HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-25 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 2003 Still some . . ··party in yacht race Revelries are not all in the past for partic ipants in Newport to Ensenad a race. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BJ..A<.11 -Somt• '>ay 1he Newport to Ensenada race's day., of de- bauc:hery are Jong gone. vanished likl' 1he images or pornographic movie'> 1hat ui.ed to be projected on10 one yach1\ '>all. Oth- ers say !hat Newport to l:n!>enadd ha.,n't outgrown lhe wild umes. but that they lhemselves have grown imo a mort· 1>ober and serious racing l'Xperience. They'rt• both right. While the N E.W p O R T 56-year old ratl' ha-. been working to poli..,h 11<. image into ont: niorc conshtent with the lommy lidha-. E N S E N A D A ma target market. there\ '>till plenty or p.lrtymg for tho-.e looking for ll "In the early day<i. for me, the ran· wa" a vehicle to go down and play,tt '>aid 'teve Schupak. a Costa Me<>a re'iident who '><llled h1-. first Newport to 1-.n-.enada in the 198(h a1 age 16. His wildc-.t memon<.'5 111dude a certain Sunday in the late 19RO., when cruise -.hip passenger1>. Eni.enada racer.., PH TOS 8V K~ \ A man walks past a pile of discarded chairs on the stage of the Pacific Amphitheatre at the Orange County Fairgrounds. A sound investment See RACE, Paee A4 Tile Pacific Amphitheatre -quieted because of Legal problem s - is being readied for its comeback at this year's Orange County Fair PUBLIC SAFETY Court OKs lawsuit in preschool murders Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot T he i.leepmg giant of the Pacific Amphitheatre is coming back to life. but Or.mge County Fair officials are talcing me~ures to ensure that its ferocious roar is replaced with a m ore palatable wat.I. TI1e amphilheater, which went silent in 1995 because or legal issues over noise, is being refurbished for its debut al the faJr th1!> '>ummer. Jt will provtde the Mroclon'" part of thefa.ir's theme -"Red, Ripe and Rockin.'" in the Mesa del Mar neighborhood mandaled by a court mjunct1on ·we wam the fir-;1 <,e~on to be an a~t to the commun11y amt no1 a negative, tt said Sieve Beazley. lhe fa1r'i. deputy general manager. The half-m1llion dollar refurbishment include:> replac111g the backs of the 8.500 seats. painting the theater. remodeling the producLion office and building new dre<,1>ing room .... To pump down 1he volume. management hired a ..ound engineer to conduct studies and write specifications for the S}"item to adhere Lo the no1<;e restriction'>. The engineer dei.1gned the !.)'Stem 10 proJe<:I lhe soun d to the Francisco Mendoza steamdeans chairs so that they can be painted Appellate court decides that parents of two young children can sue the school for negligen ce. Because noise wiped out the amphitheater before, fair official'> have 1alcen steps to keep lhe sound below the 55 deobel level See SOUND, Paee A4 at the Pac1f1c Amphitheatre at the Orange County Fairgrounds DHpa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The parents of lwo chil- dren run over and killed four yearl'> ago when a man deli berately crashed through !heir preschool playground fence said they were pleased with an appellate court's de- cision on Wednesday 10 let them sue the school for negligence. Henry Segerstrom honored by youth service Brandon Wiener, 3, and Sierra Soto, 4, were mwdered on May 3, 1999, when Ste· ven Allen Abrams rammed his dilapidated 1967 Cadillac into the crowded preschool playground of the Southcoast F.arly Oilld· hood Leaming Center. The parents of lhe two children sued the school and its for- mer director Sheryt Hawkinson, accusing YES, which provides jobs for young p eople, lauds scion of local dynasty as 'almost synonymous with Costa Mesa' at its annual fund-raiser. 0Hpa Bharath Daily Piiot them of negligence. • COSTA MESA -A local organiza- tion !hat helps young adults find jobs honored, Henry Segerstrom at Its an- nual fund-raiser on Thursday night But an Orange County Superior Coun Judge threw out that lawsuit in January Youth Employment Sqvices' 30th annual Roman Feast and Silent Aue· don drew hundreds from the New-See PRESCHOOL, Paa• M Daily Pilo t AT A GLANCE ONlHEWEB: ~.~com WEATHER tt'I not pretty, and It "'IV rein, but don't expect much. S..PllpA2 THINKING Al.LOWED l.olha Hetper ha 1ht dtw'/ off • .Her column Wlft mum nmnWMt. SPORTS Co.ta Meu and Estancia tntdt team11qu1rw off. SeeP-ae All THANKS, MOMI ABOUT MOlltEln DAY Mom• doh .... Send. par1greph ot two •bout why your mom'• to Qf'Mt and 1 photo lO 1ht OtMty Pl6ot for pubffcdon on Moct*'e o.v. The dMdline for .,,.... It Mey 2.; Send your i.tler'I to Mother's Dey, Deity Not. 330 W. Bay St., eo.t.t Mtlea2827; futo(!Ml)MM170or~ to~•tmes.com port-Mesa area President David Calderon said the organization chose Segerstrom. man ~ partner of C.J. Segerstrom & Sons. which manages South Coast Plaza. because he has "been the putar of the local community.· "He ls a patron of lhe arts and a benefactor of the cooununity, • CakJe- ron said. "We wanted to pick some- one who 1s alm ost synonymous with <..osta Mesa.· The Olarles John Segerstrom family came to Orange County from Sweden m 1898. They started off by growing hma beans Ill 20 acres or leased land Over the last 50 years. C.J Segerstrom & Son~ has developed the family's land into one of the largest retail and entertainment bubs in the nation. Accepting lhe honor ThutSday. Seg· erstrom said he and his family are proud or what they have been able to accompli h in Costa Mesa. "To be recogni7.ed 1n yow own comrnuruty 1<> lhe greatest rKOgJUtion you can ever get.· he said South Coast P1a.za does busmess tn excess of SI billion, Segerstrom said ·And 11 aJJ benefits Costa Mesa.· he said Joseph W~n. captain of the river- boat Angela Louise, said the Segoer- strom family has made tremend~ contributions to the area. "Without them. this conununity wouldn't exist,· be said Over the Wt year. YFS bas provided s..~ .... A5 Minding the shop A supportive gr-0up of friends is helping a Marine stationed in Iraq keep his new Balboa Peninsula restaurant a.float 0Hpa8harett. OatlyPilot T WO day.aft« opeq the doon of the llnt g\9~l!l:llolll he CYa' owned. Ooug ~ lhipped out to lnq. It WM 1'ke ~behind a neWbom. kw lbtbe ~ key thM ~ dulCb b. ~ *ond tMJoce ..... Gft .... CIMrud--~ bert~en die nilled kari· bin. · ........... M ----------- - ------- A2 Friday, ~ 25, 2003 ON THE ~NEWPORT BEACH, CA -- PHOTO COURTESY Of DESIGN DYNAMICS Design Dynamics specializes in the art of boat lettering for boats all along the Los Angeles and Orange County coasts. ·The name game Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot I f you're in the boat business, you've probably w?rked on "famous" boats at some pomt. Robert Kline has had his share of celebrity clie nts in.his 25 years of being in the business of boat lettering. Kline's Costa Mesa design shop, Design Dynamics, specializes in creating designs and name plates for boats docked anywhere £rom Los Angeles to Newport ee,ch. He's delivered name plates to Julie Andrews in Marina del Rey, Peter SeUers and one of John Wayne's sons, he says. "But the unfortunate part of it is you don't get to meet the famous people,· he said. "Usually it's the skipper of the boat who deals with us.• Kline's job may not be all that glamorous, but it certainly is interesting. WHATS AFLOAT • WHATS AA.DAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event. submit the infonmrtion to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. ASHING Fishing dasMs leave Balboa Pavilion at 6 a.m. and return at 4 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays. $125. (949) 673-2810. Get to the Newport Pier Nr1y to watdl the dory f1Shing fleet return with the fresh catch of the day. Fish are prepared for sale at Mcfadden Square, an open-air martcet, Rahing supplies and bo8t c:har19n (open party and private) are available at Davey's Lodcer, 400 Main St., Balboa (949) 673-1434; and Newport Landing Sportfishing. 309 Palms, Suite F. Newport Beach (949) 675-0550. Dey and night fishing c:hart.n for groupe °' Robert Kline's Costa Mesa design shop creates name plates and designs for boats in Newport Harbor and elsewhere challenging and specialized. he said. Usually. the leners seep on the boat are designed and printed on a roll of adhesive vinyl that is pasted on to the vessel. Kline also caters to customers who request customized jobs such as hand painting or metal work. The mm.1 challenging job he undertook was for a 150·foot yacht for a wealthy Russian businessman, Kline said. "He wanted the name of the boat to be in polished stainJess steel," he said. "So we cut the metal with laser and when we were singles are available at Bongos Sportfishing on Balboa P9ninaula. (949) 673-2810. KAYAKING/CANOEING/SCUBA lmu. Outrtgoar Canoe Club kwtt.s adventure-minded adults to canoe Newport Harbor Hawaiian style. No experience required -they'll teach you all you need to know. Dress for the beach and bring a towel every Saturday at 10 a.m. at North Star Beach. 1 White Cliffs Drive, Newport Beach. For more information, call (714)432-1236. Beginning ... byaldng, rolling dlnlca and private lessons are offered at Paddle Power, 1500 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboe. Kayak and sea ski rentals also are available. (949) 675-1215. lWo-hour kayak toun begin 9t 10 a.m. Sundays from Newport Dunes. The cost is $20 for adults and $15 for children. Kayak rentals and classes also are available. (949) 729-1150. Single kayak rent.ala ($10 per hour) and doubles ($16 per hour) are available at Balboa Boat Rentals in the Balboa Fun Zone. (949) 673-7200. Paddle Power also provides done, it had a mirror effect. Looked pretty good." What makes the job fun is also the creativity of many of the boat ownera. Kline says. "I've never come across a repetition in names," he said. "Even if ii is the same name, it's a different spelling.· Among his favorites are Jack. the heart surgeon. who called his boat Jack of Hearts, and the two doctors who owned a boat they called Pair·a -docs. Kline also does lettering for the U.S. Coast Guard and the Newport Beach, Huntington Beach and the state lifeguards. he said. Boat fashions change with time, too, Kline said. Colors that were fashionable 10 years ago are not today. "Gray and burgundy were popular colors in the '80s. • he said. "In the early '90s, the pastels were popular, and now It's black and gold or black and silver or gray.· kayak. surf ski and canoe rentals. (949) 675-1215. The Upper Newport Bay Ecological RaHrw offers Bade. Bay canoe tours departing at 8:30 a.m. Saturdays from Shellmalter Island, which Is off Badt Bay Drive in Newport Beach. (949) 640-6746. Newport Aquatic c.m. offilr9 SWMp rowing (one oar), sculling dasses (two oars) and canoe rentals. Ctasa. run for four weelca and cost $75. Introductory clinics also are available Saturdays and Sundays for $10. (949) 646-n26. Scuba training. conalldltg of six .vening and two weekend day daaaea, are offered at the Aquatic Center. '537 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $200 to $310. The center also offe,. scuba rentalt, special trips, repairs and air fills. (949) 650-6440. CertHlcatlon daaMa for beginning to instructor-level scuba divers are avalJable at Dive-In Scuba, 2482 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa. Other services lndude boat dlartera, equfpment salet, '9ntalt and repairs. (949) 631-9288. Daily A Pilot ConlWM8on NeWI asalltant. (949) 57~298 conl.wl1-ont1Tatl,,,...com ~ 5-n Hiller, Don Lead\ Kent Treptow Box 1680, Cost.a Meu. CA 92626. Copyright No MWI storiea, illustratlone, editorial rNtter or adYeltlwnantl het91n cen be reproduced without written permllek>n of oopyright owner. VOL 97, NO. 115 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publi9her TONYDOOERO Editor JUa1 OETT1NO ~lei~ Promotlone Dirwc:tor \ NewaedltDn Gin• Ale)(•nder. Lori Andenon, baniet Hunt, Paul Seltowit:z. DenieJSwwne NE'MSTAff Crlme o:r CC:::-,...,.,,.,, (M811'7+G21 . d#pa.blllndt...,,,,...oom JuMC....•• Newport a..cft r..,ott.er. llMll~ /UM Cl/IM(lrtllnde•IMl,.,,..,com ...... ,...... Po11tlc:9. builneee end environment ~. (1149) 'J'M..4330 pttUI dintqn.,.,,,,._oom ........ Cofumnilt. ...... ,.,.. ,..,~.,. ... ,,,.,,,.,. DINll ..... coeu Me.~--fH.4221 dlllrdr9.,..,,.,.....,.,. oom Clwl d c..-. Ecb:9tion ,..,..,, ~ J1"'48 dtil#Jnd .,.,. • ....._oom RfADEAS HOTUNE (949) M2..fl086 R9cord YoUt comments about the Deify Piiot or ntWS dl)e. AM-. Our edd,.... i. 330 W, Bay St., Coste MIM, CA 92e27. OMce hoUn "9 ~ frldaov, 1:30 a.m. ·a p.m. ~poUc:y to promptty -.c:t ell trT'Of'9 of autiatanoe. ,..._ tejl IM) 7&M324. "' The~~Meu Deify,.,. (USPS-W.WOOl lt pubH!Nd dee¥· 1n ~ leld'I and<:-.~ ..... lpdoi ..... ., ..... only ............ "' to The ~ 0..,.. eo.wy 4800) ~\.In-.... of • ' ,...._ ... c.. ...... 7W I"' llON tD 9'e Dal; fllloc IQ .,,, o#tbrh ... "*lfot .. per"'°""" ,,,.. lndudt ... .......... end lo-' tw) fl'OSTMASTER: 5-f ~ ~to The Ntwpoft ~Malle Dally Piiot. P!O. HOW TO REACH ~S ~ The Tl"* Orange County (800) 2&2-91'1 Mwww .... C Fall (Mal &42-5878 .,.._, (11491 Mz.4321 ~ ... (Ml)M2..., ..... ,., 174-4223 .......... ,84M170 ...... , .. (Ml)te0-0170 ~ dllHypllof·~ClOm MIMO... I l1R 111 0.. (Ml "2-4321 I at m'-CMIS31-712' f'ubtl9hed by T1mee Commuftfly N9wt. • dl"'-'on of the Lo.~ Tl ..... CQ003 TI"* CN Alt "9t"' NMIWld. THE HARBOR COLUMN Racers can expect quick conditions today. Ahoy. The buzz around the yacht clubs ls that a storm system Is pushing down from the north just in time for the sailing race today. swdls. What race is that1 you ask. The annual Tommy Bahama Newport to Ensenada Yacht I mention seas from the south because there is a chance of a mixed set on Friday with seas from the west and south. The confused seas (confused ls slang for mixed set) MIKE occur when strong WHITEHEAD swell pattern ls corning down from the north at Point Conception and a low pressure system pushing seas up from the south. Race, which begins at noon today just outside Newport Harl>or's entrance and finishes just outside the Port of Ensenada. Mexico. This race is deemed the largest international yacht race in the world, but should I refrain £rom using that designation without proof from every other race in the world, just like saying Newport Harbor is the largest small craft harbor in the world? Who else has more than 9,000 boats, anyway? . That is the topic of one of my future columns. Now back to the race and the weather. I think this race might challenge last year's fast race, as wind conditions are looking favorable. The winds for Friday afternoon are predicted at 15 to 20 knots and will blow 10 to 15 knots that nighL Experienced boaters look north to the conditions at Point Conception to determine what swell panern is heading our way. Point Conception is the where the coastline jogs easterly south of Morro Bay and north of Santa Barbara. Newport is tucked easterly of Point Conception, plus the Cllannel Islands help deOect the swell pattern away £rom our coast. However, the swell pattern flowing south will hit the coast just south of San Diego. Therefore, the swells can be bigger basically from San Diego to Ensenada. except for a small sheltered area behind the Coronado lslands. The racers are charting their courses with the wind conditions in mind, and thanks to the Internet, anyone can access the Ooating weather buoys off the coast to read real-time data. The usual Oow of the coastal swells are from the · west and northwest, which we call "going downhill" when boating. as I have mentioned In many previous columns. Swells from the south are caused by storm systems and hurricanes that would be bad for these racers. placing the seas on their nose (nose ls slang for bow of a boat). When you have the seas on your nose, then you go slower because or more resistance and pounding through the Low pressure systems spin counterclockwise, with rising cooler air that can cause geostrophic winds balanced by the Coriolis force and the pressure gradient forces. Got It? In other words, while watching the conditions to the north. the sailors must also watch the location of the low pressure system, for two reasons: First, you do not want to sail into the middle of the system, as the winds will be light; and ~ond, you want to watch the resulting effects from the counterclockwise rotation. This means that today, there ls a chance the low p~ure system might generate 3-foot seas from the south in addition to the 3· to 6-foot seas coming £rom the west. What I predict at start time Is the winds will blow 5 to 10 knots and growing tha1 afternoon. with 3-foot seas off Newport both from the wesL As the boats get south of Dana Point and leave the protection of Catalina Island, the seas will start inc reasing with the largest seas south of the international border The experienced sailors will calculate whether to sail the Rhumb line or sail out off the coasr outside the Coronado Islands. I would plan to sail one of these two courses once I could actually see the conditions. Remember, the smaller boats must keep safety in mind with respect to the swells. Just because the big boys are heading out to sea does not mean you can follow. Have a safe and fun race. I will be skippering boats north of the border this weekend, so I'm going to miss the pany-eh, I mean, the awards ceremony. Safe voyages. • ~ WKTDiEAD is the Daily Pilot's boating and harbor columni11. Send him your harbor and marln&-related thoughts end story euggestions by .mall to mike bc»thous«v.oom or visit 00.thouUJtv.com. • • • . ...-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~··· ·: SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Uke on Thul"9day night. we can expect continued chances of shower• today, though It'll be very alight. Highs wilt fell thort of 70. low8 will drop In theloww60L Seturdav loob fine eo far, though there wlll still be plenty of c::louda. The IUfl 8hould keep us lust warm enoUgh to hit 70. lnfionMdon: www:nws.noN.flOV BOATING FORECAST TheW91ttfty ~ wtll blow 5to15 ~In the inner ~ wht'l 2·foot....,.. Md • rnix.d toUCh 9wtll of 41-t andWMt ..... of 3 ..... The ume wlll be fOund .,_ ....._ CM faftMr, the "°""'1;; ••• ity--. bloW 11ronger .. 20 to 21 llnael. .W. 2·to ~..,. .... ma.ct .............. .,,, .. .... ........... Of ...... SURF The aouthwest sw.tl contlnuea dropping off today, leaving IOUth-faclng beecMt with waist· to c:hect-hlghs today. The sw.tl drope off completetv on Sundey, rauftlng In tcne.-to w.lat~ tt rNV be.,_'° my high llnd dry. The ,... of the next WMlc appeen jl'8t M bteM, undl the next~..n ..m. IN 1'hund9y. --~ W.W.~OfV TIDES ,.... t.-ota.m. 1:0t p.m. 7M~ 1:27e.tn. l •. •. •. ·: .. . .. . .. .: •. • • • • ~. •, •• :: •• •. •• :· -~~---"-=--------------------- Dady Pilot Friday, Ac>r11 25, 2003 A3 Fair boar<f holcts ground on vendor concerns • @JlU1llT1RAluJJ • Fair board offers to hold swap meet on Mondays during four-week fair, but will not compensate vendors financially. the fair's general manageT. The board examined a variety of concepts and added between. 80 and 90 spots (or vendors LO rotate in and out of during the entire fair run. Although the board has a waiting list of about 30(> vendors who do not partici- pate in the Marketplace, it de· cided to give priority to the 81 Marketplace vendors who ap- plied for the spots. Deirdre Newman Dally Pilot FAIRGROUNDS -Fair board officials on Thursday refused lo give in to the demands of Orange COunty Marketplace vendors who claim they should receive financial compen~tion for the loss of a lucrative swep meet weekend in August. Although '~e 20 vendors at lhe fair board meeting did not speak. Tom Askew, president of Lile vendors' association, ham· m~red away at the board mem- bers, accusing them of not doing enough to alleviate the two-day loi>s he estimates at about $2 million. 