HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-21 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot... • ,. , . . ,. •• . . "" ' .. . .. Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, MAY 21 , 2003 Costa Mesa finds new police chief Cypress Police Chief John D. Hensley will take over in June for retiring chief David Snowden. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot (X)STA MESA -Oty officials didn't have to look too far to find the city's new police chief. John 0. ,.Hensley, who has headed theCypres.5 Police Depart· ment for the last five years. will succeed David Snowden as Costa Mesa's police chief. City Manager Allan Roeder announced "I\Jesday. The search for a new polJce chief began in January following Snowden's retirement in )Wle. Snowden, who has been (.o<;ta Mesa's chief for the last 16 yem, has continued to work pan urnc for the city since June. Hensley, 47, is expected 10 take the helm on JWle 16 as the cuy's fourth police chief at a ...alary of $138,588. Hensley began hi.'> l:<lrL>er 20 years ago with the Barstow Police Department, where he spent John 0 . Hensley about two years. fie spent the next 13 years in Manhattan Beach, where he joined as an offi- cer and worked in different ca· pacities before rising to captain. The race for the high-profile Co!>ta M~ position began with a field of 37 candidates that Roeder narrowt'<.I down to 12 and then frve. 111e recruiLment process brought "very well-qualified .uld talented candidates,· Roeder '>aid He said he pided I leffiley be· cause of his proven track rewrd of having an exceptional rdpJx>n with the commurutie<> he worked for. "He seem.<. to have been '>'m1e one very re.pon.'>1ve to the net'd'> of the community," Roeder .... ud. "not Simply in the Context Of !VIO· lent! crim~. bu1 also !propenyl crimes.. Hensley wa'> alw rdted h1~hly for "his honeMy and integri1y."' hl• said "He's no1 very 11.u.hy or 0111~0 mg. bu1 he.., \/t:ry, wry dept·nd .ink'. Hoedt·r '><11d 11 l' ..aid I ll-rl'>lty dfH.l tu.. ""11 l" ""ho hH· m I J ~do. hd-.e l'.>. prto:-.'><.'tl an lnll'rt">I m mrJ\mg 111 ( Al'>tJ "v1l".'>Ct ··1 re led' H'I"\ '>Lrongh .i.bout hav111g a pn .. ~:m l' 111 t.hl' 1 omrnu mt}." Hu<.'t.ler '>Cuti I l<'IL'>lt'\ \\d .... 1101 .na1lJble tor l omment 1111 I ut•-.dJ\ "inuw<le11 '><il<l ht t-k-iit'H"> Hortl er "made ..i good <lt-t'hHlll 111 p1dong I h•11,lt•v '"I le L'-Jll t'li.JWnt·rn t·d pohl l' ch.ll'I," he '>.ml I le· ,., well r1· '>rwctttl ,1ml .1 good rnan. I It· ol I\ 1 OU\I~ hc..1.'> tlw LOC1[., Ill do the iob. '>n<Mdem l.t ... 1 ddy d.'> c..luef will IH fUJlt' I I Hut he -...ud he will lwlp I l<·n.Jc:y nlakt-d -.mooth traJhlllClll" :\l,mh.tlldll Bc:c.1d1 PolJce Ca.pt. IC.mt.Iv I .t-.J ""ho \o'<oru'tJ do.'>ely \\lth I l1·n-.ln dunng tu... ome 1twn· • .,.,KJ I lt•1l'>ley ,... ··c.1 good lc•,1der .uid .. good JK'Nlll · I It 1' d rt:h.1hlt· ..ind tn.l'>tWor th) p1·Nm. ht: '><lid • 11e L'> -.ome- 111w p111pl1· an· h.tpf~ to lullow I It· malt.., good dL-<.:1'>1011.'> and 1.1lt.., .111 1lung'> into u1n ... 1derauon See CHIEF, Paee A4 Freak accident kills man Former city worker faces up to 300 years Dabico In c. wo rke r di es in Co~ta Me~a after I ,I 00-pound lid fall s on hi 1., head Tuc1.,day. Deep• Bharath Daily Pilot CO!> IA Ml.SA -A Jh- ycar·old i:ontan a man died Tuesday afternoon when a heavy, metal hd Mruck him while he worked on d fiber· gla'>s tank. fire o fficial<, said. An1baJ (,arcia, al work in the 2900 block o f Airway Av cnue, wa'> wurlc..ing on lhe tank and wa!> preparing tu go home for the day. !>atd Cu'>ta Me'>a I trc Capt. Randy H1ck..'> "lit• wenl to the metal grate that was a few anche'> heluw the top of the tank tu put the top down," he .. aid. "Hut 1>omething went wrong with the 'ipnng'> that L.eep the hd an place and 11 fell on hi'> hedd • Garu.i cullap~cd un the meta l grate where he wa ... \landing. I hck.'> \J1d. fhe tank wa., aboul 14 ft'el tall. he <,aid. Hrefighter~ re'>ponding tu the 3:20 p.m. call had to bor· row a fork.lift from the man\ company. Dab1co Inc .. to lifl Garc ia out o f the container. Costa Mesa Fire Battalion Olief Keith Fujimoto said. "He was in. complete ar· rest through out.· he said. "He had no heanbeat. He wasn't breathing.· Paramedics attempted to give him CPR at the scene for about an ho ur, after which he w as tran!Eoned to Hoag Hospital. Fujimoto said. Garcia was pro· nounced dead at the ho pi· tal, he said. Fujimoto c;a1d Garcia !>Uf fered severe injurie'i to his head and face. Jury on Tu01.,da\ convic t ~ former employee of 22 felony coun t-, of performing lewd an-, o n children . Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot '\I \\ l'OH I Iii.-\( II \ l.! \l'<tr old 1111 mer rt't reJUon t oord111.11or \\..t.'> tound gi.nlt~ T Ut--.<lJ~ 111 m..ippropn.iwl\ t1Judung '>C\"CrJI Ix"" t·11mllt"<I in 1111' ut~ \ dlti-r "l.hool pnJ!..'T<tfft-. o.imJ l.tmp' 11w IUI"\ 111 11 mt·n Jilt.I 0111 • \\I irn.ua d.- hbemtt't.l for ..ilx1u1 a da\ .mt.I .1 h.Jf lo t1111 \lt1 frt'nton 'lithdt'I \l'( ht.., 111 .!..! lt.'11111\ u1un1.., 11f pt'rlornung lt'\\d .i1 t'> on c hildn·11 dnd thn'l rm'4ll•mt•Jn11r t 1111n1' 111 -.exu.il d.'o.'>JUll \.t't•IW'-WiL' l h.1rg1.tJ lo'. 11 h .!.5 ld1111\ l 1111111'> I k f.11 t·' tlw po-....il)ihl\ ot "pt°ndm~ See WORKER. Paae A4 COSTA MESA Council still divided on condo plan Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot DEE~ BHAAATH covers public safety and courts. She mav be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath(w latimes.com SCAN HILLER /DAILY Pit.OT Firefighters carry 36-year-old Anibal Garcia to an ambulance after extricating him from a fiberglass tank on A°Jrway Avenue in Costa Mesa. Garcia was killed when an 1,1()0.pound metal hd struck his head. ( O"i1.\ \ll \A -I lXll may he rhr num her of hour-,-11 1akt><-bt'fort> the ( 1ty Coun cil finalJy tlende' wlwther to reconsider its approvdl of high dt'n~ity cundomln 1um ... at 1901 Nt•wport Boulevard. THINKING ALLOWED Su"ender is certain with Barney in the arsenal I t was nearly five years ago. but the mere mention of her tonnentor brought back vivid memories. Those words. That tune. That big purple dinolaur brought Oeh Zimmerman many aleepless nights. •r Jove you, ~u 1cm me, we're a happy family ..• " the lyrlca to the theme song for the popular childml» &how Barney & Friends repllyed lo her head. 7Jmme:nnln tubconecloUlly swayed her hMd beck and forth and aart~ muttering the lnllmow wu.dl -then ml.pped out of h. ., vMdty n:manbcrwhm r I ' LOLITA HARPER my oldest was 2 aod my second was a newborn.~ the Costa Mesa mother eaJd. ., would be up In the· middJeof the nJcht. wllh that Barney IOl1g on. I would be lt\ldt with that '°"' In my he9d ~I went beck to bed It WU lti a tape nlCi>rder p&lylilg (1'W and CM!f ind OWll ........ me.kw.. driving me crazy at the time because I wanted to sleep.· Apparently. the ~oJogk:al effects of ultna-sJmple lyrics. sung In repetitive fashion by a large. brigtltty-.colottd dinoea.U£- wbo IOWlds u lb.ougb he bat a permanent heed cold -1r-e dreedful. UNt~ S..tl!I mWcary oftidall ha¥e ,.,nedly uted various 8em'Y n--. lloac with other-chdchm ...... to cradt lreqi prllolMn ol ww. 2'Jmmerrn.n lbould ... purple heut b bir COMKI with the purp. ........ •1 kM )'O'I. you kM me •.. Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTMEWEB: ~.~com WEATHER Aaideftom :& tome•rtv morning fog. wt'• .. deerty 1Dd9y. S.hpA'l. SPORTS COtOM del Maf Hith boyt' ~ lwept Anowhtld C'hNIUn In tt.Clf~ ... ,...,. See COUNCIL, Pace M Pro-Fl Toro leader off county airport commission Paul Clinton Da1ly Pilot NEWPORT BEACH County Ol&innan Tum Wilson ~ SWl!pt the Ailport ~ Group' pmsident fJOm tm seat on a county air· po:n planning c:ornmWion ~ Wllloci. a lltaLlndl opponent ot en airport at the former PJ Turo Mlrtne Air ea. who re- pttWJU Newport CoMc Ind Soulh CourtCY cides. pr'opo9ed ~ 1bm Nlugt1lon. 1hr ..... ~ IOp lmdrr-mld m cw•lpDAil:o fl DMo Abpor1 ....,.,. ....... aipervl· ... ... ... In ...,., mousJy ~LO ~ ugbton &om ttt Allport lAnd Ufit c.ommi.sslon. The m«M came sakl. because Naught.on no looga" rdtcted county policy that dtr the March 2002 .-.. m Mmsft w. which mnowd ldrport r.onin8 I the fonnet time and made the pollilbWCy 0( In .... port there bigbty~ ~ Nl.uabton, ...... In my opinkJo. did MW 00 .. aJlll"1linft In""* hie ... _ In the .,.,.. ·--al die autCy md ., wtllli -, II mnypolkJ.•wt-.... ..,,,...M ' A2 Wtdnesdly, May 21 , 2003 LOCALS ONLY PET OF THE WEEK Misterfer Mlsterfer Is a beautiful Siamese Tubby. He is one of 35 recent Siamese and f1amepoint cats the Newport Beach-based C.Ommunity Animal Network has rescued "His piercing blue eyes seek someone to love and trust." sakl DiAnna Pfatf·Martin, founder of the network. I Siamese cats are special fof their strong personalities and vocal characteristics, she said In addition to new pet parents. the network needs volunteers to serve as adoption coordinators, rescue coordinators and vet techs, she said With the lnrge number of hand-raised kittens going out to new homes, the netwoit has also started pet parenting classes, Pfaff-Martin said. DUI ARRESTS These people have been srmst/Jd recenttyonsuspicionofdriving under the influence of an intoxicant Thay have only been srrestedonsuspicionofacrime and, as w;m all suspects, srs oonsidersd innootmt until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Sund.y • Gil Herrera-Vivar, 36, Costa Mesa • Heriberto Lozada-Juarez, 20, Orange Satunt.y • Cynthia Jacqueline Breese, 26, Irvine •Socrates Perez, 18, Costa Mesa ~ • David Daniel Woodward, 21, Costa Mesa • Charles William Roth, 43, Alpharetta. Ga. • Holly Lynn Aguirre, 26, Irvine •James Abram Casas, 24, Mission Viejo Thundey • Martin Robles, 35, Costa Mesa • Kevin Jonathan Welsh, 26. Newport Beacti Wedneldrf •Manuel Aores-Sandlt!Z, 21, Martin end T1m1r Brower tJf Newport Beach will be honored by the Jewish Family Service of Orange County for their contributions to family life and the Jewish community. Martin was president of the American Jewish Committee and past vice president of the Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation of Orange County. Prior to coming to Orange County, Tamar taught Sunday school, ran the gift shop and sang in the choir at Temple Israel of Westchester. In Orange County, she was on the founding board of Heritage Point, where she served for many years. The Browers will be recognized at the eighth annu1I Celebration of the Jewish Family on May 29 ... The Newport o.nc:. ChMr Academy recently won first place at the •Bring it on at the Beach" cheer competition In Oce1nslde ... Ch1lfle J1mff recently joined Makar Properties. LLC, In "Hand-raised kittens are exceptional family members," sbesaid. See other animals available for adoption at wwwanimalnetuKJrt.orgor Ru.w>'s pet store at Fashion Island between noon and 4 p.m. on weekends. lnfonnation: (949) 759-3646 or C.Ommunity Animal Network. P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach 926.58. Costa Mesa •Jose Hemandez-Hemandez, 33, Costa Mesa NEWPORT BEACH Sunct.y • Hamlet Peter Yousef, 31, Huntington Beach • Rachel Christine Laguna, 52, Newport Beach • Asnate Lauva, 24, Laguna Niguel Sllturdlly • ShaMa Lee Niemela, 34, Mission Viejo •Nicholas Henry Curtis, 18, Orange • Scott Emanuel Ek. 32, Newport Beacti • Atfredo Zamora, 37. Bellflower • Martha Olga Delgado Bustos, 33, Laguna Hills ~ •Jesse Lee Razo, V. Costa Mesa Thuf"lday • Sarah Killion Chaffin, 42, Tustin • Rebeoca Mary Eridcson, 36, LongBeach •Jorge Diaz-Peres, 30, Placentia ~ • Mary Rebecca Beveridge, 31, Newport Coast • Cookie Addey, 34, Corona del Mar • Kari James Schlaybach, 33, Cerritos Newport Beach, as vice president of acquisitions. Makar Properties, UC is a real estate Investment and development company. Chaille James James has overseen and executed in excess of $2.bllllon In commercial debt and equity transactions, and was most recently managing direct.or with RidgeRoad Partners of Pasadena, a real estate consulting group ... Navy Petty Officer 3rd class Thorin MIYl>a. son of Wanda Leonard of Costa Mesa and Peny D. Maybe of Huntington Beach, participated In the opening phaae of Operation Iraqi Fl'ffdom In the Arabian Gulf while assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln. Mayba la a 1989 graduate of Estancia High School In Costa Mesa ... Marine Corps Pvt. Daily A Pilot VOL 97. NO. 141 THOMAS H. JOHNSON NewsEdltat'9 PIJl>flaher Gina Alexlnder, Lori Ander900, TONYDOOEAO Deni.I Hunt. Plul Saitowltz, Editor Daniel SteveM JVf/'( OETT1NO ~~r NEWllTAFF Cttme~~rt9r. Promodone Director (9'8) 57'-422 ~.bhMsth•r.tJnw.com EDfTWO ITAff Jufte=J--8.J, Clllln Newport repc>rt9t, M=I~ Editor, (949) 57'-4232 (949 s W233 /UM.~01«/m-.com 1J.~1tn• r.tirrw.com ,...'*'°" .----Polltb, bu.i'*I ~environment ~Editor, , .. ~ ~. IMl '9M330 ~·flltlnw&oom PflUl.dlnton•,.,,,,,..,oom .............. LoMI ..... =--= Cotutnn6et. culture '9POf*, ndwd.cint•~ (Mt)174-4271 ..... J. .... lollfa,,.,,_.,.,,,,._oom M ~/ ,.._ 0.-°'i.f, .,....,. -IMIPMD4 Co.ti Mele,.,..,,.., PM221 ~...,-.com .,,..._,...,,.,, • ...,,,_,oom .... MIC I Cllll. •c:..119 ,.......,,,, (cMldon ,.,,.,, CMt..,.... i.. ..... ......,...,.,..