HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-04 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotCOMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Sentences light for lead feet J ust lucky. I guess. You may recall, or not, that last week. we discussed the nearly-here red-light camera al the intersection of I !arbor Bmdevard and Adams Avenue, which will be the flfSI in Costa Mesa ... the red -lighl camera, nol the intersection. There have been intersections In CoMa Mesa for many year!>. At any rate, I also wanted to bring up the growing and very d1s1urbmg problem of high-speed chases. Bui, aJas. I ran OUI PETER BUFFA of time, and space, and inches. Column inchei., that is. But every now and then, we do get a i.econd chance in this life, and mine arrived this week. in the person of one Michael S. Mancuso. As. reported in these very pages. Mr. Mancuso, president and CEO of Oear World Communications Corporation in Santa Ana. acted in a not very ~ • presidential way. Embezzlement1 ln0ated e~ project.ions? Insider trading? Please. . These days, stories about CEOs and tha1 kmd of thing run in 1he sports section , toward the back. No, nothing like that at all. At about 4 p.m. Tuesday. Mr. Mancuso blew through the · Newport Coast toll plu,a on the San Joaquin Toll Road -no cash, no transponder, no nothing. Major league big deaJ? Not very. I lappens all the tjme. The toll road agency will eventually track you down and exact the toll and a modest fine from your _ wallet or purse. End of story. But with timlng just as poor as his judgment, Mr. Mancuso did his end-run, head-fake stunt the California Highway Patrol. who rud not see the hwnor in it. For reasons unexplained and even less understood, Mancuso decided to make a run for it in his silver turbo-charged Porsche, charging up Newport Coast at about 120 miles per hour. During the chase. he ran four red lights and then lost control at the intersection of Newport C.Out and San Joaquin Hills Road, "missing a loaded school bus by 6 inches," CHP S.. COMMENTS, Pqe M INSIDE TIEPILOJ COMMUN RY FORUM City Editor Jamee Mw talks with Roflo Mce1etlen end other lions Club memben •bout the return of 1he Ash Fry . ....... ,.7 LIFE& LEISURE Newport BNc:tM>wd the Febuloue Nom9cM .. .. pitying eurf mullC ... ,. v-n. ' ALIC>. A coupte Yiiita Toueo.. during e low point In~ rlllllOM In Trwel T ..... ....... .. .. SUNDAY EDITION • • •· ai ' Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 · MAV4, 2003 SUNDAY STORY The art of ·negotiation Costa Mesa SWAT Team negotiators handle Life and death situations, working for a peaceful surrender Deepa Bharath Da1lyP1lot t \ hard to 1g11or1• { 11111 I Jwh.111 "'hen lw '>JW.il' I lw < o ... t<J \h•'J 1'111111· dt•t1•1 11\t dot''"' hJ\l' .i loud \rmt• I It• 'l""'b .,11111~ Hut then· ... nothing 11r111d or rnonotorwu .... 1l)C)Ut th.11 '-'111t l' It comm.i11d' It 1nl11rrt1' It 1 oa>.t'' and 11 ta,ole' .\ml 11 lnc1\"> "h1·n t11 ...hut up and lt'>ll'n It\ what m<ike., I >u·b.dl .i ho,t;igt 11ego11ator Negollator., haH· lwt·1111.111 111 tltt· Lo~ta Me~a Polttt· lh•p.trtnwnt '..,,,\I re.un for mon· 1han two dt•t .ult·' It',, Job that ".,,mple ..i11d 1 omph·x .1101111· '><lY'> Lt Hon <,rn11h, who do11hl1·' .1, th1· ~WAl learn\ rnmm.tnder "Our go.ii and our m..,.,11111 "pt•Jt l'ful ~urrender." he .... ud "It' prl ti\ straightforv.ard Wt• don't \"-,1111 .in\ int• to gel hun The 1dl'al ... 11ua11on ""hl·n our officer, and the per.on "1• rt negotia11ng \'I.1th are ;ill ,1J1\ l \\ h1·11 1h1· '>lluauon end .... " Costa ~lt....a\ nt'go11.11or' .11ltl tlw n·'t of 1he SWi\f k.tm do 11 p.irt 11nw 11l addition to their rl'gularly •"''1grwd police 1ob .... · rhe Cll) hc1., had '" .,hJn ol '>llU3ll011\ thdl taJil'd for ... kllll•d negouator<. One of thow happt·rwd four y<>ar.. ago when \1ld1al'I C 1c>ner.tkoi.. c1 45 yt>ar old lalhN who wa<, unhapp) about Ill<' edut ati1111 of Im deaf teenage ... o n, '>tormed 1nro the.• Orange County B<Mrd of l·ducalwn offices and held two adm11u...mt1or'> ho-,1age al i.,runpmnt \mrth \aid that""'' the firc,t ma1or incident hi' team fal l'd "\\e failed to hnng about J pt·.1tt•f11l !>Urn'nder in that «J,t•." ht• -..utl ~!--"'~~IC ASA TEAM PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER/ OAl.Y Pl.OT N:x:Ne, senior officer Larry Fettis monitors Holly Carver as she listens to a police negobator and takes notes during a drill. N:>ove right, primary negotiator Clint Dieball, a Costa Mesa Police detective, and Monique Beckner, secondary negotiator, listen to demands from a suspect holding hostages during a drill at a Costa Mesa residence. TOP STORY At nightfall. afll'r Ill t up\ 111g dll offi< t' bwJdmg with I ;(I rwopll• lll'•l<k for lhrw' hour... ( 1l'lll'r,1k11' \\,1lkl·d out 1f the d1\tnct offiu.., \\ 11 h a gun po111ted JI the back of an a.''0{ iall' 5upenntendent. \\ho-.e hand" \\ert• raised. S\-VAT Te.im memht'f"" 'tJlloned on rooftop<; aid .-.prawlt'tl on tht' grounds surrounding the offi<t',, ordered Generakos to drop h1., weapon When he moved to the '>Ide . .i '111pt·r fired a single buJlt>1 that \lr\llk Crenerakos in the head and k.tllt>d him See ART, P•1• M Seniors, teens play secret angels Newport youth group and Costa Mesa Senior Center members exchange gifts. PaulCllMoR . Daily Pitot f - A2 Sooday, May '· 2003 N~RTBEACH Toddler's family sues city in fire ring accident case The family of a toddler burned il) a ftre ring at the beach two years ago· bas filed a lawsuit againat the city. A court date baa been set for June. The suit seeks unspecified dama8es for physical disfigurement and mental anguish to the girl and her family. A local political group, FrreNewport.com. is making waves with some fierce rhetoric against the d ty and its moves to rein ln Fourth of July partying. About 30 liquJdambar trees on San Miguel Drive were severely ·over-trim.med because of an error by workers for the city's contractor. city officials said. The conttactor will pay to replace the trees if they don't recover. A senior housing project will cost SI million more to build if work can't start before state prevailing-wage laws kick in. The project was delayed Lo allow officials to study whether there are protected wetlands on the site. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. ENVIRONMENT Newport submits coastal plan to state commission Newport Beach leaders wrapped up the more-than-one-year planning effort on their Local C.Oastal Plan by submitting it to the California Coastal Commission. The coastal plan is a comprehensive document that maps out all the developm~nt issues in the co-calJed coastal zone. The city is seeking appro"!11 from the coastal commission to approve the plan. Once that occurs, the city couJd issue its own permits for projects along the coastline. City leaders completed work on the 150-page document on April 25 and sent it to the comrnlssion for a preliminary review. The final plan is due June30. Newport Beach secured approval for an earlier version of the plan in 1990, but officials failed to implement it. Newport Beach is one of a handfuJ of cities in the state that doesn't have a coastal plan in place. The state's Coastal Act of 1972 requires cil.ies to implement such a plan. The state Legislature, in Sena~e Bill 516. set the deadline. • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at p11ul.clinton@l11tirrnn.com. PUBLIC SAFETY One of two suspects in teen's stabbing arrested C.Osta Mesa Police on Monday arrested one of two men suspected of stabbing a teenager several times. Officers arrested Juan Gabriel-Campos, 20, of Costa Mesa, on suspicion of assauJting a 15-year-old boy walking near 19th Street and Wallace Avenue at about 9:45 p.m. April 15, police said. Officials said the incident was gang-related. Police are still looking for the other man they believe assauJted !Jte teen.; The victim was stabbed several times in the left arm and the head, officials said. Hls injuries were not life threatening. and he was treated and released from Hoag Hospital Gabriel-Campos has been charged with attempted homicide. • DEEM BHARATH covers public safety ___ EK IN REVIE PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'SHIPPING OUT' On board the yacht Gypsy in the Tommy Bahama Newport to Ensenada race, the crew was busy adjusting the sails. pulling dn ropes and evaluating the course. They were serious about the race. And I was serious about my job. I ran back and forth on deck. shooting photos and jotting notes. CORAL Wl.SOH /.OILY Pit.OT certainly didn't qualify me to be on board. (Once, with the tiller in hand, I wu slammed onto a sharp set of boat-eating rocks by a cra.shi.ng tide. And all the ropes · just confuse me.) "One band on the boat," they repeatedly warned me. It was a long. but beautiful night, racing across the dark ocean and arriving with the sunrise at Ensenada But as the fatigued crew lay down to nap, my work was just beginning. ln one hand, I had my camera. and in the other, a notebook. and a pen. I think sometimes I just gave them one more thing to worry about I was an honorary member of the team. Skipper Steve Washburn bad gathered some of the best sailors from across the country to crew his boat, and my sailing experience Through my writing and photography, I lmay)ned inviting the many Daily Pilot readers who couldn't come along to share in the journey. The story and the photos eventually appeared on different days. EDUCATION . Marine sergeant visits Woodland kindergartners Marine Sgt. Aaron Wmtterle. a 23-year-old Marine sent home after being shot in the mouth while fighting in Baghdad. visited a kindergarten class at Wbodland Elementary School in Costa Mesa on Wednesday. The students. who had heard about Wintterle from Rebecca Olsen, their teacher ancfhis aunt. presented him with a book with words of gratitude and colorful pictures. -Coral Wilson Measure A construction at seven Newport-Mesa Unified schools has begun. The cost is about $21 million for work a t four Costa Me6a schools -Woodland, Whinier and Kaiser elementary schools, and Back Bay/Monte V1Sta High School - and three in Newport Beach - Mariners. Newport Heights and Harbor View Elementary, which broke ground nearly three weeks ago. MARK C. DUSTIN /DAILY PILOT Sgt. Aaron Wintterle, second from left, visited aunt Rebecca Olson's kindergarten class.. at Woodland Elementary School. and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath@latimn.com. COSTA MESA Vanguard University broke ground Tuesday on the first of eight new buDdings scheduJed for construction before 20 I 0. The new building, the Heath Academic Center, wiU to house the university's owner on Rose Lane with the conditions that the owners instaU landscape screening along the rear wall to a helgbt of 9 tp 10 feet and increase the wall height to 8 feet along the rear of the property. The condJtions Plannirig Commission are to appease neighbors in the back of approves home addition the house who had complained about • an invasion of privacy. The Planning C.Ofumwlon approved • EmuJex began construction on its a second-story addition for a property new headquarters at Hom_e Ranch. religious and buslness studJes. •CHRISTINE CARAIU.O covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at clmstine. carril/o lat/mes.com. Watching the first walls go up were Emuiex Olalrman Paul Folino and Henry Segerst:rom, C.J. Segerstrom & Son's managing partner. The two donned bard bats and chatted nearby. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mes.a and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or b'fe-mall at delrdre.newman@latlma..com. NOTABLE QUOTABLES "l(s an Insidious proOess. I didltt feel oomfortab/.e continuing to be lnvoWed with thaL .. -P.rlc Bewer, a candidate for a Costa Mesa Qty C.0Wldl appointment. on why he resigned from the C.Ommunity Redevelopment Action C.Ommittee designed to redevelop the city's Westside "It's really nia but ... I just UKlJ1l to get better and get back to it.~ -Aaron Wlntterie, an injured U .s. Marine sergeant returned from the War in Iraq, on feeling WlCOmfprtable.being UEated like a hero all the time "Do you think I got where I am today by listening to the U.S. Sia~ Deparrmentr -Scott o.y, a Costa Mesa comedian. on going to Beijing despite health advisories about Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome "Having the oopacity to give students aa:ess to education is I a goal/ 01roughout tlu! stale, not ju.st simply aJ Vanguan1. • -Mwny Dmlpsttt . Vanguard University president on the college's seven-year expansion - eight new buildings. induding the Heath Academic Center. which got underway las1 week "One of tlu! felkJws must lllJJJe mjsuntJerstood w directions.. -DllYe Niederhaus. Newport Beach's general services director, on how 29 trees in the city were pruned so dosely they many never recover "If we don't make il by /UN and get it approved, then the pro}«l probably will be sr#J}tct IO pmoiling-~ laws." -Sharon Wood. Newport Beach's assist.ant city manager, on a new affordable hou.Wlg project that will cost $1 million more if lt doesn't land on a stale Coastal C.Ommission agenda by June: ~·minute environmental studies are holding up the application ·nailyAPilot CorelWhon Box 1660, Co.is M ... CA 92626. SURF AND SUN News aulftant, 1949) 57~298 Copyright No newa atorin, co,.l.wll60n•latirnea.com Illustrations, editorial matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS advertll8mera herein cen be WEATHER FORECAST m.y'll bee mere 6 to 16 knota. Sean Hiiier. Don Leach, reproduced without written ~Treptow permission of C09Yrlght owner. The wa.... wtll be 1 to 4 t.et. Forgotten Seturdr(a ~in end the~ l\Wfl 6 to 71"t. VOL 97, NO. 114 READERS HOTUNE HOW lO REACH US •ll'Ndv? Morning doudl end• At night. the winds get 6 knot.I THOMAS H. JOHNSON NewsEdlton (949) &42.Ql88 Clrcutstlon 2°" en.nee of r8ln may jog stronger, end the wewe get 2 Publi.n.r Gina Aleunder, Lori Andetlon. Record your comrTl9flts about the The Timet Orange Ccx.tnty your memoey. 11 lhould be feet bigger. TONYOODERO Danief Hunt. Pltul S.ltowitz, Dally Pilot or news tlpt. (8001252-91•1 pertty cloudy tn the lbrnoon, Editor Denlel St9Yen9 Addr9ee ~ .. wfth hlghe...,.,..... end 88 SURF .JVr1'( OfTT1NQ Our add,_. II 330 W. Br( St., Costa Ch 11 lfted (9'9) 6'2-5S78 NEWSSTAff dig,..... lt'I .. per1fv doudy ~~ Crime~~,,.,, M--. CA 92821. Office hours are 0....-19481 M2--4321 Monday • Friday, 8:.30 a.m. -5 p.m. &lloNI tonight. wfth tows bebi.-n 45 Another bend of~ Promotlone Oirec:tol" (949) 57""'22 Conecdol19 News tnd 53 degNeL .... from down New ZMCend d#pe.bhantll•latJ,,,.._com h ta the Pilot'a policy to prompdy (Mil 8'2-6680 ~: WW'(" due today. bringing June~·· correct ell etTOf'9 of euti.t.nc:e. -8poft9 (a.&9) 574-4223 WWW.IMS.l'JOH.Q(N c:N9t-and lhouldef.Hgtw. ' Pl .... call (9'8) JM-432•. News,... (IM9) 841-4170 Some WwJ 8W9lt drtYen bv the Newpon reporlef, &,lorta Fa UM8) 880-0170 IDfTINQ l1JUIP IMll 5,7iM232 FYI !""'91! <*l#WJllot•l«l,,._oom BOATING FORECAST· storm may be left °"9f', h J.J.C-. }uM.C11MQ,.tw»•1at1,,_,com The Newport IMchlCoe1a Meu MlllltOllM ehould die down bv Mondly. Mtneglng Edhof, ,...Clmoft Dally Piiot (USPS-144-800) II l tallnw OllDI (Ml M2""321 Light Wfteble._ on the ~ 1941) 574-4233 Politic:., but'ne11 and environment ....... ,.. (Ml) 631-7128 Inner...,. beOomeWllt publt.hed dally. In NMpon Belch ~ .org •.J.t»hn. l«lfn#JIOm repotter, ($it8) *"'330 and C09i. Meta, eubecripelonl are wlndl blowing 10 tD ti Moll In ........... ~ OtyEdllor, /»Ul.cllnfon•t.11,.,....,oom evallabl9 only bV tublcriblno to The Che"*"°°"· W.W. wtl be 2 TIDES (M)7'M324 L.e9'11 ..... Tlrnet Orenge County (800} fllll .... and btWllt .... wll be n.... ........ }Mrw&,,,,.,.IMlnw.oom Cofumni.t. cultur. IWPOl'W. 252 .. 1"1. In .... out9lde of s toe-. Al night. the-. .... J. ..... 1948)67~ Newport e.ect't end eo.ta Mell, """about 6 knott end .. ea.m. .(). t1 .... low M Dlf-.or/ Newal** Q,lef, 1o11ee.,,.,,,.,.,_,,,.oom eublcripeiont to the Det1v Piiot an1 Joined bv UM nor'w sates;. 12;3'7 p.m. Ul .... hlgh IMIPM224 .,..... ........ ev.ilal* only by fJrei Gil .. 11'\1111 for Publlehed by Timel Community .,.,... mlY be• limll cntt 4:31p.m. U7tieelow p.....,•...,,__com Com Mela ,.,.,.,.,, IM l 57'"4221 S30 per month. (Prtc. lndude aft Newt, • dlvlllOn °'the Loe Angelee ~onthtCMMr...,.. n~p..m. 1.21 .......... .... llllC ... t#lld1*.,,...,...,.,_,,,._oom ~R*end locel w..I nm.. ..~ .......... ,._.....,, a.llllllit c..-. fl'OSTMASTUl Send addr9el ---"'"-'~'°---c.-.-..... Educedon ...,_,Ml~ .... to TheHliwpoft Cl2003 '""-CH. All rtgMe ~ ~·.........,,, ~ ...... ~Pffoc."0. ,_ .. rlOfthu-..-.~ .. ftilttlme.ln .. mcMi ... ( Daily Piiot Street signs lose dir ecti on A city committee has selected designs fqr . signs showing way to points of interest, but there's no funding fo r them right now. June Caaa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BP.AC! I -The good news is that city officials could soon reach a consensus on new signs to guide visitors through the city. The bad news is that now there's no money to produce them. A city committee charged with helping to choose a design for city directional signs has come out in support of oval signs wtth white letters and gold tnm. Council members eventually will give final approval. The committee, made up of members of the business community and residents, was charged with helping to select a design M d then trying II OUI at several city in tersectiofl.). COURTESY or CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH "Dummy signs" have been installed on Coast Highway westbound at F ernleaf Avenue in Corona del Mar. ~t week. cardboard cop1~ of the signs were placed on Jambo- ree Road, Coast J Liliflway. 32nd Street and Balboa Boulevard. A four-day test period for the signs that ended Thursday gave officials a chance to see the ~gru, in place and drive pru>t them to ~ure they were large enough to read from a moving car. ''Generally speaking. d majority of the subcorruru ltet' liked the shape, the color. the lertenng." <.aid George Berger. economic de- BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS New employees gather at the cl ub Managers of the Balboa Hay Cluh Re11ort and <;pa gathered together 1he1r new '>taff Friday. More than 450 employeei. ~howed up for a company pitture. After mterviewmg mort· than 900 appHcants, Bay Oub managers added about 250 new employee!