HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-28 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilotoebating which • grass 1s greener As Newport Beac h restores Castaways Park, res idents are choosing up sides between na tive plants and picnic-fri endly grasses. June Casaerande Daily Pilot M WPOHT BIAU I -While dlmu"t every one welcomes the replanting underway at Castawa}"> Park. there's a rift betYtet'n people who want only nauve planti. and thu'iC who want twf ~ in a smaH area for picn1ck mg and other typical park act1v1t1e<. ··111ere'<, definitely two different way'> 1w11 pie think wou ld be best for deaJ111g with the (,cc,taways Park., and 11 seem.., ltkt· we n~ more input from the public on wh1th way 10 go." ~d ( 1t~ <.ounc1lman Oun Wl'hh. \o\.hrN· d1~tnrt include-. the park. At a ...iudy <,t>S.'ion on fut..,dd~. counnl member'> got an u pdate on the n·pla11t111g now underway at 1he long nt-glt•t ted '11c QUESTION Should c.st.wav• Plirtt hwe • g,. .. picnic ? • •ree7 Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to da1lypilot~lstJmes. com. Please spell your name and include your hom etown and phone number, for verification purposes only fhe I 7 .tt re Jldri overloob the inter.eu irm ul Coac,1 I hghwav and Dowr I >rive. w11h \tunnang Vlt'W'I of the Hat k Bay and th(' ocean. Al one tum.•. tlw land wa' a dm golf cour,e and. , more relently, the '>Ile of 1hc Ca'it awa}"> rt•,taur.i111 The Lall fornia ~tale U>.t'ttal < on servancy last year approved a S99.600 grant to ~tore the natural habltal with rn.tstal '>c:lfe c,crub. gras<iland'> and wi.ldOowt.•r mt'atl ows. . It's po"1>ible tha1 a change of plam coul<.J tost the city th1'> granl or even futun• gram' but -.ome ..ay it'i. worth looking 11110 I think it's worth a mt>eting with them 10 Stt if maybe they would loosen their require ments becaUSt' there~ already an a.<,phah lrall that goes through there It's not all natural, .. said former Mayor Jan DeB.ay. a leadn on be- half of putting '>Orne 1urf in the area Ml feel 11 would make it more fanuly friendly." he ~d "You ng fam1he:. would be ab le to spread a blanket and let the lmle lud'> romp on the gr.t.SS.. We're only talking about maybe rwo acrec; out of 17. I'm iuc,t talk.Ing about h aving a little balanl·e there." Others say th15 plan defeats the goal of re storing the area to 100% native plant'>. MJ'd hke to see it back the way 11 wru. before white man ever came to C..alifom1a," act1V1st Allan Beek scud ·vou could suJI lay down a blanket and enjoy the park.. I think 11 would )~I be ruce to have one place in the city where things are just like the way they were t>eCore we got here. M Beek said that a compromise ll\l~ht he to develop ju.st the small, teardrop-shaped area in southw~ com er of the parX. He said that existing foot trails should be left intact, but that the fence th at now runs along the bluff should be removed Chy officials are looking at ways to gather public input on residents' preferen ces. Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlltEWEB: CREATING PEACE • 10 S erving the N ewport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY I MARCH 28, 2003 Gil Ferguson with his medals from the Manne Corps. The 3rd Drviston, which he at one time commanded, 1s moving toward Baghdad Not enough support Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot 0 N THE C11lh:rgti..1111 1Hl1r.11 1tth11., r .. 'I\' 1t pa111' h1111 tu l1t•.i1 l11111H'r n11h1.i1 \ pt•r\Ollnl'l I nlll l/lllj.; lh1· \' Jr .1 I I ·I\'" I 1 H tht.' Olt.'dli1 L Ol.tl \'-<Ir \.l'll'fa.Jl\ -.a> Amenl.tn · ~old1en. bravmg ~Y fire c1.nd sandstorms in the Persian < ,uJf .ire prnbahly not ge111ng enough of what 1hey need mo<.1 from their fellow citven' - '>Uppon HOME FRONT ··\\1 \l• I i..t 1111irt fll'11ph Ill I"' \ l~t·lt " Nt.'v. \'ork and C h1lago in lht' l,t,l It·.,.. tl.iy' than \\t.' hJ\t.' 111 tht l'er.i,in (,111( 11\l· '\rwpon Bt Jl h rt•,1dt·111 .md tornwr NegauH• l omment't advl'r..ely affect trnup-. and dt•llaH• mornle. c,a1d Alvin "Bud" Andt.'r'>on who wa'> d fightl'r pilot in \\'arid War II ,1nd 1., an acuw volunteer at the Co-.ta \11."'>J I h:.toncal Society. Area veterans say what'~ missing mos t for troops 1n Iraq is backing fro m people a t hon1e .1-. .. embl\111.tn .... nd 111 m 1\1' .111 JJ11 ' hundrt•d, uf milt·' 1r1 till' dt·,1·11 ,11111111 111,1• onh .1 touple du1t•11-.oltlur.1-. 1111r I< 111111" fergtl'<lll '>Pl'llt thrt•t• )t'.tr-hght111g \\wltl \\.u JI J.'> .1 rnJdmu ~unm·r 111 tlw '-t1uth l'autil 111• V.J'> aho l .illl'd 111 ~mt"' l\\lll .ind tO \ ll'llt.Ull thrt 1' tlllll'' t"I( I •I' J -.i1ldlt'I 111cl 01ice J'> .1 ".ir 111rn•-.p11n1k111 lkmg a .. old1er I'> hard enough \'1thu111 thl' cnllu!>m. Antler<;-011 !>aid "llw ncg.iuv11y afTetts .,old1er\ quite a bit. - lw \<mJ • lney are human being~. too If the} gt•l thl' feeling th.11 their rnuntry 11> nor lx•lund them. thdt'!> gmng to affect how thq perform Look di wh..tl happened in Vietnam It\ a da.'>-'tll exampll' -lhew art.• vel) d1ffituh Job-. to do,· ht• '><llll ··1 hl'Y Ir.tin wry hard w do 1111 .. :· '\l'\\J)llfl Ht·.i1 h rt -.1dt.'nl Jnd \\orld \\.tr II H'lt'r.in ( .1·11rg1• C .rupt• ..ci11i '""·'' tht''t' 1111111t 1 lliey don't need cntK'> '>la11du1~ on 1he "dt.'line'> and hedJtng them. Antlt•r-.011 -.aid See SUPPORT, Pa&e A4 Package a welcome relief from rations Marine weathe rs the wait before the war. Lance Cpl. Ian Voss Special to the Daily Pilot EDCTOR'S NOTE: This 1s a letter from 20-year-old M anne reserv1s1 Lance Cpl Ian Voss of Newport Beadl to family tnends dated M arch 7. Voss, a graduate of Newport Harbor High and a student at Orange Coast College, wes stationed in Kuwarl at the time the letter was written, but has since moved lo an unknown location in Iraq His mother. Marsha Steinbrenner, shared the 72 HOURS handwntten letter with the Pilot so the community could get a glimpse of Voss's m1htary tour Dear Oms and Kt.•n, TI1ank you very muC'h for lht· care pack.lge. I haven 1 have anytlting 10 eat but MRI'\ (Meal<> Ready to Lal). which is food that ill processed in a bag you could drop from an airplane. Wt• have had a problem with the mail system. and our address ha'l changed, wtuch I wro1e below. Lai;t n.ighl I couldn't find my A quick guide to the weekend CABARET SPECW. DAY OUT dt'd. ul lard-. aml l w.i111t~ll 1t1 play poker It 1-. am.vJn~ to k11m' th.it you lnl'\' I net>dcd l .ud-. 'mu t•ndo'-4.-d my favontt• )..t\1111 I low that Ian Voss bak.mg -.oda gum bt'I-· .1u't' \\I' are ltM on W-clter out here ... o M>meum~ brwJung our tt>t.•th "' not an everyday thmg. I really enjoyed everythmg else. I think it ~ gone befort.' I could open lhe box. I pa<ised 11 among 111~ talll l It'\' Right 1111\\. \\t' an· t'.ll.[Wnt•111111g orw u t tlw \\IH'tl '><11td,10rni.. 111 t...U\,c.llt 111 .1 lu1tg lll1ll' \(111 l iill bart•h Wl' vour hand in lronr 111 \OUr fall \\t· hH• 111 thl-..t' J,tr):t' tent-. that \\ot'r1• put up ll\ till' t...u"°a1u, lex.la\. Wl' llll't \Ulllt" of tht• Hntt'>h Ho}al Manrw .. lht>) art• \en nit t' peopl1· Wt• "Jlt'lll tlw aftt'moon bt'fore lilt' .. torm dm1bmg on tJwir 1.111.lc:. and eqwprnent J hanb agam for l'vt'l"\thin~ and thtnktn(ot ol mt' l lopetulh tall to you ~oon SCR wants kids in . subscription crowd WW:~CM'l WEATHER lt"a fMllng windy end wenn. SeePaa•A2 1 The grenct.on of Mahatma Gandhi, Arun Gendhl, will be the keynote_,,...., at the ennu.I 2 One of Broadway'• brtghtut stara. Tony Award winner Donna McK~nle, will perlonn at the Orange County Performing Arts Cemet for the EMn end M.rjort. IOeln C.beret Seriel at 7:30 p.m. todey end s.turo.v It Foundera Hall. Tic:bt• .,. $49 tM Orenci-County 1'9rfotmlng Arts c.m.r, eoo Town c.nt.r Drive, CottJI MM.. For rT)OAl ln~tton. call (714) 7«>-7871. 3 Kida end their famih .. ere invited to "A Very Special Oudng;' en afternoon of int.neUw ftof'ytejllng •nd ~ from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundey. AdmiMion la free •• the~ BNd'I Centrtl Utnry. Ctlf (M9) 717-3818 for mot9 lnforrnedon. The Costa Mesa theater group will present a new series targeting younger audiences a nd their families starting in·October. THINKING ALLOWED Lolita Harper le on ...tgnment. SPORTS NNport Hetbof High 11hi.tu ~In mMt. S.PaceA12 Orange County Mecfiet1oo Confentnee. The cont.rence. titled ·crutlng Puce In Our CommunlU.. through ~latk>n; will b9 In the Student c.nter at UC1 from 8:30 e.m. to 5 p.m. today Cell (M9) 851-3188 for mOte Information. Lolita Harper OaifyP\lot • A2 Frmy. Matdl 28, 2003 ON THE • SEAN HILLER I DAA.V P1LOT Keith Glassman of Costa Mesa is worl<ing on a piece about surfers that he will perform at the Newport Beach Central Li~ary. A surfing ballet Costa Mesa resident Keith Glassman will present an hourlong performance piece at Newport's Central Library June Caa•1r.nde Daily Pilot U sually, It takes a surfer to truly appreciate surf culture. But for Keith Glassman, just having a background in dance can instill a deep appreciation of what surfing Is all about "Surfing is like a ballet on water. When you look at what they're doing. it's like something straight out of dance class,· said the Costa Mesa resident. who earned a maste(s in dance from UC lrvine in 1996. "I look at it as movement" WHATS AFLOAT • WHArs AFLOAT i8 published periodically. If you are pl•nnlng a nau1k:.al event. submit the Information to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dllilypllot@latimes.com. BOAT RENTALS With Mattna w.t.rSporta at th• Balbo• Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences ftom mild to wlld. Take a self-guided tour of the bay In your c:ttoloe of power and sail watercr•ft, Jump the ocean swells In a Sea-doc> jetboat. put you sport-flahlng skills to the teat In a fully equipped Bolton whaler, or _,.r •bove It all on a paraaall flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary Ice and beverages are Included with all electric boat ~tel•. IMboa Bost "4NTble can put you on the water In many ways: with alngle and double kay•lcs, electric boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boata and runabouts for offshore uae or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rent.ala alao holds two-hour ecave~r hunts aboard the electric bay boat•, providing group 9Cllvlty for corporation., blrthdrfS, nonprofit organlzatfont •nd group outlnga. The hunt pec:bgea Include boats, trtvl• questions, mepa, Pol•roid camerae •nd auppll ... The coct of• hunt begin• et $226 ~r boat and c.teting la evaflabl• et an addltk>nal me. For hynt reaervatlona. call (IM8) 873-7200. nus outsider's appreciation has grown into an unusual performance piece Glassman calls an homage to the Newport Beach surfing community: an hourlong performance piece created with the help of the Newport Beach Arts Commission and scheduled to be staged at the Newport Beach C'.enoaJ Library on April 12. "I've done similar shows in San Diego, Carlsbad, Santa Monica, Santa Cruz..· said Glassman, who makes a living by teaching Pilates on Balboa Island. •it's an hourlong program with parts that are just dance and music, but then there's a part where I bring surfers on stage to ask them about Electric: boat rentals are 11nllable by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beac:tt. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CD players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 645-QJ12. P9dal boats, electJk boats, boogie boarda, kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, beac:tt furniture and weauita are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Gondola tou,. a,. otr.red by th• Gondobl Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-B. The S76 cost includes a baakat-of bread, c:tteMe, salami, ice, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also avallable. (949) 67S-1212. Gondola Advoerrturea/N9wport. 3101 W. Coast Highway, offe,. one-and two-hour gondola cruilft. A one-hour tour with c:ttampagne 11 $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and c:ttampagne I• $180. Pldcup 11 available at waterfront restaurants. (949) fJ76-49M. Irvine Cout Chal19n In Udo Marina Vlllaa- offera two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two peraona. (949) 6764704. Gondola Romance °"9rl dally tou,. of Newport Harbor during lunc:tt and dinner. Call (949) 676-4730. The tours go out of Lido Marina VIiiage, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport themselves.." Glassman said that part of his goal is to show surfers in a way that defies oversimplified stereotypes. "Surfers come in all ages and types and genders." he said. "They're not all Ueffl SpicoU from 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High.'" The contrast of extreme devotion and casualness make surfing culture fascinating as an academic study and worthy of awe, Glassman said. "They're very dedicated people.• he said. "It's very fun, and I've been having a good time meeting these people.· Beac:tt. CRUISES Ei.ctric Boat Tours orr.,. two-hour c:n11M1 of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Round-trip hotel or off-the-water restaurant shuttle service is available. Pidc-up from restaurants with docb Is also available. Chartered end catered tours. (949) 291-1953 or www.wsttsontheharbor.com. Th• Newport Landlna Belle la 11nllabte for weddings end receptions, codct.eil and sightseeing cruises, and meeting•. The cost la $500 for the first two hours, plus $150 for eac:tt additional hour. (949) 361 -3640. Fun Zone Boat Co. NN a 46-mlnut8 CNIM (adults, $6; c:ttildren, $1) and a 90-mlnu1e cruise (adults, $8; c:ttildren, $1) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. dally. A 60-mlnu1e showboat sunset eruiae (adults. $6; c:ttlldren, S1 ) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. daily. Private c:ttartera are available. (949) 673-0240. c.tallna PllSMft99' S.W:. Nn• 46-mlnut9 harbor crulaea (adults. $6; c:ttlldren, $1 ) and 90-mlnute cruises (adults, $8; c:ttlldren, $1 ). • departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 mlnu1et from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. dally and on the .hour until 7 p.m. (949) 673-6245. CNIN the harbor aboard the Electnl, e 100-foot Claaalc Fant.ell veuel. Charters with c.tttrlng •re avallable for up to 146 pauenge,.. (949) 723-1069. Daily_ A Pilot ConllWhon New. ... imam. (8491 57~298 corel.wfl.an•fnlm•.com ~ Sein Hlllw, Don l..Mch, Kent 1)-.plOw Bo>< 1560, Colt.I M .... CA 92825. Copyright No newt ltOrlH, lllultntlons, edltorl1I matter or 1dv9n!Mmenta herein can be reproduced without written permiMlon of oopyrlght owner. VOL 17, NO. 87 N9wl fdhor'I Olna Alexander, LOl1 Andlraon. Denlel Hunt, PIUI Saltawttz. Denlel Stewns NIW91TAff' Ctim.~~rw. (IM8)17~ ..,,..bhlnth•1-t1,,,_oom Jww ="'· Newport repoftM, (M8)17~ J~•,.,,,.,,...oom ..... ~ P'olitk:9 and 9"Vllonment 1'9pC)ft9r, CMl7"M330 l*Jl.dlnfon•latlm..oom Lomlia....,., Cotumni.t. cuhure repotW, 1941) 174-427S lol#ll.lw,,.,.l«lmltl.oom °'*'69,..,... Costa M-. ~<Ml 174-4221 dllltdlfi.~•IR#miM.oom W•C:.. l~ ...... (MIPM291 .,....._.,...,,,,,,,._oom MAD£R8 HOTUNf (849) 842-eoae Record your oommenta about the Delly Piiot or newt tlpe. ~ Our edd,... II 330 W. Bay St, Coma Meea, CA e:zm Offloe houra ire Monday • Frldey, 8:30 e.m • & p m COft'ldlot• h It the Pilot's pollc:y to promptly oorrec:t •II tn'Ofl of aubatanoe. P1 .... ce111MI ~•. FYI The Newport~ MeN Delly Piiot (USH-144400) It publl&Md dally. In NMpon ha<h and Coma M .... tubtcrlpdons aN av1lleble onay by aublcrlblng to The Tlmet 0...nge County tlOO) 2&2 ... 141. In .,... out91de of Newport 8Mdl and Coet.e MM&. eublcriptlone to~ Dally Piiot .,. av11leble ontv by nt9t c1 ... mall fOt '30 pet month. (f'rioea lndUda 111 ~tM ltllt• and loeal t1--.1 POSTMAIT'fft: Send~ c:ftengee to The Newport ~ ._.. Dilfty Noe. P.O. HOW TO REACH UI ~ The Tlmee Orange County (800) 252;9141 ............ Ch •lfted (IM8) 842-15878 ~ (149) 842-4321 lcleofW ,.... (IM8)842-NIO ....(IM8)57<M223 ,.... ,.. (IM8) 84M170 ........ (949) 860-0170 RofNll: d•llypllot•t.t1,,,...oom Melll Oflloa ........ Ollie (IM8) 842-4321 ..... ,.. (IM81831-7128 Publl1Md by llmes Community N-., a division of the Loi Angelee llmea. C2002 Tlmee CN. A.II rtohtf reaer-.-.ct . THE HARBOR COLUMN A possible breach in ·ocean security A hoy. Last week, I mentioned that I was with Capt. · Olandler Bell in Ensenada taking command ofa new 54-foot yacht arriving from F1orida. Only this yacht was arriving aboard a transport ship U.S. by water, though? Now, It ls faster for me to go from Ensenada to San Diego by water In a 20-plus-knot speed boat than if I go by land because of the hours-long border MIKE wait for cars and WHITEHEAD pedestrians. Surprisingly, called the "Super Servant 3," which ls more than 456 feet long with a 105-foot beam. The shJp is stopping in Mexico because of the Jones Act that governs the number of ports a ship can touch in the United States, and Mexico has Jess expensive port and union fees than the U.S. When we boarded the ship, it had the usual commercial ship feel, but sounds different than a cruise ship and, of course. the ship's cargo deck was loaded with boats. Sailboats. powerboats, catamarans, workboats and nice yachts were all in cradles, as if in a Boating shipyard. While walking the deck looking for our yacht, we had to avoid the welders who were cutting away the extra steel cradle supports from the ship's deck. We were pleased to find our boat was a luxurious yacht and to notice on the radar arch a satellite doom for 1V reception - priorities when waiting in port. Then it is the usual hurry up and wait, as you have to slgn the agent's paperwork. check out your v~el and wait aboard your boat as the ship sinks. That's correct; the ship sinks except for the superstructure. Sinking ls a strange feeling as you watch the cargo deck start to Oood with water while the ship goes down 20 feet. The water eventually Ooats the boats free of the cradles, and there are scuba divers now swimming the deck to clear the underwater cradle structures. Then a signal ls given by the deck officer for you to start up your boat and disembark the ship. This adventure takes a full day, so we stayed the night in the marina and left for San Diego at sunrise to our next stop, U.S. Customs. This brings a question to my mind: How secure do you think our borders are? When I walk across the border, the wait time is one to three hours, with a security check similar to an airport's. What about entering the there is no one out in the Pacific Ocean checking boats that are entering U.S. waters from Mexico. There is a check-in protocol for recreational boats returning from Ensenada. Upon entering U.S. waters, a boater is supposed to go directly into San Diego Harbor and dock immediately to clear customs. But what If a boater just keeps going north and passes by San Diego Harbor or the boater enters San Diego. only to vanish in the crowd -how would anybody know? I always clear customs. and the customs officers are always appreciative and helpful. We all know that if someone has something to hide, then they would not be stopping. I think that this Is a huge breach of security in our border and an easy entry path. Remember back in May 2002 when the naked Chinese immigrants ran ashore at Crystal Cove In the wee hours of the morning? I will enter the U.S. by land and water apin this week when I skipper a new yacht to Ensenada. take a cab to the border and then walk through the checkpoint to the San Diego Trolley. 1\vo days later, I will travel back to Ensenada. where I will skipper a boat uphill to Newport Beach. I need a break In between because I am scheduled to cruiJe 26 miles across the sea to Avalon. I will let you know which method of entry was faster and if there are any new security meaaures on the water. As I ca.at off the dock lines, those of you crave.ling to Hawaii ahould keep an eye on 1V channeJ.a 14 and 21 for my "Boathouse 1V Show.• We are close to signing the contracU to begin airing there. Safe voyages. • MIKE WHITEHEAD 11 the Piiot's bo•tlng and harbor columnist. Send him your harbor and muln•related thoughts and story 1ugge11tlon1 by •mill to Mlkee B011tho11HTV.com or visit Bo•thou .. TV.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF BOATING FORECAST Tht~wtndt wtll blow 10to15 knotl In the Inner weten todly, with 2.foot wew. end • w.t ewe11 of e to 7 fMl. Tht Wlvt9 wtll build. foot d't11 ewmng. Out flrther, th• ~wtndlwtll blow 10 to 11 tnota, with 2.foot ~ •nd. W.-twell of 10to 12 -The w.11 wUt bd dOwn 1Nt wenlng to. to 10 fMt. ' TIDES nm. 8:.28e.rn. 1:11p.m. 7~61 p.m. 1:18a.m. WATER TEMPERATURE 90degreee PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE N£WPORT B£ACH POtJC[ DEPARTMENT From left, Reserve Officer of the Year Robert Dominguez; dispatcher Kathy McGlinchey, CIVIiian of the Year; Chief Bob McOonell; Volunteer of the Year Carol McDonald; Officer of the Year Lloyd Whisenant; and Supervisor of the Year Craig Fox. Honoring those who protect and serve At the Poli ce Appreciation Breakfac;t, Newport Beach Police Dispatcher Jason Servin i'> awarded for saving a man 's life. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot :\IWl'OHl B!J\I 11 Po lice D1.,p.ucher J.i.,on Servin ha'> 1hn1 l..ind of J voice A re· J''uring monotone drenched 1n comptl'"on Smooth. sen '111vc trJ1i-.1110n'\ that don't 1hruv. l"tl'lll'r' off gu.ud. ')en111 IM' the kmd ohoicl' t hJt L01tlt.l pt·r .. uade a \UICI d.il drug Jt.lt.l1ct '>p1ralinK dt·l'p 111111 .t \.~hirlpool of de prt•,sum to drop the knife ht• wa!> 1hn·atl'n111g to kill him .. eir w1\h and lll'arefully 'ur re11der 1 lw tl"p.tlrher, whu I'> al<,o a trained ho.,t.tgt• negotiator .ind pan of \lewport Heath l'olicr\ \WA I 1t·.11n. re<.e1ved the tlep.11tnwn1\ prest1g1ou'> l.111· Sav111g 1\ward .lt the 3211tl annu.11 l'olu I' Appreciatmn Breakfa .. 1 ho,ll'd by thl' Nt'v. port Beach 01amber of Com· merte on llrnr,d.1y \ervm v.a' awarded tlw met.Jal for "'"mg tht' life of a 'uicidal 111<111 alter a 45-min ute 11cgo11.1111111 th.11 look a lot of p.i11t·nu.· .111d per'1'>1f'lllt'. 'aid Ollt•I Buh \lcDonell. who m.uk I hur'>d.t) \ pre-. t•n1a1u111 .1lo11g \'.1th Mayor \It'\ 1· Hrornlwrg Offiter 1 loyd \Vh1-.t>nant wa-. 11.1111t•d <Hiker of tlw Yl'<tr "11 \ .i n•.11 honor," he -;aul, Juep1111g the coveted award IL\ hMd to heheve you can ret l'I\ e ,111 <1waru for doing wha1 \'OU love to do 'o mul'h .. The A\'\ a rd of Merit went to 1he Sexual A-.-.au h lnve'ltiga lwn Team of St-,rt. Bill Hart lord. l>l't John I lougan. Del leri ri,dwr ,111d Det lorn L1ard1. who went through From left, Sergeant Bill Hartford, Dispatcher Jason Servin , Det. Tom Monarch. Det. Ten Fischer. Oet. John Hougan and Chief Bob McDonell AWARD WINNERS Life Saving Award: Dispatcher Jason Servin Award of Merit: Sgt 8111 Hartford, Del Ten Fischer, Det John Hougan. Oet Tom Monarch VoluntHf of the Year. Carol McDonald Reserve Officer of the Year. Officer Robert Dominguez Supervisor of the Year: Sgt Craig Fox Officer of the Veer. Otfrcer Lloyd Whisenant t•v1tlt•nce -/IP dt'\b, rom-dren '-l'nou'>ly pull'r hard drive<; and reruns "IJ'>ten to your kid!> They of p.iper -in th1ld mole'\ta· may bl• trymg 10 tell you 11011 and -.exual a<,<.ault case5 '>Orneth 1nK. • '>he said "Our tha1 plagued 1he u ty la~t t:hildrt•n are our future. and if w.ir we don't protect them today. lho'>c taM'' mduded rrl·n 11\ K01ng to affect our future." 1011 Vcche'>. the tormt·r nty I he annual breakfast give'> n•ut·.i11on coordmCJtor who i.., thl' rnmmuniry an opponu- l'~pet ted w ... 1and tnal Lhl!> n11y "to hear and see thing-. y1•ar tor allegedly molt:!>tmg \H' normally don't hear or 'l'\t>ral young hoy'> ""ho p.ir-. ..,el'. di.1mber President Ill 1p.1ted in the city'!> a her Rich.ird I uchrs '\a1d. -.ehool program-.. l'ro,etutor'i "It\ .i privilege 10 ack.nowl· "''Y he took d1g11al photo-· edge .md apprenate people grarh., of him'>elf '>lick.mg the who play a -.pecia.J role in our ho},· toes. tommunity," he said. Attept1ng ht·r award. Md>c..inell. 1n hi!> I 0th year I l"l her ..aid <,he and her col· a~ l htef. ~d the depanment lt•agl•e' .. are at "'ar everyda} ha' made huge strid~ m the to mal..e the bad gi1r; go la'>t few year'>. a"-ay ·· "IJke any family. we're not "We try to put them away perleLI." he '>aid. "But we've fort•ver so that our kid~ can been really fortunate to have lw .. afo." she said. the quality of officers we do 11<.ht.>r asked those in at· helve and a community that ll'lldance to take their ch1l-'>upportc; U'> '>O much.· SOLE APPEAL ' A fit solely for you. This llC':UOO. •• ~ml!, our fabricadons, deUIJ~ and wnatalty enhance our !ates& coUectJnn ol European tnftuena:d fcl(WWftf from Ra.ngooi. Meucd and Yan fJl. Manni hM the ta,... ~ In c.own wtlh many 9l'ylcs avallab&e lft • fuU ax range from 4-U. and In wklhs (ram -.a' I ti> wtde. • Corona Dd Mar Plaza 964 Avoado ATCnuc, (comc.r of MacAlthur and PCH) • 9'(9'-721· 1 ~25 www.maniJ.llboca.Com r Friday, March 28, 2003 AJ BEST BUYS Have the best brunch at Accents T he Sunday champagne brunch at Accents Rettaunnt in the Sutton Place Hotel is known as one of the best brunches in Orange County. Seafood lovers can choose from WasJungton state oysters, 1umbo shrimp, mw..sel'> and crab leg\>. a whole-poacht'd salmon di\play and a su!