HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-25 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot... • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY,MARCH25,2003 Newp'Ort-.Mesa .. Ifaqi~ · s:oppol-t · llussein 's removal Residents who fled their homeland because of the dictator are divided about the war, but all concerned for their relatives. Paul Cllnton Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -Maha Yousif says she suppons President Bush's bid to oust Saddam Hussein, the leader of her Iraqi homeland. Yousif, a 51-year-old orthodontist who now lives in Newport Coast. left Baghdad 26 years ago with her hus· band, dentist Musa Bahia, but says she retains an empathetic link to the friends and family who still live in the country. Stay the • course 1s the advice of brokers .. • "We're very concerned now because the Iraqi people are in a tough spot," Yousif said "They've been suffering for years under t.h1s dictator.· Yousif and Bahia left shortly after Hussein and his Baath Party came to power in 1968. At the time. Yousif graduated from dental school and was given a choice: Support the Baath Party or have trouble finding work. "They tampered with my grades.~ Yousif said. "They denied me a lot of rights and privileges." Yousif and Bahia still have many rela- tives in Iraq and find 11 difficult 10 watch the 1V coverage of the war in their country. Their relatives live in Baghdad and sections of southern Iraq, near Kar- bala, which saw heavy fighting over the weekend. The couple keep in contact with their Local financial experts say investors should ignore war developm'epts and leave their money in the stock market. Paul Clinton DatlyPllot NEWPORT-MF.SA -Local market hawks urged investors not to jump ship in the face of Monday's precipitous sell-off in whJch the market aatered. All three major indexes fell sharpty when open-market bells rang at 6:30 a.m. Pacific Standard Tune. The Dow Industrials ultimately fell 307 points, to 8.214, while the Nasdaq slipped 52 to 1.369 by the 1 p.m. close. Standard & Poor's 500, usually considered the most spot-on benchmark of the economy's health. fell 31 to 864. All three slipped about 3.6% and finished near their lows of the day. MEFRONT ~elay .i~ ~ail to troops reiauvesby•elephone. IS f arm lteS OWil war front Anxiety aside. another local lrctqi emi-gre, Imam Moustafa Al-Quazwini, said he keeps up on war updates while peri odically calling his relatives, who live in Baghdad and southern Iraq. Newport-Mesa residents who are sending packages to military overseas are fru strated, but undaunted. As a religious man, Al-Quai;wim, who Loltta Harper leads services at the Islamic Educauon Daily Pilot Center of Orange County in Costa Mesa, can't fully support Bush's military cam- paign to remove 1 lussein. "I am against the war since it bringi. pain and misery mostl y to the innocent civilians," Al-Quazwini said. "However, See IRAQIS, Pa1e A4 NEWPORT-MESA -The po'>tal credo lists rain, !>leet and even snow, but no guarantees were made about desert sandstorms and hails of bullet!. in enemy territory. A delay in getting letten. to troops in the war with Iraq has many Newport- COLD HANDS, WARM DAY Me5a resident<. ml'>lrated, but their o;pmt!> not tx>en dampened as they re- '>Olved Monday to keep sending notes of encouragement "They will get 11, wt-just have lo be palitml," said Mar<.ha Stembrenner, the mother of a Manne re..ervist. Steinbrenner\ -.on. Lance Cpl. Ian See MAIL, Pa1e M ·vou need to have a long-tenn view and not pay anenlfon to the daily noise,· said Bob Greenberg. who owns a Costa Mesa invest- ment planning firm. "That's really the ideal way to manage money." Greenberg. who owns Financial Netwodc In- vestments. and others said weekend develop- ments in the Iraq war effort contributed, in large part. to the sharp declines on Wall Street on Monday, reversing two weeks of gains. MARK DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Lucas Edwards gets his hands 1n a small patch of snow, where he begins to form a snowball after 10 tons of ice were delivered to the front lawn of Hoag Hospital Childcare Center for some icy fun in the sun. The seventh annual event of snow and ice was made possible by Katheryn Fishbeck, who brings the snow from Orange County Ice, rather than by Mother Nature, who has brought clear and sunny weather to Newport-Mesa for the last few pays. The Dow bad, since closing March 11 at 7,524, rallied nearly 1,000 points to close out last week at 8,521. The Nasdaq, during the same time frame, moved from 1,271 to 1.421. But grainy images of American prisoners of war and heavy fighting around the Iraqi cities of Basra and Nasirtyab put to rest the notion that coalition forces wouJd quickly wbdue Iraqi fighters. "'lbe ma.Jtet tends to Oop back based on fear and greect.• Greenberg said •People thought this would be over quick.. rrhe earlier buying showed) they wanted 10 jump in and get the quic:k hil .. Bond guru Bill Gross, who manages the wodd's largest bond fund at Newport Beach- based PIMCX>. appeared on CNBCs •Power Lunch" program Monday morning to address tbeldllng. S.. BROKERS, Pace M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON11EWEB: ww .... com WEATHER ~ doudl wffl OIMt"' lefty, bUt won't Nin our eunnye-.moon. ........ A2 Students take time out for concrete lessons Winner;s of Caltrans competition from Costa Mesa High get a tour of freeway construction for hands-on training in math and science. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot OOSTA MESA -For commuters. th~ familiarity they 114~ with Im· provements to the San Diego and Corona deJ Mar freeways has come from the numerous traffic jams they've fowld themseJves m since the project's groundbreaking In the fall of2001. On Monday afternoon. wearing hard hats and vests. tudents from Costa.Mesa High School JO' a much closer look at what's really happen- ing behind those concrete barriers. It was part of an educational out- reach program for local high school students that Caltra.ns called ·eop- struction Ola.Uenge 2003, • an aca- demic competition between Estan- cia and Costa Mesa high schools. "Wen always looking for new and creative ways to reach out to the public. and t.h1s tirQe we said. 'Let's show them how (math and science! relates to what's going on there,"' said Sandra Friedman. public infor- mation officer for CaJtrans. "Now. when they drive by. they'll have more of an understanding of Whal's going on.• The improYement project. which is a combined effort by Ca!lnns and the Orange Cnunty 1iansporwion Authority, includes the widening of the freeway, construction of various ramps. bridge structures. 80Wld walls ws well as the Installation of drainage and electrical items. SM C0NCR£Tt. PapM THE VERDICT Kind words for the man who loved my wife . ,, k:hahod Qane fJeeina fro the heedlelahonemln. Bat Pinlr mew ewr, cSmC:e Md ttety Plr'lJ Ml ID opportunity fat be ISMi l.oe ID lhiow tbelr INft'. I dido' and ....... It out. · bUt lt m&111 hne beell lmd on En'M dlle ID w.adl hD lpllld .... dme dlldna wldl ..... ... The tNlh .. ihll Bnllll-• ~ Mita i.de. ne ... -..,.e.e.,.tKt .......................... 11 ....,.., bal If• 11\d blll .. ---hi Widh!IWa-tlM .. lilMIO e11 .. Nt~...._ ..... I ,I '1 A2 TIJ9$day, tit.ch 25, 2003 KIDS TALK BACK Talking Earth /) ·and trash The Daily Pilot went to Sonora Elementary School in Costa Mesa to ask third-graders, 'What can people do to prevent pollution?' "They can pick up trash on the ground so the water won't be polluted." MITCHELL GRANDIA, 8 C.Osta Mesa "They can clean up the f.arth because there's a lot of trash." MARCO TREJ0,8 C.Osta Mesa "We can pick up the cans and the bags ... sowe have more dolphins.• JESSICA BRAV0,8 C.Osta Mesa "We can clean up the bags and wrappers so the wind doesn't blow it into the ocean." THUAN TRUONG,8 C.OSta Mesa •1fyou see trash. pick it up so you don't pollute thewateL" WARREN URBINA. 9 C.Osta Mesa -lntmtlew.s and photos compiled by Ozristine CarrlUo . . ' ON ·CAMPUS , ·. IN THE CLASSROOM MtCHAELBUCKNER/OAllYPILOT Third-grader Margarita Aceuedo of SOnora Elementary School inspects a handmade fly as part of the Trout in the Classroom program. The stream ·of life Christine C•rrlllo Daily Pilot T he lives of trout seem simple. They batch. They . They swim and eventually die at the t:'ds. or the hooks, of fishennen. It's a tough lesson to learn and an even tougher lesson to teat:b. but no~etheless a-reality about the lifecyde that third-graders at Sono.ra FJementary School in c.osta Mesa had to face. "They've observed it in the classroom. •.. Now it comes full ciide," said &Jsan Bise, one of the two thild-grade teachers to establish the Trout in the Oassroom program at the ldiool Nearly three months ago. about 100 students were introduced to the llfecycle of trout. They watched them closely a.s they batched, greW and swam off when they were finally released into the wild on Thursday. The lesson doesn't end there. SCHOOL LUNCH MENU The N8\dp0ft~ Unlfted School District offers menu cf'*-w:h day .. .....,.my edM>ola. lludenla meydM>Oee. ~-*-If dellred. The lillaallon mey Include• uled, -~or hot ..... Sc:hool luncNs .. 92 ........... wt.c'I being eerwd .. weell: Sonora Elementary third-graders learn about the lifecycles of trout to learn more about life. The students received their 6naJ trout lelSOn Friday when members of the Ay Fishers Oub of Orange C.Ounty taught them about the dftrerent types of bllg'!I and Oies used as bait to entice trout. how to attach the bait to a hook, the proper way to cast the line and eventually bow to catch the troµt. We learned "Don't put your finger in the fish tank because they'll get germs; 9-year·old Salvador Armenta said. "We learned to clean up after you're done at the beach," 9·year-old Kandis Asuega said. "Fish can WEDNUOAV '°""'*' cNcten Nied whh •heh beked whole grain roll«~ or Veggie burger on• bun, Jeuuc. efld plddes, eliced peaches, choice of milk nutlMI MUncheble Lunch Saled or pett1 with marinara seuoe end mMtbetls, frnh baked Whole greln roll, crisP ..-uled, c:hOice of fruit, ctiolce of mllk die with poUution." Each student learned a bil more about Ufe. R>ur years ago, Bise and Peggy Roberts combmed forces. along with their trout-fishing husbands. and came up with an interactive lesson plan using the lives of trout to teaching Ufecycles. That wasn't their only focus. They wanted not only to teach students about the lifecyde of different creatures within the environment. they wanted to teach them about the stgnificance of rivers and oceans as ruuuraJ and economic resources. "The best way that kids learn is hands on,• Roberts said. "But besides the life cycle. it teaches them about the environmenL • • IN TliE Cl.ASSAOOM is a weekty feature In wtilctt Daily Pilot edoeation writer Christine Carritlo visits a campus in ~ Newport-Mesa aru and writn about her expenence. MONDAY Muncheble Lunch s.lad or beef\ end~ tlurrtlo, com on the cob, r.islrts, coolcle •• ~ ol,,. The Mund\able Lundl Seled cont8ine tGlled.,..., dleny tometoes,cnc:bn end~.,,.. .... .. cheese, .,nt10W91 Med9, fruit yogurt end honey-roasted~ (·'-ftut---...... . deyl) Nochild6-~..,...,-.-fll,.. NX, color, Mtlorilll oriflln, 11(/e fX t:lltfl ... rt• II l*itwed. c:hlldhM,,..,, ~d .... writ•~*>tN~of~ ~inoton,: DC 20260. Daily A Pilot Coral Wlaon News eaaiatant. (!M9) 57 ..... 298 ~I. wilsone lati,,,..,com PffOTOORAPttE1' 5-1\ Hiner, Don laach, KentT~ Box 1560, Costa MeN, CA 92628. Copynght No MWS lt0rie9, illustraUone, edltorlal mauer or ~herein can be reprodoced without wriu.n permle9lon of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF We'n encounter tome heed highs Nrfy 9t most w.t-fedng bfeelc:a. though the bebr IP<* can expect aome ~ VOL 97, NO. 84 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYDOOEAO Editor JtJaf OETTING ~~ PromotJone Director N9wt Edttor'I GIM Alexander, Lori Anderson, 0.nlel Hunt. Paul Saltowhz. Dani.I Steven. Nl'WSITAff Crime'::r~~· (948)57U ._..bhll,.th•111t1,,,_com --=,.· Ntlwpolt reporter, (IM8)57~32 }Una~•111t1,,,_com ...... c...... ~end tl'Ml'Onment ~. (Mt) 784-4330 pail.d1nton•"1tlmw.oom &.-.. ..... Columnilt, CUtlu1'9 repofter, (Ml 674-4271 lol1tA.hlNp«•tMJ,,.,.. com Neem*' <:-.Mela~., ... , '74-<t.221 ......_,...,,.,, • ..,,,..com aw11 .... ca..11o Ectucelon .......... ( .. ) 57....._ ~"°""""' • ...,,...°"'" READERS HOTl.N (949) 8'2.eo88 Record vour comments about th• Delly Pilot or newt tlpe. ~ Our edd,.... t. 330 W. a.y St.. Costa ~ CA 12827. Offloe hours are Monday • Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. Cofftildl• ti .. the "'°'9 policy to promptfy COmKt el.,,,,_ of aubsQnce ,..... cal4M9l 7&M324. m The N9wport ~Mela Diiiy .-.OC IUSPS-1""800) le publiehed daily. In NMPQft 8eedl end eo.ta Mela. eubecriptione a,. .vaileble onty by aubecriblng to The Tlmee 0r.,;g. County (IOO) 2&2 9141. In ar ... out9ide of ~ &Ndttnd ~ ~. aut.c;rl~ k> the Deily l'llot~-~~ wellable onty by first ct.. matl tOr '30 per "'°""' (Priciai Include ... .,.lcMlle ... tnd 1oc.1 .... ) flOSTMAITUt Send 9ddr-. CNnoee tlD The~ ~Mele o.ity Ptlot. 11!0 HOW lO REACH US Clrculetlon The Tim .. Orange County (800) 25241141 Adwtl ....... Ct 111 lfted (Ml) 642-5878 ~ 1948) 842~1 Edto"8I News (119) 8'2•!le80 ~ (t4t) 57 ..... 223 News ... (Ml) IM&-4170 8port9 ... (148) 850-0170 Eofftel! del#ypllOt•t.tJ~m MllliltOllle .......... Ollie, ... , 642-4321 ......... ,.. (IMl) 131-7128 PubfleMd bV Tlmee Cotfvnunlty Hewe,. diYWon of the lM ~ Time.. =-Ttme. .. right9 It'll be mostly doudy this momlng, though the sun should return thla aftemoon and highs should top 70, If only beret~'. Clouds will retum tonight •• lows near 60. Wednesdey should be timli.r. with douds earty end sun later. Hight wtll be• ted cooler, though . Thur'9day's looking sunnier end brewler, bUt ltill cooler. ~t; www.nws.noN.flOV BOATING FORECAST The wtnda wMI blow 5 to 10 knott in the Inner watera .. rty, with 2-foot WIVte •nd a WMt 1W911 Of 4 to 51"t.. The Mm. wit! be found tc>nfght. - OUt fllrther, the nofthwea.ty wtnds 'lNlll btow 10 to 20 knoea, with 2. to 4-fOOt w.Y919'Mt aw.