HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-12 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• 10 - Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, MAY 12, 2003 IN BUSINESS A CLOSER LOOK Council weighs cost of election With money an issue, Costa Mesa city leaders tonight will try again to find a fifth member. If they fai l, it could lead to a $95,000 special election. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Despite a proJected S4-million budget shortfall. C.ny Council members seem 10 be headed down an me~orable path 10 a -;peaaJ election to replace former Mayor Karen Robin.son, al a cost of abou1 S95,000. 1\.vace in the past weeks. the council has failed to break a deadlock. SEAN HILLER I DAILY P1l OT Above, painter Hector Angarita puts the finishing touches on the front entrance to the newly remodeled Balboa Bay Club. The newly expanded and refurbished Balboa Bay Club and Resort, as seen from the beach below, will officially open Wednesday. becween the two applicants who survived the whi ttJing down of the appoint· FYI Redrawing a landmark ment process: Milce Scheafer and Eric Bever. Torught. Ill a special meeting. the council will try again to sur· mount the im- passe. One of the options will be appomnng an I mterim re- pla~ment who The City Council will hold its special meeting tonight directly after the Redevelopment Agency meeting, which starts at 6:30 p.m., in the council chambers in City Hall. n Fair Drive The 55-year-old Balboa Bay Club breathes new life into itself with a $65-million expansion that formally opens Wednesday Paul Clinton Daily Pilot W hat a long. strange trip It has been for Beverly Ray, who is set to unveil her new BaJboa Bay Oub & Resort on Wednesday after a 12-year odyssey that began U:i the early 1990s with her late hus- band Bill era by cutting the ribbon on a lav- ish, $65-million expansion to open up more of the dub to the public and fulfill a dream Bill Ray never saw realized. ·1 think he·d be thrilled with it: Beverly Ray said of her late hus- band. ·1 th.ink it's very different from what he planned, but it's a good fit for this property. I le aJ- ways admired my vision.• Ray, the chairwoman of owner would serve until a special elecuon as held in November. That's asswrung the council members can even agrtt on an interim replacement Ideological cWJer· ences. which have thwarted a compro- mise so far, threaten to do so again. At Wednesday's opening. Ray and the Bay Oub will begin a new See LANDMARK, P•1• M KENT TREPTOW /DAllY PILOT "Ideology is much more lmponant !than costl because if we keep doing what we're doing. we're wasting money on things the status quo woe is doing,· said Councilman Olris Steel. "Take the Job Center. The cost is about $75,000- S 150,000 of what the city pays. Drop that and there's the speaaJ election nght See CLOSER, Pqe M -Cruise-strings together many stories More than 100 passengers board an Adventures at Sea boat for a Mothe r's Day jaunt. Co~al Wiison Daily Pilot Yenrures at Seas boat. Dream On. set the scene with music, flowers, lunch and a view as it slowty trav- eled the length of the harbor. ·Mom. I love you so much.· Stephanie Cole, 11 . said she tells her mother an the time. Since Stephanie's mom started a new job. she said the time spent together bas become even more valuable. K£NT TREPTOW /DAA.Y PM.OT Lori Hasrnan watches her son Collin, 4, point out boats as her husband Jim looks on during a Mother's Day cruise Sonday. Many mothers ~ special j~ having their children beside them. But a mother's day auise on New- port Harbor Sunday afternoon made the day ew:n more enjoyable for more than 100 passensers. The Newport Beach-based Ad- ·All I can give you is lh.is -all my love.· Natalie QWror.. 11, said she told her mom that morning along with a card and a promise for lunch. Both children started the day off by cooking breakfast for their THINKING ALLOWED Haven't the voters already spoken? S alary for a Co1ta Meaa City Council member: $9,096. Money wuted on stalemate votea until November. ThoUMOda. Coit of a 1pectal electlon: $95,000. CompromJse: Prtcelett. Slnce that wont doea not lffDl to be tn the vocabulary of the Colt& Meta Ctty Council, hen ii the deftntdoG llvtn lrl Webtter'I New World Collele OlctlOIM,UJ, dllrd tdidon; ~An adjulaneot of oWOllDI prindplel. .,.._, etc. by moclltylns tome MptCtl of-"· -•••c.,._,J Ate.i~ cwo .-•,. lna coancr-.. row, the councU will once again con1lder tonight appolntlng candidates to tlJJ the teet left empty by rormer m•yor Karen WlaHn. lf they are ll!Pln 8nable to Mttle oa a111ndklate. the ....... mott likely :::.:s:= held In Hun •1n collfuftcdon wtcb the CGuMI ......... •• lhOuld DOt bi taken lightly, we call all apee with that, but let's put things lnto fOCU$. We just h8d an election. A:& I ttea1l. only nve people ln the dty wanted to be Oty Council members .U montlu qo. 'lbete ,... people spent houn t c~~ debating. funcl·ralatna arid pndntu.1\lwo of tbein an oa dll41111. two of chem....,,. on the Plln• .. C.:m'wan llid the ftftb II ..,... .. _...., ........ ~ ~._aa<>r-.C-.Calete-Naw.J!llle•...._•,...._....,. bundat ... to ..w dliedlJ. Aad llllUJQ B•PljilM mothers. They said they love their moms despite the ocx:asional fights and disagreements. The cruise also brightened what would have been an o~ ~ holiday. Marie Martin said her husband and two sons don't often ~ their apprecia- tion. and that she bad to buy the auise tickets herself. "Just cut a flower, that's an I need.. Martin said "I just want to feel appreciated.• even so. she said she kM!S be-Lns a mother. Prom making the commitment with her ht.ast.nd. and ~ their chiJdren inlo adultbood. Martin said die whole Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON11EWD: --.~com ~-""',,,.,. .... ._,_AZ tNYIEEn ......... 0.... ..... 3 11•AMlill , ... .. dDIMI• aa:u .... W ...... process IS fulfilling. "When you don' always get rol- fee in the morrung, or flowers. or a hug-i(s OK.. she said. ·Mocher- hood gives you a purpo!le. It pa you meaning and something to strive for.· Martin's sons admitted tba1 while they don't always express their loYe. their mother's sacrifices are appreciated. William Martin. 15, said she has kept him on t:rd and out of trouble. Mkhed Mar- tin. 8. ~ grinned whh a big. toothy smile. ·Pretty mucta rm spoUed. • Mi· S.. CIUSE. hp A5 c.I ........ .. J f I 'UCl. .. 1,llt .. 111Wlllill1 I Prliilllla .... 1J1u•CIUI ,... .. / A2 Monday, May 12, 2003 .. YOUR . " BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT KEHT TREPTOW I DALY PILOT Miss Sixty in South Coast Plaza is noted for its unique design features. such as these changing rooms. Miss Sixty offers 'perfect' ~t The clothing chain, with its only location outside of New York at South Coast Plaza, offers a retro look. Paul Clinton Da1lyP1lot Strolling into South Coast Plaza's Miss Sixty quickly brin&" back retro mental images from "Barbarella• (Jane Fonda's bubble space ship), "The Brady Bunch" (the '70s vintage outfits) and even the Italian minimaJ- ism of Anton.ioni's "Blow Up.· It's a wailc back in time, as wdl as a jaunt into che future, store managers say. for chic womens clothing. Customers are greeted by a sym- metrical, 12-foot taU stainless steel door wich a dozen conical portholes. White globe lights hang from the ceiling. Tungerine-colored racks dot the store'riandscape. Four bulbous, screen.<XJYered pcxb. known in Italian as • camarinis," are dl.15tered at the back of the store as ~ room& Silhouettes of cus- tomers trying out Miss Sixty's edectic clothing are thrown up~ the pod "One of the main thing'I is having that edge; not to bring it too far, but making it hot and sexy.· said J.D. Diaz. Mis.s Sixry's general manager. Mis.s Sixty. a subsidiary of Italian clothier Sixty Spa. calls South Coast P1az.a its only home en the ¥kst Coast. The only two other stores are in Ne\vYork. In January. the specialty store won a design award at the International St.ore Design Competition in New Yock City. The dothing offered by Miss Sixty. which opened in September. is as ec- lectic as the store itself Perhaps the hottest seiler is the Dublin trousers. loose-fitting stone- washed denim pants that sell for $169. The first shipment of the pants were gone the first day they arrived. mostly to the 200 customers who added their names to a waiting list. Diaz said. Short sldrts. in denim, have also been popular. A pair can be had for $99. Over the past few months, milit.ary- styled clothing has come into fashion. Diaz. said The fatigue cargo pents. selling for $189, have been moving well. Diaz said, The stores' bread-and-butter item. Diaz said, are the seven varieties of the Extra Low Tummy low-rise jeans. ranging from $139 to $159. The Segerstrom.s, who own South Coast Plaza. have enjoyed the exclu- sivity of the store's only West Coast lo- cation. sald plaza partner Anton Seg- erstrom. MShort of going to New Yort. you have to come to South Coast Plaza to go to~ Sixty," Segerstrom said ~It's a perfect store for South Coast Plaza..· BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS Newport homebuilder reports rise in income William Lyon Homes. on Thursday, reported a 57% rise in bottom-line in- come for the first quarter, as compared to a year ago. The Newport Beach-based home- builder reported income coming in at $4.88 million, or 49 cents, up from $3.ll million, or 29 cents per share, during the first quarter of 2002. William Lyon benefited from a rise in new home prices. which offset a decline in saJes. The company recorded Its 20th consecutive quarter of positive eam- 1.n&", a string dating back to April l 998. "We continue to make significant strides l.n improving and simplifying our capital structure," said Ollli.rman and Olief Executive Wtlliam Lyon. William Lyon, which sells homes in California, Nevada and Arizona. saw net new home orders fall 19% to 757 from 935. The average sales price for the company's California homes, during the quarter, was $545,800, a 32% jump from a year ago. Shares of WlS closed out the week. during trading on the New York Stock Exchange, at $30.35. logging a l .85CJli rise Friday. Costa Mesa office building purchased for $2. l million A Buena Park-based investors' group has purchased a two-story con- crete tilt-, office building in Costa Mesa. Orange investment Partners hip closed escrow on the 19,271-square· foot property in Late April. The group purchased it for $2.1 million, a com· mercial real estate firm said. The building is on 1.4 acres of land at 3587-3589 N. Harbor Blvd. Engi- neering firm Marmac Field Services occupies 11,000 square feet of the building now. About 75% of the building is com- prised of office space. The remaJnder is available for industrial uses. Orange Investment Partnership bought the property from Fielder Family Trust of Orange County, O\UM Commercial Real F.state Services said. DAUM's Chris Migliori brokered the sale along with Mike Miesenbach and Brian Garbutt of Lee & Associates. BEST BUYS It's time to slip into summer wear Collection. They're known for f'and.fu1 mbn.e of texn1reS and patterns. placed wbh . A 'Maren added more spring/summer collections of designer women's clothing. The new Unea indude Valentino, Bottega Venetta. Project AJat\ama, Hartford. hmya WbaJ:aoabe, Saaare jewelry and clothing, and Ou1sdan Louboutin shoes. The boutique's established designem Include Peter c.ohen. Marni. Dries Van Noten. Dosa. Loro Plana. GREER WYLDER unexpected oolor oomblnations. Amusive black and~ dmed ttalo table helps disPaY the tella cotta plates. enamelware. porcelain and glassware. OYerwbelming selection of home accessories found here: bathroom ~~picture frames: rugs; and furniture. Also a selection of gift illiDs featured Yohji Yamamoto, Easton Pearson. Lucien Pillet F'lnet. 'Il'ansit. Balendaga and Adriano Goldschmeid jeans. Open t1>'am. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday; I 0 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturda)4 1649 Westcliff Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 642-4423. FIND THIS Pl.ACE Rand McNally carries the best in travel accessories, maps and guidebooks. World wall maps, flags of the wodd and c.annin GPS Navigation satellite systems that help with directions sell well here. Students can find JaoSport badcpecb. and travelers can buy durable P.agle Creek luggage. Thomas Bros.-brand Guides. personal care packing items and more. even fun kjds travel games to keep them busy and occupied Open IO am. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; IO am. to 8 p.m. Saturday; 11 am. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level 1Wo, South Coast Plaza. (714) 545-99o7. www.randmcnaJJystore.rom. CLOTHES LOVERS UNrTE Paris-based designer~ a is mown for her aisp white cotton shirts. wardrobe staples and fashion forward collections that include shoes and accessories. Year-round hign-quaJity basics -suiting. white and black sweaters and T-shirts for every occasion -make Agnes 8. boutique a major shopping destination for clothes lovers.. The collections are fun, with dean lines and ~ style. The 8. evertast line - Agnes. B. does some ~ labeling with Everlast -spedalizes l.n sporty active wear. knit pants, skirts. sweaters and more. 1Wo sales a year. after Christmas and usually in July. Open 10 am. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; I 0 am. to 8 p.m Saturday; 11 am. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level 2, South Coast Plaza. (714) 241 -5928. from mostly LA.-and N.'t·based artists. Open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Priday; 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday; 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. ~ l.tMI 2. ~ from J.O!N4 South~ Pla:za. (714) 549-2900. u.uwcorMiapart.com GO EUROPEAN 'The finest names in European men's dothing can be foWld at Bernini c:oledkMi. The fashion spectrum is canied here: from conservative to trendy. Hard-to-6nd high-end designers include: Bdoni for Italian suits priced from $3.500; ZiW French leather and suede jacS.eb, D' AYenza handmade suits from Rome; and ThiaTy Mugller French-fitted ad ting. Sportswear b Crom German designer c.arlo CoUucci. The only place to find c.an.all casual. business and fonnal wear in the mall Open 10 am. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; 10 am. to 8 p.m. Saturday; 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m Sunday. Level 2, aaoss from Cole Haan. South Coast Plaza.. (714) 432-1786. wwwbemini.com SHOP ANO RAISE MONEY You can shop for a ·Shop for a Good c.ause· at J. JUI from 2 to 6 p.m. Thursday. A Qnporate Tea includes an afternoon of hors d'oeuvres, shopping with J. Jills wardrobe specialist and a 10% discount on purchases made that day. Also. a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the J. Jill Cocnpa$ion Fund which helps women and children in need. J. Jill is aaos.s from Apple Computer near Robinsons~May at Fashion Island (949) 640-9364. FEEL PRETTY ¥nef M.lchelle, Balboa lsland's boutique for fashion followers, . expanded Its tiny location by occupying its next door neighbor's space. It now offers more fashions from popular LIKE A DIVA labels and emerging designers. Unes Becoming one of Madonna's favorite come from Development. Devan. Mella designers helped put Domenico Dolce & Kai. Seven. Laroste and a vast and Stefano Gabbana on the map. collection of Juicy Couture. There's also Dolce and Gabbana even designed a new bath and body bar for F.r~go costumes for one of her world tours. candles, custom scented oils, lotions Their everyday wear line and evening and shower gels in orifJnal gift boxes. wear for young men and women can There's even chic handbags. ~ries be found at D Ii G Boutique at South and shoes. A grand opening event to Coast Plaza. 