>ht comer. Tratlitiuna.J brunch favorites include carved to order roasts, s;llads, hot entrees, eggs Benedict, waffles, omele~. imPorted and domestic cheeses, plus an unpressive des.sen . display. Served from l'0:10 a.m . to 2 p.m. Sunday. $25 per person. Add the house champagne for S 15 more per person. Cllarles I leidsieck i~ the specia.Jty champagne for Marrh. 4500 MatArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. (949) 476-2001. MAKEUP A LA MACHINE Jeanine Lobell. creator dnd founder of Stila. opted for the convenientt' of ..elf-service a1 her new Sdla Cosmetics Store at South Coast Plaza. Customer'> can make their ~lecLion by pr~mg a button on a vent.ling machine, and pre~to. makeup "' dispensed. Open from 10 il rn IO 9 p.m. Munday to Fnday; Imm I 0 a.m. to 8 p. rn. Saturday. and from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m . ~unday. South ( ,oa'\t Pla7.a, I .cvc•I Two. (7 141 '>40-4%0 TRY TRENDY FASHION Arden B.. part of tht: Wtt \1·al corporation, 1'-a national eh.1111 of fashion forward apparel. 1lw trendie~t c;a..,ual sportw.ear .ind cocktail C'\.l'nlllg wear -no basia. -available in s1;rec; 00 to I 0 The late'>L "yle-. m hngem· are there. too. ~1otkoff-. nlllll' nght off thl' nmv.av. I \t·n FOR THE RECORD In Thursday's ~Pohucal Landscape• column and m the accompanying photo, Assembly Speaker Herb J. Wesson (0-los Angeles) was misidentified as former Speaker Will.ie Brown. now the mayor of San Francisco. WeM<>n was named speaker of the state's lower house m January 2002. GREER WYLDER l\Jhday, markdowns a.re i.ent out of the 1>1 ore to outlet.'>. Open from 10 a.m to9p.m. Monday to 1:-nday; from IO a.m . to 7 pm Saturday: and from II a.m. 106p.m. Sunday fasJuon l!>land 111 Newpon Beath 1949) 720-9563 u.1wwardenh.u>111 TRY ON V1A SPIGA Via Spiga. J Milan b~ed uirnpany. i'> known for 11~ 1ea'>onahly prilt>d men\ and women'!> -;hoe-. 0111:-tfurd are l'ratlil, c.utu anti ~1mega Vent'ta km1LkolT'>, tht' rt·'t are ongmaJ • Bick Bay Center 26 JS Irvine Ave. tA 949.631.5587 info@BickBiyfitness.com BictBiyFitntSs.com de-.1gm Open from I 0 a.m to 9 p.m. Monday to fnday; from I 0 a.rn. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. 1:-Cbtuon Island 1n Newport Beach. (949) 219-0952.. WWW. 1JU1Spiga.cvm. OOKT LOSE MEMORIES TIM! Video Editor as a perfect place to make a memorable and onginaJ gift. The poshlbilitief> include a video photo coUage and preserving old home. movict.. Open from 9 a.m. L<> 6 p . rn. Monday ro F.riday; and from 10 a.m. to 4 p m. Sarnrday. 1280 B1M>n Ave., Newport North \hopping Center. Newport Beach. f94!jJ 7l0 2080. • BEST BUYS appears Mondays and Fridays Send information 10 greerwylder a yahoo.com Grand Opening· Promotion 2tor1 or 500/o on · Personal Train • P\... a ~-~-.e a~:t11n stration I '1C /!Ou ... ~·ion • llllJOOI y.•·nq • )OU'lC) Q<ool yoq• •()()<!' • ,.,. ~! tra l"e", ind ,'¥.· II\· f\ ' DP • "t prDQ'i'"" ~ ~ ~·"'I ""'.fl' ·~~ '"1)'""" •'ld !!>Of• • "-~w .. teo."St -w; •It ~ .... ..,;~ By Order of Board of Directors: WAMBOLD FURNITURE, INC.. Manufacturen of Ane Furniture 5 MILLION DOLLARS IN FINE FURNITURE INVENTORY Factory Closing After 28 Veers In Business Inventory Sold First Come First Served --r--- •llJ ·-· .a..., ... c..w •tv Clltl •ta.&18..,•• . . l M fridty, March 28, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • ~Annoying phone c.lls went r.ported fn the 300 bloct et 4.:33 p.m. Tuftday. • &Ntot S1"tt! Petty theft WU repotted In the 3300 bfodc at 4:48 p.m. TuMdav. • Cecil Pl.ce end eden ~A tra1fic accident involving injurl•s was reported at 5:03 p.m. Tuesday. • Gfsler Awnu. .net Harbor Boulewrd: A hit-and-run 'was reported at 7:14 p.m. Tuesday. • Hamilton StrMt: Petty theft was reported in the 500 blodt at 5:07 p.m. Tuesday. • James Street: A home burglary was reported in the 700 blodt at 8:39 p.m. Tuesday. • Mlulon Drive: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 1000 bfodc at 4:38 p.m. Tuesday. • North Rower StrMt: A robbery was reported in the SUPPORT Continued from A 1 military officers say "really hurts the co111bat troops." "Some of these fonner generals and admirals must just keep their mouth shut," he ~d. MWe're also getting lleeondhand advice from all these media people who don't know what they're talking about." Grupe said he is positive that the war will end with victory for the United States and the removal of Saddam HIJS.Sein. Ferguson said he believes the ·war is being fought rather brilliantly.• SCR Continued from Al David Emme~ said the enterpris- ing series is designed to do more than bring kids to the theater. It also aspires to create a family at· mosphere. ln providing that. Emmes said SCR cal'\ inlroduce young and old to innovative en- tertainment. "We are not only interested in presenting. but expanding the body of lituature availabJe for younger thearergoers. H Emmes said SCR plans to riddle us new se- ries with star taJent and hopes to attract top American writers 10 the venue, officials said. The theater has commissions out to Anne Garcia-Romero, Donald Margulies, TuzeweU Thompson, Quincy Long and Carol Hall, Gross saJd. Gross said the new series is a large undertaking for the theater, one that has officials excited and eager all at once. "We are adding a whole 'notber leg to our season. H he said. ln addition to sharing the stage as pan of the center's 40th season. Theater for Young Audi- ences will wort with schools to attnld many children at dis- counted rates, or for free. through a grant from the Whit- 500 bloct at 7 a.m. TuNdav Nl'WPOR'T BEACH • Abeb'9.,.... Md South 88¥ f'toont: Vandalism WU NPQrted et 1:62 p.m. Wedneedr(. • AcecM Awnue: A garage burglary was reported in the 500 btodc at 7:35 a.m. Wednesday . • Wtet a.tbo9 ~lewnt end 9th StrMt A traffic accldentJnvoMng Injuries wu reported at t1 :41 a.m. Wednesday. • ~S1'9et: A vehicle bUrglary was reportfld In the 3200'blodt at 4:47 p.m. Wednesday. • East Coat Hfghwey: Battery was reported in the 2400 blodt at 9:39 p.m. Wednesday. • Newport Boutevwd: Petty theft was reported in the 2600 bfcx* at 1 :29 a.m. Wednesday. • N.wport CentlW DtMt East: Grand theft was reported in the 500 blcx* at 3:28 p.m. Wednesday. "I lhi.nk we'll wind up this war quiclcly, maybe even in a week or so," he added. Ferguson said the key to survival for the troops is "to be a good soldier." "Do what you're supposed to do at the time you're supposed to do it.H he said "Don't do anything unnecessary. I know people who got killed because they went out to look for souvenirs or visit their buddy in another platoon. H • DEEM BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be readled at (949) 5744226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath@latimes.com. tier Foundation, Gross said. The new season breaks down into three-week runs, each of which begins with discounted weekend previews and foUows with weekday school perform- ances and includes five general public weekend shows a1 regular cost. The inaugural show is the #Emperor's New Oothes" -a youthfuJ spin on the traditional tale, and is scheduled to run from Oct. 31 to Nov. 16. The em- peror in this story is a 14-year- old who is trying his best to learn to ruJe and swordfight a1 the same time. Ahrens, the writer, said she was thrilled SCR was using her adaptation to inspire family to· gethemess. Ahrens conrributed songs to the popular ~School­ house Rock" series of educa- tional musical 1V spots before starting her own production company. She went on to create a number of successful pro- grams. many of which earned her Emmy Awards. Gross srud. Other slated perfonnances are "The Wtnd in the Willows" and HSidewctys Stories From Wayside Schools." • LOLITA HARPER writ85 columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 5744275 or bye-mail at lof1ta.harper@lstimes.com. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • *ROIOOD • UJMATES • r.ARPEf • CBWIC 1U •WM. R..OORING •!9!J9 1.1.Mjj,.iM SOLAklAN ~ISLA£2!§ :JJC-SOU> EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE s4•• ~ '14' frofn ~· ~ ~· Tnwerh 1S-x 18 ........................................................ w. u •l Cli1tnlc Tle ...................................................... tlllllldtl:lm •l laiiille~-... -......................................... ,....,'°"' .. l GETTING INVOLVED • GETTINO INYOUIED NM .,.oodicaUy In the Deity Piiot on a rotating t>eW-. fof Information on eddlng ye>ur orgen.&zttlon to thlt Ilse, call (949) 674-4298. ACADOIC YEAR IN~ Costa Mesa famill .. can hOtt a German stu<Mnt and Nm up to $1,000 toward a number of travel-abroad programa. Danielle Carpino, (800) 322-HOST. ALS ASSN., OftANGE COUNTY CHAPT'ER The Amyotrophic Lateral Scleroala Aaan., which helps Individuals ~o 'ttave the disorder that is also known as Lou Gehrig's diaeue, needs volunteers. (714) 376-1922. ALZHEIMER'S ASSN. OF ORANGE COUNTY Support group leaders, Visiting Volunteers, family resource consultants and office volunteers \ dre needed. Volunteers mav wort on one-time projects or ongoing programs. Training sessions are available. (800) 660-1993. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The Orange County Region of the American Cancer Society seeks office volunteers. The society also seeks volunteers to answer calls for the unit's Helpline lnfoCentar. (949) 261-9446. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancer Society Discovery Shop needs unwanted goods such as clothing, furniture, jewelry, accessories, antiques and collectibles to fund the society's research, education and patient services programs. The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m. tQ 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday at the same location. (949) 640-4777. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transportation program needs volunteers to drive cancer patients to and from medical treatments free of charge. The required commitment is a few hours each week or month. Drivers must have a valid driver's license and Insurance and be at least 25. Volunteers may use either their own vehicles or American Cancer Society vans. (949) 261-9446 or sromer@canet1r.org. AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The American Heart Assn. is looking for volunteers to perform various general office duties in the main office and implement educational and fund-raising events through Orange County. No experienoe neceuary. Training will be provided. (949) 856-3555. AMERICAN HOME HEAL.TH HOSPtCE PROGRAM The American Home Health Hospice Program needs volunteers to give emotional support to terminally Ill patients and their fllmllles in the greater Orange County area. Training is provided. (714) 550-0800 or (800) 540-2546. AMERICAN RED CROSS, ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The chapter needs volunteers to address community groups about Red Cross servlou and to act as liaisons with the media in disaster and emergency situations. Lynn Howes, (714) 481-5376. ANMAL NETWORK OF ORANGE COUNTY Become a bottle-feeder or take in pregnant cats at your home. Many shelter• ldll pregnant cats upon arrival. Dogs and cats a,,. also avallable for edoptlon.(949) 759-3646or www.11nimslnetwort.orr1. ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF NEWPORT.U Volunteers looking for varying levels of lnvofv"'*lt are needed to help the organlutJon With Its goal of helping d'llldren In the community. UM9) 84H929. ASSN.R£NNSSANC£ CREATORS The Coate MeA group aporflors and tuppol'tl oul1MCh community MIVict progrema, IUd\ .. the hom•t• tenetuery. Vofunteen ara needed. (714) 54().6803. BESTBUDOES The nonprofit organlzatJon la tooktng for voluntMrl 11 and older to provide companionship for adulta wtth devek>pmental clubHttlea. Aa a •Otlml BuddV;' voluntMn wtll vi.It wtth 1 buddy twice a month and call or ~I them once 1 week. TM orgentz.tJon alto hu an ~program thet fonn1 Mendltl pa entirety tJ'l4I the tn...,._ Volunteers for thin prooram must be rt i..i 12 yMn Old. (714) 6*1129 Of • WWW:~QfD. men and WOfMt'l older than 20 who haW llwd In Orange CoUntv for rt.._ lbt rnontN and haw been on 1he Job tot .t .._. h'9e montht to eerw 11 big bfochert or big ....... forcHldrtn eoee e to 18from~homes. (714) &M-7773. expending trtum1 reeponee program. Som. YOlunteen a.mt ltw ~ fl...tlgtrtera and °""'~ rtePQndlrl bv ptOWlng (9491646-7181. HOSPtCE Ptt&rn CHOtCE \'olunMrs.,.. nMded to help !Nik•• ~In thellweof ~n•ltv m pereont end their flmlllea. VotuntHrt would ...iat • tNm wfth nontMdlcal nMdl .. BOY SCOUTS Of A-.cA ltC. Volunteer~b1he Orono-County Coundl lndude fund-reillng, progiwn development and training to existing troope end pda. (714) 64M990. ~ flnt aid and 9UpPOft to lnfunld or tnumdmd people. Other~ provtc» cllplled'l Ind omc. support. No ~leneceeNty. Ttetnlng wiA ti. ptOYidtd,. (MS) fi88.14W. t4.d't " pnMding reeptt• for the primary C81WOIV.r, Nnnlng • : I etmtnde, rNdlng to the patt.nt:s DllPU'TE R£SOlU1'10N IEJMC£S and WMldy soc:lal vtalts. The organlz.atJon 19 ala<> looking for • ' : BOYS & GIRLS CUii$ Of NEWPORT.-U derlcal and ti.ruvement volunteers to uafat wtth ofnce duti81. Tr1inlng la provided. (714) 980-0900. HUMAN OPTIONS The three area dUbl need voluntMr ~ind 1111 and crafts wof'bhop 1NCNra. CaH for locetiona. (949) 642-22A6. Volunteer medlaton, ca• epeclaflsta and outreedl asalstanta ,,. needed to help In a vartety of mediation cues. BIRngual lar)(luage .tllla IN ne6ded for oftk» vofunteers and for medJ9tors. (949) 250-0488. TM ot'banizatJOf' shelters, counMls and edUc:at• abuaed , women and d'llldrin. tt Is looking 1 : WTERSEALS • for volunteers. (949) 737-5242, ext. 24. J • I BRMJ.£ INS'IT'nirFs Eastw S..\a needa volunteers for onoofng derk:al wort. programa for d'llldren with dlaabllltJea and special events. (714) 834-1111. JEWISH FNA.Y SERVICE ',.•,. ORANGE COUtflY CENTER The nonprofit orgenlution la looking for volunteers wfth a basicknowtedge of Windows 95w'98, Micro9oft Word and a willingness to leam the adaptive equipment used by its students to participate In various activities at the Oasis Senior Center In Corona def Mar. Volunteers will tutor legally blind adult students uslng computers and other adaptive technology. Mary Johneon, (714) 821-5000, ext. 2113. COMMUNITY ANIMAL NElWORK The networt needs volunteers to help control the rising population of wild cats in local neighborhoods. Volunteers would trap and deliver cats to local veterinarians for spaying or neutering, and then release them badt to the property where they were found. The goat of the progrem is to uve the lives of stray cats. (9491759-3646. COSTA MESA CMC PLAYHOUSE The playhouae needa wluntMn for ushering, badcst.age ~ mailinga, typing, controlJing lights and manv other dutiM. (949) 65(}5269. . COSTA MESA HISTORtCAL SOCETY The society preserves and promotes the history of Costa Mesa and the harbor area. Volunteers are needed for the archives, library, museum, docent and public outreach programs. (949) 631-5918. COSTA MESA UTERACY COUNCIL The Costa Mesa U1aracy Center needs volunteer tutors to teadl English as a second language. People who want to learn English as a second language are also encouraged to call. Call to register. (714) 435-3310 or (714) 545-3445. COSTA MESA MS SElf-HELP GROUP The Orange County chapter of the national Multipfe Sderosis Society has started a new self-help group in Costa Mesa for people newty diagnosed or with minimal symptoms of multiple sclerosis, or both. The group meets at 11 a.m. the second Tuesday of every month. (949) 650-7659. COSTA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT Seniors 55 and older are invited to help ata,ff the Westalde substation. Volunteers are asked to work two four-hour daytime shifts per week. They would be responsible for answering phones, bicycle registration, fingerprinting, data entry and auisting with other citywide projects. Seniors wtio can speak Spanish and English are also needed. Call for an application. Fred Gaectler. (714) 754-5208. COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER Th• multipurpou aenlor .. rvtc.a facility at the comer of 19th Street and Pomona Avenue aeelta volunteers wtio can greet members and the public et the front dealt and voklnteera for the Resource Depertment wfth Ex<* computer expet'ience and aharp telephone aldlle. The Senior Meals program 1lso needa people to dellwr mNla to hc>rna. (949) 846-2368. ENVIRONMENTAL. NATURE CENltJt Volunteer trail guides are needed to help visitors team about their environment (949) 645-8489. FAMILIES -COSTA MESA This team of community-based organizations, which worts to provide youth and families with COYnseling, family support, health education, mentoring, tutoring, after-school activities and ldnship services, needs volunteers in all areas. (949) 574-3976. FISH-MOBn..E MEALS Call (949) 642~ to help Friends In Service to Humanity wfth the Mobile Meals program and provide ongoing emergency assistance to those in need. Both always Met volunteer assistance In a variety of areas. (949) 64M060. FltlENDS OF THE BAU.ET MONTMAR11tE OF ORANGE COUNTY Vofunteera are needed for Project Caring, which provides socialization and cultural experiences to the Jewish residents and others at Fairview Developmental Canter In Cost• Mesa. Volunteers "adopt• a facility to provide programming of Jewish content to the residents on a monthly basis. They must take a TB test and undergo a fingerprinting badcground chedt. Volunteers are also needed to provide comfon and support to the Jewish terminally ill and their families. The group sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group for people with chronic illness at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service, 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 44&-4950. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ORANGE COUNTY The organization of women. committed to promoting voluntaerism, developmg the potential of women and improving communities through the wort and leadership of trained volunteers, tS seel'ing new members. (949) 261-0823 KAISER PERMANENTE HOSPtCE SERVICES Volunteers are needed to spend four hours per week vi11ting patients or doing errands for Til9 Friends need volunteers who want to help talented local dancers perform in professional theaters. For 30 years, the organization has provided the community with quality Russian ballet training. To help youth develop strong discipline skills, build high sett-esteem and achieve dreams of being a professional dancer, call (714) 241-7424. , them or their caregivers in communities near volunteers' homes. (562) 622-3805. FRIENDS OF THE COSTA MESA UBIWUES LAGUNA GREENBELT INC. The Friends is a support group for Volunteers are needed to assist the three libraries in Costa Mesa. Laguna Coast Wlldamess Park To join, help with fundrai&Jng staff and James Dilley Preserve events and help promote library st8ff and docents with hiker programs and services in our registration and general public community, call (7141556-4396. orientation. (9491488-0287. FRIENDS Of THE LAGUNA SHANTI NEWPORT BEACH U8RARY Laguna Shanti, an organization The bookstore needs donations that works with persons with for boot sales. Good quality HIV or AIDS, is seeking caring children'• and nonfiction boots volunteers to assist with I ere especially needed. They may running the front office, be left at any of the branch delivering meals, providing libraries -Balboa, Mariners or transportation and providing Corona del Mer -or in the complimentary therapies such special book closet next to the as message, acupuncture and Friends Book Stora. et 1000 chiropractic C.re. Lisa Toghla, Avocado Ave. Volunteers are (949) 494-1446. needed to staff the used book store, which is inside the UFEUNEUVINGCENTERS entrance of the Central Library. Mentally Ill adults rely on the Volunteers must be members of Newport Beach center for the Friends of the library and residential housing. It needs are asked to work o ne professional fund-raisers lo three-hour shift per month. (949) support and maintain this 759-9667. resource. GIRL SCOUTS LUV·.M'ET CENTER Girl Sc:outa of Orange County Volunteers who love to work wrth Meda volunteers who will be cats and kittens ere needed at the trained as troop leaders, serve on Lw-a-Pet Canter at PetsMart in special committees and give Costa Mesa. For more lectures, demonstrations or information, call (949) 461-3272. cla ...... (714) 979-7900. MASnR CHORALE . GIRLS INC. Of ORANGE COUNTY OF ORANGE COUNTY The performing arts organtZation Volunteers are needed to offer needs volunteers for computer educatk>nal and enrld'lment Input. tidtating, filing and opportunltJ11 for girls and boys. handling phones.. (714) 556-6262. COSTA MESA SE1IOR CORP. KEEFE The nonP'Oftt orgentutlon rt the Michael S. Costa Mesa Senior C...,ter Is l<Mf9, MlchMI S. 43, Of Newport Belich, di.d Wedntredey, lootdng for MW boeftt membtrt. M9r'ch 2S, abr a = battle wfth c.ncer. Born Sept. 6". 1969 =:.::.~needs :.c,.w.n V. and EdM -KMfe, 8u"-'o NY: Alt avid aport. t.n vofum.tn who wfll parttcfpete Jn ;;.::-:-hie w In the tpOfta ~ lndultry. th ' monthty MMtlngs,occatlonat OCMMWOftc~-:= = == committee mMtlnga and epedal 1'80a, meny Of the IPOrtltig ~ sn 1 ~ by the Unlwnlty profects. CandidNI ehould haw of Southern Celfomia WIN ooonJll.-.ct ttwough MtohMt't CONMCtlons In Com Mele end ~He WM ct'MIOl' W pn llnW of h ~ Awwd In aurroundlng oommunttltl end an honor of USC food>ll alumnul Bob et.dlr. The -.u wa lntltlrt In MNlng the community GfMl9CI to bf1ng an. ltbl to edvwioM In OlnClf ,. 11 llf'Ch .ct bv helping MOion. (9'8) to dwe hoDe to cancer llUMVon. 846-2368. ext. 18. tCnowr\ for Na wtt. chlilm Ind gee~. Mid-.. ., .. ,.,.,,..m ... •""m~lbe. ... Nd-..e for hie fondn111 of Pf'llW1lclll Joka .. humor .ct COUKT-N't'CMIED °'*'" drww Othln to'*".~ at Wlfnbledot1'1 ~ SP£CW.. ADYOCATD oowt. the...._, Toum.n.nt 11t Augwta. or In a s>k*-up Yolum.er1 .,.. needed'°..,.,... ~.,,,. .. MMtw.ttM 8wh. ~ fotebtalld; ~ In~.'° hie.,.,.. .... MlcttMI 11 aurvtwd by hie ftllno6e :-.=-:::;_-~~::=r .. ~:od~o.· 1 tNkt to.. three hourt a....... of fla'1lgh, NC, lfatiWI; P81rtcte a Miry M. of' • (71-4)-..o:M & lnd.....,,T.ot~1N,~w1:~ ~ n6eoe: AtHlr/. CR11es MmTMCI A~ PM P!ll1" ~wit be hlkl Ft1cllty. M.'oh 28 m Ow ·- .. •' . 3 . • ; . .....INC. ~~=·,~.~ .... V'llMo.tw.NNDoft I llQ MOTHERS, M lllllltl The"°'_.°"~ le _., wtl be lit YIN Cem ,_ .. the Ohuroh, :·:--'----...... -:------....... ---:---~ ................. --~--~----~Thi---~---.,._., ___ '""'""".'~~~--~'°'----etlfdng~~YOIUnlllen------_......'°'--:..* ____ ~~~=~==•:•:•:~:·:::::::.-~-:·::~~3500::::.~,..:.c:Mo::~v:..w:,~_JL ( j I Da ] c a lI F a 01 De Slt p~ er to Rt SI: tu El A. 2f M c c 3: J1 c 2: 'W c 0 1( c e. 21 B c E l F g fr Sf a. p Sl Cl 1 f< u ti 0 --=--= ~---- Park trail a little more concrete Commission approv.es plan for a trail through Fairview for walkers and roller-bladers. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot C0$TA MESA -·1 he city is a step closer to paving a Mice of paradise and putdng in a con- crete trail to provide more access to Fairview .Pait. On Wednesday, the Parks and Recreation Commis.-,ion gave its sLamp of approval to a concep- tual plan for a mulupurpme trail. The trail will be 8 feel wide Wlth a 4-fool Wlde decomposed granite trail next to il for hikers. The concrete portion is ge'clred toward wa.Ucers. roUer-bladers and others who don't feel com- fortable navigating the granhe and dirt uails in the park. But some residents questioned the commissions' acceptance of the we of concrete. "I'm !>urpri.sed that they were considering cementing in thoc;e roads," Judith Gielow said. "I thought the City Council had made a big point about not using any cement." n1e trail would. run by the. trains, down tn where the botani-' cal garden WCI.!> supposed to be. cro~ Placentia Avenue with a pe· dbtnan bndge. then wind back up the ht.II. ere>'>.'> Placenua agam and fonn a clo~ loop Ille oty 1~ under d deadline to complete the 1.nill by the end of June becau.-.e II IS being funded by a $234,000 grant from the Omngc County l ran.,portduon Authonry. The authority i., al'><> funding the pedestrian hndge. but those fimds won't be av-culable unul July, said Hill Mom,, publk l>erv ices direcror. Supporters uf the burrowing owl that calls ruirview Park home !">aid the multipurpo..,._· trail ts ac- c.:eptahle. a-; l1111g 'a'> two artificial burrow., will be cleated in the vi- dmty of the cxi ... ung burrow<>, '>did DaVld Mo'>kuviv. a b1olo~"' with < ;tt"nn 1.uko ... A."''" One resident. Rohen Cira.ham, spoke in favor of the concrete trail. •tl's a great !>tan.· Graham srud • 1 think concrete ~ a good 1dea. lt'i. the first step of many steps Ill providing access to the part.· Commiss1oneri. said the con crete trail is necessary to open the park to all C.Osta Mesa ~·· den Ls. ·A lot of people aren't into !>ports, so their exercise is walk· ing. skating or pushing a stroller and this would give those people, wbo are taxpayers. ,acces.