HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-02 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot0 N T H E ··~OMEFRONT . . A familiar story 12 years later During the Persian Gulf War, Arthur Galvan was Orange County's lone casualty. For his father, this war is too painful to watch. Deepa Bharath Datty Pilot COSTA MESA -Ramon Galvan says hl' has moved on. The Costa Mesa resident. who lost his 3:l year-old son Arthur Galvan during the 1991 Persian Gulf War, says he ha" learned to live with the fact that the eldest of his five chil dren is not comlng back.. Arthur Galvan and 13 others were on a classified mission when their AC-l 30A Spectre gunship was shot down on Jan. 3 I , 1991. during a fierce clash between Iraqi troops and U.S. Marines near the Saudi Arabian border town of Khafji. U.S. Air Force capt. Arthur Gatvan Wi..t., the only Orange County resident known 111 have died in the Gulf War. During the cur rent war in Iraq. one Orange Cour;iry man, Costa Mesa's Jose Garibay, has rued. Ramon Galvan moved to Cosld Me'>d from Mexico in 1951. At lhe time, he wa'> only one of three Mexican families that lived in lhe area. he said. Arthur vaJva.i1 grew up on Capitol Street on the West.side and attended Wtlson Elementary School. Rea Junior High and Estancia High SJlool where he was a Boy Seoul. w~ acUV\! u1 stu· dent government and played varsity foot ball. After joining the Atr Force upon gradu· ation from high school in 1976, he entered the Rare program ar Troy State University in Alabama, where he earned a bachelor's degree in intemationaJ relations and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in 1982. He was promored to caplain in 1989 Before his deployment to the Persian GuJf in January 1991. Arthur Galvan lived in Aorida with Suzanna, his wife of 12 yeaN, and his I I -year-old son Jason. lWelve yean have passed since Arthur GaJvan's death and the memories of his lost son are buried deep inside Ramon Galvan's psyche. Al times, he will unlock those emo dons and let them overwhelm him. He'll See FAMILIAA, P•a• M Serving the Newport-M.esa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2003 PHOTOS8Vl<[N1 lR[Pl IV, DAILYP!LOT From left, Newport Harbor High students Ciara Snowball. Marianna Canchola and Michele Brown remember Jose Garibay during a memorial service. Gathered in support Newport Harbor High students and staff honor graduate Jose Ga ribay, the first Orange County casualty of the war in Iraq. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot M ore than 1.000 pt>0ple surrounded Newport Harbor High School's flagpole, which bears the names of alumni who died in World War II, to honor yet another one of their giaduates killed in action. After the sounds of a bagpipe rendition of Armmng Grace settJed, lhe audience fell stlent Not a word was spoken as the different speakt:?rs took the tage to share their thoughts about Garibay. a former studenr who has become a locaJ hero as the first Orange County casualty in lhe war. Students. school and district officials. family and friends gathered Tuesday afternoon to pay tribute to Jose Garibay. a Marine corporal from Costa Mesa who was killed last month fighnng in Iraq. ·115 just really powerful when teacher5 and ~tudenrs come togelher and it's especiaJJy powerful when 11's 10 honor Jose and the other service men and women," said Phil D'Agostino. a teacher who A pm memonalmng U.S. Manne Jose Garibay See SUPPORT, Paee M graces the jacket of his mother, Simona Residents pay tribute to Eastbluff soldier Eastbluff neighbors of Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Ian Voss, now in Iraq, team up to honor and collect goodies for him. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot FASTBLUFF -Bruce Voss has been obsessed wilh the news ever since his son. Marine Corps Lance Cpt Jan Voss, left for the Pezsian Gulf. The truth is dad's womed sick. And his neighbors on Vista Or- nada blow it They put up Oags everywhere they could put them up -in front of their homes. planted on the sidewalk, pinned to their la- pels. Few trees on the sueet were without a yellow bow. home about dnving his tanker in the desert through raging sand- storms. longing foT a piece of de- cent red meat and dreaming about the beach. About SO neighbors gathered at resident Teri Wilhelm's house across the street from the Voss family. They ~led every- thing they wanted to send lan- from gum and jerky to baby wipes and F.aster candy. hl Banahon Charlie tompan~." Ian's mother. Marsha Stemhren ner, llvt>'. m l\ewpon Coa..'>l Wt.lhelm said the ne1ghbo.-.. wanted to do !>Omeltung to ~ow their support for the family. "Everybody m the neighbor· hood contributed to the pad.· age: she said "I have a stack of cards for Ian from just about ~.· Darlene BeU said w has known lan since ~ was a little boy. l<£HT TIIEYTO# I DM.Y Pl.OT Neighbor Teri Wilhelm, far left, shows Bruce Voss the contents of a care package organized by the neighborhood tor Voss' son, Ian. •it~ like a 24-hour thing," he said. "You wake up watching the news. You listen to it in the car, you hear about It all day and you go to bed watching It• On Tuelday. nei&hbors and boy scouts put together a care package for the 20-year-old Ma· rine reservist wbo bas written Then they went ave!' to Vo · home and surprised Bruce Voss and his wife. Robin. with the package and a banner that mad: "Our heroes -Lanoe Corporal Ian 'Vossman' Vos& and USMC "He used to come over to play Wlth my dog." she fondly tt· See TRIBUTE, Pace M THINKING ALLOWED Taking shots in the ring and on the page , Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlHEWEB: WWN.~com WEATHER CloUdl condnue to • thrN ........ eun.: _,.A2. SPORTS Newport turns Tinseltown The city's annual film festival will begin Thursday, with more than enough to keep fllmgoers busy. tolb Ha,,., Of/IYPIOt NEWPORr ~ -NeW- poct ae.m. ..... Scaly *-tac COllllUl community to Holy· wood typa. wll (Miele ....., rol OUI lbe red Ql1* b iu ther ICftell ddoMdol .. It Pftl*" for the Ntwpon 8Md'A Alm dVlldlilWMt. 1'be dty. ~ ...... tbe ..... .,,,_M - w • A2 Wechsdly, ,..,,.. 2. 2003 • .. 1 LOCALS ONLY • NEIGHBORS Orange Coast College professor of English and technical wrtdng,Don Plentorlr. has recently publisbeda paperback book of pbetry with his son. s.m Plentorff. titled "The Albatross Uves. • They are also authors of '"The Sauerkraut Burrito.• Sam has also written three other boob of poetry ... Robert W. Betn, chairman and chief executive of RBF Consulting, was presented with the "F.ngineer of the Year" award at the Orange County Engineering Council Award Banquet on Feb. 2.2. Bein is a registered civil engineer and has more than 40 years of engineering experience in the public and private sector, and is a registered civil engineer in 13 states. He has contributed to engineering designs in world-renowned master planned communities in places such as Irvine Ranch, Mission Viejo and Coto de Caz.a. He also contributed to the early design phases of the UC Irvine. He has served as the National President of the American Society of Civil Engineers. and presently serves on the Orange County Business Council's Board of Directors, as Vice OUli.r for Public Affairs and as an Executive Committee Member on the Board of the Southern c.alifomia Water Commission ••• Relty Hlnmoto, an associate with RBP Consultfng'a Land Devel~pment Department, bas ·been selected as one of the "New FaCt!S of Engineedng" by the National Organ11.8tion of the American~ of CJvil F.ngl.neer& Hiramoto wa, ed as a finalist from more lOO applicants. He baa seven years of eJperience ln dvO eoglneerlng design and baa woi:ked of projects such as Sob Unfversities of America. Allao Viejo; Marriott Newport Coast Villas Resort; and tbe Northwest Housing In.ftl1 Project at UCLA ... Orange Coast College's defeJ\ding national champion speech and debate squad finished sixth out of30 colleges in the 2003 California. Community Coll~ Speech and Debate Tuumament held MaICb 14 to 17 in c.osta M:esa. s.n Bnprd, Tuny~ n.d 1mll • Gina a.a. OlrtlCopber Buechler, WIDlam F.clwwcl9, Aleundra RMldn end Randy Ortego all took home medals for their skills in topics such as persuasive speak1ng, parliamentary debate and impromptu speaking. • NEIGHBORS spotlights achievements in the community. Please direct noteworthy Information to Coral Wilson by fax at (9491646-4170, or aend e-mail to coral. wllson@lstimes.com. PET OF THE WEEK Pug The Community Animal Net· wort is searching for the owner of a lost pug dog. If the owner cannot be found, the little lost dog will need a new home. Meanwhile, kittens are plenti· ful and many homes are needed. ln early spring, people can be es- pecially eager in choosing a new pet. • !MopteesJ hold tight to their chosen kitten and even grab and push to the front." said network founder DiAnna Pfaff-Martin. The network requires people to fill out a pre--adoption ques- tionnaire, Interview and choose their kitten before making the new arrival of kittens open for public viewing. The network has more than 100 kittens in the system with • more are on the way. 1Wo nun- ing cats ~ rescued Sunday and more temporary homes are needed. ·0ur successful foster home program for pregnant and nurs· ing cats delivers hand-raised and superior quality kittens because our caregivers love them," Pfaff. Martin said. See other animals available for adoption at www.animalMt- wort.org or ~·s pet store at Fashion Island between noon and 4 p.m. on weekends. infor- mation.: (949) 759-3646 or Com- munity Animal Netwott. P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach, CA 92658. GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INYOlYED runa periodically In the Dally Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to thla lilt. call (949) 674-4298. WEST SIDE BOYS &GIRLSCLUB Volunteers a,. needed from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays to Mor students In first through abcth gradel In reading. (949) 631-n24. WOMEN HELPING WOMEN The Costa Meu-bHed organization provide• support for needy women to become Mlf1Ufflcient by gaining employment. Volunteera are needed In the organization'• Profeaalonal Clothes Cloeet to aaalsts clients and aort clothing. The organization la at 711W.17th St, Suite A· 10, Cotta Meaa. (949) 631-2333. YMCA The YMCA'a Building Life Option• Mentor Program ls looking for volunteers to mentor and Mor teena In Cotta M .... For more lnfonnation, call (714) 838-0181, ext. 110. Daily A Pilot VOL 17, NO. 12 New9Edlllw9 Gina Aluander, lor1 Anderton, O.nlel Hunt hul S.ltowttz. Danie! Sc.wna NEWllTAff Ctime °::r ~n.r, UMI) 574-422t ~bhlnfh•J«J,,,...oom .-.eas...a. H9wpoft ...,, '9l)Ofter, (141)~ ~·IMJ,,,..,oom ..... ~ ~ltloa and tl'Mrontnent rwportier, (M)7"M330 peul o11nton•~oom ........... Columnlet. oulture n1POf111r, (Ml) 174o4.?7f lollta.~IMI,,,_.,,,, .,..... ......... Co.ea Mele NPOfW, (Ml ~1 ~MWmMl•"""'-.oom Ch; .... c..-. Ectu.don NPOfW, (Ml PM.29 .,.,,,,_ o.m11o•,_,_,oom FOR A GOOD CAUSE KENT TREPTOW I DAI. Y PILOT Carol Marshall, right, a volunteer with Read Orange County, helps Samia Demian brush up on her reading skills. Carol Marshall P atience, Oexibility and compassion are essential skills for literacy volunteers. said Marcia Tungate, programs administrator for READ Orange County. And volunteer Carol Marshall embodies all of the above. Tungate said. Marshall has been worlcing with the adult literacy program since 1995, when she heard about it from a friend at church. "I thought: 'That sounds like something I could do;· Marshall said. Marshall has worked with seven different students in three out of the four programs READ offers -the general adult program, the families component and English as a Second Language, which focuses mainly on conversation. TMN,,.,,. MW IHlen •ITNttld • '~°"•""*'°"of driving und# ,,. ... IJIOf of M lmoxicant. 1My Mw ~,,_,.~on •U$pklon ol• --Md.•wldtd~--• OOl..,,,,ed Ir"~" untJI proved~ CDITAIBA ... .... • Mc1r9>Ald9co, 32, Costa MeU •..,. Dlnlee Ewna, 23, long 8Md'I •a.or.. Munoz-8onilla, 20, Or*9 I L*v .......... Leigh Gt'<*lhof, 33, Cotlta .... .,... Mefle ~.20, Co9t8 Miu • lllldlsd Mlcfteel ~Ba. Cotlta Me. ·LIMlno~ 23.COlta ..... ........ Edwllrd ......,.12, sent..,.. Ready for helping others read ·She's wonderful: Tungate said. -she's amazingly reliable and. in addition to working with students. whenever we put a call out for volunteers to help with recruitment or activities, she's always the first one there." Marshall had to go through a 23-hour training service before starting to volunteer and takes two required, additional workshops a year to enhance her skills. She usually meets with her students for an hour a week. Currently, she meets with them at the FbuntaJn Valley Library and the Costa Mesa branch library on Park Avenue. She said she enjoys working with students of varying cultures.. DUI ARRESTS .... ... •Jaln'MIMll~G,CDlllMlle • Rabeft Wllllllin a.-. .. VJI ' • ' can.di .... OaTIMCM ~9L.n .... n.,.. ·~JMnNL dlL41. Hu*rcnlMdi • P.Nlp Em,,.._, ... Hija• 111 n ' ... Whenever we put a call out for volunteers to help with recruitment or activities, she's always the first one there.' Maida l\ancMa, programs administrator for READ Orange COtllty ·1 get to know them pretty well - their lives and their family,· Ma.nhall said. Her experience as a literacy volunteer inspired her to get a teaching credential, which she is working on at Cal State Long Beach. ·1 just enjoy giving," Marshall said. •1t•s fun and it's a neat learning experience and I learn a lot myself." -Deirdre Newman cOral Wllilolt New. ... flt.Int, (949) 574-4298 00r9/.wt1«>n•lltlrM9.com PHC7l'OORAPH£R8 Box 1660, Cotta Mela, CA 92628. Copyright No MWl Ito~, llluttratlone. adttonal l'Ntt9r or edveftiMmenta hefeln can be repl'oduced without writt9n pennlaalon of copyright own«. SURF AND SUN Sun Hiller, Don Leech, K.1tTrepmw MADIERS HOruNE (949) M2.eoe8 Record your com"*Yt9 about the Deity Piiot or newa tlpe. ~ Our eddnlM la 330 W. Bay St., Com Mela, CA 92927. Otrlce hourt 11'9 Monday-Mklay, 1:30 1.m .• a p.m. Conectloi• h .. the Pilot'9 policy to promptly OOfT9Ct IH ~of tUbatenoe. .......call(949)~ m TM H9wpoft hldVCoata Mell Deity l'Uot (USf'S. 144-IOO) le publi.hed dally. In Newport 8Mdt Md COIU Mele, IUbacriptiOna al'9 ~ onty by aubecrtblng to The Tm.~ County (IOO) 2!12-1141. In...._ outlllde of NMpof'l ~ •nd Coeta Mela, - aubecltpdone tO the Deity PKot .,. ev.ilablt only by flrat cl-mall for ao.,. monctt. (Pl'tcee 1nc1ucte 111 ~--Ind loOll tmr•.) POSTMASTER: lend eddrwl " ..... !ID The Nlwpott ~ MeM Dllly Piiot. r.o. HOW TO REACH US ~ The TlrMS Orange County (8001252-9141 Ad\!9'tia6119 Cl ruined (949) 6&2-5871 Dllf*y (949) 842""321 !dhrHtal ..... (949) M2-ee80 lport8 (949) 57-M223 ..... ,.. (IM8) 848-4170 lport8,... (Mi) e&o-o170 E-mel: dallypllof•t.tf,,,.com MM!tOlloa ....... Otlloe (14116&2-4321 ....... ,... (949) 831-7121 l"ubllaMd by TkMI Community ~ • dlvltlon of the Lot~ Tlrnea. aoo2 nmae CH. All rtotit. 1'9Nrwd • WEATHER FORECAST It ..,.,..,. w.'re In for • cloudy dly todey, with • 30% dlanoe of nm. HJgha wlU Just top 80 while IOWI dip to UM lower 60e. \Ye lhoukf deer a bit thla .wnlng for a partly ltlrry night. We'll be partly cloudy but w.rmer on Thuf'lday and Fftdly. lnbmdot.: ~nwa.no.t.(JOV BOATING FORECAST SURF The IOUthwelt awell bulkll today, bringing eouth-feclng breab eome nice hMd-hlghl end owrtiud9. The Mell wHI peek on Thuf'lday, IO e>epec:t IOfM more~.t eouth-feclng bMchee. WMt•feclng brMb lhould ... IOfMcheet-to~ The IOUthwelt ... wtl IOM ltMfn on Ftidey, but the WMt-r.dng brNb wfM -up 41f*VV. w....-r: www . .mwdw.org TIDES ,..... t:21a.m. 3:22p.m. ~p.m. a:lla.m. WATD TEMPERATURE .. Oalty Piiot MARK C DUSTIN I OAIL f PILOT John Ewers, 11, John Hawthorne fl/, 12, and Malynn Robinson, 11, (left to right) cover their ears as the Lynx cannon fires. A trip to back in tiille Childre n of Camp Pendleton Marines visit Newport Harbor on Tuesday to check out the Lynx. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot NEWPORT HAROOR -A.illng children to willingly add two hours to thetr nonnaJ school day as a risJcy endeavor, but officials at the nautical museum le.new Tuesday 1t would be worth their while. Officials from the Defense of Freedom Foundation and the Newpon Harbor Nau· ocaJ Museum offered free museum tours and compUrnmtary sails aboard the 1812 privateer schooner, Lynx. for the children of those Marines fighting overseas. When asked if the tour and sailing was better than a day at school. 12-year-old Jo· dy Kehoe's eyes grew wide and she nod- ded vehemently. Kild Diaz agreed. more vocally. "We had lots of fun.· Kild said. "We were falling all over each other as a group while we were trying to ship ofl. And we got to shoot the cannon. We were lucky they picked us because we go1 a good break from dass. • Sixth-graders from Mary Fay Pendleton School checked in on campus two hours early in time to get organized and make the drM lo Newport Beach by 7 a.m. lb· day, the fifth-graders will come for the same treat, offioals said. Katie Bean. whose father ,., overse~. was a bit more reserved but totally agreed with her friend& Kalie said it wa.., fun see- 111g the difference between the modem military facilities at Camp Pendleton and the historic ameruties on the Lynx. Her fa. ther has been gone since Jan. 28. but be· cause he is in communications, Katie can e-mail him frequently. Mother Penny Bean is a teacher at Mary Fay Pendleton School. and JOtned her . daughter on the field trip. Penny Bean is holding down the fon with Katie and two other children while her husband Is away. "We're hanging ln there.• Bean said "We've been In 23 years.. They are over there lo do their jobs. get at done and come home.· Woodson K. Woods. the dlret.1or of the Defense of Freedom Foundation. said he ls proud to share the Lynx with the chil· dren from Camp Pendleton. The 78-foot schooner is consistently used to teach people of America's first struggle for inde· pendence in 1812. he said ~It is the mission of our shtp and crew to teach the lessons of America's first de- fense of freedom,· WOods said. "We are particularly honored to now seM! the chil· dren of those men and women who boldly defend our freedom toqay." Woodson !>aid he took great pleasure m watdung the duldren get uwolved with the v-Mious hands-on tasks.. l:ach cruise on the Lynx earned JO dill- dren, who divided their anentJon mto three watches. At each station, the sixth· grader., grew enthralled with the different guns on the ship. the history of the priva· teers and the lives of the sailors. Pnvateers were private men of war -as the tide suggests -officials explained. They were not paid a salary but dlvided the shares of the ships they captured. Pri· vateer ships became an effective maritime force, Woods said. as some 500 ships cap- tured about 2,000 enemy ships. Th1s at a lime when there were only 13 ships in the Navy, he said. Glenn Zagoren, president and chief ex- ecuuve of the museum. said It IS the venue's ~nslbility to suppon the fa.mi. lies of those fighting overseas and is more than happy to provide tours to the cllil- dren. "It is the least we can do,· Zagoren said. Marine officials were also appreciative of the gesture. Major Sean T. Moore, a re· tired Marine and the Marine liaison for the foundation, said the cllildren appreci- ate the break from the nonn and the op- ponunl ty to escape from the stress on the base. ICN drug aids those with mystery illness Shares of the Costa Mesa drug company rise 17% after World Health Organization announces the drug's effectiveness. Paul Clinton Dally Pilot COSTA MESA -Shares of ICN Pharmaceuticals lnc. shot up more than 17' Tuesday. after the World Health Organization said the company's Ribavlrin antiviral drug has been effective in treat· ing a mystery illnes.s that has killed 63 people worldwide. The health organiz.ation said the drug. used with or without steroids, has been effective in Sta· bllJ.zlng patients aftlJcted with se- vere acute respiratory syndrome, or SARs. The recommendation appeared on the organ.iz.ation's Website. In heavy trading on ~New • York Stock Bxchange. ICN shares : n>CUted 17.8541fi to dose at : SI0.50. 1 The Costa Mesa company has ; been provtdJ.ng ~ drug in an ' lntnlVenous ronn to docton and : other bealtbcare providers who , are now t.reattng SARS, a com- : pany spokesman said. I "The World Health ~­ : tion wu looting for eome son Of. : bfttromt and they've Just started I rec:ommendtng .... ICN spobs- 1 1 man Ouis ~Mid. "Wdre supplying the ctn,.. IMr'I thousb tho dnll baa sta• I bWr.ed aome patient-. RQ)aWtn l ~'t ptCM!d to be l~ efftc· tion. in 1994, approved the drug for treatment of hepatitis as pan of a drug coclctail. The form now being used for SARS has not been approved by the FD\ and is ex- perimental Kuechenmeister said he knows of no plans to put the drug on an approval track with the federal drug regulator. Ribavlrin has been a hit for ICN; the company pulled in be- tween S3 million and $5 million in revenue during 2002 from sales of the drug. There has been I .804 cases of the deadly SARS virus and it has killed more than 60 people worldwide. with a large number in and around Hong Kong. There has been a reponed 10 cases in the U.S. and nine in Canada On Tuesday, U.S. officials quaran- tined a plane from lbkyo that landed In San Jose. Five people arriving from Hong Kong. where the vtrus has been found, devel· oped SARS-like symptoms. State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon • e ;11t11:1a ;1&;t111.111 ;td;t1011e&;td1 CDllPLETI 1•11 lllNlll Tllll DP SatN Owner Since I 965. 38 *"'n in Costa Mesa TD c•••nna• ••• me. 2945 Randolph Ave (Bristol ~ Baker) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 We Repair Gross Polluters ' ·Bl.ft tn the abeeOQt or dink:a1 ! tndkaton. 1 ~ hit I not been prow::n. • the orprm• I don tlkl oo lts Web • TFMt'lt 1a• x 1a• ~ ... " ......................... flm-·•• .. M•-···· ... u -.t ~ 'l"lei .............. , ...................... .,. ... ....-...... *'lllld.. 8'l Lirr*lllt~ ...................................... ~ .......... ._. ... -.. , That didn't etop l.JNetton from IObbUnl up thares on ~ JcN role $1:.59, .. 5.8·mBUon lhu8 dwJled hlndl. up tom It\ ::.. ol about 500.000 ~~~dnil I Chit ICN ... WI • ..,.,.... I pect ,..... 5':hnll~Plodlb Corp. : PrtnwlJ Ilia -.,..,. .... I,,.. ,... Ind Dr\111 M1• , • Wednesday. AiK• 2. 200 3 A3 Visitors bureau gets more fashionable The center has relocated to Newport ,Center, near many of its member hotels. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT CENTER -The Newport Beach Conference & Visitors Bureau has i!D~ into new offices near Fashion Wand, clo.se to many ot the hotels that are among its major memben.. The local tourism promoter left its fonner offices near the Arches bridge on Friday. By Monday, the orgaruzauon opened its doors at l 10 Newpon Center Drive. with the Irvine C..o ~ its new landlord. ·we were very fortunate m getting this space from the Irvine Co.: said Marta Hayden, the bu reau's execuuve director. "The only thing better might be if we had an ocean view." Hayden tited the new office·., proximity to many or lhe bu· reau'a members, indudmg ~ Four SeaJons Hotel. Hayden wouJd not dl.sclose tenns or the lease with the Lrvtne Co .. except that che bureau is locked in with a five-year lease. The bureau began loo~lt""'~ a new home m Jan en its fonner landlord not ed leaders that they had one as: to vacat.e the building. Plans are underway to convert the building. which is near the bndg~ cro!ISJJ1g Coast High.way near the Arches restau· rant, mto a different U5t' A neighboring Olili'& r~tau· rant Jeft the building ahour three year& ago. Hayden said The bureau &pent sevl!'n years at its fonner location, wtuch W35 somewhat smaller than the cur· rent office The bureau now has about 3,000 ~uare feet of spac.e. The bureau represents the city'& ~en maior hoteb. mdud- mg the Fow Season'>. I fyatt New· poner and Newpon Beach Mar- rion & Tennis Qub, whkh IS also located in Newpon Center. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Easter Bunny will visit Eastbluff Park April 19 The Easter Bunny will bounce into Eastbluff Park at I 0 a.m. April 19 10 pose for pictures. help give away pri.7.es and allow youngsters to hunt for egg5 Newpon Beach Hecrt-ation Service., and the Ea\lbluff Village Men.hanr .. will host the .!0th an nual Easter Egg Hunt ar the park on Vista del Oro at Vi<.ra del Sol. Goodie bag::. will be pravtded. For more mforma11on, call (949) 644 "ii 51 THE .. Al I NEW9• 2004 RX 330 Now Available OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVIO GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED Because There's No Such Thing. That's why we creat~ give your child pra<tKf 1n al b4s1< langu• skllls. 1l'lclud•'l<J phonies, vocabulary compre· Rx Rffding, It's~ pr~ program gu•r•ntttd to r•t~ your child's l~I ;:~1~~"0 n•eadmg Utilizing exclusiw .._ __ ,.._... .. - hfnsion, and apphf'd skills such as ~~109 ratf, and ~a11 TutorAJd ttjtlOCJ, ~ an•lyze the 9•ps In a student's rtadlng ability and crNte a bal•nc~ program to If your child Is falling behind In Khoof, now It t:M tlrM to Qll Ind flnd out men. (9~) 645-7900 488 East i]th Strttt • Costa ~ (Comer of lrvlM A~) M Wtch$day, Acwi 2, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Fisherman acquitted of smuggling The captain and chief eq- glneer of a Taiwanese fishiog trawler accused of smuggling 10 Chinese nationals onto Crystal Cove State Beach, were acquitted pf the clwge Monday. Jin Yinn Wang. the vessel's captain. .and co-defendant. Jin Lon Guo said they were not smugglers and had nof been paid $10,000 per per- son to bring the 10 into the United States. A group of partyef"S last May spotted the men pad- dling ashore naked and then getting dressed in suits and baseball hats on the beach. When taken into custody and questioned by author- ides, the men said they had been held on the trawler in squalid conditions during their trip across the Pacific. Wang and Guo said they were fishing for sharlcs 600 miles off Hawaii when the 10-member crew turned on POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • r-.lrview R~: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2700 blodt at 2:53 p.m. Sunday. • Jo.nn Street: An assault was reported in the 700 blodt at 4:58 p.m. Sunday. • Newport Boulevard: Grand theft was reported in the 1700 blodt at 4:10 p.m. Sunday. • South Cout Drive: A C:ommercial burglary was reported in the 900 blodt at 4:28 p.m. Sunday. • wanace Awnue: An auto theft was reported in the 2000 blodt at 7:59 p.m. Sunday. • West Wilson Street · Vandalism was reported in the 500 blodt at 8:54 a.m. Sunday. them and forced them to bring the ship to the United Slates. Federal prosecutors thought they had a strong cue ·demonstrating that these two men were respon- sible for smuggling these indi- viduals.