HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-18 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotCOMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Self-def ense no excuse fo r hurting a n animal I l happened on Sunday, March 2. about 6 p.m. It was just outside the Newport Beach Ellc.s O ub. As the Elles enjoyed a quiet end to a quiet weekend inside the club, they were horrified at what they ~w happening bel>ide a boat tted up just outside the club. To their aMoni.sh- ment, a man was beating up a bird -a PETER macaw to be BUFFA exact. The man doang the beating was one Anthony James Ellis. a 52-r.ear old resident of Newport Beach. According to Newport Beach Pohce Sgt. Steve Shulman, Mr. FJlis "grabbed the bird by the legs. held it upside down and i>truck it repeatedJy with a closed fL'il. I le then slammed the bird's head first into the floor of the boat." Fortunately. the bird has been treated and will survive. although It suffered a broken beak and a broken leg, which i.s why I immediately bonded with the bird What pos..~ble excuse can there be for abusing an animal like that -a bird no less1 Let me answer for you -"none.· But it didn't take long for an explanation to tum up. When police arrested Mr. Ellis. he."appeared to be intoxlcated," according to Sgt_ Shulman. What a surprise. It gets bener. While admitting he was drunk. FJlls claims that. in fact, the bird attacked him, and that he was onJy acting in self-defense. Hmm. Actually, on this planet, when people are anaded by birds - which happens constantly of course -they usually shoo them away, cover their head, maybe even get out of the way. Very, very seJdom do they grab the bird by the legs, hold It upside down, beat it with a closed fist. then throw it to the ground. Oh, and is this some macaw that was visiting from Mazatlan, decided to check out Newport Beach then went berserk at the sight of Ellis' head below? Not exactly. For 11 years. the bird has lived with ... time's up - Anthony James Ellis of Newport Beach. See COMMENTS, Pa11 M INSIDE THE PILOT LIFE& LEISURE Tired of the same old surrou ndings at your fitnesa center? Badt Bay F'rtnea is installing • virtual cyding program that provides more than Jutt • wonout. S..'•M Lt John Kklw9H t8lkl *"t 1he Co.It Guetd'• role of -...ie the COlllt .. p()lt.,1. .......... .. S UNDAY EDITION Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MAY 18, 2003 / SUNDAY STO.RY PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY PILOl Costa Mesa H~ students representing people killed m drunk driving accidents are made-up to look hke skeletons as they watch emergency personnel work a simulated accident scene dunng Every 15 Minutes, a program designed to show the consequences of drinking and driving es sons Costa Mesa High event dramatizes the deadly reality of teens drinking and driving Christine Carrlllo Daily Pilot A haunting reality crept onto the Ccx.ta Mesa High School campus last week ~ nearly 1200 students came face to face with their mortality. On Wednesday, sirens blared and a 911 call echoed through the gloomy air. Tombstones adorned the school grounds representing 23 students ripped from their young lives.. On Thursday. ~ were shed and stories were told. A bard reality pulled at their hearts.· The two days were part of the city's second Every 15 Minutes Program, a two-day simulation designed to personalize the grim consequences of drinking and driving. Surrounding a carefully conconcd t.l'd.\h .,1ght just off the campw.. more than a thousand studenl-'> wa1cht.'CI a.., their peen. played pivotal rot~ in Jn ('Wilt, whjch showed how partying wi1h a few drinks can tum inio a temble tragedy. (..o-;ta Mesa Firefighter.. used the jaw-. of life. hammers and axes to pry ofJ the roof of a blue Cadillac sedan tha1 pinned a bloody htgh school girl tn the pa ..... <;enger seal She had the mL'>fortune of nding in the car with a drunk dnver Public safely personnel worked diligently to save who they couJd. Tiiey covered one driver with a ~llow iarp cl.'> he remained sitting in the driver'!> ..eat behind a windshield cracked and splattered with blood. I le was dead when the first officer arrived. I le left in a body bag. They freed two teenage girls from their cars and sent them to I loag "It's all a reenact:menl and we try to make it as real as possible.· said Costa Mesa Police Officer Brian Wadkins. who organized the event ·vou want to get the emotion and you want to shock the kids. You want them to learn.· I lospltaJ in Newport Beach. where one of them was pronounced dead. "You realize that we all need to do our Costa Mesa High student Isaac Torrez 1s about to be arrested for drunk <*iving as he waits srts in front of simulated fatal accident scene where he was tbe See LESSONS, Pace A4 driver at fault. Torrez was processed by police and taken to Costa Mesa jai. SPORTS , . TOP STORY 'Fun on a cloudy day ' at St. Joachim's School's annual spring event raises funds for fa cilities on campus, continues today. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot CX>STA MESA -F.lght-year· old Sydney Gr1ly looked 5hy and demure until she took a toy bat to her hand and 5t.aned whack· Ing a piece Of wood that cata- pulted a stuffed frog into the lb'. lbegoel? 1b Qb the frog land in one ol the fOUr coloced bowla on the t.tJle to win • prim. Sydney -one ol tDlllY kids and" 9d\ahS who tried their bnt It ftrioul panes tet up on ct.e ~ Of Sl. fN'W.1~ School for ltl annu.a Commu· Qky ~ Nr. n.,.,. ... railed wtl IO IOWlild I ~ FYI The f•lr continues today from 11 •.m. to 10 p.m. at 1964 Orenge A.ve. fund for the school. which COO· tains 10me aa.ooms built as far bid: u 1949. The fair features a variety of delectable food. a slew of heart·pumplng Iida and ec· lec:tlc entenalnsnent. Sanarday, 001 or the ftnt muakal acu WU 13-J'NN*I Adam Knott p&ayq • roddnl rendition Of 1bl SW Spen1'1d 8lrinel' on ~dticbic..-. IMNl.,...M , t A2 Sooday, May 18, 2003 NEWPORT BEACH Fourth of July partyers parley to no avail It was too little, too late for a group of young party enthusiasts who descended on City Hall Tuesday to protest Pourth of July alcohol resb'ictions. Despite the dozens of speakers arguing against the rules for harsher crime penalties and prohibition of alcohol deliveries, the council members approved the measures unanfmo~ Mayor Steve Bromberg's •state of the dty" speech delivered at the annual luncheon Qieeting of the Newpon Beach Ownber of Commerce had a concise message: "The state of the city is good." Bromberg said. The luncheon also honored chaml)er volunteers. Council members got their first look at the 2003-04 budget they must approve by the end of June. The $156 million spending plan indudes creating a new division to combine code enforcement with water-quality personnel. who together will enforce regulations on keeping pollutants out of stonn drains. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beacti and John Wayne Alrl)Ort. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latime&oom. BUSINESS Landmark unveils its new look to the public Balboa Bay Oub & Resort leaders cut the ribbon on their new $65 million hotel and resort Wednesday in a glitzy ceremony. Led by Olairwoman Beverly Ray, the club added a 132-room hotel to its existing property. The club, which was a Hollywood haunt to John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart and others in the 1960s and '70s, was first built in 1948 on Newport Harbor and bad become somewhat ramshackle. The new resort also slgnals a new era of openness for the public, which can now books a stay in the rooms, visit piano lounge Duke's Place or eat a meal in restaurant First Cabin. Ray, who took over the torch on the project after husband Bill Ray died suddenJy in 1991, beamed about her new club during a 30-minute ceremony. ':,4.t the risk of bragging a bi1, I'd say Wf!ve done this grand old place proud,· Ray said. • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@latimes.com. COSTA MESA City council's vacant chair finally gets·filJed Eric Bevers frustration with the City Council's perpetual deadlock in the appointment process inspired decisive action that the council lacked. Monday, Bever withdrew his application to replace former mayor Karen Robinson leaving Mike Scheafer as the remaining candidate. Scheafer was unanimously approved and immediately sworn in. His first official council meeting is Monday. And city officials found out Monday that they have up to two months to convince Pountain Valley and Newport Beach officials to take off both the 19th Street and Gisler Avenue bridges from the county's master plan. The deadline for consensus was forced by the Orange County 'IhlD.sportation Authority, which put off a decision on granting a request by Fountain Valley to study the Gisler bridge, for up to two months. • D£IAOR£ NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reactied at (949) 574-4221 or by a-mall at deirdre.newman@lfJli!:!'es.com. ........ EK .IN REVIE PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'A NOSE FOR GOOD ART' Covering events Ulte the Balboa Island An Walk is always fun You really can't plan out wha1 kind of photo you're going to gel SEAN HllLER I DAILY Pit.OT art work. It was enough to capture my attention. so I stopped to have a look. Going there I knew I had only a shon time to gel a picture and move on to my next asmgnment So my game plan was simple: Just walk through the sea of people scanning for anyone or anything that uniquely said art festival. The dog standing near a pot of Dowers next to the painting kind of plays a visual Lridc on the eye. It's likt> life is imitating art. 1be duplicate Images of the flowers. re-c.t.1 and painted, along with the texture of the painting and the dog's coat all de in to maJce a fun picture. It wasn\ long before I saw this little dog -Josie, a 9-year-old Jack Russell terrier -perched on the sea wall next to its owners -Sean Hiller EDUCATION Lamenting a lost education Orange Coast College's associated students held a barrage of memorial services co mom the lack of educational opportunities in California due to the state's budget crisis Monday, amid a mock graveyard. Organizers encouraged their classmates to fight baclc against the state's budget cuts that may force ace to cut about 1,000 course sections for the 2003-04 school year. The Orange County Department of Education selected Pauline Maranian, an English and drama teacher at Estancia 1 ligh Sch ool. as one of Orange County's Teachers of the Year. After completing an arduous application process and interviewing before a panel of judges, the 34-year-old teacher was selected as one of the five recipients of the golden-apple trophy. On Wednesday, Gov. Gray Davis annoWlced his revisions to the state budget for the 2003-04 fiscal year. Elementary through high schools will receive $700 million more in state and locaJ funds than proposed in January, which will still require PUBLIC SAFETY Veches' trial given to jury for deliberation I Jury deliberations began Thursday in the trial of the 32-year-old former Newpon Beach recreation coordinator accused of suclcing several children's toes. During the five-day trial, the prosecution presented 23 boys who were between 6 and I 0 years old whe~ the aJleged crimes took place. All of the children testified that Trenton Veches K(NT TREPTOW / OAJL Y PILOT Orange Coast College student Ravm Kohh hes in a coffin as fellow students Madeline Levy, left, and Salvador Manzo encourage students to sign petition cards during a mock memorial service on Monday. them to make about S2 billio n in sacrifices. Community colleges will receive $304 million m ore in funding and will see an increase from $11 10 $18 per unit. The University of CaJifornia and California State University systems managed to escaped further cuts. however the either sucked their toes, massaged 1he1r feet or took pictures of their feet. One boy said Vech es made him take off his clothes and to uched him inappropriately. The defense has maintained that Veches suclced the boys' toes, but djdn't do so for sexual gratification. Veches faces 25 felony counts of perfonnjng a lewd act on minors. If convicted, he faces a maximu m of life in prison. He already pleaded guil ty to possession of child pornography. which ~ a misdemeanor. Deliberations will continue Monday morning. lJniver.ity of CaJiforn1a system will 11Lill need about $300 million in b~ budget cuts. • CHRISTINE CARRlUD covers education and may be reactied at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at chflstine.carrillo a-/atimes.com And a 55-year-old Newport Beach woman was hosp italized Thursday after being attacked and robbed in the driveway of her Lido Isle home. The man then stmclc her on the head with an unknown object and fled. Police are still looking for the alleged robber. l lle woman wa.<i treated for the head injury at Hoag Hospital and released the same day. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached 8t (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at d88pa.bharath<@lat1mes.com. < Dally Pilot NOTABLE QUO TABLES 'We're again going to put up posurs around town. We now have over 125 members on our malling list We're going to enco~ thm1 to go out and voice their oppositi.on to tlU! alcohol storage law." -Brian C1ubon. spokesman for FreeNewport, a group opposed to Newport Beach's tightened rules on the Fourth of July. "Costa Mesa does not believe the bridges needs to be built and is doing everything we can to <klete them There tvill be give and take on both sides. There will be some mitigation measures we may not be 11.appy with. but they will be better than a bridge and less apmsive, and the cities nttid to sit down and hammer it ouJ so it's not hammered out for them by {the authority/." -Gary Monahan. Costa Mesa mayor, on a looming deadline for the city to kill planned bridges over the Santa Ana River. "At the risk of bm&ging a bit, I'd say we've done this grand old pm proud. n umk all of you for being here to celebratR with us." -8eYerty Ray. chairwoman of the Balboa Bay Oub & Resort. at the resort'i-. opening. '71U! people in this city want tire best, ask/or the best, <kmand the best. are willlng to pay fo r the best, and it's our pleasure to give you the best.· -Stew Bromberg. Newport Beach mayor. during a ·state of the city" address. 'We're all still out here. we're all still frustraled, we au rn?ed to see some acrion. We1J give Mr. Selim.fer a chance. He has some potential of doing some good things I think thal what the Oty Council fails to understand is t/Je direction the dty i.s heading. They're dragging their feet.· -Paul Bunney, Costa Mesa resident, after Eric Bever removed himself from the running for a spot on the Costa Mesa City Council. Mike ScheafeT was named to replace Conner mayor Karen Robinson. Daily A Pilot ConlWMson Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 SURF AND SUN News assistant, (949) 574--4298 Copyright. No news storik, coral.wflton8 /atlmn.com illustrations, editorial matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS advertisements herein can be WEATHER FORECAST . Sean Hiller, Don Leectl, reproduced without written waves to die down alightly In Kent Trept0w permission of copyright own8f the evening. VOL 97, N0.138 Reedy for a nlca weather READE.RS HOTLINE HOW TO REACH US pattern? SURF THOMAS H. JOHNSON News E.dftorl (949) 642-6066 Cifculatlon Today, through the better Publisher Gina Aleiander, Lori Ander10n, Record vour commentt about the The Times Orange County part of the week, looll for South-facing breaks are TOHY DOOERO Daniel Hunt. Paul S.itowltz, Dally Pilot or news tips. (800) 252-9141 morning fog to give way to doing the best With waist-to Editor Daniel Stevent Addl'ft9 Advet1Jslng JUDY OETTINQ NEWSSTAFf Our address Is 330 W. Bey St., Costa CtaeeHled (949) 642-6678 sunny ~••with highs In the thest~hlgh Hts, 1nd even an Advertls~ Crime °.:::rco~rter, Mesa, CA 92627. Office hou,.. ere ot.pley (949) 642-4321 low (o mld-70. At night. tdcJee occa.lon1I big one. LANA Promotions Oirectof Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. · 6 p.m. Edftotlel will be dear wfth erua of light Welt fldng bntaka .... (949157'"42 Cot1ec:doo• .~ fog devek>plng after midnight running waist high. ~.l>Mrtlf.tl•l«l,.,,.._oom It le the Pilot'I policy to promptly (949) 642-5680 and ~t lows dropping The~willatay EDfT'Ni ITAff M'9='•• corTed ell errora of eut.t.nce. ...,. (949) 57'"4223 down the mid-to upper &Os. through tocMry, but for the wtnd PIUM ceJI (!MS) 764-4324.. ..... Fu (949) IM&-4170 1..1.c.... Newport ,.,,., Spotts Fu 19491 eso-ono ~t: to bedc off Mond9y. A big ~&?~'· (IM8) 57'"4232 ftJM.~•l«Jrrw.oom FY1 E-tn91: da/fypllot•t.tlma.com www."'"-nc»a.f/OV eouthweet It being ~ed for SJ-C»htl• "1tJfrw.com .... ClllMll The Newpof1 Beec:t1ICoci.e Mesa M.-Offtce BOATING FORECAST nut WMltend. ........ ~ , O.lly Pilot (USPS-1'4-800) Is ........ <>Moe (949) &42-4321 Wills ~ ~~ ,_,.ltlce. bu.in-end enWonment publlsMd deily. In Newport Beedl ... MR,.. (849) 831·7128 www. .. riWd-.Otg ~.(Ml) 7'8'"4330 and ea.ta M-u. tubecripdone .... Toward the thote. wlnde wlll ~~ 1»CJl.dlnt0rt•.,,,_,com avell~ onty by eubecriblng to The be v1rteble It 10 lcnotl or.._ TJDES ....... .,... Lolli ..... Tlrnee Orenge County (IOO) limes with wwee of 1 foot or.._ .=r-a Coh.amnfel, a.alturw ,..,onw. 262-814t In..._ outlllde Of Ind WMt twefle 8t I fMI (I ... ........ fltlwd.Mln•~ (M)57oM2?1 NMpOft a-;. end eo... MeN. Mc:Ondl). 8:081.m. ·1A7 .... tow .... ,,, ...... lo#IU.,,.,.,.,.IMlma.oom eublc:ripclone 10 the o.lly Plot .,.. Tonight mud\ of the ...... 12:4ep.m. U3 .... hlgh M OiNdot I HeM 09'llr Chi.f. DllildM NaM\IM evallabee «tty by tint ... mell for ~OM2:M eo.. Meee ......,..., ( .. I '7'"4221 S30.,... month. (~ lnctude ... PubllsMd by Tlmee Community wflh fog buOdirig In~ 5.1llp.m. . 2.11fMtloW ,.....,,_.,_,,__oom '*'1dta.,..,,,.,e1«1nw.com 111JPIHlll1-. end 6oillt e-.) *-· • divWon of the Lot Ange ... mldNght. 11..n e.m. 1.29 ... high ..._llWC' n• llrne. . Out fefttw, the~ .. be Cltdsaac.... POS'TMASTtA: Send ....... ,.......,,, nonh\--.. 10 '° 20 .,__end WAlER TEMPDAlURE (Mt ..... E~ NPOftlf, l'Mt f74.4m ~to The~ ~nm.~ An rlghte ~....,_oom dlrlftdne._,.,e,.,_,oom ~Melt o.ity ""°" 11!0. r..-wd. ...-. w. be aeo 11 fMt nm the Mml dlrKtlon. &piCI ·--' .. Daily Pilot Sunday, May 18. 