~ .........,,., ............. ' FOR A GOOD CAUSE Marci and Marc Franklin · Finding a reward for service. Marti and Marc Franklin weren't looking for volunteer oppommities when they joined their temple 11 ~ ago. On the contrary, the Newpon Beach couple was just looking for a place lO observe their faith. dignjtaries Irvine Mayor Larry Agran, Newpon Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg and the keynote speaker, fonner Ointon Whitehouse press secretary Mike McCurry. "We joined the temple for the same reasons anyone joins a dnm:h or temple." Marci said "But then we kind of just fell in love with the temple .... It's a very warm place." That was then. This is now. On June I, the couple will receive the highest honor that C.Ongregation Shir Ha·Ma'a lot bestows on its members. the Irvine temple's Visionary Award, which they'U receive at the 2003 VtSionary Awards and Dinner at the temple in front of Their affection for their congregation shows. Both Pk'anJdins have donated countless hours to Shir Ha·Ma'alot Man: has served on the board of trustees for six years and now serves as its president NEIGHBORS 8-.n M. Sellng, son of SuMn M. Mdwr of Post Falla: Idaho and Robert A. s.flng Sr. of Newport Beach recently completed 12 weeb of balk: training It Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego. Sellng Is a 2001 graduate of Post Fells High School of Post Fella Idaho .•. Costa Mesa High School student C.itos fbami was one of 196 high school seniors named as a 2003 Horatio Alger California Conl Wlleon News aul1t1nt, (949) 674-4298 corel.wll.ontlfatlma.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiiier, Don l.Ndl, K.ent Treptow READERS HOTUNE (IMS) 642..fiOlMI Record your commenta about the Dally Piiot or newt tlpa. AddrMa Our lddrea 11 330 W. Bly St, Com M .... CA 92827. Off~ hours ire Mondly • F:ndly, 1:30 1.m. · S p.m. eon.euot11 It la the Pllot'I Policy to promptly C0"9Ct 111 11T0<1 of sutict.nce ,,..... Clll (9'9) 7&M324. FYI The N4twport Bead\ICotte Meea Dally Piiot (USPS-144-IOOl II publlthed dilly. In Newport hectl 1nd Cotti ~. eubeoripdone ire welllble only by eublcriblno to The TllNI Or.nge County (800) 2a2.f14t. In.,... outaldt of Newport leedt ~ Coeta ~. eubec:rtpdon9 '° IN Ollly P'llol •,. l'Vlfllble orify bV flrlt dill mill ff>' .., "'"'°""'· ,,... lndllde Ill ..,.,ilolbll-n IOOll w..1 POITMAITM. lend lddrelil ...... ., ,.. Newport e..M:Olli Mlilt Olity "'°'-'-0. The Brower family Schofar and awarded a $2.500 scholarship. The scholarship comes along with educational and financial counaeUng from the Horatio Alger Assn .. and can be used et any college or university wfthln the United States ..• St Margaret's Episcopal School senior Andrew Wood of Newport BMCh received a Bank of America Atttievement Award aa a finalist In the Anaheim Regional Event Box 1560, Costa Meu. CA 92626. Copyright: No news stories, illustr1tlons, editorl1I matter or 1dvertisement1 herein cen be reproduced without written perml11lon of copyright owner. HOW lO REACH US ctrculltlon The Time. Or1nge County (800) 252"9141 ~ a. ..... (949) 642-5878 °"'*Y (IMS) 642~1 Edleo!W ,.... (949) 642·5680 lpcHta (949) 574-<l223 ..... ,.... (949) 648-<t170 lpcHta Fu {IMS) 850-0170 E-mell: d1lfypllot•l1tlmH.com Meji\ Olloe lo1lnw <>Moe (949) &4.2-4321 ... 1,... ,_(Ml) 131-7128 lmll PubfllMd~"* Community New9,. of the L.ol ~ TlfMI. aoo3 Tim. CH. Al rightl ·-- Under his leadership. the temple's membership has grown a.bout 40% to 400 families. He also used the business expertise he employs as senior vice president of strategic planning and development at Pacific Life in to the temple's advantage. creating the its Sl .4-mllllon millennium fund and raising $700,000 to build a sancruary. "My feeling Is it's not enough to be succe5Sful in a business pursuit.. Marc said. lbat should ~ you time and resources to ~ back to the community." Marc also served on the Newpon Beach Parks and Recreation C.Ommission and has worked for other charities. including serving on the board of directors for the battered women's shelter Human Options and also playing an active role in the Junior Statesman orgarmation. Marci organizes the temple's Shabbat reception and serves on its committee for renovations. as weU as performing a number of other volun1eer duties. "This isn~ something we planned. -Marci said ·But it's very rewarding to be involved with: Maoc added. -Story by June <Asagrande; Phcto by Don Leach Newport Dance Cheer Academy Wood won $500 In the category of liberal arts for his outstanding record of performance. • NEIGHBORS spotlights actiievementl In the community. Please direct noteworthy information to Coral Wlleon by fir at (949) 646-4170, or send e-mall to coral.wilson@latlme1.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF Dense fog wfll greet us early The southwest swell will this morning, but like on pldc up the allghteat bit of Tu.day, It will bum off tor energy tod1y, ao expect eome another beautifully sunny day, waist· to cheat-highs. with highs In the upper 70s. The waves becb down et Lows will fall just below 60. south-facing beadlet Thuradey should be similar. Thuradey and Friday, but lnfomuldon: should gaJn aome momentum www.nwa.noaa.(JOV on Saturday M the latest IW9fl rolls In. It should pnMde us BOATl2 RECAST some chect-hlghs and the oocaalonat lhouk:let"Ngh. The wt wtll blow 10 kr'°'9 Sunday should be limllar. In the Inner watera thle w.w .,.elty: momlng, with 2.foot wtvee www.surfrl<Mf:oru and a W91t IMI of 4 feet. Thll afternoon, the Winds wfll TIDES become weeter1y and wtll blow Time strong« et 5 to 15 knots. ........ Out farther, the t :14a.m. ·<UlfMtlow nofth\t .. lfetty wtndl will blow 4:44p.m. 3.79Mthlgh 10 to 20 knoel. ~ 1· to 34oot t.04p.m. 3.02fMllow MYM Ind a WM IMll of &to 2:401.m. 4.&0fMthlgh ...... Thia ewnlng. the ..... wtl piak up '° 20 to 30 lcncMa, WATER TEMPERATURE bUI ........ '°"'Ottt to 10 to20. ,,..._ Corona del Mar students promote diversity High school marks Appreciating Diversity Day with a week of workshops and guest speakers. Chrlatlne C1rrlllo Daily Pilot CORONA DBL MAR -They're looking to stop hate and pro· mote appreciation. They want to encourage the community to be aware while also respecting the differences among people. They want to appreciate dJverslty. For the past two years, Corona del Mar High School has held events to ma.rte Appreciating Di· vers!ty Day. This year, the school BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Small group of students protests economic plans About 20 UC lrvlne students rallied Tuesday Lo protest the Bush Administration's economic plans that they believe further burden students seeking higher education. Oaimlng the Republican poli- cies favor higher income families over the woddng and lower in- come families, the students. many from the Young Democrats a.t UO, took to the podium LO share their concerns. "Our goal is to just put the mes- sage out there,· said Sandra KID- taudi. co-cha.Ir of the student or- ganization. "'Wf!re just trying to make sure our voices are heard." A handful of the students that gathered on the lrvine campus Tuesday afternoon wore gradu- ation gowns symbol.iD.ng the poor economy that now awaits college graduates. The students who or- ganiz.ed the rally said they hoped to educate students about the dif- extended that theme to include events scheduled throughout the week. But the two student organ!za· tions involved in maJdng It hap· pen -Pal Assistance Leaderab.lp and Tolerance Among People - have worked bard at trying to promote tolerance and aware· ness of dJversity throughout the school ye.ar, said Kathy Hath, a counselor at the school who has helped organize the event. "The primary goal would be to educate everybody about the different cultures, ethnicities and just the life differences," Hath said. "Ir's important to understand and appreciate dJ. versity." Al a workshop on bate crimes and the "Non-Appreciation of 6culties that lie ahead and moti- vate them to take a stance. Police crack down on seat-belt violators Costa Mesa and Newport Beach police departments will join more than 12.000 law en- forcement agencies in a nation- wide crackdown against seat belt violators. The two-week enforcement began Monday and will con- tinue through the Memorial Day weekend until June 2. Both departments will issue more citations for seat belt vio- lations during this period, offi- cials sa.i d. C.Osta Mesa honors lifesaver with award Cindy LighLner has received the Costa Mesa Mayor's Award for her lightning-quick action Lhat saved a life. The Mayor's Award recognizes people in the community who have per- formed an outstanding act, service or good deed. Lightner was nominated for her quick thinking and immedJ- <!jj~ Floral & Gifts 50 % OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids Home Decor • Furniture Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10-5 •Sun 10--4 369 E. 17th Street 113, Costa Mesa • (949) 646-()745 (Across from Ralphs) Spa Gregorie's AND SALON GREGORIE'S {}~ t:.7 ~-~·~;/- FMw.Mwata ~--QUf SKlNSCOPE EVENT a.er...,.,,,.,,. bflfor9 It.......,.. ==°':~,,,.,. \ -llfJ "-*"' prOdUd ~ All for full S35 -a $105 Vlluel R~ f'l(ftllnl. GO {lf'Oduct °""" ... bl UHd 1111 $?"111 Spa Gregorit 's Hours 200 Newport Center Drive, Suite 100 ' Newport Beach, California 92660 Diversity.~ Senior Deputy Dist. Atty. Mike Fell and student pan· ellsts shared their pel'IOnal ex· periences at a worbbop Tues· day that kicked off the weeklong events. "The students feel lib they get an excellent education ... in all of the core subjecu, but the one thing they want to infuse into the curriculum are these kinds of social issues," Hath said. Spending today attending one work.shop after another, stu- dents will hear a variety of speakers discuss their experi- ences and hopefully learn how better to handle the differences among them, she said Alt.hough the work.shops and speakers are voluntary for students and com- ate use of cardiopulmonary re- suscitation, which saved the life of a heart attack victim at Woodland Elementary School In Costa Mesa in late April. The city's fire department paramed- ics claimed the person might not have survived without Ms. LlghLner's prompt administra- tion of CPR. Mayor Gary Monahan sele<Je<i Lightner for the award b~_~n her selfless act of saving a life. She will be honored at the June 2 City Council meeting. The award presentation will take place in the council chambers at City Hall at 6:30 p.m. Planning group honors former commissioner Former Costa Mesa Planmng Commissioner Walt Davenport wa'l honored Thursday at the annual awards ceremony of the Orange County section of the American Planning Assn. Dav- enport received the Distin- gU1!>hed Leadership and Sernce Award for his nearly-23 years of sernce on Lhe Planning Com- mission. The American Planning Assn. mun1ty members to attend, those students involved in ar- ranging the speakers and the topics addressed want to make a difference. "I think through education and understanding, people In general would just gel along bet- ter," said Vic Merjanian, a senior at Corona del Mar High who helped organize the diversity events. uThe goal Is just to send a message of peace and under· standing to the whole commu- nity. We're trying to cover every outlet of hate.• A second evening work.shop about the life story of a deaf holocaust survivor will be held from 7 \O 9 p.m. Thursday at the high school's UttJe Theater. The event is open to the public. is a national organizauon of professional planners, ciuzens and elected officials committed to urban, suburban and re· gional planning. Davenport will now be nominated for a state- level award at APA's annual California Cllapter conference in September. Applications accepted fo r street closures Costa Mesa is accepting ap plications for Independence Day requests for the closing of streets for block parties. The city requ1rei. that ie~1- dents obtain and complete an application package. aJong w11h proof of liability insurance for Lhe event. The city remrnd!> all residents to comple1ely c;weep up and properly remO\ e dnd dispose of all firework<. and pack.aging form uty •.treet'> at the end of the e\ening Addi tionally. firework<. are not per mined to be discharged from any city park. Applications are available only by request or through tht· city'!> Web site. I or more infor mation, call (7 141 754·5.12i. THE FRIENDS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY will host I 11 a complimmtary brunch and annU11/ mertmg for mrmbm on -' I -' . --. -: . -. . ._ . . -. . . . . - I I i Wrdnmlay. June 4. 2003 111 10~30 tJ m m the Fnmds Munng Room at the Cmrral I 1brary. The speaker wtll be Nancy Rob1mon well known iacal author who produced and hosted the cabuvmon show. Author to Author New officers will be insraikd b) Lmda Karsoukas. Library Servicer Dmctor SEATING IS LIMITED Pka.se R.S. V.P. by May 28th (714) 596-5276 Give Us Your Child this Summer. An4 we•u sift you 1 student • fUU aademk leftl hlper. At Tutoring Clubs of America, we're dedicated to ensuring your chlld succeeds Most important. we help studl'nts achieve the self~stttm and confidence they need to succeed All In With our l'xcluslve TutorAld justµ hours. GUAMNTEEO. curriculum, we as creatl' learntng Somme mp ea11 today and find programs out more. It could be sp«lflcally ,,,..._ the most Important designed for your chlld's nf!eds. summer of your chlld's life. (9-4-9) 645·7900 '488 East 1]th St~t • Costa Mesa (corMr of Irvine Avenue) MATH • READING • WRITING • STUDY SKILLS • SAT PREP Steaks• Seafood• Cocktails •0 Quality Service••· •••Nightly Entertainment'"'* Wednesday, May 21 . 