausea was not going to stop the Newport Harbor High senior from getting in the water against rival Cd.M. t • • established 1984 L~Uzy .finpo~tS . 8t EXo#c ·spofts: "Cat?s . ........ L&.,.....Auto and experience a level of service and -commitment to excellence that has made us the.#1 ilKle~dent luxury aftd exotic dealer in Orange COunty. . , · . • • . l .. • ~ ( ' . . I • " .. ' ), ,\ .. ... ' . ~I Since 1984 we haYe ~l~,000 of the finest automobiles. ~ I iaftte y,pu to take a teSt dme todaf!" ~FJ~ * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * ASE Certified Technicians * Warranty Included * CQnsignments Welcome * Cash Paid for Your Car • (on Most Vehicles) * Competitive Finance & Lease Rates • PORSCHE 96 Z3 CONV <10770>Looded "~ ............. $10,980 98 BOXSTER (19241C)~a..w&ddlel.fw . $23,980 97 M3 SON (18'M2'2)Aowt.tl·loailc.ar ................... $19,980 00 328i SON c1n~>~'5Km1 ......... --·-.... $27,980 .. 98 BOXSTER c1at1">~.low....,.~ .. $25,980 00 328 SON (m~>...__..,..""°"'._ 2'1l ..... $28,980 01 BOXSTER CONY. (191~) ......... ...,,_.....,. $33,980 01 330ci CPE (192U(),.... _, ~. roo-.. ... $ 29, 980 99 540i SON om1i ~1.«11w ...... ___ .. $29,980 99 996 CPE <19214ir.ch•~lft1e·WN1 ·~$48,980 01 525i SON c1m>»-roa"-rlly._ ..... _ .......... -.$32,980 99 996 CAB $53 980 (19!9C)~Oflaodl. One 0-.. .... , 99 540i SON (19192)..,,..~ ... ves.dafl .... $33,980 97 8400 CPE c191eoo•..__..,._ ... _ .... LoaL $33, 980 01 996 CAB c19mqa.Follllr"'-' ...... •OK..., $64, 980 SUVs (, PICK UPs 99 FORD EXPLORER c191ooi5pl"'9 t.-e)'l 2&KM1es$12,980 99 JEEP CHEROKEE SPT (191)7),,,.. Pltv Gloq $12,980 99 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER c1~1>•~ ~"'" $17,980 00 I.AND ROVER DISCOVERY c1~11 u.. N.w $18, 980 97 RANGE ROVEP.19090),..... ... ~ • ..., __ $24, 980 01 OtMEXTEHDCABP/U l!Q!J\....,~ ..... ~ .... $25,980 03 HUMMERH2 (2~1)We~O-~~ss1,980 OTHER MAKES MERCEDES 96 993 TURBO cm44C)cnOWMl i2KIN •• _ •• $69,980 00 FORD MUSTANG CPE (106111) ..... --. .... $14,980 .. . • . • • ' I 64 280SL c186&3>._ ......... .._a.cs"'5oMJ_ ... $22,980 97 INFINITY Q45 c1m.1 ~onlh $17,980 96 993 TURDO (19222C)Wl~1t110CO 19'tMlft __ $69,980 I 01 HONDA 52000 CONVc190731)~J\Q..., $26,980 :· 90 SL500 c1ecm) ...... 35!t .... 0neo-........... $27,980 99 S320 (19156)5'nahe5'Mf-..&dclt.Mhc.ond .......... $29,980 99 CU< 320 CAB (l9CMK)~.1.oa11o-t.$34,980 01 CLK. 430 CPE (t914'1)•••a.o-i ....... $38, 980 99 SL500 (11977)~ ~ Lhl ~---------· .$41, 980 02 MBZ CL55 c1twC>-.-1u•---INQUIRE 01 996 C4 CAD c19206Q•<-y.Al()plblll ... _.$ 71,980 02 996 CPE c19239><Wr•nt r_.,loc*d.MWrna $ 72, 980 01 TURBO COUPE cm•9>•..-1.oa11Co11 INQUIRE! 98 JAGUAR XJR SON c1aa5ao•...,•i.•°"~c.... $28,980 00 JAGUARS-Type (19171)llMloc~! $28,980 ~· 00 JAGUAR XJ8 (1mo1wi.M2KM10ntt $29,980 .;· ,· 99 FORD COBRA CONV 1"2111••--. ... ..,...e .. $34, 980 03 NISSAN 350Z TRACK c19213C)Jhl"-' $37,980 Dally Piiot SPORT S COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL . Lions in Elite Eight Vanguard reaches the NAJA tournament's quarterfinals for the first time in school history. JACKSON. Tenn. -The Van- guard University • women's baaketbaJJ learn made M:hool history wilh a resounding 70-54 victory over TmnsyfV'dJlia (Ken- tucky) in the Sweet 16 of the NAIA National Olamplonships at the Oman Arena Friday. The Lions, making their fifth appearance in lhe NAlA touma- menl, are m Lhe quarterfinals for the first time in their hts1ory. •1t•s an awesome feeling.• Van- guard Coach Rus.'I lJavts said m a telephone 1n1erview. "To be picked 10 finish ninth 111 (the Golden State Athletic Confer- ence) by the coachc'> and then to make it 10 the finaJ e1¢it in lhe country is just excelle nt. 'l'lli!. is the firsl lime in CM<.. his1ory a team has made it 1h1'1 for in the NAIA tournament We're ju~t a team of destiny." Vanguard. the No. 2 seed m the fourth-quarter brackc1. will face fifth seeded Oklahoma Ouistian C2 I -I I) tonight al 6 CST. Okahoma Cllmtian upset top-seeded Union of Tcnnes.5tt, 65-64. Four playen. scored in double and firushed lhe game 32% from the field. The Uons were 45% from the field (25 of 55), and 41.2% from beyond the three- poini line (7 of 17). Vanguard also out- rehounded 'Ji"ansytva- ftgures for Vanguard (27-9), led by 5-foot-7 senior guard Robbin Dinenbir, who scored a game-high 20 points. Dittenbir, who earned AU·GSAC hon- ors during the season, also grabbed a game- high 13 rebounds and dished out four as- sists. rylvania 64 Vanguard 70 rua, 46-33. . nae Uo~s main- tained lheir .• 19.potnt Oiueobir was 6 of 9 from the field. including 3 for 3 from three-point range. WRobbln made some big shots," Davis said. WOur seniors have been really stepping up. Paulene Seaman came off the bench and had seven rebounds and that was a big contribution for us. I'm just really proud of my kids.. Senior Laura Lee added 12 pom~. sophomore poinl guard Lacey Mills (3 fo r 5 from three- dom) scored 11 and sophomore Jennifer Wtlcox contributed 10 points. The Lions, Lhe GSAC reguJar- season champio~. never tralJed. The Pioneers (24-5) came as close as 13-10 with 11:14 left in lhe first half. That's when Davis called a timeout Davis' squad ouu.cored Transylvania. 19-3, lo d ose out the half and galned a 32-13 lead. The Pioneers hit jus t 5 of 33 from the field ( 15.2%) in the first haJf. Transylvania warmed up in the second half (I 5 of 29. 51.7%) advantage through most of the ~ond half. But the Pioneers. the o,ixth seed in the founh-quaner bracket, managed 10 come w1lJ11n 6 I -54 with 2:03 remaining after back-to-back three-pointer'> by sophomore guard Katie Boaz and senior guar Nilcki Young (13 points). I lowever, the Uons ended lhe game with a 9 0 run, including uve pmnl' from senior center Counney McKinney. NAIA N•tion•I Champion.tlips ~round V.ngu•rd 70, Tnlnsytv•nia 54 TransyMlni• -Lewis 12, Krysc10 4, N Young 13, Connor 0. T Young 13, Boaz 9, Ralston 3 · 3 pt goals T. Young 3. Boaz 2, N Young 2. Fouled out none Technicals T Young. V•nguard -Candelaria 4, Mills 11, Lee 12, Wiloo>C 10, Dinenbor 20. McKinney Z Josefuon 2, Lenderman 2. Seaman 2 3-pt goals 01nenb•r 3. Mills 3. Lee 1 Fouled out -none Tecnnic.ils none Halftime Vanguard. 32 13 .... 1 .. COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRACK AND FIELD Coast leaves OEC pair in dust Pirates' men and wome n run past Saddleback, GWC in double dual meet. COSTA MUiA -Orange Coast CoUE.'gc men's and women's Lrack and field teams stifled the competition yel again this sea.~n with victories over Sadd.Jeback and Golden West In an OrdJlge F.mpue Conference meet I riday on lhe Coast campus. ·. TENNIS Conbnued from B 1 men1 champions and looked well on their way f'riday. Seniors Garrell Snyder and· lssei Salda. along with ~opho­ mores Carsten Ball, Webley Miller. Spencer Reit.1. and junior Brennan Roberto;, aJI won their singles matches against their Oovis West opponents to take a 6·0 lead, making doubles play a mere chance 10 sharpen one's game. OoVls We:.1. located in Fresno. has won 1ti. CIF section title three consecutive years. CdM has won nine CIF Southern Section champion- ships. Robens. playing at No. 5 sin- g) against Oovts West, pro- vided tbe onJy drama of lhe altemoon with a thrilling 8-7 lri· umph (7·2 llebreaker) over A.J. 8enhJwal. Roberts had to break BenhJwaJ's serve at 7-6 to pro- long the match, ahd gained mo- mentum Crom that, despite ex- periencing pain In his stomach. Roberts sa.id he felt a strain in his tomach when serving. "I tried to take what I could get and not miss," said Roberts. who played singles IMt season but hu been m(JVtd to doubles for tbe m05t part this year. Roberts used his serve-and- volley to pin BenhJwaJ ln cor- ners. often resulting ln an un- foroed error by BenhlwaL "l ,,... really happy wttb the The Coa!.t men won. 143 132. over Saddleback. while Golden West talhed 78 point~. The Coast women disposed of the Rustlers. l 62.5-68.5, and the Gauchos managed just 64. OCC i., unbeaten in head-lo head competition against OEC learns lh.is season. Marlon Conerly won the I 00 melers. whiJe Anlhony Davi'> won the 200 after placing sec- ond in lhe 100. Anlquan Wa5h· ington won the 400, look third m the 200 and was on the wm· mng 400 relay team. way I played. -Roberts scud. Reitz 1oolc hls singles oppo- nent. 8-1, then teamed with Sny- der to sweep Geoff Mora and Adam Cassabom. 8-0. -This doubles match was tougher than in league matches,~ Reitz said. ·Everyone is doing their job in lh.is tourna- ment and. hopefully, we'U win this thing. In this match, we hit our serves and had good success with voUeys and rerums. We weren't weak in any area.• Oovis Wesl Coach Cris Peter sen could attest lo Reltz's com- menL ·we·re now with the best of the best ... all lhe matches are going to be tough,· Petersen said. "Teains in Southern California are a lot stronger than in Nonh· em California.· Bryan Warsaw and Ball teamed at No. 2 doubles for an 8-1 triwnpb and Saida and Miller swept. 8-0. Against La Jolla. Snyder and Ball each won their matches. 8-1. with Miller (8-0) and Reitz (8-2) also claiming victories. In dou- bles. Snyder and Reitz trailed, J-,0, before settling down to re- cord an 8-4 victory. There are six singles and three doubles matches in lhe tourna- ment. each consisting of an elgbt·game professional aet. CdM pla)'t ln a aemi.OnaJ at the Balboa Bay Oub Racquet Oub at l l a.m. today against Punahou, from Honolulu. which beat Menlo. 5~. tn a quanerflnal Fri· day. The 8naJ will be at Jldsades Stale ch<1mp1011 MicheUe lc- ban won tht· I .')00 (4:40.9) and garnered '>ecund m the 000 (2:24) and dl-.o ran on the win· ning mile rl'lay H•am Jennifer Fin.1lu1 won Lhree event'>: the JOO hurdll"> ( 16.7). the tnplt• 1urnp I M 51 and the di'>CUS (97). She took wcond in the long 111mp ( 15 I 'I l dnd the shot put m.1 ' ) CXX. will take• part 111 the Ol:.C/Sou1hem C..ahfom1a Mul- ll·Lvents Champmrn.ht~ Tu~­ day and Wednesday at ML San An1onio C..oUege Tenlll!> Oub at 6 p m CdM Nadon•I High School Boys Tennis Alf..AAMric:8n lnvtbtion•I Team Tou~ment First round CdM 7. u Jon. Country o.y 2 Singles Snyder ICdM) de( Moallemi, 8 t , Bait (CdMI def Jordan, 8 1, Miller ICdMI def James, 8 O; Reitz (CdM) def Pntzker, 8-2, Roberts (CdM) lost to Burkhart. 