> to help run the remodeled and ex- velopment program manager for the city. ''We have higher stand- ards here in !'lewport Beach, so we wanted to be sure that this will be something the community wtlJ like and appreciate." But now it loob as though there isn't enough money in the next budget to bwJd and imtall the signs. "Our estimate wa'i almoM $400,000, and given the fi'>Cal situation we are in ·at thJ., mo ment, that did not get included in the recommended capital proJt.'Cts for next year." 1~islarlt lny Man- ager Sharon Wood said )ta ff won 1 include the fund111g request m thl· upconung fi...wl year's budge1, she said. \.\'e ~ hoping we rnn ill least panded. resort l he Ha} ~~ 1s scheduled tu reopen ~I~~ I 15 The club ht1s more 1han doubled It'> staff I l1·rH\ Sch1elein. the club's pre'>• dent, met \"1th ealh ern ployee who wouJd have con· tac1 with gue.,t.,. ~Lh1elc1n has said he hopec; 10 '>ccurc the coveted Five Diamond rating from the Au1omubill• Oub of ::,outhern ( alifu1 n1a . In a speech before 1he Ill'\\ employees. Uan.'nLe (,iH lough. who spend 4Z year'> worl.ing for the Auto Oub. explained 1he requirement'> for the rating BOATING SEASON IS HERE! We me Marine Carbur •• All Marine .Carburetors A ~." Engine Tested ~ _ Same Owner Since 1965, 38 Years in Costa Mesa TRI CARBURETOR SHOP INC. 2945 Ra ndolph Ave (Bristol & Baker) 94 9.642.8286 . 714.556.2181 bella bella SALON G<eoi Lerigttl nor 9l<Terwot1$ Altema U!e 5'TO>Qh1enog ~em SALON HOUIS j ~sovoa,o llo"' <>OCD"' • uooeo~ 272 l E CoOJI ~ Suite 204 Corono d4" Mor CA 9'262~ 949 723 4048 get the design and the program apprmcd and seek funding at an- other ume. • Wood ~d. The plan is to have the design pha..e apJ)roved and read} to go for when~r the counul decides to purcha'>e the !>lgn'>. nie 11igns will help motorist.l> and pedl"itrians find gtneral and specific del>tinatioru. 111 the l'.lty. ror ex.ample, i.1gni. po'>ted un '>OUthbound Coast 1 llghway c.ould help motorhll> avoid the wmmun nu-,take of tumin~ righl onto 1he r>emru.ula when tht'y really m- tendt-<l to head toward LaKtJna &·ach. nw "Wl!> wtll note '>pet lfic neighborhood'>. d1.,1m·t., and de.,. tmauon~ .. ud 1 a:. Ca.rmery V1llctge <.oronJ dl'I Mar and l·U!>h1on f<,- land LOOKING BACK Eastside wasn't always a j ewel loltt• Harper Daily Pilot 0 n any given day. you will see a family taking a walk down Orange Avenue or pushing a stroller across 18th Street. or a child riding a bllce on Santa Ana Avenue. The Eastside of Costa Mesa has long been considered a gem because of its rozy neighborhood feel, and that atmosphere is in large part because of aggressive action taken by the City Counol in 1960. Forty-three years ago. the City Council enacted a series of 1911 Act projects. in whkh it elected to widen many of the streets and add sidewalks. curbs and gutters. Bob Wilson, an expert on city history, w.u. on th~ council In 1960 I le would later become mayor. He c,cud he and his coDeagu~ took the lead to make the F.a.stside what i1 is today. ·u was the rea-.<m r..o..rn Mesa turned out to be thr jewel that it is today,• \\il<.on said uwe rudn't do evcrythmg right. but we dad a good Job. all things considered " The 1911 i\0. Ill t">.<RllCC', says a O ty CoWlcil can simply enact various projects 10 smal.I increments, attacking certain pr9blem ~ Residents bave the right to protest and force It to an election, but they qiust have 51 % opposilion to ha)1 il ,. . In the case of the Eastside, opposition never surfaced. Wilson said. and as more and more was accomplished. the demand for the pro)eas grew "We spent hours and hours meeting with the community and communicating to them the value of this act,· Wilson !>aid. •As things go1 done, more and more people were a.sldng for it in there neighborhood· All of a sudden. the Easts1de had curb guner.. and sidewalk!., and the acy "cleaned up its act," Walson !>aid 1bat action, mure than two decades ~o. ~ !>ull large!). respon.sjble for the high property value<> in that part of the cit} and mak.e<. it atrracnve to young famtlies. Wil'lOn admit'> the various councils he served on, as well as tho..e thar followed. rgnored the Westside ol the Lii)' He hopes today' cowitil ca11 w.e the '><1me forl">1gh1 a-, m 1 %0 and use the II.JI I Al1 to trdll'.,form th1· my agam. •Using the Latest Co~~ng Technology • 600dpi Xerox Oigiral Output • Quality Color Copies .39t • B&W Copies Small and Large Volume • Laminating • Folding • Cutting • Stapling • Binding • Rubber Stamps ~ BLUEPRINTING • Large Vellums • Cad Plotting • Lg. Bond Copies E-mail your plot file'i to u5 at lagunaprint@earthlink.net Pick up & Delivery· Fast Quality Servit:e Proudly Serving You Since 1984 7/~'. "JI rtn £1'11(/f J/,~/,/,/,? . k11•tlffltf'/1-; .J:,. 1 Now Open SaturdJ)S LagunaPrint 1 ·~~ '\ < "''"' lhq:. l.u111n.1 B.•.1rh (949) 497-6016 l .. t!JUllJIUilll .f't ,.,,,\ f Oftt Tut•sday. \1a~ I :t :!OCU '\,.,,p1111 Bt·.11 Ir.< \ Sul\day, May 4 2003 A3 I DON'T PRACTICE LAW By Davr Woni :\ re.ii <'"JI<' prc1le •)n>11 .. I doc\n t pu ... 11ce !J..., ( > •c,111 d., \our 1.ixc\ I >11c\ll' g1\C .. d,1cc \he) nr I Ir t'rhcd t' g1.,.c -\h hur here '-e t. .. ,. d1t" rn.1 kJ11l."> ot .1 < Jrd 2 Hc<.au\c v11u rt~lull ' l•<"l.I \our real (\l.1tc ,Hh ,,,r tt guide \·ou <.Jrdulll rt r•1u~lt 1 "Tlllld1dd 11t l'"'l'nl .. .I lq::.tl ha.\\ln .111d IJ\ pr Jblcrr' So nc ..... wh.11• fr) J Hn rut line we: v.Jll.. \), hJl •~l d .. I\ to expl.1rn r .. rh, ht.:\I .. t "J' unJi:m.indrn!! d t' r J1T11 t1<. .. m11n\ "' ,111\ I''' l1l"m ••! npporrunin '~t' J., 11"1 tdl \llU "hr 11 \(IUC\t' <•I JCllllll IC> 1.1kc I lur I .h I\ [!> licl; . OU I 1 knuv. rh.u rhcrC' dfC rrnporr•nt 11uc\11111 11 J;k ii' Jrru•pr .i.1t ,J,,, .. rr ... k''l" '1111.0ll• •fl I><: II 1 .. , I I I i!'' .u.h '''': or \on cunr d;c ' d 2 h.1\t J 1.ilf 1J I o t \!lJt quc,t111n., \ 1JU \• 11 Id 11~ In rhr• wJ\ '' ur r al c;t 11t' J\\ J\ 11 \'lJU nn·d \ l•UI 'llJt'\I ,., .lllS'l"ereJ wll nit .• 1 J,. I 'l \ ': Hr ur \b:' t:i\ .\c-t~\J!O •' JJ,'t"'\\• -1.:"'41 •f" or nnet•irdri>.id l"lll /J.111 \t o,,e "J 1,., .. , 1·•·t /•Qmt tn ,\'n1p1 rt flt',/{!' 111, I i 91)9 .md I I< 11/, ( , I ' \r:, f r( /'roptrtt1J/(11/i11. r fi,11, rrr ANTI-AGI NG TREATMENTS '_ / FROM HFAD TO TOE {,{; Forum Consultation w1th Cosmetic Su eons This Informative health emlnar features topics featuring StatH>f-thM rt Prevention & Treatment of Aging. • The Science of Aott..Aglng Ufeatyle Manaaemeat •Inner-Ase™ System..:...&lentlflc Measurement of Btolog1cal Age • Weight Loss/Management & Nutrition •Human Growth Hormone to reverse aging from the "Inside out" • BeautttuJ from Head to Toe • Treatment of Baldness • Botox Treatment • Facial PJastlc Surgery • Body Cosmetic Surgery • Cosmetic Dentistry -Breast-Implants. Lifting c.t Reduction • Photo.Aging • Body Uposuction .. -Photo Rejuvenation -Body S uraery -Lasen for SkJn Rejuvenation. • T~tment of Lea Veins Hair Removal, Removal of Veins • Cosmetic foot Surgery & Removal of Tatoo • Bunions, Hammertoes • lnJectable F1Uen • Birth Deformttlet • Question cl Ans~r Session •~al Coruultion of "Am /Reody7" • ~r Simulation of What You Could lAoll Li~ • Sun oo,,.. R~porr Cord ,........,..., H °'°'11! l!tNnhla MD. r. . DI l.Ait, DJ'\f .._,. M11r 1J.;m ,._, pm ... jr • for seminar reterVatlon NI t'n-1111 M Sunday, M;:iy 4, 2003 PUB UC SAFETY POLICE FILES COITA•IA ........ ltrMt: P*ttY theft waa reported In the 3300 blodc ff! 8:21 p.m. Thur'ldey. •Deep Creek~: A garage burgt1ry wet teported In the 800 blodc at 8:35 p.m. Thunday. • fWrvtew Aoedt Petty theft wu reported In tht 2600 blodc at 4:24 p.m. Thuraday. • Hemlton $trNt: A prowter was reported in lhe 800 blodt at 12:20 1.m. Thul'tday. ·HMbor~: Pouesalon of dl\Jgs was reported In the 3100 blodt at 10:57 p.m. Thuraday. • Hollow 8roolc .a.-.; A home burglary was reported in the 900 blodc at 6:46 p.m. Thursday. • ~ Av.nue: An auto theft was reported in the 800 blodt at 10:1<1 p.m. Thursday. • Scott Piece; Gnrf'ffti was reported in the 700 blodc at 10 a.m. · Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • BeysJde Drtw: A vehlcle burglary was reported in the 1300 block at 8:19 a.m. Friday. • BNc:on Street end lrvtne Av9nue: A hit-and-run was reported at 1 :58 p.m. Friday. •&st Coast Hlghwwy: Vandalism was reported in the 400 blodc at 5:18 a.m. Friday. •West Coast Highwwly: A physical fight was reported in the 2600 blodt at 1:43 a.m. Friday. • &st Ocean Ftont: Battery was reported in the 900 bloclc at 2:55 a .m. Friday. • Saint .Andrews Road: A commercial burglary was reported in the 600 blodc at 11:16 a.m . Friday. • Vla Lido Drive: A commercial burglary was reported In the 3400 blodc at 10:19 a.m. Friday. ART Continued from Al 'l1lat situation was an exception for his team. Smith said "We have a 909' success rate as far as negotiation ls concerned." he said. Most of the time, his team deals with suicidal people, Smith said "That's alwa'ys a challenge because you have to find out about the person within a very short time," he said. lbat's where the "team" comes in. Usually there ls only one person who negotiates. The rest of the team stays behind the scen es and does a variety of jobs, from recording the session and setting up the equipment to going on a lightning fact-finding mission. They try to contact the person's family. friends, COMMENTS Continued from Al Officer Paui Pines said. What would have happened to that busload of school kids but for those 6 inches? You know, and I know, but neither of us wants to discuss it. So what is Mr. Mancuso's story? Who knows, and who cares. But let's set him aside for now. The point is that high-speed chases and drivers from h ell are becoming way too common and way too scary. And here is the bitterest irony I c<"GETTING INVOLVED •GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For infonnation on adding your organization to this list. call (949) 574-4298. LAGUNA GREENBELT INC. Volunteers are needed to assist Laguna Coast Wilderness Pane staff and James Dilley Preserve staff and docents with hiker registration and general public orientation. (949) 488--0287. LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti. an organization that wortcs with persons with HIV or AIDS. is seeking caring di · ~~ ustom Home Low ·Construction to permanent loan with one qualifying process and one set of closing fees.!! Lot cost included. ·Construction loans as low as prime, fixed for up • 11 II to 12 months. · f· ' .. ·Low rates for purchase. re-fr & no cost equity lines. 949-252·8200 ·Ground up rehab & remodel-Primary residence or 2nd home allowed. ·Increase cash flow with Interest Only programs. 15 Years in Orange County. Tm L~NlllN<. GHOUi' • 3848 Campus Or.1210. ~ Beactl. CA92660 TAKE SS rwv EXIT FAIR DR. TO HARBOR Al prlees ••elude petnmentfees ond taxes, any hnonce dlorges. ony deoler docu"*1! preporolion charge and any em!UIOn lesl•og charge Expires 516/03 THESE MEW FABRICS Will APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EVEM HUSBANDS. lht sott lolds o1 v.,.u.· ~~now come in ttwM new fabrics '* appeel to ""' ,one. eom.-~~ ptt)'Chiatrist or pdest -anyone they can get to ftnd out more. The negotiator's Job is, h~. the QlOSt challenging, Smith saJd. •We need to talk to them ln a nonthreatening way," he sakl. "The person's thought process ls worse than nonnal. and a lot of times, it's worsened by drugs or alcohol "If you act too aggtt!SSlvely. they'll commit suicide. If you don't act at all, they'll commit suicide," he said. "So it's pretty m uch li.k.e wallcing a tightrope." It helps if a negotiator is empathetic jll:ld slncere, Smith 'said. "We try to tell them: "Your solution ls to kill yourself. We have a better solution. We can get you help. We have professional help standing right here.' The lmportant thing ls, you always tell the ttuth and don't promise anything you can't do for them." of all: Unless some innocent person is actually k.illed in one of these high-speed nightmares. the penalties are no big whoop -a DUl here, some reckless endangerment there, maybe a UttJe evading arrest. With a little luck, you could be out in less than a year. Believe it or not, unless linked to another crime, causing a high-speed chase ls usually no more than a misdemeanor. That is totally and completely unacceptable if you ask me, which nobody ever does, but it still is. My solution, which I have offered publicly on many volunteers to assist with running the front office, delivering meals. providing transportation and providing complimentary -therapies sod'I as maS$8Qe, 8C\Jpu ncture and d'liropntctic care. Lisa Toghia, (949) 494-1446. LIFELINE LMNG CENTERS Mentally ill adults rely on the Newport Bead'I center for residential housing. It needs professional fund-raisers to support and maintain this resource. LUV-A-PET CENTER Volunteers who love to wort with cats and kittens are needed at the Luv-a-Pet Center at PetsMart in Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 451-3272. MASTER CHORALE Of ORANGE COUNTY The performing arts organization needs volunteers for computer Input. tictetlng, filing and handling phones. (714) 65fH>262. MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Community Services needs mentors to make a lasting effect on a young person's life. Students 10 to 18 years old are matd'led with mentors to improve their school performance and self-esteem while developing positive peer and adult relationships. (714) 549-9622, ext. 35. MOBILE MEALS Volunteer drivers are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping and cooking for themselves. For more information, call (949) 645-8050. MOZART Cl.ASstcAL ORCHESTRA Orange County's only nonprofit resident d'lamber orchestra needs volunteers for tidteting, ushering, phones, mailing and help with receptions. Nominees are also being sought for the board of directors. (949) 830-2950. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN tNC. The recovery center for women with e lcohol or other d'lemlcal dependencies seeks volunteers. (949) 648-9927 between 10 a.m . and 6 p.m.; o r Joy, (9491 548--8754. NEWPORT BAY NATURALIST The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve is loblting fof volunteers to Hilst wtth naturalist-led tours end programs, tpedal events and h1bftet restoration projects. The Interpretive center Is at 2301 University Orlvo, Newport Beach. (714) 973-e829. NEWPORT BEACH ~ AlfDvtSITORS The buruu 11 dedicated to the promotion of the dty to potendal vtalton. Volunt ..... with extenelvt lcnOVttedge of Ntwp0t1 Beecti •rt needed. (141) 722·1811. NEWPc>Wr IEACH LawtY l.ll'DACY,... TIM progtem 1Mb votuntMra to tutor aduha wtlO Wllnt to lmprcMt 1helr reeding~ wtt11ng llclll. ~ wttl bl Olfdhd dutfng training WOfbhope lhe Central Ubrwy. CICI) 7t7~ SUCCESSES MD FAILURES Veteran negotiator Phil Hartman says lincerlty heJps, especlally when you have to · deal with the same sulddal person more than on~ It happens, he says. "I've dealt with tl)1s one jumper about three times," Hartman said. "He ended up not jumping. But It helped me to have developed a good rapport with him from the beginning. And he knew l wasn't lying to hhn." • While the team bu bad a pretty good success rate with suicides, it didfail last year when a man jumped from the roof of the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel Dieball was the lead negotiator in that incident "That was a tough one because I was hopeful we wouid succeed," he said. "I felt confident there was going to be occasions, is to equjp our police helicoaters with rocket launchers. A little extreme perhaps, but I say let's get the offending vehicle melted down first, and then we can sort out who had a substance abuse problem, or is on probation, or was abused as a child, or is distraught over a recent breakup or money problems. Consider this: How often do you ride a train, and how much do you worry about railroad safety'? Do you know what the penalty is in California for tampering with a railroad switch or a rail or placing a dangerous obstruction on the t:racks? Newport Bead'I Film Festival. is looking for new members. Interested candidates should want to help further an artistic and cultural heritage in the community and should have a love of cinema and a desire to raise awareness of the film festival. (949) 263-2880. NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION The library foundation needs extra hands to perform clerical duties, sud'l as filing, organizing and stuffing envelopes, at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. (949) 717-3890. NEWPORT BEACH RECffAL SERIES The Friends of The Newport Beach Recital Series Guild needs volunteers to assist in fostering music appreciation so classfeal music will endure. (949) 644-4206. NEWPORT BEACH llfEATRE COflPAHY The company needs volunteers to help with costume design. sewing, make-op applicatlon, set construction, tedlnical help, publicity, stage management and badc:stage supervision. (949) 759-1046 or LKSaf@aol.com. NEWPORT HARBOR NAUTICAL MUSEUM The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers a number of volunteer opportunities in the gift shop, as docents or receptionists, with clerical wort and with fund-raising events. Training is provided. (949) 675-8915, Ext. 107. NEWPORT-MESA YMCA The YMCA needs a variety of geoeral volunteer help. (949) 642-9990. NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL FOUNDATION The foundation is looking for volunteers to help with fund-raising efforts, speaking opportunities, public events and occaafonal office wort. (9491 631-4143. NEWPORT THEATRE ARTS CENTER A variety of jobtl need to be ladded, Including set conatruction, utherlng, mailings and easorted ted\nlcal duties. Scheduling la ftexlble, with a two- to 20-hour commitment per month. The Newport Theatre Art1 Center is at 2501 cnn Drive. (949) 631-0288. OMIS SENOR CENTER Meeta on Wheels volunteera are needed to distribute prepered dithet to homebound Nniors In the Newport e..cn .,.... The de~ry time Is between 11 :30 e.m. and 1 p.m. daity. The center ..._, nMdl volunteer nuraee fof' hll aemknonthfy blood pt'WUUrt ecteenings. The 090qr offws thla MMc8 between 9 end 11 1.m. the flf'lt end third T~ of the month. Vofunteert ehould COMmlt two houri onct I month or YOtunteer on 1 eubsdtute be9l1. The cent« la. 800 Marguertt. Ave., Corona cMt Mer. (148) 6443244.. . OPDAMClflC The Opera P9dflc GuHd Altt1nce. • euppott group lot Opera Paclftc. hie ..... fotYOtuntMrl. (714) MllOOO. a pea~fuJ surrender." But the man had dedded tn h1a mind that he was going to Jump, and that~ just ooe thtng no amount Of negodldon can change. Dieball said. "Once he makes that decision to end his UJe. that's It." he said. "He didn't want our help. That's how we rationalize it That's what makes it OlC for us, so we don't have to tum into psychos every time we lose someone.