HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-16 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. .. . • ... • .a1 IO· Serving the N ewport-Mesa community.since 1907 FRIDAY, MAY 16, 2003 :~J~ewport group still seeking party favor • t ... -· :::.Meetings are planned between city leaders much difference for this year's QUESTION ? already brought some impor· ment, • Oarlc.wn \aid ' :•: .-'d . f celebra1ion, which is less than Whst it the best tant lessons. They have abo learned that •: jDl representatives 0 a West Newport two months away. The council solutlontothewild "Yeah. we've learned a litLle working wi1h the my. 1f not a :,:1i:rbup that's unhappy with the city's has approved a flfSI reading of Fourth of Juty in " • from our first introductory way w get exactly what they :::2~ht d rul & th F rth f Jul the ordinance lo prohibit stores Newport? Ca.II our meeung at the council on N>ril want. 1., .. 1111 cenaml} worth a • .. <UfY• ene es 10r e OU 0 Y· from seUing or storing liquor Readers Hotline at . 22," said Oarkson. who at that try. :;;~ • outside their buildings. and has (94_9) 6:42-6086. or send &-mail to meeung indirectly compared ·we were d1..apprn1ued in the lune CH•&r•nde group will also try to schedule a shown no sign of budging from dail'(i1"/ot@latimes;~ ~ease the ctty to Saddam Hussein for condeM:endmg atutude which Daily Pilot public meeting for its support· lheir plans for this year's fourth ~ your na~e a: 1 u ~our what he characterized as a roll. the C...11)' Council demon<,trated ~ •. ·NEWPORT BEACH -free- :. ;~rt, the group that is fight- :•: IQg)iity moves to curb drinking • • ~ i::rime In West Newport on : die "'Fourth of July, says It plans :•:to t;ontlnue Its campaJgn on •:•May 27, when the council will : : : vote on the second portio n of its : : ln4ependence Day plan. The ers. city leaders. law enforce-of July. f omet~fiwnt~n P one numl r, back of freedoms. That com-on their meeting Tue'>Clay." d th W N F N will . . or ven IC8 ion purposes on y . ed be LI a L., "d . m ent an o er est ewport ree ewport continue us panson prov to a cos y arl'.:)on !>al "We rt· not opu · resident in hopes of finding fight, members say. mistake, as it became the focus m1stic in our ab1h1y to he able 10 some common ground. "We're again going to put up opposition to the alcohol '>tor-of council members' comments work with them effect" ely" "I welcome it.~ City Attorney posters around town." said age law." and newspaper anicles. Bob Burnham said. "I think it Hrian Oarkson, spokesman for In two consecutive C11y C.oun "We learned to kind of take •JUNE CASAGRANDE r.ovMs would be a very productJve the group. "We now have over ciJ meetings. FreeNewpori and '>Orne of the rhetoric out 1>0 meet.log." 125 memberi. on our mailing its mostly young and fun loving they're forced to focus on lhe Newpon Beach and John Wayne A1rpon She may be rCdd'led at (949) 574-4232 or by e m d1I di If the group's efforts are fruit lisl. We're going to e ncourage supporters have go11en a cra'h content of the speech ralher ful, it probably won't make lhem to go out and voice their course in g?vcrnment I hat ha' than focu1>ing on one 1>tate· 1une casagrande .1 /a t1me1.> com . -. -... · .. .. -.... .. . . . . . . ; ~farks, . planning • . · picks the .· •• •• :·· .•. same New Councilman Mike Scheafe r says he pl a ns to keep form er mayo r Karen Robinson's appointments to city commissions. Deirdre Newm•n Dally Pilot COSTA MESA -Allhough Mike Sc:heafers appointment to the City Council was laden with tension and suspense. his decision on whom to • _ Jlppoint as commissioners was . ;.~.~~free. ••• •' -.• .. Scheafer said he will keep both of former mayoT Karen Robinson's pleb -Bruce Gar- Uch on the Plan- nlng Commission and Mark Harris on the Parks and Re· creadon Commis- • ••• :-: ··~ ••• . _ ... ... . . ... • • • Mike Scheafer slon. Sc:heafer was appointed Monday to replace Robinson, who resigned April 15 to become an Orange . _ _ C.oWlty Superior Court judge. Scheafer's satisfaction with the • .status quo ensures consistency on ! : ""& conunismons, which were . shaken up after the November elec- . ::'tion when the council changed the proc~ of filling them to indMdual •: : ~inttnents. Commissioners now • 'Serve at the will of their council members and can be replaced at 11J1Ytim e. •r m not going to change any- thing that's in place," Scheafer said. ·1 think lf they were good enough to ~ JPpolnted in the first place that U.ey should get a chance to con- tin\le. I've spoken to both of them and seen both of them ln action : .... -~ Jhlnk they're both doing a fine •. job." •' .. .. . .. See PICKS, Pace M RIDESHARING DON LEACH I OM.Y PILOT Three buddies take advantage of one bike and a small grade along Superior Avenue m their QUest for the beach. The trio only managed a few blocks of the balancing act before setting out on foot. THINKING ALLOWED A Marine with a softer side I bated making the 'phone call, but the preatwe wu on. Too many people bad tlpped me off, and 1 couJdn't Ignore lt any longer. 1 knew It would n:Wte him mad, but k'• aU part of the job. I remembered the warnings: • •He dono't want th• papen \ tmolved. • a eowte of m1ne ~d. •tn tact. he told me nol to your he said. •HI, It's Lolita a t the Pilot," I said. "I beard you've been doln& I lot of reallynlce ~tor IOID8 wondetf\.al people." Beach. Word on the ltn!et has lt Marcbeano bu been Welessly donating paclcages. money- any resources at h it dlaposal - to help mlliwy penonnel serving ln the Mlddle £ail and their local families. Newport Beach Relay for Ufe. He played It down. aa.ld ft was no blgdeal. But It is a blg du! to the J Spences and to retired Martne and friend George Teplch. who had blown Marchuno cover. --=.!>"• I am doing It I dWed the number U\d • Waited tor Chat familW New LOLITA HARPER •YoU know I don't like mt.." aUd Dan ~---oldie Ardm ............ Ntwpon ·He has people over here deaning my bouae fto. top to bonom." Mld Came Sp9Dce, the wtfe or Marine 5'.t Sp.- Cua Spence, Who bu beea profUed a,y me o.uy Piiot. I had confn>nted MmdMenO about bll llOft ...... Wlldnlwhhhmatlbe ·oan Marc:heano • . hu done a wonderful Job In eendinl bout after boxa lO our M.m.. I !1!>fped coun-. after 25. "hplch wrote In an • llMlll. "There la no.atoPPlnl.,. patnot.~ • NOC Oftlyl..s ~ Woman robbed on Lido Isle 55-year-o ld is a ttacked in her driveway after returning fro m shopping. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot llOO ISLE -A 55 year old :'\t~von Beach woman Well> ho-.pualvi.'t.I tllUNl.1y al ter being anadced and robbtd m lwr dme way while returmng from a <J1oppmg tnp. po lice said Newpon Beach Police ~· ~l'W ">hulnw1 said the woman w·d.'> pullmg into lwr i.:<tr.tg-l' m the 200 block of \'ia ( rt•noa at i.1ho11t I .!O p.m. when a man appnJJtht'\J hl'f on till' driver side of her car. She wa.' dlimt· The man demanded all of lwr JWNlllJI property and then 'itrucl. ht•r on till' ht.-ad with an unknown ob,et.'t '>llUlm.111 "'"d 111 a press release. It LS unknown h•M \"alu<1blt· thl' See ROBBED. Page A4 PUBLIC SAFETY Vechesjury starts to deliberate Deep• Bh•rath Daily Pilot SANTA ANA -Jury dehberanon'> ~ Thursday afternoon in lht> mal of a .12 year- old former recreation coordinator accused of suclcing the toes of ~ral young boys enrolled in the city's afteMchool programs. Earlier on Thursday. the 1uror<. heard de- fense attorney John Pau;ick Dolan proclaim his client's innocence dunng clo<;1ng argu- ments. See VECHES, P .. e M . Daily Pilot ri• of the Mighty Oucb' goelie. SM Pace AS AT A GLANCE . ACADEMIC ONllEWBI: ALL-STARS www.~com Com Meu .. most WEATHER ~studen .,. ~ MOte of the ---leePlpM more _,. ldll'ful W9ll '' t1t .. ... ..... A2 SPORTS ICE HOCKEY Cototwdl1Mtfttgh .. IPECIAl. ........ lgtlilabl ....,. .... °"'....., d*tlh ........ I ' AZ Friday, May 16, 2003 ON THE ~TER KENT TREPTOW I DAIL V Pll 0 T Barbara ·corki" Rawlings is the owner of Corki's Embroidery, which puts boat names and nautical designs on clothing for boaters. She sews for sailors Embroidery on boats, from pillows to flags, has proven a steady source of income for one N~wport Beach b usiness woman. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot B oaters apparentJy love embroidered stuff. Barbara •eorld" Rawlings knows that because she has made a business out of it for 33 years in Newport Beach. The 68-year-old Rawlings started off hand-embroidering boat names, nautical designs and mot.if!> on shirts, hats, WHATS AFLOAT • WHATS AR.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event. submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627;byfaxto(949)646-4170;or bye-mail to dsilypilot@lstimes.com. CRUlSES Electric: Boat Tours off9n two-hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Round-trip hotel or off·th&-water restaurant shuttle service is avalTabfe. P-d=up liom restaurants with docb is also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291-1953 or www.wattsontheharbor.com. The Newport L.-nding a.lie Is available for weddings and receptions, codrtail and sightseeing cruises, and meetings. The cost is $500 for the firstlwo hours, plus $160 for each additional hour. (949) 361-3640. Fun Zone Boat Co. runs • 45-minute cruise (adults, $6; jackers and even pillow and cushion covers. Bui now, like everything is these days, embroidering is computerized, she said. "The design is digitized on to a disk. and that is fed into the sewing machine's computer.· she said. She threads the needJes, and the machine takes it from there. Rawlings originally owned Nikki's Hags. where she and her husband, Gary. made mostly children, $1) and a 9()..minute cruise (adults, $8; children, $1 ) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m . to 7 p.m . daily. A 60-minute showboat sunset cruise (adults, $6; children, $1) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. daily. Private charters are available. (949) 673-0240. Clltalin• Passenger Service runs 45-minute harbor cruises (adults. $6; children, $1) and 90-minute cruises (adults, $8; children, $1 ), departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily and on the hour until 7 p.m. (949) 673-5245. -GNiM the hert»er ebeeld the Electra, a 100-foot Classic Fantail vessel. Charters with catering are available for up to 145 passengers. (949) 723-1069. A thre.ec>ut"M dinner •nd dancing while cruising the harbor are available at 8 p.m. Fridays and at 7:30 p.m. Saturdays.at Hornblower Cruises & Events, 2431 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. The fee is $59.95 per person on Fridays and $64 on Saturdays. Brunch cruises also are available. (949) 631-2469. Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 136 THOMAS H. JOHNSON New.Edlkws Publlsher Gina Alexander, Lori Andtnon; TONY DOOERO Daniel Hunt. PMll s.ltowl1z. Editor Daniel SteYens JUa't OETTINO NEWSSTAff ~,,<1:S:' Crime°::r~. Promotlo,. DI~ (949167 ~.,,,..,.,,,•l«lmea..com EDf1"MJ STAR= ....... w·· B.J.CeM Newpoit reporter, ~~EdltOf, (M)57~ ~ }une.~•l«lm#.com t J.t:11hn• W/IM&oom ...... Clnal ......... Polltlce. bu.ineea end environment ~E*>t, (~ reporter, {949) 794-4330 }Ima,,,.,.~ p1HJl.dlnfon•,.t1nw.com ........ o-Lo919......., ~,,.~ ColumnJll. ClllftuN reporw, ~~ {M) 17"'4271 ..... ,,, ..... lollra.,..,,_.,.,,,_,com M °"**"I *-9 0.. ChW, ............... (Ml)PMZM to.a MMe repofW, ,.., 574-4221 ....... Wlm&oom .,~•'*"'-·com .... MIC1 l QM[ JI IC... ,,..Nw, Educedon ""°'*· IMl 17....._ c.-t11Mm ~·...,._OMI dtrlltflnla.t»trlllo•...,,,_,aom • nautical flags as well as did embroidery. But 10 years ago, she sold that business and decided to take up something "easier" as a retirement project. "But there was a lot of demand for embroidering, and now it's a full-time business," she said. The challenges are many, but being in the business for a long time has helped them gel "comfortable with it.· Rawlings said. •placement of the design is Import.an!,· she said. "You also need to get it straight and make sure you get the colors right· She does a wide variety of The CatafiM Ayer departl from Balboa Pavilion at 9 a.m. daily and returns from Catalina Island et 4:30 p.m. S36 round-trip for adults; $20 round-trip for children. Reservations are recommended. (949) 673-6245. Homblowef'.,,,.,. WMkend dinner dance and Sunday champagne brunch cruises on Newport Harbor that celebrate imaginative cuisine and pampered service. 2431 W. Coast Highway, Suite 101, Newport Beach. (949) 631-2469. The AdvMtu,.. at s.. v.ctYt Charters offer cruises around Newport Harbor from 12:30 to 2 p.m..4V~ay at 3101 w Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $20, indudea cruise, partdng, cookie9 and sodas. Reaerva'tlons required. (949) 650-2412. ASHING Alhing ..... i..v. BMboe Pavilion at 6 a.m. and return at 4 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays. $125. (949) 673-2810. Rahing auppliee •nd bo9t charters (open party and private) are available at Davey's Lodcer, 400 Main St.. Balboa (949) Coret Wllson News aulstant. (949) 574-4298 ooral.wllton latlmn.oom PHOTOGRAPttERS Sean Hiller, Don Leedl. Kent Treptow READERS HOTUNE (949) IM2-8088 R41cord your comments about the o.lly Pilot or news tipe. ~ Our edd,..q Is 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mau, CA 92627. Oftlcie hours are Mond.ty · Friday, 8'30 a.m, · 5 p.m. ~ .. It Is the Piiot's policy to promptly OC>mlCt ell errors of 1ui.t.noe. Pl .... cell (949) ~4. FYI The N.wpoft ~ MeN 0.Uy PUot (USPS-144-800) Is publlthed dalty, In N.wport BNctt tnd eo.t• MeM, tUbecriptlons .,. evellM*I ontv bv tubecriblng to The Tlmea Of•noe County llOOI 252-81'1 "1.,... Olllmlde of Newpoft 8eed'I end~~ IUbecriptlons tlO the Delly !'Nol ... ........... ontv bv ftrtt ... "*'for 930 Pllf month. '"'°" lndude ... ~-endloc8t~ ~:Send~ =-~-o:; ..... P.O. work. but her biggest project was completed about two months ago when she d1d pillow covers for a large boat. "It involved 80,000 stitch es and took us two fuU days to complete," Rawlings said. The computerized sewing machine puts together 600 to 700 stitches per minute. she said. Though ii gets hectic sometimes, Rawlings said she enjoys the job. "I like that we gel to meet a lot of nice people,· she said. ·And every job is different There's so much variety. You never get bored." 673-1434; and Newport Landing Sportfishing, 309 Palms, Suite F. Newport Beach (949) 675-0550. o.y •nd night fishing ch..-.'°' groups or ainglea ere available at Bongos Sportfishing on Balboa Peninsula. (949) 673-2810. KAYAKING/CANOEING/SCUBA Beginning ... byaldng • .,,... clinics and private lessons are offered at Paddle Power, 1600 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Kayak and sea ski rentals also are available. (~675-1216. iw.hour ay.lt tours begin at 10 a.m. Sundays from Newport Dunes. The cost is $20 for adults and $15 ford!ildren. ISayak rentals and dasses also are availabfe. (949) 7~1160. Single Uylllk ~ ($10 per hour) and doubles ($16 per hour) are avaJlable at Balboa Boat Rentals in the Balboa Fun Zone. (949) 673-7200. (949) 67!>-1215. The Upper Newpoft a.y Ecological Reserve offers Bade Bay canoe tours departing at 8:30 a.m. Saturdays from Shellmaker Island, which is off Bade Bay Drive In Newport Beach. (949) 64()..6746. Box 1560, Costa Mau, CA 92626. Copyright No news stories, illustr8tions, edltorfal matter or advedlsementa herein can be reproduced without written permiu.ion of copyright owner. HOW lO REACH US Clirculetion The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 Adwe'dallltg a 1111fted (949) IM2-5678 °""*" (949) IM2-4321 ~ ..... (949) IMi.5680 ........ (949) 57~223 News Fa UM8) 846-4170 lpor'9 ,_ UM8) 860-0170 E<fNlll: dMIYPlldt•fllfl,,,...com .... Ollee ....... Ollee (949) 842-4321 ....... ,... (949) e31-7t2e ""~ bv Tinlel Community News.. dfvttlon Of the Loe~ n-n.. C2003 Tlmee CH. All rtgta twlWd. THE HARBOR COLUMN · A week to play it safe A hoy. risk. Standard ·eoat lifejackets are not Smart. Boat very comfortable Safe. Wear It!" TI\is and not very is the theme that fashionable to wear the National Safe while yachting. Boating Council is Lifejack.et using for this year's manufacrurers are Safe Boating Week. finally starting to which begins address comfort Saturday. The and style. council ls trying to MIKE A few boating educate boaters WHITEHEAD coats are that it is not incorporating enough to just have a few flotation materials built In lifejackets stuffed in a locker the lining. I have yet to try on board the boat, you must one for comfort and W'dlTnth. wear the lifejacket to Also, the inflatable lifejacket increase your chance or market is trying to earn the surviving serious accidents. seal of approval from the The National Safe Boating Coast Guard. Council works with the Don't try 10 take your National Assn. of State inflatable lifejacket on any Boating Law Administrators airliner with the new security to organize this annual event checks, though. because you with the help of a grant fund can not bring the small C02 from the Aquatic Resources canister that is used 10 (Wallop-Breaux) lh.lst Fund. inflate the lifejackel on derived primarily from the board. boater's fuel tax. I thinJc. that we will ..ee Coast Guard statistics more inllatabl~ bemg worn show that in 2001. just about in the near future, and I still 80% of the fatalities from need to try one of the coats. boating accidents were not Remember to check the laws wearing a lifejacltet. of the state in which you will Afterward, the accident be boaung for that state's investigators found tifejacltel laws. lifejackets stored aboard I am -curious to hear about most of the vessels. any Safe Boating Week Aorida leads the nation event'> that are occurring in with boating fatalities. with the Newport I !arbor area. I California a dose second on have not heard of any events the top 10 list on National nor seen any press releases Safe Boating Council 's Web that list events locally here. site. I .et me know if you know The statistics for 200 I of any events, and boating fatalities: Florida, 52; organlz.ations can stan California. 48; Louisiana, 43; thinking about joining in for Texas, 41; Washington. 33; next year's Safe Boating Michigan, 28; New York. 25; Week. The National Safe Alaska. 21; Wisconsin, 20; Boating Council has a lot of Vlrginla. 19; and Ohio, 19. infonnation and pri.nrable People 40 to 49 years old materials on its Web sate at are the most at risk 10 die wivw..safeboating from capsizing (32'J!,), falling campaign.com. overboard (29"JI,) or being The tip of the week was struck by a propeller (1 4%). sent to me from Balboa Watch out. as the data Yacht Oub's own Stan shows that most fatalities Cochran for his happen in May, June and recommendauon of a July. I think that these boater's weather Web sile. months are the wor..1 "I use for the no rmal because it Is the Lime when coastal run or most boaters who have not Newport-10-Catallna dash: touched a helm since the cdip. ucsd.edulmodelsl previous summer go boating. socal_now.shtm~ • Stan wrote Keep in mind that I am • in an e-mail. "I have found It · only mentioning fatalities in to be prerty good at this column and not boat predicting the comfort accidents. Fatalities have to · factor. But you probably are be reported and are much familiar with this one.· easier to track than boating Thanks Stan, and yes I am accidents annually. Most familiar with this site, but I boat~ never report an do not think that I have accident unless there is harm lisred this swell model in my lO a person or major cnh1mns. This silt shows a damage, so the boating swell model from the accident statistics are not Harvest buoy to below San accurate. 9iego. This ls a good campaign, Safe voyages. but the question still remains: •How practicaJ is it to always wear your Ufejacltet?" California has enacted laws for children to wear • Ufejackets while on smaller boats, but the statistics show that adults are ones most at • MIKE WHfTEHEAO It the Pilol't boating end harbor columnist. Send him your harbor and marine-related thoughts and story 1ugg"1ion1 bye-mail to Milce c@Boathouse TY.oom or visit Boathouse TY.oom. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST build to 25 knots In the . . . •. It will be mostly sonny evening. The swell will be from: today. with some warm the northwest at 7 to 9 feet. temperatures around South SURF CoutPlaza. The d9y will start with some A combirmion of IOUthwMt douda Incl temperatures in the and northwat swell should upper 60s. By earty afternoon, keep 54th Street In cn.t-high the mercury will be In the surf. A. uauel, It will g.t mld-70., doMrto 70 by the smaller ind WMiker •you weter. The evening should be head tow.rd B~'t. me.. with .... wind 1hln 'lately The Mxt week .. ~to and mild *1lperetu,... hlMI decent eurf. ~ nocNng : The WMkend .. ~ng to mlnd-blowtng. Juet twalt undl !: bemuch th4tume. Memorilll Dey • ........ I! --~ www.nwa.nou.(l(IV WWW.ICJrfridtJr.OIV BOATING FORECAST TIDES Wlnd~be~ Tllne ........ todey, ~•round 10 lulOta 4:18 1.m. ·tU .... kM and buMdlng only to~ 16 10'.38 a.m. 4.00 .......... "'"*from the well. W.W. ~p.m. , ........ ~be 2 ._«'"*"'on t 4-t:Mp.m. .. ~ .... hllh toMoocweltlWll • llw OUllr'--· hew nonft-wlndl from 16 ID 20 tnoM.e.ty.n..-. .. --... • Dally Pilot BEST BUYS Bye-bye for True Blue U nfortunateJy, after 16~ yea.rs, 'Ihle Blue Is retiring. The store has been a favorite for many shoppers who appreciate its selection of women's casual, comfortable clothing and accessories: Brighton luggage, belts, footwear and watches; Lucy Ann charms; necklaces, earrings and anklets. A retirement sale is in progress. Open from 10 am. to 9 p.rn. Monday to Friday: from 10 am. to 7 p.m. Saturday: and from 11 am. to 6 p.m. Sonday. Fashion Island, Newport Beach. (949) 721 -8829. ENOUGHSA~NGSTOTAJ<E QUITt A err HOME Save up to 75% on home furnishings at the Von Hemert lnterlon annual warehouse sale through June 2. This fourth-generation business imports one-of~a-ldnd Italian pieces and fine furniture lines. The selection ranges from classic to contemporary. Von Hemert Interiors also offers designs consultations. space planning. custom drapery treatments, Dooring, faux painting and more. Lines from Baker, Maitland-Smith, Heru-edon, Century. Jeffco. Hickory White and more. Open from 9 am. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Saturday: and from 10 am. to 7 p.m. on Sonday. 