2003 Al I UI H.-.. ·ri 11/IOIU t 11/l (')49) 6 ... 6-... 944 I(,•)<; lninr AH t "".a \In.a o...," •n• "-,.-1 'fU. I lliJ O I'S..•) • ., ... ' 1 ... Owners, Tom Strong and StftM! Peterson (II ~ fifll·'';.:m <;~ \Rt\\ 114 (,IJI 01 ' 'l.\J'Lt. UE\.,f. SOLID HARDWOOD PLUSH CARPET s4~~r1. • ln,Wlcd '<Ith P.d S J 6 9 • 'tui1mum fj(l )OO sq. ft. Travertine 18 .. x 18 ....................... 14.29 ... n Ceramic T iie ...............•.. 1n.1aJl«d r ....... 14.99 ... n. Laminate Wood .•....••..•.. lruo1all«<I r .. ,, .. 14.99 ... n 'upp/i .. ,. und 1"<>0/s For thf' -~ It )'ours•IF~·!- "' prlt-tt•lprodtn-ls For a limltltt/ /lmr, IHl<,d on 111•0/lal>ll/tg. 1374 Logan An., Suite F •COSTA MESA (888) ~~1~A-777 ~·\!~ 1 .·~ '10,.·FlU. 10 ol'I •• 5 P'I _....11W.-""'. 1 AP•.llt SAT. 10 ,\.'I lo Z P'I fCLO'iEll Slll\l>AYl .... _. ~ - M Wednesday, May 21 , 2003 COUNCIL Continued from Al For the eecond ~. the coun- cil deadlocked on whether to re- hear the condo project Monday. Finally having a fifth council member on the dais did not en- sure decisive action because Councilwoman Ubby c.owan was not present for the meeting. The project calls for 161 up- scale condos to be housed ln four. four-story buildings. about SO feet In hel.ght, on property that hosts the Spanish mlssion- style Newport Plaza building. It was orlgjnally approved on April 14. Theburdeno!proofrestedon Robin Leftler, representing Costa Meta Citllens for Responsible Growth. and Councilman Allan Mamoor. Both appealed the ap- proval and had to present new infonnation to justify a rehear- ing. Lemer gave an exhaustive presentation~ which included passing out ftowers to the coun- cil and using blocks to illustrate the perceived adverse effects of too much shade from the condo buildings. But Mayor Gary Monahan and new Councilman Mike Scheafer were not con· vinced. "This is not new information, it's a dift'erence of opinion that has been expressed since day one,• Monahan said. "Just be· TWENTY LENDERS ONE PHONE CALL dij r'!lsw... 949 .252.8200 ,___-~ Biii Fallon • Purchase • Refl • Construction 15 years In O.C. The Lending Group• 3&4a tempua 0r .• .i10, 111ewpo<1 e..ct1 CA 112eeo r-------------------------, t)~ {JQMH" dj.QNH, ~ ~ Certified Farmers' Market Every Thursday Now Featuring Corn & Cherries! 9:00 AM -1 :00 PM COSTA MESA FAIRGROUNDS Fresh Produce Directly From the Farm to You $1.00 OFF (Minimum $5.00 PurchaJt) Expires June 12, 2003 L-------------------------~ THESE MEW FABRICS Will APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EVEN HUSBANDS. cause you don't lib the project., or you voted Ip.inst It. does not justify a rehearing.• The council ftrst deadlocbd on the issue on May 5. The con- tinued delay is causing frustra- tion and increased costs for de- veloper Davld Eadie of Rutter Development "COnsJdering the fact that we filed our applications in March of 2002, it's taken a while to get to the end of the day. and basi- cally time ls money,• Eadie said. "We received the approvals from the Planning Comm.lssJon in February and here we are going into June, which Ls an inordinate delay." Monday, Leffier presented a copious amount of information that the citizen's group considers to be new on Issues including the environmental report,. pri· vacy, parking and noise. Lemer also delved into greater detail on some information that was brought up during previous pub· lie hearings. She brought sun· sensitive flowers like gazanlas to demonstrate what the group considers to be ~ntradictory in· WORKER Continued from Al the rest of hJs life In prison when he is sentenced July 11. Veches faces a maximwn of 300 years in prison. but could become eligible for parole In IS or 45 years, de- pending on how the judge sen· tences him. Senior Deputy Dist Atty. Slteila Hanson said. The case involved 20 victims. all of whom testified for the prosecu· tion during the five-day trial. The boys. who were between 6 and IO years of age when the crimes oc· curred. said Veches , either touched, licked or sucked on their toes or feet One 8·year:otd boy said Veches made him take off his pants and then touched him inappropriately. The defense argued that Veches sucked the boys' toes. but not for sexual gratification. Hanson said she was pleased with the verdict. "He was guilty of the charges," she said. "The evidence we had WdS O\lerwhelming. • Defense Attorney Jolm Patriclc Dolan did no1 return phone calls Tuesday. But Dolan repeatedly argued that the prosecution did not have any physical evidence to prove that Veches sucked the childrens feet to sexually gratify himself. Among the evidence were thou- ALLOWED Continued from Al : It's going to be stuck in your head all day. Parents and caretakers interviewed a1 Mariner's Parle . Tuesday were all l'amlliar with at least one Barney tune and almost come in three rrew fabrics • all of them had faced repeated exposure to such cruelty. Most laughed at the thought of a big purple dinosaur being used as a tool of war, but agreed it would be effective. ~ALDEN'S l'l.OOl CcMalNC. A.'10 Cl \1')M Wl'>OO'I' CovwNc.\ 1 '63 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 16 Full Time Peraonol Troineir1 • Child Core Som· noon M -f • Ample & Convenient 'orld,. • Yogo, Toi Chr, Stretch da ' • f I It. f. t t I •• t ... ................ . '"" "'" ..... ,,,,, "Hearing that is pretty good torture." said nanny Shelly Kolo. "I usually flip over half way through the episode." lraqi Wormants have reportedly been Inundated with these catchy little tunes 24-hours they spill the beans. Repons did not specify the exact songs used to break the prisoners. but Barney favorites include such hits as, "Up is up and down is down,· MThe idea song,· and the ever-popular, "I put a smile on." Big Bl.rd songs have also been part of the reported arsenal. formation about abide and abadows 1n the reeort. "There were some 1Ubjects that had been touched on be-, fore. but just because they wete touched on before doesn't mean we haven't provided new infor- mation to the council.• Leftler said. "We brought forth a lot of depth that the council hadn't heard before." • Scheafer critiqued the etyle of the presentation. "Maybe· it's because I'm new on the council, but I got lost a lit- tle bit/ Scheafer said. "(The presentation] was all over the place. If I'm going to make a presentation to convince some- body of something, I'm going to give five or six bullet points." The request for a rebearlng will be considered again at the June 2 City Council meeting, when an five members are expected to be present On May 5, Cowan voted against the rehearing. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by •mail at delrdre.n~an@l.rlm86.com. sands of photos and movies de- picting child pornography ln Veches' home computer that Newport Beach Police found. Veches pleaded guilty to a mis· demeanor of possessing child pornography before hJs trial on the felony charges started. Dolan is expected to appeal the jury's venlict. Hanson said her biggest chal· Jenge was to prove that Veches' in· tendons were sexual. 'Tm glad the jury saw that we had a lot of evidence to prove that," she said. Hanson said she is used to working with young victims of sexual crimes. "Woricing with children is the most satisfying pan of my job." she said "But we u.rually don't have so many victims." The Veches case is a lesson for parents, said Newport Beach Po· lice Del Tom Monarch. the lead investigator on the case. "Parents should be proactive when kids reveal that there has been inappropriate activity,· he said "It doesn~ matter if the kids thought he was a good guy or a bad guy. Kids are not in a position to make that decision." • DEfPA BHARAlli covers public safety and courts. She may be reactied at (949) 574-4226 or by &-mail st deepa.bharath@latimes.com. At this rate. Rafli could be considered a weapon of mass destruction. Those at Mariners Park saJd they could handle about 20 minutes before flipping their lid. Jennifer Mauser, mother of a l ·year·old boy, said her son loves Barney and the Teletubbies -all the "annoying ones." •If be hears it. he'll run right in the room." said Mauser. who watches the programs with her son because he Uk.es to cuddle. Ml can usually do about 20 minutes, which is really good for me. It's usually about all he can handle too." Ray Alstadt said he had enough of the pwple dinosaur while baby·sitting nieces and nephews to know better than to introduce it to his daughter. • ut on Barn before Megan was even born, H Alstadt said Evel')'body now! "I love you. you love me ... : The first part of the song may be true but lt doesn't seem that kind of dino-love is shared by many adults. Costa Mesa mother Shannon Schofield said the oversized reptile was banned from her house before her son got a chance to get hooked. ·1 never allowed that ln my house because of that song," Schofield said. "At least they AIRPORT Continued from Al son said "Bui county policy bas changed with regard to FJ Toro. Therefore, I felt that a change in representation was appropriate.· Naughton said he wasn't com- pletely surprised by his dismissal. especially since the woricing group has continued to fight for an air· port via federal courts. Bui Naughton said he has not been told why he was removed. "It's not dear to me,· Naughton said. Ml think there's been a lot of pressure from South County to re· move me from tha1 committee.· The working group is expected Lo settle its federal lawruit against the Navy in the coming months. Naughton said Also in the coming months. the planning commission will be sub- mitting wning recommendadons to the board for the 4,700-acre base property, which will be auc· tioned off for development during an online auction later this year. Supervisor nm Silva. who re- presents Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, said he supponed the move. "I Just Celt that. as the chainnan of the board. that Tom Wtlson would be allowed to do that.· Silva said .The ahport is behind us.. However, James Campbell. the chief of staff for Supervisor Otuclc Smith, said his boss had not fPven up the ghost for an El Toro Air· port It was Smith who appointed Naughton to the comm.i.sQon ln January 200 l , when he Jed the board of supervisors. "There are still 3,600 feet of run· way out there, H Campbell said. "The · r lnted Tom N ton t wasa appointment. but OWnnao Wil- son wants to go another direc· ti on." • MUl. a.JNTON covers the environment. business and politics . He m-v be reached 81 (949) 764-4'330 or by e-mail 81 paul.clintonO/atimes.com. CHIEF foWld a good use for it" Continued from Al Newport Beach baby-sitter Jill Anderson sakl it takes a lot more before making those decisions.~ than Barney to aack her psyche. Costa Mesa has made "the rigllt Anderson takes care of four ~ choice,• Leaf said. d.dldren. fr\>m 8 months to Cypn!.IS Oty Manager Patrick 6-years-old and Aid the ICXlp lmportuna said Hemley "brought simply blend Into the a lot of prohsk>neHan and or- bec.iqp'ound. pnlntional ltrUcbn Into our po-•rve been e:q>C*d to it a lot -Bee department.· a lot-and I don't lbiDk it'a "Morale is hW\ • he said. •tte torture," she llld. "Wbatewr lelected good 1'eutmants, cap- beps them occupied. talns and aerganta. He ~ got The resilient cuetaker 4M!l'l us our own lhoodng range, aome- had suggadool for ochel' llOng9 thing very few ddes have." that might help tt. UA lad out The dllel aJeo "Interacted very pertinent tnbnW' .. e. ADdlrton well with the community,• he ....... "Slddulwtr*. -you llld. --the........... "One d .. molt lllgrdftcant ......, • .,. adlakaclnk. ICh.lewmenta bme w.. he at up # IN Mii* a clDo, 1 lcM you I dep1111nent·wkie community ...... polkq propn." lmportuna "'n .... wadd" would lll6d. ......,. ·-· Andlnoll ...., .. .., ...... In .. lllkL ~lndlii .. a••••- •IOIMIWZ ...... ....... . td(yt.a.·~~·m .... ........... , ...... ,,..... ...................... ..., ............ ...,.. ., ..... . .... ,. ......... .... , ,.. II"" a Piit •.a;• -lM_"llll __ llllillll ~ I H & ..... ID Cllllsal: Ill -<IC ..... , ....... .. --. .. a. .... -.· Daily Plot • The O..tv Pffot welconlel oblCueriea for r'9lidenb 0.- fomw reeidenCa of eo.. MeM Md Newport INdl. If you w.nt to have en obftuety printed In the PMot, .Ar your moftUary to fax UI the lnformedon et (949) ..... ,70 or c.11thenewsroom8t (MJ 7&M32A. PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • BNr Street: Petty theft was reported In the 3300 blodc at 4:13 p.m. Sunday. • Bristol StrMt: A hit-and-run was reported in the 3000 blodc at 4:35 p.m. Sunday. • HMbor Boulewrd: Petty theft was reported in the 2300 blodc at 2:08 p.m. Sunday. •Placentia Avenue: A traffic accident Involving lnfttrles was reported In the 2500 blodc at 2:40 p.m. Sunday. • Royan lane: A garage burglary was reported in the 300 blodc at 2:12 p.m. Sunday. • Welt 19th Str.t: An individual was reportedly under the influence of a controlled substance in the 600 blcx:t at 12:38 a.