<J to this park." C.ommissioner Wendy Leece said. "We're not talking about ruining the envtronment. • lhe plan for the trad will now go to 1he t.1ry Council for reVlew. NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL BOARD WRAP-UP INSIDE THE DISTRICT able to meet NEXT MEETING Here are <,ome of the dec1.,ion' coming out of fue.,day\ school board meettng: fhe repon revealed tlJJt Newpon-Me-.a, anord111g to .ill <1\<11lul>ll· mformation at tlw; ume, nwl·t' 1lw ''·'fl'' Mandards and criteria tor f'1,l;il ... 1.1h1ll1y and also pro1ecb future ... 1ab1l11v ·"\\di de.,pite the '>tale but.lgt>t t rum h •WHAT: The next school board meeting •WHEN: 7 p.m. April 8 SECOND PERIOD INTERIM REPORT • WHERE: 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa •INFORMATION: (7 14) 424-5000 Paul Ht'ed. assistant superintt>ndent of bt1.,111e<>s 'ervicc' for tht' d1i.trkt. presented the 2002 <n 5'-rnnd l'l'rmd WHAT IT MEANS " dl·'>ignared month. a .. thl' < .Jlifornia State Board of I tluca11on .. uggesL•., the 't hool hoard approwd the prr1posal IO de'>ignate April lntt'rilll neport to the c,chool hottrd 1 he firr,t report. which the hoard had already approvc•d, 1 overed the budgt•tary .,tatu\ of th<' TI1e board voted to apprm1· 1lw re·port and expressed it!'> grat1t11d1· tCJ lhl• d1'1rll.I for maneuvering its wav through 1111 ... fic;ral turmoil in a rnann1·r tl1.11 h.1 ... allowed it to avotd the 111<1" l.1yolt' 01lwr dii.tricts hav<.' experit'fll l'd ,\If houi.:h 1 lw d1\trict doe'> antk1patt· 11 \\Ill h.1Vl' to .!00 I Puhlil \l hool., Month. I h<' ob.,1·r.a11n.· ol 1hi!> de-.ignatmn"' 'JIOll,orl•d by tlw Foree and Acct>pled d1,tm t through()< t. 11 lhl· '*'t·ond report. wh1lh the bot)rd dpprowd 1 Ut">day. rnver' the p<'rmd end111g Jan II clo .. ely rl'glllate and re<.tric 1 'lwnd111i.: over the next f<>w year' 'l'\\Jllll t \It·.,.. -...id 11 believe'> It \viii lw ,1hh· 111 rn.11111.1111 1h functionalny \ 1.1...im ... of< uhf1in11d. Ille theme of the month 1., "l'uhhl ...,choob -(,real Plale., to ( 1rlJ\~ •• WHAT JT MEANS lht• purp<ht' of rlw rt.•pon. rt·quirl'd h\ the .,talc '"'Ke a year ts to r.uw J\.\lllt'nt.·'>'> of finanu.d ohh~allon' dunng fill' n .. ~:al }t'aJ. 111c.:lud111g re-.cn.e requ1renll'n1' that the d1,tnl l may nut be PUBLIC SCHOOLS MONTH \pnl .wen \'+111 be tlt.•.,ignated Publil \1 hoot... \lo nth IO fm u' on '>Upport111g puhlu edul at11111 ·1o111\olve -.choob .1ml 'tut.It"" 111 different act1\1tie<; and progrnm' tlurin~ -( /J/11f11led m Omsrme (Amllu SCHOOLS LIST ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AdamsK-5 2850 Clubhouse Road, Costa Mesa Candy Cloud, (714) 424-7935 Andersen K-6 1900 Port Seabourne, Newpon Beach Mary Manos, (949) 515 6935 C.lifomUI K-5 3232 Caltforn1a St . Costa Mesa Jane Holm, (714) 424 7940 College Plitt! K-3 2380 Notre Dame Road. Costa Mesa Carol Lang. (7 14) 424-7960 o.vt.4-6 1050 Arlington Dnve, Costa Mesa Cheryl Galloway, (714) 424-7930 Eastbklft K-6 2621 Vista del Oro, Newpon Bead'I Charlene Metoyer, (949) 5 15-5920 Harbor View K-6 900 Goldenrod Ave . Corona del Mar Melliss1a Chnstensen, (949) BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS 515·6940 KaiMt 3·6 2130 Santa Ana Ave .. Costa Mesa Daryle Palmer. (949) 515-6950 Killybrooke K-5 3155 K1llybrooke Lane, Costa Mesa Kathy Sanctiei. (714) 424-7945 Lincoln K-6 3101 Paofic View Drive, Corona delMar Barbara Haddod:. (949) 515-6955 MariMn K-6 2100 Mariners Dnve. Newpon Bea di Pam Cooghhn. (949) 515-6960 Newport Coast K-6 6655 Ridge Par1c Road, Newport Coast Monique VanZeeBroedc, (949) 515-6975 Nr#port Elementary K-6 14th Street and Balboa Boulevard, Newport Beach Denise Knutsen, (949) 515-6965 rffwport Heights K-6 300 E. 15th St., Newpon Beacti Judith Chambers, (94.9) 515-6970 Pllularino K·3 the three months ending Feb. 28. Jntal revenu~ were somewhat higher, but net mcome was flat when compared to the same quarter of 2002. Firm misses earnings Resources C.Onnection also ..a.id revenue was down from sec· goal by a penny a share ond-quarter levels because of A quarterly eammgs report the holidays. from ~ta Mesa-based Re· F.xcludlng the holiday wet>k..,, sotices C.Onnecnon lnc. rru~ the company averaged a 4% m · an~ts' expectations by a crease for weekly average rev· pe y per share. enue, the company said. e professional services finn Shares of RECN. which trade last week that It earned 12 on Nasdaq. closed Friday at ce ts per share. compared to the si~.40. up 7.92% on the day. 13 nts Wall Street was looking fo e company said its conlin· investment ln growth lnJtJa- continues to put pressure o earnings. e company reported eam- for Its ftscal third quarter, DNA fingerprinting will be offered J. Foster Weems. DDS toe., will host a DNA UfePrtnt Safety Program from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. st Friday, Saturday & Sunday of the Month. 50-75o/o OFF e've Raided the Best Closets in Orange County." uality Consignment Apparel 1060 Paula11no Ave , Costa Mesa Patricia Insley (714 ) 424 7950 Pomona K 3 2051 Pomona Ave Costa Mesa Julie McCorrn1dt. 1949) 515 6980 Rea 4 6 601 Hamilton St Cost<1 Mesa Ken K1ll1an. (949) 515 6905 Sonora K 3 966 Sonora Costa Mesa ChnSlme Anderson, (714) 424-7955 Victoria K·S 1025 Victoria St . Costa Mesa Judy Laakso. (9491515-6985 Whitt* K 3 1800 N Wh1n1er Ave Costa Mesa Sharon Blakely, (949) 515-6990 Wilson K·S 801 Wilson St .. Costa Mesa Candy Sperling, (9491515 6995 Woodland K 2 2025 Garden Lane, Costa Mesa Kathryn Hofer. (949) 515 6945 INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS Ensign lntennediate 7 8 2000 Chff Dnve, Newport Beacti Mike McGuire. (949) 515 6910 Saturday at h" ollllt' at 1617 Wt·,td1ff l>nve. \u1te 201 m :>.ewport Beach DNA fingerpnnlln~ inmlves taksng -,aliva sampll'<. from Lhil drcn to be used '"'lead or lingerpnnts . I.aw enforcement olf1nal' be- lieve haVlng a l>"JA 'ample ready to go rnuld h<•lp Ill an in- ve!>tigauon Information (94!-J) fl42 7'}'l8. Airport opens all levels of parking garage John Wayne Airport opened TeWinkle 6-8 3224 California St . Costa Mesa Jeff Gall, (7 14) 424-7965 HIGH SCHOOLS Corona del Mar 7-12 2101 Eastbluff Drive, Newpon Bea di Sharon Fry, (949) 515-6000 Costa Mesa 7-12 2650 Fairview Road, CoSla Mesa Fred Navarro 9 12, John Garcia 7-8. (714) 424-8700 Esuncia 9-12 2323 Placentia Ave .. Costa Mesa Tom Antal, (949) 515-6500 Newport Harbor 9-12 600 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beadi Mictiael Vossen, (949) 515-6300 Att.em.tive E:ducation Cent9r Badl S.y Cont. High School Monta Vista High Schoof 390 Monte Vista Ave., Costa Mesa Diana Carey, (949) 515-6900 Middle eon.g. High School 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa Robert Nanney, (714) 432-5732 ADULJ EDUCATION Adult School 425 E. 18th St.. Costa Mesa Diana Carey, (949) 515-6996 all levels of the BI '>outhwest pdllang garage to the public on Tuesday fhat garage was closed m November as part of the se1c; m1c remediation of the north west and southwest parking structures. That construction began in May after the Board of Supervisors approved the S2.9-million construction project. All access roads Into the air· port are also open. For more information. call (949) 252-5200. One can also visit the airport's Web &lte at www.ocair.com. ---=· -------=--- Come see the new Everwood· CoumryS1de bhnds from Hunter Douglas Overlapping sla1s crea1e a beau11ful board-on-board design Md 1he ·seep-up look adds depth d1mens1on and character to any room And EverWood CoumryStde will not warp. crack. peel or fade f!vt:n in f •iday. Mdfcll 71:! ?OOJ A5 humid areas or dtrec.t sunli$ht Comt: l;,;:i..;:;..~~-~f.11111 see 1hese beauuful blinds today ~ALDEN'S .\ 1M>1 Plact:nlia, Co~la M~ 949-646-4818 Spa Gregorie's A N D s A l 0 i .J c t~ r I ( r< I E ) j .... , .. MD Skincare Event! I Apnl 4th & 5th ONLY R'ce11.<e an M::l Protess10n11 A1plla Bera Pee. ior s• S!iO ,.., r. ANO re•• v" a S3t ••<11110 ... ard MO I p•uou~t pu•ct as• Oise over more lOQ N .-,: " • ., N"wp P b"d • r~d•,·in• s~1n or ••!"&"able ~av1nvs' ( 8 'c.. 'O 'f'lllUJn• ~ • • .. "4.' WWW SPAGREGORIES CO~I .149 6.:.l 66 ~2 Grand Openi~g for Dinner at NEWPORT DUNES RESORT'S ]J1 ]J1\Y Thursday, April 3, 2003 Co•• Experience Our New Dinner l•tree•I Happy Hour 3 ·5p1111 Thun•Sat. Ertjoy Our Fabulous Champagne Brunch Every Sunday From 9am-2pm. r-----~-----------------~ : '7:'::::d 20% OFF: I Expirti April 27th ' 2003 • For OiMer Only I L-----------------------~ )Ji~~]~ ReterVations 949-729-1144 ~ 1131 8odt Bery~. Newpott ~ CE . ~ -t;he style'; T,,, wwt is in IM Jlawrf ul lmJth malk from sr.ratth- .fresh nuh morning. C.nU"rous chunlu of chidcen brmst and ric~ in our dLlitU>us broth.. Gamishtd with die~ avocfJdo and dla~tro, finuMd tuilll a ''i"«U of felt litM. •• 369 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa ~from Ralph's) M-F1o-&.Set. 1M.&n 12-4 949 642-1844 ,. M Friday, Marth 28, 2003 FORUM HOW TO GET PU8USHEO -L.a.n: Mail to Editorial ~ Edi1ot S.J. Cehn et the 0.tly Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Meu, CA 92827 •Ru••~ Cell (949) 642.eoee FM: S.nd to (IMS) '*"170 E-melt!Send to dailypilottllatlma..oom •All corT8SpOndenoe must fnclude full name, hometown end phone number (for veriftc8Uon purpo1e9). The Piiot reaetVM the right to edit all tubmlNiona fot clartty and length. MAILBAG O:>lumnist mistaken about the poll numbers . Allhoµgh an avid fan of Joe Bell, I feel compelled to write aJ')d rebut a couple of points he made In the Bell Cwve. "Keep us blessed with the right ro dissent." from March 20. Bell stated that he counts himself among the 60% of our population who don't support military action without U.N. sanction, and among the 50% who don't support it at chis lime at all. I grew up in a part of !he country where nearly every bumper had a sticker on ii emblazoned wilh the motto "Get !he U.S. out of !he U.N. ·The events oflhe past few months should provide ample reasons for us to print up a bunch more of these stickers and vigorously renew that campaign. When the U.N. Security Council put !he U.S. into the position of having to beg Cameroon for !he right to take action that the council had preVJously approved unanimously via Rei.olution 144 I. I believe any reasonable person would agree the U.N. has outlived its usefulness. Coni.idering that the UN. has placed Libya in charge of defending international human rights, and has named Iraq ac:; next-in-tine to chair lhe commission in charge of disarmament. one has to laugh oul loud. And considering chat Frdflce has openJy stated chat 1t wishe!> to become the counterbalance to hold U.N. power m check. and tn fact dearly sabotaged the U.S. effort to win a majority vote in the council, I for one recommend that the U.N. should move to less expensive real estate. I'm thinking Paris, maybe on the Left Bank. ' .Pis a Vietnam-era soldJer, J was detailed to Paris in 1968 for several months to help catalog the millions of • American items we had to remove from France. Qm. DeGaulle. the guy you'll recall whose bacon we saved from the Germans during World War rJ, ordered America to get its possessions and soldiers out of France, and gave us a year to comply (Operation FR.ELOC). Night and day. seven days a week. we loaded chousands of semi trailers with everything chat wasn't nailed down. Tractors then hooked up these t:ra.i.lers and drove them as quickly as possible to just over !he borders with Germany or Luxembourg or Belgium and dropped them off. It took literally years to locate these t:ra.i.lers and repatriate them, and cost hundreds of millions of dollars. The French didn't care then, and they don't care now. Maybe what we need is an entirely new organization of industrialized democracies. Maybe we could call it the Union of the Willing. Then France and Otlna and Russia and several doz.en dictatorships could sit around and contemplate their navels whiJe the U.S. and its friends go about !he business of finding and ridding the world of terrorists, wherever !hey may be. I agree with Bell that war is terrible. But when it's necessary to wage it, to not do so is always a mistake. And I, and more than~ of my fellow citizens as of this writing agree this one's necessary. ., Bell, you have the right to dissent you so embrace, as do we all. Thclt right was rmrchased with the blood of Americans who fell in battles.defending our . couotry and Its ideals. We bad to fight for those rights then and we on - 0ccasfon have to figbr to keep them: This is one of those times. CHUCK CASSrTY Costa Mesa Retiring to a state of verbosity In covering Col. David Hackworth's talk with Newport Harbor High students, Joseph N. Bell has much to say con cerning the colonel's disagreements with President Bush's decision to evict Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq ("Keep us blessed with the right to dissent,· March 20). Some of what he and the colonel have to say, however, are not backed up by recent facts. Bell errs when he writes that unine-tenths of the world and half the United States is strongly opposed to this war." A recent Gallup poll from March 19 shows that 64% of Americans support the war with Iraq. Also, although nonsupport by France, Russia and Germany has dominated the headlines, a coalition of nations has come about that support the current military actions underway. Stealing from a column appearing in a local newspaper, I believe that what diasenter Bell has demonatrated so effectively Is that "old soldiers· (like Hackworth) ·never dJe, they jUBt become verbose." We all should remember we are not beginning a war, we are ending an unfinished one. LEmRIS l.AVRAKAS Costa Mesa Pilot coverage is missing truth of war opposition Where is truth? AB they say, truth is the first casualty of war, and that has been painfully obvious in the pages of the Daily Pilot. Recently, you printed a picture and small article about the "few dozen" pro-war supporters gathered at South Coast Plaza at noon on a Saturday. The next day, you ran a picture and much larger article about the six people (four of whom were children o ut for the day with grandma) supporting George Bush who gathered o n a Jamboree corner in Newport Beach. A visitor to our community wouJd think that a few Newport·Mesa residents support the war and that everyone else is a pathetic. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Where were your reportecs on the Friday evening after the war started when more than 250 people showed up at Bristol Street and Anton Boulevard to support our troops and oppose this illegaJ. unnecessary war? Where were the pictures and articles about !he more than 200 people who came out on a cold, windy Sunday two weeks ago at Niltetown for a candlellRht vlgU. 1uaytng to spare the Uvea of our aoldle,. forced Into a war of greed and lmperlallam7 Why 11 the Dally Pilo t Ignoring the large gathertnga and focusing on the small onesf la/aJrneaa in reporting not a tenet of the Pilotf You may choose not to cover the opposition to the war. but yoJJ will.not aUence the voice o( democtacy. Pe•ce. • 'MAGGIE GALLAGHER Costa Mesa Newport-Mesa docs welcome open debate In his Thursday column, S.J. Cahn missed !he polnt ("Keep the debate alive"). Of course. we Newport-Mesa residents are in favor of debating differing polnts of view. but just try finding a conservative point of view printed in any major newspaper. Mo'>t readers of the Daily Pilot also subscribe to the Los Angeles Times, -.o the UberaJ view permeates the majority of our news. If the Daily Pilot takes a conservative slant. then the balance is !here. and we are happy about It. Having just returned from six year' in the Bay Area, I can tell you that there is very little reporting in California that reflects the conservative minority. The Daily Pilot's lean to right is a breath of fresh air for those of us who aJso crave an expression of ow views, and Cahn should not quash that. SALlYE. MAY Newport Beal h HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CfTY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair Drive. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. (714) 754-5223 Mayor: Karen Robinson Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and Chns Steel CfTY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beadi City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beadi. CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Council: Gary Adams, John Heffeman. Didc Nidiols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 Superintendent Robert Barbot Board: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Blade. Clert Serene Stokes, David Brooks, Tom Egan, Judy NEWPORT BEACH FILM FESTIVAL APRIL 3-11 ..... ,, .... , _ __._ Adr .. A' Franco and Linda Sneen 668-2100; Fax: (714) 668-2104 STATE ASSEMBLY E-mail: Ken.Maddox@ssm.ca.gov • John C3mpbell (A). 70th District, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 319-2070 U.S. SENATE •Barbara Boxer (D). 112 Hart Senate Building, Suite 112. Washington. D.C. 20510, (202) 224-3553; Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) 224-3841 , or 1111 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 915, Los Angeles, CA 90025, (310) 914-7300 E-mail: senstor@fein.tein.senatll.gov PREstDENT E-mail: diwktlO@assembly.ca.gov • Ken Maddox (A), 68th District, State Capitol, Sacramento. CA 95814, (916) (916) 319-2068; or 2250 E. Imperial Highway, Suite 545, El Segundo. CA 90245, (213) 894-5000 E-mail: senator@boxer.senate.gov George W. Bush (R), White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. 20500 Hotline: (6 a.m . to 2 p.m.) (202) 456-1111 E-mail: president@whitehoust1.gov Fax: (202) 456-2461 Or local office at 1503 South Coast Drive. Suite 205. Costa Mesa 92626; (714) • Dianne Feinstein (D), 331 Hart Building, >. UC Irvine BASEBALL Three ume scda vs. W.shlnston Sl8tc Friday, Mar. n, 6:00 p.m. Saturday, Mar.19, 6:00 p.m. Sunday, Mar JO, 1:00 p.m. s-daf•ltht•,... .. UC Irvine ....._. Sut CUshlott Nl9ht • the tint 500 fw In -..clwe wll receive .......... cushloll, sponsored "' Pepsi. _,,..._ .... .., _.. ....... ..,,..... ....... .. ., ..., ~ .... , ...... ......., .... ..... UC Irvine MEN'S VOLLEYBALL ua n. c.-._ .......,., s.e.dlly, ... n,',... Collle out Md wldch tit• #7 ranked ,....,. In action! • • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. "I .. .. " • ' • • .. • .. .. .. .. . • • • .. . ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • ' ' • . .. Friday, Mbrdl ?8. 2003 A7 cfemOiLIVI Assistance for seniors P erhaps you're a family member overwhelmed by the responsibilities of attending to the needs of your aging loved one, or maybe you're an older person who wants to continue living at home but you have no one to provide the assistance you are beginning to need. Whatever your situation, CarlngCompanJonsAtHome can help you find a solution. After our mother c;uffercd a stroke, we were challenged with makjng difficult decisiom about her c.arc. We had promised her we would neve r put her in a rc:c;t home We knew she needed a~sistance with some of her daily livi ng activi ties, but not full time care. We spoke to her doctor about our concerns and he recommended Caring Companions At Home. Caring Companions At Home could offer Mom assistance with meaJ preparation, medication reminders, light housekeeping. laundry, errands, personaJ care and companionship in her own home. Caring Companions At Home is a trusted resource for affordable at home I companionship and caregh'ing for seniors. They take pride in their ·~rsonaJ touch' and maintain an ongoing relationship with both companion and client to ensure that services are meeting their clients' need'>. AJI services are available for a minimum of two hourc; or a<, much as 24 hours per day, and all companions are bonded, in'>ured and highly qualified r or niore information, call Cnn ng OJmpaniom At lfome at (949) 574-0750 ADVERTISEMENT Elegant senior living I f you have <,pent time looking fo r a hcaut itul and peaceful pl ace for one or hoth of your parents to spend their retirement years, you have probably noticed how diffk ult ir is to find accommodations that meet your expectationo,. Costa Neuport~ in Costa Mesa is an elegant senior living residence that will surely put your mind at ease. The grand entrance leads 10 a beautiful great room th.at openc; onto a magnificent cou rtyard. I After enjoyi ng the grounds. rc1um to the elegant dining room for a .. umpruou~ meal. Costa Ncuportc also offer'> rran<;portarion 10 medical appo111trncnl'>, shopping and hanki ng. as weU as lct'>U rl' dCll\'llleS. Cosltl Ne11porte ts located at 221n Fairmew Roacl in < .ml<l \4eM1 for more 111formatio11. call (949) 646-6.'it){I Family owned and operated care facility C ountry Uub Convalescent Hospital ts a modern. private. '>killl·d nurw1g fanlity with 54 hcd., am.I -.111~k or tlouhle occupancy, wirh a hathroom anti shower 111 every room llc'>lderw. t·1110~ 1lw l'Xccllcnt food . pcr'>onal11l·c.l larc and <i high .,tall ratio I amtl~ owned anc.l opcrnted ..,llHl' J~TJ, wt· prov1dt• 411.tltr}. ho111t·-l1ke rnrc with d1gnm <.ind re.,pt•ct for mjormatum. call (71 ./J )./9-J06/ or i1m1 www.senwrlwming.net/A I JI< m1111 rr<Juh< .on 1· Centenarian ce lebration A mt'rtlam arc nor 11111) livmK lo11Kcr rht•\ .ir1· l1\111g better. thanl!. to heJllht art· ad\Jnu·s Mid rhL· l'\olu11on o( '>Upportive living en\ironrnt·nh The k>w11.aifb al Sea Bluffs hopes Americans under'>tanc.J rh.11 a .. uppontw l!nvlronmcnt can be a key factor in d long happy Irle The h iuntains i' home to America\ oldc'>t llk n11<.al rwim., Margarc1 faylor White and Martha l'a) lor \.1argare1 <1111.J \itatth.:1 moved ICl rhe J·ounra1nc; al \t·a Hluth In LOO I On \1ar< h I LOO I they celehra1cd their JOOth h1rthdJ\ tw..itrng I 111 700 m1l1111n oddo, Margaret and Martha re.,tdt' 1n 't'pdrale .iJ>llrtl)U"nh 111 1111 "( .arden-. ar \ea Bluff'" -an are .. 111 1lw n·-.orr 1h.11 l alt'r' 111 thoo,c w11h m1·mol) challenge'>. \1arg..ircr and \lanha are cxtrl'Jlll'h 111•<·ll1K<'"' pl"'" .111~ au1vc and m good hcahh :vtarga11 1 h rill' \111111g1·r h\ urw houri. qull'ter rwrn . wh 1lc \hi rt li.1 '' 11u 1~·· 11 ng .u 1d 1.111 11·11 '1111 exartly what.,on her mmd Ju.,1,1 ... 1.ich 1.,11111.1• ""' •1\'.ll tndt\'ldual pcri,onJ.111), 'o doe., l'at h ••I 1)11 1r rw1gt1ho" ,111cl that\ c.•xattly how careg1\er'> ar I ht I 011111um 1r1111 1lil'm ,,, individual'> It\ in 1hb type of nununng Jnd .. 11111ula1111g env1ronmt•nt tht11 Margaret amJ \l,111h.1 ,,... \\di ,,... 1ht·1r 1w1ghbor-. thrive l'hl' "l.111<mal Asi,n of I lnnw f1111 lckr' ,l\\,.1r d1·d I tw < .. rrd1·11' antl I h(• Inn '""'"red 11,wg foulrl\ rl 1· l\1·~1111 'w111111' llou'>lng l>t·,1gn Awaru ... ·· in .!lllJ I \ lin,il pti ..... 1 iii ltr,ur\ 111ntlo1111111um'> "now untlt•r t1111 ... rru1111i11 .tJ I ti .. I 1111111.1111' .11 \l·a Bluff, /ht• I u1111tmn'i opPmll'~ .!n ret1T1'1111•1111 t•''"' 111 ,,., ,, 1WtP1 It 111e1 w/1_e s in creaung 1w111i/1111111< 11111Jt111.1•1• em•tronmntt\. I-or add11w 11al 111/11rt11u11w1 1 ''" 11 1 11 ~ ,,. I 1 m 111.\tt 1t1u1w t/1efounct11rt5 com a . anng . mpanions Jlt J-1.ome Enjoy a Spacious Suite, Sumptuous Dining, Entertainment, Bingo, Crafts, Billiards, Beauty Salon, Transportation to Doctor, Shopping, Fun Trips, Friendly Caring People. Caring Companions At Homt' 1~ ._11nin111ll·J t 11 helping. 'it·niors remain 1n chl 1r homL' h, pr.,, 1J111t~ 1hcrn w11h ,.-ompecenc cornpan1on/L.Ht:l!t\l't ~ l 1111 Lumpanaon~ ao;sm wich: •Personal Care •Dr. 's Appointments • Meals • Companionship, Comfort & Support • Light Housekeeping •Medication Reminders • Shopping & Errands • Hospital Discharge 2283 Fairview at Wilson Costa Mesa Minimum age 58 For more information please call: 949/646-6300 or Fax 949/646-7 428 CbuNTRY Q_l/H CONVALESCENT JiosPJTAL. !Ne . Country C lub Cont:Jale scent.} lospital, inc .. n nwdern, priva te, skilled nursing facility is located b ehind the ~5anta._ylna Cotu1t1y Clu/1 in the. Vew>port Beach/Back Bay area four nziles JronzJ loag 1ernoria{.Jfospital Presb,yt< rian Small 64 bedfadUty,family own«i and operated since 1973. Sin.git? and double bed occupancy, with batllroorn aru:I shower in eL?ery roorn. <Beautiful surroundings, quiPt, fXYU""ful., excelwnt J ood. high ataff-ratio. Short and long tonns stays. We are cornrnitted to pro"ldingfine, peraonal carr l"ith •wumth> dignity and respect in a horne-.like atrnosphero. 20362 santa Ana Av oue Santa Ana Height • CA 92707 (714) 549-3061 Call for a tour and i?isit us on the b at tMfp// au II ' t1 1Az1.