3-8, Sa1da (CdM) lost 10 Lovy, 7-8 Doublee -Snyder Reitz (CdM) def. Jordan Moallem1, 84, Ball Roberts (CdM) def Pnulcer-James, 8 1, Miller Saide ICdMI def &.irthart Levy, 8 2 Qu.tw1INI CdM 9, Clovis West 0 Slngm -Snyder (CdMI def Grotemever, 8-2, Ball (CdMJ def Mor•. 8-3, Miller ICdMI def fortune, 8-2; A«il (CdMI def eau.bon. 8-1 , Robena (CdM) def BenhlW91, 8-7 (7 3); Salda ICdMI def Joshi. 8-2 Doublee Snyder Reitz ICdMI def Mof..C-.bon, 8-0; S.11-W•rsaw (CdM) def Fortune S.nhiwal, 8-1 ; Miller Sa1da (CdMI def Joshi-Roeser, 8-0 Other~hom Fndw'• nwtches: Miramonte 6, Fflo Amerocano 3 H•rvard Wastlake 8, Woodbeny Forest 1 Monte Vlst• 6, Brentwood 3 Tcoy 5, Lot G.iot 4 Clovi. West 6, C.mpotindo 3 Menlo 7. .lolult 2 PunahOu 8, Hor11ee Mann t Second Round Mont41 Vm• 6. Troy 3 PunahOu 6, Menlo 4 ~beny 6, Rio Amerlcano 3 8tentwood 6, Lot O.tos 3 u Joli. e. C.mpol1ndo 3 , ~ece Mitnn 8, Jesuit 3 Mwemont9 8, Harvard 3 How far would yow drive to sat1e 'J ooo, J~ooo, maybe nwre! Satutday, March 22, 2003 ., .. --~---~-·-------------------·---. u 84 Saturday, Marth 22. 2003 TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASS I C Caddie GOLF • wisdom .Jacobsfintls Newport stage again . · Players light1up field as always. Toshiba .senior Classic opens with a smash. Bruce fle.isher, who was playing in the group with Thorpe and Jacobs. Zoeller will be on stage today following the second round Tostllba winner. opened Friday with a 4"under 67 and trails Ahem for three strokes. A year ago when lrwin won the event, he also t>pened with a 67. Watch out useful You never know when comments uttered in · passing will come full · circle. W hat beuer way to spend pan of an afternoon than out on the golf course at Newport Beach Country Oub Thursday? A slight, crisp breeze blew in off the Pacific Ocean, and the sun shone its rays off the perfectly-manicured fairways and greens on the second day of the Toshiba Senior Oassic Pro-Am. I arrived just after noon for my first caddying assignment ever. I. jogged to the driving range where I wouJd meet the golfer that I wouJd have the privilege of anending to the next couple of hours. I found ~.__....._..__. Toshiba official BRYCE ALDERTON Chris Premer, who walked me over to Miller Barber. We shook hands and were soon off on our golf cart. No, I didn't have to lug the bag walking down the fairways. I didn't even have to do all the jobs a caddie performs because also riding with us on the cart was a guy who called himself. ·Popeye.· "Popeye" showed me the ins and outs of caddying. using the yardage book to calculate the distance to the green. always following Barber to the putting green with a towel so I couJd wipe off any din oc grass from the ball and raking the bunkers I got to count off the clistance on one hole. and by the end of I 3 holes, I was cleaning off Barbers irons after he hit his approach, usually right onto the green with about eight feet from a birdie. We stane8'on 15 and ended when Barber and the foursome with us puned out on No. 9. The Toshiba Senior O assic, which began Friday and continues through Sunday. tS onJy the second tournament Barber has played in this year. He lives in Scottsdale, Ari.7~ in the winter and then travels to another home in Montana in the swnrner where he can fish. I le is semi-retired. I didn't learn that much about "Popeye," but he taught more by action. He showed me where clubs fit into Barber's bag. such as the putter's position in the back compartment. He taught me how to read a yardage book {they really are self-explanatory once you realize the number within the circle tells how many paces are to the hole from the front edge). But "Popeye's· most helpful words came after I drove the cart from the 15th green to the 16th tee. As I got into the cart. he quipped, ·aeon your toes. you could get hit" Those words carried more meaning than ever within the group that included Barber. Sano Naohisa. Ralph Xaplan, Alex lvorio and Dan Ostrowsky. walked up to the eighth green. I drove the cart on the pavement toward the back of the green, parldng behind the bleachers and tents that have been set up throughout the course. I alowly walked to the green and then beard a ~Fore and duck." yelled by two memben of our ftvesome. Heeding the advice, I tilted my head aljgbtly to the right, and It was just enough. A ball womed past my left eu, missing by about an inch. I looked back at "Popeye" and he 5ritlled. "You called It." I told him. The group got a chuckle out or It and I recetYed a reprte\ie from a ettta1n headache and possible medical attention. Don't me what the group ended up ahOoting because I left After 13 holes. InJtlilly I was only a<>lnR to do nine, ltartln at No. 15, bUt J waited until th group finl.shed 9, wtUdt was convm~n~ located next to the dubhouse. J Walklld away leimlng a few thlnp Thuuday: have a towel handy ~ the Pfcr wallcs lo the green to • putt. aMlya Walk atratght to the hole not fO dle bllJ when counfirig otr dJ.unc:a iind ~ undttesdmate lhe impot1anC of a fflW wordl of ~ ilblnb .-Popeye." • •• Y ou know It's Tushiba Senior Oasslc lime when you hear thundering roars from the crowd at the 18th green and comedy club type laughter from the post-round interactive player Q&A session With fans. Jacobs. apparently, has a tendency to cbuclt opposing players' golf balls. "I just got lu~ and the bole got in the way." said Thorpe~who eagled the hole 10 Tournament leader Jim Ahem's 64 was the lowest first-round score at Newport Beach Country Oub since the PGA Champions Thur event moved from Mesa Verde Country Oub after the inaugural Tushiba Senior Qasslc in lrwin also kept his string OI'\ consecutive rounds ln the 60s at the Toshiba Oassk lntact. He has now put together eight consecutive rounds ln the 60s here. Of his 21 rounds played in the tournament. 14 have been in•the 60s and 18 have been par or better. (fldeed, Newport Beach Country Cub was rocking ~rfday, and not just because of the picture perfect' weather, which allowed the best SO-and-over golfers in the world to devour the golf course like hungry lions as 38 players shot under 70 and 45 players shor under par. RICHARD DUNN t 995. Dave Eichelberger holds the. tournament record for the lowest fust-rollnd $COfll, posting a 7-under 63 at Mesa Verde. · ' ••• ••• "This golf course is by far In its best conclition. The fairways are like carpet," said Jerry McGee, who received a sponsor exemption 10 play in this year's ninth annuaJ Toshiba Oassic and, at 3-under 68, remains in the Toshiba tiUe hunt. finish the first round at 3-under 68. "(Jacobs) has been throwing my baHs away all day long." It was Jacobs who danced a jig on the throat at 18 on the first playoff hole of the 1999 Toshiba Oassic. a five-hole playoff eventually won by Gary McCord. Jacobs chipped in for eagle from 90 feet and did his best OU OU Rodri~~ simulation with a sword dance and following that up with some twinkle-roe moves. before falling baclcward to the ground. McCord foUowed with an eagle putt and beckoned Jacobs to fetch his baJI out of the cup. Jacobs not onJy picked it out of the cup, he hurled it into the crowd. The 38 players with rounds below 70 on Friday were the second-highest number in tournament history in a single round, foUowing last year's all-time best of 41 players below 70 in the finaJ round. The most difficult hole Friday was the par-3 No. 8 with an average score of 3.296. There were just four birdies. Ahem had eight birdies ahd one bogey in his round -the bogey coming at No. 8. When Irwin shot his course-record 62 in the finaJ round of the 1998 Toshiba Oassic, he bogeyed No. 8. ... The day's loudest cheer came in the afternoon as Jim Thorpe holed out from 70 feet on a pitch shot at 18. then John Jacobs. who has carried on before here on the 18th hole, picked Thorpe's ball out of the cup and tossed ii in the stands. Al Geiberger, who onJy commined to the Toshiba Oassic last weekend, made his first Ouunpions Tour start s ince last March and finished with a 3-over 74. Geiberger's last appearance came at this event a year ago. The easies! hole Friday, as usual, was the par-5 No. 15. with an average score of 4.235. There were slx eagles, 51 biTclies and JU'>l one bogey. Tournament officials and t loag Hospital employees will be outfitted in red clad today in honor of Ohio State's national championship football team. Tos hiba Cla!>sic Tournament Director Jeff Purser i!> a die-hard Ohio State fan. ••• Jacobs and McCord returned to the scene of the crime late Friday afternoon for the first of two interactive player Q&A sessions. Rodriguez and Fuzzy All Hall the defencling champion. "II was ju!>l a beautiful shot." said That's right, Hale Irwin, last year's champion and the only two-time DON LEACH I DAILY Pit.OT Golf legends lee Trevino, left, and Fuzzy Zoeller, right, 1oke around on the fairway at No. 5 as they play in opening round of Toshiba Senior Classic F nday. Easygoing E aks returns to Newport Former two-time champion of venerable Newport Classic Pro-A.m is back in action at Newport Beaclf Country CJub after Monday quali- fying. . Richard Dunn DaHyPilot NEWPORT BEACH -Uvlng the life of a Monday qualifier I n't easy on the PGA Champions Thur, but easygoing R. W. P..aka doesn't mind as long as he can visit Newport Beach from time to time. ·it's a nJce trip coming over here. because It's one of the most beautiful pot.s ln the world -this and "The Toshiba Senior Classic has made a profound impact on the Lives of Orange County residents through its financial support of Hoag Hospital and other important charities.. Toshiba Computer Systems Group has committed itself to this community in a way truly deserves the highest praise." Jeff PwMr, Toshiba $etllO( Classic Tournament Director Scottsdale (Ari7_), of course, which Is also beautiful.