HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-24 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotI • a .1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY,APRIL24,2003 ·: .A .new .record can be heard' in the wind NEWPORT ENSENADA Latest weather forecasts are optimistic, s uggesting anoth er fast run in the Newport to En senada yacht race. June Casagrande Daily Pilot NEWPORT Br.AU I -For nearly a year, optimistic ~ori. have been clinging to the hope: It could happen agam. Strong wmds from the nonhwe'>I couJd once agam blow fortune onto Newport to Ensenada racers, who couJd once again brea.lcing records and setting personal bests. Their wishful thinking just go1 a lot more realistic. Early weather predictions give a good chance that wind!> of 25 to even 30 knots OUI of the nonhwest couJd be on tap for the annual yacht race when it depans Newpon Beach at noon Friday. "It depends on which weather repon you belteve, but it nught happen," said Timothy Johnson, vice commodore for thls year\ Newpon to l:.nsenada. "There's a very good opportunity 10 be fa-.ter than la'>I year." The 2002 Newport to Ense- nada was the fastest in history, with five monohulls breaking Roy Disney's speed record and most sailors setting their own best umes ThlS year. Disney's Pyewacket crew lS bade to reclaim their crown, but they'U have a lot of competioon. By Tue'>day's entry deadJine. 463 boats were c;1gned See WIND, Page A8 FYI The race begins at noon Friday The m ost popular spot for spectators 1s on the bluffs at Corona del Mar State Beach overlooking the 1env entrance to Newport Harbor Staggered start will take place for approximately two hours For more information about the race, v1s1t the Web site of the Newport Ocean Sailing Assn at www nosa org Westside group wants to continue debate Members of redeve lopment committee say they could be more productive in a sm all e r group. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot C..OS1A ML\A £>1.,)truntll·d mt•mlwr., of a We!>ts1de redevclopmcn1 t omm1ttl'l' wam 10 forge ahead on tlwir m'n 1N1thout fanlllator-. after the group prl'-.enh 11' lin..U fl'( ommen· dauon~. Tonight, 1he Commumtv Reckwlopnll'nl t Al uon < ommlltt't' t·Xpt"( h tn f.m'fh Ctt'llln'f1!: _. PHOTOS BY Sf AN HILLER OAJt.Y Pit.OT Sofia Bennett, 4, of Pasadena gets a haircut from stylrst Hala Bakhrt at First Cut in Fashion Island. Cutting-edge salon opens Fashion Island shop catering to children offers television and video games to keep them quie t during clipping. P.ul Clinton said Nata'>ha Rodwell, Max's Darty Pilot nanny. "It's a good concept.· First Cut made a splash NEWPORT CENTER -LlttJe Wednesday as the fin.t-of-its·kind Max Kelty roded back in the child's barbershop m Newport· orange barber chair and Mesa. In addiuon to the haircut- screamed until his face turned ting. the salon offers diversions red. · •for the youngc;ters as they go Max. 2, was one or the first cus-through the often tortuous child- tomers at First Cut, Fashion ls-hood haircuts. land' newest shop. Once store First Cut opened at I 0 a.m. owner Leora Fogel slipped Max's and, an hour later. had already favorite DVD, •Baby Mo7.art," into served six clienti. one of the JI ·inch 1V screens. the The appointment books IUJed screaming stopped. up quickly. The phone rang off That allowed a First Cut stylist the hook and Lance and Leora to start cllpplns off Mu's locks. Monitors at every station show cartoons such as "Spongebob "Having the 1V is a great idea," See SALON, Pac• M Squarepants. • Kids can also play video games or DVDs. See WESTSIDE Page A4 OBITUARY Costa Mesa historian dies 'Bud ' Anderson, a World War lI veteran, had been a fa miliar face at the historical society for the past decade. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot < OSTA Ml-\A World War II p1lo1 and lo tal h1s1onttn 1\h1n liud" .\n ..... Iii"'", der.,on died ')dturda\ al hi'> I luntmgton Rc.>ach honw I le ~84. Ander<ion Wd.., a familiar face JI the Co'>ta Mt"><! I IL' toncaJ Sooery. whert> he vol· untttred three day-. a week for more than a dt'Cadt'. He died of complication-. h'om a Bud Anderson heart anack after an ex· tended illness. ·Bud was a real prince. a hard worker and committed to Costa Mesa\ hic;tory. • said See HISTORtAN, Pase M THE BELL CURVE CenterLine will pull in ahead of schedule Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TIE WEB: www.~can THANKS, MOM! ABOUT MOlltER'S OAY Moma do it en, from eccounting to being the femity chauffeur to providing the hugs to puUing on ttlOM much-needed bendagee to telling au of thole greet bedtime stone. to tuming on the light during those teary nighta. Democrats are out. Deep• Bharath OailyPitot SANTA ANA -The county's CenterUne ~ rail l'yltem wUI antw two years earlier than Uldcipeted. Ol'lnfe CoUnty 'Jransporta· don Authority Oflldala announced Wedn Clay. 11\e Sl.2·billlon project wu expected to bep:t conatruc:tion In Aprll 2006 and be cotn· jJleted M Jlria.,y 2011. But now that 30'f, of the~ proc.-hu been completed, otll- CMllJ eay d'8J are optim1stic about Fldria Cene.rt.Jne up and runnlna by October 2009. 19'9 Ar1hur ~ OCI~ chief esecutM. ... CllnlMR. ..... M WEATHER ~ It won't be the prettJest day. SeePll•A2 WITH HONORS TN liChool bo4Nd tUppoftl a ~program. S..~A3 . SPORTS CotOna cMC Mar boy9 goff ~the ... ~ eup. IMPIPll CMbme your mother by e9nclng • peragraph or two ebout why your mom'l eo ~ end • photo lO ... Dlifv Pilot tor ~on Molh9t'i o.y. Send a SASE If you went m. Photo l'9tUm9d poet~The~ ---·Mey 2. Sendyallf ..... to ~4a Day, Delly Plot. 330 W. ley St.. COlll Meee m27; fax to (Mt) ...,.,: °'"'*'to ........... can. What about Angel fans ? ... ~ ..... M -~------~ - A2 Th\w'sdly, N<I 24, 2003 DailyPlot .. I • POLITI.es THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE FILE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT The Lincoln Club of Orange County has endorsed John Campbell in the primary for the 35th District state Senate seat. Stumping for the Senate Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Orange County Republican elites were given a preview of the 2004 Senate race against Barbara Boxer this month when Rep. George Radanovk:h (R-Fresno), an announced candidate, stopped by for a luncheon hosted by Buck Johns. Johns, a GOP fund-raiser, hosted the event at the Newport Beach offices of the Inland Group. his energy company. Radanovich, who spoke to the crmvcl of fewer than SO as they munched on sandwiches and sipped sodas, has joined a handful of other potential and announced candidates who could bid to unseat Boxer. Those include Rep. Doug 09e CR-Sacramento), former Gov. Pete Wll8on, also a fonner senator, U.S. Treasurer Rosario Marin, gubernatorial candidate Bill Simon and Rep. Mary Bono CR-Palm Springs). Radanovich, who runs a winery near Fresno, aclcnowledged his lac" of name recognition statewide. "Because I only represent 2% of the state, I've got a name problem," Radanovich said. "But it's all about gening to know the right people.. Radanovich also said he expects to benefit from lhe popularity of President Bu.sh. On the issues, Radanovich said he was "pro-life. pro.gun and free trade.• Johns liked what he heard. •tte's a really attractive (candidate)." Johns said. "He will be competitive in the primary.• UNCOLNCLUBCOMESOUTFOR CAMPBELL For only the third time in the last two decades, the Uncoln Oub of Orange CoWlty has endorsed a local candidate for a state Senate primary. The club has thrown its considerable local influence behind Assemblyman John QmpbeO in the 35th Senate District seat Campbell is running against Assemblyman IC.en Maddox. "This is extremely unusual" said Mlchael CapalcU, the club's presiden t "Our board of directors feJt that the stakes were so high in the race that we had to get involved now. The vote to endorse John was overwhelming.• Maddox said he was "taken aback" by the announcement "I'm not surprised members of the country club endorsed their fellow member; Maddox said "I'm just glad they didn't ask me to caddy." Maddox bas lost favor with the group, an active fund-raiser for GOP candidates in the county, because of his voting record. Capaldi said. Maddox was the only Republican to support the prevailing wage law and one of only three to support lhe eight-hour work day in 1998. "Maddox's record is nothing to be proud of for a Republican,· Capaldi said. "In fact, it's not a Republican record at all· There are only two occasions in which lhe club endorsed one Republican candidate over others. In 1998, the group endorsed Dan Lungren for governor over a handful of fringe candidates. IJi 1982, the group threw its suppon behind Marlon Betguon in her run for the same Senate seat Campbell is seeking. "Ir's very important and very significant; Campbell said about the endorsement "I'm honored beyond expression.· LIBERALISM VERSUS CONSERVATISM OH THE MENU Conservative political activist Karla Downing is scheduled to speak today at the annual luncheon of the Newport Harbor Republican Women, which will be held at lhe Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub. Downing will~ the differences between the political philosophies of conservatism wtd li~ralism and how the Republican and Democratic parties reflect those views. The' meeting is scheduled to begin at 11:30 a.rn. today. The dub is at 1601 Bayside Drive in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-0539. TRADING ANO TAXES GARNERS LEGISLATORS AWARDS 1Wo local legislators won awards in recent week. Assemblyman Maddox was honored Monday by a state trade group. Madddx. who represents Costa Mesa. won the Republican Legislator of the Year Award. A taxpayer group honored Rep. Cluis C.OX. on ApriJ 10. Gox was ~ventheTuxpaye~FrlendAward for 2002 by the National Tuxpayers Union. Cox bas received the award every year since its inception in 1992. "While many members of Co~ talk about reducing the siz.e of government. [Policy) Olairma.n Cox backed up those words with votes,· said Pw!te Sepp, the group's vic.e president of communications. POLITICS ASIDE Fighting off any challengt:rs A, nyone seeking one of Newport-Mela) Congressional seats has about 000.000 re¥0DS to think twice. Tbat'slhe amount of money combined that Reps. ~Cm and Dina Rohnibllcber' are sitting on already. / But before would-be representatives 6ee to the hills, the good news for them ts that Cox. at least. is down more than $130,000 ·compared to his mid-year repo.rt of two years ago (of course, between now and June he could mab that up). Rohrabacher has about $6,000 more than be had collected by this point in 2001. Cox. as of the end of March, bas $4-09,000 and no debt. So far this election cycle. he's raised about $45,000. 'IWo years ago. he had been a bit more~ and was sining on $544,000. He'd already raised $128,000. Rohrabacher -who typically ends up with a lot less money than his neighboring Congresmum -has a smidge more than $100,000. with $19,000 in debt He's raised nearly S J CAHN $5l,000 this election cycle. • • Back in the middle of 2001, he bad $94,000, with that same amount of debt Interestingly, he'd~ almost $100,000 by then Big early numbers tend to be most important in open election. such as we're seeing already with the Democrats running for president Back in 1999, an impressi\<e war chest. not to mention a slew of endorsements. kept John Camphdl from facing an opponent when be ran to fill Marilyn Baewer'tAssembfy seat For Cox and Rohtabacher, who won't race a primary opponent (~ the earth's axis shifts and the sun suddenly starts setting in the north), the money will help keep them from facing a challenger with significant support from other Demoaats. Their seats. of course. are pretty safe (Genie ScNpMe, who came very dose to knocking off a Republican incumbent in Long Beach in 2000, only managed 32% against Robrabacber in 2002). But making the battle that much tougher will keep lhe national Demoaatic Party from t~g money here that could be put to a race a Democrat could win elsewhere. 'The money Is not all lo favor of the RepubUcam. Sen. Bart.ra Bour, whom the GOP would Jove to knock off, has a big bank behind her. Although her ApriJ ~ aren't yet available, at the start of the year she had abnost $1.4 million. with no debt. And she'd raised more than $2.2 million. Boxer's nwnbers are worth mentioning because. while Cox's isn't a first-list rwne, It does come up in discussions about challengers to the Senate seat And he is doing better. monetarily. than at least one of the top-flight possibilities: Rep. Mary Bono. She has just $120,000 on hand, according to her Apdl filing. If Cox is giving the Senate rac.e serious thought, he most likdy paid close attention to a Tuesday report in the New York Tunes. lt laid out the White House's strategy for Ptftlldatt Bulb's reelection bid. which essentially comes down to keeping the president out of the political fray as Jong as po6Sible. and then go Into overdrive in the last two months of the race. Ir's an Interesting idea. based around the best use of GOP money (run 1V ads when the Democratic nominee is pretty well decided but is lacking money from the primaries) and keeping Bush •at wort" rather than "at politicking.. POLITICAL CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS 731-2233 Cristi Cristich will hold her kidt-off fund-raiser for her state Assembly run at 6 p.m. May 8 at Scott's Seafood Restaurant lnfonnation: (949) 717-n55 Oub. The special guest will be retired Marine Corps Gen. Art Bloomer. (949) 644-7094 MAY But a downside for California Republicans could be that they lose out on their political trump card. If Bush is not planning many political appearances until the final weeks of the election. will he avoid coming to the state to campaign for Baler's GOP challengetf That ba1andng act will be one to watch for next year. Assembtyman Ken Maddo)( will hold hla kidt-off reception for his run for state Senate from 5;30 to 1 p.m. May 8 at Silky Sullivan's in Fountain Viney. The special guest will be Assembly~ Caucua Leader Tony Striddand. lnfonnation; C7•4) APRIL s.tunt.y: Principles over Politics holds it8 monthly breatcfast at 9 a.m. at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Daily A Pilot CoralWhon News asalstant, (949) 674-4298 QOral.1111ilson tl latll"flllS.com PHOIOGRAPH£RS Sean Hiller, Don Leecfl. Kent Treptow VOL 97, NO. 114 17: The Orange County Federation of Republican Women will hold its 2003 Western Night from 4:30 to 9 p.m. at the home of Colleen and Budt Johna in Newport Beach. Information: (949) 498-7744 • S.J. CAHN is the managing eclitOf. He can be read1ed at (949) 674-4233 or bv e-mail et .. j.cahn@t.tim-.com. SURF AND SUN Boie 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright No 1W1W9 atoriM, illuatretlons, editorial matter or adlfertlsementa herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. WEATHER FORECAST SURF HOW TO REACH US THOMAS H. JOtMOH Publl•hef 10NYDOOEAO Editor RfADEB8 HOTLINE (949) 642-8086 . , Cftu&adofl It'll be partly 1t.1nny earty, but we ahould be dear thla aftemoon, With hight just thy of 70. There exls19 • vety alight d\ance of •howett tonight Expect IOWI In the lower 60a. The IOUthwest swell will eue mOf'e today, but 90Uth-fldng ~ cen stilt expect chMt· to hNcW\lgh•. JUrN OETTING ~~r PromotlOna Oiredof Record your commenta about the Deity Piiot or news tlJ>9. Addl'l9a Our add,... I, i!tJ W. Bay St., Cotta Mesa, CA 92621. Office hourt are Monday· Frldty, 1:30 1.m. • 6 p.m. Conecdof• It It the Piion POiicy to promptly conect •II erTOn of aubltanct. Pl-... cell (948) 7&M32A. m ~Newport BNdveo.t. Meaa Delly Piiot (USPS-144-800) la publi.hed dallly. In~~ end c.o.ta MIN. eubecriptlone 119 IVll.lable only by IUblcl'lbing to The Timtt Orange County (IOOI Z52.f141 tn.,... ~of Newpoft e..d'I and Cottt Mme, eubecl1ptl0nt to thf o..ty ~ .,. ~<>NY by ftnt ctaM melt for S30 '* mionth. (Prioee lnduclit ... eppllcetH ~and ioc.t ....... l'OtTMMTEA. lend~ .,..to The~ a.cM:Otte Meu OeffV Pilot. P.O. The Tlma Ortnge County ,(800) 252·9141 Adwrtlefnt Cl1111tfed (9"9) 642·fie78 =9"9) 642~21 ...... (9"9) 642-6680 ....,. (9"9) 57oM223 ,.... ,_ (9"9) 64CM170 """",.. (9"91060-0170 E-melt. dllllypllot•Jatlrrw».com MelftOMoe ....... Ollee (N9) 64.2~21 ......... ,.. (IM8) e31-7126 Pu.,.lehed by Tlrnee Commul'llty Newt,• dlvftlon of tht Loa~ Timee. "2003 Tim. CH. All~ ,_lled. The d\ance of rain will hang around throughout Friday, though the tun lhould make occnlon .. ctmeoe. ~ WWW.nw&f'IOM.(Jt1V BOATING FORECAST The 'otJ....+{wlndl wtN blqw 6 to 16 lcnots In the Inner Mtera, with 2..foot W9we Md. • w.t Mell of 2 to 4 ..... OUt fMher. the w11t9tty wtnde .... blow 10 to 20 tnoea.. wtd'I ,. to Moot~ •nd. mbcld~IWll of ato a fMt end ICM.eh ... of s fMt. Lifilr, _..,. .. blow 11to20 llnOee. The--' .... beoome ....... ••if and wit buld ....,...,,.,, ...... ' A northwest IWett amvee . Fridey. but the IOUthwettwtn continue bttctlng down, with ch91t-hlght. On Slturdly, the northwest 1well lnctMMa, but the 80UthWMt 8Wetl ta5*'1 off everim0tt. Not until '*Ct w..k will 1notNr IOUthwelt IWlft roll In. W...quelly: www . .urfttdfr.otg TIDES ,.... ~Lm.' 12:12p.m. 7:1Sp.m. 12:aea.m. WATER TUIPEU111t£ The Jjght side of the tracks Newport Beach man says he put a tracking system in the car of Scott Peterson, the Modesto man police say killed his wife. Officials won't confirm device was used. DHp• Bh•r•th Daily Piiot NEWPORT BP.ACJ I -Three months ago, Owlle Gabbard says, he helped police lnvestJga- tors install a global posJtJoning satellite system In Scou Peterson's C8L At the time, the longtime New-, port ~ resident did not know much about the case. But Gab- bard said he had a gut C~llng that It was going to be a story that hit headlines ~ the naclon. Peterson, 30, was arrested Fri- day in San Diego C.Ounty on sus- picion of killing his wife laci Pe- terson, the Modesto woman who disappeared Christ.mas Eve. She was eight months' p regnam when she disappeared. Early last week, the decomposed bodies of lAd and her unborn son washed ashore in San Fr.sncisco Bay. Pollce had said they did not consider Scott Peterson a suspect in the begi.nning, But Gabbard says they were apparently keep· ing an eye on his whereabouts. The GPS system Gabbard' in- stalls for his cusfomers lets them know if a car leaves a certain area "You draw an imaginary pe· rimeter, • he said. "And you want to be made aware if the car le-dv~ that boundary. Thac's what thi'> system does for you. The car sends you a message telling you that u's left that boundary.· Gebbard, who runs hJs b~l­ nei,s from Mission Vie10. said he caters to the Department or Jus- tice as weU as several police de- partment.& "They've used my system to track sexual predaLors, chug deal- ers and even money laundere~." he i.aid. But officials do not teU GPS in- stallers whom they are lracldng. said Eme8to llmon, a special agent supervisor for the Depart· m ent of Justice's Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement unH in San Di~o. Limon helped Modesto police with their investigation of P~ter­ '>On, but 'laid he will neither con- firm nor deny that he had the Lrackmg device in-.talled in Peter· son'i. car. I It' ...aid puhUc1ty utthe media c1bout th~ systems has ad- wr.ely a.ffotted their mvestiga I.Ion., Sportsmanship program pro gresses School board agrees to establish the Victory With Honor program throughout the district. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot NEWPORT·Mf-'i/\ With spons come<> trul>twort.hmess. respect. rebpons1biliry, fajrness, caring and ciuzenshtp -at leas1 in the case of spons in the school district.. AJong with houri. of pracuce. endless reviews of game ta~ and crafting of new playi.. coad1es u1 the Newport-Mesa Unified School Dblrict. must now emphasize i.portsmansJup. ctlucs and character buiJclin~ in accordance wnh the Victory With J lonor program. The program "focu~ on '>trengthening the moral fiber of the next generation,· said Mike Murphy. director of alternative progr.un!. and student services for the dil.trict. ·we've -.een lot!> of progrcs" . and we hope for great thin~ for thb program.· Coming to the end of 1b tnal run, the program, only partially implemented at the beginning ol the 2002-03 school year. ha!) reached iL'i finaJ developmental st.age -certifying a training <>taJT at each school. Newport·Mesa lrustees aweed Tuesday to fully adopt the pro gram and move ahead with the final training '>tagel>. While mosl of the rndchc., have been trained. the rt..,t are scheduled to finish by late May J'he final scncs of tmirung, through the Joseph~n ln'>lllute of LI.hies. will not extet>d s20.ooo. the board·s vote dt<. tat es. . Trying 10 emphac;vc th.11 all high 'ichool '>port'> are ·all ~pon and game and not bfe and death.· Tom Antal, f·...,tancia I Ugh\ pnnc1pal, 1old the '>thool board the Victory With I lonor program ha!> already played a major role in keeping 1he peau.' without tampering with the competition in high -.chool .,porn.. ··victory wi1h I lonor 1s a work in progr~ ... We're trying to implement the philo'>Ophy," ~aid David Peterson, a!>Sistant princt· pal at Newport llarbor I hgh .. It \ another standard to live up to, .md I think 11\ a very positive jfld Jc:hit•vablc goal as far a'> hnngmg in ... aJI those thing' thJt .,hould he part of an athle1il program." l11t: '>Chool hoard, which US· tt•ned to po!.llivc and negative rnt1qllt''> or lhe program. ~ked U1a1 t•ach or Lht· ..chools prei.cnt progn•.,., rcporu regarding the 1mplt•mcntallon of their re'>pec uvt· plan-.. Although ..umc <;chool offiual ... "'ud they felt they t0uld come up with way... for Lhe program to better '>Ull lhl'tr own Sltc, the overall r{'Vll'W of Victory Wi1h I lonor wa'> one of '>ucce~. "I thmk one or the important thmg-. I'> finding out lha1 we're all 111 tlw. Logel.her and we all haw the -..1me goal." -..ud Dave Per km-.. <.o .. ta Mt"KI f hgh\ boy-.· athle11c c.ltr{'(.·tor. who even u-.ed the program\ cod e of ethic~ IO l'vaJua1e h1'> coachmg ~taJJ "We're all in it for the kid._:· 230 East 171 St •Cosio Mesa (949) 722-7224 www ru9M>ndcorpe11 com IW::1\ fr 1(}.¢. Sol 10-.5 The Difference Is Dignity THERE ARE MANY CREMATION AND FUNERAL SERVICE PROVIDERS BUT WHAT THEY PROVIDE IS NOT THE SAME . 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"There are about 5,000 M>rual predator'> in San Diego County." he said. ·11·., 1u.,1 not po'>!>ible for us to Jrdck aJJ of them thi-, way These are invei.tigation woL'\, but we don't entirely rely on them." Business Ban • ng First Bank offer~ a varicry of produce~ and \en·i ce~ co meet your bus in e~s needs. Whc:cher you're just getting started o r are in the process of expanding, check out Fir<;t Bank\ business banking opcion1i. First Bank offers: - C hecking accounc~ chat fit your, company' fl n~ncial needs -Business loans that accommodate your borrowing needs -Cash managemen t services chat faci li tate your ca h flow -Business Online Banking When you open a new business account at First Bank's Cosra Mesa office, we'll give you.* • No service charges fo r the first 3 months • Free Value Pack starter kit • Plus, we have a speciaJ p ersonal checking account available for you and your employees that offers a FREE Checking account with addiciqnal banking benefits and rewards. Con tact a First Bank repre encative today for mott information about how we can be of assistance to your business. Gosta Mesa Office ' (Cumcr of Harbor Blvd. And BUa) 1/ID • 3001 Harbor Blvd ., tc. e 714-668-080 M :n.rtday, Nri 24, 2003 PUBLIC SAFElY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Police will set up DUI checkpoint The Newport Beach Po- lice Department will hold a sobriety checkpoint on Fri- day night at the intersection of Newport Boulevard and Fin1ey Avenue, officials said. The checkpoint will be operated from 9 p.m. Friday, to 3 a.m. Saturday. The lo- cation near City Hall was . POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Admns Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported In the '1600 blodt at 6:38 a.m. Tuesday. •Avocado StrMt: Grand theft from a vehicle was reported in the 300 blade at 2:59 p.m. Tuesday. •West eaic.r StrMt: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 1600 blodt at 11 :41 a.m. Tuesday. • Qenielle and DMdee am.: Grand theft was reported at 6:52 a.m. Tuesday. • ttamihon Street Petty theft was reported in the 600 blade at 1:52 p.m. Tuesday. • Mesa \Wde Driw Eat: Vandalism was reported in the 2800 blodt at 11 :14 a.m. Tuesday. ·~Awnue•nd Victorta Street: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 3:07 p.m. Tuesday. • Shamrock Lane: A vehicle SALON Continued from Al Fogel ironed out the final bugs in the shop's operation. Laguna Beach resident Bea Bennett came in for a haircut. bringing her daughter-in-law and three grandchildren for the same. ~There are three generations here today," Bennett said with a warm smile. "We were happy to hear a child's salon was opening (in Fashion Island)." With First Cut, the Fogels have created a 1950s Jetsons-styie sa- lon with an effusion of greens, oranges and other pastel colors. The salon has 13 cutting stations, many of which feature l l-inch televisions, video game consoles and fun rocket-ship capsule seats for the children. The idea ls to take the child's mind off the haircutting by using selected ~ on the hfgh number of DUI-related ar· rests and acddent.s that have occutred there, Sgt. Steve Shulman Aid. "The purpose of the chedq>oint is not merefy to arrest thoee driving under the inJluenoe, but to edu· cate drivers about the dan· gen of driving under the in- fluence of alcohol or drugs," he said. The checkpoint is being funded tluougb an Oflice of Thmsportation Safety grant. Sb.ulmari sald. , . burglary was reported in the 1400 blodt at 6:15 a.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH ·~.Vandalism was reported in the 1400 blade at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday. ~Lane: Petty theft was reported in the . 