HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-10 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1. Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY,APRILl0,2003 .Lawsuit against coach dismissed . Daily Pilot and its reporter still involved in case brought by father of former Corona del Mar High baseball player. Deepa Bharath Dally Pilot Nf:WPORI Rf-.ACI-1 -A law'>uil filed by the father of a former Corona del Mar High pitcher again'>! the school''> haseball coach, al leging that lhe coach made false and deroga- tory statements about his son in an interview publbhed by the Datly Pilot, was dismissed Wednesday by a superior court judge. DON lEACH I DAILY PILOT Artist Edward Turner is trying to get back on his feet with the help of local store River's Edge since he lost his trailer park home. The lawsuit alleges the pitcher wa~ sub- jected to public humiliation and ridicule in t11e December 200 I story and al~o accuses the Oatly Pilot and one of lhe paper's sports re· porters. Richard Dunn. of libel, saying that they published coach Jolin Emme's comments about 6·foot·3 right hander J.D. Martinez knowing that they wcr .. false and libelous. A very hard sell See COACH, Paee A4 0 N T H E Lolita Harper Daily.Pilot H is paintings depict luxurious structure& with stJlling architectural slopes adorned with precious gold. But he lives out of a late-model yeUow sedan. 80-year-old artist has fallen on hard times, but the quick solution, selling his work at a Costa Mesa shop, isn't so easy go over and look.. .. Turner, wearing a red snowflake sweater over a bright floral shirt, a fisherman's cap. jeans and sandals, stood back. to admire the mural. "f painted that from January of 1961 to April, .. he said. "And lhen I created the grid work to hold it up. Run your hands His scrapbook contains dozens of invitations to prestigious art panel discussions. grace as he tries to sell his masterpieces just to put food on the table. His 18-piece rectangular composite mural of the "City of Venice, .. and various other works. are on display al River·~ Edge at 1661 Superior Ave. in Costa Mesa, pan of an attempt to gamer an income for the starving artist. f.dwards has agreed to let Turner showcase his pieces at the rustic furniture shop and displayed the lighted "City of Venice" masterpiece across the back wall of the shop. under there. Feel that? That 1s where it is screwed into the blocks ... HOMEFRONT Scholarship named for Garibay But today, polished patrons avoid the scruffy man as he wanders through a popular furnirure store. Once an acclaimed artist, 80-year-old E. Dewey Turner must now confront his fall from River's Edge co-owner Ken "See how good it looks with the light on it," Turner said while taldng his filtered cigar out of his mouth and exhaling. "It took. me four months to paint that. It comes apart physically. Go on, The massive oil painting shows many separate views of Venice in smaU rectangular paintings, which come together like a tour of the historic city that See SELL, Paee A4 Family of Costa Mesa Marine kill ed in battle asks that donations be made to a Hispanic education fund. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot It's the stuff that new short films are made of COSTA MESA -It was a familiar scene in front of the Garibay home on Wednesday afternoon. Media vans filled the qwet West- Newport Beach Film Festi1•al 2003 For Film Fest schedule and evtmts, SH Page A , 2 Mary Burton, public beach protector, dies at 99 June CHaarand• Dally Pilot OORONI. DEL MAR -When peo· ple would ask Mary Burton what she thought about &arge crowds of peo- ple enjoying the beach right out.side her frOnt door, Burton would say: ·1 like it. Rich people ahoukb\'t haw aD tho~" • lrideed, anyune who's gkld to hatie public beeches ln Corona del Mar ls indebted to Bunon. Who dled last monlh at • 99. te.vtng beblnd a 1MunoN,P11&9M l 'U ntitled: 003 -Embryo,' now at the Newport Beach Film FestivaJ , creates a new product from other movies' dream sequences. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bf.ACH -like all film. makers talcing part in the Newport Beach Film Festival, local director Mike Goedecke wants to attract at· tention to his short film. Unlike other filmmakers, however, Goedecke has embarked on this en- deavor by allowing other creative forces to create the final product. Goedecke's short film, ·untitled: Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON11EWEB: www.~com WEATHER .. It'll be the Int perlec:tty dear dey for eevet8I days. S..P ... A2. CENTERLINE The tight ,.n PtOfect Nnt Into another~ S..~A3 ACADEMIC STARS .-.rd .... fl'otn Ntwp0'1 acftoola ate t.lt\INd S.PllpA5 003 -Embryo," foUows various characters through a series of dreams and scenes that were each created by other filmmakers, anima- tors and studios. "This film involves various artists creating a fi1rrJ and not really know- ing how it would all come together," Goedecke said. •We had a narrative and then incorporated all these dream sequences and so the movie has a very unique feeling because of that. It is very magical as a result.· Goedecke. who grew up in Hun· tington Beach. and Kane Roberts, who co-wrote the screenplay with him, forged the outline for the story and then contacted varioul> studios to contribute dream scenarios for the assorted characters. Goedecke said the film received very positive feedback during its showings earlier in the week that re· affirmed his belief that the coUabora- tive process was one worth pursuing. "This festival has been great and really a lot of fun," Goedecke said. ·PeopJe really seem to be into it" Kane said the final product far ex· See ALMS, Pase M side cul-de-sac. A shrine to faUen U.S. Marine Jose Gari- . bay adorned the front porch. And members of the Garibay family graciously hosted doz· ens of strangers who shoved cameras m their faces and asked numerous questions. Garibay's mother, Simona Garibay. held her strong com· Jose Garibay posure despite her over- whelming grief and said she understood the public's interest in her son's sto~ She quietly thanked the community for its qutpouring of affection and made available a large cooler of sodas for the crowd of jour- THE BELL CURVE View campaign reform separate from its players I n the \ate afternoon or March 11, during a 6tUdy session ln the chambers of the City Council, campaign morm ln Newport Ocacb was ushered offstage not wfth a bing but a wb_imper. Attfi four inOOtha o( e&n*land ewn-?wldord effort to JOSEPH btini ,ebout si&nlfk:an• N. BELL· re!ormt. COUndlrnan John He&roan ... alone. u he hll IO often on thla dall. Only the ~ol~ wtaomhe; ........ ~ ...... ..., ......... ... • A2 llanday, ~ 10, 2003 POLITICS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE . . '"· • Ja~j,:.(W .• . •. -. ~ .... ~._~.')-. .. ~\,.--~~-;, ... ·~ . . ···, :,.. . ~ · ... .-...... ~. -= ..... ~ :· .... ,.,. ... • •. • .• · , ..... ,. ~-.. ,, ,,,,6._,, ". "::' ., PHOTO CCUTESY Of KATE \tHTMNi Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge meets with Rep. Chris Cox during a Wednesday briefing on national security issues. Don't drop it in the mail Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Rep. Ouia Cox huddled with Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge on Wednesday to discuss national security issues in his oversight role as chairman of the newly formed Homeland Security Committee. 1be noontime meeting in Cox's Washington office la!>ted about one hour. Also this week. Cox offered <,ome handy tips for Newport-Mesa residents who want to express their support for U.S. troops in Iraq. Cox discouraged locals from flooding the Pentagon with cards, letters and packages for American soldiers. ·instead, I'm advising that we take full advantage of advanced technology and direct Internet mail delivery to get our message across," Cox said. Cox offered five ways to show support for the troops. mcluding donating to Operation USO Care Package (www.usocares.org). giving long-distance calling cards so soldiers can call their families (www.operationuplink.org). sending an online greeling (www.opemtiondearabby.net), purchasing gift certificates for military dependents (www.commis'illries.com) or using other Web resources (www.u.sa/T(>('domcnrps goll). ROHRABACHER JOINS CRmCtSM OF PROFESSOR'S COMMENTS Rep. Dana Rohnbacber joined 103 of h.is Ho4se colleagues on Friday in calling for the unmediate firing of a Columbia Univer;icy professor Nicholas De Genova. who cnllci7ed U.S. forces in Iraq. Costa Mesa's congressman signed h.i s name to a Friday letter the lawmakers sent to Columbia's president, Lee BoWnger. Rohrabacher called De Genova's comments •cra:I}' enough. maliclou'i enough" to trigger the strongly worded letter and call for the professor's 1ob. •eotumbia Univerc;ity is a private Daily university, so it was a suggestion, not a mandate," Rohrabacher said. "'We're not advocating that he be thrown in prison for saying what he said ... It's just a kook spouting off." De Genova, an assistant professor of anthropology at the university. ripped on U.S. forces at an antiwar rally, calling for an American defeat in Iraq. De Genova called for ·a million Mogadisbus.· a reference to the 1993 ambush that resulted in the deaths of 18 American servicemen. "The only true heroes are those who find ways that help defeat the U.S. military,• De Genova is reported to have said. His remarks first appeared in Newsday. On Friday, Rep. J.D. Hayworth CR-Ariz.) wrote a letter to Bollinger. in it, Hayworth called De Genova's comments •racist, hateful, seditious words." Rohrabacher signed his name to the letter, which called for the professo(s immedJate firing. Newport Beach's representative, Olris Cox. did not sign the letter. University officials have said the remarks "properly invite anger and c;harp rebuke,· but that De Genova should not be censored. NEVER TOO EARLY TO GO 'NEGATIVE' A.<>Semblyman John Campbell. a candidate for Newport-Mesa's state Senate c;eat, Ored off a political volley at opponent Assemblyman Ken Maddox on Tuesday. In a memo from his campaign office. Campbell cited Maddox's support for a • worker compensation bill and asked. ~When is Ken Maddox going to top catering to the public employee unionsr Maddox lent his support to Assembly Bill 136, which would expand benefits for police and firefighters injured on the job. The bill was proposed by Assembtywoman <lu1stine Kehoe CD-San Diego) and passed the Assembty's insurance committee on April 3. Maddox was one of only rwo Republicans to support the bill. When contacted Wednesday, Maddox said he was surprised by the critique. "I was a little surprised that he is beginning to go so negative so earty," Maddox said. Campbell cited a Sacramento Bee editorial condemning the vote, as well as the biU. The newspaper called the bill ·one of the most irresponsible" of those introduced this year. ENDORSEMENTS KNOW NO CAMPAIGN SEASON More endorsement news keeps coming out of the 70th Assembly race. It's the latest in the ever-ftowing pipeline of news from that race, which is still nearly a year away. CrtstJ Crlsticb, an Anaheim businesswoman who lives in Corona del Mar, unveiled a partial list of business leaders who have supported her campaign. Some or the luminaries include WUUam [fon. the chairman of Newport Beach homebuilder William Lyon Homes; PauJ Folino, the chairman of Costa Mesa technology company Emulex Corp.; Dwight Decbr, chairman and chief execuuve of Newport Beach semiconductor maker C.Onex.ant Systems; and Ted Smith, the founder of Costa Mesa l>Oftwa.re producer FiJeNet. · Chuck DeVore. a Republican Party stalwart and Irvine resJdent, also joined in the endorsement game. He announced he had pinned down the support of Assemblyman Ray Rayna CR-Temecula). Other candidates In the race include Don w.gner, an Irvine businessman, and Marianne llppl. a Newport Beach businesswoman and former Cicy C.Ouncil canrudate. On Tuesday, Crisdch announced she had been named to head the Orange County Davis Recall Comm.Jttee. Calling Gray o.vts ·the worst governor 1n California's history,• Cristich said she joined the effort out of outrage over how Davis has •overspent and mismanaged 1 our state Into fiscal ruin and lled about It.• ConlWllon Box 1660, eo.ta Mesa. CA 92626. Copyright No news stories, lllustntlone. edftoriel INtt8f or ed\lertiMmentl herein can be r'epfOdueed without written pennlulon of copyright ownef. N9W9 nslstant. (9491 67'""298 cor1/.wilson•l«ima.com PH010GRAPtERS s.., Hiller. Don lelctl, Kent Tl'9ptow VOL. 97, NO. 100 READERS HOTUNE (949) 642-8088 . HOW10 REACH us ' --. N9w9 f.dhora Gine Alexander. Lori Anderson, Deniel Hunt, Paul S.itowitz, 0.m.t Stewne NEWSITAff Crime~~. (949)67~ t»ep.e.bhM'lth•llltlmacom JuM'i:r'lde NftlpOlt f9C)Oftef, (!Mii 674-4232 Jurt&~•l«ln*.com ... CIMDn P'oUttetand~~. ltiw> 7"M330 peut.dmton•~com Lolbi ..... Columni.t cultu,. repo..,.,, (IMl)PM.211 lol1flf.1YtJ»!•l«ihW.oom ~ .... , ..... Com M.-rwpol1W, , ... , 57U.221 dtlnh.,,....,,.,,•1«1,,,.._ com Clw1 t ,~ EdUarl.lon ,...,, , ... ,,, ....... ~•IMtm#.oom -----..----.. Record your commenta ebout the Deity Piiot or ,_.. tips ~ Our 9ddren II 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mela, CA 92827. 01'ice hou,.. .,.. Mon&ry • Friday. 8'.30 a.m. -15 p.m Cofrecdof • It bl the Pllo('a policy to pn>Mptty comict 111 ltn'Of'I af 1Ut.t.nce. PtMM cell (IMI) 7&M32._ • m The Newpoft~ ...... o.t"ty '11ot (USftS.1'4400) le pubhahed deity. In~ 8Mdt and COIQ MIM. IUbeor ........ evlllable only by .u~ to the Tll'MI OrlnQt County (IOC» 262..0141.lna,...~of ~ 8Nd'I and eo.t.a MM.a, ~to \he 0.llyNot .,.. Mllllbae ontv by ftnt et..""'' fot ao.,.. month. (Prbl lndude .at ~--and local .) POSTMASTER: Send~ cNna9a to Thit N9wpoft ~Mele Deity '!lot. PO. Clreuldon The Tlmet Of1nge County (800) 262-9141 ,........., Q I Ced (949) 6'2·6878 °""9'1 (M9)6'2~l ........ ..... (IMll M2·6880 .... (IMl) 174-4223 ........ (141)~170 ........... , llC).0170 ~~,.,,,,,_com ..... a... ........ om.. tNtl 142-4321 a 1• Ill .. (M) 131-7121 Publi9Md by Titnell Community Nlwt, 1 dMelon of the Loi Angta. TI ma ()2002 Tl,,... CH. Aft rigtltl .....wd. I POLmcs ASIDE Putting a . rumor to rest A!;'.:!.tng ln C.Osta Mesa urging one of Newpon-Mesa's favorite poUtfcal sons to run for gOW!fDOL om., up to the frootoftbe councO dwnber'S and applauding them for their seuon. &be had Davis-the only man ln the line - raise bis band IO everyone knew But before all you ftscaJ conservatives get too excited, C.Ounty neaswer · which one he was. S.J. CAHN Since Robinson's John Moomch says he does not plan to seek the state's hlgbest office. Tuking into account the recall effort under way against Gov. Gray om.. Moorladl -who famously pn!dicted the county's 1994 bankruptcy and i.s still one of the county's most popular oftk:ta1s, despite some backlash to bis baddng of Measure G In 2000 that would have put ~ of tobacco settlement dollars toward paying off the county's bankruptcy debt early-listed several reasons why he wouldn't go after the aeaL The ftrat is that the Republican Party In California will need to close ranks behind one candidate to replace a recalled Davis.. And, in his mind. that person could serve 10 years in office and end the term as a front-runner (or the White House. But that couldn't be Moorlach, who was born in the Netherlands. (What does that line or th.inking do toAmokl ~ chances7) Now, state treasurer'? Moorlach said he would be interested in that spot. So stay tuned. MAYOR FOR A FEW MONTHS Monday's Coma Mesa City C.Oundl meeting will be noted for the (initial) death of the Kohl's department store and for being the last of Karen Robtmon'I tenure. This paper has been tough on Robinson for turning an early eye to a Judicial seat, which seemingly kept her from being 100% focused on Qty Hall issues. Here's another reason to be tough on her: While we can guess the county's getting a fine judge, it seems painfully clear Costa Mesa is losing a bright young poliddan. While running Monday's meeting, Robinson was sharp, focused. well-spoken and compassionate. She even showed a good sense of humor while the city was honoring Vanguard University's women's basketball team. After bringing the team. along with bead coach lb.- a Democrat. perhaps she won't mind lhJs comparison too much: She was a bit Ointooeaque. Importantly. me managed to maintain her composure whfle speaker after speaker came before the council. aeveral or whom took obvious or not-so-obvious shotJ at her. Of coune. all of the qualities that wouJd have made her a ftne poUtidan will Ulcely aerve her ~n pn the bench. And, given her C.OSta Mesa residency, her long-term polidcaJ future was bleak. so getting onto the bench Is an understandable move. Still. good poUddans are few. And Robinson seemed to have what it takes. MAKING A POtNT A5 for Robinson's replacement. we will be finding out in a few days who wants the job now that the city is soliciting hopefuls. More names to add to the speculative lisl: Parb and Recreation Comm.is&oner Martt Harris. who was appointed by Robin.son in February, and former Parks and Recreation Commissioner BobLoYe. And there is a lot of talk or former Ptannlng Commissioner Walt IMYen.port. who served on the commission for almost • 23 years. Early on, the scunlebutt was that Davenport was not interested. He is now. though. Interestingly, though the council does not seem to be leaning (for now. anyway) toward appointing a ·caretaker" to the position (someone who wouldn't run in 2004). Davenport did say, ·1 would accept it under those conditions. I would.· He did stteM that he'd prefer that the position allow him to run again, though whether he would run •would depend on how the year and a half went.· lf the process geu too rancorous. ap~lndng someone to serve out only Robinson's term might suddenly be a happy opdon. • s.J. CAHN Is the m.neglng editor. He cen be l'MChed M (9'9) 574-03:) or by HNJI M s.j.cahn•1atm...oom. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It'll be Che ftnal beeutlfut day for • f9W dayt. But while It'll ~ sunny, the highs wot just top 70. Expect IOW9 In the lower 60L On Fridey, we'll ... • ,..,,, trend: more douds and cooler ~,.. . Thet hnd wiU teed to 1 chance of thow9n s.turdey night though Monday. lnlonMdof.: ~,,....,noM.QIOV BOATING FORECAST ' Tht 'h U'*1y wtnda will blow 10 to 15 lrnOCI In 1he lnMr -*"· whh 2·foot wwvw Ind a eouthwMt..et of 4 to 6 f..c. Foo~rollnletlt. Out fenher, Che no.itn .. lllsfty wffMil ~11 '*>w 10 to 20 ma. ...ty, buc ~ bUld '° 11 to 21 lilnoea. wtlh 2· to ~WW. end ..... IWllaflto7'-LFogwtlt ....,. ..... SURF The northwat will peak. so expect ~-to ~fgtw •long weet-feclng brNb. South-f.ang beec:hea, meanwhile, should atlU ... tome ~..f'righa. though theV'll get ev9r1 bd.et WllY9I . thla weekend. ' On Fttdey, both the ~end touitlW9St IWell• bedt down, though w.t-fedng beed-. arw the best bn. whh dlMt-to ~ ... ~ www..urlric:Mr.CHV TIDES lllM9 3:521.m. 12:10p.m. 7:A3p.m. 11:41p.m. ........ 4.20tMthlgh 0..231-tlaW a.so te.t high 2.11-.aow WATER TEMPERATURE -~ ' l I r Hope springs youthful Preschool at Harper Education Center. is designed to ensure all its students get a strong start. : • Christine Carrillo , Daily Pilot I I l I I I ' I ' ' ~ t I ~ ' COSTA MESA -Hope sparlc.ed the vision for a pro- gram that wouJd ensure pre· school-age students health, opportunities, preparation and education. In February. the Newpon- Mesa Unified School District transformed that vision into a reality at 1he Harper Educa- tion Center in Costa Mesa. ll>e visionary was Jane Gar- land, the communications and special project coordina- tor for the district. J lcr inspi rati on was her 8-year-nld granddaughter, Hope. IJ'iing her granddaughter\ good educauon as an exam pie of what all children '>hould experience, c,arland worked with a team to e'itab lash the 1 IOPE School Rca1.h ne~ Program for all begin- ning students. "Every child 1s going to henefit from having this ex pt•rience, • said I one I log gard, I larper director of early childhood education On Wednesday, J'> part of the national cel£'bra11on of tht.· Week of the Young C.hih.J. d1'otrict and sthcwl official., gathNed at the rt'-uwcnted I larper Preschool to experi encl' a bit of the educational innovation that has been in DON LEACH I OM.V Pl.OT Children from Harper Preschool walk and sing "The ltsy Brtsy Spider" in front of faculty and school board officials. the worlc.s for the past few year!>. "We have our Hope ln our five!> . . . and we understand that some children are born privileged, but they should all have the same beginning," Garland said. The district paid for the pre-.chool with money from a <;tale preschool brrant the dhtnct received in August. The ~chool , a fir'ot in Orange County. will serve about 240 mainstream and .,pccial education students. "It\ been amazing to see the interaction be1ween 1hem. • said Taylor Yurada, "We've reaJJy seen some of our special ed students come out more. It's their first time m school. so they're all Mriv- mg 10 learn.· Officials say that bringing the '>tudents together on one CJmpu!>, and in some cal.es m thl' same classroom, will pro- vide them with opportunitie<> to interact with one another and develop their social skills. "Our purpose. was to pro- vide a place where kids couJd go and develop those devel- opmental ~lls that they'IJ need to grow," Supt. Robert Barbot said. "Nothing is more critical than those skills they'IJ develop here.· That belief has been the driving force '>ince the begin- ning. "We've dreamt abou t this for so long," Trustee Serene Stokes said. "If this is really the only legacy we leave be- hind, I'll be happy." That happy feeling filled the air Wednesday and the hope for the .,chool's <>uccess was shared among nearly everyone there. "I knew it Wa!. abou1 httle kids,· Hope said. ·1 want them to have a good life and make a lot of money, ... and have kids, and the process will go on. and on.· State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon I! ,11tJ l ~t3 ;1 R:ti il'l1llJ ;ld;tJtll ! R;td I COMPLETE SMOG REPAIR TU•E UP Same Owner Since 1965. 38 Yean in Costa Mesa . , THI CARBURETOR IBOP l•C. 294 5 Randolph Ave (Bristol & Bak<'.r) 949.642.8286 . 714.556.218 1 •••Quality Service••• We Repair Gross Polluters • • "N' agbtly Entertainment""•• .. THREE . DAYS OF DOUBLE POINTS JOIN US APRIL 10, 11 , & 12 FOR AN INCIRCLE REWARos· SHOPPING EVENT. • 0 Plus, we're giving away 100,000 lnCircle Rewords points each month from April to December 2003. And a grand prize of one million points in December. With eoch purchase mode with your NM• charge cord at porticipoting NM stores, NeimonMorcus.com, or NM by Moil, you are automatically entered in the giveoway. O n your mark, get set, shopl N(WP()ll A01 949 7'9 "°° t~IMHCUI COM No i-:t-'*...,..,IO .-.,__,., wtlktl it .. • elldiil ... Wit ,..clJ 1'1. NM*"'• .,_~-.--o.4*11/~ or Ollf!IDd NM b, MDII w cillcW ,...._ ' Grand Jury foresees Center Line woes County body says undergrounding the 11.4-mile rail system through Costa Mesa could stop the project in its tracks. Deirdre Newman Dady Pilot OOSTA MESA -The unpasse over the city's desire to under- ground its portion of the Center· Line light rail system could kill the project if It is not resolved in a timely manner, according to a report released by the Orange County Grand Jury on Wednes- day. The Orahge Coun~ 'lranspor- tation ~thorify'11 project c:alls fur an 11.4-rnlle route to traverse the cities of Santa Ana Costa Mesa and lrvine with a construction cost of $1 .5 billion. The South Coast Plaza busi- ness community wants the Cen· terLine to run underground so the light rail S}'item doesn't inter- fere with existing developments, such as South Coast Pla7.a. Paul Freeman. spokesman for CJ. Segerstrom & Sons. dis- counted the grand 1ury's opinion. "The grand 1ury has no exper- tise in this realm.· Freeman said. "The idea that they would opine on a public transponation ~­ tern is a joke." The grand jury reviewed the Centerline plan, current and projected demographic data for Orange County and the light rail experience of nearby communi- ties with similar characteristics. It also Inspected and rode several modes of public mass transit in Orange, Los Angele-. and San Di- ego col.mlies. The jury found that Orange County has sufficient population density to suppon a hght rail sys - tem. The original CenlerUne proj- ect, once proposed to stretch 28 miles and lnciude other cities. was put on hold In March 2001 because it laded Mipport from some of the cities, the repon states. Santa Ana, Costa Me.a and lrvine revived the idea in September 200 I. The Federal Transit Admims tration, which U. likely to provide half of the construction funds for the system, mandates that each city' approve the route through its dry. The issue ls so controversial in lrvine that two ballot measures on the <;UbJe<:t will be brought to the voters in June. The repon said that because Costa M~ wants to see the light rail going into the vry below grade, ~st of the entire project will go up. Costa M~'s plan also creates an undesirable situation for the city of Santa Ana. whilh plans for the light rail in its city to be elevated on Bristol Street from Warner Avenue south. If tht" ~­ tern were to be undergrounded U1 Costa M~. the line must start descending long before 11 reachl"> Sunflower Avenue, the repon stat~. 1-reeman countered tha1 undergrounding the pro)t'<.t through a portion of Santa Ana will not adversely affect the city .. There are no undesirable ef- fects on Santa Ana of under· groundjng. • l·reeman said "Of course. 