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH •West eo..t Highway: An auto theft was reported In the 2900 blcx:t at 10:05 a.m. Monday. • Evening Canyon Roed: A burglary W8ll repoc18d In the 300 bkldc at 1 :21 p.m. Monday. • lrvfne Avenue: Forgery wasreportedinthe1000 blodc at 3:12 p.m . Monday. • Newport Bouleverd: Grand theft w11 reported In the 3300 bloct et 2:46 p.m. Monday. • Wednesday, May 21, 2003 A5 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -uaen: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RMd9rt HotUM: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mtll:Send to dailypllot@lstimes.com •All corTespondenoe must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all subm1ss1ons for clarity and length Questions need to be answered about bridges To say no to the bridges across the Santa Ana River Is easy. Resolving our traffic p roblems is not so easy. It was easy to say no to South County's airport noise at El Toro, but the results were not what we wanted. We in Mesa Verde are under the Oigttt path to the ever-increasing air traffic Into Long Beach. So where do all the cars go if we do not build the bridges? above questions, then we ca11 understand the consequences of our actions. JAMES JONES Mesa Verde Watch out for other monstrosities on horizon I am writing this letter regarding the proposed 190 I Newport condominium project because I appreciated the support I received when fighting against the "monslrosity" at 3007 Samoa Place that che city approved across the street from my house. We all have very busy Lives and can barely afford the time to "get MAILBAG general plan amendment it takes tci manipulate city ruJes to allow something lik.e thii.. "Mabler plan," "general plan," uspecific plan" au sound alik.e and, except to experts, seem prt!llY interchangeable. Aho. the park.mg varnmce l-.ad1t:' rcfor-. tu a:. be mg " about garage door!>· I'> actually a request to provtde dozen!> fewer parking spaces than are required for a project this -.1ze Traffic is so bad on Adams, 11 1s actually faster 10 cut through the residentiaJ street of Mesa Verde. In attempts to keep lhe traffic on Adams. the city has closed Swan Drive, reduced the number of through lanes from Placentia to Mesa Verde Drive, put hump!> on Country Oub Drive, added right tu rning lanes at Adams and Placentia, eliminated turning lanes onto Country d ub Orivc and added 1he first p hoto e nforcement cameras at the city's worst intersection, Adams and Harbor. involved" even when an issue directly affects us. let aJone when it is across town. However, I am afraid of the precedent projects like 190 I Newport and :.1007 Samoa Place ser for our beautiful city. Apparently, I was and am not lhe only one with concerns. When fighting the· Samoa project, which also tried to exceed lhe number of .,rories alJowed. we ralUed the nr1ghbors and obtained almost 700 '>ignatures in petition and spe nt approximately six months auending Planning Commission and City Council meetings and hearings to stop the construttion. The Sam oa house even garnered the title of one of the Daily Pilot's top 103 mo'>t influenual "people" m Newport-Mesa (No. 77. 1f memory '>erves me). Eventua lly, even the dty changed the planning code'> COURTESY Of JAMES JON£S A reader sent in this photo of Adams Avenue at 7:45 a.m., showing the traffic backup from the Santa Alla River to Mesa Verde Drive. Whatever you Lall the spec1aJ favor.. l:.ad1e 1.s seek.mg from the etty 10 get approvaJ'> to build 1h1'> thing, they are way oui..1de ~hat i' currently allowed Anordmg to the gcnt:ral plan. only lO urn ts per acre and bu1ld111g'> It:'>'> than 30 feet call Me allowed 111 ncarby residenuaJ aft'd.'\, but this p .. m :l'l .., zoned for tommt.'rual only '>o whatever the exact propt:'r term'> are. lhl'> dt.'veloper ... a"'lcmg ror whopping change'>, lot'> of them, from what ,., currently alloweJ cm Lhl' property lo most lay people. that would be a heck of a "variance," .. in cc it vane:. .,o radically from cum:nt entitlement'> for the property. So here arc the question!> that need to be answered: Will a Gi!>ler bridge decrease the traffic through Me'>a Verde? Will ii take the load off Adams? Will 1his improve emergency services between our ci11e!>? If the bridge is not built, when do we widen Adams to four lanes in each direction? How many houses do we take ou17 How much does the cut·lhrough traffic have to increa!>e for the city to be required to remove the humps on Country Club? If Adams is closed for another !>ewer lea.It. water main breaJt or s treet repair, how do people get 10 work, and what happens to emergency services? How much traffic do we cake off of Adams if the San Diego freeway ii. fixed? It has been know for 20 yearl> that Fountain Valley needs to replace the TaJbert Street Bridge for the freeway 10 be widened. When 11' th1'> going to happen? Once we have the an!>wer!> to the To: From: to avoid future overdeveloping. Once t•nough attention was drawn to the project, it was hard to find anyone who didn't think the property .. hould ht.' hrought into conformily. Now, we are dealing with another "morll>lrosity" that threatens our neighbors on Hernard Street. The city ha!> !.crutini:t,ed many profesloionally submi1ted environmental report'> and other scienUfic input in developing the general plan for the city. It i'> my under!>tanding that the zoning for 1h1l> parcel is commercial, not residential, and already at its maximum floor area coverage. If rezoned, the maximum allowable building height at less than 30 feet and 20 units per acre for residential zoned parcels south of the freeway is lhe most appropriate aJlowable maximum. Variances shouJd be given to mitigate against unu .. ual un:umstance:. that affect certain propertie!> that otherwhe would meet the lOde so 1ha1 owners of the properly can receive the full benefit allowed by the city code. I lowever, in thi .. cac;e, Lhe request or 1hc developer 10 exceed the he1gh1 llm1tat1on. exceed che density and under park the project are all reque"I' for favonlbm. nol mi ligation. 'I his will '>l't a horrible precedent and the impacl on 1he residences on Bernard will mo'>t definitely be significant, contrary to the suggestion of the environmental report. But ii will 1101 only affect those neighhors. but will abo impact 1he surrounding bw,ine"' and traffic, and most importantly. may eventuall y he the ··mon'>lIO'>ity .. acrov, tht• sueet from your property .... Then what will you do? SYDNEY GIELOW Costa Mesa There's nothing funny about the condo plan I had a good lauKh at developer Daw l.Jd1e·~ l'Xtremely .,elf l>Crvmg le11cr about Im h1g pl.in., to build a 50-foot tall, 45-unit-per .iue condo project al 1901 Newport. ("Nothing '>hadowy about condo plan." 1 hur .. day) It wa.., pretty m1'>lt:ading 10 anyont· who know'> "the fac1,·· Eadie '"Y" wt• .. 1wuld rely on. l'aul Hanagan\ earlier letter f'Condo plan a 'ihadowy one for Lo'>ta Me'>a, .. May Hl may not have all the planning iargon city planner'> and developer' u-.e down pal, but he pre1ty accurately portrayed the e"c1111al facl'> aboul thi'> ma'>'>IVC' prUJl'Lt <.untrary to l·.adw\ a:.senions. l·ad1t· did a'>k for a new ma..,ter plan to bt• adopled, a'> well al> the incrt'dible I don't know when 1-lcmagan\ letter was written, but II wa'> only after senous arm IWl'>llflg hy a C.11y Council person dunng the redevelopment hearing that Eadie conteded to provide actuaJ affordable hou'>rng and not try to wea'>el ouc of that obligallon with a paJtry "in heu fee· 1-lanagan may not have had that 1nforma11on at the ume he wrote his letter l:ven though t.ad1e rt'lu<. ldntl) agreed to buy or build '>Orne low tncome unit'> '>omewhere che in the city. that wa., amu'>ing too because he '>aid it wa.,n't appropriate to provide low-income untl'> within hi' "luxury" cundomm1um prn1ect. If low 1ncomt' people aren't good enough live 111 hi\ LOndos, I wonder where in ( .o<,ta Me'>a he think..'> 1c, appropriate., That Dave l-.ad1e t'> a funny guy, hut thi!> condo projec:t 1<,n'1 tunny ac <1ll II needi. more <.on.,1dcratmn, and 11 would be very wise of the C.11y Council to reopen the puhltc hearing ROBIN LEFFLER ( O'>ta Mt.''>d Subject All l rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade boys and girls Pilot Cup Soccer Tournament Headquarters Pilot Cup Soccer tournament, May 28"'-June I" It 's time to sign up for the most exciting soccer tournament of the year: Let them know how proud you are! The Fourth Annual Pilo t Cup!!! The Pilot Cup is a one week soccer tournament which involves all public and private schools in the Newport Beach-Costa Mesa area. It will be held May 28 -June I" to see whic h school has the best soccer team in the following divisions. 3"' and 4• grade boys; l,.. and 4"' grade girls s• and 6"' grade boys; s• and 6"' grade girl s Winners will receive commemorative awards. Wmnjng schools will receive the right to how off the Pilot Cup PerpetuaJ Trophy Award for one year. So go to the principal's office or the athletics office right now and sign up to represent your school in the most exciting soccer event of the year -The Pilot Cup 2003. All participants receive a t-shirt. Thi.s tournament is sponsored by the Daily Pilot and Youth Services Association. There is a $5 con tribution to cover the cost of the t-shirt. Don't miss out on this chance to play soccer for your school and win the right to the Pilot Cup Perpetual Trophy as the best soccer school in town. Yes, we do need coaches. Shirt Size: For more information, contact your child's school. Boy O Small 0 Girl Q Medium Q Large Q School:.__---=-------~~--~~~~~­ Grade::...-:....0....--...~~~~~~~~~~~ It 's okay for my son/daughter to sign up for the Pilot Cup Parent Signature._· ---------- ' ----------------------------------------------------------· A SpE'CIJI fl.lg!' will publish in the> Daily Pilot on Friday. lunt> 20 to honor our gr adualt''> r or your dau~htPr, ~on, lrieond or special someone be> .l p,ir1 0 1 this tribute tor only $40 00 L!x2 adJ fill in the lorm below and mail 11 to us with their photo Be surf' to put th<> name' and addrC's~ on the back ot the photo .llld wr'll return 11 to you Graduate's Information: Submitted by: GrJduatC'\ N<1me '>chool ""Jme \/lout 11!1• •rJt/11.111 I lnhl11p<, tnlNf"I• rn lulurt p/Jn' Address: ________________ _ -.. Credit Card No.:---------Exp. Signature for credit card:----------- 111 yoo pref Pr. yoo may enclose $40 check mack p.iy.ible to ·o.id~ Pilot ·1 M.Jil d11s form ...-1th photo to· R()fS '/If•"" DAllY Pu.OT 330 W. Bay Street • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 t QUOTE OF 1ME DAY ''The whole plan was to go five, to roll the dice and see what happens." Dan Glenn, Newport Harbor boys volleyball coach M Wecilesday, May 21, 2003 COLLEGE BASEBALL Three 'Eaters honored Klemm, Smith and Wagner garner All-Big West Conference recognition for UC Irvine. UC Irvine senior Cluis Klemm, sopho- more Brett Smith and freshman Made Wagner have received second-team All· Big West Conference honors ln baseball, while sophomore Steve Schroer garnered honorable mention. Klemm. an outfielder, leads the team with a .314 batting average. 64 hits. five home runs and a .500 slugging percent· age. He has driven ln 26 runs, which is thiid on the squad, and he is second with eight stolen bases. IOemm's six triples is not only a team· high but also tops the Big West Confer· ence. He was named a Big West Player of the Week. April 7 after help- ing UC Irvine capture the series against con· ference foe UC Santa Barbara. Klemm batted .462 (6"for 13) with three runs scored and three RBls, Including a home run during that week. The confer· ence honor is the second for Klemm, who was awarded honorable mention last season. Smith was named Big West Pitcher of the Week April 14 after outdueling 49er ace Jered Weaver and going eight~ while allowing ju.st one run on six hits. including five slrlkeouts. Smith also bested then-No. 4 Cal State Fullerton's Wes Littleton, an All-American, for UO's second win against a Top 25 team. Smith Jeads the team with eight wins and 87 strikeouts while sporting a 3. 71 ERA. His 87 strikeouts puts him in the No. 4 spot among the conference leaders as well as eighth in the µc1 season record for sf.rikeout:s. wagner spent time as the Anteater catcher as well as filling in as a first ~ man. The freshman started in 53 of 55 games for UCI and leads the team with 31 RBis. He is second with 57 hits. He is third with 32 multiple-RBI games. Among the Big West leaders, Wagner is tied for fourth with 19 doubles and has thrown out 11 runners to tie for seventh. His fielding percentage of .990 is 10th in the conference. Against Pepperdine, Wagner drove in three runs for a per- sonal high and also hit two doubles in a game four times. He leads the team with a bases-loaded batting average of .400. Schroer has shut out the opponent in • • Spof'tl EAllDr Rlch.-d Dunn: 1949) 574-4223 • Sparta Fu: (949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT CdM's Tom Welch, left, and Austin Brawner block an Arrowhead Christian spike attempt in the CIF playoffs Tuesday. Sea Kings, getting healthier by the day, roll into CIF Division II quarterfinals. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -It was, somehow, fitting that among the Arrowhead Oui.stian Academy at· tackers the Corona del Mar blQCkers barricaded at the net Tuesday night. was junior John Paine. Pain. after all -the sensation, not the player -has been the most per· sistent opponent the Sea Kings have faced this spring. Senior starters Bart Welch and Eric Jones, both forced to watch most of the May 9 regular-season finale from the bench with sprained ankles, started and played through pain to help lead C.dM to a 15·5, 15-5, 15·2 home victory in the second round of the OF Southern Section Division a boys vol- leyball playoffs. Their recoveries clearly benefited from the fust·round bye, C.dM Coach Steve Conti said The win improves the No. 2-seeded Sea Kings to 19· ll and advances them to Friday's quarterfinaJs. when they will play 23-9 Arcadia. a 15-8, 15-4, 15-4 winner over Canyon of Canyon Country Tuesday. •1 was happy about the sweep, but to have 11 of our 12 varsity members contribute to that is what really fires me up," said Conti, who was without the services of senior Gunnar McOel- lan, who re-injured his shoulder in the May 9 loss to Bad Bay rival New· port Harl>or. ·eo1ng into this season, we knew we were the kind of team that could have guys come off the bench and do good things. which is one of the rea- sons we've been a good team this year,· Conti said "When I looked at the playoffs, I thought any one of eight teams could win this division. That's where we're at, now, in the quarterfinals. Arcadia is a good team.· The Sea Kings were far superior to the F.agles. who competed ln Division V last season, but were cross-leagued into the Citrus Belt League, where they emerged as champions. Tuesday was only Arrowhead's second loss in 18 matches this season, but Coach David I Ian came in prepared for the worst. "They're a great team,· Han said of the Sea Kings, who trailed only once -at 3-2 in the second game. "They are well-organized and very disci· plined. That's what I like or program to see. For us, that's the future.• It was CdM's blocking prowess that belped make sure the F.agles bad no post.season future, as the hosts amassed 15 stuff blocks, including a match-high four by sophomore Tom Welch. Conu said It was a scouting lip fro m a former Sea King -Canyon of Anaheim Coach Matt Wmterbum. whose Comanches lost to the Eagles in the first round -that helped CdM prepare for Arrowhead's middle at- tack. "I talked to Man and he told me they set a lot of twos (hJgh. arcing sets in the middle that differ from the tra· ditionaJ quicker one sets): Conti See SEA KINGS, Pase A7 EYEOPENER Daily~· ......... ., .... ~ ......... ~-2_~~ .. KIRK BAUERMEISTER Daily Pilot No dice for Tars Sailors come close to forcing fifth game, but instead are ousted by San Clemente. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot SAN CLEMENTE -During a season that Included many trials and challenges, the Newport Har· bor High bo)'s volleyball team be· came known for playing with the cards It was dealt. Yet, in what would be their last match of the season, the Sailors rniMed out on a chance to gamble once again. Newport seemingly came within inches of forcing a fifth game, where vol· leyball people say • anything can hap· pen. However, host San Oemente ended an exciting contest by putting away the Sailors on its third match-point Tuesday. The Tritons, the second seed, de· feated Newport, 15·9, 10·15, 15-4, 15-13. in the second round of the CIF Southern Section Division I playoffs. Aside from Game 3, the teams battled in an emotionally driven match. San Oemente came ln seeking revenge. Last year, the Sailors eliminated the Tritons ln the second round. lWo years ago. Newport also ousted San Oe- mente ln the playoffs.. But this dme around, the Tri- tons (27-1) had the home-gym ad· vantage, and they seized the op· portunity. Newport C.O.ch Dan Glenn met the Sailors (20-12) needed to play their best match of the seaaon and the nitons needed to be a bit off their game in order to pull off the victory. "The whole plan was to go five, to roll the dice and see what hap- pens,• Glenn saJd. ·1 actually felt that we played o ur best match of the year. I'm really happy with the way the kids played. It was one of those things. that I really wish we could have gotten that fourth game. I thought we let that slip away a little bit But, II yQU win See TARS, Paae A7 Shaky start <;loesn 't stop Eagles sweep 23Y.I of 43~ innings. He struck out a per- sonal-high nine batters against Washing· ton State in his lone start and has heJd the oppo6ition to a .197 batting clip. Schroer's two wins came in relief against Cal State Northrid e. when he itched 1r~~~3~~,111l'llngs~==~o:ii:ir.2ess~:ir.:ie~~e~s~;::;;.g-+---1~~'W"i~~eovers-frorn- out three, and Cal Poly, that included 3~ slow start to eain berth ,.--~lsteredby-an en- ergetic ci:owd, the Lancers took a lead ln the opening game before No. 3-seeded Estancia (28 · 10) re- gained control and lead in the capper. before givin_.._.u...,_ __ ·~can't tell )'OU how many points some points to make it deceptively be served in a row lo that second close. game,· Estancia C.Oach lhlcey Helms innings. on~ hit. no runs and five strike- outs. He is fourth on the squad with 43 in CIF Division III ~guts.Beach Stat e's Abe Alvarez and quarterfinals. Je(ed Weaver were named C.O·Pitcher of the Vear while Cal State Fullerton's Shane Costa earned Player of the Year honors. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS GOLF ORANGE -Visiting Estancia High overcame a shaky start to overpower Orange Lutheran, 15-10, 15·2, 15·11, ln the second round of the CIF Southern Section Olvtslon III boys volleyball playoffs Tuesday. advanced to Friday's quarterfinals against Whittier. Junior Josh Kornegay's jump serve helped the Golden West League co- champions dominate the second game and the Eagles rolled to a big &tancia' s Cassidy, Sostak move on OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK YO!Wt UNll'. -Estancia Higb's Ja· aon Qwidy and Marcus Soatak both qualified for next week's CIF lndMdual boys golf championship following rounds of 74 and 75, respecdvely, Tues- day in the OP Southern Regional lnd.i- vldual championship on the pat· 72 ea.ck GoJd GoJf C.OUJ"M. Cueidy, • tenlor, and So.t.ak. • fnsb. "*" ldvancle with 22 other golfen to lbe Mm)' 27 lhotaun ltart at 7 a.m. at Q!lnyul\ Country Oub In Palm Spdnp. C.-kty birdied the ftJlll ha' bolel. "Wiiie Somt b6rdled two~ ..... three ID mue rbe cur. wbk:b Wll 75, ~ 11lm a. the fartbeet C••dy bM .d· Winced ID OP lndMdull ~ P.lilmda co.dl Art Piny Mid. .,... Im. 60m La Mlriida. lbot 70 a cmbell rOUDd~ CAirilnl Ml..__... tti SbMmm -.12 ............ QIL • ' Estancia, competing in its first saJd. · playoffs since 1994, had swept Estancia's Jess Helmich also served Orange Lutheran, 15·3, 15·5,15·3, in tough (four aces) and added eight a March 6 nonJeague match. • digs, while junJor middle blocbr Junior Kris Hanwell paced the Scott Sankey added six kills and winners with 12 kills and Kornegay three blocb. had seven Jd Us and ·11 digs. Kornegay Brad Larsen (five kills) and 1etter djd not record an ace, but hJs tough 'Ii'evor Holmes rounded out the P.a· serves prevented the Lancers from tanda stalwarts. running much offense. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS . CdM breezes past Eagles Sea Kings advance to CIF Division I quanerfinals. The top-seeded Corona del Mar High ba)'t tennis team continued to breeze through CIF Southern Sectlon DtvWon I pllryo« compeddon. topping s.nta Marprita. IM, In a eecond·round dalb 'JUeeday OD the f.qlet' COUr1I.. CdM (21-0) ~ to n..dllYt quuter1lrWa ~ either FootbdJ or Blpera.ma. In the MeoDd·round conqust. C.dM 1wep1 n1ne doub191 .... w1 eo.cta nm Mang 11.nated out the Na. 2 tandem ol junior lrennU'I Robenl Ind topbomon ~ N~, whld\ won 18 of 21 ,amea. ~ Uo uUlr.ed ........... Guntt Snyder. • --bot.met .. tbie , '. ' I • Oaiy Pilot I HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Lightning playing the W in wild card Sage Hill wins first postseason game in its second varsity season; Friedrichs goes the distance. NEWPORT COAST -Senfor Zach Friedrichs pitched h.is third com plete game this sea- son to help propel the Sage Hill School baseball team to a 4-2 victory over visiting La Verne Lutheran in a wild·card game of the CIF Southern Section Divi- sion V playoffs. Friedrichs struck out seven, walked three and limited the Thojans (6-14) to four hill> while l.mproving to 2-4. Sage Hill (14-8), which earned its ftrst postseason victory since beginning varsity play two sea- sons ago. also managed four h its, but scored aJI four of '" runs in the fourth 1110ing \'\ 11 h one out. First baseman < ;t·orgc I krnp sey plated catcher Matt Korn- swiet and shorts top Tim Wilkin, with a two-run .,ingle tu right field in the fourth inning to give Sage a 2-0 cushion. Second baseman Matt Loper, who ~d beat out the throw to first on a dropped third strike earlier In the inning, scored Sage's third run on a balk. Dempsey moved to third on a wild pitch and scored on an RBI groundout by Qiff Swanson. La Verne had a runner on third with one out and the tying run at the plate in the top of the seventh inning. but Friedrichs induced a flyout and Loper snared a line drive to end the game. Sage travels to face Vasque£. located in Acton, for a first-round game Friday at 3:15 p.m. But Sage Hill assistant Steve Wt!.hek said the Lightning is trying to move the game to Saturday. CIFDMllonV Wild card Sage Hill 4, La Veme Lutheran 2 Score by Innings LV Luth ri.)0 100 l 2 4 1 Say•' Holl Ull\i 400 A 4 4 1 Enriquol. D Cenoseroz (5) and T CenosmoL; Friedr1cns and Kornswu.11 20 Wtlkons !SHI SPO R TS SEA KINGS Conbnued from Ah sald. "We wanted to try to get two guys up on their big guy Wl-CIF senior Nathan Botten) and we were pretty much able to do that• The Sea Kings also did about what they W-dllted offensively, as senior setter Greg Ga- briel spread the ball around to collect 26 a.s- slsu.. Tom Welch finished with a match-high eight ltills, while Jones. a 6-foot-7 Stanford- bound middle blocker, added seven kills to go with his three i.tuff blocks. Senior Brandon Shericlc-Odom. who has abo missed time with a recurring ankle injury, added four kills as one of several strong con- tributors off the bench. Bart Welch had a team-high six digs and added the kind of leadership that prompted Conti to make hm1 a captain this year. TARS Continued from A6 that l(ame, then the fifth game is a crapshoo1." Glenn thought the ~ors lost the fourth game because they did not take advantage of their 7-3 lead Instead, San Oemente, led by senior seller Brian ·n10rnton, rallied bad and out- o;corcd Newport. 8-1. to take an 11 -8 lead alter Thornton coJ- lected a point after a dump. Thornton amassed 59 assists, two kills and one block. and jumor Curtis Yoder recorded 16 kills. Newport scored the next five points, and took a 13· ll lead. The game went on and featured the longest rally of the match that was won by the Sailors, af- ter senior Nick Classic earned the sideout on his kill assisted by junior Adam Schlesinger. However, the Tritons answered right bad and quickly gaJned sideout. They scored two straight points off of Newport errors to reach match-point. "Overall, it was good high school volleybaJJ," Glenn said. "It's fun to watch as coach. I hate to be on the bad end. But aJJ I ask is for the kids to play hard and play their best volley- baJJ at the end of the year. We beat Woodbridge. Corona and we played with these guys. I'm proud of the It.ids of how we started the season with two starters out (Jaime Diefenbach and Bren Perrine)." Diefenbach. a junior who tore his anterior cruciate Ugament during the basketball season TENNIS Continued from A6 Mark Ramadan went. 1-6, 6·4, 0-6 and Ramin Montalcab fin - ished 6-I, 0-6, 3 6 for Sage I itll (9-8). ~. Mly 21. 2003 A7 Brian &n<emoff, Tom Wetch. ~. kstil Brawner, and Bart Welch celebrate after long rally for point agaflst lvrowhead Christian. DON LEACH/ DAILY PILOT and missed most of the volley- ball season. led the Sailors with a ma1ch-h1gh 19 lt.illi. He also had five Muff blocks, while sen- ior Paul Toman added 15 kill!> and ~mor Michael Toole col- lected nine lt.iJli. Schlesinger finished With 48 asl>ISIS loole led the Sailors to the victory Game 2, when he re- corded stx blJs. RESllJ'S CIFOMlionl Second round CdM 14. Swru Matg.rtta 4 Singles -Gingold (CdMI lost to Ozurov1ch, O 6, lost to Patel, 3-6, (sub) Pham (CdM) def Grazer. 6-1, Reitz tCdMl lost, 3-6. won, 6-1, 6-1, Miller tCdMI lost. 3-6, won, 6-1, 6-1 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCHEDULE OC C ATHLETE S OF THE WEE K Covina unproved 10 21-1 and will play Sage 1 lilJ') Academy League nval Famnont Prep 1n the quanerlinals Tuesday. ~ -Snyder Koury (CdMJ def Patel-Tennis, S.3, def Pikula Rommel S.3. def Jadul Amador 6-0. ,, TODAY BaMball College -Hawa11 at UC Irvine. 7 p.m . Softb•ll High school - Corona del Mar at Notre Dame Riverside in CIF D1v1s1on IV wild card, 3:15 p.m .. Sage Hill at Western Christian in CIF Division V wild card, 3:15 p.m. Celebratllg the Daily P~ot's Athlete of the Week senes i 11 TODAY 2A -Cameron Conover Corona det Mar Boys basketball, 1997 98 THURSDAY 22 -Brooke Flamson Newpon Harbor Girls soccer, 1999 21 -Liz Morse Corona del Mar Goris 1radt and field. 