-l/U/O 'in 38 w \ AJI companions are bond ed, insured and highly qualified We offer an affordable so luti on and keep in rouch on a regular bas is with both cl ient and co mpa ni on. 881 Dover Dr., Suite 260, Newport Beach (949) 574-0750 ALZHEIMER'S CARE fan made the right choice From the ci me Jan Dickey's husband, Bill, was first diagnosed with Alzheimer's, the couple sought every possible mca.sure co ma.x1m1ze Bill's qualiry of life. They also kn~ the came would come when Bill's disease would rcquue much more care than Ja.n--or any hum21l bcmg- couJd provide alone. Jan visited every option within fifteen miles of their home. Na.ruraUy. she wanted only the very best for Bill. She found it 'at The Gardens at THE FOUNTAINS AT SEA BLUFFS. Bill has lived ac The Gardens now for over one year. The Gardens was recognized in 2003 with a Best of Seniors Housing Design Awa.rd. Located within the spccucular hilltop rcrircm~nt ~n of THE f OUNTAJNS AT SF.A BLUFFS, in Dana Point, The Gardens is available for temporary respite or long term residency. Whether seeking ~tircmcnt condomiruwru. assisted living or Alzheimer's care, ~ who can afford to choose the very best arc choosing TuE FoUNTAJ'NS AT SEA BLUFFS. Call today to join w for lunch and a pcnonal visit, or racn-c your ICU at our ncn Rttimnent Uviog Optiooa Seminar. (949) 234-3000 ~r-(800) 846-4440 ~~TH E F 0 u N TA I N s L AT SBA 81.UPFS RltimM1t1 un,.1 • Assind Lin111 ~iC,,,. 2S411 Sea Bluffi Or. • Dan& Point. CA 92629 www.dwfouataiu.com "I have peace of mind knowing that he LS in a safe, caring. hc:a.lthy envi- ronment, and that each caregiver is so very profcs-- sionally mined 0 to give ~ c:xtn1 catt and attention th.at Bill dc:krvcs and rcquiru. • -}111• D~~ All AaCMIT CMla MOVl·I• INCIAUI ' Al Friday, March 28, 2003 AROUND TOWN •Send~ TOWN Item• to the Deily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa M-., CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646--i17Q; or by calling (949) 67~. lndude the time, date and loCation of the ~nt. u well .. a contact phone number. A comRlete listing la evallable at wwWodailyp/fot.com. TODAY The grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, Arun Gandhi, will be the keynote speaker at the annual Orange County Mediation Conference. Ttie conference. titled "Creating reace In Our Commupitles Through . Medlatiol)." will be In the Student Center at UCI from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m . Call (949) 851-3168 for more Information. The MomExchange will hold their Spring 2003 Family Time Ex.po from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at William Regional Part<, 18712 University Drive, Irvine. Families can get information on cl8$Ses, activities, family programs and parenting resources. For more information, call (949) 6794511. Vanguard Unlvenlty wilt holt •. conference on family violence • awareness March 28 and 29, featuring keynote speaker the Rev. Al Miles, President Bush's appointed member to the National Advisory Committee on violence against w omen. Registration begins at noon Friday. Cost is $10 for students with ID, $50 for others. Fee includes dinner Friday and continental brealcfast Saturday. Call (714) 666-3610, e>Ct. 465, for mont lnfomlation. SUNDAY Kida end their fllm••• .. lmte.d to •A Very Special 0\fting; an afternoon of interactive . atorytelllng and crafts frdm 1 to 4 p.m. Admission It free at the Newport Beach Central Library. Call (949) 717-3816 for more Information. The American AmstllUJ Gol Tour is starting its second season, hosting at least 12 local tournaments starting today. Each event, which take.place on weekends, is a one-day, 18-hole competition played strictly under USGA l'\(les. For more information, call (714Y 403-8875 or visit www.asgolftour.com. 1 MONDAY Author Adeline V.... Mah win discuss her books and personal journey from communist China to the United States in a talk sponsored by UC Irvine Libraries and the Orange County Reads On'e Book Project. A book signing and refreshments will be offered after the program, which will begin at 6 p.m. at the UCI Student Center, Emerald Bay Room AB at UC Irvine. The event is free and open to the public, but part<ing costs $5. For reservations, call (949) 824-4651. TUESDAY Creative expreuion• by Orange County artists wort<ing in an array of two-dimensional media will be on display at Newport Beach City Hall • ·ough June 30 for the Spri1 'l03 Orange County Artists L nibition. For more THE ... , I NEMr• 2004 RX 330 Now Available @!~ Floral & Gifts New shipments of Accessories for your Home Including Lamps' and Shades With custom options availablt Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10-S •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa• (949) 646-6745 (Across from Ralphs) Information, call (949) 717-3870. A~ plen dwelopment worbhop at Netlonal University In Coate Mesa Wiii teach ltudents how to writ" the bulin8'8 plan. that worb for them. The $26 fee Includes materials, and there fa a $5 dl8COUnt If prepaid. Bring additional bualneu auodates for $10 each. Other workshops are available every Tuesday In April for the same price. Call (714) 650-7369 to reg.later or for more Information. A free f-eng Shul MmlMr et 7 p.m.11 intended to help Improve attendanta' health, relatlonahipa and prosperity. !twill be held at Visions & Dreams, 2482 Newport Blvd. In Costa ~eaa, reservatioos are required. Call (626) 288-1669. Martin Fontenzer. author of "Mammoth: The Sierra Legend" will speak at 7 p.m . at the Newport Beach Golf Course, 3100 Irvine Blvd., in the Tee Room. There will be tacos and codttails starting at 6:30 p.m. Free. For more information, call (714) 843-9005. WEDNESDAY A aupport group for caregivers of persohs with Lewy body disorder and Pidc's disease/frontal temporal dementias, sponsored by the Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange County, will meet at UC Irvine's Gillespie Facility in the second floor conference room at 9:30 a.m . For reservations, call (949) 824-2382. Admission is free. Leem how to heve fun Nf9ly In the outdoors at Costa Mesa Community Center's introduction to hiking, badcpacking and camping class. The cost is $40 for two classroom sessions, April 2 and April 16, local hikes, a car camp, testing equipment at Turtle Rode Part< in Irvine and an introductory backpack in the local mountains. Call (949) 515-n98 or (714) 963-6345 for more information. TMURSOAY A support group for careglwn, sponsored by the Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange County, will meet at Hoag Health Center, 1190 Baker St., Costa M esa. from 1 to 3 p.m. Call (714) 593-9630 for reservations. Admission is tree. A free seminar called •Honnones. Rejuvenation, Nutrition and Detoxification (Part 2)" will be held by the South Coast Medical Center from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. Whe1her you've fited your 1040 for 2002 or not, you may find ways to keep more in your own podcet for the near Mure at "Tax l-aw Changes for Married and Divorcing Couples.• The free program starts at 1 p.m. at the Newport Central Library. Call (949) 717-3816 for more information. APRlt.4 An'MMtce .. ~ P9t Expo NM through April e et ttie 0111nge County Fair a Elcpoaltlon Center. The hours are 10 a.m . to 6 p.m . Friday; 9 a.m . to 7 pin. S.1Urday; and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. Adml•km la $8 for adultl, $6 for aenlo,.. (60 and older) and $3 for children (6 to 12). Call (628) 447·2222 for more Information. felhlon lllend wilt ho9t photos with the Eaater bunny thro~gh April 19 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. dally on the Atrium Lawn. Photo padtagea cost from $11.99 to $35.99. A portion of proceeds will benefh Pretend City. • The public is lrwbd to. . A1Ception for exhibiting artists, · from 6:30 to 7 p.m. at Newport Beach City Hall. Refreshments will be served and cash prizes for worb judged by UCI Professor Kim Burga will be awarded at this · time. Call (949) 717-3870 for more information. APRIL !S The April Jn v.nac. annual gala of the Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange County will take place at the Four Seasons Hotel In Newport Beach. Call (800) 660-1993 for more Information. The ftllrvlew Pllrk Friends Committee of Costa Mesa invites the community to participate in th~ first annual Earth Day in the Part< at Fairview Part< and quart.arty "Friends" kldcoff meeting. The event begins at 9:30 a.m. at the picnic shelter on the Part<'s west side. Call (714) 764-5698 for more information. Spring ii the height of the - gardening and planting season, and the UC Irvine Arboretum offers gardeners a chance to get that special plant for their garden at the "April Showers of Flowers" plant sale from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. There's no admission fee. The Arboretum is just south of the comer of Campus Drive and Jamboree Road on the UCI North Campus. Call (949) 824-5833 for Information. Macy'• South Coaat Plaza end Seventeen magazine will host a 2003 Prom Fashion Show ~ 2 p.m. in the Macy's women's store. See the latest looks from Jessica McCllntodc, Zurn Zurn, Blondie Nights, Rampage, Morgan and Co., Jump and LA Glow. Call (714) 556-0611, ext. 4231 for reservations. APRIL 9 FtiJM.w Developmental Cent8f hosts its annual spring boutique from 8 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. in the Fairview Auditorium, 2501 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. There will be more than 35 orafters to shop from. Call (714) 957-5188 for more information. Wlza~n-tnlnlng In fourth-. fifth-and sixth-grades are invited to match wits with Harry Potter at a scavenger hunt through the Newport Beach Central Library BEST BET Orange Coast College will host the ballet •oon Quixote,• as presented by Orange County's Festival Ballet Theatre, from April 4 to 6. Performances will be at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 2 p.m. Sunday in OCC's Robert 8. Moore Theatre, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. (714) 432-5880. chambers at 1 p.m. Sign up at the library's children's desk or call (949) 717-3800 and select option No. 5. Registration is required. A frM Mminer called •""-mettw Therapies for Asthma11nd Allergies" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Mart<et, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. APRll 10 The public ls invm.d to "A History of Japanese Dolls" at 7 p.m. in the Newport Beach Central Library. Lucille Supple, owner of the Center for Custom Dolls, will present the free program, which will include a display of handcrafted dolls. Call (949) 717-3816 for more inform,tion. St.nford polidc:al schotar Leny Diamond asks, "Can the Whole Wortd Become Democratic r at UC Irvine's annual Ede.stein lecture at 1 p.m . in the Social Ecology II building, room 1304. The lecture is free and open to the public. Call (949) 824-2904 for more Information. APRIL 11 Comell Law School profnsor David Wippman delivers his symposium "The Two Faces of the International Criminal Court." as part of a series at UC Irvine called "Prosecuting Perpetrators: International Accountability for War Crimes and Human Rights Abuses.· Held in Social Science Plaza B. room 1208 at noon, the event is free. The departments of m«henical and aerospace engineering and biomedical engineering at UCI invite you to a joint spring 2003 distinguished lecture by Sheldon Welnbaum at 4 p.m. in McDonnell Douglas Engineering Auditorium. The free event includes a reoeptlon afterward. Call (949) 824-5406 for more information. Boye and girts ages 6 through 15 are invited to compete on a fun, recreational level at the Youth Trade & Field Championship 20031 at N~wport Harbor High School. The multi-event competition will include individual running, throwing and jumping events and team relays. All participants will receive a Hlhlrt. Optional clinics are held at various sdlooVpart< sites and are included in the $10 pre-registration tee. Call (949) 644-3151 for more information. APRIL 12 The popular children'• Tile Painting returns to Fashion Island from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 12 and 13. The terracotta tiles are $100 each. Pre-paid reservations are required. A portion of the proceeds benefit children's programs at the Orange County Museum of Art. Reservations can be made in person or by calling (949) 721·2000. APRIL 13 A free AtkJns seminar called "Keys to Weight Management• will be held at 3 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, cal (800) 595-MOMS. APRIL 14 Hoag Hospital will hoat "look Good ... Feel Better• classes, teaching cancer patients makeup, wig and turban tips to help hide the ravages of radiation and chemotherapy treatment The classes, given from 10 a.m. to noon, are sponsored by the American Cancer Society. Registration is required for the free classes. Call (949) 261-9446 for information. APRIL 15 A frM seminar called "For the Worry Wart Vitamin Taker· will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's Mart<et. 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. APRIL 19 ·oivorc:e: A New Beginning• .. e workshop for men and women who are divorced or getting divorced. The wort<shop takes place trom 10 a.m . to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive. The cost Is $40. For more information, call (949) 644-6435. NATIONAL CAT'S 35™ BIRTHDAY PARTY! Sunday May 18, 200! 2:00-4:!0 pm Come Join us for our annual Open House as we celebrate our 35th birthdayl Thia fundraiser will feature door prizes, a raffle and silent auction to help raise funds necessary to keep our feline friends In comfort as they 1 await adoption Into good homes. Please Join u• for an afternoon of fun aa we give you a tour of our shelter and provide you with balloons, rehahmenta, and kitty purral NATIONAL CAT PROTECTION SOCIETY 8804 W Coeat.tfwr-Newport 8-oh. CA 8a83 R1VP .. 949 K0-1232 -lhutlle P81dng Av 'r'atl Save a Life . • • do 0 Pet Don 't Breed or ~uy while Shelter Animals Die. ~ ,~ Rusty 714.536.8480 /,,I oving Memory of Rusty. Love, Bette. Cheetah 714.536.8480 In I oving Memory of Rocky & Sugar Oalloca 714.536.8430 111 Lovmg Memory of Mouzt & Om, My loYt Cats &defy 7 14.536.8480 111 Loving Memory of Toby Arp Dot 7 14.536.8480 /11 Loving Memory of Max Mo 714.536.8480 In loving Afemory of Hootie A·S391SO 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Hoorie Ru.uell A-SSllS9 714.935.6848 · Sponsored by Moua A-47 1523 7 14.935.6848 In Loving Afemory of Smokey A-532917 714.935.6848 In Lo11i11g Memory tf Maj Taj & Daisy 7 14.536.8480 /11 /.011111g Afemory oj Ho bi~ Titan 714.536.8480 In l.ovmg Memory of Thomas Barrrtt ,'.', I ~· "1,G}.,,. ~ ~ ... • -.c.--- Sbalupear 714.536.8480 In Loving Nfemory of Mm Soooca-Pie, Bugzie Olivia 714.536.8480 In Lovmg Memory o/ Tania. ~ Bodje, Fmtr Pepe 714.536.8480 In loving Memory of Whiskers a.a., 562.430.4993 Sponsored by Wood A'496185 7 14.935.6848 In Lm•111g J\f emory of Dow Fu Rasmussen A 5.~5080 7 14.935.6848 In I 011i11g J\f mwry of April & Arthur Sa.man1ha 714. 536.8480 In I m·mg J\fmwrv of ~cret Beau1iful 7 14.536.8480 In I 011mg Afemory of Thomas Banett Bru1w 7 14.536.8480 In I m · 111.e. A fr 111 o ry of &by, Our Littk FwhaJI Lola 7 14.536.8480 Jn Lo11111g J\lemory of lb.a P.mi. (b lDftig rmd 18 )1\ Hemingway 7 14.536.8480 In Loving Memory of Hootie Russell A-SS21ll 714.93S.6848 Sponsored by Ulliao C... lo.f c..ale a: Jerry A-512974 714.935.6848 In I 011i11g Afemory of Lachea Kennin Milli~ 714. 536.8480 In l.m•mg J\-lemorv 11/ All Of Our Pr,xioo.s ~ Dadd" 714.536.8480 /,, J m·mg Afemo0 of Hoocie Russell Chu ub 714.536.8480 In Lo11ing Alemory• of Thomas Barrett Val 7 14.536.8480 Jn Loumg /\lemory of Our Little FwtWI, &by Joplin 7 14.536.8480 In Lot•mg J\-femory of Tiggcr & Louis lti Biti Kitty 714.536.8480 In Loving Memory of My beJmied Mu & LC. A-SS5'2l 714.935.6848 Sponsored by ~ Lo.eu.ole &Jmy A 513709 714.935.6848 In I ollmg Al em on o( Monjque Plwhbonom A 540684 714.935.6848 In I m•wg /\lrmory of Fiona's Cat -Bill . . '-J flupp~ 'lcrcl Homt Kristi · 7 14.330.4825 In I Ol'111g 1\lnnor; of Sam Rugbl 7 14.536.8480 In I 01•111g /ifemon o( Thomas Barren C..ooper 7 14. 536.8480 111 I Ol'lng 1\lemon of Amber,~~~ Mr. lmumcs 7 14. 536.8480 In I c11•111g 1\!emorv of Pepe A Sl4271 714.935.6848 Sponsored by The Time Clock 1.-dry S62."30.4993 In lovmt Memory of Mn. u. c.alr aJmy /.. In l.01111'1. ,\f mwry <~/ 19 lulmabadi.1.JM. D. C & J In l.m mg /i/e-morr of Barney Best C..at 714. 536.8480 In Im 111'< ,\It mon of Porsche & B.J. ... 14.536.8480 In J m 1111!. \hmm) 11/ Thoma.!> Barrett In Im 111£!. 1 \!t'111t111 of Pint & ~. I Dl'C, L J. l\anoo Co C.o 714.536.8480 /11 I ot m'l_ \fl'mory of . . Hadi Hmscr. lDYC. Kittv Lou. A-S·0893 714.935.6848 ~ponsored by Annie For More Information, Contact' These Local Agencies SEAL BEACH ANIMAL CARE CENI'ER 1700 Adolfo Lopez Dr., Seal Beach 562.430.4993 OC HUMANE SOCIE1Y 21632 Newland, Huncington Beach 714.536.8480 ANIMAL CARE SERVICES 561 The City Dr~ South Orange 714.935.6848 ' " ' AlO Friday, March 28, 2003 ••• ,,. Save .a Life •.. ·•-:.."·•, do t Don 't Breed or ~uy while Shel~er Animals Die. A-5'5967 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Brandy Loken A-~90 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Casey, Puggy & Muffie A-463649 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Tom A-S20224 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Nckko A-5S0393 714.935.6848 In Loving M emory of Annie A-5'925' 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Pete & ~Pete A·5""'S 714.935.6848 ln Loving Memory of Beth, McKcoa & Levi A-SS113l 714.935.6848 In Loving Mnnory of Olmr&Beao A-543106 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Pimo, Sam,Jakr, Magic, k r. A-5"4991 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of ~UM, PMThomas A-471523 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Boris, Misty & Snoopy A-S32917 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Rusty • • I l -. ~! 1"1 ...... A-SS0'80 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Andy & Nickie A-5'9573 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Roy A-5'6878 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of F.anic, Bull! IDS & f\>olde A-SSllS9 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Sweet Chloe A-S'3619 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Shags A-5'9634 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Maggie A.l.Won A-496185 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Dusty & Dolly A-535080 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Jake Christauen A-550482 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Tma, Mugsy & Misty A-S5'364 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Tma &A.o.dy A-S-67123 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Lonnie & Jcaic A-SS1197 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Sweets A-543110 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Kcnpo & KilG A-5'.2109 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Misty A-51297" 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of The Woo Boys, Tip ac Gus A-5398SO 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Jake Christensen A-5506-49 714.935.6848 In Loving Metnory of Lad A-5S0237 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Mama Cat A-5'7171 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Buffy & Brindy A-SSllCM 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of (,oquette A-S43130 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Om l.qring Dop .t Cab A-543193 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of M. A-513709 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Mica A-5-406&4 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Jake Christensen A-SS0798 714.935.6848 In loving Memory of Hao. La.r, The Grifliib &may A-550263 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Rosie The Guinea Pig A-5'7433 714.935.6848 In Loving Mnnory of Au& Katie A·SSltol 714.935.6848 ln Loving Memory of s.dir, My C. af »Ya. A-5'6478 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Punky A-S14278 714.935.6848 In Loving M emory of Li-Su A-5'0879 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of RJ. fud. I.AM, Undalfmy A-SS096J 714.935.6848 In Loving Mnnory of Wlio. UM, The ~fwniy A-5-48)42 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Bo A-SS0276 714.935.6848 In Loving Mnnory of Rudy A-SJ147' 714.935.6148 In Loving Memory of Wir. My C. tl» Ya For M~re Information, Contact These Local . Agencies SEAL BFACH ANIMAL CARE CENTER OC HUMANE SOCIE'IY ANIMAL CARE SERVI~ 1700 Adolfo Lopa Dr., Seal Beach 21632 Newland, Huntin~on Beach 561 The City Dt South Orange 562.430.4993 714.536.8480-714.935.6848 . ( ,. .. a! .,. ~ ~ ~ . ...-p ; 4'1 e t I ..,.,., A-555683 714.935.6848 • In Loving Memory of Aji The Cat A-520224 714.935.6848 · In Loving Memory of Mr. Kat A-5-45967 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Sascha Wahkiny 562.430.4993 In Loving A1emory of Cotton, Barkley & Page Lucky 562.430.4993 ~ In Loving Memory of .. .. Our Dog Max ,......_~~~...:;.._~~~ S-dop 562.430.4993 In loving Memory of luJi:c & Petite R.cgie 714.536.8480 In Loving Memory of Lizabeth & C.Owboy Ldry 71 t .S36.U80 1n loving Memory of Rita KaiKly A-555791 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Klondike A-555879 714.935.6848 In loving Memory of Souffic Neville A-556265 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of My Dog Muffit Du.oc:an 562.430.4993 In Loving Memory of C.Otton, Barkley & Page Mu 562.430.4993 In Loving Memory of ~ Samp & Mombo Simbe 562.430.4993 In Loving Memory of Anonymous Fredo 714.536.8480 In Loving Memory of Sammy & Moger . ~T...., 7l 4.S36.&680 In Loving Mnnory of Mgie8cSa .... A-555755 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Misty -The Greaaat Cad A-55595-4 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Dear lli-A-Kitty A-556804 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Tyson Flsa 562.430.4993 In Loving Memory of C.Otton, Barldey & Page Mamacal 562.430.4993 In Loving Memory of Puzzles Simon 562.430.4993 In loving Memory of Virgil Schofro 8abba 714.536.8480 In Loving Memory of The Dunlap Family Guly 714.S36.M80 In Loving Mmwry of Ahia t A-555784 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Bear & Bun Bun DuM 562.430.4993 In Loving Memory of Winnie, My Sweet Kitty • Bd1a 562.430.4993 In Loving Memory of Jamie & Hope Gftyar 562.430.4993 In Loving Memory of Cotton, Barkley & Page Mi.uy 562.430.4993 In Loving Memory of Obi, Lea. Scripcy & fut f rlddy, March 28. 2003 AU a P ·et A-555826 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Smokey, 1980-2001 A-556072 714.935.6848 In Loving Memory of Jcly Ban, Bom, Udmi & ~ Daddy 562.430.4993 In Loving Memory of Peter Harbor Slteh:er Lab 562.430.4993 In loving Memory of s irit Red 562.430.4993 In Loving Memory of Weeblc A-555786 714.935.6848 In Loz1ing Memory of Our Dear Lltdc Maggie A-556229 714.935.6848 In Lou1 ng Memory of Coric & Jeep Deaf Card~ Dog 562.430.4993 In Loving 1'-1 emory of Cotton, Barkley & Page Bunny 714.964.4744 Jn Loving /t.f emor;· of Misty Samantha 562.430.4993 In Loi· mg /\-! emory of Bubba For More Information, Contact These Local Agencies SEAL BEACH ANIMAL CARE CENTER 1700 Adolfo Lopa Dr., Seal Beach 562.430.4993 ANIMAL CARE SERVI CFS 561 The City Dr. South Orange 714.935.6848 OC HUMANE SOCIB1Y 21632 Newland, Huntington Beach 714.536.8480 ... * QUOTE OF THE DAY "We have to play with what we have and we have to win.,, John Savac•. tJCI baseball coach Al2 Friday, March 28, 2003 COLLEGES Hard times forf!CI baseball Nothing coming easy for Anteaters in second season since 10-year hlatus. T here is one word to describe UC lrvine's baseball season, thus far: Frustration. That's what Coach John Savage said about the plight of his ua Anteaters, who have one three-game series left before they start Big West Conference play. The Anteaters will host Washington State tonight at 6. 1be frustration comes from injuries and low production on offense which has the 'Eaters below the expectations they set before the season. ua baseball's second season bas been like one of those over-hyped movie sequels. Think "Speed 2." Just as in their first season. since a JO-year hiatus. the Anteaters appear as if they will be overlooked in the Big West. ua. the afterthought? That's not how it was at the beginning of the season. The Anteaters were ranked third in the Big West coaches' ~----~ preseason poll, just behind national powerhouses c.aI State Pullerton and Long Beach State. UCI featured a strong pitching staff (still does) and expected the bats to come alive ---~-~ this season. But STEVE VIRGEN that has not been the case. Matt Anderson, who was one of UCl's top returning players after earning second-team All-Big West honors as a freshman last season, is out indefinitely with a stress fracture in his lower back. Anderson typifies the Anteaters' frustration. He was a big reason Savage was expecting the offense to improve this season. Sophomore Jaime Martinez has the same injury as Anderson, and sophomore RJ. Brown is out with an elbow injury, putting the toll up to three starters who are gone for the season for UCL "That has really disrupted the flow of the offense, as well as the defense," said Savage, who is not one to make excuses. He, instead solves the problem. and that's the task he has before the season ends. Savage said, UCI has not played a game with the injured trio intact since the first game of the season Feb. 4. "No one Is going to feel sorry for us; no one," Savage said. "We have to play with what we have and we have to win." Winning hasn't come easy for the Anteaters this season. And, the losses have only added fuel to the fire of frustration. UCI has suffered six shutouts this season, and 10 of the 'Eaters 17 losses have been by three or less runs. The Anteaters (10-17) are at the bottom of the Big West in team batting average (.231) and runs scored (ll6) through games that ended Sunday. It also hasn't helped that ua has one of the toughest pre-conference schedules In the Big~ The pitching has been a bit of a . bright spot UCI is fourth in the Big West in E.RA (3.92). Yet, Savage's pitchers have also run into the ft.word this season. Frustradon. That's defined in Glenn Swanson's outing against Washington March 21. The sophomore left-handed pitcher pjtched a two·run, four·hlt complete game, retiring 21 ln a row, but was hit with the loss because of UCl'a lnept offense. . However. the Anteatel'1 know the eaaon ls not over. They met the challenge of being the rookie ln the Bla West and managed to finish fourth tn the conference. After what they been through thus far this aeaaon, they can only hope they match that flnJ&h. PUllerton and Long Beach State own the conference. and it loob lib the TitaN are polaed to take the Big W81t crown th.ls leUOn. UC JUvmtde. ~ la allo ~lati'Yety new to Big Wilt bMebal1. bu abown btc·time tmpromnent. and appeara to be building momentum. though the )llah1aDden did not have any ranked MIDI on their pna·cont'erence ... CCM'lml,,...Al4 I _ ... EYE OPENER Ill Daily.A pjk)t II sparu Hal olFame c~IJll' niii.'f1"W March 31 tionorff ERIC-WOODS a SpotU Editor Roger Carlson • (9491574-4223 • Sportl Fax: (949) 650-0170 Dally f'ik>l : HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD Double time for .Urtusuastegu~. Senior bests Aliso in ·mile · and 800 for Newport boys. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Not bad for never running 800 yards on a dirt trade. Newport Harbor High senior Alec Ur- tusuastegui fought through the occa- sional Msoft spottt, and everything else in the race, to win in 2:07 .5, against Aliso Niguel Thursday in a Sea View League dual meet at Harbor. "You don't mow when they are com- ing, ~.said Ur:tusuastegui about the soft spots moments after exiting the track following the 800. "I ran the mile and that took a lot out of me. I <ton't usually run the 800 because I run the mile, but they needed me today." . Success came in bunches Thursday for Urtusuastegui. J;le ran the 1,600 in 4:47. Joining Urtusuastegui as winners for Newport against visiting Aliso Niguel in a Sea View League dual meet were Matt Encinias in the Jong jump ( 18-11 V.). Nick Miller in the 3,200 (10:34.3), Matt Tracy in the 400 (53.4) and Jon Szecsei in the discus (139-0). Thacy approached Walker after the • 400 and said, .... thought.you were got.pg to beat me.'' The Sailors (2-2, 0-1 in leagile) won both relays 1400 and l ,600). Keith ,El- dridge, Rhett Hartsfield, Joel Walker IJlld Dartagnan Johnson finished the 40Q in 45.2 while Urtusuastegui. Johnny Ma- rino, Tracy and Johnson crossed the tin· But it was Tracy, who started from the blocks quickly and didn't let up. 'Tm just hoping to get faster with each race," Tracy said. "My best time on a synthetic track is 52.7." The 400 -the 18th event out of 43 Thursday-was Walker's first time rac- ing the event t.hls season, according to boys coach Nowell Kay, who offered some other news. "He sprained a muscle in his leg dur- ing the race so he's done for the day,~ Kay said. Walker took second to Tracy in the 400 (54.2). ish line in the 1,600 in 3:43.6. . Aliso Niguel prevailed, 73-65, with more second and third-place finishes. Newport's Ricky Nott (5-8 in the l\igh jump), Jake Skahen (44-Jl in the spot put and 117-4~ in the discus), Mill~ in the 1,600 (4:48.2) and Eldridge in ,.tie 100 (11.2) all placed second for New· port. Newport spins off doubles ' . , Whitfield, Marshall tops in their events against Aliso Niguel girls. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BP.ACH -After winning both the shot put and discus Thursday, Newport Harbor High junior hi· lianne Whitfield strolled around the shol put area. thinking. ta.Ucing. wanting to do better. "My best is a 35-something." said the junior, descfib- ing her best throw in the shot put Whitfield didn't need to throw it that far to win Thurs- day as visiting Aliso Niguel invaded Newport Harbor, for a Sea View League girls track and field dual meet 1be basketball, field hockey and track athlete heaved _the metal ball 34 feet, 8~ inches to win the shot put and~ placed first in the discus (122 ·I). Newport's shot put and discus coach Judd BinJey gave Whitfield some advice. "You're much more consistenl in both events dlan you were last year." BinJey said with a videotape re- corder in hand. "Last year, 70 or 80 feet wouldn't lplve been a problem. You do what you can do and don't:ge1 discouraged." Improvement abounded for Newport ThwsdaY, as Courtney Marshall won both the 1.600-yard race (5:3'J.3) and the 3,200 (12:17.1). Senior Elda Hernandez bested the field in the 800 (2:36.3) with Jaclyn Belida (4-8 ln-lhe high jump) and sophomore Kiley Hall in the 400 (l :02.2) also taking first place in their events for Newport. Newport [Megan Randall, Hall, Hernandez and Amy Burlingham) won the l,600 relay in 4:14.3. Hall, starting in the No. I lane, caught up to her Aµso opponent at the initial tum in the 400 and neld the lead from there. , "!Hall) rebounded well after being sick and miss~,g a week." said Newport Coach Eric Tweit. "Courtney Mar- shall and Whitfield always come through for us.· ~ • STEVEMcCRANK/DAlLYPtLOT Burlingham (27.3 in the 200), Jennifer Ryder ln the high jwnp (4-6) and Belida in the triple jump (30-4~} all took the only second places for Newport {3-1, o-1 in league) in an 84-52 win for Aliso. Newport Harbor's Alec Urtusuastegui (right) edges Aliso Niguel's Steve Mirsky at the finish line of the boys varsity 800 yards. Urtusuastegui was the winner in a time of 2:07 .5 and he also won the 1,600. Sea King boys dominate, girls fall Ringstrom, Artz & Co. The CdM boys improved to 5-1 (10:44), while senior Brian LaPerle (100), The CdM girls dropped to 4~2 on the blister University boys. thanks to the efforts of juniors Olrls junior Steven Minard (high jump) and season. yet won five of the 10 IJlclc Ringstrom (200 and 400 meters) and sophomore Gordon Yould (pole vault) events. Freshman Anne St. Geme Kevin Artz (800 and 1,600), who both also won their events. doubled for the Sea IClngs, ~ CORONA DEL MAR -The Corona doubled. Sophomore Andrew Wong was LaPerte, along with senior Matt Mor-800 (2:26.1) and the 1,600 (5:26.2). del Mar High boys track and field team prolific for the Sea Kings. winning the rts. senior Blab Dillion and Ringstrom senior Becky Q.unml.na won the 3 opened Pacific Coast League action long jump (l8-6Yz) and gaining second-won the 400 relay (44.3), while the (12:06) and junior Sara <laster won the with a 100-36 victory over University, place points in the triple jump and pole county-best CdM 1,600 relay team of 400 (1:00.6). Clast:er and St Gane lfao while the Sea Kings' girls squad lost to vault as well as third-place polnta in the Artz junior Brandon Borcoman, Dillion teamed up to help CdM win the 1.600 ft- the league-defending champions, 77-3,200, Coach Bill Sumner said. and Ringstrom won in 3:31.2. The quar-lay, which also Included fre8hman KtDy 59, Thursday at CdM. Senior Mike RudinJca won the 3,200 tet's best time ls 3:30.9. Morgan and sophomore Melissa Swigert. ' I ,, •• ·: ·' ., '· ... " " ,, " ''· ... JI !1 "i'! ,,. r.; tXj )(' ·,Y ., 111 • SPORTS BRIEFLY OCC clinches crown · :•Pirates reign as OEC women's tennis champions. • TENNIS: Orange Coa.'lt Col- lege's women's tenni.'i team dealt host SaddJeback a 6·3 Orange Empire Conference loss Thurs· day, keyed by a I 2-3 sweep in singles 10 improve to 11 • l, 9-0 In lheOEC Wilh I.he victory, Coach Janice '1 'Maran's Pirates reclaimed I.he ' loEC championship. OCC won '"the conference title in 2001. and "· Sadd.Jeb&ck. won it last year. ·'' ·The last rime we played (the • 1 Gauchos) we won. 5·4, but tht!> time the guts really rose to the ·" 6ccasion," Maran sajd, "Ashley Nelson had lost to Annette : •Beebe in straight -.et.s in the la.st ' \natch, but \he was determined '1 And anxiOU!> 10 win (Thursday). • 1 • 'm reaJJy proud of all them " · ' Saddleback foll 10 6·3 in the OEC.. Orqe Empire Conf..-.nc. OCC S, S.&tlebedc 3 Singles -Bedcer tOCC) def. Conkey, 7·5, 5-7, 6-2, Nelson (OCC) def Beebe, 7·5, 6-0, Tanamal (OCC) def. Allbrook. 7·5. 6-4, Skaflen ISi def Sessum,~. 6 3. 6-3. Perez (SI def Moriyama. 7 5. 6 3, Wonsk1 tOCCl def Toma1ko, 6-3, 6-4 Doub6el -Bool>e Affbrook (Sl daf Badie• Nelson 6 4 7 5. Tanamat Sessum tOCCI def Conkey Skeffon. 6 '1 6 2. M onyama Wen1k1 tOCCI def Tom111~0 Perez 6 3 6 4 Cd.M ro1 l on, J 4-4 • TENNIS: ~ophomoreo, Spencer lle111 and < .ar~ttm BaJI '>Wep1 their ,et., 111 '>Ingle'> play 10 help lead the \l'>lllllg Corona del Mar I hgh hoyo, termt\ team to a 14-4 Paufk C.O.t'>t League upenmg victory ovt•r Laguna Beach Thur<tday. llc1u, playing al :-.o I l>mgle.,, d1i;played dom1n.tnrc. CdM Coach Tim Mang 'aid. while .. '' 13aJI dho wo11. h 0, fi·O, 6-0 ' Reit:' ha.o, only om· loc,o, in \in ' ~le-. 1h1~ '>ea .. on. . I he Sea K?.1mg improved to " 12·0, a'> 1lwy w e without .,en 1or (i.trrell nyder. who wai. 'given the day off. Mang wa!> im · pre<.,ed with 1he Breaker-,' dou 'hit's team which ret ort.led two • '-.et wms and challenged the ~a ' king~ throughout Peclfk: Coast LN1ue CdM 14. Laguna Beach 4 '· "Singles -Re1ll ICdM1 def Schmitz &-0, def BurHr. 6 0, def Cod1ni 6 O , Nguyen ICdlllll losl. 2 6. 3 6. won. ll 2 Ball lCdl\/I) w on 6 0 6 0 6 0 ' Doubles M iller Sa1da tCdM l def Ferguson Tran 6 4, def Ko11ac1c Paxton 7 5, def Wagner Gourdol 6 0, Warsaw Robens (CdM) won, 6 4, 6·2 6·2 G1ngolc! Pham ICdMl lost. • • 3 6 2 6 won, 6 2 , ·CdM belt~ Tesoro mGOLF: Lorona del Mar · •\.ligh'" boyi. golf 1eam won 11., • 'lecond-con\ecutivc Pacific Coast l eague match ·rnur.,day. a 190 214, deCi'llOO over re-.oro " at Newport Heach Country Uub (par-35) -' Nick Sherman wai. l ·under "-par going ml<> the final hole, 1 ~ut still tool medahsl honor1' td r~· 1)(} HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebraq the Daty Piiot's Athlete of the Weel< senes lOOAY ~~ J.rey Meek' Corona def Mar Soccer, '00 \i AHEAD OF THE PACK STEVE McCRANK I DAJL V PILOT Newport Harbor's Courtney Marshall opened up a huge lead early in the 1,600 meter in Thursday's dual meet against Ahso Niguel. Marshall. who doubled. won in a time of 5:37.3. with a I -over 36. Teammate AJex Oiikovani birdied 1he last three holes to dose with a 37 and was fol· lowed by Brad Olamberlin, Rob Ury and Zack Rabinovich, each Wllh 39!> LdM improves to 6-4, 2-0 in league while Tesoro falls 10 2· I m league. C.dM w~ IO·over Wood- bndge's 175 Wednesday at Ran cho San Joaquin Golf Course in lrvme LdM 1'ho1 a 194 to \\oodbridge's 202 al a three- team match thal included Mis· l>I011 Vie10 earlier th1'> month. Woodbridge i1' the d efending Cll· Southern Section l'hamp1- on~ Vanguard splits • Vanguard University spill a doubleheader in Golden State Athletic Conference softball wi1h The Master's College Thursday on the VU campus. taking the opener. 5-0. on Mar- c1ea Ball's four-hitter, before dropping a 2 ·I decision in the nightcap. Ball struck out two and walked four in improving 10 7 · 7 Jill Jessen had a cwo-run tnple and Rachel Rolle and hll Jeranko had back-to-back dou· bles ma four·run third inning. Vanguard 1s 19·10·1. 7-5 111 the GSAC-The Master·'i 1s 21 9, 5-6 Game 1 V•nll'tnrT.llist....-1 0 Score by Innings Master's 000 000 ll o • o vu ()()( 010 ~ 8 0 DeS1mone and Huusfeldt; Bell and Roffe. Smidt W -Bell. 7 7 l - DeS1mone. 12 3 2B-Smidt (V), Ro ffe tVJ Jeranko (VI 3B -Jessen !VI Game 2 Mast ..... iT,Viin"cuant 1 SCOt9 by Innings M aster's 002 boo ll 1 8 o Vanguard 000 010 o 1 5 1 Neil and Huusfeldl; Keltner and Rolle W -Neil. 12-6. L-ICeltner 5 3 28 -Pac1n1 tM l. Tudcer IM I. Huusfeldt (M ). Mauro (VI 3B -Rolle IVl Tars win by 10 strokes • Ntwport Harbor I ligh's Brandon Sowers, Davis Pem- steln and Garrett Whitfield all shot 41 al Oak Creek Golf Course in Irvine to highlight Ute Sailors' 211-221 Sea View League victory over Irvine Thursday in boys golf. Michael BenvenutJ (43) and Davld Motschenbacher (45) rounded out Newport's cani. which improved the Tars to J -3, \ 1-1 in league Co ta Mesa faJI s, 14-4 • TENNIS: linan N guyen won 1wo of three o,ets al \lo 2 single-.. as CoMa Mesa I hgh's boy., ten ni1' team dropped a Golden West League match lhuro,da) al home to Santa Ana. 14 4. Sophomore D<n1d I e and 1unior lluy Pham ec.1ch won a -.e1 -.mgleo, for Me\.l (()·81 Golden WHt LHIUll Santa Ana 14, Costa Mesa 4 Singles Le tCM l lost 10 Zdrdgota 6 7 17 1 I d11f Gonzalez 7 5 lost to Roldan. 3 6. Brian Nguyen tCM ). lost. 2 6, w on, 6 3. w on, 6 1; Pham (CMI, w on. 6 3. lost. 2 6, lost 2 6 Doubles Gomol Sneen ICM 1 lost to L Godinez Chio, 1 6. lost to Barrero Calderon. 0 6. Rodnguel Gonzalez, 0 6, Dang Al Nguyen (CM) lost. O 6. O 6. 2 6 Androw Nguy1in M cN uttv tCM I 1 6 0 6 0 6 Sai I ors lose, I 0-8 ISTENNlS: Oiarlie !·armer and Hoben Khoury swept m <,mgJeo, but Jrvme High'& doublt's teams got the be'>t of Newport Harbor. I 0-8, m Sea View League action at Irvine Thur..day Brnndon Lufty and Bnan llochwaJd took Newport\ lone doubles set in the No 2 slo t "Double'> has been a -.truggle all year,· said Newport Co.lch Jeff Thom'>en ·we need 10 pick ii up each lime out.· Tyler Deck won one '><'lat No J c;ingle'> for Newport 15 2. l ·I 111 league) Sea View I Rague Irvine 10, Newport 8 Singles R Khoury (Nl. def. Park, 6 4, def. Jung. 6-I, def. I e . 6 O; Farmer !Nl. wo n. 6 2. 7 -5. 6 O; Deck (N). lo.,t. 6· 7. 2-6. won. 6 2 Doubles -1 und bspley·lone' !NJ. lost 10 (,omez-Shu. 3 6. lost to Oiang-Nguyen. 2-6. lo~t to Ahu1a-Yang, 2·6, Lufty· llochwald (N). lost. 4 ·6, 3 6. won, 6·4, Serdyuk.-Tueena IN), lo<.t, J 6, I 6, 4 6 Olen leader of the pack • GOLF: Sage I fill School freshman Josh Olen i.hot even on par-36 to lead the Light· ning's boys golf team 10 a 215- 276 Academy League victory over Saddleback Valley Otrls· tian at Strawberry Farms Golf Oub. Olen earned medalist hon- ors. whUe Alex Cochran (43). Jeff Cruttendln (45), Brtan IComswiet (45) and John Neff (46) also contributt'd 10 the vie- tory for the Lightning (4·4, 4·i in league). SaddJeback VaJley Olnsuan dropped to 0-5 m league. Eagles romp, 10-2 •SOFTBALL: Muriel Mason went 4 for 4 with two triples. a double and a single and drove in four runs in a 10·2 Estancia Hjgh victory over Connelly to wrap up play in the Co~ta Me!>a Softball Tournament. Mason came 10 the plate with the bases loaded ahd no out!> in the bouom of the second and cleared the bases wuh one of her lnples. The Eagles (6-1, I O m the Golden West LeagueJ led. 6·0, after two inning!. Catcher Hilary Ockey went 1 for 4 with two RBis and 1-velytl Flores went the d iMance in the circle. i.trik.ing out four Despite the offensive explo sion', Eagle Coach Marc Rl)d1g wa!> disappointed in h i!> ream., attitude going in. "My girls weren't up for the game,· he ~aid "We wen~ rusty." Es1anc1a commiued four er· rnr-; Thursday. rhe Eagle'> return IO at:lion today when tht'y 1ravel to ')addJeback for a league till a1 1:15 p.m Com Mesa ToumamMt Estancia 10, Connelly 2 Score by Innings Connelfv 002 ooo ' 2 1 Estancia 2.a •s• 10 / • Rea Gonzalet '2 and Com'ltod and Jones 21 Flores and Ockev W Flores 3-1 2B -M ason E) 3B M a!>on El. 2 Sage Hill wins in fi\e • VOLLEYMLL: ~ge 11111 ~thool ran 11s boy<. volleyhall record 10 7 O. 5-0 1n the ALad emy I eague with a marathon league victory a1 Lu1heran lor r;ince Thur'>day. rallyin~ for a 12-15, 111 5.15·3, 17 l "i, 15 10 '1r torv li\.t>vin Joyce and Mac .. un frederick were the work.hor'>e' w11h 33 and 22 k.1lls, re'>pec lively. while Julian ~mith·Ne\11 man was credi1ed with SJ a' SISt!> Oppol>ite Jake LaJcn came through with SlX kill!. and I dd1e I luang had 17 digs. Cd.M sizzles at Relay~ • SWlMMING: Six of '>even Corona del Mar I hgh girl., ..w1mmmg relar teams wtll make their way to the CIF Re· lay!. finals Saturday at Belmoni Pla.7a after an impres<.1ve show mg Thursday m the prehminar IC'i "II\ the best in my 20 years: .,aid excited LdM Coach Ooug Voiding about his 1earn's overall ftn1c;h lfourthl in a field of "about 40 teams" including Ir vine. Villa Parle and Santa Mar garita. CdM fim.,hed 'iecond m the 6 x SO-yard free tyle w11h Jordan Anae. Ouisuna Hew~o. Dan 1e1Je Carlson, Katya Fad1ngton. Vivian uao and Brittney Bowlus wtule the 400 free team of AJex andra Shue, Kim McKay. Uao and Bowlus also placed ~cond CdM was third m the 4 x 50 medley relay consisting of Jor dan Anae. lumua Anae, Shue and Bowlus. The Sea King<; placed fourth 111 the 4 x SO breaststroke Wlth Tumua Anae. Alexine Rodenhui1>, Camille Hewko and Jackie McCoy and the 4 x 50 backstroke team of McKay, Ashley Oland.Jer, Jessica I larkins and Oiristina Hewko also tallied fourth. Jordan Anae. McKay. Tumua Anae and Shue placed fourth in the 4 x 100 in- dividual medley. CdM will be one of 16 teams reruming 10 Belmont for Satur- day's finals that begin at 7 p.m . f rlday, M.sfch 28 , 2003 AU COLLEGE MEN'S SWIMMING Peirsol helps Texas set NCAA record Newport Harbor · High product swims opening leg of record-setting 400-meter relay. AUS11N, (t.'Xa\ Aaron Pe11· \01, a former Newpon I !arbor I hgh standuul ..ind world n:cord holdef in the LOO-merer back '>troke, I\ well un ru" way 10 a bnlhant debut for tl1e Um\<er'>lly of Tcxa.' 111 the 'C..M 5wunmmg and D1vmg Champw n.,h1p' Peiri.ol the Big ll Lonfereme f reo,hman or the Year and five· umt confrrenn· champion, \Wam the bar k.\troke m the I onghom o, \ ll tonou-. . 400·yard medley relay team I.hat i.et an Ne.AA. Amencan and U~ Open record ume of :i .04 47 Thur\>day. llle prt>V1ou11 record was :ws 17 Ac.t0rdtng to a report wnuen by the mee1'1> host Texas, there wa!> a freak maJium:tion of the Limmg 'ystem dlll.I Pen'801's '>,phi wee. not recorded lie w~ m S<.~ond heforl• Hrendan I lan~n tool. owr 1r1 tlw brea.!>t\lrok.e Peir .. oh o,ph1 wa' dm.ked by mac he' di 4 5 "> llt· al"M> finished \t'Umd 111 the l0n!>ol..111on final ol the ';()(1 lrt•r<;tvlc• 4 I Ii 04 I Peir-..111 \ .. h11 i., undefeated in the 200 h.id. 1h1'> o,ea..'M>ll, wllJ o,wun m lht 100 tldtk and 800 l~t' rel.iv rod.i\ I It wtll lOlllpt'le m lht· LIJO ha<~ .md 11Jt> ln•t rel.i~ ~IUrt.ld\ TRACK AND FIELD SUMMARIES SH VleW Le~ue bov• Aliso Niguel 73, ~port Harb«&; 100 1 Ru11 IA 111 2 Eldridge 1111, 11 ') '.l JohnS(Jn CNI 11 4 700 I Ru•/ •A• 23 3 2 Aot>•n~on IAI 23 7 3 [ltjr11:l11e !NI 23 9 400 1 Tri"v INl 53 4 2 Nalke• INI 54 2 3 Roo111su111A1 54 8 800 I Un1J~uastegu1 INI 2 075 2 M11~kv •A 7 08 0 3 fhatd•er A 123 7 1 600 1 Ur10JSUd~1f'<jUI N 4 4 7 2 Mollet IN 4 48 2 3 Thdlcher •A 4 52 3 200 1 Moller INt 10 34 3 2 Chf'Plhdm A 10 413 3 SI An111I' '" 11 ]0 !> 110 LH I 8•nnen A 16 t. 2 W h·n•er IA 173 3 Muno1 A '77 300 IH '1 W•nf'• A 42 2 2 Burr.Pit At 4'.l 3 Munor A 46 4 400 re lay 1 Newpon IEld"':lg~ Hdnsf.eld. Wal~er JoJ,ro~r,n J~ '1 1 600 relttv 1 fl....,.IJ0'1 UnusuBSt1'9u M.ir•••• Tr.K" John'Jor11 3 4'.l 6 HJ 1 l1'h1an1 IA :. 10 ~ •j n N ? 8 3 Cu""" a•10 Mor.,i.•, t. ? rl LJ 1 [nCltHJ«. N 18 1• 1 • T,...l'vcsr I A 18 6 • J lidtt~helrJ 'II 17 '1 TJ I Ru11 A 42 4 ;: T'''""' ;. 39 !I , 3 N ott N )I> f SP 1 R11•9lt A 41! ~. ~ S •Jltt" ri 44 11 3 Nl'Wf'll At 43 10 OT I Stlo'I'.~"' •N 139 :I Shuk"" 1N1 117 4 3 R1t1q!!I A 10b4 S.e v .. w l.e•gue g1'1s Ahto Niguel 8', Newpot1 H•rbo< 52 100 1 Hit n1>on Al 12 3 2 Moore IA) 17 9 3 Arndtto A• 13 200 I Amaro Ao 271 2 Burlingham CNo 273 3 MO<Jr" A 21:, 400 l Hall 1N l 02 2 2 T1nvo A 1 02 4 3 BoCclw11re A 1 02 8 900 1 Ht:rnd r\Ot'I Ill 2 3i; 3 2 Gu<1111'1t1 At 2 39 9 3 Go.icomdrO •Ill 2 409 1 600 1 M•r~hdl N !;, 31) 2 P:1r'Y cAI 5 52 3 OvPlll'I A 5 53 3 200 1 Marshall INI 12 '71 :1 Ovell&l(At 13018.3 Mot lN 1309 110 LH 1 Miller (Al 174 1 Sherman Al. 18 1 3 Lombardo IA 18 3 JOO IH I Lombardo A I 51 2 2 M olle• fAI 513 3 Shermar IA 519 400 rf'lily 1 Ahso Ntgu'!I 50 5 1 600 rtilay 1 Nt'wJ>Qn Randdl! Hell, Hernandez Burfmgham 4 14 3 HJ -1 !J(ohdl IN I 4 8 2 RydP• N 4-6 3 Bowyer IAI 4 6 lJ 1 Moor!' (A 15 8 2 Hamson (Al 15 8 J Behdtt N 1' 8 TJ -l lngr11m A 30 10 2 Behde N 30-4 3 Sherm.in A 30 3 SP 1 Wh1t11eld 1N1 34 8 2 Kosi<adden (Al 32 1 J \M>lllver IA 31 8 OT 1 Wh1tftl'ld INI 1n 1 2 Wellovftr (A) 115 5 J (oskdddt'n A 91 9) Paclf'oc Coest l"9u• boys Coron• del Mar 100, Un~ 36 100 1 U.Perle 1CdM • 11 4 2 Mom~ !Cdl\/l1 11 5 3 Chdn •U 116 200 I Rongwoni • CdM I 22 4 2 Mortos CdM I <'3 4 3 Laf>l'rle lCdM 23 8 400 1 Ronqstrom •CdM 1 51 4 2 Kev U 55 0 J Joroan •UI 55 2 800 1 Aru CtlM 1 1 03 2 0.lhon ICdM 1096 3 ICeelftt CUI 2 10 6 1 600 1 Artl ICdMt 4 478 2 Rud•no.;a ICdM I 4 49 4 3 Wthdt;r CdM • 53 2 3 200 1 Rudonoc. CdM ! 10 44 7 We•drw>< ICdM I 10 47 3 Wonq CCdlllll 10 49 I 110 HH I lei' IU 18 8 2 J•hl1 1Cd,,IU, 19 J 3 Mc"-~ ICdMI 19 8 JOO IH t LH! IU 419 '1 MclCN> ICdMI 479 3 J1hlt ICd"-41 <la 3 400 rel•v 1 CdM IL•PP•le. Moms O.lhon R1ng1uom1 44 3 1 600 rel.ty 1 CdM 1Arll Bor,.omen Otlhon R1ng11rom1. l 31 '1 HJ l Minard ICdMl 5-6. 2 ChMl IU). 5-4 3 8-hore tCdMI s...s U 1 Wong ICdMI 18 5· 2 Zafl8n ICdMI, 1111 3 Young tUI 16 3 TJ 1 Yoong IUl. 37.3 2 Wong (CdM t, 35 3'-\ , 3 Fitch IUI. 34-10. • F'I/ 1 Yould (CdMI. 12-6, 2 Wong (CdM ), l'l-6. 3 Sutht>rland ICdM) 11 6 SP 1 Smith IUl. 5" 1"., 2 Robte ICdM l. 39 3' •, 3 Turbow ICdMJ 37 1 > OT 1 Smtih IU). 14&6. 2 Ro~ (CdMl. 104 5 3 Wiahengred (CdMI. 99-10 Pacific: COllst Le8gue gffis Un1ven<tv 77, Coron• del Mtr !It 100 1 L4,.,. U 1; 9 l '>w1<1"'1 CdM 13; 3 •rtr ·• "..·JM 134 200 1 l oN' U ]f 1, ') l\01\Jl'rl CdM • 2f, 7 J f'alrw·1 U 711 400 1 l<1'1"' (11M 1 IJO t.o 7 M orga• CrtM 1 orJ b J Pd"' '" U I 01 0 800 1 Sr ,Hnt<· 1..•1M • '' ' • $«<1•d•H , 7J l'I ) '' ,., C JM ] 30 F. 1 600 1 St (,~,,...~ C•1M '> ;>~ • , l<JWd\d CclM ., 'J3 4 3 (. , .. ' <JM c, 3-l .1 ) 200 , '" ,, "l> JI\,• ,, ~ • Mv'*' U 1. '3 J ~dll•• ClM ''24 ;oo HH 1 <;t ... ~•l>ll•rl u I e I) • ld'IQ 'LI 1!12 3 <;.u .. r Co1M ·~ !i JOG ,.. 1 St1f J-t1Pr1l U .. • ~ 1 t1~u -~ S 'J C•nc.>t•' C la.I Sol~ .ioo """ • Ur11.e•!>•t• C,25 ' 60 ,e d.. 1 C ' r\d d• t Met' C d~'"' St G,.,. ... M • ,i.,• Sw ll"n .! ~i 5 H~ l F1~'1f'• C•lM 4 1C. • f ,1 '' •-.1 d J f'td'""' DIM J ls LJ 1 full1-• U 15 .1 1 Bi.•;.,~ U · 4 11 3 H"f'->d>f'• CdM 14 • TJ 1 B" >us U 31 '0 1 Lt'• U 31 1' 1 .,..,,. Pv 1 Brn..., dlld Zl•Ov U ~ SP 1 Moll~ U 3J ' ' 'I~ >vrl CrtM 2: L 3 J ..,.,0,.. JM ,.1 5 CIT 1 Mot" U IOJ! 1· / L ./vo <I CdM at a 3 s,,,,,"1d 1 JM tj() ' Golden WH1 LHgue boys Orange n Cost• ~· S3 100 1 M .. \ • J 11 4 , r "· ., . ..,, CM 1, 1 J <_i "" ', .t 200 ' l\,ol1.;r1c,,1 0 ,.1 :l Ru: M 2t. 3 J GonM•1-1 CM , 7, 400 1 Mun t 0 '>3 • M C>on.•11 CM ~ 8 3 R1.r / "-4 • • 800 ' T•;\<;d' 0 , 07~ i Ram•r.:1 0 1 Ol! r J ,...., .. e•.i C~ 111.1 1 i;oo 1 N•1<t~•~ 0 4 )'< 7 1 "'" 0 4 39" M.J"lhO 'J .1 4').J 3 200 1 N•eblh 10 10 11 l 2 Av•ler CM 10 JR 1 3 Ga•Cl.t 0 10 ~ 110 HH 1 Rd'lllf'": ICM ~2 3 1 WOQddrrJ ICM n 8 3 non~ JOO IH 1 Po,..~111CM 4.4 q ~ Gonrar,._. CM 45 \I J Q,,.,, 0 46 3 400 ,,.1~ 1 (1)5111 M~ Luu GonzCJIPt Ru11 'lli1tl er'>Ort .18 7 1 600 relCJ, ' (o'llll 1111 .. ,,., l " lbatrd Ruir G1"H'lld•8/ n t HJ I S..nr1pr" 0 ';4 • Pt•1o1 CM 5 2 J nonH W 1 Moss 10• J9 q • i Go.,1otl111 101 17 0 3 K.nkc1'1an CM , 17 8•· TJ l Mo~• 101 J9 '! • """l'"d' CM • 310 3 Gon'"''"' 0 l~ 11 PV nol con1 .... 1..o SP 1 Cr.11n •O .n.-4 •' M•r1•" CM 43-4 3 Paul<;<in 'CM 1 lfl 0 OT 1 C.•d·" 10 126 S i C.1~11n 0 113 10 3 M.tnon CM 101 Gotden West League gifts Coau ~ 12• ar.o..,. 2 1()1 I Rr)'dOI • M 14 f 1 l(nl on•" 1(M 1 1S .t 3 RonQ'"''" CM 10:, 6 200 I B"'•nt CM ::.'8 0 2 Ronquollo ICM 19 II J Rc..J,.guf'.t ltM 19 8 400 1 S 0dv 1rM 1 01 6 2 ""41tl CM 1 06 2 J H_,n,ld Oi 1 08 S 800 ' J O..v 1CM i '1 31 2 Blf"ll~no CM Rodnqo;eJ l(M 1 ~ 1 • no<> l Btt"ll•nd 1CM S 39 7 '1 ~guy..,, CM 5 S4 1 J T"'"""' 10 s S4 8 3.200 1 Boe lland CMJ 12 )4 '} 2 Flo<(Mi CM 13 04 9 3 Armenlt !CMI 14 034 110 HH I Ph•m tCMI 18 I 1 Ro 1CM 19 !> 3 8uct'laNn cCM ) 19 6 300 IH 1 Broe> tCMI !>3 7 2 ~nd'9/ CM 574 3 Budl•n•n 1CMI. 101 400 relay 1 Costa Mesa l~r11tonan Bro RonQu1lk> Brv•nll So4 O 1 600 "'lllV 1 Costa~ IS o.., I DllV Rodngutt1 N8'ff). n 1 HJ -1 S Dev 1CMI 4 3 . 2 J Dev !CMl. 4-6. 3 Naff (CM). 4 2 LJ 1 N1ff ICMI. 14 2 2 Bro !C"MI 13 n-. 3 Ph•m tCMI. 12~ TJ 1 Pham ICM). 28 8' 2 8ucnen1n (CMI 2S 7 ., 3 none P'V nor cont.ated SP· 1 Aina ICMI, 35--0 2 Pov ICMI. 19-0. 3 PaulMn (CM), 2&-11 OT -1 AoN ICM). 17.0, 2 P.ut_, ICMI 61 S Pool (CMl ~ tit! Al<t Friday, March 28, 2003 SPORTS OlllV~ YOUTH SPORTS SCHEDULE COLLEGE BASEBALL 1· TODAY UI I D-backs hold on • LITl1.B LP.AGUE.: The Angel\' ralJy fe!J just shon and the Oiamondbacb prevailed, 9-8, in Newport Beach U ttle League AM action. soccer ream comprised of Brennan Andenon, Garrett I.anon, KJeU Wolku, Connor Gaal, Hector Marino, Oark C.UhJon, Brent Gray, Muon Cue, Blake Tbom1en, Jack Gorab, Jack McBean and Brent Lawson, placed third in the State Oiamplonship Soccer Tournament by beating Pasadena, 2-0, In the consolation final last weeken d. Vanguard belts Cal Lutheran ..... ..r.I College -WH hlngton State at .... UC lr\/lne, 6 p.m. .. 