0 & G attracts trend celebrate the large space complete with followers who can afford their high-end deejay. cocktails. hors d'oames, and a denim, shirts. dresses with built in bras, · preview of new fashions is at 6 p.m. bustiers. shoes and glasses. Open 10 Thursday. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. a.m. to 9 p.m Monday to Friday; 10 Monday to Wedneeday; 10 un. to 7. am to 8 p.m. Saturday; 11a.m.to6:30 p.m. Thunday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to p.m. Sunday. Levd 2, next to Cole 5:30 p.m Sunday. 3'17 Marine Ariterwe, Haan. at South Coast Plaza. Balboa Island. (949) 673-2150. EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED Comella~ sh<MUSeS the works of Ridlard and Victoria MacKenzte-Oillds and canies their entire MacJCenzie-Oilld Home •BEST BUVS eppeere Mondeyl Md Fridays. Send Information to Gn9er w,tct. at g~flyahoo.com; 11t330W. Bev St, ea.ta Mesa, CA 92627; or bV fax M (949) 64M170. Daily__A Pilot ConlWleon News assistant. C949l 574-t298 coral.wi'-onOt.tl~m PHOl'OORAl'HER8 Sun Hiller, Don l.99c:tl, Kent TIWP(OW Box 1560, eost. ~.CA 92628. CoP'fl'ight No new9 eton.. lllultratloM, edltoriel matter Of adVertleementa herein can be reproduced without written permlMlon of COPVrlgtn owner SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST end will lncrM• to between 16 •nd 20 knota 1fter noon. Expect 1-to 3-foot W8V9S with southern ~ta et 5 feet VOL 97, NO. 132 News Edleof9 Gina Alexander, Lori Andef90n, Denlel Hunt. Peul s.ltowitz, DenlefS~ NEWllTAff cnme'=r~ ~. , .. , 51'-4228 ~blNnfh•l«l,,,_com --=·· NtwpOtt NPC>fW, CMl 574-4232 Ju,..,...,,,.,••"""'--com .... Clllllllt Pofltb, buelnem end env'.ror.mem f'tiPOr*, , .. , ~ pNl.difrlOfl•MdtM&oom ........... ~ ........ ,..,..,. CMIPM2'71 ld#ll.,.,,,,.,...,,,_oom READERS HOTUNE (949) 642«1811 '*:lord your comments about the Delly Pilot or new. tlpe. ~ . Our eddrMI II 330 W. Bey S!-. CoN ~.CA 82827. Offtce houre .,.. Mond9y • ff1dey, lt30 1.m. . 6 p.m. eon.c11 .. It II Ute PlloJ'9 policy to PfOfnCJCfY oon-=t ell en-on of subiqnce, .,..... cell (94817&Ml24. FVI TheN.wpott ~ ...... Dally Plk)t CU8f'S.14"WOO) II publlehed dlllly. '" N.wpoft ...,, end c-..-.... eub9oltpllc)M.,. ~only bVtubeottt»lnt '°The T1mea Or-. County CIOOI 212 .. 14\. .,, --OUlllde of NIMport....,.,.. c-. MIN; ....,,... .. .., ... o.MyNot.,. HOW 10 REACH UI ~ The Tim• O,.noe County (800) 252·9141 Adw91 ... . Cl I .... (IM8) M2•&e78 '*'*' (948) 842~1 ......... ..... (MIM2~ ....... llMll 574-4223 ..... ,_ (IMI) 14&4170 .._.. ,_ CIMll llJC>.0170 5o4Mll: dMlyp/lot•t«lmMcom ........ ..... _ ... (!Ml) 142"'321 .... -,_ (IMl) 831·712f In"" 1nner--. ~ for ....... of10W.. Both ...... w111 ... petcny fog In the morning end late evenings. SURF A amaffer Mt of eouthwtiJt twtffa roU In ewer the nut two deyl. &pec:t moet to come in .. ahoutdef-end chellt-Hgh W9WI. Wtcll 1e1d9v, look for ewnlhortw-. w......-r. www.alrltfd-.org ~·. Colti Mejj......,,..., ~, ~w•...,..oom Qmt • I Cllllle 16.aaada" ,.,...,, Mt~ ..........,,. ...... ..,,, wall• .. only.., ..... met! -ao per ""°""" IPl1oee .,,_... .. 1H•a••-end toolt 18W.) l'OITMAITBt lend .... PublllMd by Tlmea Community ....... ~oflMLol~ nw.. or._,"""' llllmoon wtrde ldddf'I up to """°"'" IOfne loCldoN. ............ out of TIDES n- 7•.m. 1:12p.m. 7:40p.m. 2:0t p.m. ....... '°The N11t•Ofl le9cM:Ollla Mele o.ity ,_,P.O. Cl2003 Tlmie CM. All ..,.. ......vect. ........... , ... _.... 2..faal---. Out .... , wlf*wllbe10""°"or• Monday. Mdy 12, 2003 COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION City looks to prevent runoff Planning Commission will consider amending the city's general plan to change water quality policies. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -A national water board says the city needs to focus more comprehensively on protecting the Santa Ana River from pollution when dealing with new development and significant redevelopment or pay stiff fines. On Monday, the Planning Commission will consider changing the 2000 General Plan to incorporate additional water quality protection and storm water quality management policies. II also has to submit its own local plan to the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. Both are required as part of the National Pollutant Dis- charge Elimination System. This is the third time the city has had to take specific steps to qualify for a permit by the board. Each time, the require- ments were built upon the pre- vious steps. ·11-.. a good idea to protect against urban runoff and pol- lutants into the ocean and we 'lhouJd do our best to contrib- ute to that effort,· said Plan- ning Commissioner Katrina Foley. The board issued Costa Mesa's first permit in 1990 10 the Orange County Stormwater Program -a partnership be- tween the county, all cities within Orange County and the Orange County Flood Control District. The program focused on gathering data about exist- ing conditions and setting up an initial set of improvement measures aimed at known wa- ter quality deficiencies. The second "permit, issued In 1996, built upon the knowtedge gained during the first permit period. Its goal was to improve water quality incrementally. The city's OW1) plan wiJI de- scribe how It will meet or ex- ceed the requirements mea- sures laid out by the county in its Drainage Area Management Plan. It will also include specific thresholds for issues like the amount of soil distwbance and storm water runoff. New devel- opment and significant re- development projects are sub- ject to national storm water permit requirements if they ex- ceed these thresholds. Some recommended new general plan policies include: • Avoid conversion of areas particularly susceptible to ero· sion and sediment loss and/or establish development guide- lines that identify these area<; and protect them from erosion and sediment loS&; • Promote integration of storm water quality protection into construction and post construction activities, as re· quired by the National PolJu· tant Discharge Elimination Sy'>· tern Stormwater Permit and 1he city's plan; • Implement urban runoff po1Ju1ion conlrol meac,ure!> and programs to attempt to redun· and control the di..ch.irge of pollutants into ~lorm dram., 111 the maximum t:l\tent prall1 cable; • And coordm<tle with othl'r local government agenc1e<> on countywide land uc;e is ... ue.., IO maintain a watershl'd·ba .. ed approach In land m.e. nood control and nonpoint c.,oun:c• polJution prevention. The ci1y must adopt ll!> plan by July. MEETING PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA Here are a few things the Planning CommJsslon will discuss at tonight's meeting. PLANNING APPLICATION The site, 2665 Harbor Blvd., has been vacant since Sept. II, 1995, when the Bel Congo Motel was demolished. In October 1997. the Planning Commission approved a conditional use permit to establish and operate a new/osed car dealership with an exception to allow auto display within the front setback area. The commission approved three extensions for this permit, with the last on June 25, 200 l. Construction was never initiated and the permit expired in 2002. The initial proposal for this permit included a mobile modular office as a sales/rental office with similar landscaping improvem ents. But the plan was not coni.istent with the qua11ty of recent and anticipated development along this portion of Harbor ¥Boulevard. The applicant has rede'>igned 1he proposal to indude the construction of a new permanent building for office~ and interior display, wi1h architectural element<; to compll'ment recent dewlurnnent in the '>Urrounding area. WHAT TO EXPECT Slaff '>Upports this request .,1mc 11 mei.hes with the quality of recent and anticipated development along II!> portion of I !arbor Boulevard. 230 Eo$1 17 St. • Co$lo Me"° (949) 722-7224 www r~sondco s com Fri I • 10-5 No maltef v.ilat you're doing, your hometc:Mfl new5papef R1S INm Daily Pilot FYI WHAT: Coat• Mesa Planning Comml .. lon WHEN: 8:30 p.m. tonight WHERE: Conference Room 1 A, City Hall, n Fair Drive INFORMATION: (71 4) 754-5245 AIRSPACE SUBDIVISION Steaks• Seafood• COc:ktails ._. ·QuaUry Seni(lC*•• ..... N"agbdy Entenaio.meor"' .. 8289:ir~ IATTml.EAS£ The site, at 380 Qlnton St., is a 46,800-square-foot industrial building and is occupied by a manufacturing company. The applicant proposes 10 spill the airspace into three industnal condominiums. No physical changes Lo the property or existing building are propo!>ed at this time. Approval would allow each of the three tenant spaces to be sold separately 39 -LEASE DI APPROVED EICEWIT CREDrT WHAT TO EXPECT Staff recommends approving the subdivision. -O>mpiled by Deirdre Newman • Semi·Provote for Men & Women • Loh of Equ1pmenr free Weights • Private P1lotes Studio • SPINNING Theo1e1 L1,ensed • 16 Fu ll Tome Personal Trainers • Child Core Som noon M F •Ample & Conven1enr Pork1n9 • Yogo Too Cho. Streich classes • Step, Power Pump Cordia • Showen, Steom & Towels • Shope Up Doy Spa • Shope·Up Acupuncture/ Massage 949760-5054 2524 llAR80I lllD. COSTA MESA TAlllSSFWY un FAii Da. TO HAUOtl )' ')(-~ 4 I - www.shape-up.com • www fitnessconcepts.com 2101 Eost Poc1frc Coast Hwy, Corono Del Ntor, CA 92625 • Al MAY CALENDAR OF EVENTS Wednesdays Networkers umcheon leads Group ·' 45 a,,.. • c • 1 11 11 1 Got r,, • r-• ~ 1: "City of tk jtrts" Mondav May 5 Education Committee 7 30 arr rt·,ambt: JlllCt; MARCH NEW MEMBERS Alpha SysteRU Lab, Inc. Rose Hwang 1690 Scenic Ave. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/82>1818 voice 714/82>1800 fu Glna'9 ~ & PtUtarla Michael Led~er 2701 Harbor Btvd.. fJ Costa Mesa. CA 92626 714/4~131 I voice 714/434-4909 fu Aneerlcan H~e Loo,.. Victor J. Jimenez 2900 Br11tol Street, 18302 Cotta Mesa, CA 92626 714/70S-8700 voice 714/7os.8706 fax Pfat#nwn l'toplrltn lntemat#onel Shane Fozdar 3500 Banana Pkwy .. f 100 lrvtne, CA 92606 949/552-4505 w6Qe 949/552~784 (u 'noeetu Mk:hael WhJtbord 1835NewportBlvd .• 1£168 Cotta Mela. CA 92627 949(122-9200 votce 949(122-9216 (u Co.ta Me.a Conference & YU/tor Bureau Carol Heywood P.O. Box 5071 Costa Mesa. CA 92628 714/43>2 I 09 voice 714/4~22 fax JL Dnlgn Enluprl•e., Inc. Robert Frichtel 170 McConnlck Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/479-0240 voice 714/479-0152 fax RJ.chard Valente General Contractlllf Rk:hard VaJente 209 Loyola Road Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/751-2227 voice 7t4/7~nrax Rallntahrs, Inc. John T. Hawley 864 W. 18th Street Costa Mesa. CA 92627 9"'9/642-6506 voice 949/642-8066 fax ~ A.Nodatn llnllo,.. Larry Weichman I 525 Mesa Verde Drive E. t 11 I Costa Mesa. CA 92626 714/~votce 714/444-4223 fu Tweeter. Ribbon cu._lnt MARCH RENEWALS 29~a,..ll/ Orange County Marketplace 16~a,../I Roy K. Sakloka & Sons 14 ~a,..// John Wayne Airport Arlene Schaler Vagabond lnn Costa Mesa Senior Center Johnson. Hart & Dyson MSC Software DaJly Pilot l:l~a,..I/ Amel Management/ Metro Pointe Mesa Verde Country Club Taco Mesa Union Bank-Superior Avenue II yea,..// Office Depot 10-yHnll Hoag Memorial Hospital ly.rel Alyala Borgnwl, DDS Sea Lark Motel 8 yea,../ (continued) South Coast Metro Center Toyota Racing Development Colt Drapery & Carpet Cleaning Emulex Corporation Griswold Industries 7 yttirs! Farmers Insurance Group of Companies Syearsl Performance Plus Mortg~ Realty 4 years/ Carpet Depot Chlpotle Grill 3years/ Way To Go Construction Newport-Mesa Federation of Teachers Experian Z years/ Camden Martinique Apartments Wor1d flnanclal Group TheCMlp ./ PLEASE MEET • ICH AN AQm-a.-.f/'*- WeichmM\ Assoc *' RN"°'1 l wry WeichlN.n 1 S25 Mew Vetde Of. East. Ste 1111 Co.ca Mesa, CA 92626 71<4/444-HOME \'Olce 71-4/444-4223 fax www.WekhmanRea9'on.c:iom ALLAY Chiropractic Or. Scott G1llespie, O.C. 2013 Newport Blvd. ~~.CA 92621 949/51 S/4441 \illDio 949/51 ~330 fa. dacol0.2~11.mm IUC.twd ..... JOt t.Ojia&I .., Coil MIN, CA 92626 71051-2227 ¥Oic:e 7141'151·ll72,.. . ............ Monday Mav 5 Tuesday Mav 6 Tuesday May 6 Thursday Mav 8 Tuesday May 13 Financial Committee Executive Committee 7 30 a rr t drT b • 'i ~ legislative Committee Noon -nan bP.r ~ f Boanf of Directors Luncheon Ambassadors Committee Nooo "harnbi J'1 r Thursday. May 15 90-Minute Breakfast Boost DARK Friday, May 16 Annual Les Miller Student Aw11u Brw1kfnt / 15 9 J m I H1lt0<1Co~t.1 ~~r,s;i 1050 Hns101 S reet CM 1 Wednesday May 28 After Hours Business Mixer 530-730pm l Wtngou1s Restaur.1n1 3030 Harbor Blvd Turnip Rose Mixer Ambassadors lvao Avendano of Office Depot and ' • .. -. M Monday, May 12, 2003 LANDMARK Continued from Al Jntemational Bay ~ Oubs Inc., took up the project shortly after Ray's death in December of 1991. An earlier City Council bad re- jected Ray's expansion plans. in JuJy or that year, saying a hulk- ing, 300-room resort would be too towering. But on Wednesday. the much downsized Bay Oub expansion Connally opens its doors to offer 132 rooms, a restaurant and piano lounge to the public. Right up front, Bay Oub man- agers say they'll offer first-class service with their top-notch ho- tel. Ultimately, they hope to se- cure the Southern Qlifomia Auto Oub's coveted Five Dia- mond rating, given to only the upper echelon of hotels. • "Mrs. Ray made it very clear to me that she wanted to have a first-class facility, n said Henry Schieleln, the club's president "What intrigued me was the op- portunity to build a new resort. That's always exciting." The Four Seasons, In Newport C.enter, is the only Five Diamond hotel in Newport-Mesa. The newly built resort, mod- eled after an Italian villa. has been built to reOect the club's storied past while, at the same time, keeping an eye to the fu- ture. Built in 1948, the Bay Oub.was once a favorite getaway for I loUywood celebrities such as John Wayne. Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall. Ronald Reagan - before he won the White I louse -and others. Like hil> on-screen persona "The Duke." Wayne is celebrated by "Duke'l> Place," a bar with glo:,.'iy framed photos of the ac- tor across its walls. Live ja7.z can be heard nightly. Wayne, a fonner club governor \vhose WI.Id Goose yacht WclS a mamstay in Newport Harbor, h~ a.bo had a top-Boor suite named after him. The presidential suite has been named for Reagan. ALLOWED Continued from Al tnMead of garnering a large percentage of the residents votes, they only need three council member's votes - which has proven to be almost the more difficult task. I have to hand it 10 Councilmen AJlan Mansoor and Oiris Steel for their determination to get Eric Bever on the council. They want a majority on the council and they are willing to fight for 11. I af<.o admire Councilwoman I.Ibby Cowan and Gary Monahan for being equally Mubborn in not letting them have the ir "Improver" voting block -a concept that is terrifying to many residents. So here we a re. Stuck at a crosc;roads, where compromise on either side is not an option. Whal to do now? Let the people decide -at the cost of $95,000. With a population of about 103. 