· top three finisheB qualified for the 54-bole Ownpl- said F.aks. who tives In Scottsdale, and, ln the 1990s. ons Thur evmt He qualifiad in Mexico two weeks ago. became a star of the rormer Newport Oassk Pro·Am but Injured his back on Wednesday and struggled ln with back-to-back titles in the minJ-tour event (1995· the tournament 96). "You've goc to play when you get In." F.ab u.ld Fri· This weekend, Eaka clidn"t have to go far to find his day. "My back's better. lt'a not 1000. ... but It's play· caddie. HI-. 1<>n·ln-law, Scott Schultz, who moved to able.• Corona del Mar lJuee months a.go from Phoef\U with Cab, who said his No. 1 l{Oal thl year to win a Eab' daughter, Dawn, caddJed for Bilks t the Master-tournament and gain exempt tatus for a year. that· Card Cllampioiuh.lp lo Hawall and la carrytng hla bag t Ted the driving diltance ~ord on th tour last year 8galn thla Wffk. • when he a~ed 295.J yarda per drive. John Jacob Eaks, who ahot ~n-par 71 ln 'the fint round Friday held the previous record at 290.7 yard ln 1997. of the Tusblba Senior a c at Newport Beach Coun· The former NewpOrt ClaJIJc, which was held from try Oub. ha5 no omclal 'UllU'I on the tour th.ls year. be· J 975 to '97 et Newpon Beath and calJcd the Crosby ca\&.!e he played ln 14 eventa last year and dldn'l make Southern Pro-Am /or the Ont ll yttn. served as a enough money to flnl»h In the top 31. two·day mini·tour ~nt and played hott to acvcrat fu· So lt'a on to Monday qualifying. P.au hu" lrled four tu.re PGA Tour Only Clark Dmnla (1992·93> and dm this . to qualify for an event on Mnnday and Bab (1995·96) won bick·to bo NeWport Oualc tf. rwlce has made 1«. lnclud ng th Wttki Towba ewnt, .ti in which ho thot tu and tied for :ond 10 the Monday It) the fl t time Eab tw played In the 1bthiba qUdft at GOole GoJf Oub ln Mira J.oma, 'Ibo Oauk' and hi.a ftm Newpott &each 'tppwance lllnC'C! ' 1997, the final year of the Newport Oasslc Pro-Am. · ••• As reported last month, Toshiba has lgned a three· year contract extension to serve as title ponsor of the 1bshiba Senior Oassic. The contract runs through the yeario<>S. The tournament will continue to be held at New· pon Beach Country Oub for the next three years and the professional purse will lncrease each year. In the wt five years (1998-2002) under the title sponsorship of lrvine~based Tusblba Computer Sys- tems Group, and the management of Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, the 1i hiba Senior Clasik: has ra.lsed more than $4.7 million for more than 20 char· ldet -the largest amount of net proceeds on the Ownpions Thur. "We cannot say enough about Tush.Iba' ongotns support of this tournament." explains lbshlba Senior ~le Tournament Director Jeff Purser. "The TuVUba Senior Oasak has made a profound Impact on the lives of Orange County mident. through ltl Blwldal l\lpport or Hoag Hospital Md other Important char· lties. 1bshiba Computer Systems Group bu commit· ted Itself to thJs community ln a way truly d Ml!I the hlgbest praise... " • :The Thshlba Senk>r OuaJc ls a rant tic au lory. .. aald PGA Tuur Com.miisioner Tun FlnchCrn. •lbshlba and I~ Hoapltal haw teamed to do great things for their commtintty, the hospital and golf fan of Southml CaJiforhla. 'JM awnplooa 'l'otir applaud th1J partnerahip and Joob forward to th mote very 1t1cces.ful )'W'I be)'OM th1a Weelc'1 tournament." • Thlhibe hu eerWd u the tide tpomor OI <>ra.np County'• Olilnploril Tour event liOOt hi lnceptJon fn 1995. Hoq hia beef\ the evt:nt o...,ur.er tlrKle the 1998 f!WJ'lt. The 200.1 Tutt\O. SCrilof <1-k: mlrb the ftnal ~ ol a lhrft;.year dee1 signed In 2000. .. • • . • t . . ~· .. . .• ·: .· ·: '• • • ' I '. • I r 'I ' .. Dally Piiot FIRST-ROUND RESULTS 14 Jim Ahem 32·3~ 85 Rodger Davia 32-33 Lanny Wadkins 34-31 66 Wayne Levi 32-34 David Eger 34-32 Jose Maria Canizares 32-34 Marte McCumber 33.33 ~ Rafael Navarro 32-35 John Jacobs 33-34 Bruce Uettke 33-34 Hale Irwin. 32·35 . 68 . Marte Pfeil J.4..34 Allen Doyle 33-35 Ed Dougherty 33-35 Morris Hatalsky 35-33 Bobby Wadkins 35-33 Leonard Thompson 36-32 James Mason 35-33 Doug Tewell 33-35 Jim Thorpe 34-34 Tom Purtzer 36-32 Dave Stockton 35-33 Jerry McGee 34-34 Howard Twitty 33-35 Terry Dill 35-33 69 Jim Dent 34-35 Vicente Fernandez 35-34 Jay Sigel 34-35 Bob Gilder 33-36 Tom Wargo 34-35 Gil Morgan 33-36 Dana Quigley 35-34 George Arcner 36-33 Tom Watson 32-37 Lee Trevino 34-35 Fuzzy Zoeller 33-36 Gary McCord 34-35 Hugh Baiocdli 35-34 70 Billy Kratzert 34-36 John Mahaffey 37-33 Dave Eicnelberger 37-33 Walter Hall 35-35 Larry Nelson 36-34 Tom Kite 35-35 Dale Douglass 32-38 71 R.W. Eaks 35-36 Dick Mast 37-34 Rodcy Thompson 35-36 Charles Coody, 35-36 Bob Eastwood 35-36 Stewart Ginn 35-36 J.C.Snead 33-38 Jim Colbert 37-34 Ben Crenshaw 35-36 Andy Bean 36-35 Mike Smith 37-34 n Bobby Walzel 37-35 John Bland 38-34 Miller Barber 36-36 Larry Ziegler 35-37 Mike McCullough 33-39 Gary Player 36-36 Hubert Green 36-36 Walter Morgan 39-33 Des Smyth 39-33 73 Terry Mauney 35-38 Joe Inman 37-36 Sammy Racnels 35-38 Graham Marsh 37-36 Bruce Fleisher 36-37 Tom Jenkins 36-37 Bill Rogers 35-38 74 Al Geiberger 39-35 Ray Floyd 38-36 75 Tommy Thomas 37-38 Dave Barr 38-37 Chi Chi Rodriguez 36-39 David Graham 40-35 76 Bruce Summerhays 38-38 Gibby Gilbert 40-36 79 Jim Albus 37-42 SUPER SENIORS Dave Stockton 68 Terry Dill 68 Jim Dent 69 Tom Wargo 69 George Arcner 69 Lee Trevino 69 Dale Douglass 70 Rodcy Thompson 71 Char1es Coody 71 J.C. Snead 71 Jim Colbert 71 Miller Barber 72 LanyZieger 72 Gary Player 72 Walter Morgan 72 AJ Geiberger 74 RayAoyd 74 Chi Chi Rodriguez 76 Gibby Gilbert 76 Jim Albus 79 TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASS I C TOSHIBA Continued from B 1 3-under 68. 111rre are I i player'> at 2-under 69. "Wilhout a lot of w111d. 11 wa., · good 'lOring cond111on~." '\aid Eger. who won the Ma.,terCard aru.. .. ic two weckl. ago 111 ~1ex1rn and I'> playing cit Newport 8cach foI the firM time <.inn· 1981. when he teed it up in tht• former ~rosby Southern Pro Am. ,1 lwo· day mini-tour l'\ l'nt opl'raH·d hv lhe ~ne I loag I Jo.,p11.d volun leer group that n1t111agt''> lhl' Toshiba Senior Ua'i'>ll Wadkins, who '>ho1 111-. ht''>l round on the Cl1ampmn., lour since la'>t March, i-. a ran· rum petitor the'>e day-. on the !Our becau..e of h1S busy ..,l ht'<lule J'> <1 golf anaJy\t for CR~. Hut hl' had no problem analyLing the New- port Reach green~ a-. he -.<ml five birdie;; on lhe first \L'< hole-. on ,. the back nine. 111clud111g three 111 a row at 13, 14 and 15. "I haven't played a lot of goll lately," WadJon., said. "But l L worked hard on l tH~'>dav and Wednesday aml played ~ell in _______ --------=~::.. lhe pro-am (Thup,dayl . for me it was a very solid round. l tell pretty good about 11: Davis. who will tee off la'it 111 the second round !Oda} with Ah- em and Wadkin., at 12:50 p.m., stressed the importance of play- ing well early in a three-round tournament. "On this lour, you have to have a good first round," ... ud Da"1~. who birdied the fir'>t lhree hole.,_ "You've got to get out of the blocks fast. Too many gu~ out here can go low on lhe fir.t day and they do n't back it up. n or the four player!> lied for fourth at 66, Navarro might be the biggest surprise. The medal- ist in the Monday open qualifier at Goose Creek in Mira Loma. Navarro, who is not listed in the 2003 PGA Olampions Tour me- clia guide, went from one ex- treme to the other. Navarro btrd- ied three of the first four holes, then double bogeyed No. 5. He added birdies on Nos. 7 and 9. On the back nine, Navarro bo- geyed No. 13, before rallying t birdie 14 and 15. A golf instruc!or in Rio de Ja- neiro, Brazil. Navarro went to Champions Tour Qualifying School last fall, but came up short in earning his card to be fully exempt "It's a tough life-try· PHOTOS fJ• DON l[A1 H DAIL'I PILOT Lanny Wadkins (top left) watches his putt on 16th hole stop inches from the cup. Top right. Ben Crenshaw hits an approach shot. Above, Bob Gilder read s the line of a d1ff1cult putt on No. 15. At right , Wayne Levi. on the way to a 66, hits a fairway wood toward No 18. ing to Monday qualify each week," Navarro <>aid. "f'U try to do lhat the remainder of lhis year. I enjoy teaching golf." ln addition to Irwin placing htmself in the hunt with his 67, Doyle certainly cannot be over- looked as a possible winner with his opening 68. For Doyle, the 2000 Toshiba Senior Qassic champion in a rain-shortened 36-hole event be- cause inclement weather can- celed the final round. shot his 12th straight round under 70 in as many starts at Newport Beach. Doyle, who .finisJied. as runner-up to Irwin last year, bas been in the top three for four straight years. • Sa1ur<ldy, March 22, 2003 15 TODAY'S TEE TIMES 8:30a.m. Bruce Summerhays, Gibby Gilbert, Jim Albus 8:40•.m. Dave Barr, Chi Chi Rodriguez. David Graham 8:50a.m. Al Geiberger, Ray Floyd, Tommy Thomas 9•.m. Bruce Fleisher, Tom Jenkins, Bill Rogers 9:10a.m. Joe Inman, Sammy Racnela, Graham Marsh 9-.20•.m. Walter Morgan, Des Smyth, Terry Mauney · 9:30a.m. Make McCullough, Gary Player, Hubert Green 9:40a.m. John Bland, Miller Barber, Larry Ziegler 9:50a.m. Andy Bean, Mike Smith, Bobby Walzel 10a.m. J C Snead, Jim Colbert, Ben Crenshaw 10·1oa.m. Charles Coody, Bob Eastwood Stewart Ginn 10:20a.m. R W. Eaks, Dick Mast, Rodcy Thompson 10:30a.m Larry Nelson, Tom Kite, Dale Douglass 10:40a.m. John Mahaffey, Dave Eichelberger, Wafter Hall 10:50a.m. Gary McCord. Hugh Ba1occh1, Bally Kratzert 11 a.m. Tom Watson Lee Trevino,. Fuuy Zoeller 11.10 a.m. Gil Morgan, Dana Quigley, George Arcner 11:20a.m. Jay Sigel. Bob Gilder, Tom Wargo 11:30a.m. Jerry McGee. Howard Twitty Vicente Fernandez 11:40a.m. Doug Tewell Jim Thorpe, Tom Purtzer 11:50 am. Bobby Wadkins. Leonard Thompson, James Mason Noon Allen Doyle, Ed Dougherty. Moms Hatalsky 12 10p.m . Bruce Lietzke Hale Irwin, Mark Pfeil 12:20 p.m Dave Stodcton, Terry Dill, ·1 Jim Dent 12:3-0 pm . Marie McCumber. Rafael Navarro, John Jacobs 12:40p.m . Wayne Levi. David Eger, Jose Mana Canizares 12:50p.m. Jim Ahern, Rodger Davis, Lanny Wadkins R.,_f0tdo.Ount .. $0000 Foc!Ofy tebate •S2.000 , .... s-... *8,DOD . .., ' -----·------·-·._ _____________ _ J • Sahrday. Ma-ch 22. 