HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-15 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.... . . -·. . -. . . • 10 Serving the Newp ort-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 2003 -~ ~:r No decision .. on Mansoot conflict -. . ~ '· Acting city attorney says he can't rule whether $300 councilman got from planning commissioner is a ·conflict, but such a situation won't be allowed again. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MfSA -Without deciding whether Councilman Allan Mansoor violated the city's conflict of interest code, the acting city attorney said Mon- day that similar actions would consti - tute a conflict in the future. sion invoh'.fng the contributor. Mansoor appointed Joel Faris as his planning commissioner on Feb. 18, after Paris had contributed more than $250 to Mansoor's 2002 election campaign. Joel Faris Allan Mansoor Wood said he really couldn't predict how a judge would react to the case, but is satisfied that his report lays out guide- lines for the future . future decisions," WoO<l said. "I put enough in there for people Lo make their own decision if it meets the test or not." Wood released his opinion to lhe council on Friday and to the public on Monday. His opinion states that it would be a conllict or interest for a council mem· ber to appoint a contributor to a city commission or a mayorship if "it is rea· sonably for~eeable that the appoint· ment/election would affect the com· missioner, mayor or mayor pro tempore by at least a penny.· QUESTION Do you egree with ttl• ecting city attorney'• decision? Call our Readers Hotline a1 (949) 642-0086 or send e-mail to ? • dailypi/01 .@/atimes.com. Please spell your name and indude your hometown and phone number. for verification purposes only. rhe decision ctid not sit well with for- mer mayor Sandra Genis. who wrote the part of lhe conflict of interest law in question. because she doesn't think Mansoor is being held accountable. . ~ .• . . One tenet of the city's conflict of in· terest law characterizes as a conflict any campaign contribution of $250 or more during the year before a council dee!- Acting City Atty. Tom Wood said his office does not make rulings on past de- cisions that may have involved a con- flict of interest. Only a judge could make that decision, if someone files a court challenge alleging a conflict of interest against Mansoor. So Faris' appointment will stand unless a judge nullifies it. "It's helping set forth a test used for Planning commissioners get a sti· pend of $75 per meeting. which comes out to at least $150 a month. See CONFLICT, Pa1e M ·~ OCTA board turns down Center Line request Study of underground rail line in Costa Mesa deemed unwise without federal funding for construction. Deirdre Newm1n Daily Piiot SANTA ANA -A lack of federal funding haa derailed the city's effort to study under- groundlng Its portion of the Centerl.J.ne light rail S)'ltem. On Monday, the Orange County 1fansporta- t1on Authority board Voted 8 to l to reject an ln-depth study of an underground alternative based on a laclc of confidence about obtaining federal funding for construction. Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido was the only member to support the study. The light rail system calls for an 11.4-mile route through the cities of Costa Mesa. Irvine and Santa Ana. The South Coast Plaza business community led the charge for the undergrounding be· cause it feared any other option would inter- fere with existing developments. SH CENTERLINE, Paae A4 SPORTS Longtime editor Roger Carlson retires Members of the Newport-Mesa sports scene laud legacy he leaves after almost 40 years at the paper. 81rry flulkner Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Roger Carlson, Dally Pilot aporta editor since 1988 and a full-time mem- ber of the apom atafl' alnce January 1968, bu red.red. c.adson. 66, who .-------. came to the Dally Pilot u a part·dme aporta reporter in 1964, handled various as- Jignments during his re- poning career, indudlng covering the Dodgen Gd Angels. USC and UCLA footb&U. Super Bowls, the 1964 ()tympk:I and many ......__-' Role Bowll. But be II per· hapt best known (or his Roger Canson comptehenatve coverage of INSIDE Formorwon Aoger Car1eon, ... PegeA7 hJtb echoot 1port1, ln ~ port·M..a and surround· mg commwlltlel, lndud· tng Hundri&ton Beadt Fountl.lri van.r; lMne i.ild ~Beec:b. "'He la an l.Ndt\idOn. • Mld Kirt Bauennefltir. an UlilWlt prlnc:fpal at Cotta Mila High. Bauermel.tcer bu· ai.o pla)ted b11&tell. C01CJ*S bUeblll and mo ... IDn"OR, ~ M DON LEACH I 0,A,IL Y PILOT Brett Thompson and sister Brooke, on spring break with their family, catch raindrops in afternoon storm after a walk on the Balboa Pier. Late to the party J1mH Meler Daily Pilot M ay flowers can't be too far away after a cold, slow-moving storm finally brought an April shower to Newport-Mesa on Monday. The storm, at first expected late Saturday and then on Sunday. arrived in the wee boun Monday and stuck around throughout the day, bringing Intermittent downpours. "It was one of those big complex lows," said Ivory Small, Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONntEWEB: www.~com KEEPING COOL Who le tM Mighty Oucb' MVP? Guy .~ lnt'Ml' might eu'l)ftte you. See Fonm. PlpA5 SPORTS . The N4MpOi1 BMdl...,... World Teem 19nnle hncNM ftndll a coed't In fonMr USC ..,,.., .. t9rinll ~ Dldl lMc:h. ... PlpA7 Cold storm predicted for the weekend arrives Monday, bringing Newport-Mesa more than an inch of rain meteorologist for the Nat1onal Weather Setvice ln San Diego. Small said Newport-Mesa should receive about l . 7 Inches of rain through the end of the storm this morning. though It shouldn't affect last-minute tax mers. John Wayne Airport has received 10.3 Inches in the rain season that began July l , Small said. That would leave the area on the dry side of normal. though the totals may near the normal 12.13 Inches by the end of the storm late this morning, be said. Small said that. as storms go. Monday's was "between medium and strong. Kind of on the high end." Newport Beach aaw a rlae ln t:ra.ffic acddenta Monday, but it was typical of any rainy day. Newport Beach Police Sgt. BW THE VERDICT Harper said. "There ~ been about 20 so far (at 3 p.m.J. Mostly fender benders,· he said. The storm also kicked off spring break for Newport-Mesa Unified swdents. The county Health Catt Agency urged Monday against hitting the waves until at leut three days after the last drop of rain. Newport Beach Ufegttards planned spring break stafting long before the storm was forecast and had enough S-LAlt.P11eM Ben Reddick wasn't the best at making friends I I,/ .I luesdly, ~ 15, 2003 f eggs, e Daily Pilot went o Christ Lutheran chool in Costa Mesa oask ighth-graders, at's your most emorable Easter?' • ON CAMPUS IN THE CLASSROOM PHOTOS BY KENT TRCPTOW /DAILY PILOT From left, eighttrgraders Pierce Rubin, Katie Kelly, Sam Gayner, Rodrigo Bancarte and Lindsey Burch rehearse the Last Supper scene. What Jes us did Eighth-graders from Christ Lutheran School in Costa Mesa prepare to perform the Stations of the Cross Christin• Carrlllo Daily Pilot T beyre ttying to wa.Ut in the footsteps of Jesus. his disciples and the many men and women who played a slgnlficant role in the last days of his life. As they practice for a perfonnance that t.l?e school has been doing for more than 20 years, the students get to live their lesson in religion In celebration of Holy Week. eighth-graders at "Ouist Lutheran School in Costa Mesa practiced their annual Stations or the Cross presentation on Monday [or a Thursday performance for younger students. community members and church parishioners. The school presents the 14 stations, or depictions of Christ's final sufferings and death and burial, with other scenes from his life. The audience will travel from one station to another across the campus to watch the students perform their religious adaptations. "We're preparing for the way of the life of Christ. which is depicting his life, particularly the last week or his life •• said Jenny Jordan, SCHOOL WNCH MENU eighth-grade teacher and director of the performance. "It's our way just to bring it alive, not just for the ldds that are doing it , but for the whole school." • Eighth-graders adopt the roles of the religious characters they've been learning about for years to enact the events from Jesus' being condemned to death to his being laid in the tomb. "I like it; it's fwi," said 14-year-old Briahna Smith, who played a servant in the depiction of Peter's denial. "It actually brings out what the people really felt and how they really were_" Fulfilling the requirements or their religious studies, the students. dressed in garb of Jesw' day, play out significant and pivotal events in his life, in particular those from Palm Sunday and through his resurrection. "It's a lot of fun," said 15-year-old Pierce Rubin, who played Judas. "You're learning about the life of Christ and you're able to express the love of God to the kids." Reenacting Jesus' interacllon with his disciples during the Last Supper and Jesus' anger with the merchants and money-changers in the temple were just two of the many stories from life of IUt..,.... wtMIC"I bei!.'1..-on ~ ..... Maid..., Lund'l Selad ar,........01.W91ie ...._.. on1bun...._n ....... llGld,..... ..... ., ... Teacher Jenny Jordan helps eighth-grader Rodngo Bancarte wrth his costume. Olmt that the students depicted. They were just part of the lesson. "(It helps you learn) in a way because you learn what they said and you learn how they felt, but you don't know what you would've done," Briahna said. ~u·s a step in that direction.· • IN THE CLASSROOM is a weekly feature in which Dally Pilot educa1ion writer Ctm1tine Camilo visits a campus In the Newport-Mesa area and writea about her experience Daily A Pilot Cotll' Wlllon Newt assistant. (949) 574-098 ~l.wtt.one1«1,,,...com PHOTOORAl'HERS Seen Hiller, Don IMctt, Kent TreplOW Box 1560, Cotta M ... , CA 92828. Copyright No newt ttorlea, lllultntlone, edJtorlal matter or •dvertiMl'l'lentl herein can be reproduced without written permlulon of oopyrlght owner SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST We may ... m. remnants of Mondey't storm today, with a few mow.ra, but for the moat part, It will be partly ctoudy. High• will top 60 Whlle lowt will be In the upper 40a. SURF Head-hight lhould be found at moat wetterty bf"Nb toct.y, but county health offldala urge ua to stay high and dty undl about 72 houra after1hl IMt raindrop. VOL 97, NO. 105 lltOMA8 H. JOHNSON Publi.her TONYDODaO Editor JtJfN OETTINO ~~r Promotk>nl Dfrec:tor NftwsEdlton Gina Alexand«, Lori Andert0n, 01nlel Hunt. Paul Seltowltz, Danlel Si.vena NEWS STAFF Crime °:f9 ~repone<, (949) 57oM226 dftepa.bhamlte~.com June=•· Newport r9p0f1ef, UM9)57...m /Unt1.C#llgf'8nd9.1"tim..com ...... Clntofl Politb and enYfronment l'9p0fter, (949) JM..4330 ,;.ul.dlnron•J«Jnw.com ............. Columni.t, cuhure reporter, (Ml) 574-4275 loltta ,.,,,,_.,.,,._com .,.,,... ,.. ...... c-. ~ ,....,,..,, ,.., 574-4221 dlrirdril.~•""'"*' oom READERS HOTUNE (949) 842-8086 R«lord your OOmmentl about the Deily Pilot or OMS tlpe. Addfeee Our add,.. 11 330 W. 81y St., Cotta MeN, CA 92627. C>mce houri are Monday -Frict.y, 8:30 a.m 5 p.m. Co11uda.• h la the Pilot's policy to promptly correc:t all errors of substlnce. ....... c:atl (9491 *-"324. m The Newport~ M ... Delly Plot (USPS-144-800111 l)ubliltled d91ty. In ~ 8Mct1 and to.w MeM, aubectlptlons •111 evlW>le only by eoblcf'I~ to The Tlmee Orange County 1800) 152-1141 ln.,...~of ~ 8Mct1 and Cotta M..,, eubecrlpdone to the Deity Pilot ,,. ewilabte adv by h ... matl tor l30 per monch (rtlolie lndude Ill ~ ... and tooel taw.> POSTMASTER:~~ ~toThe~ ~ Me9a Deity~ P.O, HOW 10 REACH US ClfQ.iletton The Timas Or1ng1 County (8001262·9141 Adwrtlelng Clrullled (9491 M2-6e78 CMapley (949) 642'"'321 Edltottal N9ws (9491 &42-5680 lpcMtl(949)57 .... 223 New9 Fu (948) ~170 lpcHta Fu (949) 650-0170 £-melt daflypl1ot•1"ti,,,_com MelftOMce ....... OM.. (1491842'"'321 ........ ,..(948)1317128 Pub419hed by Tlmea Commururv Nftws, I d1vltion Of tM Loa Angel .. T'lmee. e2001 Tlmee CH Alt fi9hU fWIWd, On Wednetday, It's looking to be moctty tunny, with highs near70. Rein m-v be bee* by Thuredey and Fridrf. ~= www.nws.no.a.gav BOATING FORECAST The winde will blow. typical 10 to 15 knob In the Inner weten today, with 2-foot w.ws end •west awefl of 6 fMt. Wlnde wlll get lighter thia ewnirig . Out fartt., the wlnde wlff blOw tight et 10 knoe., with 2-toot ~end. MSt lwaff Of I fMt. W.W. WMI .... to 8boi.lt. tooc ... .wni~ I --...---·-·--------.-....... --.-.. ...... --- On Wednetdey. m. northwest twell will condnue to drop, ao e>epect c:ht9t-hlgha. On Thuredey, both ~end northwMt swells.,.. due, though weet- and eouth-fldng ~both •><Pld wMt· to c:heat-Ngha. w......-r. • WWW • .Urfrid9r.OIP TIDES nm. 1!691.m. 3:07p.m. 9:22p.m. 3:41 •.m. ........ 6.32 fMt high --0.21 fMt tow 5.72fWhfgh -0.60Mttow WATER TEMPERATURE lldegrw ... Students suggest policy· changes Zero-tolerance rules are among those that a group of high school juniors and seniors want altered. Chrlatln• C•rrlllo OailyPilot NEWroRT-MESA -The school district's r.er6-toler- ance policy ls among the rules that a group 'of jurtiors and seniors would like to see changed. 