HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-06 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotINSIDE THE PILOT SPRING FORWARD Just a reminder that daylight saving time started at 2 a.m. with the time moving ahead one hour. Also, area fire departments suggest it's a good time to test any smoke detectors in your home. COMMUNITY FORUM Newpqrt Police Chief Bob M'cOonell says safety has been paramount to the department post-9111. S..PegeA11 SPORTS Costa Mesa High senior Sharon Day has a sensational day, leaping 6-foot-2 for this year's national best in the girts high jump. She raised the bar to 6-4~. but just missed at Trabuco Hills. S..Page81 SUNDAY EDITION Ser.ving th e Newport-Mesa community since 1907 APRIL 6, 2003 Newport Beach is rich with amazing views. Here1s the 10 best. June Casaerande Daily Pilot That'c; what one resident recently dubbed Ncwpon Beach. V 1ew City, USA. l:vcn at '>treet level, the Clty's natural beauty draws awe ats sparkling CO<l!>thne, quaint harbor, serene natural hab1ta1S. Going about t})e bu-.ines.s of day-10-day life, it's easy to forget that the pretty all around is JU\t the pretty on the ground. And it's easy to forget that. from the nght perch, Newport Beach offer. some views that are nothing short of 1aw-droppmg. In that spirit, the DaiJy Pilot offers our picks for the 10 best VlCWS in Newport Beach. · I) Galaxy Park. A hunting hawk ha.n~ effortlessly in rrud-air, buoyed only by the wmd. In the background, natural bluffs drop dramatically toward windmg wetJands where egrets and least terns feed almos t oblivious to human existence Occasionally. a kayaker floats by. often quieter than the animals themselves. For a handfuJ of lucky landowners, this naturnJ wonder t\ practically in their front yards. Galaxy Parle is a tiny strip of Kr3SS on Galaxy Avenue that 'I like to just bring a sandwich and have my lunch here, it's sure better than sitting in some restaurant.' Bob Anslow, a neighbor of Galaxy Park for nearly 30 years overhangs the Back Ray like a Viewing balcony. This is the place to enjoy the most beauuful part of the ecological reserve. where the bluffs are steep and the nature below ~ms worlds away from the o utJine of Fashion Island, which is visible on the distant horizon. ·1 lilc.e to J~t bnng a sandwich and have my lunch here, it's sure better than sirting rn some restaurant.· said Bob Anslow, a neighbor of the park for nearly 30 years. ·Not many people know about it. It really is 'i-Omet.hing. • 2.) Ute View. On the 16th floor of the Newport Reach Marriott's north tower In Fashlon Island L'> one of city's best-kept secrets.. but it's not a secret to outsiders. Ironically, it's less known to locals. Apdy named The View, it is a little lounge and sushi bar serving a largety tourist crowd with cock:talls, live music and an unbelievable view. The nearly all-glass lounge offers sights or the not just this city, but probabty eight or IO cities in any direction. Look straight down and see the sprawting greens of the Newport Beach Country Oub. Beyond is the perfectly stunning sight of Newport Harbor, the jetty, the ocean and, ultimately, Catalina. Look northeast on a TOP STORY . SUNDAY STORY · Pt10TOS BV DON LEACH I OM.V Pl.OT AboYe, the sun goes down Nl the north Nl view from Cbff Drrve 111 Newport Beach along Manner's Mile, where you can watch the sun go down. and the view from Chff Drive above Manner's Mile in Newport, toP left, is where one can see the neon hghts of restaurants as well as boat traffic m the harbor where gondolas cruise . clear day, and Downtown Los AnE(t'lt.., loom.'> Im}' but true on the horizon. The best time to visit, -.ays lhn-. Desprospo. director of food and beverage for the Marriott, is undoubtedly sunset. "You have to see it at sunset: he ..aid. ·vou won't believe it.~ 3) IDlp:lradon PolnL :rhis IS probably the vtcw ~t loved by locals. It is the spot on Corona del Mar Slate Beach where a natural bluff fonns a baJcony over the ocean and the Jt'tf} From here. the va.c;t ocean seems to go on forever. Not !>urpnc;mgly. ifs a popular place not JUSt for picnicker.. and beachgoers. but even brides: wedduidStake place here regularly. lrupiration Point also hlii>s put the ·scenic~ in the ·c.orona del Mar Scenic SK.· an annual race that owes much of Its grCMUlg success to this spot's natural beauty. 4) Castaways Parle. Con.,Kler this Mother Nature's Creeks close to getting protection State officials are suggesting that Buck Gully and Los Trancos be added to the Clean Water Act safeguard list. In Newport Coast. The 0.3·mlle Buck Gully drains to the beach In Corona del Mar and the 0.19- mile Los nancos d.ra1ns onto the beach at Crystal Cove State Part. They are known to deliver becteria to thole beaches. tively worked to improve water quality at those locations be- tween 1997 and 2001. Newport Coast homeowners. joined by Irvine Ranch Water District director Peer Swan, op-. poeed the listina because it could lead to inaeased enforce- ment and a potential home- ownu-fund~ mandate to dtan'ft up. COMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Spring forward and enjoy the new season ''Youmab mefttl so young. you make me feel like P•ul Clinton Daily Pitot NEWPORT-MF.SA-E.nviron- mentallsta are cbe«ins the State Water Board's recommen· dadon that three local drainage ichannels get federal Clean Wa· ter Act protection. • State water board members induded Buck Gully Creek. Loe 1nncol Cttek and a 24·mlle ledion of the Santa Ana River. wbJch hu been k:tmtilled u a tranaport for boririe Urine from ln1and dl_lrlet to coutal Orange County, on a list of impaired ar· eu. The Environmental Protec- tion Aaency now la coNlded.ng whether to add them to lta Im· ~ water 8odJea. or 303d. fist. Consre-c:reeted the 303d list, part of the OCan Water Act of 1972, as a wry to mandat deanup of d1J1y 1tttams; lak watersheds and any o~ areas that ant used fi r t'Ml'eationaJ pwpoees. Orange Cowny CoutXeeper led the dwge to Ust thO two creeks, whk:h are J>Olh k>Cated "lUstlnc the aeebl ts the first (s!ei> toward deaning them up, It said Gerry Brown. Coast· ~ executive di.rector. -nwfte watched mote dotely. They're monlto~ more cio.e1y.· Pot about two ,.... lead.in& up to the 'a Pcb. 4 dcciAun to lnctude the c:reeb. &own bUlitted bundlei of photoe. more than 200 wata aamphs and other documeruadon on the two cfteb. The group K · Much of ~ poOutlon ca.Uled bY urban runoff, wt\id\ • ii ca'-d wbtrt lawn pe&tl copper~ re.idue and o pollution II WUl>ed to the channd, envtronmentaJ' y Also In.duded lmOrc · the .. ~. ... CMEKS,PlpM pring sprung.. Actually, you don't. It' a song. by Joseph Myrow. lyrlcs by MAdc Gordon. 1 11 )'OU care. But <:ate or not. PETER sprtns ts and that a. that. BUFFA ~· '· -rm a bl& ran or the rm. -''°'"" sprtna and faJ( Pall wtnS. tiut sprt"I II a blalt. It bursts on the wtth an Iha• teblntM~• f ' l A2 Sunday, April 6, 2003 BUSINESS Pacific Life on Fortune 500 list for third straight year Fortune Maga7Jne released Its rumual Fortune 500 list on Monday and, for the third consecutive year, a Newport Beach company made the cut The list. which chronicles the top 500 reveoue generators in the country, included Pacific Life Corp .. a local ·insurer. Pacific Ufe moved up on the 2002 &1 to 419 from 439 the year before. The company puUed in $3.8 billion during that year from iis string of insurance and financiaJ businesses .. On Tuesday. C'..osta Mesa drug maker ICN Pharmaceuticals lnc.. won plaudits for its ribavirin a<, a poteotiaJJy effective treatment for '>evere acute respiratory · syndrome. or SARS. 1he World I lt>alth Organiz.allon said the drug has been effective in stabili7ing some patientc;; It also cautioned that more SC1en11fk study is required. Ceradyne Inc .. on Wednesday, announce<.111 had pumed down a $13.8-rnillion rnntrnct with the U.S. Anny to µrovid e ballisuc cefill'Jlic body armor. The Co!>ta Mesa company has secured $26.5 million in such contracts over the past four months to provide the armor for <;0ld1ers now fighting m lraq. • PAUL CLINTON ..:overs the environment. business and politics He may be readied al (9491 764-4330 or by £>-mail a1 paul.clinton f!ilat1mes. com COSTA MESA Lighting up the appeal proces~ 'Iiinil) Oimtian <....enter is chafing at the Planning Commi~sion's decision tQ postpone any decision on whether it can broadca!.t outside for nine months On Monda~. the center filed an appt al of the po:.! ponement, calling tht> dl'la\ an "undu<' burden~ The City Council will hear the appeaJ on April 21 Thursday was •• day to celebrate community spirit. lbe Costa Mesa Olamber of Commerce and South Coast Metro Alliance honored three paragons of communuy spirit Expenan for the Community Spirit through Corporate Leader.hJp Award; the Ur...tm family for thl' ( :ommunity Spint Award: and Pobce (hicf Davt• Sno~den for thl' lndiVlduaJ Ach1l'Vemen1 Award. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers CostcJ Mesa and may be reached a119491 574-4221 or by e-mail at delfdre.newman a./at1mes 1..""0m NEWPORT BEACH It takes a vi llage to make a district Corona del Mar residents' worst tear; about City Council redistricting appear to be commg ln1t.'. Preliminary auempti. to balanLe out lopsided council districts <>eem to leave no option other than c,plitting up Corona del Mar. The ea'>iest cut might be to carve lrvine ferrace out of the Corona del Mar 01slnct fl and splice ii onto Oistnct 5 1Wo city act1onc, could go a long way toward curbing West Newpon partying. TI1e counCLI members will consider changing th<> city'c; liquor sales ordmann• In lorh1d <,torel'o from ... 1:111111( up beer and liquor sales OUL'>tde, as they often do during Fourth of JuJy The City will a.bo aCl"C'pt about $78.000 [rom the state 10 add morl' week.end pohce DUI patrol<, and Diii checkpoint' The city\ plan to lake over the multimillion dollar redcve. lopm~ agency for Santa Ana I feights st' to. PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'FALLEN FRIEND' This is a photo that was taken at Newport Harhor I hgh School during a memonaJ service for Jose Ganbay, a 2000 graduate of the school and a U.S. Marine who dic:d while serving hi'> country in Iraq. Because of the sen!>1live nature of the ~ignnwnt, I chose to shoot with a longer lens M> I wouJd bell''>'> intrusive and be able to "mmpre~" \\hatt•ver moment I found. KENT TREPTOW I DAILY Pit.OT a very clean <,hot of a moment that condensed the feeling and emouon of the ceremony into one tight picture. AU three girls knew < .aribay, and the emotional connection is obvious. Moreovrr, the way they were embracing -with their anns and clao;pl'd h.tnds encirding each other -pulls the viewer into thl' pil ture and give" a glimpse of what lhc mtcru.11y of that t'Vl'llt '-'US hkl' The thm.o girl<, huddling at thl' front of the crowd gave me ->:.t•nt f'reptow. staff photographer EDUCATION Student<\ get vivid lc~~on into makings of symphon y Fifth graders throughout Orange County got their final chance to expenence cla'>Sical mllSJl' liw a1 1.he Orange Counry Perfomling Arts C .cntl:'r Monday, as part of the Philhannonic !>ociet)' Youth LJuaJIJcm Programs' 46th annual Conccns for Fifth-Grader!>. The concert mcluded perfonnanc:e-. by the Orange County Youth Symrhony Orch~tra Throughout the conu~rt. srudcnt were educated about tht' nuances of an orchestra and it" numerous instruments. More than 1,000 people surrounded Newport I !arbor I IJgh School's flagpole Tuesday to pay tribute to Jose Ganbay. a Costa Ml~ Marine who was lcilled m lmq la.<,t month. Sntdents, facuJty. family ilnd friends gathered 10 c;hare their thoughts about the alumnus. Van~ University has taken the first step to build prorrusmg partner,hipc; wtth Costa Me.a and • •JUNE CASAGRANDE ~overs Newport Beacti and John Wayne Airport She may be readied at 19491574-4232 or bye mail al /une.casayrande " lat1mes.com PUBLIC SAFETY Window smashing across C.osta Mesa 1-"stancia high school by offem1>( two <,tuden~ Imm each school $20,000 \<:hnl.aNlipi>. Both Vanguanl aud rht.• ~ewpon Mesa Umfied School Dlstml and hope to eventually <'>.1encl tJw ..cholar.ihi.p to indudc the n1r .... polll 1• .,aid Wednc~day. Nint• '>•mLlar 111ud1·n1'> wl're reponec.l hetwet>n \.fart h 28 and Man:h ·m. aJI invol1,,111~ \C.1.11ct..U ... either hitting a '-'1ndoY. with .i ha-.eball bat, throwing obiett' m probably usmg a pellN or RB gun. I he 1111 uk11t<, were not concentrated in 1m1• ,1rt•a, but reportedly on.urred all O\.l'r 1lw t 11y Paularino Avenue, Ludwig Van Beethoven, played by Joho-Oavtd Keller, gives Garden Grove's Enders Elementary School an up·dose lesson m music during Monday's performance of "Ups and Downs.~ MARK C OU<;f,N OAILV Ptl 01 di..c;tnct's other lugh school.._ • CHRISTINE CARRIUD covers education and may be readied at (9491 5744268 or by&-ma1l at chnst1ne cam/lo a latunes com aff~l>d vchicl~. police said fhcrc are no suspects in custody. Descnpuons or lhe alleged vandals have al&<> been hard lo get because only two of the victims even came clo.o.e to catchmg a glimpse of anyone lhe vandals. Police only have the description of "a maJe wearing a denim jaclcet • and another man "wearing darlc clothes.· be gaining momcnlum. County Supervisor Jim Sliva said he might support the plan, and residents m1gh1 be amenable 10 the idea as welJ. a.'ISuming the c 11y i~ wdhng to comprom1<,<• on some key po11w. Vandal.. apparently embarked on a wmdow-brealung ~pree last weekend. possibly using basehall bats and RB guns to !>maf->h the glas:;, of home:. and Bn:.101 \trt.'£'1, \unOower Avenue. Maple Avr11111· Ho\f> 1.cme, Monte VL'ila Avem•t' c .m..iry Dnve, Rosemary Place and I .1hradur Drive. Five of the inullt•nt'> involved homes. and four • DEE.PA BHAAAnt covers public safety and courts She may be reached al (9491 57~26 or by e-mail at deeps bharsth ~latimn.com NOTABLE QUOTABLES "I d()n't think they s/Jould be outsitk before 1/Jey get their act ll~ther with the original pnmlt, and /the commission/ put a lot of conditions on that. They violated the first permit for years. I tlJink it's completely right to proue first tliat they can live wilhin t~ conditions before /the city/ gives t,>,zem anything more. -Lars Slvrlng. a neighbor to Trinity Cllristian Center in C,osta Mesa, on th~ center's appeal to the City Council to allow them to film outside again '"/ don't know how we will come to consensus. I think it's going to be very difficult. fit's) going to require people to be really lronest on the dais and when we talk about individuals. It's very difficult to do . . I tlri11k ii can be done. " .-Ubby Cowan. Costa Mesa councilwoman, on the council choosing someone to replace outgoing Mayor Karen Robinson, who will step down from the dais Aprtl 15 ·rm only interested in the best peT'SOn for the job. I ®n't care if it's a man, ll'Oman or ManiLm .. " -Gary Monahan, Losta Mesa councilman, on the prospect that the city's next police chief couJd be a woman '711Rre's no rhyrru! or rPllSOn to it. Its uery natural for peoplR to be shocked or cauglrt off guard.. W1&at do you do when you're mjoying a quiet evening at home watching 1V and 50m«JM just drillf!S by and breaks your windcJwr -Dale Birney, Cosla Mesa Police lieutenant, on vandals that have been breaking windows in various areas of the City ~It would be a shame to bmJk up OJrona <WI Mar. We're a littk be«/1 mdaue. We call ti tfu? Village. I'd hate to Stt it split up. H -BW Slndalr. president of the Corona del Mar Chamber or Commerce, on the likely breakup of Corona del Mar's City Council district Daily L Pilot Coral Wilson News ess1slcint, 19491 r,74 4296 1 oral w1/son • tat1mr~ nrr PHOTOGRAPHERS Box 1560, Costa Mesa CA 92626 CopynghL No naws stones, 1tlustrauon1, editorial matter or advert15"menl1 herein can be reproduced w11hout wntlen perm1ss1on of copynght owner SURF AND SUN VOL 97, NO .. 96 THOMAS H JOHNSON Publisher TONYDOOERO Editor JUDY OETTING Advertising D11"11C'lor LANA JOHNSON Promotion• Director £0fTINO ST S.J. Cllhn Managing Editor. (9491fj7 ..... 233 • J c11hn l11t1~ com J8'NI~ City Editor, (9C9l 7&1..t324 JIHT* ,,,..., ""'"*"°'"' AoOlf c.tton SJJC)'ta Cdrtor, ( 15744123 rorJM~ llrtunaoom JowJ...,...,. M Dir~ I ~ Dealt Ch141 ( 574~4 '°"" Nr•tt» ,.,,,,,.. oom 5-.MtCwill Photo Supen11aot, (IM81 1tf4.'361 tcm photo "'11ffW com News Editors Gina Alo111111d0f, Lon And<-rson. Daniel Hunt. Paul Sa1tow1u Daniel S1evrn1 NEWS STAFF ~Bherath Crime and couru reportl!r (949) 574 ·4226 doepa bh11r11th lotimos co111 June Caeegrande Newport Beecii reporter (9'191 674-4232 /une.caug~ "'''mft com ~Clinton ~htlca and emmonment reoort1>r ltcsl 7&M330 p11ul cllnton l11time. com Loat9 HllflMI' Cotumnlet. cuhure reportl'lr. (9'91 67• -4275 lolita."-'1»' /4tl"'* com Deirdre~ Coata ~eu repolWf, 194.9157'-4221 dtllrdf9 MWm•n J11t1,,,.. corn ctwtltiM c.TWo Etlucatlon t9C>Ort•r, l!Ma) 57"-''68 dlrl.,IM.c.mllo l11t1,,,.. aom So11n Holler Don l..Adrti Kmt Trt>ptow READERS HOnJNE (9491642 6086 Roc.ord your r.onurH,nls 11t>o,1t lhn ,Daily P1lo1 or nf'W:. topc, Addreu Our addrll!l1 •< 330 W Bay St , Costa Mesa, CA 97677 Office houri are Monday Fnday 8.3011 m 5 pm CotNCUona h is the Pilot's policy 10 promptly co"OCI all orrors of substanoo Ploaae call 19491 ~-4324 FYI The Newport BadVCosta M ... Daily Pilot IUSPS-144-800111 pubh.ned daily. In Newport 8Mct'I and Coat1 Meu, aub9crlptiont "' avetlable only by aubtcriblng to The Tlmee Or """ County (800) 252 914 l In 1rN1 outsldla of ~n Be&d1 end Co tit Mn.I, aubea1pt1on1 to tl\e Deily Pilot .,.. 11Vlll1tt>l1t only by first d mell lof SJ() per monlh (Prloea include all eppbcat• IUIUI end loc»I tun I POSTMASTE A &.nd llddr d1anga ta The NMport BeecM:Olltl Mou 0.lly Piiot, P.O HOW TO REACH US Circulation The T1meJ1 Orange County 18001252 9141 Adwrtlaing Clasaffled 19491642 5678 Display (9491642~21 Edltodal News 194916'2-6680 Spoda (9ie9l57 ..... 223 News ... (949) 844-4170 5poft.I Fu (849) M().0170 E~ daltyp{lolOllltifTJ#.oom Maln<>Moe ~ OfRC9 (IM.91 842~21 .._,....Fu (949) 831 7129 Publt.Md by Time. Community ~. 1 d'v1 ion of tl\e Loe Anges.e T1m419 02002 Tim. CN. All rlgtn. rlMN9d. WEATHER FORECAST 5-toot waves end• northwest swell of 6 to 8 feet. Expec1 mo9tly sunny .tdea with highs In the middle eo.. Overnight, wauti for clearer skies end temps dropping to the mid-to upper-409 On Monday, eunny end wanner with hip expec1ed to reech above 70 degreM. lnfonnetlon: www.()ws..na.&(JOV BOATING FORECAST The wtettv wtnds win blow 10 to 15 knots in the ""*' wa19n today, wi1h 1· to 8-foot w.vee and• mixed \¥Mt end IOUth IWell of about 4 tMt. 'Tht wind w111 bu11d to 15 to 20 knotl with IWella tttvlno wMteftV end topping °"' st 4 to 5 fMt thl9 evening. Out farther, lhe • noithwut.ty wlnd9 wUI ~ 20 to 25 mom •fiy. bl.It wttf • down to 15 to 20 knots In the aftitmoon. bpect 3-to SURF Today Is pretty muc:ti e bust. with bruka topping out In the w.Jst..high range. West-feeing break.a mey ... • f1IW dlesl-hlgha. Another eouthwMt swell anivea Monday, but ft doesn't •nv b9tter then dlesl-high. Wll8r qlMlty: WWW.llUrfrit»r.OfQ TIDES nm. 8:58a.m .. 1:24p.m . 5:18p.m. 12:07 e.m ...... 0.158 f..c tow 2.79'-th'gh 2.le*tlow 4.701"thlgtt WATER TEMPERATURE Udeg,_ LOOKING BACK Scouts celebrate Earth Day The politics Troop 226 and others from the area spend the day picking up trash and enjoying outdoor events at Fairview Park. . . of bowling Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot ganit..ed by Kyle Quaunan, a member of the fc\irvlew P·.uk Fnencb U>mmiu~. which i.pon sored Lhe event. me commlltt.-e is <.urrently working on a large restorallon project for the park, Quatman said. ~ona Lanes nearly made it into the political arena during 1992 election. ~olita Harper 9aifyP1lot L ong before the showdown between recreation-loving residents and Kohl's department store, Kona Lanes bowling alley on Harbor Boulevd.fd was scheduled to be che spot of a national political showdown. ln October of 1992, representatives of President George Bush. Bill Uinton and contender Ro~ Pero1 agreed to a bowl-off. of soru. at Costa Mesa\ very own Kona Lanes. The event ~billed~ "Stars and $trike<; Forever" but Wa.) dubbed the ·Perot Oiallenge." by the Texas b~ionaire'i. i.upporters becaw.c they were the first to accept Lhc challenge. Gener.ti manager at the time. Oierie Nagy. said she wasn't a!> concerned with the bragging eights of the best bowler, rather che entertainment of the even1. She wa-. quoted ru. saying. "We could ui.e a little levity in this i;lection." INVESTMENT OR SECOND HOME? By Dav~ Wont I ht>re 1~ J J1ffcrt>ncc A St°(.onJ hnml.', for ta.x purpose~. rt>ally 1~n 1 one th.u we rent out more 1h.rn. \.iy, rwo wt>eks of any y~rs ( onversdy, we onh· suy m .in invt"tment pro~ny for the hnef um• in takt>~ 10 do rep.ms t>.ich year. (( he~k with your IJX .advisor on hc1w to .ippro.id1 tht"Se nuners.) And yet . .i second home un indeed prove 10 be a grc.it investment JU\I .is your pnm.iry rn1Jenle c.in If indeeJ 1t qu.il1fies .is .a second home for tax purpust>s, then you will en1oy all the 1ax 'benefits you get wuh your first homt>. includtng dcductibil1ry of murcg.igc interest and propcny 1.uc~ (w1th1n spetifil pott>nu~ Jim115) .and arrcmely liberal cxemp11on from t:u.it1on of gams when you sell , chc home. For most peuple. the second : home 1s usu.illy a vaatiol) home ... and often a home dut 1hcy Ut° likely to move into full-time when 1hcy rcurc. For some. a home may move rather fluidly from being an investment pro~rty one year into becoming .i second home · another. With good advice, the . homeowner tan make the most of ownership benefits at different umcs during the years s/hc owns the home- durmg tht> different phases of his anJ! her own life. For good real estate advice call me at 949-53.3-1200 or visit my websites a,r dav~ong4.com or : oncfordro.id.com. ' !Mvr Wo1tt has ~ ullmt : homes "' Nnvpon &Mh s~nn • 1989 4nd IS wtth <Aast Nnvport : PropmialCo/Jwt/J &1tkrr. I ~-. , PLUG IN Plug Into the Pilot Classified secoon to ftnd seMCeS from electronies and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. Daily Pilot The I 992 election was at a time of unparalleled historicaJ peace as the familiar landmarks of> the Cold War -from the Berlin Wall to intercontinental mis.Wes and bombers on Constant high alert -;-were gone. Eastern Europe Was i{ldependent, the Soviet Union had dissolved, Germany was united, Arabs and Israelis were engaged in direct negotiations, and the threat of nuclear rnnflic1 was greatly cluninished. Our troop'> had recently returned from their lir<;I tour in the Per.tan (,ulf. but the cheer. faded 11110 financial d1str~ People wen~ lch reeling from one of the wor ... t rece~-.iom, -;in ct• 1980s and 1 hcrt' were layoff., aero'>.'