HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-20 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotCOMMENTS& CURIOSITIES Easter bunny funnies I t is here. Easter Sunday. It's a very pleasam holiday, no? Aside from the enormous religious implications. there are none of the stress-lnducing pressures of some other holidays. which shall remain unnamed. A newou~tmaybe,afamily dinner on Easter Sunday, chocolate bunnies, spring PETER BUFFA Dowers, blue skies -it's all good. An outpouring of readers-as long as you consider three an outpouring - has asked thal I dust off the "abbreviated htstoryof Easter" that I offered some years ago. Let's compromise, you little chocolate bunny you. We'll do something old. something new, but all guaranteed to be unerty useless Wonnation, as always. Where do all those bunnies come from, chocolate and not? From other bunnies, obviously. but the rabbit was a symbol of fertility thousands of years before Oui.st lbe first depictions of "Easter" bunnies appeared in Germany in the 16th century. and the first edible E-bunnies were also German. first offered as a sweet pastry in the early 1800s. The German ~~·s who we nmtakenty call the Pennsylvania "Dutch" brought the idea of a ldd-frieodly Easter bunny to this countty. They called it "Osc.hter Haws," which means "the oyster laughs." No it doesn't. It means "F.aster rabbit" Pennsylvania Dutch children were taught that if they were good. the Osc.hter Haws would steal lnto their barn or garden and leave a nest of beautifully colored eggs behind Boys would leave their caps and girls would leave their bonnets in a strategic place to entice the Easter Bunny lo use them as a nest which, amazingly enough. he always did Speaking of oysters. why do they call it "Easter?* It's Crom an Old English word "Eostre" which means, "we can't spell. .. That's a lie. Eostre was the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and her festival was a celebradon or rebirth. which makes it a logical ancestor for the Ouisdan holiday of SM COMMENTS, Paa• A4 llSl'JE lHEPLOT u:E&LEISURE Cuba ,, moVtng to"*'•. tourtam hi main caeh CfoP and, aa one NeWport couple obMrYld tn their rec.nt trip to the llland nation, thoM wanting to trlVef there lhouad know all the,fllcta ~ golng there. ,...Al FOIUI ----~ • ··-... _ L S UN D AY EDITION • • a .I 10 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 APRIL 20, 2003 SUNDAY STORY Pf-' vs av 00'< .EACH Sahar Barkzay, 6, eats as her mom, Marina Barkzay, talks to her. The family has been struggfing to get the proper care for Sahar. who 1s autistic Waiting for her voice Afghani family living in Cos ta Mesa faces much hardship while coping with an autistic child Lollt• Harper Daily Pilot H er big brown eyes 1eU her story They gleam when '>he is laugtung. They glare when c;he 1s angry. They tear up \-vhen she is sad. Sahar Barlo.ay's eyes art1cuJate her emo· tions because her autism snfles other form., of commu· nicadon. Thursday. the 6-year-old's eyes were ~l\1ng she was in pam Her gaze would dart from floor 10 ceiling. flut· tering her long lashes wah each movement a!. she grabbed her left ear with both hand'!- "! don't think she Is feeling very well." mother Marina 8arlczay said. "I thinJc she has an earache Of course she is not able to teU me this but I see her touching her ear.· Ear aches are common for Sahar and many autistic children, as are sever allergies. gastrot.ntesonal prob- lems and sei.zures. Manna Barlc7.ay said 'ihe would take her daughter to the doctor that everung -a common outing for the mother-daughter pair because of the autism and Sahar's compromised immune system. FYI Those wishing to contribute to the Sahar Bartczay Fund can send donations to Sahar Barlczay. CIO Skosh Monahan's, 2000 Newport Boulevard, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 or call (949)548-0099 For the first 11 months of her life. Sahar developed Like any other child Her first word was spoken then but the rest never followed. Barlc7.ay said she started to rec· ogruze a lack of df'\."elopment and talked to a pediatn· cian. ·1 was sure it ~ senous. • she said "I JUSl knew something wasn't right" Although the mother had her instincts. ped.iatrioans were reluctant to diagnose Sahar. They said she was a happy. energetic. healthy little girl and Barb.ay should not worry ANDING SOMETHlNG WRONG Sahar Barkzay, 6, draws pictures of flowers in her Costa Mesa home. The Bar:kzay family emigrated to the United Stales from Afghanistan. Marina crune from Kabul and her husband from Kandahar. Shortly after Manna joined her husband in America. Sahar was born Four years later, they learned their daughter was autistic At the prompting of friends and child behaVloral professionals. Barkzay took Sahar to a specialist when she was 4. It was then she was diagnosed as autistic ·11 was very hard at the beginning.· Barla.ay said ·1 had waited so long and I could have been helping her before · SPCll1S TOP STORY Pursuit of eggs-cellence Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort hosts its 12th annual Easter Egg-stravaganza. D11pa Bharattt OaiyPdot NEWPORT BP.ACH -They by is co run. \bu.~ to remember to Ml very fut. • Donl loM )QB QJnC'tfltration. Donl atop to look II whit tomeOne elle got. Jultrun. Thel1iJ1b. And don\ baec to run. With lhw wdk:I. • ~at;' Ind • ... .....,.., .. t&&B/DM.Yfl&OT aM9' rece 1t1hl anftUll Pte~ o.Ns Enw Ea Han_., manic. I '. I • I• l I • I • .. 1 • I • I• l • I I • I I. I .... f't' ., I . UNCOMMON SERVICE UNCOMMON PROPERTIES ~G CLIFFHAVEN f What I gJ'QI opportwuty to either ranodd the cxilung f bedroom home or create your dream home Oii this mult1-1rul1J011 dollar .aut. 11lc lot is over 7 ,500 SF and n 11 located 111 d1C most dainblc ncitdlborhood. c1n .. s> (800)258·7630 COltONA DEL MAit. Plan od. 6oonng, upgndcd baths, &csh pamt in/out, cnra ~ ux bnck cntcrwning pa110 and 1 acpvarc office Very pnvatc locatJOn and pnt. Sl,189,000 (132447) (800) 258·7630 NEWPOllT COAST. You can 1« Caul~ the blue Pacific, downtoWn LA and the 1110W capped mounwns Three bcdroorm phu an office and a IUl1 drenched patio SI 250,000 (d2446) (800) 158·7630 NEWPOR.T BEACH. Law tn lunuy with Ncwpon llitbof • ~ &ont ~ This ~opaty bout 2 bcdrOoms and 2 bathS plUI I den and nb Of glUI Boat iJipa awiJablc. SI 099,000 (ii2S84) (800) 258·7630 @/PBCI'ACULAB. IN CllYSTAL COVE NBWPOllT OOAST. Ponncr model home wuh 4 bedrooms, 4.5 ba~ accented With brealh!Uin& ocean · and coasul views Thu ltl.ll1ninJ.Prope:rty JS only 2 months n<W_r never lived 111 and comes tuUy furnished. U.t.350,000 (13L445) (100)L58·7630 NBWPOllT BBACH. Top notch finilbcs attnct your~ 111 thu large reccndy completed home. GfQl comer loanon with V1CW1 of the beach, ocean, bay and dlmnt mounwns SI 625,000 (132585) (800) 158·7630 NEWPO&.T COAST. 11lc cpJtomc of cnlUmanlhip and qoahty. 1lus home offcn S" bedrooms, S.5 baths and apprcmmatc.ly 6,000 SP • Vtk&na appliances, 2 cWbwuhcrs, !Jl)rary, and WIOC cdJu. $3,995,000. ( 132443) (800)251·7630 I • I ( > \ 1 \ 1 I ) . ' I I . . • -. • . • lo •• ., ' I ' . " J I , reli nor pre wh. ne\ din chc Pl Bl off• cor bw old gw i.nJi ' cos Frc bu• fer Ch bu. the edi Ge pa! Ge mi ·o kid COl Ha lau "& Du if t Ha or be1 I an1 bo en1 tht en. tht I "EA SJ>f I got W8 wh for COMMENTS& CUR19.SITIES . Easter bunny funnies I t is here. F.aster Sunday. It's a very pleasant hoUday, no? Aside from the enormous reUgious impUcadons, there are none of the stress-inducing pressures of some other holidays. which shall remain unnamed. A new outfit maybe. a family dinner on Easter Sunday, chocolate bunnies, spring Oowers. blue ~----~ skies -its all PETER BUFFA good. An outpouring of readers-as long as you consider three an outpouring - has asked that I dust off the ·abbreviated history of Easter· that I offered some years ago. Let's compromise, you Uttle chocolate bunny you. We'll do something old, something new, but all guaranteed to be unerly useless information, as always. Where do all those bunnies come from, chocolate and not? From other bunnies. obviously. but the rabbit wa.s a symbol of fertility thousands of years before Cl1rist. The first depictions of "Easter" bunnies appeared in Germany in the 16th century, and the first edible E-bunnies were also German. first offered as a sweet pastry in the early 1800s. The German ~migre's who we mistakenly call the Pennsylvania ·0u1ch" brought the idea of a kid-friendly Easter bunny to this country. They called it •Oschter Haws," which means "the oyster laughs." No it doesn't. It means "Easter rabbit " Pennsylvania Dutch children were taught that if they were good, the Oschter Haws wouJd steal into their barn or garden and leave a nest of beautifully colored eggs behind Boys would leave their caps and girls would leave their bonnets in a strategic place to entice the F.aster Bunny to use them as a nest which, amazingty enough, he always did Speaking of oysters, why do they call It "Easter?" It's from an Old English word "Eostre" which means. "we can't spell." lbat's a Ue. F.ostre was the Anglo-Saxon goddes,, or spring and her festival was a celebration or rebirth. which makes it a logical ancestor for the Ouistlan holiday of SM COMMENTS, Paa• M TIEPIDr LFE&l.EISURE Cuba la moving to meke · tourtam lta rNln CMh crop and, II OM N.wport COUpM obMfved In their rtcent trip to the ialend nation. tt'4>M WIMing to tf'8\191 tt*'9 lhould Mow .. , the facts befof9 P'9 tt*'9. ,...Al FOIUI l.oc81 plltor Mite Erre aheree hit thooghta on wtiv e ...... 11Md\8n tfnl)Oft8nt eYlftl for the Chrildeft ...... ,...,,. .. ~ SUNDAY EDITION • • ai l ··O Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 APRIL 20, 2003' SUNOAY STORY PrlM~S B( or .... £.ACr< Sahar Barkzay, 6, eats as her morn. Manna Barkzay, talks to her. The family has been struggfing to get the proper care for Sahar. who 1s autistic Waiting for her voice Afghani family living in Costa Mesa faces much hardship while coping with an autistic child Lolita Harper Da1lyP1lot H er big bl'O\~m eye., teU her ~tory They gleam when -.he ,., lauglung. They glare when she is angry. They tear up when she is sad. Sahar Barlo.ay·., eye.. arucuJate her emo· lions because her autism suile-; other fonm of commu· nication. Thursday. the 6-year-old's ~'l"> were '>ilytng she was in pam. Her gaze would dart from Ooor to ceiling. flut- tering her long lashes \~1th each movement. as ~e grabbed her left ear with both hand5. "I don' th.ink she is feeling very well. mother Manna 8arla.ay said Ml think she ha'i an earache. Of course she Is not able to tell me th.is but I see her touching her ear." Ear aches are common for Sahar and many autistic children, as are sever aUergi~. gastrointestinal prob- lems and seizures. Marina Barlo.ay wd she would take her daughter to the doctor that evening -a common outing for the mother-daughter prur because of the autism and Sahar's compromised immune system. FYI Those wishing to contnbute to the Sahar Baruay Fund can send donations to: Sahar Barbay, C/O Skosh Monahan's, 2000 Newport Boulevard, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 or call (949)548·0099 For the fir;t 11 month!. of her life, Sahar developed like any other child. Her first word ~ spoken then but the rest never followed. Barlczay said she started to rec- ognize a lad, of development and talked to a pediatn- cian • 1 wa.'> sure ll was senous." she ~d. • 1 JUSl me\\ somethmg wasnt nght • Although the mother had her IJ\Stincts. pedlaoioans ~re reluctant to diagnose Sahar. They srud she was a happy. energeoc. healthy little gut and Barta.ay should not worry. · FINDING SOMETHING WRONG At the prompting of friend$ and child behavioral professionals. Barb.ay took Sahar to a speaahst when she was 4. It was then she was diagnosed as autistic. Sahar Barkzay, 6, draws pictures of flowers in her Costa Mesa home. The Ba.may l3mily emigrated to the Uruted States from Afghanistan. Marina came from Kabul and her husband from Kandahar. Shonly after Marina ,oined her husband in America. Sahar wa.<. bom Four years later, they learned their daughter was autistic. "It was very haJtl at the beginrung. • 8arlczay said. ·1 had waited so long and 1 could have bttn helping her before· See VOICE, Paa• M SPCllTS TOP STORY Pursuit of eggs-cellence Newport Dunes Waterfront l\esort hosts its 12th annual Easter Egg-stravaganza. 0Hpa Bharattt ( o.iyP110t NEWPORT BEACH -They ay I& to run. 'tbu hmYe to remember lO run wry fast. Ooo\ 16M your c:clrQlltrltion. Don\ ltop to look It wM( IOmeOne -IOL btrun. Thengnb. And dol1'l ~ to run. With tt... UIC.1Q. • ~at; Ind • ... ,...A7 ......... ,tl/UlllOT <Hdrin r.ct It the ...... Plewport°"* &saw Ea Haft S• ., ....... AZ ~· •J 20, 2003 NEWPORT BEACH Close call on conflicts for commissioners The city's Hatbor Commission got a tessan ln conflicts of interest after the city attorney realiud just how close some of the commission's busines,, is tq the co~iooers~ pocketbook:& After a presentation on how to avoid confticts. a majority of colillllissioners decided it would be OK for them to vote on fire code violations of cominercial harbor permit holders. City. county and state officials are womng with environmentalists to make sure that boaters have convenient places to pump out their boat.s' sewage containers. The move comes on the heels of last fall's Orange County CoastKeeper survey that showed more th.an half of Newport Harbor's pump-out stations were out of order. Local scientist and entrepreneur Arnold BecJcman got a surprise for his 103rd birthday when neighbors in his Shore Qiffs development dedicated the community's private pa.it in bis honor. 8etlman is known for innovating laser technology and for donating generously to colleges, including for buil~ at UCL Corona del Mar native and Army 1st lieutenant Ryan T. Wtllliµns was deployed to Iraq last week. The 23-year·old West Point graduation will be part of a peacekeeping mission in Ki.rkuk. near the 1\.ukish border. - BUSINESS New establishment banking on small business A group of local financiers and business leaders are banding together to form a new bank. which will cater to small businesses and call Costa Mesa its home. Commercial Bank of California is scheduled to open May 12 in the former offices of imperial Bank in the South Coast Metro area of town. The group is led by former Newport Beach bank. executive Bala Balkrishna, Newport Beach homebuilder William 1..fon, Emulex chief Paul Folino and others. Bank.leaders plan to offer loans from $250,000 to SS million In other news, a new exotic car dealer opened on Harbor Boulevard. Newport European Motorcars, Ltd. opened earlier this month at the same dealership that housed the Auto Market of Orange County. That dealer, which also sold exotic sports cars. was shut down by the Drug Enforcement Agency in August. PUBLIC SAFETY AND COURTS Little nap triggers car crash, house damages No one was injured after a car crashed into a Newport Beach home on Wednesday afternoon. Police said the driver Roben Wood had fallen asleep at the wheel and swerved into the home in the 1700 f block of Candlesticlc lane. There were two-adults. two children and seven pets in the home. No one was bun. Wood was uninjured. but was taken to the hospital for a checlc up, officials said \\bods burgundy Cadillac Seville was damagPd in the front The home~ sufJered some damage. There were Wible aacb and window was broken. Newport BeAldl Police said they will neither file charges nor issue a citation They ruled that the lnddeot was an accident COSTA MESA Ladies and gentlemen, let the appointment process begin 1Wenty-six people want to scour over Oty Councll staff reports and stay up until the wee hours of the morning PHOTO OF THE WEEK Last Monday it started to pour down rain. A few of our outdoor photo assignments were canceled. also canceling . our front-page photo. DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT cameras under my neck while holding the umbrella irtcbes above my bead. The families walked by and J managed a few shot graphic rain shots. But no faces. I thought it could be better. Three of the Pilots photographers fanned out into the community hoping to find a nice rain feature to put on the cover. l went to an area where puddles pool up on Balboa Island Nothing doing there so I continued up to Fun Zone. J introduced myself to ooe of the moms who noticed I was struggling to keep my stuff dry while getting their names. While she wrote the names for me it freed my hands for a second, and right then the kids began to make faces at the rain and tried to catch rain drops in their mouth. Since it was spring break I figured some ldds would be out anyway despite the rain. I was right When I drove past Balboa Pier I noticed several blight colored rain jaclcets in the distance. I parked my car in a buny as the rain began to come down hard. This is what J hoped for. I walked with my gear baclc toward the pier huddJed under my umbrella. ll was raining so hard I had to hold my It was mostly and excuse to be silly in the rain for them, for me it saved the paper. As for the shot. the moment came when I least suspected. -Don Leach, staff photographer EDUCATION ~ Admittance on the rise at UC Irvine UC Irvine accepted 17,926 freshman srudents, a record number up 880 from last year, for fall 2003. The biggest admittance increase took place in the Henry Samueli School of Engineering, primarily due lO the addition of its undergraduate biomedical engineering program that will begin this fall. The number of students ad.mined into the school jumped about 637 since 2002, which is an extreme increase when compared to the admittance increase of about 58 students from 2001 to 2002. Seventeen students from Costa Mesa and Fstancia high schools spent Wednesday at Vanguard University for a few lessons on college life. For the second year in a row, Vanguard hosted a career day for local girls in Girls incorporated of Orange County, based in Costa Mesa. Vanguard srudents. faculty, staff and administrators gave the girls a tour of rhe campus and t:al.ked to them about how to get into college. The Harbor Council PTA. which focuses on the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. received accolades from the Califomi.a State PTA for more than its lobbying p~ The every first and third Monday as a replacement for former Mayor Karen Robinson. Robinson resigned Tuesday to become a Superior Court judge. The four remaining members of the council KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Soha Heidari, a student representaWe and sophomore at Vanguard lhversity, addresses gi1s from Gi1s nc. as part of the second arroal Cc*ge Day. Harbor Council was recognized in March as the most outstanding PTA in the entire state and as having tbe most outstanding involvement of teachers and administrators. Orange Coast College's grim fiscal situation for the 2003-04 school year, which college officials project would be a $3 million cut and would result in a loss of 1,000 course sections, may not be as bad as it once seemed. Than.ks to the statewide lobbying wiD start the appointment process at their Monday meeting, Councilman Allan Mansoor gave his Planning Commissioner Joel Faris a checlc for $100 to retroactively reduce efforts of farulty, staff and students on behalf of the 106 community colleges. state officials have begun to take a closer look at the disparity of their situation. oc.cs early retirement incentive progr.lm has also proved promising for the college's financial future. Division deam are now working on aeating three contingency plans in which they would restore $500,000, Sl million and $ l.5 million to the Fall schedule. Faris' campaign contribution and erase any perceived violation of the dty's conflict of interest code. Any campaign contribution over $250 is considered a conflict of interest in certain situations. Diily Plot NOTABLE QUO TABLES NHe ls an Institution. I don'r think atryOM In our arm has had a bl.,- lmpact on youth sports and hi8h school sports. He was the, guy." -IClrk Bauermeister. an assistant principal at Costa Mesa High, commenting on fonner Daily Pilot sports edJtor Roger Carlson This week. the 35-year Pilot veteran announced his retirement. "Oh. I was done way back when. I just didn't mail them out. Why should T? You pay when you owe.H -Mark Brinton of Costa Mesa. mailing out his tax forms at the Fairview Avenue post office on April 15. "I made a mi.stake. My opponent wants to stay o_n the Qinton issue. ~ voters want to hear about what we'll do for the future of Orange County." -Republican candidate Crlsd Crtltk:b said in response to criticism from opponent Oluck DeVore that she supported former President Bill Ointon in 1996. Cristich is one of four Republicans Vying to replace John Campbell in the 70th Assembly District. The primary election will be held in March 2004. "He believed thal everyone had the right to enjoy nature," said . "Hi.s life's work is embodied in the Upper Newport Bay preserve.