2003 Al LOOKING BACK SS Michigan up for.another party <'!c,~ R ~s t a ur a nt Lolita Harper Daily Pilot S he Is a little rough around the edges but !Jle slill knows how to have a good time. The $ Michigan is gcaru1K up for her umpteenth summer outing - sprucing up for the Fourth of July. It is her hii.tory in Newport Beach that shines more vibrantly than Cl!lY fre.h coat of paint. The$ Michigan hcc. hecn gallivanting around thl' Nt.wport Harbor for more than a half century, carrying her blli..<.ful pas..c.engers from bar to bar and pany 10 pany. In 1955 Di!.ney c-drtoo1ll'>~ Ditk Shaw and Vugil P'ark'> found her in a mud fla p under tht• I Jdo L'iland bridKe. With a h11lt· latl' and .,ome bnght paml, thev t:ransfonm>d ht:( from a m~l-<ly lloubll'·l'ndl'd Monll'rt.'Y li-.h111g boat into a "1ugho .. 11" dt·.,1wwd for entenammenl 111 llll' harhor. Thal '>amt' year tlw llll'll look her on h<'r inaugural t nJN' Soml.'thing abm11 llt'r vivul l'Xtl'nor and charm madt• till' olht:r hoai.. 111 llw harhor wanl 111 follow her Hy lht• t·nd ol lhat -.ummcr. tht• t11mv;111 Ot't'anw routmt: and lhl' nt"(I \lllllllll'r pt:oplt· ant1np.t1l'd hl'r lt•.id And "°· the flf'>t Summer Roat Parad(• WJ.'>bom. \.\'hen the Ulambt:r of < • .onunen.e gOl involved. the parade rt•alJy took off. 1urn111g 111111 J lllll'>'>IVt' dnd palnOtlC -.umrrienune aL1.lvtty. lhl' d.1w w,L., moved trom Aug1N to July '1 i\h hough <,he wru. uwolwd 111 r1111nerou., boal parade-., lht· \...., Mid1iga11 ha'> been nimored to only have lini<.hed on(•. Sht· ha-. 1he habit of '>pringing leak.-. and \lnlunK-or lo'>ing 5<>me p<1n along 11 ie \V<tY. If .,he hap,:>en<. to he 111 good repair. her rnpta111-. .trt• nol and tlwy would prt.'fer to -.top at watl·rlront p.1n1t"> ralht:r thJn t.ompll'll' lilt' mutt· Om· yt·.ir, • .. ornd>ody wa.-. II)mg lo -.h111,">ho1 ii ht·l'1 to a pa.'>'>t'ng<'f on till' \...., M1t l11g.m hut hJd poor .11111 1 lw lull t-.111 h11 1tw hull of tlw hoa1 .111d -.ht· ht:g,111 10 '>lflk Now 0~11t·d hy Hill t-.elly ;md < .. 1y Wa-.-.;111 l\t•lly. lhl' htlJe lxi.tt ha .. n·111rtll'd w h1·r .'\l'wpurt h.1rho1 dav-.. \ va ....... 1u l\t'lly '><lld llll'y d1111'1 l.1J..1· 1lw ho.II . har hopp111g .111~ 111ort• and .m· 1rv111g 10 g1\l' lwr .1 llltlt· mon· l l.L.... Bill ""'h "' llll I l'H'I'\ The historic SS M1ch1gan 1s still atloat atter years of parades in the Newport Harbor weekend worlung on her ·It'll ne\ er work.· Wd. ... '><111 l\t'll> '>aid. "It's a waste of ume " ~or not. many pt'(iplt- remernber the SS M1du.r.u1 and are happy LO ~ hl'r ha< k 111 tht:: water. • LOOKJNG BACK runs Sundays Do you know of a person, place or e11en1 that deserves a h1stoncal look bad<? Let us know Contact James Meier by fax at (949) 64&4170. e mail at 1ames meier a /a11mes com. or mail at c/o Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St . Costa Mesa, CA 92627 •••Quality Service ... ... Nightly Entertainment" .. TwENTY LENDERS ONE PHONE CALL 'f'hc 949.252.82~ ~~ Bill Fallon • Purchase • Re Fi • Construction 15 years in O.C. JOLI~ //'//N . //,, ~/. .///;;/./ ./// . .;h•n / 8alon 6 6pa • Hair Scalp Trenmem •Nails . •Makeup • Wa~ & Braz1ll1a11 W u • Facials ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMIN G ARTS C ENTER SEG ERSTROM HALL BOX OFFICE 10AM -6PM WWW OCPAC ORG (7 14 ) 740-7878 t lclcetft'UU6gr (714) 755-0236 GROUP SALES (714) 556-2787 INFORMATION (714) 556-2746 ITY ·h~fh~~t • ' • J I An energetic, toe~tapping mix of dance, Jazz, funk and rhythm! Grand Finale! --------. .-----........ ~ IV\AY25 2:00pm @ Mn: I !Wn1 .......................... On 5 a\e I oday at IOarn ! M Sunday, May 18, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY COSTAIESA • Bristol S1re9t: Forgery was reported In the 3300 blodt at 6:10 p.m. Thursday. • C.. Streit: A home burglaJy was reported In the 400 blodt et 4:02 p.m. Thursday. • Elden Awnue: A garage burglery was reported In the 2400 blodt at 11 :39 p.m. Thursday. • Newpof't Boulevard: A commercial burglary was reported In the 1700 blodt at 3:03 p.m. Thursday. (949) 929-6400 ~ SPECIALIZING IN: cut. color, up-<Jo. Wtddtngs, & atenslon. Salon Gregorl~'s 200 Newport Center Newport Beach • Pomontl Avenue: Petty theft was reported in the 1900 blodt at 10:02 p.m. Thursday. • Yale ~ Petty theft from a vehicle wu reported In the 2500 blodt at 2:03 p.m. Thursday. • East 18ttt Strwt: An assault was reported in the 200 blodt at 7:14 p.m. Thursday. • w..t 19th StrMt A commercial burglary was report8jf in the 500 blodc at 1:51 pi!fh. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • ~d• Avenue: Annoying phone calls were reported In the 700 blodt at 10:44 p.m. Thursday. • Belboe Boulevard: Petty theft was reported in the 3100 blodt at 10:32 p.m. Thursday. •West B-v Avenue: lndeoent exposure was reported in the 1100 blodt at 12:39 p.m. Friday. • 8rfWOOd Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 600 blodt at 10:29 a.m. Friday. • Irvine Avenue: An auto theft was reported in the 600 blodc at 12:50 p.m. Friday. • Newport Center Drive East: A commercial burglary was reported in the 600 blodc at 10:27 a.m. Thursday. THESE NEW FABRICS W I l L A P P EAL T 0 EV ER Y 0 N E~ EVEN HUSBANDS . LESSONS Continued from Al pan so parents won't have to be sitting in the hospital waiting room to hear the doctors tell them their kid is dead,• said Laura Navarrette, the mother of 17·year·old Lacey Navarrette, who played the student who died at the hospital. "It was easy (to pretend! because when they tell you that your chlld ls dead and you see them tying there in the hospital bed you know that it could happen and it has happened Ito other parents!. It's very powerful." A GRIM SCENE While some students in the audience initinlly adopted a comedic response to the mod accident that took place on Arlington Avenue near Fairview Road, their giggles and apathetic commentary slowty subsided as the distinctive line between fantasy and reality started to blur. "I think everybody gets caught up in the moment ... even I did,• said 17·year·old Isaac Torres. wbo played the drunk driver and had 10 go through the entire arrest process. "It's changed me.· Using a mock accident scene 10 make the dangers of drunJ< driving a reality. students got a simulated sense of what the "Every 15 Minutes" national statistic represents. Symbolizing how one person either dles or is seriously injured every 15 minutes in an alcohol-related accident, a 6·foot·6 Grim Reaper led 19 juniors and seniori> to their death. lie placed a hand on their shoulder and escorted them out of clas.-. while their obituaries were read to the classmates they left behind. ··me whole reawn we got into this business ~ to help people and if we did it half WclY they would buy it half way, • said Costa Mesa Police Officer Jess Gilman. who played the Grim Reaper. "The goal is to try to touch all the different groups on campus ... they can relate a little bit more with a cro~ section of students.• The program not only tries 10 reach out to the various cliques found on a hl.gh school campus. it also attempts to address the popular notion of immortality FUN Continued from Al Once the m~c stopped, the overwhe!ming sound became the brcathJess screams of kids on the rides as they were turned upside down, thrown fur a loop and Oew througti the air on their stomachs. "That was lun.~ said Shane Lincoln. a llfth·grJder at tJ1e -.chool, as he c;1ood on terra finna COMMENTS Continued from Al At a prctriaJ lll'aring scheduled for Monday, multiple charges of animaJ cruelty and animal abuse against Ellis wili he argued by the Orange County ll\S office. For now, the mat:Jw has a perch at Newpon Beach Animal The soft folds or Vignette' Control while he mends. Newport Reach PO will aJso go ..,......,window.,,..,.,..:"""".:"-=isNdin~=-gs:='.""'."rraw,...,,,.=:-+-+-...:ah=..:.::;e;:...r th=..:.:e medical bills it has paid to ate. ~ALDEN'S A.00. Co\'Ul'I<. ANO C1rm11.1 WINlll'9 QM.IU"Q 1'63 Pla«ntia, COit.a Meu 949~38 • t •••••••••••• ......... ; .. , ..... . ..... ,,,,, ..... ,,,,, s99es &UP •• , •• , 1' 11•• ........ OfftrwldOft ........ 1M/1M11 1711701'11 tlll7CMU4 -~ .. =-~= =°lhtttd.'z•. A bird may eat like a bird, but it breaks a leg just like a person. So far, the veterinary bills have topped $3,500. According to 0 .C Dbtnct Attorney i.pokesperson Michelle Emard, "the bird is waiting 10 be placed in foster care." To he honest, the image of a bird attacking someone out of the blue seemed to ring a bell. But it took a while to put my finger on it. Then I remembered. It wasn't a bird. It was a rabbit. And in my opinion, it was o ne of the great stories of the American Presidency. It happened almost 25 years ago, which is hard enough to believe In Itself, on April 20, 1979. Motorcr11ft9 011 and Fllte Ch•nge DON LEACH I DAILY Pit.OT Nelly Barrios is led away from class by the Grim Reaper during the Every 15 Minutes Program at Costa Mesa High. Costa Mesa police officer Jess Gilman played the part of death. that many teenagers live by. Retying on more than just a fatal re-enactment, the program also incorporates emotional testimony from individuals who've experienced the grim reality of drinking and driving. A POWERFUL MESSAGE After touring the mortuary and cemetery al Pacific View Memorial Parle in Corona del Mar, and listening 10 testimony from police officers. doctors and other coriununicy members who have 10 face this reality nearly every day, the juniors and senior.. who participated in the program '3Jd they gained an undersianding of the full-scope of consequen~ that can result when someone makes a choice to drive drunk. "This is a very, very powerful message both for students and their families ... ii'<; a very worthwhile activity." said Fred Navarro, principal a1 C..osta Mc."i<I 1 ligh. "ll's inspiring 10 U.'> to have so many members of the comm unity come and give '"' much of their time." · One of those individual<> wa.., Jason Barber. In 1991 Barber went out with after soaring on the Kite Ayer ride. John Nulty, of Newpon Beach, took on a tamer challenge a) he tried to sink a basketbaJJ mto a hoop 10 win a humongou~ stuffed animal. He had as much luck as Sydney. lllal didn't ~m to dampen his spirits, though. ·we beJong to the school and want to support the school and all of our friends are here." said Nulty, whose daughter Jenna is m President Jimmy Carter managed to steal a few hour.. from his hectic schedule to go fishing on a lake near hjs hometown of Plains, Ga. A few Secret Service men and a White House photographer bobbed around in a boat nearby, but Carter told them to stay back or he'd never catch a thing, Moments later, without warning, the President reared up, grabbed an oar and started whac.king the water repeatedly WIOl U. rhe 5eerel S(:tvlce lllUvt"d in fast. shouting at the Pres1den1 to tell them what was happening. "It was a rabbit." the President shouted back. which stopped everyone in their tracks. The Secret Service asked if they could get just a little tiny bit more detail, but the same answer came back from Rowboat One. "ll was a rabbit." Well, OK then. When the Big Dog says it was a rabbit, a rabbit It was. Case closed. Back al the White House, however, the story of Jimmy and the Hare was met with far less respect from the President's staff than the Secret Service. No way, they said. Rabbits can't swim (not true) and even if they could, some friends. got drunk and decided to race. I le got in fatal car acddenl that left his younger brother dead. Barber was convicted of vehjcuJar manslaughter and spent aooul four years in prison. "lllere is no middle road when it comes to drunk driving.· he !>aid, ~ he reached the end of hb speech and tried to compose himi.clf. "lfyou·re nol part of the !.Oluuon, you're automatically pan of the problem.· A HEARTBREAKING REALITY While Barber ~hared tm emouonal '>tory, demanding the audience·s attention and ~pet.I, he w-~n·1 the only one. ~me of the '>ludenL., and paren~. who were asked to wnte letters or good-bye to their family and fnends. attempted to reru.I them aloud. Oioked up with emouon and clinging to one another, they shan.-d their angim;h over not saying "I low you," enough or not being more forgivin~ lney shared the pain of losing someone they l<Nl'<I. leaving ne-.irly everyone listening in 1ean. Mii was heartbreaking . we .. fir>t grade. "Ir'!> fun on a doutly day." After wortting up an appctlle. the fairgoer.. c;nacked on p1u..a. llaJ1an ~w.age. hamburgers and tacos. Ille tacos. C.">pec1aJJy. a re a crowd favonte. "IMy sonl danced here IMt year and we remembere<.I how good the tacos are." l>aid Skip MuUins. as he prepared to watch his M>n Jacob, 10. perfonn with Wanda's Dance Studio. they wouldn't auack a boat with a full -grown person it. No. I was not ttmused at how much they were amu~d. TI1at's when he remembered that the Whjte I louse photographer had been clickmg away. Photo~ were ordered up, fast. aqd pruducc.od faster. There it was -what looked like a rabbit anywJy, 11~ head partway above lhe water lme. Jimmy I , Staff 0. Incredibly. the bunny story -which any 1epo11e1 would have gi11e11 a l least one eye 10 break-c;tayed in its hutch for months. until August. That's when a White House source c:a.'iualJy · mentioned the Batlle of the Bunny to Associated Press reporter Brooks Jackson. Within hours, the rabbit droppings and everything else in the yard hit the fan . The story was front page in the Washington Post. and headlines aero~ the country screamed "President Attacked by IClller Rabbit: The White House, in a press release that never, ever should have been released. said the rabbit was • ... hissing menacingty, its teeth Oashing cried a lot." said 18·year·old Keanie Northrop, a senior who wa~ among the program's living dead. I ler response wru. typical of her fellow classmates'. "I think it really opens your eyes." Lacey said, as -.he dabbed her tearing eyes with a tissue. "It mak~ you appreciate what you have." The goal of the cxtcrlbive t--ducational program was 10 give .. 1udenL.., an opponuru1y to 'i<.'C Lhe potential consequences of thdr al1ion., and, hopefully, aJ1er lhem before they become a player an the Every 15 Minutes '>talisuc. "Whal a rare opportwuty you've had.·· Barber "'1!d lo the '>rudenti., parent..,, faculty. admi111 ... 1ra10~ and community member.. that filled the gym lnursday morning. "You now have 10 make ..i choice. I'm going to a'>k you today . 1ha1 you find the courngl' 111 l'hallengc and 10 ''and up agmn .. '>I drunk driving." •CHRISTINE CARRIUD covers f'ducattoo and may be reached at (9491 574-4268 or bye mail at chrtstme cam/lo " laumes com ll)(• ...chool cafcu•na ho~led a gar.tge saJe of ~ru. with 11em'i hke an exen.i.-.c hike for $25. a .,trailer for S50 and a telescope for $25. Chri., 01..en, who perfonned al the fair I ndav night with tus band, the Shm1om.·-.. '>Cooped up a rcwrd of lhc Aultcrfield Blues Rand for SO cen~ "I've been loolong for this al· bum for 35 years." sa1d Olsen, a SO·year C..Ol>ta Me.a resident and nostrili. Oared.• Armed with that, the press went bonkers. "' The next day. the Washington Po'it ran a twist on the famous ad for ·Jaws: The giant shark !'treaking up from the depths became a ferocious look.mg bunny with enormous teeth, and the unsuspecting swimmer on the surface became Jimmy Outer. with his trademarll 1eeth just o;lightJy smaller than the shark's. Years later, more than one pet so11 came fon+ru d'with a much more plausible explanation for the bizarre episode. The belligerent bunny was mo t likety a nutria -&·very large and downright mean rodent nonnaJJy found In the swamps along the Gulf Coast. The last vestige of the incident was a button that made the rounds during the 1900 presidential campajgn -•Rabbits for Reagan." So there you have IL There Is no "reason lo be fighting with animals, and never any reason to • hun them. It may cost Anthony James Ellis his freedom, and It could have cost Jimmy Carter his Nobel Peace Pri7.e. Seriously. I gotta go. FREE 100 POINT SAFETY INSPECllON If'°" would ,...., ... to know ..... fOUI' W ftlldl OOIM vlelt ue for thll ........ Oft ..... 1n1r11on. l<iizzzl Valued et 111.N. s.. DM1•'9Np for det8He. on.r \'8'kt With coupon. 6/'JVOO. CHECK IT OUT Case of the best mysteries: solved M ys1ery wrilt:~ and fans have concluded their deliberations and the verdkls are in for some of the best whodunit& o f th e new millennium. Announced this monlh by the Mystery Writers of America, the Edgar Allan Poe Awards honor mystery fiction, nonfiction, television and fiJm. Also juM revealed by Malice Domestic Ltd. were the Agatha Awards. recognizing traditional mysteries best typified by the . works of Agatha Oiristie. S.J.ROZAN WINTER ANO NIGHT For "Winter and Night," her eighth offenng ~t:...·· starring New York .. 1euths Lyd ia Olin and Bill Smith. Shamus- and Anthony-award winner S.J. Rozan received the 2003 Edgar for Besl Novel. La unched in 1994 with "Otlna Trade," the series alternates between viewpoints o f Rozan's dissimilar protagonists, a setup for dramatic tension . Told fro m Bill 's perspective, "Winter and Night,. move .. fro m New York's gritty five bo roughs to a foo1hall-c ra'l.ed New Jersey town from which the private investiga tor's lroubled teenage nephew has run away. In a tale involving 1ense family dynamics, unsolved murders and past scandals, multiple mysteries unravel in a tailspin leading to a riveting conclusio n. In the same elevated category. mystery fans awarded the Agatha 10 Donna Andrews for "Yo~ Got Murder." With a quµty sleuth from cyberspace al the center of the action (which involves tracking down the AWOL p rogrammer who created her), this is one of the most original romps of recent years. ~~-··1 f, .1 . "' I ,\I\ . . , Lil:.ely to a ppeal 10 computer buffs as weU as sci-fl fans. it's a my:slery novel that blurs the boundaries between artificial intelligence and the inteUect that presumably fashio n ed ii. For "In the Bleak Midwinter," a debut involving an unusual investiga tive pannership, Julia Spencer-Fleming received the Agatha for Best Novel. Set in the chilly Adirondacks. the action is launched when Oare Ferguson, first female priest of Millers Kill, New York finds an abandoned See CHECK, Pa1e A6 ..-,_ --... • ezsure 'The program was designed in Europ e, so it'l a little tn ppy heca11\e you are going do wn the wrong side of 1he street.· Katherine Cottrtn, Back Bay Fitness owner Not the satne ol' workout Back Bay Fitness offers high-end equipment and service for those looking for something different Lolita Harper Daily Pilot I l started with a vision. A place people who were serious about staying in shape could com e lo el.Cape the hype. crowds and pressures of larger chain gym!). Three years later, the disunctive Back Bay Fitnes.c, is in business on Irvine Avenue in Newport Beach. What makes i1 d ifferent from the rest of the facilities in lhe multi-billion-do llar weight losi.. ind ustry? It LS nol ju~t about weight lol>S. II 1s about overall wellness. !