'Board member Ruben Smith s<Qd that, although he is sympa· t.hetic to the vendors' plight, the board's hands are tied because ii dc)es not negotiate wiU1 the ven· dors direct.ly. It has already of· fered to include vendor<> at the fair and to work with the ven- dors to consider other options. That's not enough, the ven- dors say. ~we're a little disturbed," said All Pro Remodellng's Ed Sullivan, who expects to lose about $200,000 for the lost weekend of Aug. 2 and 3. The fair ex.panded another weekend to accommodate crowded conditions, Smith Said. While the board would like to help the vendors and maintain a good connection with them, it is inappropriate and Illegal to in- terfere with the relationship with Tel Phil Enterprises, which con- tracts with the vendors, Smith said. When it decided to extend the fair lo include the first weekend of August, the board said lhe ad· dition of a fourth weekend would provide an opportunity to include new commercial ven· dors, said Becky llailey-Pindley, BEST BUYS Many of lhe vendors, though, look upon the idea with disdain. "I don't seU a commodity, I sell wallpaper." Michael Arnell said. "No one go~ to the fair and comes out with rolls of wall- paper." Smith a1so mentioned the possibility of the swap meet tak- mg place on Mondays during the fair since the fair is not open those days. But that did not sit well with many of the vendors, since a lot of them work elsewhere during the week and don't expect their customers 10 show up on Mon· day'>. The vendor~ say t.11ey are nol looking for ra~h compen<>allon. Tum pages at a new bookstore T he flirst Page. a fine children's bookstore. celebrates iLS grand opening from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Storytelling by Steve C (formerly of Radio Disnt!y), face pamting. creative activities and free refreshments make the opening fun for everyone. 1ne First Page GREER WYLDER bridal boutique, shows the modem. stylized and understated designs by Reva Mivasagar from I to 6 p.m. today and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. His ready-10-wear pieces incorporate exquisite detailing. texture and feminme shape:.. Australian-born Rt'va has a retail store in SoHo. New York City. feature'> a first -rate -;election ol literature, includin"t classics and award-winning tit.lee; and authors, ru. weU as lesser-known and hard-to-find books from up-and-corning author., and independent publisher'\. Boo.h art' d1-.played facing our for easy vi(>wing. organiLed by age groups (0 to 14 ). a friendly staff and an invitmg atmosphere ideal for bookJovers. founder Uuisty Coyne and her staff hand-select each book for outstanding 4uali1y. t:un acuvitle~. delightful !>loryteller.; and guest authors are announced in the Firs1 P-dge newslener. Also, t.11e Fir-.t Page Book Oub offers dbcountl> and other benefits. Daily one-hour story times are scheduled from 9:30 to I 0:30 a.m. Mondays, Wednesday!.. Fridays and Saturdays; and from 4 to 5 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. The store u. open from IO a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Priday and from 10 am. IO 5 p.m. Saturday. 270 l:.. 17th St., No. 10. Costa Mesa. (949) 645-KJDS. THIS BOUTIQUE HAS fT The WhJte Dress. a couture where he offers an exclusive d~ib'O service, from custom gowns to ready-to-wear. His fall L003 collect.ion and best-selling de1>ign~ from past collection~ are fl·atured here thb month. 2853 E. Com.t 1 lighway. Corona del ~tar. !~49) 72..1·012 1 YOUVE GOT A FRIEND lake home man':> be~t lriend 1hi!. we<'kt'nd at (,t'rman Shepherd Rel>Cue's adoption event held al PetsMart in Co1ita Me<>a. The organization a~ks for a $200 donation. Go to their informauve Web site al u•w111.gsrescue.org to find our I.lie background of each dog. Open from 11:30 p.rn. to 4:30 p.m Saturday and Sunday. 620 W. 17th St., Costa Me!>a. (949) 764-9280. PlACE FOR PANTS Owner and designer Vicki Peterson has two local shops: the Ouuttel and VJdd Shoppe in Cosra Me:.a and Sommerska (dressmaker in Swedish) on Balboa Island. Peterson has a signature line of novelty rayon print dresses, bias-cut slip dres.ses. skirts, tops and lounge pants -perfect for spring and summer with trims or beaded fringe. Customers go crazy for the vintage l..<.'vis with Swarovski cr)'staJ buuons and capri style Levis wilh rhinestone hems. I lip lines available aho round in l~A. boutiques 111clude Language, And Oike, Pro1cc1 e. I lank, freedom 11. Burning Torch. Jake\, Vclw1 and I uropean Culture. <llantel .md Vicki Shop pt'. ·132 F. 17th Sr .. <.osta Mesa. u. open lrnm 10 a.m 10 6 p.m. Monday IU ~turday. (~1491 646-7506. Somrnerska. 324 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island. is open from 10 a.rn. 10 6 p.rrf. Monday to ~rurday and from IO a.m. 10 5 p.m ~unday. (949) 673-5707. SOMETHING TO WINE ABOUT The new Great Legs Wine, 1'astlng & Boutique speLiali.1e~ in wines from the centrnJ coast of Lalifomia. Santa Cnu. to San1a Rarbara. ant.l ofTeri. ~ .. 1m·c, from other rcgionc;, too. Dail) wme ta..,ung ant.l wim· by the gla.-.s available. ii!> well a.., wmes. gift 11emi.. custom and pre·madt: gift baskets. Best Buys reader!> who menrion rhi'> t.olumn will rt.'t:cive $5 off on any purcha-.e of rerail wine and gifL'>. ·me offer excludes wine l<L'>ling. Open from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday; from 11 am. 10 7 p.rn. Monday 10 Wednesday; and from 11 am to 9 p.m. Thursday 10 Saturday 2901 W. Coa<>I Highway. Sulle 100. Newport Reach. (94~1) 515·8466. •BEST BUYS appears Mondays and Fridays. Contact Greer Wytder at greerwylder a yahoo.com. at 330 W. Bay St .• Costa Mesa, CA 92627, or by fax at !949) 646-4170 FOR THE RECORD Members of the Community Redevelopment Acdon committee would like to see the streetlights on J 9th Street extended to Monrovia Avenue.. The group's.view was • incorrectly reported in Thursday'$ paper. A story tn Thursday's paper on the Newport to F.nsenada race used an incorrect tenn to describe the race course. Rhumb line is the correct tenn for a race course that goes the shortest possible distance from a starting point to the finish line. BOATING SEASON IS HERE! •• •• •mtn• eu .... ,.. •• , ...... ._ All Marine Carburetors Engine TateJ Same Owner Since 1965, 38 Years in Costa Mesa . TBB CARBURE NR SBOP l•C. 2945 Randolph Ave (Bristol & Baker) ·949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 •21f,995 • '" 1111 ... VIN•~ 3&81421 3&873QI 98874~.3681493 38Q~].5 but for relief in rem. •Either get January or Febru- ary rent for free or lprovideJ free admission In August so we have more customers," said Donna, who did not disclose her last name. Stewart Suchman. an attorney for Tel Phil, said the company would like to help the vendors, but needs some guidelines from I.he fair board. WIHolding the swap meet on Mondays) wru. just brought up today and I think there would be a lo t of pperational concerns and hurdles that would. have lo be overcome, but we're happy to lal.k to people and see what we can do to help the situation," Suchman said. Exacerbating the i.ituation i!> the fact thal Tel Phil's least! with the fair board is up on Wednes- day. The board did not award a new five-year lease to the com· pany Thursday because the only other bidder has filed an appeal with the California Department of General Services di<>puting the !>election process. Suchman said. Nn m.ittt>r Whdt you're d<>lli<J. your hometown nevvo;l)dper ~ Daily Pilot CONSIGN • DESIGN Quality Furnishings & Accessories For Your HolrU Small Buffet ............................................................. $ISO- Round Table & 4 Slip-Covered Chairs ................. $296• Pair of Wing Chairs ................................................ $300" J...eather Sofa ............................................................ $357• Tropical Rattan Recliner ........................................ $37? Pair of Leather Chairs ............................................ $4JJ• Sage Green Chenille Sectional ............................... $995• Pair of Down Sofas ................................................ $2000- ( 1111\/S:llllll"lll' \tr <pfrd fl I \pp11tl/lll/c'lll ( 111/y ~ .. 369 E. 17th Street# I 0. Co~ta Mesa, l.<11.atcd IJ<:h1ntl f'lum , l'.1tto• Phone(949)764-1746 Hours \100-Fn IO:OOam-5 lllpm \at llJIWrdlll H.Wlpm '~ .. A stellar dining experience ~' -I iO ( hao. Orangt· ( ounh Hu~in~~' Journal Experie nce a New Culinary Gem Indulge your appetite and awal-.l'n your culinJr\. senses as Executive Chef Azmin Ghahrcman introduce!> the "small plates" conct'pl. that enLOuraqes ~h<1rinq .md ltvel} c_onver-,,ation, every evening to the sQphist1cated palate"> of Southern California Motif delights 'Nith a world of flavor.,,, intriguing dishes and exquisite wine pairings to enhanu" ~our di ninq pleasure Located just off Niguel Road at One Monan .. h Be,H .. h Resort in Dana Point Please call 949.234.3320 to plate ~our reservation_ ~ Home to a certain world M 0 TI F I ocated ;11 The ST. REGIS MONARCH BEACH Dana Point. Caflf11rn1a Call 949.234.3320 www.streglsmb.com ASPFN II« II .., r1 IN I•>'-\Nl,L 11.., MP"' '\Ill H IH. \l II Nt;\o\ Y<lfO, V\A'-.lll:-;1,JciN 1>1 Rl·lllNC; IONIHif' ROM!' "ltANGHAI ~Pm •.•.. \17W.S foctory ,... s 1 000 MltC. •1&.995· .. -VIN•s: JCQ1837 !Ol l M Frway, ~ 25, 2003 RACE -FYI Contilued from Al aod other revelen •turned Papas and Beer into 'Gtrls Cone Wild:• More than 20 years later, It's as lf Schupak were 1n an enlltely different race. •1rs truly a family even~" he said. The essential Ingredient for Scbupak is family. Now married for ejght years and the father of two boys, 5 years and 10 months old, It's no longer about the booze..fueled revelry. Two years ago1 Schupalc. brought his young son along on the race and, once ln Ensenada. enjoyed a ' mellow but memorable dinner get-to- gether with the whole family. •i think It's what you make It.· he said. "The wild parties are probably still there for young people looking for them. But for me, the more time goes on, it's more or a pure sailing event than an excuse to go down there." This year, Schupak will be a crew member on Tom $chock's Schockalulu, a Schock 40, de- signed by its owner. If his crew arrives early enough, he might even jump in the car and head home the same night. Still. in Newpon and in En~e­ nada. today's parties may be a littJe more tame, but just a littJe. •sure. there's plenty of heavy drink.Ing going on,· said Brian Carlson, gene ral manager of the Bahia Corinthian Yarhl Club, OBITUARY Mary Ruth Nicoll Services for Newport Beach resident Mary Ruth Nicoll will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday at Th• Newport to Enun.cfa yacht race starts at noon Th• moat popular spectator spot Is on the bluffs at Corona del Mar State Beach. Staggered starts will take plaee for about two hours. for more fnfotrnatlon, vlalt the Web site oJ the Newport Ocean Salling Assn. at www.nou.org. which hosts the annual pre-race Oesta the night before the race. •sut a lot of skippers and other people who need to be ln good shape to sail often take II easy. They're thinking about the race." The club was expecting about 1,000 people Thursday night for the party it has been hosting for more than a decade. This year's fiesta included a station with te- quila shooters, as weU as booths set op by sponsors Mount Gay Rum. Corona and Rolling Rock. A live band outdoors. a disc jokey indoors and a Mexican buffet also added to the enter- tainment. Of course, the yacht club set likely conduct themi.elves a ll11le differently than the Ensenada crowd Schupak w1tne~ed at work in the late 1980s. •1 think it's what you want it to be," Schupak said. "Depend- ing on where you are in life, you will conduct your~clf accord- ingly." •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (9491 574-4232 or by e-matl at 1une casagrande a lat1mes com . 010rch of Quist, 287 W. Wilson !>t., Costa Me~a. Mr~. Nicoll, wife of former 2 1-year New- port-Mesa Unified School Oi'i- trict Supt: John Nicoll, died Wednesday of a long illnei.i.. She was 82. She is survived by her hu!>band. ~~~'fl ustom Home Loans ·Construction to permanent loan with one qualifying process and one set of closing fees!! Lot cost included. ·Construction loans as low as prime. fixed for up to 12 months. ('till BILL FALLUN 949-252-8200 ·Low rates for purchase. re-fl & no cost equity lines. ·Ground up. rehab & remodel -Primary residence or 2nd home allowed. ·Increase cash flow wrth Interest Only programs. JS Years in Orange County. TH£ LE.'l>f'li GRc ll I'• 38'8 Campu!l Dr •210 Newport Beach CA 92660 1.)11('0) ~ $1 QQq cuslomcf cosh pltr.. S4 500 fCXfory rcbotc couok ~QQ tOlol ~ ot I.ow ""l"""l " tu• ..,,.J 1,...,.,.,.. Nu -111Jy ~· ... l •eqti•ed lon-·~•Ml.I.. ul i..n .. ""rl ""' ""~ n ..... , l ') noo "'"""' ,_ ff"'JI nt 17• ,_ ..,,.i,. tt...r.....tt- TAKE 55 rwY UrT FAIR DR. TO WJOR Ttl*b 18' x 18" ............................ ,'I .... " .......................... U 111t Clrwnic ;Tia, .. .,,. •. ,.,.,,.,.,,..,,..,,,.,..,,.,uuoo,.urn.d!MdtDlll U IQl l.aninatl Y«>od ................................................ l'ldllld m U 111 a bllltr .. 1>111 ~ BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Trailer slows traffic on Coast Highway A uactor-traller overturned at the intersectioa of Coast Highway and Superior Avm.ue on Thursday momlng dump- ing l 7 tons or construction material on the roadway, backing up and slowing down traffic for several hours, offi- cials said. The incident happened at about 7 a.m., when the driver of the uactor trailer tried to make a left rum from Coast Highway to SOperior Avenue. officials said. One lane on Coast Highway and all of nonhbound Superior Avenue were closed for several hours, police said. No one WdS hurt in the inci- dent. 1 Ladera Ranch man charged in car wreck The Orange County district attorney's office <.:harged a SOUND Continued from Al very last seat and not a wavek!ngth beyond. Bea?Jey said. Mlt's like the dilference of a Ooodlisbt versus a spotlight.· Beazley said "F.spetially for ow neighbors, that's important." The sound engineer will meet with the bands In the morning to establish a relationship with them and will also be entruSted with monitoring the sound during the concens, with the authority of '>lopping the music if it gets too loud. PUBLIC SAFETY 28-year·old Los Angeles Sheriff's deputy with gross vehicular manslaughter while lntoxicated ln connec- tion with a Jan. 12 car acct· dent ln Costa Mesa that took hi• beat friend's life. David Robison, 28, of Ran- cho Santa Margarita, died in- stantly after the car Phil SLeyerman • was driving veered off the road and struck a tree aear the inter- section of Newport Boule- vard and lndustrial Way. Steyennan, of Ladera Ranch, Is now on paJd ad-• ministratlve leave. He was ar- raigned Thursday at the Har- bor Justice Center and pleaded not guilty to the charge. The judge decided that he would not have to go to jail provided he artends Al- coholics Anonymous meet· ings and surrenders his driver's license. The judge also ordered th at he be booked by the Costa Mesa Police Department. Officials said that Robison's family has been Hvery active in pushing for (Steyerman'sl prosecution. H POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • w..t Babt StrMt and G,.,,. ~A tra1'flc accident Involving Injuries was reported at 3:31 p.m. Tuesday. • FalrvJew Roed: A hit-and-run was reported in the 2700 bl<><* at 5:36 p.m. Tuesday. • tiarbor Boulevard: Grand theft was reported In the 3300 bl<><* at 7:14 p.m. Tuesday. • Harding Way: Annoying phone calla were reported In the 3000 bl<><* at 1:37 p.m. Tuesday. • M.c:e Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported m the 3100 bl<><* at 8:24 a.m. Tuesday. • South Coast Drive: A burglary was reported in the 900 bl<><* at 3 p.m. Tuesday. • Van Buren Way: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 3100 bl<><* at 1'14 p.m. Tuesday • West 19th Street: Petty The band'> -which mclude big-name acts ti.Ice the Doors - are fully aware of the kinder. gentler sound !>yslem and 86 decibel average target at the top of the grassy area of the amphitheater, said Becky Bailey-Findley, the fair's general manager. There have not been any negative r~pon~ so far. she said. ~£NI TRf PTOI\ DAIL) PllOT The Pacific Amphitheatre at the Orange County Fairgrounds 1s being renovated for its reopening this summer after eight years The fair will not c,ell any lawn tickets and won't U!>C speakers above the top row of ~at5, Bailey-Findley added. The concen tickets wiU include fair admission. and the PRESCHOOL Continued from Al onJy way to gPI to the scent'. amphitheater will be through Official-. m.uJt> ,1 rnn..ciou' the fair, to give a sense of "an dec..,1011 lo rl' npl'n the event within an event.~ ampluthl•dter dunng the lair <,o To enhance the drama of che fairgot.'r" <'1mld ht• the fir'>t to re-opening. staff will create a enioy 11 Bt•<uJt>y <>aid Hollywood-type sign on the hill Mandgl'mt>nl " proud of the lair above the amphitheater. One of board's dl>t:l'olOll to upgrade the buildin~ leading to the most of thr ex1 .. ung amphitheater, which housed the inrrd'>lrudurt' "" It d11.ln'1 have to Creature Featurec; exhibit last start Crom M. rat ch and to use year, will now pre~ent the history mo-.tJy fair l'mployee' 011 the of the Orange County music project. 'Intentional or not, having a playfield that close to the street was a recipe for disaster.' Cindy Soto Mottler of Sierra Soto and lobbyist for safety at chtld care centers munlty OlUrch, which owns the preschool, "had tht' duty" to pro· tect the children. I lawkrn~on could not be reached for <.0mmen1 on Thul'>· day. But 'he ha<t '>aid in the past tJ1at 'ilte ii. saddmed by the law- suit. HThe modcnt liter.illy broke my hean." '>hl '>aid iu an inter- theft was reported In the 700 blodc et 2:49 p.m. Tunday. NEWPORT BEACH • ~Awnue: Petty theft wa. reported In the 400 bl<><* at 12:.20 p.m. Wedn~. • East Balboa Boua.v.nt: A hit·and-run was reported In the 1200 blodt at 11:55 e.m. Wednesday. • Cataline OrMt: Petty theft wu reported In the 300 blodt at 7:26 a.m. Wednesday. • Dove Street: A burglary was reported In th&800 bl<><* at 6:11 a.m. Wednesday. • Irvine Avenue: Petty theft was reporte'd In the 600 blodt at 11:41 a.m. Wednesday. • JamborN Rolld: An auto theft waa reported in the 3300 block al 2:54 p.m. Wednesday. • Port Cardiff Place: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1900 block at 8:51 a.m. Wednesday. • Via Nice: A garage burglary was reported m the 100 bl<><* at 11 08 a m. Wednesday. ·'' ' ' • lherc\ !.omething organk about what we're doing. irultead or Ukc unveiling a new statue," Beazley lHUd. 'lhe relurb1 hed amphitheat~r i.t. expected to be ready to rock and roll m June. me <;p1ffc<l-up look ha!. been lnstrumental m anracting top name aw. to the fair, Beazley sald. Steely Oan is kicking off il!I concert tour 10 promote its new album at the fair. Although officials have no plan., 10 11c;e the amphitheater when the fair is over, they fore1.ee II being used by rnmmumty groups. To that encJ. they mV11ed performing arts ~ruup" m tlie community to forum.t. Jnd workshops lo get tJ1e1r feedback. Bailey-Findley ..aid " Ilic fac.Uty needs 10 be nc'xihlf' enough to handle top quality concens and ballet • pcrfon nances." Bailey-Findley • !.d.Jd "Tho!>e details haven't beeA worketl out yet." During !he fair, free concens wtll be ofTered m the grandstar\d arl'a • DE1ROAE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reamed at (9'19) 574-4221 or bye mail at detrdre.newmanlll'/stimes.com. '>a.Id on l'hursday that !>he has no1hmg personal against Haw- lin'>On. CaJJmg Wednesday's de- n .,1on in her favor a "positive thing.· Soto 'Mlid their lawsuil "make!> a statement.· "lntentional or not. having a playfield that close to the street wa" a recipe for disaster,· sbe '>a.id. H Us pursuing this sends a meMage to other child care and pre.chool centers that they are. re.pons1ble and accountable.· 200 I. One day after that decision, the U.S. PostaJ Service confi.rmed that a mail carrier ran into the school about three years before the murders. The parenL<; con- tended in their lawsuit ti1at the school, at Magnolia Street and Santa Ana Avenue, could have prevented the tragedy had they taken the necessary precaut10ns after that incident. "Had there been an adequate barrier, IAbram.!>I wouldn't even have considered going there.~ she said. "He just saw a 01msy fence and thought to h1mo,clf· '1 ley, my big old Cadillac can get Ul there,'H view two year.. ago. Hawkinson • DEEPA BHARAllf covers pubhc suffered a heart attack dunng the safety and courts She may be Pamela Wiener, Brandon's mother. said on Thursday that the school and lJghthouse Com- SHOP Continued from Al January with longume friend Sieve Honig. who with other friends has been trying LO keep the place up and running. But as lud:: would have it, I lonig came down with an illness early Tuesday and will have to be hospitalized at least for two weeks. So what happens to the American Roadhouse? It's not going down -If Baggett's frie~ can help IL Nick Fainberg says he and his buddies, who've known Bagett for &eYeral years. haw been working shifts to bei> the place aOoat "Wdre about 25 of l1' and we're taking time oft' our jobs to work the shifts here," he &aid. "II sounds Ub a lot of people. but we can use more bands." RUnbarg said be beliews "lMng Mannes" don'l giet the rutentk>n they deserve. "When • Marine ~their famGim With checb and Oowas.. be Ilk!. "But what do \W dO for lhoee who 1~ for those who are stndng1" 8W'tt 1 ln GGdcii Grove. bUt most d hll 6imdi ...., tn Nl!wpc)n· bis mother. Amy Bqgctt. llkl. 