• .The "rationalizing" i.s part of a debriefing session every negotiator goes tbrOugb after each incident regardiess of whether he feels he needs it or not, SmJth said. "You put someone in a pressure cooker situation I.Ike that, you want to make sure they're not breaking down emotionally,~ he said. "There's the adrenalin rush, and once It's all over, the emodons come crashing down. Thats why the debriefing is mandatory every Under Section 218. a person convicted of any of those is · •guilty of a felony. and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for life without possibility of parole.· But what if your target is "onJy" a car? ln California, anyone convicted of hurling a rock, a brick or any other dangerous object at a car with the intention or doing and causing bodily harm is guilty of a felony under Section 219 ·and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for two, four or six years.· Oh. OK. That makes sense. Try to kill someone in a car, and volunteers to paint out graff'Tti and other duties. Mid'lael Howard. (714) 435--0745. OCC ANGEL TREE PROJECT Orange Coast College students are holding their 18th annual Angel Tree Proj~. a Christmas gift collection for needy Orange County youngsters and senior citizens. The project also benefits d'lildren enrolled in OCC's Children's Center. Unwrapped gifts rflay be dropped off at the Associated Students and College Life Office from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fridays in the college's student center. OCC NAUTICAL LIBRARY Orang•Coast College's School of Sailing and Seamanship needs book donations for its Nautical library. Thoos.ends of volumes of boating~l111ed 1ides ire needed. The School of Sailing and Seamanship is at 1801 W. Coast Highway, Newport Bead'I. (949) 645-9412, ORANGE COAST INTERFAITH SHELTER The largest family shelter in the county needs volunteers tor its d'lildren's programs. It especially desires tutors and those who can take part in activities after 6 p.m . Tutors will wor1c with groups of d'lildren or individually, helping d'lildren in 1heir academic problem areas. Volunteers will also act as 'a big brother or big sister during the summer. Jaime Mayo. (949) 631-7213. ORANGE COUNTY CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION CENTER The ceoter nMda volunteers to wortc with high~risk famifies and d'lildren, providing weekly emotional support to families, infants and first-time mothers in their homes. The center is asking for a three-hour weekly commitment (714) 543-4333. ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNfTY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Volunteers are needed for a variety of functions. (714) 839-6199. ORANGE COUNTY HOMELESS TASK FORCE The talk force is recruiting volunteer• for the Interfaith Council Networt to wortc one on one with home less adults in a program on basic life skills. (949) 2es-1n4. ORANGE COUNTY MUSEUM OF Mr l.eam more •bout art end ahare with your community by becoming 1 docent et the Orange County Museum of Alt. A wfunteer docent guides adults •nd tchool li1ro\IP9 through the gelferiea end~ about the n'IUMUm't cofftctfons end tlChlbftione. CN9> 759-1122, ext. 204. OMNOECOUNTY~ Aln'lcena Ooo.1'1.,. needed to lead toura of the t.nt.r, 800 Town CanbW Dtfve. eo.tt MeM. lMm ~ thehlleorv•lhlt~ of the Center Md tM WOlidngt of the bee* mg..,...., r-or more lnf°""8don, call (714) S&e-ARTS, •133 d~. It rully helps to pt It off your chest" PRAC1lCE MAKES SAFETY The negotiators al.90 go through extensive tral.ning. SmJth said. 'llley attend a weeklo•'8 negotiatJon course and an advance c~.at Sap Jose State University. Tue whole team gets together once a month to practice. They set up a scenario with actors so team members can hone thelr skills and stay in shape for the real situations. "We try to make them very Intense and real.· SmJltl said. ~A. lot of times,' f 'd have my team say, ·nus was just like what we had in pracclce the other day.'" What does it take to be a good negotiator? "MostJy patience," Smith says. "Someone who can think on his feet. Someone who ls intelligent, and someone who is able to withstand a 101 of stress." you get a two-to six-year paid vacation. Try to kill someone jn a train, and h's life in the big house with no po~ibillty of parole. Or if you prefer, tear down the street at 120 miles per hour and just miss a car here and a busload of kids there. and it's six months on a lumpy mattress - oh, and a bad mark on your driving record. That is the law, and that is definilely not funny. , Sorry for the rant, but this b getting way too close 10 home. Maybe someone should do '>omething about it. no? I gotta go. ORTON DYSLEXIA SOCIETY ORANGE COUNTY BRANCH Volunteers are needed to teadl reading skllls, wor1c on mailings and coordinate the adult group (7141999-0118 between 9 a.m. andJp.m. PACIFIC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The Orange County Pacific Symphony Ord'lestra's Volunteers in Education Opportunities program needs volunteers to assist d'lildren in a variety of hands--on musical activities. Volunteers spend a total of six Saturday mornings with the d'lildren (714) 755-6788. ext 244. PARENT HElP USA Founded by mothers and other• egainlt dllld a~. Parent Help aeQJhe public for he&p Ind volunteers to inform the community on vital issues affecting d'lildren and the family For more information, call (949) 650-3461 or (949) 675-5271 PEDIATRIC CANCER RESEARCH FOUNDATION PCAF. whid'I raises money to support pediatric cancer research, needs rnteds volunteel'9for a vanety of duties. (949) 859-6312. THE PHARMACOlOGY RESEARCHINSTTTUTE The institute is looking for volunteers to take part in a study on quitting smoking. To learn more about the program, call 18881 n4-467J. PRIME DYNAMtCS Prime Dynamics, a Newport Beedl nonprofrt organization for the 99 and younger set. needs volunteers for Its programs. (949) 262-7300. PROJECT ACCESS Project Access is a nonprofit organization that linu resident of low-income hoosing developments with beneficial social services usually through resource centers. VoluntH,. are needed to tutor d'llldren, teach crafts and COA'lputer stiffs at the various centers. Paul Shapiro, (949) 263-3120 ext. 229. PROJECT CUOOlE Project Cuddle, a nonprofl1 organization, serves the needs of abused, abandoned and drug--expoaed d'llldren. In addition to office help and once+month, 12·hour hotline ~wkmtMtl.,. n.dedb tn Modll8'V group, funckaiting commlttMI and to help <htribute sticbra to stop babies from being abandoned In treth blne. The organlzatlon 1lao needl dof\110d gift ftems for mothe,. end babl ... (714) 432·9681. • PROJECT TOGEntER Ptofect Together Mtb tduh volun...,. to tetlbff1h a truatlng, one-to-oN reletlonlhlp wfth chikhn ........ d from flfNty problema end ....... Thia tOmPOf'*tt of the Orangt County HMfth Clre~CNl<hn'a Mtntal HeMh S.W-offere trlinlng end~ for the proortm. Mlny of 1he cHldrln .. ecioooma•v ~­~of ntgAtct or both. (71') 8IOIU4. ,. Datly Pilot AROUND TOWN A frM eemlner end door pttz9I on "Skin Care, Meelttl and Beauty• '-will be held from &JO to 8 p.m. tt • Send AROUND TOWN item1 to Mother's Martcet. 225East17th St, the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Cocta Meu. For reeetVations, call Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (800) 69&-MOMS. (94$) ~170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date WEDNESDAY and location of the event, as well St. And...w's PrlisbytMan as a contact phone number. A Church Is holding Its 38th annual complete listing is available at rummage aale from May 7 to 9. www.dallypllot.com. The preview sale is May 7 from 3 TODAY to 6 p.m ., with a $3 donation required at the door. The main ThFM young achola,.hlp sale begins at 9 a.m. the next winners will be part of tife two days, ending at 7 p.m. May 8 California Women's Chorus' 34th and 2 p.m. May 9. The church ls 1nnual Scholarship Benefit at 600 St. Andrews Road In Concert. The music students will Newport Beach. For more join female vocalists frqm in.fqrmatioh, call (~9) 642·3824. throughot4t California when the 200.voice chorus presents ·surf A frH seminar and book 'n Sing• at 2 p .m. In the Sutton signing of "Stress and Disease• Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur by Herb lewis will be held from Blvd. in Newport Beach. Tidcets 6:30 to 8 p.m. a1 Mother's are $16 In advance and $18 at the Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa door. Call (949) 262-0579 or (714) Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 840-4568 for tidtets or 595-MOMS. information THURSDAY •HappyVoicesl• from Saint The Alzheimer's Aaan. of Oninge Michael's children's choirs, the County and UCI Institute for Cerubim and Seraphim, can be Brain Aging host the first heard at St. Michael and All researdl and education Angels Episcopal Church in conference at the Newport Corona del Mar at 5 p.m. For Beach Marriott May 8 and 9. The information, call (949) 644-0463. conference begins at 8:30 a.m., with registration and breakfast. "The New 1,.q: • Pl'Hentatlon Exhibits begin at 7:30 a.m. The by Huw Anwyl, will address cost is $60 for one day, $100 for what's next. who will be making two. For more information, call decisions, and whether (7141 283-1111. democracy will work in Iraq after the war at St. Michael and All More than 300 proud parents Angels Episcopal Church in and 250 children will join Dr. David Corona del Mar at 7 p.m. For Diaz and his staff from West Coast Information, call (949) 644-0463. Fertility Centers and Centro latinoamericano de Fertilidad to TUESDAY celebrate the joys of parenthood An instructor from the American from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Children Feng Shui Institute will explain who represent the miracle of how elemental remedies are assisted reproductive medicine for implemented as elegant the one out of six couples that seek acce.ssories that complement infertility treatment will join Diaz your decor to improve health, for the 15-year baby reunion at the relationships and prosperity. Hyatt Newporter in Newport Reservations for the 7 p .m. Beach. For more information, call seminar at Visions and Dream s in (949) 215-0411 Costa Mesa are required. Call (626) 288-1669 for more SATURDAY information The second annual Paw1 Around THE .. All NEW9• 2004 RI 330 Now Available ~CUIAIN! P120VENc.AL! I Mother's Day Featured Merw. Glau of Champ..-or MUDo.41 Shrimp ';tab AAoli Lob.ter 8Mque wleh A.......-c -Millecl C-Salad CboMeol: Snn.-v.a., o.ckB.....c ...... ...._5--Fnelt Adulde ....._ ............... or ,.......,_.. ..... ,..,, ...... s.- or B..t........,_ 0--. Sa-b&w1Tam. 129.SO,,. ,._ Jfappy Mother's 1Jay rf ree 9lass off fJllian Champagne to aU :Motfiers Noon to 7:30p.m. Inside or patio seating A la cartr menu ' Sonday, May 4, 2003 AS the Puk fund-raiser, a walk that includff tours of the facility and MAY 24 exhibits of photos and artifacts. 4 A book 1'gnlng and penonal Team Survivor, • nonprofit ralNI money to provide dog organization encouraging dr1nkJng fountain• in Fairview Free. For more Information, call appearance by author James women who have been through Part. will begin registration at 8:30 a.m. for $20 per walker. The first 200 registrant• for the one-mlle or two-mlle walu at Fairview Parit, starting at 10 a.m .. will receive an event dog tag, a bandana and a doggie bag. For more Information, call (714) 764-5698. MAY12 Leem about th• Sierra Club and Its many activities at its Information meeting for newcomers and members at 6:30 p.m. Meet at the Costa Mesa Community Center, 1845 Park Ave., for food, exhibits and table displays. Newcomers can join the Sierra Club for a special $25 introductory fee. For more information, call (714) 517-2467. MAY13 A f,.. seminar on "Muecln in Motion" by Judith Todero will be held from 6;30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's Marttet, 225 East 17th St.. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOM S. MAYlS A flff seminar and book signing of ·stop the Clock Cooking• by ~heryl Forberg will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) . 595-MOMS. MAY17 The Starilght Theatre Company will hold auditions for its all-student summer show. "Mary Poppins,· from 1to3 p.m. Children 10 to 14 years old can sing a song from the show or bring taped accompaniment to a song they've prepared. The theater is at 1125 Victoria St in Costa Mesa. For more information, call (9491645-7827. The Costa Mesa Historical Society will host an open house from 11 a.m . to 4 p.m. at 1870 Anaheim St. in Costa Mesa. It Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality Scni«9., ···N"aghdy F.otatainmcsu-- (949) 631·5918. "Divorce: A New BeglnnlnQ,• ia a worbhop for men and women who are divorced or getting divorced. It is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m . at 180 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. For more Information, call (9491644-6435. MAY18 To kldt off this year's Festive I of Children, a Volunteer Day will be held from noon to 4 p.m. at South Coast Plaza's carousel Court. To introduce Orange County charities and youths to eadl other, the F-estlval bf Children Volunteer Day will allow a variety of nonprofit organiz.ations to display information about their services For more information, call (9491 6444m MAY20 A free seminar and book signing of "Why the Weight? Dare to be Great'" by author Jean Kruegar will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m . at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (8001 595-MOMS. The Surfrider Foundation Newport Beach Film Night will feature surfing films, including the newly released "3 Degrees:· It will be held at 7 p.m. at the Surfrider public meeting at Margaritaville, 2332 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Come and learn what is going on with local water quality issues and see some cool surf fli<*s For more information, call (949) 644-7443. MAY21 A free seminar and book signing of "The Digestion Connection" by Dr M ark Stengler will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (8001 595-MOMS. SUNMIST SPRAY TAN SPA · Spray an your tan in sec nds! Serving tantalizing brunch favorites that Mom is sure to enjoy compli~ted with specialty items and Champagne! $33.95 per person Children (3-9 years of Age) 50% off MRP Discounts Welcome IRVl,_..,\\arJIOl l Blllch for hi1 book •Prescription cancer treatment to exerciee. for Nutritional Healing· wiU.be hosts ·walk and Talk. at 10 a.m . held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m . at the aecond and fourth Friday of Mother'• Market, 225 East 17th the month in front of St .. Coate Mesa. For NIKEgodess store in Fashion reservations, call (8001 Island. Members meet for lundl 595-MOMS. after at Atnum court. For more information, call (9491275-3888. ONGOING VoluntMr driven are nHded Newport Community to help deliver nutritiously Counsehng Center offers a way prepared meals to homebound, to stop the cycle of domestic frail or elderly clients Incapable violence through the support of shopping or cooking for group In S.A.F.E. Hands S.A.F.E. themselves through ·Mobile stands for safety, awareness, Meals," sponsoted by faith and empowerment. For FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag more information, call (949) Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for 721 -8079 mor=at~on. Teens are lnvlt9d to drop by the Regl tion is now open for city of Costa Mesa Recreation runners end walkers of all ages Center from 2 to 6 p.m Monday for the 22nd annual Corona del through Friday for indoor and Mar Scenic 5K Race & two-mile outdoor sports and actP.11t1es Fun Walk on June 7. The Center 1s at 1860 Anaheim Pre-registration fees are $22 for Ave. For more information, call the run/walk and $12 for the (7141327-7560 Dolphin Dash. Reg1strat1on on the day of the race is S30 for the ~port Beach Walking run/walk. Separate races for men C u eets at the corner of and women are limited to 1,500 Superior and Hospital Road 1n runners Call (9491644-3151 to Newport Beach at 9 15 am and register. 7 p.m everyday For more information, call (949) 650-1332 Bayside Resteuran1 in Newport Beach offers wine tasting every The Newport Beach Cake Thursday night for $15 per Decorating Club meets from 7 to person, featuring five new wines 9 p.m on Thursday nights at each week. For more Superior and Hospital ,Road m information, call (949) n1-1222. Newport Beach For more information. call (949) 650-1332. If your orchid is too big for its pot, Green Systems The Newport Beach City Hall is International will show you how displaying watercolor pa1nt1ngs to re-pot your plant during their by Juan Casado Ned Parsons, free orchid-ponmg seminar Raymond Otis and Jim every Saturday at 2 p.m. A plant Teegarden through March 28 at sale 1s held from 9 a m. to 4 p.m 3300 Newport Blvd For more at the 20362 Birch St fac1llty Call mformat1on. call (9491717-3870 (949) 756-1211 for 1nforma11on The Assn of Business Servlcn Discover the secrets of Carbon hosts a networking meeting that Canyon Regional Park as you deals with education walk through groves of beauuful connections from 6 to 8.30 p.m Coastal Redwood trees every on the second Tuesday of every Saturday at 8:30 a .m. Parking 1s month at the Hoh•ay Inn at 3131 $4 Call 1714) 996-5252 for more Bristol St., Costa Mesa For more information. information, call (949) 805-0011. JOLI~ 8alon 68pa v,...