• said Thom Mro7.ek. spokesman for the U.S. Attor- ne{s Office In Los Angeles. "The jury decided there ~ reasonable doubt," he said. "We accept l)'leir ver- dict" • 'nle l 0 men were held as material 'witnesses and nine of them testified in the case, Mrozek said. He said all the men have been turned over to the Immigration and Naturalization Service. The INS cannot comment on specifics about the case, said Francisco Arcaute, spokesman for the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement "Generally, wben individu- als [who are not legal immi- grants! are done with their legal issues, they are referred to us,· he said. ·And very often, they are sent back to their country of origin.· -Deepa Bliamtll NEWPORT BEACH • Birch Street: A commercial burglary was reported in the 5100 blodt at 8:46 am. Monday. • Wnt Coast Highway: An auto theft was reported in the 2600 blodt at 9:40 p.m. Monday. • Evening SUr Lane: Grand theft was reported in the 200 blodt at 8:51 p.m. Monday. • Newport Boulevard and Wnt Coast Highway: A hit·and-run was reported at 3:55 p.m. Monday. • Sea Temic:e: A vehide burglary was reported in the 100 blodt at 8:10 p.m. Monday. •21st Plac. and West Ocean Fn>nt: Vandalism was reported at 4:01 p.m. M onday. Come see rhe new EverWood• CountrySide blinds from Huncer Douglas Overlapping slats crea1e a beauriful board·On·board design And the 'st.ep-up· look adds dep1h. dimension and character to any room. And EverWood CouncrySide will not warp, crack. peel or fade Even In humid areas or direa sunlight. Come see 1hese beautiful blinds today. ····~········· .. ·· t11•111 O#t•I I•••• 1111• ~ALDEN'S fl.OOA tU'Jn!NG ANO OJs1oM \l'NOOW Ccl\'F.mlt.\ 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 •@tunmRAMJ • CONSIGN •DESIGN Qualily Funaisliing1 & Acctssories For Your llPin~ 3 Drawer D-resser ....................................................... $75" Black lroo/Glas.1 F.od Table .............. -........ _. ....... $100- Plne'Cofrtc Tabk/Cbest. ....... -............. ._ .. __,. ... $175"' ftne .lJre::slc: .......................................................................... $17 S- ~1lab~r ............................. ~ ........... $2(J()" · Tiit Top Kitdatn Table• Chain.-..................... $2509' LarpPlnel>rmerw/Hotcb ............... --...... ms- ~ GrttB Claen.lllt Sectlic>lial ................................ S99s- ' 1 • I I . ~ 369 E. 17th Street# I 0, Costa Mesa; Locauid btbinJ Pllll'll ""-in Phone(949)764-1746 MOit-Ni ·~Sii llliXMll 5~ s. 101nlm-4~ f I• FAMILIAR Continued from Al But what be knows, Gelvaii S8ys. la that both hla IOn and Ga- ribay (ought for a noble cause. •Nothing comes eaay." he said. "Freedom doesn't come. drive 'down to Pa.lrvlew Ptll'k easy. My son dJed defending and where the city had erected a me-ftgllting-for somethlng he be- morlal plaque In honor of At-liewd in." tbur and spend eome time there. Galvan said b1s son "chose his prayUig. Uf e. • But GaJvan says this war with •Ke wanted to be ln the serv- lraq ts just too painful to watch. Ice," he said. ·1 couldn't alfoni and the death of Garibay last his education. The government month just brings back too was going to get him educated,." many memories. Galvan said he Former Costa Mesa Mayor Pe· feels sorry for the Garibay family. ter Buft'a, who was on the City ·1 went through a lot of pain · C.Ouncil at the time of Arthur and I'm sure th.ey are going Galvan's death and proposed the through a lot of j>aln now," he plaque and memorial service for said. "I don't even blow much him. said for him, 12 years laterl about this war. I work all the •1t feels like deja vu all over tirne. l don't watch the news." again." SUPPORT Continued from Al helped organize the tribute. "I thought it was very solemn and very appropriate." From the lowering of the flag to half-staff to the presentation of a school plaque to his family, the ceremony revealed how the school will never forget him. "I think it's nice that even though he's been gone a few years from the school ... that they're doing th.is," said 22-year-old Aaron Maher, a close friend of Garibay's. "It's just a shame that he's not here to see it ... Maher, a fellow alumnus and former footbaJJ player, sat with the Garibay family and struggled to 6gh1 bade tears as Garibay's teachers and family spoke about the leners and messages the young man left behind. He was not alone. Although many of the students who gathered around the stage Tuesday afternoon NEWPORT Continued from Al tararo, publicist for the festival, has taken an expedidous velocity as he readies for Thursday's ldck- off event Opening night. ~It's, going to be jampacked and a lot of fun,• Quartararo said. ·11 really sets the pace for the upcoming week.• And the pace is fast and furi- ous -even without Vin Diesel. Night after night, spotlight films will be featured In such categories as animation, anni- versaries, tributes and various ALLOWED Continued from Al a long day at work. My punches have gonen even harder since I became a columnist But why step in the ring? What about the violence? The fact that you are trying to hurt somebody'? Why would you willingly subject yourself to physical abuse, people ask? To me, boxing does not represent violence. No, I have not had one too many hits to the head. Allow me to explain. Yes, hitting someone is inherently brutal but the sport itself, the strategy, the discipline, the determination and strength required to compete, symbolize life. lt also epitomizes the type of person my mom raised me to be. The type who strives to shoot straight. never back down from a chaJJenge and keep my feet finnly planted on the ground -or the mat, as circumstance may have IL didn't know Garibay personally, they couldn't help being affected. Seeing his fellow classmates gather to remember his older· brother and give their condolences to his family, 15-year-old Gabriel Barragan, Garibay's half-brother, was touched by all the support •It was a great service ... and everyone's ln support of him: said Gabriel, who is a sophomore at Newport Harbor. ·it's great to see everyone come out It was somewhat surprising to see this many people ~me out on behalf or my brother .• Martha Auor, the president of the Newport-Mesa Unified School Board, said she wasn't surprised by the turnout and was pleased to see stud ents come together to honor one of their contemporaries who made "the ultimate sacrifice.· Others who have lost their lives in the war in Iraq were also on the students and teachers' minds. "TI:l.is tremendous ripple affect that we're having is not just a ethnic groups. After the excite- ment on screen, the festival will host corresponding parties each night al popular area venues. · Quartararo listed, with expert quickness, a rundown or all the movie merrymaldng: . A gala event at the Radisson, following a screening of opening f~ture. "Miranda" A post party at the Hard Rocle c.af~ following the 20th anniver· sary screening of ·Tue Outsid- ers" -which launched the ca· reers of numerous blg name actors.. A party a1 El Torito Grill after the showing of Latino· spotlight (Funny thing is, she can't stand to watch me fight) in boxing there is always someone gunning for you. The goal is to avoid their attacks and make strides for yourself. You cannot simply do that by stepping Into the ring Wlprepared. You have to 'WOdc for it. You have to run two miles a day. You have to give up ice cream, cookies and candy. You must sacrifice time In front or the television to hit hand pads, jump rope, work on the speed bag, h.it the double-end ball and spar. A boxer must know and understand frequent plans of attack and learn the best way to defend them. A boxer must aJso come to terms with their own sttengths and weaknesses and adjust their game plan accordingly. ff you do not do these things. you will not succeed. And that Is just to get ready for the challenge. Thf_ actual fight itself is where it really becomes repteSentative of life. Boxing is also quite slmUar to 8ufl'a hlinlelf is a f onner Air Fon:e officer. •Arthur served his oountry very well," he saJd. ~He remains a great aouroe of pride for Costa Mesa." Arthur Galvan'• sister, Thny1 and brotht'fl, Larry, Gal)' and Ray Jr., could not be contacted. His mother Doris O'Campo, who Uved in Co ta Mesa. dJed a.bout two yean alo. Aamoo Galvan said. He said the two bad been divoroed for some time. Galvan also said he has not kept in touch with Arthu(s wife and son. QUestion1> were raised after .Arthur's death about whether the Air Foroe should have Sfµlt the AC-130.t\. which la basically a refurbish~ cargo plan~. to the KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Richard Maher, left, a close friend of U.S. Marine Jose Garibay, reads a card with Jose's mother, Simona, after the memorial service. tribute to Jose Garibay but to all the men and women out there today." said Mike Bargas. who has coached football al the high school for th~ past 12 years. film •A Beautiful Secret.· The list goes on and on, and as Quartararo runs them down, the pitch or his speech also quickens. "There are lots and lots of par· ties and simultaneous parties ev- ery night," he said. lf a week or continuous ca- rousing weren't lure enough. the festival boasts a dizzying i.ched· ule of overlapplng i.creenings, showing various genres of films all over Newport-Mesa and intro- ducing the locaJs to the talents of tomorrow. While the gliiz and glamour may be the draw for industry outsiders, for those who make a livirig off making movies, the the other love of my life, my ~Thinking AUowed • gig. Nobody can go lnto boxing - or column wriling -thinking they are never going to get hit You will, and it will sting. But when it happens. you learn to shake it oil. If the shot happens to buckle your knees you step bade. recover and continue the fight ln both arenas, you learn to take your knocks. You learn you are not invincible. When you make a rnlstake and step directly lnto your opponents left hook, you certainly pay for it. lf you drop your hands because you get too cocky, you pay for it. Lose your focus and your head will ring. My opponents -and critics -have and will continue to land some key shots. I have had black eyes, cut lips and bruised ribs. I have plenty of e-mails and volcemalls taldng jabs at me. many of which shoot below the bell. But I can take it Every time an opponent !ands a punishing shot, I learn -albeit the hard way-where I need to improve. And that perhaJM, is the best part of boxing: You reallu your drive to succeed. You have tangible proof or your strength when tested. During the last 20 seconds of the final rounds, your arms fed like they are going to fall off but you must keep throwing those combinations. Your legs feel wobbly but you muat continue to dance and ..Up. My column has not teated m e in such a dramatic fashion. nor 'OBITUARY GoldieM. I battleground. But Galvan wd he • hal not heud from the Air Force ; about whether an lrwestlgat1on : was conducted or not. • "I don't know what happened • or how It happened,• he uid. •t'vc ~ learned to accept It. I just pray to • God and try to live with it." GaJva.n 58ya be seeks solace ln the belief that h1B son was des· tined to dJe just the way he did. "I believe that the day you're , gonna die, you're gonna die,• he , saJd. "Whether you're here OJ' anywhere else. lf It's your time, , it' your Ume." • DEEPA BHARAT>t covers public safety and coortl. Sl'le may be reached at (9491574-4~6 or by e-mallat dHPf1.bharath /at/mes.com. .TRIBUTE Continued from Al called. Bell and neighbor Shirley Fox said they walked in and out of : three stores before they found yeUow ribbon. "Did you know they're in great demand?" she asked. "Isn't 1hat amazing?" Tracy 1 lageman has known Ian for about three years. "I'm very scared fo r him," she said. "I want the war to be over soon and can"t wait for him to come back home." Bruce Voss also read Ian's let- ters to scouts who were listen· ing intenlly. In his last mail. Ian 1aJked aboul why he was doing what he wa~ doing: that Iraq had weapon~ of m ass destruc-· tion and they could use it to take innocent lives. "Over the last two months, I've learned about Sadd am Hus- sein." he wrote. "Everyone thinks it'!. about oil, but it's no1." closing night holds its own allure . The final night i!> awards night - the night the filmmakers re<:eive tangible evidence their films are moving. entertaining. poignant and beautiful. Organu.ers say the reputation ' of the film festival, which runs ' through April 11, is growing and . they are seeing a vast number of · its entrants go on to achieve · loftier goals. such ai. Academy . Award nominations. : Despite its bankruptcy in the fall of 1999, the event has ben- efited from a successfu.I revival, a slight renaming and an increased passion. Organizers expect about 25,000 visitors this year. do I feel t am fighting a battle with the words I write. But I do feel a M!nse of accomplishment wl1en I get reader's responses, both supportive and critical. That is my tangible proof that I have one of the best Jobs in the world. That I am doing what I love and that people are, at the very least, reading and hopefully. thinking. Of course. the object is never to h.it the mat But sometimes in boxing, as in life, you must - for your own good. And if you taste the mat too many times. perhap~ you should change your stance -or at least lake up a no-contact activity. • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reactied at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolit11.h11rper@l11times.com. ZWEBER, Kathy M. ~ =~ M. (40) Of Huntitlg10n PMMd --MM:h ~. 2003.. She .... Pharmacy Technician with • ZW9bw PhlnMcy In~ tor the put 20 YMf'I. SuMvor9 Include htr mother Elafn. ZWeb«, tl1tert Patti E~itl (Jim} Md .......,,. ~-~. brOther Gery z..w fCf*Yf), nieces Ind neph9w .... and ~ ~ and MlltNw Ind VJctoN Ef:911h. Funnl ..,... WW bt SetutdlV. Apt.I 6. 2003. 12:00 p.m.-· ai Paotflc V• Mon~ CMiit4. Corona del Mar (141) 144-t7o0. f .. , \ Time for the show Ne wport Beach Film Festival to open Thursday with 'Miranda' -NEWPORT BEACH FILM FESTIVAL aiistir1a Ricci stars in "'MIRNC>A, •the film that wiU open the 2003 Newport Beach Film Festival. S pol11ghung more than 290 feature-length. documentary, am.mated and shon films from around the globe, the Newpon Beach Film Festival is back for its 2003 incarnation. During the festival's nine-day run you can expect to see several world premieres, an Academy Award nonunated documentary and a special everung honoring Francis Ford Coppola's ·The Outsiders." Officials expect to Wednesday, ~ 2. 2003 A5 attract more than 25.000 film aficionados at the Edwards Island Cinema Theater>. Orange County Museum of An and the historic Lido Theater The Opening Night Gala will be at the Edwards Btg Newpon Cinema and feature the premiere of "Miranda.· starring Christina Ricci. Oteck the Pilot daJJy. starting Thursday. for film fesoval news.. Good luck 10 all the filmmakers and everyone mvolved m putting on this ever-growing fesnval INSIDE . . . • • • • . . . • .. • • M w.bsdly, Aprl 2, 2003 THURSDAY FRIDAY na.m. • T'RAPf'U> IN MEEDOM Embaft on• )oumey through the mind of 1 "*' who chcoYefa the manlc inloxlc:allon of purt f...clom. ·HEMERr• The collect!Ye ~ or being blaci In ArNnc9 explof9d thtough me 1nium1, t~'I per.a'-.. they •IUOOUlly _,. through the night fl:w lhe<J .on 10 come home ·~ The low kfe of. 2 ............. psydloc .n 5 Minutle • *1T1HO IWVlll Theo~,_,... of desire "-' often ~.,.from IMng •n the_.. • ll.000 s.t01' A vemp,. hllmlln ~ wo<b 10< the CIA and a lotMf coo INf't up lo rod lA of a <la~rc>•iC ._._ge11 • Tl4£ CORNER A young man dr..,.,_ of ndong a blcyc~. bu1 IAO.a the OIWI CC>m!>O"'"'l lhal will make h11 drMmlrHhlV • CREATIVf. l'AOCESS 473 A tall of mad-. mayhem and lhe btrlh o( •n °"U''* though~ And monkev-. A POCICET FVU. Of DAfAMS lJdolMMei """*' Urt1*1 SlaNs 1003 ...... CoMt "'-ti • DRECTOft: ~ 8hender1 • ICM.EH1NN 18': C:0..V Judd • CAS1! MoNn AQMhe, """"' Mal>endtoo, Sed>tn Khec:leU<. ~ 5-, Ellen Thomeon. Jot>n "khv N.n • llUHNIHG TIME: 98.-00 A fwnily of lmmigr"'1tt Imm India come to ""*'cl wtwn lt*r ~hl•r i• llOC»Pled into 111 Am«icln university. l'he film edd,_ 1"' PfObleme wtltd> immfOr-often (8Cll -rdl•ng for fame encl lonune in the ·""-lean DrMm.• 1pm IHOA'T'I (S7)· TIME FOR SHORTS Eelwefdl leland -Blue • OOH"T N0800V LOllE ll4l GAME MORE lMAlll MIE Fou< .t>ghtly CMl'-lt>e-l>fH guys on • Hew Yon beA411Deff court medtblt• on~ Pride _,~ •A.-DOWN EAST Abbie muat..,,. he< f.,,..ly......., 11wy.,. llt90ded In • ·-· ligMhouM duriog the ,,... 11orm of 11158 • NO REGflET'a Mona I• tired, She I• Ured of men trying 1o be d\errn;ng and brwd of trying to be C>llA. lkll for !ult • momen1, 9he ""V have found wt>.i el>• Ill loolclng for • 1"E AHHtVfMMV (NGAY GIOI A BuOdNst n-* 18 heunted by rnernon.. of -and~ on lhe ,,,.,.,,..._.,of l>f• bnldlef 'I dNtrl •ALCHEMY wt\111 gee. around,_,_ wound ....s wound • llU! (M.S'T IN ~ In • Clet" room, • men 0.-.. "'9 lvl\Ke of ....nllll'd Who -llW\' 1 wt>at dO !My went lnlfn ue7 • .,. NfO '"" A 91ofY ebolll growtng up, no mafter how hMd you lfV "°' 10. IOKID UdoThMler NonMm ,,..,.,'Id 2002 W:>rtd~ • u.c:'TOlt Metlon Comer • IClll!Elf#N I flt ...._,Comer • CAl'1' Tom .lol'd8n Murphy, °""'Gh Kelly, Jim Mofton. Calhecine ~ ....... Med<.-, • MJINNNQ Tiie ll:OO A young. ~ pti."' rnillMIUn lor 11'9 ~end --v mentor end •en to en l8ol.-d ho.-."""*-'" lrilh ~""""" 8f'OUSI le hollltftg • ~ .....,.,,_ for ~ The ___ f...t ........ ~al '-Ing to !al.""'"" • decleioll -of.._.,_, meta "°'"*' inlo. etendofl .,.._, "4c:t>IN _, ~ eedt "*- ,........ trulhe llbo<JI humen .-n. 1lllp.M. THI ctto:R HUN: .-rUt NOElU'I YO'MGf °"~. ~ Weind-Gold "'-UnlttKt S-1«12 w... eo..,..,,...,. •W~l'llln.on-...... ~-........ Jmildl:Jlm ~ • CM1' ...... NcMllle Maroelllno ~=:~ • ~12-oo ..... ._..~IN--,,....,of .. CoMedlQA lllllMy, _ __,,.....,.on... • i.w.,,. Nllob-....... tit-.ctv."" ~qi~ n.MdoOumenUfy ,.._._~,_,,,.,,.,.,.looll~ .......... ,...... .......... olftotllt ....... ~----"9dlel'-,_IV ......... _, ~Imo lhefllle ol ............, ........ 11 .. ........,.., .. "°""'"' lllAmW"' ~ ....... "' ... v .. ·~ TMMJUCllf ntl MQNT ""*" 0 UOTI) .._.,...._.-Gold ....,.......,..__ Wbrtd,__ ••&ICM!Qnllll""' •W&Ciilbilllt~!holdll •CMT•1wn..o1'f'D •111....a moo ... .. • .... al !(or., .. ., .......... -....... ...t!0- ,....1r1~ .-.. ... ----• _....__.._f_illtN!UIMef ,...........,.,.llDYe~---~ ,..-. •..,..,. mllft~frOmN..,.. _......, ... ~ frOm ~ 8lld ---·~ yOllfll liltwf'9 ........ ~-... t"-"f .. tood .... .,.,. =:..:.1tJIJI ............. . .., ·-~.....,., . •CM't_.. .......... ---. ri.. ,.,.._, ...... MalCMI ·-Tlllt-....,, .... .-wy,_, ...... ..--. .. =!""f'-*•oc ••In ..... ., -:·'~ .......... ~ ... .......... ,.,..... .... ~ ec.y.-noc to l&lllCllll'llb to ... ...,.,._. of .. --.,.. <MIO~ 111 die tOO milt NM; It YVU'teet .... ~,,... -rflvm '-· YVU'te ll'M 10 dO ........ Wilt! ~ Thelt ~Mllaf llflllWtNlll lnlO • ,,,..._.., ride of-· QUiii lll>d l'llUl'de<. l:JOpm. ltto«TI talt CRAZY MOUT OUl'l IHOfl'fll Edwlnll i.ltnd-fllue lp.m. DlllUIJNQ fOfl ntE OSCARS UdoT'-let Uniter/ KJnodom 2J)()() • OIA£CT0A: l.&Me Mengea • MJNNINO,.,., 90:00 The 0.:... f9d «*Pith .. become IN g- laslllon lhow Oii -'it. •o.-ing for the o.c.r.· i. • one-l>our r-Wng ~ that follows one of Hollywood"• i.vortte feehlon deeognen, Rendolph DI.*•. •he "1'tvee In LCM! Anoe._ la><n N9w 'lbtt for lhr .. -ol frenllc: ~ 10 C08JC oelebnl.-lnlO hl9 gowne. ---JUUl....aNQ ~ Edw9fde l9ltrld -Gold Getmany. c.n.dl. "'*'rd 2001 r U.S. f'r9mle<e • DlflECTOR: Agni.a. Hollend • SOREENWRrTER: ~ 14olland •RUNNING TlME: 11tocl l'ejecrung the ltrnm IJnd ~,.. p1_.i on her, Juh• l.91.:• her young'°"' Nid>olM, ecroee the globe where lh"I' 9PP98f to find deeperetely .-a-. In AIP!a. a men unlike •nv other No m.n• whef9 he travels, I~ ol hopeful~ follOw Alexo•, a heeler "' wtlOm Juhe -• vWon grel'd enough 10 metd'I her own hOCle8 end drNrna lpm. LOST AHO FOUM> IQ.IA AOC) Edwwdl lellncl -Blue ~2002 U.S. l'Nmler1I • DIAfA:TOft Vl;ong Due • SCfll!llM1M'91: ~VIM H9 • CAB! Due Kn.M. Hue Minh • RUl\NNQ lliE: Vt:OO Thang, a meth ~. oonducu r-ordl with hi• dean on me m.otv of lingule1 malhema\lca .... dec:idea to prGCMd alone after ga111 ng expelled fot hotdtng oontredldorr pejrn. of...-. n.ng's he It d<•n.pted .,...._ a 'IV eel ennounoN 1het he has found • large eum of money on S8CJtem()er 11 Hi9 f)rivMe r-.:tl oa lhen tall.en ....s ueed lo bnng c>n>fit IO • -• ""~' prOteC:t. WiU Thang ~n control ol h11 ~and find out who pl8Ced""' ed1 I.JO pm SW£U I tt£ART OF T1* SEA Loclo'ThMter SWELL Unlr~ Sr.ies XX'2 • DIRECTOfl: Charlolle Lagardl • RUNNING TIME: 23:00 A documentary exploflng life, dNlh and lour generatione of women longboerd aurfe,. (~ hMn of the -1 HEART Of Tl4E HA Un.ted Sl.11• 2002 Soutnern Cal~ Pt_. • DIRECTORS: Chariotte Lagarde. uu Denker • MJNNNG TIME: 57;()() .,__,en legend Re• "l(.epol.ob'ehubo" Sunn cited In January 1998 of~ QnOlf et the 9111 ol •7 KnQwn wottdwMle -• ~ of women's "'°'""°"" turfing, Rell SulWI IOCtllev9d the~,. of"' icon •n IN 191 ...... not only fo< het phy9ic:al ~. greoa and tum<noua beauty, bu1 for her ieedlnhlp In • community the! loved her as mucll as "'9 loYed rt tp.m. SHOftTI 1521 GET INTO OUR SHO«fSt EOwarOI !eland -Gold •IACK&UOE When n·• yOU< first bme, the eogM m11111t• 11\er can be en elemtlV • LEO'MlfllC A day 1n the llvee of me~-en"-who ...,.1 llum you down until me d4'V you cite bill collec:lor9 • TIMIT W.VCH H11 glrttn.nd r-r>rf """" atoocl rum up bul our he<o hee • dale With dMt1ny ....._the IO<OM of lew IJnd ""'°"* colMde • -. FNM.Y lll.f!llAS A dart comedy U\at Pl'-IWO men 11ge1n111 oedl ~~of WIU on OlO.tma Eve The outlew Mel Bi9hop .-llzes the true coat of redllmpVon .,...._ he --. rwvenge agalnat the men he ~ belrayed him •I.E ... The film from• 1~ cemere revula the momenl 1het the u-"""" louncl .... ~, ••• ·-lltlO<\. 0 a .1aJ Jim fights ~ely lo reurwle woth lhe ntJ¥t grown .on ct...c he abandoned Kl 11'9 yOUth •1"EBQXMAH A d<tturtling ltoe>motK>n 8Nmetton ..-um .. belwMn • men ....S 1 cerdboerd bOJr SATURDAY ·-1Ml~Me™INA ~ ... "'-""" U...._....._,...._..IOOI .,..,,.,.... • OAiC kA MM "'9n .. ""' ................ ..... 81m\.lllMO.-•CM1.,_......,. ................... ...,...., NEWPORT BEACH FILM FES'llVAL Diiiy Plot ·---~IS:oo TN .-i tarw. '-'of 1tue noblll1V ..._ ~ .......... old _4111 •~tor"" ..-IO en endenl ftddle tl\8ll ""411 NW ltle lllldera ldngdotn ,,, Conirion .... ir-Raffo .... e .,,.._IO help-Corlidon end .,. her by. dlMlOt _,. ...tttl. Id~~ girt Thil--Aoltoto ponder wn.nt true bMoltv Nee ~·"" TOUCHNO WILD HOMO ~--~ c.trl8dl. ~ IJnHerl~ FtlllW» IOOZ n ...... •ILU£GAAOO A~ glt1 ....ne0 Ttbhh• tNel9 Bluegltoo, dle lrrw1g111a1Y &-foot Ulll, blue, flying ~GARDEN A monater must find puce wtien hl• iov. of flow9rl. hie only pleuure, I• lt!reei.ned by the lerrible trenaforma1lon of hit M\llronm.nt •KANGAROO CRUIC GANO -. Q81M of ,...1 Sllllt• IJnd laddef• begine .,...._ Mr. lJurd drOl)9 down• hole elie< Kevon Kenoeroo wi.i-he'd disapc>6e• • U'l"i1.E RED PlANE -. IO'f plane cema a boy beQ for ooe 11111 ,..,._....... -i. "" falhef •MINI The llhoct.ng INlh •boVI """" yQuf dog doee II home whtle you are - GANGS FffOM ROSARIO (ROSARIGASIHOSI Edwllrclt laland -Blue Arpenflrw 200I •DIRECTOR: Rodngo Gr11nde • SCAEEHWNnR: Miguel Ang.ii • CASl! Albeno Sarwle • RUHNINO TIME: 90:00 Thlny years efle< a botd>ed h.,,,, Albeno S.8'11• le releMed from j9il. along wtlh h11 ~ade. ea-. the Gimp. In ac>tt• or lh•or ldv9need yea<s, lhey hope IO untie tl\efr old 119nu er'ld gr.t> the htdden loot. Cnme, lnend9hlp and a-ed love pUI .. through 11111 )OYial Argentine hem OfWNI I LO\l'E JOHANN ~Island -Gold ~1003 U. S Ptemtere • OIRECTOft: He<!nk Nornhon • SCAEENWRITtR Mamn Jern • CAS1' Amelte Norgaard •RUNNING T1M£: 45 00 A brilloam 1ndepender11 film, 1hol wllho<lt-9 d•reclor in an anardllc.tl produo110F1 e1W1ronmen1 by o ream of only four people It 1 a mellow shon telling summer rlorv ol teen Johan and hos encounlera with Tove. Eva. .hl~ob and Carolina • SOONATOflE The -ol Vivaldi uanepott9 • boy from '"' bedfOom to • mvstJCaf 1taQ8 whel'e not• oome elnre ....S nde 10 Ille-• • t OflEAMT Of IOMBAY Robert Jof'9 le lof'ced IO ~ belWMn the unlonunete truth end • bu<Jl1M lie •luu-.llY A beaullful women danoee the n;ght WW-V • snwotfT WttlTl MEN a M£ A biMxual Alien director eicaml,,.. he< 11e..-yp. of 1tf8igh1 whne "*' In tht• _...._ holaOOU.. probing pe<90f'Wtl doc:umenWy. •ELEVATOR A -.. ride through one man's IUboonecioua des! ... • M90UTOUl{.OU wi..., "'' i.....uv .,._,,., thtnti he ean t.tk• the reeponabtlitMs left to him 811 hla older b«>ther '• depeftv ... 12 VWH>ld Nal)O -Otll 10 prove horrwelf •lW A l>"IOf'9' dr_,,. ol lanaful lloglll from ht0 dat1i: IUblerreMan cell •CAOSSIHO A young -lod ~the! tMe kfe mey be noth;ng rnof9 than• bed dre.n and puUI hot theory 10 the test. •DANCE WITH ME On htt &Olh wedding •nniverul'(, • mysterlow lltenger tllOWll Pie,,. thel llle gr .. reei gill la IN ebllily 10 ~· wNI lie already has 12p.m. WOMEN wm40UT WINGS EdWwdl lllend -Gold CMl«ll 2002 • DM£CnlCt Ntdlolao K'"•Y • ICM.ENWNTBt NldloiM Kl- • CAR Ketv9 Gardner • ~ TWollE. 1091)0 Mat,.e ••truly inc.peble of d>Qoelng -two lowra She goa 10 • fomily lunerlll on Ille rnountetna of Albenl• and .,_ inlO • PM1f of fvnout blood t.ude end the llflClen1 C>.lelOtTl9 rooted In legend. She ,. .o ena.an194 by her ,_ lound W. that "'9 declclM 10 become a •vowecj virgin;' • womon ~ 11,,.. out her Mfe "•men, -mariyong or h9vlng d>oldren THE~ O<enge County Mu__,, of Ar1 VtWted Kingdom 20()2 • DIRECTORS: Jot>IH'aul O.Voeuon Tl'\ldle Sivie< • AUNt..a TIME: 86 00 In 1997, Sting -asked by the Walt o..iwv Company 10 wnte lt1e ,.,..... f0< • rww anomaoon fMlunl called •l(ong0om ol tlle Sun The film -eventually ,.leaMd" ·n.e Empe<or'a New Groove· FO< 1"' Ii rat 11ma on 011 hdtory, Otanev ellowed en out&1de ftlm "- ifllo iu world fO ctlronlde the nui. and bott1 ''·"" CIHEMATOClfWIHU'I POfU4 E~ i.lend -Blue t:JOp.m, LMYllNTif~ Udol'-~~leu~ • tallllllMllTaa: "°' '*"1G. ...... I.aide • CM! SYW>z• ~ ........., Leda. ~-~~ ...... Jo81f T.uc • T1Me 108 00 wi-~. •mmpulill~ Qlllll'll>lef. -'° "j• homelend llfler 20 vw-. he eDCOfTIPIM -"'old friend. Llkl. to• -Thlre he recelvee a n--ue from hi• pH!, from Zonln, • dlildhood ~ JhouOtlt 10 hwe committed tulclde long ego. flit m.cllum "'" Pop ""' ~did not Id-l>lmeetf -he -tilled. Whan Pop,_,,_ 7.o<ln'll llleged ldll<tr, ht flnda hlmeelf In II* rr\]del of denQer--Ot• will INd hlrnto a~ "9 -klWW ...