11 would have to start de· S{ending before 11 gets belCM ground -that's a maner of phy..,. 1c.s. But ti can be done m a rel;i tively mode<>t way and a relall\ely pleasing way, aestheticall). and there's only about 2.000 example'> of how to do 11 over the planet.· Freeman pointed out that Santa Ana already <;ignificantly 'The grand jury has no expertise in this realm. The idea that they would opine on a public transportation system is a joke. Paul Freeman C .J Segerstrom & Sons s~esmao increased the cost ot the proJt'Ct by passing on a multimillion dol tar Bri.,tol Street unprovement l'f fon to the coM ol <..enterlJJl& I It' also s~ the type of under· grounding the bu~ml"S.'> commu nity 1' calling for -t-ul and lO\.C'r due-.n't rcqUJrt' a.\ mut h undergmundmg as a twmel dlld I'> therefore not as expt>n~1w flu· repon ..aid tha1 ~ta Ana has '>ldlt-d 1tc, oppo'-itjon to c IJ'>la Me'wl\ reque..1 unle<.i. "the lwlow grade rail bt>glll!> at Warner dddmg yl·t more to tht· tun .. 1rut uon t U'>l " Yt'I Jim Ro-...,, ~ta An.a<, dtrt.'t tor of pubhc; y,ork!.. ~d tht' ell~ ha.'> not 1aken a pamrnlar po" lion 1111 undt'rground111g tn c .u\ti.1 M1.•-.ct '\\t• n· tonn:med IA.hat 1ho.1t would look hke, dlld '>O what C .ti\IJ Me'><1 had done W.t'> a.'>k for ;i ... 1udy:· nu ..... '>3.ld ... I don't think wt•'d nt•cc~ly indicate what our po'>!t1on is until we saw w talh what that would email At fiN blu,h. we h.id a 101 of que-. 111111' "i111t 1· the Lran!>pcinatwn Jlllhonl} 11.... not '>lt'pped ror - Wi.!rd 10 pa\ lur the S3 rmlhon 'tud\ ol undcrgroundtng Ill C..o.,tJ \k'>d. C II} Man.igt·r Allan Rcwdt•r h.t'> -wud ell) offin.11'> will a.,k 1he '>oulh Loa\l Ple:va hu.,1 nc•.,.. tommunt!\ 10 help fund the· .,tudy I The most highly anticipated gardening event on the West Coast ... • Featuring over 75 specialty garden vendors offenng every- thing from exotic plants to the latest garden accessories. • Competition gardens designed by leading landscape architects and designers. • Seminars and book signings by renowned garden experts. • For the kids -garden projects, exotic animals and backyard friends from the Santa Ana Zoo. FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY • ------~ ......... _ Parking and admission are free. SHOW HOURS April , 1, 2003 April , 2, 2003 April 13, 2003 10 a.m. -9 p.m. 1 O a.m. · 8 p.m. 1 1 a.m. -6 :30 p.m. VOLVO (IOO) 782..a.e .www.eoUhoc n •'*18 com M Tlu1day, ~ 10, 2003 GARIBAY Contillled from Al nallsts 6n her Jawu. The ram11y'1 generosity did not stop there. The p~ of the scheduled press conference was to in~te the general pubUc to anend any of three memorial ceremonies for Garibay and to announce the formation of a new Marine mothers support group for Spanish-speaking women and a scholarship foun- dation thac will help Hispanic youth ln Orange County. Jose Garibay jolned the Ma- rines when be was 18 years old, just after he graduated from Newport Harbor HiJh School. and was based ac Camp .Le- jeWle, N.C. He and six others from bis base were killed March 23 near Nasiriyah, Iraq. after encountering an ambush by enemy troops, officials re- ported. Jose Garibay is the first of two Orange Counry casu- alties reported in the war. Urbano Garibay. Jose Garl- bay's uncle. thanked the tre- mendous outpouring of sup- port from the community. He especiaJly wanted to thank the people of Costa Mesa. who con- tinued to bring by cards, flowers, dona1ions and other gilts. The communiry's gener- osity was a Godsend and helped the family get through this trying time, he said. -Somebody up there gives us the power to get through this," he said, pointing toward the sky. Jose Garibay's body was Oown in from Delaware on Tuesday evening. and services were immedfately scheduled. Memorial services and a rosary will be held Thursday evening, and the funeraJ is scheduled for Friday morning at St. Joachim Catholic Oiurch, he said. In heu of flowers, the family asked that donations be made to the Jose Angel Garibay Me- morial Scholarship Fund, es- tablished through the Orange County Hispanic Educational Endowment Fund. Two limousines and four buses will be on hand Friday to transport the family and mem- bers of the general public to the burial site in Riverside. The Orange County Transportation Authoriry donated four buses for the occasion, two of which will be reserved for close family and friends and the others to be open to the general public. The CURVE Continued from Al the City Council, to disclose the identity of person& who (a) are likely to benefit from the grant or conuact and Cb) who have performed professional services (for which they received [!J~ Dunn-Well 1820 ~Ave Com Mesa. CA 112877 ~·~ :::~~ Robert Dunn ...... ~ o,.v Tel: 9'9..&t&.9373 c..s-~ 1t4.641.M:M -•1110...W 1110. ,.. FYI Memorial aervlce for JoH Garibey la llt 4 to 6:30 p.m. today et S.ll 8roadway Morwary, 110 Broadway, Costa M_.. The rosary follows from 7 to 9 p.m. todey et St Joachim Cethollc Church et 1964 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. Funeral 181'Vieet will be held at 10 a.m. Friday at St. Joechlm'a, with bu1 transportation for the public to the burial at Riverside National Cemetery. Send donation• to: Garibay Memorial Fund; c/o HEEF, 4 Park Ptaza: Suite 120Q.; ln.-ine, CA 92614. Make checb payabte to: OCCF,IHEEF and In the memo of the check write, Garibay Fun~. limousines are for immediate faqilly. A short procession wiU travel through the streets of Costa Mesa, escorted by· .Costa Mesa Police, en route to Riverside Nationa,I Cemetery, Sgt. Tim Starn said. Although the route has not been "ironed out," Stam expected the caravan to travel south on Orange Avenue to 19th Street and to the Costa Mesa Freeway onramp off New- port Boulevard. Urbano Garibay urged the Hispanic community to join in any of the memorial activities, provided their employers allow it. He noted the various func- tions, in the evening and during the day, were scheduled to ac- commodate more well-wishers without crea1ing a conflict with work. •pJease join us when you can, but not at the expense of your work." Urbano Garibay said in Spanish. ·Maintain your work and your livelihood.· Simona Garibay -with the help of Families Costa Mesa, Share Ourselves, Hoag Hospital, the UCI Department of Social Work and -somebody up there· -will lend her support to other Marine mothers who do no1 speak English and therefore cannot taJc.e advantage of tradi- tional family support networks. "It helps me to talk about it, and it will help others to be able to speak. out with those who can understand them.· Simona Garibay said. •LOUT.A HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays end covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at folita.harper@fatimes.com compensation in excess of a monetary t,bresho1d) for the member Within a defined period or time (generally 12 months before or after a decision).· nus was one of seven new election regulations that the city attorney offered up as "areas that th.is office and special counsel have identified as most lll:ely to survive a legal challenge ~tDiet,, ~o ~o\ Your ~ If ow io ~ cJl~ ~Wht-Fot u\~ • No ....... '"' •Mo*'POrl"llfY •fat ................... • 0.-0.0.,.... CWt ......... • .._ .... A11M111lll1111111•1• • MMlcaftrTlllllN I A#fll9111 TlfE PROFE88lOrtAL W!JQH1' LOSS 8YSTPJI 949-725-0000 Ultra Lite T1l#J hnlth Tf1 WIS broll(lhf to ,'/(tlJ by. --- --------- COACH Continued from Al Judge Kim G. Dunning on Wednesday d1am1ssed the case against the Sea K1np coach. stadng that the lawsuit brought by tbe pitcher's father. Marc Martinez would have a ch.ilUng eft'ea on Emmc's freedom or speech. Ounn1ng ruled in favor of the coach. citing the legal precedent known as Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, or SIAPP. Ma.re Martinez must also reimburse Emme's anomey fees. The Daily Pilot and Dunn re- main in the lawsu.iL Susan Seag- er. attorney for the paper. said the Pilot Will aJso file a slmilar -rnotlon to strike" if Marc Marti- nez does not back out soon. "We hope Dr. Martinez and his son dismiss the case," she FILMS Continued from Al ceeded his expectations. "We were cruJy bJown away by the dedication and artistry of the cast, crew and graphics con· tributors, • Kane said. "When Mike and I dreamed of this movie, we never could have imagined that the heart and soul SELL Continued from Al was once a center of wor1d trade and commerce. Tu.mer is hoping the painting will signify economic prosperity for him. He is finally willing to part with it to make ends meet. The man admits he is better with a paintbrush than a pen and prefers canvas to a checkbook. His wildly creative impulses are not a good fit for the strictly regimented lifestyte required to live off of Social Security. ·We just want to help him get some income so he can get out of that car and into a home." Edwards said Edwards met Turner about a year ago when the elderly man wandered into the shop while waiting for his car's air conditioning to be fixed. He walked into the quaint shop and immediately started critiquing all and to address issues that have arisen during and after the recent municipal election." The coWlcil sent two back to his office to be put in legalese for a vote by the members, Burnham said. The other 6ve were either rejected outright or put on a baclcbumer allegedly to see how they wort in Los Angeles and Long Beach. where ciry officials are farther down the road in election reform. The two that will be voted on require (I) "candldates and their treasurers to undergo training" in election law before running for office. and (2) "the text of any publication or communication Wei. Neflher Marc Martine-z nor his artomey. John .fqefbolm. could be reached fur comment ~ Th case that WU dlsmialed Wednesday wu the. second lawsuJt Marc Martinn ftled again.st l!Jnme. The Ont ooe came ln July 2001, alleging Emme btlrt his aon'1 chaneet for college rec:rWunent after a disagreement over pitching counts. The sult said Emme made "derogatory and/or negative• statements to potential college coaches aboul Marc Ma.rti.nn. J.D. Martinez or both after a disagreement in late 2000 o r early 2001 about the number of pitches the staff' was belog re- quired to throw. That lawsuJt was thrown out of coun in September 2002. Dunn wrote a story about that first lawsuit that was· published of it would lie in the people who worked so hard qp It, motivated onJy by the push of the creative process.. Goedecke said it was hearten- ing to see people's reactions to the film and to hear them laugh· iog in the right places and per- haps gasping in others. The per- sonal interaction with the audience is the c:ulminaung ex· perience of filmmakiog. he said. "You make these films in a the art work. Turner told· Edwards he wouJd be ~t and sure enough. his frequent V\Sits sparked an unconventional friendship. ·1 thought he was just charming.. Edwards said. Although Turner blew cigar smoke around the store and commented loudly about the paintin~ and various lmldlcnac:Jcs. he found a confidant in Edwards and began to tell him stones of his decorated past. He told tales of fabulow. art exhibits and grandiose masterpieces. He taJked of wonderful parties and guest. lecture series. Edwards always listened and nodded. too poljte to question the validiry of the stories. When Turner began 10 cart in paintin~. Edwards reali1-ed the true talent of the boisterous man. The white-haired gentleman brought in a self·portrait painted by candlelight at midnight. The painting depicted a handsome sent 10 more than 200 people and intended to mOuence voters to be filed with the city derk concurrently with ~mination. ~ The regulations reqwnng disdosure of "campaign solicitations" and "persons performing professional services· were consigned to the backbumer. The way-backbumer, saJd Heffernan. who doesn't expect to see them again. In a newslener he sends regularly to his constituents. he said that he regarded this failure by the Ciry Council to address these critical dlsdosure problems ~my largest personal disappointmen1 during my time in office.· That's when Greenl.ight jumped in with both feet -and the fray regressed from lssue·oriented to old battles and personal attacks with little or no relevance to campaign reform. "The Art of Making Pizza" WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5 .9 PM TAkf ~ ~ r " • t •n fAlll o~ 'O MA~•·OP Of\ Dec. 31, 2001, wllh com· menu ftom the coach about J.O. Martinda pme statisde& Thal story was the basis for Mare Martinez's second laW5U.lt, wbicb said the coach gave Dunn false m~ra and that the re· porter knew they were false. Marc Martinel maintained that those statement.a hurt his $0n'a chances of gettin8 a IChol- anh.lp and gave him a tMad repu- tation. · Daily Pilot editor Tony Oodero declined to comment on the pedfics of the case because ii l.s ongoing. "We stand by our story and we stand by our reporter,· he said. Emme said the lawsub has hung over his head like a darlt doud and sometimes even driven him to consider not cdachJng. "It really affects you,· h e said. "You're here to help the kids, to try and teach them a game. vacuum. so I am just excited to get it shown to others,· he said. The festival awards ceremony will be held Friday. but Goedecke is not too concerned with that formaliry. While it would be wonderful to take home an honor, it is more important for him to make connections. show his mm, meet his audience and share hjs unparallel fil.mmaking concept with others. The Newpon Beach Film Fes· young man with dart brown hajr and serious brown eyes. "I looked at the painting and thought. 'Oh wow, he really is an artist.'" Edwards said. The trips increased in frequency, as dJd the proof of h.ts acclaim. Article after article in Turner's scrapbook documented h.ts variow. speaking engagements. gallery exhibitions and other accomplishments. One clipping spoke nothing of his canvases. instead focusing on Turner as a key member of the California Liberty Amendment Comm.inee. Reporter Wtllliun Graff, of Freedom magazine. wrote of Tumer in 1964, "for sheer guts and doggednes.s. he couldn't be equaJed.. Hi.s doggedness is stilJ unparalleJed Edwards finds it a constant struggle to get Turner to come to terms wiU1 his present, instead of reveling in the lore of the pasl Tu.mer wants to sell his paintin~ for millions and 'iCOIIs at Edwards' suggestions to lower II comes as no surpri..e that the leaders of Greenlight and the majoriry on the Newport Beadl City Council have no love for one another. But this disa.fiectlon should not be allowed to cloud an issue or considerable in1eres1 and importance to the resjde,nts of Newport Beach. When Phil Arst. who serves as the Greenlight spokesman. announced that the group would spearhead an effort to put campaign refonns addressing conmct or interest on the local ballot, the announcement 1ump·started a war or words that even Oushed OUI campaign consultant Dave Ellis. whose activities a.re at the core of this issue. lt also illustrated the maxim that the best way 10 defuse an issue is to focus interest somewhere else. Ellis managed this by coming up with documents "disclosing" that Arst served on the Airport \\brtdng Group committee thal hired Ellis as a consultant. This set off a chain reaction of personal charges and counter-clwges among Ellis. Arst and Mayor Steve Bromberg that had little or no relevance to the issue of campaign reform. In case you don't remember - or would rather not -all of this grew out or two issues In Wt November's election: Ellis' admission that he had been responsible for a .last-minute phone tape that used a delibeiate Ue to disaedit the opponent of Ill\ PJlis climt. and the appearance of contlict of ~terelt when severaJ council membc11 who employed Ellis voted a $3.7-mllllon grant to the Alrpon Woddng Group from which a lzable portion was paid to P.Ws for consulting wost. Th«* actMd prompted Hdfema.n tO research and p~ -with the city attomcsy Wbe'n you at.art to have cue.. about d.luppotntment. Lt'• f'ru.. uatlng.. It'• the t.idt that bring him back to the ft~Jd every time, Emn)e sa.id. "Each day I go co practice, 1 mow the kids are worth h; he said. The lawsuit h.u received oa· tional attentJon. with HBO's "Real Sports with Bryant Gum· ber picking up the 1tory. The crew from New York Clry made the trip aero the country last week to interview Emme and Marc Martinez. "The show it.sell is not f'OCUied on this story.· HOO spokesman Kevin Flaberty &aid. "lt'a just part or a segment that deals \\'ith lawsuJts in sports.• • "Real SpOrts" is a monthly sports magazine. The segment about the lawsuit is schedwed to be-broadcast on Tuesday. '1a herty said. tival has allowed him to de,all those thin~. and the Oraoge Counry local is grateful for that. he said. An award would be nice. though. "The key for us is just trying to showcase a new way of filmma.k- ing thal is not traditional. but still very entertaining.· he scud. "Hopefully, someone in Holly- wood will take notice of this new way and parlay it into something else." the prices.. Turner reminds Edwards he was a distinguished an.isl Tho5e paintin~ are his limbs. his soul, and they cannot be so easily di.smisbed. Edwards understands his pride. but pleads with the man to compromise before he loses too much. The artists health has been failing. He was recently hospitalized with pneumonia Si.nee being evicted from his trailer part. Tu.mer has had little luck finding a place he can afford. I le moved his pobSeSSions to his car and unpacks them on the lucky nights he can afford a motel. The lighthouse Oiurch recenlfy sponsored him a week at a local motel. Edwards said the mam goal le; to get Turner in a position to have a constant roof over tus head, food on the table and ~ needed medication. "We just don't wan1 to hear that he ls living in his car again.· Edwards said. -the seven proposed election regulations. He was careful from the beginrung to keep them ~ar of any political agenda; his~ was on protet.1ing future elections rather than exhuming past ones. One of those seven still in the running would have required Ellis to file his misleading phone message with the city dert. thus probably preventing it. The conflict or interest Issue. hOWl'Ver, went to the backbumer, which is what prompted Greenllght to take rt over. Heffernan. who was elected with Greenlight support, has chosen to distance himself from its effort to put election reform on a local ballot. He says it's oot just because he's tired and disenchanted. but also because bis worst fear or politicizing this issue has now come about He sees a vote on campaign reform under these circ:wnswlces turning into yet another affirmation or rejection of Greenlighl And he wanu no partofthaL Hes probabfy righL But direct ballot may be the only route left for residents who want significant election refonn to get it. And the Greenlight effort ~ right now the only game in town that might pruvkie a forum for the public officials who OPPQ&e the9e seemingly benign reguladon.s offered by the city,, attorney to debate their downside with proponents o(. reform -speaking always to 11\e issues. of coune. Then. resldenta can wte their \liews, hopefully not for or against ~t. but foJ OI ~ local election reform. • JOllPff N.111.1. la a '98ident of Santa AN Heighta. Hla cotumn 9PPtel'S Thur'ldeys. OBITUARY Clrole Behen Interior desfancr Ca.role FJ . chen dJi'd Man:L 31 at her New· port Beach botne.. Mn.. Behm. .t>o cUJbed the ·goddf!ll ol model hon-.• died of cancer. She was 70. A Southern Ca1iWmla M.dft. Mn. fJchen In 1966 founded Cuolo fJd\&n ln•edOri. • Sutta Ana deltgli 8nn. By the I lhe hid more lhan 100 em· '*"... She lbtroduCed I .. I· n • . , e 's e e • t :i j 1 t 1 y 1 :1 • I• Ttusday, ~ 10, 2003 A5 :·~'.Newport's Academic All-Stars ., .. T bey volunteer m hos. pit.als. At learning centen.. Through lheir , churches. , • .. They run track. They play water polo. They race boats. This year's top st"'dents from Corona del Mar and Newpon Harbor High schools don't excel in just one area. They are total packages, as adept in a chemistry lab ab lhey are on a bask.etbaU court. And. amazingly, they are just l 7 or 18 years old. One day they will Lake all they have learned so far and mold from it lives that will dazzle us again. , , And they study hard, very hard .. ' ' I ,., . I·. I r .. ' , .... PATRICK AHEARN I I • Activtties: . . Sports.business ( . 1 , club; Hoag 1 Hospital Jr. 'Atixiliary; Acolyte at St Michael's Honors: Governor's •: scholarfor SAT ,. ~91 Toshiba .• Cbmmunity • Sldlolarship; National Merit Commended Scholar; AP 1. ·scholar with diS1inction .. ' t•,.• I ' .,. '• .. · JENNIFER HANLEY Activities: Orchesis Dance Team; Kids' Space Museum v61unteer, ,.1ake·A·Wish foundation volunteer •'Honors: Outstanding achievement in algebra, U.S. history and geometry on Golden State exams. Academic letter. Valedictorian Scholar R. BEAU STOCKSTILL Activitie9: ' Varsity water polo, captain; varsity baseball, school newspaper; Someone Cares Soup Kitchen volunteer; Share Our Selves volunteer Honors: National Merit ntnalist; AP Scholar; National Youth • Water Polo Team; Academic letter. 1 • Governor's Scholars Award; Gold Seal bearer ... BRITTANY BARTO Activities: Jewish Club; Habitat and H"umanity Club. co-founder; Children's Home Society; Confraternity of Christian Doctrine alsistant Honora: Honor , flloll, Golden State honors ·' NATALIE CITRO Activities:Da Vinci Academy; . c:;F; Student · Political Action Committee; Student board member for ~-Mesa Unified School District !JI~ National Merit ·Gommended Sdlolar: Rotary Youth Leadership Award; English Student of the Year nominee; Social Studies Student of the Quarter • .. ALLISON RAWLINS Today. they can pause for their well-earned pnuse. ~ CORONA DEL MAR HIGH SCHOOL FAISAL AHMAD Activities: Junior varsity tennis; Mode Trial; Jazz Band; Chess Club, Math Club; Hoag Hospital volunteer Honors: National Ment Commended !cholar;AP scholar with distinction; Golden State Seal Merit Diploma letter; Governor's Scholar Award; CSF BRAD KROOPF Activities: Youth in Government board member; ModcTnal, Trade; ASB: Westside Pro1ect memberand tutor Honors: Academic letter; Gold Seal bearer. AP Scholar CLAYTON STONE Activities: Youth Against Hunger, co-president. Film Club, president, varsity volleyball. HomeA1d's Pro1ect Playhouse volunteer, Someone Cares Soup Kitchen volunteer Honors: Academic letter; CSF, Golden State Exams high honors in chemistry, AP Scholar DANIELLE CARLSON Activtties: Varsity water polo, including first team all-league three times; varsity swim team; volunteer, Lincoln Elementary play Honors: Governor's Scholarship Award; Academic letter; honor roll; Golden State Exam with high honors in literature and U.S. history BLAKE LYON Activities: Youth Against Hunger Club, co-president, varsity crew; Westside Pro1ect Honors: AP Scholar with honor; CSF; Golden State Exam high honors in writing and U S history LAURA WONG Activities: Spanish Club, president, Music Club, secretary, JV tennis, Club Fish; Music Students' Serviai league. treasurer Honors: National Merit Finalist; Golden State Exam high honors in geometry. U.S. hiS1ory and biology; AP Scholar, Governor's Scholarship KIMBERLY CHOW Activities: JV tennis; ~ey Club, president; volunteer at Newport Beach library Honors: Governor's Scholarship Award; Academic letter; National Ment semi finalist; CSF; AP Scholar Award MATIHEW NEWCOMB Activities: Varsity cross-country and trade; Youth Against Hunger, Human Options. volunteer; St Joseph Ballet. volunteer Honors: Academic letter, CSF, Gold Seal bearer nominee, Golden State Exam high honors tn chemistry, AP Scholar JENNIFER WOO Activities: Varsity golf, co-captain; French Club, president; Shalimar Leaming Center volunteer Honors: Rensselaer Medal for math and science; AP Scholar wrth honor; CIF scholar athlete; Governor's Scholar. Golden State Exam high honors in U S history, chemistry and geometry NEWPORT HARBOR HIGH SCHOOL MARY BATHEN Activities: Student body senior class president, Doctors of Tomorrow. Senior Meals Services volunteer Honors: Student of the Year nominee for English, Student of the Semester for math and government; Regents Scholar for UC Santa Barbara ESTHER LOFGREN Activities: Student Political Action Committee; International Ambassadors ctubs; Planned Parenthood volunteer Honore: National Merit Sdlolarshlp; National Honor Society; CSF NICK SACCO Actlvttt.: Sdlool w.t>maater; Alm C1Ub; Sha,.. Ours.tv. volunteer, Environmental N.tur9 C.ntef wluntMr . HGMn:Honot Aol;Aotary LMdlrlttlp nomV.tion; GOiden State Exam with high honon In biology; Boys Stn nomln.tlon GRAHAM BRANT-ZAWADSKI Activttl.s: Varsity crew, team captain; Mode Trial; Film Club; Beach and Bact Bay cleanup Honors: Student of the Quarter for science; DaVinci Engltsh Student of the Semester KILLARNEY LOUFEK ActMties: Sailing team, co-captain; Varsity letter In sailing Honors: National Honor Society;CSF Seal Bearer; Governor's Scholar; Honor Roll STEPHEN SHARMA KELLIE BROWNELL Activities: School newspaper. editor-in-chief . On Campus Used Boollstore, founder and president Honors: Nationaf Merit Scholar Commendation; English student of the year finalist; Academic Honor Roll; Academic letter; CSF HEATliER MCKIBBIN Ac1tvttiM: Key Oub; March of Dimes volunteer; Youth leadership Council for Orange County Honors: National Hon<>f Roll; Who'• Who of Am~·· High School Student.a; CSF; Nationally ranked for flat water byaking in 5,00<kneter race JACKSKNEN REBECCA CUMMINS Activit*: Varsity cross-country, captain and MVP; varsity trade; Best Buddies Peer Gr C me Department of Neuropsych1atry internship Honors: American Cancer Society fellowship; Wendy's High School He1sman Award nominee, AP Scholar wrth honor, CSF; Governor's Scholars Award KEVIN NGUYEN Activitln: Mode Trial; Investment Club, president; Math Club. preS1dent, Chess Club, president and founder; Serving People in Need volunteer Honors: National Ment Commended Scholar; AP Scholar wi1h honor; Golden State Seal Merrt winner; CSF; Academic Letter MILES YOURMAN Activities: Varsity volleyball; Youth in Government; Longboarders' Club. founding officer and co-president; Share Our Selves' Adopt a Family Program volunteer; Someone Cares Soup Kitchen volunteer Honon: AP Scholar wi1h honor; National Merit Analist; Golden State Exam high honors tn algebra, geometry and chemistry; CSF KIRSTEN CHAMBERLAIN ActivttMs: Varsity field hodtey;Red Cross Club; Student body philanthropic commissioner; Shalimar Leaming Center volunteer Honors: Scholar Alt\tete Aw.rd; Hono<Roll; Golden State Exam Award , LUCAS PARKER =~itat Adiof\ Committee; Film Oub;~I teem; Habitat 1°'Homanity wlunt9er ttonon:: 8ri of America Ptaqw winner. GoYemor'a ~rahip RYAN lN>ERWOOO i\illfM11 ~ C:U.;SoCcer; ~\WW Sn*" FoundMlcM'I ..... Uc anc Sludwlt ofthe""'ln ~ ..... 