> the botird, from wlute to blue mild! ;1nd middle management Locals wen:' look.mg forward to a lighthearted !ihowdown that had nothing 10 do with the euinomy. urwmploymcnl or health care. nw howl-off offered Lhe pcrfct 1 wnuc but the rcprc~nlJll\l''> never 'hO\'l<ed Perot'!> offiuah "'ere rcJdy to go. \\llh their balb huffed and howlmg !>hoe\ '>llllied Rw,h and Clinton c;1mpa1gn officials 1wver did show and Lhe re'>t i,o, hi,wry. 230 Eosl 171 St • Costa Mesa (949) 722-7224 www r~)()nd<o• h com Non fn 10-6. 10-5 COSTA MESA -l:.ric I lalvcr son found two socks. Rolcyt Du lac came across some beer bot- tles. Others from their· Cub Scout troop discovered di'i- carded records and rugs. The enthusiastic Cub Scouts picked up th~ sundry item!> at Palrview Park and plopped them into trash bags 5aturday mornmg as pan of the first Earth Day in the Park. l·.arth Day i1> celebrated around the world ai; a day to pay tnbute to the cnvmmment 1-airview Park. more than lfXl people \howed up to lc:nd help- ing hand'> 10 1he clean up cffon and enioy typilaJ allractmn\ lrkt• lree train ride'> from the Orangl' <.ounty MOlkl Fngi lll'l'r\ "llm I'> really great hl'tdU'e 11 ""l' hadn't done 11, lthe park) would probably be a lot more " '><llll Rokyt, 11, a'> he groped for a word to liru'>h the '>L'l11Cllte. "Junky," filled m Byan O'Huyle. l I. aho part or < .ub St out I roop 226. l .. 1nh l>a} m 1he P·,uk wa-. or Rita Wine brought her five and-a-half year-old daughter • Ashley to help instiU pride for the environmenl 111 her daughter. Mil's a way to do something for the commun11y, ft Wme '>did "It\ good for our children 10 takl' care of our open ~pace." Some organizations with intl'r est in the environmen1 c;et up t.i hie~ 10 educatl' passer.by hkt· thl' Earth He-.ourte I ound.1111111 ba<ied 111 < .O'>la \1e~ Nicole Hamel, youth 1m1~r.ir11 coordmator. '>Jtd '>hl' \\a' 1111 pre'>'>ed to '>Ct' 'o man} Jud, 1.Jkt· pan in the deJn,up effort "II\ Krl'al that kid'> arl' ou1 ht·rt· and under'>tJnd ho""' 1mpor1.int our da1ly actlC>n'> arl'... 11.tlllt'I sard "And 1f Lhe} undt•r...t.md 1hat recyclable'> neL>d 10 lw rl'CV· dcd and tra<ih goe'> rn the tra'>h, 11\ a good le.,.,on for the lOlllmu ni1y a~ a whole " N. l:..trth Day panicipa11l'> filt·d in and out of the parli..rng lot. they pa'>'>c:d the t olorful tlc11-:' 111 JOLI~ 8alon 6 8pa '/'(//N .//',.,,/ .//r~/I . //I ,,/t'/"f / •Hair. Scalp Treatment •Naol\ -.• •Makeup • w~,. & Br.rnlhan Wu. • Mocroderm~bras.on • Mau~ge •Body Wraps ..Jonie 949 376-9950 . .. b'O ·~ C. .1'' H ~""''' ::211) lJ)'JnJ BeJch ·~ <Al Fi'> ~NI~ JAii 1 PILOT I O-year-0ld Daniel Becker of Huntirwton Beach picks up tr ash for an Earth Day event. hosted by the f r1erds of F a1rv1ew Park lhe < ,1,.11 J 1>11 < "111g. 111.hu. h \\ .1 .. pu11111i.: 1111 ,, l-.111· tlt·1111111.,1r,111on l>J\f' ( •"''· 'P1J~t''>Pl'r'1111 lor 1lw g.mg ..... 11u 11' 11npon.1111 Im .111 u'l'" nf I <llr\ll'"" l'ar~ In 'llJI porl k1·1·p111g II I h•.111 \\11h 1h1• \'\ollltl \\hrpptng 1hro111.h 1111' .trt-.t 1h1· llJg'> made ~o lll\11 h 11111.,1 I hal they ''"111111 ti lll<t• .1 1hunderou'> round "' .ippl.111.,1· lor tlw Larth l>.t) d li•rh \ 1 ·\f'I~ '~ • "'-1l _ '.-\.RI. • .... ORANGE COUNTY SfGFR.'l T ROM llt\11 I OllNDFll.'I 11 \I I <7 14 1740-7878 tlclc•f,....._ (7U) 7S5 0236 GROUP 5ALES W ...JI PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 80)( OFFICE IOAM If M WWW OCPAC ORC, OPENS TUESDAY! t AON MACKINTOSH .. AEIENTS es APR 8 -20 SEGERSTROM HALL ' iserahles A ,ti'-:;" $6A 50-S2750 ~ASl lnterp'd 2pm Sot, Apnl 19 www.'9em1Lcom (71 A) 556 2787 INFORMATION (71 A) 556 2746 nv . M 5'1lday, April 6, 2003 - PUBLIC SAFETY Sea lion reappears at 28th Street Jetty A big bull sea lion that has been making recurring ap- pearance on thi: beach and rocks near the 28th Street Jetty In Newpon Beach showed up again Saturday afternoon. The sea lion waddled up to the rocks around 3:20 p.m . and caused the usual buzz as .• onlookers clamored lo get close ro him. said Lt. Dave Wenger with the Newpon Beach, Lifeguard Depart- ment. Unfortunately, sea li- ons are not as cute as they seem, ei.pecially this one. whith weighs in excess of 100 pounds, Wenger said ·we have had a history of .. ea lions occasionally be- came they get trapped ... from the water and ltheyJ can bite people and people POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Babcock Str9et: Possession of drug paraphernalia was reported in the 1600 blade at 8:54 p.m. Thursday. • Bristol Street Embezzlement was repd'rted in the 3300 blade at 7:54 p.m. Thursday. • Center StJeet An auto theft was rtiported in the 600 blade at 5:50 p.m. Thursday. • Mesa Drive and N~r! Boulevard: A hit-and-~as reported at 6:23 p.m. Thursday • Pl.centia Avenue: A commercial burglary was reported an the 2000 blodc at 5:01 p.m. Thursday. • Rose Lane and Santa Ana Avenue: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 11:49 p.m. Thursday •West 19th Street Possession of narcotics was reported m CREEKS Continued from Al sa.'tion of the Santa Ana River that came w1der increased scru tiny in 2002 when Defend the Bay founder Bob Caustm, a local environmentalist, annotrnced a settlement with a group of Otino Valley dairies that he srud were polluting the waterway. Cauc;tm also spent month'> tn· vestigatmg the IS.sue and co1Je1.;t- ing a bevy of data abour the problem. "It was E,treat news," Caustin '>aid about the li!>llng. "It gives w. a lie to litigate and force the re· '>pons1ble paniei. upstream to do whal 11> nghl,'" <....tw.tin said. • fhcy t dn no longer deny that don't realize It because they thlnJc they're so cute," Wen- ger said. 1Wo weekends ago, the same sea lion was bold e nough to saunter onto the beach, Wenger saJd. "Once that animal gets spooked or decides it wants to move, it can move really fast and when you have a cir- cle of people around It, the people who are in the inner circle start to' run and they can't." Left in isolation on the rocks Saturdax-the sea lion stayed on the Jetty ror a few more hours and then re- turned home to the ocean. Wenger said. Eric Metz, of the Newport Beach Police Department's Animal Control division, said the huge sea lion has been coming up on the beach for the pa~I three 10 four weeks. the 1000 blodc at 8:48 p.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • Bayside Drive and Jamboree Road: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 1 :52 p.m. Thursday. •Ford and P,.irie roads: Indecent exposure was reported at 6:23 p.m. Thursday. • la Vida and University Drive: Vandalism was reported at 11 :48 p.m. Thursday. • Newport Center Drive West: Forgery was reported in the 900 blade at 9:49 p.m. Thursday. • Perk Lane: Garage burglary was reported in the 3600 blade at 6:27 p.m. Thursday. • Via Eboli: Petty theft was reported in the 100 block at 7:58 p.m. Thursday. •White CUffs Drive: Petty theft was reported m the 100 blodc at 1 51 p.m Thursday 11· ... a serious problem.'" Cow waste 1hac enters the '>anla Ana River containi. viruses tha1 are moved down the line toward Orange ( ounty. Caustin ~id. Caustin won a landmark. law- suit against 1he EPA in the mid-1990s that forced the agency to set pollutant mandatei. for Upper Newport Bay; San Di- ego Creek, wtuch drc1.ins into the bay; and Newport 1 larl>or. There is no date scheduled for when the EPA will announce the final protected hi>!. • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment. business and poltt1cs He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or bye mail at pau/.clinton .!t lat1mes.com ri-deal Weekend Getaway.~ Close to home ... your Irvine Marriott Awaits $99 pernight (Friday and Saturday Only) plus applicabk taxes Dinner at Elements 102 Restaurant Buy Ont mtrlt and rtceivt a second mtrlt .free (of tqual or ksstr valut) Complimentllry B~altfast far 2 f>.topk!Kuls tat for a b~lt..' Offer for 2 ltlas (ages 3-9); kids undu 3 tat fee I·~. I 8()()() Wm K4mJAn Awniu Irvine, Ca 92612 b. For resn-vations plu.u cJJ 800-228-92!}() .cJ ~ anJ 1Ult far TFBE rate code _:.a STUNNING Continued from Al high chair for Newport Beach. Thill pa.rt. overlooking the intersection of Dover Drive and Coast Highway, is the best natural way to taJce In as much of the city ft! (:li<>Mlble. In a single sweeping panorama the Back Bay, the ocean, the harbor and Cat.alJna are within a single glance. Once the site of various man-made structures - everything from a dirt golf course near the tum of the 20th century to a its now gone but n3fllesake Castaways restaurant -this park is in the process of being restored to its original beauty. 5) Tup of the Perris wheel at the Balboa Island Pun 7.one. Though this may not be the bes1 way to gel a good. long look at the glory of Newport Harbor, it's a great way to get a bunch of good short looks. Located at a top tourist hotspot in Balboa Vtllage on the Peninsula, a lot of visitors get their first good look at Newport Beach from atop the Ferris Wheel Among the sites they enjoy bustling beneath is ... DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT The path from Inspiration Point to Corona Del Mar State ~each ts one of the most scenic spots in Orange County-if not the state -especially on clear days. 6) Balboa Island Ferry. Ulce a Fun 7..one ride for locals. the ferry i~ as fun as it h functional. mat's because it's dose-up view of the harbor is constant but ever changing. Residents who use the forry for purely utilitarian reasons never know what they'll ~ on the water on any given day. The ever-dynami<. life on the harbor includes varying sailhoats. powerboat~ and charter boats. ~ welJ a-. occasional wildlife sightings. Depending on where rhe ferry COMMENTS CoQttnued from Al ··rm a tree." ·me spring flowers are really a high-energy rush, guaranteed to malce you smile and cure what atl'> you. Get out therl' and '>Oak up '>ome color. N, I've told you bt•forc. you don·1 have to go far to be ama7.cd and amu!-.ed. (,l'I on lhe fret•way, doe!>n't maltN which, and take a leisurely drive to nowhere. fhe ramp., and hillsides are in ruJJ bloom. Look at tho'>e hill!> on either side of the San Diego t-reeway between Culver and the El Toro Y, or the mverside Frt'eway to Green River Drive. I don't know if the hilb are alive with the sound of music (you can't hear a thing with the windows rolJed up) but they are greener than an lnsh country meadow, which is torally green. fry the Foothill Eastern loll Road. 11'1> wildOowcrs as far a-; the eye can see, all color, alJ the umc. l·or the uJurnare ru ... h. 1here are 1he nower field., in Carbbad WHArs AFLOAT •WHAT'S AR.OAT 1s publtshed penodically. If you are planning a nau1ical event, submit the mformat1on to the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627,byfaxlo(949)646-4170,or by e-mail to dsi/yp1lot1<Plat1mes.com SAILING CLASSES Orange Coast Cotlege 1s offering new credrt and noncredit sa1hng classes this spnng. Most classes are five w~ks in length, and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers. even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W Pacific Coast Highway, Ooati.. it offers exciting sights at the BaJboa Pavilion and alJuring expanses of harbor leading to and away from the ocean. 7) fJulgn V1ew Park. While looking to get a good look at the water, the last place you'd tllJ.ru. to look 1s inland from Coa'it l lighway. Yet lo and behold. lurching above lhis fast-moving thoroughfare is a popular little park with perfect views of the harbor. 1..ocated on OUT Drive near the inrersection of Coast Highway and Riven.ide Avenue. this small blanket of green slopes gentJy down toward the highway right where the Mariners Mile i~ at iti. bei>t. And when boat races are taking place in the harbor. -less than an hour down the road and wonh every minu1e. Get off the 1-5 at Palomar Airpon Road. Easy. It I'> a 50-acre cxpto .. ion of color through which you C<ln walk, run or sniff to your i.niffer·~ delight. It's even wheelchair accessible, which I appreciatt• at the moment. Rad. home. 'Pring planung ran be a lot of fun. We don'I do much of that al our place though. Sharyn keeps the plan• clipped. -.nipped and colorful year-mund, and I have never once het•n accused of having a green thumb, iearu. or anything el'>e lbc only thing I can grow 1' sweet ba'11, .. basilico" rn Italian. whKh doe!. fine in the Yukon or the 5ahara if you water it once a year. which I can do. Other lhan that, I am a human hcrb1l·1dt•. When my wife bring_<. something home from the nur-..ery, 'he shields it w11h one hand. rushel. past me and -.ay-. "Don"t look at it." 'Iner<' I!-., of cour<.1!, that uther au1.hcn11cating 'ign of <,pring. the one tha1 tiptoed through your bedroom at 2 a.m. 1oday. Not the ca1 -the time change Newport Beadl. (949) 645 9412 or visit occss1/1ng. com. Sailing Fascination offers cluses in boatmg safety and sailing year-round for persons wtth d1sab1h1tes Free (9491640-1678 Orange County employers can bring their employees out lo Newport Beadl on weekdays to en1oy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to work with the on-board mstructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. SUNMIST SPRAY TAN SPA Spraya1,.t111 in sec 50% OFF 1st Session $15 Value there's no place better to be. 8) Crystal CAJve State Beach. Sometimes you just want to feel lilce the last person on earth. alone at the point where the world rums to water and Oow.. on ne\ll'r ending. Even when other people are visible nearby. Crystal Cove creates a feeling that's like a mom en I out of the book of Genesis. There's '>0 little civiliuttion. And the standing on the cliff that drops Lo the ocean is a like standing at the dropping off pornt lO eternity. 9) Balboa Island Bridge. II\ jw.t a little i.trett:h of concrete that M!rves a.s the main road onto the i.'>land, but the rc'>idenl<i and tourist~ who sit on tht> DaytJght savtng ttme begin!> in most i;tates at 2 a.m. on the fir!>! Sunday or April, then revE'rt'> to standard ume at 2 a.m. on the last Sunday of October. And don"t worry. I won't mention tht• "Spring forward • thing agam If you don't know ll by now. I can do nothing lor you Whose idea w~ thi-. anyway? It wa., 1ha1 remarkable geniui.-.;nentist-invenior with the really bad hair -Dr. Benjamin Fr..mklin -tlw cleverl'\I founding father who ever fnundt'd a nation Dr Bt>n\ tdt'a to 1mprovl' product1V1I) hy taking heller ath .u1tagc> of thl' long !>pring and <,ummer day., took a while to calch on. but 1t wa'> in UM' here and around the world by the end of World War I. I lawaii. An1.ona. the lJ.~. temtone-. and a ponion of Indiana do nor ob~rve daylight ..aving 11Jlll.' I lawai1 and Aruuna are q11i1e 'klll.,fied with their .,harr of dayhghr. thank you. and I don'r knnw what the probll'rn 1-. bridge with camerciS know ~er At sunset. the westward view' from this linJe bridge is as stunning as any in the city. I 0) Balboa and Newport piers. They're almost too obviou' ru. picks for best views in Newport Beach because that's what they're there for. Ruby's at the end of the Balboa Pier is< great spot to watch the oc~ waves, but really, any place on the piers will do for a breathtaking view • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers · Newport Beedl and John Wayflll Airport. She may be reached at 1$49) 574-4232 or bye mail at 1une cssagrande a laltmes.com. dayligh1 ~vmg tune because the Nava10 reserwuon sLretch~ mio New Mexico and Utah. And here's something you can impress everyone with a1 the next dmner party. Chicken farmers ha1e dayli.:111 savmg tlJTle and have led sever.ti efforts 10 over rum tt. none <,ucce<.SfuJ. Apparently. all the roosters and ch1d.ens out there. who are naturally programmed to shake a leg and pther part.s'at dawn, are badJy da.7.ed. confllfft'd and di~oriented by the twice-yearly t1mt t.hange As. a result. 1w1le a year. producuvity drop'> for we<'kl> un1il 1he puaJed pouhry can fcx:ui.. Can you lind 1111<, kind of mformation anywhere else? · I ..ay you can11ot. So there you have 11. If you fol'}tot 10 set the clock last night. you're late. But not 10 worry 01eck out the nowe~ and you"ll feel better. l goua go. in Indiana. but I'll bet i1\ , •PETER BUFFA 1s a former Costa c.:omphcalf'd. Mesa mayor His column runs lntl'rl?'>tlngly, the Navajo Sundays He may be readied by Nauon in Arizona d oes ob-.erv<' e mail at Prr84 a aol com BOAT RENTALS Wrth Marin• Wat.,Sports at the Balboa Fun Zone, you can en1oy nauucal experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay m your choice of power and sail watercraft, 1ump the ocean swells in a Sea-Ooo jetboat. put you sport fishing skills to the test ma fully equipped Boston whaler. or soar above hall on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals Balboa Boat A.mats can put you on the water m many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats. 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunta •board the electric: bay boam. providing group ect.lvity for corporations. birthdays, nonprofit organfzatlona and group outings. The hunt pa<Qges include boats. trfvi• questions. maps, Polaroid cameras and auppliea. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering la available at en additional rate. For hunt reHNationt. c.11(949)673-7200. Elec:1rlc boat ..maa. .. ~ by the hour It Duffy Electric: Boats, 2001 W Coast Highway, N9WJ)Ort Buch. AJI boeta are equipped wfth window enc&o.ur• and CD players. Ice and cupa are pn:Mdod. ReMNatlont are suggested. Alt hour ntntal la S?a. (949) M&-«1812. ,... bNtl. ...... bolltl. bootle ~ kayab, lnftatlb!• ,..._, citameratw, beach fumft\.tre tnd ~-.,. evailabte for""" at A4itOn Wattil spotU It Newpott Ounee tMll 72S-t160. OCM_..tour'l .. ~bfthe Gondola Co of NewJ)Oft :MOO Vla ()pofto, &IM 102-8. :TM $71 cost lndud8e ...... of bi'Md, ~.llteml,lot. ........ ...... mulllc and. POiaroid plc:turt. Wine ... ..., ....... CMl)~1212. one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with champagne 1s $70. A two-hour tour whh dinner and champagne 1s $180. Pidtup is available at waterfront restauran1s (949) 675-4984. Irvine Coast ChartMs in Udo Marina Village offers two-ho~ electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 675-4704. GondoU AomltnCe °"'8n daily tours of Newport Harbor during lunch and dinner Call (949) 675-4730. The tours go out of Udo Marina Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beach. CRlASES Electric: Boat Tours afft8lw two-hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Round-trip hotel or off-the-water restaurant shun.le servioe is available. Pldt-op from restaurants with dodts is alao available. Chartered end catered tours. (949) 291-1953 or www. wettsontheh•rbor.oom. The Newport Landing ....... available fo r weddings and • receptions. cocktail and :· alghtseelng crulH1, and meetings. The coat 11 $500 for the first two hours, plua $ 160 for uch edd1tlonal hour. (949) • 361-3640. • I fun lone 8oet Co. NM a 4'6-mlnuto crulM (edultt. $8; dllldren, $1) end• 90-mlnute • ~ cruise (adulls, $8; dllldren, *'' departing from Balboa Fun Zone fNWV 30 minutee from 11 un._to 7 p.m. dally. Private tn.nera n avallable. (Mal 173-02AO. , rT:9'J nr · .. --. -~ L:.:.:.:i.~ -, cl I I .: .. IB1 lllUIWAY: MOrtuaty * Chapel • Cremauon -•• 110 Bf'OadWay. Costa Mela 842-8180 . fl Dady Piiot ..... . ~ CHECK IT OUT .. . ~ . . ~-= Novel ·.-. . ways· to revisit history H istory go~ down easy for preteenl> wtth a httJe help from hii.toncal ficuon For decade">, th1-. o;ct of reader. ha.., had tht•tr appetlll"> whet for the genrl' hy dot..t>n<; or clru.sic<;. Ttme·te!>ted favorite'> include Sydney 'laylor\ "All-of-a -Kind Family," about a Wiscon'>m. Jewish famjly laving 111 turn-o f·thc century Nt'w York and Laura lngalb Wilder\ "Unle House In the Big Woods," \et Ill pioneer-era More recently. Karen Cushman revisited medwv-.tl l:.ngland 111 Newbery Award-wmrung "The Midwife's Apprentice." Karen I lei.se returned to IX.•pre'-'>IOn t'ra OklahomJ 111 MOut orthe Oust," clOOlhcr Newbery Award winner New on the '>hl'lw' t.!> l le<.'it'\ "Witness," a moving novel wntten 111 lymal ver'>c lluough II dJ-.tinct voice!.. 111cluding those or d 12 year old African Amencan girl and a 6 yecir old daughter of .i Jel.\1sh '>hoc ~e'>rnan, I IC'>.'>t' tell\ cl \tory of Ku i....lux Klan horrors m 1924. A'> a springboard for a d1'>(.w,,1on about tolerance. tht'> ht\tonrally accurate chromde "an tn.!