HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-05 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY,APRILS,2003 .. Pills· set to · .fall on ·Kona Lanes. Bowling alley will close in the next few months, the owner announces. Whether opposition will fade to a department store taldng its place is unclear. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot MESA VERDE -ln January 2001, the lee Capades OiaJet rink emptied for the last time. · The Edwards movie theater screen fell dark in April 200 I. And soon, the Kona Lanes bowling alley will close, joining its fallen com - rades in the recreation grdveyard at Mesa Verde Shopping Center. The closing is a mutual agreement between Kona lanes ·owner Jack Mann Jr. and CJ. Segerstrom & Sons, which owns the property. since the bowling business has been lackluster for a while, said Paul Freeman. spokesman for the Segerstroms. Mann confirmed that Kona Lanes was closing and said be hopes the last pins will fall at I.he end of June, since league bowling ends the first week of that month. The future of the alley has been a hot topic among city officials and resi- dents since the Segerstroms an- nounced plans to put a Kohl's .depart- ment store in the shopping center to replace Kona Lanes, the movie theater and the ice skating rink. The Planning Commission approved the plan, which was appealed by Mayor Karen Robinson. TI)e council is scheduled 10 QUESTION Wiii you stiU fight the planned Kohrs department store now that Kone l.aMS is dosJng7 Call our ? • Readers Hotline at (949) 642--6086 or send e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. Please spell your name and indude your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. Lanes! and refurbished it. It's just got that neat retro architecture and I think it could reaJly attract all the people who are into the retro scene." Kona Lanes opened its doors in . 1959 and is a notable example of Too googie architecture. But the nostalgic a·ppeal of Kana Lanes, which does not have a com- puterized scoring system, WCl.!. no competition for newer. sleeker bowl- ing alleys, such as the o nes in Foun- djscuss her appeal on Monday. trun Valley and Irvine. Kona Lanes Despite the imntlnent demise of general manager Juanj1a Johnwn Kona Lanes. support remains high for said. She has seen busine~ steadily recreation in the area, some Mesa decline for the last eight year!>. she Verde residents say. ' :.aid. "I think the loss of recreation op-And the market for bowling it~lf porturuties in the area would be has !>hrunk subMantiaJly, Freeman tragic,· Robin Leffier said. ~, trunk it said. The Regal Rowling Center in would be really nea1 if some group of investors or an investor bought [Kond See KONA, Page A4 The Tiki googie 51gn of Kana Lanes in Costa Mesa will go dark within the next few months. FILE PHOTO / DAILY PILOT Next police chief could be PHOTOS BY DON LEACH /DAILY PILOT Kaiser sixth-grader Janae Nunn, left, and Nicole Horlick, right. write letters to students at a Camp Pendleton school who have family fighting overseas. Theirs and about 200 other le~ers will be the first shipment of the Operation Kid Link qrogram. The hug is in the mail Kaiser Elementary students find a way to connect with the children of the troops Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot C arol-Lynn Prairie had to fight back tears as she spoke about her 9-year-old daughter Talia's patrlodc enthusiasm, an entbusia,,m sparked by a school project -Operation Kid Link. · Tulia. like many students at Kaiser Elementary School in Costa Mesa, reached out to students of Mary Fay Pendleton Elementary School at Camp Pendleton ln Oceanside. After begging her mother for permission, Thlia dedicated herself to doing what she could to help appease the worried hearts of other students who are Kaiser Elementary s~ader Shay Brown signs •Good luck" to her letter to See MAIL, Paa• A7 a soldier overseas. a woman Four women apply for top cop spot. A woman chief would be a first for region. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA Ml-.SA -rhe c1ty'c; next police chief could be a woman. four out of 37 candidate'.> who applit-d for rellnng Chief Dave ~nowden·~ job were women. and "that., a record for Costd Mesa : City Manager Allan Roeder said "Sixteen vear~ ago. when we hired Quef ~nowd.en. there were no female applicants," EDUCATION he -.aH.1. "Thi-, lime, we had four and I'm really pleased about that I feel It's a positive trend." Roeder said he expects to name a new chief by mid- Apnl. l'he field has been n3(Towed to five candidates. Roeder wouldn't disclose the iden- tiliel> or the genders or the five. If he p1ch one of those ap· plicants. she will be the firsl woman ever to permanently head a ciiy police department in Southern California. said Penny Harrington. founding director of 1-A.-based Na- tional Center for Women and Policing. See CHIEF. Pace M Three UCI grad schools in top 50 Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot lJCJ CAMPU~ -The rankmgr, are in. and the Anteaters have made quite a showing. Three graduate programs in the ans. business and engineer· ing at UC Irvine ranked among the top 50 in the nation. accord· ing to U.S. News & ~rid Re - pon's annual graduate school listin~ rel~ Friday. llle Graduate School of Man- agement and the Herny Samueti FAMILY TIME School of Engineering stepped up their ~ and the Claire Ttt:wr School of the Arts' master of fine ans program in arts made the list for the first time. "The arts are very infrequently rated among uruversities with ~en programs or doctoral progrmm by U.S. News & \\brld Report. - said Nohema Femandet.. the school's interim dean ·b mysti- fies me and has always confueed me. because most l1lliYersities S..UCl,P .. eA7 ,Hoping to keep the crowd· 'Spellbound' Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlltEWEB: www.~com The bearer off amily fan Filmmakers will • • answer questions about their spelling bee documentary. Ca11ady Jeremias '!>Iffy Pilot NBWPORT BEACH -New- comers to fllmmaking Jeff Butz and Sean Welch will be at oday'a ftlm feltiVal to answer quntiona about their Acad- emy AWald-nolDlnated doru· menwy. •Spellbound.• The ft1m IOCUMS on efsht ~erlcan children ~nd tbelr Wnlliet u they mate th~lr . ~ throUCb the National ~ Bee. Joining the ftlm- N1wp0tt Im• 11/11 F1111~11100J ~ Fot. tdMdull of Rim Felt ~ .... P.A12 • makera will be speller Nd a:&· dakla and bla San a~ente family. ... ..,,.,..,,,_M WEATHER ~ It'll be a bit breezy and partty sunny today. Seehl•A2. TIME CHANGE Don't forget to lpffng ahead et 2 a.m. Surid9y. RORTS Co.taMwH1ih'tb111bel tNm _...._for ti rune to tUm. 9M'l'9 '"'° • NMWllV ~ 1N win°""' Eatande. ........ 1 A day or two after the war with Iraq started - or maybe it was a day or two before It began -J read that car sales~ holding steady, that people bad decided that the war was not going to top them Crom making a major pureha.se. That urprlsed me until I put two and two together and 6guft!d that ii air travel ls doWri. which it is, car ~ roust be up. And if c.ar tnYcl Is UPI then folb MID tient a ~tr1de. t haW not bffti on a plant In I yMt tDd I half. My leit ll'tp WM IO ~Alllib. when cay and 1 went lllmor\ ~We returned on Slpl. I 0, 2001, one dily btlole the hJtiurtlt anaci. In Nl!W }bit. STEVE SMITH .. A2 s.turdly, "'11'1 S, 2003 FAITH THE.MORAL OFtHE STORY When .God Spread j_n·g the w.ord H New communications director at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church gives fate some cred~t. '• Horizons readies all 4, l 00 members of St. Andrew's, Johnson said. "It is extremely helpful to get the FYI To find out more ebout St l Andrew'• end \U)C:Omfng ev 1 .., 1 ta, L .. · krtoc~s, .get the ·right door By $uzle Harrison Daily Pilot • · studied graphic ~ In college, · 'edited the higb adrool newspaper, and my grandfather bad owned a newspaper, so my family said It was In my blood." · ~ries to the"community. n~ and thinp and what ls going on/ . call (949) 831-~orgo on ne to "· www . .randmwprn.org. St ~~ Andrew's Presbyterian Church fa atl-; · Johnson said. "It's a great tool" 600 St. Andrew' a Roed In Coeta -'-' '1/ you are never aloM with God, it is not bea.lu.se you are too busy; u is bemult you don'i care for him, dor(t HU him. And you had be~r /0/% the Joas." ' -~ I thought I heard tome0ne knock on our front door, so I went to check. 1~ just started working on this column. and was busily writing, but it was such a gentle knock that I thought th.a! pezbaps a ~J:bood child needed help. I opened the doo~ but nobody Was there. I looked around. but saw only one woman down our bJock. I went to talk with bet: MNo, I didn't knock. but now I can tell you haw excited I am about spending time alone every day with God," she said, Mlt makes such a differen~ in my life." We hugged and then parted ways. Once back home, I sat and stared at my computer. I didn't like what I'd written anymore. so I changed it Soon ideas popped like popcorn in my CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON head I trted to catch and record them as quickly as I could and was typing away when I heard tapping on our door again. I stopped mid-sentence to answer the door. There was nobody anywhere. A neighbor drove by and waved, but that's all. I shrugged my shoulders. returned to my computer and read what I'd written. It was as stale as old popcom I .wondered what to cook for dinner. Within moments. our doort>ell rang. I bolted to the door th.inking that if somebody was playing wding-dong-ditch" I was going to swprise him or her with my speed I threw open the front door and came face to face with a wry surprised delivery woman. She looked nervoll.$, but m8.naged to smile, asked if everything was all right and handed me something to sign. I thanked her and brought a pack.age lnsJde. I returned to my computer and spent more time deleting than I dJd typing. Ten minutes later, I thought I heard a loud knock on the door. I dJdn't move, but the knocking continued, so finally, in frustration, I went to see. Nobody was on the other side. There were some crows bouncing around in the street, but no logicaJ explanation for the knocks. I walked back inside and said out loud, WDear God, I can't write with all the knocking. What do you want me to do?" Then I remembered what my friend said about time aJone with God. something I believe in and try to do daily, but I hadn't that day. I went to a different room, dosed my eyes and sat quietly. The quieter I became, the more peaceful my mind and spirit became. Then it seemed as if l felt God lovingly say. WI was the one knocking, Cindy. I just want to spend time with you. Don't look outside. look to me. Columns will get written and dinners will be made. Cindy, please stop for awhile and just be with me." I came away from that time refreshed and reminded that I need times of quiet with God everyday. I finished the column and later cooked dlnner. When God knocks on my heart and soul. I'm going to try to answer the right door next time. And you can quote me on that • CJHl1'( TRANE CHAISTESON la a Newport Beacn r&1ideot who speaka frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail et cindy€1onthegrow.oom or through the mall at P.O. Box 8141().No. 605, Newport eeacn. CA 92Qi8. I twas fate that brought her to where she is today, or so it seems for Denise Raine, the newly appolnted communications director at St. Andrew's Cllurch in Newport Bea.ch. Raine had maved to Orange County. As luck would have it, while she was stranded at the Atlanta airport during a snowstorm, she had a conversation with a person from Newport Beach. She was looking to join a church in the area, and St. Andrew's was suggested. It was a perfect fit. and eight years later, she loves being a part of the St Andrew's team. "Previously, I spent 13 years as a marketing manager doing communications, advertising and design work: Raine said. "This job seemed like a perfect blend. I FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS LENTEN CHORAL EVENSONG The Lenten Choral Evensong concert, the traditional evensong service, will be performed by St. Michael's choir and soloists at 5 p.m. Sunday. It's the seventh concert in the 2002-03 Friends of Music •First Sundays at Five" Series. All are welcome to these events. No admission diarge. St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, a Christian Community of the Anglican Communion, is at the comer of Pacffic View Drive and Marguerite Avenue, Corona del Mar. LENTEN PROGRAM 2003 The Episcopal Church of Saint Michael will have a program starting at 5:30 p.m. through Wednesday, with evening prayer, dinner and its "Who Wants to be an Episcopalian Series r video series. The church is at Pacific View Drive and Marguerite in Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 644-0463. 'REQUIEM' ON GOOD FRIDAY St Marte Presbyterian Church's Chancel Choir will perform the "Requiem" by Brad Ellingboe with orchestration for organ, timpani, flute, oboe, cello and harp. The concert will be at 7:30 p.m. April 18. St Mark's is at 2100 Mar Vista Drive in Newport Beach. Information: (949) 644-1341. INTERFAITH COUNCIL LUNCHEON Rabbi Marte Miller of Temple Bat Yam will provide an introduction to Pessover, while Dennis Short of Harbor Christian Church will provide an Introduction to Easter at the April. 16 luncheon meeting of the Newport-Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council. It will be held 11 :46 a.m. at Temple Bat Yam in Newport Beach. The event will cost $7.50 per person with reservations and $10 without. Information: (949) 660-8665. WORKSHOPS BAHAI F1RESIDES Mernbe,.. of the Behal faith hold informal public dlacuaalona on aplrituel topics et 7:30 p.m. every Friday end at 11 :30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks Include brunch One of Raine's main responsibilities is the church's monthty newsletter, Hori7.ons. as well as the Web site. In times of need, such as the war, the church is sensitive to the needs of the community. and she worts closely with other staff to make sure they are reaching out and communicating information well. Laura Jolmson is the community outreach director for missions. "We work closely together. She needs to be familiar with all the ministries and be involved with that," Jolmson said. "We both started about the same time. and it's wonderful that we're both enthusiastic about what we are doing." or dinner. Also, Interfaith devotional meetings will be held the last · Saturday evening of the month. Call for locationa. (949) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sundayrneeting,and(949)64&6128 for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an lntrodtJCtion to Zen Woricshop from 3 to 6 p.m. the first Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St., Coste Mesa. $50. (949) 722-7818. A SPtRITUAL JOURNEY A ~esson study on the life of Jesus Christ titted •Journey to the Cross" is taught at 9:46 a.m. Sundays during the Homebuilder'• Bible Class at liberty Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The chun:h is at 1000 Bison Ave., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 780-5444. DREAM ON The Adult Feith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church In Newport Beech holds a dream analysis group from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays at 2046 Mar Viste Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408. MEDITATION LESSONS A tree "fectio dlvine" meditation group meeting Is held at 7:10 a.m. Tuesdays at Our lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mer Vist.e Drive, Newport Beactl. Lectlo is a style of meditation that includes using Scripture or a special reeding u a stimulus. The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m . on the first end third Wednesdays of each month at the center. The format Includes two periods of meditation with some Instruction on how to meditate, a talk and a di.cussion. (949) 219-1408. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family SeMce offers a support group for women older then 50 to address laauea auch es anxiety at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each mofllh at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesi. Preregiatnltlon required. (714) 445-4950. NEW GRotJ»S Jewish Femlly SeMce of Orange Daily.A Pilot ConlWleolt Newt aulstant. (!MS) 574-4298 corel.wlllon•Jatitn#.com PHOT'OORAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leectt. Kent Treptow b 16«>. Co.ti M .... CA 92628. Copyright No news It.Oriel, 111Ulltr8tionl, ed~•I mauer or advenleementa hetWln cen be reproduC9d without written pennlMlon of oopyy1ght owner. '· VOL 97, NO. 95 News &lllor9 Gina Alexander, L.ot1 AndenlOn, Daniel Hunt. Paul Seltowttz. Denlel Stevent NEW8 llTAfltll Crime '=9 0::-'9PQf1er, (948) 574-42.2e ~.bhMdt•J«J,.,,..com June=·· N4'WPOf't r.porw, (IMIJ57~2 JiJM.oaMg19rK»•t.i1nw.corn ,..Clnton l'l:>lltb end environment~. (IMl)*"4!30 f»lll.dlnron•IMJnw.com Lella ..... Columnllt. culture~ 1Mlf7~ lollta.hMptlr.,.,,,,_,aom .,..,.. ........... Com ..... .....-. (Ml)&74-4221 ~•J«Jttw.oom et•••C--. Ecluoldon rtPO'W. IM) 174-4281 ~•lltltrw.oorn READERS Hq1\JNE (IMS) 642-«>88 l*:ord your comments about the D1111Y Pilot or news tlPe. Addf.a Our 9dd'9M l1 330 W. S.y St., eo.i. Mau, CA 92827. Oftke hours.,. Monday • Fr1dey, t.30 a.m. -5 p.m. C:on9Ctlot• It II the Pllot't policy to promptly cotrec:t all errot8 of aubstance. PleaMca11(948)~ FYI TM N.wpoft 8alcNCoata Meu ~ Piiot (USPS-144-800) le publlthed ct.fly. In~ IMdt endeo.t.Meu, IU~ .... ~abla only bV ltUbeal'lbinO IO The Tlmee ~ Countf (IOO) 2152-9141. In.,.. out9lde Clf Newpot\ llelMfl fnd eo.. Meait. *lblicripdo.. '°the Delly Piiot.,. .,.....,.. Oftty bV ftnt ctM9"""' tor $30 .. rnondt. (""°'9 ~ ... aPPllCallle ... end IOcilt...., l'05™AST!A: Sand eddf98I .,....,The~ ~Mell Otlty Not. '-0. HOW 10 RIACtt U8 ~ The Tlmee Orsnge County (800) 262-11'1 M¥uM:1 cs .... (948) 8'2"6871 =re1e.u..m1 ..... (Ml) .. ueto =(IM8)57iMm ,. ("48) '4Mt70 .,..... ,.. (Ml) 81J0.0170 ~ dalfypllot•tMlmM.com Malft°"9e .. t -Ollee (t48) .. 2-421 • ··-.. (Ml) 1)1.71~ Through Shalimar Learning, an outreach program in c.osta Mesa, whJch Is one of St. Andrew's minlstties, staff member Crissy Brooks went to the house of the family of a young man just killed In the war, Johnson said. "We're available to be with people in our community that have those needs," Johnson said. MWe try to get people as excited about mission outreach as we are. We work together on that standpoint, too.· R3ine said that she likes being involved with outreach, being involved with the community. With all her responsibilities, she feels it's incredible to find all those things together in one job. Raine said that, in an upcoming meeting. they were going to County has formed a bereavement support group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meets at 10 a.m. Thursdays. Both groups·meet at Temple Judea in Laguna Hiiis, 24612 Moulton Perttwey. The service Is also forming a parenting support group to meet the first and third Mondays of each month at 10 a.m. at the Jewish Federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, CoS18 Mesa. Preregistr.ation required. (714) 4454960. GAY /LESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange Cot.lnty plans to present a discussion group for parents of Jewish gays and lesbians if enough people are interested. (714) 445-4950. MYSTICAL AND SPIRITUAL The Mystical Spiritualist Church of South Orange County holds Sunday services every week et 10 a.m. at 2482 Newport Blvd., Costa Men, Suite 3. A spiritual healing service starts at 9:30 a.m. (949) 581 -2290. RE-MEMBERING GROUP Our Lady Queen of Angels holds a re-membering group at 6:15 p.m. every other Sunday at 2046 Mar VistB Drive, Newport Beach. The parish center ia at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) !)48..3844. BREAKFAST FEUOWSHIP St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Churctt holda lta Men's Fellowship Breakfast et 7 a.m. on the second, third end fourth Thuradaya of eech month at 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. Free. (949) 644-0463. MEN'S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST The Men'• Fellowship Breakfast of St. AndreW's Preabyterian Church meets from 7 to 8 e.m. Wednesdays in Oierenfield Hall, 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. All men of the church and community are welcome to attend. $2.50 et the door. (949) 831-2880. YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Jewlah Family Service of Orange County offers e aupport group for younger women deellng with laauea aucti aa life paaaages and changes. body lmagea, family, reletlonahlpa end lonellneaa et 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Meae. t-; l brainstorm about writing articles of • ..,.. comfort, and see how many service 1 vt.. men and women and their famlllea r.v. ~ are in the community to reach out. ~ ...... to them. • ... The church bas more than 800 ,, events each month that c.ater to , .~· every facet of the church and it.s people. :o.. "One of the wonderful things •... . about St. Andrew's Is the Incredible • international talent." Raine aa1d. ·1 used to work at Hallmark and I compare St. Andrew's to Hallrnadc Everyone is well educated, and l have learned so much. The resources and knowledge are top notch. It's a great place to work in terms of learning and growth." the agency office, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. HELPtNG THE HElPERS Jewish Family Services ia sponsoring a discunion group focusing oA the issues end concern• faced by adult children taking care of their elderly parenta. The group will be offered Tuesday. The offices are at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration ia required. $10. (714) 445-4960. INTERFN'Ot COUPLES GROUP Jewish Family Service ia forming a 1 discussion group for lntarfelth couples where one partner It Jewish to speak about Issues affecting an interfaith reletloNhip. Call for times and datea. Jewish ' Family Service I• at 250 E. Pak.er J St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration Is required. (714) ~ ; 445-4950. I I , ANXIETY /D£PR£S$ION SUflPORT • The Jewish Family Service of 1: Orange County offers a support and : discussion group for adult.a • • experiencing enxlety and or t depression at 9 a.m. Mondays at the agency offlcea, 250 E. Bahr St., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 446-4950. BEREAVEMENT SlffORT Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a new ongoing bereavement support group for ~ people in all stage• of lou at 7 p.m .: Tuesdays at the Jewish Family • Service, 250 E. Beker St., Suite G, ' • Coste Mesa. Free. (714) 446-4950. t IUNESS SUPPORT GROlP \ I\ Jewish Family Service of Orange v County sponsors an ongoing Y, Jewiah healing support group for " f people experiencing chronic lllMU. t The group meets at 7 p.m. : Thursdays at Jewish Family • Service, 250 E. Bak.er St., Suite G, .. • Costa Meaa. Free. Preregistration • • required. (714) 445-4950. .. ' \ • la your church or place of worship ~ planning a special event? tf so, send I the typed information at leat two weeks before the event to the Dally ' I Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Me.a, CA ' ' 92627. attention: Paul Saitowl1z, ' religion editor.; fax to (949) 8484170 ' ,. or tend e-mail to dellypllot•l•tlm••·com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Agein, we'll hav9 the allghtelt dlance of ahowe,.. thi. momlnQ, though for the "'°" part, rt'll Just be anoth9r penty •mny day, wfth hlg'ha In the ~r eo.. tt'll alao be a tad ~ttlemomlng and abmoort. Lowa will be In the mkMOI. ~: www.nwanoa..QCW BOATING FORECAST The YMtlf1Y wlnda ~II blOw 10 to 20 knOta In the Inner 'MNr9 \Odey, wtth 1· to Moot WW.. and. mlJC9d w.r and '°""" twttf of about' ..... '"" ---becOme'M~ and ..... *'41'10 ..... tNt w.nlno • OutfMhw.h "°""'1111"'1ty .. wM blow 20 lltMMI .....,, but wtM build to 21tol0knoll In ... ~ ....,..,.tD ... ~and• norltlWIM IW9I of I to 7 ilM. TIDES ... 6:11 a.m. t1:23a.m. 4:12 ~.m. 10'.3tp.m. I \ l f : . . I I 1 · : \ . .. . ~P*lt Saturday, ~ s. 2003 • r Vanguard offers scholarships to Costa Mesa, Estancia grads \\ a11t \'our I .o,1 S 1 o c I, 1 n ' l '' 1 1 n l ' 111 I ~ a l . I... .' Many investors have offered serious loss due to unsuitable investments or unsound advice High school officials call the awards 'big help' tq graduating seniors. relations at Vanguard. "We're try- ing lO be more lnYolYed. We feel sometimes students forget you're there because you·re so c:loee or they think. 'I can't afford to go there anyway because it's a private school'" 'I'm really happy and thankful to Vanguard University for the support. I think it's going to help defray a lot of the cost that otherwise would keep some of our kids out of college, who couldn't afford it.' fltt: S6o/o of all stock loss claims are won by investors (NASO> ~ I ( I( 1, I c ) ""I \ \\ \ I I c' ' ' I bi.~ I :.. ---" I I II h -\ I I \ Christin• Carrillo · Dally Piiot OOSTA MESA-Vanguard Uni- versity will provide $20,000 schol- arships to four seniOlS at ~ Mesa and Estancia high schools this year. part of a campaign to strengthen its bonds with the Newport-Mesa community. Having already ~ a similar relationship with schools in the Santa Ana Unified School District. Vanguard has turned its attention to building a better worldng relationship with its clos- est neighbors in the Newport- Mesa Unified SchooJ District. -it's part of our initiative at the university to reach out to our local community, -said Dave FJliott, as- sociate vice president of university L~~ RiceChips • s. Sil lt'1-t .. CMlrt •Pla>•G~ • SlliD Fe BBQ •Saamt REG. "'l.19 1tyin8 to erase those miscon- ceptions and encourage gradwit- fng students in CMta tAesa to re· think attending Vanguard. oflldals will offer two students. from each school $5.000 recurring scholar- ships. 