11; ...,,.GIN ... 1 In -iOINct; Clf: Na11 Dllllil tton. lildl1V • M :n.nday, ~ 10, 2003 ................... ~ .... hit...,. on~ $ 88 Available Niahtlv in the Sushi Bar Only lllBIH•A. www.benlhana.com Newport Beach 4250 Birch Street (949) 955-0822 --= (~w.~ING) RESTAURANT Celebrate Easter on the Water 4'... and join us for our Champagne ~ Easter Buffet Bmnch Four Seating Times Available 9:00am • 11 :OOam t:OOpm • 2:30pm • l:l;llJ &tttJw I & Omdrttt Bar • SmokcJ .•111u1otts & Sidr Duhn Fmh Srllf ood & Pat11 • C/11:ud llom I?-&ef (' .m•me ~tahon I · fmlt 1-TuJI (.~ .\o/od H.zr • CAlurmrt Drssms l--Crrpcs Adults: SZJ. 9S Childrtn: Sil. 95 PluJ loJX a11d J<r•Iu11y Call Today for Reservations Outdoor l>1111ii~ • ltiunfrcmt Sta1111~ Availoblr Fellhlrint· .• • Chilled Seafood Bar wlth King Crab, Oysters, Shrimp and Sushi • • Garden Fresh Salad Bar • Omelets Made to Order Station • Breakfast FaYOntes • Chef\ Gourmet Entrees • CaMng Statioo with Pnme Rib and Honey Glazed Ham • Mouth Wattnng Desserts • Special Ch ldren's Buffet • UntllTllted Ch.lm~. Fresh Orange Juice and Staroucks Coffet • 949-675-2373 SOJ L Edgcw.lter • NC'~orl Beach Newport-Landing.com &Uf"'1~ •• • Egg Hunt wiltl tht la$1tt Bunny at 11 00, 12 30 .Ind 2 OOf'M • MagiOall, lalloon Mao. f«.e Pitnting ind Ptttng Zoo • Jw Mu5ic by J R Lewis Bind from 11 OOAM • 4 OOPM • Hop on over for Easter Sunday! We have a lot of competition but our Ribs don't! "' f • •I I I• ft I fl • • ft I • A w I o f o ~ ... (Formerly the Tale of the Whale) Easter Buffet Brunch Located in the Historic Balboa Pavilion on Newport Harbor 400 Mam Street • Balboa ViJlage Call Today for R~rvatioru Waterfront ~tin& Awiilablt 949.673.4633 'lbio Suting Times Avolllibl.e 9:00am • 12:00pm • Eggs Benedict, Omelettes & Waffles • Gourmet Fresh S.ifads • Fresh Seafood Selecbon • Glazed Ham &c Smoked Turkey •Gourmet Desserts&: Crtpn • Fresh Vegt>tablts & Silk Dishes $20.00 per person Large Parties Welcome/ Easter Brunch Chef Daniel Jimenez Presents Set... ~ 1)at, ~ 3'ec..e ~~~ ~ ~'""" 7~ ~Mt4. 1• iPue. A.J ~ S.11a ~~~~ t/4•Ue 11t.~~ ~«cuu (tcuc• S.'4*' ~,,& & ...,_,,_ Sctc" ~ ~ tJ.. ~Shu.. ~ 7M4t &e.M S,,114'•1' "''"e." %>...""11, & ~~ tt4c·~•1• A.J ~. ~ '11tM41 Senledfrom 9am · 3pm $23.94 aclu!U $12.95 chllclren IJ.12 Chfldnm uilda lJ MT IRU Complbn.entcuv •V~ll ,._,. jjalnd.ftf1 btl Cluu 1'rtldu U.. •Ggtc Bafloon •an ltam-S_pm. TO Kake Re.enationa 949-729-1144 11.31 BMlk Ba1 DltTe • l'fewport Beacb aaee.coaa Celebrate Your Easter Moroccan Style ! Dinner at 5:00 p.m. Tented tables, low lights_ pai1tad douds on the ceiing and lively bely dancers wl surely delight you and your guest's dining uperiencel Authenlic Moroccan Cuisine and atmosphere Our professional staff iS eager to make your v1s11 10, Marrakesh a memorable one. lC\bles for two and large pames welcome catering and takeout available 1976 Newpoft Blvd .• Costa Mesa 1---~~=-t (949) 645-8384 Also: Studio Ciry • (818) 788.03S4 and La Jolla -(619) 454-2500 • I • I • I • .. ~~~· ··~-"··· <.!I -• ;,, • : • • ....;;- ; ,~·:·CELEBRATE:'.:~ EASTER will publish again on j Thursday, April 17th:..,: ~ ... To Advertise Call ;,~f 949 .5 7 4.4243 . ~f)~F(~~::: • I ,:: • Enjoy our Easter Day Champagne Brunch With Family & Friends at Hyatt Regency Irvine · Easter Brunch Sunday, April 20th 10:00 am -2:30 pm Fresh Seafood Bar Carved Prime of Beef Herb Roasted Tom Turkey with all the trimmings Pistachio Cnuted Salmon Traditional &reak{ast Malted Belgium Wa/flt.s Omelettes Made to Ordn Gounnet Desserts to include Chefs Signature &read Pudding Children's Buffet And So Much More! Complimentary Self Parl<Jng Adults $39 Children l 2 and undtr $ l 6 And under S tat fru I I I I • I For ruuv• -225-6755 Hyatt Rigency lrviM -f7900 )AMINwu Blvd. /rvi11e ~ 111}"""1om,,,,.. 405 fruw•y . City grants programs' wishes Costa ~esa's funding of n9nprofits faces oppos1t1on from one councilman and community members. Derrstr• Newm•n Daily PllQt COSTA MESA -FISH-Har- bor Area works to prevent homeJessness and hunger by ' Intervening before these con- ditions occur. , On Monday, the Newport Beach-based organization ·re- • celved $35,000 from the city in • the form or a Community Block Development Block Grant for its work. • ASH was one or 21 agenci~ that got grants ~bursed by the City Council in a 4-l vote, with Allan Mansoor dissenting because he did no1 feel • ~nough funding went to sen- . 1ors. As a Housing and Urban De- • velopment entitlement city. Costa Mesa is automatically ' eligible to receive the grants and "HOME" funili. These two programs provide more Lhan $2 milllon to the city a year and a variety of services to as- sist low-and moderate-in • come people and prevent blight in deteriorated neigh- borhood.&. Many agency representa- tives expressed gratitude for the funding. "h means quite a 101 to ASH to get the money. We certainly appreciate it.· said Wendy In- gham. ASlfs fund developer. ~The homeless prevention program help'i families' in Costa Mesa for whatever rea- son -if they have a large medical or c.u repair btlJ and can't make all their payments. ·11t1 can help them perhap:. with paying child-care and keep them in their home !><> they don't become homel~. because once they do. it's diffi- cult for them to get out of it," she said. "lt'i. ju~t on~time '1.!> sistance." The d<.>cision We.IS not with- out detracton., with i.ome resi- dents suggesting the city should :.h ift it!> funding prior- ities. One of the existing guide- lines as that 40% of the grant funds can be allocated to homelessn~ prevention and bomeleM asmtance programs. "It appears that the city is helping the homeless instead of trying to prevent it." Judy Berry said. "I believe we should spend more money, on senior and youth Services and less on the homeless." The block grant funding . comes out of a grant of ap- proximately Sl.7 million for the 2003-4 fiscal year. ln addition to the 18 agen- cies recommended by staff to receive grants, three others benefited from HUD's gener- osity, thanks to Councilman Gary Monahan. ·The Dayle Mclntosh Cen- ter, which helps the disabled become self-sufficient, re- ceived $6,000; Assessment and Treatment Services Center, which provides youth and family counseling got SS.000; and Youth Employment Serv- ice of the Harbor Area. which helps about 1,200 students and young people with life and job slcills annually, received $6,370. "I was disappointed that the three were left off the originaJ grant reco~endation," Monahan said. ·And I was very satisfied that my colleagues were willing to agree with me and fund a ~uple of services that are very important for some people in our society that need a helping hand" At the request of Council- woman Libby Cowan, the council also approved fully funding the Costa Mesa Senior Corporation Preventive Health Program to the tune of S 15,000 and adding Sl.000 to the fund- ing for the corporation's Social Services Program. bringing its funding to $6,000. The city will also receive about $800,000 from HUD that an only be used to increase hou!>ing opponunitit!l> for low- income residents. The council also unani- mously approved its annual action plan. an overview of how it will distribute all the HUD funds, and approved re- allocating leftovl!r block grd.Ilt funds of about $168,000 from previou!> years to the Whittier Street Improvement Project. ln approving the action plan, however, the council di· rected staff to review the issue of dr.unage on Hamilton Street and have 1nfonna1ion avail- able at ats next study session about how agencies are <sCored in relation to their block grant funding. At that srudy session, the council will also review its ac- rion plan and get an update from the Costa Mesa Police Department on the crime sta- lic;tics it provided for the agen- cies that requested funding. During council discussio n, there wdS some question about how relevant the statis- tics were since, for :>ame of them, calls were shown from various offices within a single property, making it hard to tell which. if any. were directly caused by the agencies that had requested funding . . This Week@UCI Athletics April 11 Men's Volleyball. UC/ l'S. Pacific. 7 p.m .. Crawford Hall. $3-$5 April 11-13 Baseball. UC/ vs. Long Reach Swte. 7 p.m. Friday, 6 p.m. $Jturday and I p.m. Sunday, Anteater Ballpark. $4 -$7 April 12 Men's Volleyball. UC/ vs. Stanford. 7 p.m., Crawford Hall. $3-$5 Arts April 10-12 Drama at UO Stage 2. The Cauauuin ChaJA Circle. By Bertolt Brecht. 8 p.m . Thursday and Friday, 2 & 8 p.m. Saturday. Little Theatre. $8-$1 2 April 10-20 Beall Center for Art and Technology. life br Desipi: Everydny Digital Culturr. 11 a.m-5 p.m. Tucsday- Sunday, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Thursday, Beall Center. Free Presentations April 10 ua Police Department. TM (UCI Raw) Rm.cw: TM Tklth About Rape 'md Rave Drugs. 7 p.m., Social Sci.en~ ~HallFrtt. Center for the Study of Oemocra<y. Horry Echkin uct.urr:: Can tlu Wholt World a.come Danocralid With Larry Diamond. profeat0r of~ ac:imcie and tOdology, Sanford Uniwnity. 7:30 p.m., Sec:iaJ E.coJoa 11, Room 130'. Prtt April 16 . Untversfty Club Forum. IruM1141t.: In Som1l of My r.~·, Yovth. With author Vivianc WqnL NoOn, Uniwnity Cub. $7..50 lhursu..y ~~ 10, 2003 A1 The personal side of Balboa Pavilion Art Gronsky will give a firsthand account of the waterfront attraction. June Caaa1rande Daily Pilot In the 99 yeari. since the De- partment of War issued the per- mit to build the BaJboa Pavilion. no one has come to know the place better than An Gromley. From the time he moved to Newpon Beach from South Pasa· dena at age 6, the pavilion has been central III has lift• at fir:>t, an exciung dei.una11011 that would da72Jc any grammar school child, and later, ha'> family's livelihood • STEVE "4c:CRAM< DAILY Pl.OT Art Gronsky, 82. 1s the former owner of the Balboa Pavthon .. , can ICU ffiO!>t uf II'> ha\tory firsthand I knew the r<'oplt> who owned it before U'> and the rco pie who bought 11 after U'> loo," said Gronsky, now HZ and -.1111 a Newpon Beach resident On Thursday. he will wll thr>'>t' stories. Gron!>ky 1., the• lca1ured spealcer at a dinner prt">e111a110n by the Newpon Bead1 1 ll'itoraw l Sociery and Friend' at tht> American Legion I lall on Balboa PeninsuJa. Gronsky's talei. wall indude the earliest glory day<, or tht' pavil ion. when II'> up-;tair., dc11w1• hall attracted the like;., ol lknnv Goodman and lomrny DorM·~ 1 lis fruntly bought 1h1• pavilion in 1947 when 11 wa'> on the vl·r~t· of being condcmnt't.I With111 " year. it became dc•ar 1h,11 1h1• place needed sonw .,i-raou' worl.. or it would be a \V-rl'>h -htt•r.Jlh The Gron,ky fan11I\ tort· dm"n mo'>t of the original \'1c10ntlfl ... 1yle '>tructurt' and replact'd 11 wath a modern·'>tylc building Modern. at least. b; 1948 '>land· ,ard'>. I hl' waterfront tun '>pot h·c11un·d re'>tauranl!>. '>hop' and c11trac lion'> many of them .,11nalar to attrnctaon'> there 11Jdd\ '>Ome of them unhkt' an)1hing youd '>t'l' today. "( >ne of our tt'nanb "J' J b111go parlor 01l'Y got around gambling rule., by malung at a game of 'ikdl. You had 10 roll balb 11110 .,lots 10 get tht-nwn· ht•r., you wanted Af1er a h·w ye;IJ', around 1952 or 195J. tht· 'thc•riff \ department .,hut 11 d11w11 'hut them down be 1 au<,t• a hey um'ldered 11 gam lilang " (,ron .. lc.y '> farruJ} lo'>I tht· butldan~ an I 9ti-O after a b111er c oun b.tltlc w11h in-law' \\ho owned half of the bml{:fing. \1 c1 t nun JU< tum of Lht' bualdmg, the Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT • ntJ.co Splendore U A. INC. ~~........,,..-- T I \ ll I I '' E l JH ) p I \ \ :\ IU • FYI •WHAT. Gathering of the Newport Beach H1s1oncal Society and Friends • WHEN: Mingling begins at 6 p m , dinner by Swedish chef Allan of C1g1 s Waterfront 1s at 6 45 p m , the preserit,won. 1nclud1ng Gronsky's tal~ begins at7.30pm • WHERE American Legion Hall, 215 15th St •COST $20 •INFORMATION: Call Bill Grundy at (949) 675 6161 < 1ron'>h'> med to buy it back. b111 \o\Ut' 1mpn·,.,.vdv outbid hy the I Jui 111nmun lkal 1-'>tatt· con1 p.m\ "\\(' had had s·mo.ooo. and the h1dd1r1g \o\d'> going up JU'>t SI .000 aa J t111w hut then the lrucom rnun ... put Jn t•nd 111 11 by going up SI i <XJ(l 111,11 \\d.'> tht' end of 1hat. J ' Al Ttusdly, ~ 10, 2003 COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL J lere a.re some of the items the Q ty Council~ at Mondays meeting ~ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ~f'ROGRAM • : tn Septembet the Planning : Commission recommended that t the council adopt an Art in Public • Places ordinance and policy ~ manual. A council study session I on the topic was held in January. The commission prefers to focus on •monUtnental sculptures~ as eJJglble ai:twodt because they.are bolder and are more visual art statements than-S murals and are also less likely to • attract graffiti. • Based on a review of other cides' programs, the commls.sk>n detennlned that two types or projects should be~ lO an Art ln 'Public Places fee: new commercial and lndl®ial dtM!opmmt with a building valu.adon of $750.000 or more: and exterior tenant improvements, temodeling. repair or reconstruction projects with a building valuation of $750,000 or more for existing cocnmerdal and lndl®ial ~pment WHAT HAPPENED Councilwoman Libby Cowan requested a continuance because she wasn't sure if she would still be at the meeting at the time the item was discussed because she Is recovering from knee surgery. The coWldl approved the continuance 5--0. CHANGE IN GENERAL PLAN SCREENING On March 3, the council directed staff to process a general plan change &aeeniog request for 1676 Tustin Ave. lhls action was taken along with the appeal or the Planning Commisslon's denial of a two-story mini-storage building. The council upheld the commission's denial. The 10.300-square-foot site Is designated as general ' commerdalonthegeneralplan map. The site is bounded by an existing two-story commercial building to the north and two NEXT MEETING • WHEN: 6:30 p . .m. April 21 •WHERE: City Hell, 11' Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 764-5223 single-family homes to the south. 1b the east Is a commerclal center paddng lot. Oty policy requires the screening of a change to the general plan before hs approval for processing. * WHAT HAPPENED ' The oouncil unanimously approved the saeening request. Sta1! recommends evaluation of low~densiry and medium-density residential wnJng for the &lte. -Compiled by Deirdre Newman :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EBRIEFLY IN ~THE NEWS Human relations group will honor four The Orange County I luman ,. Relations Conuni~1on will r honor a diverse group of people :' at an awards banquet at the :• Costa Mesa Community Center 1 on Sunday. I; Joyce Greenspan, Karen k McGlinn, Robert Sco11 Wylie and :· Mike Manser will be given 1~ awards for their commitment to •1 human and civil rights. They have helped counry residents gain justice and equity in hous- ing. education. employment and the legal system. · For more information, call (714) 567-7470. Scholarships award breakfast will be held The Newport Beach Olamber of Commerce wilJ host the Commodores' 42nd annual Scholarship Awards Brealcfast at 7: 15 a.m. today at the Radisson Hotel, 4545 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. 1r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Order Early for .Easter Place your &stu Order by April 14th anti PYcnve ftprtf Night Stands ~kdl#er9 z~lo~~ -2~~ • Fine furniture at designer prices! Everything ~t below warehouse prices! New merchandise arrives dailr, Grand Openin Promotion 2ror 1 " 51'11 on Plrlllll • 5tite iii !flt M ~ • lift ftUI$ Cllle elll .. ...... ~ • laloor ·~,. .. • CinllM tlllnPI$ • inuiudlCln ·~ .... '°'~ ............... ......... ~ ............ The event recognizes the 30 premiere scholars from Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor high schools, and also recog- nizes the educators and parents who provide the tools for this achievement. Scholars receive awards and certificates from local govern- ment. while the schools receive library endowment fonds. The operations also showed an in· crease. Total activiry, takeoffs and landings, decreased 6.8%, as did commercial carrier flights and general aviation ac- tivity in March 2003, compared 10 the same month last year. Clean harbor day event set for April 26 event will take the place of the . The Newport Beach Otamber monthly Business Referral of Commerce's 23rd annual BreaJcfast. Qcan l larbor Day Celebration The cost is $25 per seat. Fo r will be h eld from 9 a.m. to 3 reservations, call (949) 729· p.m. April 26 at the Newport 4400. I I arbor Nautical Museum, 15 I JWA passenger traffic increases in March John Wayne Airport passen- ger traffic increased 2.9% in March from March 2002. Commuter carriers, or air taxi NEWPORT BE.ACH WUTQJff PWA 1124 Irvine Avt~ ar 17111 HUN11NGTON BEACH tWIJIA ¥!LI.AGE Sll6 E6-ctt. ar ~ 11111 l rn 1XOI), }(,-1.! 10 \\"" lidcn~r.H" 'om E. Coast Highway. Join in for a scavenger hunt, a marine life touch tank, a ride with the Harbor Patrol, games and prizes while learning how to save the bay. The event is free. For information, call 675- 8915. Sign•tute Store to Open in Southern r_l!L • '-AUllVmta • flt Famom F.gs • Sugar-Free~ Bunnies •Baskets •Candies 0 Travertine 1a· xis· .......................................................... U ._, ~11ie ....................................................... ........,.u .. l lJlrrid Ytll:>c>ct ................................. , ................. ._,.,. u .. . ........ '°' ........ ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, BURTON Continued from Al priceless legacy for the entire re· ' ~o~ • •Sbe believed that the beaches should be for everybody." said Mary FusseU. Burton's only chUd Among Burton's countless contributions to her communJty and her Camlly is a feat that In the 1940s shaped local history: Along with local activist · Isabel Pease, Bunon, an attorney, helped expose a oonfilct of inter· est that wquld bflve kept Corona del Mar Beach in the hands of CJtiz.ens Bank. Newport Beach city officials were wo~g to assure the beach's future through a land swap that would put the beach in the state's hands. But they put the brakes on the plan on the ad· vice of then-City Attorney Ro - land Thompson, who told local leaders that laws precluded the city from giving the beach to the state. Though some were puz· zled by Thompson's advice, no one questioned it until, by chance, Burton's husband, Philip, came across a surprising bit of information. While worlcing for the local Oood controJ district, Philip was conducting research in Glendale when he came across docu · ments that showed that Thompr son had a worling relationship with Citizens BanX. At the time, the city attorney's post was a part·time job that allowed for other clients. but such conflicts of interest were not OK. Mary Burton blew the whistle al a council meeting, and a news- paper headline the next day pro- claimed, MWoman attorney drops bombshell." Now, two benchei> near her Ocean Avenue hom e stand as a permanent reminder of Bwtons contribution. Bunon wao, born Aug. 8. 1903. and grew up in Pasadena. As a child. she felJ in love with Corona del Mar on her regular visits to her family's summer home, one of the first houses built in Co rona del Mar. She graduated Mary Burton O)agna cum laude from Radcliffe before earning her law degree in 1935 from the Boalt Hall law school at UC Berkeley. She re· tired with her husband to their Corona del Mar beach house in 1955. Burton died of heart failure on March 14. "Mother was such a wonderful ~rson." FusseU said "She was wann, she was intelligent, she was witty. She was profoundly sympathetic and interested in other people and thelr problems. She had a very good head on her shoulders and gave very good advice. She was a very loving.• Fonner Mayor Jan Debay be- came friends with Burton in 1980 when they were part of a four-woman bridge dub that would last two decades. Debay said Wednesday that Burton was an extraordlnary person and a wonderful friend . "She had a brilliant mind. She was a talented, beautiful woman,· Dehay said. Recalling the sweet peas Burton grew and shared with her friends. Debay added, "She filled my house with sweet peas." The famiJy will hold private services later this month. Burton ic; survived by daughter Fussell: and nephews William, Torrey and Bruce Everett. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e·mail at 1une.casagrande<i¥lat1mes.com ctasmfied ads work for llll llll•v2~ ntE Daily Pilot Cl,ns1f1rcl Community MMketpl,lCr IT'S TIIE QUESTION '"'-"' NO ONE WANTS TO ASK THEMSELVES. What 1r you )Uddcnly nttd~ ~me lund or lon~·tcrm c:att7 llow would you pay for 111 Whal kind or opuons would you ha"c' After ajtt 0'.5 .!most 3outoC1 may nttd answers 10 ~ q~uon, wluch t\ why you nttd Long·ltnn Care ~ from Surt Fann••' h ntn ~Ip proctt1 >Wr lire savin~ from the c~ts ol u tcndcd care To ltam mon about 11. talk 10 your neighborhood~ lwm ·Wnl \\.l::. IJVt \\1 IERI-YOU I IVE. ~even H1U, Agen1 Io 1 Cl( 'CCW•I_, l\ct Lot I th ''tt't'f \u111· 't • ( ..... \1,., t " ...... ' ~h •• , .. , LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE • ... ,. .... A .._ ,_ __,~ ~ r...,._ .,,_Off-:.....,_ - ,.....,, ,_.,...., .. -....i .... ~1.,_1 ... c..~""""'fU Ai..,./a .,Mj',,_<.,w•--w*M"""'r*"• HW61-~tf'-1"11t /l "'-""'_,_....,.,...,. ... ._... __ -'__, LTCU001.o9 '~""'• Twilight Dining on tht Waterfront In Newport . Beach Enmofttmt $7.95 For Ra'""'"'"" 949-642-7880 3131 W. C:..St Highw11y • ". SOCIETY THE CROWD Thursday, Acid 10, 2003 At l Celebrating '25 Years . of Volunteerism' T be St. John Boutique and South Coast Plaza will join forces on April 23 for • "25 Yea.rs of Volunteerbm, • a faahlon show and luncheon presented by the Guilds of the Performing Arts Center. The dynamic Patrice Poldmore reports that the event will honor more than two decades of guild cha1rmen emeriti, who have ra1sed mJllions of dollars to suppon the arts organization, which i$ funded through.community and corporate support.' The event will begin with a reception at 11 a.m. at the Hyan Regency Hotel, Irvine. It promises to reunite people involved in nearly three decades of community work that has created lifelong friendships. After the fashion extravaganza, the St. John B.W. COOK Boutique at South Coast Plaza wiU hold a post-show champagne reception from 3 to 5 p.m. for those patrons wishing to get a closer look at the fashion presentation. Ten percent of sales from the afternoon champagne Raising funds for ttie Alzheimer's Assn. are Linda Scheck, Electa Anderson and Suzy Mehn. reception will be donated to the Guilds of the Center. Luncheon reservaiions are Sl25 per per~n. Please call Bev Sandelman at (71 4) 921·2662 to reserve your spot. ••• Sally Coomb is dedicated to producing a spectacular event for the ninth annual Ocean institute golf classic, dinner gala and auction. The party is set for Sunday, April 27, at the Ritz Carlton, Laguna Niguel. After a day of golf. sunset cocktails will accompany a silent auction followed by the dinner program and lave auction beginning at 7.30 p.m The Ocean lnsucute has been valuable in protecting and preserving the rare natural beauty or the Southern Califorrua Riviera and the sea life, Coomb said. Tickets to the gala may be reserved at S 175 per person. For information on the golf classic and the party. please call Megan Robl.NOn at (949) 496·2274, ext. 413. ••• The canals of Venice converged with the tributaries of Costa Mesa as the Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange County held· April in Venice· at the Sunon Place Hotel. Newport Beach last weekend. The elegant affair raised more than $100,000 to support the free services of the local Alzheimer's Assn. The black tie Italian-themed evening, chaired by two very prominent and hard working local women. Electa Andel'IOn and Julie David. attracted more than 300 guests. Electa Anderson knowi. just how difficult Alzheimer's can be. She and her husband. Norm. who 1s only 60 years old. have been figh1ing Alzheimer's for several year'i. Norm Anderson was diagnosed wilh the disea .. e m his 50s, which is considered very young to develop Alzheimer's. ~we cannot imagine how difficult our personaJ world would be without the support of the Alzhe1mer"s Assn.," Electra Anderson said. "The association prepares mdiVJduals and families who will face the emotional, medical, financiaJ and soc1aJ consequencei. of this most insidious disease.