1595 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. (949) 642-2050 or www. mnhemerti n tenors.com A UTTl.E MOOERN LEARNING . You can learn how to care for classic modem furnirure by anending an infonnal lecture by Alfie Hwne. a mid-centwy furniture specialist, at Des1grl Within Rach from 10 am. to noon Saturday in Fashion Island's PLUG IN GREER WVLDER Atriwn Court. Hume's expertise ranges from finding rare parts to fixing difficult repairs on designs by Olarles and Ray Eames and pieces from Herman Miller, Vitra and Knoll He's also the owner of Venice-based HUME. Gelato Paradiso will serve refreshments. Open from lO a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday: from JO am. to 7 p.m. Saturday: and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sonday. (949) 721-0031. AN AMERICAN VERSED IN FRENCH DESIGN American designer Mi~! Kors, now chief designer and creative director at the French house of c.eune. designs luxury ready-to-wear, shoes. handbags and accessories. It's hard to pinpoint Celine's style. One season it's a biker chick look. and I.he next it's an oriental collection. Bestsellers for spring are I.he very sexy silk georgette tie-dye dres.ses, Punjab sandals and Boogie and Polbot bags. The shop has seasonal sales. Open from 10 am. to 9 p.m. Monday 10 Friday: from IO am. to 8 p.m. Saturday: and from 11 am. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level 2. South Coast Plaza (71 4) 641 -1315 or www.reline.com A LOOK AT YOUNG ARTISTS Sher's Art Gallery is I.he perfect place for young and creative students to practice I.heir artistic skills. A special art showing by Sher's students. ages 8 through 15, ls open to the public from noon to 2 p.m. Sonday. 2830 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. (949) 675-9306. A FIVE·COURSE WONDER AT ROY'S RESTAURANT Roy'I Newport Beach, one of our beStrestawants, offers a special wine dinner with Mjura Wines Ca small Napa winery) on Monday. Miura Is lcnown for highly allocated wines - production Is low and demand Is high -restaurants and specialty wine shops are pre-determined, and bottles limited. Wine connoisseurs can meet founder and owner Emmanuel Kemiji and enjoy a special menu created by Roy Yamaguchi and chef partner 01ris Gamier. The five-course dinner is $95, which covers all wine. tax and gratuity. The first course is sashimi of Hawaiian mo1 with sea urchin custard and soy driu.Je; I.he second course is salad of Kauai shrimp with Japanese mountain potato and baby frissee; I.he third course is seared foie gras with shiitak.e bread pudding and Maui onion lardon sauce; lhe fourth course Is dome<.llc Kobe beef New York wtlh big island hearts of palm. edamame mash and garuc soy lemon sauce: I.he fifth cour;e is brctised Oilnese black pig. creamy polenta and red wine sauce: and I.he dessert IS berries and chocolate. 453 Newpon Center Drive at .. ac;tuon Island, Newport Reach (9491 640-7697. GOOD FOR THE FEET AND GOOD FOR THE EYES Receive a free pat1 of sunglasses, a S25 value. with I.he purchase of rwo pairs of shoes at Ae1"090les at Fashion l!.land through Memonal Day. New c;andals for &ummer have amved. A.erosoles Is between Robinsons-May and Macy's at Fashion Island in Newpon Beach. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m Monday to Friday; from 1 O am. to 7 p.m. Saturday: and from 11 am. to 6 p.m. Sunday. (949) 640-1668. • BEST BUYS appears Mondays and Fridays. Send information 10 Greer Wylder at 9rtHJrwylder@y11hoo.oom; at 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; or by fax at 1949) 646-4170 8289!'r~ I IT 1111 LEAIE FOR THE RECORD S QQQ cvst~..,,.. cov p.us 10, & •<e"se ~ o• eo~ "17' 1>g No ~•Y ~ reqr.;wed. )Q 000 toto ::: .r.; !»' e'l1e '"'"' 2Cc pe-mole •M<eafter A caption in TI1ursday's Daily Pilot misidentified the chief executive officer of the Balboa Bay Club & Resort. His name is David Wooten, not Dan Wooten. TAKI SS rwY EXIT fAt• DA. TO HHBOA /lo prrees ••ck.rd. gci•etome" '"~ :ird •o•es or;' ''.l"'• c/\o•991 Of\y d.olet ~ preporo•oO" :t'>o·9'J ?•O O"f 9"""'°' tesl,•'.;j chor99 f.p.ret 51 lb/C)J Serving 'Break.fa :>(, £..uncli (....:. 'D1n ntr jLocah favorite! Smee i995 fJ3 on The Difference Is Dignity THERE ARE MANY CREMATION AND FUNERAL SERVICE PROVIDERS BUT WHAT THEY PROVIDE IS NOT THE SAME . There 1s a difference in care and service when you plan with a D1gn1ty Memorial' Service Provider + EXPERJENCED COUNSELORS We want to relieve as much of the stress as possible dunng what 1s already a difficult time Our trained and canng staff will discuss pncing benefits, plans and service options answenng all of your questions clearly and si mply • 1 00"-SERVICE GUARANTEE A t 00 percent service guarantee that supports our commitment to provide service beyond expectations +TRAVEL BEREAVEMENT PROGRAM Significant savings on flight arrangements and other travel needs such as hotel and car rental to out-of -town family members + HANDUNC YOUR N EEDS BEFORE, 0URJNC AND A FTER Dignity Memorial's care extends beyond the service Our Ahercare Planner helps survivors through the sometimes burdensome legal and business affairs they must attend to after a loss. +COMPASSION HELPUNE A 24-hour a day telephone line, staffed by licensed counselors for the bereaved to obtain counsel during the difficult months following a loss +FREE INTERNET MEMORIAL Through WWW mem com, we will provide an introductory Everlistmg Memorial at no cost that provides an opportunity to celebrate the life of a loved one. l..£r US BE YOUR TRUSTED ADVISOR. 4 Call our caring counselors to discuss cremation or funeral amn emcnts or to learn more about prc·planning pro,,.am PAOFIC VIEW MEMORIAL Paa laonas PARK AND Molrl"UilY Bai laOADWAY MORTUAn CoaONA on Mu CoS'TA 949.644.:2700 949.64:2.9150 F0t17'1 All.OWED bu done for me and for Cua, all the pacbaet he bu aent to Cull and atult" she sald. "I jus1 of the people who are over there right now dolng that job tha1 we lbould all appreciate." Continued from Al • can't thank him eno~. • arranged for package to be aent and houses to be cleaned, be alao ral8ed money to haw Curie'• flulty water hat~r repaired and broken stove replaced. OK. Dwnb question. • 1 a.llo heard you are pla.nnlng a big homecoming bub for the troopt," 1 aald. "I am just ecstatic: Carrie Spence said. She added I hat 11he WllS prudng uv thti house In preparation for Ca6i.' return. She doesn't kn.ow U he will be home in a couple of days or weeks, but it will be soon. "All thls wonderful stuff he VE CHES Continued from Al In a booming voice that was · emodonally charged. Dola.d said lfe.nton Vecbes did not love the children at in a "seamy, dirty, gutter kind oI way. H "His love for the children was pure," he said. "He loves the chil- dren. He does not lust after I.hem.. The prosecudon put 23 boys on the stand. All of them testified that Veches either sucked, licked or massaged their feet. One or the boys told jurors that Veches ROBBED Continued from Al lost items are. Tiie Daily Pilot does not name victims of violent crimes. The woman immediately called the police, and officers arrived a [ew minutes later. Police scoured the island for suspect.s and posted an officer al the islands bridge. which is the only edt off either on PICKS Continued from Al Garlich said he was happy to hear he would be staying on the commission he chairs. Ml Like my job. I'm just in my third year, I'm far from tired and I think I'm pretty good at ii," he said. 'Tm looking forward to continuing as chair and enjoying Costa Mesa's 50lh birthday and staying involved with the city." Harris also expressed pleasure at the opponunity to continue serving on the commission he has been involved with for nine years. He and Scheafer served together on the Parks and Re- .1 bad all the evidence I needed, and Marcheano fessed up. "O~ to what do you need to mowT" the retlred MariDe uted. Why, I asked. "Why?• Marcbeano asked. incredulously. "I'll tell you why. Because I'm too old to go over there and do it myself. Because I enjoy my freedom and I do enjoy the suong possibility tha1 I will have it for a long time to come, and it is because had made him remove his pants and touched him inappropri- ately. Prosecutor Shella Hanson also presented several photo- graphs recovered from Veches' home computer of the cbil- dren's feet and of him sucking their feet. Hanson said Veches filed away many of these pic- tures in CD-ROMs and in his home computer. Dolan said all that ~vidence still does not prove Veches' in- tent beyond a reasonable doubt "This is a charged sex crime with no sex." he said. But Hanson argued lhal the "You've got very big ea.rs. young lady,• Marcheano said. "I don't remember you having such big ears." Ma.rcbeano said he wants to do whatever he can to make their time back at home the most enjoyable. From what he understands, some might only be home for a week or two, and In that case, they may want to Just kick their charges against Veches do not al- lege sexual acts but lewd acts committed with the. intent or sexual gratificadon. She said in her closing arguments that Vech· es bas "no defense for this atme.· "lt doesn't matter if a child says it's OK." Hamon said. "What do children know about sex at th.ls 88e7 They don't have the knowledge that an adult sucking at their toes i8 a lewd act. "The fact that they didn't run away from (VechesJ yelling and screaming or the fact that they took candy from him is no de- fense against this crime." root or by car. car/ Shuh:nan said. Despite the strategic posts, no When paddng in a commercial arrests were made. The woman lot. people should be aware of could not offer a desaiption of the those in the immediate area, tie robber. . warned. The woman was talcen to Haas If' paddng at night. one should Hospital by Newport Beach para-look for a well-lighted area. &i dose medics for her head injury and to the destination ~ possible. was la1er released.. When coming home, people "While it is difficult to prevmt should check to make sure they being the victim of some aimes. it haw not been followed. If' they is important to be aware of your fear they have been foUowed, they surrounding'> before exiting your should can police immediately creation Commission in the late 1990s. Scheafer resigned in August 2000 because he felt he couldn't express his views freely on a skateboard park location. "He saw how I worked on there, artd we both have a good understanding of each other and we think pretty similar," Harris said. ~He's really pro-kids pro- grams and our youth sports ... and he's very much into the do- ing right thing for the city where recreational needs are con- cerned." • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reac.tied at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@lnimes.corrt. GETTING INVOLVED • GETI'ING INVOtllED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For infonnation on adding your organization to this list. call (949) 6744298. Al..ZHmElrS ASSN. OF ORANGE COUNTY Support group leaders, Visiting Volunteers, family resource consultants and office volunteers are needed. Votunteers may WOf1t on one-time pro;ects or ongoing programs. Training sessions are available. (800) 660-1993. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The Orange County Region of the American Cancer Society eeeka office volunteers. The society also seeks volunteers to answer calls for the unit's Helpline lnfoCenter. (949) 261-9446. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancer Society Oi1COVery Shop needs unwanted good• suc:ti a1 ctothing, fumiture, jewelry, accessories, antiques and collectibles to fund the society's reeearch, education and patient aervioea programs. The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday at the same location. (949) 640-4m. AMERtCAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY Ecco; MD'HISTO; TERRA Fl.ANA The transportation program needs volunteera to drive· cancer patients to and from medical treatments free of d\arge. The required commitment It e few houra each week or mon1h. Drtvera must have a velld driver's lk:enae end Insurance and be et least 26. ~teera may u1e either their own vehk:les or American cancer Society vans. (949) 261-9446 or .oomer•canoer.oro. (Mt) Me--S9H COfOlll dll MM Pllu • 116 Avle.ldo Aw. Hewport Seidl ._..,..,. THESE NEW FABRICS Will APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EYU HHBAIDS . The IOft folds o1 v.-u-· window ... fO# come In ttw. new flbria "*..,...to ..,onto Come_._.., The American Cancer Society is 1tl10 loolclng for volunteer speekers for 111 Speeker1 Bureau P'OQr8m, wNdl °"91'9 • free seevice '° communhiea, .:hoolt and COfPOfWlk>nt bv pt'O'lidlng trlined~to~ C80C8r-... The orgenlzation wtll tr9in ell lnterellt9d volunt8era at 1 lpedel -6ofl on Dec. 7 from 8:30 e.m. to 1 :30 p.m. at tht Spec:tNm OOb, 1536 Detfpeft Ortw In Fulerton. foor ~ '*' Aorenoa o.wi llt (941) 617-0804 bv New. 22. MmlC#t HIMT AIM. The An.an ..... ""1itiA. .. loaldng tor valunllii'I., perfonn v11tou1.,,..e ....... In .. "'*' ofllc9 wl lftipllment .......... wlfUnck.w.19 ~through Or-. County. No......-aNCllltfV.~ .. blpnMdld. ,.., ..... feet up. It's thelt choice, be wd. "You t~ll me what you want, we'll do it,• he Mid. "Want to spend time with your famlJy'l OX. Want to come down to the restaurant? Done. Want me to come aod do a big barbecue? I got it covered for up to 150 people. .. Marcheano bad told me before that he I.a not good at cooking for two. M'JWo hundred people, yeah, now that gets me going." he said. I thanked Marcheano for talking to me and begg~d him not to be mad at Teplch or That his cllent sucked the ch11- dren's toes was "bizarre• and •weird," Dolan said. He said po- lice d.ld find several plcturea de- picting child pornography in Veches' computer. "But possession of ch11d por· oography is a misdemeanor," he said. •And my client bas already pleaded guilty to iL. Dolan said Veches told New- port Beach Police Det Tom Mon- arch more than 50 times during their recorded conversadon that what he d.ld was "not sexual." Veches bas been charged with 25 felony counts of lewd contact with a minor. If convicted, he from a mobile phone or drjye di- rectly to the police station. And do not unlock or open your doors, simply pa.ti and honk. Shulman added. Other precautions when aaiv- ing home are backing into the p - rage and dosing the door before getting out of the car. providing you have an automatic garage door opener. •If you are threatened with a ~ give up your vehicle or and their families in the greater Orange County area. Training i1 provided. (714) 650-0800 or (800) 540-2545. AMERICAN RED CROSS, ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTtR The dlapter needs volunteers to address community groups about Red Cross services and to act aa liaisons with the media in disaster and emergency situations. L..vnn Howes, (714) 481-5376. ANIMAL NETWORK OF ORANGE COUNTY Become a botlltHeeder or take in pregnant cats at your home. Many ahetters lcitl pregnant cats upon anival Doga and arts ere also evaileble for edopljon.(949) 769-3646~ www.anima/Mtworlc.orp. ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF NEWPORT-MESA Vofunteers looking for varying levels of involvement are needed to help the organization with Its goal of helping children In the community. (949) 646-6929. ASSN.RENAISSANCE CREATORS The Costa Mesa group eponsors and supports ootreach community Mtvioe programs, such as the ho~ sanctuary. Volunteers are needed. (714) 540-5803. IBfBUDOES The nor.pt ofit orgenizatk>n Is looldng fof volunteel8 18 end older'° prOYide oompllOionehlp for edutts wtth deYelopmentllA disabilities. Aa a •at1zen Buddy," volunteers will visit wtth a buddy twice a month and cell or .-m.H them once a weet. The organization ateo t. an H5uddiee program 1hlrt fonnl friendahipl entirety f1Vfl( the Internet.~ forth.- program mt.l9t be at least 12 veers old. (714) 646-1826 or www.bHtbclddles.org. BIG BROTHERS, BIG SIS'TEtS The locel "'8pter la loolclng for men end women older than 20 who heYe llved In~ County for8t .... months and hew been on,. job fot 11t .._ hw monlhl '° ..w .. big bfoehwe Of big-... fotc:Hkhn eges e to 18fram ~ hOmee. (714)"'4-7773. IOY ICOUT'I OF MmlCA INC. ~~-the Ormgt~COurd lrdadt Wttlll .. progrwn -!ts .............. .., ==:-"'-..... <™a Carrie for dpplng me oft'. "You know me," be said. "Do with th.la what you want. To be blunt about It, I feel that I am fortunate enouab to have the ftna.nclal where with all to be able to do It and I do appreciate my ability to have that kind of freedom, and that all of my friends and families have that freedom. And for that, you have Lo give back.• • LOLlfA HARPER writes columns Monday1, Wedne1day1 and Friday• and covere culture and the art1. Sha may be reached et (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolita.h•rper@latlme•.com. faces a maximwn sentence of life inprisoowithowthepossibillty or parole for al least 25 years. The jury bas Lo choose be- tween finding him not guilty, guilty of the charges or guilty of "attempted lewd conduct.· which is a lesser charge. Jurors will consider the 25 charges • separately. The jwy will continue deliber- ation on Monday morning. • DEEM BHARATH 00119rs public nfety and COYrta. She may bit • reached et (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail et dHpa.bhs~h@latimes.com. personal property.~ Shulman said "II ls not worth your life.• Police are as1cing anyone with Information about tlm aime lO contact lhe Newport Beach Detec- tive Division at (949) 644-3790. • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondavl. Wedoeldays and Fridays and CXNerS culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 5744275 Of bv &-mail at lolita.harper@latime&oom. in various activities at the Oasls Senior Center in Corona del Mar. Volunteers will tutor legally blind adult students using computers and other adaptive technology. Mary Johnson, (714) 821-6000, ext 2113. CNlf» LAUREL FOUNDATION Camp Laurel is seeking volunteer coun~r1 and medical staff for Summer Camp and Teen Adventure Camp. The organization is dedicated to providing educ:ation&I camping programs free of d\arge to children living with HfV and AIDS. Call (323) 663-5006. COMMUNITY ANMAI. NETWORK The networ1t needs vdlunteers to help control the rising population of wild ca11 In loatl neighborhoods. Volunteer. would trap and deliver cats to local veterinarians for spaying or neutering, and then release them bac* to the property where they were found. The goal of the program Is to save the lives of stray cats. (949) 759-3646. COSTA MESA CMC PLAYHOUSE The playhouse needs volunteers for ushering, badtstage worl(. mailings, typing, controHing lights and many other duties. (949) 660-6289. COSTA MESA HISTORICAL SOCETY The eodeCy preaetWI end promoc.e the hittofy of Costa Mete end the halbor .,. Volunteers ere needed for the archives, library. mueeum, docent and public outreach programs. (948) 631-6918. COSTAIESA umtACY COUNCL The Co.ta Mtee Uteracy Center needs volunteet tutors to tNdl Engflah as e second language. Peopte who want to team English PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Anton IN91Mftt: Petty theft WU reported In the 500 bk><* at 12~24 p.m. Tunday. •Mnol&tNK Embezzlement was reported In the 2700 blodt at 2:16 p.m. Tuesday. • Hamiton StrMt: Petty theft was reported In the 600 blodt at 6:14 p.m. Tuesday. • Htllbor 8ouleverd: An auto theft was reported In the 2700 bk><* at 9:67 a.m. Tuesday. • MlnutamM Wey: A traffic colllaion inwMng Injuries wa1 reported In the 2400 bk><* et 10:07 a.m. Tuesday. • ~ BoullWl'd: Fraud was reported In the 1600 blodt at 7:26 p.m. Tuetday. • Plldftc ,.,.,...: An assault wa1 reported In the 2100 blodt at 7:14 p.m. Tunday. • Ptleanon ~ A vehicle burglary wa1 reported In the 2700 blodt at 9:07 a.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • w.t Coat Highway: Battery was reported In the 1200 bl<><* at 9:17 p.m. Wednesday. • Irvine A.w.nu.: Petty theft wasreportedlnthe1100 blade at 4:29 p.m. Wednesday. • Jamboree Aoed and Univanlty l>ftve: A hit-and-run was reported at 12:59 p.m. Wednesday. •Jamboree Abad: A commercial burglary was reported in the 1100 bl<><* at 3 :17 p.m. Wednesday. • w..tcM l>ftve: Forgery was reported in the 1500 bl<><* at 7:50 a.m. Wednesday. as a second language are also encouraged to call. Call to register. (714) 435-3310 or (714) 545-3445. UTERACV PROGRAM The program Is always in need of volunteer tutors. No professional teaching experience is required. To attain certification, a aeries of training ctassea must be completed. For more information, contact Literary Services at the Newport Beach Library, (949) 717-3874. COSTA MESA MS SELF-HELP GROUP The Orange County chapter of the national Multiple Sclerosis Society has started a new sett-help group in Costa Mesa for peopl~ newly diagnosed or with minimal symptoms of multiple sderosis, or both. The group meeta at 11 a.m. the eecond Tuesday of every month. (949) 600-7669. COSTA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT Seniora 55 and older are Invited to help staff the WestsJde substation. Volunteera are asked to WOf1t two four-hour daytime shifts per week. They would be responsible for answering phones, blcyde registration, fingefprinting, data entry end auiatlng with other dtywide projecta. Seniors who can apeak Spenlsh and English -.re-al.a l"MMldld. Catt for an app(M:alk>n. fn9d Geedder, {714) 764-5208. COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER The multipulpole aenlot ~ feeility It the comer of 19th Street end Pomona Avenue aeeb volunteers who can grMt members and the public at the front de.k and volunteers for the Reeoun:e Department with Excel computer experience and sharp tefephone tldlla. The Senior Mula program elso neede people to deliver meals to ham-. (949) 646-2366. f ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL A team with a lot of jump • EDITOR'S NOTE: Aa a apeclal feature, Guy Hebert, a Newport Beach realdent and former goalie •for the Mighty Ducb, will be writing regular dlarlet about the ' team and It• experiences throughout the playoff•. T he Improbable continues to happen. Jean-Seabastlen Giguere continues to be living a storied playoff run that will now go . down ln the record books. Hls shutout streak of some 208 minutes and 6 seconds, encompasslng the entire Western Conference final round thus far. ls the longest such streak in the modem National Hockey League area. Three straight shu1out games against the same opponeni and this deep into the _playoffs ... well, are there really any words left to say about It? This Is the lclnd of stu1J legends are made of. The most Impressive thing about this personal streak Is that the focus has never wavered from the goal at hand, that Is, winning the game In front of GUY HEBERT him and his teammates. Aa I sat perched way above the Pond, watching the game from the press box while I was on air with Steve Carroll, I could feel the electricity in the building. Yes, even up there, you could sense that the Ducb were focused and poised to lake charge of Game 3 and take a command.Ing lead ln the series. I knew this ngbt after watching Paul Karlya on his first shift of the game. He came out with jump -hockey slang for good energy-drove to the front of the net and challenged both Minnesota Wild defensemen. Kartya was ready to -111ake an impact in this game. However, It was Steve Rucchln who got the Oucb on the board first Barely five minutes into the game, Rucchln slapped home a big rebound from Wild goalie Dwayne Roloson and the Ducks took a l ·O lead. The goal was scored ln classic Anaheim fashion -the Oucb had attacked, driven to the front of the net and out-muscled the WUd's defense. This put an entirely different spin on the game. I don't think either team really knew how to respond to a goal scored this early ln the contest. The response didn't come until the second period. and It was Anaheim that took charge. The Ducks and "Captain Kartya • -that hu a nice ring to It, don't you th1nk1 -burned the Wild for three more goals ln the middle stanza. Kartya took a patented feed from behind the net from Adam Oates and buried a shot as Roloson was caught on the wrong side or the net. Next, It was Stanislav Otlstov making his own mark with a nifty move ln tight against Roloson to put the Oucb up 3-0. Minnesota then lifted goalie Dwayne Roloson and put in Manny Fernandez, who was rudety greeted with a hlghllght goal from Kariya. Kartya batted the puck out or midair into the net for a commanding 4·0 lead. This lead was entrusted lnto the hands of Giguere, and he was able to preserve the lead, the win and, of course, the shutout. The Ducks will face a determined Minnesota WUd team on Friday night. The WUd has shown too much resiliency this season and post season to roll over and give Anaheim a free pus to the Stanley Cup finals. It will be a true game, and Minnesota will get strong goaltending from Fernandez. who was solid ln relief of Roloson. The Ducks, however, have a great opportunity to close out the series at home and ln four games. ellmlnating more travel. fatigue and lnjuries. This Anaheim club has had many great opportunities during this playoff run. They haven't passed up on any so far, and I wouldn't expect them to do so now. St. Joachim's fair springs to life Annual event has raised between $30,000 and $55,000 a year. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Some of the classrooms at St. Joachim's School have been around since 1949. School officials are looking for · ward to the day when they can tear the old classrooms down and build a new school. FYI The fair will be held from 6 to 10 p.m. Friday; from 3 to 10 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday. St: Joachim'• 11 at 1964 Orange Ave. For more information, call 574-7400. To that end. they are looking to the St Joachim Community Spring Fair this weekend to help raise needed funds. The fair. in its 11th year, wlll ln· elude food. games and carnival rides. Raftle tickets will be sold with a grand prize of $7,500. Other prizes are a new Gateway computer and a Mexican cruise. In addition to raising money for a new school. the fair Is a bonding event for the church's community, school officials said. ·For all of our parishioners who are volunteers. It helps us all get to know one another better." said Cathy Dressler, the school's ad- ministrative manager. "It's a com- munity bullder. as well, wben we're woridng together and chat· ting.. Through the years. the fair has raised between S30,000 and $55.000 per year. Dressler said. The fair will offer a variety of free musical entenairunent. in- cluding the Mater Dei High School Jazz Band on Friday night, blues headliner James Harmon on Saturday night and a mariachi band with folklorico dancers on Sunday. Mayor Gary Monahan, whose daughter a.nends the school. said he is looking forward to the week· end's festivities. "It's just great family fun. and I l 00% of} the proceeds go to the parish and to the parish school. and it's their biggest fund -raiser of the year,· Monahan said BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Newport-Mesa receives road money Costa Mesa and tliewpon Beach received ~ teasure M allocations ror local treet and road projects from the Orange County ltans- ponation Authomy this week. Costa Mesa received almOSt S6.5 million. whlch will go toward bicycle trails. unprovlng lntersec- oons and widening the south- bound onramp of the San Di.ego Freeway to Sunflower Avenue. Newpon Beach got about Sl.4 million for one project -road widening between Bayview Way and l\:iacArtbur Boulevard. Irvine C.O. honors 20 students for leadership The Irvine Co. is honoring 30 high school senlors who have NICK'S RISTORANTE &. PillERIA WHY NOT TRY ••• lamem ... Ravlall's, Fr•h ...... Prall ...... . Veal Maraia I ... , BEST llUlllLI II TOWll '-... Cle-.. :..-:: .. ::£.·='9 ... cll • 111•••1 ~ ~ A COSTA MESA ~ TRADITION! ~ ·.llCK'I I lllftlllTI IPlllDll demonstrated qualities of a com- muruty leader with student lead- ership awards. The S2.000 scholarships. which are part of the company's Investing In Education 2003 Awards Program. went to col- lege-bound students with a GPA hJgher than 3.0 from one of 15 schools in the Orange County area. Eigh t of those students were selected as semifinalists and will receive an additional Sl.000. Lindsay Freeman from Estancia High School and Hila- ry Havens from Costa Mesa High School were among them. Of those semifinalists, four fi. nalists will receive an addJ· tional $7,000 In scholarship funds. The winners will be an· nounced May 22. DINSI PLUSH CARPET • WtaW wlttl N S J 89 • N1a1am eo,.... 14. ft. '!Wawertla• 18" • 18" ••••••••••••••••••••• ·1·11 ... ft. Cera.ale n.a. .................. ......._. ..._ 1 • ... ft. Laminate ........... •••••• ......._. ,,_ • • ... ft. s~ 1bollr N • •o. It >'oeuwMJWw/• AH l'ric.11. N • lbftllwl 11-, ..._ -•NIM61/Jll/. llT ( 8is )MESi~777 mJ (1371) .............. ,.._ .......... ~..., ~ fndly, May 16. 2003 A! • @j~ Floral & Gift. SPRING SALE 10 % TO 50% OFF Storewide Sale Mon-Fri 10..6 • Sat 10-S • Sun 10-4 369 E.17tb Street #13, Costa Mesa • (949) 646-6745 (Acron from Ralph.J II 1111111 ........ ........ Wlllml ICClllDlllll & .. 12 MONTHS SIME IS CASH l.fiMlJM $100C ~ OAC FREE LOCAL DELIVERY J.IUST lilEHTIOh Nl ~ RH OB.N9!Y J.1#) BE W'Tko'\ • 0 MU llAOW.JS FURN ITU 3130 H1rbor Blvd Ctlll M111 (Next to TAAGET GREATLAND by 405 Fwy Enter off Baker or H.rt>or Blvd ) (114) 154-6348 Opetl Mon--Fn. 1o.m-aom •Sat 10em-6pm •Sun 1 iem-eQm A.qua terr a - \!usage Skincare Bo d' TrrHmt'nt \ (949) 3i6-i-71 I SSS ou1h Coast H1ghwar Laguna Buch w,, .. ,, aquatcrra.~a com M Friday, May 16, 2003 Daily Pilot • · . Academic All~Stars T hey work hard in the classroom. They work hard in the community. Many work hard at jobs, all while going to school. They are Costa Mesa's top students for 2003. And whether from C.OSta Mesa or Fstancla high schools, the alternative education TONYA ANDERSON GM:3.83 Honors: Principal's Honor Roll; Honor Wall; Academic Letter; Governor's Scholarship Award; Certjficate of Achievement in foreign language ActivttiM: Editor of school newspaper; Key Club; Mode Trial; Youth Citiz.en's Police Academy; Neighbors for Neighbors; Mesa Pride Day Future pllins: Enroll at Golden West College before transferring to Cal State University Long Beach as a criminal justice major with a minor in biology MINH-THY PHAM GPA:3.838 Honors: Golden West League Champion and first place in Golden West League Doubles in tennis; Principal's Honor Roll Activities: Academic Decathlon; volunteer at • Workforce Investment Act, Mesa Verde Library and Fairview Developmental Center; Future pllins: Attend UC Irvine and major in biomedical engineering AMANDA ABBOTT GPA: 3.91 Honors: Coach's award Ac:tMti .. : Trad(; soccer; coach for an under-8 boys soccer team; Future pllins: Attend Orange Coast College before transferring to a university to pursue a career in teaching at the elementary level KAa El.AnE f;OSTER OM:3.7 Honon:Tom Scott Memorial Award; honor roll; Zontl Glr1 of Ma~ ~· Band; Mll9l8nl drum rNljor; AcMlotV CommJllM of Teene for the dty of Colta Meta 9nd Nelghbofa far P111ghbon ......... Mind Cal Potv '°"1one,...., In biology Md ~-minor fn '"-'* KIM HOANG GPA: 3.91 Honors: 2003Class Valedictorian, was a medal winner in the Orange County Academic Decathlon Activtties:- French Club; Key Club; Anatomy & Physiology Club; Academic Decathlon Team; volunteer for Ronald MacDonald House and Someone Cares Soup Kitchen Fu1ure plans: Attend the University of San Francisco, majoring in marketing and international business with minors in French and Chinese ZACH POWELL GPA: 3.71 Honors: Scholar Athlete; Kiwanis Athlete of the Month; Governor's Scholarship Award, Academic Letter, Golden State Exam in mathematics; Principal's Honor Roll Activities: Cross-country; tra<*; soccer; yearbook; volunteer instructor for a soccer clinic Fu1ure plans: Undecided on a college and major fttCHAEL ARMSTRONG GPA: 3.93 Honors: California Scholarship Federation; Most Outstanding Student in both the math and music; John Phillip Sousa award Ac:tivtties: Marching/concert band, drum major, jazz band Fu1ure plans: Attend USC in the fall, majoring in history, possibly with minors in math and music SCOTT HARRIS GPA:3.97 Honots: National Merit finalist; Estancia Scholar Society; C.111omla Scholarthlp Federltion ......... : Socclr;Ydunlw llt Educedonll ~ offtce Fueure .-.: Attend UC Ir.line, wt.. he WM 8Mrdld t ....... ~ center, Orange Coast College or Vanguard University, they have excelled on and off campus. They have been team captains and most valuable players. They have impressed their teachers with innovative ideas. They have COSTA MESA .HIGH SCHOOL VICTORIA IRWIN GPA: 3.8 Honors: Governor's Scholarship; Golden State Honors in biology and English; High Honors in history; Principal's Honor Roll; class valedictorian Activities: Key Club; French Club; Hatta Club; founder and president of Author's Club; editor in chief of "Pegasus,# the school literary journal Future pl•ns: Attend UC Irvine, majoring in English with an· emphasis on creative writing KATY RENISH GPA:3.99 Honors: MVP in golf; Costa M esa Community Service Award; Principal's Honor Roll; honors in Golden State Exam for biology; Governor's Scholarship Award Activities: Mode Trial; Key Club; French Club; Drama Club; AP Biology Club; softball; golf; volunteer for Neighbors for Neighbors, M esa Pride Day and Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation Silent Auction Fu1ure plans: Attend UC San Diego as an animal sciences major and eventual graduate work at UC Davis to become a veterinarian SUNG H. KIM GPA:3.76 Honors: Principal's Honor Roll Activlti .. : EAOP program on campus; community service to the public library Fu1ure pl•ns: Attend UC Irvine and major in either computer science or biology ZARA SIDDIQUI GPA: 3.9 Honors: Principal's Honor Roll; Academic Scholarship; Top Scholars Award; National Honor Society; CSF Activities: Dance; drill team; yearbook; volunteering for the Walk for Multiple $clerosis and the M arch of Dimes Walk America Fu1ure plans: Travel for a year to visit her grandparents in India before enrollirig at UC Irvine ESTANCIA HIGH SCHOOL ANDREW BROWN GPA: 3.86 Honors: California Scholarship Federation Ac:tivities: Volunteer for suc:hsetvice organizations as Someone Cares Soup Kitchen, AYSO and the Surfrider Foundation Future pblns: Attend UC Irvine, from which he has received the Chancellor's Scholarship, and major in engineering KATHARINE NELSON GM:3.84 Honora: C.llfomla Scholarship F.deratlon; honor roll; Bt1ghtSp<>t Award at the annual Macy'• Awtrdl ActMdee: eu... maneget and tJlce ~"for dnwna; Kev ctub; the Suetn G. Kamen Aeot tDr the CUre ....... =AalfKt()nnge Co8lt • "*ring In but! ... MATTHEW CACHOLA GPA:4.08 Honors: President's Award for Educational Excellence; honor roll; California Scholarship Federation Ac:ttvftles: .. Basketball team captain as a senior; trade Fu1ure pl•ns: None listed MFFAELA SANSONE been examples for others. And what they have accomplished thus far pales next to the b~ght futures that await them in college and beyond. GENEVIEVE LORD GPA:3.74 Honors: Governor's Scholarship; Golden State Exam Recognition in reading and algebra Activities: Varsity Cheer captain and Competition Cheer captain; summer school aide for first-graders; Sunday School teacher Fu1ure pllins: Attend San Diego State University and major in child development GPA:3.743 Honors: Principal's Honor Roll Activities: Volunteering at church; organizing a run to benefit breast cancer research; planting trees in local parks and cleaning the lakes Fu1ure pa.ns: Attend Orange Coast College before transferring to UC Irvine or a Cal State University KARLEEN CURRAN GPA:3.85 Honors: California Scholarship Federation; scholar athlete award for tennis, soccer and softball Ac:tivlties: Varsity aoccer for four years; tennis; softball Future pblns: Attend Concordia University, majoring In exercise and sport fitness with a minor in math KELLY TRETTIN · GM:3.86 Honors: C.llfomla Schol1rthlp ~Ion; MVP In tennlaln junior and Hnlor yeart; TOlhl>I Slnfor a.elk: Sc:floterlhlp AllMll11· Kev Club, Fflnd\ Club, verthy 1*\nlt team for four ywra: Nelghbott fur ~••lghborl ......... ucs.. en.. fnlPlr'l In~ ~.minor In nulrtdon, .,.,...,....~ HONG D. NGUYEN GPA: 3.8 Honors: Principal's Honor Roll; Academic Letter; Golden State Examination Award In biology Acdvities: Tennis; Academic Decathlon; volunteered at Fairview Developmental Center, St. John the Baptist Church and the Share Our Selves Free Clinic Future pa.ns: Attend Orange Coast College before transferring to UC Irvine and major in biology GPA: 3.9 Honors: THAOW Letterman in tennis Activities: Varsity tennis; Academic Decathlon; youth leader for the Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society at his church; teaching assistant for religious education Fu1ure pl•ns: UC Santa Barbara, majoring in biology GLENDA DUARTE GPA:3.82 Honors: California Scholarship Federation; Estancia Scholar Society; high honors, honors and recognition in Golden State Exams for biology, mathematics and Spanish Acttvttles: Volunteers with reading programs at Orange Coast College and Whittier Elementary School Fu1ure plens: Attend either UC Irvine or University of Santa Barbara to major In English to prepare for a career in journalism SEAN ZICH OM:4.22 Konon: Callfomi1 Sdlolarthlp Fedemion ~ l(eyC1ub; Best Buddlec; croee-coumry; trac*; IOCC9J ........... Rrltd'*-11 TeUI AaM, but hel allo been • ciapeed 11t UC htne and Cal ~llnl.utl~ .. ... _ .. .... .... .... . .. .... .. -· ... -.. . .. -. .. . _, ' ACADcMIC ALL -STARS Winners of the 24th Annual Les Miller Uitstanding Student Awards ALTERNATIVE COSTA MESA HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION CENTER ART PEREZ Sc:hoOI: Alternative Education Center GM:2.2 ttonon: Presenter at the Golden Touch Awards Spring 2003 program; ptaying on the All-Ster AYSO soccer team Actfvttin: Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation's Christmas card sale; the Measure A campaign; the Badt Bay 2002 graduation; helping senior programs future plans: Attend Orange Coast College's culinary arts program. become a chef at the Ritz Carlton Hotel and eventually own his own restaurant and host alVshow DOMINIQUE VIGIL School: Alternative Education Center GPA; 3.7 Activities: Tutoring at Shalimar Leaming Center; modeling Future plans: Attend Orange Coast College before transferring to USC as a business and communications major CLAYTON RIGGINS School: Estancia High GPA: 4.23 Honors: Honor roll; California Scholarship Federation Gold Seal Bearer Activities: Key Club; volunteer in the Educational Technology office FutuN plans: Attend Cal Poly San Luis Obispo to study civil engineering, reoch111g for bachelor's and master's degrees HILARY HAVENS School: Costa Mesa High GPA; 4.338 Honors: Girls State; National Merit Scholar; winner of California Mathematical Olympiad; won English, history, math and science medallions; won 27 Academic Decathlon medals over three years ActMtiea: As a math ma1or, formulated two original theorems in Number Theory, both of which have been accepted for publication; coached Newport Elementary M ath Team; volunteered at Someone Cares Soup Kitchen and Orangewood Children's Home Future plans: Anend Harvard University as a math ma1or ESTANCIA HIGH SCHOOL ASHLEY COOLEY School: Estancia High GPA:4.22 Honors: California Scholarship Federation; National Certifteate of Merit and the Certificate of Outstanding Achievement from the Amencan Association of Teachers of German; the Advanced Placement Scholar Award; three Governor's Scholcirs Awards Activities: Key Club: volunteer for Neighbors for Neighbors, the Environmental Nature Center, Fountain Valley PTSA and Adams Elementary School Future pqns: Attend UC Santa Barbara, from which she will receive a Regents Scholarship, ma1oring in biopsychology LINDSAY FREEMAN School: Estancia High GPA:4.07 Honors: Irvine Co. Scholarship; Lion's Club Speech Contest winner, Zonta Girl of the Month Activities: Cross-country, tradt, Key Club president; school board representative; volunteer for Race tor the Cure, the MS 5K Walk, March of Dimes and Neighbors for Neighbors FtstuN plans: Attend Harvard with a double ma1or in international relations and government dnd a minor in sociology ANANTH VARMA School: Estancia High GPA:4.27 Honors: California Scholarship Federation, National Merit Scholarship finalist; Journalist of the Year in 2002 Activities: Key Club; swimming; water polo. school paper Future plans: Attend UCLA and ma1or m electrical engineering Permanent Sign age Pw ... ..,....,...,uu ••m•a•lo•1••~11 •Jiii_...., ....................... .., ...... _ .... ._ .... -IMC I 1.-.... 1•10 .... wta.n..,_ 1111 ..... _..4'•11' .... .,.I····--······ ...... Courtsidc Signagc cue H1..,....11......, tr 1 Iller .... ~ ...... ....................... ftllll'll9'll Cl 111 .......... •P rt1•••1' ... , I J~ Banners IHnen .. Wal,_ .... ,,...,•• n 'n• •••-t.,... 'Miiam ..t wedalla1 ,._ .. ut-. ..... '"'-AIM1tlcl. I nen .. •ca1tr I' a I' ... .... .,. ............ , .......................................... . Baseball Scoreboard Sign age ............ _ ...... , .. ....................... ,,, -___ _.,. 'A .. , .. ........ -.. , ...... •-~=•••V•a.aa a r , ............. -. ....... " ... w. ........................ u1 ••• l•nM, (Mt) IM-7117. CARLOS IBARRA School: Costa Mesa High GM:J.8 Honors: Kiwanis and Costa Mesa High Athlete of the Month; Governor's Scholar; Horatio Alger Scholar; National Honor Roll; Gene Autry Award for Humanitarian of the Year Activities: Wrestling; cross-<:<>untry; tradt; soccer; vice president of Advocates for Student Rights; founder and president of Drama Club; Student Venture; and 'Zine (writer, editor and layout) Future plans: Attend New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, major in theater and go mto acting ORANGE COAST COLLEGE JONATHAN NAJMAN , Honors: Dean's List; Honors List, President's List; PacifiCare Health Systems Scholarship; Robert B Moore Outstanding Leadership Award; Coca-Cola Scholarship Activities: Co-founder and president of Assisting Senior Citizens Club; co-founder of the Chemistry Club; Helping Educate Learning Children Club; Angel Tree Project TRACI TRAVIS Honors: Alpha Gamma Sigma, Phi Alpha Mu and Phi Theta Kappa International honors societies; Dimsdale Family Memorial Leadership Schol<?rship Activities: President of speech and debate team; Science Night; Coast Navigators; Honors Night Committee; Alumni and Friends; volunteer for Dean of Student Services Office DANNY KRIKORIAN Schoof: Costa Mesa High GM:J.83 Honors: Dean's Scholarship from Chapman University; Principal's HonorAoll(4 years); lettered in trade (3 years); Orange County Literary Guild award winner Activities: Volleyball; football. Student jjody sentor secretary, sports editor for the school newspaper FutuN plans: Attend Chapman University, major in sports medicine and play basketball VANGUARD UNIVERSITY DANIEL 8 . DAVIS GPA:3.7 Honors: United Indian Health Services Scholarship, Cherokee Nation Scholastic Indian Scholarship; Vanguard University Academic Scholarship Activities: Associate coordinator of Research & Student Development; residence assistant for Department of Student Affairs; college guidance specialist; director of the Junior High Youth Program for Rio Dell Assembly of God Church ELIZABETH POWELL GPA: 3.93 Honors: President's Honor Roll Activities: Hands Across the Border Children's Team, Counseling Center secretary, Bible study leader; Barnabos Ministry CELINDA GEISER SANDOVAL Schoof. Costa Mesa High GPA.40 Honors: College Board Scholar in the Hispanic Recognition Program, 2002 -03. fir st place in the Orange County Mode Tnal Journalism Contest, 2002-03 Activru..: Mode tnal, Academ1<. Decathlon, ctioir. drama, varsity golf and water polo, Advisory Commmee of Teens for the city of Costa Mesa, mistress of ceremonies for Mr Costa Meso Contest Future plans· Undecided on a college ma1or, but has been acceptt1d to Stanford Untvers1t, in the fall OCC ATHLETES OF THE YEAR NANCY HATSUSHI BASKETBAU. Was d two llrnf" First Tl!<!" 1 All Conlerenu-pldy1:r 111 worrn·n ~ basketball .is well dS two tirnt: All Southern Cahforrnd P1d\'t:r We!. also ndme<.J M~1 Vdludble Pldycr of the Cuestd Toumdment di 1d MVP of the State Tournament dS she led Ordnge Codsl Culleqe lo its first state chamµ1onsh1i; in women's basketball Al~ e,l(ceb acodem1cally wrth d very h1yh GPA KEINAN BRIGGS TRACK and AELD Set ntJw Oranyf' Cud!>t C.ulleyt- 110 meter h1yh hurdli: drHJ tnµI<· 1ump records, Wd~ tht= t.Or 1ferenu~ ctiamp1on 111 110 mttt:r high hurdles and !ht 1r1i;lt 1u111p and placed second m !ht t.unfernnc1:: in the long 1umµ dnd 400 meter relay Keinan was the 2003 OCC Trade and Field team copldm drtd top point team leader To: From: Subject All J rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade boys and girls Pilot Cup Soccer Tournament Headquarters Pilot Cup Soccer tournament, May 28"'-June 1 • It 's time to sign up for the must c::xci ting soccer tournament of tht• )t'Jr The Fourth Annual Pilot Cup!!! The Pilot Cup i a one week ~occer toumamcnt which in voh c!\ <111 publtt and r11\Jtt· schools in the Nfwport Beach-Costa Mesa area. It will be held "'1cl) 28 -lune I It• 't:c which school has the be t soccer team in the following divhion-. 3,. and 4"" grade boys; J,. and 4"' grade girl~ s•• and 6"' grade boys: 5"' and 6" grade girl~ Winners will receive commemorative awards. Winning choob will rt>t.cl\t' the n~ht tu 'th1~ off the Pilot Cup Perpetual Trophy Award for one year. So go to the principal's office or the athleti<:s office right now and ''1£Tl up tu n.