-.,.. Of 8 to 7 tMc. This 9"•ihig. .. W9V9I wlldropto 1 IOtffMt. - Some eouthwest energy errfves Weduwiey, whktt should bring.,.,,. c:helt-highl to our 804.lth-t.dng bf'e9b. Weet·fednQ ix-. wtll eleo ... aomechelt-high9, .. _. .. S<>f"ne w.ilt-Ngh9, from the leftovw nonhw9et IMft. More nol1hMSt energy •nfvee Thureday. w.....-r: www..ul'fridtK.OtV TIDES 11IM 10:471.m. · &,18p.m;- 10:14p.m . 4:141.m. • WATER TEMPERATiltE - ; 't ' r Dady P110t Tuesdd;, M,¥C/ 2' 2003 A3 NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL BOARD MEETING PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA IMPROVEMENTS Theory has about $1 .5 million to i,pend on fixing up Corona del Mar State Beach, but now they must figure out how 10 '>pruct.• it up. A number uf 1m1>r0Vt:•rnent.'>, paid for from the Amenl·an l'radcr Oil Spill -.cttJcmcnt and from Propoi.lliun I.!, could be made dl'peri'ding on what the council al'\d the cornmW\ity want. A litUe murl.' light will be shed on the. matter when the couucil hcc.1r-. plans tor fvring up the beach JI their 'itudy ~ion lx'lort.· the rouncil rnccung WHAT TO EXPECT In IWO puhhl llll'l'Wlg.\ on tht· mJtter '>Of.Jr • ..i va.o,t m.i1or1t) '>C.'l'lll oppo'><.><l to p11t1111g J full \t•rv1u! rbtaurant tlwrt• But ht"' to urgr-..ide rt.·\lruom-., ,, '>llJtk ht1r and a hfc,..ructrd .,talion lht•rt• rcmdtn' to ht· '><'t'll APPOINTMENTS llll' i'>.'>Ul' tha1 JU\! won't go I .iway w11ld fin;tlly gl'I wrap(ll'<l up, or,,, lea\t num• t IO\t' l tor11ght when 1lw ri'11mril l 011'>ldt·r.., maki11g .1pp1Jillln\l'flh Ill tlHl't' nty Whether You Buy or Lease ... VILLA NOVA. /t11/11lll ( Ulllllt' committees. The council wilJ vote on appointing residents to tht: Aviation Comminee, the Coastal f Bay Water Quality Citizens Advisory Comminee and the Environmental Quality Committee. For the last two or three Cily Council meetings, member. have been taking the matter piecemeaJ, nominaung representative:. from their districts as well as at-large representatives.. Ln a separate item , the council will aJso consider app<iinting some .new member.. 10 serve"t>o the Gener-ct.I Plan Advisory Cornmillt'C. WHAT TO EXPECT Whal htLJe controversy lurked in the water qualt1y. environmental and aVJation committee ~ues ha5 been largely exhaw.ted, ~ torught\ appointment proce!>.'> could bl' pretty stralghtforward TI1e {,eneral Plan Adv1M>ry Committee matter could he a little tnck:ier, in pan becall.'>(' the council will aJ-.o con.-.1der whether to mslitule a mandatory attendance polKy for c:ummillee member.. NEWPORT TERRACE I 11 the 195& and '60~. the Twilight Dining on the Waterfront Ill Neuport Beach Entrees from $7.95 &n~ unt1/ 6pm • f c=pt 5'mm/ayJ I Homnnam Pasta Fresh Seafood Veal Specialties For Reservations 949-642-7880 3 f3 1 W. Coast Highway Celestino's ProduC'c • St'clfoo<I • De li &rvillf t1N Comm'"' ity for 30 yurs Carli< or Stt1tt11 MllnA Fresh MARINATED BRISKET TRJ T IPS $5'99 lb. • LAMB SHANKS ApproximAu/y I lb. t"'h • Froun • FISH K-BoM OF BEEF $499 lb. ulntiAoi VF.AL • PORK OR CHICKEN BRATWURST • FroUtl . M#IM 11oith Sw.rtlfoh -HiJi."t ,,, S.Jm.,, I ! ' ! . . . . . . I /I /11 t 1 1 I I I' \ FYI •WHAT: Newport Beach City Council meeting •WHEN: 7 p.m today; study session begins at 4 p.m •WHERE: City Council Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. •INFORMATION: (949) 644 3000; agendas and staff reports are available at www city newport beach.ca.us. ON THE AGENDA 2002-03 SECOND PERIOD INTERIM REPORT approve the repon. HIGH SCHOOL COURSE ADDITION In accordance with the necessary addltion.'I. revisions or deletions to the High School Cowse of Study required twlce during the academic year, Jaime Castellanos, ~istant superintendent of secondary education, will seek approval from the board for the addition · of a new course. psychology of FYI •WHAT School b<.idrd meeting •WHEN 7pm • WHERE 2985 A Bear St , Costa Mesa •INFORMATION 17141 424 5000 -,WJ<, 01t• dddlltcJ/I li.1~ al11•ady rect'1ved the .ipprova.l lrum tht· director ur wcom.ldr'r curmulum Jlld lfl\truLtmn. h1W1 school pnnupah and curncuJum t:u111m11t~·t") land under what is now the Newport 'forruce condomimwn co1nplex wa~ a landfill. The Orange C',ou11cil 1 lealth Care Agency antf oLJwr bodies have 'iCnt a number of nollce<. ro the londom1ruum's homeowner.. J.'-'>0<:1.tllon ahou1 methane lt•v(.'J., at the '>lie A report 111 ..!000 .,howt'<l no 1mmtXlial<' lw.illh h;u .. anl'>. bu1 government agenc1t"> ai.,rrt•t• that funller \tUdll''> '>hould be dont> PauJ Reed, assistant superintendent of busin~ -.ervice~ for the di~trict, will prl!'>ent the 2002-03 Second Penod Interim Jteport to U1e board for approvaJ. The first report, already presented and approved by the board, covers the budgetary status of the district throll,&h OcL 31. TI1e second report, which Reed will present today, rnvers the penod ending Jan. 3 I. • child development. Jlw t ny .., obligated to p1d. up J>cirl of till' t.ih, about $7(i,OOO. to lurt.• \(.\ l.ngjm·1·ri11g 111 twl{in work. WHAT TO EXPECT llw 111.111t·r .., 011 the c-ounnl\ t1111w11t 1 .1k11dar. wlurh mean., th,11 '>IJH .111t1upatt"> 11 wiU win approv.il \'\.1thout much cll\Ul\'>11111or111ntn>Vl·r..y. lhe purpo~ of the report, reqwred by the '>late twice a year, is to rcUSe awareness of financial obligauons during the fio,caJ year. includmg r~rve reqwrernenh that the dl\trict may not be able to meet The repun reveaJs that !\ewpon-\.1e~. according to ct.II Jvailablc 111formauon at tht'> tune, meel-. the .!.tale's \tandard'> and rntena for li-.caJ .!.labtlity. It aJ..o reveal'> 1 unre .. 1.nc1ed fund balancl' pro1 -uon and poo;iLiw year-end ca' pos1L1on for the general fund a-. a result of it<.. proven financial <..tability. WHAT TO EXPECT l11t• board L'> cxpl'Ctl'd 10 Come Sl!C the new EverWood· (oururyS1tle blinds from Hunter Dougla·s Overlapping slat~ cri?ate a bc:au11ful l>o.ird on lioctrt.l design l\nd tlie ~rcp·up look adds dl'p111 d1mcns1on .1nrl charau1·r to .1ny room And FvcrWood (oumryS1de will no1 w;irp u a< k pt:cl or fade Evt:n in humid :mw. or diren c;unllght Come L-=-~~iil!ll~illll ~t·l! ti ll'~l b-auuful blinds today ........... ,1 ••.•• ._ .,,, L""' •111•• lt'f'" ~ALDEN'S A 1 bb J Pl~centia, Costa Mesa q4 9-b4f>-48J8 "Oi1er 50 Years of Fine Quality" All Types of Window Treatments • Ya.lances & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • Verticals • Shutters • Bedspreads Complimnrtary Con11,/t11tion in YoMr Hom' 2Q'X> * l .1hor ~ \,I" lt1l I .1hrr,, Q FF 111th d11, 111 :,: \i•r·I 1-i ~1111, 1/~~ DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd., Co~ta Mesa (949)642-8400 WHAT TO EXPECT The new elective co~. available to grades JO 10 12, will examine terms and concepLl. within contemporary psychology to help studenlS function II\ a democratic society and develop good child-care The hoard I\ l'lCfWth·d to approve the add1t11111 111 1h1· I h).tli School< uur-.e ol ~111ch \ ~~ R es taurant EstaDllstle<l In 1962~·-- .. "Ni tJ Eotcrtainmcot• .. .. l . ,. State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon • , illfJ 1:r3 jI ::#;ti ltl1I IJ ;ld.tJ: 11 ~ i,ta I COMPLETE SMOG REPAIR TUNE DP Same Owner Smee 1965, 38 fears t'!!. CJjf,1 \!t'.•.J TBI CARBURETOR SHOP INC . 294 5 Randolph Ave I Bri~wl \. B.11..n 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 We Repair Gross Polluters @j~ Floral & Gift-. New shipments of Accessories for your Home Including Lamps and Shade Wilh custom options a1·ailahlr Moo-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10-5 • 'un II~ 369 E. 17th Street #13. Costa '\1rsa • 19491 <>U>-67.$5 I Aero~\ Imm Ralph' 1 Because There's No Such Thing. Thats why wt crtatt<I Rx Rt'adin9 it's a proven program 9uarantttd to ra1st' your chrld's l~t'I ~u~ ~l~~a~t tn n•eadmg Ut1hzrng t11Clus1ve ~-'-r -'-- T u\orAid testing ~ analyze the gaps rn a scud(!nn read1n9 ab1litv and c~•le a balanced pr"09ram to If your child 11 fllll09 bri\1nd 1n Ktlool, now ls tilt tJm(! to call and find out more. (9+9) 645-'7900 +88 East 1]th Strttt • Costa Mesa {C~ of lrvtne A~uf'1 • M Tuesday, March 25, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Body washes ashore near Balboa Pier The body of an uniden, tified young man washed ashore near the Balboa Pier early Monday morning. Mark King. 26, of Valen- cia. was eating breakfast a t Ruby's when he was alerted to the body at about 8:44 a.m. by a fisherman. King then contacted police, who contacted the Orange C.ounty Sheriff's Harl>or Pa- trol. A young man's body was recov~red, said Capt. Jim Turner of the Newport Beach lifeguard Depart- ment. The coroner's office will perform an autopsy to- day. The body couJd be that of POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • East 16th Street A 27-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of battery on a peace officer in the 100 blodc at 10:30 p.m. Sunday. •Fairview Road: A 32-year old man was arrested on suspicion of possessing drugs for sale in the 2900 block at 9 a.m. Sunday. • Orange Avenue: An assault was reported in the 2500 block at 5:52 p.m. Sunday. • Pomona Street An auto theft was reported in the 1900 blodc at 6:03 a.m. Sunday. • West 19th Street A 23-year old man was arrested on suspicion of possessing a -dangerous IRAQIS . Continued from A 1 the only solution remaining is to topple the regime of Saddam Hussein and remove him from power." Al-Quazwini left lraq in 1993 after he said he watched Hus- seins regime imprison or ex- ecute several of his family mem- bers. His still has relatives in Baghdad. Karbal, Najaf • and BROKERS Continued from Al During the show. Gross said investors were in a ufHght to safety" to fixed-income invest- ments. An end to the conflict wouJd go a long way toward re- storing a much healthier mar· ket, Gross said. WComing out of the conflict, we might have some better news if oil prices come down, if stocks go up and if confidence resumes." Gross said. UThe big- 16-year·old swim.mer Roy Lee, who disappeared off Huntington Beach on Matth 14, but that has not been confirmed, Newport Beach Sgt. Steve Shulman said. in addition to the Harl>or Patrol, Newport Beach po- Uce. fire, lifeguards and the Orange C.ounty Sheriff's De- partment responded. King said a fisherman was the first to discover I.he body. "I was eating breakfast before· wort with my par· ents and a ftshemian guy came in panicked and said something about a body, so I 'ran out after him and looked out into the pier and it looked like a guy in his late teens," King said, add- ing that the person was wearing trunks. -Deirdre Newman weapon in the 500 blodc at 5:30 p.m. Sunday. •West 19th Street and Placentia Avenue: A 26-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public at 1:08 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Birch and Quail streets: A suspicious vehicle was reported at 10:34 p.m. Sunday. • East Balboa Boulevard: A party was described as a disturbance in the 100 blodc at 11 :47 p.m. Sunday. • Irvine Avenue: Terrorist threats were reported in the 600 block of Irvine Avenue at 8:34 a.m. Monday. •22nd S1reet: Someone was arrested for battery in the 100 blodc at 5:54 p.m. Sunday. Basra. The 41 -year-old Al-Quazwini said his relatives support the overthrow of Hussein by coali- tion forces. "I did speak to them over the last few days," Al-Quazwi.ni said. "They expressed their hopes that this regime will come to an end.· • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reactied at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@latimes.com. gest concern I have is really the guns-and-butter policy of this government ... Gross said President Bush's plan to cue taxes while increas- ing war-related spending could be troublesome. The federal government is projected to have deficits of $400 billion to $500 billion in the coming years. • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at pau/.clinton@latimes.com. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 'J/4• SOLi) EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE s4•1 !!!!.!:!i.. s 1 " frofTl ~ft 11111111111 ~· Tr8V9"tila 18" x 1s· ... H ........................................... .-•• _. ...... -'4.11 ~· Ceramic Tlle ...................................................... ftllilllllltltant '4.ll 1111 la'rlirlate ~ ..................... "'_., ......................... ......., .. u ~l MAIL Continued from Al Voss, has been stadoned over- seas since Jan. 20 and has only spor;ulically rec.eJved the letters bis mother has sen1 b.iJn. The Newport C.oast resident said she understands the mall has Lo ~travel around" and find her son. who is like a nomad in the blaz- ,lng hot desert. ·still, she wishes her son could recei~ sooner the amoWlt of love being sent in his direction. Marge Shillington, of Newport Beach, ··shares that frustration. She said she received an e-mail frotn Camp .Pendleton explain- ing.