>tghcful choice for readt•r., m fifth grade and above foleranu• aJ..o figun•, 111to "Dear Papa." Anne YlVJ...aker'') novcl-111-letter.., '>et during World WaI II. Afler thl' death of her lather. nmt• ye.tr old l'>ahelll' b(•gim wnt111g 10 hrm for a '>rhool assignment Struggling with grid and her Lutheran mother\ n•mamagc to a (.Jthoh( man, i,he remindi, reader<. of the 1oys of tradinonal correc;pon dence. even tn an e mail rcl1an1 world. Barthnght • ., a' central as history in The Royal Diary series. a collect1on about celebrated princ~\e<., duch~es and queens. Rccen1 volumes include "Vktorla. May Blossom or Brttannla" by Anna KJrwan, an account of three years in the childhood of England's Queen Victoria. Other series ti tles concentrate on Marie Antoinette, Anastasia, wamor See CHECK. Paa• A6 • ezsure TRAVEL TALES .POLAR BEAR INVASION Churchill, north of Winnipeg in Manitoba, is known as the polar bear capital of the world. By Pat Nelsser 0 m:e upon a llnll'. not Vt:r\ long agu. u .,now whatl' <1rl tu; hare ..at th.itung away w11h an ebony rawn on thl' t•dgc• of t11e 1undra 111 <l1urth11J, ( .Jn<1da An awe<,truck hu.,load of 14 VNlor' gawked oul of their wtndowi,, wondering if lhii. wa-. a Nortlwrn branch of Disneyland. tor al lt•a-.1 frvt: rn111ute'>, lhb friendly rnterthangl' rnnLtnued until lhe raven j.,'T<ttt•fully .,pread 1ti. wing!> and i.oared .iw.ty 10 '>ellle on a rock overlook.111g I lud,011 Hay. Thl' arcuc hare rt·ma1m•d -.wit .. , ,, fev. 1111n·p1d '>oub cmwll'd tlu,1.·r lo look.. What an tncre<lrble beg1nr1111g to our four-day '>lay 111 tht' 11ort11em fl'.tth of Lhe proVlllce of Man11ob<1 tn < .anal.1.1. for two year.. I had lne<l to gl'I on 1h1' WLldlile Adventure'> tour, .ind lu1 l..1·l.I our uni} Liu.!> pa'>l fall. 1m n111g I I otlwr eager polar bear emhu,i..1.-.i-. lor .1 dd1gh1tul '>lay ell the l harnu11gl} rthlll Bear Country Inn 111 1lw hl'art of U1urth11l Bundled up 111 \V-clrm l lo1h1·, .tnd boot!> a.' cidvrM'tl hy lht• lour gro11p. \.'>t' wen· ready for lrt'e1111g H'mpl•ra1un·-. and we got them. Wl' wert' .11-.o lt•rrtllh excited about 111et•t111g a kw of tht·w awewme creaturl'-. .md ,1•1·ing rlwrn up clo'>e and per.on.ti Fonunately for v1,1tor-.. rlw up llo..,1· meant Lhat we were em lo..,t•d 111 .1 lll/V lundra Buggy. '><I.ft• from till' l.srg1· lll.1;1.. claw-. of the..e ha11d.,onw h1•.1-.i-. I ht•,1· bulky white buggie'> haw 1•111ir111<111.., all·terram ttre,, a bathroom. 't'<ll' .1111..l windo~ lha1 open from th(' top \11 open bcilcony offer' ni.klt'r lool..... .11 1h1· local bed.'>lS. My flr.t \.I('\'<. or .1 l.OOO·pound male llt.'.ir w1t11 ht' black-bu11on no'>t' cind .,ilk) hair a' ht· loped wward our bugi.,ry .. ,d.., brealhtahng. 111 .. hair nm,t•d hlu d field of wheat rn <1 gt·ntl1.· \..aml No creature ha.'> tht· 'tatur1· a11ll grandeur of t.ht'> l.irge'>t of I.mu creature'> I It' crawle<.l up tltt• '1dt· of 1lw buggy. and I rt•mmed mv fau• lrom thl' dnver\ window 111 a nano't't ontJ lne')(;' b<.'auuful hea.'>l'> .in· .my1h111g bur ------------------ F" f<T ._. Newport Beach reSldent Pat f\letsser V1Slted the Canadian town of Churct11!1 dn drea Clubbed ttie polar bear capital of the NCl'IO IFYOU GO Wildlife Adventures· (800) 544 5049 Air Canada flies from LAX to Winnipeg and then to Churchill on Calm Air fl ll'nllly, and although rhn look hkl' flutfy ~lulled arnmat.... gL·ntlt•, 1lw¥ .ir1·n·t C unma ... yl' .... wl111 h 1-. why lht•v 111111t: up 1111 ... 1•. I hur\ v.hy no llllt' k1•J-, rht.·m .1-. wl'll. lh1·w werl' .11 lt•.L-.t 211 lw.1r-. c.Junng our\ 1.,ll., 10 till' 1ur11.Jr.i I 0 milt.•\ from< hurdull 'wu u1uld l'Vt'll ,,,,~· ma tundra lodge out lwre I ht pol.tr lw.ir' )wad for th" l.hurchtll ( ..ipt· .irt·a t'Vt'r\ laJI lo w.ve un11l lht> ha\ frl·t•/t'., mer tht'n lhl'\ dtvt• tor tlw1r la\.nrtlt' nll'ah -.,ut tUlt>nt '>l'al'- Rut thl'} onf\ hunt in ,., mH·r ... o lht• halam t• of IJt'ar, 10 -.eah -.1,1v'> ('\ l'll \ \1· ,tl.,._1 '>a\\ \\hilt' artUl foxt'"· f•tarmlJ<illl., 1 allt·d .. 1up1d dm L.en ... J and a fl'\' mnn' hare' pla) rng on tlw fro1t·n J.'TOUnJ B.11. I.. 111 tht.• "''1111~mg lo\'<.11 of c l1urrh1ll. \\Ith j(){) permanent 111h.1b1tan1 ... \~t· "''"' lht: Polar Ht«lr 1.111 11t,11 l..t.•t•Jh V.Jncftonng ht'<tr. lrnm Polar bE'ars are often seen la:,1ng around an Churchll. north ot Winn~g lf1 the Manrtob<J prOVtnce \\llldt"' .111.t h1111" h11111111r Bl'.tr .1l.1rm' ~11 1111 .11111 kid ... ha\•' 111 t'.HI~ 1 url1•\, I ht• f•lll1·d ht•.ir, .ir1· tlartl'U 1.1~l'd .111tl flm\11 \1,1lwl1<11pl1•r h.u ~ 111 th1· \'1ltft-rr11•,.,, <l1urc hill Jll.t\ lw 1111\ 11111 11, fl r111,111n11 I' 1•1111rn111u' ·" .1r.· "' lrl'qu1•111 tu rr) \ 1 ... 1111r' II Jl\11 1' tht 0111\ 'llll.lr1 IH port 111 C ~111.tdil .11111 H' h\1• 11111111111 h11,h1 I i.:r•11n n1mple\ See TRAVEL. Paee A6 NO PLACE LIKE HOME Modern design: fresh and functional I f your 1mpre~ ... 1on of Modt•m design"' ...rmply that "les.' • ., mcm··· )'OU are nght and wrong Thr.., week I have bern runnmg around tal'Jng a peek at wme of the best hou-.e<; m Newpon Reach tn preparation for the Newport I larhor I ligh Home tour My job i'> to wnte the honw desi:riptton... '>Cl I get to t.tke a m1111 tour of my own before tfte btg day. and I get the chance to share my impressions and favorite vignette<, with the tidcet holder.. in an lillempl to malce their experience educational as well enjoyable. As I ran from house to house tha' ' KAREN WIGHT ' week and began to construct rn~ .:anw plan for each venue there WU!> on<' honw that I reaJ17,ed n t'edt.>d more Vll'\\t'r prep lhan lhe other>. ~me 1h111g ... .ire mort: 1h,m thn might '>eem at fir..t amprel>!>ion. What we call wmodcrn" .... nor just abou1 minimalt'im. I ht' Modern movement is actuall)· more 1han I 00 year'> old. The philu ... ophic!> that define Modernism .11 t• nut ,1h11111 11·...., b mun• I hough t t•rt.11111\ I h1•li1·H' rh.11 .1d.1~1· 1' 1rn1· ~l11dt•rr11-.1 .... 11 w.111\ .1rnved .ii dean ,mt.I 'UT1pl1• hrH'' through a rnmplt•x thnught rm< t'"' .mt! l'tl hl..1· to "h.ir1• .1 '\111111'1" \\.llh \'11\1 '>II \tlll t ,tn .tpprn I.Ill'. 11111 11111\ 11111111·' < ri·a1t J "'11h tlw \lrnkrn mm 1•m1•n1 111 mmtl hul .1J...11 1111• pt11f11,11pll\ I rJnk 1111\d \\ 11gh1 1 .... 1 n.111w 1h.11 lllO'I p1•opl1• Ill lht \H''1t:r11 \'<.Orld rt.'l'OKlll/t' I It• \\,t'> horn 111 \'vt'>t'tlO'>lrl 111 18h •• 111d tlwd rn 1q5q B-.. lrammg, Ill' \'l.,t'> .01.art111111 I \rt .111d anaf'y ... 1 ... Wl'rt' 11&1•, ur111·r,10rtt.''> ot ht., 1hou~h1 prot.t'" Cl\1·1rtw111ur ... t• or ha ... t.treer. W11.:hr 1 rt .111·tl "'lt.11 lw 11·rnwll m ga1111 ,11d111P1 1u11•" an h1t1'l·turl' th.11 lit., 11110 11' 'um 1und tni(' I 11., pa .... an11 tor ard11IN rurt· \'<.llh open dJlJ nm,1ni.: 'fl·ll l'' .11 .... , 1r.111 .. 1.111•d 111111.1 p.a....,111n fnr 1t1m1t11r•· 111• 1·111ph.1.,111 <l ••1•11m1·1nr torm ... .ind 1111n"·c 1111~ pl.11 1c· ... \\:nght\ rlaron ht·h111d h1' ''"rl.. '".t~ th,u 11o11111.1I h1•.iut' Y.1111ld flr1tm11t1• tht l1h "' llll' hum.111 'PHii It rnu-.1 not on}y 111111.. guo<l hut al ... 11 1111nn,1tall'y fed good Wrtl(hl' work t•xpn--..,t.>d ht\ rt'H'J 1·111 t' tor n.uurt· .md h1., lwhef 1r1 rlw .,oul ur huma1111v: and hie; See HOME. Pac• A6 I• . Homegrown director showcases hi s 'Tribal Journey' Costa Mesa native returns to display his movie about more than 25 Indian nations at the Newport Beach Film Festival. ti.me. for reasons of oppression. poverty etc. The journeys. tn\'eled aJong the path of their ancestofl. reawaken the canoe cultures of the Northwest coo.st, he d. grandmother. known to Maddin. as Nona Bina. was the family's story-teUtt She would tell the most tnllJ'VeloU> stori~. in detailed. dramatic fashion, hf! said. Also no lb"anger to the q>otlight WU his fathtt, a local preachtt. Lolfta Harper Daily Pilot · s con Macklin has rt!tumed to h1I hometown with lellooa learned rrom hls parents. professors, loved ones. mrnton and subjects of his film. I ::-· TI1e Costa Mesa native has ~ 6iken the advit~ of a major . lf,ayer ln his rum. "Tribal : Ji>umey. Celebrating our Anceston. • and ls aware ot &he • journey of life. . , "lr)'OU don\ know Whcnt i you've been, you•tt not goln8 to .. mow where you're ppoa.ed to ; RO In life,• O\W Guy Otpoeman .... of the Quinault Indian Nation saJd to his canoe pullel'll as they emba.rted on a six-day journey. Mactlln was there as the group pushed off. He hean::I the m~. recorded the lory and bu recumed to bis own 80U to ahate It with others at the Newport Be4ach Film JUdval. The ftlm documents the voyage taken by more than 20 dugout canoes. which rep nt 25 lndJ.a.n nations from the United Seal.CS aM Canada. lbe trlbaJ journey lakes~ eft'Y row )"Mln u JMllt ol a ealea of Inter· tribal culturiJ acball1aet that bad bem kMt for IOrile ~ ' Macldln'1 film portrays the celebndon or ancestors through the art, dance and songs of the parddpadng tribes. tht preparation and haring of meals and a gift-giving ceremony. He wu privy to many ritual that had never been witnessed by outsld rs and banned. till, rrom aome of th~ mostlllCmi. •11 wu rMd a gift for lb~ crtbe arid when we~~ finished the chld t Id me to go >ate it wtth others.· Macklin d. Sbarioa a traLt ol MackU.n\ an tors. h halian Macklin became i.nterestc.>d tn ~rccn story-telling at a very young . "1b fuu movie I~~ up my own money ror was~" 11'1 Costa Mesa and I walked down to th lbel1 to ~ 'Whch Mountain' and th 'Shqgy D\,'• MadLlin aald. • Mc:r 1 aw a ta1klna dOff and a tlyin RY. I .kn~ this wh t I wanted to male." Md to u Ml dadcl«I ) t M ~. Ap<• 6, 2003 GETTING INVOLVED Dady Piiot £ YISM>NS FOR PRISONS SP£AK ll' NEWPORT Visiont for Priaonl, a n-IOl-"lpl--i:Jftt .. A not~ organlradon flat . prognim that teaches promoa the IOdal welfare by attttudlnat heeling and adUcatlng 1he pubf;c • • meditation In prilon, needs Improving locel gcyemment Jn typists to. transcribe lettere from NeWpoct Beach holds monthly Inmates to ttoubfed tcJdt. meetings d'le ~ . Weeltday hours, Mesa del Mar. Wado..tav of eed'I month at (714) 666-8000. the Newport~ Tennil Club. A reoeption begins at 5:30 p.m., VOLUNTEER CENTER OF COURTESY Of PAT N£1SSER Pat Neisser visited ChurchiU, Canada, an area known for Its large number of polar bears. SHERMAN LIBRARY •GMDENS You c:outd assist with 1he . garden, WOf1c In 1he gift and tea shop or become a docent guide for dllldren and adults at Corona d8I Mar's botanical garden and historical reultl'd\ library. S1etanie Krtstlansen, (949) 873-2261. SMAU. BUSINESS ASS&sTANCE CENTER The Small Bua4nea Aakt8floe Center of Orange Coast Coflege needa \'Ofunteers to acMM lmMI business owners In ftnance, eccounting. law, marlteting, sales. human reeouroet and other areas. (714) 432-5916. SOMEONE CARES SOUP KITCHEJ'i Someooe Cares Soup Kltdlen need8 food servers and volunteers for kitdlen duties.. The organization is at 720 w. 19th St, Costa Mesa. (949) 648-8861. sountCOAST UTERACY OOUNCll. Volunteer tutors are needed to meet a greater demand for literacy and English as a second and meMin01beginat8 p.m. GREATER ORANGE COUNTY Free. Annual~ dues • With mote than 1,500 volunteer are $20. Send checXto •Speak opportunities, the Volunteer Up Newport," P.O. Box 2694, Center wlll,matdi people and Newport Beadl, 92663. (949) groups wishing to volunteer 873-1191. with nonprofit agencies in their STITCHES FROM THE HEART Mada up of a group of women from Southern Califomla who love to knit and crodlet, 1he nonProfit OOfPOOltion la looking for volunteers to lcnlt and aochet hats, booties and blankets for prematu"' babies and babies In need The Items are donated to hospitafa across 1he country. Pattemt a... available, and don8t9d yam ls appreciatad. Kathy Silverton, (310) 472-6903. . SWEET ADEUNES OF ORANGE COllffY The singing group invftea women who like to sing to join them Tuesday nights for ~rtharmonv. or Bart>ershop-ctyle singing. (949) 495-5685. TEU.-A-fRIENO Orange County cenc:er groupe Mek volunteers to encourage women to have mammograms. Partk:lpantt area. Volunteer Connection Une, (714) 953-5757, ext 106. WELLNESS COMMUNfTY OF ORANGE COUNTY The Wellness Communtty needs volunteera to heJp at the reception desk during the day. (714) 268-1210. WEST SIDE BOYS &GIRLSClUB ~tunteers are needed from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays to tutor atudenta In first through sixth grades in reading. (9491631-m4. WOMEN HELPING WOMEN The Costa Mesa-based organization provides support for needy women to become setf«Jfficient bv gaining employment Volunteers are needed In the organization'• Profealonal Clothes Ooset to ..... cfiems and sort clothing. The organization It at 711 W. 17th St, Suite A· 10, Costa Meta. (949) 631-2333. Do Yo·u Have Foot or Knee Pain? A recent study by the Dedorthic footwear association, 'PFA, has found that hi~, back and knee pain can be relateCI to foot problems. r.----------------------------------~ I • • I I I I I I I I I I ~----------------------------------~ Stop in our new FOOT SOLUTIONS store and learn how we can help stop the ~in. Improve :tour balance, posture and strength. We carry a full line Of styli_sh, dress and athletic shoes, custom insoles and foot health produds for men and women F ~ 1835 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa OOT ,. "...., .. .....,' 1 .... -M.yt.., ~, SOLUTl•Ns (949> 134.2020 '~/ W 0 Motl-Sat. lo--6 Member..._.~;,;;;~~ TRAVEL Continued from A5 dispenses grain to ocean-going v~ls between spring and fall. A large building complex houses schools, movie:., hospital, rinks, courts and everything CHECK Conbnued from A5 qu1;·,·n :\1m.,ha of Matamba and Lady C:h'1ao Kuo, daughter of a king in sixth century China From the company that produced the popular American Girl ..eries. Girls of Many I.and' boob take reader.. lo faraway corners of the globe. Preteen'> can 1oumey to 16th century England with Annie DaJton\ "Ta.king Wing" or head for 18th century France with Mary Casanova's "Cklle: Gates of HOME Continued from A5 influence i:. unparalleled m the UnitC'd States and 1-.urope. Not far behind Frank l loyd Wnght camC' Ludwig MIC'> van der Rohl', born in CiC'rmany Ill I AA6 I le abo wa~ an ;irchitect who left a deep impression on tlw world. CL3.Sl> and Meel were h" trademark ma1enals. and h1• roo thought of fumtture as ardutecrure on a ~malJer !)talc. Iii'> d~ire for v1!.ual harmony, relined details and perfet l proportions proved to be globally appealing. He immigrated to Olicago and continuetl w promott· the Modf'rni'it .. tyle of architecture. I le called tus arthllecture and furn1shmgs ·1houghts in action.· Another revoluttonary 1n 1he Modem movemt•111 was Cllarle'> r douard Jeniwret. who\(' p\eudonym wa ... Le CorhU'>ll'r I le wo was an ard11tcc1 with pmvocallVl' 1de<1'> I Ii' b(')1l'f that TRIBAL Conbnued from A5 Mack.Im wouJd he a filmmaker t le planned to go to lilm -.choul and embark on a movie mak.ing needed by the residents during the dreadful WUlters. Shops, inni. and restaurant'> are alJ open during rhe fall and summer and are !>Urprising good. Sadly, alJ good thing:. mw,1 end and we headt.'d back to Winnipeg by via r.ul on Hud.,on Bay Lrain and were able to relax Gold." Other 'ierics titJe~ provtdc a magic carpel to 011na, Alask.a and India. The beloved American (,iris C:ollec11on contmu~ with "Meet Kaya," the first of '>ix volume'> hy Janet ~haw about the '>eriei.' newf">l charactl'r. a member of the Ne1 Perce tnht• Billed a'> till' fm.t American (otrl, Kaya\ ">!Ory lake' place in 1764, hefon.• European-Americans md<.k their pill(rimage to tht• Pacific Nonhwest. Amencan <~1rl'> fan-. will wind hack the dock al two tea p..true-.. al ·1::m PM on Wcdnesday. April man copes with progrc'>!.1w change through hi' creation<, and '>Urroundmg-. inspired designs tha1 sllll m'>pire u' Modem furr11ture con1111ued ill> evolution 1hm11gh I.he t'Yt''> dlld 111<,piraticm'> of 01arlc ... a11d Hay I ames. d huc,band and wifl' team who e mOuente 111 till' '40\ and 'SO's wa'> drama11c Thdr maxim thal "dcSIRfl "lor living" <,tarted a d1•.,.gn <,)uft that filten't.I down through tht· ma<,c,e<.. fhcy ton-.1dered tlw1r furniture 10 be "VlsuaJ lanl)ruage··. a comhination of imaginallon, thought. an and '>cience lney created m'>ptred dt">IWl'> out of bent plywood and molded fibergla\'o. Not without a '>l'n'>e of humor. they dec,cnhed their 1reat1on!> a\ ·.,enous fun" lhe Modem movement I!> a melange of '>IN•k. soph1s11catt-d, and funcuonal eleme11l'>. Though the look may ht• '>tmple thl' lht•or) behmd ti i-.. anything but .,1mple l11ere you haVl' II, my pnnwr on Modem hou't''· one of cart•t•r I lis own hfe journey involved a detour and Macklin folJowed the path of thl'Ologu.al dnd architectural <,tudie<> ove r!>eas. Although he had strayed from h1'> plans, he relurnt'<i to the and enjoy our bear stories. I . brought back many stuffed polar bears and superb Inuit-carved. soapstone carvings. I shall return to visit my favorite animal-.. • PAT NUSSER ts a Newport Beacii resident. 9 and Wednesday, April 23 at lhe Newport Beach Central Library. A few openings remain for lhe popular celebrations of earlier' er.c.; pre-register at the Central I jbrnry children's desk or call (949) 717 ·3000 and select option #5 to Mgn up. • CHECK rT OUT IS written by the staff of the Newport Beach Publtc Library This week's column is by Melissa Adams 1n collaboret1on wtth Gina Moffitt All titles may oo reserved from home or office computers by accessing the catalog at www newportbeach/1brary.org" KAR£.N WIGHT I DAILY Pt?lH This simple chair 1s a good example of modern furniture. which wilJ be on lhe Home Tour. Wanna know what el.~e 1s in '>tore? rhat"s next week's article • KAREN WIGHT ts a Newport , Beach resident Her column runs• Sundays ' ' path of his own ancestors and , pursued ft.Im making to tell hiS' stori~. lhbaJ Journey: : <..elebraung Our ancestors is h~ fin.t film and will show at 11 am. today at Edwards Island gold Your Lo~al Dining Lunch Buffet Monday -Friday 11 :30am -2:30pm CAMELOT REsrAURANT 7JJJ.{.oJ -~IJ e,;,;,.. I Brealif ast • Lunch • Dinner On The Water 3420 vu. Oporto, n Udo Marini VHlap Newport leada, CA 92"3 let: ('49) '73-Jl.1.l -I BUY ONE GET ONE FREE " ! J I I • c- (WtTH PURCHASE 0, IEY!RAGE) _........-i~,._--NOW OPEN IN CHILI CO. • "' " , FAMON tauN0 • AT'Mm Coufn PHONE: 949•760.0752 WWW.UOROCICHILl.COM Oil« Oood '"" Coupon ll'id lll:r &ta.Ill or U.. v.,. ,, .. ... Blue Beet ., 107 21st Place .. I Newport Beach t -, Califomla ' i • Nightly 92663 I ' Entertainment' 949/675-2338 • 4 ' Wdma~ Patio ;i Bteakfait•Luncb•Dlnna J ' .. Host Your Kid'• Team Parties With Oat 203 Marine Ave Balboa Island 949.675.5542 • • ' .. • ; • ' 1 Sunddf. ~~ 6, 2003 A7 NEWPORT BEACH FILM FESTIVAL SCHEDULE ... -" • Ntwporl Btaclt Film Ftw1•al 2()0 J .,. .. -A schedule of even11 through 'Monday. Films will be shown at six .._nues: Edward• Big Newport. JOO ~rt Center Drive, Newport '8each, Udo Theater. 3459 Via Udo. "Newport Baach; Edwarda Island CJnemas ltwe> theatdrs, c1ea1gnated either Blue or-Gold), 999 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Orange County Museum of An. 850 San Clemente Dnve. Newpon Beach, Adventures at Sea Theaters, 3101 West Coast H1ghwav. Newport Be<tdl Unlese otherwise marked. ticketi. are $8 and can be purchased at the box offtee or onhne al www.tHtWpOrtbesch filmiest com For more 1nforma11on. Chedc the web site 01 call (9491 253 2880 •Denotes special event SUNDAY 11 a.m TRIBAL JOURNEY. CELEBRATING OURANCE~S idwards Island Gold United Stares 2003 World Premiere A' film by Scott Mackltn Attended by Director, Produc "' • RUNNING TIME· 66 00 "Twenty oceani)Oong dugout canoes representing 25 Indian nations from thP United States and Canada ¥Oyage from Vancouver Island. Puget Sound and Wash1ng1on's Olympic Coast. 'Ne follow die c..inoes as thoy mt.et at Noah Bay and continue down the roa51 to the Ou1nautt N8tl0n 1n Tahola, host of th11 year's )OIJrney THE MAGIC BOX (LA BOITE MAGKlUEI Lido Theater France, Tums1a 2002 DIRECTOR: Rtdha Beht SCAE£NWRITE.R: R1dha Beh1 CAST-Marianne Baster, Abdelauf Kedlidle, Hidlem Roatom. Lotfi Bouchnak, M edhl Robt1 RUNNING TIME: 90'.00 Tunisian filmmaker Raoul finds that his mamage to a Frtlncll woman, Lou, 1s increasingly on the rocb with the cross cultural tenst0ns that have risen between the once happy couple Lou develops e dnnk•ng problem amidst her loathing of llfe m Tunisia. Raouf 11 then removed from his family when a European telev1slon network oomm1aslons him to go on location and film e rerrospectwe aboul the influence of cinema on his childhood. This protect causes Raoul to reflect doeply on his youth 'TME HARRIMAN ALASKA EXPEDfllON RETRACED Orange County Museum of An Un11ed Stares 2002 Southern Cahforma Premiere DIRECTOR· Lawrence Hott SCREENWRITERS Ken Chowder Diane Garey Anended by director producer RUNNING TIME: 110 00 A century ago railroad tycoon Edward Henry Harriman declded 10 rake a hnle vacation -one of the most amb111ous e>1ped1t1ons ever 10 hP staged 1n America Hamman m111ted 25 sc1enttsts. w11tcrs and artists on d 9000-mile eKplorat1on of !hf: coils! of Alaska In the summer of 2001, a s1m1l<Jr group of sc1enllsts, wrtters and antsts, retraced Hamman's route. e)(plonng somo of thu issues Hamman faced. and som11 h,. couldn't even imagine 11 30 a.m PHYLANTHROPI (FILANTROPICA) Edwards Island Blui; Romania 1001 DIRECTOR. Nae Ca1anf1I SCREENWRITER Nae Cdranfil CAST M1rtea D1aconu Gheorghfl 01n1 ·a Mard NocolPscu, V1ortCiJ Vodd RUNNING TIME 110 00 Ov1d1u 35. s1nglf' anr:t sltll hvmg with h•'-parents Although a hlPraturf> teddler he gets no respect lrom his Mncedes d11vmg s1ur:ten~ He ffif'f!IS d TV spolles modnl 01<1na and pres.ents hm1so>lf as a suc<.essful THE .. ALL NEW•• 200'4 RX 330 Now Available Come see the new EverWood" CoumrySlde blinds from Hunter Douglas. Overlapping slats create a beau11ful board-on·board design And the ·step-up' look adds deplh. dimension and character to any room And EverWood CoumryS1de will not ·warp. crack. peel or rade Even m humid areas or direct sunl~t Come see these beautiful bhnds toda y llal DI l'j! ....... """*"' ...... , ....... , .. .,.fff G'U I I•••• 1111• :: A ; ; ==: ALDEN'S • • .. • 1 hon• UM.llNI. A.o;110!