• -Bob Causdn, a Baclc Bay defender, at a memorial service for Frank Robinson. More than l 00 said farewell to the long·tirne environmentalist who died April l 0 at the age of 84. "'It's 30 frames in all for one vehich. So there's a very small chana of missing." -Costa Mesa Police Lt. ICarl Schuler said of Costa Mesa's first red-light camera to be Installed at Harbor Boulevard and Adams Avenue. The new camera shoolS a continuous digital videoand is part of a move to curb red-light running. DailyAPilot . Coral Wiison Box 1560, Cotta Mesa, CA 92626. SURF AND SUN News auistant. (949157..,..298 Copyright: No news stories, coral.wfllOflOlatlmn.com Illustrations. editorial matter or l'H01'0GRAPHERS edvettitementa herein can be WEATHER FORECAST wtll build to 6 to 9 feet end SMn Hill«, Don Laectt, reproduced wlmout written winda will lddt up to 26 knots. Kent Treptow • perml11ion of copyright owner. Thia Eester Sunct.y brings VOL. 97, N0.110 READERS HOTUNE HOW TO REACH US high temperstu,.a In the low SURF THOMAS H. JOHNSON New.Edlton (948) M2-«>B8 Cln:ulation 70.. overnight will drop to Publlshef Gina Alexender, Lori Andereon, Record your comment.a ebout the The Tim" Orange County between 60 •nd 55 degreta Todey'1 turf la a lot like 10NYDOOERO Oenlel H'Unt. Peul Seltowltz, Delly Pilot~ news tips. • (800) 252-9141 with pat.tny drizzle end fog. 6etutdey1; weat· end Editor Dentel Steven. Addrale Adwttlllnt Monday wlll eee more drizzle south-feeing bNchet can atlll .AJO'( OETllNO NEWS STAFF Our edd,.... Is 330 w. Bey St.. eo.te c ......... (949) 642-5878 ~.a=;:r ~ (9491642-4321 with cooler high1; tempt In the el(pect weltt· to chest-hight C4ime'=reo~tt1r, M .... CA ~627. Office hot.Ire ere lower eo.. E>q>ect thie eort of todl'(. The ttandout 9pota wlll Mondey-Fridey, 8:30 e.m. -S p.m. Edltortel Promotlohl Director (948)57 .... 2 Cot twctione Newa weather to ltldt eround until ... tome lhoulde..trigha. ._.bMratttellltlma.oom It It tM Piiot'• policy to promptly (9481842-M&O Tueeday evening. n,.,. wtll be • mix of ...... =1•• OOl't'«t 111 enore of subttanoe . 8Pott9 (M) 57~23 lnlom'9llon: aouthweltt tnd northwMt9 ~cell (949) 7&M32.4. Newa,.. (949) 848-4170 www.nws.nou.gov ~our._., Mondey. Ntwpoft report.er, 8'om Fu (948) 850-0170 a>mNQ ITJUltl (948) 174-4232 m !-mail: dallypilotetatlma.oom 1'UMdey'a atlll loob u .c-. }U,,..t»N(lrant#•"'t/,,,_com The Newpolt ~ M ... Mein<>Moe BOATING FORECAST promltlng. ~ng Ecfftor, ...... Cllnllllft Delly Piiot (USPS-1.w.800) .. ........ OMcie (949) 842-4321 --: 1M li7.wz33 Polltk:e.and environment reporter, .....,,.... Fu (949) 831-7128 The winds wlft blow 10 ~ www.au ~ .org a,J.QIMO f«Hrw.com (94817e.M330 pubClthed deify. In Newport 8..c:tl or Jn the Inner~ .......... paul.dlnton ehttlmM.oom end co.ta Meet, ~btcriptlons ere TIDES a.y!dMDf, .-41t.btt only by tubecrlblng to Th• 1.foot WW. •nd • LolllH91per la~ tM11 Of .ii fwiet. Not rmAd\ wtll ,...,~ Columnltt. cultu,. reponer, Tim. Orange County (800) dMlnge fn the evening. though Time ..... ~·"""'-«>m 252.-9141. In.,.... outaide of (IM8)57~75 ~ 8Mch and CON Melil. Che swelle wlfl com. from Che 7:14•.m. -,12fMtlow JoMJ. ...... lolita haq»rfl"1tlrr-.com ~end PetchVfog wtn 1:5ep.m. 3.llfwt~ M Oirecmr,,... o..t OMf, eublcripdont to the o.lty Pilot ttt .... ,"""'"' ~,....,._ ev1ll1~ only by flrlll ei ... mell fM PublltMcl by Tlme1 Community bulldln. t:oep.m. 2.31 fMtlOw P...,.,.•~oom • eo.t. M99f ~. (948) 17~21 S30 per month. (flrlcte lndude •II N.wt, • d iv1elon of the Lo9 A~ Out fal'Nr, Che 12:31e.m. S.ottMlhlgtt ... Miii) .. ~,,...,..,.,,.hitf"*-COm ~"'-b141 t1ttt11 •nd locel .... ) rlmee. ~ wtnOt wltf bloW . "'°'°...,.. ""*'· a.MllM C..tlo POSTMASTE": stnd addt ... . 10.., 20 ""°" with 2· to &-foot WATER TE.MPERATURE (M)7M-Qi8 Education,...,,..,, (M) &7«2ee ~to The NMpoft C2002 Tl,.,. CN. All tleht• MWI and I 'Miit fW9ll of 5 to ~.,.,,,,..com · ~,,..ClllrlHoe#ttm.oom ~Mela O•llV Piiot. PO. ~. 1 r...1n.,,. fte.lk.g • .w.Me Sldegnee ' v ~ -----------~ ........ --_..--...__..._ ------ Daily Pilot LOOKING BACK Fllf PHOTO DAILY PILOT A cleanup crew wofks to dispose of oil refuse along the beach after the 1990 spill from the ship Amencan Trader. · Orange County's worst oil spill Lolita Harper Daily Pilot P eriodic beach closures are notlung Ol"W along the Newport Beach coa.!>t but none compare to the massive clisaster of the 1990 American Trader oil spill. The American Trader tanker that ran aground Feb. 7. 1990. caused lhe wor>t spill in Orange Councy history, coating the beach~ of Newport and Huntington wtth thick. slick crude oil The o~ ian.ker was reported to have run over us anchor. puncturing its hull and ~pilling an estimared 416.598 gallons of crude oil Dozens of workers dressed m haz.atdous marenal swL'> hned lhe ~ tryUlg valianliy to cJam !he oil from the surface of the water and save !hC>lliallCb of butls.. Gty and county offiaab later sued tanker owners Brithh Peaoleum and Attransco. The case was divlded into two componenL<.: recreational and biological impat"t!.. The recreational component of the ca5e went to tnal, where n Jury awarded the UUM~ SI l2 million. lhe biological component of the case was !>ettled out of <.'Oun for $2,884.566 for bud and li'>h related illjwies. plw. an adwtional $300,000 for water polluoon monitonng pmJl'll'>. ·n,e American 1 rader oil spill wa.-. the WOl">t 111 t.,outhem CalifomJa m 20 vear.;. ·· Auy Gen. Bill l.OCk)-er <,aJd after the ..enlement \\'a') announced. '"Thi~ -.et1Jemcn1 brinh.., Jong-'>tanding litigaoon over the en"ironmental disa!.ter to a rlo* and pl'OVldes a majority of the $16 milUon for unpn:J\cmenL'> to beachc.~ water\vays and other roa.'>lal recreauonal aJ"e""as 111 Orange Cnunty. 1lus *lllement <1bo lea""l"> int.ad important legal precedent for coa .. tal protection that will be .,1grnficant m pro<;eCUnng futun' oil ~p~l ~ • LOOKING BACK runs Sundays Do you know of a person place or event that deserves a h•stoncal Looi( Bad<? Let us !\now Contact James Meier by rax at 1949) 646-4170. e-mail at 1ames meter a lat1mes com or mail her at c.o Daily Pilot 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627 State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon I~ :y llf) 1:19 ;1 >1,fi il'i111J ;ld;tJi 11 M ::t;l3 ii COMPLETE IMOI REPAIR TONI UP Same Owner Since 1965. 38 Years m Costa Mesa THI CAllBRITOI SHOP IRC. 2945 Randolph Ave CBrist0I & B.lkerl 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 We Repair Gross Polluters ~ BROWN & CHARBONNBAU, LLP •Custody •Support •Adoption ..., ....... _ ..... ·•9111an1We • OOlllp ..... ,, Lane change triggers pileup Man suffers major injuries and is taken to hospital Saturday. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSlA MfM -One man '>Uf- fere<l major m1wies in a ?>even-ve hide crash on the San Diego Free way Sarurday morning. Cahfomut I lighway Patrol officials said. Sorlddy ""'" 20. 2003 Al , ~ • • " :A The incident happened before noon when a chain reaction was cnggered by one of the veh1d~ making an unsafe lane chan~e south of Bristol Street. said Cl IP officer Steve Ucon. A California Highway Patrol officer inspects a vehicle that rolled over during a ~e11en car pile up on the southbound San Diego Freeway south of Bristol Street. "No S1gAlen was 1~ued."' he said. ··we were ahle to keep all the lane~ open ·· One man a p~<,enger \\'ho wa<, in a hlad. I londa <;port ulll - ity vehicle that was broadsided, wa., t'>.tncated from the vetude and tran-;ported to Western Mediral Center m Santa Ana Othe" '>uffered cuts and brua~es lwu·1 lorre .... dnver of one of the vch1de'> involved in the atc1 dent, had ":rapes on hie; lnee aml a bnu-,e on his elbo\ ... 'l\ly car-. ..ill m~ ... ed up." he ~ucJ. •·ttut It< ouJd"ve been wor,c.· I'm glad I'm not all that hurt ·· I dd1e An•chga. a pa-.\t•rby. said he tried to help the man who wa'> '>tuck in the '>lN. "I .,,1\\ the car '>pin around. hke, three or four time,, he '>aad ··11 wa<o horrible. I would never want anything It.kl' this to h..ip- pen to me· Co.,ta Me"a Fire offic1JJ'> re- '>ponded to the call with a re.,rne truck.. Traffic was !'>lowed for :!'l minute'> and began to nm, lrel'lv c,hortl\' aflem ard "'o rno1'1' .. • ~vtlcf· , ,,. 'Jn" 1 fO . ._.tov ..... · ~.p.J . ..t' Frrs tN .. Dail} Pilot Tea & Sy111pathy f11gli~/, lf•11 Houm & (,·ift Shop --~-• Cbildrtn's Tea Panics •Catered Teas to Go ~i;i~~· Baby & Bridal Showers • Spotted Dick Sponge Gkc Lun ch Served Mon-Sat ll :OOam -4: 15 pm 949-645-4860 iJfitl ... WCllW~lllllli"l:I!~ JOLI~ 8alon 6 8pa • Ha.r Solp Truunent • Na1Js .._.~ ......... • M.tkeup • Wax & 8 r.111lhan Wax • nci.tl$ bellabella SA L ON r.,,"'O' Leng1tl ro ellf~ 1 I Al!emo Ufe SITOIQhten'r'og Svt•am SA LON HOUtS ' """Cl!Jlo 5cJVm. " 'l't -~:.rm. 2721 E COOS1 HIQhwoY Sota 204 C0tono dej MOf CA 92oi!> 949 723 4048 •Large Velh.wnl •Cad Plotdng •Le. Bond Copa &mall your ;,lot fllu to"' ot lagunaprlntOeortltllnlc.nd M up A Dehay• FaA Qu.llty Savb PrwdfJi Smm, YoM SIMC J"4 11.·. ~(t(' 7~ ~,.,14it, YM"W/4IMI Z / Now ()pea S.turdljs lagumPrlnt I I I I ( j \ I . I ; • 'I I I I I 82&9~:a 1 ITTm llASE 252-IWllOll Rft. COSTA MESA TAICISSM un fAll 111. ro MA1101 iL10HARow010D PLUSHeeeARPET a ~ $699 r::···:. $169 • •.• "\.ii ~-, ·: .... INSTALLED! ~· Travertine '8" ~ • s·. . Ceramic Tile Laminate Wood '4.29 "S'i ~ ...,_ 14.99 '4.99 . ENTER TO WIN Mother /Daughter \ =i· • ~ l·ea1 / u ·u d Pc.1111pcr1ng Join us Mon J l \ lc.. , ·h 1·0•Yl 6 30- 8 30pm Winners wir 1 ancJ 3 free oi~. hors d'oewres will oc 'Vt 1 Send us your entrtts along wtttl • phOIO YU mill OI emill UJ It lmagtmlont tslxglobM.net , 25 I 5 E PCH Corona Del CA 92625 9• .... 7S-SSll -----~-_,.----~~--.._.--........... -~-------·------------,..---=--------~------.. ......------- M Sunday, Apnl 20, 2003 VOICE Continued from Al Jack Ant.ho~ an attorney who represents the family pro bono and worb with them to gtet the proper setvioes needed &om the public school system, said eady lntmention is alwzys the most ef. recttve. Studies show 1t children begin to receive trUtment befo~ age 3, they are more likely to •re- CCMJ: .. Anthony said. Anthony placed no blame on the parents for a lack of early in· tervention. He sald medical pro· fessionals are generally reluctant to make a diagnosis because they either haven't spent enough time with the child to recogniz.e the ' symptoms or th~ are not equipped to take on the re:pon- sibility that co~es with making such a detennination. · "As long ~ parents keep hear· ing positive things from medical professionals, they believe them because they want to." Anthony said "A parent doesn't want to be- lieve anything is wrong ~ith their child" LONG DAYS, LITTLE REST Today, to provide Sahar with what she needs, Marina Bark:zay works tirelessly. to accommodate her daughter, while her husband works long hours to keep the family above water. Barkzay's day begins at 6 a.m. She wakes Sahar to bathe her, dress her and feed her before the school bus arrives at 7, "Some mornings it is just so hard because she just doesn't want to get dressed or she doesn't want to eat" she said. "She will just stand there. She likes to dress up but she likes to do it on her own time -not on my schedule." Barlczay sends her daughter off to school and then gets herself ready for work. She often cooks 111 the morning so lunch will be ready when s.lhar returns home from school. She then leaves for her job with the Orange County Department of Education, where she works half days. "I have to work haJf days be· cause I have not found anyone who can take care of her." Baric- w.y said. "It is hard enough for 230 East 17 St.• Costa Meso (949) 722-7224 www tu~$0ndco .com 1 • TAX RULES FOR NON-PERSO NAL RESIDENCES? By Dav~ WOng When we sell a property chac 1s not a pcrson.J rc:s1dcncc. our i:scrow officer muse withhold from the procct:ds a total of 3.3% of the gross selling pncc vid send it to the California Fr.a.nch1sc Tax Board. We'll look ac chc kinds of sales which arc exempt from this rcqwrcmcnt m a scp.uatc column. They're tmportam. because they can form thc basis for a plan to avoid this tax requirement. In the currcm column, we arc looking at the how to satisfy this reqwrcmcnt (when chcrc arc no alternatives to doing so). At the end of escrow, your escrow officer is required co send the appropriate form and a check for 3.3% of the gross selling price of the property. The penalty for not doing so is I 0% of the amount that was due or S500-wh1chcvcr is greater. What if chcre isn'c enough money from the sale proceeds ro cover che 3.3% requirement? The seller will have to come up with the money dicwhcn, and await a rcfun~ baxd on the next }'ttf 1 state income tu rctUm. For a ,ooc1 mean reasons, mu liw ihould mocjvatc us all to plan our purCh and a.la of iW'Utmcnt proputics with gtar an .and with me assistance of out tiu and real t:atc advuon Just call me at ' 9'49-.5J3·1200 or vi~it my web.ice. ac davcwonr4.com or oncfordroad.com. 06' WC,"' ,,., """ «llini homo ,,, Nnt'/'!"! Bnd 1/Jw l!J89•"411 wr'dl c..t ~,, flrVl"'inJC,.IJp/J &rWr. ~ ' me to take care of her." Baib:ay comes borne for lunch and lies down for a mo· ment's rest because she ls usually •rea11y. really tired .• " lbe sald At 12:25 p.m. the school bus returns Sahar and the duo eat lunch together. "On a really good day we go to the park." Barb.ay said. "Outside she is OK. but it is not always possible.• Other days the two. go shop- ping, run errands, visit friends or pay bills -all of which are ex· ttemely difficult tasks with an autistic child in toe, Bafkzay said "She must go everywhere with me, if I leave her with someone, she does not do well, M she said. After the outing the two return for a dally do.se of music, writing and other educational activitiet1 untifabour4 p.m. ·And then I get back to cook- ing. .. Bartzay said A LOVE OF MUSIC Thursday Sahar lay lifeless on the leather couch but did not fully abandon her musical time and crooned soft, melodic moans as she cradled her ear. The small family lives in a modest one-bedroom apartment off Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. The living room is surprisingly clean considering it doubles as the playroom for a young child. The floor was decorated with or- nate rugs and the walls were adorned with family pictures. On a side table sat a mold of Sahar's tiny hand and on the bottom shelf of the facing bookcase were the child's musical plaything!>. "She loves music," Marina said, grabbing for the medium- sized bongo drum, noise makers and a keyboard. "This is what we usually do in the afternoon when she is feeling well. I can tell she i~ in pain because she never passes up the chance to make music • She is really so smart, Barla.ay says, as if she needed to con- vince anyone in the room. "Most things 1 know she understands and she is really, really good," she said. One afternoon, Sahar dressed up three times within an hour and put on her mother's shoes and beautiful dresses. Barlczay laughed because she saw how COMMENTS Continued from Al Ea.steL Ever wonder how they decide when Easter will fall from year 10 easy it was for Sahar to dress her- self when she wanted to and couldn't help con~t it with the usual, conflict-laden, morning routine. Other times the 6-year-old will prop open the fridge, pull ou t some eggs, get out a pan and make herself a snack. Barlcz.ay said. Sahar loves eggs "She likes to be independent," the mother said of her daughter. AN ADVOCATE ON HER SIDE But as much as Sahar can ac· complish. she is so far behind and it is a daily struggle to irn· prove upon her communication and behavior skills. That is where Anthony comes in. Anthony will represent Sahar during a formal meeting with the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, in whkh the Barkzay family will request additional services. Anthony said Sahar is displaying dir.,turbing behaviors year? By the time I get through, you'll be sorry you did. Easter can falJ on any Sunday between March 22 and April 25. It all depends on that year's "paschal moon." The paschal moon, as if you didn't know. is SUNMIST SPRAY TAN 'SPA Spray on your tan in secant/SI 50% OFF I 1st Session $15 Value • I ' I J THESE NEW FAB RICS Will APP EAL TO EVER YONE . ·~ALDEN'S AOOI ~ A.\Cl (lATIJll WIHtX"-' t.l1t'lll!O 1 '63 '1aatfttia, Ca.ta Mm ,., ,., 4139 Tht soft ~ o( 'lpttt' ~ shacifias """' tome in Une NW~ thit .ppeel \0 Mt°)'Onl· CotN .. them todly. -.!'