2003 SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL . Corona <lei _Mar fit to be ~agged • • ti f I COLLEGE BASEBALL Anteaters absorb 2-0 setback Washington strikes for two in the second inning and that's the ballgame. ANTF.ATER BMl.PARK -UCJ stan- ing pitcher Glenn Swanson gave the Anteaters a commanding performance on the mound, but fell lo 1-3 on the sea- son as the Huskies shut out UCJ 2-0 Fri- day at Anteater Ballpark. After allowing two runs on fow hits in the top of the second inning. Swanson retired 21 in a row with eight strike- SCOREBOARD outs and no walks to pitch a complete game for UCI. Washington starting pitcher Sean White threw seven innings, striking out seven Wash. 2 and limiting UCJ to Anteaters 0 four hits to earn his third win (3·3) for the Huskies. The save went to reliever Brian Carter, who struck out rwo in two innings. UCI outfielder Chris IOemm had two of UCl's hJts with a single and a double wbile Matt Fallc hit 2-2 on the night as tho Anteaters managed just five base rwmers. Washington's Chad Boudon hit a tri- ple to open the aeoond inning and Aaron Hathaway singled Boudon to put the HuU:les on the board. 'laylor John- son, who was hit by the pitch, later llClOred on a hit by 1lla Reynolds. WUhington (15-6) and UCI (9-15) bOok up again today at Anteater Ball- perk. SWtingat 6 p.m. ~ ~t2.UOO u:ot w '-:: ~ -, ' o ua ooo ooo 000 -0•0 WhM, Ce!Ut (81 end HM:heway; Sweneon Md~-W-Whhil, ~3. L -S~. 1·1; a-KJemr11 (UCO 38-Boudon (W). DEEP SEA FRIDAY'S CDUNTS ... , ........ -1 bo91.17 .,..,.. 6'Cllldo ..... 22 a.net ..... ,~ Sea Kings' Keith long (above, left) collides with University's Jason Rice at second base on a stole11- base attempt during a four-run fourth-mnmg rally for the Trojans. At left, Corona del Mar's Keith long steals second ahead of the tag applied by Dan Ezro. BRIEFS Potential tying run ·nailed at.the plate to end the PCL-opening loss to Uni. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR ·-UnJverslty High baseball coach Qu1s ~nJin said the arrival of the Pacific Coast League schedule was a new lease on life for his team, which had won only once in its first six games. But it was an old hand who made the decisive play in the 'Ito· Jans' dramadc 6-5 league·openlng win Friday at C.Orona del Mar. "He was an all-league shortstop last year and he was the all-league football quarterback the last two years." Conlin said of senlor Nick Gerakos. whose relay throw from about 20 feet beyond the in· field cutout in shallow right-center field beat the potential tying run to the plate for the final out of the game. The play, triggered by a double into the right-center gap by Todd Macklin, turned a crescendo of cheers from CdM rooters into disconsolate silence. ll also shook up those who deemed CdM a fa- vorite for the league title this spring. Ruclcy McKinley chased the ball down at the base of the fente and threw a strike to Gerakos. Gerakos, a four-year varsity baseball player whose cutoff as- signment was recently extended to balls in the right-center gap (normally re· served for the second baseman!. turned and gunned a one-hop strike to catcher RoYJ:e Huffaker . who had plenty of time to coJJect the throw and tag out a sliding CdM pinch-runner trying to score from first The fateful relay squelched a spirited CdM comeback. that began with two outs, nobody on, and the Sea Kings trailing. 6-3. CdM junior Josh Bradbury singled offl'yler Brown, who opened the frame in relief of starter Dan Warner. to begin the threat CdM's Nick Karpe and Barrett SproweJJ both reached on errors. with Bradbury scoring on SprowelJ's botched ground ball to second. Conlin then brought in closer Caleb Bucs volleyball wins in five • VOUEYBAU..: Outside hitter Poyer Poia tallied 24 kills while Kaiina-' na Kamalani added 19 ldlls and 12 digs to lead host Orange Coast CoUege to a 26-30. 30-28, 27-30, 30-20. 15-6 nonconference victory over WtScon- sin-based Cardinal Stritch Friday. Down. 2-1 in games, the Pirates slammed Cardlnal Slritch with a 30-20 setback in Game 4. Freshman setter Mike Murphy pro- vided the spark ~e Bucs needed to get over the hump m Game 4. He stepped back to the seMce line and fired the team to nlne consecutive points. post- ing a pair of aces during the stretch, lo help the Pirates to a l9-l0 lead. The Wolves called time out. re- grouped and were able to close to 22- 19, but Kamalani put away a ldll and then recorded ace of his own to push the lead back to five. A service error gave the ball back to Slritch, but a blocking error put the ball back 'in C'.oast hands and the Pirates were able to run the table to even the match at two gamel> apiece. The Coast defense stepped up it:. play in the final two gam~. led by Ii bero Kaione Scott (nine dtgs). and Dane GilUam (four blocks). Murphy finished with 39 assists as Coast improved to 12-4. Orange Coast returns to conference play on Wednesday when ii ho'>LS Ir· vine Valley at 7 p.m. Tars upset Aztecs, split • VOLLBYMLL: The Newport Har· bor High boys volleyball learn upset F.spera117,a, ranked No. 2 In Orange County. 15-10, 17-15, to create a Di- vision I pool play split on the open- ing day of the Orange County O.am- pionshJp Friday at Edison High. The Sailors (4-5 including best-of- three matches) let leads slip away In both games of a 15-12, 15-l3 loss to Mission Viejo, also Friday. SenJor Mike Toole had a team-high JO kills again t Mission Viejo, then was joined by senior PauJ Toman with 10 kill apiece against P.ape- ranza. Junior setter Adam SchJesinger had « of his combined 75 assists against Esperan7.a. The 1'ln conclude pool play today al 8 Lm. agaJn I host Edison. JI they can pin a lOP""lWO nnl h 1n th lr pool, the would open the champion· Jp playvff at 11 a.m. at J~l on. Should they tau to Onbh lri the top two. they would play In conaot 1lon match 11 Marina tligh. Mesa fa.lls in three . • VOUBYMU.: CO.ta M IUgh'1 b9)t vo~l team. despite tome standout bloddn1 effo"• from c;e;m, Wa.lthefl and fohn Santot. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Dally ~ot's Athlete of the Week series TODAY 22 -David Tran Costa Mesa Soccer '98 22 -Ruben M11nc1lld Costa Mes<1 Baseball. 99 26 -Mandy Clayton Newport Harbor Basketball, trnck suffered a 1 ~·4. l'i 5. 15-7 nonleague loss al We'!ICrn rnday. falling lo I 5. The Mustang., open Golden West league play on Wednei.day. hosting Orange. Eagles sparkle • SWIMMING: Anthony I fermann tallied a personal best in the I 00- yacd breaststroke and Sean Good- man set a personal record in the 200 individual medley to lead l...,tancia Higb's boys swim team to a 92-70 nonleague victory over visiting Orange Lutheran. Hermann touched m 1:17.40 whlle Goodn)an finj hed in 2:31.21. O.ad Kunnert collected multiple wins In the 200 freestyle (2:05.13) and 500 free (5:38.79), which Coach John Car· penter said are close to quaJlfyi.ng times for the CIP prellmiharles. The P.agje (4-1) had victories ln both the 200 medley and 200 free re· layg. Goodman. Nathan Mar teUer, Kunnert and PauJ Collier teamed to touch ln 59.22 In the 200 medley, while Marsteller, Jason Echenique, Hermann and Richard MdUvcney teamed to win the 200 free ln 4:16.2. • In the girl meet: Estancia High'• girls swim team won three v nta, but It wu not enough to defeat vbll· Ing Orange Luth ran. ·fbe Lane.en ihowed thetr mlflt With a 93· 76 victory In r u.ncia'• pooJ. Marl.Iyo Reich anCI Amaryah 1hller each won lndMduaJ twnu.: Rt"lth In t.h 200·yard lndMdual medley (2:39.42), while Thal~ led all in the 100 b,...._.roke 0:30), P.atandal 400 free relay team ofU· hlnl Keeoawinna. Thaler. BHtta Pitd and Retch touchtd ftnt ln 4!31.3 Keenawinna and Carolina Barnes each tallied two second-place fin - ishes to go with on each from Court· ney I less and Reich for the Eagles (1-1) 1:.stancia hosts Santa Ana on Wednesday m Golden West League competition. Vanguard drops two • COLLEGE SOPTBAU.: The Van guard University softball team scored three runs in two games and lost twice to open play in the Pitts· burgh Stale Tournament in Kansa:. Friday. The Lions (15-8-1) began their first game of the dar-with two runs in the first inning. but they lost, 6-2. to Minnesota State University (Man- kato). Freshman Krystal Keltner took her first pitching loss of the season, falling to 7 ·I . ln Vanguard's second game or pool play action. the Uons' late-game rally feU short and Missoun Southern State won. 2 l . Tra.iling. 2-0, sopho- more Undsay Dyer, a pinch hitter for Vanguard. earned the Lions' lone RBI with a two-out RBI single to score sophomore Usa Jackson in the top of the seventh. Vanguard returns to action today at 8 a.m. against Bellevue and the Ll· ons are scheduled to play at least two games. Pittsburgh St. Toumev Poot play (6-M 1) Mlnn.-ota $t. I, Vwtguard 2 Score by Innings V•ngu•rd lOO 000 o 2 • 3 Minneeot• "' 000 • • n o Keltner and Rolle, Smidt (6); M•mer end Hyde. W -M•mer. L -Keltner, 7-1. 28 - Oinm•n (Ml. W1l1h (M). ..... ,.., (Came 21 MIMoutt So. St .• 2. Yanguerd 1 hoN bylnn~ V•ngu•rd 000 000 1 -1 ' 1 Mieeourl 100 001 • -2 • o Bell •nd Roi .. ; Allllon and S.tTOw. W - A.lli9on. L • S.11, H. 28 -Allitlon (MS). Sage Hill stays perfect • VOUlMIAIJ.: The sage Hill School boYI volleyball team re milned unbeaten with a 12·15. 15- 11, 15·1, 15·10 Acldemy League wtn over Vilitlng Whitney Friday. The Upunfng (4--0, 3..0 In league) was pectld by jtinlor Kevin Joyce. wbo had 22 kilb and 11 Jump-H'rve aces. . Macsun Prilderlct added lO kills and Julian smJtb·Newmln ddpptd In 28 aAlt1I for tbe wlnnen. Whitney fellto,3-4, l·lln ....... • SlaCt HID ·ii et Odonl ~yon ~. ttarttna•. p.m. Rackliffe. who was SCOREBOARD . bailed out by his defense on Mad- lin's double. MWe told Caleb Nice save:" Conlin said with a smile. We're 2·5 now, so their hasn'\ been a University 6 lot to save." CdM 5 The Trojans saved their offense for outbursts in the fourth and fifth innings. after the Sea Kin~ (3-2) scored three in the third to open Lhe scoring. Nick Palchilcoff's leadoff homer over the center-field fence was foUowed by a. Keith Lo9g single and a Bradbury blast over the fence m right-center to stake startmg pitcher Macklin to the early cushion. UniVl'n.ity parlayed three hits, a walk, and a CdM emir to take u one run lead in the lourtJ1, wilh Will Gottbrecht's double the capping blow. After Mack.Jin W"dS relieved to start the fifU1, Gemkos walked and Austin Under- wood lifted a homer to left center for. as it turned out, the deciding runs. Rradbury wai. 2 for 4 with two RBis and Keith Long was 2 for 4 with a stolen base to pal'c CdM's seven-hit attack. UniVl'r'>tty. which Conltn -.aid came in hining 160 a.,~ team. had MX hit'>. w(.dM Coach John Emme. mean· whtle, hop<."