199&-97. '98, '00 8289~:a Roberts Nguyen won. 6 3 & 1, 6-0. SaodaWarsaw (CdM l won. 63 &3 6-l S3 000 locto<, rebate pb S1 4QQ c~ome< c<nh eqooi1 S5 4QQ P' .1 to• & IK:en)41 dull 01 l4KlW '"9""'9 ~.lo WKu"IY depos.1 ri1awed 39CXXJ l°'o rr "" pe< MIO!e , .. m iO« ~ m.111 •heftalte< TAKI SS FWY un FAii Dll TO HAIBOI .Al IX"~ t•C.ude go•e<r.,,.,..1 ll!t1 o'>d •011ts o•w • l'O'"" cho•g.s 'l"Y dealt< ".)x ..._, P'4'00•o''°" d.a•ge o"<l on. e~n le<! "9 t+--a•ge EtP"e< ')11 J!O] UC Irvine Baseball vs. University of Hawaii Toniglltf 7 p.m. Salon FIMlel .... cMllC• to cMch your ,....... In Ktlon as they .... on the Warriors! Frisbee Night -.... 500 fw • reca.. • fnc Frtsbn comtay o1 lntll• a.ulli ... Co••mltla. M Wednesdl); May 21-. .... 200 .... 3.._ __ _ l.11111..... •I Upl..... • '-'Ill .... ...... , ............ -~e:-::'l~fj (Clflem.-.0 ab1' ...... HOTICf TO. DfFEN· ~w~ l!HB~ 2.!,IN~. .. -OAHT: (Avtto • Acuu· ~ do) OOHAlO C. BEL· !91.~ . (A~. s~:of~ ~.~tu~":. DOU I to iYi ,. YOU AM 8£1NQ SU(O II Y PLAINTIFF': &... .... . (A Ud. le HU d•m•nd• ~ ... ..,.... w=. c: ~.n,t:Jc~ s H £RR y ~Oii ~-.. -.: ~ ...,,t., eddlW ... You htVI JO CALEN r'c:i, ;,. .._, °' ~ fVlllllf o1 OAR DAYS aft" thii ptlOllt Cllll •not P"*C' plllj«1 :::r· or wmmons Is 1101d on ~~ ~.ll:(Sl10mM,'{; ~:,!:=:,·~~:~ten e=-.. ':t ~ )OU ::=!" •"..:::=: ~ A lltllf or phoM cell cw • ~ do naeW: e11t11•.,., o dil wi" not protect you; VOi' ~ on -. •• ..,.,_ qw no..,. your lyp1wrltt1n ,.. e ~ 1oet .. cee.. ~">P. ICATNIK. sponse must b1 In ~. ~ ~ montV ES2ti Ber No. 1~. proper fecal form 11 you ~~~~ l(AiNIK a ICATNI~ want the court to h11r --_,._ -·-• V.WYEAS 1501 Nol1l't your CUI. =:, ~ ~ ~. 'Senil Ara, CA If you do not flt• yollf' YCN 1r19y _.. to cell en 912~; {7_14) 547~ response on time, you l(llDn-.y rw-.-y •)OU ~ lFec:hl). M a , m•.Y loa. lh• cese, and ~.~ ~ ~ Mrlnlty, =SLATER. Cltltl. your ••an. mOfley end ,..,.. •. .,.., .,_ -· ~ BY KRISTIE property may be ullen r .. ~ Tn h >Ct<. ~ without fur11Mr werntna ~boolt.),_ j~l from th• court. 0..-de ~ le ~E TO THE There are other 11111 ~ .... c:ii.olon PERSON SERVED· You requirements You mey jUdlCllll uRld Ilene un -111¥9d want to call an attorney -.i Cit 30 DIAS STATEMENT Of! rleht away. If you do not CA&.ENOARtOS '*"' DAMAGES know 1n attorney, you =--:,.,... .... r.:: (~I= may cell an ettorney OOtlt. U.. Clftl o ....,. To· Unda ~ re.ferral service or 1 lwnldl ~ no le P19in1ft ....,. ~ •te•I aid office (lbted 1n cia-~ "' 8"kl derN09I In fl9 lhephonebook). ....,... -* • ~ -=don. u Oespues de qua It :""i.. 1en1,:-.,_: ~. .._ entrecu•n es ta clt1c1on ._.... ~ 11 A'MciJ'NT _,_..... judic~I ust1d Ilana un uelld QIAlfw C1U1 511a .~ Pain. sullaring, 1111C1 plazo de 30 DIAS CAL· 8IC:Ud!9 eu cuo. ......, ~ Sf0,000 00 ENDARIOS para preun· no .,,_u eu ~· $a.clal dal!Wgel tar una raspuesta n · ~~~ =:t1 tJqlfflMS (IO crlta a m•qulna en uta "' • eu dlnlfo Y CSMl)S2.311 00 coruten~ c•rh o un• W. -dt "' OU. MayS,2003 ~ aln ll'liao NORMAN p KATNIK llamada telefonlca no It ildldorWI C..::-dt la 05/14'03, Ol!i/21/03, ofrecere protec:coon: su =:-leQllM.,.:: ~t='°3 respue.sta u crit• a QUI 1.-.d qiilr9 f1Mw a NEWPORT BEACH-ma q u 1 n a 11 en• q u 1 ~ ~ COSTAMESAOAILY cumpltr con IH formal· 11111....,,,..,... SI no PILOT odades teeates apropla· das si usted qulere que la corte escucha su NOT1CEOF P£TmONTO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: EVELYN LOUISE LEVITT CASE NO. A218186 To all heirs, beneficiaries, etedll0f1 I contingent CfllditoB, and peraons who may othelwl9e be inte<esled In the will or estate, or bo4t1 of EVELYN LOUISE LEVITT A PETlTION FOR PROBATE hU been flied by TERENCE ALARIC l.EVITT In the Superior Court of ~. County of ORANGE. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE ~ht TERENCE Al...ARIC LEVITT be appointed as perlOllal 191)19Mntadve IO adl I. is1ef the 9111119 of Ile dec:iedln. THE PETITION requests ltl9 decedent's wlU and oodidls, ii any, be edmitted to probete. The witt and any oodiclle are availabre for examination in the Ille ~~~requnl1 authol1ty IO ldminltter .. ..... under the l11depe!ldllll -islration of Esta! .. ~ (Thi• authority Wlff allow the personal repreeentalive to take actiOnl without ~ COUft lllPf'OYal. Bebe taking cenain WKy ~ aQiofll, hoWIYer, the pereonal rept...UM wll1 be requhd IO ti'19 notJCe IO ~ ~ \l'1leea they have MJved notice or consented to the prcpoeed action ) The independent admiristration authonty will be granted unlell an ~ '*"°" fil" .,, ot>;ec:tlor'I to the pedllot1 and shows good <*IN why .. court lhCJUld not grant the ~~INO on the P8lltion wil be held on bM>5lo3 at 1 45PM In OeQI. L • 73 localed et 341 THE CITY DRIVE, P.O BOX 14170, ORANGE, CA 92613- 1570 IF YOU 08JECT 10 ttoe granting ot the petit>On, you should llPP9&f et the heering and &tat• ~ E 0t file wnnen with the COUit hNnng Your appearanoa may be In perlOl'I ()( by .,otK r~ou ARE A CAEDITOA 0t a oontlngent creditor of the deoealed, you most Ille your claim wi1n the court and mall a CCfJY to the ~ representative appoinl9d by the court Wlf1irl lour months lrom the dltll of fifst lasuance of letters as prOYldad In Ptobate Coda MCllon 9100 The time for filing claims wllt not expire befOfe four months from the healing date notloed above YOU MAY EXAMINE the hie kept by the court If you are a penon ne1ested 1n the es1ate, ~ may file wrtn ttle COUl'I a Request !of Speoat Notice ttorm DE· 154) of ltle fifing of an Inventory and appraisal of estate asseta or ot any petJtlOn 0t aooount •• provtOed in Probate Coda Section 1250 A F!eque5t for Speaal Notice tonn IS available from the court clef!\ Attorney for PetJllOnef TIMOTHY P WAANISHER ATTORNEY AT LAW 539 w COMMONWEALTH AVE FULLERTON CA 92032 0!>'21AX!, ~3 • «WZ&/03 c.1$5312471 NEWPORT llEACK-COSTA ME.SA OM. y N.OT CISO. So usted no prnenla su respuest• 1 llempo, puede per der el caso, y le pueden qu1tar su ularoo, su dinero y otras cosasde su propoedad SIR aV1$0 •dtCIORaf por pao te de la corte E xis ten otros requosl los le&aln. Puede que ust~d quler a Ila mar a un aboeado inmedtala · mente St no conoce a un aboeado, puedr llamar a un sarvte10 de referencoa de abocados o a una ohcona de ayude le&al (vea el dtrectorio telefonoco) CASfNUMHlltJ (Num•~• 4el c ... ) 02Hl01293 The name and address of the court " (El nombre y direcc1on de ta corle es) SUPERIOR COURT or CAl.lfORNIA IN ANO FOR THE COUNTY Of OR ANGE. 4601 Jamboree Road, Newport Buch. CA92660 HARBOR JUSTICE CfN· HR-NEWPORT BEACH fACIUTY The name, addreu. and telephone numb .. of plamltfl"s attorney 01 pl1ont1ff without an attorney os (EI nombre la dorecc1on y el numl!fo de telefono del aboc.ado del demandante. o def demandante que no l1ene aboeado. es} lRIC V TRAUT, ESQ . me TRAUT LAW FIRM. 200 W Santa Ana Blvd , Suite 900, Santa Ana. CA 92701 (714) 835 7000 DATE: (Fecho) JUL lO, 2002 AlAN SlA UR, Clark (Actvorlo), by P. IOWfR, D•p11ty (D•l'J"d•) l>ubl1shed Ne wport 8each·Costa Meu Daily Pilot April 30, May 7, 14. 21, 2003 Wl&3 ..... ....... SYA110f<.-• McomYOf-........ ., ...... u.iene•,,JT .... OM.17,1ta.• .............. WI It.a Alltll7 Plll09 .. kAlmOf llOllCI JOC91tc1S Of M<IAS911'11m0f llVOCMU&m19T ,... ~ Sectlll ltMll The undeolanld, JANA O. liACl<ETT and DON W. OLIPWANT, aa Co-Trust· HS of Iha Ollphant LMna Trust U/0/f d1ted October 27, 1982, as said Trust has bun amended and rasteted, propose to pubhsh the foltow1na notice pursu· ent to California Probate Code Section 19040 to lhe creditors of RAtHEl ELIZABETH OLIPHANT, the dec111ed 'urvMna Setllor ol the Oliphant livlnc T rual. who died • resict.nt of tlM City of Newport Buch, County of Oranc•. State of Celifornla, on January 29, 2003: Notice IS hetaby 11v1n to the creditors and contlncent cred1tora of RACHEL ELIZABETH OLIPHANT (herein •decedent") lh•t •II persons havin& claims •a11nst the decedent 11e required to ftl• them with the Supertor Court of Caltforma. County of Or•nae. at 341 The City Drtve. P.O. Bol 14171, Orenae, Cahforma, 92613· 1571 and m11t or dellver a copy to JANA 0. HACKETT and DON W. OLIPHANT •l 3 Royal St. Georae. Newport Beach. Cahforno• 92660, as Co· Trustees of the Ohphent L1v1n1 Trust U/O/T dated October 27, 1982, n amended and restated. wherein the decedent was a Setllor, within the later ol four ·months after May 15, 2003 (the date of the ftrsl pubh· cation ol notice to creditors). or, 11 notice is maoled or personally delivered lo you, 30 days after th• dale this notice os mailed or personally delivered lo you A cl11m form may be obtained fr om the court cler ~ for your protection. you are encouraged to hie your cl11m by cer lthtd mail, woth return tecetpt requested Co-Tnnte" JANA 0 HACKE TT and DON W OLIPHANT. Co Trustees Oliphant llvtn& !rust. J Royal St George. Newpoll Beach. CA 92660 Attorney• for Truttae Timothy J KAy, Esq GIBSON DUNN & CRUTCttCR I LP 4 Park Plaza Ste 1100 Irvine CA 92614 8S'>l DAT(O Aprol ?4 2003 !SI JANA O HACKETT Co Tr ustee o f t he Oliphant LovonR Trust, U/0/1 d&ted Ottob~r 'l7, 1982, And amended and restated /SI DON W OLIPHANT. Co Tr ustee o f the Oltphant l1v1na Trust U/O/T dated October 27 1982 as amended and restated Published Newport Beach·Costa Mesa Oaofy Piiot May 15, 21, 22, 2003 ThW414 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • S~ufC..-..· ............. .... OfNllS .... MKMm lllKITO._ Staled bids will bt raceived et lh• offk:• of the Department of Parks •nd R1cr11tlon, North· 11n Service Center, Phone: (916) 653·4274, One Capitol Mall, SUit• 500, Sacremento, C.N· fOtnla 95814, up to 2 , ..... w .... .-, ..... l 1 ltOI. 1t which time •nd ptace they wtll be publlcly opened and r11d fOf performln1 the work 11foltow1: furnish ell labor , materials, toots and equipment necanary to replace and up1r1d1 ret11n1n1 wall systems et CRYSTAL COVE STAT£ PARK, Ounce County. Calllornie, complete and In accordance with the plans and spacif1cet1ons t herefore and s uch addenda thtreto IS m1y be issued prior to bid openina d1t1 l icense 11qulred: A Encineer's Estimate· S247,500·275,000 NOTLA .... st..wlftti wlll k...,.. et l1.o6 A.M., w.d .. ••"•Y· Mey 21, 2001, ot CaYSTAl COVI STATI PARK, Hl1terlc Dl1trlct, 4S 1'1clflc Ce11t Hl9ltw1y, l19111" '""" c.iuent.. At~ ·~· .. tlM !ell sHwMt Is MANDA· TottY -4 wll k tlM -'Y '"""""''"' ....49 llVll ...... ,.,. Pf .. ,..,. tlYI W.U.n te view ''" elt• ..... ,.," c:-.i. Ne II wlll ·-·• .. .,e.. ,,_ • c ... tracter , ......... _, stt-4 "" M-4ofety lell at..wt111. Prospective bidders m•Y eumine and obtain bid fotms. specilteatJons, and plans by down· lo1d1n1 the bod pechae from the Calofornoa State Contracts Rea1ster at www cscr des ca eov/ cscr. Tec~n1cal ques lions rec•• dine bod for ms, spec1f1cat1ons. ot plans will be accepted by the Department of Parks and Recrutoon by FAX only to (916) 445 9027 up to 24 hours prior to the deadline to submit bids In accordance woth the pr6vts1ons ol Section 1770, 1773. and 1773.1 of the labor Code, the Department of Patil~ and Recreal!on hn ascet taoned that the c•ner•I prevaohnc rates ol waces 1n lhe county on which the work 1s to be done be as hsttd by the Department of lndustri•I Relations. A copy of the listings 1s on fole •l the addreu t1sled above Successful bidder shall provide P1yment Bond and Performance Bond DErAltfMfNT Of rARICS AND RIC.EAflON Ruth G. co1 ........ At1ln9 Director Published Ne wpor I Beach Costa Meu Dally Pilot May 21. June 4, 2003 Wl63 &crew k: S6170 llOOO TO CBITOIS Of IWSAU llJCC Sec. 6 IOS) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that i bulk sale is about to be made The name(s). business •d dress(IH) of the Sell er(s) are· MVI I. INC . A CAl.IFORNIA CORPORA· lfON and IR32, INC , A CALIFORNIA CORPORA TION and FRANK OE LEONE 2!!108 MAR · GU[RJTt Pl(WY, MISS'°" VIEJO, CA 92692 Oolna 8u1t11u1 u ; MAil BOXU ETC. '11, MM 80X£S ETC. fl8, ANO MAIL 80U:S ETC. •32 All other bu1tn1u n1m1(1) and •cl· drtH(H) Utff by the Seller•Ct> within the pHt thr" yura, as at•tod by tlM Stlltf (s). ls/are: MAI~ BOXES ETC. •32 Th• n1m1(1) and address of tlM Bu\'tt(s) 11/•11. S EALIT£ IN· VESlMENTS, A CALI· FORNIA CORPORATION, 14562 LAUREL AVENUE. IRVINE, CA 92606 The nsets belna sold are aener ally described u : ALL FURNITURE, FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT. MACHINERY, lEASE.HOlO IMPAOVEM(NTS, STOCK IN TRAD£, GOODWILL ANO BUSINESS NAME and ere loc•l•d at· 14252 CULVER ORIVE •A B, IRVINE, CA 92705 The bulk sale IS In- tended to be consum· mated al Iha olfict of; The Escrow f o1 um and the anhc1p1ted sale date 1s June 11, 2003 The bulk salt Is sub· 11ct to C1hforn1a Uno· fotm Commercial Code Section 6106 2 YES/NO Y The name and address of the person with whom claims may be fHed tS: The Escrow forum, 2.3161 like Center Or Ste 120, lake for est, CA 92630. ESCROW NO 56870f'M and the Int date for folona claims by any creditor sh•ll be June JO. 2003 Which IS the busmess day before the ult date specified above, Dated 3·28·03 BUYERS(S). SEALIT[ INVES™£NTS, A CALIFORNIA CORPO- RATION l y· ~Us~AYUR R. MODY, Published Ne wport Beach Co\la Mesa Daily Pilot May 21. 