HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-06 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• • .. ~'---a1 10 • ... Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 JUESDAY,MAY6,2003 ouncil considers interim ·appointee .. pointee would serve until a special election could :~ ··he ld in November. Councilman Gary Monahan special election could be h~ld in No- vember. The winner of that election would serve for the remainder of Robin· son's tenn, whJch would be one year. special ordinance to set up the pro· cedure. .:: $1akes suggestion after council deadlocks again. . '· This option would be considered at a special City Council meeting on Mon- day. But Councilwoman Libby Cowan greeted hb. !>uggestion with skepticism. "I wouldn't support that.· Cowan sa.id. ·1 don't know why la six-month ap· pomtmentl would break the deadlock.· 1rdre Newman ity P.ilot .. le-:' • COSTA MESA -To replace former didn't necessarily have to choo!>e -it could have an appointroent and a spe· cial election. After two hours or public comment and debate on Monday on Bever and Scheafer. the council opened up the Ooor to public romment again on a sug· gestion from Councilman Gary Mona· han that the council consider appoint· ing someone to serve six months, until a As or 10:30 p.m.. the council was still hearing public comment on Monahan'<; motion for an interim appointee, and no deqslon had been made. If a meeting b held Monday. Council· man Ouis Steel proposed trying to hreak the deadlock between Bever and Scheafer before considering Monahan's suggestion. ·: ·. :Mayor Karen Robinson on the dais, the •Qty Council had two choices: appoint a replacement or call a special election. When deadlock struck for the second time between hopefuls Eric Bever and Mike Scheafer. the council found that it Monahan said he believed this option could break the deadlock and appeaJ to voters. Acting City Any. Tom Wood said the council would have to approve a Bever and Scheafer reacted to the protracted discu!>sion with noncha· Ian ct'. · PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY PllOT Dancer Melissa Hernandez. in traditional dress from Veracruz, Mexico. pulls man audience member during Cinco de Mayo festivities. A diverse Fifth UC/ students spend Cinco de Mayo with dances, music and Mexican food Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot 5. 1862. is the mspi.ration for a celebration of Mexican unity and patriotism, one shared by many Americans. Cinco de Mayo, a day representative of Mexico's willingness 10 defend itself from foreign intervention, Is also a day or cultural celebradon. And UC Irvine students didn't miss the chance to celebrate on Monday. to leave the campus. "We're trying 10 diversify h by having different performances and we're trying educate people a?<>ut the cul~.· sai~ Karina committee. "We're trying to educate them about the history and the SJgnificance of Cinco de Mayo." The Cinco de Mayo festivmes were organized by the Movimiento Esrudiantil Olicano de AztJan, a Olicano student organization. as part of the coUege's Mes de la Raza. a monthlong series of performances, concerts and panel discussions celebrating Olicano culture and history. From the violin to the crumpet. the ---l--- Norma Rodriquez, left, ties a Mexican flag onto the head of friend Esmeralda Carbajal. With the red. white and green Dag waving. folkiorico dancers dancing and fragrant came asada coolctng. UCJ's Cinco de Mayo celebration gave students a chance to experience the Oavor of Mexico without having See Af'Tli, Pa1e M THE VERDICT gone to the doctors, and they've kept me going ' Daily Pilot ATAGl.ANCE ON THE WEB: ww.~can WEATHER ~ lf1f..., off ugly egain, but don't dellplir. The tun will be here. ....... A2 PUBLIC SAFETY A Newport r9'1ident uvet e lW.. ........ M • SPORTS Colli Mein Sheron Dey lplltd11 ~In.,... pteltml. ......... . ~Thi~ lS not life or death for me.· Bev· er ~d. ·1 am commmed to 1mprovmg the city. and 11 do~nt matter 1f I do 11 from the dai., or the podium.· ·nu~ i.<.n't my whole Llfe.~ !:>cheafer Said. ·A' much as I am commmed to serving. hfe g~ on • fhe appomtmem proc~ '>tarted on April 21 . the week after former Mayor Karen Robin~n resigned to be<;ome an Orange County Supenor C..oun 1udge • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at 1949) 574 4221 or by e-mail at deirdre newman a lar1mes com Assembly run is next move for • supervisor In an e-mail , Newport Coast's Tom Wilson tells supporte rs h e will go after Ruth Bates' 73rd Dis trict seat. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT COAST -A rew mon~ after taking over as chairman or the Board or Su pervt!><>r~. Tom Wilson now ~ys he's ready to take a big ger step up the polJucaJ ladder I le11 seek a chair in the state ~ sembly Wilson. who re · presents J.500 res•· dents m Newpon Tom Wilson Coast. announced the decision 10 ">ttk the 73rd Assembty Oismct seal on Monday in an e-mail to tus supponers "This was a difficult deos1on. because I love what I do." Wlbon ~Jd in thee· mail. "I'm looking forward to continuing my strong leadership on the board See ASSEMBLY, Pa1e M EDUCATION Adults step up to keep lid on prom problems Meeting tonight in Costa Mesa will offer parents tips on handling drug or alcohol abuse by teens. Chrtltln• Carrillo Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -With prom and graduation -and their requisite parties -approachlng. mem~ra of the Harbor CoWlcil Puent Teacher Man. are work- ing diligently to ann. pamlta with ~ munition to fight dNI and akobol me and abuse by their childrm. During a town hall meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. today at &be ea.a Mell NeWt· bodX>Od. Communily C.enter, the mun- c::il wiD ptovtde parenta wbb tips on bow to dell wltb teem fadns dnc 8Dd lko- bol--. -we feh Ub the pM!lltl needed -more edi•n¥Urln ordlS to lalfide lhllt dM&a~mdiblllm&IWl• .......... ...., w WdiiAid ---... --... ~Oli'9-..... u.t.C....tl.. 21 • -.11M1R•.__ ...... , .. ... ....... M . . ........ --~--------..... -~ -~_._.,_.__. _______ --~---·------- ' AZ Tuesday, May 6, 2003 ON CAMPUS Daily Pilot • -"' • . .. ~ I -~--~--------------------~'~------------~----------------------~---:--------~--------~------------~--~------------..------------~.r, I' KIDS TALK BACK Learning tales of the . forefathers The Daily Pilot went to Victoria Elementary School in. Costa Mesa to ask fifth-graders, 'What . was your favorite U.S. history lesson?' "Leaming about the Indians, because it's interesting- their ways and their culture." HAYLEY DELGADO, 11 Costa Mesa "Leaming about the • history of the immigrants. because we learned about our ancestors and who moved to the United States." ERICKA BlANEY, 11 Costa Mesa "The puritans -how they wo~edin a colony and worked together in a ~~ ANDRADE, 11 Costa Mesa "About the pilgrims and how they meet the Indians and were scared of the Indians, but they got used to them and then they became friends." AMBER KAREL, 10 Costa Mesa "The middle colonies because ... William Penn found it and said everyone is welcome there." CASEY SNYDER,10 Costa Mesa -Interviews and photos compiled by Oiristine CArrillo : . JN THE CLASSROOM SE.AN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Sheri Siegeler, 10, right, and Pamella Winans, 10, make banners for their state reports at Victoria Elementary School. New states of mind Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot F or some fifth-graders at Victoria Elementary School in Costa Mesa. lea.ming about other states doesn't have as much to do with travel as it does with research. Maneuvering through Google searches o~ and thumbing through encyclopedias and history books, these students learned more about their chosen states than many of their states' residents. After their informational quest, the students wo~ on displaying their newfound knowledge on a state banner that would depict Victoria Elementary fifth-graders research and learn about some of the nation's other 49 states. everything from the state's bird or flower to its most famous residents and attractions. "This project gives the kids a reaJ appreciation of how big our country is," fifth-grade teacher Joe Norris said. "The main thing is, they learn that the United States is a nation of variety." Studying U.S. history by looking at the inqividual states has given these fifth-graders a better und erstanding of the size of the WEDNESDAY country and the uniqueneM of its 50 states. . Norris has only about 30 students in his class. not enough to cover every state. The studen~· projec~ have provided an extensive look at a majority of the country, though. and has enhanced their understanding of it. "ll's fun because you get to learn stuff about the states,• I 0-year-old Amber Karel said. The most challenglng part of the MOfl>AY project was the research, she said. .. It's kind of difficult because sometimes you need to 6nd some of me information. but you can't 6nd it.· she said. Some of Amber's classmates agreed ·it's hard trying to 6nd things that are rare to find ... but I got better,• said lO-year-old Brooke Theemling, who was working on a banner for Missis.sippi. "It's a good experience. It was a learning experience for me." • IN THE ClASSROOM is a weekly feature in which Daily Pilot education writer Christine Carrillo visits a campus in the Newport-Mesa area and w rites about her experience. SCHOOL LUNCH MENU Jlf1ental c:bkbn utad wtlhwhole grain roU or "-mburger or veggie burger on • bun, lettuce and pieties, sliced peaches,~ of milk MuncN.bte Luodl.SWd Of beml and,cNel9 bu,. com on the oob, fruit tumoYS, d90lce ol mllt The Newpott-M ... Unified SdlOOI oi.trkt otr.ra menu choicM Nd'I ~ 8t elementary ec:hools. S1udents '"fY moo.• ~n entree. The eel1c:don may indude • ..a.d, ~or hot entree. School lundMI ... $2 MCh. ....... wh8t'• being MtVed ~week: TODAY Munc:heble Lunch Select wfth fruit yogurt or com dog or veggie com dog, pot8to eml•, nedlo dlMM cNps, Craisint, dlolcl of milk THURSDAY Munchable Lunch Sat.d or tecos •c.m1tee• wtth lhredded leauce, ..... end c:heeee, ....... frelh biked cootie, dlOice of milk FRIDAY •Mun<Nbfe l.unch SMld or c:Nc*en nuggets wtth dipping sauce, jam. lddc9 wtth rench dip, fruit Juice ber, choice of milt Daily A Pilot Coral WlllOn News assistant, (949) 574-4298 coral.wilson<!Jlatimn.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don l..eectl, Kent T"""ow Box 1560, Costa M8N, CA 92626. Copyright No newt stories, illustrations, editorial matttlf or 11dvertisement1 herein can be reproduced Without written permission of copyright owner SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF The day will start off mostfy The latest southwest awetl VOL 97, NO. 126 TltOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TI>NY DOOERO Editor ./UOY OETT1NO ~~ Promotlone DINCtor EDrTWO STAPf Ll.Cehn M~ng Editor, (Ml) 57.iM233 1./.e11hn• 1M1,,.....com ----Qty Edlto+', (M)1&M32A i-m-,,,.,.wm..oom ..... ,,, ...... Aft DINctor I New. Delli Chief, • ( .. ) 17'M224 .News EdtD'I Gina Alexander, Lori Anderton, Daniel Hunt. '"-ul Seltowltt. Daniel St9Wna NEWSSw=F Crime °:r a:_~. (949)57~ d#pll.bhaf'llth•llltJ,,,_com ...... = .... Newport repofW. (949) 574--4232 }U,,..CllMfl,.n<J.•~ ..... Cll'ltllft Politics, buslneea and environment reporter. (9481 ~., fMUl.cllm0n•IMl,,,_com Loltll ....... Columni.t. culture !'9p0ftef. UM9) 574-4275 lol/rJl.harper•,.,.,__com .,....Na•n• eo.c. Meae ,..,., (Ml) 174-4221 READERS HOT1.M (IMS) M2-eo88 Record YoUr comments about the o.tly Piiot °'newt -~ Our 9ddf'tlll ll 330 W. Bay St, Coau Met., CA 92e2l Of'lloe hoort are Mondey • Fndey, lt30 a.m. • 5 p.m. Coo 1' •• It It the Pllot'a policy to promptty corT.ct aH enora of aubetanca. Pi... Cllll (IM9) 7'&M324. FY1 The Newpoft~ Mesa Deily Piiot (USPS-144-800) le pubtlehed deity. In Newpoft e.act'I HOW TO REACH US arcua.don The TimM Orange County (800) 252-9141 Adlr9itW. .. a..lled (949) 842-5e78 Oilpl9f (949) 642~1 EdholW News (9491642-5680 Spom(949)574-<W3 Naw9,.. (949) &48--t170 Spottl,.. (948) 860-0170 ~ dllllypl1ot•t.t1mH.com MmOllee ........ ()Moe (949) 842~21 lu•lftw,... (949) 831-7128 cloudy, but will clear a bit this afternoon, with highs in the mkMiOs and Iowa In the lower 50&. Wednesday looks to be similar, though murty and drizzly dt1y on. lnlonMtlon: ~.nws.noM.QOV BOATING FORECAST The welterty wfndt will bfow 10 to 16 knots, with 2-foot MVM and west IWeft of 4 to 8 fMt. The VJNterly wfndl wffl blow ltrOnger thi• evening 8t 15 to20knota,with 1·to3-foot MVM •nd • limll• awett. Out fltrther, the ~windl wilt blow ltroflgel' .. 20 to 30 tnota, wttr\ 2-to 5-foot ~~.west arrives today from the New Zealand area. It'll wann up our waters a degree, though we•,. still about a month away from 60-degree weter. Mott IOUtMllCing beeches can expect c:he8t-to heecf..hight, with ttM oc:casioNI owrhead, today and Wedne.d9y. 'He'll drop down a bit Thu'9day and Frtdey. ... ~ www . .urfrl<J.r.org TIDES nn. ....... 7;421.m . 0.20fMtlow 12:23a.m. 4.71fMthlgh 8:52a.m. 0.29fMtlow 1:29a.m . '-4''"' high •• ·' .. .. -... - , -.. ... • I ' • I .... . ... ' I I . I • ' ' ' ' I jt»a.Mtffl»•,,,,,,,,.oom -...-.cm .. ,.,.... (dllot, t#lrdre.,,....,,,.,,•....,.._oom ~c....· Edoc.dOtl reponw, ( .. ) ~ dtdfltltt&twrlllo•JiMtmacom · and Cott.I Met., eubtcttptlona are evallable only by aubtcttblng to The Times Orange County (IOO) 2S2..f141. In..-OUll6da of Newpoft...,, and Cotta Meae, ~-to the o.tly Pilot are ..,.11..,.. only by h ct ... man for D> S*' mond\, (Pl1cea Include ell ............ andioc.i ...... ) f'OSTMAST£A: Send tddf9ee • Publehed by Tlmee Communfty News •• dlvleion of the Lot Angelee Tlmea. IWlfl of 4 to ...... The~ wtl .... ..,tonight to 16 to WATER TEMPERATURE (Nit~ -...mccrMt • ....,,_oom r -- dler'8ea to The Newpon ~ MeN Deity"'°" P.O. • - 20knota. &ldeglw :r Oail'j Pilot Tuesday, May 6, 2003 A3 Dunn named Daily Pilot sports editor Longtime writer replaces Roger Carlson, who retired last rrionth. Longtime Dally Pilot sports writer Rieb Dlinn, who has been with the paper for nearly 20 years, has been named the paper's new sports editor. Dunn replaces Roger Carlson, who retired last month after 35 years with the Pilot li1 can't think of a better person to1ill Roger c.arlson's shoes than Rich Dunn.