\l\"4 °"INlO~ UllolAI'«·' 1663 Placentia, COIU MeA 949+46...f838 .... ____________________________ .... :~cm:zi!:Z2Ztlt:z:zm~m:Da:mz ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,. • • .. .. .. • • r , ' • HARDWOOO • c.AAMA1lS • CARPET •CERA* TIE• WM. R.OORING ·~'!'J!!e. t .f,,itji,,i,\.j SOLAIUAN ~ALAR.2!§ 314' SOU> EXOTlC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTEA s441 -s14tq' from 9111 Traverb is· x 1s· ......................................... -" ............ '4.21 ._ .. ~ ··~••••••••Uttftttttt•••••••••••••••••••••••u••• .. •••.......,. "'-"till t..1llr'8ll ~ ......................................... "' ..... ..-i• W a:at .-~,m.., novelist, conv1nc1ng her to go our with him Unfortunately, one night ciubb1ng with Diana cosu him an entire month'• wages Help arnves in me form of a "foundahon~ run by the myatert0u1 Oon Pepe Overnight, the middle ttged teacher finds himself •mamed" to Miruna, Pepe's own aaaistant With the Cffh thus earned, Ov1d1u beg1n1 running back and forth between foncy nightciubs and 1lums, Ov1d1u l11ads an exhausltng double ltfe 12:30 p.m. TME BURIAL SOCIETY Edwards Island Gold Csnads2002 DIRECTOR: N1choh1s Ract SCREENWRrTER: Nicholas Rac1 CAST: Rob Labelle. Jan Rubes, Allan Rich, David Paymer. Seymour Cassel RUNNING TIME 96 00 Three kindly memb11rs o( thl' Chevrah Kad11ha the trnd11tonal Jewish society that prepares bodies for burial. welcome Sheldon whun he offers his services The old men aet about 1ndoctrma1mg him into their world te<Jchtng him their ways Sheldon has a d1ffernnt aganda and soon SPls 1n mo1ton a i;omplex !.rhome 1n11olvmg rho tlwft of S2 rnolhon dnr1 th!' stag1ny of his own death GOTHAM FISH TALES \ Or,mgo County Mus11um of~ UnitPrf S1,11os 2002 A film by Roben Maass RUNNING TIME 83 00 Stdlwart ltbhcrman. sc1ent1sts. onv1ronrn11n1alists. ht5lorians. < umrnun11y oro11n1zors. and uovornmunt 11nforcors all contriburn to thts slory All manner of fish '>l'l!Cttts from sharks to tuna w 1rop1c;11I lt~h pass through thl' i;oty This remnrkahlf' story •S told I~ rough d•draCHH•, who.,ll knowlndgt humor drtd p,llho~ tndkt! thl'm P"Opll' we 1 .Hf• ilhool ,inrl r1'rnemhe1 1 pm OT OUR TOWN L 110 Tt>r ""' nir.•d St.lit'~ 2003 •DIRECTOR S<on Hamilton l(,.nne•1v •SCREENWRITER Sron Hilrn•lton Ko•nnody • CAST Teachtt" & Students of Dom1ngue1 High School • RUNNtNG TIME 76 00 A documentary about • Compton high ldlool't first theatrical production in 22 v••ra With no money and ltm1t11d resoorcoti lh,, students at Manuel Dom1ngu111 High School tear mto Thornton Wilder's 1~38 play ·our Town• A powerful documentary that shows one touyh l>chool's 11b1l1ty to find strength anr1 re1uv11na11on through an American cldSSIC 2p.m. A DAUM IN HANOI Edwards Island Blua United States 2002 Southern Caltfor111a Premoure • DIRECTOR: Tom We1dltny•H • SCREENWRITER· Tom Wcwlltngcr • RUNNING TIME 91 00 Two theatre comp<1mi.s one Armmcan one V1mnamuso c<Jm,, togethf!r 10 stag" 1h11 ftrst purformance m VU:ln<Jm ol Shakespearo's play "A M1r1summ1., Night's Dream· •A Draam on Ha1101 follows the actors. d1mctors producers and lf•Chn1c1ans from hoth countries as they <;truggl1• to overcom,. the obstacles ol 1,.n11u..iw culture 1dPOlogy and a h1~1or{ of wdr on their 1ournf'v 10 CJPf"ntnq noqhl di Hanoi s fllmou.., Or>"'•' Hnuse SHORTS (S20) Wh•t Wonderful Shorts Orange County Mu~num rof An • THE NISEI FARMER A Japanese AmPrtLan fartnf'r 1t ,, i.rossroads on his loll) • TOYO MIYATAKE INFINITE SHADES OF GRAV An elegant ponraot of ,1 µhotoyraphPr ·. QuPst to Cdl)turi• lh•• ''"duly anrt d1qn11v of •1vP.ryr1.iv ltff' 2 lOpm SHORTS (S91 HAWAIIAN SHORTS Eawards lsl;ind Gr·l·I • KAMEHAMEHA A LEGACV RENEWED A Jl()rtra1t ' " hal 1 1 "I thu an ton5f!rvaf•)r ..-..rto"iP lit• w.t ''''"H'' :1 IJV thP. IJ+'Oj)h lhP ('llil " in I lh• ~1a1ue thnv holr:t 1P.ir State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon I~ :aw l lf) 1~£3 il J ,fj l'l1IIJ ildifJ01 I a ;f;td j COMPLETIC SMOG REPAIR TUNE UP .\~m1r Ownt'r Sma 1965. 38 }ear, 111 ( ·o.sr,1 ~f l'J11 THI CARBURETOR SHOP l•C. 294) Randolph Ave 'Bri,wl & B.11..cri 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 We Repair Gross Polluters "The Art of Making Pizza .. WE DELIVER NIGHTLY S·SPM MEW11C1m 1EACH c CORONA OE1. MAR 'CA't'ITAl COY( PAmlENADf 3423 I/IA LOO 3001 E OJAST HG<,\Av 11.;~e .... "IAti HQM-Av 949.723.0707 949.675.4100 &949.715.1117 -------~---• $3DFF FREE I LARGE PIZZA SMALL SALAD I • BUY AN'v' MEDIUM PtLZA & I I . -GET A SMALi SALAD OF I YOUR Ct lQICE FREE I C().Jf-l('Jf"' ~ A... 1. h• AN~ OT~ C.Jf=Tf:J:l<'.P( Ai. ""~~rJ • A'T .. .., Hl I ~"' uM<T ~ CClu"OI' • °'>£ •1 (JOO A GA~S TA.._ .. ,..J!A\; 4PP\.. .. M..J9T "-"'ENT<JI'\. counor.., A~ 'tif.J'E. Of ~ ln • CXJUPON £.IC.-S A......_ 10 2C03 • ------------- If you live rn Orange Councy's Firsc, Second, or Fourth <iuperviso ria1 DmriCll>, we invite you lo he pare of a cruly movi ng experience . Upon passage of Measure M in Novem~r 1990, cht· Ciciz.cns Oversight CommiHec was empowered by the: Orange County electorate to act as a watchdog over all transportation funds generated by che one-haJf «nt sales tax. Measure M is administered by the Orange Counry Transportation Authority (OCTA). As a member of che Citiuns Oversighc Com mm«, you will ensure che transporc.u ion projeccs specified in chc Traffic. Improvement and Growth Management Plan a.re bu.iJt as promised in Measure M. Any Orange County citii.cn living in the First. Second, or Fourth Supcrvisorial Dismcts may apply co serve on the C icittns Oversight Commirtee for .1 thrcc-ycar tum! • TM II a volUntMr PQllUoO and no monetary ~ wfl _,.paid'° rnerrt>n. • KAHO'OUWE·THE iu.EATM Of OUR ANCESTORS An action group'• effort~ to e1<pand erosion control programs and 115tabltsh KAlho'olawe as the spmtual cflnt11r of H1wai'1 • U ME+iAMEHA TME GRU.T REVOlllTIONARY Kamehameha. the first rul"r 10 un11e and conquer the Hawa11an islands, will brtng ctianges 10 his land and set the stage tor lore1gner1i through his leadership • TME BIRllilNG Of IOSEPA The students and communrty of l<o'olauloa cooperate in the carving ()f lose11a, 11 57 ft double hulled Hawa111m Voyage canoA OUTPATIENT Lido Thrllltor' United Sturm. 2002 •DIRECTOR. Alec Carltn • SCR'EENWRITER· Alec Carlin • CAST Cathettnti Kellner Anend&d by proeluc.ers compo&tir director of photography principal cast • RUNNING TIME 109 00 Moms Monk wriL11s a murder rnysti.ry while tociced up on a mental 1n~to1u1ton Hos wn11ng on part leads to hos ruledSll A new therapist Dr PdtttCtil F<1rrow makei. progress r11tlvmy 1n to Moms past ur tod'•ny his ~N.rets and thus seemonglv luel111g new c:hdpters for h•s n:o.mui.1.ript Eventually Dr F,urow ri..;l11us thut Moms 1s obs .. !>std wotto hllr c1nd that h0 1s wllltng his story,;·, hos rnal11y is unfolding 3 30p m LOLITA SLAVE TO ENTERTAINMENT Or.inge County Museum of An U1111erl Stares 2003 A f11m by Timothy Gorski • RUNNWG TIME: 60'00 When two apeciet collide 1n the ICY Wlllttorl of Puget Sound, a stc><m of epic proportions 11 unleMhed: met\ veri.u• moture • bllrbertc hu"t !.-de 10 the dttath of five marint-memmalt omd destroys the hv• of ~nu .. olhera S1.c youflil orca. n~ away from their f1m1he1, aold to menN p<trlt• and shipped acroaa tM world 11nter into a hie of 11111erv Thr" dH<:adttS later only one 1urv1v" and she iust happens 10 be Miam i's ll1g9es1 perform11r IN JULY (IM JULI) Edwards Island Blue Germany 2000 •DIRECTOR Fat1h Atkin • SCREENWRITER Faith Anun •CAST Mortt7 Bl11tbtrau. Christiane Pa•1I ld1I Um:r Muhmet Kunulus. Br dnka l<dllC • RUNNING TIME ~ 00 A m11d mdn111:111d 11cttoolleact1e1 with nu aml11t1on for .;dventure meeu • LI• > mlul and fruti spmtecl girl at the IOC:d Hdmtiurg flea market She con~m<:t:r. him th,H the women of h11 dr<•droos will t>t, cdrryong d symbol who Ii matdlt:S he oner.he g1ve1 t>•m CL~s1·d w•th this notion he .. mbaros ori., 1ourn1>y for l&tanbul to lond hf·• 4 30p m TIBET CRY OF THE SNOW LION L1t10 Thcdtt~ Umted Stat<·:. 2002 • DIRECTOR Tom POl)'>8V • SCREENWRITER Su .. Peosay. V1uor1a Mud rt • RUNNING TIME 100 00 See FESTIVAL, Pa1eA8 JUST 6 TIMES IN THE USA. AND ONLY ONCE IN NEWPORT BEACH ~GE .?Ii: S<)~ ~-01.-ASHL'TTE 1 SA -IV..1;;t A o'l<J• & SOil,,. "'1t"'00'" B•.f. • r."-1.,., QOOO n.,...~ 'ar p,e ilOf1\0 .._~~·~"•If"• P'!ntll.lnl 101 t•OJ•\ I• war tits masie•p,ec~ trafteo o.. .. lfll,r,' l'IO o• ·eci er. ono<>1s:.evr<> i·oor n ~ glc<>f! 4't nc.., a-.4•il!oi. !'tar ,01,1 at Trad•t OOd. J•~ters 1 lj•-i><in Beacn A "-4111!' tn.i• ~r ""'~loo '"~"'•b customt• ~"'•'C" ;>rores~•Oflol svOl)Ot"I •rio ••rut,; tteoa'•t ¥T\Dl.lnr e W~h "'~ ~..,.·s rrao 11(11\d Ji!"'• ers luN111s rn~ W'" rl!<lU"'!T"'nr~ 1mPQ1.llO O.. l•~ •na nc>..,. jOon\ l!><J ~f'ld•I ~roo t1•st•nQurS~"'1 JI0!>.11 eimmunot1 01 f{"l'll!lers •utnon:llO 10 t~r') lallQt t l'nl!ol>l(e-. ~ 1oe ,•• n;an, TRADtT '.f~ll.'tllN AT . -------~~:1-~wtl£ti L F asnoo Island 203 Newport Center Onve Newpori Beach CA 92660 The First Dismct includes che CUIC'i of Garden Grov' (poruons oO. anca Ana and Wescmmster. The "clon<l DlSlricc includes the cuies of Cosca Mes", Cyprc.ss. Founcai n Valley. Garden Grove {portions of). Humington Beach, La Palma, Los Alam1tm, Newport Beach. &al Beach and ' ca.neon ' -~ Sonclay, Aotll 6. 2003 .. ESTIVAL Continued from A 7 L_ 1now hon, 1 mvthic beest of !Ti;.tan legend, ts emblazoned on the bet.an flag. An unpt"eOedented hh of 1pec:UtCUlar footage has combined with provocative ervlewe, polgNnt pereonal stones ~nd shocking Images to document ~e Story of Tibet ~p.m. ~E 8001< OF STARS dward1 Island -Gold nittHJ States 2000 ~ DIRECTOR: Micttael Miner I> SCREENWRITER: Tasca Shadix ~ CAST! Mary Stuan Masterson, Jena ~alone, Kari Geary, 0 B Sweeney, Delroy Lindo ~ttended by director, producer, ~rmclpal cast " RUNNING TIME: 110 00 M ary Stuan Masterson stars as a )Noman who has given up on life and seeks out the obhv1on of pros11tu1ton • pnd drugs Her sister (Jena Malone) is • on the cusp or womanhood. but -because of cystic fibrosis will never • grow to be an adult In her attempt to .. save her sister from slow su1c1de, she lmagmes a romantic world peopled by magu:at cttaracters, some or • l.vhom actually enter the11 fives • ~HORTS 1518). IRONCLAD SHORTS Orange County Museum of An ~ I LOCAL40 ~ ~hile Americans mourned the loss of ; 'he World Trade Center, hundreds of • ~nn. amed heroes stayed behind 1n the : reckage d1smantlmg the very • u1ldings that many of them had : elped build. This Is their story • • STEEL HUG (CEUCNI ZAGRWAJ) ! frhe ricti and haunting history of • Vmkovc1, a German railway station. : es seen through the eyes ol 1ts rettrod ' railway workers • I I 6p.m • SHORTS (58). THERE'S PRIDE IN ~ OURSHORTS , Edwards Island Blue " • , • NO PROM FOR CINDY Gender issues run amok m this " ~1Zarre and h1lar1ous shon that answers the bllrntng Question "Can e shy young girl who's really an older ' gay man find love amid rhe emotional bJnteground thal is hogh ', scnoot7" Marc Sa111011 •CLAY PRIDE /lo film about coming to terms With " P&mg clay Or something like that. ~ ROCK BOTTOM 1 jll. lonely man and a young street ~ ~ustler fmd themselves ma ,, ·• omo11mes render, some11mas tense .. bame of trust • r BEND ME (DOBLAMEI ,, ~ d1sldnl love story between ~nreacnablc women • ~BURL'S " The story or a 10 yuar old boy's "xpericnce woth sexual confusion •• l.ivhi>n he encountnrs three .. .... ,,• flamboyantly d,__ tr•nsve&1.1t• •SEX MAM1AGE. AHO CHILDA£N A sexual fantasy turned ruhty leaves a meffiage •nd friendship in iec>P8rdv· •THEDRESS Hard ~ pnipares her9elf for I reurnon date witti her ex-boyfriend while hef clumsy roommatee, Ol1nchita and Bart>ie-0. cau• IMt minute problems. •BREAKING UP.REALLY SUCKS A love affair tNlt would make a sailor blush soon becomes a relationship where Mx becomes a no letter word. ~SIZE 'EM UP Teen jock Samantha finds heraelf in the unlikely hands of the "bra ladles" who help her discover now things about breasts, femininity, sexuality and how to Improve her soccer game. 6:30p.m. SONG OF A JEWISH COW80V./ A HOME ON THE RANGE: THE JEWISH CHICKEN RANCHERS OF PETALUMA SONG OF A JEWISH COWBOY Lido Theater Umted States 2002 Southern California Premiere • DIRECTOR: Bonnie Burt • RUNNING TIME: 18:00 An intimate portrait of Scott Gerber, an unlikely mix of Yiddish and cowboy cultures (precedes "Home on the Range") A HOME ON THE RANGE: THE JEWISH CHICKEN RANCHERS OF PETALUMA Lido Theater United States 2002 Southern California Premiere •DIRECTORS. Bonnie Burt, Judith Montell Attended by director, producer • RUNNING TIME: 52:00 This is the little-known story of Jews who fled the hardships of Eastern Europe and traveled to California 10 become chicken ranchers Meer the 1deahst1c group of Eastern European Jews and their descendants as they confrom obstacles of language and culture on their 1ourney toward becommg Americans Jack London, Cahfom1a vigilantes, McCarthyism. the Cold War and agribusmess all come to life m this qumtessen11atty American story of how a group of 1mm1grants found their new home a home on the range. PIPE DREAMS Orange County Museum of Art United States, Canada, Chile 2003 West Coast Premiere •DIRECTOR: Enzo M1tet1 • SCREENWRITER: Enzo M1te11 •CAST: Joe Pack, Ricky Bower • RUNNING TIME: 105:00 For a few glortous days during the 2002 Winter Olympics, dreams became rcalrty Following R1dty Bower, U.S Snowboard Team member and U S Aenals Team member, "Pipe Dreams" offers a ncttty compelling documentary combm1ng the ur11versal themes or tnumph and tr~ J:SOp.m L.ETTE.RS IN ll4E WINO (NAME.HAY BADI Edwards laland -Gold lr•n2001 U.S. Premiere • DIRECTOR: All Reza Amini • SCREENWRIT£R: Bayrem Fazll •CAST. Moh1mmad Tag hi Hashemzaadeh, Karaman Hashem Zedeh •RUNNING TIME: 75:00 A group of eoldlera from remote cornera of the country are mobillz.ed to camp near Tehran. The young men 1truggl• to coexist under harsh and Isolating conditions. Through anonymous recording• of random &\rangers on a tapa recorder, one aoldier fills the void of their everyday lives with promise• of an outalde world. 8p.m. TRIBUTE TO MACGILUVAAY ~EEMAN ALMS: 40 YfARS IN ll4E MAKJNG• Lido Theater MacGill1vray Tribute Attended by Shawn Thompson, Greg MacG1llivray Greg MacG111ivray's accomplished career spans over 35 years and mcludes cult classics, box-office darling and two Academy Award nominated IMAX documentane1. His cinematographic eye developed during h11 early surfing years 1n Southern Cattfornla. This tribute brings together some of the outstanding work of Greg MacGilllvray to honor his mnovative and mspmng career. A gala writ bo held after the tribute at 1118 Hard Rode Cale, Fashion Island. $35 Trop1cal sttire. THE WONDER OF PHIL Orange County Museum of Art United Statu 2002 •DIRECTOR: Michael Stute •SCREENWRITERS: Michael Stute, Michelle Stute •CAST: Phil Shane, Debbie Bartz, M1cttlene Attended by director, Phil Shane • RUNNING TIME: eo·oo Phil Shane has played Orange County venues for more than 30 years and has a cult following of loyal fans of his "One Man Legends Show." wh1ctl he performs up to six days a week Filmmakers spent more than a year following Phil Shane to shoot their documentary that has both a comedic edge and a dramatic puncn, not to mention toe-tapping music. 8:30 p.m. SHORTS (S12). SHORT·ANIMATION-O·AAMA Edwards Island -Blue •GRAND-MA An ancestral spirit, in the form of a talking bird, attempts to impart valuable hunting lessons to her young, n111ve grandson •THE VISIT A glimpse mto the heart-wrenchmg . • , PROJECT CUDDLE'S 4th ANNUAL . , , , ,,. • . • • • • . ... ' \ : "' , . , "' ., - .. ... .. .. .. • • . •' RACE FOR A LIFE April 12, 2003 Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley Schedule Saturday, April 12, 2003 7 .20 AM · Check·tn and start of late registration 8:25 AM • Opening Ceremony and awarding of the first door prize 8:30 AM • SK Run/Power Walk 8:40 AM • 1.5 mile Youth Run (ages 13· 16) 9:00 AM · Entertainment and Drawings 9:30 AM · Commencement of Awards 10:00 AM Kids Short Races (ages 5 13) 11 :00 AM · Brunch by Outback Ste~ oouse Proceeds btnefit Project Cuddle which betters the lives of abused, abandoned and drug exposed children through education, reform facilities, child abuse centers. hospitals and local communities. Rf_GISJl<ATION fOKM: feel l'r ec lo <.OJ>)· l'l f't\~[ ~l<aN UAl\I R. Details on medels & prizes etc. are •v•ll•ble •t www.proltclcuddlt.org NAME (Finl) Addrna State & ZIP __________ City_ COMPETITOR FEES: U<Jtge wut...;i iew ' SK RUN S20 5K Power Walk • 1 5 Mrle Youth Run ,..._ u '' • Chlldren·s Auna & DashW Ao-~ • 1 ~t1tor I age 00 • •-03 Mate F ernale S20 $15 $10 Phont( ) __ NON-COMPETITORS FEES: Appliealton received aher 414/03 $10 'Early iwgn ups gel T shirt & Ou1badl SteakhouM lood for S 1 O Early sign ups. no T shirt or tood from Ovtbac:k Steakhouse SS Cl'tlldten under 5 free with paid D.ilt "Those ehg1ble !or lree l·sblrts 1! regrsttal!Oo IS rece!Yed by 4l4IQ3 i\11 p.ud adini"'°"' l'\'CCl"C Door pntc drl"' ing numbn. lol\ of <niick fond~. coeton candy, pi>peom, \nov..c(IOC\. mime. fun cn1cn•1runenr l'o.llloons houocc ho~<. )'Ollnllt'f k.1d h•\'C au:c-.' to bounce hclu<;e<, pl•)' arn. etc r M1ul Check or credit card rnforma11on and completed form to .. I I' ,. , , " - • • •. PROJECT CUDDLE RACF. FOR A l..lff: Wood-Gutmann Insurance Brokers 14192 franklin Ave., Suite 200, Tustin. CA 92780 Of FAX infonnation to: (714) 433-6815 Ml\ or Visa# EAp. Date ____________ _ SiJ111lun:· __________________ Amount --------------- r.rk 'h4fll', S4.00 for fMl1ong: f~ f"lJ'klnJ on the 'llt'CI !Anivc: wfy!) WAJYER· Mylll be 1i1ncd bJ par1l£1mn! qr urcol of mlwl I dn hc:rrhy rrle.t~ nll 1lht1W'SC Pm~t ( uddk'. Woud votmann ln~111"111Cl' Bmt"'. and all nc~r. .,..or11ted v.11h th1i tvml (nJm •If ~l~lm' nl t1111Th1'!~. \k'mofl(I , IK:hOll' ,.._ha!\(J(l\'Cr in 1111y l!Ullllll'f WlllJ (1f Jmv.lnJ Out of my p111t~1pttion 111 l&Jd nm!J, W•ba Sfpa&urc<11: S1 nal u ~·------------------------______ 2003 ______ 2003. ~-- I f wortd of a love eff1lr betWeen a c:Mntlst and h11 petlent. • DUST TO DUST A dust bunny muat make the moll ol a thorny situation In order to be freed from captivity •THE ERUCJNG A$ a father hurries through the night, hia eon clasped In his arms. the derk specter of the ErlKil\g tr1ea to lure th• boy away. •SOMETHING SMELLS LIKE ASH Action, romanoe and • a cer? •BUTTERFlY An abatrac:t expression of beauty, form and harmony. • THE TOU COLLECTOR The story of a terribly deformed toll collector who longs to be a ballerina. • BIO CITY FISH Trouble ensues for three former lab animals when the #Trail Elves." o 'Sadistic band of glrl scout wanna·be's, take over Big City for their annual ctlarlty drive • ETERNAL GAZE A poignant story about an art11t, his an and his Inner turmoil Inspired by the life of Alberto Giacometti. • SHAPES It TUBES While whimsical piano music plays abstract forms and shapes spm dance. fly and hop into tubes •THUNDER PIG The story of Thunder Pig, the superhero with the spiffy hairdo the giant appetite for 1unk food and the fragile ego. • STILTWALXERS A solttary fisherman's carvings and sltetcttes seem to have a hie ol their own-g1vmg nse to a strange. 5urreal and ultimately fragile two-d1mens1on11I world •LONELY BOY A man, estranged from those around him, lives out h11:> life utterly alone. •PARKING A parking lot attendant loses his temper when h1~ lot is invaded by J blade of grass. and a furious banle ensues 9p.m. SWEAT (SUEURSI Edwards Island Gold France 2002 •DIRECTOR: Louis Pascal Couvela1rc • SCREENWRITERS. LOUIS Pascal Couvelaire. Benoit Philippon Michael Cooper •CAST: Jean Hughes Anglade. Joaqu1m De Almeida. Cyrille Thouvemn, Sagamore Stevenm. Nozha Khouadra Thierry Ashan11, Huban Samt Macary •RUNNING TIME 103 00 Noh. an air traffic controller Victor. a ground crew member, Hervey. an experienced truck driver and Simon, a psyct1ot1c hit man. roin force~ to heist a fortune m gold from a Nonh African Airport A frantic rarA against time begins II!> tho four partners 1n crime dr111e across thf< Sahara to rrftlke contact with the man who will turn thl'ir loot 1n10 cash With violent tempers at ho1lmg pomt and lhe cruel desert cond1l1ons causing mnumerable problt1ms th1 trust of each man is called mto QUeSllOn •.IOpm. SOUT\JOE Lido Theater United Si.res 2002 • DIRECTORS: Susan Kraker. Pt Ware • SCREENWRrrERS· Susan Kraker, P1 Ware • CAST: Patrick Belton. Mary Thornton, Ronne Orenna Attended by directors. producers, director of photography, editor, compaaer. p.-iclpal cast • RUNNINO TIME: 99·00 Louis may be brilliant and he may be suicidal, but he has the keys to the car. Hilary may be seduct111e and she may be falling epan, but she 1s his sister. Louis and Htlary combine the vulgar and the poetic as they badger, berate and bewitch each other. Louis has something Hilary desparatety needs, and Hilary has somethmg Louis cannot live without. Both will , fight to the death not to give 1t 10 eooh other. MONDAY 11 a.m SHORTS (S1)' GANGS OF NEW SHORTS Amy Edwards Island -Blue •RIDE When d routme call goes horribly wrong a young man lmds h1msPlf trapped 1n the back seal of a ~qucJc1 car with a killer hehmd the whN•t •GRACE A tale about the choices wt• n1<1ke and what we truly want our lives to mean • BILL'S SEAT A flat tira traps a New Vorkur "'th" local bar ol a small P1;nnsylvanoa town •ONE On the eve of their sf!p.;rat1011 thu :.hared mumorll's of 1wo 1.r1um1 lovers co11lesr.1• tn a songlP tra41.