~at her gnmdson'~ battalion ha~ not received any mail thus far. "Mail is very slow. and the men are very, very busy." Jennifer Miner, a Marine civilian desig- nated Lo share information 'with the families of Marines in the 4th Ught Annor Reconnais.sance Banalion, wrote to Shillington: "A few Marines have received packages. but as of today. none of them have received letters. Fear not, eventually all of you mail should get to them, and they will all appreciate it very much." Shillington said she, too. understands the circumstances of the battlefield, but she also stressed the importance of the notes of encouragement to the troops. They are living in insuf- ferable conditions, are in the line of fire, go without food and sleep for days at a Lime, but are unable to t3ke comfort from simple cor- respondence from home. she said. "I just feel that since these guys are workirtg So hard for us they should be able to get their mail. faster." Shillington said. . I CONCRETE Continued from Al With so much work underway. Caltrans decided to use their construction site as a teaching aid for high school students. Caltrans officials developed a 30-minute test of applied sci- ence and math questions that often arise during such projects to challenge the students' ana- VERDICT Continued from Al Ernie had nothing but respect for Katie. For him, sh e was the epitome of a lady. I remember one party. Everyone had been drinking. and .one young woman who was in the kitchen decided to take off her sweater and display herself. The men, as you can imagine. • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 5744298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY A fTee lpring dNnlng worbhop called "Detox and Cleansing Through Ayurveda# will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, c.all (800) 595-MOMS. A •Merketing and Promotion· workshop, sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired Executives, will take place from 9 a.m. to noon at National University. 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The cost is $26. $20 if preregistered. For more information, call (714) 650-7369. OrMge Cout Cou.ge hoata the annual Bann Mountain Alm Fe&1fvel. Three hours of '"the best o1 the best" will be ICf'eened a\ 7 p.m. at the Robert B. Moore Theatrt at Orange Coast College. Including films from Canada, America, the United Kingdom, Gennany, Australia and Switzerland, the filma reflect a wide range of mountain · txPfrience&. Tidceta C08t $9 In ldVence, $10 at the door or $'6 for studentt. for tletei lnfonnatJon. cell (114) 432-0202, ext. 21068. WEDNESDAY A dedlcedon W•lllO"'W b the n1ming of Howard A. Sdlneldennan L.ectu,. Hell will IM held et UC lrvfne'• 8I01o9icel Sciencea Courtyard It noon. M an ldmlnisfntor enc1 ....... rct..t. ~neldennen ( 1$27· 1990) W8I a laac:ffng ngu,. fn buAdlng the quertty end ,.,..don of ua·. SdK>Olof~ SclencM. C.tl (MS) C+.1252 for lnfonnMk>f'l. ,.,... .......... ..,.., i, Daily Pilot ,- 'When they are going on no sleep for four days. and they are being shot at, you can't express enough how the small things are so important. specific as to ,vllat types. Maga- :dnes RUCh M Sports filustraled an~ Maxim are not permitted because of the pictures of the W9men. Steinbrenner suggests nme magazine or Newsweek or even the Sunday funnies. Those letters are so important.' ~ Steltlbrenner •Powders -because of the Anthrax scare -are prohibited, as are aerosol items. "We write to him everyday and they should know that we love and suppon them." Shillington, who says she is *just a concerned grandmother: has written letters to various fed- eral officials asking them to ~please do something to ex- pedite the mail service ()VJ!rseas.." She received a Conn letter from California Sen. Barbara Boxer, thanlcing her for her letter, but has yet to' recejve an explanation about the mail process. Government officials have ad- mitted a delay in postal service and attribute it to the general difficulties of wartime. The envi- ronment ls chaotic and ever- changing. As a resuJt, military of- ficials are encouraging family members to send e-mails in- stead. "lf I couJd e-mail. God it wouJd be great.· Steinbrenner said. wBut Ian is out in a tent with no electricity and obviously no access to the Internet." And when they are nqJ in the "main tent," as Steinbrenner calls it, they are in the middle of the desert. sleeping -if given the luxury -in their tanks, un- der enemy fire. Steinbrenner, who had organ- ized a massive care package drive to send to the men in her son's battalion. said she was told the troops were in a holding pat- tern Wltil things calmed down. but would eventually mfl,ke their way back to base camp, where she hopes the leners and care packages will be waiting for them. lytical thinking. The academic decathlon team at Costa Mesa High. the largest team in Orange County, rose to the challenge. As the winners of the competition, they got the chance to tour the construction site and get a feel for how pro- fessionals apply those academic skills to real life situations. "I think it's good from a career standpoint." said Joe Havens, who has coached the team for the past three years. u It might were watching with interest - unW Kalie came in. Ernie wasn't about to have Katie exposed to that scene. I le pulled the young woman's sweater back on, she tried to pull it off. he put it back on. It was quite a wrestling match. but Ernie prevailed. One night, the three of us went to Reuben's for dinner. Kalie loved jokes, and at one point. when Ernie's attention was drawn elsewhere. Katie put '"Ibey can' do this forever. At some point, they will have to bring in someone else," she said. "When they are going on no sleep for four days and they are being shot at, you can't express enough how the small things are so important. Those letters are so important.. Jf people would like to send e- mails or care packages to the troops. there are specific steps that must be taken: . • Paclc.ages must be small, no bigger than the size of a shoebox. and therefore all items contained in them must also be smalL..This also helps the troops because they can carry them in their pockets. "Think travel size." Steinbrenner suggested. •Although they have been re· quested by troops longing for mom's homemade goodies, no homemade items will be ac- cepted because of security con- cerns. All food must be sealed. Pork or pork byproducts cannot be sent to the MjddJe East. • All items such as chocolate must be sent iri sealed plastic bags in case it melts. It is not en- couraged by military officials, but the troops are generally craving it. C.osta Mesa resident and for- mer serviceman Carl Neumeyer, 80, said he can attest to that. ·I was stationed in the South Pacific, and we got chocolate that was melted several times and had turned white, but we didn't care," he said. "The quality was lost, but it was still good.• •Troops are requesting read- ing material, but the military is spark one person to become an engineer. As teacher~. we are all encouraged to help (students! learn about different careers ... This does that." For the studenb. the competi Lion and the tour gave them yet another opportw1ity to learn. As a member of the academic decathlon team. "you learn how to compete in differe nt area!> . . . and you learn different metl1ods of lttudy." said Bran· don Slaney. 17, a senior inter- a peanut in her noM' and gestured to me to do the same. Of cour.>e, we both expected 1-.rnie to tum around immediately and laugh when he 5aw us with these peanuts hanging out of our noses, but Ernie didn~ tum around. There we were, in the middJe of Reuben's, peanuts dangling from our noses Like obscene boogers. and our audience refused 10 look at us. The waitress came by. saw us and did a very good job • Expect all packages to be X- rayed or searched. • A shoe-box-sized package cost about $8.50 to mail and must be sent priority mail, or else it will not be received for at least slx weeks. • The letter or package must be addressed to a specific per- son. Generally addressed mail will nol be delivered, To get more . infom1ation on how to Send items. people are encouraged to contact offitials at Camp Pendle- ton at {760) 725-6637 or (760) 725-9052 and ask for the volun- teer section of the base. lf larger items have alre~dy been donated, or a specific name cannot be obtained. Steinbren- ner recommends sending the supplies ta the families left on base. WDon't forget the wives and .k.ids on base who are living on nothing.~ she said. woh God. the families. They are living on be- low-poverty incomes with no support from their husbands. and some of them have two and three lcid~. We get those moms off the base. get them a massage, a haircut or something." For information on how to help those families, officials at Camp Pendleton volunteer offi- ces should be contacted. • LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays and CO'lers culture and the arts. She may be reached at {949) 574-4275 or bye-mail at lolita.harpefla lat1mes.com. ested in mechanical engineer- ing ... This is interesting because you learn how it all comes to- gether." "I tlunk it"!> heen a lot of fun. and. I think the kids have got a lot out of it, and we have gotten a lot out of it,· Friedman c;aid. un1ey are our future driver!> ... •CHRISTINE CARRILLO covers educauon and may be reactied al (949) 5744268 or by e·ma1I at chnstine.carrillo a latim es.com of not dropping her tray. I was beginning to fear the peanuts were going to become a permanent part of our anatomy when, finally. Ernie turned around. Without missing a beat, he put a peanut in his nose and went on with hls dinner. It wasn't gin. but he was definitely the winner. • ROBERT GARONER u; a Corona del Mar resident and a forrner judge. His column runs Tuesdays. AROUND TOWN called HThe Tao (Way) of CleansingN will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. Newport Beach Community Services will present a new series of drawing and painting workshops featuring individual instruction for beginning to advanced students in mixed media. The series will continue for eight Wednesdays, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Vince Jorgensen Center adjacent to Mariner's Library, 2005 Dover Drive, Newpol'1 Beach. file is $66 for the entire series. For more information. call (949) 644-3151. "Drugs: Nghdif9 or Nlghtma..,.,• pressmted by Orange Coast College's United Student Sociologists Club and Psychology Club, la a symposium offering student• an unbiased approach to the issues behind the physical effects, peraonal experience&, cultural aspects and legalitlff of drugs. It will be hetd from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. In the college's Student Center. Call (949) 929-0527 for more lnformetlon. A buslnMa ~ra mixer apomored by the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commeroe wfll be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Tumlp ROM banquet facllltv> 1901 Newport Blvd. h la free for members and oocta $10 for potential membet'I. For more Information, call (714) 886-9090. WMldy ltOt'y time at Toy ao.t toy 1to1e with ltDftn, 90nga, nnger pleya end crab. Newi>oma to 5-yeaM>kls 1re lm.4ted from 10:30 to 11::301.m. It 21111 Newport Coast Drive.f.or ~ fnfotTNtlon. call (949) 7~?. THUMOAY AIUnt _,...upport..,_.Wll dtcUlll~end~ fot coping wfth tung cenoer. The group wfff mMt from ~to 3=30 p.m. et cN Hoeg C..-Cen*, Conference Room A, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. For more information. call (9491 760-5542. The Col. Wiiiiam C.bell ChaptM of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution will present 140 awards for patriotism, citizenship and excellence in American history to students of the Newport/Mesa elementary, middle and high sctiools.. The presentation will take place at the Costa Mesa Community Center at 2 p.m. Good food. new buaineu dients and a beautiful location. If this sounds like your scene, make plans to attend the Newpon Beach Chamber of Commerce Aftertiours Networking event at the Colony Apartments, 5100 Colony Plaza at Fashion Island, at 5p.m. The CoN M8M High Gw.d Night Committee is holding a silent auction as their main fund-raiser from 6 to 9 p.m . at Halecrest Park Clubhouse, 3107 Killybrooke lane, Costa Mesa. Dinner will be served until 7:30 p.m. To make a donation or purchase a SS ticket, call {714) 657-0256. Mary Everett Burton, J.D., Mary Everett Burton, J.O., long-tJmo rosldent and oMc feeder of Newport Beach, dlod In her home on Fr1day, March 14, 2003. She WU 99 yeara old. Mra. Burton WU the daughter o1 Mr. and Mra. Torrey EveAttt, both active In civic affalra In Pasadena California. She attended POlytechnlc Elementary School, P~na High School, Pomona Coll~• and Radcliff• College, from Which she _graduated nfagna cum lilude. She then w.nt on to Boatt Hal 'IAw ~. Unlventty of caatomla at Beftt.-V, whent she obtafned her la'!" d~. Mam.d In 1929 to Phllllp Justin Burton, IN ~to llw In Paaden&.i to Pt8Cb law1 and to hOld numeroua potlttont o1 IMderlhlp, fncludlng that of Vice ~ of the Pauic:Mna Republican Club arid Board Membelr of the Peaedena Community~. tn 1963, Mr. Md Mte. 8ufton left F"Medena to liYe ft.II time In the Corona del M• "'°'*t built by Mre. Burton~ mother an • tf11, which had been tor Meny YNl'9 their .wnmer reeldence and wtMch Mra. Burton memorWtz:ed tn her~ metne*', Happy HouN: A Chlldhood In CcntMI cMI Mar. Continuing to pndce .. and to be lnvoMtd In cMc elf~ ..... VMlll • of the moYelTW'lt to~ tN Colona del MW 9t1te Pwtt. and tier 9ffiMta on bef'9lf of the NewS>otl 8MCti PMb Md ReorMtklnal 8oWd he4ped nMllut the Park the .. bMuttfu( ~ be9oh ft II 10dey. M,.. Bwton II MIMwd by a ~. M#Y a.ton F'U9Mlt, and ~ ldeorl ThCwi>e Burton 't'Mn9y, both of Corona del Mar and -~ ~ ~ .... ':fc"'WSt w..n Ev.n.tt of Mwdc. ConnecdCut, Tonw EYefWtl Olhy 8ilec:tl, ~ .. Dr. eruc. &9nlft. of~ Calfomla. A rnemoNt _...le penclno. ' Dally Pilot Tuesday. Marc.ti 25, 2003 A! F .ORUM HOW 10 GET PU8USHED -1...ea11n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor 6.