· The evening was further enhanced by the presence of ~ ;-f J. c:ik:.1 1.00'3 @THe camp C-(11.t~ e-«-le.J,, "t e. " ., . /. J J, o. C.J.C..11 »; e,.v,,,,,, ·- fo p,,ofc-<..f lrw!f i.e r £tv1 /. PLUG IN honorary chair Suzy Melin and her family and friends. who had come 10 support the affair in memory of her late husband, Arthur .. Spud" Melin, creator of the Hula Hoop and the Frisbee. Arthur Melin, founder of the toy company Wham-0, passed away last year from complicauons of Alzheimer's, after a decades-long decline. As a gesture, Hula Hoop'i and Frisbees where dis1ributed 10 the black-lie crowd al the Sutton Place valet stauon at the end of the evening. Women in beaded gowns could not resist the temptauon 10 S\.\'ing their Oorescen1 hoops on their hips as they wailed for their cars to arrive. More than one gen!leman also stood m harm"s way. throwing the Frisbee through the porte-cochere and narrowly missing any number of expensive cars and dodging drivers. Suppomng the A.Wle1mer"s evening were Costa Mei.a's Malcolm Dick, Jim Grant of Newport Beach, Carolyn Harldn. Karen Johnson. Darretyn and David MelllU, Rosaline and Paul Wexler and Barbara Sted. Ed Arnold handled the master of ceremonies duues Saturday April 12th 12pm -5pm with style. Corporate support came from drug giant Pfizer and local hospital Hoag Memorial Presbyterian For m ore information on Alzheimer'!> services. pleai.e call the 24-hour help line at (800) 660-1993. ·coME HEL THE WARMTH Of THE MEDITERRANEAN ON OUR BEAUTIFUL PATIO OVERLOOKING THE LAKE'. •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays OPEN FOR LUNCH AND DINNER EASY, CONVENIENT PARKING! sao ANTON BLVD. COSTA MESA (714) SS6-6SSS www.avos bistro.com South Coast Plaza presents • • • i~imein N QLL\ND !'v1arch 28 -April 19, 2003 En10\ duracter d"plan from U:.,.,1s CuroU's Ahcc in Wonderland in .i bc.1unful spnngnmc: scn:mg u South Couc Pill.I wmes .iJ1,e v.1th ·spnngnme m Wonderland Walk thmu~h Ahcc ·~ Joor into .an exoong scnmg fiUed v.1th floral displ.1\~ JnJ the beloved c::haraCtCliJ )'OU'IJ remember from the rreasured d.us1c 121e Children will cnim· craft actnioes at the C.ran Pun m C...rouscl Court The enore famih will cnJO)' spcC1al musical perfurmances Easter Bunny Photos: Ha,·e a photo taken \\1Lh the wter Bunn) in our bcauofulh· decorated spnng g.uebo'> loatcd m Carouscl Court and in the Crate and Barrel Home Wing, first lc:vcl. Craft Party: Children .,.,,11 love these fun spnngtimc crafts! The Craft Pmv mdudcs designing and decoranng garden vuors, garden signs, Easter Bunmcs and more Enjoy Special Music: Fanubcs arc in~ to attend tpeciaJ cbonl and or<hcanl pcriJrnunca fnrunng taJcntcd children from our local communiocs. Join w m CarowcJ Court on Saturday, ApnJ 5th and April 12th for~ pctformancci. San OicgO P.y (405) at Bri«ol 714.43S.ll9f C<nru Houn Mon -Fri. 10.0CMm -9 ~ . t : 10 OOam -8 OOpm un: 11 OOun -6 30pr'Q ... ~.aw I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I AlO Ttusday, Apn1 10, 2003 DATEBOOK REEL CRITICS l 'Bend it Like. Beckham' scores, 'The Core' is the pits I I ·Beckham' bends to the audience's liking , 'B end it Ub Beckham" is one ol thoee rare • trasures, a !eel-good movte that manages to appeal to all age groups without lnsulting anyone. It is a movie about sports that manages to be nbou~ the importance of families: The "IJedcham" of the dde Is JUNE FENNER British soccer star David Bickham. In the movie, he is also the idol ofa teenage girl. Jess (Parminder Nagra). from a Sikh Punjabi family in the Southall area of London. ~he eats, sleeps and dreams '>occer. Her exceptional sk:ills help her overcome the local hays' reluctance to have a girl on th~irteam. One day, Jess is noticed by Keira, who plays on an all-girl team . Keira invites an excited le~s to join the team. Before long, she is a main part of the team, but her parents can not know of her participation because of their strict Punjabi roots. A sport played while wearing shorts is unacceptable. 11 would be so easy for a less well-written script to' allow the '>tory to slip into a silly farce of deception as Jess creates one 'tory after another to explain h er frequent absences. Lo-writer and director Gurinder Oladha keeps the audience pulling for Jess' success as a wccer player while enlisting our supPort for her parents. Who wins? The audience cenainly does. •JUNE FENNER, a Cotta M..a resfdent. is vice president of a work·fotce training company. 'C.ore' goes to painfuJl y familiar territory By Uncl• Don . ''T lte Core~ opens in · Boston, whicFi is falling apart faster than the Celtics after the retirement of Larry Bird. Weird stuff is happening: Watches are stopping. and people are dropping like 200-pound mes. Back in Los Angeles, one of the space shuttle$ manages to land in the LA River, avoiding bridge abutments, derelicts, shopping carts and common sense. Now we're in London. where the pigeons in Trafalgar Square start dropping like, um pigeon droppings. It's off to Italy, where Rome. which may not have been built in a day, managed to fall in a few hours in the aftermath of an electrostatic storm. The filmmakers manage to blow up the Coliseum, the Parthenon and a bunch of them other buildings that they 1old us in grade school were imponanr to know about. So what's the cause of aJI the commotion? The earth's core has stopped spinning. ll"i. too bad the theater's projector didn't stop spinning. Then I wouJdn'1 have this dim bulb of a flick to review. So what happens wheri the core stops spinning'? We get storms, microwaves, the end of life as we mow it and. most importantly, the premise for a really stupid movie. The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by. Mesa Upholstery * ALL CARPET & FLOORING CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30o/ooff ~s The usual congregation of mad and semi-mad scientists head to the hills, well, actually the desert, to meet with another not-reaJly-mad scientist. (Delray Undo), whose inventlon will save the earth. It's a Gatling gun-looking thing that makes big honking holes in everything It's fir.ed at. They must have aimed 1t at the script of "The Core.~ . We are provided with a . long·winde~ uichnJcal explanation for what happens when the core stop~ spinning. but what It comes down to Is: We're all toast. Only this man, his machine and a phalanx of escapees from the 12-step program Overactors Anonymous (Hillary Swank. Stanley Tucci, Aaron Eclchart and Tcheky Karyo being the primary offenders) stand between us, the unfortunate viewers and planetary annihilation. Llndo's machine kinda looks like one of the sandworms from "Dune." Made from what Lindo calls ·unobtainium," it reeks of tedium. Scattered around this segmented lube of lriteness are the usuaJ random bits of machinery and vagrant pieces of electronics that combined with the largely dim lighting to create an aura of technical prowe-.s. but inMead evoke memorie:. of "Plan 9 from Outer Space". It look.., like the only way 10 restart the circulation or the earth's core b to 1unncl down and drop off a couple of bombs. They could have ta.ken "The Postman,·· "Waterworld" and "Ishtar," hut since they're trying to m erely restart the earth's core, not des1roy it. a half-dozen or so nukes are apparently le&l> dangerous. Gerring 10 the earth's core invplves inserting our Vinyls• Ceramics Wood • Laminates .CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio furniture f• Draperies. Shades. & Bedspreads COMING SOON Dr. Buddy Rydell (Jack Nicholson) and Dave Buznik (Adam Sandler) engage in some unconventional therapy in "Anger Management." marginally heroic haJf-doz.en or so yahoos into the tunneling machine n ·he Virgil"), dropping the sucker into the Marianas Trench, where it heads down faster than the NASQ\Q. Along the way, the Virgil passes assorted special effects that either look stolen from 1966's "Fantastic Voyage" or filmed by a drunk in front of a hyperactive lava lamp. I couJd have SWJlln there was one scene ~here the background was an over-baked cheese pizza. Our inlrepid heroes wear s pace suits made of Reynolds wrap, with arbitrary tubes, antennae and hoses sprouting off them like they were Olia Pet~ as they argue their way roward oblivion and obhviousness. So why did the earth's core -.top rotating? Take a guess . Natural causes? Space aliens? The government?. If you picked door No. 3, hand yourself a cheap exploding cigar Yup. ifs the old "the government wrecked the planet~ conspiracy theory tha1 fueh thi:. film. AJong the way. the Virgil. which was built to take a hcking and keep on uclting, :.tarts to lo'>e it'> compartmeni... as 4u1ckJy a., a h1llbilly loses 1h teeth. Now. tt"s near the end or THEATER the movie. only the command m odule of the Virgil i!> lef1. The bomb!> have been placed, the captain martyred. the crooked '>cienti'>t ~acrificed, and we're left wtth Becky and Josh, a rnuple of exploding m~ke:., and an inlen-.e de<,1re to ~ee the l'nding credits ~tart to roll. If the gold standard for cheesy nick<, I'> '·Tremor5." 1hen "The C:on•," a hore, barely ralt''> a., Velwela. and tha1 ain"1 rt'.il cht'l''>l' • UNCLE DON reviews B-mo111es dnd cheesy musical acrs for the Daily Pilot He may be reached by email at Really8adWrrt1119 a aol com Its not easy playing the fool ' I By Tom Titus W hen Neil 5tmon finally shuffie-. olT this mortal coiJ, he'll be remembered for such plays as "The Odd Couple,· "Barefoot in the Park.· the Bnghton Beach trilogy and the Suites -Plaza. California aud London. It's doubtful that obituary writers will lend much credence to "Fools." Let's face 1t. "l·ools" 1u~1 i:.n't the sort of Simonil.ed comedy the prolific playwright t!> known for. Yet, he wrote at. presumably. for much the ~me reason • Shakespeare wrote " fhe Comedy of Errors" -to afford actors the opportunity for egregious overplaying with impunity. This is precisely what we get in the play's latest local production at Costa Mesa's Vanguard Umver..1ty. Director Sunny Peabody is weU schooled m the an of farce. having played the title role in "Scapino" dunng hrs student time at Vanguard. I le':. also a devotee of multimedia presentation. as he displayed when he dire<.1ed "I lamJet~ during the same period. Both these elements of thcaier serve Peabody well LO "Fools,• although pumts may wtnce at the depths to wtuch Simon inks for an easy pg. The Vanguard production ~ replete with oLatJandi.-.h charactef'V.auon, which L'> really the only wav to m.i.ke a pldy from tJus genre work. • Foo1..,·· n-volves around J 19th l·entury lJ~1111an vill<tge that h<t'> labored under a 200-yc.ir old lUr'>e -that all of tilt cll il'enl. <,hare the titJe of village 1dwt. I nter a young 5choulnM . ..rcr !Adam Eugene I lur..t), who .,tn ves to brcal the :.pell dlld win the heart of hi'i comely pupil ILanc,sa BUl hnullcr) Naturnlly. lw ha'> J ma.I. the de'4..·end.m1 of the nobleman who rn...r tht• rurw m l11e fif'I plaLc (J·dward Pon.iUo) and who propo~es to Buchrmller twice a day. hke dockwork.. Iler parent.., (Rene Sch(.'Yi. and Emily RO'>t.") favor Hurst's i.u1t, bur are priwner., ofthctr own stupid11y. a..'i i' everyone l'l.,e tn the village. I luf't\ do~c'<.l ded1cation to the• lJUM? 1:. wl'IJ played, and he '>land., out a.., the onJv charactt•r tn tht• show wuh more than half a Wll Buchmiller md1ate<> a \ac11ow. ('h.arm that keeps the teacher dcd1c.itcd to hi., ta:.k. while !:ichcy... and Roc;e are a goofy treat a.<, the parent:.. Port1llo'i. nominal vdlain i:.n't the ominous sort who would make vdluge~ tremble at the mention of hi'> name (as they do here), <,mce he's JU.'>I as much of a dunderhead as 1he rest. The resi .ire pretty hopel~. the mo'>t tmpre~ive of that lot being Ben FYI •WHAT· "Fools" I I •WHERE: Vanguard University, ' 55 Fair Drive Costa Mesa • WHEN: Closing performance:; ; today through Saturday at 8 p.m .• Sunday at 2 p.rn. •COST. $10 •CALL: (714) 668-6 145. l..tNlll\ 111ep1 shepherd. who I can't find Im '>hecp nor ) rl'member ht'> fin.t name I A'lldtng haJf. Wilted .umo-.plwn• to 1he Vanguard prcxJuc 11011 are village,._ UI)' (,erman. Jerry f'uente:.. LaU1 Adam., and Rhiannon • Wentworth. all of whom revel m! playing a-..wrted dun bulbs. ~ eni< de.,1gner Jim Mueller'~ grny-hucd village -.etung b nice com ervt'd. ofTl.'ring a wide "-"rCt'n al the rear for video 1 proJt't rmn' IJa I lan~n ha:. ~t co.,ll1111t•<.l tht• ('<L'l m approp rwa~llll dlllrl' for the most part l~vith outfit'> po'>S1bly 1nhented from Vanguard'" lao;t show. t ·r1dt.llcr on the Hoon. -. "hiol'>" i~ a very un-Simon lll exl'n-t'-C in outlandishly broad comedy, and Peabody's equally broad stasong umpli.fie& the atmO'.phere or idjocy con'>idt'rably. Leave your .- preference for subtlety at the door for thL'> one. •TOM TTTVS' reviews run Thursdays and Saturdays -.. ------.....c.-----~ Ahhh. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot • N estled between a car lot and a psychjc palm reader is an unassuming building that packs a lot of Oavor into little pieces of sushi. Ahhh ... Wasabi, which opened on Harbor Boulevard three months ago. o ffm tantalizing selections such as a caterpillar roll, which Is avocado on an eel roll snaldng aroWld the plate, and a special cucumber roll, which contains tuna, white fish, salmon. crab meat and avocado. As you soon as you wa.Uc through the front door, which is painted a bold red, the bustling cacophony of traffic on Harbor Boulevard subsides. giving way to soft jazz and the soothing sound of gently lapping water from an artificiaJ pond inhabited by goldfish. Rice-paper lamp!. emit a soft glow. Sitting at the sushi bar gives you a from-row seat to the sushi chefs slicing and didng as waitresses dressed in colorful lcimonos are quick to bring ice water dlld tea. On Wednesday at lunch hour. the bar was more crowded than the tables in the restaurant. Ahhh ... Wasab1 offers a "mix 'n' match lunch" of any two items. includin~ tempum and teriyaki selections, for $6.75. A la carte item!. are $6.25. It also offers selections on rice, such as eel and deep fried chicken with egg. A variety of noodle dishes are also available. The sushi bar. which h~ a separate menu. offers an overwhelming selection that Rabbin Insurance Agency AtJTO • HOMEOWNERS• Hf.AUlt .w b1b1J S111ct l'K • ~ Id ~S >.'!J 949-631-77 40 441 Old Ntwpon Bhd. • Ntwpon 8mdi (Nar HOlll H01tpit&I) DATEBOOK DINING REVIEW . great sushi in Costa Mesa DON LEACH /DAILY PILOT Sushi chef George Meng wrtti the house special cucumber roll at Ahhh ... Wasabi. FYI Ahhh ... Wasab1 is at 1969 Harbor Blvd. For more information, call (949) 645-9934. can entice nOV1ce and veteran sushi eaters. The Bonzai roll, which contains tuna. yellow tail, salmon and fried cheese, is a delectable combination. The soft cheese r)ves the roll an original Oavor. It comes in a secret. special sauce that's a little spicy, but the perfect complement to the dish. The fresh water eel (unagi) is so tender that it folds over the rice that supports it. The Crunchy roll has the requisite amount of crunchiness.. And the fried wontons stuffed with crab and shrimp practically melt in your mouth. For dessert. mochi ice cream is a refreshing way to cleanse your palate and a deltcious ending to the meal. . Owner Ming Oiun Ola said he opened Ahhh ... Wasabi in Costa Mesa because he wanted to be in the hean of Orange County. Ola is following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. who also worked in the restaurant business. The fi~h 1s always frl!l>h and the sashimi is replaced every day, Ola said. Marcie Treyb1g of Santa Ana, who dined at the restaurant on Wedn~ay. \31d -.he was 1mpres.\ed with how much food Ahhh .. Wa'>abt ofTers.. "They have really big portions (that come w1thl soup and salad." Treyb1g sajd. "You usually don't get all that." Manager Daruel Ola. Ming's brother, said Ahhh .. Wasabi is relying on word of mouth to attract ew>tomers. With the serene ambience. hearty and tasty portions and genumc service. they shouldn't have a problem. AFTER HOURS . • Submh AFTER HOURS hems to the o.Jty Piiot, 330 w. Bay St.. Coste Mesa, CA 92827; bv fix to (949) ~170; or bv caUlng (949) 57~296. A compktte list ia wettable at www.dailypllot..com. SPECIAL ORANGE COUNTY POE IRY FESTIVAL The MCOnd Annual Orange Coonty Poetry Festival ia going on through the month of April with a variety of events throughout Orange County. For information about events and locations, call (714) 564-6626 or visit www.ocpoettyfestival.com. Moat eventa are tree. ART OF SURFING Beach boys and girls of all ages can catdl a wave without getting wet at •Tue Art of Surfing• at 3 p.m. Saturday at the Newport Beadl Central Library. Presented by Keith Glassm an's Maverids, the free music and dance program will conclude the Eye on the Arts Lecture & Performance Series sponsored by the Newport Beadl Arts Commission. It will feature music by Alan Terricciano, San Diego Symphony percussionist Jonathan Szant, and prerecorded dassical. popular and Hawaiian tunes. The Newport Beach Central Library is at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. S<>Ulli COAST Pl.Al.A FASHION SHOW St. John Boutique and South Coast Plaza are having their eighth annual luncheon and fashion show to commemorate the Guilds of Orange Coonty Performing Arts Center and their 25 years of enrictling the community's cultural life. The event1s at 11 a.m . April 23 at Hyatt Regency !Nine. Tichts are $125/per person. For reservations, call Dianne Howe at (714) 556-2122, ext. 224. MUSIC ACADEMY OF ANCIENT MUSIC Orange County Performing Arts Center in Founders Hall will p resent the world's foremost early music ensemble. whidl will offer a new critical edition of Tlusday, 1'K• 10, 2003 All Vivllldi'• •The Four Se110t1L• The conoett ia at 4 p.m. Sunday. rtdtets are seo. The c.ntet la at 800 Town Center Drive, Costa M .... For mof9 Information. call (714) 74().7878. CUBA'S ORQUESTA ATMiON Heer the ricj, 90Unds of~ Aragon at 8 p.m. May 3 et the Barday Theetre. For more a.. 60 yeen, thil legetdafy fl! ......-Ible hn introduced the IOUndl of Cut>.n jui to countries around the worid. Tlchta are S36 and $29 end are available through the Bardav box of'lk:e at (949) 864 4646. GLENN a.LLER TRIBUTE Orange Coat College will host a Glenn Miller Tribute at 4 p.m. Sunday, featunng 1he Tex Beneke Orchestra, vocaliau Herb Jefferies and Polty Podewell and the Pied Pipers, m the Roben B. Moore Theatre. Tidcets cost from $35 to $41. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road. Costa Mesa. For information, call (714) 432-5880. SOUTH COAST PUZ.A'S APRIL MUSIC South Coast Plaza offers live music every Saturday and Sunday in April Fletcher Hamng1on plays pop music on Saturday. Maria Reid plays contemporary Christian pop on Sunday Darryl Morris plays R&8 on Apnl 19. Gabriel Mann plays 1azz on April 20. The Push plays world music on April 26. And Kerry Getz plays pop on April 27. All performances are at 2 p.m .. except the April 6 performance. wh1ctl is at 4 p.m. South Coast Plaza 11 at 3333 Bear St, Costa Mesa. Call (714) 432-7854. VIENNESE DEUGHr Pianist Chnstopher O'Riley, a Van Cliburn medalist, will perform With mus1e1ans from the Pacffic Symphony in "Viennese Delight; part of the Cafe Ludwig at Founder's Hall series. The performance is at 2 p.m. April 27. Founder's Hall is at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive. Tldcets are $35 and $45. Information: (714) 755-5799. 230 East 17 St. • Cosio M.e5C (949) 722-7224 WWW f~)(lndco 11.'o>-m 1 • Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team PI · ·' · nu 1· I 11 h n • t Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscal e home financing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated lev el of needs and preferenc es, and our unsurpassed service ensures the Jerry Gantner 877-227-6329 Braocb Maaager u.. Bayes 949-25 1-4409 Priv• MOf1Nt Banker . \ complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-only loans Jay Kulde 949-253--4354 Privm Mor1pp Banker Deallb Luce 949-251-4467 Privaat Mon Banker Mary Au Mqee 949-251~3 Private Mortpgt Banker Main omce (949) 251~1 Cltrild.e M. &uldenoe 949-25 l--44Sl PrivMC M. 8anka • • Gary Parker 949-253-422 l COD.itr adioa M...,. J A12 Tlusday, ~ 10, 2003 NEWPORT BEACH FILM FESTIVAL SCHEDULE Rima will be shown at al>c 11enuea: Edwards Big N8'Npoft. 300 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach; Udo Theater. :M59 Via Lido. Newport Beech; EdWlrds Island Cinemas (two theetera, designated Blue OT Gold), 999 Newport Center Drill9, Newport Beach; Otange County Museum of Art. 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach; Adventures et See Theatera, 3101 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Unless otherw!M mar1ted. tlcbts are $8 and can be pun:hased at the box office or onllne at www.MIWportbNdlfllmfnt.com. For more information, chedc the Web site or call (949) 253-2880. • DenotM ~·event TODAY 11 a.m. UNTOUCHABLES VS. ARYANS: lliE BATTLE FOR lliE SOUL OF INOIA Edwards Island -Blue lndia2002 • DIRECTORS: Ivan Kostka, John L Pudaite • RUNNING TIM E: 52 minutes A history of the caste system in India, the atrocities and injustices suffered by the Untouchables, their expressions of pain and protest through art end literature, and their previous political end social movements to overturn the system. Today, the Untouchables are fighting for their freedom and dignity by the . last means possible. They are reno\,lnclng the very religion that has legitimatised this most ancient apartheid system in the world. They are casttng off the Hindu religion in favor of Buddhism, Islam. Sikhism and Christianity, which la igniting a social revolution in India. IN THE NAME OF BUDDHA Lido Theater India. U.K 2002 • DtREC10RS: Ra1esh Touchriver • RUNNING TIME: 146 minutes Tamil Siva is forced to escape his home country and beoome a refugee 1n Great Britain. The film depicts his and his family's experiences with human rights and random violence. SHORTS 155): ETERNAL SHORTS Edwards Island -Gold •REPOSSESSED •BARRI~ DEVICE Nt-wpotl Btoch Film Fe1tiv11/ 2003 •VEHGEANCE •APSARA •TIE DIM REAPER •CHANCHAN • LAST NGHT wmt ANGEL • ntE UNFORTUNATE TRU1l4 ABOUT UR • 12;30p.m. ~ ( ..• DE QUE LADO ESTAS?) l;dwarda Island -. Blu• Gennany, Mexico 2001 Southem Cellfornl1 Premiere •DIRECTOR: Eva l.opez·Sanchez • RUNNNG TIME: 83 minutes In 1971, Helmut Busch attempts to flee his past ea a Staal Informant. He wanll to go underground in Mexico, but the Mexican aecret service, lead by Diaz, recognilel and blac:*meila him. Desperate to avoid extradition to East Germany, Helmut egrMS to oblefve a group of politlcally militant ltudents. As Bruno Muller. Ile becomes a professor at the Unlveratty of Mexico City. The situation becomes complicated when he gets more and more invo"'9d the very group of young activists he 11 informing on, and fells in love with a student, Adele. 1:30 p.m. SHORTS (82): GET INTO OUR SHORTS I Edwards Island -Gold •BACKSUOE •LEGWORK •TRYST WATCH •A FAMILY X-MAS •BOUNTY •LEMIME •2S,Sa3 •ntEBOXMAN EVERY STEWARDESS GOES TO HEAVEN CTODAS LAS AZAfATAS VAN Al.CIELO l Lido Theater Argentina 2002 West Coast Premiere • DIRECTOR; Daniel Burman • RUNMNG TIME: 98 minutes Teresa is a stewardess who lives in her heaven of pantomime and trays of frozen food. She has a fear of men, love, motherhood end family. She prefera a life of eternal flight. Juh6n, a Save up to 90°/o on Brand Name P scriptions Call Today Toll Free 1-888-4 79-3784 . You have a c hoic e . Canada Direct Pharmacy Is an organization of Canadian professional pharmacists that can dispense safe, high q ualitybrand name medicines conveniently -for much I••• local p harmacy . ~ than you ant c urrently paying at your ~ Visit www.CanadaOirectPharmacy.com DATEBOOK voung doctor and new widower, lfaWla 10 the moet aouthern city of the world In ord« to keep a pn>mlM. Julan does know about iov. and ptiln, and wants to eac.pe to h4tawn. 2p.m. GlfU.HOOO Orange County Museum of Art l.Jfl"-d Sr»f• 2002 • ~ Uz Gart>us • IWNNNG 1NE: 80 mlnutae A th'" veer )oumev followl two girts through the juvenile JU9tlca 11Y't9m to their home on the ~k ltrMCI of Eaet Baltimore, Maryland. The fllm providee lnalght 1010 the world of voung WOtMn It risk. Girlhood 111111 a coming of age ltOfY about mothers and deughtere, ctlme and Its conaequeneea, and triumph In the face of hopelflllnen. 