823, and about 40,000 o f those who even care 10 cast a ballot, we are looking at paying about $2.40 per vote. What does $95,000 buy you now-a-days a nyway? More than a 20-minute long distance phone call. • Costa Mesa could fund all its budgeted tot lot improvements at various parks and still have $25,000 left dver. • It could implement another sidewalJc program, budgeted for $100,000 in the KENT TREPTew I OAlt..Y PILOT Pastry chef Alfonso Cianciaruso walks past some of his creations in the kitchen of the Balboa Bay Club and Resort on Wednesday. The newly expanded and refurbished resort, which boasts 17 ,000 square feet of event space, will officially open Wednesday. In addition to the lore of the past, the expanded Bay Oub also offers state-of-the-art amenjties expected to draw a host of wed- dings, meetings and other events. With a 7,000-square-foot Grand Ballroom, the club now offers 17,000 square feet of space for functions. As part of the expansion, the club manager decid~ to retain the large rooms, which will be priced between $225 and $375; suites run up to $3,000 per night. "From the outset, we wanted to make sure we continued 10 of- fer larger rooms than the stand- ard hotel rooms," said Dave 2002-03 fi scal year. • The city couJd run the Job Center at twice the size. •The graffiti abatement programs costs 98,022 per year. •The recycJing program runs us $94,145. •And the Neighbors for Neighbors budget, a community building event, costs $91 ,507. We are looking to spend nearly $100,000 -in a budget crisis time -to possibly put someone in office who has never walJced a precinct (as a candidate, anyway). never raised a dime and never served in any form of city leadership. Having put their hand-picked candidates in office the last two elections, the lmprovers, including Mansoor and Steel, are optimistic about their chances of elevating Bever (or another more extreme candidate) to the dais in a special election. If so, all this stubborn, foot dragging by Steel and Mansoor will have paid off and they wiJI have their coveted majority. But what if that doesn't happen? What if the Costa Mesa community gets smart and all the nonimprovers -which is still the vast majority of the voters -back one candidate against an improver. No vote splitting between the moderate candjdates, like in the previous elec tions. Steel and Mansoor could wind up with someone much Wooten, the club's chJef execu· tive. Ole( Josef Lageder will serve up a line of delicacies ln the new restaurant, F'll'St Cabin. The lob- ster bisque soup and seared yel- low-fin ah.i are expected to be the highlights. First Cabin will also stock an impressive wine list that includes a Grand Cru from Vosne Roanee, one of the old.est vineycirds in France, and a $1, 700 Olateau Petrus PomeraJ. Bay Oub managers have hired some 300 new employees to staff the hotel. The club is still partially pri- vate, maintaining a List of 3,000 members. II sits on state tide- more "liberal" than Mike Schaefer. Rumor around town has it that Planning Commissioner and previous council candidate Katrina Foley already has her campaign machine turning. Are Steel and Mansoor ready to give her a chance to take that seat? She is hoping the answer is yes. Foley is among those who are championing a vote of the people -just like the Im provers. I am all for the electorate being heard, but I am aJ~o wary of spending all that money on another election, when we just had one. Those who wanted to be heard just voted. Their statement: Monahan and Mansoor should represent the city. Their third choice: former Mayor Linda Dixon. Foley came in fourth, foUowed by Planning Commissioner Bill Perk.ins. That was only six mo nths ago and seems to be the most timely measure of the electorate's wishes. Of course, Bever, Schaefer. Heather Somers and the other 23 council hopefuls vying for an appointment were not an option in November. Well. yeah, they didn't put in the time, money or effort it takes to get on the ballot during an election year. (Well, except Bever who was putting his time, money and effort into getting Mansoor elected.) So why should they get a shot now? lands that the city oversees. The club holds a lease that expires in 2011. City leaders have also praised the new club, which has had its share of controversy over the years about its openness to the public. Former mayor Dennis O'Neil. who once represented the club as an anorney, said the new club should be embraced as a local jewel. "At the end of the day. the owners, the community and the city have come together." O'Neil said. "This project reflects tre- mendous compromise, commu- nity pride and a valuable asse1 to CLOSER Continued from Al there.~ Money is going to be tight next year, with the city staring at a S4- million shortfall in the 2003-4 fis- cal year. And that's the good news. The amount was reduced from a SIO·mlllion gap by City Man- ager Allan Roeder and his staff. Part of the cost-cutting measures included eliminating $2 million for raises for city employees for the 2003-4 fiscal year. lf additional trims to the budget are necesl>ar)'. l>Ome pos- sible cuts involve across-the- board reductions, a hiring free7,e or deferring scheduled mainte- nance. DECISIONS DURING A BUDGET CRUNCH Because of the budget short- fall, Colihcilman Allan Mansoor took issue with spending about $71 ,000 on a community garden for Hamilton Street last Monday. Yet he doesn't seem to be as con- cerned with spending $95.000 on the special electfon. Mansoor has been adamant in his support of Bever. who hasn't been able to muster more than two votes from the four-person council. He referred to the special elec- tion as a possible necessary evil. "I don't want to spend money on a special election. but there comes a point where if it has to be done, it has to be done," Mansoor said. the city." Current city leaders have also embraced ii. The city stands to reap about S4 million In property and sales tax revenue annually. with the city getting an approxi- mate S 1.5 million prior to the ex- pansion. "It's going to be a preeminenl facility in Newport Beach,· Mayor Steve Bromberg said. "It will be a destination and draw- ing card for the city." • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics He may be readled at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at pauf cfmton a fat1mes com. is pathetic and after the last council meeting. if any one else can't see that, then they don't know how city government works. By not having any (deci- sive! votes on ISSUes and con- tinuing to ·bring things back. that will waste even more money.· DIFFERENT VISIONS OF TliE CrTY The absence of a decisive vote has been on display during the past two city coundJ meetings, with the council splitting on the replacement decision: Mansoor and Steel support Bever and Co- wan and Monahan support Schearer. Mansoor and Steel both come from a loosely defined group of self-named "lmprovers, ·who are focused on cleaning up the Westside. Their ideas include stepping up police efforts, reduc- ing crime, rezoning industrial ar- eas and cutting down on the number charities, which many of the Lmprovers say are "magnets" that draw illegal immigrants and others who can't afford to live in the city. Steel said he is doing every- thing he can to break the dead- lock anll avoid a special election. But he also emphasi7,ed that he is holding out for someone who is on the same ideological plane as he and Mansoor. "There are two people (on the council! who don't want to make the serious changes we need to make and there's two people that do and I'm one of them and I'm going to make that dear," Steel said. "If [Scheaferl gets on there, there won't be any changes." , ''Your Newporl-/tlt1aa Floorln11 ExpnUr' The City Council needs to do what is most time and cost efficient. Since it cannot compromise on who it should appoint, perhaps It s hould reevaluate how it determines the appointment. Steel. who also supported nix- ing the funds for the community gardens, said the comparison with the special election wasn't fair. Most of the council members said they are still amenable to options that could produce a compromise candidate. 314·~11A1U SOLID llAIDWOOD •. ,.99 ... ..,ft. DENS& PWSBCAIPIT ....... r.1.1•• ....... ...,.. If they are so anxious to hear from the people, check out the results or the most recent election: The electorate chose Dixon. Now let's get on with city businus. And don't worry, those or you who still have a burning desire to lead the city In 2004 can go out and walk precincts, attend debates, plan fund-raisers and get your names on a ballot the real way. • l.Oli'tA HARPER writ .. column• Mondaya, w.dnesdeya and Frldaya an<I covers culture and th• a11s. Sht l'NV be t .. ctied at (949) 574-4276 or by •mall at lolit•.h•rtH1rtll•tl,,,.1.com. GEi llNG INVOLVED • Git llNO IWO&WD Rini ~ lnttMt DeifVfllloton • ~ beek. For lnfom'9don on ... YG'lf orgenblon to tNI "" But Councilwoman Libby Co- wan, the only one who sup- ported the gardens, disagreed. "It's exactly a fair analogy,• Co- wan said. •Because I thinJc that it's something the community wanted. The people or the com- munity (also) wanted us to (agree) on an appointment ... Money Is an lasue and anytime you take eomething away and then force us Into paying for something that is ridiculous, like a spedal election, then It can be compared.• Mayor Gary Monahan, who wat elevated to the dty'a top po- Udca.I post last Monday, said the • oott or • special elecdon is not wetghlng heavtly on his mind. "I don't th.ink that money is that relevant,• Monahan said. "I ~the r.ct that we don't have a council JM!1110n for al.x months Matt call (Mt) 6'J.M298. ACADll9C YEM IN MmaCA Com MMe f.,.,..... c.n hOet a Germeft ~end Hm up to $1,000 lowllrd •number of trlWl .. bn>M Pf'09remt. Denlelle Cerpino, (IOO) m-HOSt Steel suggested having each council member nominate one person, not worrying about hav- ing that person seconded and seeing what happens with those candidates.. He expresM!d con.6· dence that someone be nomi- nates could get at least three votes. He also proposed finding •someone who would agree not to run In the special election to depoliticize the decision. Cowan ls taking a more 'math- ematical approach, exploring the possible outcomes of wrtous op- tions. She n!COl1lmended goJng through the entire. ol'f8iNJ lilt or 26 who appUed ror tbe apot and voting on ~ne who sets a nomination and a aecond. She aJao propoaed IUbmhdDg namm from the Ult In I MCl9t a.Doi for. mait, any who are submitted Lou Gehrig'a dl1HM, nMde wtunt..,.. (71•) 175-1122. ' - PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COITAMESA • Plme Court: A man wu arrested on 1Utpk:ion of grend theft exc:eedlng $400 at 11 :06 a.m. Thurlday. • South City DIM: A man was arrested on 1Uspiclon of burglary In the 300 blodc at 11 a.m. Thureday. • South Coen DIM: A man ' was arrnted on suspldon of petty theft In the 900 blodc at 7:40 p.m. Thureday. • w..t 111h Strwt: A man wH arrested on suspicion of urinating in public In the 500 . blodt at 9:54 a.m. Tuesday. • w..t 11th StrMt: A woman was arrested on suspicion of batter on a police otrtcer in the 600 bl<><* at 1 :46 p.m. Tuesday. • w..t 11th StrMt and Pomone ~:A man was arrested on suspicion of removing a shopping cart at 9:40 a.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Bal>oa Boul.vard: A suspicious person was reported in the 3100 bl<><* at 6:18 p.m. Saturday. • East Newport c.m.r Drive: A hit and run involving a parked vehicle was reported in the 1800 blodt at 7:28 a.m. Sunday. • Senta a..bare DIM: A physical fight was reported in the 800 bl<><* at 5:39 a.m. Sunday. • TurquoiM Awnu9: Vandalism was reported in the 100 bl<><* at 7:06 a.m. Sunday . •West Coast Highwey: A petty theft was reported in the 4500 bl<><* at 3:14 a.m. Sunday. • 22nd StrMt and West OcNn Front A suspicious person was reported 1111:21 a.m. Sunday. twice are automatically sec- onded and then repeating the process. THE PUBLIC LOOKS AT THE BUOGET Residents are divided in their opinion or whether or not the cost of a special election is war• ranted in light of the city$ budget crunch. •It is costly but I'd rather they paid more attention to the cosi of a lot of other stuff that goes oa there," said former Mayor San· dra Genis. ·Look at the money they wasted on the whole Hu-~ scroft I louse debacle or little Landscape enhancements here and there. Those are nice, but you look at that and say what:S more Lmponant? Democracy or some little Dowers some place?" But Doug Sutton said he be- Lieves a special election would be a waste of money. -~ WOne hWldled thousand dol-• lars Is more misspent money," Sutton saJd. "They weren't able to agree on an appointment be• cause they can't see beyond theil short-sighted, special-interest agendas. I'm red up with people running for council. pledging re· sponsibility, only to act like spoUed teenagers when elected. Five months ago. we voted and the next greatest vote-cener ~ whether you like her or not. whether you agree with her or not -should serve out the term.~ Thal person would be former Mayor Linda Dixon. Although the state code states a special election should be called if an appointment ls not '. made within 30 days or a va-· cancy. Acting City Atty. Tum '. Wood said it's not a requirement. ; • Ot'sl to make sure they try : and do It as Cast as they can.· ' Wood saJd. . ; Durl.ng the disaJssjon, there · has been some confusion u tq when a special election. If neces~ sary, would be held. State code states lt bas to be held on the next regulady sched- uled election date. That date ii Nov. 4, even though there la cur- rently nothing scheduled on the • ballot. sald both City Clede Jute Foldk and a representadYe froca the County Regjstrar of ~en.. ' So the lpedal dectloo would held on that date.1ftt la l14 dlys or more aAer the coundl can. for the election. • DBICJM NEWMAN oovwa eo.c. Mea and mev be l'eecNd at 1941> PM221 or by MNft at t#lnh.~.,,,,,,.,,.oom. ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL Ducks electrify opener with double or thriller I G ame 1 of the Stanley Cup Western Conference r finals turned out to be the close checldng. soUd defensive game we all thought. The Mighty Ducks beat out Che Minnesota Wild, 1-0, in a double overtime fight that ended With Jean-Sebastien Giguere blocking all or the Wild's 39 saves, and Petr Sykora scoring 8.1>6 into the second extra session to end the game. The firs t period saw both teams making some early r(ervous mistakes but seemed to adjust and eventuaUy began to play the style that brought each 0t them to the Western Qonference finals. Anaheim appeared to be a li'nJe out of sync early on but t:tiat could be attributed to the fact that the Ducks had a longer layoff berween series. Most Rlayers will teU you that after ttldng or giving that first hit. you ate in it. For a goalie you w.int to ~t a good look at that fi~t shot arid make a clean save. The more actlon you get early on. the more involved you become. Giguere was definitely the more active of the two goalies during the first two periods. Manny Fernandez. who got the start over Dwayne Roloson. was equally soUd but was not cested near as much as Giguere. Both gpalies and tight defense by both teams kept the scorele<1." tie AROUND TOWN • Send AROlJN> TOWN rt ems lo the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to miktuwanson@latimes.com; by fax io (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilotcom. TODAY LMm 9bcMrt the Siefn aub and its many activities at its information meeting for newcomers and members at 6:30 p.m. Meet at the Costa Mesa Community Center, 1845 Perk Ave., for food, exhibits and table displays. Newcomers can join the Sierra Club for a special $25 introductory fee. For more information, call (714) 517-2467. A community presentation will be given at Newport Harbor High Sc;tlool in Loats Auditorium at 7 p.m. Newport-Mesa Unified Sdlool District administration officials will repon on Measure A CRUISE Continued from A 1 chael said. •Pretty much I get candy whenever I want.