-cs. 2pJn. IAllllT MONCA E~ Wend -GOid Ca<w»2002 '1111811 c-"'-• • DIMCTOft T-OcMlle • SCA&NWNfElt~ Od9ae •CAB?. G~ luedlner, Clere ec..tt.r, Brigitte Blllto Attended by Alm ~U1tho1• •RUNNING TIME: 82.'ClO In the heart of Toronio, • IOneciOU• young g!rl'w drNm is to pa~ MON of the angele in the er1nual dlurdl ~in hor>o< of the .,._,mption of the Virgin Mary• When Motllce 1a denoed ""' c1>--. • """' the l•ue en:iler1Qef WI~ for hetMft. l..o.ing the wil1Q' on her -v home, the fine» them•'-d9va leler on the b8ck of •-who~-., die f'IMM below 11>1 b<ldgM thM dMde the crty •11 f\Y1NG l.LGENO OntnQe County~ of M Untfdd Sr-2002 • OllECTOlt Mart FetJO • SCAEEHWNT'ER. Martt "-'IO • CAS1! Suull Wlll1eme Attended bl' direcr0<, proa.-, • RUNHIHO TIMf: 62 00 Curing World Wftf u. Amerlcll fouo/lt. learlOme bettle over Ille atciff in E"uroc>e. II - • deosive moment In the hlrlOf'tl ol "'9 world. From 1942 to mid 19'4. Gennenv heel the adverot.age. ~. v•ra -nng fo< Ille •rwviuible llir _,and grMI engo,_.. bothlnd extremely_. daelg!>ed mad>•na One i:ii-, ,_..., -to OW<oorne all of 1'-odds end P'VYI thM ~aw•• much greeter ~than-Thta11rplan•-lhell-17 Flying FortreM . ...no. legecv •• u~ on the "'-tory of .,,,.,oon J.JO p..m STAHOAAD TME Edwards ltt.llflO -Blue Untrerl Sr.r• 1001 • OIA£CTOfl: Rot>en C«v • sc:AUNWIVTERS. Isabel Roee. Robon Cary • CAS1: Isabel Rose, C-ron Bancroft, Aha Corey. Ilana Levtne, Eanh• K•ll, V!Clor Argo, Andrew Mceanllv An&nded by director. ponol)al cast • RUNNN} 11Ml: 9t 00 S.llie Golder> ... strugghng -"""" w.th • ....,,;cj omeuinetlon. Unlonunetlly, her fentallee ... .._.,., b\l lhe ...iltv of ... lhinl .... lounge""'--.~ In die ....... ol he<~. G"'G Ellenbogen, an old higll ed>OOl '-llhrob. now I ~I~ lawyef, _,,_ bedk Into her lof& lie oflerw he< tOlmCllt """'V!hong -could -deeir• &II when lhe -Elliol. an 8'TOQIVll. ~ -9ha .. lof'ced to~'-'-' the 1wcun .. Greg cen g1ve her ....S the one thing he can't • kfe filled ..,th m.iCic: Sl'WJIOUNO Lido Theater United Sures 2002 • OIRECTOfl: Jeff Bktl Attended by duector, prO<luee< • ~NNING TIME: 97 00 ""' 1m..-. 1,......;fe expeflenel ot lhe NMionel 6pdtng S.. • -n th<OU{lh the -of eight dnven young-'"" W. ..,_In "*< priYN hvee • ll'lrf treln h:w end~· '"the u!brN191 ..... leQulll thowdcJowfl From IN hlltdecrobble pl.wona ol T-10 the ~red i.-.. ol Coonecbcv\. from the rwdf>edl Onrk oounlTy!Mdt to the troutiled ~. 0 C projeCU. Spellbound~.~ ol ,... -modern Arnencen Mon• SHORT'S (Sl5)! JOURNEY Tl4AOUGH 8HOR'T'S Orange COYntv M.-.m of An •EAST SIDE A lllulteboard JOUmev 10 Nie end beyond • RAISE Tl4f CANE A do<:ument•rv folloWlng lOO rnen •ncl women dr--1 aa Sama a-wllO """• en....-ptlgnmege 10 New Yori< Cnv 4p.m. .JUST 00 fT (HAMY~l E-da Island -Gold South KorN 1000 Wost~ Premiere • DINC1'0lt ~ OM Ycunv • SCRUNWffTIM Kwon 1...0..n, lee Young """' ...,_ O..'IWng • CAS1' Plorlt Sang v.on. l'ltrll Jtn-Hee. Lee Beem-Su, Jeong Jun. AA Seel<·"""*'· Oti...n.. Porte I~. Na MooMwte, lM Yu........ng end Ko Ho-kyeong ·~TIM£:93~ Mating a MUre of Nike's iatogen. • Jutll Do "1; director Pm .i-oong ~-11 to • ~ femoly ln SouVI Ko<..~ !Me edventege of the·-miracNw• ~ng ""'"' 1n '"" 9111 of finanoal boom In t1M penx:uler 1n111anee. l'ltrll pok• lun at ·-..,...,.. end how the Kot-. bourgec>tM .... pded uP trich IMmed '" the Woat9M Wofld lpm 1"E KRESS LOUNGE O<ange County~ ol An Vnlted s-:IJ)()2 • OIREC'l'Olt Rerll9 Owlev COUIM.SY <1f TN SCfllG tHTtRTNIM.Nf "Red Trousets-Thi Ufe of the Hon& Korie Sblrtmen• NEWPORT BEACH FUi FESTIVAL 2003 KEY LOCATIOHS. ~ b Orange Coiirty 0 Edwards Lido Thelter Bi& Newport MuSNTI of Art s 0 Adventlns It Sea fj Ectwwdslsland t ~Beach 2 Theaters e.iemas N>llc lb ¥Y LEGEND f Semtnar locabon OAJLV PILOT STAFF TICKET INFORMATION . TICKETS: $8, unless otherwise specified COHTAC'l: (949) 253-2880 or www.newportbellChfllmfertcom THEATERS Edw8rds Big N.wport 300 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach UdoTMnef 3459 Via lido. Newport Bead! • SCR&NWRrTVl flanle o.i.v • RUM9tO T1ME: Ml 00 The at()f'tl of 11&-yuM>ld Irene ~. a Poloth omm1gr1m t>u.t,_ owne<. and her refvMI 10 conform. menge 0< tallow me gentnnc.tion of 0etrort The Kr-Lounge la the homeahe ln8tlld f6r meny Including Ille Pv'J)la Gang, lleronice Lake, Milton Bent and even• horM named TFIQQe< The film_.. the IJ6.VM< hietofy end ~-happentnga through rta ~--enddemolflion lp.m. IHQfn'S (11~ QANQI Of NEW IHOll'T'I Edw9f'de lllend -llue •NOE When. routine C»ll goee hombly w.onu.. ~ ,._ flndil himeelf tnlR>ed WI !he bed< -°' • aquec1 -...-. • .i11er behind me wn..t. •OIUICE " Ulte lboul the dlolca -malt• and """" -1rulv _,. °"' ~-lo ,.,_,. • 1111.L '8 SEAT A flat 1ir11taipe e ~~er In the toc.i bef of ............ ,,,.ytv ..... IOWI\ •ONE On lhe -of theif _.uon. the lhaNd .,....._of-young io.e... ~WI a ='~ ~ begw> -........... of cunoelly ~ "*' ~. J..an 4llq)loot9 ott-~· d!Mn18 IO fulfin M ~ tenc..y • ~ NACa tQOltNIJC l&Lll An ~ winning. dllrtlv humaroue,.,...., ol -Ill ... fuming "*'· elrtxlme children, .-ivnv neoghbor9. ..,._.., ""'-'- ~ douClt end t8m1)881ng doge. • HEADS Nil> 1M.I Brough! together In the 1oC91 fltih -. • beeullful women,• mye1bl lrttie boy IJnd the bond -two bfoct"'9--. fiahermen'• inwNpted fallll 8tl(lflTS (111~ ()ICM NOMN.vm IHOR'T'I Lldol"-" • 000 (IN.IA) " South "'"'*'term. -• )OQ.e boy 10 -hi• puppy to be ...... ta,.,., .. friend ,.., -· ""'· bolh l'ind ,..,..... •• the men:v of the dog •WHY CAH'T WI 8E A fNaY NJNH ,, _ ...C• Po<' ... of IWO ~....., long 10 be reunited wfth """mother • ntE COUEC10ll Of llEDfON> STMET When • 6e .... old nlletded d\erl1Y WOiter needs help. Illa w..t Vlllege ~ commuMy coma to hit eld AllEHDS It.NJ FNllAY Edwetde ielel'd -Gold Urnred ~ 2003 • OIAECTOR: KriMen Coury • SCMDMINTDt Joeeci11 T-• CAS't Tony Lo Bianco. AIWVI M.wrie AlberU/*lt ~ TWIE: 90'00 S~ Toroell IJnd Denny"'--a ""'*v er'ld Sl\lh9'I ManNIUn COUPie wtlo ...... WI e perfoec:llv-ntad row -...tto ple<rf of -..,..-~.-Sn.or• producb When Sl~'s .,.._ _,,... IUfPf\M....,, Stephen and 0........ mu111 ~IO-•lhe~aofe lllettme Not !NII they',. ~ 11'1 jlt« !NII Stephen ean'I lel his per-. know thel he end Danny -Mh .... mo0 enforcerw for Don l'lltriall li:Mp.m TlCE lAIT ZAMTWTM. POMOOI llN HEllOE.I l\.08 ULTMOl lAMTIITA&. HUIOU Ol.llllW>Oel ()range Counlv .....-,,., of M Ma.oa10DI • ONC10R. ~ Teboede Tllbone • ICNECWN I &I Serllh ,_... ~byDl<ecto< • ..,...., T9ik 10'00 ~ H> tt!O by Emtllno Z...-..--°'~ took up_ end..., cNllenaed ..io ....... °' ....... eryle ~ rule. Elders ol lhe Meldcln NMlMlon tell .,. 1'18 -.y one men lime, only.,.....,_, -1-... lOO veers deeper Into w. ~for lndigenoue and f)MellM iW* lp.nl. ~(11tl:....O~ ()range County Ml9Mfl of M ·ONE~ °""4d ......_ ... cldm "*' • .,.._ .. lnlo .. o4lkle Nldfl8 ~"·-did ""..,.,~ '° .. moutnlng ..... _ v-..... ...... DIYLIW ,., ..... f!llM!t.., ............... °' =,,...._ "*"' S-... 19dt ot'- ~~ oddll. Ut•• .... E~lli!Md·9111e f'olMtd JllQi . °"*"°" ltlOlr 11'1....., kl&fMZIWI"'°"~~ ~~G-' '11111,.a.-.--. .--a.. ...... CJrMooft ..._ .... Ole .. .,.,,.. ... ......... ...., ......... ..,_ ............. __ __ .,_ ............ ~ ..... NllN ,...........,.. .... ,..,.,,., ........ " --. ~ __ ......,..""",,, ........ ...--~ ......... ......._TM .....,._,.~c • ._,..., '1,,_dd ...... ,,.,....,,.,_..., ........ ....,... MllllilW ...... d .......... Tile ........ .._ ........ __.. ...... ... ,.~ ..................... .. ... ...... him."-~"*"' ~-.......... 11Mllt'"'*9' ......... ...... av-: •Yo' ....... ol ...... ~"'~ .. ,,_,_.....,.., .......... ._. .......... ...., c:::-~· Utlll..,,.......,. Sl=r.e-- CAn.--..... ""--s:::~ I Edwwds llJand cin.m.. (two the81era, deligneted either Blue or Gold) 999 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beectt O...nge County Mu1«1m of Art 850 Sen Clemente Drive, Newport Beed! Adventures at S.. ~ 3101 Wet1 Coest Highway. Newport Beech A.nna ,._.,,,Mark Hamoll l4n6>f Did:. Mendy l'lltonlon AUHIWWO TMl. 12• 00 Hr(80 M..,,111akl's engeg.ng ~lnw ere known and loved acroee Iha glob. for that• c:ompelWng d\erllCttn, enl•tt•nong ploU and stunning antmetion ·c..u. In The Sty• tel<• audlenc. on• lantMtic: io!Jrney lo a mythlc:el rwtr0-Mure full"'-'""~ and ...ooderfvl flying tnedlln.. Pwv Uen.. V9<1 de• BMt.I 11 your1Q btlt. ~.,,. bMullful gWi SI-.. (Anne l'ltquln) tllowtV dwai oelling fTOm the u y ~ • c:rv9Ull. --eltowt "" to "-'" ""wt ~ CMl"1 ~.,.. OVllal's _,.. boll It'**'-0. ~of a bend of ,.,.._.~ ..... ...,by-• ho""'1oul ._...,Oona I A,....-. ..W 0. l""1 _,.., ltw llC:re«llnQ •t Ille Hird"'° c... Qi C-...1 MD TIIOUlf:M: THE UR Of ntE HONG Oto mJNTW,N• =::..,.~~ =:t~ ·M......o~to-00 In tt9a Olmlinu combnebon ol documentary end lll>On film IM*ed by end _..ing Aobtn Sho<I. -al Mortlll Komaeil. ... ~ng '-pertormed by""~ gre-_,_ .. pni6led ttwouull "*'-end clCl8 .... .,_ ._-'. '"'9n:uamg ..... ... ~ loateue. ltle lhott fltrn ·1.oa1 Time; • fuluntllc ....,..i -.,_,..,,. on - 111\M ol A1eJo ~I •o..t Citv' -· 0-UNI ~ ... """"'*'·· ..nr_,,.-v .o--ot in'*' 11...i ......-1orm The l'8QIPIJOtl ~. ~ M¥tW Ans f«lllbifJon and UOtl o.na. -follow ~ ~at 1tw H#lrd Roe=* C-. VO C-114 SUNDAY nmAL JOUflHEY Cl1.DMJ1NO OlM AHCUTOM Edw9f'de w.nd • Gold Unlltd si-200:1 ·'Wlo<111~ A film 11¥ Sooa Meddi<I Mended by aw-.~ • M--.o ,.._ te:oo ~~dugout-­~ a lndjen --"°"' "" UN1«1 S-and Ceneda -..ege "°'" Vencouve< '8lend. 1'uQ91 Sound and w.Nng1on 1 Olympe c-. w. '°"°"""" ----....., ~ •t NMfl e.., -oonllnue down the COllll IO the Oul-.11 Ntltlon in Tehole, ...,. of lht9 year's '°""""' 1l4I MAGC 8ClDC (LA 90fT'E llMOIOUEl Udo Theeler ffetw». ~ 1«12 ~ lbdhe &el>< ICMENAN I Ul Rtdhl 8etM CASl' Merillnne 8-. ~I~ HodleM AoRorn. l.Olfl ~ Medll. Reoo< ~1Wl.to1IO T......,, fllmrneker Aeo.11 fl<>d9 IN! h11 m.nao-lo. Frwndl woman. L,.,.._ .. lnCtMllingly on "'9 rodl9 ...,,. the ~-a.""'91 terwone -~ ,,_, .._"" onoe happy couc>le Lou developo • dnnlung prob6em emldot her loeming of hie 1n Tun1et• RecKJf It then r...-.ct from "'• lllmtly wi-1 Eur°'*'" televttliOn OOllwo<k oommt...ane him to go on loc1Uon erocl film • relroepectlve llbo<ll the !""'*-of cinemoo on "'' dlildhood This projact -"-'I to Alfled deel)ly on Im VO<llh l NEWPORT B E ACH FILM FESTIV AL SEMINAR SCHEDULE ·n1" LoUahrnntJvt' An of I thnrtwkmN. • IK,.,h'tl ll)' Arnold II l<ut t<'ll I' II IM) duy t;('Ollnat -..·rit~ ltt·kl JI tht• lli-lMlfl UNlth l'ublK" IJhmry. JOOO AVUUldo Aw • Newµun BcY.ich. All 8'11"'11 ''l)JX'Jfllfl('l~ are i.ttbj4'<l Ill dMlll,'C 011 II lru.t minute b .. 1\i b tth ~"Uion ;will provide parttnpants nn msick•() I• Kik 111111 a l o mportt'lll ·of lllmnmld11g 'ic•a1h1g '' lhllih'<I All pn••14.'11lilti<IO\ art• ln'C •ind nn• m1 .1 fln,1 rom1" tir\1 'M.'rvt'tl h,1"' SATUAOAY 9 AM. -6CREENWRmNG Viti Gue1t "Tht< Ot>y The Eel'ltl Caught FtH1" Del Reisman "The Un1oud1ehles • William Bast "Oyne1>ty' John Sh1ban X Files" Amy Holden·JonH • Mysuc P1ua· Paul P9ndflf "Evolyn· 10;45 AM -PRODUCTION DESIGN Gana Allen "My Fair Ledv Co,.y Kaplan ·x Files Hanry Bumstead "Vertigo Ned Parsons "Suµertre•n" Jim Teegarden "Bacio. to the Futur11· Jeannine Oppewall Catch Me If You Can; "LA Conf1don11a1· 1 P.M -COSTUME DESIGN Judlanna MakovsJly "Harry Ponur and the Sorcornr's Stone" Shay Cunliffe LOM Star" Mark Brid~s "S•• ~f't!I Undor" Jeffrey Kur1and • ( 11n Broclcov1d 1 • Ruth Carter ·a.w1ll(Jo1lod" 2 45 PM DIRECTING Katy Ganetson "frd!.111r• GOTHAM RSH TAUS Or·t"\l'f' C.u11rwtv ~11 ri.1ruc.•f A•' I •lt•I c:;,,,._,.. '100l At ,, by ll.-OM1 M~-'K• AVNHIHG TIM( IJJ oo St-••wtt~ ti ~h,.•~ IC"'-"'"' ,,, env1.,,.,......,... nt,.• 1h n11tor1itn" c.orrwnuo•t., •>1Q4""l'P.' • 1oltd ~:NIP'"" ..... nt ..,,,f,)rvw~ e I f..Uft•flt1Ut,_ 10 tr1•t it •v An tn.\h"'"' (If .... h ~ ._ '''"" .y.,.,h 10 tuf'W 'u '''"~ ftSh ™n 1ht01•~h tfw> r•t• Hui~ tt-tttillrl Oil "'., • .,,...... tt tr11d thrrkxjh l.ll:W,.. •~'' """"'" w .,,'°""~/tt P'lu4TW>f ..., .. , p.;t1ttr't111 "kJ"~ o .. .,,., ,,,..,~,..,_ "". f..M~ 11..nttt •' t•..n .... r1llll:'r lpm OT OUR TOWN l1•k• ft"tt ,,.., u,,,,, .. , _c,,,,,,..,. Jc'tcJ t • OfRECTOf\ ',, utt •4 1"1•tt n t •mo•"f't' • SCRUNWRfTER Si: 1 11 H 1u~Hfl" """'~tv • CAST r .. """"" .._ St111hrntt. ·• l\tin•HlQU•I Htg"Sd''"'I • RUHMNG TIME 110 00 A dtf'l".'\JfTWlflt trV 11t.ou1 Ii C t1tJ1p•o" thUh "hVf\f' f "' t~1lnc: ,.11~rwf1'11•J'' "' 1' yftJ f\ With ''n O"lO"'VV '"'J ht~l ... t lf'i.1141U tot th• llH ter~\ Ot M .n. .... 1 lli.-;.in11"'11•1 ••·uh Sie.t•fJ<J"I ,., n 1Mo H<>1nto1 \Vt·..-~' Nifil\"•Y C)1' y,,..,.,n• A pr?W .. 1fol 00. rn•w rl try H\.tt IJIOW'I • '"' to~"'h !!!If~• .. " ,-.l••lf\ u I '"I Uu Ptyth •'"' '~""' .. ''"•hf n tt r~•..,1t fttt A,, • '' " l..nt .. 2 p ... A ORE.AM ll'f liAHOI t: ~ .,,1, ~r..:J ffh•" l'' ,,,.. '!'-14'"" .i"lllt.' .. So11fttfl'fn l hf 11•& Pt~t • tfli! • OIRCCTOA ·,~., VV-..t ,..,"' •SOIEf~ T0<1 -..11'"11"' ·~T1Mf .Jl00 T~,_, 1• lttf' (..:..)t'f•f\ttOo~ Wtl! .,,,..."l M' ntw! /.,..,..,. t0lf"'V1 fNI_,. I •r"lt""f 10 It~ the f 1-.t , ... t .,...,.,. .. ,,__ • 1n V totrutm f Stwt•~.-e' p&.v A ~· twtt11u•1 t~-QH • l>t"•'fl• A Or.., .. .., •n h.1 K' f ft """U "'• h ;f'\ \)11 ... 11 I\ Pf(ll9'"'•11 .c••J~ .. f •N.•"" hnn•b thtouot,.,.._• U~ '.\h •u ... ,., ,.,,.,., ,,,,...., ,.,... t.4~•,,.....,, ot c'ftl.:)lj•J• 1l1u••• .,.,,.,"°''' ft''-1 •II''"'"' ot ,,. , n th('•f r ,,,....._. 1 , ''"',. nu ... 1 '"'J"' ..,, ,4, ""'• fhllf ''" U\-''ft H ,.;~ sttORrs 1s101 w...1 ~· S'-'> ,, ,, ,... , II t'lll M1 '"'" tlAtt • TliE M !IEI FARMfR A 1'1Stat ,. Ar1u••~ tn f Hf1w•I H.) Hl-8''''*" 1n ·~ ,, ... • TO'l'O MIYl\TAK£ INFlNIT( SHADES Of Gl4AY At t ~ aiml fJll"h til it I ph11h .. ffUlihM'a itl,.'110 .:\, ht'• th~ t,. ''''°'" ""1 d1 l'"'Y of .vt•fytJwy hht 2.10 pm 5"0ff'TS IS91 HAWAMAN SHOfOS f fM-i' 1~ I I tot l ·~t • KAM£1iAMEliA A LEGACY RfHEWtD ,.\ f> ,, ... , 1f I' t .~ ... •'"t lt1t .,1 oown; th•• _...+m ..-\rl• Wt\ (1\."W .-Wt b'1 lhr t•1~ ttw- "4w',. ,., ... J lh• t sh~ """' hol llJflo,,.. • KAHO Ol.AWE ll4E BAEATl4 Of~ AHClSTORS An _.,"1, n •j' •tt'• ••t!'t r! I• ... ,,.."'' ••tKtOh \'\f•(rot 1woqtit11n" 1t1Nl •""lf.fljtf"1 ...-~,.,. olA¥ftl a· rhe ,, .. , Ii t LIP"l•I vf H~ l• • KAMEHAMIH.' n4t Giil.AT AE\tOl UTICJNAAV ·~~'" """ "'''"''""to .1ni:t1t •""t «"O"'P. ,.... lhtt H.tWDHM' •l..tnfb 't¥lN hrntiy l"h ..... 1 ... f,., ltt"'J •nrl wt tt'ft 1t.,,,. trw tont.gn-u rt u u~h hft.., Klilll•""'" •TI*~ Of IOSU'll fhe •'1.Wrttt -"'I l'A-"fil1111Kt•ty 0, Ko f'M-..tot ""'I''"••• ,,, 11'<1 UIN'"CI ul ""-• ~ 111 dooJtole hu""-1 H_ ... ..,, \/vv¥ U,_ OUTMTlfNT Ud<>l '-t"' Untrlld 51M"4 70/JJ , DIRl!ClOft Alo..: (n1lon • ac:R£lHW'IWTE" l\i.. CMhn "CAST C•th<l<t<,. K"ll"'" An....,., hy f"n<1'1<:flfS, """''""'''"""«lot of pllo••>q<llJlhv. llftnclp.11 Ulllt • ~TIM£ 'f9 00 MofTi. MO'll '"'"t" • murdf'• nlVfl9fV wNle toth d op In• """"'o~ h"'1111nt0n His wril111Q on pen IN<ll I<> l•a ,. ...... I\ ,_ the<"Pi'll-Of ""'"''• r .,,_, "'4'11 .. "'"II'-o.Mno In IO Mutt,.. i.-1 vnti01n11 l\1j MCI'~• lll1d lhuo _,,."!l'Y futltng -~for hla ,,,.,,."""14 EvenruM!y. 0. f.,,uw _,.,.. IN! ~ .. ~""4111 ""' lll1d !NI he .. -llU hi• tlfllV -ht• tNlllV it unfoldtng Jap"' UJUTA.SUWETO~ 01ange Couo1fy ~ ol M 1Jfw*1 St-IOCO ~:.i;~~= 'Mwfl ""° ..,.......,. ... ""'...,-..of """ Sound • -"' ~ ~ .. ~ ,,_,...,.. ..,,.0. blHta.nc IUll lo.ell ta ltl9 dNftl of live fNllN _.-Md ~ ... ._ol ..,.""'-~. ¥'Qllf'V-"""*' _, ~ "*'.,....., ...... .. ,,__ ~ -1 INjiped..-fltt _Id_ ,,_ .... .,~ n.-..... .... ~------..... ~'° -~-.~~ ..... •NU_..AAI , ............... id O-miyMIO • mwc'TOll r.r;i. A.diln • ICMlllfWlllRlill fM Mui • c:.tin Ml'itrtl ...... ,_ ~ ,.,,., ...... ~ Mtflir,.. kuno••· lftnt" ~ . ......a,....•oo AmAd..,,.. _ _,~,..,lhno ~.,,...,.!ft,...... • .,..lllfll,*'4 .......... II''"' ...... ~"' ... ~SM"°"""-llinl 11\M N llllOflllllt of • ...,,... ...... ~. fYrtollol~ ~ ......... .,. ..... ~cx-i~ .. "'*""-.. embilfb Mt~ for ....,..,,_,. .. ...,._ .... 191'1' art OP M _,,. UOflf ~~ Val au... -·auminnen 1 end 11· Stutwt Gonion-•ffe..A.nltMtOI•; "The Wondefful Ice Crum Sult• Rodney a..n -•i.t• ~Menn -"Marty• wtn Kenhner -"The Empire Strikes Badt" SUNDAY 9 A.M. -SCREENWRmNG !SECOND MNEl.) Jill Gold8mlth -"Law and Order• VII Guest -"Expreuo Bongo• ROQef Schulman -"Shrek" Marc ZJctee -"Babylon 6" Elaine Zk:ree-"Real Story• 10-MA.M. - CINEMATOGRAPHY Steven Pomtr-"Stuart Little 2• J~ G,__ -"Unforgiven· John Hon -"Gremlins• Fred Goodk:h -"F'ear No Evil" 1 P.M. -SPECIAL EFffCTS G199 Pyros -"Mumford" Matthew Gmzner - "Armageddon· James De\I. MansfMkt -"The 8th Wonder· Ernest Ferino-"From the Earth to the M oon, Dune• Dsvld 8arring1X>n Hott -"Herry Poner end the Sorcerer's Stone• 2:45 P.M. -ALM MUSIC COMPOSmON Richard Sherman -"Mary Popp1n11• David Rak.sin -"Laura· Christopher ~ng -"Wonder Bovs· Fred Karlin -"WestWorld". "The Autobiography of M iss Jane Ponman· Utrf Groupe -"The Contender" Don Oms -"The Matn• Reloaded" • OIAfCTOA Tom P.c,.., • salEEHWWTUl Sue "-rt v-Mudd • RV....a TlML l001lO The •now i.on. • rnvthoc -of r-"11"'°" ,. _....,.,..,on 1t>e Ttbetl.lln fl9Q An UOIJf ... ~1.0 we."'1 of ~ loolllO'I hM t..n comboned Wit!>~ •nte"' -_ ....... personel -...., lhoO "II.,._ 10~ tl>e notVof Ttl.lt-t s p ... ™E tlOOI( OF STAAS E aw~r"" .. land Gold tl""od St•tn 1(J(l(J • D!RfC'TOR Mo<t>.oet Mtne• • SCllEENWRTER T..ca Shadta • CAST M•rv Stuert M-..--. Jene M•lone K.srl c;,.•ry 0 8 S-. OelfOV lJndo An....000 by d>•eclO•. Pfoduoet'. pnnap.i CMI • RUNMNG TIM£; 110 00 M JfV Stu•n Masterson 818.-at•.....,.,_, who I ... ll'V"n UP on ~·· end _...""' thto oblilllOl't "' pms111utton end drug1 lie< _ _. !Jene Mu~""''" oro '""NIP of womantlO<>d. but llt"<Auff ol c:vwtlC lib<CMla ..,q ,_ g<OW IO be "" ft<tuft tn her «lemfJI to uw t>e< .-, "om >low •v~. ""• l""'ll'r>M • rom•nllc ~ ~ IJv magteaf dl-en. -o1 ~ oll"'tu4fty ttnt., ~r t.VM SHORTS fS11l IAOHClAO SHOllTS Orenoot County.....,_,,.,.. ol M •LOCAl40 -.. .AmencAl<w mourned tl>e -°' tl>e Wbfld Tr-C....,e-llund<eda ol unnwned ti<tt..a ~ -..ncs 1n IN~ •l'""""1ll"'9 -YWy b.><ldlngl .... "*"' ol ,,,..,, t-i helped l>utld n.. • .,_ ~ • STUJ. HUG ICEUCN lloGllUrUl rtw ncf\ and ~ng ~of~ • C'.enTwn ..,_., --· • -ll>tOUQtl IN ..,...01 its,,..,,..,,..~~ lpm SHORTS fS8I THERE'S ~IN OlM U40«TI E-c» laland • Blue • HO ""*' f<>fl ClltDr c,,.,_, -Nn wnol< 1n IN•~ and h1•11<.out l"°'1 t"-..-a tt>e bu<nong UUM''<>" "Can a shy young \jlf1 """°°' rMll't 111'1 °""" gay """' "nd 1ove erT1'd me~ lktttt"\lllJUnd t"-t IS htg/18(N)olr -Mere; S.VhJY •aJCt PffOf A folm ttbovt comtng to term. wrltt beong cl"Y O•-""'llkket""'- • AOCll 90TTOM A lonely man and • voung strWI -find lr-nMlvet '" • ..,,.,......_ -· -IMM~ ol trust. • llEHO Ml f008LAM£1 A d••Utnl love slOry ~n ....,....,_ warner> •IURl'S The"""' of.~ boy't ·---.... ., .. """"'*°" -he encount.n - flttmboy .... tly "'-' ---• SDI MAAIUGE. AND CHLDREN A M'•uM 1-..y tumed rMltCy W-I ""'" .. #>el fnendliwp '" ~ ·THf OMSS Hlll'd ito<a _. ._.... '°' • ,.._ .,_ w>lh ,_ h-boyinef'd --... cllJITWY ruomt'N<M . Q1tf>dllla -a.t.e.Q.-... """"'·~ • IMNaNO l#' MALLY IUCU A love 11!;iw !NI Wll)lltd INt9 • -bluolt llOQn -• ,.....,..tiop_ --•no-~ • SIZE 'IM l#' Te.HI IOO s.n-N ll1dl herMlf kl ... u111ihly .,....,. of tM ·1n i.....· ..no help .... di_,.,.. ,_ ltltngo .oo.11 ·-· ""**1ily, ~and how lO lmprow .... 90IX* o-na. -=-pm A lfCIUP of.......,."°"' _ _.._. of IN ~ .. ~IO"'""-T~ ,,. ~ ........ IO_..,,,,,.. '*ah lllld llOlllllll COlldlllolltt ~ ~ _...,9',....~on •l4I09 --.-........... voodol ..... ~ lvee wllfl ~of an o.MIOI ~ ·~ TlllUTI TO MACOLLMUb' l'MIMAH ,...._ 4t YIMll .. THI SMIQNO• Udo,,_ MaclGitllvrwy T~ = 11\awn ~Greg 0'99~~----11119f -~ -i lndudaa cUll ~ bcltollloe dll1lllt and -~ ...... d nom1.-...~~Hil di•~ eye deweloptd dutlng "" ..,., turlflG ~'"'°""*"~Thie lrbM bl1f19I' ...,__of ... ouutandlng woril of 0teQ MaclOllllwty IO honor hie ~andlnlolMG--A g#4I w111 ti. ttMI .lttti lhll ,,.,,._ 11t lhll ~ ltoat c.N, IW/llott w.twi $35 J>oplcM lrflh n4E WOM>lfl OP PMl 0 ..... County Mu....... ol M Ufli«edSUW 2002 ' • Dll'EC'TOfl: Mlc:nMt SM• • tc:IAllHWIWTUll: MidtM4 SM• Mld .. tle kltll • • CAS! l'ttll SNwle. ~ letu, Mldllent ~.., diredof, ,.,,.~ • ~ lNE: eo:oo l't!M Sl\llfl9 Ne l>l.,.cl O<enoa CountV v....- fo< ..._. lttan 30 -· and ..... cult lotlow>ng of loyal ,_ ol 1111 ·en. Men IAtgenda snow: wlldl he perlomw ""10 ... dayt. _ .. Filmmlk .... _.. ,,_. lttan • YW< foHowinu Phil Sl\llM lo lhooC thetr <IOCumentaiy INl l\ae boll> • -..oc edge lll1d • "'~ puncf\ not IO "*"10n l-"O lnU9IC. ~pm SHORTS (e12~ ~TIDH-0.flAMA Ectw.rc19 laland Biu. ·GRAIC)-MA All .-VII •Plr>I '" tne form of 1 t111ting bo1d llCl.mpta 10 1mii.n vlllu-hunt•"ll lehon• 10 ,,., voung ........ Q•tui<llon •n4EVISl'T A gkmclM 1n10 the n.en wrenctung WO<ld ol a kwe all .. , -11 0ent11t end h11 IJ'l1Mlnl • puST TO DUST A dlAt bvr>ny ""* melt• Ille ,,_,or 1 tho,,,., .,.wttOn 1n o<de< to be fr-1 "om GaCJUvol\I • Tl4f Oll.J(M Aa • t111toeo hum• lh•a..gh ltle noght. "" llOI' ~ on "" eom•. 111& Clar~ apecl8• of tt1~ EflKln\j lrtM to lure tl>tl boy •WffV • SOMrn4ING 8MW.S LA<E ASH AcllOn, romance and a ce11 • llUTT'PlflY An -•lci eApr....on ol IJNuty form and N m>Ony • lltf TOU. cou.ECTOR The story oft lambly delom•..<t '°'I cotlec:to< ""'° lo<lQl IO be. bali.tlf"' •lllOcrrY~ lrouble -lo• "''" lo1mer lllb an1m..r1 -ltoe "Tratl E"'9tl' 1 .-s1oc l*"1 of gul ICIO<ll ~. !Mo.,.,., &g C:.•fV to<''*' ~ cf\ef1l\I dnve ·~QAZI A POrijnant llo<y .t>out _, 1'1Jllt h .. t rl and h•I ,,,_ turmool in.t>o•.O bv •he ~I• of Albolrlo Gt-• StW'E$ • NUS Whole -"'WClll piano""""-Olen ..o.1•ect '°""' and --""" dine.• !Iv •net hOO •1'10 IV-• lK.IHOOI ,.. The "ory of ThtJnclal Pg tl>e ""l>"''""o wt~ .,,. ll>lf!v l\atrdo the II''"' """9tl1• lo• ru"• food -lhe "ttg•le '"11<1 ·SR.~ A oohwrt ~"a UlfV•ngl •net veld>~ .....n to ".W I kf• of thtHr o wn Q•Ytfl\l nw tr ., .,,_,., ..,,,.... •od u"·mOlel't lr9111i. _.......,..,,,,"'""°'"' • LOHELY IOI' A man . ...,."9«1 f'ron1 '"',.,.. lttJYnd h•m Ii 1tti °"' .... "'• .,,, .. 1y •iOn<I •M.RIUNO A per\1ng k>t .ttendant""'" h•• 1emPlt' ~;1efl ~ •• kK •• ,....,..,.., by. bl-ot u•&n, """' tu1>000 bente •neuet1 lpm SWEAT flUEUAS) Edwltf'dtl ie!aod GOid Fr.no.XX» •DIRECTOR Lou•• PMC.-t Coo-wel•1'• • SOIE£NWRfTEll$ l.out1-P-...1 CouYei..re '*'°" Ph•hppon M~ Cooc>t• •CAST .i.an.l1uQl>M ""91.cie .io.qu.m 0. ~ Cvoci. 'l'houYenon ~ s-.n.n. Nolh• KhouMtl• r........, ,.....,,.. liubetl s..nt~ • ~ T1M€. 103'00 Non,.,,"' tr.tllc: .,,,._.., Vctoi • ground ~..-...,...., ... ·~ IJVd. On-lll1d Stmot> 1 ~ M man to"' lorcae to ....., • fortune on Vold !Jom • NOttt AAw>n ~ A"-.,:,...,. ag.,.,.. t•me begtt-. • ,,. kJu< ""'1,,.,. in cnme d<""• -.... ""' s.n.... to malt• contact With Ille men wtlo .... rum _, loot •nto c:aett Wr1" -....._. -"°''"'II""'"' -""'c"'8l .,_.. QOndrllonl c.tUllng ,,.,.,..,,__ ~ 0.. !ruet of Ncf\ man •I cali8d Int() ~ ... p"' SOllT\JO( uoon-U/tl1ect Sr-2003 • OIRfCTOf'5 Suun !(,,.., Po W.... ·~ S........K'9l., P\Waf9 • CASt l'lrlnd< Bellon, M.,y Tho<nlon Aoo"e 0<1lf\l\I -by d"11cton. pr~ro. dfrec10< or p/>(Mog<ephy. ed•IOf, _.,_. pnnapal cnt • MJNMNO ~ 9'00 • lOUll mey be bntk.nl and he~ be ou•Od411 bul he llM the ktr'(S 11> me ca• Hilary ""1Y be -1ucltlw lll1d the ~ be f1tlu'11 &1>!111. bul ll1e i. hl1 -Lou,. end H11ary combor>e lhe ...... lll1d 0.. POe\IC H Uley ti.dQer be<91a #>el bewitcll Ncf\ 04her Lou" ha -hong Hlie.y deepe<etaly ._. -li>S.iy h• _.....,.."\) l.oute """"°' hw Mtt>out 8ott-""" fl\lhl to Iha dM!h -to 11""8 n to ...,, - MONDAY n._... .... When • .-c.tl gcM llOlfillly -ong. • \fOIMll men lincfa .,,,......, "~"',,. b..t. -II/A• aqued '*' W'ttl • _,.._ bltwtiO the ......... •GllM:E A .... ~ t11e cf\oof'--""'*•end~ -~---lo•,_ ·lllU'llUT A ~ 1119 "llPI 1 Nolw vnr .... "' t11e loc.ll bow u4 • ...-..........., .... .,..,.,n •ONE °" ... -of,,,.., _ •• .,..,,, ""' _.., .....,._ °' l)O'O'fOU''ll ""'~'. ·~"'. :i'~Y'O wi... ........ .,,,.,..,.. ...... r CUlio.ifY ~,,,.o_ .. _,_,,., ••pio<l•-IMIOllie" ....... ltO fulfill hrl utt.mMa ,........,. ·~PEACE~I AA -.i ""4Ming. d!Wtty ,_,,,__,,_of .,.. ......., 1utnono rnert, ~ c:Mdran. =ne;ghbora. e11.-..n~. olo<ICM ""° '9mpeglng dOgl AHOT,.._. ~ ~ tn Ille Ioctl filh lllot•• • i-ibful -.. ..... myotlul kttltl boy •nd Ille bond~,_ blothefl ,.,_. ft1"4trlNlill._ 1ntt1r\Jple•I 11~1/1 l1:l0a.m AHNEllflfAL 'Edwards i.lan<! C..okl United Stilt• 2003 World Pl8""lt•• • C*lECTOR Uw fr d~._. • SCREENWNT't.RS l 1 f '"'• 4' Aotc,,1~ Macia • CAS1' CartcM lAOr"' Jd•JM ~ f<".U•..-rdM,)11, EtK $tnfth J.O·~ Ou•f'l(Jfo..,.. • RUHHIHG TIME ~ 00 Cyn!N• begint wntu..y 11 ht•f QNrt ci..rv wf\•t the •I Q•vtn ·Anr.-fra • Oi~o; t,,f •Young Girl'" Het' w ttl•r.Q t.Jie<u•~ b(,U _. PMM>n•f t•teale and d meao1 t1t ~'""'or.g he• troubioea f.tm1tv Deuol. tlfl ~ancJ-QJmu~ rao en1tl t>uy. Cyni.t".._. .• d1ctry fr()m Nfr drug addM.1.0 btothd• Juan wiltoovl he• >:~ E"ttnru31ty Cvnfh•• t111itovt:t1 '"•' OeucA h .. been •uc.c.H'J•OQ • • r.., art a W'lh tte.- ¥Vrittng Cynthea confron1' Oeuc.~ 1n • teio ~lt .. dloalclub IWRAHOA Lido Thea1er U"'11!d Sun ... 2003 West Coa:s1 Prern•ttte • OIRECTOR Mar~ Munden • SCREfNWfWTOI Rob ""'""II 'IV •CAST Chnsuna Rl()C_1 John Simm l<yMt MocUidllan, John liun J.,hAn Rhon.1 Tun Cav•n Clefl<ln. M .. nhew M•rol> • RUNNING TIME. 96 00 Jrbnlc t.John Simm~ 1s a hl>ra n&n ttr"'* with k>Ve tor o bt!ciYl1fu1 .crooo•r 'Mimed M1r•t"lrda tChr1st1no R1cc1• Htt reveeJ1 n•• feehng• 8™1 winch up'" a 1NtmtwmcJ of 1ntr1QU& Tt'4 Migmauc Mtr1nd• pr•••nll marty f~ she'• a b\Jiotneuworr~n o' a cl&oc:er 1n dtfleren' tall•"{!• •M •hou~h F .... ~ ""IOY9 INI m ..... he wondttt!. 1f a working 1t1ft c..an rna1n1a1n k•• hOk'J on 'JOd'\ an •.11.ouc ct&tt1ure MuaNU 1n rNhtV I OOf'lfif'JC!n' w(')(N)n '' ~ 1n ,. complie-. .., of id'>"l'nfl>t betweMl her o\19ftt0f. Chr1111.rn (John Hurt• and 9'ear;' fntH1vn.ct1rfl N~1hJ, U('(fre Maci..Mtllaol She-~• ooi.c. Wrlh i.. ' 11•\l"llv toouv lOowtw but ~t' anytxwfy 1 yues' W""..ther thffV U ~ge unKMhed !tom th•J It .c•ttt of t. II~ 1tat,.. _.,.,... l30p m JO'fFVl !Wn'AIONG E~Oa •11M>d Gold Un<ted Stat..s 2001 • DIRECTOfl W•M•otm M<>r•·"'l • SCREENWRIT'Bl W 10•1 M.ortt-i"'Q • CAST Ji.. t1r Proc.¥..£: no •RUNNING TIME 1~00 The-t"ld~, """' "<IPt~ ft')ffl"lir' T\/ 'Ntl•tfl~an N.'lttef Matff.t1 • '/UUrti;l "°"' penshed 1n • tr.a~ l~t.>rrn thti1 W.ait,.., h.itd fa1'9d 10 forecast Ou·~, •f ,.,.._1.,11~ "'" eldlitfty wom11n v..ho ha fdl l~r. MlO un 1 qe1 V() "~'"""''"'1"19 unttn"oklyttd f.ao~ ~ryr\fH " k>netv 1~•"'\ter W'l\Q i,..1r\ 1h.;t ,,.,, ~1 l:f\Anc.tt for t'l&bP-r•" .. ' mJty 1r '""1 br' W'\fh fl'flr ~ •NJ • $owty J.Vder ., .. 4r1.tH1"\f hH •uh~ l Id..:.,.,, whtCf'I to bu.•d n• homtt SHOATS (SSI ETERNAL Sl10ITTS L1<1o rn.,,...,, • REPOSSESSED A h~nt&d house h1h th"" real ffl•1~ '"•'"'' • BARRIER DEVICE A r--se.arr.1U!f 'O' a t~tu u:>n1-ktm 'ludy t<,... a0 ObJ@dl¥fty when t.he f4'jtll/~' lhlt or"1 o• ~f ~=J~~tlQ htor fUC A mitn has •" uJt~<•CA mo11-.e IOf eodunnq th9 PO•" •nd dt9comfon ot .;c;.uniuo.....