- 1nstan1 • UNTITLED:003-EMBRYO What began as a s1mplr acr of curiosity descends into matln,,5s ·"'" Jason exµlo1ts other p;;opl ... b dream" 10 lulf11t hos ul11mate fanra~v • GERANIUM PEACE (GERANIENFRIEDEI An award winnon11 darkly humcorouo; mosaic of erect sreuplcs lun11nu mt.n airborne i;t11lur .. n ,, .. Mhonq no1ghbors shrnwosh h01t!J1•w1v1·o; enragod clouds dnd r.rn1p.,q11ou dogs • HEADS AND TAILS Brough1 1ogcthur in II•• irdl 1,.,1 store 11 bcauttful weoma11 d "".,"(·•' little boy and the bonr1 ioPIWt'"' 1wr brotht~r~ rt PffW II f1shCll'Tlttn '; mlt•rruptt'd 1.111h 11 30 a.m ANNE B REAL Edwards Island Gold Umtf.'d Stares 2003 World Premiere •DIRECTOR L1sJ Fr<1nct• • SCREENWRITERS Lis,. r ...... Antonio Macia • CAST Carlos Loon, ,,,J111c1• Comer of Via Udo and Ncwpon Blvd . Rlctt•rdwn, Eric Smith, Jac:lua Ouinones • RUNNING TIME: 90 00 Cynthia begm• writing In h•r own diary after fhe 11 given "Anne Frank Diary of a Young Girt• Hor writing 1>eCome1 both a personal releaM and a mean• of enduring her troubled family Deuce. an up and-coming rap srtl1t ,buya . Cynthia's diary from har drug addicted brother, Ju•"-without her lcnowludge Eventually Cynthia d1acovars that [)eUQt h•s been succeeding as a rap artitt -with her wntmg Cynthia confronts Deuce m rap battle ot a local club MIRANDA Lido Theater Unlrerl Statos 2003 Wes1 Coast Premiere •DIRECTOR: Marc Munden • SCREENWRITER· Rob Young (IV) • CAS~ Christina Ricci. John Simm, Kyle Maclachlan, Jo~n Hurt. Julian Rh1nd Tun. Cavan Clerktn, Matthew Mar6h •RUNNING TIME· 96 00 Fran~ (John Simm) is a t1brer1en strncl< w11h lovu for a beau11lul stranger m1rnecJ Moranda (Chrtsttna R1cc11 Hr. r£·v~Jli. his feelings and w•nd~ up 1n ,1 whirlwind of 1ntrtgue Th" 1•n1gmai1r. Mironda presents rnanv f.i~JlJO~ sho'i. a l>us1nf's'iworn.in or tJ t1ancer tn d1ffr.n•nt 111lltn11s end though Frank 1•nfOV~ tho <.h 1~1· he wonders 1f a wurk1n11 :;toll Lan mdintam his hold 011 ·'" h 11111.ottL t H•u1u11• Miranda. '" r1•,1foly ,1 ro11r1dt'11t womdrt. is I w .. dqc<I on d 1 omph•x sol ol 1chames hl'IW• ·w1 "'" "'""tor Ch11st1an (John Hurl I ,.11111 ''''!IN rmll1ona1r,. Nailor I 1Kyl1• M.1Ll ..i1hl<Jnl ~hn soaks solace w1rh huo ~11uhlfy t1oopy lover, bu1 It's I · .1ny1Jot1y'" u11ub'> whorhor they'll 111rn·11w 1rn!>ro1h11d lrom 1h1s 1l11clcet t•f h1qh ~IJ~t ~ t1q11nda<. 1 30 pm JOYFUL PARTAKING hlwJrd:. l~laru1 volll Ut111t•tl t,r,;to:. :lOOI • DIRECTOR W1llo,or11 Mnr111ng • SCREENWRITER W1tl1Jm More1ng •CAST J 11 11 Pr 11 .1cconu • RUNNING TIME 170 00 Ttt. t 11 ..... 10 1l hop1•t1•11~ former TV .,.,. 1rtw1n11n W.11t1•1 M'1•·~k1's young <.1)1 1•• ""I""'" a lrt ak ~nowstorm •h.,1 W '""' lti11I t,1111 c1 to force J!lt O•tt•" r.!1.ir 1 II rs orocludr. an elderly .... 11111 ,n who'' 1'!i l.ttli;n ttr1d can·1 get up 1 I• pr liv\101!11111 010to11tployN1 f 1 11 u v ""nr~•·1 t lc'HH•ly "'ifJ1n11o1ar wh ft 1r:. lh •I 11 .. , loP">I ch.im ,. lot t .1ppon1>:.:. 111.1y 1n fuel, bo with her <1nq an.111 lowly '>r 1dm SI /Ht.hong lo 0 S,tfl' pl.ti" Ill 11vl11r·h ff) lhotlll tt"> h )f'11 I SHORTS (SSJ ETERNAi. SHORTS 1 I I ·REPOSSESSED I <\ h,wnl••d hou~• 1111~ lhf' ru.il estate I Daly Pdot FESTIVAL Continued from /48 • IARIUEA DEVICE A ,....archer for a female condom ltudy loses all ob18C11v1ty when she realizes that one ol her subjects is d91Jng her ex. •VENGEANCE A man has an ulterior motive for enduring the pain and discomfort of acupuncture. •APSARA In the Cambodian coun1rys1de a convicted murderer escapes from pnt0n to tradr doll)ln his daughter Who thinks he 1s long dead. • ntE DIM REAPEJJ One night a young Gnm Reaper decides to be nice to his customers for a change. Boy does ho learn •CHANCHAN When Chan Chan reah1es his mother haa passed away, ho falls 1n10 a sta1e' of sorrow and abandons his little 1111ter for the mght • LAST NIGHT WITH ANGEL A nsing Hollywood developmen1 executive seduces .i high powered hterary agent tn the hopm1 of advancing her career • ntE UNFORTUNATE TRUTH ABOUTUFE A manic ran1 al>out .ill th.ii os wrong, but 1nov1table a11•l 1.1•rrnJn11n1 w11h ltfo 2 p.m. Fl YA SH ING Edwards Island Blup Umtod Kingdom 2003 US Premiere •DIRECTOR· David W1ll1<1ms • SCREENWRITERS Nrnl Warhurs1 Paul Barnhill Aognr T hnmas •CAST. Kate Ashllf.11<1, hclnces Barbor Helen Baxendale, Nody H11nson • RUNNWG TIME 82 00 Two men become useorts Theil debts d1m1n1sh tho11 problems mounl and their hves fall to p111res Whtie 11mes have chang11d. ~ornu th111g5 remain the samt: Mt•n .inrl women sllll w.int 1h11 sam,. thu1y love. STRANGE FRUIT Oran~w County Mu.,oum of Art Umtocl Srares 1007 • DIRECTOR· Joel K,1u • RUNNING TIM E ~ 7 00 A documrnlary RxplCJriny the legacy of Billon Holidays ~On<J woth th~ samP titlf' The ho story of lhf> songs cro .. 11on anr1 evolution lf'lls a dr.im.ittc story ol Arnonca s rad1Cdl past u~nq one of tho m<1s1 mfluontlal protesl songs ever w11twn The saqa bnngs vmwers f.ic.1· to fact: with the terror oht lyr1d 1n 1 l :30p m THE FLATS Edwards Isl.ind Blu1' United States 2002 • DtRECTOAS· Kally Ai"Qu<1. Tyler Rt;qua • SCREENWRITERS l<flllV RP,Qucl Tylor Requa • CAST: Chad Lmdtwrg • RUNNING TIME· 104 00 A 11ory of loog1ng and desire reftec:tad in the relation.hip of two bell friends When a Mff.oestructlve young man, Harper, retumt home on tha eve of a court deto tllat could i.end him to jail, his best friend, Luke, zealously trle. to sxotact him from hl9 ow n undoing. Living life to the full .. t with hrt ragtag fn.oda, a vulnerable Harper flnd9 unexpected comfort In Lul\e's new glr1fnend, Paige. • THE SHAMAN'S APPREN'TICE Orange County M useum of Art United State. 2001 • DtRECTOR: M iranda Smrth • SCREEHWAITER: Abigail Wnght • RUNNWQ TIME: 64.00 Deep rn the ralnforeau of Suriname. 'or Mar1t Plotkin i1 racing against time. New a nd remarkably affective med1ctnes could be found in the Amazon's plant hfo. but the forest i1 .disappearing Even wor-.. the tnbal shaman. -heaters and encyclopechas of rainforest boany - are the Amazon'• most endangered species. 4p.m. SHOATS (S221: SOMETHING FOROON IN ntE SHORTS Edwards Island -Gold • BREAKING AND ENTERING IEFFRACTIONI Two burglars break into an apartment .ind d1SCOver that 11 1s not empty, someone is lodted 1n the closet. • THREE CARD STIJDS Every action fhdt chche takes a hit as u bllarre game of poker degenerates into a wildly h1lanous confrontation • 0 BEAUTTFUL Two boys. One straight, one gay One brutal. one brutalized. One seeks forgiveness, the other acceptance. • A FAIRY STORY Madge and Tracy load very different love:s unt1l the11 worlds colhde'" a tale of innocence oxpcnence and a handful of teeth • GOOD NIGHl VALENTINO The true story of a dinner between .,,1 .. nt movie idol Rud9lph Valenttno ;ir11J lamed 1ournol1st H.L M encken, one week before Valentino's tragic •Jedth • HOW TO DO THE ~N SQUAT A 1950s style educallonal film that finally answers tho question: What is the Asian Squat? • SEJ11MEl.WEIS lgnBl Semmelwe1s. a Hungenan <1octor struggtat; to impart to h11 students his d1scovenes on how to prevent ctuldbud fever THE MONTH OF AUGUST Lido Theater United Slates 1002 • DIRECTOR. Rex Piano • SCRE'ENWRITER Scon Benefiel •CAST· Mackenzie Astin. Ah H1lhs, Randall Batmkoff. Candy Clark Anended by Oornctor. Producer, Principal Cast • RUNNING TIME 93 00 Poor Nock 1s dumped by vet another girlfriend His best fnond Sam sets tmn up on a chain of dates that all und with more hum1hat1on. Just as N1dt 1s about to give up. he meets August a waitress al tho local coffee Twilight Dining on the Water.front m Newport Beach • &mo from $7.95 &rwJ-.JJ/c!jM (_,-£ 1 """ Httmmuuk P11114 Fra}, &llfooJ Vu/ SJ>tti'lkia For RO~ns 949-642,-7880 3131 W( Comt H~ shop. Augt.rlt is qulrily and everything he never wanted 1n a glr1 5p.m. L:CHAYIM COMRADE STAUN Orange County Mueeum of Art United Stat• 2003 • DIRECTOR: Yale Strom • SCftEENWAIT£R: Elizabeth Schwartz • CAS'f. Ron P9rlman (namnorl • RUNMNO TIME: 89:00 A documentary about the Jewish autonomou1 region of Siberia. Stalin artificially invented rt in 1928 to create an alternative to the rehg1ous expression of Judaism and the grow ing Zlon111 poliucal movement in the USSR. The State, dunng 111 heyday, attracted some 40,000 J~ Strom takes hi• camera on a seven-day tnp via the Tran• S1benan Railroad with hit 1ntefp(.ater and bodyguard Slave, who Is U\e grandlon of M ikhail Kahnin. che first president of the USSR'. The endleu train· trip end the casual anti-Semitism of his Russian fellow passengers Immerse Strom 1n the expenences of the firl1 Jewish pioneers to settle in the region llp.m. THE ANARCHIST C00t<B00t< Edwards Island -Blue United States 2001 • DIRfC'TOR: Jordan Susman • SCREENWRITER: Jordan Susman • CAST: Devon Gummersall. Dylan Bruno, John Savage, Katharine Towne, Gina Phllips. Steve Van Wormer, Johnny Whrtworth, Sabtno Singh, Richard Bladt Attended by director, pnnc1pal cast • RUNNING TIME: 101 :00 Puclc hves rn an abandoned East Dallas house with a group of nonviolent yet rebellious folk Thmgs change with the arrival of Johnny Blad;, a sell described n1h1l1st who knows how to get what he wants Armed with "Tho Anarchist Cookbook." Johnny lures the others down a slippery slope Puck 1s forced to decide what anarchy really means The true 1tory about the human nghta or the Taiwanese people, portrayed through only hlmic languaoa end music. • MY UfE AS A Cl.OWN A young clown 1n tra1mng 11 faced with self doubt. an evil professor, and the pou1btlrty of true love • TltEBED A young couple fon<n they can su1pend lhe laww of phyalCI rn thetr new bed, but are they w1lhng lo exercise the neceS1ary restraint to keep this unexpected boon? •DEUVERED A dark comedy about how bitterness and d1sappo1ntment can drtve one to aeek out hfe's only real solace 11:30p.m. SffORTS (S1S): SATISFVIHG VOUR SHpRT.S • Orange Counc;y Musoum of Art . •AMERICAN PlE· SUCES OF LIFE (ANOPIEI On Amenca's Badt Rodd!>. an aw ard wtnning food c111tc discover~ "pies wrth character arirl characters who love pie" as she s•·eks thP soul of the great American llesSl'rt • ntE QUEST FOR LENGTH A big 11ory aboul a l1ttlo probl!Jm 7p.m ANAL DRAFT Edwards l~land Golrl United Stare:. 2003 U.S Premiere •DIRECTORS· Oren Goltlmdn. Yariv Ozdoba • SCREENWRITERS Orlln Goldmdn, Yonv Oldoba • CAST: Michael Wcblnn Hamish Lmldater. Emily Bmgl, laurJ Jorel<1n. Tnstmo Skyler Attended by d1rector producer writt•r • RUNNING TIME 96 00 • RUNMNO TIME: SS 00 Profeuional skateboarder Mike Vallely uses Amenc.'1 landKepe as lhe rn11pirat10n to upk>re h1a views on the current l'llltfl of skateboarding Jnd w hy he 1lu11e1. why he ftghts to keep h11 place In suteboard1ng why he fights for skateboud1~ I JO pm THE GATEKEEPER Edwards Island Blue United Stattw 1002 • DtRECTOR. John Carlos Frey • SCREENWRITER. John Carlos Frey • CAST Joel Brooks. M ichelle Agnow Anne Bartencourt. John Frey Anended by Direc1or, Producm P11nc1pal Cast • RUNNING TIME: 100:00 A US border patrol agent is v1g1ldnt ubout keeping the flood of 1mm1g~an~ at bay He goes undercover to expose the cnmtnal nature of Mewicaos illegally pursumQ fri•adom 1n Amonca Tho plan goes lf1mbly wrong and he ends up trdppt.d wothon a drug nng Force<! to ltve dnd wor-. among the peopl11 he'g hall'd, Adam start5 to see the trull nature of the people from whom he ha~ tried 10 distance himself MERCI POUR LE CHOCOLAT • French Spothght Edwards l51and Gold France Switzerland Spain 2001 •DIRECTOR· Claude Chabrol • SCREENWRITERS· Chartottti Armstrong, Claude Chabrol Ci!rolmo Ehactieff • CAST: Isabelle Huppert. JacQuPS Outronc Anna Mouglahs. Rodolphr P<1uly. B11g1tto Callllon. Mocti~I Rohm Mathieu Simonet • RU)'NING TIME: 99 00 Young Jeanne discovers that t11·r orogons may not bo what she h,.rJ growr• up to behevo Believing 10 hav<' been switched at birth with .inother newbOrn tthf' son of a ldmous piano pldyflll. she Cl1:<:1rlf'S 10 tontart trnr suppo~cd h1olog1c 11 fan11ly to 1nves11gate lhP rruths of hm p11st The quf•o;11on1ng lear1~ 10 th1· Sonday, ~ 6, 2003 At . wife of the mua1C&an and the 1mr1~ nrveels an underlying hypocnay In the hvea of 1n11 ellte circle. A re<»ption will be held •lt•r rtwt screening at 1t1e Wolfgang Pud C6/e, F1JSh1on lsl11nd $10 Bu•,,_• ~•I n.ETRJP LldoTh~er U1'ir8(1 SUJtes 2003 •DIRECTOR M11M Swatn • SC1UENWRfTER· M1lea Swain • CAST Larry Sulhvan Steve Braun Ale1us Arquette Jill St John Attended by d11l'f'.lor produa;r, pnnc1pci1 ca~t • RUNNING TIME 93 00 Alan 1$ a hghtly n<.-urouc Republican 1ournahst At lhfJ other 11nd of the , .spectrum" rommy e TeKltS native who reloca11 d to California to form OUT LOUD d gay CIVIi nghts group When ttw rwo meei. they begin the"" 1ournoy IO\j'1ther, learning about hh1, lo..e and h1wrthree~ SHOATS IS271: SHOAT STACK Lido Theate.r Marty, having spont h•!> 1•<1rly childhood 1n Israel is an .imb1t10•1s, yet anti social reahsl. whO">fl honesty often gets hom into troublo H<irry 1$ a passionate 1deolog1st who heloevos even the CIVIi Wdr lfl RwdnrlJ IS dn an11 Scm1t1c consp1r1cy Wor.,ong dS editors durtng th!' Cldy tl'PV use their spar11 11me to dev,,10µ t111·1r masterpiece scr1pt 1ha1 w1ll 1akc: tnem to stardom When Chad their • discovery of a murdr:r comm1nctl manv years bf'loro by the Sf"COn<1 • SAOIRSE A woman's struggle to keep the civil hie she has created for herself as she 1s tormented by her past • THE LEGEND Of RAZORBACK A myste11ous barber helps a silent mternahzed httle boy find his voice and rekindle his childhood • RESURRECTION MARY In the town Resurrection. Kentudly something strange has been happening a stnng ol mys1erious disappearances stretct11ng badt to the turn of the century •GREEN ROSE health freak. drug <11•.Jh~r friend arranges a meetu l with ono of his clients. a head honr.ho ur M1snev Studios Marty an.1 H.trrv pr~ct1ce th1 "pitch that w1•I surl'I;> .,.,,,, h1ni ov .. r 8p.m DRIVE Or11ngf' County Mus•'""' A A'1 United St.lies :'002 Southern Cdi1lorn1.1 Pren ,,.,,.. •DIRECTOR M.ir• Jm,.,11 .,5 •CAST M1k11 Vall•:lv ~~ H ~s l a urat1l stat>llsneo 1n 1962 --- Call Today Toll Free 1-888-479-3784 You have a choice. C anada Direct Pharmacy is an organization of Canad ian professional pharmacists that can dispense safe. high qualltyb rand name med1c1nes conveniently -for much less tt'8f'I you are cunenUy paytng at your ioc.1 pharmecy. Visit www.CanadaDlrectPharmacy.com , • , • , ,, 1· , , 1 • • .1 ... [ l •• 1 • , • • r • 1 t 1a~slt~ Rf ... f1!I..-~ @•!!! 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Bristol St.• Costa Mesa· 714.751.2324 Mon. -Frt 9irn-5~ • Sil & 9'll. t~ • www.bla111rmpeeon1.mn Aleo In Long Blld'l 582.430.7501aLosArplel213.627.4738 •CA Uc.1272823 ,,._ __________ ...... ________________ _,, __ ~:""""'--------------., I AlO ~. ~ 6, 2003 FORUM I i ' HOW TO GET PU8USHED -Ldiln; Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • R111ierw Hotlne: ~II (949) 642-«>&6 Fu: Send to (949) 6464170 E-mtllt:Send to dai/ypilot lati~com •All corTeSpOndence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for veriftcatJon purposes). The Piiot reNfV8e the right to edit all .ubmtulona for clarity and length . EDITORIALS Appoint new ·council memb er and save m oney A s a result of Mayor Karen Robinson's new county judgeship, she'U have to resign her Cosra Mesa City Council post this mooth -April IS. to be exact. 1bat resignation will leave a gap on the five-member board. and the oouncil will have to decide on Monday how to fill it. There are two options: Appoint someone or hold a special election. Now, as much it would be ideal to hold an election, it doesn't seem prudent for a few reasons. In this economy. as governments at every level chop their budgets, it would be unwise to use taxpayer money to elecr som eon e to fill a post for a year and a half. Robinsan's seat is up in Novem ber 2004. Also. the replacement needs to be found immediately. "° the council can continue with cicy business. So it would seem appointment would be the wisest option. There are a fe\v ways to appoint the next council member. The council candidate who clid not win the November election, but had the most votes could be chosen to serve out Robinson's term. Or the council can interview applicants and vote on each one, much like it used to do with commission appointments. The laner option seems wisest and faire.I in this particular case. The council on Monday should adopt this option and invite applicants for the post. At the April 2 1 meeting. I.he council members wiU have read the applications and can the n interview and choose the new council member. A majoricy vote -in this case 3 to I -makes the decision final. This way. lhe next council member would be a ble to begin work by May 5. It seems like the only wise d ecision that could create a nearly seamless transition. Only one meeting with four council m embers would be held in the interim. Now. it's just a question of who. Anyone interested in serving the city, including current commissioners, shouldn't hesitate to apply. Good luck. ..... . ... -· Neighbors deserve more from Trinity F or too long. neighbors of Thnity Christian Center, home of the Trinity Broadcast Networic.. have had to put up with loud outdoor broadcasts, parldng nightmares and tour buses, not to mention the center's annual One Million Lights Ouistmas display tha t many find overtly garish. Uist month, the Costa Mesa Planning Commission wisely stepped in and said. "Enough's enough." Instead of approving a permit lhat allows Trinicy to continue the outdoor programming. it postponed the decision for six to nine months and ordered the center to document how it wiJJ handle issues like traffic, landscaping and equipment acy staff members will then track its effectiveness before reconsidering the outdoor broadcasting permit It was a reasonable decision, especially given the bittern~ that has been sown among neighbors since Trinity moved to the community in 1996. It will allow enough time for a lasting solution to be not only found, but tried and perfected. Unfortunately. Trinicy officials do not agree and have appealed the decision, arguing that it "imposes a s ubstantial undue burden on !the network's! ability to conduct its religious services in a manner it chooses without a valid, justifiable or legally viable reason." The City Council is scheduled to consider the appeal on April 21. Had Trinicy been a bcner neighbor during lhe seven years it has been part of I.he Costa Mesa community, there would be far more reason to support its position. But the weight of evidence. beginning with the center's refusal for three ye-ciTS to apply for the disputed pennit. is squarely against the center. It has not made getting along with those living in its shadow a priority. 1lle commis.c;ion's decision will force the cen ter to be more considerate of those people. The City Council should uphold it THE LAST WORD The 21st century barber shop We get just as excited as the oext person about new shopping adventures, be it at South Coast Plam or FashJon Island. And this time. it's the latter that has drawn our attention with the onddpaited opening of several new o iilduding baby and women clOtbes boutiques. new food courts and a hip. new barber shop. Hip, new barber shop? ·nw• rlght, thb new t->hop aillcd First Cut. Will come equipped With 13 barber ltatlons. C8dl With an 11-tnich ftat ~!Mn. r.M> fibfycr and video fOr showing our ,, but that's a long way from the barber shops of the past with the spinning red and white poles. Those came equipped with magazines and newspapers, plastic pocket combs, Bawoka Joe bubble gum and in the case of one editor's memory, an aqt.aa.rium that contalned a Uve pimnha to keep ~ers amused. that is before the &h were banned exodc pets since they had a penchant to chew on fingers. '1!J>. tiJnes have changed. But W<tre looking forward to the new look, even if ft mean,, wa1Ching "l.ord of the R.lnp" while you gJJt a little taken off the top. BOLTON Students should support U.S. troops Regarding the story "Corona del Mar students take stand bn war" (March 22). When I read th.is article, l could not believe what l was readlng. I have had the greatest respect for our educadonal system and C.Orona deJ Mar High School However, my question ls: What age were these students. who are their teachers and where ts their respect for family, cornmwiity and C0W1try1 In the last~ Corona cW Mar Princfpal SbarOn Fry Mid. •1 think our atudents are makina a statement. J'm proud of the way they're golng about it.