1700 blodt at 6:18 p.m. ·Tuesday. •West CGat Highway: An assault was reported in the 1400 blodt at 11 :60 p.m. Tuesday. • Irvine Av.nue and Santiago Drive: A assault was reported at 7:07 p.m. Tuesday. · • Main Street Petty theft was reported in the 100 blodtat 6:59 p.m. Tuesday. • Padflc View Drive: A commercial burglary was reported in the 3100 blodt at 8:25 a.m. Tuesday. • A-' Point Drive and West Cout Highway: A hit-and-run was reported at 6:45 a.m:-truesday. fun distractions, the Fogels said. "We're the first kids' salon like this," Lance Fogel said. "It's not something that patronizes to children, but at the same time, it has got the upscale atmosphere.• Oilldren at First Cut can choose from 180 DVD titles of family movies and 20 video games on a Nintendo Game- Cube. For a child's first haircut. par- ents can purchase a $160 pack- age that includes a video, a lock of hair, a commemorative album and a Webcast of the h.a.in:ut All children are given a small toy and lollipop. About 20 stylists will ulti- mately wort the salon. Stylist Ltiisa Heckman. who lives in Costa Mesa. said she likes the store's concept "I've worked in the high-end salons." Heckman said. "Work- ing in a posh salon, it's hard to introduce kids to that atmos- phere." ~YC. Mambgrghip Oriva Come join the friendliest, most affordable yacht club in Newport! • Orpnized racing and cruising activities • Dry boat storage and tllps available • Harbor-view dubhouse and bar • New boaters & families welcome • No initiation fee for 2003 Come YWt .. at: www.southShore YC.org 2527 W. COl!lt Hwy • Newport loch CA 92659 or call 94~1102 for more 1nformadon THESE NEW FABRICS Will APPEAL TO EYtRYONE . nu HUSBAllDS. come ifl ttw'et fW1# fabrics that appeal to~ eom.-~t~ WESTSIDE Continued from Al those suggestions, wblcb the city's RedevelOpment Agency and Qty Coundl will ultimat~ consider. The comnrlttee, which }\as shrunJc to about 30 members from irs origirlal eo. has met sinoe Jupe to create a bJueprint for the Westside. Alt.bough fadlitatom have ftr cused on consensus throughout the entire process. ~rs of the splinter group say they are not satisfied with the expected results. , "They're not letting us do any- thing we want." sai~ Janice Da· vidson, who has been involved in other West$ide improving movements. "tt's worse than the Westside specific Plan. because we're not allowed to do anything in this one." The Redevelopment Agency, the City Council wearing another hat. created the Community R,e- development .M:tion Committee in January 2002. The goal was to engage competing factions of the community to lind common ground for the future of the neighborhood. Those aching for a chance to do more work say the facilitators just repeated what had been HISTORIAN Continued from Al Orange County Treasurer John Moorlach, who served witb An- derson on the historical society's board. "He'll be missed." Since 1988, Anderson volun- teered nearly 30 hours a week at the historical society. He was known as the primary expert on the Santa Ana Army Air Base, which existed on property now occupied by the Orange County Fairgrounds. Between 1942 and 1946, An - derson was stationed at the CURVE Continued from Al politics, although I've always asswned his Republican credentials to be impeccable. And we can't go too wrong with a guy who goes out on a limb to save the annual Costa Mesa Fish Fry or to build a skateboard park. But there is one area in which Scheafer and I have talked at great length in which l find his grasp especially admirable. Since it may not come up in discussion of his qualifications. I'd like to mention it here. Scheafer, without reservation, is the most devout, loyal and knowledgeable supporter of the California Angels in my acquaintance. I don't know how many times I've run into Scheafer departing Edison Field FYI ~Community Redevelopmtrit Aotton Committee will meet at 6 p.m. tC)day at the Neighborhood Community Cente,, 1845 Perle Aye. own conclusions in an etDdent and effective manner," Oougtu said. A lack of community consen- sus has thwarted previous at- tempts, such as the Westside Specific Plan, at ~eve!opment in the area. ' dotle before. In February. the conuhfttee "The city wasted over $100,000 created a tentative vtafon state· of our scarce tax dollars on a fa-ment for the Westside. with ad- clUtatOr that didn't do much bur jecdves such as physically at· coriduct an elementary set of · tractive, safe, sodally vibrant,. meetings to redefine the prob-ecionomlcally desirable and ac- lems that we. on the Westside, al-cessible. At its Mardi meeting, ready Identified to the city at the conimlttee began devising least a decade ago," said com-.action statements to achieve mlttee membe~ Paul Bunney. • these attributes. "So, wh~ ·are we? We have Tonight's Is expected to be the just continued the problem we last committee meeting at which Uve wlth on our side of town, members will vote on the action and the City Council Just pushes statements. off the hard decisions needed to The breakaway. group, Which fix our proble.ms," he added. includes at least Ove members, John Dougla; project manager would like to rezone the bluffs to for the fadlltator team. said he's residen"tial; extend streedigbts on not surprised that some mem-19th Street 10 Pomona Avenue; bers are nQt satisfied with the re-and remove some indusaial suits so far. But he emphasized businesses that they say have a that the desires of a few are usu· negadve effect on the neighbor· ally subjugated to the consens'us hood, Davidson said. of the larger committee. F.arly Mike Robinson, the city's re- on, the committee decided that development manager, said he anything that moves forward for fell the group's complaints are more discussion had to gamer premature since the entire com- 70% approvaJ, he said. mittee has yet to release its final "Our job is to help soucrure recommendations. Any group the process so that the commit-that continues without the facili- tee members can reach their ta.tors would need the authoriza- l,336-acre air.base as an aviation cadet The base stretched from Baker Street to Harbor Boulevard on the west and from Wilson Street to Newport Boulevard on the east The area was not part of Costa Mesa until 1953, when the city incorporated. For 12 weeks during World War ll, Anderson was stationed as a fighter pilot in Europe. An- derson flew 2'4 combat missions in France as a member of the 425th Night Fighter squadron. In his last decade, Anderson was known to regale visitors to the historical society's museum. which is in a one-story building near Triangle Square. He also led after an Angel game, usually with his family. I can attest that he seldom leaves early and has a dear and precise working knowledge of why the Angels won or lost -all qualities that would serve him well on the City Council. My concern about mentioning my relationship with him comes out of a spate of recent quot.es from local Republican Jeaders suggesting precty ominously that any close social or philosophical contact, pasl or present, by Republican office-seekers with Democrats can onJy be construed as a kind of political leprosy requiring isolation - even when the offices being sought are allegedly nonpartisan. Costa Mesa Councilman Gary Monahan, for example, told the Pilot he was getting a lot of calls about the party affiliation of City Council candidates. Planning tours of the center. ln the las! few weeks, Ander· son spoke out in favor of the troops fighting in Iraq, "These are very difficult jobs to do," he said in a March 28 Daily Pilot story. "They train very hard to do this." Anderson is survived two daughters, Jane Hipp and Lynn Adams, and three grandsons. An- derson's wife, Monica, died April 18, 1982. Memorial services for Ander- son are scheduled for 11 am. Fri· day at the Dilday Mortuary in Huntington Beach. Dilday is at 17911 Beach Blvd., near Thibert Avenue. Visitation hours will be Commissioner Katrina Foley was shot down in the council election Last November by a phone campaign identifying her as a registered Democrat Mayor Ouis Steel in a recent letter to the Pilot stressed the need for a Republican to fill the council V'cicancy •to move 10 a conservative, sensible direction." On a broader scale. we have Cristi Cristich. who will be running in next year's Republican primary- tantamount to election -for John Campbell's 70th Assembly District seat From all indications, she is highly qualified for the job except for one fatal flaw: she voted twice for Bill Ointon. attracted, one suspects. by a balanced budget. environmental sensitivity, booming prosperity. support for a woman's right 10 choose and international co-operation. She Oed the Democrats after the Monica Lewinsky debacle and is now putting distance between herself and Ointon. OU!~· N.71.-..A But this history. GOP stalwart Buck Johns said, is a ·downtick.• which may be one of the few .... .Kn .~lnlne. ~les for all .5f?apes & 5'ffes of BEAllfJFUL WOMEN See what's NEW for Spring & Summer FLAX ... ttaJ-LIMI ... r.nn:ti."Wbnlnm ... ' Gi.fa 6 hen1orie1 369 E. 17th St 121, Costa Mesa (949) 642-5459 Stcmt lllll. Apt lk • OCllOt 19 J'lO Ela& U1h ~ Wit• U I c-i Mru.CA ~9)9) •• understatements in political rhetoric history. More typical is the reaction of one of her opponenIB, who calls the Ointon endorsement ·unpardonable.· To repatriate herself, she supported Ointon's impeachment and the candidacy of Bill Simon. but that apparently hasn't obliterated the red "D. with which she has been marked. Over in Newport Beach. the two-party system has long ago morphed inlo three, with the Democrats a dlstant third. The two parties that count are (1) the conservative Republicans and (2) the ultra-conservative Republicans.. Democrats have tried to come in under this radar wearing various disguises. I once knew a Newport Beach Democrat who made it to mayor whUe staying firmly in the party closet. Those who surface risk the fate of attorney Richard Tuylor, who was zapped seeking a seat on the Newport Beach City Council last November by phone calls identifying him -among other things -as a card·canying Democrat This would appear LO be 8 moot tssw in the choice the Costa Mesa Clty C.Ouncil must make in the next two weeb between the two remaining candidates for Karen Robinson .. seat. 1t Schaefer la the one chosen. J hope It doesdt cut into his bUebill time. l can't th.t.n~ of any place more cOndudv9 to a clear bead in dedQs Wbh the multlple ptoblema of ea. Me.a than regular vtllll to f.cUlon Field dudnl the bell of a pennant race.. .... QUESTION lhouldttM Wtetllde ...... °""*" oommlnMbt elow9d tlO continue tte c•cu..,,.7 Call • our Readers Ho~lne at (949) 642-6086 or ,end •mall to del1YP/lot@latim#.com. f'teaee 1peU your name and Include your hometown and phone number, for verification purpoaes only. tion of the Redevelopment Agency, Robinson said. Councilwoman Libby Cowan. an advocate of the facilitator-led prQCeSS, said ~he believes any re- quest for a cQntinuation would have to come from the entire committee. There are now about 3Q active members. 'Tm not sure who the -small group is or If there's a larger group;" Cowan saJd. "I have pe<>- ple who have talked to me about contU:tuing. I think it's a positive idea. (Davidson) hasn't talked to me about it, so l don't know if it's the same small group. l think that anytime we can create an opportunity for community dia- logue and community input into the City Council in the process ... it's valuable." • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readied at (949) 5744221 or between 2 and 9 p.m. today. • PAUL CUNTON cover$ the environment, business and politics, He may be reactied at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton1ii)/atimes.com. WILLIAMS, Thomas A. Bom July 22, 1920, New York, NY; died April 17, 2003, Newport Beach, CA. Educated at Columbia University and Harvard Business School. Served his country and his family throughout his life. Captain in 8th Air Force in WWII, and retired as Lt. Col., USAF. Business Manager, CSU Fullerton. Survived by wife Gretchen Wood Wiiiiams, brother Howard Williams, 2 children, Robert Williams and Cynthia Fletcher, and 4 ·grandchildren. Memorial service at Pacific View Memorial Park, Corona del Mar, April 28, 2003, 2:30 pm. lntet'1'Tlef"lt orivate BEMUS, George William 'Biii' George William 'Bill' Bemus died of natural causes at a ripe old age. Beloved husband and patriarch, provider of the dream life. Wordsmlth and poet, crooner and musician; artist and Inventor. Roadblocks rebuked with unspoken resolve. Deprecath~ of_ none but self. Gone from bOdy but not from spirit ·nor our thoughts - Happy Trails to you... his loving wtfe, Harriet, chlldl8n - 8111 and Martine, Sally and Pat, Robert and Virginia. grandchildren -Colln, Corin, Claire, Spencer, Caroline, Riley, Jedidiah, Anna. Wiii, Pilar and Carmel, sister - Barbara and a plethora of friends. too many to count. WILLIAMS, John Stuart Technician, U.S. Army. Born September 28, 1914 In Lorain, Ohio. Passed away Aprll 18, 2003 In Newport Beaeh, CA. He wu a veteran of WOf1d War II. He served as a combat Infantryman In the Mlddle EastefTi and European African Campaigns, Rome Amo, No Apennines, and Po Valley. Mr. Wmtama was a member of the 86th Infantry Df\'lsfon, 337th Battalion, at the Battle of Mt. Alluua, which broke the Gothic Une. He alto served u editor of the 34th Infantry Olvl•lon Army new1paper In Venlc., Italy. HI• citations Include; Tt-e Army Good conduct Medal, CrofJC De Guerre, European Afl1cw'I and Middle Eastern ThHter Ribbons, and Wortd Wat II Vlctory Ribbon. Having g'*9Ullted trom the u~ of MIHourl In 1937, Mr. WJlllam1 w• an Advertfllng Account E .. outlve with .. .., .... ~ling ~ ... ~ becoming widely known In the PfOf--'on as, "'the Kina of Mml °"*"'. LAar In llfe, fie enjoyed ~hlng dhct mall and maH ot'dlf merchandlalr,g at Ora~• COMt Colfeoj;~ wh ... Wll9ma. 8on 1, =-~..::.= and John Oyten Wllllame • ..... '° ........ ,_ ' Roeearw t'•llMI o ll•i'l't ....... o • .-•• Thursday, ~ 24, 2003 Al NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL council had nonetheless moved Bison Avenue and University Drive. FOURTH OF JULY NEXTMEE'TWG forward several important Items. A Police Department requ Workers will remove and replace tbe •WHEN: 7 p.m . May 13 t. t to spend top z inches of the roadway and Unexpected opposition to the oty's •WHERE: City Council ~mbers at STUDY SESSION about $130,000 on a new alarm rebuUd 6,000 feet of median curbs. Fourth of July crowd-and ~ alcohol-conl(ol m ... ..., City Hall, 3300 N9WPC)f1 Blvd. response system will be put on a future •INFORMATION: ~Hand staff Four Items competing for time on council agenda for consideradon, as aro~ as two West reports are available .everal ~ the City Council study Ion proved will an ordinance to forbid namlng city WHAT HAPPENED ~ Newpon residents before each meeting et to be more than they could squeeu ln. parks after people. options to improve Resident Dolores Otting pointed out ac~ tlle council of www.city.newpon-buch-ca.u .. (949) Waste recycling and modl.OcatJon the city's waste recycl.lng and changes that the city has had problems with the being overly harsh and restnctive m its 644-3000. perm.Its and a policy on naming city parka got short shrift aa the clock to how the city approves modification contractor. The company did work on Fourth of July policies. Resident Brian pennits. San Miguel Road that city officials said Clark.son wtnt so far as to equate the dcked faster than offida.ls !l"d was below the quality they had City Council's repressiveness to that of WHAT HAPPENED residents could talk. JAMBOREE ROAD expected. Councilman Tod Ridgeway Saddam HusM!in -a reference that The council approved the plan. CounciJ.man Gary Adams protested IMPROVEMENTS said that the Public Works Department didn't i.h wcU with Adams. which they do every year, to establish a the packed agenda. and City Manager Iii its their regular meeting. the would work to get the city its money's West Newpon Msafety enhancement Homer Bludau responded by saying worth on the Jamboree Road contract. WHAT THEY SAID zones" that allows for mcreased fines that he'd do a better job of scheduling counclJ approved a "For you to equate us with Saddam for certain crimes and other moves to study sessions ln the future. HUssein . . is one of the most empower law enforcement. American Asphalt to make WHAT THEY SAID irresponsible and immature thing5 I've ~ $664,013 conllaCI Mth AU WHAT HAPPENED 11 fllMD improvements to Jamboree Road between MWe'll watch over this very carefully," ever heard ," Councilman Gary Adams By the end of the session, the COuncilman Tod Ridgeway said.· said. -Ju"-' r.magrande NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL BOARD MEETING WRAP-UP INSIDE THE DISTRICT Here are some of the d ecisions coming out of Tuesday's school board meeting. SONORA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PRESENTATION Parents, teachers, students and administrators at Sonora Elementary School in Costa Mesa shared their experiences and celebrated the school's diversity during a presentation to the school board. Ouistine Anderson. the principal at Sonora, shared with the board the school's academic accolades and hlghlighted the imponance of its multicultural student body. Parents from Polynesia. Mexico, Vietnam and lndia expressed their gratitude for the school's ability to embrace the students' cultural diversity and still provide them with an excellent education. FIRE ALARM STANDARDS As some of the school sites have begun Measure A construction. the district discovered that a number of schools ••--needed to replace some of the fire alarm equipment. The district, which has installed and NEXT MEETING •WHAT: School board meeting •WHEN: 7 p.m. Tuesday, May6 •WHERE: 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa •INFORMATION: (714) 424-5000 maintained Simplex fire alarm systems throughout the district fo.J many years, requested that the board vote to ensure the district maintain uniformj(y among fire alarm system~ by authorizing the designation of Simplex a.-. the specific brand of equipment used by the district. WHAT HAPPENED The board approved the recommendation and agreed to make Sunpltx tht' only brand used for fire alarm systems by the district. · WEEK OF THE TEACHER Staff recommended that the board vote to make the week of May 4 through 10 the "Week of the Teacher" and May 14 #OAU4G> the MDay of the Teacher· in accordance with national and state resolutions set to recognize teachers. WHAT HAPPENED The board voted in favor of adopting both resolutions. -Oirisrine Carrillo The Original MIKE'I CARPETI SCHOOLS LIST ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AdamsK-5 2850 Clubhouse Road, Costa Mesa Candy Cloud, (714) 424-7935 Andersen K-6 1900 Port Seabourne, Newport Beach Mary Manos, (949) 515-6935 California K-5 3232 California St., Costa Mesa Jane Holm, (714) 424-7940 College Partt K-3 2380 Notre Dame Road, Costa Mesa Carol Lang, (714) 424-7960 O.Vis4-6 1050 Arlington Drive, Costa Mesa Cheryl Galloway, (714) 424-7930 Eastbluff K-6 2627 Vista del Oro, Newport Beach Charlene Metoyer. (949) 515-5920 Harbor View K-6 900 Goldenrod Ave., Corona del Mar Melltssia Chnstensen, (949) 515-6940 Ka1Mr 3-6 2130 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa Daryle Palmer, (949) 515-6950 Klltybrooke K-5 3155 Killybrooke Lane, Costa Mess Kathy Sanchez. (714) 424-7945 UncolnK-6 3101 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar Barbera Haddodc, (949) 515-6955 Mariners K-6 2100 Manners Drive. Newport Beach Pam Coughlin. (949) 515-6960 Newport Coast K-6 6655 Ridge Pert Road, Newport Coast Monique VanZeeBroedt. (949) 515-6975 OVER 3 0 YEARS IN COSTA MESA •Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery• ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff ~s CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made f urniture • Slip Covers • Patlo Furniture • Draperies, Shades. & &edSpreads Newport EJemenury ~-6 601 Hamilton St .• Costa Mesa !{en Ktlltan, (949) 515-6905 Candy Spertmg, (949) 515-6995 Woodland K-2 14th Street and Balboa Boulevard, Newport Beach Denise Knutsen, (949) 51 S-6965 Sono,. K-3 2025 Garden Lane, Costa Mesa Kathryn Hofer, (949) 515-6945 Newport Hef9hts K-6 966 Sonora, Costa Mesa Christine Anderson. (714) 424-7955 300 E. 15th St, Newport Beacti Judith Chambers, (949) 515-6970 HIGH SCHOOLS Corona <tel Mar 7-12 Victoria ~-5 Paulerino K-3 1060 Paularino Ave , Costa Mesa Patricia Insley, (714) 424-7950 1025 Victoria St. Costa Mesa Judy Laakso, (949) 515-6985 2101 Eastbluff Dnve. Newpon Beacti Sharon Fry, (949) 515-6000 WhhtierK-3 Pomona K-3 1800 N Whittier Ave., Costa Mesa Sharon Blakely. (949) 515-6990 ComMesa7·12 2051 Pomona Ave., Costa Mesa Julie McCormidc, (949) 515-6980 2650 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa Fred Navarro 9-12; John Garcia, 7-8. (714) 424-8700 Wilson K-5 Rea4-6 801 Wilson St., Costa Mesa Coll now for ~st appointmefll (949) 675-3 13 W'lfW.Jobbtompbolavaptiy YIJl E. Padfk Coal ThisWeek@UCI Athletics April 25-27 Arts April 24-26 Drama at UCI. Latly Wi11dermere's Fan. By<Oscar Wilde. 8 p.m. Thursday-Fnday. 2 & 8 p.m. Saturday, Claire Trevor Theatre. $9-S 17 April 24-26 UCI Dance. Dance Escape New work.' bv graduate choreographers. 8 p.m. Thursday-h1day, 2 & 8 p.m. "laturday, Winifred Smith Hall. S9-S 11 Baseball. UCI ''s Ctd 'ltate Northndge. 7 p.m . Fnday. 6 p.m. aturdily and 1 p.m . Sunday, Anteater Ballpark S4-$7 April 26 Women's Crew. Collirn Cup. 7 a.m .• N~port Harbor Boatho~. flft April 27 Men's Crew. Newport Regatta 7 a.m., Newport Harbor Boathouse. Pru April 29 Baseball. UCI vs. USC. 7 p.m., Anteater Ballpark. $4-$7 Presentations April 24 HumantT.ch and the Humanities Center. Nawor. A DrffMI 11Udta of Opmmoru. With Samud Webn', Avalon Prof'essor or the Humanities, Northwcstml Uniwnity. 5 p.m., Hu.maruties INtruc.tional Building, Room J 35. frft April30 Alf.gen LectuN In Modem Biology. V'1t11wu. V«tot7 w v..mna; 1hl aatiV ~ MJdMia ;,. me 21st Catlw)t With Anthony Jama. pro · r of i'notealla.r biok>gy. 1 p.m.. • Crystal QM Auditoriun\, Studmt Center. Free FORUM HOW TO GET POBUSHED -t...a.n: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Piiot. 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 •RH den Hot1n« Call (949) 6'2-6088 fa: Send to (9491646-4170 E-mlllt:Send to dailyp/lot•taumes.oom •All comsspol'\denee must lndude full name, hometown and phone number (for veriflcetlon purpotet). The Pilot raeNM the right to edit all submission• for darity and length. EDITORIAL Council must avoid special election I n the bcighl light of day, .after the contentious, lengthy and motion-filled Costa Mesa City Council meeting Monday, there is much to be concerned about in Ory Hall Although the council wru. able to whittle down the applicants to fill (onner Mayor Karen Robinson's seat from 26 to 2 - Eric Bever and Mike Scheafer remain -the four remaining councU members were unable to break a 2-2 vote on either one. Instead, they pur off more debate until the May 5 meeting. At that meeting. months of potential council inaction ride on the quartet of city leaders - Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and ams Steel -being able to act decisively and plclc either Bever or Sdieafer. According to the rules the council is following. those are the only choices left. If they fall, the issue will go to a special election in November, which leaves open the possibility ora string of2-2 votes until Robinson's seat is filled. Anyone who bas an issue coming before Ci~ Hall. whether it be about Westside improvement, view ordinances or construction requirements, should be concerned about facing a four-person council. But judging by the lines drawn Monday, that possibility seems all too likely. Neither Cowan nor Monahan appears close to changing opinion. Bever. a Mansoor campaign volunteer who is part of tJ1e "improver" movement on t11e Westside that presses for the elimination of charities there and a dedicated focus on creating upscale housing. has opinions about the city's future that assuredly are anathema to Cowan. While Monahan might share more of Bever's opinions on city issues, he is too pragmatic -not to mention politically savvy -to vote onto the council a third ·improver" who would create a solid voting block wiili Mansoor and Steel. On the other side, it seems Mansoor wiU stick by a man who shares his beliefs and keep his support !>olidly with Bever. And iliat leaves Steel. who has already upset his Westside supporters by voting against their wishes. most notably when he supported the contentious Home Ranch project. Will he risk their ire again by voting for Scheafer? Steel should. He said Monday that he would Like to see a compromise candidate. While Schaefer might not be his candidate of choice, he is the only one of the two remaining who can fill that role. Scheafer is a moderate piclc. laclang the hard-line approach to issues that Bever would bring to the dais. He has a long history serving this city. as a member and president of the Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Lions Oub and ru. a former member of the P.arks and Recreation Commission. Steel could show the leadership worthy bf a mayor by backing Scheafer and ensuring the city avoids the political dead wne that would exist unti.l the empty seat is occupied. ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL A broom in Ducks ' future? • EDrTOR'S NOTE: As a special feature. Guy Hebert, a Newport Beach resident and former goahe for the Mighty Ducks, will be writing regular diaries about the team and its Lehtinen, Seo« Young and Oaude Lemieux. Their defense is anchored by Derien Hatcher and Sergei Zubov. Thei.e two will provide a Jot of offen!>e on the power play unit and will log 20 plus minutes a night. experiences throughout the playoffs. Guy Dallas brings in one of the top young A s the Duck.