--tut• •ArSNIA fn the C..mtlotl1.tn toun1"t''ttde • < OnvK-1.0 muu)~tf'-f ~from pt110n lu uact ~r. h.I <l<luQh1M M>0 lh.nU h• ••lo....., f)M(I • THE DIM REAPER One n.ght • yOl .. mg Gum P'fL'lfC-Jt'' <»udin 10 be n.oe 10 h1I t'\no.tOfl'*"I '°' 1' Cfld ~ • 8rty ()I,._ ,.,,. -n •04AHOv.H When Chan 0 .. ~ •twhl~ h •mo•-hft ~ ~ tw. f•itt 1m\J 4 ~ldlt: of""'~ Mid -odoos h•• l·n"' .. -'"' '""' nrqht • I.AST NIGHT wmt ANGEl. A ,,_.,"U Holtvwood ~,.,, ••k'U1•"9 ~. "'\jfl oowe<.O .., •• '"'...,.,... '" - hcJipiM Of .OV•hc•"Q hef lNNr • ntE UHFORTUNATE TRUTH A80tlT l..Fl A """1tC ram llboul •" lh"' '"~ WI ,,,.,..,,,.., eod P9"~f'nl <Mth I te 2pm Fl v l'tSt4IHG E ""'° •rds lsldn<l 8 tu• Umr"'1 ICol"l/<l<>rT• .'Q{U ..J S Pu•m••<• • CMRECT'OA 0.'t,,I J h•lildtl'' • SCREENWRITERS ,.,,..1 ..,._ ,,f"!,,"' p,,vl 8-tnhtU, R<"'9'V' fhl•". " •CAST" Kalf! .\stif1t1 ,J rr.tt'\C.IM S.,.ber Hf'\en &ct•endaA•. No., fiton...ctr1 • RUN-C TIME 87 00 Two men~ noon• Their"""" c:31n"tlf'\ltih thct-ir pmbt.nu mount •nd 1~n l1vet tall to !M«M Whole tul'W't ,,..,,. 11~ t(>mf rh1ngt, rtKn&m 1~'! UfM Mftn •nd -wom..n •t1tl _,,, lhe -thong IOY• STRANGE FRUIT Orange Cou<itv M.1wvn • I 4n Un11ed Slat,_ 100.' • oeRECTOfl Jo..! ...... • RUNNNG TIME '51 00 ,.~ "'rlor•f>\I '""~°'em ... Holodav'• ~ -h .... .,,.... ..... The hofl()rY of IM 111>no"• uM•on ancl ""°"'''°" u•O• a dr-•tofYof Amornuo1 r•l-PMI •A nQ ' oneol .,.,,_~ .... ---- -TheM91bl ... -• •----wilh lhe-ol •~ ,,,. _ Tl41 l'UIJ'I (,,_,...Wend -IM>.- Unllad S.-11»1 • O.CTOM II.ally~ "1* "--• tom:lft IUIOll ~~ T~lleqw • CAft Ctl9d ~ • M-..o ....... '°" 00 A llOfY ol tonQang MCI .... rwllllcleo >II the .~...,..., ol ""° !.-"** Wl*1 • ~vou"Q men. ~.....,,.. hOme on H ....,. of• <OUll --oould .->cl """ lO iefl. llta '-·-· l.ute. _,,,,,, .,_ 16 ~ twn "om '* own undoong L.Mng hie lo Iha lu,_ with 11ot regtag ~. • vulnenoble HwT* flnde .-xpecMd comlol1 .... L..-.e .. ,_ gitlf...,..,, PtlOQe nc~~ O.enge County M\IMum ot M Umled Sta,.. 2001 • OIAECTOfl M11tr>dtl Smolh • ICRE£MMVTER Abt{ioll Wr111ht • AUHNIHO TlML 54·00 0..,, on \he tetMOf..U ofSon-o Or M"'\ Plotkin i. •Klflll ~ ltme N-ilnd <-ublv eflecltw mediQnM oould be found '" ltle Atne.ioot p1..-1kt•,but11141 I-• dl~nQ E.,.,, w<>< ... the lrlbal ,.,,.,.,...,.,. -1-*'t and ~padlal ol f-'~ bolan\t .,. tl>e ~ moM 1N1enge1ed -4pm ~S 15221 ~ fOfEGH IH Tl4f 5"0RTS F dwe<O. '-""'<! Gold • INWUtWO AHJ £NTENNG lf.ffMC'TIONI Two bu•11t11• br••• •nto ..., _..,.,.m end ~!Nil" •• -empty -.. IC>Oled tn the cioM't: • THRU CAN> STVOS Ev""' -lbd< -'-'-• lvt -• bo.zan-e y.oine ol po1r., .-g.,__ ""° •""'ldtv '"'"nova conffOf'lat!On • 0 lllM/T1RJl Two boyto 0... 11ra19ht one g.oy 0... b<\Jal, '""' br\Jlel...O 0... ---~. tne uthM ~ •A~STORV Mlld\je ancJ T1..:y i...i ~ dfller9'tt l•ves untol •h••" wondl c.ollide '" • Utle of.,,,_...,. u perten<.e and a llendlul of IMlh • GOOO ~ VAUHTINO The'"'' 9'IO'V o4 • drll--lllenl m<Me odol Ru<lotpli Valentino and lamed j0Umali9'1 H l Met'>Cl!en ooe Ml9il befora v.teotino's trl)Q•G death • HOW TO 00 THE ASIAH 8QU,CT • 1950s •lyle educetoonaf him IN! flMl!y an•-,. lhe QllMtlOn Whet 11 Ille AaOan Squ~t > •UMMElMJS lgn&1 S.mme'-t• • Hunganen doaor. "'"'1111•• to •nll>'trt 10 t>t.. ftuOenU h11 <l•IGOVe<-Of\ hOw 10 PfWV•"' ctvklbed tewr Tlif MOHTH OF AUGUST l•dO TllN1e1 Untred S1a1,,. 1001 • DIREC'TOfl Ru Piano • 6°'llHWRrTEA Soon e.ntofiel • CAST Madlent1• 48fon Alt 1110d Re....,_11 Balon• ol! C..nOy ci.n. ""....a.cl OV 0.teCto• ~ Pn~ C....1 • RUHHWG TIME. 93 00 P00t No 01 dumped bv \11 -gttttnen<l litt -lne•'ld s...n Mii him UC> on• en-of j ., .. "' .. <Ill --,.._, l'lumlltt.abon .luS1 • Nd •• llbout lo II"•• 1"'· he ~ ""'°"" a w .. , .... el ,,.,. IO<.al oollM ~ ""Ill* d Q\Jttlly e nd ~•rvtt\IAQ "9,,..,., '#IN"lllMI t" I Qttl Spm l CHAYIM COMAADf SllWN Or••'ll" County M..-.m of,.,, Unt190 Sllf~• 2003 • C>IRfC'l'Ofl Yale Sll'om • SOlfENWN'T'Ell E~~ • CAST' Ron "-""""' (nerr11t0<I • RUlllNING TIME. 119'00 A ck><.ument•ry 8bOUI m. Jewith tu1onomou• ·~•llr> of S.bemo Suitm anif;o•lly •f1'119Mad n on t918 10 tfNte an elternatrve to Ille rll90<ts ~•Pf .. •""' of Jud.otom end 0.. 11~"11 ZIOn<S1 l.l<>lnte•I movemeri11n '"" USSR The Slate dur•ng •It he\l~v aarectttd some 40,000 .WW.. SHom l&kn hta c.amero on •~ ITtP "" the l11n• Stbenan l\eolrotd Wl1tt hie ,,,.,11""6' •od boclVVu.<d si ..... ......, .. 111e 11.-on ot M1on.,1 (lllnrn. !he r11S1 P<"'°"nl of llM USSR The lf1dleM ,,.,n tnp end IM~ ,,,., Semotu1m of ti.. Rusatan i.11ow ~" H1"1"'94'M Strom 1n the e-oeneno. of tN f!r'I\ Je.,.ah ~IO M nl<t "'the reQIO<" l pm Tl1( AHAACHIS'T COOl(8()C)ll E-mlaland Btue Un.red S4al-. 100' • CMR£CTOll Jordan Su.man • ~ Jotdan Suamen • CAST' o..o<• Ciumme•Mlll O.,.i.n 8N"O Jonf' S...-oe K.tlhat•ne r,....,.. Glf\lo Phthos St.,,... y.,. ~. JoMny ....,,.tworth Sabine S.ngll R-d81acj At1....ie<t by donlCIOf "'""'""'cat • AUNNNG TME 101 00 "'° 11,,.. in.,, ~EMI Dal*- _,., • 11roup of nonvo0lem .,.. ,._..>DUS fof't; n..nge ~ Wit~ the .,., ... of Jol"""Y 8'-:* .1 Mlf.-nbed notlr~sl wt>0 h'OWS how 10 1181 -"·-Am>ed ... lh "The~ Cooltt>Ool' Joh,,,,., ...... Ille 00-. -• •"-'Y elope Pua. .. foroed I<) Otto<le wf\a1 ·-cnv _,.,. .,.,...,,. •SAOIRSl A worn•,,. •t"'llllle lo l<Hp the CMI "'•.,,., hn VHted lo< her•tt .,. -,. 1orment.O by h40f Pofl • ™11..EGEHO Of RAZOfllAa A l'T'r\11tlnOU• ba<bef "-'IM I "*''-ontemak""' 1rni. bov '•nd t.11 "°""""" re1<1nc1e ht• dloldhood • M.SURRECllON MA/fY In the town R......-. ltentuc*y ~ IH""90 '-i-<1 "-'°"II -• llnnQ of mya .. 10IJI .._. __ ~ b..s 10 the tutn of the cen4V'\I • GM"EN "°5l Tt.. tnA •orv llbot" ,,.,_ """-ngl'!ts of tr>e T-1*11"9 P<>'t•~ ·~only Mn...:~end Mu- • MV UFl AS A QDWl'I A ,..,.,ng clown-on ll•lll"V • t..i -eeH doub\..,. M prol--IN Po9<bolnv ~ t"'9 ICMI • Tl4f lf.D A YDU"ll ~ ~not \hey can.._..., ltte -of pl'oywoca "' -,_ bad. bul ... .,_ .... ng lO .,._Iha -v ,_'-"to •eep ~ unnpaet.ed boon 1 ·DElNIMD ·-~~-~­ct...000"•••11 c:an clr>ve one .,..-°"' •te) oN'I .... ~ tJO p"' IHO«TS (a, ... MT1IFYWNQ '°"" IMQfl'rS o.-. Counly -......... al"" • Nl/BllC:Nt P'L ... 011.ft IAND PIE) On~ a.. "°9dll. .. ~··IQ 1ooa cnwc ~·po.a....,.,__ anc1 ~"""°love ..... .,.. ........ _.. of,,,. Qr'Mll ~ ~ • TMl QUOT"°" l.aGnf A blO ~ llbo<ll • hta ~ ,, .... l"NAl.DMl'T E~ lel9ftd -Gold Urw9td s... JOQJ us ,__. • Oi118: IOM 0...,, Goldll9I. _.., Oldiatle •WWW MCIW 0.-0.-vwt.. OlduM •c:Aft ...,,...~ H9mllll ~. '""" ..... '-• JMllon.,....... ...... ~..., .... ,..,,._. ...... •lll.-..otlltR .. ...... ,...... ........... ..,., ....... .. ................. .,. ......... ...... --~ ..... ,....., .... ..... ....,,., ............. ~ ..... ....._ _ ....... -111 ............... 1 ... .....,... ____ .._ ......... .... ...,_ ... ..,....,.,. ........ ... -.... --~ ......... . ....._.-..c:... ..... --. .. ............ -... ........... _ . ........ a ................. ...... .._ ... ..,., ................ .. """""_ .. _ . ... MW °'*""' c.. ........... ......., .... _ ....... C111111191a ........ •I RA~--­•CMT ............. . .._,_ .. ~· ... t * .... ......,_ ~ .................... . .................. _.,, a 2 ...................... .. ..,.. ............. s .. . .. ..,. .... 9 •• ..... ,,... . .............. .... -;tfjaii.--~ "- Wf'dnesday, Aprll 2, 2003 A7 • ~ .1uto11c.tlua Ft~ • CAl'1' ...... lroota Mcl..ite ~-,.._ e.i..-. JdW\ ,..~ AHnOad 11¥ 0..-, "'O<UM ,.,,,..... c.-. ........a~ I00.00 A US bofder ~ul .,_ ,. ;;yi..11 '°'lO'JI •eepng lhe -..00"' llN'nl9'-. ~ .. Q090 ,-.,.._ IU-ll•U•n"wl ·-· °'....,...~-""""''~'" ,.,,_..,. Th. lilM ~ .... !bl'( W<OtlQ end"" ....i. up,,_. wrllWI • cl<ug '"'II fon:ted IO ~ ... --.. ""'II""' peo()le ,,,. -Adam oUN 10 -IM tn• ,_,,.. ol the I*"* lrom -.._I-'""" lu cMwnt.. I...._,. MUll:l l'Ol.M lf CHOCOlAJ• f_Spr,. 9"11 . E.,_c19i_,,J ~ Ff.r-S-u.-t~ :.p.11 Nf1I • DMECTOfl t i.. ... s. C.1t IJ<ul ·~ °'"'""'•""'*""'ll-c. .... c10 .. ,,.,, r ,,..i,,,.£.....,,.11 •CAST lwlAll• Ho~rJA·rl J"'Qo.;ft lluoruno.. "'"'" M<>Yo'aJ" 1<•"1<ilj"9 ,..,..1y lllQIM C..,11•k>n Mtd' • • kr.A.Mtl M.;Utit4tt' 1Mu"""""' • RU......0 TMl. !Ill 00 't'WhQ JIMr"""" ~·'• .,,.~ tw"' .,,.~,_. "~ nut be "N'fl•t ~ h41(j qrown up "° blthvve &.•••·mtg to hd'¥tt llftef1 • .,,tc;heij n• l.M"rtt\ 't1¥t\h lt~f newtJ(;{fl llt\t ~· t,( a fMY!CJUS pt11.no pl41YA•1 • .voe ~ 10 a..nuoct htt< ~ "'ololl""' ,.,,,.,t '"' o•,...t-Q.11• ,,,. trt11ht ot ""' ..,., Tow qU<lat"'"'''ll ><l()(h 10 1t.t dlewvtNV of • mu•de< e<i<r•<n·nod m..,,.,. ......... helot• bv me -.ond .We ol lt.t ,....,..,.,. •"'l rt.. •"lr'l{IUe ,.,....,.. •• ,, undett~no h'fpl#:h •y lh , .. ,,.... of ....... .,,.Ct,~ A r«M(JIKHt ..,.11 bi!,,,,., '"'"'' rr._ "''""""fl tn ,,,,. 11\t>llpeng fV; , .... '. ,.,.,.,, ,.,,.,.,, $20 &.·,,..,~' THE TRIP lo0o T'he41'" u"''"'' s ... , ... J(J()J • OIRECT()R M I .... s ... .,..,. ·SOI~ M._ 5..,..,, •CAST ~.,..""YS01u.,., ~, .. ,rfhlllUt' ~ ..... At~e ""' S1 tf.,,, Aa1tn.i-,..rJ ~ 1).iei.t-,. VtCiil1tA.U tA•nc.>~ <..AS1 •RUNNING TlMl lfl 00 A;,,,.,.. • ,. ~mty ,.,..,,~uhc.. R"""CAQn f">lf~ At,,.._ ·""""' "1°'1 f tt,,.. ~1rum '' l~ • Te•'4 ,..,.,.,,, .. ....,..._, r~::...r~ 1 htuuN to ·~'II Oul LOUO • jilf'f .... f '"'' -1".IVU ~ TUESDAY 11 am WHETHER YOU UK( IT OR NOT ntE ST0RV OfHEDWIG E •1w.t"'1~ "4\111• "lh Vnilt·•' Sr1r,..._ .. • DtRECTOR l ' , , '• • •CAST ',\ ... ,,t.~r ' i»~ ti 11 1f'l'" .. r 1 M 1ut_...I At1t.·~1 t., ~· f, .. , • RUNNING TIM( k~ 0C NEW GUY E ""'"• .., .. v,....1 .. 1 s~...-r .. c; • Sr~tt-...,,.. r t ,, • o .. • OlflfCTOA ~ ,. f y • SOIEEHWRITCR lloly I • •CAST ~to" y f!• • RIJNNHG l1Mf ~'> HER NAME IS ZHDA 12 )Op ... 5"0A'1"S tS.O Dtd s..n-s~ s-r £""""•"" ,Id,.. ~~ •JIVOfT flw 9'1" ,.,_,,.. ~4•,N:~ tar •Wn t e•plortU.o " '\IO,, ,,.. • """ -Jf • ''~ •llOGGED . .., A pec;o .IM "'''I• • ,,,.lll'Pli(Jtt a "'''" tt• n t""'~U•fi.t n JWS ftfl•t1~ •~t 1' r•r -''' 'or wv•f"!\l tin tr • l1ERE WAS THE AHTl4tM I ADU lllA Cl. HIMNO I f""'° .... to. .... '" 1' if'"" -.•(>llfll'1f~ .. f'ft"tl ... ,, ..... 0,,..r '0<n(..&.J,.,t"f1\,"', l>v tJI••' • .. Vt.JI , •• IT\ •JOH'S DAY nwt be.JUt1ful" 1·~ u"'d v•a.u .. uv , ..... ~ r9C>f9'Sft01it1+(1of"'I Jf th"'~,., 1 0 .n•to0.1'1t•~ tnd the ~11ptnttn. ~ ,f It t'i .......... l'k, t1d ·~ING A paet< f'W:llt<>t .-.t r '11itr•-.1o..I''"' 1'1 u rW1i.ittitl1 th~t <>'l•V Nf\411ir1 'N'ff t ""' IH W. t*CrwTMt ~ ,,, ...... • nE WOAMtiOLE tt"IOtf"''"' lu If' ~'ltf .. h1 '•''" , lpm UIEJfTY MAIHt ~-" '.,,., u"'""' s. ....... w• • OlflfCTOfl ~ I _., • CA5l r "" m..... tk."''V"' ~ .... C\o;.t.o i .,.,,., ~ .. -I f,.,"W', .,.. __ ,, I .... ~,s..g+ned "'"~~ ,.... .. t~.......-V"1 ~ • llUNMHG ~ !i. .... Nlf>d~ end f41P 1 ii U'td(J}V 1 "llliit oil ~ ~~ '•''"""' ~ ~ ,.,CIU'W2,,,~ @-tft)(,,, ""'" ht"~h1.,.,.,, "" .. ~ ~ "' ""'' '°' -''--"' ......... J>IQ ~ lul -.... , .. ,_•alto "'"'.. '""" .... C>ll .._ • -·he -~-l f•Y Ii: UV• ftie f...-W....,,... l.ctnQ ~ "'~<! a..W..,., THE GR. f"'* MIU flJN.E te50fCloOil A 'Nfl.l~I ~n-... '-10111 ·~Ch<-''"" • SCSWJ>iANI DIS °'""'-,..,.._, E nr ,._,. •CAST Mid* c;,,,,.aut M..,,,.lde ~ ~"°'-0"'" • NJNNNQ 'TWlllE. lOJ 00 Sendfvw go...."",,.,~'" ...... -"""" • ,.,..,. ... the_,,.. ol ft..-The ... lll1d ~ ......... -~ ..... «' ... prO!*'IVfuf ,. ~mom.~._.. 10 -~ N s.ndf•"'" -...1a ""'N< lwm ......... ~ ... -·-""'*"-.......,,....,,,.r_.,,,.,.....,_,,.., -., ... MST tlAMt 9NX*LVN 1-.11 ....... """' u-.d ..... llJGJ s..e-~.....,._ •CWRM ~ ...... • W tUI A ZTWI. GI.-,....,... •CMtO--o....t ........ ...,_ ~...., ......... Gflllll .......... ,.,.c.- ....~ ..,. ........... e..-., ·~,.._l:Ha M ........... ...._. ........... fll .. ~ .... -............. _....... ~ ..................... .......,,.. ... ,.,. ....... _.,_... ...... ..... .. .., ..... _ .......... ...... ... ....._~ .. ,.... ......... .... .......... ~ ................ . ........._ .. llllW ....... ,..... :::::.---... -......... n91nm!M ... ~ ........ ..... ~ ... .. ......... 0...111111 • 112 IW. TIINl9orf ~it 0-. ....... c. .. •CMITWI..._.......,., ·--... ,,. .. ...,....._.,...111 .... ., ,......,..,,_ .................... . ... _.,..._ . .__...,.._ ..... ~ ..... ~ ....... ..... ..._ . ___ ..... __ ,...,.._ ..................... . ............ .. ... ·--..,.. '*..,_ • ; M ~. /ttll'I 2, 2003 SHORTS cm>: sex D1GMU ~ IHO«T8 Lielon-.r • MPew:N CMrnJiROI A voung ,.,...., .. 91N11Q1e to~ In• WOfid INC -d9Wmined to hold hHn bee*. • ntE SODA JIJIU A biaecs Ml oom.ctv ebou1 the power ol --• bltttr old women. • ntE "°"°" ~ A 9"JUP of~ ~edets comoete lor .,.,. ldlool'e dodQe bell lille. • MM. N.GflM OOES 10 HOUY'M>OO Megi<lg ti~ tMdlet ~ eo oonfidenl In hat _,.,.., •5 Food Groupe" sdlool plev OWlf elM ~ It to Hol~ fO< producOon. •WAD DoW9 Cl>EIAI ~ A miMCI Ml9d end e '10UI """8 In• '"'019 cWI lhel will i.ect tfl9r'I\ '° _.,,., io.. • ntE IHEU. IHOW E119<Y.,.., !he community GM._. 81 Old M.,, Snell·s tr911w lo< the grNIMI .now on ..tn l;JOp.lft. l!S. l'CMJR CAT • DUO Edwen:is Island -Blue Ufl/Nd S-2DQ2 • IJlllECRJft s-Gua...tierg • lt1tEL3 MN I et .Mfl ICo<n •CAnS.....~ Attended byS......~ • AU....o TME: D;OO ~"9 wriWJlmmyZooleh• '-II 1111 ~ Hew 'IMt'8 Ew His ginfriend le ~_,_.._._~no...- 11kionoeiwd-"'-'-doeed 111\er -.-,. His a-friend died • few lflOf1 rnon!Neeo-His~ --'-been robbed twice. And now hla ~c.l ledlled, lut.limmy'I ~ .......... beglnnlne. The i-vw ._ --.ct and.Jlmmo(s ~ hom. Thi. Hew v..'a Ew ...-be Ii'!• no c#ler, •"""""' t'IClldlt Eddie. die burglar,~ felt..., ~..i!V ~ ~ng. llnd olW> hli.rioua night. NO DlltaNQ TOO Mii ~County~ol M (Jn/fed St.-.1IOCl • ~Jon Ou.,.,.,, ~bydiraor,...,..._,prlnclpel­. ..,....,~~ In Jurw 200t,.'"""' of -2000 ~ .... Sen~lotl.oe~IO~ --ol .WINOS end r1lise "'°"""lot ~llutlone 'lhll! ---~ .. dl9ew, The llMUel ~ -.. know\'l • lhe Callfomle Aldl lllde. Eld! rldlf Md.~ -lor bW9 "*-but OW( .. '--"""8 In-.... ........ ._. been IOUdled by AIDS. 0-.. ... --ol the rids.,..., "'*"9 ...... __.,, and uMt In '"' emlndno IUCIPO" al -~. Outfnt the ride .... -"' No~ 10o fet le. f.....indsr..., AIDS i. .al • pnJblem In our ~and-mullaluMt_ .... ,..,, ....... TOWNOIMY ~ ..... -Gold u..ctS.... JOt11 " WllNtd ,.,.._. • • UllllC1 ORt .a.a "-"' • taHCWNIW Jlldl !Canny, JOhn 8nMO •CM'll Dwld~ •M....o1111Wl ~ .....,~.·'lV~producmr. .._., .... _.._he __ .... Hll lnwldon .............. ......, lV pnllf9M C9led "TOwn '*"/." ...,_..., -tad he,,_ .. towrR __.._ brA', JOhn Htcllev. wflo .... to_.._ Men .lt!M. ~ .. ~ ..... f\'qnl yWf'S tJIO -....., • flU'dlrl Men jolt-. ..... \oWOftlo9 Diii. fl'Oll'I ....... N , • • p!'Odilm • .__ CW( ptOOrM\......,..,.., .,,......_. .. CIMlll end --io... '°'""' __ ...._ IMl(Of 1MY ncitlndwdeorlMINI ~endlNm ~lheMUe endWll\Mot INlll. Ind"'-*" • ....,,... .. 1 1 WEDNESDAY ,,_ THE M>AD 10 AfCOHCllJAnON EOw9!dl Island -Blue United s-2IJ02 • DCllECTOCt: PaJI Canney • SCMINWI et ~ Connolly • AUNNNG TIME: 57.00 Al\er ~ ot oonlllot.. ,......,.,. peec. hae -10 Nonhe<n lr91end, lhough ~ hae left • 1-lng ....,, on the lfNlll eocltlly. ~-~ Ntc:enonlvbe lld-.d In the Y99f'S .n..d. "'The Aoed ID Reooncilietion" ......... unlltndllng looli .. the humtln end eocial CIC»\ ot ~ Ireland's 11\l'M decedes ot ~ IHOCITS CS31: CJMZY MOUT OUll lttORTSI Edwwds I.a.net -Gold • OOOCROA04 8UJE The~ of five M!)8•"1• butldtng t-~ ,.,,.., 1he IWltrt«l lrultt behind • bnAM murder . •Ma Of THE IMMY A _,.,.,...ng ,,i.w of Wond Wer M es_, through 1he eyee of .... eager ""-l<Ml photojournelin • ll41 ITOHE Of FOUY ~""-In• IWIRed .-y1\lm ........ txz.n'9 .,rgoc111 l)IOCledure _.... • ~..-...~ .. •TIEDUP ~M~l A homele9 kid's lldclkll>on to enlfting glue ~ him In• Ylciou• cycle of dywfuna-. and ...,...., ....... • M'5ICAN LESSONS ICl.ASES DE MJSO I ~ WOfb Ill home and ..... .,, leollll.i ..-. bul en.,_ to• penonel ad •about lo ~lhlll. The bl-memoriee ol • MJmme< romenoe !Nt 9'>ds """"Iha IW11ng....,,.. ot allUmn •MCHE Somecltnes being "°'*1'.nd truth .... , .. .ii"'°" nMd. _,.,..;,,..... n:11 ...... NEWPORT BEACH FILM FESTIVAL 11How Hany Became A Tree• --• DON'T WIOMY 8E HNt"YI INJOmJ UPl9tlll " '*"' girl • puhd frO<n her home Into • bMuljf\il ....,,.,,,.. pf'C)Qfllm eboul beby ~'\. v.w ..... .,..,, Ullien-.;,. her lftUllic lllUdencs 1he -boring piano eailee, Nglec::llng,..., -~ng. Until -d&oy. Ulllen'a pleno can't telle It _,more ... • SOOOINlY ff MINED A eubll9 and~ film about two would-be io.... .. ttwv ...... rnomerit ~ """ldow4hool*'ll ~ •DO NOTPUD'fltl ~ M lll'l\8Zlnglv ~ eociel ~ ~ng •• 8imple "°"' eboul the bond be-. • h<>rr*eM men end• mont.,. • THE DREAM DOCTOR A WOtY*1 unfulfla.d by hat lits~ In he< -wNl ehe had ... '° find In rMlli1't' -lhe oourege to ~ wt\811 INllr• vou l\et)py, end Ille con~ 10 build you< hie around it. • DMAMNG .. llACIC ANO wt.n Chris~• biM* men '-on• dleOIMe roed, llnde hin..if In • .........,_diner .,,,.., • l)Od;el of ... -..ngly from-'* ... .. SMOG ANO THUNOOI Orenoe County ....._.,,,of"" Unif«1 s-2002 ·~Seen~ • 9Cl'IEBu%4i I W: Sendlow Birt. Paul Z.tJloorn •<:An hul ZMoom, MM l\illa, ~ F.,., IOI l'ongettl, Huell HowNr • ~Ta.: 46;()() A modlumerQrf ebo<ll • C...lomla ovll - Ml in• v11Q1M1v -~ c.i.forNe Is ~ on the edge ot doom AtWmoflitv ~Los Mgell9 end Ser> Frenaeco hae grown OUI ol control. Wet 19 looming In 1"" he-of men end WOtMn from "91elume to "->lrna. Then, in ffttv M.,., Generel Juen Gomei de Los Mgelle IMds hie Southern 1100CJ9 In .,, .,,,.,_,,. tgaorwl -Bey Alu 0.-the llllli. ol Ser> Fnnoeco begine. "-• le no w.ninQ bed!. J:JOp.m. DON'T TfM'T .. Edwardl I.a.net -Gold S,-,2001 • DIRECTOlt AQustin o.az y.,_ • CAI'! V1c:torie Abrio, Penelope CtUt • MIHNWO 1'NE: ~ nm."-beet!'°""" felt ...._,, -Ho41 -""'"II.,.,. bllllle -good snd -So -.._ .. l'NNQ8f'S h-IN CJCll)Of1\lnll\' to Win the _,of. boxer •nd ehtfl the belence of pc:Moe<, they _.., Lola Nev.00, their '-1 angel, to do the Job When Holl'• mtlneg«9 gel wind ol !his. !hey <>OUMer by .nc:tlng their .._. ~ _.u ... io e ..... C.men ~ The btMlle -...._. -Hal .. on T14E NAZJ OFRC8'S Wff 0..,. County~ of An Unl#d sr.... 2002 • DJllECTOl'I• Lil c;..- • sr:::REa'WNIEfll. Jmdl Yt>ungetttion • MINHING TIMl: 911.'00 The film loob ti the u1reordlnery Ille ol ~ sunll110r Edith Hehn S..r Bawd on her memoir of the..,,.. n..,,., 11tells1IM 11orv of Edlm·a iourney ,,..,.., odMtm1c: .Hwlah I-.,.,.._nt, 10 eNl....cl ptt-of-. to dlaguiMd Germen h-1r8\I. 10 _.,ttd 1udge in poet-war Germ•ny All•• being forced to worlt •• • alav• l•borer, Edith wu Ible to 1UCX:Mefultv co.-.1 lwf Jewtlh identity -ntuelly merry1ng • Nert officef wtlo ,..,,.r betreyed her Mer.i Ali.r the wer. Edrlh -.ale to recl••m her kl• H • t.wy•r •nd•Judg• ........ WANT Udo~ Urwr.d Sr.nM 2002 Southern C.llfom4s ,.,....,,,.r• • OMECTOfl: Mid\MI Wohl • ICMSiMNIUI: ~I Wohl ·~Aobtfl Md.eod • CASt: 8eny ~ i..tne. Olln Hyde. (;;then 0-,., Joen a.mo.. Mod>MI Wohl Abnded by Di-• MJNMNG TIMI! 91!1'00 Tired of hoppng fTom one smetk>me Job IO 11\e ~ T,.., ,..,._ to 91en Na_, WsO cotnC*l\I ll'a not long.-· bellor• ... di~ the danger and~-ol his,_ ,.._ and eoon finds Ills lem<ly 11• es well • hie own Ille th.-.ntt<I ~p..m 9HCMT'S IS11t LR IS SHOfl'TI Edwwds lllend Blue ~ BaDyllft.• • plen IO r*-OfPheroe and,.,.,....,_ dllldren to IN U.S. tor ~ Mo1tl« end cMughlist' would~ nolNnQ .-.. ...,. oct... lot 2:2 ....... Now •• ii by• mlrede, they •• reunited in Oeneng leJOp.M. CCU> ... I.DYi Orange County..__...., of"" CMYdit2002 • OllfCtOft Wtyne Abbott •ICllEEN'MWl'ERS: Owe Toms, Wtyne Abbott •CAR VW1te MdCoy All9nded by~ • ~ TME:: 52:00 ~. •young bl.at women orowlno up 1n E• ~~of winning Olyfnplc Gold for her mOOlet'lerld. Her perfect eoc:ialltll exlat.,_ le tom epert when et. telle in lolle -Mart.. c.n.clen ...... """°"' .... met during lflWNlllOnlll ~~,... ~ 1oYe puts hat•.-"""" thee- GenNn -police and Wlde hat 1n the -of the moet CMOfound-• "'the 20th century -the fall of the Beriin w.t1 7p m. URAFTEJIWM Edw8rdll 191e<>d -Blue Unhed Sl.tt•, ~ 1003 ~,,,_... o-m.nu.v • DJMCTOJll: en... l<Nppetlbo<ger • 8CMIHWNTtR Bnen l(,_lbe<ger • RUNNWQ ...,., 90:00 A full-lenglh lulut• doalmenting the f'igllt IO ._._ ai.ble life in "'ilNni.t.n efler 22 .....,.. "'~ _.....,. follow9d by. bMel eoo.I IJCl*vnet'll 111 me hands of the T•t>en~ vloler1I -8ldr9ml11 rsgime The S1NOQte IO ,Mluold _...,egec1 AlghantlUln •• -1tvOU9fl 1he eyee of •n Atnencen ""°"""' -to<mer NPl'I coneeponclent S.reh Ch.,.... Oulttlng her job on ~. 0'8yes """"*'IO Alghanitt.,, •• hunwwteNn. l(,_ibefger lollowa 0...,.. on.,.. unoqua llOty • ahe bell,_ rugged conditions. ltmtflld ,_and ... Afgtlen w8l1ord to rebuokl • email village d<Mtroved by U S bomb9 In the benle fOf ICendeNr ...... HOW HAM\' llECAME A TII&" lnsll 59ol~gM Edwer'de lalend -Gold ~ /tily. Fr--. Unned Kmgoom 1001 • DIRECTOA: GO<en ,......,.....: • SOIUNWNTIAI GOf.,, ,.....)woe. ~ Wllln. ChnSbne Genlsl..,..,..,iew: •CASI' Colm Murry, Adri.., Dunl»r. Col~en ~urpny, !terry Condon • AUHNWG TMf.: !0000 lnNnd. '9:2• HetTV's hM>nl• son. Pai!nc*. - killed dunng the emf -........... Anne -ol • brCIQn heM ehomy after Iii -.tt-IO h..,. Wttll hte other son, G<-. 1n their .....it ho<Jl9 on the edge of the VIM-0-ot Skillet but he grllduelly becomM more and mot• -i11c1t--. One 11'8' dtoy. ltlllTy ,,. ... ebaurd .... wf'V not ~nd hlf'nl9lf.,, _,,.,, ,. .. ., ... 11 low -IO ....... i.fl h.m ""111 nothing. perhape '-can go.,. him bed< eome reliWI for life. Aller eorne hllrd tl14nldng, he MelM on Geotoe. the,.,.,.. PoWMful men In m.v11141ge and~~"""" how 10 delllrov him Th!.~ tnCI'°°""" _ .... c:refled by 5eftMw> do-Got ... ~ OOltlatN undMtytng .. mil-IJoch Ireland -SartJle he"8 "'"" NtJONOltlll 11nJVQ ... A reoeplJoft Wiii C.. "'°"'Ill Muldoon-ell:., IN ~$1JJC-../ WllTUI llO'IS. ~Spocl.ghl Lrdo ThM1er "'->200! • D9llCTOft V9gUdll Shinobu • IOIEEHWM I EM: Shtnobu ~ • CASl SlllodW Tsumbu411, Neolo r.i.....-a ICaor1 M....o., 14..kwa Emc>IO • AUM..a TME: 901>0 ll'i epringtlme tn J~ llnd the Tedeno High Sd>OOl 9Wlm Wm .. barely ~-"II efloet. wi-llM pretty new ooectl lUme up wt1h the t:N<mfng ~"' ONttng • toe> eyndltoni8d ""'"""""' .... of,_ own. .... ._ • ._ prot>lame 10 °""""°"" f\M. ...... ...,,.ng Ill an 1111 bOys' edlOOI: MCOnd. the live boy9 who .,_ _,,,.,.oed to 11'9 IMm .,. ell .._....,. bed ...,mmers; end i.tfv, .... euddenly '*--" _.. elglW ,.,_,,,...pregnant -due for ,_,.,., ....,.. Wllh '-· COUfllge. and --.i.111, IN_,,,~ inlO a S-.. late in --Thie~ tllm .... "-VoU laughing et '-ming "°"" 10 hold you< bru1h A~~wt#i.MJd.tt.ftti. .,.,.."" 110. c-Mtl IHMTS IS21k A QIMJU;T10N ~ '"°"1'$ o..ng. County~ of"" • ntE P'llV1:CT fUW Olwld Rodw't ""' h9lpe him turn whlll ..,,... would-• hie g,__ ,,_•mo "'6Q•- ~ All'C'E The redemplSon "' llerttle 14./yGe and her deughller, Gey 81od.. 'IOld lhl"OUl)h ,. V-• of phologrsQl\e find video - a:JlpM IHOfl1'I (SMI: SHORT\11 DMMATICUa EdMwdt ~ -Blua •AU WI ICJllOW OF~ ,..,,,,.. .... -~al'-and·-need of htl. ·QO(IJ)...,.. An Eest Loe Al~ priest~ Wllh hit felth llmld the u"'-'"ting Ylole<1C9 tl\111 ......,.. ... ~.and lhe ,......,_..al .... ~ -... Qel'll dr"ll ~ •OCHACUN.-cJCI ~ ltt • c:u4llil9 ""*'-gMno .. ndltlotl. eNt _,.., ~ !Ml tor ..... ,._~ Nn IOt .. hlllsl •IOPttl ,__ .................... -~ ~the filmlly, ~ dsddee IO IMa ,,,...,. lf!IO --........ APRIL 10 1:JOp.m. SHORTS llZI' GET INTO OUR SHORTS! Edwards i.tenc:t Gold •MCXSUD£ wi... 11'9 your fira1 ume. the eoghl monvtes el\•r can be en e1enyiv • LEGWORll'. A day 1n the hv• of the m4trclleM entmea wtlo w.11 hunt VoU down until in. day vou d.• bl" oollst:lot'a •lWYSTWlllCH Hie g.rtm.nd rntrf "-Mood htm up, but°"' hero hM • dll1e Wtlh -ny wn.n 1he lot-.-ol lew and dl_.der collide •A~lC-MAS A d9'1I -...0V 11\at pits two men 11g111nt11 eact> other In• QMTl9 of -on ChrlCt~ Ew •80UHTV The outl-M.i 8'thop ruiU. the ttUe cml of ~'°"when he ...... reYenge .ogetrdt IN man,,. -!Molnyed h•m •LE li9ilE The lilrn from• ~cemer11 ,.....,.11\e moment 11\81 the gr-,.,.,... found his hies lnspnll>On .a.sa :t Jom ligl!ls desc>e<lllfllv lo reun.t• woltl -r.ow grown eon tll9I he abandon<td In h•• vovtll •THEIOXMAN A ~ng ~ lonifT\ll1oon encounte• belww" •men and•~ boor EVIR't' STEWAN>£SS GOH 10 HEAVEN ITOOAS LAii AZAH.TAS VAN Al CIELO I Udon-er ~2002 ...... Co.I ,,....,._.. • DlflECTOll o.w... eu ........ , 5CllEENloWITUI: °"""" Burman •CAI'! Alfredo C...o. lngnd Rubon. Emiko oi.i. NormorAi.endro, U 8-' • AUNNHG TIME. !18:00 r ...... ·--wll0 ....... 1nh«'--1 of P9f'10mlme and,,..,,. of froNn food She -• IN< of"*'. love, rnolhethood -,.,,,,.,. She prefvrs • hf• of etfltNI n111t.t .Jul1M\ •• young dOctO< end ,_ wldowet. lllV ... IO 11\41 most SOUll>em ta!y of 11\e WOfld 1n O<dttr 10 ltrop • PfomtM Juhen doM •now llbo<JI ..,..,. at>O peon. and-to -=-10 - lpm. QRHOOO O.enoe County ~m of An ~s-2002 • DRECTOR. Lit~ ·~Lu G••bu9 • ~TIMI. 80-oo A dlrw vNt ..,..,,,.,. followo 1wO g4rle ttirough the,.,....,..._ jUlllc. sySlem to 11\et< ...,,_ nn lhe bllol* It-of ENI Balumo<•. Ma<ylend Thtt film PfO'otldee 1NIQl\t 1nt0 lhe worid of young women et <Ml G1rihoo<I t .... • cc>m"'G of ...,. SIO"( .oo.ll nl<lthe<w llf>d daugntera. Utme en<! 11e ~.end tnumph 1n the,..,. of hope'-- z:JOpm. ~R>l'.Kl'f Edlwr<lt ~ BloJ<I Unit«J 5,_ 2003 Wortd""-'-• •DIRECTOR l1m Nelson • ICMEHWllfTERI T .m Naleon. ~BM.er Ill •CAB?. s..n HeM1nge, undMy l"ul.,pt..,, ~ Howerd, Joe e_...... ~one JecQon Alt-by r.lm ,..,,_.,,.,.. • ~ T1ME. !M.1)0 For•,..,_.. -....111n"' 19&1. BobCM 0....'I llO"I of beeom<ng • cNmpon baal<att..11 pl-IS-dr-...dl'l\en~ -"ell\t Ill • tome when the hne btotwMn boy9 end Qtria topOf1S -dNtty -Bootio. 18 en • ...,., .... pWyer, but ..._ 11 coma lo playing on • 1...,, olw can henlly lollow the ·gon. rv1ea.· ~ 8obCloe •• ~ '°' • bo\t . .,.. thlna hat mewn lfV¥y ,...,. finally come true 5:30p.m 5"0«TS (6291: rol't'UTER ~ MlAO SHOW E-lelend -Gold The SUPER SUPER I FILM FESTIVAL. 1e bod and hes joined fotcee w.111 the POlvtST'ER PRINa' RQ40 SHCMI 10 Pf'OUdtv ~Iha 2003 \l\bf1d Tour of Super 8 Fi.,,,. WIWI begarl .. en e>cpenment haa now g91ned cntkel ,,_ snd become • rwolutionerv mcMlfNnt of -i. Wt '-•brought fOllelher en 1nte1 netlonel gtOUP of hlrn<nllltMs and film en!h~a who ••• comrniUed to kMPlnQ 1he bNuty of Super. ftlmrnat>ng ....... -well Now"" bme IO ~· Super 8 fllmmetlnQ "on -•-'" -.oll ... gloty end 9l)lendO< l.>Opm 8ElWUN STRAHGf."5 £ .,._d. llllend !'¥ """' °"'9df 20(Jl US P,..,._e • OICIECT'O" Ed<H<do Ponti • SCRlENWfW1"ER! Edo<lrtlo Ponti • CAl'l' Gererd 09pa«I...,, Mir• Soll•,,.,, IOau1I Mw .. a.-Sof' .. l.o<en • ,.,.,.....c; ,.._ 17 00 A proOtng and .._.i.ng drame •-,,_ Ille '1°'* of !IV• women wno, lhough str•ngers lo ..ti ocr..< • .,. Sl''flPl)linQ """' ouncu..iv 1ntetwtned d•.,,., o...-end ~ wt>OM~ Nuntthelrd.stly ....,.. Aa udl atory unlolda. lhe __,find """'-"-l...apo<ted by llW -of. voung Qlt1 Rapt_ng.,, lfNlll9 ol • ~ <Ntdhood .,,., • ~ng ,_,,nc1er of ~no OntfM, the VOU"ll got1 lnapon the womMl 10 """ "'°"' loberllled ~"" end 10 puo-thelt <Ir..,,. wolll • ,.......ound tree optll SIUITlNG TIW>UQH ll4f IAIC> Or •"9" C:O..nty M.,_,,.. ol At1 IK .. /1002 A film bv Wllyne Abl>oa All...o.cl bv drreQO< • AUNNWG ,...._ .. 