2:30p.m. JUMPINO FOR JOY Edwards Island -Blue United StatN 2003 World Premiere • DIRECTOR: Tim Net.on •RUNNING TIME: 94 minutes For a peralltent teenage girl in 1964, Bobbie Dean's goal of becoming a champion bnketball player is easier dreamed than accomplished - especlally at a time when the line between boys and girts sports was clearly drawn. Bobbie la an excelt.nt player, but when It coma to playing on a team, she can hardly follow the •girls rules:' When Bobbie is mistaken for a boy, she thinks her dnaam may have finally come true. 3:30p.m. MOVING ALAN lido Theater United Statn 2002 World Premiere • DIREC10R: Chris Shelton • RUNNING TIME: 84 minutes Tough girl Emily end meek. pampered Melissa have not spoken in three years. so when Emily receives a desperate call from her 1i1ter summoning her to Loa Angeles, this is serious. Arriving et Meline'• lush Hollywood Hilla home, Emily greets her disoriented slater and soon dil(X)Vers that her husband Alan's naked, end apparently dead, body is stuffed under the kitchen sink. In 11 frt of panic, the Stltera concoct a plan to dispose of Alen in a remote desert area. With Alan's body In the trunk of the car, the two sisters embark on 11 journey, encountering strange and eccentric characters along the way. lliE CHINATOWN ALES Orange County Museum of Art United Starn 2001 • DIRECTOR: Amy Chen • RUNNING TIME: 67 minutes The roo11 and legacy of the Cold War on the Chinese American oommunity OU/ In the lMO'• aod '*'' are explored thlouQh flm-NM eocounts of MYen men and~ During the McCarthy en wltdl hum., the loyaltlea of mora than 10,000 ChlneM Amerlcane were~ettloned bMed on their ethnicity a alleged rial! to Nltlonal aecurlty. lie China remal"'9 an enigma to molt Americane, the pretudJce aod Jlne<>lsm that has negetlvely ef'fec:t,ad the 11 ..... of Chfneae Americans hn raraly been examined. 4p.m. PfACEJAM Edwlrdl lelend -Gold Unlt«J SblfN 2002Wast Coat Prem iere • DNCTOft Dennla Flippin • AUNNNO TIME: 71 minutes ~•m followl flye teens over a •lx·veer period •they wock aide-by-side with Nobel !Wee PriZll Liu,..._ end leem how to beoome IM<Mt'S In their own communitiee. 'fhla doa.lmentary records their transformation Into people of puQ>OM while capturing the momenta that changed their llvee -the murder of gay student Matthew Sheperd, the camege at Columbine High School, the death of a father who overdoeed. 4:JOp.m. CHILDREN ON nlEM llRTHOAYS Edwards Island -Blue United sm .. 2002 U.S. Premiere • DIRECTOR: Mark Medoff Attended by director. producer, princlptil celt • RUNNtNO TIME: 101 minutes Alabama in 1947, a myatarioue girl arrives In town on a hot summer day. lilly Jane, 13 years old and wise beyond hef years, apeelcl for her rl)ute mother who la a talented Mlmlt1'8ll. Billy and Preacher are belt friends and they find themselves both drawn to Lilly Jene. Friendships are lost as they vie for Lily Jane's attention In this charming mystical film. S p.m. FOUL KING (VUA BAI RAC) Lido Theater V(etnam 2002 • DIRECTOR: Do Minh Tuan • RUNNING TIME: 'R minutes Trong la en overbearing gang chief and garbage dealer, sx><*etlng the profits from garbage collectors in town. His life i1 turned around when he meets Thuy, 11 flower vendor, selling hef virginity to boy medicine for her eldc mother. Trong falls deeply in love with Thuy and brings her bade to live with him at the dump. With his love for Thuy and friendship with other impoverlehed people in his community, Trong aeta out to improve the living end working conditions at the dump. Alt begins to work out until Trong almost kills a young ertiat who ~ St'n ..Kmtn1ne ~les for all Sfi'apes & ..>fZea of BEAlITlFUL WOMEN See what's NEW for Spring & Summer FLAX ... ~ -LIXI '"rm:h'"wun111111 ... Gifa 0-Acceuom1 369 E. 17th St 121, Costa Mesa (949) 642-5459 An American nm business sltice /9j3. Our family serving your family for 50 years ,,....--:-::----, Momma J ohn We belong t-0 tbe · world's largest flooring reta_ll group -c0-0p. We are tbe biggest flooring dealers tndlvldually ownea a nd operated. NOllODY a~ can beat our uuaton, 'j)rfces or service. Youn paying too mucb lfyou're 'nol buying fro#l au. Jennifer Lifetime Warranty Carpet $1 '' Lifetime Warranty J4minate Gus Lifetime Warranty Ceramic $1 '' Lifetime Warranty Wood Brenda FUU. SERVICE Ce11ter Ttpt • Shwen • Cer1•I• • Ste11 • Or11ite • WH4 Ref11lt~ OME STOP SHOP Wl14ew Ctnrl1 t • Cl111l1 C1r et & U ••ltte • P1i1tl1 -l1teritr & Exterler comtp M••• lrvln• , ... , ••0·7•7• <Ml) 818•0t•t ta• •· 17tll 1'1'1'17 Main •a• MOM·fll f·S MOll·fRI t0·6 • JATUHAY 10-4 tATURDAVI & tutf tAYI IO_. CLOIU IUHAY EVIMIMa.t IY APPOIMTIUMT la ol>Ylously lttnlC'led to Thuy. This act Of JMloulV CIU .. Thuy to,...... Ind the ,.mo,... ttw.1 followl CIUMll Trong to Mele ..-mPtlon end the f89P9C1 of the entire oommunfty. GUILTY PUASURE: ntE EXTRAON>tNARYWORU> OF DOWllCK DUNNE Orange County Museum of Art C.na<U2002 Wast Coest Premlert • DtREC1'0R: Bany Avrlch ·~~4a mlnutee • This II 1 l)O'Mrlul and anlightenlng docurnent.ry chronlc:(log the r1M Ind fall end riM again of vlctlm'a ICM>cata and author Oomlnldc Dunne. The film '-tu,.. l)l'OllOCltl\19 lntef'Viewl with Greydon Certel' (editor, Vanity Fair). Llny IClng, Dorthy Moxltly, Johnnie Cochran, Mark Fuhrman, David Carr (editor, New York Times) and legendary Hollywood producer David Brown. 5:30p.m. SHORTS f82t): POINESTER PfVNCE ROADSHOW Edwards ltland -Gold 1:30 p.m. BETWEEN SlRANGERS Edwarde Island -Blue Italy, C.nada 2002 U.S. Pnlmle,. •DIRECTOR: Edoardo Pontl • RUNNNG TIME: 'R minutes A probing and revealing drama interweaves the 1torlea of three women who, though strangers to each other, are grappling with curiously intertwined dreams, desires and choices whose conaequencea haunt their daily lives. As each story unfolds, the women find themeelvee tl'8nsported b'{ the vision of a young girl. Repnllentlng an imege of a bygone childhood and a pressing reminder of lin9erlng desires. the young girl ln1p1res the women to live more liberated lives and to pursue their dreams with a newfound free splrrt. SKATING THROUGH ntE SAND Orange County Mu~um of Art larae/2002 A film by Wayne Abbott Attended by director • RUNNING TIME: 48 minutes The cameras follow a group of young athletes who set out on a hodcey odyssey in order to realize their collective dream -to win respect for their nation on a surface of ice fer away from home. It follows tile laraelt National Hodcey Team on a quest for hodcey legitimacy at the World Group 'C' Hodcey Ch1mpt0nsh1ps in Johannesburg, South Africa. 7p.m. lliE KIUSOC Lido Theater Tahiti. United States, Costa R1u. Auatralia, Nt1W Zealand 2002 • RUNNING TIME: 50 minutes Shot in Tahiti. California, Hawaii, Costa Rica, Australia and New Zealand. The Kiii Sue is padted with big airs, gaping barrels, end slashing action. Featured are surfers including CJ Hobgood, Kelly Slater, Joel Parkenson. Tom Curren and The Irons Bros. The soundtradc 11 modern punk Diiiy Pilot 1 pop and filla this film with lrun.fty. l p.m. • SEARCHING FOR IWW>ISE Edwards l1l1nd -Gold United St•r .. 2002 • DtREC10A; Myri Paci Attended by ~tJ ..... •RUNNING lWl: 88 mlnutea _ Gilda Mattel just gradu~ from high ad>ool, lt tnf1tueted with enigmatic ,, Hollywood movl11tar Micheal De Santis. With her cameorder. she documents her fascination with him, her lntamal worid of dream9, end her strained though loving relationship with her ctring father. After h« father dies, Gilda dlscoYera that he wu ClrT'(ing I long affeir with I mysterious Italian woman. Gilda goes crazy with grief end anger. Her-crush on Micheal De Santis takes on en obsessive turn. Posing as an Italian )ournalilt with the Un)t neme and persone ... hef father'• mistreai, she su«eeds in mekifl9 It on to)he film set where De Santis la shooting end.to a pttvete lntervfew with him. 8'.JOp.m . SHORTS (54): Oto SOMEONE SAY SHOATS? Edward• Island -Blue •AUDIT • C()4N .. .i •BUGGED • ~E WAS lliE AN1liEM (A.OU IBA I EL HIMNO) I • JON'S DAY • I • DROWNING , • •THE WORMHOLE SMAU VOICES (MGA MUNTING ~ TINIG)• • Closing Night Lido Theater J Philippines 2002 • • DtREC10R: Gtl M. Portes I Attended by film representatives • RUNNING TIME: 109 minutes Dreams are whet Melinda brought •I ' wrth her the day she left for the Provincial town of Mal11W1g. The young teacher arrives to find a l1nd o.f coconut end nee fields and people barren of hope Poverty ha• made the townsfolk paa11ve and resigned to a •, bitter fate. while others fight 1n the mountama Staking their lives for some kind of change ag111n1t the slteptic:11m of the town, Melinde and •- the children of Melewig JOtn 1 humble singing contest. Their song swakens;;i 1n everyone a smell flame of hope, a daring 10 dream and witllngneu to fight for 1t. Melinda leaves the town believing that 1t 11 within one's powel"' to make a difference and that within :,..:: one's self 11 e vo1oe of hope waifing t• be heard. A reception wrll be ht1/d a~er the screening $20 Business casual FRIDAY 7p.m. AWARDS NtGHT" Radisson Hotel Newpon Beach Awards will be given out for a variety of cat ego net, including beat feature, •• etc Gala event will include cocktail rt!IC6pt1on and utenng. $40. 8/ac* t11 optional "' \\'ant ,.ou1· l .. ost S t o c k I n v l's t n l l) n t ll a c k '! • Many investors have suITere ~ serious loss due lo unsuitable investments or unsound advice EB£!.: 56o/o of all stock loss claims are won by investors <NASO) ~I c >< h. I .< >"-"I .\\\\ I 1 ~.c <>\I ~....... I s --·"I c I( "· \I I '\ Come see the new EverWood• CountrySlde blinds rrom Hunter Ooug1u. Overlapptng slats creare a beaurlfol board-on·board design. And the ·nep-up' look adds deprh. dimension and eharaeter lO any room And !vet'WoOd Countryside wlll not warp. crack. peel or fade. Even In humid ateH or dltta sunllf\t. Come sec these beautiful blinds roday , .............. , .. .,.,,, ""' ...... ,, .. QUOTE OF 1HE DAY "This lets us know we have what it takes." Tr.cey Helms, Estancia volleybaff coach ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL A Mighty look at what lies ahead An inside glimpse at the Mighty Ducks' task as they gear up for Detroit tonight in the opener. I t seems onJy appropriate that the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim face off against the Detroit Red Wmgs ln the first round of the Western Conference playoffs. This appears to be a date with destiny. How else can one explain that in the team's third trip to the post st:a50n, they will face the same opponent for the third time? , As the saying goes, the third time is the charm. In looking at these two teams on paper the edge cenainly must go to OetroiL The great thing about sports is that fortunately games are GUY HEBERT played on the ice and really in the end, the winner is determined by which team males fewer mistakes. Let's take a look at the teams. For the Mighty Ducks. who are listed as underdog!>, the rating has put them in a relaxed but focused position. ------'tbe fact that they •GAME 1: Today at Detroit, 4 p.m., fSN2 stan on the road tonight is going to ht a great benefiL They will be able to avoid most if not all distractions that come with the playoffs in the NHL They will * holed up in the hotel being able to tpe advantage ofpu~-their 8lll!lersY and concentration into game Jfepilation. .. Head coach Mike Babcock and his staff will get the team together to go over film and strategy at a moments notice. Also, the team will not feel the ~ pressure to play at home and try and be too fancy. They will be able to keep It simple and allow there young players to get there feet wet in playoff tt>ckey, which we all know reaches an ~tire:ly new level of intensity. •Hett is a scouting report on tonight's pe: ;. OPFBNSB: What Anaheim is able qt throw at the Red Wan~ this time around Is a well balanced offensive ciOack. Captain Paul ICariya has the top ~ wtth Adam C>ates and Peter Sykora '"1ich will be able to test the Red Wtngs defense with their speed and skill. They Ifill put up some good numbers. but ~tis more im~ is the following l1'0 lines. The Ducks can now put Steve 1'ecchin, Mike l..eOerc and Rob ermayer or Stanislav Otlstov, uel Pahlsson and Steve Thom~ on ce which will provide the scoring <tiPth Anaheim has never had before. ..As for the Red Wmg.1. there is no .,rt.age of offerue. The list of talent . • • = S.. HOCKEY, Paa• 82 Spor1s Eclt.or Ro&er Cat1soo • (949) 5744223 • Spot1a Fu: (949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL SEAN HlLL£R I DAA.Y PILOT Estanc1a's Josh Kornegay (left) and Dallas Kopp shut down Ocean View in Wednesday night's sweep at home. Eagles deliver Estancia sweeps Ocean View to gain inside track on Golden West League championship quest. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -In the closest thing 10 a boys volleyball rnid1erm for the only unbeaten teams ln the Golden West League. host Estancia High had all the answers Wednesday, sweeping two-time defending league co-cham· pion Ocean View, 15-5, 16-14, 15-4. So, it was not surprising to learn afterward that the Eagjes (13-2. 7-0 in l~e), now on the Inside trad toward at least a share of the pro· grams 6rs1 league title since 1984, had made the Seahawb (11-5, 5-1) some· thing of a homeworlc proJ· eel f'..c;tanc1a 1s ranked No. 2 in ClF Southern Section Di· VlSIOn Jll. behind Camarillo and one spot ahead of Ocean View. Ocean View Coach ·we've been scouting them since the preseason." Estancia Junior ouiside hit 1er Kris HartweU said. "We had all their ro1ations down and we knew everything they do. We've taken home papers on them and stud ied.- Ocean View 0 Estancia 3 Jimmy Harris said he was surprised by the sweep. but not the level of play ex- rubued by the Eagles. who were led by Hartwell (12 kills, four aces and one stuff The Eagles were a srudy in determination and dominance Wednesday. never trailing in efficient first· and third-game tri· umphs and surrendering the lead only briefly before dosing out a hard· fought second game. ll was the second victory over Ocean View this season for f.stancia, which won 2 of3 games from the Sea· hawlcs in the Orange County Champi· onships. block) and junior opposite Josh Kornegay Ca match-high 14 lcills. four stuff blocks and two aces). *We played them a little tougher in the Orange County tournament,· Har- ris said. "I was surprised about how quickly they go1 on us today, but I wasn't surprised abour the way (Kor· negayl and (Hartwell! hlt the baJl SM EAGLES, Paa• 83 EYEOPENER Daily~Pib Spc.111 llal fl Faaw ·-·· .. "--· Aorll 14 honotff TODD KATOVSICH Tlusday, Apnl JO, 2003 Bl GOLF A good day to grind on the golf course Scores aren't always under 70 these days. but Big Canyon's Bibb enjoying the good walk without spoil. Mamtaining a J hand1tap di .igt 1~ takes ~liou!> talen1. espec1all" wtwn you consider how your body dot•'in 1 al ways do what your m1nd saY'> ,If\ f..ic 1 it's quite seldom when it doe-.! But for veteran'> of the gamt• hkt Danny Bibb of Rig Canyon C ou111r'\ Oub, the recent weJther ha-, bt•l'JJ 11111 good lo pas.<o up. I le played ho11~ \ Wednesday inMead of gnnd1~ Jt 1111· office. "There are no mort' round-. 111 tht• 60s." said Bibb, 1ht• Newport-Mesa com muniry·s aJl urne men's club cham pion with 11 career titles frorn 1977 through '84 at 1"e\ol. pon Beach Count!) Oub (formerly Irvine Coast CCI and Big Canyon. *There no more 6Ss. 66s. 67!> RICHARD I've slowed up a Lmle, but I'm still en1oymg DUNN it: In catching up with Bibb -anc.J fit tingly during Ma,1er., week for 1lw golf oholic that he L., -11 reminded nw of Tiger Woods. an honordl) rnt•mher dt Big Canyon since the earl\ 14<!0-. and who has been .,potted pli1}1ng tht·n· with people like Bibb. w'figer likes people Jt'~ JU!>l. you KllOW ... they hound him so bad I le j11\t Wclnts to relax.· Bibb once '>dld. With Woods geanng up for hi'> dmd straight Master5 titJe !former < o'>IJ Mesa High and SanLa Ana Counrrv ()ub 1unior standout Dennis Pauhon ,., 001 in this year's field!. the Georgia r..i111 t.lw. week at Augusta '\latJOnal coulc.J plJ\ light into Tiger·~ hand!> *The course '" playing brutd.11) Ion.:, Bibb said. "I've been Wiltching 1 lw (,oil Channel and all the pre!..'> conferenc.e~ and all the players are saying the rnuN: is playing long. All that does is mcreas.e the chances for Tiger Actually, I krnd of wish they'd change the '>tyle a hnle bit m some of the big toumamenb '° more guys could win. lf it's a real long golf course, onJy su to 12 guys can win. That's 1L When you male the U 5 C >pen. like at Bethpage (NY. last year ')()long. 11 sets up perfect for Tiger " Too bad Augusta d~n·1 h.i\e our weather this week. ••• Bibb, who used 10 beat the pro' who came to town dunng wannup rounds for the old Cro<iby Southern Pro Am, dJdn't give any player; on the 01amp1 ons Tour tips on how to play l\ewpoM Beach this year But his "local knowledge" IS '><> n>pU· SM GOl.F. Pac• 83 • IRRELEVANT WEEK heisman (SC' s Palmer) : to meet the Lowsman DAILY PILOT ATHLETE OF THE WEEK arson Palmer to join in elevant Week festivities June 26 endeavors. don. "We've been trying to work out an arrangement wbe~ Palmer would be the last draft pick. thereby eosurlns that we could honor him with the lowunan 'lrophy to go on bis mantle next to bis HeWn&n." Salata wm mate hll traditional ap- pearance In New York to announce the 8.nal edection of the NFL draft April 27 ~ote a nadooal audience on ESPN2. '1 checbd with NFL CornmllllloPef Paul 'ligillbue and he a>nflrmed there ans no Niel lgli.nst one player llOCe'Pdn8 the Hefanan md Lowlman.. s.aata laid. lndcYant Week XXVlD bepw wtth an antftl put)' Moodcy, June 23. when M.r. ltrewruu will be~ to Newpon 8eldl wtth a jazz bend, rood. cheer- lelder'I and 8'fts. Mi. I~ wW be 1 ll*f at Db.- neyland and leY8i'li Otlw area anrec- docll pnor to dai MMI 2d ~ On Fnctay, June i1, r.tMdea wm cto. wtth a tallpte petty btlore the Maet·Dodfer ~ prne I&~ Aelc[ ' Jason Johnston JASON JOHNSTON Still struggling to get back to full strength, he's a handful for track and field riva1s. • • 82 llitrsday, Apr~ 10, 2003 S PORTS HIGH SCHOOL SWIMMING Mustangs sitting pretty in .. Golden West Boys and girls remain undefeated in league with convincing victories. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot ' COSfA MPSA -With each victory, It's becoming apparent that Costa Mesa I llgh'.s boys and girls swim teams' hanJ work has begun to pay otr. Wctlnes<lay's Golde!\ West League dual meet with visjtiugWestminsterwas yet another example. of rhe Mustangs' ascent, and their tireless drive to get beHcr. 111e boys recorded a 123-44 tri- umph, while the girls left no question who was boss with a l 12-57 margin. llll' Mesa boys (6-1, 4-0 in league) and ·girls (5-2, 4-0) each have only two dual meelS to go before league finals. Borh teams have come a long way from last year. Second-year coach Bob Shupp brought h.i.s training regimen, which in- cludes morning and evening workouts and prefers to think. of rhe boys and gjrls as one team. ' "Everyone Is supportJve of one an- other and they all come to work bard everyday," said Sfiupp, who • has coached swimming for 30 years. "It's a great group of kids and .they all like each other. Me$Cl's girls figured to have the tougher challenge Wednesday against the Uons (5-2, 3-2 in league), but clis- pelled any notion of a close finish qy winning six of the first eight events, tak- ing a 74-35 lead after the SOO·yard free- style. the seventh evenL Senior Ka1le Thorsness. who played on Mesa's water polo team which won a share or the league title with Saddlebadt and Westminster, doubled in the 200 in- dividual medley (2:34.22) and 500 free (5:52.99) while also swimming on the winning 400 free relay team (4:16.73) with Ouistine 'IWohlg. AW.son Harris and Patricia Shuppert. The ~~dy .stream of Mesa winners condoned on the boys side with jun.lor Brian Tipton. along with SOP.homores Adam Douglas and Evan Spencer, each doubling in their events. Tipton tried to get an automatic Clf qualification in the 100 breaststroke but came up just short with a I :08.22. CIF qualifying lime is 1:07. Tipton rolled to victory in the 200 IM (2:21.73) while Douglas took the HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL DON L£ACH / DAILY PflOT Costa Mesa shortstop Alex Pisarski has Westminster base runner Arthur Ramo s hung out to dry on a pickoff play. Mustangs can't keep up Coach Deats does not like ' Costa Mesa's effort in 9-3 Joss to Westminster in a ( Golden West League duel Wednesd~y afternoon. Steve Viraen Daily Ptlot Wl:..5TMINSI1m -TI1e odds were stackt>d against Costa Mesa High before its tioldcn West League baseball game a t Wt.>c;tminster Wednesday. lOe Uons entered the contest winners or their pre- vious three and having SGOred eight and IO ru11s, rec1pecUvely. In their past two vil torit'S. It was obviously es.'iential that 1hc Mustangs play error-free and up- suiJe bast>ball. Rut that was not the cac;e. Tht' lfons (9-7, 5-l ln league) scored eighr runs in the first three Innings to gwn a 9 3 victory over a squad that was hardly enetglzed to face one or the lop team in the Golden West League. ac· cording to C..osta Mesa Coach Doug Deats. •ovcmJI. that might have been our wor;t tfTon or 1he year.• Deats snld. "We told the gv~ (after the game) that you haw to Jook yuurself in the minor and ~e what's really staring back. But I take nly hat o{r to Wc8tminsttt. fl'he Uons) playn.I hard. They Mtt ~fling we hope WI! u n be. They outplayed WL" Ocats '° aatd the M »tanp (6-6. 2·2) t d to adapt nao one of thclr playert out beca of dbdpllnuy Jn Oeau dkJ not name the pl~. yet m )tloncd tt cuation resulttd ln pos}Utm u1.vigr.s and be thought that put tJ1 Mu~ at a dliedYan It dkln'l help that the I.Jons built a , o I d In the bottom of the Om In· """'-~nattr' i.doff hittrr o.Je t Garno tripled 10 right-center field on a full count I le later scored on a wiltl pitch. The U ons then -.cored two run\ with two oul. Brian Gump collected a two-out RBI single on a full cou111 to give Westminster a somewhat com manding 3-0 lead. "In our pa.st three games. we've been pretty hot, .. said Westminster Coach Mike Carey, whose team ha.'> averaged nJne runs in its pas t three wins. "We'vt> just been doing the little things. We've just been putting the ball in play and we"ve been able to grab some momen tum.- Carey. who graduated from We&tmin- ster in 1998. said the Lions' nrst inning gave them control of the game. "We established ourselves and estah- lished what we wanted to do, -said Carey, who played ba.c;eball at Orange Coast C.Ollege for two years after West minster. The Mustan~ nearly rallied in the third lnnlng when they were down, 5-0, after rhe Uons scored another two run-. wtth two OUL Seniors Adam Beltran. Dan Bitler and Nate Hunter showed J.gn of life as they each collected two· out singles to load the bases. But. West- minster pltcht>r Rlake Torgeson was ®le to Induce a short chopper, which he ea.stly ReJdcd ttnd threw ro first for th(' out. "W• can stack up against (Westrnln- 11terJ better,• Dcata said. "But we dk1n'1 ha'IC that opponunfty. We h d to mile tomf' peoonnel ch.an and that wu.snl ln our favor. I would like to play that" guys n and I look forward to Dcat~ o Coita Mesa alumnw also Watmtn~ter, along with OceWl Vlnv th top two t~.an In lhc Golden West lr.llue Tu n typltled the (Jons' :J)fflonty In h u innlllgll of work. Ji. d Uvm:d Ovw 1trtkoout• and allowed only one run. which came in the c;ixth inning. I lunter. who was rut by a pitch. scored on a fielder's choice grounder ofT lhe bat of sophomore Alex Pisarslc.i Ueltran, who went 2 for 4, and junior lu'tin Peterson. scored in the seventh inning on RB I singles by Hunter. who also wenl 2 for 4, and senior Robert Ro- drigue1 Estancia limited to one hit • MSEBMJ..: Junior Brad Young struck out nine and allowed three hits, but the Estancia High ba.o;eball team endured a rough sixth inning and los t, 4· I. to Golden We t League visitor Orange Wednesday. 1 he Eagles (3-1 O, l ·4 In league) gave up the four runs in the sixth. Three runs came unearned and Estancia committed three erTors in the inning. C.Oach Jon Green's Eagles built a 1-0 edge after on e Inning. Junior Jeremy Hauser, who came up wfth Eatanda's lune hll. singled and dvanced to sec- ond and lhJrd on pa.ued balls. He scored on Young's RBJ groundoul. Golcltft .... t.....,. w..trnlMW '· ..... J eostaM ... ~lily~ -J I Wmln1ter W ocn • t ,, Torgeeon. Dollgta. (7) .net 8rlnkrnan, Nolden (8); Gonnler. lhhran 13), Pluratt (6). Cooper 19) llnd Hunter W-Toro-on, 3-2 l -Goniai.a. 0-2. 28 -Btl~ IW), Gump (W) 38 Gemo (WI. w..-... ...... ~4.r.c...de1 .... lily ...... or.,. 000 * o -••i l!stencle 100. ooo o -1 , • Johneon end W.l•h: Young •net Crom. w - JohNOn L-Youno. O.&, 21 -Uwr'ence COi. S.~fOI so flee (23.44) and 100 free (52.73 -bis best time of the year). Spencer won the 100 butterlly (J:Ol.17) and 200 free (2:01.17). in the SO free (29.22) and 100 free (1 :02.78). Mesa won all 11 events, including the 200 medley and 400 free relays. Kyle Thorsness, Adam Adamowicz. Tyler Cllol and Douglas led the 200 medley (1:55.61) while Spencer, Adamowicz. Thorsness and ~uglas cruised ln the 400 free (3:Sj.1_3), Thorsness remained undefeated in league in the 100 badt- stroke (1:06.47) while Douglas has not lost in the so and 100 free. Spencer is als6 undefeated in the 200 free, accord- ing to Shupp. Bunnell. Jessica Steenhard, 'IWoh.lg and Bowman teamed to win the 200 free reJay (1:57.29t while Thorsness. 1Wohig. Harris and Shuppert touched first in the 400 free relay (4:16.73). Westminster's Julie Zaborowski got ahead of Bowman during the final 50 yards of the 200 free relay before Bow- man made a quick twn With 25 yards to go to edge out the Mesa win by 59 hun- dredths of a second. Bowman, a sophomore; is In her fint year with the Mustangs and has also felt Shupp's coaching style is catching on. 1Wo Mesa girls won single events Wednesday. including Harris in the 200 free (2:17.47) and Gravis In the 100 breaststroke (1:19.l). Bowman doubled ~He has really been pushing us and It's about time we take him serlousty,• Bowman said. ·All the work so far has been worth it." HIGH SCHOOL SWIMMING Newport cruises past Laguna Hills LAGUNA HlllS -The Newpon Harbor I Ugh boys and girls swim teams won all but four of the combined 22 events. leading to sizable victories over Sea View League host Laguna Hills Wednesday. The Sailors' boys squad. which won 10 of 11 events, defeated the Hawks. 