'Tm real pleased that Vanguard has entered into a cooperative re- lationship with our district." 6aid Jaime Castellanos. assistant super- intendent for the district. -1 think they do well by our students by helping them out financially." With the scholarships, Van- guard officials hope to encourage students lo continue their educa- tion. They made them recurring scholarships to encourc1ge stu· dents to complete their education. "We want students to stay in school and finish," Elliott said. "It's ·Jaimee.~ Assistant superintendent for the Newport-Mesa ~med school district a retention factor ... that tends to be an incentive for kids to stiy in School and finish.. About fK)9(, of Vanguard's stu- dent body comes from Southern California. The scholarship will financially assist students up to eight semes- ters. making each scholarship worth about $20,000. -rt's a big help for our lcids. I'm really happy and thankful to Van- guard University for the support.~ Castellanos said. "I think it's going to help defray a lot of the cost that otherwise would keep some of our kids out of college. who couldn't afford it~ To qualify for the scholarship studmts must gJaduate from one of the two schools, show leader- ship qualities and service in the community and have a 3.0 gJade point average or higher. The scholarship. which will be· gin this fall, is the first step in a partnership that school officials hope to expand throughout the district. "Were very excited about it be- cause it's a nice partnership ... with the schools in Costa Mesa." Estancia Principal Tom Antal said. "llley're great partners. from this end and we hope to be a.o. good for them." Palomar MOIDltain Wheat Bread 10 Varieties to Choou REG.'1 .~ Ftala~.,89 REG. '3.39 ~ 32 oz. WFsrBRAE NATURAL O '-:~c~ya:.u-ub@ ... ~ So~Salsa •CHUNKY -Mild -MediUm -Hot • GREEN CHJlJ ~~Hot $1'99 REG. "'l.99 £ 1&az. Organic Beans • Bbck • Red • Soup • Soy Bean • Chili • Great Northern • Lentil • Satad • Pinto • Kidney • GaJbanzo REG . .-,.19 .U•FMULTIPLE FEIMA' F MULTIPLE Advanmd Phytonutrient Multiple Vitamin, Mineral and Herbal Fonnula MAJE DADY RfQMP1 ind•wln: Chwo£ Saw Palmetto .... ..,.IPIL fPWE DADY BQilMEN iPc:hMlec Dcq Qaai, BJadr ColMMb and SOy llo8awoe. REG. "lO. 70 SLj!!. Ulti••mte Zinc-C in a HobaJ Base of &:hinacea wiJh Propolis s 99 & Slippel'g Elm SUGG. '16.50 SUGG. '9.99 UJTEIN20mg c--' .,_,,,,,......_ ISSi•;;•t rfllfl ._,!ii""""'" ·--· 99 SUGG. '17.15 •• 1 - J 1 I / _ A _ p ~ _ J. _ SAVE UP ~~~ v~ ~ 1osa.21! - - ---- J A s 0 N , s Value Pads -~· ;soY .)' lr~Q!}f Y.21 Vegan Sog Prot.ein ... Beef's~ Ab Lope '1lwml • "Ollciam" 5t)4e sr ·Soy~·· REG.14.39 11 az. ~wallaby Organic l ~ Lowfat '--' '\ Yogmt - 11 Flavors to Choose REG.99' BULK SAVINGS Marin OGBARS 8 lm'itdes to OtD06e Prom REG. ~.29 SZ2? --- FJ),U-5~ Apl9-~ &30 to 7:30 pm AU'ERNATlfE 71lFJW'IES PORAS1JINA •AILERCIBS &J It Holmes, CN. & BiO Moss. D.C FREE Seminar (CM Patio) ' . M S&rdlf, ADrl 5, 2003 eff Ewing & !.ylun Ewing WHEN SLEEPING DOGS DON'T LIE! It is impOrtant tO be absolutely candid with 'yolJ!. agent and buyers about the coOdition of the property when you are selling your ,home. If there is anything wrong with the roof, the plumbing, ·the wiring or structure, it will probably not remain a ''sleeping dog". "It" will probably wake up, snarl. growl and snap at your ankles at the precise moment your buyers feel their first stirring of buyers' remorse. Concealing a defect is a serious mauer when you are selling a home. lt is unlikeJy that such defects will go undetected because most buyers get a physical inspection before they are contractually obliged to complete the purchase. Buyers almost never accept structural problems easily, but they can usually deal with a house with some issues, if they know what they are getting into from the beginning. When selling your home, your Realtor will provide you with a seller's disclosure form. Lyleen and Jeff have 31 consecutive years of real estate experience in Newport Beach. For professional service or advice with all your real estate needs call the Ewings at Coast Newport-Coldwell Banker at (949) 759-3796. The Ewings Are Coast Newport Property's t1 Team For 2001 OBITUARY RAYM.ARNDT Ray M. Arndt, a 37-year Costa Mesa resident, died Thursday of cancer. He was 91. He is survived by wife Marie; daughters Sandra Rae Hollenbeck; Judith Laura Arndt; son Robert V. Arndt; three grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. FAMILY Continued from Al repair bill. some are thinking about where they should be instead of a busy intersection (in my case, it was Little League practice) and some people are thinking about world peace. But me? I was thinking about our Wmdstar and how well it had served us for the past six and a half years. The Windstar began as a •The Daily Pilot welcomes obituaries for residents or former residents of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. If you want to have an obituary printed In the Pilot, ask your mprtuary to fax us the information at (949) 646-4170 or call the newsroom at (949) 764-4324. multipurpose vehicle and was regularly seen on the San Joaquin Hills toll road as I brought goods to UPS in Laguna Niguel from my warehouse in Costa Mesa to ship to the customers of my old import business.. Once I turned to writing full ti.me, the Wmdstar also moved to full -time duty as family car. The Wtndstar took us on more trips to Yosemite than I can count, plus Palm Desert, the San Francisco Bay Area. the SPEI I BOUN_p Continued from Al Welch aaid their fllm ls fllled with deb, beautifWJy complex AmeriC81' stories. "When we started. we thought the National SpeWng Bee would be a window to America, but it turned out to be a dramatic background for American f'aml1.lea living the American dream.• N~rt Beac~ Film F.esttval marketing director Todd Quar- tarero said the decision to use thle film in the festival was made even before it was nomi- nated for an award. "Tb.ls ls an amazing docu- mentary." he said. "This one stood out ~oog tbe more f.)lan 1,000 entries we received." • '"SpellboUnd" has been CHIEF Continued from Al Harrington holds the distinc- tion of being tbe first female chief of police in a major city. She was appointed to the posi- tion in Portland, Ore., in 1985. "The only chief in Southern California we know of was Ro- berta Reddick. who was briefly acting or interim police chief or Compton," she said. Reddick declined to accept the position permanently and retired several years ago, Har- rington said. San Diego has also seen females as assistant police chiefs and high-ran.king offi- cers, but never as chief. Orange County has not had a female chief except at small university police departments, including UC Irvine, which Ka- thy Hooven led until she retir~ last year. California coast, Lake Tuhoe and many. many points in between. The kids liked it because of the big windows and the seats that were situated so they looked down on the world, not up. as in many sedans and station wagons. I liked the Wmdstar because It was dependable, the current troubles notwithstanding. I also liked it because it had one of the best, or maybe even the best. safety record. But our trusty family car is dead, and I don't think I'm going ••••••••••••• \to put money into it to fix lt At 112,000 mDes, my Spidey-Sense ' Friends of the Mission a at South Coast Plaza Crate and Barrel/Mac~·s Home Store Wing 5e the first t:o experience The Southern California Spring Garden show. ~ E:njo.Y the live sounds of Alturas Music and fine cuisine from South Coast Plaza's award-winning restaurants. ~ Special guest appearance b.Y Chris Casson Madden, who wi11 debut her new ~ Furniture Colloction and auto- graph copies of her new book, "chris Maddens New American Living Rooms.11 Ttekcts arc avail~~lo'at $-+0.00 per person. .RSVP toda.Y, b.Y calling (71+) ~-211} All~nt~suppart~ ~furthe . Great Stone church Monument at Missiof, San Juan Capistrano. • VOLVO ---i-.-t .... IIGIJ1 ... t1a.tat / is telling me it's time to part company. Our family spent a lot of time in that car, enjoying each other's company. We'd listen to books KONA Continued from Al Orange couldn't even last a year. Freeman pointed out Because of tbe economic dol- drums the alley went through. the Segerstroms gave Mann some concessions in rent, which allowed him to keep Kana Lanes open on a month-to-month ba- sis. "There was just no way to sign up for a long-term commitment because tbe business jUst wasn' there." Freeman said. "(l(ona Lanes] would have closed before WHATS AFLOAT •WHATS AR.OAT la published periodically. If you ere pfenning e neuticet event, aubmft the Information to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Cotta Meu, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 846-4170; or by,e-meilto daityp;lot#llatltne$.com. SAllJ«) CLASSES 0...,.. eo.t Colege Is offering MW credit and noncredit Mllfng dHMI this spring. Most ct.... ere five weeb In lenG'h, end bo$ range~ Udo 14 dingh!M to large oceen recera, even keelboata. Cruising eemlnan ere elao being taught. The OCC Seiling c.tlter It at 1801 W. Plc:iftc Coast Hfghway, N.wpott 8"c:h. (949) 646-8412 or vilii occulllng.com. ahown at more than 50 fett:l\lalt Jett and I started in 1998, ~it wu mlde and w01 mate thoupt Lt would j\llr be the• minds t.brougb the 1ummer lD ol ua and our famDla wllg Australia. Ireland and tarael. So would eee the ftlm," he laid. far, Welch bu been to 20. He aa.ld they woke up early on "I thJnk audiences always en-Feb. U when the norninatlo• Joy filmmakers being there," be were announced. Xnowtng tlait said. . thek category would not be an- "'lbere is • strong slate of nounced live, he said he k~t documentaries at tbit festival, · checking the internet _ and the more people who see . "At 5:45 a.m.., 1t came up. Aalf oUJ'll the more people will know was dJaling Jeff, I could aee ~ abo~f us," Welch said. "We were number on my caller 1.D." v just a couple of unknowns here Welch eald that, moat of 811. in L.A." he really appreciated the gr The two bad to get 14 dUfer-lationabips he forged whlJ'e ent credit cards to futld the 61ming, especially with ~ film. convince contestants and families. He said they hope ~ their families to be part of the •put those contestants who d.ld project and learn bow ta use not make it !o th.e nationals, the film equip1Qent. Upon bear-and therefore not onto the Bma. ing of the Academy Award on the DVt>. . . 1; nomination, Welch said he was · The film will be shown at thrilled. 3:30 thi5 afternoon at the Lido "It ':Vas . unexpected. ~n Theater. "Orange County has a repu- tation fo.r being fairly conserva- tive," Harrington said. "There is still a bias here against women in policing and it's probably seen as a rpacho man job." From personal experience and talking with several female chiefs around the nation, Har- rington says she knows that women in high positions draw "way more attention than men." "l had the press living with me for the year and a half that I was chief," she said. More than so-called "attitude problems" from male subordi- nates. women struggle with in- ternal politics, "people doing whatever they can to get your job," and the pressure of having to be super chief, Harrington said. ~ "Women police chiefs are usually held under a higher level of scrutiny," she said. on tape, even old radio shows we found on CDs. play auto bingo and guessing games. As you probably know. we did not have a monitor to play movies and never missed it, even on the IO-hour drives to Lake Tubae. It's not normal to get so sentimental about a car, particularly a family minivan. but I'm cutting myself some slack because our culture here in Southern California is so different than the rest of the country. Because we spend so much ti.me in our cars, in some respects. it's bard not to get attached to a good one like the Wmdstar. So today, I will start looking for another car. I may even choose another Wmdstar. But one thing I know for certain is oow [if not) for the rent conces- sions, which are no reflection on the operators of the bowling al- ley. It's just a function of the marketplace." Refurbish.Ing Kon.a Lanes would cost millions of dollars. which the Costa Mesa bowling market can't support, Freeman added. Robinson said she was disap- pointed to hear about Kana Lane's dosing. • "I think there's a tremendous amount of support in this com- munity for Kana Lanes." Robin- son said ·1 certa1n}y don't know if the closing of Kana will cause "They definitely have to wol.k harder to prove themselves lit for the position." 1 Roeder said he believes "Costa Mesa is ready" for a woman at the head of the Police Department. "I very much believe this is a community that will support anyone who is concerned about them and earns their respect," he said. "The people of Costa Mesa will support anyone of any race. color. gender or age as long as they do a good job." Councilman Gary MonahjWl agreed with the city manager. "I'm only interested in &he best person for the job," be said. "I don't care if it's a man, woman or Martian ... • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be readied at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharathfllatlmes,com. that no 2003 vehicle will be as advanced as that 1964 Rambler station wagon with the seats that folded flat ••• If you like plants, do yourself a massive favor and visit Victoria Elementary School between 8 am. and noon today. It's their famous semi-annual plant sale, where the latest and greatest 31,'.f sold at very low prices.. All the money goes right back to the PTA. The school is on Vlctoria ill Costa Mesa between Placentia, Avenue and Brookhwst Street. , •STEVE SMITlf Is a Costa Mesa , resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a meaage for· him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (9491642-6086. , . . fKobl'a opponents! to fight all)' harder. There's a pretty big fidlt right now." ~ Pula. 23, who was bowl- ing at Kona Lanes on Frid;ly afternoon with some family members, said he will miss the all~ if it's gone. "I like this place, -the Santa Ana resident said. "It's probabl&' the closest bowling alley to w.Y house. The Fountain ~ prices are outrageous." • DBADAE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail et deirdre.newman@latimes.oom. ' . Martin Joe Brockman, DDS It la with deep sadness that family announces the passing of Brockman. age 70, due complications from diabetes Match 31, 2003. Resident o1 ...,IUQI., Beach, Joe was a retired cten after a 35-year practice In Neiwocllf Beach. Forever a Trojan, he graduate of USC and the U School of Oentlatry. One of puaiona was being an Instructor In the operative department the USC Dental Sohoof for the past 40 yeera. SurvM>ra ·"""°1111191 his wtfe, Leslie Brodunari; his children, Cmclf. Kurt emc~.-.i USN, and Kristen Brodunan-St. Aubin; step-daughtet'a u.r.-J and Monika Johnston; grandohllchn o.wt. Allilotl, and Mlf dl 11 .. IO Md Chftlll9 llnd Bfyeon BfOCktnM; brother E. ~. Ind mlll)' beecw9d '"8nds. A •:OO p.m. memottat oelebfatioti ot htl th folOWed bV a reoepllon wtll .._ pl9Ce • St. Mark P~ ctud\, 21 Mer Vllta, ~ ee.ctl on~. Apct 13, In '*'of donedol'8 may b9 mlde to the Atn8ffcan Olltl .... "A•ocllllklW. \ \ . ·ruver conservancy proposal :!!Jndergoes more changes ~semblyman Lou :Correa names 1governing parties with . MOting powers that .J'ould lead agency. '1'eul Clinton l0ailyPilot 1.iu . •. ..LNEWJ>OR'f·MESA -Hoping a find consens us on what was thought to be a slam-dunk bill, lwemblyman Lou Correa CD· 5anta Ana} has amended a pro- posal to create a San\a Ana RJver conservancy. The agency would be enlisted to-protect and restore the 96· thile wa1erway that runs from its lip at the border of Newpon 1'each and I luntmgton Beach through three counties. It also runs along C~ta Mesa'<; border at Fairview Parle.. • Correa, on March 2R. added a •' new wrinkle to his Assembly Bill 496 that delineates the~ body. It names the 13 agencies whose representatives would have voting powers and the nine nonvoting members. "We know we had lo get a gbv- ernance structure in," said Bill Onon, a Correa aide. "We'd like everybody to continue com · menting. Hopefully. we'll get i1 right" In February, Correa proposed the legislation, which garnered broad-based support. Bu t by mid·Man:h, three cpunty super- visors, including Newport-Mesa representative Jim Silva, said they didn't support the bill be· cause it adds unneeded bu- reaucracy and could imperil plans to extend the Orange Free- way. "I believe we should avoid ere· aung additional layers of govern· ment," Silva said at the time. lhe biU ha.S collected endorse· ments from assembly members Ken Maddox. who repre3rnts Costa Mesa. a.nd Tom Harman (R·lfuntlngton Beach). Both are listed as co authon. . Correa. who is considering runnmg for a supervisor's seat, has disagreed with the critique that the bill creates more red tape. I le !klid the biU would, 111 actuality, connect a variety of agenoie1>, so they could pin down more bond funding for river projects. Correa hab aJ\o J)ulJed hi., re- que<tt for a Monday hearing on the bill m che ~mbly'S m1turaJ re!>Ource\ rommittee. lne hear· 1nM t\ now --et for April 21. Onon said In the amendment, (.orrea hsted I .I agencie'> who...e repre- sentauvc., would '>ti on the ton- servancy, 1nclud111g a '>Upervisor from the nver\ three countte'> and three member. of city coun· cifc, m thl' '>lre<un\ path. Annexation hinges on millions Newport Beach officials are working with the -0ounty to get co ntrol of Santa Ana Height's ~development agency and its $30 million. June CHa1rande Daily Pilot NF.WPOITT Bb'\U I -Pretty much everyone who has weighed in so far agree!>. The c1ry of Newport Beach can do a much beuer Job of c;pendmg Santa Ana Heights' 11ullions m redt>Velopment money than the county can. Even Orange County Supervt· sor Jim Silva thinks so. "I think that 1t would be easier for the city of Newport Beach to administer the re· development agency." Sliva 1>ald. "It would cut an awful lot of red tape .. 'City officials met with Silva hMll week in hopei. of eventuaJly convincing the county board of supervisors to approve handing oirer the redevelopment agency to the ciry The agency has about SJO million '>et aside 10 make improvements to the Santa Ana I le1ghtc, area, a-. well as several m1lhon a year through 2035 from property taxes. East Santa Ana Heights is already lated to become part of Newport Beach We'>t Sama Ana Heights 1s being considered for membership m the city, and city ~cials have said that ta.king control of the redevelopment agency's finances Is a deal· breaker for that annexation. ''Regardless of who manages it, 'tfie money must be c;pent m the redevelopment area. ~•""I believe we can -;pend that l:noney faster than the county ·~d get the area up to speed ntster." Assistant City Manager Dave Ki ff said The money will go toward im· ·' proving streets, sewer lines, a fire station and possibly a com· muniry center. But there are a 101 of details to be worked out before everyone will agree to put redevelopment in the cny's hands: One of the trickiest poillls m · volves John Wayne Airport The airport is pan of the redevelop· ment area and is its biggest con· 1ributor -about S6 million a year of the airport's truces go to the redevelopment agency The city hopes 10 keep it that way. But that couJd be difficult be cause the airport is. the onJy portion of the redevelopment area that's not slated 10 be an· nexed to Newport Beach. Thus, if Newport Beach a nnexes all of Santa Ana Heights and talces over ii!> redevelopment agency, the largest chunk of mo ney coming mto the agency will be from the airport, which 1s out· side the city "We're committed 10 working out the details in a way that's fair to everyone," Sliva said, em · phasizmg that the airport will remain in the county. Fven many residents are opli· m1suc that they can strike a good deal with the city. but wtth some reservations. ·At th.is point. as a commu· nity. we're willing to say to the city: ConVJnce us as best you can that you're able 10 admin1s· ter this in a way that's more ac- ceptable to us than what we've had. If they can do that. then we suppo rt this," said Roger Sum· mers, president of the resident group that represents residents to the redevelo pment agency. Summers said that residents --~~ -I I I I ' 0rchid sate Orchids $5°0 to s2.so0 APRIL 5, 12, 19-& 26 • OPEN TO THE PUBUC • Ev.ERV SATURDAY 9-4 P.M. 1,000'S IN STOCK Newport Beach's only Orchid Nursery WHOLESALE TROPICAL NURSERY want reas<.urunccs that lht.' di\ will not disrupt proJCltc; no.:. being planned by thl' county re- Jevelopmcnl agem·y fht''>c pro1ech include putting u11lt11l'-. underground, crea1111g a horw arena and improving thang-. like dramagl'. "dewaJks and firl' Ii\ drants. C,ummer-. al'>o said Ill' v.am' rc.t'>'>Urances th.ti till' n t\ won't derail the re'>tdent-. pl,111~ for a t ommuntt)' n·ntt'r ,111J that the re-..dcnl'> will get a g1wJ deal on d firl' 'il<ltion r hl· l ll\ want'> to PJ} lur .i Int' '>talion in lhl' area ext lthl\'l')\ w11h redevelopment mnm·~. even rhough the firt.' ... 1a11on wouJd wrvl .trl'.t'> tha1 art· ..i.I ready part ol \Jcwport llt'd< h Summer., -..11J th.11 tilt.' ,1gt'nt \' con1nbu11on to till' ltrt-..,talion \huuld hl' proport11111<1t1· to -.erv1tl' rnll'> Hl tht• n·dl'\dop· ment area. "llll'y'rt• 1rv111g to ... uggl·..,t 1h.11 we c,hould pa} for .1 ... 111111 h J.'> HO% to 100%. hut wh.11 11 onl~ 30% of call., go lo thl· proiect area? Is that fa1r'l'" '-lumrnl'r'> asked 'Dazzling Smile 'Dental (jroup COSME11C t11 GENERAL D6NTISTRY · Tarl'it Ccortc ZritouM 0.0.S., foe. Dr. George --.J.u:Jlnpmi~tal.com OFFICE HOURS Monday,fnday 10:00am-5:00pm c;,arurd.ly & Evenings Appc.~. Available \\'< ('(•0Hlll<nth C<.:rt :IC g49 .. 515 .. 1111 204 E. 17th Street, Suite 201 Costa Mesa, CA 9262 7 0 Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? D1J your )toLkbroker recommend ~tocks ba1,ed upon ht) brokn.tgt· firm\ )COtk JnJlysc•,' re<.0rnmcndat1om? Were the rcwmmcn<laciom rni)lcading. premi)ed on ba.<.eles\ Lric ena. Jnd fail to d1c,close a co nfl icr ot incerec,c tor the .rnJlv~t and che firm ? Did you suffer losse'> based upon che n.·lommendJtinns? If \U, vou may haH'. a la~e for traud and hre.11..h ot'tidul.iar\' <lucv. \X l'rl' )UUr inH 'ICmcnc ub)t:lttve) long cc rm growth, 1nwmc: .. ind c,akn ol principal~ 01d your broker rl'wrnrncn<l un,u1Cable. high mk ~cock'>~ Did vuur brokc:r ovcr-l.oncl·ncr Jll' \'11ur pordilltn in tethnnlugy '\tol.k5;. Your lo"'l' l'<: of(l'.11 rt'<.U\'CrJhll' ~rn<l \'OU mar be encitled co punlllVC damage'>. \\'l. 'pu.1Jl111. 111 rcp n.:,tnt111g i11JI\ 1Ju.il 1mcscor-... Plea~e Lall U'> for a l-Rr E urn\ u Ir ,rno 11 "'\o Re<ovc:rv \lo f-ee \t.ir, I /u"111.111. \•tomn Jt I i\\ l '\l 1 .l\\ \d1ool ( ,r rd o.lll (ha 2•1\(Jr'111 !.J\\ l'r.ld'tl I nrmlr I 1•\ t\ngcln I >q11m t I!\ \1111rnt·r Mcmtxr ot Puhfic lnvc:'"'r' Arh1tr.wnn B.u Aswc1anon ToU Free :888-663-5661: 310 -2.1150 l.J\' Utfi1.I.'.~ nf \!Jrt 1 h1,,m.111 I() 1011 \.inu \lnntt.i Hh I 'Ith I l1111r l m .\ngcb C\ 1llHH1- 1 ,. Siewday, .. 5, 2003 FORUM HOW 10 GET PUBUSHB> -~ Meil to Editorial P9ge Editor S.J. Cahn art the Deity Pilot. 