-the -.clback will not prove to be an omen "It\ a tough way to lo'ic with all the exu1emen1 (in the seventh)," Fmme said. "WC' cJnw i1~ as the favorite m this leaRue. but now we know wt• have some work to do" Paafic Coast LNcve Unrvenlty 6, CdM 5 · Score by Innings University 000 420 o Ii 6 ' CdM 003 ooo 2 !> 1 1 Warntir. Brown m. Racld1ffe (7) and Huffaker, Ma<ihn, Contant (5) ctnd Mann Finn, Preuon (51 W Warner 1 1 L -Madtlin. 1 1 Sv Raddrffo Ill 28 M cK1nloy (UI Gonbrnctlt (U), MaO:trn tCdM) HR Paldukolf (CdMJ, Bradbury 1CdMI Underwood IUI HIG H SCHOOL BASEBALL Wilkins fl awless in Sage Hill v ictory Cl IUllTO'> -Sage I hll ~hoot Junior Tim Wilk.Jn'> tosse<l h~ fir.I prep no-hit- ter to lead the Ughtnmg to an 11-0 Academy I .t.•ague-opentn~ baseball win over ho'tt \Vhitney Friday. Wilkin., . an All-Newport Mc..a per- fom1er a.'> a sophomore. struck out eight in live mnmgs. after wh1th the game was callt'd due to the 10 run mercy rule. I le did not walk a batter and Whitney's lone baserunner came when its leadoff - man reached on an errdllt throw to first - after an infield grounder. - Wil.l.Jn'>. now 2-0, was backed up by • seruor. /.ach Friedrichs and Qjff Swun- son, both of whom homered I nedrichs • launchetJ a three-run dinger to center field to help fuel a JO-run second in- ning, while Swan'>On belted a solo shot two batter<; later. Friedrichs fini'>hed 3 for 3 with three rum1. three RBis and a stolen base. Swano;on was 2 for 3 with two RBis. Sage Hill Improved 10 2-l-l , l ·O. Ac.cSemy L..,. ~ ... 11, Whttn.y 0 'Scot. by Innings ~Hill ot10IO IO 11 11 1· wti1tney ooo oo o o 3 Wllklna and Komswiet Part end J1mea, Chapman (2). W -Wtlltina, 2-0. L -Park. 1-3. 38 -Milder (SH) HR -Friedridl1 ISHI. Swanson (SHI Tars drop opener, 6~2 NJ;WPORT BP.Aaf -The Newport Harbor High baseball team came within. 3-2, after four innings. but dng Aliso Niguel ~red three runs ln the 5eYenth to pull out a 6-2 Sea Vaew ~opening wtn CMt th Sailors .Friday. Junior Karo Makserjian and sopho- more Mau Etlcbon KOred one run each ln the bottom of the (oUrttt, on a fielder'• choke and an f'nor, respec- t:Mly. for Newpon <2·5). The Sailort will fa~ host Ocean View today at l p.ot; ln a consoladon game oft.he NC!Wport FJb 1oumament. . • " .PORTS MACKEY Continued from B 1 1om: "°" 1. 1-.. M I• N•ft: Newpon Newport I larbor needed to .. lldl win and finish thud in the fi. ~ ~;o1-s nal event to secure bragging st-t 5wlmminG righ~ over the e~ Kin. u<. CANdl: Ken LaMont .X-d .,.... ........ toed: SUlhl Mackey, the Daily Pilot Ath· ,_..,. .-.: ·"°'"' ~ lete of the Weck., contributed :::"~~"At the u.s. to the Satlon.' 400 free!>tyle Op•u 0>1Af11e of,..,.. ago. TN tDf) relay, leading Newpon to an thr• vet 10 Jtanct on the podium. I won 86·84 win over CdM. ~ 1:, ~!;:'~.ti~ 2: IM MThose time!. are horrible.· Cshort-curse ~.All tt.-Ws _... Mackey said of her '>tckty per-:_';i~;ootplCU.nlwtth formance. "I ~Jm so bad. "'9h 9dlool ., ._ WMll a B 111 be If Nkole wm the 100.yl<d butterl'ly ut get tier. 11 Weil> any (1;00,7 0 Wld the 100 lnasmtolr• other nonle<lKUe meet, I (1;09.0l) eod conitibuted to the lnMt· would have asked !Coach Ken dlnctilng .tnd vic:t«1ous 400 "-'vi• rel.y In Newport's 86-M win -i~ LaMontl to le-Jve me out II Bay rlllal Corona dtl Mir Man:t' 11. was so close, ,too. If I didn't go Dlllr lld Newport Harbor High sw1m standout Nicole Mackey is the Daily Pilot's High School Athlete of the Week. DQNLEACH / OAl~YPILOT Mackey. who qualified for the 2(XX) Oympic 1Hal<> when she wa.s 15. ha.s been a dub swimmer throughout her~ at Newport But llhe enjoys the lugh school meetl> because it gives her a c:hanre ro ~ aw-cty from the rigorous trclining with her dub Learn. she said Per. ha4x.. mQ)t impon.anlly. &116 in the higtl school meets for the lcJYe of the competition. Mad· ey own.'> four ~ records and -.he ~ a part of three relay teams that OW'll !.Chool-reoord times. we probably would have l<>M. Coll«tor spom Gard_. OJ.S It came down to the last relay. t..======================~ Mackey's record!> are very important to her. She owns school rccordi. in tJ1 e 200 in- dividual medley (2:02.60). 100 ny (55.87), 100 free (51.49) and I 00 back (55.21). Yet the record that is on her mind the mo!>! i!. the C:IF Di · We had to win it. It wa.-. really exciting." There was hardly a qut'!.llon Mackey would miss lhc meet against CdM After all, II Wiil> one of lhe more important dar-. in her ~nior ~~m at Newport. She knew this year would be special. mainly be cause of the deac;1on she madl' before the school year Marted. I fer famtly moved from New· port Beach to l.c><, Alamitos thh pa.st '>ummer. and Mackey bneOy though about changing &ehools. However that would mean she would leave her friends. and c;hc would not be able to '>wim for a high ~hool team. So. she t'> ...acrificing the drive to Newport I !arbor. It'& not much of a sacrifice. conMdering '>he Lr.tin'> with the Irvine Novaquat.ia. '>W1m dub. which practict.'S al Orclllge Coa.<.t College Monday. Wednesday and Friday mornings. Mackey's days usually begin at 4:30 a.m. lt's about a 45-min· ute drive to OCC and she's there !.'Wimming untiJ 7 a.m. Then it's off to Newpon for clasl>es. Thi& being her senior yeM. she ha'> shoner days and fin- il>hes classes at 12: 15 p.m .. and that's when the fun staru for Mackey. Practice Wlth the Novru. do~n't st.art unul 3, so Mackey sometimes decides to htt the wave& TI1e surfer girl is deter mined to make her senior year memorable. but more Lmpor- tanlly. fun. "I love swimming to death. but the thing is, I don't like to prctetice. • Mackey l>aid. "The biggc..'l>t reason I swim lS for the meets. But I know that practice LS important to do weU m the meets. So I have to practice.· vb.ion I lime in the 200 IM (I :58.86), her friend, Kri!.ten Caverly. the former San Oe· mente '>tandout. Caverly. who t& now at Stan- ford, used to '>wim with Mack- ey for the Irvine Aquazo~. The two were the po5ter girl&. so to i.peak, of the '>Wlm club in It.!> early day-. Mackey want!. to break the record before she movei. on IO college. Mackey sa.id she's been fortunate enough to visit i.evcral college!. because club meet Mtes are sometimes at univcrc;iti~. She seems 10 have narrowed down her choice of education and com· petiuon to USC.. and the Uni· versity of I lawa1i. In the future, Mackey will compew 111 the m the 200 IM o.u1d 400 IM in the 2004 Olym· pie Tnals in Los Angele'>. JHU Yll SH JH( PIWU If CIMMllllY UAllllllS . Tlwy help ccmnuilty group&· IM the PTA•.~ ct.«11. c:Uls. twn ~ ~ - ~u rtsourcu and focus thtm .tlett tNy'rt nHdfd most lsped.lfty fighting to k~p klcb aw~ from drugs. If you'rt in a cornnwntty 9fOUP. ask If ~ c.1n .to l'llOft by tMl'linQ "9 w th a ~•tv cOll•Oon. It\ run, slMOlf. )bl gai kl •• 11.e,....-a•••kv.ert or uu , .. n«JOS.stJ 10 c.ontaet • ~ toal1110n In yolK '1ru ThtYll ttH ~ .new how~ Ofoup WI helct You'U be iurp4'1std at wNt ~ hlvt to otftf. N4 !'OW much )'Oii <Ml amwr.plish Y OU 'lT M Oit£ WMlN YOU C:lf TOGlTHll II SCHEDULE 10QAY ....,.. College -Washington •t UC IMne, 8 p.m. Community college -Golden West at Orange Coast, noon. High school -Newport Harbor at Ocean VteW, 1 p.m. ~ Community college men -Orange Coast College Pool Play, 6 p.m. High school -Orange County Championships. Division I, pool play, 8 a.m. Newport Harbor at Edison, Corona del Mar vs. Huntington Beach. at Marina. Quarterfinals continue at 11 a.m.; Division 2, pool play, 8 a.m. Estancia vs. Et Toro, et Newport Harbor. Quarterfinals continue at 11 a.m. Tennis High school boys -Corona del Mar National High School All·America,n Invitational, semifinals, at Balboa Bay Club Racquet Club, 1 p.m., third place and championship at Palisades Tennis Club,6p.m. Track and field College men and women -Vanguard University at Point Loma lnv1tat1onal, 10a.m. High school boys and girls -Estancia at Long Beach Invitational, 9 a m .. Newport Harbor at Arroyo 01stanc.o Carnival, 9 a.m.; Newport Harbor at Bronco Invitational at Mt. San Antonio College. 9 a.m Softball College -Vanguard University at Pittsburgh St. (Kan.) Tournament High school -Costa Mesa at Rialto Tournament, 10:30 a.m vs. Colton, 1 :30 p.m. vs. Yucaipa; Sage Hill at Arrowhead Christian Tournament Basketball . College women -Vanguard University at NAJA National Tournament, at Jadtson, Tennn .. quarterfinal, vs. Oklahoma Christian .. 6 p.m. (CST). JC SWIMMING Coast sweeps past Cypress CYPRESS -UrcUlge <...o~t <...oUegc'& 111tm'1> aud women's swim tcJJll!i r~ordt:d victo~ by ~Cdnt m~ 1-riday ~ ho!>! C..'ypress m au Orange Empire Conlcrl'nc;e dual m~t. The OCC women won, 151·73. while thl' mcu po&ted a 122· M~~~. , The women postt:d wins in l l of the 14 events Friday, getting two victorici. apiece from freshmen Sara Natativ.io jllld Kim· berly Frith. Nata.Uzjo touched first in the 100-yard backstroke ( t :04.44) and the 50 breaststroke (33.65) while Frith placed ftrst in the 50 back.stroke (30.5) and 50 frne:.tyle (25.71). Sarah Mitchen in the 200 IM (2:20.45). A.\hley Lowdi!n Ul the 100 brc.c.t.stroke (1:13.49), Kim Doll in the 200 ~e (2:10.4J), Jen- nifer Nelson m the 50 bunerfty (27.95). l:m:ct Nicholson in the 100 Cree (57.54) and Venes&a Lara in the 500 t~ (5 39.51) all re· corded fin.t-place honon. for CoasL Cypre!>& won both relayi.. On the men'!. i.ide, OCC had nine firM·place fini.she& to JU!>t four for Lyprei.s. Billy Jolly took fiTht in both the 200 free <I :57.J9) and 500 fn:e (5:28.55) and was joined by T~ Mangham'i. pc:rformance. in the 200 indiVlduaJ medley (2:00.91) and 200 back (2:09.51) as Ult! only repeal wmnen. for Coa.\"t. Man Henry (2:09.6 m the lOO fty). ·1~n !JcaJ11er m the 100 free (49.J2J, ~r Wong m Ult! 200 breasbtrolc (2:2.i.75), Mitch Proben in the 100 fret> ( 11 :04.05) .md P'dul fra.nkt:n bc~cr in the 50 free (23.0SJ .ill took i.mgk-fin.1 -pl.m: hono~ Oran&• En!PW• Conference ~n OCC 122, Cypren 64 200 fly l Henry IQ). 