2003 CNS· 539360 W166 hatWHl.:S'121 MOTKI TO CIOOOIS Of IWSAU llJCC Sec. 61 OS) NOTICl IS H[R£8V GIVEN that a bulk sale is about to be made The name(s). busmen ad dress(es) of the Sell· er(s) u•e RO NA LD LE SUE Al USON 188 f I/Ht SIR[[I COSTA MESA CA 92621 Doon& Bu\onn\ n RON All ISON HAIR REPlAC£MLNI CFNICR CHRIS TIAN KNIGH IS HAIR SALON All othrr business n•me()) ~nd ad dress(esl used by the Seller(sJ w1th1n lht pdSI three yea" a\ sl.tted by the S~ll•r") IS ar~ none The u~m•lsJ 4nd address of lht l!uyer < sJ ts are GREGORY JO SlPH BICKIR ':>Ill Gil llNGflAM l.IRCI I WI ST MIN ~ II R CA 92683 The n'ets beina sold are 11ene11lly deKrtbed as All fURNITURE FIXTURES CQUIPMENT MACAINERY. LlAStHOLD IMPROVE MEN TS STOCK IN IRADC GOODWll l ANO BUSINESS NAME and ue touted at 188 E 17lH STREET. COSTA MESA CA 92627 The bulk HI• IS '" tended to be consum· m1ted at the oll1ce of The Escrow Foium and th~ ant1<1p1ted ule d1le rs June 9 2003 The bulk salt os sub· iect to Cahforma Uni· form Commercoal Code The Legal Department at the Daily Pilot is pltased to announce a mw service now available to new businesses. ~ will now SEARCH the name for you at no extra charge, and save you the time and the trip to the Court House in Santa Ana. Then, of course, after the search is completed we will file your fictitious business name statement with the County Cink, publish once a week for four weeks as required by law and thm flit your proof of publication with the County Clerk. Pltase stop by to file your fictitious business statement at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. If you cannot stop by, pleast cali us at (949) 642-4321 anJ wt wili malte a"angnnmts for you to hanJl,t this procedurt by mail If you shou/J have any farther questions> please caJJ us anti we wili bt morr than g'4J to assist you. Good luclt in your new bu.sintsS! Pilot i t Daily PtlOt --M ~Nalcll 2l40 Llpl Nolcel .. Up!Wca . 2148 : Sa<tlon 6108.2 Yts/NO Y The n•m• and address oft~ perso11 with wtlom clalnit m•y bt toled Is: The lurow forum, U161 Liiie Cente< Or Ste 120, lake r ornt. C,._ 92630 and t~ IHI dete IOt flflnc cl•lms by •nJ creditor shall be June 8, 2003, which I• t h• bustnns day b1f0fe th• uf1 d1t1 specifie d •bove. D•ted: IUYIR{S)r ,u.:i80IY JC»IPH Published Newport Buch-Costa M•H D•lly Pilot Mey 21, 2003 CNS-539340 Wl67 llOllCIOf i.IC-w. ........ jPA200J.0721 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th•t th• Pl•nninc Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hH11na on the apphcatlon of Larry and J"kle Oodd tor Site Plan Review Ho 2003· 002 on property located at 2S4 Poppy Avenue The property Is located in the R·l Dlstroct Request to n t•bllsh crade pursuenl to Sec· lion 20.65.030.B.3 for the remodel o f an n1ston1 11n1te family rn1dence located tn Corona del Mar The apphctnt proposes to add a second story and root deck to the uostonc residence This proiect has been reviewed. and II has been determined lh1t It is n teiorlcally nernpt under the requirements of the C1hforn11 Envo· ronmental Quality Act under Cius 3 (New Cons tr uctoon of Small Structures) NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that said public hur me will be held on June 5. 2003 at lhe hout ol 6 30 p.m on the Council Chambell of the Newport Bueti City Hall, 3300 Newport Boutev•r d Newport Beach. Cahfornoa al which tome and place any and all persons ontetesled may appear and bte hurd thereon If you ch11tenae thts proiect on court. you may be ilm1l1d to "'"nl only those ISSUH ~OU 01 someone else r 11sed at the publtc heartna dncrobed 1n this nol.ce or on written corre spondence dehverad to the Coty at 01 proor to the publtc htaronc, For mtormatoon call (949J 644 3200 Shont Aeol"''"'· Sa.cretwy, , ....... 1 ... c-.......... , City ef New,.-rt leocll NOfl: The opens• of this notice 1s paod from • lotonc fee collected fr om the appltunl Publoshad Newpor I Beach.Costa Meu Daily P1lol May?!, 2003 Wl69 UGAlllOTKI NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN that llM Bo•rd ot [ducahon of the New port·Meu Unified School 01slr1ct o f Ora nce County will 1ecelve sealed bids up to 10 00 a m on the 5th day of June, 2003. at the Nulrlhon Services· office of said School Oostroct, located at 2985 Bear Street. Bu1ld1na £. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 at which time utd bods will be publicly opened and read for the foflowonc ,,...,., .... ,, .... Alt bods .,, lo bt 1n acc:ordance with Cond1- hons, Instructions. •nd St>tc1fteatlons which are contained 1n the bid P•Cket and on 1111 1n the office of Nut11t 1on Sen1ces ol nod School Dtslrict, 2985 Bear Strut. Bu1td1n1 £ Costa Mesa. CA 92626. phone no. (714) 424·5090 Interested vendo" may pick ap a bid packet 11 tlM •bove address A Perl or m•nce Bond may be required •l th• dtscrellon of the District Ho blddar may with· draw his or h1r bid for ii period of FORTY FIVE (45) days aft1r the date ut for th• openln1 thereof Thi Bo1rd of Educa· t1on of the Newport· Mau Unified School Dis trict re111vn the rlallt to ralect any or •" bods and not ntcnsar1ty 1ccept th• lowut bid, end to waive eny In· formahty Of 1rr11ul•rlty In eny bid received. NEWPORT·MU A UNI· Fl£0 SCHOOL DISTRICT Of Or•11&• Cou11ty ' S/lldls4A.4k-lrectw ....... It. S.nkn Publlshtd Newport B•Mfl·Cosll M.M D•lly Pilot M1y 21, 28, 2003 Wl68 I01ICI 1M19119S The Oranp Count1 S1nlt1tlon Dlslrlctl. CeNfornlt, will ttcelv• bWs uiftll -. '· ... ,, et 2,.. ,..-. Bids must be rlC:llUd at tlle Dlttriera Adftlim.tr111Yt lobll1 « ,.urcl!Hl111 Otllct b~ the dat1 llefll"*" Mt forth, •t Which ti-tllty will be ~ 84\4 ... """" •• t.M Dlttrkl Pllfthuln& Office, lOI U Elllt A-, FCM111tMI Va ... y, Callfor"le, ler tht ~-ACOltm< ...... ~ '~=' ........... 1.-c .......... bt ................ '°'"' ....... ., °'*"'"' ecc.,tlHce e1tt1 •II ;ceMiJlhn• ..... = ............. .................. ........ u .... , ... ................. ~ ........... <™> ..,., __ '""'•"•' "'ift'' ..... c ........ ........ a.-WI ID1ICI 10 COl1IAOOIS ...... This staltment wu filed with th• County Clerk of o,.n11 Cou"ty on05/07/03 JOOH9417'1 flcMM.... -........ --NOTICE: IS HERESY GIVCH th•l the 8011d of Tt11ttMS ol Ula rountatn van.y Sehool 01,tnct of Onn&• County. C•hfllf 111• will 1ec1lva bids up to and lnctudlna 9·00 A.M. Jun• 4, 2003 •I lhe Distric t Oparttlons Office, 17330 Mt Her· rmann SllHI, Fount1ln Valley, CA 92708. 01ily Pilot May 14, 21. 2.8, Jun 4, 2003 Wl57 The fottowtnt petf011• - tre dOlll. bUtll!Ut IJ :: tH( VOGEL ICJl'N'~. -J6J Old Hewpoft. HtW po1t e .. c11. CA 92663 --'°'""' vo111. 564 _ South Sunki.t St .. .- Anahttm. CA 92806 At thl1 time, dale, and place, bids will be pu.blkly opened •nd rHd aloud for Bid No 03-06. "Modular lnstall•tlon• as lndlc•t•d In the Bid Specification. Bid docu ments and 1pec1ficalions are on Ute at the District Purchastna Oepertmtnt 1 7210 Oak Street. F o unt1ln Valley, CA 92708 (714) 843 3245 A ·M•nd1tory Preb1d Conference ind lob Walk' will be held on May 27, 2003, •t IO 00 a .m at the 01stroct Maintenance Offic e. 17330 Mt. Herrm1nn Slteet, Fountain Valley, Ca. 92708. All bidder' must be ptlSant 11 tho~ time to be con11der ed for this project The Board of Trustee~ ttsesvn the 111ht to reject any and 111 bods and to waive •ny or recutarity therein The rl&ht os also reserved by the Board of Trustees to select Item~ and/01 scope of work which on their opinion will bnt serve the needs of the D•stroct Pr1v11hnt Waae Scale will apply and '' on r 1te Dated this 12th day ol May. 2003 By. Petrlclr Quinn Dire cter, Dl1trlct Operou.,., Published Newport Beach Costa Mesa D•oty Pilot May 14 . 21. 2003 W161 AdlM ..... Mml*-" The followln& peraons .,, dolna business as· •) Nationwide loans & Rt1I Est1lt b) Von Amartc1 Advartislnc c) Home Saver loans, 485 E 17th Str1tl •210. Costa MeH, CA 92627 Richtrd Redmond, 2565 Sant• An• Ave. '3, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 This business Is con· ducted by· an 1nd1vldual Have you st., ted dolna business yt l7 YH, 1998 Richard Redmond This stettment wn toled woth the County Cletk of Oran11 County on 04/21/03 200J694 I 6SJ D11ty Pilot M•y 21, 28, Ju11e 4, 11, 2003 Wl73 The followonc person1 are dotna bu"nus as Sohstocs 2107 Busoneu Center Drove Ste 130, ltvtna, CA 92612 Tom Troupe. 246 Ce et I Pl1ce, Coste Mesa. CA 9~21 Jon r reudenberrier' 2102 Business Center Drove Sit 130. Irvine, CA92612 lho\ buson1u os con ducted by a rieneial pertnershtp Have you sJarted do1n11 business yet' No Tom T1oupe This statement wu liled woth the County Clerk ol 0 1 a nae Countv on 05/05/03 2003690405 Daily Pilot M•y 7 14 21. 28 'lOOl Wl50 I h~ lollow1na person\ The follow1ne per\on\ are doona busonns u Women of Sub\tance. ? ate doing bu~onns n S1n11lehee, Ne wpur t Pied\~ Sien Htr~. 24266 Beach CA 92660 Ponth~rha1n l~n~ Lake I) Pimala C1fmuu1 'l I f orut CA 9?6JO S1neletree Or Newport Dana IJ•~k\le1n 74?&6 Bea(;h CA 92660 ?) Ponch1rl111n l•n• lake Patio Belhtto 1431 Hoeh r oresl CA 92630 Bluff. Newport Beach l1shawn Armslron11. CA 92660, 3) Rhetta 24266 Po"<ha1 ft .t1n Duey, 418 Vista Rom• lane. lak11 f ure~t CA Newpor t Buch. CA 92630 92660 &) N1ncv liar lhts buso"•u 1~ ton rtn&t on. 1931 Por t duttedby en partner\ Laurent Newport Beach Have you started doona 92660. 05) Shao on Jur · busmeu yet 1 No aensen 2527 Buckeye Oana D1lksteon Newport Buc h CA Thos st1tement w1s Rlcherd Vo&el, 564 .. South Sunklat St . • Anaheim. CA 92806 This bu.iness '' con ducted br husband 1nrl wile Hive you sl•rttd dOon., bualness yet' Y9' 11)11/ Rich.ir d Vo&tl Joanna Vo&el ThtJ st•l•m•nl w1· filed with the County Clerk ol Oran&• County on 12/27/02 20026927902 Oally Pilot Jin I 8 I'> 22, 2002 amended publtcahon on M•Y 21 2003 Wll', RltltMI hsiltss M.IS...._. Th• lullowma person• are dOlllK buslnen n Southwest lock and Safe, 360 l 18th Strut Cos I• Men CA 92617 Charles M Sutletloeld 360 E 18th Street Costa Mu• CA ~2b27 Thos bu\lnt<\S I\ con ducted by •n 111d1v1dual Have you star led duonr bustnen yet? Ye\ 10 01/84 Charles M Sullerlo~ld This \l•ltH11~111 "'"' toled woth the Counh Cler~ of Ur•nce Couolv on 05 05 03 2003690$27 Daily Point Miy I t• 21 28 2003 Wl4ll The lullnwona ptr \un •rt dome bu\onn\ n SUP£RIOR llMOUSINr SERVIC( ~66 Ot •RI: Ave . Cost~ Mt\d f A 92627 MtchiPI I I flR41ldO 2566 Or •••1tt Avt I ,,.,,,, Mn• C•l1lt1ro11.1 <Jlfi°// lh1\ bu\tnt"-\ t\ t cw du< l~d by an 111dl\lld11~ ~tav• ynu •IM t~d do111> l>usont\\ ftl 1 No MKhHl I er n•nd~r lh1s \talemenr ••• toled with lht l"unh Clet~ of Oranar Cuu"h on04 14 OJ 2003694004 Daily Point May t • 1 l 28, June 4 1003 Wl6. 92660 6J Moehrle Moller filed woth the County 122 Harbor Island Cler~ of 011n11• County Ille lollnwona I>"'''"' 04 01 03 .,, dum& hU\•M•".\ I\ Newpor I Bear h CA on Ess~nto•I Cull Pro.iu, h 92660 7) Pam Muny 20036939329 2701 Cor I• Amati\ I• 2546 R1v1er a l acuna Daily Pilot Apr 30 M•y San ttem~nte CA 97&/ • Beach. CA 92651. 8) 7 14, 21 ?003 Wl47 O•n••I fl lloon~,,.,<! Mary Lou Pitcher, 130 2101 t:.nrte Amat•\1• Mend Place, P•lm On Fktltt.ush!Mtu San Cleno.nte (A '176/ l ert , CA 92760 -~ lhl\ bu""''',,''"' 9JGeraldone Schlutt I ductrd II• •n ondovo.J111t 1 SJ4 A t N I he follow1n1 per 5o0ns , n 1qu19"""~wpo1t •re doona buitness u H.-r you \l•rlttl d '"" Buch CA <~ !OJ fH[ KAMPH CROUP l>u~nen y•t' No Lynda She• 9 Bucon 1900 Diani l•ne. New D•n••I R Kr 11i.• 11<1 Bay Newport Ruch CA "°''Buch CA 92660 Thi• \t•l•n••n• ... 92660 11) Joan Jorres t tea orh Ill• 1.: '""' • 1800 Port Charles l<>cetyn Kamph 1900 1 ~1 ~ w1 0 '"""'• Newport Buch CA 8 0oana CtA• 9 n:.,,,,.Newport et o r•nr• 92660 e4ch ,.,.,.., on 05 12 OJ Tht\ bu\m'n 1, ton Gloria Kdmph 1900 20036944212 dueled by • Qt'neral 01a11a lane, N•wporl Daily P11.,1 M•Y 14 II partnership I Be•ch.CA92660 28 Jun 4 ?001 WJ•,•, Have you \tarted dninc Brad Kamph 1900 business yeP Yu Doan• l11ne Newport Rdltlenhf!Mu 5187 Beach CA 92660 Pamela Gilmour Thos bus1neu os con 9lml ~ Thos sl•lement was dvcted by i aeneul lhe lollowonc puwn~ foied with tht County partnership are doma busmen n Clerk of Orence County H~ve you st .. ted doonc Inkwell\ P1pe11e 341 I on 04/30/03 bus.men yet1 YH 1985 Eut CoHI ltichway 20036942972 Jocelyn Kamph Corona c!el M•t CA Daily Pilot May 14. 21. This st•tement wH 92625 28 Jun 4 2003 Wl60 filed with the County Jeu1ca L C•rter. l71S ' · Clerk ol Ot•nee County Cove Street, fooun• <kol MOllCI on 04/ 18/2003 Mar. CA 926?~ lfYITll519S 200J694 l S6J Thos bu\tnt\S os con Daily Pilot ~r lO. May ducted by an 1nd1vtdua1 7. I& 21 200J WI« Hne you st•rled dotnt The Onnc• County S1n1tet1on D•stroct C•hfornia Woll teceive bo~ untrl J-4, 2003, ., 2.00 , ..... Bids must be received at the Oistrl~t's Admlnlst11t1ve lobby or Purchasona Office by 1111 data here1n1bove HI lorlh, at whteh torfle they wolf be op-d and eum1ned at the District Purchasrna Office. 10844 Ello• Avenue, F ountaon Valley. Callforn11. for Iha followlna DIUVIRY or TRAWL RISISTANT IOTTOM MOUNTS (TRIM) SPIClflcATtoN NO. l -200J-l 4 l s .. led bids must bt submitted on Iha fot m supplied by Otslroct tn a ccordance with all provisions of the Sf)tCI fiutlon1 Sp1c1hcatt0ns. btd blanks and further information may be obtained at the above addren. telephone ( 114) S93-7S8J Published Na wpor t B1.ch·Co1t1 Mesa Dally Pilot May 21. 