... ............. : ............ "··· .,.,, .. ,,, ..... ""' • PHOTOS BY DON L~li/ DAll..V PILOT I Above, Marina BartQay watches as her 6-year-old daughter, Sahar, draws at the family's table. Sahar, an Afghan refugee, was diagnosed with autism. Left, Sahar Barkzay, 6, relaxes on the couch. while at school that disrupt learning for the entire classroom. Her communication slcilJs are lacking and she will grab cray· ons. toys or food from the hands of her peers. Anthony. and Jessica Pastil, the clinical director of Autism Spec- trum Consultants, believe Sahar would benefit greatly from an in· dividual aid in the classroom, as well as continued speech and occupational therapy. "We are going to appear before the district and ask them to vol- untarily provide the services we strongly believe Sahar needs," Anthony said. Sepresentatives from the school distiict could not be reached Fri· day. Anthony stressed the two are not at odds with each other and said the local district is one of the most compliant in the county. Services provided by the school will not be enough to push Sahar toward recovery. Pas- til says. Many parents of auusllc the lunar cycle that produces a full moon on the vernal equinox -March 21st -or the fir..t fut I moon thereafter. Dizzy yet? Hang on. ~·re almost done. Easter is the next Sunday after the 14th day (full phase) of the paschal moon. Well, ok then. Any questions? I hope not. What is the preferred dish for F.Aster dinner'? 1f you didn't say "ham,· go to your room. It is one more holiday tradition that the early New England settlers borrowed from their Native American neighbors. A springtime planting festival was an annual Indian rradioon. They would party hardy for day&, feasting on a selection of smoked meats that had been salted and stored through the winter. The settlers took a bite, went bonkers and tried their own version with the most plentiful meat they had -pork. And thus was born the ham dinner on Ea.ster Sunday. So what's with all the eggs, especially the colored ones? Simple. ~ have been a symbol of the cycle of life since ancient times. The Romans, Persi~ and Otlnese all painted and decorated eggs dunng their spring festivals. There's also a wonderful Polish legend about coloring Easter eggs. Supposedly, Mary offered eggs to the Roman soldiers at the foot of the aoss. appealing to them for mercy. As her tears fell on the eggs. they were transfonned in brilliant colors. In England, the household records of Edward I in the year 1290 sh\)W an entry of 18 pence for '50 eggs to be gold-leafed and colored as Ea.ster gifts. Thirty-seven dozen eggs for 18 pence! Those were the days when a pence was a pence, dad·gumrn.it. In a recent survey of Americans' favorite Easter egg . colors. 35% on those who responded &a.Id blue was their Cavortte. FJgbteen peroent saJd pwple. 1 ~ pink and ~ gi-een. Yellow and red tied at 6"' each. Sixty-four percent aald they 1 their Pater qp. and 224'{, saJ they throw them out. 1Wo peroeot .ta they Just Jet them 80 bad 1bat'1 mo~ than we need to know, thank )'OU. What about F.aster baslr.e~? In Europe. Catholics would pul the maJdnga of their Easter dinner in a ba.sbt and bring It to mass that morning to have lt blessed In the lat centwy, the bukel evolved Into a candy and chocolate affair for the lckt.'I. Tut buketa would be walling for them when they got blck home. left behlnd by you know who , • with tho big ears and the lhUndet dilp. ' What aboul ~ ..-1 No one II an~whae that Mined. but • German children are well aware thal it ls a very co.;dy p~ to provide the boun of pecial programs, both in ~ home and out. and lO find the right doctors. clinidans and therapJst.s. Thls Is all in addi· tion to the sheer time tt takes to we for and love and share mting memories with an autisdc child. SUPPORT FROM THE COWMJNITY For a family with a dght budget, those frills are few and far between. If not for the do· nated services of Anthony and Pastil, the Barlczays would simply go without. "It is definJtely ha.rd.'' Bark:zay said. "It is really. really hard." In honor of National Autism Awareness Month, which both the cities. of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach recognized with _ proclamations, area parents ·of autistic children have formed a fund for Sahar. Councilman Gary Monahan, who is also the father of an autistic son, has volun- teered his business as campaign headquarters. (No1 an unfamiliar title for the popular Irish pub.) "People have appreciated that the Barlczays don't have the funds.• said Anthony, who first was introduced to the Afghani family through his wife, Ouis- tina. "I know appreciate the need of the family." Sahar need!> medicine, special diet fQods and speech and be- havioral therapy, Olristina An- thony said. The family is poor but very proud and college edu- cated, she said. "With these she has a chance of a productive life." she ·said. "Without them !>he is destined for a lffetime of care, given in- home or in an institution." Barklay re~ the long-tenn benefits of such speciali.Led serv- ices but ru. she sits and strokes her daughter's 1hick. daric hair on a gloomy Thwsday afternoon. her plea is much SLmpler. "I 1ust want her 10 be able to tall. to me,· Barlaay ~d. • LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wedne5days and Fridays and covers culture and the arts She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or bye mail at lol1ta harper a/at1mes com storybook in 1682 includ~ a tale of a rabbit that produced colorful egg!> and hid them in a garden. Large bonnet!> and bright clothes are another long-i.tanding symbol of the end of winter and the arrival of spring At the tum of the twentieth century, families would gather for a stroll dO\~ "the boulevard" to show off their • unday best." Some cioes are trying to revive the custom. ln New York. Fifth Avenue is dosed to aJI traffic on Easter Sunday and the street teems with families, baby !ltrollers and dbgs -with plenty or bonnet5 on the babies and bunny ears on the dogs So there you have it. Enjoy the day, savor the season. and if ~omeone pull> raisin sauce on your ham, eat it anyway. It's Ea.'>ler. I gotta go. PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • 8ematd S1rMt Md Harbor Boultvard: Orlnldng In public waa reported et 9:40 a.m. Friday. • Matol Sti'Mt Grand theft was reponed In the 3300 blodc at 4 p.m. Frtday. • Hamilton StrMt A prowler waa reponed In the 400 blodc at 4:60 a.m. Friday. • Harbor 8oul9Yllrd: Forgery was repol1ed In the 3000 blodc at 5:05 a.m. Friday. • Meyer Pl8~: Sale of a controlled Jubstarice was r'eported In the 1900 blodc at 10:45 p.m. Friday. NEWPORT BEACH • F9mendo Strwt: Petty theft was reported In the 300 blodc at 6:54 p.m. Friday. • Udo Partt Drive: A boat burglary was repor1ed in the 700 blodc at 2:05 p.m. Friday. • Northampton Court Vandalism was reported in the 100 blodc at 7:59 a.m. Friday. • <>c:.an Boulevard: A burglary was reported in the 1700 blodc at 1:18 p.m. Friday. • Sen Miguel Drive: A htt-and-run was reported in the 2600 blodc at 12:19 p.m. Friday. • s .. shore Drive: Grand theft was reported in the 4000 blodc at 1·01 p.m. Fnday. • 30th Street and the beech: Petty theft was repor1ed at 12:38 p.m. Friday GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For Information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. WELLNESS COMMUNITY OF ORANGE COUNTY The Wellness Community needs volunteers to help at the reception desk dunng the day (7141258-1210 WEST SIDE BOYS &GIRLSCLUB Volunteers are needed from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays to tutor students In first through sixth grades in reading. (949) 631-n24. WOMEN HELPING WOMEN The local organization provides suppol1 for needy women to become self-sufficient by gaining employment. Volunteers are needed in the organization's Professional Clothes Closet to assists clients and sort clothing. The organization Is at 711W.17th St .. Suite A-10, Costa Mesa. 19491 631-2333. Hugh J. Plumb Jr., M. D. Or. Hugh J. Plumb Jr. died Apf1I 9 of cancer at his home at Regents Pdnt In Irvine. He was 83. In 1951 Or. Plumb opened a pec1atJk pracUce In Newport Beach. By 1970 It had beoome ttle latgMt In c.itfomla. He took great pleuura from hit mec:lctl practice and the friendlhlpa ht m8da there. His kind and catfng manner was long ramembenld by hit patients and their motheta. To the end of hit llfe, many would atop him on the ltrMt to reminisce. and ht delighted In theM visits. Dr. Aumb allo hed • aubatantiel Impact on the overd practice of medicine In Orange County. He WU Chief of Staff at Hoag Holpttll and Prnldent of both the °'8nge County Medical AssoofaUon and the Southwestern Pediatr1c ~-He Ml'ved on the board of dlrectora of Blue Cf'OM and WU lnltrumen\al In the development of the medlclll tchool at UCI. The ton of Huah J. Plumb and Ft"llndl Adami Plumb, Dr. fltumb Wll borli and rlllMd ll Tustin, where NI grwidfathlr P.T. Mirna had Nttled In 1887. He attellded Slrrta Ana College aid UClA, end ~ hll M. 0. from USC. He W8I mam.d to M'I Oowdt Plumb n 1143. A wondeff\.11 wtt. and moch«. •died 1n 1 m er. Pbnb 119'.tMYtd by* ttw"ee ctti'ln and hlr 'POI w: Oavtd and ~ fltumb of Ednl. MN; ow.. Ind .... om..y of s.n, OR; Stwt end Ctndy Plumb of~ CA. He hid ttve p1dchlkhn and Ont grMt gnr~ A mtmoftal Mrvtoe wtl be held at 1;00 p.m. 1.4 at St.~ ~ auctl, 800 St. Andrtw't Rold, In~ 8Mdt. TM fln1ly requeltl thet ~.,. Mnt to 1he Chlldren't ·~ of F~ Of~8t.~ Youth ~'\""F ... r • . .. ' -....... '' J , I ~ "' ,,. Dally Pilot CHECK IT OUT Fertilizing a Green ThUmb. A pril showers might bring May flowers, but they'll need some support from urban gardeners for the showiest yield. Those intent on helping n ature along can fertilize their green thumbs with resources from Newport Beach Public Libraries. Especially applicable for locals is Robert Smaus' "Answers for California Gardeners." ln this compilation of gardening Q & A,s, the former Los Angeles Times garden editor reveals what plants thrive in particular situations. how to prepare native soiJs, when to cut perennials and how to manage pests and weeds. Learn secrets for cultivating early 1omatoes, banishing snails without poison and keeping cats out of flowerbeds in his roundup of horticultural solutions. If you're just getting your feel wet in creating a dream garden, avoid potential nightmares with Tim Newbury's "20 Best Garden Designs." In a slim volume aimed at gardening neophytes. the winner of three Otelsea Flower Show medals presents designs for a range of tastes and pockets. Included are plans for a stream garden. an Oriental-themed design. a lush .. . . ' ., f t \, ' f"•. ;. ''. __ .. - ,.,,,; ... /i.'itO•• •1 ' .. L_ ::-.a~ courtyard area and a long. narrow p£ot. Just have a balcony for your crops? You can still enjoy juicy tomatoes from the vine and fresh -picked com using techniques from "The Patio Kitchen Garden." Even a sunny window can provide fertile ground for an herb garden, salad fixings or edible nowers. according to author Daphne Ledward. Space-challenged condo-tlweUers can unearth additional inspiration for dazzling displayi in "Hanging Baskets." Find colorful spring and summer planting themes for container gardens in Jenny Hendy's project collection. If you're interes1ed in growing flowers or vegetables from scratch. check out .. Seed-Starting Primer & Almanac," edited by Vicki Mattern. Organized by month. this manual for organic-minded gardeners includes tips for creating healthy soil. making compost, extending growing seasons, bringing in birds and keeping out pests. Other ways to create a bird haven right outside your backdoor are in "Natural Gardening for Birds" by Julie Zickefoose and the editors of Bird Watcher's Digest. You can beautify your garden with additions other than plants. Discover over a dozen ways in "Pebble Mosaics" by Deborah Schn·eebeli-Morell and Gloria Nicol. From decorative window planters to a garden birdbath, there are original projects for combining natural See CHECK, Pa1e A7 Sunday, ~~ 20. 2003 A5 • ezsure TRAVEL TALES PHOTOS COURTESf OF '.:ARl MAPCOUX Travel in Cuba differs greatly between tourists and residents. One way to get around 1s pubhc transportation hke the horse-drawn carnage above. A closer look at Cuba By Carl Henry Marcoux Are you 1.hinl<ing about ~iting Cuba? There are a few thing; that you should consider before making up your mind. Fidel Cawo·s government has reorganized CubaS economy by making tourism the country's main economic engine. The Cuba authorities have undertaken ma.shlve publicity campaigns in Canada. :'v1e.xico and Europe seeking to encourage atizens of those countries to come to the island nation for vacations. U.S. citizens have been attracted to Cuba as wclL Despite our government's attempts to discourage Americans from traVeling to Castro's rountry. it is possible to make the nip by entering Cuba through an intennediary departure point. such as Canada. Kleenex and toilet paper are often m :.hon supply. ln many cases. the single bar of soap offered is about che size of the type dispensed by the cheaper motels in th.is country. Food tends to be repentious, co~.isnng generally of either fish. chicken or pork as the ma1Il course!>. acromparued generally by rice and beans. Family operations. called paladare:r., offer home-cooked meals and are superior 1.0 the state-run restaurants. if only for the courtesies that these small restaurants extend Mexico or one of its Caribbean neighbors. Additionally. the U.S. government has licensed certain sponsored tours by educational institutions such as Stanford. the University of California system and Purdue. USC is contemplating a similar group program later this year, we understand. My wife and I took advantage of the Stanford program for a Carl and Virginia Marcoux at the Orchid Farm in Saroa, Cuba. American traveleis may be put off co some degree by the lade of friendliness of waiters. bartenders and bellmen when one compares them with those that the tourist encounters in Mexico and Hawaii. for example. The fact is that many of these employees are profeWonals. such as doctors and engineers. They are forced to seek employment in the tourist mdustry in order to earn enough to feed their families. Unemployment generally. is widespread KAREN WIGHT two-~ tour covering the island's major provinces. Tourism. however. Is still in its early stages on the island Their five-star hotels presendy would be rated as three stars in this rountty. Items such as soap. The much-vaunted Cuban health program is suffering from the lade of adequate financing to maintain its sophisocated medical equipment Al this See CUBA, Pa1e A7 NO PLACE LIKE HOME Use your noodle to create easy dishes S pring. it's my favorite season: daylight savings time, warm weather. dining al fresco. And the more ttme I spend outside, the less time I spend in the kitchen. But that darn famiJy of mine. they still want to eat. Which means I am always looking for an easy meal to satisfy the tribe. Oh yeah. rm still usirtg the crock-pot. but sometimes I don't get organized enough to pull that off. The best back up? Pasta. Pasta has a lot going for it. You can buy it. forget you have it. keep it in the pantry for a long time and then let it bail you out when you have nothing else to fix for dinner. The kids never complain, it doesn't take long to make and the cleanup is easy. You gotta Jove pasta. Today, pasta is leap years beyond the spaghetti phase. You can buy spinach noodles. whole wheat noodles, artichoke noodles. rice noodles. bean thread noodles. noodles with herbs. garlic. sun-dried tomatoes. beets, pumpkin and many more. Pasta comes in big Oat lasagna style. tiny little orm bits. fat s~ skinny strings. curled. See HOME, Paa• A7 A little song, a little dance Richard and Elaine Lombardi produce "Cabaret 2003," a dinner theater experience at their Mama Rose restaurant. Cindy Benson started on Broad\vay as the comedy lead In •t..es MJs~bles." and was a tap dancing cat ln ·ea.ca.• The New York Tunes bas referred to her as another ludUo Ball. And she is just ooe of a telected few who have national and intemadon.al claim that are bdng chosen to entertairi the aUdimces in "cabaret 2003'" a new cabaret ~ne. tnat ttaned in~ Ml9i In March. ......... 2003 ..... ~Of "One woman in the audience told me she lost track of where she was and said she had to come back to reality:' -t Rldwd Umblnl Mama Rose restaurant <:INM.f year and a half ago." Lombllrdl a.id. •My wife and l love old IO ~ thought that there no p&.ce to go to IUCh u show with an Intimate atmosphere.• So he went to the drawing board t.o rtlNlCh how they could make tt ~· Lombirdl mew «he aiteria. • artists and decided to ptttent them on Wednesday nights because we can get better artists,· Lombanl said. "We ftgured either the performers the music dlrec:tors and accompanlsta would be more available mJdweek." A different artist pretentt t.Mtr special talent at each perfonnan<ie, IO it keept lt freab foe th• audience and varied-there will be 16 different artists ch per£otm1ng tbclr thaw. "In th1' format. f!Very allow is p«t.acular. • Loinb&rdi llid. "I've been ~ 150 performancea (audftlonal or more to try Md ftnd the US bM.. and IV. Couod the 18 .,._ lt'a a prepared ab.ow w.t lt pnwien and worb." The ftnt show aamd Anne K.my For4 do ........ hlil,. . d.nd '*"-'on....._., ID.,,.,,,., .. ~~---.... Mitt Kerry Ford, Richard lombircl Ind E'8lne Lombardi" front of the widd!n& picUI of Mama Rose, which hanls in tt. entrance of the restat.rant. It was liken after the first show on Match 12 in ""6th Ame sWTed. producen Jtk:hud and Elalne ~ lbe t'Wltt·moblb)y alicM .. lhetr ~.my M.m. RcMe ~·· '"The ldl!ll OltclnaJtV came llbolH I the1 wanted aahowcMe ..W....,...... &he belt.,....~ one..-• • • tlmit. bltnillal die en rarm o1 lndlMae ...... ., Olqt t'.'Aimlj. -we lttru!d kK>ktna lfT>Und h Jftmllre of lbe ...... ,.,. ... l:fydl·;enc11a.--.... . .... .... A7 -----~--~~0:.-...'-"---.-....-.. ... --......... -.-.._- ,. Sl.llday, Apr~ 20, 2003 'PATTY , HARVEY . (949) 219-2517 & MARIANNE NAHIN (714) 269-7851 BUYING OR SELLING A HOME? THE VALUE OF TWO PROFESSIONALS BACKED BY THE STRENGTH OF THE ROCK! Work with the Best Spedalizing in Closing Deals . Scholarship $ for NHHS Seniors BARVEY/NAHIN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Application Deadline Extended to April 23rd! • Prudential California Realty 23 Corporate Plaza, Ste.190, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Diane Coltrane, Broker (949} 836-3730 cell . Kathleen Dennis A.uistant FRANK J. GRUVER COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL CAI I FOR FREE SALES .aFIUATION IN YOUR AReA.HOME l!HHAHCBllNT GUIDE TIPS OR MAPS.