330 W. Bay:st, Com Meu, CA 92827 • R11 i11n Hodln« Cell (9'9) &42-8088 fa: Send to (9'9) &ee-4170 E-mel:s.nd to dailypllotlllati,,_.com •All ~ must Include full name, hometown end phone numbel" (for vwfflc:8tlon purpoeee). The Pilot l"9MfWI the right to edit ell submiMl<>ns for daritV end ~ READERS RESPOND A former mayor one choice to replace Costa Mesa l~ader . AT ISSUE: who should replace Karen obinson on the City Council after she leaves to bee Since the city election was only a few months •· I thJnk. the vacancy on the City Council should be filled by the runner-up with the largest number of votes, who in thls case would be Linda Dixon. The mayor should be appointed in the usual Fashion Island is ignoring one target group I read about Fashion Island's new plan (•Re-fashioning the Island," Monday). I thinlc they completely left out an age group, the customer that is older than 55. There are absolutely no shops there for the older customer. They have forgotten that older customers like a place to sit -they have taken out half of the benches. especially around the Daily Grill and the parldng garage. They could make the new food court accessible for someone who has a walker or a cane. The person has to wallc the equivalent of two city blocks to get to the dnly elevator to get to the food court They left out that segment of the population. They also left out the larger-size customer. any customer over the size of 12. Perhaps that is why Nordstroms Encore department is doing such a landslide busin~ I thin1c Fashion ls.land has to reconsider not everyone is 30 years old with children. I have been a customer there·since 1971 and r still would like to shop there, but they keep cutting me out SANDRA BASMACIYAN Corona del Mar STO rises me iB that there are not al y guidelines in place in case the city council member has to leave before their term is completed. BIU. TifOMSON Costa Mesa A clean store beats a dingy old bowling alley . lf it comes down to a choice of Kohl's versus Kona. count me among those who would rather see a dean, well·lighted discount clothing store in the heart of Costa Mesa rather than a tired. dingy. underused lxMling alley with decaying landscaping and aack.ed parking lots. What is up with the Kona supporters? Have they actually walked through the doors of this building in the recent past7 The building is a disgrace. Bring on the wreddng ball. and let's get something nice into th.ls h~p& Costa Mesa Kohl's won't bring anything to Costa Mesa Regarding the proposed Kohl's project at Mesa Verde Center. As a 33-year Costa Mesa resident and a Halecrest homeowner. I would like to know what Kohl's department store is going to bring to our community that we don't already have. In addition to Target Greatland and Big Kmart, we have all of our shopping needs met, all within a few Why not fust name the person that got the next most votes (in the last election)7 It will save the city and some people an awful lot of money. ALAN REIMGTOH Costa Mesa I'd like to recommend using Linda Dixon to fill Robinson's tenn. She has been on the council. She is very informed and has a lot of experience MAILBAG square miles. lf I need sporting goods, I can go to Big 5. If I need linens, I can go to Linens and Things at Metro Pointe. If I need electronics, I can go to Best Buy or Sears. And that does not include· all the clothing stores I tould possibly want or need. What Kohl4 will bring to our community Is more noise and traffic and an wuighdy. massive building, while diminish.Ing our quality of life. The Kohl's project does not meet Costa Mesa's general plan. An)'One can go to City Hall to read the plan and review the actual Kohl's proposal. More importantly, the Planning Commission staff recommended against the plan. Maybe what Costa Mesa needs is Its own Greenllght initiative. MAUREEN PERRY Costa Mesa Corona del Mar needs to stay unified in City Hall It would be a disaster to separate Corona de) Mar in the City CouncU redistricting. Corona del Mar is the city's ideal example of a residential community and business community that work hand in hand, that get along and that in politics. P1us, I th1n1c an election would be too expensive and also bad timing. JACK HARMANCE Costa Mesa I just think perhaps, instead of wasting money oll another election, the answer is just to fill the spot with the person who was the third runner-up at the last election. I think support each other. lo 1986, then-Councilman Phil Sensone founded the Corona del Mar Resident's Assn Its board of directors has 13 sears representing the dift"erenl communities of Corona del Mar District 6. The lm0dntion5 bylaws require representation on the board from each neighborhood in the sixth oouncil disttic:t. The board meets monthly and receM:s reports from Oty QJundl members. Planning commissioners. Pam. Beaches and Recreation commissioners. m weD &'S the c.orona del Mar Ownber of c.ommerce and the c.orooa del Mar Business b:npro'll'ment Di.Wict. The a.wx:iation takes polls of the residenl:ial community and is the voice of Corona del Mar residents at Oty Hall It is because the residents~ a strong, eft"ective voice in city affairs that the assodatioo has been able to ~ effectMly with our local bminess ~ The overwhelming community support for the Corona del Mar Vision 2004 Plan and for making East Coast Highway through Corona del Mar more pedestrian friendly are examples of what a community can vision lf Its residents and businesses work together. To carve up our cohesive community in Corona del Mar would that would eliminate a lot of cost tO the dty when.there is already a pretty deep problem with how money should be spent So if anything. that would probably be the best ldea sinoe that would allow the people of Costa Mesa who voted for her to be represented and that would solve a lot of the problem. RUSSRDMEZ Costa Mesa be a tragedy for the village of Corona del Mar and for the city. DEBRA AU.E1f' Founding member of the Corona del Mar Resident's Aaan. Corona del Mar· Don't forget about those who · live on the Westside All your articles have been about the small-business people on tbe Westside. There is never a word about the residents who have lived here for years who are not in business. My husband and I bought our property In 1956 and have lived on Whittier Avenue for 47 years. It was like the country. We bad an ocean view. There were cattle grazing across the street in the oil fields. Now it is all big commercial builders and storage bulldln~ across the street. I thin.le the residents should be considered also during diacussions about improving the Westside. They have lived here longer. My husband passed away Jan. 27 at the age of96. He loved Costa Mesa. this area especially, and so do I. ~ ORA ..... , Westside SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPT. NO PAYMENTS and NO INTEREST FOR 1 YEAR .( I,.,, at,. AND MORE On The Most Renowned B rand Names 1/fJ Century, Henredon, Bernhardt, Lexington, Drexel Heritage, Marge Carson, Ralph Lauren & Many More l,OOOs of our finest items are al their lowest prices ever. Now is the time to buy the living room, dining room, bedroom, sofa and accessories you have always wanted. THESE ARE JUST A FEW EXAMPLES ••. Orleans Sofa This specioUs (102") sofa features luxurk>Us ve~ f.t>rlc and bullion fringing. SAlE PRICE S2, 7't NOW 11,999 rand Sava nnah 4-Poster tndudG Canopy mahagony finish on this dassk design. Hand-carved headboard and fluted columns. KING SALE PRICE $4~ 199 NOW s2, 999 QUEEN SIZE ALSO AVMABLE 7-Pl9ce COuntry FNn(h Dining Set Hefty tri-pil!Med pedestal bases (4'•w x 76"l ut. to 112~. Finely aafttd In rich parquet veneen. Includes four side chllin and two ~ <flairs with leather seats and t1pestiy becks. SALE PRICE Si.•99 ..... SJ,999 Matching Curio -SALE PRJCE ~2.799 ... .,. 11,999 HOURS: Mll'l • l'tt. ,OAM .. ,..... .... "'.ut4-. M , , ...... ,,. war UI ON ™f Me www ~mtture.MC ' ____ _..,. ... __ - S.Uday, •• 5. 2003 A7 MAIL Continued from Al without a pamlt during this time of war. She wrote IO letters _ as a reJJection of that dedJcation, a feat that has left her mother with an overwhelmJng sense of pcide and glven those involved a ' greater understanding of the project's importance. Ml wanted to become friends ril with kids whose parents have : gone to war and try to help them : take their minds off It." said : : Talia. a fourth-grader at Kaiser. HI 1 1 jwit want help them be happy." i' Qut of about 610 students, 1 Mary Pay Pendleton school bas • more than 400 students with a : parent fighling. overseas. · : Because the school has such : ties to the military. they have ' experienced an in.Owt or ! Inquiries from people looking , for ways they can help the : troops. So when Lorraine : Pasqualini, project organizer at II Kalser, called to say they wanted to help the students of those troops. 4'Jlne Gilstrap, principal of Mary Fay Pendleton, lmmedlately welcomed the unexpected generosity. MSo many people have ca.Ued to see what they can do for the troops, but I think what we forget are the children that are . here, missing thetr (parents)," Gilstrap said. "It's pretty hard on children ... so It's nJce for them to see that there's a commonality from child to chlld." Whether trying to appease the fears of those children Intimately affected by the war in Iraq or just trying to find a pen pal, students of all grades got involved. More than 200 letters· will be sent to Mary Fay Pendleton on Monday. The project will be ongoing, "lbat kind of correspondence can open up a link for our ki4" who aren't necessarily experiencing a loss," said Debra Muniz, a sixth-grade teacher at Kaiser. "I don't think they feel 11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Uke they have an awnue to gf~ back. With this, they do. .. Third-graders put their anlstic talents to use and their youthful optim.lml to the test by creadng patriotic hearts. while sixth-graders shared their interests and asked about the Pendleton students' experiences and travels. MThey need someone to give them hope and help keep their mJnds off It so they can still have joy In what they're doing.• 9-year-old Ryan Shannon said. H.is classmates and many other students agreed. Al.though the fink has just begun, the significance of Its connection can already be seen. HMy first thought was I couldn't believe the generosity of someone I never meant In my life and t.!ie generosity of people," Gilstrap said. MWe have been blessed and overwhelmed. The kids have incredible support.· ote~dP'l~qlli!Pt-'i.,,,r .. • Private Pi ... Studio • SPINNING Theater· Lieen..d • 16 Full Time Per'°nol Trainers 6 Weeit Tnol Membership NoObl~ Full Membenh1p Privileges ' • Step, Powet f>vll'p, • Shower,, SteoM• l-• • Shope Up S~in Core • Shope Up Hair Core II i1uc1 know -that we are one of the na· cion's top management school'\,· said Jone Pearce, the schools dean. "Ranking survey<; may not accurately reOect a school'l> educa- uonal and academi<. quality. But being in the top 50 1s important because prosperove MBA Mu· dent!. use rankings .!>urveys 10 make decision-. on where to ap- ply." 10 the top SO since 1999. The school rank.eel 47th th.is year. tied with Brown University and the Univef'5ity of Massachusetts. Am· herst. • Child Core Bom· noon M · F • Ample & Convenient Porl.ing M.mMrahip Rat.a ~ $SO mo /Fonvly $75 mo Cofporale ROl9l A>01ioble ·s-1 .... -_,,,,_,, .. •Shope Up Acupuncture/Mouog• www .. ~p.com • www.fifneHconc.-.com ,j Continued from Al have programs In the arts." 949760-5054 210 I East Poc1fic Coo$! Hwy, Corono Del Mor, CA 92625 • AJ PCH & AYOCOdo Ave Now. after finding its way on the list. the arts school landed the 34th ranking. wh1ch it shares with 10 other universitie.. Hit makes a big difference every ~ap of the way," Femande-L said. '"i "We need data, and it provides ··,concrete data against other insli- :..,.rutions. It acruaJJy has a significant Ml belit.'Ve we belong there and even higher," said Nicolao" Alexo- pouJos, dean of the school of engi- neenng HWe are being noticed much more seriously and I thinlc this i'> very good for our future." He J e G arr~tt Fu rniture Fine Furniture Since 1960 A Family Tradition of Providing Seroiu and Value effect." ' c The ranking helps lure talented students. offiaab said "This latest ranking survey con· firms what we at lthe Graduate School of Management) a.ire'ddy lhe business <i<:hool ranked 46th. along with the Uruwrsity of Wocomin, Madil>C.ln. With the ex- cepuon of last year, the M"hool has been consistently r.inkcd m the top SO since 1997 Having jumped 11 '>pot'> \tnCe last yea1., listin~. the '><.hool of engineering made it' fir.1 n:tum Ille 2004 edition of "America'l> Best Graduate Schools" will be available al newsstands and book· '>tore\ Monday. • CHRlSTINE CARRIU.D C011ers educatio n and may be reached at !9491 574-4268 °' by e-mail at dmstme.camllo a./atimes.com .ff~~ · i now 1111111/abk AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND 10WN items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (.94916464170; or by calling (949) 57+4298. Include the time. date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete hsting is available at www.da1/yp1/ot com. ·JOOAY The flllrviwl Partl Friends Committee of Costa Mesa mvites the community to part1c1pa1e in the first annual Earth Day m the Part at Fairview Park and quarterly M Friends# kickoff meeting. The event begins at 9:30 a m at the picnic shelter on the Park's west side. Call (714) 754-5098 for more information Spring i1 the height of the gardenmg and planting season, See TOWN, Pace A8 ~~ R es t aura nt ----stabllshea 1n 1962 ---- The April In v.n~ annual gala of the Alzheimer'• Assn. of Orange ~nty will take place at the Four .:,SeHons Hotel in Newport Beach. Call (8001 660-1993 for more :~-:mfonnetion """Quality Service••• Full Design Consulting Service 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 O pen M on. lhru '.},u I 0 to 6. Sun. 12 to S Quality Service Value I , I ' I t ... Ni d EntutaiJuneor" .. I ~~~~~~~~~~- : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' I I I I I I I I I I ii :J ,. ,, II I I I I I I I I I I I I I t •• I I I I l I I I ' I l I \ Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Place your home fmancing needs in the hands of Private Mortgage Banking. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home financing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our. unsurpassed service ensures the complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-only loans ..... ,. I I • M Saudiy, Apnl 5, 2003 Come • the riew Sver'M>od~ CoumrySide blinds rfom Hunter Douglas. Overlapping slat.s create a beautiful board-on-board design. And the 'step-up' look .adds depth. dimension a!ld character to any room. And everWOOd CounuySlde will not warp. crack, peel or fade. Even In ti!Jmld areas ~direct sunlight Come see these beauJlful blinds today. ,_..,!! ,..,."' '-••o••••aln.c•• Wllllrt IJrt .. IH•• ftfl•. &ALDEN'S fLOoR CCM.luNG AND C\JsToM W!NOOW CcMluNGs 1663 Placenti.t, Costa MeN 949-646-4838 SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL •A C.....,,~"~-'s.rilf Jtm Clrfst ., L.-1 al Slriw"' The Rev. ProYeen Bunyon, Rec1or 3209 V1a Lido Newport Beach 949/675-0210 A Co11trtg1111011 of tht Anxfir1111 Commu111011 Bl IL.DING OUR FAITH: LOVING CHRIST A/\'D SERVING OUR COMMUN/11' 7:30 om Traditional 9 om Con1emporory 9om Church Schocil 11 om Oiorismolic and Wednesday Noon The~ 'J Ptm 0 . Hiynn, R=or ~UNDAY ~CHEDUU 8 am -Holv £uchim1 9 Jm • ~un<Uv ~I/Adult Bible ~ruJy 10 am -Choral Eudwist NURS£RI URE AVA/WI.£ .. State's Gasoline Price :Average Tops $2 a Gallon LET US INCREASE YOUR GAS MILEAGE CGllPLlft 1•• UNlll ftll& DP Same Oumn Since 1965. 38 Moan in Costa Mera Tiii c•aa ...... 181; llC. 294 5 Randolph Ave (BriJtol & &ktt) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 We Repair Gross Polluters 8269~-··· . 1 AT 1111 l.EAIE . VIN"'591280 . 38 Mllllll ''ASE ON APPRllED C1EDrr SI 99Q customer cash plus $4500 factory rebote equals S64QQ total due ot leoM signing • tox olld llcellM. No MCVrlty deposit required.. l-r~ ot lease end for mti.c>ge o\/e( 1.2,000 miles I*" year ot 17« P9f" mlle thereafter. -111111 na•·---Jeel>TCHRYSLER corra ... (877) 321-5337 TAKE SS FWY EXIT FAIR DR. TO HARBOR WORSHIP DIRECTORY WORSHIP DIRECTORY ~. \111 11<>1>1\I Publishes Every Saturday in the :Daily A Pilot CALL 949.574.4249 ~) '\\ \< ,O<, \ I Presents. PlltlSMAU. llOTtD HfSTOIJW IMPllSSIOIUST AS THOMAS JUFEISON (ii c.11mt) sn-., ...... 2t. 7:l0,... Mm .. SI 0.00 llf ...-..n, SI 2.00 fw -· it1LI ............... ----"I \\ I I I< 1 \ < • I I I --~-- Costa Mesa First United Methodist Church 420 West 19th Street, Costa Mesa (949) 548-7727 Rev. Michael Bankhead, Pastor dult Sunday School: 8:45am ildren's Choir: 9:00am orsh.ip & Children's Suncfa School: 10am \ ! i I I\ 1 l I '1 1 I I I \ \ < 0 \I \fl \ I I \ Rtturtectlen 811eh 12S9 Victoria Street Costa Meu, CA 92627 Sunday evening service at 7:00 PM Rt-. 81t~111 H1y111 r.1.,~ ... (714) S39-n27 f•1il RBMCC@11iat•ail.11t . Newpon Center United Methodist Church Rev. Cathleen Coots, Pastor 160 I Marguerite Ave. corner of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 Sam Quut Worship Smncr 1 Oam Worship and Chil.drm's Sunday School Youth muting weekly ll 11 11 1{\'\ Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (E •. Lc.A.) 798 Dovw Dr. Newport a..ch TradlUonalLutb•ran P..tor David Monge Worship S.ntice with Holy Communion SUnct.y 9: US am MESA VERDE UNrTED METHODlST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worship =rch School 8:30 and 0:00 a.m. (714) 8234 Or Richard iJeorgt Rev Stephante Toon Senior Minister Youth Minister Christ Church By the Sea United Methodist I ~00 W. Balboa Blvd .. Nrwpon Beach 8"'4hm ·Adult Sunda1 School 8.JO & 10 Lift \ronh<p ..i 01ildmu 'ioulda1 Xhoiol The Ile¥. Or. Geo~ ll Crisp, Putor (949)67 3-.}8()5 ... ·, c I IHI \ 11 \ '\.. r .... ·•,J11911'" -'~ , I -...... -'"_J.___ i Y And .Affecting The Comfortable Worship 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Olaclpln of Chrtat) 2401 Irvine Ave . .._.wpOl't IHeh. CA (949) 145·5781 Mtllalr. Df. Ottmla SMtt ST. MARK PRF.sBYTEIUAN CHURCH •LENTEN LESSONS FROMMARY- Uohn t 9:25-27) "Optn Ann.s and Open Minds" + "A God-untercd parish ex>mmunity, insauctcd tJt the Word o£ God A and ttncftd by the Seicwncnu Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar V1Sta Drive Newport Bcac:b, California 92660 (949~200 Fax (949) 644-1349 • Rev. Mons~r William P. Mclaughlin Putor LITURGIES: Saturday, 5 p.m. (<:tnror), Sundiy, 7:00 (QUiet), 8:30 (Contemporary) 10:00 (Oioir), 11:30 un. (Cantor) and S:OO p.rn. (C0Ptcmporary) • S.turchy, April S, lOOJ. S:JO ,.M. Sunday, April 6, 2003, 11:30 8' IO:IS A.M. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Vaa Ucio Newpcwt B8cJeh 673-1340 or 673-6150 Olurdl 10 am l 5 pm. SundaY School 10 am 'MO.,,,~' )()pm Worship 9:30 3100 Pac:l1lc ~ Dr NewPort Blach ~2617 or 675-4661 Chwch lOam Sunday Schx:t 10 am ~..,,, ~ 7 ,,,. a ~r 12nocn A......,.,. wfln.,• wll Mt lies ........ ...., ............. ~ ....... ,.s TOWN Continued from A7 and the UC Irvine Arboretum offers gerdenett a dlance to get that special plant for their garden at the •Apnl Showera of Flowers" plant NlfP from 101.m. to 3 p.m. There'• no admi4'1on fee. The Arboretum Is just aouth of the comer of Campus Drtve and Jamboree Road on the UCl North Campus. Call (949) 824-5833 for Information. Mecv'• South Cout Plaza •nd Seventeen magazine will hoet.a 2003 Prom Faahlon Show at 2 p.m. In the Macy's women's ~re. See the latest looks from Jessica McCllntodt, Zum Zum, Blondie Nlghu, Rampage;Morgan ana Co., Jump and LA. Glow. Call • (714) 656-0611, ext. 4231 for reservations. TUESDAY Love the llbnlry7 Come for refreshments, socializing and information about new programs and resources from 11 a.m . to noon at the Balboa, Corona del Mar and Mariners branches. The open houses have been planned for National Library Week, April 6 to 12. Call (949) 717-3816 for more information. WEDNESDAY Fairview Development•! Center · hosts its annual spring boutique from 8 a.m . to 1 :30 p.m . in the Fairview Auditorium, 2501 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. There will be more than 35 crafters to shop from. Call (714) 957-5188 for more information. Wizards-ln-tniining in fourth-, fifth-and sixth-grades are invited to match wits with Harry Potter at a scavenger hunt through the Newport Beach Central Library chambers at 7 p.m. Sign up at the library's children's desk or call · (949) 717-3800 and select option No. 5. Registration is required. A free seminar called "Alternative Therapies for Asthma and AllergiesH will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's Market. 225 EaS117th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. THURSDAY Eleven of Orange County's most prominent chefs will join supporters of Share Our Selves, a local nonprofit organization, in an evening of fun, friendship, and exotic tacos from 6 to 8 p.m . at 0111'; Pilot • 1660 Superfor Ave. In Cost.8 MH8. The COit It 1 $3t5 et tM door or tdvance Nit. The org1nlullon hopes to relM , $18,000 for thole llvfng In powrty. In Oreng1 County. Call (949) 842-3461 for more Information. . • . The pUblic It lnvftM to "A History of Japeneee Doflt" at 7 p.m. In the NMpo'rt 8eedl Central •• Library. Ludllt Supple, owner of the Center for CUstQm Oofll, will preeent the free program, whim .. will Include • ditptay of handc:nfted dolls. Call (949) '. .717-3816 for mont lnfonnat:lon. Mecy't 18 proud to Join In the festivities for tht South Coast Plaza Garden Sf;ow, whldl will feaw.~ fine foodt fr0m your ' • favorite South Coast Plaza restauranu, live mullc and entertelnment. Th• event will start at 8:30 p.m. All proceeds from the aale of the $40 tldtets benefit the Minion San Juan Capistrano. Call (714) 435-2113 to buy tldtets. Th• lntemetlonal Coach Foundation of Orange County will host "Heart of Coaching: Co--Creating a Relationship of Trust" from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m . at the Wyndham Hotel in Costa Mesa. A panel discussion titled "Don't Do this -It's Stupid; Mistakes Made by Master Coaches,H will run from 6 to 6 p.m. Cell (949) 717-3816 for more information. Peni Grtfftn'1 "Ghost Sitter" will inspire a discussion about looking at the world from two different realms at the Mother-Daughter Book Club meeting at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. Call (949) 717-3816 for more information. St.anford politbl scholar Larry Diamond asks, "C8n the Whole Wor1d Become Democratic?" at UC Irvine's annual Ectstein lecture at 7 p.m . in the Social Ecology II building. room 1304. The lecture is free and open to the public. Cell (949) 824-2904 for more information. FRIDAY Comell Law School profMsor David Wippman delivers his symposium "The Two Faces of the International Criminal Court; as part of a series at UC Irvine called "Prosecuting Perpetrators: International Accountability for War Crimes and Human Rights Abuses." Held in Social Science Plaza B, room 1208 at noon, the event is free. Too Busy to Exercise~ \' ou r.an Still Have A in as litUe u 3 Weeks! IJJM~) .., ... ' f • . , '. ~I .. t . • 1WlliaallUR • Mlllill •lmtliltil·Stm~ r .\ J 'J_ -- Satl.lfdiy ~ii 5. 2003 Al COMMUNITY & CLUBS The Lions' share for the charities Make Tbo1e Patio• Ct lntrie1 Beautiful A t Its Monday meeting. the Harbor Mesa Uons will present Its yearly donations, more dlan $8,000, to many community charitable organizations. Those organizations include: the Westside Boys and Girls Oub, Someone Cares Soup Kitchen, SOS Free MedJcal and ~nt.al OJ,nlc. the Orange Coast College Oilld ca.re Center:, the Orange Coast lntedalth Shelter, the Estancia Baseball Boosters. Youth Employment Servtces •. the School.Box Supply Project for Whittier SchooL City of Hope, the Sight and Hearing Foundation, Then Recognition. Project 1..0.QX.., the Lions Wilderness C.amp. Pediatric Diabetes, Uons Project Canine Companions, Women Helping Women, the Student Speakers Foundation. Spencer's lfeasures and the Uon's Rose Parade Float. During the year, Harbor Mesa Lions have also given suppon to Ronald McDonald House by donating lime to make meals for families of hospltallz.ed children. They have presenied a flag Day program at Whittier School and have contributed clothing to help women in crisis through the Women I lelplng Women organi2.ation. They have also collected Ouistmas gifts and food for a needy famiJy and helped children wrap their Ouistmas gifts at the Boyi. and Girts Oub of the I !arbor Area Westside Branch. Money distributed at the Monday meeting hcc. been raised by several evenh held during the year. including a c:a.!>ino night. bingo night. a spaghetti dinner and a ch1h roundup. Tile mecung 1!> held at 6.30 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Oub. CINCO DE MAYO GOLF TOURNAMENT On May 5, 140 golfer. wiU lt'e off in the seventh annuaJ Newport Irvine Rotary golf tournament at the Ncwpon. (',.ountry aub. The even! lb the club'i. major fund-r.user. with a goal of S35,000 to provide community college scholarship!... plus aid to the OUve Crest Home for abused ctuldren, school athletic program!> and international service proJec~ The day's program will reature 18 holes of golf, a putting conteSt, lunch and a banquet dinner. A silent aucuon will be highlighted by Marrion Hotel C.Orporation's donation of an $8,000 golf/street can. Rotarians are e1Jg1ble to compete for the Burnham Cup. a trophy and a 52,000 college scholarship named for KeJth Bmnham. a prominent Rotarian who was the district governor wt\en the Newport lrvine Oub ~founded. The public is invited to golf as well. for a fee of $250 per golfer. GETTING INVOLVED • GET11NG INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For 1nformat1on on adding yoor organization to this list, call (949) 674-4298 ACADEMC YEAR IN AMERICA Costa Mesa families can host a German student and eam up to $1.DOO toward a number of travel-abroad programs. Danielle Carpino, (800) 322-HOST. ~puning contest begins at 9 a.m.At the end of the townament. coclr:talls and dinner at 5:30 p.m. Individuals and buslnesa JIM groups may DE BOOM participate u players, townament sponsors or program advertisers. Registration and additioilal information ts available at www.nlrotary.org. ROTARY FACtUTIES COMPUTER DONATION Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary aub has arranged a donation of 30 Mac computers with prinlers to Back Bay/Monte Vista High School With the help of 15 8dy Scouts from Troop 911. the computers were transported from Pegasus School of Huntington Beach on March 15. Participating in the donation was Boy Scout Leader Donald NI.kola, Pegasus School coordinator Krlstl.n Benner. Back Bay High School PrincipaJ Deborah Tudcel'-Davts. Syd Lucas from Newpon Beach Sunrise Rotary and BW Kull, a rutor from Bade Bay High School. The Mac computers will be used by the Back Bay High students for education and traming. WORTH REPEATING from MThought for the Day" proVlded by Greg Kelley of the Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith CounaJ: MDo not enter mto a relauonship looking for what you can get out of it. but rather what yo u can put in10 it." -Author unknown. SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK MONDAY ·n,e Harbor Mesa Lions Oub meets at the C.Osta Mesa Country Oub for awards nighL TUESDAY 7:30 am.: The 40-member Newpon. Beach Sunrise Rotary aub will meet at Five Crowns to hear Hans Unbardt and Will.ls Longyear discuss MCatalina. .. 