1bat request was among many from students from four or the district's high schools presented to New- port ·Mesa Unified School Board members last week. after months of trying to find a balance between dis- cipline and student behav- ior. During that time. the stu- dents from Newport Har- bor, Corona del Mar, Estan- cla and Costa Mesa high schools conducted two town hall meetings that drew crowds of students, parents. community mem- bers and school officials to discuss Issues concerning the district's Student Con- duct Polley. They hope that the trustees will review and possibly adopt the recom· mendations for the 2003·04 school year. "When we're all working together, we can achieve really great things.• said Phil D'Agoatino, a teacher at Newport Harbor who helped the students organ- lu their recommendations. "It's been a really great process for all of us to be involved with.· One of the key changes the students asked the board to make was to en- sure that parepts were bet· ter informed about the of· fenses and consequences contained within the policy's alcohol and drug violations section. The members of the stu· dent committees also felt that their peers didn't fully understand the policy. They · suggested the board institute peer-to- peet education, ln which stUdents in upper grade levels woUtd serve as men- tors to their younger counterparts and warn them of the policy's conse- quences. They also suggested that each campus have an over- sight committee, com- posed or administrators. students, teachers and par· ents to review board deci- sions and act as an advisory board representing the In- terests or the students. "It's very important that the kids have some part in this, because I think that they probably look at it dif. ferently than we do,• said Llrida Sneen, a school board trustee. "Sometimes I think we're belng too harsh, but we have to fol · low the policy, and that's why I was so excited about revising it." Although some board members expressed con· cem about how such com - mittees might hamper the students' right to anonym- ity, they agreed that the idea is a good one. While school officials said they will need to look more carefully al each rec· ommendation. they added that many of the recom· mendation.s could and should be adopted for the new year. "These kids are smarter than we are sometimes," Sneen said. "I have to give them a lot of credit because they're really in tune. I'm thrilled that they're In· volved." The board will revisit the students' policy revisions mid-June. @]~ 50% OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids Home Decor • Furniture Mon·Frt ICM; • Sat 1().5 • Sun UM 369 E. 17th Street 113, Costa Mesa• (949) 646-0745 (Across from Ralphs) GET IN SHAPE Jom the Uolvenlty Atbletlc Club Make ntnes1 a Part of \'our Ltfestyle I...\'iVr IN WEIGHT ~CAADIO f"m.lus EQlnPMEHT CoMPl.JMmnA&Y fn'NW Cou'NSWNO RAOQU'IBAtL -$QUA H -HAH1>aAu. -BAS T8ALI. Ja. OLYMPIC SwtMMTNO PoOL -k£STAUl.ANT • LouNGe UNJVERSITY AnlLETlC CLUB (949) 752-7903 1701 Quail Street. Nf•JlOl18*b Tuesday Apf1I 15, 2003 Ar. Coast Highway runoff project appealed Newport Beach environmentalist calls Caltrans' plan to keep waste from reaching the ocean ·moronic.' Paul Cllnton Daily Pilot NEWPORT COAST -A New· port Beach enwonmentali.st is fighting a project that Caltran.s proml'>E!s will keep East Coast Highway's polluted runoff from reaching the ocean. Garry Brown, executive direc· tor of Newport Beach-based Orange Counry CoasdCeeper, filed an appeal on Wednesday of Caltrans' drainage work. He called c.altrans' plan for the road above Crystal Cove a "moronic" effon. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Hoag stag shoot will be held May 7 It is almost time for Hoag Hospual Foundation''l 552 Qub Stag Shoot, which will once again honor the late Dave Mar· tyn, the event's co-founder, hospital supporter and re- sp ected physician. Last year, the Marryn family riused $70,000 by donating Dave Martyn's hunting me· mento'> for aucuon. Another auction will be held this year to raise money to benefit Hoag Women's Pavilion. The community 1s invited to donate hunung, shooting and fi'ihmg collectibles. including wildlife art and bronzes for this year·s aucuon. The 552 Oub Stag Shoot aucuon ,.,,,JI be held May 7 at the Prado Olympic Shooting Sports Park. The commmee 1s also asking for donations of frequent flier mileage for airline ties to be uc;ed in conjunction with other awards. fhe Stag Shoot 1s a 22-vear tradition that has raised more 1han SI m1lllon for the ho!>pi· "Our concern is that the CAI trans plan ts 'Let's dig a ditch and put plant.s ln It.'" Brown said. "It \ a totally Inadequate plan.· Brown ls protesting Orange County 7..oning Adrmru1>uator John Buzas' approval of Caltram.' plan to create a dramage chan nel and wedand filters along EaM Coast Highway. Brown filed hh, appeal of the plan with the Cali· fornia Coastal Commis'lJOn. Since the county -and no1 Newport Beach -has juri~dic· tion over coastal planmng m the area; the Coastal Cornm1ssll)n could be brought in to revii.11 the tal. Contact Hoag Hospital Foun dation for more information at (949) 574-7214. or ~end e-mail to jmercer@hoaghospttal org Sherman Library garden tour set for May The seventh annuai garden tour of the Volunteer Assn of the Sherman Library and C 1ar dens of Corona del Mar will take place at 11 a.m. May 4 The tour will feature six pn vate gardens of home~ in l\.ew port Beach, including Corona del Mar. The $25 ticket price 1nducJe<, refreshments. Proceeds will go toward maintaining the collec lions at the Sherman l 1braf) and Gardens. For more 1nfor· mation or to purchase llt"l'ts. call 949) 673·2261 Imagination Celebration run through Ma) 14 Invisible fr1end'i Daring swordfights. Far off ma1i:ical places. The boundle<>s ima~mation of children 1s being celebrated for the next sue weeh. through May 24, during the lmal<(rna11on Celebration of Orange Cou n rv Celebration official., are pro· BOATING SEASON ·IS BERi! 2945 Randolph Ave (Bristol & Baker) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 8269:-:.r 1 ITmlllllE • Vala.nee. & Comke Boxa • Roman Shadct • Blindt • Vcnic:al.t • Shuttcn • Bcdapreadt C..,U~ ~ i• ~srH•• ~ ()' , < >I I r~~ :-DESIGN CENTER Factmy• Showroom 1998 Hafbor Blvd., O»ta M &.--.:: (9'9)642-"nn l~Ue. Caltrans had not seen dle dJ>· peal, agency spokeswoman '>andy Fnedman said "We have not sun the appeal and cannot comment,· Fried· man sa.1d. "Our plan was ap- proved by the Water Qua.Uty Control Board • The work b bemg done in r&- spon~e to a cea.se·and·destSt or der that reg1onaJ water qua.Uty officials i~sued in November 2000. ln 1t, they named the state's Department of Transponatlon, along with the· Irvine Co. and the state's Department of Parb and Recreation The order singled out C.altrans for the c()pper bral..e residue. ou '>hclc5. motor oils and other sub \tance., that are "''ashed off f .. ast moung more of that colorful thmk.ing and wdJ host art events aimed at children dunng th I'> year'> event Although 11 i'> a countyWJde event, man) of the fesuvmes take place at arts venue., in C o'ta ~te-.a. fesnval officials '>iild Se,en of the 65 fe~tivaJ event'> are ~cheduled at area mall'>. '>t:hools. museum& and 1hea· rers. Other events are in 17 other cities throughout the county. Most events are free of charge or a minimal fee. The first Jmagjnat1on Cele- Coast HJgh~ay. The ocean off "l:ewport Coast and Crystal C:.ov~ State Pali has been protected by the !>tale as a so-called Area or Specta..I B1ologicaJ Significance On Sept. 27, the regional board approved Caltrans' remedy.: which propo~ to dJVen the . runoff to wetland filters before dtscharfp.ng ii 111to Los Trancos and Muddy creeb 'fhl) year, Lo'> Trdllco~ wa~ placed on a state watrh list of unpai.red water bod 1e!> Bw.as approved the plan on Marth 16. ' In a March 12 letter to the wunty's pliruung department. · ~11cheUe Lyman. toast.Keeper .. attorney. wrote that the (~hran'> plan i~ "legally ~ well a.'> em1 ronmentally unacceptable " br;won 5pnng fe'>t1val "°a" 111. I 98:5 It ran two day!> .md ut • fered five events ()\er the years. tht-celebrd twn h~ picked up steam Lci,1 \'t'dr. the event ran 16 davs. "'Hh 57 eH•nt'> Almost I million peo pie -half of them children - partook in those event'> otficials this year have '>t't a ne" henchmark. as the fe!>tl\dl will run we weeks -more them double the number of da~·., from last year -and feaiure eight more event<; Lo~ on to www.1c/emval com for a complete ll!>t ol event'> 4.,,~ R e8 taurant •••QuaJity Service••• ••"Nightly Entertainment••• THESE NEW FABRICS WILL APPEAL TD EVERYONE . EVEN HUSBANDS . The soft folds of Vrinette' window shidinp now 'ome in three ~ f~bncs tNt &ppell to evef')'Ol'lt Come see them todly ~ALDEN'S .. ~; .. , \ \l "' ' ' • t •• I • f • f e I I I 1663 Pl.tcentia, Cost.t M~ 949-646-4838 ... ............. .. f f t I I t f I I I I I I I I I 11 r I 5"vi11i tlN <Amnt•11ilJ far JO ]'61'f ORDER YOUR FAMILIES -~ HOLIDAY DINNER EARLY ~~Aillll Grt~lt Styk MarinauJ LAMB RACKS & LEGS Bon~-in or Borukss OLD FASHIONED HAMs PORK CROWN ROAST BONELESS PORK ROASf TURKEY PRlME RIB BABY BACK RIBS S«nu Mllri4 or / .• mum TRI nPS E.cicPWilTPAO«~~ ~w~ ....... Q OocXrH S41AD [QClkJU,5 Dl\1W> ECCi ~ ST\ln.D MllWIOOliCS ,.._.-.,..._,,,._,,.. ~ ' , . .. M Tuetday, '°'• 15, 2003 PUB LIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTAJESA • AIMme Awenue end M.a \tlfde Drtve: A caller , reported a man brandishing a weapon near the interaectlon at 12:26 P·1u=rday. • 8tfnol A 35-yetll'Old woman wae a1T81ted on au.plcton of grand theft, robbery and pouestlon of robbery tools at South Coast Plaza at 12!'05 p.m. Saturday. • Cecl 8u..t and N9wpott Boulevard: A 26-yeal'Ofd man waa arrested on auaplclon of possessing a controlled substance and resisting arrel1 near the lntersectlon et 2:02 a.m. Sunday. • Aoww StrMt: Vandalism was reported in the 200 block at 10:46 a.m. Saturday. • Harbor Boulevard: A 36-year-old man was arrested on auaplclon of sleeping In a vehicle and possessing an open alcoholic container in a park in the 1900 block at 3:45 a.m. Saturday. • StMilng Wrf: Vandalism wasreportedlnthe2100 block at 9:32 a.m. Saturday. • Tanager A*'ue: An auto theft was reported In the 1800 block at 6:30 e.m. Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • Eighth StrMt: A garage burglary was reported in the 100 block st 1 p.m. Monday. • &.\-wood Drive: Vandalism was reported In the 700 block at 1 :22 . a.m. Monday. • Coast HlghWllY Wert A battery we1 reported in the 3100 bl<><* at 1:54 a.m. Monday. • batbluff Drtve: A disturbance in the 2500 blodc was reported at 11:64 p.m. Sunday. The resident. were cited. • Port Stanhope Ptece: Vandalism was reported in the 1800 block at 12:45 a.m. Monday. LATE Continued from Al lifeguards on hand to accommodate large crowds, none of which were found on Monday. "Right now, I am sitting here and I don't know whether I should staff up or cut down (for the rest of the weekJ," lifeguard Lt. Jim Tu.mer said Monday morning. The mountains, may be a better bet. as forecasters expected between 8 and 16 inche. of new snow, Small said. Another storm should arrive sometime Thuraday and continue into Friday, though It Isn't expected to provtde much of a punch to Newport·Meaa, Small said. At this point, h's uncertain whether It'll mark the lut of the winter storms. "It's certainly close to the end (of the winter storms)," he said. • JAMES MEIER 11th• city editor. He can be readied at )•m ... m•l•r•l•tlm••· com. CONFLICT Continued from Al ·1 really don't tb1nk It wu the case where he was Intending to (violate the-law), but I find It ex- tremely dlstwbing that after it was pointed out. he keeps try· lng to (avoid It) and doean't want to be accountable for bis actions,• Gertis said. •If be had come forward and said, 'I made CENTERLINE Continued from Al While the vote killed the undergrounding study for now, the board left alive the opponu- nity for more dialogue if f~eral funding materializes. Mlf we knew there was some ray of sunshine, I'd be more will· ing [to support the study)," Olai.rman nm ICeenan said ~It's foolhardy to put up the (funds) if lhe federal money doesn't be- come available." Councilwoman Libby Cowan, the council's lea~ advocate for undergroundlng. said she was disappointed, but not sur- prised by the decision. She reaffirmed that the city and business community would fully support the light rail project even without the underground- ing. Cowan said it's imperative for interested parties to monitor the rest of the authority's pre- liminary engineering process to ensure Costa Mesa's needs are met with an elevated light rail, including broader spans and ad· ditional aeslhetics. "Some of those things have ac- tually gone out the window, so VERDICT Continued from A 1 "Boob of the Year" and name lhe award after the man who had had a chance to shoot Ben Reddick and didn't. The award was never gjven because the group could never find anyone who came up to the high standard set by the guy for whom the award was named. Ben had a short, a very short, political career. A member of the Board of AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (9491646-4170; or by celling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well H a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilotcom. TODAY A tr. seminar ailled •for the Worry Wert Vitamin Taker~ win be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Martcet, 225 East 17.th St, Costa Mna. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. WEDNESDAY Th• Orange Cout College a mlstaktt. J'm aorry. I shouldn't Faris contributed $100 on have done It, but l don't know three separate oecaslona to bow to undo lt,' people would Mansoo(J council campatgn. probably have aid. 'Just don't In PebRl,Uy, Madsoor ap· do It again,' and you kind of ac~ pointed Pari.I to the Planning knowledge that there wa.s an er· Commlslion. Bued on a new ror and you move forward." protesa that baan't received lta Gen.ls added that she's not final approval, Farts eerves at 6ure If she will rue a court cha!