· Ready to serve your real estate needs. Please call me at: 949.233.2392 MARY Lou KIEBLER BROKER Lido Park Realty "Ljdo Park Specialist" 601 Lido Park Dr., Suite 2-E Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 675-2700 Broker Real Estate Colle(Je Degree 949-760-6097 Daily Piot I ICKEY9;2~LIOTT . ' . MICKEYEUIOTI@>COLDWELLBAN~KE~~~t It Pays To Consult A Realtor/ • Fru no obligation m. uket value • Free buya-shopping Sp~ . appraisal and analysis ($500.00) upon bU}U ~ • Fru licensed physical-inspec- tion for buyers $4-00.00 value"' • Free new listings update hourly via email • Fru sales and market condi- tions in your neighborhood, hourly V1a email • Free home warranty policy for sellers $400.00 value* • Providing value to my clients in real estate for over 15 years • Free seller shopping spree ($500.00) upon lUting signjng0 •Satisfaction guaranteed! "It's aU about you!! Whm you drridr to bu1 or sell a homr, plemt talu thr timt tQ sir.down u111h mr . I would /QrJ( to show you how to savr tmu 11nd moflty in your real rsta" invrstmmt. " COLDWELL BAN KER "lt'smybruinnsto/nuJwthe"lli estate nutrltn. Profit from it!" STILL UNDISPUTED MARKET SHARE LEADER IN NEWPORT COAST 2002 Desiree M. Berry .f~tee wtth a Jnu4 Rr{M~ REAL ESTATE SERVICES (949) 720-7315 (949) 378-0513 desiree@desireeberry.com Mink Realty MAXINE MINK CRS, SRES Relocation & Seniors Specialist Office: 949.722 .8609 lb Dack .Day Re!_lty & FunclinJt PAM WARD BROKER ASSOCIATE "SATISFYING CLIENTS FOR OVER 10 YEARS" 949-235-2228 e-mail: pamwardnb@aol.com 881 Do~ Drive, Suite 380 Newport Beach A/,ice Brownell -Broker Associate "''"It' ,,, .. ,, I ''· ''' /-. Specializing in Balboa Island Direct Line: (949) 294-6495 Home Office: (949) 673-4547 Email· a/icebrownttl@mail.com -~ PREFERRED -Ri 1-"'0f H'TY f\ROKfR«i 2402 Michelson Or1ve. ~e 230 lrvh9. CA 92612 (:lJ Lora Vance Rg!~r •.= Specializing in: Sales & Rentals throughout Newport Harbor Cekbrating 26 Yt>ars Lora Vance Marlys Vasterling (949)673 -4062 (949)551 -6789 Fax(949)673-4062 324 Marine Ave., Balboa Island, Ca. 92662 Dayna Pettit ror your 14News around the neighborhood." "Covering Balboa Peninsula & Newport Beach" Bus. (949) 673-3899 Cell/Pgr. (949) 433-0998 Fax. (949) 673-6805 Cannery VIiiage Realty Inc. JACOBS REALTY John & Carol Jacobs, GRI Brolters 29 Yun in Newport Bus: 949-642-4400 John's Cell-463-9100 Carol's Cell-463-9400 joh ncarol. jacobs~11 shcglobal . net 11 COSTLY HOME Free ReDOd 1'8Y881s what you need to know before you list your h01118 for sale. P CTIOI PITFAllS FREE REC. MSG. 1 ·877 ·809·0314 10#1003 I\ I I I :"...: I I ( ) ~ I ) I ~I I{ I I . ( ) \ I I{~ As a professional Realtor in the c.aJifumia Desert, I would tovc to help you find your retirement home or a get-away property at a much lower cost than property in your area. I have been licensed for 28 ycan & working in the Desert fur the past 12 yrs. oovcring Palm Springs, Cathcdial City, Rancho Mirage, Palm Dam, liKlian Wells & La Quin • ra. na Dally Piiot EGGS Continued from Al CUnning strategy. maybe you'll end up with enough of those col· orful eggs to fill your F.aster bas- ket -just maybe. Oose to 500 egg hunters, in- ~uding 45 from the Orange County Interfaith Shelter woke up early Saturday and lined up by the water in Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort by 8 am. It was the resort's 12th annual f.a.ster Egg-stravaganza weekend kicked off by the egg hunt and pancake . breakfast followed by scores of ac· tlvities for children and families through the holiday weekend. Dotting the grass Saturday morning were about 5,000 egwi. Some had candy in them. Others had toys. A rew couldn't be opened. but they were still pretty CUBA Continued from A5 ume. only one of the two mammography machines on the bland L'> functioning. (',urrently. the ma1ori1y of the x-ray madline. employed in the !.)'Stem are u10pcratiw as well Much ha..'> ht-en ~id about the ath.'rnpt l1y the J,"flVemment to n."tol\' ~me of the old historical '>ltl-.. in I !av.ma. Artually. 1h~ pmjl'l1l> haw been M'iigruxl IO a loc-;.ll branch of the gwemmenl ;md it i~ not a high priori!y item. ~It irt' buiklin~ arc falling into further disll.'pair tlkm are in tlit> proct"~ of restoration. ·me 'v'Ulle conditions pn.v.UI in Santiago, tht• rnunuy·.., '>(:'(·011d nty. at the i5land'!'. ro-.tem eml An l"XCt.,->tion 10 thb gt'nt'rd.I nile i-. I !av.ma:., Mu.seum of Cuban Art. M.t.•n!Jy n:fa.irh1<J1ed and full of a 1n..uvelo~ coUooion uf tlw L.Jand's painting!> and '>CU.lptun .... hum l111· rm·-Culumb1an em to mo<..lt·m UllH"- A' a pn'\.-auticm. t<>Un'>L' i.hould dnnk and hrmh tht-'lr teeth only HOME Continued from A5 ... lwllt·tl. tubed: you 11J111t· 11. 1h1·v n\,tkt' II. 1'.1 ... 1a I'> hk<' a hl,111k l halkhoarJ. you rnn pul anything on it tu ~uil your mnod You <:a11 go Italian. I ha.i. chl'l'')' Amt·ncan, (}unt:~t· .. 111d "'kXJrn.n. If you keep a f Pw basics around hkt' olive oil. butter and mannara (go ahead and uw t.he '>llJIJ in the jar.. -it's good ) you can have a great meaJ on the table in 1 "> minute~. Some of rm favorite pa<,ta di~hc'i have been t rt'aled ou1 of dirt' nece,..,~tly a11d have ... 1ayed around. I haH· also made a ft:w d1i.he-. that weren't worthy of a st.-cond try. We won't tal k aoout tho'>e I tend lo Oy by the seat of Ill\' pant~ m the kitchen. I never wnte down a recipe and I liuow whatever i., in the fridge in tlw pot. ~o hear with nw while I ,hare a couple of my favonte fix!'~ \o\.ith you . If you re iotally out of fre'>h ingredients. you probably still have the makings for sp icy lnai noodles. I like the longer siring noodles for this. they seem lo hold just enough bur not too rnuch sauce. While the pasta is bmling. in a separate pot add chicken broth, a couple of gencrou-; spoonfub of peanut butter. a little soy i.auce and a liberctl dose of red pepper Oakes. Heat through and stir. When d1e pasta i'i cooked. drain and add the noodles to the peanut sauce, CHECK Continued from A5 materials and found objects In this guide for novice and experienced craftecs. Gardening can be a spiritual pursuit as well as a hands-on activity-a premise embraced ln "Inner Gardenlng." ff you're to Jook at. And If you got thoee rare. black eggs. you could ttade them in for $5. Ben Palitt didn't know thal He was so close to one. ~Someone else picked It up be· fore me." said the disappointed 5- year-old. "If I got $5, I'd put it In a fish tank ~d maybe it would have turned Into a pirate's dollar or something." Steve Martin. 9. was all busi- nes.s. "I lcnow who Steve Martin is," he said "But I'm not a funny guy." Steve managed to pick up nine eggs. "You have LO keep picking them up." he said. "You can't stop." Personally. he prefers toys to candy, "Candy' goes away too fast.• he said, with a stoic shake of his head. ~d1 bottled~ter. A supply of insect repellent C. a good investment as Wt'll Mosquitoes of vdlious typeS are everywhere. Evefl in the month of Mardi, still ronsi.dcred to be in the good weather sea'iC.m, the heat and humidity will be found oppressive by many. Politics contjnue to be a hot item with the Castro government All tourist l,'lllde. are state employet' Their responses to political 4ue5tiuns '\h.ould be measure<l accordmgty. While we wt'rt' thew. the gOllt'nunent accu...:'<i the U.S. lnten'!.Ls Section (nmendy perlonning amba....sadunal fwll'tioru. in lieu of the fonnal ru:ogrntion of liiat .,-wru., hy both cmmlrie.) of fo.t'('k1ng to Wldennine th<.· Castro n.'gime. Just recently. :.omc 49 Cubam in rnntact witl1 the U.S. facility w'cll.' a.CT'ettc.'<i. jaded and aaused of IIe'dSOn ll1e Communi.'il P'a.rty ha'> callt.-d fur the ciOS111g of t11e lnteres~ Se\.1.ion. Hdcl c ..a.">tr11 C. .,till totally 1..-omnutted to a progr.:1111 of a tight mntml of the country<. \_'C'Onomic, political and sociaJ msututiorn-. Jiii.i to'>.'> lighliy. You can top th1~ wuh grilled rhicken. peapods. juhennl' carrot~. crut.hed pe.1m11 ... and l'i l<mlro. Or not. 11.Iiother quick., easy {and de,peratt·I dl'>h I'> in~ \en.ion of fettmcim allredo. Whill' you're boiling your pa ... 1a. m a '>eparate pol saute <;ome crw.hcd garlic in butter. Add sour cream and &orne lemon p<'pper seru.oning Wht•n the noodl~ are done. drain them and to~:. with the cream !>duce. ~prinklc with grated P-dnnesan. You're done. OK, if you want to get fancy you can add mushroom&. fre<>h peas and artichoke heart5 ReaJJy good. For tl10~e of you who need mort' '>truc:turt'. I'll throw in two of my favorite '"official" recipes from "'Thl· 15-Minutc Gourmet" by l'ault·tte Mitrhell. Fart.lie crowned with brie end pears 12 ounces farfalle (bow tie pasta) 1 (6 ounce) jar olive oil padted julienne sun dried to matoes. drain and reserve oil 3 tablespoons olive oil or use the reserved oil from the sun-dried tomatoes 2 pears at room temperature, peeled and cut into 112-inch cubes 4 ounces Brie cheese, coarsely chopped. remove and discard rind V. cup chopped basil 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 2 teaspoons minced garlic Y. teaspoon pepper, or to taste Salt to taste Cook farfalle according to padtage directions. While the interested In cultivating both soil and spiril, root for inspiration in Diane Dreher's guide for renewal through pruning and harvesting. With life-enhancing strategies for garden and gardener, th.is ort.ginal work articulates the many aspects of the growth process. as applicable for humans as for herbs and Tuby Becker, 7, is a pro at th1a stuf[ He got more than 10 esp. After all. he's done it for five years at the Dunes. He knows his terri- tory. "You have to tcy and get In front of others/ he said. *You can't push them. You just haw to run faster than them." Three-year-old Mica Marietta rested her tittle pink basket on the ground and began to open the eggs. "LOOk. it's a shark.• she said. holding the toy. "l.ik.e the one in Sea World.~ What thrilled her. chough. was a piece of candy. ''I love Stalburst," she said, without taking her eyes off the treat· . Fargo Thakhi g,ot 13 eggs. NWhen you see an egg. you just run for it," the 5-year-old ~d. UYou don' grab it, ifs gone." "fhmsportation throughout the island is generally pretty good for tourists. Special buses are available to those seelcing to visit the provinces outside of Havana. There are even modem turboprop airplan~ built by a French-Italian consortium, to fly charters among the principaJ tourist sites as well lrdllSportation for the aver<lbie Cuban, however, is abominable Often. they have to climb aboard open trucks like canJe being herded for trdOSport to mark.et. People can be seen waving money al cars in the street .seeXing to hitch a ride in that manner. On che pJu.., ~de, Cubas beach~ are beautiful, its music rhythmic and sensuoul>. and its colonial history colorful !be government . in partneM1p with the number of European. Mexican and Canadian firms, continue; 10 build resorts in all parts of the bland. A major mconveruem:e to Cuba trJvt!l i.s the fat1 that American credit C-<inJs are not acceptable anywhere throughout the island This mean5 lhat a U.S. citi7.en will haw to C"'&T)' rash for all of his expen.o,e,. 11.mencan money, uf farfalle is cooking, stir together remaining ingredients 111 a medium bowl. When the farfalle 1s done, drain well; return to pot. Add the pear mixture and toss Penne with Mexican chili sauce 12 ounces penne 1 tablespoon olive 011 , cup diced green bell pepper '/ cup finely chopped onion 1 teaspoon minced garlic l (15-ounce) can diced tomatoes, with 1uice 1 (15-ounce) can bladt beans. drained and nnsed 1 cup fr ozen corn, thawed 1 (4-ounce) can diced green chilies, drained 2 teaspoons chili powder, or to taste 2 teaspoons minced fresh oregano (or Vi teaspoon dried oregano)Y, teaspoon ground cumin y, teaspoon pepper, or to taste Y· cup coarsely chopped fresh cilantro Prepare the penne according to padcage directions. While penne is cooking, heat the oil in a large nonstidt saucepan over medium high heat. Add the bell pepper. onion and garlic; cook. stirring occasionally, for about six minutes or until tender but not browned. Add the remaining ingredients, e)(cept the fresh cilantro. Stir gently for about four minU1es or until heated through. When the penne is done, drain well; return penne to the pot. Add the sauce and the cilantro, toss over medium heat just until heated through. • KAREN W1GHT is a Newport Beach resident. Her column runs Sundays. hibiscus. • "Chedt It Out• is written by the staff of the Newport Beach Public Library. This week's column is by Melissa Adams In collaboration with Soon Jung. All titles may be reserved from home or office computers by accessing the catalog at www.newportbeachllbrary.org. SEAN HILLER I DAILY P1LOT 4-year-old Cody Mµrphy, of Tehactiapi, gets a hug from the Easter Bunny Saturday morning at the annual Easter ·egg hunt at Newport Dunes. course, is d1e current major medium of exchange. not the Cuban peso. lhe problem is that the traveler will have co try IO anticipate his needs in advance and plan tu carry quilt: a few U.S. dollars. So. in view of the quality of the current Cuban level of operatioru;, touri:>ts might well consider looking at counlrie. much mort' experienced in the tourist trade. than to put up with the limit.a.Lioru. of the Cuban 10~1 mdtLWy a..., it i!> operated by its government today. • OR. CARL HENRY MARCOUX 1s a Newport Bead1 resident SONG Continued from A5 VFearless: vl,ovesick." vaean and Sober~ and a long list of credits here and abroad. Comedy was the theme for the second show, wruch Marred Benson. And Ray Je~I in his pe;ionnance offered his expertise as a composer and performer. who has written for Broadway, has been represented on a recent CD by Mk hael Fein!>lein, and earlit'1 in his career was the last lyricist to work with legendary Rk hard Rodgers. The next performance is April 2.3 and will s1ar Lee Lessad: who is a celebrated cabaret and recordi'r,g artiM who just released his fourth CD, "'Too Marveiou'> for Word.,· The Songc; of Johnny Mercer.·· uwe have the best entertainment. a .. good a~ it gets anywhere:· Lombardi said. Producing show.. isn't something new for the couple. they have had a Christma-. ... pec1al production going on five year!> that has been a h1g '>ll< cess. lie said that the fi r,1 one was like a V-d rit'ty '>hriv .. and it gave the impetu~ to k.n~JW it can happen -and thl' <.hows have been '>elling out ·· Heeauioc we do llrdl during December, and January anc1 ~ehruary are packed with events. we decided 10 pre<.l'nt the cabaret 'en<'" bt•twrpn March and October." L11mbard1 '>did. It's Hl1ppt:tJ1ng at the I lcnb01-! NfW~l OUflVi I' ~ . ,., -~ "' -t,'rllt.1~ Sunday, April 20, 2003 A7 l..ombncdi explained that the eventng starts with dinner bemg served from 5 to 7 p.m. -patrons have a menu of a ~ad followed by a choice of 1hree entr~ and dessert. The seating is limited to 40 people so everyone has a good seaL ~From 8 to 9 p.m ., 55 minutes and an encore the audience 1i-. riveted to the performance with no interruptions." Lombarc:li said. "On e wuman m the audience told me she lost track of where '>he wee. and ~d ~he had to c.ome bade to reality." I le told her that &he was in a supper d ub in New York City 60 year~ ago. fhat\ the stag~ Lombard i trit:'> to duplicate. exphuning thdl the n:,taurant i., not formal, formal but very nice and pt-r-.ondble. "You led like vuu·re m .. omeone\ hoube." LombardJ '>.tJd. "'My wt.fe and I are aJways tht•rt-Jhe re\>taurant has a reputation for great food and now the reputallon for a great '>ht/\\ !\1amJ R11'>t' ha-. rete1ved lugh rat in~.., from the /,agat C1u1de lw 1 lmt'r D1lh. <XNow, \I\<><. the I.o, A11gcle<, J1rnt:& Jilli 1lw < )r.mge Loun1y Heg..,ter fur 11' ltd..lian '\1 nent atl menu lombard1 '>JIU \lamil Ro.,t· "'located al !. \4h '\t'\1\-fJOfl Blvd UJ Lu-.ta !\h-"'1. I it keh tor the '>how are ~4"} e01ch and mdude a I l 11ur..,e d11111n. the 'how, lait .11111 gr.111111\ I 1cke1 ... <.tre .1v.11l.1hh· Ii\ 1 .ilhng 1<j4<j .. 1(1 1 •11'1 ± 7r' - B,.ing tht whole family for an a{ttmoon of sr,a-worlhy {Un You C4n cttttu A~:r for Don't T~i}zwhete you'i)p]a~Ji! 1nJ 1 •r., /ht ar.ft1,>1•10f ,\JI·~/, JIJrlr~ ,..nc·1f' l'lllftJ /flt mll'ol:IJI" m ..'(1(1' Troll {ot /tuJulf .ii .m tlll tl'l.'ntrJtn/4/ ~ J•t"''" ~"''' Oo IDuchl Ltl "•It fl":.t"'' d<• l~t ... 11111·1 ·•f iJ ""'""' "",,,.). /J"I • 11/i u~ ;,, •. , 111111)(11 J1•' ''!Jlllll pl.mt Dig tl>< d.Not, 'rr.J• I "''''' ,11 ,1•.Jfl""1frt 1<pl,1tft V!.l J Inf o11.1Ji· .11..J .,, ... 11 h1~iiJJI CA en °"41"1 .ind t.iLr .i ·~k wtth the-ll11tfv, r.i1"1i ~· '") ;tJt11 '"!J!)C• f11iqc1 fiw tht ... ttrr ulnt1'N! PlrJy games, Nin prlu.s &< leam how you C4n help save tht btty. V ·I .,,,..,j !, II., '"'"""Iii"'• /\.11.lr JI \lu"'"" tiit .-f1 v~,...,11t ... A '~"'' 4·11 ~ ••• ., ... _,.,..., '"' "'""'"'"' H.,,i.. ~ ..... _1,,,,.,~, ,I I ...... ' ~S...f!I­~ lftiilfiiiM --·-----Daily A Pilot II[ BELLPORT ._ .. IE0r" ......... U U COMllUlOM WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! You r Newport • Mesa Community Ford Dealer .......................... 4TIRE8 °"" ... "' ....... 1"'7"'11 t111701'11 1Nl70R14 8et Offlerlhlp for pnoe A dtllll• on ti ... t1zM. Offer valid with ooup0n. Exph• 4/30t03- Motorcrarr OH and Fitter ~Ch•ng• FREE 100 POINT SAFETY INSPECTION "you would rMHy HU to know wbat JOU1 C8' ftllde OCMM .wt .. for tllia PNJ11llOMI ..... .......,.. I omni Yalued llt -.ee. s.. Oealet9Np fordMlllA ... Offw\'ltUd WM\ ooupon. Ex,,.,_ 'l3CW3 A8 Sunday, April 20, 2003 Daily Poot FORUM HOW TO GETPUBUSHED -a..ttera: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330W. Bay St. Costa Mesa, CA 92627• RMdels Hotlne: Call (949) 642'6086Nx: Senbto (949) 646-4170 E-mail: Send to d11ilypllot@latimes.oom •All correspondence must lnch.tde full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all 1ubmisslon1 for clarity and length. EDITORIALS So many names, so few contenders M onday night. Costa Mesa Ciry Council members -now numbering just four, with Karen Robinson offioally off the dais-will begin making one of the most important dl:'Cl,tons in months. if not years. as they debate who will replace Robinson. What they decide could very ea.,ily determine what direction the city wiU take for at least the next 1 •-:-yeac. (thl· length of time rema1rung on Robin..an·~ Lenn). Will another l>O-called "improver," those roru'-.t.'d on altering the complexion of the WesL<;ide and who frequenlly ta~et charities for encoumg;ng low-income people to move to town, be added to the council? If so. that per<.e>n would join like-m1ndl"d Coundlmen Allan Man!.oor and <.hri-; Steel a:> a thll't' pe™m majority. \\/ill thl' council choose wmeone "hu-.int..,,'>·triendJy" at a ume when many hLNne.