00 The-..~• ll'°"P of VounQ ..,...._ wtlO Ml out on • l\odley ~ 1n ordet IO reaknr theor co~•W df9•m -lo Win respec:& for ll>tor neoon on • surl..,. of o fer ~ lrom hOme " lollcJWS the ..,_.i Nelionel Hod..,. TNmon ·~ forbc><*.,. ~ a111'9 Wotld Group C' Hoo ... ~ '" J<>h•nneoWtg Sourh 14./nQ 7pm THE IOU IOI Udo n-.. '""'" Um.a Sl.MH Co.u Rica Auotr-. ~ Z--.0 XXJ:l ..- • CAST lt0<11, l\atDoy Hob\lO<>d A rim 11¥ Joell Porner All.nc:ted tJ\I dorecto< • llUNH9'tO TIME; !SC>OO Shol In lahb Celttomoa ~ C:-. Roca _,..,.and,.._ Zaalend. n.. u 511 • !*ied wolh big .. ,.., geptng tie"• •nd olMh4oQ -fatu<ecl ... 9Utfoort 1neludong CJ Hobgood. K.e11v S""-'. JoeA "-"'-· Tom C-and The Iron. Bt-The IOUnObld:,. ......,n pori ~end l\lta-~Im wolh lntM*"'V tpm • HAAC:HNl fOfl l'AAAOIN E-Wend -Gold Utwl«l 5-1002 • DNCTOll Mvr• l'loci • SCllEtNWIWT'Ot My•• f>llO • CAST' Qw,. Hom. SoMn ~ Pr1lll. Je<wmJ 0..... John Pieteon. M-Pleodo, I.Me lloblna Joeel Sommer, Mery i.o.... WI'-' Allendmdby--·~lME.900 Gild• Mea91, iUSI gr..,...led from hlgl\ 9dl0ol, 11 Infatuated With ttnlQmetic HollVWGQd tr>oYI• \ 11 .. M1chNI 0. s.nt•t WiTh ,,., c:emcot'de< -doc>;menta her laeoN1oon Wllfl twm het 1nt-l W0<1<1 of <Ir•-and ..... ltfelned tt'lough '°"'"II r ... tlOn.h•P wt1h Iler dytng leth•r Aller her lethtt< di ... G1kle dllloowre 111111 he wu Q"V'ng a long aft8ir with • rnvot9<loue lt.el1en worn.n Giids a-crwy Wtlh g<lei end snger Her ~ on Mldwef ~ SantoS \all" on en oa.-•• tum ...,_ng • en llel•en fOU""'h-' ...,,., 1"41 -n.,.,. and ~llOne • her te1hef'1 miw-.. Iha sUCCHC!9 tn me~no 11 °"to the film Mt-.... 0. s.tlti• Is lhool1ng -to • Pflv•t• interview with him aJepnt IHO"TI (Mt: DC> IOMlONI Ulf 9"0ln'l1 Edwwds Island -Blue r Wednesday, ~ 2, 2003 At FORUM HOWlO GET PU8USHED -l.u.n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn irt the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 •Reeder• HottiM: Call (949) 642-«>86 Fu; Send to (949) ~170 E-mel:Send to dailypilot@latima.com • AJI COITespondence must inciude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Piiot resef\les the right to edit all aubmiuions for darity and length . .. • • "' 'MAILBAG .. CONTACT YOUR . u. REPRESENTATIVES .. • CITY Of COSTA MESA Cocta Mesa City Hall, n Fair ·'Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Meyor: Karen Robinson CCMandt: Libby Cowan, AJlan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and Chris Steel CITY Of NEWPORT BEACH Newport Bead\ City Hall, • '3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Be.ach, CA 92663. (949) 644-3309 ·Meyor: Steve Bromberg Coundl; Gary Adams, John Heffernan, Did: Nichols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb NEWPORT-MESA UNIRED SCHOOL DISTRICT ();strict Office: 2985-A Bear St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 Supelti1teodent: Robert Barbot Bo.rd: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Bladt, Clerk Serene Stokes, David Brooks, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linda Sneen PRESIDENT George W. Bush (R), White Houae, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. 20500 Hotline: (6 a.m. to 2 p.m .) (202) 456-1111 E·mail: praident@wh1tehouse.gov Fax: (202) 456-2461 VICE PRESIDENT Did: Cheney (R), Capitol Building, Suite 212, Washington, D.C. 20500 E-mail: vice.president@ whitehous.e.QOll Fax: (202) 456-2461 Native plants perfect for Otstaways A Friday story ("Debating which grass is.greener•) omitted some important hls tor1cal information regarding the Upper Castaways park area. No explanation was given for the poor state or the top area -dirt~ between the trails. It is important to note that after the hydroseeding in 1998, three years or drought folJowed. This coupled with the premature removal or the temporary irrigation system made it extremely unlikely that the nadve plants would have much or a chance to establish and survive. Any plants that do survive are mowed down to the ground on a regular basis by contract workers. After so many years of abuse or ambivalence toward the use of native plants In public and private landscaping, it is not a surprise that city staff, contractors and developers arc ill-equipped to nurture such habitat and make mistakes. They are learning from these mistakes and can do it right. The city sho uJd not give up on native plant restoration and return 10 Irrigated turf grass, wtth its artificial look. high maintenance, high water usage and permanent Irrigation systems. The place for turf grass is on sports fields. and 1 think few want baJI diamond'> or soccer fields on Upper Castaways. Rolling in some sod and putting in permanem Irrigation seems to be 1he desire of some. as opposed 10 waiting for native grasses and plan1s w establish themselves. I keep heari ng tha1 there needs to be a place to ·spread a blanket.• I would !>uggest that those who say this consider tha1 you can spread a blanket on well·established native grasses as well, and then lie on 1hat blanket, look over the edge and look at the multitude of tiny native nowerl> growing all around you and ob .. erve the ·critter!>" 1hat make thtl> PROJECT CUDDLE'S 4th ANNUAL habitat their home . For the last 100 yeaJs, we have embraced the Europea n landscaping model, whJch Is based on lors of rain and needs lots of lrrlgation when used here in our Mediterranean cfunate, as opposed tQ embracing the beautlfuJ plants and grasses that are the natjves of this climate and adapted to our natural cycles. These natives, when established, don't require the large water amounts and maintenance costs of turf grass. Perhaps the teardrop area at the ·point" couJd be done in such a way as to provide ·blanket space• without jeopardizing the native nature of the area and the Coastal Conservancy grant fo r restoring the area. The larger swale (someti mes referred to as the meadow area) should, however, be native grasses, plants and Dowers, as are found in native CaJifornia meadows. This does not necessarily exclude ·blanket use~ once the meadow area is well established. Wi1h considerable help from a !>ubstantial Coastal Conservancy grant, we have the opportunity to do it right this time. Let'i. not jeopardize lhe native restoration of this area and other areas in the city by putting non·natt\lt' 1urfgrass in plate of native plants and grasse'>. 11 I'> 11me to embrace and nurture our diverse native California hab11a1. DENNIS BAKER Board pre'>iden1, l:arih He'>ource Foundation Corona del Mar C.ouncil should not be deciding new member Reading the Thursday s1orv, ·oeparture leave<, vacant !teal, mayor<,h1p, concerning the ( O'it.t Mesa C11y Council\ "d1scu .. s1om" on filling the vacancy created by the resignalion of Mayor Karen Rohin'>on left me shghlly <,tunned The Ct1y Council ha'> 1he authority to choose 1he mayor and rm no1 too RACE FOR A LIFE April 12, 2003 Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley Schedule Saturday, April 1 z 2003 12JJ AM -Check-in~ start of late registration 8:25 AM -Opening Ceremony and awarding of the first door prize 8:30 AM -SK Run/Power Walk 8:40 AM -1.5 mile Youth Run (ages 13· 16) 9:00 AM -Entertainment and DraWtngs 9:30 AM -Commencement of Awards 10:00 AM -Kids Short Races (ages 5-13) 11 :00 AM -Brunch by Outback Steakhouse Proceeds bmeftt Project CUdclle wbkh btUus tbt lives of abused, abandoned and drug ex~ drildmt through tducatioll, reform rac.Wtia, daiJd abuse centers, hospitals and local communities. 1<1 c,1..,11< \110°'1 I <H<'I: I •·d I tt.•" l u lllP \. 1'11 ·\'I -.1<,"I \\ \1\1 K. o.talla on medals l prizes etc. are avatlab.. at www.proJtctcudcUe.pm ~~'--~~~~~~~~~~~-n-t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~'~~-.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~City~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9*9lZIP Phone( COllF£lTTOR FEES: ICfde qmw:! M l NON-COllPETTTOAS FEES: •ii< RUN. S20 51< Power walk S20 ~ r«llfV«l 9'* 4'"'°3 StO • U Mile Youtl Run ~ ,._,.. S 15 "Eatty -.in ue>t get T-Wt & • Qildrwt'I Aln' o.i-~ S..131 110 Oublck SIMtlhouM food for $10 ~·· IOI on 414"03 Eaity 9lgn ""9· no T·lfwt or food • ._._ ~ 1rom Ou1bec:k ~ SS • ~ undlf 5 ""wilt! pllld .w J'hoM tl!gible fcx tree T-Ahlrts H CIQ!strAtiQO la rlQlltyed by 4/4/03 AJI paid ldtruttions receive: Door prim l'lrn-ing number. lots of Met fooc:ls, cotton cl&fldy. popcorn. ~nowcOf~. mu\IC, fun emauinmcnt. ballOON. bounce bou~. )'OllnJt'r kid hive ~ to b<ll&nce houxs. pl•y area. t'k. Mail (l)cck or credil ca.rd infonnauon llld completed fonn to: PROJECT CUDDLE RACE FOR A LIFE Wood-Gutmana INunntt Br"Ot ... 14l'2 Fnfttio Ave. Suite 200. CA 91780 or FAX uifonna.tion to: (714) 433-6115 1>urp1ised that Councilman Cllris Steel, the mayor pro tern, is not a sure thing for the job. If the council decides that he should not be elevated, tbat is Its prerogative. • However, the idea that it is µp to the City Council to decide Lr the seat Is to be filled by an appointment or an electlon is fertile ground for shenanigans. The suggestion that an oplnioo of the city attorney delivered to the remaining council will decide when and bow it ls to be · accomplish~ is just asking for nefarious acts. Wherever pne may stand on the issue (for appointment or for special election) the losers wiU feel that their rights have been violated and justifiably so. 11tls is not a predicament in which an enlightened electora1e should put a saint much less a politician. If there is nothing on the books to handle vacancies, they should first fix tbaL We just had a countywide election in March 2002 to take away the governor's power to fill vacancies on the County Board of Supervisors (Measure V), but I don't recall anyone suggesting that the board itself fill the vacancy or that they should ask the District Attorney when they should do ii ERIC CHRISTENSEN Costa Mesa Sad that reminder needed to keep debate alive Regarding S.J. Cahn's Thursday column, "Keep the debate alive:· How sad tha1 we need 10 be reminded tha1 differences of opinion, debate and discussion are vital in our governing and politics. It is a sad ref]ectlon of the state of public debate in our community that otherwise intelligenl people wan1 10 stifle opinions contrary 10 their own. Uearly, we need a newspaper that contributes to public debate by pubh.,hing opinions on aJI sides of an 1 .. !>ue Without 'iUCh d1vers1ty of opinion, pubhc policy 1c; vulnerable 10 ·mcestuous amplification,· defined by Jane's Defence Weekly as ·a condition in warfare where one only listens to those who are already lo lock·step agreement, reinforcing set belieCs and creating a situation ripe for miscaJculatloo" (as quoted by Pa ul Krugman. • oelusions of Powel'," New York Times, March 28, 2003.) Too many people m Newpon-Mesa tend, even in peacetime, to take a position that amounts to ·vou have the righ1 10 speak your mind, bur if you don'1 agree with me you are not only wrong but also stupid and evil, and your thoughts should be supprei.sed. • Voltaire would choke on his ·Freedom Fries" if he heard how some citv.ens would limit others· speech. Similar attiludes led to the excesses of the McCarthy era in the 1950s and the excesses of the Vietnam era in the 1960s and early 1970s. Those of us who are old enough to remember and understand need to speak up for the public benefits of robust debate, wh.ich is the best way. maybe the only way. to arrive at good policy decisions. Than.ks 10 Cahn for saying so. ELEANOR EGAN Costa Mesa Roosevelt 's words as defense of Bell Teddy Roosevelt wrote a newspaper article in 1918 that is interesting in light of all those people jumping on Joseph N Bell for defending the right to criticize the war and the president. He sa.id ·To announce that there must be no crinc1sm of the president, or that we are to s1and by the president, nght or wrong. is not onJy unpatriotic and servile, bu1 is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or anyone else But it is even more imponan1 to 1ell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about anyone else.· PAT ORMSBEE • Newpon Beach .. "'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~fbp.Date~~~~~~~~~~~~ '--~~~~~~~--~~~~~~-Amount~~~~~~~~~~~~~· Pait duqet SC 00 for pulinJ; fl'N ~on lhc <ina CAm~ arty I) WAIYAa "1"*W'"M1'tl , ..... ., ' 1 ,., ......, .. -s _,_. "*"' c.t.le. Wund o.n.. ....-.a 8'\llm, -s Ill ohr'I ~. NEWPORT BEACH FILM FESTIVAL APRIL 3 -lt a.. .U clliml ol dlmlp • ..,_._ 11111 •hlttoeWr ift my lfWftt or~ aut ~ tn)' ~-• .... 1mfe>: Siplbft;.__""-~--~.,--~~~~~~~-.-~~~-Dllc,~·.---.~~---200l; --~~~~~~~~~~~---~---:--:-:~Diie· 2003. • 9-.... · " l.MJ1111tn ... 1 ......... Atrlill ,• • J \ . QUOT! OF 11E DAY *'l think this group is missing some personality." Dan Glenn, Newport Harbor boys voUeybal coach AlO ~. Ac>ti 2, 2003 PREPS Starting ··corrective measures After further review, dividing 18-hole golf matches falls into heart of fairway. Golfers are familiar with the concepl of a Mulligan, a for- giving tenn invoked by the par-challenged masses to re- play a shot that strayS from it.s intended path. without consequence on the scorecard. I'm asking for the sportswriter equivalent today, after being set straight on the issue of split 18-hole high school golf matches by none other than CIF Southern Section Commissioner Jim Staunton. --...-----. Staunton, the sec- tion's ultimate lumi- nary of the linJc.s, in- formed me that, contrary to informa- tion in last week's column (formed with misJnformation obtained from a sec- tion official), teams can divide 18-hole BARRY matches into nine- FAULKNER bole outings this spring, I incorrectly reported this practice was no longer al- lowed. So, as of today's edition, we are once again reporting that school A earned a nine-hole lead over school B, or that school B wrapped up an 18-hole victory over school A in a match that began. say March 5. Unless, of course, when leagues, most of which we deal with in· eluded. consider nine-hole matches as a completed league contests. Confused? At least they don't use the Stableford system. not to mention the modified Stableford system. ••• Arguably the best tbJ.n& about New· port Harbor Hlgh's l ·O baseball victory over Laguna Hills Priday was not that it ended a 19-game league losing streak that extended into the spring of 2001. Better adll was how it spilled into a cele- bratory weekend, uninterrupted by practice or another game. ·1 told the kids they could enjoy it un- til the ltepped onto the practice field Monday,• Newport Coach Joel Desguin said. "After enjoying it Saturday and Sunday, I expected them to be back to work.~ The Sailors (3-7, 1-2 in league), begin their quest to use Friday's win, fueled by a complete-game two-hit pitching per- formance by junior right-bander Joe cantarella, a,, a springboard for more Sea View success tonight at 7 against Woodbridge at Windrow Park. And what of the team's attitude at Monday's womut1 •rt was a typical Monday,• Desguin reported. ••• While the fruits of Friday's victory helped justify, Desguln said, the ap- proach he bu maintained since taking over for fun Kiefer before the 2002 sea- son, CdM buebail coach John Emme aald after Friday's 12_. Padftc Coast Lague road loss to c.a1vuy Chapd that his team's disappointing performance would force him to question his coach· lng methodology. These contrasting views help reveal not ooly the passion prep coaches have for their profession. but the competitive nature that drtves those involved in ath- ledca. And while keeping victory and defeat on the playing field In proper perspec- tive ls admlrabJe, especlaDy ln the a>n- tat of wlfolding world eveotl, there is adll eomethlng uniqudy American about the pursuit of ezcelleoce, even In auc:b folly u prep baseba1L ••• The C.O.ta Mesa High gl.ds ttack and field team scored all but two of the available 126 points in a Golden West 1.-,ue dual meet 1bunday. aunmder-lnl only two third-place ftnlaba to the Panther1. Al -. this Is one aport where nm-m,. up the tcote Is not an llaie. ••• Sports Ecleor Roger Carlson • (949) 574-4223 • Spor1I Fax: (949) 650-0170 PHOTOS BY DON LEACH ,.<DAILY PILOT Newport's Michael Toole sends a kill through the outreached hands of Aliso Viejo blockers who can't there in time. Closi~g the gap Glenn believes Tars not far from top form after league-opening win. NEWPORT BEACH -Though the Newport Harbor High boys volleyball team has struggled to consistendy show the high level of play Sailor fans have been spoiled on in recent years, 17th-year coach Dan Glenn insists the Thrs aren't far away from becoming an elite team this spring. So, after the Sailors labored some- what to a 15·4, 15· 7, 9· 15, 15-6 Sea View League-opening triumph over visiting Aliso Niguel Tuesday, Glenn revealed what he · believes the miss· SCXlREBOMD Ing ingredient maybe. • Perhaps. more correctly. who the missing ingredi· · entmaybe. "l think this group is missing A Niguel t some personal- Newport 3 lty," said Glenn, who doesn't ~ to reach far to put bis finger on a candidate to provide Just thaL Glenn, lo fact. need only read:i di.rect.ly beside hlm on the Sailor beocb. where 6-foot-8 junior Jamie Diefenbach edges closer to returning from surgery to repair a tom ACL guf. feted in the preseason basketball pracdce. •Jamie is loud on the coun. which ls something we don't really have dght now, .. Qenri l&kl. .. I like the BJOUP we have, but they are just a bunch or quiet guys.. Dlef(nbacb, whoae net piaence would obviously be another welcome addition, could be cleared to plJy after spring vacadon. Glenn said, which would mqn a possible return for the ftnal matc:b of the first round of league. AprU 22 against Foothill. Until then, however. the Sailors will amdnue to battle, perhaps more con- eetned with earning a top-three guar- anteed playotr $pOt than defending 1hdt Sea View crown. •rm ld1l fiied up about thla goup.• llid Glenn. who no longer bu the eervlcet of 6-foot-9 eentor Nedim Pa· jevic, who quit the team Jut week. •1 reiDy believe we'ns real dote to play· lna eorne very ga<;>d wUeyball. Wa'w alre8dy p~ wen. in spota, thla yMf.· lhtn we're IUCh l W1cel igl.lnlt Newporfs Adam Schlesinger (left) and Paul Toman, right, put up a block. the Wolverines, particularty in the blocldng department. where six play- ers contributed to the team's 14 stuff blocb. Seniors Michael Toole and Paul To· man led the roofing company with ftve and four blocb, respectively. while &enloi Nick Glasslc. junior Mor- gan Govaara, junior setter Adam Schlesinger an~ aenior Olad Rorden also got into the act. "lt wu nice to see us bloddng bet- ter tonight, because that's something ~ ttally been working on in prac· dee," Glenn said ·1t'a nJce to aee lm· med.late progress on something like that, because it ahows we're getting better.· The SaUora were clearly better than the visitors Tuesday, a point they illus- trated by acoring the ftrlt m points of the match. the 6.oal nine point.I of the nm game, then following a &iml1ar pattern to claim the second game. In the third game, howewr, New· port aw a 5·1 lad tum into a 12-5 de6clt. before the Sailors rallied to make it doee. AOd lftet Aliao potted le.ads of 2 O rand •·I in the fourth game, Glenn told tilt playen It wu dme to regain com· mAnd. •1 really became a cheerleader In that fourth pine. btcaUM I didn't want to~ to go flve pma.. • Glenn MJd. A Toman llUff block pulled the Sill· ors even at 5-5 and Tuman oontinued the momentum with a quick-set kill and another stuJf block for points. Toole added a stuff block to make it 8-5, Sailors. then added another point with a kill. A service winner by senior Ryan Newell capped a..run of seven points on his serve. a spurt that began with an ace. Senior Nick Kelly flnished out the match at the service line. thumping an ace, followed by a service winner for the final two polnll to get New- port Ha.rbOr off on the right foot in league. lbole led the Sailors wtth 15 kl1la, while Gl.asaic and Tuman eac:b added seven. •rrs a win and that'I always big, ea- pedaOy In league ... Geno laid. "We'te going to tty to get ready fo.r a bla one Friday at lrvlne, where my teams have bad a history of not playtng well.,. Lightning quieted • The Sage Hill School boys volley- ball team sutrec-ed Ill ftrit aetback of the aeuon, faJllnc, 15·7, 15·5, 12-15, 15· 7, to ACademy Leque vtiitor St. Marpret'• Tuetclay. . Junior ICMn Joyce paced the f.J&bt· nlna (7-1, S·l lri l-sut) with 23 ~ ancf thrM ecet. while Maaun Pntd- erick lidded Dine kUll; St ........ Unproved to 6-2, 4·1. ~7hollofff PAUL ORRIS HIGH SCHOOL. BASEBALL Bradbli guides ••• CdMto , .. ' ...... .•. . . • • :~: . . victory . . . . ·~· !r: ... . .. .... ... Junior Sea Kings pitchei: instrumental in Corona· del Mar's 3-2 PCL win : over the Timberwolves. • ' .. CORONA DEL MAR -Corona del Mar High baseball coach John EQune calJed the Sea Kings' Pacific Coast League matchup with visiting North- wood, "The Josh Bradbury Show,· as the junior pitcher was key in leading C:dM past the Timberwotves, 3-2. Bradbury contributed two ru~ in· eluding a solo home run in the firO in· ning. and another RBI in the second. He also struck out five and walked none. Though he scat· tered 10 ruts. he was backed by a solid defense that helped Bradbury improve to 2·0 on the season. "(Northwood! left nine or 10 run· ners stranded," Elrune said. "That was because we . •: Northwood !' CdM 3 kept making plays. Josh gave us that ep· portunlty by throwing strikes. He did a great job. He carried us. But. he couMn't have done without his tea.mrnatea. which is the beauty of It· Bradbury's first-inning aolo bla.stJWa.s his second of the season and gaw the Sea Kings a 1-0 lead. Also in the flrst•ln· nlng. Junior lbdd Maddin doubled 10 COLLEGE BASEBALL . ,. 'J • Vanguard· gains 7 ~6.~.:. triumph Orange Coast suffers shutout by Riverside. .. , . .. ••• 1 1. • The Vanguard University basttJQlJ team used ftve runs in the seventh 'in- ning that helped it earn a 7-6 noncoo- ference win over visiting UC San ~o Tuesday. The Uons (18-17) were ~t bV•the llitons (22·14) in a doubleheader •Pd>. 1. UCSD won the games. also by CSoe run deficits. 12-11, and 14-13. • But Vanguard. led by sophomore pitcher Juon Sea.de, was able to hold oft' the llitons. Searle improved his pltCh- lng record, to 3-1, while jwlfor 'Jblh Franco picked up the save. '· ... Pirates u~~ 4-0 • Rlvenld~ tity College ran Ill wtn streak to 11 games with a 4·0 vto.eory over vtalti.ng Orange Coast Coll an Orange Emplre Conference ballgame. : The Tigert, who are 13-0 at h~, scored aln&le runs 1n the 8.rst. i , seventh and eighth lnninga. • f:reahman pitcher Ben Nieto, who ~ h1a record to 8·1, pltc:bed ns lnnlnp. allowing MVm bJts, striking out etFt and wa1t;ina four. Peter Brown picked up his aecond save of the eeuon .. lte got out of a bua loaded jam !.q tt>e eighth when be •truck out Dbl HJdta on three pitch , The Plratet (12·1•·1, 4-10 tn the OEC) matched R.lwralde Sith t bJts, led b)' fmhmen Ben d Jarrod c.atchlo, Who collected ta each. The win streak la the n;er.· loDaeat of the ....Oft. ...... 12·2) open.ct the aeuon l3·pme win acnak. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL PREVIEW Corona del Mar's Enc Jones (right) holds one of the ma1or keys to the Sea Kings' potential success w11h IPaf ,t.. star vnr · n11 1 • Hoping to get he althy Return of J one~ could help hea ling process ~Coron a del Mar , <lpens PCL tonight. .. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot CORONA DLL MAR Majur Leagut! baseball ha.., the 15 and 60-day dls.ible<l hst, 1.he NH has iflJured rc~rw and wrona del Mar lilgh bo)'l> volleyball coach Steve Conti ha'>, well. hi'> rO'>ter. Conti, an his eighth '>ea<,on, ~ been without a h.andfuJ of 9landouLS thus far due to lllJU· nes. mcludmg 6-foot-6 Stanford- bound senior mic.ldle block.er Eric Jones, who made hb c_;eason debut in Wednesday's final pre- league matdl again'>t I luntmg- ton Beach Senior contnbutors. Brandon Shenck-Odom (a nag- ging ankle spram that has lin- gered from the basketball .,ea- son) and Gunnar Mc<lellan (shoulder prohlem'>) are await- ing clearance to begin pmcuce ~ thr Sea IGng'>. ramed \io 6 m CIJ= Southern Section Division II. OJ1en Pacific Coast League play tonight at No. 5-rankl.'d Laguna Beach. Conti, while appreciative of the expenence gained by those filling the void, is anxious to gam a full complement of players, as his squad (5-8, including be'lt-of- three tournament matches) at- tempts to forge what ha'> be- come its annual surge deep mto the CJF Southern Secuon Play- offs. The lack of depth has not onJy limited hi.'i opuons in matches, it lm6 cut into the trademaO.. prac- tice compeuuon Conn believes pol.Wles his teams for the J>O'il · ~n. •We've had a series of injuries, but that has put some other peo· pie in position to get a lot of playing experience, -Conll said. •MiJes Yourman tnissed the first two and a half weeks with a bro- , keo hand, then, pretty much the :dv he was cleared to play. F.ric sprained his ankle. We're just not as versatile as we couJd be with all our guys healthy.• The return of Jones. a late vol- The Sea Kings 2 Bnan Bnnkerhoff, 6-4 Sr. 3 Enc Jones. 6-6 Sr. 4 B Shendc-Odom. 6-3 Sr. 5 Greg Gabriel. 6-1 &. 6 Dominic Rubino, f>-9 Jr. 7 Gunnar McClellan, 6-2 Sr. 10 Austin Brawner, 5-11 So. 12 Ba11 Wek:tl, 6-0 Sr 15 Tom Wektl, 6-0 So. 22 Miles Yourman, 6-2 Sr. 24 Kevin Wektl. 6-1 So. 33 Clay Stone, 5-10 Sr. eo.cti: Steve Conti (etghth year) A9elsta1t: Donnie Rafter leyball bloomer who wa.s consid - ering playing collegiate hockey until Stanford came forward to trade a scholarslup for his vast potenual. could help ease a lot of Conti\ angst. Though s111l a bit nmy, Jones produced a team- high 25 lcills in the 17 15, 17-15, 15 12 lo!>S to a Huntington Beach squad ranked No. 2 in Orange County at the· time. Powerfully bwh and seasoned by another offseason of club competition, Jones couJd. if healthy. provide as dominant a net presence as Chere is m Orange County. -He's going to get a few more selb m the front row than he cUd last year and he is also someone we could set in the back row." Conti said. "We need his big presence at the net, mcluding his defense.· Vourman, a 6-2 seruor, is an- other hitting weapon, whether deployed at middle blocker or outside hitter, while senior Ban Welch is a third-year varsity vet- eran who houJd provide shot - rnaldng at an outside hitter spot, Conti said. Brian Brinkerhoff, a 6-4 seruor. is another threat at middle blocker and 6-0 sophomore Kevin Welch showed he could add h1tting punch in his varsity debut last spring. 