'Tm It* lrllattd at What they're~'°' Dol.11. • 11 .ul --rbey jtJlt don' Watrt him to ae this plliciL" ti.ti~ 1 Wiener said the weak fence JUSt made the children ,m Hea.,y' tar- get· for Abrams. FYI Those interested 1n helping out may contact Doug Baggett's friends at 3421 Newport Blvd. or call (949) 673-5135. Store hours are 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. an overdose of pain medication at a hospftal in lraq, Fainbarg said "He's in very serio"' condition." he said "V{(!re hoping and prayblg that he returns safely.· Doug Baggett didn't just hang out with frien~ but was part of a ·secret society" of men who helped each othtr. lbny San Miguel said. D>ug Baggett ~ a big part of the intOrmBI group started by San MJguel simply called Monday N'ight. he &aid The 8'JY5 htmg OU1 and talked about their problems. ·1 want h1m back: he said. "We an m.iahim very mud\." Mrut Hardy said Doug Bapt is • close to his heart." "W?\ie been ecndlng him care pacbgcs. too." he said. •But we're ~ htr'D be beet before the oect pacbgte mlC.bCs him.. AlJnbel8 llSd the fJ1end.j arc · ·~all our money Into the budne-.. "But wtl're runrune OUt d time and~-he liald. •If the buainmii ronl.in&~ co loee ~ wc'ro ~to haVlt to ...... chis plaot doWn ln • • ~-doing~~ they can to make • few~ he laid; ~rc~lhieles paw .. h6 counts.. llld. ·~to helJ> P1Y &flt IOO M!q> lt • • t hildren\ memorial service. reached at 19491574-4226 or by Cmdy Sole>, who is a lobbyist e mail at for i.a.fety al chJJJ care centers, • dtHJp.!.bharath flltimes.oom. • DON wat/DMY flt.OT J Ketsea Bauett hOlds a piCUe of his son. ~.Who was caled • to ~ in Iraq. s.uett left betlind his bUlinels, Nneric.-t : Roech;Use Coffel, In NewpcWt ~ wNth Is .. "" by -: friends in his ebsence. • Dall;Y Piiot I Emulex settles class-action suit News of $39.5-million agreem ent comes as the Costa Mesa co m pany reports breakeven quarter earnings. P.ul Clinton Daily Ptlot COSTA MESA -Data storage company Emulex Q>rp. had a mixed day Thursday, reporting a breakeven quarter to beat Wall Street's expectations by a penny per share. The company also agreed to pay out $39.5 million to settle a class-action lawsuit. The company, based in the city since the early t 970s, said ii was settJlng a shareholder lawsuit filed in 200 I In re- sponse to comments by com- pany executives during a Janu- ary 2001 conference call about earnings. By agreeing to the payout, EmuJex is not acknowledging any wrongdoing, company leaders said. ·w.th these tentative settle- ments, we can put the expense and distraction of this litigation behind us and focus on execut- ing out strategy of delivering innovative products to the mar- ket,• Rockenbach said. ·Emu- lex remains a financially strong company." Th~ company said 32% of the settlemen't would be paid by Its insurance provider; the re- maining $16.7 million was re- corded as an after-tax charge in the earnings. Emulex reported it grew rev- enue in lt1 third quarter 144Jf,, to $79.6 million, compared to the same quarter a year earlier. ·we had the best quarter in the history or the company, .. said Michael Rockenbach. the company's chJef financial offi- cer. ·c1ven the environment we're In, we're executing well as a company.· Emulex Is the top provider of hot bus adapters, sophisticated devices that help companies manage a massive Oow or infor- mation. For I.Pe quarter ending March 31, the company said it lost $248,000, according to gen: eraJJy ~ccepted accounting principles. A year ago, Emulex lost $16.5 million. Earnings came In at 22 cents per share, which were above the 21 -cents-per-share consen- sus of analysts compiled by First Call/Thomson Financial. Residents hope light nieans safety Traffic signal near Sage Hill School is in place. Newport Coast hail s it as a sign of service from the city. June Caaa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACI I -Inex- perienced drivers making a left tum out of Sage Hill School will have a safer path thanks to a traffic signal turned on Tuesday. Ilse $400.000 signal Wlll> m- '-lalled in front of the school on Newport Coas1 Drive near the \..orona del Mar Freeway off- rcllTip just as the young school has ats first ..enior clas..'i. The city paid about 75% of the cost of the signal. with the school paying the difference. Public Works Di- rector Steve Badum said that the '>1gnal was expensive because 11 ~ more complicated than moc;t. The unusual layout of the 1nter-.ection actually required equipment for two different traf- fic lights 10 help drivers exiting the freeway offramp '10 make their way to the school entrance. "It's essentially two signalized intersections," Badum said. "II was a complicated design, and we think it will work very well." Jim McGee, chairman of the Newport Coast Advisory Com- mittee that represents Newport Coast residents to the city. hailed the move as an important step in the relationship between New- port Beach and its newly an- nexed residents -a step above and beyond the city's obligation. The traffic signal was the first public improvement by the city in Newport Coast And it's no- table. he said. that the work was not required by a pre-annexa- tion agreement. "I think it sho~ that they are interested in improving traffic safety in Newport Coast," McGee said. "and it show.. that they're respomive to the con- cerns of the residents.· Newport Coast was annexed to the ci1y in Jant1ary 2002 after many residents agreed that the move could bring services better than the county was providing. the unincorporated area. "We were quite surpri!.ed the county had not required a signal there in the first place." Bad um '>aid. With the yearlong proces!. of planning and in~taJJmg the traf- fic '>ignaJ behind them, city staff are now lookmg toward improv- ing a hazardou'> traffic s ituation near the entrance to the New C..rystaJ C ow Promenade shop- ping cen1er on Coast I hghway. Badum '-<lid thal dnvers who want 10 l:'nter the shopping cen- ter often think they ..ee an drive- way entrance where there isn't one Badum 'wt1d the city 1s worlong with C..altrdn' to install barriers and improve <,1riping there to prevent <my problems before they occur. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS SCHOOLS LIST Aloha Airlines to fly to Kon a from JW A On Thursday, Aloha Al.rimes announced it would begin non· stop Oights from John Wayne Alr- port to Kona. on the l.sJand or Hawaii, begj.nning Ju.ty 2. To introduce the new service, Aloha will offer a $.399 round-trip rare until Ju.ty 31. The fare does not include an $18.50 fuel sur- charge and $10 Sept. 11 security fee. Aloha already runs three daily fights out of Orange County. The airline flies daily to l lonotulu and Maui, as well as Phoenix. ~The popularity of our flights out of John Wayne 10 Honolulu and Maul has prompted us to of- fer daily flights to Kona." said Glenn Zander, Aloha's president and chief executive. Aloha will Oy Boeing 737-700 aircraft on the routes. It will have 12 first-class seats and 112 coach seats. Aloha Right 485, as it will be known, will depart from John Wayne at 8:05 Lm. and arrive at ~ole Kona lnremadonal Air- port al 10:42 a.m. Alght 486 will ~ Kona at 1:40 p.m. and ar- dwt in Orange County at 9:44 p.m. HIGH SCHOOLS Corona del M•r 7-12 2101 Eastbluff Drive. Newport Beach Sharon Fry, (949) 515-6000 Costa Meu 7-, 2 2650 Fairview Road, CoSUJ Mesa Fred Navarro 9-12; John Garcia. 7-8. (714) 424-8700 Eata~9-12 2323 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa Tom Antal, (949) 515-0500 N9wpof't Harbor 9-12 600 Irvine Ave .• Newpon Beacti M ictiael Vossen, (949) YOUTH Continued from Al jobs for about 1.500 young peo- ple. board member Richard Watts said. ·0ur mission is to help young people with everything from building a resum~ lo helping them acquire the necessary kills to secure a job,• be said. OUR TRAINlNG SUCCl!SS HAS B ._._. .. MM Fn FROZEN ROPES TRAINING CENTER i: proud co announce our GRAND OPENING on Saturday, May 3rd from 1 1 am-8pm at o ur lrvinc, CA location. • 'ti • V'uual Trurung • Diamond Sc:rmgth Training '4 (plccb ~tion. md.ing) • Bon\ ro Play Program j. • Sbowtlmit Tn.lnin1 (~Syt olds) ~ (nwntal alUUa) •VIPER (video anafysla) '· • lNtnKdooal MC"mbtr'lhipt • Virtual Pirching Machines t• • lnd;vidual k ~ ltutruetioe (1wutd ttnrah J.: ):: P'ROZKN RO.-K8 TRAINING C•NT•R ~4 19028 MCGAW AVE. IRVINE, CA •' (949) 2!50-1 199 "'' " ' 515-6300 Attemative Education Center S.dr e.y Cont. High School Mom. Vasta High School 390 Monte Vista Ave .. Costa Mesa Diana Carey, (949) 515-6900 Middte Coli.. High School 2701 Fairview Road. Costa Mesa Robert Nanney, (714) 432-5732 ADULT EDUCATION AduhSchool 425 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa Diana Carey, (949) 515-6996 Calderon said the challenge over the last year has been "to stay afloat." "These are tough times.· he said. -We're t.rymg to keep our grass-roots support so we can help the kids get 1otv.. and help build up their self esteem.· • O££PA BHARATH cove~ public safety and courts. She may be reached 8t (949) 574-4226 or bv e-mail 8t d#Hlpll.bharath@lst1mes.com • Privote P1lote1 Studio • SPINNING Theoter· LicenMid •Child Core Som· noon M -f •Ample & Convenient Porking •Yoga, Toi Chi, Stretch cloue1, •Step, Power Pump, Cordio •Shower\, Steom & loweh • Shope-Up SkwCore • Shope·Up Hair Core • Shope·Up Acupuncture/Mono9e 949760-5054 www.shope-up com • www fi~. 2101 East Poc1fic Coast Hwy, Corona 09' MO, CA UC Irvine Baseball UCI vs. Cal State Northridge Tonight, 7:00 p.m. UC lnlM llacNll T-sNrt Night - ... 500 people ht 8aa.dw• will recclwc • fra s9*t. courtesy of ua....,c....... Sa...,, April 16, ........... UCINIM8Mett .. 11191tt -tlle ... SM people • •••••w• • rccdft a , fra, ..... 'ltMdtal COUltaf of ~Comlf..._ Sunday, April 17, 1 :00 p.m. Alll••• Def -el fw Ill ••a 1'aan • .............. ..., ............ ... rtahe ""' ........... ~ .... ,... .. ..., ~ ........ ...... Al S•U,.-. 11 li;r ..,. • .. t•- ........ 'lt•dt .. ......, tet .. ht. Al .................. St. . - I- .. M Friday, April 25, 2003 Daily Pilot FORU HOW 10 GET PU8USHEO -LetWra: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn et the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92827 • Rit• .... Hotln« Cell (949) 642-8086 Fu: Send to (949) $46-4170 ~s.nd to dallypllottllatimH.com •All COIT8SP<>ndence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The ,Pilot reserves the right to edit atl submissions for darfty and length. . ' I I ., 1' MAILBAG Picks for council a slap in residents' faces The number of qualified 'candidates sUbmittin2 their name for consideration in taking Kllren Robinson's position tor the remaining 18 months of her term was quite impressive. Therefore, it is astonishing that npoe with prior experience as a council member Were selected as a finalist -and so the Costa Mesa City Council will continue to be slowed down while the new person learns the ropes. I believe th.is decision-ma1ci.ng process is known as "a slap in the face to the residents of Costa Mesa.• LYNNE COENEN Costa Mesa City Council was right to tum down the noise I agree with City Council's decision on banning outdoor broadcasting by liinity 01.ristian Center. l just hope they don't change their minds; it happens. · Firsdy, it is always great to have the council "just do it'' and make a decision instead of putting things off. Secondly, l don't live near the "Trinity Broadcasting Company," but I feel compassion for its neighbors. So many times we hear about residential and commercial/industrial property problems, but one would rarely think there would be issues like this between a church and its neighbors. Perhaps the real issue hear is that TBN should be in.a commercial/industrial zoned area if they want lo be a production company.· This is probably more suited for a production company like Trinity. With respect to the bus issue, there may be a simple solution, as we have seen in other areas by limiting the height of the vehicle lo 6 feet for specific residential areas. I am sure the people who live in the area could request this of the city of Costa Mesa. I have not met one person who thinks the ~Million Ughts" display is anything but commercial. Bottom line: Cllurches belong in I Karen Robinson, former Costa Mesa mayor, at Fairview Park with her dog TyKo. residential areas. production companies belong in commercial/ industrial areas. LARRY COURTER Costa Mesa shouldn't be considered a church at all. I am sure Quist would not be happy with this type of situation. So I hope that they will be controlled better. PAT MCROBERTS Costa Mesa City Council was on the right side of Trinity decision Trinity should never be able to broadcast outsid~ The City Council's decision on Trinity was correct. . BRENDA CURRIE Newport Beach A ridiculous situation at Trinity Broadcast Network This is about the Trinity Broadcast Network. My whole family and I think that their whole scenario over 1here is ridiculous. And as I understand it. that land was onJy zoned for administration, and that's offices. Their light display is a waste of energy, and that bothered us, as we were having an energy crisis, and that About Trinity broadcasting outside, I think it is terrible. They should not b e allowed to do anything Like that at all, ever. We get too much noise and noise pollution all the time. RICHARD MAY Costa Mesa We know they aren't hurting on Bear Street l may vote to re-elect the City Council. It's about time someone stood up those rowdies over on Bear Street. Relfgious freedom does not imply the right to impose your noise and FILE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT outrageous Lighting system on your neighbors, or anyone else for that matter. Many poor people throughout the nation contribute hard earned money to Trinity for what? To burn up as much candlepower of ridiculous lighting as possible? And what about the salaries of the directors? I'll bet they aren't poverty level. Someone should send an investigative reporter to ferret out the story. lARRYTRACY Costa Mesa Trinity Broadcast Network has done little for neighbors Thank you Costa Mesa City Council for finally sticking it to Trinity Broadcast Network. Th.is supposed "Otristian center~ has been nothing short of a complete nuisance lo city residents. instead of actually contributing anything positive lo our community. they have inftamed neighbors with their persistent noise and selfish ambitions. Also, Councilman Gary Monahan'• comment about Trinity putting Costa Mesa on the map is Jnaccwate: It wu South Coast Plaza that put us on the · map. All Trinity did was invite more reUgious fundamentalists to our city. JAMES GERSHON Costa Mesa City should make sure to enforce .cJecision I am c8lling1lbout the co~cil's decision on Trinity Broadcast Network and I am certainly in favor of that, and hopefully they will be very stringent about enforcing it. Unfortunately, Trinity is getting a very garish appearance and certainly an annoyance to its netgbbors. "MNCY BURGESS Costa Mesa City Council gets support for Trinity vote I agree with Costa Mesa Council decision regarding the Trinity 01.ristian Center. I don't have any particular comments. I just agree. . SUZANNE FORSTER Newport Beach Whiners won in City Council,s Trinity vote Whine, whine, whine ... the squeaky wheel gets the oil, even U everything is working, according to the Costa Mesa City Council. Trinity Broadcast Network can't broadcast outdoors because the sound system's too noisy? No. Because the camera lights are too bright? No. Because some neighbors don't like them? Sounds like it. The Trinity property was develop_ed long before the surrounding homes were built. Tenants change, that's life. Th.inking about traffic? How about South Coast Plaza? Noise? How about the fairgrounds? I've experienced both of these, and none of the complaints against Tunity. Let's rise to the challenge of being neighborly and have our City Council ad~ specific issues, not react to general dissatisfaction. MIKE BARNETT Costa Mesa DON'T MISS THE FUN! N NTH .A NN U Al .. SATURDAY, MAY 10TH 9AM-5PM SOUTH BAYFRONT, BALBOA ISLAND ART, MUSIC, SON & FUN FREE ADMISSION More lnfo@www.balboalsland.com I NhWJ'ORT BEAOt YACHT' a.us , 2000 FIFTY IN F-1vr 2005 Come join us for the Surfrider Foundation Newport Beach Chapter "FIFTY IN FIVE"c Earth Day Event Help the fight for clean water with the Newport Beach Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation on Sunday, April 27, 2003 at 11 :00 A.M. We will line both sides of Pacific Coast Highway near the Santa Ana River holding signs and surfboards that celebrate the message of "Fifty In Five•o. ·so in 5"0 is the chapter's project to reduce pollution at the mouth of the Santa Ana River by 50% in 5 years. The cities of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, The County of Orange and the Regional Water Quality control Board have all express interest in this project. Volunteers will gather at the grassy area nearest the river in West Newport P~rk at 10:30 am. Bring your bodies and boards; we will bring the signs. Come join us for a worthy cause and some fun plus a free chapter t-shirt. The SUtfrider Foundation Is a S01c(3) ~ ~ orptalzadon ded~ to protecting and preserving 1he wortd's oceans, wavei and beaches. The FoundMion has 37,000 members and 67 active chapcen across the Unitad Stam and Puerto Rkx> with affiliates In Australia, EuJOpe, _...,and Brazil. ·suefrider Fmmdadon ~jrftl!POl't a.d C"1ptit .. ---~-~--- • DatlyP1lot . ----------~~~~...---.,...-----_..,._.---~ rrtc:Soy. ~d 25, 2003 A7 ,.,.,, AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN itema to the Dally Piiot 330 W. Bay St, Coste Meta, CA 92627; by fax to (949) fJ46...4170; or by calling (949) 674-41298. Include the time, date and location of the event, a1 well as •contact phone number. A complete llsting is available at www.dsilypllot.com. BEST BET 8:30 to 8 p.m, at Mother'• Ma~et, 226 Ent 17th St., COS1a Meta For ~na. cefl (800) 696-MOMS. a44'~ H •; H t a u r a n t , TOOAY The fifth No MOf9 Homeless P9ts Conference runs through April 27 at the Hilton Costa Mesa. The even~ is presented and sponsored by Best Friends Animal Sanctuary of Utah, the nation's largest no-kill organization. Call (4351 Join N9wport ~ city ........ ltudtnls from Harbor View Elementary School and a state forester for the 13th annual Arbor Day celebration at 10:30 a.m . at Grant Howald Partc at 5th and Iris avenues inCOrona del Mer. For m ore information, call (949) 644-3154. ~~~~-Er.taDI m19G2~~~~~- Last Friday, Satu~unday of the Month. 50;4'5°/o OFF .