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot: 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • Ree den Hodlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu.: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-fn.il:Send to daifypi/ot@latimes.com •All correspondence must include full name. hometown and phone number (for verfficatJon purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clanty and length. LEITER TO THE EDITOR Protest story ·.did not reflect local sentiment RE: "War sparks protests, support," Friday. It's Friday morning, March 21. I ta.Ice a sip of fresh brewed coffee and wave to a jogger as I snatch up my morning newspaper from the driveway. As usual, I open it up, take another gulp of coffee and proceed to read about tbe details of the war in Iraq. The Los Angeles Times' headlines regard American troops entering Iraq territory on their way to Baghdad. I set the Times down for now, because I always like to read the local news first. So I thumb through the pile and pull out !.he Daily Pilot. "What's this? Uh! What the heckr What's wrong with this picture? • To put it mildly, I couldn't quite understand why the Daily Pilot had chosen to dedicate almost the entire front page to a small faction of students who were holding an antiwar rally on one of the local junior.college campuses. lf this were San Francisco or France, I could maybe understand it. But the Daily Pilot is a local newspaper tha1 circula1es in the Newport Beach/Costa Mesa area. where the vast majority support President Bush and support this action in Iraq. So what's with the antiwar sentiment? MAILBAG F llf Pt< lO DAIL 1 "'l • Does the Daily Pilot editor think tha1 its readers want 10 read about a small. uninformed subculture of antiwar junior college students caught up in a mob mentality attempting to be cool, rebellious radicals? I don't· thinl.'. so! I blame the editor rather than the reporter, because I · assume that it's the editor's job to determine how the articles are plciced in the format of the paper and whkh articles should be given more credence. The Tiki goog1e-style Kona Lanes bowhng alley near Harbor Boulevard and Adams Avenue in Costa Mesa Snrely, there could have been a story that better represented the feelings of most of your readers. Possibly something about local families of some of some of our troops in Iraq and what they must be going through. Maybe the page could even have. something with a few patriotic overtones. It just seems to me that a lot of the media is always 100 quick to take the stance against America, and miUions of us are just sic le of ii, and that's why I don't want to see ii happen to my own local newspaper. · Nobody waqts or enjoys war, but sometimes it's necessary, as is the case wilh Iraq. Keeping up on what's happening during a war or military action is something that most people like to do, even· though the details might not always be pleasant. But this is quite different from most wars. We're not actually at war with another country. We're simply trying to remove a sadistic criminal regime that should have been removed long ago; a regime that supports a tyranl who has proven himself. in hundred5, if not thousands of instances. to be a monstrous madman. Experts agree that it was only a matter of time before Saddam Hussein achieved his goal and took possession of a nuclear weapon, or possibly a global level biological weapon before that. Any decent, inteWgent person must agree that allowing that to happen could not be an option. As time goes by, we are finding out. more and more. just how bad things there have been. ·No, I don't feel bad about this war. Along with the vast majority of Americans, I actually feel really good. We're citizens of a country that is ridding the world of a monster capable of incomprehensible evil I believe Bush has proven himself to be one of the greatest presidents of all time. He knew that this was the right thing to do and he stood by principles. He stood up to the liberal Democrats who have tried to use th.is situation to their political advantage. They have dishonored more than 200 years of an unwritten moral and ethical code of honor among American elected officials. When our president the commander in chief of our nation, has formally given orders to achieve a specified result, militariJy or otherwise, our American tradition for other elected officials has always been to either rally behind him, or at the very least, keep their mouths shut. So, Daily Pilot editor: Get in touch. Maybe try and find out a little bit about your readers. Example: If your readers are all eagles. then don't dedicate your front page to the turkey festival. BRENT BURNHAM Balboa Island A small down payment by commu·nity could save Kona Lanes I believe l have the perfect solution to the Kona Lanes versus Kohl's dilemma. The United States is a capitaJisllc democracy. That means we can vote with our doUars, so let's just do 1ust that. Many people appear to want to keep Kona Lanes. lbey want more recreation for their kids. nol less. I have two lcids &(ld I agree. So. let's· aJI organize. Let's buy Kona Lanes from the Sege°rstromi:.. We might as well buy the closed theater and skating rink, 100. I figure we only need about $20 million for the purchru.es. We can raise an extra five millipn to refurbish those properties. With no loans, we could afford to rent them to operators at way under fair market rent. fhat would allow the operators to charge1ow entrarice fees. and even with poor attendance. still stay in business. Maybe they could even have "kids get in free~ days' To that end, I pledge S 1.000 for my tiny share of the property. Now. if only 25.000 more of you will step up and do the same. we can get rolling on this worthwhile cornmunily project. MICHAEL STEINER Costa Mesa More bowling lanes are needed in Orange County I would aslc that the owners pleao;e reconsider tearing doi.vn Kona Lanes. There are truJy not enough bowling alleys in Orange County. I bowl with a group of 12 10 15 people from wort on Thursday nights. When we first started our little bowling group, I lncd calling· several other bowling facilities to reserve lanes and they were, and stilJ are, aJI filled up with leagues, leaving a very minimaJ amount of lanes for "open bowling." Kona Lanes came through for us. While Kona does have league play. we are still able to get together with.our friends once a week to bowl and have a good time. Now, I've read some of the leuers that you've published that say "there"; not enough interest in bowling anymore" or "we don't need another bowling alley.· But that's just not true. I'll bet those people aren't even bowlers. because they obviously h~ven'f researched bowling alleys like I have. Just recently, Regal Lanes in Orange closed its doors. and all those bowlers have had to go to Brunswick Bowl. also in Orange. It's always very crowded, Wlth a long waiting list. sometjmes up to one hour. even on Sunday mornings. · Now I ask you, does this sound like nobody's interested in bowling? Yes, Kona Lanes could use a face-lift, maybe some new (working) lane equipment. But all this can be accomplished, and I'm sure that with a little money spent bowlers wiU come out of the woodwork to bowl at Kona. BRENDA ROBERGE Orange This youth's ·vote' is no on Kohl's department store I agree completely with the "no" on the Kona Lanes demolition. The kids who live in Costa Mesa will have nowhere to go to have fun. unless you consider shopping at Target fun. Since I am not old enough to vote. J can only strongly suggest that everyone say no. RYAN KNAPP Sixth grade. Te\;Vtnkle Elementary Costa Mesa Kona Lanes spot not right for a big department store The last thing Costa Mesa needs is a Kohl's department store, especially in the neighborhood proposed. The loss of Kona Lanes as one of the few sources of fai;nily entertainment and legitimate landmarks in the atea would be too great. Could it use an upgrade? Sure, but the Planning Commission should help this rather than rushing through another retail behemoth. There are other movie theaters nearby. but almost weekly, I lament the loss of a skating facility at Mesa Verde as I drive to Anaheim at least once a week to play hockey. The same sense of loss would exist for Kona. The area is a bad fit for KohJ's. Comparing such giant stores as Ikea in Tustin near my work, one can see they need to exist far from residences. Nor can the streets support the traffic burdens. Further, I have lived near closed, outdated retail centers in Long Beach and Huntington DEAR JOE Beach that became blight<. on the land ... capt for years and dragged down the neighbt>rhood. once struggling or clO'>t'U. Each included a Montgomery Ward\. Tht' proposed space had two largets wnh111 driving distance. a Big K. and the t'nurmuu-. bustle of South Coast Plilili only a c.:ouple of mile,s away. not to menuon fnangle -;quare and the rest. And 1f Kohl's turns out to be tht' next Ward's, K-Mart. Silo or Fedt'rated? An empty 95,000-square-foot building is 1u~t what we don't need! BRIAN $HARKLEY Money to keep Trinity lights on could be better spent Re: "No reason 10 attack Tnmty Broadcasting." letter from Newpon Beach. Feb. 21 : The author defends Tnnitv and accuses another author of "trying -to strip them {Trinity) of protected freedom:. and coristitutionaJ rights • Regardlec;s of the legalities. nonprofit group~ have an ethic.al duty to use those eictra monetary benefits Ill the advantage of their constituents. In this case, Trinjty's constituents are "God's lost souls." I feel a rush of contempt each time I drive by this overly lighled paJatiaJ "house of God • Nonprofit benefits ought to be utilized to house the homeless and feed the hungry. nut illuminate the very "castles" that Jesus Oirist admonished in the strongest way Religious organizations do much good in this world; but when their action!. toe the line of morality. they leave themselve<> open to closer scrutiny. Bonom line: The money wasted on frivolous electricity could be bener spent. J.B.UTVAK Co~ Mesa Newport &ach 'selections should mirror the nation· s I feel the need that we should have the same qualifications as a federal government campaign as far as the Newport campaign reform. JAMES ORSTAD Newport Beach Bell c;urve's 'fairy tale' isn't fair to all AT ISSUE: Readers continue to dissent from antiwar column. I was diagusted with the column by Joseph Bell c·.ceep ua blessed with the dght to dluent. ·Th~. Bell ls playtng a aJy game of putting ~dent 8ulh aupportera on notice that by harabJy crlddrlng people lib him who do not suppon our oadon'I actions during a dine of war are · aomehow gu.Ot:y of ad8lng the dght to OIMenL - Bell bu a dght to dlltent and ho d\OUld be prepared for peOple to point out tha1 his commeota Md v1ewt are looHah and hla .... that of. ..... echooltt. Bell •u.mpll to mock Prelldtnt 8uah4t commeot .God.,,.. t Amedca• by AYinC that be nedl CD ftojhte more nuhftr: "'""'"" ~ America can "make contact wlth the AlmJ811ty .. · He then goes on to stale! •rm wondering where the president's ultimatum leaves the 6&J() of our population which polls last week told us did not &\Apport mllltary acdon without the UN sanction. Or the nearly ~who didn't support It at tht. time at alt.• Bell dM.I not mte the IOW'Ct' for theeo polll because they. Ub him. a:rt' ·wrong. Thdar. March 2t. ABC News maMd the ~polling~ ~~w::tbittheU.S. . ttW eDouih dfplom8cy. ~of Americanl IUpporl the war,~~ Amerkanl beMevil It la rtibt fOr U.S. to and now; the pcelldenn ~ radfte <Mr.a II~ abd the PnrSldtnt\ ~ontnqtt~ Serine chinllmnl mote~I m.t nc~"""" 1M¥ •f'f! ~ """and his Uk have been stating that tbe 12 years of U.N. inspections were wodlng to cl:bann ltaq from wu.pons of masa destrut.1.ion and' we.pons U wu forbidding to posses under 113 agreement 10 ~urrender for Its lnvasion ofJCuwall Tht" Gnt WYOS by Iraq lgl1nst our troops were both a tcWng aign of Iraq's Wdd n weapons and • frl&Jlten.JA8 remtnder that Sllddam 5tiil bu the ca~Wty' to dellw:r chem.lcaJ or b o]ogjcal warheads. lt intpecUona were ~how cauld thef hive Viib~ ~ milliltDI and ,._ c:bcmlcll weapons th.at are P"8 to be found and~ Liiied~ American troope. the lNplCdona. De W-. arguments. ~utter flafte. Out mDttuy actioos wW tloaly unccMI' hit ~.and the tm!ntl tblt ... die Uberadon of tnq WW~ P'O'fe '"'" ~""a ,.,.~ 1~ nnNr.v,,, appeasement was moldy~ ComMela RE.: .Keep ut bleAed with the ftabt to deteatt. • It la my IUlcln hope that the mce.ant wtdnirl& and srm·ftdlri& from Joe BcD &odbls bUdd* on the left coodouel. t baW not tu.ct .ucb e:squWte encenaloment Mee · "Sdnftld" wena oa me• ITEWUACM Newport 8eidt .... ~ c:ahPm,lllmd me up• .... ......,. ctoit. IDd ....... .. purpoet. ...... Cllenled wrlW. " he .ad to WrY tUil; He Wrta. ... bUt .. flCll ............. ~OD M.rch 20; hil entire~ ........... . JOU bad funny.,.._... ht ...... be lbouldbe. ~ ~ .. ;flU' edMOn did r QUOTE OF THE DAY "Our kids gave it all they had. We battled." Russ Oavts, Vanguard University women's baskejball coach A6 Tuesday, March 25, 2003 , Sports Editor Roger Carlson • (949) 5744223 • Sports F.a>t: (949) 650-0170 COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL ----·--.;...._ EYEOPENER Daily~ Spana Hal c'I FaJ'l'M' 1'4'lrbnllutc dJ. 11-•UIU Match 31 l'lonol'ee ERIC WOODS Dady Pdot . . Liqns .. lose in semifinal, .62-49 Southern Nazarene reaches second straight NAIA championship game after quieting the Vanguard Lions. JACKSON, Tenn. -Vanguard Univer- sity's unprecedented run in the NAIA Division I Women's Basketball Tourna- ment ended with a 62-49 semifinal loss to Southern Nazarene Monday night at Oman Arena. The Lions (28-10). who made their first appearance in the Final Four, shot GOLF PGA Champions Tour event appears to have a home at Newport Beach Country Club for a long time. L ike in most good businesses, it starts with relationships .. Then it fosters:lt grows. There are fruits of successes. Oh, sure, there's pain. hard work and lost sleep. but the end result is a continued commitment lo the community and that's the bottom business line for the Toshiba Senior Oassic. ·n1e three organizations working together on this PGA Otampions Tour project every year -Hoag Hospital, the managing operator and lead charity, Toshiba. and .