>trength. energy and feeling good . owners Ka therine Coltrin and Lisa McGh ee ~id. Both Coltrin and McGhce are certified pc"onal tnuners who felt J little '>LiOed 1n 1heir previous fac1hlat:\ Their goal wa.i. 10 create a gym where career trainers could comfortably work one-on -one wtth 1he1r chem.,, with acceSl> 10 'tate-of-1he-ar1 equ ipmen t. ·we have a chentele of affiuent professio nals who like the amenilie-. we have to offer and probably weren't getting that a l their other gyms.· McGhee ~td. rhe introduction of a vinual cycling program, being in!>talled thic, summer, give!> cuMomer.. access to a ho1 fit nel>.'\ trend, malting ils West Coast dehut at Back Bay f-'itncs.<t. Tne large 8· by 11 ·foot \creen at the front of 1he spmmng room, which contains about :w '>tauonary btkes d esigned for J p rem ium card io workout, wiU take people o n a virtual bike ride. The program takes the cyclist through winding streets, while instructing the nder to speed up, i..low down, s tand or sit. ·The program was designed in Europe, so it'i.. a litlle trippy because you are going down the wrong side of the sLrcel, • Coltrin said. WhlJe Back Bay Fitness o ffers "!>pin" cycling classes, with a live instructo r, the virtual technology will allow clients 10 come in on their own schedule, check o ut the disk and work up a great 'iweat. The virtual program A ghmpse of what you'd see while ndmg Back Bay Fitness' virtual cychng machine. which is being installed this sun mer FY1 WHAT: Back Bay Fitness WHERE: 2675 Irvine Ave. Suite A INFORMATION. (9491631-5587 can also help beginning cycler., work up their comfort and en duran<:e. Unltke set clas'jes that la'\t an hour. a p erson could custom ize their workout. depending on Lheir availability and fi tness level. wi1hou1 feeling out of Mep with the re.,t of the da~s. "TI1C' pu.,~ibili1tes of th.., !>oftwan• are endle\,," Coltrin said .. It ahu hook... up 10 !ht' cable line and 11"-J.ho a DVD player People could go 111 there and eye.It• to anything 1hey want • It \ that eager lO·plea'e ,rnd h1ghl} per,onahn•tl almo-.phere th.11 <ll'firH'' the 3-month old gym. Trainer<, 011 lotation conduct individual .,(',..ion' and clai.i.e., al thl' fanhty art· riffl'rt.•d mdMdually or 111 a package I .1d1 elhpllcal mat. hme. treadmill .md !tlair-steppt•r hac, "' m•.:n f\ \vl!h I 00 NO PLACE LIKE HOME chanm·I ... I how .irt n .. tlh JI 11g lilt \h 1 .111·1· '>Cllll llwn-I' IHI J.:t'lll'ral llll'llll 11 "lllp \,q memht·r,h1p 1 Md' l lw 1 111•111 '' 11111 1u-.1 Jn111h1r.tt111u111 1111111li••1 .11 11.11 ~ Hay I lf11t''" 1'1npl1·1111111• 111 1111 <,pl'nfi1 rt•.i ... 1ir1 .... rnd lt-.1\1' \"\lfli 1ir1·11"' gu1dam 1· \\L' 111'1 \\0!111 Ill olf•·r '"nlPll1111g lh<ll 1>t:11ph· 111.1\ 1111-., .11 l.crgc•r g\ m ... \lcC ,lw1· ""cl ..,11rnt·th111.: th.11 11'.dh .,t',, 11 .... 1pJrl WhatS new in the kitchen ood is always a hot topic around r i · lannin buying, preparing, eating or d eaning. it seems like the next meal is always right around the comer. That's why l like to take cooking classes, particularly cl~ that speciali.7,e in quick and easy menus. So. when Sur La Table offered a "Trader Joe's Goes FLShing" class with Otef Mila. I knew I had to be ln the audience. Actually, there were two Wights in the audience. My budding chef and daughter Mary Rose joined 38 other women io a quest for delicious and simple meals. Mila invited Mary Rose 10 help her in the kitchen. Since the KAREN WIGHT food networlc ha.<, alwa been Mary Roses c nc o choice, it was like her own little heaven: chopping, stirring and garnishing 1o•her heart's content. Mila brought new products from Trader Joe's -and fabulous Ideas for putting them together. TI1e first on her list of new and wonderful products was a gorgonzola and pear pizza These TRAVEL TALES pt7.7.as (in the lrl'<'IA'r ..ectHlll) art.• grt'oit appeuur-. ne pvJ.a ran be ml mlo RJ horc; d oeuvre 'illl'<l poruon' The navor comb111at1on , .... 1m.vang and you can'I gel ea..,ier than pt1pp111~ a frozen pin.a in the oven. i..hcmg ll cUld serving (just throw away the box ht'fore your guests come). The next hol 11em L., frozen spices. Trader Joe's ha..c, come through with frozen fresh herbs. The!.e 'imall green packages ha\e "cubes" of fresh garlic. ba.sil or par.Icy lhal are exactJy one teaspoon of your preferred flavoring. The garlic tac,te., just like fresh. withou t the bother of peeling and chopplr:ig. Om· of till 't"1fo11d d"h1•, 111.11 \ld.1 pr\'pclred ,., .1 Ill'\\ '-l al1111d pr111h11 t from , ,._ "ogc lllllll lkd '•l111111p If I hadn I 'l.'t'll tht r·11 l...1g1 l.1l1t•I would hJ\t' ,\,11rn 1hJ1 tht''I'' \\1•11• h111t· lob,ter' lht· tl'\tllrl' lht· ra,tt· .11111 tlw coloring art• 1clt•11111.111111t' pm u•r r o u nt l' rpart llw .,hnmp JTt' 'old m I pound pacla~<'' and 1f \'OU like -.e.tfood, \Ctll art' going to low th1., pmdu1·1 ~notht'r fast and Paw d1 ... h from the dl't'Jl \,a., ..almon "-1th pm1ur 'Wlut'(' and C'Jpt'r' fhe ..almun 1, '>t'arccl. haled. Jnd loppt•d off Wllh tJ1e 'MlU((' 011., rnuldn't See HOME. Paee A6 Retracing the ancient steps of Paul the apostle Members of Christ Church by the Sea took a Bible-based tour of Greece and Turkey. r grandeur of the Olympic stadium built on the site of the ancient games. Athens will host the 2004 SWnmer Olympic Gema. and C006trudion was Mdent throughout lhe d~ No trtp to Athens would be complete without • r:rtp to the Aaopoba to view the Parthenon. and Che YUfoul templei that crown that hOl MOit ol the PIP~ to the top of ...... ., lcnoWn . the ~·The ... vllked Ao.. In AD '9/50. md WlllS IO uplllt ..... dty tUI ot~ to kloll tl.r be pacched at;; eennan ..,..,_..~Man .. (Acll 17:11-'4). ,.., ..... Mbmt. .... ....., ......i lbe a..ll:thlp Triton. ol the Royal Olympia Cruise Unes, for a voyage into the Christian past In total. mort' than 600 persons auiSled to 1bessaJonk:a and Philippi. IWO more Gr-eek ddel visited by St. Paul In Thesaak>n.lc:a. Paul caused an uproar by~ about Jesus. and was run out ol town (.Ac:u l?:l-15). WbJle lo PhWppl the apostle met IJ'dla. who~ h ChrisUan camwt on &be P.a.wopean aindnenl. 11 -.here that be w., lmpiloned roe ,.,,. r k e9oftl (N;S 16:u•. " . -·---.. Oneoltbemolla:iq ·-·. I I •O oltt.)IUnicyw. ... nuwa. ....... The~ In Athens is one the most flmCM •OIWks., the wortd. PM .. IPC>Stll Wsbd .. dtY sound .. Yll' Nl 50, ) '· M Sunday, May 18, 2003 SUNMIST. 50% OFF 1st Session $15 Value Expires 5131/03 OJJ tM4y to stJ,,J,Je """ qpoinbulat (949.) 719-2896 2744 East Coast Hpy, 17 • .uoad floor" ~ u>t·ou dd Mar, CA 9262S u -.1,.n. HOOU 314" COLDEN MAPLE '«-fi-'"'~ DENSE SOLID HARDWOOD PLUSH CARPET $4~~ft. • losWled with Pad $ J 69 • Minimum 60 yards aq. fL Travertine 18 .. x 18,. ••••••••••••••••••••• •4.29 ... n. CeraJDlc Tile •••••••••••••••••• u.. ... u .. 11 from 14.99 ... n. Laminate Wood ••••••••••.•• hulallcd froa 14.99 ... n. Suppl/•11 and Too/JI ror tit• ~0o It Yours•Lrtn'11/" All prlce:<lproducu ror a limited""'"· ba11ed on aooilabl/lfV. TRAVEL Continued from A5 sailing through the Dardanelles to Istanbul and experiencing that ancient, beautiful city. Istanbul is the only city In the world that lies on two continents, Europe and Asia. While there the group toured the famous Blue Mosque, St. Sophia's Omrch (now a Byzantine museum), and even had llme to shop al some of the Grand Bazaar's 4,000 shops. 1Wo more ports of call were on the agenda In Turkey, f)ailili and Kushadasi. Dalk:lll Is near the ancien1 city of Pergamum, one of the seven cilies of Asia Minor mentioned in the book of Hevelation (2: 12-17). Kushadasi i!> the port near the ancient city of Ephesus. St. Paul visited this magnificent city. the most excavated and best preserved of aJI the Roman ruini. (Acts 19:1-41), and later wrote one of his epistles to the church established there. Ephesus is also one of the clues mentioned in Revelation (2: I· 7). While in Ephesus, I had the privilege of singing one of my original songs during a service of Holy Communion celebrated in the CHECK Continued from A5 newborn at the church . As unprepared for murder as sh e is for winter, i.he becornei. embro iled in an inveMigation involving both her pari!>hioners and the 1own'i. Police Oiief. Memorable characters and a palpable sense of place also draw reader'l into "The Blue HOME Continued from A5 be simpler or more delicious. Ille pin1ur 1>auce ~ a Trader Joe\ exdu .. 1vc. It is a Macedonian creation using roa.,ted rell peppers and egt..rplant. I teat; add capers and you have a 15-mjnute mas1crpicc-c. · Sut La fable had quite a few new products. My favorite addition w~ a new mitt that looked like a large plastic mitten. It give., the cook a beller feel for uw food, 1~ protl'<.tion for pans The United Scottish Socie ty of South e rn C.1/1fornia Pre~e nts the 7 I s t Annual SCOTTISH FESTIVAL Ot-c:trl,.oe Cruncy Fair & ExpoWori Unrer • Qsa Mesa May 24th & 25th, 2003 9:00 a.m. to S:OO p.m . <>-D•y AJmission: AJuh' \11 IKI • ~mo"IM & 0Hr~'ltu<ltnr'· Sl!lWl ( h1ldr~n l l-121· Em / 11JO lh1y Admis1in11: .\Jult' )1111KI • '>tn"1r,fM & (1-m'ltu<ltm'. 1-.w <h1ldrcn ll·l!1 Stl~I FES11VAL FE.A TURES: 'Opening & Clo""!< Crrtml•nlt'\ \\llh mor .. than lSO bagpipe: .md drummer mu\1nam '<..ahtr Ttl'I\ lit Otlfcr ~OHl\h A1hltll()' Out, '\\<rid hmou' "0111,h l nttrwntr Alu B..iiun 'W~ld hddltng ( hamp1on Al~air Fmer 'Bad Hagg" ' Tl"ITlpt"\I ' The Willov. Band 'Ed Miller v.11h John T"' lor ' Swcmh 1-Kldler\ 'Bonier C.Oll1t Demonstra11on •H1ghla.nd Mini( 1100· H1ghla.nd Dancer\) '(,ranada Hill~ High hool Muching Band '60 <.Ian\ I f ind iour Henragel 'Hrimh voo<h tn Lar~ Vendor Al't'a •f1hn1l' xo111sh hxxh 'Bnmh Bttr ""J m11,h. 1r1111h 1not~.' Al ~X HI A ION ti. AIA'il>AIR I RA'>tR IN < ON< J:Rl • 'ii~ Oii 1-Rll>ll l' NJ<,/11 ONI l Al")' 1 l1tl u1 H.·1111 p .m Hilton, (,1,,1a Mesa ~050 Bri~tol litrctl. Cmta Me\a. CA 9262<1 , ,,, lfl/•ir-11111/J(Jll ( "" CHOI .\70-91Ul7 or <562) 9115-1 WJ /11i/1ul~ \.II.I· 11r11/ \rnd (heck• p.,~11hll' lfl I \.~. lu P1111/1T11 M.1111111. \l1'Jll I "1h \I .. /J1,,~ "'""'·(.I\ 'JllH0-1 l"'1h Annu;tl ~<>1,l 'llllf\llVAI l>AR"l "101 RN AMF.N'I S~.OOOOO C,I ARANl"HD l'AY()I T Tournaimn1 run\ 1n con1unt1ton with the Scocti)h f t\uva.I. Enrl') let 11( SI 0 00 mdudt\ $2.00 A 00 u nctmnmg ftt 1:-ntl') fet '" add11100 to adm1rnon fee. , ,,., '"'°""'"''°" ( "" D<x: W~ncr 111181 H9-41177 '>IN<,1 1 MAI I ~01(.11 r11.<,n N<. Prul•:1 p.,,,,,,,, M•:1 1 I NI ·11 H1hon, Cm1a Mesa W50 Bmtol trttt, ltxta Mesa, CA 92626 T1Ckeo m SH.00 each A lasling of som~ of \tolland's f>nmi~r sing/~ malts. (.all or Send Check\ payable to U.S.S. to Betry Ham • 1818) S0}-4771 11111 ~ Runntnl«k St., I~ Nonh Holl)"o'ood, CA 91605 HEADO UA RIEK S H Oi l;L H~1on, Casa Mesa · .lOSO llrulol St., Colla MN, CA 92626 • 17141 }i(}. ~ $82.00 pct. (Mt IO IWO pmmt~ May I Ith it dcdiot for din l'ltt. Must Mention u,,;ud S«>ctith S«kt7 or SC'ottiwh Festini. fOI I Nf P&MAi l ON 11IOtmM W.S.th One Hmdty Ftili1¥11~ c.-.. (310) 37().9887 010) 397·3SSS "v •........ .-~.com ,., .. #46.J• "__. _..,,. ............ "'-'. ,.,.,, d ' theater. There was concem about the imminent prob8bWty of the war again.st Iraq. Though the BJOUP felt quite safe, very UttJe news reached the ship. When we finally learned that the United States had bombed Baghdad, we were just leaving Turldsb waters. We g;Uhered as a community to pray for peace, and for those who were involved in harm's way. especially our military troops. The three Qishops on the tour offered strong, comforting pastoral leadership during this unusual time. The final stop on our cruise was the lsland of P·aunos. This Greek island is where St. John wrote the book of Revelation while an exile of the Roman government in AD 95 (I :9-20). The group visited the Grotto of the Apocalypse and the Greek Orthodox monastery that sits on top of the island like a fo~. While we explored these biblical sites, we teamed a grea1 deal about Greek and Turkish culture and history and about St. Paul and his amazing witnesi. to Jesus Ouist, following his Damascus road experience. Without this missionary effort, and all the trials and hardships F.dge of Midnight," awarded an Edgar for a Best First Novel. In a story about an ex-Philadelphia cop haunted by his killing of an adolescent robber. Jona1hon King brings Florida'<; Everglades to vivid life. When the retired officer discovers the body of a kidnapped youngster on one of his swamp forays. he becomes a suspect who can clear his name only by finding the murderer Truth can be stranger than and foods up to 500 degree<; and is easy to clean. After reviewing the state of my mjn'> and potholders, I think I need to invest in a couple of these. Another winner was a ginger grater. This grater grabs the fiber out of fresh ginger and has a pocket at the bottom to hold the precious juices. Another famastic product from Sur l..a Table L'> the ceramic knife. TI1i!> knife cuts beautifully. The manufacturer 1!> headquanered in Irvine. Send in the knife and they wiU sharpen the blades for the life of the product. The sweet ending of the cl~ was a Mango f>a.sl>ion Exotique torte. Again, look iri the Trader Daily Pilot Istanbul's Blue Mosque is one of the many holy shrines in Turkey. Paul traveled through Turkey to Rome, where he was killed. he endured, it is hard to imagine what Ouistianity would be like today. We came away with a new appreciation of the maJcing of disciples. a new perspective on the Bible stories we've heard for years, and a firm commiunent to make our own witness in our own time. It was an experience of a lifetime . • THE REV. GEORGE R. CRISP is the pastor at Christ Church by the Sea United Methodist and a resident of fiction -a cllche made clear by master crime writer Joseph Wambaugh, recipient of the Edgar for Best Fact Crime for "Plre Lowr." In the story of a firefighter who may have been the twentieth century's mos1 prolific arsonist, the best-selling author explores the evolution of a p sychopath, intricacies of pyrott'chnics and dynamics hetween firefighting and law-enforcement communities. Joe's free-t.er section. It is <ilunning. it is delicious and ifs SS.99. incredible. Sur La Table's summer cooking class <iehedule is hot off the pre!>SeS. This season offers clas.~ that include ·Martini5, Munchies and Summer Cocktails'" with a menu that includes mojitos. KT's summer coolers, lemon drop martinis. 1ortilla f11panola. muffuletta salad, satays the easy way and chocola1e nut bourbon pie with ice cream. I think Annie's senior year is catchin~ up with me -this alcohol-laden etas.<; sounds mighty fine. Another class that <;<>unded in1eresting was the Newport Beach. • TRAVEL TALES runs on Sundays. Have you, or someone you know, gone on an interesting vacation recently? Tell us about your adventures in about 400 words. accompanied by a couple of photos to choose from that do not have the Daily Pilot In them, and send them to Travel Tales, 330 W Bay St., Costa • ' ~ ,.. Mesa, CA.,9~627; or &-mail coral.w1lsoli'tmtar1mes com; or fax to (949) 646-4170. If you're look.ing for a chilling story that made h eadlines in the early '90s, this one is hot. • CHECK rT OUT 1s written by the staff of the Newport Beach Public Library. This week's column 11 by Melissa Adams in collaboration with Claudia Peterman All titles may be reserved from home or office computers by accessing the catalog al www newportbeachl1brary org Picnic and Tailgate from thl' Pacific Oub. -lltis menu includes mini-baked bne en croute with dried fruit, seasonal crudt1~s with roasted garlic and goal cheese dip, penne pa!>la "8lad with artichokes and i.un-dned 1oma1oes. gourmet pressed picnic ~dwiche-; and chocola1e-covered, long-stemmed !>I rawberries. Pi ck up a brochure al Sur I.a fable. pick up a fearles... flier at Trader Joe·., and make your summer cooking exciting ... and ea ... y • KAREN WKJHT 1s a Newport Beach resident. Her column runs Sundays we are Dedicating a New Football Scoreboard at CDM WE ARE WELCOMING ANY DONATIONS TO ASSIST WITH THE COST OF THE NEW SCOREBOARD . DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE AND ALL DONORS WILL BE HONORED IN THE 2003 FOOTBALL PROGRAM. ANY DONATIONS OVER $500 WILL 0HAVE THE NAMES OF THE DONORS INSCRIBED ON THE BACK OF THE SCOREBOARD. PLEASE MAKE DONATIONS PAYABLE TO CDM FOOTBALL AND MAIL TO: ·BRENT OGDEN, JR. 1809 YACHT ENCHANTRESS NEWPORTBEACH,CA92660 THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! •subject to School Board Approval Dally Pilot AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS ltem1 to the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92827; by fax to (949) 646-4170; <><by calling (949) 674-4295. A complete lilt 11 available at www.dailypilotcom. SPECIAL OCC STUDENT FILM FESTIVAL Orange Coast College will holt It• 33rd annual Student Alm af\G Video Festival at 7 p.m . Friday at the Robert 8. M oore Theatre. The three-hour festival ls rated PG-13, with a $6 donation for entry. For more Information about the 'Jestiviil1or department: (714) · 432-6180. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. MUSIC 'AMERICANA STEW' Listeners of all ages are invited to #Americana Stew,· a free musicale at 3 p.m. today at the Newport Beacti Central Library. The Tom Corbett Band -Corbett on mandolin, David Ferguson on guitar and Bill Knopf on banjo - will play bluegrass, folk and 1 CO\mtry classics, as well as original tunes. The Newport Beacti Central Library is at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information, call (949)717-3816. INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL .. - CommlMk>n. The Newport BNctt Central Ubrary la It 1000 Avocado Ave. For more infonnation, call (949) 717-3870. MCF1C Sv.HONY'S JAZZCUJB Jim Sett, principel tube player in the Pac:ifk: Symphony Ormestra, and the Pete Christlieb Quintet w1n perform a epecial engagement at 7:30 and 9".30 p.m. June 7 In Founders Hall. Tdeta are $36 and can be purdlased at the center box offioe or online at www.ocpac.org. Information: (714) 656-ARTS. The Orange County Performing Arts Center ts 81 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beacti presents 11 jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beacti. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. ·wanted• musicians include guitar players. bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beacti. Free. (949) 675-7760. Drive, Newport Beech. Free. (949) 876-3474. ~AT THE P£UCAN The Rusty Pelican offers the mueJc of Common Ground from Wedneaday through Sundey. The band perform• from 7 to 10 p.m . Wednesday and Thul"lday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m . Friday and Sawrday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant i1 at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 842-3431. MUSIC AT PUYERS Players restaurant la now offering live music from 9 p.m . to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players ls at 612 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover ctiarge. (949) 646-5616. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beacti presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for bruncti. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FlAMENCO Tate 6. a funk. rod and Motown act, performs at 9 p .m . Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. STAGE ~CIAC PUYWRIGKTS FESTIVAL bella bella S A L ON I IT ml I.WE PAYrmfJ ... o.,a.. .. OFFERI N G (,root leng!tl hcJll eX1ero<J05 I A11emo Ufa S1roign1en1ng $~err, SALON HOUI S ' I ~Sal\.1<,bt,.),))"' ~., .. "'. ':bl''' ).h 2721 E C.OOSl Higr WOf '.,<; te 204 C 0tono oo Mor C.A ?';.t;2• 949 723 4048 31 •• lEASE ON APl1iOIED EJCR I 00 CREDIT S3 CXX> loctor I ,of.a,,. r J\ i:i 4 i'1 , """ ,,, • .., ~ '~ ~OQ pi,, IO• 6 1,,.,,,,.1 ,. WJ-.e '9"l"9 No sec.ur1l1 .>:PG'' •"I ~t!if1 j(J(Xf) tr.t" m ,,..._, ~ M'J~ 'Nm }(Jc pt;.. rr •4 ,.,. .. ,_),._.. lriJJll(rl bd 2524 ··-.... JeepTCHRYSLER COSTA MESA (877) 321-5337 TAJCI 55 'IWY IXrT FAIR DI. TO tWllOI Sunday, May 18, 2003 A7 ADVANTAGF.S OF FIXED-RATES By Da11~ Wont A~ wc'w \l't:n in o ther 1.olumn~. ad1u)table rare: mongagn nuy be: prdcrable lor J ft.w hom e huvt:r~. l·vcn wht:n ho me: lo.in tntcrt:\l rate\ .ire low. Wh.11 , though. ;m : the dc:a.r .1dvantagn of J fixed-rate: loan over an ad1ust.1hle •Pc.lle of mind You kno\\. vou rc not gmng to ~akt: up tomorrow morning \\.llh a h1ght:r mcere~r rate and hight:r monthlv pavmt:nr amount. Ii ' J dom: deal • \X'hen that: " an undl·rlying long rt:rm trcnd toward h1ghl·r 1n1t·n:.st The cultural traditions of Japan, France and Mexico will be showcased at a two-day International Festival, May 31 and June 1 at the Newport Beacti Central Library. A concert by the Primavera Ordlestra, conducted by Peter Fournier, will launch the festivities. Inspired by the cultures of Newport Beacti sister cities Okazaki, Japan, Antibes, France and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, the event will offer karate demonstrations and Japanese calligraphy, Mexican arts and crafts and French herb gardening. The event is presented by the Newport Beacti Sister City Assn., supported in part by a grant from the Newport Beacti Arts MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar. the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500 The South Coast Repertory's sixth ~--------------':...;._:...!.:....:....::~.:....:..:...:.:__ _ _.1 ratt:'>. you .ire vc-ry likely to spend le" on your home's finanung w11h a fixed-rate loan if you live tn rhc hom c longer chan rhrcc year~ p<>\,1hly a great deal lc:..s. •Thert: 1s ewn .in dcmt:nt of fl cxihil1ry. ht:lJ.U\C ffiO\I MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan. Nidc Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rod, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m . Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rock, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Part annual Pacific Playwrights Festival, featuring works in development by emerging and established writers. closes today. Fully staged world premieres by Lynn Nottage and Rolin Jones are Joined by readings and workshops of plays by Nilo Cruz, Amy Freed. Howard Korder, Donald M argulies and Jeff Whitty. South Coast Repertory is at 655 Town Center Dnve m Costa Mesa. Information or t1dcets: (714) 708-5555 or visit www.scr.org. ]'{ow Strving 'B r e a ~ J a s t , L u n c h (..~ 'D i n n e r !Locals Favorite! Since I995 "The Goocl Lile at the End cil Life" Presen~d by: Joanne Lynn, MD, MA, MS Dirtctor, Tbt Washi_"gto" Homt Cmttr for Palliativt Cart Studits Senior &starcbtr, RAND Htal&h •Using the Latest Copying Technology • 600dpi Xerox Digital Output •Quality Color Copies .39t • B&W Copies Small and Large Volume • laminating • Folding • Cutting • Stapling • Binding • Rubber Stamps ~ BLUEPRINTING • Large Vellums • Cad Plotting • Lg. 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For more 1nlorma11on c.ill mt: .u ')4'1-)' '· 120() or v1s1t m\ wt-h-.m.., .H d.1\l'Wt >~·• u>m or ond11n.lr1 ldl!.1.11m I J.J1·r U img /,," ban 1rllmr. h"mr1 111 ,\'ru•pt1ri lfri11 I• 11nrr I 11H'J 11nd ,, w11I• < 01111 .Vru•rwrt I'm prrt ml< "ldwt<J/ H.rnlur NATIONAL SALE 12 month s, no interest *, no payment s Lowes t prices of the scaso~ Jcatu ting All Anso & An so Caress products See our latest fashions made with Anso Caress featuring Karastan's relaxed look with a color palette that has traditional tones and natural berber flecks. $24 .99 sq. yd. JOHN BLOFSER CARPET ONE 1'27 s. lriltol Sen.., c... M.. (714) 751-2324 www.bloam:arpctone.ex>m ... _ ......... Eloquence Reg. Pnc-e $59!?.d. Sale Price $39~yd. I '\ Al Sundjy. May 18, 2003 FORUM HOW 10 GET PUBLISHED -a..tt.n: Mail to Editorial Paoe Edhor S.J. Cahn et the Dally Piiot 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Reeders Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 ~all: Send to dailypilot@latlmes.com • All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verificatlon purposes). The Piiot nturves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. • EDITORIALS Council complete, but still divided T he surprise ending to lhe Costa Mesa hunt for a new City Council member does not hide lhe latent problems laid b'!{C during lhe past month. ~'Most significanlly, there clearly is a great divide on lhe council about how improvements to lhe city, in particular the Westside, should be made. On one side of the chasm are ~uncilmen AIJan Mansoor and tltns Steel, who colJectively supported Eric Bever as a ,replacement for former Mayor Karen Robinson. On the other are Mayor Gary Monahan and Councilwoman Libby Cowan, who supported Mike Scheafer to filJ Robinson's seat. Bever represented a part of the city that wants to !>CC dramatic change!> made, a group loosely self-defined as Mimprovcrs." Among their ideas are rewning the bluffs on the Westside from industrial to residential, limiting the scope of the charities in the city and finding ways to clean up areac; of town~ they often refer to a!> "slums." Where some of the improvcrs get in trouble is in thei.r repeated emphasis that much of the city's problems can be traced · 10 "illegal aliens." Crime, Liash on the streets and general vagrancy are all named as direct re!>ults of "illegal alien!'.," when clearly many are guilty of these sins. including lifelong 1csiden1s. Such dL·monu.ation for that is what it amounts to -destroys the opportunity for meaningfuJ discussions about the city's future and predudes the improvers from gaining full-fledged support from Leaders like Monahan and Cowan. Those who want quick change in the city need to realize that debate about improving Costa Mesa will not become action untiJ they halt these insistent attacks on a whole group of people for problems caused oy a few. Bever, perhaps, saw this to be true when he took his name out of lhe running. paving the way for Scheafer to be appointed to the council. Still. that does not mean atl of the ideas coming from the improver camp do not deserve attention. Everyone who wants to help Costa Mesa become a better place to live and work should remember thar. as weU as hope Bever's action can be a start to a more inclusive discussion. Scheafer, too. is now in a key position to help lhe debate move forward. He spoke repeatedly about wanting to be a representative for alJ of Costa Mesa. AU of Costa Mesa, including the City Council, needs such a representative, someone who can be a bridge between different, and aJJ too often competing, groups. These groups aJJ have many good ideas about how to make Costa Mesa a better city. They now need to find out where they agree and get their ideas to work. The words of a brave young man T he 1ale, largely in hi!> words. was riveting. It recounted the April 15 <>tabbing of a 16-yea.r-old on the Westside. A Westside he had just m oved away from. A Westside he thought he knew and understood. John, whoc;e name the Pilot changed to protect his identity, ®es not seem to need the protection. He is not cowering away after the attack. in which he was stabbed several times in lhe head, neck and hand and chased. Talking to the Pilot in a May 10 story. w A new Westside for -.tabbing victim." was just a first step. I le also is working with a mentor and a Costa Mesa church to organize a "gang summ.it" to provide a forum for the issue of violence. He wilJ speak about his attack and attack back against gang violence. That's what heroes do. They also rise back up from an attack that, in pan, went this way: ti couJd feel his teeth get in and out of my body. It hurt "We just started running. My shoes were coming off. Bui I just took them off. I ran without my shoes." Some will use John's story, almost certainJy, as evidence of the danger of the Westside. And it is true that there are parts of Costa Mesa that could be safer. But recent crime statistics show that the city is headed in the right direction. Last year, the number of violent crimes plummeted 30.8% in Costa Mesa, according to preliminarycrime~atistics released by California Atty. General Bill Lockyer last month. The rwo crimes chat experienced the biggest drop were robbery, which decreased 36.8%, and aggravated assauJt, which dropped 23.2%. Police are active on the street. The city's gang unit continues to target problem areas. But no maner what officials do, incidents like what happened to John -or a shooting of two men two weeks ago -will occur. It is impossible to prevent every crime, unfortunately. John's brave actions, though, will help in me fight. THE LAST WORD Character, politics, substance A s the race for Newport-Mesa's state Senate seat speeds up. the question Ocrating around isn't "What's in 8 namer It's ·What's in a home?'' It turns out that one C3ndldate. A.uemblyma.n Ken Maddox. who repniseota C.OSta MC$8 and Gaiden Grove, l a resident of Dina Point And th t (particuJarty fClvet\ that Maddox. kept hJs voter ....,.,kin at hi!'I In-laws so he lould vote for himJelf In C.arden ~) SNm." a ltule funny to IDf'nC. n.ow. ·--. • of mune. are MDlal .. opponent. Newpon JmdJ'I '1 I 5111M,.-O John ' nd b!J C'al11paiRJl scalf. Their point: That saying you Uve one place, whUc actually laying your weary head to rest elsewhere, says a little something about a poUtician's character. A year, nearly, ahead of the primary, Md those voters paying attention to the race already have much to watch. Add In the brewing bitter fight to replace Campbell, wtth Oluck DeVore and Christi Crislf ch sparring over a OlotonJan moment by Oistich and ooe-time Ncwpon Beach council candidate Marianne Zippi off to lhe right watchinc. and polida sbOald be fun for qutle aome t..l.me. We aJJ can hope It Will become substantNe and meaniORfuJ. too. BOLTON COSTA Mf:.SA CJTY ro.J~IL T.V. NIGITT COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Solutions sought for Irvine Avenue A nother death on Irvine Avenue. ls it speed? ls it alcohol that's the cause? Or is the city of Newport Beach negligent ln having such a road? Boy, am I sick of people blaming the ciry for their and other people's mistakes. I'm roa.dn.g mad when these people get an attorney and sue the city, bJaming the city that l.rvl.ne Avenue has curws and turns. The city of Newport Beach can be sued because a road goes up and down and left and right? This ls too much. Accidents happen. and as long as people are aJJowed to drive there are going to be accidents. Accldepts do happen for reasoM that can mitigated by speed enforcemen!, checldng reckless driving and drunb screwing up. But accidents are still going to happen. Coast Highway, Balboa Boulevani, San Miguel Road, MacArthur BouJevard, it doesn't matter, accidents are still going to happen. Column shows the hypocrisy of liberal media Joe BelJ's giddy. ·gotcha" column about em Bennett's gambling is an exceUent example of the hypocrisy and inconsistency of the liberal media ("The Bell Curve,w Thursday). Not too long ago, Bill Ointon apologists and pundits were urging us to separate private behavior from pubUc roles. The former president's philandering and his subsequent parsing and perjury were explained away as involving purely personal matters that did not rise to a level warranting impeachment and/or removal from office. AdmittedJy, Benne tt suffers from the nature of bis public role. That role causes him to tell us things that we don't necessarily want to hear. He talks about morality, discipline and decUne. He Is definitely not a wgood old boy• of the Ointon ilk. But did he lie? Old his behavior humiliate his Bay itself. I guess the biggest problem reaJly ls speeding. With the increased traffic and faster cars, and the need to rush through our lives faster and faster, the traffic Dow and safery PAUL JAMES BALDWIN I've been driving on lrvine avenue for 32 yea.rs, and accidents have always been part of scenery. Now I'm not saying I approve of or accepl accidents, but the road has been improved and the road is a wonderfuJ drive along the Back Bay and should remain · along Irvine Avenue needs to be addressed. although not by straightening the road out as some suggesL Times change and we mu t change with them. so. Straighten It out7 No way. I enjoy this drive along the Back Bay on Irvine Avenue. It's beautiful, and In our car cu1ture it ls one of the most scenic drives to be bad. Sure, It's not a "Sunday" drive so to speak. but when drMng is a neceulty lt rure ls a cool view whether It's of the Santa Ana mountains or the high rt.sea of Newport Center or just the Ba.ck MAILBAG family? Did he cost the taxpayers millions of (loUars to uncover h.is transgressions7 Did he break Laws and suJly a public office? While the answer to those questions is M No,• he nevertheless has lost credibility and damaged his reputation, perhaps irreparably. At least in those areas he shares something with the other Bill. DENNIS L EVANS Newport Beach There's a difference between the Balboas La.st Sunday's "Loolcing Back" article, "Balboa Island's long gone bank," is not the first time the Daily Pilot has misplaced landmarks. Or do you simply refuse to acknowledge that there is a difference between Balboa Island and the village of Balboa on the Balboa PeninsuJa? Both Balboa and Balboa Island have I hate to suggdt it, but adding another traffic signal on Irvine Avenue is what's needed. Maybe two. And for goodness sakes, time the signals all along Irvine Avenue so traffic will Oow at decent and safe speeds. II we time and regulate the traffic Dow 1 will be able to enjoy even more this little but fantastic drive. There will be fewer accidents and less deaths, happier residents and ure will be good. • ML.IL JAMES IAUJWtN I• a Newport Beedt relident. their own post offices, so at least the federal government seems to acknowledge there is a difference. So why, all of a sudden, can't the OaiJy Pilot keep them separated? There .nevec was aba.nk. on Balboa lslaod. My grandparents lost their life savings in 1932 because of t~e failure of that bank. so I was well aware of it. lncidentally, it was a very handsome building and was really the only .. building around that would have been worth saving for lls historical and architectural significance. The idea of saving the Balboa Theater or the Port Theatre for thelr "signJflcance" is absurd. Neither of tho e had any real artistic or historical value and both of them were as cheaply built as possible. The banJc building was built to last forever and would have been welJ worth savtng in spite of Its unfortunate history. JERRY PARKS Newport Beach HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CfTY OF COSTA MESA Cotta Mes. City Hall, n Fair Drive, Cotta Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mlryor: Garv Monehen ~ncl: Libby Cowan, Allan Maneoor, Mike Sc::heafer end Chrt. SIMI CITY Of ftEWPORT BEACH Newport 8uctt City Hall, 3300 N9WpOft Blvd., Newport Beech, CA 92M3, (tMt) '4'-3309 Mlwof: s ..... Bromt>erv CGuMI: Gery Ademt, John I ...... Mn. Ok.tt ~.Gary Proctor, Tod Rldg.,,,..,. end Don w.btt Nl\WOM •M UNIFIED ICHOOL oenNCT ~a.. a.A ....... COiii Mw, CA121121, (714) 4M IOOO lup lstle .... Aobeil lllllat '-*Pt ....... Mlf1hl Auor, ~ President Dana Blad(. Oerk Serene Stoket. David Brooka, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Unda Sneen MESA CONSOLl>ATED WATER DISTRICT 198& f'tecentle Ave., Cotta M ... , CA 92827, (IMI) 831-1200 INnt. Pree6dent Jim Allllneon, Vk:e Pteektent Mb HMley, Trudy Ohl~atl, ~~~P9ul E. ~berger COSTA mM UNnMY •nacT P.O. loK 1200, COiii "-,CA mza..1200, (714) 714-&043 ~,....,.MMe Sc:Nfer,JIM ~Art,..,.,, Greg Waodelde 8nd Den w.tillglOn oau1• ccunv 10Mm OF ...... 200~ o.M, '-0. b IOIO, C09M - Meu, CA 92628-9050, {714) 966-4000 Elizabeth 0 . Parter, member, Trustee Area 5, Coste M ... , Newport 8eacti OUNGE COUNTY FAit 88 F,.r Drive. ea.ta Mesa, CA 92828, (714) 708-fAIA ~ ~tAubtn A. Smhh, Vice PNeident ~ Yttltcl'*, R8ndy Smhh. Emlty Senfofd, Peggy Heidi, Jemee 88rictl, Olbonh Cirone, lee'te A. Rev end Fnnk e..-.o mn couaa. co1••1K11 45 ff •none It., a.. 2000. Sen Fnndeco, CA M10I. (4151 IC)6.62IOO; ,..... oMce'" Long hectt, (310t -.ao71 ' :. Daily Piiot ·e10 Age:32 Potitlonj'Commanding ()fficer of Coast Guard Cutter Narwhal; 12 years with the Coast Guard Education: Bache lor's in political science from the University of Oklahoma Residence: Laguna Niguel Hobbies: Gym; relaxauon THE PEOPLE 'The people here have treated me like I've been here all my life. You have all th e yacht clubs that have rea lly taken us in. The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. They have just all be outstanding.' LIKING DANGER 'It s dangero us as soon as we leave the pier. No matter what you 're do ing, we 're by definition out there in the worst weather. We go out there when things go bad, not when things go good.· F 0 R U M ~. May 18. 