· the will ofMansoor, who can re- lenge, but will uk the council to move Faris from the commil· look lnto the matter. aJon at any time. "The written response speaks Despite Wood's conclusion, for itself,· Mansoor sald In re-. he said there was some uncer- sponse to Wood's opinion. · tainty if this particular case vlo- we have to make sure th0se things stay in as the costs and project are tweaked," Cowan said. . The prelln11nitry eoglDeertng' phase starred in June after Costa Mesa. Irvine and Santa Ana re- vived the Centerline concept. which had fizzled from lad of support The original lncama· tion called for a 28-mile system that ran from F\.lllerton to lcvine. Th~ 1998·99 Orange CountY Grand Jnry also aiticized the original proposal. A new grand jury report re· leased last week found that the county has sufficient population density to support a light rail sys· tern. But It also asserted that Costa Mesa's desire to under· ground its portion would add to the construction cost. Also last week. a group of 21 fonner and current elected offi· cials sent a letter to the authority asking it to reconsider its sup· pott for the light rail project, claiming it could become a "fis· cal black bole." County Treasurer John Moorlach. a Costa Mesa resident, and Assemblyman John Campbell were two of the sign- ees. The authority countered wilh public opinion polls from its Supervisors of Orange County died, and to the amazement of almost everyone. the governor appointed Ben to the position. He completed the dead man's term, no more, and even then, there were muners of recall. ShortJy after Ben's abbreviated political career, he left town and moved to Paso Robles. There, he started another newspaper. One night, years later. I was checking into a morel in Paso Robles. The owner was a nice. white-haired old lady who looked for all the world like Mrs. See of See's Candies. workshop for men and women wtio are divorced or getting divorced. The workshop takes place from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Canter Drive. The cost Is $40. For more information, call (949) 644-&435. SUNDAY Selfing M•ltna del R.y and Newport harbors, Hornblower Cruises and Events is featuring e Champagne Brunch Cruise on Easter Sunday. The two-hour cruise features a lavish brunch and denert buffet prepared fresh on board by our talented chefs. The cruise boards at 11 :30 a.m. and sails from noon to 2 p.m. The cost i1 $41.95 per person. For more information or reservations, call (800) ON-THE-BAY. own staff and from UC lrvlne that show a lot of pubUc support. said Tud Nguyen, med.la rela- tip04 manager. There ate 15 other cities ln the count)' that have expressed interest in join- ing an extension of Centerline after the first installment Is up and running, Nguyen adaed. The Centerline route through Costa Mesa would enter the city from Santa Ana from an elevated position beaded south on Bristol Street.and then tum onto Anton Boulevard. After a stop on Anton, it would begin going down to at. grade near Sakioka Drive and continue at-grade until just be- fore MacArthur Boulevard and Maln Street, where it would be elevated again. Costa Mesa officials and busi- ness representatives had hoped the authority would at least study the underground option again. Their main concerns with an elevated route include a loss of surface parking, loss of lane capacity and significant traffic and pedestrian issues based on tbe line's proximity to major free. ways and commercial centers. The authority conducted a study in lhe last year that ex· plored two above-ground and three underground options. It To make conversation, I asked, Mis Ben Reddick still publishing the local paper?" If I had jabbed her wilh an electric cattle prod, lhe result couldn't have been more dramatic. The nice. motherly old lady swelled up li.k.e a pouter pigeon, her face turned red. and she screamed. uBen Reddick! That so and so and so on!" · I gathered Ben Reddick hadn't changed bis ways. • ROBERT GARDNER Is a Corona del Mar resident end a former judge. His column runs Tuesdays. Report" a free session at Hoag Hospital, will provide Insight into the meaning of a pathology report and how it's used in staging and planning treatment for lung cancer. The session will be given from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Call (949) 760-5542 for more information. APRIL25 The fifth No MoN Homet ... P9ta Conference runs through April 27 et the Hilton Costa Mesa. The event 11 presented and 1pon1ored by BNt Friends Animal Sanctuary of Utah, the nation'• largest no-kill organization. Call (435) 644-2001, ext. 129 for more information. APRIL 27 Friends of the Ubrary will host APRIL 23 Red cars, trucks and motorcydee of all years, makes and models are invited to participate in the fourth annual Strawberry Sunday Fun Feat and Oa11lc Car Show. The ahow, while spotlighting red cars, 11 open to all makes, color• and modela. Entry fees are $16 for pr•reglatration or $20 the day of the event. Red cara can t>. entered for free. The a how run a from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. In the Automotive Road of o,.ama area ofthe swap meet. Call (714) 968-8422 for mo,. Information. their spring boot aale from 9 to 10 . A nv.ct.y, 300-mlle CNhe a.m. for OCC Friends members exploring the northern Channel and from 10 11.m. to 3 p.m. for the Islands will be offered by Orange public. The aale will be held In Coast College's School of Salling front of the OCC library It the and Seamanship. The trip, north end of the Adema Avenue d"lgned for Nilora with at last pertclng lot. Take Fairview Road to Intermediate Nillng 1kill1, co.ta Monitor Way. Call (714) 432-0202, $626. The Glln de Mar will depart ext. 21063 for more Information. at 6 p.m. April 23 and retum at 5 SATURDAY •0tvon:e: A N9W Beginning• la a p.m. April 27. Call (949) 646-9412 for more Information. APRIL24 •undemanding 'tbur Pathotogy lated state law bued on whether tho financial effect on Fam ts direct or lndlrect and whether or not "salary" i.t con· sldered an effect. "The city attorney's office has insuftldent Information to make the ftnal analyslt of whether there ls any reuonable foreseeable financial • Impact from salary or another source. This determination would best be made by [Mansoor) and the contributor.~ .Woods' report concluded that it's technically feasible to put the ' rail Une underground. but not cost effec- tive. The underground options aipdied would ratchiu · up the project cost $150 million to $235 million, the analysis found. Ted Bischak. senior vice presi· dent of CornmonWealth Part· nera, which owns part of South Coast P1az.a. said the previous study was based on Mpremature assumptions." . MI frankly th.ink the informa · tion (the authority has) is inad· equate and if they bad all the facts and we would proceed with prellm.inary engineering. they would understand better that we're trying to improve quality of life [by putting the line under- ground)," Bischak said. The public-private partner· ship between city officials and South Coast business repre- sentatives will continue to dis· cuss CenterUne options, City Manager Allan Roeder said. Some of lhe key features of the elevated option for Costa Mesa John Murray Beloved son, husband, father and grandfather passed away on Aprtl 11th of a short Illness. He Is survived by his wife, of 37 years Cheryl (Aarness) Murray, daughters Machelle and Christina (Scott) Stocker, three grandchildren, father, Gordon, brothers Melvin and Raymond. Born January 9, 1942 In St. John'• Newfoundland, Canada. John was a 40-yr resident of Newport Beach and Huntington Beach. He aerved as a Marine In Vietnam. His passion was his famlty and enjoyed golfing mld sailing. His career In mortgage banking and real estate spanned 35 yeat'S. A cetebndJon of his life will be held Thursday. April 17, 3-5pm at Newport Harbor Nautical MuMUm, 151 E. PCH, Newport Beach. In lieu of nowe~. the family suggests contributions to the G. John Murray Mem. Grandchlkhn Edu. Fund, c/o Cheryl Murray, 21861 Seact8St, Huntington Bch, CA 92646 Deily Plot • " I states. Fart. aid he did not inten- tionally break any law. • "I know personally l dldn't in- tend to do anything wrong," Fa- rts said. "They meke laws for iood ~uotU. but I don't think we lntendonally broke any laws." • OEIADR! NEWMAN covert Coat. • - M"s and may t>. readi~ et (949) 57~221 or by •mall at delrdre.newm•nOl•f/mn.oom. · ~ a greater ·track height to re· duce site-line elfecu for the ex- iating development.a and long column spacing-up to 150 feet apart -for aesthetics. · The authority wOJ also arudy the SUnftower aJJgnment. wbJch instead of turning onto Anton Boulevard, would come south on Bristol Street and tum on Sun- flower Avenue. then tum south on SaJdoka Drive, cut back and continue down Anton. • DE1RDRE NEWMAN covers Co1111 Mau and may be reacned at (949) 67~221 or by a-mall at dairdre.newman@l•timn.com. Korba, John John Korba, 74, of Freehold Township, NJ, died Sunday at Bartley Health can., Jack.eon, NJ. Born In Cokebu~PA. Mr. KC>f'ba lived In Old , NJ, and Laguna Hilla, CA, ont moving to Freehold In 1998. Mr. Korba was an offtce manager at lrwln Bulldera Incorporated In Coata Meaa, CA before retiring In 1998. He attended the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, where he studied bualneaa and language. Mr. Korba wu a devout membet of St Paul Th-A---··· n .OL -'-w Church, Freehold. Mr. Korba la survived by hla wife, Eleanor Macosko KOrba of 52 years; a son and daughter In-law, Daniel and Marllyn of Freehold Township; a daughter and son in·law, Monica and Steve Irwin of PrHcott, AZ.; two sisters, .Ulllan D'Vorchak of Bentteyville, PA. and Jeanette Vogel of Van Nuya, CA; and 4 grandchildl'90. . Vlslt.atlon wtll be Wed. 4118, 2-4 & 7-9 p.m. at Freeman Funeral Home, 47 E. Main St., Freehotd, NJ. The funeral MfVfce wtU be Thurs. 4117, 10 a.m. at St. Paul The ApoaUe Orthodox Church, Freehold Townahlp, NJ. Interment will follow at Old Tennent Cemetery, Manalapan, NJ. Donations may be made to St. Paul The Apoatte Orthodox Church Bulldlng Fund, 24 Burke Road, Freehold, NJ on28. GILBERT G. FOERSTER LOCAL REAL ESTATE LEGEND Gilbert Foemer, a llcenaed Realtor and former owner Qf th• prettiglou9 Newport Beach real estate company of Waterfront Homea, Inc. Realtora, paaaed away unexpectedly after compllcatlona from quadruple heart bypau aurgery at Hoag HoapltaJ. He died April 9, 2003 at the age of 73. Prior to 1'91ocaUng to or.no-County from Weat Loa AngelH, Foerater • developed a broad b&M of knowtedge In advertfalng wtth J. Walter Thompeon and In oomm«etal rMI •tate with Coldwell Banker. Foerster ltved and w0f1<ed In Newport Beech real eetate for over 28 yeara before Mfllng Waterfront Hornet to Coldwell Banker fn 1998 and movfng to San Clemente, CA atlll oontlnulng hi• cholen ptVfealon. To fUtftlf hta drMm of •wlfng the lnter-Coutal W&tef'WaYI• on the Eut Cout. Foerster and wtte, Patnola putohMed • 38' Malnlhlp n.wter, th• "Lady O,.y' and apent the beet monthe Of WMlher In two y ..... on lh• Coutal Watenv8YI =Ing at Myrtle BMchJ. South Carollna and ootnpletlng hie on Ch•apNktltsay. ·• After enJoyf ng a Hml~rettred llfHtyle and etlll rwmalnlng active In ooutaJ rMI Mtata, Fotrtter Joined Strada P~ Where h• enjoyed the oamaradett• and commitment of mMY former Watef'front Agenta. Alwaye aearchlng for • oh&llenge and tooklng toward lmprovtng the Ntua. .thloe and MrYloe of th• Realtor proftHlon, 'o.rtt•r accepted a l)Oeftton tn ~t With ColdW .. I BankM, returning to IN ~ County Corporate offto• In. Corona def Mar. Hla deolelon lo retum wee bued IOlefy on hf•·~ admlrdon for "" pit MCI oommttment of tM MW ~ P.-Hemm ... with whom he worked dlreotty untll tht day of hi• ~Mddelllh. A natNt C11"ornJan, F'C* IW WU born ln a.t\ Meelmo (Martn CounM, Celtfomll llOf'Oll the bllj. frOm ..... ,,.~ He attended-CAI Prepetory ~ In Qlal, CA Md ....,._. from the aRmont Men11 ~In~ CA. ........ YoUnaMt '°" of Miry LOUIN Brymnt Md ~ Oon1t..._ ,oerltilr, who lltllblehtd the~ len ,,.Mlleoo Inn of • Montlon • ,~ with OloMI offtoM. 1bdey .. ftrm In IOWttlf Oiied •Mo-fto• ~.._••a aid• 1 .... IUMYed by ,. wife, PMrtola; IOnt ~ ~ COWi MMa; Jethy lryMt and ..,. Taunya and ......... Cote, f't. ~ flL; '°" ~ JUdton, UIQuna ...... daughter Amy JHn MaoConnell, huaband Kevin· -Md ~ ICelt1. AlftOho ,.. v.dta; ..., Aobeft L. Rante Jr., "'QMyon ~ 9"d _.....,Dr. Orda P. floe11W, ..,, fl'MOllco. Memo.tel HNfcH to 09lebmt hi• ttf9 wtll be held on Wedtwday, Aprtl ti, 200S, at Chrttt Wlhtnln OtMwoh/ 780 VICtDM Avenue.; c.ta Mw. CA mt 1l:IO '..M. ... ......., ~. In I*' of ftown, the flmlty requ1• ...... to the Amef'loan HMrt AMOOtatton Of tM AIMl'f 1•• Ollw ~ Hie rtmalnt Witt be rlUMd to left '8• 11111 Md .......... In .. ,~-... I ., - Tuesday, ~~ 15, 2003 A5 FORUM . HOWlO GET PU8USHED -l.att9n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RMdef'9 Hotline: Call (949) 642-«>86 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 &m.l:S.nd to dallypllot@latlmee.com • All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and ph<>l)e number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all sobmlsalons for clarity and length. With Robinsons' deaths, Bae~ Bay has los.t its best friends The Back Bay has indeed lost another longtime friend in the passing of Frank Robinson. But both he and his wonderful wife, Frances, will be long remembered and much loved by those of us who take such pleasure and are always amazed in our precious gift of their dogged determination and vision. Thank God for people like the Robinsons whose mettle in the face of giant corporate power has not only given us a pface uplifting to our souls, but has given a much-needed refuge to the harried migratory birds, local endangered species and the myriad of fish and crustacean species whose breeding cycle depends upon those brackish waters. Thank you, Frances and Frank, and may flights of shorebirds sing thee to thy rest. WALLACE WOOD Costa Mesa Fran and Frank Robinson will be sorely missed by the community I first met Frank Robinson while completing an assignment at Cal State Fullenon. He graciously agreed to serve as part of a panel for a radio program. and spoke as eloquently and passionately to me and for the program as he undoubtedly had the first zillion times he related the details about Upper Newport Bay's proposed development. It was 15 years before our paths would cross again, when I joined the Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends. There was Franlc, attending our classes and delivering the history portion of the tour for the Friends of Newpon Bay, as enthusiastically as ever. I invite anyone and everyone 10 come by the Interpretive Center or contact the Daily Pilot and share their favorite stories about Frank.