-. HEBERT goalies, as well. in begin their Marty Turro. Having a Western Conference career year in his first as the semifinal mund against the starter for Dallas, he will be Dallas Stare, today, they are one heavily relied upon if the Stars step closer to the Slanley Cup. are 10 advance. The Dud .. c; Y..ere able to For me, this will tum out to be dispose of ilie reigning Stanley a great match up of talented Cup Champion Detroit Red young goalies. Both Turco and Wmgs by pulling out the brooms Giguere are playing at the top of and sweepmg them away in four their game and are exuding stra.igbL The confidence that confidence. Both of these teams Anaheim gained in that senes feed off of that confidence, and will be instrumental as they if one should show a craclc in his continue their quest for the cup. armor, it will be interesting to lltings don't get any easier for see how his team reacts. the Ducks, as they now face the The Duclcs short first round No. I seed in the Western was instrumental in keeping the Conference. team healthy and has allowed The Oa.IJas Stan. move into the them time 10 wortc on special second round after beating the teams dwing their layoff. The Edmonton Oilers in six games. power play will need to be better That series was not easy for *81l[nst the Stars than lt was Dallas, and It should benefit the against Detroit. lltis will take Duclcs ln the fact that Dallas had some pressure off of the Duclcs to expend more time and energy defense and, of course, Giguere. in order to move on Obviously, Anaheim did ride a hot goalie the more games you need to in round one, but the team for play to get through the best of the most part did its job. They seven aeries. the more you are definitely will try and be more pur•t risk for fatigue and efficient in certain areas, but the injuries. defense was solid, and the Da1lu has already struggled teams' depth was evident in its this season with Injuries, and offense coming from a host of wu without • few of their key players. players for part of the season. Another key for the Dudes ls FotW&rds Bill Guerin, Pierre that they gpt their leaders to and Jason Amott have lead. The veteran group of aD ir\Jdted arid couldn't players were able to contribute Plillf.lii ~ periods of at both ends of the lee. Steve dlD'tD~llnl the playoffs. RucdUn spent most of the dme ·Olll•l;Uid~n we~ out for ddindlngSergel Federov·s line ,... .......... round Md Amott and end up sooting the game ··-·--of th ll'11 and eerles winner. "OillllllWj.., pltyien In Dall '• What do I see for the Ducks ln -:;r.:•~._.~·~they ~able to the second round? nme wfU tell, ~" ,... Cfl'tiLlnJy bo on but I hope It LI as entenalnin3 as aJ the OuCb defense tho first round. What I can 1ay, tr ililHe. J.S. GlguerG. however, is that I bkc tb1s tnrn wlilieur chele pl1ytrs. beaux of ltS chaiader, veteran ..... out.ttandln3 JUderahip and yOUthlul • Med to be end\~ Thia • cec:fpo Cot ~ Mika 1utte1&. Just lldd water . . • · °'*' lri tho frw.eri th&& IS. Im tMlit with up Hope to IN~ lill at the .. «• p.mt. Enjo)4 MAILBAG Good job getting to church on time, and in the paper The Daily Pilot is to be con'lmended for the cover story N An Easter message~ heatd at St. Michael and All Angels. fn gen~ral. the pres.s ignores the churches and synagogues as lackin8 In newsworthiness. Although I am not a parishioner at St. Michaels, I warrilJy thank the Dally Pilot for this coverage It deserves to be read. DAVID H. WAUACE Newport Beach Notice a change in the jet planes from JW A? Over the last six months or so, I have noticed a change In the flight paths of many of the planes leaving John Wayne Airpon that has increased the airplane noise in old Corona d el Mar, espedaDy near the coast.line. Planes used to head straight out to the ocean and then tum well after they crossed the coastline. Now the majority of the planes make a small turn soon after take-off that causes them to cross the coastline m uch nearer the harbor e ntrance than before. Additionally, many planes that are heading down the coastline start this tum much earlier than before. This results in these planes subjecting the area along the coastline of Corona del Mar to an increase in unnecessary noise, which didn't happen before when the planes Oew fartJier out over the water before turning. ls it my imagination, or has the flight paths of departing planes changed? ls this being done to avoid noise sensors in the Back Bay or to save some jet fuel7 ls anyone else hearing an increase in jet noise? RALPH WARRINGTON Corona del Mar Leave Fairview Park in its natural beauty Fairview Park in all its natural beauty is a sight to behold. Costa Mesa residents. treat yourselves to a stroll through this rare natural beauty and then ask yourselves: NDo I want our city planners to speod my money making what is already a natural park into their idea of a natural park?" There is much that needs fixing in C..osta Mesa. Let us spend our money wisely lest that which we have be ta.ken from us. MARIE KOLASINK~ Costa Mesa Fairview Park needs to be a spot for sports too I'm a neighbor of Kaiser Elementary on Costa Mesa's Eastside. It's one of the Fil( PHOTO I DAILY PtLO r The Rev. Peter D. Haynes prepares to administer the communion during Easter services at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Sunday. few sports parks in the city. It ha!> three soccer fields, two baJ>eball fields, a running track and a very busy Boys & Girls Oub. I understand the frustration of the homeowners who live near TeWinkJe School and TeWinkle Park. There is a lack of parking, traffic and noise. But the idea of moving the sport groups out of TeWlnkle School to a new location won't work; there, simple is no place for them to go. I'd like to ask the City Council to spend a Saturday visiting the sport parks and see the very large number of people using them. Then. go over to the open-space parks like Newport Beach's Back Bay and Costa Mei.a's Fairview Park and see the practically empty parking lots. There'!> no question where the residents are spend mg thetr time. It's time for the sport groups and the homeowners to worlc together and ms15t that the city revisit Fairview Parlc as a large sports park. Ughted softball, baseball and soccer fields used by youth and adults should be there, as i.hould a sltate park. Build it and they will come. CHARLES MAS~NGIU Newport Beach Community Commentary Child abuse invades cyberspace • EDfTOR'S NOTE: This is the final of four commentaries that will nm in April, which is child abuse prevention month. John J. Collins is director of community programs for Childhelp USA, a Costa Mesa-based nonprofit that worb for the prevention and treatment of child abuse. W tthin the last year, there have been several high profile child abuse situations tied to the cbilds involvement in •chat rooms" on the Internet Like so many other things in our fast-paced wortd, child abuse has gone cyberspace. As is the case with a lot of child abuse lnddents, many onllne generated abuse occurrences never get reported. However, the fact that crimes are being committed online is not a reason to avoid using this means of communication. Telling children to stop using these services Is like telllng them to stop attending school because students are sometimes victimlz.ed there. A better strategy would be to Instruct chiJdren about the benefits and dangers of using the •1nteme1" and Cor them to learn bow to be "street smart" ln order to better safeguard thenue1ves ln any potentially dangerous tuadon. ChDdren can benefit from being onllne, but they can abo be taigets or aime and erpJo ta.don lo th1s ln any other envlronment. 'Dusting, curloul and anxious to explore th.ls new wodd and the relador\sbJps lt brings. cbOdreo need parental~ .nd common-sense advice on boW to be auni that their ~ ln •cybmpace" ate happy. healthy and productMt. There ere AOmc rbb for cb11dreo who use the Internet or onllne aeMcel. n..uwd are pardcularly at rlat because t.heyoftcn W10 the computer~ and are more ~ dUln )"OW'l8f c:hildrm to p111_Jdpete In onUne dllcuMonl f9rdlng complnJombjp or nadot ..... 1r >W have • , 1n 1U'lf ~or you..,. • lllcJYIFr. chtck out teen llil!Cy on the infonnation highway at www.missingkids.com A major risk of children being on line is that a child may be exposed to inappropriate material that is sexual. hateful or violent In nature or material that enoourages activities that are dangerous or Wegal. JOHN J. COLLINS Another risk ls that. while online. a child rnlgbt provide information or arrange an enoo1J,Dter that could risk his or her safety or the safety of other family members. In some cases. pedophiles have tued e-mail, bulletin boards and chat areas to gain a child's oonfidence and then arrange a race-to-face meeting. If you have cause for concern about your chlklren's on.line acdv:lties, talk to them. Open communication with yow- child, as well as getting onllne yourself, will help you obtain a better undetstandiog and alert you to potential problems that may oocur wtth oollne '*- If your child tells you about an u~ person or th.Ing encountered wbDe oOline, do not blame your child. but help him or her avoid problems In the future. Remember, bow you "'5p0nd wtl1 determine whether they c:on6de In )'OU the next time they encowiter a problem and haw they awn to deal wfth problems on thdrown. At the very leu1. t.oep tnd or an:y ftlei your childmt downJoad to the ClOmputer. c.ocWder lhartrlg an e-mail account wltb your chQd .a you can IM'l189 their maJJ and Joto )'OW' chDdten when dwy ~In pdwte chG .,_to monitor their tc1Mdel. CONldtt-.-. the computer In 1 l8mUy room mdm-lbin In the child" bedroOm. Get to me..,_ ·onune rrw.· jlllt at""' .. IO bMM ID ol bir act.~ The following pledges for online safety are suggested by the National C.enter for MisWlg & Exploited Otlldren: • I will not give out personal information such as my ad~ telephone number. parents' wod ad~/ telephone number. or the name and location of my school without my parents' permissjon. • l will tell my parents right away if I come across any information that makes me feel uncomfortable. •I will never agree to get together with someone I "'meet" online without first checking with my parents. lf my parents agree to the meeting, I will be sure that it Is In a public plaoe and bring my mother or fadier along. • I will never send a person my picture or anything else without first checking with my parent& • I will not respond to any me658gt?S that make me feel uncomfortable. It ls not my fault if I get a message like that If I do, I will tell my parents right away IO that they can contact the online smik:e. • I will talk with my panmt.s 10 that we can set up rules foe png onl1ne. We will dedde upon the time of day that I can be on.line, the length ol time I can be onllne and appropdate wcm for me to t.: I will not etcm other.,_, or bn!ak theae rules without their perm1t&lon. ~r two very good brochures rqpudlng lnt.emet ..r.ty ~ SdMy on the Jnfonnadon ~or •Child Safety on the Wormation 1-.,way"), contact the National Center for Mlellng & Bx:plofted 01IJdren at (714) 508-0150. u~ have IOme quesdona or COnccml about lbls i9llie here a.re .,me aood lnfonnadon IOWts: • OUkhlp USi\·(800) 4-A.QUW oc ......-~MW z. Nldonal Center for~ uld ~lid a... f1l4) !09-0150 • Priw9il Ollld ~Or-. O>wlty (714) 258-2272 °' ~~4'1 • er-. ~CMdAbi99 ..... , (714) fMO. I uuu •or coraa meet (714» 411.f.312 Thursdly, ~ 24, 2003 A7 ,.. ! I stock up. comets come around more o~en than this. the 11IKEA hardly ever has a sale'' sale event. save up to 50% off select items throughout the store. sale going on now . ICM... 0 I Ml6t Clly c.-600 N Saft F.ftando .. 18181M24S31. ICM c:...-1 e ~ID~ .. 6111plq5V4$l1. ~Or"' b 0 n ,. 60 ,__, ....... M.: ~ ftl.'5JZ.. ICM._..~ JDiuitaor .. aw bit, TVllll Mott •'*9<• (7141131 4000 -. ....... Moll · fri to.Mi • .,__, Sat ._. ,,_, s-. to-·.,_ Viii IK!A~ ~ S.. OMip O.., ICIA Sytt.11 IV 2003 SO..~.............. • • . ( -~-------- ,. Tlvsdly, April 2,, 2003 AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN item• to the Deily Piiot, 330 W. Bay St, Coati Mttsa, CA 92827; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by celling (949) 67~. Include the time, date enC:t location of the event, es well .. • contact phone number. A compfete lllting 11 ayallable at www.dai/ypifotcom. TODAY •Undentanclng 'tbur PlltholotY Repo"-" a free seasion at Hoeg Hospital, will provide Insight Into the meaning of a pathology report and how it's used In staglng and planning tNa'1tlent for lung cana)r, The session will be given from 2to 3:30 p.m. Call (949) ~5542 for more information, City DKN'v is laundrino Its ""1'19 'COiiection, and Macy's In South Coast Plaza is sponsoring a codctail reception to celebrate the event Guests are invited to parti~pate in a silent auttion of City DKNY clothing, a spa treatment padcage from Bliss cosmetics and more. The suggested donation Is $15. All proceeds will benefit the Pretend City. For reservations, call (714) 556-0611, ext. 4231. Leem about changes th.it happen with menopause and safe, natural substances that can promote heahh and reduce symptoms at a women's heahh seminar at 7 p.m. at Temple Bat Yahm in Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 376-1469. FRIDAY The fifth No More Homeless Pets Conference runs through April 27 at the Hilton Costa Mesa. The event is presented and sponsored by Best Friends Animal Sanctuary of Utah, the nation's largest · no-kill organization. Call (435) 644-2001, ext. 129 for more information. SUNDAY ~part of an original program, Seld\a RadetMy of American Ballet Theatre will perfonn the pesdedeuxftom •t.e Corsalre" at the Barclay Theatre In 11\'ine. Tidceta are available only at the Barcley Theatre Box Offtce for $18. Catt (949) 854-4646for reservations. Red--.trucband~ of all years, maket and models ire Invited to pertlclpatl!I in the fourth annual Strawbeny Sunday Fun Fest and Cl.taic Car Show. The thow, while apotlightlng red cars, 11 open to all makes, colors and models: Entry fees are $15. for pr&-reglstration or $20 th.e day of the event Red cars can be entered for free. The show runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the · Automotive Road of Dreams area ' of the swap meet. Call (714) 966-&422"for more information, The Suifrtder Fou~n In Newport Beach I~ hosting a •50 in Ave• Earth Day Event At 11 a.m .. members will line both sides of the PCH on the bridge over the Santa Ana River holding signs with Its message to reduce pollution at the mouth of the Santa Ana River by 50% in five years. Volunteers will meet at the grassy area nearest the river In West Newport Partc at 10:30 a.m. and will get a special T-shirt for the demonstration. For more information, call (949) 495-7886. Orange County Wild will announce its Passport prize winners at its Earth Day celebration at noon at Upper Newport Bay. To enter, participants are asked to bring their passports, which can be obtained at www.orangecountywild.com or at most local wilderness panes. The event will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call (714) 504-9984. Join the Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends on Shellmaker Island for a day of earth-friendly family activities, musical entertainment, water tours. shark-touch tanks and mote from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. All activities are free. Call (949) 923·2269 for more information. --------------- MONDAY The echool of blologkel Klancee at UCt preMnta •Vk:tfm, Vectort, end Vecdnes: The Baute Against Malaria In the 21st Century; a lecture by Or. Anthony James at 7 WIND Continued from Al • p.m. In the Crystal Cove Auditorium in the Student Center. The event is free ind open to the public, but reeervatlons are required. For reservatiQna or • Information, call (949) ~4-72p2.Q MAY2 111 The UC Irvine c:hancelot"a dlltinguished fellowa tenes presents *Artwortc of Keith Piper; a lecture and e)(hlbltlon by'the lntematlon1lly known British artist, at 7 p.m. In the Studio Art Complex, Room 160. Beat known aa a leedlng figure central to the Inception and dewlopment of the 1980s Brfti1h Blade Art movement, Piper works fn a broad range of media, lnoluding dlgltal t~nologlea. For more Information on the free event, call (949) 824-7372. up to compete in the 125-mile race to the Mexican city of Eose-- nada. . Part of the reason last year's race was so fast was that, while the 20-to 22-t;Dot tail Winds weren't extraonlinarily fast. they weie conststenL Sailors were able to keep up a fast paoo throughout the night without any major luDs.. TUESDAY J ulia SWMMY of •s.tun11iy Night Live" fame WiU speak at the 16th anm.~el C:irde 1,000 Founders' Brunch from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel In Newport Beach. SweeneV wjll stiare her touctiing, humorous and heartbreaking acoount of the loss of her brother and her incfedlble survival of cervical cancer. Cost Is $150 per person, and proceeds benefit the Hoag Cancer Center. Call (949) 574-7204 for more Information. •smart Women Rnlah Rich• is a free workshop with complimentary gourmet catered dinner at 6:30 p.m. at the Art Gallery International in Costa Mesa. limited seating. For more information, cell (800) 876-0353 or send e-mail to bob.voorllees@agedwards.com. WEDNESDAY A free seminar and book signing for MA Portrait For Healing" by Richard Manley will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Martcet, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (8001 595-MOMS. Join Newport Beac:h city leaders, students from Harbor View Elementary School and a state forester for the 13th annual Arbor Day celebration at 10:30 a.m. at Grant Howald Partc at 5th and Iris avenues in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3154. The MCOOd unuel tMwpott Beach Relay For Life., a 21W\out team walklng event, hopes to raise money and Increase cancer awareness in the Newport-Mesa community. Ten-to 15-member teams can register for $160 before April 28. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. at Newport Harbor High School Stadium and ends the, · next day at 6:30 p.nt. For mo.it information, call the American Cancer Society.at (949) 567-0634. MAY3 When the winds are this fast, most skippers agree that the best racing strategy ls to stick to the ~ line.,. which it to hug the . CENTER.LINE · Continued from Al The UC Irvine Arborwtum hosts "Now that we are in the design its annual Spring Perennial Sale, process, we know more about featuring unusual perennials the project," he said. "We're ex- froi'n South Africa and around cited because this· acceleradon the globe, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. could save us up to $IOZ million, today an~ from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday at the arboretum . , and more significantly, the proj- Experts will be available to ect will be done and open to the answer questions. Admission public sooner." costs $2 for adults. Children Officials say they will ask the younger than 12 get in for free. OCTA board on Monday to en- For more information, send dorse the accelerated schedule e-mail to ldlyons@uci.t1du. and approve the project cost in Oceans of Orchlda, a show and sale sponsored by the Newport Harbor Orchid Society, will take place today and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Community Center. General admission is $3, seniors' admission is $2. and partcing is free. Call (949) 515-9638 for more information. MAY4 Three young scholarshlp winners will be part of the California Women's Chorus' 34th annual Scholarship Benefit Concert. The music students will join female vocalists from throughout California when the 200-voice chorus presents "Surf 'n Sing,. at 2 p.m. in the Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd. in Newport Beach. Tldcets are $15 in advance and $18 at the door. Call (949) 262-0579 or (714) 840-4568 for tidcets or Information. its entirety. The light rail system calls for an 11.4-mile route through the cities of Costa Mesa, Irvine and Santa Ana. About l.2 miles of the line will run through Costa Mesa. The Centerline route through Costa Mesa will enter the city from Santa Ana from an elevated position headed south on Bristol Street and then it will tum on to Anton Boulevard. After a stop on Anton, it would begin going down to at-grade near Saldoka Drive and continue at ground level just before MacArthur Boulevard and Main Street. where it will elevate again. Costa Mesa officials and busi· ness representatives ·had hoped to place the city's portion of the ligbt rail system underground. But last week. rhe OCTA board voted 8 to I to reject an in-depth study of an underground· route because members were not con· shoreline all the way down. When wlods are lighter. It some- times pays off to tab a slightly longer route, heading farther olf • shore in search of Btronger winds. Sailors this year are covering their bases. checking weather Web sites that paint a rosy pie· ture, we.lgbing the infonnation again.st ~ pessimisdc predic- tions 8J)d preparing to be pre-- pared, no matter which way the wind blows. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John ~yne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by &-mall at junt1.C11$11(JrBndd@latim,,s.com. . . 'We as a community. ' have always supported the Centerline project.' Councitwoman Ubby Cowan vtnced that federal funding for the study could be found South Coast Plaza businesses, which were most concerned with CenterUne's interference with existing developments, were keen on the study. That was primarily because of the ~ncem that CenterUne users might park for free at the plaza and catch a train to the ir Orange County destination, said Paul Freeman of C.J. Segerstrom and Sons. UThat is a situation that could have been solved by (placing it underground),· he said. UBut I believe that any of these issues is manageable if we work to· gether." Costa Mesa Councilwoman Libby Cowan said she is pleased that the project has been accel- erated. "We as a community have aJ. ways supported the CenterUne project,· she said. Cowan added that she was disappointed at the pr~ that led to· the denial of the study to put che system underground. . "But the board has spoken,· she said. •And we accept that." · The construction will cause minimaJ disruption in Costa Mesa because most of the work is to be done aboveground, Cen- terUne Project Manager Joseph Mundesaid. "It'll probably involve a lot or night work.· he said. "We'll aJso work with the cities and with South Coast Plaza to make sure we avoid working there during the holiday season so it doesn't affect the businesses there." Leahy said Costa Mesa city of- ficials have been given some preliminary drawings of the project. ---------------------------------------- "We know they do have con· cems about the project,· be said. "We look forward to resolving those issues with them in the next month or two." MATTRESS OUTLET STORE "&tter Skep Through Sdmce." ._..._._.,,,,,,,,,.~..-- 4EIJ;" Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT • Y. ' ~-....... Family Arts Day • DEEM BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by •mall at Spring Festival Sunday, April 27, 2003 12:00-4:00 p.m. FREE ADMISSIO~! Children and their families arc invited for a day of learning and fun! Explore ans and culture &om around the worl.d through an-making workshops and performances. Listen to folk talcs and stories from Latin America presented by Y samur Flores. Complimentary snacks and balloons arc provided. This event is pan of Imagination Celebration of Orange County. Orange County Museum of Art 850 San Clemence Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 759-1122 www.oc.ma.nct ----~---~--~-'---------------------------- Oaily Pilot A utbor and 1V host Ou1e C-.0 Madden was busy sfgnlng autographs last week at the 14th annual Southern Callfoml4 Spring Garden Show. Madden served aa honorary chair of the massive event, which 61led the three levels of South Coast Plaza's Crate and BarrellMacy's Home Store wing. with every Imaginable blooming plant. The garden show • weekend was free to the public, with thousands of locaJ citizens enjoying the spectacular spring display. The opening 8. W. COOK night of the show is traditionally a charity event, and this year, proceeds from the opening party were earmarked to suppon preservarion projects for the Great Stone Church Monument at Mii..c,ion San Juan Capistrano. Guests arriving at the gala, paying $40 per ticket to suppo rt the Mission, were greeted by Mission volunteers wearing period costumes. S<'ttlng the mood for a special evening in the garden. The Great Stonc 01urch Monument i'> an official project of VSave America's rrea .. ures,. a partner<,h1p between the White House and the National I rust for I listonl Preservation. The local benefit chairs for the Mission are Bayshore'<; Tracy Gottlleb. along with Janice Markley and Kristen O'Donnell. FJecta Anderson serves as Friends of the M1ss1o n director. Guests of the Garden Show preview enjoyed cuisine provided by a hoM of locaJ restaurants. including Antonello, the Hack Bay Rowing and Running U ub, Gustaf Anders, Morton's, California Pin.a Kitchen. Bangkok four and Cafe Pascal. The show was !>ponsored by the Automobile Oub of Southern Cahfornia. Smith and Hawkin, Volvo Car<i of North No maner what you re dom9. your hometown nevvspaper ~ Daily Pilot by Deedne Rkh. O.D.S. BJtAND.NEWTEE111 l,,.,i..t T~~ ~ who art lnllPlll JOmC or all of 1he1r rttth oow hatt ausc to teriowly comida impbnts. Problems M:h • rduain« to 1mllt. difficu.hy catiQa o:n:ain fooclJ. lhiftioa teeth. imbUanced bite, µw main, md how "' fed about ouncl•ts an II< dwigCd with impbna. Advanccmcnu in the teirnu of givjos pcopk new pmnancnt t«th IUoWI tndmdual1 to 1pak and cu jmt u thq cl;d !>dim they &. chcit &al teeth. HMr appoi.rmncnu. ~ uatmau and hcalu11 timt. oilmfurt. and more naturaJ appearance arc tome addnionaJ bcftc:6U: If pol.I ~ quatlO!" lbwt implua, talk co w (Call (949) ~ S680), Wf'U ~·hJm IO UC. .... cM MW mcfudos1 f'lli;ri do 5,,r )Wt nil«. ~ .,.. Joaitd at 1"41 A'tlOCado Aw., wrc ~8. Ntwpcwt 8clda. - SOCIETY Ttusday, Ao<• 24, 2003 Al THE CROWD Garden Show returns to town Corona del Mar's Jennifer and Anton Segerstrom 1om Chns Madden at the annual spnng garden show at South Coast Plaza Enjoying the Southern California Spring Garden Show at South Coast Plaza were James Lynch. author Chris Casson Madden, Electa Anderson and Gerry Miller. art made by teacher'> and the big ticker item. which W<l!