• I disagree with this statement. J think we should be standing behind our country lri dme of war and give these kids a biatory lesson on what o'-lr couotJy atanda for and be proud we are Americans; If thJs is our educational &y1tem. l think we mould loot at It and evaluate what ls~nlng to l~ LOU KIEHLER Newport Beach Thanks to Marr for religion story l would like to tab a moment to compliment Michelle Marr on her article •Remembering Alhken • (March 8). The ArmenJan Olun::b ls deeply rooted in Ouiltlanlty. dating back to the 3rd centwy, and ls steeped in tradJtion. And the 25th annual celebration of Women's Saints Day was yet another mllestone lo the rich. yet relatl~ ffnfte Annenlan culture. Marr's • MAILBAG coverage of the tradition of Women'! Sainta Day was beautifully articuJated in her article. a.AUDETTE C. MEKAUAN Newport Beach A tribute to the man behind the ''tree fann,, 1 think that with the passing of Ralph Dean of C.O ta Mesa. we may lose aigbt of a pan of our city'• hJ.slocy. For th1a reason. I want to pasa on a tribute I made for h1I wake. I rem.ember Ralph Dean not only u a longtime neJgbbOr. bUt one who moat generously gave of bis time to help me in dmlopil;lg a "tree farm" for all of CoSta Mesa. RaJpb worked with me every week.end for tevenl montha until it wu done and running. The Mesa C.On.soUdated Water 015trlct gave ua ftft U1e of thrir land OYer at 15th Street near Santa AnaAwoue (oowa 15-.cl"e~. I don't m:nember even receiving a waterbW. After the tree fann WU co~leted. various service club participated by donating 500 trees e8di. Memben of the dub c:arne down to the Cann on Sariudayw and transferred the young treet from l ·galloo cootaloen to S·~n containen. We ended up with 8,.500 trees, • WhiCh are now tuD·f'O'WI' at schools, li~ parkways, t;UY parts and even along Harbor Boulevard bY the aoK coune. What a woridetful memodll to Ralph Dean that wll continue to JM. DAVE L8QHl'ON CollaMeM READERS RESPOND A fertile debate AT ISSUE: Should Castaways Park be re-plante d with native plants or with a grassy area for picnics? I believe that a plmic area with turf grass could be placed at the very point of the Castaways. They should be restoring the central park with native grass land and wildflowers. This ls the intent of the orlginal plan for Cutaways Park beatuse It Is a natural park. It is o unique park where people can wallc, run, bicycle and stroU and watch nature. Most or the other pa.rb have nothing but turf grus. This park was originally de51gned to be a natural park and should remain as such. however, turf grass can be put on the point whtte people can lay down a blanket and enjoy th views. JM VNaltSLOOT Newport aeach I •y lt ~ouJd be natural. That wNI lt It IUppOaod tO be and th8i is what the money wu pven foC' qd that la what we need to mnember. t juat t~ the n.lltural habftat With the wiJdOowers and the grassland ls what should be up there and not another false looking place. Not a grass plcnlc area I wte for natural SUE TURNER Newport Beach There Is already a nice grassy pm with plcnlc tables at Bob Henry Park and what we do and our family ls have a picnic there and walk over to Castaways Parle to have a nice experience with a wild park. That ls the way we like lo do it. ANDREA l.ftGLE Newport Beadt l am deftnltely aplmt having the grue ln the Castaways Park. It should be done natwal)y the way It Wat . suppoted to be done. COURTNEY ltEESER Newport Beach There is a difference of op4Uon in Newport-Mesa I ha~ been part of the Newport·Mesa community for more than 30 yea.rs and a. subscriber to the Daily Pilot for some length or time. A letter on March 25, •Protest ato.ry djd nor reflect local sentiment." did not ·~for roe. It mllbt surprise the wrtter to mow that many in our community do nor agree wilh bis '. .. , .. ,.. .... r ' . .. ,· viewpolnL ~· Thens WM a peaceful candlelight ' • 1 Vigil for.,._ .. a few Sun ~ wltti more than 200 peopli st.and.in& on the cornea of N~rt Boulevard and 19th StreeL 1bis proves that there are mott than 200 people in this community who do not agree, and I am sure there are many more out there. By the way, thia vigil djd not make the Daily Pilot. We can! about the people in the millwy, and there Is no d.Wapect to them when a peace viBil is held. Oo tho conrn.ry, we care deeply and~ them a great deal We are trying to ~tect them from beiQg sent off to die or be wounded for an unjust cause: •oiJ." This does not make us unpatriotic because w. do not agree with the curmit White HOUie admJnlatratioo. It ls our right to disagree. r. t L . ' . '· . • ., 1f the o,Dy Pilot'• editor were to be taken to tuk, lt'WouJd be for printing your t.ner, but then apin. thl1 i. a (ree country When! we i'' have freedom of the pres1 and freedom or apeech, and yow letter prove.t II. HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CrTY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, n Fair Drive, eo.ta Mesa, CA 92826, (714) 754-6223 Mmyor: Karen Robinson Councl: Libby Cowan, Allan MantlOOf, Gary Monahan and Chr1aStMI CrTY OF NEWPORT BEACH. Newport Beach C1ty Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beactl, CA 92ee3, (949) 844-3309 ' M.wor: Steve BrombetQ ~ Co. ... Gaty Ademt. John Heff9rn.n, Oidl Nid1olt, Gary ,, , l'tocior, Tod Ridg9way and Don w.C>b BIO Age:5S Position: Newport Beadl Police Chief since 1993 Education: Badlelor's m administration of Justice from Golden Gate University Re.ldence: Laguna Niguel for 10 years Family: Wtfe of 36 years Lana; sons Ryan and Sean Hobbla: Spending time with family POLICE PRESENCE 'We're very well staffed for this community. We 're staffed for cities much larger than ours, population wise, because we are a tourist-oriented community, a destination community in terms of business and shopping. So our community has valued service levels to the extent that they haven't been afraid to fund us that allowed us to be very responsive. ~O R U M Sonday, ~ 6, 2003 All Keeping a close watCh Whereas many police agen cies steppl!d u p pa tro ls af ter Se pt. 11, 200 I, Neivport Beach Police Chief Bob A1c Donell says his departnze n t ivas ahead of the game. N cwport Beach PolicC' O uef Bob McDoneU ha!> ~erved in a variety of law enforcement positions in several Cahfo rma pohce departments over his 35-year career. An Oakland na tive, h e s tarted out in Mo untain View in Santa Oara County. rhere. he served as both a m otorcyde e nforcement officer and a hazardous dev ices technician. I k later woriced as a ~ergeant for Corte Madera Politt in Marin County and as a lll'ulcnan1 with San O em ente Police. I he latter ~tmt included a year as acting chief. ln l 98fl, h e became the police chief for the city of Woodland, where h<> spent seven and a half years. And, finally. in 1993. h e became Newport's chief of police foUowing a statewide search. On Thursday, City F.ditor James Meter met McDoneU at his office to discuss how Newport Beach Police is prepared in this post -Sept. 11 world. flow hu homeland eecurfty changed ln ~rt Badl ablCe Sept. Ill It's not chang('d lo any great extent except to ensure that our field ~nnel an.> m ore focused in lermc; or thest> is.sue<.. A..<, I've mentioned ht:fon'. bt•nm'>t' \\l prm.11lt• '>lit h .1 Ill~ lt>wl of ..crvice alrcach. 1h1·rl' Ml I .1 nouceablc d1fTercnct· We re ... pond lO mmor lalh l11r '>t'rv1ce a.<. well a ... ma1or tall' for <,erv1ce We have fieldt:d .i nurnhl·r of inquine~ about ML.,p1c10u., pcr.,um and atuv1ty and loUow up on tlwm We either handlt• it ouN·lw' or rl'f(•r to a 1uint terron'>m ca ... l tone \\t' IM\l' ~upplied wme mve .. ugator., IU th;,il ta.\k lnrt l' 11n an ad hex h.h11 whl'll the\ rari't handle t>\ er. th111g Does law enforcemen1 change much during wartime? No. 0..·1.au'>t' }-OU 're dt'ddl1m ~ 11h lhl' ... un t' .,,u1·-.. m term)> ol 1lw l c11H c rn ovt•r c,omt• 1..ind ol repn.'>Jl .. '><Hilt' kim.I of '>lalcrru•n1 by those who want lo d1<,rupt thl' United State' ~. pmt '*Pt 11 or the Iraqi war, 1he 1''-Ul.., Jre the 'Mime How, If any, has the city's reladomhtp whh neighboring agencies had to change sJnu Sept. lit Agam, I don't think 11'., m>t>dcd to becau!>t' we have an exn•llent worl..mg rel.iuon.,hip with lhe I larhor Patrol which we work wi th on a daily ba.,c,1, As you kmw., we re m a jomt power. authority "'-1lh the city of Co~1a Mc<.a for the airborne la"" enfort'emcnc pro~rram. '>(.) we share that a'>.WI and tho-.c rt">OUrn..,. We've .ilway~ had a do .. .-workm~ wl.i111m'>h1p Wlth tht• nc1hrhbonn1-1 FROM THE NEWSROOM 1un'>lhc llu"' '" rt•J.lh h.1 ... n't net'ded 1n1prnvt>ml'11t ,1-. .1 n·.,uh of t11e war ... 11ua111111 It., alre.H.h t'!U\tt>d Is there mott police p~ncr on the street these da)'\7 Agam. we'n· wry well '>lafTed for thb comm unit\ \\t,.rt' '-tafkd for nt1e-; much IMger th.m uur.,, pupulauon \\l't" ht·l·au't' "''an• a toun'>t·onented lOllllllllrlll\ ,1 dt',llli.tllllll lllllllllllllllV 111 tt·rm ... of h1,...11w'' .ind .,hopping ~ ow c11mmu111t} 11.1, \.tlued '>1.'f\1te lc·H·1' 111 the e\11•11t 1ha1 llW)' ha,en 1 ht•1·11 .1fra1d 10 h111d "' that allowed u.' 111 ht• \ t'r. rt•-.pon,1\1 '>(1 "'-l han· nnt had tn ,ulJ pt·l"onrwl 10 put more peoplt on lhl ... 1n•1•1' ht•tJUM' Wt' haq• tho'>I.' rc,ourct'' Now, you're still the pre51dent of the C'..allfomla Poll~ Olkfs A.._'\..')11., right? I I"'' fim.,ht-tl 111~ war a., p~1drn1 in l'rhruan Pnur 10 thal. I ser\'ed as \1l t· pn· .... dent .111d fir,t \ice president. ~>I \l' lwen in\1llwd 1n the group for a l111lt "' l'r J dt't.tdt I c:urrcnlly '>Crvt> ~ 1mmedw.te pa.,l prt">ldent on the t'\ecutivc• tomm11tt't.'. ~· 11 wa-. .m m1creMin1-1 year for me .md !he u''m 1a11on We "'-Cnt out on our uv.m and j.IOt ,m ext-c:utl\'e di.rector. I .,hould '-d\' \~t· rnntractt>d through another 0~<1m1..:u1011 lo manage us. but \\f' dt'l ldtoq that Wt' wantt>d to tln:l.m· uur m<lt•pendeme and ~o out on our 0\\11 Oh\1uu~h 11' ht•cn J dtlfa uh vear from a budgeLan .,tandpomt \\ere very rnnc.cmed a., Cahlomia la\'\ cnforlemt'nt about what the budget ha., done to u~ On J. <,tatewide bas1~. there have been well over I. 700 law enforcemen 1 J>O'lllon' frott'n because of the concern over lhl' vehicle license fee and. on the local level. a lot of Cit)' mdllagt•r<, haw lwen concerned tha1 Lht' morH.] JU'>t wont be there to fund thow po.,11mn., '>(1 tht•rc have been thl!'t' vac:anl ll''> \\'t• dd1H·n>d that mt">S.age. or I did pt'N•n.lllv. to the governor and cned to t".Wnllalh tt'IJ him Jll'>I what the propu...U "'-·I' doing to local ..aiety at a ume \'\llt'n wt' ldll at lea.-.t afford 11 m th1'> '>latt· Mavtw we'll get a balanced budRCl ht•n• '>0 we la11 that public -.afety l<lll ht-re-..tored fapt>nallv. there ha' not. at least unul \.1.'l"I rl"\:cnth been am~ from the federal govl'rnment to send some of tho ... e J>()O,I · ">ept 11 relmbursement funds down 10 local government So each citv ~ reqwred to essenually accommodate the additional ~pon.'>lbiliues Vire have ¥.ith homeland <;e<.<m() without any additional resources. Any final tho~tst Onty that I reel very fortunate as an organization to serve this commuruty because or how much they suppon us and every thmg wt• do \.~\~ very pleased to be able 10 prmide such a high le-vel o ( servtce and we know they t'xpt'<'t I I. No-name letters hold no weight here A s l ~t to grab a letter lltdng in my mailbox this week, I couldn't help but notice the wonts 1aawled In pen on the outalde. •1 know you consider younelwa .. the 'mouthpiece' of the dty of NB s1aft howfl've.r I 'danr' you to print this whcte people can tee It• Ptetty 1CJODC words. I chougbL 1bls penon lllUlt have eomethlng big to say. So, I reed the letter. "Dear Reldm: I cannot and will not alt lilently any IOf\F• ...... dty le9del1 ind .wr lleel our~. amaD. wa.Ult'front bMli'I ~quiet Ind lodMduillmld ~. Thi a.a. Wrtler wmt on to ....... rAooNphdel In Newpolt dl:f penuncnt Md meke aome ... , rdonl 11 to ' TONY DODE RO whatshouJd become of d ty hall. So who la t.hlspmon who has aacked the codeJWho bas aea.tried the awful truth about the Dally POot's pledge to be tho mouthpiece of Newpon Oty HaJJ and the dty'• Ion dlng leCft't to ea1 the lif cstyte of resldtnta? I tlanced to tho bottom of tho lens to tee the name and gue11 wbl11 1bete Wiii none. HoWr;pbL Deer reeden, W'f (i lb. sarcasm. but I must teU you that letters Uk.e thi'i reaJJy geots my goat. That somehow we haw to be dared into publishJns a letter or story that aidcius U$ or crldcb.es dty ltadtts is laugbllble. II that was our policy. nobody would know the name of Grttnllgbt or PhD Ant or Alen 8&iek or In Co5ta ~ the lm~t OlO't'ttl>ent or a.II Steel or Alla\ Mamoor. But the b1aBe5t farce of ell rcgardina thls ldter ts the opcnlna statement. '1 C1MOC and WW not sit l'Llmtty any longer ·-. •YI Mr. OT Mtl.~ Sony but h tam l8rO to pen a._.. thacacea,.. PeoPle Ol 11111111 ol ~ aod l.W,o6. Dime Of die ~- Our policy has been, for as Ions as I've bttn aftillatrd w1th thl' newspaper, to not run anonymout lettf'I"'!. And we will nt!'\<-cr run them as long M I am at lhe helm. This ltttcr wrttct m.y have some good ide But I enc:ounge this anonymous d tiun to do the same every\) else who critidz.es dty ~for the newspaper Put your tho and opinion on paper, wtth veti.fl&ble fad.I. ~ lt to ua wt.th your name. add bOf1lC!tCJWD and phone number for w:rtflcation "' only and th&n w.wmrun ft W1J l'Ull elm I le( doem't run In lbe Dilly aqpu ll•• a1who11cnrldies. Ma&tt ••• Again t~ week, there WU a local connection to the war In Iraq for those or us here In Newport·M this time CJne that inwl\td a mmiber ol che mda. ~ s.a.n, a Ncwtday. photojoomalist. was one of four jot1mal freed from lnqj capt on wed:. OIWy, P\lo( readers may remnnber that name becaule Saman c\td fi r • n umo as a ~lanttr for and for one of ow ronnct a .,_peq ln taM In addition. SUnan • . dUn ol Ody Plot ClCJ ............ Oii PUlenon. 111')' Wm'*I on lbt .mod'I 0.0,'11&1n.. ,,.... ... • who tmlft0ba1 s.w. TB.LIT TO 1ltE BJn'OR Tonv Oodefo .. the.-ot. He wtlcomee your commenta onnew.~ ~°'°"* I*:~----" youhweamur rgeor1 .... tothaedlllcw,Cllhk ........ DMm Mhft ' ......... .a.-. ...t lit by.m.11 tD .. ;flt ...... IF •aOf WjJIU ..... 11 U ll:.Of ~"by m.1to330 w . .., Co.la~ CA. mn MONTE CITO ~ House Sunday l-4pm Elepnt S bd. S.S ba. Canyon and ocean views. Hliflly Uf>ll'aded. Wa.rtc. Open House Sunday l-4pm Beautiful front 3 bd. 3.S ba. townhome In Corona del Mar villa&e. Rooftop deck. Robin Chesnie 949.717.4793 $1,995,000 Exceptional custom Summerhouse Plan 3. Beautiful u~des. SueYoun1 949.759.3708 NEWftOltT aEACH $1,599,000 Oceanfront duplex •ch with 2 bd. I ba. Ocean vMws. walk to pier. fwry. fun Jone, and beach. 949.644.9060 • HARBOR !VIEW HILLS Open House Sunday l-4pm Custom expanded sln&le story home In Harbor View Hiiis South. Mmrty ....... Jones M9.717.A719 Open House Sunday l-5pm Beautiful Granville condo on 9th fairway of Newport Beach Country Club. Total remodel. RobertTaytor 949 lll.aaa5 NEWPORT aEACH $1,950,000 Prestigious Newport Beach h~rtse, rare double unit wkh views. 4 bd. '4 ba. 949.644.9060 PORTAFINA LACUNA SI Ht 000 Panoramic ocean and coasdine views from execut:Ne home with pool. 949.717.4797 BAYS HORES Open House Sunday l-4pm One of the finest 3 bd. 3.S ba. custom homes In the area. Guard-gated community. Jim West 6 jerry Smfdt 949.71S.l719 $3,499 000 Unique opporwnlty with unobstructed water views and southern exposure. 949.644.9060 L IDO JSLE $1,675,000 Four bedroom, four bath home sJtuated on the prutlitous Udo lsJ. wtdl prden psdo. 949.711.2733 CO .. ONA DEL HAa $ t ,295,000 . Speaacular retnodel um, natural materials. Artist's own home. 949.644. 9060 ........ Opell House Sunday l-4pm Elepnt '4 bd. 3 ba. remodel. Open floorplan. Pool and spa. Esther Fine 949.717.4764 N WPO l'T f ACM $1 OfS 000 Oceanfront wtth surround views of ocean, bay, mounalns, city llgttts. ~ to pier and fun zone. 949.644.9060 SHADY CA rON SI 9 DO Custom lot. 0...r half acre with vtew. ~tad ioff~lty. 949.759.3738 • EWPO T ACH t ,000 Sin&le ~ 3 bd. 3.5 ba. home with ,.,lous vtew. Gated community. Grady expanded. 949.644.9060 . • ~ .. . • •• -·· -· ... . . . -. .... . ... - .. .. . , ... .. . . . . . "· '· I ' :·· QUOTE OF THE DAY "My girl has hops." Euaene Dair. father of Sharon Day, who cleared 6-f oot·2 in the twghjump, s,ortl Editor Roeet c.tson • (9491574-4223 • Spof1' Fax: 1949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD EYEOPENER Dail~Pib Slportl 1W1 ti f; ,......,..._ .... "" .... ' Atit~ 7 llonoree PAUL ORRIS &.wlday, ADf~ 6, 2003 Bl KENT TREPTOYt DAil Y P1 Costa Mesa High senior Sharon Day clears the bar at 6-foot-2 in the girls high 1ump and sets a meet and Orange County record at the Trabuco Hills Track and Field lnvitabooal Saturday afternoon A new high for Day at 6-2 Costa Mesa standout soars to new heights in the high jump at Trabuco Hills Invitational with Orange County record. She just misses on attempts at 6-4V.. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot MISSION VlEJO -Eugene Day has never seen his daughter Sharon as excited as she was follow- ing Saturday. But she had all the reason to be with the performance of her life in the high jump at the 12th annual Trabuco Hills Invitational at l'rabuco Hills High that brings together athletes from all O\'er Southern Oillfomia. Sharon. a Costa Mesa High senior, set an Orange County record when she cleared 6-fee1 -2 inches on her second of three jump The bar jlpd ever so slightly, but did not fall. and the crowd in the stands along with the one that had gathered around the tartan applauded her effort. But Day wasn't done. She had the bar lifted fur. ther to 6-4Y. inches, but couldn't muster up enough eneigy to eclipse that maik. Regardless, Day exuded her trademark innocent smile and. as If she was wa.Odng on douds, jaunted over lo where her sister. Jasmin, and a few or her Costa Mesa dassmates had gathered, issuing hjgb· fives alo°' the way. "My gir1 has hoJ>6, • said an elated Eugene Day, who trains his two daughters in the high jump. Jas· min set a personal·best Satwday with a 5-4 to fin - ish third overall •She has been working toward somethlni like this for more than a year now and this goes to show what happens when you do the work. then you get the reward." Day's previous best was 5-1 l , done to win at last season's State Flnals at Cerritos College. She started at 5-6 Saturday, and hit the bar with her hand M she descended to the canvas, but still managed to clear. She cleared 5-8. passed on 5· 10 and then leaped above the six-foot line on the first try with about two inches to spare. A spectator told Day as he was walking by the tartan after she cleared 5-8. •That was loo pretty, you don't even need 10 go 5-1 o. just move up lo six feet· Day obliged, and then some. ·u felt kind of easy today.· Day srud. ·1 feh good at the start and believed l couJd go lllgher I JU'>I had to save my energy for the higher hergtw •. I kepi my speed and form over the bar and ju .. 1 ined to get as high as I couJd • Mesa Coach Glenn Mi1cheU decided to lei I >ay rest from the high jump and several other even1c, rn a dual meet Thursday to prepare for Saturday\ in vitational. Day still won the 800 rneier. Thur.day and maintained her Vlctoriou~ nde through \atur day's invitational. where she was named the girl'> field athlete of the meet. "We just wanted her to have a good iump !tod.l} with good competition and it wo rked out.· 'Ml1d Mitchell, the meet's announcer. "She keved up for it and stayed focused.· Mitchell said Day's clearing of 6 2 put her rn nint,tl place on the all-time prep lts1 "It feels good,· said Day. who wt.II compete m track and field and soccer a1 Cal Pol\ 'ian Lt.us Obispo next season. "It's a great accomplishment to have. Now I hdvt' to keep it up." In wortana.nlike faslUon. Day changed shoes rm mediately after her historic Jump to get ready for the 200, which she took second in at 26.40. She also anchored Mesa's 1,600 relay learn wuh Stacy Krikorian. Toshia Bryant and Rhond1 Naff which firushed third. After the meet. Day commuted back to Costa Mesa High foe Saturday mght's ">adie Hawbn5 Danc:e. Eugene said. "We'll celeb~te some other time,· he said The celebration has already begun. and a speaal athlete is in our midst. "Sh.e's the sto~· said Mesa's Ziad Pepic, a mem- ber of the baslcetball and track team.<. CATCHING UP WITH Bill Doner B2 Sunday, "'~ 6, 2003 SUMMARIES BASEBALL College 811 Wtlt C--.we UCl7.UCS81 UCI 002 no 110 llO -1 14 2 UCS8 300 010 101 OI -I 10 4 Smith, Schroer 171. Trlpe>li (7), Alstot (71 and Wagner; Posthumus. Sorenson (5), Ramirez (7), Edroeolan (9) and Ziemendorf. W -Alstot. 2~ L -Edroslan, 0-2. 28 -McCanne (SB). Adams (SB). 38 -Horwitz (UCll. HR -· Falk (UO I. Golden saa MhMtlc ~•a • Btolal,~2 Vjllnguard ooo 101 ooo -2 1 o Biola 001 042 10ir -I lO 1 Hanis. Griggs (81,.franco f7I and Bower. Schelling and Kremer. W - • Schelling. 5-1. L-Harris, J..5. 28 - KuJ....-Cm. t:temblett.(B). HR-Searle M. Parrish (8), Colin (8), Galloway (B). Community College ar.ce Empire eont.f•ice occ 19. lrvfne Valley 2 lrvinQ Vly 001 ooo 100 -2 1 o occ 2112 120 03x -19 24 1 Buru, Nield (2), Lewis (4), Amador (6) ond Lane; Treece, Johnson (8), Jadcson (91 and Hi<*s, Grant (8). W - Treece. L -Bursa. 28 -Benoit (OC) 2, Piaskowski (OCI. JB -Cardllo (OC). HR -Mathes (QC), P1askowski (OC) 3. BASKETBALL High school boys Oranc• County Al-Star c.ne North 93, South 80 North -Washington 9. Moore 28, Phaler 5, Price 4, Schaen 2, Kahr&r(lan 5, R1clts 8, Sanders 2, Gonzalez 15. Dalsfu 12, Miller 3. 3-pt. goals -Dalafu 4, Gonzalez 3, Miller 1, Moore 1, Phaler 1. Fouled out -none. South-Fedorovtsev 13, Ghanbari 2. Pajevic 12. Camey 12, Collins 6, Hogan 6. Terry 12, McGee 5, Clanin . Sok 2, Bigler 3 3 pt. goals -Terry 3, Claflin 2. Pe1evic 1, McGee 1. Fouled out -none SOFTBALL College Cal Baptist 2. Vanguard O Cal Bap ooo 020 o -2 • 5 2 Vanguard ooo ooo o -o 1 2 Bermudez and Funk; Ball and Rolle. W Bermudez, 14-2. l Ball, 8-10. 38 -Trujillo (CBI. Brandl ICBJ. Game2 Cal Baptist 5, Vanguard 0 Cal Bap 010 013 o 5 9 1 Vanguard 000 000 O o 2 1 Beaty and Funk; Keltner, Camarillo 151. Ball (6) and Rolle. W -Beaty. 11-8 L Keltner, 10-5 2B -Trujillo ICBI. Hernandez ICB). Pinedo (CB). Lopez (CBI 2. Jack.son (CBI TENNIS Collene women Bl&~ UO 4, Cal Poly SLO 3 S.ngles -Chang (UCO def. Hustedt. 6 2. 6 1; Waller (CPI def Bowman. 6-4, 3-6, 7·5; Bentzer (UCI) def. Thompson. 6-1, 6 O; Tranddno (UCI) def. Grady, 6-1, 7-6; Boss (UCI) def Romm, 6-4. 6-2. Lewis (CP) def Posner, 6-4, 6-3 Doubles -Bow man Chang (UCJ) def Hu&tedt-Romm, 9-7, Waller-Galldo (CPI def Bentzer Posner. 