~2001, ext. 129 for more ipformation. SUNDAY . As part of !I" o~inal program, Sascha. Radetsky of American Ballet Theatre will perform the pas de deux from Hl e CorsaireH at the Barclay Theatre in Irvine. ''fldcets are available only at the Barclay Theatre Box Office for Orange Coast College will stage its fourth annual Fiesta Latina celebration in its Robert B. Moore Theatre of} May • 8 and 9. Fiesta Latina is an OCC dance and cultural heritage outreach to the county's elementary and high schools. The one-hour shows feature dances from - Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, The IChool of biological ICiences st UC1 pt'Meflts ·vlCtlm, Vectors. and Vaccines: The Battle Against Malaria In the 21st CenturC a lecture by Or. Anthony James at 7 · p.m. In the Crystal Cove Auditorium in the Student Center. The event is free and open to the public, but reservations ar., required. For reservations or Information, call (9491 824-7252. · MAY2 The 98COftd annU11l Newport Bead\ Relay For Life, a 24-hour team walking event, hopes to raise money and Increase cancer aWltt'l!lness in the Newport-M esa comm unity. t en-to 15-member teams can register for $150 before April 28. The event begins at 6:30 p.m . at Newport Harbor High School Stad ium and ends the next day at 6:30 p.m. ~r more information, call the American Cancer Society at (9491 567-0634. "We've Raided the Best Closets in Orange County .. " Quality Consignment App arel . CE . ~the style'; Mexico, Puerto Rico and Venezuela. Performances are $18. Call (949) 854-4646 for reservations. at 7:30 p.m. May 8 and at 10 a.m. and noon May 9. There is no charge for admission. Red ca", trucks and motorcycles -uf all years, makes and models .are invited to participate in the fourth annual Strawberry Sunday fµn Fest and Classic Car Show. The show, while spotlighting red cars, Is open to all makes, colors and models. Entry fees are $15 for pre-registration or $20 the day of the event. Red cars can be entered for free. The show runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the 'Automotive Road of Dreams area of the swap meet. Call (714) 966-8422 for more information. The Surfrider Foundation in Newport Beach is hosting a H50 1n Five" Earth Day Event. At 11 a.m., members will line both sides of the PCH on the bridge over the Santa Ana River holding signs with its message to reduce polluuon at the mouth of the Santa Ana River by 50% in five years. Volunteers will meet at tqe grassy area nearest the river in West Newport Park at 10:30 a.m, and will get a special T-shirt for the demonstration. For more information, call (949) 495-7886. Orange Coumy Wild will announce its Passport prize winners at its Earth Day celebration at noon at Upper Newport Bay. To enter, participants are asked to bring their passports, whidi can be obtained at www.orangecountyw1/d.com or •at most local wilderness parks The event will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m . Call (714) 504-9984. Join the Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends on Shellmaker Island for a day of earth-friendly family activities, musical entertainment, water tours. shark-touch tanks and more from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. All activities are free. Call (949) 923-2269 for more information. MONbAY The UC Irvine chancellor's distinguished fellows series presents MArtwork of Keith Piper;· a lecture and exhibition by the internationally known British artist, at 7 p.m. in the Studio Art Complex, Room 160. Best known as a leading figure central to the inception and development of the 1980s British Black Art movement, Piper works in a broad range of media, Including digital technologies. For more information on the free event, call (949) 824-7372. TUESDAY Juli• Sweeney of ·slltllrday Night Live" fame will speak at the 16th annual Circle 1,000 Founders' Brunch from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel m Newport Beadi. Sweeney will share her toudiing, humorous and heartbreaking account of the loss of her brother dnd her incredible survival of cervical cancer. Cost is $150 per person. Page Private School 95 Years of Quality Education Grind Opening & Open House Saturday, April 26, 2003 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony• 12:00 noon With Fonner Mayor Karen Robinson Tour our NEW 20 dassroom building •pc •nd Mac Computrr ,.bs.. ~lr11cr l•b H d S1•1N1flbc •rt U bllllJ *l'l"ff carollmttlt ftt plau 10% "" ~od month '' tuldon tills d•.' onlJ! •Join tlw fun t>"ith "'" •bolr (.,nl~•! •lfors d'Muvrn u1d rrfrnhmral$! •For tbe ldd• lbf'rT will bt' • /•mpln1 trot. down, f11e1 palatiq aad trratJf THESE llEW FABRICS WI LL APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EVEN HUSBAND S. The soft folds of Vpte• window ~now come in tN'tll new flbricJ thlt 1j>pW to Mry'Oflt. eome-~~ , and proceeds benefit the Hoag Cancer Center. Call (949) 574-7204 for more information. ·smart Women Aniah Rich. is a free workshop with complimentary gourmet catered d inner at 6:30 p.m . at the Art Gallery International in Costa Mesa. Limited seating. For more information, call (800) 876-0353 or send e-mail to bob. voorhees@agedwards.com. WEDNESDAY A free seminar and book signing for HA Portrait For HealingH by Aidiard Manley will be held from MAY3 The UC Irvine Arboretum hosts its an nual Spring Perennial Sale. featuring unusual perennials from South Africa and around the globe, from 10 a.m . to 4 p .m . today and trom 11 a.m. to 3 p.m . Sunday at the arboretum . See TOWN. Page AlO @j~ FloraJ & Gifts 50 % OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Or chids Home Decor • Furniture 369 E. 17th St Costa Mesa (Across from Ralph's) M-F 10-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-4 949 642-1844 Let U s Make Quality Prints from You r Digita l Camera The Easy Way! ~impl~· hring u-. \ 1n11 mcJiJ card or \'l'>it u-. onlmL Jr www.calscamcra .com Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10-5 •Sun 1~4 ~ /IJ:S I I I I I I ~, Cft tURftS : VIDfO (949) 646-9583 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa• (949) 646-6745 (Across from Ralphs) 1770 Newport Blvd • Costa Meso Store Hows: Mon.-Sat. 9:00-~:30 www.cahcamerm.com Join th Daily Pilot Relay for Life ;~~FE ~ q,q, Team!! c~"~~· ,,;., <-~ ~~~;.,..., E .,.. ~\.4b~~ ~· ~ L... -.r venc •o d_e-~ ~<>11 ~o~~ Daily Pilot Relay for Life Team 330 W. Bay St. r s You 'II Nc~e~ What: 24 Hou r Team Walking Event When: Friday, May 2 -Saturday, May 3. 2003 6:30 p.m. -6:30 p.m . Where: Newport Harbor High School Why: Because you get a really cool Daily Pilot T-shirt and help raise money a nd have lots of fun as we unite in the fi ght aga inst cancer. Costa Mesa, Ca 92627 I Attn : Promotions Dept. L.:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--' Fill out the registration form ~d clip it out. Mail it to: Daily Pilot, Relay for Life team (see above for address). Or drop it by our offices between 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m., Monday -Friday. For more information, contact Lolita Harper, Daily Pilot Team Captain at (949) 574-4275 or e-mail: lolita.ha.rper@latimes.com. ---- C.l:1Hu'1 Sit I•• s ... Q l D. I I ' I • I I I ' ' ' .., --~ ... -----. ADVERTISEMENT Renaissance at Huntington Terrace, our residents are pampered with all the amenities and services that a luxurious, carefree, resorc-scyle residence can offer. Huntington Terrace 1s a full-service senior apartment communicy with mo nth-to-mo nth rentals, no buy-ins, no hidde n coses. In additio n to independent living, we are proud to offer residents ·~Hemage" our Assisted L1vmg Program. Heritage 1s designed for those who require adJmonal care to m eet their daily living needs. Phooe u~ today to schedule your personal tour and compltmen cary meal or vim u~ o n the Interne t at www.RenaLSSanceSLcom. En1oy Rernement Ltvmg The Renaissance Way! We look forward to speaking with you. ~~SSANCE al HUNTINGTON TERRACE PREM I ER SE N IOR LI VING 18800 FLORIDA S T REET • H UNT INGTO N B EACH, CA 92648 (714) 848-8811 Co111111unlty Features: Tropical Pool/Spa Wellness Center Fitness Center Day Spa (Massage/Facial) Cafe Movie Cinema CompUter Room • ALL LEVELS OF ASSlmD ·~ ... . .. . . · ... t~, . •.(: . ,, ' Silverado: Actively involved in living ' At Silverado, your loved one with Alzheimer's wUl be actively involved in Uving. We feel strongly that our mission is to provide meaning, purpose and q1.1alicy in each of our residents livea. There are many ways that we are able to fulfi\l our mission. We have successfully combined a social mode l of care integrated with • profeSsional nursing·servkes. By including ~ts, plants and children m our commumcy, we have been able to create a home-hlce env1ronmenr. Through our acuvtty programming, which includes one full day each week with a master's level music therapist, we are able to meet the social needs of the folks who he with us. In addition to interactive activities including cooking classes, special entertamment and gardening, our residents enjoy weekly bus trips. We even have a special mens wockshopl We provide on-site, 24-hour licensed nurses, including a full-time RN and arc able to cart for our residents through the progression of their disease. Provision of this level of nursing eare Is unique and has estabhshed Silverado as a standout assisted l1vmg fac1hcy. Please feel free co drop in for a cup of coffee and meet our dog Asher and the rest of the S1lverado family. Call Silvcado a1 (949) 63 1-2212 far more infamv:uion Quality apartment.s for active seniors This newly constructed complex was specifically designed and built for senior living. Hunringron Village does not charg(' any up-front entrance feCb. Living here will free you from the responsibilmes of home ownership allowing you to en1oy your independence and leisure ume. You will be freed from the burden and expense of scheduling repairs and m.imtenance. We handle all of these day to day respons1b1l1t1es. Exrra wide, free flowing corridors eliminate the narrow and closed feeling of a standard hallw~y An intercom to the gated entrance assist~ m your safety and convenience Fire sprinklers, smoke detectors, pagmg and an alarm sy~tcm will enuce you wuh on-going act1vmc~ in the spacious, twO·!>tory, 2,800-square-fom recreation center. The center overlooks a full :.1zc pool and Jacum which arc heated year round for our comfort. A new fr1enJ of yours will he our Ml(.1al • director. She, as well as the rei.t of the staff arc seruitive and understanding. We are here to help make your new residence the place you call home. Acuvmes are organized co enhance your social hfc while you en1oy the companion.ship of other senior residen ts, many who may have backgrounds and mtere!>tS s1m1lar to your own. ()(course, your inde~ndence and privacy will be respected 1f you prefer to socialize with family or fnenc.b in one of the conversauon areas The local neighborhood 1s safe with a mixture of home:., condomm1urru and res1dennal rental prorcrues. Next door 1s a shopping center, market, drug score and many ocher ~rv1ces. Public transportation 1s convemently ava1lahle. Walle-ms throughout the days are always welcome. No appo1ntmenc lS needed. Call ( 714) 840~ 1203 daUy from 9 30 a. m unal 5:30 p.m . or (800) 995-8993, 24-hours dtuly for recorded Tenwl mf onnatton. ALL INCLUSIVI SIRVICIS IN YOUR ONE MONIHLY RAna • 3 MEALS DAILY • EMERGENCY CALL SYSTEM • WEEKLY HOUSEKEEPING • 24-HOUR STAFFING • WEEKLY UNEN SERVICE • ·24-HOUR SECURITY • WEEKLY TOWEL SERVICE • PAID UTIUTIES (except phone) • TRANSPORTATION • CABLE 1V READY • ACTIVmES . (949) 489-3400 600 Camino de los Mares San Clem,nte, CA 92673 Uc# 306001485 ( '~Plat rrlday, 1"'~ 25. 2003 At d'emOiLIVI New retirement ~unity offers ~~'ft·Style liVi[lg 'A Wltl)la. .-. retlremenr coaununjty bUllt ~~In mind, Sin Clt:R\ttite V.11.aS by me . Sia ~vmie:ndy IOcatCd in the~ town of SiiD re, Reaidcnu an enjoy the 9Wllets, -.. .-;11-tiot. ~community is within ~ •kitw:.c to a public golf~~ two :fMjor poc:«y ltOl'CI Ina lnOVlC thcacm. s.n C1emence Vallas provides a calendar filled With c:Ulrunlly enrichine toctal activities, special • even11, pttytl(al fhne11 activities lndudine .wtmmlnl U\ dv beautiful designed pool and J8a.ml md 11tt1 lind c:rafts. A.ddirional feaoucs incl.Ide Wl on"llg:ht movie cinema, rwo ocean viCW ~ roomt, a flmess center and a day spa. Cieated to provide an acave and i.ndepCndcnt l~le. rttldents of San Clemente Villas by the Se• have the oPtion of a studio, one bedroom or tw0 bedioom apartments. All arc spacious and Comfortable. ~~Villas by the Sea is loautJ at 660 dt 1o$ Marts, San Ckmtnu. Call (949) 489·3400 or Wit www.K-Mtlas .com. ADVERTISEMENT Family owned and operated care facility Country C lub ConvakM:ent I losp1tal •~a modem , p n vate, skilled nur..mi:i facility with 54 beds and single nr double occupancy with a bathroom and llhower an every room. Residents enJOY the excellent food, persunal1zc<l care and a high sraff r"tio. Family-owned and operated smce 1973. we provide qual1ry, ho me·lUc.e care w11h dignity and respect. ' · For mort mf orlnanon, call Country Club Cont1alescmt Hospital al ( 71 4) 549-3061 or rn1t wuw seniorhousmg ~l/AD/CuuntryCLubCon\: Costa Neuporte: elegant, peaceful senior living If you kave !>pent t 1me looking for a heauuful and peaceful place for one c 1r · boch of your p.uenl\ w ... pend che1r retaremtnt years, you have probably norn.cd how d ifficult at 1~ ro fmd dccommcx.lanom that meet your expeuauons C'.mta Neuportc! m Coi.ca Mc ... a 1i. ;in eleg.mt senior laving re:.1dence wlrn;h "ill i.urely put your n11nd .u ca.'tt'. The grand entrance lead~ ro a beauuful gre<1c room which opens onro a magnificent courtyard . After enioymg th1.· grounJlt, r('rum to che elegant <lining room for <1 l!Utnptunu' meal. Costa Neupon~ .ii~> offer. trnnsportat111n to med1cc1l Jppomcmentll, ... hopping and banking, .1s wdl a~ lca~urc .1ct1v1t1cf>. Cosca Neuporce 1s h:ated at 2283 Fam•aeu. Rwa, Custa Mesa Far mure mfurmauon. call (949) 646-6 300 To advertise tn the next Senior Uvlng section publtshlng on Frtday, May 23, call Lorraine O'Donnell at (949) 57 4-4245. HUNTINOTON VI LLAOE Quality Apartments For Active Seniors 62+ 1 & 2 Bedrooms Plus I BR ~ Den Units • Next to a s;:c;ing ccntu, marlcu, b and 9941 store • Pool and spa • Rccrcation center • Free Storage • Handicapped uniu • Overall rent includes utili()' fees •Gated • Transponation nearby • Planned Acciviucs • O pen daily/Walk-ins welcome I Pu.AsE c.All FOR MANAGERS SPECIAL AND FREE CAu:NoARI 800-C)<)5-8<)()3 or 714-840-1203 1617f Springdale St, Huntington Beach Ope raced by Sil ver Investments 310-8)8-8900 FAX 310-858-8901 Renaissance at Huntington Terrace Imagine a hfei.tyl1.· "hcr1.· l'\ ery J .1\' leel\ lake a vauuon with pl.urned <1<.tl\ 1t1cl>, hr..1-cl.J~ service to customer., Jel1e 1olli me<1k t·xpanJ1..J ..erv1co for ~<.1dl nt..'eds, prl·venuv'-edu'-.111on and supcrvis1cm anJ an ongoing c11rnm1cmcm to the highest level of c.1rc. At Hunungton Terrace in H unungton Beach , a luxun ous•y appoanceJ re)(>rt-stylc residence where res1dcnr' .are 1.·ncourJg(•d tu m.11ntam J sense of fn.~1.·Jom. Jay' L.Jn he filleJ with '>lx.1al act1 v1t1~ or you c<1n cn111y 4u1er rcl.ucdllon m the privacy you Jc\CrVl' Whether ynu le1~urely stroll the rrnnqu1l g.1rdcn or workout in an clCrob1c::~ cl.i~. l'nJny thl·me p.ime~. entertainment. 11H•\ IC' nr J.11ly cxcrc1-.e prr)ijtmn~. the ch111<.e' are numemu' Prof~1onc1I tramronat111n service' are prov1d«I, so you wall <>.1fely l:'C ch.tutfrun.J to nearby medical appointment,, ,hoprmg traps, rel1g1ow :.erv1ce!> m 111u11on,, ptl'tral services .md other locauom you Je,1re Scenic excursmm are abo offered If a lmlc extra care &\ neeckJ •• 1 fu ll-'><.'rvace Ab.!.1 ted L1vmf.t Pn!J!ram can provide you with the !>Crv1cel! you need. lnd1v1Jually de\&gneJ for those whn m:eJ ..1Jd1t&nn.al <.Jre, tht' J'fC~rdm help\ With J..itl}' neecb, mamt.unmg th1.· rt">1Jcnr\ J1gn1ry Above cill, Huntington Tl·rr;1te promclles cin active ltfel>tyle Rc'IJcnt' rect·1vc ,1 cont1nu1ry ot l.Jre under the gu1Janu: nf their primary care phys1c1an. Renaissancl'. a1 HuntmKf1m T('TTCJCI! 1s h :ated ac 18800 Florula Sr , Hunungum Beach. Call (7(4) 84R-881 I far 1'1111Tt.' mfan11t1wm 0-)UNTRY Q u a G)NVA1 _1~'->CENT fiosPI7/\.L .. /Ne;. .. , Co untry Club Co1H"alescent.) l ospital, Inc .. a 1noden1. prka te, skilled nursing facility is located b ehind the S antaJTna Country C lu.IJ in the ./\fc u·p o rt Beach/Bark Bay a rea f o ur Jni/cs Jro1nJ lo ag ~Jeniorial] fospita_L Presbyte ria n . ~nUJll 5 4 be<lfadlity.fanuly owned and operatPd sirllY! 1973 . Singl.e and double bed occupancy, willl bathroorn and slw""1r in _ (!l,"'l'ry rootn. rlJeautiful surroundings, qui<>t. peat:'t'ful. e~lknt Jood. high staff-ratio. Short and long terrn.s stays. W " a1'f' cornrnitted to pro"idingfine, perttonal t'al"(' witl1 u;annth. digni1y and retJpect in a lwrne-like atnwBplU're. 20..'l62 5anta Ana Avenu santa Ana H lght . 92707 (714) 549-3061 Call for a tour ~nd 1'i8lt U8 on the Wi b al , • 1 s a.-.AJ•I•• s •• s c • .,,. .. Enjoy a Spacious Suite, Sumptuous Dining, Entertainment, Bingo, Crafts, Billiards, Beauty Salon, Transportation to Doctor, Shopping, Fun Trips, Friendly Caring People. • 2283 Fairview at \\'ilson Costa Mesa Minimum age 58 For more information please call: 949/646-6300 or Fax 949/646-7 428 C el ebrating the Human Spirit with Dign ity SILVERADO S E N 0 R l v N G , Assisted Living A Specialty Care Community for individual.s with Memory Impairment, Dementia and Alzhtimers •A secure, enriching community with engaging activities, pets. children and walking gardens • Respite and day services available ··Full-time RN and 24-hour on-site ticcnscd nursing with cxpcrtisc in Alzheimer's ~ Dementia care • Mastc~ level social worker and suppon groups for funilics ~d loved on • HJghly mined profcssion21 and oompa.Wonate Staff •Hospice se.rviets for end-of-life cm • Please call for information or to schedule a tour, we arc available 24 hoursacby 350 Wat &j Snwt <:on. Meu, .Ct 92627 r~ (94!JJ 631-2212 C~fromA7 ElCplltl wUI be eve&leble to ---~Admiaion eoeta $2 for 8dutta. Children younger duln 12 get in for free. For mor. lnformetlon, aend e-mefl to Jdtyonsflud.edtl. •Oteens of Orchld8,. show •nd sale sponsored by the Newport Harbor Orchid Society, will take place today and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Community Center. General adml8'ion la $3, seniors' admission la $2, and parking is free. Call (949) 615-9538 for more Information. MAY4 Thrw young tchol•rshlp winMn will be part of the Califomia Women's ChoruS.: 34th annual · Sd\°'8rahlp BeneUt Concert. The music stud~nts will join female vocalists from throughout California when the 200-voice chorus presents "Surf 'n Sing" at 2 p.m. in the Sutton Pl&QJ Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd. in Newport Beach. Ticbts are $16 in advance and$18 at the door. Call (949) 262-0579 or (714) 840-4568 for tidcets or information. "Happy ~1· from Saint Michael's children's choirs, the Buffets SOU PLANTATION \555 Adams Ave CostaMesa 1714) 5!>6 1903 Chinese •• Cen.lbfm •nd Ser•phim, can be heard at St. Michael and A.II Angela E~ Churdl In Corona del Mar It 6 p.m. For lnformatloo, call (949) 644 0463. "'lbe "-w ........ P.liNiitliitlon by Huw Anwy1, will add,.. what's next, who will be making decisions, and whether demOCTacy will work in Iraq after the war et St. Michael and A.II Angels Episcopal Church in Corona del Mar at 7 p.m . For infot)'natlon, call 1949) 644 0463. MAY6 An lnmuctor from Ule American f.eng Shui Institute will explain how elemental remedies are implemented as elegant acceuoriea that complement your ~r to improve health, relationships and prosperity. Reservations for the 7 p.m. seminar at Visions and Dreams in Costa Mesa ant required: Call 1626) 288-1669 for more Information. A tr.. seminar and door prtns on "Skin Care, Health and Beauty• will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 226 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 695-MOMS. MAY7 A tr.. semln•r •nd book signing of ·stress and Disease• by Herb Indian ROYAL ll.lty8alt 1621 W. Sunftower Ave South Coast Plaza Village <714> <436-1010 Irish ~...urs 2915 Redhlll Ave COsteMesa (714) 957-1951 ::.t-.,MIOCK BAR & 2633 )V. C.oe.t Hwy ~=3 ~ MONAllAN'S 2000 ~rt 81vd Costa MeSa (9-49) 548-0099 Italian .AMEUA'S 3 11 Marine Ave Balboa Island (9491 673-6'580 CARMELO'S 3520 E: Coast Hwy Corona del Mar <9491 675-1922 CAPRl8W 1 6 fl Westdiff Drive Newport Beach <949) 548-4060 FINSAWS 901 South Coast Drive MeUo Potnt. Costa Mesa 1714) 631-3000 M.AMMA GINNS 251 £. Coast Hwy Newport Beach (9.49> 673-9500 MICK'S RISTORANTE 2300 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa C9491 722-7566 MM1'1NO'S 25 t $h4Jyard Way MllWPCMt Beach 148t 621 VIUANOVA 3 t3 1 W. Coast Hwy Newport Beach <949) 642-7880 www vellanovarestaurant.com .Japanese AMACHI 2675 Irvine Ave Costa Mesa (949l 645-5518 KMlllANA 4250 Birch St Newport Beach (9491 955-0822 Mexican MICAM 296 E. f7th St CostaMesa <9<49t 64S·7626 Persian Peruvian Lawis will be held from 8:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother'• Martet. 225 East 17th St, Cocta MeN. For reservatJona, call (800) ~MOMS. MAY13 A he Mmln., on •Mu.dM In Motion• b'{ Judith Todero will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. et Mother's Market. 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservation•. call (800) 69S-MOMS. MAY15 A free ..,nlnar •nd book elgnlng . of "Stop the Ctodc Cooking'" by Cheryl Forberg will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 226 Epst 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-,MOMS. MAY20 A tr.. aemfnar and book signing of "Why the Weight? Dare to be Great!" by author Jean Kruegar will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m . at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 695-MOMS. MAY21 A fnie aemlnar and book signing of "The Digestion ConneC1ion" by Or. Marte Stenglerwill be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p .m . at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. MAY24 A bOok Mgnlng Md penonat appearance by euthor Jamea Baldi for his book '"Prescription for Nutritional Heating" will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Mother's Martet. 225 East 17th St., Costa Meu. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. ONGOING ~ntMr cMwn.,. nMded to help deliver nutrftiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or eldetiV clients incapeble of shopping or codcing for 1hemlelve& through "Mobile Meats:'IPONOred by Rst-Hiarbor Area Inc. aod Hoag Hospitaj. Call 1949) 640-8060 for more Information. Aeglstntlon ls now open for {Unnera end walkets of all ages for the 22nd annual Corona del Mar Scenic SK Race & two-mite Fun Walk on June 7. .: f>re.reglstration fees are $22 for the run.lwalk and $12 for the Dolphin Dash. RegfstratlOn on the day of the race is S30 for the run/walk. Separate races for men and women are limited to 1,500 runners. Call (949) 644-3151 to register. If your orc:hid Is too big for ita pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free ordlid·potting seminar every Saturday at 2 p.m. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m . to 4 p.m. at the ADVERTISEMENT e~E~! NICK'S PIZzA RISTORANTE ITALIANO "A Costa Mesa Tradition Since 1968" 20382 Blrdl St. fecility. C•ll 1949) 766-1211 forlnformadon. ~the MCt9tS of C.tbon Canyon Rei)lonal Park•• you walk through g'°"" of beautiful Coastal RedWood t,... every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking la S4. Call 1714) 996-6262 for more Information. Teem Survtwr, •nonprofit organization encouraging women who heve been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts •walk and Talk" at 10 a.m. the second and foulth Friday of ttie month in front of NIKegodess store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It is free, and all fitness levels are weloome. For more information, call (949) 275-3888. Fof ~ lnfotmatlon. call (71•) 321-75'0. ·n,.~8wihVtrlMIC8ub meet• •t the oomer of Suptttor 1nd~Roedln~ Beedt et 9:15a.m. 8nd 7 p.m. ev81Vd•Y• For more Information, call (949) 660-1332.. The N9wpott 8Mc:tl c.D Decorating Oub meets from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday nights at Superior end Hospital Road In Newport Beach. For more infonnatlon, call (949) 660-1332. The N9wport e.ach City Hall ii displaying watercolor paintings by Juan Casado, Ned Parsons, Raymonq Otis and Jim Teegarden through March 28 at 3300 Newport Blvd. ~r more Information, call (949) 717-3870. Newport Community Coul\Mflng 1 Center offers a way to atop the • The AIM. of Bu.an..~ cycle of domestic violence · hosts r networtclng meeting that through the support group In deals with education connections S.A.F.E. Hands. S.A.F.E. stands for from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the.~ safety, awareness, faith and Tuesday of every month at the empowerment. The group meets Holiday Inn et 3131 Bristol St., Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Costa Mesa. For more Free. For more information, call information. call (949) 805-0011. (949) 721-8079. TMna a,. invtt.d to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The Center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. "Divorce: A New Betlinnlng,• • workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is held from 10 8.m.10 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost is $40. 644-6435. Nick's R1\1e>ranre & P1ucrra has bet:n J Costa Me~J trJdiuon for 1he 1.m 37 years. Conveniendy loc.ucd along Harbor Boulevard, in the H arbor Omer Shopping Ccnrn Nick's invite~ you to rry homemade raviolis. fresh f15h, dcl1ciow fresh steaks. ve.U 'nl.l.TSJl.i .uid m.iny other hJJi.in f.ivomt:s. If you enjoy seafood, be sure nor co pm up the BEST mm'>t'.h in 1own! Make NH.k's a part of your tradition! 2300 Harbor Blvd, Suite K-1 Costa Mesa (949) 722-7566 NICK'S RISTORANTE & PlzzERIA WHY NOT TRY ••• · Bamemade RavlaB's, Pl•ll Fish, Praia Steaks, , ............ ,., BEST MUSSELS II TOWN! ==~ ......... far laa••••' - ~ ::'; A COSTA MESA ~ TRADITION ! ~ • Nick, Li&a and Joey Fodera \(LL NO\f A /111/i11n Cuisilu Twilight Dining on the ~ter \ Entreesfom, $7.95 Served until 6pm (capt~) Hommuuk P11.1111 Frrsh SeafooJ ~al Sped4ltia ( QUOTE OF THE DAY "I k . new 11 was going to be our meet." Abdul Klllyum, Estancia senior Sports Editor Roger Carlson • 19491574-4223 • Spotts Fu: 19491650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS AND GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD CROSSTOWN SPLIT Rojas and Novak record two wins each and Johnston triples in convincing win over Costa Mesa. Steve Vlrc•n Daily Ptlot COSTA MESA -No disrespect to Costa Mesa High, but fa1anc1a senior Abdul k a1yum never wor- ried about whether the Eagles would lose to the vi'>iting Mu\- tangs in the boys tratk and field dual meet Thursday. After all. the Eagle!> \eem 10 be the best team in the Golden WeM League. "I knew ii wa' going to be o ur m eet ,· said Ka1yum. who came from behind to win the 400 ~ meters. "We looked at the team records. They're not really a big challenge for us. We're gt•t- 11ng a lot of C. Mesa 36 points from Estancia 86 different peo- ple this sea- '>On. Jason IJohnsronJ has been '>Coring and Pepptno !Humberto Ro1as) 1s Pep plno." Kaiyum passed Omar Hu IJ' ove">yL-_3..C::..:....:.!UE::;;;a~~liiliL.:~~~=:::i::..t:::~'2.:~~~:.::::~~::..:::~""--_..:_.:_.:__~;;_~u_..,La;,.,:U..,L _ _J the final I 00 meters tu win the 400 m 57.1. while RulJ' came at ross in 57.2. Rojas. who will auempt to break the '>Chool record in the 3,200 (9:261 ~aturday at the Orange County Championships, won the ttOO (1 591 and 1,600 (4:37). Johnston. who has won four events in three duals thi" \eason. won the 300 intermediate hurdles (43.6), the long jump (20-5) and the 110 high hurdles (16.0). He re ceived competilion in the triple jump from his own teannnate. Zack Novak.. a senior who won two events (lriple jump and high jump). F..slancia i.enior Joey Ltndqubt won the shot put (44-2). while Nick. Koreerat won tbe 100 (11.81). Costa Mesa senior 7.ach Powell won a close race against Koreerat in the 200. Powell finished in 23 5. while Koreerat came in at 2J.8. The Mustangs also received vie tories from Marco Hu1pe (3.200) and Luke Sapolu (discus). SEAN Hill ER DA!l t P, ' Estn:ia's Jason Johnston wms the boys 100 meter hurdles Thursday ma Golden West dual meet The Eagle boys won. 86-36 Junior Christine Bjelland triples, to lead the Mustang girls' strong performance. Steve Vlrcen Da1lyP1lot COSTA MFSA -Estancia High hosted the crosstown rivalry track and field meet. but the Costa Mesa girls owned the contest Thursday. The Mustan~ (5-0) remained unde- feated m the Golden West League and won all but one event Their lead was so con- siderable. both teams decided to caJJ off the 1,600 relay. the final event of the da}t The Eagles seemed to have brougt11 out the best of Costa Mesa junior Ouis- tine Bjelland. who won three events, in- cluding the 800 meters (2:34), J ,600 C5:362) and 3,200 (13:39). Her victory in the 1,600 and 3.lOO SCOREBOARD '>eemcd a bit antich- macuc bet·au!>e 11 Q cmne w11hout the much-anocipared i compe11t1011 of l~- 1ancia .,enior Diana Rosete. who was ou1 with a hip injury C. Mesa 99 and tendin1u~ Estancia 23 Rosete might be out for the rest of the season. hstanna Coach Olarlte Appell said, bur the Eagl~ are hopefuJ the seruor could return for the Golden West League finals May 5. Rosete won the Golden Wes1 League cross country tir.Je. yet Bjelland. her best competition, mis.sed most of the season with a hip injury. B1e1Jand displayed the result-. of her comeback with her three victories Thur"- day. though her win in the 3,200 showed her team support She mtentionally tried to fin1'>h in a tie w11l1 two of her team- mat~. fre'>hmen Jasmtn Day and Kyla Flores. Ille tno seemingly fim!>hed at the o;ame tune in 13:39 MircheU saJd winning ha!> been a big reason for the fe\Uve mood among the Mu:.1angs lh1s sea<.on, yet they would be JU.\l ~ pleased with I~ wins becaw.e the Mel>a team has increa-.ed its depth this year. That depth helped ')('ruor Sharon Day, the Orange County-record holder in the high jump (6 feet, 2 inches). compete m just one event "° that she could save her energy for Saturday and the Orange l ounty Oiampionship\. Sharon Day won the lOO (12.81. while her younger sister, lasmm, won the high jump (4-6) Junior Cru.."Cy Brick contin ued to show her v.-eekty progress in the hurdles and field events. She earned a personal record to wm the long 1wnp ! 15-5), while seruor Rhondi Naff won the tnple Jump (32-8Y.) and seruor ToshJa Bryant doubled (200, 400). EYE OPENER • IMily~POOt • Sparw .... flf..e ,,,....._Irr .......... ~28honotft NICK SCHAUMBURG fnday. Apt• 25, 2003 All COUEGE Pt£N'S VOLLEYBALL 'Eaters sweptbY Waves Top-ranked team uses .406 hitting percentage to end UCJ's storybook run. ~WJRU -UC Irvine's mo- mentous '>Cason 111 men's volley- ball ended rather abruptly as wp-rclllked Pepperdme swept the Anteater.. 30-26, 30-20, 30 n. m a )('nufinal of the Moun ta111 Pac1fi<. Sports Federation Oiamp1on!>htp l ournament be- fore 1,507 at Firestone Field- hou* Thur'><lay. Hie Waves (24 -4) advance lo the \fPSF 1 champ1on- '>hip match S<X>REBOMD Saturday, whlle the Anteaters end their season 20 11. -.etung a n~ smgle- seru.on re <.Ord for \1(. tones. un 1un UC Irvine 0 Pepperd1ne 3 1or Jimmy Pel.7..el. a fmt-team All MPSF selection. led all pla)'t!rs with 26 blls and Ky\e We1chan added seven kill!>. The Anteaters htt 198 as a team in the match. while the Waves had a .406 hit- ung percentage David Kniffin. the 'Eaters' ..enior setter, recorded 44 set as- '>lsls and libero Greg Ford added 14 dig~. Sean Rooney led Pep- perdme wllh 21 kills and lohn Mayer had 44 '>el a.&SISLS and 11 digs UU first~year coach lohn Speraw !>aid Pepperdine's strength this season has been a soltd bloddng game. wbich helped the Waves press on to victory. The Waves recorded l I tolal team blocks to UCJ 's four The Anteaters had earned a four-game victory over host Stanford April 19. which put them into the MPSF final The playoff victory was the ftrst in UCI 's history. "That was speoa.I. • Speraw srud. "They knew It was the tint playoff match victory in our his- tory and that was very impor- tant to them: JC BASEBALL COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL :Fullerton hitter cripples OCC Pirates' playoff chances in jeopardy after 5-3 home loss to Hornets. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CX>STA MESA -Each game is a must this time of )ft! and op- portunJdes can come only 10 often for the Orange Coast Col- lege baseball team in its quest to qualify (or the Southern c.al.lfor- nia Regfonal Playoffs. That goal toot • giant step backward Thunday afternoon the Pfratea were defeated in Oranp F.mpJre Coo.ference play by vitldrig FWJerton. 5-3, in the first of a home-and-home two- pmo series that conclude. Sat- ~ at F\allcrto1L 1be Hornets (JS-23~1. 7-13 ln tho OF.Q ewned thelr confer- ence record with Gout (18-18-1 OVWllO and pla)"ld more lib a teun 8ahdnc '°' kl playoff u.e.. ~ dmely contrlbudonl 6'001hittien6-9. ThJrd buenW1 Guy AlcDilder. Putlcrton'I No. i hlu.. went 3 lot• wtth • double, ...... a.ad lWO·nm home nm OM tbe cmtet·Wd 6!nce lri the ..... tnsq whld1 ~to ........... \ ·it was a SCOREBOMD fastball down the middle that I left up there for (Alexan- der),· said OCC starter Fuflerton 6 Kyte Allen. OCC 3 who threw seven in- nings allow- ing five hits and striking out eigbL Alexa.nde.r's home run made ft, 5-2, with Coast tacldng on a run in the bottom of the snentb u shortstop Ben Hanna wa1bd and came around to score on Jeff PialkOWlki 's bloop tingle to fi8bt Oeld. Cleanup batter Ryan Mathes and No. 5 hitter Greg 86- nott each bad aacrUlce 1JO'U'.ld- ouu lo the lrinblg to put Hanna at third. PuOerton rlabt-~ doter James Voome. came on to swt the etahth tnnlna m relief or left. banded awter Scott SarYS and tot his ftfth ave. Suwr men- aged to aet away wfth aUoWtn& only two runt on 10 hits ID M\'el\ b\nJn8I whDe lri1nl out the. occ UnltMd 11 hhi toca&. bu\ left lO men on but. ... In the tint four .._...., The Pint• Uio cnmmiUed·~ emn. two STM McOWI< /0#..Y Pl.OT ft*rton Colege's Buddy Morales (15) sides into second and wraps up OCC's Ben Hanna (2) Rt Tyter Shaffer (9) preventiig a double p&&y. f ulerton was called out for interference on the play. the play. AJex.ander' then aJnglcd In twonms. eoun .eoond ~ 1)lcr Shaffer-~ lbree tiinel and hid "'1 RBI and nm ICond. MAtbel llmcbcl a SUWf curve b&D doWn &be left-field to ptate Sha.le!-In lho ftr1t to p COMl a 1-<> le6d Witt\ runnen at nr. 9ld l«'Ond and one GUI. IMOCC. ..... A12 UC Davis picks Stewart as coach UC Davis lured Gary Stewart as its new mens basketball coach Thursday, which maintains the continuity of the UC lrvtne coaching staff. UCJ associate head coach Todd Lee interviewed for the UC Davis head coaching position last \\ttk. as did Stanford assht- ant coach Eric ReYeno. Stewart served as Director of 8asketbeD Services at UClA after spending the previous thtte years as an as- sistant coach at Washington State. Lee 5aid be ., looldog forwud to nex1 teatOl'l with the Anteallen. This weekend be wiB be OD the re- auiting trail In lAs ~ -~ ........... TENNIS Snyder wins twice at Ojai tournament -.. - S P ORT S Olily Pilot HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD Sea Kings sweep Northwood CORONA DEL MAR -The Corona del Mar High boys track and field team delivered a pow· erful statement with a 78-58 vie· tory over vi~iting Northwood Thursday in a dual meet that fea- tured Pacific Coast League un· beatens. CdM senior Blake Dillion, one of the team's capta.im, stepped up with a personal record in the triple jump. recording a 39-feci, SY>·inch mark that won the event. He also won the long SNYDER Continued from Al 1 pon's Roben Khoury and Spen- cer Reitz advanced 10 the Round or 16 in the boys His. In community coUegt.> divi- sion, Ashley Nelson and Leah Becker of Omnge Coa"it College advanced ln women's Mngles and EDITOR'S NOTE For complete results see Saturday's edition. jump and contributed 10 the 400-meter relay victory. On the girls side, the Sea Kings defeated Northwood, 69-57, as l>Ophomore Melissa Swigen (200, 400) and freshman Anne St. Getne (800, I ,600) doubled and contrib- ured to one relayvictory each. ln the Sea View League. New- doubles in the second round. Nelson defeated lmperiaJ Valley's Sachiko Kataoka, 6·0, 6-1. while Recker topped Mission's Supama Barya. 6-4. 6-l. ln doubles. Nelson-Becker bea1 Cuyamaca's Sunny Silveira dlld Nancy Witherspoon. 6-1, 6-1. while OCC teammat~ Ra- chael Sessum and Sabrina Tana- rnal knocked ofT Imperial Valley's Amanda Godinez and Kataoka. port Harbor's boys and girls reruns suffered losses to Wood- bridge, yet the Sailors managed to collected a record-breaking performance from Allyson Stoltz. Stoltz, who competed in the pole vault for the first time this year, cleared 9 feet to sec a school record. The Newport girls lost. 80-56, while the Sailors' boys squad took a 88-42 loss. Senior Amy Burlingham doubled (200 and 400 meters) for the Newpon girls. 6-l. 6-0. In mens singles act.ion for 0CC Rohen Olu defeated Jay Benitez of Porterville, 6-0. 6-0. in the second round. In doubles. Mike Fulminante and Spencer Solomon advanced to 1oday's Round of 32 with two victories, beating a team from Oiablo Val- ley, 6·2. 6-0. and a tandem from San Bemardrno Vallt'y, 6-3. 6·0. in the Sffond round. SCHEDULE BRIEFLY OCC's Icban, Finaldi set marks •JC TRACI AND PIEl.D: Mi· chelle lcban and Jennifer Ftnaldi each set or ded Orange Empire Conference records jn the first of the two-day conference taclc and field championships Thursday at Santa Ana College. Icban, the defending state champion in the 10.000 meters, broke a record in the race with a 36:28.86, while F'tnaldi and Golden West's Elisa Uana each set the cohference pole vauJ1 re- cord with leaps axer 11 feet, 6 inches. lcban finished in 36:42.42 to win last ~s state dtle while Finaldi jumped ll-6 to earn the state crown a year ago. OCCs Zoila Gomez set the previous best in the 10,000 (37:20.80) in 2000. l.Jwren Cassity woo the high jwnp (4-10) while Hanni Gelder led a quartet of Pirates that placed 1-4 in the heptathlon. Geider amassed 3.SJ9 points fol- lowed by twin sister Jasmine (3,342), Cassity (3,237) and Final· di (3,097). Sandra Montoya fin. ished second to lcban In the 10,000 (39:37.52). aces women lead after the first day with 118 points. River- side and OCC are tied at 54 points for the lead on the mens side. Art Diaz won the l 0,000 (32:39.12) while Keinan Briggs placed second in the long jump (22·8Y.>). Tsai breaks OEC mark •JC SWIMMING: Orange Coast's Sherry Tsai set an Orange Empire Conference re- cord in the women's 50-yard freestyle Thursday in 23.89 in an OEC preliminary heat at Saddleback College. where the OCC women lead the nine- team field after the first day of competition. The OCC men are in second place, behind Gross- mon1. Tsai went on 10 capture the fi. nals in the 50 free (24.28), while the Pirates' 400 medley relay set an OEC record in 4:01.92. Kim- berlee Frith won the 500 free (5:07.03) and Sara Natalizio the I 00 individual medley 11:01 .36) forOCC Matt Henry rouched fir.t in rhe 200 IM (1·59.76) for 1he OCC men, whUe the Pi.rates' 200 free relay won 1n 1:25.73. The OEC Cl>amplbnshJps continue through Saturda~ 'Eaters advance to semis •MEN'S TENNIS: Third- seeded UC Irvine swept pas1 No. 6 seed Utah State, 5-0, In the quarterfinals of the Big West Conference OtamplonshJps at Danville . Thursday. With the victory, UCI will race No. 2 seed UC Santa Barbara in one semi- final at 3 p.m. Friday. The Gau- chos d efeated UC R(ve.rside, 5-0. on Thursday. UCI notched straight-sci wins in singles from No. I Zo- ran Korac, No. 2 Joo P..ndrikat, No. 3 Sean O'Connor. No. 4 Brian Morton and No. 6 Peter Surapol. Coach Steve Oark's Anteaters improved to 12-9 overall this season, while Utah Sr ate fell to 7 -13. Sai I ors sweep Aliso •BOYS VOLLEYBAU.: Senior Mike Toole contributed a m atch-high 14 kills while 6- foot-8 junior teammate Jamie Diefenbach added five kills and two solo blocks in one game Thursday as the Newport Har- bor High boys volleyball team swept host Aliso Niguel. 15·4, 15-8, 15-8, in a Sea View League match. Paul Toman a dded five kills and two solo blocks, junior outi.ide hitter Morgan Govaan chipped in with five kills and Michael McDonald had four kills In his first stint on the front row. CdM beats Laguna •BOYS VOLl.EYMll.: Co· rona del Mar maintained m. hold on the Pacific Coa!ot League lead wllh a 15·13, 15-5. 15-11, victory over vtsiting La· guna Beach Thursday. fhe Sea Kings Cl I· 7, 6-0 in league! were led by 13 ltllls from \l'nior Eric occ Continued from Al l S<uver struck out the next batter and got center 6elder Greg Benoll 10 ground out on a check swing. Jones and lO each from MUea Yourman, Bart Welch and Kevin Welch. Tum Welch tallied elght. Jones, OominJc Rubino and Bart Welch each had eight digs and Jones also contributed four blocb. G~g Gabriel amassed 46 assists against Laguna Beach (4-2 in league). l.oelle spins gem • SOPTBA.LL: Alissa ZoeUe or C9rorra del Mar High tossed a Bve-bJt hwout and went 2 for 3 with one RBt at the plate as the visiting Sea .Kings edged Calvary Oia,:iel. 2-0, in a Pacific Coasr League so(tbaJI game Thursday. Zoelle. who improved to 64 on the mound, singled to left field on a line drive to score Jackie Manning in the top of the sixth to break a scoreless tie. then CdM's Amy Tyson scored on an error. Meaghan Bunney was aJso 2 for 3 for tht' Sea Kings (7-6. 3· 1 in the PCI.). CaJ. vary Olapel feU to 4-12. I ·3. Co- rona del Mar will host Nonh- wood on Tuesday al 3: 15 p.m. Pacific Coast Ll•au• Corona del Mar 2, Calvery Chapel 0 CdM &coo: btJrn1n!• 2 & 2 Calvary ooo ooo o -o 5 1 Zoelle end Tyson; Wilt. Dugan 161 and M errell. W -Zoelle. 6-4 L -Wilt, 3 4. 28 -8unney (CdM). Sherman Jeads CdM •GOLF: Corona del Mar's Nick Shennan contjnued his hot streak with a l -under· par 34 with two birdies Thursday as the Sea Kings beat University. 187-209. in a Pacific Coast l eaguc boys ~olf ma1ch al the par-35 Newport Beach Country Oub. Alex Oiikovani (36), Brad Oiamberhn (37), Rob Ury (38) and Ben Tilscn (42) scored for CdM·(I0-4. 7-1 in league). base~. But Coas1 would gee no closer, a~ Sarver fielded a come· backer lo the mound to force thtrd ba'>eman Ouis Bullock at home and Mathe~ then hit a buUet 'l topped by Alexander. who touched the third-ba~e bag for the final our of the inmn~. ~y 8ednunton Comniun•tv COiiege • San Otogo C1ry 81 O<ange Coast 7 pm 8aMbel Soltbeft College Notre O.me de Namur et ll&ngu11rd 12 15 pm Tesoro et hU!noa J p m ~ College men -UC Irvona vs UC Santa Barbara on sem1tinals of B•g 'll\le$t Champt0nsh1ps 1n O/Jnvolle, 3 p.m Venguard at Golden St•to Altllelic Conterence Ct\ampt001hl0$ 111 Point Loma. IOa m High school boys;. Newport H11bor vs Leguna Beac:h et Sant• Barbara Tournameot 1 p m • Corona del Mer vs Ventura. at Santa Barbara Tournament. 11 11 rn . Costa• Mesa at Orange 3 15 pm w.Ufpolo Coosts b«s. dlal'lCl? to tnaJc open the ~ came in the fourth inni~ ~ S'laffl'f smgted ~ -with one out -to left field to plate ~­ nated hitter Mah Ham\. who sin- gled twice in fiw aJ-ooL-. Illar ~ ~a2·1 lead <>ranee Empire ConferMCe Fullerton 5. OCC 3 Sco 00 ni1 by tnnin<ls Coltogo -c.I State Nonhndge at UC lrvtne. 