2003 ,. l(ENT TREPlOW /DAILY Pll.01 U.S. Coast Guard Lt. John Kidwell will be leaving the cutter Narwhal, which 1s stationed m Corona del Mar. to return to school at San Diego State University. Catching the next ship T he U.S. Coa<,t (,uard\ JOh hru. changed <,ince ~pl. 11 . 2001 . and now focuses on '\t>turing thl• coast's harbor... I ht.• Coast Guard cutter bac,t.>d ut Lorona del Mar is the Narwhal. which arrived jus t days bcfort' thl' rrrrori.,r attacks. Lt. John Kldwell commanded the Naiwhal lhl'n and on a 41 -day trip from l.oui~iana before that. This month, Kidwell'., command ends, and he will seek a maswr'l> in educationaJ technology from San Diego State University. City f:.ditor James Meler visited Kidwell aboard the Narwhal and d iscussed th<' Coast Guard and lieutenant\ command and future. Tell me exactly why yotlre leaving the Narwhal. Ille Loast Guard ..e~ up ewry command 'iO that i1 \ a rwo year btll111g So my two year; is up I'm rece1\1ng J promotion .u1d then I II t'K' mm ing on And what's the promotlonf Full lieutenant 0 3. Where are you going to be based at that point? I'm going to Coast Guard 72 postgraduate M:hool at San Diego ~tate for a grad degree in educational technology. What euctJy do they want you to learn down there1 I'm going to be learning about perfonnance technology. how 1<> develop lesson plans. training pro~n1m ... to increase the productivtty and U.S. Coast Guard Lt. John Kidwell, based in Corona del Mar, has finished a two-year command and will noiv head south for graduate school 1rair11ng 1·nv1ronment for tht· L<i.1 ... 1 C .1i.1rd in gl'neml. What happens after Lhat? Oo you become an Instructor? I 'w been an tn~Lructor ~fore I U">l'li to 11•ach federaJ law enforcernfont. delen-.1ve tacu~ and <.tuft like th.it But whc11 I U be domg is more of a ho" 111 take that trnimng that we have and make 1t technologically bast'd to enhance the Coast Guard more on a let:hnological level to make thing-, more e..1-.aly acc~Lble 10 our members and proV1de them much better tramuig on a reaJ-urne ba'>i~ What are you going tomls$ about patrolling the locaJ waters? Ilic pt!ople The people here h.1\e tn•ated me hke I've been here c1ll rm ltfl• You have aJJ the yad1t d ub.., 111.11 haw really taken us in. The Newport Bt'ach Chamber of Commerce. fhe\ havl' JU'>! all he ouLstand111g How has patrolllng the coast changed over the years? · It has changed a lot since ~pt. 11. LOO I. That was the big change. 'IJow, understandably. I wasn't here. I duJ a 101 ur patrolling hefore then. But I knov. th.11 the tob of the Coast Guard C'h.mged so much, it really changed my 1oh as a commanding officer and hw. we look at pacrolling the coastal water.. lx>eaw.e the threacs are different. ')c1 ii l hanged for port security more -.o than lwlor1· \1on· wuant; B111 w.m h .md rt''( u1· '' '"" 1111r lm·.1d .111d 1111111·1 \\'t• do th<tl all ol tht• 111111· l\l.mm· polh11111n \\t' '>llll do that \ltl•n 1n1m1~r.11ton 1\ll 1lw1 ... 1110 Hut 1111r 111a1or loc 11' 111 the• rt't t'lll hJ'>ICll)'" port ">t'C:llnl\ Now. the Narwhal arrived here, what was It, a.bout a wet'k lxfore Sept ll? So what dJd you do with th05e nw days before Sept. 11 T \\ell, W{' h,td Wvt.'ll tht' ).'UV'> a break ~au<,e we hJd lll't rnme a -l I tla~ trnn,11 from 1ht· c .ulf c u.N of I ou1 ... i.111a I orty om• dav., .ind :;,:!00 11.au111 .ti mrlc.., Is the COB.'>t wer than L"Wr7 Mt'. pt.•r-.cmJlly, I don·1 ~nm-. ti tlH" c CJd">I ti ..,..tfc•r I c Jn t!:'ll you th.11 w1• ..,1t·prx.'d up tlw t'llon., 111 p.llrol. Hut fm '>OOU'Ollt' to \JY tht> roa .... 1 1., '><!Jer. do )Ol1 t-ver n·allv know Whdt\ ...ifer than \\ohat1 1 la., anything happenl"t.f? You may 1udge 11 hy that What does a routine day consist of these days? \ nonncll pa trol for U"> would he UJ\'l.'nng at lea'\I three qudl1er.. ul our J rt'J of n....,ponsabthty Ch l'1 k out 1>.u1<1 l'mnt, C .<itahnJ. Rainbow I larhor lnng Bca,hl. l.o<, Angel~ llarhor. obvaoui.t). FROM THE NEWSROOM -40% of the gr<>S!. nauonal product come<. mto there so that's a bag thmg for '>t'(Uflty We check out areas of ow ">l'>ter '>hip'> -Manna del Rey, Channel hldllth. \antd Barbara and a lot of lhhen ... 1uff off the (hannel Islands and up in 1twre A lot of our wne ~spent l'n ... unng the '>t"l"tinty of the pons and h.irl>'>r.., ls that very different than what yam did before Sept. II? Not nece.,;...arily difJerenL Just a '>ltghtJy different focus. Where ll used lo he mainly recreaoonal boaung safety. now 11\ that and container ships and the pon~ How often does thr Job feel dangerom? It' dangerous as soon as we leaw lhr plC'r The great thmg about t.tus JOb ii. one rrun ut e. we're escortmg a tanker into LA.. and 24 hours later, we're in 15·foot seas trying to get a sailboal back acrm.s the channel. lbat's what's great about th.is 1ob. No matter what you re doing. we're hy defiruoon out the~ m the won.t weather. We go ouc there when thin~ go bad. not when thing.., go good How was the trip from New~ aU the way around through the Panama Canal to herd IJnforgenable. Six different c:ountrlea, 12 different ports of calJ, all about a dilly or rwo. Grand Cayman. Cozumel. ~ Rica. Panama -you Just canl beat lt. It'.., defirutety sometlung people in my posmon who get the opportunity lftr th.J~ reh.Ji I was one of the few to gie.t the chance to do that. I had a great nrne. Newpon Beach ta phenomenal A tip from the 'mayor of Corona del Mar' paid off T he passing of former Newport Beach Mayor and Councilman Phil Sansone this month left many with a tinge or sadn~ And I have to Include myself on this usuredly long Ust. GreenJight and some of Its leaders. lbatwas typical gruff stuff from the "mayor of C.Orona del Mar,· who Phil Sani.one was the tipster who . led me to the biggest news story of my career. some 11 years ago. phone (celJ phones were frurly new g;idgets back then). I caUed my editor. Steve Marble (ironically now at the Times), and told him the story. All of that happened twrnre runes Mirror purchased the Pilot, so the Times had no affiliation with us. And the next day the reporters and editors there were livid that we had the story the same day as they did Sansone is at the lop of the list of my all·dme fawrite poUtida.na. Foe a reporte~ be was a dream come true. alwayl good for a story, whether It wu between dgamte breaks at council meetinp or during bis early momlng c:ocree Just before tee-time on Wednesday mominp at the Newport Beach C.Ountry Qub. -..J.._~_,..__. usedto It was October o( 1992 and I was at a meetlng at the Newpon Beach City Coundl Ownben. lronJcafJy, to bear the police department's latest plans to crack down on R>urth of JuJy revelen in West Newport. He and some other editors made some calls and we were able to break the story the same time the Los Angdes Tunes did. The Register was left in the du.st. They called around Oty Ha.ll asking who tipped us off. Ott ronner Daily Pilot sta&r. who was working at the Tunes. ~ caDed our newaoom trying 10 pick our bmlnl on our source. TB.l. rT TO THE EDn'CJR TONY DOOERO II 1he editor. He~ yourCOfi'"** oonews ~ photognlphv Of odW' ~ ..... If you hew a m 11 1199 or• lea. to 1he .-cw. cal~ dnct line• .. PMmor h Rr ' ....... ...... _.. .. bv e-mllll to tDnf Ila f rra.91 * a or ... p.tefllll II Im. OI .-.CS It bv mlll to •W.19Y St.. c-.--. CA.12Cl He was honest to a fault sometimel. but you a1w1ya knew where you atood with him. I last apok.e to Sanaone by tdephone jUlt before be left to Uve In Hawaii. I kidded him about leunin« how to IW'f. apendinc dme with bu.la dancen and.-.. too much. -· .......... CANliiipCllllllfa fram dme to ........ wmd: .... .... wrW11..,.. .... Nw+._ ~ ... wMdl ..... .. ..................... TONY DODERO castigate environ- ment.al.1st.a as .those people who are worried about the bilds and the bees." I have a apedaJ debt of gratitude to Saneone. my ftUow Italian whom 1 refem!d to as "my peilano. • that I'm gol.ng to ahare for the ftrlt time. Jouma1ilta. u 10me of you ~ are reluctant to revmJ aources of news stodes. w.a.w-~Bob ~and c.u'I Bmlstdn t.'1'11! WMICl ID newr .-i lbe dlftll lmown *1lply. Deep 11iro9I UDdl .............. ................... .... . ....... .... ~ Now rm.-. to '"1111 M Some things never change rigtlt? Wh.IJe I WU at the meeting. Sanaone tapped my shoulder ,,Md as.ke<1 me to come outside. I followed him toward the City Hall eotra.nc:e and afttt we were out.IAde of emhot of~ he fM me aome sbockJng news. FoUce Ollef Arb c.ampbel and on ot his top captains were being ued for sexual ~t by 10me dlspatchm, he 8aid. ·1 don't think anythlnc ls toina co come of It/ he told me, .. but tho t..o• ~ nma has the llorJ Thiy a.Did nw lbotlt k. And I dadt..,. dMm to...., It ... -.... Oily PIDi.. I""' •'1 ~ blillid ...................... ..... ...,.. ........ .., The story twned into a rolliddng. year-long saga that ended up with Campbell being &red aJoo& wilh bia top captain. Thny Villa. Bebe It was aver. 10 women would a1e the deputmmtand the city and sew:raJ others would I" lettlemenU. San.'Ole was cetWnJy wrong thlJ not.bing would come or It. but he Ibo became a major par1 of the story IA the city, under then Oty Manegitr Kt:vln ~~ dittction, w1derwrnt a ~ lowJld&atlon nto the depinlnenc. n. .... -IDlny chlftlm. l M* ...... p>d, jftCb lhe top fll ............... ~ w OlllfM McDia• 90 bid ID6e ,.,,_. dp. But l rwver cok1 undJ now. 1 only rell the ry today to pay~ to Sansone. u a man who aJways looked out for his cOUimunl~ even bl~ COll1IDunlfy plll>U. He plnfd the momm "'the mayor of Corona del Mar" becauae people uwted that M did lh wftl\ hi\ <X>nWruentl tn mind. noc fOt ll'IY peaooal fLlorl'. ·~ fought for hia dw ... he '°"9cS., muda and .,.. ..... ,.,..., .. CNMd .. ,, ......... .,....~ ........ ._...~ ............. a1 .. p+M1r 11.-...ta s.-.... ··--... t4t.711.27ll 949.644.9060 NIW,ORT llACH 11 ,411,0H t.oo..ly, cradidonal, 3 bedroom, family room and den wtcti btly ¥fews. t4t.7 ll.2757 COTO DI CAZA H4t,OOO N4IW custom horM wtcti ouuancfln& penonmic vtewl, Brmlian cherrywood floors, ~ldu:hen. t4t.'44.t060 ' NIWPO~ llACH f6,nt,ffo Ma&nlflcent view estate, quality wtcti S bd. suites 7.S ba. family room, library. '11.ICAN 'OINT fJ,ftt,ttt Sophisdc:lad custom 4 8d. Library. °'*' design. spa. ocean view. 949.644. 9060 Hlrvnan • Hinman 949.75t.J705 CO"ONA DIL MAR lttt,000 Ocean Yhrw. 3 bedrooms, front condo In vat condition. t4t.717.4707 MONTlllUlAT ntt,ttO Serene canyon and city li&f1cs Ylews from this Immaculate dne bedroom In pt emiere pwd community. NIW'O"T llACH ftlt,OtO Oesinble N.wpon ~ sophlsdcar.d family horn., 4 bcl 3.S ba. owr 2.SOO sq. ~ Remodeled. t4t.'44.t060 COllONA DIL MAa HH,tff Rare opponunky CD buld soudl d Paclfk ' Cout •flahwlr, IU lot. Bullet 10'.lr own condos. UDOIAI °'*' HotM ,...,,,,, Fabulous Promet lade locadon on Udo Isle. t4t.711.27ll IM'IHOAll .,,,..,... j.owily, larp horM in Bayshores. Master down. l car pnp. 3 bedrooms. 949.711.2721 LAGUNA llACH tt1f ,to0 Buutiful oc:ean view duplex. l bd. 2 ba. owner's unit abcml, I bd. I ba. unit below. 949.644.9060 NIW,ORT llACH tlH,000 Two story home on a bis lot. Downs1alrs nmcw sua, family room plus bonus, pool. t4t.'44.t060 ....... ' ., QUOTE OF THE DAY "This was a nice year, an unforgettable year." Dou1 Voldln1. Corona del Mar girls swim coach Daily Piiot - Sports Edltot Richard Dunn: (9491574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-01 70 GOLDEN WEST LEAGUE CHAMPIONS KENT TREPTOW I DAILY P1LOT The Estancia High boys track and field team went undefeated during the regular season m six dual meets and capped its special season by winning the Golden West League championship. The league title was the school's first track and field championship since 1990 under Coach Charlie Appell. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SWIMMING Silver lining emerges for Sea Kings CdM girls place second at CIF finals and win two relays for the first time in Volcling's 19-year tenure. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot BELMONT SHORE -Never had Corona del Mar High girls swim coech Doug Voiding walked out of Belmont Plaza with a plaque. That is, until Saturday's CIF Southern Section Division II finals came along. The 19-year CdM coach gleamed with joy as he held the silver-plated CIF trophy signifying a second- place finish for the CdM girls. their • highest in his tenure. "This was a nice year, an unforget· table year,· Voiding said as he picked up the chair he sat in during the meet, timing each swimmer. hoping for the best. CdM's Brittney Bowlus, Kim McKay, Jordan Anae and Alexandra Shue huddled to- gether mere feet away from Voiding. mildly jumping up and down ln gleeful celebration. They repeated to one another, "You got a 52" ... then would erupt in a cheer. The quartet had just earned an All -American time by winning the 400-yard freestyle relay in 3:34.67, beating its preliminary time of 3:39.99 set a day earlier. Anae and Bowlus, the lead and anchor, re-STEVE McCRANI< I DM.Y Pl.OT The Corona del Mar girts swim team took first in the 4()(}yard freestyle relay Saturday in CIF Division II See SEA KINGS, P11• 82 finals at Belmont Plaza in Long Beach. The Corona del Mar girts finished second overall. CATCHING UP WITH Mark Arblaster Newport Beach resident admits he is a "soccer fanatic," blowing the whistle at all levels. on a Saturday. Other ~nds he wiD have no games to go to. "1be pro games will be posted on che Web site and you haw the option of accepting it or not.• A.rblaster said. "They wtD call you wfch the youth leagues. Al. ttUt at.age ol my life. I can be pretty ftexible wfth what I do. [On May 10) l refereed an under-10 girls AYSO game. It ls juat hobby.• A putime that can be u grueling u adUIDy kicking the bell and running down the field for a player.~ do their abate of exerdsing during. pme. "The center referee mlgbt be the molt dlflicult loftldadnll job there la,. Arb&alter aUd. "t\>u problbly nm 1\19 to etx mlla per ..,...1.nc1 It ii )Ult )'OU OUI ..... . 1b blep In IOp .... Art-....._ Nnl ...,_orpoUDdai.,._..IM .......... thi ......... ,.... EYE OPENER Daily~Pik>t Spor1a Hal ol Fame ,.,.,.,..,..q;u .. ....-... • ..,... May 19 honoree CARL EHMANN Sunday, May 18, 2003 Bl THE BIG EASY Playoffs produce two-legged goat T he CIF ba..!>eball and .. ofihall playoffs are JU'il around tht· comer. easily the mo\I exn11ng time of the spring for athle1e., and 1hear fans. Already the volleyball and 1erma'> eliminations are under way · It's the chance for the b~ rlJli. hut in some cases, sadly the discovery of the two-legged goat. And that's what I'd lilce to talk about today. the goal and how to make sure you·ve really recognized at. You can find them a.n theory m Linle League or the bag leagues. bu1 mostly on the prep level ROGER when there lS no second chance an the CARLSON playoffs. One loss and it's over. and often 111 gamt·-. '' h11 h are super compeUtJ\e, om· nm '' <.tll 11 takes and one la1e ma .. 1akt· -.1·~·m' 111 l.t'I a lifetime. Don·t be fooled. It'!> the I01h mnang, our tt·.1rn h.a., scored a run in the top of thl' 111n111g and our bes1 clo..er a'> on llll' n11H11HI There are two out. bu1 1lw h,1..,t'' .ir1· loaded when on a full rnun1 .. 1 -.ult bouncer to second a., all tha1 he-. between victory and defea1. But our second b~man boot'> 11. scrambles lo has feel and fire' an off-balanced desperauon thro\'. 10 fir-.i base. h's wtde of the target It's over. we·ve lost. Two run-. ' onw across on the play and the goal hd.'> emerged. Or did it? It's true. It was the dec1\rve pla\ But the goat? What about the play 1w.t befort when the bunt couldn't be handlctl Jnd all runners were safe? What about the second inning wht·n we had our catcher on '>l'COnd and c1 drive to left found the coach wa\1ng lhe baserunner home. only 10 'el' a pt·rfet 1 peg to the plate cul ham down wath ease? What about our -.1aner. \\ho\'"' lifted after givmg up thrct> run' 011 four hits, a hit batter and 1wo walk.-. 111 tht· first two innings? What abou1 the inab1li1v lC> mow tht• runner over in the fourth mnin~. wh1th ultimately cost us a run? That aJonl' would have kept it out of extra inning-. What about ... a lot or lhang-. How easy it •~ to pouit to the lcN miscue as the goat-maker when m l<KI. so many other rrustakes wert• madl' lo set up the final error. When you're playing volleyball " the final mlSfire on a se~ thr d1fferenn•7 Hardly. If your last shot ui a b&lcetball gaml' missaand youJose by one.~ that the ultimate dlfference? Maybe, 1f yi'ttK. team was 38 of 39 from the field Rut even when your team is a resJX"(. table 25 of 39, that's 13 ocher wasted See CARLSON, P11e 83 Mark Arb&aster of Newport Beach referees about 100 soccer games a year, ranging from youth games to the Women's lMtbd Soccer Assocaabon. He f\l'IS spnnts outside ex huffs and puffs on the ~ treacbl in order to .... ~ ... ... ~ t 82 Stmay, May 18, 2003 SPORTS Oat/ Pilot HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS ·· S.aida, Warsaw impressive in firs~ round Corona del Mar goes through South Torrance in first round, 15-3, while improving to 20-0. •Corona del Mar Hlgh boys tennis coach nm Mang made a few adjustments and discovered what could be an effective dou- bles team during the Sea IClngs' 15-3 first-round victory over vis1ting South Torrance in the ClF Southern Section Division I playoffs Saturday. The Sea Kings remained unde- feated, improving to 20-0. CdM seniors lsse1 Saida and Bryan Warsaw played at No. 3 doubles and swept, recording 6-2, 6-1, 6-1 victories. Saida usu- ally plays doubles with sopho- more Welsey Miller, who com- peted at No. 2 singles.. · "Saida and Warsaw did great together: Mang said. "They really came together. That's go- ing to help us later on in CIF. They were both bustling and talking to each. That's a pretty good doubles team." Miller also fared well in sin- gles. as be collected three wins without dropping a game. Senior Garrett Snyder and sophomore Spencer Reitz also won three sets in singles and both gave up just one game each. "The singles were sttong as usual," Mang said "1bat's the second time I used Miller in sin- gles and be did well." The Sea ~play in the second round~ when they will face Santa Margarita. A roin ~will de- tennine the heme team. aFDMllorll Ant round CdM 15, s. lbnwlce 3 Slnglee -Snyder (CdM) def. Su, 6-1, def. Hamada. 6-0, def. Uyeda, 6-0; Miller (CdM) 6-0, 6-0, 8&0; Reitz (CdM), 6-1, 6-0, 6-0. ~ -Roberts-Pham (CdMl lost to Tlnaka-Tehrani. ~. def. Giles-Baye. 6-2, def. Tao-Song, 6-0; Nguyen-Glngold (CdM) lost 2-6. 