· At 65-years-old Kay Hagen is already a grandmother. I laving raised three grown children. she speaks about motherhood with e~rience. · · "It is about putting their needs ahead of mine and just trying to make sure they are safe... she said. "I want them to be happy. healthy and with a good moral upbringing." GUY HEBERT through two . periods. Minnesota reaUy was the aggressor in the first two periods and had several good opportunities because or Ducks twnovers. They had good i.peed and seemed to surprise the Ducks with that speed and their ability to counter attaclc. But Giguere did his job and turned back each of these scoring chances. This game exemplified great team play and the commitment to defense. I have talked abou1 ume and space in the past, and clearly in the Excel Energy Arena there was little of both. On occasion, the line of Sergei 7J1oltok. Oiff Ronning and Pascal Dupuis were able to generate some good speed for the Wtld and created some chances but they were far and few between . As for the Ducks. Steve Thomas, Stan Olistov and Sam Pahl<,onn were the most effective hne combination for Anaheim. N, I watched the third period unfold, the game began to take on that familiar feeling. What plans for the high school. Arctutects from LPA will also present plans for the new Robins Halllloats Auditonum. A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation. In attendance will be school board trustees. high school admlnislrators and Measure A Site-Based Project Review Committee members. TUESDAY A fTH seminar on ·Muscles in Morion· by Judith Todero will be held from 6:30 to 7·30 pm at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. WEDNESDAY The Orange County Chapter of the Cahfom1a Assn. of Marriage and Family Therapists will sponsor a workshop called "Chronic Trauma Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment" from 9 a m. to 4 p.m. at Nacional University in Costa Mesa. ~ workshop costs $30 for stu ts and interns, $55 for clinical members and $85 for all others . For information, call (949) 645-2964. When her children first left the houi.e, she said she felt l~t with- out them. But now she volun- teers, travels and leads a more spontaneous bfestyle. • 1 like them to come visit me but I am happy when they go home: she said. ·1 got used to living alone.· For Lori Hasman. the journey is just beginning with her 4-year- old son. Collin. ·I just love it in the morning when he wakes up and gives you a big hug." she said •And the way he looks at you, you know no matter what, he will love you · di:i ~ ustom Home Wm ·Constructlon to permanent loan with one qualifying process and -0ne set of closing fees!! Lot cost included. .Construction loans as low as prime. fixed for up to 12 months. • Low rates for purchase. re-fi & no cost equity lines . ' "II I .. 9-19·]52·8200 .(;round up, rehab & remodel-Primary residence or 2nd home allowed. •Increase cash flow with Interest Only programs. IS Yean In Oraft# County. THE lamlNG GROUP • 3848 c.r.-Or '210. Newpott e.ctl CA 92660 would it take for one of these the longer this game went there teams to score on Giguere or was a huge advantage to the Fernande:t? Were we looking at Ducks. another Game I overtime. At some point the Minnesota Why not, the Ducks other ' Wild have to feel effects from series openers went to overtime going !>eVen games in both of with the Dudes prevailing in their prior rounds and playing both. The only thmg that their fourth game in six da~ concerned me wai. that the Wtld Both teams traded chances with seemed to be carrying the play Minnesota having the bet1cr of as the game neared the end of them in the sec.ond overtime. regulation. Howevet as we have learned, But then I remembered that these overtime games have been the Ducks have won 7-of-8 won on mi.stakes and the Ducks games with five minutes or less were again able to conven. With remaining. Ni the third period Filip Kuba pinching In at the ended, I could not wait to see offensl've blue line, Mike 1.eClerc what overtime would bring. was able to get by him and move I didn't have to wait long to up the ice on a two on one with see. Wow what an ovenime. The Peter Sykora first ten minutes were fast and Sykora, like any good goal furious and fatigue certainly scorer, drove the net and got a didn't appear to be a factor for nice pass that sent him i.J1 all either team. The Wild canied alone on Fernandez. the play and put constant With a great deke. Sykor.i put pressure on the Anaheim the puck past the outstretched defense and goalie Giguere. glove of Fernandez and put the Giguere was called upon to Ducks up one game lO none. make several big saves to keep This once again puts the Duch his team in it. Manny Fernandez in the drivers seat and batk in ~ no slouch either at the other that famiHar position of having end ma.king point blank saves regained home ice advantage on Stanislav Olistov and Sykora. Tonight, tht! Ducks wiU play Then the Wild got a power Game 2, and the team will have play late in the first overtime the confidence of a one-game period but failed to make advantage on its side. Wm or anything happen and would thh lose. their confidence \.\ill be nui.5ed opponuniry come into sky-high when they rl'IUm play later on? Wednesday, ru. the fan-. w1U bt-di As the teami. began tht' Arrowh ead Pond to chct'r !hem -.econd ovenime, I wa.c, '\Urt' that THURSDAY A free Ma\inar and book signing of ·stop the Clodt Cooking• by Cheryl Forberg will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market. 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. leam about th• gynecological and surgical procedures available for hysterectomies at a free seminar at 6:30 p.m . in Newpon Beach's Hoag Hospital Conference Center. Reservations are required. Call (800) 514-4624. FRIDAY Com Mesa'• Chamber of Commerce will have its Les Miller Scholarship Recognition Breakfast at 7·15 a.m. at the Hilton Hotel, 3050 Bristol St. Attendance 1s $22 per person. Call (714) 88&-9090 for details and reservations. SATURDAY The Staffigh1 ThMtre Company will hold auditions for its all-student summer show, ·Mary Poppins; .from 1 to 3 p.m. Children 10 to 14 years old can sing a song from the show or forever.~ I !er husband Jim I lasman grew up in a farruly of 10 chil- dren and said the house was too quiet until Colbn came aJong. Now Collin helps his father ere· ate cartoon characters for work. "It is so much fun to have a lit- de one and to buy toys tha1 are not just for myself.· he said. "He opens everything up to what I was like as a kid." The Hasmans' neighbo~. Karen CarrolJ and Joseph Ellas. plan on having childreo of their own soon. Until lhen. they watch how the Hasmans raise their son on.· bring taped accompaniment to a song they've prepared. The theater is at 1125 VIC1oria St in Costa Mesa For more information. call (949) 645-7827 The Costa Mua Historical Society will host an open house trom 11 a.m. to 4 p.m at 1870 Anaheim St in Costa Mesa It includes tours of the facility and exhibits of phocos and artifacts. Free. For more mforma11on, call (949) 631-5918. •Divorce: A N9W Beginning; is a workshop for men and women who are divorced or getting divorced. It is held from 10 a m to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newpo rt Center Drive, Newport Beach. For more information. call (949) 644-6435 The Newpott Harbor Nautical Museum will open a new t:><h1b11 featuring the worit of Joe Duncan Gleason (1881-1959). known as the West Coast's premiere maritime specialist among early iottH:entury artists. The exh1b11 will be on display until Sept. 30. For more information, call (9491 673-8915. exl. 111. and help where they lan. They plan to gel mamt.'d in a year and lhen start a family tm· mediately. Carroll said shl' 1'-ex· cited about bemg a mother and Collin'~ tantrums haven'1 -.cared her off. Collin was excited dbulll rhe experience of being on a txJat. But lhe I lasrnans found their pleasure in being with rht·ir wn. The real joy of being a m other is indescribable, Lori I la'>mdn ~.ud. "Then-ts nothing to dt'3ertbe what it feeb like to be a mo tht'r. • she said. -vou never know unul you become one." Wino Priet . • . • . . . S13.99.5 Fodofy 1tebat. ....... ~ tWc.t •21.•• .. ... w.1·~ JA1194() lAa 1" lAtlOlllMlt~ Monday, May 12, 2003 A5 THESE NEW FABRICS WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE. EVEN HUSBANDS . ~ALDEN'S ~lll<WCO\'UIM. ~ II 11".4 \l •~I•"* ( 11\JI< ._, 1663 Pbcentia, Cosu Meu 949-646-4838 .,._...,._ .-.... ··-·-o..- The so~ fold\ of Vi&nettt' window Wdtn~ now come in thrtt f'ttNi ~i !Nt •ppeill to everyone Come $tt them today. ................... .. ,,, .,,., .... , ,,,,. ,i.1).r>·~~ ·.,_? ·-~~ .; ··~~ .. ~v ~·-i)"-.) .• ~ ~--·~'-? .~ .... ·~~ Assistw1e e Leu ~ue <1 N e~1 port-M e.w '' Pre:-,e111111~ u "Designer and High-End Clothing Purse and Shoe Extravaganza A1ay 15th -16th· 17th JfJ-4 Don't miss this! Thi.\ t .\ <Ill nrc11rio11c1/ 1 ulue jot \011. und u Ha\ o/ \cl\tllt: 1/w11/... \fill. P io/II\ i.:11 1u \('/"\ (' ( /11/d1<'ll Ill nur (.//('(/ 2220 Fairview, Costa Mesa 949-645-5536 lfr111 ~ .. , f rlC'llcf.1 i.A a=(.'?·~. ~ ~.7··~>-S-\~ .. ~·~~. VILL NOVA. It a I"' n ( u 1s111 r Twilight Dining on the ~ter Entrees from $7.95 Served until 6pm fcxrrpt ~~ Fresh Seafood Veal 'f'UiALties .lll.W~ . S1~ - ' .. ;, QUOTE OF 1IE DAY "Rowing was there and I gave it a try and the rest is in the history books now." · Bruce lbbebon, ()lyrT1'>ic siver medalist • ,. Monday, May 12, 2003 Spotts~ Rlct.d Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Spofta Fu: 1949) 650-0170 • COLLEGE BASEBALL 'Eaters handled again by· Titans FUll..E.RTON -Cal State Fullerton, ranked No. 4 in the nation, claimed the un- official Orange County base- ball championship Sunday, mocldng off visiting UC Ir- vine, 9-1, to win the lhree- game Big West Conference series, two games to one. UC Irvine Fullerton 1 9 victory, his fifth in six deci- sions this spring. Schreppel blanked the Anteaters through four innings, al- lowing just two hits and striking out o ne. Danie Merrell allowed five hits and one run in three in- nings of relief for the ntans, for whom Ricky Romero fin- ished with two shutout in- ruan second baseman Ja- son Corapci went 3 for 3 with two RBis and scored a run to lead the winners, .__ ____ ~. ~ giving up two hlts and who bounced back from Friday's se- ries-opening 5-3 defeat to capture the final two games of the series. Following a two-run first inning. Fullerton batted around in the third, scoring five runs on five hits and one UCJ error. Ronnie Prettyman capped the scor- ing in the lnning with his only hit of the day, an RBI single. Striking out one. The victory improved the ntans to 41 -12, 13-5, and gave Fullerton head man George Horton his 300th win M a Division I coach. The win also kept the ntans within two games of confer- ence-leading Long Beach State, with only three Big West games remaining. UCI starter Paul French gave up seven runs (five earned) on nine hits in -----+-.t"i'H.tnn!llM!!HO falko U on the season Eucce, a senior shortstop. freshman first baseman Mart Wagner and jwUor second baseman ~att Fisher each had a pair of hits for the Anteaters. who conclude their season with a three- pme series, ™"1Pnnjng Friday at p.m., at Big West foe UC Riverside. The Anteaters (20-32: 8-10 in ~nfer­ ence) managed a run in the fifth when B.J. F.ucce singled to score Gregg Wallis, who had walked to lead off the inning. UO Is tied for fourth place in the Big West with Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Corapsci's single drove in two runs in the eighth and starting pitcher Ryan Schreppel, making his first start in more than two months. earned the BlsW...C..••ice hhrton I , UCI 1 UCI sc:by~ · 1 t 2 CSUF 20!5 ooo 02x • t 12 o French, Schroer (3), Edell (8), Nicoll (8) and Werhun; Schreppef, Merrell (6), Romero (8) and Suzuki. W -Schreppel, 6-1. L -French, 2-6. 28 -Wagner (UCI), R1her (UCI), Su~uki (F), Turgeon (F), Corapcl (F). . COLLEGE MEN'S SOCCER • AfJove, UCI second baseman Matt Fisher (6) tag s out Cal State Fullerton's Ronnie Prettyman on a stolen-ba se attempt in the third inning. UCI first baseman Mark Wagner, left, connects for a solid single to left field and starting prtcher Paul French, below, delivers to the plate in the first inning against the rrtans, who won, 9-1, Sunday on their home diamond. PHOTOS BY MARK C DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Anteaters sign 13 promising recruits Fresno State transfer among Kuntz' s additions. April and already bas made a tremen- dous Impact in our team." Kuntz said. "His leadership, endurance level, pass- ing ability, defending, and abilhy to read the game are very good and lhould help th1s team in many areas. He has the ability to grow in this league and be- come a pnmler player." Thruher, who prepped at Leigh High ln Lot Gatoe, helped Cupertlno·bued De Am.a win t.dt-to-blck co~nce dWnploOlblpl the IMt IWO leUODS, aa ~ ... top-10 nadonal ranttna. He Wiii co-apcaln ... eopbomore. •['Duherl WM what we ~ lookinc ror in an ~ ..... who hu die llbllly to ........ the ~ ll*d ol the leld wlda .. -" liml:& Mid. "He hill pd id. Clft wtn bells ln hi. and .. lllOr'l In die tidle.. 00..S Plilllico. a 5-7 mMMder out ot pJ 1bro ... Wll the Souch COlllt ........ ...,.. ol the~ .. I tenlor. Ht also was a member of the national champion Irvine Strlkera dub program and ls lnvoMd in the Olymplc develop- ment program. "Our first priority Is finding the beat local players who ate the right fit for UC Irvine," saJd Kuntz, who believes Franco fita in well due to hJ• leadenhip, pasa- lng, vision, quickn and Intense fleld preseoce. Another El Thro product ii 5-9 de- fender Steven Ruiz., who helped the Owpn win the South Cout Leque d- de thla teuon. He WU ftnt·team all· ~and played In two aa .... pmel. ·1Ru11.J "a areat man muter, 11 left- footed. '*' .. fonnrd In tbf au.ck ~ and la joC>d In the •• lunli Mid. Jimmy I.ft. a 6-0 mldleWer. cmw rtght out of dw Arilllllt:I' beck ,.... • ... IBIUTl.,.A7 - EYEOFEICA Daily~ SporW Hall fJIAuae I W. ......... May 19 honoree CARL EHMANN FROM THE SIDELINES Irwin, Hawaii linked Legendary former Sailors coach makes annual return to Islands. N umerous notes rising out of Hawaii of late that filJ the air with good cheer. One finds that Mr. and Mrs. Al lrwin are set in early May for their annual vacation trip to the Islands and expect to have thetr usual good time in the ocean and beaches. And the weather is consistently superb. this time of year. Having grown up -in Newpon Beach. then becoming wclJ acquainted with South Sea islanders who came to visi1 the local surf for outstanding rides, Irwin, in good lime. learned about Hawaii in and out of the surf. His first travels to DAN Hawaii came during CANTRELL his football sea.sons as a player al Coll<'ge of the Pacific, but that waS during autumn in the late 1930s. Irwin. now 85 and a fonner coach at Newport Harbor High. Orange Coast College and UC Irvine. recalls how Pacific used to cover costs of the Island grid visits. He said the colJege would feature a second comest against another te'dlll and take its admission fees to pay for the cruise ship adventure. After he had finished his Navy tour of WWII duty an the South Pacific as a light deck officer, he sub~uently worked the Islands into an annuaJ summer vacation for the family. And the lrwins have never had any regretl>. ••• Another note from the Islands finds that former I larbor I ligh fullback whiz · Olarlie Berry has enjoyed his firi.t year of retirement from teaching at one hJgh school in I lonolulu. And he considers ii a well-deserved break from the long-tenn busy schedule. Berry who played under Irwin in 1954-55, and later shifted to UCIA under famed coach I lenry "Re<l~ See SIDELINES, Paae A7 HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Sea Kings' Longin showcase Senior shortstop named to represent