> the athletic coachc.,· barbecue dinner for 12. The dinner wa'> actually auc1ioned off three '>l'Jlara1e time'> becau~e of the greal interest in the prize. Woody and Gina OkJejas. owner'> of Anaheim Oievrole1. proVlded a Cllevy fahoe for the auttion thal wa., aho a major draw, helping organizer'> 10 rai~e more than SI 00,000 for the foundation America. KeUogg Garden Product~. Orrefors Kosta Boda. the Westin South Coru.1 Plaza llotel and the l.o-. Angele!> Times. SUPPORTING CORONA DEL MAR FROM NEPTUNE Mo re than 350 guests gathe red forces 10 support the Corona del Mar High School Foundation al the annual Neptune's Ball al the Fashion l'>land Marriott I lotel. fhe evening. a coming together for parenl'> raising BOATING SEASON IS HERE! WemeMarlneCmbar••• All Marine. Carburetors A2: Engine Tested ~~ Same Owner Since 1965. 38 Years in Costa Mesa THE CARBURETOR SHOP INC. 2945 Randolph Ave (Bri stol & Baker) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 Page Private School 95 Years of Quality Education GranCI Opening & Open House Saturday, April 26, 2003 Ri>bon Cutting Ceremony• 12:00 noon With Fonner Mayor Karen Robinson Tour our NEW 10 classroom building •re· and .\fa(' Comp•rtr lllb., !)clfntt lllb .ad St•t~oflbt •11 Ub"'TJ ",. t'r'(' oorollm«'•I ftt pl• 10% o" 1«ond mMI h '• "'"'-• tlllJ da,t only! •Joi• tht f..n "It• dtt "Mk l•rally! •Hon d'o«ut rn alHI ,...,,...,.mettts! •For tbt lddf tltttY ..-tll ~ • }•mphtf lt•t. "'°"II. l•tt pal.r.laa aad tnab! \ Buy One Dozen Small · Cookies and Receive ~ Dozen FREE Now Serving Satulwicbes funds to enhance the educat1011 of their children, included J massive silent auction thc.11 fcaLUred a combmation of relJil good!> and one-of-a -kind objects donated by teachl'r ... JI Corona del Mar I ligh S<:hool I lighhghts included ob)l't 1-. ol Chaired by the dynamic team of Diane Keligian, Katie PeLers-RoUlns and Karen FROZEN ROPES TRAINING CENTER . is proud to announce our GRANO OPENING on Satutday, May 3rd from I lam-8pm at our Irvine, CA loc:anon. • Yasua.I Trainioa • Diamond Scrtngth T~ (pltth m:.ognioon. nxking) • 8offt to Nay Prop_m •ShoWtilneT...... (l·~rroldll (mmral ... ) • VlPllR (Yidto IMlysis) • lnarucfioill Mcdi<rthl~ • Vtruw Pidliri M.:hit1e1 • lndMd~ & GfOUP INmlCUC'ln (r1P1nd rcntilll P'ltOZKN ltOP.U TRAINING C•NT•lt 19028 McGAW AVE, IRVINE, CA (949) 2!50-1199 ww Jnlii: Wtn11NfM1.<1• IAga.IOj J -IDoftcWOW.-.-~ a-4 w Ml SCMdillc of RIMI HJnton, thl'> mo ... 1 '>UfC:l''>'>iuJ evenmg wiU allow fund., to go to progrnm!> in need of <,uppon al Corona del Mar lhgh ~hool and Middle '>chool. ~polled m the crowd wt•re Jerrilyn and Jim Kline, Mama and Brian Tulley, Vice Principal Jack Cusack and Principal Sharon Fry Aho ..ittendmg thc event wert· Brenda and Joe Colgatt Joe , Colgate officiait>d ac tht• -.1len1 auuion • THE CROWD runs Thurl.days and Saturdays Rabbitt lmurance Agencv Al 'TO • HO"IHJ'.lt 'I R.'I • lf~AI I Ii 20o/o off .. ·-------~-~------------------...----------... , AlO Thursday, Apnl 24. 2003 OATEBOOK Oeaiy Pilot " c REELCRmcs • jUoles' is bulletproof; 'Bulletproof Monk' has holes !'Holes' is filled with •good, dark humor i:w onderfuUy strange and ~• darldy humorous, •Kol~" is a movie that eapfrogs over several 1Hollywood formulas to land ,squarely ln the land of original land offbeat rums. l Louis Sachar. -who wrote the t ell;Ullent screenplay based on his own highly a~claln'led novel for young adults, has created a fibn that wiU produce wry smiles from even sophisticated grown·ups. JOHN DE PKO At the core of the story is the plight of Stanley Yelnats. I le is the fourth generation of first-born maJes with the same nam e from a bizarre and unlucky family. Stanley is wro"ngfully convicted of a theft he did not commit and sentenced to 18 months in a s tark desert work camp for teenage delinquents. Each inmate has the same hard labor job: to dig a hole 5 feet wide and 5 feel deep every day in the parched earth of a dry lake bed. As Stanley digs his hole day after day, we see ongoing flashbacks or the family history: I low a gypsy curse was placed on bis great-grandfather. How his grandfather made a fonune ln the last century only to have it stolen in a stagecoach robbery by a famous bandit. How h1s father cannot succeed at anything. The ftashbac.ks present us with multiple story lines spanning a couple of centuries. Some are dramatic, some are silly and some ring true to llfe, -but they all intertwine to reveal deep connections between them. · In between ftashbac.ks, we come to know Stanley's fellow Inmates ZigZag. Atmpit, X-ray, Squid, Magnet and Zero. WeU portrayed by unknown actors, they are smart, way cool and look out for each other. Of course. the adults running the camp are foolish parodies of themselves. Jon Voight is over the top as Mister Sir, the camp boss who does the dirty work for the cowgirl warden. played with sneering arrogance by Sigourney Weaver. Reminiscent of the oddball comedy of ·o Brother Where Art Thou" or "The Princess Bride," rectirring themes abound. Yellow spotted lizards, buried treasure, God's thumb, sweet onions and fat pigs aU have roles to play in the many subplots that mark this complex and fascinating taJe. In the end, aJI these wild elements converge to reveal somethin g about human nature chat takes this ftlm '"'lkm6er ef the Joseph M. Jones 7071 Werner Avenue, #F-716 Huntington Beech, CA 92647 P & CI Life Lie. #0006499 Membership in The President's Council is reserved for those Federated marketing representatives who achieve outstanding marketing results. Council members and their spguses were honored at the annual meeting of the Federated President's Council. FEDERATED INSURANCE " ,_ __ ~ The FEDERATED Inst.trance Compenies • 121 E. Partt Square. OwalOnna, MN 55060 Phone· (507) 45~5200. INTERNET www.tedlraledinlulWloe.oom UCirvine : . s . : s . Joi• s.,,.,, SlmttUll and our 6Xf>ert team for lnjomlatfVtl seminars, fJ and A sessions on women :r beaJJbcare tssun, pnd an t111jllnalloul 1"'"'1 ~WW.. • &pms tllscuss ,,,, pros and cons of "°""'1ne ~lbmipy • Co~and all#rnalW. tbml/Jla- wbal :t Oii/"""" • lbmm :t fl M/Jsr Is btJorl d -ptftllnlWI m«lsum JOI' can I/JM. • ""JOIU bat ftM» for""""- '*"" ."' "" lal#I dhf ctn, """''""' """mrcbd. • Sim.ti <>#JI Rlltlx, ..,. .... ,..., ,.,. "'1#/pl .,.,,,,..."""'* 8.1)() a.m.-2:30 (>.m. 1be SaUolJ Place Hotel •soo MxAnhu,, lb'port Beach '°' lat! •lldoM c.11~~ .. ,.~S763« t......tl:k.....U•adMll flOO per pMOll ( 165 ,_ """""""'J beyond the obvious and Into somethJng my teriously channlng and satisfying. "Holes" ls a delightful tlme at the movies. •JOHN OEPKO Is a Costa Mesa resident and a tenlor Investigator for the Orange County public defender's offlcr•· 'Bulletproof Monie , is shot down By Uncle Don • F aster than a speeding Yugo, more powerful than an HO-gauge model railroadµt, able to leap large holes in the script in a single bound, look. up on the screen. It's too fat to be a bird, it's too slow to be a plane, it's •Bulletproof Monk.· COMING SOON Able to do more things than any machine made by Ronco, he slices, he dices, he peels, he frappes, he kicks butt and takes names, but he sure can't act. and the beginning or the movie shows he ain"t bulletproof. Taking refuge from a raging storm at a roadside motel, Ed (John Cusack, left) and Rhodes (Ray Liotta) are confronted with a series of inexplicable murders in the thriller "Identity." Flying around like Peter Pan, leaping like Nureyev and falling like Olevy Clase. the Bulletproof Monk really should have eaten a lot more lead much earlier in this real barker. Well, it's Friday night at the local cinema. and in attendance was a crowd of a couple baker's dozens waiting to view this week's schlock suey. Did you ever suffer through ·croueh.ing Tiger, Hidden Dragon,· that patheticaUy ridiculous bit of cinematic drivel? Well hs hero is back, Olow Yun-Fat. as its basic premise, an icon that everyone must have a nd that no one needs. We amble our way back in time to 1943 o,r so. The Nazis have invaded yet another poor [!]~Dunn-Well hapless country. only this one has a monastery. The joint is actually caUed the Temple of Sublime Truth. a sure sign we're headed for inteUectually vapid territory. Within thib monastery is an artifact, a scroll, that if read aloud, could provide ultimate power to whomever does the reading. So you've got your requisite blond· haired. blue-eyed evildoers who have no problem mowing down a menage of monks by machinegun on their que\t to find the scroll. Unfortunately. the quest fari... otherwise this flick would be over in short order. but we, the wretched viewers. must pay the price by suffering for the next hour or so through one of the most insipid chase films you'll ever have the misfortune to view. TI1e scroll conveniently provides everlasting youth to whoever holds it. That saves big time on the makeup budget. as Olow Yun· Fat can look. the same in 2003 as he did in 1943. 5oL1DHAiowOOi PLUSti?ARPET INSTAUED! $6~! Travertine 18" x 18" .......................................................... '4.29 111, Ceramic Tile ...................................................... lndllltd m 14.99 111 t Laminate \Vood ................................................ llSlllld m 'lit 111t ""'bills t1,. 'Doi~ , f All Greenery, f(-pr1"' ~Trees, Florals ~~er r~Zori/~~~3 Fine fumiture ac designer prica! Everything at below' WatehoUJC prica! New merdWidile anna daily! Maybe the scroll is the recipe for a combo of Oil of Olay and Grecian Formula 16. For whatever reason, the prt'lteclor of the scroll must find a i.ucces<,or after 60 year!>. Yun·fat, now in New York , is '>till evading the white, '>hon-haired, overcoated, <,unglass·wearing. bltick-hclicopter riding Nazis With Yun Fat continuously spouting Confucius ai. mterpreted by 1 laJlmark cards. we actually get to hear dialogue hke: "If you believe, then 11 1!> • .md "The coast is clear." Tha1·s a good as it ge~. l here"!> a lot a 1abbenng in thb flicl about the concept of belief, that if your belief is -.trong enough, then you can s top time. repeal the laws of gravity, live forever. turn water into wine. and -;ee lhe Chicago Cubs play in the World Series. We ll. there was no &tronger belief than mine that the film should end immediately. It didn't. Stupid belief. · So who's gonna be the new keeper of the scroll? You·ve got a Larry, Curly and Moe selection of the pickpocke t. the nch mob heiress or the unscrupulous monk. Meanwhile. the script, written like a fortune cookie, 1umps over the chff of stupidity and lands in a ditch of insipidnesi.. while everyone fights on. floating like blubberfhes. stinging hke fleai.. So. let"s see. You·ve got th.Ls here i.croll. It has no pos1uve vaJue. IL doesn't cure cancer, e nd war, promulgate peace or eliminate hberaJs. But if someone gets h1i. grubby paw!. on it. he can control the world and live forever. So why keep the thing? Mui.t have covered that been while I slept. "Bulletproof Monk.'" ii. wanton cellulmd abuse. • UNCLE DON reviews B movies and cheesy musical acts for the Daily Pilot. He can be reached by e-mail at Realfy811dWritin9 a sol.com VILL NOVA Twilight Dining on the wtlter Entrtts .from $7.95 Hol'M1tUU/e P1Ut4 Fresh Sufoiul ~.J Sp«illbia ,I .I DATEBOOK Thursday, ~ 24, 2003 AU I DINING REVIEW Santa Monica Seafood does fish right THEATER Elegant 'Fan' at .UC/ By kathy Mader R alny days inaplre me. Most people, tliey make a little lazy. but it's very different with me. . On any given day, 1 would go out to eat Let them do the cooking and the dishes. But on · rainy days? 1 want to eat In my comfy home in my cozy pajamas. So I'm inspired to get up atid order take out, all the way. , Of co~. with take out comes the risk of having to do the dishes yourself and the P.OssibWty of even reheating food once it arrives. I had to search long and hard for a simpatico relation.ship with a "take-out" restaurant, one that either delivers paper goods and plastic silverware, or is wonh doing the dishes myself. I found &everal. But this here article is about one, one that serves up perfect rainy day food as well as sunny day food. And one that. because of it's very casual dining area, it's a s tore really, with just a couple of tables along the windows, you don't feel like you are missing much of the experience by eating your purchases at home. Santa Monica Seafood on 17th Street in Costa Mesa delivers. Unfortunately, not literally, but their hot, ftavorfuJ New England clam chowder or spicy Manhattan clam chQWder is exactly the lcind of chowder you AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 6464170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is available at www.dailypilot.com. SPECIAL ORANGE COUNTY POETRY FESTIVAL. The second Orange County Poetry f9stival is going on through the month of April with a variety of events throughout Orange County. For infonnation abo.ut events and locations, call (714) 564-6526 or visit www.ocpoetryfestival.com. Most events are free. FASHION SHOW AT MACY'S Macy's South Coast Plaza is hosting an evening of fashion from 7 to 9 p.m. today. City OKNY is launching their Spring Collection and Macy's is sponsoring a codctail reception to celebrate the event, enjoy an evening of codctails and hors d'oeuvres, music, Models on the Move fashion presentation, and tree gifts. L.anoome cosmetics will also be providing a complimentary brow shaping service from their licensed cpeciallsts. All proceeds from this event will benefit the Pretend City. Suggested donation for attendees: $15. Macy's South Coast Plaza is at 3333 Bristol St. For a reservation, (714) 556-0611 ext. 4231. MUSIC JAZZ BY FRANK POTENZA Guitarist, composer and educator Frank Potenza makes his Scott's Seafood Jazz C1ub debut with the Shelly Berg Quartet feat\.lring Red Holloway on Friday and Saturday at 7:30 and 9:30 at Founder's Hall. Tidcets are $46 for the late show and $49. for the earty performance. The Center is at iOO Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 740-7878. CUBA'S ORQUESTA ATAGON Hear the rid\ IOUnda of Orqueata Aragon at 8 p.m. Mey 3 ll ... Barclay Theatre. For "'°'91hen 60 y98rs, this legendary eneemble has Introduced the aoundt of CUban jazz to eountries around the world. Tidcets ate $35 and $29 •nd are available through the Barcl1y box office at (949) 864 4848. want at ho~ in your pajama&. The several Santa Monica SeafOod locations are owned and. operated by the Ogllano family, whose great-grandfather John came to California from Italy ln the late 1800s. He and his sons started as fishermen and ultimately developed the present day Santa Monica Seafood stores, wblch include a 60,000-square-foot "state of the art" complex in Rancho Dominguez. You can read more about the history of the Qgliaoo family, their other stores and their ~ion statement on www.santamoniciueafood.com. As I said before. Santa Monica Seafood is really a store, with fresh breads and cold drinks and an extensive selection of fresh seafood to choose from that runs the length of the building. with calamarl, swordfish, lobster, octopus and salmon pat~. But this is just the store stuff. We have ordered the chowder and pounds of fresh prawns for several parties, and believe me, everyone leaves happy. You can buy the cocktail sauce and the lemons right there, too. The pre-made sushi is just adequate, and I don't recommend it. The staff is as kind and courteous as you could hope. That sure is nice to be able to say. The take-out (or eat in) department offers hot sandwiches. like the spicy tuna burger ($5.95), the Cajun 'RUSSIAN BEAUTY' The Pacific Symphony plays a program of Russian wor1ts on May 7 and 8 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. The divertimento from Stravinsky's "The Fairy Kiss," written on the 35th anniversary of Tchaikovsky's death, and Prokofiev's Violin Concerto No. 1 precede Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake" ballet suite. Tidcets cost from $19 to $59. Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive. Information: (714) 755-5799. FYI •WHERE: 154 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa •WHEN: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m . Monday through Friday; 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and 10 a.m . to 7 p.m. Sundfy •HOW MUCH: Moderate •Phone: (949) 674-4737 •WEBSITE: Santamonlcas.afood.com swordfish sandwich (market) and one of my favorites, the crab cake sandwich ($6.95). The cool appetiurs. include shrlmp or crab cocktails, and even fried calamari. The aforementioned chowders, foods ·out of the fryer," such as fish and chips ($6.95) and shrimp and chips ($7.95), and items such as fish or chicken tacos, shrimp sdr fry and fresh fish "from the grill" all round out the to-go menu. The fish is great for sunny summer days. The mild, fresh halibut has been my favorite. The "take out" menu will be changing over the next several weeks, with some new additions and a couple subtractions. The beauty of Santa Monica Seafood is it caters to those like me, who are willing to get in the car and drive there, and to those who are willing to peruse, purchase and prepare the fish themselves. • KATHY MADER's dining reviews appear every other Thursday. MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Mark Davidson Trio, with Ron Esctiete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave .• Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 766-0121. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. See HOURS, Pace Al2 ByTomTltut 0 ne can only Shudder at what Oscar WI.Ide might ·concoct if the celebrated (and infamous) Victorian playwright were practicing his craft today. given the artistic li,cense modem playwrights enjoy.· . ln Wilde's time, the England of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, playgoers were required to read between the aoid-tipped (for those times) lines to fully appreciate his social satire. 1\vo Wilde plays, "The Importance of Being Earnest" and .. Mrs. Warren's Profes&on" -both presented on local stages just this season -appear inconsequencial and overdramatic, respectively, when viewed through 21st century sensibilities. Before either of those social conunents saw the light of day. Wilde honed his craft on a scrip! that seems 10 veer between drawing room comedy and edgy meloO.rama. .. Lady Wmdermere's Fan," which 15 enjoying an elegantly well-staged production al UC Irvine. Guest director J.R. Sullivan has mounted a tantalizingly intriguing rendition of this earty WI.Ide work. which teases its audience with a Big Secret that hangs over the theater throughout the second act. Since this is the first time "Lady Wa.ndermere's Fan· has been mounted locally in some four decad es. it shan't be revealed here just what that secret i.!.. although discerning playgoers should be able to ferret it out before the first-act amain. The lady of the title - manied two years and a mother, but who's just come ·of age" -Is a fascinating chaia.cter, tom between a husband she beliews has little time for her and a lovesk:k would-be swain who has pleoty. When she di<lcovers Lord Wmdermere has been funneling large sums of money to a strange .woman, which he refuses to explain, ntarital tension {Vtctorlan-sty1e. always weU mannered) approaches the boiling point Sara Parry delivers a superlative performance in the tide role. balancing her often-melodramatic dialogue with a high degree of sincerity. Taking the auclience into her confidence -a rather cheet.-y ploy in today's theater -somehow works quite weD !ti a period piece such as this. Michael P. Morgan as her secretive husband treads a fine line between fidelity and deception as he endeavors to ensure that his young wife remain unaware of the scandalous secret. Andrew Samonsky thrusts his heart onto his sleeve in his fervcni pursuit of this unavailable women. The "scarlet woman" in question is exceptionally well interpreted by Ailene King. whose effect on the production grows immeasurably in the second act. Wmdell D. Middlebrooks plays her corpulent swam (known as "Tubby") wtth appreoable comic bluster. There are some roles not overly consequential, but filled with rich social commentary which receive particularly adept creatrnem in the UO production. Mandy Schmieder excels a'> the loquacious duchess FYI •WHAT: "Lady Windermere'• Fan• • WH£'R£: UC Irvine Claire Trevor Theater •WHEN: Oosing performances at 8 p.m . today and Friday; and at 2 and 8 p.m. Saturdey • oOST: S15 to $17 • CALI.: (949) 824-2787 pumJing ripe.gof&p on one hand while overtly protecting her virginal daUghter (Jessica May SlfMl'NOn) from it on the ocher. Martin Swovedand is Wt1de's pe150nal voice in this play. peppering social commentary in all directions. Some of this conunentary will ring familiar to UO audiences, Weve all heard ~ expressions "I can resist anything but temptation· and .. a cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the valueofnothin~"buthow many of us real.iz.ed both sayin~ came from this play? Technically, the UO production revels in depth and elegance. Ouistopher Sousa-Wynn's beautifully realized settings are dressed with Victorian ftourish by Samantha E. White's superbly fashioned costumes. Ouistina 1-Munich's lighting designs fwther embellish the overall effect "Lady Wmderrnere's Fan.· first produced 111 1892. is a valuable history lesson for today's students of the theater. in which manne~ and morality take center stage and the sly wit of Wilde skewers both effectivel): UO's marvelous production is a splendid recreation of this bygone period. • TOM lTT\JS' columns run Thursdays and Saturdays. Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work i,n your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home fmancing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the Jerry . Gardner 877-227-6329 Branch Manaaer LIA! ... , .. 949-2S 1-4409 PriYlle MortJaie Banker complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-only loans Main Onlce (949) 251~7 OrildlleM. S•llta- 949-lS t :.44S2 Priv11e Monpae Brier Kimi Porfer-·0....0. 949-253-4236 Priv•MaiW Beker ------~---;;,,,;;.. ....... ....-.~--......... -----~-- .. Ala l'lu1day, ""'~ 24. 2003 DATEBOOK .flouRs Continued from All Hou,. are 5 tot p.m. Suflday and 8 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wedn..tay. (949) 718-0188. WUKlYJAM The Studio Cate pl'eMnts Monday Night Jami from 7 to 11 p.m. fNetY we"-"Wanted .. rnusldans Include guitar players, bus playera, llngers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Bea<:h. Free. (949) 675-77GO. Duo, play at Mamma Gin• et 251 E. Colet Highwly In Newport et 8 p.m. FridaV9 ~ Seturdeya and et 7 p.m . SUndtV9 and Mondays. Diana Dftrl joint the duo on vocaat on Mondays. It'• fNe. Information: (949) 873-9600 mualc of Common Ground from Wedn••d•Y through$Ynday. The bend perform• from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday end Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:301.m. Friday end Saturdey end from 2 to 8 p.m. Sunday. Th• t..caurant la at 2735 W. Coast Highway, MUSIC Kl TtE QRl.L Newport S.adt. Free. (948) 1"* ~Grill ofhlrs llve &42-3431. mulic f1tday and Seturday nights. . Greg Morgan, ,.kl P9pef' ~ MUSIC AT PLAYERS Keltv Gol'dlen (known •MPG) Playera restaurant ls now offering perlonn daelc roc:t. R&B 9nd live mutlc from 9 p.m. to swlng et 8:30 p.m. M1dev.-Marvin midnight every Friday and Gregory and MPG wilt perlonn Saturday. Players ls at 512 W. 19th ctas8ic rode. swing and R&B et 8:30 St, Cocta Mesa. No covet charge. p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is (949) 646-5616. at 830 Udo Perle Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 875-3474. WEEKEND MUSIC · MAMMA GINA wm<EN0 JAZZ. Watter Lakota and O.Vid Alcantar, MU$IC AT titE PELICAN Anthony'• Rlvet'boet Aeataurant in Newport Bead) Pf'914tnts Jesse on the taX on Friday and the New York Jazz Connection The Rusty Pelican otters the Seturdey evenlngt end &lnday fol btundl. The program fHtut'W all your favorttee on the UJ«)phone. Anthony't la et 161 E. C08lt Hfghway. (949) 873-3425. POP-ROCK NC> fl.AMENCO T~ Ci, • funk. rodt and 11t1otown act. perform• et 9 p.m. Seturday9 at Cannelo't Rlltorente, 3620 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mer. Solo gultarttt Ken Sendera perform• clautcal flarMOCO tunes et 7:30 p.m. Tueadaya end Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATlJROAY NtGHT RU Gerald lahlbethl and the Stone· BridQe Band play rock and R&B at 9 Q.m. Siturdayt at Sutton Place Hotel'a llianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 47'r20Q1. ·Momma John Jennifer Gus Brenda fi belortg to tbe · Lifetime Lifetime 100% world's largest flooring .. I ~ retail group : c<Mp. Warranty :o Warranty FREE We are the biggest Carpet Ceramic flooring dealers Individually OWtJ.ed $1 99 1 $199 No and operated. ~ -Questions ,, .C> Lifetime ~ Lifetime ~ ASked NO.BODY anywhere Warranty Warranty ~ 60 day exchange. can beat. our selection, I.aminate Wood If.you don't like It, prices or service. we will replace tt You 're paying too $2 99 $299 much If you're not FREE buying from us. '· l'1;,'''1,1t :i111·-'-t•"':lof:I' FULL SE RVICE Cn.ter Tops • Showers • Cera11ie • Stou • Gr11it1 • Weo' Refi•ish ONE STOP SHOP Wi•~•W C1veri1 • • Cle111i1 Car et & U holtte • Pai1ti11 -l11terior & Exterior 405 Costa Me a Irvine (9•9> &50·787& (949) 858·0t4t t24 •-t7th t7777 Main •a• MON-FRI 9-S MON-FRI 10-6 • SATUROAY 10-4 SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS 10-4 CLOSED SUNDAY EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT • Installation avallable and minimum uare toota e a les. _,,_. •• .. STAGE IMPROV AT OCC Orange C08llt ~ ·~ • unique #let hlMotJf ~~under the dwectiOl 1 bf ()CC tt-* picfs 11 er Alex Golaon. The~ to 8(). minute produc::don It modeled ' after the popular lmprovtudonal TV ~. "Whoea une 11 ttArr(wtttvr PetfonnanCM are ICNduted for 8 p.(n. May 12 and 1 p.rn. May t3 In • the Drama Lab. Adm.i9tlon it fr-. occ la It 2701 r.Hview Road In o.m Mesa. For Information, calt (714) 432-6640, ext s. 