7 p m Hogh llChool -Coron. de4 Mar '1 Lagun11 Seadl, J 15 pm ~11 HMt>of at IMoo. 3· 15 p 1n., Ocean If_ at CostJI MeN, J· tsp m . Emnc:ie IJt Wwtmmstllf. J 15 pm ( High school -Coct11 Mou at Arroyo Tournament. Estaneta at Westmm5tc>r. 315 pm SWimmtng Community COiiege men and women Orange Coast 01 Orange EmtMre Conf8f'enat Champ1onshtpS. 9 a m H<gl\ lld>ool bo'f\11 and gu1s - ( Community collf)Qa men end women -Orange Coast et Ota• Valley lennts Tourn•m•nt. all dey lndc end fie6d College mon and women Community OQllege men and women -Oninge Coalt Ill Orange Empore Conferonce Own~ It S8r1ta 1'rc, 1 pm ~ Community i;ollege men Orange Cont vs l A Piere• on tlate sem11tnals at Long Beach Cny, 5'.30p m Cot!eo-womeo-UC trv1,.. V$ S... 0.ego State at MPSF Champ>0Mh1pe et Stanford, 11 15 a no Stanley then reached ba~e when the Fullerton right fielder dropped the baJI to load the Full b?O ,00 ~ ~ I occ 100 010 010 • l 11 3 • Sarver. Voorhees (8) and Morales. Allen, Murdy (8) and Grant, H1dts 181 W Sarver, 5·5 L Allen, 6 4 S - Voorhees. 5 28 -Mathes (OCCI. Alelfander (F) HR Alelf1nder (F) 2640 I Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Lepl Motlca 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices ADYB11SUl8l1 fOl leS Subject to t.ond1lt0n\ prescnbed br the un der s1an~<I. "ea led bid\ for a Lump Suno Con tr •cl '' e mvlled IOf the lollowmc Worlt. GOmCHAUI PLAZA MEDICAL CfNTH 2nd noo• IUILO-OUl r•OJlCT NO. 994157 UNIVERSITY or CAllFORNIA, IRVI~ COUNTY OF ORANG£ CALIFORNIA ,.OJICT DfSCatPTION1 The proiect ,.,.11 build out appro•1m1lely 2.000 5Quare fut of shell 'P•ce ind renovate 1pprox1male tr 4,500 ~qu11e IHI ol occupied 'P•t.t lo creeh • 01•belic/Vascular Sutt• edjacenl to an o•llnc Corpor•I• Hutti! Suite The new suite wlll be comprised of e proce dufe fOOm. a llHdm•" room, five t um rooms • physle:•I therepy room, two olfltu, • lollet room, ind • reception aru/off1C• The utthnc Corl>Of•tt Heallll Suite will bf> fKOf'lftCUfM to provlcte a ahered wallln1 room, sh1ttd cle1n and soiled uhhty room1. • llwtd clasitoom, and llddttlon1I office s~c• Servkei lo bt plov!Md by • multldtsci,>llnety tum In Iha new suite Include cerdtolo17, endoctlMloty, ca1dlo \'l'ICUlar &llflt<)', Ht r.ular surcwy. 0$llltMI moton. podi•lty, nurs Ins. nulrtllon eourlM11nt. end dlabelH mene1e mcnl co11n>41lln1 TIMI work 1lso lncludn upcr•d• of Ill• Ootlttll•lh Plat• II•• tlatm •t•l•m lllla ATID COM ITHl (ftON <on. 1475,000.00 ..... , ""'-1'44ton _... .... -·,... ...... ,'""'_ .. .... '""•• .......... .. -v ............... .. -· flddll!J Oot.u1M11t1 will k •v•lt•blt to 8ldd1rs on fllDAY, Al'a ts, ~. 11d wil be llMled •t OCSICN ' CON• S TRUCTION SUVICCS, URl\'ef ilJ of Calt,Offlll, ltvlne, ~l CallfMnll Avenue..:. Suitt 2~0. loiM, \;II 91197 24W, ( .. ,) 114 .. lO. .... U..1('4t)ll4-IU1 Cit•"• fi>f • -"' uf ll '" w•ll Ila ttQUlf H IA thll afl'tOlllll of eoo .... t .. lllllllnt OocuMtfth Ch«hs ••~ lo M made P•yeblt to 111<! Rec•nh nt the Un111er,.1ly ut Cal1f0fnre • Sealed Bid~ will not be occepled after 2100 r.M., MONDAY, MAY 12. 2oos. Bod Secunty on 01e amount ot 10'1. ol the t.Jmp Sum Base Bod f •cludon& 11terniot e~ "'""" .ictompany nth 81d lhe Surety '"u1n1 lh11 81d Bond shell ~. on the B•d Deadline. •n admitted surely 11'surrr (as defined rn the Cahfornoa Code of Cm l Procedure Section 995 120) J, m•ndatory Pre Bod Conlerence and m•,.d• tory Pre Bid Job Walh win be conducted on MONDAY MAY OS, 2001, be11nn1nt promptly •I t.00 A.M. Perhclp•nh shall mHt •• Unl~au1ty of Ceh forn11, lrvtne, Golhcheltl Medical Plue. I Med1ut Plaza Ot 1v1. 2nd Floor. Conferenc e Roofll. (8ulldin1 •820 on Cam,,.n M.p). Irvine CaltlOfnl• 92697. (949> 824 6'30 ATilNDAMCI Al THE Pll0 llD COttflRIN<l AN D ,.OJICT SIU YIStt IS MMOATOllY JOI AU PISMI COM· l'UCTOIS. THI a1n- nt0 WfU ClOSI AT •.OS .._._ tMY COM- TaACfOIS AUJVING Al1U THIS TUii W9U NOT IC IUOtlU TO ,AttTIC•An IM THI ltO ,.OCHS AS A NIMI (CHflllACTotl. 011ly bllldtn who p•UctpaC. in both Ille l'rt 814 Conltt9llce incl the 1'1of9cl &lie wist! In tlffrlr tntnty, will .,. allowed to bkl on Ille l'roj9tl at ptlm. con h ac;ton f 01 h1fltlt1 lnfOfrn•tion, '°'11.acl UCI Contf1c;h 0.pttl~nt within O.&fan a Cor1 1truclton Servlcn loomy Ncvyea at (9'9) 124 471S fhe l llCUHfol liddtt tnd Ila :lubcontrecton will be requhd lo follow Ille nondtuttmln•llOn requw~I Ht l0ttll II\ tht ·~ C*u tn•nlt .,,, to P•r j)(tValllr'll W .. t•1ft It Ille locttioft .t *119 Wwlt The II( rt ,.., llddtt •ill be t•qillrH to h.tw the followlfll ' Slllle el Cahfomta Conlr11Cl61°" hu'*I tllrttfll 1f ltM IHM ot t~ of U.81d UClltll OA.u.ncAno. Gentttal Bu1ldln& (;onlr ac tm UCINHCOOl B Ottwtr ,,._..ct Srclflo1 lldder Ouollflcotlons col .... fOf to ... •'4· Mltte4 ., "-•• l.f4 tndlt4o, ...,., .... -· _ ..... 1i-, lllftlt•d ,., l Th~ Con Ir actor ih•ll have befn on bu•oneu u11de1 lht unwo n•rne ind C•hfm n1a Contrite tor \ l1ten~e 101 • mm1muin nf 5 conhnu ous yurs p1lor lo lhe bid open1n1 dale IOf th11 Pn>fKI The Ileen•• ul4d lo uittsfy lh•s rl!qoue meot sllall be of the ume lyp<e u1qu11f!d by the rontr1ct 2 The Con11acto1 shtll prov1dl! • rn1n1mum of J r efet ~nos for pr otec. b sim1l•1 1n scope •nd stze to thll Pro1ecl. wl11d1 han bun ,uccentully completed In lhe pa\f l ruo THE RCGCHTS or IHl UNIVERSITY Of' CAll fOffNIA Aprlf, 2003 Publl•h•d Ntwpor l Be•cll Cost• Mesa 011ty Pilot April :?!>, May 2. 2003 f336 Publ1e llearlncs will bt held by 111• CMt• Meu Plannlnt Comm1n1on at City H•ll. 77 Fair Or1ve. COst1 Mesa. Cahl0tn1a. •I 6·30 p M • M u M>On •• pou1bte llMtrHltet on Mo .. 4oy, Moy II, 2003. ,. .. ,dint 111• followint IPPhUtlOn' l Pl•nnlna Appllcatlon PA·OJ 02 IOf Oartt W•llltt, •ulll«a.ttd tpnt I« Jolln Mo"'*'· '°' • ttloc•lton l*mtt/m.t tw plan/mlllOt t1t1.i,n re vltw lo rtplau one of fCH>t exit.tint rHldtnllat ctwdJ"I unlta will! tlwl two at or f 'Huacrott Ho41a.: end to divide the l>fOl>illl)' Into llWM 1o111, wllll urlancn from open &pll<:e reqllwfll'ltllh (40'1 required: J4 to 36" pr°"°'fd), patklnl tM!W•nwnls (l4 ..,acn nqulttd, 10 \PICH Pfot>eMd), mll'l11n11m IOI '"' (12 000 sq It tocp11,t4. >.CJOJ, 3 .610. ' 4,., sq It P'~). ohlcl• llatlo. oul ra q11lta111ant1 (25' r•• QVltM, 1•' P'OflOHd), ·-••tlMt(k , ... ~. !Ml11 (10' rt•ed. 7 INVllO'IH). ••111 '""I ftOllttp rt41»1Fe1Mnt Ind •cfmlfllllr•lrlll Id 11ttt111ent. from f10111 1ttttac• 1tq11lro1M11t1 (70' req111r1d, 11 ~· fll IHlf •"tf ltfe ( selb•ch requuemenlS ( '> r•QUlfecl J Int ptopo\tdl •nd • lOn d1honal u~e permit to allow 'h•ted P•rt.mll b•tween the propoHd lots lntated Al !>48 BHnard '" •n R? MO zont ( n•11onmf'11l.tl d1t•1mmatoon uempt 2 Tt1nl•hvt Parcel M•p PM 02 25& l u1 ffobert Sund•trom 1u thoroied •i•" I lot John Duston to subd••lde an •~''""' 1nd11str1o11I bu1ld1n1 into two 1n dustr 1el condormnoum units. located at 380 Chnlon StrNI on •n Ml' zone E nvlronment.I dete1nlln•toon uempt J Adoption uf the Crt r ot Cosli1 Meu loul lmplemtnl•llon Plen (LIP) 1nd Cenet•I Plen Amendment GP 03 01 of th• City Council o t the City of Co\ta Mf\I to 1nc0fpo11I• nPw General Plan ob,....t1ns m tht L•nd Use .. nd Con"r olton (l<!lmenb of the 2000 Generel Pl1n re lated lo waler quehty •nd ton,.U'f•l1on a\ recommended by lhe 2002 Update of the N1llon•I Pollutant 011 chars• f.hmm•loon Sys tem (NPOCS) Tht llP prov1dft 1u1danu fOf compl11nca with fllf>O{ S permit requiremenb Envlfonmenltl O.lerm1 n1llo11 eaempl If "n' of tht pt eud1n1 edkK'll IH Chafl4n&ed in court. lht ch•Uente may be kmlltd lo only lho111 ,.",.' sori;eone rel1u at the public h1ar1111 dt«t1Mcl In th11 notic• or In wtlttitn co.re 1.P0114«1<• tlel!vetff lo Iha Piftllrtitlt CommtHlon 111, Of prlof to. tht public htttlnt f ex ftKlhtf inlOfma tlon on Ill• 11100 1P9loc1t10nt, t•i.pMne Ot4) 154 5145 • ., ,.. o.t th4t ollka of tilt Plan ntn1 01v1~11. Room 200, n FM Onv., CoJta ,.._.,CallfOfnll rut1ll,h1d Newpor I Bea<:h C-O~t• Mew Ollfy r11o1At>Jll2S, 2ClOJ rJll --am• fOIOWl&IOf Mil OIDB TO SltOW CMISI fOI OWl&IOflUlf CASI MJllll: l2116SS TO All UHEACS1£0 PCASONS I Pd1t1nner Y•hll f ah1m Abttr r "'""' end Ad.ini I •l11m, and Y 1h1a r ah1m •n<I Abee1 r ah1m on behalf uf Ad•m r ahim • minor hied a Pttol1on wolh llli. <our I fOf • deer er 1 h~n1t1n1 n1met '' lo1tow1 Yehl• H F•h•m to lohn Kepp ... Abfff f •ll•m to Amy hppt.r Ad11n1 r •h•m to Adam Keppler 2 ltt£ COUffT OROCRS 111•1 all person\ inter estlHI 111 this rmittw \!\al appear btfOfe lhll tourt al the hearlna mdrc1ted below lo show cause 1f any why lhe pet1hon l0t cha111• of na-t.hould not be 11ranled NOllCt OF HEARING Osle 6/3/03 ltrna 2 00 pml>ept l73 The addf"n of the cotKI 1s ume •i noted above 3 A CoOY ol lhl\ Ordef to Show cau" shall ti. publlr.hed at lent once u ch w .. 11 tor four SUCCIHIV. w.-s prlOt In lh• date \tt I« h11aron1 on llM petition In lhfl lollowln1 newi. ptjHH of ttn.,•I CtrCU latlOll, f>f lnted In th" county Nawpott 8t.w:h/ Cost• MeJa 011ty Pilot. , 330 W 8•t. Costa Meu. , CA9'617 o ....... 14 200) 1KJtAao o. ruzu. SL, JUOOl Of fNI SUf'lllOI couet Pvbll&flell Nt,.port Buch Ca.te Mesa 01Uy Pilot Af>•41 11. 25, Ma1 2. 9 2003 f301 ' Olly l'llot i!!ii •• __ .... ____ .. iiiiii.L., liiiii .... ~--·~~-i;;i; ,..... 2MO ......... -........... -llllllalrll -....... .. '-.... Friday, ¥125, 2003 All -Ill caUM ':I .. COUit ... COlllOf .......... ~ IOnalOCBJOIS(f ...,,Of,.. -l.1111 ..... .. """ .... .. ~ P1I"' ~ ._..._. ~~!"tot":::= msau ce1um : A HEARING on 11e Of OIMCI .,~"~:=.: .. :: • -~on ~. (Sea.61t1-41111.U.) art•<OSTA 1BA Y NENA ~"Ill be held on l4lCllylrtw., Co41lfl• Ave""" ,.,Gt* ..., •. MO.J. 0t H Nok e ts,,., • ., 11111111 OltOINANCC OJ.J •• ,. ... ~NO ..... 1_ 05122J03~ l T3el ~ WI °"'fa,CAt2161, l,.,, 500 Aflt9l1u Ave . -ft h PO~ltk thefe to c.teditor• of Hie Wlthlll ~'*luted to be 111 1118 ...-- -· -II -....J........ Coro11a Oel Mer CA e ., • on .,.. tolkl•1na natMCt Mfleth) 11\.ol • 1.,u and affect JO 4art To el ,_... 34 THE CfTV DRIVE "-'-' 92625 ltem1 bu• uile is •bout to i.. trom lh adoption on ......... er-.... SOVTH, ORANGE. CA PfllllOl<fMWlcm. llaln• II. Wllltams 1 M<nor Dfflsn ltev .. w "'a de on peruiul AcN•I 21. 2003, •M wn w•IOlll• cr.dilon, 8jii 92913 •ul --WAUOf ftultff ol llle WoNlam• lA 02 9!> lot Jamn property heteanatlet adopted., tM f=<:r --"O 11-'I IF YOU 08.JECT IO tlie -·---Tr t l..IW\ •~ II'· "" ltoblnaon. 1utllorlud clnail>e4 re>U c .. vote ( ..-. be ~ ~ ol .. pRllOn, Oll510f8 *°'CUP-cc:~~.'d.1··.:.~ CA •1•nt tor Ando and The nam. •I'd ~ auaeas. AYISc , ....... ..... " -· " ~ _.... -,_,..__ ""' ....... ....... ·~ ~·· ...... .. ... ........ c. ... . llolf'I of NEAIA and llftll )'Ill' ....., ,,_ (rte p Wllllami c:onstructiOn of • 1,393 tntend•d aeller 11 ltOHo .___ M-~ Ot file wrtaen Of!IAm Trustee of th• Wltll•m• •ll ti 111c:ond lloor HOlUNCSWORTH GAl UNf1"-. A PETITION FOR With ht c:our1 ODflJO~'~fOI family fruit A, 500 addition lo • ~nc .. · LERICS. INC . 906 W Oflt>IHANCF 03 3. re PROeATE hat been the~ Y0411 -" -An(ehtl Orin, C0tona family rnidence with an 17th. ~at• Meu, CA tatdlf>I a "1• '4)Klflc ..... ..... Mid by MANIZ>iEH AOPUf"lf1Ce may be WI ~Of-del Mar, CA 926~ tHmpllon fiom patliln& 92627 floor NII tabo and M1e ... ...... YOMTOUBIAN tn tile l*100 or by your CASfllllla:Ht17'6 [lie p Wllllarna 1equ11emenh (two Ol"n The name and busi· t.ptctflc ra"dentia l Sl.C)lf1ot COutt ol attorney "" TrvstAt of th• Wilharns perliln1 '9K~ requtred, nesa addtus ol th• den,lty tor the 1901 Th9 followin1 '*''°"' caktomll. County ol IF YOU AAE A IO All INT(RESTEO Trust, !>00 Ans•llll on• ulstan& and 'lf1 by mtended buyer~ CLIFF Newpo1t Pl.aze Project in are dolnC busin.u H . ORANGE CAEOITOA or a PERSONS: O.i c d 1 M 20' 1•ra1e lntu1or JONES •nd BAXTER the Plann.d Onelop Bit Bad 811t. Unl<mltad, THE PETITION FOR oontltlgef1t a tdttOr ol lhe I Petitioner. OAWN CA ~2!1 orona • •• · dlmensaons r•qulud; l6' SAUCI[ R. 4844 I 49 mtnl Commerci.tl (POC) 428 Mornina Canyon TE <llONMO, """'must I""' CU.RRAH·TUBB ON BE This business II con by lit utstln1), located North •2E. Opelousas, i on• Road, Cofona o.i MM, PR08A requetta ~t )IOlll claim~ ltle ~ HALF or CtfRISTOf'HCR ducted by· a &1neral at 444 Coste Meu LA 70570. IHE fULl TlXT ot th• CA 92625 MANIZ>1006E>i and -·• a tvv.u to ..... JACOB CRAPSON, A pertn•nhlp Street 1n an Rl zone The p<operty that 11 ordinance m•• be rHd KimberlH E Or ... e. YOMT IAN be "---.-r """ MINOR lll•d a petltio" E t I ' 428 Morn1n1 Canyon • .........._. aa -~1 per900aJ reptesenlallYe itl'I th 1 H•v• y11u started do•na nvlronm<1n a detetm1 pert1rienl hereto 11 In the City Ct..11'\ Office, R d "·· "-M .....-....... .....,__ appojnled by trJe _.., w " court o< • bustneu yet? Yn, Oct. n1tl0n: uempt des«1bed 1n e~n•nl u 17 f aw O.tve, Costa oa • ..... ona .,.f • • ~we lo Within lout...--;:::: decree chan11ne names I, 1997 2 Minor Condltaonel material•. supphu, Meu CA!l262!> edminllW h Mlite ol """"'"' ""'" n follows; CHRISTO ErlcP.Wtlllim' IJw Permit lA·03·21 lot ma<'h•nery, parh , JWlfOl<fl, Tom W•tnl, 26 .,.dleedtnf lhl dalt OI tnl tUuanCe PHElt JACOB CftAPSON Tllls atat....,•nt was l!u O.velo!unant Ctoup, a411ipmant and Inventory 0......, (lty a.ti North.,n Pine loop, THC:PETl'T10Nt9QOHtt ol ~as pn>Yldedln lo CHRlSTOPHEft JAC08 fli.d with tlM County auJhorlz•d a1iint for and ts louted 906 W P11bllshed lhwport AAM>Vltjo,CA92656 S. dlcldenl'a Wiii Ind ~~hec: ~ CURRAN Clenl ot <Kant• County ltlcll Col•mah/Com111on· J7tb. Costa Mesa, CA Beach·Co,I• Meu Diiiy Tlli$ lwslftns is con c:odlc:6. " trf( be -'V 2 lHE COl.IRT OROElls e>n 04/0a/OJ •••ltll P1rt'*"'· llC, to 92621. Piiot Apnl 2!1, 2003 f332 ductad by: CO-p.tr'lnw• ~ IO probate ClaJmt ...,,. not e...,.,-e that •II pettons int.,. 200u940122 operate rrench bistro Th• bu,eneu na me ft...ollol_.... Ha,,. JOU s.wtad doN1a Thi will Ind any codlolt befiote lounnonlll6 lrom •sled in lhts mall1< shall Dally Pilot Apr II, IS. "Chat Hoir" af1w 1 H)O uMtd by the sellff at ,__ busHMU yttl No .,. avllllble IOI IN hUnno dalft rl04lced •Pt>eat bef0te tllts court 25 Ma 2 200 p .rn wath alc:ohohc said locat10n ta HOH ... s.._. KlmWIM £.Of-"• tlllllnrlWbon ill tne ~le lboYe al the hortna 1ndlc.at1d ' Y ' 3 fl92 beo,.1u and 11we INGSWOfHH CAl.l[RllS, The followinc person• Tom Wetzel 11.eplEbyETltlleT~'*"-• YOUMAYEXAMINEltle below to sl'low caus. 1f ent•rlaonment (no INC. we doin• buune:... H Thts si..t-nt was THE l'I ""'""'·......--~ flit ~ecll by ltle court H •nY why the petition for S....... danc1n1). toc:ated at 6SS Said bulk sale shall M Thi Maor•ld Corpoohon, hied with the County IUlhOntY IO ldn'Wllllef 'PJ lie I per.an ch.tnae of nn1e should U • ttfU.lf "'1ton Boulenrd 1n •TC con,ummated on Of 2n 2 Alicia P•rkway Cletk of Or~ County t1ie ..U. ~ the lfl1'W9Cltd ill the etQ!e, not be &r•nled. ..---~... zone [nw1tonrnenlal alt~ Ma)' ll. 2001 al Suite 611 Mass10n Vie"', on04/ll/U3 ikidepeodlll )OU rllly lile Wlltl ltle NO TICE Or H(ARING ,_ -deletmlt\llion uempt the off1cM of Sunbelt CA 92692 1 .,.. MOU940609 AdrnriA'llion ~ Eaiatet court I ~I IOr Cate. 6/3/03 Time 2 oP Thi follow11111 person 3 Planned Sl1n1n1 8w.1neu Broilers at 111 D...,o Plu\. IM !CA) Cally Piiot ~ 18, 25, Ad ~ auth:>l1ty Wiii Speaat Noooe llotm DE· pm Dept l13 hu abandoned the UH Proerarn 1.A 03 26 l0t P•ctl1ca Su ate 2~0. 23052 Ahcia Pukway, May 2. 9, 2003 rll!> allow lhl ~toflal ls.4· oi Ille Mino ol an The addrns ol the court of the r1etttaous Busi Karl Streuu Bnweries. wv1ne, Californaa 92618 Surt• 611 Mouaon V••"". ...-__ ~ repreMtUll\le to take irvemoty and a~I 15 ume n noted abOve ness Narn• CIS Net author11ed •1•nl for Thrs bulk ule 15 sub .. ct CA 92691 "' ,__ marry actiOnS WltllOUI 01 PState asse~OI Of any l A ~o>py of lh1s Ordet works. Inc SOI St Kevon P H•uber/Arnrl 10 Sect10n 6106 2 of Ille Thi\ bu\one'' ,, con ... se...t otJtallW1g OOUlt llPll'"O'laJ f)l't:toOl'I or .lC«lu"1 as lo Show cause )hall be Andrew\ Rd ~ewporl OnoiOpment Cornp•nv, C•hlorn11 Comme"••I dutled by 1 cu<porallOn The tollowine penons Before taking cettaon P'OlnOf() an DrObare publ"h•d •I tent once Beach CA 9266 l to allow l bu•ldlnc s1en• Co6e Claims of any H••• you \latl•d dQ•nc ere dolns bu.,neu ;n Wll'f important 3<:100$ :QOP Sect•'lf' 1250 A each weei. l<ir lour lh• f"t•llOu• l!u\lnu• le>< Ille Kati Slrau'>s creditor of u1d seller buson""• yell Ve . I I/ rt.. UPS Store l 39!16, nowever !he per'IOn.JI Rflq ~! tw S!Jf'<.tai SUl'"'S••• we&s p<IOr nam;o rtfured In •l><1ve tlrewery reslau••nt. may be hied with •.aid Ol/?002 18.lS -.."'J>Of"t Blvd, Ste repesetUllve Wll llf' Nott p f!)frr1 15 av.i~~ Iv lhe dalo ut lot •H filed 111 Ora1>ae located iii 901 A South buyer at lhe addreu \et Dutro Piu• Inc AI09, Cost.a Mesa. CA required to oove no11c:e l•J Ir JO l'w> 1.0Ur1 Jeni hunne on lhe IH!llllOn Caunty nn 2 2? U2, rH [ Coast 01111e m a PDC fortti above for buyer, R•lnl Con,.let l r O 92627 tnterested penons AtlOlrV>y Iv PPM~ ~nap~;• 0:0~~~~~!, ~:~ NO 200~9ll96 l une (nvaronmenl•I Attrnt1on C.lalf Jnuu This sl•l~notul '"'' Phollrp R c:u,tavson. IJt1leSS ltl8V Ila~ ~rve<I MORRISON NORAH M ldtoun. pi~nled in this CIS Nrtwork• Int determ1natoo11 eumpt lhe la\I day l0t ltllnt filed w•lh lhl' C.<1unl~ I l32 St Vincent Place. nolloe or consented IO 8134() WARNER AVE tounty Dail• Polo! (CA). ~I Sr Andrews 4 M1110t Oesaa:n Revi.w cl••ms " May 12, 2003, Cler._ ol Or•nK• County Santa Atta, CA 9270!> lt1e proposed 3CllOt1) •103 Dote: -''I i 1 lOOS "d Newr;ort 11,., h, C.A /A OJ J5 lor 8r0t Mon which '' lhe last bu\I un 04/0?/0l Sara J Gustavson, ......... ......... n.. follow'lft& ---,,,. doifll b..u-s ••. h9'-fOW'ln&. 220 w .. rwnt llf. C:O.ll ...... CAm2'6 (lltlly .... co-. Z20 w• f"orut llf , Cost.I Meu,CA92S2S Joe K9'1'1 C-. 220 W•e f«•st ltd . CostA lllllM,CAmM Tim bonlMsa ta c;on duct.d by· e Pl*•I partneohip Ha~e )OU llartlcf dolna bUSlneu y•t1 No JoelteathC- T'lls 1tat•-nl ., .. filed with the County Cten. of Orence County 01104/lS/03 2001H409U Deily Pilot ~ 18, 2!>, . May 2, 9, 2003 rl26 ,..... ..... ... s..... . TIMI folio•in1 119rs.ons we dolot bllS!n•n .. tldor SuCJ90f1 Ser v1ee1 '1:977 Teawoof P'l.tc:I, Costa Mffl. CA 92626 Judith S Dahle, '1971 T.-wood P!Ka. Co\ta Mesa. CA 92626 Catherine 8 acus 90 I Atbof C.-de. LeVetne. CA 917!>0 Thts busineu os eon cklcted by •n un111Cor porated association other Ulan • pwtnersllap .._.,,. you started "°'"I bu•.neu yeH Ho Jud1U. S Dahle Th1\ i.l•temenl wa-.. lated #rth lh• County Clerk ol Or1n1e l'ounty on 04/08/0l ~940129 Oa1ly Piiot A.,, 11 18 25 May 2, 2003 r 2119 -Adlllm ..... ......... The 1,,.........ldet t FOUNTAIN VALLEY 9266l btr& Architect, •uthn "''' day oelt>te lhe 200J6939S2S 1112 SI Vlnc:ent Place, _.,..,. 1 CA'J:!70R ' ltlCHAltD 0 . fRAZH, Tho~ bu\lnf\s I' con tltod a~ent le>< lames/ ron•umrnat1on dale Daily Pilot Apr 4 . II, S•nbAna.CA9'2J05 The lollowona p.,r~ns admlrntrabOn auf!lOl•ly 04 741,3 04 ;>..-oJ Sit.. JUDGI Of THI ducted by a to1 tKlr alulll Monttd f el ton lor a 188 "I>'" ol1ed Above l8, l!> """J r 276 This bus•nus 1• 'on ire do•ne bu'!ness •• wtll be granreo untes, 3n 0:.0~1 01 SU,111101 COUltT GIS N•t ,q II n•ond story So tar ._ ~ known 10 '"" dueled b" husba~d ~and Me1talech Motnufactu1on1 inleotSted Pl!f1IQl1 t~M CNS.S27006I Publ1\hed Nowe>or l wor.,•. In•. Phil l1m"M>n 1dd1t1on lo 11 ""RI• ,,.,d intended buyerC•I RdftiMllnMess wilt r & Machonone. 920 N tn ~ fO lhf> NE~T BEACH COSTA Be .. ~h Cu,111 Me•a Dot•ly Ch1et (UL Olllt., lan11ly rnodento and an ,41d •ntend~d \eller u~•d .._ <~ H••e you started doon~ Poinsettia Street. Sanh pet1110na!ldSl'IOwligood ME.SADAll.YPllOT Pilot o\e>f11 l5. M•t ?, 9, lh1\ •l•lrm~nl """ uenopllon from mono lht lot1ow1na add•l1un•I --busoneu yeP v.,~ Ana ,CA91701 16 ?OOJ r:111 hied .. ,,.., the County mum l•H•11e width bu'lnes'\ nam•< •l'ld lht frolluw•n2 pe .. On\ Octobef I 2003 Met•lech ln1oneeron1 Cl~ok ol O .. nae l.uunly rr11u1remen11 120 1t •ddr~•u' wolh1n lhe Alt dome bu•.one1' n Philhp R Custaw~n fcA~a;~·~1';;~7~sell~~ 02"00°"3,1,1. OO~OJ quu ed 18 • "'''"11 three y-.o" P••I Nunt lh• Ho.ward (.l)mpany Thi) •letemrnt wn Santa Ana CA 97701 • "' loc•led at 251 Brent Oaled Aprol 21 2()(l"I I 2CilOI ~ W Blflh SI filed with tne County Oa1I• Point Apr Ill '}'> "V')d 1n .,, RI ton~ /$/JOHN f . NOUN, •216 Ntwp•HI Bta<.h Tho~ bu\lnt\\ 1\ co>n ' LA 9l660 Cltffl. of O"n&e County d t db -----May '} 9 IOOi f.llf> fnvwun..,.nlal determ1 J Att-y f.,.luyer 11'1bttt > Howard on04080l uce • a corpontoon -=====--=-==---------:=-! n•.looMn e•tOmpt R BPubl1~htd MNt •Po"'' 20101 <. W Rlf<tl !>I 200UUOIJa bu~;;,~o~:,':--~ed\ do<o6~ ri .. c .. 'our •d 1od1t}! 1949> Ml-.!\678 _ ~ tnor •~•&n 01~w ••~" -<'\la t'A 11ty ll6 Oaoly Pok>! A.,, 11. 18 NOTICE OF OSflS/03 11 1 JOPM an /A OJ 36 lor Len B•lo• 1 "•lol Aput r, 200.l • N .. •IX>ft Buch ~ M.ty l, 200.l F29!> 01 2002 PETTTIONTO "-" L·T3 loca ...... ~ "'eyer •ull•o111td ~aent CN<; Sl888'; rJjq I A9?660 Me1talot<ll ln111ncet1n1 ..,.,.._ _, •• f Ml d Mr o -----lh•\ I>' 111t\\ o\ con & Manuf•ctunn& Int ADMINlSTER 341 Tl1E CfTY DA/\IE s;utl•na:.:; 1 ,,;,, •11 fiditi.st.illlu du<1rd1>1 •n ond••,du•i ~..... Mel~P .. ao,C£0 ESTATE OF: ORANGE CA 92863 fl d 1 dd ' .,___ c.......