·One man, one woman, one couple, helped rewrite history. Together, they helped to make a difference. The fact that Franlc and Fran were two of the sweetest people to walk the face of the Earth was icing on the cake. AMYUTION Costa Mesa C.osta Mesa is not anti-business, rather it is pro-resident I'm writing ln response to the letter from Mark Les regarding the Kohl's project. l was one of the 25 people who spoke against the location of the Kohl's project. The City Council clearly stated in their motion the legal reasons and cited municipal code sections for denying the project. ln addition, they more than adequatety addressed the traffic study issue. I applaud Mayor Karen Robinson and Councilmen Cluis Steel, Gary Monahan and Allan Mansoor for listening to the community who sent letters, spoke, and signed petitions against this project location. A project this size at this location would cause a significant quality of life Issue for the residents of Costa Mesa. I suggest anyone take a drive around Costa Mesa and then teU me our City Council is anti-business. Within a 3-to 5-mUe radius of my Halecrest neighbor. I have Metro Point, Target, Home Depot, South Coast Plaza, Kmart and Home Ranch. not to mention me.ny more small retail businesses. Councilwoman Libby Cowan's comments that we live in an wbanlzed area and should accept traffic a.s a way of life were appalling. Before the Oean Water Act and Qean Air Act, I guess we should have accepted polluted water and filthy air as a way of life, too. The message the City Council sent that nJ.ltht lan't ~frightening for our property values and future for the city." It's a blessing that we have a City Council that recognizes the value of nelghborhooda and the quality of life for lts residenu, which translate lnto a better community.. Each City Council member clearly stated the reasons for denying the project, which included cumulative lmpacts, traftlc and general plan inconaittenclea. No council member •poke against Kohl'• u a retail c:h.a.ln. only the MAILBAG F'ILE PHG TO DAILV PILOT Environmentalists Fran and Frank Robinson, in a photograph dated Nov. 19. 1974. proposed location for a store this size. ( lcnow who I'll be voung for in the next City Council election. EDWARD MAZZARELLA Costa Mesa Council listened and made right decision on Kohl's project In response to the letcer by Marie Les (MStrictly anti-business." Saturday). I m ust question a few points. Regarding the Kohl's project on the site of Kana Lanes. because ll is legal. or fits within the guidelines of the cities limits, does not make it right. There is no question that such a project would create a larger traffic problem than we already have in this area. The topic of the 99¢ store was brought up. Remember this: The 99¢ store only occupied an existing, vacant building. Nothing new was added. Using Les' own numbers. as I did not count them myself as I watched, you have to question something. Twenty-five of 28 speakers were against the project. Two in favor of the project were residents who backed directly to the Kohl's project and received some sort of concessions fro m Kohl's; this they admitted. The other in favor owns the shopping mall directly across the street from the project and is cen am to gain a large visual Impact from the prospective Kohl's clients. I have to question if they are really in favor of what is best for Costa Mesa. I find it odd that nobody anywhere in the city was there to speak in favor of the Kohl's project. The directive of a City Council is to listen to Its city residents. If that was not done at the last City Council meeting, I would question what listening really Is. The council did its job: listen to the residents, decide what is in the best interest of its residents and make a choice based on that. I applaud the City Council for standing up and making the proper choice. TOMSIMRAK Costa Mesa Too bad council didn't vote the same way on Home Ranch I wu pleasantly surprised to hear that the City Council voted against the proposed Kohl's project ln the Mesa Verde Center. If Kohl's ls such a wonderful company, I suggest that they open a store ln South Coast Plaza. That la where Costa Mesa residents go when they want to buy the products Kohl's offers. The Mesa Verde Center ha~ been revived <J\er the past 3112 years. I make every effort to c,1ay away from big, box-type sto re~. I am also getting tired or the argument that we should not interfere with an qwner's right to develop their property. Becau~e we live in a "community." we mu~t also consider che nghts or tho~e affected by the development. While I was momentarily able 10 enJOY the vote on the Kohl's proiecL. the reaJity is I wished the City Council had the same attitude when the Home Ranch project was on the table. BARRY SAMUELS Costa Mesa No Kohl's department store. no matter the future of Kona Lane Whether or no1 there i~ a Kona Lanes, we are strongly opposed to Kohl's. definitely unequivocally opposed to building the Kohl 's in that location. FRED ARNOLD Costa Mesa Other council debate!> were more troubling than Kohl's Although the City Council did a great service to the community by rejecting a Kohl's at the Mesa Verde Center, I was troubled by a debate on program funding that occurred late Monday night. It's no secret that Councilmen Allan Mansoor and Ouis Steel would like to cut funds aimed at low-income residents. With residents like Martin Millard, who on Monday complained because a city-funded program had too many Latino students, there's certainly a fear that extremely beneficial programs like "Save Our Youth" may be in jeopardy. Let me just say that I've seen what some of these programs can do to help our local youths. It's sad that some residents and council members would even consider eliminating such programs, as they have given numerous teens and young adults higher education opportunities. I! these critics are serious about sweeping up our 1treeU, then they should recognize . that it's better '° have a young adult go on to college rather than having him or her hang around the local convenience store. ~ MICHAEL DIAMOND Costa Mesa ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL Strong play keeps Ducks • scoring • EDITOR'S NOTE: As a special feature. Guy Hebert, a Newport Beach resident and former goalie for the Mighty Ducks, will be writing regular diaries about the team and its experiences throughout the playoffs. T he Mighty Ducks won agam on Saturday and showed their resiliency as they came back against the Stanley Cup Cllampion Detroit Red Wings to lake a 2-0 lead into Monday night's first home game. Down a goal with six minutes to play. Jason Krog took. a great pass from Rob Niedermayer and walked m alone GUY HEBERT on goalie Cunis Joseph. Krog went forehand 10 backhand and lifted one top shelf for the game rymg goal. Just as everyone was preparing for another overtime game, the Due~ struck again for the go-ahead goal. Who else should have 11 been but Steve Thomas? The 39-year-old has been rejuvenated since commg to the Ducks. and his ~coring touch has been reignited Another great pass from Niedermayer as Cllris Olelios stepped up at the blue line sent Thomas in. He walked mto the top of the face off circle and blasted a low slap shot that slid under goaltender Joseph. ln playoff hockey. that is the lund of goal that a goalie cannot afford to let in, and from Joseph's reacuon, he new just that. At the other end. J.S. Giguere was stopping JUSt about everything the Red Wmgs could throw ar him. For a goaltender. there is nothing better than being able'to gam an edge on your opponents and having them believe that onJy a perfect shot or a perfect pass play will beat you. Giguere has cenamly placed that lo.nd of doubt into the Red Wmgs heads. Being able to continue to frustrate the Wings' offense will cenamly open up some more scoring chances at the other end of the ice for the Ducks. The success of this team will continue to rely on strong goaltending and the ability of the team to keep a good gap in the neutral zone to avoid oumumbered attacks. They have done it well for the first two games and will have to continue if they want to advance to the next round. If they get caught trying to match rush for rush against the Wmgs. that will play to Detroit's strength. The Ducks again were strong defensively and did a great job with matching Steve Rucchln again.st Federov's line any time they got out there. Rucchin has once again continued his strong performance and with his leadership. the Duclcs should continue with their strong play. In looking at this team and trying to determine who the most valuable player has been in this aeries so far has been a no-bralner. It's probabty not who you would expect me to pick. It ls General Manager Bryan Mumy. No other person or,pl&yer has bad a btger lmpact on lhei'Uccas of the Mi8bty Duda olpO.l.z.adon than be bu bad. He bu been able to .elect the rieht coaching staff, assemble a aoUd team around h.a core playaa and then add quality veteran players to that team near Che end of the aeuon. These playen. S&ndJ..a O&ollnlb, Niedermayer and Thoma.a. have helped eoUd.lly the team and add depth ln ICOftng wtth veten.n leaderablp. ~ hu obYtously dedded tb&t the team ti capable of w1nn1na oow and ha.a done all th1np neceuuy to SSW bl.a club the belt chance of IUCQeM (ft makel m.t both proud and a Utt.It envtou.a of dlla taam>. N. thil time of yeu. you Geed all 20 IU)'I pftcbina In to tie 81* to win. One b&d lhlft can cott JOU a pme. or twn dwtterlel. Tb&t .. what lw blft) moll &.m,pr.M fof me to ... ftom dUI O\m t..m. All lbeplayWn ha.a been i;npend to play and.:trc:''Y tn Joe ~ tbtl .. JlO..., 1 CUl tell you that the tMm II rwdy to C01Dt ... and .. chi MltbtY O\ldm ... thaltt., ........... ....,. .... oae tblll cm__....,......, ;n.iJ Wll Clftllntr•'-"• ...... ... °""'"'~--..... .. ... .,. ..... .., ................. ... _.,,kl nll II .....,0-.IMNllA • • • • At Tuesday, Apr~ 15, 2003 Harbor Commission's conflicts listed . Newport Beach assistant city attorney gives advice to city commissioners, who will each decide whether to recuse themselves from votes. June C•H1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BBACH -It's no surprise that every one of the seven members of the city's Harbor Commi~oo bas an economic interest in the harbor. What's surprising, is . that. after com;ulting an expert in tbe field, the com- mission will still have a quo- rum to vote on measures af. fecting charter boat operators and fire code vio- lators in the harbor. Hired counsel Dana Reed last week gave commission- ers a crash course in avoid- ing conflicts of interest and compiled a list of each com- missioner's economic Inter- ests in the harbor. MThe commission was pro~ vided a little more informa- tion and detail on what their responsibilities are and how to determine whether or not they have a conllict," As&lst- ant City Any. Robin Oauson said. But, in the end, the com- missioners will decide whether or not they should recuse themselves from vot- ing on Issues close to home. For example, Commissioner Ralph Rodheim decided to recuse himself from voting on the fire code matter not because he believes he has a conllict, but because he wants to avoid the appear- ance of any conllict, Rod- heim said. ·0ur boat rental business in fact does meet all the fire codes, so I don't believe there would be any contlict," Rodheim said. Rodheim owns and is president of Boat Rentals of America lnc./Balboa Boat Rentals. In February, the fire mar- shal reported that perhaps half the commercial boats in Newport Harbor are ln viola- tion of city fire codes. The codes require the boats to be docked In such a way that, lf one caught on fire, someone coulcl quickly move it away from other boats and struc· tures. To tackle this problem. the commission was con&Jdertng a vote to send gentle waJll· lngs to violators. But· the matter was removed from the agenda last month after Qty Atty. Bob Burnham rec- ommended that the city consider whether commis- sioners bad conflicts of in- terest. After hearing a primer on the matter, commiaaioners Rodheim, Paulette Pappu and Marshall Duffield all decided to t'ecuse them- selves on the fire code issue. The other commissioners all decided to vote on the matter. Commissioner Tun Col- lins, who might have con- tlicts on some issues because he ls an equity member of the Newport Harbor Yacht Oub, said be didn't believe that this constituted a con- flict on fire codes. "We appreciate the city at- torney looking out for us lib this, but on the other hand, it's frustrating because we were brought together for our experience and expertise on the harbor," Collins said. The com.mission will also have a quorum to vote on ways to rein In charter boats that some city leaders be- lieve have become too nu- merous in Newport. Pappas and Duffield have recused themselves on that matter. The other commissioners have decided to vote on it. Assistant Qty Manager Dave JCiff said that if ever a majority of com.missioners has a conflict on any issue, FYI Con•utt.nt 0.n• RHd 11-19<1 th•• .conomk: Int•,._,. for '"9ml»n of th• O/ty'• H•rt>or Com minion. Seymour IMk: 0wnt I third of B1lbo1 lal1nd Ferry Inc. ind .. rvet 11 ha prnldent; owna • third of the laland Merine Fuel dock end marine auppllea bualneu; owna a third of the bey front property uaed by the ferry and the fuel bualneu; hotde • permh to own 1 realdentlal pier T1mottiy ColHna: Equity member of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club John Corrough: Owna bay front property; own• 1 realdentlal pier permit; owna and la prealdent of the Corrough Conauhlng Group, a waterfront pl1nnlng 1nd d11lgn bualne .. M.nh•lf DutlWd: Owna and la prealdent of Duffteld Merine lnc.JOuffy Electric Bo111; h11 an offshore boat mooring permit Don11d Lawrenz: Renta a boat allp In the Belbo• Yacht Baaln marine P1us.tt. P1PP••: Owrft SH Spray Bolt Yard, 1 bo1t-rep1lr bualneu; recelvea Income from Curlew Chertera Inc., which load• p1uengera 1t s .. Sp..