-' leader.. m the ciry are que.norung (jry I laJJ'., attitude follow111g the derual of a Kohli. department '>lore? And will they in any way consider appomung M>meone who promises to cornplNe Robin'>On\ umn. but not run for n:dection? A d1ver..c group of 26 re.idents has applied for the spot llw hopefuls range Ill age fmm teenngt>r to senior etU/£11 It uidude. memhl>r; of this commurnry from different t'thnic background.., and poh11cal partie.. It~ a tl.">tament to the wide-r.mgc of people intent on helping their neighbor. and malang (.(}'.ta Me.a a better plan'. Bui Lht'Y ran't all tx• a rnuncll member , lne great~t numhe1 of them, while well mc;uung, do not yet have ll1e expencnc e needed to '>WP right imo 1.he nty\ top le-ader<ihip Karl Ahlf, rem Breer. Michael Utfford, Julia ~ lam.tr C .olclmann, Jennifer Kuo. Matllll'w Makin, Frank Michelena Halph Morgan, William P.atton Jr. and I .anv Wt-ichman all dec;crw commendation for their interest in ~rving tht' t1ty. 01ey <JiouJd continue their at1JVl'>m in homeowner;' a<;.-,ot1a11on,, city commmee.. youth <;port~ ll'<tj,,'IJe<. and other mmmunity groups. Perhaps one day. it will be their time to serve. A second group has shown longer. deeper involvement Eric Bever, Mirna Burciaga. Art Peny, James Pisler, Robert Love and Bill Turpit They all have strong claims to Robinson's seal But. again. there is a next level of leadership and commitment they bhould aspire to first before taking on a top spot in Q ty Hall Then there is a group of peop&e who haw served a1 the highest ~ Bf the city. Dennis OeMaio. Linda Dixon. Katrina Foley. ~ l.aire. Bill Pedrins and Heather Somers. All. for separate reasons. do not seem dle rigtlt pid< at this time. OeMaio has only been a rtanning Conuni.ssiontt for a few months and has much more 10 learn about how city ~I 'M>rics. Dixon's chance for the seat came and went when the council decided not to choose the person with the third highest \/Ole total in the November election; it seems evident that a majonry of the council d~ not want her as a colleague. Foley. too, failed to win a seat on the council in November. and after that. at Limes, bitter campaign. her chances 'it'em distant; her time certainty may come. IL't.'Ce. who ~ ample school district knowledge. losl her seat on the Newport-Mesa Unified School lli.lrict in November and does not have the city expenence needed for lhe job. Perkinc;, while serving on the Planning Commission. placed last in the NOi/ember ell><:tion and ha-. failed twice lo show he ha'> a wide base of support in the cny and is still learning the intricacies of ory government SomeT5. who lost to Robinson in 2000. also does not have the amount of support or the current commitment to the city that is necessary for the job. That leaves a lrio of choices: Fonner l'\anrung Commissioner Walt Davenport. who served the city for more than 20 years; Current P1anrung Commissioner Bruce Garlich; and Mike Schaefer. president of the Coota Mesa Uons Oub All three have proven mmmionent Lo the ciry and knowledge of how ciry gcM.'fTUTlCnt works and how to get ttun~ done. Any one of them would maJce for a fine replacement for Robinson. That old college try K nowmg you're one of the l>C\t 1s a good thmg. but heanng that you re among the best 1s t>ven hetter. UC hvmt: was ranked m not one, but three categorie. of lJ.S NC\NS & World neport\ annual hc,t of the be<.t graduat~· "<:hool' in the nation. A.<J. anyone. and they'll tell you that UC! ,., top., m engim>enng and busme"-'· attracting thl' bcM young mindc, from throughout the state and nauon. Rut lhe true accomplishment 1~ for the< l.t1re Trevor ~ool of the An-. to he ranked as onl' of the best place-. tn g<'l a mil!>ter''> of fine ans dpgrt>C Fine an tend'> to he in the eye of U1e bt>holdcr l'Or a We<.t Coast school like UCI to be ranked 'l4th among the top 50 i'> an aduevcmcnt worth hoasung alxiul. This is not the first award for the departml'nt, and it'!> 4·ertainly not the last. So what does ~ mean for the Anteater;? Stmply that thin~ can on!y get better. IJOs interim dean. Nohema FemandC'I. told the Pilot that the ranlcing "makes a big difference every c;tep of lhe way.· Indeed a big difference Being nationally recognized for having an • outstanding program will lure more ?>tudents to UU The best and brightest wiD look to the school for not only its beautiful campus. great weather and student-friendly atmosphere. but they11 know the education they get will be among lhe best For the community. it's a great honor as well lne Barclay Theatre, the Orange County Performing Arts Center, South Coru.t Repertory and others serve thf' county with world-dass performances. The ranlcing could yield even better students, and the number of fine arts events in area can only benefit from the school's increased success. Things can only get betteJ:. As for the engineering depanment. Maying the best wonl be hard, as it ~ one of the strongest schools in California. rivaling it'> UC brothers Berkeley and UClA The Graduate School of Management d~rves equal recognition. After missing the cut last year. It's back on the charts at No. '46, '50Udifying Itself as a premie1 locale to earn that MB.A.. AD three schools are cleady giving it more than the college try, and aD three ~ much prai<;e fnr the sucas. THE LAST WORD The largest claim* C hlcago has the nation's talJest building. Baker has the world''I tallest thermometer. Ant.I for so Jong. It was d1ought that Nt'Wport Harbor wa'I the world's hlf{(C"lt small-craft harbor. And It Ju.•t might be. But there appear'i to be no proof or It. One thing'~ for sure Ncwpor1 Harbor h Marina dcl Rey beat - 1t Jea.~t In tcrma of the number ol boat'! Newport hat aboul 9,500 co Mllrlna d I Rey' 6,000, So lh re·1 no cont t th re. So lf that quallfies as the largest small-craft harboJ', then rttwport Harbor seems to be it -on the West Coast, anyway. It seems Florida counta ha boau differently. Not ure bow that works, but here'• a challenge for Newport Beach and Ill hatbor. Making a cla m onJy g '° far. Provtn.a II goes much farther So go out and flnd out who rc:aJJy bu the la"Je!lt harbor lo, n ..... the nation and, OnaJty, the world. UntJJ then, there'• golng to be a r Maria I BOLTON ~ ~ City Council LETTER TO THE EDITOR Costa Mesa lacking leadership I 1ust can't take 11 anymore. Whert' ha-. the common -.ense of Costa Me...i leaders and r~1denLS gone? With regards to the Kohl\ propo~. maybe 1t\ Ju<.l not conunon anymore. Kohl's playeJ by the rules on the books. They didn't ask for anytlttng ~pedal. But Mayor Karen Robin.'°n in her last try for revenge on the ~erstroms pull~ out. "I don't need w wait and o;ee the lraffic repom." Can you imagine the response if a property nwner tried lhat line? That one 1!> more wonhy of Councilman Oui~ Stt.>el'~ fantasy statements. Maybe .-.he didn't wait to ~ the pnme mark.et for Kohl's 1s the famiJy hou'>t'hold shopper. who d~n't drive during rush hour Or that the store wouldn't even be open until after the mormng rllih, Any 'ucc~ful land w.e in that location has to have more traffic impact than the twelve people a day who frequent Kona Lanes. We all know it''> not about traffic. Somers deserves seat due to past campaign actions Based on the principles of equity, fairness. and moraJ responsibility and the fact that she was an incumbent who received 9,192 votes in the year 2000 election (i.e. only 32 votts less than Karen Robinson), the Co ta Mesa City Council should appoint Heather Somers to fill the V1lcant seat created by Karen Robinson's voluntary resignation. Notwithstanding the c:ulpoble conduct o! othen (including CandJdate Chris Steel), the ai.mple and undisputed fact Is that the Co ta Mesa City Oerk'a otDce should have dedan!d one of the 20 oominltlng signatures on Steels notofnadng paper to be n obYfous lorgety ... and thereafter excluded his rwno from the yeat 2000 Ciosta Mesa City Council dectlon ballot. Had Steel been proptt)y excluded from che blllot (and under any reeioMble tee of ...umpdona arid ljipllalble .... ~ ~ elecdon dynanUct), SOmiln .... ~would baYe hem eAected co Olke ln the ftrst paace. WhedJef die failure of che Otj Oetb OIBce to detect du.~ b'llild~.,._..~waa the ..... or~ or dtlhtate milCOIMhid Iii DOW ID~ ilia..,_~ lhlfl belMM:'bM MC MW beeo ..... tly law •'s u IU•• 1be .,..._ Whll it llO( ln1IMnl II the~ 6ct lhal tbll,...... hldon dw oua....o1m,_...,~ (Lj.Wlllil1Wnoc.,._ ...... ~ ...... ...,add nol haw --••r·•.....,.. l'111ll•ICllllllll'mn•--- OlilllMeliQJOOulidl ....... 2 .... Kohl'!> would have been the nll'(-'l>I largl' l"l'tailt>r on I !arbor nortJ1 of Flhan Allen. which sa}"> a bit about our communiry And I !arbor Boulev-.mJ L' the nght location for l~e retailer; But 1f t1H~ community decides we don't Want anymore retail UM' there, we need to play by the rule<,. We could buy the pruperry for lhe $6 million Kohl\ W3!> paymg at a CO'it of S380 per uwner-ocrupied household. n1en \l\'C re-wne the property and hire someone to develop what we want for additional millioni. and then fund that UM' for lhe rest of liVh through our truces. Money land busin~ that don't male money) dOt">n't 1ust appear magically. Or. our aty leaden. can play lhC' one card they have: true incentives. They could develop strategic pannership'> with developers, exemsing vision and leadership to bnng to the marlcet viable enterprises that the community could .-.upport with their spending dollar., not MAILBAG When the obviously forged signature was firgt brought to the city's attention. it spent seYelal thousand dollars to obtaJn a legal opinion advising that11othing could be done to remedy the situation. However, now that Mayor Karen Robinson has vol\J.ntariJy resigned from the Costa Mesa Oty Council. the dty bas a golden opportuoity to eliminate any furutt impact of the city's past mistake by appointing Somers to what would have bttn her rightful seac on the City Council. ln my oplnton, it ii not a queation of whether the current council members like or d.isli1ce Sc>tnen or her politics or prefer the polJticaof one of the other 24 interested pcnoos. Rather. the question IA whether or not the eo.ca M5a aty Cowlci.I II Finl to 5tep up to tM plate and do the •riabt thing" and exei'dSe its legal authority and moraJ mpor\llbiUty to conect a wrong committed by their own tmployee. In 11JY opfnlon, the Impact tl.t trrf p1opoeld appotntment of Heather ScJmeri WW. rm,bl. or cOWd heft on Iha f'urure acdona ~or not taWn by the Coa Meta oo::: lhould not even be a In lht a1Mnt ~t procea. Punt..pmllitWll cloaainm&ed pman.I reeponllblky for~· farj9d ...,......on hill~ 2000 namlnadan ...... t& .. my opiNon dwt ........ _, .. c.ndldallt.., ........ mppon for lhe contllilfl•d ......... . Ande~ .. --.:...-..i:;_ic .. ~':.~,::.al .. ~ ... . .. --~., lax dollan.. But unlunu11ately. our counnl member<; can onlv mu-.tt·r llw effort to chase hehmd thl'. mob '>entiment. followmg the torchC"> and pitchforks regardlt"-'i of law When· wt•n· you. property right' advocate Councilman Gary Monahan? Only Councilwoman ljbhy C.owan lef1 thr mt't'ting w11J1 wme llltl"b'Tlty for our pm<.~ What we need mow than anydun~ nght no\'\ is leadership and Vl'>ion Frankly, our counc1l 11wmbers haw '>hown little to none 111 any of the rt'<;Cl\I contentious i5.SU~-Noni: oftht•m lt•atl out in front of the l'>.'>Ut~ What did you do for u-. before !ht• '"'ue on the f'J Tom airport. Kohl's. W~L<.1tle redevelopnw1\I, homeowner remodel'? Pt:rhap-. Councilman Allan Mansour will matun• from an unknown into a leader. or perhaf>' we jl.l.'>t need I'll'\'\ leadership CHRIS KERINS C.o'>la Mt"><i error made by one of its employees by appointing Somers. MICHAEL W. SZkARADEK Costa Mesa EDfroR'8 NOTE: Mldlael Szhredek has pursued a legal c:tiallenge to Councllman Chris Steel'• 2000 election, citing an allegedty forged aignatore. The right is not always right Thank God for candJdates like 70tb A&sembly District hopeful CrtstJ CristJcb, who committed the •a1n• of upportin1 Bill Olnton in 1996. Despairing thac the GOP wu going to aelcnowledge and include the partf's modenLtes any dJne t00n, and given the altematlve, I voted for hlai, roo, as dJd many or my Orange County Republican friendS and family. So l don't con Ider Crlsclc.h't ac:don a •downtJct.• as GOP fundraiaet BuckJohM i. quoted u ylnJC In the DaDy Pilot. R.athtt, Crist.icb touildl like a ~ldace who I• wiJltftl tO engage the ambliulli and compW:Jtitlf'-" of thP. lsauea we 11M;e In 2003. Maybe, Juat maybe. ahe o&tl • ttah .,,ematiw to the wne Old •mbN&lnatiVe lhlnktna that baa dOminated the loQl party tor too kmt-ptlOpl8. for aampJc, who apreu mock tbat one can be a Ovtldan aod wote lll!in"IOCfttic, thlt oM can blue abortion and ..ppon cholee. ~ .... -.... Oft her ~ ..... wtdda,... •QuUt dW iDub-.y your 1lna, no• ~ ........ "Think about h .. you ....,.c1Mndersn12daa.Wn ... Qtadda • ., tO endure ~~thehandl ............. CoaN&delMer -~- BIO Age:32 Position: Pastor of teaching and family ministries at ROCKharbor Churdl for five months; previously worked four years at Mariner's Church, whidl spun off ROCKharbor Education: Bachelor's in finance from Miami University of Ohio; near completion on master's in philosophy, religion and ethics from Talbot School of Theology in La Mirada R•ideoce: Irvine for four years Family: Wife of 2'h years Justina; son due in June Hobblu: Reading; sports, walks with his wife BE NOT AFRAID ·The way that freed om com es abo ut is thro ugh th e absence of fear. The single m ost repeated command in the Bible is, oddly enough, not be holy or don 't sin, but it's do not be af raid. If there's a p ersonal asp ect to the Easter m essage that resounds to m e, it is that on e.' ... FORU M Scliday ... 20, 2003 Id An experience of celebration Pastor Mike Erre discusse.s the importance of Easter and RO CKh a rbor' s theme this year T oday is Easter, which marks the day Ouistians believe Jesus Christ was resurrected from the d ead after being crucified on the cross. At ROCKh arbor Church in Costa Mesa, Easter is more a celebration than a holiday for it is the most important holiday in Christianity, said Mike Erre, the church's pastor of teaching and family ministries. While ROCKharbor usually · meets a t the Costa Mesa Senior Center, the church annually celebra tes Easter a t the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. On Wednesday, City Editor James Meler caught up with Erre at the fairgrounds as church officials and volunteers worked to raise the tent that will host a bout 4.000 people at three services today. What shouJd Easter m ean to Olristlansf It as the most central aspect of our faith. Paul, in one of his letters to the church of Corin thousands of years ago said, ·Look. if Jesus didn't ri!>e, we are to be pitied of all men because we our liars about him, we are stHI in our sins. we are just absolutely clueless and failures." DON LlACH /DAILY P1LOT So it is the central thing. Ir it did not happen, we are wasting our time. Not only does tt anchor the core of historical Olristianity becau!>e it claims to be a historical event. but beyond that 11 speaks of a world reborn of a new hope that death I!> not the finaJ an'>wer. that it's not cancer, or accidents or d1.,case that have the last '>ay Ute,raJly, there is a future for all of U!> depending on the choice'> we make here on Earth Hut that i., a reb1rthing of .lll that I'> good and all that 1., pure. Mike Erre, nght, pastor of Costa Mesa' ROCKharbor. looks forward to this weekends ~aster service So it speaks to the historic core of our faith, 11 '>pt>aks to a new hope and future that is promised us. And 11 also i.hows that lc'>US is no ordinary teacher. If you take this 10 be a literal. physical resurrection and actual historical event. then that separates Jesus from every other religious figure 1n the hi'itory of the world And he pointed to 11 to prove h.ls authority. How important of a hoUday ls It ln Ouisdanltyf For the reason!> mentioned above. it is the major celebration ofGod'i. wortc on Earth. Otristmas obviously ts huge dS well, but what Easter says as that all of the promises given to U'i in the Old Testament, all of the teachings of Jesus. aJl of that stuff, is true. literal and reaJ to us today. So ii is the most important holiday. And I hate even using the word holJday just because it's a celebration more than anything else. It 1s the acknowledgment of all that is good ctnd right and pure. What message does the chun:b plan to convey thb yearf Our theme this year is called the Door to Freedom and the message is -;imply this: TI1ere are many avenues that Lhe world prcsenl!> us that offer the promise of freedom that don't reaJly deliver. And we believe there\ only one door to frt>edom And. obviom,ly d'> ()m<.,Uans, \\e heheve II i'> '>Urrender to ft.'"'" Om~t. rhrough drama, lhrough '>Ollg, lhrough the mci.<,age. we ho pe 10 communicate 1uc,1 a me.,.,agt• o r hberat1on that I a<.,trr reprt><,cnh for anybody. no ma11er what nat1onah1~ or faith background or cultural ht<,tory. that truly the doorway 111 freedom is the i.urrender 10 <Jm.,t. The way that freedom cornt''> about is through the absence of fear The single mos1 repeated command in Lh e Bible is. oddly enough. not be holy or don'1 sin, but 11'!> do not be afraid If there'!> a personal a .. pec1 10 the 1:.a .. 1er message that resounds 10 me, it t!> that one. You know. wtth threats of terronsm and (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and the war 1ust ending and in some really just troubled and uncenain times, Easter shin es out th1!i very clear message: do not be a fr,ud F-ear nol. God ,., God. He 1<, .. overeign I hi. IOngdom v.:111 Lume His will be done How does Easter differ at ROCKharbor compared to a t other churchesl I can'1 speak to f.ac,1er at otht•r churche~. I know that an HOCKharbor. there are a couple of high value-. I hat we have. To whal extent tht•y '>eparate us from other!i churches, I don't know. Cenamly the focus of all churche., 1s the same. The wcty we go about communicaung Lhe message may be a little different. We do emphasize drama and the <.·restive ans and FROM THE NEWSROOM different mediums of communtrat11111 and the traditional hymn'> and prt'ach111g style .. We ,11<,o empha...i1e a hugt· amount of volunteer lll\lll\'t'mcnl bccaU'l' "l' don t ha\e a permanent foetht\ \\l' ha\.t' hi)() volunteer-. pulling l1Jgethl·r varwu., facet'> of I .a-;1er. We really tle.,m• tn be hoc,1ed by HOt.11'.harlwr OJH'll to thl' lCH11mun11y and we irH orporale a lar~e port1<m ul our rhun h hod) to JU'>l putt mg on tlw wet·kt•nd of eH·nt'>I Wt• al'>O emphJ'>itt• th<11 1t\ an enttre weekend eicperience We have (.ood I nday M'rvices We have a \aturdav experience here that I'> JU"t a refleclion of wha1 it mu!