9 7: Grady Thompson (CP) def. Boss Tranckino, 8 4. COLLEGE TRACK Hali sparkles POINT LOMA -\7anguard University senior Sarah Hall cap- tured indivtdual championships in the I ,500 mtters (4:42.58) and 3.000 (10:24.92) Saturday at the Point Loma Track and Field Invi- tational Sophomore teammate Jenny Thune finished fourth in the women's 3,000 (10:34.32). im proving her personal best in the event by 34 seconds. . Freshman Matt Meyer turned in an impressive double for the men, winning the 800 me ters with a personal best of 1:57.85 and Onishing third in the 1,500 with a drne of 3:59.45, one sec- ond off his personal best. VOLLEYBALL Anteaters hand Trojans a loss LOS ANGE!.U!S -Spencer Be- mus had 21 lcilb and Jimmy Pel· ul added 20 kills 10 lead the sev- enth-ranked UC Irvine Anteaters to a 30-27, 30-32, 30-21, 30-26 Mountain Paciftc Spons Federa- tion mens' volleybalJ vtct.oty Sat- urday night on the loser's floor. The Anteaters Improved to J 6-9, 11-9 in the MPSF. USC. playing Its final home malCh of the aeason, dropped Its a1xth straight to tM AntNt~rt to fall to 6-23. 2·18. ua outhJt (.397 to .236) and O\Ublocied (22.5 to 6.0) the 'In>· &mus hit .SIS and had efRht blocb. Ptl.t.d hit 354 and had aU bloc Xyte Weichen btt .626 with 11 k1Dt and had ei&h• bkx:b. and Nick VuLly had 1• matd,. 12 blocb. ' SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS AND GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD Corona def Mar's Chris ~ingstrom crosses the finish line in third place in his heat in the 40().meter dash at Trabuco Hills Invitational. CdM .girls see the light Sea Kings finish second in the 1,600 relay at Trabuco Hills. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot MISSION VIEJO -Light faded away as the sun disappeared along the horizon, but Corona deJ Mar High's girls 1,600-meter relay team seemed to master the incoming darkness as if it was a creature of the night. nie edges of the track were clothed in darlcness as the sta- dium lights at Trabuco Hills High began to gleam brighter with. each passing second at the l2th annual Trabuco Hills lnYltadonal Saturday. Ideal conditions for a solid CdM relay. Sara Oaster, Anne St Geme, Kelty Morgan and Me!Wa SWig- en brought a smile to Coach Bill Sumner's face with a 4:02.35, sec- ond onJy to Long Beach Poly (3:49.80). Morgan ran a personal- best split or one minute during the third leg. making up ground on the back stretch. ·1 was just trying to outrun the other bodies," said Morgan as she stood in a circle with her re- lay teammates. places.. Ahlia Kattan placed 16th in the girls 3.200 (12: 11.16). Mesa's Rhondi Naff took second in her heat and finished 18th overall in the girls 400 (I :02.4 7) while teammate Jasrrun Day placed 19th in the 800. CdM''> Keelan Cuyler clocked a 2:30.95 to finish 18th in the 800, whk h also included Newpon ·Harbor's Elda I lemande7 (2:32. 76) and Taryn Kawata (2:37.89). ln the bo}"l 800, Mesa's Zach Powell finished 19th in 2:05.27 with Dillion coming in at 2:07.92. Sea King Man Morris sprinted to a 16th-place finish in the boys 200 (23.54) while Mesa's 7..ach Powell finished 20th in the boy<; 300 intermediales (43.63), and CdM's Stefanie Sitzer raced in at 55.01 in the girts 300 hunlles Artz took 21st (4:42.71 1 in the boys 1,600 and was joined by Costa Mesa's Mario Herrera. who finished 27th (4:42.23). Juan Avt- lez (4:46.48). Marco 1 luipe (4:47.36). Ivan Ruiz (5:02.57), Jorge Raya (5:08.05) and Saul Palomar (5: 13.21) also finished for Mesa. Costa Mesa's Oiristine Rjel- land raced to ninth in the 3,200 ( 11 :53 .13) while Mesa's boy-; 4 x 1,600 relay team o f Avil ez, Huipe. Palomar and Carlos Ibarra fimshed eighth in 19:34.67. Mesa's Danny Krikorian, ·we're so excited about sec- ond." said a giddy Oaster, who finished I 1th in the girls 400 earlier in the day. "We weren't ex- pecting that." Corona def Mar's Sara Claster on her way to a heat victory in 400. who is also playing volleyball for the school's team this sea - son, finished 20th overall in Their CdM teammates on the boys side did fairly well in the 1,600 relay as well. Kevin Artz, Blake Dillion, Brandon Borcoman and Ouis Ringstrom led the way ln their heat, crosslng the finish line in 3.25.6. The Sea Kings would fin · ish fourth as Long Beach Poly broke its own meet record with a 3:14.6 Saturday. ners out there. it just pushes you a lot harder. £Ringstroml pulls an amazing course." St. Geme finished th.ird in the the triple jump (37-8Y.l while 1.600 (5:13.82) with Becky Oun· teammate Ziad Pepic placed mins ftnishing sixth in the 3,200 21st (37-5%). Krikorian also (11:38.43), pining momentum ·finished 20th in the long jump the final two laps and mald.ng up (19). Ringstrom, who took the SAT's Saturday morning, fml~ed third in the 400 earlier Saturday in 50.56. three places from the~ Krikorian. Luu, Gonz.alez and 'itages of the race. Swigert toolc Omar Ruiz teamed up ln the 800 seventh in the 400 (I :00.08). relay to talce 14th place Mll wa~ tough. my brain 1s pretty tired right now.· he sald. Newport Harbor's Courtney (I :38.88). ·we've trained a lot for this," said Borcoman, who ran the third leg of the relay. "Last we week. we ran a 3:26 and we ha· ven't faced th.is type of compeli· tion ln duaJ meets or at the Ir- vine Invitational. When you see the third and fourth place run- Costa Mesa's boys team of Ivan Ruiz. I fuu Luu, Omar Ruiz and Luis Gon7.alez crossed in 3:53.03 in the 1,600 relay. I larris finished slxth In the girls Catherine Connell, Day, Kyla 1,600 (5: 19.6 l) with fellow Sailor Flores and Hahn Nguyen Alec UnusuasteguJ crossing the clocked a 23:28.95 to finish hne in 15th place (2:02.61 ) in the ninth in the girls 4 x 1,600 relay. boys 800. Flores (5:57.77) and Nguyen The festivilles Saturday began around 8 a.m. and d1dn'1 finish until aJmos1 7 p.m., giving plenty of time for other area athletes lo shine. CdM's Bo Weidner and Mile.a (6:04.29) both finished the girls Rudlnica clocked a l 0:20.67 and 1,600. Powell, Omar Ruiz, Luu 10:24.75. respectively, in the boys and Gonzalez finished the 400 3,200, good for 16th and 18th relay in 18th place (47.13). COLLEGE TRACK AND FIELD • UCI's Curtis goes 13-21'4 in pole vault She snaps her own school record at Big West Challenge Cup at UCI on Saturday. ANTP.ATHR STADIUM -UC Irvine sopho- more Erin CUrtls broke her own school re cord and set a meet record In winning the pole vault with a nwlt of 13·2YO ln the Big West Oialleng Track & Field n.tp Saturday afternoon. She aJao won the 100 meten In 12.02, and Onilhed leClOnd In tho 200 meters (24.66). Su.u.Ono Purmort won the 400-meter hur· dlel ln I :02.65, wbDe Aruuna.rle 1\1.rptn won the high jump at 5·7 and Cl Statford WU aecood tt s-sr.. SWford won the javelin throw with I tOM Of 127-8. Other leCOnd·pl&oe 6nlshel ror the Ant · eaten lodtidod tauttn Adams In the 400 mmn (57.80), Calby Picha lo lhe 800 me· lert (i!JS.88), ~ndy Chan In the 1,500 me· left (4:36.73). Gladys lwuaba of Long Beach State broke tewart In the Javelin throw (184-3). ber own meet record In the triple jump with The 49er men flnJabed with 194 points. a mark of 40-9~ and Amy Haapenm m>m UO and UC SMta 8am.ta ded for second UC Santa Barbara established a meet record with 147 _points eillch and Cal State Pullertoo In the hot put at 46--0~ U~BI Kade Appen· wu fourth with 146. rodt won the 1,500 metera lo 4:35.M and the Lof11 Beadl Stat .. • Cory Loebl won thNo 3,000 meters ln 9:51.12. events: lefdna• meet record In the hammer Long Beach State won lhe women:. cham-throw wtth • inlilk of 199·2, plUI fto.iahina pion.ship with 165 points. CAI State PuJlenoft 6nt in the shot put (S5·7 K) and the dilCus was second with 161~. ua wu third wtth throw (18.l.()). The 4~ Ryan Kroll won the 160 and UC Santa Barbara fou.rtb wtth 145 200 metm (21M), the .00 meun ('8.44), ~. plul andaOted the WlnnJng J .800-mcter ttJay The 49era' StephanJe Sari'lptOn won lht Chia ..corded a time 0'3:18.93. hammer throw with a matt Of 180-2 to bteak " om.-..ec records e1C1f>ltbed on the her own mttt rte:0rd [rum lat year, .net abe l1Miltl,.. Mft by Qal State Alla bi 'I Joe also QPtUrld lint tn the dilcUI ttuow at ThOmM In the triple Jump u a. a..ca.ed .. 151-0. recocd lrdin two ,.,. • Wlch • IDllt ot In th mm'• events; UC JrYtne picked up 49·10~ Md Lone a.ch SIMft..., SO· leCOnd-pla. ftnllh &om Xenny Vlnh lo rumura In the llCMnets hlati IUdlll with• 1he llO·~n hJ#l bunl (14.81), Scott Jar· time ort4,41. ~ m the~ meter hutda (54..SS), Slntoth AD rour tmms compete in the ~I ~ In the hJab jump (6-8), Aaron Nevada ClwnsJb ....... In Sail Diego April Corlfttt ln the pole vault (15--7) and Jon 11-12. f COLLEGE BASEBALL ·askowski Iams three · ates' freshman oes 5 for 5 with six Is in 19-2 rout. COLLEGE BASEBALL Horwitz lifts UCI to 7-6 win Anteaters win in the 11th; Horwitz 4 for 6, scores three times. SANl]. &JlSA.RA -UC Irvine center fielder Jo n t lorwit7 wen1 4 for 6. scored three times and set up the winning run in the 11th inning with a lead-off tnple as the Anteaters pulled out a 7-6 Big West C..onference baseball victory at UC Santa Barbara Sat- urday. Breit Dallon followed Hor- wilZ's three - bagger with a sacrifice SCOAEBOMD Oy to give the Ant eater~ a split of 1he first two of a three-game series. which Anteaters 7 wraps up UCSB 6 today at I p.m. After falling behind. 3 O. in the first inning. the Anteaters fought back with two unearned n.tn6 in the lhl.n:I inning and one more In the fourth. A bases-loaded dou- ble play brought in the first run and a wild pitch sent another Anteater home. Matt Fal.lc led off the fourth with a towering home run over the right field fence to tie It at 3-3. The Gauchos couldn't capitaJ- ize on their opportunities. twice having the go-ahead run at sec· and with nobody our. Pour times UCSB had the po~ tential tying or go-ahead runner thrown out at I.be plate. £1even runnera were stranded on base. indud.fug Josh McCanne ln the 11th. at the end of the game. Jimmy Alltot (2-4) picked up the win for ltvine after pftchtng ~ innings of relief. He ll.Dftll- dered Just two hits and allOwed only one W\eamed nm. Jared P.drosolan (();.2) WU Ctedhed with the lo.; P.droiolaia pltchid dlecttvdy. bUt made the ODO 111.lstab to Horwtti. Brett Smith went the flrlt m lnningi and hid • 6-4 leed be- for:e ,Ming lifted. He allowed eight hi~ fo\U euned nw, auud. out lix and w.bd four beloe St SdUOer Ind fhl 'DipoM i'nade brW ~ tn the MVmch lnnlaj. BJ, FAMXe Wll • .., prombwJnl. pnc 3 for~ ll:artne twice wMb an RBI. Chdl....., _ 2 iw& Oil+ ton ... lb3WllhtWG .... Thi ftl*t llft UCS1 • lt-:14. I · l tn die .... Wrlll. .... JW, ---12·••·1--· .,-. ... uaa will teart Junk>r .._ hander Matt VMqutl <2·Z A;» EJW. The Anteeten counts. wtch Paul Prench (G-2, 3.44). \ ot l>dllY I '11(>t S PORlS COLLEGE SOFTBALL HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Vanguard caught in a freezer Cal Baptist limits Lions to just three hits while s hutting Vanguard out twice. ( < >S I A MESA It Wa!> too cold nn Saturday for the Vanguard t l111wr\1ty ~ftbaU team. ut tem1<; of the windy weather and a t plai t· where the !Jon<> found lhi.::nM"lve'> on till' wrong entli. uf a one hitter and .i two-hitter. • ltiver<;ide ha~d ( .aJ Rap tbt re- lOrdt:d l 0 and 5 0 (,olden State 1\.thlt•til Lonforenrc v1ttone'> to 1111pruw tu 34 I 'i, fl fl an the < 1!'-f\t. whrlt• drupp111g the host!> '" .!.!. lh I. !of 10) ll.11 li;11 I Berm11dc1 h1111ted th<' l 11111., 10 1me tut m the opener, a lillh 1m1111g hunt "'"Wl' by l~..a l11t "''"fl I m11.,· .,tuner MarctC'a llaJI held 1h1· I 1111 er h.11 .. 111 l ht'ck over chc ltr ... 1 l11ur inrung ... rctarrng 12 of 1111• 111.,t I I hillll'r'> '>Ill' faced. KENHRf PT )W I 11111 ... tit· r.rn 111to trouble in tJ1e hlrh wh1·n had • 10 back '>lllgle<. hy 1\11gt'l,1 I unk and Manhcl De l ~.1drll1J \'-ii' follnw1·d by a wind- hlrn ... 11 t·rror to load tlw ba'>C'> I 1r.11rw PineJo lollm .. c<l with a d11uhl1• In riWH t 1•11fl'r to '>lore l\\11 run., lanrn: Beaty wa.., the nemesil. 1111 tlw mound in C.arne 2. !>lifling 1h1 I Jun-. th rough i.ix anningi. be- Ion· A.,hJev Mauro·., grounder to Newport Harbor's Nedim Pa1ev1c (50) of the South All-Star s tries to move around North M Star Dominique Rieks during Saturday's Orange County High School All-Star Basketball Game •·1 t11·r .111J Jack.,011\ .,hot down 1 lti-ll'ft field lint' hrokt• up lht' 110-h11 l>rd . < .it l\ap11.,t 1u rn1wJ on tht• l.,111guard p1tch111g !>taff fu r runt' 1111-. 1111 ludang '>IX douhlc-.. Pajevic sparkles 1 I ht• I 11111-. n•turn to C ,'v\C pla} 111 I 111·,d .1} wht.>11 tlwy travel tu 1 ht ~1.1c,1n-... < ollt>gt• for a • loublt'heJd1·r. ..1.1ninK at 1 . .10 JI Ill HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrabng the Dail'f P11ors Athlete of the Week series TODAY 25 D11v1d Cas1leton 0 1.ingo Coast Fuo1ball basltf'lbdll 23 Vence Hamado C· ,..,,.,Mesa foutl.Jall '96, 97 MONDAY 24 Vanessa Godbey NOWIJ(>r1 Harbor Tpnnis '96 ·97 TUESDAY 23 Jose Quintana £ ~1anc1a St•n "'· "96 '97 DONER Continued from B 1 Sailor goes out in style with All -Stars . Richard Dunn Daily Pilot C O~I/\ ML~ -Realt11ng the load. or burden . he might have to bear undem ealh for the <;out.Ji, Newport I !arbor I hgh's 6-foot 4 Nedirn Pajevtc t am e equipped Saturday night 111 the Orange < ounty All-Star boys ba.-.ketball game at Orange Coa.'>t College. Facing the heavily favored North, the Newport. I !arbor '>landout and -.ccond-team Afl. C .II· Southern Section DtVL'>IOn II M sell't.uon figured he'd en JOY .in cwn111g of rebu undin1t. \'1hirh he li\teJ 111 the p rogram "" hii; r.1vori1t• thing to do on the hardwood ffThat\ my favorite, rt' bounding.· l'ajt'vac 'o<lld. "I don't cart' 11111rh about '>coring I was trying to break the re bounding rernrd here." While the Nunh crni.,ed to an easy •IJ 80 \oil tory. winmng the game for the fourth straight year. an argument could be made for Pajevic earning tC'am PiJot, venturing rnto lhe auto racing field where he C'ventually owned nine race tracks 111 Cali fomia. Seattle and Portland and aJso spent three years in the lu"t of their glory era before the' 1980s as vice pre-;1dent of mar- national t'ra put tlwm on the keting for Caec;ar\ Palace m I.as had . pages. and subsequently Vegas. ri>(ht off lhe page'> at the metro-I re now owns a marketing pohtan dailies. consulting company -Wtlllam lllt• heat at the Daily Pilot was Doner and Associat~ -and al'lo 111to the Dodger... Angels, studies potential revenue I .<uwr-., USC. UL IA. and the stream!> for what an N H. team hm...-,. ~ wouJd bring to Southern Cahfor- ll1ost.> at the Pilot who still re-nla member Doner recall him as ·1 can' do anythJng a~ far as funny, flamboyant and with an deciding if a team will come or 1trelevant 'ityle. not, but I have worked for lhe nu ner pursued a career in (San Diego) Olargers. San fran ma r\:rtlng when he left the Daily d&co 49ers and (Minnesota) Vi· $9995 &UP • 4TIRES OfllfWllillon lllecttk..: 11117111t$ 11ano•ua 1N/10llt14 MVP hunor\ on tlw \outh. ..conng I.! pornt'>. llf<lhh1ng 11tr1t' rebound'> and .itldtng one bloc._ and one Meal. I P.11ev1L cam e up a tad :.hort 111 h.., q uest lllf.~ game's rebounding record '' LO. held by \anta Ana'!. llt'rman Rrown 111 1~79 and l.a Quanta'<; Johnny Hoger<> in 198 1.I Ml lhmk they had the• height and alhleucism,· Soulh Loach fodd Ducon of 8 Toro ~1d of the North. which featw ed Ma- ter Dea players I lctrril>on Schaen and Wesley Wa'>hing· ton, along wilh Villa Park's 6 -9 Sean PhaJer and Brea Ohnda's 6-7 f:.van Moore. "ho was voted game MVP after .,wring 28 pomt<>. "The only guy wt· had to match that is Ned1m. 111.'' got a great future tn front of hun 1f he plays hard f >,'llC'>'> II\ been good rnachang by ( oath (Larry} I hr'>~ (of N<"W]>Ort I lar bor)." Pajevic tt•amed with Im for· mer teammate and t fa.,.'irnate underneath fur the South All Star. ~ Capl'>trano ValJey-.. 6·8 George I edorovtM.'V. who played three years at NC'wpon I larbor on the · lower levels. kings." Doner said. "llte last two years I worked on ideas for turn- ing the suites at lhe Kentucky Derby into luxury boxe.,. • As with any profession. not alJ llUllXeting ideas are agreed upon, according to Doner. #Sometimes it's fun. some- times It is n't: ~d Doner of his job. "Everythlng's not aJways go- ing to be wonderful and what you present is not necessarily what lhe owners want to hear." Doner has live<l in Seattle and New Mexico and spent some time in Australia. ln l9fl2 he caught a 1.234-pound black marlin. the larges\ in the world that year. Los Angeles 11mes sports edJtor Bill Owyre asked Motorcraf,.. OH and Fiiter Change ·~ ~ll•ndnt ......... Se• Oealensh1p fOt prlC• & detatl on tire aiaa. Offer valid with coupon. ExplrH A/15/03 Up to ftw quatt.a or Mot0teraft'9 oil. Te.an and • disposal , ... utra. See Oealel"lh1p fOt d9t.ll Offervalkj with COUPOf1 &plret 4115/03 th<•n tra11.,ll:'rretl to Lapo \.ille) aftl'r 111., parent.. nwH·d tu ~uth C ounty. h •cJorovi...cv. who will hkl'l-r play .ti Irvine Vaill') College· 1 n ext '-t><N>tl, It'd lhl' \outh with I 3 potntc,. while .idthng four of fen'>IVl' rebound' ,md thret' blod.ed shots !all rn unt· '>eric'>) and a i,teal. Pa1evic m ad e the gam e\ fir'>! lhree pointer. h111111g a long range 1umper wilh I 'l 07 to play 111 the rll'St half. W'ing lhe South an 11·7 a nd forc111g the Nonh to caU timeout .. It can be tricky," Pajevic saJd, "bec.:ause lhey lo<1k at me and 11\ an ad\·antagt• if they don't thmk I'm gmn~ to .,hoot I had an opponunny .and 1ust thought I'd Lry it." Pawvic., who d idn't allt'mpt anorher 1hrce-po111tcr '>clnk 4 nf 6 from tht' field 111 the sec- o nd haJf. mostly on ll'ft-han d er., runne,., 111 the l.ey l'J Joro'c; Palm k < ,arnt•y JJ1d Non.hwood'c; I >re\\. lt·rrv at...o <;Cored I l pomt-. t•at h for lhe <>oulh, whlle Sunn~ I 1111.. fon) Gorv.al(.>'1 ( 15 poml'>I and lro} \ Kevt.n DaJafu 112! \IH'rt' tht' onl) other North player., 111 '><.<>re 1n double figure$ be'>tdl'' Moore I :loner, who L'> s111gk w nt'illt• a -;pread about hJi; travel<, down under. One of his fon de'>I nwmoneo; was covering tht• Angt•I., and Dodgers for lhe Pilot 111 the '60s and he said much ha., changed in lhe newspaper bu.,1m_•.,., 'iince then. ·Now, ff you aren't dehmg into drug issues or soml'th111g rnntro- verslal. it· makes 11 1h.i1 much tougher.· Doner said "Thing.s that I remember are the Dodgers 5oweeping the Yanltl'<'\ in the Wor1d ~ries. ewnt., that were positive . Doner has two sons. Jeffrey and Brian, aJong with a grand daughter, i:ess. TENNIS Adop!ion Guild ups the ante Longtime Ne wport Ht·ac h te nnis ';ta ple hoping to draw more player~. fan~ in '0'1. ·o ucul tht-bldl'';l and la'l(cM t hanty • duuble' tennis tournament'.> in the rnumry hc1.'> JU'>t r~d the bar clllOI her notc h with pn1.t· money. I he venerahlt· Hoy J 11wn' b .ind 1JH'r tlt\-9'1tJll dlld Olt'fl .... drtd wonwn\ Opt'n "lllWt"> .\II 11pt·11 d1vi-.11111., .t." wt'll d.., tht• men -. 1r,.,, all' -...u1t lll./rwd II) the t Jnm·d \tdtf'., I 1·11111\ A ... M lt i.tlHHf I mer~n Adop11011 ( .uald renru ... lournament. long lhe pmJc of Newpon Bt.>ach RICHARD DUNN I ..1-.. yt•M '> t'\t'llf whu h drt•\o\. 11\1·1 11t1 pl,1\ 1·rl. 1111 l11d111g 'l"\1 I ll pltl'>, llf•J\ltkcJ 1 lul\ I .111111\ '-tt.·r \Ill ,.., wtrlr , lw• "'' 111t.1J111v 1c·11ni-., announced recC'ntly th.it 11 ha.o. ancreawd tlw pw'>t' fur thl'> year\ 4lnd .mnual t'\t•nr. whtlh ,.., plawd 1hroughou1 duh'> in lhc area Nt•wpon Ueac.h le1111L., Club I'> the tournament ht'adquarlt·r-; fh1'> year's prw: rnonc) 111 S.!7.000 i'> mon· than douhk ••' l,1~1 year\ 1.ikrng'> ·we a.o.ked tlw ltuurndm1 11 1 hodrd and lht'}' rt">pondctl lo'. tllt tt rommitmen1 to 111trc.L't' 1lu pn1t· monev. · Adoptwn < .11rld Prt· .. 11kn1 ~u-.an fkall '><1111 I he llll red.'>t" 111 pn11· mont·~ ,., 1 1 111\.t"•,tment 111 thl' fu1un· \\1· lwlu:"e Uldt with a !Jr~l·r .,1.i~t wt• will add tu our e>l1.,1ing pool of 1op·quaJ1ry pliiyt•rc, I he Ad op1111n (,u1ld will ht· played \1a) l 1 l 6. \la\ 11 .iml Junl' I . with thr '>e m1fi nah ;1111J fim1J.. '>latetl for the l\l'wport Bt•ach Tenni-. CJ11b during tlw '>t.'Cond wet•kt•nd o f the tournament "This year •'> tht• 42nd \l'dl ol our tournament ,ind our bo,utl felt 11 wa.'> u11pnnant to rn"'t' tht .,take .. :· said< hn.,llnl' C.,hl\eh, who h re'>po11'>1hh: Im 'l'llll ,or donation'> fhe .\dop11011 < .u1ld \o\llJ pl.1\ h<>'>I to appmx1m.ut'ly "iOO doubles team 11.()()() plawr-.1 111 all dtvl'>1on~ fo r 111e11 anti women. from no\'i1e to open l'.1n1cipani... cr1111t· lrom all '" 1•r the Soulhlantl fhe dr\11~1011" .11t• nlt'n". women'<> and ml't·d \ , 4 11 1 , 5.0. S.S. 6 0 and open . .Jo111-1 "111 1 \IO·l IKl<I 11111'1 fw11J, 1o".t•r1 1wd 111 llt'lp l.ll111l11· ... 1d11pl li11th 111'\\.hftrfl., ,lfltl 11Jtlf-t I htlrJ1t•f1 Ill < lrang• t 1111111\ pro 1 l• t OUll'>l'lll1., 1111 Ul1\\t•J prq!ll.1111 lt't'ri-. .• 111d 1111 r 11•111por.1n '"''''' I ,!fl' )fir II 1 111'.,t Uof fl' lfl,111\ I hhlllll Jrt f),. l lt"t'tllf''f I I 1h1 lllT0\0 ~1111 )'l'< tJ l plJ\..,.t.11 ,11111 11r rrw r.al 111.pJ111111·111., I di h \ l11ld ' lftl \ .. t'r\P' I' •I lllllJlll' l'At1111plt· of tlH \ll,1l 111J1 I • li,11JI\ t 11\" Ill '•'\111)! ft\• .111d l,'1\lft~· ,111 111\.11111tiI>1h\ •• lfl\lftg '"111 1• \\1llt ol loll ) 1'1 ;111111 l 1f 111p q11,1lr1\ pl.r~··" \\t II •Ill' t 1111 fl"...,I' J,111 111l 1•r1• I ,lfld .1111•11tl.1111 t· I ltl' 11e1 11·,11l1 ~111 Ill' flltlfl• rt•\1•rllll''> \1111 h \\Ill 11111111.111·1\ lt1•lp lh .11 h11•\t •1111 ult1111J t•· ~0.11 "Im ti , 1 I J1r1·1 tlw1.1110 11 lnr our 1 h.tril\ I 1111\ J ,11u1I\ '-tt.