1ubttltute Koury-Nguyen lolt HJ, won, 6-1; Salda-Wareaw (CdM) won, 6-2, 6-1 ,6-1. Sage wins first playoff •Sage Hill School went the distance to earn its first playoff win in the three years of the program. The Ugbtning won on games, 81 -79, after a 9-9 tie with host Savanna ln the first round of the CIF Southern Section Divi- sion V playoffs. Sage Hill's No. 3 doubles team of lan Uvingston and Ara 01- mirjlan rallied back from a 5-3 deficit In the final set of the day. which was against Savanna's No. 2 tandem. Uvingston and Dimirjian also trailed, 5-4, and were facing match point, but came back to win, 7-5, and tied the match, 9-9. Eric Burton and Tristan Cor- dier, playing at No. 1 doubles, recorded the only sweep of the match for the Ughtnlng (9-7). "It was definitely a· team ef- fort," Ugbtning Coach A.G . Longoria said. "It was exciting. There was a big cr<JWd there. nus was our first playoff win and it was probably our biggest win ever." The Ugbtning, the sl.xth seed, will face Covina Tuesday. A coin toss will decide the host. CFDMelonV Ant r04and Sage Hll I . Savanna 9 Sage Hill wins on gamt11, 81·79 Sina ... -Solodko (SH) lo1t to Tayfor, 8-7. def. Truong, 6-0, lost to IC. Tran, 2-6; Mllovantaev (SHI loet, 1-6, 2-6, won, 8-2; Chin (SH) won. 7-5, lo1t, 0-6, 0-6. Doubtel -Burton-Cordier (SHI def. Amjad-Vu, 7-6. def. Manaloto-0. Tr1n, 6-1, def. Fung-Path, M ; • Ramaoa~Montekab (SHI lo1t, 5-7. 5-7, won, 8-0; Llvlngston.Oimlrjlan (SHI won, 6-0, 7-5, lost 3-6. Sailors bow out· • Juruor Olarlie Farmer won three sets in singles, but New- pon Harbor lost to host Beverly Hills, 12-5, In the first round of the ClF Southern Section Divi- sion I playoffs Saturday. Freshman Robert Khoury nearly swept in singles, but lost his first set ln a tiebreaker, 8-6. Newport Harbor ended Its sea- son at 9-6. "We played them petty dgtlt. .. Newport Coach Jeff Thom9en saJd. ~ just came lip a little short in doubJes. They were a little more deeper than lL'I. We had a really ~ season. the teem came to- gether and 8bUted to play their best tennis toward the end of the year. .. aFDMlltfll Antr04and B4IV..ty .... 11, Newport Harbor 5 Sl119le9 -Tw.ena (NH) loet to Gurman, 0-6, lost to Han1man, 0-6, lost to Cha, 1-6; Farmer (NH) won. 7-5, 8-2, won by default; Khoury (NH) lolt. 8-7 (8-8), won. 6-2. 6-0. DoubMe -Hoctiwald-lund (NH) lo1t to Brien-Himel•. 1-6, lost to Lin-Burevman, 2-6. lost to Eidleman-Ru1poll, 2-6; Lutfy/E1pley-Jonee (NH) lost, 0-6, HI, 1-6; Oedc-Seryduk (NH) lost, 2-6, 6-7 (6-8), 0-6. COMMUNITY COLLEGE& lcban leading OCC women's track team B =-:;ac Orange Coast ~· aophomore MJcheDe lcbui. the womeo'a 11.t IDd IWd team ftnllhed leCOnd to Mt: SUI Antonio in the Southern Calt6xnia regional tnck and fleld champioDlbipl at Bakenfield c.olle8e-Jcban. the defending Slate champion in the 5,000 and 10,000 meten, won both events last weekend, r:unnin8 tbem in 17:25. 7 and 36:30, respectively. Sbe ls one of 15 Coast athletes who qualified for this weekend's - stale championships. which wrapped up Sanuday as Shasta College. Results will be prin~ lat« this wm. ... "'d I": lp .. 'IC Cll'll "'"'to • .224 ..-,...;:;..;;u Mldal. ... In. 4-1 WID CMr ......... .. llate cNmp4on RMnlde April 3. Allen (anMd • tcbool record 18 betters. Tbe left-bands ftnlahed s-5 with a complete games. Mathes led the Piratel, wbo · finiabed lhe seuon 19-21-1, 8-16 ln the OEC In home rune (8), RBll (35), total balC!I (II} and slugging percentage (.599), ·while comming all four olhil stolen·bue attempca. ' PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT lcban raced to a 36.53 at last yea(• Southern California dwnpiomblpt, wbicb at the time WU the third faatest in C)CC history. ... Stanley appeared In 96 ot. pouible 97 games in hll two-year Cout qreer, blldag .342 thit aeuan with a ·team-leading LI~ n.o Corona del Mar's Lexie Shue swims to a fourth-place finish in the 500.yard freestyle Saturday in CIF Division II finals at Belmont P1aza in Long Beach, where the Sea t\mgs were second as a team. Shue also swam on the winning 4()0.yard free relay. SEA KINGS Continued from B 1 spectively, finished with split times of 52.61 and 52.84. leading CdM to one of its rwo relay titles. Voiding said this was the first time he has had either a relay or individual champion at a CIF fi - nals meet. "We were so pumped up, we wanted this so bad," Shue said of tl1e 400 relay. which was hotly contested by Sunny Hills and champion Upland. Sunny Hills' Carissa Abe swam a 52.15 in the final leg. but it wasn't enough as Bowlus, a senior who will attend UCLA to play water polo in the fall, maintained what slim lead Cd.M had and touched the wall first, leading Voiding to raise bis anns in the air. McKay had a 53.55 split while Shue finished in 55.67. "We got motivated and I didn't even think about the pain," Shue said of the tendinitis she has in both shoulders. ·[Voiding) wanted it so bad." Last week. CdM finished the 400 free relay in 3:37 .30 to defeat University for the Pacific Coast League title. Anae, McKay. Bowlus and Vivian Liao were also victorious in the 200 free relay (1:40.22), holding off Upland (1 :4127). uwe have great relay teams this year." Voiding said. "Unfortu- nately, we got disqualified in the CIF relays or else we would have had a legitimate shot" Relays count for more points. First place earns 40 points with second tallying 34. In individual events, the first-place swimmer gains 20 points with second place earning 17. CdM was disqualified in the 400 free relay at the OF Millikan Southern Section relay finals in March, but managed to take fourth place, at the time, the highest finish for a CdM team coached by Voiding. That is, until Saturday. "In past years, our only opportunities have been in the opening and closing relays," Voiding said. CdM's depth helped to Its second-place standing Saturday. The Sea Kings were entered in every event except the 100 bunerOy and had four swimmers competing in four events. CdM's Jordan Anae placed third in the CIF Division 111 QO.yard . backstroke Saturday at Belmont P1aza. Anae also took second in the 100 freestyle and swam on two winning relays. Anae, a sophomore, finished second in the 100 free (53.15) and third in the 100 backstroke (59.26) while Bowlus placed third in the SO free (24.60) and seventh in the 100 free (53.80). Anae beat her preliminary time in the I 00 free by more than a second. "I tried to c6nserve energy for the final SO yards," Anae said "I 56.-40. was trying to get in the 52s. but a 53.15 is my best so far. I couldn't "He swam really great. I'm stoked," CdM boys coach Tun Salvi- aslt for more." Anae swam 542 at last year's CIF finals. no said. Shue finished fourth in the 500 free (5:05.87) ~fifth in the Tumua. along wfth Bowlus, and senior Quistlna Hewko, who 200 individual medley (2:07.75). McKay placed 10th In the 500 will play water polo at Stanford, gave Jordan hu&1 after her per- f'ree (5:20.14), beating her prelim time (5:25.07), while taJd.ng 15th fonnance In the 100 free. in the 200 free (2:01.51). •u was more ofa team-effort this year, not to say that last year Uao swam the 100 free In SS.97 and Tumua Anae placed 10th wasn't, but we've all really grown a lot," Jordan said. •We're real in the 100 breaststroke (1:09.65), besting her pcelim time of close." 1:09.n . "We had so many people this year, sol thought we could do CdM'a boys team bad just one .unmer competing Saturday: well u a team," Bowlus aald She will attend a four-day tryout sophomore Brian Buhagtar tn the 100 beck. 8uhaglar placed ftrlt aession in Boca Raton. Aa., next weekend for a spat on the U.S. in the conaoladon 6nal wfth a SS.61, beedng hil pretim dme of· nadonal water Polo team. Jennifer Finaldi. the defending state cbarnpton in the pole vault. took 8r8I place at the regjonals wtlb a deuance of 11 !Rt. 6 irlChea. the aame bdght she won last year'a ltale dde Art Diaz ftnllbed ftnlt In the 10,000 (31:49.22) while placing second in the 5.000 (15:03.39) to qualify in both evetlQ for the Coast men, who took flflh place with 57 points at the rqionals. Sophomore Keinan Briga ran a 14.S ln the 110 b.igb hwdles, beating hla prellmi.nary time (15.JO) to Gnilh eecond. He took d:Urd In the triple jwnp wlth a mp oC 48-lOY .. Brias set the ooc rec:iOrd emtl.er rh1s year in the 110 with. 14.2 cloddng. )loMeM ~placed third fn borne runs, 29 RBle and 30 rum scored. StanJey conduded die aeuon going 7 for 13 whb four doubles, • home nm. he RBis and three runs tcOncL Hanna led the Pinta In bitting (.368) aAs mavlnc flOm the leadot.r apot to No. 3 emty in the leUOI'. He led the lluca In runs (41), hits (57), llolen buel (15) aod on-bue peraotlp (.'60), wbUe poltJng • .503 • alugglng pen:m~ Saddleback'a Rob JOhMoo and Cypreu' JUOQ V.,.-wen named Co-MOit V..._.. Players for the OBC. Cypnee' Scott Pickler and RMnkle'1 . • Dennie Kogen were rel relid Co<.oecbet of the Year. thewomen'l 1,500 (4;49.44) while ••• taking fourth ID the 800 (2:17.61). QCC men'a ~ coiida lwa Jo.oea WU right behind her in Steve Spencler and hil ... wtll ftftb ~ in the 1,500 (4:54.26}. coodua the Piiate ,.t ..... Jooes &li6 Mhanced to state In Camp for two .a8'onl ...... me 5,000, where. pllced ddrd Inside Petenon ~ (17:50.25). 1be flnl Mli6on .... ."-- and Salas 16-19 while lbe MCCMld .. be AR BLASTER Continued from Bl to llx ct.ys per week. With proper ftb1etl. Alblutet. vice prmidmt of The Keller Group. an IMne inYeltr'nerit "W'FIUnent arm. II more Ible to polldon tm.ell at me Idell ..... '° illlb. cal. what 10,000 afher people m.lgJtt eee. • Alblaster aaJd. "1b see what oocuned wtth a camera gives a dlllwa11 mngle than what f viewed wllh my eyd>a11a." Alblllter wlB review hhmell. Witdllril llml of pmel he caUs. nannally collp or pro. He allo wiilcbel ID ..... o( 10 pmet awelkoo~. Arabian and Jamaican men's national teams played an exhlbidon for a tournamenL That IA the clotest Albluter has come to refereeing lntern.adonal compeddon, which tncludet the World Cup. SocoeRpa.,q~ F6d6rldGt lnUmldonal6 De FOodJlll .Al9orMdoo. ... nflreeaupto .. 37,~lt dMlalll for some to dmb lhi ranb 11 lhey rcaned Ma Iller• retirement age for 45 in FIFA. unlike other sport.a where people are going until thelr late SO.." Arblaster aaJd. "The amount of running and physical demandt an oftlciaJ tUm. h ls pretty • much I young man's doma.ln. I've lclnd ofh!t the plate.u." the Atlanta Beat against the Botton 8~ May 25 . ., Following his trip to Botton, Atbla.ster will hustle back to get reedy ror the kickoff of the Dally Pilot Cup, ICheduJed to begin May 28 at the Rum Complex ln CoaaMma.. • fourth·grade boys teama for Mariners. •t can't th1nk of any other event where you get to play for your elementary rcboof ap1ntt one another,• Atbluter Mid. "£verythJng elte t.My do lt recreedonaJ or with dub. The mix of publlc and pmaae tcboOlt la peet. It II a cha.nc:e to ftnd out about anocher ec:hool It II a lntni ~ Qlp; bul lntteed ot natlonl, dtift ... tdioc*.. ·rt JUI' don\ ... lbe betC ~ JUll'N noc llldy to 1ee ·1aowet11e..-. rma t.n.dc."belllkl .. maet IDflftOnlble mommt oftk"""• mne when the Saudi "There'a • mandato.y J 1Wo weekl qo Alt>laeer refeteed an ahJbfdon lnvoMna che Lot Maelel c.luy .. Cal State Pullenoo Ind he It Kheduled to ., to &oeton to otldace a WUSA pme pinin8 Arbluter WW coech hit 1on G9Ytn ind the rest of lbe Martnen'FJemenwy Sc:bool " ftftb. and tbth·IJlide boys team In d"8 )'fJIU'I Qip. ..... ,... Art>mter coached fWD third-and S PORTS BRIEFLY UCl's Tozier wins 800 UC Irvine senior Darrell Tozier won the 800 meters in the Big West Conference track and field championships Saturday at Cal State Northrtdge. Tozier, who also won the event in 2001, finished with a time of 1:5 1.75. Sophomore Scon Jarvis finished third in the 400 hurdles in 52.32, the fifth-fastest lime in UCJ history. and qualified for the NCAA regjonaJ championships at Stanford May 30-31. Jarvis placed sixth in the 11 o high hurdles with a time of 14.60. Freshman Ricky Barnes finish ed sixth in th e 1,500 meten. (3:53.88), while freshman Jon Wratten was sixth Wld senior Santosh Swamid~ seventh in the high jump after both cleared 6 feet. 5~ inches. Sophomore Jeremy Torres was M!Venth in the pole vauJt at 15-7 and freshman Aaron C..orbett wru. eighth at 15-I. Sopho more Kenny Vinh finJ:.hed eighth in the II 0 high hurdles in 15.11. fhe Anteater men finished eighth with 46\.-', poinb, a!> Utah S~e won the titJe with 152\1,. -On the wom en's l>ide, senior fel>.'>ica Stafford finished M:cond tn the javelin throw with a mark of 141 -9 (No. 3 in UCI history) to qualify for th e NCAA regionab. Shi! fimshed M:Vt!nth an the 100 hurdles ( 14.73). Senior Wendy Ch an finished thfrd in the 800 (2: I 0. 71) and fifth in thl' 1,500 (4:39.37). Junior Lauren Adams plact!d fourth in the 400 (56.47) and wphomore Amber Nefas was sixth (56.92) Sophomore l:rin Curtis was fifth in the I 00 (12.08), junior Annmane Tuipan placed fifth an the 100 hurdle!. (1 4.69) and sophomore ~w.anne Purmon was fifth m th!! 400 hur- dles (61.90). Senior Cathy Picha Wdb i.IXlh 111 the 800 (2: 14 .40) and junior Kim Ramirez was e ighth in 2: 18.58. The UU women's team finisht!d fourth Wlth n poln tl>, as Idaho won the meet with 213. ln Friday's action at the Big West Championships, Curtis fin- ished third in th e pole vault with a mark of 12-4 and senior Usa Massoth placed sixth in the golf seru.on came to an end Sat- 10,000 (39:04.72). ln the men's urday as the Anteaters finished 3,000 steeplechase, senior lfavis 12th in the NCAA West regjonaJ Morisoli finished seventh at Washington Natio nal in (9:22.39), and junior J.J. Stein Auburn, Wash. was seventh in the javelin throw . lJCI finished with a 54-hole (18 1-3). totaJ of 889 strokes. fo ur i.hy of OCc . . a top IO finish 1hat would have flOVlce takes thtrd sent the Anteaters to the NCM • aOWJNG: The Orange championships in Stillwa ter, Coast ColJege second novice Okla., May 27-30. UCIA led the e ight finished third in the finals 10 team & that will a dvance with at the Pacific Coast rowing a three -round total of 864. Ari- champion shipi; Saturday a t w na was sernnd a t 865 while Lake Natoma in Sacramento. UNLV a nd Georgia tied for third The Pirates competed in at 871. three races. Their l>econd nov-New Mexico\ Michael Let.tig ice eight earned the highe!>t fin-wai. the individual champion ish. coming m third in 6:31.9. with an 8-under par total of 208 The eight included. Kevin over three rounds. Pep perdine's OToole. Evan faucher, Nick Michael Putnam shot a course· O'Leary, Oui!'. Hernandez, Tyler record 64 Satu rday to finish sec- Reich, Sean Nill!'.on, Marty Schi-ond with a 54 hole score of 210. b ier, Tim Carpenter at stroke UCI senior Make Lavery fi n - and Frances Assa! the c~wain. isht!d 33rd at 221 after firing a OCC did not ad vance to the I-under 71 m the laM round. finals in the open fou r race. Senior Ryan Armstrong. with a while the Piratel>' n ovice four 76 Saturday. was 37th (222), finished fo urth in the fi nals, in senior Jeff Coburn shot 74 an 7:02.2, JUSt six-tenths o f a M!C· the fin al round to finish 49th ond ahead of San Diego State. (223), ai. did junior Vinnie Pon- The Bucs' novice eight and d nu, who had a 75. Fresh man varsity eight will be competing Jay 01oe i.ho t a 76 Sa1urday to in preli minary heats thii. m orn-finish 106th at 234. ing in attempt to advance to the finah later in the afternoon. Sage duo ends seaso n •TRACK AND FIELD: Sagi.! I till School junior Braden Uar· nell a nd Laura Gordon com peted in the CIF Southern Sec- tion Division IV track and field preliminaries Saturday at Mt. ~n Antonio College. Barnett finished 21 '>t in the boys '>hot put (42 feet. 10 mchesl and 24th in the discus (108-1). Gordon recorded a personal record m the triple 1um p (34·6), finished 10th and came within an inch o f advancing to the cu: finals. She also fi nished 25th in th e 300 hurdles (52.1 J. Gordon and Barn'ett won Academy League titles in 1heir respective rwo events last week.. UCI fini shes 12th •GOLF: The UC lrvm e men's Highlanders edge UCI • MSE81\U.: In a da'>'>ic pitcher':. duel, UC Riverside\ t\.J. Shap pi won the battle owr ucr .. <;lenn Swanson a.'> the hoc,1 I ligh- lander.. edged the 'Eater'>. 2· I. in Big West <..onferencc b.aseball action S<iturday night Htver..ade broke a I I lie 111 the <>eventh when lony 1-e'>ta ..cored cm a wild patch. Jon t lor- wtl/ had the only Irvine HBI. ~wanlton gave up only three hat'> m 6Yo annang'> and one earned run. but '>uffered the IO'>S. whale Shappi '>truck out 10 and walked one an tossing a five hit complete game. Bia West Conference UC Riverside 2. UC Irvine 1 Score by Innings UCI ooo boo 100 1 s 2 UCA ooo 010 10. 2 4 , Swanson. Schroer 171 and Wagner. Shapp1 and Emmons W Shapp1, 11 2 L Swanson. 2 9 28 Falk IA) YOUTH SOFTBALL Black Attack battles for championship Red Hot Tamales edge locals in international-play extra inning. The Newport Beach Pacific Coast Girls Fastpitch 8-and-under Black Attack ban.led It out with the Red Hot Tamales again in a fight for a championship bid against the undefeated Gold Crush. ln a previous meeting last week the two teclJN faced each other in a heated game. in which the Attadt came out woded their way through the losers bracket and advanced to play the Attack again last Monday at Arroyo Park. League Vice President Jban Vm Hell called this semJflnal matchup game, •me best 8-and-under game the league has ever seen." The teams were tied at the end of regular play and for the first time In league history, both teams underwent the rules of International play, wherein a runner i8 started at second base at the beginning of the extra 1nnbJc. The vtsltfn8 Hot Tlmales batted first and failed to ecore as Attack's pitcher, IJnaen Robul. who hurled three consecutive ltrlbout.a. The Attadt came to bat and put a deslgnated runner on second base. With rwo outs and Hmm V... ~on third-base. Mllpn CARLSON C<>ntiooed from Bl COURTESY Of' KENT HAWKINS Megan Hawt<ins of Black Attack prepares for the next pitch. l:lawldm pounded out a single and Van Voorhis scored the winning run. However, due to problems with conflicts in the rules, both teams were forced into playing the extra innings over again. The Black Attack took the field again and this time the Red HQ&, 1amales came up with a blg~t and scored one run. The Black Attack had DeAanle Own up with one out and the potential game-tying run on third. Owrn hammered the ball at the pitcher, hitting lnto a 1nap on the lut play of the pme a t the Harbor \·yard line and the upset bid waa quu bed. But did tbat tpedk play loee thepinef wt.a 8bout the other mtlltll ...... by bocb ..... Whldl weien'l ao otMGUlf ff a ........ °' ...... enon. and lft ...... cmm.jultona;wmw ill& 'Id, CdM WaUldn"l M9t ......................... s..aa..crauld ........... bildlelMlcwoa.--. WlllR-.cbe~ ' ) double play and the game ended for a second and ·final time. IClnten Rohan. AJaand.ra Steiner, 8.-oob Stbuon. and vanVoorhis had two hits and one RBI each wbUe Hawkins had three hits and one RBI. leepn DennJI and NataUe O'Neil both had singles and one RBI each. Owen and Cuurtnet 8lvwn had pat plays on defense. The Red Hot 'JamaJes advance to face the Gold Crush to determine first and second place. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebraMll the Daly Piors Athlete cfthe Week series TODAY 22 -James Brydnt Costa Mesa Boys basketball, '97. '98 22 -Tma Nguyen Orange Coast Women's volleyball, ·oo SCHEDULE TODAY Baseball College -UC Irvine at UC Riverside, 1 p m. E UESTRIAN CdM w in s team title The Corona dcl Mar I Ilg.Ii dub tt'am won the l11ll'r\chola!>lic: Equestrian IA::aguC' owrall var'>ily title for the recmtly LOmplt•ll'd '>ea.5011. Anne Schrol'dt'r t'amecJ the overall champaon.,lup 111 thn'l' val"'>ity 1umper dd..,'>t''>, while Nat ole Kim w~ \ar .. ny lhdmpron 111 hunt <>eal eqwtdllon Wh1Uley Ro} wa., runnl'r up an V-dr..lly eqUlldll011 OH·r lt•nle\ .and wa., thud 111 Ln~h'>h pied'> ure. On the junior vaNty k-vd. It''> '>iC<J Jane'> W'cL' third an dll three 1umper cla.'>'>t"'>. Tht> LdM lre'>hrnan le.un wa'> runner-up 111 tht' overall '>Hind mgi.. Kaue Jone'> wa., third 111 equa talion owr fence'>. work.mi.: hunt er'> and 11:1 med.ii on the lrt•'h man level. Freshman rider MrKt•1111a Janes wa., third in h unt <>eat equ1lation. while limt Di Sano wa.. Lhe champion of 1ra1nanK level lt">ts three and four in freshman dre!>!>age. Othe r LdM rider<; who partici- pated th!'> '>C'a'>Oll werl' Julia Koettmg, k i...'>lca , C...m.lelurca, I.aura Peck and Kaue Wade. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TRACK Whalen go ing up, over WAJNITT -Mater I>et 1 lagh 1un1or 8nan Whalen. a Nt:WpOrt Beach resident. qualified for the CJ .. Southern Section D1vts1on II track and field final-. May 24 in the boy'> pole vault alter dearing 14 feet. 6 inches in the !Jivi'>aun II prelimanarie .. Fnday 111gh1 at Ml San An tonio t.olJege . Whalen, who won tht· 'i<·rra League champion.,hip ear11er th1' month, broke d '>t:hool re cord in the pole vault tJtrt'e week.\ ago in a dual mee1 dgatml "it. John Bosco, when he dt'ared 14 q The prt"VIOU'> Mdter lka rt cord uf 14 8 ww. l•J>ld1'la'>ht:' ..even yeaf'> ago by "" brothel led, who wl.!nt on 10 tontpt'lt' 11. the me11\ pole vault JI Ndu.a.,lw In tlw '>em.a I ..t.·agut· 1111.11· Hna11 Whdll'll Wt'lll U\l I .11 I > I . hua 111 .. h,mcJ gr.vt·d tltt h..ia th< way down. I le hope'> 111 1 1.11 I.. 11 1 15 fool bdfner 111 tlll' fll1'ht•c1-.<11 whwh u111unut•\ wi1h alw C II 111 vt'>lun II final'> di < t'll 11u' ( ol lege. In tJw < II p1l'l11m, Wl1.al1•11 4ualtfit:d fourth 111 tht· !add YOUTH SOCCER O C United tryouts today I he Orangt' <.oa-.1 United \Ix -hoy'> anti girl., uratlt·r I I ,111tl I · t er <Jub tryOUb will he tucJJ} di from .!. \0 p 111 IO 1 p Ill di II• L'>tanna lla~h with tht• follo'Amg hoy., .and girl-. undt·r I 1 I ti <1111.J 111ne ,d1cdules: ISoy' .ml.I girl' Ii' from .t pm lo 'i SO p 111 I >t undl'r <J. 10. 11. and J L will If) tail' flj llj) b.11 7Hhh 111 1·111.ul 1,1 nut from I p.m to :!:'\O pm . 111'>hfi1 a11b1 tom SIGN-UPS GOING ON NOW! PERFORM AT THE OIUUIGE COUllTY FAIR WITH THE llCDA SUMMER CAMP AQ~~ ... ~~~~~~~~~~==~~::2~!!!!!!~!!~ }~5:.11 [Jth l .1mp "'" h,I\.: ah.: upponunu~ tu p.:rfurm Jl ah, 0 < I .111' 1-.tth lJOlJl 1mlud<'' l '.\h1n. Shun' l J "t:l k IJJl'' '''"" 1 .. u1111,, ·h6 lc:dm ph111u. 1111111 I'""'' '""l "' .md .11lm1"'"" '" 1h,· I>< I .111 'f I( ' , ~ r,, ,I ,. I ('', ,,, I h I 11 A ,,, ( I ,, "'II 1,,,1/1.i.l11f•t/l11 / \H.11ilt1 ,._,,, .i1ul\/l\t 1/•/''' \ '"I,,,,,,,,'"''' "',, ,.,,,,,,,, f ,,,,, I ,, /111JI • ·~· " t Jlt ,. • "', •~Ii '1111. ,,,,,, , I ., ~"' Al/\ I \( l~I"• t ,, '"' ,Jli./ /" , , I 1ua.I ~' "'''•'''' "''' lu' I "'',,/\ luJ' H 1, ~,,, \1 ,11 ' ,. 11111 1 1 1 , • \\r art'""'" ollt'rini: birthdJ~ pJr1it'' .. 1 'h i \ --------:.:::;......_ ~ Sign Up For Year-Round Competition Teams :E:; Beginning Week Of August 1 Bthl ~ ---... -;r LIMITED SPACE! CALL FOR REGISTRAJ ION! HILD AT: IOYS I GIRLS CLUB, 2fl 1 TUST1ll AVE., COSTA MUA JUN 23. 24, 25, :ze. 27 J""Y 14, 15, HI, 17, 18 July 28, 29 30 31 Auv 1 JV.ME .JUJ.)' I JULY/AVG. 1 to 4 pm 1 to 4 pm 1 to 4 pm Peffonn 81 O.C F-Peor1onn 81 0 C F-Peor10<m 111 0 I.. July 18, 5 pm July 18, 5 pm AUii 3 2 pm COST 1128 NR CA9 • RRGISTIR AFTIR ~ 8, 1140 Nit CAM MGISTER fOlll 2lm CA9 fOlll Ol&.Y 1111 Let them know how proud you are! A spec 1JI pclg<' will publ1~h in the-Daily Pr lot on F rrday, Junl' .!O lo honor our grJdu.1tl''> For your ddughter, son. irll'nd or '>pe<:1JI ~onwom• bt ,1 1Jc1n 111 1111, tribute tor only $40 00 r lx.l. ad) Frll an the torrn below .ind mail 11 111 u' \\ 1lh 1h1 11 photo Be '>Urt• to pu't lhe name .ind ,1dclrC'S'-on the b<td 01 1h, · p ho111 .111d "'• 11 return rt to you Graduate's Information: Submitted by: CraduJtt•., N.1me xhool N.ime ~boul lf>t' >:1.ulu.111• I lobb·•·, tnti•11·'1' <" 111111r1• (II.in• tL rmrt('(f to .l(I ~w1d 11w, ... 1~1· Address. ________________ _ Credit Card No. Exp __ Signature for credit card:----------- tll you prefer. you '™I' endow $40 chKk ~ p.J~.Jhlr tn ·n,,1.., f'1lol ·1 I M.111 this form M>-1th pho(o to 2()()9~" D AILY PttOT 330 W. Bay Street • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 How to Place A CL~SSIFIEJAD By Fax (949) 631-6594 (PlcakiDdllilt)(lW-·-...tle!• By Phone (949) 642-5678 By MaWln Person: )JO West Bay Slreet Costa Mesa. CA wm Al NeWpM Blvd. & Bay SL Hours: -----Policy · ltates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher merves tbe right IO censor, reclassify, revi~ or reject any clusilied adverti.aement. Please repon any error that mlY be io yow classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liablHty for any enor in an advertisement ror which it may be responsible except for the cost or the space accu.ally occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. -----Deadlines------. Monday ..................... Friday S:OOpm Friday ....... Thunday S:OOpm Tueiday .................. Monday S:OOpm Saturday ..... .. Friday 3:00pm wr:;· .._ PAdl Weet for Only S32 per_. (4Wttil mi.tlinun). (II ..... '"" S1+.4:24S ~ I . " ' I J l ., I ' I Telephone 8:30am-S~ Monday-Friday Walk-In 8.:JOu..S:OOpm Monday-Friday Wednesday ............. Tuesday S:OOpm Thursday ........... Wednesday S:OOpm Sundlly ................ Fridlsy S:OOpm f'AClfK VllW · Bay vi.w T errece lot II 370, private party S7000/obo 714-772-3441 ,... View ...... ~ Glew. Excellent "Jocatlon. Worth SlSK, se1 .-!91Vobo. ~Dl .(oildlMll ............. 1161 ~°" ss • ucous nc -c::ai.r. Ek 5as ' IDs Ill. Mic. sp.r, tube ~ Mike 949·6A5·7505 ·----------------:Clllndlr of &Intl 1310 IQUMDSllG ClffOlnmY -All real estate ado.et· t1stn1 on this newspaper ft subrect lo the r edefal ''" Hous1n1 Act of 1968 as amended which -.nelo.es •I 1lle1al to advertise "a"y prefe< ;en ce, llmotation or .d1sc11m1n11toon based on .race, color. reh11on. su. •handicap, famlhal status •Of national or iain. or an :intention lo make any .such preference, limola •lion or d1M:flm1n•lJon: • Thos newspaper will •not know1n111y accept :•ny 1dwrl1s,emenl !Of .real estate which os on violation of the law. Our •re•ders are hereby .mfOfmed that all dwell .1n1s advertos,ed on this newspaper are 1va1lable •on an equal opportunity :basis. • To complain of dis c11m1natoon, catt HUD toll· free •I l ·S00..424-8590. ' OlcMi Style Fumltln f'tANOS ' Collectlblet ·-·-·-·-·Oii<.-$$ CASH PAID$$ .......... .,,.,.. ....... WE BUY ESTATES ·-tr.ndy- ,...---------, CONSIGN MENTS ' \ ~ 4 • I ' ''< •' ' I -• I j .:~ soi13'1cd8A5T nw ....... .._A-. CA tr1tl -4'-CA•* 1510 2465 flNANCW SICllTS Of .._. S4lp« W..ttltyt len Techniques the the wealthy use •--yday to incnw U-Mllth If you truly desire lo aclwt financial securoly You must NW thlS! 1-877-891 3260 S20 V/MC/OISC by Patrick LeM!eux, author of lnestmenl 11.tsocs f rH S/H (CAl •SCAN) llgalNallca 2640 Rdlllm ..... "-*'-' The foflowmc persons are do1n1 busmus H •) fRANK & MARY'S DRAPERY, b) lHE DRAPERY MANN, c) FRANK & MA RY'S DRAPERY MANN, 3261 W. MacAr\llur Blvd 1108, Santa Ana. Calif 92704 ~ry K. Yuzva, 7728 C11stbrook Wy, St<1nlon, Calif. 90680 Michael Oouelu Huahes. 1329 E Isl SI #I, Lone Be•ch, Cahf 90802 -DB.RY/ 3460 flNMIOM Hons °' ,._ S.,--W..ttltyt Ten Techniques the the wulthy use ewirymy lo illcrese theS wulth. H you truly desire to achlw fln1ncltl securlly·You must hive this! 1-877-891· 329> $20 v~ by Pa~ LeiM*u, author of IM5tment 81$1C$. free S/H(CAL•~) This business Is con· dueled by: " aeneral ptrlnership Have you started dolna buslnus yet? Yes, l·l · 03 MaryK. Yuzv• This sl•tement WI$ toled woth the County Clerk ol Or anae County on 03/28/03 200StJH7t Dally Pilot Apr. 27, M1y 4, II. 18, 2003 Sv016 NfW GI WA.SHEi, PAID $400. WIU sru FOi $200. PUASI CAU 714-SS•-•SS7 JOHN CC Monoiium 3 year old blach dbl oven~ SIOO Clll (949) 760 0162 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-tC....N .... Old Colnsl Gold. sliver, jew*y. Witches. .nllques collectibles 949-6'2·9448 STUT A SUC<ISSIUl honl9 euu-that ~ money 11 the fFst monthl '5~$20.<m per monttl 1~2B7-0!0S two'"'"'* Cll:I 3f10 recorded mesu1e. tOO+ .-sc&JCB> ll11TIN5. CATS. DOCS photos on h www.anrnlh!tworiula Adopbom. f ah>rl lsWd 3) DAY IVol TH Gl.WIAHTE.C ~2Z/9 Im SPAY tar momma cat/ rt .. kb1S. 9&533-0411 Pit~ 3660 Ger-S...,.._rtk all coto", •fl s11H lor adoption to qualofoed homes WWW iSfHCUe Ofl Of 7l4-nJ.S915. (CAl-scAN) .USOlUTI GOU>MIMll 60 vendlna machines with excellent locatlons .. tar $10,9!1; ID).2J4.Ql82 WE MADI S IH,237 last month ~ .,_. borq. WOftq Oliy ..._ we wanted Wt c•n P05lllWfy tmcll you to do the --Recessaon proof lnts•ted1 6150-867..USI 9 (CAL•sr.AN) e CM/9""H• Ila 16sf. 1500 block ol NewpOfl Blvd. S200mo 949 299 7717 Clean and Awe someloc -IAYRONT UlCUTfVI 0H1ce suite 2 otlocu, --<Of ___ f_El--IU_st_N_l_S_S_ reception & stor•ae. loc ftdl Profit PoWI S1ut lti, m COM 949 718 9500 Low °""""*I. Co T,..... Pr&-Sft Accb ~Ll-&i25 SEll your unwanted items throuah cf1nlf1ed HOMES FClfl SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Penlnalll TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE S03 ... ..,_ c.ormw.c:W/ resodlential mraed ~ clou to fun Zone S'799,(XXl.. 9&2Sl-9'M ConndelMlr •ACROSS 1 Not me 6Mlst 11 Fuel cartel 15Congeals 20 Leans against 21 Traveler -Polo 22 Dellcate hue 2" Be CJ/I benefit • 25 Make a Pit stop (2 wds.) • 29 ~rrel lood • 27 ~ llldogger • 28 KS'ld • 29 Cultural • 31 Common ptirase -33 Erlwlope abbr -34 Pop the Nd : 35 Said again • 37 Gambling stake .. 39 Chromosome Jenera .. 41 App<ox -42 Makes waterproof • 43 Compu1er data unit 44Ca1cals 46 On the shetlered side 50ReNnled 51 Nope opposite 52 AluXan Port 53 Pacific Island 57 Iii rifle ammo 59 Zen question 60Leap 61 Park teatl6e 62 Pollle address 63 Fiber ftom cocoons ~Type ~ chee9e SS· -we haW\o fl.In yet?° 66 T81Um ex Ryan 87ClllmpM 68 a.c:tl 89 Df'y red wtne 72Alaa abbr. 73 Topo Info 74 M09qul1<>'8 warning 75 City near Kilauea _ 76 Took the trouble 'I 79 ·Twelfth N1ghr heroine 80 Conkly wrappings 84 Keen 85 People 86 Ughtwe1gh1 toy 87 Br1degroom 88 Loose robe 91 -couture 92 Tees and tubes 93 Racket 95 Olympics dlanl 96 Brake parts 97 Prospects tor gold 98Submanne 99 Green Hornets alter ego 101 Yacht rn00<1ng 102 Actor -McClure 103 In June ex July 104 Empty 105 What's up some steeves 106 Engine parts 1 en House rnem 108 Sound-barrier b<eakers 109 FanaucaJ 111 NovellS1 Joyce - 112 Kin of butterfhes 114 Dracula at t1rnes 117 Sock hop locale 118 Bong to a boil 119 Not unlikely 124 Luigi's romance 126 Quark's home 128 Listens to 130 Bouquets 131 Femme fatale 132 Brand name 1341"90n9itlve clod 136 0.-cus arenas 137 Mini-map 138 Pebble 139 Train anematJves 140 A tunny Murphy 141 CUbbytloles 142 -sp!jmante 143Catch 144 Stope wor1tlrtg DOWN 1 Beeper 2 Oinlnlsh 3 Japanese appetizer 4 TrlCI< 5 Catches a glimpse 6 Wee, In Dundee 7 NCI expllc11Jy 8 Washes away 9 Caustlc 10 Like early LPs 11 Along 1n years 12 Long Jol'ln Sdver 13 Please greatly 14 Bevel 15 Wiid feline 16 Fifty-fifty 17 Galahads weapon 18 Fonner ltallan currency 19 Dozed on 23 Censl.res 30Slmmlts 32 Empire builder 36 Sighs or re11e1 38 Highest degree 40 Sine qua non 43 Promnem 009e 44 Knight fight 45Nonoom 46 Coml)OSUre 47 Shacll (hyph ) 46Fn11·bom 49 Charles Lamb alias 51 Egg yellow 52Dln 54 E11ope-Asla range 55 Aytng prefix 56 Get tntroduoed 58 Electr1c: twlmmet 59 Ukraine c:epttal 60 Satan !Heier 63 T oumament lavome 64 Growing medlJms 67 Implored 68ctog S9Nal yours 70 Brownle 71 OUtback J~P8f 13 A Walton aaugnter •• 74 Droops 75 SelloUts 77 KIO<l ot racll 78 Spacewalk to NASA 79 -fOf (attes1) 80 Walters rewards 81 Portraits 82Noose 83 Nasty laughs 85 Ooesn t eat 86Hong - 88Check 89 Not 1n nartior 90 Bea utlf\JI 91 Rented. as a ~mo 92 G reetc letters 93 Budd, slang1ly 94Setsdown 96 Anlhmetic topte 97 Big pet 98 Rap music (hyph ) 100 German an1cle 101 Pamper 102 Vader of ·star W8fS' 103 NY basebe.Mers 106 Pilot llcenslng org 107 Tur1Cey oooker 110 Airline empto)'eeS 111 RUOt>er - 112 Snake-na1red woman of mY1tJ 113 Barracks blne 114 Sink 115 ACld In PfOtelns 116Trunk 118 Boxcar nders 119 Late-night TV late 120 Stage whisper l2l Tlesup 122 On lhe up.end-up 123 Femlrlne ~ 125 Em11 an odor 127 Londoner's larewell (hyptl ) 129Wanes 133Gr~trt accessory 135 Compass d11 •AC I • ,c- ~.sltoll to B11 C4ron.l and lookout pcMnl 4& 4 56a custom home ,........,200, OHw.i .. $2, tS0,.000 <OASTIJNl llAlTY 949-759-0177 JASMIN( CIUIC sine story 2br 2ba den Roeer s Gardener landM:aped Handlc•pped reedy Very low maont Astoe w/tennos. pool Call lor appt By Owntf 949 640 8777 233 POINSETTIA Sp•CIOUS 4BR 3 SBA by Noted architect B11011 Jeannette $1,795,000 Anaeta Kr•us Ocean P•crhc Propet hes 949 644·7064 • • COMIMG SOON• • c.....c-.. _ c • ··-· <oasn. IUlTY t4t-75t-0177 0,.. s-l.S. ...... c-~ 195 48r. pool, spa. pmncnmlC -.... S2.'85.IJXl. .. ,.... Tenore ~ ColllMlll OPlN MOUSE SUM 1-4, 21tl c-y-Dr •Ft02 Jbr 2.501. 1480sl . lrplc . yd 2 c aar. sharp! $35/.500 Mery ftwef Remu 949-646-9670 CallDtCm NIMllSTATIS PATlltOl TINOll lQ flOWWIDntSA t4t-U6-t70S wwlw.paltlclllenore.com ,.._ ..... o-C.-. r-e 4.5&. study Of 5411 8R, 2 ..... lllllm °'* ' Fl' in J,.R. larnwl en.. "'- P,mmt kl'~ ar•. ""' rm w/fp. li:a' ..... of-·' mcuotlllm. FOllllblln w/llPI, IMlilt in 88-Q. former Model ~ fl.m'd. Sl,675.000 •II Larry O'AluM ......,S-t9" Na ............ . 4br Z!iba. ... -window-a & pl11mblftC. ZlOOd Ind more. 1615,aJJ. Cal Jiff, Rlr 7l4-~lli6 ......... •A s..,..t. ...,.,_, ......... rllldenc:e. 40r (5111 Br/pme r-Wofflct do-hllra) s !ibtl loc8ted on • quit! corntr lot. Cuatom h1tur11 thrOUllWJtUt, Sl,589,000 ~IUl.TY Mf-1ft.0177 IONfTA CANYOtl OPllUAT-Suet 1-S IOWldwep 4BR. 3.5BA home. Incl seperelt office/cuest suite. By Owner· Re· duud to Sl.135,000 949-644-8288 ..., ,......... DX)sf honl9 on • owrmed lot wlltl --. 48r, office, JBa, le pr, fR le wr-ap slU>d ywd. Mlr1llL p lfllta. ccpps ll:8ys. fllt SO'e.! ptasi,. TV. lilt Stew ....... -..10 21 ST TIOPIZ OPlNSUN 1-S lbr, lb•, 3 frplc's, 3 c•r 1ere11e .. Sl,200,000 Ocun Pacific Properties. MertyM._. t4t-MO-Ol7t St_.,.._. "-4 •PllfO• 3,577 sf 4br "" den, 4ba, dKor•lor per feel 24 hr aua•d 1<1ted comm Sarah Goldschmitdl Bkr 949-254-3700 a.,.-....... .,.. on • huae. picturesque 11eenbell J8R ... 2 58A Ntws roof. ~ 1*18 wnlows & doors. Redooood dO w/spa. '6271\ Doi,. Si*Y. • 96-77»-l 7'1M w...,._,~:& 281 w/\Mly 11.ty Vllw open floorplln, tots °' W~, 'l)KKMIS krt, ooclds W/fl. Sllll.CJX)lobo. Mary Wood. 1111 9&584- 58ll. 717-9816 PllMllSTATlS PATIJ(J( TINottl NATK>Mw.I USA t4t-IS6-t70S w-palticktenore c:om ~ ......... ac-v c.c.ior.. -. 48r 2. 7!J8a. O'm 21XX>sf. Not list.d "' M..S Undlw 1900.ml. aet. Ooa,. Cllrll 96636-19915 a.,,Mp ,._ C·28r &. di lo bell, re#ty rwnod- elld. flt pr. f\/pets/slTia $25CXVmo. ~!MS) ~ TWd-10201 OrdoM SCb& S.56a. !i6JI d. SI ll Ml Btoller 949-2SI 9444 www.H!!=lty.or1 ~Cmt Of'INSUM 1-S Stunnona •wa<d w1nn1n1 Brookfield home, built 1n 2000 Jbr + office Awfoa 3700sf $1,719.000 PlAflNUM ,.Of'llTIIS Stefanie Meurer 949-715-3156 OflN SUN 1-S Italian style Sbf Sb•. approx 18.000 lo 19.000sf. SJ,495,000 Pt.ATINU• NOf'DT•S Stel•nte Meurer 949-715-3156 "' ••• ,._c...e custom est.a. Wiii! calT)'O" ' --.. OfW9d at $6,500,000 c-...... e ...., Mf.-7M.0177 Sin Jllln ca,ilnllO Tropical Ptradlu jn 1 Cou"lry Club setlln1 Marbelle thos home WH fHturtd 1n 2002 St M•r11rets home tour and l sl pt.ce winMI In the 2001 fandsc1p1 beaul1fic11ion award award by Callfornta landK1pe Contracton Assoc of Oranc• County. $2.895.000 C¥ol Mc:lauatun REMAX Real Estate Servous 949-212-0570 HOMES FClfl SALE RIVERSIDE coum 5550 Ma I Mh "'-wt 68r, 7200s!, w... cellJ. pme room, pool, JPI, RV Pf1'I. & pr. Sl.950,<m act. T.ri. ~l<UI RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Amt. Dlsat &.ovms JUUi VM W8IN DYSOlll & DYSON --.sTUISS Tf0.1Tf-.HSf ,_..,. .,._ ,_ T,,... Sq & 56 fwy Col:y' qujel. R:I p!llllo. sia., ......... no pet $750 949·642 2818 .... 1 • ..u. ._, ...,._ Sep entry w/bath kitch, ~lt non/$IT1lu S865/mo Cal 949-646-5956 ._. c;-.. c ,,.,, 1• lie._ wAM pr, ir-.-" lo TroScr ~ mo. w.uir~• i-f. Kim> ~'UI-~ -.... .. 1~1 ... ,.,. w/b•kony. 1u. water ' trash P••d No peh, $915/mo 949·650 3735 CUTI IAST Stof HOUSE lbr lba • office, tr1&1wd 1ncl. hd wd firs. peb olo., $1300/mo 949 722 7650 I SW. 2br 2ba Ilse. <tmwr. t.und ~. yd. patio, slarap 2S4 I E.ldlwl ~ SIQ!mo ~ :lll2 lASTSIDI Spacious 2Br OuplH Fp. encl y11d w/d, 1o11a1e SIS95/mo nUf shop$ 949 !J48 39!>9 a...2 .. .._...,,.... ....... 18r, pr, w/d. closl to beach 502 l6th St lo-unl1. W!lfV qulolt. SIJSO/mo. 94~5 3683 21r I .Sle, wello. lo beach, 42<l5 Holarla, near Ho'a pr, w/d hkups. $1400/mo. 949-645-3683 NPI '-'-""' 2br yearly rent•ls aal $1400 1950/mo. 949 673 7800 949 673 7800 . HALF Off ht MO llNf For "'°""'"' U. I w/12 mo ie-New remodlll C., Cod styte comm. w/new dishwasher & rel111erator. c•rpet & c:er.moc tile. Wnlw/lt'/fll. !made @> apl lilt s 109!> 2.8f Sl41!> C<;a Lor a (949) 646-2224 OI 714 6J3 rfHl New,ert He l9ltto B .. utoful nmodel 2t>t lb• Ip, SJ650/mo See 00 ln1ne 949 64? !>488 Realll To Simi a N.1./eww. entr-ce/ a..tti, lncld' utls, c:•ble. w/d, no 'mlll/peb, $700/ mo Cell949·51S·3648 Ip, bonus room. 111>1raded ..._ hy Pllt btuct1 ,_ lut. prOlner/pool m.n ind ~ '* 2llr I& ilXl'I pet<* $2150 114 ~3201 10 !Ny, llrn&. ltew/~ bee lb! ll>. M.e. ocun Sl/00mlu949·1181400 voews, pied. new crpV plNnl. 