· Pilot Editor Thtiy Dodero said. "His institutional knowi· . ed~e of locaJ sports ls Immeasurable and his enthusiasm and love for the work be does will serve our readers well. I expect the swrts coverage will continue the fine tradi- tion and depth his predecessor brought to the pages of the Daily Pilot· Dunn, who was most re- cently one of the paper's two assistant sports editors along with Barry Faulkner, has covered professlonaJ sports, (ncluding the Angels, college, prep and youth sports during his tenure at the Pilot. Richard Dunn He Is also well known for his columns and knowledge of local golf and tennis. He has won several awards for his writing and is responsible for the idea of the Tea Cup Cassie golf touma· ment, which has become a community insti- tution. Dunn, 40, will oversee I.he dally sports op- erations, plan the coverage and I.he page lay· outs, edit copy and supervise I.he staff. Before he became a journalist, Rich was a BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS 11:45 a.m. at the Costa Mesa Country O ub, at 1701 Golf Course Drive. pitcher for a minor league baseball team ln the Minnesota 1wtns organl:ndon. He holds a bachelor's from the Univenity of La Verne. In a related move, Mdanle Neff tw joined the Pilot as Dunn's replacement as assistant sports editor. Neff has been a sports copy editor and writer for the Los Ange.lea Times Orange County edition and was most recentJy assist· ant sports editor for the Inland Valley Voice, a sister paper of I.he Pilot Her other jobs have lnduded news assist· ant at USA Today, director of operations for N&. Summer PJo League. a research assistant for the book "History of Black College Foot- ball" and assistant media relations director for the Los Angeles Oippers. She hoJ<h a journal- ism degree in sports information from USC. -Daily Pilot staff for their volunteer work with the community. U lllUfllAT&•nAIOU I I ...-~ SOUD O~SE llAIDWOOD FLOOllNC PLUSH CARPET cu~1 S699 FllOM 14· ft. • llUblled with Pad s I s 9 1 Minim IUD 60 yards lq. fl. ""99tl"tble 18". 18" ..................... '4.29 ... fl. c..r.alc me .................. ~,_ '4.98 -"- 1,awlnate Woo4 ............. .......w ,,.._ 14.9 ... "- s-.p11u •-' roou For th• -0o 11 Yo.wn1111r_,,1• Retired Navy vice admiral to speak Norbert R. Ryan, a retired vice admiraJ from the U.S. Navy, will speak May 18 at the Sunday brunch of the Golden West chapter of the Mlliary Officers Among Ryan's awards and decorations are the Navy Dis- tinguished Service MedaJ, I.he Defense Su perior Service Medal, the Legion of Merit and the Meritorious Service Medal For more information, caJJ (71 4) 558-7541. Bromberg wiU give a State of I.he Clry address at the Newport Beach Clamber of Commerce's annual Meeting and Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon on May 14 Kev1n Pnestey and Elaine lz· zo will receive thJs year's awards The event will begin at 11 :45 a.m. at the Radisson Hotel in ,Newport Beach, 4545 MacAr- thur Blvd. Admission ls $30 per person. For more information, call (949) 729-4400. 1874 Lepa An., Salte P • COSTA MESA ID (888) MESA-777 :-- (63121 .,, -..nL ''"' .. ,.. .__......... . . Mt. II All ti I .. ICLOID MllmAYl. _.. .. - ~n. of America. Ryan is the group's national president. The brunch will begin at Newport chamber names its awardees Newport Beach Mayor Steve a~ed ads work for lll llll11•v2~ THE Daily Pilot • Semi·Privof9 for Men & WOtftflft • lots of Equipment/Fr" Weights • Privote Pilot.t Studio • SP1NNING Theater· llcen*' • 16 Full Time Peraonof Troinen ' •Child Core &om· MOa M • f •Am~• & Convenief'lt Paftlnt •Yoga, Toi Chi, Strekh clauet •Step, Power Pump, CordlO • ~ •• Sl9om I. Tow.la • ~·Up Dery Spo THESE NEW FABRICS Give Us Your Child this Summer. WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EVEN HUSBANDS . ~.ALDEN'S Hl.Jtlll (U\lll'·. •\Ml Ct \l<N \l°C>IXJS' Col~\ 1663 Plac~tia, Com Meu 949-646-4838 ·--...... _,... ............... The 50tt folds of Vtptte' wWldow sNdinis """" come in ttne t'tM flbrics INt~lO ~. Corne set them today. .......... , ... ................ , ... .. ,,, ""' ..... '"" And we1l give you a student a full academic level hlafler. At Tutortn9 Clubs of America we re dedicated to ensur nq your child succ~ds Most mportant, we help students achieve th,. se'f.,.st,.el'T' and conf 1deri ,. they o.ee<l to Su( ef"d All In W ith our exclusive TutorA1d justµ hours GUAAANTEED (Urriculum. we il:a u eate learn1n9 Summe mp Ca today anc l1n<l proqrams out mort' t toul<l bf' s~tf1cally £....,,-. thl' m s• mportclnt des19ntd for your chtld s ~s summer of your htld s le (949) 645-7900 +88 East i7th Street • Costa Mesa (<orn'' of 1rv1n' Avt>nu~ MATH • READING • WRITING •STUDY SKILLS• SAT PRE P u ~AY IGHTS purl Join u s at Fashion I s land Atrium Court every Tuesday night t o en joy li ve entertainment and spec ial s a t a ll Atrium eateries. Eatery special begin a t Spm. Enterta inment begins at 5:30pm. Make Tuesday your officia l no cooking, no stress, unwind and relax, night out at Fashion I s l and. Present this ad to any Atrium Court Eatery on Tuesday n ight 5-9pm to enjoy a "Tuesd ay N ight» special offer. • • I .. M Tuesday, May 6, 2003 •211~- 1 ITmllEllE VIN• .5887 '48 TAKE 55 FWY EXIT FAIR DR. TO HARBOR FIT FOR LIFE loin the University Athletic Club Enjoy Fitness as a Part of Your Lifestyle LATEST IN W EIGHT TRAINING/CAROIO FITNESS EQUIPMENT COMPLIMENTARY FITNESS C OUNSELING RACQUETBALL -SQUASH -HANDBAll -8ASKET8All . JR. O LYMPIC SWIMMING POOL -RfsrAURANT -LOUNGE CALL FOR A COMPLIMENTARY GUEST PASS AND T OUR • UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC CLUB (949) 752-7903 1 701 Quail Street, New.port Beach "Ovn 50 Years of Fine Quality" All Types of Wllldow Treatments .. • Valances & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • Verticals • Shutters • Bedspreads Complimnilllry Conndt111ion in Yoitr Home 2 () ( ~ t ( I ii" If ,\. "' I, ' I '! I ii 'I I< ' 01,,~F .·1.1,,.,.:·,,'.1,. ,,:.~I'''· ~·~ DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa ~~ (949)642-8400 :r~w:. ~~;;;;:: fJ/frtr fawrms · · · · •WT~ • Ml'-t •fAljU, .,,_ . ,,.,,. • SlifJ ri.. llitl • N. Y. Slrf •MT..._ ·.W.. ·~ •IAMW 'Ji/id MJIJll Ms? UJI ISi 'JVt MIJ ,., on~-~ s~. 1,, • H""l' LEMON HERB ROASTED CHICKEN 1\ricir BWd Poaeoa Gutic M..w Poatoa Sc:aDopecl ........ Wlldlb Sailillf' .... s.c. CJJOuJI . ' PUBLIC SAFETY Newport Beach woman saves life .. Cindy Lightner reacts quickly with CPR after finding a woman on the ground after a heart attack. DHP• Bhareth Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Cindy Ughbler knew what she bad to do. She'd been through CPR trainl.ng. For the last several years, she bad worted ~ a flight attendant for American Airlines. When she noticed 6(}.year- old Deana Munzer lying face down in the sand oo Wood- land Elementary School's playground the morning of April 26, Ughbler knew she had to act. "I turned (Munzer) ove1 and MW she wun't brea~ and her eyes were open, Ughtner said. Then she give Munzer CPR. The woman bad gone into cardiac arrest. Costa Mesa Fire officials said Munzer la recovering well at Hoag Hos- pital and will likely be dia- chai:ged today. Capt. Randy Croll said be bas never seen a ·sudden death" or heart attack victim walk out of a hospital.. as Munzer is expected to do to- day. "In my 20 years, I've seen several cardiac anesta. • he said. "A lot of them survtw. But to have someone recover and go back to leading the life they were leading la just very. very rue.• Ughtner said it wu an op- portunJty to put her flight at- tendant training to use for the Brat time, she aald. •If thia bad happened dur- ing a ftight, it would've been just another day at work for me," she said. •But just the way it all happened makes it eeem very aignillcant. " Ugbtner lives in Newport Deacb. but goes to T-ball practice with her son ~ week at the Costa Mesa school On that particular day, her son did not go to practice because be was sick. But Ugbtner, the" "team mom.• wu there to drop off a banner •· for the ldda. Saving someone's life, apart , from being an alien experi- ence, provides a "bizarre feel-.., 1ng" Ughtner aa.ld. "It's almost like it's hap- pened to someone elae," she said. "But I'm glad I did It and didn't Creeu... . That's a lesson people must learn from Ugbtner'1 etoty, said Lany GrihaJva. the Fire Department's emergency medical services coordinator. "It's important to just do what you know," be aa.ld. "Doesn't matter if you forgot bow many compre:ssiona. The " sooner you act, the mo~ the chances for the victim to sur- vive." POLICE FILES • lrvtne ~: Petty theft wee reported In the 1600 blodt et 4:43 p.m . Sunday. • W...eo.t tllgtlw.v end btln ~ An euto theft was reported et t1 :32 a.m. Sunday. COSTA MESA • Newpoft Boul..-.1: Fraud waa reported in the 1800 blodt et 9:32 e.m. Sunday. • East Bey Strwt: Posaeaaion of nen:otica was reported In the 100 blodt at 1:02 a.m. Sunday. • w.t 11th 8'trNt end Pomona -.nu.: A traffic ac:ddent lrwoMng lnjurtet wa1 reported et 10:36 e.m. Sunday. • CordMd DIM: A vehlde burglery waa 1'9p<>rted In the 4800 blodt et 10:44 e.m. Sunday. • 9L AndNw9 Roed: Battery wa1 reported. In the 800 blodt et 3:27 p.m. Sunday. • B.tstol Strwt: Vandalism wa1 reported in the 2900 bl<><* at 12:52 a.m. Sundey. • Cd Piece: Vandalism waa reported in the 100 bl<><* at 7:32 a.m. Sunday. • w.t 11th StrMt: A vehlde burglary waa reported In the 600 blodt et 10:40 a .m. Sunday. • &ev-. ~A vehlde burglary wu reported In the 2000 bl<><* at 2:47 p.m. Sunday. • Harbor Boutevard: A hit-end-run was reported in the 2300 blodt et 4."01 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Beplde DIM: Treapealng waa reported In the 100 blodt et 10:60 a.m. Sunday. • Vl9t8 Omllde: A home oorglery WU reported In the 2600 blodt et 12:61 a.m. Sunday. . . ASSEMBLY Continued from Al while pursuing the Assembty seat," he added. In the March primary, Wilson is expected to ~ce Laguna Ni- guel CouncUwoman Mimi Wal- ters, who has aJso announced she will run for the seat. Wilson said he won't need to relinquish his seat on the board to run for the Assembly. In No- vember, Walson woo his second fulJ term for a seat he has held since 1996. Gov. Pete Wilson ap- pointed hlm at the time. Tom Wilson will seek the nomination of the •Republican Party to replace Assembty- woman Patricia Bates CR·Laguna FIFTH Continued from Al lraditional sounds of mariachi music bellowed across the UCI campus, intriguing passersby and entertaining onlookers. "I thJnlc. it's really great because I kind of miss seeing the Hispanic influence," said Sarah McCormick, a first·year history major, who enjoyed the mariachi music the most. "You don't get much of it in Irvine." Starting off the event with a PROM Continued from Al most parents) ... a closed topic," she said. "We're tying to open it up and give parents the informa- tion that they need." At the meeting, five speakers will discuss teenage drug and al- cohol issues. Mike Murphy, di- rector of alternative programs and student services for the Newpon -Mesa Unified School District, will begin the meeting with a brief explanation of the district's zero-tolerance policy. Officers from the Costa Mesa and Newport Beach police de-- partments will talk about warn- ~~'?!~1T ~ doctor. The only complaint I WOuJd make ll that be WU a Uttle pedestrian tn the diqnoaa department When I went to Jack with a fever, the bMt diagnoala be could come up with wu the flu. Jack la now retired and devoting h1a energy to water quality. 1be .. doaor l lwmember Wll lllJ Aullt OwtlJaa,,. F,11 t.dt ID tM..tJJ"ll!ll al cbil IMt cmlmy. Par a W ID "'IDllo....., icbool 111 .... ...,., ............ . ................... _ .. ,,. .... ..... .._,......, ... ... told me, 1Ml tin .. hlr ,_. ol .. Niguel), who has endorsed Wal- ters. Dave Gilliard, Walters' cam- paign consultant, said the an- nouncement was "bad news" for Orange County. "The county bas some major issues it's facing this year," Gll- liard said. "It's a full-time job to run for the Assembty, and it's a full-time job to deal With the ia· sues facing the county." However, others said Tum Wil- son is well-suited to run for the state post. Dave Ellis, a consult- ant with the Airport Working Group who often found hlmse1f oo the opposite side of Wilson on airport issues, lauded the de- cision. President George W. Bush betd the Texas gubernatorial post while be ran for the nation's highest office in 2000, Ellis said. ·ustng· that logic, bow can George W. Bush be a sitting gov- ernor and run for president.· Ellis said. ·He managed to do both very well." Tom Wtlsoo got his start in politics as an activist for Laguna Niguel d tyhood. He served OD the Citizens for Cityhood Com- mittee in that city in the late 1980s and, about a month be- fore that city woo incorporation in December 1989, won a se.at on the first City Council. In 1992, Tum Wilson was named mayor of Laguna N"iguel He left the council when Gov. Wllson named him to the Board or Supervisors. From 1996 to 2001, Tum WLl- son represented Newport Beach and Newport Coast in the so- We're here at a university to learn about other cultures and to enrich ourselves. I think these events bring everyone closer together.' Anc• Enriquez UCI s1udefrt brief bistory of Cinco de Mayo and its significance today, the event, hosted by MEChA and the Cross Cultural Cen~r. sparked an interest among an ethnically diverse group of students. "We're here at a university to learn about other cultures and . ing sigoa of drug and alcohol use and drug trends among teen- agers. They will have a display of drug parapbemalla so that par- ents can famlliarlx.e thesmetYea with various methods of drug use. The evening of education will continue with taJb by Pepe Montenegro, a co<7rdinator for the district's outreach counseling program, and Gay Geiser Sando- val. an associate attorney, who will touch on the rights of par· ents and the legal conaequenoea of drug and alcohol uae by stu- dents on their parents and them· selws. "KJda are using drugs, IO par· enta need to 8nd out wbat'I really going on." Montenegro to enrich ourselves," said Angela Enriquez. a second-year student at UCI, who made sure to try some of the came aaada "I think these events bring everyone closer together." In many cases, those students enjoying the festivities were pulled in between classes and said. ·rm b9Pfng that parents will tab an active role in their child's life and I hope to leave parents with additional took they can use that will help them prnmt or intenoene in drug uae for their chDd." Motivated in part by the stu- dents' desire to tab a closer look at the district'• r.ero-tolerance policy, the harbor coundl hopes to encourage parents to play their part in fighting the battle :::'student drug and alcohol .. , think it'• Jal important that tbe pumts are looking at ways to really focus on trying to mab (ac:boola) the safest place for their kids to be,.. SUpt. Robert Barbot u1d. ·1 think In a Sood ........ -' --....... called ·Fabulous 5th" supervuo- rlaJ d.isu1ct. During reapportion- ment. supervllors removed much of the dty from bis dis- trict. moving it to the 2nd Dis- trict and Jim Silva's baillwtck. Tum Wilson said be Isn't wor- ried about the campaign taking bis focus away from important county business. ·1 don't believe that running for higher office ia going to dis- tract me from doing a fine job on the Board of Supervisors," Tom Wilson said Monday after- noon. "I'm a good time man- ager." • MUI. CUNTON covert the environment. buainesa and polltk:e. He m.y be rNChed 81 (949) ~or by .....n.il at paul.cJintonOl•tim#.com. just decided lO take it all in. •tt•s a small way, you can get a quick glimpse of a culture," · said Katherine Kang. a second-year biology major, who was enjoylng the event with a cup of orchata. or rice milk. • 1 think it's more for people that are interested in :: learning about (the culture). I think It's definJtely a good ' thing." •CHRISTINE CAARIU.O cove,.. : education and may be reached at (949) 57~268 or bye-mall at chri.rlne.carrlllo•t•timeu::om. ,, ., 'Kids are using drugs,, so parents need to find out what's really going on.' ,..,. Monlwtro coordinator for the cistrict's outreach coooseq proeram · thing that everybody recogn1zi. we can do more. Their sup~ in this ... it's got to have a posi· live impact... : The center la at 1845 PadtAve.; • CHfl8T1NE CM"' I 0 CCJWr1 educ:atJon end may be reedMd et ' (948) 57......_ or~ e-meH .c chrlltlne.a.rrlllo•~ .. MOUND TOWN I I "'Send AROUND TOWN ltem1 to the Dally Pflot. 330 W. Bay St, i:otta Mell, CA 92627; by &-mall to mike.aw.1W011tlllltfmn.com; ~fax to (949) ~VO; or by ~Hng (949) 6744298. Include the \lme, date and location of the ~as well 11 •contact phone number. A complete lilting i1 lveilable at www.dallypllot.com. TooAY ~ IMtNctDr from 1he American feng Shul INtitute will explain how elemental remedies are Implemented 11 elegant ecc9aaoriea that complement your d6cor to Improve health, relationlhlps and prosperity. Reaervet1Qn1 for the 7 p.m. ,. seminar at Visions and Dreams in Com Mna are required. Call (626) 288-1669 for more lnfonnation. ,_free eemin.r and door prizes on "Skin Care. Health and Beauty• will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother'• Martet, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mna. For reservations, call (800) 696-MOMS. WEDNESDAY St. Andrwt1 ~n Church is holding lta 38th annual rummage aale from May 7 to 9. The preview aale is May 7 from 3 to 6 p.m., with a $3 donation required at the door. The main sale begins at 9 a.m. the next two days, ending at 7 p.m . May 8 and 2 p.m. May 9. The church is at 600 St. Andrews Road in Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 642-3824. A free Mmlnar and book aignlng of ·stress and Disease· by Herb lewis will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Coste Mesa. For reservation•, call (800) 595-MOMS. "--w... wtl gf'Mt her many admirers and algn autographs for th<>M who purchase her fragrance at Nordatrom South Coast P1aza at 4:30 p.m. Wang is celebrating the fragrance's first · year on the martet. For more infO(tnation, call (714) 549-8300. ext. 1071. THURSDAY Th. A.lzheftner's Aan. of Orange County and UCI Institute for Brain Aging host the first research and education conference at the Newport Beach Marriott May 8 and 9. The conference begins at 8:30 a.m .• with registration and breakfast. Exhibits begin at 7:30 a.m . The cost is $60 for one day, '100 for two. For more information, cell (714) 283-1111. Mof'9 than 300 PfOUd parents and 250 children will join Dr. David Diaz and his staff from West Coast Fertility Centers and Centro Latinoamericano de Fertllidad to cetebrate the Joya of parenthood from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Children who represent the miracle of assisted reproductive medicine for the one out of aix couples that seek infertllity treatment will join Diaz for the 16-year baby reunion at the Hyatt Newporter In Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 215-0417. Pwluwta end oth«w who want to get a grip on their inventory are invited to ·unc1utter Your Life• at 7 p.m. in the Newport Beach Central Library. Personal organizer Kathryn Br<><*man will present the free program on how to diltlngulsh between cherished memorabilia and apace-taking clutter. For more information. call (949) 717-3816. c lbe lntllrnetlonal Coec:h '9deretion will present two worbhopa, •Highland's Ability Battery• and •Applying the Core Competenciea to WorklnQ In Organizations; from 6 to 9 p.m . at the Wyndham Garden Hotel In Costa Mesa. For registration and pricing information, call (949) 623-8247. SATURDAY The MCOnd annual Plrws Around the Part fund-raiser, a walk that raises money to provide dog drinking fountains in Fairview Pait, will begin registration at 8:30 a.m. for $20 per walker. The. first 200 registrants for the one-mile or two-mile walks at Fairview Pait, starting at 10 a.m .• will receive an event dog tag, a bandana and a doggle bag. For more information. call (714) 754-5698. The Oasis Senior Center wUI hold a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. Sausage, coffee and orange juice will also be served The cost is S3 for adults and $1 for children. The center off ens the pancake breakfast on tha second Saturday of each month at 800 Marguerite in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. Costa Mesa's •Women Helping Women" will host its Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon at Coastal Canyon Park Clubhouse in Newport Coast from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. It will include a special award presentation to Stella Geric for her unending dedication to ·women Helping Women:" For more information, call (949) 423-0057. low-income women 40 and older can receive a free mammogram, clinical breast exam and information on breast health at the Harbor Christian Fellowship in Costa Mesa from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. No referral is necessary, but appointments are required. Call (714) 935-9720 or (714) 806-2037. For more information about breast health, call the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation at (714) 957·9157. Sea Yacht Chartan 11 on.ring a Mother's Day cruise and buffet luncheon from 1 to 3 p.m. The cost is S35 for adults, $15 for children. Another en.use will be held on Father's Day, June 15. Call (949) 650-241 2 for reservations. MONDAY l.eam about th• Siem Club and Its many activities at its information meeting for newcomers and mem bers at 6:30 p.m. Meet at the Costa Mesa Community Center, 1845 Part Ave., for food, exhibits and table displays. Newcomers can join the Sierra Club for a special $25 ' introductory fee. For more information, call (714) 517-2407. A community ~n wiH be given at Newport Harbor High School in Loats Auditorium at 7 p.m. Newport-Mesa Unified School District administration offlcials will report on Measure A plans for the high school. Architects from LPA will also present plans for the new Robins HallA..oats Auditorium. A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation. In attendance will be school board trustees. high school · administrators and Measure A Site-Based Project Review Committee members. MAY13 A free seminar on •Muades in Motion• by Judith Todero will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's Martet, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. MAY14 The Orange County ChapW of the California Assn. Of Marriage .. di:i ~ u.stom Home~ ,, Construction to permanent loan with one qualifying process and '.one set of closing fees!! Lot cost included. ' 111/ • Construction loans as low as prime, fixed for up "to 12 months. • Low rates for purchase, re-fi & no cost equity lines. 9-lY 2'>::' 8200 ·Ground up, rehab & remodel-Primary residence or 2nd home allowed. ·Increase cash flow with Interest Onl'f programs. 15 YNn ht Oranfe Coanty. Tu! UNolNO GROUP• 38411 Cln1'tll Dr.1210, Newpol19eecti. CA 92ellC> * 1095 :=-::-..". IOPUiOI lnapeotlon 11111 ... • ~ ... ~llP'dlOft .~ .. ............... • VIMlll c:tlM* of dllllll I ...... ................. • ADld tllt -~ flDr and Family Therapists will sponsor a worbhop called "Chronic Trauma Diaor"'rs: Diagnosl1 and Treatment· from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at National University In Costa Mesa. The 'WOrbhop costs $30 for students •nd Interns, $65 for clinical members and $85 for all others. For U'lformation, call (949) 645-2964. MAY15 A free seminar and book signing of ·stop the Clock Cooking· by Cheryl Forberg will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Martet, 225 East 17th St., Coeta Meaa. For reservations, calf (800) · 595-MOMS. LMm about the gynec:o&oglcal and surgical procedures available for hysterectomies at a free seminar at 6:30 p.m . in Newport Beach's Hoag Hospital Conference Center. Reservations are required. Call (800) 514-4624. MAY16 Costa Mesa's Chamber of Commerce will have its Les Miller Scholarship Recognition Breakfast at 7:15 a.m . at the Hilton Hotel, 3060 Bristol St. Attendance is $22 per person. Call (714) 885-9090 for details and reservations. MAY 17 The Startight Theatre Company will hold auditions for its all-student summer show, •Mary Poppins; from 1to 3 p.m. Children 10 to 14 years old can sing a song from the show or bring taped accompaniment to a song they've prepared. The theater 1s at 1125 Victoria St rn Costa Meaa. For more Information, can (949) 646-7827. . The CotU Mesa Historical Society will host an open houae 'trom 11 a.m. to 4p.m.at1870 Anaheim St. in Costa Mesa. It includes tours of the facility and exhibits of photos and artifacts. Free. For more information, call (949) 631-6918. ·onton:.~ A New Beginning: ls • wo rk.shop for men and women who are divorced or getting divorced. It 1s held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport , Center Drive. Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 644-6435. Tuesday, May 6, 2003 AS I IL.\1PI Ill I '\ --H l ( I"' ~ ( \I< I) I l "' . . . . The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum will open a new exhibit featuring the wort of Joe Duncan Gleason (1881-1959), known as the West Coast's premiere maritime specialist among early 20th-century artists. The exhibit will be on display until Sept. 30. For more information, call (949) 673-3915, ext. 111. Jfuppy :Mother's <IJay 'Free 9lass of Italinn Champagne to all .. '\( otfiers The Newport Beach Ubqry'• Balboa branch will offer a work.shop called ~Tools & Tricb: Internet 101,H an introduction to navigating the World Wide Web, at 9 a.m . For m ore information, call (949) 717-3816. The Waldorf Schoors annual May Faire, an Imagination Celebration event, w ill be from 11 a.m, to 3:30 p.m. at 2350 Canyon Drive in Costa Mesa. Admission costs $3, and children younger than 2 get in for free. Parking is free. For more information, call (949) 574-7734. s39ss=!r:: , 11t1 Service Noon to 7:30p.m. Inside or patio seating A la carte menu M Tuesday, M1Y 6, 2003 HOW 10 GET~ -lAilllrl: Mell to Edltorill P9ge Editor S.J. Cahn et the Dally Piiot. 330 W. Bay SJ., Costa Mesa, CA 9262i •Au-.. Hotline: CaJI (9'9) 6'2~ Fu: Send to (949) 846-i170 E-INIJ:Send to dallyp/Jot•ld,,_,<:om •All OOfT9IPOfldence must lndude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purpow). The Piiot reterv• the right to edit all aubmlalona for dartty and length. MAILBAG , PHOTOS COURTESY Of SUZANNE WOOOS Students from Camp Pendleton's San Onofre Elementary School show off Beanie Babies on their heads, compliments of Lincoln Elementary students. Students work hard to reach out to military families On FridaY. April 25, the kids and families of Uncoln Elementary School honored the students of Camp Pendleton's San Onofre Elementary School Uncoln Flementary wanted to give the children of our troops a joyful distraction from the realities that are facing all of us, but especially tbem. The hope was that. In thia small way, our troops' children felt warmth and support from American famO!es through all of us at Uncoln Elementary. Friday's little event at Camp Pendleton's San Onofre Elementary was a tremendous s. access. UnooJn's principal. Barbara Rothman;Haddod. spoke to each class, send.in(" warm wishes of support from our kids to each of them. Through a sped.al fund-raiser. Unooln families and their Parent Faculty Organization purdlaaed 650 green beanie baby bears with a four-leaf dover embroidered on the chest. On their tags was a cute little poem about It being lucky. Unooln students then made special message tags that were tied onto the bean. Uncoln also provided yummy burgers and fries for the special event The San Onofre students clutched their bears, the younger ones asking for the messages to be read to them. Many of the kids named their bears aft.er the UncoJn child who bad made their spedal tag. We wanted to gtve a morale boost to these kids by providing them with sometblng spedal -a joyful distraction. We were thr1Ded by the response from our Uncoln familie:s and children. Thia wu a great opportwllty for our children to take an acttve role In helping others going through dillicult times. By the u:nOea on the faces of the Six hundred fifty green·Beanie Babies fill a box destined for Camp Pendleton Elementary students from Lincoln Elementary. 650 San Onofre students. I think they succeeded. SUZANNE WOODS Parent F;u:ulty Organization Second vice president Unooln Elementary School Quality of life only for certain lives Steve Smith's pitch for •quality of life" is the ultimate NIMBYlsm ("Uvtng is all about quality of life,· Saturday). Those of us under Oight patterns from John Wayne should understand thls. he says. WelJ. why shouldn't we share the wealth with our neighbors to the south? No one wants the airport because everyone Is trying to protect their own interests. ' Talk to the people who live in Newport Coast. They are livid when further developm ent is mentioned. Now that they are ensconced in their homes. they don't want anyone else in. There was a proposal to widen Jamboree Road between Ford Road and Bison Avenue. The people at One Ford Roadiitad meetings and were out of theft minds with worry about the increase in traffic. Did it occur to them that if they hadn't built One Ford Road. there would be no need to widen the road7 Now It is NIMBY agaln. Don't talk to me about the quality of life. No one cares if it doesn't directly effect them. My case rests. RHODA FRIEDMAN Newport Beach Councilman shows naive trust in columnist L.oUta Harper's column ~arding conversations and messages from Costa Mesa City Councilman Olrls Steel prompted me to give a little advice to them both. Councilman Steel. you are refreshingly. but detrlme~tally oblivious to the political games played by most elected officials.and the media. Until you get up to speed, don't waste your time talking to reporters. especially Harper. She ls not your friend and most likely never will be. She salivates every time you make a mistake she can use to her advantage. Ms. Harper, you have writing talent, but your columns testify to the fact you are young. inexperienced and self-confident to a fault. What you thlnk Is clever could more accurately be described as cruel, which is especially evident when you publicly rldkule and humiliate people. I have never met or talked to Steel, but his naYve and trusting relationship with Harper causes me to hope he becomes a better judge of de~lding whom he can trust in the .., future. JANETTE BUNCH Newport Beach READERS RESPOND COMMUNITY COMMENTARY .