6 p.m.: The Costa Mesa Newpon Harbor Lions Oub will meet at the home of Mike Mdlroy for a Membership Drive Night WEDNESDAY 7'15 am.: The 20-member South Coast Metro Rotary Oub will meet at the Center aub ( www.southcoastmetro rotary.or&'; and the Newpon Harbor JCiwarus Oub will meet at the University Athletic Oub. Noon: The 40-member ALS ASSN., ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assn., which helps individuals who have the disorder that is also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, needs volunteMs. (714) 375-1922 ALZHEJMER'S ASSN. OF ORANGE COUNTY Support group leaders, Visiting Volunteers, famity resource consultants and office volunteers are needed. Volunteers may wortt on one-time projects or ongoing programs. (800) 66()..1993. Exchange Oub of the Orange Coast will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. 6 p.m.: The 60-mem~r Rotary Oub ofNewport-&Uboa will meet at the Sage Hill High School for a vocationaJ visit and then go to dJnner at Gina's Pi.u.a. lrvlne. THURSD~Y 7 a.m. The 20-plus member Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Lions Oub will meet at Mimi's for a program by Mary Ellen Goddard on the Costa Mesa HistoricaJ Society. Noon: The SO-member Costa Mesa Kiwanis Qub will meet at the Holiday lnn; the SO-member Newport Beach-Corona del Mar Kiwanis aub will be off for an interclub vtsit (www. klwanls.orglclubl costamesa); the 80-member Exchange Oub of Newport Harbor will meet at the Newpon Harbor NauticaJ Museum for a progr'am bY Assemblyman John Campbell; and the 100-member Newpon -lrvlne Rotary Qub will meet at the Aoiwn Hotel for a program by the Orange County Water Dtstr1ct. ( www.nirotary.or&'. • COMMUNrTY It CwBS II l>Ublished Saturdays In the Dally Pilot Send your aervloe club's meeting information by fa)( to (9491 660-8667; e-mail to jdeboom@aol.com or by mail to 2082 S.E. Brisiot, Suite 201, Newport Beach. CA 92660-1740 Grand Opening for Dinner at NEWPORT DUNES RESORT'S ]J1 ]J1\Y . Thursday, April 3, 2003 Co•• lxperl•M• Our New Dla11er IBtree1I Happy Hour 3-Spm, Thurs-Sat. Er\Joy Our Fabulous Champagne Bntnch Every Sunday From 9am-2pm, r-----------------------~ : Present Thi~ Ad 20 010 ocF : And Receive l~ ri 1 L----~~~A£.'~~~~~~~!~~1----~ ]~ Reservations 949· 729· 1144 1131 Bode Bay Drive • Newport Beoch 6 LIZ cla1borne THE WORLD'S BEST KNOWN APPAREL BRAND COMES HOME INTRODUCING LIZ CLAIRBORNE FLOORING Choosing the riQht flooring for your home just got easy. Because Liz Clairbome offers up the colors ana stytes to match you. Perfectly. QuaJity, atvle and value. These have always been hall- mark• of the Liz Clairbome name, and th1a new flooring line ia no exception. Beautiful flooring, from carpet to hardwood, even vinyls and laminat~I with lasting_ quality, in colora ana atyfea that are fashionable and lime- 1888. NO PAYMENTS, NO INTEREST FOR 12 MONTHS. Now thN April 7, 2003. 0.A.C . See 8tOt'e for details. And it'a availabMt exclU8iwly at l,.., ) llU )c11.nll1';> U'latall \i<U CttmrltlC' ~111J lanJ lOJ~. • u~n hnck •l\lfW, Ille tit Jiir v.td • Can rrcucumcnJ qu~luy la111>«n & l.inJ..ai('t'r- • Drain111e1-· prot-(i1!J" \)(,,« kMVC' rhrrn • C..:..11 nu,. Ml<.! h.H C' vnur hou•C' r~;;J\ I 11 !111> •um mt r Wh)' ~a c~ and kdU~ Call tlw ~' tlwi Nq ~ 1000'• of twt.otnn• for~.U~.· Sn-vint the Commumf] for 30 ~'"' fuJJ1 Coolua IN A HURRY? HERB ROASTED CHICKENS BBQPORIC SANDWICH FISH K-BOBS Mtuk u•tth Swortlfoh -Hilhb11r or Salmon $6 99 lb . Try ou of o"r iu co/.J fRUITSALWS ( ekstmo s ITALlAN .SAUSACI: Hot or MWJ $3 99 l h Sending a Package to Our Troops? Cdestino's Jcrity u a Big Hit with C>.t G"Y5· A WELCOMEA.DD/710N' IRl ...,11:-.1 \ICJl>I> • I I \I ! I·' I • ,, \I I "I.' • ' ' ' \I' '' • '111'1\!I' •-.\\I >!<Ill hi! •I"'" II I~ (J,·/ir-.-red /J,1ilv Fmh Hiuui-ChoppeJ Sals11 • r11vo Chips & Tortiiias • Homt Styk TllmAia 32 V11mtie1 o/Homnn41k SaW11tt1 • Ctlutino'.s Btefor T~ Wt Viro Boar's HudDtii wis 270 East 17th St. • Costa Mesa • (949) 642-7191 8 OOAM to 7 OOPM Moo Sat. • 9 OOAM to 6 OOPM Sun SAVE 50o/o OFF RETAIL When You Deal Direct with the Factory JOHN BLOESER CARPET ONE Whet! i oomes to llc>ofilW •.. itobody as It bend 2927 s. Bristol St.• COsta Mesa· 714.751.2324 MOn .• Frt ran-5~ • Sat & &.l. 1Qn..4pn • www bla1urcarpft>u1a>m A190 in Long ~ !82..S0.7501 & Los Angeles 213.627.4738 ·CA :UcR72823 . I . AlO Situfday, Alx' 5, 2003 THEATER JI' 'JI Actors elevate: 'F~nny Money' -sillin~s~ Ray Cooney's farce is better for treatment by FYI · Newport Theater Arts Center. WHAT: ·Funny Money" WHERE: Newport Theater Arts By Tom Titus P erbaps viewing Ray Cooney's "Funny Money" at the Newport Theater Arts Center just a week after watching the pros at South Coast Repertory regale audiences in Alan Ayckbourn's "Relatively Speaking" cast the former play ln a lower-wattage light, but there certainly are degrees of English comedy on a farcical level included, require a fine degree of timing and dexterity to achJeve the desired effect. On this score. the Newport production. deftly directed by Turri Miller Schmidt. has quite a bit going for it The actors - particularly the two leading performers -thrust themselves full bore into the demands of Cooney's circuitous plot. elevating its basic level of inspired silliness. Cemer, 2601 Cliff Drive. Newport Bread) WHEN: 'Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 2:30 p.m. until April 27 COST:$13 CAll: (949) 631-0288 a birthday party for him. The fellow has had his briefcase switched with another containing 750,000 English pounds. and he's already malting one-way reservations for Barcelona in the loot and eagerly deals himself In, for a price. Party guests Marsha C.Ollins and David C.OUey arrive. and are swept Into the chicanery. along with an Impatient cabbie (Robert Mark.land} and a more businesslike cop (Patrick Strong) whose patience wears increasingly thinner as the outlandish events transpire. Cooney is no Ayckbourn, but h.is repertoire of gimmicky groaners ("Move Over, Mrs. MaJt:ha.m," "Run for Your Wife," etc.) are, 'nevertheless. quite entertaining. And most, tltis one The basic situation, from which myriad complications arise, is created when a mild-mannered accountant (Michael Ross) arrives home In a sort of stupor as his wife (Yvonne Robertson) is preparing Crashing the party is a police detective (Monte Collins) who's been following Ross because he suspects him of soliciting in the local pub (actually, he's been repeatedly counting his windfall The jowiy, excitable Ross malces an Ideal central figure. his countenance reOecti.ng avarice mingled with stark terror as his newfound fortune is whittled away and Its real owner -who's already murdered the unfortunate fellow who took Ross' bag-Is due to arrive and claim the cash at any moment. Roberts<in, however, Is the real From left, Patrick Strong, David Colley, Monte Collins and Michael Ross are caught in a comic web of larceny in Ray Cooney's "Furnw See THEATER. P•1• A14 Money" at the Newport Theater Arts Center. , .• DON LEACH/DAILY PILOT Michael SMe d·irected, produced and shot "The Wonder of Phil," a chronicle of lounge singer Phil Shane, who has played to adoring fans at Orange County venues for 30 years. Stute brought Shane to the infamous La Cave lounge and restaurant, above, where he played a few gigs. • Getting their Phil Coral Wiison Daily Pilot H is friends had been telling him to go see Phil Shane forever. Micha.el Stute wasn't convinced until he saw for himself, and his life changed in that instant Shane seems to have that affect on people. • "I have been asked, 'What ls it about Phil you love so much?' and tt'a just one of those things," Michael Stute said. •My wife and I were ao sucked into the whole scene. The only thing I can aay ii, you have to see him perform." After ftve minutes of watdllng Shane perform. Micbae.I and Michelle Stute of Costa Mesa were swept away. Fntwlnlng their llWI Filmmakers hope to expose 'more people to lounge singer Phil Shane with film festival entry with Shane's, they~ on a nearly-three year project. Their film trla to capture the lounge performer'a lntrlgue and the addJcting e1fect Shane hu on his audience. The 80-mlnute docwnentary, "The wonder of Phil.. will pmnier at the Newport Beach Pllm Festival on Sunday. Shane bu become an Orange County celebrity, appearing regularly over the years at the FUna In Santa Ana. La Cave in Calta Meu. Hupoon Hmry'l tn oana Polnt. 2 rs ln Fullerton and the House of Blues in Anaheim. Now he performs on the Strip in Lu Vegas. Many people call him an impersonator, with his EMs, Nell Diamond and Tum Jones tributes, but Michael Stute said Shane's performances are unJque. "You go to see him play, and he mam you fed good," he said. "He is such a genuine penon, such a good soul and be really does believe ln the perf onnances." This ls Michael Stute'a third film production and bis ftnt feature FYI WHAT: "The Wonder of Phil" WHERE: The Orange County Museum of Art, 860 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach WHEN: 8 p.m. Sunday, April 6 HOW MUCH: Tlckets cost $8 For more Information, call: (949) 253-2880 length documentary. A previous short film. ~e Rocldng Chair," achieved minimal success at the New York Festival. But he wu eager to work on a documentary with more unJversal appeal. Shane seemed to be an ideal subject. It ls the c1asslc Amerlcan story of a man living out his dream. At tho age of s. Shane was slnpng In church, SM PHI., Pqe A14 FANtASTIC FIVE I I . ' . ... EDITOR'S NOTE1300K Detroit Bar acts break · .. down· Orange Curtain E lliott.Smlth, the Melvins. Jon Spencer Blues Explosion and the Special Goodness featuring Pat ·, Wilso n of Wener all playing in Costa • Mesa! I certalnJy wouldn't have believed it . was possible a year ago. but Detroit Bar in Costa Mesa has been able to throw off the shackles of the sterile Orange County stigma and actually bring hip, important live music to town. "Costa Mesa and Santa Ana are the two m ost diverse city's m the coumy. and I don't think something like Detroit Bar would work in any other county cities,· club promoter Oiris Fahey said. "I just ho the City CouncU remembers to embra the arts throughout this whole Westsi redevelopment thing.· Last Tuesday night, Smith brought down-trodden, mopey. yet addJctive melodic sounds to said bar. Being tha was April Fool's Day. I had my suspld about him actually showing up.. but .. when I entered the parldng lot at abo 10 p.m . and spent about 10 minutes • circling just to find parking. I knew ! something was going down. , The tiny bar was jammed to capacity, with everyone from a representative l from KROQ-FM (106.7) to music journalist.a and fans. SmJth took the J stage, and although he was seated for most of the night, which made it toug\l to see him, hJs Intricate guitar phrasing, distinctive voice and stinging lyrics ha.f the crowd mesmerlud. Sure, there were a few kinks ln the evening-the air cond.ltionlng didn't work. wbJch made the room ex.oeed comfortable temperatures -but .tie , few sonp, I felt·like wu at the Roxy o the Troubadow, not just a mere mile a half from my house. Fahey bu worked u a tow manag a1nce 1991 with various acta, indudin the Muff.a, Jon Spencer, Medeski, M and Wood, Money Mark and several others. f .~------------.. ·-·~---~-------------=---,--....---~....---· .... -.... --~ .. ·~"""':"""~ .. S.~ta ... dly ....... -~--5.-200-3-Al-1---.. ,- THE CROWD Bookworms gather to support literature WEDDINGS" ENGAGEMENTS A group of distinguished Newport-Mesa women associated-with the Bookworms, an auxiliary of the A.ulstance League of Southern California. traveled to Los Angeles for a luncheon at the Jonathan Oub that featwed authors Anthony SUde and WUllam McCall. ..-The local Bookworms ~eluded Oaudette Buckley, 'kaylene Creath, Joyce Oeary, Dorothy IUllott, Bette ' Jack.ton, Colleen Johna, Joann ~u. Rochelle O'Donnell, Isabelle Prescott and her daughter Roxanne Prescott, Elaine •1t. W. COOK Rothell, Thompson-MacDonald 1.-He Jltompt0n andHwiwr. MatDobald ol St. ~ wedding vows on Dec. 28, 2002, at the Elliot Cllapel ln St. LOuis. ,,, The bride Is the daughter or Chac)ea and Barbara Thompson of St. Louli. lfer m~~ of hOnor wu Baiba.ra, 'I'hcimpson, and hei' ·bridesmaid.I were Sara Avtns, .larolyn Fjeldstad, Elise Holton and Lauren Leslie Thompson and Valll. Hunter MacDonald The bridegroom is the son of Rod and Barbara MacDonald of Newport Beach. His best man wu Rod MacDonald, and bis groomsmen were Brent Steele. Nick Stuank, David Prucbbom and Bill Klelnhoff. The bride ls a law student at St. Louis Unlversity, and the bridegroom is employed by Enterprlse. Roberta Skoro and Madeline 1hlllanuon. The women have supported 1iterary functions and raised &nds to support the programs pf the Assistance League, mostly to help disadvantaged children. Newport women attendt0g the Bookworms luncheoo and lecture at the Jonathan Club tn Los Mgeles were Claudette Buckley, Bette Jackson and Raylene Creath. The Bookwoons 1s an auxiliary of the Assistance League of Southern Calrforrna The ceremony was followed by a reception at the Forest Hills Country Oub. The couple plan to live in Southern California after May after a wedding trip to Turks and Caicos. "Books open doors for young minds and keep them open for older ones.· said Bette Jacbon of Newport Beach. "Literacy is a valuable tool for helping all children reach their dreams. We are proud to support programs featuring a variety of authors.· Slide, an independent film scholar. archivist and consultant, has publis hed more than 50 books on subjects relating to film. Slide addressed the crowd on his biographical research on all of the original Hollywood pioneers and silent film stars. McCalJ told the assemblage that he is writing a novel based on a t.rue story about an Arabian stallion named Witez that played an important role in World War II. The Bookworms, chaired by Amy Jo Runnel•, are one of Southern California's oldest established charities, dating back to 1938. ••• planrnng d premiere night !(ala for rhr 2003 Philharmonic I lou'>c of Design. a tour of (hcl'>ca Manor. an l.ngli'>h country e'>late in Orange Park Acre'>. Olair Maureen Ramer and fellow Udo ladies Mary Manno, Mary McCarthy. Jean Grover, Allegra Stoltz. Joyce Merritt, Susan O'Toole. Leslie Lanon, Elaine Gordon. Judith Longyear. Diana Miner. Pam Nestande, Gall Rosenstein. Anne Angermelr. Nora Lehman. NIW Repp and Anita Dabney are pulling out all the stops to create a 'ipectacular evening on the eMale that will officially open the House of De<>ign to the community on May 4 The women are organmng a champagne recepllon and open house at the <:stale that will begin at 5 p.m. Sunday evening. It will be followed by a romantic al fresco dinner with dancing at the Bower:. Museum of Cultural Art m Santa Ana. Tickets to the black lie optional affair are $135 per person. I-or reservations. please caJJ AnJta Dabney at (949) 673· 7635. Moreno-Herzog Debra and Edmund Moreno of Fountain Valley announce the engagement of their daughter, Otrl.stina Moreno of Fountain Valley, to Wayne Robert Herzog of Costa Mesa. The brtde-elect graduated from Fountain Valley High School. The future Christina Moreno and brtdegro0m. son of W Robert u~ Unda and Steve ayne m::1 ,og Herzog of Co&ta Mesa. giaduated from Costa Mesa High School . . An April 12 wedding is planned ln P.stancla Patt ln Costa Mesa. MEPHISTOM THE WORLD'S ANEST WALKING SHOES Lido's lovely Marlon Picken• reports that the Philharmonic S6ciety of Orange County, Udo Isle Committee, is busy •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. Bookworms Rochelle O'Donnell and Colleen Johns pictured with featured author Anthony Slide at the Jonathan Club. Do you remember the last time and place you paid soe for a gallon of gas? The last time was 1973! NOW IT'S BACK! "50~ Per Gallon for Ga.s" (.all now to get .50 Cents Per Gallon Ga.s For only U9.95. You will enjoy gu at .50 Cents Per Gallon for Now For only $49.95 you can Get up to $180.00 Cash back For the Gasoline you are going To buy myway and we will Make a donacion of $I 0.00 co Your favorite organizacion in Orange Counry. You will receive up to S 15.00 Cash back Each Month, for l 2consecutivc montlfti CJI co order or gee mformauon on how your dub, group or organization QI1 Participate in 1 full yar. We will, also, mah a donation to your the . 50-Cenc Gas Promocion by finorite Orange C.Ounty Organization for each program calling Ron ac 949-250-1071 pmdwecl. www.SOcentga.s.com ~· 1727 Westclfff Drive, Newport Beach • ~·FEET --------------- MATTRESS OUTLET STORE Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT Save the Datel Thursday, May 1st, 2003 lO:OOam to 3 :00pm Tour six spectacular homes. a beautiful garden and have lunch on the bay! Tickets are $45 each and are avalable at: Brett's Photo 8cpress. 287 E. 171h St. (949) 122-0611 The Butera Horne Collectton. 1745 Westcltf Dr. (949) 650-8570 For more Information call (949) 262-26 72 COlDlUC?l l 0 l\Nlll.,' 'fl . · ' Al2 Saturday, April 5, 2003 . ·~ ~ , ~\~~ trrlKE 'I ~~~°cARPETI OVER 30 YEARS IN CO STA M ESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Lamina te Floor ing Featuring ALLOC No Glue Insta llation Wood Flooring Refinishing & New Texture-Plush S:•rl>et f\l-o s2a aq ft Installed Berber Carpet f\l-0~ s1 ee Installed Sq ft Rabbitt Insurance Agency Alll'O • HOMEOWNMS • H!ALTlt Sl<JbililJ S/n« I 9Jl. ~ '°" ~s>-;J 949-631-7740, 441 Old Newpon Bhd. • Nrwpan Be.di (Nev "o.s Hospital) Ceramic f\l-o~s1 so sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates CALL NOW 642-8400 'S 1Jte4a ~E SIGN CENTER #fo r All Your Decorating Needs!" FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY . •Custom-Made Furniture •Slip Covers • Patio Furniture Draperies. Shades, & Bedspreads Factory & Showroom• 1l 1l 1.~ I L1rhl 11· l1)kd. C1 '"r.1 \11. ,,1 C.ill tor Jn In-Home lh·~i\?n (.'(ln~ult.ition (949) 642-8400 , r EARTH RESOURCE FOUNDATION S3Vins the.Green First Annual Golf Cl assic Wednesday, April 1 &, 2003 Eagle Glen Golf Co1rn • 1800 Elgle Glen Partway, Corona, CA 92U3 Registration 10:30 • Shotgun Start 12:30 $150 per player includes lunch, 18 holes. golf clinic. raffle tickets, gift bag, ERF hat, awards dinner and much morel! Regi ster today -space Is llmlted Not able to attend -your donation of any size would still be greatly appreciated! Benefiting Earth Res ource Foundation Youth Programs Putting Con1est 10:30am • Golf Clinic at 11 :30am Announcements and lead out at 12:15 pm Oinner & Awards Banquet 6:00 pm Srlenl Auction prizes include one-week stay m Cancun. foursomes of golf, golf gear and much more HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Registration deadfine March 20, 2003 CLAPPER RAJL: $2,000 Please register early • Includes 4 golfers Only 144 player slots are available • P1us 2 additional golfers Entry fee includes 18 holes of golf, • CorPorate sionaoe on course prizes. lunch plus the awards banquet • Corporate recognition on all literature dinner and team photo DESERT TORTOISE $3,0ll INDIVIDUAl PLAYER: ~ 50 • Includes two foursomes TEEJGREEN SPONSOR: $300 • Banner prominently displayed at • Sion at sponsor hole tourr.ament • 4 tickets to Awards Banquet • Corporate commemomlve plaque PUTTING CONTEST SPOMSOR: $400 •Corporate recognrtlon on all • Sign at the contest 'Silt literature • 4 tickets to Awards Banquet CONDOR : $5,DOI LUNCH SPONSOR: s1,000 • Includes three foursomes • Your name and logo will appear In • Title SPonsorship all print publications including all • Ballner and booth prominently n~ releases displayed at tournament • Corporate commemorative plaque GMATCATCHER: $1 ... • Your name and logo Will appear In .., • lnetud8$ 4 golfers print publicatiOns iclck.tdino au • Sign It SPoOSOf hole news .... •128al_, __ NEWPORT BEACH FILM FESTIVAL SCHEDULE i • Newport Btacli Film Ft11ival 2003 A schedule of eventa through April 11. Films wlll be shown 81 six venues: Edwards Big Newport, 300 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach; Ul'O Theater, 3459 Via Udo, ~ewport 8each; ~rds Island Cinemas (two tf:leatera, d"ignated either Blue or Gold), 999 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beadl; Orange County Museum of Art. 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach; Adventures at Saa Theaters. 3101 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Unless otherwise marked, tidtets are $8 and can be purdlased at the box office or online at www.newponbeach filmfest.coni. For more information, dledc the web site or call (949) 253-2880. • Denotes spedal event TODAY 9a.m. THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA Adventures at Saa Theaters Unired Sr ares /Hungary !Spain 2002 World Premiere • DIRECTOR: Mark Swan • SCREENWRITERS: Forrest S. Baker Ill, Mark Swan, Ken Cromer •CAST: Amanda Waring, Jonathan Firth. Nigel Lambert •RUNNING TIM E: 86 minutes The quest for the heart of true nobility takes Sebastian, a wise old raven, on a search for the answer to an ancient riddle that will save the ancient kingdom of Corazion. Prince Rollo seeks a princess to help save Corazlon end finds her by a chance encounter with a kind-hearted peasant girl. This causes Rollo to ponder where true beauty lies. 9:30a.m. TOUCHING WILD HORSES Adventures at Sea Theaters Canada, Germany, United Kingdom. France 2002 • DIRECTOR: Eleanore Lindo • SCREENWR.ITER: Murray ~cAae •CAST: Jane Seymour, Charles Martin Smith, Martt Rendall Attended by Film Representatives •RUNNING TIME: 90 minutes After 11-year-<>ld Mark's father and afster ere kllled In e car eccldent. he le Nnt to llve wfth his only rela1ive, Aunt Flone. Stle llva on the remote Sable Island off Ceneda'• eeat coast Aone'• atrlct routlne end the conftr'iea of the Island prOYide Martt with the structure thet he has been sorely ladclng. 'Their delicate new understanding la shattered when Martt disobeys Aona'a edict eg.lnst Interfering with' the wild horeea on the Island. Mertt and Aona'a relatlonahlp undergoee mooomental ahif'tl when he discovers that she has a eecret SOITOW.' 11a.m. CHILDREN'S SHORTS Adventur" ~t Sea Theaters • 8LU,EGAAOO A 4-yeaM>ld gir1 named Tabitha meeta Bluegaroo, the imaginary ~foot tall, blue. ftying kangaroo. • HENRY'S GARDEN A monster must find peace when his love of flowers, his only pleasure, la threatened by the ·terTible transformation of his environment. • KANGAROO CREEK GANG A game of real snak" and ladders begins when Mr. Lizard drops down a hole after Kevin Kangaroo wishes he'd disappear. • LITTLE RED PLANE A toy plane ca1Ties a boy badt for one last adventure with his father. •PAWS The shodclng truth about what your dog does at home while you are away. GANGS FROM R~K> (ROSARtGASINOSI Edwards Island -Blue Argentina 2001 •DIRECTOR: Rodrigo Grande • SCREENWRITER: Miguel Angel • CAST: Alberto Saravia • RUNNING TIME: 90 minutes Thirty years after a botdled heist. Alberto Saravia is released from jail, along with his comrade, Castor the Gimp. In spite of their adVanced years. they hope to unite their old gang and grab the hidden loot. Crime. friendship and thwarted love pulse through this jovial Argentine heist drama. I LOVE JOHANN Edwards Island -Gold Swedtm2003 U.S. Premiere • DIRECTOR: Henrik Norrthon • SCREENWRfTER: Martin Jern • CAST: Amelie Norgaard • RUNNING TIME: 45 minutes A brilliant independent film. shot without a director in an anarctiical production environment by a team of only four people. It's a mellow short telling summer story of teen Johan and his encounters with IT'S THE QUESTION ~ NO ONE \VANTS TO ASK THEMSELVES. Wha1 1f you suddtnly nttckd some lond or long-1rnn card How would you pay for i1? What kind or opuons would you have? Afttr agr b5, almost 3 out of .. may nttd •nswrn 10 t~ questioM. which l' why you nttd long-Trnn Catt lnsunmct from State Fann••' It can htlp prot«I your hrr saving:; from the COSIS of ex1tnded cart To learn mon 1bou1 II. talk lo your neighborhood~ Fvm fvp1t. \\l: LM WI IERE YOll 1.IVE Sen-en HiU, ~n1 l u. I' 04 ~c}f) • .}~0 f:.li I ~th \ffC'c \v11c-:'I I Cou.a \tn_, CA ~·' ""'' 'l\q\ LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE•. ...... , .... A ·~ ,._ ~ ,......,. ,_, r...,.., • "-O/fitt .........,_ Cli.M. '""'" ,. .. r.-,--...... ......,,_Klt,...,,.1,...1-'-,.~ /,,.t i...,...,., ·1,... ,.,.. (..,.A...-., •• t 1,,,,."4-ft.y • "--, __ , :4..-....-II/,....,..., '~' /'I } ..,...,..,,,.~ ...... ,-..... ~ ......... _...... ---·"'__.,.,, lllU<fa"" co,,,• Tove, Eve, Jekob and C.rolina. SHORTS (810): USC SHC>ln'S Lido Theater •SOONAlOAE I .. The music of Vivaldi tranaporu e • boy from hi• bedroom to a mvatic41 mge where not" come alive end: ride lO the atera. I •I DREAMT OF BOMBAY Robert Jona la fon:ed to dloose "" between t.he unfortJJnste truth and• a beautiful lie. ' •LUUAIY " A beautiful woman dences the night away. • ST'RAtGHT WHITE MEN a ME I . A bisexual Asian director examines har atitreotYpes of stta1ght white ., men In this sometime• hilarious. probing personal documentary. ! •ELEVAlOA • A sensuous ride through ono man·~ subconscious desires 1 • MBOUTOUICOU When his family doesn't think he , can take the rnponsibilitles left to him at his older brother's departu~. 12 year-old Napo sets out to prove himaelf. : •UP A prisoner dreams of fanciful flight from his dark subterranean cell. ~ •CROSSING A young street kid suspects that hi~ life may be nothing more than a bad dream and puts his theory to the teat. ' • DANCE WITH ME On his 50th wedding anniversary, J mysterious stranger shows Pierre ' that 1he greatest gift is the ability to appreciate whal he already has 12p.m . WOMEN WITHOUT WINGS Edwards Island -Gold Canada2002 •DIRECTOR: Nlctiolaa Kinsey • SCREENWRITER: Nictiolas Kinsey • CAS'r. Katya Gardner • RUNNING TIME: 109 minutes Mar11e 1s truly incapable of , choosing between two lovers She goes to a family funeral in the mountains of Albania and steps into a past of furious blood feuds end the ancient C\lstoms rooted in ' legend. She 1s so endlanted by her new found life that she decides to ~ become a •vowed virgin; a woman who lives out her life as a man, ~ never marrying or having children-: 12:30 p.m . THE SWEATIJOX Orange County Museum of Art Umred Kinadom 2002 • DIRECTORS: John-Paul Davidson, Trudie Styler • RUNNING TIME 86 m inutes In 1997. Sting was asked by the Waft Dumey Company to write the music for a new animation feature called "Kingdom of the Sun.