127-38, while the Newport girls won. 100·70. Seniors Andrew Cole (100-yard butterfly and 500 freestyle) and Ross Sinclair (200 individual medley and 100 backstroke) won two events each to lead the Newport boys swim team. Sean McGhJe (SO free). Na- than Weiner (200 free). MichaE!l Bury (100 free) also recorded victories. Cole. McGhie and Bury contriboted to two relay triumphs. Senior Nicole Mackey won the 200 IM (2: 10.53) and I 00 Oy (l :03.37), leading the Newport girls squad. Raetyn rutchie 1200 free). Ashley Parole (56.41) and Jenna Murphy (lOO back) added one victory each and the Sailors also won the 200 med· ley relay and the 200 free relay. SN Y'9w lNcue Boys N9wpoft Hecbor 1V, laauN Hilla 38 200 medley relay-t. Newport (Sherman, McGhle. Cole, Bury I. 1:53.72. 200 free -1. Weiner (NH), l :SS.82; 2. Belden (NH). 1:56.91: 3. Lag. Hills. 2:00.89. 200 IM -1. Sinclair INHI. 2:08.84; 2. Bury (NH), 2:15.39; 3. Armstrong (NHI. 2:16.31 50 free-1. McGhie INH), 23.Al; 2. Lag. Hills, 23.61; 3 Belden INHI. 23.68. 100 fly-1. Cole (NH), 1:03.37; 2. McGhie (NHI, 1:03.24; 3. Weiner (NHI. l 08.15 100 free -1 Bury (NH), 61.20; 2. Lag HUit, 51.37; 3. Auer (NH I. 52.n. 600 free -1. Coje (NH), 4;58.80; 2. Robinson (NHI. 5:30 43; 3 Leg. Hills, 6·33.73 200 fTee relay -1. Newport IMcGhie, Weiner, Jorth, Colel, l :35.09. 100 badc-1. SinQlair (NH), 1:o2..44; 2 Armstrong (NH), 1:06 66; 3 Latidl-(NH). 1:08.12. 100 breaststroke -1. Lag. Hills. 1:0771; 2. Sherman (NHI. 1:11.29;3. Auer (NHI, 1 13.14 400 free retay -1. Newport !Bury. Gregory, Belden. Robinson), 4:14.11. SN Y'9w lMcue Gfrtll Newport tWbot 100, &..gun. ... 70 200 medley relay-1. Newport !Belden, Murphy, Medley. Parole), 1:68.42. 200 free-1 Ritd11e (NH), 2:05.93; 2. Andefson (NH). 2"06.61; 3. Karges (NH), 2:09.36. 200 IM -t. Madtey (NHI. 2:10.53; 2. Murphy (NH), 2:16.57; 3. Lag. Hills, 2:19.01. 50 free -1. Lag. HUis, 26 .. 24; 2. Parole (NH), 26.48; J. Ball (NH). 28.92. 100 fty -1. Madtev (NH). 1:03.37; 2. l.eg. Hills. 1:04.91; 3. Karges (NH). 1:07.36 100 free -1. Parole (NH), 56.41 ; 2. Belden INHI. 56.93; 3. lag. Hills, 58.91. 600 free-1. Leg. Hills, 6:23.45; 2. Conwey (NH). 5:37.67; 3. Beebe (NH), 5'.50.84. 200 free relay -Newport (Ball, Anderson. HaMI'(, Wight), l ·48.62 100 badc-1 Murphy (NH), 1:04.33; 2. l.eg. Hills, 1:06 72; 3. Belden (NH), 1:07.27. 100 breaststroke -1. l.ag Hills, 1:11 87; 2 Leg. Hills. 1 13.27; 3. Wight !NH). 1"16.38 400 free relay -1 Lag. Hills, 3:50.11. Costa Mesa 123. Wes1minster 44 200 medley 1'91ay -1. CM, (Thorsness, Adamowtez. Chol, Doug!MI. 1 :55 61. 200 free -1. Spencer (CM), 2:01. 17; 2 Adamowicz (CMI. 2:03.A 1: 3. Medlrl8 (CM), 2: 14.16. 200 IM -1. Tlpton (CM), 2:21.73 •. Scholz {West), 2:56.09; 3. Cornwell (Waltl. 3:2.05. 50 free -1. Douglu ICM), 23.44; 2 Thortnest ICM), 25.12: 3. Hernandez (CM), 25.7. 100 fty -1 Spencer (CM), 1:01.17; 2. Chol (CM), 1:05. 19; 3. King ('Mist), 1:19.63 100 free -1. Douglas (CM), 52.73; 2. Hernandez ICM). 56.87. 3. Casperwn IWestl. 5762. 600 free -1. Adamowlcz (CM), 43.42; 2. MediN (CM), 6:10.56; 3. Fisk (CMI. 6:23.81 200 free relay-1 CM, (Koo.11, Oever, Hemandl!z. Tipton), 1:4712 100 badt-1. Thor1MS1 (CM), 1:06 47; 2. King (West), 1:14.18; 3. Clever (CM), 1:14.89. 100 b<eaststrolte -1. Tlpeon ICM). l :08.22; 2. Reynolds IV'tlettl, 1-10 16; 3. Geil (CM). 1 ·16..35. 400 free relay -1. CM, (Sperl()8(. AdarTlOWICZ. Thorsness. Douglas), 3:53. 13. GoldMw..t Lqpe ~ Com Me.a 112. Wescminstlf 57 200 medley relay-1 'Wast. 2:10.66. 200 free -1. ~rm (CM). 2:17.47; 2. Twohig (CM), 2:18.87; 3 Zabof'owm <Wes11. 2:25.lM). 200 IM -1. Thorsness ICM), 2:34.221; 2.Grevia (CM). 2:43.92; 3. Steenhard (CMI. 2:45.62 60 free -1. Bowman (CM). 29.22; 2. Bunnell ICM), 29.33; 3. Boland (WMt), 29.68. 100 fly -1. Lucero (West). 1 :06.21; 2. Shuppert ICM). 1 :11.90; 3. S1eenhard ICMI. \:14.60. 100 free -1 Bowman (CM). 1:02.78; ~Bunnell ICM). 1:03.66; 3 .. Twohig (CM), 1:05.28. 600 free -1. Thorlnesa (CM). 5:52.99, 2. Shuppert ICM), 6<04 88. 3 Le (CMI. 7:06.4. 200 free -1. CM. (Bunnell, S1eenhard, Twohig, Bowman). 1 :57..29. 100 be<*-1. LUC*o <WMtl. 1:10.81; 2. Harris (CM), 1:11.91; 3 Boland (WMt), 1:14.87 100 bnlaststrolte -1. Gr9Vis (CM), 1 :19.1; 2 Barron (West), 1:39.78; 3. Nguyen (CM), 1:22 72. 400 free rel9y-1. CM. {Thor1ne... T~tg, Harris. Shuppett). 4:16.73. HOCKEY Continued from B 1 speab for ltsell and they will no doubt get their chances on Anaheim's goaUes. HuU. Shanahan, Federov, Yzennan. Ud- strom and the list goes on will take chances on the offensive end of the Ice. fense in front or him. which includes Keith Camey. Sandis Oz.ollnsh. Kurt Sauer, Nldas HaveUd. Ruslan Salet and Freddie Olausson. he wflJ be weO pro- tected. These defensemen will be counted on to play pivotal roles in limJt· Ing time and space for the Red WI.op potent offense. With the likes of Yur- man, Federov. HuU, Shanahan and Lid- strom they wflJ have their hands fu1L • POWFJl PlAY: No question the Dudes have the ralent to haw a great power play. Both units will haw their chance to 5hine and again the team will ha\lt! two balanced units to lhrow apinst Detrolts penalty lcilling unit. It Anaheim 1s Detroit wi1J have rely on Curtis Joseph to bounce back from an average sea.son and regain his form. They will have Clle- Uos and Udstrom. aloq with newly IC· quired Mathieu Schneider to help stop the Ducks speedy offense. to be sua:essfW the point ~ wm be • P£NAllY ICllL: Th1I may be wbe10 the key in being able to handle Detroit's rhe series is won or losL With one ol the pressure and making sure that they are. best penalty killing units playing apins( putting pucb at the net. one or the l~r play unJts, th.ls wm Detroit. boasting the future hall of be something to took b.ac on when the fame cast on their power play will use series b over. Again. the goalie ls your Nldta.t Udstrom u their point man and best penalty Jr.fl.let and JS. Gtguem wOI d1rect where and how the play rune-haw to be at h.ls best aod makin8 ....,.. don& As aJwa)'I he b a threat to score he can control h'8 rebQunds. from lhe pof nt. For Dctroll the big queldon rnadt will be their goaJttndlng. WW Qa.nJa Jolepti play like the old Qa~ or will he condnue to atrug)e to find his 1'bythni. nu. ~ the Ila that the Wings feel 010lt vul· nera.ble eolng into the plllyo6. Mudi like Gfguetre. Jo9eph will cany the Iced and the! preaure on hJm to carry bll team lO the ftnala. • DEFENSB: M alwayw. in order to make a rtoua run at the Scanley O..p the p1le becomee the m-1or focus for both cxpnJiadons. 1euDa fed that they can ride • bot goeUe an the way to th~ et.J>. 1b1I ccrWnly ls uue e.nd now for Anaheim It can rat on other ahouldm than mine. J.S. Gfcl.lcm wW be the men to the middle of an the action. 'le has hid a tremendous teaSOn Ind now that the real INllOll II upon him ho can taU the Mn .. Thi& lttp la to tNib yout'· eetl Md ~ tMm ~ttmatt and th• only way thll la clone II to ~111tceellful In the pcltl ....... wtdl • -rons de· • ~ 8-dt ,....,. Ouytw.t .... Alumnl Aliocl.tton OWtclof fot N Mltfwy Ducb Of Anehelm. HebMt, ~ "' ... MIQtlty °"'*" In h ,..,_.. ...,11i1on ... ~eiit1tV-Wfofh~and ~to hold rn.,,.,of 1he....,.. ta:••• ndll 119 f'8DOf'dl. ' SPORTS TM~v. Atri 10, 2003 83 BRIEFLY _Hitless Estancia victorious anyway • SOPJ'SUL: The Estancia }Ugh softball team failed to get a ;hit, b~t didn't fail to come up with a victory Wednesday, edg- lng Golden West League visitor Orange. I -0. Orange pitcher Vanessa 7boriJ walked four, Including two to 'help fuel the P.agles' lone run In the sixth Inning, l..awa Monon walked to start the frame and Be D!ep took over as a pinch-runner. DieJ>J a recent Jwlior varsity call-up ~ her first varsity action, advanced to second on Muriel Mason's sacri- iice bunt. After Evelyn Flores walked, Diep bolted for third when a pitch In the dirt evaded the Orange catcher. The catcher eventually recovered and threw to third, where the third base- man mishandled the throw for an error. allowing Diep to score the game-winner. Mason struclc out seven in a complete-game t.hree-hiner to earn her sixth win in eight deci- sions this season. Estancia improved lo 9 -4, 2-3 in league, while Orange fell to 8-5, 3-2. "We'll take it," Estancia Coach Man: Rodig said of the uncon- 1ventional triumph. CWdlft .......... &anda 1, Onnge 0 9'.nge ~~~ -0 3 1 EmnCla 000 001 0 -1 0 , Zboril end C.lderon; Meson and Acosta. W -Muon, 6-2 L -Zboril, 8- 5. • TENNIS: The Corona del Mar High boys tennis team im- proved to 15-0 and 6-0 in the Pa- cific Coast League with a 17-1 home victory Wednesday over GOLF Continued from Bl table. Bibb has actually been a secret weapon for at least two pros ln the Toshiba Senior Oas- sic field, providing pre-tourna- ment insight to the nuances of the tricky greens. among other ~ His good friend and fellow Big Canyon member, Ron Lane, in- sisted on Gary McCord having lunch with Bibb before his first Toshiba Senior Classic appear· ance in '99. McCord won his first PGA Tour or senior tour event in 383 career starts when he cap- EAGLES Continued from Bl Those guys are not only first· team all-league players, they should be All-OF.· The 6-foot-4 Kornegay and the 6-2 Hartwell were the leading re- cipients of sopho more Trevor Holmes' consistent set.s. though 6-l junior outside hitter Brad Larsen (seven kills and two aces) and 6-5 junior middle blocker Scott Sankey (six kills and one block) also did their share. Holmes finished with a match· high 34 assists. Meanwhile. Ocean View switched 6-3 senior setter Justin Roth to outside hlner after the first game, trying to supply a lit- tle muscle at the net But with Roth hitting (a team-high six ~). the Seahawb suffered in the aetting department as Roth's backup needed two games to match the etght assists Roth col· lected ln the first game. After cruising In the first game. Estancia became Its own worst enemy In the second, allowing the vlsitors to tum deficits or 5-0 and 6-2 into an 8-7 lead on Oaapmao'1 only kill of the match. 'a llat-footed roll shot from the Northwood. University of nm.a-bound senior standout Garrett Snyder swept at No. I singles. while sophomores Carsten Ball and Spencer Reitz won all three of their sirigles sets. Northwood, whlch defeated University on Tuesday, 10-8, fell to 6-6, 5-1. ' In doubles, CdM's Wesley Miller and tssei Sa.Jda swept at No. l, while Bryan Warsaw and Brennan Roberts won three sets at No. 2. CdM hosts Laguna Beach April 22. hdlc CMlt lAllpe CdM 17, Northwood 1 S.,...-Snyder (CdM) def. Cho, 6-2. def. Tran, 6-1, def. Ferland, 6-1; Ball (CdM) won 6-4, 6-0, 6-0; Reitz (CdM) won 6-4, 6-2, 6-0. Doubles-Mllle...S.lde (CdM) def. Aanaes-Moody, 6-2, def. Murdia-Wolf, 6-4, def. Strenk-Eianer. 6-0; Roberts-Waraew (CdM) won 6-1, 7-6, 6-0; Nguyen-Gingold won 6-4, 6-2, Krouph-Khoury Iott. 1-6. Vanguard sweeps • BASEBALL: Vanguard Uni- versity d ealt visiting Westmont a double dose of the blanks Wednesday. scoring 3-0 and 5-0 Golden State Athletic Confer- ence victories behind the shut- out pitching of Jason Searle and Josh Franco. Searle two-hit Westmont -0ver seven innings in the opener. 1\vo unearned runs in the third inning and a solo shot by Jon Bower in the fifth proved deci- sive. Franco struck out three, walked none and was backed up by a 10-hit attack. Scon Zine and Matt Tisthammer each banged out two singles and S- earle had a double. tured the Toshiba that year in dramatic style. In 1996, the first year the event was played at Newport Beach, Bibb sat down with John Schroeder and went through the course hole by hole. Schroeder was one of the first-round lead- ers and mentioned Bibb's help in a press conference. Bibb, who played collegiately at UC Irvine after starring at Co- rona del Mar High in the 1960s and leading the Sea tings to a CJF Southern Section title in '67 (along with current Santa Ana Country Oub Director of Golf Mike Reehll, once said he played ·something like 300-plus rounds a year" throughout his four years baclc row. A net violation gave Ocean View a 9-7 advantage and the Seahawb broke a 9-9 tie to take the lead again. But, after an Estancia timeout, Ocean View missed a serve, then a Sankey stuff block and a mis- handled ball by the Seahawb put the F.agles up, 11-I 0. Estancia scored the next three points. including a Larsen ace and a Hartwell kill, but Ocean View staved Qff two game points to pull even at 14. But a Kornegay kill gave the Eagles a sideout and Kornegay closed it out, first with a tip that rolled off the tape and onto the sideline for a point. then a thun- derous kill that fell between a Seahawk. blocker and the net. ·Tu1s team likes 10 battle it out.~ Tracey Heims said of the second game. "We just had to fo. cus and quit making ~takes in that second game." As the only unbeaten team in the league. there ls now room for error. But the EagJes are deter- mined not to slip up. en route to the Ocean View rematch May 8. "This lets us know ~ have what it takes.. Heims said Added Hartwell; "1b1s proYeS wt!'re the No. 1 team ln league. now." ~--M!Mdc~ Ciiiii I Vllnguanl 3, Weetmont O Wmont ooo ooo o o 2 1 Vanguard 002 010 • -3 ' 1 Strm and Bouman; Searle end Bower. W -Searle, 3-2. L -Stretz, G-4. 28 -Camenen (VU). HR - Bo-r (VU). Geme2 1-I I, 0 -6 In league. Soph omore middle blockcrc; Garrett Walthers (four kills, three stuff bloclcs) and Gabriel Gonzales (three stuff blocks), aJong with freshman oppo!>lte Ryan Bagwell (18 dig1>) stood out for the Mustangs. Pirates fall , 13-0 Kelly Topps had a solo homer in the fir!'>! mn1ng and Uyen Mai delivered a two nm triple in the sixth, but We'!tminster' fourth inning ruled. Mesa falls 10 q 5, :H in league. Westn11nMer 11nprove'> lo 6-3. 3-3. Golden Welt LAque Westmi(tst« 7, M.u 3 Austin Serr for Estancia (9-2, 4 O In the Golden WeM LeagueJ Sage Hill roll~. 15-3 VMguVd 5, Westmont 0 Wmont ooo ooo o o 5 • SOFTMLL: Orange Coast Men 100 002 o 3 1• 3 2 College's softball team ran Into· Water ooi 501 1 ,~ 1 o a Tiger on Wednesday and lo.,t Buller end Miller, Be1ancoun and • TP.NNJS· Sage Hill School defeated hos1 Brethren Ouis 11an, 15-3, in an Academy I eague boys tennis match Wednesday as aU three of the lJghtning doubles ',91115 swept in straight Sef~ Ara Demirjian and Tri.stian < .ord1er played N<> I doubles tor Sage Hill 15·6, 4-2 In league). while Mark Ramadan and Todd Montekab teamed at No. 2 and I >rr•w RoeM>r and Kent Kuran at "Jo 3 Vanguard 210 020 • -5 10 Machado, Zielke (8) end Bouman; Franco end Westerfeld. W -Franco, 1-1. L -Mec:tiado, 1-3. 2B -Searle (VU). Pirates sweep foe • VOlJ..EYBALL: Defending Orange Empire Conference champion Orange Coast neded just over an hour to dispose of visiting San Diego Mesa, 30· 18, 30-13, 30-25, Wednesday. For one of the few times silnce conference play began. Coach Omck Cutenei.e was able to empty his ben ch . David Doxey took over after Gam e l and had 2 1 assists. Kaione Scott had 13 digs and saw time in the front row. Poyer Poia had nine digs and five service aces. Kaimana KamaJni added six lcills for the Pirates, who have now won four of Lhe past five matches. Coast improves to 15-5. 10-4. Me a falls in three • VOIJ..EYBAU.: Costa Mesa High's boys volleyball team dropped a 2-15. 10-15. 15-13, 4- 15 Golden West League deci- sion at Saddleback High in Santa Ana Wednesday, falling to in high school after his grand- father imroduced him to the game at age 13, when Bibb's famUy moved to Newport Beach from La Canada. ••• Bibb, a successful Newport Beach real estate broker, lost $10 to Arnold Palmer at Pebble Beach during a three-day corpo- rate outing hosted by the owners of Pebble Beach Golf Unks on April 29, 2000, not long after the King made his Newport Beach debut. ... A memorial celebration for Pat Cox. the former Santa Ana Coun- Gyaborno W -Be1anc:oun L a 13-0 Orange Empire Confer Buller 2B -l<ohan (W) 3B -M111 ence game to visiting Riverside. (CM). HR -I< Topps (CM). Kelly Sharum was Coai.l's onJy player with a base hit. a single in the fifth inning. Riverside, 32-16, 8-6 in the OEC had a 14 -hll asi.ault, paced by Megan Moltz. who went 3 for 3 wi1h three run!> and two RBis. Jennifer Rarth had a two-run homer and pitch0r Carla Olasey struck out four and walkld four en roull' to thl' one-hil .,hutout in a ~anw shortened to five inning., O< c faJJsto9-14,4 10. Oran&• Empire Conference Riverside 13, OCC O R1ver11i<H! 336 01 1 J ,. o QCC 000 00 0 I Chasey and Banh. Ascencio Mllhes, Pfiefer (51, Hughes 151 and Sharum W -Chasey. 8-5 L Mathes, 6 10 38 -Aceves IRCC) HR -Berth (RCC) Mesa falls, 7-3 • Costa Mesd 1 ligh\ '>Ofth.lll learn dropped it'> first liolden West League game a'> ho<,t Westmmster c;urpri!>ed the Mustangs with a five run fourth-inning which featured six singles and a douhle. l'n route to a 7-3 VlCIUry. try Oub women's champion who clied recently. will he Apnl 16 at St. Andrewc; Oturch al l.lO p.m , followed by a time of rnmara derie at the Duck Farm al 4 · 1 !) p.m. ••• ~Whal' m the Bag?". Tne\1(>/f Ownm?Lrom's onlmc feature that reveals what eqwpment PGA Tour winners are playrng, 1s be- coming a fast-paced, magaYfac- style television serie!> on lhe Golf Otannel. Hosted by Golf Olannel Busi The series will include 13 ep1 sodes, each airing Wedn~aY"' beginning April 16 [check for lo- cal limes!. 'Eater lose, 13-6 • WATER POU): UC Irvine., women's water polo team ab sorbed a lJ-6 Mountain Pantie Sport!> t·edcralion loss to h1>M USC Wedne.,dJy. Karly I 1venan. M1chelh· Larey and I rn:<1 I lnrman l'dl"h ... rured tw1c l' tor U< I, hu1 a 7 .! halftime defiu1 prCJ\ed deuc.,1\e U~C m1provt•., to lfl-], q I in the MP~I Eagles drive pasl Cllino 9GOLF: 1-rt•\hman Marcu' So-.1ak talhf'd hi'> '>econd eagle ul the -.ea.,011 and shot a 2-un der-par J.i 10 pace the &tanua l ligh boy-. golf team to a I H..! £04 nonleague win over Olmo Hille; Wcdnei.day The 182 i'> thl' lowe'>t ol the c.,ea<;on for l-.\tan cia ... aid Co..ich Art Pem. SostaL eagled the par > fillh hole and add1·d ty,o b1rd1ec; 111 hie; round at ( ,,.,,a \1e<.a <,ulf & Country Oub. Ryan Amwn .. hot a 3h to gll with a 37 by la ... on ca .. s1dy and HI~ each from Crrt'g t.e ... and ~ge Hill. ranked No 5 m CIF Southern Section Divtsion V. will travel to No. 2 Wl\ltney in a league showdown rnday. Academy Leaa~ Sage Hill 15, Brettlren 3 Singles -Solodko ISHI loat 10 Bowman G-6. def McClellan. &-0. df'I Evin 6 1 M1lovan1aev ISHI won b 0 losr 0-6. w'ln 6 0 Chin ISHI won 6 0. 7 6 los1 0-6 Doubles -Demirpan Cordier (SHI def Pringle-Bergan (SHI, 6-0, det Rudd Gregon, 6 O. def Kim Yamagush1. 6-0 Ramadan-Montekab !SH} won &-0, 6 0 6 2 Roeser-Kuren !SHI won 6-1. 6 0 6 1. OCC mi~'iC\ mGOLF: Orange l.Oa!>t Col- lei.;e\ men·s golf team dropped c1n Orange l-mp1re Conference match Wednt>'>dJy to Irvine Val- IE:\, J82 40 I. on the pdr i 1 Oak < reek ( .olf <.ourw Da' 1d Kendall ll'd the Pirates with a 76 followed by KeUy Wick' 77 Wlth fa,on llethcoat (fl I l. Brad 0 1ampion (83) and lart'd Bruce 1841 al.,o '>Coring. "The Art of Making Pizza11 WE DELIVER NIGHnY 5.9 PM lllEWPOA'T IUCH CORONA DQ WI! CAV'ITM. CIM ......aE 3423 ""'\.CO I 3001 E C'iAS tfGl./,i" '9S5 t lIJASl "'10-MAY 949.723.0707 I 949.675.4100 AM9.715.1117 --------~---• $30FF FREE I LARGE PIZZA SMALL SALAD I • BuY ANY MEOIUM PIZZA & I I . -GEl A SMALL SAL.AO OF I YOUR CHOICE FREE WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS y N M ( • F d D I ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! our ewport • esa ommun1ty or ea er Moton:rarre 011 and Fiiter Cunge THEODORE ROBINS FORD Will MEET or BEAT Your Best Deal on NAME BRANDTIRES Frbnt Encl & Bnake ln911ectlon . ) .. n.nday, ~ 10, 2003 SPORTS NEWPORT BEACH LmLE.tEAGUE ~Qirdinals Bang(er-t) out 3~2 victory • Tommy Bangert leads team to win over the D-backs. Tommy n.ngert bad an lmide·tbe-park home run and a double to drive ln an the runs for the cardinals in a 3·2 victory over the Diamondbacks in Newport Beach itttJe League Majors Division play. · Andrew Dunlllp trlade a game-s&vt.ng catch in center field In the last inning, The Mariners~ h:d by the strong play of John DomQs, Nick Freeman and WOHaal e.m. • CanltMl9 11, Glenta 5- lbe Cardinals overcame a four-run deficit to defeat the Giants.. Cory Vitalo led the bitting and pitching. throwing four inn.lags while doubling wtth the bases loaded to drive in three runs. •• bbkUng onto the ball while colliding • Wftb Cory DonaYon. . Starnes and PetrillJ relim:d Vita.lo ' and performed solidly on the mound with 7Ak Maaer-Brtbon. ¥ftMleQ Pick and Matt'lb.dz playing wen for the Giants. l!I • .. • t MlchMIBloom pltcbed a oomplete game for the Cardinals while Aetcber Della Groua showed steady presence on the mound. The D-bacb were led by the hitting of DomJnlc McCoy. • Cardlmls 5, Mulnen 0 Bloom and JluDe8 ~each pitched three scoreless innings to lead the Cardinals to the win. The Cardinals' offense was Je<t by Reecl 1.edunan with two hits and two runs scored While the entire team played steady defense. )ale Stamel, J.P. Flemfng, Donavon and M.lchael Danoq played well. • Cenllnala e. Redl 1 Bloom pitched a complete game and Bangert delivered a bases-loaded double to help the Cardinals defeat the Reds. Starnes. Donavon. MJcbael Danova and Aeming all played well offensively while Reed 7M:h.num, Petrilli and Jeue Starnee led the defense. Sean Thkuyama tallied two hits ~ lCeYtn Wang also showed steady play on both offense and defense. In NBU.. MA play: YOUTH BASEBALL Red Sox roll out the big bats Alex Rios, Arturo Vasquez and Daniel Norris lead the way in 8-2 win. The Red Sox received extra-base hits from the first four baners in the 1.ina.lp and went on to an 8-2 victory over the Mets in Newport Harbor Baseball Association Bronco Division (ll-12-year-olds) play. An Rb continued his hot hitting, going 3 for 3, induding a home run and two doubles while scoring twice and c:ollecting three RBis. Leadoff bitter Artmo \'aque'% went 2 for 3 with a triple, two runs sa:>red and an RBI while throwing three shut out ~with six strikeouts. Dudel Nomi followed with three more~ ol scoreless reliet striking out eight Al. the plate. Notrls had a double. two RBis and also scored twice. Joah Bowman laced a triple to drive ln a nm and also scored while Adam Llgor ripped a single up the middJe to spark a Cour-run inning. lagor also scored a run. new.-Noon hit the ball sharply to center field and also came around to score. )lly Orda and Mu Jolllfle each made strong lidding plays for the Red Sox. 1be Mets recetYed strong pitching from SllMe C.ardlu and An M8ddm. In Mustang (9-10-year-olds) play: • :a..., ll, Altr09 f Byan Dme led a 12-hit Ranger hitting auadc with three of his awn in the win JIS I.U&::t. and c.ole )whoo both singled and doubled while <lmlle M h.W singled twice for the Ranger!l 1J.lcN and Mld..-J w.n quieted the Astro be.ts with four~ of no-hit baseball, striking out 11 of the 12 batters they faced. Grmt PaJjll. a.tie ffllwtbome and A.J. 8wB each tallied hits in a fourth.Inning rally that plated all four A.S1m runs. • Red Sc.-8, A8CIOl 7 a.,dela Cum ... bit bis second home ND of the game ln the bottom of the fifth Inning to lead the Red Sox. Cornwell went3for3. o,tm Ma. and Nldt McCmm each wmt 2 for 3 lO contribute to the Red Sax' .-Wt The Astros came back after spotting the Red Sax a 5-0 lead, tying the game in the top oI the ftfth inning on Aarola ~ two-run triple. White went 3 for s. 0oaor 9w I l!IM'f bdd the Sox to two runs cwa-three innings u AJ. 8wlel. DaldlJ,....,. and FdlZ ..... eecb . tlilied bit&. •otee ,...._~,..._.o .... o..lt. lllib .. and bdl BI .. combined for a no-hit lhutoul. C... lftllllr, <JllMbt•w Sheppmd. ~ ~. a.te.Collldey, Bell Ind Bem--ttn flKh. ualtied hitl and RBI& um 111\d out~ with~ .,..,... alao pltdllrig ~ In Pinto (7-8--~) ICdoo: •MildDJr.,...... Dua. Mos •e1 end ~-... •• bad three hits (Of the Bod Sax the Rariga'L NaJer- tallied a double and two singles. Fine defensive plays were made by Thnothy MIGetdd<, Qulnd Holpte and Bryan Sbolln. Auadn Sm1tb. Robert Alelander, FAtevan Muniz also collected hits for the Red Sox.. • Astros' pitchers 'tJ. lllelnlr.o, Blake P'2ldu and Jake Prater were badc.ed up by solid hitting and base running from Conner Moore, --Ordleb. a-Whlttng and Wyatt Muller. Moore, Muller and Ortlieb each tallied hits as well The Cubs received strong performances on offense and defense from MG l!IWwnlwlmrr and Bnmdon Meagtr, who along with Due 1Wnplfn, Dayton Cribbs and l1Jlj8b Long combined for a big second inning. WID IAkDaw also delivered a strong defensive effort In Shetland National (6-year-olds) play: • The~ and Cardlnall battled it out at Newport Heights School JuUm Mmc:tw. made strong stops at both pitcher and left field while also sma.shi.ng a hit lnto center field Solid hits toward secood base and the pitcher were made by John Smith. alongside Keala Kswrhllo, who belted two hi1s toward shortstop and third base. ,JeG'n!y Sec l•ield added to the effort with a bae hit by third hue and made a put out at the same bag. In Pony play: • NHM River Dop 6, Corona del M.r Glarlta I Nmdml 1bdd pitched a complete game with 15 strikeouts to lead the NHBA River Dogs over the visiting Corona del Mar Giants. Tudd allowed only one run on two hits <M!:I' lleYl!t1 innings. Of fi9 pitches be threw 54 for strikes. The Giants' starter was wild in the bottom of the fiISt inning. walking three batters and bitting two more to give up four rum. .....,,. Mw..-bit~ fust home ruo of the season. a solo shot. and~ joined in the RBI caregory by Midi Brymt. Bna AdmJ9 and Din Winkle, who each knocked in one nm. Thdd doubled and shlgted while Bryant [2 for 21 and Glen Ouweneen 12 for 3) each oonttibuted to the hitting attadt. Wlnkie walked twice in two at-bats. • Newport Hmbor Pelbm 11, a.ca ,...