'TAAING OF THE SHREW' Orange Coatt CQfl"lmunlty College'• Theatre Department is staging a onHct cutting of William Shakeapeare'a.comedy "The Taming of the Shiew; a ~lnute productien of full measure slapstick comedy. Performances are at 5 p.m. Saturday end Sunday on the lawn of the Arts Center and at 1 p.m. today in the college's Orama Lab Theatre. Performances are free. For information, call (714) 721-5508. The college la at 2702 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. 'RELATIVELY SPEAKING' "Relatlvety Spealdng• will be performed at the South Coast Repertory at the Julianne Argyros Stage through April. Tictets cost from $19 to $54. South Coast Repertory is at 665 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. For tictets, call (714) 708-5555 or visit www.scr.org. 'tNTIMATE APPAREL' South Coast Repertory will premiere Lynn Nottage's "Intimate Apparel; a drama about an African American seamstress in 1906, her divergent clients and the love she finds through her letters, on the Segerstrom Stage through May 18. Tlctets cost $19 to $54. South Coast Repertory is at 655 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. For tictets, call (714) 708-5555 o r visit www.scr.org. 'POOR RICHARD' Jean Ke rr's bittersweet 1964 ro mantic comedy "Poor Ridiard" ends its run on Sunday in Orange Coast College's Drama lab Studio. Curtain is 8 p.m. Saturdays and 2 and 7 p.m. on Sundays. Tictets are $6 and S7 and be purdiased by calling (714) 432-5640. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. ART 'ZINE SCENE' "Zine Scene; an exhibit of zrnes organized by the Cranbrook Art Museum, will be on display through Sunday at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellite Gallery. South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St, Costa Mesa. Zines are publications -like magazines - created by people or small groups. Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, 10 a .m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Free. (949) 759-1122. DANCE ll1E BALLET MONTMARTE The Ballet Montmarte will present 8 mixed program of classical and contemporary ballet works at 4 p.m . Sunday at the Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine . Tldcets are $18 and are available only at the Barclay box offi<:e. Reservations: (949) 854-4646. 'ENEMY BEHIND THE GATES' Phildanco, a Philadelphia dance company, is bring ing the ballet "Enemy Behind the Gates• to the Irvine Barclay Theatre at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Tldtets are $35 and $30, half price for full-time studen\I with valid ID. Information: (949) 854-4646. SWING ERA SALUTE The State Stlfft ballet of Santa Barbara will perform ·eauroom; • salute to the Swing Era, at 8 p.m. May 3 at Orange Coast College's Robert B. Moore Theatre. Tictett cost from $37 to $31. OCC Is at 2701 Fairview Road. Coat.a Mesa. Information: (714) 432-6880. STUDENT DMC£ CONCERT Orange Cout Collegn Dance Oepa,,rnent wfll host its ~h annuaf Student Dance Concert et 8 p .m. Friday and Saturday et the Robert B. Moore Theatre. f .. turing modem, Jan, tap, ballet. Mtddle Easi.m and ftamenco dance. l"'tdceta ,,. $13, for lnf0f1'nation, catl (71•) .:J2-5880. 0CC It et 2701 Fairview Roed, C<*IMeu. ' wm be the featured apeeker et Bali.t Paciftca'e lneugural Signature Event et 11 e.m. Mey 16 In the Grand Ballroom of the Four Seatona t4otet in Newpot't. The gala lundleon will be a retrospective of G~ danclnO career, includtng tpecial photot of her llfe and fllm clipe of her molt eoclaimed performances. tnformlltfon: (949) 851-9930, ext. 111. SWING Lessons are given fNlf'Y Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Avent Garde Ballroom In Newport Beadl by the Orange County Swing Da nce Ctub. All 8Qe8 are welcome, and no partnen ere needed. F-or more Information, vlait oc:swlng.com or call (909) 6~119. ARGE.NTlHE 'fAHGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of eadl month at Danacene Studio, 2980 McCllntodc Way, Costa M .... (714) 641-8688. KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years ~dare invited to participate In aonga and finger-puppet play• at 1 p.m. Mondaya at the Costa Mua Library, 1855 Pa rte Ave. (949) 646-8845. PJSAND BOOKS A dilldren's story time Is presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avoeado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORmUER A cttild ren's story time Is held at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Sames & Noble BPoksellers at Metro Pointe. 901-8 South Coast Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A diildren's story time it held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borde rs Boob & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St, Costa Mesa. Free. (714) • 432-7854. : DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $10-$15. (949) 642·3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH . The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brundi from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. · every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beadi. $8-$15. (949) 642-3431. TWILIGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes s uch as cttldten parmigiana and calamari plcante at reduced prices, is offered from 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coalt Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars offer• wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m. Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featuring international seafood and salad buffets. roasts carved to ordef and breakfast favorite• la held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m . at Sutton Plaoe Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beactt. $30; S40 with champagne. (949) 476-2001. CLUBS ALTA COFFEE Musical act1 perform et 8:30 p.m. Thursd ays through Saturday• at Alta Coffee Hou18, 506 31st St, Newport Beech.' (949) 675-0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A varle1Y of live mu1lc la pre1ented daily at the Atrium'• Alrporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine . (949) 83S-2no. 81STIW201 J azz la played at 8 p.m. Fridays and S.turdey1 and at 11 1.m. Sund1ya et Bistro 201 ,'3333 W. Co81\ Highway, Newport had\. ' (949)631-1 651. • DtN DIN AT UJeOO TERRACE · lnstru,.,.ntal muaJc: la perlol'nled after 9 p.m. Thuradayt, end pop end rode la presented after t p.m. • Frtdaya •nd Seturdeya tt Dfn Ofn et the Bemboo Terrace, 1m Newport Btvd., Coaq M .... (949) M6-5560. I I -- QUOTE of THE DAY "Usually you look/ orward to playing a team that knocked you out of the [CIFJ playoffs.." St.ft Cond, CdM boys volleyball coach GOLF Daley a . . Golden • senior Mesa Verde senior flight champion played in first three Jones Cup events. W hy do we often mention the seniors who play golf in this space? Because golf is the sport of a lifetime. And there's something special to be said about the player whose body is breaking down and unable to perfonn at the same level but endures the rough edges and good walks (or cart rides) with good friends and family members, or maybe somebody they're meeting for the first time. And while scanning the list of winners from the recent Mesa Verde Country Oub Senior Oub ....-------.. Ouunpionship. I RICHARD DUNN noticed one of our good friends -Pete Daley-had finished first in the 60-69 age division. Daley, despite being a "super senior.· captured the regular men's club · championship at Mesa Verde four years in a row ( 1998 through 2001 ) . Last fall. he was dethroned by Steve Rhorer, who will receive an invitation from his club to participate in the fourth annual Jones Cup this summer. slated to be held at his home club (TBA). It will likely be the first Jones Cup played without Daley. He was the only amateur to play in the first three Jones Cups. Even though his amateur competitors in Jones Cup Ill last summer at Big Cl.nyon Country Oub were all in their early-and rnid-305. Daley wasn't concerned about appearances or length off the tee. "They're young bucks,· Daley said. "But I think what happens when you finally get up to a certain age is that it becomes mental. and the young guys don't have the experience. If we're playing courses 6.600 or 6, 700 yards. then I won't be as long. But mentally. I think I probably, hopefully, I will play a little smarter than they do and that's where I~ an advantage." An intematJonal competitor in the seniors division, Daley was 62 when he played in his third Jones Cup and still had never taken a golf lesson in his life and probabty never will ·1 think when you get to a certain age. you stay with the swing you've had most of your lire,• said Daley, who won the inaugural Jones Cup in 2000 with Mesa Verde head professional Tom SargenL ·I'm too old. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Oh. sure. you run into problems. bur you just ask your buddies to help you ouL I've been fortunate to find out wha1's wrong with See GOLF, Pac• 82 --· ... - Sports "'°"9: (9491574-4222 • Sports Fu; (9491650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL GOLF Sea Kings capture first Pelican Cup CdM 's Sherman marches to inedaJist honors as Sea Kings collect 17 -stroke triumph. NEWPORT COAST -Corona del Mar High senior Nick Sherman made sure his presence was felt in the inaugural Pelican Cup boys golf match between the Sea Kings and Back Bay rival Newport Harbor. Sherman. who did not play Tuesday when CdM lost to Tesoro. shol 4-over-par 71 to earn medalist honors and lead the Sea Kings to a 401 -418 nonleague victory in 18 holes Wednesday at PeUcan Hill Golf Oub. CdM (9·4), the defending Pacific C.Oast League champion atop the league stand· ings this spring. benefited from a balanced attack. as junior AJex Olikovani carded an • 80, senior Tim Frohiltng shot 81, sophomore Zack Rabinovich posted an 82 and junior Robert llry rounded oul the Sea King scorers with an 83. Sophomore Davis Pem· stein was the low scorer for Newport (5·9) with an 81. while sophomore Brandon Sowers (82), junior Michael Benvenuti (83), senior Garrett Whitfield (84) and junior Da· vid Motschenbacher (88) rounded out the top five for the Sailors. "Hopefully we can do this once a year.· said Newport co-coach Scott Tarnow. who was impressed with Sherman "Nick Sher- man had a little of everything worlcing for him. It's a tough course to get around and ii was littJe windy. This is CdM's year. and I thin.It next year will be ours.· HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL EYEOPENER • Daily~ru.11 Spmtl IW GfF-c ... - Apnl 28 honoree N1CK SCHAUMBURG Tlusday, ~· 24, 2003 81 Corona del Mar H1gh's Nick Sherman. above. chips to the green to make a b1rd1e on the lOtti hole Wednesday at Pehcan Hill Golf Club. At left, Newport Harbor's Michael Vacker follows through with an ocean view from No 7. The Sea Kings woo the maugural Pelican Cup over their Back Bay rrvals. PHOTOSB~ SfAN>ill.LER DAit. Y Pit. O' CdM rallies to def eat Northwood Pacific Coast leader drops Northwood in four, but coach isn't too pleased. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Defeating the defending Pacific Coast League dlarn- pion should have pleased the Corona del Mar High boys volleyball team. right? • The Sea Kin~ sent visiting North- wood home with a 13-15, 15_., 15·7, 15-9 league loss Wednesday, but it was hardly lo the liking of CdM C'.oach Steve Conti, who bad a few words about his leam's preparation and intensity. "We didn't come ready to play.· Conti said. "We played with no emotion, like we didn't want to be out there. Usually you loot forward U> playing a team that knocked you out of the ICIFI Playoffs.· CdM dropped all three matches (O Nonhwood a year ago, including a OF Southern Section DiVlSion IV semifinal in three games. The Thnberwotves had all seniors starting last season but have just two returning players this year. in which they're 3-6, 2-3 in league. "We should not have been unpre- pared to take care of bustness.• Conte said. ·rm at a 10$$. I told them before the match that we didn't look like we were prepared to play volleyball and that d.idn~ change throughouL •Ifwe pla)"'d Laguna Beach (Wednes- day! ... It would have been a different DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Zach Friedrichs Versatile three-sport standout admits baseball is his favorite spon and it has definitely shown in his play. match." The Sea Kings (IO· 7. 5-0) defeated La- guna Beach Ul four games Ul the PCL opener earlier this month and the two teams will face each other today at ap- proximately 4:30 p.m. at CdM. Conn did pnuse the play of sopho- more brothers Krvln and Tom Welch. who slammed 25 and 12 bDs., respec- tively. ~y. along With senior set. ter Gng Gabriel 158 assist.st. See ec., P11&• 82 _____ ,,__..,.... __ _., ____ --,0:-:-.----....-....-------~--,..--......---'!""""----------~~ ............ -....... ~--;~-----_.---._._. ____ ----.------~~~~ SPORTS CDM HIGH SCHOOL SOF I BALL na1 two kills or the ~ ~e and KiMn Weld> hll Cbrou8J1 the bJocb to diodl the final polnl Continued from Bl Senior Miles \burman tallied two -or bla three ldlll In the fourth Kevin welcb said the Sea Kings game, which CdM ledi 7-2, be- may have taken the 11.mber· ~ fore Northwood ,began getting a wolves too JJsbdy. net presence with senior tWt.n Eagles g¢t caug~t in dOwn cycle "We came ln thinlclng that brotben &ic and Steve Richter, Steve Vlr&•n have been and they jumped all they lost all lheit senion and who eacb talUed solo stuff blocb Daily Pilot OW!' that.'" didn't have any J~ership. but along with hilS that round the The Seabawb built a &-0 lead, they overwhelmed us that first gaps in CdM'a defense. COSI'A MESA -Pstaoda High 8COdng three runs tn each or the game,· be sald. ~Losing that fint A service ace and a CdM hit-softball ooecb Man:: Rodig aid fl first two lnnlnp. Jennller Shafi.- game spart.ed us. We were upset ling ecror allowed the Tunber-bas been an up-and--down eee80Cl zadeh smacked a two-tun home after thaL" woM!s to dose within 1~8. but for bis Eagles, thus fK WedDelday run to right-center field to stan N'orthwood took a bder 4-3 Younnan got a much-needed was the downside of thaf aasess-the scoring for Ocean View (6· ll, lead in Game 2 before CdM sideout when he reached to his ment, as Golden West League visi-3-3). Coach IC,at:by Ponce's Sea- scored the 6.naJ 12 points, Inter-: rtgbt to one-arm a mum. deftly tr.I' ~ View came up wllh ill hawb coJlected' atx or their 12 twined with·12sldeouta. placing the ball away ftom de-bigbellt-ecodng OQtput of Che--bits In the flractwo innings and The thJ,td. pme featwed 21 .fenders. aoo in.its 11~3 ~ · n;ever allowed any effects of bav- sideout&. CdM was stuck on ap On the nen poJnt. ~ • "I don't know what team I'm Ing a week off for spring break. 8-2 lead for seven of the sldeouts Welch made a. dM toward the eotng to get from game to -ibday wu an Wlusual day !or before building a 10-2 lead. Sen-middle to keep alive a North-·game," RodJg said or bis equad ~ w." Ponce said. "'We usually ior Eric Jones tallied 8ix kills l.n wood bit abd CdM eventually wb.lcb.·dropped tD .9-5, 24 In scom aboui three rum a game. Game 3 while getting help on the got the acore when the visitors leq\.ie. •1 know we're capable of We started olr th1s season' slug- outslde from senior Bart Weld>, bit the ceiling on a return. much better ball than today. pb. but we're peaking now." who tallied three kills in the Bart Welc.b, on a ltLdf blook. l'lbe Seabawb) came out here 1be Eagles ah~ aJ.ngs orure span. along with JdDs by Gabriel and ready to pJay. I don't th.Ink we when they scored twice in the The Tunberwolves got as close Kevin Welch, gave the Sea Kings were as lnteme as we should 1eCOnd to cut the deficit to 6-2. as l2-7 before Jones tallied his ft-the victory. . Frahman Olelsea Kaplan opened the frame by reaching on an mor and sophomore. Hillary lMsen foUowed with a base hit 'Iben. with two out, senior Laura Monon stepped up with a two- run double. "I still think we're always the underdog," ~ said. "We now have to get back to the basics and fundamental play. I won't ~ that wed off u an excuse." Though his team under- achieved, "Rodlg also noticed the talent and o«renstve power dis- pJayed by the Seabawb. "'L think their record is deceiv- ing,• Rodlg said. "They are defi- nitely better than their record in· dic:ates.. Estancia scored Its 8nal run in GOLF club. The clubs also rotate as host site in the Jones Cup. HIGH SCHOOL SWIMMING Continued from B 1 my swing when I've needed to." Daley ls goH's ultimate late bloomer. He didn't start playing until he was 41. Daley won his first big championship in 1997, when he captured Mesa Verde's senior club tide. Tu put Daley's streak of four straight tides in perspective, consider that no Mesa Verde member has won more than two in a row since the club opened in 1959. Oyde Sarver is Mesa Verde's all-time men's club champion with five titles (1962-63. '71, '73 and '77). The Jones Cup, created by Lhis sports section as part of the Pletcher Jones Motorcars/ Daily Pilot Oub Oiampionship Series. is a pro-am contested in a better-ball of partners format. Each club -Mesa Verde, Big Canyon, Newport Beach Country Oub and Santa Ana Country O ub -is responsible for selecting their own pro-am team. The only standards are that the pro is a full-time staff member and the amateur a dues-paying member at the ••• As for the Mesa Verde Senior Oub Ouunpionship, Dave Irwin is not related to PGA Olampions Tour s tar Hale Irwin, but be certainly played like the three-time U.S. Open champion, shooting a 138 with a 70-68 to win the overall gross title. Hank Aihara won the overall net championship at 65-~133. Here's a breakdown: Low gross in Flight 50-59. Randy Thome (145), Dale Willetts (150), Jim Doody (156) and Tum DeGuelle (156); low net, Rand McDevitt (138), Rick Lloyd (141). Tim Cappel (144) and George Kyaw (146). Low gross in Flight 60-69, Daley (146), Corky Venen (166), Larry Keyser (168) and Dan Toomey (169); low net, Dave Ginns (141). Duke Perrin (142), Jim Kerrigan (144) and Warren Ringer (145). Low gross in F1igbt 70-79, Don Ban.ks (ltp) and Dave Schweitzer (179); low net, Ted Asato (147) and Lee Skarin (155). Winning low gross in Flight 8~·89 was Paul Sakaguchi (203), while Bird Cross (159) won low net. .. ...,,..,., ......... N9wp I ••• I at• 94&"7m1 ·901D Tlw Fft:z.Oit'ft.an ~ ~ ~ & ~ ........ CdM girls dominate • GIRl.S: The Quona del Mar High girls swimmin& team defeated Padfic Coast League visitor Northwood. 115-55, Wednesday. Freshman Lexie Shue won the 200-yard individual medley (2:13.34) and the 500 freestyle (5:19.26) and also chipped In on two victorious relays. Kim McJCay won the 200 free (2:00.82), was second in the 100 butterfty for CdM. Jackie McCoy won the 50 free (27.03) and was second in the 100 breast.stroke (1 :16.59). Brittney Bowlus (I 00 free in 55.60) and Tumua Anae (100 breaststroke in I: 11.57) were also winners for the Sea Klngs. Tars rule Warriors •BOYS: Senior Andrew Cole Padflc Coast l.e!gu! girts CdM 115, Northwood 56 200 medley 194ay -1. CofOna del Mer IJ. Anae, McCoy, Shue, Bowlus), 1:58.08. 200 free 1. McKay (CdM), 21)().82. 2. Kim (NI, 2:06. 12; 3 Haftma ICdM), 2.'08.69. 200 IM-1 Shue ICdMI. 2 13.34; 5outhef1and (NI. 2 18 43, 3 Wtn...,. (CdMI, 2:31.n 50 tree-1. Mc:CovlCdMI. 2703. 2 Kaw8ta INI. 21.57. l. Cat19on ICdMI. 27.S2 100 fly -1 SoulheNnd (N). 1:02.18; McKay(CdMI. 1:o3.42:3. UIN), 1:08.80. 100 free -1. Bowlus (CdM), 56.80; 2 Uao (CdM). 56.29; 3. J. Anae (CdM). 56.70. 500 free-1. Shue ICdM), 5:19.98; 2 Ch. Hewko (CdMI. 5:40.09; 3. Blldet ICdMI, 8109.29. 200 free relay -1 Corona del Mar (Liao. Olandlet, Mcteay, Bowlus), 1:45.06 100 bed<-1. Hube11 (NI, 1 '03.02. 2. J. """ (CdM). ':03.o5; 3. Soutn«land (N). 1:07.24. 100 bre.t -1 T AnM (CdM). 1 11.57; 2. McCov (CdM). 1 1U9; 3. Winnen ICdMI. t :18JIO. 400 free relay -eo.-. del Mat !Shue. Mc:!Cr(. Liao. Bowlus I. 3:62.51 FRIEDRICHS Continued from B 1 my sophomore and senior year. basketball last year and baseball for three yean.. Next year, I'm not totally sure what I will do, but I think 1 will go to Whittier College and play football and baseball." Football didn't aJways seem attractive to Friedrichs. After all, he just began pJaying the sport three years ago. But he improved natwalJy and be fit in well as quartert>ack because or bis strong ann. That abWty baa also helped him tn baseball. He baa also been using an aggressive style at the plate. C.Oming into this week. Priedrichs led the Ughtning won two events and Newport Harbor High won all but two individual events, leading to a 100.5-67.5 victory over Sea View League host Woodbridge at UnivenJty High. Cole won the 200-yard free- style (1 :49.33) and the I 00 buttertly (54.79) .. Sailors triumphant • GIRl.S: Seniors Nicole Mackey and Jenna Murphy each won . two individual events and the visiting New- port Harbor High girls swim team won the Sea View League duaJ meet against Woodbridge, 93-71, at Univer- sity High Wednesday. Mackey won the 100 butter- fly (58.95) and the 100 back· stroke (58.34) while Murphy won both the I 00 breaststroke S.. View L!!gue bop Newport Hertlor 100.6, Woodbridge 17.5 200 m«!ley relay -1 Woodb<ldge. 1:49.77 200 free-1 Cole (NH), 1 49.33, 2 Belden (NHI. 1:56 01. 3 Jonh (NHI. 1:5661 200 IM-\ Yw10 CW!. 2:07116. 2 Stnda<r INHl. 2:08.22. 3. ShemlSn INHI. 2:18.50 50 free-1 McGh,. (NHI. 23.28; 2 Bury (NHI. 23.49, 3. Moody IWl. 23.57. 100 ny. 1. Cole INHI. 54.79, 2 Yano (W), 58.JO; 1 Bury (NH), 58 38. 100 free-t. ~(NHI. 5l45; 2. Kraus (W), 51.73; 3. Mc:Ghle (NHI, 52 12. 500 free · l Joflh (NHI. 5· 12.04; 2. Belden (NHl. lic21A7; 1 ""*"'-(W), sain 200 free relay -1 Newpon (Cole. Welner. McGhte. Buryl, 1 :34.07 .IOOt.dr-l Sn:Uw(,_..), 1;02.79; 2. Shemwi (,..}, 1:03.17. 3. Uen (W). 1 06.51 100 br9Mt • 1 Moore (W), 1 -OS 21. 2 Hsueh (W). 1-0773, 3 no neme (NH) 1:13. 18. 400 fr" relay -1 Newport Harbor (Cole. Welner. S1nct .. r. Bury). 3 34 50 with a .421 batting average through 14 games. He's hitting .476 with runners tn scoring position and be also baa a team-best 21 RBI& •tte has been a tremendous leader for us this year." Emerson laJd. "He jUlt goes out there and competes and glvee us opportunitiea to win bal.Jga.mes. He steps up at the right time." (1:12) and 200 lnclividuaJ m edley'(2: 15.02). Alex Anderson (200 free in 2:06.07) and Anne Belden (I 00 free in 55.81) also won. Anderson, Belden Annma- rie Harvey and Mackey teamed to win the 200 free re- lay in 1 :45.50. · T-wolves topple CdM •BOYS: The Corona del Mar High boys were defeated by Pacific Coast League visitor Northwood Wednesday, though! official resuJts were not available. Daniel Nehenke won lhe 100-yard freestyle in a per- sonal-record 54.76 and thal Ryan Moore aJso posted a PR by winning 1he 500 free in 5:24. S.• View Luau• gtm Newport Harbor 93, Woodbddge 71 200 medley relev -1 Woodb<•dg•, 1•6735 200 lr-tyle • 1 "1>der90n INH), 2 06 07, 2 Brigg• (W), 2 06 67. 3 Brandon (W). 2 09 59 200 lM -1 Murphy (NH). 2 15 02, 2 Zoeto (W), 2 1786. 3 Ronc;e (W). 2 2Q 96 50 free-t G.W-(WI, 25.29. 2. "-o6e (NH), 29 11. 3. ~ (NHI. 2711 100 fty -1 Mec:key (NHI. 58.95. 2 Geuth-(W), 1 00 90, 3 Sein (W), 11)2 82 100 lrM -t. Belden (NHI. 55.81, 2 p.,ole INHI, 68.03, 3. Z<>11h (W). 56.48 500 t.--1. Sein (W), 5:36.90; 2. Conwev (NHI, 5·46 18, 3 Beebe INHI, 5:53.46 200 "" rel-v -1 NewPort Harbor (Belden. Hllrvey, .Andenon, Medley) 1.45.50 IOO bedt 1 Maclev INHI. 58.34. 2. Ronce (W). UXl 77. 3-Belden INHl. tUl..38. 100 b<eMtslrob • 1 Murphy INHI, 1 12. 2 Ton1n1 (WI. 1 13 9' «>Cl free relay 1 Ylibodbndge. 3:52 JS the fourth when courtesy runner Be Diep, a frah.ow:t. crossed the plate after seitior Karleen eur- ran's fty ball to right field pro- duced an error. Rodig also said f.sta.nda pltcher Muriel Mason, who took the Joss after her complete--game effort, h.as played with or against the majority of the players ftom Ocean View during ofrseason club competition. GoldeflWIMtl.elpl OoNn vi.w 11, &t8"da 3 Sooreby ....... 0. View 330 tfi . ~· -11 t2 5 Estancia 020 '°° 0 -3 ' 4 lafeld, Cruz (71 end Mcleughlen; Muon end Aco8ta. W -llfeld. L - Mason. M . 2e~eaxter(O\ll, Morton IE). HR -Shafludeh (OV). HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Mu·stangs top Bolsa The Costa Mesa High baseball team broke open a scoreless tie with four runs in the fourth. three in the fifth and two in the seventh to overcome six errors and claim a 9-4 win at Bolsa Grande Wednesday in a makeup consolation game from the New- port El.ks Tournament Sophomore Jeff WaJdron went 2 for 4 with four RBis and fellow sop ho more Alex Pisarslcf went 2 for 3 with a pair of doubles and one RBI to pace the Mustangs' 13-hit attack.. Meanwhile, senior startel" George Vargas was holding the Matadors in check. yielding jusl two hits and one unearned runs in five innings, before being re- lieved. I le struck out four and did nol issue a walk. The victory evened Vargas' record at 3-3 and allowed the Mustangs to improve 10 7-10. Newport Elks TOl.WNIMl'lt ~=· Mesa 000 ~ 0 -I 13 I BolN 000 01S 0 -' I 2 Vargas. Ptserslti (6). Cooper (71 and N Hunter; Cum9n, Strobhen (5), Esplnoze (6) 1nd Smith. W -Vargas. J.3. L-Curran 28 -Piserski (CM) 2. J. Waldren (CM), N. Hunter ICM). Vaqueros edge Sailors Host Newport Harbor rallied for three runs in the fifth to tie the game at 7, bu1 Irvine pushed across a run in the seventh 10 claim an 8-7 Sea View League baseball victory Wednesday. Righi fielder Ryan Rowe went 3 for 4 and scored a run for the Sailo rs (7-12, 2·6 in league). Shortstop Dave Erickson also sparkled offensively for the Sail- ors. going 2 for 4 with an RBI and two runs. "I was proud of the way we battled back.· Newport Coach Joel Desguin said. Irvine is now 3-5 in league. s.. View Lucue ltvlne8L~7 SCONuyln 1 Irvine 3JO 010 -I 7 3 Newport 021 130 o -1 10 4 Fujiel, Hederteln (5) end S. Oliver; Torrey. C.ntareli. (71 end Sanc:hez . W -Hederleln. L -Canteretla. 