//I~. //1.,,/ . //1 /;,.._, ( • //l ·JH'/'~ I •Hair. Solp Treaunent •Na1li --- • Makeup • wa.,. & Sruilloan Wu • nc1als _, . ' . w ww ~':i .... t'• ·-· ·cim : I l ·:.1D l ' I . . M Slmay, Miy 4, 2003 FORUM HOW TO GET PU1U8HED -Ldllrt: Mell to Edltoriel Page Edttor S.J. Cahn .t the Delly Pilot 330 W. Bey St, Cqtte M .... CA 92627 • Puc'len Hodne: Cell (949) 6'2-6086 fa: Send to (949) 64M170 £-melts.net to dallyp/lottllatl,,,_com •All COfTNP()ndence must lndude full name, hometown end phone number (for vetff'lcetlon purpotee). The Piiot reeerves the right to edit all subml1Slon• for clarity end length • . EDITORIALS A better way than lawsuits S atwday marked the school's former director, Sheryl fourth.anniversary of Hawkin.son, also at fault late one of the most last month, an appellate coun shocking tragedies in decided the lawsuits could go Newpon-Mesa history: forward, ovenuming an Orange the murders of 3-year-old County Superior Coun Judge's Brandon Wiener and 4-year-old decision from January 2001 . Sierra Soto on a preschool Three years ago, we playground. The image of a questioned the need for these dilapidated Cadillac crashed In lawsuits. Then, as now, we the middle of the Southcoast cannot and won't question the Early Leaming Oilldhood emotions and agony the grieving .Center, an image so out of place parents have experienced. We and ~o deadly, lingers to this day. wish them as much peace as Along with the image, the pain possible. But we can, and do, rem&ns for many. It is there for wonder whether these lawsuits the police and firefighters called are the appropriate avenues to to the scene. It is there for the soothe the aches. children who escaped Hawkinson, for one, does not unharmed. It is there for the deserve any more pain of her children and the school own. She, too, was a victim of employee injured when the car this crime -illustrated best by barreled across that Costa Mesa the heart attack she suffered playground. ~ during Brandon and Sierra's But for none is the pain memorial service. stronger, more present, than the And if the parents' intent is to families of the rwo innocent make playgrounds throughout children who lost their liVes that the state safer places -as day. Sjerra's mother, Cindy Soto, said The driver of the car, Steven after the appellate coun ruling Allen Abrams, was found guilty -why not work with a local of murder and sentenced to life legislator and create a law that in prison. He is paying for hls would save lives? Preschools crime. We all can hope he should have basic, strict safety continues to pay, each day, for regulations. Helping establish what he did. them would be a wonderful This unspeakable. legacy for Brandon and Sierra, unconscionable act was Abrams' one far more honorable than fault. He is the guilty party. He is pwsuing a path that will make the murderer. lawyers rich while hurting more Yet lawsuits filed by the innocent people. parents of Brandon and Sierra As we asked three years ago: find others, particularly the Why add to the hun? Westside group must see things through T he rehabilitation of Costa Mesa's Westside provides tough decisions and situations. Given the history over the last decade, it doesn't appear that Westsid~ advocates have been able to make much progress. So it only makes sense that those involved in the Community Redevelopment Action Committee stick with it as long as its work lasts. A little more than a handful of commjttee members considered leaving the group to go out on their own to seek Westside improvement. As wonderful as it . would be to see a smaller group than the action committee - origlnally about 80 members, it's dwindled to about 30 -it seems it would be a mistake at thJs point, and the group made the right decision not to create a splinter group. The action committee has been hard at work since it began meeting in June and, though consensus has often been difficult to find, its work is near an end All of its members need to hold on through the final few laps to ensure that its decisions are weU rounded and not made In vain. If the final outcome lacks suppon from the committee's members, that would be the right time to speak out against what should have been an ideal step toward Westside improvement. Any group that sp~ up after the action committee's work ends should seek city endorsement If it plans to have real wonh in the scheme of things. Otherwise, its work toward rede11elopment would stand a lesser chance of success. The Westside, as anyone can . attest, needs some help sooner than late.r. But any group or groups that step up in the future should be diverse enough to represent every Westside resident No one person has a perfect solution for the city's ~tside. Only together can the right vision succeed. THE LAST WORD ' More reasons to party BOLTON t • LEI IER TO .THE EDITOR Condo plan a dark one for neighb.ors A huge project sneaks under residents' noses My head ls splnning from one of the latest City Council decisions -the one about the blg condomlnlum project at 1901 Newport. It happened so last. before most Costa Mesans even got a whiff of what wu propoled. What bothers me personally about this project ls that moat people ln this clty have no Idea what la about to happen. Th.ti ls a mammoth project with mammoth lmpllcalions for the t\Jture dlrectlon of Costa Meta. Ow general plan wu developed ln 1992 with real community Input. It llmJtl realdenlial development south of the freeway to three atorlea or less and no more than 20 unJtl per acre, but thJI w-operty lm't even zoned for mldendal. The oommerdal oomplex on it now la at the hilhett denaJty allowed. Suddenly, here comes a proposal for four·atory condos to cover the parking lot 161 unlta at a denalty of 45 units per acre. There would be a Ove-1tory parklnc pnge smack ln the middle of the project. Tht lltde boUMI on Bernard Saeet wtD Uterally be In the shadow ot tbeM bebemotbl for put of the winter. There lln't eDOUlb ~ t.MN wW be KOnt or new u-nn. on ltcb SCnet, ud tbe mteneedooa OI HatbOr aDd Newport II 19tb SUwt So MAILBAG from really bad to even worse. Whoa. Most people ln Costa Mesa have no Idea what Is about to bit us. At the Planning Commiulon hearing, several commlss1onen aaid they just loved this project and could envlsion more just like It along 19th Street and on the Westside. l left that bearing with whiplash from the radtcal turn thia dty teemed to be taking. Pull speed ahead lnto a bilb-del\llty, .._ highly wt>anlz.ed futun. Mott of the people 1 lcnow want Costa MeM to retain a low-density. IUbwban character. When did the community weigh ln on thia debatet When other bla projectl were propoeed. developers were encouraged to reach out to the community ftrat. This project was approYed before the community wu lrYln aware of what mlght happen. 1be Ctty Council met one night (not the UIUal Oty Coundl meeting nilbt> u lhe Wewlopment Agency and bun! Some of thoH pcomottng this project Ny we need more houalngi and whatever problem& tb1J project haa, It'• wonh h to cmtdook them. That ll 1 shorullbted way to think. 1bla project hill eome problem1; furthermore, plecieme.I cbenr to the general plan are bed pblkJ IDd b9d p.-.cedenL Colla ......... to Mve a debefe about wbMber Ible la the fuNN WI want. lftd tf IO, formulate a new pnenJ plan. If there ls consensus about that, then I know for sure a little redes~ would make this project a lot better. But let's have the debate ftnt. ROBIN L£FFUR Co1taMeaa - • EDtTOR'8 NOTE: Robin Leffler I• vi~ pr91ldent of C09te M .. e Cltlnn• for Rffpontlbte Growth, which hH oppoMd MVtret largt developmentt. tuc:h •• Home Rench, In Cott• Me11 In recent Vetrt. However, thlt letter repreMnt• hi• opinion end not that of tht group. Leaving something out in this explanation Newpon Beach General Servtcea Director Dave Nlederha.ua' coocluaion that neither the city of Newpon Beach nor the contnctor were at fault for tb1a tree trimmlng ftuco, but that It muat be some "folkl" ln Sea View who went out there wtth 1 Uttle cub and bribed the tree trlmmert to •go beyond city limits," la a beaut. You win the award tb1a week. hand.I down. Th1J award can be returned by 1Jmpty offertns an apology to the ntldeD11 ots. View. J'U be cMck•nc the o.a, PGoc ror rour rwpome. .., .... ""'WoUld ~ .... bot ..uc:e co II> wtth .... crowt" ....... Newport8-h SMWIW~ .. FORUM Sunday May 4 2003 A7 Making a splash with Fish Fry's return BIO Age:83 OccuP411ion: Retired contractor Poattion: Past president of Newport Harbor.Costa Mesa Lion's Club Education: Newport Harbor High graduate and Fullerton College T wo years ago. it seemed the Hsh Pry WdS fried. And to everyone, in 200 I and 2002, it was. But several months ago. qrganizers announced tha1 a scaled-down version of the Fish Fry fund-raiser for May 31 and June I at Lions Park. After 57 consecutive Fish Fry events at Lions Park and Orange Coast C.OUege, organi.7..ers have dubbed this year's Fry "One in a row," revealing just how pleased they are to get the old tradition back on its tail after a lawsui1 had ii Boating on its back. There are no plans to revive the parade down Newport Boulevard that was once televised on K'f1A-1V Olannel 5. But the fried Icelandic cod that gives the event its name will return. . • t ., • -<[ p Iv R .. idence: Costa Mesa since 1928; lifelong Orange County resident Famlty: Wife of 61 years Betty; son and daughter; eight grandc:tuldren; and four great-grandctuldren On Thursday. City Editor James Mder visited Rollo McOellan's C.Osta Mesa home 10 talk 10 the Lions Oub member who participated in the previous 57 Fish Fries. On hand were lions Oub President Mike Sc:heafer. who is seeking a C.Osta Mesa City C.Ouncil appciintment. and club member Ond <:asstty. Newport Beach resident Rollo McClellan, a longtime Lions Club member. has been involved m ~very Fish Fry Hobbies: Hunting, fishing; golf PREPARATIONS 'We 're having our secret batter made. It 's a secret batter, so we have a guy on notice who's starting the batter. Today, we 're ordering about a thousand pounds of fish.' REPUTATIONS 'r ve held international office, and p eople all over the world say, "ls your Lions Club the on e that did the .Fish Fry?" Because we 're known as the Fish Fry Club.' How did che Fish Pry come about back ln l 9461 McOa1an: WeU. it ca.me about through a guy by the ndJTle of Bob S1dles. really. He 1omed our dub ahout the year lhe Fish Fry '>tarted. I le was an entertainer. I le and his wife went around to different tugh ~hoob. and played piano and told jokt.., and the whole bit. And he al'iO had the-.e old st.ands, and he'" the one who got thi!> thing going. And they were cooking fl<,h down there in Newport for free. Tht'Y'd haw a fish fry down there at lhe Dory fishermen. So Heinz Kaiser l~t Uon'> Oub president and a fonner county .. upervisorl said, ·~·u comr up here and cook the fish.· McOeilan: Well. getting ii organized. I was a linJe .skepocal of what was gomg lo happen. In fact. I asked the president of the dub. Howard {,em.sh, "What''i this guy going Lo get out of the dub.· I le l>a)"!>, "Well if you don't have nolhmg. you can't get nothing.· I ...Ud. ·Than. a good answer" [laugh.ingl. So we were skeptical of lum. But then it got bigger and bigger. The next year, it was Les Miller; he wa'i president. We called him Mr. Fish t-:ry because he worked on this thing real hard and kepi going. MdleAan: The geftlng together and lhe satisfaction of doing something for the community. Mike Scbeafer. I think the highlaght of lhe event is seei.ng old friends. guys he went to school with. Owck C.-lty: I iJce a reunion. Schader: It's like a reunion. McOellan: The FLSh Fry started there lll front of Mayfield\ on :".:t>'A-'fXJn BouJevciJtl lwhere Mainly ~on<h L"t nowJ and we used the Amenc-dll l.egion I tall kind of like a kite.hen and then Wf' bmughr the stuff into the park:. But we couJd never put lhe camrval m the part. becau:.e it had lo stay on lhe road. '-i<> 11 <>tayed on the road until lhl! dry became a city. \Uld then we got it mto the park. Tell me about hamburger Dipping you dki. McOeDan: WeU. we had this guy named Harry I 1111.iard. lie wa.c; an old camy man down in Long Beach lie made hi'> living <ielling JO-cent hambul)ter., '>() we'd gjve tum a pow1d and we had about I 0 to 12 hamburger. a pound He'd use an ice cream scoop and he'd put ii down there and then tut t.ht:m with a spatula He'd have a huge pile. And he had this other guy named Mac. thJ.s prof~ional chef who<J put 011 a show for everybody. ~ we got bigger and bigger. and when we wenr to the manufat1Un.'Ci hamburgers. old I tarry qun w;, !laughing!. ~that's how the hamburger 'itand go1 Maned. Then we got two hamburger stands going. FU"St we called It Nonh and South. We had a competition to ~ who sold the most hamburgen>.. And they'd mix the North and South together. and I was in the North. so I thought we were getting the short end of thing. So then we changed the names to Big Al and Big Rollo. Scheafer. RoUo can probably expand on tJu.c;, but in the early days. lhey had a game where you could win a duck. Tht."y · had live ducks in a tank of water .... McOellan: And you'd throw a ring on the duck and lhen you'd get the duck. Sc::heaf1!r. The gaming people came in and shut that one down. How much different is it going to be d1h yurt FROM THE NEWSROOM McOellan: II'\ going 111 bed lHtJe <,nwillcr V.1ien tht') took Jwa}' our -.ht:d.<.. our ctfuipment, we were '>hut down. Scheafer: When we moved out of I JOn\ ~c!J'k 0\-er ICl C >mnge Co~t ColJege. we lo'>I all ol our hooth!,. '-() we went to rental tx1oth.-. and 11 M1rled fine. but w't' 1w.1 w-ant IO get our toe hack 111. We'U haw a few <:am1val nde<>. a 101 of community bootl1.., .md our fi."1 dinner Wt/~ haVl ng our '><·'(:ret batter made. It\ a ...ecrc't battl'r. '>() we have a guy on nolll't' who\ !ttartmg the batter. Today. wi.·'ll:' onknng ahout a thou'-<tlld pound., of fi.-.h. What do you look forward to most about the return of the Plsh PryT Scheafer. ·111~ old fool ha<; pushed me hankr than .uwbody elc;e 10 do thi<L Ille rnmmunuy needs llm. There L<, no otht:r <,mgle f."Wnl other than the Orange Cowuy P.ur thi., al)' dlX".'> as a my. And the fair LC. not our.. It'' the .,tale'<>. McOellan: And they aJwa)"> have '>Omrthing going on al the fau nm way. 11\ one evenl u1 ont' part. here. Other -.ef"\ice clubs haw tm.od their.. and th~ ~ IL Cmslty: llu.c, wa.<.. at one time. the ~l"t IJon..c. Uub event U1 the world. fhi'> 1., a famou.c. duh. There are thou..and., of Uon.s Out><; aU over the wor1d. Scheafer. I've held international office. and prople all over the worid say. "!!>your I Jon~ Club the one that did the I i<Ji f-ry?" &caU!>t' we're known as the I h h 1-ry Club. McOeOan: l.dc-h ume a guy was prec;idcnt, he'd try to do ii JUSI a linJe hener ~ e~Kh moY. guy·., 1ob was 10 see 1f IAulc.I do 11 Jlbt a hnJe better Schea.fer. ~1y father was president lof the I JOO'> Ouhl m 1976, and at that ume. (.t'raJd k>rd wa.., president (of lhe U1111cd \tatt...,I and the dub had arranged for MI. and Mrs. Ford to Oy into the I t<Ji 1-1) to make a presentatmn on the '>~e I WJ.'> worbng with my dad ar the ume And I nmwmbt'r the '>ecre1 Semce came 1n10 tht: part. and you k.ntoY. uwv wel"l' ~t c.,ervi<:e because th!.'\' J.11 hdd <>ungia.s.'ii"> and they all kept talkmg 11110 their coat' And m}' mom wa-. w•eaung bullet'> ht-< .dlL'>t' -.he was gomg to make a pre-.enwuon and meet (.erald and Betty I ord 'xi, we're gemng rt>Jdy to make the pl"l">Cnlauon and. all of a .,udden. the ')t·cret ~Mee ~ gor m their cal'> and rool off Nohody \aid anything, they JUSI took off ::,CJ my dad tncd 10 figul"l' out what wa<, going on. Year. larer. Wl' found out thar they wcre on their way 111 the hehc.opier 10 Costa Meo.a Belly 1-ortl, a C\."COVl'Onli( alcoholic. instead or comm~ 10 (,()',Iii Me<a thev took tht' helicopter to th&- naval hoc,p1tal m I .ong Beach And Lhat\ when '>he c;ianed her n-hahtl11a11on My mom wa'> relieved !)('(:au<.e '>he didn't haw 10 get rn front of aU of lhoo,e people My d.td \>\ct.<, lltl ed off hecau . ...e the president d1dn'1 come. You're the longest condn~ acttYe member or the c.os.. Mesa~Newport H.arl>or Uons Oub.. What keeps you ln~ McOellan: IWith a laugh! Ju.. ... 1 being a!Jve. No, I en1oy doin~ th!.\. I have a lot of fnt'nck. AO of my fncnch &em rhe I fort., Oub. Schea.fer. We're not gomg to let hun die and we're not going tcJ let him quit ihe !Jons (]uh hec-.iu..'I(> .:_he'' not going to like ll<, saymg thl.. a..\ a lnde bll of a younger pen.on. you lool up to people. you look up to rolt.• model'> and yuu look up to people who haw clone thin~ and ne-ver a.<J.ed for rl'lnbut1on or repa\ment Tiw l'p1t11ml' of Lil.JI '"' ngh t ne'<t to ~1'lu nu .. man ha. .. done more for people and more for lht• rnmmurury. and no one·., t"Yer htwd ol RoUo McOeilan except for Lho.,._. nr U'I who know tum and 1<1\--e hlm nla('<, what kt~ tum with u...,, He lfl{.., ru lt·aw, well hunt hun dCMn ItS not about being ethical for a week J oumalism ethics Ls a bot topic of late and, coinddeotaDy. Saturday maibd the end of National Plb.lcs in Joumallsm Week. so the d.mlng of today's d.J.scussion is ped!lct. lWo weeks ago. I stW'fd wilh Daily POot readers a ltOly about a new5pllper In the state of Washington that published a Cabe story as a way to help authorities catch an monist. and IOl1le readen shared their opWon5. llOme of wbJch I uaed In my column last week. At the Silt I.ab ary nibune. two reporters~~ and tho editor redg'1ed after lt Wll lelmed that the r bid made. dell wllb Nldonl1 ~ lO aM whir • h.med out to be eaoneoul • infoanadon ~the tadw and wM:il °' ....... &Din. the ~ptwho-~ "":=;:--know.die .. ZJ'R*'~··· ... ..... , ......... -=----:,,,. "C::::'r TONY DODERO wilh millta.ry rorces as a way lO OOYel' thewa.r. That has raised • questions whether those media members became too doee to their sources (the milltary) and were unable to produce objet1tve p6eclel of jouma1Jsm. On the heels of all that. 1~ lib to ehn with rmden this week a c.ode o( EdUca, created by the Sodety of~ Joumtlliltl and wluntariJy embnced by ~dnewt~ I encourtp our reedef1 to bold &be f9PO'lleel\. ~and .... d lbe Diiiy Plot ID b brpll ...... d ..... ....... ..., ... Chill If ···T~ .. .. h .£:~.~-=cna ..... Olebe dBlbk:ii. Slmplypu&. tr.,.,......... f should: • lest the accuracy of Information from all soWt:eS and exercise care to avoid inadvertent error. Deliberate distortion is NM1' permissible. • Oiligmdy seek out subjects of news stories to gjve them the opportunity to respond to allfwadons of wrongdoing. • Identify aources whenever (eulJle. • Always quesdoo soun:es' modYl'Js belM pn>mising anonymlt)l • Mab cenaln that headlines. news tf!Uel, photos and ~do not m.1.vtprcscnt. • News-dkton the content of newsphotol. ·Awo6d~' ~orMlfedoews ewnll. • IM*t widen:or9ee or Olber Ulepddoui mellhodl °' lllhertlilinllm*lorL • ·~r'f • •Mlbt-.yaftbildt'91iry llld a u • • af lbe humln .,......,..., ...... It .. unpopullr. ·-• .AM*l .............. an TB..L rT 10 THE BJITOR Tony Dodero II Che edhot. He W9bxnes your comn •a on news CCJY9f'9, phoCogl llPt'V or ocher~ ...,_lfyouhaveem ege or • Ider to the «ltof, cal .. dr9d.,.. c-. DMm Of the ............. .,,..., ~It by e-ft\111 IO lllfllCdr•RJ,....... u a nor ... ,.