-------. Newport Beach RICHARD DUNN Country Oub -are so closely aligned in business like-mindedness that the annual huge undertaking is as much a vow from the soul as is it physical presence. Tuumament Co-Olai.rman Jake Rohrer's anny of more than 900 volunteers fill all the gaps and keep everything running smoothly, while the wizardry and financial genius of fellow Tournament Otair Hanle Adler has helped produce a seemingly endless stream of corporate backing. But the manager of managers is Tuumament Director Jeff Purser, a hot commodity in the sports administration world these days who said Monday he'd only leave for the right opportunity, like •athletic director at Ohio State," quipped the avid Buckeye fan. Known for turning struggling tournaments around, like at Grand Rapids, Mich .. and Newport Beach in 1998, Purser would onty be interested in starting a brand new event or t.ald.ng over an existing event that needs help. But prying Purser away from Southern California now-he's from Ohio his parents recently purchased a summer home in Oceanside, where his sister lives -will be tough. Thank goodness. Toshiba and Hoag want to keep Purser, 36, employed here as long as possible. For the fourth year in a row, the Toshiba Cl4iuic donated at least $1 million to charity. With 1bshiba execudve vice president Rod Keller an avid golf er and lover of this event [TOshiba recenttx sipled a t three-year extension with Hoag and the PGA Tbur, ensuring the townaftlent'• future through 2006), the event appeaB to have a dear path to sustained success. e$pedallywlth Newport Beach Cowitry Oub also locked in ror aoolher three years. "As long as Tushiba or aomebody else based in Oraqge County rematn. the dde apont0r, J th.Ink the tournament -wm aau ri..ht here for a lo!!& Cime, .. JIJd -. ~~c6CoUnuyOub i Jerry Andenon, the tournament'• dUel host when you get rtgbt down to ll SMGOlf,P ... A7 33.3% from the field (18 of 54). includ- ing 22.2% from beyond the three-point line (6 of 27). Conversely. Vanguard had shot from three-point range, 39% and 41%, respectively, in its past two vic- tories. "We had some good looks, but our shots just weren't falling," Vanguard Coach Russ Davis said in a telephone interview. UThat team is a hungry team. They wanted a chance to play (four- time defending champion) Oklahoma City for the championship again." The Crimson Storm (28·9), making its 12th straight appearance in the NAIA semifinals, advanced to the NAIA Tour- ' WThey lcilled us on the boards." Davis said ~Some· times you have to give credit to a team that plays like that Our kids gave it all they had. We battled. I don't thinlc (Southern Nazarene) would say the win was easy. We just didn't get it done." nament ti"'e game for the second consecutive season and will face Oklahoma City (33-0). tonight Southern Nazarene used its height ad- vantage to offset Vanguard's speed and outside shooting. Davis said the Lions were outmatched at every posi- tion. Vanguard 49 The Crimson Storm used a So. Nazarene 62 10-3 run to grab a 25· 13 lead with 6:43 left in the first half. Southern Nazarene outre- bounded Vanguard, 49-37, and collected 22 offensive re- bounds. The Lions also lost to ·Southern Nazarene. 71-48. Dec. 30 at the GSAC Otallenge at the Master's CoUege. The Lions. who led just once (3-2), managed to come within eight be- fore halftime and trailed, 33-26, going into the locker room. Vanguard came KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Hale Irwin, digging out of a bunker at No. 13 Sunday, and the Toshiba Senior Classic field, bid adieu until next year. within five on two occasions in the sec· ond half, but the Crimson Storm an· swered the latter with a 7-0 run to pul the game out of reach. Sophomore guard Lacey Mills led the Lions with 14 points, while feUow sophomore guard Jennifer Wt..lcox added 12 points, eight rebounds, four assists and two steals. Senior guard Sasha Serogina scored 17 points to lead Southern Nazarene, the No. 2 seed in the tournament's third-quarter bracket. Ndeye Ndiaye, the Crimson Tide's 6-fool-3 junior for-· See LIONS, Pa"._ A7 PGA Champions Tour· event reaches milestone for fourth straight year. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACI I -The Toshiba Senior Oassic enjoyed another banner year in charitable giving Sunday. donat · ing $1 million in net proceed'> for the fourth consecutive year. The most philanthropic stop on the PGA Otampions Tour. the Toshiba CJa.,. sic became the first on the lour to do· nate $1 million to charity four straight years. WThis year's Toshiba Senior Oa.sl>ic was another tremendous succesi. ... Toshiba executive vice president Rod KeUer said. WNothing is more Indicative of that fact than our donation to charity. We are pleased to be able to benefit local charities in the community where's Toshiba's employees Live TOSHIBA and work. and we are very proud that charitable giving has really become a legacy of the Toshiba Senior Oassic." The event, operated by Hoag Memo- rial Hospital Presbyterian. the lead char- ity of the Toshiba Senior Oassic. has now exceeded $5. 7 million in cash do nations in the six years since Hoag be- came the tournament organi1,er. "We want to thank our 900 volunteers for another outstanding and weU-coor· dinated effort," Toshiba Senior Oassic Co-Otairman Jake Rohrer ~d. HThe (event) is widely regarded as one of the best·nm events on the Olampions Tour and the hard work of our volunteers is a major part of that. They are crucial to the large charitable donation we make each year." The Tushiba Senior Oassic was the first Otampions Tour event lo raise $1 million for charity in a single year (2000), and last year became the fu"l>t to raise $1 million 1n three consefutive years, and in 2001 became the first to achieve the mark in back-to-back years. In 1998, after running its first senior tour event, Hoag was awarded the tour's inaugural Otarity of the Year award after raising more than $700,000 through the Toshiba Clas.sic. ••• See TOSHIBA. Pae• A7 ·occ ATHLETES OF THE WEEK COLLEGE BASEBALL Lions take 7 -1 victory ----------- Indiana-New Albany no match for Vanguard U. COSTA MESA -Vanguard University banged out 14 bits and played errodess defense in posting a 7-1 nonconference baseball victory over visiting Indiana· New Albany Monday. Isaac Salazar wielded lhe heaviest bit for the Uons, going f for S and scoring twlce. Jaaon Searle and Ja3on Brunett were each 2 for 5 and Robert Cruz was 2 for 4. •. . . . Searle and Andy Freeman. who bad rwo RBIJ, each dOubled. Searle gor the victory after going five lnnlngt. ~one earned run. etrik· ina out ftVe and waUdna Just one. Matt Franco, Aoben IWn and IMabop Grlgt combined to three-bit Ind.Jana-New Al- bany the rest or the wa~'. Mib Presdgiacomo went the dla· tance for the Indiana nine. allowing 14 hits and four earned NI\$. HJs defense committed seven errors behind him. Vanguard Improved to 15·15, while Indiana-New Albany £ell to 2-10. 'nte Uons are at Cal Baptist on Weclnetday with lhe re5urnptlon of Golden State Athletic C.Onference oom- pedtion. ............. . ........ ~~~, lndlena --=by~ • 1 I 7 ~ * 110 Ola -) 1• 0 "-tloleoomo Ind RMoe; S..1't41, Ftenco (8), ta.In (t),Grlgga Ct) end w..te,_.d. W - Seane, 2· 1. L-~lecomo. 28-S..rte M,FrMrNnM. \ -----=1'"-------- --------=--~ --=- -... , . ' SPORTS MARI< C. DUSTIN/OAJLYP1LOT John Jacobs, always a contender, chips onto the 18th green as the 2003 Toshiba Senior Classic became history Sunday afternoon. TOSHIBA Continued from A6 This years foshiba winner. Rodger Davis, a1so earned a spot in neltl ~ear's MasterCard Olam- pionship in Hawaii. He won $232.500 for his victory. I tis pre- vious-best checlc on the Olampi- ons Tour was for $108.000 when he finished third at last years Farmers Oiarity Oassic in Michi- gan. He won $500,000 in Austral- ian dollars once i11 I ~8. when LIONS Continued from A6 ward, hauled down 10 rebounds, while 6-5 junior center Ban· degne Di.op added 12 points and eight reboun~ Vanguard senior Robbin Dit- tenbir, who had scored 42 points and grabbed 30 rebounds in the three previous games, fouled out with 14:27 remairting. Dittenbir scored six points. "Once I wa'> out of the ball- game, it wasn't over yet." Ditten-. bi.r said. "There are plenty of other weaponi. on our team. •tt•s been an awesome and In- credible run. I'm going to miss these girls and the coaches. We overcame so much." The Lions. ma.Icing its fifth ap- pearance in the NAIA and their he won an event with Fred Cou- ples. ••• With the win. Dam became the fourth first-time winner on the tour in 2003 and the third in c;uccession. Last year there were live first-time winners all year. ••• Gil Morgan toolc over the money lead on the tour with his tie for i.ix.th place and check for $58,900. Morgan has now earned $462,000 far the year and bolds a first in the FinaJ Four. were the !tecond seed in the fourth quar- ter of the tournament In addition to Dittenbir, Jes- sica Lenderman, Laura Lee, Pau- lette Seaman, Courtney McKin- ney and Deborah Candelaria played in their final game for the Lions. Vllnguard -Candelaria 0, Mills 14, l.ae 6, Wilcox 12, D1ttenbir 6, Seamen 6, Josefsson 3. J. Lenderman 2. 3-pt_ goals -M ills 4, Josefsson 1, Seaman 1. Fouled out -Dittenbir. Technicals -none. SoutNm Maurene -Snodgrass 5. Korfe 5, Seriogine 17. Ndiaye 9, Diop 12, Ngom 8, Rush 3. Wilkin• 3. 3-pt_ goals -Seriogina 3 Snodgrass 1, Korfe 1, Wilk.ins 1. Fouled out -Ngom. Technicals -Ngom. Halftime -Southern Nazarene, 33-26. slim margin over Hale Irwin. who is next with $456.021. Dana Quigley dropped from his top spot to third with $438,671. He had held the lead all season since starting the year with a win at the MasterCard O:uunpion- ship. ••• Allen Doyle carded his third successive 68 and ran his string of rounds In the 60s at the event to 14. Doyle finished in a tie for eighth and finished out of the top three for the first time in five HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratJng the Dall}t Pilot's Athlete of the Week senes i ii 1 1 i I TODAY 2A -Dave Elllott Orange Coast Basketball, '00 22 -Kemmy Burgeu Vanguard Basketball, '01 appearances here. ••• Andy Bean had a rtice showing in his first start on the Oiampi- ons Tour, finishing tied for 26th and eamingSl3,485. ••• TI1e field averaged 70.3 ll for the tournament, a slight drop from last year's stroke average of 70.409. The most difficult hole was No. 8 (a 3.266 stroke aver- age), while the easiest was No. 15 (4.469). VOLLEYBALL Eagles fifth The Estancia High boys volley- ball team finished fifth in Divi- sion II at the Orange County Cltampionships Saturday. The Eagles defeated Ocean View, 15-3, 12-15, 15-11, l..os Ala- rrtitos, 15-8, 16-14, El Toro, 15-4, 15-2, 8Ild University of San Di- ego High. 15-11, 15-8. They were defeated by Los Alamitos. 15-8, 15-8, and Milli- kan, 15-13, 12-15, 15-7. Junior Josh Kornegay totaled 44 lcills, followed by junior Kris Hartwell's 41. Sophomore setter • Trevor Holmes amassed 84 as- sists in the tournament The F.agtes are 8-2. 2-0 inleague. OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK SCHEDULE SAM NATA• RIO TODAY Baubd College -UC Irvine at Nevada-Las Vegas, 6:30 p.m. Community college -Orange Coast at Golden West, 2 p.m. High school -Corona del Mar at Laguna Beach, 3.15 p.m., Aliso Niguel at Newport Harbor, 3 p.m. ~ Hlgh IChool boys-Sage Hill at Oxford Academy, 6 p.m. ....... College women -UC Irvine Spring Invitational; Point Loma Nazarene at Vanguard University, 2 p.m. High acttool boys-Costa Mesa at Westminster, 3 p.m.; Orange at Estancia, 3 p.m.; Whitney at Sage Hill, 3: 15 p.m. Swimming High acttool girts -CIF Relays Preliminaries at Belmont Plaza, 3 p.m. Softbel College-Biota at Vanguard University. doublehMder, 1 :30 ~·,;.; school -Corona del Mar at Newport Harbor, 3:30 p.m. Golf High acttool boys-Laguna Beadl vs. Corona del Mar at Newport Beectt CC, 2:30 p.m.; Aliso Niguel vs.. Newport Harbor, at Santa Ana CC. 2:A6 p.m.; Marina vs. Estancia, at MeN Verde CC, 2'.30 p.m.; Costa Mesa at Westminster, 2:30 ~wlfteld • Community college men end women -Orange Com at Orange Empire Conference multHventa at Mt. Sen Antonio College, 9 a.m . ..... 1: • .., .............. .,000 ..... , ... • .............. "••fl•• i -• KMP,...w•••IM ...... GOLF Continued from A6 Tuesday, Match 2!>, 2003 A1 you shouldn't 00.t IL.. Hoag. aa Anderaon mentioned, ls 8Jl lmponanl coaununity-bued charitable outlet because It's "maybe something you might have to use. "With Hoag. it kind of ties everything together. They're created a good re!adonshlp. one ~ didn't have early on.· •ttoas Hospital.~ aru1 ourselves have a grat working relationship ... another thing I bear from the tour and different pl.yen is the fact that the club wants (the playera) here. evidently, in some cases, there are some stops on the tour where the club perhaps aren't so h06pltable. They have the attitude of, Ob, these guys again. When are they going to get off our golf course so.we can play againr Some of the players say It's sure not friendly as certain places, but tbey feel warm and welcome here and appreciate our hospitality. Our staff is excited about how they can take care of them. But evidently some places are not lilce that* Anderson, no doubt echoing some feelings for everyone involved in the tournament, added: MSure, people get tired during the week and you get a little broken down along the way. But if you're thinking. Gee. I'm tired. When is this tournament going to end?' Then ln May 1997, Newport Beach Country Oub made a tough 40d somewhat rislcy decision. tell.ing the PGA Tour to forget about hosting the event unless a new tournament operator comes in to-manage it nbe tour's ecstatic:: about char {fateful declaration in May '97), • Aqders0n 'said] That's when the ·. tour phoned Ro~ and invited Hoag to come aboard. ft has been an ideal, three-pronged relationship since and provided the city of Newport Beach somethmg to be extremely proud of. ••• Pun.er added Monday that he reque!