· • ; The buck · doesn 't stop here W bile at Corona del Mar State Beach with the family. as a good father and family DWl, I let my 3-year-old daughter aawl over the cement ring of the fire plt.. where she severely injures herself. Not only does she bwn herself terribly. but the emotional devastation and ensuing stress Irreparably harms me and my wife. We love our daughter and now we are saddled for the rest of lives with this terrible trasedy. PAUL JAMES BALDWIN Aa an adult with a young child, I feel no need to have to watch a 3-year-old or protect her from harm. It Is not my responsibility to attend to a yoWl&'ler when there are so many distractions on the beach. How can my wife and I be expected to watch our daughter every minute, even If she is playing next lo a hot fire pit? The demands of everyday life are overwhelming, and we go to the beach to relax and enjoy ourselves, not to play guard over a 3-year-old It is the responsibility of the city of Newport Beach, which operates Corona del Mar State Beach, to protect our daughter from harm. At the very least. the city oould have an attendant or llfegillih1 to watch our daughter and warn us If she was In danger. At the most. the city should pay for our lawyer in order for us to , sue the city so we can oollect damages._ for the city's negligence. As a responsible adult and a loving father, with the advice of my attorney, this is what I deserve: a large settlement from the dty of Newport Beach so I can attend to my daughter's needs after the city's total disregard for a child's safety In a public place. And speaking of public places, the rrees on San Miguel are owned by the city of Newport Beach, but my oommunity association. with my monthly dues, J>J)'S the trimming oontractor for additional trimming. SQ , what if I want them trimmed literally next to death? Heck. I'm a big shot, and If I want to go yell at these poor , worters trimming trees for minimum . wage. I will. After all. my assodadon fees and my powerful position on the association board give me the right to do th.is. Who the heck are these lowty workers anyway to have gtven me resistance to my demands that they disregard city guidelines for trlmmlng7 I'm a big shot. and these little people probably don't even live in Newport , Beach. I hope those trees die anyway. so they no longer block my view that I pay so much for. • fWJl. JAMES 8AUJIWIN ii I r•id9nt of Newport Beecti. Getting straight to the point about Irvine Avenue ... AT ISSUE: Should Newpot't Beach fix the curve on Irvine Avenue? T be Issue la not the design of the road. but bow people cfrM on it. I own an SUV, trlYel the rOlld every day and haw yet to roll the car md ldl ~ &erylnjury on dm rmdMy 1* been becm.119 ol IOCDe type of wblde code W>Wlon. In the Donny Bridlmm Kddent and the aeddent ... n--, the 'VicdlDI Wl!l'I not weutns .. beb. In Cbe owrwhelmq ~of tbe ecddeata, I llD an tt.. ii a tpeecl llw \'tolldoo. If drtwn 11'1 '*' 20 mph 0¥1r dw lpeed llmtt. die~ cm be .. md lldlef ... dmblg at dw pcMICeCI lpllld ti-. tbould be DO '-ae at II. M for the 8'.lddmU' threat of a ..... =the dtyova'O. ..... tbll 11 ~Four,... • .,..,.. dllJJUeh••dtl>* ........ Mmue lhould ..... bMI aomldlll11 -~ -I 'WUIL y..,.. Nswpolt a.di and 1 believe the revenu rom the ticbta issued would pro ibly be more than enough to pay for · cost. A nice $1,000 ticket mlght make ven a Porsche <tdvet rethink racing hi" car down lrvlne. Get the • ord out You peed on lrvf· e, you'll get a horr bly exper ,tve ticket. Hlt speedc. where it hurts -tt,t wallPI. JUUE WAHLSTEDT C'lstaMesa I, too. am Concerned b·• tht. Jeaths, lnf'1rles and damage c.aused by the situation oo Irvine Avenue. I W.ppen to live l.mmec:Uately above the spot where the woman was killed. I and m""Y of my odgbbors would hate to see U)e roadway IU'aigbtened and, most likely, enlarged into • wtder road. I don't go a1ona wt.th the notion that the police cannot control the speed through the ClU'vel. If lhey have a cop wtth "' radar sun at the bottom rAt.he hill Ind they write Uclr.et alter debt. I would oertu.lnly think thit the relUltin8 BiteS could pey fOrmtfWI~ 1M)o ~DU.Id .... "lhow ol ton:e• and~~ cope wortdna the.,... II Oftl dme. ,.,.. fWftlildy lilt dk; ..... the palCll m.n btll!ineil. 11ie I ' f I • QUO~ OF THE DAV "If we were in the PCL we WOL4/d be even better, because we'd be pushed harder.·• Sharon Day, Costa Mesa senior standout Daily Pilot Sports Editor Richard Dunn: ·1949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: 1949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIEJ,:.D Day blows away field Costa ·Mes a sta ndout breezes to top qualifying times in I 00, 200 in league preliminaries Monday. Melanie Neff Daily Pilot COSTA ME.SA l11e roll t hruu~h thl' Golden West l.eagt1l' i.:ontinuc<.l Mondt1y for the Co!>ta Me-..i I liW°l girl-. track and field team. The Mustang-.. who went undC'lealt'd in league dual mct'l!>, dommatet.l the field in the league preliminam•., al Orange Coast C .ollegc. Sharon Day ll•cl the way, easily pci...ling top qualifying time'> !11 the 100 and 200 meters. She will alw wmpele 111 the high jump at Thur.day\ 'final!> at Orange Coast College. llle -.cruor norm.illy run' the 400 meter-.. but <,he wac; moved to the 100 lo benefit till' team. She recorded a IJ 15 in the 100, mort• than a second slower than her pcNm..il best of 12.30. Teammate To!>h1a Bryant won her heat and wa-. Lhc second fa<,te-.t qualifier in 13.59 Hachel I lughc., ..ind n.1 chel Ronquillo also qualified for Lo..,la Mesa. Erica Pliete1 recorded at I I Y'l to qualify fifth fo r F .... tanna. In the 200 meter!>, Day clocked a 26.5, blowing away tht• rest o f the field 111 hl•r heat ·r wasn't really pu.'>hing II today." 1>.ty said. ·r just wanted to do well and gt·t a good lean.· . Day. who holds the Ornnge County n· cord in the high 1ump at 6 feet. 2 int.:he<>. said the com petition, or lack of 11. had a lot to do with the Mustang .. : '>llcce!>. .... ·r think (the Pacific Coa. ... 1 League! wa.!> toughe r,· Day said. "I think 1t 1s kmt.l of bad that we moved. If we were in the PU we would be even belier, becau-.e we<J be pushed harder.· Senior Rhondi Naff, running her fir..t year of track for the Mustangs, had the fastest qualifying time in the 400 meters at 1:01.95. Freshman Thtcy.BjeUand, jun- ior Stacy Kidorian and freshman Ana See TRACK, Pae• A8 BRIEFLY Sea Ki ngs dominate PCL track ·prelims Corona del Mar High got a step up on ~pe­ tition Monday as the Sea Kings' boys de and field team qualified 20 runners for Ursday's Pad.fie Coast League finals and the~ · ed 19. Chris Ringstrom. Man Mo · and Brandon Bon.:o- man eadl advanced in the and 400 m eters. Kevin Artz and MiJce Rudinlca pull off the double in the 800 and 1,600 meters. Ian Al der also qualified in the 800 and Bo We;dner advanced in the 1,600. In the hurdle events. F.emaan Jalili and Ross Mckee both qualified in the 300-intermediate and 11 0-high hwdles. "'The boys went about business as usual." Corona del Mar Coach Bill Sumner said. "By qualifying so many. they eliminated some of the competition. They are in the drtver's seaL • golfer~ 111 today's l~r> l l lield 111•the PC I final'> at Mec;a Linda, won the 'lcc110n\ Team Academic Award for small '>Choof<, and will be honored on the field during Cl F Reco~nilion Night in Ana· heim , a.!> well as given an banner, which Perry '>aid will hang in the !>Chool'l> gymnasium On the golf course Monday, senior l ason Casc;1 dy and freshman Marcus Sol>lak both.shot 68 and earned medalist honors to lead five f-agle<, Into today's competition al 11 :JO a.m. Senior Ryan Brown (78), freshman Greg Le'> (78) and 1un1or Ja- son Les (79) aJso advanced to the PCL fi nals. Our of today's golfers. only fou r will move on to ~he next round -the CIF Individual championships at Black Gold Golf Course in Yorba Unda 1n two weeks. The girls had several double qualifiers. shuwing de Cbetr strensth.in the distance races with rour runnm Corona l Mar claims PCL title advancing in the 800 meters. and six ln the l ,600 me-•TENNIS: Coro na del Mar I ligh senior stand - t11n; out Garret Snyder Im waved to 33-0 in singles in Arulle St. c,eme, Tura ~wata and Keelan Q.iyler all dual matches. while the CdM Nos. I and Z dou- maved on In the 800 and 1,600 meters. Sara Oaster bles teams swept Monday ln the Sea Kings' 15-3 •qualified ln the 800, and Becky Omunins. Jen PaciOc Coast League victocy over host North· Loog and Ahlia Kanan rounded out the l,600 quali-wood . CdM concluded Its PCL campajgn as ka: champions at 8·0 and will enter the CIF Divi Ion -ibe gllil are sdD in a very tight race with UniYer· I playoffs as the No. l seed at 19·0 overall. ~· SUmner sakl. "We probably have the edge in the The University o( Tens-bound Snyder swept at. tNck ewm:a. but Un.I has the edge in field event&· No. l singles, while sophomore sensation Car· · Whilney Weidner advanced In the 100 and 200. sten Ball lmproved to 27-2 In dual matches with a ..._~and Kdly' Morgan quaWled in the 200 sweep at No. 2 s lngles agahut Nonhwood (5·2 in md 400. Stefanie Sltzer wiD compete in both hl!fdle leagul.l). Wesley Miller and lsa;ei Salda swept at e.98 in the ftnall, with Nodyn Corpus joining her No. 1 doubles for the Sea Kings, while teammate ID lbe 300 hurdle& The ftnals w01 be Thw.iay at 5 Brennan Roberts and Bryan Warsaw pulled out a •!Moe High. • 1·6, 6·4, 7.5 sweep at No. 2. ~es flying high at Mesa Linda Four Sailors advance at oak Valley • • • GOLPi The Batancla High boys golf team. • GOl.Fl Four members of the Newport Harbor wb1c:b dominated the field Monday In the Pactftc ffi8h boys goll team Monday qua lifted ror today's Cout Leegue championships on the Meta Unda ftnal round in lbe Sea View Lea,gue champion· COW'M at Cotta Meta Golf &c Country Qub, will ahJps at Oak Valley Golf Oub ln Beaumont, wtiete nrpNleftt the OP Southem Seetlon tonight at Michael Benve_nutJ (tJed for 12th at 72), Davia lldUoo lntemadonal Fleld before the Aniell·ln· • ·r.m&trin (75), Brandon Sowera (75) and aa\lor dJana pme. Garfttt Whhlleld (75> advanced. The tlnt round Co9Cb Art Penyl Blglel. who quaHfted Ow wu liri\Jted to 16 holea With tumed loto a per•64. . Above, Costa Mesa's Rhond1 Naff spnnts to victory m the 400 meters durmg the Golden West League preltminaries Monday at Orange Coast College. She fm1shed wrth a 1 :01.95 clocking, the best of the day. At left, Estancia H1gh's Jason Johnston leaps to victory m the third heat of the boys 300 intermediate hurdles m the Golden West League prehmmanes at OCC. Johnston's 42.57 time put him fourth overall, quahfymg him for the fmals Thursday, also atOCC. PHOTOS BT MAR~ I OUST IN DAIL r P1L OT HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Strong pitching . leads Sea Kings Rhodes, Dunzer combine on four-hit shutout Monday in CdM win ove r Los Amigos. Nick Rhodes and Griffin Du.mer combined on a four-hi! shutout as host Corona del Mar High de- feated Los Amigos. 3-0, in a makeup game from the Pride of the Coast Tournament Monday afternoon. Rhodes started the consolation gime and went two · u~nings before Dunzer ( l ·2) came in and picked up his first victory in relief for the Sea Kings. givin8 up just rwo hlts In the final five innings. Parker Ferguson was 2 for 2 for Corona del Mar. driving in two runs on a single and a sacrifice. The Sea Kings improved to 14-7 overall They wt.D play at Northwood today in a Pad.fie Coast Lague game at 3 p.m. . Titans hammer Mustangs, 11-2 •Tesoro High cored alx runs in the fourth Inning co put the game out of reach, defeating ho t Costa Mesa. 11-2, ln a Pride of the Cout Tbumament makeup game Monday. • Josh Anderton deaJt the blg blow for Taoro ln the fourth inning with. grand lam that pYe the ntana a 9-0 lead. Tesoro took the early lead wlth two NOS In the top or the first lnnlng and one eadl in the third, M.h and sixth. lbe Mu tan , who committed thrM erroa, ft. nally got on the board ln the bottom of tbe lf¥llfttb lnnln,. acorlog on a fteldd• choice and a pllMd bl.II. Cary Gonzala and Alex PiarUi eecb weat ~ for three for the Mustangs. EYE OPENER [~1:;~ May 12 hoooree BRUCE IBBETSON luesday, May 6 2003 A7 \ EDITOR'S SCORECARD Stepping up to the big plate Wearing new capta in's h a t a t the he lm o f Pilo t sports ship will be challe nging, fun a nd adve nturous. G r~tmgs agam. Only this ume from a different ~rspecuve, as -.portl> eduor of the Daily Pilot, Lhe greate<,1 communtty newspaper '41 the nation -and I'll make a thousand claim!. to support that belief. On rho!>e lines, it I.!> an honor and pnVllege to announce today that you~ truJy, from ballpark..s and '>tad1um!. and gymnasium., and golf t:O~s and tenn1s club-. all around the Newpon-Mt."ia area. 1s 1alung over at the helm of the Pilol's '>port'> ship. It 1<> 1mpo~iblc, of rnurw. 10 replace my predece<;<,or, .Vi year employee and 14-year <>port!> ednor Roger Cariwn, who<;(' enormous !>hoe<. I will nevt·r be able to fill. However. the ... une proud trad11ton of spon' 1ourna1t ... m excellent.:e will be upheld. whLlt' )(:elung ne~ idea' dlld venture-. A'> you turn tht' '>pring pages of 2003. you will begm lo wi Ln esl> .,ome change'>. including RICHARD '>pec1aJty feature.. on DUNN college athlet~ from Lhe area, senior., (with 60 a.' tht' age benchmark for eltgtbihtyJ and a new spotlight on recreation <,ports and athletes 1n Cmta M~ and Newport Beach. tht> ~eekend warnof'l> and those who grind on Lhe fields and couns on weeknights for compet111on and exercise after work.. Tho ... e people sweat and bleed. too You will cononue to rt'ad one of Lhe finest -.ports ioumah'>t'> m the country m Barry 1-auJJtner. wtuJe budding '>lars Bryce Alderton and Steve Virgen will ro ll up their '>leeve.!> and reach nt>w level., of commu nity sports reporting and feature writing. Melanie Neff. a USC graduate and .,pono.wnung veteran formerly of the Los Angel~ T11Ties who amve.. with lofty credenuals. came aboard rhe Pilot sports ship Monday. II could be the best rotaaon m -;pons with 1..hose four. Whal a great place to be The new focus and energy ho pefully will reflect in the..e page<>. while extend.mg 10 different pockets of our communtty Our rum will continue on youths. high schools and colleges. We will carry on the summer golf traditions of the Tea Cup Oassic and Jones Cup. As for myself. I started as a stnnger at the Daily Pilot in the fall of 1981. when typewriters were still be used. and, following my college days and a three-year tin! playing minor league baseball was hired as.a full·tlme sports reporter in 1990. This is the only newspaper I've ever worked for. What do I like7 I love the big three-football, ba.seball and basketball ~ wu something I played for 30 years, until retiring from the 30-and·over I~ a frw ' years ~ck. ~olf ls terrific. Tmnis has been iri~iny blood since childhood. 