~ ... U I I NOOf ...., It by mel tD 3JO w . ...., St.. eo...,...CA. am • Al Sunday, May 4, 2003 CHECK IT OUT Dinner and • a movie .. . .. at home L ike love and marriage, and a horse and carriage, some things go together so well, you hardly want to contemplate one without the other. If your chwic pairings include dinner and a great lick. check out the Newport Beach Public Library's newest set of "Timeless 'Ireasures." Shelved at the Central Library, the wDinner and a Movie~ collection · features videos and DVDs paired with cookbooks that reflect their spirit. There are obvious duos. Like "ForreSt Gump'' and "The Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Cookbook." the Jauer offering an inspired catch of kabob, gumbo and Creole recipes. For "AnnJe Hall" fans, Woody Allen's magnum opus is paired with "Lobster at Home." With tips for choosing. cooking and eating one of the most succulent delicaciec; of the deep. James Beard Award-winning chef Jasper White lo 8 S:'l £ R serves up the AT H OM E perfect dining guide for the Academy Award winner starring Diane -~---~ Keaton. You're on your own for killing Buick-sized sµideri.. If action is your style, check out "Ouuiots of Fire" and ''The High-Performance Cookbook.'' In a volume designed to boo'>t energy and endurance. nutritionists Susan Kleiner and Karen-Rae Friedman-Kester outline scientific knowledge about food and bodies, then analyre pantries, fat substitutes and food safety. There's some equally healthy fare in "The Burger Book," paired with '"American GrafBlL" Find recipes for an all-American favorite made with veal. turkey, tuna and tofu -as well as ground beef -plus recipes for -tm!w-irled onl01rrtHgs, chucneys and spicy salsas in Larry and Honey 7Jsman's collection. Thoc;e lured by more decadem treats c:an concoct simple brownies to extravagant showstoppcrs from Nick MaJgi er's "Olocolate.n Then. settle into the delights of "Olocolate,n Lasse HaJJstom's inVJting fable set in a tranquil French village. See CHECK, Pa1e A9 The Fabulous Nomads from Newport Beach claim to be Orange County's oldest surf band. By Suzie Harrison I f one mixed music, waves, sunshine and fun, they would come up with the Fabulous Nomads. who claim to be Orange C.Ounty's oldest surf band. . "We fonned the band a long time ago." lead guitarist John Daffron said. ul was a swim coach at the YMCA Newpon, a father was in a surf band that needed a guitar player; I started playing with them 16 years ago.· Based in Newpon Beach, they play up and down the coast, from Santa Barbara to San Diego. Frontrnan Phil O'Brien started playing surf music back in the 1960s with a band called 7th Sons. It wasn't until 1983 that the Fabulous Nomads were started. "Phil got permission 10 carry on the name from the old '60s surf band the Nomads,· Daffron said.· The other band members are bassist Steve l.aCone. keyboardlst/guitarist/vocalist Scon Fitzpaoick and drummer Kirk Radmore. The band's drummer before Radmore. Joe Shockley, died from a stroke last summer. "It took a while to gel our feet back on the ground.~ Daffron said. "'Nineteen years ago. when the Nomads where jUSl forming. Joe was Kirk's music teacher -Kirk is one of Joe's son's friends," Daffron said. "It was just like having a family member take over, which was a nice poignant end to a tragic thing.·· When the band recently won "Best Roots Band" at the Orange County Music Awards, they dedicated it to a as 22 &! ass ss Dally Piiot • e ·z·sure • from the roots .. ~J KMR OA 'r Rhythm gurtanst Phil O'Brien, left. and lead guitarist John Daffron share vocals for the local surf band the Fabulous Nomads, which won the ·sest Roots Music· at the Orange County Music Awards Shockley. "Roots music is home grown. grass-roots. unique w· that geographical area." Daffron said. "Surf music is the unique fonn of music in Southern c.aJ.ifomia, unique to anywhere in the world." Describing their music, Daffron said the band has an energetic style. "It's harder edged than traditional surf music." Daffron said. "We see our mission as keeping surf music alive and advancing the elements of original surf music -it's just a UttJe more complex.·· O'Brien describes the band a'> a fun, dance party band. '"Anyone can join in when tl1ey want," O'Brien said. ··11w, gang is perft'CI We have a lot of fun I've been through rune ba.S!> player;. They're flak.es. I real!} like some of our original sruff. b.erythmg 1~ just fun to play." Because of their roots in the community. Daffron ..aid it wru.n'1 uncommon to donate time to play at local benefits or fund·raisel"'i. ·ra1 is a mu.s1l teacher in NC\.\-1XJn. Phil works for the d 1y. and 1 teath fou nh grade at Newpon I !eights," Daffmn !><ml 'We're all local fixtures here. We play for NO PLACE LIKE HOME tau~ and '><:hoot fund rJ.iser.. ··An album .., in the work.' lor l'l'lea-.e Junt.' I ·I. h will be the group\ '>t.'t.t•nd, called ··Rumblin' fh,11 the I h).tlmCJ} • rhe member'> \'\Tiie .i loi of theu cM11 '>On~. Daffron \a.Id, but on tiU5 relea.-.e there will be two cover runt">. The CD relea<.t> party will be at tl1e Coach l lou-.c m '>an Juan Capist.ra.no. Other upco~ events are the Balboa l'>land An Walk this month and till' Balboa bland Parad~ on lune I ro find out more about thl' band c11 IU book a gig. go online to U!WWfflhulottsl WlfUUL\ tom Artists have something for every mom I t is my fraternal and maternal duty to warn all of you that Mother's Day is next Sunday. I realize that if you're reading this article, you've probably given the subject some thought and I'm preaching to lhe choir. But in case you need some suggesflom. read on. Nine local artists will present ah Open-House on Thursday from 1 O a.m. to 8 p.m. at Patina. a friendly and fu nky boutique at 178 Wells Place in Costa Mesa, off 17th Street and Orange Avenue behind Washington Mutual Bank. Susan McKibbon will bring her beach paintings and tiles. I happen to know that she is working on some- great-looldng mermaid plaques - she donated one of these cool and crazy items to our girls' water polo banquet KAREN WIGHT this year -c1nd everyone was fighung to buy raffle tickets to increase their chance of taking it home. You must see them to appreciate how spectacular they are. Leslie of Nildd Twigs will be selling vintage fabric pillows or "textile anwork. • Lisa Hannah of Hannah Designs. a.le.a the Queen of Gems. will have her jewelry on display. Her gemstone earrings are exquisite. Jonathan McGowen will offer his custom floral designs. McGowen is the TRAVEL TALES kmg of !>ilk nower'>. I le has l'Vt'ryth1ng from serious wh11e orchids m Vintage cachepots to wh11n<'iical arrangement!> sc reaming with \~brant colors fabric handbags. "An on a Bag" hy Alexander Muller, will feature one-of·a·kind handbags made from upholstery fabm.'> Oleclc. out tJw Matic;se, the Pica.s.o.,o and the Van C .ogh. Cynthia Morehouse will be !>howing her jewelry design .... Morehouse·., necklace/bracelet/earring line i'> full of ,wi.Jd beads, enameled charms and unique decorationc;. I have one of Morehouse's riotou<; necklaces with a fish, beads, crystals -you name it. it'i. on there. You might need one, 100 Photo cards and photo·prmtcd T-shjrts by Michelle James wi ll be there for your perusal, and Kristen Jan'>Son"; hand·LlllL'>trated note cards CG1rl F-nda} Studio'>) wtll be boxed and ranng to ~n Last but never ka'>I. Jenny Johnson \viii be dl'>playtng her Vintage pcndanh and J<:welry designs. Johnson has a fresh spring line of Jewelry in preuy pa,tel'>. If you haven't ">Cen John..an ·., "pmn~d" tank top!>. you·re missmg out La.st lime I gave out Pauna·s phorw number, I put my home phone number in by m1c;take (duh). To those of you who called, I loved speaking \\1th you. My boo-boo ended up being a blessing. I'll try this agam· you can reach Palma to inquire about the Anl\t Open I iouse at (949) 548-1930. Happy Mother's Day • KAREN WlGHT 1s a Newport Beacti resident Her column runs Sundays Foreign eXchange for everyone in Toulouse·, France By Liz Swlertz Newman 0 nly exceptional circumstances couJd have induced us lo traYel to France in rnid·Man:h. There were many reasons not to go: It might be rainy then; terrori.ml made travel condltfons unsettled; and the air between our nations became clouded with war issues as our departure.date grew near. RegaldJess. my husband and I needed to be in Tuulouse right then. Our granddaughter's tenn as an excbangie student WM ending. and~ had planned lo show her a bit of France bdore her at Dartmouth began again. Salty was the sunshine in an otherwise WlSUlble atmolphedc and political cllmate. On previous trips. Lee and I had found the French t7G sympathJ,qw. and we hoped we(j sdD ftnd cheoJ Ubble My b\llblOO Ind I arc not atnOOJ the Am«bnt ~ t\~ Fn:rich. )"'t we Nneriaw are often divided on citical Issues. The French. according co CNN, were as one with President Jacques Chirac. Were they all boycotting apple pie and Americans? We wondered. in particular, about Sa.Dy's temporary f'a.mDy. M. and Mme. Serranq had hosted Dartmouth srudents over the course of three decad~ How dJd they now feel about America and Americans? Naturally, our ramion with Sally was delightful. She met us at our hotel In la Place de President Wilson (Wilson Square), In the heart of Toulouse. Sally ls a ldlolarsh.l~wlnning college IOphomore from the Montana blnU!rlands, but ahe loob like a CaUfomia mer gid -&all. itim and blond She had tabn Ptencb In hWt IChool. and .. part of her JeamJng eq>edeoce ln Prance, she oontra.ctt!d to fl)elk onty French In her dales and In her cemponuy home. Mt:r three months in 1bu1oU1e. the ~ii~ Lee and I hid alto taken French in our youth. and Lee studled at Berlitz In Paris during World War II. We'd never earned on prolonged conversadons, but we were prepared to chat with the Serranos - if the words were slinple and spoken slowly. Sally's temporary parents invited us to dinnet l could tell Sally was eager for her Prenc:h parents to meet U$. She had brought two bunches of bright yellow lpring ~when she ar:rlved. one to greet us and one for us to gjve to her temporary mot.her. I had abo tirougbt a bosteM gift. a~ Ganz vase (rom home. J wanted to be sympalhlque. too. The Senanos live 20 minutes north of the dty center, In a modest home COMected to M; Smano's atelier. SaDy led ut down the drive to a paved,be.ck yard bordered by pansies and cydamcn. The aroma oC blendlna flawn greeted US.. On our left WU tho SM TRAVEL, P .. e Al TRAVEL Continued from N3 honey-colored door to their kitchen. but ahead of us - framed by the narrowed ~of the wolbhop's slidlng door -was an enonnous eJectric wok, simmering with a redolent Spanish paella. M. Serrano came toward us from his workshop. and Mme. Serrano from the kitchen. Sally introduced us. She called her temporary parents Mama and Papa. I beg_an by calling them Madame and Monsieur. the courteous terms rd learned when I was 14. Then It occurred to me that that \Wold be like gueas In our home calllng us rnisNs and mister, and I asked if I might call them Mk:beDe and Jean. They both nodded. smiling. saying "Mais our and other French niceties. I pointed Lo each of us In tum. "4z, s'il oous plait," I said. "Et Lee.. Michelle is a Ubrarian. She speaks only French. She is pretty and petite, a slim. styµsh woman. her dark hair glimmering with silver. Jean crafts fine handmade furniture. He is 60-ish. I Lis forehead is high and broad, his hair mostJy gray. While Lee bhook hands with M. Serrano. Michelle and I awkwardly exchanged the Dowers and the gift box. giggling softly in the universal language of women. She asked me a question in rapid French. which I did not at all .comprehend. and Sally translated as soon M my eyes glazed over. "Mom wanlS to know whether you prefer the American greeting or the French.· she explained MOh. IA~ui!. Le~· I said, covering whicht>ver gender was appropriate for greeting or ~ and Michele and I each "kissed the other's cheeks. Lee shook hands with Jean and kil>Sed Michelle. From then on. the conver..aoon in French and l:.ngilsh cuded my head like chirping birtb around the head of a dir4 canoon CHECK Cootmued from N3 You can take a virtual tour of North Africa with help Crom Copeland Marks' "The Great Book or ColdCOus," foUowed by a sattnlng or "Cuablanca." the u.,,.•n·~ SOUD llAIDWOOD FLOORING CU~E $699 FaOM 14· ft. character. Sally tramJated as ~I can't DOW remember who aald what In which language. so I wiD convey the gist of our convenadoo u if we had spoken In English. We bepn our meal and our discowae in the living room. Mk:heOe served~ and hors d' <EUVn.!S, and Jean proudly showed me the label on the champagne bottle. lee and I admired Jean's handcrafted cherrywoqd desk and also the trompe l'oeil tnlald lloor he had designed himself. We soon ~ to discuss the posslbillty of war and agreed th.al it might be a good compromise to wait a month whDe the U.N. lmpectora searched further for banned weapons. Jean seared us in the dining room. while Michelle returned to the kitchen to bring the salad and bread. We admired the fine wodmanship of his table, and the chairs I.met with porcelain depictions of Renaissance figures. Mkhelle opt served the paella. a pinwheel or aawfish decorating the saffron rice. Jean opened a bottle of chilled ~ wine. again displaying the label. I regret that I didn't record the names of the excellent ch.8mpagne, wines and pon served with the courses. but each was aged to perfection, and we felt honored. lbroughout the entree, the cheeses. fruits and the decadent dessert. we shared our opinions about the impending war cu:id of how our presidents' actions rnlgtlt affect the world situation. On major issues-to at least some degree -all of us were In agreement lee deplored t:hat President Bush would act against the United States' pact with the United Nations. Jean feared that It would not serve America well to wage war contrary to the counsel of its allies. I doubted chat the delay the French wanted would prevent war in Iraq. Michelle believed that the overthrow of one evil man didn't ju.stify the deaths of many innocent soldier. and civilians on both sides. 1942 classic starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. Or. journey to the Far East with Ken ~wasumi's "Jbe Encydopedla of Suabl Rolls" and Akira Kuroswa's "Dreama." Tune travel also is possible with a screening of "Gone Wlth the Wind." followed by a snack .. '«JM4•1' DENSE PWSHCARPET •wtaleh•NSJ 69 •N-..&o,.n. 14. ft. Tnlffl'tla• 18" a 18" ..................... !'·11-"-Ce-raalc ftJe ........................... tr-4. .... ft. La•ln•t• .......................... ,.._ .... -ft. s..,,.,, ..• ,.,, ~ lbr dt• #Do It y_,,...u.,..,1~ 1374 ..., .. Aft., Salte P • COSTA MESA a (888) MESA-777 ·-<es12> · "°"..nJ. II AJll •I"' ~iii Mt. II All ti1 I "' (Cl.Om llJD\J) ~ Want to Relax More This Year? We'll Wlch )QI how to relax and ~ a surplus of enagy * Authentic yoga exercises taught in an easy. natural wy * Breathing, medibtion and o~ simple t«Miques for "holding onto" the peace 'JOO pin in Hatha Yoga * Highly ecpet~ trachm trained btj a yoga muter Come join us at the orly Yop Center~ Orange Cowlty for Otef 32 years. Call (949) 646-1211. 445 £. 17dt St. c..-,.... ......, .................. ....... """ .... , ...... fl~ ....... And Sally -who helped fllCabli.9h the Green P8rty at Dartmouth-~ the oooaunpdbn "'American resources and felt cert.aln that oontroning oil was an American objecUve. We ta1bd and ate for tbn!e bow:a. It requires gJUt oonceotra.doo and dfort to OOD'm'Se in an unfamDlar language. Jean deady understood this, and he spob very alowty. repeating his potnts, feeding us Prench words. I focused hard. to the polnt of exhausdon. but the value of the effort to uoderptand was inestimable, especially regarding one particular k1ea Jean apreseed. Jean rdlected upOD the slogan oC the French Revolution: ~ Fpl~ ~(Liberty! Equality! Ftat.emltyf). H1s point was tbal if the people in the world would all subscribe to fraternity, there would be no need to fight for liberty or equality. Tu my mind came a skeptical thought The Ft-eoch think brotherhood; the Americans dlink sibling rivalry. lee and I have seven children. and at aay given lime. some of them aren't speaking to one or another of their sibling.'i. How can we expect countries to behave well toward one another if siblings won't talk out their differences? Maybe . brotherhood comes more naturally to the Frend:i. Maybe it's the WctteL Maybe it's the wine! The Romans knew. even if they didn't heed their own dictum: In vino verit:as. If we could just get George and Jacques to sit down with a carafe of wine and make the concened effort -until sweat beads on their brows -to Wlderstand each others truths. For the first week that American and British forces marched toward Baghdad. Sally and Lee and I toured ~ugh the south of Prance. The skies remained blue and the weather fair. We heard American mugc and Beatles songs played everywhere. Often. as we made purchases, asked directions and ordered dinner, citizens brought up the from "The Confederate Hou.ewtfe." If you think Margaret Mitchell exaggerated Scarle1t's struggles, browse through John Hammond Moore's quirlcy compilation of tips for a picture of what Southern belles actually faced in Ovil War runes. SoocSay. Ml'f '· 2003 M I Liz and Lee Newman, left, and Sally Newman with friend Josh Harmien at a French cafe. subject of the war in Iraq. The security checker at the airport asked why our ~dent had singled out the French for his denouncement The French were one in their opposition to the war and their suppon of Jacques Chirac. Perhaps it was because we agreed with them that we didn\ .have a single unp~t experience in France during this time of disagreement between our nations. I prefer to think it was because, like Americans-in general. the French are nice people. Again and again -in French, in English and by their actions -they told us chat they love Americans. The French do not deserve the abuse they've received because their beliefs differ from some Americans'. 