1 High ~ -Corona def Met i'• ' The 0 -baclcs scored six runs in the bottom or the fourth inning behind the hitting of Ben Greiner, O\andler Mltdlell, Brlan Smith and Con Hudngs. but the Angels rallied behind the offense of CoJJOr ICort, Jake St.wnea and Nathan w.per. oos rA MESA -Vungutlttl Unjvef8ity's baseball team put visiLing Cal Lutheran away Thursday in a Golden State Ath- letic Conference gnqte, 8-3. with a 10-hll offensive thrust keyed by the baLS of Hoben Cruz. Mall Tisthammer and Jason Brunel. thirc.I on 'nsthammer\ double, and Jason Searle followed with a two·run single to give the Uons a 2-0 lead off ltS tint three bat- te~. flee Oy. . Cal Lutheran could not break through urnU It scored two in the sixtll to pare Lhe deficit to 6-2, but Vanguard came right back with two more in I.he bottom of the inning 10 seaJ It. va. calvary Chapel, at .. Vanguard Unlveretty, 3:15 • ·I· p.m.; Laguna Hiiia at Newport :" • Harbor, 3:15 p.m.: Estancia tt Saddlebac:t. 3:16.p.m.; St. Margaret'• at Sage Hill, 3:15 ; : · p:m. ., >· Yotleybel Cruz went 2 for 3 wi~ a run scored and an RBI, 1isthammer had a double and wen• 2 for 4 with a run scored, and Bn1net was 2 for .4 with a run ')Cored and an RBI. Mall Caston was the benefici· ary of all this, going seven in· nlngs. allowing two hits. striking oul five and walking three in a seven-inning stint. Golden Stlllf MMe Confw9a Comm unity college -Orange Coart at Golden West, 7 p.m. High ld"lool -Newpo'1 Harbor at Mira Coate. 7 p.m.; Corona ' del Mar at Capistrano Valley, , • Sandon GrlJlln of the 0 -backs pitched four innings, scattering rwo runs and two hits while Wagner threw hltJess inning~. allowing three unearned ruru.. CdM lost in a semifinal to South Central Los Angeles on J"eOalty kicks after the teams remained scoreless after IWO overtime periods. Searle and Josh Pranco mopped up in the final twO in· nin~. . v.n.uant. cal Luthenn 2 C.l lu ~ii:""*c:r -3 4 , Vanguard 300 212 oo. • a 10 2 Hirsh, Thom11 (6). Ayers (5), Haslff (1), Cameu 18) and Edsall; Caston. Sear1e (8), Fnlnoo (91 and Bowef. 28 -Tlsthammer (V). 5:16 p.m.; Estancia at Costa ,. , 1 Mesa, 4:30 pi:ril. ., .• ~ Rob Case, Bob Gorab and Scot ty McBean coach the team. fbe Uons struck for three runs in the first inning. Cruz walked and .uJvanu•d lo Vangwi.rd scored two more In the fourth when Cruz delivered a run-scoring hit and Seatle ~cored a teammate with a sacri- Softbal • Community college -Golden West at Orange Co ast, 3 p.m. ' High school -Estancia at Saddlebadt, In other AM play: • D·bacb 4, Angels 3 Trent Boras and Blake Mille r limited the Angels to three hi~ and three runs over five innings in the 0 -backs" victory. Newport undefeated Pirates trampled by Santa Ana, 14-1 3:15 p .m. Trad! .net field •• I High sctrool boys and girts -._ Sage Hill at Academy League • meet, at Saddlebadt College, 3 The Angels countered with strong pitching from Brian Ford and Derek Spreitzer. Smith. Austin Barvfn, Greiner ilfld Boras each collected hits tor Lhe D-backi., with Baras knocking in the go-ahead run. Erle Hallet and Ford collected hils for the Angels. CdM third at state • SOCCER: The Corona llel Ma r boys under-10 All-Star • SOCCER: The AYSO Region 97 girls under-10 soccer team from Newpon Beach remained undefeated in spring select play with a 3· I win over San Oemente Saturday. Lauren Grupe. Kiana WhJpple and Blakeley Ficenec each scored goals in the victory. Natalie Swift played well at midfield and Sadye Busby shone on defen!.c. Newport faces Santa Margarita Saturday at l larper School at 10:15 a.m. VOLLEYBALL SANTA ANA -111e Orangl" Co~t College base· ball team 1ra1lc.>d. I 0-I, after two innings. and went nn to lo'\e, 14-1. 111 Orange Empire Confer- ence host Santa Ana rhur,day. Sam a Ana 119·8. 8-4 in tlw OEC) \Cored six runs in the 'econll inning. wluch featured a grand slam by Kenny I .ant\ whoc,e home run blast trav- cle<l 3BS feet over the lef1 field wall. 'Illar gave the Dons the 10· l lead cx·c (12-12-1. 4 8) \.\~Ill .. corele') .. through the final eigh1 inni11g~ and fini.,hell with MX hill>. TI1e Pirate~ also commi11c<l fiw errors. OCC, \taner Kyle Allen stni.:Wed through I Y. in ning., of work. I le ~<iVl' up five hits and walkt>d four. [yler SchuITer led the Pirate:.' offense with a 2-for-2 performance. Santa Ana has now scored nine or more runs in Lhe I 6 of iLc; 26 games this season. The twO teams will play again on Saturday at noon at cxx: lhe Cbns have won the first rwo ~ be- tween the tea.ms by a combined score of 2.8-7. Or8nc• ~ Conter.nc:e Santa An• 14, Onnge Co.st 1 Scont by Innings occ 100 000 000 6 s Santa Ana 461 oio :iox 14 11 o Allen. Farias (2), Jadlson 18) and Grant; Tund1s. Arnold (9) and Zerega. Capon (7). W -Tud1ns. 4-3 L -Allen, 3 3 28 -Benoit (OCC), Easnom !OCCI. Padilla (SAi 38 Flowers (SAi. HR -Lane (SA). ReS1repo !SA) ~~~.. . College men -Anteater ~ Classic at UCI. • 1 ~ High school boys -Brethren • Christian at Sage Hill, 3:15 : p.m. • Golf : .. f Community college men -j Santiago Canyon vs. Orange Coas1 at El Prado GC, 11 a m. High school boys -Corona del 1 Mar vs. Woodbridge. at ~ Ranctro San Joaquin, 2:30 p.m. • Badminton Community college - Pasadena at Orange Coast. 6 p.m. ' . . ' 'Eaters sweep Santa Barbara CRAWFORD HAf.L -The UCI mens voUeybalJ team snapped a three-march losing streak with a .\0-18. 30·23, 30-28 sweep of UC Santa Barbara Thursday. WATER POLO UCI win s three COLLEGES Continued from A 12 'fht'llule. am'>, a former head man al UCI, is enduring a 4'eason in which crirics, mainly the media, are questioning his future at UCl.A So. a name that ha.s come up is Savage. who was hrred by Dan (;ucrrero, now Lhe UCIA Ath letic Director. I'm not too much about ba.\hing. but Bl~:': West teams it"s called winning a game m the · • NCAA Toumanienl, and l'Vl'n the Nn 1bt' : mamstream medta said Lhc li1g I .a't wa.' : overrated before the Big Dance start£•d. and • thosl' reams made them shut up UCI topped the Gaucho!. in block assists (16-7), lcills (53-41 l and digs (26-18) and recorded an efficient .432 clip. The Anteale~· Jimmy Pelul led all players wilh 2.J lcills while Monte Tucker pur in IO. Libero Greg 1-ord hall a game-high 11 di&l>. UCI improves IQ 16-8 and 9-8 in conference ac· ti on. ANTF.ATER AQUATICS COM- PLEX -UC Irvine's women's wa- ter polo team won three of four matches Thursday. poMing 9-3, 15-1 and I 0-2 wins over Cal State BaJcc~tield, Olapman and Cal State San Bernardino. rt>spec- uvely. and dropping a 7-5 deci- sion to UC Davi~ in nonconfer- ence play. Erica Horman scored three goab against Davis and two against San Bernardino. M1cheUe Carey c;cored Lhree goal~ against Olapman. Becca Wedemeyer scored twice against Raker<>field and 01apman. Savagt' j, cnnfid<'nt that 111<, ream will bt' ready for the diallengt'' of thl' Hig Wt-'>I 'ea- 'on. UU\ 200L ')Cc1,un wa' coni.idercd .i 1>ur:ce.,.,, hut 2003 ha' been about hard 11me<> and currently a C,JUl''>ll<>n of how tht• Ant ~ t>alers will rc,pond "111£'rt'\ J Im ol 1 011lidem t' 111 1111r program from top to bottom," ~1vagt• '>aJd ··w ... dun't play differently lwt«tll"l' of rl",uh" or who we re play111g or wlwn· were pl<1vi11g 1 ht'lll .11. It"~ really a profe,.,umal t)'Jll' ol t'flurt that \\<t' take on. When Lhe Bt~ Wcsl 'tart,, our wnft· denr:e will bt· very high · Rut, why would Savage leave a program he budt from the ground up, and ,., still build- ing? In fact. Savage said he was comm111e<l 1o UU back when the season started, when the m11ial rumor-; ">taned. Of course there is the prestigt' of worlung for ·• '>chool wilh rich tradition. but u 't('em<, Savage would rather build tradition than walk into it. He'>ide'>. UCU\ would be hart.I prt.><,<,ed to 1wmfy hinng him if UC I umtinut'l> II'> offensive woe\. • J 'm chalking up my bad coUege b.lsketball pn.'<i.ictJon al> a lesson learned. The Big West rep~ntative was suppo!ied to be in Lht' Swt-et 16, according to me. WeU, Utah State did come within three point.!> of No. 2 seed Karu.&. But Lhe Aggih lost in the fir.;1 round The0main~trcam media doe.,n't e\len com-• menl cm the Big Wt·st. and 1lus 'it'~on !fd~ • them another rca4'on to 1gno1t ti. and gaw • the NCAA tournament t'ornmillrt-another rea.!>(.>n IO give ii d luw ~d • Al Vanguard IJ111ver.,ity. the women's • baslcetbaJI team th.II readwll 1he NAI•\ Tour- nament"., l"inal l·our tor tht> fmt ume in • !.Chool h1\tory ~111 be hunure<l with a pep .. •: rctlly type party Munday at I 0 a.m in the Pir,:,.: the gym at Vanguard. , : <,oach Ru~ ... Daw.. l;on<o wa-' Lhe 'urpriSt' • of Lhe NAIA loum,tmt.'nt, bt.'ton11ng the first : (,olden State Athletic Conferenct' lt'am to : ever reach the i.em1finals. '>t'nror rtobbtn Dtt• ~ tenbir earned fir..t-tearn aJl-1oumament honor. and \Ophomore guard Lat'ey Mills • brought bad '>t'tond·team rvrngnitmn Adam Ulfer> led UCSB with 12 10 kills. • lnlere,ung to 11ot1• "i<l.va~c. fU'>t a' 11ll'n·, basketball coach 1'.11 I .>ougla.-.~. ha'> aho been involved II\ UCI A t o.whing rumors. ~11".'­ le~. The Anteater.> will look to avenge an earlier loss againM Cal State Northridge on Saturday ar 7 p.m. in Crawford Ball. The Unun .. arc 14 I 5 ,111d < t1a1 h (,ary t\d I <,houJd have known better. 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 264a Legal Notices 2640 Legal NoClces OllllWkl NO. 43 All OIDIWeCI Of 11f( IOMD Of DIKTOIS Of ntf COSTA llSA SAJITAIY DISTllCT (SlA.UifltG fHAT Tll IWGl a.. M5WXTUTt SMAU ll AS lSTAIUSllD IY Tiil lfTtllW IMJM smKI WHI RlAS lhe Board t D•ttt 101 s has .. slab h h•d th• r ales lnr ,.q,tnse c..umpensat1on lur Board member~ whf'n they otre 1 tnde,.ne 1tr YM:e on bthall of the U1•trtel and WHEREAS the Board of Directors don hereby ~' t•bl1sh that the rate lur automobile moleaae t nmper>salron should be '' penodrcally e•lllb h~hed by tilt Internal Revenue Se1 wee NOW THEREFORE the Boatd of O"ect0ts ol the Costa Mna Santi.or y O•stricl dot\ hereby ORDAIN n follows St!Chon I Th~! Stcl10n l 01 OlO ol lh• O"tnct s Optt;tl1on\ Code rs hereby amended to tead SHl1on J 01 030 Coml"'nsaltnn Pur~u•nl lo the prov1s1or>~ of H~elth and Saltly Cndf' Stcllon 6-48'3 comp•n -saloon 1s ~et lot uclt d1y0s attend1nte at • Board mretone or IOI each days se1v1ce rtndeted n I direCtOI at the requrst of th" BO•r d th• ium ot one hundred and \t•enly doUMs pet d•y nol to t •ceed a total ol sl• days •n 1ny ulenda• month I h• Boatd member Ylatl also be ent.ti.d lo h1-s reuon able ••penu:s 1ncodenl t hereto Automobile m1IH&" sh•ll be re1m bt1tN'd .ti the CUHtnl 'tand•rd mllH&f' rat• •~hbllshtod by th• lntunal Re ve n11e se1 ... ic:.: Stcflon 2 Sho11ld any Pl•t. Clau•e Of ..-c:t1nn or ttllS Otcltn~nn be •~lat~ l>y •n1 Court of competent fllt~tClton t o b• lnveli<I, l111 ,.ma1nin1 prov,.lons ot 111" Ordtnanu s llett noertllel•u I>" •nd ttMa111 In l111f fon• and af~t and the B111t1d M Dlraclon ot lh• CMta Moou S.n•t•y D11t.rkt of Orenp Cou11lt Cahf0< lllt. Mrelly McllH'S tltet Nell ..,,, every utttOll, claUM, llfOl'1Ston O< P•t ot tlM ()rl1,..11te wovld fine Men adopted and me• a ,_, of "'" Ordfflall • •lthOtlt tM ~ of •llY C>Ottioll tflMeof •nf tfl.-t Ille illw~ty of •ny ,..,., °' -'fflUell lloot•I tl'lall Mt ill ell'f •IJ 1tlec.t Ille ul .. tty °' enfllfu -111 'Of ltltt ''"'•'"'"' OIOvl-"e>n Of lfltl Ofdl MllC.t IMJ ""' atAlld .,. Ow OWfl J '•111111110 Ht• ""' hfi>t1 C.. IHlllfll ltlO anti 6A91 3, lh~ Clerk \half cause lh1'> ordonantt or a summaty there'll to be publo·.hed 111 a ntw~aper of gent1al 11tculalton P"nted and pubhshtd 1n the Ul\h 11 t accnrdine lo ldw and 11 \h~lf tak~ ~ltHI upon lht e1por•lrC1'l ul ont week alltr pubhuhun PASSED and AOOPTC O tho~ 12th ddV ol M,uch <'003 /S/ JomH M. ferry m-. Seuetory /S/ Arlen• Schafer, Pt•tldent SIAT( or r AI "ORNfA I COUNTY 01 ORANGE I SS CITY Of COS IA Ml SAJ I JOAN RI VAK Clerk nl the Costa Meu S1n1lary 01\lt •ti, her~by lflltfy lh~t lhe abuvt and loreeoin& Ordinance Nil 43 wa\ duly 1nr1 regularly pnsed and adopted by said Boar 11 of Oorttlur ~ el a reeular meetme thrreol. held 011 the I 21tt d1y ol Mar< h lOOJ by tht tollowmr vote AYES: Af"l•n• Sci.of er. CK•t W .... •ld•, Jim f•rrymon, Art Perry. o-Wort,.ln9ton NOlS1 AISlNT1 AISlAIH1 IN WITNI SS WHf RC Of I ho)Vf httetlnlo •el "'~ h•fld and aff1.ed lh< ,~•• ol lht Co<t.1 Mr\n San1t•ry 01\lnrl lh• I ?th da1 nf Mar< h iOO) /S/ J._ l evol., Cieri. ef the CHto M .. o S-11.y Dh trlct •A lull r npy ul lhr Operal1nn\ Code 1• 1v•tlabl~ 101 rrvtew •I lhfl 0.,1111 I Clerk l otf1ce, I/ I •II 0110 41h floor C<1\I• Mt•• Cahl0<n••' Publl\htd N•wpu1 t 8nch CO•I• Mesa Oa1ly Plk>I Mar'll 20 2001 t:nrrrtrled publlcalton on March 78. :?003 f76 l MWlD Tht ~O)U M.H lon1nt ~dmtnl~lr•tor will ''"""' • dKl,•OI\ on ~. ...... 10, 20GJ, 01 9\ t..on ,. p;iuil>le llwr • 1tltt. ol'I ""' totlow1n1 1tet11i l Minor DH'llt Rtvltw lA 07 IJ9 for AlfttdO Cult11r•r authorued •C""t 101 l ou1drt \ Morel\O IOI t 'M'COnd ''°'' •dcl•llon to a ""lie f11m1ty lf\IMnU Al\d •n ntmc>lkln lrnm 1a111t cl1m;11,..," rtqulumenb (20° • 20' requ,,.4. II' • J9 5" ••1•Un1>. located at 2086 MIPM Av.nut lfl an R2 HD 10M [nvl ron111e11l•I O.termln• llOft ntmpt 't -~"--­ZA OJ l2 tor lion Am W..~ IOt 1 llKOl\d ttOl'y addttlon lo• tillcle ,.,,, .. , "'~· tllcl 11\ u.mptlrJfl "°"' P• •re cl•-ntlOfl rt,ulre""'"l' 120' • 20' , • .,.... ur • :t!>· ••'-''"''· loure4 ti 17.ll Aw11u. NI 111 RI IOM (,_'ti r11n111<e11t1I '-l111111n•· ti.nH~ J Miflfl' !>. I ·O • 4 ~ ~ ------ Mcfnlo•h aufho111i-d ~gent tor l~remy Ba1ras lor a \f'f1lnd •ln1y <1dd1l1on lu a sm&lt f;am1ly ro1dence anti an ••empllon from op1111 parl11nr reqt11remenl~ (;> OP•n spal 11$ rPQUtl ~d ;> upen watt\ plO••d~d on A podron <>I lhe common dft.te\~ tM\~meOl J lu l<lled 11 466 Sh~dv 011ve tn an R l wnt .£ nvironment,JI d#"f Pfffll nallnn eumpl ~ M•no1 Oe'-•&n Re••rw l A OJ 17 for 8111 An&cll •ulhut 11td a~enl lur \h•wn M fludtngtnn tur a '" ond \tor y Jdd1f1011 10 • •m2le tam1ly rt<1d•na l0<.Alrr1 Al 3061 I nren l~rt~ 1n ~" Rt rnnc. (nvu11n menldl d~trrmt0,1lu>11 r>empl '> Mmni Conr11t1nn•I Use Permit /A OJ 18 1111 Inn S tlllty Sle•rn l anafard Ar~IHl•<I\ dUltrOflltd <IQ"nt f<JI Mrhe Pu 'C I Se~e• strom I" •llnw a ,,., t.t111attl ffla1m lump•r 1 ~rrvmst Al• nhnh• h,.vrt Ai•' lu I f'ffldlO Of.It'll •lie• II p m II ~ m r riday And $4t11rtlty prupowdl luuled ~I ''Hl B11"nl Slo.•I •7018 1n • POC ""'" I nvironmenlll det•r mt n~llon uempl 6 Minor Cnnd1t1ll11•I IJ.e Permit 7A Ol XI l•u Nf'~lf'I Cnmmun11 .•t•nn A&Jfhtllllfl"d Al"nt lot lrtrry fl11r~t1V•n1111 Hr1 lln1ver\1ly lo• a 'lJ It ht~h mnnop1n• anti r l'l•t•d f'QUta;m•ul I or •1.1natly •1111• 11v•d ~nde• lA 01 1',111. 10< .,ttd al S5 f elr 011ve 111 An lnslltultontl and R•tr• •ltooaf 1une £nv11011 mtnl;al detPr mtn•tu111 e•rmpt 7 Monu1 o .. ,.an R•Ytf'W /A O'l n tor Jim MAii rltlY. ~11thl•fllf'd ·~•nl Int wan W11n11•r e lnr .1 '" ond •ft1ry •dd1t1nn 111 A \IOQlf' f.tm1ly fh1cl•1>1 f' •nd an uemptron lrum l111Mit Width reQUtr~ manh (10 fl r•111111•d 18 II o "''I'll) tn t MIUMllClft ••lh I nonm mod1ftt 1t1on fOf • doset addltlort 111 Ille l1ont tlllbMlt. (20 fl tequ1r~t1. 17 5 fl propo••d) lnut•d at 'l'll h•nton W•y '" ~n Ill tone fn¥11onmtntal d«t~m• n1tron • •etl'lpl II Minor Condlt1t1111I Uu Ptfmlt lA 03 14 fOf flfaoc L11 eutltoruecl •1tnl f0t Merk l •" 111 •d' ) "''eo ••me mtd1111t1t C3 ui.unc. '°' • tolal of 6 mechin.i) to 'lotall~ Coll••' teuted al lS7fl Meu 119' .. Drtw. (Ht 1117 >11 • Ct ,_ Cnvwon 111•nt•I detarmlnatlon aallt'Jll)l If a11y uf '"• Pftudint a<llorl' •• cll•"-flPd ltn '""'t· lflt c1111i.,,,. m11 IN l11Nt~ trt only tho\e IS.•lft "' wrlftan cMra ~· dtlivttl4 h> the l~ Ad1111nistt1tcw pflof to, the •bow• ~tt fw fwtlt• lill•m•lt011 on Ille elM>" awi. • 1HIM, lfl~flt (/I .. ) 154 S?4!> Of vr<rl th• otltce o f lhr Pl3nmnR 01v1smn H""'" ?Ol°l / / F 111 01t•• Cu~ld M• t Cahlo1mA Pubh'h'd Nrw11nr I Beat h Cu•la Me<d llMly Ptlo l Matth 7 1! 2001 r >41, l'UIUC NO TICI Use Pnif UPlOOS-0 I 0 (PA2003.-063) N~tu.r I t\rfrtiy ,.,.,. .. ,. th->t Jft OtPll .•l1t1u h,t\. t1N•u \utmutfNI l1y (1.ty11f •h1hm4utn Ar" h1tt·1 t I •• thf" lif'lll! Ill "" •• " ,,.,HU"h1u hPn ,, ftJ omcuox 14171,0l- AHGE. CA92W-I S1l WIOIUUX .MOOcema PflTT10tf Of lOMIY AYAIJ FOi CIWIGE Of ICW l'UWUU111vn ''t"·"• f•·•·I uf ..,, I CH'..,,'Of"'••( ..... ..,._ IP' ,, . .,,,,.,1 I .,., OIDOTOSHOWCAllSIFOI Publu h"ttflng~ wlll ht-.:• •·~t•H•' · H1flt· I 11tnlv NN'l """' held by t~e Co,l• M._.1 dw•llotw '"I"" "''''''"" CASUIUMlll:A211101 Pl~nnm~t:oonml\\l.,n•I olh'•I I"" •••I !ho Ill All INllMl<;lfl> C•ty HdU , , r tlf Or'"" ,...,,, tot 1 '"''hon t ftu ,., f.f ,1 tN' Co"tt• M~\'1 t ahlo1n1A I \hw hu1t I 1h1t ~• thr l 1· .. tifti 11,.. TOMMY a:t 6 30 p ni nr d~ 'o"n tt~At 111 ttw pf "l'._ t fV YWIU AVAL A l•h·t.I d IJ'hl1n11 a' PO'\,thlf! th ... r~"''•'r on ff'flMlll Uflt h1•u~: .. ,1 rtu with lhl' 'rnut h,, ~ Monday, April 14, u~r p•tnll '' tf'•flttt'c1 d"'''' hMlVlnil 0.,0, .. , 2003, trg•rd1nlit th .. l rtr111wt ,,,1 "J'lu.-~ t.,11 ¥If'\ TIJMMV tollow1n••P1>h•o1lum UIJ '" ul Iii~ AVl\1 A 11 I AStlllH 1 1 Pl•ntuncApplh~t1ou ,.,, ,,,,~·1tmtw,. ,.u11 JUMMVAYAll\ PAO? 39 t111 K~11 llorrn•,r •lluw trul i>"' h·" "' "" • 1111 1 0IJRI OIWC RS Arth1tr1 I 1tuthn' 1/ftt1 t1111lttinl( tli.tf •·i.1 1 '·" h,. 111_1, ill prr,on· mtPr i1&ent tor W1f\Ofl Y1llf1' !Hlc.1 ttu , t'fllllff ,f • t I ·• t•\lrd lfl lh1 m.ttlt'r \hdfl tor a 'u1yp.''''" 11f 1 .alhy .•·ll•h,., I 11tour1 t""\tSlm~ lh unit ts•Ht lht J'• ,1,.1ly ,. If .-t,..,t menl l''ufl<I lu • 1nlttr'klll1\hul common 111ftHt'"·' r1f Vfl!t t"rc1ptoft't' fm ,,,, J ~• opmfnl h•t ,,9,..,1 •t /If• )7,, th·l111tt111,, Av·"'" W W1l\1111 \tr1•rf m rn lh•~ ptnt .. r t ti• I•• 11 R""l MO 11uu• I ,.,unn rrvtfW• I tuit 11 •tA\ ment .. 1 d1 I• r nun"'"'' lit, n 11. l1·1 ll1t1t• t th ti d t'•J,tf· ti lit 110 r th1!. (.UUf t •I II.-ht.'""R 1r1d11 ~l•d ht1low t•• 'how c itU'\P 1f 111v why lh• pr t1l11111 tur 1 h1111•, ot ndmt· \huufd ,..,, 1 ... "' .~ntrd Nllll(,I 01 HI AHINI. 11 •I" ~ ''I 0 I ttn•r 7 ¥1 c1upt ., • ''' }'l'f 11 AllV • • r111~ I f'M ,,,..,, 11 f } 0"''"" ke•vu·w f•A UruJrr thr l••<tUlft 1111·111\ lh ... Htflr.,.•\ nt tri .. lutllt ()? ')6 J,.1f,1ttv•• 1,,1!1 t 111 ttu .•l1f•·tOt• I nv1 1., .,,.,. ",,,,,,.,, .tbnl;" M~p I IM/I, ln1 Nh ' rnnm•ot•I 1)1 '"'' I\ I I A , ••t•Y ,, lht• lhMt /A':'VAk~ll" I'll.A I""' 1111d., fl~\'\ I N•# ho -;how • IU"• \lt•ll llt lor 9 ntw '"" t11tr I< ,,n h t ftun ,,, 1 ''" pubti\hfllct •'' ,,..,,. t on'-• \1n1I,.. 14-lmily hotrn·' '" Vt'''*'" ,, t11.4ll ,t1u.· I .~.uh w,.rt( lot four ron,onc thul w1U1 A f11t1 I hut·•,) .wt l'\\.\tV• Wf"ffk' rinnr m~IJ It• < 11 •I•· 'I lool U•• l'ttmll UP7()()J 10 111,. ,1 ,1~ ,~1 1111 W ltfl Oflt nmrfo 1. l•f f 010 I • ,.-)1 JI' f f tir.Uinj, llfl tht '1fl1fllltl1 .t '"'·'" t, t '\1·•~1"' I ~mi f ,,.vu"" I 1 t .. • 11 n tt.. lrtllow1n._. nfl'*"' 'ummon 1111 .. ,,.,, ,t,. lh·t• o, ,,,, nt t tfu-111 ~'-'lli't uf '~""' 41r '°"tu •tlopmtnl ,'• it•d •I 111 Ni w11u1 I II• .H h on •• I ''''"'" Pl iot~d 111 tho~ 7553 2')')Cj .,1111.1 Ano ofter luHday. Aprll 8 , 1 .,11111~ N f Wf'IJIO llvenu• '" '" fl/ Ml! 700S Wfllt•" '' "' Kt ALll C llS IA Ml SA ltln• I n.11 .. r11"" I •I n,.111 " 1111• ti d•h•I [I.Ally PILOT 3)() W dt!f~rmir• .. t11-u .,,.rn,if t., th., p• 'I 1 t --huuM hP" HAY COSTA M£S~ CA lh1s h•1tt11K w••· tnn '"hm•ll~d lo tit• l'lrn 12611 949642 4Jll ltnu@d fr nm lht M,.,. '1 ntrt~ Cit''"' f 1111 nf by OATlt MAI 1 1 :ZOOS 14 7003 l'l,rn111na Monday, Af'rll I, 2003 JUDGI IUCHA•O O. C.:ommt\\llHt 11or•hn~ !<1 111 nrdM In br < ""'"' flAZll, s•., JUDOl Of co11etl lit• 1>rn1e• I \tt• tt•td tn th• l'IA1tr11n1 fHl SUPll.IOft COUil •ddrn' I h,f • " nn Uu rr hu • ''" 1"''n 11 Publt\h•d H•wpor t ch~n1• to lh• I'" Oil" I Alli•""""' Al "" ""'" d Bt•lh ru,IA Mes• Oa~y propn\AI ••V''"' th~ •111" •I Pilot M111d1 14 ll. 211. l f'IM!lllrli A1111ln Allun pcrtull uf 14 rlAY' will llp1tl 4 /()CJ\ 1216 ~A OJ l.M for f!tll llMl••n ti .. 1111 h um lh ti ti •I• •11thu1tt•d ·~•nl ''" '"""'" ,.1,.,1, ''"" 1n1 RIOUfSf fOINOfOWS Mt'-.,. .. MAllrv lu1 ·• •Otl'1r'\ff'r111.trty ''' lhru c nnd;t•t.>r1;ef .,,,,.. p1111 mH •ufhnt11,.c1 "ll"'"' AR to •llow nult1oor -uto 1•1•v•d ot lh~t """\111n mnhtlf' ,.,~, •tttl dl•play m•y 111" A nl)llU ul with • u11.onc• from •IJP'l•I tn lht Pl1rn11inr ltonl l•nduape utb•<~ Comm1uion w1tl1 • l1l1n1 ••q11111mtnh 110 ,, ltt ol $117'1()It11.1 l•fr•v quired l't' ptop<>\t'd) 111 .. 1 n't of lh~ •1•1•ul lool11d •I lM!> 11111!01 prnorlure 811ulev1rd tn a CI 1n11• lh• l4llPl11 .•l•nn ~nd ( r>Yilllnmt111bl ltt1lftmt dtv•ll>(lmf'nf plAll' of nation """"'t tlMt pioj.10.eJ '"""''' ••• 11 •nv tJf the llff'< '"""" ••••l•hl• l nr 11ul.ol11 •<llOn\ ••• 1h~llrn2td •11 r••••w ~nrl 111\pt<lonn at tourt th• 1h.tllrn11• m•r "'" 1'11111111•11 Ortp11t "-hmtted In 11r1ly thll•t menl r.11v ot New1u111 fUllH \OttlflOnto ra<tet II 8e,trlt I lO() l'lf'WPMI tlle pubhr lltttllll 8oulev1rd Ntwport dtMrlb•d m lht\ not11e Bee<.lt ('11k111rn1.t 916W or In wr1ll11n corr~ 111)8 I ut l111lhf'r tnto1 "'ond•no lltl1¥M•d ta m1t11111 <nntact th• Ille Plann1nr C1>ntn11\.,on N•wp<"t lltach Ptann1111 al. or PflOI to lh<t pul!ll1 '?'pa.tmf'nl •I ('W') 6't ''""'"' .. zoo r Of tu. tlttl 1nfnr m11 NOU1 [I., UiH'"'" nl !Ion on Ute 11100 !hit. 00110 '' p•KI from 1ppflcahon~ t.lei>hont 1 1111n1 '" collKl•d (71 .. ) 1!14 ~4S. 01 vmt lrom ll1t l1'1'f,.;4nt tlle olf"I ol the Pllt1 Pubhtllecl Htw,011 lliflt 0.V~tOtt RMm '°° e ... rlt r:1tet.t Mau Oalty 11 ht! Pt 1¥11 to'h P 11 O t M a r ~ h 2 8 JHu. C•hfnrnla 200J rlt1 Publl11ted Ne.,po1 I lttKll Co\11 Mn1 Dal1 SllmJlccalOf P ll OI Muell 21. ,,,.._ 1000 r1•:i ___,. '*"°'-N 1 lW art POST 0. ""!;' r.u unlf S•m lo1loun 01\lllct (0C$0 Of the 01St11cr) n f Otenet County r.1l1lorn1a •111 tKUYI .... aled PfOl»~I, unttl .-n 2•. 2001 9' l r'OO P·"'· f'ropou1-ttt11~1 be rtcelvtd 111 OCSU·, Adnltnl\lt etlon l t>bby "' Purcllu1111 01v""'" Otf1c11 by the dAt• '"d ltm• "-rfln 1b<1•• ... 1 l0ttlt 10644 f JI" Avenue 1'01111!1/n Valley C1lllo•n11 -.2108 1011! llOUUT fCMt NOPOV..l rff'IUll«ISt 8100&4"1K •Fott- M•nGN snu• <Otfl STIATtOK P\AM SfllC1fKATMHI NO. <s-toos-' JMO P1opn•ela mull bt •1rllrnttltd on lllt f0r1tt 'lUppjltd by 0CS0 Ill arcotcl•nct wlUt •II fH0¥1'llon\ uf tht ~· hut1C111' ~hcalloft>, J>•OCHJUI btenlls, •Itel furtti.r infatn\ellon ma, M Obflll'td 1t the tbow• H4r .... ...,._ (114) "21411 Pu1>t111!ed Newport lkec:fl C.t.e ..... De~ '11«>1 fthff:lt 2t, ml f~ Rctttt.W.U .... s ....... lhf" follow1n1 Pt"c.n• "'~ dornii bu<tnt\• n a> ti' 1 l01ur anr r Ser """"~ tlt'ntl1U Rf'\'lllrtt-, b) Bene I oh Re~•1U1 <t t) E mplll)f'I s Re~""" • •nd Adm1n1't'at1vfl ~"'v'' ,,,, I ~90 S l°M•I llw1 >Ir 11 I •llu"" Br.c 11 I A 91'6~1 CPI lnwr4nct· Seiv1t e~ In• tC.A, IS'JO S Cu.,\ I liwv lole I 1 l •~1111• Buth CA 'J/6~ I I hi\ bU\ln<'U '' c nn d1111~11 IJy a corpm"tton H111'lr you Jit.1r f Pd dtonr bu-.1nt-''\ 'l~t ' y~~ '} ~· CPl ln\ur.1ncr '>t•v1< "' Int Chro\t1111h•• P I ~uttn Pt "'dent lht\ \latem~nl w~\ ftl•d w1lh the r.uunly Lltr~ ul 01 an11e C.ounl y on Ol II OJ 700HU6UJ U•ifv Pilot Mar 14 ,' l 18 ~r 4 2003 I i'l4 -~......, ... s ...... Thr tollowm& prr son\ att duon11 busm•\\ " T •1td• 117 Rtvrf\111r A>tnut ""'' 11 44 flf•w11<11 I Ster h I /I 9?66l Tunolhv P H~m rnll 177 R1•rr\ld• A•~nue •uol~ 1144 Ntw1111rt 8ta<h CA 9?6()J Andie !°\t.rk1 f// R1ver"df' Av~nut \U1I• I t44. NtWPotl Ruth 92661 This bu\•nen " con dllt led by I lCfl<L'I al par lnt•~h1p li•ve you star hid dome bU\IOH\ yet7 Yo 02/ 26/0J Anclrt SIKkl fh1, st11emen1 was ltltd wllh the County Cl@rk ol Orantt County on Ol/?8/03 200SH U UO 0•1ly Pltol Mar 18 Avt 411.182003 f 2« RdliM ..... ... s....., fhe follow1n1 per•ons tr• dolnf b'"llle1.i n 1) Tlfllb•ll""' ln11ftlmenl Group. Inc . )) Mason f ln1nclal 01oup, In" • c) Sttttlntl Pr..,ty Man •t•lftant Croup. Inc .)400 Ave of the A• h , 1£303, Cost• M.-\e CA 9M26 Profteutva A1t11nee In' (NV), J.t00 An of tht Aft1 llJOl Co1t1 Mes.a, CA 9'6'6 Tttrt NJlllftl ts c 011 ductl4 br e COfl)orlllon Hive rou at.tttcl 6ofnt bUJIMH y•tl Ho ''°""''"' Altllnce Inc , Rittllei4 Mtt•dlt"· cro rhll at.~I WH ft1141 wflfl IN ~•ntr C•~ ot Or•• County •• o~tol teOUtH"t 0.llf_ l'llot MM' I. t4, 21, 11, '°°' f200 ......... ....... , ... '°"""""" ,..Hf\ • "' •1111 ---"' "" C-lt•"b ll.UJR.S.111811111-...-.IJSI. 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Nottcas Cnste M•u. l.A 9?6;>fi Ro brrl I "•"" 10 I •llln11 L,.t Irvin• CA 9l612 Janrl "' "•" 1\ 10 J a11tne l uf lr.,nr (;A 9?61? I hi\ buStnes \ " ~ 11n dut led by ltusband ~1111 w1I~ H•v~ yvu \1,ulttd dfftn~ tru\lnt\\ V• 11 Vt•, l If 01 Rnb~1 I I lbr "' l•n•I II 1141111\ Thi• \lcttf'ment WA\ llltd w•lh th~ Cu1•nty Cl~t~ ul Ur an at County on 0 j 18,0J 200J69.J1SU Oarly P11n1 MA1 i'I Ill ~r 4 11 ?OCH r ) 14 FiditiM llmm "-S........ lhe folluw•n11 ,,.rsnn~ ~'"' dn1n1 bu\me'' ,. 1>•1n1mfuol\ com f>60 Bo1k~t Slr•t>I •!Ill I .,,1,1 Mt \a. CA 916?6 (.,,,, lndu\tt 1t\ Cm IJ II A I 660 a.1h•r St •liq rnsl• M~· ... CA 976?6 This hu\me\\ I\ um dutltd by • llW l!llr •IU!ll Ht»•• VllU \l .ttl•ll dMHI bu~m.-.... -. f't ,..., Cf!rt' ltidtt\h ... ' •Ill St,.11htf"I I 'tt h1U l't I"\ 1de111 Th" \l1t•11 .. 111 W4\ hltd w•lh th~ I 011nly r.1'1k of IJ"n~e I uunly nnOl II 01 20036936616 0111ly r11n1 ,..., 14 71 . 