-pn: ... c111 \1JU1 school in the most exciting soccer event of the )car -The Pilot Cup .21.XH All participants receive at-shirt. This tournament is sponsored b) the Oail~ Pilot an<l Yu\11h Services Association. There is a $5 conhibution to coveT the cost of the l shirt. Don't miss out on this chance to play soccer for your school and win the right to 1hc Pilot Cup Perpctua1 Trophy as the best SOCCCT school in town. Yes. we do need \:oaches For more information, contact )'OW' child's school. ·--------------------------------------------------------~ , Cyp .. Name:. _________________ _ Boya Shirt Size: Small a Girl 0 . Medium Large a SchoOl: . .;_~___;;...._~---~~~~~~~- Grade:~~-'----.......;..;.;.-.~~___;..--..__ __ __. ___ , lt:t olcay 'for my 'Si>n/dllupter. to Jip up fe.>r the PilOt CJaip -.... ::;9 .,,,./ M Friday, May 16, 2003 ' Academic All-Stars T hey work hard in the classroom. They work hard in the community. Many work hard at jobs, all while going to school. They are Costa Mesa's top students for 2003. And whether from Costa Mesa or Estancia high schools, the alternative education TONYA ANDERSON GM:3.83 Honors: Principal's Honor Roll; Honor Wall; Academic Letter; Governor's Scholarship Award; Certificate of Achievement in foreign language Act:tvtdes: Editor of school newspaper; Key Club; Mock Trial; Youth Citizen's Police Academy; Neighbors for Neighbors; Mesa Pride Day Future p&.na: Enroll at Golden West College before transferring to Cal State University Long Beach as a criminal justice major with a minor in biology MINH-THY PHAM GPA: 3.838 Honors: Golden West League Champion and first place in Golden West League Doubles In tennis; Principal's Honor Roll Activttiel: Academic Decathlon; volunteer at • Wortcforce Investment Act, Mesa Verde Library and Fairview Developmental Center; Future p&.na: Attend UC Irvine and major in biomedical engineering AMANDA ABBOTT GPA: 3.91 Honors: Coach's award Activities: Track; soccer; coach for an under-8 boys soccer team; Future p&.ns: Attend Orange Coast College before transferring to a university to pursue a career In teaching at the elementary level KACI El.Al£ FOSTER OM:3.7 ttonon:Tom Scotl Memorial Awwd; honor roll; Zonta Girt of Mercft hlhidet: Band; .-...nc drum nillfor; AcMtofy CommltlM of Teens fof tht dly of Cotta Meu Ind ,. .. ._.... forthlghbort ,.... .-.: AlllnCI Cat '°'V ~ fMjor In blOloeY Ind ~-minor.In muillc KIM HOANG GPA:3.91 Honors: 2003Class Valedidorian, wasamedal winner in the Orange County Academic Decathlon Activtties: • d~· · . .... •' ' . French Club; Key Club; Anatomy & Physiology Club; Academic Decathlon Team, volunteer for Ronald MacDonald House and Someone Cares Soup Kitchen Futu,. pl•n•: Attend the University of San Francisco, majoring in marketing and international business with minors in French and Chinese ZACH POWELL GPA: 3.71 Honort: Scholar Athlete; Kiwanis Athlete of the Month; Governor's Scholarship Award, Academic Letter, Golden State Exam in mathematics; Principal's Honor Roll Activities: Cross-<:ountry; track; soccer; yearbook; volunteer instructor for a soccer clinic Future pl•n•: Undecided on a college and major MCHAEL ARMSTRONG GPA::M3 Honors: California Scholarship Federation; Mo.st Outstanding Student in both the math and music; John Phillip Sousa award Activitlft: Marching/concert band, drum major, jazz band Future pl•ns: Attend USC in the fall, majoring in history, possibly with minors in math and music SCOTT HARRIS GM.:3.97 Honon: National Merit finalist; (Wancla Scnolar Society: C.llfoml• Sc:hot•rthlp Federation Allhillie· Soccer: volunteer .. Educetlonel Ted\nology oftlce ,..._ ..... Attend UC Irvine, wf*9 hi-. IWlrdld I ........ ~ center, Orange Coast College or Vanguard University, they have excelled on and off campus. They have been team captains and most valuable players. They have impressed their teachers with innovative ideas. They have " COSTA MESA .HIGH SCHOOL VICTORIA IRWIN GPA:3.8 Honors: Governor's Scholarship; Golden State Honors in biology and English; High Honors in history; Princlpal's Honor Roll; class valedictorian ActivttlH: Key Club; French Club; Halta Club; founder and president of Author's Club; editor in chief of WPegasus;' the school literary journal Future plen1: Attend UC Irvine, majoring in English with an emphasis on creative writing KATY RENISH GPA: 3.99 Honors: MVP in golf; Costa Mesa Community Service Award; Principal's Honor Roll; honors in Golden State Exam for biology; Governor's Scholarship Award ActivitiH: Mock Trial; Key Club; French Club; Drama Club; AP Biology Club; softball; golf; volunteer for Neighbors for Neighbors, Mesa Pride Day and Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation Silent AuctJon Future plen1: Attend UC San Diego as an animal sciences major and eventual graduate work at UC Davis to become a veterinarian SUNG H. KIM GPA: 3.76 Honors: Princlpal's Honor Roll Activitiel: EAOP program on campus; community service to the public library Futul'9 plens: Attend UC Irvine and major in either computer science or biology ZARA SIDDIQUI GPA: 3.9 Honors: Principal's Honor Roll; Academic Scholarship; Top Scholars Award; National Honor Society; CSF Activities: Dance; drill team; yearbook; volunteering for the Walk for Multiple Sclerosis and the March of Dimes Walk America Future pl•ns: Travel for a year to visit her grandparents 1n India before enrolling at UC Irvine ESTANCIA HIGH SCHOOL ANDREW BROWN GPA: 3.86 Honors: California Scholarship Federation ActJvttiff: Volunteer for sucti l8fvioe organizations as Someone Cares Soup Kitchen, AYSO and the Surfrider Foundation Futu,. pl•n•: Attend UC Irvine, from which he has received the Chancellor's Scholarship, and major In engineering KATHARINE NELSON GM.:3.84 Honore; Callfomla Sc:holarthlp i=.deredon; honor roll; Bright Spot Award at the •nnual Macv'• Awards ActMdet: 8uelnw fTWnllger Ind vice prMidlnt fof drama; l(wv Club; tM SuMn G. Komtn Alce '°" .... Cure ,......=~Orw'O' Cnlll t mejoi1ng Jn butlnMI MATTHEW CACHOLA GPA:4.08 Honors: President's Award for Educational Excellence· honor roll; Califomla Scholarship Federation Acdvttlet: Basketball team captain as a senior; trade Future pl•na: None listed RAFFAELA SANSONE been examples for others. And what they have accomplished thus far pales next to the bright futures that await them In college and beyond. GENEVIEVE LORD GPA: 3.74 Honors: Governor'• Scholarship; Golden State Exam Recognition in reading and algebra Activities: Varsity Cheer captain and Competition Cheer captain; summer school aide for first-graders; Sunday School teacher Future pl•n1: Attend San Diego State University and major in child development GPA: 3.743 Honors: Princlpal's Honor Roll ActtvitlM: Volunteering at church; organizing a run to benefit breast cancer research; planting trees in local parks and cleaning the lakes Futu,. pl•rw: Attend Orange Coast College before transferring to UC Irvine or a Cal State University KARLEEN CURRAN GPA:3.85 Honon: California Scholersh1p Feder•lk>n; scholar athlete award for tennis, soccer and softball A.ctMtles: Varsity soccer for four years; tennis; softball Future pl•n•: Attend Concordia University, majoring in exercise and sport fitness with a minor in math KELLYTRETIIN OM:3.88 Honore; C.llfoml• Sc:hol•rthip F9deratlon; MVP In tenntaln junior and MnloryHrt; ToeNt>. &nor Claalc Sc:l\olarltiip Aclhttlt u · Key ctub, French Club, v1rttty e.nnla team for touryeen; ~for Nlighbol'I ,._.,...Mend UC a.. Crua.~ln~ WW\ • minOr "' nwttloft, lfMfoftmeM -~IOlotv HONG D. NGUYEN GPA: 3.8 Honors: Princlpal's Honor Roll; Academic Letter; Golden State Examination Award in biology A&:tNttiff: Tennis; Academic Decathlon; volunteered at Fairview Developmental Center, St. John the Baptist Church and the Share Our Selves Free Clinic Future p&.ns: Attend Orange Coast College before transferring to UC Irvine and major in biology GPA:3.9 Honors: THAO VU Letterman in tennis ActJvttMI: Varsity tennis; Academic Decathlon; youth leader for the Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society at his church; teaching assistant for religious education Future plens: UC Santa Barbara, maioring in biology GLENDA DUARTE GPA: 3.82 Honon: California Scholarship Federation; Emncia Sd\olar Society; high honors, honors and recognition in Golden State Exams for biology, mathematics end Spanish Act:tvftMe: Volunteers with reading program• at Orange Coast College and Whittler Elementary School FutuN pt8ns: Attend either UC Irvine or University of Santa Barbara to major In Engllah to prepare for a career in journall1m SEAN ZICH OM:4'.22 "°"°'9: Callfomla Sc::tlolarthlp r:.derltlon ~ KeyC1ub; e..t Buddlea; ~ country; ti"9dl: eoocer ............. RntcNlclle Te>me AaM, bu1 hea tfto bMf'I ~et UCIMnetndc.t Potv Sen Lule Olnpo -. • • ... .. -.· .. ... .. ..... •"' -~ . ,. . .. .. •' .. .. Dally Pltot A c· A D I:. M I (' A I. L · S TA R S I rlddy, M.11 lb LW. Al Winners of the 24th Annual Les Miller OJtstanding Student Awards ALTERNATIVE COSTA MESA HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION CENTER ART PEREZ Schoot: Alternative Educa1ion Center GPA: 2.2 "°"°'9: Presenter at the Golden Touch Awards Spring 2003 program; playing on the All-Star AYSO soccer team Ac:tMd": Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation's Christmas card sale; the Measure A campaign; the Bade Bay 2002 graduation; helping senior programs Futu,. plans: Attend Orange Coa11 College's culinary arts program, become a chef at the Ritz Carhon Hotel and eventually own his own restaurant and host a TV show DOMINIQUE VIGIL School: Alternative Education Center GPA: 3.7 Activities: Tutoring at Shalimar Learning Center; modeling Fuut,. plans: Attend Orange Coast College before transferring to USC as a business and communications major CLAYTON RIGGINS School: Estancra High GPA:4.23 Honors: Honor roll; California Scholarship Federation Gold Seal Bearer Activltln: Key Cl~b; volunteer in the Educational Technology office • Future plans: Attend Cal Poly San lurs Obispo to study civil engmeering, redching for bachelor's and master's degrees HILARY HAVENS School: Costa M esa High GPA:4.338 Honors: Girls State; National Merit Scholar; winner of California M athematical Olympiad; , ,,-_,,,, ~ \1 I r 6 T tf ' ' . ,. won English, history. math and science medallions; won 27 Academic Decathlon medals over three years Activities: As a math maior, formulated two original theorems in Number Theory. both of which have been accepted for publication; coached Newport Elementary Math Team; volunteered at Someone Cares Soup Kitchen and Orangewood Children's Home Future pt.ins: Attend Harvard Unrvers1tx as a math ma1or ESTANCIA HIGH SCHOOL ASHLEY COOLEY Schoof: Estancia High GPA;4.22 Honora: California Scholarship Federation; Nauonal Certificate o f M ent and the Certifteate of Outstanding Achievement from the American Association of Teachers of German; the Advanced Placement Scholar Award; three Governor's Scholdrs Awards Activities: Key Club; volunteer for Neighbors for Neighbors. the Environmental Nature Center, Fountain Valley PTSA and Adams Elementary School Futu,. plans: Attend UC Santa Barbara, from which she will rece111e a Regents Scholarship, ma1oring in biopsychology LINDSAY FREEMAN School: Estancia High GPA:4.07 Honors: Irvine Co. Scholarship; lion's Club Speech Contest winner; Zonta Girl of the Month Activities: Cross-country, traa, Key Club president; school board representative; volunteer for Race for the Cure. the MS SK Walk, March of Dimes and Ne1yhbors for Neighbors Furure pl•ns: Attend Harv11rd with a double major m mt1:1rnat1onal relattons and governme11t and a minor rn sociology ANANTH VARMA School: Estancia High GPA: 4 27 Honors: Californra Scholarship Federation. Nattonal M ent Scholarship finalist: Journalist of the Year in 2002 Activities: Key Club, swimming, water polo, school paper Fuutre plans: Attend UCLA and ma1or rn electrical engmeenng Permanent Sign age .. ml ..... prDul•n• 11•1•IHJlliW ... I ... _...., uc~•rrarra•....._ ..... ..,..., .. ..-... ecaw111 .. .,.. .... , • •• • 11 ...,wta.n.,.. ......... .,.1r •4'•6'0 I tr•••--lld:taCI ,,..._ Courtsidc Signagc . Cl ...................... ta lllllw ....... 11• ..... 1111 .... _.• .. •,....__,IV 1111--11 C1-lj1 ....... I' a .,. ,, .. ___ ...... ...... Banners Baseball Scoreboard Slgnage 5 ......... _ ...... ,, .. ........................ ,...,. ... _ ts ...... ... ··--· s,.. ,, • mft'•U•••• t I .. , ................. .. ... 2 Ill& for.,.tdt11 .......... .. u11 ......... , (M9) IM-7117. ... .. C~LOS IBARRA School: Costa M esa High GPA: 3.8 Honors: Kiwanis and Costa Mesa High Athlete of the Month; Governor's Scholar; Horatio Alger Scholar; National Honor Roll; Gene Autry Award for Humanitarian of the Year Ac:tivities: Wrestling; cross-country; tradt; soccer; vice president of Advocates for Student Rights; founder and president of Drama Club; Student Venture; and 'Zlne (writer, editor and layout) .. Fuutre pl•ns: Attend New York University's nsch School of the Arts. major in theater and go into acting ORANGE COAST COLLEGE JONATHAN NAJMAN Honors: Dean's List; Honors List, President's List, PacifiCare Health Systems Scholarship; Robert B Moore Outstanding Leadership Award; Coca-Cola Scholarship Activities: Co-founder and president of Assisting Senror Citizens Club; co-founder of the Chemistry Club, Helping Educate Learning Children Club, Angel Tree Proiect TRACI TRAVIS Honors: Alpha Gamma Sigma, Phi Alpha Mu and Phi Theta Kappa International honors societies; Dimsdale Family Memorial Leadership Scholarship Activities: PrMident of speech and debate team; Science Night, Coast Navigators; Honors Night Committee; Alumnr and Fnends; volunteer for Dean of Student Services Office DANNY KRIKORIAN School: Costa Mesa High GPA:3.83 Honors: Dean's Scholarship from Chapman University; Principal's Honor Roll (4 years); lettered rn tradt (3 years); Orange County Literary Guild award winner ..., A.ctivitin: Volley~ football; Student body senror secretary; sports editor for the school newspaper Fuutre pl•ns: Attend Chapman University, ma1or in spoils medicine and play basketball VANGUARD UNIVERSITY DANIEL B. DAVIS GPA:3.7 Honors: Unrted Indian Health Services Scholarship. Cherokee Nation Scholastic Indian Scholarship; Vanguard University Academic Scholarship Activities: Associate coordmator of Research & Student Development; residence assistant for Department of Student Affairs; college guidance spec1ahst; director of the Junror High Youth Program for Rio Dell Assembly of God Church ELIZABETH POWELL GPA:3.93 Honors: President's Honor Roll Activities: Hands Across the Border Children's Team, Counseling Center secretary, Bible study leader; Barnabos Ministry CE UN DA GEISER SANDOVAL School: Costa Mesa High GPA.4 0 Honora. Coll~e Board Scholar m the Hispanic Recognrtion Program. 2002-03, hrst place m the ,' •.~ '}. b ~ .. Orange County Mode Trial Journaltsm Contest, 2002-03 Activities· Mode tnal. Academtt Decathlon, choir; drama; vdrs1ty golf and water polo, Advisory Comm1nee of Teens for the city of Costa Mesa. mistress of ceremonrei. for Mr Costa Mesd Contest Furure plans: Undeuded on a college ma1or. but has been acc.epted to Stanford Un1vers1t, m the fdll OCC ATHLETES OF THE YEAR NAN CY HATSUSHI BASKET8AU.. Was d two ttrne First Teo111 All Conferc11w µldyt;r in wo1111:1, s basketball .J'> Wt!ll dS rwo ttrnt: All Souther!) Cahfom1d PICJyer Wa., also named Most VCJllJable Ptdy1:r of the CueStd Toumc1ment dlld MVP of the 5tate Tournament dS she led Orcmge Cocts1 C.ullHJP to rts first state diamµ1onst111-i 111 womens basketball Also e.1Ccel'> aCitdem1cally with d very h14h GPA KEI NAN BRIGGS TRACK and AELD Set new Oranye Cod~l Culleq1• 110-metcr h1yh hurdlt· ..ind 111,,I•· 1ump ret.ord!., WdS tht. 1..unlf'r1:11c • chamµ1on 111 110 meter hrgh hurdles and the tnµle 1urnµ, dnd plat.ell se1.und in tht 1.untere11c,.. m tht-long 1umµ dlld 400 111et!!r relay Kernan wai. the 2003 OCC Trade and Freid team c.aptd111 dllel top point team leadt:1 To: From: Subject All Jrd. 4th, 5th and 6th grade boys and girls Pilot Cup Soccer Tournament Headquarters Pilot Cup Soccer tournament, Ma~unc I M It's time to sign up for the most c:xciting soccer tournament of the \l'Jr The Fourth Annual Pilot Cup! 11 The Pilot Cup i~ a one week 'occer tournament which invohc<. all publK JnJ p11\dll.' schools in the Newport Beach-Costa Mesa area It will be hdd ~1J~ 28 lune I 111 'l.l which school has the best soccer team in the following dt\ 1,iun' J"' and 4 .. grade boys; J"' and 4111 grade girls Winners will receive commemorati11e aw<1rds. Winning schoob "111 1l·u:1h· till· nght tu 'ho" off the·PiJot Cup Perpetual Trophy Award for une year. So go to the principal's office or the athlctil'• office right now anJ "'grl up tu rqin:,"·111 \vur school in the most exciting soccer event of the )Car -The Pilot Cup iw; All participants receive a t·shlrt. This tournament i~ sponsonxl b)' the Dail~ Piklt am.I 'luuth Services Association. There is a $5 contribution to cover the cost of lhc t·'ihirt Don't miss out on this chance to play soccer for your school and win the ri¢lt to lhl· Pilot Cup Perpetual "Trophy as the best soccer school in town. Yes. we do nC\.-d wa<..~. For more info_rmation, contact your cbjld's schoot ·--------------------------------------------------------~ Shirt Size: BoyQ Small Girl Medium School:.~~~~~---~~---:---~-:-­ Grade:_..;;.____;...:.-~----------.......... ~~ .... " Ifs olcay for my sonldaup ta to sip up fer th~ Pilot Cup PatentSianature.·--~---------~---~ ·----------------------··------------------------------··--· ~ Frtday, ~ 16, 2003 11 1·.\lPllll I '" -In t ·" ,\. t \l~l'l I\ • • Our container has fina lly arrivedl So it's time for another House of ·Tiki • Parking lot sale I Come check out our new Shipment of Bamboo and Tropical furnishings and accessories. May 17th & 18th 9am-6pm 1860 Newport Blvd., Cotta Maa, CA (949) 642-8454 j • Sem1·Privote for Men & WomeJt • lots of Equipment/FrH Welghta • Pnvote Pilotes Studio • SPINNING Theater· licensed • 16 Full Time Personal Troiners •Child Core Som· noon M · f • Ample & Convenient Parking 1 • Yogo Too Chi , Stretch clones I • Step. Power Pump, Cardio • Showers, Steom & Towels I • Shope·Up Day Spo • Shope·Up Acupuncture/Ma1saQt AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND 10WN Items to the Deity Piiot. 330 W. Bay St, C6sta M..,, CA 92827; by •mall to mfk•.iwantonOlatlmn.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time. date and location of the event, 11 well ea a cont.act phone number. A complete 11111ng la available at www.dallypllot.com. TODAY Cotte Meea'a Chamber of Commerce will have lta Lea Miiier Scholarship Recognition Breakfel1at7:16 a.m. atthe Hiiton Hotel, 3050 Bristol St. Attetldance la $22 per person. Call (714) 886-9090 for details and reservations. SATURDAY TM Startlght ThNtre Company wlll hold eudltlona for !ta all-11udent summer show, "Mary Poppins:' from 1 to 3 p.m. Children 10 to 14 years old can sing • song from the show or bring taped ecoompanlment to a song they've prepared. The theater 11at1125 Victoria St. In Col1a Meu. For more Information, call (949) 845-7827. The eo... M.. llltaltc.I Society will hc»t "'open houM from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 1870 Anaheim St In Cotta MIM. It incllldee toura of the facility end exhlbhs of photoe end erttfecta. Free. For more Information, call (949) 631-6918. Back Bey ........ wtl launch. llirtuel cycling program. Come for a test drive during da .... at 8:30 and 9:30 1.m. at 2676 lrvlne Ava., Suite A In C~ M..,. For more Information, cell (949) 631-6687. •DMHce: A New Beginning," la• worbhop for men end women who ere divorced or getting divorced. It la held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. et 180 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beed't. For more lnfo.rmatlon, call (949) 844 9436. The Neww»ort Hatbor Nautical Museum will open a new exhibit featuring the work of Joe Duncan Gleason (1881-1969), known aa the Welt Coeat'a pr.mlere marttlme 1peclall11 among Hrty 20th-century •rttltl. Th• exhibit will be on display until Sept 30. For more Information, cell (949) 873-8915, ext 111. Cotti MIM'a Recreetlon DMelon preNnta Flimlly Dey Out wtth an excursion for femlllea to experience the Renalaaance Fair In Glen Helen. Meet at 9 a.m. at the Balearic Community Center, 1976 Balearic Drive. The coat 11 $16, which Includes a ana<*. admlulon and transportation. For more lnforriatlon, call (714) 764-6168. The Newport INctt Ub,.ry'1 Balboa brand! will offer a wortcahop called "Tool• & Trldca: lntemat 101:' an Introduction to navigating the World Wide Web, at 9 a.m. For more Information, call (949) 717-3818. The W.ldorf Sctioora annual May Faire, an Imagination Celebration event, will be from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at 2360 Canyon Drive In Costa Meu. Adml .. lon coltl $3, and c:hlldren younger than 2 get in for free. Partclng 11 free. For more information, call (949) 674-7734. Costa Me .. High Sctioot'1 Cheerleadlng department la hosting a one-day dleerleadlng clinic from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for $18 per person. Squads and anyone without cheerleadlng experience are encouraged to attend the clinic, taught by the United Spirit Aun. Regl11ratlon will begin et 8:46 a.m. in front of the high achool'a gym. SUNDAY To kidl off this YMI'• FeaUval of Chlldren, e Volunteer Day will be held from noon to 4 p.m. at South Coast Plaza's Carousel Court. To Introduce Orange County dlarltlea and youths to aech other, the Featlval of Children Volunteer Day will allow a variety of nonprofit organizations to diaplay Information about their services. For more Information, call (949) 644-4777. The Southern Catlfomla Kol Ctub will have Its annual kol pond tour from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Including tours of Newport Beach. Laguna Beach, Corona def Mar and Santa Ana. Co11 la S8 per person. For more Information, call (949) 648-3690. ,,,. pubic la lnvte.d to find out about lawn bowtlng and see the beat bc>Wtera In the nation during the showcase of lawn bowtlng from 9 1.m. to 2 p.m. at the Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling Club, 1660 Crown Dr., Corona del Mar. MONDAY Hoag Hoep1tar1 Cancer Cent« i. offering a prasentatlon by a group of expert clinicians to leam about the use of surgery for treating colon cancer. There will be time after the free 8:30 to 9 p.m. presentation to network with other colon cancer survivors end discuss common concerns. Registration 11 required. For more Information and to register, call (949) 760-2103. WOftd lnMtlltty Month will kldc off In Orange County wfth a preaentatlon celled •PGD: It'• Not Only for Genetic Screening Anymore." The free, educational nmlnar will feature Important dlacuaalona •bout the role prelmplant.atlon genetic dlagnoela Is playing In helping parenta uncover genetic and aex-llnked dl111se1. 