24 Sophomore Kevm Welch ts back for his second season"· tt cl'v1 Senior Greg C.abnel, who ha' grown two inch~ and filled mil physically from a 111111or year m which he backed up Spem l'r Miller (one of three All-( IF-per formers who graduated from la..,1 year's CJF Division IV semifin.tl isl) 1s triggering the attack. Conti terms him one of th!.' more ath letic setters around. The brothers Wei<!!, B.trt Kevin and Tom. the sophomort• twin of Kevin, are the key pas..., ers. according to Conti, who often deploys the three-man Welch wall to receive serve "Ban has the most imponant role with passing and digs and he's going to be a guy who gel'> his sets.· Con n said "He's a b'UY most teams try to avoid servmg to, because he is one of our lx>t t er pa.sse rs.· McClellan and Sherick-Odom shouJd contribute when and 1f they become available and Conlt ~both to be cleared soon to at least practice, posmbty t"Yen this week.. SenJor defensive speclall'it lr11m tlit 11111 111 ' dl·pth .111d { •11111 ., 11 Ill h.n .. I 1 1111 r 111 II I t\mt•ru .111 I 1<1111111 I 11•.-i ''' .~ 111gexllU,l\1'I\ .1'111 '·''I\., ,1.,tant .tl1t·1 ~1111h11~ tl11 I\ I" 't'il.'>Oll Brav .. m·r .1Jw.1tl\ flt-. 111 \\llh "" l'lder ll'MI Ill.II II I\ lllf ,,. covered lrom \< I '11'1.;t•r 1 p1·1 fom1ed ( 11 I I I Conti pr•>11·1 h l.1~1111.1 111 .11 Ii ac; the pr1m.1n 111111pl'llll• •ll 111 lea~t:' wh1lt il1 ft•111i111g • hJm pion Northw1md. ''h1d1 111'1 .ill of llS •;fartl'r' Ill gr.1tf11.11 II Ill, I' rdJ\Jced No. H 111 U I-Ill\ 1,1 111 II "Tonight (.11 I .1~111.t H1.,11 h 1' big and 11' 111w ol 1h1· 111.111 II•'' player; IC1\>1' ltl pla\ 111 < 111111 ..aid "Lal(\lllil Jml I dl\I lltl\l' ,1 pretty good voll1•yhaJI nv.1hy Another rival!'\ l11om111g 011 1111' hori7.on 1s tht• annuJI fl.111lt• 111 the Bay w1th ;-.;l'\~r1111 11.'11hm nus year's nonlcaJ.,1\11' rtH'l'llll .. 1, scheduled M,ly !I .1t C:t1~1 ,. Wednesday ~~ 2, 2003 All HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER ~~ ~--~~~~~~~~~~~- 6 Sea Kings honored Morgan , Jane., named . .All -PCL for fourth straight year among ~ix total CdM players ( •1/Ulld dlf !\1.1r I l~h '>t'n 1t1r JJ1~ha MOt){c\11 dlld l'algt' Jaru:.; haw bl·1·1i. nanwd All f'"jl'lffl Loa'I Lt•ag11t IJy tJ1e l:lrlllll\ W-rls sm u·r i:uaches 1111 .l ruurth !ttraigh t ~l·ar Mm ~au 1'> a lour lilllt' fi~t tt .. 1111 ttll _lea~u1 pt·rlornwr, wlult· Ja11c., f'aintd li,.,t-tedJn """""a third .,lrd1gl11 '>l'd~lll. .1lh'r g.umng .,l c 11nJ team rt'logmuon ~a fre!.hmao. C..dM seruor Altvia Mazwa is a fir!>! team honoree for a sec ond str.ught season. while ..emor Jenny Long. junior Kin· /It' Kramer and freshman Ra- t hd Yebey represent the Sea Km~ OQ I.he -.aond team. It'., the thud all -league honor fur Long. who ~cLS first . lt'.tm All-PCI last season after earning second team laurels U\ 2001 Ille stx '>tandouts helped I dl\1 fimsh second m league, c1dv.ime lO the 4uarterfinals of 11\l' Cll-Soutl1em ~on D1v1 "on II Playoff., and tirush 12 h :! TENNIS Tesoro no match for Corona del Mar • I Ii•· I orona d1•l \liJr l11gh Ill>\\ 11·11111.., learn dropfll'd uni~ I I\ 1 1:.11 n•· 1r1 'lll~l'' plav and •11111 '' \ 'lllfl~' k ur11 l>I (), tn .111111 I 11,,.,1 I t',Jl.'llt ,11.llOll I 111 I . •, 111• 11 0..,11nlt•r, t """ n H,111 .i•1 I 'I" •1t1 r lll'll/ '"pt 111 <.111 1 lo ' pl.1\, ln·lp111g 1h• l.,1·.i K111g' r• 111.1111 1111.t• l1«111•u I I IJ ..!. O 111 Ill '4 I It "lfll 1lr11pp1•t..I flt l ) Pacr!ic Coast Lueue CdM 18, Tesoro 0 S1nql~., vd• r C 1M t"t 1 f Sailor.., mil. 14-4 • \.1 \\Jl!l!I lf;11li•H llif.:h hm<, I 1•11111-. 1 O·ll h Id I I h •lll'l n gJ\ l' lih I •''l'r\ ,., '111111 pl.1y1n~ II llll' Ill I IH"•dJ) ' I 1 I 0..,t•J \ ll'\\ I 1·.1g1H· 11.111 m1•r v1-.11111g 1 .. 1guna I hll' lu11111r Hob ll I h" U V..cb -.111 h-irl1nl 111 hl'(\\l'l'll f\ler I 11, I , f\\ll '1ngll''-\'ll lonl'' \\h h lo11.1tha11 l'lhl'111,1 won hi\ <.111gl1•, mall h '11hh111i.: 111 fur ( h.11 lw I .11 nwr ,11 \Jo :! "nglt•\. Hub1•rr i...1to11n 11111\ lo'l one g.im•· .11 :'\o I '111gl1•, lor '\'ew · pr111 llr.111u1111 I utf\ .ind Hnan I Im h\\,ild pl.1wd l'\lrl'mt•I} v. I'll Im u' and .irt· 'h.ip1ng up lo lw 1111r hc-.1 u1111hlt•\ team, :\1•\\ 1wr1 In ~. !. 1 m lea~e tr,l\t'I' tu la1 t' \\'oodbndge lhur,JJ\ at I p m Su View Leacue Newport 14, Lag Hills 4 Singles ')pck lljH t1t•f Ainsworth '"-i: .un 0 Eloscu 1NH los1 tu Jong ...,h mscul '3 6 Deel< def Topponq f. 0 F11rrm r NHt won. 6 0, 6 1 sub I Tw••11111 NH) won 6 3 R Khoury NH1 WOI 6 1 60.60 Doubles I utt11-Hochwald NH dPf M.., ~11 Pe1nadon 6 O. del ~,1k m 10 • •·e 6 0 dPf C 'l/gul'f?n B , arson 6 2 bpltiy Jor1Ps Stlrdyuk (NH• won 1 \> h 3 l~ub> R1ct1arrJ5on Gflrhson 11\irl lo<>I 0 6 Davis lune! lNHI w n 1 6 lost 3 6 4 6 Eagle-.. JUSl mi s~ • I •;t,mda I hgh\ boy" tennic; tt'.1111 11Mde a 'trong comeback 111 doublt''> Tue.,da) against \1'.lllllJ.t <><ran V1t>W in a Golden \\l•,1 I l'ilh'UC mall h hut came up Jll'I '>hon m the f'nd rtw ~ahawlr.s and Lagles lletl. 4 9. after play was com- plett•d, me.uung lhf'y had to go to gacm., won to detffmtne the outt orm· Ocean View edged f.Mam ia in that department. HI 7'~ 1\111•1 l11c;1ng 111 Ocean Vtt.'w'i. \.11 I c.louble-, team, all three I .1gl1•, douhle<, 11:.'am~ of Louis \ ..ildl'' 'Ju1c; < JI ho. Ola..e Ray 111011d l l<n1d Do and Bryce \hi...l'ndn ll<.tar N1eve~. ealh W'lll 1he nt·xr 1wo '>et'>. Hay 1111111d a11d IJcJ won their final 't'I, 7 '1. 111 fortl' the 9-9 dead lt1l ~ -..um Hrnun.,dorf. play\ng at '\11 I '>lllgle ... for F.M.aoda {6 !>. I l in lt'J~t'J. '>Wt'pt his threl' ... ,.,, Golden West LNcue Ocean View 9, Esta~• 9 O\i wins on games. 81 79 Singles Braunsdorf (E) def T N411yen 6 4 def S1one, 7 5 def Hwdng 6 2 Bradshaw (El los1, 2 6 ' 1 4 6 Ste~h1<nson (E 1 lost 1 6 •• f Doubles Valt:ltss Cacho E• los• 10 •~ lf v l•JS 6 7 dflf H Tr..in Vuong 6] dPf T Nguven Huynh 6 1 Rdymond Do 1E los1 3 6. won 6 J 7 5, M 1(11ndry N1PVPS •El losl 0 6 won t> 2 6 1 Mc~a fall~. 18-0 • Co,la Me'>Cl 1 ltgh'i:. boy' ten IH'> team proved no matt:h for ho'>I '>addleback ruesday. drop ping a Golden \.\e.,1 I eague matth. 18-U l>a1.1d I.e. Mc...a., No. I '>ingle., plc1ver. got the do'>t''>I to a Vll turv with a 6-4 deusion 1n hi.. I 1r'>I 'et. The Mu-.1ctng~ have yet lo record a \ ll ton this ~eason .me.I re,ume pla} Thur,.da\ wht>n the\ ho\! Ocean View Golden West Leacue -----Saddlebadt 18, Mesa O Singles -le CM los1 to Truong .i 6. lost to Lun 0 6 1011 to S Tran 3 6 Pham CM IOSI 1 6 0-6. 2 6 Fr.tnc1sco lost 1 6 0 6 0 6 DoutMes Nguyen McNully (CMl 1051 to V Tran T Tan. O·b. lost 10 M Tan Ng 0 6. IOSI 10 Aue Vu 1 6 Daog lCosnoskv ICM, 1os1 1-6 1 6 0 6 Sneen GomPt tCMl IOSI 2 € J 6 0 b .. Pirate~ brecLc • Orange C oast College \\.omen\ lt.'nm<, team didn't lost' an' 'team 'over the weekend af. ter chnchmg the Orange Em pm' l onference championship la'>I week Ille host Pirate<; .. trolled through conference roe F-ullerton. i 2. to unprove to 12-1. I 0-0 m the OF<- ~ ... e [mph Conf'erelle9 occ 7, Fuli.rton 2 Sin; ... -Savm (Fl def Becker, 6 I, 6-0. Nelson IOCC) def Bonsov1 & 2. 6 2. Tanamel !DCCI def Guerrero, 6-0 6-1 Sessum tDCCI def Tudrer, 6. O. 6 1. Mony1m1 IDCCI def Lee, 6-0, 6 2, W9nslu (DCCI def. M cDamets. 6 0, 6-0 ~ -Sevin BortlOVI (fl def Becbr-Nel10n. 9-8. Tanamel-S-sum (DCCI def. Guerrero McOonald, 8-3 Mortyama 'N9nsln IDCCI def Tudter LM 8-0 l1'42~ $2430 SI 1 ,Q9~ -s.2 500 ( QUOTE OF 11E DAY "I think this group is missing some personality." Dan Glenn, Newport Harbor boys volleybal coach AlO Wemesd8y, April 2, 2003 PREPS Starting corrective . measures After further review, dividing 18·hole golf matches falls into heart of fairway. G olfers are familiar with the concept of a Mulligan, a for- giving term invoked by the par-challenged masses to re- play a shot that sttays from its intended path, without consequence on the scorecard. I'm asking for the sponswriter equivalent today, after being set straight on the issue of split 18-hole high school golf matches by none other than CIF Southern Section Commissfoner Jim Staunton. ....---._.....,,-----. Staunton, the sec- tion's ultimate lumi- nary of the links, in- formed me that, contrary to informa- tion in last week's column {formed with misinformation obtained from a sec- tion official), teams can divide 18-hole BARRY matches into nine- FAULKNER hole OU~ this spring. I incorrectly reported this practice was no longer al- lowed. So, as of today's edition, \Ye are once again reporting that school A earned a nine-hole lead over school B, or that school 8 wrapped up an 18-hole victory over school A in a match that began, say March 5. Unless, of course, when leagues. most of which we deal with in- cluded, consider nine-hole matches as a completed league contests. Confusedl At least they don't use the Stableford system, not to mention the modified Stableford system. ••• Arguably the best thing_ about New- port Harbor H.lgb's 1-0 baseball victory over Laguna Hilla Prlday was not that it ended a 19-game league losing streak that extended into the spring of 2001. Better still wu how It spilled into a cele- bratory weekend. uninterrupted by practice or another game. •I told the kid.I they could enjoy ft un· til the stepped onto the practice field Monday,• Newport Coach Joel Desguln said. "After enjoying it Satwday and Sunday, l expected them to be back to wortc.• The Sailors (3-7, 1·2 in league). begin their quest to use Friday's win, fueled by a complete-game two-bit pitching per- formance by junJor right-hander Joe Cantarella. as a springboard for more Sea View success tonight at 7 against Woodbridge at Windrow Park. And what of the team's attitude at Monday's workout? "It was a typical Monday,• Desguln. reported. ••• While the fruiu of Friday's victory helped justify, Oesguin aald, the ap- proach he has maintained since taking ~ for Jim Kiefer before the 2002 sea· eon. CdM buebal1 coach John Emme said after Friday's 12-4 Pacific Coast Leque road io. to Calvary Chapel that his team's disappointing performance would force him to question his coach- ing methodology. These contrasting views help reveal not only the passion prep coachee have for their professJon, but the competitive nature that d.rMs those involved in ath- letics. And while keeping victory and defeat on the playing fldd in proper perspec- tive is admirable, espedal1y In the con· tex! of unfolding world e\'enta, there la atiD somethlDg uniquely American about the pursuit of exceOence, even in such foDy u prep baseball ••• The Costa Mesa Hlgh glrla track and fteJd team scored all but two of the available 126 points in a Golden West Lelgue dual meet 'Ib.W'lday, aun:ender-lna orlly two thlrd·place fb:mba to the Pantbai. At llat thls II one sport where nm- ~ up tho ecioce ls not an Wue. ••• .. 5portl Editor Roger Cat1son • (949) 574-4223 • Sportl Fax: (949) 650-0170 PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY Ptl.OT Newport's Michael Toole sends a kill through the outreached hands of Aliso Viejo blockers wtlo can't there in time. Closing the gap Glenn believes Tars not far from top form after league·opening win. NEWPORT BFACH -Though the Newport Harbor High boys volleyball team has struggled to consistently show the high level of play Sailor fans have been spoiled on in recent years, 17th-year coach Dan Glenn insists the Turs aren't far away from becoming an elite team this spring. So, after the Sailors labored some· what to a 15·4, 15-7, 9-15, 15-6 Sea View League-opening triumph over visiting Aliso Niguel Tuesday, Glenn revealed what he · believes the mi.ss- SCOREBOMD ing ingredient maybe. • Perhaps, more correctly, who the missing lngredi- ent maybe. ~I think this group is missing A Niguel 1 some personal- Newport 3 ity," said Glenn. who doesn't have to reach far to put bis finger on a candidate to provide just that. Glenn, In fact, need only reach directly beside him on ttie Sailor bench, where 6.·{oot-8 junior Jamie Olefenbacb edges closer to retumlng from surgery to repair a tom ACL suf. feted b1 the preseason basketball practice. •JamJe ls loud on the court. which is something we don't really have right now,• Glenn aald. '1 lib the group we haw. but they are ~t a bunch of quiet guys." Diefenbach, whose net pre.ence would obviously be another welcome addition. could be cleared to play after sprtng vacation, Glenn said, which would mean a possible return for the 6nal match or the first round of league, April 22 against Foothill. Until then, however, the Sailors wUI continue to battle, perhaps more con- cerned with eamJng a top-three guat· anteed ptayo« spot than dcfendlna their Sea View crown. •rm still flritd up about thla group." sakl ~ who no longer haS the eeMc:a of tHoot-9 aenlor Nedim Pa· jevic, who quit lhe team tut wtek. ·1 re.Dy beUM we're real dote to play· inl eoroe ~ good wDcyball. We'w almidy pll)'ed ~. iri pol.I, tbl.I ,.,. ... There were IUCh lnstar!cea qaJnat Newport's Adam Schlesinger (left) and Paul Toman, right, put up a block. the Wolverines, particularly in the blocking department. where six play- ers contributed to the team's 14 stuff biocb. Seniors Michael Toole and Paul Tu- man led the roofing company with five and four blocks. respectively, while seruo• Nick Glassic, junior Mor· gan Govaan, junior setter Adam Scb1esinger and senior Qiad Rorden abo got Into the act "lt was nice to see us blocking bet· ter tonight, because that's something we\te really been working on ln prac- tice," Glenn said "It's oJce to see im- mediate progress on something like that. beCause lt shows we're getting better.• The Sallora were dearly better than the visiton Tuesday, a point they Wu.s.- trated by scoring the ftl'lt m points of the match. the 8nal nine points of the 8rst game, then following a similar pattern to clalm the aecond game. In the tbi.rd game. bowvver, New· pon aaw a 5-1 lead tum into a 12 ·5 defldt. before the Sallon rallied to mabltdoee. And .As Aliso J>C*ed le.da Of 2-0 and 4· l ln tM fourth ~ Gierut told his playera it wu time to lqaln com· mand. •1 miillY became a c:heCd der lo that fourth pme, becanH I didn't want to have to go five ~ • Glc:nri II.kl A Toman stuft' block pulled the Sall· ors even at 5·5 and Tuman continued the momentum with a quiclt·set kill andanother stull'Nocltforpom~ Toole added a stuff block to malce it ~5. Sailors, then added another pomt with a kill. A service winner by senior Ryan Newell capped a run of seven pomts on h1a serve. a spurt that began with an ace. Senior Nick Kelly finished out the match at the service line, thumping an ace, followed by a service winner for the final two points to get New· port Harbor off OD the right foot m l~gue. Toole led the Sailors with 15 kills, wblle Gia.sale and 1bman each added leYell.. "It's a wto and that'1 always big, • pedaJ.ly in league,. Glenn II.id. ~'re BOinl to try to get ready Cor a btg one Friday at lrvine, where my teama have had a hi.story of not playing well.• Lightning quieted • 1be Sage HW School boyt wlley· ball te.m autfeted itl flnt aetb&Ck or the aeuon, CaJlln& 15·7, 15·5, 12·15, 15·7, to Academy Leque vt1Jtor St. Malplet~Th~ I Junior Kevin Joyce paced the Upit· ninl (7·1, 5·1 ln IMpe) wttb 23 ij1b and three acet, while Maclun Fred· ma IMlded n1ne kiDe. St. M~ Improved to 6-2, 4·1. EYEOPENER n .D&Jy~Pi~. Sportt HllolP- t~,.lht••~ Apri 7 honor•• PAUL ORRIS HIGH SCHOOL, BASEBALL Brad bu . guides t • .... ··: • CdMto . . . .. ... . . . ' . . . . . . victory . . .... •"· .~. •"• • • ... ..... .-. Junior Sea Kings pitche,:· instrumental in Corona: del Mar's 3-2 PCL win over the Timberwolves. : CORONA DEL MAR -Corona del Mar High baseball coach John Emme called the Sea Kin~' Pacific Coast League matchup with visiting North- wood, ~The Josh Bradbury Show.• as the junJor pitcher was key in leading t:dM past the Thnberwolves, 3·2. • Bradbury contributed two hits: in· eluding a solo home run in the firO in- ning. and another RBI in the second. He also struck out five and walked none. Though he scat- tered 10 hits, he was backed by a solid derense that helped Bradbury lmprove to 2-0 on the season. "[Northwood) left nine or 10 run- ners stranded," Emme said. "That was because we , •• Northwood 2' CdM 3 kept making plays. Josh gave us tbaf ep- portunlty by throwing strikes. He did a great job. He carried us. But, he couldn't have done without his team.mates, which la the beauty of It." Bradbury's first-inning solo blast.was his second of the season and gave the Sea Kings a 1-0 lead. Also in thefustotn- nlng, junior Tudd Macklin doubled 10 COLLEGE BASEBALL . •' .. 1 . Vanguarq;· gains 7 ~6 :.:: triumph Orange Coast suffers shutout by Riverside. .. I f .. ... I••· • The Vanguard UnMrsity basefJa.lJ team used five runs in the seventh tin- ning that helped it earn a Ni nonoon- ference win over visiting UC San OR!go Tuesday. The lions (18-17) were swept b)t•Che niton.s (22-14) in a doubleheader•M . 1. Uc.5D won the games. also by-6ne run deftdts. 12·11 , and 14-13. ... But Vanguard, led by sophomore pitcher Juon Searle. was able to hold-Off the 'Ditons. Searle lmproved his pltCh· fng record, to 3-1, while junior ·~ Franco picked up the save. •· Pirates upended, 4-0 • Riverside City College ran Its win stleak to 11 games with a 4·0 viCIK!l'Y over vialtlng Orange Coast CoUetf :in an Orange £mpire Conference -- ballgame. ,,, The llgers, who are 13--0 at b e. scored alngJe run.a in the Orat. i , eeYentb and eighth lnninp. ~ freahman pitcher Ben Nieto, who rf.D b.ll record to 8· l, pitched 'TM lnnlnfs. allowing seven hJta, •trlldnc out e1t11t and walk1ng fow. Peter Brown plck.W up b.ll second aaw of the Muon u be aot out of a hues loaded Jam lq tile eighth When be struck out Oas n Hieb on three pitches. , The Pirates (12·14-1, 4·10 ln the OBC) matched RtvenJde ~t hltt, led by fteahmen Ben d Jarrod CuchJo, who collected eaC.h. • • The win treak la the 'llprt' d lonplt of the -.on. ......... • 12·2) opened the MUOO 13-111D9 wtn ICnll.k. t \ HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL PREVIEW Corona del Mar's Enc Jones (right) holds one of the maior keys to the Sea Kings' potential succec,s ·111tti fP~g .t starrn r · n Hoping to get he alth Return o f Jone~ could h e lp h ealing p rocess ~Corona del Mar , Qp e n s PCL tonight. Barry Fa u lkne r Daily Pilot CORONA DI I MAI! -Majur l.e~'llt' baseball hill. the 15-and 1 60-day disabled 1~1. the Nf-L ha., m1ured ~rw and Corona del Mar I ugh boy~ volleyball coach SCeve Conn ha'>. well. h1!> roster The Sea Kings 2 Bnan Brinkerhoff. 6-4 3 Enc Jones. &-6 4 B Shendc-Odom, 6-3 5 Greg Gabriel, 6-1 6 Dominic Rubino, 5-9 1 Gunnar McClellan, 6-2 10 Austin Brawner, 5-11 12 Bart Wek:fl, 6-0 15 Tom Wek:h, 6-0 22 Miles Yoorman, 6-2 24 Kevin Weldl, 6-1 33 Oay Stone, 5-10 Coed\: Steve Conti (etghth year) AuistM1t: Donnie Rafter Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Jr. Sr So. Sr. So. Sr. So. Sr lcyball bloomer who was consid- ennK playing collegiate hockey until Stanford came forward to trade a i.cholarship for he. vast potential, could help ea~ a lot or 2 4 Conti, in his eighth ~ason. b.ai. been without a handful of 9Candoucs thus far due to inju- nes, including 6-foot-6 Stanford- bound senior mu.Jdle blocker Eric Jones. who made Im season debut in Wedn~ay·!> final pre- league match agaimt I lunting- ton Beach. Senior contributors, Brandon Sherick Odom la nag- ging ankle sprain that has lin- gered from the baskNball ">ea- wnl and Gunnar Mc<Jellan (shoulder prohlem'>l .ire awaH ing clearance to begin pracuce a... the Sea Kings. ranked No. 6 in CIF Southern Se<.·11011 D1vi'>1on II , Ot'en Pactfic eoa .. l League play tonight at No. 5 ranked Laguna Beach. Conu\ angst Though still a bit Sophomore Kevin Welch ts back for hts second ~ea on '.'.rtll nl'>ty. Jones produced a team- Conti, while apprec1at1ve of the experience gained by those filling the void, 1s anxious to gain a full complement of players. as his squad (5-8, indudmg best-of- three tournament matches) at- tempts to forge what has be- come its annual <,urge deep into the CIF Southern Section P~ offs. The lack of depth h~ not only luruted tus op11ons in matches, II · bas cut into the trademark prac- tice competition Conu believes ,polishes his teams for the post- ~n. ·we've had a serie'i of injuries, but that has put some olher peo- ple in position to get a lot of playing experience,· Conti said. •Miles Younnan hllssed the first two and a half weeks with a bro- .ken hand, then, pretty much the ,dl'l)' he was cleared to play. Eric tpralned his ankle. We're just not as versatile as we could be with all our guys healthy.· The return of Jones. a late vol- h1gh 25 kills in the 17 15, 17-15, Senior Greg Labrie!. whn ha., 15 12 loss to a Hw1tington Reach grown two inches and filled out ~uad ranked No. 2 in Orange physically from a 1unior yt•ar 111 County at the· ume. Powerfully which he backed up !'lpcmcr built and seasoned by another Miller (one of lhrtt All-< If-per offsea'l-On of club compeution, former!> who graduated fro m l,t'>t Jones could. if healthy. provide as year's cu: Division I\' '>t'mifinJI dominant a net presence as ist) is tnggering the al!ack. Conti there is in Orange County. rerms him one of the mon• ath ·1 le's going to get a few more letic setters around. sell> tn the front row than he did The brothers Welch, B.1rt, last year and he is aJso someone Kevin and Tom. the sophomon• we could set in the bade row,· twin of Kevin. are the key pru..'> Conti said. "We need hts big ers. according to Conti, who pre..ence at Lhe net, mcluding his often deploys the Lhree man defense." Welch wall to receive serve. Yourman, a 6-2 senior, is an-·Bart has the most imponant other hitting weapon, whether role with passing and digs anc.J deployed at middle blocker or he's going to be a guy wilo gel!> outside hitter. while senior Bart his sets.· Conti said. •t-1e's a guy Welch is a third-year varsity vet-most teams try to avoid serving eran who should provide shot-to, because he is one of our bet making at an outside hitter pot, Ler passers.· Conti said. McOellan and Sherick-Odum Brian Brinkerhoff, a 6-4 senior, . should CO!ltribute when and tf is another threat at middle they become available and Con11 blocker and 6--0 sophomore expects both to be cleared soon Kevin Welch showed he could to at leMt practice, possibly even add hitting punch In his varsity this week. debut last spring. Sen ior defensive specialist 28,880 ' ( .1,t\ ~ICllll'. I I f'lll "' I •nl "" 1!11111110 .1•1d 11 "'I' I \11,1111 llr.t\\tll'I .1 I. I· l I fr11rn tltt jlllt II I lfrplh .11111 ( Olli I I' tn h .1\1• lor1111 r 111 /\nwr11 .111 I ><1111111· I 111.-r \\Ir~ ing e\d 11,1H·h ,,, Ito \,11..,h ,1, '''talll .Jll• r g1111l111~ 1111 I\ '"'' .. .-ac.,1111 Rrawni·r .ilr•'.1•h 11•, 111h11h It" l'lder tl·.1111111.1ll' 111\ In 1• covert'd lr11111 \r I 1 ,:1·n I" 1 forn1ed On I : l emu pr1111·1 '' I .1,.:u11.1 Hr"" h a. .. the pn 111.1n 111111p1•t1 11111 111 leagut-. wtuk dt'f1•11d1ng 1 h.1111 pion Northw1u11I ''hirh 111,1 .111 of II!. startt'r' lo .:1,uh1,1t11111, '' ranked No. Ii 111 < II I lt\ i,11111 II wTomght (,11 I .1.,•u11.1 H1•.11 II '' big and 11\ 111 11• 111 1h1 m.111 ""' player> low to pl.1\ tn l 111111 said. "Lagi11i.t .md < dM 11,,,.,. ,1 pretty good voll1•yhall rh •1lr. Another rlv.1Jrv l1111m111~ 011 1111 horuon IS tht• J llOUJI Jk11tlt· 111 the Bay With :-.;l'\ .. Jl<HI 11,;, hor This year's nonh•aJ!:llf' nH'l.'t111g '' sch£-duled May<! .it l <l\1 Wednesday, ~· 2, 2003 Al 1 HIGH SC HOOL GIRLS SOCCER 6 Sea Ki ngs honored Morgan, Jane~ named All-PCL for fourth straight year among <;ix cotal CdM players. t unm.1 dtl M.1r I ligh '>t'n- 1u" IJ10.,ha Mo 11«•J1 J rtd l>-dlgc J .. u1e~ IMVl' h1·1•11 1i.u11t'Cl A.JJ- i'"ct1·1r1c c oa'>l I ~·dgtH by the uu •Ill''> g1rh ""l'tt•r 1 uachl"'> 1111 .i lourtl1 '>lmight yt>.ir ' . l\1orga11 " .i lour t111l(: firi.t h'.1m ttll lca~u1· pt'r1ormcr. \\lult· J Ull''> t arrn·d llr-.1 tea111 ho11111' d thud \l1i11~:l11 '>Cd':>llll, .dlc•r gaming .,,.,•ml.I ll'dlll re<;og11111on w. a freshman CdM senior Alivia Mazura i.8 n fir~t team honoree for a sec- ond '>traigtu sea.son, wtuJe -.enior Jenny Long. juruor Kin- /Jt' Kramer and freshman Ra- l hel Yel!>e)' represent the Sea Kmg.., Ol'J Lh{' second team It\ the thud all·IC<lgue honor for Long..who was first- tearn AU P< I last seaM>n after eJrrung ~cond-Leam laureb 111 LOO I lne .,,x ...i.andouu. helped Cd\.1 finl\h second tn league . advam c to u1e quarterfmab of 1tw UI ~uthem ~uon DIVI '11111 II Playoff, and finr'>h 12 h ·' TENNIS Tesoro no match t'or Co rona del Mar • I 11· c 11ron.1 1!1·! \lctr I hgh 11111, •1·1111h 11·,1111 dropp1·c.J onl\- 111t )'.11111•, 111 'lll~t'' play anti II• It c1ru IH 0 in I 1·.1gui at:tJOn •, 1 r1 1 '-:1\tl•·r. < .ir .... 11·n Hall • I 111 llll r Ht•111 .\I pl 111 'olll i ' ' 1•lov. lwlp111g dw '-1·.1 t.:111r-. H •11,1111 Urtd• lr.,1tnf I I () !. () Ill il1 I'< I 11 '' r11 d111pp1 d In I "1 ., l'acrfic Colll1 l ea&ue CdM 18. Tewro O .. 1., Cll'.1 1• I '>ailor'> roll. I .f-...t • '\t'\\ port ) l.irh11r I llgh bu\·<, 11•11nh tll 1 '111'1! I hom,t·n ga\t' t '' "''l'r\ •' "'m•· pl.1\ 111K unit' Ill !111•-.dJ\' I I I '-l'ol \ ll'\\ I c·,1g1w \\Ill 11\1·r \ l'lllng t 41).:Ulld I fill, l11111•tr llob I l I lic.,1 ll Wd~ ,,111c.J\, itht·d 111 lll'l\H•1•11 fyle r I >c-1 ~' l\~fl o.;111glt•, \lt"lllrll'., ,, h1h I IOJlhJll l\.\t'l'lliJ \\On ht., "11g1,., lllJILh '11bb1ng 111 for l h.irl11• I .trm>'r .11 \:11 ::. '>lltgle'> llol>1•rt "-'.hrJtlr\ onh lo-.1 o ne g.111w .11 "o. I '111glt''> for '\ew poi I Hr;m llon I tll 11 .1t1c.J Brian I Im lw .. 1ld plJy1•d t''\trcmt'ly '' t•ll f11r u' .md m· 'haping up 111 Ill' our bl''I d1111bll'' team.- 1 lton1't'll ,,utf :'\1•\\port lh ~ . .! I 111 l1·ague 1r.1\t'I' lu IJ1 t' \\'oodbndge I h111,d.n ,11 I p Ill Su View lea&IHI Newpon 14. lag Hills 4 Singles Dedo. f\IHI 11l:f A•os...,onh 1 'il•I' 0 Elise NH losl !O Jong 11 .nsc1;1 3 6 Deo 1lef Topping f. 0 far'TlPr INHI won 6 0 b 1 \vb '"'•In NH• won r=. J R Khoury Nt1 WOI" 6 1 6 0 b 0 Doubles Lutfy Hochwald INHl def M••r· iHll'l Panarlon 6 0 <fol .:ikc mvto lf•e 6 0 def C N 111yr.n B Larson b 2, (5pl..,y Jones S."rdyu~ INH~ ""on. 7 • fi 3 subl Richardson Gt'rhson 'IHi lost 0 6 Davi .. Lund 1NHl ..., n 7 6 lost 3 6 4 6 Fagles just miss • I 'tanc-ia High\ boys tenmc; fl'.1111 made .i 'trong lOmebaclc Ill double<, rue'>day against '1 ... 1ting < >cean Vu-win a (,olden W1•,t I t·aw,1t• m.ill h hut came up JU'l .,hort in tilt' end llw ~ahawk'i and Eagles t1l•d, q 9. after play war, com- plt•trll. meaning they had to go to games wo n lo determine the outlOme Ocean View edged btann a in that department, 111 7'1 \lrn lo.,111g to Ocean View's· ''' I d11uble'> team, a.JI three I .1glt·, d11ublec; team.., of Lows \ iildt•, om., Llcho, <lla!>e Hay- n11111d I J.iv1d Do and Bryce \I( ~1·ndr.· <hear '1;1eve-., each '"Ill tlit· next two '>t'1' Hay- 11111111J and Do won their final 'l'I I c,, In rorcc the <j 9 dead- l11t k \c 011 Braunsdorf. pla)10& at :\c1 I '>Ingle'> for Es~ -5. ~ I 111 11·.igue , swept his three 't'h Golden West Lu1ue Ocean View 9, Estancia 9 OV w cns on games. 