1 '\'e grown to not only appreciate water sports, but enjoy them. I love the sunsets glistening al1 the Newport Center buildings while •tttng in the Oa~n Field prea box at Newport Halbor Hlgb ln September. I love the spotlight lntroducdons at wtat1tng matches and bWetbaD gama. dlt tmeD ol . 1 t.ailpce b&rt>ec:ue .. football pma and pine tar in the dugout. the ecerMS ol p&ayaa ~on elldl odWr •. winnlnl. ~or~awam polo coladl Oftfbovd. the.,... otatw+,,... ... ~•DM aDd .... a.ck ol 1 woodtm llllL ..,. ........ . ............ _CCH& ..... 1. WDitd s..... md lllt oa..aD\. drlililiikbGliienaa eowtn Glml l .. °"""" ..... Al Tuesday, May 6, 2003 SPORTS Oat/ Plot - 8wtmmlng TRACK Continued from A7 Rodriguez also qualified for Costa Mesa. Senior ludi Valdez was the fourth-place qualifier for the Eagles 0 :03.37) and FJise Carroll moved on in seventh place. fying spot Despite suffering from a strained hip muspe. Rojas easily put away 1he fleJd in the 800 meters with a time of 1:55.42. Raul Lara of Orange tried to keep pace, but ln the last 300, Rojas pulled away. finishing three sec- on<ls ahead of Lara. Jwlior Panfi- lo Elias and senior Abel Flores also qualified for Fstancla In league," he said. "But at [the CJF Masters Meet] and state I have to work three times banJer, so it might be a problem." Costa Mesa senior Zach Powell posted the fastest time in the 400 meters (51.83). He W'M second in the 300-meter hurdles, which oould prove to be the most com- petitive race Thursday. SUMMARIES BASEBALL Prtc11 of 'fie COllllt TCMlrMmll'lt ie.oro n. eo.u Mese 2 Score by lnninp SCHEDULE TODAY ,....,.. College -UC Irvine at Arizona State, 7p.m. High adlool -Corona del Mar et Northwood, 3:15 p.m.; Sage Hill at Capietrano Valley Christian, 3;15 p.m. High emool boys-Corona del M•r In Peclflc Cotat League prellm• at CdM, 2 p.m.; Newport Harbor In See View League prelim1 at Foothill, 2 p.m.; Coate M ... end Estencle In Golden Welt l.eegu• prellm1 et Or11nge, 4 p.m. Teso'P. 201 811 o -11 9 o Costa Mesa ooo ooo 2 • 2 11 3 Golf High echool glr11 -Coste Mese end Eatenci• in Golden West League prellm1 et Orange, 2 p.m. ........ ln the l ,600 meters. junior Ouistine Bjellantl took top hon- ors with a time of 5:25.85 for the Mustangs. Sophomore Obiry , Lomeli qualified sixth in 5:55.55 for E.stancia. In the boys' competition, it was Fstancia that had a field day and continued on its undefeated league season .. "I feel comfortable.• Rojas said. 'Tm happy with my time. It was a [personal best] for me. the run- ners ju.st let me go and didn't go after me. ln the PCL everyone tried to beat me. n Rojas, who finished ninth ln the state meet in the 1,600 last season, said his inj\11)' shouldn't affect his performance in Thurs- day's league finals. Frc:t.ncisco OliV'dS of Santa Ana recorded a 42.45, Powell finished in 42.47 and F.sta.ncia's Jason Johnston (42.57) and Zaclc Novaclc (43.58) took the third and fourth spots, respectively. The top two finishers from each event will qualify for next week's Southern Section prelimi- naries. Third-place finiShers will also move on if they post OfL qualifying times. Ev-. Trujillo (81. Hllm,..., (71 end J~ c:oop.r, Gorv• (41. 'hfon !61. ,....,_ m and Huni.<. L -Coopet, 0-S. 28 -Ct'11ddodt m. Sanlet• In. Hunte< (CMI, GonmMz (CM). HR - ~(Tl. High echool boya -Estancia at Golden West laegue finale on M8'88 Linda course at Costa Meu Golf & Country Club, 11 :30 a.m.; Newport Hllrbor at See View laague finals at Oak Valley in Beaumont. 1 :30 p.m.; Corona del Mer at Pacific Coast =finals at El Cored~, noon. High IChool boys-Sage Hiii et Academy League finals. hdtendfWd High IChool bov• end girta - Newport Harbor In Sea View League prelim• at Irvine, 1 :30 p.m. Vol9ybal High adlool boye -Woodbridge at Newport Harbor, 5:46 p.m.; Calvery Chapel at Corona del M!r. 5:30 p.m.; Coste Mna at Santa Ana, 3:15 p.m.; Brethren Christian at Sage Hill, 5:30 p.m. Senior Humberto Rojas was the only F.agle to earn a top quali· "It's not going to be a problem High school -Corona del Mar at Tesoro, 3:15 p.m.; Irvine at ~ewport Hart>or, 3:30 p.m.; Sage Hill at Brethren Chrlstien, 3:15 p.m. Pwtrmanent Sign age ..... ~tag ~hoot ,., • 1 ••..,.... PNatila • aua lfa • laa1lawapa1 .... .,. _, UC .............. ,_.., ..... _,_. .. Wlllll ... occw illl ... ......... ll'ldilJldH .... wtl> .... pa ......... 4'x1!1' .... ,,. J11111•••1'--• .. Jpwk. Wednesday, May 7 Prado Olympic Shooting Parle Chino, California Courtside Signage Cowtl6dc ....,_ ..... ...,•••••tor .... apa•n ..... tdetaed,..a•_.• ......... 1V .......... CG•111* ..,_.,..,,. r• ull••Jl-.. ad 1 Jpwll. Banners 8Mnas ate Ideal for buHcliag top of tlle•lftd -•renas for your business ••d usoci1ttinJ your Mrvlca wttlt UC lrvtM Adtletla. lanncrs arc typically J' • I' mack from vlnyt hu119 rro. dM rafter ..., dM ltOl1ll end of dM bukctball •rcna. Baseball Scoreboard Signage SiJllllll M .......... MW $4 ......... ......_...., ......... '° * CIOl'pOll .. .-ti.en Md p1owldes • I -CllpOlmt .. .. .... bat cwnts. .............. 7 Official Events Sporting Clays I & II Trap Doubles Tabor's Doubles Continental Trap Duck Tower Flurry Optional Events Olympic Trap 2-Man Flurry Five Stand wem11'xt.5'oethcbMlb.m MDrftcNnl. ...... be loaltal ... ldka...,ldcl. Proceeds benefit Hoag Hospital. To participate, or for more information, For pridng information; please ca// 949/574-7208. call Blake Sasaki, (949) 814-7587. \)aily A Pilot Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Nollces ~ Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Nollca 2640 Llpl Nalca 2MO LlpJ Mallca ADVllTISUUHTFOlll.>S e.clud1ne a llernatn. Califorma Contractor'• will nut pri.t~ct you. CIVIC C[llH(R DRIVE Judae Pres1d1ne 1n the followma descriMd shall accompany each ltcense current at lht your typt wtttltn r~ WFSl . SAME. SANTA Department. 1 .. 55 C1v1c property to wit· DWAYNE Bid The Surety 1ssuon1 time of subm1ss oon of sptJn ~e must be '" ANA. CALIFORNIA 92701 . Drrve. V1ctorv11te. CA SERDINSllY D-28 811!.e. SAL.£. EXTRA SElf STORAGE will conduct • pubhc sale of the contents of he stontae space(s) named below, with the S11h1P< l to cond1linM l""'""b~d by lht un <in· 111ned ~ealed bid, fnr ·• lump Sum Con tr ,,, I Mt invited for the tull1 wing Wor~ MfDOU EARTH I flRl Al.UM REPLAUMINT PROJECT NO. 998979 UNIVERSITY OF CALI· FORNIA, •fRVINl IRVINE, CAUFORNfA 42697 PROJECT OESCRf PTION: Worli. includes. but 1s not ltnoled to the foMnwina R~pl11c1n1 the e"st1ng fu e alarm ~ystem In the lwn Br andyw111e/C.om· mnn' b111ldinas •nd s~ven re<11dent1al build '"II~ with e new hr e •l•1 m system The fire dlao m '<Y'llem will con s1st ot Simpler brand .,qu1pment and no •ub sltlultons will be .al lflwed lSTIMATlD CONSTRUCTION COST1 $250,000.00 Not11 '"•Ill lldders ...... ... net meet "" 4141oflflc•tl0fl1 fn the Contrect Documents t!t41Y "°' IN 1ll9Jltl1 fw Cf#°"'· B1dd1n1 Documents will be av1il1bl1 lo Bidders onlUISDAY, A,.ll 2t, 200S and will be luued 1t. Fac1llllH M1n111· men I. Untver slly of C1llfornl1, frvtne, 201 Interim Offoce Bu1tdlne (m•iltnt •ddren) 19172 Jamb<Wllt Boul11 v111d {phyllc•I address) lfvloe, CA 92697-$444 (949) lll.4-1404 Checks fOf • --r.t.d .. 11 fee wlll be ,.quited in t.he 1mount of SIS,00 pet qt 11f Blddln' Documents.. CMc•• "'to l>t modt .,.ytl>le to "The ltq•nll of tlle University of C.MfOHllf • s..led Bkll will not be M.Ctfjte• ttltr; t.00 PM on ...-seAY, MAY tt.MU 114 S.Cur1t1 In tlM tlllOQllt of I OS of U- 1.umci s.itn lase Bkt, the Bid Bond shall be, the 81d 111 uiier l~gal turm 11 you ORANGE COUNTY CON 92392 of the .tbove wuh/dryer. matt. ref on the Bid Deadline. an UCIHSl want Hie court to hear SOllDATED COURTS enlttled court on June lbl, clothe$. b admitted surety insurer CLASSIFICATION: your Cd!le lh• name. addre\s 20 2003, al 10 00 misc WILLIAM NORl (as defined 1n the [lecfTlcal Contuctor If you do nol fole your and telephone riumbt!1 of o'cloc~ am of that day. COn J 20 Paint equtpl . California Code of Civil UCINSE CODI: re,pon~" nn 'time. you pla1nl1ff's attorney, or then and Che•~ to show matt .. ladder vac, lbl, Proc edure Sec loon C 10 may lose th~ cas~. and pla11111ll without an t ause. ff any you have. \Ola. misc JOAN BOOTH 9% 120) 'OthM 'rof•d Spedflcs: your wagos money and attorney' t) (El nombre. why u1d person <.hould K-98 fool B• .. clothes. A mandatory Pre·B1d lldder Quollflcotl-• property may be taken la d11ecc1on y el numero not be declared free poster. boxn. misc Conference and Pre·Btd coll..t fOf' t• IN aub-wtlhnut fllrther warn1n1t de telefono del •tlD&ado from the control Ill her IOHN REGETS B·34 Bike, Job Walk will be con mltted ot time of blcl from !hr,"'" I dtl demandante, o del parents ~ccordlna to the TV. dresser. enL center. ducted on. THURSDAY, Include, ll'lt ore not The•r Are nthe1 ltg~I demandante que no p~ltlron on file hereon coflte lbl, toys, bch ch. MAY t , 2003 n1ce11orlly limited to: reciuu,.menh You may l1ene aboaado. es) II the Coult finds that SONIA "DAMS H-96 begtnn1ng promptly at I lhe Contractor shall want lo call .. n attorney l ThomnMurphy, the Interest of the minor l amp. plastic bxs, 1:00 'M Parlic1pant:s l>ave been in business 11ghl .twdy If yo11 do nnt /14 771-2265 requ11es his or her clothes. candle holders, shall meet at· Fac1lit1es under the same name know nn atlnrney. you 714 771·2320 proltcltnn. the Court misc. KARA WErHING· Management. lnleflm and Caltlornta C1lnlr11c m~y call 11n alt<irnev Law Offices of shall appoint counsel to TON G·8J 2 bxs with Oftice Bu1ldin11. Confer~ tor's license for a rttleoral servu e nr a l Thom3s Murphy. 472 represent the minor. clothH. other contents ent e Room 128. Uni m1n1mum ot 5 conlinu IP.&al aid of11te !listed 1n ,.south Glasnll. Orange. Such cou~I shall be unli.nown. vers1ty of California, ou~ years prtor to the the phone book) CA 92866 appointed whether or Sale wtll be by com· Irvine bid openina date for this Despu~\ d~ Que le DATE: (Fecho) MAY IS, not the minor 1s able to pelitlvt brddln& (written (8u1ld1n1 ' 92 on Nor1J1 Pro11ct. The ltcense used enlreauen esf) c•tauon 2002 afford counsel. If you sealed btds may be Campus Map) to saltsfy this require 1ud1ual 11\ted t1ene un ALAN SLATER, Clerlt appeeo without counsel submitted In advance) 19172 Jamborae Boule menl sllall be of the plaio de JO DIAS CAL (Actvotlo), · and ere unable to afford on the 2ht day of JMy vard, Irvine. CA, same type required by ENOARIOS pBr3 PH'sen lty V.,. SCHllNIACH, counsel. the Court shall 2003 11 2:00 P.M. 1t the 92697 5444. (949) 824 the contract. tar una respuesla ,.~ Deputy (Deletodo) appoint counsel for you premises where u ld 1404 2. The Contractor shall crtta a maqu1na en tst" Published Ne wpor I ti you request appointed property hes been ATTINDANCI AT THI provide a minimum of 3 corte Beech Costa Mesa Daily counsel stored and which Is PRE-llD CONFERENCI references fo1 pro1ect5 Una L4r la o und Pilot April l!>. 22. 29. The purpose of thrs located 1t AYRES SELF AND P•l-llD JOI similar In scope and size llamade lelefonlce no le May 6. 2003 TIOJ 11cti<1n, to free the minor STORAGE. 7012 Er nest WALK IS MAHDATOltr to thrs Pro1<1ct which ofrece" protecc1on: ~u from the custody of her Ave., Huntinston Beach, JO• AU , .... CON-have been successfully respunla eurifa a SUPlllOICOCITOf parenll, is to petm1t the Ca (714) 848-7314. TRACTottS. THI MIU-completed tn the Siii• maqulna !tent que CALIOllA, adoption of said minor Landford reser'fts the ING W1U «O\I AT of Celtfornle durlna the cumphr con las form11I (NmTVOf to a suitable adopllna rlcht to bid et the sale. I 105 'MANY CON-past 3 yHr&. The project ldades leaales aprop1a -" perent. PurchaMn must be m•d.e TRACTORS ARRIVING totel C4sl of inslallehon das s1 usled quoere ciue S,UaADllO The Court may con· by cash end paid for at AnlR THIS TIMI WU mu' I b e o v ~r la corte «"cuche 'u hnue these proceedtnas. the lirM of purchase. Aft NOT II IUGtlU TO $250.000 00 cno. htertDllMd, not to exeeed thirty (30) purchased aoods u1 PAllTIC•ATI IN THI THE REGENTS Of THE Si usted no ·present-144SS<Mc~, deys. as necessery to sold u Is and must be llD '•O<ISS AS A UNIVERSITV Of CAll· su respuesta a liemµu. Ul.o.....-..tL. appoint counsel 1nd remond at time of aate. 'RIMICOMTUCTott. FORNIA pulftle perder el cuo. y •~,CAtm2 en•ble counsel to be· Sale i1 subject to content.s b11n1 sold to the hlahest blddtt. for lewful money of the United Stites of America (cash). The sale Is belne held to satisfy a fandlOfd's lien •nd will be held 1t: 17692 Sampson Lene. Hunllnaton BHch, CA 92647 on Mey 13. 2003. at 12 p.m., Auctionelf's Name. Dennis Avina Bondl:l46637301335 Ph (626) 791·6261 The public 1$ Invited lo attend. Terms are cesh only. Owner reserves llHI rl&ht to bid A aeneral description of the ptoperty belna sold, 1lon1 with the Identity of the Occupent rentlna the spKt are as follows: SPACE NO. -OCGUPANT PROPERTY OCSCRIP· TIOH B-276. JAMIE KEENAN. LAMP. f URNITURE, MISC. BOXES. RADIO, TOASTER, OVE}1; MAT· TilESS , Publlshtd Newport Beach·Costa Miu OeNy Piiot Af>rll 29, M1~ 6, 2003 Tll6 Only bidders who April 2003 le pueden qultar su TIT l E 0 f CASE come famlll•r with thn• cancellation In the event p1rticlp11te In both the Pubfis h•d Newport salano, iu dlnero y otru (ABBREVIATEO) IN THE proceedinp. of ••tt...,,.nt belwMn CIJYOfRGIJllACI Pre·Bld Conference and 8111ch·Co1ta Mesa Deily cosude su propledad MATTER or DANIELLE Given under my hend landlord and obfltated IOICJ--9$ _the Job Walle In their Piiot Af>rll 29, M•y 6, sin ·avlso •dtclonal por ROSE BOYER. A Minor end , .. 1 of Ille Suparlot party. enlttely wlll be •flowed 2003 ll 15 parte de I• corte A Penon who shall be Court of the County of Publish.I on 05/08/03 to bid on the Proi.ct as Ex itlen otroa requisl declared tru tr om the Stn S.rnetdlno, State of end 05/l3/03 pfime contrectors. for ...S tos lqele$. Pued11 que custody end control of CallfOl'nla, this 22nd day Auctlonur: W1nd1 further lnformetlon, gMJDI~ usttd quieu ll•m•r • un her perenls of April, 2003. Norton BO<ld I S-400- eontecl f'tcilillu Men 1bo11do lnme c!h ta CClATION • f'REEOOM COUNTY CLERK 1684. Phone (114) 848- a19ment Contrac!t1 De N TICt TO OE EN· ment1. SI no conoct a FROM PARENTAL CUS· IY /S/ AMY SWSHfR, 1314 p11rtment. Attn: Brend• DANT: (Avlw I Acust· un abo1ado, puede TODY ANO CONTROL 0..-tY Ayres Self Storace, R. HoUtfthufl at (949) do) C.A. 00£Ll COM· ll•mar a un ter'fklo di ~BANl>ONJillENT RE· fubflalled Newgort Raldent Mli1Ta e?f~':cuuful 81ddtt ~~·H~~~ ODELL, ~·~~=~1fle:• :'!;~: ~~~Mii•• ~.:"~~ ~Azo, 1/. ·=~~~~: ... ::g:u; and lb Subcontractors [)()[S 1T0 5 lelll (n• 11,1 dfuctorlo VAVSOOI06 2003 Tl29 Piiot llthy e. U 1 wlll bt,r1<1Ulltcl to follow YOU ARE BEING SU£0 teltfonlco) THC PCOf'lC Of THE 2003 Tl2a the nondlurlmlnetlon BY l'l.AINTIFF: CASI MUMHRJ S1Alt OF CAUf~NIA, IMI01KI IOllCIOfNllSMI rtQYlfttnffb Ml fOflh (A Ud. le Ula dtm11Mf': (..._..... 4et C-) To JOON T. BOYF.lt, end m.10f f9UCSMI In the 8kldln, Oocu Hdo). 