28- McOueen (I) Seahawks best Eagles The Estancia • High baseball team lost. 13-3, in 6ve innings to visiting Ocean View in Golden West League action Wednesday. The Eagles (3-14, 1-5 in league) were Without Coach Jo n Green, who was ejected In Es- tancia's P.revious game April 16. The Eagles return to Golden West League play Friday, whe.n !hey visit Westminster at 3:15 p.m . WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS • d ALMO ST AS LONG AS FORD 'S BEEN MAKIN G THEM! Your Newport· Mesa Comrt1un1 ty For Dealer Motorc,.ft9 OH and Fitter Ct..nge $ 7 995. M 1 ,.ota.!C....-.. THEODORE ROBINS FORD -Wiii MEET or BEAT Service .YOura..t Deal on NAME BRANDTIRE8 , . .... ................ ~···· .. ~···........ . ................. ,.. SPORl\ BRIEFLY Anteaters hope to ride out Wave s MAUBU -For all the rich hl.s- tory the UC Irvine men's voUey· ball team has been making this season, Coach John Speraw said the Anteaters would actually be better off if they didn~ repeat history in their next match. Of course, Speraw was alluding 10 the fact that UCJ has not played Its best volleyball when facing Peppe reline. UCI, ranked No. 4 in the na- tion and seeded fifth in the Mountain Pacific Sports Federa- tion Tournament. will Lake on top-ranked Pepperdine (23-4) in an MPSF semifinal today at 5 p.m. at Firestone Fieldhouse. The match will be televised on Collegiate Sports Television Net· work. 'Ille Anteaters (20·10) won their first-round MPSF touma· ment match Saturday with a four-game decision at Stanford. UO swept the Waves Jan. 6. in the 'Eaters' second match of the season. But Pepperdtne, which lost in the NCAA champion~hip match last season. wa'! in total con trol in a three-game victory feb. 15 a t Crawford Hall. as well (IS a four-game win April 3 at Pepperdlne. UCI is led by junior OUl')lde hiller Jimmy Pelzel, who Wal> named first-team All·MPSF this week. Junior libero Greg Ford, a former Orange Coast College standout. earned third-team honors, while sen ior outside hit· ter Monte Tucker earned honor· able mention. Pelzel leads UCI with 5.06 kills per game and Ford leads the team in digs with 2.03 per game. 1 -by SteYe Virgen C.oburn singled out • Cl()LF: UC Irvine senior Jeff Coburn has been named Big West Conference Player of the Year in men's golf ancj Paul Smolinski Is Coach of the Year for the third straight ~eason. Coburn leads UCl with a 7 1.9 scoring average and has Ove top-10 and three top·20 fin· ishe1> thi1> season. Joining Coburn as first-team all-conference picks is senior Mike Lavery. Lavery was the in- dividual champion al the Big West Tournament, completed Tuesday and has a 72.3 scoring average. UCI women Angela Won, a freshman. has also earned first· team all-conference honors. Senior Ryan Arms1rong dlld 1unior Vinnie Poncino re· present the UCI men's team as second-team honoreei.. aJl-confercn<'e Glssity equals record •GOLF: bitancia 1 ligh i.eruor Jason Cassidy shot 12-under SH to tie the Mesa Llnda cour1>e re· cord during a pra<;tice round at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country O ub Tuesday. He made 12 birdies and Mll pars and p~tted for l:.agle .,u, times. Cassidy, who~e prevwus best ~as 4·undrr 66, had '>I>. cwo-pucts. Cassidy i.h.ues the cour'>e joins Sean Collini.. an ai.c,istant pro at the Costa Mesa Goll & Country O ub. who carded tw. 58 in late 2001. Lions defeat Mustangs •TENNIS: Co-.ta Mei.a lligh's David Le won two seti. at l\iu. 3 i.ingles while the doubles tan- dem of John Dang and Brian Nguyen abo took two -.etc; in a 14·4 Golden West League hoy" tennis lo\5 at We'!t1mn,1cr Wednei.day Lions buried. 22-2 • BASEBALL: llw Vanguard University baseball ft>ll to ho\I Cal State San liernardino, 22 2. tn a nonconference gaml' Wednesday The lone bright i.pot for Van- guard (l2·lJ) came on Tom Baeder'i. solu home run. Nonconfennco cs B1kersnetd 22, Vafl9u•t'd 2 S4:0f11 by Innings Vanguard 000 100 001 • 2 5 2 CSUB ~ 800 60> n 23 1 Seiirle, J f'ranco 121. M Franco l'l. l<lem 161. Griggs 171 and Westerfield; Cano. Frnnsloy (2), Rodriguez 13). White 141. Holden(;), Fotctr 16) • J1mene1171 Ayal1 t8J Lambaren (9) and Simpson, Schweiger 141 W Holden. 1 1 L 'Searle. 3 3 28 - Searle (VI. Ayala 181 2, fhomas 18) Tarnow 18 ) 38 Tarnow 18 ). Reh 181. Swaydan 181 HR -8aeder IVI, M cAlle11181 Estancia alumni match • VO LLEYBALi.: Ille 1-.stancia High boy'> volleyball program inVltt:') former player' to par· t1cipa11· in 1l'o annual aJumni match dnd barbe, ue. 'ched· uled Saturd<ty at 5 fl m A rnatC'h between the Junior varsity and l:s tanc1a parent., Wtll bt:~ln di 4 p.m I ht' per pef\on co'' of $5 for the harbecue will he waived for all plav1·r,. l·or 111forn1o111nn. contact the btant 1..1 a1hlt·11t 1.fr·partment a1 (94 'l J I) I !l-fVi08 Dickin~ gets lone hit • SOPTBAU.: Courtney Dlck ins beat out and infield l.iingle to post the lone hit in Orange Coast College's 12·0 los& to Orange empire Conlerence softball host Cypress Tuesday The Pirates wrap up their season 11 ·16. 6· 12 10 Lonfer ence. On1n1• Empfto Confwenco C.YPf91S 12. occ 0 ScoN by lnnmg s !X>O Ol) 0 I I o. 17 d occ Cypre&& 11 Socerston. Mathes (3) and Valenzuela, Klabacn11, Sanchez !Sl and Yokoyama W -81abacna. 27 s l -Socl<erson, 2 2 28 Jaques IC) 38 -Klabadla !CJ, Fonseca !Cl Pilot Cup meeting set •SOCCER; A Dail~ Pilot c up meeting will be held 1onigh1 JI 7 at Manner') I 1brary. ddldl 1·111 to Mdnner. 1 lementary '>chciol at 2100 Manner'i Onve 111 :'\i.-~ port Beach rhe meeting will inc.lude d iscussion about par t1cipaung ... chool tolor., and event rule· .. 1 he Dail~ P1Jn1 C up is 'olated for May J.7 Junl' l J...trk Mcln1o'h I'> the director lhursela}', ~ti 7.4 , U(Jj 83 SCHEDULE TOOAV BaMbalt Community college -FullPrtu11 at OCC, 2·30p m Voleyb9ll College men -UCI ot l'"'pµurcl1nc• !; p m. High ld\OQI IJUY'> Nt-WJ>!H1 Harbof al Ali.o N1y11 .. l \ A'J ro"' Laguna Beddl ot <1M .1, 1 "' Tnldl end fiekl Community c.olli;ye m" •r t w omlln OCC dt 1 1t-C Prnl1111111""' .. at Santit Ana Coll"'ll:: 1 11 ' High '>Choo! boys d"" H'"'· r '"'' Mu~a at l:st1mc1a J 1~ p rri NrJntiwond at CdM .i 1• " NPWJ>(>rt H11r~1r di \Nf'>t.>dl toll'! p rr Tennis Colhe!}e W OllUHI u ''"" .. "' u l ~SI Chon J>ICirtsr11c1!>. dl u .. nv1 I• ~· fl Ht•.:Jh ~Chool rJ<JyS "''"" t 11 H ,, ol Laqun" Hill!> 3 p "' I/'• •1•ri • • • al ( osto Mesa 3 p n t" 1ct • 11 (Jrongt.> 3 µ n Swimming C.un1mun1ty c.ull~ye "'' w1Jm1•n OC:C di OE Chomp1011st11µs l " ri Softball C rlM at C.ilvary Cn i.tt"I • 1• ~~,.wport Hart>01 at I• , 11 .J Jf p rn Golf ~ ~I SC.II 1<11 OOVS Nr•hl 'I II ,;I L ayuro;t ti Ills 2 iO p r Wor,rj<, C,C, Un1v .. ri.11, 1 I~. NBCC :i JOµ m . t ~t-.m1 .., Wi.::.tn1111o;tm at Ml'dl'J''"' 'l JO p rn 1•~!.oro ~' <;.,q .. • S1rJwt.1·rr\i Fd'""• r,c 1 1 Or.mu ..• ti Lv~ld r , ...... 2 p ,, Legal Notices 2648 legal Notices 2640 l1193I Notices 2640 Lepl Notices 2640 Legal Nooces 2640 I L!9al Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Lepl Notices Leoa1 Notices 2640 Legal Not1teS 2640 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iii;;miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ llOllCI TO COITIACJOIS CAl1.ll5 fOl lfJS School Oostroct COASf COMMUNllY COi llGf OISfRICl Bid Oe11dhne June 3. 2003 .ti ~ 00 I' 111 Plau of B1d Rt~e1pl Otl1•c of 011 •<tor uf Purchn1n11 Coa\t Communoly Coll~&• 01\111<1, Rdl"-llMeu llmeS....... The h11i1>w1n11 per ..on\ are doini: bu;on~\\ a\ Erin A'htrv 18~ S Caul H1ghw•Y I •eun~ Ouch CA 9?b'>I nlf•\ 20401 s w 811t11 Stretl Su1lt 300 New port Buch, CA 916E.O Mtr••lhy Buold•ri11: i..ompantr\/Mta~uo ot A. 011 .. ., 2985 c Be•r Sir Pf'I, Co\I• Mt\d c~ 9.lfi.t6 IJ<tll l•r 11•~·1t 111•1 U•1111I ,. I ul I•• •'Utt I H ~~ " Hunlon~lnn OTYOf 111r•Ml~d •1nlv "" ""' an<I I••• nvot "' I.Ahl••• hrJcn 1 A 'll647 Al lhl\ (OSJl lllr<l t -rm ~·rr • rth ·'1 hy lhtt Ul<l -uct t ,,,,f1 '\h •II '1mf t'lt .. .ind ptdrr IUIKM '~h1J1•I t1•tr11t H''' will ,.,,..,~10 11• tult fflf1t '"d t11c1~ w1U bf" puM1<lv ()IAllGl(oc.Tl, bt' lJllhhctv u11111 .. d ,tnrl elf• r t lfttt •l~•h tht I 11pttnt-d ""d ,,..,d dlnud CAllOlllA 't'-td .1t 2: t S p,m . on >'"'°'':mt'"" p,-r HH1 I for thP toHuwtng the 20th day ot Moy, I lh• llllllil k -.11.1111°• HAl l OUlt VIEW llOTlCl lMVJTllGlfJS 11,. .,,1 WlMO mam ,,, I ... t,, ••.. ' '>"" n nl •t .. 10 00 0'" Monday M oy \ 1001 ' Bfd& ·o· 1370 Adam\ Avonu~ CO\l.o MP\d, CA 92626 Pro,ed ldenloht•lt0n N '"'' Golden Wr\I C0Ue1e Repa1</Resu1lau lr•tk tlod No ll~'J'i ( 11n A\hfey 9IJ> r "">I V1t!w OrlYt' I •.:un• 1.02 SUMMUY Of WOH 2003 '"''~ •• ,. .... µldot J llC." • d I""" •0 r I SCHOOl 1'1111 ILi 15 HI Rl'IY I I I ,,1 t.irt ffll.tlpt ujdr1••.\ ~o·r•111'lt tr; tf•t-Hu 1fn I MODERNIZATJON (,IVI N thdt ,_ .. ct.t!d ._.,, ttittN f•~ Any blch ,.,•Iv.cl crftet wn ••r it.-• ,,,"ti\ 1 1uh· 1 PROJECT I" ''"I· tr1t tu,,u-.tw • .., 41 A t t I• • "• H PIKe Bods ue on 111., And 4v•ol~bl• al uu ... e of lhe Phys1citl r .oc11o1,.s Co<>< don 1101 Ardolh Richey Cont Community Col~1e U" 11 ·~I I l/O Ad•m• Ave Bid& ·o· Co•I• Me~• (A 17141 438 4613 Web S111 "'"'"' cccd edu/fa<1hlo~ NOTICf IS llfRCBY Cl\ll N lh•I lh• .tbo•• n•med School 01st11ct ,.f Ur •n~• l,.,unly Callf0fn1a. •t t1ng by and lho 1>11i·h tb Go~•rn1n11 Board here1n1Her ref rued lo a' ·01S IRIC 1· will rec e•ve up I<• but nnl late1 11 .. n th~ abu•• slated time suled bod\ lor (he award of A tontrad '"' lhl' PfOjeCI dnu1bed n Rrp111 and Rt\urlact lra1k The,, will be no charae 1 equirtd 1111 one .pl ol bod dncum•nh 8Mh •hall be 1ec~1ved 1fl lh~ place 1dentol1•d above and lhou bods \hall bfo cwenl'd .ond publKly read aloud al the •bovr \llled llme 111<1 place In KC0td1nce wolh lht poov°''""' ol t1lolorno1 Public Contract Code Section JlOO thP 01\11KI requ1<es lh•I the bidder p0uns lhr folluwone ctauohcaloon of contuc10t ·s ht,nH 11 I~ tome that lhe contr•ct 11 aw1rdtJ Con Ir ac lot C 12 or A been~ PUBLISH °'P"' 24, 2003 and M1y I 200 i WALi!. THROUGH W•lkthrnu&h IS NOi Mand•lory Date May 1. ?00 I at 9 00 a m G°'6en West Colk!ee Mamlenanll and Oper •loons F ac1lrty localed otf Mer adden Ave nu~ bl'lwe,n Golden Wnl and Gothard Slreeh Hunlinelon e .. ch. CA 92616 Call 114 U8 41646 for mffl• 810 OAl[ lune 3. 2003 at 3 00 11 ni BOARO DATE lunr 18 2001 No paymenl shall be m•d-for wor h or ni.tll'r 111 undef lhe conlt act unlen •nd unlol the kei"h 1r of Contr•cl0<s verifies ,,, Iha OIStRIC I that lhe COfffRACTOR wa> 1><ope<ly hcrnud •I lht llme !IN! conlracl wa; awarded Any CONTRACIUR not so licenM!d ts subiec I to ~naltoes und<!r Ille law II the IKense danthtaloon \~Ctfoed IM<atnabove 1s th•I of a ·~oahly conlr1cl0t" H defined 1n Stdt0n 7Cb8 ol lhe Ca~forn1o1 BuSlneu and Prolnsoons rod• ltt. spe<.1a111y contractor awuded the ContraLI lor th" Work shaH it.Mil con,trud 1 m•1011ly ol the Wo1k In accordance w1lh lhe p1ovos1ons of California Buslnfls and Profe;sions Code S.CtH;n 70':>9 AM WOf~ must be complttt•d within 60 consecuhve days I 11ne 11 of lhe nunu f a1hne to complete lhe Work within the hma WI fOflh heft!on will 1esult on lhe 11T190sthnn ol hquouted damaae• fOf each d•Y ol delay 1n thr .tmount HI lorlh on lhe "lnlormatoon lor Bidd<'rs • Each bod must confOfm and be •np0tn1vr lo Iha tontrut documenh f ach b•d~r shall submtl, on the form lu1n1>hed wo)h the conlra<.I documents. a ltsl of ti" propowd sub<.ontractors on th11 proiect as requored by lht Subletlon1 end Subcontrecton1 r a11 Ptatl°'es Act Gonrnment C~ Secllon 4100 el HQ [Kh Bid shall w eccon1pan1ed by • cerltfoed or ca,i,ier's Chee~ or bid bond 111 an •mount not ten th.n ten J)efcent (10'\) of tht 10111 bid price. payebltt lo lhe Dtslrl(:f as a auar•ntee that tht bldd«. 11 Its Pf~•I IS .ccepted. sf\•11 PfOmptly uecute tht AtrMment, furnish 1 s.hsfactory Faithful Pefformanca Bond on an amount not less than one hundred percent ( 100~) of the total bod price furnish a Payment Born! 1n an amount not len than on• hundred pet~nt (100") of the total bid Pfic• end fwnrsh c ... t1hnlaa evtdenc1n1 thet the requwed 101u•ance 1s 1n affect tn tM amounh set forth 1n the a-af cond1hons In the avenl of fellure to 1nl• Into the contract and 1&ecut1 "" required docllmlflts, such bid security wlll be fOfttlttd The F allhful P•rformanc1 Bond MlaH remain In 11141 fOfce end eff9CI lhtou&h Ille lllMlntH ptfiOd H i pe<:lhtd In lhll ltntrel cond1llon1. Tll9 lltSTRICT tlH'YIS the 111ht to ttjtoct any Of eM brds °' to w•l'tt any 1rre1ularll1H Of lnlounahlles In eny bids or In tlM b1ddln1 As requhd by S.CtH>n 1773 of the C•llf0<n1a l tU>or Code, Ifie Onctor ef the 0.,,aJtmt411 of lndvsllMll fttl.ttiona ol the Stet• of Ceh104'nie 11.u Mtwrnlned Ule •-•">' prev.111111 rates of WlllU "' the loceltty 1n which lhe W0tll It to be perfvune4 ~ of thew we19 r•t• Mltt1111t!1tlona, enltti.d PMVAll..ING WACl SCN.L. ere melnttlned et the OISTitlCT ofllc:t louted 11: 1310 Matnt Aft . Cost• Mn•. CA t('625, "'~ Ftcitlt... Pl1nnl11t. Ind we an ltatlle to eny lnlwnlM pwt1 ""°" rtq1191I TIM C011tr1dor lil•M pollt 1 copy of tllls ~111rnent at ..c;lt jol1 tit• Tit• C011tr11et0f end 1111y 1ukontractor undef It t111lt P•Y not Itta tfltn t"9 ~'''-' pt•v•lllftl r1tH of wq to •U worll,tn empleyed In the ••Kutlon of lltt Cotllt•d No lllcldtf _, witfldr ew •llJ bid lor • ,_,lod ol ll1ty (IO) days after tilt 4ftt Mt tor tllt ~ofll*.. A po-..1 '"°'"' ~ell be r..,•td "''°' to uecuteon of ttle contnc:t 1nd 11t•lf be in the for91 Mt fottll lfll tlloli ~Mtract OO<ttlNflll ,...,..,_. •• Secbofl 22JOO of "" f'111Mit Ctflhtcl C.._ tM contrect will COfllaln m-• ptr111ltt1111 the •v«tt,1111 lliddtr to llMtmlte ~•lbeO for •nJ "'°"*" wlthlloW by tN ot•tJICl to .,. ure 11«f«M MAI 11n* tllt contrtct, f KI! ltlcl l.ubfnltted HI '"POf'M lo tllt feollCA .W COftl11t1: .. e btd ...... .....,,,, .tlMtlflL Ulotlftt, 1nd WK"'L °' equlnt.nt "'9ll!od, lot die wobKt• of ltf• •lllf tlillll 111 w~ end HUVltlon, wtllcll 11•11 'ontttltl to .,,iieUll ..... , .... ............ ., ...... y~ "l4. ·~ ... a-c..e.r--.... .. ~...!,.. • .::t~.:=r.., , ... • M l IOOJ tllm ) 9,..,,h r A 9?b'1I \u\~r I' 1ln1t1 966 (..,asl •loew Jl11vr I" 11una But h t,;A 'Uf>SI kochard Hulmn 966 l.oast View 011vr I " ~un• Buch CA 9?6':>1 1 ht._ bu,tnf'• \ 1\ c 11n duclrc! by to p.11t11ro\ Hav• ynu \l~rt•d dnonp tlli~lrtf'\'\ yf'l 7 Nu Rot har<I Holm•' 1 hi\ \lalrmf'nl WA\ ftlf'd wot h lht' Counl y Clerk ol 01 d"lt" Cnunly on 04/01 01 200ll>tS9 294 OA1ly P1lol ""' l 10 11 ?• ?001 rH IOO .OllCIOfll) •llOl-43 1.0 I • 1111, DATI AllD NG: llWPOIT IWIOI HIGM SCHOCK, Dfllllll llOU5ll6 sm PllPMA- TDI & 11JWfl MOVl- 18fT A. 114 0,..ft"'9 Time o ftd 114 Deedllne t l1te•day, Moy :iott., 2003; 2:.00 ....... 8 Pl'lP of 8111 RP lf'1pl Nrwpool Mf'H Untford Sr hnol Oo"r"'I Putchll~na 298.'i fl 11 ... , StrM>I Cn\ld M.-~ l.ll 91676 t Pro1et l N.1ml' Nf'wpo1I HA1bo1 H1£h School. lnlttom Hou\ln& Soll' Prep<1••loon & Ten•nl lmprnv~m~nl 0 Pine Plan\ are on file AVAIUIU Arlll 22"4 2003 CONIRACl MANAGlR'S offtet' Mc C11thy Bu1ld1nr CompA t Prut~ct Dr~u1pt,on .Pr Ol"CI con'"'' ot wtJlll tu prep~•• NI' wpnr t Harbor Ho;ih Schnt I I '' the rn•t•llal1un •nd <onnt<lton ol tbOJ "''' por 11blr \tudenl • IA\\ ,,;om\ fflf"'r~ "''" tJ1 thrrt' <hrn .... lry porl• bin and (I I on~ f1U1d sf'rv1tf' pnrlablr lfo41 will hdve 'Pr<.1f1c t ... ri•nt 1mprov~mf"nl\ d\\ut '"' rd wtlh lht on.tall.1tou~ fhf> s1tr work mlludfl\ d..-mohtmn ot ,., 1\t1oll pl•yf1rld\ f'n 1v .. 11un •nd ~· 1d1ng ,1 111 ~ ,. .. , f'\\ road urtd~r crnund uhhllt\ anJ lon1I pflonl\ of ~onn'' loon n~w trncon~ slu11y ""' .and •lr1p1ne of ""1on11 par~1n1 tot Suttr\\lul c.cmt, • .rtur ••II be-•t ~pon\1blt for «m• don .. loon w olh modul.ir bu1ldin11 \Upphtr fur '" 1n•titll•l1on requ 1H menh Schedule Pru1td 1\ 111 be i:ompl~I• no 1.1t•r lh1n Au11u•I 15th. 200l All .t•ut.,1 at1on to'" of •ny lo mrd tho\ d•I• arr to be in<luded wolh•n !ht bl\t bod NnhCP '" po n• etd will be l'>SU~d 1on M1y 18tlt ?OOJ l •I) t l \ I 1 m A I • SJ ',()()()()()00 1.0J NOTICE: A NOl ICl IS HlRf BY Gl\lf N that Npwporl Mo.t Un1l1ed School O"lflC I Ulon& t>y and lhr nu&h 11'\ Governlni floatd will rl!ceove sul•d b•<h l0t award of 1 contracl for lhe above 111med Prof"<:I All b•ds. the time •pecffted l.' 'It l1t•11t•I m lh• 11001 :0304... l.ttuf rn.tt~,1 ~1'\ f'QU•al 'HAii ltA 1.., 1 above Of .tt.. ony • •• ~I> f 1__\ t\\1t1, ,,.. ... l id Pockog• •• , lo 111 h ,n,(>r-11 f.tltnn .tnd f'A rF11 K f fl .... -~ eatentiOf'U clue to f 'lo 11 uh f 'It wh h O .. otl110ft &. ~udt ·tt ,.., ft.tulil\t"' .,.., •Ul ..,,. , t t 1 moterlot 1hon9n sholt t Abotem ... t. "'·'' t • r ,..Q,llff"d f1,r t ~ w.t 1 '• t be ••lur,..., ""°"•ned. ll<•n••• M••1t••I leulevard/ Al\1,1 I! llod n~ ! r I , C2t, ASI, HAZ Vl<rorlo Strool Im •HI 1•1 r 11~ u Vflf1 in lh• In " ,,,J,.nt~ with th,. prev•M•nt Prolect, f'~IJHAU '"' u-, •r ,.t f(1••ttt1l1rfi lJfUVt ion•. of t.•llfurn•.t Ptol•c1 No. 03---M .. ••11 µAf"I fl( I fl ..., ~ Whf"th .. t "' OfJI lliCt .. f' Jbh 1nlfdll r vd,.. h .. , .... .,.,_,,.d hy tf'k-I lt irt\1V I , ... " n1 .. n•d •• •di~ ,1 .. "' § noo !he Oo I• It' I"' l" •• Mr\~ •I "' t1mr '" ,.,, tr1 th•<-n11f 11 ~h 1 t 11• '1•quu P'. fh.Jf l:hdd,.r '-Oft, • ._ ,Jf u 1,.. 1 ity , lt"i to no tud will bt-, •• • ''"' du ·~rt t• 111 f trflr( µ•>\._,. .. tht-~ppto&.Hldtr I'' f ·H' Ort1tt" tu.-.t" ..tll .. t th,. but 11.-.ul11ur IHA I MANAC.t f • l,.\ .. tltt at111nt ' 11t M,.,l. t "ht ,,,114 until lh,. f Pt AN!. ANO • J•t 1 • 111t •'-t l..t ,u~ ,,~ ifflf11it1 Li\ltl•H n1a f.onlt at tor\ h•JUI ,,, tO:OO a.m .• 1111 AllllNS l\kl AV'-'' lel"l.Jh"rw /1 4 4.'4 11'+'.MI I 11 l'rh•· Al"" tom• fh•I 1 M onday, April 28 .AHl r 04 I 01 II, .• l(ffl Mrf ,tfthy k1J•ll11n~ fht-I unlf i\' tr11 the 2003. ,, lllihl• t1 tfllir Jo\ um,.nl' n1 '" 1 • Lu ~ •~ I t• 4 1 M't'>I Wut~ " J'Natdfld Ao thry "" bt:-. .., ... it'll t~V1tWf"tl ti lht-to\ A,1dr1° "4>'',1 Hero c,1t11~r1.tl• lurn-~i. ,, .. tiul>llll'f uii1•e.td '41•Jut JHAC 1 MA"4At.f R 1) 01 .1u·d I " t ' M, ._. 11 1tf"rt .,n .. , th.. fi1d 1n th ... 1 \J, 'h •mt.i...-1 f,"',. , .... ~ 1d1r.-·~ .lbovt) • ._, • ., J ~t~JR' 111l~s ~bov• "'••lf"\J "''JV \\I UH L A"f Rf f'UHLhA',f N kut :-ty t,., •"d fflur_. lh.tn r.n... t".t' ttit titff rHC)M INTE•N ET W•1hdl•wf1 lfHtl ••• , l1{f"O~,,.m~yl>~tr4olftd *"'" ''"" n1n.,. llUlrllNT: t6l72 1·lov·. alff'r "'" Hill lh1\ 1,.,, on no .,••ib•Cldf'I t>ul 1 Centtrvctleft Cent•r. Up.-mn~ Utttr. ,,.,,,._.,.., lh .. (t'inh.h 1°1 d•,1•ncui\h•nr mU•\. hvln•, CA. 92606 I 1t·'" l"''"'' , .... t .. v•·!t horn lufttilm""nt nf tny \ Auv hid ,,.,.,.,..,,.d .. th·I (949) SS2 7561 fAX 111~ 11~'11 I• ,.,., 1 111v lt&dl «QU••em~nl '' lt•t ., t•~Ool~d <h '"'I <•••> .SS7 12()41 I .tnd dlf f)ul\ "' to .,, .... ,. ht '"""-1"111 neoCt'\\dfY tM flmf" fur tht' '"t ... ,,,. If O f •'" HIUOlR ~IJSJ ,,,.guf .. u1t1•• 111 111, r11cJ 1•~ff<>fn1.tnt~ ut ,,., wmh bid·. hctll lif' 1,.1urn,.t1 to I•~.., .. &J•1•_.t' h11l 1>11nd to1 1lh@'1 K Nt "'I ''' I M• A Mando1ory fOb wait& btddf'f unOfH:nf"d It .. h.tll ,.., ,,11, \rtUrtf t m lht-H111 unt Un1tu-•t .,h•u1l lh tt11 I 1\ WtH b~ qndu• t,.tl 1.1n bf'. u1,. .. ul~ ,,..~µon\tbiltty r1I 10% nl lh~ ~mount ''" ·~udl ""'"" l11n1ly AJ>rol JO /OC1l .ii J 00 nl lh• boddl!r lol ~e~ llldl ot fhf-hul w1tt lh• bid tm1,Jt v• 1 pm .tt H41bout View h" tiu1 r f'CPIYfl'd in l I·'"' HU• •I I< ,, Pul•I• ...... r-;,,,, "'I f ltm~oolHy s,h~nl 43.41 n1tJUdnrrn1,lv w1tn fhe Red1..h l 11 M~·" OJ1lv P1thw1c ~ C.ucll! Hufl ,.•rtuhun nl lh f nri I P,lot A1~•' 14 M.,, l t111~t nn 5,.,., h CA lr"c I ARrHrll~M " ' I•• ,'OOJ 111/k} '1:...C'I t~quu .. tl to tu 111 1 ,, Rid pi.tn~ tnd '-On l 4but 111d I It tt141 PtJIUCM()J1CI lfdtl '1cit.U"1flf11!t ''" '"""'"'' "r b .. J '" '" lfVITATIOMTOlll ,.,. •bl• •I lh• 1 .. b .. d1~ .101nu11! • 111~1 1., I'-' j • Ap111 lO 200 l fur • littc,.nt '" I",. , ,,tr t 1 N '' ,. h ,,., " ' ~"'1 I teh.Htcfob&. deuo,tl LJf '""' 111.J .. t A1tf1t ,t lh .. , .... ~ ,. I Vi~w SJOO on ppr s~t ,.., ptnv .. · 1 , ,. A \•I ul Bill Or•<U nu•nl\ may b~ obta1n4!d .tf lhr IJll1t • uf I.,, ~•Iv I n111n.~1 17 r "" On•• t 11' 1 • NI~' t (.1hf1itn 1 upun ftenrefu"d.t.le ,...,...._,of 520.00. b o4dltl-t <horr of $4 00 *'" bt mad.. 11 h.tndl~d by m~ol !lid " . Perfcum.tn 1-tic)nd u 1111 ''1"'°1 fJf\h ut t('' lh•nlt" cable to OClAN VIEW <Jmounl ••iu•I '" 11•1 1 0 "1'1 • 1 •lilor '" 1 SCHOOL OISTll CT , pttrL'"' of lh· Lut1h ' ,. .. ,,,,...1ftn "1"'1".,'1 t n I l lJln~Hny or c a~hter \ Ouc urnt oh •nd nfhei t11,., .-n rt 1,, 11 n t • tlu • Sum • .ut1 Hu,Hf', ., "[ll~ l Hlt. ""'11 d1tt.liv 1'ln1-. fno per4-on1tl bt' h vo1 •"' 1do11tfr·1' te1..,1vr 'i•l••C't tnd" Uft ~ htt1 ~'\ qr l.d~h Wllf be. Lalltnr<H• ~uf1ly •dlt\ tu but 1u1t itlt-r U14n dttl!ole<1) l•t lory In 1111 01\lroct 1 OO ll m . "" /Ott· rt~y Pu"u~ot lo I ~tofo•m• ~nd h\l~d on lht I •dNal "1 Ma'/ .'tJll '1 th .. I''"" f ~<1• §1/ll th• He11,lrr 1 '\U~d by lht! Ol'\ffli t AdtOIOI If Ahun (hrttl hit ut th,. O~p•rl fJtft' .. !:.:_!_l?ll l P11td1hl't n.,.11t u f lfldlJ'ttr1 if --------=~---------kPldl ··n• ·I lh• St•h "' r...tlll fUI• ht• tftlPt t nnt1.-tt dc.K.umt-nh may 1 v.-.tttton ,lnO h1 w. r '' c1 , , \.J ,,.,.._, b•• r 1.:11111nrd 11 the I t&111'f' whv Hu wt IP 1 Ottu • ..-nt th• L1h ( lrr1' \hould "''' p .. ul Ito• 11'' t)f lh~ r1ty 01 r .... 1. •lllh••ntv ,,..,,. '1 t' M#,4' Btd Oru .. um~n·~ A Hf AH'1llt• ' tn• : r:~·:-"' will not hr m.t1•ed uni'"'' th" aod1t1c•n•I $4 no 'h•1 j(t f\ 1nduded w.tn vt1vmr11t I a 11 b•d hal• l•< 'Ttad• FlVIH.,•tltJ>f ~ • <P• .. lru (•f'f n""" ti''' 1"4 < 1tv flf • \t• M•'"' , fl'! ,,., v,.~ u... • •1ht •·1 rt-;tal I ,tf1W' -r ~ti Hilt , ......... u .. ~ty(t'Y<. ... , CltyefC-toMo .. , 1o1bh h*d ... _ .. , .. 11 ~·· " 1 n~tlo M4!'11• "•"• Poit>I "'"II ;>4 ,..., I Ml ll1N 14 Thutsday,Aptll 24, 2003 M [litllMalctl , 2141 llpt..._ 2M 1.1111...._ --Llpl... M .......... ~ = .. l.11111 ..... 2Ml l.llll .............. .. Llpl .... - ............ .......... ........... ........ P.-18 M81y Godby, • OF :=, :f ~cc;: "-se.i..f "-S..... ._..._. th I u ,., .. ., f:!.c~'U!~~~.~t. • ~TO llWIOl\t)'. The lollowlnc per101n lht follow Ina P8f'IO•h The lollowtn& ~raona f1c91m....... this buslnees la c:on • A HEARING oo flt 11• dolna buslnua es: •r• doln& blnlntu •r. Ne dol111 buslneu u : The followlna P«M>n duetld by: husband and • pe1ltiCn will be held on Rtd Pol11 .. ttl1, 505 OethOllc:fldlochnlU.COm, KS8 Prop•ftlu, lG hll 1bancloMCI the UM Wll• ~AN ~ .t 1 ·30PM In C1tnatlon Ave.'1!5 C«on1 1710 Pt.eta del Hort•, Piwple S.&t, lrvlnt, CA of Ule 'lctltloua Bull• Have you alerted ~ CAS'i"'Ncr'i21~ ~ v13 IOcated at •J.~·,cA.9:! Shell• :.rort llHc:ll, CA '7£!!,1 .. B. Oavlcbon, nus N•m•: Ferreri :Z!':r:S~::i,Y ~~ ~· ~E ~J. Kevqnl, 505 Ctt...-tlofi P11tick (I O'Ntlll, l1l0 18 P1Kp'8 s.,., lrvlnt, ti'u~e!!io~~~d.--u~~ Thl1 attttltNlnt WH ._...,.__ "''""""'"" 9~13 ' Avt,. Coron• O.I M11r, Piila dll Norte, N9wpon CA !n612 8 Costa files CA 92ll7 filed with tllt Co1111ty cooCilveiit O'edltorl. Ind IF YOU oeJECT lo o,, CA. 9262S 8ttc:h, CA 92681 Gr•.iorr S. O•vlctso.n. 'n1e Fldltio!s eusi-C.l«tl of cw.,... County petlOn9 who may ge'*1g Of the pelitioo This buslMH Is con Thi. b~IM~ la c0r>· 31851 G11nd C•nyon, n•m• rtf4lfl'9d to above Ofl 03/25/03 ~ lie lnlerestecl ;,;lholJld llj;lpeir at tni ducted by; • tifnll1d dvCied by: •n lndlvklu1t l 11un1 N(futf, CA '¥1677 WH ftled Jn Of'•n&• 200SffUNt In lhl • or est.alt. or and at.ate ~ plftn.,shlp H1v1 yov 1t.wtld dQlna fJrlldlty K. D•vlctson, County on M0.91!, Fil£ Dally PllOt Al!f, 10, 17, bOth Of NERIA -"' file wrillen Hn• you' st.rt~ dolna buslnaa "4tt7 No 1481 How.,d, "•centta, NO. 1~7~ 2A, May 11 2003 Th339 YOMTOU61AN -i-.'" with the court bldlnns yet?Yts, 12·1· P•ttldtC.O''-ill CA924*) M.IR Auto Eiiterprllff, a---. ..... A PETITION FOA DOjlCtiOflS ..... ,.,.,,... y-... 00 Tt1l1 •t•tem.nt was This busln•ss Is con· "' 2 ~a -PAOeATE lies been betote ltle '"'-·•· .... ._In SIMll• K•vitnl flied with the County duct.d by: en unlncor· lrK.. (C....,, l .... Ntwpor't ... ~ hied "" MANIZHEH ~~ ~ ""-.., This 1t•tement was CIMll ot Orane:• County por•ttd •nocl1tion Blvd. Unit 11, Coste -"' In ...... ,......_. .... .,, ,..... "" 8/0~ Meu, CA 92627 Th• followl111 persons YOMTOUSIAN u"" attomey filed with the County on ""'/l ,.. other thin • p11rtneuhlp This busine.ss Is c:on· art dolna buslnHI u : s::c Court ol If YOU ARE A Cler II of Or anp County 200,.94 t3H Have )'OU started doln11 ducted by~ • ccwpoutlon All About You MarkeUnc. ca ·1om1a, Counly of CREDITOA or a on 04/04/03 Dally Pilot •· 24. Ma{ business r•tl No MJR Auto Entwprl.su, 22072 lst1ncS.r Lin•, QAANGE ......,............,, ---... ot-200S6tJ ta I• 1, 8, 15, 2003 Th36 Douatn 8. OaYldson in~ M' .... ael J Rn•en· =n l", ... on Be--'-, c• T'"E PETITION FOR ---n"'""''"' V"' o:ny Pilot a~. 10, 17, This statement was ·-·· "'" . ....., .... _., " •' deceased you must file ....,. straten., Pres. 1'\ROBATE requesl!I that ""'''Clam wt#I the court 2 'M•Y 1, 2003 Th336 Cflled wflth the Cou11ty This stattmtnt wu KCMO £nt.,prlsn, MANIZHEH ,~ " • --lerll o Otane• County filed w1'th the Count" c•) 22072 f '0MTOU81AN be and ma. a copy ,o ~"' on 03/28/03 , ( '1 . s l•nd•r Pl)Oinled as pe!sonal peOOlaJ repl9Mnt.81Mt l.o91: 25-«111813 ~ ltx ~~ o1 tie ~ 200StHH'7 ~~,~~,:;na• County Lan•, Huntln&fon B•1ch, ·1lf~blle to ~ by the.COUii Olw. 238200191>i'T.S ND. lddrm nl oils*"'°" Dally Piiot •· 3• 10. 200J6HH10 ~h~alness ls con· imtnist'« the eswe ol within lour ~_!rom ~ A.P.H. ~'21 ~ I q , w-i l7, 2.4, 2003 nt3l2 Daily Pilot •· 10, 17, ducted by:• """"or•tlon ie deoedent. the date of •lfSI ._oce Hrlllce Of T~ sa. hnin. 6lld NII .. i,_ ITU 2003 • ~-.. l' HE PEWION ,:rs.... of fetters as pr<Mded In tlihU ~ °' -24, Mey J-. Th326 Have yo11 darted dolna ' ""'Probate COde sectlol1 lftlllrDeedclTll.lt'l'ollntn _,,_"'..._..._..= se......ef ll....lllL-~ buslneuyet1 No the deoedents wl and. 9100 Thetimei<l<lild\g dlla.Ctlllder1DeedolTMI. --...:::::.,:._-., ""'--KCMO Enterprises, rOdlclls. If any, be claims will nol elq)ire a.11!»'1187.11'11111 you ,.._:=, ,: Ah f ntefU.uf ... S..... Mk:htle Butl«, Presldlint ~dmlfted to P<obale tlke don IO fllOl8C4 'f» ~IO 11.oW-~ll-T f I This st1teme11t wts 'he wilt and any ood1e1ls before four months from ......-, -"llY be IOld 111 lnciltlfllt-by """l"W"--tie olloljf na persons are avalla"le for the heanng dale noticed ::~"'.:...... M """ need ., Mid Deed. eteCLlld by The foliowll\I ptrson are dolna business n ; filed with the County "' above ....