>l haH' bet•n hke for those original follm,er<, of Ouist to see here\ the guy they pinned all of their hope'> on and now he\ hangmg between l\\O thU.'\e<, and all uf tho\t' .. orls of thing-; And then we have three servict.>s on Sunda\ ">owe really call on our church IO ho...i a weekend experience that go<'' through the agony of Inda). the billerness and unct•rtainl\ or 'klturdav. and 1hen tlw ceiebra11on of ~unddy ·ai. "'L'll What activities a.re planned at the fairgrounds on Sunday1 l hrl'e .. en'lcec, at H. 9:45 and I I Ill am fhert' are ch1ldrt>n\ thing'> "I.' havt• gomg. It\ 1mt alt\e There t!> fU'I an l'Xutement And I thmk 1c''i filling of what 11 is we'rr celebrating. Wt> want the lentcr to be, of cour.e, the celebration Itself and not all the extranl'()U!> thmgs We don't 10 focu<. on ho\ .. neat chi'. tenl l!i or how man\ volunteer> ii took to pull this off fruly. we stand united with all thr churchec, in Costa Me-.a, Ornnge < ount) .Uld the world an proclarnung the Lentral message of the Ouis11an fJtth \o ,,., mul·h J'> 1t\ e"tcillng, we •n to 1111 u., all of tha.. rm what it "' '' t' rt· do111g. Do you think the Easter bunny lakes away from Easter at allf If you 1 un\1der the ctbwlu1e absurdity of what 11 I'> that we relehratc Oh. that (,od invaded 1he world an the form of Je .. u .. Otns1, ch.ti an innocen1 ltfe wa'> i.acrificed an our place so that wt· might have a rela11on'>h1p wnh C .od that Je~us performed miracle'>. that he taught w11h an authority that was umque ht' "'a" uuc1fied and tortured to dt>ath and 1hree day' later h e rose again. .., If vou consider that message. It., no wonder that people would rather celebrace with Easter bunnies. Easter egg hunts and candy because this mes'>age. 1f true. 1f so radical and 11 ca.Ji.. for .,uch a deep re~ponse from us If 11\ fal.,e. of course, 11 should be 1gnon•d Lompleteiv but if it's Lrue. 11\ 1hre.1tening I thmk that the E:.a!>ter bunny does nut t.U..t• awa). I think 1h JUSt a 'uho,tttute Any final thoughtsf I think ul11matel) that what Easter repre'ic·nt'> l'>n't the exclusive domain or the C11r1.,11an church and that much evil ha., been done in the name of Jec;u., and yet what he '>till represent'> I'> the absolute proof and demon st ration for all time of God . ., love for every sing1e one of us. And that. to me. 1s more 1mponant than anything eli.e that can be said. Help solve some healthy newsroom debate T h.is week. I'd like to solicit opinions from our readers on a couple Items. The first two have to do with som e different things we've done here at the Dally PUot this week, starting with the diary-atyle column we are running from Gvy Hebert. Let me tell you aU the genesll of thaL There was precedent for It after all The m ost recent case was when we bad Costa Men resident Marine Sgt. C..Spence send ushll dlspatches from KuwaJt, for us. Little did I know just how big that wouJd become as the Ducb th.is week knocked the defending ~tanJey Cup champs the Detroit Red Wings out of the playoffs In a 1tunnlng four-game sWeep. At least, I presume that's big since I'm not re.Uy a hockey ran, but my 1uspldon ls that many of our readers are. So -;he tried somethtnl( different and wrote a poem Again, lhat spurred considerable newsroom jousting over lhe validity of that type of journalism arrd some editors protested 11 But we decided to try somethln1 different and. in the end, the poetry oC our new newsroom bard a ppeared on Page • or Frtday·s edJtion under the headline. •Boom! Crash' Sma.sht• hke to 'ihare Authorities in King County. Washington, convinced a locaJ paper called the King County Journal to run a fake story about an arson as a way to catch a man allegedty plotting to burn down the home where hts mother-In-law and teenage son were living. Tile story worked &nd the man was caugbL TELL IT TO THE EDITOR TONY DOOEAO Is the editOf He ·uelcomee your comments on news ~.photography or other~ !au-. If you Nlw a ~or•...,tothe editor, c:.11 hit~ 1"'9 8t CM) 5llM:8I Oil the We were approached by the Mighty Oucb organludon Mth the Idea of bavtng Hebert. a Newport Beachruldel'll, write 1 dla.ry during the playoffs. along With • picture. that ran in a diary·aryle. front-page plea. And before thac. we had Lt. Still. the Hebert coJwnna haven't run without debate In the newsroom and I'd be lntetffted to bear what the raders have to u y about It good and b&d. While I haven't heard th t he's being hailed as the next Rohen Fro t or anything, he dld get this e-mail from one ocillne read r. So what's the big deal. you may ask? WeU. it has raised seriou questions about the tthica and credihmry or the King County Journal ln the joumallJm communJty. ""'',...._.ea 1111. Mndlt~~'° ..,..1h hs .... , .... ~ °' ................ . Htben I a former 1oalf• and was an acdve member of tho ceam the tut time tl\e Ducb made the playoffs. Ha still Is part of the team, bu1 ln another capacity In the Ctont ' office. • Many or you may mow of our mantra here at lb• OaOy Pilot. Weare l~ local and we onty cover ator1a that have a dar ~-Mela tJ ......,fll#t'lday~ ... ~Md ..... to dedlne ... m.t don't haw local ~ .. Hebtft·p6ett II cDii111t IA sny mind. John IClctweO .end us hll e· mall communJqu Crom the Cout Cuard cuner the Narwhal u he and h1t crew trawled Crom New Orleans to Newport. via the Panama C&nal. to ua1n ror lhelr nenruaJ anMiJ her. In tht harbor. Lona before that, we ran 1tortea from Br*' Jtmtry, the OCC aaOing lnatructor, u he naYiptfd hit ahlp. the ALUb l!.lcJe. KrOll the ...... So I 11'4 dW IO"ahlid to haw. Newpoe1 leKb .... Who ....... of dae ..... that la Vytlij for the Sl.wty 0.. me JOme behlnd·tbe-temt .coope ow, on to the nut newsroom debat It bad to do With • poan that our co(>' and couru reporter, Deep. 8hmatb, had written about an lnddent In whlcb 1 local man had fallen w eep at the wheel and crubed hlt car. Some or you probably are ahOcked jutl to read thl•. Cat aubes typlcally art'nl poeUc end why on f.arth wOuld we ~ UihC ol tomedin& IO aerto..a.. riptT But le tumid oat dae cn.h wun't aertom at .. llliid wu )U14 one la dollem thlt 8 covert e¥ft1 • . "1lw\lt you for a refmh.lng cbanp to reponm,. ~adviry aJwaya keeps the reader capUvated. J am not a l"ejldent of Co ta M any long t, but my family ltill d thuc. J d th Dally Pl.Jot on.liM, &om Colorado, to l 1 nse of wbac goos on In my favont• atte o( So. cal. .. fwn 1he drl9er who foll iileep coaawiicW ht-t lor Mr ...... ~ M. I'd be lntere1eed to heat the ........ point of ... 1'ndJ, ...... I llory OUI of lhe.W•of~ t l'd The pre b historically kept Its df u.nce fl'Om law enrorocment it our Clucy u g~mmcnt watchdo to wau-h ~r law nforc ment and not ~-ork b&.od In hand with th m . Indeed. reporters !::J ne to Jail~ re they the r sowca to poH 1" other authon aut th~ ln part of tht ury lhat the ed tor dl!lmaed the d«:Won to n119 ct.e falle llory on lhe bemt ihlt hebUar~IDdle ~AM_, ...... Of chi,,.. ..... thkll ti -... deal effher. Ot Mnd .. ~ "*' '° 330 w. BIV&.. com MMe.~ l2C1 So 1 WUll lO know What OUJ reader& think. Would you tnut • ~ t fabricated. ory to catch a atmlniR lb catch • rlpb1 or• mwderel'T Woukf }'OU e'Ver 1rwt UI l Sure, ._ b89'e I idf~­~ ........... our'"" ..., • .. ,_ ihllnldal 1'1 IDW IO .... J'OW ~ .. -----· --,.·· ......................... ,. AlO Si.may, ~ 20, 2003 SMITHCUFFS $1.lM.000 Macnificent oeeanfront contemporary home In exclusive Smlthdiffs. Private gated community with less than 25 homes. · Morphy It Bush-St:roner 949.759.3711 BALBOA ISLAND $1.775.000 Located on the main channel on Balboa's Utrle Island Shared dock for large boa~ Susan Noonan 949.718.1551 CUFFHAVEN $1,94$,000 Oceanfront duplex 0n sand, wt\lte water view. 3 bd. l ba. Larie lot, 6 car partdhg. 949.644.9060 NEWPORT aEACH Stat .... Desirable Newport Hel&hts sophisticated family home." bd. 3.5 ba. O¥er 2500 square feet remodeled. 949.644.9060 ..................... M.719.nJI ,, SHA.Dr CANYON $J.6tS.ooo 4 bd. plus oftlGe or S bd. S.S ba. New custom home. Built by Padfic Design Estates • Millar ti Sdafanf 949.717.4760 CHINA COVE $1, I tJ,000 Arst dme ofl'ered in 19 ~.updated 4 bd. 3 ba. in desirable -China Cove". just steps ~ the beach. 949.644.9060 LIDO ISLE $945, ... Perfect statur home on Udo Isle. Only UdO home under one million. 94t.711.27Jl .. . . .. . . ..... . ....... . ................ ~""-'• ... -· ' ~ .... -..-................................... ___ .._;..,...,. .. .,,,.,,, LIDO ISLE $1,lH,000 ' Bayfront estate with 360 degree views. Private dock. 4 bd. 4 ba. Marilyn Read 949.7 .... 27JJ 949.751.3708 PEMZUL Sl,I 50,000 Sunrise, mountain,~~ puic, ocean. harbor, Catalina Island and city llJht views. 949.759.3759 SHADY CANYON $1,750,000 Custom lot. Over haJf acre with View. Gat9d Pf community. . . 949.759.J7ll I QUOTE OF THE DAY "My dad is my biggest hitting coach." T1m DeClncn, former CdM baseball star ~Phone: (949) 574--4222 • Sports Fu: (9491650-0170 DON LEACH I OAJL Y Ptl..O T Senior Esther Lofgren is one of the top high school recruits and rows for Newport Harbor's Varsity 8. which 1s undefeated this season and looks to finish among the top eight teams in nation. SPARKLING ON WATER Newport Harbor senior leading NAC to national prominence. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot Nl:WPORT BFAU I -One look at ~er Lotgren's resume and its easy to ~ the motivation Oowmg1reely inside her 18-year old body. Since she began l'OWlll8 nearly four years ago. Lofgren has compiled a string of ll'lctones m vanous rowmg regattas. gaining the attention of collegt-coaches while leading the Newpon Aquaoc Center team 10 what she hopes will be national success this season. Just this year, she ha'> participated m 10 of ~rt's I I victorious races leading up 10 the third annual Southern c.alifomia Cup April 12. Newpon has finished second onty once in that span. last year, Lofgren rowed on I 0 winning boats. returning to the spon she sat out for a year due to ·pel'80nal reason.'l • Nothing of late has seemed to come in the way of Lofgren, who rows for Newpon's Varsity 8, Varsity 4 and Varsity 4.X. Varsity 8 boats include eight rowers. with a coxswain. all sharing just one oar. The same fonnat applies to the Varsity 4, except there are onty four rowers. The Varsity 4X boat contains two oars on each side of the boat and there is no coxswain. "I like the 8 because of the teamwork and unity that goes into making a good row.· J..o9m -.id. ~ q\ad is definitely more of a Ouid. graceful row. If rowing had an ideal form. it would be somed1ing like sculling with two oars rather than sweeping with one oar.· Tuning in rowing is essential. often providing the difference between a smooth or choppy ride on the water. •People that write about rowmg consider it to be the best experience when every blade goes in at the same time, making it easy to move,· Lofgren said. ·eut It's hard to find quality in a row. Maybe 6ve strokes out of a !race! that is an hour and 15 minutes will be like that It makes me reali7.e how much fun rowing can be and if I train enough. all my rows could be lilce that. That's what motivates me.· COLLEGE BASEBALL Lofgren, voted captain of this year's team, practices from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday at the NAC under head coach Ouisty Shaver. Shaver has been working toward qualifymg for the Olympics the past two years. and serves as an inspiration 10 Lofgren. "Watching her go through that expenence makes me go. 'Wuw.'" Lofgren said "She has such a pa.Won fur the spon and the ~ofwortc that goes with lhat. IShaverl has oven:ome two shoulder swgeries so I hope to be as dedicated as she is. She is an inspirational athlete.· ln addition to rowing, Lofgren has played volJeyball. basketbaD and badminton during her high school career and spent I I years m AYSl:J soa:tt as a youth. It was Shaver whom Lofgren approached when she decided lO return LO rowing in January 2002, and gained the attention of the Newpon senior. "I said, "This is an amazing coach no man.er wbaJ spon it is,'• Lofgren said. "In rowing. people are really supportive and fiiendty. which are some of the reasons I got See ROWER, Pa1e 83 Pacific batters cooked by UCI's French Anteater senior right-hander stymies UOP hitters to help end losing streak Saturday. SIOCKTON -After posting 14 runs ln the first two pmes or the series against the UC lrvi.ne base- ball team, host University of the Pacific came up empty against Anteater pitcher Paul French as be allowed only four hits and one run in 7¥1 innings Sat-urday to lead ua to a 6-1 victory in Big West C.Onfe.rence baseball acdon. 3.64 in a 112-pildl ef- fort. Keith Raulinaitis and Jinuny Alstot dosed out the 1lglers (23-18, 3-6). French. 2-3, cruised to bis second win of the sea.10n for the UC Irvine (16-25, 4-5 in conference), which snapped a four-game losing streak. French walbd only one better UCll'Vine 6 Pacfflc 1 Pacific jumped out in front in the second inning u senior Cory ... walked to open the ln.n1ng. then ad- vanced to seoond on an enant pk:koft' and struck out sevftl, while low- ering his eamed-run average to tb.nJIN and 9COt1'id on a two-out single through the left side by Jeele Koval.:s.. That was the last Tiger tmenmoer. however. lDltil the seYentb inning as Prmch. a 6-foot-2 senior nght· bander. mired 14 consecutive batters be.fore Lake singled with ooeout. ua scored two unearned runs in the fourth inning on three sin- gles and two UOP errors. Then. in the top of the fifth and leading. 2-1, ua got a leadoff single from lhol1ltop Kyte ~ then put runners on aecood and third SM ANTfATERS, Pace 83 EYEOPENER • Daity.tPi~ • SparW Hal,,,,.... , _ _,.., ........... _, I .· Acri 21 llOtlOf et MARK LORENTZEN St.May, /lc<d 20, 2003 81 JUNIOR TENNIS Yelsey wins Easter title She adds l 8s singles crown to doubles triumph at prestigious Easter Bowl. PAJ.M SPRINGS -If Corona del Mar High senior Anne Yelsey were loolang for vaJjdation about the intense preparation she was putting into her future with the Stanford terµiis program. she got it in a big way this week. Yelsey, who missed the first half of her final prep campaign with a knee injury. proved she is all the way back. maybe even be1ter than ever. by defeating Mary Gambale. 6-4, 7-5. Satur· day 10 cla.un the 18s singles crown at the Easter Bow1 Junior tenru'> champ1onstups at Riviera Reson Racquet Oub. Yel..ey alw teamed Wlth Riza Zalameda from Los Angeles to wm the tournament's I& dou bles ntle Fnday ·ThtS IS the b1gg~t tourna- ment I've t>Ver won: Velsey said by phone wtule retummg from Palm Spnngs Saturday ·rve won a couple na!Jonal opens. but there are only four 1uruor super national'> and, I'd ..ay, the Easter Bowl. rnn4 m the top two.· Yelsey cited cond1cioning. a big emphast'> smce her high school season ended, a!> a big factor m her succes.s this week. "II took me about· three months 10 get bener after I hurt my knee m August,. she wd. "I've been woriting on my fitnes'> and Lrymg 10 stay healthy. I just feel a lot bener and I am a lot stronger ·At the begmrung of 120031. I See VESLEY, Pa1e 83 COLLEGE MEN'S VOLLEYBALL ST£VE McCIW« /OM.Y Pl.OT UC IMne's Jimmy Pelzel unJeashes a kill against Hawan dunng the regular season. On Saturday, he led the Anteaters wrth 29 kills as they upset Stanford in four games in the MPSF quarterlinals. UCI advances with upset of Stanford STANFORD -The UC Irvine men's volleyball team continued its breakthrough season by knocking off host Stanford. 27 - 30. 30-28. 3(}.24, 31-29. Saturday in the quarterfinals of the Moun- tain Pad.fie Sports Federation Tuumament. The win, which advances the No. 5-seeded Anteaters (20-10) into Thursday's aemifinal against host Peppetdine. was the pro· gram's first in MPSF Tournament play. Both MPSF semifinals will be played at Pepperdine. Jimmy Pelzel Jed the wtnn with 29 kills and added 10 for his first career double-doU bJe. while Monte Tucktt bad second doubJe-.double with 1 CATCHING UP WITH FormerCdM catcher Tm DeCinces, currentty playing at Buffalo in the !rid.ans' organization. has recovered from a separated ~Ind ..... cOllttione, whithhe SUffered last Maylna ColsiOn at the ... Tim DeCinces -N.1C._..__~···' MdytopliJllWM-~-The Fonner Corona deJ Mar · catcher still eyeing · big-league dreams. ~--. .. .ndlh.twamidhlld eo 8lll a job m tpdnanllq • ·r remenm.,..1n ... 1n lhl!.__ bee=-• II my .. whO mo-f )lllllQ .... iDodwcNace..l....aM-.. .... ... FOd .... ·•··· .... •• o.onc.• una----.111 .....,_ .............. .. "1:..e.e .... ·Dlf'ieee•lilM. ., 'aD••...,IDd ...... ......... ...,_ .. , .... ................. ~=11.tll· • C' 1-.•n 'IJ .... I .. . 12 SwldlY. Apfi 20, 2003 SPORTS HIGH SCHOOi BOYS VOLEYBALL PREPS State of game nears transition Estancia's trip to Las Vegas tournament provides preview of imminent rules change. T he f3tancia High boys voDeyball team got more than just some quality competition at a two-day tournament bl I.as Vegas that concluded Tuesday. The Eagles. as well as Coach 1hlcey Heims, also got a glimpse into the future. The tournament. played under Nevada ruJes, called for rally scoring games to 25. In addition. serves that hit the net were good if they landed in the receiving teams court and serves could be 6ekled with two hands above a player's shoulders. similar to the setting motion. These rules have been approved for use in the OF Southern Section next season. largely to bring the section in accordance with what is being used at the club level, the collegiate level and by virtually all American high schools outside of Qillfomia Coaches have mixed opinions on whether the changes will be good or bad for the game. but Heims said they definitely change the game. "'The first game of the tournament. we started out very slowly," Heims said. "The first time I looked at the scoreboard, I thought to myself, 'I low did we get seven pointsr It's really hrud to get off to a slow start, because. if the other team gets five points ahead of you, It's very tough to come bade." 1-feims sald her club players. wbo had been using the new rules outside of hi8h ~competition. adapted qulckJy. "By the middle of the tournament, all the teams~ settlni the ball (two hands in front d or CM!I' their head} on service rec:dve." Heims said. -rbere can\ be a double contact. 90 some balls come out really ugly. But long as It's not a lift. it's OK.