1bis is a freedom for which we fought -a freedom the French helped us gain when they supponed us during the American Revolution. While Lee and I enjoyed the warmth and kindness of the French people. some of our compatriots waged a verbal onslaught against the New York Looking for something more practical, like a model for food and conversation at a romantic dinner? Select a menu from Frances BisseJJ's "Tm Dinner Putlea for Two. .. Then fire up the VCR for ~ Dinner with Andre,,. one of the most unique an-house hit<i of the 1980s, Jean and Michelle Serrano wrtti Sally Newman, cente(. manufacturer. of French's m~t.artl When we returned home. d0<>e friends found fault with our . • haVlng visited Ft\nce. My AOL inbox held forwarded e-matls ricbculing the French. And -oh. the U"Ony -acros.s America. · spiteful s.ibltngs circulate a petition to return the 51.arue ot Uberty to France. • UZ SwtfRTZ NEWMAN is a featuring nearly two hour-5 of soul-searching chitchat about travel. spirituality and life's mysteries. If you're hungry for more. look for the complete list of "Dinner and a Movie" titJes under MTop Picks~ at > www. n.ewportbeach I ibra ry org. • TRAVR TALES runs on Sundays Have you or someone you know, gone on an 1nt8fest1ng vacauon7 Tell us about your advenrures m about 400 words. accompanied by a couple of photos to choose from that do not have the Daily Ptlot m them, and send them to Travel Tates. 330 W Bay St Costa Mesa, CA 92627. 0< e mail coral wrlson a lat1mes com; or lax to (9491 646-4170 • CHECK rr OUT IS wrinen by the staff of the Newport Beactl Pubhc Llb<arv Th111 week's column 1s by Melissa Adams m collabora11on wrth Sara Barnecle AH titles may be reserved from home or office computers by accessing the catalog at www.nftWPOrtbeadl /ibraryorg Registration Sk Run $22 2 Mlle Walk $22 · 1 k Kid 's Dolphi n Dash $ 1 2 Event Sponsor Race Day Registration S 30 fDolpNn Duh s 12) P=--Group. ~ Runner's Bib Sponsor CID 2 Mile Walk Sponsor II l\l1all.~ Resraurant Row Sponsor Daily~Piki Media Sponsor Chip (a)sr.asset Awards Sponsor w .. Dtsposal Entert1lnm•nt Sponsor l!lml!I Printing Sponsor ............. Dolphin D•sh Sponsor • ....... ., •-•n•._ .,c m _ ........ ·-··--·;' R.egUtJ.uon lnclUdes • M"'"· ~ ~atlut teawnng tne famou1 RenMK~•ow Pre-Registration prior to Wednesday May 28 Mall competed rt¢tradon '°"" wttt1 dlect °' aedtt att# to ATTN CdM5k Cl~ ot Newpott kKf'I. 3300 Newport BoulevWd. Newport kKh, CA '266] Fax '°""With credit e«d , to 949-64+3 I SS Register Onlln• •t WWW IO!YC cgm \l/alk·ln Registration ~ Packet Pick-up at the OASIS Senk>f Cent~r. 800 ~guer•te Avenue. Corona det MM June 4 Wednesdl)' trom r.oo,...1·00pm: June 5 Thurtdl)' rrom noon-7·00pm; June 6 Fncqy rrom 9:00-m-;1 .OOpm Registration Form OM Form ~ E~ lfo<m :: ~ ~opiedJ I I \Jnl I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ji.I I I L! I Ll_LI I ! &Mt l1rst 'x!JJ' I I I I I I l I I! l I I l I I! 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'.~~.} t:.}t .·' ) ! 1f ~ ~ii' ' . ·.111 ~ .. : . . -c 1 e~ . r .,· · ·. !•1 : 5 ; fs[! ,... ' ! J• 2'i :··: ~ ti ! . :s ::' ii· ~ ,!I.:· l •' ...... • " ~ :! -r ... I :tlli i l l? I. ;, ~1 ' . , -~·····. ~··~ --'. " :;I· ~ ~ z ' . ~--.. .. h ( -f . l s 1~· ·''·· Iii , ~ i ' ll i'I ' ' ::h : ·.~l . . l ; H;: . . · :_ . . i ~ ~ J .~ f . 1 I 1 1 ~ l I. . ! !:I • . • g . .• . : i· r " -~ ; " \ I ' f' .. ' .· . • -'( . . • . . . QU01E OF THE DAY "It all came (together) because of nard work, training and good teammates." SherryTul, Orange Coast swim star EYEOPENER Dail~Pik¥ Sports Phone: (949) 5744222 • Sports Fu: (949) 650-0170 Sonday, May 4 2003 Bl DAILY PILOT CUP It's Cup tiine., ,,baby Venerable youth soccer tournament, taunched by local attorney Kirk Mcintosh, returns to Costa Mesa Farm Complex. The Daily Pilot Cup, in its founh year, is bade and will begin May 28 and con- tinue until the championship games on June I at the Costa Mesa Paml Complex.. {~t year, 86 teams participated re- presenting 25 public and private schools within Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. An t!!>timated 1.450 children were in- volved in last year's Pilo t Cup. The tour- nament is a M:hool vs. school fonnat with four di~aons: The boys 5th-and 6th-grade; giFl.s 5th-and 6th-grade; boys 3rd and 4th-grade: girls 3rd-and 4th- grade All ~•udenl'> rnu.'>t attend the school for which they play. lllere are no exceptions. t;.ach division winner has the honor of displaying the perpetual trophy for the foUowing year. and 6th-grade title. Rea also won the boys 3rd-and 4th-grade championship and Anderson won the girls 3rd-and 4th-grade trophy. This year. tournament director Kirk Mcintosh expects I 00 teams within ex- cess of 1,600 students. Due to the in- creasing size of the tournament, Mcin- tosh has added an additional day of play beginning the tournament on the after- noon of May 28. It is expected all games will be played at the Farm Complex and Costa Mesa HJgh. The tournament Is non-profit and relies upon donations fro.m Youth Services Association, the Daily Pilot and private donations. To date, the toumamen1 has teams from nearly all schools within the New- port Beach-Costa Mesa boundaries. However, Mcintosh said a few Westside Costa Mesa schools are not ~porting teams.. (f a school has need for volun- teers they should contact their locaJ high school, which might have student volun- teers able to coach. ST(Vl~r r<AA~ ,;.. 'i • Rea Elernenlary won the boys 5th-and 6th-grade championship last year, while Kaiser FJernentary's girls won the 5th- As always the tournament needs vol- unleers for field preparation, referees and field marshalls. If interested in help- ing please contact Mclntosh by e-mail, kirtmcin tosh@eanhlink.net. Rea Elementary Coach ~urt Suhr celebrates wrth his players following their win over Lincoln last year in overtime DAILY PILOT COLLEGE ATHLETE OF THE MONTH UC Irvine senior gotf standout Jeff Coburn is the Daily Pilot College Athlete of the Month. Jeff Coburn From humble beginnings, UCI senior has risen to help lead 'Eaters to three straight Big West titles. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot W hen Jeff Coburn describes bis time while at UC Irvine as. ·a leam.Lng prooell.. he's oot ~about the cblDelWng e:mms he's encountered as a student Coburn. a double major In crlminology law and eodety, end environmental amlylis and design. has experlenoed Jeemlng on the greens, whh putting and the aomedmel maddening situations of the game of golf. Five years 8g'O, Coburn, a aenior on the ua men~ aolf ttJ1m. c:eme out « Nordhoff High 1n Ojai rMdy to conquer the wodd of coBep Flf ... u a w.lk-on. He had two cbok:a It Wll either UC o.Yll or ua. ~ Belore ua. Coton fMMI' competed In cbe junkJI' dra.iL He didn't win~ •te tides While • Niiclldf. ... woo .... .... dull .---wllh .... Umed .. .......... j,jJg I ;. Ml was (academically) accepted to lMne and Davis and both coaches expressed interest in me," Coburn said. "They both offered a walk-on opportunity and I ended up going to Irvine." By the time Coburn made the ua team for the first time, the fall season of the men's golf year wu over. -ibat first fuD )'llllJf that WIS actually COLLEGE TRACK AND FIELD llurdler,harnrner thrower set marks Steve Scott Invitational at \Jc1 fea tures fas test 110-meter hurdle m ark by an Am erican this season. Larry Wade, competing for sports management group HSI. won the 110- meter high hurdles Wlth a time of 13.39, the fastest mark by an American this season. to highlight the action that unfolded at the Steve Scott Tracie and Field Invitational at Anteater Sta· dium Saturday. ln the women's hammer throw, Lisa Messepeka, competing unattached, set a stadium record with a marlc of 223 feel, 11 inches, brealdng the prt•\ 1 ous mark of 217-9 by Kirsten M u• chow tn 2000. UC Irvine placed firM an both J.OO<J meter steeplechase even1., a-. .. enior Travis Morisoll won with a career-hl''>I time of 9:17.37 and iunaor Jt·1111> I 111u won the women\ rau· 111 11 ().I .!ti Senior Jessica Stafford won 1 lw high jump with a mark of i; 5 UCI sophomore Kalet•nJ Yt t• fin ished second an the 5.000 mean., wuh a time of 18:27.19 and .,enao1 team mate Lisa Ma .. soth W(I'> lourth 1r1 18:43.36. Sophomore !-.ran C.urt1., fin ished third in the pole vault at I<! 0 See TRACK, Pa1e 83 IZ &aidly, Mty 4, 2003 SPORTS . To: From: Subject All 3rd. 4th, Sth and 6th grade boys and girls Pilot Cup Soccer Tournament Headquarters Pilot Cup Soccer tournament, May 28•-June I" It's time to sign up for the most exciting soccer to urnament of the year: The Fourth Annual Pilot Cup!!! Ni Anderson player, left, prepares to hit the ground as she tangles wttha Newport Coast player in the girts third-and fourth- grade division in last year's Daily Pilot Cup at the Costa Mesa Farm Complex. ALE PHOTO/ OAILYPILOT The Pilot Cup is a one week soccer tournament which involves all public and private schools in the Newport Beach-Costa Mesa area. It will be held May 28'h·June I" to see which school has the best soccer team in tRe following divisions. 1..i and 4"' grade boys; ;..i and 4"' grade girls 5• and 6"' grade boys; 5111 and 6.., grade girls Winners wilJ receive commemorative awards. Winning schools will receive the right to show off the Pilot Cup Perpetual Trophy Award for one year. So go to the principal's office or the athletics office right now and sign up to 'represent your school in the most exciting soccer event of the year -The Pilot Cup 2003. All participants receive a t-shirt. This tournament is sponsored by the Daily Pilot and Youth Services Association. There is a $5 contribution to cover the cost of the t-shirt. Don't miss out on this chance to play soccer for your school and win the right to the Pilot Cup Perpetual Trophy as the best soccer' school in town. Yes, we do need coaches. For more information, contact your child's school. ·-------------------------~------------------------------J. J· !IP Boy a Girl a Shirt Size: Small a Medium 0 Large a School: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Grade: It·-,s-o_ka_y_fi_o_r _m_y_s_o_nli_da_u_g_h-te-r-to-s1-.g.-n_u_p-~ for the Pilot Cup . Parent Signature: ____________ _ ----------------------------------------------------------· JC WOMEN'S SWIMMING Coast women· rule Tsai sets national mark in 100-yard backstroke as OCC captures state title. PLEASANt Hlll.-A year ago, Don wa.tson and Dave Salo looked at each other and de- cided they wanted to build a winner. Their dream came true Sarur- day as the Orange Coast College women's swim team they co· coach won its first state champi- onship since 1997 by besting the field at the California Commu· nity College SWimml.ng and Div- ing Ownpionshlps at Dlablo Valley. "We had high expectations, but (Saturday) is the culmination of everything we started a year ago," Watson said as he was driv· ing the team home Saturday night "A year ago, I'd been away on sabbatical and Dave had his (United States) national team duties. so we said, 'Why don't we put our minds to it and build a quality team?'" · The women's team scored 533.5 points to runner-up Diablo Valley (370). Salo and Watson were named co-a>aches of the three-day state meet. which ended Saturday with a atate and national record , being broken by OCC freshman : Natalizio placed seventh in the phenom ShenyTsaJ. 100 back (1:01.78). NikJci Stevens. TsaJ swam a 54.92 in the 100· finished in seventh in the 100 yard baclcstrokl! to set a state and breaststroke (1:09.05). national ma.It ind wal+\loted 1bh Coast men placed third Most Out.standing Performer of with 316 points to first-place the state meet Dlablo Valley (606). "There ls a long tradition of The 40() free relay team of Paul gpod swimmers at Coast who are Frankenberger, Billy Swanson, good people," Watson said Billy Jolly and iyson Beamer fin. "Sherry Tsai ls right up there at ished second in 3:09.51 Saturday. the top of the list when it comes F.rankenberger placed fourth to comblnlng talent and charac-in the 100 free (47.42) while ter. She ls the complete pack.age Beamer placed sixth in the same in how she conducts herself and event in 47.87. Man Henry swam how she swims with all that tal-10 an eighth-place ftnlsh in the ent" 200 Oy (2:01.64) to round out The high-point swimmer of Coast's top eight perfonnances the state meet was also a pan of Saturday. OCCs winning 400 free relay "The guys have overachieved team, along with Kimberlee this year, they tiave come from Frith, Sara Natalizio and Ashley nowhere," Watson said "They Lowden, which took first place in are a small group of guys that 3:33.71. have achieved an incredible ~It all came because of hard thing. As soon as they achieved work. training and good team-something. they went on to mates," Tsai said about breaking achieve something else and got the record, the first time she has sfronger as the season prog- swam under 54 seconds in the ressed. 100 baclc. "All I wanted to do was "The ~ team was an ideal try my best To break the record experience from the beginning. surprised me a little bit." They had excellent chemistry Jennifer Nelson placed second and that chemistry brought out in the 100 butterfly (58.34) with terrific performances in all of Natalizio following at 58.62 and their events. They train well and Lowden coming ln ninth at that camaraderie gave them the 1:01.43. extra opportunity to dig down Shannon Maxfield touched deep and deliver." third in the 1,650 (18: 15. 72) and -by Bryce Alderton COLLEGE HONORS Hall gamers Lion of the Week Track and field star records three personal bests, breaks mark in women's 5,000 meters. provement over her previous best and was good enough to shatter a Vanguard record that stood for the past 13 years. Coincidentally, the runner whose record Hall benered also has the last name Uall. Sarah's mother Sherri. ln ,1990. the then Vanguard University senior · Sherri Curl set a Vanguard re- traclc and field standout Sarah cord, running the 5,000 meters Hall achieved three personal in 17:40.29. The record time bests within the past two weeb give5 the younger HalJ an auto· and also broke a 13-year-old made bid to the event at the school record. In addition. she NA1A Outdoor Nationals. also qualified in four events for A week later at the Golden the NAIA Outdoor Nationals. State Athletic Conference Cham- She has been named Uoo of pionships, Hall again added to the Week by the university's ath-her storied career, becoming the letic department first Vanguard runner to win two At the Pomona-Pitzer lnvtta-distance events at the confer- "tional April 18, Hall finished ence's premier event A 37:30.6 fourth In the 5,000 meters in a mark in the 10,000 meters field of 81 runners. Her time of eclipsed her previous best time 17:31.80 represented a 1:30 lm· by 53 seconds and earned her / the l 0.000 meters title. A day later. the f.standa High product stak.ed claim to the 1,500 meters title. posting a personal best time of 4:39.25. Hall has one more meet before she decides whether to compete in the 1,500, 5,000. I 0,000 meters or the marathon at the NAIA' Outdoor Nationals to be held May 22-24. in Olathe. Kansas. Last week. Vanguard honored senior Marciea Ball, a pitcher for the softball team, as the Lion of the Week. During the week. she pitched a total of 21 ~ lnnin~ for the Uons. She threw two com· plete games again.st GSAC foe Concordia. She produced a one- run game against the Eagles to guide Vanguard to a 2-l victory. She then scattered six bits. allow· ing two runs, yet Concordia won. 2-0. Anteater players singled out Four members of UCI men's tennis team make All -Big West Conference. Four players from the UC Irvine men's tennis team have earned AD- Junior Jonathan F.ndribt and junior Zomn Korac receMd first. team AD-Big West recognition in ~ Sophomore Brian Morton. a Corona del Mar High product who gJeW up playing at Mesa Verde 1mnis Qub under the tute- lage of his father. Glenn. was AD· Big West honorable mention In in doubles. Junior Sean O'Connor and Korac ~ rwned AD-Big West honorable mention In dou- bles. For the women. junior Tiffany ClWlg was named first-tam AD- Big ~ while sophomore Anna 8entur and junior Jenny Bowman were both named second-team all- the women's team was represented Endrikat and Morton teamed up teamed up as the Anteater's top by three with all-conference lau-as the Anteaters' top doubles pair doubles team and were named rels. and earned first-team All-Big West fust-team All-Big\Akst In doubles. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Dalt Piot's Athlete of the Week series lOWlY U -Erin Tomllneon OrengeC:O..t Women'• betketbell. '00 COLLEGE BASEBALL Swanson shines in UCI victory Sophomore left-handed pitcher Glenn Swanson delivered a gem to lead the UC Irvine base· ball team to a 4-2 Big West Con- ference victory over visiting (.al Poly San Luis Obispo in front of 536 fans at Anteater Ballpaik Sat- urday. SWanson pitched a complete game with a season-high 10 strikeouts and no walks. He scat· tered six hits and allowed two runs to lmprove· his record to 2·7. UCl (18·29, 6-8 in the Big West) broke away from a 2-2 tie with two runs in the third Inning. The rubber match of the three- game series is today at 1 p.m. '\ UC 1n11M 4, c.11 Ny 2 CelPoly 8c:~~ -2 • 3 UC Irvine 110 200 oa. -• n o Kougl, Moler (7) end TeHlon; Swenaon end Wemun. W -Sw9nlon. 2·1 L-l<ougj, 1-8. 28-Wlleon (a>}, Mayo (CPI. HA -Klemm (UCf). WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS ALM OST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! Your Newport · Mesa Co mmunity Ford Dealer •9995 &UP 4TIREI ...... ..... ..,, .. mn•• ~ *14 95 FREE 100 POINT SAFETY INSPECTION . Daily Pilot SPORTS COLLEGES Speraw :s• squ,"ad set the standard, so what's nex t? Men's golf~~; meanwh ile, owns Serrano C ountry Club, while men's basketball hand s o u t awards. M oments after UC Irvine lost in a semUlnal of the Mouniain Pacific Sports Federation ' Olampionship Tuumament, Coach John Speraw made sure to remind his men's volleyball team of what It had accomplished. The season of 2003wasa 4'ih1my ~) .is coming rowtd of 4·under 68, while back and he's a first-team junior Vt.n.nle Pondno All·MPSF player, .. saJd Sper;aw, finished eighth, senior Jeff who completed his 6m year Coburn was 11th, senior Ryan with UO. Ml think we're going Armstrong placed 13th and to be much stronger nen year. freihman Ryne Rindfleisch They are only going to get was 23rd. better. We have aome talented UCI will compete in the recruits coming ln. NC.AA Regional "What we achieved early in Ownpionships May 15-17. the year is something we can Regional selections will be achieve at the end of the announced Monday. yet the year,• he continued. .. I think Anteaters will most likely this group didn't know what compete in the West regional the vision was. but now they at Washington National Golf know that UC Irvine belongs Oub In Auburn. Washington. as one of the top programs in • It was a time of the country. We flnisbed ceJebration for Douglass' fourth in the country and men's basketball team last that's good by anyone's week at the Crowne Plaza standards. But I think we can Hotel in Irvine, where Jordan .