2 09 6, 2 Ftirnandez (Cyp) 2.51 !>6 100 frt1e 1 Beamer (01, 49 82. 2 Frc1nltenbtlrgt1r (0 1. 51 bl 3 Sw.ms(Jn 101. 52.39 200 bc1<* 1. Mangham 10). 2 09 51 2 Age ICyp), 2 4 l 40 500 frt11; 1. Jolly (0). 5 28 55. 2 Chdndler, 5 4 l 82. Gc1rica (Cyp/, 5~619 - 200 br1iaststroke -l Wong 10), 2 23 75. 2 Pro~rt 101. 2.33 68,-> McGrath (0 1. 2 37.84 400 free retay l Cypres:. (Aye Coffman, Gartca MJnus), 3 57.~ 1 400 rnedllly r11l.iy l Cypress (Age, Fernande1. Mdnus, ObachJ, 4 !>b 98 100 free l Prooort (0), 11 04 05 200 free l Jolly (0), 1 57.39, 2 Beamer (01 2 00 86, 3 Ch.indler 101, 2 04 38 5-0 free 1 Fr.mlcent>erger !OJ 23 05. 2 Hdnus ICypl 27 19, 3 Sw.inson (0), 23 29 200 IM l Mc1nyham (01. 2 08 91. 2 H11nry IOI. 2 12 33, 3 McGr.ith 101, 2.28 03 l meter d1v1n9 -1 Beres (Cyp 163 85, 2 S1m1>5<>n !OJ, 1'6 2 3 metllr d iving -l BertlS ICypl. 93 9 Oran&• Empire Confwence women Onnge Coast 151, Cypress 73 200 medley relay 1 Cypress IPanse Anderson Wa11ur Goy11nc11, 2 18 .. 2 200 tM 1 M llchell (01 2 20 45 2 Nicholson IOI, 2 22 51 , 3 Lara IOI 2 26 37 50 free -l Frith 101. 25 71, 2 Coffee 10). 2702 Murphy 101 29 27 tOO baci( -1 Natalmo (01, 1 04 44, 2 Maxfield !01, l 06 75, 3 C Ander1on (Cyp), l 14 76 100 breaststroke 1 Lowden IOI. l 13 49. 2 MoraleL (Cypl. l 25 65 200free l Doll (0),2 1041;2 C.AndersonlCypl,213 2 3 Duran (CyµI. 2 14.96 50 brtia~tstrokti l Natdl1t10 IOI 33 b5, 2 M1tc.h11ll IOI 35 33. 3 Morc1his ICypl. 40 62 20(1 free relay t Cyµress lDutc1n. M.i111sk1. Mc>rdltii. Lill. J·Q.t bl 50 fly l Nelson tOI. 2795, 2 Coffee (0), 30 23, 3 Brdly (01. 30 87 100 free 1 Nicholson (01 57!'>4: 2 Dolt 101. 58 53, 3 Murphy IOI 1 02 32 100 fly t Lowden 10), 1:03 51 2 Panst1 tCyp) 1 2114 50 bc1ck l Froth 101. 30 5. 2 Maxf1i;ld tOI, 31 03. 3 Robb !OJ 36 88 100 IM 1 Nelson 10), 1 0702, Duran tCypJ 1 lti 49. J Mc11&sk1 ICylJI 1 22.81 500 fr1ie l Lara (0). 5 39.51 l meter diving 1 Noel ICyp). 158 35 SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR A PET For Only $19 You Can Help. • • Are you an animal lover? Here's a great way to express it. Sponsor a pet photo on our special "Save a Life" page publishing on Thursday, March 27, 2003. Your sponsorship will secure a space for a photo of a pet who is available for adoption and needs a good home. This special page has saved hundreds of lives all ovtr che state, thanks to people like you! Be a part of saving a life and feel great about doing it. This page is presented in conjunction with local animal shdtcrs and Newport Beach Animal Control Services. For just $19, you can add your own special thoughts under the pet's photo. It will display your name as the sponsor of this pct, or you may include a loving memory of one of your own cherished furry friends. SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR FORM l'lamc-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Addrcss=--------------------- Ci ty· ta.cc: CrcditCard#-·~~--~~~---"-~~~~~_._F-..ip:_,.. ___ __ ~ignacurc:~----~--~~----~~----~-------------~ Phone (optional)·=-------------------__;:__,. __ For check. make ~ya.hie co: Daily Piloc Text co appear in pacic below ph<>to, 20 characters oc Choose nc: .lJ In lov~ memory of. __ ......,..._.~ ....... -----------""""""'- Sporuorcd by.;....;.;,...._~----~---....._----___.--~~---,-- Mail this form with your check or on:dar card mronnation to: ave A Life, % Daily Pilot, P.O .. Box I 560, Com Mesa. CA 92627 n&IM SERVICE DIRECTORY -P6r ~ Your Home and Business Need; - '. ' ..... I\ i) I •I I ! lApl --2MO Llpl NaUca MUCIOOO cm Of ... IQCI Oly c..t a..r..s .. .. Oty ........... . .............. ...,., .... .... COUIS110ll AGBIDA ............... ,, 200S-6:JOpa l. SUBJECT:John M Curci (f'A2002·244) 129 Aaate Avenue SUMMARY: Request to amend the General Plan and lout Coastal Pro· 1Tam land us• dos11n• hons from Retail and Service Commer cial (ReJldenllal) to Two F amtly Res1denl1at amend the Zonin11 Cod. to chance the Zon1ne D1stnc t from Retail and S•rvlce Commercial (RSC-R) to Restricted Two-F am1ly ReStdenll•I (R·l.5). The appltcabon also requests aPPfoval of a parcel map that would create two par eels oul of the thrH ulstma lots for the futiwe constlllcbon of up to fC>Uf d-llme umts APf>t.ICATION. General Plan Amendment No. 2002-003. local Cont.I Proeram Amendment Ho 2003-001. Zon1n1 Code Am.ndment f'lo 2002 009 and Tentallve Parcel Map No. 2002 031 CEQA COMPLIANCE This proiect has been rev11wed, and 11 has been determined that 1t ls cate1or1t8lly exempt under the requirements of the Cahfotn•• Env1 ronmenlal Qu•hly Act under Class 3 (Res1dent1al conslruct1on 1n an urbaniled area). Cius 5 (Minor Alter 1 llons in l • nd Use L1m1tal1ons) 1nd Class l5 (Minor Land 01v1 sions) 2 SUBJECl Ens11n Res1denGf' (PA2003-006) 3415 Ocean Blvd SUMMARY Requut for 1 Vanance to allow portions of a new s1n11le family residence to eaceed \he 24-tool he.Pl hm1t The apple c1hon also includes it reques\ for • mod1hta· hon permit to allow subtetranun portiOns of 3 floors of the new residence to encroach into UM r1qulred JO.foot front ya1d setbactl. The apphcant does not request to uceed the top of curb hei&hl of Oe11n Boulevard. APPLICATION. Va11anca Ho. 2003-001 and Mod 1ficatlon Pet m1t Ho 2003 004 CEQA COMPLIANCE This proiect hH been rev11wed, 1nd ii has ~en dete1mmed that 11 1s cate1or1c1lly eaempt under the requlremenh of the California Envl ronment•I Qualtty Act under Class 3 (COflstlucboo of• SH1ile family rn1d•nce 1n • reS1dent1al zone). 3. SUBJECT· City of Newport Buch (PA200J OS4) SUMMARY Amend ment to Chapter 20.BS (Accessory Dwell1n1 Units) makma the u 1$ltn& Use Permit re quirement for a eranny unit sub1ecl to the app<oval by the Pl•nmna Director APPLICATION· Code Amendment No 2003 001 CEQA COMPLIANCE. This project has been reviewed, and it hn been determined that 11 '' cate11or1eally exempt undet Cius 5 (Minor Alterations 1n Land Use l1mitat1ons) of the requirements of the Cahfotni• E.nv•onmenlal Quality Acl 4 SUBJlCT Peter and Theresa Castleton. 11 l2 Dolphin Terr ace SUMMARY Appeal filed by Peter and Theresa Castleton of the ep ptoval of Mod1f1c•lt0n Permrt No 2003 012 dllowina the constr uc: t•on ol • privacy will to encroach w1th1n the the requrred tront yu d and side yard setbacll APPLICATION Mod1fl catt0n Permit No 2003 012 CEQA COMPLIANCE This proteet has been rev11wed, 1nd 1t hu been determined that 11 1s cateeorically exempt under the requiremenh of the Caltforma Env1 ronmenlal Qualrty Act under Class 3 (New Construction or Con version of Small Struc turu). Published Newpor I Beach·Costa Mesa Da~y Pilot Marc h 22. 2003 S.436 art Of llWPOIT IUOt AlcllOpnlm -,.... IMTATIOH~ll IW ... PS-l IOTICIOf PIUSA&I: Alt•alht ..... ~ NotKe IS hereby 11ven that The City of Newport Beach 1s olferine for public sale to the h1ahest Bidder via sealed bid, the surplus aulomotrve d1a1nosllc equipment described herein tn accordance with the s lated terms and con d1t1ons The bids will be received 1t the Pu1 chas1n1 Office City of Newpor I Beach, until 9:00 AM on Wednesday the 9th of April. 2003 Equipment includes Snap-On B A R 97 En&me Em1ss1on An1 ly1er. 01•anost1c Eneme Analyzer with DBO II Interface, and Maha above around Dyna momeler Vendor to btd on all items as • lump sum btd. Minimum acceptable lump sum brd amount $17,500 For • copy of the Bid packaee. e1ll Purchas1ne •t (949) 6« 3080 Btds may be picked up al City of Newport Beach Pur chn1n11 592 Sujlerior Ave Bid& H (cross street Industrial Way), Newport Buch CA92663 Published Newport Beach Costa Mesa Di11ly Pilot M1rch 15. 22, 200J Sa435 Adi"-llsiiess ie-s...... The followrna pe<sons are doina business as UL TIMAH R[Al TY GROUP, 1249 1/2 W Balbol Blvd.. Newport Beach.CA92661 Darwin K Purson Inc .• (CA), 1249 1/2 W il!lboe Blvd . Newport .. .. How to Place A CLASSIFIEJAD .----__,Policy-----, Rates and deadline~ are w bjec:t co changi: without notice. The publi~hor rc1ervcs the righc co c:-ensor, recl~lfy, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Plea.'ie report any error that may be t.n your classified 8d immediately. The Dady PiJot accepts no lt11.bility fOf any em>r tn an advertisement for whk h it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied · by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the rtrSt insertion. By Phone By Mail/In Person: (949) 642-5678 330 West Bay Slnld . - Ca.u Mesa. CA 92627 At Newport Bl~d cl Bay St. Hours: Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday . Wilk-In 8:3Q:im-S:OOpm Mooday·Fnday ---......-Deadlines------, Monday ..... p ............ Friday .S:()()pm Fnday ............. Thursdlly $:00pm l)ic1sday..... ... Monday .5:00pm Wedne><lay ... Tuesday H)()pm Sauttd.ay ........... Friday 3;00pm Sunday ... .Friday j:OOpm Thund4y Wedne....day HlOpm, Beach, CA 92661 2MO Aldal'8 1m =la 1489 AHTIQUES HOMES FOR SALE u coum. 5200 LONG BEACH& VJCINnY 1,..4 .... Sir 2.sa., 2SHl ....... -$77SIC OpeeS...&S-. l\r. 714-SSS-ltU This business Is con ducted by: 1 corporatl°" Have you started doin1 buslfllss yet? Ho Darwin K. Pearson. Inc., Darwin K. Pearson, Pres. This statement was hied with the County Cle'k of Oran11e County on03/l9/03 200H9S7724 Oally Pilot Mar. 22, 29, Ap<.S. 12,2003 S.437 Flclll.llllans ie-s....... The followrna persons are do1n1 business as· A) CL ASSICFXS, B) FIGURE8H. 1420 2 Flower SI Apt K. Giirden Grove. California 92843 Harry N1uyen 14202 flower St Apt K Carden Grove. Cahtorn1a 92843 This business 11 con ducted by an md1vtdual Have you started dotn& bustness yet• No Harry H1uyen This statement wu ftled with the County Clerk of Or •nee County on 02121/03 200S6ts44lt Daily Pilot Mar 22, 29. Apr.5. 