1AVl£R H£RftAN 02Ht.022M to •II Ptfton• clalmfflt l llt mini ttorta• tntnh nd o per OU Tiit neme and tddrht to be Ille father or Of llW•Plfln fteitlty, .ecorclln& to the pr•vlltfltle w ... rain •t You llne 30 CAL(N o( the c-t ta: (Cl molw of t lffl mMor Notice 11 lllfflly alven pro'ffsk>n& of OWltltn I the tocatloft of the Wor-. OM OAVS •IW tlll• nombft y clncclOn di penon above ~med. U!tt tht 1111'9rtlptd will of tllt BuMllts1 end TIM 1uc«UIUI 81d6'f 'Umll'IOflt " Wvtd on lacort .. •) By Otcltl' of tllb Coutt Hll at ~ nctlon, fl'roftulont co~o. Wlff be rtquhd to hive yo.. to flle I lypl#rllten ~ANCE COUNTY SU rolH are hereby cited p111ttuanl to StctlH Cll•,ttr 10, Section tllt foltowlnt Slate of rttpOMUttllh COfft. PfltlOlt COURT , /QI 1114 ad'llHd tll1t ,Ou 21100 of the lulll!tn1 21107 (1), ...,.,.._. A !!!!!{ « fl!O!'V•ll mej toot« btfote t!M w Prtfrnloo" cw NOI!ct or ~IJ.U: • J S..led bids "''Y lHt received et the office of the City Cftfll, 3JOO Ntw1>«t Boutevard, fl' .0. Box 1768, Newport Boch,. CA 92851·1915 until lllOO AM Oft t"9 vnt cley 11f May, 2003, •l "'*" time Midi blda llllal be ...,._.._, reed for NI lfAftCMI ll0.1 PAVUIBff llCOlt-1"9alOll c..... ....... ........... ......., ......... H>Olf"$ LIST AYNt.· All.( ON CITY WtlSITC :lltlP '// www.cltr .newport • ffKh,cl. !ftlftn+dlltt( ---. ... -· ..... defeull•sp Approved by /S/St..._G • ...._, ,..,., WMtis Dir~ Pro1pective bidders may obtain one HI of bid documents for $10.00 at the office of the Public Worlls De· partment. 3300 Newpc>rt Boulevard, Newport Buch, CA 92663 Contractor License Clftsiflcat1on(s) rt· quired for thts project: "A" or "C·8" for further Inform•· lion, call f one Tse. Project Manaaer at (949) 644-3340 Pubflshed Newport Beach-Costa Meu Deily P1l<1l May 6, 2003 T120 Pur1uent to Section 6104 (d) of the Internal Revenue Code. notice Is hereby alv•11 that th• •nnuel r•f>O'l for the c•fend•r year 2002 of Tiie Geotce E. Hewitt F ound1tfon fOf Medical Resur~h. • print• founcllltlon1 ls tv•ll•ble at the 1oundetlon's pr lnclpaf office for tnspecllon durlnt r,uftr business hours rom 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. by any citizen who requftb It Wittlin 180 days after Ult date of this publkttlon. Thi tound1tJon'1 prf1t- clp1I offlet Is locattcl •t 137 Jlttntne CrMtl Orl¥e, Cof-del Mar. C.fl· '°'""· 926~. o1Jlt "'~' -nae« of tltt found1tlon Is oeorr c. Hewitt. lloy • ~-..,. Altofiwy, c/o ,.., JM· m1M Crtell Oflvt Co· IOfll del Maf. C.0t• 92125 Pu~ll111e4 Newport IUc:ll.Coet1 Meta O.ity Pltol Mer I, 2003 Tl22 .......... ......... Tiie ..... .=..:Mft• .. .... .... fTSS Prltltlftct 11257 ... , ..... sllt Uett 11. founl•tn Valley. CA 92708 lnternaltonal Techn•cal StaH1n1 Solutions (CA). 17875 Sky P•rll C1rc~. Unit E, Irvine. CA 92614 This busmess " con· ducted by a corpc>r •lion Heve you started dome business yet? No lnternahon•I Tech nical Staffln1 Solutions A Denms Hernandet. Gen. Mana1tt .... This statement wu filed with the Countt• Clerk of Or •nee County on 04/08/03 200Ut401SO Dally Pifol•Al>r. 29, May 6, 13, 20, 2003 Tl 18 Rt-.. ..... ......... The follow1ne persoM are doln1 busln.u u Harbor South Coast, 27 Giotto, Aliso Viejo. CA 92656 ...... Rk:herd 8. Haley. 'l7 Giotto, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 • Pelrlcl• M. Haley, 21 Giotto. Aliso Vle)o. CA 92656 This business Is con dllctecl by: • husband end wife Have you 1t1rt1d doina butlneu yet? Yes. 4/9/03 Rlchttd 8. Hiiey Patrlclt M. Hiiey This alltement wes filed with llll Covntr Clark of Or•nc• County on 04/22/2003 20Ntt•1117 Dally 'llot "'1f. 29, ~ e. 13, 20, f>03 1-.i.,. -' SELL your stuff th'°'Ch classified! I DalX Pik>t Rcllm ..... ... s...... Tiit followln& p.,aon' "' clolfll b11alneu H CERAMIC DESIGNS BY 8RUCC. 17&50 Newh09e, Fo11nteln Velley, C111 lorn•• 92708 Bruce Ttnt nc:e Teno· rlo. 19541 W1ttrb11ry, Hunt1111ton Buch, C11! forn11 926-46 Thi' business Is con ducted by •n lnd1vldu1I Have you 5tarted dolna ~sines. yetl YH, 8/20/ 8r11<.t ferr•nce Teno rio lhts slaten1ent wn filed with the County Cl«1l of Or.nae County 0003/31/03 100Mtltl11 Dilly Piiot Apr 29, M.p 6. 13, 20, 2003 1119 ,...... ..... ..... s...... The lollowlr'I ptr,on' are dotnc buslneu es S !AllS KUSTOMAUTO '9011CI TO COlllACTOIS <AUii& JOI 195 ~ Dlslrkt: ~~ i.aSOIOOlDISlllCT Pr+ct ..... OS-43 C. 1 n ~ W¥ / ..... r '. Y.t. Dktitf Llaillm .. ~ °*.., 26, 2003, lm l:OO,.. '-4 0.:.., 27, 2003 ,_.,~'-lpt:fdltsmo,... ms._ sn.e, ..-..1. c......, u t2'2611141 m-7530 .......... Dta..ts .. ~plclM.-. ..... M-4.t...., •-tt,../W .. ttwe,...., Mandalur y meehn&/walklhrou&h 1~ scheduled for May 14, 2003 et 2 00 PM Pro,pecllve bidders u e to meet 11 fecilitlH Ind Open1hons Olllu, NewPOrt Meu Uurfled School 01sl11ct. 2985 Bear Street, Bu1ld1na E. Costa Meu, CA 92626 Cati (714) &24 75Jll for details B1ch will not be 1ct.epted from wntr eclur s not attend1na lhts mnllna. · NOTICE IS HCREBY GIVE N that lhe •bu .. named S'hool 01st11ct ol Orin&• County, CA, act1ne by and lhroueh •h Cuv•rn1ne Bo•rd h•reinafle• referred to es "'OISTRICT: will recet•• up tu. but not lat~r the11 the ebove·stated time, u1led bid' IOI the awa1d of a 1.ontr1ct for the pro~cl desGt•bed u · c_.. .... ,..... •-f lepolr / • .,,_.--v..n • .,. Dh trict t-ett- lh•• will be a Twenty fl•e (S 2!> 00) doll•• non refundable fee required for uch set of bid dol.umenh Che(k\ \huuld be made payable lo Newport Mu11 Unthed School 01st11c1 Bids sllell be recel•ed m the Pl•<• td•nltfltd abon, and \hall be 01><1n1d 1nd publicly rod aloud at the above \laird time and pl•c• In accord11nct with the pro .. \lon~ ul Cal1lor 1111 Public Contract Colle Section 3300. th• DISTRICT requ1t•\ lh41 thr bidder pO$\t!\' the lollowma cleulhc•tlon ol con tr 1clor'\ h1.en\e di the 11111e I hat the contn1et " 1werded· C_tl<t., u •• .,,. Clo" C-39 Ho payment °!>hall be made for •ork u1 m.tlet1al under lhe contrecl unleu end until lhe DISIRICT •tnlle' th<1f th• C•mtraclor wo properly llcenstd •t the lrme the cont1.ttl wa\ •w•rdt>d Any t.untractor no! ~o l~nied '' 1ubiec1 to penalties under the l•w If thr ltttnse clu\1hcation 1pecrf1td htu•nabo•• " that ul .t 1 \Pe<t11lty rnnlrn10<" ., deltned '" Section 7058 of the Calrtorn1• 8u\lnt\\ •nd l'role\s1un' Cude. the speually contract0< awerded the contract for lh•\ wc.rk 'h•ll •hell con\hu<t • majOl1ty of the wor-In ot<.cordan<:e with the 11rnv1s1un\ of Cahl01n1a Bus1nen and Profn\1on\ Code Stthnn /IY>'J falfure 10 COmp~fe the WO<k Wllhtn lht llmt \tt furth herein Wiii teWlt In the 1mpo.rtion of l1qu1d•led dam~itn lor u <h day ol delay 1n llie •mount °!>et forth 1n lhe •tnlormallun Im 81ddtr\ • Cech bid 111ust contorm and bt 1Mpon\1vt' lo lhr contract documenh £ ach bidder shall submit, on thr for 111 lutr11\hed with lht ton Ir act docum1nt1, a h•t of the propo\ed wb<Onlr•llol\ ori th•• pro1etl •• requlred by the Sublett1ne .itnd Subronlrac.lln~ ran P1acllce• Atl Government Code Secllon 4100 et \eq Cach bid shall be •ccomp1n1od by • <erl1l1•d or 1 •·.h1e1°\ <heck or bid bond 1n an tmounl not le\\ th•n '"" (I 01.) ptlf .. nl 111 lht l<Jtal b•d prt<e, lurnt\h 1 P•yment Bond 1n •n 1mounl nut '"' th•n on .. hundred (100"4) petcent ol lht tot•I bid pr1tr and lurn"h <erl1l1utu •••d .. nun& th•t the requlfed m•ur•nt.t '' •n tlfttl rn the alnuunl~ set l0<th '" the Gtn1rel Cond1tt0ns In lht event of f.,lulf lo""'~ info the con11 .. ct •ond utcute the requtted dotumtnh wth b•d \e.uroly will bt lorlt1teel lhe r a1fhlul Ptrlorm1m• Bond •h•ll lfm••n •n lull fOH• and tllr< I lhl•>U~h t!M IUl••nlee pe11od u "1>•c1l1ed on lht Crnttal Lond1hon' lhe DISTRICT reser•es tho 1111h1 tu •w••d thr b•d tu muro th•n 1,n,. <I) btd<kr The OISIRICI rt\ttvr\ lhr 111ht tu rtt•"' any 01 •II 01d• u1 to •~•¥• 1ny 1rre1ul4,1Ue~ or 1nlotm•llt1~\ u1 •tlY b1d\ or tn th~ b1ddm1 A,. requ11ed by Section 11 l J ol th• t 111101 1111 I •bu• Lode the Otrtl tor of the Oep.itrlment ol lndu•l11•I R•l•IHHI\ ol th• S11te of Cahlorn1a hi\ detttmmtd the &•n•r•lly prtvarhn~ r•lt\ ul ... ll" "' lho lot•lllY on whr<h lht work IS to be performed Cop,., 111 lhr-. w•~• r•lt determmahun\, enlltled P1ev•1lma Wage Scale. are m.1nh111td •I lht' 01\t11ct 0111<..t totaled al 298!> Bear Street. Bu1ldrn11 r. Co\la Me•• LA 91626. r aLtltlro. M1mlenante .tnd Oper 1t1on\, •nd 11 • •••1lablo to 1ny 1nlerestod pat ly upon requut fhe confr;utor \hall po•.t • <Ol>Y ol lhl\ dotument •I ••<h i<>b \tie The contractor and any wl><.Onhat IOI unde1 11 •hall P"Y nut leu then the wecoltf'd 1>< .. <t,lrne r•lf' of .v1gr\ to •II wOfker\ employrd 1n the u Kut ion of the conh •~t Hohdo1y r •t•' .. hdll br P"'d •' 'Pf'< 1ft•d 1n lhe tollecll•t bar1t11n1ne •11•umont o1pphublt to u1.h 11art•<ul1t u .. 11 tlan1f1c11ton 01 lyJlfJ of work employed un the pru1•d Nu boelder m•y wrthdr aw any bid for a pf'rlOd ul s1r1y .<601 d .. y, o1lfe• the d1te ... , '"' the npenrnc ol b•d• A P•y~nl Bond shalt be requ1red p11or tu uecut11u1 ul tilt' conlr•d 1nd \hall be 1n the form ~I lo•lh in fhe 1.ontr.1<.I dotume~h PUt'tUlnf lo Section 22300 ol lhf' Pubh1. Cunlr•d l.odr 11,., 1.01111•<1 •tll contain 1><ov1s1ons porm•tt•ni lht Wt! f'~ifut brdder lu \ub\lllulr \e<u111to 10< 1ny momn withheld by th~ DISTRICT lo en\urt p.rtorrri.nct under lhe con II .ct C<t1.h bid •ubmtlted tn respnn\e to th•~ Not1u i.hall conl••n .• , • bid item. 1dequo1te \hu1tn1 \hurone •nd br aun~. ur eQu1 .. 1enf m"thod for the prolecllne of hie ind lrmb in htnthn •nd open e«avallon, which \hall conto1m to 1pphc .. ble ufe1,.01de1\ GOYOINING IOAJID, (rlc H. Jen o, C.f'.l . Dwect ... fecllhlH , ...... _, .... Operor11 ... Published New I Beach Co,.ta Mu • Oa1t Pilot 11 l9, Ma 6. 2003 fl 14 ·ind ex M081l, 184 Marrlll Pl IA, C4"t.I Mtu, Cell lor11i1 92627 Aale N World, In' (CA), IM Merrill Pl. tA, Costa Meu, C1hfornl1 926%7 Thi. b1111neu is con· ducted by. • corpor1tlon H1v1 you \Ivied docnc buslntu yet1 No Aste N·World, l11c., Tallelht l •ll•ha\ht, o ..... r lht• •t•t11nent wn hied w1!11 Iha Luunly Clerlo-of O••nc• Luunty on 04/16/03 20036'41 ... Oarly Ptlol "'1• 22. 29, May 6, 13, 2003 T II I Rdlim..._s ......... l he follow1111 P•"U'" ilf t ckltn& bU\1118'\ ., MOM Con\lrucltuu 21332 Sa no Oollu I int. Hunt1naton Be1th, l.•11 lorn1a 92646 MlchHi Oe'l1d M~ytl. 21 Jl? S•nd Ooll•r I I ll• Hunltt~ton Buth, c .. 11 '9011CI TO COlflUCTOIS CAU.115 JOI leS Set.I Dktrilt llWPOIJ-ll'SA MBSOIOOl DfSTIKT "+ct"-. I OMJ ,_ ..,..,. / ,.,. r -Y.-Dlsarid l.«l"- IW hl6.: Ille: 1*¥ 2', 200lr Tllll: 1-00PI. '-4 De M.y 21, 2003 ...... twa.c.i,t: ,....~ 0,..... 2'1S ... Stnet,...,l,C..._,CAt262'171')424-7SlO ""'"-• '*--" "~ ptlcil4 ·-·-·· M~ Meetl"t/W.tli:ttw-.hr M11nd1tory meelmi/w•lklhn111wh " "Socheduled for Mty 14, 2003 11 8 00 AM Pro~ect1ve b1ddef5 ., " ''' ,,,,.., 11 feclhllts and Ol)<erat1on\ Office, Newport·Mes1 Unified Sd1u•1I I),. 1111 t 298!> Bur Street, Burldrna [ Cos1• Mesa. CA 92626 c .. u t 1141 414 Ji; Ill for details Bids will not b• <ttt.epted Ir om con tr •t lol\ not """"''"'~ 1111· mttllnt NOTICE IS HERCBY GIVl fl Iha! the •bon nantod St.hoot O"'"' I "' Oranae County, CA. act1n1 by and lhtou2h 1h Cuvermng Bu~rd h•••tn•lltt ,.,.,,.d to H ·01sTRIC T • Wiii rect1ve up to. but not ... ,.. lhdn "'" ebove stated time sealed bid• !Of tfit 1ward of • 1.onh•d tor 11 .. 111111~ t desc11bed •s Fo .. m Roof Rtp•tr I Replac:ement v .... .,u~ 01~h•<I t VI <1lu111· Thete •IM be I lwenly rive tS 2"> 00) doll•r non r~(und .. bte ............ ,, I<>< u ch s.el ol bid doc.umenh Cll.,t.ks should be m•d< IMY"~'~ 11. Newport Meu Unified School 01str 1C.f Bids shill be rect1ved in the pla1.e 1d«nl1lred •bo•e. e11d 'h"ll ti. "''"""'' .tnd publtcly read alouil "'the •bo•e stiled time and plaLt In l <.CO•dlnlt wtlh the pruwtMons of Ca1tf<ftn1a Pubht t.onfr,,. r t.udr Sertlon 3300, lhe DISTRICT reqlJores that l he bidder pu"t''· 111. tr,1111w111~ tl1ulllc•llon of con\r<1clor'' ll1.~11se al the t1n1• lhat lllr '""'''" t 1· a war iled Ctntro<1er Ucenoe Cleo C-J 9 No pay men I shall be made 101 work or m•tenal undei ti" • ""'' "' 1 unleu •nd unltl "" DISTRICT ve11ftt\ lh•I lhe Co11trado1 w • 1"'""''1 lle;.ensed •t the time the contr~<.t •a~ •w1'rded A11; , onha· tffr H•JI lrttn!>ed 1\ •.ubre<.t tu penalties undet the l•w II t11 .. "'""'·" I• ''" •l••J • s.pec1fl~d her~in .. bov~ 1~ tti•t of 1 ·~pec1alty coutr .n tor .•• 1h:l111 .. 1I .,, S~llton 70'J8 of the C.thform~ Bu\tntt:S.~ ~nd PH>fe~\111n•. t odP tt1f" •.11.-11,.,1 <ootr~tUf ~wi•rdt>d th~ contr.at.t for U11\. wurk. t1a1ll •t•.fllt 't111' h11.1•' , maf()rtty of th~ work in ilt.tord,nct with th .. ,.,,,,,.._.,, .. " .,f r • 1f '''"' 8u\tnt1\\ and P111fu\1on' Code Section l<Y.>9 r •lfUt~ tO (Umpfett" th~ WOft.. Within th~ t1n1r •.et ,Httfl t ... f.,11 W'll ft'•,11t JP I her 1mpa\1llon ol hQmdattd d•m•KI\ fur •OC h d•1 .,f ol•l•v " lhr amount ~t lr>1th '"tho 0 lnform4llon "" 81dde" ( ttt h bid rnu't ~onfurm and be tr~pOO\IVf to th~ •''"'rut it·,, 1m • 11t·. [•th b1dd@r t:.hall ~ubnut, on th~ f<>fm furni~hrtJ wtH thr '11ntr.t1 t dornrntnh. a l"t of fht propo\ed ~ubco11hdll111 "" "'" 11r111•• 1 ,,. r•quored by the SubletllnK and Subtonh •t t11111 I ,,., l'r df 111 "" /lot Covetnmenl Codt Set.lion 4100 ~t '•Cl lad1 bid 'h•ll be accomp;1n1td by • r trllt1~'1 '" • "' '""' • rl••• ~ " t "' bond •111 4n amount not le\!. lh•n 1en C 10 , ~ ,..,.,. ~11' vi tt1,. t•••.,1 t11 J prt<.t" futn1-.h a Paymrnt Bond 1n •n dmount uot Ir•· u ... 11 uor JnHH1rt it ( 100 •I pen.;.enl of thp tot~I tud po<.4! 1nd furni\h • "''' '•l ''"'. ,.,ut.-n "'• th•I thf' '"quired 1n'tur4nct-1\ m f'flf"C.f 1n th.-•muu•1t· \t>I f111tf1 h It,. Crntr1I Cond1hon~ In th.-• ._""' uf l••luril" to .. utet ntr. th .. '"''" t I • t •1 t-C utf' the rt!.QUltf'd ducum~nt<. •.uc h bid ... tt• i.r 1ly w II ,. It 1 fr<1t1 t1 Ir,.. f a1thlul P~rlormanH Bvnd \h•ll rtm••" 111 lull IQ<« "•d •"• 1 11.,., ,,., tht ~u,r•nlf!e pet1od '~ \JM:(d1rd tn th .. l .. ~nf'f41 f ... nd~• • w fhe DISTRK.T rt'\er'9t-\ the 111:ht to •w .. ud thr b•<J h m•ur " t 11Pf' t I 1 bidder The OISlRILI rt•.~tvt\ lh~ 11~M lo ••t•• I ""Y " •I ho I u1 In w41,_~ ~ny ure1utanl1e\ or tnformatlttt''· in .my t11d ,,, 1n Hu r 11M1'1• A\ rrquirtd by Sel11on ll7j ut the t dhl0tU1d lalJor f odt: lh• h1r .. tlrn ol the Otpartment ol lndu\lfl~I R~l~llllll\ 111 tlit \ldl< 'If I""'"' ,,_ 11 .... det•f"l'"ed the g•ntr<1lly p19Ydlhn& 1<119' Of W"K«\ 1n lhP l11t 1111~ H Niii II lhe work " 111 be pttlormed Copie.,. of the~t w•e~ 1<11• d•t•"""'"'"'" or1t1tled Preva1rm11 Waet Stale,~" m•intiuned ~t 111• r''"'"' t 011 .. • '"' ~1-.1 II 2985 B•a1 Stretl llu1td1n2 l , (,c,\t<I Mt\d LA '1/6/b f • 11 1 ••· Mc11111ten•nre and (>pt:rittmn\ and ... ,~ •v•1l•blt to o!ihY mt ... tt:' 1 ... 1 I•·'' t, upvn rtque~t rhe conh.tctor \h.tll pu .. 1 .t topy ot th1• h,u ""'""r" '' .. ,.., '• 1ub \ttr lh~ tOntr•t.for and '")' ~Ubtvlllt•\ltJr on'1 .. , 1t •hd·' ,,,,., rH ' I~\\ th•n thr \4)eC•l1rd prtvi111tna t4l1•\ al "'•ir·,. h •I ,...,.,,..,.,., '""'"'"'t'"t 111 the uetuto0n ot lh• tonlr~d 11oltdo1y tale~ ~h•ll 1 ... t•A d • "• '''" J in lhe t.alte<.t•vt t>~re~1nme at;.ttf'mf'n1 dpplttdbl~ ,,_, l'n· 1 , ... ,,, ... , d' •, ,,~ d •\\flH.