• • Newport Harbor Hl8ti boys and girts coach Dan G&enn bdieveS going away from sideout scoring and ~lea-traditional .av1c:e-remve t~ takes 10metJUng away from the game. "I told my~ before th1s 1eaSOn started tl»t they were the last real wllcybaO playm It the high achool level,• Glenn ti.Id. '1 just think the (bliU handling Nklill make it llop ball" Jt&nl lfP'M<I that being able to n:cetve eerws With an overhand peu. rnakel It ee.6erb•·~~to ~ better bd oonrmt BUI. ehe llUcl, the rally~ format~ a hWwt ~onai<'udon. -.,., I'* can' dJl'd 10 mlU mWakes. hfae• fM1f1 one COiU ~ • po6n«. • Hmli llid. •If )10'.I rf\U.e I mlllake wldtt ow rules, it's a sideout and you can recover just by siPing out yourself. This is going to give teams without as much talent or skill a better chance to compete." Whether "dumbing down" the game to help the have-nots ls good for the game Is debatable. .. One objectio~ the rally acOrlni fonnal is that It will render ftve-pme marathon matches. most often contested In the playoffs. a thing of the put. Heims,~ said the pmn1wn 00 every nDy actually beigbtem the int~ not only foe those on the covrt. but for those in the stands. "I th.Ink. lt makes the game more Intense, because ever)' aingle point COWltS," ahe saSd. "Some ol my parent.I were telling me ~were W8'f more ttreued out watching the nilly ecoring games than with lldeout ICOrlng." ••• -· and come home." ••• Newport Harbor's Morgan Govaars, shown making a pass in recent Sea View league action, has played sideout volleyball throughout his prep career, along with the rest of the boys volleyball players in CIF Southern Section. But rules wiU changtnex1 year, bringing in ralJy scoring, among other things. STEVE McCRANK I OM.YPILOT PHOTOS BY SEAN HU.ER /OM. Y Pl.OT Af. left, Estancia High's Trevor Holmes (3) goes up for a block in recent action at home against Ocean View. while teammate Josh Korengay, above, makes a pass. The Eagles competed last week in the GO-team Chaparral Tournament in Las Vegas. Estancia 23rd in Vegas tourney The f3tancia High boys volley- ball team finished 23rd at the 60- team Chaparral Tuumament, contested Monday and Tuesday ln I.as Vegas. The Eagles won their four· team pool. sweeping Cholla of Arizona, as well as Servile and Eldorado in the best-of-three format, with rally scoring to 25 (Nevada rules). The Eagles played 21 games in two days at four sites. They also defeated las· Vegas· based Silverado. 25-23, 25-15, Monday. They opened Tuesday's play by being swept in their four-team pool, which included Downey. North Torrance and Fresno· based Buchannan, wbich even- tually claimed the tournament ti Ile. Subsequent victories over Gar- field. 25-I 2, 25-20, and Bonanza of Las Vegas, 25-18, 25-12, put the F.agles into the 22nd-place match, which they lost to Moor- parlt. 25·20. 25-20. Josh Kornegay totaled 103 kills. 32 digs and 11 solo blocks. while feUow JwUOr Kris Hartwell amasl>ed 99 Id~. 76 dig.s and eight ace serves 10 lead the f.agles. Brad Lar;en ctupped an 41 kills, 57 dig.s and 12 acves, while Scott Sankey had 63 ldlli. and eight solo block& Trevor llolme~ collected 168 assists, 30 digs and 10 lcills for the Eagles, who lead the Golden West League in ~each of the pro· gram's first league championship since 1984. COLLEGE BRIEF Anteaters shine at Mt. SAC Relays •TRACK AND PIElJ>: At the Mt. San Antonio College Relays. UC Irvine senior Wendy Chan finished 14th out of 41 runners in the women's 800 meters with a time of 2: l l .09, while Amanda Armsuong had a season-best time of 4:35.99 In the 1,500 me· ters. Sophomore Erin Curtis placed seventh in the pole vault at 12-2. On the men's side, senior Dar· rell Tozier was 16th of 59 runners in the 800 meters with a time of 1:51.15. UC Irvine sophomore KaJeena Yee ran a lifetime best of 17:32.50 to finish fifth in the 5,000 roeters. ua~SuzannePunnonplaced seventh in the 400-meter hurdles with at time of 62.22, while in the 400, Amber Nefas recorded a life- time best time of 56.81 to finish 13th and Laure n Adams immedi· ately followed in 56.91. In men's competition at Po- mona-Pitzer on Friday. Pat· rick Grogan finished sixth in the triple jump with a mark of 47·7. Michael McEachron ran a lifetime best o f 48.95 in the 400 meters and had a time of 22.13 in the 200. In the 1,500, UCI received season bests from Tom Whelan (3:52.98), Ric ky Barnes (3:53. 72), David •• San tos (3:56.51 ) and Andrew" Garratt (3:57.59). Scott Jarvis finished with a lifetime best · of 53.41 in the 400-meter hur- dles. • UC Irvine competes in the UC , , San Diego Invitational Friday, and Saturday. .. .. YOUTH BASEBALL .. I Astros come back on Orioles . ~ Andrews singles in winning run. Ryan Andrews singled in the go-ahead run to lead the Astros to a come-from-behind victory, 10-9, over the Orioles in New- port Harbor Baseball Assoda- tlon Mustang DlvisJon (9'-10- year-oldJ) play. Prtts Hamer smacked a three-run triple in the atxth lnnJng to de the game before Andrews' hiL ....._ C-IWwn and Aw- tbi IM w r tamed the Oriole bata wtth eolld relier pitching. Callahan alto had a run-scoring triple for the Altroa. l8t Wiiiet led the Oriola by golns 2 for 3 and Oa..e W... connected for a three-run dou· ble. 8dMln FlllaDlr and o.aa, •-no elCh turned in solkl pltchlJll ~rfonnancea for the Ortoa.. In other Mustanc pliy: • OWnondbUb 13, Yanbel s The DlamondbKb apotted tlM YaM.-lblM nma; but re · boUnded ....,, co put ~ .... a 1~1* lliid. 0 ._Cl ID I wmt31orS and,... joined In the hitting at: tadt ~ 0.-C ....... Ziidl BeaudJn, Forrest Gowty and:, Blake Bell ;, <lulatopber Sheppard and~, Beaudin pitched weU for the 0 - back.s against a Yankee lineup .... that featured hlt.s by Spencer • Rautua, Ryan Cerrato and TbddBata. ln Shetland National (6-year-•• olds) play: •DD.loo Davb bad four RBis en route to going 4 for 4 to help • the Blue Jays ln thdr game• against the OevU Rays. • Ala IAe and Derek Matheny • e.cb made aoUd defensive plays ln the ftrst and second in· .. nlnp While Joebua MllleT'I hit·t .. ting kept the Devil Ray defense •"' alert. ·., •The Cubs and Marinen bat· tJed at Newport Heights School'; on Saturday, when atrong playa,.1 abounded. , Ala Puller tagged out a run·..,. oer tryff\I to acore and ... aent two n h1u Into ten fleld. Nicolas; llaueer contmued the hot bJt·,,, dn1 with two thou lnto center fteld. but the defenM wu equally u aolld. • ....., lc:hwuU made a11 eoHd •op u third hue and i1lo Mnt. hk Imo rl,ght fteld. ...... _..._ tbnw out a runner at ftnt Whlle playln1 pttchet and ...., eent a htc Int() rent« fteld. ~.t'ORl S Sooddt Aufi 20. 200J 81 COMMUNITY COLLEGE BASEBALL STEV£. McCRANK I DAILY P1LOT Pntes' Greg Benoit is out lllder the tag of Santa Ma pitcher Lml Castaneda (28) ll recent action. Pirates pick up third straight win OCC closes Sequoias Tournament on a roll. VISALIA -The Orange Coast College baseball team earned ilS third straight vic- tory Friday. closing out the College of the Sequoias Tour- nament with a 9 -4 triumph over Reedley at COS. The Pirates ( 18-17), the des- ignated . home team, broke open a 2-2 lie with four runs in the seventh, then answered two eighth -inning Reedley runs with three more of their own to give sophomore right- hander Jimmy Treece the vic- tory. The triumph evened Treece's record thb spnng and It was well-deserved. Coach John Altobelli srud. ·He did a nice job of keep- lng them contained. unul we could jump on them with our four-run seventh,· Altobelli said. Reedley took a one-run lead with two in the fourth, but OCC rallied to tie it in the fifth, when sophomore John Grant clouted a solo home run. Sophomore Ryan Mathes connected for a two-run triple to record the big blow in the seventh. Mathes then scored on a single by sophomore Greg Benoit. All thls occurred with two outs. Benoit went 5 for 5, while freshman Ben Hanna was 3 VESLEY Continued from B 1 decided I was going to spend the rest of tbe year getting ready for (college!. I'm going to a great school and a great tennis pro- gram and I wanted to give myself the best chance of being able to pJay there. My goal ts improve and earn my spot. I think this shows me I'm on my way.• In ~ ~ was the No. 9 seed She opened with a 6-1, 6-2 tri umph <Ml" Monica Wie8ener from CeWwae. then advanced to the ,[ANH ER OAllf Pl! OT Orange Coast's K)'le Stney (3) is congratl.Aated by tearrvnates after tVttilg a home Mil actJOO agaflSt Santa Ma Colege. The Prates woo ~ Mal game at the Secµ)as Tcxxnament. for 5 with two RBis and Grant finished 3 for 5 with two RBis. Orange Coast went 3 I in the four-game tournament and can still contend for a postseason berth with v1c· tories over Orange Empire Conference foe Fullerton next week. 6-1, in Friday's sermfinaL ·1 wasn't playing badly, but I was playing her game,· Yelsey said of her match against Kmg. ·1 finally started mixing 1t up, slicing the ball and rutung hard topspin. That was my plan go- ing in, it just took me the first set to get into it.· Gambale. from Billerica, Mass., was the No. 4 seed. Gam- bale had knocked off top- seeded Alexandra Podkol7Jna, 6-1, 6-1. in the semifmals. It was the not only the super- nationals singles title for Yelsey, but the first time she had ad- vanced to the Round of 16. Collea• of the Sequoias Tournament -------Orange Coast 9. Reedley 4 Score by Innings Reedley ooo ~oo 020 ~ 12 7 occ 010 010 •l• ~ ·~ 1 Barry, Garcia (6), Jones (71 dnd Osborne, Treece. Crissman (81 and Grant W Treece, 5 5 L Jones 28 -Rolen (RI 38 Mathe' !OCCJ HR Grant (CCCI ----------- Caitlm Colhn.s (Lawrence. Kan.) and Jenna Long (Fremont), 6-2. 6-0, in the Round of 16 In the quarterfinal. Yelsey Za- larneda earned a 7 5. 6-2 win over unseeded Celia Dark.in and Erica Sauer from Som1i,, Calif.. then advanced to the rnJe match with a 6-4. 7-5 c;em1final win over Sabrina Capannolo {Las Vegas) and Sylvia Kosakow- slc.i (Downey) • quartlllfJnah with a 6-3. 7-5 win . owr No. 17-6eeded Melissa Mang "Mecairie. la. in the Round oC 16. The road to the doubles lltle was slightly smoother for Ye~ and her partner, with whom she has now won four national tftles. "Wuutlng the double-. [tJtle) ..-ri- day was a btg confidence boost." said Yel.'ley, who ~ gratified by some strong crowd support in her singles final Saturday. ·A lot of people were on my side [Satur- day!, which really helped. • Yelsey, the Pacific Coast League singles champion in 2000, was the PCL singles run- ner-up In 2001 and teamed with fre hman sister Rachel to firush second in doubles in the PCL last fall. • I • She fought off No.. 5-seeded Jes- ak:a NSU)'ell from OWsworth. 7-5. 7-5, In the quarterllnals. then rallied pal No. l'-'seeded Vania ~ from Long Beech. ().6, 6-3, ROWER Cc>ntiooe<rfrom 81 Yelsey-1.alameda. the~ l seed, defeated Ovmina and Janet Kim from Palisades PnB. N.J .• 6-0. 6-2 tn the first round. then topped recuming home until 9 or 9:30 and then hitting the books for a couple more hours of tudymg. '"'-t work ethk: bas land~ Lorgreo, who owns the icth· t time In the nauon in the 2,000-meter ergometcr test (7:17. l ), fUll scholarship offers unlvemtleasuch as Washington. 1'us. and Notre Dame. The National Merit bolarahlpAward ttdp ent has been a<'C pcc:d for earty adml lurr 111 I farvwd, UC~ Berlel~ and C omeU. The. tatter • thtte Khoo the front nmnen th\L~ far. •MY patt'n (Karl and Oirbtlnel re gunning for me co go lnstatr-, but oul of state wuuMb nl .·~ id. Mitny learns would be l\l(*J to Ni LO~ no matl I r I tcd DECINCES Continued from B 1 the minors with nine teams before being called up to the Angels la.st year. For the pa.sl three yean.. DeCi.nces has done marlceting ror Money Line Technologje,, a company that installi. softw.trt' with a mche in the banking industry. He even received h1.<i reaJ estate license in the off i.ea-.011 The off-season for DeCuKt.'l> ruru from September to Pebruary, when he gets a chance to return Lo his home in Co'lta ML~ to spend time with wife Ml'11. .... ..a and daughten. Delancy and JWt>y. Delaney will tum 1 on lue.day while Rill'y ii. ">eVen month., old The rest of the year. fM .1m.:t.., le, trdveling from c11y 10 dty, whith can be laxing, both phy..11.ally .111d mentallv. he ...aid "lllt' hanN ~ ahcJUl lkN.hlil t> gt'lling rtOO} to ~lid} ~ nl141t ·· IJeCince. 'WiJd. .. 0 It' hardt .... pall L'> the lnt\.~~ rrtiW~ '>\II\' \'flU l-:d OfJit and tindmg IIrnt.· to ~ out. Rut trJ\.~lg t> lun beat1N.> ~JU gt>e 10 '*' ,, lot -- ANTEATERS Conbnued from Bl And DeCinces tw i.een much c.tunns hi\ minor-&eague ltnUre that included a six-year stint in I~ Qnold organizallon, which drafted De<..ances out of UQ.A in the 16th round of the free.agent draft in June 1996. The team that drafts a player keeps him for 'iix years before he'g eligible ror free agency. DeCinces worked h1s WdY up to a starting spot at triple A with the C >rio~ before t>Mg acqwred by the ~ddres in the double-A phase of the Rule V Draft prior to the 2000 Be'clSOn. fJeances finished !.eCond on the Mobile Ba~ -the double A affiliatl' ol the Padres - Ill hitting al :1.1 1 with 11 home ~ and 44 IIBI!:. 111 :woo I le 'itaned the nat '>ea'>On at tnplc A, but W.t.'> ..cnl back down to double A. one of IM mr t!'>" more fru.'>LraUll~ l:'xpen1:111 t."'>, hu1 one that wa... <Jwn -Llvt'd d'> < >al<land lilffil:' talhng "Oakland prcMdt:'<l ITIUfl' of iJ fit and 11 'hi.I.'> a fn><Jl '>tart f1ir n IL' I gol mol"l' cunfidt'n<.l' l>e< mcec, rt'l.tlk'll I le -.oon rt'.tlv.cd J -.trnngt"r 111c111al approad1 hdd tlw k~ 111 ... u1 tt"""'-· "'Wher1 you try to do more tha11 you ran do, d\a(~ wht.-rl the probreml saart. .. ()e(.mce!, ..akl ·it's tough to ~ angry. I goc bade to tJUstinR what I do and to keep~ s.imp!e. "When you're suugglmg. yuu try to do so many dit[(-n•m thl~ and that can p&ay with your confidena. You h.aw w l"n)oy compeo.ng. but not oomprtu1~ against yowtidf .. If~ need., a qwd. c1.ru>wer, he~ wtl\.'rl' to tum ·My dad t> my~ h11w~ coach.~ he said. ·11e'D k•t llK' LJICJW if rm doing '>Omt1.hlu~ wnmg .uiJ hei. ahwy.. been <iUpporuw ·· l·am1ly mrmbt'r'> prnb.1l11\ a ren't lht' only ont''> rrio1111~ lor UeCintc'> 1 1 le w<t.'> an All wa Vii"'' I i-.11.'IW . (<1ILht>1 and Or.mi.w < rn1111, All 0..,\ar for < .d\1 111 l'~t h.1111ng .44J tha1 y1·ar undt'r < H,u h 't 1111 \fagl:'r'> I It• l'nlkd J thrn· \-l'df c.:areer a1 lJ( IJ\ .1ltt'I rt·d-.l11rt111~ h1'> fn..,hinJn 'l'·•"111 \l\llh 1; hume rum, I hf1 Hlib .1111J .1 I.! I a1.eragt· ·1 hd\l' Jll upp11·11.111011 11•1\I\ lor 1lw gamt.' Jlld 111111~ 1h.11 P\l"f\thlng V.111 \'\IH~ fill' lk< lllll''> '>did UC Irvine outfielder Jor Horwitz runs down ,;i llv t for the first out during a recent game against en~ Beach State. UCI bpa• P Jr 111 on Saturday, & l 11.tNI Rt' 'l'I• Iii • \\;ig111•r • .!. lnr ". w11h two Rfil, .111d 1 11111 \1,111 ~.i ll l. lor 4 with .rn HHI. .rnd l>11•h1•\ ' l11r ~\\1th ,1 run aftt'r J ligl'r thrt.M1ng l'rror un Ion I loM1V' ...ar n file bw11 A '>lnWl' .md .1 ">tonng ll) hall to lt'llll'I put thC' \Ntor-. .ilwad, 1· I I I< I rl'turn' 10 acuon ho'>lmg t .,LI ...,t,ttc '\nnh ndgP 111 a Big \\t..,I -.ene-. al .\11lt'.11t·r ll..11lp.11~ Apnl !.5-.!.7 < Hllllt' 111nt"-.~·I 00 p 111 I nd.1\ 1 m p 111 \Jrunfay dlld I 00 p.m '>lmd.I\ Bia West Conference UC Irvine 6. Pacrfic 1 Irvine added .1 run in thl' O.,l\th ,,., right fielder c.an Dudrn lt•d off Wllh a '>lllgll'. mmed 111 wtond on d 'hild pitth 'ilOle third I bdSl' and came homt• on 8 '>l <Hing ny hall UC I. ''h1th addl'd i;I run 111 the ninth. wa-. paced ntfen'\tVl'I} b) C iHI'> .._lrmm. whu ,,,., Score by Innings uu 1t)ll > UOP ,10 L .!. for ~.,:llh an HBI Jnd run -.1 ort'~ \larL. ~r.-r1ch Roulona1t1s 181 Alsror 19 H>d ll'J.lqn..., Stanford God~,,, 15 Graham 17 Wrlloc• :J an(l AmezQU1ta W -l'r .. nch 2 3 L Stdr>lor 1 • 'i 21l Amf!.l'llU•la tP UCI 'lpl'lllt'I Bernu' .inJ hq <l'''"'' b\ '>t'lll'I I >a' 1d .... mlfin Continued from BI lJ( I It'd thro11ghnu1 lht' ..et 011d gamt". though 'ltanlurd Ired 11 .it L5 and 26. bt-fore \'1.,lay t·wned the match ''1th a kill on g.1me p<i1111 tying II JI 2X J.lld 'Y \ I'< 111'1 l1ll d 11d 11 comhuwtl bloc l lh \ ,,1,1\ Jnd Remu-. gd\t' llt I 1111' 1111 pret. ed e n1 et.I vwt or\ kilb and 11 digs. Nie Vislay Jnd ~ylt• \~1•11 ht'n added I l. lilb each for lht' v.ir1 ner<;, ~ho ~l etwd I 0 lull' f rt>lll • 111 thP fourth g.Jme I JU It'd. 17 12. hut trailt:'<l . .!.h .!.5. helore No. 4 c;('t'(Jetl ~1.mlortl )!•II 1 , as.sit'> frum <.oron 1 dd \1.u 111.:h produtl Kt'\·tn 11.trN•n 1 111 .!~ lcilli. from .... un loprwll I h1 1 .u dmal end'> 1l'> ..ea.'><m JI I -1 _ • Take T.he Irrelevant-Challenge- Carson Palmer, winn'r of the Downtown Athletic Club He1sman Trophy, is also eUgibT' for the covd'd UniversitY Athletk Clu& .....l.owsmafl T~. • MeR's the-prot*m .. .(MOO NII Aet ~~.at tt. lest pick beca~ rT\(>St draft ~nd~rsi indudi"t-Mel Kiper, ~ct him to ~ drafted ear1ier than 250! lbc Challenge Is lbis; Submit G ·Game Plan. that would hew PabMr available to be arattea lasl <t>Y ~ Bay) enotfius-oecome 1 .. Policy How to Place A ---Deadlines---· Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm CLASSIFIEJAD Rates anJ deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher re!>erves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The oruly Pilot accepts By Fax By Phone (949> M 2-5678 By MaiV,In Person: Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm •no hab1hty for any error in an 3dv~rtisement for whkh it may be re~ron.,1ble except for the cost of the , 'race actually occupied by the em>r. (949) 631-6594 O'\ea5e Include tour namt" and • phonr numba and -·11 call JOU beck With a pott quot.e.) Hours 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. cl: Bay St. Friday ..... : .............. Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm C rcdlt c.m only be allowed for the first 111\Crtloll. Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Fnday Walk-In 8:30am-S:OOpm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm Ind ex ANNOUNUMEHTS ~ & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE 1489 . 3010-3940 ~ Jili1 7402·7466 IOOS·ISIO BUSINESS & FINANCIAL LIJ 2305-2490 soos-saso •cmarM& ........ ,..,,so Podflc View <.......-ion Crypt. I 11:u111ta Court "' "'" Surr uund1n1,s. l't~pehMl l<1ro1 for 2 l.,..... Auctions 1483 Lost 1~ LEGAL SERVICES iii===:==========~ -l.-.-,~,°"""~~-~-4-/-7-. ---------------WANTED Professional makeup lost In Costa Mall by Adoption& Foster Care . Cats IMlllel• 949 651 0261 Collectibles/ :'Memorabilia ANTIQUES c:Ge, black MK boa. rxi· fatrV•w off Chnstoph« Ln Reward 949-350 7600 Older Style Furniture PIANOS & eon.ctlbles _Servl_ces ____ 2650_ "'° 'WAY lor monma c.v Corona del Mar pl II klttllns IJNI hotre5.. 1160 ·~,.,.. ... 1~ . ..-.. -.,,.."""".a-".,.,..,....,,. ·Tew SS 4 RECORDS nc $$ CASH PAID $$ • M ci.r.-., Cle. !Os & OOs ............ - Ill Alt ... 5'N II~ arJ1JS • WE BUY ESTATES •Mtllt' 949 &45 7505 • --i.t1e ,,_.,,, _ ---"WE PAY llllOfE FAITIJI"' lOUAI. 