>ted to the tour the same fourth weekend in March to host the I Uth annual Toshiba Senior Classic in 2004. HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Magnolia powers past Sea Kings Three <lingers pace the Sentinels, 6-5, in the third-place tournament duel. ANAHEIM -The Corona del Mar High baseball team saw a 5-3 lead vanish under a power display by host Magnolia Mon- day as the Sentinels belted three homers to claim a 6-5 win in the third-place game of the Newport Elks Tournament's Costa Mesa bracket. Magnolia senior Matt McCon· naughey belted a two-run homer in the first to put the hosts on top, but CdM rallied for three in the second and two in the third. Todd Macklin singled and, one out later, Nick Palchikoff walked to set the table for a two-run double by Sea Klng 'fyter Lents in the second. Wess Presson, who walked, later came around to score on a single by Keith Long to tie the game. CdM scored twice in the third to go ahead, but, after a Jose La- mas solo homer drew Magnolia to within one. McConnaughey blasted his second two-run clin- ger of the day In the sixth to give the Sentinels all they would need. Lents had a double and a sin- gle to firush with three RBis. while Long was 2 for 3 for CdM, which fell to 3-3. ,,... Senior Kyle Todd .t'.arned the pitching victory in t1ll-;;f f~r Mag- nolia, which improved to 5-1 . The Sea Kings return to Pacific Coast League play today, when they VlSit the cozy confines of La- guna Beach for a 3. I 5 p.m. con- t~t. ~~T~ Third.place final Magnoiia 6, CdM 5 ~bv lnnln6s CdM ....u .boo 1> 553 Magnolia 300 012 o 6 s 3 Stodtstlll, R. Rhodes (61 and P!:esson, Kelly (6); Loza. Ontevenis 14), Todd (61 and Bautista. W -Todd L -R. Rhodes, 0-1 2B -Lents ICdMI HR - McConnaughey (M) 2, Lamas (M). Estancia rallies for 6-5 nonleague win Hoffman earns second pitching victory for the Eagles in victory against Santiago. COSTA MESA -Junior Ty- ler Hoffman is the envy of the Estancia High pitching staff, after recording bis second win in as many starts Mon- day in a 6-5 nonleague tri- umph over visiting Santiago. Hoffman. the nephew of injured San Diego Padres closer Trevor Hoffman, worked five Innings. yielding four hits and two earned runs while striking out four. He walked five and hit a bat- ter, however, forcing him to pitch out of a few jams, said F.standa assistant coach CJ( Green. Hoffman also helped his C8U5e with a two-run double in the thiid, part of a tbree- run inning that pu.t ~ Eagles on top, 4-3. Estancia added single runs in the fourth and sixth. which proved to be a valuable cush- ion, aft.er the Cavaliers rallied for two in the seventh. Jeremy Hauser. however, shut the door for his first save to help the Eagles im- prove to 2-5. Greg Hughes tripled and scored three runs, while CuJ- len Crom went 2 for 4 with two RBis and Jose Jauregui went 2 for 3 with one RBI. Estancia opens Golden West League play Wednesday at home against Westmin- ster. Nott .... Estancia I, Slmiago 5 S.ntiego ~'\.o""*T-5 7 2 Estancia 103 101 • -e 7 o Rodng'*· Sliva (51 and '9rer.; Hoffman, HauMr (6) and Cforn. W -Hoffman, 2-0. l -Rodrlgue.z. Sv -Hau-(11. 28 -HdlftNn IEI. Jauregui (El, Pwez ISi. Sliva (S). 38 -Hughee (El ' - r-- SPORTS BRIEFLY Estaricia softball emerging into ·a Contender, 11-4 Laguna Bea.ch finds out the hard way. • SOPl'BALL: The Estancia ttt;i softball team capped its most impressive preleague cam- paign.in recent memory Monday, defeating host Laguna Beach. It'-4. C.Oacb Marc Rodig's11 F.agles (6·1) 'wenf 'paced ~tiensively by ~ Ockey (3 .for 4 with two RBis) and Hfilary Larson (3 for 4 wii& tour RBis), while freshman pitcher Muriel MasoD . fanned fo'11 to eam her fifth victory without a loss this spring. '&tanda hosts Westminster on Saturday in the Golden West ~e season opener. Nonleque Estancia 11, lag. Beac:ti 4 Score by lnnlnas Estancia 540 200 "b -11 13 6 Lag. Bch 100 201 0 -4 7 3 Muon .nd Aco9ta; Turner and Frlmond. W-Mason,~. L-Turner, 1-4. 28 -Llreon (E). 38 -0ckey IE). Frlmond (LB). CdM walks to victory • SOFJ'&\LL: The C.Orona del Mar High softball team ben. efited from 14-walks IUld four St. Margaret's errors to roll past the tartans, 16· l, in a ·five-in- ning oonleague mercy ruling. contest Monday at CdM. · Sarah Stern and Melanie Cole paced the Sea Kings with two hits apiece to help Cole record her second pitching victory io as many starts. Cole allowed just two hits and two walks for the Sea Kings (3-3). Corona del Mar does not play again until April 8 when it is at Laguna Beach in the Pacific Coast League season opener. ~. CdM 11, St. MMpm'• 1 . Score by lnnfne• St. Mar. 000 'o -1 2 4 CdM 907 OlC -19 a 1 Eagles best Breakers •GOLF; F.stancia High's bdys golf team got off to -the right start in Golden West league play witli a· nine-hole, 206-'229 win ov~r host .Orange Monday on the par-36 Mountain View Golf Course. Jason Cassidy took medalist honors with a I-under 36. The senior carded birdies on three holes to lead the Eagles (3-1, 1-0 in league). Marcus Sostak shot 40 fol- lowed by a 41 from Jason Les with Ryan Brown (44) llJld Aus- tin Serr (45) rounding out the Eagles' scorers. INTERIOR DESIGN I CUSTOM HOME DESIGN I FINE HOME FURNITUR E I ACCESSORIES & SERVICES DEADLINE FOR SPACE & COPY Wednesday, April 16, 2003 5 p.m. AREAS OF C IRCULATION INCLUDE: DAILY PILOT -Friday, April 25. 2003 Newport Beach • Corona del Mar DEADLINE FOR '\Jewport Coast • Costa l\fesa CAMERA READY ART HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT -Thursday. May 1. 2003 • Monday, April 21, 2003, 5 p.m Huntington Beach • Huncington Harhour Sunset Beach ADVERTORIAL DEADLINE COASTLINE PILOT -Friday, May 2. 2003 .J 4 f, Wednesday, April 16, 2003 (no advertorial may be submitted after deadline) Laguna Beach 78,000 circulation Daily Pilot ~ 949-642-4321 H U "ITl\vTO" B t~cu INDEPENDENT 949-642-4321 ~---~ L A G U 'I'.\ 8 F A C H COASTLINE PILOT 949-494-4321 CdM blitzes foe, 17.:1 . Coro~ del Mar High's boys tennis team improved to 11-0 with a 17 -1 ponleague victory at Sunny Hills Monday, dropping Sunny Hills to 7-1.. • CdM 17. Sunny HIUs 1 s._ ... _Snyder (CdM) def. Sturman, 6--1; def. Eraso, S..1, (Gingold) def. Daily, 7-5; Miller (CdM) won, 6-3, 6--1, 6-2; Reitz (CdM). won, 6-2. 6-3, 6-1. Doublea-Salda-Nguyen (CdM) lost to T. Hong·S. Hong, 2-6; <tef. Jung-Calamallo, 6-2; def. Wang-Blae, 6-4; Ball-Pham (CdM) won, 6-3, 6-3, 6-1; Warsaw-Roberts (CdM} won, 6-4. 6-1, 6-2. CdM trails by two • GOLF: Corona del Mar High's boys golf team tried to overpower the Cypress Golf C.Ourse Monday, but it wasn't to its advantage. according to Coach Mike Sta'tkweathe.r. CdM shot two strokes more than host Cypress and .trails. 195-197, al- ter nine holes on the par-35 oourse. Tim Frohling won medalist ·honors with a 34. H~ had two birdies. FoUowing Frohling for CdM were Alex Otlkovani (38), Ben Tilsen ,(.O) 8.lo.ng with Brad. · Giamberlin and Rob· Ury, who both fired 42s .• Sage Hill sizzles •GOLF: The Sage Hill School boys golf team recorded the lowest team score in its two- year varsity history Monday. topping Academy League host Oxford Academy, 211·234, in a nine-hole match at Dad Miller Golf Course in Anaheim. Sage Hill freshman Josh Olen shot 3-over-par 38 to earn med· alist honors, while Bryan Korrt- swiet (40), Jeff Cruttenden (42), John Neff (45) and Ryan UC Irvine BASEBALL Saturday, Mar. 19, 6 p.m. Sunday, Mar. 30, 1 p.m. Saturday night's game Is Schweitzer (46) rounded ou the Ugbtnlng .Corers. Komswiet's lO putts were a school nine-bole record. Lightning .splits • SOFTBALL: The Sage School softball team score nine runs ·in the first innin leading_ to a 13·9 win over A ton-based Vasquez i\Dd answe ing a loss the' Llghtni.ni ha earlier in the Arrowhead air tlan Academy Tournament Sa urday. Sage Hill (3-3) opened tourney with a 11-0 loss t Beaumont in four innings. B the Lightning came back wi 13 hits against Vasquez. Fresh men Catherine Dailey an Megan McCullough each went f~r4. Junior Katrina Redelsheime collected two hits and recorde her first pitching ~n of the sea son. UC Irvine Baseball Seat Cushion Night - the flnt 500 fans In attendance will receive a free seat cushion, sponsored by Pepsi. Doa't .......... s ••• ., ..... ., ....... to..,,...... ... ,... .... cw ..... bascMl/softlNlll JctMY to .... ,.... UC Irvine MEN'S VOLLEYBALL ua vs. Santa Barbara, 1hursclay, Mar. fJ, 7 , ... . ua vs. Cal StMc Nol1hrtclgt, Saturday, Mar.19, 7 , ... . Come out and watch the n ranked 'Eaters in action! ' e . TMSday, lll•dl 25, ZOOl ""' ................ ·~---~~~~~~~ ............ ............ ............ 2141 l.11111 ..... .. ........... ............ -......... ~-­CIYC-.~ ~ ............. ...,s.1 ... ,... 1..us,• CURRENT 8USIN£SS CORONA DEL MAR STAlE BEAC H IM· rROYCMENTS (4 10 , .. ) STATUS Of CASTAWAYS rAllK llEYECE TATION f'RO.llCl (4 50 r.M.) CONTRACTS AHO AClttEMENTS G£NERAL PlAJlt vt~ STATEMENT EndOfse the GeMfll Plen Vision Statement. PU8LIC HEARING COOE AMENDMENT CA 2002.007 • LAHOMARK BUILDINGS (PA Z002 218> • AMENbMENT TO rmc 20 or tHf •MC 10 DCSICNATt CCltTAIN TVPCS Of' BUllDINCS AS "lMOMAAK IUtLOINc;S• AM> MOOlf Y RESTlttC TIONS CW. THE USU IN l.Af'IDMARK BUILDINGS (contd from 2/11/03 a. l/11/03) BALBOA VlllAC£ BUSINESS IMPROVE MENl DISTRICT RE HO'IAL P11bltshed Hewpor t Beach Cost• Mes. Daily Piiot Merc h 25, 2003 T085 llGAl. llOlll IOOOOfNIXWl OfW....PIOflm Holle' is hlfeby 11ven th1t lhe undersl1n1d will s.11 et publtt auction, pursuent to Section 21700 ol the Bu~iness !!Jd Proft>"ontl Cod!. u.. fono..n. o..c1!4lt4 pr~ty to wot: DAial HCNDREN f •ll Fu, •lket, r11&. hyk11r4, 11111.fr. •Jiil> , boxes, Mtac OMA ClAltK 113 Ref., bllle l"ltb. lewn mower, pool h11tlf, to,., stereo "ulp, MIK. FREORIQI HEU>El.8ERG C YI Bike, TV:11Kfbo11d, c hair, Mlle , JERRY DUNGEY C 78 like, c:ompvter equip, 1111t cewi. TV, vcR; MISC SM wlU be •y ~111 1)41tibn blddinc (Wfltllf) SHled bids 11\IY be submitted in ff'lllM•) on the 2nd ct.y of April 2003 at 2 00 P M 11 the premises where Hid property has been s tored ind which Is located at AYRES SELF STORAGE. 7012 Ernest Ave., Huntlnaton BHch, Ce , (714) 948·7314 l.an41of4 r~ .. t.1111 r!lllt to bi4 et tt\t Mk, ,_dt_ mwt .. 1r1eclt lty uJlt l.n4 paid for •t tM time of purellne Alt p111cll1nd eoo4t ,,. •old •• It end must be fUIOVtd at time of ute S1t1 11 subject to c1~1l1tlor1 In {lie ennt of t.ettlement bet- l111dtor4 end otll~1ted ~r..._, on 03/llVOJ ind OJ/25IOJ Auc lt0n eer Wenda Horton, Borod " S 400-l614 AYJft Self stor.,. Resident Manacvs l'ubhslled Newport BeKh·Cosbl Me5I Daily Pilot M1rch 18. 25. 2003 T078 S.tl 'o'" Car In Cl1u~lfl•d ! ............ .......... fhl folloWllll IMIOOM ere ~1n1 butt u T+ C11pet CIHnln1. 2.'63189 VII lloble, Mis alon Ylefo, C1llf0f11l1 92691 Altt1ndra Y1111el DorentH , 26386 Vie llo_.t, Ml11lon Y .. lo. Celtfornll 92691 nus bu.lneu II con- duct.d lty 1n lndNldu1t lieYI ,ou started "*'c buslrlels J•t1 YH. 04/ 31!02 A»tandrt Oountn, Thia statement WH hied w1lll the County Clerk of Of1n1• Countr on 02/03/0J 20PMJ214.4 011tr Piiot Mar 4, 11, 18, 2S, 2003 T067 ll01kl CM1l5 fCll • SCHOOl DISTl!ICl: MIWPotrr-MISA UNfflfD SCNCJOl DtSTlt(T rROJECT ... ti OS-GI SANDINO & IUIMISHtNG GYM flOpttS P111VlttTATIVt .U.llNAJt<I SllVKIS COSTA alSA ~ tslANCIA fMH KffOOt.S , MOlla'a.t---4 ..ti_,~ atwte4 _,...,..Mt ... _, ..... fedlltt .. tt..-"' ef Nfy, 2001 OEAl>lmf: TUUOAY, AHi. 22, 200J Al 2.001'.M. IOMD DATL MAY 11, 2001 PL.AC( OF BIO RECEIPT FACIUTl£S & Of'ERAllOHS, 2985 Bear Str"1. 8u1ldtn& E. Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 424 7SJO PLACE PLAHS/DOCUMENTS TO BE PICllCD UP AT Sarne as abOve aANDAtOltY MHTtNG1 MANOATORY meehn11s scheduled 10< WEDNESDAY, AfRll 16. 2003 Al 8.00 AM Pro$94!chve bidders we to meet 11 F1c1llhes <Jnd Ope1atoons Ofhce, Newport Meaa Un1ftecl School Oostrict, 2985 Bear Strut, BulldJna C Costa Men . CA 92626 Call (714) 424 7!>.IO trn detillls Bldl wlll not be 1ccept1d hom contract0<s not 1ttend1n1 thb muuna NOTICE IS. HEREBY GIV(N th1t th• abMe n•m•d School District of Onn1• County, CA, 1ctma by and throuah 1u Gonrn1na Board, hare1n1fter referred to u 'DIS IRICT' will receive up to, but not later thin th• above·sl1ted time, SHlld bids tor the 1w11d of a contract for lhe ptoiect described as . SANDING & RIFMISNING GYM nooas -SUVICI CONRACT • COSTA MISA Oftd ESTANCIA HIGH SCHOOLS There will be • t.n ($10.00) dollar non refundable p1yment required 10< each u t ot bid documents. An 1dd1tional ,_ ($4.00) dollars must be 1ncludetl ol h•ndlt1d by mall Checks should be made payable to Newport Mesa Unll~d School Dodrlcl Bids 1h1ll be received in the Plau 1denhl1ed above. and ~hall be opened and publicly rud 1loud at the above ,lated time and piece In eccordance with the provr~'°"' nt Cahlornta Public Contract Code Section 3300. the DISTRICT requtr•s that the bodde• pouess the lollowona clos1l1t1llon ol cnntracto1' hcenH at the bme that the contract 1s awarded <-ff_._, C-tS ~uc..... • No payment shall be no,\dr fur wor~ 01 mate11at under the contrtd unless and until the DISTIUCl venhed that the Contractor wn properly hceo"ed .et thr t1n1 lhe contr .. cl was awerded Any contractor not so license 11 sub,ect to penalhes under the law 11 the louns• • •• -.olu •loon spec1f1ed hereonabove 1s that of 1 "specialty contract0<0 as dlloned tn Section 70S8 ol the Caloforn•• Busm~•· ~nol Pr11fus1ons Code the "JMC••ltr contractor awarded the contract fOf thl\ work •hall in.ti consituct • ml)Ortly ol th~ work'" •t<ordance woth Ule provmon• ol Cahlorn11 Busmen and Prolentons Colfe &e<tlon 7059. Failure to compl!!le the work wolhtn the tome set forth hMe1n will rHult rn the 1mposihon ot liquldated dam119 tor aech day of delay, 1n th" .. mount set luoth on th~ ·111tormallon 10< Bidders• f.ech bid must conlo1m and br "' .pnn"ve to the contract dotuments [uh bidder sh•ll submit on the form furnished with the contract documenh .; 11\I 11 the proposed ~ub,ontrartors on this proiect as 1equ1<ed by the Sublettrne and Subcontrattonit Fair P11tltce' "" 1,.,,~onmenl Code Section 4100 et uq Eich bid shall be •ccomp .. n"d by • 1 ert1foed or cashier's checl< or bod bond In an 1mount not len than ten (10~) percent ol the total bid prne, lur1tl\IJ a Pltyment Bono on an •mount not less than one hundred (IOO't) per cent of the total bod price, and lutnosh terlthtal.