111 Apr 4 lOOJ f 112 AdlllM ..... ... *"-' The tollowt1111 person5 ar• dolnt bus1neu u Joy Boat • Joy Boal • Joy Boal 3331 ( Cont Hwy . Co<0na d•I Mai. CA92625 Tor• Ahoy, In< • <CA). 3331 r Co"t Hwy . Coron• de! M11 CA 9?fi~ I"" bu\tnen 11 con d111 t"I by a t0tporalt11n 11tvt you started clom1 butlneu r•t? Yu, 2 2 ~ toy• ~hoy In~ Gery C flfaum1nt1, Cf 0 Thi• at1tenMnl WO rited with tllt County Cltt11 of Oran11 County onOl/11/0J 200HtJMJ7 Dally Pilot Mt• 14. 21 ""· Apt •• 2003 HI 3 Mlm ..... ......... Tht folloWlllf j)\lr .. ,., .,.. doll\J b""'"eSS H Merdy'a Wood • r wrnl lur• k••t« •bOll, u 19 Via l 1611 114). ""'s>or I ha<tt. CA 9*3 Mt1dr L Pod . 1'4 Ito._ Or , fultllrlon. CA tmJ Thi• fMtai-t i. con dlKt....i •1 ltl ~VHfual .._" ,.., stanN ~ IHlsl-./etr No Mlf41 l'oet fh • 1t1iatflanf ... t llM wt111 Ult Covtttr '*' of Oftfl .. County °" 0\r'O&JOJ ........ ,.. Delly l'llol ..., • , • l~ 11.'lt,IOOJ Fin ' \ \w1dl•1 l"I•• • Or A11p r A 9181'>9 I ht\ t>U\1n~'' " nn fhfll t.,11nw1na pttt .. oo' thn.t~CI bi • t•, ,., el ""''" dj>HIK bu,•n•\\ A\ VAf '",.. \h111 OJ•nwt' CQA').I ftHQUf H"V" 9'1lll ,, .. ,,...-1 1 on1 t.nrw•rt•r 44 $ W~\I 11-y hu•.m•" v•t' N • Str~tl Un11 B Cost• f.h,.\lonr Wrlhelll Mr..., CA 9'"611 ""' '1.l•l•n••lll wu CoA•t Aul om•lu ltl•d with lht l.oulllJ llAnsmi<.,on In 1tA1 < '"'~ ut O<•n~• t.uuntJ 44/ Wn t B•Y l\lr.-t un Ol 14, 03 <.o,t• Mna t A '171>71 200369336$9 l ho\ bu\1".," " •on 0.1111 f'•lot Mdt 14 11, <lullrd by ·""'I"""'""' ·111 1\111 4 1001 1710 H•v .. 100 4-f' •cl IHlfti I hu!'..10P\"' 'f't!f' tr\ t•l'f 4 Ct>A\t Aof 11th 't11 ft,.n,mP.\lnt'I M.-y Nt, tdt Srtr111.,., / •. ht-4\Urt Th ' \l.tt,..mr1 Wit'".. fit,.d -..11h t 1tunl t t .lrt h ul Ur 1na• I 011111 Y "" 01 10 0) 7003606367 Ontly f'olnl M" ~I ;Ill Alu 4 II /001 I .'11 ftir lull #10 p~r~'"' 11rr ,,..,,,,, hU\•n,...\\ I\ P .l H I 11lr<1>t 1sr 4691 Prnr,u\t < .,,,,. Hun ttr111111n If••• II CA 92649 I' At1h1 I ~1 ut h• 4691 l'rnjlt,.,r\f l "<'t Hun lm1 I It•> I f A q"ft49 ·~ " ,,,.. 4n9J ~ '"' « t f tt1 lft Uun· I 1111v.lu '""'" I.A q/649 I tu "'-'•tt• '\ 1\ 11.1·n du• h h'( t rr11 ... , ... lhr f,,ffowtn1 P"f\nn\ ,,.,,n .. "h:•t. Affl' d()•nF: bu\tnf''\ .,. ft""" t·•u \t .tt.,.,s tt1uoa l!lfl'I' lllUSlflAlfllN~ t;°'" v•P ¥r\ I I/ i'OSl M•t Ion W'V c .. ,1. 0. MP\• I. A 9lt>J/ l'nlol(J Sc'" In Antc>1nt'llt Al• C'Olil lti1\ 'l•l•mtrol WA) M.01 lln Way i• I• M1 ,,. lol•d w•l'1 !ht County I A q;>t,71 lle1h vi rt• "'If C.:oun ty Atruu M o 1h ,11d .. m onO, ... 11 dt 111'>0 Wh.lt1t1 A•• •B 200J6 r33 l 14 Xl l C •••I• M• • CA f"••.v ''•lul "411 I t 4 '" 'Ubl/ I 71 'II .?Oii i ( I 9i '4 The' h11\tn""\. 1 <•• <1"< lrd hy • ~•nt1 ~I I'•• ln•l\llllJ Have y1111 \ta1 lad <ltomfl bu~111us yet> Nu Anto1ntlte Ala lhl\ slal~menl ... , hied with th~ County Cler~ ot 01 an~@ rnunty on 03(14/03 200HU7 166 OallJ Pilot M•t ll 78 ~ 4 t I. 200J f?l1 ,.,.... ....... "-S....... fht lotlow1n1 IH'f\On• II e dtHnl bulltl~\\ O Huhn& li.tndt lht1 • r.ullc 80dywork, no "' 11th StrHI Cn\h M•w. CA 9?6?7 Ctt1le Sell'lOnMI 107'l? Cllulnut StrHt. LO\ Alam1tot. CA 90720 Cristi Dl11en. I 19:M) ll•nn-. Or tel C1r11en Grove. CA9?M3 lhis bu.,,,.,, 11 <on du<.tf'd by • • ...... , par lnt•n h1p H•v• rou 1111 led dt>in1 busin•n yet' No Ct"U 01•"11 fhia tllltment wn Med with the Countr Cieri! ol 01111,. County ono.l/(SIOJ ioos.tJa44• Deltr , ... , •• 21. ~ •.11.11. *3 f81 ........ ... ~ flle WlftJ ~10llt .,. '°"'' bu~lneM ., Yo11r lntultve t .. m 129 S $Jl'lcller f'lece: Ott11 t.CA92a9 Cllfllt1ftt W Int Ml W t 5tti Str...t fJ2, ~ort IHtfl, CA ltKll•it ,..._., UJ l ' ~ • • ' • • • • • • . • I • ~ • ~ • • c f. ~ 2 c d b Dally Piiot ' _l ____ ..... _____ ........... .. ---.......... .......... ftie follow 111 pwson1 .,. doNtl butin.,.. H 8rendSludiol, 2603 San Marco, H•Wpe>rt 8Hch, Celtfornl• 82MO Jim NHc•, 2603 S•n Mateo, Newport Buch, C•IHcwnt• 91660 Thi. bualMu 1$ con ducted lly 1n lncllvldu1I Hne you started cto..i1 bid!-yet? Ho JlmHeKe This statement •as filed with the County Ci..-t. ot Oun1e County 01102/21/0J 200MH4Sat Deily Pilot Mar 21, 28, ""' 4, 11. 2003 f242 .......... ......... lite tollo"fln1 per sons .,, doln1 bu11nus as: OCCOOP'OHS COM. 28SS ~lo1Crnli Dt . Co1t1 Meu.CA92626 Cdw1rd l«oy Welters . 28SS Pinecree• Or Coste Mne. CA 92626 This bus1neu os con· dueled by en 1nd1v1du11 Hive you st1rt1d doinc business yet? No Edwerd Leroy Walters This stetemenl wu tiled with the County ~ of Ora• County on03/l9JOJ IOOJffl7711 O•llr Piiot Mu 21, ""' 4. 1 • 11, 2003 r252 .......... ......... The Collowlna IHI''°"' •r• dolot bu1lnen es Mattina MapZ1ne, 17150 lhwhope S t 303, founh1n Vtll•y. CA 92708 Q111nn Bui, l ll4S Couenct. Ave . F ounl110 Valley. CA 92708 Thts bus1nns is con ducted by en 1nd1wldil1J Have you 1 tar led dolna business yet? No Qu1nn8u1 lhos st1tement wes filed with Iha County Clerk ot Oren11 County on 03/04,103 200S6US727 Dally Piiot Mar 7, U . 21,28,2003 Fl94 .......... ......... The follo•1n1 ~1sons. 11 e do int bll$l<lns n C1f« Chine, 17631 17th SI . Tushn. CA 92780 Jin X1u V•n1. 9019 Dartmouth Wey. 8uen1 Park, CA 90620 lhts bustneu 1s con d11clcd by. 10 tnd!y1du11 H.n you start.d doin1 btDIM11 yet7 No J111 xi.., vana This •t•l•ment ,.., fli.d 'With ttl• County Cletll ot Oftrtl• Co11nty on 02/07 IOJ 200J6tl2111 Dall-M" 7. 14. ft. . .....:•93 ... s...... The loltowonc p91sons 111 doln1 buslneu u Auist You S.v1cei. 722 So MK Ovff SI , Anl he1m, CA 92804 Debra V1upen Unruh, 722 So Mic Duff St , Anehltm. CA 92804 lhtS business Is con ducted by: en lndlVldual Have you st1rted dolna buslnu~ yel? No Debr• Vauah•n Unrull lhis st•lement •es filed with the County Clerk ol Orance County on 03/18/03 200J6tl7S71 Dilly Pilot Mar 2 l. 28. Apr 4, 11. 2003 f2l9 Aclll. ..... ... s..... The tollowm1 per .. ons 11 e dpinc business as la Munteic>•I 20·20 lt&a De fulbol, 1744 S. Mam. $10!1 Ana CA 92707 The lotlowln1 penons 111 do1na busln.u es lnform1l1on M1n11ers. 2L92 Dupont. Suite 1()6, Irvine. CA 91612 Dale OeAlley. 2192 Dupont. Suit• 106, Irvine, CA 91612 lh1s busin•u is con· dueled by an ondivtdual H1we you slerted cloln1 busmen y117 VH 3/31 OJ Dale DeAlley This statement ••~ tiled with lhe County Clerk of Onnae County on 03118/03 200JHJ75'7 Daoly Pilot Mar 21. 28 Apr 4 11.2003 f232 Sub1ecl lo condtllons prescttbed by the Umverslly ot Cahforn19, Irvine sealed propoul• tor a lump sum contract 11e 1nv1led to• the follow1na wor• PAlO VHOl IXPANSION Oewrlp111ft ef Werti Prefect .. ......._, ttU60 UNrYlltStTY Of CAl.JfoaNIA, ll'llME The proposed Palo Verde [apansron proiect includes the construction of • total ot 442 new student •Plflmenls 1n 14 four story bu1ld1n1s on 19 3 acres Th• 442 aparlmenh wtll include 98 one beOroom 260 lwo bedroom and 8' lhrn beclroom units The proiecl also onclud4!s th~ construction ol laundry fec1hhes I communoly bu1khn1 and related ultloly parlo.•nc and sole omprowement~ PrM ... rea Proi>0ul documenh will be au1lable to Ptequahhed Proposers al IO 00 AM, f 11Clay. March 21. 2003 Prequehlled Proposers m•y p1d up free ot ch111e • mu1mum of live (!>) seh of Proposal documents •I Deso&n & Coft\lruct1on Servicn. Unlver soly ot Cahtornt•, lntne. !>201 Calttornia A•lflu•, Su•le 250 Irvine, Caltforma 92697 7450 Additional sets may be purchned al prequalthed prOt>Oser·s tost from Consoltdaled Reproaraphtes Propo~al documents will be •wa1lable lo •ubconlrDctors and de\lin consullanls al 10 00 AM, Friday. Mirth 21 2003 •rtd will be ouued only al c .... etlchote4 a.,.-F..,hlu, liit<. 31112 Pullman Slreel Costa Mes• CA 97626 Phone • (714 ) 7!>1 ?680 Altenlton Mohammed Rehm•n or SC1tt1a Acul NOTlt IT IS THl SUICONTUC10111' AHO DISIGN CONSUUANTS' IHPOHSlllUTV TO llGISTll wttH THl UNrvtlSITY Ol CONSOUDAUO llf'lOGUPHKS TO ACkNOWllDGl HCllPT Of THl PatO VRDl IXPANSION PlOPOSAl DO<UMINTS. UNIVllSfTV WILi. NOllfY SUICONTUClottS ANO DEStGN CONSUllANTS. WHO HAVl HGISTHlO WTtM OlS!Gte AJID CONSTRUCTION SftVKIS Ol COMSOUDATlD llPIOGllAPHKS. Of ADDINDA, WHKH All AVAJLUll AT DlSIGM A•O CONSTIUCTIOM SllVIUS. THl fOUOWING OlSJGN IUllOHS HAVE 1101 l'HQUALlfllD TO SUIMIT PlOPOSAlS ON THIS PIOJlCT: H1rnel Phelp1 c .. ,, .... 11 .. Ce. 7•1'> Campu\ 011v~. '\1111~ 100 Irv on" <"A 9261? t'Jo49) 851OJ11 1949)1152 0?18 ff a•' Atln l'.•n l\clchum Swff .. c ..... trv<1t-c.,.._.., I~ l •euna C•nyun Road '>u•lt I )'(I lrvm<' f.A9l618 (1Wl1 •') l 9400 (~j) •!>J 94~ If •• ' All•nloon Vin Murphy l .D. Ot .... c-s11u<tl.., l .P. i955 Mam Sir cl'I II d I 11101 Ir vone CA 92614 19491414 2001 ')49141• l'JJ4 If A• Alltnl"'n M•tl C1 ""'' PHQUAUrtlD SUI CONTl.AClOIS Nete1 The ••lt<te4 0 .. 1., lurl<iler wll ... r ..... lre4 t• llat -fv tithe c-uete1 0,..41,.9 & bwve11 .... f1-lftt, 1-t1..,, lo ... 1 ... & '°""'•''""' Drywoft .., w-4 Stv<ilt, -~ Prywo41 .., M•t• St"4• 111i.c..,lre<lera ........ htJV• i.een l'r• ,. .. ollfled toy The Unl•tnlty el Collfer,.lo, ........ ( ........ Mer ... c-,tructl-, t.u. 1411. N l'npltr '.ii l>r •nK" f A 9?11611 c.w , ......... lQl S 9,1,um f ulH-r ton CA 91812 c.i .. 1,..i ..... ..., c_,_y l Mi'>I N l>tne St reel N"whall CA 91321 l-·-· ... ,,, .. 1 ... ~. 11~ N Maple Sir eel < oron• CA 92880 w ....... c-11noct1-c •.• lftc l9? N Wtl\htrt Suotc 103 Anei..tm CA 92801 le'-' a-t1,.. C-.-y U90 N Gl•utll Strut Orance CA 92867 .. ..... c ... wtnc<tl ... Ce .. Inc. lJlf.l Atroyo Vost• Ran ho S•nla Mllfcar•I• r A 921>88 c..,._,._ ....... Inc. l'J I 0Ak Pl.t<~ Suote Bru CA 911!11 P.s1 c_,,...., o...ti..,, Inc. 1100 lrvtnl' 81wd Suot" 271 f U\l1n CA 9178/) Dnla lrothen f,..., ..... ~. 8180 Pr nit&" Court Rnncllo Cuumoni• CA 91Zl0 c ............... lltc. H?9 W Cnlor SI Santa Ana CA 92704 ... , ........ & w ... ,,.. ........ t..c 1l'j()27 S Hemoltnn Avenue Ga1 den a CA 90748 Pre .... lttell ....._,,.. & "'--•••'"' s..-.cemroc1• ..... , or-.. c-ry ,....t.,"'9 c..,_,. i.... ll91 Bl Airport lo<>j> Dme Cost• Meu CA 97626 1-'Y c......, /'-............. . 1010 Iii Ohv• Street An1he1m CA 92801 l••1er ''"" l1tc. I 5-4 N Aic>"n Av~ Alu\I. CA 9170? • ...,.._.. lotter!" Sy.t- 520 Wnl Walnut Avtnue Ounae CA 92686 ,.,_..,lfl•4 Drywell ... W..., S""-s..t.c-"e<ten ••• J..6., ""· I 1126 Sec>utvtdl Bl•d M1ut0n Hills CA 9134S ._., ......... 1S4N Aspan Ave Azuu CA 9170'/ St_._4 Orywell, to.<. 6~1 SchHfet A .. Suole 0 Cbono CA 91710 • ..,....... t..11rt .. Sr•-• S20 Wtsl Walnut Avenue Oun1e. CA 92686 ,,..,.., ..... 0rrre11-..... s ...... s..i..-n-.. -·· l r.,fy c-..-y/lee ..._. ... ,In<. St ...... 4 Drywol. "''· 1010 N Otive Street 6251 Schaefer~,,.. Suite 0 Anaheom CA 92tl0l Chino CA 91110 I I IH9ff 1 ...... i..c. ...,,.._., "''•••• s,..,_ I 154 H Aspen Ave S20 Wut Walnut Avetlue 1 Aiuu.CA91702 <>ranee CA92686 ~ lfP SU .. ITTA.l llOUl!lUHJflS SMALL 11 AS fOUOWS1 i .,, ..... tn.I ........ ...,., ..... "'••e .............. . Ftral Component Submittal wf1 -... ,__..,,94 ..,.,, 2r00 PM, PST, fr~.•" 11, toOJ S«ond Compon•nl Subm1llal wll -h reutw ... _...,, 2.00 PM, hT, • .....,, ••I 21. 200J Thwd C?mpontnt Submtllaf wil -... rttcef ..... •tt-1 4.00 PM, PST, • ....., ••• 2 I, 2001 rnt Comc>OMnt Subm1tt1I S.cond Component Submttlel and Thtrd r.ompnnent S11bmtll1I w1M be 1 ec:ehted only 11 m: Friday, Mtfch 281 2003 AU ........ .. ......... ..s...... fhe foflow1111 penon• ate do•nt bus!Mu " P11a1n °" the Pcm•I . 3419'3 Golden l .ritern, Sutle A, O•n• Point Cel 92'629 Cor• Control I l C (Ce Hf ) 11 Vt• Adeh• S•n Clemente, CA 92671 r111, tlu~MSl IS COii dueled br • Unuled L••blllfy Co Have you start.cl dolnl busmen 1•t' Vu 9 4 02 Core Central LLC N•ncr l 01t ••u11 l1ilen.1tet Thot ll•lement was filed with the County Cler~ of Or•na~ County on 03/18/03 200~HUS61 Daily Ptlol a.ar 21 28. Apr 4, 11. 2003 r 240 .......... ...--.. The loltow1nc persons ue dOtnl bUSllHtU .. Wheelch..,, II lH !ii 1 N Broolohu• st Slrttl Suite 214 Anahtom CA 92801 . l~ ln•e~tmenh ll l (CA1 ~ll N Brout.hUJ\I Street Suolt 214 Ana he'"'· CA 92801 Thi\ busoneu is < ur1 dutled by I 11111ted t1ab1ltly Co H••t 1nu sl.ffl!'d d"ona busone'> yet' Nu le Investments UC le1nne lhuH••n l r Member lor1111 "-°" O.-ot1 ISSS M.s.a V•• C Doi •tOH ~ lllM. CA 92676 Th~ """""• .-tOfl dlKled by • P'Mt-' pltfl,,_all.., Have you ,,.,,., ~ bu•HleM yetf Ho Antoinette AU fh11 •l•l•ment ••• tiled Wltfl the (:cw11I y Cletll of 0te11a.• cov"t) on OJll•tO) ton6H71U Oatly Pilot MM 11 28. Af>' 4 I I 200J f 2.lO fklllm ..... ... r...... The followln& .,..-.on• •r• do1n1 bU>tntU ll 8elvrdet ~ Neh•ork1n1 c .. 1.1prisn. 3700 s SuHn SI •250. SMlh An1 CA 91704 M9f'lp11n com In' INVI 3700 S Susan St ·~ ~.int• Ana CA 92704 fh.,. busonns ~ con d .. cted by • corporation H•v~ you \llltted do<RC bu.,1n~n yrt> Ytt. OJ 01,0J Mortc•CH'.\ tom Inc Oe<l!'nt !. Werd P1es1 drnl Tiu< st•l•ment ••' tolo;n woth 'h~ County r lei • 111 Orone• County ""OJ ?~/OJ 200S.9HOS U••I; f'1IOI Mar 28 o\p1 4 II 18 2003 f2S8 Fklll9 ..... ... s...... This statement we' I I he f, llowonc l>t'rson• hied woth the County "'~ do1111 buso~-. n Clerk ut Ounft County U ••id R1••deneyra De on 03 ?!> '03 ·~"' 914? 8-rnud.l Or 200J69Ja4J4 H~nhn(lon Buth CA Daily Ptlol M.ft 78 Apr ~ ·f>.46 4 II 18 2003 f~.l "•••d D,,,,,.1 Rt -':...a;:-~ ,.denry•• 9142 Be< mud• Dr Hunt1n11ton l<r11d1 f •hf 92646 rh1-, tJU,IOf!~~ I\ con du• ltd bv an 1nd1v1diul Have yr111 •t•rted dome hu•.mt'\!. ~rt" No SEU SEU SEU The follow1111 per sl)n\ 1te dOl"ll bultnOS .. D'l usc1ous S..lon &. ~P• ?418 W Whtllo•r Blvd I a HJbt4 (.A 90f' ~our unwanted tlem• throu&h classofierl y.-.... -"""""dmlle4 'fOUf Ulltlt•r\fed ''"""' thro .. ~h 1 lo"IM!d Antoonrttr Ala .'O!s:> M•r ton Way C<>st• M~ • CA9?6?1 OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE AMENDMENT TO THE-1999-2004 REDEVELOPMENT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PLAN TO INCLUDE INCLUSIONARY HOUSING PROVISIONS THE COSTA MESA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1999-2004 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PLAN TO INCLUDE INCLUSIONARY HOUSING PROVISIONS. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: EXEMPT. This public hearing will be held as follows: DATE: Monday, April 14, 2003 TIME: 6:30 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter PLACE: Police Department Auditorium 99 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa Public comments in either oral or written form may be presented dunng the public hearing. For further information, telephone (7 14) 754-5635, or visit the Redevelopment Agency. Fifth Floor of City Hall. n Fair Drive. Costa Mesa. California. The office is open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE Published: March 21 r 28 and April 4, 2003 Ctty of Newport 8-ct1 Cltiee Arwndal TntnMCtlons Report -Consolidat9d SUrtement of ~. Expenctttu,._ and a..,ges In Fund Belancew'Wondng Capttlll F19c:9I v .. , 2002 ConllOlldlltAld Stst.ment Tocal ExpendtturM Funcdonal .... EJqMndlturea/ Aewnu.. (&ceu)R~ EJcpendllu,.. .... of FYnCtlonal ~;::,_-----......--------..--------, ~GOYemment PubliC Sat.ty Tranapor1&tlon Community Development HMlth QJlture and Leltufw Pub&cUUW. ()Cher Toe.I OMetlll ,.._..,.. Tu. l.JcenMeMCS~ FlnelMd~ ~ "'°"' u.. °' MoMy end Property ~ .. ~··'**" Oowty °'* r ... lrHJal °'* Toe.I $13,nS.551 $331.0!>5 S39,019,.S1 S8,08",327 $14,793.726 $8,068.381 $7,899.775 ,..,308,368 $4,022.398 $8,338,117 $17,901U19 so IO $133,961,387 SS0.161.5'5 ba I I lll('Dd.'t-11) fll ....... caw 0... NII ... ID Ore l.na Hlll('Dd t111J1 ................ 0. ... °"""" ll• I I I ........................... _... ~~.....uno110 ..... .....,, .......... I : .., ..... c.11111 .......... u.i • °' Aloll v .. &Id Talll A1n1mi ""'""" .... ' 8'ilfld tD N Uni• ol AIGil v .. Erid \ $13,4",'98 $30,935, 13" 18,727,385 S3.580:.a7 $3,324,337 ~."51,548 1229.SSS IO 182.111119.8'2 '5.1523.902 a10.m,111 ......., . t l.l a .. 1 O.n,.1 R -t•tJ~"~''. rtw .. 1411f"m'"' ..-..- '..,.d N•th lhit ( ount; (~r~ 1f (->-•1•(f" • uunl1 '"' H Ill < l 200J69J1S62 l>•tl; Polol M•! • l ..'1$ Apr 4 11 !00) Fl.s!:i FktitlM ..... ...s...... I h' lolluwmit pet 'Son~ Af,. dt1tnR bU,,lnf>S.\ ap,. Sus1r1 Phtllops lt•Y \t hon I "40t h vtnf' A'ie I Ntw~ •rt El"•t h CA ':j?W,) ll•' • bdy l e•r n1n11 C•nlt< l lc IC A1 151 Ct·••itton"• f'l4t• Co•ta M"'• CA '1lb11 H11~ tu\+n1111\• •~ <.on dul l~d bf l 1m1ted l 1Allttt•1 Co tiA'Wf" t fm \tarted OOln• b11 t.•n~'\ ,_.., l N<t H.u "' fiAl' l ~•ro104 < r111-. t I Mally M Hf'ff tn Pt f'\tdent I rt .. ,, ~tAtrmrnt ·~·. f11,.d with th,. Count; Ill••~ ,.f flranir tQ11•1lt "" 0 t l 0 I I ?003'US229 D111, P1101 Mar 14 <'1 /fl '"' 4 ~j Jllll I Ille lollow•nt1 pe•·.on• •r ~ d 1ln& bU'\.•M \\ i\\ lnt.rtru\t 1:n E•I I~< •IOnH Sen ''" ~ntt CA 9?f.71 luho C. M4tnt r>tto i.ll [••I I'' •ton~s Sa" tlem•nle LA 9Jf,72 cnros l,•ne B M•n1h<'KO 1?2 [u ! ''al-One• San Clem •nte CA 9?672 ftU~ bU\ln!''~ I'\ \o.0" du• ted by 1>u\b1nd •"" ••f• Havr you \!•let! clotnC bu''""" yet J N<> Jul•· c "'•""'~ Th" t.t•t•ment ,..., ftl,.d wolh lh• Cnunt, Cler~ of O<an1t Coul\tr on Ol 14 "OJ 200J69J71St Oaoly P11 .. t Mar 11 28 Apr • 11 2ocn Fl~ Acllla ..... ... s...... l lie fnllow1n& per soni art do•"C business n S•nd• •' ·i.an•nc S..r ••t ~ 7!>J A Cenle Sl•e<'I Co\ta Meu Cl' 91621 Sanelr • M Mal'-" 7SJ A Ctl\ter Street Costa ~Ha CA 92617 IOw A Mathus 7!>l ~ Ctntu StrHI Cettta Meu CA 92621 This business rs ~un ductltd by husband ana •tfe He .. '°" ,,., led dofllc buJ1nns vetl Yes 03 1011>3 <;andr• Methus This itatemenl •H hied with Ille C.Ouoh Clerk of Or•"lt <Aunty Oii OJ rlS /'03 ,..,. ..... Detly Pilot M., 21 A4/fl • 11. ta 2003 ns ,... ..... ... i...... Tiie tol\ow1n1 ,,.,_ ... Oolllt ~ n AM AJMKl.llft. 25522 l"lrlat.a C11t... ~ V•fO CA '2691 ANH M McllWAIN 1s~:n 1'111.t• Cttcle M.-v .... CA 9IZl9 .IMlll.S l flkl. WAlll HU1 Pia•t• Ctrde ..__V•t-.CAWll Tltftl bu~ h c.. -..CtM lty lluMtm4 _. wife ..... ,.., Illar·~ '°'"' ..,.._,..? .... JNllUL WAIN n.;. ""'--' .... f.W .,. c-ty tltft .. 0r..-CMMy enOlllWJ -.... ,.., Daily ,.. .. I tl; Ii -...•.11.·BlllJ za_ 1 ........ ... ...... .,.......,...,.._ _ ..... ..._. ,..., ·:__~ . CalaJle •1a11 11 .. ........ -.. .... , .._CA871 AJIH llMOtlte • A ed..-. 11., 1(CA), c.tll ..... CA llMZ1 ,,.~ ~ .......... -.. .... ................... ....._ptlY•<l• ,\llH •• , ..... ~ .... ~ ,... ....... ~~ 11U1 1 -........ ~ .. ·.!!.~-- ~.-.--~~· ~--~·-----~------~ .............. ._..._.. __ _.... ____________ ,._,......_. ............... 11!1111~--------------.......................... .... Al• fr!d!x. Macch 28. 2003 T11e followh1& pvsona .,.. do4n1 busln•u IS. Morrl'I fnter1c11v1, 17'7 Pltca11n Or., Coste Mesa, CA 92826 Cynth14 G MOfellO, I 747 P1tc.lfn Or • Cost1 Mllse,CA92626 This buslneu Is con- dutted by· en lndlYldu•I ~v• you sl11tt1d dolti1 busl~s yet? Ho Cynth,. Moreno This Uatement WIS hied wtlh Ille County C14'fil of O"nat County on 03/25/03 200S .. »441 Daily 1"1lot Mar 28, Apt • II, 18, 2003 FZS5 lk9m ..... ... s....... The folfow1n1 persons "e 411oinc bustnen a$; Spfuh Aulu Detail. 101 Pearl, l~&ur>a N11uel, CA ,2611 Tahhi1> Sludmore, 101 Pearl, Laguna N11uel. CA 92677 • This bu$tnl\S 1s con dueled by an 1nd1v1dual H.ovf' you &tarted do1n1 business yet7 No hhha Sl11dmore This' statement was !tied w1lh the County Clerk of Dranae County on 03/Gll.1(13 200S69l572S Delly_ Piiot MM 7, l~ 21, 21, 2001 fl~ ........ "-S...... The lollowlnc persons ., • dOint bu •nest ., Supenor Profu1lon1I lnwunce Pactneu, 419 White Cap Ln , New00<I Buch, CA 92657 Sh4'(1 M1hfoozf. 419 Wh1t1cep ln • NIW1>c>r I Buell. CA 92657 fhis buslnass 15 ton- d°'lld by an 1ndmdual Have you started dolnc builnen yet? No Sheri Ma'1fooz1 Tiii• statement WIS flied with the County Clerk of Orena• C~nty onOJ/ll/03 200HU66S4 D111r Piiot Mer 14. 21, 28,Apf.4,200l F215 RdNM ..... ... s....... The follow1n1 j>etsons ,,. do101 business es. BEAOS IN BAlANCE. 2SS8 Orange Ave. #B, Cost¥ Mesa, CA 92627 Candice L Plttson, 2SS8 O.anee Ave •B. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 rh1s bus1nus " con ducted by· an Individual Have you started dome business yet? No Candace P1tlson Th1i statemenl wu filed with lhC County Policy Cl4'fl\ ol Orenp County on03/25/0l !OOJ69SUS2 Otlty Pilot M11 28, Apf 4. 11. 11, 200J f!S4 .......... ... s...... The IOllowlna per1MH11 we dolnl biWntss as [aim Soklhons, 8 Amber ~;J· Atlso Viejo, CA Svnu W.dllw1111ey. 8 Amber StrHt, Allio V1tj0, CA 92656 Tiiis bu11ness b con ducted by· en indMdu1I Have you sterted doin1 bu\lnto ret? Yu, ~cb9,2003 Suntl Wadhwaney This slatement WH filed with the County Cl1tk of Orance County on 03/14/03 200J .. ~716S Daily Pilot M1r 21. 28, Apr 4, I), 2003 f229 ,..... ..... ... s ....... .._..,. rou stifled dolnl busJneu ytt1 Ho Kim Morrluette Thia atatement wH tllld wllh tlM County Cfotll of Or1111• County on 03/2Q/'03 100S4U7flt o..\i:., za.~ ... ~-i ... s...... Tfle folfowlna perions lift OotnC llUil1MU IS' •) HI' O(RM, b) SPA AT NEWPORT, 1701 North M•m Slr .. t, Sant• An•, CA92?06 Hona • lttn T Ph1m, 1701 l'forlll M•lll SttMI, Senta Ana, CA 92706 This bustness 1s con ducted by 1n lndiv1du1I Have you 1terted dome b•.mness yet? No Hona lien f, Pham lhts • 1tatement wes flied Wtlh lhl County Cle<k of 0. inc~ County on 02/27 /03 • · 200S6U5064 Daily 'Pilot Mar 7, If, 21,28.2003 fl93 ~ ..... ... s...... llend1. CA 12649 llus bu .. nns 111 con · ducted by· en 1nd1V1du1I Have yo11 started dolna bu1lness yet? No Robert O•venpotl Tlus :.tatement wu fti.d w11tt the County Cterlr. ol Ofence County on03/18/0S toOHH7'70 01lly Piiot ~"' ?I, 28. Apr.4. 11.2003 f2l8 ~ ..... ... --... The ro1tow111c per5ons ,,. dom1 buamen 1s Kona Kai. 207 39th Stnet, Newpo1t Bud>. CA92663 Ke11w1 811udoua '107 39th Street, Newport 811ch, CA 9266.l Thtt business Ii con ducted by: 111 tndhlldual Hive yoo st., ted do1111 business yet? No Keuwa 8e111dou• Thll st•t•ru1>t was l"ed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 03/25/03 200HU1451 Daily Pilot Mar 28. Apr 4, II. 18. 2003 F~I ....... ...., ... s....... 92662 AbbH l\OC"y Rue&fll, 111 1/2 a11n.1 Ave • Balboa Island. CA 92662 This buslnes• Is con du~ted by· en 1ndivldu1I Hive you started llolnt bu.,nH• yel7 Yu, 12/ 01/2002 Abbas K0<y ll11a&hl flus stetemenl wo hied wtlll the County Cleik of O.ana• County on 03/14/00 ioos•tu110 Oe1ly Pilot Mar 21, 18, Af)f 4, II, 2003 r224 flctllM ..... Mmes..... the foflow1nc persons art1 dom& bus1neu as; Seen It F tlm•. 32077 South Pactl1c Cout •Hahway, l•111une Beach, CA91651 lohn Robert Powell. 32007 ~u!ll Peclfn. Cnnl H1ahw1y l •aunt Buch CA 92651• ll11l business is con· dueled by· an 1nd1vtdu1I Ht111e voo started doona buStness yel7 No lohn Powell l ht~ stat~m•nl was f1l~d with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 03/25/03 200S69S.4U Daily Pilot Mar 28 Apr 4 11 18 2003 f259 How to l'lace A .......... ... .._. The fDtlow1n1 person• ere dol111 buslnesJ 11 Bia Wht•I Tile, 1950 P1rsont St.rfft, Coste IMse, CA 92627 Ooneld LM Harbhotn, l9SO Persons Str .. 1, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 2099 Tilts business Is con ducttcl by; en tndtvlduef ttave yo11 •tarted Oo1na b"'1ness r•t1 Ho Oon11d let Hert.J.hofn Th~ 1l1tement wu hied with th• County Clerlt. ol Or•na• County on 03,/11/03 2003 .. HUS D11fy Pilot Mu 14, 21 . 28,Af)f 4.2003 F217 nc.... .... ... s....... The follow1n1 persons •re dOtn& busmeu u .Such' Coty Photo, 88 Fair Drrve. Coslf Mesa, CA 92627 Chnsl11111 Ro.berl Ab bolt. 3419 Via lido, Suitt 330 Newpor I Buch CA 92660 Thi~ bus1nPu 1s cun du~ted by ~n tnd1vudual Have you started do•na busmen yeP No Ch11sltan Abbott This sl•lement w•s hied with the County Clerh of D1an1e County on03/1M>J 100S6H7SH 011fy Ptlot M•r 21. 211, Apr 4, 11 ,rol>l f237 ActlllM ...... ... s...... The loflow1n1 persons ere doln& buslnes1 IS Nt l1fhtty, 931 W 19111 St., Cost1 Mah, CA 92627 st.,,. TIUe•y 931 w 19th St .. CMl• '"" J;A 92fi27 T1111 bu11ntH ts con ducted by an 1ndlYidu1I Have you 1l.tft1d doln& businus yel1 No Steve Tlllefy This statement was filed ••lh the County Cletll of Onnae County on 03/18/03 200S69S7561 Deily Pilot M1r 21, 28. Apr,4. Jl.2003 FZ36 .._ ..... ... s..... The tollowtna per son a •{• do1n1 bu\lnen as Caldis~c. 316 Sanh lubel Unit A.. Costa Mesa. CA 92621 M•tthew Caldwell 316 Santa babel Unit A Costa Meu. CA 9?617 Tins buitnei.s i$ con ducted by en 1nd1v1du&I Have you started doma busine5s yel7 Yu, 01/ 02 Matthew Ca!dwgll fh1s fllltthent wo hied with llM County Cieri< ot Ofance Counlf On 03/25/()3 2003HSH47 Deity Pilot Ml!r 28. Apr 411,11.2003 f256 nc.. ..... .... s..... The lolfowln1 P4'f sons an doena buslneu H lqualt [ntlll'pflH, 1420 Cali!orn1a St •2 Hun· UnJton Buell. CA 92648 V•ron1u llormendy 1420 Cehtor1111 St •2. Huntlnaton Buell. CA 92648 fllls busineu is con ducted by. en 1nd1vMlual Hne you sw led do1nc business yetl No Vcron1ce l Kormendy lh1s statement wu flled with the County Clerk of Or anae Coµnly on 03/04/03 200HtlS720 Da1t1 Pilot M.r 7, Ill, Zl.28,2003 Fl98 fldltleusW.U ... s ...... Oa1lyl)1. Hive )'Oii sterted cloln& bustnffs pt? No Ldwln .. ~rtlp This 1t1t1n11nt -• llled with tt1e Co\lfttr Cler~· of 0t1n1• Cotenty on Ol/04/0) toOS6fJS72S • D•llm MM 7, lllr fl. ....,:r-. ... s......~. Tht lollowln& ~rMlnt' .,. c1o1n1 bu!