South in annual all-star contest. Corona del Mar High senJor sh ort- stop Keith Long has been chosen to re- present the South In the Orange County All-Star Bueball Ga.me. eched- uled June 9 at La Palma Parle in Ana- heim. ·Long, a four-year varsity performer for the Sea Kings. bas been an offm· sive stalwart this season, helping Coach John Emme'• squad clinch at least a share of the . Paclflc Cout League champlonahlp. Cd.M (15'"8, 10-S in league) can wn.p up the outright dtJe with a victory at Tesoro today, or • wtn over the Titans Thunday at home in the regular-aea- son ftnale. Lone'• contrlbutlona have helped me S.. Klnp reach the CIP Southern StCUon ....,.,.. llCti of bit ftrit three telYOn&. • t.o111 ii the lone NeWpon-Meaa ....,., in the...,.. .., ...... r.p-..ted CdM tn Iha ............... t ' SPORTS COLLEGE TENNIS Vanguard opens NAIA Tournament The Vanguard University men's and women's tennis teams will continue their sea.sons at the NAlA Thw:nameot with first· round matches today In Peach- tree Q ty, Ga. Matches will be played through Friday at either the Peachtree Qty Tennis Center or the South Fulton ·renrus Oub. Vanguard opens first-round acclon at the PCTC Monday with the men's team playing Walsh University (l5_.) from Ohio at 11 a.m. FSt The Uon women's squad will play Vtrginia lnter- mont (13-3) at J p.m. EST. The Uoos' men and women finished second at the Regjon II Tournament last week. Both earned at-large berths into the men's and women's tournaments based on their performance this season and their poslclons in the NAlA final rankings. The Vanguard men's team makes its eighth appearance at the national level. the first since 2001, by LaJdng the fifth of JI at· large entries into the 24-team field The Lions were ranked No. JO in the final NAlA poll, while Walsh WdS ranked No. 26. Both teams are unseeded. The VU women slipped in as the seventh of 12 at-large piclcs.. The Uons (14-12) are among four Golden State Athletic Con· ference teams to qualify for the tournament. The I JOn'l were No. 14 in the last NAlA poll This is the third national tournament for lhe Vanguard women, lhe first since 1999. Shadowlands Looking back. 5 years ago this week: Newport Harbor ~Ugh freshman Amber Steen wins the girls l ,600 meters in 5:09 at the Sea View League track and field 5 finals at Irvine High. Corona del Mar sophomore sensation Uz MonN!, a state finalist in the 800. wins the event in 2: 15.97 while freshman teammate Jenny CwnmhM takes second in 2: 19.63. Sea Kinp' senior captain Jmnller BlaJr takes the 3,200 (11:06). finishing ahead of runner-up AIJda McPall ( 11 :07) from Newport Harbor. Newport Harbor sophomore Aprtl Ra. will also make her way to the CIF Southern Secdon prellminarles with three second-place finishes in the long jump C 16 feet, 11 ~ inches), high jump (5·2) and triple jump (35-IOY.J . Newport Harbor's Edd1e Clark throws 157·9 to win the boys discus . Newport J farbor junfor Steve Jemm wins the 800, wtulc CdM senior Man Dennttllne WlllS the 3.200. Newport senior OnJdc Loo wins the triplt-iump (43·2> ). a season ~t. Costa Mesa High boys capture se\'en 111d.ivtdual Pacific Coast League titles, the most ever for the school al the league rrack. and field fmal!>. Senior Rkbard Price wim the I 10 high hurdles and 300 intermediate hurdles, while senior thrower Matthew RudesUJ takes the shot put and discus. Junior Bruce Hancock earm titles ln the 800 and I .600 and senior Brian Browning places first in the high jump. fhe Mustangs' 400 relay team of Ronnie Sou, Brad Jone.. Greg Stewart and &twin Martt.na also qualifif'S for the CIF preliminaries with a 45.8 doding. Mesa finishes fowth in the team stand.in~. F.stancia Junior Alberto Munoz WU\S the PCL tltJe in the 3,200. blowing away the field in 9:50. Browning wiru the high jump at 5-10 and Rud.esill takes first in the discus (161·1~) and shot put (54·5Y.). llancoclc ties University's Martm Brix in the l,600 (4.23). but is a clear-cut winner in the 800 (I :58.4). ... CdM's Lance Emery defends his Sea View League crown m the 50-yard freesryle, shattering a personal best. then stuns lhe field in the JOO free at the Sea View League swim finals. Emery b the lone champion from the Back Bay conungent of CdM and Newport Harbot CdM c;eniors Kawlka 1lll'1lyao and Scott Kramer. along with Newport junior ICevtn 8ec:Ur and Sailor SIDELINES Continued from A6 SandeB, came to enjoy an annual summer highlight in Europe: hiking and climbing the lofty mountains of Germany and Austria. During some past ~a.rs. Berry also showcased his strong athletic talents by running in the annul marathons in Hawaii. Berry, the younger brother of Newport's prized 1947·49 fullback. Bob, still malces his home in Honolulu. ••• And still more news from the lsland, which has recentlv become the new home for former Harbor High baseball champion Bill Sidles. Skiles and his wife had been living in Fort Wayne, Ind. for about J l years to help care for her ail.ln.g father. After he passed away about three years ago. the Slciles first considered moving back to Southern Califorrua. but they returned to Indiana. Skiles. a st.erting third baseman on the only championship baseball team Newport ever had In 1948. has spent most of his career years linked up with talented pianist Peter Henderson during a Jong-term period as a top musical comedy team In concerts along with The Carpenten. senior Jason Arrow, all post top-five finishes. Emery swims l 1.56 in the SO free, edging Becker (22.15). Looking back. 10 years ago this weelc: lO Newport Harbor High's girls win six titJes at the Sea View League 11ack and field finali.. Newport's 400· meter relay team of NDdd Adams, MJchaeJa Ra., Misty May and Llnd9e)' Curtis win the Sailors' ninth·st:raight league title in the event with a time of 50. I ~onds. \..urns also adds individuaJ rhamp1onslups in the 100 (12.91) and JOO hurdles (48.bOJ. Ross wins the long jump with a 17 ·OYt mark, while sophomore Tina Bowman claims first place in the high jump (5-i ). lwtlor Gina Heads reaches 42-IO to win the shot put. Brennan and Ross both clear 5·6 10 tie a meet record in the high jump, while Curtis wins her -.econd consecuow league title m the 300 hwd.les. Corona del Mar L'i led by fw.hman ~Campbell who runs a personal be'-1 I l.01 4 in the 3.200. while also wmrung the 1,600 in 5: 13.35. quahfymg for 1he CIF prehm., Ill both events. UiM's boyi. swun team comes back to stun Woodbndge. 16-15. for tJ1e Sea View League championship. Woodbndge dcfectb CdM. 90-fiO, m a lectgue dual meet earlier in the -.e:l!.On, malang the vtctory at l~ague finals even sweeter for CdM. The Se<1 King.\ win their third straight league titJe and eighth in the pa ... 1 nine yean.. em.by Grant shatter& a 13-year·old league record in the 100-yard backstroke (53.01). benering the 54.49 set by ll'Vlnes Blalr Murphy. Rob HOOYer wins a league titJe tn the 200 individual medley. bwunrrung a Clf qualifying ~ of 1 :58 46 Jama PaJda touche., first in the 100 bunerfly !54.22). St~ Hamilton, Tom Norton, Grant and Hoover then team up to W1.ll the 200 frt:e relay (1.27.18). Newport's B~tt McAlllster 'IUabfies for OF wllh a thud place fimsh in the 50 tree (22.32) and pol>ls a fourth-place ume of 48.90 in the 100 free. Troubled With !>lun splmts earlier tn the i.ea11on, Estancia High ~nlor Jama Wulkowia daiJiv. the 800 in 2:0J .7 during the Pacific Coast League track and fieJd finalb at Trabuco I !ills I hgh. Johann Appell and Brian Olung finish first and !tt'cond. respectively, in lhe 3.200 for Estancia. The Ea.gt~· Lauren WeawT (300 hurdles in 48.0) and Costa Mesa's Gigt Surmon !lOO hurdles in 16.32) each W1Jl league ritJes-complied by Bryce Aklerton Drummer~~ and Henderson lJoth ha1Jed from noted &how-business families and mixed happily tn the public eye in pl!'rson and on national television. Skiles drew amusing headlines once after his c;mall red spans car was drenched from high above. vta a !'l:avy hltmp flying over the Bad Ray in Newport The blimp Wa..!I tlymg home and sen~ trouble with an overload Hence, the crew relea~ about 460 gallons of bilge waler. Sidles sensed problems in one respe<.."L He could hC'ar the heavy i.-plashing of water thundering towanl his little vehicle. then saw the wave of water roverinR his car. He jumped out to witness the blimp above and started !>ha.king bi.t fist With amusement. on one band, Skiles said he was going to threaten the Navy with a $1.50 lawsuit for a wash job. lnitialJy, naval officers ~re nervous and chose to ground the crew members at their barracks near El Toro. The touchy c;ct>ne was smoothed over by rhen· pubbsher Water Burroughs. Pi.lot founder, who invited the blimp crew, Sidles and the Pilot staff out ror a happy dJnner. Skiles eventually bumped into two blimp crew members and found them disclosing a wide range or hilarious adventures, from aero s the country, aboard the blimp. \ Mono.ly' May 12 2003 A1 •·Daily A Pilot Ill Sports·Hall of Fam Ct·lPbrating tJu· 1nillenniwn BRUCE IBBETSON Rowing Former UCI standout earned silver medaJ in 1984 Olympics for U.S. eight-man sweeps. Rlch•rd Dunn Daily Pilot T he void created bv the U ~ Olympic bo~co11 of the 1980 Mo'iCow Garn~ bull livei. for tht: men\ eight-man '>Weep'> r>f the U.S. rowing team thar year The same crew. wh1rh includes ~trokt> Brun: Ibbetson, get.:. together every autumn for the I lead of the OlarlC'., regalia in l:k>'>tull a' cln annual reun10n "h truly,., c.1 bond With Lhe otlu.•r ln·w member~I." '><lid lbbetwn .• 1 Nl""''POI 1 and I ..a.o.1 t.ennany m l:.a.\t < 1crmany tn l984: lbbeu.on sa.Jd. when asked about highlights or hlnmftlg. r. which included compeung on thl' nattonal team from l 977 throul(h '84 and a four-year career at UC. lrvme. where ht> bt:gan rowing. lbbet!.on W-cl., the fir'>I former Anteater rower 10 he mduC1ed into the UCI I lall of Fame and wa ... part of only the school .. st'Cond Hall of f'amp dabs '1984) A 1975 UCI graduall· lbbet'>OO plavcd wa1t•1 polo and ba.s.ketbaJI. and competed I.fl '>Wlmmmg tn thl!' c,pru1g. at Tusun I llgh I ht"11, lw was I leigh1:. re .. 1dt•n1. · fl.., J great group of h'UY' And no 011e l.an cut you. \'ou'rt.< alre<1dy 111 6ruce Ibbetson 1111roduced c1..., a lhc 1u ... 1ory book.., You've gor your ~at for hfr " Whtle lhher-.on was ablP to t onun11e hi'> mwing career aftrr m1s'>tn~ uul on the 'RO (Jame<> 11 wac; tht' end uf the ruad for many athlete!>. "No malter what cowllry It"· polmc,., '>hould pla'1 cl distant c;ernnd 10 tlw alhletcs [dunng the Olympit tiame'J • lbbt·1.,1)n ..aJd. "l he politic~ -.idt> of tht: hoycon meant nothmg and, in fact. proved to be meaning!~ . . it ended w me caree~ and changed the sporting world 10 a large degree · With the understanding that all are vulnerable, rbbetbon and the U .~ e11(ht, 1ust like tn '80, ~d off against Eastern Bloc giant!. Hus.'lia and East Germany pnor 10 the 1964 Lo!> Angel~ Games. The Amencans bl!'at both countne<i in a pre-Olympic regatta in Grunau. <.;ermanv, then c.sptu.red the ':>t.lver medal in the Olympic'>. becoming the first U.S eight tO earn an Olympic medal 111 .!O yean, As 11 turned out, Ibbetson was the only member of the 1980 e1gh1-man sweeps to make the team in 'M. "(Winning the '84 Sliver medal[ wa<t definitely a significant momen!. but there were others that wt:>re also noteworthy. like beaung Ru.s.s1a frl!''>hman to IJU head ruwi ng < Odl h Bob f:m'>t and frc...hman cuacb Stu Gtb:i.on • h wa'> a fun challenge for ml' a 1 lhe llml' • Tbbet.so n '>Clld I had ~011en bored with w.1mrrung and I ~ only fl-foot ..!, so I was not verv big tur ba.<ole1baJJ Rowin~ wa'> there and I gave it a try and lht> rt''-t "' m tht.' h1c,tor;· hooks nO\o\. lbbt>u.on. who corttinued to tram m Newpun Harbor and uw Back Bay while attendmg graduate ~I at UO, 'pent most of~ career rowm~ m the eight'-. the fastest boat ma regatta. ·h's land of like a big m.ach.tne." lbhetson onc.e said "Its the llagcJup ol the wholt> Olymp1< rowing p~ and It'!> a fun hc~u when you make it go fa.st. - lbbe1.:.on ldlt."r !>erved on the bodrd of dlreaors for Newpon J\quanc Center and served as the board's president for thrtt yearc; in the early !>tages of the Bad. Rdy Cacilil). wtuch opl!'ned lo L11t- pub1Jc in 1987 I th.uU: 11 ha' been a huge succ~ for the rommurut). · lbbt-L..an '>aid of NAC. lbbet5on. the lc.1test honoret> in the Oil.lly Pilot Spom I tall of t'ame. is pan owner of a rommerc1al real esta te investment companr He and hi'> wife of 20 years, Joyce. have two daughters: Casey. 16, and Robin. 14 YOUTH FOOTBALL RECRUITS Continued from A6 ummer, but should be ready to go change of spttd and shooting off the thlS fall Scott is a proven winn~ at dnbble are very good out of hiW'I the dub level and has beeh to re-school." Kuntz !>Wd. ·Hi-. st.z.e and <;peed are defimtely what we are looking for tn hb posmon tlu.'i recru1ting etas. .. We have '-ttn hl!) progress and heheve ht' ""ill be a Mrong Division I de· fender.· Sign-ups set Sign-ups for the Newport-Mesa Junior All· American football league will be held Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon in the multi-purpose room at Uncoln Elementary School. 310 I Pacific View Dr. in Corona del Mar. A physician will be on hand to provide phyal· cats for all registered children. Interested'pla~ can preregjster online at www.nmiw'forg. Oilldren ages 5 through 6 for flag football and 7 throu8ll J -4 for tackle footbaD can join foe either football or ch~eading . Coaches for both footbaD and cheerteading are also needed c.an Jim McGee at (949) 640- 0500 for information. having slalred at Northwood High. He led the Tunberwolves in scoring and assists as a junior and earned ftiil-team AlJ:aF tau.rets: "(Lee) was injured in December and ls recovering well." Kuntt said. •He wtll be a very good player at this ~once he is 100%. He is fast. has a great left foot. and ts a good one- on-one player who can scott." Scott Shiraishi and Brandon Tario Join the Anteaters from Hawaii. Shi· raishi, a 5-8 midfielder, was honor· able mention all-state at lolani High In Honolulu. while larlo. a 5-6 mjd. fielder. starred at Kamehameha High, also in HooolultL ·1Shlra.lsbi1 has pat pace. is left footed, can save the ball exttemely wen and ls good one-oo-one: Kuntz said •He suft'ered an Injury late la.st gionals several years ln a row. His Eric Reingen also comes from An club team (Honolulu Bulls) has won wna. having sparic.led al (,orona dcl many prestigious club tournaments Sol High in Tempe. llte 6·4 go.J· on the mainland." keeper ~ All·Central Region rn Of Tu.rio, Kuntz said. ·orandon has 2003 and helped his team win region shown versatility and has the spttd-1itles-each of the last two years. and skill neces.suy to play at this •tte is.. arguably. one of the ~t level. He distributes the ball very goalkttpers coming out of high well. His Olympic development ex· school this year in the coW1try. • perience has allowed him to com· Kuntz said. WHts club and high pete and play with the best players school records are unpeccable." in the region." Kuntz al50 believes his she. pres· Brad Hva.ns, a S-1 forward, played ence, ability to stop 'I.hots and dis· at Mountain Pointe High in Phoenix. tribute the ball are Reingen's where be twice earned all-state hon-strengths. ors and was twice reglo.naJ p~ of Brandon foster. a 6-3 defender, the year. He scored 54 goals in four comes out of La Salle High in Pasa- seasom and Is another product of dena. where he was team Co-MVP. the otyrnpic deYelopment program. 6.rst-team All-Santa Fe League and. •[Evans) bas a knadt for scoring u a junior, won the leque triplr game-winning goals.. Kuntt said. jump dde. "tlli skill. str:e. speed and tenacity •(Foster) b a defender with quite a wW be d.l1licuJt f'or opponents. lib bh of potential and is still growing.