• The film was eventually released es "The Emperor's New Groove." For the first time in its history, Disney allowed an outside film crew into its world to chronicle the nuts and bolts, and the blood, sweat and 1ears of its an1ma11on. This was the bumpiest ride that anyone within ,, the studio could remember, and not what you would 1mag1ne in the cory world of M1dtey Mouse. 1p.m. CINEMATOGRAPHER'S FORUM Edwards Island -Blue 1:30 p.m. LABYRINTH (LAVIRINT) Lido Theater Yuaoslavia 2002 •DIRECTOR: Mlrcea ll\.I Lekik • ~EENWRITERS: Igor BojOYIC. Miroalav Leldc • CAST? Svetozar Cvetkovic, Branialav l.ecic, Dragan Nikqlic. 1 Katerina Radivojevic, Meja Sablij~' Joaif Tatlc • RUNNING TIME: 106 minutes When Pop. a compulsive gambler, returns tu hi .. homeland after 20 years, he arcompames an old ? friend, 1 "k1, to a aeance. There he 1 receiw -1 e mPssage from his pest, , from Zoran, a ctiildhood friend thought to have committed suicict. long ago. The medium tells Pop • that Zoran did not ~ 'I himself -hel was killed. Wht:r• p, later meets • Zoran's alleged kill 'le finds , himself 1n the midst if dangerous • events that w ill leao 1m to a place. he never knew ex1stc. J. See FESTfV;\l, Pa1e Al3 t .. FESTIVAL Continued from Al 2 2 p.m. INNfMONICA Edwerda '*lend -Gold C.n«U2002 WMll Coe9t Preml9r• ~ TWTance Odette • 8CREENWNTBt Terrance Odette . • CASr. Gt.nevleve Buechner, Clare Coutt.r, Br1gitt. Biko Attended by Alm Represent.etlvea • R~ TIME; 82 ml nut .. In tM heart of Toronto, 1 tenacious young girt'• dream la to participate .. one of the angels In the annual churdl prooeaalon In honor of the •Auumptlon of the Virgin Mary:' When ~ice 11 denied that chance, she steel• th• large archangel Winge for heraelf. lotlng the wlnga on her way home. ahe ftnd8 them • few devs later on the bade of a woman who 11v .. 1n the ravine below the brldges that divide the city. 8-17 R.YING LEGEND Orange County Muaeum of Art United Sr.t .. 2002 •DIRECTOR: Mart Feijo • SCREENWRfTER: Marte Feijo • CASl! Suun Williama Attended by director, producer 'R~ TIME: 52 minutes During Wor1d War II, America fought a fearsome battle over the aides In Europe. It was a decisive moment in the history of the world. From 1942 to mid 1944, Germany tied the advant~e: experience, years preparing for the inevitable air war and great engineers behind extremely well-dnigned machines. One plane. however, wes to overcome all of theM odds end prove that persistence was a much greater power than fear. This airplene was the 8-17 Flying Fortress. whose legacy la unmatctied In the history of aviation. 3:JO p.m. STANOAAO TIME Edwards Island -Blue Unit.fldStatN 2001 • DtRECTOR: Robert Cary •SCREENWRITERS: Isabel Rose, Robert Cery • CAS'f. lsebe~. Cameron San<:f'of\. Ali rfrY, Ilene Levine, Eartha Kitt, Vector Atgo, Andrew McCarthy Attended by director. principal cHt •RU~ TIME: 99 m inutes Billie Golden is a struggling cabaret smger with a vivid imagination. Unfortunately, her fantasies are shattered by the reality of the third rate lounge where 5he performs. In the midst of her confusion, Greg Ellenbogen, an old high school heartthrob, now 1 soccessful corporatJ lawyer, comes beet into her life. He offers her almost everything she COtJld ever desire But when she meets Elliot. en arrogant, bohemian musician she is forced to choose between the luxuries Greg can give her and the one thing he can't: a life filled with music. SPB.LBOUND Lido Theater United SUit# 2002 • DIRECTOR: Jeff Blitz Attended by director. producer • RUNNING TIME: 97 minutes An intense, tru•life expenence of the National Spelling Bee as seen through the eyea of eight driven young 1pefler1. We 5hare in their private lives u lhey trein for and compel• in the ultimate Intellectual 5howdown. From the hardtaabble plains of Texu to the manicured lawns of Connecticut. from the r9dnedl Ozart countryalde to the troubled W11hlngton, D.C. project.a. Spellbound preaenta a patctiwortt of real and modem American stories. SHOATS (S15l: JOURNEY THROUGH SHORTS Orange County Museum of An •EASTSIOE A akateboard journey to Alla and beyond. •RAISE THE CANE A documentary following 100 men and women dreued as S.nt.1 CJaua who make an annual pilgrimage to New Yort City. 4 p.nt. JUST DO IT (HAMYEONl>OENDA) Edwtrck i.land -Gold South Koru 2000 w.t C:O.. Premiere • DIRECTOR: Part Dae -Young • ICREENWRITERS: Kwon In-Chan. Lee Young Pert, Part O..Young • CASr. Pert Sang Veon. Part Jin-Hee, Lee Beom-Su. Jeong Jun, An Seot-hwan, Olt-stik. Pert ln-hwan, Na Moon·hee. Lee Yun-eeong and Ko Ho-kveong • AUNNWO TIME: 93 minutes Mating 1 aatire of Nike'• slogan. •Just Do hi: director Partc J ... Dong appllea it to a mlddl&-d"' family In South Korea who take advantage of the ·economic miracles• happening there In this age of financial boom. In thla particular instance. Park pokea fun at lnayrance acams, and how the Korean bourgeoisie has pldced up tridts learlleG In the Western Wor1d. 5p.m. ntE KRESS l.OVNGE Orange County Museum of An United States 2002 • DIRECTOR: Renie Oxley • SCREENWRITER: Renie Oxley •RUNNING TIME: 56 minutes The story of 86-year-old Irene Kress, a Polish immigrant bosiness owner, and her refusal to conform, change or follow the gentrification of Detroit. The Kress lounge is the home she created for many including the Purple Gang, Veronica Lake, Milton Berle and even a horse named Trigger. The film covers the 66-year history and present-day happenings through its unexpected sale and demolition 8p.m. SHORTS (S1): GANGS Of NEW SHORTS Edwards Island -Blue •RIDE When a routine call goes horribly wrong, a young man finds himself trapped In the bade seat of a squad car with a killer behind the wheel. •GRACE A tale about the choices we make and what we truly want our lives to mean. • BIU'.S SEAT A flat tire traps a New Yortcer in the local bar of a small Pennsylvania town. •ONE On the eve of their separation. the shared memories of two young lovers coalesce in a single tragic instant. • UNTTTl.ED:OO:J..EMBR"t'O What began as a simple act of curiosity descends into madness as Jason exploits other people's dreams to fulfill his ultimate fantasy. • GERANIUM PEACE (GERAMENFR1EDE) An award winning, darl(ly humorous mosaic of erect steeples, fuming men, airborne children, seething neighbors, shrewish housewives. enraged clouds and rampaging dogs. • HEADS AND TAILS Broughttogether in thelocalfish store, a beautiful woman, a mystical little boy and the bond between two brothers renew a fisherman's interrupted farth SHOATS (S11): OSCAR NOMINATED SHOATS Udo Thoeutr •DOG(INJA) A South Africen farmer u ... a Xhouu boy to teach hia puppy to be white man'• friend Ten yeera later, both find themaelws at the mercy of the dog. • WHY CAN'T WE BE A FAMILY AGAIN I A cinema verlte portrait of two brothera who long to be reunited with thetr mother . •THE cou.ECTOR OF BEDFORD STREET When a ~ear-old retarded charity worlter needa help, hia West Village M1nhattan community comea to hi• aid. FRIENDS ANO ~MllY Edwards Island -Gold United Statt1• 2002 • DIRECTOR: Kristen Coury • SCREENWRITER: Joseph Triebwasser • CAS1: Tony Lo Bianco, Anna Maria Alberghetti RUNNING TIME: 90 minutes Stephen Torcelli and Danny Russo are a hunky and Styli5h Manhattan couple who live in a perfectJy appointed row house with plenty of closet space and alphabetized lkln-care products. When Stephen's parents announoe a surprise visit. Stephen and Danny must scramble to prepare the performance of a lifetime. Not that they're closeted. It's 1ust that Stephen can't let his parents know that he and Danny are ruthless mob enforcers for Don Patrizzil s:3op.m. THE LAST ZAPATISTAS. FORGOTTEN HEROES (LOS ULTIMOS ZAPATISTAS, HEROES Ol.VIDADOS) Orange County Museum of An Mexico2001 • DIRECTOR: Francesco Taboada Tabone • SCREENWRfTER: Sarah Perrig Attended by Director • RUNNING TIME: 70 minutes Organized in 1910 by Emiliano Zapata, peasants of Morelos took • up arms and directly challenged 400 years of Spanish-style Mexican rule. Elders of the Mexican revolution tell us the story one more lime. only this lime, we listen 100 years d~per into the struggle for 1nd1genous and peasant rights. 8pm SHORTS IS19): MENDING SHORTS Orange County Museum of Art •ONEUFE David Harlow Rice didn't expect a plane to fly into his offl-Oe building September \1 , nor did his family e11peC1 to be mourning his loss one year later • IMPA08ABLE PAJRS A sencs of shon film segments about pairs of people who have made peace with each other against truly extraordinary odds. 8.30p m. EDDIE (EDI) Edwards Island -Blue Po/and2002 DIRECTOR: Piotr Trzaskalski SCREENWRfTERS: Piotr Trzaskalsk1, Wo1c1adl lep1anka CAST-Henryk Goleb1ewsk1, Jacek Braciak, Jaoek Lenanowicz, Grzegorz Stelmaszewslti, Ola Kisio. Dominik Bak THE .. Al I NEW"• 2004 RX 330 Now Available RosEY's AUIOBODY You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFE TI ME WARRANTY •--~--~-~~ro~~~PV---~J~C"S--~·----------------~·--~·1· Saturday, "4>r~ ~. 2003 Al J "' Attend4ld by Film ~1199 RU......a TIME: 97 mlnw. Two gang;ater br~ra who rule the neighborhood beat a falloW 1Ctap pldter to death. Thia la the brother•' way of enfOf'cing P9Yfnent:a for illegally eold alcohol. The brothera w.nt Eddie to tutor their 17 v-r old 5lster, Princ.e, whom they have been bringing up since the death of their parenu. The btothera ch<>M Eddie for hl1 avid reading 1nd hie uglineu, a guarantee that t"-felaty gir1 will not sleep with him. Three month• later, Princeaa la pregnent. The brothera' IU5Plcion• fall on Gypay. a young aupplier of Illegal alcohol In order to protect her beloved, Princess tella them Eddie ia the father. CAST1..E IN THE SKY• Animation Spotlight Udo Theater Japan 1986 · ~ Hayao Mlvazaki SCREENWRITER: Hayao Miyazaki CAS'f. James van der Beek. Cloris Leachman, Anna Paquin, Mark Hamill, Andy Didt, Mandy Patink1n RUNNING TIME: 124 minutes Hayao M iyazaki's engaging films are known and loved across the globe for their compelling character1, entertaining plots and stunning animation. ·castle In The Sky• takes audiences on a fantastic journey to a mythical retro-future full of amazing landscapes and wonderful flying machines. Pazu (James van der Beek), a young boy, finds the beautiful girl Sheeta (Anna Paquin) slowly descending from the sky wearing a crystal, one that allows her to float In the air. Sheeta can't remember the crystal's secret, but it becomes the target of a band of rabble-rousing sky pirates, led by their hilarious leader (Cloris Leachman). A reception will be held sher the screening st the Hard Rocle Cale $20. Casual. RED TROUSERS: THE LIFE Of THE HONG KONG STUNTMEN• Hong Kong Spotlight Edwards Island -Gold Hong Kong 2003 Wor1d Premiete •RUNNING TIME: 90 minutes In this dattling combination of documentary and shon film hosted by and starring Robin Shou, star of Mortal Kombat, the death-defying feats performed by the world's greatest stuntmen are profiled through interviews and clips that showcase their wort. lntercuning with the documentary footage is the short film •Lost Time; a futuristic manial arts adventure in the style of Alex Proya's "Dark City; where one can appreciate the stuntmen's extraordinary achievement in their final cinematic form. The reception featuring a Wushu Martial Arts exhibition and Lion Dance will follow the screening at the Hard Rocle Cafe. $20 Casual. \ I I ( l 1.: " I ) ' llllalaTII I F• I hill lllllm I .._I °"" S77/Hr{ I (949) I 285-"7902 ~I ~ •BACK PAIN ? • NECK PAIN ? • HEADACHES? f ••·•· Con">ult,'lt HH"I ldbbl OR HEWKO I 114 .J9Sf.I J 11 ·.\Jl>J llLI.'S I{ I ( I" ~' ( \ f {,,I I ~ 230 Ecut 7i St • Costa Meta {949) 722-7224 WWWf~ CCom 11 I . I JI/ Dressers 25°/o OFF A-pri-c April 7-April 9 ("\ dvJBY'9 Night Stands ~A: ~~,o~~-2!~ • Fine furniture at designer prices! Everything at below warehouse prices! New merchandise arrives daiJ ! THE TOP 10 WAYS You CAN TELL ROGER'S GARDENS DESIGNED AND INSTALLED YOUR LANDSCAPE Rooa'a OAADllNS CotoucAPL •• OUR LAND9cAn: DmsloN llOl IAN JC)AQU1N tm1.li, <UIQNA IJIL MAA. C.A tJ6lJ ' 949.64<>.5806 1 Ii •' A14 Saturday, April 5, 2003 I can't believe ..... . It's M¥ Hotne · Landscaping or .re-landsc:aping is your answer to a beautiful new look for your home. FLOWERDALE can make yow landscape dtt.am. come · ttue, and inerease your home's vaJu~, too! Come in today and disc:ovtr the people who can m.a.ke a diffemice to yo~ and your garden. AA/~ ~ NURSERIES, INC. COMPLETE LANDSCAPING 46 \'EARS EXP.I Llc-,cnsc No. 308553 t SANTAAJiA • 2800 N. Tustin Ave. I TERRY MFJKLE C.C.N.P. PHIL ! Continued from Al 0 and by the time he was a teenager, he was already playil\g 1n clubs. In 2002. his ultimate dream came true when Tu>picana called and asked him to play on the St.rip in Vegas. "lie had a 'dream and he lived it out," Michael Stute said. Equally intriguing was Shane's loyal following. Some fans had been going to see him play for more than 30 years. As the Phil Shane Fan Oub pi:esi<lent, Debbie Bartz plays a major role in the film, She has beerr anending his KAY MATSON, A.A. . . C.C.N.P. Lan~ DeSigner (714) 633-9200 COSTA MESA • 2700 Bristb~Avc. 714 754--6661 Un~Daign~ performances alm~t nightly since she was 21 years old. "She went to see hiil1 every night and was essentially. along With a bunch of other people. very much in love with him." 1he ~eel Cafe is full of surprises, not ham. Oo'W' ~ou and ~o~ lunch buddi.es c.a.n st;oP. b~ The +lone~Baked Cafe for a surprisin$Jl~ wide arr>a~ of delwL<>u_sh made from scrat;ch, lunch t"emptanons. T ~ our +f one~B"aked ~LC.Ken C.OrJon Bleu, Beer WeUingt<>n, or> f()or>lfFillets wt.th Fresh Blac.kberr~ ~(ale· Or erjo~ a fresh, c.risp~ ffiast:er eh~ Salad. Anti, if breakfast; {,s 1;o ~OUP ll.Kl.n8i we ser>Ve l.t all da~ Lons-. With ehot.ees ll.ke our> ~~t and fl~ Hone!.JBaKed Onlelettata wt.th T ur>Kc~, Avocado and SWt.ss e h eese OP sc.rurnpnous Snffed French Toast-. So next ti.me ~ou do Lwic.h, do Lt i.n ~le at'Jhe i-lone~Baked Cafe ... wher>e ~ou'U find over ~ delwoous thins-s-for luneh, besi,(les our a.mazins-ham. C.Ome see us tod.4~. We're r~ht ne::xf:-door t;o th.at famous ham store. 0penMonday-Woonesdayaa.m.-6:Jopm THE HONE:VBA Thut5day ·Saturday 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Tustin 13771 Newport Ave.# 13 Ame : 714-731~16 fax :714-731-4907 tu6lgbl Beadl 19022 Bead1 aw. #C Phone: 714-96U174 fax 714-378-1216 . 5onw ilflll5 Mid IWlln <Ny "llY di 0-~ Momma John We belong to the world's largest flooring retail group -c0-0p. We are tbe biggest flo<>rlng dealers Individually ownea and operated • NOB<JDY. anyJ1.11Jetie can beat our selection, prices or service. You 're paying too mucb If you 'tw not buying from us. Jennifer Lifetime Warnmty Carpet $1'' Ufetime Warranty Laminate Gus Lifetime Warranty Ceramic $1 ~' Lifetime Warranty Wood Brenda 100% FREE ·No Qlae~oas Asked 60 day <?Ci:hange. If you don 't llJee It, we will replace It FREE FULL SERVICE CH1ter T1p1 • Shtwett • Cera11ic • StH• • GrHlte • W11~ R1fi1 ish ONE STOP SHOP Widew CtVtrl• • • CltHi1 c., et & U ~•lttt • Pai.ti• -l1terier & Exterltr comta .... lrvln• , ... , •S0•79.7• <M9) 818•0t4t ta• •· t7tll 17777 Main •a• MOM·fRI t0·6 • SATURDAY 10·4 ' , '( I'' Mlchae\Stute said. "I think her life started to revolve around his.. Now In her 40s, Bartz ls still one of Shane's biggest fans. "Every time I've seen Phil. she has been there. If she has something else going on, she'll go for a couple hours and then leave," Michael Stute said "I.tis like she just bas to get that little bi( of ~e in." Michael Stute used what he called "guerrilla wadare" shooting tactics to capture the spontaneity of the experience. To blend in with the crowd, he used a smaller Sony one-chip camera Instead of the standard professtonaJ three-chip camera. • 1 didn't want people to be · aware or intimidated in front of the camera,• be said. Since most of the ·filming took place at bars and clubs, Michael Stute said there was never a dull moment "We saw the good. the bad and the ugly. It was totally wild," he said. Completing the project required long days at work and long nights of filming. It was an NOTEBOOK Continued from Al 0 Ml've met a lot of people over the years through tour managing, which has given me an advantage as far as boolcing shows," he said. "Because of our size w~ can't always afford all the acts we want, people have to want to play here." One the bands that wanted to • play Detroit were Olympia. Wash. punk stalwai:ts the Melvins. "They heard from other bands that had played here. and so they contacted me, and we sold out the place," Fahey said. Good Southern California · rode: shows are not just in LA. anymore. THEATER Continued from Al 0 larcenous one -stealing the show at every opportunity as her teetotaler character is driven, repeatedly. to drink. There are many ways to play a drunJc: scene effectively, and Robertson elects one of the most hilariously convincing. virtually draping herself around the furniture as she becomes increasingly pixilated. Colley projects a picture of total confusion as his character is drawn into the charade, but not so overwhelmed that he doesn't see a chance to make a quick pound or two. The perky, kittenish Marsha Collins is a particular treat as stie hatches plans to share Ross' fortune, along with his bed, in Spain when his wife declines. Monte Collins and Strong are a contrasting pair of police officers. Monte CoUins' character is an amiable fellow who greets Ross with outstretched palms repeatedly as the st.alc:es mount, while Strong brisdes with steely professionalism until the experience that he calla WackY. crazy and. at times, fUll of frustradon. "When I look back, the who thing was lib a 'Whldwlnd," he said. "I would have these long, long days. But it was worth minute." Michelle Stute was a drlvins force in the project as ccrWJfter and co-producer. In a way, Phil Shane pl~yed a role In brhlglng Micha.el and M.icbeDe Stute closer together. "During the course of makiD the film, we ended up getting married. And of course, we bad to have Phil play at our wedding." M.ichaeJ Stute said. ' lli:e many fans, Midlael and .. • MiChelle Stute quickly became ' close friends with Shane. But even newcomers0at his Orange County or Vegas-pedonnances should not be surprised to see Shane waVtng as they enter. 1 .. Mlf he sees you walk in whlle he is singing. he will wave at you. And I don't even know if he· knows aU these people,• be said. Mlt makes you feel good. ThJs guy makes you part of the expe~ence." Elliott Smith plays the Detroit Bar in Costa Mesa on Tuesday. outlandish situation eventually pushes him, ballistic, over the edge. Markland's ubiquitous cabbie reaps a few chuckles. and the crime lord with the true claim to ~ the cash is given a garbled. guttural treatment by Gary Cohen. > ·Funny Money" is funnier in ilS execution than it is on the . j page, thanks to an energetic, . ...4 imaginative company. lbe play" first act is about half an hour too long -with a few too many complications for optimwn • clarity -but some of the · • briefcase-switching bits in the "? second sustain interest nobly. 'w • MRelatively Speaking· has :-- been extended for four • additional performances in the company's JuJianne Argyros • Theater. 41 The extra stagings will be Ap 10, 11 and 12 at 7:45 p.m .. with matinee on the 12th at 2 p.m. at the SCR theater, 655 Town • Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Reservations are being taken at the box office, (714) 708·5555. • Tom Titus' reviews run Thursda and Saturdays. Help keep our city clean! •@ununPJ1ull • CONSIGN •DESIGN Qua1ily FunWhings & Accessoms For Your HonN 3 Drawer Dresser ........................................................ $759 Black Iron/Glass End Table ...... :-···-··· ............... $100- Pine Coffee 'IB_ble/Cbest.. .................................. -••••• $175" Pirae I>esk •••• -....................... -............... _ ..................... $175'!' Cb.a.nglng 'Iablel'Dl-esstr ••••••••••.•. .-.-........................... $2W -11le Top KJtchen Table 4 CbaJrs ..... __ .................. $lsr 369 E. 17th Street 110, COsta Mesa, Located bcl\lnd Plum 'a PldCI Phone(949)764-1746 Moo~lit UHX•S:~ SM 10: .. S:®pm. S. IO«Wi-4~ ' t -----; -.,. . --. -. FURNITURE • • LIQUIDATORS 8966 WARNER AVE., FOUNTAIN VAWY SAU HOURS: (714) 848·1994 . Mon.·fri. 10AM·7PM . Saturday 1 OAM-6PM . Sunday 11 AM·SPM Pa~ can be ma by CMh, Cheek. Visa or MasterCard. Deltvery may be an'anged. • Behind Chevron Gas StatiOn Comer Of Magnolia & Warner • f ' I t88 Poncht 911 Turbo Whitt/Rid 11 K Mlltt C1b ,.ttory Stant Non. Vtry Rarel 146,900 1 . ' t --------------·. ·-----· ---·---~-----~-,--~~--~---....... _.. .......... ----------- QUOTE Of TIE DAY "We didn't slay Goliath, but I think we stunned him a little. 11 Marc Rodia, Estancia High softball coach GOLF . Fond farew~ll . to.Pate~,' one of our local legends .former Santa Ana C ountry Club women's .. '"Champion was way ahead ; _, of her time . . ·T he Ne\vport-Mesa ~: community lost a jewel of an ~ individual recently when Pat .~ Cox passed away quietly in her sleep at age 81. A treasured friend, mother, grandmother and dedicated volunteer, she was the daughter of Newport Beach industrialist Richard Emison-a three-time past president at Santa Ana Country Oub and former owner of the highly successful Santa Ana Lumber Company, the area's first lumberyard. "She was a socialite of the first water,· her longtime neighbor, Bob Nichols, said, referring to the myriad parties and fund-raisers Mrs. Cox · would host at her .--------.. house, the cherished RICHARD DUNN "Duck Farm" at the end of Mesa Drive overlooking the Back Bay. AStanford · graduate and former World War II officer, Mrs. Cox was capable of being a tough cookie. Very opinionated. Strong-willed.1.Dved the American flag hanging every day in front of her ~acre house, which she built with her husband. Alvin Stewart Cox. in l!M9. He died about a decade ago. Mrs. Cox's first civilian job was Recreation Director at the Balboa Bay Oub, one of the most happening places In town in the 1950s. She was a top-ranked tennis player and a 3-handicap golfer who won four women's club championships at Santa Ana Country Oub, where she met her husband She captured her first title in 1947 as Pat Emison before getting married, then won club championships again in 1952, '61 and '62 as Mrs. Al Cox. "She was a very independent and strong woman. She was a feminist before it became a term,· said Gary Pickens, who worked for her at the "Duck Farm" in her finaJ years, taking care of the geese, ducks, chickens and rabbits. Added Nichols: "She spent all of her time helping people. Up until the last three or four years. she was into everything ... she used to be involved in all kinds of social activities. Her picture used to be in the (Dally Pilot! all the time. She was a very nice looking lady. Very attractive. She knew ewrybody. • Said Al Hobson. a neighbor of 45 years: "She bad a lot of friends. She did a lot of good work. They attended St. Andrews [Presbyterian Cllurcb in Newport Beach). It there's any kind of service for her. there will probably be • Sports Editor Roeer Cal'lson • <949l 574-4223 • Sports Fu: 1949> 650-0170 HIGH_·SCHOOL BASEBALL . ~7h0noftt PAUL ORRIS Sabday, AD<• 5, 2003 ll -STEVEMcCRANl</OAll.YPILOT Estancia's Greg Hughes (2) gets back to second as an errant throw comes into Costa Mesa's Dylan Hunter (4) and Alex Pisarski in the frft'h inning. The baU got past both players and Pisarski was injured in the throat in the process. Pisarski shook it off and stayed in the game to help his teammates en route to a 1 &-5 victory. Peterson whiffs 14 Mesa lefty fans 14 and Mustangs explode for 11 in sixth to topple Eagles, claim Paul Troxel Trophy. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot COSIA MESA -Before he flirted with history, Costa Mesa High junior left· bander Justin Pe-SCOREBOMD terson danced with defeat in Friday's 16-5 Golden West League baseball win over crosstown rival Estancia. Peterson fanned two in each of the Estancia 5 first four innin~ Mesa 16 then struck out the side in the fifth, putting him four strikeou ts away from tying the ZO-year-okt school single- game record held by Jeff Goettsch. But all he bad tD show for it at that point was a S-5 deadlock. The Mus~ however, ttansf'etred the suspense from the scoreboard back to the mound, scoring 11 runs on five hits in the sixth. Peterson, who did not fan a batter in SM GOLF, Pqe ee The Mesa bench, including catcher Nate Hunter, celebrate a run scored against Estancia by Mesa's Adam Beltran (11). COLLEGE BASEBALL UCSB poun4s Anteater pitching in 7-4 victory ua UCS8 to give the Anteaters a 1--0 lead. The lead did not last long. The Gauchos scollld three In the first with the help of three · · at.ra bue hits. The Anteaters took the lead in the third lnning with ft\lle hits. tncludln8 • ..:rtflce lly .t by Wagner and Mct-to-t.ck 7 RBI iinP.I by JOldari Sr.abo and Matt Alber. Wllbltoa anc1 on MaJeC both linldid. and lrt.n AdUm Wdt.ed ................. ....,., Jc*tPul· ton In the ........ ol lbe Md ......... Pullioll lbm .. oallicl • cwo-:nm dOublt =--=-~=::.:r...'?= tnl Adlml to lblnt Alts ID ....... ....... = Mld1MI lrolllllr .... ctueed a bd by MMI .._.IO end the..-... but nae bebw the o.u-._ ....._ ,_.. DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Muriel Mason Estancia·s early-season success on the softball diamond has beep keyed by hard-working freshman. -/ Sm• Vlr1en Matoll Joied IOftblll eoo Daily Pilot mum to_.,. up. Sbe WGlbd =.:.