12.2003 Sa438 fQUAlHOUSM OPPOIT1lltT All real estate adver t1slng m this n•WSfl•per 1s subiec I lo the Federal Fatr Hous1n1 Acl of 1968 as •mended w1!1ch makes •I 1lle11al lo advertrse ·any prefer ence, lim1lal1on or drscrim1nat1on based on race. color reh110n, sea, handtcap, lam1hal status or nalt0n•I oriain, or an intention to make 1ny such preference. limit• lion or dlscnmonation • This newSflaper will not know1n1ly accept any adver ltsemenl for real estate wh1cl1 is 1n violation of the law Our readers ere hereby 1nformod tltat all dwell 1nes adver t!Mld m this newspaper ere available on an equal opportunity bas rs To complain of drs CTrm1natt0n call HUO loll free al I 800 424-8590 WANTED -HU_G_l-,A-ll_IC_IN_G_lO-T Adlqimb8* 1)10 TlnUEs SAU incl Anl1ques. !C oralntal art. framed mirrors, hand er atted Older Style F«Nturt iewelry and more from PIANOS & Collec1Sblet Its All About Me Oe • .,..__.,_ slaner fabr1cs and ·-·-·Olfioo-Antiques from Sweet $$ CASH PAID $$ Pea, And that Y\appy _ _,,.,.__ chle look from Bits And W£ BUY ESTATIS P1e<:es Fri. Sat Sun •!~friendly-April 11,12.13 from 9 3 .._ 660 W 17th SI p1rlun11 ;:649-4922~ SOUTBC8AST AUCTI N . 22'2k .. k .._AM.CAmt7 -•i-c.A•llol Leko f~est/S-•• 22101 ....... baby lllrM. *""°" stuff. hsehold. llld1en. kid c:llg, ~. *· N" ~ Gor..-Sele SM & S.,, 7am 1 ICZJ ~ Ave. ltou!dlold items. dlsliJler clothes. ~ Qaa 1111. bar slool\. ~1ntmp Terrific pr 1<1<~ NPI THI llUffS SAT 8 -5 2417 Novla Chhto, uy1tal, •llvM, -•ttSt -4UP C'4ssijid is CONVENIENT wlittMT 1"" 'rt b11,U.1, ullilt1, or jlu1 lootilt1, cf.assijid Nu w"'1t 1"" Mtd ! CUSSJFIED (949) UZ.5'78 lot, just plSl lieder Joes For info Call Its All About Ma 949·646 3069 Movf"l/lar.te Sole. -.......... Sot Onlyl 9am. lve~.!7 GoH. · 211 DI Avo. Found 1510 fOUll) llAElfT W. stalt beach. Call to de· salbt. 949-~ 1834 HEAL TH SERVICES Health Foods/ Products 2650 Stovo 1 tSO 01'-fo & Merritt 600 S..-1" 40" width oven, broiler. lo cr•ll Immaculate $2000 obo 949·673·0944 HOME FURNISHINGS Ill& WAY kw mormu a4/ ll!l .. lutlBa.,. hDmls. ~ ~~ 949-533-0UI SgM 1-U Business ~~~~~~- n--e. ... 1t1-'-.............. .. "W"'-·-· k*:lWi .... "' doiseb.. 2 Businesses and ~ "' i-:11. '675 .,. ft'anctllses 3905 Mboi1i 56.2-01 7UiO fumitule 3'35 Wort. .._ ._,. SSD HoMES FOR SALE Cast iron smk/lacuet $15Q)no PT 3-5 lw wll ORANGE 5400 any $100 In sink S251»9mno 4!0> .. ,... err al or aotrbaae d1spo~al fnie 8rodue 888-&>1400 COUNTY J/4 I~ P $50. Cull111•n reve"f' O~mOSI~ Waler system S\25. Cull1aan soft waler system $400 10120 trade show booth •~sy ~omplete· SSOOO m•ny misc items to ~ee 800·200 8711 25' ~olor h M1hub1~1 $125 all .int cond 949 644 6?63 o-H White 'oveted sol• bed Sl50. yellow floral overstulted chair + ottolNn Sl50. c~I ol dr•-s S5094~72J 1220 t'°"""r OR ---tq> w<\.de ~8~Antw l*9dl di.in, coU Sia. JICW, $177Slollo 9&Jli6.5848 1ft Lons c-ch Whtie. broc.ule upholstery, ~Int cond, $200 949 ~ 8208 3460 Real EsDte Loans JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c ... 1 Coln Nood1 . Old Co1MI Gold silver ,ewff'y walr.h!'s. otnt~ collecllbles 949 647 9448 Tell Us About YOUR GWGESALE! In CLASSIFIED (949) 642-5678 NttO A HOME LOAN? f1ncmc9 aa purcbaM lD all types ol credit. Dinct wnder 17Yemla ... 714-842·9809 omces • 1.ease M Office f• s"-•· l Ollt<.f' ~u•lr' prune Hewpo1t 8t h Inc l>y pl cnr,. utl incl Sl50 mu 949 64!> 1'lllD SELL you r stuff through classified! OPfN SUN I 4 47 Wls1on.. 'le<• Wlf'IOflOWER JBR 38A TOWNl10M£, :>t aar neat shopp1n1 & st hools. Hwy 7J. ready to move 1n. $350.000 by o•nar 847 910 3519 Balboa Penhmlla NfW lltMOOll OCEAMlllOtn UNDll $650,000 AGY. St49-72S-.t120 Of'IM SAT /SUN 1-4 709 JASMN front aincli llPllfiilded :& 2 se.. new f1~1urei.. lallwd lltxn. ~ .-tne ~ ""'* CIUltlr ... prtv.111i! patio. l'Ul "" "'11er1Mq $9119,Wl agt~L.a ...... 949-290-7872 A C011••-cdlo• C- lecet'-. .. slJo" lo Bia CUfor1a dnd lcl<>lloul "°"'' 48' 4 ~. custom home C-.&etlooo 200S Off ....... $2,tS0,000 COASTUHf IU&.t'Y 949-7St-0111 .... 4.5aQ........, - and ..... tbdl ,,,.,_ ol e.... Culy ~ lb.If sUi bf.,. "'td lie"' l I& detJ.s ii "111e coonltn. morl>le floor, ~ ...._... a LS!) and 11..ty Chillww • Ill! 310-31'6 8871 Gr.-u,.Mn 26r I' 41» wCIWI W ...... ~lo the 1-h Lucahld on lhr Snoilh'lait •ii PCH $41B'.lll. MU.-llrsMwt. C<ll!lilllnP R,,....v 949~.()m ColtaMna Of'IN SAT 12-4 15771UOST. ME.SA VERO£ CC sm11le f1m horn. Spic llvrm. Uper•dM. lovely back- yard. 2 c 11ar corner lot $450000 Lora Vance Rullor 94t-67S-4062 DanaPolN NEWUSTING OPIMHOUS( SUN l -4 Ovf•f-d"'t 0c-. Coastline views. Pvt yd & v1ewin11 deck. 2 car attached earap $619.000 John Fauow Re Me• 949 322 0932 hclu1lv• IUfa Po.I•• 0.-s-12-• ~ Vl•f• s.to B ... OCR WH!WSI 4br + bonus. den built 1n J 999 pool, spa, cabana morel 4 3201.1 $2 .250.000 ~i11o:::-1Wty lmu. 5 17 Vie Ude S-cl, Of'IN SUN 12-4 Built by Joe E Brown 1n 1931 only remain1n1 3 • 4 lower estate on entire Island 4br. •b• three 1tor1es +lower 3 or C•' pvt docll lor 2 bo•IS ti IS ll r .......... l.Jncmart.. SlJ ,,...,,, 94lM97 .jM7) 1ID 142-4200 CASYIUlff 11.AllTY 2100 VISTA lARCOO 48R JBA rerood kttc & ba Plan! 'hutter\ C, pans1ve vtt:w ol sreen bell Turn'•Y poced reduced lo S599 900 Act Han11t !l.1lz 96562 9610 9'9-933.f;l89 www.Jw111-..- A S•,ulo No...,port ........ r~ 4br <"th 8t ·~ room.'offia downsl1tn) 5 5ba luulled Clfl I qtllll Cotner lot Cu \lom l~atures ttwuoetiout Sl.649.lnl COASrulft lfAl fY t4t-7St-0177 HOME, HEALTH AND BUslNEss ~ ... ...... ·NOTICE 0 READERS. Calltocnit law re quires that contrac:· ton talllna ,obs lhal total $500 °' more (labof or mat.,.ials) M l~wd by UM Contractors State Ucense Board State 1 ... also requ>res that c;ontr ac1ors Include theif license number on all advert$na. You c;an chKk Iha st.111& of your licensed contractor •t www.cslb ca aov or 800·321 CSLB Unll· cansed c:ontractors tel11n1 fob1 t hat total lest than SS00 1nust state In thetr ad1tertlsement1 th•I they are not licansed lly the Conlreclo~s Sblte Utansa Boeld. • M._1 .......... • w ......... Ctntom luilt Int. Cta-ft •1tt1n19,8aM8-d& l~7tl1t4t·709 5'4Z c.,.lRtp I :I• ~&Masonry Irids llacli s-Tlk Conaete, Pabo. er-y F •epic. BBQ Refs. ZSYrs Exp. Terry 114 557.7594 c.,.. RlpU/Sata We wl11 delip yow pcnopal or company tfl'·I~ Ind IJ'll )'OU onlinc (QC r~ You pay only holittna f ces • 714-412-278' ~ CUSTOM UMODll AND OISIGN All TRAOES. 30 YEARS DP L •337169 949·631 ·2345 NUD Mottl IOOMl AOOf110NS .. REMXlElNl l •577982 949 709-56"2 0-. Plltlllstllng Tl G YGUaHOMI IMNOVUUNY ,.OJICTl Call • plumber', painter. handyman or any ol the irr eel sen1ico1 llsted hele In our -"ice doc:toryl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOf'U CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI ••~· o-• ........ . ftit1P. Im ~ .. .. ....... o.Dn~ l '578102 949-510-6529 .,..,... Senlcn CUSTOM <JIATM TU lnsbllbon. sa.te. csam.:. nwble. stone. a.. 1t75 l'612044 .ll!ff 714-612-9961 llMY g;;;;; ~Id Rqroutin J lnstallabon TILE DEAN 949-673-8065 ~ 714-SIB-l!Dll MIUll'S HAUWOODS ~ 2S Yrs. Ulettme warranty L1763144 714·501 4933 S.,.Doar& ~k19Yra ... Lawn ""°" ywd dean up, ~·-nn....­Comm/Res 714-436· l 518 FIX W Sl'IOAUSY. All types of repan Elec t11cal, pNmblnc. tlclcn. ""* '-bn. ties lo more 2•fltJays 714-lli6 1881 ~c..hdlll ,.,.. Carpl!ntry • Plumbtna Or ywaM • Stucco Paont.,.. l• lo more ~Years hperience! J971 ...... t -S776 W6'4llD IOllNSON CO•PANY ~ w• Bllltlrooma Mark 949-650 9525 HNfA[-HUSIAND FOR HONEYDO'S your l\one1 won't r rom Elecl lo the litchtft _. 9""549!1 Hiiting JUNI TO THI DU.,111 714 968· 1882 AVAllA8LE TOOAYf 949 673-5566 R!S TORE • RIPAIR & RIMOOHING \ l t\ DarftBeWlt .. .....,JJ.;1292 SB1 for al your needs ... .__.,.~a..,... S....~Clll O C 24Yrs Ref·~ 949 548 0054 949-637 . 4113 T-'• lur .... "-.. a..ww, T~ Nt. OM «Ml ,.. ~ On "' -.... ,.. 984Zl70l DOUOMUTY .. 01HDS Tlw f"nll TOid! S9a 1961 Unllapt T-Ste. ~ IMV"ep:w 714 791 1746 MlscSeMca AITl5T 909 611 6664 FAUX/O£S1GN PUBLIC NOTICE Th• Caht Pubhc Ulthlles comm1ss10n requtru that all used houuhold 1000 movers print lheo P U C Cat T numbef limos and chaulieun print lhe1r T C P numbl!f In all .advu· bffmenh II yqu h1vt any quesloons eboul lhe le1•hty of • mo11er , limo o l chauffeur, call PUB llC UTIUTIE.S COM· MISSION 714 558· 4151 Painting lll'S CUSTOM PA.lfTING Pron clellli, qu.tl1ty work lntet1uf/Ut and doth V703468 949-631 4610 IAINIOWmaiW P.tmttr11 Int/ell. ~~ Qualtty IOI>' Froe eslMNt.e l•'i69197 714 6la 8888 Plmrtng & hJcco ......... /11.t Remodlt. 30 • Y~ [ap R.- sonable Oepend1blt l•3490?07l4 638 lll4 •Stuaie, L91iii, ,..._._ Raltucco Room Addttlon. Pate.hon, Reason1blel 7)4 921 647 IKM 0497fR ,._ yout stuff tkough classified! .. ,. D ~y Ptlot TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ~Badl MISCW.ANEOUS A amasm _. sa. RENTALS Mr.-.a .,.,... lbJr plln. l1tt;ll Cetllnp, CUntlnl D__._110.,..__ - 'i.a.t. ..... fp. • ,_ ---prmll ......,. WSIDm ........, & ~ CGn 1/2 bll IO bet\ slse Mdllll 8'YMwl. ~ w~ prd :b 2b8 m.e_ Rfllllly 919-M-01 n peCir:I 11"1 1111 nmr 11r I'll IONnA CANYON remocl $llDn 9&71>8lOl Of'lM SAT-SUM 1-S l Sl4e CM 2br I ~a 10 Wloottw.., twnhm ~ere w 'youn1 J8R 2 58A home Sep prof tem flpk Ca. $750 ~rate offiu/~est sulte 2446 llden 909 289 3406 By Owntr Sl.175,000 Roor1ll tor Rini &fMO 949'644 !288 i~ifti!iftiijiiii;i~ A llAll1WUl "-dlnce • • I S I wll 1111 COft1'llllld "* Townltome Great wr .. 5& 55811 Miii a private room a. bath. wonOerlul lloWWIC floor very <l<l•n C4• ~ar JMn SI i'!IO.CIX> ~ w/d n 11rl '"'II Rt.,.,,,_, C.-taw ReJlllJt femalr ptrl d pluu ... e., ............. 1bt S100n• · ull~ It» condo 111 '""~ 949 f>.t6 406., wuDort t¥ Oll!lb.. wood tuyq fp It ,_ 2t p Sl!l> <XXl .. Pod ~ 9"9nG7CXl NIMI ESTATES PATltKl TDIORl ,.,.,,,_,...,'bll ~t "'-""" tnlr n""1 qllll!t n Snlkt peb. $b1'Jmo otb 111td 9'9631 5111 NATIONwtDI USA AfSl[)(NTIA Rt II Al.'• f49 ... 5'-97DS ORANGE 7400 www palrtcklenore tom COUNTY I ~·Bach-~I ·ea-------- ........... 20201 OrdiiW S.,,6.& 5 58a. 5'534 sf. SI~ Mil 8rciMr 96251 9"M -1-Wtt'llltlOll CKiAM & IA Y VllW '"'"Kl W1U AMA.II YOUI AOT. 94t-7 2J-1120 Nnpoct Coast Of'IN SAT-SUN I -4 1s.,.r-I level home 2b<, • den, 1;atedcomm SISl.000 Of'lN SAT 1-S A lou<.h ot Italy •br 2 Sba Sir ada home $1,729,000 OftN SUN 1-4:JO tla"8n sly~ Sb< Sb<a, ap proa 18 000 to 19 OOIAt $S,49S.000 Of'IN SAT l-41JO Slunnln1 •-d wlnn1n1 Brookfield home. built In 2000 lbr • olf.c:e. Af) prOJ J700sf $1,719,000 PtATINUM PltC>f'laTilS Stefan .. Meur~r !M9 71S 3156 y...,._ ....... ~·udlo w,1IJI lai\.( I bl. lo • ,..-, .. i.y ~ Slfll)n nd> IA ')64;13'>111 21r I .Sia .,._.., 1-ur pr. r P ir.. 11"" .,,,., ,,.11o SIB mu Open tl<ouw Sal &. Suo JO'· 9'9 61!