~. o.nitt Gonbl pitched 6"" ~ allowing one nm and three bits while striking out dgbt batters. John~ pitched me final inning allowing no rurw and striking out one ror Newport Haibor. which a.llo m:eiw:d ltlOn8 defeole from catcher Edk Bonn and shortstop Oldl LoMmlD. ~Rohm wmt 3 for 4 at the pg.te wtth two RB o.nd two runs taxed wbOe Gotdoo got a btt and collected four RBI& a... ..... and DultyO..,. allo got key hits and an RBI f.llldl in a three-run Mb lnnfng. LoMenm h:lt t'1fO tbatp mp. to ldl and IOOftld three times. COLLEGE MEN'S GOLF t UGI's C.Oburn Big West Athlete of Week .• a.I Sox 4, Redl S hitting charge with the defense ot 1be prevfously·unbeaten Reds were Tumet Tnuthen and £rte l'ruJa' edged by the Red Sm. •·3. fn Newport suppfying some assistanoe. Gneme Beach Uttle League AM. action. Fnlcr led on the mound. The Reds trailed, 3-0, bul made ll •Cube l8, Dodpn 9 interesting beb.lnd the hitting of Bnm 'Jbe Cubs scored in every inning and lawlon. Dyllm Yamer and N9t.ban the steady pit~g of 7.-c c.bln and Wiper. Connor Glnp•n supplied the rest in JuldD 1\acbr threw three lnning9 for the victory. Cabln and Gp.ughan the Red Sox. allowing only one run. combined to strike out nine battef'S.. Wagner then relieved Tuc.ker and struc.k Muld·hit games from Alleo Brawn out the ~six batters to preserve the . and Dmd SIMlber'I paced the Qibs, victory. wbo also received 5blup defensive play' 7-Murtaugh and Bl"QOb Bndy from Red Johneon, Ian IClna and Evan played steady !or the Reds while Nldc Dlmlele. Collin McNemey and Pubr nippt blasted a home run to left field. 5-mm> ran effectively on the base •Red Sox 5, Yanbee 4 paths. Ala Morrl9odt two-out double Grq Allen and Brent Gray hit scored brother Z.C Morn.on from third bac.k-to-bac.k home runs for the for the winning run. Dodgers, who also received solid hitting The Red Sox trailed, 4-1, in the fourth from 7.acbary Socoloalde and Derren inning, but rallied to lie the game at Hudy. bent Anclei.n, Matthew four heading into the last inning. Portner and Gray led c.tte defense. The Sox had strong bitting from • Q.abe 12, N.a 7 Donald Dalton. Bmit LaWIOn and Gaughan struck out the onJy four Nathan Wagner, who pitched the final batters be faced and added a slngle and two innings. striking out all six Yankees double to lead the Cubs. be faced. The Cubs also received strong Prest.on RJseer led the Yankees' pitching from Cabin and Johnson while YOUTH SPORTS Ales Grody, JonalMn Jaffee and Anlhony pPndeco led the otrense. Daniele also made a aolid catch in the outfield. The X. received strong pltching from Ryan Gralnpr, Jeff Condloo and Sun Q.abedo whlle the defense wu led by the strong play o! M.lby ~ • Mlrtnen 10, Yankeel S The Mariners opened their lead with six runs in the third inning en route to beating the Yankees. A leadotf double by RUey Conroy and a two--RBI single by Andrew MAcboM1e provided some highlights in the inning, but the Mariners did more scoring as the game began. ln the first inning, Mitch Gudne:r walked and then wm Hord singled. followed by a double by Machoskie, which plated three runs. ln the second inning, Jackie Anderson waJl;ed and scored. Gardner replaced Ouia Alvarez on the mound in the second inning and held the Yankees 10 one run until the fifth Inning. Machoslde closed out the bottom half of the inning to preserve the victory. The Newport-Mesa Hornets won the Eastbtuff Boys The Hornets won the Eastbluff Boys & Girts Club league fourth-grade basketball championship last week by going undefeated in the playoffs. The Hornets then played the winners of the Newport-Mesa Boys & Girls Club in a regional playoff and won those games as well. Back rrrN, from left: Derek Satterfield, Henri Crockett, Michael Haeri, Chase Watson. Front rrrN, from left: Cole Satterfield, Nick Gooding, Zack Haber, Brent Gray. Coaches, from left: Gunnar Gooding and Mari< Satterfield. \ Track championships Friday Newport Beach Recreation event at Newport Harbor. • TBACIC AND FIELD: The Youth Thtck and Field Championships wW be held Friday at Newport Harbor High and will include running, th.rowing and jumping events as well as 'team relays. Registration is at 3:30 p.m., ceremonies beg1n at 4:30 p.m. and events run from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. All panidpants wW ~an event T-shirt while first., second-and third-place winners will qualify lo represent Newport Beach in the Orange County Ownptonsbip meet in May. Optional clinics are held at various school and park sltea and are lnduded in the SIO pre-regj.sttation fee. lnfonnation about the meet. which is co-sponsored by Newport Badl Recreation Services and the Newpon·Balboa Rotary, can be found at www.city.newport-beacb.ca.us. Oict on "Departments." then "Reaeation" and follow the l1nb. Call (949} 644-3151 for mo.re information oc to obtain a cegjstration Conn. Barton scores six goals • ROU..lill HOCKEY: John Barton scored six goals as the Kin~ defeated the Duds, 7-4, in fourth-grade roUer hockey actlon. Cameron KDJgbt added the other goal with a 45-footer early in the second quarter. Knight, Grant Rawtlm and DaYb Brown anchored a solid defensive effort by the Kings. Brown and Rawlins each played well in goal. while Knight turned away many scoring chances. Jonathan ICeedy played aggres lvely at striker, selling up Barton for several scoring opportunities. • ln Newport Beach UttJe League AM.action: DlamonclbKb Jl, Cubs 9 The Otamondbacb rallied from an 8-7 deficit to pull out the win. Paxton O'Brien broke the game open with a two·run triple. The rally began with a walk to Ausdn fSarvln followed by 1Jns)es from Blab Miller and Cort Hudnp. O'Brien then delivered the by bJt and later scored to give the 0-bacb a three-nm lead. SCHEDULE Sandon Grlftln pitched four innings, allowing three runs wilh nine strikeouts. Gaughan had three hits including a double and Cabin pitched two scoreless innings for the Cubs. O'Brien's father. U . Col John O'Brien. was called 10 active dury in March and is now serving the Unlted States in Iraq. John, 42, is a father of three and has been a Marine reserve for 20 years. DlamondbKb 13, Ne 1 The 0 -backs improved to 9-2 with the convincing win. D'ent Boru and Barvin each bad good days at the plate. Boras bad two hits with three RBis while Barvin coUected two hits and two RBis for the victors. Cliandler Mitchell, Beu Gttlncr and Miller each had hits to pace the attack. Miller pitched three scoreless Innings, striking out five and was relJeved by Hastings, who also went three innings allowing one run with five strikeouts. Mikey Pawell led the A's wtth two hits while Nie Hummel and Kevin Dale added a pair of base h1ta between them. SuJ Olbmo struck out the aid ln hl.J only lnn1ng on the mound. HAPPY BIRTHDAY :rt JOHNSTON Continued from B 1 eeverely rulmpered any offiieason track and 6eJd tra.lnlng, Johnston aald he lost all musde tone in the ahoulder. but worbd hard in pbysi· c:aJ therapy, DOl only 00 repining ltrenglh m the shoulder, but ltn?nglbening his legs. as well. Once be was allowed lO besin running. he saJd It took little time lO regain his fonn in the hurdles and jumps. F.arly th.is season. however, he landed awkwardly in an uneven jump pil and st.rained his lo')'er back ln a Golden West League dual meet at Saddlebac'k. Then, while still nursing a bad ba&, be w.u bit- ten by the Ou bug. • Johnaton, tboupi frustr.Ued at times by the continuing string or ailments, has refused to relent Despite being s\ck and •tl.Jl a bit gimpy, he swept his four evems in Thursday's league dual-meet victory over Orange. What's more, the Dally Pilot Athlete of the Week put up the kind of owb that most healthy competitors would aspire to. SPORTS &haw said. "Before the 300 hut· dlcs, l asked him how he was feeling and he couJdn't•even get a sentence out without cough.Ing. I wasn't sure he had the wind to run the race, because lt'a a tough one, especially when you'n; not breath- ing well. But he sucked it up and did it. To win four events in that condition says something about what a competitor he ta.• Crenshaw has also been im· presM!d with Johnston's character and worlt ethic and believes the taJ. ented j\mior is a shining ex.ample to all bis athletes. "He didn't practice Monday, but he was ~re at practice trying to team," Crenshaw said. "Then. when the team went to the weight room. be actuaDy lifted a lltl.le bit.• That. dedication bas helped Johnston pick up the highly tech- nical hurdle events, t/lougb be did not run a competitive hurdles race until late in his freshman season. "We kind of threw him into the hwdles because he had fooled around and shown pretty good fonn and we needed a few points to try to win a league meet.• Cren · shaw recalled. "He has a lot of athletic ability, but he has also become very technical." Now, the hurdles has joined the long jump as Johnston's favorite even ls. Tt.61dry, ~ 10. 2003 • He won the hlgb hwdles in 16.1, a mere half-second off his personal record and six seconds ahead of his closest competitor. His 43.6 clocking in the 300 hurdles was m ore than 6ve seconds fast er than the runner-up and just lWO-tenths off his PR He went 20-4~ in the long jump and 40·2 in the triple jump. events in which his career bests are 22·6 and 40· l 1, respectively. "lie was so side against Orange, I w asn 't sure, be· fore the meet, that he was going to maJce it," Cren- "1 like the challenge (of the hurdles)." he said. Johnston is also driven by the challenge of the school long jump record of 23-4, ser by Eric Dorn in 1986. And, there is as the "family record" of 22-11 , es- tablished by his uncle. SEAN HIU.£.R I OAll.Y PILOT Estancia High track and field standout Jason Johnston is the Daily Pilot Athlete of ttie Week. 2640 llgal Natica 2640 l.tgal Nadca 2640 legal llotices ~~~~~~~~ STATEIOO Of SW... ef wn191AWAl flOI A\ ' t .. lkt .. PAITBSll' Re-....._._ OftlllllG- RCTrmUS IU5llSS IAll l h• followma per~on hn withdrawn a\ 1 aener•I partner from the partnership openllna under hclohous bus1nen name of Sunchold •I 208 Luconoa Slrttt Suite B Newport Beach. CA 92663 , fh• r och llOUS Busone" N1m1 relerred to abo"' wu foled on Or•n&~ County on 10/16/01 fole No 20016880090 Full Name and Adclrns of th~ Person Woth dl•Wll'IC Donavon Martorr fnnkenre1te1. 207SO Gunderson Dr Laaun• Buch. CA 92651 Oon••on M<irton Fr•n kenretter !hi\ llalemenl wa\ hied with the Cllunly Cit<~ of Ounat County on 3n8 OJ 200.J6tUt71 Oaoly P110t Apr 3 l 0, 11. ?4. 2003 rttJl7 lhe follow1n1 penon h•• 1bandoned the use of the r IC hhOUS Buso neu Name. s t., f1 n•nc11t, 3300 lrvlne Ave 1120. Newport Buch, CA92660 the ftehtlous Busoneu name refeued lo ebove w•l loled 1n Oranae County on 6 ~ 02 flLE NO 2002690785 I New Amer ocan Rut I state M ~n•aement Croup, Inc (CA) 3300 lrv111e An •120 New· p0<t Buch, CA 92660 Thn bu~inen n con ducted by • ,0<poral10n New Ame• "•n Roi f llate M1n11ement Croup, Inc , Grant Walk• K Ina. President ThtS statement wn loled wo!h lhl' County Cler~ ol Ounae County on 03 •;>8 {)3 20036931972 D11ly Pilot ~· J 10. 17 24.2003 ThJIO The Oranae County S1n1tat 1on 01sl roct (OCSD) of Oranae County. California. writ rec:erve sealed Btds untol ....... 29. 2003, 2r00 ,...... Bids must be r ece1ved at OCSO's Adminoslr •llOn lobby or Purchas.na 01v1s1on Off >ee by the date •nd lime hert1n 1bove set ftlf th, .al which tune they will be opened •nd eaa1n1ned •I OCSD's Purchn1ne Office. 108« Eh•s Avenue. f ountarn Valley C•lofornla, 92708· 7018 NOTl<l INVnlMG llOS f'UICttASl Of SOOtuM HYOIOXIDl (NoOH}. (CAUSTIC SODA) 25% & SO'M. SO\Uf10N Sf'((lflC.ATION NO. C-2003-137 Bid~ must be submrl led on the f0<m supplied by OCSO on acc0t dance W•th •II PfOV1$10ns of the spe"hc•loons Specoh · caloons. Bod blanh. and fur the1 mfo1mallon may be obtain«! at t~ above address. telephone (7U ) 962 2411 Publlshtd Newport Buch Costa Meu Oa1ly Pilot Aprot 10, 200JTh312 .......... ... s...... The follow1nc petsons •re do1n1 b usoness as (rtn Mhley 1854 S Coast Hte11w1y, La11una Beach CA 9265t Eron AshH!y. 966 Cont Vie w Orove, Laruna Beach. CA 92651 Susan P•lmer, 966 Coast v .. w Dt1ve. L• 1una Beach. CA 92651 R•ch•rd Holmu. 966 Cont V11w Dt1ve. La auna Beach CA 92651 !hos business is con due led by co partners Have you slatted dolna business yet? No Roehard Holmes Thos slelement wn toled wolh ttt. County Clerk of Or1np County on 04/01/03 200.J69.Jt294 Oaoly Pilot Apr. 3, 10 17.24,2003 THJOO ISC 12tS7 IOTICI Of flTmOI TO YmLISlSlAltaf: .uamum WllO.A21Ma7 a copy to the pef\onal reprnentallve •ppoonted by the cour1 w1th1n four months from the ~le ol the lint 1ssu1oce ol Millets as provided on Proba te Code seclron 9100 The time for folona claims won not eap11e before lour monlhl from the hearona dale nohced above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kepi by the cout t If you are 1 person on terMled 1n the estate, yllu may hie with the court a Requul for Special Notice (form OE 1!>4) of the hfina of an 1nvent0<y and appnoul of Mtate assets °' of any pehhon 0< actount H provided on Probate Code section 12'Xl A Request for Special Notice form 1s e.a1table from the court c~rk Att0tney for PehhoMr . .,.._.... ........ c_,.ty c-.. ·• -~ Jeyce tlaey, Oepwty 34 1 TIM City Ot., f' .0 . ....... OteftP, CA 9216.J Published Ne wpor I Buch Costa Mesa Daily Pilot ~rol 10. 16 11 2003 THW318 SUPmll COUii Of CAIJC9IA (CMn'f Of OIMQ .. ,. ...... fA.-YlE wa111u216tn10na TO CBIOIS (,,_ ~§19050) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to tlMo creditors and conllneen! credlt0<s ol WALTER M AX BINSWANCER deceaMd, that all persons hnonc claims •ca1nst the decedent .,e requwad lo Ille them woth t he Supeuo1 Court. at the Lamoreaui Justice Center. 341 The City Of••• P 0. Boa 14170 Or •na-Calofornta 921163, and maol 0t dehve< • cooy to Russell l Oevt~ Allor ner tor Oa n1ej, B1nswan1er. Tr us let 6( the 81nswancer f amity Trust dated f'ebruary 2. I 990 of whocll th• decedent was the trus tor at 7•·900 Hich••r 111 Suite 114, Indian Wells. Caltforn11 92210 within the later of four months after December 24 2002. or, 1f notice Is To all heirs, beneU mi lled or personally clarles, credilofs, con delivered to you. 30 t111c-nt cr9d1tors, and days 1ftef the date thts persons wtlo may oUI notice 1s m1rled or llWIU IM interested on .,_IOllally dalovered to the will 114' estate, Of rou. 0t y04I must 1141t1 both. of MICHAEL JOHN tton to file a late claom BAKER H provll»d on Section A PUITION FOR PRO 19103 of the Probate BATC hes been filed by coo. A ct.ifl'I form may JOHN S WILLIAMS , be obt.alned from the PU8UC AOMINISTRAH)IV court clef~ FOi' your GUAAOIAN In the Supe p rote ction, you are rlOf Court of Calif0<n... encouraaed to Ille your County or ORANGE c:larm lly cettlhed mail, THE PETtlfON f'OR with return receipt PR08ATt requests JOHN requested. S WILLIAMS. PUBLIC Dated. December 23 AD MINISTRA TOR/ 2002 ' GUARDIAN be appointed /SJWSSIU L DAVIS U !*SOnal represenle A,.._., fw .......... : l1Ye lo •dm•nnter UM ·~ ltllSWAJIOla, H IJll• of the decedent T, • • t • • • f t It• n.r PfTI~ r.ciunu ll•••••ier •••lly 1uth<H'1ly to admon11tef ,,..., the est1te undet the IUSSIU l. DAVIS, Independent Admrnle· s .... lw .... Sfl74, trallon of Est•lu Act. 74-fOO .........,. I I I, (Thia Authority wlll llllow S•ll• 1 14, 1 .. 41.,. UM per-I repr--Wellat. (ellferele teUve to tue -ny t1110 T ........ (760) Kbonl w'ftllout obtatn· Mt•t ... ifll tou•t appronl ....,,_,._ ,..,...,, .. ,, Defon takln1 certal11 •--•sWANMll, llW 'I lmpof lent Kllona, f r • O e • e f t. o ftOwtYtf, fM j*IOfllll lluwee9H fe•lly '"" ... n\8tlve wtl lie '""' reQlllrld to SM flOhce ,.ubllall•• Newport to 1t1te<tttff penons lttctl-eo.tt .._. Ody = ~,=:.~:t: ,ttot •• t , 10, l l, 2003 ~ "'°""' K1lon ) WT'Hf'Ul The ln4ependut •d ........... 111lnl1t11tlo11 1uthorltJ '-..... will be IJlflltcl 1111lna lft lntffUlM petHll The toleWifl& penog r!IH 111 •llie<tlCNI to ttw '" '°Int lllft.IMM •• l*lhtfl .,_. ...._ aoo4 ICSI ,.,o,trUu, H c-wflJ .. t-1 ,._. S.,., lmlw. CA =•b Mt I""' tN mo:... a. ~ A HtM1NO °" tM It f'tttr S., lrlllM, ,.t1tlo11 wtlf 1tt fl•ld on CA~• t s o.~~. MAY 1. ZOOJ at l·•S ... _ ,, ... In Oapt. l 1l SI *"' Ctf!JOll 1ee.-. et 341 Tiit Cttr l...,... ....... CA 12'171 Dr.._ ltl Or-CA .... , ~ Dt.,.._, '"' ' --Hit Mo-•. "-lie.. l2tU.. CA N4IO ,.. vou ou:cr to .,._ TIMI ......_. " COtl· 9'1111lil\a of tM ~. ~ ..... b" .., -•· 'IOll.._.. ........ ---, 11t .. lftt ""' ataht ,__ ,.,,,,, ..... 1.uo11 obfKtAM• °' f ... •ltt• ...., ...... .....,.,_. :::--.... _, ltM,. ...... ...... ............. ~ .. , ... ..... _ _, .......... 0........ ,.,..,. ., ., J•ltf ftlll 7 1 • .. ......,, ........ ._ •• ''WOU Ml A C.DI a.t ti·-~ :S.:•.1.:= ;::=.., :;. ':'!;r:;;: ~:, •· ~ *'-'" .. I '"lhuf Aclll. ........ The follow1n1 person hH abandoned the use of the f >el1t10us BuM· nen Name f erraro Servrce of Costa Mes•. 2148 Newport Blvd Unit B Costa Mesa. CA 92627 The f icllloous Businns neme referred to above was toled on Orance County on 1 10 98, flLE NO. 19986 71">4 205 M.IR Auto [nl .. pflHS, Inc , (CA). 2148 Newport Blvd Unit B, Costa Meu CA926U This business 1s con dueled by a corponhon MJR Auto Enterpr•ses. Inc . MICf\ael J Rozen straten, Pres lhis statement was Med wolh the County Cler~ of Oranee County on 04/04/03 20036939110 Oaoly PolOI Apr 10 11 2• May I, 2003 lh326 MUCIOlla IOTICI Of SAU Noltce is hereby 1111en pursu•nl to sechons 3071 and 3072 of the Cml Code of the Stale of Ca hf or n11 the undet s11ned, HUNTINGTON AUTO SCRVIC(S. wlfl sell ill publ>e •llCIOOn, •t 1022 E CHESTNUT. SANTA ANA. CAL mo1 at 9:00 1m on Af'flll 22 2003, lh• followona described propetty, to wot· Y-2001. Malle VW W. WY2[84}Q61Hll4151 S.od sale 11 fOf the pur~ of ~U~fy1n1 lren of the under s1C11ed 10< !owonc and sto•a1• toeetl>ef wrth costs ot •dverlalftC and e1penses of ule Oated this 3ht Oay ot March 2003 IS/ jean Noutar y P ublished Newport Buch Costa Mesa Oaoly P1IOI April 10 ?003 Th321 .......... "-*'-' The follow1n1 persons are do1nc business as 0 &. S Computer Con· sultanh 2775 Mua Verde P 1106, Costa Mesa CA 92626 Oonald Ed w ard Da niels 2175 Mesa Verde P •106 Costa Mull. CA 92626 Steven Neuyen, 15400 B•land• St • 1182. West""nster, CA 92683 This bus•ness 11 con· d..cted by an lndrvldual Have you start..i dotnl b.nlftfls yet? Yes, 3/1/ 2003 Donald Oanllh This statement was hied woth the County Clerk of Ounce County on 04/04/03 200S60tl22 Deity Pitot Apr 10. 17, 24, May I , 2003 Th328 ....... ...... "-S..... The followln1 persons are doont business H : Wooly Bully 'r oct¥cts. 237 PlllTMI Str .. t Coste Mesa, Cakfot11la 92627 Scott Anderton, 237 Palmer StrHI. Costa Mu•, Calttornle 92627 AndrH Andenon, 237 "•""" Strut Costa MHA, Cehfllfnlt 926Z7 This buslMU Is con- ducted lly' • a-Ill partMt lllljl Ha"9 JOU at•i.d doona lluslmlu r•t7 'ka. 03/ 02/199' Mdt .. ~ Tlu• 1t.t.tnent •• hW wllfl U. C-ty a.A tf Oftftlt Covnty onOM>3/0J "9M9H ... Delly f'llot Mtt V. • 3. 10. '1. 2003 W2'19 ........... ....... n.e ....... ,..... .. ~ ......... Mo•·w,...~IK.. 11t0 ....... .,. IC!, COtt• ..._. CA *27 Mon11f'Mtft C19111...._ ... tCA>. 1'*> ... ,..._ Aw ta. C...W ..... CA..V ..,.. ---.. C4llt fllttMltJ aoer,..tltft ... .,.,...ww..-.. ........ ,..,, ... l . l'CIOJ ......... ( ........ 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Nodca 2640 Legal llotices .......... ... s...... The lollowona persons are doonc buMnns •s Johnn.e s Tow1na, 788 W 18th St . Costa Mesa Cahforn•• 92627 Johnnie Elhs Godby. 28S4 Andros. Costa Mesi, California 92626 P~mela Mary Godby 2854 Andros. Costa Mesa. Cahf0tnoa 92626 Thos business 1s con dueled by husband and W•fe Have you slarled do1ne business yet? No Johnn,. Ellis Godby This \latemenl w•' hied with the County Clerll of Oranae County onOJ/~/03 200l'9US32 Dilly Pilot Apr 10, 11. ?C. May I. 2003 fhJ39 ........... .......... r he follow1n1 persons are 001n1 bu~neu n llomb•ll Co•chone Counselors &. Fund• 3085 Corle Por tof1no. Newport Buch, CA 92660 3265 C Arthur James ~ CO< le Po<lofono, NewPOfl 8uch CA 92660 3265 fhis business rs 'on ducted by •n 1nd1w1dual Ha¥e you started doine business yet' Yes, fan 10.2003 C Arthur Junes This statement was filed wolh llle County CH!rll of Or•n&e County on 03/2t/03 t OOH t U OTS Daily P110I Miff 27. Apr 3, 10, 17, 2003 Th29C .......... ... s...... The followona persons •• • do inc business as Cherie Street 2015 Charle Street, Co~t• Meu, CA 92627 F 11 st Step House of 01an1t County. Inc (CA) 2015 Charle StrHI Costa Mesa CA 92627 I hos bus•ness IS con ducted by a corporat10n Have you started do•nt business yell Yes 1967 ftrst Step Hou~ of Or•na• County Co Londa Menk, Chairman of the Board Thrs statement was hied woth the County Clerll ot Ou nae County on 03/28/03 tOOJ693&9 76 Di lly Pilot Apr 3, 10, 17 24, 2003 THlll .......... ......... ducted by an corpora· l•On tiave you started do•ne busrnns yet' Yn l lO OJ EKJ Inc Mulo. l•rsen Pre'> Thts st.!emenl wo filed woth lht County Clerk of Or an11t County on 04/04/03 20034939111 O••ly Po lot "9r I 0 17 24 May 1 2003 fh334 !he followrn11 pf'r sons •re do1n1 bu"nns as Rf'd Po1nsell1• ~05 Carnation Ave Co1ona dtl Mar CA 926~ lames and Sheol• Kav•an1. 505 c .. nahun Ave Corona del Mar CA 92625 Hus busm~\\ 1• con ducted by • hmoted P•• tnenhfl> H•ve you star ltd doona business yet' Yes 12 I 00 She1l1 lln1an1 fh1s statement was hied with lhP C.ounly Cl~rk of 01 •n&t' County on 04/04/03 200.J49.J9116 Daily Pilot Apr 10. 17 2• May 1 2003 lh336 fidttlM .... "-S...... The lollow1n1 persons •re do1n11 business n Vanl Ouoans 1900 Maon Street Sit ~ l1vone CA 9261• Steph•n1e S Vande Veer 1900 M•on Street. Ste !>00. Ir vone CA 9261• lllos busontu ·~ con duc:ted by an •nd1•Wluitl Han you •I.tried do.n& bus•nen yet' Ye'> 1 I 03 Stephdn1e S v.onde Vee• lhl\ \laltmrnt wa• filed with th~ County Clerk of Ounae County on03f21/03 20036tl&013 Daoty Pilot Mar 27 Apo 3. 10 II. 2003 1h29l Ad!IM ..... "-S...... tho: follow one persoM are 001nc busoneu u tend 2 U Morta at• South Cunt O• Suolt 220. Cost• Mna CA 92626 Mark Boyd Boldon& Jr tmB Maplf' Ave Costa Mn.t. CA 9262 I Wiiburn Malone 199!>8 M•plc Ave Co~I• Mesa C.492627 fidilm...... This business rs con ducted by LO partners ... S...... Han you st;11ted du1n11 The lollowon1 persons busoneu yet' No 11re doina business as M•1k Boyd Boldon& Jr •> Western Pac1hc Rut Thu statement was Est1le and Home loans fried with the County b) Loan Procus1n11 Clerk ol Or.anee County Associates. J151 A11way on 04 01/03 Avenue If 101 CMta 2003693930. Mn.t, CA 92626 Oaol)' Polot Apr 3. 10 Kimberly Kasel! De 17, 24 200J TH30' 81oua 3057 Yukon ........... Avenue. Costa Meu CA 92626 ... s...... Th" business os con Th• follow1n1 persons ducted by an 1nd1v•dual are doona bu:r.ineu as Hot you sl•rled 11011111 !he Paw Spa 2090 business yet1 Yes. 08 Lou•• Newport Beach 14 01 Cahforno• 92660 Kimberly Kaull De Jo Ann Oee Katsoame Broua hs. 2090 Lou•• New lhos s lattmf'nt wn po•I Beach Cahl0<n .. hied wrth the County 92660 Clerk ol Ouna• County 01no Petit Kawame on 03/28 OJ • tis. 2090 L oU'• New 20034931970 P<MI Buch Cahfornoa Oa1ly Polot Apr 3, 10 92660 17 24. 200J tH3l 1 this business 1s con n.-_ L-L-ducted by husband and ,__ wife ... S...... Have rou started 001n1 busonns y•I' No The followonc pHsons are doon11 busane:ss as f'erraro Ser••<• of Costa Meu 21'8 N.,.1port BIYd Unit B Co\!a Mesa. CA 92627 Michael JoHphus Ro tenstnten, 2148 Hew port Blvd Unot 8 Costa Mes.ll. CA 92627 This l><nlness 1s con ducted by· an 1nd1v1duel Have you started dolnl busmess yet? Yu July 21 199S Mlehael J Rotenstr aten This statement was hied with the County Ci.ti of Or •nat County on 04/CM/03 200369.JHot Dally Pilot ~I 10, 11, 24. May 1, 2003 Th32S .......... ... s....... Th• to1tow1n1 parsons ,,. doinc bua•nen n Archway s.iv.,e Ser Ylcn, 1041 W 8th SI. f)IJI. CoslA MeH , CA 92627 B«ic and Salazar, Inc (CA), 1041 W 11th St 1109, Costa Mau . CA 92627 This llutlolnl b con 4\Kled lly; 8 CO<°pofatlOft Hall• you Wlltld do4"fl llutlneu ~1 Yu, f ·l · 03 Iorio afl4 s.&ezw .. .:::. .-.. Selal• I "' TIMI atahl,....t wn ,.... wMlt tM County Cltfll f/lf Or•• ~ty ... ~ Mellfffell j)alty f'llut •· JO. 17, t •.Mt11.2003 ltllJO ..... .... ....... n.....,.. .. -.. .............. •)---•ProfloctlOM It)..,. w l-.uo..1 St11 .... t 'fre1111i"I• C) 1csT.,t11 me ... , -~ ...... ·---.~ -· ,...,.a.ny,au •n let An , lll•wf•rl leet CA1811 fMI ....... la CM ---.:-~ lo Ann Oet K•ls• lmetlts This statement w.u filed wo!h the County Clerll of 01 anae County on03•03/0J 200369.JSSM Oa.Cy Piiot Mat 27 Apr J, 10. 17 2003 Thm Hemm ..... ... s...... The followlnC persons are dolnc bus1neu as World MO<-ta11e Con sulllnh 575 Anion Blvd Cotta Mesa, CA 92626 JoMptt;ne C Sewell, 1509 E Balboa Blvd f'C ewport BHch CA 92661 This bus.ness 15 con ducted by an tndlvidual Haw you atenM doinl business yet' Yes OJ 01-03 JoMPf'tne G s.-11 This atatement wes flted willl tlMI County Clefll of Orence County onOJ/21/0J to0Hts.97J 011ty Not A.pr 3, 10, 11,24,2003 TH3l5 ........... ........ butonn\ yet' Nu ~ollo lndu>lrtes Int Ph1ll1p S Curley Prn1 dent This sl•ll'mtnl #4\ filed woth th~ County Cll'r~ ol Or•nae County on 04/01/03 20016939291> Oaoly Pilot AD< 3 10 17 2C, 200J THlOI RcffM"""" "-*'-' lht followoni person• art doona bu"nns H a) P•I BulldefS, bl Ablt Raon Gullet Clumn& And Rtpau LI Metropohl•n SOI 36th Street New e>urt Buch I.A 92663 R P f 1nley Inc '>O I J6th Street N~wpu" Buch. CA 92663 This busone'.!.S I\ 1.on dutled by • corpuutooro Hao you started d<l1n11 busoness yet' Yn. Jan 1• 1999 R P f 1nle1 Int l'tter R Zotovteh Pre .. cient fho> statement Wi\ lol.