___. H••• rou ~!•<ltd ""•na ie-se...t lh1~ statement wn HARMON WESTON IF YOU OeJECT IO -'"'0" s ory • ·r "" --bu\•n"• 1•1• tr\ •-·11 If ... d .... 1~ C t ol u.., tu • ~·n&I• family ''" lht 1011.,,.,,,1 P~•·•Q'" l~/l • .....,. lht loltow1ne person• '"" """ •·• oon Y CASE NO. A21n43 ~ .... tne peUilOn. ckn•e locatrd 11 JifJI arr d<.oon• bu\o'•t\• ., L art dome busmtu u Clerk ,,1 Oranee County ......... ......... ........... ... s........ Jhe •oliowlna .,.,.o,.. .,. do1nc binlnau "' Camp Vll'lll Mu:slc, 140 Woodunt lMO. AAao l/11j0. CA 92656 Matthew Chultt lrn.,dan, 140 Wood crest LaM, Aliso v ..... CA92666 This b~ rs '°" ducted by M individual Haw yo.. •tar1od do4ns bu"'nos~ y.tf Vn. 4/2JJI O? Matt[-Laafl Tttn •tate,,..nt wn filed wrth the Covnty Clarll of O.anae Covnty on04/08/0J 70016'40146 Oa1ly P1tot AcN 11 II 2!t May 2 2003 F 290 Th~ tollow1n1 po1son' ate ooine bus1neu n Source One SUpe>ly, 2020 r ullerton Unrt •10. Cost. Mn e CA92621 lh1t>wl Roeherd Stuart Ill 2020 f Ulltfton Unit 110 Cost• Mua CA 9?621 Tiu• bu)lnH• •• con due led by an 1ndiv1du.I Have you \tarted do"'C bu"""'' yet> No Robert Ricllard Stuer! Ill Tiii\ sl•tement WA\ l1led •<11' th• Count1 Cl•• k ol Or •nt• County on OC 01 1>1 200S69H2ta Oerly P•tol A.,, 4, II, 18 ~ }()OJ F26C To aQ ~ ~ ... ,,,.,,.,~a11te "-I Pt 'I ~ "t.•r• How••d l el1ul•1 l•c~an•e I""'""" on04 II OJ -_,_,. _......_. .,.. ...... •C• '" '" " • , Cl S•• •I~•~ b) • .. • .,..,..., ... .........__. ~·--.. --or Ilene~ er~. .,.,,.., and ~le ....... ton [ ' I Ill•\ \IAltn1tnl WI\ Bot•• •wtnut •103 200SH405'1 -~ regirdng ... -·.,. f.--' nv1ronmen ~ Global lo&lithuu\r I •• " con~I Cted1oB and oc,eaior. or hie ~ dclern>on•llOo eaempl c • , llltd "'"' tht l.oun1, Wutmmslrr CahlOfn>• Oa1ly Potot ,,.,, 18 25 ,,,, follow1n1 -'°"' VXX >I. or ~ l)e($OnS wno may OllfeO!OtW Wl1t1 1t1e OOUJ1 ti •ny ol the p<ued•nll tc.bal l ·11M1>ouse "'" ll~rk ••• O••nce County 92683 M.ty 2. 9 2003 r 311 are do•na but.a~• n ~ ti> ~ .. ,... ~ be lf'llerMled before tte ht'llY'lg Y0411 act"'"' au challenaed on ;•c~\ SI ~~ag~k O•~ "" 04 08 Ol HPTV INC 1CAJ 1049!1 c...-_ ~ 0 Acceu The [di• bl nW*1Q ~ IUTI d I " lrre Wiii or ~tai. OI appearance may be an court th• ~h•ilenee rnay ''0 ••JO 200S6•40IJ9 Bolu Avenue •IOJ .__ Tht Lele• S.min•t. 616 ~ ~) _, aondli"-_!! oc.tt. ol HAAMQN P9'10tl or t1y ~ I 111 t1rr11t•d to unly th,"e \trv•n Dw•yne l•~ O••ly Pilot ~r 11 18 Wu lmanster C•hlOfnoa ... S...... Suwoew l a,,e Cot.la _, ._. "' ·--· iNESTON ·~ '''ue• on '"""'" co""' b-rm•n SI f.r•••!ol O•• ,., M•y 'l /001 r?96 92683 r Me•• CA 9?6~ Ir-.. ltw9cr\ • ...,.., • OC"TjTIQN FOA IF OU •""E Ato'o V••t" CA '!:?b'>b he lolk>w1n1 i>e•\On• Teri Rotch•· 616 •-• .--,. ro;. • "" A I \pondtnce dellwered 1 ~ £ n....:.i_ .._......_ lh1s busoneu IS con a• d n b ' .,.. ~ In Md ..-.1 CREOOOA >•ndy u11t<y.in~ Sunu ~-• <" ll usant\S n vitw Lant (o•I• ... _., ·--.-~ PA06ATE !las Deel'> or a th• /onm11 Adm1n1slr•l••t l b 'JI C du<led by • corpont•on Srtltts Unhmated N•w ..__ ldlollnlm.fll'Yo~ .. !'...,""JERRY F ~---.......,....., ~•u•lo,lhr•boue dat· iettm•n UHl•to "-S...... H•wt•ou•1--eddo1n• B /H CA92626 tlllmled .. DleddTl\llt, I ''CV VJ --..... ·~ ... _,,"' u"' ~· • • r O•k. All\o V•et<> (A • ' • -' • porl u ch ullton1ton Th b lllllmmd CRAIG Ill tne ~ deceas.d, 'PJ rnusi hie F11r further inform•llon '.ll6S6 lh~ lutluwonii peno1u bu••nn•tePNo Beach Acrncy, 881 •\ u"ness 1• con ..... ctwv-Coun ol C&llfomaa, you< dawn Wl1tl lf'oo OOUl1 on the above appflld lh•• bu•on~'' 1~ , on ar• du•nc bu"""" n HPTV Inc l om l re Oour Driwe Suite J.40 dueled by an ondov•duel lfld ~ d h Cou11ty0l ORANGE and mai a OOf1V to the loon, letrphr•nt 17141 duded tiv hu,balld .,1d I '·~l•lo llns1co V~ f Prnodent Newpor 1 Beach c A Have you •tarted "°*"I T~ lfld d .. ..._ THE PETITION FOA petM>na1 ~ 7!>4 '>745 or •"'' llo• .,,1• r nHI H1thwav Cnto,,• Thll •tat~menl wn 9266.3 bu"nus Y•l' Ho or.-d by Md o.d d I PROB.AT~ '""'-ts "''I ...........__. .... -coun Ollll• or lhe Pl'"""'~ 0•1 MM CA 9262!> llled With the Count• Mar• Motcdon1id )"' Tero Rotthw TNll, ~ ~148106 " ~~ ""' ~-v1 u.., • H••• 1•111 \t,1rl~d 1"1112 1 ' ' <' lhos st•l•rnenl •u • RICHARD 8 wtlhn lour monttw lrorTI D1v1\1on R1,.,m 200 11 L·•~onns vet> No N1lool•r Muh•mm•d. Clerk of Orene• County C1ystat Avenue Balboa ~__, ~I ASHWORTH be h dale of hnt "'9Ual10li fair l"lr1v<' l.o\1.t Me\a Sandy [ Sunu l" !100 Aorw•y Aw• c;ost• on 03/ll/03 Island, CA 92662 filed ••th lht County • .., .......,_ ~ penonaJ ol leftlrs U pt'Oll\ded ill Cahlo1n1• bt<man M.,, l A 926/6 200S49S6•S2 I This busontu is wn Clarlt. ot Onnc• Cou1>ty :::::...: n:::;:, ,epresenta.:: to Proo.• COde teCllOt'I Pubt \hf"d N•wpu1 t lh•s \lilement ,.. Ah rl f •r•1T••nd1 3100 Oe1ly P1tol o\e>f II 18, ducted by an on6'widual ;~~~~7 ID ... Tlw a.-...y ~the eslate ol 9100 T~ time lot fillrlg 1!0<11 (o•I• Mna Oa1t1 hied w•th lhf" !.oun!1 ~;.,"otA :~~I\ Costa ?!>.May 2. 2003 rJ04 H•n you s~ted dc•ma Oa1ly P•tot A.,, 18 25 ~ .....,. v"' ~• Ciaims Mii not el!plfe P1lol Ai>r•l l'J 2003 1134 flt•~ uf °'"nit vunly " I ~ ...._ t186u\1nns yel Yt' 12 9 Mi•? g 2001 018 '1WOf __.ID""' .... lw'I THE DCTfT"""'' .._.__ ..__--.. lrom 1 ,,0 04 'll 0, I01\ b11\1r1e" '' con I • ... •• -...., -.... re:• rvo• ~ ._..,.. '"'" .,...,N,. .,__,__ • ' I 1191~ ,.._t .~ :..:.:: alJ!roOn!y to admorliS~ 0.... heamg Gate noac:ed ~~ 200UUl712 ..iu• ltd bt huwand and ... S..... Mary M•~donald --------- -.. ..., _, ...... ,...., ....__ "---•~ o 1 p 1 I A , .. M ""• • lh1~ statement wo ..____..._ Dledd 1\9~ v"' .,.,,_U.• ~ tne .....,...., --;."g'1r,'~r 'f1-:t. Ha•<'r<•U l•teddoon& Thtlolk>w1neper\On\ f1ltd ,.1111 lhe C.ounly ...._ ~Ind dllheNd ID lroe(let'°"lt YOU MAY EXAMINE lt1e Th~ 1 .. 11owm1 1>9non• ___ _ __ 0.,,11,~~• yel' Ye·. 4 4 ••• doonr t>us1ntss as Clcrlo 01 Oranae Count, ... S..... ... Uiidlif11U18' I ...-i ~Of Estales Iii& kecJC t1y lt1e oourt If a1e dv·n& bu\lnen .. ~ ..u.u ()3 !Thomu arid Cyntt11a on 04 11 '03 T~ lollow•n• WM>n• ~ d ~ 11111 Ad (Tlltl. aU!tlotlty '#Ill 'fOA.J ~ a petlOtl l evtn 2689 Pala Meu "-"''"' 11, M-Ohemmid 08Ai Joytrtn Unhm1t.d. 200S6940600 d<l • ~· Dlnw1d tar S., Ind I .l~ lte l)ef'S()llal ll'1leresled 11 hi 9'Sla• Ct• Co\la Mh• CA S....... '" \l•l<'ml!nl w•\ I '!.',~?.~nCV•,:•k.lnCa • c;_~91el Oeoly P110. I Aft< 18 ~.I fr~"~;" ,:l~~~ssl~ ...-i Ncilce d 0.... represeniarrv-IO taMt yo.I may Ille W'1'I the 9"16U lht tu '""nl Ptf\un~ foltd w•lh lhr C.ounly .., ~ ~io "' "'" May 2, 9 2003 rJI) Feder at Ave • Co•te lflda.c.an1DSIA. lha "1a"'r actJOf\s 'MlflOul a>lll I ~ for N •lhVI•~ A dte" .,, "-'•na bu.in<'••" 1..1.,,, ul Oranee Counlr Tliomn fa~y 2C271 ~ CA'n6l7 wdliligl8' ~ lllld tJOt.UW'() court aoproval $oeall Nollol (form DE R••hou!Mtl l:?C w .. ,, Oo"• H Ahn I JO E ,,, 04 '08 OJ C•lalun• C"''"' Mouaon IOTD Of AlftJCAJIOITO 1 • p NcD d 0.... lr'ld Belote lall.ng oe<1.1Jn 154) ol !hit filing r;J an S•mm<in• Ave Ana1'1!•m 17th Sr Un•! H (u\U 200'6•401J7 v .. io. CA 92691 ...,1 11,_.,. F ;r I• :r u I 9IO Bldlort tg 511 tg bl W!<'f ~ llldlOt"ll ~and ~ CA9?ll02 Mna CA926U O••ly "'"'' Af>r II 18 (ynttu• fetsey 24271 _,__llYBMilS ~r~m;, Cosl• l9CCldld In ....... -. ~ ""' ~ r:Je&tntUMtaOfolNry Neil Al•" Wr11ht 41!>8 1 l1tl•lr.1nce\Aweloorn • M•y7 2003 f2')4 Catalune Cwcle M•UK>n O.tf ... \ Id Th -·• esef\13~ w.11 De ~or .a:ounl as l .,w,,.Awe CyDten CA 4025 It C•ll~ ~unvu ----v,.io CA92691 n IS bus.neu rs con ....,. .. ,....~. repr ..........._. -p ......... 90610 l a0unaWood~ f"AC:-2651 fidillM..... Thrs busrneu os con -'-f2t,mJ ducted by •n and!•~ loc:-a lr'ld -lwl ~90 to give noto8 to .-~-•• ,.,.,.._ • Havr ov stwted ....._ ... ~ ,_I enteresled ~ COde Secttorl 1250 A Broan "'--"" Talbert rh .. bu\1ne" .. "'" ... s..... dueled by hU\bll\d •nd To Whom II May J -- unless ~ lot Spec.al 2689 Pata Mua Cr. ducted by ••• nd1w•dual lh 1 11 wale Conce1n T~ Namel" bu"...u 1•1' Ho = llnm lld1 _.. f1lrV llave war.oed l'IOCioe fotm • 8Vaatlle Cosle Meu, CA 92f>U 1 Ha•• you •IMted 001n11 ~ 0 owine penons Have you )tarted ciofo1 or the Ape>locanll q is '°'~ P1<u ""91 ~ f'10GCe OI consenled IO ll'Om lhe court def1I This busonen " con bu•<:nl!u y•I y._ N•>v :" '"ll blusl83ine~s ., bU\IMt.s yd' Ho lft WILD OATS MAR Thi\ •l•lement "" ,... ...._ ~ he proposeo adlon) A lorP d1Kled by • aenrr,.I 17 199!> 1 ••ncet/ ""••J Thomnfalsey KETSINC: lated ••Ill tf>e C-nty a ~ By F"<ndl> T~ o~ldetll SCOllDml'Y lllltlonM Plfll\f'Hh~ l A 1 Avt Suite G Co•I• Cvnthia fetuy The »PC>l"anh tosl•d Clerlt. of Orance County --..... ._ -AGli1t. ~ ............... corr"' HANCOCK -Vt oom Mos• CA ~~26 ' 0 04 11 OJ __ .., ·-. &... ___ .. , SNYDER HANCOCK & Have you \l.arlrd do<na lh1\ \laltmenl ... , Vonh Ha llS8 A Thos statement was abo•• are -ly•na to n ' 50DI a..tllt llhd.. Mllbegranledunlessan ASHWoATH bu•onn,yef1No toled with lht Cuuntf ,. ""•1 !tied with the County the Dtp.,lrntnl of 2">69406'1 'XO~ Olb, CA95C!ll interested pet90t1 files lll2FAIROAl<SAVE H1rholuRawtoou~er Cltrll o! Oran~" County M:~. CS~~!,~ Cosla Clerk ol Oran1e County Alcoholoc Bevua1• Daily Piiot AcN II, 25 S-. •lean ... , l.N'. "" ootecllorl IO h Thi\ \hl~ment ... , on 04 151>3 · uu<v on 04l'OJIOJ Control to w ll alconolic llhy 2 9, 2003 f)20 (911) 397.7721 l.--pe!Jtlon and 9tlOWS good SOUTH PASADENA. l1i.d with lhe County 2003694090• ~tlsun Ch•u 3188 100J69HS9S bever 1110 ti JOJO ~. ~ S. OS. cause WtT'f lt1e COUl1 CA ~OOO 04.'2IAXl. Clttk of Oran&• County D111ly Pilot Apr 18 ic, All way Awt Surtt G, Daily Ptlot A.,, 11, 18. HARSOR Bl \It> SH 0 C. 0.: ¥7'13 should nol ganl the ~· on 031 11,lB May 2, 9. 2003 f 3?4 ~n\la Mua, CA 9~26 2!1. May 2. 2003 F286 COSTA M(SA, CA 92626 ASAPSl20ll3 ..,,, .-,a, aU!llOrlty CNS-SM1MI 200S69S7J7t Tho\ bu\lnn\ " con Type ol l1cenu• s) 41".!5 A HEARING on Ile N£tnl!ORT8EACM·OOSTA Oa1ly Pilot "9f 11, 18, ,.....~ dUl ted bf • 1eneral ........... l\pe>hed for 20 OH petltlot't will be he'd on MESA OM.., "-OT 2~ Ma 1 lOOJ f28J ... s..... P•"'""h"' .._to.........-... SAU BUR ANO WIN( The tollow1n1 per sont. ------------------· 1 H•v• '"" \larltd do1nc --Published Ntwport ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~--· ~l~\~11~ ~~~~-~MB~hC~a~~ly Ii art do1nc busar>es· •\ Vonh II• are do1n1 bustneu u Pilot April 11, II. ~- Me dolflt bUSlnet.& el Ma11e • Cle•n•na 191• WallllCe Ave •102 Cost» Mn. CA 92617 OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP-03-01 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COSTA MESA AMENDING THE COSTA MESA 2000 GENERAL PLAN TO COMPLY WITH THE 2002 UPDATE TO THE NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPOES). ADOPTION OF PLAN (UP) THE COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING: (1) ADOPTION OF THE LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN AND (2) NEW GENERAL PLAN OBJECTIVES IN THE LAND USE AND CONSERVATION ELEMENTS OF THE GENERAL PLAN RELATED TO WATER QUALITY AND CONSERVATION, AS RECOMMENDED BY THE 2002 UPDATE TO THE NPDES. THE PLANNING COMMISSION SHALL MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF COSTA MESA. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: EXEMPT. Thi public hearf ng will be held as follows: DATE: Monday, May 12, 2002 TIME: 6:30 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter PLACE: City Council Chambers at City Hall n Fair Drive, Costa MeSa. CaJifomia Public comments ln either oral or written form may be presented during the pubtfc hearing. For further infOrmation, telephone (714) 754-5245, or visit the Plann ng DMsion, Second Floor of City Hatt. n Fair Ortve, Coeta Mesa, California. The Planning C>Mslon Is open 1·ao a.m~ to 5:00 p.m. MOnday through Friday. OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE loven·s Hair Studu1 lhl\ \laternent wts l\ol}'llarl, 294 Pnncelon 2'003 r21!15 2'502 Del Prado SI• A. hied w1tn the County 0. . Costa Mew. CA Dana Pc><nt.CA92629 I lerli nl Orancr Cou11ty 92626 Ai9im ..... Shelly ly11 lo .. I on04 II (ll Fben Woodall. 294 ... ........____. 24502 0..1 Prado Sit A 200U'4061J Pronceto1> Or Costa - Cana Po.nt, CA 92629 Deity Polo! AcN 18 zc, MIMI CA 92626 The foltow1n1 penons Tlus bUStnUS IS CO" May 2 9 2001 fll7 Mlftna Woodall 294 are doinc IW•IM'Ss H duct*<! by 11> 1nd1v•du1t ~..... Princeton Or Costa a ) Carlson S.lH •<Ml Hav• you ,...,t~ ooins ~ -.... CA 92'.26 Aoeqom111ons b) rr- busme" ,.t> Yu t 19 ... S...... Tltls bin.in.u 11 con of S.-11 21170 8eac:ll 99 lht lollow1n1 -sons duc:t..S by • cw-ai Blff. IWnt"'fton Beach. Shelly Loven art do"' I bus11>eu a• partnonlup CA 92648 This ~talemenl .... A.cue>unclure & Hetbt Ka,.. ,ou s!Mled...,. l .. • C..lsoft 2117() toled w1lh the County H~•pot"l tM•hnc Ce<1ter b.,_, yell No &.Kl! lt.f • Hvnt1n11on C'811 of Crance County 1)()3 Awocado •l40, [Mt!W004all Ioctl.CA~ on04/l!>/OJ Ne•port lluch, CA Tiits t~lemenl wn "'-INMMs.t. a tOfl 20034940922 92660 ftlod wtU. the C-ty dUctef by; M .......... Oaoly Pilot Aft' 18. ?f>, Char toll• Chao l ac 0.11 of Or.,.. C-ty Haft JOV st.wtled...,. May 2• 9• 2003 rm M S §17 V1>!1 8onrt1 on CllllNOl bini-u pt? ... ,.._9 ,,601 lvlle c.~ o.+ty ,.llot AcN '· l l, Tltls st.et-flt •H pi.eOlt ..,_. un ltt\'iOO 18, 2!>, 200J f27!> flle4 wM ltlo c-t}' ~ :::=.dm ;,5 ~ of 0r.,. C:O-ty ~ .. t'kllla..... =.w.-u ~=-~=.~ ......... o.;y P11ot • 11, 11, ._ ... _.~ TIM todowtna per-• 25,May l.200.l fJOJ are 4loin& buslnaa 1$.. ~ COURT Got " Out. ll&M Silk· ..... ...... CMc: C.-DIM w-. ~ St. r-t• "do?. ... ...... p 0 8ba ~ ""' .... 111a1 Tht lollowtnt ll"W'I" ~ ~ SpKltVIR l•te1lon, ..... ~ - ......,.,," Inc (CA). 11&14 Slab" ,oZltl•llJ co•, fOJ n. -· ..... ll'<d ~J...!.-i.111 v.-,. CA h111•t .. i.e.. C..ta .....,._ _..., ti 1IUU9 -.. CA taa ==-=:r· :. Tillt ......._ .. -· AlllHUe llllhtln• -.1110~.11 MllMl•r •_,.,_... Weh..-. 906 hnM -·-. Hlw .... llartM...... -·-,. __ ~t•-• ..__...__,_.,,.. r-.o, ............... CA ................. = -.-· Ga ::·.:.· ... ·,. .... ~.,.... !111t••ton. ni. ·-.. QM! IH., Jor Stodwall, _....,. • ~ ........... m. "'" wt.8t-.t -...... ,_, ........... IW'IU.O t100 ~ , ............ c..t, ..... ,..., ... ::..~.:: .......... 0.11 .to.-. c-t) ~~ -«»n-..... °"MIU/OJ ~ ~ ~ =,.~ ... 25, :n~.::. = MeJt.t. rm 11111nn11 ......... Oillr Nie •· ._ II. THI ---II.ZS.al fa7 IEWB>" .,., --... .... -~OP _n.,'::':S,.--= .. ...... 'l!5!' Ml-. 0 '.=T'·! _......._~ ~ "'-....... I s..il Co•I• IN Sate le '"" 1:-C:..U . ..._ CA " -. ti -..... ~-: Mll9 " ....... 't.:' ~-:: :t.MI cre ... 11t o:Z ...... , .... ......... CA .. &I ~-· ..... ... "* ............ ,... _____ _ ~--:::~:.-::= .... w ........... ~ --.. .......-,.o • •v ..=_:-,_~~ ......_~ .. tan• •• ... l\Jl.19 -c ... "'' I I. , ........... fta t~1 I -\'1111 a • I -........ CllMllJ ....... ~ °".!..:!.~ c.., ~ ...... c..-.. Maroa I Sueru 191• Wallace A,.. •102. Co.ta ~ CA926V Tlti• but!MU Is CIM' ducted fly ... ·~· Hawe yo.. sl..tM ...,. l>u~ y•t' Yes 4'1/ OJ Mar••' S...et Tlws •t•temoltt •Ill rited tfft1t o. c-i,. Clart. of Or.,,.. c...wty on CM 101 'OJ ~Mftl Otrily '"°' ,,_,, 4 I I 18 ZS, 2003 r211 ......... ......... ----•"'1lJlt I 111-tN I llH•.. ...:-........... ~r-r.a· .\A =r,_r:-~· .. ·~~---~~~~~~~~~--~-·· Alt fr9r. ff!it 25.2003 Daily P(lo\ "91fiiiliii Ii ........... ........ ii Gill .... . ....................... ............. .. ............ M lllll..._ M ,, ....... ........ Hett 600 2013 8 1'11 <Mlll Ave • C0\11 Mew, CA92Q7 ""hetCI 0...nis Crace This sut11Mnt was llled wllft the County CMTll ol Orante Cov11ty on 04/0llJOJ on03/Z7IOJ ,.., ... ,., D..ty l'ilot -.. . ll, ZS. May 2. 9, 2003 f 329 ......... ... ...... htttilllff Or s.rte •zo . ::668ort Buch, CA 11__. ~·t? Y•, l ll ftttd wttfl ~ eo.11tr 01/2002 Clefll ol Or1nae County l M-D. Protolsll)' on 04111/0l ...... CAWS27 fhll bU..... Is c:on· ducted ii, .... IMl\lldu.tl TIMI followllle pertons ., • dlll"t ~inn• aa: Am1rlca11 Wood l at lucue, 48l6 s.a~hore IH. 18, Htwport Beach, CAI~ JIU)' W. lthm..n Ql6 sea~• Or. t8, Kew pot t 8eec.l\1 CA 92663 Thi !Mf31nH$ 1$ CClft due.tad by: a" 111dh,klluil Heve )'Oil atart1d doina biKlnns yell Yu, 4 S· 03 Jerry t.ehm•n This st•t1m111t wu trltid witn Ill• Courity Cletll ol Ofena. County on04/l l/OJ H03H40604 Daily Ptlol A(>f 18. 25. M•Y 2. 9, 2003 F310 flctllm ..... ........... 1'1ter KrlUHft.' 2231 Cont1n1nl•I An • Co1t1 llAMa,CA 9Z627 This lluslntta 11 COfl ducted br .,.. lnd1vldutl Ha111 )'Oii lbw td dolnt bul!nesa )'•tl Yes, 4/V 97 Petv Kr 1uwrt This statement wH filed wnh UM Couol1 Clerk of 01111111 County on 04/ll/OJ tooJH40Stt Diii)' Pilot A(>f. 11, 25, Mily 2', 9, 2003 F312 The followln1 persons •n do1n1 b11slnJ&s as T 01ether · W1re , 103 Sh•dY Wood, lrvirie, CA 92620 ~on Bo1d1nc>vlch, 103 Shady Wood, Irv M , CA Policy .......... ......... The lollow1.n1' P9fSOns are cto nc bllsklKs u : Macro ConsullJ"C, 6812 Presldl9 Dr .. Hunlinston Buch, CA 92648 R~d 0.nnia Grace, 6882 Presidio Of., Hun· tlnrton BHch, CA 92648 This busineu Is con· di>c:ted II)': an 1ndMdu1I , Heve you stM-lld doins busiMU y.tf No ,..,. ... , .. D91ly P~t A(>f 11. 18, 25, Ma)' 2. 2003 F29l ............ ......... Tiit fotlowl111 '*-.,. ~ bldlMa• .. ; Reb~1·s Scnpboo~, 2611 R•dla.nds Ori,,., Cost. Mne, CA 92127 Rebecca Stlele Schweru, 2611 Aff'a11cb Orf,,., Co•ta aku, CA 92627 This bu11ness le con· ducted by; 1n llldlvldu1I Have you started dolnc buslnus r•l7 No R1bece 1 S teele Schw81ll This st•tement wn fltff with the County Clerk of Or•nl• County The followln• jHlrsona WI dcMnl ~-IS: Tint Mastm , 731 W, g~r· coat•....,.. ~fl Reyna, 2020 W. Al1m.td1 Av,. HJ, AMl!M, CA 92801 Thi$ IMl.illltt fs Cfll ducted b)': an fndivlduel Have you •twt4JCI clolna bustn.ss )'•t1 Mo Jot .. RtJfla Thl1 •l•l•menl w11 ht.cl with tfle County Clerli of °''"II County on 04/11/03 toOUf 40606 Oaily Piot Afx, 11. 25, May 2,9,2003 F319 . Thi fotlowln~ .. ,.s '" dollia 1111 u Allthon(s ktstant Shoe Reptllt, Je01 Jlll'tbor .. Ro1d Unit 11 A, Newp«t Beech, CA 92660 libfllt• T1vlti1n. J357 W111chest• Ave , Cillfl· dlle,CA.91201 This business is co"· dutttd by: M lndlv...,.I Hive you started clolflc b1111nas yeU No Mafln• hvlllan lh~ st•tement was hied w1t11 the County C*ll of Or1n1• Count)' on03/28l03 200HfSlffS Dally Pilot Ap<. 4, lJ, 18,25.2003 f 277 ~ ..... ......... How to Place A Mera 01111, 25'1 • CHU1luft OJ. Sutt.I 420, :;gort 811ch, CA Thlt ~,,.s ,. con ducftcl by: 1n lndMClu•I Haff )'04! a lwled dol111 buslnna yetf Ho M81'llD1(11 Thi• statement wu f!MCI WIUI the Cou"IY Cllr\ ol ()Jenae county on04tol/OJ MOMHHOI Dally Pilot 1i4K. 4, ll, 11, 25, 2003 F265 The foltowlnc petso11e are dolna business 1s. Ooctln~. 2120 President Pl., Cost.t Mes.t. CA 92627 John C. O'Brtell, 2120 President Pl.. Costa .. '"~ ...... ,.,.. bul"*s yetl Yu, 4/1/ 03 John C. O'lflmn This st1l11M11t WIS filed wlUI tllt County CleB of Or111&1 C~nty 01104/ll/Ol HOMttO•et Dally Piiot ~. 18. 25, Mt1 2. 9, 2003 F314 ..... ...... ......... The follo~nnt IHM"IOn$ are doina business as· Probolsli1 ltnurch, 3001 lledhlll Avenue 8uildinc S Sult• 105, Cost. Mne. CA 92626 M1"ln D Probobay, 2306 Crescent 01•. Irvine, CA 926411 Thb binlneu 15 COfl· duel.ct by· •n lndhldu.i Htve you at.rted llolfl& nii. •t•hlMflt WH te0Mt4 "S7 hid with 1111 County Dail; 'llot A¥. JS. 25, Cler11 of o,11,1e County Mey 2, 9, 2003 F 3JO Oft 04/08i03 IOOlff .. '1J 0111) l'llot Allf ll, 18, ZS. Mo 2. 2003 F287 .......... .......... Tit• fottowmc pwso11s '" dofn& bU$1neh 1t• 128 MarkeUn•. 2M9 8 East bluff Or. t420, Hew port Bue fl, CA 92660 K111 YI Kausler, 2549 B Eastblufl Dt U 20, He'ltport Buch, CA 92660 This bu•lneu la con· ducted by· 111 Individual , Have )'OU $l81ted dolnc business 11'7-Ho KenYI Kauslw This st1tement TtlUsAMll YOll GWGESALll "' CW SIRED (949} 642-5671 ...----Deadlines --- Rates and deadlines are subject to change without not.ice. The publisher reserves the right to censor. reclassify. revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediarely. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advenisemenl for whic h it may be re~pon!>ible exccpr for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the fin.t insert ion. CLASSIFIEJAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631-6594 ll'lu,., tncludr )Ollf name and phone number and ,.c'll call you IM<k v.llh u pnce CjUOIC.) By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa. CA 92"27 Al Newport Blvd. & Bay Sr Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3 :OOpm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30am·5:00pm Monday-Fnday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCWlm ~ & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAL l'odtlt vi.w .. _ ... l'erit Cnmpan1011 2 crypt l aeunita\ Court Sll.965 Call Sl2·3SS·J661. Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 TOI' SS 4 RlCotlDS O C .Im. ClJS."i&.. Ea.. ~ & Ills .Ill Allac St*! lube an'4lS Mike 949 645 7505 EHTERTAINMEHT Cllendarof &ents 1310 lOUAl HOUSlfG °"°'1lllTY All rt•I n tale ad•"' l•sme on lh11 newspeper " SUbjf'CI to the Federal f a1t Hou~tnl AI I of 1968 as a rn endad which m•llU II 1lle1t•I lo adverllH ·any prefer ence, l1m1l•l1on 01 d•scrtm111 .. uon based on 1 ace, colo< reh111<1n '<4• handt<.Ap l•m1hal status or nat111nal 011eon or 1n mtenlton lo m•ke anr •uch prf'IPrenrt hm1l1 llOn or d1'\< """"•hon· Th" ll~WSP•llt!r ""'" not knnw1nelr at<f'pl ~ny Al1Ytrllwmenl Im real e"'l~le which I\ In v1olalk1n nf lhe law Ou1 r ea de" ~r • hereby onformf'd that •II dwell ings •d•Nlt~ in this new't)lpt'f ••• av11lable 1Jn an equal opportunity hasl\ f o tomplaln of dis· u1m1n•tion. calf HOO toll lree al l 800 424 8590 ~ S!Yle fumltln PIANOS i CohdlblM .,.,.. ...... .......... ·--·~·Of' ... ,..,.,.... NCASHPAJO .. .. ,.., ............... WI auv ESTATES ..,,,_ .. ..,... CON-S!~~J~.EN~ , , . . . " . I I• • , • 11 . ' ' . -. J (:It*... 1411 ISfAtl SAU. Corll'lt h i MM ~ Y•• ltuia.ntl lf•te• lftlSb r.e"t Kloa l1adl>llry Uvw. s 110llet1, PMli ert, llt>U\abold f fl la 2), S.t to. .Jp, ,., • ® JO SJ1 DI Atlr1 Ot1'°' v ................. .... ~ ......... u.,,.....,,.,._ ....... ,.6>17 1419 [!I] 2305-2490 ~::~1es 1489 JEWRRY/ 3460 ----D1AMONDS/ CDM l STATf SAU PRECIOUS M£TAI ~ flt.SAT 1-511 ~ N.41 Antl(JJt!5. 11.n plants. porlJO hln. ~ CWl°""f CM SUN . MOVING SAU f -yttwic Goes! hardcov Pf books. oall ~. etc ~1E-111eon~ btwn I O..m 4pnt NI/Sor 7i30o .... l\Kn, mtt1owa1111 rloth1n11. tor.>. ...... ~. cle<a. ~ equ1pl & m•s~ 1285 Colden Ctr ("'1nwei ,....y /lrvtrw Blvd I by ~ Or CDM SAT 1-12 2 lO ,_,,_ ltt •ltey lu1 n ch•klren, tnys unu .. ally •1b1ech d a1t MUUW<llf', ou, ilUff eoes f•sl •!I GGrwp w. Mt. lo-12p Compule..s offlCI! rhHc. couch booM.aws Inc 17~1 Wr'£1wood H8 General Annmancemenb 1610 GUAUNll Y-Wlff ·~-•A t .. llry TV Star. We h•ve book1111s for •fl lop rtel1tr bau d p1oaramm1n1 If you c.1n11. <1411u. 11< l or ha•P ol pi nion for b•"1~ tnterla1n1nc, Pl .. '8 caN U$ TOLL tREC 800 378-7920 t•I 103104 Rtmem Mr EVERYONE IS A Sl AR LEGAL SERVICES , ... ,, ... " ..... Old Coms! Gold, s liver, iewelry watdlfn, ant~ collecl1bles 949 642·9448 3610 ••••••••• n..y ..... ._. Tt..y ...... Y-.OA p-i-ron-.w c.-.. cw, suet. •••~21a-sa1s ••••••••• MISCBJ.ANEOUS MERCHANDISE l'rlY111• efflc• Qol•t, prtnwi Newport Bch loc. by fPll OOlnll. DSl.AAf s n:I ~ ~7111ll HOMESF'ffi SALE OfWIGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa,...la a-.r ....... .,,...x ........... vww.. °""" llrl, AW S41r ... ,.. Mf-67J..SCJJ eon.. dll Mir CCMtCNeA DO. MAI YW..l.MI, OHM SAT-Jut! 1-4 sins •-llO!N, So of PCH 3br 2..5b1 mstt llt W/rtlrHt, OfflCt/flb w/•u1f fp $1,299,000 rA..L fat SHCJMG lit! 2171 ~~,Jl21 ~< ......... l 11dl111 fin111c111 R•lttft.t'ltrlr111 ,,..., . .,.,,. ..._ ......... I soos-saso M.a.lle H-.e Senl0< Peril Spacious lbr Iba newly rernod, I& ~overed paloo, comm pool/club house. fu111 01 unlurn 'IUY LOW tun. SJl,000 By owner 949 644 1852 lAST StDl OP[N SAl SUN l 4 282 £ BAY St 38R 28A Beau custom remodel on a quiet SI S733,000 BY OWNER FOR Al'PT TO Vl(W C"LL Mtc:hael 949 280 7633 trvtne TURTU tOCI l'OINTI Ol'IH SUN l -41JO 21 ...... --f'anor.aolf. min city hllhl views Jbr 2 5b1, UPIJ'aded lhrouanout. custom fp, wroucht iron sta 1rway. Au oc e<>OI I. ~· saB,(D)~ Sl*lt!y c.n.run ~IOIO ~llm l.agnltadl Luau110us cU5lorn '1 story bud! home newly re modeled by proln$JONll deccntor! ~hllflt any chef jn your wnnr bntA! 1nd e1e&1nt, state ot t"8 art 1ou111\et kitchen' Proudly entert.tm your ... nds tn """' tlepnl formel d1nln1 room Dnlantr c athedral vaulted c1lllnc and custom tclrUnc. MOTIVATID Slllll MUDS FAST Wll UU.NOWI (Ul)IOI 4ttl • Index -- ' , \ ~. . ' , __ ~ - Under thL· Scr\'ice Di rec tory Banner MOW510 Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week . ..,...... -- ' For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Cal Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 1,, ...., ,,..,..._, :nx>.r.t home Oft • ovw5IZlld lot wrth sc.enlc vie~ 4&, office J8a . .k pr f R le wrap •OWld y•d M.ble. eitlflfle. copper ••rs. Rat sa~ pla$l\'lll 1V aet Stew 949-450-UtO 0#1 l<MO ftOAO L .. eest ea11>oa Model 3100!>1, 48r 3 56a le pr land5caped y11d, IJtlill locallo n near p'1k SI ,385,000 Ill Olrece Qulnlarl 9671~9014 A llAUT1fUl Residence wtl be complrtMl ttn ~.. 58r !>.581 Wiiii • wondtrtul llowlO& floof pi.._ St . 7!JO.ca> Michael ~ Co8snrll ReMI) .,,_ ........ Compltte ,. model lbr 2.5b9. fR. erld int acrnss from POOi. Pl'1l ~ tot lot E xc:lusM L1Slq. Pr one Ollly act Otane w..ns 96Q4.41M OCIAHFRONT 1ao· OCEAN VIEW SUt,900 AGT 949-HS-7212 """°"Coat u ... -. .... t1i.c1eu1 •• --vloww.llevel ...... n.r ........ Gof. ..lc-.$151,000 s,_.,,, __ ,, ... . ....... ,..... .......... . Miit '" 2000 Ji.,+ ef flee.~·• S700sf, $f,7lt,000 l't..AT'"UM PROPHTIIS s •• ..,, ... _ ... t4t-7U-JIS6 orEN SUN 1·5 ltah1n styli !'>l>r 5ba •Pc>rO l 18,000 to 19,000sf $~49$,000 l'L.AnHUM P1lCWftTllS Stefanie Meurer 949 71!1 31!'>6 PRfMI ISTATIS PATllCllllNOltl NATIOMwtOl USA t4t..a56-t70S _,,, patrdtenore.com ,. • "' .... ,.._ Cl..e aatom ..... wdh canyon , __ on..d .. u .soo.ooo. c ... rn-=t fff.TSM1n RESORT/ VACATION PROPSnY FOR SALE RESIOENTIAL RENT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUflTY Balboa OCIANVllW/l'rl•• p ........ tlr .... Ip, .... prk&, ll/smk&/pels, Sl,S50/mo 9&300-8450 °" n. s..t ~ -up C08St .. ~ c:oasl L& e iss. ,....., home avlli fol ie-now '9.500{mo Ylll'ly. CM! ael °""' l'fttl. ~ Capbtrlno 8eldl Jlr 2.Sle ,........,_, all ear, panoram1e while water view, nr m1rma. pool tenn1\. club house. t800sf, no/pel/smk S2 100/mo 949-675 8435 o Ocean side of PCH, l& studio rm patio. no kitchen. $695m • SIOOO dep. 949 S74 7701 1112 29r "' So °' Hwy, .,, i. lrom ac-i Blvd ,_ carpeVpeint B• patio, Sl!Olm 1111 714 812 Will 21r, 3••· Apt Recentlr rehabbed w/I car au . I blocll to beach no peh, S2200/mo 949 854 1680 -~bl!&<YI cem. tll!>Osf. lk~\.. lrplc's tar prdel w/d S2500/mo 949 759-0400 lov.fy , ...... ~ cor ner IOI Ill-' I. P\'l. 2 ~ory. :llr, 3bil. 1-c: pr WftUy SZl(l)n 9&!iD-8lf> HAU O<l.AN & IA Y VIEWS 2Br 2Ba. m1ddlt duple a I c encl aar S2795mo 714-998-0948 w_._i-.lbrb J ball sip. 3 c .. ' ren'Od S7'9II.Vmo he or ~ rent.JI '1llC aet 9&248-9119 1&ar .. r....1 mi to ~ .... , mil. slovoe, "' all ta\ morP ZDnlv l8r 'SI~ 133 E. llidi st. kA lor ~! 96 542471 CM C:.. nUDtO UT. $79!>/mo •nc:ludes ullhle-.. 11ear beach laundry lac no pel.<i, 949 644 5642 1--'r co-ol Ce . , ... ,, •• )lo ... w po;t pr .. ,.. ..... to '"Sq ~ mo water /tr11511 !*' Kim ~ '17 10t 116"9 llR APT. Sp1t1ous, sreal IOCillfln ear a1e. •I d hkup no pets $1050/mo 949 644 5642 ff lits :b Iba ID-. 11ew i:-11 I. ~ Ho pee Sll50 2111 lbe NW tie .. r«e SIS> !M!Mi50-22!i6 STARTING ANEW L-9· T rt Levef ( ..... 2llr 2ba Ip lorrnal «in rm 'l c att pr l!Oy. comm pooV ~ $1660m 949 67J..&.:M2 Gr-l'•l.i. 21r, 2.Sle Condo. 7 ~ 1a1, J>OOV1o411. no/pet 'tmk. n11I 4125 Sllmrn be 949 955 3156 Lllr.e ,. .. ,.., 21te e..-•. l11flt ' bo1hl quiet cut de u c. ocn breeze' C•n1on Parll S1100/mo 949 M 2 5443 204$2 ~ ~ $28Xl/mo ~ 38< 2.581 Home. al! 949 283-0206 Hafttngbl Hartlc.r 0-4 ea • ..., w ... ......,, home pvt 50fl dad, JbH ofc J8a 2"f~ $QX)/mo 562 .ct rm SEll your unwfnted 1lems throu1h cl1u1l1td BUSINESS??- • • • • • • • • • • • Newport 8adl IAYFRONT OH UOO PlNINSUlA NIW t lr 21• COTIAGU P11vale Buch Pool ind S9e1 W•lll to O<un, ShoPs •nd Re•u u1111h l e•s• 6. mo 2 rr + Boat Slip Av11lable 7 to UDO 'AU DI. 9'9 673 6030 °' 949 723 5830 * YlAltlY .. llASIS Bill CRUNOY RCA!. TOftS ,.,_.,,,.,,, Stio411e cute. ,. ftoon.. -bath no kit. 2nd bloclo lo llUCh AYlll 5fl S1'50/mo aet 9&~ Ne.,.,,._r1 1-t. Peninsula Studio Apartments .,,ail ~ S700 S950 949 673 7 Tht Legal Departmml at tht Daily Pilot is pkastd to announct a nnu stroict now available to ntW busin~sts. ~ will now Sl!ARCH 'ht name far you at no txtra charge, anti saw you tht timt and the trip IQ tht OJurt House in Santa Ana. Thm. of courst, afor tht starch is complelld Wt will file your fictitious business NJrm statnnmt with the OJunty Cltrlt, publish onct a wttlt for four wttlts as rtiJUirtd by ltzw and thtn fik your proof of publicatitm with tht County Clerk. Plea.st ft()}> by to file your fictitious businm statnntnl 4t the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. If you cannot st0p by. pkast ul/ us al (949) 642-4321 and Wt wiJJ "'41tt arrangnnmts for you flJ hant.lk this proctdurt by mail If you should have any farther 'l"lstions, pkast ""1us11nd Wt will be mort than ilatJ t4 assis1 you. GooJ /Melt in J01'' ntw busintss! Daily Pilot • • • or " • • , .. . D!!xPllot ........... .... 2.$1'GIYmll$ MTSllrS TO 111 llAOI , ..... 11UstfT.2CM,_. flOl$1, .. .,,,.,s.s n.PAaKCOAST .. AY APPIOl 11 /t Ml. IO Of llWPOIY •YD. ***** OPIHOUSl ***** SAlmAYAPlltsta&~Y APllM 11AJL..CP.a. ,. ... ,....,., 8500 Au-ti .. C-.ler/ rwci...1.. &e-•· rT po'lohon fa. medium sou home buolclf!r Quakloed controller i;apable ol multiple lulls f lu1bl4' hours 20 to JO per week Salary bned un ~A ptr tencr f 41 J f P.'\llmf' lo 714-5S7-4216 AUTOMOTIVE SAUS Immediate opf'n1r11 Htahlone NB deale,.h1p" lont.1111 tor motovalfd c111ven & l!•Pf'llellt•d ••l's prolenlf•nal I , ullent pay & benelol\ f;u rn 949 7?1 8808 i> ...... --- OaTHODOHTIST needtd tor dental ollou rn S•11I" f<na OS Oent"'ltV w? 'f''> "'I> •eQ d Sfond '""'n"' to re• v11 .. 1 1oi l 4th 'it Santa An4 CA 91/01 OfACI " tfl ~ ""*"' Cl)nipula P'Ull ll*y ~. sUfl 11 MWle. S+ .,... Ut> Mellor:.tl I!• II •• "'~ .... '*~ C4ll 949-631 "'70 fu resume to ~I <W Pub~hlf1& raOMOTIONS OlrAJITMINT Clwnnuwty ~s on °'"'ll'P Cnontv ...... \ '"' Tome ""'""' to 11t,..,,_ and ... ltf> sl<•r\ !WflJtt p.tlf ... wmmunrtv ~"l"•h oeoatt Mid p.tg11111lf' IM&"" ..00 sechoos [ &Ll'li> nt communoullo<l Viols work -~ with the publk Knnw AP SlyiP Quark JtPrtt-..\ ""6to•1hnp Multi ~ Ctt •tllf P!ohrclWI un MN: and l'C r.1;1 d•'•K" P1pr11,.ncr pr,.ff'!rrr-d Pooof!~Ml•na lr>I Do~ _ _...,.,._..,. ·-od r (Jf Ea crlltnt ~eftl p.te.lldl!" E"""' rew<lW WOo1lflil ~ <tnd "'""Y 1 ~qu11 emenl > In llNv ptmon@tal~ com a1 e' I /,_ ...... !My~ 8-:11 ~ r \bit otr.oe 5*y rom ~""ralf' ,. eap J •• I~ ID 9661'S 21V ... d 1'f~ I 1MNW1 Olf'a pf ( 4 5 I ~ aimn-.-WIPq> r •• ,~ 1.o 96-615 21v X>tH OUfl ll.AM M4 m.tlle 1 drffet 111te. 111 tM C•lltot nla Arm1 H1llOll1I Glltrd you cen 1•t 11101111 '°' collel• end c.,..,, trai11in1 C1n I· 800 CO CU AltO {CM. •SCAN) ,.,.. fw 1a10 ,_ old lhr/Nr in C4N Moll f II Sl'*'tt .. Mt 574 no1 '103. M-120 t111 ACUU UGIMD U ''2 •M power. auto sunroof, ltlw, cd player. newer tun. crut cond $6500 D<trs. 949 466 9771 or evu 114·389 9794 Aucfl ··9 A4 GIH!ttfl 2 8 V6, 2911 actu•I mo, •ulo. sparkhna red/1••Y lthr. mnrf, CO, looks &. 'lmelh new Y456721 $17 995 hnancon1 avell, Bk• 949-586-1181 -. .cpaa.1.u. 8vld1 •••" Mooter ~ '96 "'· 471< Kt1* mi wt'llWf//ff'/ llhr, clwome whls premium sound, bclautrful OtlW Ullf11dtked wndr1>00 &•. n/sml\&, von792412 lJ.99500 949-~l ... _....,.. __ CADtUAC CATlli '98 6 ' yl 111 at lllw l/p•o 'unruof oteoded waH SIO 500 S62-397-71SS Cedllloc C«two '•8 3511 Metallor Burguody Red. Oatm~al lth• Chrome Wheeh 8eaul1ful or11 • ondoloon SS 99~ •rn5724 I 2 949 58& 18118 -. .cpebl ...... o.ry .... s.aw1,.. C...v. JX '00 1711. V6 Mtotalht aref'n C.r•y ont Bla•k lnp 8j'.SUloful hkr Rf'W •ond1l1on $10 99':i von872412 949 586 1888 -w.ocpabl.r..,. DODGE HION '2000 !><JI.• mo. IOOll l•t WIH 5 'I' blue if ey 1nte1 oor •m Im cd i-1 0'11" .ifld ~ fwm. In .rWlll Bko Vill45792 ~S86 1888 _...,..._ D...,. 'Hy..,.._,_ 1 P4\\ whll•/&rfy rnt, pvt 11ln'>. eara&ed non/ ~ntkr. hh new cond v457275 $549!> Bkr 949 ">86 11188 w-Ol.l)ICM com ,_,, nT VMt '97 15 "°""' alnl UJnd anvttT\I~ ul V<J\ d\ld l !oO '8'6 S 10 OCll/ utoo 9'9 m 1741 •It•.., HOfC>A OOYSSIY "'16 I o-eood cuod hwo mole~ 4<t ()~ color lthr .,1, b ~ SIO.OOJ ~700-0171 c..l......._l~ J..-OD XU C-. 0Mk Meteltc Red ,..,. ltlw ont. Tan lop o..d lull lotct w•r lanus. i.i.~ n<ew oropwol tond San "5K SJ7.9'X> I on .... 1 vrnlt0.m70 949 586 1888 -.ocpet.1.- ....... -,....,AUTO ,, ......... , ... "' ~°"" (19292) .. ., .. ws.s......,. SltW9r •Madi lllw • rere6tpe9d~ lldla-!i&m161a (l 9'Zll f 129.980. ... ,,.,...... .. Mid Blue w/r1e, Mfw Mlt.o1Jrem INdllllll (l92AO) 126,980. MWJUIS.....'00 WhU W/8Ddl llhr CD plll)W .Q '"""' (192&9) 122.980 IMWMSS...."00 Blldl on ltMIK Biid ' tit\', lOk ml, I ow-( 19297C) $59,980. ,.,.. • ts .,. c....--. $lwet W./81adl ltlw low ""-'hll poww 011m1> 114.990 ~ ... c.-.w.ti>t One Owtw Only IOIMI (1915lC) S59.9al jeperXUC-.'ff Bntlsh Rae .. Green •/tan ltlw' only 221< mi6es-CO stxker ( 192219) Sl9,91ll -ce4.alea 2305l '64 Tiiis is 1 rNI Classc Red w/Tan Lutlw Both tops-4 ~-( 18683) S21,91ll MU Ml 430 '00 L«om« Body &. Ealtamt Piia (19348) S29 'B> rendoeT..t.. C.,..'•A ........ Hl.ny for these p.rfect lo• ~. loc:1I ooe owner nmc>s UASf er IUY 949-S74-7717 P'tlld'S AllTO ;'" ••• ceM Jllr CHOIO«ll '94 Whole, cherry condohon. I owner S6000 prov.,le party 949 722 1353 ~ "00 o.-4 a.-... 6t yl 2 wd J611• aclu81 mt \fiver 1rey onl alloy~ fabulou~ hke new unmarked tond 4 yea• _, ..... v1Sml Sll,!e> lwm 8N 949 586 1888 www.ec,eltl.ee111 l...t ._ ,. Dhc.wwy lE ~Bk• mo, wh1le/l•n llho dual mnrl buu tofut Oflll J year Warr Odtl $13 99'.) v1J'>7624 Bruk~r 949 586 11!1811 ---~-·- Utt<~" '02 Havlpt<K 30k m1 full lad w•ro ~olvti .,and tan lthr LO st .. de1 rhoome whl\, utra uat. •672518 S?7.995 llfm. ftn & warr av.,I Bkr 949 ':i86 1888 -.•cpolol.<- Merced•• '99 SS20 l WS 521< mo. 3 yr '""" avail silver /blk llhr beaut oroc cond v875241 S2S.495 ltnanc1111 av .. 11 Bko 949 586 1888 www.l<fM'llll.c- rOttSCHI 'H u.tllU f<rtoc Mlvtlf m1t.11lhc 111 llho graphite 1re_y inter p ... r seah, ht ff 'IOUnd \ystem w am Im CO, lu 1ac 6k mo I owntt, 1araeed. lmm1culale $54.500 949 675 7869 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TAHNAH HIRSCH Eut West vulocnlMe Souch deals NORTN •• ~AJ7 (1 Q107 4 •ICHJl WE.YI' EAST • ~J654 • lOl Q 6432 0.. Kl6 fJ •Q74 •Al0916 SOl1l1t •AKl7 J 1:1 KO1098 0 J5) •Void The biddma: SOUTH Wrsr NORTH EAST .. .... , ,,.,,. ... l "' ... lNT ... n ,_ 4r;;o ,_ .... ... Openill& ie.d: Km& ~ Whal do you lhin.t of your dcfeo-~ivc abilitlcs7 Cover the Soulh and Wcsi haodJ lll1d sec: bow you. East. would fare defendinJ ag.ai~ four hcans. North-South were playing thal a ~'O-OYtt-OOC respon1iiC W&.\ I game force and a fon:1n~ one·ncHrump respoosc. Smee, on Uaht of the fohon ~c in opeoct's uit. Ifie Nonh hand ·~ not good cnoagb IO w1-.1 oo game. 9004 AllTOMOBl.ES, ~~~~~~-MISC8.1ANEOUS NEW ml MN cmR 'BRG' Ltalher & Premum ~G LEf<SE FOR i1~ P£R MONTH~ TAA I At These Terms Ort Awoved Credit • OMRAT Slll.ARSA~ • • 98e $3780 due •I \1cn1ne 48 month closed end tea~e no se<uroty deposit. IOK moln per year E icess moles @> 20¢ per mole (TC42279) • LITS r.lTOR! lfSFlW Wlnled 9045 ,..., ~De* 0-40 ~ expl wol t»y 4 ~ las price fur yoo.w car V111 or In.di pMI b Of not Cdl Dd Rey (a> 1 CllNID Auto s... 714 437 1931 Of 714-J2Sl728 CASH fOI CA.as WI MllD YOUll CAa rAm FOii Ott HOT rHllt.WS AUTO AU fOa MALCOLM 949-574-7777 BOATS 9515 'ti 18ft Dvffle4d new double set of ballProe\ P< on moarnl.11'"ed S8 495 •49-67J-OUS 1961 HU<k-ley ,_, Celebroly history On Balboa Island Restored Work• 949 5!>2 5800 Home• 714 997 0407 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES * * * * * * * * BOAlS SUPS/ 55 fllUWAY @ EtlaR SAHTA AHA AUTO MAU MOORINGS/ (888) 823-9808 LAUNCHING/ . -STORAGE 9680 Toyeteunsldo'l7 --------Good parnt nc.r .tt run\ 9J n SUP AVAJl.AIU &Int very , tl1tble IN N£WPOat HACH S2S50 714 2~ 91'i0 S2SOO WSI 94'-S00-1005 Everyday is a great day inC~edl Be! part of It, place your ad todayt (949) 642-5678 ~ERVICE C1hforn1a I•• re ~-that contrllC too t•luna jobs that lot.ti J500 or mcwe (labor or m1teo1la) be licensed by tlM Con tr .ct ors Stet• liURM B~•d Stele law also rlQOlrft that cQfltrac:lors l~lude !Mir licame numb« on .. W-1-lt Y04> Ult chcll the status of )'OUr fiUllHd :lnt r e c t or e l w w cslb.c1 saw or 321 CSLB Unll· cet1Hd contrac:ton t1llln1 Jobs th•I tol1f less thin $500 111ht shl• in theot 1dlrertl11-nts 111•1 tltty .,. not hunsed by lb• CorllrKIOfl State License Bo#d • ,, ... R•••••• ............. :C.' .. e::::::= ~" !llaf-qps ....... f#HO I & •usnttsS ltll'A#tS Upar•des. ~ep111s of Computer, NelwOfh ( venonil/Weeken<h Com~llllv• llfKes fOf qu•l•I)' wn" .4 ........ 1175 714-H6-42H IMlTOllGIN YOU.HOMI IMraOYIMIMT raoJ1cn Cell a plumber, pllnl•r. h•ndym1n. or any of lh• l•HI services hsted here 1n out Mtrvoce d1teclory• THC SE l OC"1. SVC PEOPlE CAN HCV YOU TOOAYI AUl••ll•• llectrlc 11~1111 tpe<lellst ·•-NoJOtlbl -. lJl'SlSlllJ n~111 CUSTOM OlAJM YU lnltlllDln .... CWJl'nE, ,.,,..., *-...... ,5 L"l2DM .a.fl 714-612-91161 D.-aw ..... rtoors Counters a Show.,s L'591315 FrH C sllm•I• 949-481 ·2097 LIMY R....,S R•routon &. lnsta111toon Til DEAN 949-673 8065 11~ 714-813-2031 ......,.,.,,n .. -. ~ war!\, .,.d dlin.tp. nwan•nn. ...... Comm/Ra 714-436 1511 i-T-'-.. ~ ~ l1Wll. "• "'1rrq &.. lnst.lletlon 25 Yrs •llP lie/Insured !M9-~ liil"1W9ftiii IT j Q -Lawns, Lewn Aerabnt. Sp<o"lllers, T~ 1111. SPf•na hn••Vfls, Repairs&. Up1redu ~H• H 11s do yo11r Dirty Wor/I 714·7lS·IHI NO COllUUTI HOllll ~nJIA#CI Ho job too smalll E v•)'thlllt from Cwpentry to PW!tq fraeuhm1t1 , ... a.h H•-ns-•••• f1X W' Sf'IOAUST. f<R types of r...,-s [lee IJ"ocat, ~ doors. ...... hllllln. tllS & more 24hr /7 dtys 714 366 1881 Cmhdlll &~ Cacpentry • f>lllmbtna Ofywal • Stucco PaWltana, Tole a mcwe ZO. Y-s l ai-iencet •71446._5776 JISSIYUCAM"S HOMl•ErAa SHOAUsr R11SOt11ble l'l'oces 14 Y" 11per1en<e 1n .. trada.. Spedalalflt 111 reeldlntill inCl•~t 71 ... JOI~ U:ISallJ IOllMSOM CO.,A .. Y ~ w.1111, ......... Merli 949-650 M25 f .. MMOYIUll Al WOtll pat111'"4f ......... ~Dixn. , .. ,*-... Friday, Apo! 25. 2003 AU TODAY'S . CROSSWORD PUZZLE BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE • loaf ~,,.,, l·~· - Bay tsldnd Co.-Pl!•dl~ dOCk Water A let t •It 9499'a 7771 ... 67i 19'\J IOAT Sl'5 NOW AYM UI tor -. a....tui Mid ~ Watrr _, ~ rc:Ujed. M9 .. 7S-4&47 '''Employee .. , ··Empleado. It It' .. A rbe it nehm~ r. " .. Emplo_)e. ~Pilot NOMAmR HOW YOU SAY IT, CWSIFIED CAN FIND IT. ........ lllfle .... , lilflmlll*' ~ tn.. dlsq 3¥ ...,. ~ our supplm J 14-444-4143 ,_., _.,... .._. a........ Tolll Nil OllWI ~ ,,. wo1' lb1P by CJVlf15 C... ,.... ~ 7U Movtng. Storage 1nT aovm sn /Hr "'"'"&•II colon Insured test. courteous. c11eful 1163844 llOO 246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Calot Public Uhhloes Commission requires that all uMd household coods mo11e1& prtnl their PUC Cal T number, limos 1nd c:h•utteurs print lhtor 1 C P nv.nt>er on all adlter llM:ftMflb II you hoe 111y quesliOfts abovt llle le1ahty of a movu 11111• or e11 .. 11fftut. u• "'8U< UTallllS <OMMISSIC* aoo 1n..a .. 1 ~., ........ Top Quality Comi>l'tot••r lnlet"-/ht L'648218 Call .lly 949 ~ 5066 W.OW <9Cll MMIT Patntins-rtf'•l ~Atil Quality !Ob' f ott estinwle l'569897 714 bJ6 8888 ..... llllTE_,.. DnRICMI __ ........ -r-. -• -............ ---· ... -·-·--~ _....., 71MiJ.HN ~ .. Plumb1n1 r..,.11'1, O•tf ~Y'' eip All .....,. ..... ...... Sltw 714-56«2'31 a PLUft'Bf R l ~ frwt lst' Sift""*' OCTfOJ DmL n4 ZJ>9150 l'ttlCtSI rtUM....O Repairs a Remodel1na FREE. ESTIMATE L"687l9171• 96t 1090 . All f • Aotf 25, 2003 . LIN.COLN . . • MERCURY Plw pcnuncnt fees and mes, •Y f.- c~~ any dealer JoctJmCnt preparmoon tharge. ..net lfl)' cm1~\lon 1eStU1J d•:ll'!!"·REUATE IN Lii-U OF SPbCIAl O'l r1"1ANCING l'PTO 60 MOS 1 At This Savings (123900) .... .., lilllll« ~ 111'.1)' deab documc1ll ~ cblrF-lll'ld my ~ 1$\111 chqc. REBATE IN LIEU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE FINANCINO. 1 At This Net Cost (JIW09) pl ........... lllJ ,__ dwpa. 1111 .... ~ ~ion dllrJc. Ind Illy cmuwoo 1CStJ111 c~ MUST PROVIDE CURRE.NT AARP MEMBERSHIP CARD. SJSOO RE8A1C IN LIEU OF SPECIAL LOW RA're ANANCING 1 At This Net Cost _,..., ~ 11:11inJ cbmJe. MUST PROVlDE CUIUlENT AAJlP MEMBERSHlP CAR.D SJSOO REBATE IN UEU OF SPOCIAL LOW RATE FINANCIN(). 1 At This Net Cost (666400) USED CARS 96 FORD CROWN VIC LX 209621 Xlnt Condition Full Power 98 CADILLAC CATERA 001645 Ori inal 14K Miies, Moonroof, Leather Chromes, Loaded • 01 MERCURY COUGAR (623240) V6, Auto, Full Power, Only 19K Miies 02 MAZDA 626 V6(187345)10K Mlle, Auto, Full Power 02 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS (661131) Leather, Full Power 00 LINCOLN SIG TOWN CAR (892272) Moon roof, CD, Xlnt Value 01 TOYOTA TUNDRA LIMITED (201147) 16K mile, Leather, 4-Door, Full Power 02 LINCOLN SIG TOWN CAR (665897) Leather, CD Stacker, Showroom Fresh 00 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 2WD {J141.53) Sharp One Owner with Nav System •7a90 •t t 888 •ta 488 •te,aaa •a4,aae