--•-8e¥el!y eer.on, M lm*Jlld h b• do d th Appl .. Promotions, 3828 Cltrle of Orane• County l'•ami"':I:' "' th& hie YOU MAY EXAMINE the ~~rmnollllt WOllWI. D8A 8-orl o~$t~e ~k:t7~ous •B~:_ S. Flower St. Ac>t. 8, on04/18/03 ~m~ETIT~requests filekeptbytheCOUl1 It ~~~.J: ~ast\A>r,ltCOlded ness Name: Star Fl· Sant•Ana,CA92707 200Ht41424 authonly to adm1ncster ~es= n ~ :i:' rs~~ hi the ref11 : ~ ': ~ ~~~111,N:!l'tv~nB A~~· Fl~~:,s.~~~.~~u~h ~~:~1~'.'2:,o'r· 24n,~ me estate unoer me 1 'tt ' ll'llPll1Y tor wNcll lie lddress · --.... 'iii CA 92·660 r .. ' S.11ta Ana. CA 9270i ' ll...ololl..... ..... l"""""ndenl you may le ~th the Is H............ ... 0... 11158 page' o11ie-rlCOIQs B 3101 ,_ ,_.,.. E. court a Request !of ,...,..._ "' ""' OraigeQully, Callomia. Thi The Fictitious Business Biiiie •nntun, Adm1nistrati0n of stales Special Notice (loon OE· NlwpOrt l!MI., CoSla Mesa. tolll lmOll1I d hi lllplld name relened to above South f alrview Ro•d ... S......., Act (This aulhontv will 154) of Ille tihng of an CA ta627, As9eaOt's Pwcet blllnce o1 lhe Cllilglljcrl was flied In Oranee •~3. Santa An•. CA The followlna persons. allow the per~onal · 1 nd a sal Hl.rnber: ~~1 wl be eecued by the~ IO be County on 6·25-02, FILE 92704 ar1 dolna business as: representabve IC take inveoory a appr 1 1olchl!U>lfclldonallnllw reasonalllytliNlled N0.20026907851 Rocky Allen, 169828th NewmenProperb•s.lnc:., many act100S ·•lhoul ol=eassetsor~any llOf'C cl fie ftagpotes al fie :l,,ftl lndldltln:e New Americen Real Street Apt. C, Sunset 11184 Placentia. Costa uo1a1nir-.g court .lPPfOVal pe or accoon as nwn f/ltty nil IO fie ~ E Beech, CA 90742 Mue, CA 92627 V~eim~~nt aceC1100rtai5n ~~eel~ l~oba~ EPlacer. ~~~~I ~~:., ';:..,.~ G~~~;.e 1n~ar(/Jt"3~ This busrnm is con· Newmen Proper-tin, v., ,.....-A 1 1or Special .... ....,._, ,,.... ,__ SM Is $240,373.89 In 11111 Irvine Ave •120. New· ducted by: a aener.al Inc., (CA), 3501 Marcus hOwever, lhe personal N eresf I bfe CA on !)11/2003, al IO:OaiW IO evn llndlr oe. .,..W, easn ls port Beach, CA 92660 partnership Avt., Newport Beach, CA 1~esen1atrve WIN be 0 tee orm 15 avai a the li(tlllSt bidder. payallle a lhe T Th•s busrness Is con· Have you started doine 92663 IQQUlfed lo give nollCe lo ~~~ :-'~~~ the time ol sale, for casll or = the =. ~ ducted by· a corporation business yet? No Thl.s business 1s con· inlerested persons MOARlSoN. NORAH M caslW's Checll ctawn by a Tnalee"S Deed 111111 lrldl New American Real Lisa Salaz ducted by.• corporation unless they halle warved 8840 WARNER AVE. staleorlllfionllbdt.ac:heck beCOmel'lllllalllei>hP1)'91 Este1te Manaiement This statement was Have you started do1n1 notice or coosenled lo •30l crawn by a s1a1e or lecler1ll orenclOIWasamanetd~ Group, Inc:., Gr.ant filed with the County busineuyet?No Ille proposed acilOll) FOUNTAIN VALLEY, ctedl lftcn or ad-* 0--Dated: 4IW2003 fM Stir Walker Kina. President Clerk of Oranee County Newman Propertiu, The lndependen1 CA 92708 by a sllit or ledaral SllYingS SeMce Corporation as SIMI Thi$ statement was on 04/15/03 Inc .. Jtffrey 0. Newmen. .idm1nis1ra!IOl1 authority 04J2ol/03 04/2.5/03. Ind IOan associlllon, SM10S Tn.etee 2710 Wlncna Avenue flied with the County 20016940907 President ~I be granlea unless an 05/01/03 IS30Clllllon. Of savings biW* 151 lloor &ii**. CA 91504 Clerk of Ora nae County Daily Piiot Apr. 17, 24, This statement wn 111teresled person files CNS. 52700S. specdlecl in section 5102 of the For Siies lrbmdon Cit: on 03/28/03 May I, 8, 2003 Th350 fried with the County ;in obj8cil0n to ttle NEWPOflT BEACH-COSTA fMlcial Codi lndaAho!\zed (714) 01965 ey. ~ 200169S8972 flctlt.s..-U Cieri\ of Orana• County 1)£)trllOl1 ano shows good MESA DAIL y PILOT ID do tlUslness II callfomL Cane& Trusllle'S sa Daily Pilot Apr 3. 10, on 04/18/0J ~ The ~ Trustee Speci111s1 P193647 4110, 17. 24. 2003 Th310 ... Stlheliif 20036941400 cbclalrna lllY lldly for at1y 4/17,CW24/2003 The fotlowina penons Daily Pilot~. 24. May PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION TO BID Notice is hereby given that the Ocean View School District of Orange County, California. hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT', will receive scaled bids up to but not later than 2:00 p.rn. on 20111 day of May, 2003, at the District Administration Offices, 17200 Pinehurst. Bldg. B, Huntington Beach. CA 92647. At this time, date and place. bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for the following: HARBOUR VIEW SCHOOL MODERNIZATION PROJECT BID 01:0304. BIO PKG. NO. TITLE LICENSE(S) 2 6 7 8 Site Demolition, Gradinc & Asohalt Metal Framing, Insulation, Drywall, Painting, Doors & Windows, Lath & Plaster. Acoustical Gellings, Fire Proofing. Sheetmetal A B, C9, C35, C28, C61 as applies B CS C61 as aoolles B. C43, C61 as applies are doln& business as: 1. 8, 15, 2003 Th359 0 & S Computer Con· ffdltlm ..... ~ulta11h. 2775 Meu Verde P·#l06, Cost• ... S..... Mesa. CA 92626 The tollowlna persons Don a Id £ d war d ere do1n1 business u : Daniels, 2775 Men Charle Strut, 2015 Verde P·#I06. Costa Charle StrHt, Coste Meu , CA 92626 Mesa, CA 92627 Steven N&uyen, 15400 flot Step House of Betarade St.. #182. Orenee County, Inc Westmin1>ter. CA 92683 (CA), 20 l 5 Char I e Thrs business Is con· Stteet, Costa Mesa, CA ducted by: •n lnd!Yldual 92627 Have you started doin& This bu.,nen 1s con· bus1neu Y"I? Yes. 3/l/ ducted by a corpor1t1on 2003 Have you slerteil dolnc Donald Daniels business yet? Yes. 1967 This ste1tement was f 1rst Step House of hied wrth the County Oranae County Co .. Clerk of Or anee Cou"'y Lind• Menll. Chelf man of on 04/04/03 the Board 200J•tJ 9122 This statement was Daily Pilot ~ 10. 17. filed with the County 24. May I. 2003 Th328 Clerk of Oranee County n_,_ a....:.......... on 03/28/03 rawww>~ 200-J•9S.t7• .._s....t 011ly Prlot Apt. 3. 10. The lollow•na persons are doma buslneu u . Johnnie's Towin&. 788 W 18th St .. Costa Mesa, C1hforn1a 92627 Johnnie Eiits Godby. 2854 Andro$, Costa Meu, California 92626 17,24. 2003 Tli313 ......... ......... Tiit fotlowlnc P«son1 9'• doil'lt b11$1nes• I S: ft1lnbow Cona11IUn1 Ser•lc• 2354 Harbor Blvd. flO,, Costa Miu, Callfornl• 92621 tt.dtr 1(-hnl, 2:354 Hwbor Blvd. 1103, Costa --.u. Callfornla 9?626 1<.,1,,. Mtretla Gomer. 2354 H"bof Blvd. •103, Co1t1 Mu1, C•ll1(1fnl1 92626 Tl111 t11nlnns Is con• cfuet•d by: husb111d "'° wif• Have you at.rt.cf dolnc buslnesa yttf No Hadar Kot1h1111 Tiiis statement wH flied with the County Cl«tl of Orana• County on oe,.,,.)03 200J6tMatt Dally Pilot Apf. 10, 17, 2.4, May l, 2,003 Tb333 .......... ... ...... the followlna ptr-sons •rt dolfl& buslneu as: l<tlwr Road A$M>c:l•tes, Inc: .. 13 Corpor•te Pina Stt. 200, Newport Beach. CA 92660 1<1lser Road, Assocl· ates, Inc., (C.lifornle), 13 Corporate Plue Ste. 200, Newport Beach, CA 92660 This business Is con· ducted by; a ccwporatlon Have you started dofna business yet? Yes, 4/1/ 03 Kai"9f Road Auocf· ates, Inc.. Onid T. Robinson, · Pres. This detement was filtd with tile County Clerll of Ouna• County on 04/18/03 2003 .. 41426 Deily Pilot Apr. 24, May l ,8, 15,2003 Th367 fldltlm"911m M..se...... The lollowlnr persons are doine business as: El1ct ron1c Sales & Merketlna. 3920 811 ch StrHI, Suite il'\05. ~ort Beac h, CA WC£ Marbtine. Inc (CA), 3920 Birch Street, Suite •105, Newport Buch, CA 92660 Th11 buslneu 1s con· ducted by; • corpor1tron Have you st•rted dorna business yet? No WCE Marketine. Inc .. Shel Wiener, Secretary This statement was filed with the County Cieri\ of Oran11• County on 03/31/03 200HfH1S1 Dally Pilot Apr. J, 10. 17.24.2003 TH307 ,.... ..... ... se...... The lollow1n1 persons are dorna busrness es Atlanta , 21022 Brookhursl St.. Hun· t1n1ton Buch, Cehl . 92646 £KJ Ir><: • (CA). 21022 Broollhur~t St.. Hun· ttnrton BHch, Calif. 92646 Th11 busines.s is con· ducted by an corpora· lion Hive you started doma business yet? Yes, 3/3')/ 03 9 Roofing 10 Glass & Glazlng B, C39 B,C17 ~Of CAlf{MA.lv.CAllVS IOOO IM'l1I$: CKJ Inc .. Mll1I L-n. ,.,. .. Thl1 9*ste1Mnt was filtd wltJI tM County Clertl of Orana• County onOotM/03 2"Mt1te1a Dally f'llot •. 10, ]}J 2A, May l, 2003 Th~ .......... ... --... Th• followlna ptr110ns WI doini bUSIMU 11: It a H Fence Co .. 20J71 Somnwvllle ln., ltun· ~=n 8•acn, C1llf0tnl• Christopher ftyan Harrltl,n. 20371 Som m•nll.lt ln., Huntlntton Buc:h, Celll0tnla 92646 This business Is c:on· ducted by: an lndlvldual Have you started dolna business y1tf Yu. Jan. 2003 ChrV;topher fty•fl Harr1t•n This statement was flied with 1t1e County Clark o.f Ou na1 County on 04/18/03 200Ut41Jtt Delly Pilot Apr. 24. Mty 1, 8, 15, 2003 Th363 AlfllM ...... ... se...... The tollowln& persons •re dofna business ts: Oriental AllUfe, 11186 Blue Alllum Ave., roun· lain Vtll1y, CA 92708 Brltn Hooper. 11186 Blue Allium Av1., Foun· lain Valley, CA 92708 Kety hullo K•w•n•· ka, 11186 Blue Alllum Ave., Fount11n Valley, CA 92708 This business rs con· duct•d by: a eenenl partnershtp Have you lllrted doinr bUSlnus yet? Yes, Jan 1. 2003 Br ten Hooper This 'tatement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 04/18/03 · 200JH4142J Delly Pilot Apr 24, May l ,8, 15.2003 Th364 Fkltl.slllllillSs ... s........ The followin11 persons .•re dolnc business u · F11st Tim• f llmmakers, 2339 W Mall Ave .. Anaheim, CA 92804 R•y Sharp, ?339 W. Mall Ave., Anehelm, CA 92804 Me"'-.fialey. 2063 S.. Cove l~e. Cost• Mes.a, CA92627 Wayne Zimmerman, 430 St Jos.epll St., Lona Beacll, CA 90803 This business. 11 con ducted by: • 101n1 vtnture Have you star led do1n1 business yet, No MnO fr•ley This dalement was hied wrth the County Clerk of Or •nee County on04/l8/03 200Ht41428 Daily Pilot Apr 24, M1y 1,8, 15,2003 Th369 w.,.~.._ .. ..,..,. ..... a..'4111w.,I tMfl "42-5671 11 B, C2, C61 as applies BKTllCAl, &WllG, HYAC (WIT & DIY), IWOm, Pl.Ulm& SllCOllUOOI PllOUAllKATIOll GUESl10mAllS fOI COISTllKTIOll Of uo COlfVl1I scaa im, PIOl('f IO. "21JO • APll 2003 12 13 Bolldlng Speolattles -Marker Boards, Vinyl Fabric Taci< Boards, Toilet Partitions, Identifying Devices, Fire Extinguishers & Cabinets, Tolle! Accessories, and Televislon MountJna Svstem. Carpeting & Resilient Flooring Ceramic Tiie B,C15 NOTICl IS HEREBY GIVEN that Subc:ontrector Prequalrftcaflon Questronnarres for llect11cal, Glazin11, HVAC (Wei & Ory). Masonry, and Plumb1n1 Subcont,.ctors wrll be received by the University of California , Irvine Campus, f0< quallfrcafton to brd as • sub'°ntrectOf on c:onstruct1on of Computer Science Unit 3, Projec t No 992130. B,C54 14 Fire Sprinklera B.C16 15 Plumbing B,C36 16 HVAC & Energy Management Control Syatem B,C20 17 Electrical & Fire Alarm B,C10,C7 In accordance with the provisions of California Public Contract Code §3300, the District requires that Bidders possess the appropriate classification(s) of California Contractors License at the time that the Contract for the Work is awarded. Appropriate licenseg aic noted after the Bid Package Titles above, and more than one license may be required. This list in no way relieves the Coni:ractor from fulfillment of any legal requirement or licensing necessary for performance of his work. All Elec trtcal, Glazln&. HVAC (Wet & Ory), Masonty, and Plumb1ne Subconlractou who are interested in prequahfy1na 10< ttus Pro1ect •nd.wish to obtain the Subcontractor PuquallftcaUon Quutionn•ire may call erther (949) 824·8117 Of (949) 824·8034. SUIMITTAl Dl.ADUNI AND PltOCfOUllS: Subcontractor Prequ•hf1catton Quutionnelfn must be received et the Office of Oesian & Conslluction S.rvlces by 4.00 P.M., ....._.....,, Mey l, 200J. Please send Subcontractor Prequ•llflcaUon Questk>nnaltH H follows; An..ni-.,_. 0.-, Oesian & Constructron Services, University of California, Irvine, 5201 Calif0<nia An., Suite 250, Irvine, C.lllornl• 92697-2450. Subcontractor Prequ1llflcatron Questlonnarres shell be submitted rn M•l•d envel0c>es merhd on the outside, ·su1cotn'llACTott l'UQUAUfKATIOM QUUTIOtHIMI, (MA.Ml OF TaADf). ,....,... ... Scl_ • .....,., .• MANDATC>aY ,.l-QllAUfKAnotl COMFEltltKl fott IUCTitKAI., OUDMO, ttVAC (Wet & Orf), MASONIY, AND flWMl*O SUICOMftACTOllSr A ,._.,...., "...O..cifl<-.t'-<..t..--• wtll M <~•4 -n-.4.y, a,wtl 24, 2001, beainnlnr promptly at ••JO A.M. Only Subcontrecton who P•ltcipet• In the Conltranc:e In 1t~ entirety will be ellowed to submit Prequ•ltlicetlon Questronn11ru and, If qu.allhcebon is ectllt1Yed, will be lncludtd In the Request few Propoaal Doc:uments n approved Elec:trjnl. Gl•zina. HVAC (Wet & Dry), Masonry, ind Plumbin11 Subcontrectors of Whtch •II Prequallfted PropoS1f• must use fOf the Work. Partlclp1nl$ must arrive at or before 9:30 A.M. Persons trrlvlna leter then 9:35 AM. will not be tllowed to submit Subc:ontuctor Prtquahlication Questionnaires nor bid on the Project as subcontractors. P•rltctpt nh shall meet et Umvtrsity of C.lifornla, Irvine Oesten & Construction ServM;e'· 5201 Celil0<nl1 Ave., Sulla 250, Sullivan & W1l1ht Conftrenc:e ~ms. Irvine. CA 92697·2450, (Corner of Calllornia Ave. & Brson Ave ) ..... ... ... ...... The followln1 persons .,. do"1c butlneu ti; 1) Wuttrn ,ac:Nlc ftH I Cll•ta end Hoflle loa111 b) Loan PtOCHtln1 A1MC:latH, ll5l Nrw1y Avtl\Ye ff·IOI , Cot.ti Mv1,CA92$26 Kimberly Ka11ll O.· Bro u 1, 3057 Yukon Avenue, Cosfa Meta, CA 92626 Th~ bus~ Is ~on­ duc:ted 01: 1n lndivl4tal Htvt you atarttd ~ buslneu wet? Yu, OI· 14-01 Kimberly Knell O.· Broux · This st1tement wn flltd with th• County Cletll of Oranp Count} on03/28/03 HOMHat1,, 01ily Piiot 1oi>f. 3, )0, 17, 24-, 2003 TH31l Attllll ... 11-t ...... tire followlna ptt"JOn• ere dolna business H : F errerl Service of Coste Meu, 2148 Newport Blvd. Unit 8, Costl Mau, CA 92627 Mlch11I Jostphus Ro· zenstr1t1n, 2148 New· port Blvd. Unit B, Co1ta Meu, CA 92627 Th~ business Is con· ducted by: en lndlvlclual Have you :stwttd dofnc business yet? Yes, July 21.1995 Mk:hHI J. Roztnstr att n This sl•tement WH filed with the County Clerk ot Or•nc• County on 04/04/03 200HtJHOt Oally Pilot •· 10, 17, 24, Mey I, 2003 Th325 ,... ..... ... s...... The followlna persons are dolna business as: Alchwey Satvae• S..· Yices, 1041 W J8th St. 1108. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Bortc end S•l•iar. Inc., (CA), HMI' W 18th St. 1108, Cost• Meu, CA 92627 ThtS busmeu Is c:on ducted by. 1 corpora11on Have you started clolfll bus1nen yell Yes, 2· l · 03 Boric ind Sal11•. Inc: .. Jesus Selnat I Pres;dtnt Th11 stetement was filed with Ille County Cierll of Or•nc• County on 04/04/03 10016tJtal1 O••ly Piiot •. 10, 17. 24, M•y I·, 2003 Th330 fklllM ..... ...s...... Th• lollow1nc Ptrsons are do•na bush1ess es; a) Barnst.ar Productions b ) Barrister [ducatronel Student Tra1n1na. c) 8.E.S.T .. 813 1/2 [.Bay Ave., Newport Beech, CA 92661 Paul 8arly, 813 l/2 [. Bay Ave . Newport Bnc:h. CA 92661 This bus1n ... s 1s con· ducted by· an 111d1vldual . H••• you sterted dotf11 busineu yet? Yes, ~/ 87 P1ul Barry This statement wes filed with the County Clerk of Or an1• County on 04/01/03 200JHHHS Dally Ptlot ~r. 3, 10, 17. 24, 2003 TH303 Notlc:e "' heuby atven that the underslcn-d wi" be wld et publtc Auction on ~·' l, 2003 StM111nc Scholar's Mlnt·Storece. 19!17 Newport Blvd .. Coste Mesa. Ca 92677. (949) 631 3379. •2039 b Cwrie Heu1e. Household Items •21/ 2019 a Tiffany 8 eiley. Household lt1mi Landlord rn«vn tht rlifll to bid at ule. Cllh only Sele is subject to cancellltlon in the evant of uttlement bet- lendlor d ind obllaated pa<ty. Sten11nc Scholer's Mini Stor11e Published Newport B .. ctr·Co,t• Mesa Dally Pilot Aprll 17. 24 , 2003 Th346 Non-mandatory job walks will be conducted on April 23, 2003 and Wednesday, April 30, 2003 at 2:00 p.m at Harbour View Elementary School, 4343 Pickwick Circle, Huntington Beach, CA. 92649. F Of further information cont•ct Unlv.,.slly's Ref)resent1tive, Brenda Ouenu, at (9'9) 82•·9586. DlSCatf'TtON OF THI PltOJICT1 ICll UOCJBJ!tRICJ' Bid. plans, and contract document.a arc available at Douglas E. Barnhart, Inc. (Construction Manager). 3588 Bryan Avenue, Irvine, CA 92620. (714) 832-0104 or l0760 Thommint Road. San Diego, CA 92127 (858) 385-8200, after April 21. 2003 and will be available at the job walk for a refundable deposit of $100.00 per set, payable to OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT, company or cashiers checks only (no penonfl checks or ca:sh will be accepted). For bidders wishing plans to be forwarded to them via U.P.S .. an additional separate nonarefundable check, payable to Doupu E. Barnhart, Inc. in the amount of $75.00 per ,.et for shipping and handling. will be required. Bidders wishing to pick up documents shall notify John Bernardy. Douglas E. Barnhart. Inc. (858) 531-2010 and should telephone first to ensure an adequate number of aeu arc on hand. Pursuant to California Labor Code f 1 n3. the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California h.u determined the generally prevailing rates of per diem wagca for the locality in which the Wotk is to be performed. Copies of thelC detcnninationa, entitled "PREY All.ING W AOH SCAIE' are maintained ai the Diauict office and are available at the fo11owing webclte: www.dir,ca.goy. It ahall be mandatory upon the auc:cesaful bidder to whom the contract is awarded, and upon any subcontractor Jilted, to pay not less than the eppUcable prevailina wage rate for the clauific.abon of labor provided by I.heir respective worlccr1 in proeec:utlon and Cl.ccution of the Wort. 1be Oeun View School Diwiet bu initiated and will enforce a Labor Compliance J>roatun. Thla project iJ funded in whole or in part with State bond funds. and. then:f ~. the District and'or Its detignoc will be operating a labor compliance pro.,.m oo this projeet pursuant tol.aborCo&sectJon 1771.7. Each Bid PropoeaJ ahall ba eccom._ptnicd by Brd Sccwity or Bid Bood in an amount not leas than TEN f'8RCENT (10") of the mu.imum amount oft.he Bid Propotal, l-ncJU&ivc of any additive AJtcmaic Bid f.ttm(a). Any bidder shall not withdnw bid propouJ f« e period of ninety (90) days alter the ope:ning of bicb. B8cb Ski must ccdam1 IOd be responsive only to the bid docummta tad *Clecment in it.a aillm y, u provided by the DilUiet. Tho Diatrict raerva the dlbt to reject eny or aU bidt or r.o waiw any irrqularitia or lnf«malit* ln IDY bids or in die bidding pl'OC)C*. J811C!l R. TlrWller, Sd. D., Dhtrict Sopennrco.deai. Oceao Vlaw School Diltrlct 0.-of Publiell.ioa; AIJri) 17 IDd April 24, 2003 DAILYPILDT ( The proposed Comt>uttr Scienc. Unit 3 proJect will construct 87 ,..00 ASF few the School of ll.IJ(M.f lnf0<m1tlon ind Co1n9uter Sc:ienc1, a•nerel asslanm.nt classrooms, and umpus·fundtd sura• ~c:•. (IJ:Cllc.ttallf The School of lnfewimtlon and Computer Science (ICS) will occupy 48,060 ASr consistina of class Ematltl 1!J:m.CS lebo<etories, resHrch Sl)ace, eudamic office sp-. ind 1dministretivt offlc:e tnd SUppGf1 119Ke. t0Ta8HSBIYOMJl19 A total of 13,340 ASF will be provided for &•ntrel 1ulfnment cl11Stooms. llouslna 795 total Mlh •tatr••Gai•lllllD in 13 rooms of vwlous sites. An edditlonal 26,000 ASF of flealble "surce" space will elso bt it. ..... nt tlllil9 provided Due to site constrelnts In the £n1fneerlna/Compul" Science Qu•dr•n&l•. th• propoaecl Clllllllttd" ....... projeet consists of construcbon of two sepll'•t• structures; a small lecture h•l1 bulldil\I of 13,340 O.S. cNe W::, 1tl5 a.Bl ASF, and• mal11 bulldln&. tot11in174,060 ASF, th•t wlll house ICS actfvltlu and aur&• lfllC:•. sn&T.CDST~CA Mel" lt1111tfltltJ. Within the meln buUdlna. th~ ptojtct will provide a tot•I of 27,7\0 ASf of Dmv ...._a SttfU'tS reseerch spece few ltl1 School of Information end Computer Sc:lenc4, lnc:luctlna 25,110 ASf of 8'd:l.S fluibl• reMereh l1bor1tory/olflce spice. This sp-wlll be conf!f\lred In several sizes of rooms 1' Ciiis-.. ,.,... n from 280 ASF up to 600 ASF. Tht roomi will be outfitted with re«wey •ound tllt perlmtt• fllf ........ ..., Dr ..... telecommunk:etions cabllna end 1lectrlcal wirlna. Thffe t.P•CH will eccommod1t• • wicS. rtna• of Wltl .. fllll ,_ = a •clMlles. lnctudlna •mona olhMs, f•b<lcetlon of new c0M4>uttf hardw..-e &ystems. dtnlopment of -'11¥ .. TO ....... !! software -c>Plk:atlons ind network architectures, construction of m11Chlnu with lnttlllaent systems, PRMB> TO llMR •• •nd development of advllflCed technolotle• thet make dnl&n end manuf11Cturt of computer 1,stem1 89.JlR Inter end c:hnper. Othtr rHUfch S411CH to be provided (2,600 ASF) Include re-ell 1 .. m lhl IDallrrl ti 0... d .. workrooms and mMtlna rooms, tnd • ,.,,. c:onfertnct room. O#flm.MO..lf ..... In eddltlon to the rtsHrch $f>AC•. • total of l,900 ASF of clus l1bor1tot1 sptce wlll also b• k SME iwovldtcf to eccommodata two computer leboretotlts for ICS. heh l•l>or•tOfy wlfl hOuN JO comtiut., "1111 ........ ..._ 1t1tloM, and wlll be equloptd with white boards, projeetlon K rMns, ind comput" PfOIKtlon ..._ d .. _... .. eqUlpmtnl QBE Uf ~ t ~ OfliCI SC>K• for tlM School of lr1fcwmetlon end Computer Sclttlct lnclud" faculty offkls (10,l.25 IME.CA- ASF) and •dmlnlslt1tlve offices •nd r•lat•d support lliP•Ces (8,325 ASr), lnc:ludlna accommodations it. -llll't ... • few ICS'a Dean's office end Oet>artmtnt-wlclt flinctlont. ...., ~-= - Sura• spac:e provldtd by lht p<opoMd projeot will c:onslit of offlc• •nd city laboretOfy space. ClFAO'Alllall end will be conllturtd In •flexible menner to lllfft the-• of 1 vwltty of Pottnllal occ:lip1nts. nl•~• 11'/lltlfa a..-~ ThrM twa-cllwoc>ma wlll bt j)(Ovlded In tllle ttructwt, lncludln• 1 ~! m&T,CUJrAfllM.CA lecture hall, • l25·M•l lectu" hell, •nd 1 65-s ... t cue·study room All thrM fac:llltlM wilt IMI 1111-. • ' ...... • Ill flud seat rooms with llcped or stlll>f*I fto«-a1 Ht•Mlv• Kointlut trHt""nt, incl 'tacllld monbi. ~ • .. -. d : chatllbollfds. The llctur1 hallt wlll t'-0 l1teh14t pr0Jtctlo11 bootll•. An rOOl!lt will bt wlfld fOI' dett ~ ~ .,.,_, end equlc>Ped to ac:cominod.tt heny l!Vdlo•¥1sulll rtqulremenb, lndudlna du•I proJtctlon WMnt., tD E. OMliW M. vlAo •nd date projection, hfch•quallty IOUfld a)'lttfll, etc. OIWClE. CA -Ml .. Gan., el t&slpmtnt clasvOOf'lla to be provldtd lnc:lu41 1 65-*'•t d u ll'oom, • so-... 1 UM••l~ ._.. • .._ t IMY U, room, •nd tl!Jhl J0.11•t cluwooma. Tiie !IO•M•t room wltl be 1 fb4Hf.wat t.cillty with a 1twpped 11111 110« al111ll•r to the HM•1t1o1cry rooll'I Mtcribtd •bov•: the rem•lnlftt roo-wlll h•ve f1at flOOtt ,... t.-... 11 • • tnd loOH M•hnc. Thi M ·M•t cl.ueroom will be un d 1>fl1Mtily for cleSMt M!Plo1l111 • variety a.t11a ~ ~ of ••line cotlflcw•tloni. AH ,_ wlH be w!Ad for d1ta and equipped with challkiiowdll lllld a.ltlltilllllttGU projeetjon KfffM. fwo C:l ... OO!fl •llll90tt V llCU w111 .... be PfOv1'ed. TheM '"°"" Wiit ptO'lidt ,,.. ,.. ...... " .. tPKe to 1tore O'ttfhtfd PfO)Kton, slide projiKton, VCRs, end oth« tqvlpmtnt and ~ ....... w11 ...... ,... .. needed tor thl elNarooms. 11111 lit ~ ~ ... .._...,...,....,,_..._.._C-..lolJAM....... BCHM,tal.O..... .. CTMM con lmliATL -~.....-1111.. <Ma.°'-ft etAmecon unun.s1...-.-.• :7.. .. :t:'t'l:l NVA< ~ .. a '"' cost ISlmATL u., .. ..-... ........ 1 .... --~ ~conun.an.11M.....-------P'M•••<osrnwn.t•.2M.-..• ,..._ ... -._... WOWIJACTOl PllOUUf'KA"°'9 .. cm.... ._ l SWcontrac:tor f'requellfltltlon C)MsllotWllllnlS wHt bt awatlable ,...,....,, A9rl 17, !IN. It a.t~~ the Offke of Dt1l!ln ' C-'tuetton S.-wtc•, Ul'iflftltf .of CaJlfcwn4e, trYIM, !1201 C.llfOfltN Aw., ~U ..... S111t• ISO, hlnl, Callfotllle 12197·H &O. The 'r•~tioft ~' Ult bt mtW to .-.. I ·.-oir ~'='.we 11o1bc:01Ttrteton .,...... to ollltalft lllHI In ~n b1 c:atll119 (Mt) 1:2.4-lll7 Of (Mt) ='~ -llllU 2. Thi halv•l'4n Is IOllf1 f0r lfM pw..-. of dllt-lnl"I Wllleh tttcMer. •• ... "*' .,.HflH 1• for 11KUUflll pertorll'tn« of h tJlltl of _. lnc:ki .. • Ill tNa f'fotllct Ill • tifM11 ........., . Til9r wilt be "'dudltd In tlM ..._... f., ~tOfC!Nt OOc~ n .,..o_.. t lacttlul, Ga.tl"I. HYAC (w.l ' Df'r). •-r. and '"'"""' SllMofttfteton of wftlttl II ,,_..,lad ,,..,..,. inust 11• for lhe'#or\. , .--~""" ........ ,. SEll \' i, Thi Unf•lrtltJ r--ttie •Wit. ~ rniil"'"' tM ~attor f'ft4111..,..llNI ~.to,...,_.. en1 -... qi......,", tt ~Mlrl ey infiottMltty Ill tlM ~-111tl to lnlllta "'-9 .,...,... ........,...,. to.~'* t(> .._.. "'.........., Pr~a wtie !IHt llMtl jllt ... ellf\ed fot ttlt l'fotlt\. 6 4 ltteunt for ,.,.,..._. DM..--Ml 1t1t ........_ ,.,-......_ ,_,_ ...,oJIMtteff lit .., IOOJ. TH[ llf CUfTS Of TM( t.INM.!t$1n ot t.IU'._ Al'M JlllU , ........... ---... ...... '-•• .... ft..:;:-.. .... 11. N. lllnM ...,...... ,, . yow stuff ~· llYOLWt classlfitdl I l f ... ii llpl ... -..-.~~...;..;.;....~~ .......... ... s..... The foUowtna l*•on1 ere dollll bll$lnes I H : Moftpp Advlso! Net· worti, 2AZ63 Rue 0. Gaucvln, Lquna Ntcuel. CA92677 Lenderlin Nelwotk, Inc., (TN). 4500 Cll!f_f y CrMll Drive Seuth f2PJ, Gt.ndale, CO 802A6 This blnlnHs Is t:0n· ducted by: a corporaUon Have tou·started dolnc l>uslllus )'ti? No lend41rll.. Network ll'IC .• ltlcbard'R. Holscla• • s.cretary This •l1'4ment wu flled wlth the County Clerk of Oranae County on03/19/03 200S6tl77t4 Daily Pilot Apr 17, 24, May l, 11, 2003 Th351 .......... ... s...... The followlna person~ a(e doln& bu'lineu n : lend 2 U Morta~. South Caul Or. Suite 220, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 tork Boyd Boldona Jr . l 995jJ Maple Ave . Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Wilburn Malone, 19958 Maple Ave., Costa Mesa, CA92627 This bus.intss rs ton ductetl by: co ·partners Have you st11 led do1na business yet? No Nark Boyd Boldon& Jr This statement was hied with Iha County Clerll of Orana• County on 04/01/03 200H9S9SO#t Daily Pilot Apr 3, 10, 17.24, 2003 TH304 Re-. .... ... s....... The lollowrn& persons are doinr bus1n~ as World Mortaare Con sultants. 575 Anton Blvd., Cqsta Mesa, CA 92626 Josephine G Sewell, 1509 E. Balboa Blvd , Newport Buch. CA 92661 This busmeu 1s con· ducted by an 1nd1vidual Have you started doing business xel? Yes. OJ. 01-03 .loHj)hlna G. Se"'ell This stalenMnt wH filed with the County Cletll of 01an1• County on03/28/0J 200-Utb975 D.ily Pilot Apr 3. 10, 17,2.4,2003 nms fk911. ..... ........ The followlna p.er1ons are dolna buslnen n ; C1n1ne Th.,.1pautlcs, 664 l Luclento Drive, Huntinaton Buch. CA 92647 Lrlltam ( Metteer, 6641 Lucttulo Drive. HunUnrton Beac:h. CA 92647 This bu~1ness is con ducted by· an lnd1vldu11 Ha'ole you sll1' led doinr bus iness yet? Yu., !l/2000 Liiiian E Metteer This· $lateme11t was hied with the County ~lerk of Oranie County. Oil 04/04/03 • 20036989&2,0 . Daily Piiot Apr . '0. '17, 24, May J, 2003 Th332 RdltiMW.SS ... *'-' The followlna persons ar11 dolna bus111ess as: Newman Financial Morteaee Corporaloon, 1884 Placentra Ave , Costa Men. CA 92627 Newman f ln11nc 1•I Mortgaae Curpo• •lton (CA}. 3501 Marcus Ave , Newport Beac h CA 97663 This bu\lnes' 1s con ducted by· • co1 po1 at1on Have you started do1111 business yet? No Newman r1nanc1i1I Mortta&e, Corp . Jelf111y 0 Newman · Presrdenl Thrs ~t•lement w;u hied w1lh the County Cler~ ol Or<1nee County on 04/18/03 20036941401 Daily Pilot Apr 24. M •Y I, 8. 15. 2003 Th358 Jidillm llllitm --~ Policy Rates and deadlines an: subject to change without notice. lbe publisher teserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classifie-0 advertisemenL Please report any error that may be in your claJ>J>ified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accept'> no liability for any error in an advertisement for whu;h 1t may be responsible except for the cosl of the ~l>ace actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for lhe flN insertion. lNNOUIKEMOO'S & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANOAL • 230S-2490 Ok* Style FUl"IWt\n PIANOS & Colledlblet . ......_._ " ........ ~·Ok.l9,...,,..,,. .. CASH PAID$$ .................... M8UYE9TATU -~~-..lot ' -----~ CONSIGrmmns ' , I ltvlne,CA92614 ~llo Industries, Inc (NV), 17682 Mllctlell No Sult• 202. Irvine, CA 92614 This business b con ducted by. 1 c;orporatlon Have you started dolna busln"s yalf Ho ~llo (lldustr!Q, Inc .. Phillip $. Gurley, l'resl dent Thl11 stateme11t was fll(od with the County Clerk of Or•na•. County on 04/01/03 20016HHt6 Daily Pilot Apr 3, 10, 17,24,2003 TH301 llctlllM .... ... s...... The foHowlna porsons are dome busUJess as· ") Pat BuJlden. I>) Able Rain Gutter Cleanma And Repair, c:) Metropohl•n. 501 361h Stael, New pOft Beach, CA 92663 R P Finley Inc.. 501 36th Street. N~wpo1 t Beach. CA 92663 This business Is con dueled by a COl'porahon Have you started dotAll bus mess yet' Y M , Jan 14 t999 R P r onley Int • Pote1 R Zotov1ch. President This slalemr.nt was ltled with the County Clerk of Oranae C.:ounty on 04/0l/03 2003039284 D•1ly Pilot Apr 3. 10. 17 24,2003 TH302 fidlfiM lmitss -s ....... lhe lollowmg persons dr e doing business as Palina Antiques 3001 Rodh1ll Avenue Bide # t Unit At t06 Cosio Mesa, CA. 92626 r inn o or~en 4S27 RoAbury Road, Corona Del Mar. CA 92625 I h1s bustnl!\S ts con ducted by on 1nd1v1dual Have you star led dmne bus'"""' yet' No Fmn 0 Ol\e11 !hos ~l;atemenl was hied with lhe County Cler~ ol 01.inge County on 03/28/03 20036938973 Oa1ly Pilot Ap1 3, tO. t7 24,200J IH3t4 The lollowln1 pet sons 111 doln,. bus111HS H TRACY 0 , 1731 Pitcairn. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Glen O'Connor, 1731 P1tuwn, Costa Mesa, CA. 92626 T'ltrs binjnns Is cqn- ducted by· an mdtvldtial Have you stalled dOlnc buslneu yet? No Glen O'Conn0t This st1tement wn tiled with the County Clerk of Oran11e County on 04/ t8,Al3 20036941427 Daily Pilot Apr 24, May l, 8, 15, 2003 Th368 RdlllM ..... ... s....... Tl)e lollowma p.enons are dolna business u : Ivy Roie Cottage Tu Room, 810 Electm: Ave. Sul Beach. CA 90740 O~n1oll1 Borulla Ar hp· Ian. 936 W. 18th SI #OJ, Costo1 Meu, CA 92627 This business rs con dueled by an 111d1v1dual Have you start~d do1111 buslne\s yeP No Danielle Bonilla Ar ton•an fh1s s lalemenl w~s hied with the County Clerk ol Oran2e County on 04/04/03 20036939821 Dally Piiot Apr I 0, 17. 74. May I. 2003 Th3Jt FldillM lvsites.s ... s....... The lollow1n2 per ,ons are dnoQg bustne\S d\ lr•Mge rus t 6 Pe1l11e ron, Trabuco Canyon CA 92679 Melos\a [lle1 I, 6 Per cherou. Trabu~o l;J11yon. CA 92619 This bu~inf'~~ 1\ con dueled by a11 ind1v1dudl Have you slarled doinl( busmess yel7 Yf's Jun~ 1994 Mells .. a £11N t lh1s >lalemerol was hied with the County Clerk or OrilnRt C<•unty on 04/23/0i 20036941913 Oatly Pilot Ap1 24 M,ty I, 8, 15. 2003 lhJ/4 Adllfm ...... "-S...... Th• lollow1ne p11rsons ere dOtna bushreo n . H)'tltfOll Soltw•tl!. 1613 Wlnterareen Pl , Cost• Meu.CA9262tS Marlin Dc:iwd, 1613 Wtnl•rsrHn Pt . Costa Mua.CA92626 This b11~1n11u ts con ducted by an ln6tvkluar H.tve you sluted dolna bu•ln•n yet' Nu Martin Dowd This Sl1temtnl wn fll11d with the County Cler~ of Oran1e County on03/Z6/03 200H9l8621 Daily Pilot.Apr to, 17 24, J,tay I, 20()3 Th338 FidltlM '-llns "-S.....' Th~ rollc:iw1na penons are do1n11 busones~ as. lru11 Oar~man. 440 £ 17th Street, Costa Mesa, CA92627' Xeno R Muller 375 Bay View Ter C.:osla Mesa l.A 92627 Th" bu~tries~ 1~ '"'" .iuct~d by "n 111d1v1dual H;.v~ you ~la1 led doing bu>1nt:n vel 1 Yes, 02/ 15/0J Xeno Muller Titos slall!ment was tiled with the County Clerk ol Orange C1.1unly uo 01/28/03 200U9l8974 Daily P1l•JI AP' J I 0, t7 24. 2003 IH316 fidltiM lusims NcntStat..t th~ ltolluw111g p~r, .. n, at t' dt~tng bU\lnt\\ 3!:. t l u\h ?'>'> ll RoAdway St Ctl\I A Me~a CA 976l7 l hMle' lu'h l5'> llroddWAY S l Co\l,1 Mt'd CA 9/617 rtw_. IJu~~mt"''i r. 1.on due led bv dll 111d1v1dudl MAv• Y••u ''d1lr<J doing t>U~Ht''~ y!'t > N1t l.har l•s l u\h llt1\ t.1t•'"1t'llt ~ ...... l•l•d with tto.. c.,unly C l•rk ul 1.Jran11• C:ounlv Oil OJ 75 OJ 2003t.93&SS4 Daily Pilot Apr 17 24 M•y t 8. 2003 1 ll !49 Adllllll .... ~s..... Th~!oltowlna persons are -rv•na bullneas as· Monr ovl• SIOf act. 1517 Monro¥ui Ave • Hewpurt Beach, CA 92663 .loseph Kllnsar 179 E 17th St 1165, CHI~ Mesa, CA 92627 This busines\ Is con dueled by a1i 1nd1v1dual Have you a terled do1na business yet• Yu, 04/ 0 1/98 JoMph l\ltn&er Tht~ ,1.1emenl was hied with tlu! County Clerk of Oranae County on 04/18/0J 20036941402 Da~ly Pilot Apr 24 M"y 1.8, lS,2003 lh357 fldilM hsilm •s..... The lollowon2 pen.ons ue dpona business a' TH£ BOOK STORE. 130 E. t 7111 St. Sle L. Costa Meu CA92627 Bradford Wayne WiJ wn ' 164l A Cortander Or Cosl.i Mn1t CA 9267.f> This business rs Lon duded by ''' 1nd1v1du•I Have you 'tarted doin& business vet? Yes May 1992 Bradford W Wolsun This statement wa\ hied with the County Cler~ of Orange County on 04/08/03 20036940148 D'°ly Pilot Apr 10, 17, 24 May I 2003 IH323 Fidltieus lusims "-S"'-t The loll owing ptr 'nns are doing business as f 1t11~•s Conleph. ?60 Newpnrl Center D11ve, Suite 300, Newport !leach CA 92660 M~i:•~ Muv1:rnent. 1•1< . (CA) 260 Ne wport tenler 011ve Suite JOO Newp111t Be•th CA 92660 I his business 1s con du~ted by • co1purat1on Hdvc ytou 'ldll~cl do1n1t busme\s yot 1 Yes Ot 011:?000 Ho\\' to Place A hied with the County Ct.rk ot Ofanp County on 04/18/03 l0036t41147 Daily P1lo1 Apr 24, May I S, IS 2003 Th373 fktllM ..... ... s...... Th• lollowlna per~ns .,,. do1ne b11s1ness .,. Afterburners 11<1t, 203 Promontor y Or W, ;~orl Buch CA Sl uaft S anb111n Hut,hons. 203 Prmonlwy Or W , Newport Beall>. CA92660 Thi~ bus1ne$> is con dueled by an 1nd1v1dual Have you sta1 t~d do1n11 busmess yet> No Sludrt S Hutchtn• Tho\ ~tatement wa' hied wolb the County Clerk ol Or •nae C.:uunty nn 04/18/03 2003H41421 Daily Pilot Apr 24, May t 8 t5,2003 Th370 fidlttM ..... ... s....... Th~ lo(low1n1t persons are do1n2 business as Ryan Community Con sultanls 63S Sprone brook N. Ir vine CA 92614 Nancy Ryan Pros:;er. 635 Sprorogbrook N, Irvine. CA 926t4 This busine\\ " ton dueled by an 111d1Vtdual HAve ~ou storied do1n2 bu•.1n9's yel' Ye~ 111 97 Nan( y Rv\i1t Pr O\'.ref This \tdl~m~nt wa' loled wolh thP County Cl~rk of Or a1111e ruunly ''" 04/04 OJ 2003&939817 Darty Pilot Apr 10 17. l 4 May I. 2003 fh335 FictltiM~ .._s..._,, busiMS1 yet' No 11,.,t .. I\ H.,, • lhls s tatement wu tiled wlln the County Cl•rk of Or •na• County on 04/04/03 200SHHI07 Dally Pilot Apt 10, 17, 24, May I, 2003 Th327 Mlm .... ......... I fhe folll>w1n1 pers~s are doln11 11\1'$1nns n C 0 Automotive, 30t8 Manitoba Santa Ana, CA 927~ ft.It• Martin-.r. 1930 Placentia Ave . IB 5, Cost• Mesa CA 92627 fh1~ businen 1s con dueled by •n 1nd1v1duat Hne you sta1 ted dom& busin .. u yet? No Feh• Marl1M1 lh1s st•lemen1 "''" flled with the County Cler~ ol Orang" County on 04/04/03 2003H39101 Daily Pilot Apr lo. 17. 24, M•y I, 7003 Th324 Rdlllws ..... ... s ...... The lollowone petson> .,,, doina busmt!'s~ •s Pl•slot\ Investors. 400 Cdrloltd Newport Be•lh CA 92660 Cai lyle Levmson. 400 C.itlolla N"wpnr t B .. uh. CA 92660 lhos business tS con dut led by di! 1nd1v1du•I Have you starto:d doone bu'oone~' yet' YPs 4 I 03 Carlyle Levon son lh" \lal~mtnl wa\ loled with lhe Counl' Clerk ot Or .inge r;r,unt f on 04 18/0'l 20036941425 Daily Pilot Apr ?4 Mdy I 8 15,2003 lh366 Flditlws llusims "-S...... Tbursday,Ap!~24,2003 IS v .. bus1nu$ ,.n Yes J 2 03 Mwk Lewis M<AnM This 'Sl1t•m•nt w.,. tiled •Ith the County Clerk uf 01 •"k" Cuunlr un 03/21/0J IOOS6t .. IOI Olllt l"llut Ai>< 3, 10, 17., 2-4. ?003 fH306 Rdlllm ..... ... s...... lhe folloWNll per1o0n~ "'" doint butlneu as 'l OPOflT LTD. 8505 E Hl11$d•le D< . Ora"ll~. C.\ 92869 k.hn 8 L rnch 8505 l Hillsdale Or Or an11e Callf 92869 . Thi~ buson8'\ 1• 'un dueled by dn 1nd1vo<h1•I Have you starlod dm11g bu~m~'S rel' h· l 1 03 John B lynch Thi~ ~tatem~nt ""',.." llled with thr l 11unl t Cle1~ or Or•1111~ C.:ouuty oil 04/t8/03 2003694i399 Daily Pl)ol Apt l4 May t 8, IS, 2003 lh Jb'J RditiM l4lsiitu •s...... Adllllll ..... ... --. lh• fulluw1na llef~On'l •1 ~ d1>111t buaineou •• l•w l1bu1y SelVICH, 744 3 r 01 df1•m Orn••· Cu~t• M•.._. CA 92626 Ch11\llMjll.. (ht•b•lh lltr ~ ~··j rordham Df111t-t oo,t.t Mr1• CA 91(,i'f.> flu~ bu•,ut,. ,\ 1 lfJn I.JUI. t~o ~t "" 111d•wrdu•I lldv~ 1uu •latlfl<I do1n11 busm•~· v•I' Ye1>. j 11 IJI < tu ~· .. tt.ttH; K1t" th1~ \Littf!ment .1 w4• llted w1lll the r:rJUnty r,t~r k of Or,rn11~ J..ou_n1v "" 04 04 03 20036939113 Q.,ly Pilot Apr t 0 I I 74 Md t I i'O()j th .ll'I l he follow111g per uO"io art> do10~ tw~•Ot>v ct NBS r.on,llU• l•Oll 4 ll I ltw tull11w1n~ ,, .. ,\ .... Oahlltt Avt-C..c1run.• d,..I I Me Ouin" bu~1n~~~ tt• Mar CA 971>?", N•wpml M~\• Mart,.I l•m.s t<av1~n1 4 jj I Ari\ 4!1Jj t •\I 17th St 0dh11.1 A'lt: LIJlon.t 1t.-1 '\U1.lr. H 101 f.rt\lia Mt-• 4 M•r CA 971>/'J r A 97bl7 Jh1\ t,u,1n~"" ,~ .. on < itfl•,i\ l •!..ti t 760 duded by ttn 1nd1v•dl1rtl f"111111H1d Av~ •I I '.n•.1 1 Havo yuu \l•rled duonv Mr<.• C'A ':17fi2 7 bu• .. in,.. .. , yf"t 1 Nf1 I t11• bu'5.1ne?.~ •~ on Jame.-. Kttv1~m '1u~ t ... d ll'i Jn. ind1v1du•' lht\ '-l.tt,.mr11t ¥'W'd~ H .. v.-you •lart .. '1 th1m• f1J,.(f 'fW•tli tt1t' r u1Jnly l.Ju~utf'~~ ., .. t / N1 Ct er t., of fJr an~,.. r"ount..,. (:,td11• l ,..,ti uu 04 04 U i 1 hi• tdl~mt'11• w.n. 200369398 Is I Md Wtlh Iii. I •Urtl y Oaoly r11 .. 1 Ai.tr 111 17. r1n~ ol Q1,;11~· c "'"''' 24 Mav I 100 i r11111 oo 04 l!l·IJJ .,....:.: __ •·-'---s 2003694 1403 r~ _,.. I Oaolv p,1,,1 Aµt 14 "'I. 1 MlmtS..._, 1 t 8 15 ?OOJ 111156 rh ... following p .. r •.nn(. .Ht' dOIOR bu~IO~~'J. d\ IJ' D1•P"'Y Se•v••,. 4 74", r Id Palm1 Ayr An•hPlm I A 9:/lj{J/ HorolcJ H ~.;ldrtn1 4(45 f I~ f'•lm1 A;. An•h.om LA 'J{l!li/ SELL your stuff through classified! ___ Deadlines --~ CLASS I FrniAD Monday ................. Fml.1) ''d>Opm Tue~duy ...... ...... .. MonJJ) 'i·OOpm By Fax (949) 631 -659-l 1 l'lc.i-.c Ulo. ludc ~UUJ n..noc 4.llll phww: 11u1qt>er anJ "'c'll ,.di ~oy h.x.l v.11h ii pnu: 4u1Ht: 1 Rv Phont• (1i49) M.:!-5o7X II our s Ry '.\1ai I/In Pt""rson: 330 WeM Ba) Stn:<'I Co,ta M e'a. CA 92627 Al Newport Blvd & flay St WcdneMlav ... Tue-..Ja~ .:; OOpm Thur,da) ........... Wedne,JJ~ S·OOpm Friday .................... Thur-..d.i.~ "i :OOpm Saturday ..................... FndJ) H>Opm Telephone: 1'!.JOam 'i OOpm Monday-Fmla> \\alk-ln K:JO-..un-5 OOpm M onday-Fnday Sunday ...................... fndu) 5:00pm GVUANTUD YMWlllec-A .... ,..,TV St•. Wt have bool\lncs for all top rulity based pro01mminc If you sine, dance, act or have I PHSiOn for basic entertainlne, ple.tse caU us TOLL FREE 800 378-7920 H I 103704 Remem btr EVERYONE IS A STAR, ... SOl0-3940 ... l r.~ .li.ii1 soos-saso JEWB.RY I 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-tC•Neeth Old Coins! Gold, sllve1. jewelry. watches, antiques collect1bles !M9-&42 • 9448 3610 D9~_... -~ P.cs ., PIA*: wlWldro f ..... hllrld ~ZZ19 IWIW'AT 9artnlllm'8~ ........ .,....__ 9&-m-04U Index IWESTATi lllWS mLOYllBIT ...-TIS IOOWSJO Und er the Sc1Yicc Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week llRlllOIM& -tOoo.9750 For Only $32 per week ( 4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 America'• Hene•t Op- partuftity Dollar Sto1 es l 8008291915 Own your own store Turnkey fr om $4 5 900 Ooll•r StoreSe1 v1U!'S Com (CAL •scAN) HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY 0..ek, ....... .,.... ....... '"-1-r VI-. a.t ._,., ..... Str- ,.. Mt-673-M" ConlnldllMIJ EAST 511>( OPEN SAT SUN I 4 282 E BAY St 38R 28A Beau cutlom remodel on a quiet SI $733,000 BY OWNER FOR APPT TO VIEW CALL Michael 949 280 7633 llYtne TUaTU aOCK POtN1t O'IN SUN 1 _.:30 21Mlr .... Panor. golf. min city l111ht VllWS Jbf 2.Sba, llACHfaoen ""te upcr.•ded throuafloul, JIO,ooo.I C..-. ""' •/"11' cu\tom tp. wroulflt ll'on -.. I..,.. el ""' ~tairway __ Assoc pool & ........ ~ .._ 3or spa Sl&l.aJl AallOwrw .. -...., ._ _., Slwle)' c.t1IFon ... & .... ._. .. g&aj4.1010 9'!Mil·lD> :t= .... : l.lgllllBach .... ~ ~ __ .. -°"*' •• Oiw vi.w 7I4-~H7 er :•=°"'481~ -en> dldls. 2c •tt ... out· stanclnt Mtl.n$! ~ lo $\.2'25,<0>.. Ill JllM F•row !M9-322.QJJ2 ............. ,,.., ,......... .mlsl home on a ~ lot wlttl 'IU!fllC v~ 4&. office 3Ba Jc p FR le -~around yard Mwble ,, amte. COllPS tnU)'S. Ital soeen plasma TV eat si.w 94._.SO-aa 10 Olll H>U •OM> L«ent Balbo• Model, ltOOsl 4& 358a, 3.: pt. landscaped y•d f!Mlt locahon near par ~ $1.385.000 aat Oareu Quinlan 949-717 9014 .,,,. ....... Colrc*te ,. rnodltll Jbr 2..5ba. FR. end int aaocs from poo1. p-11 & tot tat. udlaM ~ Pnnc °"'Y Ill o.r. Wlllln-. ~lA4 OCIAMROMT 1ao· oau varw S~.H~MO A45l9'~S-1tl2 or...c.--Ptu•11.Wc...t......, ........... ,, .. RESORT/ VM:ATION PROPERTY FORSAl..E o..n..-..~ VtrWS llP t..-1 & ~· '•>rJ tr 4f!r l 5& ~ horrwo noljf k'w .......,. now S9.!>00111t0 v-ty c.t "It\ om::~~ Corona def Mar .. _......, • .___ -·· .... L-_ ..... .._._ e llusday. April 24. 2003 Bridge WFb7 • 10931 '87 • a,;7!1 so um • KQ5 J K92 A 101' •QJl ~7YOlla PLAY 36. mllkina a ar1lld tl..n Ullhtdy. Sia dlamoada is • beaa ~ but llOI euy to~ wida two ftll bandt. You a.re aoiaa to need 1 lot al tui:k. Fn. diMIOodS llWat lf>lit 3 2. Then, the dafender with dliee diamooch tDuMt not hold men lhan three ~ In dlhet blll!k suit. And, lauly, you will have IO IUCSS the hean holdlllJ of the defendm. • W'll) lbe opeoio& qJ9dc Leatl Qnd ~ OUl die spmes and clubl. """"' laU the ace and kiQ& of dUllllUrldi Ind auneftdct 1 lrid. t0 the illJISl&fOO in& tQh diamood. So rar, a1Ilw acmt llOOorc11111 to plan. In an effort to b* like a playes who hold.I bolt! mis~i.QI healt hotlors. East returns the quetn The biddin&: . . SOUl'U WEST NORTH EAST 9f he.u -excellent de!eru.e. 1 However, the odds favor ;plit hon-on. 10 win with lhe ldna ol hecrt3 10 hand and boldly lincilai the leOI Wbco mat wi~ 12 tricb arc to lhe Illa· (Had Ea$t tctumed a low heart lNT Pata "1"f ,_ ........ Operung lead: Two or • Here·~ • clwll:e to i,eg your lech· mque. Cover lhe E!asl· Wea\ bands with your thumbs and decide bow you would play ~ill no trump after the lead of the deooc of spedc:s. orth's ~llC to s11t no u:umP is ~imply a matter of arilhmet.ic since the combuied count is no more than you would have ~yed low and, ano c1pturina the ,J1C6: with the Kc mumed • heart and fines3ed Elsi '°' thc mbsina honor.) Incidentally, if you get the heon< Wl'OO& on Ibis defense, you have OUI s~lhy. Since the nine 1~ noc irf s1&ht. East could weU have 1 holdin!J beaded by queeo.jack. lASTSIDE 28t i--fnc:d Y•d. P£l OK W/f) hoolu.tp· OW 81 raf1&9/oven ~ &•mee·Walet/\taslt paid· $1475. $500 dep $250 pel 714·545-0442. lt· Tri level (_ ... 2br 2ba. Ip, fom\ill din rm. 2-c att pr. lnGy, conm pod/ 5'WI $1650m ~7J.6942 Oreotf.21r, 2.SI• Condo. ·C &.Ill' pool/spa, no/pel/smll. avail 4/25 $1950m lse 949.955 3156 like ,,..., lltr 2lto house. Ltihl & brl&ht, quiet cul-de·sac. ocn breezes Canyon .Park $2100/mo. 9'19 642 S443 ""' ....... Xlnt CWIY! E'51de -3Br 2.5&, SFR. Fp. &ranlle counters. 2cM pnee. Wdlymrd, S2495mo !MS-J'B-3726 20452 ~ .._ $2800/mo. New 38' 2.56a Home aet 94!Vi'83·0206 ll110lgtun HlrtNllr ~C >*vW• ......... llome P'll 50ft docl!, Jbr• ofc, lBa, 2'f ps SWVmo. 562-431·7322 Newpoltlndl IAYRONT OH LIDO PENINSULA N.EW21r21o COTIAGIS Privale Beaclt, Pool and Spa. Walk to Ocean, Shops and Restaurants lea~ 6/mo·2yr + Boal Slip Available 710 UOO PAllll DR. 949-S73-6030 or 949-723·5830 vmM&IS OCIM Vll'W5 ~'9-&i.aT~ ().rill! 2c Pf1r.&-Gllfld awrm ~ Mllw~$16SO-~~ PnJd!ntial calilomu RMlty .._ .. Pvt i-:1! ,_ H1rbor Ilk '9-I Ba. 2ro1 lo bey, ll!rns, ~ Sl700mlse949 7181400 29r -. ,,,_ dllck Sl7!AI '"°· ' 2lr n.. w pabo $1600/mo act M<lr~yn Wliams.. 94~ m 5049 ·~~.2br l.!ibe P91JO, awrm ~ laJ i-it. lie, airp 2 c 91f, Ill SlllX> 9'9-Q3-71D> Newly remod 2br 2ba c-0ndo. 2 c 1•1. pa ho * YEAlll Y * wd, no peVsmk Avail 5 I BILL G.RU~~AL TORS $1950 lse 949 759 134A 949-675-'1'1 ~ ........ l.& 2llf Newpert l..dl 2Bli, din rm. bale. lfMsl, Peninsula Studio 2c P1t1&. OQMl'M.t, walk ID Apartments aotl A.al bet\. $200)n. 9(9.!98-9347 $700-$950 949-S73-7Aoo f'••lnvle Pel•t I br lba, nice furn, ~ • boo Bay View. uttl incl •it $1350 !M9-S73· 7800 HAU Off ht MO llNT for move In May 1st w/12 mo ...._ Newly ramocWed Cmpe Code style convnu nrty w/new appUnce:s, carpet • -an.: bla Wdltr/dlryer. dilt!w.,_ & retr..,ator included tnsode apt. I Br $1095 28t $144.S (714)~7592 SEU your unwanled items throu11l class1fted .. 2-sa... 2 levels. 7t: .... w pmbo, ~ ,., Cdt'I Hidt S2100mo tor move rt Mly L 949-212 n«> Get .............. ._. sqle story hou..e .,..,_, clll att eir. M:. ro pets, $225()n 1)6. 7fiO 1219 S.,.. .. ~ yrtf rG'llal 2 '"* ms. 2.5ba ocn vu. ~. _,. p no pd .. S2G> ~'l 7llX> Le 31• 2.s1. 1n 111ted comm. w/pool, \Pa• prrv1te yard S30001mo A11e"t 949 856 970!> .... llW t·STOIY ltOtllS NST STEPS TO Tll IEAOI l laool 21A111 1163 SQ.fl, 2 CAI PAIDIG flCNI $1,900. /010IT SAllOS "'Employee." "Empleado. " "A rbeitnehmer. '' "Employe. ,. ~.eilot NOIUmR HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. 1000 PACR COAST ll&ffWAY APPIOX 11/1 a llO Of llWPOIT aw. ***** OPBl llOUSI ***** SATIIDAY Alli t5' & mAY Alll 2" "NO TO C1llforn1a law re· qutrn tltat contrac: te><s tallin• )Obs that total S500 °' mor1 (labor or mateu1ls) be ltcensed by IN Contractors St•I• license Board St.ate law also requires INll contractors include thU tc.nse number on • llCMl'tillna. Yo.. Ufl check the status •f your licensed c:on tractor at www.cslll.ca.aov or 800 321 CSLB. Unit· cen1ed contractors tlkln& (obs that tot•• less th•I\ S500 must st1t1 In lltelr edverUsemenls lhal tlley 111 not llCenMCI by the Contractors St.le llcenw Bo.d * :..-.1 ...... ,_ ~-•w /Ball / ...... Mina ...... blollll'I &B"l~-·5-......... MR. BLINDM AN" • et I I ..,,.. ,.._.. Svc. Tu pr•p•rttlon QuoSoolls ~ ,... ~e:fd948-~ A -l HANDYMAN Install. reface cabinets ~ mod-. Ooua 714-546-72!i8 • w .. oai .. • Custom Built-Ins, Crown Moldlfl&S, Baw Bow.n l"577982 949-709 5642 C.,..Rlplr/11111 o CUPET tt<Aa,no l#HOME & IUSINESS •E1'AMS Uptrades. Repan ol Computer, Netw0tlls E ven1n11s/We~bnds Compet11tve prttH f0t qualtty ser vie 949-136-1175 714-926-4121 Concnltl • Masonry lrldi It.di St-f ll. Cooct~ Patio, Drrvwway Freplc, BBQ Rers 25Yrs Eap Teny 714-S57 7594 ~ Bedrical Semca Actlenll•• llectrlc lroublnhooltn& specllltst a" WV!Cft No !ob too sm lll"jl586J n~l3> UCEMSED CONTl.AfiOtt No Jiil loo sm. ,. --' Repa11. remodel. fans. ,,.. new SVC ~JfEJ6 AOOftng/Tilt CUSTOM OUlM TU lhsUl!lbort ..... --· nwble, stone. ...... 197$ L'6120M Jltll 714-612 9'J61 UAICY ...... ~ed Recroubn & lnstallattor1 TILE OEAH 94U73 80li5 11~ n4-88.l2031 Repairs. Patchln1. lnstAlll NHD MOttl IOOMT Ganlen~ Courteous. any Site jobs AOOn'lOHS & R£MOOELING 1 • ......._ Wltolesalel 949-492-0205 LIS77982 9•9 709 5S41 ..... _,. ftg TIMITOI YOUaHOMI .. nC>YIMUft non en Cati a pl11rnbef, painter, handymen, or any ot lht ,,.., services I •ltd hart In OUf -Viet dirtclofyl TH~SE LOCAL SVC PEOPlE CAN HELP YOO 'fOOAYl t1UL-4P.a. 114-'14-tH1 fHI DlfJlalN<I 1nwwe llAUTifUl &DQUIUTl-• ........ tenw<-• ...... , ...... ...... &._.,.... 90-SlS-1124 t ... ~.v .. a Cleanup. Maonltfltnca Sprlntll« R8"•1f. tuuhnc (Ht) H0-1711 COMl'UTE HOME • llAlllTEltAJKI No job too small! · Everytltlna lrom Carpentry to Pwihna Freeestlmal• ,.,, •• ,.t#y f.ff-2'S-ti•1 &~ C.pentry • f'lumtMna Ol'-ywall • St"'co Ptintin&. rile 6 ITIO'I 20+ Vur• Eaperlenctl J9J14-t .. ·S77• • '"'" •• 1 & to .,._ old lhr/day In Cd,M Mon· Fri. Studtnt ok 949 ~74· 77011tl03, 949 720 9877 A«-.tlnt (entrelff / Punhealnt A.,.m. PT position for medium slH ltome builder Qutltfied controller ctpable of multiple lull& Fle.ible ltours 20 to JO per week. Stltry based on experience Fu resume to 714-SS7-421• ~...,/C.,.-, "· lrWle .... must be ~lnlll~ of ~ ~y.¥;11. abn!t tatinalbon ~JO SlT a:xmss we a.e ~ e•penn:ed OlR ~M!rS b 35 W..Wn stm.s. ~ haw CCl. A Wtltl Hilanill [ •Olllrll pey ' bl!lnefits. Cal 86&313-0478 01 800 835 9'171 (CAL "SCAN) GOVEINMINT JOIS- Wl.-Ot.trE Al«J POST Al $13.21 to $48+t>« hr Paid traontn& Ful bentfrt:s No u.,.ience nee ~ & eum t0form.1lton Toi tree 1-llllS 778 4266 1850 (CAl •SCAN) OfRCI " a1i1e 1o rue stiff b~~~PI'• btltn111Jal Wrlltn& abt~ly w~ ol ~er pr1J8. 5+ yn ftllj) Mlcl eq> a+ Fn ra 949-631 «ii2Z ..... ,,,,_ ..... Busy Newport 8ead1 Fi.I Estate office SUy c.om- rnensur ate w/np ru resume to ~2127 .......... " .... I penon OlfQ Pf (4-5) S.V corrm1nanl.e w/eJ.p Fax res to~ 21V JOIN OUR TEAM and malle a d1ttuence In tit• C•hlornt1 Army Naltonal Guard you c.an &el money f0t 'nlle1e and c:1ru1 lra1n1nc C•ll I 800 GO GU ARD (CAL0SCANI JOSS! JOSSI JOISI Now 1tw1neJtat1na fur 200J Free wilVup In Sl8 l5tw pa Ml tr att1tng, lull beoeflb I fIT7 30'J 244<j r •I 645 (CAl"SCANl PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 House Cleaning H-cl-"'-9fap'cl Wlo.ly/B1 wllly/Monlltly Refs CIHI ratnl ,,,,.~ 9&~949-~ N-cl • llnle ? MnMllt adu'rmd lo.e dlllq 3)/ .., b1md ow Slippftcs 714 444-4143 ,_ ......... _ ti-e c:a..n.., Talll Wit. °""' ~1"..utlcbw~ --,.... '18.el70 .......... llST MOYl.U SH~ -v1n1111 c1ti.s. Insured Int, courteous, careful. T163844 800·246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Callf Public UUhttes Comml11lon requires lh•t all UM4 llouuhold aood1 movers print tflelr P U.C C.I T numb« limos 1~ cltautteura prtnl t1111r T.C P number In 111 •clvtt lbem1nt1 It you have 1n1 que1llon1 about th• la1•lil1 o f t mover. llmo or t.ll111lfevr, call PWU< UTIUTIH <OMIUSSIOM 171 .... 7 .. AcuaA UGIND LS '9t 1n power, auto, sunrool. Ith<. cd player, newer hrH. ,rut cO!'d • 56500 Days, 949 466·9771 or evei 714.3119 9794 A..... 't9 A4 QllMtre 2.8 VS. 2911 1ctu1I ml, •uto, spar!IJ1n1 red/1rey lthr, mnr1, CO, looks & smells new V45S721 $17 ,995 financina av11I, Bllr 94t·Sl•· llll --~·.<-lulcli leetl Muter s..... ... va. 471( actual mi. wtwlillwey ltl1r. cn-oma whls. Pf•mium sound, beautiful «• unm•hd condrUon p, n;sm..a, wt79'l412. $7,99&.00 Mt-516-.lUI -·111 .. •-CADIUAC CA Ta.A '91 S cyl. al. ac:, lttw f/pwr, sunroof. ••tended _, $10.500 562-397-7155 Codlloc Cet-'91 3Sk, Metalhc 8ur11ndy Red, Oalmeel Ltltr. Cltrome Wheels. Beeultfut 0111 ~ondlt1on, $8,995. von572412 9'19 586 1888 -·~···-Cliwpl.r S.lwtq <-. JX '00 37K vs. Metallic veen. Grey int. Black top. Be.ultful like new condition SI0.995 vrn872412 9'19 586 1888 -.ec:polll.c- DODGE NEON '2000 SOii+ mt, IOOK f•~ warr, 5 sp. blue. 1rey Interior am·fm ed. i-i ClrP' cond $lll!lB6 .. m. "' ..... 8kt V'415192 9'9-586-11118 -ecptilirl- h4fe '91 v.,...... 7 pass, wlt1le/1rey mt. pvt 1lass. pr•aed, non/ smkr, hka new cond v457275 $5995 8k1 949- 586-1888 W-Gq)lbl com fenl Xlt Van '97 IS psa, •Int cond. 8llv'fnl/~. V'!ll/IMJ. 2 sa-SICUDV obo 96 722 1247 llftw 5 Japm-00 XXI C-. Dan. MelAlloc R~ Tan lthr trrt, T Ml lop. cd lull fact warr, fanti"K l•e new Of iemal 'ond Save SlSK. $37,995 f tn av11I vtnMll070 949 586 1888 _.ecptiW __ JHP CHOOIUE '94 • While clterr y condrltlln. I owner $6000 prrote party 949 722 1353 -.. '00 .... o--.- 6cyl 2 wd. 3611 actual m1 . s1lver/1rey Int , alloy$, tabuloul hlle now unmark"d cond. 4 year •-.T aviil. v7!iT'nl $13.995 Inn 9"t 9 49 586 1888 www.ecpe .. l.ee .. UtK.lio '02 Nevtptw n mt lull f1cl wan $tlver s..nd/tan llhr CO slicker cltfome whls, utr.a ~ut. v677518 $27.995 firm. fin & warr avail Bkr 9'19 586 18118 -w.~l.c- Daitt C1lot .. :'81111.. .. ·-~• '99 U20 l Mt 5711 1111, 3 yr w1•1 •veil, stlnr/11111 llhr, bu.I.It CM la COlld' .t/&241 $2&,49& I ~'"I . •vall ., ....... -I···-CREVIER -. . f(WmJ .. OXffR 'BRG' Lallw I Ptnm PKG. LEASlfOR i1~ PER MONTii+ TAX I At These Terms °" • .,,,., CA'ecit ·····-··•····-·· OTIOAT saM SAYlllaS! ··~· ..... , ......... .. +.98¢ $3780 !llHI •t sl1111ln1 48 month closed end lease no Hc:urlty deposit. IOI< miles 1>41r y .. r E llCUS miles @ 20c per mile (TC422'19) .......... LET'Sr.JT~ IT'S Fl.ft f'OU<HI 't9 CADIU Aftl 11lver 1111t1INc, lft ltllr l(•l'ltil• lltY lnttf, pwr Hlll, hi fl sound 1y1tem w/arfl rm co • lo-jac Ill Ill, J OW!*, 11ractc1. 1m.1m1t11late $54,500 949 175 2159 CASH fOI CAltS WI MID l~ CAJI PAIO~OIMOT PtMW'SAUTO ASlt fOll MMCOlM Ht-S7t7777 BOA11 PoWlr 8oltl 9515 19'1 ....__hyleet Celebrity hlslory On Balboa lsltnd Restored WorU 949·552 !1800 Homel 714-997-0407 * * * * * * * * BOAT REPAIRS/ 55::f:'~~= SERVICES (818) 123-9108 •BOA•JS•SU-PS/-• PHIWPS AUTO V._t40Twt..'92 Beauty-Clean Only 821< miles (I 9292) S8.91K> IMWS4CM~°" Sl!Yet w/bladl lthr, ,.,. 6 speed "'°" pcka-5511 miles (19231) S29.9fl0 IMW lnl S..... "00 Mtd Blue .,,;. ey lthr IMlto prem PllCMee (19'240) . S26.9S> IMWSHf~"OO Wlttl.e w/Blacll lthr CO p&lyet 4211 miles ( 192!9) S22.9ln IMWM5S.-'eo 8ledl on lm<T*: Ba.ct. 1t1w. 1 C. ml. 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