'The event la open to the public and will take place et Marriott Sultu, 600 Bayview Circle In Newport Beach beginning at 8:30 p.m. For Information. call (888) 917-4777. Mature drtvera can 1ha,,,.n their driving 1klll1 In an eight-hour cl111 In two 1111lon1 at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant In Co11a Mesa. Classes wlll be from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. May 19 and 20, and are limited to 30 students. The coat ia $10. Advanced registration required. To register, or for more Information, call (714) 557-3340. TUESDAY A free Mmlnar end book signing of •Why the Weight? Dare to be Greatl" by author Jean Kruegar will be held from 8:30 to 8 p.m . at Mother's Martat, 2.25 East 17th St., Costa Meta. For reservations. ~II (800) 695-MOMS. The Surfrtder Foundation Newport Beach film Night will feature surfing films, Including the newly releeaad "3 Degrees." It will be held at 7 p.m. at the Surfrlder public meeting at Margarltaville, 2332 West Coast Highway, Nawpon Beech. Come and learn what is going on with local water quality Issues and see some cool 1urf flidca. For more information, call (949) 644-7443. Thomas J. C.mN wlll dlacu .. •How Time Flies: The Molecular Ardlltacture of Memory" at a free 7:30 p.m. seminar at the Irvine Barcley Theatre. Carew, UC Irvine's chair of neurobiology end behavior, will diacu11 hi1 research that allows a cloaa examination of the molecular machinery that creates memories, both fleeting and laatlng. For Information, call (949) 824-4275. WEONESOAY A ftae aemlner end book signing of '"The Digestion Connection" by Dr. Mart Stangler will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's Martcat, 225 Eeat 17th St., Costa Masa. For raservationa, cell (800) 696-MOMS. SuepenN ~lat Marthe Unlk.al wlll speak at a Newport Bead! TWENTY LENDERS Newcomers ~ub meeting at 10 1.m. Unikel It also a member of the club, which 11 open to all woman living In th• area for leu than five yearL For more Information, call (949) 845-9722. UC ltvlne'a ec:hool of blologlcal sciences and the Howard A. Schneiderman Memorial Bioethics Lecture Serl11 prasant "The Good Life at the End of Ufa;' a lecture by Dr. Joanna Lynn, at 7 p.m. In the Crystal Cove Auditorium. The event 11 free, but reservations are required. For more Information. call (949) 824-7262. Mentor, coech end tNated advisor Dave Gentry will speak at a PCMA meeting about his search for an authentic life at the Westin In South Coast Plaza from 6 to 8 p.m. Registration 11 at 4:46 p.m. For more Information, call (714) 637-5624. MAY24 A book aiflnlng end personal appearance by author Jam11 Bald! for his book •Prescription for Nutritional Healing" will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Mother's Martcet, 225 Ea1117th St., Costa Meta. For r11ervatlon1, call (800) 695-MOMS. Newport Coeat Carae' first •spring Fling" fund-raiser to benefit the Corazon de Vida Foundation, an organization that ralsea mo ney fo r children In Baja. wlll be from 11 a.m . to 4 p.m . In the Newport Coast Shopping Center. The event will have games end rides for children. Adml11ion is $10. For more information, call (949) 476· 1144, ext 358. Three 1ccl1lmed authors end scholars will present "African American Speach In Global Culture,· exploring the effect of African American apeed't on modem convertatlon, poetry and music. The reception, performance reading and book signing will run from 4 to 9 p.m . et UC Irvine's Cross Cu ltural Center end Crystal Cove Auditorium. For more information, call (949) 824-1948. MAY28 The Council on Aging -Orange County is offering free training to recognize financial abuse and to help safeguard against victimization with a two-hour ae11ion ca lled HWho Can You Trustr The aeasion runs from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach Oasis Senior Canter, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mer. For reservations. call (949) 644-3244. JUNE l Th• 10ttl ennuel Belboe l1l1nd Parade, ·celebrate Balboa Island," will take place et 11 e.m. along Merine Avenue. For information, call (949) 723-4177. JUNE4 The Friends of the Newport Beach Library will host a complimentary brunch and annual meeting for members at 10:30 a.m . In the Friends Meeting. Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Local Nancy Robison, author of more than 70 books, will be the speaker. Reservations are required and must be made by Mey 28. Call (714) 696-5276. JUNE 18 Pamele Hallan-Gibson will apeek about and sign her new book. ·orange County, the Golden Promise: An Illustrated History; at 7 p.m. at the Colt• M11a ~,'05w.., 949.252.8200 ) ~ Biii Fallon !-l~onc~M>Cl·•tv, 1870-Anaheim Ave., COl1a Meu. For more information, call (949) 631-6918 or visit www.amhl1tpf'fu.com. • Purchase • ReFI • Construction 15 ytars In O.C. ONGotNG VoluntMr drtven are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients Incapable of shopping or cooking for themaelvaa through "Mobile Meals;-sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Ho1plt1I. Call (949) 846-8060 for more Information. The Arst Page -Fine ChHdren'a Books, at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 In Costa Mesa, offers free 11ory time Mondaya,'t\'9dneaday.Friday1 and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 6 p.m . For more lnfonnetion, cell (949) 145-6'37. •Abftntct ~on C..W.. Ind Pipe(,' en exhibit of ert by Janet Roeener, wlll be on diepWf It the NMpOft Beach Central Utnry through June 30. The aJChiblt wlll felturt Hllctiona from Roeelw'a .Withed 1wtty• ...... crt9ted by dtlpplng, apllttenng Ot pour1ng addltlonel Pllnt end l'Mdlume onto en ofi;lnal pelntlng •nd washing It M1Y to 8'1Q911t tn. paaaage of time. For mort lnformttlon, call (948) 717-3818. QUOTE OF THE DAY "The changeover was tough. It's been very tough trying to adapt.'' Sharon Wolfe, Newport Harbor softball coach EYE OPENER l>di ly A Pik>t ~ Spoc1s Hall ~ .. a.mp L--' - May 19 hOnOtee CARL EHMANN Dally Piiot Sport.I Editor Richard Owm: (9491574-4223 • Sports Fu 19491650-0170 fnddy Mt1y I b 200 3 A9 HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL Athletes • gearing up for CIF Locals compete today, Saturday in hopes of advancing to next level. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot At this lJme of year in track and field, it!> au about moving on to the next level. Such is the ca.lie for a slew of athletes from high schools in lhe Newpon-Mesa area. They will be competing in the ClF Southern Se<.tion preliminaries today and Saturday with the intent of advanc- ing to the Cl f finals Lhe foUowmg week. the Master. Meet the week after and eventually the 'itate rneel. Cll' DIVJ'>lon Ill. which feature> Corona de! Mar I hgh. C.o!>ta M~ and btanaa will be at Veteran., '>tad1urn in Long Beach. whtle l)IVJ-'>IOn II. which includes -. r. " Ncwpon I !arbor. will be at Mt. San Anto· Corona del Mar's Meaghan Bunney slides into home as she beats the throw in the Sea Kings' 8-7 win to decide third place in the Pacific Coast League 1110 College today. Sage I till School in Oi- Vl'>to n IV will compete there Saturday. Ille IJghtrnng will be represented by two athlete-., one boy. Braden Bamen. Academy I .eague champion in the shot put (44 feet, 5 inches) and discus ( 1 23·3~·1. and one g111. sophomore Laurn (,on:lon. the Academy League champion 111 the 300 hurdle-. (5 1.0) and the triple CdM Bunney-hops to playoffs 1ump (3J-6Y.). 'Ille top nine in each event wi ll ad- Sea Kings win dramatic 8 -7 decision over Ca lvary Chapel to claim league's third playoff spo t. vance In the Clf finab. Many Newpon·M~ area athletes will Steve Vi rgen be making their debut in Uf competi· Daily Pilot t1un. includm~ CdM [~man Anne St. <;ernc IRVJNF -Ln order 10 reat'h the <.11- '>I. Gemc. the Pacific: Coast League Southern Sec11on playoff'>. the Corona t hamp1011 trl the I .bOO. enters the CJF del Mar High softball team had 10 dig preltm'> with the No 3 c;eeded time. down deep for that \Orne1h111g extra. It •:; 14 .0, yet her peN>nal best is 5:07.0. figures. Costa Ml">a\ Olru.une R,elJand. the The Sea Kings had 10 \'\1n ll1ur'>ddy <.olden We-.t l.eague d1amp1on m the against Calvary Olapel at Un1ver.11y 1.600 (5:24.50), will abo race in the event I hgh in a game that wouJd deude third Costa M~ o;enwr Sharon Day. who is place in the P-.mfic Coa\l I .cagul.' .111cl seeking to win her fourth '>traight CJI· . the league\ final guaranteed berth 1n to \outhem Set.·tlon titJe m the high iwnp, is the Cff D1Vls1on IV playoff'> the Orange County-record holder with a For CdM !>t'ntor Meaghan Hunney, dearn.nce of 6 2. digging deep meant laking <1 bc:tJI to the l~tancia will be represented by two face while sliding for what would ht' lhe at.hlete<>. '>enior l.udi Valdez. who won the game-winning run. That run al'>o Golde n We<>I League titJe m the 300 hur· proved 10 be one of ..evernl key play'> till' dJcs and will also compete in the 400. Sea KinE,'S made to pulJ out an R 7 Vic See TRACK, Pa1e Al O tory that puls them in the CIF playoff1>. "It feels really great Ito win!." Bunncy '><lid "It\ nice \'\ lwn we Jll l onH: to getlwr <L'> .1 team And. th.it\ v.hc.1t \\t' did l'he game wa., a little rnt k} tht•rt• for awhtll', but \\l' d!J played lllgether ' C.dM. the ""home" ti>am aht•r wm11111g lhl' coin nip, '>C:<>rl'd '>t'H'n nm'> 1n thl' ho11om ol the wcond 11111111g to tJkl• .i 7 2 lead C alvdf) C l1apel rallied b.it k with four rum in the thud, pulling the defit 11 to 7 6. flwn. 111 the bottom of tht• '>IXth. Bunney '>tort'C.I her gnu, run Bunnev. '"ho -.cored f\\O run .... lire'" three walk.\ and reacht•d ha'>e 011 a fielder\ rho1t e 111 the '>ecnnd, Jd\anc:ed to ... eumd h.he on a ... mgll' to nght field by 1un1or \.lfah C.,tern ll1L·11. 1unior Jacloe M.inning\ hJn..l -h11 ground h.ill induced an infield error l he hall wa' too hot to handle fur Calvary\ "l'l ond ha ... e pld yer. the b.Lll rolled into the outliclu and Runney '>prmll"d toward the platl'. When .. he HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL NEWPORT SENIORS SET SAIL After a year of adjustments, Sailors' season fi nally com es to an end. Melanie Neff Daily Pilot • NEWPORT BEACI I -Newport Harbor High's softball team ended Its season Thursday with a salute to the seven graduating seniors. Senior Amanda Campbell, who hasn't been able to play due to an undiagnolied ~ wm honored with a position lrOlmd. as third-base coac:b. while the remaining six sen1ors stamd in the field a8almt visiting FoothiD in the Sea View league game. Sabrina Couch. Shebf Oisp, Alhena 'JM. qua. JChn ~ Bailey Bearden. Jenny Dan- iel!; and Campbel were al gfYelt gifts and paie(J i>r pk:tuns with family and friends. Thett WIL'J ~kl the ch4PJl and m. al h seemed a happy ending to a fairly dismal 8ea90n. The Sailors flnlshed 9-11, 2...S ln league under first-year coach Sharon Wolfe. Last season, the Sailors woo only ooe league game under Coach Jesse Martinson. "It was a tough year," said Athena Vuqua., who wW p~y at the University ol wtscomin next year. "We liked Jesae a lot, ao It was a little tougjt with a new coach coming ln. • Wolfe. who also coaches the Sailors' fte~d hockey team and CQached the aoftblU team aewn years ago. ldm.ltted It wasn' the easiest of aeaaona. but she was happy even with •~llou~FoothWon Thurtda~ "Thdly wu great. despfte the loel." Wolle said. "Every- ono wu ftnally wottlng topther and ~ to gel ro.. the flnt time." How tot.ttb the MMOO bid been for WOife -otMc:M.-It the met ol the pme ~ ""° ..,.,... letl of parents came up to Chulk her fOf • job will dcJiae Ind for <*lt.ng STCVE McCIWIC/OALV Pl.OT Newport Harbor's Kim Moore drivers a pitch to Foothttl in the Sailors' Sea View League finale Thursday at home. . with aU dUlicultl thrown in her path. ·1 appreciate everytb1Ag you put up with and all the ad- vmiltyyou hid to deaJ with~.-one parent Id. "I know It wun\ euy {or you. You did a weat job." .,..)Gt ~~)Olldld hmy ..... ~ .... "h tJec.ne. nub beaa' ~ becll• of )IOU." ~e didn't want to lir any grimmc~ but did AY It wun't always euy. "The~ WU LO\.llb, • sbe said.: "ltl ~ W'fY ....... on . ....-AlO '>lid. tht• IMll h11 her Jd\\ on llH' lt•ft -.1de of her fate. "I don·1 know wl1ut hap pt•m•tl," Hunm·y .,aid m re g<Jrd to de..,t nbmg the play 'Tl he (Alvary tatcherl wao, m lront of the hag. and I JU'I l harged al tilt' plate ~ ra .. 1 d'> I rnuld " lhe <x•a .._tnK" rlO 10, b-1 in 11.'.Jgtll'I made unponant dt'ft•fl'>l\t' plar-Ill the top or the '>t.'\lenth c..hmune 1 ltt~ey Calvary CdM led off \.'\<1th a tnplc for the l-.agle'> 17 · 15. ) 61 But < .dM ... e111or pitcher Alis.~ /.c>l'lle and Junior Ktanna Ja)e c;1epped up with a o;en..at1onaJ play. Wi th no 0111. C:ahary"s Amerra Kester· ... on prod11n•d a '>lo\'\ gruundhall toward third ha'>e l.t>t•lle fielded 11 dnd hedrd Jaye t:ctlhng for 1lw baJI .it third ba.'>t.' ht>- cau ... e I hckey w.u. allcmpung to !>Core. /oelll' m.ide che quick throw to third. ''here Jaye tagged I l1ckey. .. lnat wa~ a h1g play," C .dM en-coach I d Me)la ..aid. "That w~ a good reac:- 7 8 lion out Ill both ot 1ht·111 .. "Wl• 1u.,1 hoch rt·ad t'Jlh ntlwr ... m1nu ... " Jayt-'>did .. , '>tanetl t .Jl1111g for till· IMll and 1i'..oelle l lcmk1·tl right di ml' "'ihe luw\\ what I \\oci-.., talkrng about \ht·.., 'ut h dJl d\\ewme player · I he Lagle., t.Ulll' v.1thu1 H i after "'-unng v.11h thl' ha-.t''> l<Mdl'd and l\"o out Rut, \.fonrnng. \\ho play'> '>t"t ond b.i..-.e for C d~1. ended the game when '>he glo\ed a (Cl\., line dnve ·nm 1-; big." Me11a ..aid of the wm • lhese girl'> de-.erH' to go to C II \\t• H' had injunes. nl(' girl'> plan'<.! h.trd \.\t• Started OUI bdd °' gl\1n~ thrm t\'\O ntn ... 111 the fir.t Hut '"e ha11led h.itk I k1wv. th .... was gmng IO bt• a cuugh g.imt· Calvary ...cored two run'> 111 till' lil">I. one com111g unearned I lt1wl•\t·r ( dM pulled ahrad w11h '>C'V\'11 run., 111 the '>t't ond after the l.1gle.,· p11ther v.alked rive See SEA KINGS, Pa1e AlO HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL Tars, Eagles open postseason tonight Newport Harbor in Division I, Estancia in Division 111 , host first-round foes a t 7 p .m . Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot While forbidden the lru.t two seasons from seeking the uJ1imate challenge of Otvision I posl'JCason competition. Newpon I larbor High boys voUeyball mach Dan Glenn made no secret of his de<.tre to return to the penthouse of the ( IF Soulhem Secuon playoffs. Beginning ton ight at 7 wilh a first· round I )1\1'-lon I mart·h .1~a111.,1 V1'1U11~ Long Beath Pol\ l 1lt•11n .ind h.io; ~tlur. are n~ hoping 1<1 ... 1.1\t' off an e.u1y e\1t1mn nouce Meanwt11le. 1 ... .,1anc1a I hgh. ahM.>nt from Lhe playoff.. .. 111u• 1994. begin!> what 1~ expectC'd to he .1n extended [)I \'is1on Ill run a' tht.• No I <;('t'<.J against visiting Century. Coach Tracey I lem1., 1:.aglt>!> 126 10), co-champion1> of the l,ofden W~t League. don't figure to gN much trouble from the Lentunons (6 10). And there 1s more than the vast d1<1panty tn re<.-or<b to back this a5."ump11on . mce btanud pounded the Orange League\ th.lfd See VOUEYBAU.. Pqe AlO COLLEGE TRACK AND FIELD UCI's Turpin wins heptathlo NOR11 I RfDGE -UC Irvine junior Annmarie Turpin woo the beptatblon Thun.day in the Big ~ C.OOCerence tra and field championships at Cal State Northrldge. Turpin finished Wilh I cateer•best LO• tal of S,228 polnl3. the fou.rth-bett score In tJO ht.story. Idaho's Dacia ~mandet placed aecond with S.189, An~ teuen· lor kslica Stafford wq third with a ca- rftf-~ total of S.093 poln (No. 8 in ua hl~ory> and dtftodinl c:harDplon K..de Almct of Utah ace Bnllhed fourd\ wtm s.m pGnts. ~ .. the fourth ua a1hkca ma 1915 eo wtn lhil eoioferaa beplMNOn dde Ind cbe llnlc ~ Michele Mentct ..,...ln .... ln Thundayi ewo Turpan inches, t<>~ feec i.n the IOag jump, the javelin 119-7 and ran tht 800 ln 2.22.90. Stalford had marts or 17-6'1' in the long jwnp. 127-0 ln the javelin throw and 2:2l.9l In the 800. ln the decathlon Thunlday. UO fun- lorl Jon Sttwart and Aaron lAMis In· lshed fourth and ftfth. Cal Puly\ John 1Waahubl tho champion with 1 :xn poUJIJ and ldahO ~ R~ GNihed feicOnd with 7.292. Stewilrt acored 8.443 poin and 6,102. In~ ewo hid mllb ol 16.80 In~ llO:mew ..._ hui'cleis. • ,.. ... chr dilala ....... U-11 lil die.,. ..... 157~l In lhl ........ ihluwmd 741nditl-~ ...... ~---~--~--~----~--~--~------~-----,---..... ------~~----~-----"""""'~~·=="'~...-~----1 .............. ~=o.--.....; ....... ._..~ ...... ~~----.... ~---------~ ........ ~_.......-. __ .._,.. ..................... Mal ,, . AlO Fnday, May 16, 2003 SPORTS TRIATHLON Legendary race returns to Newport More than 1,000 athletes expected to race in 26th annual Newport Beach Triathlon on Sunday. NHWPORT BEACH -The longest running triathlon in the United States returns to New- port Beach Sunday as more than 1 ,000 athletes from around the world converge on the New- port Dunes for the 26th annual Kring & Olung Newport Beach lTiathlon. The race begins at 6:45 a.m . and consists of a half-mile swim in the Back Bay, a 13-mile bicy- cle ride through Newport Beach and Irvine and a ~e-mile run. Proceeds of the event will benefit the UC Irvine women's water polo and rowing pro- grams. The triathlon began ln 1978, after a group of six UCI studen ts with water polo badgrounds decided to develop a competi- tion for employees from local restaurants such as The Olart House, Rusty Pelican and Avila's El Ranchito. The first race drew about 400 participants. Santa Monica resident Marc Lees. 29, finished the last year's race in 55 minutes, 15 seconds while Michelle Jones, a silver medalist ln the triathlon in the 2000 Summer Olympics, crossed the finish line first in l :0 I. Lees and Jones earned the fastest times in the men's and women's divisions. For more informatJon or to register as a participant, contact Pacific Sports U.C at (714) 978- 1528 or visit www.pacific- sportsUc.com. REDUCTION SALE! Frw.y, M.y 16, s.ta4.y, M.y 17, S.-,.., 11 Ollr 10%. 70% OFF EvfmHlllG lnlllfwy • S J 111 • E A fiT O N lsfo.§!!§!M Au IASUAU lcuPllBIT 30% Off ~......., ... .._Swem • a.Its.-. .. •.....,.._.. ..... SI.ti ........... • Lett..-s.w.ts~) ... S1H." New $15.00 ·k. Uf.....,t w,... $2t.tS 270 L 17th StrHt • Costa Mesa 92627 fn I O:OOLa. -6.-00,.... S.V. 10:00&& • S. ....... Siii 11:00&& -1-00 p..a. (949) 548-3323 www. team and beach . com ewpo NS&H Benefit Go« T WHEN: MONDAY, JUNE 2, 2003 Check-in: 7:30 a.m. Tee Time: 8:00 a.m. OAK CREEK GOLF ewe I Golf Club Drive, Irvine FORMAT. 4 PERSON" SCRAMBLE" SHOTGUN START COST: $85.00 PER PERSON SEA KINGS Continued from A9 batters in the inning. Calvary also commJtted three errors in the inning and allowed two hits. Lauren Loe. Bunney, Stem. Manning. Melanle Cole, Heather Lohrman and Zoelle scored for the Sea Kings. Loe, Bunney and Stem displayed aggressiven~ in their base runnlng. Loe led off the inning with a walk. She advanced to second after Bunney reached on a fielder's choice. Bunney's ground ball went toward sec· ond base where it was fielded and the player from Calvary tossed it to her teammate who dropped it Loe quicltJy rose from sliding and advanced to third. She scored on an error after Man- ning put the ball lnto play. Stem scored on a wild pitch. ZoeUe led the Sea Kings with two hits and one RBI. while Jaye and Cole also coUected one RBI each to help CdM ex- act revenge. The Sea King.5 lost VOLLEYBALL Continued from A9 place team, 15-2. 15-6, 15-2, in the Eagles' season opener March 3. Sea View League co-cham- pion Newport Harbor ( 19-11 ), however, sho uld face a solid challenge from the Jack.rabbits (26-11 ). who won the Division II title at 1.he Orange County Olampionship•>. then finbhed third in the Moore League. be- hind Millikan (29-5) and Long Beach Wilson (26-11). The Sailors loi.t to Hoyal in the Division II quartcrfinali. last season, after reaching the Divi- sion Iii semifinals in 200 I. Glenn said hii, team '' peak- ing at the right time, but ii, un- sure how long that can sustain his Tars in the rugged Division I bra ck.et. MWe're playing our best vol- leyball, but I don't know ii that's the greatest voUeybnll." said Glenn, whose Sailors defeated Sea View co -champion Wood- bridge and Back Ray nvaJ Co- rona del Mar for two of their DEADLINE FOR PAYMENT 18: MAY This tournament will fill up fast ... first J 44 golfi H you have questiom regarding the toumamen~ Sgt Steve ShilllDan at (949) 644-3662 DOH L£ACH I DM.Y PILOT Sea King pitcher Alissa Zoelle fires to first for an out after fielding a Calvary Chapel bunt. CdM won, S. 7. to Calvary, 12-5. Monday at CdM. f.agles Coach Dave Rolph said Marian Paino, who pitched in the win Monday, was ill Thursday and could not play. He said that made a dif- ference In the game, yet CdM made more plays to win. "We let them in the game with those errors (in the sec· ond)," Rolph said "But they're a good team. They hit the ball three victories last week.. The Sailors are led by 6-foot-8 junior middle blocker Jamie Diefenbach, as well as senior outside hitter Michael Toole and seniors Michael McDonald, Nick Classic and Paul Toman. Junior setter Adam Schlesinger has also progressed as the Tars' trigger man and his develop- ment must continue for the team to reach its potential. "Whatever happens, hap- pens, and we're not going to whine about it," Glenn said of the return to Division I. brought about by a change in section by1aws. "Our kids are excited about the opportunity to play a reaUy good team. And, if we get by this first one. we'U play the No. 2-seeded team in San Oe- mente. San Cle mente (26-1) will most likely be in attendance to night, since the Tritons, who finish ed the regular-sea- son ranked No. I in Orange County, have a first-round bye. The South Coast League champions will likely be root- ing for the Sailo rs, with whom they have a score to settle. Newport e liminated San Cle- m ente in the second round last season and also ended the Trito ns' postseason in 2000. Estancia, led by junior out- side hitter!. Kris I lartwell and NEWPORT Continued from A9 tough trying to adapt. (Martin- son) knew a lot of these kids from travel ball, so it was hard for them to see him go." The Sailors ended the season against a tough Foothill squad that beat them. 19-0. the first time they met So, by aU ac- counts, Thursday's loss was a small victory. Again. it was errors and lack of offense that cost Newport the game. The Sailors were able to mus- ter just two hits, while commit- ting five infield errors that led to four unearned runs.. "We just can't hit ln league,· said Wolfe, whose team went 7-3 in their nonleague schedule. ·Er· rors have been killing us all sea- son. We had strong potential to be 10-0 at the beginning of the year, but we lo t a lot of one-run games." well and they'~ a scary team. We came up just short. But they deserved to win." hcllc COllt lNlllt == ~-~7 C.tvary ~ '1oo ....... -1 a 5 CdM 010001 •-854 Wih and Memttt; Zoelle and Tyson. W -Zoelle, 9-a. L -Wilt. 38-Wih (CC), Hidey (CC). Josh Kornegay, won a share of the program's first league cham- pionship since 1984. The Eagles have also received consistent contributions from sophomore setter lTevor Holmes and junior outside hJtter Brad Larsen. Long Beach Poly, with no player taUer than 6-4, bas split two tournament meetings against Sea View League foes this season. The Jackrabbits de- feated Foothill, 15·9, 15-7, March 15, and lost to Irvine, 15-4, 15·4, one week later. Newport swept both Foothill and Irvine in two league meet· in gs. Corona del Mar. champion of the Pacific C..oast League and the No. 2 seed in Division II, wiU take advantage of a first-round bye. hoping to allow 6-1 senior m iddle blocker Eric Jones and senior outside hitter Bart Welch, both recovering from spralned ankles, to return to the lineup. Coach Steve Con11's Sea Kings (17-11 ). wi ll face the winner of Friday's first -round clash be- tween Arrowhead Olristian (31 -I) and Canyon of Anaheim (10-13) in Tuesday's second round. Canyon won the Divi- sion Ill title last i,eason, but re- turned only one starter. If victorious, Estancia would square.Dff agalnst either Orange Lu theran or Warren in Tues- day's second round. The Sailors did, however, catch a glimpse of some furure stars Thursday. Sophomore Julianne Bass. who took over at catcher to re- place CampbeU, recorded two putouts at second base and tagged out two runners trying to score. Sophomore Ashley Glea- son had several strong assists from the third base. However, any team that loses seven senior starters is going to have some rebuUding to do. "We are reaUy going to have to step tt up and work just as hard next year.