81 791 Singles Braunsdorf IE) dfll T l'll4••v<,n 6 4 def Stone 7 S dPf •jwang b 2 Bradshaw <E lost 2 6 ~ 7 4 b S11>phenson IE lost 1 o . ' . "' Ooubl&S Valdes-Cacho El lost 10 Tr Jn Lt•v ltJS 6-7 def H Tr<1n Vuong 6 2, def T NyuyPn Huynh 6 1, Raymond Do 1 E 1ost 3 6 won 6 3 7 S, M K1•nt1ry Nieves 1E I lost 0 6 won b 1 b , Mc .... a falb, 18-0 • < .0,1.i Me..a High' boy' ten 111' lcJm proved nu mcttch for hu..,t '>addleback Tuesday. drop- r11n1i: a c,olden West I eague m J ll h. 18 O l>a \id I e. \1e'>a" 'o I .,ingles pla~er got the clo'e"t to d \K tor~ ~Ith a 6-4 dec1~1on 111 ht!> fi r'>t -.et l he Mu1>1ango., ha\e yet 10 rt•cord a victory th1'> '><'d'>On a nd rl''>ume play fh ur<;day when thev ho'>t Ocean View Gokten West LNsue SaddlebKtt 18, Mesa 0 S1ngi.1 Lt! ICM 1 lost to Truong d 6 lost to Lun 0-6 lost 10 S Tr11n 3 6 Pham ICM I lost 1 6 0 6 2 6 Francisco lost 1·6 O 6. O 6 Doubles Nguyen M cNulty lCM l lost 10 V Tran T Tan. O 6. lost 10 M Tan Ng 0 6 lost to Aull Vu 1 6. Dang Kosnos~v ICM lost 1 6 1 6 0 6 Sneen Gomez !CM lost ] f; 3 6 0 6 Pirate~ breeze • Orange Coast (..ollt"ge women.., tennis team d1dn"1 lost' J n\ .,team over the weekend af ter d mchtng the Orange Em- pire < unf{'rence championship la'>I wed. The host Ptrates 'trolled Lhrough confettn~ foe Fullenon. 7-2. to improve to 12-1. I 0-0 in the OFC Oranc• Empln c:om-. occ 7. Fvn.rton 2 Sinv'e• Savcn (F' def Bedrer, 6 1 6-0, Nelson IOCC· def Borisova. S.2 6-2. Tanamal IOCCI def Guerrero. 6-0, 6 1, Sessum IOCC) def Tuchr, 6 0, 6 1, Moriyama IOCCI de( LM. 6-0, 6 2. Wenslu IOCCl ~f McOamela. 6-0, 6-0 ~ -Sevln-BorttoVI (F) def Bedrer-Nel90n. 9-8, Tanamal Sessum IOCCI def. Guerrero McDonald 8 3, Moriyama Wenaln IOCCI def Tuoerl.M 8-0 ~ P'nce foctorr tebote SI l,QQ~ ·S2 .500 MleC..••.••5 ...... ._ r .r CDM GOLF r HAPPY BIRTHDAY ~ Contiwed from Alo An teaters second in Santa Barbara CMbratila the Daly Piiot's Alhlete oflhe Weeli seines bring in junior Barren Sprowl who reached on a double. Then CdM went up, 3-0, after Bradbury came up with a two-out single in the second in.n.l.ng that brought ln sophomore Wess Pres- son. who had singled Emme saJd the Sea ICiogs (5-4. 2-2 ln league) used the double play 10 escape 'the 6~r and second inning11. In the second inning, the nm- berwotves (1 ·3 in league) bad the bases loaded with oo out. Bui 'senior Brandon· Kurtz. CdM's third base- man, assisted on a force out at the plate, then he was part of a 5-2-3 double play that ended che inning. Northwood scored in the sixth inning, as Mike Delong smadced a cwo-run home run. But. it Wc!.Sfl'I enough. as senior pitdle:r N'dc Rhodes would later come on in the sewnth to earn his first save of the season. Lightning edged, 2-1 • The Sage Hill School baseball team ended up on the losing end or a pitchers' duel after Academy League visitor Capistrano Valley Christian defeated the Lightning. 2-1, Tuesday. Sage Hill senior Zach Friedrichs struck out five and walked none to go with his lhree-hitter. He gave up just one un- earned run. but he took the loss, his first of the season. Sage Hill dropped to 3-3-1, 2-2 in league, while the Eagles im- proved to 5-3. 2-2. The Lightning produced two hits. Friedrichs pro- vided Sage I lill with its lone run, which came in the fourth. He reached on a third- strilce passed ball and then stole second base. He ad- vanced to third on the catcher's throwing error to second. Friedrichs scored on a satrifice fly by sophomore Matt Loper. UCI two strokes off winner at Pacific Coast Intercollegiate Tournament. The UC Irvine men's golf team, ranked 37th nationally, finished second of 20 teams In the Bite/ Pacific Coast lnterooUegiate 1bumament that · concluded ·Tuesday at Sandpiper Golf Course in Santa Barbara. F't'esno State. ranked No. 40 in the country. won the tourna- ment with a 54-hole score of 23- under par 841. UCI followed at 843 and UC Riverside was third a1845. UCJ senior Mike Lavery was second at 8-under 208 after a fi- nal-round 71. Junior Vinnie Pon- cino shot 71 Tuesday to finish seventh at 6-under 210. Nick Watney of Fresno State was the medalist wl th a 17 -under total of 199 including a 4-under 681\Jesday. UCI senior Ryan Armstrong finished 32nd at 217 and fresh- man Ryne RindtJeisch was 38th at 218 after each shot 74 in the fi- nal round Senior Jeff Coburn, who withdrew from the first round Monday, sh ot 72 In Tues- day's last round. Coach Paul SmoUnsld's Ant- eaters return to action in the Western lnteroollegiate tourna- ment at Puatieml>O Golf Coune in Sant.a Cruz next Monday and Tuesday. Eagles in a breeze Freshman Greg Les shot a 4- over 40 to earn mecf allst honors ln the Estancia Hlgb boya golf team's lrfumpb over Golden West League rival Ocean View,· 216·243, Tuesday at Mesa Verde 'Country Oub. Les blrdled the par-3 seventh and was followed in the scoring by Jason Cassidy (42), Marcus Sostak (43), Jason Les (45) and AU$tin Serr (46). Mlt was windy so it made for difficult conditions," said Es- tancia Coach Art Perry. "Shoot- ing In the 40s was a good score" Est~cia (6-1, 3-0 in league) faces cross town rival Costa Mesa Thursday on the Mesa Unda course at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Oub at 2 p.m. Cd.M wins by seven Junior Alex Oiikovani shared medalist honors and shot l- over par-36 to belp lead the Co- rona del Mar High boys golf team to a 195-202 Pacific Coast League victory over University at Rancho San Joaquin Golf BASEBALL SUMMARIES COllEGE HorlCOllfwlllCe Vanguent 7, UC SM Otego 6 Score by lnninos S.Diego 031 000 o2T> -6 IO 1 Vanguard 100 001 50l< 1 8 2 W -Searle, 3-1. Sv -Franco. L - Smith, 1-3. J UNIOR COllEGE Or.nc• ~ ec.n111ee Riverside 4, occ 0 Score by lnninG1 occ 000 000 odf> 0 8 1 RCC 100 010 11• 4 e o Murdy, Crissman (81 and Hieb; Nieto. Brown (8) and Martinei. W -Nieto (8-1 ). L -Murdy (2-4). Sv -Brown (2). 28 -Hanna (OCC), Hanley (RCC). HIGHSCHOOl P8Clk Coad LMpie CdM 3, Northwood 2 Score bv Inn' N'wood ooo bo2 .,. 2 10 2 CdM 2IO 000 x 3 !!> 1 Nikolenko, Delong (5) and Villanueva; Bradbury, Rhodes (7) and M arin-Finn. W -Bradbury, 2-0. L -Nikolenko. Sv. -Rhodes (1). 2B-Chambers (N), SPfowl (CdM). Medtlin (CdM) HR - Delong (N), Bradbury (CdM) Academy LMpie CV Ctn. 2. Sage Hiii 1 Score bv lnninas CV Chr. 101 boo "b 2 l 1 Sage Hill ooo 100 o 1 1 1 Hughes and ShapirO; Friedrichs and KornSW1et. W -Hughes, 3-2 L - Friedrichs, 0-1. ADVllT1SWlfT JOI IDS Subrect lo cond1ltons prescrobtd by Ille un ders11ned. soled bids for 1 Lultl(l Sum Con lr.ict are 1nv1ted for the lollowm& Work MAJICH 26, 2003 and will be issued a l racohhn Manaaem~nl Un1vers1ty of Cahforma lrvtne. 201 lnlerom OlllC.e dueled on. THUHDAY, APatl 3, 200J be11innina promptly al 10:00 AMPortldr-h 5hall meet al The succenlul Bidder ind ill> Subconlr•clots will be requu ed lo follow the nond1scrom1nal1on requ1r~menh set fo1th rn the B•dd1na Oocu ments and to pay prevaihna waae rates at the location of the Work to this Project which havt been suc.ceulully completed on lh" Slalt of Cahforn1a durone the past 3 years CAMPUS YlllAGI Jiil Al.AAM UJl'UCIMfNl PaOJICT NO. 99H7S UNIV£RSn y or CALIFORNIA. IRVINE IRVINE, CALlf"ORNIA 91697 f'ttOJl<l DISUIPTIONs Work includes but 1s not llmoted to the lollowone Remove all eu\tona r 11e Alarm Sy~t•m Provide new cenlr al addressable hrt' alarm p1ne1. trench to all Campus V1111at units. install all new cuodutt. C41ble and new lue 4lar1T1 lMVICeS ESTIMATED CONSTIUCTION COST1 5420,000.00 ..... , ,..... 11.u.,. ....... ,.., ...... t ... .-llflcetl•Hts 111 , ... (a,.troct DocvMallh ....., -· ... ·•iv·~·· ... __ ... Boddrna Oocum•nh will be na•lable to 81dde" 011 WIPN ISDAL Bu1khna (ma1hn1 •d dress), 19172 Jamboree Boulevard (physical ad dreu) ln11ne. CA 91691 ~. (949) 874 1404 Chechs for ~ ,._. ref .... 4able fee Wiii be required on tht amount ot$2S.OO per \el ol B1dd1na Documenb ChechS are lo be made payable lo • The Reaenh ol the Univtr\lly of C•hlornoa • Suled Bids will not be acetpled alter 2:00 PM ... THUaso.u, AP•ll 17, 200~ 81d Security on the amount of 10'1. of the lump Sum Bne Bid. eaclud1n& .illtrnales. shall accompany each 81d The Surety IUUIO(t the Bid Bond shall be, on the Bid Oudtone an admitted surety insurer tn defined 1n the C~hlorn1a Code ol Covil Procedure S'ct1on 995 120) A mandatory Prf' Bui Conference and Pre Bod Job Walk will be ton • f acrlrlles Mana1emenl lnte<im Office Bu1ld1n1 Conference Room 128 Un1vers1ty of Cahforn1a, Irvine (8u1ld1ne • 9l on North Campus Map) 19172 Jambo•ee Boulevard Irvine. CA 92697 5444 (949) 874·1~ ATilNDAIKI AT THI rlll-llD CONfHlNCl ANO PH-110 JOI WAIJ( IS MANDATOttY JOaAU PltlMI CONTUClOas. THI MUTING Will CtOSl AT 10.0S AM ANY CON'TUCTOU AaatVING Mn• THIS TIMI WIU NOT II lUGflU TO PAUKt- PA Tl IN THI llD PaOCES$ AS A rRIMI CONTRACTC>a. Only bidders who participate 1n both the Pie Bid Conle1en<~ •nd the Job W•lk m theor entirety will be allowed to bid on the Project as prime contractor$ r or furthe1 1nformat1on, conu ct f 1cihltts Man •1ement Contracb 0. parlrnenl. Attrr B<enda R Hockenhull at (949) 874 I~ The succes~lul Bidder will be requored lo have the follow1n1 Slate of California Contractor's license c:urr~nt •I lhe tome of s ubm1u1on of lheB1d U<lNSl ClASSlflCA TION: Electr1c1I Contr.ictor U<INSl C00(1 c 10 Ottl.r p,.lect S..Clflnt lldder Quellfl<etl-• ,......, ,., , .......... 111ltt•cl <If tl"'a ef ~Id ltKlv4e, lovt .... ,.., _. ........................ . I The Con tr act Of shall have been in bu"nn~ uncle< the same name •nd Caltfornoa Con tr ac tors licen•e for 1 minimum of !> conl1nu ous year$ p11or to the brd openina date 101 this Proiecl. The license oa ed to satisfy th1l rtquire· ment shi ll be of the .ame type requ1red by lhe c:ontr act 2 The Con tr .iclor shalt provide a m1n1mum of 3 reference• for PfOJeCls s1m1lar 1n scope and slzt TH£ REGENTS or THE. UNIV£RSffY Of CALI fORNIA March 2003 Published Newport Beach-Costa Meu Oa1ly Pilot March 26. Aprol 2. 2003 Wl12 WUOIS (atAOOlt mew) NOTICE TO D£fEN OANl (Avose I At uM do) .IOSf PH ARICO II. a/'o./a JOSPCH ARICO II. a/)./a JOf ARICO an md1v1du•I. THE AAICO CROUP. a business entity of unknown form and DOCS 1 throuah 10. and 88t h of th,m. 1nclus1ve YOU ARC BC INC SUCO BY PlAJHTlff (A Ud le esta demand ando) VIP LIMOUSINES AND COACH{ S, INC a Cahlorn1a Corpo1ahon You h1n 30 CALE N DAR OAYS alter thrs summon5 " served on you to Ille a typewritten ruponse at this court A letter or phone call will not PfOte<t you your lypewrttlen re s ponse must be 1n proper lqal fo1m 11 you want the cou1I to hear your case II you do not Iott YOUI response on time, you may loH the case. and your w•aes, money .and PfOperty may be takeu wothoul further warn1n1 from lhe court Tllefe are othf'r tcaal ttguvements You mo Oub. by the Tunes Mustangs miss TODAY The Sea JClngs (6·3, 3-0 ln league) also received key con· ttibutions from junior Nick Sherman (38). aopbomore 1.aclC Rabinovich (39), senior Brad Olamberlln (40 and junior Rob Ury (41). The victory marked CdM's 14th CJonsecutJve league win, Sea King Coach Mike Stark- weather said. Costa Mesa HJgh shot Its low- est round of the season, but still feU to Calvary Olapel of Santa Ana Tuesday ln a nonleague boys golf m acch. rl-Meggen A .. ner V.ngultfd University Soc:c.r The Mustangs .shot 218 to Calvary's 203 on the par-35 Mesa Unda course at Costa Mesa Golf.& Country Oub in blustery conditions, said Mesa Coach Tum Baldwin. SCHEDULE •' Tars top Hawks Newport Harbor High's Mi- chael Benvenuti and Davis Pemsteln each shot 39 to earn tri-m edallst honors with John Lorenzo or Laguna Hills Tues· day, but that's the closest the Hawks would get to the Sailors. Newport shot 202 to taguna Hills' 213 on the par-36 course at Big Canyon Country Oub ln a Sea View League boys golf match. Brian Beach shot Mesa's iow round with a 38 followed by a 39 from Nick Zimmerman and a 43 by Adam Donovan. Billy Jack.son fired a 47 and Alex Mulhern shot 51 for Mesa ( 4-7, 1-0 in the Golden West League). ~v .....,.. College -Concxlfdl• II UC lrvt"41. 2.30 p.m. High ec:tiool -Orange It Cott11 Mna, J; l ~ p.m.; Eatanc:ia at Sente An1, 3:15 p.m., • Newport Harbor vs. Woodbfidg41, Ill Wlndtow Pllf'k, 7 p.m. SwtmnW19 Community college -Golden W;m el Orange Coast. l pm. • High llCtlool -Irvine 81 Newport Har\>of. • 3.15 p.m .. Cor-ona del Mar et ~urill • • • Beedl, 3 p m .; Cotta Mesa el Est1ncia, • • Beach birdied the par-4 ninth hole for Mesa, which previously shot a 209 for its lowest score of the season until Tuesday. 3:15p.m. : : ~ -: Cof'\munrty college -Groa mont t\ Brandon Sowers and Garrett Whitfield each shot 41 and Ml· chael Vack.ar followed with a 42 for the Sailors in cold · and windy conditions, according to Newport Coach Marianne Towersey. ·1 was hitting an 8-iron 145 yards with the wind, but only 95 against it," Baldwin said about the gusty conditions.Ml didn't blow what club to hit but I guess my team did because Ibey played great." Orange Coast 7 p.m High tdlool boys -Corona del Mlf at : ~una Beach, 5:30 p.m. Costa Mesa at.: Westm1ns111r,3:15p.m ,Orange111 • Estancia, 3. 15 p m. • .. Softbell Commuhity oollege-S&ddlcbad< at Or1nge Coast, 3 p.m . • High IChool-Orange at Costa Mesa, 3:15 p.m.; Estancia at San1a Ana, 3:15 pm. Golf Newport (3·3, 1-1 in league) travels to Rancho San Joaquin Golf Course in Irvine today to face powerhouse Woodbridge, which Is 5-0 and ranked No. 3 Mesa plays in its second league match today against Westminster ac Meadowlark Golf Course in l-luntington Beach at 3 p.m . High IGhool-Laguna Beadl 11s Corona del Mai at Alrso Niguel. 2 30 p m Woodbndge vs. Newport Harbor et Rancho Sen Joaquin, 2'.30 p m BedmOnton HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS Solodko leads the way Community college El Camino at Or;inge Coast, 3 p m PREP GOLF SAN JUAN C.APISTRANO - Sage Hill School's Greg Solodko made h.is return after missing three matches and swept his sets at No. I singles for c:he victorious Lightning Tuesday in an Acad- emy League boys tennis match against host St Masgaret's. all of Sage Hills doubles tearru.. The Lightning (3·5. 2-1) plays at Fairmont Prep Friday. Sage Hill felled Acedemy IAll&ue Solodko had been battling an ear infection and the Ou, but provided the momentum for Tuesday's yicrory, said Sage Hill Coach A.G. Longoria. Sage HIM 12. St. Manaam"s 6 SingJes-Solodko (SH) de"f Swe1ban, 6-4. def. Huang, 6-0. def fu11i, 6-1; M1lovantsev (SHI. lost. 4-6, won, 6-4, 6-1; Burton (SH) won, 6-2, lost, 2-6, 2-6. DOWNEY -Su~e I fill School\ boys golf team dropped an Acad emy League match l\JeM.lay to Whi1ney, 229·2.'.i7, .ii I <>"> Amigo' Country Oub. Freshman Josh Oien 'hol 4.l to lead Sage Hill 14·"i. 4 4 in league) and ~ followt•d by a 41) from John Ness and 4~ by Ryan Schweil7..er. Jeff Crnllenden fire<l a 50 while Alex C.or hran\ "i~ rounded out the ..conng. Anthony Milovantsev took two of three secs at No. 2 singles ~ did Ooub&es-Chin-Cordier (SHI lost to Waller-Dunlap, 5-7. def Afshar-Khulifa. 6-0, def. Wong Terry. 7·5: Ramadan-Montakab (SH) won, 6-2, l01it. 1-6, woo. 6-0; Rooser-Kurran (SH) won, 6-1, 6-2, 2 6 wanl lo c•ll an •llorney forn1a County of OR· 11eht away II you do not ANGE COUNTY SUPERI know an attorney. you OR COURT. UNLIMITED may call a n attorney JURISOICTION CIVIL. referral service or a 700 CIVIC CLNHR DR leaal aid ollo<t (lrsted In WEST. P 0 BOX 838. the phone book) SANTA ANA. CA 92702 Onpues de que le 08J8 entre1uen n la c1ta<1on lhe na,,,., addrf'ss. 1ud>e1at usled Ilene un and te~hone numbef of plazo de 30 OIAS CAL· plamtofl's attorney or CNDARIOS p11a presen· pla1nt1fl without an tar una respunla H · attorney 1s ((I nombre. c:r1ta • m»qu1n• en e~t• la d11ecc1on y •I nume10 corte. de telefono del eboaado U"• c1rt1 o one del delnandante o del llamada ltlelonic1 no le demandanle Que no ofreceu proteccion su Ilene abo1ado es) r espuesla escrola a Daniel J CoolH!< (Bar maqoHn• Ilene que '76116) cumphr con IH formal LAW OH ICCS Of DANIEL 1dades leeales •Pfopoa J COOPER du s1 usted qu1e1e que 24012 Calle de la Plata, la corte escuc.he su Suite 410. L aauna Hills, CHO CA926!>3 S1 usted no present• Phone No (949) 8!>9 su respuesta • loempo. 8456 puede pe1der el <;ISO 1 Fo No (!M9) 859 6823 le pueden quolar so DATEs (JeclM) DlC 11, salario. SU dtnelO y OlrH 2002 cosnde SU p1op .. dad ALAN SLATllt, cl.flt son av1so adocionat P<>f (Act..le), parte de la corte liy ANGILA WNOX, Custen otros 1equ1s1 o_,.,ty(D• ....... ) tos le&alu Puede que Published Ne wpo <t usted qu1ere llamar • un Beach·Costa Mese Daily abo&ado 1nmtdlah· Pilot March 19. 26, Aprol menle S1 no conote a 2. 9. 2003 WI 10 on abo11do, pued• tlamar .a un servocio de relerencoa de abolados o • una ofoe1na de a1uda le1al (vu el dweclort0 telefonoeo) CAHNUMl81 (N-.MC .. •) 02CC11307 JUDOl WIWAM M. MONlOI DfPf. CU The n1ma ind addren of the court " (f I nombre y dwaccion <le ta CC>f'le n ) Super IOI Couf I of C•I• IS( 12tlJ ll011CI Of P'D1Tlll TO AD1115111 ISlATI Of: as-.1.llC*S CA.SUO. A21mt To 111 h•1n. benefl· ciarles, crediton, con tmeenl creditors. and persons who may olh erwrse be tntuested 1n tM will or estate or both of ISA8Cl M ooeBs A PETITK»f fOR PRO BATE hn bffn hied by MICHAIL V D08BS 1n the Supuior Court of Cahlornla, County of ORANGf THr P(TITION FOR PR08AT[ 1tquests th1t MICHACL V 006BS ti. appointed H perional 1tpt1u.nlallv1 to ad mtr11st.r tllto •<Jt•l• of thl decedent THC P[TJTION 11quuts lh1 clececi.nl'1 Woll •nd codlcllt, It eny. be admltl.O to aitob•l• ,.,. WIH and any cod1c11J at• 11v111Ahll fM IUmln• tlon tn lllt file k•Pl by lMGOUrt THC l'(TITtON 11QUUt1 1vth«1ty lo 1dmlttlll• the Htltl Under ttle tnd1pend1nl Admtnlt trabon of I ital" Ael (fhb. AulhOfilY w1tl allow tllt .,.r \Oflil rott>t aun tal1111 to lake 1111ny Kt.Ion• wltttout obtain 1111 01111 0111001 ltelOft tel11111 c•t11n •ttr'I lmpott1nt actlOns, ltollNVw, the IMIUOl\11 ftpf-Ultff wilt ,. 11 .. 114 II &lw nol~• to intweet.4 peuon' un~ tMy lwve wllv1d DO\lt* Of Coll"fttld to tilt fl(°"'" Klion) flll 1fl4e,e11dl11t Id mrnlttl1t .. 11 Hl"611lt w1ll " • ..,.... unlen Ill llltefllt.. INfMn ... IHI ...... fl fM ,.ullOll .......... ..... etllU _.., Ille -• .fleutll ""' ..... ... tlltll«ltr A Ul~ ...... ""tlOll ... .,. .. ~ ... M"ftll. • 7003 •• J ;JO pm in Oepl L13 located al ~I The C•ly Dr Ive South Or •nae. CA 97868 IF YOU 08Jt CT to Ille &••nlont ol the pel1hun you should •PPt'•r Al the he•11ne .and state your obiectroni or hi• w11llen obrection' w1tfl the court belort the h .. r•nr You• appearanu! may be 1n person 01 by your attorney If YOU ARC A CRCOI TOR 01 cont1naent credrtor of the dtcened you must hie your claim w1lh th• COOi l .and m.i1I a copy lo the pusonal rep<esentahv• ~pointed by the court w1thm lour months from the dale of Ille hrsl 1uuance of lt!llel\ n pr O••ded •n Pr ob•le Code section 9100 The lime !Of lllone claims will nol e apore ~fort lour months from the hearona date noh<ad above YOU MAY [JlAMIN( lhf' hie kept by the c:oUf't II you are • person on teres ted in the estate . you may hie with the court a Request 101 Special Notice (form OE· 1!)4) of the hlln& of an rnventory and 1pp1a1sal of estate •neh Of of any pet.hon 01 •«ounl H provided on Probate Code section 1250 A Request for Speclal Notice form 1s ... ,fable from tlw! court tier-. AtlOfney for Pelllt0n11 PUllt J. aJMll, ISO. (CSll 171S4S) llUMU & Ntok>lS, IJ..P, JU CDTINNIM WAY, TUSTIN, <.A t27M Publish\lld Newpott 8uch Costa Men DiulJ Piiot March 11 Ap(ol l. 3. 2003 fHW786 IS( l!tll M01Q Of P1m1* TO um st• fSlAll Ofi IUIYL.._ WHO.UtlHJ To •II ha1n , benth· c1a1,.~ c11d1!0f,, con llntotnt crtd1lo1J. •nd pe<~ns. who may oth 9' WIS. be lnt'1'•ltld ill thll wMI or .slate. or both. of• MARY I OtA· MOf'IO A P• llllOH f()fl PAO BATE hu Men f"*d by HUCH V DIAMOHO 114 111 IN Supwlof Cllllf'l of Callforf'llA, County of OAANGC IHl Pl llllOH FOR P"06ATF ttQUHll lhal HUGlt V OIAMONO Ill H •ppoint.O •> ptrsonel repreu.nuth11 to ad m1n1st• the •••••• ol lhtdtle~I. TU[ l'fTITION~ts ... "'°'HJ 10 •dm•n '" tN ...... 111'der the lndeptf'ld•nt A\fmlf'lll tntlof'I ef C.tatn ~I (TM AlithorltJ Wiii lll(>W tt11 penon•I f911("411 UllV• lo .... mtf'IV ac:i!Ofl• w1tllout o41talf'I• 1111 ~•111t •1111ront, ltf11t1 lallln1 ce•l•i• VlfJ ,.,._,11111 ec.tlona, ho--· tM f*MMI ,..,._,,.1111~ will lie ,..., to Li" 110lk• IO lftl•Ht.a PffNM n*tti u,., hh• •• ,_. eotiu • COf'INllfff IO ... llf ;IPvwd Klhin ) 111• 111!1111111d.ill •d m1n1it1 •l•On •ulhoroty will b~ Rflnled unlu$ an inlet nted P"'"n 111•" an ot>11tc hon lo the petition •nd \llOws 1uod l ilUSe why the c<111rt •hould nul 1r •nl th~ authoroty A II( ARING on the petot1on will be htld on APRii 74 7001 "' I 30 p m 1n Dept l 11 located .at J.41 I h~ City Ot1ve South 01<1n~• CA 92868 If YOU 08l(CI to the er an tint of lhf' pet•llon you should •PPHr •I lht lw!arona and stale your obiectoon• or tole written ub~ction• with ,,,.. rour l btlOfe the hu11n1 Your appe•rance no•y be in pe,.on or by your attorney tr YOU ARC A CR£01 TOR 01 conl•ntent c1td1t01 of th .. dfceaM!d you mu\I hie your daom wrth lh• court and m~11t • copy lo lht ~sonal repr-ntahv• appointed by the court w1th1n lou• months from the date of the ''"' •nuance of lethrrs n •p•o•ldad 1n P1ob1te Codi section 9100 l he time tor fllln& claims will not uplfe before lou1 months from the heartn1 date noticed •bove YOU MAY [XAMINC lhe file kept by th• court II you •r• a pe"on 1n lerested on the estator, you may hie w1lh the coufl • Requul tor Speci1I Nollu (lotm OE 1!>4) of the hlin1 (If an Inventory •nd apj)f a•Hl of estate u wh or of 1ny pehbon or account n provided 1n Probate Codot sactron 12!1() A Request for Sp1clal Notice fo1m os ava1tabl• from th• court clefk Attorney tor P1Ut10nllf '-nl • ....,., ..... l-°"'"" •• ,_ ···~ 11140 lM .._ .... ........ s ••. 205 le• Ate•lt••· CA 90120 Publlthtd Nawpo• I 8ea<h Costa Mew Daily Pll61 March 27, April 2, J. 200J THW296 t1rn~ l1mU m A ""AtrtJ envt-lope 1deohtt~d urt tht' ouh1llt' with th• lioll ltf'm Numbf'r .tnd llu Upen1n1 Oilt Rid' woll be publicly ov~11•tl •rill r'•d •loud •I 10 00 • "' UI IS \Oon lhNf'•llf't " P«Hl1< able oro Aftrll 21, 2003 01 th,. t nuru. • Cham~'' Anr11t1011al \~I\ 111 !hr Not11.e lov1ton1t B•d• nllly • t"' til.ol•Ulrd l.oy dUlhi. 11/l!'rl v111dol\ •I th• Ollo<f' of !hf' l'urt h•""K Super Vl\Ur /I I •H Drtve Ronn. 100 C'n~h "'"' Mts.t C•hlotn•• 1U6,cb. ·.• 11• 754 <:.rn D•t~d M11 ch JI )t)()J " Publ°'h'd N•wpcrrl Beach CO)!.O Me\) ll•W• P1lotAprtl? 7QOl Wiii Sill your stuff Uwough classified! • Dlilr Piiot IS< 11'11 IOICIOfft1111mTO :II I •ISTAJIClt IUIY L TAYLOI WllO.A211t7J To 111 lltlta, b•Mfl cl1tlel, ctedlton., con llncent creditor•. ind peflOllt who m1y olh -IN be lnt11ested 1n lM Wiii Of Hllle, Of btlh, of. MARY E TAYlOfl A l"ETITIOH FQR PRO· BATE hM "-n hied by JAY It fAYl.Ofl 1n t111 541pef'lor Court of C1lt- fotnle, County of OR ~E THC PETtrlOH FOR 1"108ATE requests JAY R. TAYLOlt be 1ppo1nted H p11son1I represent•· live lo 1dm1nls1Jr the 11t1l\Of the dececknl TH£ PETITIOH requests •uthorlty to •dnilnlsler UM n t1t1 vnct« the lnd1p1nd1nt Adm1n"· tretlon of Eltatu Act. {Tllll Authority will 1llow the perM>n•I rllj)reun· t1tlv1 to l1k1 m1ny eclloos without obt11n- ln1 cour I approv1I B.t0<1 lakln1 cerllm very lmpotl•nt 1chons, however, lh1 per~nal rspr1Mnl1ltve will be required to 11v1 nolJce tg lnl1111!1d otcsgns llllles\ they havt ••lved nollel Of conMnl1d to I.lie propoHd ICllOn ) Thi Independent 1d mlnl1l111ton 1ulhont~ will b1 Cl'•ntld unlen 1n 1nternt1d p1non hies •n obje~hon lo the petition and ahowa 1ood uuse why lh1 court should not ar 11nl the IUlhorlty A HEARIHC on 11141 Pllllton •Ill be htld on Af'RIL 24, 2003 1t I.JO pm 1n Dept L73 lo<;;iled 11 141 The Ctty Duve South Or1nce. CA 92868 If YOU 08Jf:CT lo the If 11nhn1 ot lh• 1>1hlt0n, you should 14>9111 11 the hearin& 1nd sl1te your objections or Ille w11tt~n obiectoons wolh the 'uUf t before the he111n1 Your appeaumce m1y be on pe"on or by your •llorney IF YOU ARC A CRfDI TOR or contoncenl credll0< ot the decused. you must hie your daom with lht cour I and maol a copy lo the person•! re11<nenl1t1v1 1ppu1nled by Ille 1.our I w1lh111 four months lrom the d•t" nt U.e hr \I 1nu•nc t ol letters dS "ro111ded on Probah1 Code sed1on 91°00 The llme for fohn& t laoms wlll not ea p1t e Policy ti.IOre lour month• from the llHtlfll dall llOli<ed above VOO MAY DtAMIHl lhe ftle k119t b)' th• covrt ti you we 1 person In twisted 1n th1 Kial•. you ml)' file with tht court a R1qu11t for Spl(lll Nohel (lnrm Of 154) of the h11n1 of en uw1nlory ind 1ppre1ul of ntit• asseb or of eny pet ouon or account as provided on Probate Code section 1250 A R41quul for Spu:i'I Notice form ts n111l1bl• If om the court d11k Attorney for Pel1hon11r Clol9 C. Aloa01t4'1r, I~ .• Sllf & IHA.Mll, 4400 MacArtttw llY4., Ste. 320 New port l eoch. CA 92660 Published Newpor I Bea1.h Co,ta Men Oa~I Pilot Merch 27 April . 3, 2003 TlfW 7 llOTKITO CI00°'5 OflUSAU • (*.tlm 6104-6 lOS U.C.c.) 6CIOtUO. Stt?7-0I Notice •• hereby 11ven to etedttors of the w1th1n named ~tlltr th11 • bulk \lie 1\ about to be nude of the •s•eh descrobed below The n3ffill>l and buMHU IMldraa(s) of the 11111! llfe KYUNG $00 KIM 1'201 VON KA"M.AH AVE , 1180, IRV~E. CA 92612 The loctlton in Call· for1111 of the ch11t IHCUllvt office of the ullef la· l 820 I YON KARMAN AYE ., 080, IRV~t. CA 92612 Aa listed by the w.tter, •ff other business names •nd 1ddresse1 used by lh• Mllef Within thrM yHn before the cl.tie such lrst tfH sent or dahnr Id lo the buy11 11e.oon1 Th1 n1me(s) end business •ddr ess of Ille buyer 111 KIM & SON INVESTM£NT INC , 18201 VON II.ARMAN AVENUE; •180, IRVINE. CA 92612 The nuts to be sold .ar11 ducrtbed in 1ene11I '' furmture. lixlurn. equipment' aoodwill, treden•rn•. l..isehold, improvement and mt"' est ind coven1nt not to """41tle and os located 1( 18201 VON KAR~H Avt 1180. IRVIHE CA 9?612 The Business n•m• u'td by Ille i.eller al tl'l•l lonhons 1s CO· CONUT CAH Tiie 1nhc1p4ted dale of the bulk sale os April 18, 2003 11 the office of: Unlled Eac1-C.. 1'40 WllsflH ll•d , '600, Los Anatlff, CA 80010 The b11lli salo ~ wb )Kl lo C1hf0fnlt Uni lorm Com1111H11t Code S.cloon 61 Ofl 2 If so \ub,.ct. lhe name ind 1ddreH of th• persona with whom claims "''Y be ftted i. CUHICC KIM SR CS· CR.OW OfflCER, Untied Escro,. Co • 3 U O Wlhtllre Blvd . tl600. Los Anrelos, c~ 90010 1nd the lul d1y for hl1n1 ctalms '"'" be Apnl 17. 2003 which is the business day belore the sale d1te specotoed above DATED-do 17, 200S llM & SON INVIST- MlJn, INC., • Cofl- fenolo C~t·- /S/ YONG SOO IOM, .. ~··•'-' /S/ HH JIM IUM, Socretory Publjsh1d Newporr BHch·Cost1 Mn1 D11ly Pilot April 2. 