=o::::: outfortbe84N~ .......... umn d.-llMOll lbe Md dneloPed c.'Gl6tl'a bec:Mw oltbe.-ortlbe_pul In: lbslUQf b8' ego took a'* ol a dip..-.• ilWted Iba--In .. owMd. iftill' c~-...... jill•' t I role. .. _= .............. llld~ ac 'ffll._..1_ ., II •••• ........ , .... ...... dlillmllll• T _ .. ..................... ' t : .. • .. * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * Consignments Welcome * ASE Certified Tec~cians * Cash Paid for Your Car * Warranty Included * Competitive Finance & Lease Rates (on Most Vehicles) This Weekend Only . We've slashed prices on all vehicles. Mercedes·· BMW• Porsche SUV'S and More . . ------------------··--~-----~--- SPOR f ~ Estancia High freshman Muriel Mason is ttus week's Daily Pilot 'High School Athlete Of the Week. SEAN HILLER / DAILY PILOT Asw#I o W A Z c • sn.-day, Acri 5, 2003 13 .fMSON MURIB. MASON Recently, Mason has been displaying her knack for pitch- ing. while also being a consis- tent hitter. Last week. in the circle and at the plate, she helped lead the Eagles to three vil1ories. including a I -0 Golden West League win over Continued from B 1 maner of going out there and playing another game. But, you have to go out there and play hard.· Marc Rodig. F.stancia's Coach who is m his second year wtlh the program, quickly became aware of Mason's hustJe and determination. It's that rypc of attitude that excites the coach about his young player'i. future. "She gives you everything she hru.," Rodig said. ·~he hil., a strong work ethic and she\ J competitor. I couldn't a<,k for anything more for what i.he'c; doing thJs year. I could !>C'e her being a team leader. The girt.. really look up to her becauM! of her success and hard work.· 8orn: April 26, 1988 Hometown: Costa Mesa Height S-foot-6 Weight 130 Sport: Softball 'osltlon: Pitcher Coech: Marc Rodig Favorite food: Chkken Favorite movie: •Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs• lest lrthletk ~ ·winning a high school league game over Westminster. Hey. I'm only a freshman.• Atha.t. of the Week XIV: She carried a .400 baning average 1n four games. collecting four eJCtra ww hits and she also won two of the three games she pitth~. rl!Cording nine rtnk~uts Daily fib Coll«ror sports ard 1er~ 03 S Westminster. Mason. the DaJly PlJot of the Week. recorded a complete- game. four-hitter that came with four strike<ml!> and four wa~ in the league-opening victory over Wec;cminster March 26. She called it her best athletic moment, yet knowing there is more to come. "fley, I'm only a fre'>hman," she said. Mason earned a .400 bat- ting average in the four games 1:.stancia played last week. She went 2-1 in the game-. i.he Mason's results Atem from a trne Jppreuauon ol GOftbalJ. She bas been playing 11 '>lllCl' '>he wa.'> 7 When she was 6 <ihe played T-ball for Loo,w Me'a Little League. Then the followin~ year' o,he playt•d softball in a league in l·ountain Valll'y p1tt lll'd .rntl delivered nine c;tnkeout<i in those g.1mt''>. In Jdd111on, i.he collected four extra bai.e hit' and ..ix run' '>cored, a' the Eagles won three of lour gaml',. She w<·nt .i for 4 with t~o triple., and four RBis 111 L.'>l<lllllJ\ I 0 .! Wln ovE>r Connelly in the CoMa During her Lhildhood, Mason u-.ed to watl·h her half-brother PauJ Rory play ba.,t•b.111 and p11ch .ind that inspired her. \1c•u1 TounMment March 27. "I wa' told from the lod<> at school that '>he was .1 good playt>r. nodig ..aid "But more than that 'ht>\ a rn.1chable pla) er. ~he adm11c; any faults <llld takl·s rt''>JlOll'>ibilit) for what 'lhe doe<i on and oll tht' fit•lcl I think ~he ft'lt a<> a freshman that she \.,.,,.,11·1 go111g to ~tep 11110 that (pllchmg role. but ,ht• kind of work.ed hl·r way into 11. and I think ' 'lw\ en1oy1ng 11 once <,he\ there. A~ a coach that's •(Pitchingl just looked like a lot of fu11. \1a'-On ... ud Before Mason became an eighth w-ader .tt fl Wmk.le Intermediate '>he dcvdniwd an intl'n<>c· dl'· sire to improve a'i a pitcher \hl• trained. on~ on pne, with a pitchtng. '>pcn.1ll't, n.1r Hut'. J11d ~·-quidly noticed a difference •it WdS a dramatic improvenwnt." Ma~ci11 '><.lli.l "I was taught about fa-;tball., ancl I '>t,tned 10 gl't a lot more pitches down." a hll'\'>111~ w havl' a fre.,hman like her. I'll defi- SCHEDULE TODAY Baseball College -UC Irvine at UC Santa Barbara, 1 p.m.; Vanguard University at Biola University, doubleheader at noon Community college - Irvine Valley at Orange Coast, noon. Volleyball College men -UC Irvine at use. 7p.m. Tennis College women -Cal Poly San Luis Obispo at UC Irvine, 11 a .m. Softball College -Cal Baptist at Vanguard University, doubleheader. noon. Tredl and fMld College men and women - Big West Challenge Cup at UC Irvine. 10:30 a.m. High school boys and girls -Corona del Mar. Costa Mesa at Trabuco Hills Invitational, 8 am. High school girls - Estancia at Cerritos Invitational at Gahr High. 10a.m. BaabtbeJI High school -Orange County All-Star Games at Orange Coast College, girts at 5 p.m., boys at 8 p.m. SUNDAY B....,..I College -UC Irvine at UC Santa Barbara, 1 p.m. r11tMy 1,11..e that .. MEN'S VOLLEYBALL STEVE McCRANK/DAA.Y PILOT UC Irvine's Jimmy Pelzel 12) repeats MPSF volleyball honors. . Pelzel named MPSF Player of the Week CRAWFORD HAIJ hmmy Pelzel. a junior on the UC. Irvine men's voUeybaJI team, ha.<, been named Molten Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Player Qi the Week. It b the second Player of the Week accolade for Pel7,el this season. He was aJso honored on Jan. l3. Pelzel led UCJ In wins over No. 15 UC Santa Barbara (3-0) and No. 7 Cal State Northridge (3-l) Last week. He totaled 23 kills and a .636 hitting percentage against UCSB then exploded with a ca- reeT-h.igh 35 kills to help UCI up- set No. 7 Cal State Northridge. The 35 kills Is the most by an MPSF player this season and ranks ninth all-Ume ln the ua match record books. It ls the sec- ond most lcills since rally scoring began. On the week, the outside hitter avemged 8.3 kills and a .576 hitting percentage. OUr First Mercedo PUTchase Program also applies w our outseandmg trrra'I of low mileage, Slll1T1lllrk Cerufied,. C..Class models at our lowe,,t le&e rate ewr!! Dcm't miss out on a .i.001 C240 Sedan in absolur.ely mine condlUon wich payment.S rJw don't 11'1'-~ to cosc 'IOU a mnu. Beaer hUTT) · -) Bue na WOW! $~...... r-....f.i ....... / .. FOR ~ .. ( ~L Now Get .... ~ --. . . -- 1 --• ______ ,,-Park 2003 EXPEDITION · . . · · · · . · •-' , ;· · · . ,, . · · · · 1'ewk•>1 f'ocu SE :4-Door /Yew mJ Explorer : 4-Door ""8.IU'-, .... '21975 .. l . . 84 Sataday. Aid !'>, 2003 SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANK I ONLY PILOl Costa Mesa's Adam Beltran ( 11) slides into second past the tag by Estancia shortstop Ivan Paz( 1) during Friday's game at Mesa. MUSTANGS Continued from Bl thl' """U1. struc~ out tht' side in tht' seventh to finish with 14 Ks. Ont: off the record I le wa'> hardly disappointed. however. after his ..econd complete game win over the 1:.agles gave his team Its first league vktory. ru. well M posses- "'°n of the Paul froxel frophy, dWJ.rded to the winner of the an- nual cro'>-'>tow11 series. l:..<.tanc1a drfeated the Eagles, I I I . 111 a March 20 nonJeague game and l'eten.en pitt.hed them 10 a 4 I victory 111 a Ncwpon El.JQ, IOum;iment conte.'>t March 10. lhe lournament game did nol rnuni in the ballle 101 lhe per pe1ual trophy, named for the late former rnach at Estancia who was aJso .m as">istant al Mesa be- fore hi'> sudden death during the l <¥l<J -.<.·a son Me'><J visils Estancia 10 rnmplete their league seric<. Mav7 •j wa-. t·onung after them," 'kl.Id f't'tl'r'>On C'.\ I l, who now hru. 1(1 '>tiikl·out'> 111 2q tnnm~. With fll't onr t•.trnt'd run allowed f-n day, he lowered his ERA to 1.93. Ml've never had a game like this. This is my best win.r MThe littJe lefty throws strikes,· Mesa Coach Doug Deats said of hii. pitching standout, who also doubled and drove in a run to join the other eight spots in the lineup that reached base at lea'>t once for the winners (5-6, I -2 m league). Senior first baseman Dan Bit- ler was the offensive star for the hosts. following a first-inning walk with four straight RBI sin- gles. finishing 4 for 4 with four RBis and foUI runs. Senior third baseman Rohen Rodriguez was the onJy other Mustang with multiple .hits, go- ing 2 for 3 with three RBis. in- cluding a two-run double that capped the double-digit sixth. Deats, however, singled out Ro- driguez's RBI single in the fourtll, which put the hosts on top, 5-3. "The IWO-OUt RBI single by Ro- driguez in the fifth was huge,· Deats said. Rodriguez's blooper that fell In left-center field, however, was answered by the Eagles, who pulled even for the second time in the fifth. Sophomore leadotJ man Greg 1 lughes. who singled and scored in the first to give Estancia a short-lived lead, doubled over the center fielder·~ head to open the fifth-inning rally. After Jer- emy Hauser walked. a would-be double-play grounder led to an errant U1row to second base, al- lowing Hughes to score. Hauser later scored when Man Ronquil- lo was hit by a pitch with the ba.~ loaded and the game be- gan anew. Dylan I lunter staned the sixth-inning onslaught for Mesa. when he WdS hit by a pitch for the ..econd lime in the game. Adam Beltran reached on an er- ror and RRI singles by BiUer and Nate I lunler followed. Rodriguez was hit by a pitch to load the bases, setting up consecutive RBI walks to Gary Go117.aJez 'and Alex Pisarski. Derek Garcia reached on an infield error to make it I 0-5 and Peterson folJowed with a sacrifice fly for another run. A Dylan I lunter double plated an- other run and, after a walk loaded the bases, BitJer singled to dnvc m his fourth run. Nate HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL Sea Kings win in four Sea Kings experiment with depth in PCL home victory Friday. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot <.OHONA Dfl MAR -It 1c,n'1 lw~' y1111 '>tart, or t-ven how you pl.1\-m tht' mu.Idle of'the !>eru.on, hul how you fmi!)h nu~n.' might be a clich~ 1udwrl in then>, hut Corona del \.far I hgh boys \iOIJeyball coach ...,tl·vc < emu is willing to go the d1c,t,1me with it, even lf II means hi., w.m1 due. .. n't gt>I a Jwnp-stan T850rO 1 CdM 3 l out of the gate. ·11opc fully, we'll peak late ln the vmcing win. MWe did some good things in the match," Conti said. "The changed lineup in the second garpe did OK and we changed (the lineup) even more in the third game, but the score is not indicative of how that group caJI be. We struggled with ball con- trol in the third game. as we did as a team at times against La- guna Beach [in the Sea Kings' !'CL-opening win I ... we want lo be able to play focused for a long period of time. You have fewer peaks and valleys with focus.· Behind setter Greg Gabnel, who had 28 assists and two serv- ice aces, and 6-foot-7 senior rruddle blocker Eric Jones, the 5ea Kings rolled in the opening two games. Neither were on the floor in the third game. In fact, the litans did to the Sea Kings in the third game in reverse of what happened to them in the first two. But Gabriel and Jones re- turned to the Ooor in the fourth game, along with Tum Welch, Miles Youn:nan. Kevin Welch and Bart Welch. a senior outside hitter who finished with nine Wis. Jones led CdM with 11 kilh and three solo blocks. ·rhey're a new school with no seniors. and I always think hav- ing seniors is a big plus to a team: Conti said of the Titans under Coach John Gipe. •John's gping to get that program in the rtght direction. They've gpt one real good player mm Steadman) and three freshmen on the var- ity. Tusoro mJgbt even become bigger than Capistrano Valley. (ltsl lite Northwood. Klds want to go to a new Jcbool ... (then- tansl will dennltety be a forte down the road." In the fourth game, CdM didn't allow another point after taJdt\g a 2-1 ·edge With 80pho more 1om Welch at t.eTVe, tho Se8 Klfl&.' ICOred the match's lf- naJ 10 points unanswered ln th t wetcb, Tum Welch and Jon hid tfl to i-rt the raDy. then three atral~t unforced er· 10 -a net v1olatJon, mishan· dtcd bell llJld recum triln ttw! I stnng -gave CdM a 9-I lead as fei.oro called timeout. Bart Welch riOed in a cross- coun k.iJJ to keep the streak go- ing. then an unforced error. two net violations and a smashing solo block by Jones set up match point, in which on a long return by Steadman ended matters. Elsewhere in high school boys volleyball Friday: Tar rally past Irvine • Newport Harbor bounced back from a first-game defeat to capture a 15-17, 15-4, 15-7. 15-1 I Sea View League victory at Irvine I ligh. Michael Toole paced the win- ners with 17 kills. though PauJ Toman (15), Nick Glassic (12) and Morgan G<>vaars (12) also provided setter Adam Schle- singer (58 assists) som e potent hitting opUons for the SaUors. Newport I larbor improved to 9-8, 2-0 in league and also lm- pressed Coach Dan Glenn. "We played well and we be!lt a good team, which is some- thing we needed to do." saJd Glenn, who also praised the bad. row play of senlor Mi- chael McDonald. Schlesinger chipped in five kill s, while Gluslc Govaars and Nick Kelly each had two ace serves. The SaJJors host Laguna Hills Tuesday, before vt ltlng Wood- bridge Thursday in what is ex- pecled to be a Orat-place show- down. Saints sweep Mesa • Co ta Me.. I llgh aopho· more mJddJ blocker Garrett Walthers hod alx ldU and three scuff blocks, but vtJlllng Santa An. had enough to ma 15·9, 15 6, 15·5 Colden West Le8gue triumph. Senior outlildc hitter Danny Krlkorian added ii kills for the Muitao Cl·JO, O·S In leque}, while Coach D ve Somll$ alt0 praised th back· row play of 1ony Krikorian and Danell w f Hunter folJowcd with a sacrifice Oy to make it 14-5 and Rodriguez lauched a two-nm double into the rigllt-center gap to complete the uprising. Beltran went I for 2, reached base all five plate appeardncec>, scored four runs and stole twu bases. while Dytan I luntcr went I for 2 with three ruru. and an RBI. Cullen Crom went 2 for 3 with two RBls and one run and Hughes firushed 2 for 4 with two runs to pace the 1:.agles' seven hit anack. Tyler Hoffman added an RBI smgle in the third ror tJ1e Eagles. who reU 10 J-8. I J "We don't have too many guy<. swinging with confidence nght now," Estancia Coach Ion Green said. MWe walked eight and their hitters did a good job of battling with two strikes." Gotdetl West l.ea&ue Mesa 16, Est•nd• 5 Sc:onl by Innings Estancia l02 020 ll !> 1 J Mesa 210 20ITII • 16 11 1 Hoffman. Crom (61. Ippolito (61 and Hau~r. Peterson and N Hunter W Peterson, 3-1. L -Hoffman. 1 2 28 Peterson (CMI. P1sarslu (CMI. Hughes IE), D Hunter (CMI. Rodnguez (CMI SOFTBALL Lions split • pair Nonconference duels Friday at Chapman. ORANGI: -Vanguaid Um versiry's softball team split with host 01apman Unive~ity Fri day in nonconference play. Vanguard holding O\apman off in the opener, 5-4, then drop ping a 9-6 decision m the night- cap. Celina Camarillo got the vic- tory in the opener after seeing O\apman score four runs m the final two innin~ Jill Ramsey's two-run home run in the third inning proved to the difference. Ashley Mawo and Ramsey were each 2 for 2. Rachel RoUe was 3 for 4 and Jill Jeranko was 2 for 4 for Van· guard In the nJghteap, but It was all O\apman. which led, 9·2, through six Innings before Yanguard's four-run seventh. Vanguard ls DOW 21-14-1. Olapman is 23-7. Vanguard h<>St.s Cal Baptist of Riverside today with • double- header, starting at noon. Gmrftel V.C'·~· Vanguard 01a 'io,"'""T -I n o ~000002 2 •to Ca!Nrillo •nd Smidt ErNncs.., Bry.nt (3) and Vohs W Cemar1llo L -Em1tndee. 0 2. 28 -M.uro M. Aoeeet (C), Slrnertlnlt (Cl, YoN (C).38-Ziegler (Ch). a.n.2 ~··~· ~uard 000 ~...,., •• , Chtifjmen oil OCM 1t t 11 0 at.II Md ADI ... Ounn end~ W- Dunn. t-0. L -a.II 28-Jefrio M. Rolle M. ftoeMio (Cl. Ctpon. (Cl. \tohl(C). -----··--~--···-.-- -----· _,,,,,. .. --.. -·--. -.... -.... ----____ ..,......_...,,~~-7 -~~ CdMjumpson Tesoro early Sea Kings score fo ur runs in first on their way to 7-4 Pacific Coast League victory. Rlch1rd Dunn Dally Pilot CORONA DEL ~ -in the beginning. the stage was set for what appeared to be doomsday for the visitors Friday afternoon as it rained base hits fo r Corona del Mar 1 ligh in the first inning. producing a foUI-run rally against a young team that even- tually concluded with a 7·4 Pacific Coast League baseball win over Tesoro. The Sea Kings had two pop-ups fall un- touched in no-man's land on both sides of the diamond as shal- low lert and right field played havoc on the litans early on. wwe jumped out on top. then !starter) Tesoro CdM Hlake C:Ontant did a good job keeping their hitters in check.· CdM Coach John Emme said, re- remng 10 his junior left-hander with good control who earned the victory with five solid in- nings, striking out six and waJk- mg one. T~ro outhit CdM, 10-9. thanb 10 a four hi1 seventh in- ning lhal created two runs to al- low the lnans to send the eying run to the plate in the seventh against reliever Nick Rhodes. an- other lefty. "It W'dl> ruce getting those three runi. Im the sbcthl because we really needed them, .. l:.mme said of hi., team·~ la1e outbursl against fesoro starter Tony Tru- Jillo, who had olherwi~t been <,h..trp, and reli~ver Derck Crad· dock. who gave up 1hrct 'u-aigh1 hit'> and committed an errn1 on a p1t.lwff throw to permit a runner lo <>core from third base. After CdM\ four-run first in ning. Jh.JJillO retired the next seven batters in a row and didn't allow a hit for four consecutive 1nnlng~. or until Josh Bradbury greeted him wiU1 a double to crntcr field to open the sixth. Nick ~ followed with an RBI single to right-center field to chase Trujillo. In. the first, CdM shortstop Keith Long doubled, Bradbury walked and ~ doubled home Long. Bradbury scored oD a fieldefs choice off Todd 'Mack· Un's bat, then Barrett Sprowl blooped' a double to rtgl)t field to put runners OD second and third. Wess Presson folJowed with a bloop ingJe to left to scored two runs and up the lead to 4-0. ·we had some nlce clutch hits by ~ and Sprowl, and Maclc- lin swung the bat well," said Emme, whose team 16-4. 3-2 in 4 7 league) was picked by the PCL coaches as the favorite to win the titJe, and has won two straight since a mild ·hiccup" earlier in the PCL campaign. Tesoro's Cun is Hill ruined Contant's shutout bid in the third when he opened with a single to center. moved to third on Craddock's single and scored on a fielder's choice. Contant ended the in- ning by sLiiking out cleanup hitter En c I lamren looking al a bacldoor breaking ball. Con tant fimshed a I -2-3 fourth in ning the i.ame way agamst Shane Keough. the son of for- mer CdM standout !Oass of '731 and ma1or league p11cher Matt Keough Tesoro scort.-d an unearned run in the fifth, bu1 the ~a King1>' three-run sixth build their lead to 7-2. "They're a young team with all f~men and M>phomores. They have only three jumors. • l:.mme said or the Tilan~. who made a lot of noise m the <>eventh, before RhodC!> punched out Sam Lew for the game's final out Wlth run- ners on second and third. Padftc eo.. LN1ue CdM 7. Tetoro 4 Score by lnnlnas Tesoro 001 010 ~ • 10 ' CdM ~ 003 • 7 9 1 Tru11llo. Craddodl (61 and P1p1ooe. Contant, Rhodn (6) and Mann Fenn W -Contant, 2 1 L Tru1lllo 28 Long (CdMI. Bradbury (CdMI, Karpe (CdM). Sprowl <CdM). Keough In. Andcnon (T) HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Newport Harbor fall s at Foothill, 4-1 Knights extend winning s treak to five in Sea View League. SANTA ANA -Newport I !ar- bor fhgh's Sailoe> grabbed a 1-0 fiN-inning lead m their Sea View I .eague baseball game at Foothill I righ. but the lead was short- tived as Foothill put together a pair of two-run innings with a pair of doubles involved in each 10 claim a 4-I victory Friday "We just didn't hit the ball.· 'iWd Newport Harbor Coach Joel Desguin, who watched his team go down on strikes nine times with just three singles 10 'ihow for the day. The only fireworks for New· por1 came in the first when Ka- ro Makserjlan got aboard on a two-uut i.winging bunt. fol lowed by a stolen base and a free pass to Ryan Torrey before Ryan Rowe delivered an run- scoring i.ingle up the mlddle. Foothill responded with a nine-hit attack with four dou hies as the Knights lmproved to 5-0 in league. Harbor feU to 3-8, 1-4. Newport meets Aliso Niguel twice next week. traveling on Tuesday. then hosting the Wol- verines on Thursday. Turrey gets the nod on Tuesday for mound duty. S..V'-L..- Foottt• ... NewpcM1 1 NewP<>n 5co:: ~ """"r 1 J 1 Foothill 020 002 • -4 I 0 Cantarella and Saochez, Hughel and Kir1l~trldt. W -Hughes. L - Cantarella, 2·3. 38 -Wegner IFI. Hi<*s (Fl 2, Hughes (F) Lightning edged, 7 ~6 league. Sage Hill falls to 2-3 in Academy League. It was the second stra.lght one-run le&8UC loss for the Ugbtning. which fell lo 3-4-1, CYPRl!SS Sage Hill 2-3. School junior 11m Wilkins Sophomore David Pld:ard went 4 for -4 with two doubles also ho~ for the vWtora. and a home run and pitched who had ail uan-bue hits six-plus innings, leaving the among their eight hilt on the gamt w1th his team In front, day. 6·4. But hos t Oxford Academy Oxford had two homas rnllled for three In the •~v· among Ill 10 hill. cnth 10 post a 7-6 Academy Hl1l committed three er· l.eagu bueball win frlday Jn rora, but only one Oxf'Of'd run Cypress. W\l$ unearned. Th winning rally tarted • wtth a dropped Oybad to centec:-~~ ftelcJ Md a hit. to brtng on a re-· Ollfwd ~ ._. .. 1 IJAMr for Wllldns. 1eore ~....,. ThA lWO rufinU~~ by .. ~ ~Ill : 021 1 : ~ : : ~mpaon o '"""" to u uie WlflkiM, l.of* C'7I tnd ~ pmo at 6-6. lederd, Flof'tdo (4), Sweneon Ill Mer waJked two li\ten• end Florido,.._.~ f'l, w- donally to load the baa and lwlt1101t. L • l.opef, o. 1, 21 - 9CC up 1 rorce. a llngte l1l> the WMltlM(~l:Z.~CIHI. 1..1..111 I fi ..... n.. • ..11 s.anc.er 16"1. 31 • ~ COl. m _.,.,, wun I or b"' l'•u10tl. HR -W..IM (6"), ,_.,.,(SH). Who lmfm:Md to IG-0, 5·0 In ...... ~(Ol.IOlhebe.0) J Daily Pilot ~POR1S Satutday, ~ 5. 2003 19 HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL Mustangs m~int~in bragging· rights Estanc1a's Chelsea Kaplan (above) dives back to first on a pick-off attempt but takes an 1nc1dental knee to the chm in the process as Costa Mesa's Uyen Mai tries to make the tag. At right, Costa Mesa's Jade Moss snags an infield blooper as teammate Uyen Mai backs her up PHOTO'> UV [J(1t1 t I ACH I OAUY PILOT ANTEATERS Continued from BI rho~ retook tlw lead, '>·4 MrLanm· .,lroked an HBI t.lou · ble, l>l'Ormg Sutton from firM base an thl' botwm of the '>IXlh inn mg. The (.am ho., coUected an- other run 1n the St"Venth on a solo homt• run by Wtlken.on, in- cre~ing their lead to 7 4 owr the Anleale~ UCSB 1mprov~ to 18-13, 1·0 in the Rig W~t. ·n1e Anteaters raIJ 10 11 20. 0 I C.arne 2 or the three game se- n~ 1s 1oday al I p.m. on the Santa Barbara campus. fhe three-game <.el wrap~ up on Sun- day al I p.m lllsW...CcW91•ice -----UCS87,UQ4 ScoNI03 bv lnnlnas UCI boo oc!b • 10 1 UCSB 302 001 10i. 1 13 1 SwaNOn, Koehler (3), Raulinaitos (8) and W!trhun, Wagner, Thompson, M•rtin (Bl. ~mlrez (7), Mortodt (9) and Zlemendorf. W -Thompson. S.3. L -Swanti0n, 15. Sv -Morlodl (7). 2B -Stevens (SB). M<:<Anne (SB), Rodrlgu.z (SB), M.ihon (SB) 3B - Willter900 (SB) HR -Wllkef'IOO ISBI COLLEGE WOMEN'S WATER POLO U CI wins in OT ANTFATER AQUAI IL.\ <OM Pl.EX -Junior Erka I lorman scored with 23 seconds remam ing m overtime 10 lift No 17 U< Irvine past Cal State Northndge. 4-3. m non-conference women"• water polo action at the Anleater Aquatics Com plex Friday rugh1 It was the second game or the day for UCI. which losl 11 ·3 to No. 2 Stanford earlier Friday. Northridge's Erica Bonetti had tied the game on a goal with 23 seconds left in regulation. Both teams went scoreless in the firsl three-minute overtime session before Horman got the winner. Horman led the Anteaters (15· 16) with two goals. UCl's Laurt>n Volcan opened the scoring on a goal with 4:27 left in the second quarter. The Matadors' Ashley Hunho ff then countered with a goal before Horman scored to give UCJ a 2-l halftime lead. Meghan O'Donnell gave the Anteaters a 3-l lead on a goal with 2·41 It'll 111 th1 1tmd qu.irtt'r, but l'.im H.irh.1 d1t'\\ '\orthndge ( 17 'll w11h111 I .! on .1 go.ii \\llh I lfi re111.1111111g 111 llll' third be fore li<llll'tt1 'l llfl•d tlw g.trnt' t} in~ l(Oal I.tit 111 rq:ul,1111111 Jcnmft•r Moon h.ut 10 '·•H" 111 goal for ti< I MPSf St•ntord 11 . UCI J 5cOf'9 by Ouaners Stanforrl z 11 UCI w•10 1 Sunford f iUSt 4. Voll.:i 2 Gardner 2, Boreta 1 luhor t, W:i1k1n' 1 Saves Frank. 12 UCI HormiJn 2. Furnandn I Saves ChamblOll 7 Moon 4 Nonconferent• UCI 4,Northridge 3 Seore by Periods N'rldge o • 1 ' o o UCI 011001 • Nonhndge Hunhoff 1. Barba 1, Bonetti 1 Savf!s -Moody 11 UCI Horman 2, Volcan 1 O'Donnell 1 Saves Moon, 10 HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebrafJng the Daily Piiot's Athlete of the Week senes TODAY 22 -Bruce Hancodt Costa Mesa Tradt and field, 9EI. 99 BADMINTON Orange Coast wins, 14-7 COSTA MESA -Omnge Coast College was a 14·7 winner in women's badminton Friday al the expense of winless FulJen on, which dropped its 11th match of the season . The Pirates ltnproved to 7 -3. Costa M~ scores three runs in the first, providing difference in 5-2 win over Estancia Steve Vfr1en Daily Pilot to the catcher, the um· pire ruled that the Mustangs' catcher bobbled the ball, while Mason slid at the plate. COSIA MESA Now, il'l> lM!fe to call Co~ta Mesa High vs. l.:.stancia a rivalry in !>Uftball. That 1echni· cally couldn't have bet> n !Ml.Id before Fri- dd y Hui L'>tancia, though still young, ha.. unproved from Estancia Mesa 2 5 The Mustangs (9-4. 