------~ campaign of firsts for the Anteaters. yet Speraw wanted to make sure ltwouldn~ be the last time ua achieved success. That do better." Harris, Mike HoOd. Man Speraw said the key to next Okoro, Aras Baskauskas and season will be replacing Jeff Gloger were honored with PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANK / DAJL r PILC T UC Irvine's Kaleena Yee leads ·the pack at the start of the women's 5000 meters Saturday in the Steve Scott Track and Field lnvrtat1onal held at UC Irvine . Yee finished second . STEVE VIRGEN senior setter David Kniffin. team awards. Other than that, Speraw Harris, a senior forwan:t expects a youth movement to who averaged 12.7 points per take over next year, as a group game, was named UCl's Most of seven freshmen will Outstanding Player. Hood, the represent the core of UO's 'Eaters' senior guard. was future. That future now has honored as team captain and some direction, Speraw said. also received the Coaches as the 2003 Anteaters set the Award. The high-energy standard. Okoro was named the squad's message Pelzel. who was also named Top Defensive Player after came through In his postgame first-team All-America. broke blocking 18 shots and spt:ech to his players. the season reconj for kills grabbing 4.6 rebounds per ·After the (semifinal) (593). while Kniffin became game. match,· Speraw said. "I told the single-season reconj Baskauskas. a graduate the guys in the"toc.ker room. holder In set a.s.sists with srudent in business 'It"s easy to maintain crad.ltion 1,632. Greg fonj, a fonner administration. received the because success breeds Orange Coast College team's Scholar-Athlete Award. success. but the real challenge standout.JlOW holds the Ironically, that award was a is establishing aadJtion.' school reconj for~ in a no-brainer. Gloger, UCl's These guys went a long way in season (243) and Spencer redshirt freshman point establishing crad.ltion.." Bemus owns the service aces guard. was named the Most Of course. the Anteaters man: with 46. Freshman Nie lrnproved Player and he also were not pleased after losing Vl&lay also set a school reconj, received UCI's Newcomer in three games to Pepperdine. this one for best·hirting Awarci. Gloger set an Anteater the top-ranked team in the percent.age (.411) and most single-season reconj with 75 natJon. but the impact they block a.Mists (133). steals, which ranks 10th in Big made this season soothed "It was a tremendous year West history. Gloger. who their pains. for Irvine.• Speraw said. averaged 8.2 points, also led The 'Eaters won 20 matches •OlarUe Brande did such a the team with 86 a.Mists and this season. setting a new great job of developing a was named to the Big West single -season reconj for program and b~ In the All-Freshman team. victories. Take a rook. They are right players. We began the • Douglass' Anteaters will starting to show that there's year real fast and finished be among the favorites to win more to ua than Pat strong. Now we want to take it the Big West title in 2004, even Douglass and his men's to the next level.· though Harris and Hood are TRACK Continued from B 1 and she was Mxth 1n the 200 meters with a ume of 24.97. Senior Wendy Olan was fourth in the 1.500 meters in 4:34.28 and sophomore Suzanne Pur- mort finished fifth in the 800 meters with a time of2:13.45. Junior Lauren Adams placed fifth in the 400 meters (57.09) and sophomore Amber !'\efas was eighth in 58.05. Anteater senior Lina Pimentel was fifth overall m the 400 hurdles with a time of 62. 76. UCI Junior Michael Wong finished third in the long jump at 22·5 , junior J.J. Stein was fourth m the Javelin throw with a mark of 189-4 and sopho- more Patrick Grogan was fifth in the triple jump at 47· 10 Sophomore Scott Jams was fourth overall in the 400-meter hurdles with a time of 54.0 I and sophomore Kenny Vinh was fifth in the 110 high hurdles in 15.05. Freshman Tom Whelan fin· ished fifth in the 1.500 meters in 3:53 SO. ba.sketball team. • The home of the Blg West departing. UCI won't lose too Speraw's squad won 12 Championshlps in men's golf much ground with the ~t-matches. which also set should be changed. Qill tt. addJtion of Mark Hill. who Both Anteater teams com - pete m the Occident~l College lnvuauonal May 10. Steve Scott does the honors of starting the 1,500 meters in Saturday's Track and Field lnv1tabonal at UC Irvine a new school reconj for Anteater Country Oub or Zot told the Daily Pilot in late conference wms.. Need more Golf Course. For the past three March that he verbally evidence to prove UO had a years. the UO men's golf team committed to UO. He signed groundbreaking season? ua has owned Serrano Country his letter of intent April 16. had never won a MPSF p~lf Oub In El Dorado Hills. Hill, a 6·5. 210-pound match, but rhe Aft~did • ~e AntbftM Clld {heir best forWard, has a winning BRIEFLY OCC crew in grand final s so this year with a momentous impression of the Ulkers and background. but perhaps the victory over Stanford. in the won its third-straight Big West most fascinating facet of the C.ardlna.l"s gym. champion.ship April 22. UQ young man is his pure Believe it or not. UO's finished with a 36-hole total of athleticism. He excelled as a season actually seemed to 581, eight shots ahead of wide receiver for the football show more promise earlier runners-up Long Beach State. teamandhealsofound Pirates' varsity eight vanced to the grand finals tn this season. The Anteaters Idaho and CaJ Poly San Luis success In track and field. He their division. The Puates fin · opened the season on a Obispo, teams which should most likely could have earned advances Saturday in ished m 6: 12 and will face Loy· JO-match winnlngstreak. the petition to change the site of an NC.AA Division I Western ola Marymount. Colorado. UC best start in the prognun's the Big West Ownplonships. scholarship in football. DaVls. UC San Diego and UC history. They also earned a so that they can have a ·Mad: Is very versatile and Intercollegiate anta Barbara today at 9 am No.1-ranlcing, which resulted chance. he can play inside and out."'. R · A · · ·onj-breaking aowd at Senior Mike Lavery earned Douglass said. ·we feel that owing ssocta t 10 n Nelson's run ends 1cn ~nts Center and medalist honors with a he is a player who will be an Championships at •TENNIS: Orange coast Col-_.----r-•cofim.:s-"'crtanret raovertlwft>Tawd+hlofillvo:--Deyba.U---itwo_.4-ro.a8iunri:dRdto""taldi.Ro&f.a6-..tlunlna:dLer __ -JimmllOjgi:ediat:am. l..'.·:..e _co_n_trlb_u_t_o_r _to_o_ur--+-~L~a~k~e~N~a~t~o~m~a:·:_ lege sophomore Ashley Nelson COBURN Continued from Bl ~ the Big West Olamplonsliips. yet ask his teammates and Smolinski who the leader of the Anteaters was and they'll polnt to Coburn. In fact. Coburn was named Big West Player of the Year. the exclamation point to what has been an Intriguing and fasdoating cateer at uo. -Year by year, I have improved tver since I started playing.~ Coburn l8id. This season. Coburn has had 10 rounds in the 60s out of the 33 tournament rounds he his competed in. His scoring average Is 71.88, which leads the team. He also leads ua with five top-1 o finishes this season. Coburn. the Daily Pilot College Athlete of the Month. tied for second place at 6-under 2'17 ln the U.S. lntercollegjate Tuumament at Stanfonj April 20. Cobum has aJso p~ ln his game because of the competition within the team. Senior Mike Lavery averages 72.35 and be was the medalist at the Big West Ownpionsbipl, while jwlior VbWe Pondno bu a 72.79 avenge and Anns1rong Is at 73.62. Cobwt wm attempt to add more to bis story when he competes with the Anteaters ln the NCAA Regional Omnpiombipl May 15-17. ........... ___ lasUn...s.J.Iat~ts,_6·0, 6·0, to The Orange Coast College a Grossmont opponent Satur- varsity eight has advanced to day in the Round of 16 at the the "grand finals" of the West-Southern California Women-.; em Intercollegiate Rowing As· Community College Regional soclation Ouunpionships. after Tennis Olamplonshlps a1 winning its heat Saturday· at Cuesta College In San Lui~ Lake Natoma in Fol~om. Obispo. The grand finals features the NelSt>n then teamed with best crews out of three heats Leah Becker. but fell short. 6·4, competed Saturday. Crews 6· l. against a doubles duo from which did not qualify for the San Diego Mesa in the Round of grand finals race in the "petite 16 Saturday. finals.. The Pirates won their h eat in Orange Coast's Murray 6:03, ftnishing ahead of Western headed Co rdi Washington (6:06) and Colo-to OCO a rado (6:07). Gonzaga (6:02) and • BASKETMLL: . Orange UC Davis (6:01) won their re-Coast College women's basket· spective heats to also advance ball player Lauren Murry, a to the grand finals, along with sophomore forward, will join Western Washington. Santa Coast teammate Nancy Hatsu· Cara and University or Puget shi and continue ber collegiate Sound. The race starts today at career at Concordia University. noon. announced Coach Mike Thom· OCC1 second novice eight ton. also won thetr heat and ad-MWTay, who averaged 8.0 ........... -""" ..... point~ and 6 7 rebound' this .-,ea.son to help the Pirate' cap ture 1he1r fir~t state champion ship. ~'Ill suit up for the Eagles next season An NAL.\ Divtsion I member of the Golden State Athletic Conference. the Eagles. coached by Greg Dineen. fin. 1shed the 2002-03 season wnh a li·IS overall record and were ninth in the conference '>tarld· in gs. Murray cho~e the Eagles over San Otego State and \\111 gel 10 play all four ye~ \'.1th Coast teammate Hatsushi. The duo combined for an overall record of 55-16 m two seasons at Orange Coast. Murray scored four points. added six rebounds and SlX assists to help the Pi· rates knock off Contra Costa. 69-61 . and capture the state championship. OCCs Om eliminated •TENNIS: Orange Coast Col· lege's Roben Olu lost In the Round of 16 In the Southern california Men's Community College Regional Tennis Cllam~ plonsh lps at the Bame Tenn.ls Center In San Diego Friday. Top-seeded Dallbar Ptak of College of the Desen defeaU?d Otu. 6-3. 6-0, ending the Pi- rates' season. Policy • How to Place A --Deadlines-- Rates and deadlines arc subject to change without notice . The publisher ·serves the right to censor, reclassify, vise or reject any ~lassified ~meot. Please report any error l' tay be in your classjfied ad CLASSIFI~.iAD Monday:. .................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm . :diatcly. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible eJtcept for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can onJy be allowed for the first By Yax (949) 631-6594 (Pka.c 111Clude }'O\lt -and phone nwnlll-r and ~·u ca1J )OU bKk ""'Ith I pn.~ qu<Me ) -By Phorie (949) 642-5678 ·By M~in Person: 33 Wes1 Bay Suee1 Costa esa. CA 92627 At Ne lvd. & Bay Si. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5 :()()pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm insertion. ANNOUNCIMOOS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSJNESS & FINANCW ,_. View M-W Parll o-moved Wll sel CompanK>n 2 c1ypt l a· gum:: Court 512-355-3661 eonectibtel/ Memorabllla 1160 Tot' SS 4 ltlCORDS nc m:z. 0.-:. £~ 50s & 'Ws tll All«. $p\r tube MfP5 Mike 949 645 7505 ~opphlre & Emera ld Qu1nt1ly tor Sale or l TChan11e Cats 01 Real Estsle 800·834 0091 ENTERTAINMENT Calendar of Events 1310 101C>-1770 1419 2305·2490 HOME FURNISHINGS Furniture 3435 Onm s.et. 5 It ~ w/l u Ira leak + Hutd1 + 4 c~ S8Xl Sofa ~ made R«no\111 bed lor Dodie !Ji.di 714-s..6-9147 W...t-/Oryw S200/ bolt!, lM* w/4 du1n . S50 , Queen sized bed, S50. (~ desk, S50 Cd949~ 7122 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS EQUAL llOUSltG OPPOl1UITY Coast Coln NHd1 Old Coons' Gold, silver, ,ewelry. wale~. anllQIJes All tHI nlale adver-collectobles 949 64? 9448 toson& 1n !hos newspaper •\ sub1ect to the federal I air Housm1 Acl ol 1968 •s amend11d whoc h • 'T'll ktS 11 1lle1a1 to 1dverlos• ·any preler · •nee l1motal1on or t11sc11m1n1toon based on •Me Lnlnr r ehaoon ux. handicap. famolral status 'Ir n~toonal origin or an 1ntentoon to make any 'Uth prelerPnce. lrmita loon 01 dosuomonal1on lho\ newspap•r will ·1•1 knowin&ly au ept 1ny Advertisement for ul utate which 1s in .iola11on of the law Our eadets ue hereby nfnrmPd that all dwell na\ adver tosed '" this ~tw\P•Per .,, ava1lab~ in an eQual Opportunrty ha\IS To complarn of dis rim1n1toon call HUD toll free al I 800 424-8590 Auctlom 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Furniture PIANOS & Collectiblti ·-·---- FINANCWJ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES f1nntat ,,.. 2465 f lNANCIAl SICllOS OF die Supw W..tttiyl T mn h chn1qu11 the the .... thy uw ·~ii to tflaew it.. W9lllth ~ you truly dan to adliwe fln1nclal 1tcur1ty-You lllllit Mw tl1GI l .m 891· ~ $20 V/MCIDISC by t •lrldl 1.-.Mitlu. author :f'.n.tment B.ica fr• !:!! (CAI. •SCAN) MT/ PMfMGS 3610 100. ltlSQJCID ICITTENS, r.ATS. DOGS photos on· ire www~ora ~f""100fl~l:> DAY l<Al TH GlWlANTE£ ~lZ19 RlU SPAY for momn.i i.;t &!II A. kltll'fo\ ':f49 5.JJ~l I ••••••••• n..~!c.-' lAwe, They Yov.CFA Penlan Kitt-. It.cl, Cr-. Or.ty S3SO. 949-211-Sll S ••••••••• Business Oppor111nltles Businesses and Franchises 3905 COffH BUSINESS f_,, Profit Polen Short lti low Ovshl!Ad r..o Tr....-e, Pre~ Att.-U IU>-81~ FINANCIAL SEClETS Of the Super Weolthyl Ten Technrques the lhe wealthy uu e"" yday to oner~ I~• wealth If you ltuly desn to Khto;e Tinanc.,r secuttly You must haw th.G' I m 891 3260 $20 V/MC/OtSC by P11td LeM..ux. authot of lnestm~t Bu1u rree SAi CCAL •SCAN> STAllT A SUCCISSfUl home Bu'l<llfM !hat mekes moMy '" the fwst rnonthl $5.CKX> $20,CKX> Pf.II month J llX> 'lJil-0905 two rnlnUle re1.ordtd mHuae (CAl •SCAN/ AAA VENDING ltOUTl II> 5*w lhb. Prme lo-~ $9560 "'-! 25'.f. dow1 wac ~B).'1311 WE MADI SIH,237 las\. monlh aolf 1111 v eca lt0ntf1&, WOlklllll only wheti we w1"ted W1 c1n posrtrvely teach you to do the S111Tie Receuion proof. lntt!rested1 650-867·'351 9 {CAL•SCAN) Ollcll b Lim - Prlv•t• efflca O"'at, prune Newport Bch kK: ~ ... a.nl, DSlMh ird SJ"iO{mo ~781D HQt.ESFOA SAi.£ ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Hours Saturday ..................... Fnday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm . Index ( .... • '. l -·--- J -- .......... Creak Fal>olous locahon on the I>' e.nbeltl 3bt den/worllout toom. H lra lar&e hv/room w/Fp, ac:, p te llJarded, po<>ft. spas & tennis Judy Kolar, Bkr. 949-376-5576 l«AHO NEW SA HOMES 01111naed eo.- CdM v•ace LocallOn BJ. Johnson. 949-721-0U2 PrudentJal Calif RQ~ ColllMm nu. ~ 3bt 2.!iba. arut loc, ......, ~. on the marllel ~· ISOOsf, S419,00l. S! 96QB.71B) CotlDttaza PlllMlHTATlS PATlllCK TENORE NATIONWIDE USA 949-156-9705 WWW £1lttcklenore COm Irvine OPEN SUN 1 :30-S 10111 l rler lmt• North Tustin Hills Beau utal1na. "ly ll&ht vttW\ Sbr 5ba tiou•e + ltbrary 2 powet tms Appro1 5900 '' I ac lot Tennis courh S2.590 000 ltemoa Claro Tu 949-29S-9981 Laguna Beach Tutcon Oe•l9n-Oceon view. on QU<el 'ul de ~ •bove Wood C.OvP witl'I • f4nlashc whole walt'f ""'w 3bt 3 5ba 2 e1to •Dom. • pmet krtlhen Ind 'J vrew decks llil Wayne Bapn 949-497 ~I 11 Tit• '•rloct ll•treot r~ Zbr 2ba home w eourment ~•tchen w..luded JMllO. me..ndtftn& wall<ways, oce.in v~w1i and more! 949 no 3900 Anet.Or f>r:r:rt'" Laguna Niguel 2 ... Do. totally rtmod eled wrlh hardwood floors .n new lilt baU1s new kitchen cu\lom paint I urn key $287. 000 act El'w • 949 466 7536 Newport Beach AlONG THE COASTI Ult( FINDI $73S,OOO tri<-hant your ~ny~ 1n yout iror&e<>Us & dramalt cany uper &ded 38r beit~h viii• rust once h<lu.,.. to Mind & surll Your 1likina view of rta!>l.y weves be low stunnona ocun \Un wts lrom the ma1ler bedtoom & balcony -..111 provide ddy 11l1uloon & tnspohonl Ptoudly tn terUin cuat '" your im· mawlete livll'll 1-.il Cozy Ill> to your crec:kq w•m fir~el HUMYI CAI.I. NOW IUOM IJ'S TOO lATll CAI.I.( ... ) JOI 46H Uve In N•WJ"r1 1-ch for $165,000 De Ann Bayside Villa1e mobile l!om11. 13 Waterfrorit. bacllb1y view, Co1y. ch11mlna. Cabana mo bile home fp, 23 yr 111 S2237 /mo C.11 Cotta1e Homes O't N SUNDAY I...,_ 714424-ISU , _ _,cVlew Of'IN SA T-SUlll 1-S ~Illa ""' belutlful turn-key twnhrn. I.Waded tlwuout, hrdwcl lln. ~· tied lllu ch, aranlte, new ~ windows, 2 marble fp'a, hi&ll c.lls. ""'d pted. $M9,(D) 949-&4().9:Klfi oneUAT-SUN 1-S IS01c-..ll.- WAl.K TO tEACHt 2l>f 2.St>e townllolM, lfNt loc Off Oov11t •nd Wn tckff Uc>IJacltd llrtcn.n •lld b•tfl 2 e c•r. Cetltur, 21 Profnlionllls P1ttlclt 14'9,000 ..... ,., ..... SOOS· SI SO 1-'!Nly •-••h ied 28r ZS. E 1ec T ownhome peac:eful palJO Ort<looks 9th l•u way of .N B Counlty Club. euard-pted oomm w/pooj, sc>a. club house, ~.000 Anchor Propoftles 949-720-DJO tts Ger9eovtl 2br 2ba w/11brary New window~. doors. new appls. tu uted w1lls:ceols. crown mouldrna deS1eners tile perqutt lloo11ne and more •&I 949-584 5811 w ......... ._, 38' 2Ba w/towty Bay Vrew "*' lloorplan IQ.ts of windows, spaclOus kit, incldl WIJ. Sl8>.00l/obo Mary Wood. act 949-584- 5811. 717 9816 'lM IMfs' ~ re-model Jbr ?.5ba, FR. _, umt llCl<m from pool, f)lr1l ' tot lot hc:Mllle lJStJnc, P"nc Only ilil !Mne WllhMm ~I~ PltJMI ISTATlS PATRICK TlNOltl NATIONWIDE USA t49-U6-970S www palfOc:fllenore com OCIANfltONT • 110· OCEAN VlfW SU9,900 AGT 949-3 95-7222 ~ ,._, C·2BI 2Be, cf\ IQ tx.h. newly iwnod- cted att pr rv'~ S2500 mo 94SS7'5-9460 lNl OH ntE WATD ~ rem S850rn 2br lba rr(.ot• lune '62,<XX> 2D'f. ol1 fnr c.all 9$-57~ OCEAN PANORAMA lltEATHTAKJNG VllW5 S499,000 ISTATE SAU AG~ 949-29t -2SS9 Newport Coast Open Sot 1-S. Model Pert.ct & Private 411' 4.Slo h•>1ne on I level w a le lnl plus ocean. mount.tin .y>d city fiettls v~ 12 399.000 Patrd T•nore aet 949-856-9705 c..-fw .-deer-. PltJMl ESTATES PATRICK TENOltl NATIONWIOf USA 949-156-9705 www patrifttenore com San Juan taplstrano OPIN SAT-SUN 1-S 21m,_,.,... 4br 3ba 3 c 1ar, l0'.000 sf fol ocn views Sl,295,000 Tetty H1rner City Hall Ru11(9•9·422·0124 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Daeft Pnlpefty -<Antmtil C1N $2;.CXXl 10 ,_ to PS ASport. Z315 st, attxll Casb/lnd ~ house 4br bl csamic tile. Wanita ctn. dlll blodl.I roe" WIMf. jK tub, upp ad! l•I• walk Ins. lsldlc. RY/bolt ~ .. ~J.ir lhc ATTNi DfsaT LOVm _.VANwatN DnoM&DYtOM MI0-$7._SISS TMJ-17._..Sf ' . ' . 