·nt1 I',, \111\1 h ,,utl h If llllinl.ll I U-111 llllOrtr ldlh ti I I dtl 1'-H'l h, I .!.i;H "' \l'>ll I.ht \\d1 ,111· tit ,, ,, , , • (IL" I/ l(lt lfll,'l lllLL11 '" llw 1'.ilt...,ult•., lt'r1111' <J ul• tt•l 1·r1th ht1'>tt'tl .11 ,illlull. 11111rt1Jlllt'J1I \\.llh tlw IJ• 111 1k 1:<1ra lt>d w11h t11nlt·t11 .,tn·dnwr-. ,11111 h.tllo1111' 111d .:rn plavt>r' l c1111111·1111g ··I tu 111a11 lw-. .,1,1rt1·tl .11 II,, 111 1111 '-1t urd.1\ 1\1.ir• h .!.':.I' .md d1t111 1 1•11d un11t l.111 "u nda\ ..,;111j l'dh'><ldl"> U 11h m\rwr .._1·11 "t11.irt. '' ho,t· d 11l 1 '' ~··drin.: up 1111 tw.,11111.: th1 '\1·" p11n lki..11 h Hrt.·J\..t'r' lff 1111\ on thl' ~111 l.J kani l1•rlf1h t 1rt:ui t COLLEGE WOMEN'S TENNIS Anteaters victorious, 4-3 Al\'TEATFB 11 ~Nl-, \lAJHIJ.\1 A win al "'o 4 '>tn¢e<; h) w11 1or Amy 1 ra11c.k1110 m her l.i-.t home match hfted lH In rnt· pru.t Cal Poly c.,.m l..w'> Ob"~)ll. 4 J . tn women\ tenms a111un ~turday. lranckmo defeated t...mten ( .mdy 6-I, 7 fi for th~ wmnmg tl'am point "" tlw An teatt:f' 1m proved to. I l H ovt•r.ill and 4 I 111 Big We:.t Lonft'rrme dual\ The \\.in a.ho Will Lal l'oh 111 th fil">t confen•m e lo'' ol llH' '>ca-.on as the Mu.,tang.. droppt·tl to I 5 -6 overall a nd 6-1 m ltlnlt 1 cnce matche'>. After Cal Pol} datmf•d lh• du uhlt'' p11rn 1 \\Ith \.\.111' .tr :\11, L .ind .t d11u1>1 .... 1h1 \nlt'oelt'r<> n.'ll'l\.t'd .. 111~1t· ... \\111' lrn111 111 l.inv CJ1.1ng di ;'l.u I. \nna Hf'11t1t'r JI \Jo i Kn\1111.1 B•,...s .11 "io 5 and I rJJH ~nu tknuer 1mpro\ed 111 IH :l in '>llll(lt'' 1h1~ ... eason v.1th ht>r fi. I b o \tt tur, m.er Ull'bt·v I homp~on at No I lJCI 1 lo.,t'' out th rt·gular 't'a'>On -.t h1·dule \\1th road mall hl'" J I l .ii Statt• ~orthndge I hur ... da\ and Ul Rt\lt'r,1\Je \pnl lb ht•lore comp1•ttr1g m 1 he H1g Wt· .. 1 < o nfe rt•nt 1· c ll.un - p1o no;h1p., al l>anvtlle .\pril ~.i-,-~. "The Art of Making Pizza11 WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5 -9PM ~D0.- 1001 E OlAS1 HGM'AY 949.175.4100 ----------1 $3DFF FREE I I LARGE PIZZA SMALL SALAD • BUY AN'V l\.llEOILJM PIZZA & I I GE"T A SMAU. 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I 330 West Bay Street Coi.ta M"esa;CA 'J2627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay ~l. . ) Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday I lours Index Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Fnday Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMINTS .. ESTAn & MISC. 1010-1110 ..... •---•--"'-'~-s .___,_ 1402-1466 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANOAL Collecllbles/ Memonbllla 1160 TC))> $$ 4 u coaos ETC mz. 0..:. 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Accounting NOT1Cf TO Rr AOERS Caltfor nra l11w re quues that tonhac lors lakona: 1oh~ lhal total S500 or more (labor °' mall'f•als) bf' lrcenwd by lhe Contratlors Stale l Kl'nse Board Slate l.llw al'IO 1equ1re~ thal runll-dor~ include lh~11 llcel>M! numbef un all •dver tr-.•ni You can ch~k the status of your lltensed cnnlrector al www cslb ca 1ov or 800 321 CStB Uni• Len,ed con tr actors llk1na: lobs lhat tolal less than S500 musl stale 1n their adverl1semenls that they •re nol licensed by thP Conlractots Stai. lic.enw Board • f All'TI9MG INTl.oltS KJtc.hfJn I Billtl I Remodel A TO Z HANDYMAN Install. reface cabmeh ~dOcn/Wnci>M ~Dote 71~7Zl8 • wo•Unlh • Custom Built Ins Crown Moldmes. Ba~ Boards l#5779S2 949 709 !>642 Carpet Replrtsala ..,C.U,fT""t(AaJ'lT..; Repaors. Patch1111. lnslall Courteous any size ;obs Wholeulel 949 492 ll20S Concml&Masmry •rtdi llodl st-Tllo Cotlcre1•. Pabo. Driveway Fir~lc. 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Public UhhllH Comm1Hton requires that ell uud household 1oods movers pront lheir P U C Cal T number, lrmos end ch1uHeurs print their 1 C P number in all •d•e< t!M!mtnta If you hne any questions about the le111tty of • mover , limo or ch1uff01tt cell ,ueuc UtlUTtH co-rsslON 100 111-e1•1 ..... ......_.20201 OrtWd OCIANflONT St.6+& 5.5&. 5534 sf, 110· O<fAN VllW SI 2S Mot Stoller 949-251 $6'9, 900 9444 www'*-tyora AGT. St49-72S-e120 -UDO ISU HOMES 24 USTINOS OltlAT HtCIS AGT.949-271-JOS2 -----~ ----------------- TODAY'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS PalrC!g Cli-.'1 ,_...... lJYr.. eicp Cruf P11ce1 Guar1nteed w0<k free ost l •375602 714 538-1534 1 390-2945 Jeyseft'S , ........ Top Quahty CompatiLve Inter IOI /la I l 1648228 Call Jay 949 650 S066 IAINIOW caCJ..( ~ P11n1tn1-w/••l. ~ Qu11tty jObl Free eallmllte L•S69897 714 636 8888 Plasllring & Stllcco •S~.lA ......... Reslucco. R_,, A.dclfOOn. 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Gr41al private room & bath. very ll4tan Caras•. w/d, n/peh/ smka. female pref d pt.aw. $700mo-+ 'hulls Ht446-406S AESIOENl1Al RENT .AJ..S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Newpwt ley Tewen 'lblks from ferry to Balboa Isl. IBr. IB.1. sec. rlnl bay vte'ff, sm dlnrm. undr11nd I*" SllQ)n 9of.Mi15..6196 9&642 .ar,g ... 2..s. '-ti ho.Ml oc:.ri view. IOOft ll'om sand, 3 btodls to --2c pt ~ 15-0d I S32mrn, 9&86l-1910 I 16 Conn dlt ... E Sttie, 2bt lba. lutdl. 1•r. laundry( •nel yatd Must S.. 69 Walnut $1100/mo 714 662-3111 71 4 540 l666 F.W.&., 2lw lt. .. vanl), bi6cony. l*IO No -. ... & wMll' .,., $1 llSrno ~373S f's14. 2h c.-. ... , 1•r. yard, w/d hlujj>s. water & huh paid $1300/mo Aal 714 997 3993 f' ............ , ... w/d i.~ qujrt a4dHE, p:oll di It. pq ~smk $1350/mo 949 ~48 5163 r ar 2°1 ... T--., carport • & 1 tora1e, comm pool. 2554 Elden S l 490/mo 949 673 1250 Jlr. 21. T...i... 2 , .. , &••. ne'ff carpetfpaonl. butlt Nl,, SI 700wno pet ok lton Proi> 714 378 1469 21r s1,..i. Stwy "'"'" Easl"de, 1el11e. w/d hhups. 1•r. Sl950/mo Aet 714 997 3993 ....... ....,.. ........ 2-9' rR. Fp, tTctwd tn, nu lut. pr w~ & a .ii rm S2..J5Q-no 9&m.84ri0 ..... ...._~ln J& 2.58.t den lR. ., ill1lle GOUIW ~ .-C llA>, 2c p S29l) ct 949 28l-02(I; ...., ....._._xart ~· l \Ode ~ Er 'l 5Ba, SFR. r p IJ.. cOl.Wllers. 2c a•aee. boldlyard S2750rn AvaA 41'6 949-~3726 Huntington Bndl ~ Jlw 35ba SFR, mod lutdl, hctwd ~ ~ dedl. laJlld ......., 2 c g;ir w ·'Sb:w um 9'9673 7ID> , ... 4111 no.. ,.....__, w .ell •menolre\ luaury lovm1 SI ~. mo Aat c.n 114-99 7-399, Udolsle U4ea.yfrom Jlr lie $3200... yrly 62'-212-7133 626-291-6262 ....... S..... wtfull ,.,e krtchen & !>.th. pvt enll Newpoc1 Btacfl •nd badi ~bo. So of Pch $900/mo 9-6-533 5315 t• w/* ._ Slelm .. utls ..... net/ ..... ~ yrd. ~ h.-n. Mm i.ese. 9&3J7-0JO; lAltGI tea llA, v~rr Ira -rtcMn, view of path S 1600/mo •at Maulyn Wtllr.tms 949 721 !1()49 2ar 2h, So of Hwy I bl' from Ocean BIYd new t wpet/paint Be SMiie> Sl900rn act 714 812 5668 ... ~~--... 2 ~8'.2 Mlba 2cp. lmd, ¥fd th. La Piilo. ~ .. S2llnn aµ.. s.c 1-4 714-962 7'.H> ~'-'fT......._ w/pool 38• 2 581 w/panor am1c sunseh v..-.n Pvt QUtd kK ~m Jill 714-8125668 O,.-S-1-4 217 He..,.,.,.. Roomy J8r 2c pr. 1*.<1 le pr P9d 3 dedlS & more (n/peb) Avail May 15 S4«l()n Cal Re•lton 721).g(XM "' 760-346-7940 IAYF•ONl ON LIDO PENINSULA Nrw 21r 21. COTlAGlS Pro•alt Buch. Pool •nd Spa W•tk to Ocean Shops 1nd Rot1u11nh Luu 6/mo 1 yo~ 8011 Shp Available 110 UDO rA.ir; D•. 949 673 &OJO or 949 723 5830 * UillY * LEASES Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS 9'9·615-61'1 Newpert H•l1t.t1 Ii quoet \ludoo tutc~nelte sh•r ed l•undr y ~1t SI 100 949 673 7800 w•,. leedo & .._, De •""*' 1 & Dr. l OYdy c.. Cod ·~ conwn Remo0!'4ed w · al -<IPllk. uwpet c"'amoc hie, cl w "•· inWe w/d •Ill• SI09'5m • 29< Sl295 714 6J3.7S92 ••ntDOl CONDO Wr. 28a, 2 c;ar, new c;wpeV palnV.ltch appb, Ind w/d. frt1. open I f> Sun. Sl700 (II Bott.oy off BllOn) Cal tor ent ~4427 W Hts 2br Iba Shi cute lute nu paint sm p1ho/ yd I c 1•1. laund II-up art Sl800 949 673 7800 MP c. .. 1 lwnhom patlO, 2 llOlou new paonl. tole, and carpet, 2 c car •at Sl800 949 67l 7800 Newly remod 2br 2ba condo, 2 c a••, 1Mllo, wd. no peVsmlt Avail 5 I S l9501~e 949 759 1344 Quaint......,_, •a. ....... -... newly remodell'd, white pOet locd yd Wot r p. pool ollCC8SS & pr w/d S21!nno ~ Get-4 C ,,,. air 2loo wiele \tor 1 ix.-. 2 car att pr N'C. no !"!ls $22!>0/mo 949 760 1219 '"Va. ........ La 2.9t 2.Ba, din rm bait lfliOsl. 2c Pf1I&. ocunw. watl lo bdi S2D)n 900 !'JJB-'l.147 rr11tln• rert H-• 3br 2ba. lam room. pvt pool/ spa, 11u den er tncl. lenf' S2850rn 714 513 ;>9()() Bl<r ......,..,.....,l111Er 2.58a w/relrul " ptM GonYrt. w1pool ~ pvt 'fl/fd Ulnmo ..:i. Pad. T tnOle 949-ai6 91{1.i WEST<llff fAMll'r HOME 48r )Ba l•rllf' \tn11~ slury $JOOO/mo •ii 714 112-5661 Up.atle,......_.,. :er .. deo. Ea lw l~ .. 1+ CM gdl, p;JbO, UJlel ltClf ~IOOlmo (949)646 8473 ,....., .. ,... ...... ~ll baclly•d w/r« cul di' "". QIJlet ~hood. "'" ,_ S320>/mo• !II'< Avlll Now 9C9 'J56 81'2 ,.,.._ c-.. nlty-8eacon 8.oy 38t 38.o. office IMll' y111d le pr S3D>, m ~ Oo~ 949 640-3674 leyfr-t ohittM•. upper un•t on h1r bor w boat dock 1 bllls to b~h 3br 2ba Ip, wd. I& vu de< k 1_c11•r oou & ud lltl s:fin/mo 949 510ai01 Newport Coast e2la aA (OMIO 'l '"' 118" "~ wd. •\fall !lf.W ~ i:.orrm s:r..mw 949 ;;,>46. 7fm Ill ~ 500 2123 ,., 3' 'h 11>"¥ Ir .. ptlld 'Trov•P· 1--.me S2.500rn V.:ant I <.ff) 9"). D>2S26. 008841 llO ............ al mtn ocn. trly ~. buu b h condo !> yn ,_ ual mo 'el ~ 1010 • Rentals..... - WAM'ID I m 2& lcJt, COIU&e m CXJndo. ""' or OnbJI SI Nlwpar1 8-:1\ .,..,~or...., le.-Hewe _. ... ,_,_., ** ,.... ---~6 W'S s ...... c... .... & ..... s.A.s .. __ (J/T..P/l) ~ HB Sbon& ret.N, CU5lom« -w:• & ~ V.tls, copy pnnl eaper a plus r ... ·~ 714-96().863) Or applt •I 412 Olrve Ave CUlllCAl N'ed full ltmt per ~on to a\slst with va11ous dultt~ Must be able to input al least SOwpm •ccur ately on 1 omputer possen ~·· ona customer ~ervtte ~tlls, and bf' dPptndable $9 Pl'r hour [ acellent ben pfot packa11e EOC Stnd resume to Judy Ottttnc. c.'o Oaoty Pilot 330 Wttl Bay Strt~I Costa Meu l.A 92627 or email to ,,,,,~ G.-al °"'"9 AMbMd !>m LdS<Jal office '1 Woist If Vl<Je 2!>-:ll/tn wk E xp I "'QUtO fd Cal 94'). 25().41 J6 or Ida,_.,,., 96~49 leech 011-r...a PIT ~hml~ ~ .....i " lnJw lune ll'!Wl"J. Skw 9496CUD> n 1 oo woauu NIBIB>, .....,.. allh illld ~ ....... Mlillr1ll JllOV To ~he· ~ 24 IT1 11)1~ Call Classified Today (949) 642-5678 ---~----- WIS ASSOCIATI flsalllile An UCt~nl Ind Chai tens1n1 full time saln oppo1tunily •~ natlable wHh Cottur a a hlCfl and 11ftwart/t1bt.lop r etaol er W1 are M!elunc a sell mutovated l1n1 cro111. ahar p thinker woth Ille •blllly to mult1taslo and wort. in • le•m tnvlronm1nt Proven relilil ules abiltfy required E acellent salary cornmen1urate with upeuence. hens fth, and tOl(K) Fd your r •sum• t..o (323)662 4149 or e matl )!m@coth111 com JOIN OUR ITAM .nd mail• a d1flerence In the C1hforma Almy Nat10nal Guard you can 1et money IOf coHeae .and car-lffonrn& Call I 800 GO GUARO (CAl..•SCAN) Aabnobiles m Volkswagen 99 Passat W&I'. 23'( Mo (4flPI 11) Whte w/Tao lthr S 16.&25 (949)645 2519 ee AYdl '99 A4 0'"'"1'o 'l 8 vt; '191< ac lual mo auto sp••-ltnr 1101111 l'Y llhr mnrf CO look~ & sm~ll\ ntw V456721 SI 7 995 lone neon& •vatl Bkr 949-S&6-1 l&a --~··­c..-.. s-e. "90 dllsslc stytrc. luly ~ "4>te< cbn. Burellfldy ., color s.lD> 714 ,., 1-0974 <erv•tt• ·oo va Wh1te1 ta11, auto h•ndeltna pk11. 121t mtles $32,500 obo Newport •93 949-644-0064 909 240 0030 cell D•dr '97 Intrepid Spor 3 S V6. 47~ mt. white crar int 11araaed. n •s ltht nrw S6495 fon.ancont & warr av,.tl B~r 949 !186 1888 -.~I.e.- DOOGI NEON '2000 SOI<• mt. 1009\ 11< ¥rarr 5 S9 blue erey '"'""°' •m Im ed. i-, orpl uni S54!!i m ava11 Blit VM5792 M9-SM-1aaa WWW: ,,_ -, D YES, SELL MY CAR Name Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Daily Piiot and the Huntington Beach Independent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit card # or mail with a check today! Run for a weekl If ~ur car does not sell, we'll run it for another week FREEi All for just $20·. • DAMX &p_f)g ,,....om,,...,,a:.. ... .... Modll---- 8~~ a ... ,.._ a._-.. ft.I.. -a ........ a,..._~----- 1,,..,..,. §........... 8 .... 0.- ...... ll'c -·• ~-,.,_. MoMM-.. ............ '* °"' n D CRim a...t a-......-8~.._.ao..... aa....fta .... .. ,,_......, _,..,_. ....... ..... ...... OllrNDttaOW. ~a.o..t...._ CA-r .......... ........,. ....... .,, ....... L----------.--- II "'' 1 ' l uru INDEPENDENT POR9CHE '00tt1 CAB Low mies, custom wheels, 6-speed, ~fmt. 1652259 162.900 lll8Z 16 SI.JOO COtM. Bose, co. lealhef, loaded, good loomgll 1113266 $28,900 LAHDAOYEA "IT DISCOVERY 4X4 Loaded. low mies. 4x4 fun at a great price. #549423 $13,900 BMW '911 M3 CONYT. C0.5'-speed,leettll!t, lo /Ms, el. bit mt. #t.4-42~ $32.900 M9Z 16 5320 SON co. lealhEw, rmon, clean. pnoed to sel fast #241401 $18,900 M8Z '98 Ml.320 AUTO CD, lthr, Bose, moon. 4x4. realy a bai'gaWlllll White, tan. #016225 $18,900 MBZ '90 DIE SON Auto, Sl.fll'OOf, leather. pnced to sell last!! #270075 $7,995 TIL.0'5 RUROPIEAN AUTOHAUB 0-llO c.r.. In -- 1-800598-9754 w.a.a1t:e1 www. blocars com ... '00 Gnind a-.. .. 6cyl. 'l wd 36k •ctual mt ~rlv~r /(lrl'y ont •tiny,, l•llulou\ hkr new unmar~ed cc.nd 4 yur -. .va v'1'5ml Sl'l9'.l> Inn ~ 9•9 S86 1888 ...... , ....... ... Lexvt '99 •XJOO 56 51< mo alnt tflnd ~1lve1 arey leather 1nte11nr $27 .500 949 633 S4J4 Uncoln '02 Novlgotef JOI. m1, full .... I WM• • s.lv~r '•nd1 Ian Ith• CO stacker thromr whl\ Ul18 H•I v67?">18 $28.495 fon & w.trr av6ol Bkr 949 586 1888 ~ . ..,....1 .. -_ Merced.. '99 1320 31k mo whole rr•Y tth• mn!I c hmm I' whl\ beaut h~• nrw cnnd. vS77'l41 $15 99'J ltn rt.A 8llt '}49 58& 111811 a ~AU'fO WWfyOSS...'97 r..i wt11t1 wtltl M1C1c1t lttw-ful pwr. low '""' 11111.-oof (t192l4} Sl6.980 IMWU...._ C-..'94 Red w!Blm* lthr • .. t Rc'ds Cd l'1lyw (f llT10) SI0.980 .. wuoe~-.. s.tver w/Bladl tttw. t•e 6 speed! Sport PKMp-55f( rtlllftl (119'/31) $19.98> aMW JUl ...... '00 Mid Blue w/Ct ey l tilt aut.o.p<11m~ (119240) $26.980 IMW JUl~'OO Whrte w/61ack ltlw cd pia)'ef -4211 nllR:s' (fl~) SZ2,980 IMWn.515.....r .. 4 Red w/perfttt 81.u. lthr-only 6 IK mrtes• (tl9291 > SI 2 980 IMWMS ~"OO Blxk on tmm-. 81.td. hhr park b onoc' I()( miles f act .,.,,, (U9297C) $59,'8> '-dM ......... GT C...-'00 Silve< w/Bla< k lltM . low mtles1 Auto. full Pw. (IJ8tinl) $14980 ........S2000C-. '2001 Stiver w I"'" Rl"d ltht 6 """"' 18< IT1'IH Vf[(tl 1fI907ll J $24 980 -.-s-Tr..-~·oo lmlll<IC. Wtwt~ w l•" tlhr 36K m116' V6 (ll~J ~.9!Kl ,.,,.._ XU <-. '99 Brrtl'..11 Rd< 1n11 Green wlldn tt1v ooly m nwles t CO ''"' kl:'f' ( • 19220) SJ9 'Ill) .... ....__._ 230Sl 'M Tlw\ " a re.ti ~...._, Red w l•n Lut.Nt • e.,111 r <'f6" (1 186&3) S21 980 •-...i..a-sus AMG '03 Rutv fOf' ommedt•te delrvet y• F utl fact warr (MI 9:D9C) IN()UtRl ' 2001 & 2002 ro«s<HI ruao (OW( Hurry lor ~ perlect low m• k>C.tl on!' own l'f Turbo-..' lt.t~ °' buy 949-574-7777 ~AUTO ;I.,._.. <'WI Srll y<>ur ('or in Cla.n ifird ' a a 0 Sunday, Aenl 6, 2003 11 Bridge Ntlthn "ul~ Nonh de&!> NOJmi 4AK 6 " A54J2 ~T •Q1l • J 1117J .., 9175 J97 ., ~Ol!TH FAST •• s QJl Q6 •A Jl.J64l • Q42 AKIU K 108 • 10 8 5' The ll1<ld1111. ..,mrrn EA..'T t .... 2 .... JNT "- 'ludy the dollgr.1.111 a.bo"c and ,It., 1Jc: Wou kl you rather pt..~ ur dtf t'nd three no 1rump aft.c:r I.hr k::Jd o( lhc .1-c._ of ~paLb'' Wc an: not crutmorw uf Nunh\ IWO·tbamond rebid oo 'tU<.h "',tubb)' 'loll and balanced hand We would 9004 BOATS NEW ml MN COOP£R 'BRG' leathf! & Premitim Pl\G lEA5£ FOR im PER MONTH..-TA.I' I Al These Terms On w oved Crecit • OlllR AT SIMI.NI SA we;• • • l 7tt $2980 due .. 1 Soko11na 48 month < ln,ed Md lt .. ,t nc. \MUttly d•P<>"t IOK moles p•r rur £a "' moles {<i) 20c 1>•• mole <TC422i91 • LITSMOTOO ITS~ •••••••• S5fR£IWAY@ EOOnJI SANTA ANA AUTO IWl (888) 823-9808 M•rcedH '99 SJ20 l WB S71o. mo l yr .,.,, POW1f Bolts 91515 •Ull .1fvPr blli lh• beaul otoc tund •fll':d41 'OJ Dvffy 21 l•h Mw S25 99'> lin~n.. '"II ••d Pr~moer l>WT l>l<C. stere()/ Bl<r '.M!I !1116 llAOI CO navy tot:> w '1 ll>M1' www.eqoelH.c-I '''II w bar · lull talltoy/ -..... SZJ f:J:J) 9'1',M&.9i!l]) .• , .......... c-Ut 4 • yl. r~b<J~t h an~. •Int I BOAT REPAIRS/ wnd, or..i .,....,,.,..., $1 '/95, SER~ "bo cuh 94!1 M7 lt&B 'I~ T~ C....-.. .. 1 '& "" wfll m..llilllMd °'" -"'"liJ1.01"Wllr4/Jl.e/ 11re-. sum. 919 °" ffll9 TOYOTA n•cn '90 El '°" ....... t....tltl-. 1..-1.-.. saoo 949-644 1149 AUTOMOBl.ES, MISCa.l.ANEOUS Wanled 90C5 '-ly o,...-1 0.... °""' 40 .,._, ~.pl ... ~ a -v fw I>'""' 1,,. you I.iii v... ti truck p.tod ... or no1 Ci1 DO Rrv (a> T orNtt> Ault> 5.llle!. 1 ~ 4.J1 l'lll .. 714-llB JZlS CASH FOii CMts WI NEID YOutl U. PAID FOii Oii NOT rHIUWS AUTO ASlt FO• MALCOLM 9'9·574 1111 BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 93 n SUP AVA&.AaU !It NEWPOllT llA<H $2SOOUASE 949-723-1069 *'-Slip-Great Loe• loon• 13' l,11 !>Um leniith unhm1ted. tn Bay 1\1.lind Co•e • 949 •22 7771 NUD4S'SUP '""·~·..di r I'> bum) w w•tl!f & power 714 8&5 2999 SELL your stuff through classified! TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE ACROSS 1 City near Poml)e11 7 Hutts and pufls 12 Ra! lolle 17 Roofed 2t China anci Japan 22 Greel\ marke!Plaoe 23 Wise Attten1an 24 Feel sure of 25 Supervtse 26 Cause Of an astroneu1 s weighllessness (2Wds ) 28A gender 29 Middle Eutem garb 30 ~tltute rulers 32T~ Of eiec 33Bet 35 Morse code signals 37 C heertul tones 38 Legal claim 39 Tal'1 40 F1lshlon •a:essory 42 Capo •nd Jolson 43 Telles home a trophy 44 Pear shaped fruits 48 C1.11e d•ughter 50 Ltmo Plssenoers 51 Pa. parties 52 Colledlon 53 P\4>py's ay 58 NY houri 57 Earns as profit 58 ·ean you r 59 From the top 60 Depleted (2 wds ) 62 Fetehes 63 Reluse IO obey 64 Kelps 65 S\Jek In the mU<I 86 Pit& ~ndWtctl 67 Harvest machne 68 Protect 69 Consumer gds 10 H1.11ter s weer 11 rinystu~ 72llghtw•d 73DM1re 74 May hOl'IOl'eea 75 Hotel staners 76 Nevada town 77 Wee• <Sa 60NATO member 82 FOiiows the reape 83 SIJk angrdy 84 Pllocd110, Olten 85 Without profit (2 wds ) 87 Egg yellows 88 ltallan wtnf' 89 Deal With (2 wos) 90 water-ski locates 91 sae..on""" neeo 92 Cl'le!\wri's plaid 93 Sheet rNllieNll 94 Galli!! tne penk s tp 95 Frat party wear 96 Let up 97 Legal mt1ttef 98 -and don ts 99 Encountentd 100 Patronage 101 Nimale hor$8 1cr.2 Brawl 104 Homer's sallol 106 Poet -Sandbur9 107 'Mlter -El.tntttne 108 Eatty PerUVllns 1 12 Rian lilOYlat 113 Tampa a.y eleven , 14 Web SU1er"s need 116Sll'all1<>b 117 Panhenon goddeSs 120 Juan s home 121 Relents (2 wds ) 123 Upsilon follower t 24 ReddlS'h-brown horse 1 :?5 Bett1n0.1M-soenes auU'lor 128 Gl.k\J 130 Tedlnlail SCtl 13 t Overdo a rote 132 Actress -VerdUQO 133 Dale 134 Moves qudly 135 Wealhercaster Al - 136 TWangy. es 11 VOIOl!I 1 JT Atta• buaneae. DOWN 1 wanderers 2 8edou n s langu11ge 3Nesta Item 4 Grassy field 5 8ndge bl« 6 Type of gu1lar 7 Antelope B SpleS 9 Vanebe's tONFL pla~s 11 Giiie In Ule mlddfe 12 Heavy rainfalls 13 Sng1ng Chipmunk 14Flag oown t 5 Addams Fam Jy COU5lrl 16 Mertt B.10ge e.a rner (2 wds ) 1 7 Fleet of warships 18 SplneleSS 19 Pans1an pronoun 20 Reoolofed 27 Bteakdowns 31 Kllg-size 34Spesms 36 -Larb 38 Cosmebc i.r091 39 Be ot benefll 4 1 Juig contemporary ~ Repal'8e opens 44 Baing tool 45 "No respec!" Rodney - 46"Paper Moon• actress 47 Cut tmlber 49SbM sense 50Tirndown 51 Slanders kll'I 53Tasty 5" Boef dogr8"1on 55Fussy 57 Rome s fiddler 58Holows 59 Ta i --(ta1t1ty) 61~Sandra 82 Workout locales 83fn~ &4 CtWl NJll10lr (2 was) 66 Strong as meal 67-~rs 68 Ca CU\alOf key 70 Foal 11 Writer Ffanz - 72 Post-It message 74 M, ID Bnae1n 75 Extracts lllfOOTllltiori 76 Smallest pup 78 Ma1tl 18fm 79Presses 8 1 -ltle N ne (Obeyed) 82 Ice cream treats 83 Put away 1n IOlders 84 " -M ISe!ables" 85 , 836 battle site 86 Put a stran on 87 Berra and Bear 88 Strong-14wed tool 89 l:\aw-llsh delle!lcy 91 Trend 92 Malden of •Panon 93 Aclress -Tlty 96Young~ 96 Heedp'!OneS ~ 97TUfihbuS 100 COid --Ode 101 Harsh-'tOIOl!ld bird 102 Pan of FBI 103 O)tnalme's kll"I 105 Aromas 108 Cfazy Horse 1 toe 107 Stnng Of rmana t 09 Conqueror 110 Ort temt mn. 1 t i Goes arOUnd 113 SUtctl loosely 114 Sm.I amounts 1 t5 ~ys cnaraoes 117 Grand Canyon st 118 'Nn1eJ -Momson t 19 Bnetcese Cl(Jlle( 120 Roast 121 -1'1'1<ln11er 1Z2 Tree owelltng 1215 ~ employef 171 S'"1py s pal 129 Ortll sgt :;_ f BUYERS ~RE EVERYWHERE. f FORTUNATELY, SO IS COLDWELL BANKER. Here are a few areas where Coldwell Banker is the No . .1 re.al estate company: Dallas Malibu Park City Del Mar Menlo Park Pasadena Denver Miami Pebble Beach Encinitas Minneapolis Ponola Valley Fairfield County Montecito Puget Sound • fort Woith Monterey Perun.mla San frandsCo Boston Hawaii Naples San Manno . Buckhead Lapna Beach Ne'YP9rt Beach S.nta Bamara Longboat Key Newpon Coast Slllcon Valley JM Altos HtDs Orang~~ ~D.C. ,. Orlando Woodside lbs Gatoe From the exclusive enclaves of Montecito to the elite reaches of San Francisco, from Beverly Hills to the playgrounds of the international set ... when it . . . comes to connections, no one comes close to Coldwell Banker. Your Coldwell Ba~er agent is closely allied with a powerful network of the company's top brokers in areas all over California, across the nation, and around the world -real estate professionals likely to be working with buyers who are in the market for a property like yours. Why limit your marketing to Orange County? To showcase your incomparable property discreetly, powerfully, and internationally ... call Coldwell Banker. Orange County Locations Balboa Island 949.673.8700 Dana Point 94-9.661.9355 Fu lie non 714.879.3131 Irvine 949.552.2000 Laguna Beach North 949.494.0215 Laguna Beach South 949.499.1320 Laguna Niguel 9+9.2~.6611 Udo Isle 949.723.8800 Mission Viejo 949.837.5700 Newpon Beach 9+9.6++.9060 Coast Newpon 949.6++.1600 San Juan Capistrano 949.-M).1662 Tustin 714 .832.0020 Yorba Linda 714.777.2122 Newport Coast 9"f9.718.1700 Conduge Surica 800.500<f053 Mon.gage Services 888.8665350 CC1 l [J!JJC'l l ll h ~.; I< \ ' F ." , . I cbsocal.com