3-0 itt league) wt» left 12 runners suanded. answered with single runs tn the thJrd and fourth tnrtlngs to gam the pcC>t two years and the Eagles appear as 1r they are slowly cdtchmg up to Costa Mesa I lowever, the Must.an~ still own the l>pon in the c1C} mJtlhup and used their ex:pen t•me to gain a shghl edge over the Vl'>lltng Eagle.. Costa M e'><l 'rl ort'd three runs m the fin.I in· rnng two runs scored on one error -en ~ute lo a 5-2 Golden \>\oe'>t League vic1ory over crO'i.'>· ru~n nval btancia C .o-.1a Mesa l>entor Ann Marie lopp-. rnntribu1ed an RBI single 1n lhe liN inning 10 get the Mu'>- tang'> ~tarted. "I lont>i.tJy. I think 11 was David \ '> C .ohath." E.-.tancia Coach Mart Hod1g ~d in a modt!l>l IOlll' ''We didn't -.lay c_,ohath, but I Ihm~ \'Ill' )tunned lum a little." c O'>ta Mel>d Coach Rick Buo· nango nomed a difference about tht• Lagle!>. who have lhangt>d their look from last year 10 tJw, '><'a.'>On "L'>tanua really ha!> 1m· prm ed: Bwonango said "It ., night ant.I aay with last year-. team <1nd thl'i year'-; group. \Ve m.indgl'd to gel -.ome key luh 1n therl' and that was the differ enn· b.tanua fre.,hman pitcher :\1unel Ma.'>On came on in relict 111 the fir,1 inrnng wnh no out the ha'>et:. loaded and Lhe f-..aglt•s traJl111g, I 0. After two n111~ 'um.·d on Co'>la Mesa !>Opho· morl' Kelly fopps' hard h11 ground b..UI Iowa.rd St'C'ond base. Md'><>n recordt•d three 'itrrught out'>. tnl lud111g a stnkeout. Ma...,on allowed two runs the rt">I of the way, and firushed with the '> trikeo u ts I he Eagl~ scored two runs in the top of the thtrd mrung. Sen- ior Laura Monon. who reached on a bdW hit scored after an in· field error Then. ~ason. who wal~ed, -.cort.'C.I after a controver· -.1al l·all at the plate. Mesa was ahout to rnmpete a l ·3·2 double pl.iy. hut mi the throw from first the 5·2 advantage. eo .. ta \.iesa\ designated h.iner t...ilt> Henl!>h. a senior who sm- gied. scored in the third after ~ruor Jade Moss walked with the base. loaded. In the fourth inning, 1unior "1.1cheUe MtUer collected a single and 1umorleresa Lau came in~ a courtesy runner 14tu, who <,tole ~ond, even· tuaJly ~ored on KeUy Topps' ba.w hn. a.'> I.au '>lid under the tJg at the plate. However, the Eagle!> had an opportunity to -;core in the top of the fifth mning. They had the bases loaded with two ou1i. But, Mesa ~pho· mort• p11cht•r Jackie Butler ~truck our tJw m:xc h.itcer to escape the mrung ~he "teppt·t.I up when she needed to.· Buonango ~d of ButJer, who earned her ..econd pitch mg win of the wt"t'k and 1m prowd to 7 I "She w-a.., sharp on oculston'> AU our kids ~tayed up and in Ult' game even though \1\-'e hooted the ball around • t-.'>tann.i H·4. l ·31 aho had t~'o our., at the plate. one in the '><-'U>nd and the other in the fourth \\e Ii.id ...ome ba..e runrung error-.: Rodi~ '><lid But I'm J firm believer in that delt'n't' \"111" ballgames I thoughc \\t' played good de- ft'nse. ·· Me...a '><>phomor<' Paulma Ro- dngue1 .tho finished with a hil for the Mu-.tan~. who received a !>pectacular play from their catcher. Miller. in the top of the -.eventh. "-11Uer gunned down an l-~<;t.anoa runner who was off the bag at firs1 base after a called ball, helping Mesa end the game on a high note Go6d9rl .... i.....,. Mesa 5. Estancia 2 Estancia ~ ~.,,,.,. 1 4 I Mesa JOI 100 s 6 l Flores. Mason I 1 l and Acom. Butler and Miller W Butler 7 1 L Flo.-.. 3 2 28 -Odcev If ) • HARDWOOD • l.AMINA1ES • CARPET • CERAMIC TIE • VJM. FlOORING 11~!.2!!_ 1.i,,,foi..:,\.j SOLAl!IAN ;otJ:>tp~ 314• SOUD EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE '$449 !!!!!:!I!. s 149 from 111= -111• rr.wertr.e 1s· x 1s· .................................................... -... "21 111 .. Cercrnic Tile ...................................................... ..-...:1 .. '4..11 IQl. l..anwlate 'Nood ............................................... 11111191ttam U 111a. II Satlidlrf, ~ 5, 2003 HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL COLLEGE TRACK AND FIELD PREVIEW READY OR NOT, . . UCI TAKES OFF The Anteaters will find out more about themselves. in Big West four-way meet at Anteater Stadium today. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot ANTEATER SlJ\I)fUM -It's calJed the Big West Challenge Cup and that name, in a sense, describes the UC lrvine track and field teams' season at this poinL The Big West Challenge Cup is a four-way meet that wilJ open the conference season to- day at 10 a.m. fhe meet also serves as a measuring stick for the Anteaters. It can be a day of historic pro- portions and ii also might be a day of unfulfilJed expectations. More than likely, it will be the former, ru. today couJd end up as the turning point in UCl's track and field program. especiaJly on the men's side. The UCI women'i. team, which finished third last year. has the strength to build on that and Im- prove this season, while the men are expected to move up. The Anteater men finished ninth last year m the Big West, but Lhingi, could change quickly this year. STEVE t.4cC~K DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor's Nedtm Pa1ev1c (33) 1s among ttte South Al~Stars tonight at Orange Coast College "We have a much-improved men·s team," said UCI Coach Vince O'Boyle, who is entering his 15th year as the director of the track and field program. "It's good to see the men's team slowty coming back. That ha., been one of my m™>1ons in my Lime here, lS to have a solJd men's team agam." Pajevic, old friend, help South's cause O" Boyle. who also coaches UCJ"s cro!ll> country teams, ha'> coached 23 athletes in the last rune NCAA track & Field Cham p1onships, with 11 of those UCI competitor.. earning All-Amenca honors. He couJd be adding more to that list this year. Thal became evident lai.t week at the Stanford ·1ra.ck & Field lnvttationaJ, where the UCI women's team received standout school-record brealong pcrformame<; from sophomore F.rin Curus and junior Jenny Liou. Orange County AJJ-Star boys basketball game tips off tonight at 8 at Orange Coast. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot COSfA MESA -A dream wilJ come true tonight for Newport Harbor High boys basketball coach Larry Hirst, but not in the way he had imagined. Nedim Pajevic. a 6-foot-9 Newport Harbor senior, will pair with 6-8 senior George Fedorovt- sev to form the most imposing portion "of the South front line in the Orange County All-Star boys basketball game, scheduJed to tip off at 8 at Orange Coast Col- lege. For Fedorovt:sev. who starred this season for Capistrano Valley after transferring from Newport Harbor. it will be a chance to play with a friend and former classmate. with whom he spent much of his free time Lhis sea- son. For Hirst. Newport Harbor faithfuJ, and others on hand to- night or the 38th edltJon of the county shO'tYCal>e, which in- cludes a girls game at 5 p.m., it will be a glimpse of what might have been for the Sailors last sea- son. ·1 dreamed about it a lot," Hirst said of the Pajevic-Pedo- rovtsev pairing, which has been GOLF Continued from B 1 9,000 people there. .. iJnpress1ve in practice, according to El Tom Coach Todd Dixon. who gu1dei. the South in to- night's contesL "IP".tJevicJ and C,corge get aJong very well and it -.hows on the court,.. Dixon said. "Some- times, they have a little too much fun teasing each other." The pro<;pect of P-.aievit . a 'iea View League Co-Player of tht' Year who also eamec.1 -.econd- tcam All-CIF Southern Secuon Division II-AA recognition, play- ing aJongslde Fedorovtsev, who dveragcd 14.5 points and 8.5 re- bounds en route to st.>cond-team All-CIF Division I A and lir..t- team All-South Coa:.t League honors, teased those who fol- lowed Fedorovtsev's progress through the lower levels of the Sailors' program, before his transfer. And, when 6-8 juruor Jamie Diefenbach was lost for the sea- son when he tore an ACl in pre- season drills, Hirst became fond of joldng about the 13 feet of taJ- ent that had disappeared from his roster. Newpon. further decimated by injury as the Sea View League season progressed (losing 6-4 sophomore Brett Perrir1e to a tom ACL and junior guard Andre Pinesett to a severe knee sprain). finished second in the Sea View League and lost in the ftrst round of the CIF Division 0 -AA Playoffs to finish 16-10. Pajevic averaged 15.7 points and more than 13 re- bounds for the Tars. Capo Valley. bolstered by the surprn111gly polished var,1ty newcomer in the post, lost 111 the DiVJMon I-A section title gamt· 10 Loyola. Dixon believes both will help the :xiuth, a prohibitive under dog agamst a North '>qu,uJ tl1.11 Include~ Wesley Washington and I larr1'>0n <;chaen from Marer Oe1. Hrt'a Olinda\ EV'.tll Moon'. Vtlla Park's \JU.A bound ~:an Phaler, and Orange High '>land out Patnck Sanders. flle aforemenlioned North Mars prompted their coach. I .J Hardeman from Troy, to re411c..,t a slam dunk contest torught, 111 hopes of <iharing some of tht.' nm-ra11hng heroics he ha.'> w11 nec;..-.ed af1er North workouts with the ucket-buying pubhc. The South boys roster mdude'> Sage I lill senior Michael Hlz hugh. but an ankle injury '>U'> lained last weekend has ren dered him unable to play. ffoon ~d. Other South bo}'!'> include Kyle Hogan (Laguna Beach). Brandon McGee (Santa Ana), Drew Terry (Northwood), Jake Collins (Mb sion Viejo) and Patrick Camt'Y (El Toro). 'There are no Newport Mc'>CI reprcsentauves IJ1 the girls game The event, which proVJde~ proceeds to several charit1~. is hosted by the Costa Mesa Kiwd nis. Tickets are SIO for aduJrs and $5 for studmts with student ID cards. Three trips to Las Vegru. wilJ be given away in a halftime draw· ing. Curtis won the pole vault with a mark of 13 feet, y, inches. eclipsing her previous UCI re- cord of 12-9V -.et last year Liou comple1ed the 3.000-meler '>leeplech~ 111 10:47.01 (nmth place) lo break her previous re- cord of 10;57.00 from last seebOn. 'ihe aJso quaJilied for the Ne.AA Hegional Olamp1onships at Stanford May 30-31. Curtis real.hed an N<.AA- qualifying marl m the pole vauJt earlier Lhis seasoR. In addition, sophomore Sw..anne Purmort re corded a ume of 1:01.91 in the 400-meter hurdJes to move into seventh place on UCl's aJl-time list "The women's team is very deep m certain areas.• O'Boyle said. "F.nn Curtis can run the 100, 200 and do the pole vauJt. She also can run legs on both re- lays for ~ She can do a lot of that in !>Ome meets. but not all the time. And sometimes she can run the 400. She's very versatiJe and a fine athJete for a sopho- more. She has aJJ the tools to be a great one· Curtis finished ~ond in the pole vauJt in the Big West last year, while Uou, originally from Moscow, Idaho, won a Big West tide in the 3.000-meter steeple- chase. She is poised to repeat as champion. though Big West teams are staclcjng the event. Lucas Winthrop Thiel, who arrived March 19 at 6 pounds. 11 ounces to his daughter, Laurie. In the twillgbt of her lite, she became known to some ln the local golf commu- nity as simply Marianne Tuweney's mother, when the relgning Santa Ana Cou.nuy Oub women's champion and sen- ior IU1l8le\ll golf aw began collecting Tea Geoff Cochrane, who started his career in the bag mom at Mesa Verde Country Oub in 1993 ond later became an istant golf profi onaJ under head pro Tbm Sar- gent, who encouraged him to achJeve his lofty goals, was promoted to head pro earlier this year at Santa Ana Country Oub. Cochrane, who began at Santa Ana in December 2001 as an asslstanl under ReehJ, b only the club's third head pro since 1961, when legendary former Dilec- tor of Golf C.erald Hall took over u head pro for Paul McMullen. ·1 found out just a rew hours before we teed off with Hugh Balocchi Un the Tushlba OaMlc Pro-Ami,· saJd Wooten, who also has a granddaughter. Wooten was the country club's point man ln May 1997 When the company an- nounced It would no longer host the Toshi- ba <lassie If the managing operator at the llrn • llntemalional ~ru and Event Mar- keting! was not replaced by the PGA Thul'. It wu a p>undbrel.Jdn move, according to the lour, and perhaps risky, bUt It paid ofl', because Ince Hoag H pltaJ b taken over manager. the event hu become tho most phflanthn>pfc stop on th tour, ra.ls- 0 ~bf and fll.Ung up the PIPS of the IJ>Of'tl l«tion. ·1 remember Pat was rally oUd when Marienne won fher flrlt nm cup title ln 1988 on her homo cma J," aaJd Pick.ens. Whole Ii; fall> • Wendell. • Dally Pilot Spana HaD of AlmCf. Santa Ami CDuntry Oub Olrector ot Goll ReebJ Wei be' •knew her fom-er ... WU a IWft't lad~" ••• ••• It wa.t quite a wce.k during the Tushiba Senior a c ror Dave Wooten, President of International Bay Ou • Inc •• wtUcb owns the Ncwpon Beach Country Out>. site 'of th P<'.A Olamplona Thur ~L Wooten. who pl ycd golf in t Tolh1ba Senior 0 ~ Pro Ams and enjoyed th p«ncuJar wttUnd wtather, I ed the news of h1a nm gmtdsoo be bom - in3 ln or S5. 7 m.llUon In be ye.ti. The 'ro,hJb senior aa.tc cnfO)'!d an- other bannrr year ln charl gMng thb ye.er. donaung SJ milllon In net proceeds tOT U1e fourth consecutive year. the ftnt <>n the tour to accomplish th i L COURT£ SY Of UC IRVINE Erm Curtis 1s ucrs record-holder in the wome<1's pole vault at 13-0 Y.. The Anteaters M en Brandon Bailey Sr R1clcy Barnes Fr Janelle Del SokJato Jr Melmda fuller Sr Veronica Herrera Sr Erm Hilt So Mike Beerer So Travis Bunon Jr Jules Castano Sr Michael Cao Fr Aaron Corbett Fr Ian Connell Fr Tim Dronick Fr Andrew Garratt So Sean Geraghty So Peter GonLalez Fr Patrick Grogan So Steve Higa So Armond Ogenesyan 5' Mike Rentz h Randi Houston So Jenna Keith Jr Jenny Liou Jr Angela Lotito So Julie Manson Jr Lisa Massoth Sr Kimberly McAfee So Amber Nefas So Ashley Paneson Fr Cathy P1dla Sr David Sanlos So Don Sebastian Fr J.J. Stein Jr Chns Howard Fr Aaron Jacobsen Sr Scott Jarvis So Viken Jt1rmak1an Sr William Kmg~ewis So John KluvP Fr Fred Lee Fr. Cunis Lehmann Jr Aaron Lewis Jr Clement Lm Fr Jon Stewan Jr Santosh Swamidass Sr Jeremy l orres So ExeQu1el Tostado Jr Darrell Tozier Sr Silvestre Unb\J f r Ruc:lolph Vasqur1 f r Kenny Vinh So Thomas Whelan Fr M1dlael Wong Jr Jon Wratten Fr Lina Pimentel Sr Suzanne Purmon So Karm Ragudo Jr Korn Ram1re1 Jr Jessica Stafford Sr Annmarie Turpin Jr Kelli Vanderburg So Lauren W1ll1s Fr JessK.d Wis111ewslu Fr Kaletlntt Yeti So Joe Lourenco So Brandon Lucero Fr Mike McEadlron So Travis Morisoh Sr Nolan Mead Fr Ehas Moreno So Weston Motoyasu Jr Mike Nguyen Jr Women Lauren Adams Jr Amanda Armstrong 5' Tessa Cende1as Sr Wendy Chan Sr Jacky Cuevas Fr Jessica Crow Jr Director of Tradt 8r Flekt: Vince O'Boyle A.ssociau Head Coach: Ben Cesar Assistant Coach" Kevin McCanhy, Jerome Anello, Mac McCorrn1clc Erin Curtis So O'Boyte said. Junior Annmane J\Jrpm 1-. abo a returnmg Big V.e'>t 111div1dual champion. a.-. ~he won lhe high jump (!'i· 7) last year. Turpin iilso po~ versaliUty. a. .. she wiU compete ~ a heptathJete Junior Julie Manson LS the defending Big West champ1011 in tlte I 0,000 meters and she fm1<,hed se<'ond in the 5.000 last year. as well. Senior Wendy Olan has gamed speed and " improving i.n the 800, O'Boyle said. ·Tue women's team 1s youn~." O'Boyle said "It'& am:ving what we can do lin the future! • The UU men''! team feature<, semor Darren To:1Jer who rcln a season-best I :52.03 in the 800 last week at Stanford. Toner red- shirted last season and the year before that he was tJ1e Big West champion m the 800. "He wilJ be tough to beat an the 800." O'Boyle said. 0 Royle 1s aJso exctted about Aaron I .t'WL'> and Jon Stewart who an• j11ruor coUege tranc;fers from Mt. San Antonio and Citrus CoUege, respccuvely. ()'Boyle !WlHI they are excellent dccath- lete'> and he is anxious to see their improvement en.<iue ... mce they wiU be working witl1 UC I as- '>l'>lant coach Kevtn McCarthy "Those 1wo guys can be tough and awfully g1>0d when we get dee~r into conference," O"Boyte ..atd. ··rney both can throw the javelin That givel> us a solid punch· ~reshman Tom Whelan cllld RJcky Bame.. are aJso expected to tontnbu1e in the nuddle dis- tances. The UCI track and field teams wiJI be fo<.."'Using on lmproving as they compete towanl peaking at the Big West Championships May I 4-17 at Cal State North- ridge HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS Fairmont tops Lightning in Academy Leagµe d l .. J Poliry Rates and deadlmcs arc 1.ubject to change without no11cc. The publisher reserves the nght to cemor. reclassify, re vise or reject any classified advertisement. PlcaM: report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Dally Pilot acccplS no liability for any error m an advertisement for which 11 may be responsible except for the cost of the 'Pace actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed tor the first insertion AllNOUIK£MINTS ~ & MISC. 1010-1110 ~ GARAGE SALE 1419 BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2305-2490 ---------.. +=""' ..... ...-.-:---~.--- How to Place A ....------Oeadlineij --- CLASSIFIEAD -Monda} ............... h1du} 5:00pm Tue~da) ................ MondJy 5·00pm By Fax (949)611-6594 <Pk•...-""-luck ;ou1 na111t a1•I j>h<xic: numhcr .,,., "'• ltull l•IU !-.....~ .. tllr a p<l<l llU<~< I Hy Phont~ (949) 642-5671< I lour~ Uy Mail/In l't•rson: HO Wt•\I Hily Stre<'t Co,lil Me,a. CA 92627 Al 'll.:11.1M1n Rlvd & Ra) St Wedne~day Thursday Frida>. SaturdJ). ..... Tuc,day 5:00pm . Wc<lnc,d3) 5:00pm . ... Thur-.day 'i·OOpn'I f·nda) ~ OOpm Tclephon\'. l! 'Oam 5 ()()pm Monday h ula) ~.t.I~ In X mJm 'i OOpm Mund.iv I ncl.i)' Sunda} ....... . h1da't 5 OOpm ~ 9QIANDISE Sill SOI0-3940 [ml L ESTATE R SALE soos-saso lndrx ~ ESTAn lllTAlS 7402-7466 ~ 9lOYMlNT ClfOITUllnlS IOOS-IS10 ~")J MIOMTM& 1lmClll110N 9000-9750 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Wec k For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 l _ega_I Notlces ___ 2640_ Leoa_I N_otlce$ __ 2640_ ENTERTAINMENT HOME FURNISHINGS I HewponBeach I >-i fAF,,r ~v. t S 11 Vlo lltlo Soud, RIVERSIDE Ol'EN SUN 12-4. ( .. Ide 21• Cottoge. " 1 I J l't 1 h~U~ "°" 1'• t & tt ' t "tliri s iAXJ tr A,I II~ 'rll l'l'<l ...,.., ltedu<ed-J1.Jr11 •w••' I "'It-Nrow & • 'J8• SI K ' ~· ~ ,.,,... ..,,,,.... l PLUG IN MUC.,00 CITY Of llWPOIT IUOI OtyC..-a.Ms .. .. Oty .. ...,., .... . 3lOO....,., ..... 4. ~-­.... COUISSiOM AGBeA I ........ .,,. 17, 200l-.. JO,.... I ~UBI( r1 lhf! Ohun l.ompany 11'A:?007 ?SO! 869 87't w.,, l'lth 'ilrttl SUMMARY R•r1ut\l lt1 ~on\ltU• t .1 4'> unol c Alld<htdl lllwnhomt lllOl•H I lh~I .,,, ""' tJ•\Stt'\ 4JJJJI IHtlnattttly 7 '37 dCI t\ Ill lh~ W"\I NlllWIJh' t ,.,~d f ht 111opn\•d v•oltt I tn ludP\ th~ demuhhun ol lllu• rndu~tro.11 btt•ldtn~\ I dPP 41 IJOO \Q II I dnd ,1ppur ten•nl fctt 1l1ttft\ Add1ttnn4lly th,. iPPh r.;n( hA\ r l'QUl'\l4'd I mud1f1< Allon Uf!I mil for an rn1 nMl i'mt<ttll tn thf' IOQU•r•d 17 \ode y .. d ulb•• h Ir""' !hf' l>urld '"'' In Ill~ tdt 111 operly line' APPi f( A I ION V•\lrnc lenl•ltv" 11.i<I Map No ?002 001 •nd Mn<11frt • hon Pef m1t No 7007 117 C£QA COMPllANCl A N•&•lrve Oe• lar•t1<1n hn bun prtpa1ed by lhl" I.tty of Newp(>tl B••Hh rn ronnM Iron with tit• •PPIK•lton nrt!trl obuvt lht Nea•h•• Dedo1r dhlln \t•ln lho1t !ht \Ubftl I developm•nt woll nnt resull 111 • "Rn1l1<.,1I l'tfttt on th• erw11nn mflnt II " th" pr "'""I rnlrotrun <•f lhr Ci ty It> •ctl'pt the N•K~trvl' IJecl•r•lourt ~nd "'P portrng ck1curr1~nh lho~ 1s not to bf' "'"'tllJf•d ,fS either approval or denial bv th~ I.riv ul tM \Ubjf!l t •!19ltllt1t)n 2 SIJBJCCI C1tr nl Newpoit Bf'llh ll'A10CH 090) SUMM ARY Amtnd menl to Ch•pter ?O 119 (Ale oh olrc Brvflr •II' OuttehJ ol lhe Nr ... port Buch Munt<•P•I Code to protub1t off ulf •ku holt<. beveu1• routteh hom sellrn1 "' :.torrn~ alcohol re bfv•• •l•\ ouhtde ol Ule u letiOf walls ot the t•t1bl"h ment APPllCA ltON Coar Amendment Nn ?003 004 CEQA COMPLIANCE This Pf oiecl hn been re• .. wed end It hn bflt!n detltfmrn•d lhal rt os rate10<Kally eumpt uncte1 Clan S (Minot AllHahons Ill l •nd U~ L 1mflallont) o l the r 1qu11emenls o l I he Calltornl• f.n.,rronmental Quality Acl 3 SUIUC Cl Balboa Ba y Club Alcohol lr censln1 ( P A2003 064) 1221 w CoHI Hwy SUMMARY· RtqU41sh e Us• Permit pursuant lo the Alcoholk: e ... , ••• Outlet (A80) Ofd'"ance to conwt<'I an otstrn1 lype 57 ABC lleense to 1 fype •7 lleenll IOf Uwt 8111boe Bay Cklb A Type 57 hcenM atlowt the ule and coowmphon ol •lcoholK bewer •let II Ille dub. Whteh IS nnl 099n lo tn. public TI•t CettMfllon of the liceftJI lo t.M Type •7 license Is 1equ•ed H tn. new ret.Ofl 11r11t be open lo th• 1>11blte A Type '7 lkenM allows the Hie of bell, trtn• end disl.n.d 'l)Wrt• on •n •ff the IKenMd '"'m1MA In conjundlen with •" Hltnll)~• APPLICATION: Un Pet ll'llt "4 7003 009 CCQA COMl'~IANC(· T1th ptOj9cl 11.t ~ ""lewlld end II h•• bffft clet.erm1Md tllat It 1 cattp ollf ue~t undet fllt tM!Vlf•mttfllS cil th• C1hforlll1 ( n11f 1011~111 Ouahlf Art under Cit I (hl&tlfll r~•"''*'> Pui.lltll•d Newp•• I a-ti C,.le ~ Ddt 'llol .,_H, 100.J Je.Ml SBl ,..... """"'" 1'-... ti.alflM Flc1itim tmim Mmes...... fhfl t dlowme pt-t \On' .arr-dornt b.J tP~~ d\ •J Pr1111Jry M ortao1gf' uruup bJ I 800 Pnm•• v «lfll ' t I l!OO Pttmtity tom In< d) l KOO Pt1m•r v In< t!) f'MG l n.10\ lOm f r KOO f'rtntdl'f tum .z> 1 RCXJ l'romJry hi f'romdlf Mot fl.lit lit l•Ul> r IOdn •••• St"tVIU'\ I) f>MC r In A flt 1111 Sll"r Ylf t"!. :nx11 1•uertd R~ .. 1 •no M1~$1oon Vitt" CA 'l7691 f'rom••v Mo•te•&• f.ruuµ ''" l(A1 lllOI 1· .... 1 . lfr ti •2:?0 Mo\· urn VtPJll 1·11 ~l691 ttu .. hu'\111,.,._, ·~ lCJfl lllll It'd by ·• 1 orpor dl111n H••f' yuu .(Ar ted doong bU\•11~" y•t I Nil Pt1m.•rv M orttiC,1g.- t.11oup Int \~.in .Rrv nold' "'""dtnl lh" \ldl~m~nl wJ" ltlf'tl wolh lhf' l.ounty t.lf'th nl llr~nK• Cnunty on Ill 11! 03 2003693S43S 0411y Pilot M11 19 Apr ~ 12 19 IOOJ S•440 Rditlm-...U ... s...... lhf' lnllowong ptr\un~ ~,,. '101n1 bu\tne'~ .a' lll ltMA ll RlAI l'f GROUP 1744 I l W B•lbQ• Blvd N•wpnr t I Burh CA Wf.61 O•rwrn K P••''"" In< t(AI 1?4'l I 2 W !hlbu~ Blvd . N@wp0<! 8r't h I A 'f?f>61 Th1\ bu\tn,.\'\ 1~ lOO du< t•CI toy • <or por o1t oun H•vP you 't.., ltd do•n.i bu"tnt'\' .,,.,,Nu D•rwuo K P•ar\nn tnL ().uwm K P~.1,·v•n ,.,~, lhl\ -.1.trmt'nt wa~ ftlf'd "'1th thr County Cle11>. ot Cir ,1nf• l.ouoty on OJ, 19, OJ 20036917724 Oaoly Pilot M•r n 29 Apr ~ 12 200J Sa437 fklfiM .... Mme~ I ht lollowtntt pl!'r '"n' 11rt lkune bu"M" •\ Al CL ASSICf X8 B> I IGURUll X I '102 r tnwPr St Apl I< G•tdf'n Gro•e C•hlorn .. 97843 Ha11y Nauyen 1420? 'IQWf'r St Apl K G•rdtn Grove. Catrtornr• 91843 lhl\ bu\OnO\ o\ "'" du< ll'CI by an 1ndrv1du•I H••• you ,,.., led doona bu\1nl'n ytt' No H•rr y Nguyen 1 h" \lateml'nl was ltltd with the Cnunty Cl•rl>. of Oran&!!' County on 02/21 1()3 2003 .. 34419 Oarly f'rlnl M•r 2l, 29 Ap< !> 12. 2003 Sa438 ,.... ..... ... s....... The followin1 pe1ions 111 dorn1 bus.ness n Newport Cons11n111ent G•llery 1941 Newport Blvd Cotl• Mes.t, CA 926?7 Devtd l•c.luon Hesttt 16ll w C•rrr•r• Or. S.nl• i\n•. Cahfornl• 92704 011s b.nrMH os con ducted by an 11\d1Vrdvat Have ye* st•ted dolnai ~u11ness yell No Dewld JKbon Hater Th~ tulemcnl wH ftle41 wrlh tn. County Cl«ll of Ofan1• County Ofl03129!0J HOJtt»66t Dally Piiot Mar 29. ,.,,_. 5112 t•,2003 Sa'39 CDllli ., • ., .......... ~ ",,.. tu..~y wn S?l'U•• -'• 14 4 b cw;. 7'h JI ,-t, Calendar of Events 1310 Fvmiture Hurl! by ~ .. ~I l<tt>wn 1n COUNTY 5550 3435 l<} H nr,ly r ""'··t1mn1 j • ~~~~~~~~ All rf'al f'\!.tlfl •dv"r t1~10R 1n th•~ nt't11t~papt"r r• •ub1"d to in .. f td,.••I ~•or Hnu.,.n2 A<I ol 1%8 a~ dmt>ndrd wh11 h m,.k,.~ It 1tl"ti"I tu ddv .. rh\.f' .. tny ,u ,., ... lltANO NEW l'lllow Top Oueen Stzed ledl "°'d S 1,300. Mu•• Soll S700 949 1>13 1002 Zochofio Custom 1 htM.- Bt'1 T WH1 \I/I dtf' ~,,.,.,. &. .tOtlQ\Jt' whit,. RIO c9491 7'>'f %79 f"Of'e l1m1l.ttlon or JEWELRY/ d1~crmunatiull bJ,fld 1n I 3460 r~• e <<>lor rf>lr!!••lfo '~' DIAMONDS/ h•ndoldP tamoh.11 ,1.1u· PRECIOUS METALS or nt1t1011.tl •H ••''" 11f .111 1ot,.nt1on 111 m.,t.,,. ""Y 'i.Uth p1elf'rf'nt.., lrn11t .t I ton or d1\1t1nt111.tlll•f1 fhl\ nvw\Pdl.ll"r will not l>.n uworogly .111 r pl Coo•I Coln Heed• fHd l tun• 1 (,old \llYt'I Jf"Wt'lfy W.itt lw' .mll~fUt"\ rnllt< trbl"~ '.14'l b4J 9448 dtlV ddVPf tl\fll1H''llt ffJt Cats r••I f'\ldlt whor 11 1~ 111 3610 vtnlftt1on <Jf lhe l.lw Uur •., •.,., • • • r•ad,." "''" h~,.h~ CFArlRSIANKITTINS on!Mmrd lh•C dtl dw•ll 2 lted Tot.by Molu ong~ ~dver '"ed on th" S400/loch nPw,µJper ., " •vJtl.tblfl All Shoh. lovlnt & un "" •QU·•I "Pl''" lunrt Y Cuddty. 949 4S I ·202S biit'5.., I •••••••• fo cornplcun of d•""... -- urmrn•hun < 111 HUD toll 0.,.jtOttlo. _... lro:e •I I 800 424 8590 www "'~~rt ·•e P~. ···~ Auctions 1'83 r w.• ·.14'}644 "l'J79 Older Style Fumrtvre PIANOS & Col~ ..................... _ . . -. ... ... . $$ CASH PAJO S$ W£ BUY ESTATE; ::649-4922. SOUTH COAST AUCTION 2202S..lll.i.Sl .._AM.CAt7101 , ..... ~ tl -· .... AID SPAY ~. mllnwna .,.l Rel ... lulta~ IJtloll ,.,,,...._ 9l9ill<Mll MISCEUAHEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Merchandise 3855 AU snn IUllOINGS 24.JO wa\ S7 900 ..,.. SJ.'UI 79•'JO WllS Sil~ ~M '5.98'.l 49 • 'Xl "'"' SJl6 900 "'"Sil 'OJ I~ Come l\I c:;...ver Wall ( llX)) HJ /'8J. I Business Opportunities Businesses and Franchises 3905 Soltlr'I Y-lin"'e" I• O..r lv•I""'· L-•ll• & Ao~lot•• 94t-H7-7070 -.orlc:t..4h.c- EmteSales 1486 Olc:es b Lem 4540 -V-lto1-... --.-ett-_-,_--. OfflcH to •hore 60011 1000 "-11-st.lrh & 480\1 Buutrful com U...._.._ rrkH plu cenlr•I loc Vrsrl Arr'· t4t-.6SO-US7 =les 1419 CM SAT-SUN t-l 2S2D Cob11ba @> r • 101ico1r- -...e.w.-tor tnfn 1-0MES FOA SAl.f ORANGE 5400 COUNTY 1 I 1wrr ,.,,.,,. 11n r-nt11 • l(M(CULA I •rtr1 4t•r 4!J.t !1>1•1' WIN( COUNTRY ARIA jl'flt''"a I "),.._, .. , i (. .. , L•H µwt Ju tr. f11f} ) II If I\ t ff\ 1\-,lU.JibW- L,,.,lrt..W~ \I I n•.n ·~~711471 /!{) 14. 