· Bas..'! said. "We have to gel as a team and be able to pick ourselves up after we make mis- takes. We just have to team to al- ways keep our heads up." See View l..Npl Foothll e. Ne\~ttemor 1 Foothill ~ byon -s '° 1 Newpon ooo 100 -o -1 2 !i laRue and Hartfiel; Moore and Bass. W -laRue, 1~. L -Moore. ~ 10. 28 - Lowe (F), Beaaley (F), Moore (NH). Orange Coast Middle College lllPSebool ~CAR WASH • Weather permlttlal • latardar, Mar 17, aooJ llJO ..... 2IOO ,.... 0 at Marlwl ll•••atarr n ~ uoo ......... Dr. o°' g0 Newp1rtl•oll ~o b-{cY (O.lnlll .................. ) Oat}Piot ,ft OLLER HOCKEY Ducks' Carlyle nets bat trick · Je« Cartyle scored three goals against the Red Wmgs in a 7-2 victory by the Ducka in a Boys & Girls Oub of the Harbor Area fourth-grade roller hockey game. ICellon 'Duxton sent a backhand in for the winning goal ln the final quarter and Bredy Morpn capped the Ducks' scoring. Kaz Patellld began the scoring with a~ shot from his defensive position. The Ducks received solid defensive efforts from Morpn WlllJama and Quest 'Inmon. Goa.lbepers Tory Morpn and Kellon Truxton kept the game close. Carlyle and Quest 1h.tx1on usua.Uy play on the first-and-second grade team. Ian Sequeira led the Red Wings' scoring, "' ln firsr-and-second grade action: • Ducks 7, Kings 2 Carlyle, Bndy Morgan and Quest Truxton led a solid offensive attack against the Kings while Nick Sballahamer. Jenna Nulty and Cllarlle Barber showed steady defense. C..te Sc:hamell and Robert ~ns each played weU in goal. stopping several shots. ln fifth-grade play: •The Red Wings continued their strong play with a win aver the Stars. 11 -6, and the Canadians, I 0-3. Rusty Sary scored six goals against the Stars while Jared Cusldy and Newett each tallied rwo. Hannah Toohey found the back of the net once. All seven players scored at least one goal for the Red Wtogs against the Canadians.. Corbln K.,-and J.P. Muller each scored their first-ever goals while Hanieon Rolfes. Toohey, Sary. Cassidy and Newett also added scores. Cassidy and Newett each made eight saves in goal • Red Wings 5, Blues 2 Rusty Sary and Lopn Newett each scored in the first half for the Red Wings ln a 5-2 win over the Blues in fifth-grade roller hockey action for the Boys & Girls Oub of the Harbor Area Hannah Toohey, J.P. Muller. Harrl8on Rolla and Corbin K.,- pitched in for the win. Sary scored two more goals and Jared C...ldy tallied one in the second half. TRACK Continued from A9 and senior Diana Rosete. who will compete in the 3.200. St. Geme, who won the PO.. ti- tle in the 800, will also race In that event today. For the Newport girls. Arny Burlingham, Jillianne Whit- field, Eli7,abeth Clayton and Courtney Marshall have solid chances of advancing to the OF finals in their respective events. Whitfield won the Sea View League title in the discus (124-9) and she will also compete in the shot put. while Marshall will race in the 1,600 and 3.200. ln OF Division m boys compe-- tition, F.standa senior Hwnberto Rojas is the top seed in the 1,600 meters with a time" of 4:18.33, which won the Golden West League title and broke the league record. The 1,600 also includes CdM junior Kevin Artz. who woo the PCL tide ln 4:36.70. Rojas will also compete in the 800, In which he won the league tjtle ln the 800 in l :55.56, the sec· ond-seeded time in Division m. Just behind Padfica's Danid Kor at 1 :55.46. The F.agtes will also be represented by Oltnewcomer Ja- son Johmton. a junior who will compete in three eYmts, the 110 hurdles, the long jump and the triple jump. Bstanda's .lack Novak ls one Inell o1f the top eeed'a nwk in the high jump. He had a dear- ance of 6-4, which woo a league dtle lut week. League lndMdual champions Zich ~ (300 intermediate hlU"dlel) and Luke Sapolu (dilcus) will UC> be on hand • Che ClJ1 prelima. Junior Ovil Rinptlom ._. the CdM boys lqUfld. wbk:h .. IMo £ean.n Ml: ltlnpcronJ won. PCL dclel In the 200 (22..57) and the 400 (50..JZ), wble Artz won lelaue t1tiel in the 800 (2.'01.51) and 1,800 (4:3.72). • The Ntwpon ~ eqmd wOl' hll¥a .... Alec un.... •• ~hie ntturn to OF~ ddonln~D.tn. r• 19' wtl compete In lbe 800 Ind I 111J.' .... !ti~ lbe s. VleW ~In .. uoo (IOOLU5), ii.~ :r~...:s:: Clbot pUI) wll ., ......... Mn SPORTS Frtdly. Mly 16. 2003 All .. HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Oxford Academy drops Sage Hill again HNJPY Blml)AY Celebraoog the Dally Pflors Athlete cfttle Wee'c senes TOOAY .....,.. SCHEDULE Host Oxford Academy didn't trail visiting Sage Hill School for too long Thursday, scoring fol.fr runs in the first lnnlng on its way to a 7-3 vic.1ory in Academy League baseball action. The Patriots (17-3, 13 2 in league) re~Wlded from a 2 ·O ftrat-.lnnlng deficit to defeat the Uglltnlqg (13-8, 9-6) for the sec- ond time ln three days. Oxford d~ feared the Lightning, 12-7, to cl1nch the outright league title Tuesday in Newpon ~-Sage Hill finishes third ln league, two games behind Capistrano Valley Ouistlan and four back of Oxford. Mau Loper's fielder's choice and a s~gle by George Dempsey plated both of Sage's runs in the first inning, Matt Komswiet walked with Tun Wtllins iUld starting pitcher Zach Friedrichs hitting consecutive singles to load the bases for the Lightning in the first. Oxford 400 ZOI " 7 6 3 fnedrld\t, Sahnger 151 and Korll9- wlet: SW.nton, Delos Reyes 14), OU 15) and Bassett-Parluns. W -Oelot Reyes. L -Fr1ednctis, 1-4. Tars lose league finale Newport Ha rbo r High's baaebaJJ team came. close to upsetting Sea View League host PoothUI, which won, 2-0. Thursday. IS<1*4 I01ICI Of NTmOI TO uuun11 man Of: ....... lblSllUIB WI IO. A2190Sl To •II h,,,. benelt toaroet, •ttdlhll\ •un tmeent ued1to" ~rod JH!f\Ons who m•y oth erwose be onlere\lrd on th• won or nl•le 01 both, o l BlORN Sf0l(N1£K, o11ka 11 SEOllNllK A PE llTION r OR PRO BAT[ hH been flied by GUNNAR SCOU NI[ II m 111• su.,.110t Court of C•llfo1n1a County of ORAHCE THE PETITION roR PH08ATl requesh lh•f CUNNAA SE DI I NII K be tppomted o pet\onal 11p11sentat1Ye to •d mmoster the est<1te of the~cedenl fHC PETITION rtQue>t\ IM d9Cecltnt \ Wiii tnd cod1c1I> of any bt admitted to prob•t• !ht W•" •nd any codoc;1I\ ar • ava1labfe fOf uo1m1n1 hon 1n the tole kept by the court THE Pl TITION requesh 1utt1ot1ty to adm1n1sttr the estate undH the Independent Adm1n1> trallon of htates Act (This Aulh<Hrly will allow the person•! reptt\en t1t1vc In la~e many ullon• without obt•111 one I OUlt approval Befort> t<1k1nc er• t1m v••Y 1mpo1 l•nl •d•on> hOwt'Yet th~ pef\OO<ll rep.eunlahvt will bf' •equued to &••t notu ~ to 1nte•e•t"d pet\On\ unle>> they hne waived notic~ ur consented tu the p•Oj)o.ed ••hon / The independent ad m1111sltallun 1utho11ly Wiii be Cfanted unlM\ "" intpre\ttd per>nn Ille> an obiectt0n to Ill• ~hllOn and shows Mood uu>e •hy the court ~hOuld not c,.nt t~ authOfoly A Hl ARING on the Pflllllon wtll be htld an IUN£ I? 2003 at I 4!> pm 1n Oepl llJ luuted at 341 Ttoe City 0.1vt South Oun1e (;A 9?868 tr YOU OBJI Cl to tht e• anllrti of tht petollon yuu \huuld •Pl>t., •I lht he•11n& •nd \lalt you1 ob,ecl10n\ or 11~ written c>bJl'Clt0n' w1lh tt>. cuutl ~fort lht h~M•nc Ynur eppeu ante no.iv llt 1n penon ur ll t your •ltorney If YOU ARC A f R£01 TOR or •ont1neent aedllor of the decened vou m1al lilt your claim with tht tour t 1n<1 mail a copy to the person•I rppresentahve •PP<Jmled by lht cou• I w1th1n four month\ !tom th~ d•I" ot the lint 1\\u•nte ot letten " provodtd 1n Prob1le C.,d, \t( hnn 9100 The tome for f11tnc clil1m1 will not upl!e befooe fuur n1onlh> h um the hea11n11 dflt nototrd abov• YOU MAY lltAMJNI lhe me kept by lht court It you are a perwn '" leruled 1n lht nl•te yOu may hit with the court a Request ft1r ~111 Notice (IOfm Ol 1S4) of the hhn1 ol an ,..,entory •nd •Pl><••uf Qt estate auth Of of •t;IY pttlhon or account as provided In Probate Code HCllOn 11!>0 A Htquut for Spec11I Notice f0tm " avallabfe f,om tilt court cltfk ....._., fw Pttt"-n NOlllU l . IUNf, ISQ. (<SI• 04JHO) L~W orrtus ot NOltlllf L IUNT 601 N. PAlltCINfll DL, SUITI IOJ, SANTA ~._<A'270S Published Ntwpor I 9oeach Cost1 Mesa Oaity Pilot May 16, 19, '3. 2003 r M_, es<1•2 I IO'lkl Of PmllOll lOAIMZI• ISTA110f: .... aYIWUI wtl0.AJ1"'5 To 111 lltl", bent ft ct.vi.., crtOlton cOll llnpnt cta41t0<1, and ~on• wtlO may oth .,..,,IH be lftltfeslad In "'-will Of Mt•l•. 0t !wth, of MNrnN Gl YN W!lSH A l't TlflOJW f Oft l'1tO BATE hN Ileen hied lly WAY JMC WflSH WI tM ~lor Court of 0 .. lfoutla, Co1111t1 Of ~ PUlftON roR Tt•..-hfllMY WI. WflaH .... polltt•d •• pt1.on1I "-'-tetlft te •d millhttt tflt t•l•l• of UNdeu4eltt. ™' "'""""' ........ ....... , .. """""'" ........ --.... "'"""""' MMll'lt• ..... , ...... Ad Cl'I*......., .. .... ........... ,...,.. ........ , .. ..., ................. :L!••rt .,,, ... 1 .. ~.:: .......... 1 WlUdns went 2 for 3 and was the only Lightning player to col- lect more than two hits Thurs- day. Foothill improved to 15-0 in the Sea View League. Newport junior Joe Cantarella struck out three, walked two and scattered seven hits in his complete- Academy lAep Oxford 7, Sage Hill 3 Sage Hill SC: by:*T -3 s 1 2640 Legal Motices rcpre\enl•hvt will be malton Any written ••qu•,.d to &••• 1101tce commenh on the pro lo 1nttrested pe<>on\ poied new stadium unle\\ they h••t w•••ed complea should be nul"• 111 uins.ented to received no late< th•n the 111oposed .ct1on / 4 00 P M J-II. I he 1ndepet1denl ad 2003. to the aUentoon of m111rsh •lion authottty Mr. Powl •-4 will b~ &ranted unleu Anlat-t SupMlltfett· •n rnle11nted per sun tl-t, t1H1i..u Set'vlc•• Irle\ •n obiedion to the Newpen-MHo Uollletl P•loloun •nd \how\ ~oud Sctio.I OhtrlO • •u\e why the court 298S •••Streat \hOuld nnl grant the Coda MHO, CA 92•26 ~uthottly Published Ne•porl A H[Af<INC on th~ Buch Costa Men 0•1ly 1>et1loo11 will b• ~eld on Pilot May 16. 17, JUN[ •, IOOJ •t I 4S 2003 F 382 11 111 111 Oepl l / 3 lnu1ted <it ·ll 1 The City PllUC IOOO o .. ~. S.111111 rJr•nee c~ UwPlf1lit~16 '.1?1!68 If YOU OHJfCI to the (P~102) ii""'"'~ "' the 11et1l1on Noltce IS hereby a•ven yuu shuuld •ppear •t lhe that 1n apphcahon hu he.11nK ind \lale ynn• been wbm11led by Citrl"> llhf'!• tmn•"' Ille wt1lttn I• (John hrlo\. hrlos obf<'<.lton\ with thr • nurt 1 ASSOClitlO) to tslilb btfme lhf' h••rtng Your '"" •n e•ltn& ind •Pve•r •rt•• n••Y be 1n d11nl11ne h c1hty w1th1n "'""" or bt your the BluH\ Commer111I •lturn•, Shoppme Center The Ir YOU AR[ A CR[ 01 nl'W •llapptni , .. nler .. ION '" (Onl1n 11enl tu•renll, under con • 1od1l1H ul tllr Oec.eas.ed •ltuctt0n at Ille corner yau rnu\I Mt 1uu1 d•1m ''' M"Ar lhur Boulev•• d w1lh thr 1uurl •nd m•1l 1nd Bl'On A"enur • cupy tu lh• per son1I Adequalt par~'"i fOf the ""' r\rnlalov .. •JJPO•nled rnt1uranl 1s pl•nned by th, court w1th1n four The olitbloshment will monlh> from the d1le ot "''"PY 1.408 squ•re the ln\l t\\uance ot feel u l lhe 20 000 ltlll'•\ n pcov1dt'd 1n sciu••• '""' 1uth0<11ed Prob•!• (;ode •td111n by UP;,> 0 0? 0 l 0 9100 The tune tor t11tn~ (Amended) lne oper•· t l11m\ will not tlplft llun ot the fat1l1ty before four monlh\ ftnm mcludes the sale or fht hu,.ng dalt nolt••d Hrv1t• of •ltuholoc 1bo•• beve,.ets The fat1hty YOU MAY £XAMIN£ lht will provide .in area ol tole ke111 by thr """' It 161 \quare feet tor y1ru •Ir • P•' \•IO 1n e JC luS1ve outdoor drmnc l••c"t~d "' lro• •••·••• lh• proptrty I\ located y11u Olfy file w1tt1 lh• on th• PC (Sub dfH ,5 tOUI I d R•qut\I for of the Bonita C1'1yon Spe.i11 Nollet llorm OE Planned Community I !>4 / of thl' lot1n~ QI an 01\lrtc t inventory and •l'P••••al Prnperly located at uf Ul•I• l\\ets u1 ut 13?0 B•!>«n Avenu• any pc!lttron or atrnunt fh•\ pro1ect hiu bun n pro.idt'd 1n PrQt>al• reviewed, and 1t hn Code 'IA!<hon l?'>O A bren determined th•I 11 Request for Speua1 '' cateeo11cally eumpt Notoce IOfm 11 ava1tablr unde• the reQUlfements lrom the court clo:1k ol the Cahf0<nia ln"1 Allorney fOf Pelolt0ntr r•,nmenl•I Qu•ltly Act ,. ....... ,1, Tylof, Wlo-under Cl•n I <E•t>ltn& -, WI~ & W.,j. ( •t1ltlo•s I tlreA ur U\t Permit UP2003 J-•• I. WI.._, f~. 016 1s scheduled fOf (CSI• 4J71S) 1t•1ew by Ille ~lanmnt 2603 Melfl St., Ste. Department of the City 1 JOO, lrvlne , CA ol NewpQ<t Boch on or t2• 14 after Wednesday May Publr\hrd Newport 18 2003 Wttllen com Both Co\I~ Moa Daily ments 0< input rel1lrd Polot M•y 11 lb 19, lo the p•otecl should be 2003 MF /09 \UbmtllPd to the Pl1n --.,-na n1n11 o.p.utment by r-tw lue\day May ?1 ?003 11.ek•tf .... t.AiAlptl on a<de• to b• cuns1d ered 1n the Planmn& lltlptM~hd. Ouector's dtcl\lon II 1111M1F.'9bl.dlllfi approved at the t1m• of r.L.J a.u.r..t.......__ r e>rew the 1ppeal ---peflod of 14 days writ ~ll begin trom that date. The Newport Mesa du11ne ¥thoch t1mf' any Unified School Orsi net 1nlernled par tr '" the11 to.• 111ep•red 1 Mitoir.ated aulhorrzed aeenl a& N"fllllYI Oed•ralton and aneved ot that detr\lon lnrt1al Study tor the may ftle a notice of dPYPlopmenl ot 1 l ~ •1>1>eal lo the Ptann1n& 11el\un capacrty athlehc Comm1ss•on with a ltlm& stadium comple• ,., let of $875 00 to defray [ slanc11 Hia:h Sch<)OI the cod of the appeal louted at ?323 Pia procedure unit• Avenua 1n the City !ht •PPhcaloon •nd ol Colla Mesa wrlhtn the development plans of Coul'ty o f Ora nee the proposed proiect are Oev•lopme"t of the ••••fable for public piopoud compleA would revttw •nd 1nspechon at rnvolvt appro ,1mattly the Pl1nn1n& Oep11t su acres on the nOflh· ""'nt City of Newpo<I wot corner of the Beach 3300 ltewport umpus that are cur Boulevard Newport rtntly dotloped with Buch, C•lifOfnra. 92659- lht hr&h ~hoots ea1sl 1768 F« turther 1nt0< rna football held alhlehc mallofl contact the tra<.lt. and ott>.r related Newport 8e<lch Plann1n1 1mp1ove1Mnts ()epMtment at (9'9) 6"- The proposed proiect 3200 would include the cit· NOTE The ea.,.nse ot vtlopmenl o l two Uws nohc:e ~paid hom bleachtf \tr11clUtes. • a f1hna rn collected P••u b(U 1 support lrom lht applicant buildina. • new/rtflH-Pubflshtd Newport bo,hed held events a•H. 8eadl·Cosl1 MeA Oa1t~ and 1nvolvn th• instil Pilot May 16, 2003 f 378 laOon of elevated held &cnwk:J47IO hlhh. a pubhc addfen/ MAwnJO-Of sound system, a new -tN '--'_, score bo1rd, and other IUSM.f,.....6ef .. rel1ted 1mprovemenh ( IA .. U.j !he proposed stadium would be ullhied by ( l ) Nollet " hereby both Csh1nc1a and Costa 11ven to etechlors ol tti. Mn• Hlfl1 Sehools and w1thlfl named Sellef(s) would f1dht1te lnte• that • bulk ult Is about scholastic athletic com to bt made on personal pel H1ons, lnclud1n1 propetty lle1eln11te1 footbat11erMs end tradl ~scribed meeh As the 1<heduf1n1 (2) The name 111d of school related usu business edrdrtuft of penmt. the p109ote4' the saiUet att. Gordon f stadium would also a-.. and Sandra J 1ccommod1t• • w11lety Seller, 2867 E P"aclfic ol Ofpnlltd cominunlty· Coal Hl&ttw•)'. Corene s.pons«.., even" •114 det M•, CA 12625. eclmlln (J) The locat1011 111 TIM M1lt1att4' lffpttw Ctflfornla of Utt cltltf Otct.ellon iJ nall.blt eaecuhw otta of Ult to the pwti11c f0t • JO S... • 11583 hach da1 •evitW peri04' ff.-lltvd • Huntw.cton tkKlt, c..ui: *Y 19, 2003 CA 92646 of the 4klcu1'1tlll (4) T1t• nemu •nd .,e nallallle fOt rtview buslneu addt• ol tti. •• lite ... w,orl·Mt ... 811rtt(•) .... fntfrMM UnlfW khool Oidrlc::t's US A. I U .. U 0 0 Oitllld Offla. *-'" l••tf!C• Orhra. •300. at 2915 ,.., Str• ill Ntwhrr Perk, CA Ult Cil1 ot C..ta Mtu, tl~. ud talUCll Hl&ll (r>) The lteatloll Mid Seltool. lont-4 1t ~ pttrll ..,.....,t of PtactfltM Aw-Ill tllt itte ...,. to N .... -City of Co•ta Meu •II stod la trede, Tiit Newport Mtu fiarw. _, ......,.... .. Utwfled SC:hool Dlttrld and .... .. .. tNt S..rd of ldtK1boft Wiii cett.lil ...... IK1tM 11o141 a f1UMc ht11t1"1 1111 •l ml ( hclllk Cotal ~ I. 200J II ~ Hill"fet,. Cer.... Ml t11o ........-,..UW .... CAtRa. oac•enllH tor tll• <•> -. -.-.. 11-llA-le ..... ,. .................. (•) .. ....... ,.,.... ,.. .......... •: ................. .,...,.... .. .. DtltrtCt .... ... .. (7) Tiie ... .._ ..... .... ... .......... ............ .... ,.,.. ,., ........ .. c:e.l8d , .............. 1 .... ..... (71t) ., ...... ,., ...... ... •ltl'T•'•tlLl•'•d~llWll)L:llM''PDJ':'"8 a l SC.NOW Nil l4180, f Hr ow Ott1cer Jim ll•nkm'> (8) Cl11m\ mty be hied With S~mt ,,_ • !" •bOYI! (9) !he Int d•tt tor lo1tnc t l11m\ os lune l ?003 ( 10/ This Bulk S•le 1~ sub1ecl t o s~t l1on 6106 2 of the Uniform Commen1•I Code ( 11) A\ hiled by lhe Sollrr all other bu.,nen n•m~' and addre\\t\ u\ed by the Seller w1lh1n thru ye.u' belore the date suth 11\I W•\ \ent or d<thverftd to the 8uye1 are None OAllD May I? 7003 IRANSI I Rll S J as tr r ame USA lot a Cahlornia Corpor•hon tr: /S/ fr-'i L Ollv .. VPOporotl..,• Published Newpor t Buth Costa Mna O•oly Pilot May 16. ?003 CNS 538006 r J/9 S1Nl>I ccar Of WOlllA. CUJTOfOIMGt 341 Oty Drtw, hp, CA t216&, Pt-...C..t PmT10I Of NWI QI. IAl-T\11 Ol IBWI Of OllSTONI JACOI ~ SC*,AUMFOt~ OflWM ODii TO SMOW CAUSI fOt ~OflWIE WI NUUa: A2117M 10 All INHRCS llO PCRSONS I Pe t1t1oner OAWN CURRAN TUBll ON Bl lfAlf or C:HRIS IOPHCR JACOB CRAPSON A MINOR filed .i pet111on with tho\ cour I lor a dnree •ltane10& n•tne\ n IOllOW\ CHRISTO PHlR IACOB CRAPSON lo CHRISTOPHER JACUB CURRAN 2 THC COURl ORDERS that all per wns 1nte• "''"" "' thl\ mall~• shall •PPt•r bef<Ht th11. court •l the ht artna 1nd1t•l•d below lo >how c.iu>e 1f any why IM pe11toon tor ch•nae of name 'hould nol be ar •nted N011CI Of Hf AR ING Dale 6 3 OJ f1m• 7 00 pm Orpt l73 TIM! addre.\ ol th• •ourt '' iame A\ noted above 3 A 'DPY of this Order to Show CIU\f •fl•ll bt pubhshed •I lu•I unre u c h weeh tor four succeuove weeks P"O' tu the d•I• set tor hurtn& on th• pel1t1un 1n the tollow1nc new& paper Of central lltCU tatmn. pnnted m th" county Daily Pilot Oortt1 APll 2 I 2003 lllCHAlO O. flAUI, Sii., JUDGI Of THI SUPllllOl COUllT P ubll\hed Newpor I Beach Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Ap"I 25. M1y 2 9 16 2003 Flll SWllCllmEOfl11 STA n Of UllOlllA JOI T1I COUfTY Of OUll&I ......... LOIBIVISllAv-e. ..... C. .. A219M6 IOlll 10 cmmJIS "1olKe It htreby 11ven to W cred1ton and conllnpnl creditor' of lht 1bove named dece dent, th1t ell i>«MJn• havina claims •1<11nst the decedent are ff quwed to file them woth the s u.,.r lor Cou1 I 1 I 3-4 1 The City 011ve. Probate 01vlslon. City of Or•na•. Catrf«ni• 92668. and m•ll • copy to 1111~ Mcl"tosh. hq., law Offices of 1111'-Mc:f n tosh. 926?/ Hllhola\ Af\drew Rawhouur 124 Wu l Simmon> Ave Anaherm C•hl<>1n1• 92802 Neil Alan Wfll(hl 4158 l 1rw1n Ave . Cypfl~Ss CA 90630 Tho> bu\me\> os con doc led by a eeoe1 •I p4rlnersh1p H~ve you st•• led dome bu,.nes' yl'I' YH 041??!?003 N1<.k Nawhou\er This sl.tlem.,111 wws ftltd with lht County Clerk of Oran&• Cuunty IHI 05/0//0J 2003694'803 Daily Pilot May 9, 16 l j 30. 2003 I 36!> fidltlM ..... ... s....... lhe followine penons ••t doina bu.,nus as a ) Gt Serv1ct\ b) Clabal l•&llthouse c J Clob•I l12hthou~ Ser votrs !>I Coasldl Oak Altso \l•eto CA 9?6~ Stneo Ow .. yne I" bttman '>I Co•slal Oa~ Ahw \11tf0 CA 9?6~ S•ndy Cun 11.yune Sunu l 1~ber man SI Cua\tal 0dk Al1su V1~10 CA 9?6!J6 I ho\ busmtu I\ l on dUl t'd by husb•nd and .. ,,, H••~ you st•• t•d doing bu\1nt)\ Y'I' No S•ndy C Sunu l rt berman fhl\ •taltmeot WI\ l1Jpd wolh the \.nunly Clerk of Or ante County un ()ii 21 03 2003694 1712 D•1ly Pilot Apt 2'> M•\I 'l. 9. 16, ?OOJ J JJ8 FktltlM llisiless Nmts....., I he lollow1n1 P~"on\ ar~ do1n1 bu\lnt\~ a' Cnron~ Ot>I Mar Re~lly ?711 E Cont HWY •104 Cmnnd Oel Mar CA 9262'> Char le\ W M•\l~r\ lR 7670 I •&hlhou\t I ane Coran1 Oel Mar CA9?6~ Marl4 Elena rusteo 2620 L1ehthou•<' l •ne Co• on4 Ott Mar C.A 9?6~ r h•s bu,.ness rs ton dut ted by •n 1ndrvldu•f ttave yau started d<><ne bu>tne» r•t' Ye. 4 2J OJ Ch .. rlt-> W M•\ltts. JR I his statemt nt was loltd with the County Clerk of Ora nee County on OS 07103 200J694J780 0•1ly Pilot May 9 l&. n JO, 2003 • 36& sw..t.t Al I ttfUwef RdllM lllllilss ... fhe lollow1ne perwn h•\ 1b1ndoned the use of the F 1ct1Uous Bu\I nen Namt' Corona Del Mar Realty 2711 £ Cont llWY, •104 Co run• Del Mar CA 92625 lhe ftelthou~ Busoneu n•m~ referred to •bo•e w1s hied 1n Ounce County on S I 3 99 fllE NO 19996193106 Oo•r> Bailey Maiers l •O f trnleat Ave . Corona Del Mar CA 92625 lh1s itatemenl hu been ••teuled pursuant lo section 11919 of the Bu'\l.ne$S and Profes· \IOn~Code fh" busmen ~ con ducted by an lnd1vldu•I Ch1rles W Masters, JR This statement wn filed with the County Clerk of Ot•n&e County on 05/07 /03 200SH4'77t Oail1. Pilot fll4ay 9. 16. 23. JO. 2003 rl67 ......... "-S...... AllOfntY fOf TIMOIHY lhe tollowlna persons LOUOCN. l1ustff of the are doln1 busontss H I OfUltC looot:N TRUSI Mallhen f•mily Trust. dated AprU 4, 2003. 1699 Minorc• Place. wt1tre1n tilt decedent Cost• Mesa, CA 92626 was 1 Sattlor . 1t 6n w Michael T Malthen l9UI St , Cull Mer.a, CA Tr us ht of llhllh1n 926Z7. w1th111 rite later family Trust, t 2/17/0l. of folll' montM after 1699 Mlnotee Place. (the dal ol Ille tllst Costa Meu. CA 92626 pubtk1tion of notice to Mk helle A Malttian C'l .. lou) or. If nota Trualtt of M1llh111 11 mMt4 Of penon••r family l1ust. 12117/02. •11-ed to 10\I, 30 1699 Monorca Pfau, .. ,_ eftM t11it dal• this Costa Mew. CA 92626 not1u Is rnalfatll 01 Thb bvi.illess 11 eott pwaonalty ..iv"" to chlcted lly femtl' '""' JOll A cielm fOflll 1N1 Hll..,. JOU lblrtad dolfta be olltalnecl hOM the buslnt ftl? Y.. '1J/ court clffll ror y-D2/0l pttttcUOll, JOll are MlchMI l Ma«Nn e11Cowaced to flte •-this at•t-nt •• Cfleill\ llf c~ INlll, ftW wfth lllt COllnly wltb ret11rn receipt Clttll of °'1111111 Couwt) fi'lt'~':t. ........... ~-· o.a. ,... Mey t . ll, AA ........ ZS. l0, 100.l ,. __ ,_ ......... ........... -~ C....._,Utt6J1 -- P11411191tt4 ... w~rt Tiit folo~Mll• a.Kite.ta.._ .. '°"'I IMI 11· P.-t ~ 14, It, 1 • ~ Oof't. 3201 C.. 200J WfMlt3 ar .. '1 , Cfft• Moe: ........ , ~~I IOHllllll. ._.._.. uueow• ... c.-. Tiii ........ ,._ Mmll,r.Atazt .................. ._.. ........ .wt •> (U~" ..,..llC. Cotere,. " • t ub nMl'I CO.Nit," •> ._ CA 91' Uni._• •O Cl, -Will ...... • ree ,... ... ct.. c.e ..... " ..... ... ,. ..... ~=· -:.. ........ ... -hll ... Ct,. ....... Jlllt! .. Cre:::tpS '•• n •• game outing, Of his rwo runs. one came unearned. The Sailors ended their season. 8-18. 3 12 in league. Newport st:nior ll J Mulll!r had the Sailors' two hit'> in the game. He went 2 for 3 w11h a double. College -UCI at UC A1verr.1du, Ip m Swtmmilig High sctiool oovs .ind g1r1!> Co11<1 Mti'MI tn CfF 01v1s1on Ill pi&l11r11nC1n ill e .. 11ucmt Plaza 10 o m Co1un.i ool MJr '"(If Drv1s1on II pr1;1hno~ di Mt SAC, 110011 N11wpon Hart.or'" CIF U.v1\run t p11•lttr1~ al Belmont Pldtd b p m T'9dl Ind field s.. View LHcue Foothill 2, Newport 0 TODAY High school bciya dnd girt' Costa Mu:>a Corona del Mar and E11ant1d tn CIF D1v111on Ill prehm• .i1 Lcmg Boodt C1tv College, 3 30 p m • Newport Harbor "1 ( IF D1v1s1on II preltms at Mt SAC. 3 JOµ r11 Score by Innings Newport ooo ooo o o Foothill OOl 010 • 2 I I 0 21 -Garren Gentry Corona del Mar Water polo, '99 ~ Cantarella and Sanchez; Hughes and l'ienry W -Hughes, 11 O L Cantarella, 4-8. 28 -Muller INHt. Bigler IFI.' 19 -Jordan Han Estancia Baseball. '01 High sctiool t>ovs lrJng 86C1dl Poly dt Newport Harbor 111 CIF 01v11o1on I f1r'it round, 7 pm C..fltury al E .1anc1d 1r. cir O.v1s1on Ill first round 7 p m 2640 Legal Malices 2640 Leoal Nodm Tbts \latemenl wa\ hied woth th" County Clerk ol 01an1e County on 04129/()3 2003694267 I Honl1n111on lluch 976-41. !>'>?'> 2640 I Legal Notices CA Caaney I •n• • 10.C fh1 r u 1nr•.. 1 1 rt Oatly Pilot May '} 9 16 23 ?003 r .14t FicffM~ "-S...... The lollow11111 person' .ire darni: busme>s d\ AllT uned 7!>0 W I 7 lh Street Suite 8. Costa Mau, Cahlor n1• 9?6?/ I"" bU\IM\\ is ~on due lcJ by •11 1nd1v1du•I H.;n yuu · l•tted do1n1 bu,1ne'\'\ yrt' Ve' 6 ,., 91 P .. ul I"''"' II•• 11m~n fhl\ \l•l~lllt'nl Wol\ tiled w1lh tht County I.le•~ ul Oran~t Caunty un O!> 14 Oj 2003"9446 71 Cost• ~tu CA '.f161>J 11••• fuu I•• ,.,1 ·lvt••oi lelena l M<Cully JOO r11"1"•'•'• v••• T•' lfJ C•cn~y l•n• • 1114 . lll4JI Ntw111.1rl ll1 ,.1, r A ~lq1hJ1 ·• 11.,.,~., 9?66l Ito" .1.1.n1•11r .,. ,. J hlS bU\lf1 .. \\ I fun fifed With lh~ du,ted by 1.1r1 111d1v1t.JU•I Ll,.r~ ut 0' ""•.• H•ve you '\ldrtt'd tJ•1m.i: , ... ,, 04 "t<:J 0 • bu\1ne\~ yet> N•1 2003t.942612 l"leo.; Mttully O•rly Pilot M,., 1 II> lh1~ \lalem•rtl w• ?+-"d!IH-:-~~ lil•d with the c ,ui,tv fidiliein ~s Uu tr11 I I "''' fht•w•.Ju t ftA'f't YPll \f4it ftl'd •i• tf•• 1.l •\11u '\~ ,, 1l No t t1r1 hf1t ".tr11m11_a\r. In\ I •lrmr,,I flt' .. \ tllt'd Nllh tht L Pf•'• 11,.,, ,f ,,, ... ~.. uuri•, Jfl 04 1 !Ji 20036942t.74 0•1ly hl••t M•v ' lflll • Clerk of O•<l"K• c n1111ty N..S..._, ''" 041?9101 I r~ ~ 2003•942663 I lie "'II""'"'~ ll~•wn) Randy Joe Sanchez ?857 W ltncoln Avr "118. Anaheim I' «l•lm rua 92801 Publl\htd N~wpor I Be•t h C:t1•,t• M•'I Oa1fy P1l<JI M•Y If> ? l JO June r, icxn f J8J D,111y f'tlut M•t I '1 H.1 o•• ""1111 1i.,. "". '" '• Nmt S ......... ZJ 2<JOJ f JC-,8 l 'idlti! Ul'tlrh1_... II tA ti"' I 1 h•· toll11WH1V (.l,.f,lill" ----l t1 ... 11,.f,.,pt· ",,. I t .Ut lJ'IHI• lJU'\111~ '~ Mallhew lee Sth~~ler 7112 Heil AH •2 Hunt1neton Beall! Lah for noa 9264 / ThP fulluwing perwo~ drt dutll& llurn1~\\ d\ Utfou ' lndu~lrt•I H~ln1 •l1t1n Con\ullanl\ ~j9() \1lvrr Canyon Hn Su1tr G Yo• ba l •nd• CA 'UBIJI fktltiMMMsJ I tor H1A '"'' M.tr I A lit" ~ .... nl•hµpt~ r .. ,H ')?6?'1 ''id)(~ t l1JH tt-s..t..f T"'rtf I 1'11·11/I• l _.lu 1 Th1\ bu\Hlt'\\ t'-> t.on ducltd by a g~ne1 •I par tnersh1p H•ve you sl•• kd dum2 bustne~s y~I' Nu Randy Santhet fh1s -st.atem .. nt Nd' ftled with lh• 1.. .. uuty Cler~ ol Orane" C.uuntv vn O'> 14 OJ 20036944718 Daily Pilot M1y 16 l J 30 June 6 200) r Sll4 FiditiM~ "-tS...... The folloN1ne per\otl\ ar• doing bu\one" •I\ Con\truc hve lmprovt ment\ i;>60 ld•ho I n C.asl• Mes• CA 9762'6 Barry H•ll 1260 hl•hu ln Cu'I• Me\• r A 'U626 s, Oii Sh.toh ?61 '> C.u•ydon Nortu CA 9\160 Thi~ bulo.me-..~ ,.,_ ton du tied by a It~"~' •I par tnef\hlp Have you \larltd d""'~ bu"n'n yet' v.-4 I ~ 98 Barry Mall Thrs ~ldlemei1I "'"' filed .. 1th the 1.1111111 v Clerh ol o .. n~t fount 1 on 04 :?9 OJ 20036942'52 D•1ly Pilot MdV J 9 I b l3 ?003 I J'>! ,._ a...ss ... s........ I he lollow1nc per •IM .,. do1ne bu\me.-'" l t:WI\ •nd fhon•41'. Busmes> Croup 1280 Brson Su1le 9 • 706 Newpor I Br.it h CA 92660 r hubetfl fhuma\ JI!) l •\ Pi!lma~ Or Ir vine CA 92ii02 T1muthy l~"" 2908 bth Av•nue l o\ Angelt\ CA90018 fh1s bus1nt:\\ 1\ coo ducted by a 1tm11ett partnef\htp Hav• you started dt11n11 bu>1nes~ yet' No (l11abeth Thoma\ Gen•• al Partner Thi~ \latement wa• f1ltd with lht County Cler~ of Or a nee County on 04129 '03 200J694267J Oaoly Pilot May 2 9 16 2J 2003 H-4S RdtliMt.IMu ... s...... The followrne pet\On\ are do1n1 busmen •• Rehable Mov1n1 Co 2035 Placenha Avt ltC I Costa Mesa CA 9?626 Paul £ uaene Hart1man 20591 Co>bHll Lane, JdflH:~ Anthont Bo~t:r !>J90 s,1.,r l dn tun Rd ~u•1' G y,., ha I 111d• I.A '-1711111 I ht\ bu\Htt'\\ •·· 'un Out lrd by 1n md1v1duJI th.,.,. 1uu '\t•ft"d du1n~ 1Ju\tr1•\' 1•t' t•s UJ I!> 7001 l~m•\ A Ho~·· ltu• f4t .. mtnt ---·•\. ftlrll with th• I uunly f'lc1)1, u t Or 4u~e ftniul 1 111104 OJ OJ 20036939'31 0,;1ly P1lut M•Y I '.I It; ?J lOOJ I J.,7 FictltiM~ N..S..... I he tollnw1ni Ptr\•11\• df t-dollli bU\IO,.\\ d~ Aulumuli•e M11~1·t1n~· ( •µerl•, 1711 N•wpo1l lllvd •IOl N•"lpMI lit.llll t A'1l f.6! H~~t H•\ull•. Inc ILA1 ll?I Newpur t Blvd •l!O N1-wµror l Bt.itlt CA 'l/(,OJ Tht\ bu\tnt"'\\ I\ l un c1Utff'd by IJ lf1'Pritt'fflh0 Hav• 1ou \t~11ed d111h~ buc.tn''' ,,., ) Yr' ... 12 2001 llf'st Re\ulh 1111 RutJer I Wh•t1tl P1t\ld,nt I Ill\ \l•tcn1•nt wa\ tiled wtth the l.ounly CIPrk ot Ot•n&f' County on CY.> l .I Ol 2003"944S2• Publt\hed Newpo1 t B•a<h Costa M~u 0•1ly Prlot May 16 73 10 June 6 7003 J J81 IOTICl Of ArfUCA 110tl TO S81 AlCOMOtK IMIAGIS O..tffa., ......... A,rtl,2003 IQ Whom II Mdy l.unu1n lhe Naml'f\) 111 th' Apphunll \I " Mt Wit 0 OA IS MAR !U l!>INt I h• •ppltt ant\ 11\t~d abov• •r • applym2 Ill the o~p.Hlm1"'' 11 1 Al•<1holt< B'v••c12t Cuntrul tu sell akohohc beu1 'i" at l030 lil\RBllR Bl VD S JI I> COSl A MC S"'> r A 92626 Typ~ of l1ten\tlst Applt•d lo• ?I orr SAU CENl RAl Publr~hed Ntwpnr l Buch Co\la Me\a Oa1J1 Point MAy 16 ?3 10 2()()3 '38!> Fittlllmllliltts- ... s....... The lollow1n1 per \Ons "" do1n1 bus1nes~ as lmuc Coosulton& JOO fhe follnwrn11 p.-, ..... ,,.. V1_.ttt \111• rt• N• Nl•l•' I di t do my bu\in .. •.• ._t ' l:st>dl t1 f A 'tJl,1,IJ S•n~e1du 6h'.a Poutdr u11. I h•· tiu·.rn ... ,. 'ur A1i1tt t.1J l.t M l' 4 r A thH t1o-i1 t.1 •u ,,.,,,.,,tt111.~i1 91626 fi-4'\I~ 1'''-' ,,.,, .. ij t1•1lflt' M1t \uwd Curµur•t.vn tJu•.uu·• •, yrt' N i 1(A1 ll!l!>W ?11th ,1 lt-1•11 ~"'"" ~o•tt 71~ l1tHM11 ~ A Jtq· •.tAt t11cnt """' <KJ">01 t 1trol1 1w1th lh, f flll"t # I ht\ bU\.Ut~ .. , •' ' ' dUl led by • of J1•1r 1ltu11 H4ve tt>U \-1.tt ltJ J,,,,.l bu''"~'' tt'I / Nt. Mtt\uw.t (...111p 1111tt1 .n li'41uh1.., Ur>n ~f't '"''d') ""'" ~11t~mf'nt ..., .... ltl~d '"th th" r ountv r lt-rlri ,_,,1 fJ1o111Hr• 111111> Ob UJ 2003"94 3S80 0•1ly hint Ma1 71 IO IO()J 9 16 r !II f ht t1,ttuwtn• Vt!' \UO\ ,.,.: Ju111a busu,e--,-. ac. f •P.tnd~d ( YMt'> /6 38? f.harlr•rd t a•e I •>r•\I C.A 9;.>f,j(/ Kelly lvr•lld P.;\~~, i bl8l f hJrf•lfd l J~ .. r ,,, e\I CA '116.lO Hw. bu~1np\t. 1\ t <•n du< l•d by dO 1nd1V1duAI I 11.ivt yrw •,IMt•d omng hu,rne-,•. v• 11 v ... \ 4 l ()j l\tlly Pu~ry I th1\ \t•tt:m'"' ...... '1. 1 lilpd with tM C.·11.rntv f.l~r~ l•I Or"ngr rr1unry on ()oC :?9 OJ 20036942"6 I Daily Ptlut M4y l 4 lb l3 L'QOj f J4j lhe lollow1n& perwn' .t•t durne bu•1ne\\ •• l•ttun• Br•th AdOf \ StudH> 'llO C•~>n Str eel I a11:un• Bu, h r A 9?6!> I lnhn Mtth.rl tuey U:O C~1on St L•eun• BuLh [A 9l6'>1 rh1~ bU'ilnt'\\ I\ llJO du< ltd by an 1nd1•1du•I ll11ve you •t~r l•d do.ng bU\lnt\S y•t' Nri Jnhn l.c ~y fh•'\ \tattitttt~nt Wd' ftl~d with the l 1Jt.rnly Clerh of Or dn&• County on O'l 06 OJ 2003690518 Daily Pile.I Mav 9 16 23 JO lOOJ f J68 Rctttialatn ... s ...... ~ Nk ,f fJ1 1f•(t" f IJUllff' rin ~/'I fll 2003t.9420 6 (J.utv hi•• ~ •t / -1 1• IJNJJ •''>' lh., I II• WHl;. '''-''' n• ••"" df.1m~ ,,.,. ,,.,._ 6\ GtfHt" O<t~ .,., •• ~ "• 1':1501 ArA•''"' L•t(tt Hur1hn~ t •• t'i,. •I t1 (A '.flb46 (..t'Ut,t lfH• .... tf(l ft !It 1~501 Ar•r'un " I• Huntm,.:tun tiPd n t ,., 9?646 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?r • • • • • • • • • • • 't'r ,,., f ......... ' ,,,,, I ,~ I ' • '"' 20031>9307S I•, t.1,• ~, - FIND an dpartment through cl ass1f1ed Tht &gal Dtpartrrw1t at tht lJdily Pi/iJt is p~d to anno1'net a nf'W sm•ict nqw 11vai/.4bk U> new bwinmn. wt> wiU now SEA RCH UN nawu for you Ill no extra cha!ft. 11nJ saw JO" rk ti~ 11tul tht trip U> tht UllTt HfJllSt ;,, S.,,t11 AM. Thm, of couN, a.Jin tht ~11rch is complnd ~ wiU fik J"l'r fit:titillfl.S lnuinm NU1U' stlUmlnlt with th~ Unml) Cini, publish one' " UJttlt for four wtts 41 rtq1'irttl "1 '4w •"" thm fib JO"r prr>0f of P"hJialtiqn with rlN Ont111] CJnlt. Plust nop bJ "'fik J'>*' Jktitilnu lnui11a1 swmtmt u tbt D.tJy Pilot, 330 W. .&] St. UStll Mts11;. If JO" c1111Mt ml}> ~ ~ c.O"' llt (949) 642432 I 11tul "1t will lllllkt ""1111f""nll1for1"" i. JMJk mis~ !iJ wWl. If yo• sl»tJJ JMw ""1 fanhn' l/"t:IMN, plNg: ~ iu ,,,,; evr t111U k #IOTr th.n P" "' AS1ist "'"" GoOtJ b4 ;,, ]Of" ..,..., "'1siltai! Daily Pilot ... •It "'-..: A12 Friday, May 16, 2003 ---------------- .. '"' l.1111..... 2141 Upl ..... l.1111 .... l)alya -up... 2141 LlplNalma Htrbor, Co.I• "'1eSll, CA .... S...... .......... ... s....... Tlwl followln& per&Ofl~ Ille doln& bu~lnns 11: v.,b, 1823 Wnt Bey Av•. fA.. Newport 8Hth. CA92663 Arctic. (CA). 1823 West Bey Ave. •A, ~ort Beach, CA lllls b11slness Is eon· dl'cted by: an Individual Hive you started dolna buslnen ytt7 Ho Arctlca, John G1afman, l'reslclent This statement was fll•d. wllll lh• County Clerk of 0111,111 County on 04/29/03 20036942 .. S Dally Piiot May 2. 9, 16, 23. 2003 f3!>5 RdMIMW.. .... s...... The followln& persons are dolna buJlntu es: L•nd Ho . Investment Company, 622 Mystic Way, Laauna Beach, CA 92651 Michael Weidi&, 622 M~Jtlc Way, l a&11na Bench. CA 92651 This busltu1u I• c:on ducted by an lndlvldual Hawe you sl8fled doine bualn•ss yelt No Mk;hUI Weidle Thia sl1t1ment wn flt.id with the County Ct.,k of Oren1e Counly on 04/29/03 20036942675 Dally Piiot M•y 2. 9. 16, 13. 2003 F351 RdlllM ..... .......... The followlne person' ere dolna bu11ness as: John's Tr1nsport, 2177 ~t'n Dodson 2177 The foKowlna person• • .,, doin1 buslnns H : UarbOf, Co1t1 Mesa. CA Allearo 1823 wut Bay 92627 Av1 IA Newport 8Hch Thts bu~iness Ii con· CA 92663 • duct1d by. en lndlvldu•I Arcllc• (CA) 1823 ~YI you stifled doin& West Bey Av~. •11A CA business yot? No 92663 · John Dodson This business I~ con- Th1s .s tatement wu ducted by: • corporation flied with the Co11nty Have you st1rted dol11e Clerk of Or1n1e County business yet? Yes 1 JG. on 05/06/03 03 ' 2D036t4SS7t ' 0 ii Pll I M 9 16 At~llc1, John Gr•fm•n. a 'I 0 ay • • President 23. 30. 2003 · F370 Tiiis $lalement was hied wllh th6 County Cl11li of 0r•"8• Couilly on04/29/03 2oos .. u .. • D•ll)' PllOt "ley 2. 9. 16, 23, 2003 I 354 Re-.. ..... ... s...... The follow1na ptraona are dolnc buslntss u : 81nner lechnolo&IH. 2448 Maruilln. W1y, Cost• Mesa, CA 92627 Micheel Leon Pl1t1cls, M111Seillts W1y, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 This bustne.ss Is con- d11c:led by: 1n lndiwidu•I D1vld M. Stone, 121 lint you st1rttd C1om1 A11tt Ave., 81lbo1 business yetr No lsltnd, CA 92662 M1c:ha•r L. Pl1t1cl1 This bUtilnus Is con· This st1t.mtnt *H (lllcted by: •II lndMdutl fll•d with the County Hin you 1terted dolna Ci.tk of Orenre County busintu )'ti? Yes, 1995 on 04129)03 David M. Stone 200S6t4J670 fhls statement wu Dai1)01'11ot May 2, 9, 16. filed with the County U, 3003 FJ41 Clerk or Ortn1e County ............ on 04/29/03 ... ,...., HN6t42 .. 7 The followln& penons Dilly PJlot Mty 2• 9• 1~1 23, 2003 . F .w1 are doln& business 11; Stone Bulldln1. 121 CGl~.J,...., Aul• Avt., 81l bo1 lsl1nd, CA 92662 ...... .... ... ,...., Tht fOllowina peraons •rt dolna buslnen as: BRO Realty, 2665 Clull Mesa PIK•, Coab MtN. CA92627 Orlin Remin1ton Del Ville. 2665 Club Mesa Place, Cost• Masa, CA 92627 This business Is con· duct1d by: 1n lndlvldu1I Htvt yo1,1 st•rted doln& business ytt7 No Orlan R. Del Ville This statement wes flied with the County Cllrll of Or1n1• Countt on04/29/0J 200S6'41 .. , Dilly Pilot ~by 2, 9, u/, Z3, 2003 F349 SELL your stuff tlYough classified! How to Place A r-------Policy------. CLASSIFIEJAD By Fax (949) 631-6594 (Pleat 1111.!ildt i-- .i~-i..ni wt'l callyo1t.h11J>a pntc~I By Phone 1949) 642-5678 By Mail/In P erson: 330 Wcsl Bay Street MS-SUO 2305-24'0 .... 7 --SERVICE DIRECTORY -~\t1"& -Por All Your Home and Business Needs -~v1 L rHil-1 tlw ~LT\ Ill P 1rn1(1t\ l\.111r't 1 ... •,GOO Homes Each Week for Only $32 per week (4week minimunl) • c..I ._.. • 19491 ,;._.m PACIFIC VIEW Bay view Terr ace lot 11370, private party $7000/obo 714·772 3441 POdfk View ...-W: Double Grave. E~c:ellenl location. W«th SlSK, sell fq S91</obo. 949-9J9. :nil _Estate_Sa_les __ 1486_ LEGAL SERVICES MISCEUMEOUS MERCHANDISE Vlntaf:!,:;'on Furn. 1000 Ian Shim 1000 Neckties & H;,1ndbags Aflpt. 949-650-4357 CM/Sot 8:30om furn, household items. d1sh'es. lamps. and much more!• 2930-C Groce lone Adoption& FosfertanJ Services Miscellaneous 2650 Merchandise 3855 3-STHl IUILDINGS 28x30 was $8,900, sell Collec:tibles/ G / _Mtmora __ b_111a __ 1_1&0_ v::~1es iiiiiiiiv•iiiiiiii.iiiii .. ii!iii1ld~ ~µ..-c .. There are Olllll' 100,(D) dlilchn 111 the US wattre for a home ~ keep older brollws & SISIA!rs 1t9tlw Tra.q SJ.890 36148 was $14.900. ~ell SS.950 48x 100 was $26,900, sellSI 2.900 Call Nowt TOP SS 4 RICORDS ETC Ba. Class&:. Eb.:. !Os & oo~ .8l Allee, Spkr, tube 8nl>S Mike 949 -645-7505 EQUM llCMltG OPPOITUtlTY All real estate adver t"111e m this newspaper 1s sub1t!ct to the Feder al F a11 Hou"n& Act ol 1968 as .. mended which makes •I illegal to advertise ·anr preler· ence, l1m1 lal1on or dts" 1mmat1on based on racej color. rel111on. s·ex, handicap. ta"'1l1at stat11~ or natmnal or1g1n or an 1nlenllon to rnake any such preference, llmlla- tion or d1~cr1m1nat1on • This newi;paper will nol knowinely accept ~ny advertisement for real estate which ·~ m viola hon of the law Our readers are hereby inlormed that all dwell miis ddvul1sed in th•~ newspaper are available 011 art eQual opportunity bl'ISI\ lo complnm of dis· crimtnallon. catt HUD toll lree at I 800 424·8S90. Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Olde. Style Fumiture PIANOS & Collectibln ·~,..>e ... •1·~~ • ~1 .. .,,.. ~· O'f ... ,..., .... :IJ'• $$ CASH PAID $$ WE BUY ESTATES ;:649-4922. SOUTH COAST AUCTION 22029o.MllhlSI. 9e•AM.CAt2107 p,._.,,,,, ~ ........ 1489 ~------~ •• • l olboa l•lond ••• All Mancl Garage Sole Sat & Sun 8om-2pm SO locattom.. a11t!QIJe$, ~. blcydes. books. collecttbles. clothing. com puter flQUIP, decoratOf .terns, electonics uercise & ftslMne eq1.11p, f11rn. homehokl items, iewell-y, hnt:<ls. t~-JUlj" etc!! M..-at 124 c...-..s (~ °'Mlle ont)') "COLUGl rARk AIEA" Walk to Over 2S+ Garage Sales Sal 17th 8am-2pm Sooth of Faw Or between Ha(bor & F airvoew Don't mtss the barg.MnS COM SAT 1 :3D-7 (Sp~) I~ "5 San Mateo Way batbo!ll set. dre$$ClrS, desk. ~ beds. bod<cases. hsetti, Ille & r inanua1 st4lJlOl1 1n1or meetqMAY 20 61»7~ 50 S. Anahcm Bllld #241. Anaheim I*-nwlbOrl this letttr (Of") 7l4-517·1!m 888-256-4543 APPLIANCES 3050 NIW Gl WASHER. rAJD S400. WIU SEU FOR S2DO. rUASI CAU 714·SS6-65S7 JOHN GE Monoeram 3 year old blach dbl oven\ SIOO call (949) 760 0162 lom 800·392·7806 Traodmlll Consumer G111de "BlSI BUY" Health Club Quality, L1fet1me Warranty. New In Bo•, Compau al $2600 Sell FAST Only $995 888 950 3200 Complete H-e Gym Weight Machine. 81ke, Stairmasler never used SI 100 949·760·6717 Business OptlortunltJes Businesses and fnlndllses 3905 HOME FURNISHINGS 3435 CORONA HIGHLANDS Ne1ehborhood Sale CdM Furniture Sat., 8am·lpm,@ PCW Seaward or ~Canyon _l _l _A_N_O_N_l_W--P-IH_o_w-- FINANCIAL SECftlTS OF the SUf>9r Weolthyl Ten l e~hn1qu es Ille the wealthy u.se ev~ydlly lo 10C< ese Iller weaffti tt yoo lt11ly desire to acillVe t1nanc1al sec11rll)'·You ~t have ltll$I 1·871-891- 3260 S20 V/MC/1)1SC by Palnck LeMieu•. a11thot of lnestmcnt B~ Free S/H (CAI. •SCAN) • Costa MeH l side a Top Qu...,-Slzecl lecll Hwp w.dl Sale Slit a:cJO Paid S 1,300. Mus t S.11 STAAT A SUCCESSFUL home B~ that malles money IO the fnt month! $5,CXXl S20.<XX> 1>ef month I ID). W O!lCli two mtnult! recorded messace (CAL •SCAN) Lo Linda..... S700. 949-673-1002 Off 23rd/Tllllfttt/ Scno ..... ~­-v--1 NEWrOIT llACH SAT 8-7 122 I W UllOA lots of eve hln 111 Yortf Sole Dover Shores Sal . I I. I oh of great sluffl 1318 Cambrideg Lane, Newport Beach FINANCIAL/ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Anancial Planning 2465 flNANCIAl SECRITS OF the Super Woalthyl Ten Techr11tiue~ the the we.11thy use everyday to "lCt 8$e Uleor wea1U1 If yoo truly de<.K~ to Achrv• financ1af sec11r tty Vou mu~t have ltli!.! I ffT7 891 3260 $20 V/MC/OISC by Pat11d\ LeMieut. a11tt'°' ol lnestment Bases Free S/H (CAI •SCAN) JEWEl.HY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coast Col" NHch Old Coins! Cold. ~liver. rewelry, watches. arih~ ,ouect1ble\ 949-642 9448 Wl MADE SI 36,237 lasl m0t11h golflo&, vaca ''°"'"" w0tklflll only when we wanted Wti can ~ty tead1 yoo to do the same RllCllSSlon prnof lnterestt'd? 65().867 ~I 9 (CAL•SCAN) ~~ftw""Y a..td, Sl 61/2 boleit fl FREE REPORl M111t1m1t the ~tons. paid 51600 loonaire 1eveals how l81)/obo 714-~1197 \tarting from nothing 3610 you c~n double your way to ov"' a 1111thon -,-OC)+.--R£SOJCID---ICJTl'ENS,---d o II a r s V I s I I CATS OOGSphot0onine www zmll com /11 24 www~°'e (CAL•scAN) AduptJom.. FastlOO ~;I) Real c....te DAY IUlllH GUARANlll UUI~ 949-644-7779 Setvtces At& WAY for momma uV t;c1 al lutll.m. 949 533-0411 Pet Adoptions 3660 German Shephard• all lOlor\. all \ll~S for .. dophon lo qual1l1ed home$ WWW g~res<:ue ore or 714 773 5915 MICKEY EWOrT ColdweH 1-'rer 90.llllT.4376 •CM/apprex. 13xl6~f. 1500 block ot Newport Blvd. S200mo 949 299 . 7777 Clean and Awe some Loe :7<each 42, 000 Newport leoch Free rent for secreta11al ~YI. business WIH exth1n11e paying rent IOI ~I olfoi du~ Gr~dl oltlu, \teps to water 949· 173-8485 IAYfRONT EXECUTIVE ofllce swtc 2 offices reception & 'torage Loc 1n COM 949·718 9500 HOMESFOA SAlf ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula S03 (mt lay. Cofrrneroal/ residentlal rroed TontnK. close to fun lone S799.00l Bkt 949-~I 9444 Corona del Mar •A (--.ding C- lcKoti.. •.. slroll to 81g Corona and loollout poont 46r 4 !>Ha cu\tom home c..,,.i.tton2003 ott .... cl or s2.9so,ooo COASTUHI RWTY 949-7S9 -0177 JASMINE CRU K sine 'tory 2br 7ba den Roget\ Gardener londsraped Handicapped ready Very low malnl A\\O< w/tenn1\ pool C•ll for appt By Owner 949-640 87 JI 233 POINSC I llA Spacious 4BR 3 ~BA by Noled architect Brion Jeannttte. SI .795.000 Anaela K1 JU\ Oceao Pacol1c Propt;rh~~ 949 644 7064 • e COMING SOON a a eu.t-c-del Mm CondomWtlunn. COASTUHE RWTY 949-759-0177 Open Sun 1-S. 11 .W. c-.. ~ ..... 48r. pool. spl, panO<amK: r.ce<W1 ww. S2.Cll>.CXXl agl Patrd Tenore 9$~ CotlDeCaza rllME lSTATIS r ATftlCk TlNOll NATIONWIDE USA 949-IS6-970S www.patrlcktenore.com Huntington Beach 0-., c..a..y I tUM1 46' 4 5Ba ~tudv °' Slh BR. 2 IMI. bf:.Jnl ~: ~ LR, lormal goumel fut & br!'llllta..I ...... tam rm wtfr• b p . w:w ~ ucear1 & mountans f ounl.llf1 W/<;fM. bllrll in BBQ for!OOf Model. ~dy Furn'd Sl.675.000 aal Larry <YROtl1<e 949-475-1999 Y<e aders in Xea;p~rl !7Jeach, Corona def Jl(ar, CXewporl Goasl, Go.Jla 2/(esa. ul on /£.is f:!le.y9q.r s fle.td I :.howcase lion une 2S, 200:3 ~ce 7Jeacfline: une 1 &, 20o:J 5llrlverf orial7Jeadline: iune 16, 2()()3 ANNI Pilot (949) 574-4249 f Co-ta M~ CA 92627 Al Ne1o1purt Blvd. & Bay S1. Hours: Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Mon<by-Fnday Walk·ln 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday nm...,...... i... has 4h ?.50.l, office. """""" window~ & plumb1n1. ZJOOsf and more. lGIS.CXXl. c.a Jeff. Rib 714-500-3356 Newport Bead! •A Superb Newpon Heights resldenle 4br (5th Br /eame roorrVuffM..e down$1au) !>.~ located on a Quiel corner lot Cu\tom feat ures throughnut Sl.599.CXX> COASTUHf llAl TY 949-759-0177 OPEN SAT 1-S 220 Tustlft A,,e., Newport Heiihls home, 4br l Sba. wrap around view' of NP Harbor ocn & Catalina sunseh Sl.8'3~000 A&t Sylm 949 230 7117 THEBOISS4@ AOL COM Open Sun 1-S. ~tu..­ ni"t Vlllo In Nawpert Heights ~ BtMft 38< 2 51>8. aourmet kit oai. hbrary wall. Fp, FR. bubbltr1g lounlaln in a1yrd. hrdwd llrs. 2c. prke S!J69.CXXl aat ~929-9566. 949-6/!>-2:22!:1 I 11rn ·key A £XQtl:Snt Sil-Slo ~ ~&or plan. tt111h ce1lma~. cur vine st.c.a.e. outs.de F p. a pirmel lt.llctul, custom caietry & mr,.e.Sl.i":B.CXXl Mochael e.nunan. ~ Realty 949-7'.'9 01 n IONITA CANYON OPEN SAT-SUN 1-S 10 Wlftthrop 4BR. 3 5BA h11me Incl ~tprr ate olf.,.e/guesl w1te By Owner Re du1edtoSI 135000 949 644·8288 F..ly fumkloecl ID>sl ~ nn • n~ 1111 Wllti lo(Ctlflll VleW'; 48r, oltn 38a 3<. p , FR l& Wf~ arnund y,;td Mdrt>le jlr Miiie CQClll« tnlays fta1 srrtoen 1ll3~1a lV art StllYe 949-450-QlO 21 ST TROPEZ OPlN SUN 1-5 3b1 3b• 3 frplr'\, 3 ~~r iiaraee • S 1,200.000 Oc1>1n r ac1hc Pro1HOrl1es Morty Molcomb 949-640-0 I 79 Stoneybrooll Pion 4 appro• 3.577 if 4br • den,4ba.decorator ptrfect 24 hr 1111a1 d l(•t~d rnmm Sor ah Gnld\ch1111tdl Biii 949 2!>4 3100 A llAllTIFUl ResJdenc.e Wilt be COOll*Md tilt!. o;p<tfl~ .56< S 56a with 8 woodef lt.1 flowine flool plan Sl.750,<XXJ Michael Brlf1ilman. Coastltne R~atty 949-759-0177 GorpGus lluff'a 11.aa on .i hug,., p1cturnque greenbelt 3BR •·2.SBA NeWIY roof Duullle pane W11100ws & chis. Redwood cJel;k w/spa S627K Dole 8ufley. Blu Cj49. TlJ.).1704 w........_ ...,,., JBr '8a w/'tC'letf Bay Vl#!W ~ lloorplan, lots of windowi 'IPllCIOUS kit. indds Wtf). SI M>.<XXl/obo. Maty Wood, Iii 9'&584- Sllll. 