0 I • I>...-.,,. -- . f . 4 '1 I ·-· --...l.... . ~UY TOWIJIS 2 Bllu from fttry I Br. !Ba, sec pc>ol, •Int VHIW on Bay. llv/drn rm unclefard prka. cable 1nc1 Sl700/mo 9496756196 P_., PoW wlfi, ID bdl cµet necl1 2br Iba r-'Y remoel, own p & arpor1 SZIXXVmo 714-2.Sf>.4750 loyhM .. 11., paho, elevator secured enclosed pril& areal voe~. Ideal at S2aSOm aat 949 675 8120 s..-r • ..., J -lw't Jba conoo S..y vrew steps to bd\. Z c 1'11 $.l500rn Bkt 949-~7 I Corona del Mar Studio w/lotchette .. 11 bath, l>t""'11. open, pvt entr, So of Peil. S825<t\I lllGd uus aet 9'9 SJ3 S312 Stvdle Apt. B11ut1lul lr&hl VllAt Oii. ocn vu evil!ll &'I.~ .. s.t!UI ·~ Sl<Xnn no pe1 ~ 2iir lk, UIJPlf wlbalc utts ll'ICd le 1" 11'1 p avail now rv'~1'rila Slfl6n 949-222 5715 t.25"1 21r. J la, Apt Recently rehabbed w/I car a•r. I block to beach. no pet&. S2200/mo 949 854 1680 311' ~.Horne bea<n cetls, 1851hf. Mlyhgllt&. frplc's, pr K"' den. w/d, S2SOOtmo 949 759 0400 Costa Mesa 1 &291' ....... lml to beileh, vii.A eels Stolle. re, <* tan. mort S81IlmcV I Bt & S11!0nol2Bt 133 £ Jliel SI ~ lar Sc>eca*sl 9$54&24?1 C.t a. Pw _.,..,...Wlll lD bad\ Wt lbl w 1d, yd. ll2 Moot2 Vista Ave 116, rv'pets lffi6/mo 949<631-7113 Lowly Gated ~ 111' Ila ... w/pvt pr, tr"-w.Jlll to TnS<,-... mo Water,..,,ash ptk:I Klein ~rm 704-8&*9 LUTSIDI a-...1"1 llr H•Y••· Stove d/w, prden patio, pd.t Ienco SlZ95/mo 949 S48 3959 NI WPOttT HUOHn 2br Iba new hie flo0ts. n1ca no pets, St29!>/mo 949-650-2256 Udolslt IAYFllONT ON LIDO PENINSULA NIW 21r tla COTIAOH Private BHdl, Pool and Spa W111l to Ocean, Shops ind Restau11nti. lHse 6/mo 2 yr + Boi l Shp Av1ll1ble 710UDOPAHDll. 949·673·6030 or 949-723·5830 * YlillY * LIASIS BIU GRUNDY REAL TORS 94t-47S4161 U4e ltle ll 7 VII Orvleto 48r 2 sea. le 1ar. fj), courtyd, upst•ltS view•. 5000/mo 949-595-6035 UOO Yl.Ul 't LIAJI Bil l CRU,.PY REAL TORS ••t-6)$-6161 MISCEUMEOUS RENTALS N_,.nlHdi Panln•ula Studio ....._..-r0..._ -Ac1attmenu 1¥1ll • .-.1 ........, 11 -.. S650·$950 M9-873·7IOO CM tit 11eMMM to tllar1 SIOO/lllO • 112 utHt, nlilbll now !Mt. -.n11 le ... """Z felDDITW.RENTH.S OM& 1• COllllY IOOWS10 .__ ..., Pvt i-:tl ,.. tilrllOr l!lit 2Br Illa. 2(DI to bay lrmls. fu-ivLl!Mn Sl700mlse949·718 1400 W ESTCUFF TOWNHOMI 2B1 . 21 /1BA. 2c &•r. comm pool, no pet/smk Sl700m Ls.e949 642 1055 '*' Ctest IWnhm pebo, OOlml 2br I .5ba l*JO, pool/ Sllil, nu !*'It IM/Clfll 2 c p llfl Sl77S ~71Dl .. c-2br 2llil Con-*> I~( fnplc 2 patoos. newly dec0tated. #/d ma Sl!B5m 714-~I Newly remod 2bt 2b1 condo, 2 c 111. patio, wd, no peVsmk Avail 6· l $19!>0 lu. 949 759 1344 Stoor ,. _.., 'A rental. 2 mstr ~ 2-!iba. 0ctt w , pabotbH:my. Ip pr. no pet llfl S2400 9&67J.71Dl llACOH MY/IAYWW upsta11s 2br I 5ba fp. 11r wd hkup yr lse S26001mo 949 673 8411 ...... .__b 2ba. t.n room IM pool/ """ pdlns f1CI. ...., S27'l!im 714-5n-2!W 8"' ... CMYOM VIW 2•2.5 ..-,. p CCU!ol Yf¥tl $2!Ullmo 0.-. Sat-5un 1-4. itlll 96~7700 l9 31r 2.Slo in &•t•d comm, w/pool, \Pl+ pnvate yard S3000/mo A1ent 949 M6 9705 Mb ltein1l1h l Jar. Flt, (-Pion 1011eous fleslbeil NM CdM SDXI/ mo Ii\ 9&21~2•14 ~ ._.., JBr+ den home. otc f1ct1ly upo lded al< pied comm w/pooA & SIM MOOOtmo Short letrn only. " 949-881.8603 Newport Coast ~ ... ,,.,. .... Cow Awesome Oc:un/Catalina Views 4Br 3 5Ba f71«JI mo •gt 949-718·2742 Rentals Wanted 7811 WIM1e4: let 'Pl ..... tare (7 c1(.b. Pron timu .... ttls. .. aradlr Im m ztion 9o$47 l561 VM:ATION RENTALS Mountain Rerals 7925 lAKI AlllOWltEAI» 3000tf 48f 4.58a, IC, a•. level lot w/lelle view. $695/Weeldy Of SDX>/ Month! • 96721-lnl l 1Hk'I' tliL· SL·n in· Dirl'rtory Banne r Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week Por Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Cal Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 D lllVU/CDl (A ) Hnmat... Sl0.00) after 5 Y-$' ~OS to 39 eenb T earn to • 1 flenb. ContJ Klos to ~ cents. fuel \Ulcll¥p$ COl Grads welcome EOE 8»-925- 5556 or KLLM com (CAl •SCAN) otlMai OWNlll OPD- ATOli Ha¥t 'fOUI own trud\ 1 l~ lot nde pendence' landstat Ills the loob/freicllt lo make you $UCCessfull CALL LN«>STM 8118-835 3858 (CAl~) 0rtwrs CT-~l $1000 scn·on bonus W• have a lot. Oanard CA Termini! Armeln E 1prl!S3 ltnei J~, Ref #IQ.I (Em11I rtCtut· 1n&@ttme""11 com) eoe m/fTd/v (CAL •SCAN) IMtfVBl OWNlll Of'81- ATO.. HIYe 'fOUI own Ind? loolll'l& lor true 1ndej)endence 7 I.ands tat Ills Ille toolV!r•t lo ~10"~ I· 800-711 7898 (CAL •SCAN) DlllVO S WANTED Newport & ~Ben set you1 own schedule! Patt or full time av11l•ble S75+/day fuH·hme Ci ll 888 OOl·WORK QI lfPY @ wwwD-0-t.com One pffltl-lot Ptlnt & GraplHC Deslan Teclt- r'QI ~ Send reuna to ll1@1tss·p!ll\hnc com O WNlll OPlllATOl TEAMS! <X>l w/Hn ·Mllt & ~ req Termonel· Teminal Orop/HOI*. Hn on Boru, HICh Miles SJ>. 909 S66 4 Ill 210 (CAl •SCAH) O WNllt OPHATOll TlAMSI COL w/H.u·MM & Doubles 1eq Twmonel· TermtNI Orop!Hoc*. Hn on Bonus. Htdl ~ 800- 909·566 4 u t 210 (CAL •SCAN) OWNllt OPlltATOll Tl.AMS! COL w/IUz·Mat & OouOles teq TermlMI· T•rrwlll DropMook, Hn on Bonia. HWt ~ llX>-909 S664 eat 210 (CAl-scNC) ..... ,-I ' I pmon of/i;. p\ ("5)5*y--.,,....,. Fa ,_ to 9.tl·875·2l27 S\:W I IBnumJI nMdld mutt M certified, $20·Sl5 Plf hour. C•M 94t-131-6714 JOIN OUR TEAM ind mike a dllfetence In th• Cal1forn1a Atmy N•llonal Guatd you can 1e1 money 101 colleae and car.er lrt1n1n& Call I 800 GO GU A RD (CAL •SCAN) JOIN OUR TEAM and m•k• 1 d11f1rence In the C1hfotr11a A11ny N1honal Cu11d you e1n eel money for colle1e 1nd cateet t111n1ne Catt I 8 00 GO GU A RD (CAL •SCAN) J09t OUll TIAM Mld maM • dlff"11f1CG In the c.lltofrtla kmy National Guard you c.wi p l money for Collllp IM Cit eer lratnof'C. Cal I llX).()(). GUAAO (~•SCAN) 100 WOH lllS NUDED AalrTtit cnfts. wood ..,... M1ter1al p rovided To ~ fr" lllformabon 24/hr 801~ ~lies - AIDnotM -~ 'H A4 Ou.ttra 2 8 V6. 294c actual ml, auto. sparkhn1 1edl er•1 lthr mnd , CO, looks & smells new V•56721 S 17,495 f1n1ncln1 av11I Bkr Ut-516-1 U I -. .pl.WM •w 74Gll "" 8-itflA Sorn BllWT 111, Owome ..... 7"' "' ll"lld. nust -S2D.500 919-318-9916 IMW 7401l '96 Sliver w/1rey lu ther Inter, fully lo1 ded, Sl8,000 949·67S·6006 DlauYlfY '00 II VS, Certlfted •242046 $20,H S .... ,.-·01 a-. <140 I.Ille new, l oeded .01420I S24,H 5 DIMft"Y '0 2 SI VS. Lo•d•d 1111 ml. Prior Rent1I f7fft01 SJl,ttS Oltc..,•ry '00 H V8,Le1ther,DualSun Roofe, Clfllfled H4122 $20,tH 1>1Me¥1rf 'O 1 SI Vl,l11tti.f,OualSun Roofs, c.rtlfid •72S22J $24,tH eMC'01 Yw .. 0.-. l11th«, Sun Roof, 9P••Mnp r tlffUO SH ,ffS .._,,...,'001 VI, laether, Loaded, Cert if id ltUIH SIO,ffS ••<'M'IWLM ..... 4•4. Low Ml, 1111/811\, Cnt Cllrome WllMll Ht1.. SH ,ffJ .......... , UftiNt• Luawr SW .,,, •• s ••1 .... ()My-=-~ ............ .... ...... MMMS 9004 Automotive 9004 .... '00 c;..,.I a-...... 6cyl. Z wd, 36~ I t tu•I m1, $dver/11ey 1n l alloy,, labulou$ lo~ .. ntw unmarked cond, 4 year W¥f llVM, vl'SmJ SJ3Jlt'6 ftrm 0 Down qu1lrfoed bul'tr' 4 6 APR 8tciller 949-516-IHI www.•<p•~l.cen1 • LIM"--'91 OW-., LE 58k• m• wh1telt1n ltht dual mnrf buu t1ful 0 111 J yell wa11 avail SIJ.995 v•75761• Broker 949·586 1888 www.ecpe.c- Lm.I ._ ..,. °'--Y LE 58>.• m1. wh1t•/lan lthr dual mnrf b~•u ltlul oroa 3 year wur nail. Sl3.995 v•75762• Broker 9•9 586 1888 -. ..,...~ lea,.. '9t ltX 300 4 wfi, blaclo. 1mmac 57k m1 llht. low pk1. •D NM sound, drm ..tis led sb blx*$ S21..Dl '.M9 350-5202 u,,,;i;; '0 2 Nw l .. tet' lOll m1, luM lac.I warr s;lvet sand Ian llllr CO stacker ch•ome whls . u tra $U l v672518 S27 .995 firm 11" & w1rr n •1I, 0 Down qu•hlred buyer~. 4 6 APR Btolltt '949-SH -IHI www.ocpabl.com Merced.. '9 6 c210 bnut1lul black cteam fully lo1ded showtoom 111/oUt. SI I 5 714-7'S I ?464 MercefiH '99 S320 l.WB 5211 m1 J yr war• 1011, s1lve1 /bl>. lthr beaut oroa cond v8752•1 $24 995 linancrn1 ava•I Bkr 949 S86 1888 -··'r*•··-Mercedff 'II 560 Sl wh1te/t1n. 1mmac n<U. N'a.,.,_dt ~ ~ $WXD 714-15l :lt64 NEW 2003 MINI COOPER LEATHER. CO & ~ ~l~,~J I AT TitS PRtE (TC4121M) .....• .......... lfl'Sll«JJMI ITS FUN PHllllPS AUTO •MWXS4.4T '01 Silver w Gr"y C....,brrty Owned' ~ uHy t oa~d1 (J'll14 ) $45,9frJ f'endte .... ,., ,_,., Stunry BIM• w pe<f~, I IUw int> Only S2l\ rn1 ~.uty1 119J281 SJ• 'RI 1'oncJ.e tt•S , ....... 6 Bia<~ w •w•n tan 1tru full r"'0tcb "'" bnd I 19281() SIJ 98'l J...-S·Trpe S .... '00 fht•. is a ~•Ul)1Moont >01 11q 1141 S27 .,.J IMW 7 40I s..-.. .,. Onto""'~ loul Newporl Std.In IOIUI rl'COl<I\ c flfomt!<I wt.ls ti 9340 I S22 Wl ""'--H-1"0.J Bia<>." wht•l ltlv Liv nmed whk TV 'VCR VIOe<• Nav Backup carnet a (19l72C I $.S4 980 Xlll ~ c-9 9 Sl\1nty ~ mftl W/tnll'M<. ftttt th<om~d .. hts (19'°91 '39~ 1-w t.UOO S....'00 Blad " 'cre..m lthr on tw Only 14'1 '"' SJ6 9fll (19278) S36 !Bl M•l ML.fJO '00 SUV whit~ W/lUtont~ pl\jt l<lw mo (I 9J41h S29 900 Mtlatr.J.ZO c...,.-.. Black w b• llflt ttv('W"nfl1 w~~ (19..i:?) <. CfJ) -·.U. t4t-ST•· l I l'M&W'S AUTO .....,._, ....... AUTOMOBllfS, MISCEWNEOUS Wanted 9045 ~ o,-...11 ~ °""" ., ~ 1apl _. Pl'Y I vry fu ptU fof ~ ca v.. or •uck !-' lor « not. c..a Dd< RPy @ TomMo A&*' ~ 7Tl- Ul lllJl QI m -Bl22B CASH FOl CAllS WI Nn D YOUll CAii * * * * * * • • PAJD fOtt Olt NOT 55 fP.EEWAY@ EOO«lER 'Htu.IPS AUfO SNITA NU. AIJTO W ·~.~~:::~~~~ (811) 123-9108 NI•-'ti s...tre OU BOAT REPAIRS/ Uh new, lo1ded, auto, SERVICES ~oof 1lloys. low 74k "''· $5900 714-751-2464 -------ro.KNI ·01 1oiiiia BOATI SUPS/ 8 l1cll W/CJl 't 9,000 ml, lllV\D~I !*feet cond. $39,950 """"1lnUGt t•t•7tS.-OS70 l&I~/ POiKHi me1;, '6 2 ~ red, re~tored. b11u. STORAGE 9e80 J20,000 or but offer --------949•675·6006 Se yeur u11wa11tecl ..... , .... ... , .. ,. Piece• c1 ... 111.11 .c1 , .... ,, 642-5671 HnSWAVMAI U tN NIWPOIT HACH HSOOllASI •••·100-100.S \, PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified sectjon to find services from electronics and plumbers. to landscapers and painters. Daily Pilot Cl.1•,•,ifH·d C ommu m ty Marketplace Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with 0MAA SHARIF 9nd TANNAH HIRSCH DON'TTRUSTYOOR EY8S Beth vulnerable. South deal~ NORTH WF~'T • 764 AJH , A09S • IOA • 92 l08762 "J 7 .. 964 2 EAST •A 108 I:> K93 0 108 31 • Q1.5 SOUTH •KQHJ ~ ~64 •AKJJ' Operung lead: Six of :;; A!I dedarer. do noc put too much tru~l on tho;c: nc:fanoos pl.iyc:r1 al your nght and left 'They do not ha~e your wcltare at hcan. Th~ deal illus- traJ.e<. our point 'onh'\ onc·no-1rump re~pc>n~ 11.a\, b> agreement. forcing. and the jump to three ipldel Uiowed 1111J1v1- tatlonal raiso whfl only three-card lllpport. Etit leiud the oppllftWlily 10 malc.e a leld-directina double of the five-bean responx IO Blackwood and lhc auction ended IJl the ~ small dam. We.1 dutifully led a hear\ and declarer l'06e -wuh dummy\ ace w lead 1 ttump lO the king, which held h was dee lorer '11 otan lO cash the ace and king of clubs, rutf a club IJl dummy m an allempl lO drop the qucco, then lead du111111y'1 rcmain1111 trump. As the canh Ue. chat would have netted 12 nicks, but u funny lhina happened on the road to ~uc­ cesi. On the WlCOC1d round or dulx. East dropped lhc queen' Now 11 wa.\ 100 risky lO ruff the tlurd club. ln\lcad. declarer boped f Of u ).. ) diamond spill, a squeeu or 1 clefens1~-e em)( by cross111& IO queen uf duunood~ and leading a trump. Had F~t followed low, declarer would have: woo w1Lh queen then ruff cd the club, and the defeme would ht" hrru!A:d lO one end But Ea.\1 lt1llde no mlSUlk.c, nsang w11h the ace: and returning a trump. When dJamoods failed co break and no squc:ue de•clope<l. South had 10 wn.:ec.lc:downooe STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?fi • • • • • • • • • • The Ugal Drpartmem at the Dai(y Pilot is pitased to announce a new service now avail.a.bit to new businesses. wt will now SEARCH the name far you at no extra charge, and save you the time and the trip to the Court House m Santa Ana. Then, of course, after the search is compitttd we will file your fictitious business name statement w"ith the County Citrk, publish once a week far four weeks as required by law and thin jilt your proof of publication with the County Citrk. Pitast stop by to jilt your fictitious business statement at the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St, Costa Mesa. If you cannot stop by, please call us at (949) 642-432 I and we will malte arrangements for you to handit this procedure by mail. If you should have any further questions, pitase call ·us and we will be more than glaJ to msist you. Good luck in your neu:_ business.' 0 C1llfornla law rt· quires that .conllec:· tors !Mlins Job• that total l500 or m«• (l.wbor or materlab) be llcenMd by tilt Contractors Stal• LlceMe 80«d. St.It law also Nquhs tNt contr1cton Include thff lleense number on .. ed¥wtlllnc. You CM dliac* the status of your llcenud contr1ctor 11 www.calb,ca.1ov or I00·321·CSl8. U11ll· c:ensed contrac:tora t1lll111 Jobi th•t total 1111 then S!SOO 111u1t atata In their '~"erti..e-nta that tlMir "' not licensed bir t11• Contnctou Stm l~ 8-'d," Aj•ml A1111j1I I --··-~/111111/ll!llNdll :-::;'t::m ...., ..... ATrORNEY 0.11 ...... bualMA llw ........ lelid-.... ~ ...... '! ....... , : .,, ,.., lo*llplng I eo I, .,,.. ....,_.. Swc. Tu pupa11tion, QidBodls ~ ,... '°""" Uf'd 9&.J;5-02!'JO car,Mry A· ZHAWDYMU lnalaH, rel act cabineb ~ rnadrJ. ~ 714-545-7258 • w ihlit.. Custo111 Built Ins. Crown Molcllnp, Bau 8oerds U577982 949· 709·5642 C.,.. ... lr/11111 I a & •USl#ISS •1rA11ts Uptr adea. Repairs of Computer. Networb . Evenin11/WHhnds Competitive prices for quahly S«wlc t4t4a6-l17S 714-926-4221 Cancnlll....., trtdl l'-dl S.._ Tiie Conc:r.t.e, Patio, OrMwly Flr.,it, BBQ. Rtf'L 25Yn hp. T:rg 714-S57·7S94 ~ YOUIMOMI IMf'ttOVlMUfT PllOJl<n ~•II 1 plumb«, ~lnter,h~-n. or any of t1ll l'Ht aervlcn llst•d llff• In our service dltector,-1 THESE lOCAl. SVC f'tOf'lE CM HEl' YOIJTOOAYI W1nH01n DIYWAU llMY ..... ~ Ail phases sm/lr1 jobs. R-croutln & lnstlllebon CUANl 20yn, lalt, ITM T1lE DEAN 94~73-8065 .t. L«XXXI> 11~1447 11~ n4-811J.2031 llc:enMct Electrical Contnctor. SiNH jobs startlna 1t S7t.H& ... $cledallz.lns ln Remodllin1 & all home wlrlna llffds, Comft'l/lndUtVRes 1-IOO-lt7-1 ... UClllSID CCMlflilTOi No 1116 bl 11n. M ..w.t ""*'. l'MI04lll. fens. ,.,_Ille~ AoarlllWlll ~aMlMYU NlllMml. .... m--. ................ Jt7J l.16121* ,,_ nw12.a1 ....., .......... floora, Cou11tera • ~1 l~IJISFrM £st11111ta M9·41l·f097 ftnut.Uttlll .. Sunday, May 4, 2003 IS TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE ACAOSS 1 Looks high anc iow 8 Campaign for elec:tlon 1 1 Ftmed orca 18T11ke fright 21 Give --(care) 22 Caravan stop 23 Plld'lforlt perts 24 Wastl away 2S Numt>er d Fetes 26 8ea19 dedslvety 27 INIUgU'ates 28 Wntef -ZOia 29 Fridge'• IOUlld 30 Town square 32 &ec:t1 Gardens city 34Sleep 38 Melv!le captain 38Gems ~Dens 42 Put on the raclo 43 Incite (2 Wds ) 45 Famtly member 47 Alens 49 Wavy seashell 52 Give le&&ons 53 Aax>rf1>11shlng 54 Orange veggie 5701va Mana 58 Props 59Goes!ast 60 Infant 6 1 lmplOted 62SmaHjobs 83 Enlists ag11n (hyph.) 84 l..8tlOf actiYlst -Chavez 65 Feathery wrap 66 Throws un 68 Action Words 69 Papeete's Island 70 \ligoda and Lincoln 72 Vield t> 73Zeal0t 74 M06Que feature Handyma11/ HomeRtpalr COl//lf'UTJ HOME MAlllTINA#CI No job too smalll Everyth1111 lrom Carp.n9'y ID Paintq Fru ntlm•I• CJll-Jr •O·ZfS-1'U 75 On 17\e up.and-up n Hndu mylCloa 78 MountalnMr'• refrain 79 AITC¥>S 82 Ult>an crv Mrs 83 VHS predecessor S4 Somersa!Jt 88 Bring tortf1 89 So11ta1re OOF!M shoes 92 • -we tnere yeir 93 Like most jad<ets 94 Bounded along 95 Plano hKer 96Mrtled 98 The rucslments 99 Gath«ed 941/9$ 100 Lures trout 101 -Bonham Carter 102 Sllldlal numeral 103 Flood ban'lef 104 Data 105CIX 106 Fragran1 WOOd 107 West lndtM republ c 108 7-Up n·1al 109 Fake I 11 U9e sl8el wool 113 E1111 spell 115 Cleopatra s river 119 M0<e !-ft"IC8nny 121 Metalmaklng g1an1 123 lmpo•ite 125 Anny guys 126 Po11t1cal division 127~ Berry M 129 Tun pancalles 131 Corduroy ribs 133 Lucky number 134 Jeunty tia1 135 Knighls weapon 136 Hlgh·lech replica 137 Date 1 38 Psyct\ICS 1 39 Lawn tool 140 Tl'lrow for -- DOWN 1 Kines °' ~· 2 yap (hypt\.) s·-Rae 40neof 10 5Walk e Soft drink (2 Wds 1 7 Jane's mate 8Costomary 9 Playing maro•e lO "Hey your 11 Belly 12 Love DeaOt wearer 13Keep-~ IO the ground 14 Adu1t ma111 15 Former UN meml:>er (ablx ' 16Ctlrpmg 17 Kn gnts suits 18 Ofslurblng sound 19 Laid on fr()(" .vor~ 20 MealOCfe graoe 31 Trademarks 33 Guinness ano Wauon 35 Makes a salary 37 Wal flow9f opr,oslt8 39 Creeps about 41 Dives 44 F0<est clear "g ~ Woosnam &l'ld Fleming 48Goels 49 Ol11er's gear 50 tmnation d'locolate 51 Kelps 52 Peevsh 530uestlon 5-4 Not>elest -A•arat 55 Slacken on 58 Deserve 58 Place for a 1w1 5fj Nus 60 ()n -Ol(fOf I 62 Ba11d 1nstrvmetits 63 Pt°'bl'l d game S/'IOWS 6<1 Sugar SOU'oe 67 Thesaurus cori;:i la! ee 6-lltY'• wet:tl a; l<lnd °' wew 71 Cuts ltle cake 73 W.n1 a. few roonds 74C.,. pwt 78 Tenn~ heroine nswunoctt~ 78 Pro vofes 79 Loaf wound 80 Cover stoiy 81 LeoNlldO da - 82 con1ca1 abode 83 APt/tudes 851.as strlct 86 OuMe 0< ;.. apas 87 Foot leVer 89 Pia ytng cards 90 Rural 91 Mues evel 94 Volcanic fto.-i 9fi Soetal asset 97 M&!bles 99 "'lnl again i Cl) View ll'om G1u 10, Fe<llenlWISne! 100 lndulgenl 104 Taps 105 Less 1101 106 Allee foe 101 MOie saaeo 106 t-<orse s gen 100 "'eNscas18f Jennings 110Msss11e , , 2 • aghl·knn team 114 Oeolebng 1 16 ArCtlC OWel•IOQ 1 17 Mortgayes 118 CY.>Jo e C\ilv'es 120 ... ooos 1.p 122 Sktlllu 1 ;?4 Rec. Cef'1e1 , 26 COl'\::or:le e g 128 c;anger ~y - 130 Youngster 132 E ~ry0001 '" Moving • Star1gl Palntlng I Pining ---'----- JISSIY UUJl'S HOl//llll'AM srrcwnr Rusonable Prices 14 Yrs uperlence 1n •ii trades $pec:Jaltll"1 an resktentlel inVut 7t4-S01-64 .. TMI HU DY llAJI All worll 11.1etantud ~ Daiall. Ooora. f1rmll c::p *-~ ........ NMt TO TMI DU.,111 714-961-1882 j AVAILABLE TOOAVI 949·'73·5566 IUT MOVllS SSt /Hr servma •II cttlH Insured fast, court.ous. c.reful T163844 800-246-2378 PUBLIC NOTICE Th• Celt! Public Uttltt1u tomm1u>0n requlfH lhal all UMld household 1ood1 movers pranl their P.U C C•I T number, hmos and chauffeurs print Cheu T C P numb« In all adwer t1sements. If you heve any qu.stlOtts about Che le1111t y el • mover . limo or chauffeur, call· ruauc U1111TtH COIUllSSIC* 177-8M7 J.ryMft'• , ......... Top Qualrty, to~t1t•v• lnl er IOI 1£ 1 t L "648228 Call Jay 949 6»5066 UJWIOW a.al MMIT Pa1111int~l. Halalllllt Qu~I FrH esbrNtte L 1 114 636-8888 ltONUT & lllASOMAIU PlUM8£R Lf506586 F,_Est!Sm~ OClfOJ o.. n4-ZJ>91!i0 "10Slf'Ul•ll .. Recu11n • Remoclellna f'RU ESTIMAlt L 11687 398 714 969 I 090 srwa AleDUmau.& (Ht) ... 5-2.aS~ ... .. ..