· Anthony Ham1hon. ct 6-0 mid- fielder, 'iCon>d 33 goal!> 11.'> a seruor at Ylton High. wbete.be..WclS. twice the team MVP and was named Pla~r of the Year by the !>an Bema.rdmo Sun. ·1Hami.ltonl ha<; aU the tools to be- come a top calibeT 0Ms1on I player." t.:untz sa.1<i ·He 1s £Mt. good m the air. 1.an finc.b. LS good on both sid~ of the ball, a good student of the game. and a leader.· Rodolfo Mondragon, a 5·6 for- ward, played at South Gate Hlgh. we~ he was a thrtt-time team MVP. ·Rudy is a clever forward or mid· fielder who ~ k.dlful in ttght spaces.· Kun ti. said -He ha the ability to changP gamn with hb dcceptiVl' moves and ability to go forward . ( --~ I-) Too Good s aooo (~ .... ,, .. FOR .... __ <:__T~--· To Last i .1 .. 111r1r". JYewlfl1 llaaga'flllftl 'lJ,91& t, r ---. ...... ~ ... ,... ............. ~ ,_..,,,,,,.,.._I tr f LW ......... 0 ---a> ..... ....,. ..... -~~ •MDm •M8lf9 '21,911 w;uuu ~·1a~1S /few D Pl 50 XLT Slll'MCllEIJ 111.&&r •..... ~,.75 *HM ------~ ,,,.,,, .. Al Monday, May 12, 2003 SPORTS YOUTH BASEBALL Fort, Hallet Combine · to toss no-hitter Bric Hallett and Brian Ford combined to throw a no-hitter as the Angels defeated the Ks. 13-0, ln Newport Beach Llttle League MA action. Hallett fanned seven in three lnnlngs while Ford struck out the sJde in the fourth inning to end the game. Ford went 2 for 2 with five RBls and three l'UM scored for the Angels, who were also powered by Matt Uvinpton'a 2-for-2 outing. Den Steele, Derek Spreitzer and Parker hta all provided timely hits and BJlly Macdonald displayed solid base running. for the Angels in the bottom of the sl.xth inning. With two outa, Ford singled, stole second and advanced to third on a passed ball. Bwtes walked and stole second, setting up Bearer for the game-winning hit. Ford led the Angels' charge, going 3 for 3 with three runs scored while defensive putouts were recorded by Steele and Olrll Awnt-Leroy. Matt DoBett-HempbW, Nick BWlop, Alex CuUa and Hallett each shined defensively as well. Hallett and Ford again pitched well for the Angels, comblning for nine strikeouts. Dylan Plevec and Oark Cashion combined on eight strilceouts for the Braves. •Yankees 16, Cube 2 scored three runs. Bryce A.ab ton added to the hit parade. Jeck Mwphy scored twloe as MJcMel flMrt and Patrick Peanon showed speed on the basepaths .. Erle Prader, Jeremy .Fox and Benny Towneend Umlted the Cubs' offensive threats. Risser and Frazer combined for nine strikeouts and limited the Cubs to just two hits. Reid John.ton, Zach C.abln and Connor Gaughan all pitched well for the Cubs with Cabln and Allen Brown scoring their runs. In previous majors action: •Yankees 6, Red Sox 5 relieved by Bret Welnberpr. John run when Frazer made the tag. Ou18tlan held the Red Sox scoreless fruer and Bryce Aabton combined in the flnaJ innings. to record six strikeouts and limited the • Yankeet 1 •. GJanta ' Angels to only seven hits. Oiristlan's home run and Terry's The Yankee offense was powered by double gave the Yankees a big lead a triple from 'f!anner Trauthen, aJong against the Giants with runs scored by with timely hitting by Prelton Rtaer. Nelson, Napolitano (2) a.nd Bric Trevor Mc:Ghie, Michael Haerl and Muerh (2). Patrick Peanon. Nick Goodlng Kyle Warsaw, Ala Malnthow. -showed aggressive base running and Morris, Weinberger (2), 'fyler Haly and scored two runs. Baker a1so scored for the Yankees. • Glanu 9, Dlamoodbacb 7 Morris' pitching and solid 6eldiltg a Emory Molnar powered a grand catching by Baker held the Giants to slam in the fifth inning to spark the four runs.. Giants' come· from-behind win. Eric Morrll, Nelson, Haly and Molnar aJso tallied a two-run double Warsaw aJso showed strong fielding and helped defensively for the victor!.. skills. Grant Davia pitched three shutout innings fol the Giants, srriking out five and allowing only three h.ils. Sam Cublero pitched weU for the A's and made a strong catch in center field while M.lke Pawell caught a solid game behind the plate. Max Prieatly was robbed of a hit when his line drive was snared by Ford. The Yankees won their fifth consecutive game, enjoying a power surge. Graeme Fruer and Nick Gooding each tripled and lallJed three and two RBis, respectively. Tanner Trauthen knocked in two runs while lievor McGbJe and Praton RlNer each The Yankees held off the firs t-place Red Sox, as Blake Terry scored the winning run. Matt Morris and Randall Nelson each tripled in runners for the Yankees. lnAMplay: •Yankees 9, Angela 8 Graeme IT&ur made a diving tag of an Angel runner, who tried to steaJ home on a passed ball, for the finaJ out to P.reserve a 9-8 Yankee victory in Newport Beach Llttle League AM action. The Angels had two men on base with rwo outs and uailing by a Danlel Noto, Nick Curci and Matt Conger, who made a calch in right field in the sixth inning to preserve the victory. keyed the Giants' defense. ln other MA action: •Angela 4, Braves 3 Bruce Bearer singled pasr the shortstop to drive in the winning run Nelson, Morris, Nico NapoUtano and Danny Baker all scored runs for the Yankees. AuatJn Jones and Jack Schloemer pitched weU in relief of Davis. Sandon Grlftln and Cort Hastings threw on the mound for the D·back!.. On Lhe hill, Morris started and was lKed Sox steal :v;ictory from OOdgers HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebramg the Dally Ptlot's Athlete of the Weel< senes Moskovits swipes home to account for winning run. o.nny MoGovits stole home in the bottom of the seventh inning with the ~winning run for the Red Sox apinlt the Dodgers in Newport Hatbor Bueball Msociation Bronco Division ( .. 11-12) action. Adding to the Red Sox' offense were o.111 Nonts and Alex Rios. Norris wmt 1 for 3 with a run scored and Rios al9o ICOred once with an RBI. The Red Sox were Jed on defense by third baseman Andrew 'llaylor and second baseman Trevor Noon. Molkavits aJso pitched lhree no-hit Innings, striking out eight He went 2 for 3 with a double, RBI and four stolen hues. 1J1e Lawlence pitched three shutout lnningl ahd Nick S\iendaen closed out the pme with six strikeouts in 2~ inoinp while adding a double and a run toOn!d. In other Bronco action: ·~ •• Yank.en 3 1be Angels made the most out of five hlb and produced the victory. Angel pitchers Ned I.¥on. Michael RMHHW) and Blab 0awy held the YaobJe offense to onJy four hits. G9rrett Morgan doubled twice and droYe in the game-wlnnlng run in the bottom of the sevmth inning with a line-drive shot to right-center field. Grady~ <JutldMAada'IOO and Spencer Mardna also conlributed key base hits for the Angels. The AbgeJ infield recorded a key double play tn the fifth lnn.lng to erase a potentiaJ Yankee rally and Kougb and Jab Manning each made catdles ln the outfield to preserve the lead. Joab HmTW pitched three scoreless innings for the Yankees. lo Mustang play (ages g...10): • A.uu. lo, cum a Aaron White hit a two-out single in the top of the s1xth inning to ecore Brennan CaDahm with the winning run Cor the Astros. The CUbs had scored two runs in the bottom of the fifth on A&lldn Rb' third double of the game to de bsan. Callahan wait 4 for 4 wttb ave nms scored while AalldD Me« I blanked the CUb6 in the bottom of the lil1b to · earn the Nve for Coner 8tt :mtJ. who pitched three strong b:m1np. llios struck out m of nine Astro batters be faced wb.Oe,.,.... l!ddy and ~ l)edl,..t.y alao collected hits for the CUba. •a..pn4,Na0 t1 The RaJ181Q got U)' bila from }lb Stowell. ....,.Courts, a.. MeMl,.SU and~ ICJebnle aploit a tough /iii. pitching staff to post the .. shutout R)wt o.vl8 and MJdulel s.laln each had R.8Js. Anplo ~struck out nine of 10 Ranger batten whDe Blalr Luc:he · fanned seven Ks in a pitcher's duel. C.Ousins Krtdan and }Mon Wooding battled oae another on the mOWtd for the final three innings. Kristian 5truck out six&. s..n ICwodt recorded an una.ul5ted double play as well as the third putout ln the fourth inning to quel an l\s rally. In previous Pony ac1ion: •Newport Halbor River Dop 10, ,ea.ta Mae Giants 0 Nathan 1bdd struck out 11 1n Ove innings to pitch a ncrhitttt in a 10--0 victory for the Newport Harbor River Dogs O'm' the Vlsidng O>sta Mesa Giants in Newport Harl>or BasebaD Aaodation Pony 8asebaO pJay. Tudd also helped bis cause at the plate, blasting a three-run home nm to power the River [)op' offense. He walked only four. two after the flJ'5t Inning. ~ 'Dlprd singled twice in four at-bats and collected three RBis while Jacbon M1 r 'nglll singled home rwo. Peter flllpb went 1 for 2 with an RBI and Brett Admm added two tngles and RctlllM ..... "-SW... 92627 · a double. Spmicer s.ntda doubled ln two a&-bata. In Pinto pJay (agies 7-3): • The Red Sox Wfte Jed by Qamd Holl* and Aadrew a-. who each continued their atrong hitting. ~ fL Nlljera and AalldD Smttb helped with some 10und defensive plays. 11modry McGeMclr, Elleftn Muniz and Robert A ...... also played well for the Red Sox. ln Shetland National play (age 6): •The Cubs &ld Giants duded at Newport Heights. ICeola Ianerholo threw out four nmners at first base and bad a solid hit to the shortstop and Ala Puller caught a Oy ball at second base for an out. Fuller a1so smgled to right Pitcher Julen Matti -caught a fly ball and taged a runner out at home Cot a double pla~ John Smkb added to 6harp hits to center field. • Qwy Imnedy brought home llardwl ._......alt wtth a basa·loaded'hft for the Philliea u the coaches pitched to the playen. Oudielders Joey Rrrtl and CrUlln Sharp were both strong def t!llSivdy. u.m Ogburn and Mmlt·~ teamed for~ first putout. H•ve you slarl~d dninc bus1n~\' yet1 Nn TODAY 21 Ne1aha Hoagland Orange Coa11t Collaye Women's sw1mm1ng, 2001 SCHEDULE TODAY a...o-11 High school Corona def Mar at Tesoro. 3 15 pm., Co1n.i Mesa al Santa Ana.3·1Sp m SoftbaJ High scnool Calvary Chapel at Corona def M ar 3 15 pm . Santa Arod at Cosui M esa 3 15 pm Tenn'8 College men and wcHTl(·n NA•A Tournament Peactluee City. Ga • lor111 round Vanguard men vs Walsh. Oht0, 11 11 m., Venguard women V!> V1rg1nta fntermont. 1 p m High sdlool boys Corona del Mar a: Pacific Coast leagu,. finals at Laguna Beecti, 12 3Q p.m Goff High ld\ool bolf5 Corona del Mar 111 South Coast Regt0n team tournament at El Prado GC. 8 am Tift. ef ,, .. art Cemre<t Ne. )6 I 2 s220.ooo.oo The Coast Community Colleee D1slr1~I Office of Physical Fac:illt1es. on behalf of lhe Board of Trustees is seektn& l o 1dent1fy qualtftPd consultants to provide proiect •nd construcl1on man111:ement services on lhr 1nd1vldual colleae campuses (Coastline Community Colle&•. Colden West Colleae and Oranae Coast Coll~ee) for the Measure C Bond Lisi of Approved Projects. In keepma wiln the 01stucfs destre to promote ett1c1ency and tost ettectrveness, 11 ~ uek1n1 lo pr1-Qu11tfy firms to provide PfOlflCt and construction man11tem1nt servtees on upcom1n1 mator and minor pubhc works pro1ects Qu•ltf1ed fttms will be Pit&1bl1 for selechon by the Olslnct or the c•mpuus for MHsure C Phase I Protects commenc1ni July I. 2003 lhroul!ll Jone 30. 2006 The followina persons are doina busln~ss as GRCE NWORKS LANO SCAPE & MAINH NANCt. 321 Avotado SI •O CMl8 Meta CA 9?627 Jose Jesus Yane1 Bernal. 3:>1 Avocado St •D. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 This bu~1nen 1s con ducted by· nusb1nd and wife Have you started do1n1 business yet> Yu. 4/1/ 2003 Th" ~l•tement wn filed with the County Clerk ol Or anee County on 04/28/03 200Ht42S64 0111~ Pilot M1y 12 19 ~.~.:.._~ M1ct1ael A G11u11m This \lalemenl wu ltllld with lh~ County Clor~ of Or •nae Count f on~/01/03 2oos .. oou Daily Ptlol May S 12. 19 26 20C)J M70S lntl-r'1 , ... ,,..,. Th• following per~oni BIOOCR'S It\ 1 A\IAll are doing bu~'"f''\ u ABlf ON C llY Ill' 1NllRNA 1111NAI W r 8 $I T [ h I I p t I 660 W 1 /lh SI • l/ www t1ly nf"'I 011 C.u,l •'Vlcu CA916?7 beac.h ca u~Jpbwb• ii \I , ..... , l Urld n J(J Only pro14cl and construction m•na&emenl companies who hne l>Mn approved llwoul!ll this pre· quahhcahon process will be eh&1ble to parltupate 1n the Request lor PropoSlll process lo ptovule servl<H on maior and minor pubhc works proiects for Measure C Phase I lhat include. but are not hm1ted lo Scheduled Maintenance and Special Rep11rs Hal8rdoos Substance Removal Ener11 £1f1c1ency Proiects Seismic Relrohh Modernwalton P101f!cl5 New Construction Capital Pro1ects Any questions concern•ne tile onformalton contained 1n the Request for Qualtftcallons (RFQ) document should be uni with the litle "Pro19ct/Constru<:t1on Manaaement QuHllons" via email or fu to· dberry@mail cccd edu or via r AX to Dale Berry (714) 438-4893 ...,.,.._ DtftHr Rf Q Due D•I• May JO, 2003 by !) 00 p m Notification of Interview June 9 13. 2003 lntenr11w1 June 18·30 2003 Board Approval of list 1uly 17 7003 OM.I .... O-tlflurtleft leqvlrem9fllt All St1tement of Quahfrcat1on~ sh11ll 1nclud• Ill~ m1ntmum tontent requtremenh H tabhshed by the Dt1lllel The Request for Qualtlh:at1rm~ documt'nt should be downloaded from the CCCO website· www.cccd edu/bond or mdy hr vbt.w1ed from lhe Physical f•cil1ttes Department of the Coast Community Coheee 01strict al 1 JJO AdMllS Avenue. Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 438 4679 s ................ . St•tement of Qu•liflcetions shall be sent electron1c•llY to dberry@ma1I cccd edu or sent lo Co11t Community College 01str1ct • Attenlton: Dale Serr y. Physic al F ac11tlles 1370 Adams Annue Costa Mesa. CA 92626 1*"'-t<4ily "'-Mitt.., report• ore hltMY ,,eferr .... lwMw .t itwte..-.. ef o..lllketleft•r Th. Obtr1ct·s evaluatlon 1s M>i.ty for the purpose of ci.term111K11 wtuc:n pro,.cl and construction man11ement compantu are deemed rHpOnSlve, r~5'ble and quahfted to work on publtc WCHks ptoiects. The Statement of Qualihutlons 1ubmittal will be reviewed by • 01slr1Ct committee 1ncfudin1 rep<esentalivH from Hell campus. The committee may detennme to ltm1t Ille numbctr of quahhed ptoJKt and constructlOll man•1ement c0tn911ntH for Phase I pro,ects Th~ rev11w will be bued upon the submitted Statement of QvaliflcalJOns and •ny otlMr tnformation en1lable to the Oistrkl The Olsh 1et may request a ptolecl end conslluctlon manaaement company to submit addrt1on1I K1form1tlon pertinent to the review process Tht Otstrtet also rfl4lrves the rl&ht to 1nves1t1ate and rely upon lnf0tm1tfon from other tvtllable M>urces 1n 1dd1tron to eny documents of tnformatlon submitted by tht PfO,.ct and consttuctlon mana .. menl firm Tiit District retains lh• tole dl~t.relton to determin. iuues of compliance and to Ht4M'mlnt wfNltNr a PfOiKI and construction m1n11ement company Is ruponalve. reS90nslble. end quellflecl. Tiit Dltttlcra dtc1$1on will be butd on th• evelualton of sevenl cril•ri• 1ncludin1. but not hmlled to tM foflowlnc • ~tuful E ll>tflenct with OSA • lkH;cnsfvt hPt<lfn<" with C•fifOtnl• K·14 Pro~ts • SUC:ceutul El1H:rltnce wll.h Hilh« lduutlotl • ~enfut hperlefice wllh Moo.tniutlon end Hew Conslluctlon Projeels '~~•uonMI t'o 8e Au11111d To Project.a .. , ' -..C..._ belt Statement of Qu•hbcalions must be complete fnumplete statements wtll be condd«ed no1Mtt"'°"stv1 and srounds tor d.,quellfecallon In addition, • protect and con1tr1Khon -...-• COIY1P•llJ ""'ha eutomatlCllhy dltqu•ltlled f0t any Ont of IN loll0w1111 • fthlf;ulloft of lnformehon • LKfl of OSA ••w,.nu • L~ of r•1fant npenence • LKI\ of 1-.>0ftslveneu • lecll of C•llfornla 1!; 14, •nd/Of ll•lfle< 1duc1tlon Uf*lence 1"' Oldrlct r-•H tht npt lfl ltt sole dlScttUon to r•lect eny Of all Stltt1M11t1 of Qu•ltflc•ttoMI 1MM1 lo ..... tflY lfret111'rrtlel ~.':'ll~M rtulve4, ...... ...., .. _. .....,,....,. ' 1 The St1t1ment of Quellfk atlon 1111111 IM rtulwed Illy ltlie let "° ...., u.n !1.00 P rn. on Mer 30, 200J I~==~~ ~ to ttle Reques.I tor Sutt-I of Q1n1lltlc.1l1CN1• IM My lfttor........, fflt tYWttlOfl .,. not P114>1ic r-dt Ind Me ftOt ot*I to pVbflc --..ctten fht C>n4Jlct 111.