-tv1dtnc oni! lhnl lhe requtfed 111~ur•nrf' 11 on effect m the amounts set forth on the General Condlhon'S In the event ol I ulnr. to •nter onto the cnnh dd and e aecute the requ11ed documenh, such bod securtly will be forfeited Th" f ••thlul Pttl •r "'""' f 8-0nd \hall reno•on rn full to"e and effect throucti the auarantee pe11od as •pecoloed 1n tht Gener at Condohons The OISJRICT rt\f!Ve\ lhr 111 hi to aw•rd th~ btd lo nlOfe than one (I) bidder lhe DISTRICT rewvn the 111hl to reiect 1ny or all bids Of hi w••ve •ny 111··~ul•11t1es 01 onlr rm•htoes 1n .onr bids or on the btddma As 1equ1ted by Set loon 177 J nl th• C•hlnrno .• l•bor Code the Duector ol the Department ol lndust11•I Rel1toons ol the Sltle ot Cahfornoa hu. df'lltlntlllf'd lht centrally prl' ... , .... , , ..... ol waaes In the locality on whtth thr WOfk IS to b• performed Copies ol these w•1e rJte drlnm•n•l10n\ enl•llf'd Prevaa1n11 Wac• Scale are m11ntatntd at tile DesllKI Otltee locall'd at 298!1 Bear Street Bu1ldon1 l W\IA Mr\a l.A 92626 f .-<1ht1es Mamten1nce and Operations, and ••• •vaolablt to any 1nltrMltd P•rly upon requ•\1 lllr contrulor ,h.)11 post ~ copy ol this document al uch iob sole The conh~tlor-•nd any 1uocontratlor undrr 11 sh•ll P•Y nut le" than the 'pecoloed preve1hn1 rat•' of wases to all WOflr.en •mployed m the eucution of the 'onll•ct Hnh~ .• y ••le' sh.oil o" paod ~' \pet1lted on the collethve baraamma 11reement •PPlttabl• to each parl1Gul11 craft clu'Sol1ratoon 111 IVP" nl work tmploytd on lht projf!cl Ho bodder may withdraw any bod• for • pP11od of 11tly (60) day• after the d•ll' \ti fnr lht 111.1~non11 ot bids A Payment Bond shall b" r equued p11or 19 ue<Ull•~ of t~e tont1 ~ti ~nd \hall be tn the form set forth 1n th• contract documents Pursuant to Sectonn 22300 ol lht f'ubht Contract Cod• the conh1tl will tontaon provmons pefm1tlon1 the sutcnstul bedder to substitute secu11ton In• any mono•~ withheld by th .. DISIRICT to ensure peolormance under the contract Each bid submitted m rtwun'• to tho\ No~I' shall rontain. n • bod olf'm. adequatr provisions tor the protection ol hie and the rest ol the tacohtoes du11111 s•ndbl.ntonc of 11001\ GOYllNIHG IOAJtD, lrlc N. Jette , c .r .I .. Direct.,., foclllti.~. Melrtt-• ..... o, ......... Publtshed !few t Beach Costa Meu D~I Polot M<l"h 25. 27, 2003 1160 TM SS 4 RICOOS nc .Ila. a..c. Ek. ~ & 8h IJl Allee.. sPot. .. lf11JS Mille 949 64S-7S05 fCUIDIUQIT a. suit bexll. Cil to de scm. 9ot9-7W-1834 TTh080 4748 fkffM ...... ... s...... The lollowona pei~s are domit busonen H •> Trot Me l 1ke Gold' b) lreal Me li"e Gold 239 Rob1nso11 D11ve Tustin CA 92782 David E St1thow1ak 239 Robinson D11ve f ustm CA 92782 lh" busonH\ 1s lOn dueled by an 1nd1v1dual Have you st.or led doon1 business yet> Ye\. 3 II 03 Davod [ Stdchow1ak lhos st•lement w.;• hied with lht Count v Clerk of Onnee County on 03/20/03 200Ut3711t Daily Pilot Mar I. 8.15. 2003 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FORSAlf Gani Annauncementl 1610 40/60 ACRES rROM S395 p•r acre Prime ranch acruee 1n lfW Amona Dlllrt Pru,er1J -El no qu1hl1n1 tow dOWll ltfms• Ad)a<.@nt to CA~ art S2115.IXD 1011 course communol)'. 10 1111'1 lo PS Mparl. Zll5 ott h"torK Route 66 s1 altKh CMIU ond bedl Call toda y• Brooks house• h anrrm: '*' Realty 866 OJOO S263 lf'ill"N ch. illZS bbW 1310 (CAL •SCAN) roclr. ~. 111C tul> • • uparadl l"'at w1•1ns ...,... ~"""'SALE 1and5c. RY/toll ~ Blodt Rdllm .... ... s...... l he tollowone persons •re dotnR bus•nen •• Charleston Proonte 17390 E1cot 17th Street Suite E T us ton. CA 92780 Ret>ecu Petlehtt (Ob• Charluton Pro•ence) 10866 Coronel Ro•d S•nta Ana CA 92705 Thos b1l'mess t\ lOn •11lcled by an 1nd1v1du.tl Havt yuu 'llotr led <101n1 bu"no• yet> No Rebtrr.a Pellel1eo lho•. \t•ltmtnl wa\ loled wolh the County rterh ''' Oranae County nn 07 11/03 20036'3~7 D•••v Pilot Mar l'> Apr 11 I 2003 l'ahh 21r II• "-- LI yard 2 c aar. new paonl kitchen, balh lo roof . S 15('()/mo 91&-364 8838 ('SS)( Et 2Ba. ~ ,,_aoned SfR LR. d!on wlf p, crown mooldtn&. scnped cem. pUnUmn 'lhutWs bled & i.,.act.d bath & lutch!n zc., ..... Great floonl & r-1•m wiprdtJner A* 511 ~ D-72&1001 All real estate id•er llSln& In th!$ newspaper II r.Ubfl!CI to the f ederal fH Housina Act ol 1968 as amended which m1-n 11 11tea11 to 1dver hse ·any poler· enc•. l1m1tat1on o r d1scttm1n111on based on race color. 11~1ion sea hendteap. f1mt11at status Of natt0nal o .. 11n. or an 1ntent!Oft to mall• any 1uch preference. hm1t• lion or d1sc:11m1Mhon • AOV[RflSr TO OV£R 5 MllllON CAttrORNIANS with • ,1at1w1~ cln srl11d •d promohona your ptnduct nt 'ervice Only S4SO tor 25 wotds Norlhern/Snuthern Cah lorn11 rf'&•nn\ ava1l1ble FRH 1nl1Hmalton patk .,. (916)788 &010. (916)288 6019 WWW cal \Can com (CAL •s<:Mf) ~rvn ~yd ... ~ I I. COUNTY· l:'>ftft e:, 19).862.291!i ..... .._ lowly ['Sidi U. iKW -:llr 25be, FR, den fp fh11 newspaper will not know1naly accept •ny adverbsement for r ul estate Which 11 tn vlot.ation of the I••· Our retders are he rl!by informed that all d•ell lnp 1dver11sed in th11 n-spaper are ••••lable on en equal opportunity burs •••AANOUNCCM(HT••• NOW H111n1 tor 2002. 2003 Postal IObs $13 21 S28 16 hour full bene fits., p1H! h••n•nl/no up necen11 y Acceplln& calls 1 d•f' (1166)8'4 491 5 ea t 1 31 (CAL •SCAN) Olfl Y S8 MO NTH WWW C•hlorn1•lln-net Unltmoled Internet Acdnsl Yout low cost, frtendlyh, IHI D111Up/ Emtil Internet urv1ce V1$1I us or ceU loll Ire• l.&-9112.al57 (CM. "SOH) AHT1QUES Ste,,. 1950 011..te & • ....,. .. '°° *"" 40' width oven, bro!lef lo 1roll lmmaculete $2000 obo !M9 673 0944 HOME FURNISHINGS 3155 FREE NIOOM OIR£ClV System w/ 1nstalf1t1on1 3 months F ,.. HBO & Ctnemu ($6 utue) Unlurnted Access ns. chlnnelst 0ta;t.t·qu1hty pocture/sound Paclt. ... s SJl 99/mo L1mtttd I 800 360 40 39 (CAL•SCAN) LONG BEACH & lltl'~ t l.MCN io SFR With t.f'al1lle cooot.n. ~1:\1\hl 2c pr, !Mdlywd. SDnno VICINllY RENTALS Avail~ 98-1'59-3726 =-~~ RlatllT Shan ll30 tfll•llJblladt SqWHI 0 t-y Aor 3.5ba SJll ,_ .._. le ___..._ W I SU. CM 2br I Sba hdwd th. rooftilp diet.. --twnhnl \hare w/younc llund ~ 2 c p w/lfa llilcNlt ..... "' doleb. 2 prof fem ttpk c., S7!i0 If UU> ~71Dl l*Jdll to ~ J615 .. 2446. Elden 909 289 3406 aa-...t•~ ,,,,,,,,. !liiZ.@-1050 ... _,,_a_ RoallDlllf ~ -* YIAm.Y * •IWIUIOOU OCIAJeRlotn IJMNa$6SO ..... AOT. 1949-71,_.120 ,_.,_ -w/be, Newport UASH homa. soepr entr 1\,11111 Bill GRUNDY REAL T~S quiolt l\/sM!r/plb S67!imo 949 .. 75-6161 utl1111d 96631 5111 AESaNTlAL RENTALS ORM6E 7400 COlllTY nola studio rm. patlO. no kitchen. 1795/mo + SlooO dep Oen side of PCH M9 574 7101 a 112 ........... ... s....... Th" totlowm& pe,.ons •r • d11111e bus1neu as l ola ' Whole~ale Flowers & Supphu 88S S East St ·11· An~~om CA 9~ lu\e Rub,n Aif1111re 25!>3 r 1 P11 •• • St ·o· AnahP•m CA 97806 Tlus bu<ont\' 1s c.on dutted by an ondovodu•I H1., you st•rted d<>onit busonU\ yet' No Jose Aau111 t ll'll\ \lalement was toled with th• County Clerk ot Or •nRP County on 02/0J10J 2003602033 Daily Polot M.tr 18 ~ ?OOJ NI' Hts I& quoat studio w small loft lr.1tchenette, \hared laundry Aat SllOO 949 67l 1800 u. ,.. °* 2b 2b. '-'m Ldo pello. 2 c .. wd '*"'· 4 airnm poaS If $1650 9667).7(0) ...... ..... ... ....... The foftowon1 fN'IOM are deift& ltu51MN II c.i.1-fllh kite.hen, 670 W. 17th Str .. t, lfQI, Cotti Mesa. Calrf0tn11 92627 ~ Rutau rlll'fs lflc:. fl70 w .. 1 l7ltl Stl'Mt, IG8, Cotta Meaa1 Ca&ttornia 92627 Thos tMn;twss IS ~on 6Ncl4111 lty I CO( pot ltlOn Ha111 ,ov st. led doiftt llu-. y•t1 Yes Olr 'l.0/97 ~Rut111 rants Inc Wt"""' B W•IOIS,Prntdent Th11 statement wa\ hied with the County Clet'k of Orana• County on 02/28/03 200HHUll D.Mty Pilot Mar 4, 11. 18, 2S. 2003 1065 Mlm ..... '-S...... The totlow1nc persons are dOtn& business as !KEYWORD 1700 Adami A"• •204 Cost• Mu• Calrl0<n1.t 92626 OE M (air.a llC (Neva~). "!'>« Grand spur Strttt l n Vea•~ Nevada 89147 This bulmen 1s con ducted by • 1tm1ted llab1hty Co Have you l l•lleO doori1 bustness yeP No 0£M E.Hra lll Rud Tolerlhno "'4tmber lhol l lalemenl wn hied with the Cr>unty Clerk ot Oran&• County on02 '2& 03 200JHJS027 Daily Pilot Mir " 11 18. 2!>,2003 TO&& ,.....~ ... s...... lhe lollowma peiwns ""' doin11 bus1ne~' •~ Catch 21 ?800 N Maon St SM!l.t An1. CA 92105 Youn Ho Hyun 78"8 £ M1ra•rrl <:.t Ana heom CA 91808 Mon Jeona Hyun 78"8 C Maraartt Ct An• heom CA 92808 Thos buson~\\ o\ <On ducted by hu\b•nd 1nd w1fr Have you st .. ted doone busonus vet 1 No Mon lo!one Hyun Thol statement ,.,, tiled with the County Cler~ ol 011n&f' County on 02118 03 200l HU77S Daily Pilot Mir 18 2S Ap11J I 8. 2003 T074 Not&• i. ...,..., .. .._ that~ ..... ...,..; .... ... lol>ld •t jlldl6lc A.le'- .. Apr I, 2003 SlatWll Sdlobt a Mtrtt·Slor1P, 1957 Newport ltvd • CostAt --... Ca tzffD, (949) 631 l379 '2014 E .. tyn f111n, tiOUMllold It.ems •4002 ...... c ....... Houwllold Items • ll Mi>r e Joflnson, T oota &Mix. . •25 Jemes l r1P9. f!UI· l"l&Uf& ... K l•Mllofd r-ve• IM r1at11 to llid at aale C..-. only SIJt is aubjlKt I• cancellation "' Ille evl'lt of Mtt1ement IMt- landlord and oblcale4 party SlarVlfll Sdtolw·s Mtni- Stor-a• Published Hewport 8Nc;h ·Coste Me.I DatlJ ' Pilot March LS, 2!i 2003 '°" ,.... ..... .......... The fof.low1q per- •re cSotna busmess as: C.er trf i.d Tr M Set vice&, J342 West Castor Street, Saata An• Calffornl1 92704 Ch,.stopher A Cun, 4 M•ho1a11y Run. Coto de Can Cahforn•• 92679 fhos bu~oness os con· ducted by an 1nd1v1duel Hoe you st•rted clO'"I busmen yet> Yes. 03/ ll/98 Cl,,.stophef A Cwrr rhos statement WIS ,., hlf!d woth the CO<lnty • Cl~rk of Oran19 County on 03/07/03 200J4tM206 Daoly Ptlot Mir 11. 18, ?5 Apt I 2003 T072 llOlD(I IOl-EPOl5lllTf NOllC( IS HEREBY GIV'C N THAT THE UH· DE RSIG~£0 Will NOT BE RESP~SIBLC F<>ft ANY ()( B rs OR llABlll· rt[!> CONTRACTED BY F RANC[S M PRICE 0 .. OR AF TtR THIS DA TE AS OF fHIS 31 DAY OF MAY 2001 NAME LAWRENCE l PRICE AOOf!ESS 16171 SPRINGDALE ST APT t ll9 HU l'lllNGfO .. BEACH CA9~9 Published Newport Beach Cost• Mesa Dat11 Polo! Much 18. 19. 25, 2003 T07' SEU your stuff through classified! Wl.ICJID I or 2Br Apt, aJlblp Of ~ flan Of """'" "' Newport 8-:tl Wll .. ~ Of tarws lallse Hewe small .... ITWVW1ld w.sm. ,...., -...... :JB.!53)8!16 ---c...-..... l/.l!r 2Ba cone*> W/.tt "" "' Nor1h BWI. ,_ _. _ ....... ~-- ,,..,,.. • lS 9&7~Z330 • -..~-­ l/.l!r 2BI condo -~ "" "' fllar1h llUf ._ ..... • dee ...... .,, ..... A-4/l5. 967l~ZD> WANTID room rentlli ·~tor·---·· disabled man w/reh $O)no 968-lfll§Z sm ,.. ... .......... Everyday is a ~ day C in rJaWfied! Be a part ot tt, place yoor ad tOO&yt (fM9) 64Hm8 To complain ol dis· ~hon ell HI.I> toll frff •• 1 IOQ-42.i.8590 FIWICWJ PROfUSIOtW. SERVtB .... 1• Anntll WANTED _Ptll_•_*•.;;,._ __ 2A15_ OUES tMMCOlA Tl CASHtll us !C Phn~n r 11nd1fll pays Cast Iron stnk/f•cuel usr SlOO In 1tnll errator carbqe disposal 31• H P $50. Cullipn reverse Osmosis wet. system 1125, Cutll,.n soft wattf syslun $400 10•20 tr•• snow booth 1uy co~te $5000 rNnr. moac items to ... 800-Z00..11711 25' color tw Mttsubishl •1125 tU xlnt cOl\d 949-644·6263 All CASH CANOY Ro11te Do you t¥n aoo In • day1 Yo.. own local c1ndy rovlt lncluda lO tnldl!Ms and c.ucty Al tor $9,9915 HIOO 991 VEND (CAL. •SCAN) CAlt'U<<MO nAl.WI COffU ~y U · p1ndln1 Olshlbutors w1nt1d H11h·prof1t pot1nllal. Anyone cen do ttl1$l C.11 800-813-6625 . ._.,_.. !!!! (CAL =s!M} c... ..... • ..w ..,.... .. , •• ~ ~ Jiit homl on fll .-..aa 111 .-dpWcomm"ty a.a buy Ill a: et S798.CXI> ~ Kollr I 8llt I 9&316-5676 ar ,_,.. t ... pr . ,..iy 111t. lSSO.-mo J IO £. 8fy A\11 "-' 411. 81J 190-0602 949 675 4217 STARTING Oldor Style Funlibn fltAHOS6~ ·~·,........... ........... ~,.,,....... .. CAIMMIOM ____ ....., WWllUYDTA1U ._.........~_..,, --,..,.. c."1 now loi 8 ,_,of your futura pe_nston P•}'m41nts C•ll 800 5116 1325 for a FREE, no· obt111t1on 1slimal• -~ (r.-l-sr'M) s your stuff ...,,..,. classlfltdt 0-u wtul• covored 1011 bed '!~1 yellow flcnl 0¥9'SllnMCI dW + ottomM l l50, ci.t of ch-s $50 9&77J.1220 ~bodl· _,_._.,w.._ ~~~~ ollo~ A<CIPtwee <A&lS 7 DAYS •• Pottll potltle11s/feder• litre SlUIO+lw /PO ltatrt6nf/ Nneftb IOO-a78-$415 A111101111 ce .. ent ICA9?0 (CA!.•SCAH) AMOWn80Lt•m '°---~ ,..th eaceleftl locatl'Nls 11tcrma~ AISOUITI eo&.D-DI tovtlldiq 111~ wltll eu.-.nt loutions .... ,we~ ki l Ill -··••11 -OOWT lllSS M •at c-fifOt ... L..-1 ..... , 0-II'._ t-4 IOI• ................ r.., •. ni. , ...... GrOWfllt --. ...... us • ' hA•Ac 1111. no cre•tt ce..t , i.w IN"tlll; ,.,_..ts. Sidi of tllt .... _, .. , "' "°' I09 let to "*'' IOI 11rolU1I Cell h•• (ltf )IOO...Jl10 ~ent (CM.exM> ...., ... ,....11nans rATIKJC TIJIOM UllOllWIM USA ...... st-9705 -W-1M1trltcl\b1Mfl COfll .... ...__,...., .... 5..5Ba. 5534 ti. '1.25 ..... -.251 ,... _....,ore 0<1A1t & IA Y WW , ...... Wl.l AllAll YOUI Mt .... •-11w11e U90ml_.U fUISTMM 1MAYP9Cll .. , . ..,._,, .. , ..... ......... c...•• lit 8' Wall\ to Mttc.11 f r-c, W/O, ffl I• p1t10. .,.,,,LI ..,,,.,pet ell !19?\f-t&731Mm ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • • .. • ~ 110 Tuesday, Much~ 2003 -.. c ... s .. o .. s .. s .. W .. 0 .. 8 .. s ... A o .. v ... ·~ ... u ... z_z_t_E_ I ~:!!•GOREN '' ... -, .. , ...... .. Employment 8500 DRIVEflS·OWNER OP£R ATORS H111e your own truck? Lookrna to• true independence? Landstar lln the lools/frteahl to make you succf\ful' CALL l-800 949 0066 LANDSTAR (CAt•scAN ) DRIVERS/SrUDlNTS NEEDED 1mmf'd•alely CDl lraontnll n11lable llfroua;h USTDS on Ra.tllo, CA F onanuna Ir .ins ~rldhon hou~on1 and tuotoon reimbursement ava1lble Call Ru!