>lneu ... Suun K,ity Phytl~•I lherepy Servttu 381 ~· 18tll St 112, Co$lll M""4';- CA 92627 7 '• Suun r l<4Y. 381 t,Jlth St 12 Cost• Mesa. CA 92627 ffl15 bu11ne~$ IS COf'I ' dut led by •n 1nd1v1du•I Have you slatted do'\ni: bu,111ess yet7 No " " Suun f K•y , lhls shHment 'f,ail, ltled w1lh 11141 Counl• • C~rlo. ol Oun11e CouAtf on 03/14/03 . • ' 200HU7J64 ,. • Oa1lr Piiot Mar ~I. 2811 Apr4,ll.2003 flVlv- SELL your stuff through classified! ---Dead Ii O(\S _--'II.., Rates and deadlines arc subject to lhangc without notice. The publisher re .. erves lhc nght to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any clru.s1fied advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad tmmediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the 'pace actually occupied by the error. Credit <.:an only be allowed for the fir..t tn-.crt.ion. CLASSJFJJ<,iAD Monday ..................... F-nday 5:00pm : ' Tuc<;day ................. Monday 5:00pm: ANNOUN<EIAIHTS ~ & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Collectibles/ Memorabilia TOI' SS 4 RlCOllDS nc WI. cm-.c, Cle ~ & IDs J:ll Mee. Sjlllr. tube ~ Mill~ 949 64'J 7!>05 OOERTAINMENT Calendar of Events 1310 EQUAi. HOU5llG °"°'11llTY All rl!el estate advt• tmnw 111 this ntw\paptr IS 5ub1ect to 111,. F ,.deral f elf Hous1n11 Al I ol 1968 • dmended which mtt.n tl •ll•tal to •dver ltse "any p1 ete1 en cr ltm1 tat1on or dlsu11n1natlon bl\l!d on ""' col<><. •~he1on, seJ, hendteap f~m1hdl \talus <>• nat>0naf nf1111n or an 1nlf'ntton tn m~kr any ucll p<rltrrt!t,. hmrla hon or O•Krtmtnat.on ... lh1s new~peprr w1U not k now1n1IV •• cept 1ny ~dttrl~f'nornl f0< 1 ul eslatr which I\ 1n voolahon of thf' law Qui 1 f'edf'r s ar • hereby informed thet all dwell- 1n,s advertised In this ntW\paper are ·~~liable on •n equal opportunity h"IS lo complain of d•.i· 'nmmahon, <.d HUD loll- lrH 11 I 800 414 8!>90. Audkm 141.1 WANTED ANTIQUES 1419 230S-2490 1489 COM fRl-SAT l ·l In the Alley, 617 Josmlne, took, nl< ft<lct, h-sehold, •IC. CdM/Svn8a.... furn kit 1lems. toy• •nd mu1e" 122• S.ecr .. t (Harbor View Hllh So.) • ... l'STATl SAU '°* e SAT-SUN&.? 21lll L-d Lanr lob of turn. j:tlolo ~ lV\. eel ..... n.. lllufk/Sat 7i.3(). 2pno •le<.lror11cs lum. se>0< I\ equip c.loth1na. eppll. 1183 Vab (nit .0. f-lly Sale Sef & s.,.. S..m lpm 'ldbl strollers. '1 pat~ n pt~y's. 'l trob1, !OM of name !Hand clothn & much n11\C 2!> U Loyola Costa M•\1 close to fau e•ounds Gl-t3f-lly 0-..,. We. s.r 1- ~ l'Mly btrdsl Ant~. hshtnc """'. major baby clotl>n/loy~ and ITI(Jfel 6.32 SI .limes Rd. ~ ihn-Of All c.-.,. ,.... ,,, & s.t. 1-1 Decon1flf items, furrwture ~ pallO, electron~. '4(h r!Ji. wonderful rll6C 1 lal Palm live. Hunmcton Be h s.r,,.,.stt.ewyt 1100"-eo..,. s..lel near Mesa View Or (between Mec:Alth\H /S.n :,ue1> 8-12-. ANTIQUES ~-s. 3110 Stove J '50 O'llHfe & Menltt •oo S.rl•• 40· 11111dth oven. brorltr ' 11111 lmmacu~te S2000 obo 949 673 OM4 ART/ PAINTINGS 3060 B}· Fax (949) 631-6594 •Plu-c: 1ncludr ~""' '""'"' .,,.1 phone num~r ~ ... c 11 l•ll )OU 1>,,. l w11h u llflll. 4uu1c I lh1 Phont• (li4•11 6-t:! 'it>7>- llourl'\ By J\lail/ln Per~on : ''0 We•a Ba> Street Ct"l" M..:,a, CA Q:!627 Al Ncwport Blvd. & B.1y ~f Wcdnc:-da y ............. Tuco.;da y 5: OOpm ThuNJa:v ...... Frida) ............... .' ... Thur-.day S:OOpm s.uun..l.1}' ................... h1day 3:00pm Tekphone 8 30am ~ OOpm Monday·l-ndjy "-jll, In R.30'1111 'i OOprn Monday-1-nd:iy Sunda) .................... hie.la) 5:00prn 3610 O.,../KHM ....... -~ .. 11 Pebtt~~ f asl••• ~Id ~ '!219 FU1 WAY lor mo•mw •All i1!1 .. lutlMl IJU hor,,_ 9&5.Jl-0411 3615 16 ~ olc1 ~e breed ~ 111.-i Male bladl r n. e~~...._ broMll Rm 989?2 58"6 Business Opportunities Buslnmaand Franctlim 3905 WI HAYI QUAURO> IUYBt$. We coordinate the salt of thr!nl boM ~ whettw healthy Of tr~ with no upfwnt ,_ llndls ' Assocutn 949 837 7070 Office re slHwe. 3 Off1~t su1les, prime Newport Bell foe; bv p aane. ud incl S:WVrno 96645-71183 HOMESFOASAlE ORANGE 5400 coum Balboa Peninsula NIWtlMOOU OCIANftONT UNOU SU0,000 AGT. St4t-12S-a 120 Corona del Mar ~ soos-saso I S771A.1Cf~ MISA VlRDl CC slft9'e lam homl' Spac ltvrm Upgrades l ovPIY back y .. d. 'l c &A• tornN lot S4SO.OOO Lora Vante Realtor 949·•73-40U b ......... f l•eo" 4& l8a Mesa Ver~ "°""' on a la '°'""' 1nt1 rR, f11rmal OR 2r p·~ 3c "" ~.en:> aet Hutch !M9.378-0i64 Dana~ NlWUSTtNG Out•r-cllnt O••-, Coostllne "lews. Pvt yd & "l•wl"I cle<k, 2 elf attached '""'ll" $61!1000 John f •rrow R~Mu 949 J22 0932 Irvine OPEN SUN 1-41SO TURTU aou rOINTl ,,..,. -min ~ )bl homP 1CV ad!!\.! I flQ!$S ~ lob flt str::w •Ii" Pool. 'ip.'l,~t'lf~ $.Tl/Ql/mo ~ Shrley Cllnteroo ~ 1010 949-451 laxl Newport 8adl 517 Via Lide S.....t, OPEN SUH 12·4 Bu1ll by lue r R1 own 1n 1931 only remA1n1ng J • 4 tower f'•l•I• <>n enlwe l1l•nd 4br .Cb• lh•ee sloroes • tower 3 car 1ar. pvt dutk l<>r 2 boats. II II a rM.t111rllUIJ!e ~S33m6ln 94&¥11-8471 7m7C2~ Index Newport Coast OPEN SUN 1 S 1 le,,el home. 21tt, + dl'n, Gated t1Jn1m sas1.ooo A t-<h of Italy •b• ? !>b<t, St• .. d • """'" Sl,729,000 Ol'IN SUN I S ll•l1a11 ~tyho '>bi '>h.1 di.I pro• 18.000 tu 19 t)()l)..f Sl,49S,OOO OPlN SAT t S Stunninc award w1n nmR 8r0Qkf1~ld homt built in 1000 jb1 • ''"" 1• All P•O• 310(~ f Sl,11t,OOO l"lATINUM l'ROP(RTilS Stefanie M•U1•1 9119 71!> .ll'>b t~ 7402-7466 800S-IS10 ~ 9000-97SO <I:~[ NllAlAEIHAl ORANGE 7400 COUtflY Balboa Island II< llo Urtle It. '~'°"" "1)1 I 11 w d & ·.unny, " f>"I\ ''""e Av•1I 4/1 $145/)m rlr 949 61'> !>1 10 Balboa Peninsula i. I .Sa. I ri11 RM yto.or ly "' llrl01mn 110 £ ll•y l\ve .wart 4 I Hl8 /<)() ()htl} 949 67!. 411 l OaAH AIOHT cit SAND lbJ ""''' 1 .. n ~ tV'o "'' $1l1J<, ~ 7J71 IJI illo.1 K.,,.. 'M9-67J.J6l t. 7..Sla beAdl hot.roe/ ratMl lSTAllS rATlllCll TlNORl NATIONWIDI USA -••Mn v• w l<Xllt tiom ~ I t>Ws tu Wl'C¥! l• IC• ~· t'>-l'ltl l $31\.()n 'M9-~ 1910 116 t4t-8S6-970S www patroci..tcnor,. com Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week ( 4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S l'slcle 211 lla lt-.e Li yd•d. 7 • ad1 no• p.t1nt ~ttctw,,1 b.olti ' 1001 $I 'jOO "'" 916 J64 8&311 .._ ,.,,. ? 51;.~ ? \ly Wild>• I ¥1b .ti~ ljl nr\lt !!Ult" i>'lt•• 7t ~ w d ~ 94'l 19'> 40.ti ..:t --...-.. ...... ~pvtb l~. IN Ip hrclwd It' nu lul 11.w w Hll~ ' rr ell rm s;7 6)M 94'). :m 84!iO •G.r.-f'.W. ... 2-Slio -..... den l198 le Plotya No P 4!l;\, mo Avl1' ~ DerdJ """'· ~ ..... 949-7~74 ............ Sev8nNlh l11 :llt ?!ii.I dM LR ~rP comh!I l•V. ~ bm 2, ,,. BtWfl Sirltl AfW\'VN $<'fJOOn1 aet 9'9-28'.H~U, Just ......... Xlnt OJJptyl ['Sidi!~ J8r 2-5& SFR Fp. fiJ aorte coun11n. 2t P¥ ~y•d S27'j(lrn AV111A 4'1i 9&7!'B-3726 BAY ONT Community Gorgeous I BR. J BA w/H<1d>or \ltew 1100 5F Quiet ~WI, Ind~ C.: s2000 Nr Hts 11 quiet \tud•o w/in1•ll lolt luh.hent'll• 'hUt'd l.oundry A&I SI 100 ~9 fill 1800 Renlals WlfDd 7880 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Corona del Mar SOUTH of l"CH lb• l ba HuntlnQton Bead! duplt'• fµ yard, gar w/d W. 3llr l.5ba Sill, miid 1tk111• Nn pel/\mnkr ktlch. twtwd ._, ~ dlLJ. S 1 '>',IJ mo 94'! 760 Jiil'> lanl tt.14> 2 c p w'\lt" lliONn.WATa /II ,_ l" yd. VTI boat a* SI 95 ~ 94<j 7ZJ 9006 .-s 9607 } Tl'U Ude ,... t ut.. 2b2ii9 tw!'im l IOO. p..ioo 2 c pt wd ....... C()lml ~ "' Slllill 9'H17 J /8Xl NPfHis-i. 11a-rt WANTfD 1 ... 111 rrnl~I w~b •~>Chlt doubled nMu tt •~h $«Xn10 949.{ffl :w PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORlfOR Desert Property 5960 CA~ CJTY $MJllC 10 ,,.., 1a ~ A.JV•I rue, \/ attado ~" ••I to.tell house 4bt •"' 1,. Ill• , .. 11 ill'tb rtn. ~ hh.IV 10<.ll show"' ~· lub. uptud• I Mil• w.1111111•. ~· R'V'lloat I*-•~ Rht. Wll'f .... 11 yd ,.....~ "' .. Bq1tolb2"l'Jfi G;it ,,.,..,,,e. --~··' & winier r~nlAI\ f'•lm Jlr lie, 2 H• .... : Ujljlf"f hM k un1I '"" l nnd1t1nn ~""'' nuw Sl9001mn 949 67!> R007 2i•, 31a, Apt Rt1 tnll~ ••hAblt•d w I Cdr 11•• 1 bin, k 111 bf'••h. nu p•h $1200 mu949 8S4 1680 ie..c_..~ ......... 7l11R<?tu1~2.c;ir 1 m.1. wd th. i.. peho. flWl"-Vvril t 'f' he. ...1111 '> I'> li'Snt1 714-9&' 7B mx> 9'9.671 7llXl ~ • lsti. srR. hdwd ~ rnoftqi doU lllmd tt.14>. ? c p whtt1r st $J!nJ 966n nro Irvine ._.,wadod.~ end Ul1lf "" embll. f p enclsd PllhO n/sn1k1 Sl«nno =f 9&4ro841 J Udolslt ii'", ~ 1')1'11. w/d hltup hot ttJb ~~ c-. S.Zl'i()n. 5.'ll iw.,,. ,..,. ~ '>74-5820 t.y.rlew t.rrece Golt Ca ••.-.Y 2br 2bf llOU5t, 2 <¥ 1tt pr. NC. no pets $2400/mo 9119 7b0 1219 YOUI (949)642-5678 I ,..._ ~ iqr-'ed .& 2.58.\, ~'# fixlllres. hrdwd firs trev1rt111e b.tths, ~ CIDUllbn, """ pet,o 17eat lor f'nlttl•J1n111& 1949.<D> act la& ilioobl -~mi Sp1 ma• Palm 0f'•t• I Al\o W.-h101t .. l1 w-t 11r fr n n t lhfPtr AI\ M1eh1et A11111 II•·< kt'r & Becket RE l!OO 5~ ~?J MISCB.lANEOUS RENTALS Tffl--'~U.stc.. 2 r p '· ear den p.atto rnnllop d<olk, 1 c alt 11~•. l\O $Jl90m 949 73/ '1!>88 <vte bet-c;;;;;;, Sh< t nl I 'If n••I 3br 3ba houw So of P<;H wd hllup S3WOrno 949 .,, .. 8080 DIUV( IY 217 Hehotr<>pe & II'"' V\ • c.aU Roomy 38; ?c., ,.,, plll' k ,., .... ,~, OH ltOO PCNIHSULA NfW21r 21• COTIAGIS PLUG ~· • NIW LIST1MO.JASMINl OUDC fmmaculafe » home on the 117..att on f.lJa d pltd c:ommly Best bur "' .: et 1799.CXX> llJdy Kollr . 8llt 949-376-5576 SPYGUSS Hal Al 21A S&l STORY VU HOM[ lG pvt yard w/pat unl pool Belt V11lull $1,250.000! ~o~~ CGIDMm SEU your stuff through classified! r1tMl ISTAUS rulKIC u..oa1 NAnotilWIOI USA t494H-'70S -w palr1<fl.ttf!Ot• eom ..... ~....,. ~..,.._... $T .... .._ ... a.... k6+& $ 561. 5iSJ4 d , 1121 Mil 9hlMr ~ 251 9'14' _..._.Y.ort O<.IAll & IAT VllW THIPtKI W1LL AlaAll 'fOUJ AeT. f.0-7tM1to UDOtSUHO.aU t4USTINOi MfATrtlKIS A9'.94t-t1f-24tl Rental To Stmt fi030 (oh ...... pvt bl /pvt b•, c1ow to Bitlbo.w k fl yd, p pri\r1&. I01 of ~lllllj,'11 SJZJ()n. ~ 759 071~ l SI CM 7br I ~be lwnhm sh••• w, rnuna prof fem llpk Car SISO 2446 [Iden 90'f 289 3406 ......, Jhlfl! lbr lbt ept w/ptol Oc•en & b•J Ylews. 1700/roo • 1/3 ""' !M9 300 Y.101 .. L...-._ 2 bllll to mam !xii JhH• II •pl w/fem. ow11 b1, •d, , .. Piii S11S net• Ill ultt 04~ '919713 P•d l decks & mott (no pthJ An .. M.11 I~ $4400/ mo Cal Rott.or' 710 'JOOll OI 160 l4fi r.M0 Pr1vel1 8e.tch, Poof ano Sf>• Wellr. to Oct1n.~1nd R.st1urenl\ I eHe 6/mo lyr + Ooat Slip Av1ll1ble 7TOUOOrMtlO•. 949 87' 6030 or 949 nJ Sl.10 * Y&AllY * LIASH Silt CltUHOVRCAl fCMIS ... ~, ....... OOll ~t.u4IO rm, petlO 110 ~1tc~. 119!1/mo • 11000 0.p Oen •Ide ol PCH IM9 874 71011112 Everyday is a or.at day In Clas8ttledl sea~oth, ~ yoor ad rodayt -~ I IN Plug into t~ Pilot c las.srf ied section to find services from lectromcs and plumbers, to landscapers and painters ' . ... [ t I t I J :l 2 2 a s a ' 31 ... 4: 4: 4j -... . .... .. ... . ... .. ---~-----1°:~;' Pilo• TODAY'S . ~: CROSSWORD PUZZLE Bridge 9y CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH "Employee." "Empleado .... "A rbeitnehmer. ·· "Employe ... allfOJnl• I•• re· .._ tf'9l contrac· ton Ulllftl )obs ttl.t tobll taOO Of -· (Id« « IMt•lall) be~.,, tN C4ntr1ctor1 Ste t• L~tllM l oatd. Stet• liw abo requ.,.. ttlet contracton Include .,_ a-tM nulflbar 911 1111 lldVw1illnl. You "" dladl the abitus of rour llctn11d contr1ctor 1 t ~w.c11b.c•.r· or P ·Hl·CSL • Unll· 1'n1td contuctora h~ln1 Joh tll•t total l1u then S500 (hit atatt In tll1lr .-Wtttl .. m111t1 tllet they "' not llc•nMd )x_ tti. Contncton Jtmh llcallM lcwwd •• ,,. •... ........... A TO I MAteD'fMAN lnatatl, r t feet etbintts ~ ~4616-7'2!!1 . ....... . Custom Bum tna, Crown Moldlfto, Iese IOllda LMn912 M9-709·5'ot2 c.,.e Rlplr1'alta WHERE'S Tiil Ol t:f.~? Bulll vulncnbk Wa.1 dcali NOR'rn 111 duh!. 1ncre~ the 11.Qfth of the twn.l beyond ll' e1ikJt-uJWK. llllll lhc JUmp IO throe J h.llTlOOCh ·~ folly jl&I 11<.-d "'lonh h.IJ> un ca.'y l'lll'C to gurric o'er Wc\I\ .,p..odt rebid • IJ4 AJ JO AJ 5J •A K62 WFS'T f.AST fhc defcn'iL' ll~l1~ With lhrcc niund' or '~· <b:lan;r nilling tugh m dumm y Swth mu\t pick up Ille: quun uf lie.uh tu d"•H<l ltl'>mg a tnd. In !he 'UJI WlJ the Jiamood game Wh1l h JdcnJcr " more 111.cly l!l hold her 11'\a)C~cy·• • A K 0 Jt 2 • It 5 6 Q'754J 7l l>6 •QJ911 •104.J SOlffH •763 K82 ' K Q JO fl 4 •75 The biddmg WEST NORTH 16 Dbl .l• 5 .... Opening lead King of • S()Ullf J ,._ I~ lhc moment. you J(, llOI I.now encKJgh 111 dctcnmnc who hm the lady. It " hkcl)' Lha1 It " Will\ lhc opcmng biddet. but you c1111 get mon: lnformal!011 l>r4w the rrutnP' in two roun<b c:nd11ll( in hand. ~\Ii lhc ace lllld k.ln&. ~1( l lu\h Wld ruff a club. boch JcloOdc:r, follov.ing. h 1• not yet ume to i.:klc hc<1m Ho\l.ever you pl.i)'cd I.rump,, you will now be able to get the durrun) in thru ~II 10 ruf1 .anuthcf d ub When yoO arc fi nessing ror 11 nu)~ in~ 4uecn. in " va..:uum th.ti rricw" )OU lu\e .i C,O pcro.ent \:han..C: ut 'IA CC~\ It II h a l"t>-INll) li!IC'o~. the l lwx.C\ Me c~.1..ily C\Cn J \ to "tu"h opponent holJ, lhc l.c) .,..,.J Ku1 in 11!<11 hrC' you \hnukl Jlrn<"'I at"JY' he able 10 grt o1 d ue ~ to wh14 h d.:lcnd er " more hlu:ly 10 f>V'\C" her 11\.ljC:«) When Wc'I fullrn"' 111 th" 1rxl. the count I\ n 1mpkt..-Y1KJ l.11Q11> W~t \tarted with ''A ~'·two ili.t mon1h .00 four dub-. Then:fon: lhc iktcnder \:.ann.11 lw\c more th<1n clflC hcan. "fl 11 " a \ltnple 11'\J~r to~""'' to lhc oce of heath anJ run the Jilll. "'llh lompktc wnfl<knlc thut the fl~\'C v.111 'UClC.-d E: •en 1f l:.u.-i. r.11.ht-r than Wc~t. pro- Ju..e. lhc 1a ... 1 duh. that iJetendcr " ~ 2 to· I h1Hintc 111 hulJ the <jllotn In th.It C\Cnt. l:..i'i 11> 11f he m.irkcd lo\ 11h Suulh ' 1ump "''Jll'"'< tu "'lorth ·, taietiut Joubtc " ll(J( for.:1n~ 11 " rric~I)' In\ IWllOOJI, .Jlo" lnl( .i hand or ""fl( II 11 JllllOI\ Here '>iKJlh ' gooc.I li\C-<..\CO 'Ult oll'lJ ru llinf \JIUc four heart. to W.:,1 ' '" "· "'' 1hc linc.--...c through W\I " \Ull !he per- lC:nt.ige phi) D-t.t OltTHOOONTIST nudtd lot dental ott1ce 1n Sanla Ant OS OentJstry w(l yn ••P req'd ~nd resume to r etlpe Vrtal, I 02 C 4th St , Sant. AN, CA 92701 • •OOG lOVlaS• • n .sst. tq Wr,h n CDM. t4ISI i. ~ Cal Km~l~ .._.. ._ n Wiil pos S al1ry SS 10/hr aaxl" .. 1lo tl(jl. req fWlt ~ MUOIOll ~ £ ~ ph ,_.,,.,. c.ontxt 96{,t2 I Liil HAla MAS laS now hir1n1 he1rs tyhst" r ull .. pert lime pos1t1ons 1va1l1ble tor new ulon 1n Hunt1n1ton Beech Gu111nteed hou1 ly w•1• 01 comm1u1on plu$ • &r11t beneltts paek11e Call Add• •t 714-U S-to09 ''"Y '--• Office 9 5, Mon frl Computen a. mu111 tas11rc • "-' r .. resume IO 949 7Zl474 Accep1tn1 !f!PS 3/28 4/4 ..... ~, ........ r..i.cs n •~•"""I' K-£nd smn a. Sele "' No i..e-Commfllantol/Ctut toe/ ~~ ... , ......... ,, .. , ....... ......._ posibott f0t a busy RU fatale rw,,, Ill L.- Buch T Yl*1li 511~ a must One full time l>O'ltlOtl & one part llme ........., ~ aveclable Fu rnome to S ltnnOn •t 949-644 3423 ....... ,,_, ........ Biay ~ Beldi R..I [.sta(a olflat 5*y corn mensunte w/u p Fu rmum1 to ~2l27 ........... ,,...,,..... I ps1iOn Oflb pf ( 4-5 J S*y~w/e"f> FaAr•llo~ Automobiles 9000 Automotive 900C Chryder 't6 S.wtng UU Con11 V6, f>4ll m1 J yr wan avail, \j)8fl<elm& b"' hi llht CO. superb hke ntw cond 11259721 S6995 hn evail 8kt 949-586-1888 www.eqMl!tl • .- Cwvett• '00 VI W1l1te ' ti n, auto, handehn& pk& 121< """"-· $32,50) New por1 ar u C)t9-644-0064 909 240 OOJO cell NOllAMR HOW JOU SAY.'!J CWSIFIBICM f91T .. PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORIFOR YOU! (949)642-5678 o..... '97 ...... ,1 .. Sj)of\ 3 5 V6. 471l m1 white arey int 1•r1aed, n s hlo.e new S6995 hnanCln& ' wan avail Bkr C)t9·S86· 1888 -·Mf""I>•.~- 00001 NIOM '2000 50ll• m•. IOOK tic wen . 5 sp blue, ar•r 1ntetl0f am Im ed. i:... . ~ oond 1fB95 m ...t 111w Veli61'J2 M9-sa..1ea concne.•....., 1114 lledi , .... Tiie Cona-. P.UO, ~ fir•. 88(1 Ref's.. 25Yra hp. r:nz 114-557-JSM ~ CUSTOM UMODIL A•D Diiie• All TRAl)(S, lO YEAJtS EXI' L'3J7169 M9·631 2345 NllD MOil IOOM? AODIOOHS&~ l f577982 949·709·5642 Compmrllfttca We wm deaiJn your penon.al or compeny website Ind put you orillne lsL.fDt, You pay ooly tio.dna foea 71'-'12-2716 Sill .. ;::... YOUI ltOMJ *"°"'•''" PltOJl<TI c.11 • p1u,,,11er • ... tntw. ll•ndy1n11n, ot any ol the sr••t Ml'Ykott lbt8d llert In Ollf aetwlu dot•ctor,1 fH(S( LOCAL SVC 1"£0f"U CAH HELP' YOU TOOAYI .... ,.,_ '1X UP SPIOAUST. All types ol repan [lee trw:al, plu~ doan, Wlllllf ,,....,.., ._ a men 24hr/7dmys 114·l66-1811 liiiTAl-MUSliND F<>ft HOHEYOO'S your honey &.. fe.T•• '-4.cepe won't from Elect to ttM WltiJlil/ mlfnl ... ~ kite,_, ... M9-541-9.1S l a fnst.tlltton. 25 Yrs ••P fMI MAllDYMAM llc(lnauttd Mt-541-USJ AH"°'" Jual'lntMd n; DtWW;;........ PUntq. Eltctt:llf, ~ =... • .. -:::-~ FHltt c:p * ---a -ie~5l! ...... f,_ l;;i;;, Y111d -JUMl--,0-..... --..,..--11-1 Cllenup, Maintenance, 714·9'1·1812 Sprl~ler lltp•lr, H1uH111 AVM.A8ll TOOAYl l!4!) • .._.,., MHJ3·5566 ~ "-a.1111 PORSCHE._ 911 CAB Low mies. wslom ..... 6-tpeed. superfasl 1652259 *52,900 MIZ'95SUOO CONVf. Bose. co, leather, loaded, good lookllg!I #113266 $28.900 LANO ROVER '97 DISCOVERY 4X4 Loaded, low miles. 4x4 Mi at a great price. #549423 $13,900 BMW'99M3~. CO, &-speed, leath«, lo mies. Sii t blk int. IC44258 I $32.900 MBZ '95 5320 SON CO, leatheo', moon. clecwl. pnced to sel fast #241401 $18,900 MBZ '98 Ml.320 AUTO CO. lttv, Bose moon, 4x4, realy a balgain"" Whrte, l:CWl #016225 $18,900 MBZ '90 300E SON Auto, SUllOOf, teatheo'. pnced to sell fast11 #270075 $7,995 TIL.C'S 8URDP9.AN AUTDHAU8 0-llO ear. In ~ 1-800.598-9754 Web e1t:e1 www tilocars com N£Wm3 M COOP£R Alltomabc, CD & rn«t' l[ASC roR i1~1 PER MONTH • TAX I At These r er ms On ~o~Ct~1 • OntRAT SM.AR SAVlt«:S' • • 4?¢ S 3000 dur •I \11mn& 48 mun th clou d end lta\t no \ecu11ty d•P0\11 IOI( molu p~r year E rcou mile. @ 20¢ pe1 milt (HI J?il J • LETS MOTOR1 lfSFUN •••***** ~fRITWAY @EI»m SAHT A A.'4A AIJlO MM.l (888) 830-1780 fer4 '9S y_,,. Gl lhowroom cond. Whitt . fully loaded pwr Heh. $3500 714 751 2464 SEll you1 unwanted items th1ou1h clu s1f1ed DOUOHlaTY UOTHOS ht FNI TIUtl S.U 1961 ~Ttwk.sPt* lnst/R:g• 714 791 8746 Mllcaentca Al1IST 909-681·666' fAUX /OCSIGN ........... llST MOVlfl SH/Hr Hnln1 •II cltlts Insured 1111, courttou1, cateful 1'163M4 I00·246·2378 PUBLIC NOTICE Tiit Celli Public Utllltlea col'llmluton requlrn th1t •ti uwd h o usehold 1ood1 monr1 prlt1t llltlr P U.C. Cal T n11mbar. Hmos end clleuffeurt print th•lr T C "· n11mbtf lf1 •M tdHf· 11-nta H yo11 Ila•• an, C!'"lltlOtlS about th• l•1•lltr of • ,., • .,,,, llmo of clltvfftur, etll "UI· UC UTl.lTIU Co.it· MISSION 714 55'· 4151 f rtday, MM ch 2.8, 2003 A 17 -I' .... LNl>ACMA 'ft oescovert 4M l..oeded, low mllel 4xA fwl II a "911 pnce 15'19423 *13,900 lllZ•SL!OO cowr. Bole. co. i..tler, loaded, good looblgll 1113266 $28,900 AUDl'OOMUT OUATTAOSON Aut~~l I065288 $19,900 MBZ '90 300E SON Auto. leather, aloys. nice clelrl cw, IJ'83I price. 1270075 $7,996 lllZ • ltl.320 AUTO CO, lltw, Bose, moon. 4x4, rdy a bargan•I!! Whtie, 1¥1 #016225 $16,.900 WI '00 JETTA GLS Auto. pwr W'll, locl<s 4 OR, good on gastf!! #005140 $12,900 FOAD '01 EXPt.ORER SPOA'f 2 DR CO, XLT. '!NO. real nice. #A08520 $12,900 TIL..0'5 •UROPllAN AUTOHAU• Over llO c-In .... 1-800.598-9754 Web • ..,_, www tilocars com ..,.x..,, ......... 01rk it•••" aoud .int conu 151'. m1 ., • ., 1 emec111n1 P1 te ed to stll $20.950 96~2582 J....-'99 XKI c...., 3'i m1, full lect0ty .,.,, lp1rkl1n1 btack lo1tmu l lthr CO throme whli. l•kt new 'V67729!'> SJ) 995 hn1nc1n& avail 8 k1 949 !">116 1888 -~·.~- ' ...... -.1..._.., SC7 0 mi. dint. r-vtmn lltw .,,... nwYf .... ~ ~ ·-.. co S<Jp9'b or11 cond ,,-.;7291 $12.'H> ~, ......... M9~~11U WWW I ··--MHet4ta 't6 C210 I bu uto lul black cru m fully loaded >llowroom l\l<U. S II Sit 114 751 2464 Merce4e1 '99 u2q llk m1 white arey llhr mnrl. chrom~ w hl~ bu ut like new cond v57224l $26.995 Im evaoi 81.r 1)49.586 UBI -····-Merce4.. '99 SJ20 LWB 521o. m1 3 yt warr .VIII, \llveriblk tthr · 1 beaut Ol 11 cond ~8752'1 m .995 hn1ncm1 avail Bkr C)t9 S86 1888 < .... I 'II 560 Sl I tmmat ~ nn..--d~ cttvTw. ~ n 4751 :... ~u '00 anool .....,_ .. •~Ires. ••• new. or11 awrw IQl/vTW. S13.995 ~pP 714-~ ·11-..-.. c-u 4 tY1 rebu~t tu~. •Int c:ond "'ii a-'-SI 795 obo/eW! 9'~642 3J68 PtaUPSIMJO ,_ ....... _, '2000 Stiver •/Chlllcoal IUv, fu wwranl)', etWw1t1o•MCI (119218) S39,980 vw, __ ,.. Guy •/11•' 111t•ior 2311 "" Imm.cull ta f t 19252) Sll.980 v•eHOS.._,.H I his is one nte< par feet \lolvo to own. low mll4s <•19238) $8,980 MIZSU20 a...nrw '97 Immaculate Whrte w/Grey tttu, 121< m1 Xenon, both T op1 (#l929SC) IHQUIREI J..-rS-Ty,.e s ..... ·oo Imm•< W111te w/T'ao tthr. 3611 ""'· 1ood ser•K• r.t0<di (t l9298CJ S25,980 ,WMIM .. JT...._ c '96 White :r,:,. bn u Uful l/le.ath., I~ m1 (•19206C) $69,980 ,_.. ll!f>941tt- 1"41t ·-2000 lull pawer 4lk m•les Recent ttade to us <•189611) S21 980 i.fWfyQU S..-'97 Pu rl w/Saddte tthr lull power S8k 1'111 <•19'234) $16 980 "-wM2'200J Whrte w/Whtte lthr moonroof, 2500 m1 <•19233C) S57,980 IMWMOO c_,..·97 Slloney 8l1clo. w/lmmac Grey full Ith•. areet records (#l9180CJ S33 980 IMWJ281 s • ...,·2000 White w/C•tme llht •II full main 8umpet to Bumper wiln <•1919JJ $28 980 ,.,....XJas ..... '19'1 Hus 1s • uoe ne•r perlecl Sll•nt y Black Superchatit d Sed111I lo .. m11n 1•1~1 $28.980 tt9-S7 I 44-7777 .. MIUlf'S AUTO ......... __,._,_ CLEAN OUT YOUR HOUSE WJTHA GARAGE SAU! W1 {949)642-5678 _PIJretno_;;.__ __ I Pllm't11111 smcco UTIST, st11p, 1nstalt ........... jlla Rmnodll wallpeper, p11nt1n1 a. JO • Y~ [>41 ltee- f aua, mllftla, portn•ts sot1eblt , Oe pendabte 909 ..... 1 ..... 44 L'349020 714-6l8·1114 O-.'• filiiiiiii9 Z1'iii.., *'--"""' ,.,.,.... Cr Hf l'Ylcel Guaranlted it.tuc:co. lloorn Addlborl ...,. Fr" •t Uil75602 Petcllln, Reuonalltet 714 5311 IUI 7 390 2945 714-921 · 647 !t9"1P' iti'S QiifOii PAINTINO Pron . d u n, quaaty won lnt•IOt/ut and docks L•703468 949-631 4610 Jtl'iMW'·"---T09 Qvallt), Competllt•t Int., Inf/Eat l"'8228 Cell Ja7 9'19 650 50M iiiMIOW Ciidl Wiri '•lfltlne~t. HIMW~ Q\llllty jobl frM ....... lfl56•7 714-Slll-11118 NKiiiWllil ............. ntu lSllMAT£ Ulll1-714-~1GIO Al A C;I 11 i -NCWl'Oll'l MITOSPOll1 .. wuooc:w ~.~ e-...,,,_t3' law ......... --as;r Ytlow/BIKll, r•t. Ot'iy I 000 1n1 fJlil ,800 ...... us Tlfl ... Btac:ll/T en. ,._, evlilllbllt Only 6.000 ...-Sll5.000 ........ 911'el c.w iolet Si-/(14ac.a TiptJO<K, .. ~ 11 k m11n 1169.500 hnwt,.0 ..... C....,.11 '00 [1«11 IC Oeyb>n .-ts, badpt, C~tfl, S159,:JUU ............. , ... ~.r.--. ~ ... s.l'l.IOO .. w MWC...,-'112 Grey/Blild>., dual -root. 2'( m;, $2!;,!al ,.,....~ '01 Rusl/9!Ktl A "6e c-lit'"' S39,000 it..t.y 0-.... '02 Wlvt•/ei.o. Roec:t II ... CllMI<. SI&. 'JOO ...... 'OJI[ J20'02 Btoe Ct cty NlllG -Is , ... ""· "9.500 ...,.na-.r.. C-w .... '02 ChlrcWC/Tan. 1.000 mlil!s. Sl6.5al ..._ .. 2'0J Bl~Grey Lu•uty Gr~ '/fr ""'-Is ooty 100 m1t.n NEWPORT AUTOSf>OffT 949 5 7 4 !i6(XJ AUTOM08l.ES, MISCB..lMEOOS Wlrltld 9o.t5 ~ ~ D..i. 0--«l ~ """' ... 119f • _., t. pnce tor )'Oll CM \11n ~ •UO. !*! lar or not \M ~ Rey @ Tam111> Auto ~ 7f1r 437 1931 "' 714-332'211 CASH fott CAH WI NHO YOU. CM 'AID fOll Otl NOT ,MaJWS AUTO AH Fotl MALCOlM 949-574-7777 BOATS Power Bolts 91515 't t t lft Ovfft.U new double set of bette<1H profl m11nt11ned S8,495 ttt-671-0tH '01 Dvffy 21 like MW, Prem11r pwr c>ka 1t1tteo/ CO. n .. y tOj) w 1 ,u,..h , fr IC W bar, tHk llllt t/ i--. fl] a 96-mcml BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 96IJ *._,~eat Loe.· honl I )ft bum ltnfth unlornltlMI '" 8• 1 IMand Co•• * 949-922-7777 y .. All Friday, March 28, 2003 L ·INCO.LN • f>lu, 11o•cmmcnt ftt, and tuc,, •lllY fin&llC'c d1.1rv··~ illl) dealer do1.umc111 prcl"fala>n l hMp~ JJl<l ,Ul\ Cllll"IOn IC,llRf l MrlfC l'IH< I < .C >< >D 11 llW U l/l0/2(l(ll I At This Net Cost IJ:!Ol711 Plu• ~ i llltt w.ee. flit'/ finance charge~. 111y dcalrr documcn1 p<eparnlh>n d\arj!c. am! wiy cm""on tc-llllf! <hargc Rl:'.BATI. IN LIFl Of' WH IAI. LOW RATE I INAl'•CIN<, I At This Net Cost CJl0209J Plu; fOYCmtncnl ftt, and we>. 111y financt du'l'~· my dcakr • dolllmcnt preperalluo lhargc, and any cm1\S1on le~Uljl lhllfJC l At This Net Cost (657'166) Plu• ~vrmmrnt ftt, and IJ;L't!I. 111y rrn.•n..c lholf~\'\ . .ill) dcJlcr Jocunicm p~p..inllll"l dt.11)tC Jnd "'1) nTIISSIOO '"''"fl d1.ir11r Kl H 'n IN I IEU 01- '\l'l C'IAI I OW KAii f 1/1.AN<:ING. J At This Net Cost 1b:?Cll2111 Plut p mimene feea mnd tuea. lflY fiN111<.c dUlrfC'. any cicaJt,r document prcp.iutron dursc iind any crru"IOll lNIO[t 'h.ir1c Kl HATI:'. 11' LIEl or . !>Pl (I Al I 0"' RATI fll\jA'l,lfl'G I At This Net Cost (60!!1%1 USED CARS 92 CADILLAC SON DEVILLE 316049 Shar Low Miies Leather Full Power 95 MECURY CO.UGAR 3KOP143 01 FORD ESCORT SE 221898 31 K Miies, Auto, Full Power, Clean 00 FORD FOCUS SE 203814 26K Miies, Auto, Full Power 00 FORD RANGER SUPERCAB A21073 35K Miies, XLT, Auto, Full Power 02 MAZDA 626 LX V6 287345 Shar , Auto, Full Power, Onl 10K Miies 98 CHEV~ SUBURBAN LT 2WD 106639) Low Miies, Rear Air, Leather, 3rd Seat 00 LINCOLN LS (863171 ) Sport Pkg, Moonroof, CD 98 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 4X4 (3XL4010) Sharp One Owner, CD, Chromes 02 LINCOLN TOWN CAR EXEC (4VJK895) Affordable Luxury 02 LINCOLN TOWN CAR SIG (4VED787) Leather, CD, Alpine, Showroom Fresh 01 LINCOLN CARTIER TOWN CAR (4PPW360) Low Miies, Pearl White with MOOnroof, CD, Load8d 00 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 2WQ (44f(Y295) Certified ••••• .,. ··-., 988 .• ··-....... •t• aao .... ·--•1e eaa •at eaa .•• ·--••• eaa .. ..