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If you slna. dance, act or have a passion for basic entertainln1. please call ~ TOLL FREE 800-378-7920 ut_ 103704 Remem bet EVERYONE IS A ST Alt HOME 2670 rRtCI LAW GROUP Southern Cahforma·s lud1n11 rtnanc11t- Rehef law Fttm s ...... r rk• &OO..U4-6000 ~Callf.,...10'1 leadma Fmanc•al Relief law Firm SNwlrrke &00-8&4-6000 IMPROVEMENT JEWELRY/ 3460 SERVICES 2600 DIAMONDS/ Garage/ Yard Sales 1Hft Mlscellaneous _ PRECIOUS METALS 949-533-0UJ MISCEUANEOUS MERCHANDISE Mlscellaneous Merchandise STiil llOGS S0-10% °" 40140.50190,601120, Must Sell! Can Oellnrl Cal Now' Rldl ID). m. I~ Business Opportunities Businesses and Franchises COFFIE IUSINISS .._. Profit Pollln Shar1 In. L-°""held. 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State law al!>O requ1res that contractor\ include thew hu•nse number on all adverhs1r11 You can c.hetk the stann of your licensed co ntractor al www c.stb.La.1ov or 800 321 CSLB Unll· • censed contraclOfs • tak 1n1 jobs that total leu lhan $!>00 • must s tale In their • ad wet llHments tftal • they are not licensed by the ConlractOfs Slat" llcenw Soard • ·---------------~' ~emodtllng , F""""9G IOWS , Kitchwl /Bath I~ • ,.,.,,. ......... 01.llJTI ·'6RI!>~~ 1 Couche~. lamps.+ Other rers. lona-t•m posit10n ,.,.._y. watct.1, antiques with eac.ellent toe.lions selected Items av11t Wor!wl. SO. Mrils PIT collectibles 9'9-6'.2·9448 al tor $10.!1.l> ID).2J4..61!2 Appl Only 714 403 2JOO oubodl homl 949-<C87·1551 Bookbeplng • 11 ,,_,..~ Senb. Tax pr'1*ttlol>. rHsonable. responslb6t, exp:rienced 949-325 0250 car,entry A -? HANDYMAN Install. reface cabinets ~~ ~ Dauc 714-54&-7258 • w ....... ,,. C~tom Built Ins, Crown Moldtnp. 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Tile & more 20+ y...,. bp«lenc411 J1714-ct .. -5776 Jl5U'f AUAAl'f H0•1•gAM snCJAUSr RusonallMPrlc9 t4 Yrs upetlenca In a" trada. $p9dallzltfC 11'1 reMdmtill lnt/Hl 7'4-SOl-6466 -TO TM1 OUMPllt 714·9'11112 AVAILABl E TOOA YI MM7).55tf Under th l' Sl'rvi cc.: Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 UST SIDI 282 E BAY SI 3BR 28A Beau CU1'· tom remodel on a quiet SI $733.000 BY OWN{R roR APPT TO VIE.W CALL Mochael 949·280-7633 llDUClDI $190,000 Gnat l'lewport He1&1lb location J8r J8a r f:bulft and eapanded 1n ·97 ...-mene tut. llwsh bia~ ..... ill~ f,15ecu1ty sr-, room to upand. Don Thou5and. ., 'l&f60.9'181 SEU yo<.H unwanted items tlvouch clau1hed A IXQWSRl • sao ~~hY plY\ hl&h cell1n11s 'urv1n~ stwca5e, aulsdt r P 4 ~"" lutdleo. ' U'-iom ~ & more.Sl.m.cm MicNel em.ma.i. r~ RaaRy !M9 r..9-0111 SEU ywi-. .... ~ A llAUTIRIL ~ w1I be Lompieted the!. 'lfJ''"I. 5& ssa. .mn a w0tlderlul flowwie lloof p1an s1.l!IO.cm Mid-' B<,..rnan, Coilstllt'te RMlly ONt 10•0 •oAo l •r1e\t Balboa Model. 1100\1. 48r 358a, le •• lltndsuiped yard. fl'Ul toe ... part. $1~.{D) qi Oatec:• 9'9 7l7 9014 P1llllllSTARS rATIKIC TINOll ltATIONW'lOI USA -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 94t..a56-970S www.palrdlten0<1.com T 0 DAY 'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS Newpolt Badl STO'S TO THI SANDI NfCUDl9U IUYI $2ft,0001 Gota-ous buch retreat condom1nun is spacon & ~brtte. marina close for your ~ ...-..ndsl This tr--..e boast ,_ lu11.r10US ptush carpet Ind dautinc pMnt! ~on.,our~ patio Of eot.n.n tn.nds & family by your ~ ... pool. tpl. i.coon. -somec~andln ~pm! <Ml NOW 1MISI ltAlll GUIS GO CKllCJO. YI <el( ... ) JOl.4661 ""''-.... &Ne SELL ,.__... ... ..... 0.-.'• ..... ~PI> Gruf Price! 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SELL your stuff tb'ouafl classified! OlllYPilot .......... ,_.HfATIS OCUNYllW/,,1,... PATllOlfUIOU ,...._. ··=fp, 91AflOll ... USA p llril&. Mt-tM..f70S Sl~m0 98 MIO www.p•tlld1~e.com a... ,. the run Zone ~ LCMfy 2bt lti. lljlt, 1 c , ... OCIM vtlW pt, $1600 monthly/JflY ""·... "'· ltotlert 949-338 llJllS MT Mt-Ml-7221 .._, MY TOW91S a tlir.. ._ 6'l:tt $17!4' 2 Sh from t.-ry, lBt, mo.. • a ._, II petio l&, sec, pool, Kini view Sl&OO/lnO. llllL Mwlfyn on Bay, lltt/dln rm --. t&n1-!llM9 ~t:'1 Sl~mo ..... CMtr_ ~~-orig Pl I j11tW c..-f IHhy Corona dtf Mir ...... ,._.,. ,_,UTARS PAf'IKJC TINOU elATICNIW• USA t4t-H6-t70S www.patrlcllbtn«e c:om ~ ... ,.._ c,_. --wlltl ~ I oc-i ""-. Ofhwed al $6,500.ooo. c-111 ... lelllly ......... ,ff.-4, 11 lllCXlrBU0'1 ~ .... ., H9.MT.4'1• mcB.LMIOUS RBITALS (t~L& studio rm paho no lutchen. S695/mo • $1000 dtp. Oen aide ol PCH. 949 574 7701 al 12 Ill llA . wllh viflr $1550. •at Marilyn Williams. 949 721 5049 ar 1._, l.Jl)plr w'1>*. Ulla i.:d. le IP tn pt, ... now,~ SIQiQm 9&2'12·5775 l2S7 t~, a ... Apt Reunify rehabbed w/J car 1ar, I block to beKll, no pets. S2200/mo 949 854 1680 Sir Arch.Pub.H•.,• baam ceols. skyh&hh, Ir pie's, lat. pt den, W/d gj75mo 949 7!19 0400 .. c-..~ ........ 2 la&, 2 lul Ila, 2< Iii' 1Ji5()d, wd lh, La Pllbo. no/pet/,... be smcn, I yr Ille. ..... w 7149627Jli6 HAU OCIAN & IAY VllWS 28r 2Ba, middle duplex, I t. encl &•• RllMITohl I030 S2795mo 714 998 0948 Trt '-el c...1. ...... •/Ill C-.-twnhM 2 fp's, hdwd lln. paho to ._., ~ .,._. rooftop deell, Z c •II RM (Olll --3bt Zba. 1se S2990m 949 7 J7 ~ SI~ 949C2-6318 Com Mesa NPI leek ley 4br house. Pwt. V•t11i1n/ no srnotl, fem prof aan' mo+ l/2 ldi ~ e.1 1aar•..._1 ... to bmch, vau te*. 'iltwe. ~"-cal ..,, more SSfni•v 18r & Sl.2'l)m/)Sr I JJ [ 16111 St k;ii. tor ~ 949-548-2421 (..ii I)< ........... Xlnt~· ["SlllR ,_ :Ill 1 SS.. Sl"I! fp ~ count1n 2r p badlvd ~ ffl 17:16 ._......,4br 35be N bch. ~ vu. plaj w/pool,len SIO,OOOm mn.e. l*t 94t9-ar7 .56(6 Nlwpolt lleadl IATHONT OH LIOO P(NINSULA' NEW 2tr2a. COTT AG IS Pr1v1te Beach. Poot ilnd Spa Walk lo Ocun. Shops and Restaurants Luse 6/mo 2 yr +- Boal Slip Av••l•ble 7 10UOOPAHDI. 949-673 6030 Of 949 723 5830 * YIAAJ.Y * llASU Bill CRUNO\' HEAL TORS 949-675-6161 r-a. •• a. Pel•• lbr' Iba, nlc:e lllfll, ~-• boo Bly View, uUI Incl •rU1350949 673 7800 ......... .. .. Bay rlelllt ..... aindo, ,.. kit ~ C81Plt, '*"'· 21: pr, w/d, sm Piil -..,_. -J1695mo ~ .. c..... r.mom. 2llr l.!D palio. -...... nu i-'tl. Illa. esp. Z c pr, lg! $18l>9&673-J!lb Newly remod Zbr Zba condo, 2 c 111r. patio, wd, no J><!t/&mk Avail 5-1 S1950 Isa 949 759 1344 IAHSOGt 21A 21.A. ., .. location, tommunity pool, spa's $2100/lllO Edie 949 718 1632 ast- ""'91 ....... la • 29r' 2811. din rm. belc. lfiSlst, 2r: pr1la. _,, Wiik ID bdl S2mTI. D!J!JB.9347 S..,. ....... Yl1Y rllr"lt!t Z rns1r -.. 2.Sba. ocn vu, ~. fp, pr, no Pll ... goo 91f9.'73.78l) Npl Hie, 4 .. r, 2ba 2000sf l M HH. 2 Ip, wet Ur 1n t.wn rm. ~ apt/pnt 111 & out I yr -· ~h c-p, S2ll!l5ln w~94~ NeM H~ 3br 1ba, a. St 2 st I t d incl 1ar, wd hkup•. front ... ' • • n IA• comm, w/pool, spa+ unit Ip, no peh Call private yard SJOOO/mo m1r 949 510 JOJO Acenl 949 856 971Y.> N__,.r1 leach Peninsula Studro Aputmenh nail Afl S700 S950 949 673 /800 IA YSIDI VIUAGI Remodeled Mobile Home 28f <'Ba, awl\. CMllOfl. porch, pool. \!)It Manna Sl200mo+ 949 723 1200 .........., ...... ,. 1.._, t:W q..t. 1lll'llY pabo. IM.tndl'y IDOrn II(), ..,....., SI <mo 96 !>74 ll14 ''TM ltwffs" Sir 2 .. , Huaa bay vtew ~/mo ~252 82000f 949 851 8160 lease Ophon Av•1I. IAYRlONT w JI.-Dedt IJllP« unit ol duple I , 2 blocks to beac.11 3bf 71>11. Ip, W/O, lfl Vll!W dedl, tear pr SJ600tmo onclds utls & dodt 949 510 fiml Remis Wanted 7880 NIW lASlSIDI STVDtO RUY R.-.sMID lbr lb.l Very prov.alt Qua1111 6dy ._,Penal PUil! neVl b•lh & kolthen non "' t1d Sid. S12!i() 6 month •mk1 C•ll 9-49 64~ '>'.l!>h •• 'feMtf 9&933 !678 ,._. bee.. st9.\ I or 28' ~ Q,nO, lto.r.r nn Newpor llB•lbu~ Pe nm Fum/tdu-n lor ~ fl""1Uls ril bie/Uy & Al.ti n/VIW I pel$. 714 617 1489 C.-1'11! "E l " mp oyee. "Emplead-0. ,. ''A rbeitnehmer." "EmploJe." NOUMR HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. A.~ti... <-trellw/ ,......... "-"''· ~' poaltlon lor madoum a11c home builder Qu•llfled conltolter c-.p•ble of mullJplc 'rash flu1ble houfS 20 to 30 per week. Sal•ry b•nd on uperlence r u resume to 714-557-4216 ClOKAl Netd lull ltme person to ISSISI with VlftOUS duties Must be .tble lo Input al ln•t 50wpm d1turalely on computer puHns stron11 tu<>l omer service skrll\. •nd be dependablt S9 Per hour [Hellen I ben eflt pa<kaee COE ~nd resume to Judy Oe1ton1, c/o Oally Ptlol, 330 Wesl Bay Street Co\la Mesa, CA 92627 or tm•ol to µJy Ol!tlre@ blallllWfll General Crvl1• lift• ~nto y level on bo•rd pn\tlonn\ •va1I gre..t benf!ln lll 644 21(.12 MD>KAI. TRAHSC. WC e•p ~o rWy work on yo<.: ~ ''-' Co'ila Mt9 we F d• 96-64&.B.9 JOIN OUR II AM and ma~• • d1ll••en<r In lht Cahlorntd Army NdllOn"t Cua• d fhU < •n &el money lnr c olh·r~ and tare" lr••n•n& C:dll I 800 C.0 f,IJARO (CAL •SCANI 100 WOIUUlS NUDfD ~ah.wood~ Matero•I pr nv1ded Io $411}+-wt. Free lnf0<1Nlt0<1 pk&. 2•.lhr 801 428 4886 , D YES, ... I MY CAR Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Daily Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us .this form with your credit card #. or mail with a check todayl Run for a weekl · If ygur cs doeS not eell, we 'II run ft tor another week FREEi A11 tor Just s20·. I Nlme I c QdC... 0 MC 0 WlA 0 All~ Allll<k*,.... ... • .... MDdll----- L __ i-9 ________ _ ~AUTO Y.,_MOT .... "t2 ~~o..y (19292) .. ., IMW S40I s.4-"99 s;..,.,. w/blM.k It/Ir' , •• 6 speed t,pO(t peke. 5611 mtlm (19231) 129,980 IMWSUl~'OO .Mod Blue w/prJ llhr 11111.0 Pfetn ~ ( 19241)) . S26,9llO IMW SUI S"'-'00 Wt!lle w/Blldt ltfv CO llflyet 4211~ (19269) S22,980 UWMS~'OO ~on lmnlK 8IKll ltlw, 10. m. 1 owns {19'B1C) 159.9!!0. ,_,_ti,:1GT ~~llhr tow mllcs lull po- (-186771) $14,!*l. hnd.996 c.ArieWt 'O I One ~ Only IOiMI (l9L51C) 159.!*l J...-UI C-. 'ft Brtln.h Raana Gr~ w/tan lthr, only 221( mrfes CO slKker (19289) $39,!*l .__...._ 230Sl .... fhis IS • r tal Clautc Red w/Tan Lealhtr 8olh lops 4 '9Md Cl 11683) $21.980 MIZMlUO'OO l at-Body &hti.tnl~ ( 19348) S29 ,980 PondoeT...tM. eo..p.·.a.........w. Hun y for I~ pe-rlect low mlieil~ lot.al OOf" ow,..., naos WSl«IUY 949-$74-7117 PH&1'SAU10 ~··- ._.. ""-"" ~7 LS S3 51< al, "' II'>. pw i.~ rftlty M.lrm. t"d moontC••f • cood p p $9500 7 14 134 2!118 t.el ACUU UGfND LS '92 all pow~r auln, wn1ool. llhr 1d playtr newer tore<>, R•UI rnnd $6500 Days 949 466 9771 or eves 714 389 9794 Avdl '99 A4 Q-'fTo l 8 Vb l9t. ., luAI mt itUIO •p•rl<hnt 1ed erry llhr mnrf lO looh & smell\ tl•w V456771 $17 99'> lm•nconc avail, Bkr 949 · 516-1111 -••• , ... 1.c- -CREYIER -( ·--.. -"\ ,,_ flWml •CMR1RG' WU. & PreAUn PKG. LEASE FOR i1~ PER MOfllTM + fAX I Al Tia TerlllS On fwoved Ctecit • OTllRAT s.J.11 SAW«;SI • +.98¢ $3780 du' 11 SCllllll 48 11\0fllh Clos.eel srwl len. no ~curtly . deposit, 1 Oii mile~ per yHr E xcesi moln @ 20¢ per mole (TC42279) • LITS MOT~ IT'S FUN ******** SSFREEWAY @ EIMR SAMA MA AUTO MNJ. (888) 823-9808 IMW '99 Woe-SU Uver. 'i4>1"t pk&, 5611 In, new l11es/btelks, xlnl cond Sl4 (XX) 949 646-36tl> lulck lead Meoter ~ '96 VI. 47K •lwl "" wtra/wlr/ .,. <:home whls, prtmoum ~nd. beallllul ore ~ condibon pr. n/5mfl&. ..... ~12 S7.99500 949-586-1 ... -~ Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH Sund1y, Apnl 20, 2003 IS WATOl lltOSt .TRUMPS Boch vulncnbk Soulh dealt NORTH •A07J "f 7 ICQ 10 • 16J WEST • K 104 -QJltl 916 • 107 2 SOUTH EAST •J865 Void J754J2 •J 94 • 92 A654J2 A •AK'Q5 ~~ ,, .... u .... 4Vf .... 6 .... NORTH •• 4 ., .... Opening leud Nuic of Thc bridge dub team wu in a dilemma. They ~ i.bclrt a player for ID tnler·dub m.deb lllld tht unJ )" OM a"Vatlahle wlb. Trump Coup Tommy RC<ldc" of our c:olumn know of Tommy\ \IT&nftt uik:111 Dcspne tht la..t lh.u he ..,._, a mediocrt playtr. ,.hen ll\lffiJ>'i brolc badly hr wa& tr.iru.fonncd 1n10 a ma~· lcr. Reluctantly. he,.~ L~ unlu I.he ~Wld. and tht other member. 111 lhc team Jll\I hoped he woukl nuc ha"c tn pld) 1110 man) nonnaJ Ltlfl tr.a.I\ Thc n\Jtth 1..une li<I'" n to the t..o,1 board. flit uppuncn~ reached tht bean t.mi llfld 11.cllf do,.. n " in.. ~ lorotna two llWnP' H .. tcamm:.~ w~ dclllll*d to i.ce that m.ir hm• w.u ~attins Soulh If h<' wukl linJ ,, ""•)' t.t> bid and nWJ.e 1 l lnt:u he· "'1.!Uld ll!Ufl< rur 'C'•entl f"'l''llKI• blundcn lllld emerge lllumptl.inl Tommy blJ nu pnol>lcm reo...-t111ir the briil'I •lam u••nt Ke) C .m1 81.ti;kwood '"'hen: the .._an,v uf trwu~ w unted ~ '"" ~ ..i1J ,...,,ch • Ii•.: heat\ ra.pun,._. ,,ho11.cd awu k.n r.mh WCM ~ ~ mnr ol th;ur"""-" Totnrn) won an ho«xJ perforce "°'I k'\J a low tromp £vel')Olll'. lwlc.J 1hc11 breaths bopi.ni ;r omrn y kw,. 11\.u 5hould Weli1 follow 11.ith tilt tt~hl. the Wtty pby Wib lQ W\C:f \4 tlh Jho· nine But Wat. louUns ul '''"' """'"' miJy AR llWllfl 1.nd... deela.I a rn>Ct che ten. d.wnm)".' L 11 • r \IH fl 1110&. f..ut•s di,afnond lh"-'lAnl I Jll ... 'C T<lfnmy IO gt up \troll ~)II I h "' a• 11 l11s clcmcnl lbc king of duunt.onJ, "'•"" rulh\1 Ill che clo!.ed hand l.hc thr1-.· ''1"' luh were played oft anJ ll'<' •iun·11 • • ~l*k~ ,..,... lirte'..cd \\-hell lh" "' 11 1omm> rurTcJ 1he 11u«·11 111 .1, 1 m11nd,. '""'"'J to 11,... ..._ .. 1 'I'·' .I. anJ Ntf~ .: \p.t<k-~11h C'\t f\ •1 ~D lt1 three \.dfu• \\c•I l111IJi1 .• IJ J lS uf llUmp. """' h:chri1 4u11< (•1n fon.ihle That du11~·nl m .. ti.un Tomm) lt:tl In' fl·11w1n1uf 1 luh .. ,, . We\I "'J\ a gone: tzt • '"-Tlw Jt. krk! l'r WIL\ fon;ed "' rutl h·~·h Ill ('H n•11• dummy from "'"n111 111. """ ... ll\lm~. but ttw.-n h..J h k. ... J .... ~' f">m (} lC uf h<'ill1' !Ohl I• I I\ 1.umbincJ A <J ll:I•"-• \1• '" , 1 1,. .inJ nlO&lc fwd XlT Van '17 15 s-s. alnl cood •IT\ l1TVc.d'>•.otd Y"llVdvd 2 -.u-.. SlO.LOl ____ 9004_ BOAT REPAJRS/ Merced•• '99 SS20 SERVICES I WB S2k mo J yr warr avail "Iver blk llhr CAOIUAC CA TlltA '91 6 obo 949 7'12 1247 alt"' S buul ""ii tund v875241 $?S 4~ hndnc onr avail Bl.r 9'9 !>116 1888 BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE cyl, al <tC ltlv I pwr sunroof t<lendfod "'"'' SIO.!JOO S62 '97 71SS CaclAlo< Cet•r• '91 r>~ Melalhc Bur 11•11dy l<•d Oalmedl l lho Chrume Wheel\ Buutolul 01111 cond1l 1011 , S8 99S vinS77412 '}49 !">116 1888 -.ocpobl.c- Chryoler Sebrl,._ c-v. JX '00 J1K V6 M•l•lht 111een Cr•y onl Bl•<h top. BtillVlllul like new cond1t1un S IO 99S v1n877412 949 S86 11188 www .......... 1 ...... DODGI NfON '2000 50k• m1 IOOK fu warr 5 sp. blue &rty onte11or .im Im td, '-I orlll" cmd $4995 11-m. fin •vM 8kt Vfl.457'11 ~S86 1888 _.,....._ D~ '91 Y9)'999r 1 pau while C.'t'l' int pvt &IA~\ aaraeed nun ~r hilt nP.w cond •457275 S5~ Bl<r 949 586 1888 WWW 04Mbl cum -,._ 00 XU c.-. 0.Hh Me1 .. 1i.c. R~ r ~n llhl ml r.n lop < d lul 1¥ t WMI 1.1nlJ"' lrke llt'W •.1<oe11i.I con<! ~ve $351\ SJ1 99'> f Ill ••d~ v1nAOJ070 'M9 586 1888 --~- JUP CHHOICH '94 Whole cherry tondoloon I owne1 S6000 pnvate par ly 94'1 17"1 IJSJ .... '00 ......... a-.i.- 6< yl 2 wd )611 "lu•I mt solvtr 11rey int alloy\ f•bulnu~ hke new unmarked <Ond • year wan iMll, v"rlml Sll.995 fwm Bllt 949 586 1888 www .•• , ....... . u........ ·02 ".,,...,_ JOI< m• lull fact w1rr s1lvtr ••nd Ian lthl CO •lacl<rr chrome whl• ulr• •e•I v672518 $27 99S form Ion & w•rr avail Bkr 949 586 1888 www.~l.c- www~.c- POltSCHf •99 CAaafU Ari•< "lvrr mAl•lh< •II llhr 11 aph•I• 11 •y 1nl•• '""' \Uh h\ 11 -.ound 5ystem •l•m Im CO. lo t•t 6lr. mt I owner 11•ra1ed lmm•culate Ss.4.SOO 949 67!> 2869 AllTilMmlfS, llSC8.J.ANEOUS ~ o,....11 °'""-°""' 40 Y9W' • •P' ... pw'f a ~ f• oni;e lor yooo ca Van or truclt ti.I tor or !10C Clll OD Rey {a> Tomlllo ~ ~ 7Jl Ul 1931 c:. 714 328-lZ1B CASH fotl C.Ul WI NHD YOUa CAii PAil> JOit oa NOT PHIWPS AUTO AH fotl MAlCOUll 949.574 7177 9680 93 n SUP AVAl~llr • IN NfWPOaT HACH S2SOO llASf 949 SOO IOOS •I-Sllp 1 ••di •J ht,n• l i tt bot.tr ....,, t• Uf'lllfTMlfl'd J fidy l4rt c.. •• * ••• •22 11n Sell your unwanted items the easy way! 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(949) 642-5678 TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE ACROSS 7 .c Bronze com DOWN 6S Bea· s 30\'IOe 1 Contributors 75 Bnght 1 Snazzy 70 MarlllE'f s hello 7 l..L'OI( dOWn on 76 Barnyard no•se 2 Bngtlt<Olored bird 71 Loud CIBITIOI 12 Custer's last -77 CEO pemaps 3 Cai.ighl 90l'Tle Z I 72 Tng 'uf'CllOO 17 V«Se 80 Kind ol 9Y'\JP 4 K)'OtO sasl'l 74 AUO<' aces 21 Mecca a land 82 Gene11c copy 5 ClfC:us arena 75 8a"<)S 22 Solar $yslem planet 83HOOCj -6 Phil()S()ptlerS 76.U"K>rt 23 AbOul dalewrse 84 "The K1og and 7 What land'Ybb8'S ge1 78 Teed o .. 24 Highest point acuess B Prestige 79 Funr / R1.:r .. ·o - 25 Omamenlal tnm 8!5 Of the badlbone 9 Whales uke St\amu 81 Gamblng s:.a•c 26 F001 pedal 87 Donkey's comment 10 "trleranes (abOr) 82 Thro'lg 28 Adds 90Und @tleciS 88 U90 a paper t011rel 11 Edmonton ooe,, org 83 Young iowt>S 29 Explode 89Soottle 12 Varn0Cll!le9 84 Europelln 111r11~ 30 Teahouse 90 Polite Dlokes 13 0iadem 85 Mii ran~ hOsl~ 9 1 -nead to toot 14 Sculp1Ufe and mUSIC 86 P"CIOQ word 320ents 92 Sends lorti 1 S TM>-Striper ~7 WlOe 33 Soup ser~s 94 Reviw f2 wds > 18SllPM»pMK 88HU'l"IOOSIS 35 MountaJn pass info 95 Nesting p6aoe 17 Go by canoe 8S Heart out1e1 37Pigs clgs 96 1=arm implements 18 Telesalpe lens 91 Convoy 38 Mantra ctianler 97 Sprinkles 19Grill remnants 92 VentnlOQJ<S1 39 E11erest con<1ueror 98 In 1avor of 201.JnCidy -Berge" 40 Changed decor 99 ·nie · 10 \Nolfgang 27 AOL post (tlyph ) 93 Poet s ~w dlly 42Pretend 100 Resta11ant freebie 31 NATO member 94 Swindle 43 Superman s 101 Execs 34 Palo -c.I 96 In a tussy ••v glf1tnend 102 'Inferno· aut'lOI" 36 'Old" London lhea1Je 98 Tn.st 44 Orop-ladl9fS 104 Lugged 38Mooed 100Crusty ..... ~P ~ Maie waterpoo1 107 vuOge Roy -39 Large pieaeS 1C1 Earn 11,7 Bay al the moon 108 Numencal pref!X • 1 Went out Mm 102 Attired "'8 Aery dlnoll 109 Viewpoint 43 ·0amn Vriees' 103 Pt.J' a ~oo 10 49 RN S1.l1lona 113 H!atured roosielan vamp 104 Ct\amPfltgne llUCl<et 52 U9e eicperlmentatlY 1 14 Cet't rrurmur ""' 'Mndow pens 105 P1rlk~ rl' 53 Glft..givtng time 115 GIA\lf perts 46TaJI vase 106Cheefed S4 Lwury Ml 117 Bonng person 47 Sings worcltnsly 107 Spurts 56 ShUclc P881 118 Tramps "8 ~· i.)'9t"I 1 oe G-ogle ot actors 59 OeoompoA IQ 119 Graceful wrap "'9 p,.. tne ~ key 110 Ll.t>oc:ate 61 Tent dwellef 120Waded so Olamcaids. slangily 111 Pa.,try 62 So-90 grades 122Meaup !51 Stdlc.e clg (2 wdS) 112Ellll 63Condull't"8 123GOI doWn 53 M*9tY pAICSler 113 Awte 64 Siner 124 Etiergetlc: 5"'Ther-1 -1111, Tue a br•• 65 Mount Olynipus 1 v Hu <*mlem SS Po(>Ular movtes 11 !5 S1all tt1e engine r"9f 1251 Ollamaleer 56 Solvec:I 116 Cumeftsti Pigment 86 TV reconing -Lai.qua 57 That neighbor 119 Mt Rulhmc>N"t st ~ 130 ~ °' rnos1 56 Atomey'I deg 120 F8f1TI bu~ ffT Alltly car (2 wets ) ,, 1 S4llt '° '°"' eo YOU11Q1St Cralttlrt 121 Campua bu1ldnJ e8Non1at ml 132T .. .,.... 81 Urdluled 125 Recen1 I j)Nf ) t!8 Go tll!y4\!Qh 133 U-ge 8loflQ 83 GlM!ne'1 garn 128 Sold* lrl OflY 70 zorro·a tarewel 13"' ~ 11111 8!5 TOWHway -128 Pll~ IT1lt'bie 72 Chtl IJ8Al8f <Ip 136Augured ee~.•g 1'3Sbctl--138F<mllreths S7Pl.tup~ l