-y Bo1t Yard'• dock; recelvea Income from boat-eonatructlon bualneuea Rick Brown, Anderaon Bo1tworka and Veaael Care; t0le beneflcl1ry of 1 truat that own• the bey front commercl1I property on which S.1 Sprty Boet Y1rd ta located Ralph Rodhelm: Own1 end 11 prealdent of Boat Rental• of Amerlce lnc.JBalboa Boat Rentela the City Council might step In to make the decision. "We'll continue to move forward with the Harbor Comm.l.ssion's task llat, and the staff will continue to be aware of lieaues that may have contlicts." JCiff said. The tuk list contains Items the commission plans to rule on In future meetings. INTERIOR DESIGN I CUSTO M HOME DESIGN I FINE HOME FURNITURE I ACCESSORIES & SERVICES AREAS OF CIRCULATION IN9LUDE: DEADLl E FOR SPACE & COPY Wednesday, April 16, 2003 5 p.m. DAILY PILOT· Friday, April 25, 2003 Ncwpon Beach • Corona dcl Mar Ncwpon Coast • Costa Mc,,a HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT • Thursday, May 1, 2003 Huntington Beach • Huntingt<>n Harbow Sunset Beach COASTllNE PILOT • Friday, May 2, 2003 DEADL11'E FOR CAMERA READY ART Monday, April 21, 2003. 5 p.m. ADVERTORIAL DEADLINE Wednesday, April 16, 2003 (no advertorial may be submitted after deadline) Lacun~ Beach 78,000 cln:ulation Daily A Pilot 949-642-4321 H ll l i NOTO • ACtl INDEPENDENT 949-642-4321 { ' • LAOUHA IUCM COASTLINE PILOT 949-494-4321 EDITOR Continued from Al worked as athledc director at the hJgb school. "I don't think anyone In ow area bu bad a bfP.er impact on youth sports and high school sports. He was the guy." 'Roger Is one of the most honest guys you'll ever meet , anywhere, in or out of the news business.' Donc.ntreU Former Daiy Pilot sports editor News of Carlson's retirement or dealing with things. I think was greeted with surprise by every one of the schools he deaJt coaches and admlnlstrators • with could feel that Roger was a with whom he had worked over champion or theirs. l never the years. It aJso brought forth heard anyone say anything well wishes and widespread ap· negative·abput him." predation and praise for not Newport Harbor football o~ his work, but the manner in coach Jeff Brinkley is another which he performed It. admirer. . "Roger was ope of the first "The 'way be has handled high people I met when I got this job fChool sports, In particular, has 23 years ago," said Eric '!Weit, been a great thing for this com- Newport Harbor High boys' ath-munlty," Brinkley said. "I think letic director. ·it seemed like the unique thing about Roger ls he'd already been here forever, that he really bad his finger on and I always iwumed he'd be the pulse of this athletic com· there forever. munity." "This kind of sboclcs me, be-Carlson developed a reputa- cause there were two people I tion as a dogged reporter who never expected to retire," 1Weit took extreme delight ln regularly said "One was Roger Carl.son, breaking stories and beating his and the other is my athletic sec-competitors. retary, Judy Ayers. Those are two MHe told it like it was and was people I've counted on. not afraid to do it," said Tim "The greatest thing about O'Brien. a former basketball Roger is that he truly cared coach at Estancia High and about all fow (Newport·Mesa Orange Coast College. "I just Unified School District! high liked him. He was always very schools," he said. "If anything. accurate and was on the money he tried extra hard to be fair, on a lot of the local kids and the even to a fault. There were .cer· local teams. He always knew taln programs we had that never what was going on. He'd walk up had much success, but he would to you after a game with a smile always send reporters out to on his face. and you always give them their fair share of knew he had something on his publicity. The bottom line Is: He· mind." had Newport-Mesa at heart." Tom Baldwin, a former CoS(a Paul Salata, founder of lrrel · Mesa High· head football coach earant Week and a fixture in who has been an assistant coach Newport Beach for decades, said at Mesa. as well as Corona del he was impressed by Carlson's Mar, said he appreclated Carl- devotion to his work. son's upbeat manner. "He was all business and he "My dealings with Roger were did a great job," Salata said. ·eut always very personal, and you he also had a sense of humor always felt like you were talking that, I think. would surprise to a friend," Baldwin said. some people. I gola lot of good ·Roger always reported the one-liners out of him. sporting news as he saw It, but •Just go to the thesaurus, start whenever I tallced with him. I al- with 'awesome' and go up from ways felt like he was on my there," Salata said. 'That's what I side.· think about Roger Carlson: Don Cantrell. the Pilot sports Carlson's consistently positive editor before Carlson's arrival, reporting was another attribute got to know him while covering that gained appreciation over prep football games for the the years. Orange County Register. He, too, MI don't think he ever printed admired Carlson's approach to anything that wasn't extremely his work. he said. positive: said Jim Warren, a re- "Roger is one of the most tired former coach of several honest guys you'll ever meet sports at Newport-Mesa anywhere, In or out of the news schools. "That was Roger's way business," said Cantrell, who , Roger Carlson began on the Daily Pilot sports staff in 1 ~· / ~fter four years as~ part-timer. ·: contributes a regular column to the Pilot about the early history of Newport Harbor athledcs. ·And he was always more com- passionate than any of the sports/news people I ever met. He never cherished negative scenarios, where one mlgbt take the liberty of attacking people." Carlson's favorite sport to cover was clearly football, and he tried to delve deeper than just through game stories. ·1 can only speak of high school football, but I don't think anyone covered lt like Roger dJd. and no one bu since,• said· Mllte Milner, a former footbel.I coach at Fountain Valley High, Which Carlson covered when Its annual Sunset League games with Edison drew huge crowds at the then-Anaheim Stadium. "He made it such a big deal and he covered it in depth. I always thought he asked great ques· tions, ones that would help the reader find out things about the game they might not have known." Tom Johnson, Dally Pilot pub- lisher, said Carlson wt11 be greatly missed. "It's always sad when some· body leaves after such a great • career," Johnson said. ·1 think' Roger made Daily Pilot sports Into the respected sports section it ls. As far as community jour- nalism goes. you could never have had somebody better or more committed than Roger Carlson. I wish him the best of luck and would J)ways want good things for him.• • BARRY FAUU<NER covert 1port1 for the Pilot. He can be reecned et (949) 574-4227 or 1t barry f1ulkner~/1t/me1.com. • • UC Irvine Com~unity "Youth Programs often a variety of camps lndudlngt •al sportl •baleMI •Mlllctltal .... ..... • IOCCU .,. ... , .......... • tracll a 1e1c1 .,,. .. ,... ·~~polo • ,_ .............. ..,..... Nll)llf .. I --Ct•f r, ........ _ ' _. ... , .. _ O' tn•attm ........ ,. .... ,.. ,.,.,al (Mt)WUM .. recatu.._. ...... c.i., ....... ' , . QUOTE OF THE DAV . -... ..... -·. "You'vt got to quit some time." Ro1er Cwtton, retired Daily Pilot sports editor .. (949) 5744223 • Spotts Fu: 19491650-0110 TENNIS EYE OPENER DdilyAPikJt. Spar1att.l~Fame • ""°'•q ctr mir..'UUIA'f Ac>t• 21 llOnot .. MARK LORENTZEN Tuesday, Ac>nl I 5, 2003 A7 Former USC coach Leach to guide Breakers I New World Team Tennis fianchise hires local favorite to coach team this summer. and is "really exc;jled• about the oppor tunity to .coach the Breaken;, fo r whom his furure daughter·in·law, three· Liml' Grand Slam winner r.lndsay Davenpon, will play at least two home matdu.'' for during the July campaign. or five playerr. from 111ach team playing. ft'!> exciting. 111ere1!> no rest.~ Leach srud. 1,.cach'!> old~t son. Rick. b a longtime double~ ~tandout on the Association of Jtonni'> Profes.'>ionab Tour and pla)"> World ream Tennis for the Kansas City 1.xplorer.. I hs 5on. Jon. played briefly on the tour after an All-American career at USC and will marry Davenpon o n April 24 l.calh 'Mud of Rnhert Van'L Hof. •Mayt>e I wa., d'e '>CCond choice. fhat's OK. I think I wa<, tht• ..ec:ond choice a1 USC m 1980 bat k with l>t'nni'> Halc;ton. who endt•d up J,t,1111~ only (frvcJ yean. a1 SMU and I h1,tl·d l{ vt•ar-. lar IJ<)(.J."" One yl"tu, I.cat h 1 r~\.t·lt•d tht• \V.JT cir· <-Ult 111 follow h1' ""°' who wt'rc playmg for the hl.tho '>111-.1k1·r-. under Loach (,rt'); Pa11on. 1 hl' fomwr '\t'~ port Heath Duh·-. and I H In uw men\ 1cnn1.., COJth highly celebrated on two ocCMlons, when he's mducted mto the USC Ath· letic Hall of fame May 3 and lntercol· legiate lenru<, Coach~' A..ssoclalion I lall of Fame May 23 m Athens, Ga. site of the NCAA 1oumamenL Rlch1rd Dunn Daily Pilot ·1 really mi~ coaching al USC but the drive wa'> taking ils toll on me," said Leach, who hve<, in Uiguna Beach "This wdy, I just go up Pacifk ( .oa.'1 Highway and l'U get to do a lirtle m ore (cOal·hmK) ·· Leach, a member JI Leach. who compiled a 93-19 record at Arcadia High from 1965 through '69, ha!> been lfl\iOl\iecl as a teactung pro, general panner and owner of several tennis clubl>, indudmg 81g Bear Tenrus Ranch, 01a1 Valley Racquel Oub. West lake Tenns-. and 5wtn1 Uub and the Racquet Uub of Irvine. NEWPORT BP.ACH Dier Leach, the legendary former USC men's tennis coach, has been named coach of the Newpon Beach Breakers for the in· auguraJ World Team Tennis season in 2003. Leach, who coached the Trojans for 23 years and gujded them to four na- tional championships before retiring in May 2002, said h e has missed coaching Palisades Tenm!> C luh. where the Breakers will play tJmr '>even home matches, said he loves tlw wn format of men's and women\ 'ln~h·' and doubles and mixed double., 111 eight-game pro sets. Newport Beach'c; Robert Van't I lof. J lungt1rne ronner WTI player and coach for the ~cramento Capitals and Daven port\ former toac..h. wru. helieved to he till' lca!{Uc\ top candidate to coach tht· Brt'a.ker'>. but Van't 1 lof reportedJy wanrcd to 'pend more time with hi'> '>On, Kae.,, thl' <;Ummer while he com- pt'lt''> rm the Junior ci rcu it. A Mater lki I l1gh .. wr. Kac' Van't I lof is ranked 24th in the nation 111 tht' boys I 6s. IA'Jrh 111rrl•fltl} .11 h .L, t·mentu<, d1- rcttor ot 1T1t·n·, 11·11111-. J I I J'><. where he rc11n·d alrt•r 'i 1-, 1.trc'L'r vu tune<., an un- pren:d1•11wd ~'17 \' 11111111g ll<'rcentage, two NC.Al\ '111gft·, t ha111p1011' (Van't Hof being Im fir,1 l thn·t' "J< AA doubles champion-. 11 m lud1ng tlw I 1Jli7 uown by Hick I 1•;11 h ,111d \1 ott ~1t·lv1lleJ and '>('Vl"ll l'Jt 1111111t·' In addJUon to Davenport. the Break erl> wi.JJ featurt· Jinan MacPh1e. Marta Sharapov-a. Ju'>h 1..agle and l:.v-a Oyrberg. World f<:am ltnms. entenng ib 23rd seawn. nm' July 7 27 wuh lhe top team~ from each conference ((~tern and WeMern ) advancmg to lhe ..e~n· endmg champwnc,h1p . No, you can't go that quietly Roger Carlson isn't into big parties and self-promotions, but retiring after 35 years in. Daily Pilot sports certainly deserves some gratitude. I t came as no surprise. It wru. characteristic of a Roger Carlson move 1f you knew him well. He l.sn'1 inlo farewell IOW'S, so when he packed up and left -retiring from the Daily Pilot after 35 years-it was really the perfect exit. RICHARD • DUNN ·vou've got to quit some time, - he said in the comfon of l1J3 living room. seemingly Lrying to decide. among lhe hundreds, which DVD to watch that night. His children told him he's lucky. How many people can retire completely and .totally on their terms? He has now inherited countless more hours with ·his grandchildren and lowly wife, ~rothea. who shares every moment :and every ache and f!Vf!ry thrill that ·he has endured in his aduJt life. They're a beautiful couple. But here in the trenches it will be : different Despite what Roger or : anybody else has said, the world, in • fact. will never be the same. • While he chose to go out quietly. there's no way our spons department or anyone else at this newspaper can let It happen wilhout a proper send-off. because he was more than a . sponswriter or ports editor, but a • . Daily Pilot institution. They should ·name fields or stadlWM after him, his : impact was so great. Tuday is a mere :tribute. SM QUIETlY. P11• AB "It's a quick. snappy format with four .. lk deudcd lo decline domg it," Dick B1·fun· rhe \VTI ,1 •• 1,011, I.Pach will he ROGER CARLSON TRIBUTE r EF " • A •P10r Daily Piiot sports staffers Richard Dunn, Dennis Brosterhaus (former), Barry Faulkner, and Roger Carlson stand wrttl their heads shaved for a football fundra1ser in 1992. Carlson rs wearing his age on the 1ersey A parting shot A nyone who knows me is well aware of my political leanings. which ls ironJc because of the oomments of fonner Vice-President AJben Gore, who delighted me when he told a national audience, •1t•s time for me to go!