2003 CHS519295 WI 15 173 074', AUC TIOH BOHO t 123·'1 19 Said t\uctlOn Wiit be made pursu1n1 to HC Ilona 21701 thro111h 21715 lnckiSIVI, of Ille St•t• o l Cellforn11 Buslneu '"d ,.,ofu sjotiJ Code, uchon 2 238 of tilt Commerc111 Code S•cllon ot the State of C1ltf0fnoa Pen1I Codi A290 S11n/Ch1ron Sfewar t. Beds, Chair,. Table. Hcxlwhold Goo~. Su1lc•su, Auorlld Boan A266 G•ry Larochelle Chan end table. A\ sorted Boan, Household Coock. Ptcturu. Toy' Bl49 Kathleen rer1u son, furniture, L11hl r u tures. Po•no, Auort ed Bo•n. Oetor•hons. Pictures, Chaora A187 Joyce Klaauen Assorted boaes Toys, f 1shm1 Tac•le 8402 Paul fhompson Fur l\llure, Siereo Tele "'"<'"' VCR We1&ht~ hble Cheirs L•mP• As~rled Boies. Hou~• hold Goods Published lhwpor I Bu'h Costa Me1.1 O•oly Polol Aprol 2 9 2003 Wl 14 Mlm ..... ... s...... The lottow1n1 peoons 111 do1n1 boKlfoeu u Qualfty 0-& Window\, 1515 M1carlhur 115. CMlt Meu, CA 9264~ Andy Remp, 14412 Chale•u, Hunt1n1ton Beach, CA 92&47 Ml,hHI l•mes Moore. 18064 ~1mmotl'I Ct f ountaon \I.alley CA 92708 This busineu os con dueled lly a 1eneral PlflnllShtp ....,. you st~ted dom1 bu~onen yell Ho Moh Moore Thli st1h:ment •H hied wolh lhe County Clerk ot Onnae County onOJ/04/03 200'6915131 O•lly Polot Mar 19, 26. Api 2. 9. 2003 Wl07 R6a ..... ... s...... 1 he follow111e !>ff Sons 11e 401n1 "bu"neu a• lralfoc Apparel 2030 Main Sine I Suit~ I "lOO Irvine CA 9261' Sh1d1e Ruby Kenuue ?OJ6 B r ullerton Ave Costa Mna. CA 92627 Lauren Lynn Doll, 518 I /2 Avoc•do Cornna Del Mar CA92625 Tho$ chlo. led br • 1ener •I per Iner ship t~ve Y041 1.IMted 6citnC bul.illeas yet' Nu S.hadoe Kenvue lhts statement wu Med with lhl County C!Mk of Oun11 Ceunty 011 03/10/03 2001HU511 , D1Jly Pilot M11 19 26, Apf ti 2, 9 20p3 W106 Rell. ..... ........ The lollowin1 person• are clo1111 bil~ IS Fo•m ind futher ... 106JI Bloomt11ld St 114 LO• Al1m1to1. CA 90720 Rob«rt Oenm• Ko,oy 'l11':> Meu Verde Or [ •Cl JO Cosl• Meu CA 9262'6 W1lllam W1yne Cualle, 4'130 ltrwon, Cypre\S CA90630 This busmtu '' con ducted by a a•ner al partnership H•ve rou SIM led do1111 business rel' Vu. I/OJ 03 Robert Kosoy Thi\ ~l•lement wn loleO woth the County Cler~ ol Olan&• Counly on 03114103 20036'37241 Daily Piiot Mar 19. 26. ,\pr112, 9 2003 W105 Wednesday, Aip!d 21 200.S AIJ ......... ... *-" Tho follow.n.1 pe114n, 111• dofnl busm"~ n McMullen Contull1n1. 2603 [Iden Avenue. Untl C, Costa Mesa, CA 9'l627 D1v1d Pair"-Mt Mullen ?603 l Iden A•enue Unit C. Co•I• lli4eH. 'CA 92627 This bu .. neu ~ con ducted by an u1d1vld1l•I Have you slM'ted doona b..s1n~ yetl No D-awld P McMulltfl This statement wH fifed •tlh Ille County Cltt~ of Ot.tn~ County on 03/05/03 200S69S5914 D•lly Pilot Mar 19 ?6 April 2 9, 2003 w 108 ,..... ..... ...s...... The followm1 per~n• are doma busmtss a• Mu1mum Xpusure 2967 Michelson Or Suite G201 ltvone <.A 92612 Runell P1ul H4,tw1•1 o .. ~, 29167 M1<.helsun Or Suite Gl'Ol Irvin• CA926l'l fh•~ busme\\ t\ <.on ducted oy 4n 1nd1'111du11 Have 1ou st ... led dl>m1 busmen yet> Yn Jan I. 2003 Russell N1ew111ow~1 This staternenl ftlff Wllh lhl CeJU'Oly Clwli. of Or•"P County on03/14IOJ 100,.•i1111 D•1ly Pltot lllb! 19 26 Apr 2 9, 2003 WI 11 '9KI01ICI fhl 1nnuel report ol !lie Southern Citll{ofn•• lnslrtule of PholoCJeplly 19 avert.l>lo for 111~ toon •I lh• addren noted below llur1n1 nor Mal llllsu•ess how' by any crt&UA W1'o .. reQIHnl.J w1tt11n 10 o.ys ell., pulMtUllOft of lhls notice of ent4a1Mlfly The ~l!Hwn Caldor noe ln111lute ol Pho!Pt r 1phy I Z 14 I S.1n&1n1 Wood Oro•e. San'la Ana CA 92705 the prmctpal MiltMlet l'l Gunner l. Chus toanM!n. President (714) J89 1178 Publ,.hed Newport Beach Cosll MS.. Daily Piiot Apr 11 2 200S Wll) SELL your stuff through classified! How to Place A ___ Deadlines --- By Fax (949)631 65~ 1 t"lc11....-"" ludt' your nJtJnl' J11.t ""'"'" numho.•r and ... 11 ,,11 I""' h.11.l wolh o pthc <jU1~r I CLASSIFIEAD By Phone (9~9) 6'!2-5678 I lours Bv Mail/In Per~on: 1 'Ow,..,, Bay '.}trl'el Co,1a M~\a. CA 92627 ·· Al Nev. pon Rlvd & Bay St Monday ................... Frida:x 5:00pm TuesdJ) ................. Monda) 5:00pm Wednesday ............. Tue-.day 5:00pm Thur..da~ ........... Wedne!)day 5:00pm Friday .................... Thun.day 5:00pm Saturda} ................... Fnday 3:00pm Rates and deadlioe'i are .,ubJccl to change without nouce. The pubhl>hcr reserves the nght 10 cen\or. rcda~'>1fy. revise or reject an) d~'>1fied advertisement. Please repon an)' error that may be tn your cla!>s1ficd ad immediately. 11le Dajly Pilot :1cccpts no liability for any error in an adveniscment for which 11 may he responsible eitcept for the CO\t of lilt: space actually occupied by the error Cred11 can only be allowed tor th~ fir.i mscn1on. Tdcphone !S:30am 'i ()()pm Monda) -Fnday \\-.ilk-In I< lOam 'i OOpm Mond.i)' rnd.t:V Sunday ..................... Fnday 5:00pm ANNOUNCIMENTS & MISC. ~ 101CH770 GARAGE SAll BUSINESS & FINANOAl ,_tfk""""" c & D -~ tdt, IDI 61 S.,- T~ Croll lac S12..9Jl.W Of ZAii both 96-21 g. 7224 Con.tlblell M11nar'lllHl1 1160 TOP SS 4 aCOIU)S nc .Im. a..:. Ek. !Os & 8'.1$ 1419 $ 2305·2490 L ESTATE R SAU 1505 cats 3610 LOST SAUDI ,.ASS,OttTI CAU 714-5 46 10.4 fOUND PIT IUU,UP 1510 l SlOl CM OlANGf & 2Sll0 90-0S-7530 ............... CJA Pla51.U1 •tnlNS , .... , .. y ..... $400/Eedo All Sheh. l°"'lnt & Cu44ty.949-4Sl-202S .............. DopflOnl-...... 8. Met. S4Jlot, bAle ~ FOUND PUG M11t1 949 645 7505 CALL AHIMAl NE TWORK ,.._.Mwrlalo~ora Peb '" Pl.bk ~ entRTAINMENT 1310 ·lGMl.,. OfMTillTT Alf rHI est1te 1dver· ttsln1 Ht th~ MWl911Mt "alllbjlct to Ille fldenl F elr Housln1 Act of 1968 11 1m1nd1d which m1k11 II Ul•t1•I to 1d .. ltse ·any prefer 1nce, llmll•llon or dlxrhnlnatlon based on rece. color. relt110n. sea hendicep, f1m11iaf status or ,..tlonal 0tlcln. ot •n lnlttltlon to mah 1ny aue>i pr1f1t1nce ltm1ll hon Of d'1ctlmon1llon • l"'1ll MW14111C11f woU not ltnowln1t1 accept •tif edvecO-nt tor r••I Hlate Which ts on vlol4hon of the law Our r••••r• ere hereby lnfoflMd th1t 111 dW•ll· ln&l. 1dv.rtlsed In this ntW10aplf 11e 1v11l1ble on 111 eqlllll opportunity bull. Tct eo.,,.,..ln of dis· glqnetlon. cal HUO tol- frH .at 1 IOO •24·85'°. _.. 1m NTED s ..... •n• ·-·---" ............ 11 949 697 6632 TO CLAIM HEED VC T RE CORDS F1NAHCIAlJ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES r .oYwon 1'.land 949-644 Zl79 fttll SPAY lor momma aAI "" .. tutt.a tr• home5 949-533-0411 MISCEU.AHEOUS MERCHANDISE Plnonal Lon 2490 MlsceUnom HOME MOR TGA G[ Mtfmlndisl LOANS lowest lnltrtsl All STHl IUl\DINGS r.tles All rredll lype~ 24•30 wu17.900 tell No p11 payment pen1I """29 50 3""" hn But urvlc1 In the SJ.""" • was Sl ·"""· st.ate C1Uforn1a OR£. ~ ~,911) 4!b90 Wll5 EmpyrHn rund1n1 Cell $26.900. Ml $12,900 now 800 720 8969 •IOI Isl CorlW l!i.1 s.r..,.r coo •scAH? -llXJ? m nm MTlQUES o,,nnua ~-Siii 3010 =and -S'-9 1950 O'\Hfe & ....... "' 600 s.n .. 40" width oven. bfotler. £ pill lm11tacul1l1 S2000 obo 949 673 O!Mt HOME FURNISHINGS HA.MO NIW Pllow· ,.,. o-si .... 1...i1 , ..... 1,SOO ..... , hi $700. • .. , ... ,,_ 1002 ~C-t-Chlldt Bid. Twin site, .... ;:" & enllCIQt wllll• = {M9) 759 9671 DB.Jr(/ -OIAmmJ PRECIOUS METALS c-tC. ..... Old Colnsl Col4. v•. ...-r.••ldl9 ....... eolldllin M Ml~ 1 AVON Entrepreneur w1nled Must be w1llin1 to wo•k whenever you want, be your own bon. 1nd enjoy unlimited urnln&s Let's talk (888)9<42 <40 53 (CAL•SCAN) fall INFOaMAllONI Two 11111 l11nchl11 b1111nus opportu11itln Cet In on ~ eround lloor Mullt·b1lloon S.S lnduslrlH "Govrmeln P11u c.t.· 1md -,,t o.,ot• (I00)809 2931 (CAl•SCAN) A SUCCESSFUi. HOM( luslnns tlt1I 1n11lt1 ITIOM1 In tti. ht MO '~""'20k per mo Hot MUii 1 100 666-1676 (CAL•SCAN) AN INCREDIBll 0, "OlfTVNITT fat lfOWth, peraonallr end f1nt11 clelly. Income poltntl•I ~ .. .., month. Llflt • flnllte ~sil'I t tfOmt· ••11• 'eulnellnc C--.C:t Nol • ICll'll er MUI. 100·704• 2211 (CAl. •sc.u.) VJlH MONEY tVUY '""' • ..,... tttu111 ., y .. • 1a •WlfM• If,.., •• money -tint.It. •••I otlutell ult (U>)lM ., 141 M9I 111u,t111•11t require• {CM. •l(:AN) Index 3010-S940 ~ lili.l. soos-saso WOULD YOU PAY a one time lu of SI 79 95 lor • homt business th1t bf ones on 1200 00+ pe< day atlt• )() 4'1ys1 Go hllp •ww GlobalO•oly r ,,. co m stonet 1CAL •SCAN) WI HAVI QUA&HD IUY1JtS. We coordinate the Yll of clil!!nt bust- MS'W!S whether healthy OI Is oubled with no upfront fees lendll & Associates 949-337 1f1IO Ail VlNDIMG 1toun ~ ~ lk1ib. Pnme ID- cMxn. ~ Invest 2':>1. down WK II» J96.93J l s;a1,,.Y-1w"'""• hO-lwlena. ~. & A•aochlto• 90457-7070 -.wlC-..•.c- AISOlUll ec>UIMIHll 60 vendtnl mechmes with uullent locations .. lor na~ D)..2J4.812 LOTS/ACREAGE DanaPolnl NlWUSTING Open Sil Su" I 4 Ovt•-4 ... oc-. c ... ttlftOvlews. ,..,, y4 & ...... "' '-"· 2 car lltlChed 18,.i)t S619 000 John farrow ReMu 949 322 0912 LIQanl Bead! Ol"IN HOUSI SAT-SUN 1-4 9'2 SUMMTT WAY Ouhtandm1 oce1n voew,1 4br 2 r,b• l decks 2 c11 11t1ched 11r11• reducedlu SI 275.000 Joh" F •rrow ReMu 949 322 0932 HC)l(lH UtGUMA llAOt remodlled 2Bt 28a on corner lot LR w/f p perlKt rltrMt w/MCloded petios Ind wmdintl briell walo.weys S l,U0.000 ANCHOa HlOf'lalKS t49-720-Jt00 ~ 4740 Newpoftlladl --------S 17 Vfo U4a s-4, HEW MEXICO MOUN· TAIHS 140 AC Only 149 900 Goraeous lflUltnds m1tur1 tree cover. 6lOO fl ellvatJOn Mountein V11ws. ye¥· round roeds. end •lee tr IC ,..,fec:I tor horse lovers Adjacent to nehon1l f0f1St Eulllienl hnancln1. C•ll today! This won't 11111 SW propertln of NM. Inc I· 888 292 9711 (CAL•SCAN) so. colOU6o wlld west randl 87 ecru · 144.900 Prices slashed to move lnitenloryl Nut lo 6.000 Kr•• rec aru Rolllna l1tld1 with lentestk "oclly ¥111 views Cou11ty roil! w/11t1IO;.,.,o- h111nclns. CIM Aid Creell lt•ncll loll 1 ...... 5263. (CAL •SCAif) OHM SUN 12-4 811111 by Joe E Brown 1n 1931 only nm11nlftf 3 • 4 to-nl•t• on enhre lsllnd 4br, 4b1 lhret slor11s + to-3 c11 11r pvt dock tor 2 boab lllsar~ ~SlJm6ln MM97-Wl 79H42-4200 ~ 7402·7466 Under th e Service Directory Banner IOOHS10 Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week 9000-9750 For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 OC!AH & IAY VltW TMl 'lllCI WIU AMAZl YOUI AGT. 949.723-a 120 ,..._EESTATIS ,.ATllKI TINOttl NATIONWIDE USA 949-U•·970S www palrocklenoa 1.om HOMES FOR SALE I Nowporl loy l owor• 2bllo.• from Jarry lo B.1lboa l\I \Br 18• sec • lnl bay voe., undrif nd e:~ S2ann ~ <e6 CGnlfia det Mar • u... l4lll« .. '°""" urwl wlbelc. IJll5 n;d k 'II on 11111 AonA ltow' n peh \ml<ii Sl350 £ I~ 9$722577!> 1'157 --------SOUTH of PCH 2br I b~ duplu Ip 1ard 111 w d RNERSIDE COUNTY 5550 hkup\ No pet \mollt SIS501mo 949 760 1875 ------TEMECULA 4J. ~ Neowty 111-..d, W1NI COUNTllY AlllA 1 2 l& & 2 1u1 ~ 2-c pr 2 t oo.1 , I. aa. lBr 1 l50d ..a th La 1N11o • no Pftt,lllf'lk I Y' tse IVM 38il pool and 10ll horro !>. IS S2lDlrTI 714 961 7366 5 nwllltm -•Y from tt. Mal WW.. sports P«• Costa Mesa end fr-.ys. Sl6•.000 ...,.._ -2.S -of Buutdul Horw prop lrty 481 381 Only s """ from the Temecula Mal and Fr-~ $4",'"9 ~ .. 1750 •• J8r 2Ba W/SUIYoom end I enclosed Porell & 2,. pr lll'L S I M.000 E Stde 2br Iba ~itch e•• l1und11 encl r•r d Mull Sf'• 169 W1lnut SllOO mo 714 662·3111 714 S-40 3666 31r. 21e Tw .. a... 2 "'I VlHAJUES OClAN l <lt nt• <••1>et p11nl VlfWS.$1,750. h<•n "'~ SI 700mn ~I ok IJpl 2Br 281 i.arou-· lion Prop 714 178 1469 1 Now l.ISllrW ~"'ea Gal!ld~ ,.,.. ...... ....... .. _.,... lkGl*w 2-5' FR fp IYdwd In ... "'' •770 nu M pr w,...... & a9I Prudl!nblll c.ibl9 R.-y rm S2..Mno 919-:m.8til N' c. .. t lwnhom P•lrv Jo.at ......... x..t ~ E sodt Hrw J& 2.5&. SFR Fp •-* coaiUn 2c ...... bedoy•d $2750ln """"4~ 96-J5S.3726 HldlnglDn Btadl * YIAalY * llASIS Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS 949-675-t 16 I N' Mn 11 qu,.t studt0 2 slor~ new paonl hlr and urpel 2 c 1•r •&I Sl800949 673 7800 .................. lr.Jlr 2.58a W/re!rllill fl pl1ld comm. wtlJod, !Pil'" Piii r-ct mD rro 1t1!. Plllndl T IOOre 9t'J..8156.97tfl ._.. c...,.. w.. WICt'I w.i. .... aolt Mwllbm II)' AnooWolll 48r J8a 2fiOOIJ home W I pool $4.S0.000 & w. smd loft lotche<!ette. 11f tlr, n~• carpet shar 1d laundrr A1t WINI COUMTllY UAUY ..,..WWKJ 909·2H-OHI paint cvrd c11port 277 SI IOO 949 673 7800 16th Pllce •l SHOO mo no pth 949 720~22 RESORT/ VDTION PROPSl1Y r<JRSAl.E STAR GOT A CAMf'CROON> Metnll«sllip or T- shlfe 7 We'll tilt• ill Amu1c:1·1 most 1uc cu.slut ruott resale ctHrlnpoust. lea0tl l"roperty Rewln Ille. 1 IOO -UJ•5t67 (CAL~) ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • Pilot J I leyfrom ......... upper uml on harbor w boat dod 1 b'h lo b<h lbr I lb• Ip wd '& •u dt<ll I , e•• dod & uU ind s:Jlnl.mo 9&-Sl().$1 Remis Wllllld 7llO WANTB> I or 29r ~ cotbl&le or condo V.. a ,.,,...,, '" ~ 8-:tl Viii 5VI limo or lorer lease Hil1"1! small .... marwwed Weslie. Retir er1C& nail. .m52!).88J6 .. .. A14 Wlll111Hlr. 9! 2, 2003 -_c..i1 .. o .. s .. s ... ~ ... 0 0 .. 0 ... : .. ~ ... 'S .... PU~Z_Zim.ILE_ J ~~·GOREN _ with OMAR SHARIF your stuff through classified! "t«>TlCE 0 C1hforr11• law re· qurres that contrac· ton tat.one ie>bs that tol•I $500 or m<lfl (f11bof or materials) lHI licensed by the ContncCor& Stat• license Board. 'State law also requires that contractors tnclude their ltcense number on all adv•llSffll-You an t h9Ck the slatu' of your licensed contra c tor •I "'*• cstb Cl 1ov or 800 321 CSlB tlnli ctnsed contrectors ui.1n1 tobs that tot1I less Chan '500 mud 1t1~ In 111111 advart•semenb lhat they '" not licensed by Chi Con tr actori State license Board." Mltlanl• Rlnu11l11i111 ,..,,.. •• w ,,.,..,, I Uh I Rllmodoll Man.~ *R> me 9'W69RS ....... "MR BLINDMAN" 8500 CUltlCAl Need full time person to assist with varoou5 duties Must be able to input at lust 50wprn aHurately on computet. possass slrona customer ser vice sllolls and be ~ndable S9 Per hour E utllent ben elot packaiie f.OE Send resume to Judy Oett1nc. c/o Daily Pilot, 330 West Bay Street, Costa Mesa, CA 97627 or em••I lo JJdy Oftire@ k!llMS.alm 0 RI VER S/ STU 0 (NI S NEEDED ommedoattly COL tr dtn111& 1oolablu through USTOS on Rodllo, CA F onanlone. tr .in\ portatoon. hou,ma. and tu1t1on reombur\~on~nt avaolble Call Run •I I 866-466 3546 101 dtl•ol\ (CAL•SCAN) A PHA T IOU P.ard lratntnR Need 18 ;>)out going people In II•••' Represent m.11m 11u1>h cal1ons St.irt n<1w I 866-518 67S/ 10.ino Spm, no e1pttr1~nt '' neces~ary (CAl •SCAN> Place your ad &odayl (949) 6el2-5678 Everyday is a great day in Cl~ifiedl Be a pan of it, place y001 ad today! (M9} 642-5678 and TANNAH HIRSCH YO OK THE JUDGE 6001 YUllftrnblc. North deal~. I011in& to the ;ice. Si111.o~ Wc\t did not hu vc 11 -.x:ond \padc IO feud, de.: lurer w11' able to ruft' A diamond in dummy NORTit ... 64 -KJ 109643 ) rid I.II~ unc oo IN: k.lna ot hraiu lO l'\lllccl 10 lriek~ kl;.in •one in ach 11t1 cr.ceti< uump.. Could 111ythin# ha\C been OOnc about du 7 • J !)l WF.S1' ~ Yes. bill U i not~) lO pol lhe v.ann•ng defenie e'en lool.ina 11 all four luUMh. At cnct t1110 Ease mu§t continue with • diamond! Whllc lhis pl11y look. f.1taJ lo lhc defense, ckcll&l'CJ' h.a.<i no counlrr. Dummy "'" ~ and docJom-lc:ids a he.In 10 Jhc queen. Wti.t win~ with I.be iice and now playM a trump, reoiovina dum1ny's !'Cllllltnlni <pade. Dcclnrcr rnusl k>sc llllOl.her duunond 11/ld •club • 7 • 95 All 15 Q6 2 AK 10 98 7 • A Q JO 143 • 8 6 5 SOtrrH • AKQJ 10832 '0 0 J 5 .. •K The bidJ.io&: NOKTU EAST SOl11l1 WF.ST oown UQI:. • J• ,._ ,. .... Noo: tbal E!w.-Wcst at11 nW.C li.ve .d'lllll\Ood~ \\1th in,p1rcd play. 'Suppor.c South ~ I biJlh p:l(le und :.hilt' to the queen ol" htl&IU Decbn' -wans in dumm)'. and dnw~ '"' u rou Ill.ls of l.r\IJllP=> wuh I.be q~ 11nd ~ m,.. lhc."11 rvJT' • 'Plllle un the lllblc' Now 1 ~club" led lrom the cabk' lllld. w~ m the .l!Jli. all South l.in d111~ e~ll with J ,pade Of' a trum{> ,_ .... Opcmni lead: Two of Study the bidding illlll pl.i} uf th1> deal Wa\ II a par ~uJr'l JI ll<ll. who erred and bow 5Q'! Oespii< Nonh'~ anem1t ,,,cempt the b1Jdms is d111icuh w filUh At th" vulnerah11ity, ncithcr Ea.~ 111:11' Wc\t ha\ the whc~wllhal to enter the ouc 11011 O«-l:u-er "''"" dr11w' the la.\l ll'l.lmp 11 OOL'C\\IU')i, and can run d ub\ for a hca11 cJj,.,.;anJ East won the J1amollll opcning k:ad and &111 lled to a 11llmp to CUI down Jumrny·i. ruffs, dcclW'Cr wm ning The queen of hcnn' w~' k:U. lncidenlli.lly, )'VU dcc1Jc af fi\'C club~ Cllll be mode agains1 best dcfcn\C. ewe. Jgain. would be willlna todecl.in:.) • Receplleft l •t/ ~lnrtfv ........... l)05llJorl fOf "l busy Real f.sbte F.n on Laci- But.h I ypoo 111 Sluh a mu~t One full tome l>OS'IJOn & one par1 bme ..-eno po$ltlOfl aV1lilable.. rax resume to S Lemoo It 94!M)44 3423 _., __ , Aut. G-eral Mgr./ IOH Upsl 1le Doner on Nrwport Beach seeks Crtoat1ve, experienced and 1 e5pons1ble ACM for ROH OPS to lonllnuP to "Wow" our tusto• rers Wo1k Llosely w"h GM 1n all a'lpf'cls ul busonns l<nowtede• of food prf'p lin exp, in venhn y & orderona I a1 ••~ 949-7?3 I141 MAAKf T UNV.it. AlilRCY ~in.. t 'j() mAon stlffff e-' ....... ,,t ... ., I)~ ~111•1.dld ...... llJyn N Co .,0 ,.f!ects lk••obiro Inn. ~blN;d, h "4' II llflrl1& S 1500/mo ptu~ 888 9l3 6697 (Utl. ·~--~'-...,..,..,,...,.,­Sl'RA Y UN SALON on CdM n•ed' pr employee weekday ~ & 5'll'lll! ~ !M9-719 2119'; Matt JOIN OUR Tr AM and m.ii.e .t dolfrrPttfe Ito the C~hl01n1• Army National Cuard you 'an ,et mon•y trn colle1e ar1d ciuetr tn11nine C..11 I 800 GO GIJARO tCAL •SCAN> Automobiles 9000 Volkswagen '99 Pd~'~I W~n 7lK Mo (4r/11171Whtt,. 1.irr l lhl s 16,6?'> (94'1)b4!> JS79 ee Automotive 9004 Autll '99 A4 Q11attro 18 V6 "Ht u l u•I 1t•r dUlO ·I H ... lm~ l•1t ~"Yl Jlhr 111111 I !.11 '"''~"' & \fll<'lf\ ...... V4'o•.l?I SI 7 m 11111n1 rn~ ••"I Bk1 949 586 1888 WWW.Kf'Obl.com ~ Seytle '90 I L"'>ll 'tyt11oa l11My ~Md<><! ..,,..,.., r~an 811111.mJy 111 "'~" SlD) /14 7'>1 O'l74 Cervette '00 V8 Whol; tan •uto hdttd•hn11 pi." lll< mrtu-SI?~ ,.i,., ~· • ..... 94<j b44 0064 909 140 OOJOull o..... '97 ,.,,,.,!;i Spurt l '> V& 4 7k mo whole ll'O uot l!"ldf!td "'' llkt ntw S64'1S lrn•nt '"II & Wdll :>••ti Bio '149 S86 1888 __:!!.Ww.ocpo.,l.com NEW~ MINI COOPER 'BRG" Leather & Pret111Um PKC l£AS( rDR ~m PLR MONTH • IAX !At Thtst T tr rm On ~o~~ f.led1t • OlllR AT SIMI.AR SAYINGS' • • 171t S.lOOO du~ .11 "•'."'"!: 48 month tlu\t'd 1 •Id led~~ n~ \" u11ty J"IJt1\1I IOI< mol~'P"• ydr [ u _." motes (G> /Oc l•tr rmle (lf4??791 • LffS MOTOO' IT'S F~ •••••••• 55 FREEWAY @ l()MC[R SANTA ANA AUTO MAU (888) 823-9808 DODGE NfO~ Siii< • mr IOOK f<tt w1111, 5 sp blue, 11•~Y mter1<11 ,, rn Im r d .bellJ nrllJn mod S54'l5 '1n avl!I. 8111 Vl45r1:' 9C9 -$86.-1 ... WW $fl,,_._ fertl '95 Tewv• Cl ~howruom colld wh1l1' lully fo;id~d pw1 w•h SlSOO 714 151 2464 SELL - ynu1 onw•nted item~ th1uu11h ct1u1tord HoME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS ~--.. ~ERVICE A TO t HAMOYMAN Install, rel11C1 ceb1neb ~doonlwnlow5 maldrrJ. DOU& 714-54&-7258 • w•u.in • Custom Built ins. Crown Mold1np, 81se Bowds Lt5n982 949 709·5642 c.,tt Repalr1'ala ~CMJlfT o-CAa,.IT 9 Repatrs, Patchin&. Install Courtl!Otlt any size iobs Wholeulel 949 492 020S Cancrlll & Maanry Ind! ltodt: S'-M Tiie Cclna9la. P1UO, Orrwway F•eplc 880 R.rs 25Yrs hp Twq 11• 5S7-7S94 c.,ec Rlplfr/Safa CUSTOM UMODH ANO DfSIGN Al I TRAOES. JO YEARS LXP ll'3J7169 949 631 1345 MUD MORI ROOM? AOOIOONS ' REllUlU~ LIS77982 949 709 5642 Computer Services ~ 11\111111:,111111,11,\ We will ck~rJll }UUr pe1W11al o.-company website and put }OO oohne ror fl"ff You pey only hcx11n11 r«< 714-6U..l786 Co ,, let•"' 1tttoaUtlto11 rt,.U}o61 u .. u lltt MIUI 1 UI IM Ck111}W smitd>int"'1 .. ,, ,.. Jftitl rrW,,11 . Desktop Pvbllshtng lMITOllGIN YOUR HOME tMl'ROVEMlNT HOJECT? C•ll I plumber painter. hd,,.Jtman ni any ol lht' gnllt Sf'r Vt<.f'S lrsltd here 1n our service du et.!Ofyl THE SC l OCAL SVC P£0Pl( CAN HELP YOU TODAY• WITTHOUT O•YWAU All phases sm/lr e IOb' CU~~"· fa1t, free ., 71• 6Jl>.1447 Eledr1cal Services s....,. , ... larttl Ounc11n E.llctrtt 20Yri E 1p l~kR~ S.v!Ct/ftemoclels l~ !M9 65070ol2 U<lMSlD CONJllACTOtl No )Db IDo 1M M __, Repair, remodel, flfl1 ,. ._ WC 9f.MiC5. Jlli6 F1ooltnt'Tile Garage Doon HandymarV ~ S¥c.. 19Yn -... Home Repair ...-. ...ir1o ywd • ~ 141. nW"ll<ln """' •m ~ Comm Rr\ 714 4J6 JSl8 Gardenl!Q landscaplng Lo" T otrat l-4tcOfK W.ly miWll b~ tJ mnq ' 111\tall~toon ?'> Y1• l'Jo.p I "/Insured <.149 '>48 4J6J ~-i awn\ I awn Aer a tine. Sprin•lflrs Trc•u~t 11111. Sp11ne Tun• ups Rep•rts & UP&' •drs '//a•• us do your Dirly W1•r• 714 71S·2'21 THI OlfUUMCI enwme tUUTiflll & llCQUISITI_. . .._.,.,_,_ •flMTIHllnt •O.V-&1-'1,.. 94'-S1S-H24 Tr•• Senrlce, Yard Cleanup, M11nten1nc1, Sp1111ki.t Repa11. Hauhn1 {t0)U04711 f'loortnl'Jllt ------EXPERT INSTALLER IMnlllill• Floor lnst611 $.150 st • f.4okllng, Crown Mo1111no. Linoleum & Sub Floof Rtp.l11 949-582..S881 714-926-3249 RESTORE • REPAIR l REMOOEl INC me u,. Sl'fGLtUST. All types of repetn E tee. lltul pill~. doon walD MWn. '*" ' "'°'' 24rwn 11.1rs 714 B 1881 c..... '~ Carpentry • Pklm"-11 Orywa• • Stucco P a10llfll. T • '·mot' 20-Yt¥s hpeoencel • 714-969-577' l.tll674W ROllNSON COMPANY Klt&.heM. Wais. S.ttitoon"a Nari. 949 6SO 9525 ltfNTA'·HUH ND FOi! HOl'IEYOO'S rour honey woo·1 rrcun i.cc to Utt llltcti.i """949 541-9151 THIN 0 ..... Ah 'lllr«k IUIHntlff ,,.,.,, ..... Olctrat Oocn. fn.tl rare* -~ ffllfilo 'UNIC TO fHI DUMPlll 71• 9611882 AVAll A81 E TOOAYI ' M9 673·5566 DaMy Not I Act1 lll1 -!Ill 18111 ... 'Pl ... ... Mll9afl, maaJAEM• POR9CHE '00 911 CAI Low nlles. custom Wheels,~ 8'4)« fast #852259 '52.IOO M8Z168&.e00 cowr. Boee,Co.~. lollded, good IOOblgll t113266 '21.IOO LAHOAC>VfR .,.,~.)U Loaded, low mies. 4x4 ful at a great prioe. #549423 $13,900 BMW 498 M3 CONVT. co, 5-speed, ~tiler. fo miles, sjf, t bfk Int. #C-44258 $32.IOO MBZ ~ S320 SON . co, leather. moon. clean, priced to sel fast 1241401 _$18,900 M8Z '98 Ml.320 AUTO CO, htv, Bose. moon, 4x4, real~ a batgainllll White. tan. #016225 $18,900 MBl'9030CESOH Auto. sunroof, leather, priced lo sell fast!! 1270075 $7,996 TIL..O•S •UROPl!AN AUTOHAU& a--ao c.. 1n 11toa1r 1..aro.ssa..s154 w-. ....... www.blocars.com J_, "00 GnN a....... 6cyl 2 wd, 3611 •ttuat mo 5olver/grey int alloys, labulOI>' hlle new unmarked cond. 4 yur w.r a...t. v~I Sl3.9!l> fwm ~ 949 S86 1888 •-·••p•bl.com laau• •99 U300 S6 $k mo 1tnt co11d. \1lver1 &• ey leather interior r27.500 949 633 S04 U1tceln '02 N.wl90t•r JOk mo, lull fact warr 51lver sand/tan lthr CD \lalilfll, rhr ome whl\, ulla seat, v67lS18 Sl8 495 fin ' w•11 a•a1t Bk r 949 586 1888 '""-"S AVlO ,_.._ .. ••t«S '2000 S1tv.1 w/Charco•I ftllr, fU W"Hlnty, cei.brlty owned • (119218) •39.NO VWPHtet '99 Grey w/ar•y interior. 2311 11'11 lmm.eul1t1 (119252) SIB,980. V.tve t•O S.tl.,.'92 lhi• i. on• near per Itel Volvo lo own, low miles <•19238) SB,980 • Mttsb20 •-'•'•' .. , lf111111culate Whit• w/Grey llhr, 1211 ml Xenon, 1>oth Tope. (11929!>C) INQUIRCI JC19'""' S-T .,,. k4-t 'OO lmmac Wlllle w/Tan llhr, 3611 mt, 1ood Mt'Vlct r~ords (119Z98C) • ,25,980 1'9nclt• 9ta '""'" c_,.•9., . White w/rare. buu llful f/leather, 191>. ma (fl9206C) $69,980. , ..... 1.,.,.c1111- ltldle l•uer 2000 lull powe1 4lk mile\ Recent trade to us (#189671) $21.980 lftflttlty Q45 S.4•'97 Pearl w/S•ddlat Ith• full power, 51111 mo (#19234) $16.980 Hulftm•' H2 '2003 Whole w/Whote ltl11 moo111ool 2'lOO m1 (119l33C) SS7,980 IMW140CI c-...·•1 Shmty Bl•ck w/lrnmat Goey lull llhr. 1reat ieturds (119180C) $33,980 IMW328t s..t .... ·2000 Whtie w/Crtm~ lthr a/t. lull mdm Bumpe1 to Bumper wa11 (•19191) $18 980 J,,..,_ lUR S.'- 'I '91 n .... t'\ ... ,, .. ne~r p•ll~1 I ShoMy Bliitll Su11•11 h•r&ed S•d•n' loYW milt-\ (•I 88~ It $?8 9l!O 949-574 7777 PHILLIPS AUTO phlfflp•ovto.com ---~1.·­......... '96 C210 beauttlul bl.ck rrr..,n NI .. -'ti S•1"'0 GU lolly toa~d $how1oom l tllf' nrw lo••lt d •uto nn.A sto~ n~r.;\ 24f>I "'°''""'"1 .. ""•' kl .. 74'< mo S'>qoc,I 114 I'> I ?4M ..... c1 .. •99 1320 11~ ntt wholt/gtey 11111 mnoC ,hronie whh braul like new •Ond vS7224 I $Z5.9'Y.> ton •Vdtl BM 949 51!6 1888 www.ocpaW..-.t MerceclH '99 5320 I WB S?k mt 3 yr wa11 avail '\river lblk llhr be.,ut oroe cond v87S14 I SZS 9'Y.> hnanctng av••I 8kt 949 586 1888 -.ecpal.l.c- M•rcotles 'U S60 n .. htt~tan 1mm11c n~ nm ·.-rew d q,, o:trmw>. Sl4!(D 71~JSI 2lt"a4 '17 M.,.t_,. c_,, lX 4 lyl, rel>uolt lr•ns •Int £ood .or• ownen, SI 79S ubo/c1"1 949-642 3l68 T-'• r.,..._ Hev.e ~ Tatll NI.°""' ...., ,. """"' cD1I ~ --nrlls 96.el JQ landsaplng DOUGHUTV UOTHIRS lhle l't'llll TOllttl Sra 1961 Lwldlc:lpt Tree 9.c. ~ lnst/'Rep:ir 714 791 8746 M1scSenlca Al11S1 909 681 6664 r AUX I 0£SIGH MM'91$Dlge HST MOVlllS$S9/Hor 1oen1n1 •• tlltet. Insured fast, cou1teous, careful Tl63844 800-246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE Tht Calif Publfc Ut1hliH Comnusslon ll(IUtrU th1t all ut.ed houuhold 1oods mo11t1s print thtlf ,. U C C•I T number, llrnos end cha111ftu1S pr tnt thttr T C f' numlHf rn •fl -61tw h ment•. If you hlVt 1ny questions •bou lht l•1•11ty ., • mover. titno or th1ut41ur un· l'UISUC UTamlS <O .. ISStOM .,, .... 7 l'OllSCHl '99 CARRlltA At Ill "I•~• m•t~llor .. 11 lttu ii• 't>hrt• ~••Y 1nte1 pwt "'Jih fu f1 "wnd y\t.i11 "' •"' loo Cll lo ,,u It" nH t uwn,., ".t' ·'R"tf lmtnd• 111,..t .. S!>-t !ifXl 949 &/!! 711&9 SELL your stutt through class1f1ed! PalJting AaTIST, strop install wallpaper P•ontina & tau• mu1 al'\, po1tr11ts t09 '81 6664 c1w,.,·. ,...... -zrm. ~ Gre.il Prlr'el GuM11n teed w0t• rr .. nt l•375602 714 538 1534 7 390 2945 .. ~ CUSTOM PAINTING Pion. cie.n l!Ullrty wOt1I lt1tllll'll/nt and dock'\ I 1703468949 631 4610 ,..,._ ....... ,'"- Top Qu•hly CompeliltH Inter IOI' If xt l~228 _£111 Jat 949 6SO 5066 IAINIQW cao.I MMfJ P a111t tnt ~•l ltouMV,tipt Qu1llty IOI>! frte estunale L•569897 714 636-11888 Nl~T AllTOSl'ORT .. WPooc'02 COlll•• ltlle. Whtie/ BIKtlPf-m~ low rndel, loM,!IOll °'O't:~ YeilloW/8i.dl, I lft, only 1000 ml S67 l!J» ,...,....,s ""'" Sld/Tllfl ,.,_, tv•tlatlle ~ 6.000 1'*$llS.OOO 1'...._tll 'QI Callriolet ~ t1llica riotronic. 11 options, 111. motn. '69.500 ~360 ...... '--" '00 Elecbic Dayton SNts, badps, tallpen, I $1~,S(X) ........ .....,s ... e~. Tipttonic, fi4ust -$39,lm fMW • Mllllic-,-~ Crey/81.1d<. ~ WO roob, 21( me. $25.500 ~ """""-'01 • Rusi/Black A SUit Cl.Hslc. 71< m1 $39.000 ......,~·02 Wlffte/Bf.ldl Road 1<111e Classic, Sl8,500 MerceclMCl.ll :no'02 Blue/Gt ey NllJ wllteb. 711 IOI, $39,500 ~TT~ c-~·02 Charcoot/T an 1.000 miles, $316.500 ...__H2'03 Si..clvCrey lu•ut~ Croup 2CJ' wtlftls only IOOrlllln NCWPORI AUTOSPORT 949 S74 5600 ..... - '" .. ~ MfleW ... double set of b1tttfln, prof'l 11111nt1ined Sl.4915, ••._.n ... o.as BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVaS BOATS SUPS/ MOORllGSI lMJNCHlllG/ STORAGE ·. •a-SftH;reat le>ta tlOnl 13ft beam, len(th unl1mlted, 1n Bay Island Cove * 949422-17n PUTARW WORD$TO WORIFOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 PLUG IN Plug into the Ptlot Class1f1ed section to f tnd services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. Daily Pilot Classif1P.d Community Marketplace ~·­Cl.Wllll fl'IQAUIT TWUl7Y ,.,.,.NO 949-66-2352 --.