•llon or t~pe ot wotk tmplnyf"d 1111 the f""IH t N11 h• hl .. • thAr w1thdr •• •ny bid lor A period uf ,., ly f6'JJ d•r\ •''"'' u ... rt.t'f" • • t t ,, lht upen1nr •>I bod~ A PaVmtnt Band \h..tll bt rrQuu td pt ior tu P' • ,.1 ut11"1 ,1 '"'" , "'Ir • 1 and 'h•tl b~ 1n the: form \t.:t hHth 1n thf" lr>nltttl t tlo1 urnwot• Pur\u..-nt tCJ Section 22100 nr fhf f'ubht t:1u1hA I Cud,. u, ... • ''"" u t wilt c.ont•m pro'tH\.tOO'\ pPtm1tt1nai thf' •.u• tt" \tUI h1th1,.r t11 ·.ut1•.ti! ,,,.. \11tut1llt\ for any momr'\ w1thht'ld hy thl' Ot~.lkt< l to t•w Wt' i•.-rl ''" 111• • under the tonlud each bid ~ubm1tted Ill ff\>PO'l\~ to lhl~ Notlt l' •,h.11 t nnto110 •• t h111 1t~m. aOequ&tt \hert•ne. \horine ttnd t>t~r ine,. m t-11u1valtt1t mt' I hod f111 thf protettlOR Of life 410d ltmb 10 1ft"nt.ht'\ and 0,lttn r•t •.;iohlfO #fll h \hi ll conform to •Pl>hlable ,.rtty order~ GOVlltNING 1 0 .AttD, lrlc H. Jene, C.P.L Owe<1.,., fecllltl .. , Mah"•-• .....t Operotloftt Pubh\hed New t Bulh Co\U Meu Oe11 Pilot 1129 Ma 6 lfJOl I l o \\' to Place A JueSday, May 6, 2003 At lt.1tn•• 92646 flll\ bus1t1eu u. turl dU< feel bJ <111 111d1v11lu•I II.ave yuu •hrted 001111 bu\lnen .rJll? Yo, 11/ Ol/01 Mike Me~r lhos slalement wn llltd ••lh the County Uork ul Or•n&• Counlv nn(M/14/03 200H940U2 U•1ly P1l11t Apt l2. ~ M•y6.lJ.200J TllO ~llnims ... s ....... lh1111 tull11wmt person~ .,.., dotuat: bu\1n~s~ I\ Pru ttydrnlo11 lour ~ l'I•• rnlt• Unrt G Pl<1 I ...... I A 'lll!/O lohn t lrmmon\. !MO'> 1'1•1 eflll•, U111t C f'I• I ~1111• I A r1i'll/O I'""'" Ou~me\.c, 11, urn 1h11 l•d by •n 111d1V1du1I II~•• yuu ~I•• l<d do1n11 t.u""''"' ytl' Nu John (tf"n.mon_ lht" ~lttltintt"nl w~s RctlM ...... ...s....... flt• lullowut¥ IHll \Ull\ •• • doma bu"n•n ., Vlltu•I Perlo< huo l~I V•t111-tu l •ne; c.o\t.t M•u. (,A ~lf.l!6 lnun H Tr.-k 1'661 NOTICE OF TAUS-Oil lhe tt.y ct .... NOTICE OF TRUS- TEES SALE TS No Trwtor BARS.AAA W TEE S SALE Trustees 2003-t6S2569 Loan No TRAINOR, AN UN-Sale No 03-19812.CA 0001652569 nu. Order MARRIED WOMAN nu. Oroer No 1!>4961t No 00681229 YOU ARE °"" Appolmld Trw-YOU«E IN DEFAULT IN DEFAUl.T UNDER A 1": GOU>EN WEST UNO A OEEO Of DEED OF TRUST SAVINGS ASSOCIA· TRUS • DATED OATE O 06/W1996 TI(>tl SERVICE CO, A 03/1!.lt?OO? UNLESS UNLESS YOU TAKE CA1..IFORNIA COAPO-YOU TAKE ACTION TO ACTION TO PROTECT RATION RecOfded PROTECT YOUR I YOUR PROPERTY. rr OIS/1311999 .. lnetru-PROPERTY fT MAV BE MAY BE SOLO AT A ment No. t9960301044 SOLO AT A PUBLIC PUBLIC SALE IF' YOU In book , pege of Offi. SALE IF YOU NEED NEED AN EXPLANA· 1-• a-.... the AN EXPLANATION OF c., ,,_Of.,. 111 THE NATURE OF THE TION or THE NATURE ottlce of 'the Recorder PROCEEDING OF THE PROCEEDING of ORANGE County. AGAINST YOU YOU AGAINST YOU YOU C.tlfomle, Date of SHOULD· CONTACT A SHOULD CONTACT A S.·05/27/2003 et 2 00 LAWYER On LAWYER A pubhc PM Pl-ol Sale AT 05/l2n003 wt' OO pm 1uctioo sale to lhe THE NORTH FRONT PREl\lllER TRUSl h19hesl bidder for ENTRANCE TO THE DEED SERVICES INC cesh CHhter'& check COUNT'f COURT· u auly aP«>Qlnted d11wn on • state or HOUSE. 700 CIVIC Trustee under end nahonet benk check CENTER DRIVE WEST, P"•suent to 0..0 0( dra"'n by a Stele or SANTA ANA, CALI· Trust fXecuted by teoe111 credit union, or FORNIA Amount ol MARK O DONOVAN • check dra ... n by • unpeld bll•nce Ind I ANO JAYNE OONO- atate or ltderel savi"9S other cherges VAN HUSBAND ANO and loan H.SOCtaUon, $351,253 41 Stttel WIFE AS JOINT TEN or SIYlngS IS· aocl•· AddreH or other ANTS •nd r.corded hori. or i8Y1ngs benk common delHJn•tron of 03/29"2002 es lnatru spec:1ftcd tn Section reel property •• pur-ment No 200201157443 SIO? ol lhe Financial port.ed to be 9 SEA of Olf1c1e1 Rec0<dt of Code and euthonz.ed to COVE LANE NEW· Oranoe County C11t dO business 1n tlus PORT BEACH, CA lorrne. WILL SELL AT stete wtll be held by the 92660 A P N 939-63-PUBLIC AUCTION TO duly appotnle<I ttuslft 402 The unoersi9ne<1 HIGHEST BIOOER FOR as stiown below. of ell Trus'" d1scle1ms eny CASH lp1yable et time r19ti1 ttlle Ind interest ll•blhly lor eny mcor· of aete '" 1ew1ut money con11e'f'ld lo •nd now rectnets of the "reel of tile Un1tctd Stete1, by held by the trustee 1n aocsress or other com • cashiers check the he•••naf\er de-mon designa· llOO 11 drawn by • state O< scribed P'Of]erty under iny, shown above 'tt no f-ral c~ed11 union 0< Ind pursuant to a Oeed street eddreu or other a check arawn by a of T<usl described common dHlgnellon 11 state or le<k!•al HYl"CJS below The sakl will be sl'IOwn dlrectlOfll 10 and loan •noc1111on. , made. l>Yt wilh0'1t the ~!Ion of Ille , uvmgs H50Clllton. or uvin<;1s blink specified covenent or warranty, property may be ~ m secuon St01 10 tr. HP'HMd or Implied, teined by aendrng • Financial cooe Ind regerd1ng title, posses· -rntn reque11 to the euttoor•zed to oo bull slon or encumbrill/'IQl'S, benefie111y Wtthin 10 neaa in rhia , .. ,., 11 At to p1y the rem11nm9 days of the dete of first !he no<'th tront en- pr1nc1p1I sum of the publt-cetton of tf\ia trance to Ulf! County nole(a) secured by Ille Notioe of SaM Dlte CourthouM 100 CtvlC OeeCI of Trust. wTth Apnl 25, 2003 AGENCY <Anter Ort.,. WHI interut end late SALES ANO POSTING Senta ANt CA ell rigtll clllltges thereon. n As agent for GOLDEN !Ille end tnlef'Ht con- pro'lfided 1n the nole(s). WEST SAVINGS AS-.,.yed 10 and now held ldvallCff. under the SOCIATION SERVICE by 11 unoer utc1 DMd of terms of the o.ed of CO , A CAl.IFORNIA Trull In the property Trust. 1nlerHI thereon. CORPORATION 8801 situated In Hid County IHI, chllrget and FOLSOM BLVD, SUITT •nd State ducrlbed H I eapenees of the Trua-230 SACRAMEl'ITO. CA I As more fully o. tH tor the total emount 95826 T ... ptione Num-acnbed tn the aoo- (11 the llme of the intll•I ber (800) ~7 referenced OMCI of pubhc.tlon of the No-5* Stetua Line (916) I Trull Aneuor's P1r Uc. at Sale) reuon> 387-n28 Nen s.nders, eel No 418-1'!>-20 The bly fflltnal8d to be Ml Asels tant Secrelely llreet eddrest and forth below The ASAPS35-492 O!w'06. other common OHIQ- amount may be <Jf'aetef 05/13. 05l20 nation, If •h'f of the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- llurwld lullo llo0b1n~ 4J HU< -y lt"911 lo ••I•. C,allft>tt.W ml? Thi\ b1"11••\\ I\ ll>n dut led by •n 111d•••th1al H.t•• you •IMhtd do1n11 bo· 1114!~' y•f' No 111111.td John Rubbm~ lhl\ •l•temenl •h llled wllh the County 1.1 .. ,~ ul Uranjle Co;,unly ''" {f)/01/() l 200Ht4aG72 fJ•rly f'1lol May 6 I J I() ll IOOJ TI l4 reel pt'C)P9r1y de«.nbed above It purponed to be 3181 COl.l...EOE AVE , COSTA MESA, C.ltfomlt 92626 The uRderslgned TNS• dladalma any hM>itlty for eny 1nc0«9C1IWSa of the ltrMt 9dclrna end other eommc>ll dHlgnatlon. rt eny, ahown herein Said ule wllt be mede, but Without Cownwtf Of warranty expteMe<I Of tmplled. r9981UI~ tltle, pc>sMSSK>n or lhcum- btancea to pey the , • ..,..nln<;J principel sum OI the 00'9(s) MCll'ed by said Deed of Trust. With 1n~ .,.,_ .. provldlld •n UICI "°'-'(a). edvances rt eny, under the terms of M id Deed of Trust, leff. ctiergel end upeflMa of the True- lM end of the true IS Cl'Hted by .aid Deed of Trust The total emount of the unpeod l*anc:e of the obi~ ... Cured by the ~rty to be M>kl end reelOO- •ble "llm•ted co.ta. •1ts-nses •nd lld-'18nc:.a et the ume of the 1n1uet public.tJOn of the Notice of Sele 1e $186,631 29 The be,,._ f1c1ery under utd Deed of trust heretofOfe uec:uled end dellvered 10 Ille Under$tgned e wrinan ~l•r•tion of Oel1ull and Oem.nd !Of S.k! end a wnnen Notice of 0.teuh end E~llon 10 Sell The undentgned c.used uid Nouce at Oe1autt end ElectlOn to Sell to be rec:OfO!ld in the county """-" l:hlt ,.... property •• located Oete Apnl 17, 2003 PREMIER TRUST DEED SERVICES INC AS TRUSTEE Tifteny Hel'ionon. Assistant Secretary 15310 Ber ranee P.rkW•Y Irvine CA 92618 (!M9) 790- 8388 llilS OFFICE IS ATTEMPTING TO C(X. LECT A DEBT ANO ANY INfORMATION oeT AINEO WILL BE USED FOR Tl1AT PUR POSE ASAPS33Y.>S 4122 4129 SI& ..--------Pol iev --------. CLASS IFrn tAD Rj1..-, JnJ J<·.iJhn..-, Jr..-,ui...1..-.i 111 ~h.in)!t' "'11huu1 111•t1,~ Tht puhl1,h.:r r.:-.·n ... , th<' ng.hl 111 H'11'1•r rl.'< l.1"11\ r1.·\ t'ot' 11r rt'.Jl'll .tn\ d.i."1111.'d JJ\t"nhl'ml.'nt 1'1.-J'<' rc pon JO\ l.'rrr>r 1h.11 m,I\ h< in \11ur d.i"tltl'd .id 1111nwd1,1t•·I\ fh< l>Jth l'llPI .t••<'J>I• n11 l1.1htf1t\ l11r Jll) crrN tn .in ,11h,n1wnHnl l11r 11.t11,h rt m.n tx· rn1111n"hh: l'\ll'pl lor tht· u"t 111 th< 'flJ<.< .1.tu..111\ 111.<UPtl·d tw 1h~ arur t'reJ111.Jn nnh ht· .1!11111.c·J '"' lht fthl lll'<'nlllll B~· Fax 194<11 61 J .l)~Q.I By Phor w 1'flll11w: ~11-11 lh \lni l/111 Pt·r~on: 11() \\l \I HJ\ 'llr~d I 11 1,1 \k,J l •\ 4;1 ~· \l \, •1,.,,, llh·l ,\Hi' \1 S ERVICE D IRECTORY '"'•-.: .. ~•.a'W"'ll .-.lf'I>-.> "'"Iv:'"' ., lj,,all ~ •f'le.\. • P"• ""' I lou r~: ·T~kr/l•-n.·" 11 rm ~ irtpm \11 '""'' r riJ., f'edftc Yt.w M_._. Oouble C1 ave Ont ol the best loc1t1on&. Must Sell 949-939 3091 Cof ledllltal Mlmcnbllll 1160 TOP $.$ • UCo.1>$ n c .i.a. c.ar..:. £k ~ ' ms .Ill Mee. ~. bAle 8"'4JS .. ,... 949-645 7!>0!> 1310 fQUM --Of'POITmJY All rHI nt1te 1d11.,. t1s1n1 In this ntW'C>ll>f' 1• subject to the fedeul f •Ir Ho<islnc Act of 1968 1 1 amended wh!Ch m1ha It 111•1•1 to edvertlse ·1ny prefer· enct , llmlhllon or dl$crlmlnahon bestd on UICI , color. r•Hl'Ofl, Sot•, h1ndicap, lem1llel stetus or neliOn•I orlfln, or •n intention to mike any such preference, hmll•· hon« dlserlmlnetlon. • This MWllMlllM will not ~nowlntlY •ccapt eny edvertlsement for rHI Ht1te wfljch ts In 'tlotllUon of the law Our raaclt" eie llereby lnfonned tttat elf dtnll· '"" lld'lttltiAHI lft this nt....,., .. IH tleblt Oft .,. ..., ~tty bu8 To complelft of dis· ulfftlNrtloll, nl HUD tol- fr Mall I00-424 8590. $$ CASH PAM>$$ ~ ..... ._ .... .,.. -auv ESTATES ._,...,..,.,_. ' c~~s~.N:~~E.N!~ ,, ••• I' 'I l ' ''-'' .. ' I ANANCWJ PROFESSIONAL SERVICfS OFFICE FURNfTURfJ BUSINESS EQUIPMOO 2465 MedlcaWllDI ~~~~~-~ VISA FIMAMClAL Slatns Of ..... ..,..VV" .. tt.. s.,._ W.......,I Ten --------Techniques the the A I OUT IUCTltlC .utthy uw w•yday to ~ ,.._ no onaese ~ weelltl If you cost to you rt eti&ll>le tnAy dese'a to Kh!w Medicare •ccepted f1ntnctal ucurlty You ~ Ind P- must lwft thlsl I~ 4191 chan (IOOOts style) ~ l2fiO S2D V/MC/t>ISC by treet ycMJ r..-it" Cel 1 P1trlck LeMieu•. IUUlor dey' (800)835·3155 of lnestment Basia. Free (CAI..•™> w (CM. •SCM) Call 3610 ' . I .:~~ SO~cr'f8~T Fnlln SEU your stuff through classified! --~~~-~-- ••••••••• .., ..... ~ ..,.._,,_aA .................. c.-Oittr SS.SO. Mf.t1 ... -S.IS ••••••••• 1.=r.. THI BIG ONI IS HIRll St. Andr8W'1 Rummage Sale Newpott'• 8(psl & bd .ale ~ Oen.Rt loco/ choritieJI ...... ... f-orSeriouaMiip.....,& largait ~ • w.d ,Wof7.~1$3 ... t~W.criyl ... n.n., Mot •• ,...,,. fri.,,.,,, 9, -.1p11 St. Andrew's ~Church ................... ,.,..~ ,....,,.,. ..... ... ... 611.,114 Busineu Oppomintties Businesses and Fnmdllses 3905 AVO N. Cnlrept1neur wMTIC!d """ ~ """'•" to W\'11 --'fOll ""'" M yo<• own b<ts$. IN tntoY unllmftt'CI ur ""1C' let• WI< (888) ~ 40'lJ (CM. •S(AHJ - nNA.NCIAl SlCllJS Of tt.. s....-W•.tflrtl !en THhn1ques !ht lht wolthy 1151' everyday lo increw U-weahtt tt you trnly ~t to actvw f1n1nr1al \e1.u11ty You must hne 111~1 I 877 891 3260 S20 \l/MC;DISI: by P1tn;,~ Lt.Mleu a. author of "-t..-t BISIQ frM ~·S('~ - STMT A SUCCUSIUl hon-.~tf\oll~ mcny "' tlM Int mon~ S&,11»S2D.CXX> '* month 1.0.'lIIl {Bl, i-mrtUllll r ecorded m e,sa1• (CAl..°SCM) A SUIOUS HOMJ ~ S'5CXX).$20.CXX> I* month. Not ~ p. "'7-Cn (CM.•SCAN) •Amns CUAlllM07 SAllfl1DttG .-.. ....... Onr 4000 EuropHn 0.•llWt new to the U S ltemov.. du.I mtlet./ llennlul •'*O•M 811 profrh. amell lnvut !Miit. C.U Hy1tenltech toclt~ (IM)"9 9030 (CAL•SCAN) \\~ll h. \ •(am< "'J>lll nw. w..6e Jbr 1 'Iba ., .. t loc. -Mfore on the nwti.t. appm-a I !JCOo1. $otl9,tm st 9'96&71m ecao.em NlMIHTATIS f'ATIKI n NMI MATMHIWIDI USA t4t•IH..f70S WWW petrlcltttllOH.COm l.agnBeach \I "l.1\ ~ nJ.1\ f'llMl ISTAHS f'ATltKK UNOIU NA TIONWIOl USA t4t.aS6-'70S OClANfltONT I 14• OCUN Vl/.'W SHt,too AGT 94•-3tS-7212 .............. (29 2k di. to bdl. 1-'Y """"°" *i. Ill .. ~ S250ltlmo ~949) 1M ON M WA,. "*" rwit $8lil)ft a. lbol II_,.. l'IDn1e l5o2JXXl. m all b QJ!I> 965144ti1 O<IM P...otAMA lllATifTADM WW1 S4tt, ... uun JAL.I Aa T. H•·Hl--JJJt OQUPA.-••A MIAftn..,._ YllWl s•" .... manuu dT. u..-ttt·Ulf ....,....... Deadlirw~ ----~ \1,,ntLI\ l U<\d.I\ \\t-Jnc"b' Thur..f;I\ l·n.!.1' ~ f9rm \l.11lll.1' < rf ipm fu<'...i"' ;; I W ~·m V.1.'\lll<"-<l.11 'llllpn1 I 11.L" '•lur I.I\ 'urkl"' llwr ... 1 .. , ~ IW'f'm f'n•i•\ ~ IWIJ'm f n.i.., ~ ttOpm RURAL PROPERTY FORSALf RESORT/ VACATlON PROPERTY FORSAl.E M& •a ........ - SW ~stuff ttraujt cl1uified! I MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS :s•~-"--11<-.im .. " 1"'°'·' '!.kvlill"t' 1•1>1< ~ t• lf•cl!'<t w cj V'..00 mo '149 7Y:I 040J Rental To Shar! 6030 I Costa Mesa ___ _ t-CiffU aa~ Afft. w• to CclM 211 lie H.., .. '" tM<lo bey lbr " cJ.. yd 1l/ ~n••• SHOil ,., I '-'•# ~· Aw 16. nr'Pft\ ul '' n•·laM• ,, ., 444 S!e. '"" Mt-431-7SIJ j'>() '91.!l I• •••.• '•i• . ~~( . CtlM St.au 21• lie I• l lo .. w 'IN! ..: Troplt • W• ~ ' '•• 1 "'-.,.., t..• Tn ~ llllr,. Ip w d P•I I>" ,.,,. W.of•'1t11!1! t* K11on M•lt Pfff $/)'i(I mu • Mo.~ Rn ~ s~ .,.e <w9 no ,.,,8 1 , , <tUJ __ _ RfSl()fN '· ~ ......... becheb' ODAUGE 7400 I "'3u'~ "'" P"._ Ii.I 1W't S!e. :1!11 I~ 1'1b 11 ,_ COUNTY No .... SlB'> ~12!16 _________ 1 1 l.ASl$1Dl Spacious lBt Da..._ Ouplu Fp. encl yerd . INMNG "'d 2•1•1t $)59!1/rno Balboa Peninsula OCIANYllW /'fl•• , ......... , ... 'P p ~ n """C. s-1\ SI Wl. mo ~ n> M'lO Very li lbr lb• C1t•rm1n1 •l•P• lo beKh SIS90 yrh l!loM Mr-Or 9'1%1!> 1 ~ ~MYTOWW.S 1 Ds II-Gm ._,, '"' lk Wf pool ain. ••"' Ofl 8af llY d•" rm _... •• ~ Utl* ind 11100/lno ~I ..... ,... .-m lldl _.,. .... ~ l"llfllld.-.. -~ n•~ nu• :.l:OfS ~~sq m9 Newport Badt • YIMllY * UASU Rll I GRUNDY RlAl TORS ....... ,s ..... . lUe .... 117 Via 0r .... 10 48• 2 ~8a Jc ,., . Ip, ioortyd ucntairs v .. .,., '!rOlKl rno 9C9 ~7.1 UOo 'YIMlY UASI Bill CRUNC\Y RCA&. fOIS ..... ,,....,., . ...,,..., ..... f' tfl-ula StllOio Acl•linenl\ ev I Act -~l'J50 ,.., 673-7800 ...... ~ .... u._ ·.....-.-.... ~ ~""' ... .. a-.s10 , ................ lllf l bl , ltle:ely """"'*'· shlrM lellt'ld, 1110 IM.I tet II !SO UJ 1IOO _....,.._ TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE • [] Is -·-•MI I ... PE RU MA SO N co Ol 8 l 0 r. A 0 t4 c E L I A ~ I N c; ~ E . u P A s_s 18 AB TS f 1 .. B ~ ,.. RA MBO TA UT • KN Et: o• I .A I M p l "" EIT TE MFS • RI F• AT l A - - 1 '~ ..... " .. H T ft •G Ui; A A IN '!Po I E R MO S E • SE TS • . ,, FT • Newport Beadt l9 31r 2.Sl a in &•led comm w/pool spa+ Gnat 2Br 18' Unit .., prtvale ya1d SJOOOimo ~ Lt & bfW'lt. c:me Aeent 949 856-9705 to r &5hoon Is SI fllO/mo iiet. Kara 9$291-.Jm ,., Crest ~ pmbo, Q)IT'fl1 2br l .!iblt pillllO. pool/ ~ nu .-it. 19-!Clrl> 2 c pr aet s1rn 96Q3. 7IDl Newly remod 2br 2ba condo. 2 c car. p1t10, wd, no peVsmk Anol 6 I S 1950 lse 949· 759 1344 s...,. •....._~rental. 