-.. ti. co11flde11l1ality of tNw recOfdt to Ille ntlllt pwllllttff lly law Ill tlle eftllt • 1 ,.,ty ,..,.Mi ttiae con~ti.t f.COlft, tht Dhtrkt wlll notify Ill. •ffect.d llf•i•d ..W .. _.nt·ttM 1t1M11t9f'MM ~"''· Ind It Mell be tN "'ottct 11111 cemtrwt• 111111• z:t ~-.wt• r~ty to '9feft4 tM DntrKl In MIJ etbon to~ -.c._., of tt.t IWofKl OMtrvctioft ,. ............. ,~.,,.. ~Mefltjal lftfOtmttlell ""c:...e ~ c...._ 0.tJld.... ttlftltr, afttrlMtlft llCllclft ...... J!!.· ...... .._..c.-t . .._ . .._ ... ..., .... .,_I ..... f Carmen Alcarat Yanu Bernal 311 Avocado St aO, Costa Mna. CA C•rmen Alcarez Yane1 "-S...... The followme person\ are doine bus1nns u MAC PROMOTIONS 2775 Mesa Verde Ent Apt IOI 14 Costa Mesa. CA 92626 MkhH I A Crtssom. 2775 Meu Ve<de East Apt •Ol IA. Costa Men CA92626 Stephente l . Gnuom, 2775 Mesa Verde Apt 0 114, Cost• Men. CA 92626 This business rs con· ducted by husb•nd and wife cm Of 11WP01T auot llOOO IMTllG leS Se•led bids m•1 be rec:etved •I the ottoce of the City Clerk 3300 Newport Bouleurd P 0 Bo• I /68 Nu.port Buth. CA 916!>8 3915 unltl 1 l 00 1 m. on the I 0th day ot June, 2003, ill which Ume such bid1 shill be upened and read fCH Mil.INHS Vfl.UGI LAMOSCAPI IMNOVIMINfS, detault u p l'r1m "• Avt C o•I• Appt11v•r1 hy IA1' A 9?bl/ /S/S.....,_ G. lo4vm, l "'"'" I''"• ;>I IC '"'-llcWerllsDlfe<for P1 ... 1urt• ,., ... l<••l d P1uspec.t1v11 b1ddt1 • IM' 1 CA'J1.bl7 may obt1.1n one ,,., nt lt· hu~1nM\ 1'"t 1 un bid documenh l •·I 111 '1 by husb•nd a~r1 S25 00 at the oltoce ul I ••ti the Publtc Worli.i De I I • .,,. ''•rled dorn~ pa1lmenl. 3300 Ne .. porl bu\ 'y•I ,.., Boulevard Newiiort 1 id •lu111 Buen. CA 92663 11 •llle• .. •111 w,n Contractor License Wed ,.,lh th• Cllunty Clautf1cet1on(s) r e Cl•t~ r,! Or•ne• Luunl y QUlrf!d for lhl$ projtCI '" 04 3.110 1 "A" i0034 '>4?99S for further 1nforma D•1ly 1'1lv1 May ~ 17 !Ion. call Antony Brtne 10 26 ;>f)()J M/06 Pro1ect M•n11er at (949) 64.4-3329 Pubhshed Nawpor I Buch Costa Mesa Daily Piiot May 12. 2003 M7'>!: SELL your stuff through classified! PLUG IN Pfug into the Pilot Classified secbon to find services from e4ectronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. , ..... ... ..... .,.. I ..... ..... ... I -~I Daily Piiot _llll'_ ..... ____ l.ellfMaaca IS( ••2 I01ICI Of "1mOI lOlJ •• ISlA110fi 1M111at1wui Wl•A2tlMS To •H heir1, benefl cllll'IH. crtd1to11. con tlnt•nt creditors, end '~~,b~1:::i.;'~n the will or tsl•I•. or both, of MARTIN Gl YN WEL SH A PETITION FOR PRO BATE hH bttn ftled by MARY .IANE WELSH m Ille SUptflor Cour I ot Ctllfornl•. County of ORANGE. THE PEllllON FOR PROBATl requests MARY JANE WELSH be •P pointed H personal repre11nl1tive lo ad minister the 11t11.t of the decedent THE. PETITION requuh 1ulhorily to •dmlnlster the estate under the Independent Admints lretion of hlalH Act (This Authority w1M allow th• ~s.onal r~tSen lat1ve to lake many acllOns w1llloul obtain 1na cour I •PP' oval Before tallina cert11n very 1mporl1nt action\ however. the ~non•I repusentahve will be required to a1ve not11.e lo lllleresled peuon\ unleu they h••• waived notice or CCMIHnltd to the pt090sed action ) lb• lnd1pend1nl ad ministration authority Will be &rtnltd Unleq an lnlereated penon ftlts •n objllcllOll to the petition and lhows 1ood cause why the court 'boulcl not If ant the aulhol1ty A HEARING on Iba Ptlllion will be held on JUNE 5, 2003 et I 45 pm in Dept l13 louted •I 341 lhe City Drive South, Onna• CA 92868 • If YOU OBJf CI 10 the &• •nt1n1 ol lhe pellhon, you should appear at the hHr Ina tnd state your obiec. llo11s or hie written obiecllons with the court before the htarme Your appeer ance may b~ 1n penon or by your attorney If YOU ARE A CRLOI· !OR or c ont11111ent uedilor ol the dec.uud, you musl Ille your cla1n1 with the court •1>d m•1I • c.opy to the peuon•I reprt\tnlallve <1ppo1nted by lhe t ourt within lour montll\ lrom lhe dale of the lor\I 1nu1nt e ol lefter\ n provided rn Prob•le t.o<lf' sechou 9100 Tho tune lor lthna ci.1m\ will not uptrt' before luu• mo11th\ lrom lbe hor•oii d•li. nohud •bc>n YOU MAY t XAMINE lhe hie ~ept by the LOUI t II you •re • pe,.on in le••\led in lht nl•te you m•y Ille with lhe cour I a Requnt for Spect<tl Nol1ce (lorm Ol -..... llalCll 154) of the hltna of an Inventory and awatul of estate au.ts or of any petlllOD or account as provlcs.d In Probate Code se<llOll 1250 A Request 101 Speclal Nolte• form ls evadable from the cOVl'I cltrll Attorney for Petitioner P.a..1..-1t. ~~. Wle- -. WI-& W•-.... UI' J-1.Wl ........ ,lt ... (CSI• 43715) 260S Mef11 St., Ste . I 300, lrvl11e, CA 92614 Publ1slled Newport Beach CostA Mesa Dally Pilot May 12, 16, 19. 2001 Mf109 Rdlllws ..... ie-s....... The lollow1n11 per son' •t• doma busineu n Mond/8ody Connection. 19732 MacArthur Blvd Suite 140. Irvine, C<tlt lorn1a 92612 ISR Crou11 Inc . (C•). 19737 MacArthm Blvd Suite 140 Irvine. Cah lorn1a 92612 This bu\rness rs Lon ducl~d by d COfpor•lion ltoe you started do1n1 bu~ness yet1 Nu ISR Croup Inc . lrtnt S Rutha Pres1df!nl lh1s slalt'menl wn hied with the County Clerk ol Oranee County on 0!>/01 OJ 2003690711 011ly Pilot M•y 26. June 2. 2003 OTY Of llWPOIT llMJI .,nan.• Sultd bift ""'y be received 1t tilt otflu of the City Clert.. 3300 Newport Boulevard, P O Boa 1768, fhwport BNch. CA 926.51891~ until 11 00 a m on the 5th day of June, 2003. at whtcb time •ucb brds shall be Oc>tMd and read lor IA YSM>I OlllVt llSUUACIMO Tlfle af Pr.t.ct c ... trett Ne. JSS6 $2>0,000.00 "'9 ... •r'• ltt!Mot• BIDOtA'S LIST AVAll A8 l£ O N CITY WEB SITl http // www c1l y newporl beach ca us/pbwbrdhsl/ default asp AJ>pioved by /S/Steph.n 0 ••• ...,,.., Pv.,,I• Werk• Dlrect•r Prospective bidders may obtain one sel of bid documenh fur SI'; 00 .ii lhe oft•'-~ ol lht Public Wo1k\ Dt pa1lmenl, )JOO Newport Boulevard. Newpor I Buch CA 9166 l Conlr•clor l 1l en\e Clan 1l1tal1o n(s) •~ quued lor this P•oiect "A" r or furlh" inlor m; loon c •II Sl•phen J l uy Pro1ec l Man•a•• at (949) 644 llJO Publis hed Newpo r I Buch Co,til Mn• 011ly Prlol May 12, 2003 Ml IJ NOllCC IS H£REBY CIVt.N that the Boa1d of tduc:allon of tti. New port M.u Unrlied School Oislricl of Or an1e County wtll recelwe suled brds up lo 10 00 • m on ll!• 27th d•l' of May 2003, II the Hul11hon S.rv1tn' otta of uld School Oistnct. louted al 2985 Bear Str eel Bu1ldon1 (. Co~ta Mna. CA 92626, at which ""'" n1d bids. will be publicly opened and read lor the followln& , .... ,~~··· All bids ire to be In dl(Ordance with Condi hons Instr ud1ons. 1111d Spe(lhcallons whtch are cu11t41n~d in the bid P•Cket •nd on lole 1n the ollil e o l Nut11t1on S•r ~!Lo nf said School Ol\l11ll 298!> Bear Street Bu1ldme E Costa Me~ CA 92626. Phone No (I U I 424 S090 lnleruled vendon mily p1cli up • bid packet •I lht: dOOVe lddrt'\S ~ Pt'rlor mane• Bond m•y be requored •I the d11'.rthon of the 01slt ict No bidder m•y with draw h1\ or her btd lor • pmud ol FORlY FIVE (4'!1) d•ys alter the date set tor Ille open1n1 lhereul Tht' Board ol lduca hon nl tht Newpor l Mn • U111lred School 01sl11ct resetves the rl&ht lo reiect 1ny Of all bids •"d !IOI necessarily ~cept the lownt bid. and to waive 1ny In· tormahly ol 1oe1ullll'rty in any bid r-~ed NEWPORT M[SA UNI FICO SettOOl DISTRICT 01 Ounce C®nt1 ' S/ lkller4 A. CH- IArtw ef Nwtnt.._ s..-..1 ... Pubhslled Newpo1 t Bulh Cosla Mtu Oa1ly Pilot May 12 19, 2003 M712 CllANOlR YOURHOUSI WITHA GARAGE WE! Wl (949) 642-5678 11ow to Place A Monday, May 12, 2003 At STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • fht /Jga/ /Jtpartmml at tht IJ111/y f>j/q1 IJ pkaud fl) 1ltlfl(Jlll1Ct II llrUJ ltrlJl(t now a11a1'nbft. 10 ntw bu.smtuts Wr u11/I !IOU! !:JEARCH tht n11mt far you at no l'Xtrll 1h.rr,v.r. and sat't you tht llrllt and t'1e mp &o tht Court Howe"' &Ima Ana 0 1m . of wur)t'. afrn· 1ht wurh 11 rompleud we wrfl fik .'YO"' jirtmow brmnt'IJ 11amt 1t.11nnmt u111h tht County f.krlt. pub/uh onu" wtrlt far four W<tlti ai rrqu1mi by /au_. and thm ft/, your proof of publll'ullon u•11h tht Counry Ckrlt PkaSt stup by to fik your fict1trouJ bUJtntJI itattmrnt '" rhr Oa1 /y />11.ot. 3 lO W &_y .St, ( 01111 Mr1a If you ran1101 uop by. pklllt', ,,// ,, .it t 'J 1 'J) 641 4 ~1 I and uv u 11/ m.iltr """"t.nnmts far you IQ handk tlm pruudurt I/) m.itl If you should hat t c111y fortht'T quemom. pk.iu 1 c1ll u1 .ind u r u•1ll br m11rr thuri r."'d Ill <IJJIJI )'(JU (1ood luck m 1our nrn buimtn ' DailyA Pilot ___ Dradlinrs --- CLASSIFIE AD V!onda) . . .............. Fnda) 5 OOpm Tue ... da) .. .. ........ ~onda) 'H">pm , Rv Fax 194916'\1-6~9-i l'k.t.< '"""°" )l'Uf """" ... .i rt><•>< JoU"1M "1kl "'< 11 ,~11 -.ou hi...~ .. tlh J J"M.~ i"V1'41 I Hv Phone (949) 642 -'\67!< I lours Hv \lail/ln P(•rson: '10 \\e,t BJ) Street Co,ta Me,a. C.A 92ti17 At Ne"' port Rlvd & B.i) "it Wcdnc ... day . Tut•..,<ia) 5:00pm Thur ... d..i) .... . Wcdnc,da) 5:00pm Fnd~) .................. Thur ... day 'i .OOpm ... ~alur<.la) .. . ............. Fnday 'UJOpm Rate'> and dcadhnc' an: 'ub1e1.1 tu change without no11cc Tile publt,hcr ~rves the nght to cen!.Or, red~~tf). revise or rCJCCt any cla.'"ficd advertisement. Plea-.c rcpon an) error that may be in }'Our d~"fa:d ad 1mmed1atcly. 1nc Oatly P1lu1 JC'-CPL' no liability for any error in an advertisement for which 11 may he.· responsible except for the cmt of the space actually occupied by lhc error Credi! can only be allowed for the fir'>I insertion. Telephone K marn-5.00pm Monday-Fnd.iy Walk-In H '()'.irn '\ OOpm Monday-Fnda) .,.Sunda:-r ................. ~nday S:OOpm AllllOUNWAoos l~i & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SW BUSINESS & FINANOAL Collldtblat' Mtmcnllllla 1160 TOP SS 4 llCottOS nc Ila. a...;, Ek.. !D\ & Sh Ill M«., Split Ila ~ Mille 949 645 7~05 OOERTAINMBIT Callndlrof &Intl 1310 fQUMllOtlm& OfPCm1llTY All real ntale adv~ lmn1 tn this new~aper "' \ubiect lo tbt f eder at f H Hous1n1 Act of 1968 as amended which mah\ 11 11111•1 lo •d•erllse ·any ptefe< ence, 11m1tal1on 01 d1scr1m1nation baud on 1ace. colOI. re1t1,on "' handicap, fam1h1 I status Of national or111n, or an 1nlentlon lo make •ny suc:h prelettnc•. hmlla hon Of' d1scflm1n1\lon • This newsp•pef will not llnow1n1ly accept any advertliemenl fOf rul estate which rs 1n violation of the law Our readtrt are hereby lnlOfmtd that all dwell mp advertised In Ibis nelltapap., at• aY1ll1blt CM1 an equal 0990ttunity blSI\ To tornplaln of d11 CfiflMNtiofl, cal HUO toll lrH et 1 800-424 llS90 141S 1419 2305-2490 IEAL ESTATE R SAU _1.Dst ___ 1S«;_ HOME FURNISHINGS Furniture fCMll SIWlDOG COSTA MESA C AIUllD llS(mlMUJl-4141 HAND NIW Plft.w· Tett o ... --s1z.c1 1941 Gnfll '-Pel4S1,JOO. Mvtt SeP Announcemlnb 1610 5700. U9-67l· 1002 ••• ANNOUNClMINT" .. ... '"I lor 2003 p~°' P~hons f~dt'lal Hae S2Jl!'J01Y J .. btY"'1C:....-i tr ... Mld ·-~No ••P -V 1-8773& 52fi8 (~I l3l (c.«il -scNI) FIWICIAlJ PROFESSIONAL SBMCES A,,IOVAl OUAIAN- UfO Mute1c11d Vlu re1ardless of ued•t Phn 110.000 ln\tanl <1td1tl Ovrr ISO hnl\' rudy Bonus 1ppllcat1on $100,000 loan 1n 5 days I 800 '8S 4089 24 Hews. (CAl SCAN) $$CASH$$ Immediate Cub for structu•ed ~ ..,,uitm, rCllll H ttle, notn. private mortpp notes. Kadllnl cans and insurance ptyouls (D>) 794-7310. SCM.:scAH) c~. QOff-& elld l~. kine white 4 PoSler bt'd """' \~. '-mp\ some decor ~ 759-0422 JEWS.RY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECK>US METALS c-tCetftN ..... Old Comsl Cold \~ver ..... ~. w•tcbes •nllques collecttbln 949 642·9"'8 3610 1 OC>t-llSOKID IG'11N5, CATS. DOCS pbolo5 mHinl WWWMel~Oll Adopbom, F...,.,,, llililnd .1) MY ~ 11i ClWWfltE 9&66&-'019 f ..a WAY lor momnw cM/ &'!'I .. luttens. 9&51'3-0411 ••••••••• n.y•··•'--· ftieythe4Y-OA , ...... ...._. ..... C,-0titt,$HO •. t4t-211-S81S ••••••••• pllmlll••• ...... - •·STllllUUllH 28x30 wu M,8001 ... '3.l90J1•4'WH 114,8001 Mii 15,9!!0 "'"'oo ••• m .900, ...Sl2,900 Cal Nowt Tor'll I00·3'2·7D 3010-3940 soos-saso 3905 All CASH CANDY Route Oo yoo ,, .. n S80Cl "' • dily1 y (U IMf1 loc.-.1 uncly r OUle fndudrls :I> rn.1 cb4ne\ a11d utndy Al lor S9 .9'.JS I 800 998 VI: NO (CAI. •SCAif) flNANCW StCllTS OJ ttte s,.., Weefttwyt '"" lec hnrqun Ille the wultby ~ """'YliaY to '""~ ''-weelttl If '°" ltuly desire to «hive llnanc1al \eturoly You mmt ~ Iba' I m 891 1260 S20 VIMCIOCSC by Patrick l~• eotN>r of "-stment e.n.ts r' ee S/H (CAL •SCAN) STAIT A SUCCISSfUl home a.--tNt INllles money l"I the '"' "'°""'' '5.<XX>-$2.0.<Dl per month I ID> 287.(JJ(ll two mnite rec orded meis•a• (CM.·•SCAH) AAA VIMOtNG IOUTI, 80 sellina units Pfime locations S9S50 lnve&I 25'\ dOwn WAC. 800 396 9311 (CAL •s~N) Wl MADI $116,ts7 last month tDlflnc_ Vaca tlolq. ~ ontt ....., we w1nt1d Wt can ~ "8dl you to do lht -Receabl proof '"'-.....s? &«i7 U51 9 (CAl•SCNf) AS......W.a..Hh4 {$450 lOI' 25·-ds) or Orapla, (SI .350 for 4"•f.5") •d pJotnOtlfll '°"' pro4iuct Of wvlct In lllllM!plt MW141apet ti! c.-ror ni. r1ttc 1t11or lftlhOll pechps, 911- 21M010. tl'-2'1'4019 www .c el 1c111 c1111 '~·eo Ind ex II~-· Jiiil. 7402-7466 IOOs-.1510 tMH7SO HOMES FOA SAi.£ RURAL PROPERTY ORANGE 5400 FOR SALE COUNTY ----Randlel,fanns/ Coninl del Mar JASMINE CIHK ~'"K s!Of J 2br l b• den Roaen C•rdenrr l•nch<.aped H1nd1tap111'd •eady Very lnw m.,nt Assoc w lenno\ pool Call lor appl By Owner 919 &40 8777 0,-. s.t 1-S. l .... c:-. ~ .. 4& puOI 1'>" panor....: ~ -$2.DbaXl. .., P'*ldt Ttn0tt 9&&-970S CoaDtCm PltMl ISTATIS PATii<• TINOU NA TIONWIDt USA t4t-IS6-'70S www patrlclllenore com Hldlt9Dn lladl NI._,........_ has 4b 2 !ii», oltlm, - windows a. plumbtna 2'l005t 11111 more. '615.IXXl. Cal .1111, Rltr 714'5(» 33155 Mnport 8tadl Stw1111 l11~lll• I• ........... .... Bua Jiit llJU'l'llt ..-anfARS PATIIKllf.,._ UTIC* ... UU ,., ... ,._,,., www 1>1trlclll-• com OCUIROW' IM"O<IMW:W ,.,. .... Mff4f•MS.-7Ut Counlry Property 5915 Cot.OUQO UNCH SAll 40 aad.S24,g:x) S 95"4 rafi!••.,-°' Ol'ftt $16756/ ""' you can own 'IOlnt of C... lldo·s best r 8'1Ches lntDY ~ ~al IN Rocktes wrlh 'tunnmc ~ Access IO 6IXXl cres al red Rile. •ea v-•culd ,.,., ....,, ldt. elec E acellent owntf '-nans. Cal ~Ir• I ~!!1263 ~or• 3 Y' fbed ,.te IS Y' amor l w/20' down (CM. "SCNf) sns ACU/160 ACUS SHS AClf/40 ACllS Prrme finch uruaf' rn NW Arrzona. lZ no quahfy1na. low down terms' Adi11Cent to aolf coU<se community, off rustork: ROlllt 66 Call today! Broolls Realty 866 300-5263 (CAl •SCAN) RESORT/ VAr.ATION PROPBftY FOR SALE Under the Service Dircctorv Banner "' Reach 80 ,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Coll Lorraine at (949) S7 4-424S Rooms lor Rent 6040 NP Cont ·o,ean •1tw pvl ronm & b•lh up da11\ 1111 & laundry nn peh/\mok1na. oool •IM Sl6SO 949 718 1112 RESIDENllAl RENT Al.S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY )-aaitiOI Peninsula ~· llir,p.Jt111 elevator -.ut<I ""'hd ~w• -txlillcirdl Wiiii iiet 9'%r.> 81'1() ,... .....,. ..at. lo bell ~ ""11 ih ii,, r-'Y renlOd own p & urporl S2IDlltru 714 256-.t1"i0 Coninl del Mar 2lr 2S., cMn p.100 W Id bllup\ le p n/peb IWW parnt nlMI 611 s 1650.'mo 949-6712nl £ wes. c.- }+.2 tu. 7t "P· ' dtd. <*'M by ~ s-w.d Rd. Key ~ lo ~ '-11 Lw S2«Xnl 9'9-6n!m6 ColtlMlll °""*'' fp. encl c r•t1. w/d, 1••· $15~ _.,,, ... ~ ...... L-ge II<, ~·r w'd '~ to bf'.t<h ':al Jf>lf1 '' lowt'I un1I •efY quiet SI :M/mo 949 645 361:13 HAU orF i.1 MO RENT lor nlOYI' 111 M.1y J ')<.t .. 1 l "'" ......... Newly r emndetl'd C4P" C.ldt ~tyle l• .rnrillJnlly .. ,_ ilClV' ,..,pet ' ,.,..-tllll. w,..,,.,. dr yt'I dr.Jlwa~ & refTt1f"f'.ttuf "' .. tlldfod ..,.,... dlPl Ult SI~ 28< SIW.. (714) •.lJ..7S92 ,_,,... .... 