> •217 Balboa Peninsula 20Dft • Oatl V\l 1bt I b.t. rtlmlldllld, w/d, d/W, F p, pWo. aprt 118 l IWlCN Sllfl()m 'ffty 9"9 6n lll9 °"' The 5-' '14M'<.~ -~~ .. .--.. ..nm le e l 'l& 1am1y home avM for laitle ,_ $9,Salmo 11Ut, ~ct D:y:: PwftJI 9667 ~ 8J99 Corona dtl Mar ,. •!• -S11'!15m inclda ... lllt•neV--~ yrd, Illy 11.m. 6/mo ...,. geg l37 4'06 Hr 21e, Welk lo beKh rrta. W/D. fp, le p1ho, view LI ,.,.,,. pet ok Sl97!/mo 949 7J5 &825 tlr, ~ ... Af)t Recently refl1bbed w/I cat pt, 1 blod to beach. llO ptb. $2200/mo 949 IS4· 16IO o,..s-1_....,..1 .. to 8'I laona BMcfl Jer ..... , ......... ~ p:m::"" .. 2~Wl C...Mna 10 Tl 2 13 l '•lck 21r Ila "-•• Le yard. 2 c &ill. new paint, lutchen, b9lt1 a. roof Sl!JOO,lmo 91S-J64 8838 t9Cl I .. 1"-ftD dmrl cpit r9'mdllld ~' 188 ,.. 't'&tl ,.,,._ 2llt. '" hrt bid< )Id I .. .. ,.,,,., SJ65l)n --,..,., •• 19' ... yrd. I pr .. ,_ Sl«Xlln ~val now ser. 11/ ... ~ yrd I pr • 1 ·v a1 ,... Jl87!m ,.,, .. mid Ma-ch 96-375-2B 16 ,,. Er 2Ba. '-Alfl.ty rnMltalned SFR. LR, dlo w/f p, crown mouldina. sa1'*I Ciils, plllntat.on tRlltln. lilld ' 'W'llded bath a. llr1chl-n ?c •r P• r,,.,.,11 Imm a.,...., ywl!'> w i-11.,,.,,.,, A1aA 5. I S12"JClrn 4'(11 72b 100 I ....... """" ....... ;.,. b 158.1 FR fp twdwd fh nu '-A. p ., 1•!41' & •ull rm $2..JS()m 'M9 m~ M.-Vff4. 111!> l~ br odor •br 7ba ~um pl~te r rnwdrl c1P• 11nt'f per feel 1n\1d~ & •out S2J95 ""' 'M9 /~9 Jiil ....., ....,_ SJVMNll ln :& 2.58.1. drn lR IO'.n!P t-OUnlft Ill!>' ,x tub ?t. pl 8twn s.nu ~­s:amn JC(. 96 28J-0.1(W; ............ 11-'Y l ... .b 2Stw rR. '*"' Fp SFR'Mltl ....... ~ 2~ p bk11v•d s::D»no Aoaj '-1i 919 ~ 372'6 HGingtDn Bead! ~ 3lr 35ba Sl'R, hclwcl th. ·~ ~ 111urc1 ~. 2 < e-.. mr :1§1 um 9of9.673 nm Irvine an..........,.~. lll'M 0:. I~ pool i»bo. pied Avlfi 4 4 S l llnno Me-1ID'H1m5 Llclolste IAYHONT ON LIOO PCNINSUlA NIW 21• 21• COTTA.GU Prtvate Beach Pool andSpa Welk lo Ocean, Shops end Rul•urants ltaw 61mo 2yr • Boat Slop A .. 1t.ble 710 LIDO PAH Ol. 949 673 6030 Of 949-723 !°)gJO 'llt YlAalY 'llt UA51S Btll GRUHOY REAL TOflS ....... ,, ... , .. NIWPOn HDGHTI 381 Z8a hou e totallt remod, fJ, yd 2 ctr , ••. 9C9Sll·1680 ~Ole slu4to rm,~''°· no 111tche11, 1795/"'° • SlOOO d~ Oen •Mk of PCH 949 574 710111Ji "' Ht. It quret slucllO W/MUlf loft, ~It Jw.Mtle. shHed leu11dr r . A1t SI 100 M9 67J 7100 Bridge 8v CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF end TANNAH HIRSCH Wl!KKLY BIUDGE QUIZ CJ I ·Vulnerable.}'"' hold· The bidJina hti orocccdcd NOll1ll f.AS'I"' !JOUnt \H.'.T •,0( ACJ Jt •AKlfU41 Wlwa a. )1W openmg blJ? IHT ..._ 2• .._ 2 ,_ ' Wh.al ILlhJft do )'OU Lll..e ! Q l · l'\erlher vu lnerabk-. &\ South yuu hulJ Q ! · f.a.1.Weu vulncnible. a. Swth )OU hold •AJl73 t54 llJ •kJ6 • A k Q 10 J I 4 -' 9' • 7 6 5 I he h1J<lm~ tw. JlfOLc<tk<l 'iOI I H Wl'.'ff "OK'lll ~·\\.I • • l>bl kdbl 2• Wtlitt -.nori do you 1.akt• I Q J • Rolh wln<r.iblr. )OU hold Q 6 • 1;.a.,.. w~ ~utnc:rabk a.\ '>oulh )'11\I hold •65 1'QY KIU7 •All.VJ a k 4 2 5 Qt S ' • \ J Ill -' J Wlwt " ~uur Ufll.'.n1ng btd'' The biJd1og ~ pru..«<lcd wa::.. ... r NORlll L.\....-r SOl Tlt (.) .a -ll<)lh 'ulll<!r¥ole. IL\ Suulh ~nu h1.t1I I I'-. 2 ! Whal .a. !Ion do )'OU We ' • () 1085 K l09~ K 10764 •"*I /,oo4 /or an11<u' ttn Mttndm TwnlMoo :zit. 21/._ 2-tdr att pr, bead! c;tose, avaJI now SISSOm, 868 Haly¥d t4t-6S t -5 IO• Dev• 2flor 2IMo I block ID bead!, 2i; pr. f p, bcgt slip. pWo on .-. 1189lmo cloy 96 67S-!l646 eel 9&-887 ·9flll ...,.,._ T..-.-e c.ted MlKlltd hou•e 21>< 2ba 2 c att c•r A. C no peh S2.t00/rno 949760·1219 ~Hh E<2Ba hol.m lllbly rfmQd. Ip yd 2-ar pr. S25n'mo '121 p....,, St. 96631 16lll Hart..r View Home 3br ?ba, fanl room pvt pool! SP• &•• dener incl le.u S2900m 714-573-2900 Bllr ........., ....... ~b Z.5ba ~ .. plld comm. w 'pool, ~ plil ysd uxn mo -' Pw1Jr:lo Tenore. 9&lfl6 97tli ( ...... Da ....... •1 ~yad W· l'IC DAI-« YI:, CJMl ~· ~ ,_ mxl;mc>+ -Aval l/1Sr1ll. 949-9!6-'5ZJ U11 .. •lleva .. le I 4SJt bayfront view• 4Br 38a 2 car puk1n1 dock •••ii $4900/mo 949 378 x..o;o Newpor1 Coast --2llA a>NDO 2 t6 pt ,,.. wd, """' now poled corm tzm.M> 96 211£,.7832 OI 9&!JOOULJ a De TLaLmTt style aindo. p!8d 'T r0¥1lf'e • f p ~~S25!6no ~1. 9$D>-25.Z6 Rentals WllDd 7880 WMml> l 01 2Br lopt. ootillt (JI conOO tum (JI l.l1fwll '" ~ 8eadl. \W ., 3,lmo OI kJl1llw IM5e.. ti.Ye vnal .... ,_.... We5be. Rftlr ... --nJ.53).8816 M-. C...-,.,.,d~ l l!r 2Ba c.ondo w alt 1.w .. "*ir1ll BllAI ....... """' llnc .... "01 I fl ie.-A.~ 4 l!t ~ 71q llll WANTID I "'"I r .. n1 .. 1 wpr ......... ~r~t d"•bltd m•n « rtf\ S#l')Jll> 9'9Eil50 llt.2 2br •• 3br <omh, turn Nrwp.,, I or Corona Del M" Want tu rent tor Mo uf luly 949-940-2581 ~ 8500 AROITICTUUl omct ASSISTANT Hpwpn;t e-cti wc:hoclmut fwm l\ls immediate open4"l1 tor ,. I lime ..-a1 olfu -tint. Wor1r. W1I ""~ rlJMlllC b4uepr lllb malllfl4C local deliver its •ncl per 1o1,,_,, ot,_ mac oftica dutm. ~ '-"Y ~ • ll1VOM:d Must be a.._....~,__,.,. tn providl 4Mdance ol _._ -"""'-CO'I •• lieus •e loom 8-6/M TH. S-NOOIV'f Sil 00 119 hour ha resume to hylor ~ Associates Ardlllet.t!a 9!9(574-1338 now hlrtn1 h•lfstyt1sts f ull a. p•rt time positions u11table fOf new salon 111 ~u11t1111ton Stach C1i.r111leed hourly ,,,,. °' com11>1Sa10n ~' • ,, ... e-n.flh pad1ace CaU M4M •t 714-S7S.-9009 PT/SalH f";;t.1un I\ dothlrl(I bnuboJ .. j) 12,.1" I;.~ 1MY MlrJ l..e reliable a. d"p4'nd.1blP Cu!.to<""' iww..e oreu~ ~ e•p (llefd 949.00. 7SJJ fa.~7383 •R•<• .. tle11ts1 / .................... .,_ jlO\ltJoo IOI a blr;y Real f \tale r1tm "' ~ Buch lvoont .it~ a mu\I One full lime l)(Kltltltl & one P.•t Lome Mlf!Mnd po>dion •va.bble rn rll5Unie to S lennoo al 9496-M 3423 W...-1 o;.,~,'""'Afff,----Mtr,,,..-. Dlshwo•her, Busboy, ...,.,..._ & Walt Staff w{h-.e dnti Up NO Rest Call Shaun 949 566 9"63 100 WORKERS NHDED '"'emhle u1lts wood 1l•m\ m1te11al\ p<o• Up tu $.\80 wk h~e into pi.e 24hr 801 •28 4896 Automobiles 9000 Automotive 900C o.y.t..·••~w Con. Vb 5'li. "'' J yr warr ,_All >j) M kflrOj blll tn '"" r.o ~011••'1 ,,.e ,.,. .. """ 1ti'l'J7ll Sl)'J'J5 Ion <aud Blv 'M9 !>116 1888 -. .cpeW.•- Dod9• '9 7 Intrepid Spur I I'> Vb 41h m1 wh11e1~"'' int g<1r a1:ed n \ hht n•w S699'! f111c1nt IOI & w•rt •wail Bhr 9'9 !>86 1888 www.ec.,...ait.c- DODGI NlON '2000 !iOll· mo. 1001< lac ••rr s '>I> blue crey 1nle11or am Im td ' beau nrein c:ond ~ m _,, ~ V9167'rl Mt-SM-1 ... _...,._ DODGI STlAlTH fS 'tl Blur auto tlhr I 0 lo.1dPd1 fO lnn1t mp& Smueerd $5100 MuvPd pp 714 721 6994 ,., .. '00 la<u••len XLT VIO 291-m1 '\rlv•rte1ev llhr CO runn1n1 board'. fully lo1ded hhe n•w •87?o;8J $71 99S to nan< 1n11 •1ta1l•ble Bk• to 516-1111 -.......... , .. _ f w4 'tS T_,_ Cl J.howr oom t ond whit~ fully k1•ded pwr sUl'lo S3500 II' 151 7'64 Homk CRY '00 auto tr ans •<. lull powe• cc tow mil~ Sl!i.900 Pp 949 574 4244 ''""""' '9~9-:X~J=-=1-:v"'"a_n.,.de-n PIH 3'11 m1 iparkkn& blhll•n lthr CO chrm whl' lull latl warr hke new S28 495 IHm v8'2614 l1n1nc1n1 a .. 11 Ahr 9'9 !t86 1888 -·~··-,_ ••• HI<.-. 34i mt. lull fKtory wan iciw .. r.n1 bt.cVoatmHI "hr, CO, rh<ome whts. llke new, •671295 133.995 t1n1n<.1n1 avail Bkr 949 Sl6 1188 -·~-............ 0..-V LE 5611 mi while/Ian lthf. du.i "'"'Is. CO. bru~ llUfd, 11111 M W, v77660 Sl3,99S fl - Ml'IClllJ & WlWf •1ta1I 81.r •••·SM--1 ... --···- Autom~ 900C i.-t ....... ..,, DI_.., SC7 00. m1 dilrll 1.7-v'lan ltlv duM mrrl. r e;it ~ ....,,~ ,_ Ml co superb Oflll c.onc:I !1#57291 St2 9!1i .......... & w•r ....... 8'1 949-~1 ... -~ Linc.... •02 Novlrt .. 3()1< m1 lull tact w111 !.•"'er <.Md I.Jn lthr CO sladet chromt' whl> eAtra ~ut v672518 S211. 995 tin & wa11 avail elt'r 949 !186 1888 www.ocpobl.<om Merce<lu '96 <210 be•ul1ful black/creem fully. loaded. 1.howroom. ll.OU1 $113\ 71.\.751 2464 Ii ........ '19 300<1 I·-<lwa'fipr1&911. ll1WTlilC tMdl. Ir '1'I lh' I 07li rn. f] 500 9"9 l!l> gr.oo ......... ••• 1320 Jh m1 wh1t~/erey tlhr mnrl chrome whl\ beaut 111<0 n•w 'ond, v5722' I S?6 995 hn iWM 8"t . 'l&Sll&-1888 -~ Mer<•<lu '99 SJ2D LWB 52k m1 3 yr Wd/r evarl, '\1lver 'blk lthr. beaut oroe cond vs1o;2.u S26 ~ lonancma avail Bkr 949 586 1888 -.ec;p.a.1 ...... M .. ce4e• 'II S60 Sl white ten 1mm1t ~ "'"' W"ll ....... 'llJft "" d'roT1ls. 11~ 714 l">l :!!Erl ........ ~LS '00 v..nrocl liaths al ea tras lae nc w °'" owner notV'VrW S IJ.995 Mmk.Di pp 71• 919-63'.li LAND ROVER 'g] DISCOVEJf1 4X4 Loaded, low miles 4x4 fl6l at a geat poce #549423 $13.900 MBZ '95 Sl.500 COHVT Bose. CD leatfler loaded. good lookrlgll #113266 $28,900 AUDI '00 M 1.BT OUATI'ROSOH Powe< evetythtngl Auto. tint, alloys. nice' #065288 $19,900 M8Z '90 BE SON Auto. leather. alloys ntee clean car . great pnce #270075 $7,995 . MBZ '98 Ml.320 AUTO CO lthr. Bose. moon. 4x4, really a batgatn'11' White. tan #016225 $18,900 WI '00 JETTA GLS Auto. pwr WYl locks 4 00, good on gas!"' #005140 $12,900 FORD '01 EXPl~ SPORT2DR CD. Xl.T. 2WO, real nice #A08520 $12,900 TIL.0'5 EURDPllAN AUTOHAUll 0..-llO c.r.. In -- 1-8CD598-9754 WWb .,_, www.blocars.com NI-'00 l"ldi_, •lit cab, •Int cond, 1uto tram, A/C, am Im. bed Iner. ~ twy ml, W500 obo~Mwy f'Otiatt ... 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I\ m1if'\ per yu• [ • • ,.~~ mrlu (ii> 20et•" mile 1Tf ll.?711 • Lff S l«lTOR! rr·snw ·······~ ~ fRffWAY @ miaR SMTA MA AIJTO Ml (818) 823-9808 CASH FOR C.US t'CDUll'Ct' WE NUD TOUa CAR OUIW~ "AID FOR 01 NOT PHIWP1AUTO AStl fOR MAl<OlM 9'9-S74 7117 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE ACCESSORIES/ ' NPI Slips 4¥a1l•I>'> 1 1,., bo•ls up lo 60ft SERVICES Ideal 10< pr •••le boll --------bfot..uaae 9'9 723 310 Aa:asolia -Im COVIi Place your •d today! TlOOITIACAI. TOYOTA UM91642-5678 TIKI. PAii SIOO S8.l$S0714-37~1'l MOTORCYCLES Motorcycles Chrysler '' 7 Se .... l"I Conv I • If> 4/k m1 Ork m,.laHK blur IJOY ttlu bf"~ut Ilk~ nf"• • ond v?9?'>71 SJ94'; hnanonr ..... rranly av••I ~~· t0-$&6-1111 -·=··-BOATS 9515 DUffY fUCTIK 2002 21ft 0'1-u:'A'd llllJfO• 50 In. -,,..,... Sll !al 714lll '>«ii!> CUSSIFIED It's tht solu· tumyou'rt searching/or· whtthtr you 'rt seeking a lwmt, apart· mtnl,petor ntW occllptllio11 ! 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