2c p . 1049 ree;att.t run. S2200rn 562 856 1684 Sir 21 /ti• letttltk 2·c 1•r. incl w/d, pvl ~ p1too w/rr1u. sllyhahh S,.C.fa'Rlnl -S2200/mo949 633 3839 P'ref1 person to share w/l other person on NB. Pvt. lurn'd br &-ba S850m + 1/2 ullls 949-646-7673 OAUGIS l0l22 $340 or _Udo __ .. ____ _ 22a22 $650, or 4000sf IAYJ110Nf f .. UX Hporl llH. pvt w/hop • 29e $31.00/-yrt, se<:uflty 949-646-1106 •26-U2-f7U • ....,.... ..... -'26-2'7-62•2 .....-~ $2SO/-..__.Bad! 2 ... _ .......... .,,..uot1.sm1- .. lnb finlllwj out & p9Md. 8adt a.y .... 6' teany ..... .:ocen In. M-r 7• 7p.IS9t a.n.tpm cL()ratyW-. 949-5(X).Jl;e8 AESIOENTlAl RENT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Nl'M'CMtT MY rowas 2 Blis !tom len-y, IBr, lib, s.ec. pool. alnl voew on Bay, lov/din rm undef" d 11111&. able Ind Sl700/mo 949-675-6196 ,_.. ,..... wall IO bdl ~ ,...,, 2b-lbe re#ty remod. own P & arlJOf1 S3XIVmo 714-2S6-050 S.,..r ·~ J ..., ""'• lb. condo 8.y WJ'#. mips lo bdl. 2< pr, SJ500m 8kr 949-400-0t71 N.l ./l•n•lf•I ,,, 2..sa.. ,......, home. _,.. --"°'" .._.. sutta, ..-.I now, ~mo yrty. Cal If!. 949-673-Jll99 C...def .. 2br Iba apt Nur beach & shops All new kitchen, I c 111. p1t10 Sl4SO/mo. 949 760 1891 ~ '... .,,,.., U.lt $1450/mo ullhhes ond + use of wasflet & ckyet C.11949-222-5775 a257 Br Ilk. le pr w/d ,... l.!Pfo, corner lot. Vacant SI 750/mo oncld utls. Oon•ld Pfaff. Coldwell Brier, '49-7»-6074 -..c.-....... 3<-2 ,_ 2£ p . la deck, ctlw by ~ S.W.-d Rd. ~ ICIC8IS tlO jWt. i-:n.. La S2«X)n. 94&Q3.9336 CGltlllm IAYFIONT ON LIDO PENINSUl A NlW21r2a. COTTAGIS P11nte Buch. Poot ind SI>• Wallo. lo Oce•n. Shops •nd Resl•uranh lene 6/mo 2 yr• Boil Shp Av.,lable 710UOOPU«DI.. 949 673 6030 Of 949 723 S830 IAYRONT OH LIDO PlNINSULA NlW21r 2a. COTTAGU P11 .. 1e Beach, Pool and Spa Walk lo Ocean Shops and Rest•u,.nls Luse 6/mo '111 • Boat Slop Aw .. ol•ble 710 UOO PUil DI.. 949 673 6030 Of 949 723 5830 UDO YIAal Y llASI Bill GRUNDY RlAl TORS t4t-67S·"" •STUDIO $7SO/M•* new ea1nt/C1rpef1n1. frrg & ulllltles tncld yearly, no pet$ 949· 760 I /13 Me.,...,leedi Pen1nsul• Studio Ap11<t menls n11I All $700 S950 949 67j 7800 HACH ClOSI, Upper laree 2br. w/d car lt&hl, bro&hl Avail now SJ70Cm yrly~ 2lr lie ........ tpiK:e '°' hones. w/d ~ S2100/ mo AvH bie l 949-222 ?102 WI for Htele<l ~--lay 2Bt, 2 ful INlh. bale. beach' p;wk. tennis No peb S2200tmo I ~ IN5e AvMl W15 9'19-5t16-9!11!8 ......... 28r &. dale lo 1-:tl re#ty ~ lilt prw/d~~ SZ200.--9oli9-67!> ~ 20101 c.,,.._ St. '/&/ 2&.~ ....... ~ updated 1PWrnet ~It. II rn5tJ IM. bu« on cats. onside lndry. PvVc•ttd .,., ds. I' dnr IH20 one Id S2500/mo .tel C1Y 1$1 y Wa41er 949-500-l6C8 IUiCON MY/UY~ up,taor~ 2br I 5ba fp, a•r. wd hkup yr lsr S1600/mo 949 673 8411 ~Ir .............. Jba hotr11'. 2+air p P,-N pabo camm pool Yr Ille ~_.'°"~ lt Sir 2.S .. on 1aled comm. w/pool ~pa-. !>f••ate yard $.JOOO/mo A&ent 949 856 9705 ''The ......... ,., 21•. Huee bay ... w $319!1/mo 949 252 8200 or 949 8!J I 8160 Lene Optoon A .. 11 I.We W.. 1 17 Via Onntito 4& ?.5&. 3c pr. Fp. cowlprd. l4'Stws viewn. ~mo. 9&59Mo0l!I !J<eac~ , I{) !Readers in 9Guvp~rl 23each, Corona def !JKar, CJleflJporl Coast, G la !l/(esa. ulon /his oleyq.f.K sfleldl ~ion ne 2.5, 2()()J e 'lJeacllin•: e .. 1<1, 2()()J ~~r.f~ria.l'lJead/ine.· ?une 16, 2()()3 M~I (949) 574-424 I ' ' . • MMl--MnST ~ tor uduslw• cosmelK. studio In NB. c.I Stevem & en-. lit ~ 1394 IOAT OHIATOH Boal °'*'1l0ts needed IM h.,bot 09« 1hons 11 Two H1rbofs, C1talln• kland, Hlfbo< Pelto! •nd Shotebo1I wrlh 6c>k to 50 ton hctnM looluna tor out101n1 team oriented ,,.ople For ortfo • ul: 310.510 4204 DlfYH Sh1pp1na. 1 e cervrn&. WM ehouM! du lM!s l/1hd C1ht Dfl•tt• ltc Ind OMV ·~port ••q Matt t4t-67J-0760 a1J DrlYw-O.C. P /U & D•I Prtnl Co S1 ~ • 31 etr• ~ own c.-ru ·~ a. f1llN 1o r rri 11~ ...... (T-~ llCD> 111'1 on boo1ld.. w. '-• lot Ouwd, CA rennwi.1 h tnllllni hpreu l.,_ 1-ID>-4280343 Rtf 1101 (Em•ll 1ec1ut lna@•mllonlwm) -m/fTd/V (CAL~> tuAND IMPlOYMINT lwti Harbora, 1 unique aenrde deshnallon al the Wnt Erid ol C1l1hna Island We ••• look1n1 for ouleo1n1 te .. m . oriented people, w1t11 eacellent <.u$t omer ~er vlc.e \k 111\ fo1 the follow1na U•>on1I po slllons Rest•unnt Short order Cooh, Strveri, Otthwashers, ALLOunt1n11 Clerk. Cene"I Store Clerks, Janitors C~inp &round R1naen a. f utl Doell Attendant For into ult 310 510 4204 or 310 510 420'/ 'fu 310 SfO 8690 -liUtO~ CIWSTS.W..~ tor upsc •le Y•Lht club on B1lbo1 Pentn General of11ce \lull\ to I UISI '" dep11 I held\ req lllnt tommun1c1 lion &. <umputer sktll\ • must• r •• <5.m!! ~ 673 19n or e m..i to member\h•p@nhyc ore HUI IH STAfflNG COOIDINATOa E •1>411i.nced •l•fl1n11 (',O(jfdln.ttor ~ fllf o n•l•onal nut \e •l•lf"'ll .iaeotY br anc.l'I 0111< e 1n Newport ~h MwltnlUflt uf Z Ytill\ UpetM!~e '" ~I.ti •laff111& req'd f •~ ttwlllt' tu 949 /'>6 OJJ I or e n1a11 Plh•yt\@amer icon 11w•JCt..om i....11'1 f.w a S...-- ,...7 Ma~ll'f rrc.ocdon& 'llJllPIY on N 8 ~ • ~~ per..on lo,,,,_, Ill !he Wiii~ ~ wl 9t9 !"17' SllX> ur t<nwtl A0-1.in@nv~ t.orn NANNY WANTED F 'T NB limo<*! rap M>d ref'\.~·· r ... ~ 673 1490 c.tl 673-9114 ---~--- OWMU OPH.ATOa TlAMSI all 'w.Maa Miit &. Ouublls 1eq. T •mNI Tenwt& Dr~. Hire on Bonull. 1¥ ....... Q. 909·56~4 ••• 110 (CAI. -scAN) OWNH OPUATOa 'LUI s I mt. W/Hal.flbt & Ooul*s req. T wmfilt T •mnil Drop(Hoot., Hn on Bonull. HWi MtlS 800 909·5664 eat 210 (CAL•SCAH) OWNH •OPHATOa Tl.AMS! alt. W/liiil rMt &. ~ req To:tminal Terminal DropMocll\, Hire oo llorM. Hltlt1 M...,,. 800 909·~664 e•t 110 (CAL•SCM) Pubhshrnc PROMOTIONS DEPARTMENT Community new5papen on Orange Coonty se<!ils roll hne Pllf&On to onterv11ew and w11te storon, partiCl pate '" commuo•ly events, create and papiate PoljtflS .tnd MJClloos [ acellent (;omtl'IUl'lll;81Jon s1u11s. wen weJI wrth the public Know AP Style, Quarli.~as. Photoshop, Mufti Ad Cta- •lor Profttotnt on MAC and PC. CCI du11n eaperoence preferred ProofT~ tesl Drue '° eenln&l'ph)'5'CM reqund EOE E uellent benehl ·~ E.lllH resume, ""'11#1& ~ and sat.y requrremcnls l o laf>a ~@~c.om ~ w-..i Frotndly & e1p'd tor C<lh1ornca Cousone & @ Nruo Res1J1111a11t 21S-Rrvttsode NB 949 646 ?lJJ RETAIL lu1 Gollery on Balboa Island PT Ret.111 ~•IM C•ll Steve 949 723 \ 100 Nl'I Salon needs Helrotyllst, rental llatl.,. wall S 12S/wil. c.I Kea 949-6S0.24S6 JOIN OUR IF AM and m•ke a di lier efltc In the Cal1torn1• Aomy N•llun•I Cu•rd you ldfl 1tet money lo• <Uilf&• and liH•er h•1rnn1t Call I 800 CO C.UAHO (CAI "SCAN/ J09il oua TEAM and """'~ • dltttt tnc.r In thl' C."1ur nlit Al my Nat>ooal G...,d you <411 ~I money for cCJlleeo' M>d <M- Ii"'""'& t...I I 8»C'.O GUARO (CAI. "SCAN I TODAY'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS X>IN OUR TC AM and make• d1Hwend In Ille Ct ltfornra Army National Guerd you un .. t money lot co..._• and ClfMf '""' na CaH 1 800 CO GUARD (CM.•SCAH) WAlllNOUSlf O"KI position 20 25/houn week, Cid~ s.tw't!Ce, inVW'ltOty r~ment tOl'fll*l.W lll1d ht. aper allons, huvy ptlorMI and _.._ 1tod11111 and liflln&. Candidate must be • motlwallld tum pbyw tt C.tl ............. ,2 Ad»mobiles 9000 Automoltve - PORSCHE '85 911 TARGA White/Ian, sharp #160863 $17,900 PORSCHE '86 944 Red/black, 6-speed #458178 $8,995 . PORSCHE '94 968 COHVT. Black, 6-speed #840401 $19,900 PORSCHE '99 BOXSTE.R White. 6-speed #627865 $28,900 PORSCHE '99911 CAB Red/tan. 6·speed #652027 $.52,900 PORSCHE '00 911 COUPE Stlveritlack T1ptrornc #620900 $49,900 PORSCHE '91 911TARGA Blue/gray r iptronic #440740 $27,900 TIL.0'5 EUROPEAN AUTO HAUB a--"° c... ... 9lodl 1-800 799-8456 Web B l-r www. tilocars com A4l4I ·o 1 n 2• c..,. 2~P, Quatro, 30ll m1 tun fact wart 6spd, superb °'" unmarhd Ith new cond $17.99!> vlOI~ lonanc1n1 nail Bllr 949 ~ 1888 c • ._, •• , •t s Caprk• Ctauic 351. m1, lle•n 1n a. out car •&~d. S6200 ~94t)S41-IOIJ ..... s;\;r1 c ... v. ;00 3/K l/6~talht. &••en Crey int, Black top. Beauhtut h"e new cond1t1on $10 500 vm872412 949 586 1888 www. I.<- .....-·01ua 21 .. 1. CO nn1cahon lull l<ttl w•rr W1nche•trr blur oalmul llhr lhrome wheel\, hke nrw ~<tve SJOll v1?136 S<I? 99':> 4 !> APR Im avail broker 96~ UBl WWWL(l)A.&t1fn '"'-' '99 XJ' Yan en 'las 40k m1 lull ''" t warr. whot•/oatmeal lthr CO. tieauloful hkt n•w ur •ti Lond v87014l S28,995 Biii 949 S86 )888 www.ocpabl.com Jagvar '90 XJ6 White/ blot llh1. thr ome whl'. lie•ul 01111 rnnd lull • •• aµprot••le v'7Sl 491 s ms 6kr 949 '>86 1888 www.oc JMp -'00 c;...d a-....- 61 yl l wd lb~ a1 ludl m 1 '\tlvf'r .:rey int dlluv\ l•buluu' hk" n•w unm~u ~td ( ond • ff!U wM• JVillA .r.1n1 Sl?<ff> tum 0 Unwl\ •1u•hl1•d I~ 4 6 APf( II<•• .. Ut-516-1111 ~·~bl.co.,_ JMp "tS Gnnol a-....- 1 or..00 /~ V8 "' whl ........ '°"" ~ C() ,..,, S8'!lf'W} 7444~ LaW ..... '00 °""-Y '-n. • mo J'/r .... , d•"" wll<lr ll'"f nm 'llflV.t< y &laH b•dulolul n,.~ unrn.• ked w utl S 17 9'if> v•194AIOi' '""''"-"'4' '""' l:lllr 949'>11'> Im! _.....,..<om l .. .,, 'tt ltX 300 'wd, tilal~ 11nn1dl ')H m• lthr h•w pkg ,_, NM 'ollUlld ..,., '" """*' l•ttl 'I!. boc*\ S71 .m 94'J "f'/l 'V(l7 Mo1d a '99 Mt;fa t.onv 4i)k '"" .tuh,.1 '.1lvrr I in t11p pw pl A f C P \llll••ll hk• n~w 'Md v•l 19/4 j VI 99'1 tm"n' mv & w.ur i)nt.,. .w "' likr 949 "8li I RSI! -w ... pabl.com M•1<•des l•nt S 60Sl '16 wncth S?OI< • .~m~ St I '>()() nbn itlnl n dttK1n hdve hd•d top 87K milt~ '.M'1 9 !9 lO'J I Me1<ed-;. '96 C210 bfl4Htfful bldl Ii: c ,.,.._.m fully to11df'd ._,,,,., n...-''" I'\ rllJI SIO!IXJ /14 hi ;>4fl4 M•rH4•• '00 U20 l&k ec lu1I ml, lull taclorr •M•. tuiquorw blue/oatm .. t lthr, moonroof, CD, chro- whb. one of t!M lowest milt MettedH ol tM ynr 111 C•ltf vr..57?91 S29.995 ltnitn<lna 1011 Bkr 949 586 1888 .._.eqM6i.<- ... <..... 4SOSl .,, C:-. low 9Jk fTll, ._,t blue/na~y lthr. -v nit•. S7500 949 493 0379 lll•r~..... 310Sl '12 llMd lop and nur ncll•• !>Oft top. 60< mo, new ena, bl<Kll '5700 949 574 565.3 •••••d•• ·11 s•o st wt11te/tan, 1mmac nb.t, !'In> rJtU. ,_ !di qi. r.huTe. S14JlD 7141514!464 NEW2002 MINI COOPER SlWROOf PRfJlllJM PKG 16' ALLOYS, CO i1~,~ I ATTllSPRn (TCll318) OTHER AT SIMILAR SAY1NGS! ... LITS MOTOR! rrs FUN ******** SSFRUWAY@ £DINGE.R SANT A ANA AUTO WU jW)l23-HOI NlWf'OltT AUTOSP<>ttl W£ ,AY CASH FOtl fotllAm'S Poasotu LAMIOWGff911 lotil-IDCTUY CW SK CAllS HARUYS '03 Vtpw .... /lledl IO M.._ (S007SO) S •• SOO 'OOa-fteyAnoop •-itu./ CcmwoW t..acled (X04 213) S 133,SOO '02 0..Catl HI looded, Low M"9. (01~932) S IS,900 '03 FordHcwley Trvdi Oeltvwy Mlleo s..,..-......., (064142) $39.SOO HOME, HEALTH AND fiJSINESS ~ .... "HO ICE 0 RS Caltlornoa lew re quwes that contra< tors la-111s jOb'l that total SSOO Of more (l.tbOf or mal•oals) be lic..ued by llM Contrec to n S tal• lleenM Boatd State ._...._~ltt.t conlrectors include thN ticeme nu.mi.r on all edv.rtrslftl You cen clMclt tM status ol your llce nnd corllr 1 c t or •I www.cslb c1.sov or 800·321 CSL8. Untl censed contractors lafl.ln1 job• that total 1 .. , than $500 must sl•t• In their 1dw•rllHments that lh•l' •11 not licensed by the Contractors State l~ 80lfd " u•111& Rlt111f1ln1 Mn ...... ~/BMll/ ...... ~ ......... "'*" tSm15..,.... !?SSC !11!5 ........ Cli)J., Iii l[j ERVICE · EFFIOENT AIR SYSTEMS C-20 520089 (714) IM-2007 HI 112.ftOO Nl (Mt)72M717 , .... laialtdon *'1.a---.-tt--"" FURllACE SALE R + R Fumece & Malll' Code Upgrldes n,• ITU Frolt t1511 1•.• 1TU f10lll S1lil P.tu• clly 111rmlts. & c:Odt UPOfldn 964-2007 FREE IN·HOME EmMATEI I INSPECTION YE 35" 011 ~4.,..... ~t::I 1 llhd ......... ..... llfllS1MWI UYIAISIXA H'1f !THI h''· ( ,\f; I' I 1 '. f Ii\ I ( f H 0 0 '> ) 1l I I ~ l ,.. .. .., ........ ............. ..... SELL your stuff ttrcqh classified I l#H & •USINISS •El'AIU Up11ade\ Repa11 \ of Computer Network' l ve""1p/Wttktnd\ Compet1llve p11(1<\ for qu•hly wrwl( t4t-8S6-117S 714-tli-4221 Cona9' Maonry lrkti lti.di St-Tll• Conoreta. Patio, Onwew1y Fwepk, 88() Rers 25Yrs C.p T111ry 114 !157 7594 ~ NllD MO.I aOOM? MlOfmHS .. RlMXlCl.Ml ll577982 949.709 5642 .,...Pllbl_ 0 YOW NOMI lllPtlOYIMlMT No•cn Call 1 ptum!Nf, p11nter. hendyman, ot any of lh• er11t Hr vlc4t listed IHlr e In Ollf Mrvlce dn<lor yf THESC lOCAl SVC P£ Of"LE CAN HClP YOUlOOAYI Wf1TMOllT NYWAU All pf\ltff '"""' ~ CUMt ~s. ""'" lrff • L411Xl1) 71~1441 C1 at 1'JiC tma Elec:lrical SeMces S-11 , .. lxpertl Ounc•n Eifctuc 7.fN" l • p lootQuo:l.11~ Se< ... ~~~ I '?1'>810 <)<IC} fH>. /047 Actl•iiTln• Uutrlc llOU~lll'I& \C)l'C1~l"t .. Soef VlCe1. Ito JOO IC>" wn l 1!> 15116.l 714-31f>.6 t :I> .......... [ tr I< l 1censed £ tee tr Kltl Ccuttu~IJll Sm1ll 10bs ~tarttna •I S7t. tS & "t'· Speciatmna 1n Remodehn1 & 111 hOl!l<I Wlf IOI l\ffdS Comm/lndust/fles l-800-&'7-1001 V 78bS9 lKIHUD CONTIACTOtt No ,JD too sm NI ser-1 Repalf. remoclef. fans. tp:. ,_ SW: 949-645 3fli6 f1oortnWTlle Gardenlnw Landscaping COMPUll LANDSCAPING Oo12n· cleanups lrus wd ~1nkleo Mamtenante at low n S9 wet<k L ... en~ 714 222 8A25 Noclt DlrtyW~ ..... -~ -tTirn-im-.~ Sp11 n It le rs Tr o.Allleshoot 11&. Spron1 Tune up~ Rep . .,, s & Up1r ades ·Hive us do your Drrt:; Work" 714·715-2121 ..... Cet your yerd looklna Its best far .. 'llUmW' Y•ddNIH4'J',~ lift~-~ wed<eoc:t & eve quotes Xtre H91M1 Sfl"YI«'• 114-427.-0 - wt PAY CASH'FOtl fmMn roaotlS l.AMI09Gt• aow..aemn QASSK<Aa HAmJn 'OJ vi.-a.4/at.dt IOMIM (5007 SO) Sff ,.JOO '001......,......,. ........... , Coh-Wl-494 (X042U) $1 U ,SOO '02 Ou<.tl HI Leodecl, Low MAM {015932) $ 15,tOO NfWW'OltT AllTOSP<Mll t4t-S74-S600 'HIWPS AUlO ",....dw ........ Shmey Bl.ck w/perlaci lthr IOI only $!)2K IOI ~ijuty 119l781 S2398> 16 l'encJr.. 921 sc...,. Bl•<kltlllan tan Ith<. llJH •e<Olcb, ,.,, hnd <I~) Sll,9Sl fllMW 140I~ Un~ o .. ner. local.- riot t seddn er cat .-cord'> rh<nm"(j whto. I 19W.ll S?2 980 OOJor-XKI S1lve< w /black 1211 m1~ perfl!CI <l'H81J $42,980 'la t.•w GS .00 Pr tm ..,,_k. CD \l.t<k wruoul I 1'11861 St8 980 01 '-'ti T l lrtl unly 496 mile'\ 119 J84C I U1 '}fl) OO J.,,._S Type 011\ " " b<'aut r I 193141 VS 980 99Ml1CUU10 bl\< ... blot<. "'"''-th<o~d w~ , 19Yl71 l:'6 980 f"I Jop...XKI wnv -.h1n~y bl.!<k ~I w llnff .... lthr ttvun•·d wht>t'f.. (19i'O':li s 16 980 ... i-..., ...,,. .. 949-574-7777 1'11.1.fS AUTO ,,......., .. Bridge 8¥CHAALES GOREN .iv, OMAR StW\11' -.ld TAHNAH HIRSCH Sunday, May 18, 2003 85 • • • . • • • e MA T<:HU.:.~\ I H HMQL .. NOftt'l-Suuth •ulll(Table Swth tbJ, NOKTH • ~~lt1J K UJ WF.ST •A J 10 S ~1 • 854 K 8 6 5 2 J 10 • 116 2 SOU IH •A J 9 l A04 0154 + 10 • 6 J 10 I.I 7 J A9 2 • QY74 The buJdmg SOUTff WFST l\ORTll •. \ '> r ,..,,. hM 2• p- l • ..... 6• 1'>1!111 .._ .._ Opcnon~ le-.! J..,i. 111 II )OU nttd fll''"I UIJI MrnJ~·· '' .on art, not a !.Cl~~c 1.11..: J c1 ....... 1.AA JI th1' de.ii from " 1t1Jl~h lx.-tv.tXn 11" mn~ t.eam' 111 1'111.mJ .and .\u'm" The aUltJ<Jll v.a• 4u1d. ~11J re""'" ahl)' .11:~un11c: 11 nu( .... 1.:n111,, '>v.H,h ~ \ rro 'Ult hukhtt).'' JJld '\uni ~th m1gh1 crno:rfc v.Hh 13 m,l,' l'Ulttl \lmpl~ uppeJ .tnJ h1J th.: ' "'" BOATS v.hcn S1 .. )'1TWJ1 o"a Swth-\ ,,. trump op.:nonr ki..uicd • '°'''~ 'plid.: ~Ult ' • We.( led thr j.lck uf dtanrlOflCli. Jta:~ Ill th<' ljUttO IQ thr cklwlJ t\JlllJ [)c\.1.&ll:!r Jre,.. tru~ on WCf niunJ,. cnJmr. 1n halld Alier c111oh1nt the lon~ ot duh\ ~ ~\ed to !11<· oK l .llMJ k:J the i-~ When ~ lull''"'l'd lov., 1kdJter d1"4:u.rdcd ii d1Jmn11J Imm h..lllJ. !lie.-~l\J~c Wll)- ""111 '""" c.kc..l.atcf rn...k W kc~ plJ) J k•v. J1.nrM1ft(I frcom dummf. n .. , plu) l Jll'l\:J hl ..:•tJll!• ll no .. "•If• dl.l' '*'•lh 1..,,, ,,, Wl'\I lutvmf. 'ld/1..:J v.11'1 .1 r.Juubk-11111 J IV fu\I _..,1,1 nut .. ll11fll h• ,., .. """h 111" &• JJ'IJ v,,,_, v. '" \n.;1cJ 10 ,IJ'I encjpl4} llll .,.11111111~ th.: 1 .. 11 llo: Jct.n&cr ""rt ""''rJ "' 1" .... 1 .1 ti. •• n on111 t.1r. ... h1rcr"' mJ1ur 11 n .... r '" '"'" d1ur1Mind> "'Cft J1 .... urtk<I lwm 1h11t1111\ 'illk.l ')oucfi '"ul<I , h"'rutl 1hc '·"' lcv. tnd.~ uuc· .!1un1<'11<I "'' ~ "'" .all lhc: lktenw .-.ul1l ..... ~, "' ~. tlw• •k'< I.ti'• r "oolll •Mii affuro , rull 11,. l1•1111h , luh "'llCn 1n Ju1111n1 '" , 111111•!.:t.: th.: lllp ~~I •••• r•11 ... II 1h.:· ICll ol J1.ll<M>ll<h .m.i °');l(lth ,.,,.,"~ '"'V 1_.,, ''""' ...... nnr '"'' •ll.anh•nJ 111d,, "' ll!C' ,..ni, he \11J ti 1:...,1 \1111r• lh•: tat.i 111 dub-. ,J..·l f.1rl'J rull, ·''"' 1, ... i-.. Ji .. m.•n.I llJl'l'•nl.' \\._.,, 11. ti« ,....,,.. croJplJ) • Boats Wanted AUTOMOBll..ES, .sca..LANEOUS Warad PowefBoats Duffy 1--4 ~ 9515 W-.d. N.Jrttl !Uy ~ B,,b..., ~ ·-~ I SO NEW & USlO IOATS '>'l'J '*6 'Hh 114 lill 2'H> CASH fOa CAltS WI NHD YOUlt CAR PAID •o• o• NOT PHIWPSAUTO ASK fOa MAlCOlM t49-S74-7771 CUSSIFIED It 's the solu- tion you 're searching/ or- whether you 're seeking a home, apart· menJ,petor new occupation! 0-Point I OAT SltOW Moy 29-MM I TGI fr-l.._374-2621 '9 1 l oslon Wha ler 24tt Oujr nge l.,•dcd well n1aml•mtd 1-1 20.J1> y ~ s:BI. 94'j 6/ l2Wl SELL your stutt through classif 1ed! BOATS SUPS/ MOORJNGSJ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 tl rT SUP AVAii.Aili IN N[W,OaT HACH S2SOO UAh 9 4t SOO IOOS IOAT ~ H<YW AVM ( ... lu ~ u..tu'I _, dt-t..lt. W4lf1 4'>d Ill""" 1"11.l.0-0 949-47~7 $25,495 Duffy Edison 20 R.1r<·' ( 1ICJ( ( .,,,J 111111 :r H Vollr.•wa9en '00 le•tte Z8k m1 \PJ•~''"< bl•l k U•lmf'dl 4uio muonrt I CO pw pl .llkly whl• • $11 99 5 hkf n•w .... /00'>'> s n ' '9'> fin & •••ranty ••••I ___ "--. • B~r CJ.t9 '>86 1888 j ~••v Electric B oats Co. www.e<,...bl.c..,. 'u•ll _v,ju,. < ar I 1n ( w•ufird_'_ 2001 W Pacific Coasl Hwy (949) 645-6812 ... ~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~-- HandymlfV Home Repair COMl'UTl HOME MAl#Tl#ANCI No tob too ~m•H' I ve<yth1nc h om C..pentry to PM1tJnc freeesllmelc Cfllt •-"' fO-ZU-ti•I Rll UP W«Wnl~ -All IYPtt ol r911Hs (lee trtc•I. plumbMc. ooon Min ~ ties & nve l 4ht fld.r. /14 366-1881 c.-... ,..., CMpenlly • Plumblfli Ot ywan • Stucco P•inttna. Irle &.rnor• 20-t Yurs C xpetoenc•! JI 714-9't-577• ROllMSON COMPANY ~w•BMtw­ Mark 949 650 9525 HA All woilt 111..,antMd ....... ~Oocn. fnoih CllJI * • ..,, ....... 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Rrp••!\ ii~l"'4. w"'" r '" t•t • 11"h!J7 ''"""" ~ t'lV 1-e.1931 11<1 !>l8 I !">JA I J90 :>94'> ~ f,.u '18«1 114 tlJ8. ll '1 , • .,._ •• P.1 .. t1.., lop Qu•hty Comp~l!llYt Intern" 1: •I l •Mll7711 c.11 '•Y 949 &'ib ~ untlOW <SU MAIO Pi11nl'"i int.eat. tbot.llol Qu•hl y JOO' f" r ee ntm.t• l~7114 (JG 8888 7 .... MAGNIFICENT LAGUNA OCEANFRONT This outstanding view is .only a small part of what you will see from this lovely Two Story Architect 's Dream Home. A rare oceanfront offering 3 Bedrooms, ~ Baths and access to your own sandy beach. $195,000 *