717-9816 ... IMllSTATlS PATIK• TINottE NATIONWIDE USA t4t-8S6-970S www p11trlcktenore.com °"" ... ,_., Stunntn11w1rd wlnnlnt Rtootl h•ld MMt1• bl.llft In 2000 Jtlf + onkt. ~0•3100.f Sl,1tt.-. PtATWUM PIOf'llTtU Sltl•nle Mwttr Mt 715 3158 on.Mitt·• It• .... ,...., ~ •• 9PPfO• ll,000 to 11,000.f •:er PtAW •• ....... " .... ., ... 71~ )15' :::: ,,._"-...... ~ ·----~­fl,'90,000, , ...... .._ MNIMtn San Juan Clplstnno Tropical Paradise In a Country Club sett1na. Marbella this home was featured In 2002 St Margueh home tour and 1st place winner in the 2001 landscape bu11t11lcat1on award awa1d by Cahlorn1a Landsca'fe Contractor~ Assoc o Oranae County S2.895.000 Carol McLa11fhtn RCMAX Rut u tate Services 949-212 0570 HOMESFOASAlf RIVERSIDE COUNTY 5550 ltocrecllWe Vlewl 68r. 7200s!, wine ccllaf, pme room pool. spa, RV prtia. &. g,v. Sl.950.<XX> ..... r en !M&Ql9. IOOll RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Deseft Property -AYTN: DUlltT lOVDS JUUi VAN W111t1H DYSON & DYSON IOO-S7t-SUS 7M>-17S-HS. MISCEUANEOUS RENTALS Renllllo Share 6030 N.1 ./owft efttrance/ both, melds 1111\, cable. w/d, no s mk&fpeb. S700/ mo Call 949-S I !>·3648 NP Coaat/Oc-view. lllrn d pvt room & bath 11psta1t ... 11ar & laundry. no pets/smokma. pool/ spa Sl650949 718 1412 Prof1 person lo share w/I other per~on in NB Pvt, furn'd br & ba '850ni • 1/2 ultls 949·646· 767 3 == 6060 GARAGES 10K2l S340 or ?'h'l2 $650, or 4000sl a11port area. pvt w/l1111h se1.urily 949-646 1106. 6 ....,..,.. """' -..,wox~S2SO/-. 2 ...... _ ...,._ SSO If. $29S/- al l,lrllt\ ln!lwJd CMJI & .-itad. Bldl Bay ..... 6' secmty pie. aa:ess In. M-f 1 .. 1p1SM 81m-4pm • Ch15fy W""'6 9fY.J00.3648 p ........ wall lo bdl ~ ...... 2llr lbll newly r.-nod. own p & c.-por1 $21DVmo 714-~ s ... ~ • .._, s _... ""' 3ba condo. Bay v-. steps ID bch, 2 c pr, $J!"JOOITI 8kr 949-400-0471 N.1 ./luwtlfwt Jlr 2.5lca, family home, mlnl- oceen views from mater Sl#le, avail llOW, ~mo ey.eat:gt.~ Corona .... 2lr th, le pr, w/d '*· Ujd. c0trw lot. V«:1nt $1750/mo. lncld utls . Donald Pfaff; Coldwell Brier. Mt-7~74 ColtlMlll Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves lbe right to censor. reclassify. revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may : be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts ; no liability for any cnor in an advertisement for which it may ; be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied : by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion.. .. -..-----Deadlines ____ ... I Monday ..................... Friduy ~:OOpm Friday ............. Thur.w!ay 5:00pm ; Tucsday .................. Monday S:OOpm Wodnesday ............. TueMiay S:OOpm Saturday ............. -Friday J:OOpm: Sundlly .................. Friday 5.00pm • Thun.day ........... Wednesday S:OOpm lASTSIDl Spacious 28r Duplex fp, encl yard, w/d, aar•&•. Sl595/mo nHr shogs 949-548·3959 lrvtne Tw11ie ..... brand ,_ 2llr 2.5be wd, ~ w,1oft sm yd. 2 c lllt pr, oo PM $ZD) f49..J76-1797 Newport Bach IAYFftONT ON LIDO PENINSULA HIW 21r 210 con AGES Private Beech, Pool 1nd Sf>a. Walk to Ocean, Shops and Reslaur ants. Lease 6/mo 2 yr• Boa t Shp Available 7 1DUDOPMkDI. 949-673-6030 or 949 723.5830 IATflONT ON UOO PENINSULA NlW 21r21• conAGH Prtvate Beach, Pool and Sp•. W•lk to Ocean, Shops and Reslaur ants Lease 6/mo-2 yr ~ Boat Shp Available 710UOOrAUDl. 949·673-6030 or 949 723 5830 UDO YLUi Y LlASl BILL GRUNDY RtAt TORS 949-67S-6161 Newperll-h Pen1nsul• Studio Apart menb avail. A&t S700 $950 949 67j 7800 HAU OFF h t MO llNT f Of mDYe-111 Altle l w/12 mo lease. New remodel. Cape Cod style comm. w/new dishwasher & refrieerator. carpet & cerem1e tile Wntw/aryw. ll'ISlde @ apt l Bt S1Q95 2Bt S l "5. CtJI L0t a (949) 646-2224 or 714-633-7592 Great 2Bt !Ba unit in Ba)YM!gi! lt ' br~. do5lt to rw.on ts. Sl!Dl/mo aet. 11.ar a 949-291 ·~ Newr,ert H•ltflh Beautiful remodel 2br Iba. fp, Sl6!>0/mo Su 430 Irvine 949 642·S488 ._, ""¥ Pvt i-:11 ,.. Hartior .._ 28r tea. :!Ill to bey. ttrns. 116JV'unbn s I 700m lse 949-1111-1400 NP Cr"5l twmin palJO, Qlrtm 2b I .Sbi patio, pcd.' te». nu l)llint. i-..'1311 2 c p aet SUD> 96 m.4631 2Sr , ......... ~fOf horses. w/11 hkups, $2100/ mo Ava~ June I 949-222· ZI 02 ask for Helen s,.dows .__ lay 28r. 2 ful bath. bale. beach. pattl. lenms No pets. $2200/mo I ye,a1: lease Avllfl 6/15 949-566-9988 -...211r 2Ba. cbJe to 1-:11. ne-My remodl*'d. .it p , W/d. ~ JV'peb/sri/ SZirolmo ~ 20101 Cyprns St. 'ZBr/ 281. ti.nkey. liaht. brie'1t. .....eel aowmet ktt. tg ll1'5tl br. bulll·ll1 ctsts. msode lndfy, pv1!pted y•ds. pdnr/H20 incld. $2.500/mo. Ill Ch'isty w.... 94'}.50).3648 lfACON IAY /UY ~ upstairs 2br I Sba Ip e•r. wd hkup yr lu $2600/mo 949 673 SAii G.leol, .............. 3ba home. 2-pr."'"' pot11, comm pool Yr lie SB/!> ... ,.,.. 96668C73 ....,. ,., car. w/d, close to beach 502 l6th Lt J9' 2.S .. In &•ltd SL 1o-umt. vety quJet. comm, w/pool, spa• Sl3SO/mo 949-00-3683 prn1•t• yard. S.lOOO/mo Aaent 949·8S6-970!> 21r 1.Sle, walk to "The llvff•" Hr 21a, beach. 4245 Hilarta. near Huee bay view $3195/mo Hoa1. &•r. w/d hk11ps, 949 2!>2 8200 or 949~851 $1400/mo 949-645 3683 8160 Lene Option Avail NP1renlnsulo2br yearly rental.s •&I $1400 1950/mo 949 673 7800 949·673 7800 I PLUG I IN - Plug into the Pilot Classifted section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. ' MMl..&JP MT1Sl ,__, tOf eaeknlve cosmeltt stlldio 111 N.8. Cal St- & Cross. 9$646 1394 IOAT OPIUTOfl Boat Oj)eraton needed IOf harbor operahons .t Two HarbOfS, Cataltna lsl1nd Harbor Patrol and Shoreboat with 6911 to !>O Ion ltunse lookm& for 011 tco1n1 te1m- or1ented p909le For Info uH 310.!>10..204 c.r,.-l'ttty Pial'IOWll & c.t«'"I Co Now Hll'fOC Serwn & Bartenclers '°' P/T Work Cal I0)/74# 8858 to set up 1111en1-. ~ OWNa Of'O- A T~ Haw '/04ll own !luck' Loolunc for inc»- pendence? landsla< h<JS the looll/frecflt ID ~ you iuccesslult CAI.I I N«>Sl AR 888-835-38!11 (CAl •SCNC) DllVU Sh1pp1n11 rll ce1v1n1. w.,ehouse du· llH Valld Cahf Oftv- Lic and OMV report r~ Matt '49-47J..076D di Two Harbols, 1 11nlq suslde destination . lh• We.I End of Calll~ Island We are looti for outco1na te1 oriented people, wlta e •c•llent custom« service skills for ~ lollowin& '8Honal sitlons: Restaurant Shor order Cooks. Server' Dlshw11st1ers, Account~ Clerk, General Sto Cl«ks, J1nitort, C•m 1round R1n1en & Fuel Dock Attend•nl. FM In,. call: 310.510·4204 ·• or 310-510.4202 i fu: 310.510·8690 , -.sdco~ ~p::.~ o n Balboa Pentrrt. Genertl of11c1 skllls to assist •II dtp1tt he•<h 1eq, Xlnt communlc1 lion & computer shllla 1 must! Fu reure 9't 6TJ.3W2 (1( ....... ., mtmbtrshlp@nhrc.or1 ~ ... ._.. J.61? "M.ster rllCClf.,_ aAPP1Y M NB. ,_..,, dllpalldllllit ,__ ~ In the Wlrehouse. C4ll 95-574'5IOO (1( Mf11n<§>IMlneCll.coe. llMMYWMmD I F/f. N8 limo oW. u.p, : at1d rwta • IJllat! fH Met fi73.t4111D. t.16'1Mll41 OW•ll OPllAYO TIAMlf OOl wMt -~ .... ,.,,... Tll!Mll l>rGp(Hook, th ona-..Hlfl..._., 909·56'4 ut 21d (CW. "3CNU D-'YI "'°' TODA Y'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE • 1 Pubhshma f'lOMOTIONS DIPAJITMENl Community ·~ ., Or arice County seeks f .. nm. jWSOn "' lfltervleW Incl write Sl~MS !)MOO ... e In commuMy ~ nute ll'ld ~ ~ ind \ectJon\ bc~I comrno•Wf.•tron sloJlh wor~ ... with thP pul)lll: Know N' Stylo> QwwkXl'Y~ Photmhojl ~ ~ c. .. a tor Pr ohcent on MAC and PC CCI dn11n ,.•Pf'• 1cnce preferred Proolre1d1n11 test O.ut t1.r-lll/phYMUI recJ.Sed I Of f acellenl benettt padl-ae F nwl resume, "'""ll ~ llnd ........ y requtt~mr:nt ~ tu '-1ll pm...oCo>Lt...,.... com ~taos wANTU>· Se8 ... l!•P d dyt\amlC S.-. Miwwpr' t.o ,a.'I an '*le ~co wtltl ...... •owth l)Ot«llllll. Auto indu:Wy up a '*4 b ~ to be fllled ... rnedl.flMy' 714~ l 4-fi642 "HO 0 RS Cahfor n1a l•w re quires that conll K ton telllna jobs that total S500 or lll<lf• (t.b()( Of materials) be hc.ense<I by the 1;'0i;l r a c o license Bo•• d. St.le lltw •I.SO requll'H t111t contncto•s include their IKenMI mimbet on ell 1dv.rt1110& You c.n chedl tM lt•lm ol your ltcenstd contractor at www c:slb c• 1ov or 800 J:ll CSl8 Unit· cenud con tr actors l1~1n1 1obs that total Ins than SSOO must state In their 1dverl1u ments that they are not licensed by the Cont11ctors St.le lte1nse Board," ---· -···-~••w ~/811111/....,.. ~···••b­~':'iiyffi98lcllfa ...... , .. ..., ..... ATTORNEY Civil INllC:rt. tMinesl law, llftd -. lmld· ~ CCIGUllCU. °*'~ 20YW1np. ltOllllOMI* ,.... PMVIOUS PVZZU 80L'l£0 JOIN OUR 11 AM and make a doll~• tn•~ In the Cllhlornoa Army National Guard you c.n 1et money lot colle&e and c:<1reer tr••n•na Call I 800 GO GU ARO <CAL •SCAN) IOIN OUR TEAM and make a d1f11Hf'me In lhe Cahlot n1a Atmy Nalionat Guard you < •n ''"' money IM < t1llfl&1! •nd t•r,.,.r If 11"'nll Call I 80 0 GO GUARO (CAL ·scAN> JC)9t OUl TIAM dOd make .. o&...-.. In the ~Olllla /llmy Nabonll G""' d you ~"" &et rYWJOeW 1or coltct ilOd Clf- 11--.. C.il I 8:X> GO GUAAD (CAI. •Sf Ali> _ WAl.IHOUSl/OnlCI po~ol 1011 20 zc;, huur ~ wed.. anlome< wr vtee lfllfttltory ·~' computer 9nd faa Clp!!r atlOM lluvy ~ and ••.no.-''°'kffll and llttin&. ~le mvsl be ~ motN•IAtd thin pW~tf I! C.il 949-431 -M72 A -Z HAMDYMAM lnstaH, ref a<• cabinets ~ ........ Dote /14 ~rl'.J8 • W .. U..lh • Custom 8u1ll ms, Cruwn Mold1nr. 8ase 8owds l'577982 949 /'19 ~2 Carpll ... lrJSala (1-CAarU'l!tCilf'U(lo Repairs P1td11n1 '"''•" Courteous •ny ,.,. fObS Whc»es.tfel 949 491 O?OS ~ CondltiontflaC EFFIOENT AIR SYSTEMS C·20 520089 (7Hl .. ·2007 HI 112-llOO ... (Mt) 720-0717 1-. of latallatltu .... 1113 FURllACE SA1 F A • A flKlllOI & Miiiy Code upg..-. 75,.ITVftMS15tl 1•.• rru f1'lll 11• Plus c11y permtll. & cooe upgrlCltl 914 2001 FREE llMtOME EITIMATEI I INIPECTION 12 13 l#H • I USINISS l"Alti UP(r 1d~\. R"P'I"' of Computer Nf'tworh £ v~n1h11s We,ktnd) Compeht .. e puces for quality str vec: 949-U6-117S 114-926-4221 COMP SQUAD INC. h mur rompu1n •"-' Ju" 111.t ~r '"' chrv CUN' ur• \l.r l'rffiO> '•rlll 1mtrot1 duntr h~ 'fl' "'"'m 1ruµn JnJ .JI 1hrn" <le•n .JI Jn..., •nJ , .... ,,. ... .U1J \X, un irmJcr J..tu lu your M'4 <nmrmcr ~· .. ~ up nmourlt> big ~nJ >null f., ..... 11, c~blc/ D\l /f)1.&J ur Modrm< C omplnr 1m.tll bus1 Rt'M "'""' t'\ \f i oYJml Ill J"l' ltr ,.... 11/M a-.r )lflj !,.J,Lmu uff~ ::rJJN1i UP~™!.\ NQW !UST sso.oa 949-394-2905 LK t'l•)l SAVE 35%01 ~e,.... a.:%1 Uht!f I • lflff ISJIMAJI URAISIM Rl<'OTHf r«, \,".Ii •'f •. ! •, V ll f 8 0 (\ '> ·,'I / I 8 I Sill Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH DEYF.NS•: ('AN tUo: t:AS\' N~1ther vulnerable. EJ1M lk<11\ NORTif •KQH J 10 7 6 J2 •• A75 WF~T • 106 . l1 QJ 105 • J 104 J 2 SOUTH • AYll F~T •J 7J2 A54 AK 964 •6 \l'KH.llJ <.untmn lour .:IU'\h m ca..:h maJorl. hut neither ,, hfc West JUmc> r.i1-.<J pn-c-mptl\d) .inJ North'" dou bk "'J' rc•P.'""~" hlf ~1. not pcn.illlC\ tr-ndmg 111 •ho"' ~u .. 1 lcnl,'lh 111 1hc m.il'>r' ~1U1 " hcner m.m minimum t.~~1111 Jouhlc !'M>Uth Jumped '" lour he.in• .incl thill cn..tcd tht au..1 mn Wc~I 111 • .i.c, 1h.. rw1111.il k..J of the queen ul .1&.1mo111.h, ..u1J 11 fa1\I \lg n.tl• cnhtr en<.• •ur.i11cn1Cnl "' d1~our ~cmcm 11 rn") .iln:.td) he HMI lute Wnt mu•I 1111J .111 m•pm:J \hill m J dub 1n l\I' o: the d._.lcn'>< ,, d1.1ncc or thc JckrKlcr. "''ll wllcct t"'V J111. mon<h and th.-.ice ol trump\, but !hat "1111 · KQ911 K7 •KQ911 1llc b1\lthng IW»I W l!TH I Ubl .... 4 .... Opening lead Quttn of lllen: "no <jll<"lton th.ii dot ten~ " the lfl()',f d1fT1<:uh ~pa.I of hmllJC w rna,ler But !hat d<~ not llll!Jn you lwve to he a rocket o,c1enu\I to \Ohr \(JCTIC lkfen\1,e pmhlern' liohr >houlJ rcaht.c th.it partner " unhltel) to h•'" ;a 1.._,, "''"ncf .ind"' ,hlHJkJ Wk ..J' .mwgc of the l«·t that p.inr~r ' "fl<!lllll!( lt'..,J pru1111'>C' .1t le.a~! thr JJ< I. ol J1amond,, .md ,hnukJ pl.in '"' ,·ollco.:ung J duh run "-' thc ....:tunii md. At tnd. unc 1.i•t mu't ovcn.1l.: the qu1:cn of d1<11n011<h "'1lh the lmf .ind ..hill tu thc ''")Ile· run < luh When [..a'1 grun\ the lclld "'11h the .u:c 111 trumP'. the dotkndcr l.'311 put p11n11n on le.Kt hy lt'..11.hng ,1 '""' J1a111nrnl to the u:11. Jnd a duh r.·1um "ruflc<l l>o"' none South·~ talfflul double ol one d111 1n<HK.I wa\ 11111 perfect (tdcJll). rt PORSCHE '86 911 TARGA Wtvteltan, sharp 1160863 $17,.900 POASCHE '86944 Red/black, 6-speed #458178 $8,995 PORSCHE '94 968 COHVT. Black. 6-speed #840401 $19,900 PORSCHE '99BOXSTER White. 6-speed #627865 $28,900 PORSCHE '99911 CAB Redltan. 6-speed #652027 $52,900 PORSCHE '00 911 COUPE $4vel /black T iptroruc #620900 $49,900 PORSCHE '91911 TARGA Blue/gray Ttptrornc #440740 $27,900 TIL.0'5 l!UROPEAN AUT'OHAUB 0-llOC..ll'l._ 1-acD 799-8456 Web •tte: www blocars.com Canatlle ' Masonry lrkli 11eci. st-• rn. Concrete Paho OrM!'W•Y F irepjc 8BQ Rel s ~Yr\ bp rttry /14 !>!>/ l!>!M ~ GtH YOUlHOMI IMf'•OvtMINT f'lOJECT? Call • plumt>et painter handyman 0< any of the rrut setv1cn hsted hete 1n our servece d11t"Ct0ty1 THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAY! WRlHOln HYWAU All phases 'm/lr & tobs CUMI 20y~s. fair, lree est. t«JOOJO n~ 1441 C......,llftlca COMPUTER HELP! ...... ~ .... .. ,. ....... 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JX '00 Ill< Vb M• 1,1ll1t Oluovery ·oo II V8 Ctrt1f1td •242046 S20,99S Mer<ecles 'O I l•t11 (240 I 1k• n~w I o•ll~d •014208 $24,99S Olnovery '02 SE Vil l•••d•d 111< rn1 Prnu f<~n1.il #7S0601 S31,99S Oluov.,y '00 II Vil t••th"' Oudl~un fluul\ C'l:r llf1~d •24122 S20,9ts Ol•(•v•ry ·o 1 Sl V8 lr•lhtr OuolSun Roof\ c.~r t1l1td ~723223 S24.99S GMC '01 Yotlion Oet1oll I• •lht• S1111 Hool 9 Po'.Prtll"' •199120 S3S.99S Discovery '00 If v8 l '"lht1 l uAdl'd { trt1htd •242189 S20,9ts GMC 'OOYui.- O•noll 1 •4 I ow Mi HI~ 61k U't I.hi •lffit WhPth •22146 S26,ttS Rong• llovff '03 lllt1m.11~ I u•u•y SIJV •I 1149S S67,99S Oh.covery '99 IJnlt l 1~ Mt f.t·rliflt-d •2059SI s.;l0,995 .,,, """ f ., .. ., mt lfl,,, .._ l•>tJ lie 111111111 11~•· "''" lAJID IOVEI ""'~""" ll fl . Ill) I llWPOtltlACH .. nl!//4 11 'f1 '; ';>11, I ~.AA 949 "" LHS www.ocpobl.tom .. .,.._._.._..... ___ _. Electrtcal SefYlm s-a ,.., lap•rtt Oun<•n r Ir< ltk 'l<JYr I •1> I """I 1,1!1• • 11""4'"''"" Sft vo. t 11emoO-I· t 17 l"Jl.IO 949 6'10 /!loll? Aclle11lln• Elutrl< troub..,..hoot1111 \4)e<.1ah•I aN '\t<VKl!"t Hf> fOO loo \111 1 11!11~ /14~1Jl er co [ octrlc I >cen\l!d 1111ct11t a Conttellor Sm,11 1obs \I.tr tint •I S79.9S & "I'· Spfl< "''"'n& in Remodehn& & all homt "'"inc nted\ Comm lndu\t Rn 1 100-197 1001 L•TflM? UCEHSlD COHTUCTO• No rob IOI• w M !06.,.esl R~pd11 remodel Ian,, :pa ,.. \Yt 949~· 36b6 Aool1nt'Tll• • OOOGI STEALTH lS •93 kh1,. autn llhr CO 1, •ded' 30 mp1 "">f!Jt'"d $4/'lO Moved l'I 714-121 -6994 COMrUH LANDSCAPING o"'l" clnnup' tr•es sod •p; 1nlll•rs M"ntenance u low u S91 wtek l.c•n'>ed 714 222 842!> NKk DlrtyW ..- Lawns. lawn Aerahn&. Sp11nklel\ TrMileshool 1f1C. Sp11n& lune ups Repaors & Up11 ades Ha v~ us do yout Ouly WOIA 7t 4.715-2121 .... -up Gel your yard lookma Its bed for tl>e ~ Yard dean ups sprinkler 1u11e ups and ladHapina Xtro Herut Sorvlce1 714-427.oo40 Troe s-1ce, Y11d Cltanup Maenten•nce Spr1n-ler Rep111 ttauhn1 {t•9) U0-1711 ,..,... 'Ot IUa "" .... CO nav~abon. fult fact ••tr WlllchHI•' blu• oat meet lthr, chrome wheel~. l•e new un SlOk v221 l6 $42,99!>, 4 !> APR Im •nil, brollei 918$11111 -.tqlliuun ,....,,99XJ·v- ,... 40k m1, full fa'1 ••" whlla/oarmul ltlw', CO buulfful i•e new Ofll c:ond v870142 $28, 99!) 81.t 949 58b 18118 _....,_ ...... '00 w..t a.-..- 6ql '} wd, 36k actual m1 ~·her /1rey Int •lloy' fabulous hka new ullmdrked C:Olld 4 year w•• ..,111 vr..m1 ll'J'H> l11n1 0 Oown quahhed buytn 4 6 N"R 8ruiler 949-516-1181 www.ecpot.l.com '-I ._ '00 or..-y "Do • ""· :rYt Wa'f IYali. wtwt«1w ey lthr pnvacy itlaH beautiful 0111 unmarlwld con11 SI 7 .9136 ~•1944102 ftnancaie IYM ai.t 949-58& 1.8118 ~ lea.,. '99 llX 300 4wcl, bl••I< 1mm•< S7k m1, lthr luw pka re NM ~ c.twm ""*'. htd \ts, bOCJIU S71 lXl ~ :M-'>21P M~edtt 1-1 S60Sl '16 WI.II I II $?Oii, .. ~ .. "'& SI/ !i(J() obo Xlnl .cin d•hon have hard lop, 8/11 m1IP~ 94'1 939 3091 Mercecl.. '96 C210 be•ul1ful blatklueam lully lu•dtd \huwroom tr\ w1 SI I !> 714 r>t 2464 Merc..io. 4SOSl •71 c_... k1"' 'Hk mt hglll bl4Jf! n..tvy ltlw very nl(e S/'>00 949-49) 0319 M•rc..t.• -3iou ·12 h41d tuu dftd ,~(), nc:.., wit t1111 bl'J< m. n4"W .ne bid< .. $!:>7(.() '149 ~74 'l6S3 M•r<•cl•• -..S-560 Sl wh11 .. l•n 1mmat IY<lll. Ill... l'M I-'0''1 '°:t> U1Ul..., $14.IJJ) /14hl :illtli4 ~~R NEW2002 MINI COOPER SOOROOF PR£MIUM PKG If ALLOYS. CO ~l~,~~J I Ar lltS PRll TCEl81 • OTHER AT SIMILAR SA 'llNGS' • LffS MOTOR1 rrs FUN ..... .,, ... SS fRUWAY @ EDINGER ~TA~ AUTO M.Jil (IU) 123-9808 - '03 .,... a.4/ .... lo.._ (S007 SO) S.9 .$00 "00 1-"ey ..,..... ,.._ ..... / C... ..... l...i.d ()(CM 21.J) $ I :U,SOO '02o-..tl 991 a....d,t-M._ (01StJ2) s lS,900 NlWl'Olll AUTOSf'Ollt t49·S7&-S600 Wl rAY CASH Joe FOtUlt'S f'OtiOtlS lAMao.GHN ltOU.S-MJOUY QASSK CAaS HMUYS '03 Viper a.4/liodi l OM ... (S007SO) S99,SOO ·oo •-"-Y ..,.,..... .......... ; CohwoW L...ct.d ()(04213) •• s 133,SOO I '02 Oualft 991 Leode4. t.. Mtff (015932) StS,900 HCWPOR1 AUTOSf'OltT 949 S74 S600 Niu-•91 Mt1lro Gll l1kf ntw lo•dtd •ulu moonrOtll •lloy' fnw /4" m1 S'ICJOO /14 I'> I 7464 SELL your stuff through classified! Everyday is a great day 0 in Classified! Be a part of it, place your ad today1 (9+9) 642-5678 COMl'UrE HOME MAJ#FE#A#CE N11 1ob too •mall' lveryth•nc ITom 'C.peotry to Pmbnfl free nl1mate , .. ,, .. ",., 90-ZU · , .. , RX Uf' WIOAUSl. Alt typn of repairs [lee I lfU I. pluml>fna. dOClf\ ........ heiltin.. -& rr«• 7'-twflOli'f' 71&-366-1881 -...c.-... ,..,. Orpeolly • Plumbtne Orywan • Stocco Pamhn& fife & more 2G+ YH1 ~ [ apwrencel • 714_9 ... sn• l.d61CllD lOllNSON COMf'ANY KJtchem. wa Ballwooms Mark 949 650 9S2S TtftHAHDYMAM All w0tlt a11atanteed ~ Ocrtal. Doori. Fl'llVI ca)I Ille. 9&*8m ...... N ... TO '"I DUMf'ltt 714 961 1882 AVAll ABlE TOOAYI 949 67 3 !)566 ...... ,. c..toet a..... k Qlt.IMy HcMwiwl•• O C 24y,, Ref's t4t ~41-~ 949 631-4113 llldf; J ........ H ST MOVHS $59 /Kr se. VH'll all c1t1e\ ln.,ured Int c:ourteous c:1retul T 163Mu oo ?46 :ms PUBLIC NOTICE The C11tl Public Uhltt1u Comm1n10n requlfes th1t .-II used household aoods movers p11nl thetr P U C Cat I number' limos and chauffflurs pflnl theu r c p number Ill •II 1dver hsemenh II you h .. e •ny questlOfls about the le&allty of a mover limo or chauffeur c1n f'UIUC Ulamn CC>aalSSM* IOO 177-U67 -f'HIWf'S AUTO ",._......_ Stww~ 8lai.) wtperlct ltha "''· ortly Sb<'ll "" Uuuly t 1932&} S?J.9fl.I .. ,.W'Odt. 911 SC..,.. 81.UVde.in lAI• 11111 lull r11K.orO. r.it l•ld ( I !Of!I! 1 $ 11 980 9' IMW T«JI ,_.. One 0-«•I tw>w Por1 ....iari 11:1 ••I r11t.ort!$ 'hrom;.t '""~ (19J40J U I 'ilt:I ooi.,.-xu s.i ..... r,1 ... ~ 1?11 milt--µ.•I•• I ( 19J811 $42 9tll 91 &...ww GS 400 Prem wtlffh W it..O Will oc,f 09286> Siii !l80 01 '°'' r '"" only 4% " ... (19384C1 SU 'HI oo,,._s r~ lh" ... ~MAUI~ 1193141 ""'W) ••••zaxno bl.K~tbld• ~ lutt~ <'fl< l>Ol•·d .m..., ... 119,m I $26 9rj) ff J.,,,._ XU ~c.nv \htn<ey til.odl mtt w 1111m... llhr <hrontMI "'"""'~ t '<no9 ' \f 91() ·-t-. -9">' '4t-S7 .. 1717 PHIJ.rS AUTO , • ., ..... i. l'O.SCHl Cot.rlolet '6 2 , td rt\IOr•d bftaU S20 000 "' b•~I ullt1 9'19 6/'> f,(l()f, Wllllld 9045 ,_., ~ D-* 0... 40 ~ t.tpl wl pay a WIY tw pr'U Iv< 'f04JI Cll6 v.. or Ind pMI lot or not. C.W DO Roy (<u 1om11o Auta> s. m 4J7 1931 or 714 .Q.8 gJij CASH FOii CAJIS WI HllD YOUll CAa rAIO fOll 011 NOT f'H~AUTO Astt fotl MAlCOUll 949 574 1111 BOATS PowerBoats ~15 I SO NfW & USU> IOA TS 0-rMfl IOAT SHOW • ..,19 ....... 1 , .. ,,_ 166-374-2621 I '97 •••'•" .wi..1., 2411 Oulr •1tte lu•ded wtll "•••nl,1ned twl'I 20>1' Y..,..,_UI(~ Boats Warad 9535 Dwffy ._ _, s-. w~ l'U1!1 s.v u1 8alxM ... ·-..,,.~ -~'Di6. /1~17 l'9fb BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 93 n Sllf' AVAii.AiU IN NEWrottl llACH S2SOO UASI 949-SOO-lOOS IOA f SU"S ttOW AVM I ~· f, • --U~ l•.dt#'lfl 11w1 dJt·.,,.. ,,.,, ... """p.- ···~ 9~-6.15 ...... , '"" y11ur ( ur tn ( /a, \lfi#'d • Dvff\/Deals JUST ARRIVED! Recondition Duffy 21 Classic l I Kf NI \X rull \X'.ur~nC\ S25,99S immediate dcl.Mry Also featured at our SullHf Beach location tts732 P.C.H. '03 Duffy 18 Nt'Vw \1.lcs Demo ~A\'t. S<J.(J{J(J .t"''il') $25,495 Duffy &lison 20 R.ue' (,rc~t < unJ1111111 C~l- $11,995 Qlm/ Electri c Boal$ Co. 2001 W. Pacific Coast Hwy (949) 645-6812 •"'" ,, .... ,.. ... 81• .. 'Wf'f' SCWlR JfHINC El C fl RO~lf. Sl All UAI\ 0£TICltO"- Friendly s~·••H 949 ·•7S tS04 -~aim V TW•t1 •n~r"° PLUM8(R l•~'>86 free Estl Sm r~ ocn cu 0&. 114 ?:l>-91 !JO N (fS M ING Rep• .. \ & Rtmodel'"i FR[[ ESTIMAH l"687398 71 4 91>9 1090 SIWll .... cw. (!49) 645-Ust \ j R~ The Roofing s~~ta 800-939-8846 L.,,..,_ - ' .. ·;. ... LINCO·LN • MERCURY 39_... ...... iw.;U117.161t*tol leue; S0 securify dcpolit required; plUI W lllCI licerue: 20e per mile dwgc over 12.000 mile& per year. On approved crediL ON APPROVED LEVEL 0. I & 2 LEVEL TIERS THRU FMCC CREDIT. . 1 At This Payment (J24440) 39 .-lb clolockod leese; SS2'1.91 .a art of I~; SO secwity depoelt required; plus WI and licenw:; 20c per mile charge over 12,000 miles per year. On approve.! credit. ON APPROVED LEVEL 0. I & 2 LEVEL TIERS THRU FMCC CREDIT. 2 At This Payment (J 39806) (J39794) ollwe(t5310•al,_.lftilr Ul 4k'9 or $2500 f ldory rcbele); so ICCUrity deposit required; plus WI and licleme; 20¢ per mile charge over 12.000 miles per yuz. On approved credit. ON APPROVED 1.EVEL O. I & 2 TIERS lliRU FMCC. 1 At This Payment (Jl0209) l'tul iova .....,c feet Md tatq, Ill)' n-dllqn, any dealer document preparation charge. and any cnu~slon ICsting charge. REBATE lN LIEU OF O'l FTNANClNG UP TO 60 MOS ON APPROVE!<> LEVEL 0 & I TIERS. 1 At This Net Cost <6n5091 Plus govemmen1 fees and wes. any finantt ~. any deal<'r tlocumcni pn:pan111on charg<'. anJ '111Y "'"''"°" INIOJ charge. RERATI:. IN llf:l OF O'f FlNANCING UP TO (){) MOS ON APPROVED LEVE:L 0 & I TIERS 1 At This Net Cost Phis iov-fees Ind cues. MY finance charge" any dealer documenl prcparutton charge. and any emission icstmg charge. REBATE IN LIEU OF 0% FlNANCING UP TO 60 MOS ON APPROVED FMCC LEVELO & I TIERS 1 At This Net Cost (666400) USED CARS 96 FORD CROWN VIC LX 209621 Xlnt Condition Full Power 02 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS (661131 Leather, Full Power I . . 02 ~ORD F150 SUPERCAB XLT (A06597) Short Bed 4 Door, V6, Auto, Full Po~er, Bed liner, Alloys 02 DODGE DAKOTA QUAD CAB ($25539) VS, Auto, Full Power 02 FORD MUSTANG CONVT. (179515) Auto, Leather, CD, Full Power, Showroom Fresh 02 FORD MUSTANG GT CONVT (222406) 6K Mlle, Sharp Black with Black Leather, Auto, Full Power 01 LINCOLN LS (601455) Sport Pkg, Moon Roof, CD, Loaded 02 LINCOLN SIG TOWN CAR (665897) Leather, CD Stacker, Showroom Fresh 00 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 2WD (J14153) Sharp One Owner with Nav System I •Jaso •te eee •te eee •te,eeo .._ ..... ·-... __ ........... , ........... .. -.. .._ ..... .. -. --.... ... _ ,,. -~e --. ' ..... "" , '" . " ... , ,# "' .. .. .. " -... -,,,.