-CI wr!h the Cuunty Cler~ of Oranee County on 04/01/03 200lH3t2U Oaoly Pilot Apr 3 I 0 17. 24 2003 tHJ02 .......... ... s...... the fotlowma per wns are doln& bustnHs •• Your Solesoster& com . 501 Tuslon AHnut Ne..,port Buch CA 92663 Cynthia Ridley SOI fusion Ave Newport Buch CA 92'663 !hos bu,,ness >:> con dut ted by an rndrvldual Ha-t you st.,led dom1 bus•nn• yet' Yes 2 10/ OJ Cynthoa Ridley This statement was fti.d wrth Ille County Cler-of Onnre County on 03/21/0J 200HtsaGS4 Oally Ptlol Mar 27 Apr J 10. 17 2003 lh287 .......... ... s..... lh~ foltow1ne per S.OM •• e doonc business as P•lona Anhqun, JOOI Redhill Avflnue Bid& •I Unit •106 Costa MU• CA91626 r inn 0 Otsen •517 Roabury Ro•d. C0<one Del Mlll CA 92S25 Th~ busmess ~ con dueled by an ondrvodu•I HaH you started do1na business yet? No ronnO 04Kn ThiJ statement was hied with the County Clark ol Orance County on 03/2ll03 200.M9U.7J Dally '•lot Apr l. 10 17. 24, 2003 lH314 ............ ... 1111....i llrosten Vo!lo fhn st•lement was t11t:d wrth the County Cieri. of Or •nae County onOl/21/03 200349 3&067 Oaoly Polo! Mar l.7 Apr l. 10, 17, 2003 lh293 Rdllmlllilllss ... --.. 1 he followonc pel\o•" .re doina buMneu ., l•y Rose Cotta11e Io Room 810 l le(llK A•• ~•I Beach CA 90740 Danielle Bonilla Arton· o•n. 936 W 18th St 11()3 Costa Mesa CA 926?7 lho. bUSIMU I\ on ducted by an 1nd1v1dua1 H••e you sta<led de.on& bus.nl!u yet> No O•noelle Bon1ll• Al hnoan Th1\ st•tement wd• tiled wrth the C:ounty Cler~ of 01 •n1e Cuunty on04 04/03 200369Hit1 Da.ty Pilot A'1f 10 11 2• M<iy I 2003 Th331 ~--­... s...... the followon& persons are doona bu\oneu n Hyperun Soflw••~ lbll WonteratHn Pl Cost.a Mesa CAm26 Marton Oowd 1613 W1nte1ercen Pl CMta Meu. CA 92'&26 Thos busmen 1s c:on duc;ted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you 'tatted do4nc bUSll'lftS yet? No Maritn Dowd This sbtemem wu hied with the County Cler~ of Or an&• County on 03/26/03 200U9Ja621 Oaoly PllOI Apr I 0 17 24 May I 2003 Th338 ......... ... s....... !ht lollowona persons are dome business •• Iron O•rsman 440 E 17th Street Cost• Mesa CA 92627 X.eno R Mullflf 375 Bay Vrew T• Co-sta Mesa CA9~7 Thrs busonen os tOll duc;ted by •n 1ndtvWl..al Hne you •tarted 6olnt1 business yet> Y• 02J 15/0l X.no Muller This stallPment wu hied wrth tM ColMty Cler~ of Ounp co ... t, on 03/28-1)3 200.J6UH74 Oa1ly ,.1lol Apr 3. 10. 11. 24 2003 TH3Ui ......... ... s....... The folowon1 persons an dotnc llu-ss es TH[ 8()()1( St OltC 130 l llltl St Ste l Ccma ~u,CA92W7 Bradford W1yne Wll ~Oil 16'2 A Cor...,. Ot Co~ llllMI, CA 92626 TM~ IS con due led try an ...,,..,, tuve ~ stertM dol,.. b~ yet? Yn. ,...., 1992 Bradtorf W Wlbon ThlS .tele"'9nt wH fdld wltll the C-11ty CleB eC 0r.-.. C-ty ... 04J'Ol,'03 MOM9 ... IQ OellJ P.tot A.pr. 10, 17, 24 . ..._, l. 2003 TH323 ......... ........ The to8ow'lftl --............... Oonalf R. W•• "'9est ~' 1110 ~ .._ •••. c.... ..... CAl:lll1 DD..W It W.C. %1l0 .....,.., ..... 11,c.te ....._CAmzl n... ......... , .. ................... .... ,.. ........... ....._.,_.,y lllW OJ ~l;W.f ......... -......... ~ a.t. .. Or-ONlty •Oll21JU 11117'1 Ill °""' ..... -· 21 • 1.-ao,11,:11111 ~ , ..... nm ... Siii " H Thyr!dly, April 10. 2003 Dfi!x Plot _l.1111_11111111 __ .. _ ....... .... .. .......... -L.111111 .... .. Liiii ..... .. Ltlllllollcll -.......... a. l.1111 .... ......... .... ..... ........ ... ..... 1lM tonowJnc '*'°** ni.-totlow!Aa ,.,._, .,. dolnl buslMM ea: •• dolnt bllilneu u : •s Con1truetk>n, 431 1::.0. Automotive, 3011 Dalllla An., CQ(Of'la 4al •ftltOlla, Sant• Ana, ~I CA 92625 CA. 927CM ... ,...., Kevlanl, 431 f"•lht Martt~. 1930 D•lllla Ave., CO<Ofla 4-1 l'IK•ntla Av•.1_!8'-6, Mar, CA 92625 Costa Me .. , CA "T~7 This buslMsa It con· This bualnus Is con- ducte4 by; an ltldMdull dllcttd by: •t1 llldMdual Have ~ •t•ted dotna Have you started ctoma but.lnea yet? Ho buslneu yetT Ho J.-itnlanl Ftll1 MtrtlMZ This st.tement wu This stattment· wn filed with the County fMtd .with the County C14tli of Oflnl' County Cieri! of Oran,. County on 04/04/03 on CM/04/03 to0••••••1s to0a.•~••o•· ,. Dally Piiot Apr. 10, 17, Dally Pilot Apr. 10, 171 24, M•y l , 2003 Th337 24, Mey l , 2003 Th32• Policy ........... .......... The followlfle p.,tons .,. dolnc buslMu u : huceb f« Sile.com, :t500 GtH!IVlllt St. C}t, Sente Ane, CA 927CM O•r•I R. ferauaon, J500 $, GIMn\fllle St., Sant• An•, CA 927CM Thia buslntu Is con· ducted by: an lndMdu•I Have yov stwted dolnt buslnt.n yet? No DarTel A. Ferpaon Thia U..tetMnt WU filed with the County Clttk of 0t•n1• County 11n03121/03 JOOl6tU071 O•llY Pilot Mw. 27, Apr. 3, 10, 17, 2003 Tb289 ......... .......... Tiit foilowlnf p«tona •• dolna buslneas n : Ry1n Commu111ty Con· .ultlnts 635 SP1ln1· brook N. Irvine, CA 92614 NlllCy Ryen Pro...,, 835 Sprln1brook "· hint, CA 92614 Thia buslnus Is con· ducted by: •11 lr\dlvldual Have you atllrttd dQlnl b~ yetl Vt•, ll/ 97 "9nc:y ttyen Pro- Thl1 &btement WH flied wltll tll• County Cltt• of Onn&• Coun\y on 04/04/03 HOl6HHl7 D•fly Piiot AIJf. 10, 17, 14, "'91 1. 2003 Th335 ' ......... ......... Th• followlna perM>M ere doln& butlMU as: PacHlc: Coast A.uoci.tH 1000 w. Pacific Coast Hl1hwey, "•wport leach, CA 92663 Peter C. C.meron, 305 Vlst• Suwta, i.t~ Beech, CA 92660 Thia bualneu la. con- ducted by: •11 lttdMdu.1 Hav• you 1t11rttd dolnc business yttf YH, OJI 01/1911 l'ater C. C•meron Tllb stetement WH flltd with the COUllty Clerk of Or•nl't County 01103/14/03 l0016H11SI O•llY Piiot Mar. 20, 27, ¥.3, 10,2003 Tl\280 Re-. ......... ..... .. .......... ....... The foHowlnc '*'°"' Th• followln& p..ona ar• dolllJ buslntss H: art dolnt buslMu u : Ptclflc: Mlfll•tlna •lld llw library s.tvtus, Consuttlnc, 1078 Tow11 244S f11rc&ll•m Orin. • Country Rd., Of•na•. Costl Mesa, CA 92628 CA 92868 Cllrlatlellll• £11t•btttl TlmoJhy [dwerd Kirk, 2443 fordh•m Andetson, 1078 Town • Drlvt, Coste ._., CA Country Rd., Or•Rl't• CA 92626 92868 This busln111 la con· This <busl!IHI Is con· ducted b,: •n lndlvkl\111 ducted by: •n lnclMd1t1I Have you •~tel dolfll HIV• you s tertecl doln1 business yetl \'11, '#1/ bualneu yet7 No . 03 Tim Anderson Clvlstl1,,. l(ltk Thi• atetement was This statement wu flied with the County ltled with the County Cltril of Or•n&• County Ci.rk of Onna• Cou1ty on 03/21/03 on CM/04/03 l0016tSS07t 200 ....... . 0.11~ Piiot Mir. 27f Al>r· 01lfy Piiot Af)r. 10, 17, 3. lp, 17, 2003 11290 24, May l, 2003 Th329 How to Place A ...... ..... .. ..... The followln1 persona •• doln1 buslnffa 11: Rub Slty Ttchnolo.,.1, 2140 E. OcHll Blvd., Nawport IHell, CA 92661 Krl1tlt K. Harpr, 2140 f . Oc:Hn Blvd., Newpoft BHCll, CA 92661 Thl.s bualneu b C<on· ducted by: an lndlvldual Have you atlrl•d doln1 bu&lnN& y.t? "o Krllt .. I(. w ... ,. Tiits etattmtnt WU filed With th• County Clerk of Otanc• County on04/CM/03 IOOHHH07 Delly Pilot Aof. 10, E.t, 24, ~y 1, 2003 "'~"' Tiie foltoWlo& "''°n' •r• doln1 bus!Mss H : newunyon1r1plllc1, 2220 Vl•h Oor.ct9, Nt~ Bnch. C•ll· f0tnle9~ ltob«'t W, Wolf•, 2220 Vista Doredo, Newport S.acll, Celltornl• 92660 This bualneu Is ·Con.· ducted by: en lndMdual Hevt you sterttd clolnt buslneu yet? No Robert W. Wolfe This atltement wu flied with tM County Clerk of Or•na• Coun\y on03/ll/03 2°'HtH660 D•llY Piiot Mar. 27, Apr. J, 10, 17, 2003 Th213 ... ..... ... .... . Th• tollowlnc ,.son • an doln& bualnt.. 11: : Senior Care, 4911 , C.tfll90ft Circle, lrvfnt, t CA9260t ' ltlcey I'. t<oecllfltl, : 4911 Celn..,ort Clrci.. , lfvlM, CA 9%604 Thlt buslnHI b con· • ducted by; an lndlv~ , Ha~ you atarttd dolnt , bu•lnns yet? YH. Vll , 03 Stacey Koedtrltl This etat.-nt w•• • filed with the County Clerk of Ofenae County on03/14/03 20016H71M D.tly Pilot Mir. 20, Vi Apr.3, 10, 2093 Th28 __ Deadlines-- Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any· error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. • • CLASSIFIEJAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm • By Fax (949) 631-6594 (Please include your name and phone number and we' II call you back wi!h a pritt quO!e.) By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ' ANNOUNCEMINTS & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE 1at BUSINESS & FINANCW EITERTAINMOO. Cllendarof EVlllll 1310 EQUAl HOUSllG OPPOITlll1Y All rHI utlte edver· hslna In this newaptper 1s subject to the ftdenl F •Ir Housln& Act of 1961 as •mended whlcll makes It 111•1•1 to advertise "any prafer· enc•, !Imitation or dlscriml"'tlon b•sed on rice, color. rtliclon, aex, handk:ap, femill•I stltus or n•tional oriain. or •n intention to mlill• •ny such pnftr•nu, llmlt. · tion or discrimination." 2305-2490 Older S~ Fumlt\n l'IANOS & Collectlbles . .._...._._ • St«eol • ~. Offk. ~ $$CA8HPAID$$ ............. Wl BUY ESTATES • '""""""" friencly ~ AITllr i·~N~~.~~.EN.~ ... . . .. . I t •.,, T I •• lbLESTATE 9R SALE soos-saso Business Announcemenls 1610 Oppnnltl• """"' 8tlsiftlaaud -St.We _frntllla _____ _ MLP se1111mv-a.. .... . HOME FURNISHINGS hOw1 ........ . .._.. & Au«l.t .. t4t-IJ7-7070 -.wld.Mls.<- flmllure 3435 Ral&tltl -----~ Wanted W1cbr ~ couch, coffee tibia, encl table & " INtdllnf Ottom811 $475. WlcMr c:Nlr & ottomln $125., 2 Ber stools $80., (2) llau top end tables '95. ?14-8311-8823 ~,,_........, ~-. .. & ...... dinette set, frla, 11000 for ell 949·574-9732. JEWEi.RY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS ------- This newap'l)tr will not knowlnsfy eceept any advertlsem.nt f« rHI utate which Is In violation of the l1w. Our r11ders mre hereby lnfMmed th•t ell dwtll- lnp advertised 1n this new..,aper '" evell•blt on an equ•I opportunity basis. = C.-fCelellH• Old Coins! Gold, silver, _Y1_n1 __ 1es ___ 1_489_ =ibts~~ To c:ompl•ln of dis· c:rlmlnatlon, call HUO toh· frM at 1-80().42'·8590. SELL CM/Fal & SAT'-Antiques, decor•tor items, boob & MOREi 156 COSTA MISA ST. c ... ""Y 1t1r•) 3&10 •••••••• Cf A 'laSIAlt •ITTINS 2a.4T.WWM .... $400/lech AIShete.W.t119& CH41y. t4t-4S 1-2025 • ••••••• ..... jiiiii;a ..... ,,,_ ... , ... wurk.ara Pets in Niie wMrlda F lllhkln llland 9e6'4-2'Z79 Balboa Pennlla * Jwt ~Woncltrful B•lbot Ptnlnsut. Pont location, 48r 2Be, ... of oc:een lfom roof top cltdl. Sl.295.<m T tr1 kms1t0f1C Herdka ~1008 ,.. ................. NIW INGl.AND VllWDUPLIX ATTHISAMDI AH. 949-721-SIH Index ~ , ''T.,,.. ' ,.... I l • -~ 'j' ~11·· I . ..._ .+ Corona del Mar CostaMlll IXCWSIVl1 ...... '8r 38a Mae Verde home on • II corrw lot! FR, formal OR, lffis, 3c pr. '589,900 ... Hutch 96-J78-066t ColaDtCm NJMllSTATIS 'ATIK• TINOal NATIOllW1Dl USA Mt-156-9705 www fa trick tenore.com DanaPoilt o.,,.,_.,,, c-,,,_ Vl•w• ••• Speclous Zbr Z.5b•. 2c att I". pvt yard ind vlewlna deck. $619,000. 1at. John Ferrow 949-322-0932 ~ IAGUNA IUOI remodeled 2llr 28• on c«ner lot. LR w/fp, perfect retrut w/11tcludtd petlos •nd windinl brldl wallwtys. ~..000 AHCMOa IMS t4t-720-H00 517 Vie u• S..4, Of'IN SUN 12-4 Built by Joe£ Brown In 1931 only r.malnlna 3 + 4 tower estate on entire lsl•nd. •br, 4b•, three stories + tower 3 ear '"·pvt dock for 2 bo1u. It Is I recoe~ ~$3.3n6ln ~-8471 18). 742-4200 "" .. ....,..., fer $95,000. Ba;slda v .... Ql3. 300 E Coat Hwy. Charmin& Mobil Home 38r 21)9, llPP'Oll 1620sf. 23 year IHst $784. A8C8612. C:.-Flo ~ 7256. Cottap Home. IOMITA CANYON Of'I" SAT-SUM 1-& IOWI......., 3BR, 2.58A home. Sep- erett off!Ca/ruut 1ulte. By Own«· Reduced to Sl.135,000 949·64.4·8288 your stuff through classified! lest ,.,_ ... 4/7, Profes1lon1! mekeup ca., blrldl Mic bo•, l'd •. lost In Costa Mes. by Felrvltw off ~ Ln. Rtw•rd 949-35()..1600 st1, .... .w1t ... "HSJ"'''*•• ClaslW all tMtyl (Ht) '42-S671 fm PAY for rnollWN all aet 11 klttmra .... I-. 9'&6n-0411 RND .;;;;. I .;; I II .$°-:.. I 0111 fOltO ltOM L•1eat B•lboe Model, 3l00sf, 4Br 3.58 .. 3c pr, iandlcllptd yer d, &rQt locetlon nur park. Sl,350,000. ... Dertea 94&-717-9014 Linder the ScrYicc Directory Bar mer Reach 80,000 Homes Each Wee~ For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 ....... & ~ 58r 4.SIM i-on • Ir& lot, M.W1Set _, &'Oii views, ••Ira " downst1lin br. Sl.1915,000 LH. Anchor Properties 949-7~3900 C-tty-Wl4-• ... 0p ....... e •••• Mel1y Modlb(Mlny Homa 300 £. Coat Hwy ~ llaY$ldl v-.. 9&613-1331 'IJMllSTATIS 'ATatc:• TINOlll llATIONW1Dl USA 94t-IS6-t70S w-.patrk:ktenore.com OCIANfaONT I to• OCIAN VllW $Mt,to0 AGT. $t4t-721-al20 Ul>O ISU NOMIS 24AVALUll USTillGS HOM HtGH saoo• ••t-21a-Jts2 dlene coltrene prudentiel c•llf rHll:y 949.836.3730 'Al.TUIA' llvt abow tht ck>udl with oc..i views. 28'. dan, newly ~ kitichtn, ptad -..nunity. $851,000. .... Stafanlt ..... 9&71s.3156 ..... llSTAHS 'ATaK• TlllOU NATIONW1DI USA t4t..aS6-t70S www.petrlcktenoft.com ,.,.11STAns 'ATRK• nNe>al NATIONW1DIUSA t4t-IS6-t70S www.p•trlclltenon.com Tllltin Randi •TUSTIN HaiS loett8d on one of the most beautiful cul-dHK s1rwb thos fabuloul 4& pool i-... offers • .,., sras eru, petm and tat.I privacy. Offered •t Sl.l JS,000. Ill Lise C . Greubel 71~7121 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE MISCBJ.ANEOUS REHTALS Rooms For Rent &MO Costa Mm l'SIDI CM Twnhmt. CrHt privet• rm/be, very clean. 1.r. w/d, n/pets/smlla. ftm•I• prefd. $700mo+ 1/rutls. Ht-446-4065 AESIOENTIAL RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Balboa Plnlnsala Newper1 tey T-en 2blll$ from ferry to B•lbo• Isl. 18r, lB•, sec, alnt bay view, llwm/climn uMynd i-k Sllmwl 9'9- 67S·6l 96 9'9-642-0859 T .... ·~ •. 2l•. 2.50• with It ~f'lct on 1or 1eou1 __ i ·_1t>nbtlt w/vlews. $2S50/mo. •at. 949-720·3900 S...I •• prdtn houM, llpnaladl ""' loc, blocb to bMch, RenlllToShln 6030 wry IC patio, nlstrN. 11wt1i •••wtlM 21tr ; $1100/mo. 9&50IH17S. ..... ,_ blth, tnwd , N'I ••ck ••r Ur houat w/hon e prop. Perter V111t1rl•n/no smoll, fem prof. ~ mo+ l(l u!I. ~ RoomstorReat M ca;,_ .,,.,. ......, share pr, n/~ m W. Bey. Av.. 511. ~. 949-646-9412 ar 1M. upper wAielc, utls lncd, le rp in ,,. • ..,.. l/lS. ~ SllliOln ~22M775 ..2!SJ ' e ~Ii~~~: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • SELL your stuff through classified! Call (949) 642-5678 f • • • GE T THE PQ f NT? Daily Pilot < 1., ,,i licd ;1d" \\nrk l"or\1111'. 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PRU\ T11111nt 9&856-91m. ..._. ....... -. ... » + den, •• hi ~. 2+ Ut, pr, pabo, '"* S3100/mo (949)646-8473 loyfrent clu..tex, upper unit on harbor w/boet docll, 2 1>1111 to bch Jbr 21>1 tp, wd la vu ~" l_c_Jar, d(I(~ & uli incl. SJlillVmo 9&6lo.«nl ~· tt.tter & C....._ VMws. J6r 3'slj• Avaa ,May 10 • July 31. S9!IOO/mo. 949·233·61~ NP Hta 2l>f Iba SFR cult NtwpoftCoast kite:, nu pa1r1t, sm P•lt0/ yd, I c car. llund hkup ar ""-11: 11'11811 lrplc, •II 11800 949 673 7800 pllld 'Trcrme• Townhorne .. , er ... h•nhom. pettO 2 storla, new paint, Ult end car~. 2 c aer •II $1800949·673 7800 Newly remod 2br 2b• condo. 2 c 1•r. pallO. wd, no peVsmll Anti 5 I Sl950 1se 949·759·1344 S2.4!1irn Vaunt (al) 949 n.2526. ~8841 I .:Tb. I Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed section to find services from eledron1cs and plumbers, to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot ( l.1\'>1f1Pd C omm u mty M arke tpl.--ice a a a Thursday, Apr il 10. 2003 17 Refttaltwanted .,.. AmtlCllM -Bridge TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE WMTID 1 or 2Br Mo ~ or condo, ft1n or uMnt In """'1ort 8-tt M 191 llrm 11 k...., .... tta .. VNI ..... mnwed W-.111 IWlr -Mii ~~11!16 Employment 8500 ClHICAl Need full !Im,. P"•son to llll!St with Y4tlOUS duties Mu~I bf' abi. to input •I lust 50wpn• •L< ur altly on computer µo"ess s1ton11 <.ustomer service sl11lls <1nd be dep~ndable S9 Ptr hnur £ 1tf'llent bf'n el1t pacl>.at[• (0[ Send re\Um~ to Judy Oett1na ' o lJa11y Ptlot l'lO Wut B•y Street. Costa Men, CA 92627 or •m•tl to pa; Oltlrc@litlme\A:om 6-al Office As1ktmtt Sm uwal offtte 01 W~I Irvine (5. :ll ht ' wll C • p I eqwod C.il 949 25() 41 )6 or lax resuir. 949 250 8149 JOIN OUR TEAM and make a d•flf'rero• • In th" Cahlornld Army Naltr111al Guard you tdn 11"1 mo111<y for '"""&" in•l CM~Pr tr.1111111~ ( tll I 800 GO GUARl> (CAL •scAN) Automobiles 9000 Automotive 9004 Acwo ......... '97 lS ~511 al ,JC ~ pw k~ M!ty dllrm Cd mo<>nr()(!I • cmd I> P $9500 714 3.)1 ;-,]8 Id Acur9 ............ 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S200 c.....,.'01 Sliver w/rat~ red ftlw 6 ~ 11111 m1 VT£C (190131) S24 98) J...-XUC-.'99 Bfltr.h Rae'"& GtHn w. t.10 11111 Mly ?2K n1'ln CO \lacke< (19220) SJ9 98) M•c.desa-~ 2JOSl 'M l hi\ I\ .. ,..1 tl"'I( R••I w IAll ll-.. ll•l'f Buth l"I" 4 '4" HI ( 1868.]J $71 9Wl M~t.clnB..,1 SlSS AMG '03 RMdy for mt01t"rl1~te df'llVery tuU l.t< 1 werr S1lv~r w Ch.tr< oat ( 19'l()qC) INQIJIRCSS Pouche Twbo (~'1 Avollable Hutty.fo• tfwM!e petfe<t low m1leaie. lor al one owrlf'r TUltlOS UASl 0< BUY 949 574 7777 l'HIWPS AUTO phJll ... -..... Audi '99 A4 Ouottro 2 8 vr, ?<J~ • t11AI mt .l11lv 'P" ~ ""~ r ••I i' <'Y Ith• n1nrl 1.0 1, l>.s & sml'lh nf'w V45b7ll Sl7 9'l'J 111 Jn•"' ·••"' Bkr 949 516 1111 www.ecpobl.<om Conette '00 VI Wn11r t.1n AUln h•nd•h••i pk ~ Ilk "''"'' S. ll '>l.IJ ""' NtoNfYotl .... ~ ~91;441™ 9CJ'J140l0l01•ll I Noam • OJ1 ~~J7' • IJ 74 ACllOSI Nooll '~ 12-potlll WWII. tbr hand ho&> 1 l(idll llQind ltule io coalnbu~ tn def en~ and !he • ~ S- i...... to row hrmu I\ I NIO-WIY llC· I 1 ~ 1111(111 .....,. 14'-h DC. ~ that • wuuun1 peas IJI pmc:1p1e club. will allow Nol1b-SoUdi ID mike t5 GIY9 ,,,,.,. .....,, nioi: lnclu in Spedes -I 0 1f the 1a Menu pn. WFST • IC JO i. 5 2 93 EAST • 64J dc:fendcn doti't set dwnoncb ~ 12wds) esty enoup 11 '[;;/.,b9 Dcc:larer won the lint O'ICk 1n hind ',; ~ flllr::tion9 and unmedtll.Cly led tbr rune of 20 Slrielled bllCI ~ Wesc wlM1n11 with the Inna n --. •• J 10 9 3 AH •A9J • K J 10 51 I\ East COOtl'\bulcd the tine The 24 Samo.td SOUTH • A9 . KJOS 42 K652 •Q6 hand IS already II t.he ~Sl'Oelh ...... Unless Wesc c111 find the n1l11 ITUl10f : ~ sun to lud, the conll'ICt wtlJ sllp 30 Y°"1Q Choen th.rough. At the table, West .aitfted to 32 Un1tt a low club. lll1d the defender\ took 33 Trdc cone two club tnw and 1 dwnond for 36 Almoll lhlll The hiddm~: SOlTTH WFbl Noam F.AST Jowuone Lucky gueS\'/ : ~-N0t II all We~ llllSted partner to .. I ~ siltlllll 111 which ~WI then WU I pof-.a Philolopllef I I• 4 .. ,_ s161c winner, lll1d I.he three of ;pl(b -!>-* ,_ r.. 'Opening le.id Nuii nf - I\ compclent declarer will force the Jefcndcrs ro m.Ut crucial play' a.s t'Jll'ly in the hand as p.m1bJe. before inform.mun hil!t been obuuncd Deir~ mu"1 he on their ~ to P"" 1dt partner with the cl~ needed tu make the nghl decision. Ac~ordmg to lhe uw of Toca.I Tnll•" a IO<atd trump lit should prod~..: 10 md .... in the play ~t.e mdicalcd the lower of the two 43 AnllCJV9d unplayed \Utl\, tn dm ~club!> The !: ~ ""°'1dng same re.<>ult m1,11hc ha~e been obtained emllenkmenl had WC$t \hiftcd to I.he 111:c of die 4a llanea moods aod then read Ea~'s dltce as 50 ~t; DCglllJ\'t !Sooth of cour.e, will fabe-63 Mmen'e i.a. card wnh the li~t llf' \lit) and 54 KMP ~ \\l.11C'!ccf to club\ Sull. tn une of the ~ = .... tootn world ~ most pn:\llg1ou' pair evcnt5 M:vcral.p;un ;tllo"'cJ I.he dcclam 11 four he.vb tu \lip through with 10 tncl.\ NEWmJ MN COOPER 'BRG' leather & Premium Pl<G. LCAS( FOR i1~~ PFR MON IH •TAX I At These Terais On ~O'fed Credrt • On£RAT SltlUR SA 'fflGSI • ~ 98c J3780 due ~I .,.oin•na '8 munth closed •nd l•a't no security d~pc.s•I IOK mil~ per y~•r [ l (.P\'\ mtffc, @ i.'Oc I'•• molt< IC412791 • LffS~TOR! ITS~ '99 l'ossat w.....,. '99 2311 mt, (4rlPll 7) white w/tan leather, $16,625 (949) 6'5-2579 PP l'oru ... 'furbo Co"P• "" white w/full llhr 191< mil 6 speed 3 6l Turbol ("19222C) $69,910. l'-t<h• Souter c-v. IHI Stiver w/Bl•ck lthr S8K mt S speed, lull pwr (•TH4S) $24,tlO. l'HkUPSAUTO 90-574-7777 T~ c..111 'II 9911 '"'·.,..~ore """"""· IV1S &Jt. MW~ .. &SUDl ~ AllTOM08llES I MISCB.UNEOUS BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE Un Sl" AVAIUIU IN NIWl'OU 11.ACH $2500 llASI '49-500-1005 NllD 4S'Sl '""·~·-.. ( 15· bum) w/water' power 714 865 2999 *'-' Slip-Great LO<.• hon• IJl/11t beam. i.n&fh unltmlted rn Bay lslllnd Cove • t49-t22-7777 ll-20fT~ [le<tr1c1ty ' waler avail $1,0. mo (949167J 9191 Dodge '97 Intrepid Spm I 3 '> Vii Hk 1111 I * * * * * * * * white &rty '"' ~ 11AK~d 55 FRUWAY@ EllNGER n \ l1k~ n•w S6495 l11nn1 '"' & w•rr avail I SANTA ANA AUTO MAU Wanted 9045 ,......., o,......d De* Owr 40 years e •P' ,.. PllY a -Y Ill pncc lor YQC6 CM Vlln or truct. plld lor or not. 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'99 1320 31~ mt white arl'y lthr mnrl chrome whls beaut h~~ n~w cond v57224 I Sl'5 995 ftn avai llkr 9&5116-18811 _..........., (ASH fGa CU S WE NllD YOUlll CAlll l'AID Foti 0111 HOT l'HIW"AUTO ASK fOlll MAlCOlM 949.574 .. 7777 BOATS fi0Wlho111 951s I lft o.My '90 ~,. r econdtbon ., '02 $I 0.000 Boat.,~ ... bo<.w Joen ID)..4~ '01 Dvffy 21 ltl>.e new Premie< pwr plla, stereo. co navy top wn wntfs. tr11 w/b11 lHt. caltey/ btdn. SZJ!m 9&6m> "Employee." "Empleado." "Arbeitnehmer." "Employe." ~:.e.iiot NOlUMR HOW YOU SAY R, CWSIAED CAN FUii IT. ( ·1 '/' I I ' - - 0 . "·'·''· ,,., • f> :....-.J(J, fl HOME, HEAL TH AND BuSINESS .~ ... M "HO 0 RS Cehfornre l1w re Clll"IS tl'til COf'lllK ton t.111ni fQbs that tolel $500 or mor • (a.bar or m1teoat1) bi teemed by "" Contrectort Stele license Board St•I• law also requores llull contnctors include their licenM number Oft 111 edvert111na You cen c"-ck the sletus of your licensed c:ontrector at www cslb Cl 1ov or 800·321 CSLB Unit cenHd contr1clon tekln1 jobs thet total 1111 then 1500 muat 1t1t• In their adHrtlHments lh•l tney 1ra not l1c:1n11d b~ the Contrectort St.le llclftse Bo11d " M•••I ........ , ....... lnmoas ~ /Ml / lternodll AdilDa -••••uMDn aim""" 81BM\9R'I ........ • t• ............ ~, .. pr .. tioft. ,.1eon1bll, ~ •:c:i::=! --~ ........ 'MR BLI NOMAN" .. SI lllj A TO Z HANDYMAN Install relace cabinets ~ mokq. Dq 71'-546-T/58 • WOIU..tt• • Custom Built tns Crown Motdinss Bew Bo1rds l •577982 949 709 5642 Cllpet Repalr~les ()CAJlf'O CAllll'ET Repeu. Patchin& Install Co.if teous any size IObs Wholesele' 949 492-0205 eon.uter Services COMPUTER HELP! . Mlltt.""",..... ............. •PC•-.C ·~ •¥111 ... '"'9111111 ·~lotJdif!I ·ca.~ •IJlllll..__,..,_~ ·*"~~-uo ........... a........ 10 Yl9 c.......-r., 714~12-2786 Concme & Masonry lrldr: lloclr: St-• Tiie Con. rp~ Pat., ll"vrw1y fnpk BBQ Refs ?!>Y" E•e ftfrl 714 !>57 7594 Constnldn.tontr CUSTOM UMODH AND DESIGN Alt TRADES lO YEARS EXP l •337169 949 631 2345 NUD MOllll lllOOM? AOOl1lONS .. R£MaXllNCi L1577982 9•9 709 56'2 °'*Op Publishing I I TO llGIH YOUlllHOMI IMl'IOVEMENT l'lllOJICT? Call • plumber, p11nter. hand~ml'n or 1ny of lhfl erut services ltsted her• In our service d111rcto1yl THESE l OCAl SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI llch's 0Hr hutelh, ~0or-r,_, .. Hlrdwon. Q1*lm ~ Lt578102 949 510 n29 Comptar Servlca - ,1.1 11 j I 'j 11 ',I, \ 'We • lll dciMJll y1•ur ~ °' cumpany •11eboitt and pul )il\I <llll1ne frtt, Yu.i r-Y <lftl) h<>111n fen 71 ... 11·2786 Drywall Services Garage Doon WITTHOln DUW.All ~ Sow. 19Yn .. All phnn sm Ir 111ob\ l,...., wr•~ r•d dMr'tl4> Cll.AHI 20)'rs. letr lree man.an he trrn. ~ •I L4000307146»1447 Comm1Res 714 436-1518 EledricalServtces s ... onJ_.1.,.....1 Ounc:an EIKtnc 20Yrs [Ap l ncel 'QtJldl Rnponv Ser vl(p ,1Wrnodfts l •27S870 !M9 fliO 7°'2 Actle"h"' llectrlc troubtesh0ohn1 "P«Mlt~I .ti Vfvicn No IOb too Sil\. l#5151163 714 811&600 UCIHSID COHTlACTOlll No IOb too vn /Ill -~1 Repa11 remodel tans. 1ij)ll MWS\IC.~3666 Roortng/Tile Olr1yW..tii I .... ,_ L •wns Lawn Aer e1tn1 Sprtnklrn Troubleshoot .,_ Sprtn1 Tune ups Repa11 ~' Upcrsdu H••• us do your Otrty Wor• 714-715-2121 THE DlfflllllNC( HTWUH ll.AUTif'Ul & lXOUISITf ... ·~·-c-e . 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Pullllc Utlhtlu Commiss ion requll'es that ell usa4 houuhold 1ood1 mo""' print their P.U C. Cel T num~r; limos end cheuffeurs pr int their T C P nombtr In ell edvtr · Uuments If you llllvt '"Y quutlont ebout th• l•1•lltr of • "'over, limo or ch..,n-,cel f'UIU( UTJUTtlS <OlltllHIOet .,, ..... , a.-.·· ,..... um. fllP Grut Pncel Guarenteed W«k frft ut l'375602 714-538-153£ 7 390-2945 Jepe.'•' ........ T 09 Quelrly. C4mpetrlln In I •nor/( 1 t L 116U228 Call Jay 949 650-5066 UIM80W OKll llMf1' P11nt1111.-tut. ~ Qualtty ,ab' FrM ~ l .s69897 714 6l6 8888 Plmlltllt I saiao •s..-. ..-.~ Ratuc:co. Room Addibon, Patch1n1 Reuon1ble! 714-921 1647 804-0497iz ,...... Leatller Seatin , CD Chan er, Dual Sunroofs 4X4, Automatic; Y&, Power Packa e, Moonroof, Premium Sound, TiltJCrulse Etc. ~J=-~-~ka:=.!I!. *3 I I Total dftv.-oft. SO 8ecwtty depoeit 1 OK miles per yet11/20c exeeu ml. charge. M expir. 04/13103. m 0 • 5 at this payment • 48 months PRE-OWNED *24 995 SERVICE LOAN CARS I 4 To Choose (376164, 366803, 384378, 382940) ICLES '99 IEP GR. CIER. LAREDO 4X4 '99 DISCOVERY II '00 DISCOVERY II '02 CHEVY 1500 EXT CAB Only 25K, Leather, etc. VS, Low Miles, Immaculate VS, Leather, Dual Sun Roofs Z71 4X4, CD, Black Beauty 4124/511174 1..tR I L 'J 40781201230 CERTIFIED 4119/'241211 41351170386 $14,995 $21,995 S22,995 S22,995 '00 DISCOVERY II '00 DISCOVERY II '01 DISCOVERY SE '00 GMC YUKON DENALI V8, Lthr, Loaded V8, Lthr, Dual Sun Roofs V8, Lthr, Dual Sun Roofs 4X4, Low Miies, Blk on Blk, Cust Chrm Whl$ CERTIFIED 4117 /'242189 CfRTIFIEO 41181242826 CERTIFIED 40921723223 4136122146 S23,995 S23,995 S25,995 S28,995 . '99 RUGE ROVER '02 DISCOVERY SE '97 DEFEIDER 90 WE NEED YOUR • 4.6, V8, Luxury, Loaded VS, Loaded, 11KMllfs,PriorRentaJ vs, Automatic, Soft Top TRADE IN! CERTIFIE O 39781428094 4084/750601 4122/113480 S29,995 $31,995 '35;995 PAID FOR OR NOT!