• That's because I realized on Friday that It was. Indeed, time for me to go. And J followed the advice. I was an •lnside salesman" for an electrical wholesale distributor in San Bernardino when as assistant sports editor at the Daily Pilot, a childhood chwn by the name of Glenn White, persuaded me to chuck my job and come south and become a sportswriter. So. with no background arall in joumallsm. and a high school dropout who was In au intelligmce In the United Scates Marine Corps before being honorably d.isdla.rged as a sergeant before the age of 21, I grabbed the ring. My only aedmtlalS were that I had been, and still wu, a tabld ran ofMorlrovia ffigh School football and my adopted coUeges. USC football and UClA basketball. And. the Dodgers were in Olavez Ravine. After an •apprendQe.Shlp· of some 3 ~years, I became aportsWrilet for the 04JJy Pilot In January of 1968. Jt would not be Jong before I promised my wife, Dorothee. "Don't worry. these houn won't last forever.· As a writer, I had lhe opportunille!> to cover tJ1e Dodgers and Angels. many Rose Bowl!>. US<.. and UCLA football, Super Bowls and lhe ·34 Olympic Games. among many other endeavors. My favorite moment was interviewing Washington Senators Manager led Williams on a road trip with the Angels. In 1946 and in his prime with the Boston Red Sox. I was a very. very impre,,sionable lO·year-old. But it was the preps. high school football and basketball in particular, where the real satJ'ifactlon came. In 1988 an the fun wa<t over and the other SJde of the game evotved ~ a sports editor. Looking back. despite ups and downs. I would never second-guess that decision in 1964 when Glenn White mad the otrer. • So now it's aver, and I have a parting comment lo make to tht core of this game. Lhe athletes. past. present and furure. Often I've been at banquets and listened 10 the sagr advice. Usually. the message ls ·Lhanlt your mom and dad and tell them you Jove lhem.· and ·don't fo~t where you came from.· Formtt Ram Rich SauJ topped them all when he said. "We don't need anymore great athletes. We nttd great people .• I would add. -rllank your coach.· Thanb again for letting me be a pan of 11. And I'm happy to say. I k.epl my word. BJ BOIS Cation Leading by example was Roger Ca rl son's stock in trade. R oger Larl'>On may not have wri11en the book on h~ 111 wver high -.chool c;port\, but for anyone who wouJd tare to look 11 up. he hai.. at ont' ume or another. al least written the '>tory Ni a ~poruwnter "'annabe who fir.t walked into the Daily Pilot newsroom as a coUege intern tn 1985, there was no heller guiding Light than the one he earned with lunch pail con-.1c;1enc..-v through all the ume I've known him and h1-. work.. On the frequen1 occasion!> I sought a clue as to how to do this JOb. ht!> thought!> and deeds helped Ulumina1e m) path. BARRY FAULKNER From the mechanics of charung football -.ratistics to the sometimes delicate t<C>~ of presenting the glass half full. even when there wasn't a drop m '>lght. Roger Carlson's aura touched my k.eyboard nearly as often as my fingers For that, I am forever grateful And for that. I find 11 hard. JUSt now. to concentrate on my computer c;creen I find my eyes drifung slightly to the right. where a window to his office so often ~ed the back of his head. It was lhere. faang his computer, he burrowed through even the most imposing and pres.wn.zed situations this deadlme-dnven business has to offer . Yet. b~ deeply immersed in this work -and if there Is a harder worker anywhere. I ha~~ to }Roger Carlson will always be a part of the Daily Pilot STEVE VIRGEN Dul. ca.lrnty. he would td me. "\bu need co~ dDI.. Don't pt me~ "'Pw.m't alw.ys Mr. Na~ bu1 tbatl wt. added to his charm md tbml\ wtllll modvated the peopk .too WO«bd ... him and with him. ~never Uli&d me I didn'I de9enie. A little Oft!r two ymn ~ t • c:baoce on kk1 • left.Ole from the cW.mct Our 11mm 1rvine Ho iokt chat I .oulcl. ..... ~ ~' Daidmd hilft. And be IOkJ rm to pul ID~ ~:..~a:. •. i:w .... lhlla l "°'*9 be~ b IL 'J"be.ark lllldlt. J'm bedlt-bit ..... o1 .... Cldion. ~ .. J"M.11 Ill .. • . I I ~ . I ' r, · .. I .· MT~, A&rl 15, 2003 SPORTS DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT A group of children from Newport-Mesa take a newsroom tour and watch Roger Car1son build a sports page on a computer last summer. PILOTING Continued from A7 encounter him -he would drop everything to field a question, concern, or maybe just a trivial anecdote that had been burning a hole in my notebook. To my delight, these intrusions would sometimes induce a smile, or, better yet, prompt him to share one of the myriad memories he had stored away in a treasure trove of experience that covered pans of five decades. In the days when our paper went to press in the same building. Roger. like a child on Ouistrnas eve, would insist on hanging around the extra hour after deadline, so he could pludc a fresh copy of the n~ day's paper before heading home. It was during these intervals, always after Friday night football games as I recall, I would stick around, often leaving just the two of us. Unburdened by the work that would begin anew the very next morning. these late-night sessions often allowed for conversation beyond shop talk. though there was plenty of that, too. flLE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Sportswriters Barry Faulkner and Richard Dunn, left to right, look on as Daily Pilot sports editor Roger Carlson "weighs in" at the Newport Harbor weight room for a school district fundraiser. The boss lost the most weight in the event. It was during these talks, I recall, Roger would share things about his life, the funny thing his wife, Dorothea, said to him that morning, or, if prodded effectiveJy, how his grandchildren were doing at school. He would also indulge my inquiries about Newport-MeSa sports nostalgia. as well as other aspects of covering sports for a living. Hisjob,ofcourse,had lessto do with making a living than investing his life. Even in his 60s, Roger could outwork anyone in the newsroom. working, during certain extended stretches, more consecutive days than Cal Riplcen. Those days. now. are no longer clunered by relentless deadlines, temperamental computers, irrational reader complaints and the challenge of filling pages 365 days a year with locally-generated sports news. Now, Roger can 611 his days with padding his DVD collection. doting on those grandchildren, and even attending the occasional Friday night football game, a passion made virtually impossible by his desk duty for the last several years. Here's hoping you enjoy each of those richly deserved days. Roger, knowing your legacy lives with those who, now. humbly carry the torch. HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL SEAN HILLER/DAILY PILOT Corona def Mar's Nick Palchikoff (2) gets congratulations from teammates after a home run in recent play. CdM, Newport Harbor, Estancia and Costa Mesa are back in action today in the Pride of the Coast Tournament following Monday's pos1ponements because of rain. s1095 ~;:_Ion •nd Brake P ,. lnapectlon ( lnoludel: • Ful Bt'lkt lnepec1lon • Aotltt tltM •ReaettW.~ • ~ d*'t of ctlault • MPllltlon • Aecotd ~ "ldlngi. • Rold tMt fof S*'formltlCt S..Mr~icucMeorfofdltlllt. 4115/03. ( QUIETLY Continued from A7 Basking in retirement these days, Camon, 66, decided enougb was enough. ending one of the most remarkable aportswriting careers ever fashioned in the ,history of the business, not just because of bis length of time at one locadon - a rarity in our line of work - but the integrity, dedicadon and downrigbt magic that be exhibited throughout his career. Roger Carlson, you see, is , mdre than a sports editor to me. fi.e's a friend. A mentor. A father figiire. My 2-year-old son's nam~, Richard Nolan Dunn, .was arr8nged by him (it was going tO be NC?la.n Richard). When I first arrived at the Daily Pilot as a wide-eyed 19-year-old stringer in the fall of 1981, Roger Carlson was the guy who took me under bis wing, sat down with me and taught me how to cover a football game -the stats we kept then, and now, for a high school football game are far more involved than virtually any newspaper in the country and, chances are, that will continue, largely because of the tradJtfons he established in his career, which started In 1964 as a stringer. leading to a full-time position in January, 1968. By 1988, he was in charge and hired me as a full-time sports reporter. He will be sorely missed around here. His ideas were endless. There was the time in August. 1992 when our staff FK.E PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Roger Carlson gets a haircut from an Estancia football player. shaved our heads in support of high school football players and what was happening in .the school district at the time (something about a laclc of funds). There was our Big Push BRIEFLY weight-loss program In 1996 to help raise funds f-Or the distncr. The laughs wiU be missed in Roger's office. but a legend will live on. Thanks for the memories. Smith named Big West ~itcher of Week UC Irvine hurler gains honor after leading Anteaters over 49ers. •COU.EGE BASEMU: UC Ir- vine sophomore right-hander Brett Smith was selected Big West Pitcher of the Week after defeating No. I 0 Long Beach State, 7-1. Smith out-dueled 49er ace Jered Weaver. going eight innings while allowing just one run on six hits, including five strikeouts. The Anteater hurler helped Ir- vine to its first victory against a nationally ranked team this aea- son. Smith has been the anchor of the UCI pitching staff this season with a 7 -1 record and a 3.69 £RA. He is tied with Weaver for the most wins in the Big West. Smith is the first Anteater pitcher to earn the honor and third player overall to be recognized by the conference. Man Fisher (Feb. 24) and Ouis Klemm (Apr. 7) were Big West Players of the Week earlier this season. VU's Bradley honored •WOMEN'S TENNIS: Sara Bradley, a standout for the Van- guard University women's ten- nis team, has been named Lion of the Week. by the school's ath- letic department. Bradley a junior from Logan- dale, Nevada, has posted a 16-4 record in singles play this year and 14-4 ln doubles. · Last week. Bradley led Van- guard to two team victories. She earned a singles victory over Ju- ri Otsuka of Westmont, 7-6. 4-6. 11-9. In addition, she teamed up with Sllina Yohner to score a win over Otsuka and Jennifer Goebel, 8-4. A day later, Bradley helped Vanguard to another victory. this time over Alliant Interna- tional. Vanguard (10-7) will play at Point Loma Nazarene Thursday. NAC juniors win caI Cup •ROWING: The Newport Aquatic Center Junior Crew team captured the coveted Cali- fornia Cup trophy Saturday for the 6.rst time since 1997 in the Long Beach Junior Rowing Invi- tational at the Long Beach Ma- rine Stadium. The NAC rowing team was awarded the trophy for accu- mulating the highest total num- ber of points in a series of three regattas during the season at various venues along the CaJi- fomJa coast. Saturday's event was the third and last regatta in the Cal Cup series. The NAC women's coach, Ouisty Shaver, powered past entries from 10 other rowing clubs to earn first-place finishes in 13 of the 19 races in which they entered. NAC boats taking gold in- cluded two women's eight boats: The fint boat featured Esther Lofgren. Sara Wales. Jes- sica Fritz, Laurie Dabney. Jill Austin, Erica Van Steenls, Mer- edith Irby, Jean Geddes and coxswain Lauren Lorman. The other gold-medal winning boat had Oaire McKay, Dana Hunt, Mitra Grubb, Anne Kircher, Kn· sten Contino, Nancy Bait. Ashly Vale. Raelyn Drury and rox- swain Jennifer Guess. The men's team, coached by Rachel Rose and Paul Prioleau, won seven races on the day with rowers Greg SomeN, Greg Schneider. Graham Brant-Za- wadzld and Brandon D1Uman winning the men's quad, "hale the winning men's eight boat featured Somers, Matt Sie- monsma. Ertle Oatman. Ryan Daniels. Loren Connors. Jeff Soukup, Ken Ito. Mike Mat· thews and coXbwam Zack Has- kell. The NAC Junior Crew team 1s preparing for the Southwest Re· gional Rowing Cllamp1onsh1ps in Sacramento May 10-11. UCI defeats ASU •WOMEN'S WATER POW: UC Irvine defeated Anzona State, 11-4, in the Long Beach State Tournament on Sunday. The two teams split the four games between them this sea- son. The Anteaters got four goals from junior Rebecca We- demeyer. Junior Erica Horman and senior Meghan O'Donnell each scored twice for UCJ. The Anteaters will conclude the regular season on Wednesqay against Long Beach State in Long Beach. In earlier acuon, the Anteaters lost to UC San 01 · ego. 7-5. O'DonnelJ scored three goals for UGI. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratxw the Daly Piiot's A1Nete oflhe Week senes SCHEDULE I j I TODAY BaMball College -UC Irvine at Freano SUte, 6:35 p.m.; Point Lome at Vanguard, 3p.m. High actiool -Pride of the Coeat Tournament: Dana Hilla It Newport Harbor. 