>s .. 1 I 866 466 3546 lor detntl\ (CAL •SCAN) __ flDERAl EMPLOYMENT Now h111ne l11try pro fess1onal level' S 19 S72k+ benelth/patd b11nln1 ~ly now' for u1fo on available post lions 1·800·585 902' GOVERNMENl JOBS Now horoni lor W1ldhfe/ Pn~la l/F "ef 111hler s/ Puhl<' Offtcers $40K/ yPar Paid lraln11111 Mon rro 9dm lOpm/CST I 800-464.a991 ul 23 (CAL •SCAN) HAta MASlHS now h11ine h111styltsl~ full & p11t time pos1t1ons available tor new ulon 1n liuntinaton Buch. Guaranteed hourly wage or comrnosston plus a areal benefth pac.kage Call Adda al 714-S7S-9009 • with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH lu•y lfts1W0Ma Office 9 5, Mon fn Compoten & rnultt taskin& 1 must F •;. reume lo 949 723-'874 Accepltfl& apps J/28 4/4 bp'd Stylht/........., MSied ll Cllremdy Hi (nd Salon & Spa '" No t..aeN Comm./RenlaVC:. eat loc/ <Joc!rtlll!lpr1"Jl. 949-63.3 ~ • ••c •ptl an l st / AdrMiol•hal .... ~ posrtion for • busy Rul UUte f rm tn Lllll'N' Beath. T~ sluls a must One full lime pogilJOn & ooe Piff I tll'M weekend po5ltlon • .,,. ... r n rewme to S lenooo al 949-644-34Z3 W-.d a..t, Asst Mtr, Dlahwaahar, luab.y, .....,_._ & W<M staff w/fine lfrq ellj) NB Rest Call Shaun 949 566 9463 EXPRESSWAY STS $500 sign on bonus 32 unts 50 cenls cpm Seven We•tern> 2 years over the road nper oence with COL_A requued 1 800 835-9471. (CAL •scAN) NOJtTH .. J ) ~ 31 I;-7 5 4% • 987,5 GIVR SOP.1lt ROPE wn trump honor, an ,,ce, and • dubt- IJU• Nlflna va!Jlc (Wes wu alrnt1'I ~URly sh0r1 In diamond ). . There ~ere It leal.t 11 lucl y cncb k> be madt In cilhD hcMI\ nr <(padc5, •lthoo11h the auction ha() t.hul cJUt lhc &autr. ~ "'" .. KAST The dcfcodors aancd wilh I.WO ~ of ~ Hiid SClt1lh rvlfcd, Lhc defenders would H rcly have come 10 cwo spade tricu and • cf\lb eventually fCK a two-trick let.. Unfortulll1dy for lhcm. lhcy found a wily declarer in the Soi.tlh seat. ~ or ruifm& Soudl djliCllCkld .. club, • lrlck thal would have to be w mindered anyway! · o A KQ 1091 7 4 •A917 5J JS <.>Vold •Jl SOlflll "Q JO v 6 OJI •Qltl o A k Q 1"9,63 •AK4 The btddini: soum \\<EST ~trm EAST I ''"' ,_ ,_ 5 ,._,_ .... Operung lead Kang of Oon 't gi vc up hope when you ha~e nl<lC'e losen. than you can afford 111 any mntnlet. If you give the O{l(lC>- ncots a chance to err. lhcy will often oblige. Take a loot at ttus deal. West ma&ht ha\'C ovcroilled ooc heart nun.:r than rnur -if the AllC· tioo were to die thtte. 11 as unltuly that game could be made. On the other hand, Ea~ mi11h1 ha~e oompe1- ed with five hcuru. fiblding II doubit-- It WI.\ vital for WC1>t Ill fiod lhc nght M\iR, and lhere ~ nochina 1(1 au1de. Lhc defender. After much IOOuJlll (aod some prayer). me defender led the ~ of ch.ti&. and dtlclarer wu in coolJ'Ol. AM win· ni111 the trick with the kin&. 1111mps were drawn ii' two rounds. -n-e llCC of clubs was cashed and, wbcn both defenders followed, declartf' coold claim. 1l1C six of diamonds was ovt:r-1.W:n with the seven and a club was ruffed hi&b. Dummy wilt re-eocered by ovenliing thc three of diamoMs Wllh lhe li\c, and the lWO qllldc lo'>Cn ~cnl away un tht long clu~ Declarer collected 11 tricks. and we have considerable sympathy fOf' w~ Automotive 9004 ChryJar ... s.aw ... uu Conv. V6. 54k mi, '3 Y' wan avail, si>arkelln& bdl/ tn lthr. CD. sup«b hlle new cond v:ZS9721 t6995 ''" avad Bi..r 949 586 1888 www.acpuM.- Cwvatta •oo VI Whrtc/ Ian auto, handehna pka, l2lt miles, $32.500 New port ... 9t9 6# 006' 909-240-0000 cell Dodge '97 Intrepid Sporl 3.5 V6, 47• mt, wh1te/er•Y onl, a•r•aed. n/s, like new $699S f1n1nc1ng a. warr avalf Bkr 949 586 1888 -.<KpOlll.c- DODGE NEON '2000 SOk+ m1 IOOK fat warr. 5 sp blue. erey inter 1or am Im Ld. I.al °'"' oond S59!l> fin ..,.. Bllr V"'6l'R 949-516-1 ... _...,....._ DODGE STEAUH IS '9S Blue. auto. tlh1 CO. loaded' 30 lone mpe. Smaued S5200 Moved. pp 714-721-6994 LAND ROVER "11 DISCOVERY 4X4 Loaded. low mileS. 4x4 Im al a great price. #549423 $13,900 MBZ '95 Sl500 CONVT. Bose, CD, leather, loaded, good lookrlg!! #113266 $28,900 AUDI '00 M 1.BT QUATTROSDH Power~! Auto, tint, alloys, nice! #065288 $19,900 MBZ '90 300E SDH Auto, leather, alloys mce clean car. great pnce. #270075 $7,996 MBZ '98 Ml.320 AUTO CD, ltttr, Bose, moon. 4x4, really a batga1n!!ll Whrte, IM. #016225 $18,900 WI '00 JETTA GLS Auto, pwr \WI, locks. 4 OR, good on gaslll' ~140 $12.900 FOlll '01 EXPLORER -,.-SPORT 2 DR CO, Xl.T. 2WD. leal nice. #A08520 $12.900 TIL.0'5 BUADPll.AN AUTDHAUS 0--l!IO c.r. ... M;odt 1-800-598-9754 w-. ..... www.tilocars.com tlW~ MN COOPER Automatic, CO & me' LEAS£ FOR i1~1 PER MONTH + TAX I At These Terms On ~Ottd Cted4t • OOOI AT Sil.AR SAw.;st • + 42¢ $3000 due at st1none 48 month cloud end lease no secu11ly deposit. 1211 moles per year Excess miles (ii) 20e per mole (TE 13271) • LIT'St.klTOO IT'S~ ******** $FllEWAY@a.LR SANTA AHA AUTO Ml (888) 823-9808 F«li "00 1 .. ..,..._ XlT VlO, 2911 mo. 51lver/erey llht. CO. runn1n1 boards. lu•y loaded 1ti..e new. v872581 $21 99S ft nancona 1u1lable Bkr 949-S16-1UI -=!Cf!!lt··-Fw .. '95 T_..• Gl showroom cond, whrte, fully loaded pwr se•ts. $3500 714 751 2464 H-4. cav '00 aulo trans •c. lull power. cc. low moles Sl5 900 Pp 9t~574·4244 PMU'SAllTO W~QO ~'t7 Pnrl w/Seddlt lllw·f/ pwr-Ollly sa m• (11923') $141.9'0 ....__Nt 'OJ WM ew/Wllftt Lntlltf Moonroof (119'33C) $58,980, ...... u ortredl C....'OJ Ctwome $1hrer f111"'- 1etlo11. OMV pel4 (119213C) $37,!llO. tMWUOO 't7 Sfllno K k With Imm eyLUlr· Great rtcords. (1 19180C) $29,980 IMW H lf s.4-'00· While w/CrHm l11tller·•uto llam. <•19193) $21,980. IMWH OO ~'Ot Stoel Crey w/Gre, llhNpl s*&·31k miles. futt BMW warr (f19214C) $30,980. ,... ... v. s.:4-'tl This a one near per· feet Slltnay Black SU• per-cllarpd sedan. (tl88S81) $29,980 MltSlSOO 'tt . Black w{T1n Llhr· St11mari. wanantyl (118977) $42.980. Mil SOOSl 'to Both Tops Premium Wheels w/Bl•ck llhr (fl8923) S27.980 1'-tM •996 <4 <••01 Seal Grey w/Crey lthf. lots ol ulras. (119206C) $71 .980 MarcodHlona S4JO S.4-'O 1 Silver w/arey llhr, Navaaatlon Balow wholesale (•19207) $54,980 . .,, ......... CLSS AMG'OO Stiver w/Cll•rcoal llhr. only 7006 miles• factory warranty leases 1ood (OAC) (#19248C) SlNQUIREI Mono4MS4SO S. .... '00 S1lvw /Ch11 coal Fac:toty warranty New body style (•19146) $48,910 '"" c .... _." •99 Whtie w/Grey Int 6 cyl 6K m1. •Ir• clean (119157) Sl2.980 .a..,.. '99 XJI Vanden Pin 34k mo. 51>arkhng blk/lan llhr. ro. chrm whls.. full fact w•rr, like new $28.495 form v842614 ltnanclne natl Blu 949 586 1888 -.oqtllitl.c- -.-x..v-....... Oar• arun aood alnl co,.d. I 5K/m1 warr rem11ntn1 Priced to sell $20,950 9&1&).2582 J..-r '99 XIII C-34i ml. full l•ctory warr. sp11klin1 black/oatme•I lthr. CO. chrome whls, lake new, v677295 $33,995 ltn1nt111J avail Btu 9'9 586 1888 -.oqoeliotc.- HOME; HEALTH AND BuslNEss ~ ..... _ERVICE Strvtce Dlreetoiy tonc:me I Masonry ;;Ac;;:ci;;o;;d;;;;;;lll;;;;;;;;:;;= 1r1<k l aodt s•-• Tll• Concrete Palm Dnvewity "NOTICE TO READERS· C1lolornt• law rt quwes that conlrac tors t~kon1 tobs lhdl total l500 0t mnre (a.bof Of matomf\I be licensed by the Contractors Slate Lteense Board Stall! law also requtres lh11 contractors include their hcense number on .all adverllS>nl You c•n check the status or your licensed contrac tor 11 WWW cslb Cl cov or 800·321·CSlB Unit cenud conlr.tctors laltfnc lobs th1t tot.ti less than $600 m11st slat• In thtlr •d••rtrsemenls that l"-Y ere not hcensed bY the Contractors St.el• l ansa Board " M•ma R1m1t1 ... r.-.o•r--.s MINI I Oeltl / Ramodll AllllkR. lllt•••oucm 6Drl5 ~ tcl66.!lll5 c.,,.-y A TOZ HANIYMAN lnstal, reJece ctbl,,th ~ ~ Dotl& 7 .. ~1158 .... u ..... cw~tortt Built 1n,, l:fown Moldlnp, 8u• Board\ ll51798? \M9 709 ..,,.., ~ ..... """ rtrepk:, BBQ Refs 25Yrs E•e Terry 714 557 7594 carpet Repair/Sala D I W Cltpel Cl11nl111 G~.=u] $20 lNf10 room $15 BedtUOfllS ~&r.ars Satisfaction Guaranteed Wendy 949 275· 1924 OM! 949-278-01 s.4 We will d.:111111 yoor re-I or cump&ny ... e1,.,11c •~ you onhnc for rrtt You pay only h<hlfna r1.-c' 7J~l2-2786 COMPUTER HELP! ........ er.. ... ........... . fie•• ·---oc:-w •M'Ut..-0•• ·~lit:ooWl!I ~ .. -..,..,, .... .... °"""""' UC ~ ........ tt'l'ra~ .. 714-612-2786 ,,. .. __... ...... CUSTOM UMODH AND DlSIGN Al l TRADES. JO YlARS EXP L#337l69 949 631 2345 NIED MOaE aOOM? AOOf1lONS ' IOQ)(LN; MIUH'S HAllDWOOOS ~ 25 Yr$, L1fe1Jme watranly l•763144 714 501 4933 Garage Doors l1577982 949 709 56'2 ~ S... lfYrs ... TIMETOHGlN YOUaHOMI IM,aOVIMINT raoncn C•ll •plumber. painter, handyman or any or the crul serv1e1s 11Sltd hert In our serv1Ce dlfet lotyl THESE LOCAL SVC PE.OPLE CAH HHP YOU TOOAY1 1.-. won.. yard dllrl up ~lreetrm ~ Comm/Res 714 U6 1518 lev TonH t..ldt~ WidJy mainl tree lrsmq a. tnstallalt0n. 25 Yts e•P loc/lnw<ed 949 548 4363 D __.,...._.. e..tM & ex....,~ Wman.h ..... ~ .. -t PR!> 9'&51~11124 TrH S.nrlca, Yard Clunup, Maintenance. Sl)flnkler ~ • .,.,,. lt1uhn1 (949} 650--1711 Q»:IAl. IEPAll 6llAIN'IENANCE ·~· No Job 7bo "'40 ............. M 9-l2Wl92 w.., ....... .... ....,..,. .... . a..IW~w.,t 49tMt-S671 Handyman/ Home Repair FIX W Sl"EOALIST. AU types of repatrs flee lncal, plumtJln&, door$, wam hulis's. lie$ & ll'Ve 2.Ahr{ldlys 714 J66 1881 6-t!C.-... &¥t C•penlry • Ptombtna Orywal • Stucco Paonltne. Tile & mote 20+ Years £ • perleneal JI 714-969·5716 HNTAl-HUH D FOR HONEYOO'S your hon11y wont from Elect lo the kltdlen ... 9'19-!;CS 9351 lHI AN YMAM ~nc~3~ DIMn etc 949 244 8895 tt.llng JUNK TO THI DUMrtll 714 968 1882 AVAILABLE fOOAYI 949 673 5~ RF S TORI •Rf PAIR & RFMOOlllNG ' ' ...... c.. ... a.... Sw..~ail 0 C 24Yr&. Ref's 949 548-005, 9'9 637-,113 ,_.a lur_,-H-a...q. Totlf Ni. own «Jc>. ,,. ,,.qlt Die by -.. ,..... 98C2'2 7CM l.aacllaping OOUGHllTY aaoTNm rt. Fhtl TOid! snca 1961 Urdlclpe T,.. k. ~ tnst<Ree•"' 714 791·8746 Mlscs.ylca Alll5T 909 681-6664 fAUll /0£S.CN Mc!W'l I a.. PUBLIC NOTIC The Calif. Public Uttlitles commission requwu that ell used householtl coods movers print th•lr P .U C Cal T nuinbw. ltmos and theuffeurs pr1nt tlleit T C P number lft all ld•or· ti,_nts If rov hne any questions 1boul the l•a•lity of a mover. limo of cheulteur, cell PUB· LIC UTlllTl(S COM· MISSIOlll 7 1' 558- 4151 MoWIQ'..... ...11'11111111 Cwt SI ..... ef ec...,i- llSl MOVW St Hr nff41 "°'"· SIG+ I* servlna aM crtlu Insured hour p,_, 949 812 0620 fast. co1.11-.0us. cerelul. Hm. 9'9-645 9137 • l lJ l163844 800·246 2378 ·~ AUlOSl'OR1' •WUOOC'OI eonwtt .... WttlAt/ .. prMiuoni*&. low ,,,.., 144.900 ~~ YtllloW/819d!. , .. , W, lOOO IN fl>7 /0) ..... "' Tiii'" Slick/Tan, fintlt .tvlllabll. Only 6,000 lllllM$1l5,000. ...... .. l 'Gf CMnollt Slvw/1MIC* 1'1trOlllc. .. options. 1111 ,,... 169.500 '--1S60 ..... c....nw E.ltc:trlc bayton tats, ~~ ............ ,,. ~. 1'itr0!1ic. Mult-$39-. ... MWC...,.-'02 Grty,181ac:11, cklal --roofs. 2K ml. $25,500 ~....__ '01 Rust/tll8clt. A awe Classoc, 711 ml. $39,000 .......,~..,, ~RoedKins caawc,tt8.500 ._....aa l 20'02 Blue/Gley AMG wheels, 711 ml, $39,500 """' " a-nr. C-w•.,.._'02 CharcoaVTan. 1,000 miles. $36.500 ....._,H2'0S ~eyLu .. •y Gloup 20'"'wt1Mk orlly 100 miles NE\WORf AUTOSPORT 949-574-SfiOO ............ oe.-y LE 56k ml. whrte/t:an lthr. dual mnrfs, CO, brush l•Ufd hke new v726i4 1 Sll,995 h· nancma & "'"' •va11 Bkr 949_5 ... , ... -~·~ u..c• '02 N-lptw 30k mt, lull fact warr, silver sand/tan lthr, CO slaci..er. clltome whls, extra seat. v672518 S28,995 Ion a. "''" avail Bkr 949 !!i86 1888 -.eqoeM.c- Morco4oa '96 <210 buultful blacll/crum fully loaded. showroom . WOIA. $11 !it n 4-7!>1 :M64 Mwc~"'l9SOOCI t-owill!'. ahnyr. .,...i. mnK biad\/wey 111w, 101\ mi. J1 .500 9&J!.l>.'.ll(J) Marca4H '99 E,20 Jiii mo. Whtie arey tlhr. mnrl c hroma whls. buut ltlle new to,,d. v572241 $26.995 fin.,.. Siu 9& 58S-1.111111 ...... +·- ••rc•d•• 'tt SSIO lWB 52k ml, J yr 'Ii'" avail, silver /blll ltht. 1>a1ut otia cond, v87S241 $26.99!> hnenc1111 1V1tl Bllr 949 586-1888 _.....,... __ ICF'S CUSTOM PAINT9IO Pron. dean, quality worti lntMtor/t•I and dodl' L1703468 949 &Sl·~lO IWMI OW alO.I ~ P8lnlin1.wle•t. ltaulltl-.,. ~lfrM~ l '77146368881 ......,.,_ ........... ,,.. """1odll. ~ +Yun bp Ra sonablt, Dependable L1349020 714 638 811' •s.-.1L94m Restucco, 'Room Addrtlon. Patchin1 Reuon1blol 71' 92J-1647 81M-0497eg Plllllnl . M 'P't ..__. IS .. ---· ...... ,. ••Ira. h -· ore -.~.Sll_. ~ii, n~9'19Q3& .. ,..._. c-u 4 cy0 ctbuclf tr an•. alllt tolld. Of. ~ $1,796/ obo/cwa 9'9.g,42-3368 D!lx 'itot Al 11111 Fiii - •CM lltlllMCM, 10WVJ4 ....... Sll$517lWU7" Mh•• •oo Pklu.,. •11t ~ n cab, llhlt concl. •1Ato lllUIU11111~ ll•ns. A/C, am·fm, bod ::'~~ ........ POIKMI 'ff <AnlM ~Xl6 "l2k s:::r 6K Mt, 1 owner. 1•altd. mttaltlc: 11iu.1sr•Y ftllr. lmmacul1te $56, 75o i..aut I*• ""' cond. !M9 17S·2169 v.292521 $7995 financlna f'OIKHI tt• 't9 & W•trant}' avaM, Bkr l'ip, low milts, loade4, t4t -s••-t ... 5'H>llu.a. lta 1ot to sat -·;z;t:·c-$49,900 PP !MH 44·5275 BOATS YW 17 J l•t <t,ood Con.dtbcml Well i:i-- t•l11ed. n1111y utua, 12,100 714 921 1789 Sher ~. ll8C8.1MEOUS Wllllld IM5 ,..., ~ hiilr 0-~ )119'1 Hpl wl "" • wry ... prim for your car. V.. or hdl i*d ~ or not. c.a Didi Alf TIJllW AltlD S.S. 7 43'J.1931 or 7l4-J28.322B CASH FOii CilS WI NHD YOUtt CAa 'AID fOtt oa NOY '""1lf'S ~TO A.Ill FOii MAlCOUI 949-574-7777 SELL . your stuff through classified! ....... 1515 OUf" W ent< 1002 Ziil ~ .-1. IAWJ 50 tn,-~ SZl.50071~ 200S Dwffy C.t 16 Graphic plla. remote spolliCflt, elect anchor. CO stereo, fislllna chaw. s wim ladder & cocll.p1l cvr. less thin ..._ use -·=~lll6 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ lMJllCHING/ STORAGE 9680 4 NH st.... .vetl•ble for boats up to 60tt. Ideal tor p<ovale/boat brolteraae 949 723·3143 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. Daily Pilot (l,l">'>lftnd ( ommumty Marketpl,1ce TMllr.rDI s,.r .. 11i..., Ill W1~ Removal US!!!l41 tM':J,36C).}2ll ............ Sill your stuff ttr~ classified!