7br ?bA •ID\~ lo P•f'r \hop\ P •ho I • •r 1•• wdhli up\ Ai(t s1600 '.M9 r.n 7800 ~ 2Br IS.. ""'''"' Bayncv u & br.,.i ""'"" to r .asi-. a. Jl65() mo ,.t Ka~ 9829! JJ72 If a-~ IWmrn pMJo. carm llJ' I h P*1 ~ -. nu i-it. W!l,.urp 2 c p Ill SI T15 9'&67l 7!1Xl Newly rernod 2br 2ba ~Ondo 2 ( Ill! P•lio, wd no peVsmAI Au1I 6 l S 1950 lse 949 759-13'4 Sped-. ._ .., 2&, 2 lull bath bale ~ park. leMG. "'° pets SZlUl/mo I .,_ ....._ Uclo W.. 117 Vld Orw>to 4& ? SS.. J< '"' fp <C>UrlyMd up1.fH\ Y~W· S5(XXI. mo 949-5"" WJ5 Newport Coast ClywNI c-..... '" t!ll' ~ f'l1P'I ~· ~ & Sl.lr1'd!i. • ~ 111'/ l'tnmt> 48r 3 5& FR. $7200 nt0 Av.-now iiet 9i& llS-27'2 Avllll 611 ~ 9& 566-99118 S..,. .. ...._ YflY rtfltll. 2 n1A Alt.. 2!ibt. ocn w. nllli ftVUCllT ~ _,, p:. no CR"Ull~l r pet ... $2oQ) 96673-7!IXl AGBICY ..,,.,..2Br 2BA. '*a to aunnt:J1w '-". ntNltt ~ Ill! """~ ... w/d. 1r.., ~ SERVICES 0n'tno ')8QS.918) ·-~ ..... jliil;,---....... ,/MY--~ ""'lah 2bt l 50t fp, "'*-pr. wd llt.lllfl 'If Isa S2fi00/-9'9-673 ... , , Employment 8500 ADMIN ASST r·1 ro\t.i l\llP\..t cr•lt dl\I Cal•IOl dl'v op d MS wtird I or•l lnltrnrl CAii 10 l?•m 71 1 .,..I ~ www p•1nt1nlool• 111m IOAf OPllATottS Boll OPt'I alo<\ M•tlfld for hArb<11 OIM!Ul1on~ at Two Ha1bon C•lahna l\land H~rbo< PJtrlll i nd Shortbu•I wolh ~ tu SO ton h<tn\e loolim1 101 o ut10101 tt•m nrienltd p~plP J"' rnlo , .. J IO ~1-..:0_l..:i'OI.::..;.. __ C..,...-PllllT'f PlanotnC & C..tter-. Cn Now Hlfl"ll S«-\. .. Bartmden '°' P'T Wur• \..a 8001742 811511 to WI l!p tnt••- NNR: OW9B CJPta. Afoa. ~ 'IO'JI own lrut~' loolurc t<l' llO ~· l~ ,_ the ~ lt~ to,,.... you suttn\11111 CAl l l.NC>STM -~ 3858 (CAl.~l A 10 Monday, May 12. 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE OWNlll Ol'H&TOI TlAMSI COL w;Hu Mii & Doubles req Twminal T ~ Orop/Hooli. Hore on Bonus. HCfl Mde$ Bro 909 ~664 ••t 210 (CAL0SCAN/ OWNH OPHATOR TEAMSI COL w.'Haz ~t & Doubles ·~ Terminal T ennrnat Or op 'Hool<. Hn on 8onll$, Hl(lh Mites IKXl 909-5664 ext 210 (CAL 0 SCAN) PT Oppartvnlty. Work from your home Roi Estste r~lated, CC>l11m6 slon + Sllary 562 -856 1684 Sell your unwanted items the easywayl Place a Classified ad today I 49 642-5678 PMVIOUS PUZZU 80LVIO Pubhshina l'ROMOTIONS Dll'AJITMlNT Communrty newspac>ers 111 Or 1r1&e C«Hlty wells F uft T me per$0<l lo Wlterview and write ~toties partlc1 pate on communrty events. crule and IM&IMte paaes 1r>d 5eCl10ns Excellent commurncatoon 5111~. wori. weH wrth the public Know AP Style. QuarkXPre~. PhotWlOll, Multi-Ad Cre ator, Plofic11mt on MAC and PC, CCI des111n experoence preferred Proofreadloa test. Drue sa~physjcal reqund COE. Excellenl benefit J)ICk1&e. E.ma~ resume, wrrtltlC samples and salary rtqu ire ments lo lana ~@latirr-.com UCll'TIONIST ·needed lof upuait NPB Dav spa rn resume to Spa Gre1011es 949·644 6323 SHVHS & COOKS needed Apply 1n person 217 Main St Huntmaton Buch 714-960 1896 10 II Secretwy~'" NS Real Ewte offa. Corrµa & r ... ~ up. No lie nee. 949-677 5680 JOIN OUR TEAM and make a difference In the Cahforn11 Al mr National Guard you can aet money for colle&e and career ti ••nln& Call I· 800 GO GUARD (CAL "SCAN) JOIN OUR l£AM and make a dotterence in the Cat1lorn1a Ar my Nal1onal Guard you can aet money for colie11 and career traonina Call I 8 00 ·GO GU ARD (CAL "SCAN) JCMN OUR TEAM and mlll\e a difference In Ille Cal.torn.a. "1my NatlONI GU.Jtd you can ~t money for c~ 1nd car- 17..,.,,,. Cal J-8(X).GO GUAAO ICAL "SCAN) . . . DthPllot ..... -Bridge iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ----AUTIJmTM ------·~------------------------------'*-""AUTO '*"MY'OOM PARTll ·- CREYIER By CHARLES GOREN vs. c.rtlfied aNeNftlllft / with OMAA SHARIF MIW Xl '-"'DI 41142046 S20,HS ~ --f·' \.--1 . . . .. and TANNAH HIRSCH ~~~ Mwn4" •01 let1:1 Kn•~ (19334) MS,980. CHO ' A WRRS TO Wl'>KKLY BJU.l>Gl: QUIZ Qt -Vlllnmblc. you hold: • AK65J ~ AQ6 .) QJ • Kl 5 Partner opera lhe biddu1g with one dl1mond. What do you mpond7 A -Althou.llh you hold almoe.t half the deck. tfils 1s not the hand wilh which to jump &hif\. You CllUlOI jud&c lhc level, which could be any- where fro01 &rune cu gl1l1ld ~lam. or the walo, ~pode.~. d1amondi; or no tn1mp are feulblc, 01 thls point. To jump only robs 100 of mu<:h·needod b1ddin111'3'-e. SUU1 by responding 4'11C spodc. Partner·~ rebid might cleM up some of the po~lb1litic . Q 2 • Bolh vulnerable, )'OU II.lid: •A8 7J 7 Al095..-•7Sl Partner open' the b1dJ1ni! v.1th one ~pa<le. What do )'OU rc,pood? A • U a JUlnf OIJ!.( b)' you I\ IO\ ILi· lloiul. hy 11!1 me.tn\ bid three -.patie> your hand " v. orth I 1-12 pomts in ,uppon of ,p..dc, If 1101. you mu>c make o tcmpormng hid of tv.o d1a niuntb. lhl:n ru1!>C '~ 111 your nc~t tum Q J · A" Sooth, vulnerable, you hold. 8 AKJ65l •7 The bidding has prcxecdcd: SOUTH WEST NOR11J EAST .,_ ,_ I• PHI 7 Whal do you bid now? A -No •pade nu!>C describes yoor hund adequately !here could be a grand ~lam ~itc 11 near minimum opening bid. The unly scn,ible apfJfOllCh 1~ to Jump \h1f1 to three diwnood~ Noc ooly " lh11 an ~lute force but. by a passed hlllld. II prontl'ICS r.pade ~uppon Q 4 • Both vulncrnhlc, a..~ South you IK1ld Automotive •J7 o tJ 9 AK'83 •AJ71 The biddi1'R baa IJIOOCCdtd: 80tr111 WES'f NOaTH EAST 19 .... lNT .... ' What do you bid now? ll -Don't even lhinlt or biddina three clubc. Your hand is esJenliDlly bal· anced and you do DOI want partner to think you have anything more than a mlnimt1m openin& bid, or extra dis· tribution. Bid three no trump. Don't wooy Dboul your weakness in the najon. Partner should have those under comrol. Q 5 • Ne11her vulnerable. iu South you hold: •KQ7J .; Q K6 •AKQJ65 '11lc bidding ~~ proceeded: SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST I• PIA 1• ,_ ... Pim s .._ WhlU do }OU bid now? A. Partner~ suggesled a ~lam 11 )OU have :i diamond oontrol You do. but 11 h the kin& a.nd panncr mi&ht noc hne the queen. in which C&'ie a diamond lead might dcfoat the ~p:M.lc \lam. But you doo'c ha•c to worry about that IO SI~ club>. ~h1cb I\ what }'OU dlOUld bid. Q 6 -As South. 'lJlncrablc, you hold: •A76 J9H 'AKJ7J •6 The bidding~ procoe&d: sourn WEST NO~~ EAST 1., I• l o ha ? What do you bid now? A. Tim h4nd i' IOO wung fl)( I heart nmc of any wn. If you play i.plinll.'r t11W., by 1111 meam Jump tu four club' to sh<lw enough for a 11.une r.ti..c in hc'.i.ru wilh a )ingletuo club. If not. Slllr1 by cuc·bidding two 'p.idc' 9004 Automotive IMW 7408 '96 8-ltflj Sonni BluWT.,, Owome wt-. 7"' mi. pne!d. tl'&SI -S2D.500. 9&378-9945 Jorar '99 XJ" v • ...i.,, l'laa 40k m1, full fact werr. white/oatmeal lthf, CO, buutoful hlle new, one cond v8701 42 S28,99!> 8lu 949-586-1888 Automobiles 9000 Automotive 9004 A11dl '9t A4 QIHrftt"e 2 8 vs. 2911 1ctu1i m1, auto Sll••khna 11d/auy ltlu mnrl. CO, looki &. smells new V456721 Sl7 495 f1nancon1 1va1I. Btu 949-516-1111 www.ecpobl.cem IMW 7408 '96 ~ Soren! Blll/T.,, Owome """' 7"' rn. Pl8lld. nMf -sa>.500 96-378-9945 IMW 7401l '96 Silver w/1rey leather in· ltr fully lo•ded, $16,000 949.575 6006 Cedlllac '99 Sevllle SlS 40k m1. pearl w1te. oatm11I lthr , CO, &•· r111d. non/smkr. llke n1wV592641 $14,995 Bkr 9668).IJBI -~ Chryaler Sebrln9 Canv. JX '00 37K. V6, Metallic 1reen, Grey int, Black top, Bouhful like new co1tdi11on S I0,500 vln872412 949·~ 1888 -.......... .... ,...,., '01 XJll 21k Ml, CO. nav111t1on, full feel we,, Winchester blue, oatmeal lthr. chrome wheels. hke new s.ve sn v22136 $42.995, 4,5 APR Ion 1u1I, broker ~UBI-~ -~~ .... '00 C#W a....... 6cyt 2 wd, 361< actual mo, s1tver/arey int . alloys. fabulous hke new unm1rked cond, 4 y11r win avai, v757Tll $13.89& firm 0 Down qu1llt1ed buY!lfS, 4 6 /IPR. BrOl<lr 949-516-1111 www.ecpabl.ee"' Uncoln '02 Nevl9ater 30k m1, lull tact werr, silver sand/Ian lthr. CO slacker. chrome whls, utra seal, v672518 $27.995 f11m, fin &. warr avail, O·Oown quallh•d buyers, 4 6 APR Broller 949-516-1111 -·•q><tbl.co"' Morcedea '96 C210 buut1ful bleck/cru m fully loaded, showroom f\/'llUI. $11.5 714-751 aesot MHCIDlS JOOl 'to Bur&undy I owner e•celhrnt cond. new t11es, records PP $6500 949-6114540 Uh ~w. Loaded ~ lllOl420a $24,HS Shllwy Blad! w/l>trl9Ct Olu"..y '02 SI lthr lntr Only 52K ml VI, Load•d 11 k ml, BMutyt l'rlof Rentel (1911.1) S24,!ll!O 1750601 $11,9tS ,..,.., fits Dln•vwr '00 II C... 'II VI, LHllMr, Duel Sun Bi.ell w/clun tan lthr, Roofs. Certlfi•d full records r•e find 114122 520,HS (l 9288) $13,!ll!O Dlscevery '01 SI •..,_v S-fwe VS, LHlhtr, Ou1I Sun ~ Roofs, Certlfl•d 'Th" b 1 t72S22S $24,ttS l>MutylMocHYool (19314) S27,980 OMC '01 Yu4iett 01-ll ••w 1'ifOI LHlher. Sun Roof, ~ "f• 9 Pusen1er Cloe owner, loclll lltt120 $35,ttS Newport Sadan, ""t records, chrO!Md wnls Dltcevery '00 II (19340) 122,980. V8, LHther, loeded, Certlfted hn/f~'OZ U4211t $20,ttS ~ 496 mU.S OMC '00 Yuti-( I ) SJJ.980. O--U ~~--h4. Low Ml. 81k/81k. -'ff Cust Chrome Wheels Shlneybll,rnet •2214' $26,ttS w/lmmec ltlw, chromed whl5 1-t• lever 'OS (19209) $39,911.0 Ult1m1t1 Luxury SUV 11114tS $67,ttS l&wwtuOO s..... '00 Dlocevery '9t Bi.di w/crtMn lthr In· Only 231< M1, Cert1f1ed t•. Only 14K ml, nostsa s20,tts (19278>"'980 Sl6,980. WID IOVB 1UZ AUUO '00 tlWPOIT IUOI SUV whlta w/lorllU• '40-6445 pq. low ml (19348) $29,980 IUZCAUO c..,.."" Biid! w/blk lthr. c:hromed whls, (19302) $26,980 __i-. "'1-· t4t-S74-7777 l'H&W'S AUTO ,.....,.._ NIWPOIT AUTOSP<MtT Wl l'AY CA.SH f~ f1JlaMn l'OaSCHlS ~ llOUS-IENTUY ClASSKCMS KMllYS 'OSV....-11 ... /11.dt IO M ... (500750) SH,SOO '00 •-"-v,.,,..... .......... ; Ceh-W ....... (X042H) S IU,SOO '02 Duc:etl 991 ._...,Lew Miies (015912) $15,too Mer<14e• 4SOSL '71 c-. low 93k ml. Hetll bl~nlYy ltht, Vfll'J nice, $7500, 94~-0379 Merc•4H 't9 SS20 L we 521< ml, 3 yr w1,, a .. 11. silver /blk lthr. bout orif cond v875241 $24,995 l1nencina 1va1I Bkr 949 586-1888 www.e~l.c- Merce4H 'II 560 SL wh1t1/t1n, lmmac ~ NT. ,,. !Wt d qi. c:hM1l:I. swm 714-15t-4!1i4 SELL your stuff through classified! NEW2002 MINI COOPER SIJiROOF, POI PKG. 16' ALLOYS, CO i19,~0 IATTltSPRa (TCJ3l8) ................. OTH£RAT SIMllAR SA~! .................. LITS li«IT~ ll'S FUN ******** 55 FRfiWAY @ EIMR ~A ANA AUTO MAU. (Ill) 82S-tlOI NI• ... 'ti S1tttre GU lib new, loedad, 1uto, rnoorvoof 1lloys. low 74k m1, $5900 714-751 2464 POISCHI '01 tOXSTll Black w/cr•Y 9,000 ml, perfect cond, $39,950 t4t-7U-OS70 POISCMI c-..rielet '62 red, restored, buu, $20,000 or but offer 949-675·6006 "CIUISI• -02 m loaded, 8000 rnl. Clnni- 1mon, pert cond PP SI 7.500 949-4S 14540 ···"·' '64 ct ... ,, Statlen W•t•• Blk, '"line 6, 64k otla ml, lfHI surf w11on. $6000 949-631-6059 AUTOMOBtLES, MISCB..lMEOUS Wantad 90it5 ,...., ~ .,... °""' «I ~ •..P .,,. P1'f a ..-, I• pnce tor your ca V Ml or true> I*' lor or not c..I Didi Rey @ Totnll!o ~ S.. 71l. U1 1931 or n4-D-3228 CASH fOtt CAllS Wl NHO YOOtt CAii PAtO fOI 011 NOT l'HIU.IPS AUTO ASIC Foti MAlCOlM 949-574-7777 ·osF ... 4tt-t.y Trvck °"""-V M ... s ... ct..~ (DM 14 2) s ~soo NIWPOIT AUTOSPOU 94t-S74-S600 "f:mpfoH'P ... "£mp/,,ado. ·· '»trbeilnt>hmer. ·· "F.mploJe ... ..... ......... - www.lpeclelPl••11c-. TV Specl1I fln1nca pr" 1pprov1I auto 10111 pr01f1m for IHIOPM ·~ hive problam crtcllt.' ~ prtmllr HCOnd chlnc.e Auto Loin Servlca. (CAL •SCAN) iii Lolftl MOMI MOlHAH U>Mt l~ lntw.t r11H. M credit types. "° pr .. plyrnent pMltill. e.t service In th• atett . California ORE. E~•n F~ Cal ,_ 800-7» 89&9 (CM. -scAN} BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE U ts n SlW AVMASU IN NIWf'CNIT tlACM $2SOOUASI t4t-S00..100S WAH OUT YOllHOUSE WIJHA GWGEWI! W1 (949) 642-5678 NllW1U .. "' 11!..'!i CIUUDIOM Flmrr. HOME, HEAL TH AND SUSINESS Servfcl Olrectoiy -NO RODE RS C1lolorn11 law ,. quotes that contr•c tors tak1n1 iobs th1t lotal S500 Of more (labor or maier 11ls) bl lteensed by Ole Cont,.ctors St•t• Llclnw Board Stele law 1lso requires ltl•I contractors include thei< lteenM! numlief on 111 ldvlfttMnl-You e1n check th1 status of your ttGtnnd c ontra ctor at WWW C:Slb Cl IOV Of &00·321 ·CSLB Unll cenaed con tr actort t1klna lobs thet tohl Ins than $500 must 1t1te In their 1d11ettlHments th1l they .,, not llcenud by the Conlrectors State lk:enM Boerd " AMlonl& RlmoMng fAll"nlMe ll'f'-.s Kildwl I Bait! I RlfllOdll ld9:ra fliH9•baarn ~ '::irM1 IML\ff!IJ/15 lallMI••~· ,,.,,., ..... AITORNEY Civil......., buJ1nw law, land ute,.land· ~conlllCU, odler 1psmenta. 20Ytenup. lt4lllONlblt ..... • ~ Ca111entry ,. ........ A -Z MANDY MAN Instill, refece ceblnets. ~ ,,..,,,.., .:;;. 714-546-7258 • Untts • Custom 8u1lt·1ns, Crown Moldlnp, 81se Boards Ll577982 949-709·5642 c.pet Replr/Slles oCAaPn~curn~ Repairs, Patchlnc, Install Court90US. 1n1 Sita jobs Wholualel 949 .. 92-0205 EFFICIENT AIR SYSTEMS C·20 520089 (714) IM·2007 HI 112·1900 Ml (Mt) 720-G717 1•1 If i.ttltloa .... ,. FURNACE IA'' R • A forNCt & MMyCoc141~ 71.• ITU"-'1111 1•.•1TU"-'*' 1'1111 ~ """"'· l oodt uoonio- 114 2007 FREE Ht-HOME mmA1D ·~ Computer Services ##HOME & •USl#ESS •t,.Al•S Up1r1des, Repairs of Computer, Networks E ven1n1$/Week1nds Competitive PflCU !Or quahly servic 949-116-1175 7 14-926-4221 Conciete & Masonry I rick llod St..,• Tiie Concrete. P1t10, Orrvewey fnpk, BBQ Refs 2SYn Eap. Terry 714 557 7594 ConstrudnlContr Oesldop PublldMg TIMI 0 GIN YOU.NOMI IMPIOVIMINT PIOJICTt Cell a plumber, paint.,, h1ndym1n, or any of lh• 1J11t serv1cu hsted here In our service dwec:tory! THESE LOCAL SVC PCOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI Drywall SeMcel AoorlflWTlle CUSTOM OllATM TU lnstalatlon. $1N. C.l!T'lt, ma1llt. ADnl ..... 1975 L'6l2044 1orlf 7J4-61H961 i;;;a;aw._... Floors, Counters &. Showers Lt 591Jl5 Frn ht1m1te 949 ·481-2097 iliiY $l;WW; R.-ld R111out1n & lnstellahon TIU DEAN 949-673 8065 ~115;!;71 G1rdenlna/ landlcaplng W1nH01n DIYWAU Leu Tern• l•4.cap• All ph.su sm/lr1 lobs. w.kty f1W1t. tr• nnnq WA~rs, few. frH & inst1llahon 2S Yrs up NHO MO•l IOOM? tsl L 714-639·1447 Lie/insured 949-548·4363 ~ ;4':.~ Eledr1cal SeMcn Computer Services COMPUTER H ELP! • """"or 0..,..... •lit yow llom or oMct ·~orllc ·~ . •PIUtSlnv•• ·~loblllPo ·Ob~ . '-...... ""*' ...... ·»-N~l'lld9114$ UC~~ tOY,.~lq. 7 14-612-2786 f'I./ 11 I Hf P'. ( r.f, t•f; ,f ~. 1/11 f 81) Ii ', I,, : I i~ I • •ctrk Lk:ens.d Elec1rk:1I Contrtetor. Sm1ll lob• atartlnc •I $7t.9J & ... $t>eclalllln1 In Remodellrtl & all home Wlf kl& needs, COfllm/lndust/R" 1..aoo-tt7-100I L• t COMPlnl LANDSCAPING Oeslan. clunups, Crees, sod, spnnlrlers. Ma1nten1nc1 u low 11 S9/week. Lgnsed 714·222-IW25Nlck DouettllTY llOTHllS n.. fNj loud! Sn:a 1961 ~ T,. k, 5P'r* Ills t/R:p•lr 714-791·1746 ~ Dlr1yW~•aiJ• -Lawns, Ltwn A11at1n1, Sprinklers. Troul>lahoo( .,._ Sprina Tune ups, Repairs & Up1r a des "Have uJ do your Orrt1 Worli" 714-715-2121 1t$ best for the a.mn. Yard ctun·ups, sprlnlller tune·uPll and l1dscapln1 Xtre Moall ServlcH 714-4V-0040 Tre• S•nrlc., Y1rd Clunup, M1lnt1n1nt1, Sprlnlller Reptlr. Haullna (949) 6S0..17t 1 HX UP WICIAUST. All ty1>41s of repairs. Elec· trlul, plumbinc. door1. ..w MMln. tills & more 2Ahrnc1er 11 ... -.1111 Gf1BAl. IEPlll 61WNJ'f1WD .. lt.sidllDll • eca.m.I No Job 1bo SMal1 O.nBewtlt- 9ot .. 32WJft CO.M,.UTI HOMI .MAl#rlllANCI Ho )Ob too sm111! 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Pe1nbnc4lt/1xt. .... ¥ HST MOVllS $St/"' Q~! frM 9'bnllte S1rv1n1 ell c1hH tnsurld L 1 714-636-8888 tut, courteous, CMeful Dl.u......_ Tl63M4 800·246-2378i; tr' -~·:t ....... :=i::~, PUBUC-NOTICE~ lh• C111t Public Ulil1l1ts Commlulon requirn lh1t 111 uMtd hou sehold 1 oods movtrl rdnt th11r P .U C C1 1 number: hmo' end chauffeurs print their T.C.P. number 1n 111 adver· llHmenh If 'IOU hive 1ny questions about the 1ea1111y of 1 mo ver, limo or ch1uffeur call: PUIUC UT1UTllS COMMISSION 100 177-1167 .. Plarnblng l'UOSI f'lUMtlNO R1p11n & Remod4illn1 rRU ESTIMATE L"687398 714·969 1090 SIWll Al9DUll~ (t4t)64S-2H2