11 1.m.; Bolu Grande at Corona del Mer, 11 a.m.; Covin• et Estancia, 2 p.m.; Mlaalon Viejo at Cost• Mna, 2 p.m. ~ High ec:hool boy1 -Estancia at Ch1pairrel Tournament. ~ College men -Vanguard et Northwood University. 11 :30 a.m. College women -Vanguard at Northwood University, 11 :30 e.m . 8oN>ell College -Concordia et Vanguard, 2 p.m. Golf High edlool boys -Estencie It Atac»dero Toum1ment, 7 e.m. I I 1 I I ' I I TODAY 24-Dena M ... nbrink Newport Harbor Boys YOl!eyblll, '96, '97 11 -Nldc Sherman Corona del Mar Golf. '02 , Da!x Pilot ~L.1111~ .... -----iiiii.l.i;;;l Utll;;;i;;;;;;•-*"iiiiiiiiiiiiii; .. -;;;;i; Llpl .... HOflCE• OF TitUS. lflY ~ of tne IS( 12Ml Td'8 IA&..£ T'8 No. 1n.t --ane1 °'* 1011C1 Of PllmOll TO ..,.,.,.., &.oen common dMlonatlon. 11 M•£11imA110f: No. _...,, fHN VN any, ltlOWn het9in. Said PM1 No.: YOU ARE IN Uile Will be INlde, but saiY JAii moGll OEFNJl T UNDER A wlh>Yt covenanl et •-.iJ J. .oGll DEED a: TRUST wll'TVlly, •...-:t °' DATE> 04/12/2001. ~. regMtlng lidt, •.n*OU UNLESS YOU TAKE pO'Nhlon, °' enct.m-WHIU21MCN ACT!Otf TO PROTECT bnlncet, to PIY h To all llelfs, btntfi· ~ PAOPERTY. IT IWnllrq ~ 14.111\ c1atles, c.redlton, 'Ofl· .U..V BE SOLD AT A of lhl l'l(lil(•) MCwed by t111aent creditor,, and PUBUC SALE. IF YOU Mid DMd ol TNSt, wllh persons who rnay oth N~ AH EXPLANA· __. thel'eoo, • erwlse b" 111teruted in TIOH Of THE NATURE pnMdtd In Mid note(•). the wlll 01 estate, or Of TlE PROCEEDING Danell, I :t'., UOdlW both, ot; SHIRLEY JANE AOAIH~STO ,..~· ... ,.vT04t :-T~ :... ~o.td BROOKE ake SHIRLEY J. """"',....,. "' •v-. BROOKE •k• SHIRLEY R. . On Ind 111P1t*11 of BROOKE wa/2003 at 9:00 A.M.. TIUAll Ind of h 1'11111 A PCTITION FOR PRO LOAHSTAA MORT· c:rMlld by Nici Deed of BArE has been flied by GAal:E SERVICES, TMt. Thi iotM amount TOMASIT~J WHALEN 111 L.LC., • dlJIV IPPOil'lled :. u:= =:: ! the SuperlOf Court ol T~ UrQer and puf· u1 Celltornla, County of • IUlft 10 Deed ol TIUll ltw ptoperty to be 8dcl ORANGE ~ ~1 , 19 ~ ~~ THE PETITION FOR lnSlnll'n8l'lt No. end edvanotl at the PROB.ATE ''quests T0.. 200to287100, in Book, .._.... ...._ .....,.~, _....._ MASHA ). WHAi.EN bt P•r olOfllc:lll~ ;;;:;;.~~ appolllted as petsonal In flt ofllol o1 the 'la '211,e82.55. Thi representative ..to ed C"4ld'I Aacotdltr of • benlllciaty u...._ Nici in111ister the estate of Onlnge Courtly, S1atl of Died of '1'1'1.1111j;'elolote the decedent c.llCimia, eJUICUfed by; llf8CUlld and deltvlnld-THE PETITION requests DAVID PERRY. A SIN· IO the uf'ldllr"l-lld 1 the decedent's Wiii and GlE. MAH WILL SELL wriften ~b cl codlc1ls , If any, be AT PU8UC AUCTION Dlflult and OtmanCI lot admitted to prob1te . The TO HIGHEST BIDDER Sale 11/ld 1 wri1len No-Will and any cod1clls are FOR CASH. CASHIER'S lice ;,, Oeflult and Elle> av11l1ble for examine CHECK/CASH l1011 on the tole kepi by EQUIVALENT or octl4lf tlon to Seit. Thi under· the ~ourt tonn d peymenl IUlhor· = cl Cl=ult = THE PETITION requests !zed bY 2924h(b), (pay-E._..__ flO .,..., flO be authority to administer time of 1111 In __,,, """' the estate under the atl4e • recorded In the oounty lndel)endent AdmlnlS· lawfUI money of the wtlere the !9al PfOP8f1Y tratoo11 ol Estetes Act. Uniti9d States) At the II located. · Date (This Aulho11ty will allow tn1t1nCe to the Orange 03/2&'2003 F1RST City Hall, 300 East AMERICAN LENDERS the personal represen-Chle>fMtl AvtnUI, Of. ADVANTAGE LOAN-tat1ve to lake many ange, CA M rtglll. tllle SJ'.•<> ._,,,rr>•GEE actions without obtain 1!'111 t conveyeCI to "" ......,...., ""' 1n11 COUI I 1pproval ~ ~ b it .....__ SERVICES, LLC., 3 Before takone certain ...... now ,......, 'I ~·"""' Firsl American w~. t t t eald OMCI of Trutl '" the s-D ·--c·· -ro-'1 very 1rnpor an ac ions. In .... ,.,,., " ""' however, the pefsonal property lllua'9d aald OHAnn Grtlgoty. FOR reprnentatlve will be Coonty and State de-TRUSTEE'S SALE requ11ed to a1ve notice ICfibed II AS MOAE INFORMATION FULL y DESCRIBED IN PLEASE CALL 925-«>3-to 1nternted pe1so11s THE ABOVE MEN-7342 LOANSTAA unless they have waived TIONED DEED ~ MORTGAGEE SER· nohce or consented to TRUST APNt 425-205-vices·. L LC IS • the proposed actlo11 ) • "' The independent ad· 13. The llreet eddreM OEST COLLECTOR m1n1slratlon authority end OltW commori ATTEMPTING TO COl· will be ll"nted unless detiQllation. It any, of tile LECT A DEBT ANY an 1nle1uted per~on real property delat>ed INFORMATION 08· files an obled1on to the lbolle II purpof1IKj to bl: TAINEO WIU. BE USED pehtton and shows 11ood 218 145TH PLACE FOR THAT PURPOSE cause why the court COSTA MESA CALI· Newpo'1 ee.cn.costa $hould not &rolnl the FORNIA 92827 The Moel Daily authority underligned Trustee CN676000 46665 /.fl' A HEARING on the ~ a/Ty liability let 1.B. 15, 2003 oct1twn wdl bt held go Policy MAY I 2003 el I :30 p .m. in De pt L73 located •I 341 Tilt Ctty Du va South, Ounae, CA 92868 If YOU OBJECT to th" 1ranllna of the pelltkm, you ~oukl appe11 at lilt~ htarma and stale your objections or Ille written obiec:tlo11s w1U1 the court btfon ttt. hnn n1. Your 1ppu11n'9 may ba In person or by your 1ttor11ey If YOU ARE A CREDI· TQR o r cont1naent cndllor of the decn$41d, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the pe1wn1I represent1ttve appointed by tho court within four months h orn the dlte of the first i~suance of letten 15 provided In Probate Code :section 9100. Th• lime for tihna claims will not upu e before four months from the hurl11& dete noll~d above YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by thij cour I. If you art ·a per1011 tn· terested 111 the estate, you may file with the court • . Request for Special Notoce (form DE 154) of tile fihna of an l11ve11tory and 1ppra1Sal of eslltt assets ot of any petition °' account es provided on Probete Code sectto11 1250 A Request for Special Notice f0<m Is available ftom the court clerk Atl0<ney tor Petitioner ,hlllfp C. l e!ftmeoe, Is~., 10221 Slater Ave., Ste. I 06, f•-- tolft Voley, CA 92701 Published Newport Beach·Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Apfll 8, 14, IS. 2003 TM098 SUlllOllS KnACJOll MICW) NOTICE TO DEFE N- DANT: (Avoso a Acusa· do) C A. ODHL COM PANY. CALVIN OOELL. JOHN HICASTRO DOES I TO 5 YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAJNllFF (A Ud le e,la demand ando) JAVIER HERNAN DEZ Yoti have 30 CALUI OAR OAYS allM this surnmons Is set ved un you to file • lypew111ten response 1t tht' court A leltet or phone ull will not protect you. yo ur • typewr11te11 te sponse must be In proper l~i•I f1,11m of ynu want the court to hH• your tH• II you do not hie you• response on time. you m1y lose the case, •nd your waaes, money and property may be taken without further warnina from tho: <.OUfl There a1 e other fecal requ11emenh You may wanl lo call an attorney roeht away If you do nol know an .ittorney, you mo1y call an 11to1ney referral ,ervoce or a lea•I o11d office (listed In the phone book). Dopues de que le entreauen !!SI~ ctlaclo11 /udlc1al ust11d t1ene un plazo de 30 DIAS CAL [NOARIOS para Pft1sen tar una rupuuta es c11ta a maquona en esta carte Una LUia o una llam;ida telelo111c~ no le ofrecera protecc1on, su 1espuesta eso1ta a maqu1na t1ene que cumpllr con las formal 1dadn leealn dpropoa das \t usted qu1ere que I• Lorie e\cuche su Ca$O Si usled no presenld \U 1upue\la a llempo puede perder el taso. y le pueden quolar su ula110, su d1nero y olr as cosasde su propiedad son av1so ad1c1onal por par le de la corle E.1sten olros requ1s1 los leaaln Puede que usted qu1e1 A llama1 a un abo11ado lnmed1.ila mente St no wnote a un abogado, puede Harmar a un servodo de feferencoa do aboeado$ o a una oftcina de ayuda le11al ( vea el dtrecloroo lelefonoco) CASI NUMllll: (N11-ro 4el CaH) 02Hl02261 Ttoe name and address ol the court 1s· (£1 nombre 1 d11ecc1on de la '°'1• es) ORANCl COUN rY SU PtRIOR COURT. 701 CIVIC CE N'lER DRIVE WEST, SAME, SANrA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92701. ORANGE COUNTY CON SOLIDAr£0 COURTS The name, add1us. and telepho11e number uf plaintiff> attorney, or pla1nt11f wrlhoul an attorney 1~ (El 11omb1e, la dttect1on y el numern cJe lelefono del aboaado del dema11dante o d•d demandante qu., no t~ne aboeado es) l Thoono Murphy. 714 771 2265 714 771 2320 law Offot.es ol L lhomn Murphy. 47'1 South Gl••M!ll Or anite CA 92866 OATE; (Jecho) MAY IS, 2002 ALAN SlATH, Clerk (ActuQrle), lty V,,, SCHUNIACH, Depvty (Det...,de) Published Newpo1 t Beach·C:osta Mesa Daily P1tol Ap11I ~5 22, 29, Mey 6, 2003 TI03 LEGAl ll011Cl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of EduGaloon of the New· PD< I ·Mesa Unolted School 01st11ct of Or•nae Co unt~ will rece1Ve sealed bids up to 8 00 a m on the 13th day of May. 2003. at the Purchn1ne Of11ce ol u1d School District. localed al 2985 B Be•r Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, at whtth time uod bods will be publicly opened dnd ooad lot DIS,05"1 OF SOLID WAST£ All bods are to be 1n dCLordance with Condo t111n\. IMl1uct1ons. and Spec1focaloons which are on fol• 111 the office ol the Purcha\ona Dore~tor of said School 01\tr1cl 2985 B Bear Street Costa Mes•. CA 92626. Each b1dde1 must submit with e-nh bod a Corl•hed or Cdst11e1·s Che~k P•Yable lo the D1st11d '" a bod bond on the form •el forth m the tlJnhacl documents in an amount not less than llo·w to Place A S2S.OOO u • cu.,t nlH lh1I lhe biddef Wiii t!Jttf into the pt()flOYd CA>n tucl ii the ~-It IW41 dl!d lo SULh bidder In u,. event of failure to e11ter Int o 111d Conlr1d, suth security will be forft1ted to ntd S'hool Olstr1et of Ouna• County Only c;ontr •ctOl'l II censed in both cllMIS of Costa Mesa· and Newport BeaLh will be •h11.ble for aw•rd of lh1~ tontract A Perlo1m11nu Bond will be 1equ11 ed pt10< lo the exetut1011 ol the t;onll act tn the amount "' $250,()00.00 No b1dde1 m•y w1lh dr.iw his bid fo• •period of roRrY.nVE (45) days •Iler lhe dale ~el for the op11mna thereof The Board of Educa· tton ol the Newport· Mesa Un1f1ed School Oti.frtct reserves 'the 11ahl lb re1ect any or all bids ind not necessarily accepl t11e lowest bid •nd lo waive any In· lormahty or lr1eaula11ty 1n any bod received IUW,OaT -M lSA UNIPIED SCHOOL DIS- T al CT, ef Or••e• ~mhoron L chine. blre<t04' ef 'urdooslng and Warehw1l1t9 424-5077 Published Newpnrt Beach Costa Mesa Dally pilot Ap111 t'i. n 2003 T104 flctlti.s l4niless --.s ........ The lollowone per son• •' e do1n11 business as a 1 Choice One Capital b) Choice One Hornes and Investments cl Cho1c~ I Capital dJ Choice I Homes and Investment\ 2645 Saini Andrews lust1n CA 92782 Toro Ruoee Dopp Crumm~ck 2645 Saint And1~ws Tustin CA 92782 Alan Crumrnack 2645 Saint Andrews, 1 u•ltn. CA 92782 This bu~ineS$ IS LOO ductl!d by husband and wife Have you •l.,t•d dome bu.llrl•H Y•tf Ho TMI Cfummuk This sl1tame11t w•\ hied With the Co11nt~ Cieri. ol Of 1oao County Ofl 03/31/03 200HUtUO 01ity Pilot A1>t 8, IS, 22 29, 2003 TIOI .......... ... s..... The followlna parsons lll8 dOtnl bUSlfltlSS iH D1st11ct by Mlchul Jl~S, 41()() ,..Wpot"t Plac.11 Ste 830, ,.ewpott Buell, CA 92660 Un1maa1nable, LLC (CA). 4100 Ne wport Pla<:e Ste 830, Nt wpo1t Quch, CA 92660 fh1s businns Is cqn duc11!q by l•m•led L11b1hly Co Have you started dolna buslneu yel? No Un1m111111bte, UC. M1cllat:J Muellerleile Manaae1 This statement wes hied with the County Cler11 of 01 a nae Couhty on 03/26/03 20036UH24 Oatly Pilot Apr I 8, 15, 22.2003 1088 fidlllM ..... "-S...... The follow1na persons arr do1111 business as a) Treat Me like Goldi b) Tredl Me Ltke Gold. 239 Rob1Mon D11ve, Tustin CA 92782 Oavod £ Sldchow11k 239 Robinson Orove. T us ton CA 92782 f hlS business IS con dueled by; an tndtv1du•I Have you started dome husones> yet' Yes, 3/1/ 03 David E Stachowiak lh" statemenl was liled wolh lhe County Clerk of Or a nae County Oil 03/20/03 20036937179 Oatly. Ptlot Mar 25. Apr 1,8, 15 2003 TOSI Fktlllm ..... ie-s...... I he followona persons die doong bus1ne\s as Pro Hydrolool Tour 9405 Ptacenha. Unit G Pla- toot11 CA 92870 Tuesdiy, Aeri1 lS, 2003 . .......... John Clemmon> 9405 rlaunba, Urnt C, l"t. c.nha, CA 92.870 This bu!>lnen Is con du~lt'd by tn lndlvldU•I Havt yC·U •l<ut~d du•llt bui.onns yet 1 Nu John Clemnoons This statement wu filed with the County Clerli of Qtanae Countr on03/17/03 200MtS142J Dally Pilot Apr 15, 22 29, Mey 6, 2003 l lCM Mlm ..... ... s...... The follow1na persoru. "' e do one bu•oness ••· Heaus D•la Systems, 910 Atb0t St Costa Mou, CA 92627 Lee Moch;oel D•wtd 910 Al bor St . Costa Mesa, CA 92627 ThlS buS1ne•s 1s con· ducted by· an 1nd1V1dual lt.tve you started do1nc bU'.ltntuS yet? No Leo Oewod This •lllement was filed l!fllh the Cou11t y Clerk of 01 an11e County ono3n7/03 2003HHl96 Daily Pilot Apr I 8 15, 22, 2003 T089 ,..., ..... "-S...... The follow1na peo~ns are dome busonn• as. Coastline Shower Door. 785 W 17th St •C Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Terry Rabun 3529 E Tolden Ave , Oranae CA 92869 This bus1neu ,. con dueled by an ondmdual Have you started doona buS1neu yet' Yes. 1998 Terry R~bun This slatement was flied with the County Clerk o1 Or an11e Coun ly on 03/03/03 2003693505 Daily Pilot Apr I 8 IS. 22. 2003 1086 fidllllS t.ilm "-S...... The followona perso11• a1 e do1na bu,onus a• Wooly Jumper ProduL loons, •17 Br;~un Spronp Costa Mt•..t CA 92627 417 81yHn $prl111s. tor.ta Mes.I, CA 92'627 TlllS bu-. It con ducted by •n individual H .. vt Jou started lk>lna t111~111e• ,.11 :Vn. 02/ 25/0.J St..,iien Ropt Oulton lhls stattment wu filed wrth Ult County Ct.rk of On111e County 0003/26/03 200Ut_,..4a Dally Pilot A1>t I, 8, 15. 22. 