4 ~(I OPfN SUN l 4 I 940 Hlgt.lond Or . 4tll l 'lhll .,.,,. wlllt• ... lw!wO !; t!wu •.ul bln.,.11h L·llJ"°' 1.r• • .. 1 \OJ) fl '"' ,.., .... ,. AndFt-\1.lfl b.ly wnl Uru ""' '>ft ,.....,, fo1f prot 0"11Ml lft"fJ l.•11b 11' lkl•• "h rio<.t S7'M ~ 114 /IHHI• * snrs TO IACI( IAY 21r 2 10 Bun~•l•>w Si/59CUl I II 2tlr 29o. I& tJ.11• Stl'llXX.I 2ltr :ZS... .-Ciro> II Sllrll mo ., . ...,, "4'nm bct.,huot ~ ·~-. 1 lobnY Rl'<kr< <!Cl \ltp Ir. til M Utlyn w.......... <4'ln1~ 2100.-f '/• Aue, ~ ti., """' "'"' "'4"' "' ..... 'I rlW\Ulf"< •w J'f h u tt.- MJ8 w..,...,... '4Jt~I P'""~ ••Kl,,...,. • .,. Sl69.000 (' ..... 2ltr 2'/• T~ I f' f Ao t I tt • l I ·,~4 It, \ 4 ~ •I• j4 I ... II 17'<) It~ -2.S oun J l r. 210 Twnhm 'l r4r 1 ,f Be.tuhtut H.-..-·.r J-lf "' .,, 1,.'ft' ~ ii pt-t 111,.nt t'f IY 48< .llld Oolv S m•• )•It '" SI 70111~ '"'' ~ lrom ltlO" '•"""""' M•ll , 'P1 .. 11 714 JI< IMd ""' rr,..,w.,, S-499,999 llftldeorK.e k 11SO sf & 21r Single Stery Hou .. "Hit "'""'O(nrMi tod 11 f I • t 1J,. ''""' N 1 .. "'-k>4":..t"d Put1 h & '/t.lf ht.. up· KM S.1 t' 1 1111 )'JI·~• !> 194,000 ,._1 t 114 'l'Jl l'N BeGlfiful c....,_ Lah Nlth WdlM ~Uf\~• f!''" A111"nrl...._ loy M·~ O•I~•• 48< lll• /fi/Xlo-.t ttom.• w " pool S-430,000 WINE COUNTRY ltlAl TY FRANK WIOU 909 262·0898 MISCELUNEOUS REHTALS RentalloShare 6030 PrinM .....,,. ~ 311< 2.S8o, I H I 11. 1w.t,..f ht·, ""~ti ~·• wt•~"' II toil "" s;_> Mr•• •)1<1 UHW~J I • Go..,...,. ,..... lll< 2.S..O i--. <kt /'I'll I .r I f'ldy.o Nu P ""1 "' A• "1 41 Dooddrwt,~ ...... 949 733-6074 M.w "--!'..tvn,,, Ill lit '{\.t ,,..,, t H Ill "'vi~ 1..1unt'1 1•-V,., .._" "-'' /• L tt~l.iet~Jft.\(PCl, hft· fl fa1\Jwo ,.. '"-'-4> ~',. L••ld ... 1_., l c £itf w ~1&1 \.°b1J 'Wf bl I 7!1lJ Irvine 11< 4tt. floor r..n.-... w tll JIO,.ntt1e l '• ur r ! ovmp $1400 rr' Agt Call 11 4·997 3993 Lido Isle lido larfron• 31r 210 S3200m yrly fl2fl 212 1733 626 291-1>262 SELL your stutt through class1f1ed! Pluq into the Pilot (ld'>'>rfo~d '>f:'<.t1011 to f1nc.J ., ... rv1cPs frorn t'leC. t IQrll di 1d plurrtbl•r> 10 IJrtehc elf.JI •r ell Id Pdlllfl'r'> '• Daily Pilot I ~LifiD'#:P.U.U1i'UllNfililitil!lEQ1 • i. 4• IM\Crr 8r ""'"' tfl Harb>• ?b }ba ~ 111"4 4 '18.t !O'"' ""°" 1.ot.ul..v 1 i...n tNI b.J llti: b.lltuny watt'f ._._._..,, lt"'"'Jtfltd ,.,, Ult' i»• m .. ...n1\ ~ ~ • .,. '''"' '" llnv" '>ttool!'t I "2 ubl 714 ll6~n4 l M\ltly r "'"'Jdelf!d and .~-1 • .-0 '1.2''xHm RoomsforRent 6040 Trider .... &-. 949-6-40--aU I • • IAST S IDI CM f,,.nhmr f_,r,. .. t "''"•''" room & b 1lh vr• y t JP.in INCOME T: IONITA CANYON OPfN SAT-SUN I ~S 10 Wlntlw99 !BR ? ~BA home 5ot!P rr ''r offu e e,ur\t u•tf" By~wntr R~dut •d '" s' l)';.000 94 q b44 87118 rltlMl lSTATlS rATltlCI( TENOltl NATIONWIDE USA 949-IS6-910S WWW P•llllkl•nur~ lOITI ltVWU TIMACE Er ?6<1 ,.,...,,.. W '4)fll Mir., llf'W t;ara1t w cl n P•'' m~< l•mall" tJrtl d I plea<f' S7UOmo• utl< 90-Ul>-406S 'll::>l[)(tlf It. ORANGE COUNTY Balboa Island I Br I lo Ultle ... UIJP"f .ivt rp w d n.IJl"b ,,,.It. AviNI Now SI 4!JQ '"'' 'fl'Y 1incJd\ uU-1 949-67!> '>110 Balboa Peninsula Newpo<'I loy l owen L• JXI & W<Jod blWlO'. rltoW b.kl>.y.-il I~ "ii 949 2!l(Hll88 I /blk~ from t~rrv In ----B.ilboa hi I Br 18• ,,., COMING SOOfL H-• V(w HrM R111« .. 01D -( .. _. 581> 4 '>B• 1 ... t.Aif"GI 111 A*"'..-.r Plil"~ , "' 94<J no J900 ,.,.,ocolote Newpo,.t c,..., ~ oi-'iunday 14 19l~ ~I-cl find urwt 2& l ~ ti. uw>du "4'I CXll l&1 714 ll4""4'Jl ....... ..._.10201 ~ St.&+& s 58a 56)1 \[ SI 1'i Mil 8roM.r ~?St 11n1 b41Y lf'lf'W sm dmrm undqp nd PM" SllD)n ~6~196 949{,41 (W'>9 ... l.5ao ._,, hi~ •"-eMI -ICXltt hom \Mid J blocM to --.... 2, fl"' .._,,, I !>-Or.I I Sl2{0n. 949-863-1910 • 16 Corona det Mar ...... s~ wtu• ... ,,. k•lcht!n &. t>attt p1l1 entt and b.o pahO So of P<.h S900 mo 949 ill 'l.11 !> SERVICE~ DIRECTORY Call 949e642e4321 (949) 646-8803 AU TAX FORMS ALL Sf ATES f L£CTRON1C RUNG CNOJV CORPORATIONS FlOUCIARY PAJITTllERS~IP -LLC -ESTATES 350 t . 1 ... ch "Ice .. 11 ... Uh.I.\ \H'I.\ l.A6262""' OVI R \O+ Yl-..AR'I l:XPERIENCE Tax Matters Individual & Business Returns Out of State Tax Returns Electronic Filing Available Starting at $77.10 Ctiatgo5 Da9eO ()<' 'Or'Tt used ..... s... --•a Clltl-. Cl mn shefdapfhaat**.nll Vear round~ By 8'lC)Oll•IT•" 949.642.3909 Are ~ Pa)ilH! dlE lowest ~es ~e? J boM:!.. br IMm ,,.., m ...... ~ odds ft rnh. NP9 SAT a -l 1807 Port Stant\opt! GE JKOlr~ 36°0 coolo.top &. dbl e~t oven 23 5/8 .. deep It !>I I • • h11h X 26 3/4 .. wide, 6 yrs. new lots of newer furn. home access 0.. Of A 1u,.4 Dvploa. 91""' www ttf9!eally ore P11,trn• cond Bt\I 1• w/ff/Jc -Sl495m • u1ts • rol•nrt.~ ~ 'pllMr y.-d. fully "'" &;mo le«ll 9ol9-D1 0706 I :•.~~ ,, dV· HUGI rAHING LOT SAU Incl Anttquu, 011rnral ar I. tram1d mm0ts. hand culled iewelry •nd mOfe trom Its All About Me De slaner lebrrcs •nd o\ntrqun from Sweet Pea And that \happy chit lo<* lrom B1h And Plecas F 11, Sal Sun April 11 12.13 trom 9 l 660 W 17th St paO 1n1 lot, knl pnl tr~ .toes tor info c .. Its A" About ... 949-646 3069 •·I=. e I. ""'-1 Manr~(81tWffll H•bof/fHWllW) North ol B.i.er s.vi.m 59fn fr1"'4t •' H•rlt .. e ...... g., .... Seta S.t ·~;llMI lpm, 1 .. 1 V"l.t Noblet• NI, (htlllull) Liit 1• localtonr F pie. c.,., .. J06Co11t310 273 lJOO Balboa Plnlnlula NIWINGLANO vtlWDUNll AT TltlSANO I AGT. t4'-7U-a120 CoronadelMlr COIONA Dll MAI VIUAOl, S1n1 hm home. So of PCH 31>r 2 5be mstr br w/relr ut~ nfflu/lrb w/clual Ip' 11 .m.OOO ~drl 'M!Mt1.J:l2.15 C...Mm OCl.AIU•ONT 1 ao OCl.Alt VIEW $'3t.t00 AOT. $t49-72S-al20 UDO ISll HOM(S 2• USTtHGS GRlATrRKIS AGT. "t-27a-30S2 Newport Coal ' .. ,,., ..__ J .... + ............ ~. sas1.ooo A t-t. of ttoly .... 2.sa..,s,,,........._. St,7H,OOG ~ •tyl. Slw 5 .... ..,._... • •.000 .. lt,OOOd. SS,.4tS,OOO ,......___.. ...... ................ .._. ....... tMOSlw+ef- tke ........ JJeo..t. Sf,)19.000 ftATIMIM Nonaml , ........ ..... •••• ,. .... 16 ..... IUTAm PATIICI flJMMtt MA noteW .. VSA ...... ,. .. ,.. WWW petrut-•tOl!I l.AJIGE IH llA. vtfy It g kotchen view of pilrk $1600/mo aat Ma11lyn Wilhams !M9 721 5049 29r n._ So of Hwy. r /I b• from 0cun BIYd MW c.rpeVpalnl 8111 pebo, s l !Olm "Ill 71 '-8l2-5668 ... ~......, ........ 2 Lr Br. 2 tul .. < 2-c pr, l.QI wd th.~ no.~ '-n ~ s.t I~ 714-962,. """-' LIOlwy , ........ w/p ool 3'81 7.Slh w/p•noramtc sunset' -P..,t. ~ toe ~ ~ 714-112 !Ba Opoe~t--4 lt7Heletr ... Roomy :a lit ...... lt lllf ,.. 3 dldls & morw (nipeb) ,__, Mitf I~ S4«nrt Clrl ....... ~ 721>-!IOOl • -1M) cm ... GET TIE PEACE OF.., ONLY l CPA CAN GIVE YOU! Ntfllllglllinl ........ '°" .. HM fO"' l'IVft done bf I CfA It I RfASONAIU a ·~TuR.tuma • Blc:trooic Fling • Oet your rwfund In 1 to 3 d9y$. ........ , .... ~ ...... ti? c..r.tll!IMckn .. IJW I l I •::.,-.:'" IMU1t.1111I , .......... aJ ........... w Savt nme and Get &pe,, Tax Preparation • lndMduaJ and~ • B.t.ic to ~·Complex Rtcurm • Elcaronic Rhng ~~~?2lt l'°°~...._~ LU ~a.:ti.CA•J660 .. II Saturday, Aenl 5, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE IAYfltONT ON UDO P(NINSULA NlW 21r 21• conAGIS Private Beach. Pool and Spa Walk to Oce .. n. Shops and Restauranh lease 6/mo 2 yr .. Boat Slip A•a1t1ble 710 UDO rARIC DR. 949 673 6030 or 949 723 5830 * YlAlllY * UASES Bill GRUNDY REAl TORS 949-6 75-6161 Newpert Hel9hh le quiet studt0, -•tchen•tte. shared laundry. •el i1100 949 67) 7800 w••t...ti& ..... D ...... 1 & 29r. l.°"911 C.. Cod style comm. ftemodlled w/aJ -..... carpet, -..nc !*. d/w. frldae, ns.cle w;d. • IBr '1095m •28r s l296 7 l<t-Gl3 7S92 "NOTICE lO Cahforn11 law re q1Wes that contr K tors lekln& tolls tllat tout S500 cw more (labof ot materials) ti. lleen$ed by the Centracton Stet• Lame Board State lew also requ .. es lhal contr.ctots Include thff lleen\e numb« ~ all achartislns You can checll the status of your licensed contra c tor at www.cslb ca ao• or 800·321 CSLB Unll can sad con tr actors t•kln1 jobs that tol•I lau thin SSOO must state In their ad'wertlsemenh that they •r• not llunMd by the Contractors Stete Llcetlse 8olll'd. • fMnlNO lfT-.s QdWI I 8Mh I RlmocW ~~ «BIP5 ~ 98M9\25 BllOUillplng ' BAYFRONT Community Gorgeous I BR J BA wlHarboc View 1100 SF, Quiet ~ 11\dU <Mate $2000 Everyday ls a great day ~-.. in Classifie.dt Be a part of it , place your ad todayl (9+9) 642-5678 • M A TO t HANDYMAN Install. reface cabinets ~ ~ e:: 714-54&-TB! •W Units • Custom Built ins, Crown Moldtnp Base Boards L"577982 949 709-5642 Carpet Repair/Sales o <ARl'IT o c.urlT o Repatn. Patch1n1. Install Cour teou\ any s11• iobs Whole~tel 949 492 020S ConcnJte. M3SONY l rtda tledl S._ Tiie Concrete, Pat.lo, OrNeWay f1<epk, BBQ Ref's 2SYrs hp Twry 114-557 7594 Carpet Repair/Sales Conlbu~ CUSTOM UMODH AND DISIGN All TRAOCS, 30 YEARS EXP ll337169 949-631 2345 NHD MOltl ROOM? AOOfTDtS & ROQlCl..H; Ll577982 949-709·5&42 Desktop Publishing TIMI TOHGfH YOUJI HOMI IM,..OVIMINT ,..OJKTI Call a plumber. painter, handyman, 01 any of th• 1reat servtcu listed htte'" our sen1ce d11ectoryl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI I 1<11 \I I i:'i 11 !ti \It,\ We wall desJ.gn YOW' pcnonal CJt company websl&e and put you onli.ne hLJttt, You pay only bostina recs 714-612-278' . . " Bridge By CHARLES GOREN wlth OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WEEJCLV BR.IDCltQUIZ Q I •"''Sooth, ~uJnc:nabk. you lwlld. •AQJ U 7 Q7U2 •U Tbe biddin1 bw. ~: SOUTH ~ NORTH RAST ,_ ,._ Iv r.. 1 Wh.u do yoo bid now'' Q 2 • Ntathet vulnerable, as Sooth you hold: • 8 J ;; K Q It 5 4 ' Q J 1 6 4 J 5 'Ille b1dd1ng has orocccdcd: NORTU EMT . SOlflll Wt:Sl I• •• ' Whnt acuon do you tnle'! Q 3 • A!. South. vuJnCTablc. you hold .. •Q7 KJ54J 117 •AQ62 The btddang hw. pmceedcd NORTif F.AST SOUTH WF.ST I . .... 1 ~ ,,_ I• ,_ ' WlJ4l do )OU btd now1 Q. • Ne;lbcf wlnerablc. IU Sooth )'Oii boJ<I. 4 A..KJ105• • Qll A(}• 4 tll ~~EAST •• "*-2 , .. ? wtw do yuu bid now? Q 5 -Vulnerable, you hold. 4 AK 6 'J Q 9 5 3 l 7 6 • A 10 J Y001 n¥ht-hand oppooent opens the bidding wath one d1amood. What nctloo. iJo yQU take? Q 6 • A~ South. V\Jlnerable. you hold: •Q762 !15 KQ7l •87J The bidding hM pnj<:eetled NOJnll EAST SOUTH Wl...,'l' •• l 2• ) ... '"' 1 Whal anion do )'OU Lale • Loni; for an.DO't'n "" Mondo~ UfttOGI CONDO 2Br, 281, 2-cll(. new c:a<pel/ paintlkltdl llCIPIS. Ind w/d, ftiL °'*1 l·5 S4ui, $1700 (II Brrl180Y off 80$0<\) Call few ent 9'&633~ a I lo\. ~ i-:ti <XJnWll ,_ Hlrbar Ill mt ID bly T.-.. at L.se Oltf. Stmn IL6n/unfurn 949 71 S. l 400 ltryfreat ....., .. , upper untl on harbot w/boat dock. 2 bills t 0 bch Jbr 2ba Ip, wd, I& •u declt.. I c 11r. dock & utll net. SJBXVmo 9651()&1 Nr Httl 2bf Iba SFR cute kite, nu pamt, sm patio/ yd, I c aar, leund llkup aat Sl800 949 673-7800 NtwpOlt Coast Nr C6Ht twnhom, patio, 2 stories, new p1lnt, Ille. 2lr 2le. Zc aanee. '"*· pt.ct 'trow••· Towimme and ca1pet, 2 c aar, •et S2.560m. Viant (cell) 949- Sl800 949·673 7800 n.252&. ~J Newly remod 2br 2ba condo, 2 c aar. patio. wd, no pel/smk Avail 5 I $1950 lu. 949·759 lJ.44 180 ...,_ ......, of min, ocn. aty ld1b. '-' 3br 3bll condo. 5 yrs ,_, SJBXVmo 'f 9'&8J4.l0l0 Rentals Wanted 7888 .... c .......... pfi TUU lt'MI TWt INTO US Mell er .. r/t • com,,,,.ce -I' /rT Fr" '"'• '"" Tralnlfll. -~· Cll l~ZZl.all'l Sl'tlAY TAN SALON 1n CdM nHds PT •mployH .._~·son• ......... 9&719-2&16 Mitt JOIN OUR TEA,,, and ITW!e a d1tfer911C8. 111 the Callfornl1 Atml' Natlont1I Guard· you can &•I money for colt.a• and career tralnl111 Cell I 800 ·GO -CUARD (CAJ..•SCAN) Volkswagen ·99 Pauat wan. 2JK Ml (4FZPI II) Whte w/Tan lthr $16,625 (949)645 2579pp Qu9,t ."-P-t ........ .... 2lo ............ newly remodl1ed, wMe J*Mt fncd yd. stone F p, pool Kcess & pr, w/d. $21!1lmo ~ WNmD I cw 2Br ...,._ ~ or condo. "6n cw ldwTt ., ~ 8-:ll. M l¥l 3{mo or torvr ~ Have smal wd ........,.., li'tlt!sh!. Reier Employment 8500 Automottve 9004 Gateol C-tlty • 2loa Sll'lle story house. 2. car att pr. AIC. no pets S22SO/mo 949 760 l7 I 9 ~ ....... Lc2Br 2&. ~ rm. blllc llllOIJ, 2c ~ oc.eatM.I, ..... to bdl SZlnil 909 598-9347 ,. • .,. .. _ r.n H-• Jbr 2ba, lam room. pv1 pool/ spa, aardener incl, leue $2850m 714 573 2900 Bkr ~...,,....1.ra:& 2.58a wfr*ul In &i'\ed comm, wA>ooi. !lC>il+ pvt ywd. SDXVrro ..._ Palrldl Tenore 949 856-971l> WlSTCllff FAM ILY HOMl 4Br JBa, lar1e \tn&le ~tory SlOOO/mo art 714-11 2-S .. I ....... __ IJg + dtn.38•.111~ 2+ car, p , patio,_fNade s:JIOO/mo <949)646 8473 nwt•21o ..... 1r, bedlywd w/pc., w-dtt w.:. quiet ~. IN ,_ $321XVmo+ sec. AvlllA Now 94'j.95(>.2!)22 l'Ytw.te ..... c--toftr-8eac:oo Bay lB< lBa otftce, tarp yard. le pr. UD>/m eat Ootba 94~ 640 l674 a1d1'• Deer 1 .. at•lla, ~ Door fl'llnl5 & .. lilnlwn. Ct"'1Dm ~ ll578102 949 510 6529 Drywall Services WITT HOlnHYWW Alt phases 5tn/lr1 tobs CUANI ZOyrs. laor, lrH .st. L4CXXm 714-639-144 7 EJectrlc:alSeMces S....at J.lol~I Doncan Elec:tnc. 20Y~ ( •P loc:at!Quodi Responw Swvlcallltrnodllll l-27SS70 949 fi60 7042 Ac t1e .. h11e U e ct rlc lroublnlloohnc 19K&altst a• --No jDb IDo ""-l1Sl5863 71~1:1) UCINSID CONTUCTOR Ito J>t> too sm. M ~ Rapalf, remodel, fans, ,,.. •-SVC~ 36CJ6 Roori"l'Tlle CUSTOM ClllAlM lU lnstalllltlon. a.ta. _.,,., "1111119, stone. ..... lt7S Lll&l.2044 Jtft 714-612 9961 llMY ~ Rearout1n & lnst1tlat1on TILE O£AH 949-673 ~ n~ 714-&l-2031 • ClllQc ...... ~6 CUANOUT YOUR HOUSE WITHA GWGESALE! CAll (949) 642-5678 t.ss ..... c--... & ..... s.Ms ,. __ fl /T~ /T) Downtown H 8 Str0<1& rete~. <~tomer s«va & computer 5"11\ copy/punt npe< • ~ fa• resume 7l4-~86XI Or l!)fllY at 412 Olive A~ CllltlCAl Nud lull time SMnon to au1st with various dutte\ Musi be able to input at least 50wpm accurately on computrr po•un strona customer seiv"" !>l<tll5. and be dependable $9 P~r hour E.uell~nt b•n efll packa11e £ Ot Send re~ume to ludy Oetttne. c/o Dally Pilot. 330 West Bay Street, Cusu Mesa. CA 92627 or email lo Jllf1.Glllre~ Gen.GI Offlca Assktwlt Sm ~I otfa;e rt WW IMne 25-JO.. "'41 f ICj) reqwwl. Cal ~;.o<Mll6 or fu resurtl@ 96-Z,0.8749 Gmge Doors HanclymarV ........,. s.... 1n,. ... Home Repair 1..-Wirt. ysd dmn LC>. ~--Inn.~ Comm/Ra\ 714 436 1518 l-Tenes L..4ac.,.. ~n...c.~~ & installation 2S Yrs up Ltc/tnwred 949 S48 4363 Dlr1yW...,;4 ... .._ Lawns. lawn Aera1tn1. Spttnllters, TroulllMhoot lr1I. Spr1n1 Tune ups. Repairs & Up11 a des "Have IH do your Dirty Worl•" 714-71S-lt21 THI DlffHINCI llTWHN llAUTWUl & IXOUtsffL . • ......_..,_c •• ....... T ... ·~&._......,. 90-S IS-1124 TrM SffVlte, Yard Ci.anup, Maintenance, Sprln-ler Repaif, Hautlna (t4t} 6504711 CENDAl. lmll AIWN'IEWU .. bMmlW. r-titl 0 Job 1bo S"""1 na .. ea-o ... M.._S2M2H °"~'r."' RESTORE • REPAIR & REMODELING RX ur Sl"KIAUST. All types ol repa11s Etec lrtcal. plumblnl. doors. ._,,.,, ~ tlli!$ & min 24htf7days 714 366 1881 (.mctill &I ... Carpentry • Plumbma Drywan • SliKco Pa1nt1nc. Tile & ~e 20+-Yun Experltncel Ja 7 14-tH-5776 l.ldl&'411B aOllNSON COMrAN'f Kitctsrs, Wils, e..-- Marll 949·6S0·9525 IUMTAl·ffUSIUD FOR HONEYOO'S your lloney wont. From £.Ject to tlM .. lt.dwl .... 949-548-ll>I tmltng JUNK TO THI ou11r111 7'4-961-l1182 AVAllA8l£ TOOAYI 949-673·5566 Atldl '99 A4 Q-'fre 2 8 V6 1911 ar lu•I m1, auto \pukltna redtcrev 1lh1 mnrt CD teeoks & ~melh new V456721 S 17 .'l'Y.> ltnancmc 1v11t Bkt 949-516-1111 -.~1 ...... -C..-.. s...tle "90 CIA.IL stylq. 1u11y lo.oded ~ clean, 8tMQ.ncly .., CQlur Sllll 714 7'jl 0914 Co"'•"• '00 VI Whtie/ tan. 1utn handehnc pk& ,J2k n111t>,, $32,500 obo Newport .. 8'I 9't9 (144. (U,4 909 740 oo rn ,ell Dod 9e '9 7 Intrepid Sport 3 !> V6. <1 li. nu. wh1te/111 ~Y tnl 2a1 a&ed, "''· ltkt tlt'W $6495 f1nanc1n11 & wa11 avail Bkt 949 ~ 1888 -W.M .... i.<o• DODGI NION '2000 SOii• mt, IOOK taci warr, 5 ~ blue, trf ey 1ntllr lot am Im ed. '-' Of9" c.ond ~ fin .,., mt VM5792 949-516-lAI ,..... ; .. ,,,. MlscSetvlces AITIST 909 681 6664 r AUX I ()(SIGN Moving & Storage H ST MOVIRS$st/Ht \llt ••na •II c1hn Insured 1 .. 1 courteou~. co11relul T 1638« 800 246 2378 ~~-- PUBLIC NOJICE The Calif Pubht Uhltltes Comm1u1on requ"t' that •II usad llouuhuld aoods mo•er\ pr1nl t!Mlr PUC C•t l number. htnO\ and chaulleu" pttnt thatr T C P number In all ad\ler 11-.ernenh ti you hawe any questions about th• teaallty of a mover. limo or chauffeur, call. ru1uc UTIUTIH COM•JSSION I 1774167 ~Call c..,....,_.. .._ .... c ...... ,,.r now av11T. Local ref"a. IM lt\/out. call 949 882 0620 IHve msg. ...... -. :. .. I • ', • ' I • ; ,... ....... a.... 6c1I. i wd, 3"I .ctual ml, 1llvt1 /crt)' int, allon, flllulou• ltke new 1111111e rktd coed, 4·ynr ~ w8' w7!5772l lll.B Im Bllr. .. •• 516· 1888 ....... , ... ~·· Le-. 'H UlOO 56 5" nil, alnt cond, :Mhet/ 1•ey leather t11lerlor $27,500 949-633 5'3-4 u.c..i.. •et ....,~ JOii ml, full fact warr. &llYer und/tan tllv, .CO a.taclllt, chtorne whls, utr1 sut, v872518 S28.49S fin a wiwr •v•ll Bkr 949 586 1888 -·~'--Merce4ea '99 U2D 3111 ml, whlte/arey ltllr, mllrf, chrome wilts, bHul like new cond, 11572241 $25.995 "" wall 91\1' 949-586-UllB www1•1•1- ......... '99 '~'° t.we 5211 ml, J 1r win evall, silver /blk lthr, bt1ut ortc c;ond, w81.5241 '25.995 f1111nclrla 111a1t. 81\r 949-586-1888 -........ - '17 • .,. ..... c-lX 4 cyt, rebuilt trans, xlnt cond, Oflil owrws, Sl.795/ obo/cash 9t9 642-3368 PORSCHE '00 911 CAB Low miles, custom wheels, 6-speed, super fast. #652259 $52.900 MBZ '95 Sl.500 CONVT. Bose. co. leather, loaded, good looking!! #113266 $28,900 LAND ROVER '97 DISCOVERY 4X4 Loaded, low miles. 4x4 fun at a great price. #549423 $13,900 BMW '99 M3 CONVT. co. 5-speed. leathef. lo mtles. Sii .. blk int. #C44258 $32,900 MBZ '95 5320 SDH co. leather. moon. clean. pnced to sell last #241401 $18,900 MBZ '98 ML.320 AUTO CO. lttv Bose. moon, 4x4. really a bargain"" Whtie tan. #016225 . $18,900 MBZ '90 300E SCH Auto. SU1100l. leather. priced to sell fast•! #270075 $7,995 Tll..0'5 EUROPEAN AUTOHAUS o ..... ao ear. 1n atock 1-800-598-9754 Web •tco.1 www tilocars com '~ Ur.lo '11 99k "' .... ~or' _,,..llJt.,_~ tr-. SUD> 9C9-644-6989 TOYOTA TE•Cll '90 It lot. .1. fair •-"« .... , tu.ttv-4 $COO 949-6«-1149 Painting AllTIST, •h tp ln,lall wallpap~r. p•mttn1 & tau• mur •I~. portraits. 909-611-6664 ciWfti·· ..... 17Yt'S eip Great Pr1<el Gu~..,lud worlo. I ree e\I U37S602 714·SJ8 1534 1 390 2945 J~·· ...... ""' fop Qualtty. Compehbn Inter'°' 'E .. t t 11648228 C1ll '-l 949 6SO S066 aAJNIOW OICll MMCT Painting WuL HalM/~ Quatttv toll' rr .. eslllfllla L'569897 714 636 8888 Plastering & Stucco •s_,......,,._,_. Ratucco, Room Adclbon, Patchin, Renonablel 714 921 647 ~,,, Pal~ S.C. PAINTING CONTRACTOR COMPETITIVE PRICE FREE ESTIMATE SERVICE • QU~ITY INTEGRITY ~12-8295 1"'NtflllflDOl1IOCICll Pbftbttl ........ -Cl.IMllllllCIA&.-r TWllOY PllAl9HG 949 .. 5-2352 -.. .. Ollfy ftlot -.... - flM.lftAUTO .......... ....,s '2000 Silvw w /Ctlaf coel ttlw, fu warranty, calatwit1owM4 ("19211) SJ9,tl0 vw, .. ...,." Orey •IV•Y lnl• lof, Zl' m 111\mKulate ('19252) . 118,980, Yefotet40Se4-'•2 llus Is one near I*'• feet Volvo lo own, low miles (119238) $8.980. MIZSU20 •-*ter'9 7 tmmaculllta White w/Grey lthr, lb ml. Xenon. both Tops. (f1929SC) tNQUlltEI '-C::~,. lm1111c Whtie w/Tan ltllf, 3611 ml, Sood Mtvlu r~cwclt ( • l 9298C) $25, 9llO ........... ,wt.a c '96 White ~foare, beau· llfulf/luther, l9k ml (fl9206C) $69.980. fer4 bpe41tlae hldle9-2000 lull power·4lk lfltlH Recent trade to us. (tUl9671) $21.980 il.t1..ttyQ4S Se'-'97 Pearl w/Saddle lthr full power. 5811 ml (fl9234) $16,980 Hu,.,..er H2 '2003 Whtie "'/Whtie llhr moonroof, 2SOO ml (119233CJ $57,980 IMW1400 Ceupe'97 Shine~ Btaci. w/tmmac Grey lull lthr. areal 1ecord• (119180C) $31,980 IMWS211 s ....... ·2000 W'11te w/Creme tthr. a/I, lull matn Bumper to Bump"' warr (119193) $28.980. J119-..iuas ....... '1991 This "a one near pa1 leL1 Shtney 8t1cJI SuperchHced S.d•nl low mtlt~ 1•188!>81 ) S28,980 949-574-7777 rHtWPS AU T 0 phlUq.._,.,_,. CLASSlflfD It's the solution you're searthing for·whether you· re see~ing a home, apartment. pet or new occupation! lM " I OlYISlon Of MST J llan9H1 PIP£ LOCAltNC ClECTRONIC SLAB LEAK D£ TEC TlON F nendly s.,.ec~ 949 -•7 S -t SD4 -~.cam L • 7 SU'!? .,,..,,.., HONUT & WSCWAM' PlUMB(R L'506586 F ,_ Est! Sm t..,.n. ocrrru Dec. 714-2JS.9l50 ... ICISI rwM~NO Repatrs & RefllCMMlln1 rREE ESTIMATE l'687J98 714 969 l090 CREVIER PER MONTH+ TAX l At These Terms On ~oved Credit ........ ... ! .. _ .. _ OllfRAT Siii.Ni SAWCSl ..... ,. .. -~·-··· . ...... . LITS t«lTtWr rrs~ ... .. • "' • • • • "' • -• • • • . • ****'****. SS FRE£WAY @ BIUR SMTA A* AUTO Ml (881) 123-9808 AUTOMOBlfS, MISCWNEOUS Wlnlld 9IM5 ,..,,.~ ..... 0-40 ~ e1'>I ... pey • -v ,.. prlOI '°' ~ ca "1111 or trudl pm! b or not. Cal Didi Rey @ loowtx> AutD S.S.. 7R- U/ 1931 or 714-J2:8.l228 CASH fC>a CMS WI NllD YOUll CAii r41D fotl oa NOT rHIWf'S AUTO AS• JOa MAl(OlM '4t-S74~7777 BOATS '01 Dtoffy 21 l•• new. Pranli« pwr pit.a. stereo/ • CD. navy 109 w/2 sunrts, 1111 W/bat, lelll l'liWY/ ew:m~ BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 u n sur AVAAAIU IN NIWrCMtf llACH $2SOOUAU 949-723-10.9 •l..e SMp-Gteat Loe• tlonl 13'/lfl bum, l«ntJth u11hm1ted, 1n Bey I~ Cove * 949-922-7777 MU D •S' SUf' 1 .. Newpertl..ch ( 15 beam) w/water & puwll 11• l!6S 2999 ~.u ymu C:ar 111 Clanifl•tl I .............. llaroofq " Repairs A~ Cormi sn:. 1937 l.Jl4519J1 96644-SMO 71 "6':18-3138 Tr11 Servtcl Walleo.tnp Master Window Care ~·c-• W'tndow Cleaning • Mini Blind Wuh • Sattn Fie &: RtpW ~' 72 4123 TelUs~ YOUR 6W6EWll II CWSIRID 949 642-5671 . j · llatlt• Seatlq, CD Cbaager, Dual Sunroofs 414, Aatwtlc, V&, Power Packa • o roof, Prem tum Sou • Tiit/Cm Etc. LEASE FDR s3 , , · On llpPf'Oved etedft. Plus tax, lie. & doc. fee . .$6375 , Total drlw-off. SO Security deposit 1 OK miles per y.ar/20¢ excess ml. charge. Ad expires 04/06/03. m 0 • 5 at this payment • 4Q months PRE·OWNED s24 995 SERVICE LOAN CARS 1 4 To Choose (376164, 366803, 384378, 382940) '99 IEP GR. CllR. lAREDO 414 '99 DISCOVERY II . 'DO DISCOVERY II 'DO DISCOVERY II Only 25K, leather. etc. VS, Low Miles, Immaculate VS, Leather. Dual Sun Roofs VS. Lthr, Loaded 41241511174 CERTIFIED 40781201230 CERTIFIED 4119/2412~ 1 CERTIFI 4117fl421S9 .. 4,995 '21,995 '22,995 '23,995 '00 DISCOVERY II '00 BMW323i '01 DISCOVERY SE 'DO RANGE ROVER SE VS, Lthr, Dual Sun Roofs 4-0oor, Only 12K Miles, Chrome VS, Lthr, Dual Sun Roofs 4 o. vs. Fully loaded, luxury CERTIAED 41181242826 41l3/Pn586 CERTIFIED 40921723223 C~. TIFIED 4033/429935 ·'23,995 '24,995 '25,995 '27,995 '99 RANGE ROVER ~02 DISCOVERY SE '02 DISCOVERY SE '97 DEFEIDER 90 VS, loaded, 11 K Miles, Prior Rental VS, Loaded, 8K Miles, Prior Rental . VS, Automatic, Soft Top 4084fl50601 4085f747230 41221113460 '31,m '32,995 '35,995 . .. . I .... Auto, air, Easy on Gas & Mor8I (701485) S6960 t99 POlfi1iC SUiRRE SE Auto, Air, CD, Power StHring, R88r Spoi#H & Low Mil8sl (812389) SS970 '99 POl1ilC iililD ii SE AOO>, Ai, Power~. CD. Aloys & Only 26K MJesl (923891) s799g to iiOl1llC IUli Al SE V-6, Auto, Air, Power Grotf>, CD. Alloys & L<TW Miles! (510515) sggso 'OOTOYOflW Auto, Air, Power Group, co ct Only 26K MilesJ (961342) s11.980 •o1 vw 1&111 CLS Air, Power GIDcf>, lMlher, Mt:>otwd. A'°>" & Low Aaesl (460321) 512,970 MINIVANS 1·, "" • "'f ... I .. ~ ".1 ..... T .. ...,-: Auto, Air, 7 P~, 2nd Sldng Door & Morel (569878) 59875 '97 DR .. CiliYAI .Auio, Ai. Power Groc.p, co 2nd Stilp Doer. Rcdracll a <hY SSK Alli f21»759J s10,145 · 'GO DOliCE Cililtu AulO, Air. 2fld Sliding Door ct Low Mies! {558700) 510.985 '01 POii1iiC iOlriAllA El1DDED Auto, Rear Air, 2nd Sllding Door, Power Group, Quad S..ting, A#o)ls & Low Mil8sl (285360) s13,770 •ii CiiiSilEii TOWI I COlll11IY lJI Auto, RiMr Air, Power~. CD, Leather, Oued Saaling, Roof Rack & Low Mies/ (5084T7) 516.860 CONVERTIBLES T,• ;T-..-•:1: ~::~··•,. .c CADILLACS "'' If ' •· II ·I. Ful Power, IMlhK & Only 69K Miles! (843710) • 510,970 '91 rAIW I AC r.A'IBIA Powtr Gnq), CO, LM!lhtN, "°"'1lool ' 37K "*' (002478) 513,675 WMW--~ Porwtt. IMllw, co ., Prtmlcln ScuwJ a "'°"' f 602321) 517,965 .. CIDWC SRW SlS Full Power, LMlther, CO & Only 36K ... , (149503) 520.845 '11 CllWC SM.LE m Ful Poww, CD....,.., Q!Slrr, ,_..,,.,' Moontoolf (176233) 524,635 '1 CllWC BJmll ESC FIA Poww, 01Sllr, LMlw & ~Q¥w. Slylng(101501) 526.650 '82 c.uw I IC DEVlll FIA Poww, lMtilter, CD, OaSlw & AlapJ {2S3908) '526.950 '02 CAN I IC DEVlll FuH PO'NfN, LMl/w, CD. OnStar & Alloysl (254896) 527·,840 'DCiDWc DRW m Ful P<Nlflf, LM!lhtN, CD, SO., cnStar' Or.y 151< Ml (1Zl57'9) 534,940 '03 r.A"' I fl: DOlll Ful Poww, ,__,,.,, CD, OnSQr, Aloys & Low,.,,,, (IU1338) 534,960 -~.Ai, Powtr Gnq), CD, Roal Ric*. Aloys & 0¥/ 31 Ka.fl (278396) ·51.0.960 •01Mriii:1ZTE1 ~. Ai, Powtr Glocf>, CD Sflc:t#, Moontod & AloysJ (5075i2) 512,985 ./ ,,,..,.,.,.,,,, S.1111:8 Appolnfnza1ts ./ ~Shuttle S.lllt:B ./ CU.tamer Lounge """' Riltreshmants ./ Rllllllll cars On Siie Exceeding Expectations Since 1967 ....... CHEllOIEE WIEO ~.Ai, Power~, CD. AIOys cl """"'°"" (258IJ31) 514,650 •CtEYYTAlmLS Rw Ai, POl/l#I Groc.p, Tow l'l!l::k.aga & 0¥/ 431< Ml {541S2.8) s1&,985 •C11Mf111ELT Reer Ai, POl/l#f Gnq). ~. CD, AIOys & I.ow...., (184665) s1a,a10 '19 • YUIOI SLf Rtw Ai. PrMW Gttq>, L.alw, CO, Tow A;. Alot's & Low .. {253906) 518.940 wmws••••1•LT Rear NI, POlllflt Groc.p, ....... CD, Tow Pfw. & Aloysl (231152) 519,965 WClllfBIUt•LS Rw Ai, POlllflt &cq>, CD, Std Seat. Tow PlqJ. 4 AloytJ (t68Bt n 522,850 .. LmCGlJI 11"8111111 IWr Ai, Pow.rGRq>, LMlw, CD Slid-. Tow Pf;. ' Low AM (J 1"'5) 524,840 GMC • BUICK• PONTIAC • CADILlAC · 2• IAllll ILID., CISTA MllA 714) 444-5200· • .. CAM I AC ESaUDE Aw Ai, NA Power, L.Mrw, CD, Tow /'to. & I.ow .... («J61J64) 524,840 •• CAM I IC EICAUIE FWt Ai. Fe.I Powr, lMll-. CD, lhStar, Wdfo ~ & Tc* P"'1/ (156215) 525,950 '01 •YIDIRT Rw AJr. POMlf GIOCf1t ladlet, CD, Std s.t. Tow Alp. & 0¥/ 19K "'-1 (158723) 527,950 ··---DEllAU 1Wt Ai, FIA Power, CD, 01&w, LMlher, Tow Pfq/. & 0¥/ 23K ""-/ (118060) 528,875