2 mstr ste.. 2.5ba. OCJl \llJ, patJo:v'balcony. Ip, pr. no pe1 aet $2«Xl 9&673 nm ~2Br 2Ba, do5e to i-il. r--4y r~ at1 pr• w/d, Ire, l\/pets/stri\I S2500/mo ~9G> llACOlt IAY /IAYWW upstao 2br I 5ba Ip, 1•r. wd hkup yr l'MI S2600/mo 949 673 8411 CMYON YUM 2•25 ~ .. COLnl ~ S2!DVnio 0.-0 S...Suo. '-4. Ill 911&-$ T100 ~ ............... Jba home, 2+ur p . prlY pabo. corml pool Yt ht 21!5._, --~ -NOTICC TO RCAOERS Caflfornoa t1w re qu11es th•t contrac tors t1k1n& tobs th1f total $500 or more (labor or m1ltr11k) be ltc-ensed by the Conl11ctor\ Stale L1c.ense Board Stile law also requires that contncton include tlietr IQnH number on an advt<'llSHlf You can clleclt lhe status o f your lic ensed con t11 c to1 11 www C\lb ca aov or 800 321 CSLB Unli· censed cont1 aclors lakona 1ob s thel total less than $500 must 'ltle In their advertisements lh•t they are nol licensed by the Contrac tors State license Boatd " ,~ ... ..., ~/8'1111 /~ Mlba~ 1!11117.> YSz:M: !WW!SSJ25 lalldll•h• AlTORNEY CWil m1111en. buatnua i.w, t..d ... I.Ind· ~ CllllU1lc:U, °*'~· liOY.-wup. ~ ............... '..tr Nm 38'. den home, ofc. hi(lhly llPtP' adl!d, .Jc, cat.ed comm w/pooA & se>a S4000/mo Short ltrm only :st 949-887 860.l Rentals Wanlld 7880 Wontadt R!ri )Q.f eat ron.i a °"'*' Prall l!mte •.ti rf/s., ... CU'llild!>-IR sltbnf ;bon 949-487 -1!'>51 VACATION RENTALS Mounlaln Rerals 79'l5 LAICI UltOWHUD JOOO.f 48r 4.56a, ac, pt, level lot w/lllke view $695/Weekly or $3000/ Monthly a&! 9$721 1721 WI ,_ .... 1411 item tltt HSJ nyl ft«t I O.Ssiflt4 .. ,...,, ('49) 642-5671 A -Z HANDYMAN Instill. reface cab111els ~ Omc 714.~72!'i8 • wJ U..lh. Custom Built ins, Crown Moldonas. Base Boards L •!>n982 949· 709·5642 c.pet Repair/Slits (tCAJt,n(tua,n~ Rep11rs, Patchona. Install Courteous 1ny size 10bs. Wholuile• 949 •92·020!> EFFICIENT AIR SYSTEMS C·20 520089 (714) 114-2007 HI N2-llOO NI (Ml) 720-G717 1•t ot IMtallatlON lfllCt 1113 ~CE PY: R • R FurnlCe & Many COO. Upgrades 75,• ITU Frolll $1511 1•.• 1TU m. $1151 Pkit Clfy pennilt, & CCIClt llOQBOll 9&4-J007 FREEIN·HOME ESTIMATES I INIPECTION SELL your stuff through classified! J -. -------- 0 IL 0 TR I llF l IAIR E EGO F l•rnS S DOT Employment 8500 a AOMIN ASSIT datad ~led.~ pr()jllCts, rese<1<ch. data entry and -KCta Ouodl.boolu. Word & Eu:~ Acceu a plus Small desen/ad fl'm Fa• IMOme 714 969-64()8 Upfl'•des, Repairs of Computer Networks £ venonp/Weekends CompeM.ove p11ces for quality ~er voe 949-136· l l 7S 714-926--422' Concnte 6 Masonry lrld llod. St-• Tile COl'lctete, Pabo. Driveway Fifepk:, BBQ Refs 25Yrs Exp Terry 714·557 7594 Computer SeMces COMPl.ffER HELP! •llrtllllt•O... ..... .......... •fllt•llt ·~ ·-,.~·· ·~~ ·Ob~ ·Q;ltl~Am>.IMc ·~~"--uc......,a...... 10Y190....-E., 71~1~2786 ' Bridge 8Y CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WHJCHsurn Boch V\llncnblc. North deals. many Year\ brid&e cdi1or of lbe New YoR: TIIT!ei, poiilled ouc lhll ~ ts 1111 ~ to I.be Nie. Wbeo you have • choice ur suits one ol which ,, divided 4-4 lllld the Othef' S-3, a.>d your on17 ~ ate in one of lhe INmJ> sud.S, il is bcntt ro select lhe IOlld suit. nu-is 111 example from I.be final of lbe AustraJJao Team £h¥npionshlps a;ome years •Jo. Sittlll& Sooth wu one of the world's great players, 1im Seres. WEST • A 5 1;>JIO NOR111 • K86 o A76• o AKJ• •Q5 0 Q 1098 .,.,,, SOOTH •OJ tOtl \} iC95 2 o Vold • 4.K 102 The bidding: NOR111 EAST lNT .... 2~ .... Jo ,_ 40 .... 5 · .._ .._ p- Openmg lad: fack of A fl.er l'lonh 's Slt'Ofll no trump, Seres started with Stayman and local- ed the 4-4 heart flt. He lbeo bid the five-card spade suit in a foccing auc, tion, and North showed a 1NX1mum no trump aad spade fit by staning a cue.bidding sequence. ~ rcall1.ed lhal there was a p<>l>)iblc hole in the heart 'uit and lha1 dfamoods would provide !"9io hean dbcard\ from hand. and so selecllld to play in the S- Hit. Convcotiooa.I w1)(Jom hlu 11 thal the mosl flc"bk: i Uil COOlnlCl.S arc I.hose with 1 4-4 trump Iii. beaiusc you can afford Ill take rulT~ m either hand without lo!img trump rontrol and the side fiv~<ard suit can pro- vide key discards. Many yc:an 40. !he late Alben Morchelid. a cioo>t lb)()Ci<llc of bly Culberuon and fOf Hisl'udgmcnt Wiili 9"\incntly CO(· r«'l. 1 six spades. all thin Wll'i required was for declarer to win the heart ldng_, k.oock OUI I.be \pllde aoe and eventually take two di\Clll'ds on the iop diamonds. Depending on the def en....: a 12th trick could be made m any n~ of way\. In the other room. Nonb-Soulb en&J in mt hearts and bad to IO§e a 111cl.; tn exh major for down ooe. Sera woo the match by just I lMP after colla:tmg 17 on tho!> deal. ORIVU /CDl (A) HaURet... SlO,axl aft.- 5 years! SOLOS to 39 c:enbi Tum to 41 cents Conll actos 10 ff1 c:enb f\let wrchat p. en. Gr ads welcome [()( 800-92!> 5556 or KllM com (CAl •SCAN) DRI VER : OWNER OPERATORS $2000 sign on bonu\ Call todey Start Monday' Great fro eKhl/m1les Require CDl A, I yeer OTR 800 4 73 S5 81 A p ply www rnber~ondrtvers com [O( (CAL •sCAN) IMtfYa: OWNfJt OPOI· A TOlti Have your own truck' Look-. for tnde ~, lllllChbr hH the toobJITetetil lo make you successful' CALL LANOST AA 888 835 38511 (CAL •SCAN) o..........{T-~ $1000 ~-on bonus We have a lot O•Nrd CA Ternw>M Atme6rw Capr~ Lones l-3X>-428 0343 Ref •IOI ([(11111 rec rut one@armelln com) eoe mllTd/v (CAI. •SCAN) QASS A CDl tn 1USt 'l'h weel!.s TUl!Jon Paod Hw-. Ellperienced OrM!rs No Cr'ed<t Clwlks No Felons lmmedl.lte Medical berle ftb I 800 781 2778 w11e en@C•lll com (CAL•SCAN) DltrVOi OWNO Ol'Ot· ATOlti ~ve your own buck? Lookonc lor bue ondepe<1dence' l•ndstar has the loob/fr~I to make )'OU sucx.es.sf\JI? I 800-711 7898 (CAI.. •SCAN) OftlVlH WANTlO Newport & Hun~ Bd> :i.et your own schedule' Part or full ltme 1v1tlable S7~/day full ltme CaH 888 004 WORK or 1ff11Y @ www.l>-O-talm Otte pesltl-for P11nt & Graphte Des11n Tam r-.::11 Sciedllost. Send resune to h1@1tu f)f1nton1com Tl f 0 GHI YOUllHOMI IM,IOVfMINT P'IOJlCT'P Call a plumber, p11ntei. hendymen, or 1ny of the arut servtees hsled here rn our service d1tectoryl TH£$[ LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TODAY! WITTHOln OIYWAU All phHes 'm/lra jobs CUA~rs, fa or, tree e5t.. l 714-639 1.447 EllclrtcllSIMCll s...,..,_. .. ,..,..1 OuncMI Eltc:trte 20Yrs Exp L~Relponie Service/Remodels L'275870 949-QiO 70.a2 Actle"h"a alactrh ttoubleshoollnc specl8hst .. ~ No toC> too tn1. U'5l586.l n~IJO Amwke k LlcenMd Elecllleal Conllacl0t Small lob• sttrtinc 11 $79.ts&..,. SpecleNziflt In Remo4elln1 & •II home WWlfll needs. Comm/lnd1111/Rea .......... ,_, ... OWNH OPUATOR TlAMSI COi. w/Hn·Mlt & Double$ 1 eq T er mu1al· Teminal Drop/Hook. Hn on Sonu$, Hei Miles. 800- 909 5664 ea I 2 10. (CAL •SCAN) OWNlR OPHATOR TIAMSI COl w/HaZ·Mat & Doublrs req Termtnal· Termmal Diop/Hook, Htre on Boous. Hoell Moles 800- 909 5664 o t 210. (CAI.. •SCAN) OWNH O,UATOlt TIA.MS! COL w/HaZ Mat & Doubles 1 eq 1 er m1nal · T ermwol Drop/Hele*, Hin on Bonus. Hoell Moles 800- 909 5664 ut 210 (CAL •SCAN) $600 up lo $1 520/ WH KL Y1 Po~tal P,9SI I ions/an nou ncemen I •N081 f.nlly Profu soonal level No upe11 ence necessa1y Paod 1< 11n1na /v•cat 1on s Green card OK Call Mond•y Saturday for •PP /onto l 800 620· 14 01 e•I 703 (CAL •SCAN) Join UllYtral FllHClll GtH,. ii rapidly upandmg Niit1ona1 Mortgage IAN«ER. at our downtown Long Beach location As a dltlCt lllOf1lale ltllder we otter 1mme<fiate in·house underwrit1ng and an incredible processing team tllat allows our loans to close wllhin 3 days Hands oo direct training wrth the latest IR mortgage technology allows our sales team to earn large monthly ~ by tUIOOlQ more loans wit~ ii tun spectrum ol ptoducts that lncludeS P.fl!lle. sul>-pnme and FHAI Loan officers with 2 + ytJrs expenence Wiii find our mwoemem path an exceptional op()OltUll1ly Clll 1·116-2fS2-1344 or F11 your '9hme lo 7Dl-f71 ·1'27 = ~Tenas~ • .,. We/#f rTllWlt. tree tr irmq & 1n5tallaloon 25 Yrs up l tC/lnsurecl 949-548-•363 Otr1yW.ti&.i. , .. _ lawns, l•wn Ae••llng, Sprinklers, Troubleshoot "Ii-Spdn& Tune ups, Repairs & Upfr a des "Heve 11:s do your Dirty Wor~" 1t4-7 U -2121 DOiJGHllTY HOTHEaS n.e F'hll T Cl.di S.O 1961 la'dlc:p r,. S«:. ~ lnsllR•P•" 71• 791·8746 TrH SGfVlce, Vaid Cle1nup, Malnlenence, S1H1nkler Rep•k . Hauhna (t4t}6SD-Ull ---------. . . Publ1$111n1 ,ROMOTIONS OlPAJlTMINT Community newspapen .., Oraoee County _._, r Ill! rme person to .,,....,_ Mid write stor oes. part.le> pate 111 c.ommunlty evenb, create and paainate i>aees and SllCbons E xcellenl commonicabon !il<ols, Work wel with the public Koow AP Style, Quart&XPreS$, Photoshop, Multi-Ad Crte- ator. Ploflcient on MAC and PC, CCI des1a:n e xpe11ence preferred Proofreadin& test Drue screerwlfl/pliys.c.al ·~ ed EOE Excellent benefot ~ Email 1esome, wrlbn& ~ Ind salMy requirements t o t.N.JOhrwl@labn-.com ' •• I ?f'ow ..... BIAy Newport 8eact1 Rell ut.te office Sloltt) ~ ~ale w1er.p r .. resume to ~21V ......... /' .... l person Ofloce PT (4.5) say c.orm-..m w/up ha resune to 949-675-2127 JOIN OUR TEAM and make a d1tference In the Californ11 Almy Nat1on•I Guard you c•n cet money for ~olle e and career lrain1 C•ll I 800 GO GUARD (CAL ·scAN) JOtN OUSt TtAM end malle a dlffeiMCe In the Caliiornoa Atmy Nation.II GUlrd 'f04J un eet money for colleee and c.- ll a11q ean 1 aoo.co. GUARD (CAI. •SCAN) JOel OUSt TlAlll and make a dlff.-ence In the Caldornt.11 Atmy NatlOl\ilf Guard you can Fl money tor C°"'le .-ld caeer IJa.rq. Cal l m-oo. GUARD (CAI. •SCAN) COllll'UT( HOME MAl#Tl#AltCI No tob too imalll EYeryth1n1 from C.pentry top~ Free eslimate c.11•-'r ,.,_zfS-'"' FIX UP SPKWJST. All types of repHs. Elec trtcal. plumblne. doors. Wiiier hMlllln. ties. & men 24tt/7days 714 366-1881 ,..,.. Cat pen try • Plumbioa Drywan • Stucco Palntona, Tiie & more 20+ Years E.aperieooef JI 114-tH-5776 id&i4iii ROllNSON COM, ANY Kltdltns. W*. Bathrooms Mark 949·650·9525 GFMMl. IEPAll ·~ * RlSidtalW . Camaall 0 Job 1bo Small Dafte.a.llloa 949-322-.1292 JOIN OUR ff.AM and tnellt • difttttnct "' "" Cellfon1 • Almy NaU...I ouarct )'OU 011 1•t money for collt&t tnd c1r-tnlnlnc. Call l· 100·00 OUARO (CA&..•SCAH Aulomobiles • AllDmadwl 9DIM Au41 'tt A4 Quet~• 2 8 V6. 29k actual ml. •ulo, sp•rkllnc red/arey Ith•. mnrf. CO, looh & s mell' new V456721 $17,495 flnanclnc avail. Siu 94t-S16· llll -.ac:,..At1 .• - IMW 740l 't6 ~ Sorent 8bVT an, Owon-. wte. 72k on. pnvid. null see. $20,500 9&3J8.994!> IMW 74Dll't6 Solver w/arey leather In ter fully loaded, $16,000 949 67!> 6006 ct..-,.ler Selorl"f c.m.. JJt ·oo J7K. V6. Metallic Kreen, Grey ont, Black top. Beautiful like new condition S 10 ,!>00 vm872412 949 586 1888 -•.0<pet.1 ... .... Ded9e '91 Vay ... r. 1 pass, whole/&• ey ml, pvl clan. 11a1aged. non/ smkr, like new cond v4Sn75 SS-495 Bk1 949 !°>86 1888 WWW ocp;Jbl $-001 J09"0" '93 lU6 4 door, 33k mt, utremety clean. I owner $14 000 ubo 949-SSS-2SSS ,.., "00 Gr-I o-.i... fKyl '/ wd. 36 .. <1CIU•I mi. s1lve111rey 1nl alloy\ l•bulOU\ like new unmarked cond 4 year .,.. ,,.,,.._ vr..m1 Sll.l!l> torm 0 Down qualified buyt!rs • 6 N"R erui.. 949-516· 1111 www.ocpolol.com i.-f .__ 'M .,.._., LE !>8k• mo whole Ian llhr dual mnr I be•u llful oroa 3 year warr 1v11I, SI 3.995 v97S7624 Broker 9 49 586 1888 -.ocpo,c..., LmMf .__ ... Ohc-v LE 58k• mo wh1le/len llhr, dual mnrf, be11u t1ful 011e 3 year w•rr avaol SI J,995 v#7~7624 Broker 9 49 586 1888 -.ocpo.c- lH.,. '99 ax JOO 4w4, black 1m1nac. S7k mo llhr, tow Pk&. rd. Hill sound, ~m .,... hid a books S:t'l..JD ~ ~AUTO IMWXIMI 1>1 ~w/Gley~ OwMdl Futyl (19334) 145,m ................ '-"" ShiMy Blldl w/perhlct lthr ln'B!%t 511( ml (19328) $24,980 ,_..11n Bi.di ~ 1:. tthr, ful records r•• find (19288) $13,980 .,..::.z- Thts Is. beautylMoonroof (19.1l4) $27.980 HIWT4'11 ,.... .. , One _,_. local ~t Sedan, 8Jelt records, chromed whls ( 19340) SZ2. !8>. ,.._ff.ZW Black w/Wheat lthr chromed whb TV/VCSV V'tdeo/Nav/ Badlup camera (19372C) $54,980 x~~ 9-y bl<, met wf"'11MC lttw. dwomed wtlls (19209) S39.98a0 Le.,_LUOO .SeJmot 'DO Bt.c:k w/crum lthr tn· ter Only 14K mt, $36,980 (l!l278) $36,!8>. /lfllZ lllU30 '00 SUV white w/lorHIZet pk& low m1 (19348) S29,980 MIZCIU20 c.....-'H Blai.k w/1>11\ llhr, 1.hrOITW!d Will$' 119:•m $26.980 ·-·'---8ur-·· 949-574-7777 f'taLl'S MITO ,..., __ c.R NEW2003 MINI COOPER LEATHER, CO &~ i1~,J4~ I ATTllSPRK:E (lf.AllO') • OTHER AT SIMLAR SAmGS! • LITS MOT~ ITT FUN •••••••• ~ fllEWAY @ £.WW SNflA AHA AUTO llWl ~~(Ill) 823-9808 McMng6Sblgl PUBLIC NOTICE .. Dl_ery .... VI, CWtllltd 1242046 HO,tts Mwca4H'Ollef0 <240 like MW, lOlcMd ..Ol41N $t4,ttS DIN..ety'otSI VS. loecled l lk mi, Pr lof Rental •7S0601 $3',ttS o~.,..,·oo• V8.Leether.OuatSun Roof1, Cei'hfted •24122 $20,HS DIK-.rf 'O l SI V8. leelher. Duel Sun Roofs, Certified •72S22S $24,tts GMC 'Ol Yuli- 0-11 • Luther, Sun Roof, • 9 Pn'8n&er •199120 $SS,9,S Oltt•very ·oo II V8,Leather,Loaded, Certified •142119 $20,99S GMC'OOY .. _ 0--'I h4, Low Mo, Blk/Blk, Cust Chrome Wheel" '22146 $26,995 •-..••v•r'os Ultimate Luaury SUV Ill I l 49S $67,lts Olscavery '99 Only 23K Mt, Cettthed 1120S9SI $20,995 WIDIOVB llWPOIT IWJI 640-'44S MercadH '96 C210 beautiful black/trurn fully loaded, \howroom on/out. Sll.5 714 751 2464 MHClDlS 3001 '90 Buraundy, I owne•: eacell~nl cond new tores, records f'P $6500 949·6'1-8S40 Marcecle1 '99 SS20 L WB !>2k m1. J yr woor av<tol, s1lv" t blk llho beaut or111 cond v87S241 $24,995 f1n.tncon2 aool 6kr 949 !)116 1888 -.ac:pat.1 ...... Men acla1 'II S60 Sl wh1te11an. 1mm•~ n,u. 11115 ~ ·--di k1l. Chun,,. S14.0D 714 hi 2E' "'''"" '91 Sentro GU l okt ntw to1d~d •uh• moonrool alloys 111 .. 74k mo $5900 714 ~I ?464 POISCNI 'O l IOlllfll Black w/11•'1 9,000 ml, perlect concl, '39,950. Ht-71S-0170 ,OUCHI emf 'H red, re1tored, be1u. $20.000 °' be•t otter 9"9 &75 eoos ,., <JlUISla "01 rn INdtd. 8000 ml, Clnnl· 1mon, p«f cond PP $17,500 Ht~Ul-H40 TOYOTA CAMRY WANYID for pmtlt perty 1995 to 1997 Ot Corolla In sood conil1tlon NO DEALERS! C1U 949 515-0337 etl•r 6 00 AUrOMCa.EI, MISC8JMEOUS Wlnlld 9CM5 .... o,..w.I ~ °""' ~ ....... ••Ill wil fllY 1 vwy fllil" pro tor .,,,._ , car Van or trldl ptld far or not Cal Didi Rey @ Tomilt.o Auto S.. m Ul 1931 "' 7l.a.J28. ll2B CASH fOl CAlS WI NHD YCMHI CAa ,AID fOll OI NOT ,HIWf'S AUTO ASk fOI MAl.COlM t4t-S74-7717 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES HOMl MOUGAGl LOAMS towel mt•est ram A.I uedrt types No pre payment petllltlel Best \trv"r on the \l•le Cakforn11 OffC [~lfUll F IJl1dlne <:.JI now P>-720 8969 '101 (CAL •SCAN) BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 ... ~ to 4511 'ttrflflV i-n 14> tu IJ f Gr1 loci B.y ~ (;ova Pvt OIXJi./' waler el!lct m !MC}~ rrnn fi73.l!Kl Un Sl.W AVAii.AiU IN NIW,ORT llACH S2SOO lLASI 949·SOO-IOOS PLUG IN Plug onto the Pilot Class1f1ed ..,ect1on to fond servtCes from electronics and plumber'>. to landscapers and painters ,., .. Daily Pilot Cl.t'-~•fu •d < 01111tu11uty M .1rt.• tpl.u c 0.-.'1 ...... 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