2003 T087 CUSS/Ff ED It's tht sola· tionyou 'rt searching/or· ·Whether you 're seeking a home, apart· mtnl,petor new occupation! SELL your stuff through cl assified! ">I'll yuur Car in Clasr.ifl•d -· ---Deadlines --- Rates and deadlines are subject 10 change without notice. nlt! publisher reserves the nght to censor. reclassify. revise or reject any classific.d adven1scment. Please repon any error that may be in your classifieq ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liabili1y for any error in an adverusemcnt for which ti may be responsible except for the cost of the space actuaJly occupied by the error. Credit can only be a llo wed for the first insertion. CLASSIFmAD -[ii Monday ...................... f n day 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday S:OOpm lHNOUIKWNTS & MISC. 10H>-lno GARAGE Slll BUSINESS & FINANCW CddM' MnllMlll 11• TOf S$ 4 llCOIDS nc .Im. Qmlc, ac. SJa " a a Alllt. Sc*. u. en.-Mii!• 949·6'5·7505 enerr.-err CMldlrot --1311 :EQIM .. : OffOl1ll1'Y All rt1t ...... 14Wtt• lllllt1 In this n1w.,.,,.r 11 t\ib)lct to tltt F.Wal Felt Houlln1 Act of 1961 u 1m1ndtd wlltcll m1ku It 1111111 to 1cN.rtlM ·1n1 ptlflf· enct, llm1t1tton o r discrlml11etlofl btMd on r 1C1, color reHllon, 1u. ha11dtup, f1mlffa1 1t1tus Of n1Uon1I otlcln. Of 111 Intention to m111t any aucll ptef9'tnct, llmfu · tlon or dbcrtmlnali011.' flit. MW'ljllf)lf wHt "°' l\llOwlnllY KCIPt 1111 lldvtrtlN"lll!l fOI , .. I .. tete wtllcll II ff! •lolatlOn of tllt l1w Our ructere ere lltrolil1 lflf0tlllff Ulal ttl d.-11· tnp Mvwtbocl 111 tlllt l\fW$1>~ ffl n.ubl9 on " ICllAll OCIPOf'\u11ity hlUt To c~ln ol dtt· ""'*' .. •· cal HUO toa 11 .... ,.eoo 424 .,90 ' 230S-2490 Old« Srwle fturnlNN l'IANOS ' Cohdlblel . ....,..._._ ........ ..._.~,.,......,. .. CAIH~AIDM _,...,. __ _ W19UYUTATD • ............. M.tdy..-.. corJSIGW.mJTS By Fax (949) 63 1-6594 <l'k-•"" 10<.ludc your "'"""' "'"' 1>h<•" numlxr JDd "'c 11,.11 ) ou h•d, "uh • pncc II"°" 1 BY Phone 19~91 M2-5ti7!< II our~ • By !\1ail/ln Person: 330 We,t Bay Street Co:-.ta Me~ CA 92627 Al Newport Blvd. & Ba)' 'It Wednesday .............. Tue~y 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednc:-.day S:OOpm Fnda) ................... Thursday ):0Upm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone S·JOam-5 OOpm Monduy-Fnday Wall.-ln !<:.~{}.un-5:00pm MoQday-Fnday Sunday ....................... Fnday 5:00pm llM.ESTAH ltR Slll \ SOOS-SISO 3110 - Ind ex '' . .. HOMESFOA SAlf ORANGE 5400 COUNTY '* ,._ ~Wonderful Balboa Penlnsull Po11t locltlon, 4Br 2811, peM of OCNrl from roof top dadl. Sl.2915,IXX>. T•I Nnstrq ..... 9&6119-1008 ...... _, ... ,.... Conlnldetllr ... IUTA1U ,.ftlal TDOltl .. , ...... llA ...... 16470.S ·-p:tttd,t~• cem .......... ..,.......,c_._ Vlews. • .S11ac1eut ~, ,~ •• 'It •tt , .. , ,... ,.. •'"' •'"""C -.c• Mll,000 .,, JOlll\ '··-.... .,,.41tll ......... 7402-7466 A llA&IT'lftA Raldanc:t wtl bl ~ ti* .... 58t 5.!l8a wtlll a -*rful flowtona ftoof pllll. $l,7S>,000 Mlctlell BtWulwl. Colldrw ~ ntMlltlATIS 'ATIKK TIJtGal NAflOMWtDI USA t4t-8H-t10S w-.p1ttlckt111or-1.com O(IANflONT 1 eo· OCUN V1IW '"' tOO .. , ... :its-7122 UOO tSU HOMIS 14 AVMAIU AOf t4t-t7l-IOSt ..... co.a ,....11nans , ..... " .... MA f10WWIDI USA ..... ,....,.J w""1 pal• ld.lenota '°m NtMrmans f'ATllGln..... MAnotMIN UIA t4t-&J4.t,.S W-paltdf.-. t M •• , ...... c.- ~ ...... Pll10" & -*""" """"" .. .. 'SOOOOQ ( ........ ""'· .... 1 .... 111 , ... ...... Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week Por Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Cal Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 HOMES FOR SAlf MISC8JAllOUS RIVERSIDE RENTALS COUNTY 5550 RllllllTollwl. a flMICULA WINI COUNTllY U.lA IDllT/ w.ATa nmanr .. uu • "'SW..._ llr hOllH prl'lllto rool'l\/b•lh SSSO/tno + 1/3 11Uli, fllll praf94g..117-147Z • Aelllll lllRllll .. ,,._..Bf, ......... on Senti An1 Counby Club e1 Masten Circle Den 2-cu pr, patt0 $2800/mo, av11labll now 9e•Kl741~ ....... llldl • TIAllY• UASU l lU a.uNl>Y lt£Al TORS ...... " ... '" SDl y-un•entecl Items t.lv CH.Ill! ~fled PLUG IN Ptug Into the Pilot C&as.sif'ied S8C1JOt\ lO ftnd setW:eS from ltectronics and ~to ~tlnd pain~. !" I AJ9 Tuesday, April 15, 2003 "Employee." "Empleado." Bridge ··oatVllJ•••AY TaCIUtl• co .... 'Pl rmd ID tA#19I' 'Vlll-. • 11 Wllllm ....... • • mlla. o.11111111 '-" na 0-. cplr1llrn _.. 100·547-9169 t32P. YOU 8£ THE JUDGE www.mwytrudlln1.corn (CM..-sr.NC) Both wlncnib&o. Sou«h deals. ~fi" o AQ75 <> Kf4 •4632 EAST WIST •0'762 c;i U <>0103 • 107 • ICJ 15 0 64 <> A.19 •UIS SOfJTB •A4 o KJ 103 () 65 2 • ICQ4 The biddin& . S0'1I'H WEST NOllTll lQ .... 2NT 40 .... .... ~ ia¢.Six or • !ABT .... .... Study the bidding and play of this deal. theh decide: How ~~! if any, emn were made in the bidd.ing and play? . N<xtb's j~ IO two DO ttump W11 a fordng raise m hearts., ~teeing four-caril trump support. South's leap IO ~ was tbe-Piinciple of Fast Amval, showinJ a minimum opener with no alaln mt.creat. A perfectly sound auotion. West led the six of spades, East rose with the king and declatcr allowed it IO bold the trick. The ace woo the spade rerum, ll'llD1p6 were w ........ & ..... o. .. ,..... 1 . & 21r. Lowly c..,. Cod at)le comm. ~ w/tl. ,_ IPPb. ~cwwnlc tie, d/W, • Inside w/d. • lBr Sl • 2Br $12915 (71~7fft ltP Crett twnhom, patio, 2 atorlea, new paint, tile, end cerpet, 2 c: 1ar, •it $1800 949-673· 7800 .. Hlw 2br lba SFR tuta kite, nu paint. 1111 patio/ yd, I c l!"i leund hkup ast SlMJO "9-673· 7MJO Newly rtmod 2br 2ba condo, 2 c 11r, p1tloJ wd, no peVamk Avall 5·1 11950 '"· 949·759-1344 ................. 2Ba i.dl mlblJ fncd ~ .._Fp,pool~, w/d IZ1IOm ........., dnwn in lwo rounds and the king, •llVll/CDL (Aj queen and 11ee of cluba ~ CMlled. •1ft ooo -"'""' . Dw:nmy'a remaillinaclub wM ~ ,._., .. .-. -and f..l&l WU aUoWed lO bold . the 5 ~ w-111 •OS to l9 trick. docJarer d==• cJlamoM ~: :J = frofn bind. £ast WIS The f\191 NCllQlil. all. Grada def~ either hid IO YO 5<1Mt1 • ...._ lOE •9'Z!5-rutr-sfutr 'Or else lead a diamond 550 or KLLM.com toWWd dummy'• kin&. Ell.ber way, {t.Al.-scAN} decJ&rcr .lost 0oJy ooe trick ca:b. in ffDllM IMPLOYMltfT splldel. ~and clubs. Now .. ~ Enlry-Prof• What'• your verdict? ...., LeM S19-S72k/Yt+ Well as cfeclaret played lhe hand, ••1M1flts,IP11d Tnlnlfll. there were lwo enon. bolb on the ~ Nowt for Info on very tint Irick! By appl)'inJ lhe Rucardle :tt.=2~~ ~m of II (deduc:tin1 lho·~ Oii the ~· • led from 11 and the difference Is how "Y-m ectW\ many cards higher d\111 thc card led .. -ue in the ocher thn:o hands1 Eut can 11111-on bonual OWIMI' detmnine lhat there !ll'C nve cards oper.tora "98dad tor 7 hi~ than lhe six fn .clie Hanh. Ea.sl ~ll= aod South bo&dillA and four oC tbem ,_. -2 ant ~ in·aWIL DeClllU bas only one .~-~-800- c:ard ~ lbao thni~. aQd it must .:::835-947=~1-''-...l(=CN...:....:-sc:AH>=:.£ be lhe ace. 'lberefore, Eut should JOl.N OUR TUM and follow Alit with the five! II declam-mike 1 diff•tnc•. In tht allows the six to win, West can "1ift C1llfornll Almy National IO a diamond honor and the defense Guerd you u n a•t nets thtee tricks In the ~uil for a one-money f« coll11• and trick let. If declarer LIW:s the fin.1 c1reer tnlnln1. Cell 1 • lrick.;WC$t sooner or lalcr can gain 8 0 0 . G 0 . Gu ARD . the lead in spades to 5hi0 to a dia-(CAL •SCAN) mood, with Ifie same result · Kowevcr. South should never have aJlowed the defenders IO place him In dw position. All declam-bad IO do was cover the opening lead with the ten. then let Bast win the Irick and the eodplay cannQt be avoided. QUKAL - CLASSlflfD NMd full·tlmt pwaon to aaalat wtth verlous dutlta. Must be able to Input et ltHt tsowpm 1ccurat.1_. on computer. po11111 1tron1 c u1tom1r MrVlct skiffs, and bt dtpendablt. S9 Per hour. b ctllt nt b•n· tflt p1ck111. EOE. Send resum• to Judy 01ttln1, c/o Dally Piiot, 330 W11t 81y Strttt, Co1t1 Mua, CA 92127 or 1m1ll to llOUTllR W s the solution you're searching ~.-..~ "Arbeitnehmer. " "Employe. " ~lllot m.v~ Fiii iT. for·whether . you' re seeking a home, apartment, pet or new occupation! Callfornla law rt· qulr• thll conltec· t~ tlklnt lob• thlt total S!iOO or more (lebot' « meter Ills) be llceMtd by ttlt Contractora State lie-Boatd. St.ta law also requtru thtt contractors Include thelf llctnM 11umbtf on •II edwrtlllnc. You cen check tht statl.11 of your llcenud contractor at -w.c1lb.c1,lov or 800·321 ·CSl . Unfl· ctnMd contractors taklna Joba that tot1I lt u than $500 muat 1t1te In their 1dvertl11m1nt1 th1t they •n not llc1n11d by tht Contractor• Stata llcenM 8C>Md." ...... ~ MIMI I WI I "-nodal ~ ...... bMXl'll mlP.i !(?IC MLM59P5 ktU lflng "MR. BLINDMAN" ' I ·1 · I I ' --'• ,,,,, II '# • ,, .:_ • 1() I ti A TO Z llANDYllAJI fn1t1ll, ref act c1blnet1. ~ ~ 7w.54&-72!i8 .~. Cuatom Bulft-lna, Crown Moldlnp. e ... 8oerda l"577982 949-'71»-5642 Clrpet Rapalrtaala tt<AllPn~uarn-s:r Rep11f1, P1tchfn1. Install Courteous. eny 1111 joba. Wholtuftl 949-492-02.05 C.-IMaonry lrickaa.as .... T• Concnta. P111o, DrMway Fltep!G, BBQ. R.ta. 25Yrs hp. Ttrr¥ 114-567·7594 ~ CUSTOM llMODIL AND DISION All TRAOES, 30 YEARS EXP. l•337169 949·631·2345 Computer8"*" NllD MOltl IOOM! LIMY..._ Alll*ed MlOITlOfG & ADGlll.NJ Rerouttn & fnstart.tlon lf577982 949·709·5642 T1l£ DEAN !MM73.ao65 YOUIHOMI IMNOVIMIMT NOJKI! Cell 1 plumbtf, p1lnttl', h1ndym1n, O< 1ny of th• sreat atrvlcu llatad here In our Ml'Vlct dlftct«yl THESE LOCAi. SVC PEOl'l.E CAN Ht:lP YOUTOOAYI n .....a52171U6301 ~ ··-lawns, lawn A11r1ttn1. Sprlnkl1r1, T~· inc. Sprln1 Tunt·upa, Rtp,alra I Up1r1dH. • H•'lf• u1 do your OlrtyWor•" 71'-711-tHI ' TNl DlffllltKI lllWIDI llAUTllUL &DQUISITL. •L-. .... c-. ..... , ..... ·~& .... ,_.... Ht-111-HH Ill\ !IHI! • 1111'~11' \ ,,, '.1111111 1'-lf. COllA/Vfl HOMI MAlllTlllAllCI No Job too 1mallf Evwythln1 from Clrpentry top ...... trH latlm•t• ,.,, . ..,., 14'-JfS-lil• ( ., ... ·~ Clr1>tn1rY • PlumbfnC l)rywall • Stllcco Palntlns, Tiit • more zo., y..,_ Eal*'ltnc.ti .,. ........ 1776 ~ IOllNIO" C_,MPA'*Y l(ltdw, Wlill. .... OOll. Mllfll M•tt0-1521 IMIMMMIUll All ""°'' pttantaad =~ ....... .-TOTa. ..... 11 11•.-..1112 AVAIUlll IOOAVI .....,,..,.. ::r.-~:::&n.a.:= O.C. 24Yra. Ref's 949· 548·0054 949·637-4113 ..-. a • .., • ..-LIJ'• Wkly/81·wkty/Monthly. R•h. GrN t ratffl lmtkN ~-2Jl.al31 Afftl • ltnte R4f ~ CUlb'r8ad ta.. ~7~~ ,_~...,.. ...... a.r.q. TcW Nt. c.1 ~ M war11 dDnt by =-lit .. 91Ml2-74.le MM!lllmgt HST MOYDUH/Nr Mrvlna 111 clUea. lnaured fatt, courtaous, Clt'tflll. ll63M4 IQ0.24f.2378 PUBLIC NOTICE T111 C•llf. Public UttlltlH Com1111Ulon r-.ulrtt thet •II uNd houuhold 1ood1 movers ptlnt tlltlr P.U.C. Cal T 11umbtt; limos ind chauff•ura print t ll•lr T .C.P. numbtr In all adver· ti-nu. If you ll•v• •ny qu11t10n1 about th• l•1'1llt1 of 1 mover, limo or cheutttlll'. Oii: ~IT&llWI , __ _ '77 1 Ami•• Pta&IPSAUTO ~OU,.._ "t7 Ptlriwtlbw/llMI .,,full.,.,....,. mil (t'J'l.'M) •11,.0. ............... S...w,..,_.Mtlr, r••6~ <•J;tf m.m •w••l.i.• W Blue w/r•'J IWlr· lllto·pmn NCk.. (19240) . $26,lln MWIUl,.._'00 White W/8Wldl ltfr.Q) pllrw-~milts (19289> SU.980. •WMS'~'OO 8lldl on lmrn4lc: Bild! lllr. 11»1 ml, 1 --( l9297C) '59,980. ... 12318'•' UM-~7.:C.1ttw·low mlla-1llll ~. (l86nt) $14,980. ...... SIOOC.W.'01 Siwr W/rWt rte! lthr, 6 speed, 1111 ml. VTEC (190731) $2.(,980. -...xuc-.... Bfltish ~ Green w/bn lthr, My 22K miles-CO stack•. (19220) S39,99l. ._..._ 2JOSl'M ThG Is • , ... Clessic. Rtd W/tln lnther· Both tops-4 speed. (18683) 121.~. ...... ._ Sl.SSMH'OS Rttdy tor lmmedlnt dmlivery•fu• feet WllT· SINw w/QlerCCMll (l9309C) INQIJtRU$ ........... , .... c..p.-........ Hurry for hM pttfact low~ont UASlwlUY ..... 174-7777 PMIWSAUTO , . ., ' - CR~YIER --~ 'r PER MONTH+ TAX , 1 At These T •ms °"~*Credit ................. OMRAT SM.AR SAw.GS! ................. +.Me '3780 due •t .. -..... dWWIM 6cyl, 2 wd, 8611 aclu•I ml, 1llnr/1r1y Int, •lloys, fabulous Ilk• new unm1rlltd cond, 4·)'••! -IMI, v757721 $13,R """ •. 949·586·1181 -.ecpeill.ce• Ltaw 'ff UIOO 56.Sk ml, •Int cond, allvtl'/ 1r1y l11th1r Interior 124.500 949-633·5434. ~ '02 ...,,...._ 30ll ml, full fec:t warr. •Nver aand/tlln 11hf, CD atadltf, chtomt wfll1. CASH fCMl <Mt WI NllD YOUI CM • PAIO POI Olt NOT iJHUJPS MITO AMC roa IULCGU& •'9-$74-7777 IMMEDIAT£ CASfflll '\IS" Pension Fundin1 PIP CtSh now for B ,.. .. Of your future ptMlon payments. Call 800-586- .L32S fOf' 1 FR£E, no· oblie1tlion 11tlmat1. -~ em , 1 BOATS • ,,.. ... ...__~ Sldt console st..-1n1i newer 40 HP outboard motor. Ulld In frffl! w1t1r, a Int cond. r...i1« lncld $3800/obo. ¥9-67'5-4606, 800·247·8209 21 n. DUffY IOAT " 16 bllltna, 48 Vol, '¥ ,_ wlrldoM, dlall • newt·= 8JU12,, BOAT REPAIRS/. SERVICES -utre uat, v672511 tin IW AYMAIU 1211995 firm, fin 6 Wtft IN NllWPCIWI llACM eve I lkr 949-511·1118 H$0CI &&AH •• :Z;!'f.--;:zo -;;';•;•-iiisoo-iiiiiiii1;;;ioo;;;isiiiiiiiii 3111 ml, whltt/ar•Y lthr, • mnrf, chrome wllla, b11vt 11111 ntw cond. v572.2Al $25,995 fin 1\1111 .... ..... •• ;¢'-•iwcZ I 'H IHO Tel Us About YOll • GWGiwil In ClASSIFIED (949) 642-5671 sl1nln1 41 month cloMd end 11111 no ateurlty deposit, lOt< mllaa '* M;r. bctaa mlle~ . .~~~.~1~·.<.:~.. 9> Everyday ls a gr~t day LITS MOTOR! ., in ClasifiedJ ff'SM f i * * * • • .. • • Be a pan o t1 55 00.WAY @ mfm pf ace your ad f00a~ SMTA W AUTO lW.l (111) 123-9808 (MQ) 642-5678 c..-.-..._.. ~ ... Cer .. t.•r now avalf. Loc:ll ,., ... livt llV'out. call 949-112·0620 ltav• m9. .... ~;,::1 ~:.1::.:1 wotll. FrM .. t. lH75802 714-531-1534 7-390-2945 ,.,...,,,....,... Top Qu1llty, Comp41tl\lvt lnteriof/Eat U641221 Cell ~9-650-!0M UJiil CMIW Palntinl ...... ..._,. QualltY lolll FrM ~ lt15'987 714"'35-_ HOUSI REPA.IH1'JNG ltWOOD flNISHING ~ Ptldll\,1-..-. ............ Rtltucclo, ~ ~. P•tchln,. R1Hon1bl1l 714-921· &47 e.o!7P& ,.. .. •