2003 Wl70 .......... "-S....... The followlna persons are dome business u . a) David 8. Stinton & Assocl•IH, A Group, Inc b 11tro D11cnostlcs, A Medical Group, C•hfcwnl• 92660 01111d B Stinton MO & All<Klatu, A Medical Group Inc. (CA), 1140 W. La Vat• Ava 8555, Or•nS!, CA 92861 ° Th)f".Junlnesa I• con· ducted b~ "' Vldlvldual ff an yov .i• ltd doln1 business yet? Yu. Of.1 01/93 J)nhl a Stinton MO ' Asloelttet. A MtdH:el Or0119, IM , DnMI 8 Stanton MO, Prttldeltt Thi& aut1ment wtt filed with tht County C .. rk of Or1na• County onlM/24/03 toOJ .. 41Ht Daily Piklt M1y 14, ~1.l 21.4un 4,2003 WI~ .......... ........ T-. ~ '""°"' ..... ~ .,: c-twyC....C_. htn1tlilt VlltY, lllM> Heritor • llvlf. HI, f11111tel11 Vlff••· CA wroe Cul•'-Celfttl .. c:..... , ....... v..., (CA)1 lllM H1tW It.I. fi!:_!tHttlll v.tr. CA 1111/W T"'8 M1M1M ii Cllft· ...... '1: • c.,. ... .................... ..... ''" ., .. , 4111 • • CHt•ry Celll1lt11 Qii9 , ...... v..... e...,--. c,o.o ' The follow1n1 per'°ns ere dome business n CMS. 300 Pac1f1c Coast Hwy Suite 100, Hun .llnaton Beach. CA 92648 David Hosllms. 1709 Mc Clay Slr1tl. Santa Ana, Cahfornoa 92705 Alphtt Hos~1ns 1709 Mc Cl11 St Santa Ana, Cafoforn11 92705 This buslnen os con ducted by husband and wife Have you sta1tad dOlna bu•onns yet? Yes 06/01/2000 Alph11 Hosllons This s tatement wH hied with the C011nty Clerk of Or•nce County on 05/20/03 200J694S21J Dally Prlot May 21. 28, June 4, 11. 2003 Wl74 ........... ... s....... Thi followrna persons are 6olna bu"""' .s: Creative Tlle & Stone, 24001 Via Fabrlcant• #1006, Minton VtefO, CA 9 91 Edward V•a•. 21241 Brlsllecone. Minion Viejo, CA 92691 Catherine Molllf Vea•. 21241 Brosttecone, Mis· siOn VoejO, CA 92691 ThtS buslneH Is '°"' ducted by • •-•• p•rtnerilnp Hl'tlt you started dolnc buslnen ytl7 6191 Edw11d veaa This iltlt'"'nt wt• fifed ""Ith lh1 Coullly Clerll of Ot •Ill• County on IM/07 /03 JOOHtMOl9 D•llr ttlot May 7. 1', Zl, 21, 2003 Wl49 llOlKIOf..ucA• NllWIOllll• Of~ --.. ~~.~ To Wl!cNn n M11 Con· ctfll. TM Name(•) of llle A-1111unt<a> '''"• WAllttCN JOK'H RICH· MO '"'""""•"ti lllW '""' .. "".. .. th D1,ert•t11t et Alcehll• ••_::..•.&: C..tlt9ell =-~ .e: * r llVD. Ml.IM. CA-I ,,,. ., Hctt111(t) .... .. : •1 ..... SAlC •rfl AM> .-• lAT1NOP\MX , ......... "··=· l1hc.Jllt .... ,...,"I- b~mns yet1 No Jessica Car let This statam•nt wa• filed with th• County Clerk of QI a nee County on 05/12/03 200H944l97 011ty Pilot May 21. 28 June 4. II 2003 Wl64 CLASSIFIED It's the solution you're searching f or-whethtr you're reeking a hotnl, apartment, pet or 1 Policy How to Place A --Deadline Rates and deadlines arc subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. • • CLASSIFIEAD Monday ..................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday .................. Monday 5 :OOpm By Fax (949) 631 -6594 By Phone (949) 642-5678 By 1\ilail/ln Person: BO WN Bay Slreet Co,1a Me,a. CA 92627 At "ev.pon Blvd & B.iy St Wednesda) ........... Tue ... cJay 5{10pm Thursday .......... Wedne'>day 5 OOpm ( Pla..c mdudc yow rwnc <llW phone nwnboer and .,.c ti uJI )OU biitk "'th a pncc quote 1 Fnday .................. Thur .. da) 'i·()()pm Hours Saturdd)'. . ................ Fnda) ' OOpm Telephone 8 30am-S ()()pm Monday-Fnday Walk-ln 8 30-.un-S OOpm Monday-FndJ) Sunda) .... ............. .. r nda) 5 UOpm Index ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANOAl 2305-2490 l ESTATE R SALE 3010-3940 ~ Jiiil soos-saso Garaae/ Yant'-la 1489 OFACE FURNITURE/ BUSINESS EQUIPMENT home 8U\lf1MS !hit mall!!'\ ~ESFOR~ START A SUCCISSfUl I ,ACtfK Vl(W 81y view Tetri1ce lot Nel ... e'*'-4 Ger ... 11 S•le Si t M•y JI Sam ll1m H<irbor \loew Hills South Coron• del M1t M1p 11 M1r1uerote & ~ s2o"<mfi;! =~ RIVERSIDE I 370. pr1v1\a pllrty $7000/obo 714-772·3441 1 8)).287-0'Xb two ITWIU!e COUNTY 5550 rec orded me\\aae <CAl "~) CoHdlal Memcnbllll 11&0 S1ndc1sll• Medical,1>e1'1Cal TOf' SS 4 UCotlOS nc lost 1505 Equipment .Ira. c:mtc. Ek 50s & Sh ------- & Alllc. 5'*t' ti.fie ~ lDST C:OC...tld "~ wtlltle Mike 949-U S· 7505 ydow Otltlle chee<s ...,. 3565 ENTERTAINMENT 1310 EQUAL NOUSM6 OPPOIMITY All ru l est1le •dver tmna on this newsp1per IS sub19cl to lb1 F eder1I r '" Hous1nc Act of 1968 as 1mended which mikes ot 1111111 to •dverllse ·1ny prefer ence l1m111t1 on or d1scrtm1n1toon bued on t1ce color re1ta1on se• h1,,d1up f1m1h1I stllus or n1t1on•I or 11•n or 111 ontenloon lo mike 1ny such prelerenc1. hm1t1 11011 or d1sl rom1n1t1on • wl>cstll N1me Skollln Rew•rd 9 49 232 5999 ABOUT llr<T•IC WHUlCHAlltS New no c<nt lo you rt ~ Med1u1re j ccepted Wheelcha•s end Po- cha• s (scooter style) 'We LOST Uri" wil sl\iped treat you rietit1 C.U l dlwnond !tom·~ Balboa days (800)835 3155 81y Club oe>en house ""'(CAl...-""'"SCAN.._ .. ) ----lllWMD /14-964-!Sil :;:...._ Found 1510 _\#G_ ... ___ 36_l_O Ne~c.h Octcaf Kita fOUND See lie ....... CIU ,HONl OCICllls cyt>erhotfine com IAllOA PININ Hi.ry <949)646-8473 94t-•7S-l'91 Vacation Idea 2275 I 00.. lllSCUCm ICITTINS, CA TS. DOCS llt>OCOs on ll1e -.~ora ~ r dlol ls.llnd :J> °"y l€Al. ™ Gl.WWmI ~7D9 MS WAY for momma c1'I/ gt II klllln\. ~I I Dogs 3615 Ail VENDING •OUTl Ill ~ lJnlts Ptme k> Cl1IOns Ri60 .._ ~ ~ wx Im-D>-9.JI I AISOLUTl GOlOMINll 60 vend1na m1eh1nu with eaullent lo<1t1ons .. tor $10 !HI llJ>mell!? Wl MADl S 136,237 I.st mo<llh ll(llflfl& VdU llonlfla, W«kont only when we wanted We tan PQ511Nely teldl you to do the \atne Recnsioo proof Interested? 650-86/-4351 9 (CAI. "SCAN) HOMES FOA SAl..f ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Corona del Mar OPEN SUN 1-4 4J9AVOCAOO 21• Office retreot w/ec-vlewl Lt 'vt y4. Airt "•-Mart.-evldi} 14-40S-11U Th11 newsp1per w~I not knowoncly 1ecept 1ny 1dvtrtosement for r11I nt•t• Whtch I\ on vool1toon of the l1w Our r11ders i re h1r1by informed tb1t 111 dwell ones ldvertosed 1n thos M WSPIP., Ire IV~llable on an eQu1I npportunlly burs Ch•r"'t"I S•lv•"t Gar ... ., Le4fe, ~ ~ troencty and afb. _.., Oacov. -buu- llful lount.wa and prden. M9'1* b9ttwoos stone fwll!>IKu lftd krtchens ···~•ble 805-688-4AOol www solnnclfdens com }CAl-scAH) CO......, UC ~ e •COMING SOON• • puppies blilc:k & yellow C..-C--..., Me [~ cu-;111teed~ , ..... ,,,.,,_ To complain of dtl cum1nahon, caU HUD loll free 11 I 800 424 8590 1413 Olckr Style Furniture PIAHOS i Collec:llblet ·~·~ ·-·-·000... ........... .. CASH PAID .. M BUY ESTATES • """'9CWle .......,, -.. ..,... CONSIGrJMENTS l ' ' .. I I ' ANANCW./ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Flnlnclll Ptamlng flNANCIAl SlCHTS OJ tt.e Svpet W..tthyl Ten Techniques the lbe wulthy u~ everyday to meres. the• wulth " you truly O.Swe to 1ebrve fln1nc111 securtty·You must hive lhcsl l 877-891 3260 S20 \l/MC/t)ISC by P 111 Id! l eMielu. author of lnntment 81MC.S free ~(CAI. "SCAN) CE Monocram J yur old bl•ck dbl ovens SlOO Cl ll (949) 76() 0t62 JEWELRY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECM>US METALS C-tc.t. ..... Old Coons! Cold, silver ,._try. watci.. ent>Que co11ect1blls 94~2·9'48 1111es S700 562 965 0102 COASTUNUIAUY Pet Adoptions Ger•-Sh ...... tch all cotors all sizes for 1doptoon to qualofoed homes w-CSfHCue ore °' 714-773·5915 MISCEU.ANEOUS MERCHANDISE MllCtllaneous Men:tlandlse 3155 WANTlD JA,ANlSI SWO.OS AND ULATID ITEMS 94t ... 94-t7lt 3905 nNAN<lAl srca.ns or the s..,_ W..nt.yl Ten Techniques the the wullhy uw everyday lo tner-lhw wealth If you truly den to achfve f1n1ncr1I u cu11ty·You must haw ttm! 1-877·891 · 3260 S20 VJMC/t)ISC by Pabrcll LeMoeua. author of lneslmlnl ~ Free ~ (CAL "SCAN) S•ll yo MT Car In Clau(fl~d I 949-7S9..0177 ColaDtCm ,•1•r rsuns PAT•KK TINOH NATIONWIDE USA 94t-IU-970S www p1t11ckt1nore com Huntington Blach ,,.. ................. ha\ 4br 2.Sbll • otfa, ,_ windows & plumbona. 270051 Ind more '615.an Call Jett. Rltr 714 500-3356 Newpott Beach A DOUISITI 5ar Sh ~~brpian. hoah ce11on1s curvona sarc-outsadl r p • pwmee klll:herl cusiom c:.bn*y & min.SI .799.(Jl) t.'lct-' Brr*nwl. ~ RM11y •mo1n PtlMl UTATlS ,ATatcl( UNOttl NATtONWIDl USA 949-15'-9705 www p1trtckt1n0f1 com ln<rMllW. v 1-1 68r 12<»!.I W10e ua. lllme ,_,, r>r>OI Sl>ll RV P'll&. 8t &it $1 950.<XX> •et. Two 949 689 l<n! RURAL PROPERTY FOR SALE Ra~nns/ Country Property 5915 20 AW UH<HlS S9'J3S ~a< 8oomine £1 Pa10 Ion S9~ down S99 monthly no-;. 216 month\) Ro~d' Wtvey~ Free mill» ptclUlr\ No quahfy1n11 Creal kx:aloon •' cdent tllNO& Sunset Rane/le$ l Im 343 9444 <CAL·~1 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE AnN, oum LOVDtS Juta VAN WtalN DYSON & OYSON .00-ST ... SJSS Tto-1TS-ffS9 MISCEUANEOUS RENTALS stora~arage Space For Rent 6060 IAYVllW HllGHTS (6) 10.20 S250 (2) 35C'-.f SD>. pvt Pl'°'1 . -pie. S arey 949-SOO 3648 RESIDENTIAL RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula Cny 2lw , .... )'ly \IO~t • .. nice Oe<;ll ,.... c.wpet, PMlt. !pr SD w d hll~ StllJl>.mo 949-119-0748 ............. wall to bcto CJJllll ""91 2lw lbe newly remod. own pr ' carport ~ n '-2!i6-47!l0 Corona dtl Mar 2br lb• 1pt Near buch & shops All new k1lch1n I c II" patio $1450 mo 949·760 1891 21fo lie, le car. w/d hil .,.n, corner lot. Vacant S 1750/mo one Id utls Don1ld Pfaff. Coldw•• 81nller. 949-733-6074 7402·7466 Und er t he Service Directory Banner IOOS·IS10 ~ Reach 80,000 H omes Each Week 9*-97SO For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S Irvine "-.. '''· •.•• .. d WIY' f ...... f 'JI] iFft1 u,.c..le c..-........ 3+ 2 Ilse 2c pr Ii Oec.>. ctrve by 524 Seaw•d Ro Key ~ to pvt '-<JI ue S2«Xlrn 94%73-'lll6 T"""9 flldp bf-"' r1""W ' Wf"f r t ~.-1-. 1u t ~ 25iw "d llot Ht SI f'A 'J4~ ·~· ~ ~ -f(J li •tt to.Jr ,.,, iru 21r 1.Slo, ... ,. t l rl9ht llr 2 .Sla Houu Newly remodeled Fp A. C wh11lpool tub S3JOO mo 949 463 8361 $219!> rm '.149-llf> I /W bu ch 4Z•~ H I•• • "~"' Costa Mesa ~ ~ c............., lido Isle WATlR F•ONT '•'•• ?t,o Iba duplr' '"~ no smot.r Ava• ~ow SZ8~ mo 949 6J I 1998 1• •ao •· .. pvt zar Newpon Beach lr1&. wat. to ln Ser $895 mu Water trm paod '°"'1 LIDO YlUlY UASl ~ 877 704 8649 I Bill CRUNOV RE Al TOR l<t 9200 949-6 75-6161 ~ I+ llw Iba Af>t. Newport leach W/baltony aa$ water P.n1nwl1 Studio Ap•rl & tra~h P••d No pets mrnl\ avaol A~I S/00 S9?S mo 949 ·6'>0 37 l'i S'JSO 949 &7 J 7800 Hc.ac a•• .. d • ~ "'" Sl40I:' "' 943 1,.1!> Jb& Nrl 'enln•vla -,t-, - tt••lf ,.nl• •II' 114)1.. l'J'>O m• 949 I, l;:Y 94'1 6 j ·~fl HAlJ oJ.,...-;tMo RiHt f "' mi-. .,,,.••· -.ir• ,,, It mu ie • ..,. ..,,_,.. '"""'°" Cd!H' Cod \ly"' <Ornm w nt'N d1~hW'f'J~hr:r & 1elro11er•tor <•rptt & <eram .. tole Wa~ clryf!I "1!i!do Cw apt IB• SI09'J ?St Sl4il!> CaM l0<a 1949> 646 2224"' 714 f>l.j 7S92 <if"-}flt 11:\a uo11 Ilg Canyon Tewnhome Barqz.. ll 6 br'*'~ • ., '81 'tu .. • '"' " t f.VW.n i.. UIJIJ m r -~ • •• d.1 ... ..,,. -.49 :>91 ¥'' 1 '¥.I. .. l(J 1 4 4 • ii4> -------Newpo rt Hel9 h11 ~t'd l·t 't'..,. 1e .. ,. r. l Ip S 1b'> , ~ 1' • • • 'j4<j 1;4. ',482 vw....-.. 0.... view. .._'f!r 2fs4 o...1 f Nr 'J\; ! Gdle<J P • ..,lur;t "' So s l6'>0m Av! '14• OM> f '" ~41< ..!'.• ·-~ t tw· ,!'; ,.........,. 't:rr•-'>• d t~ .. "'" " ,;• S?:.(J .... 14•. illt1 IAYVUW HUGH TS .~ll ,, •• 1 ._A • f ;. ~ \."II d,.., t f'\'y '-tdi "' f-A> llACH CLOSE, J~~., llACOH IAY/IAY RIONT larrit!' 2tr "' ct 6dt it1t ,, '• >t '' .. '• b• ght Avail'"" Sl /"1.11 •• ... 1 r • I> 1 yrly "'4~/'> l!IXI S/l)()r ~ ..s I I l ~ NP (,ei.t t~ p.1h l.IVTn· ?hr l 'bd l>oflT " •• '1)3ntJP,"'1l !Jlo"o..lfll, ear ~ S 1 lnl 94<} "9.3-41> !l Gert ....... HooQ. lbr ..... 'k>.t t rtft""' I· t t.; u •" • p.itt• &.J'll 11 ., .... S?:l:i"Mli 1,..~;>.1·M1 7?each 42, 000 7?eaders .in Xell!JJ9rl JJeach, Corona def Jl(ar} Xewporl Coa sl Cos/a Jl(esa. , Von )I miss oul on Ibis chance '4 ole.yq_lf-r exp ~· ~is field / 6Jilr ~Ua.f ?ubficali'on 7Jale: "?une 25 2003 ~ace 7Jeadhne: ?une I rJ, 2003 7/duerlor1al7Jeadhne: ?une J 6, 2003 AN IE Daily Pilot (949) 574-424 ' e Call (949) 642-5678 \ Newport Beach Udo hM-117 Via Orvteto 4Br 258a, 3c iM. Fp 1.0llrly~rd upstan v~ $5CXXI mo 94~~ Pl Mee) OU rad today! (949> 642-5678 31 9ody 33=,.,. 34 • -Sdloen. 35 ln<Mll l\lle 37 Sault Miiie 38 S.W s refuge '41~0!-4::>WUhM 47 Fut boat 49 Re1111 oel 51 TV te981tt !12 Skywallw's lather WANT TO RENT COSTA MESA, HI, NPI llR llA HAVf A DOG. S 1000/MO. REFS. CAROl 949-574-4248 Sell your Car In ClaSll/fled ! NEWPORT HARBOR Community Gorgeous 2BJt 2BA w/HarborVlew 1450 SF, Quiet LocaY,oq. Include& CIR&~ WS~2650 Now$2500 LA ""9tt M os, Tiied £atdet • ~ Wood l4ll'lilC f'ftpl.tc9 • Prlvil.te leldl 5 Mlltal • Spe,._ Smatql'tll •a.• ~ Laadsaplq • Secoada to &llbcll ,, 13 lslbd. 8aJl'de ShePc Ceotet. ........... ,Co .. ..., Urpcwat. Party Pt~nnine & Calet inc Co Now Htrllll Serv•s & Bar1endef s to; PIT Worh Call ln>/742 8858 to \.el up 1ntcrvttw. Boch Y~.le. Soulh dea!J, lhrce no trump ~ than bid four pldel. M lbe Cfltda lie, ll would have beti'I cWJ1cult IO defeat three no lnlmP by "lortb lince ooly Ill Wllike- 1 y cAllb lead tbreaeens chat COOltlC't. NORTH •IS <;1 8J642 ' 63 •J74 WEST •3 975 t;AST West led lbe klna of cluti... and dcclarct WU flCUttly IWll'C O( lhe need to fiod an entry 10 lbt table. The opening lead proved helpful - declarer jeuiM>OOd the queen of clubs under lbe klJli! Wcsi shifted ID the ten of diamooch. oovcmt by the queen and ltlng and'talco whh lhe acc. Dochucr tOolc advantlgc of the fine play 111 the flm trick by now leading a dub towurd the jack. West ro~ wilh lhe ace and two more rounds of diamoods followed. dcclar· er ruffing the second of these with the nine of bpOOe~. carefully pre..crvmg the SC\CO. 0 1098 s 4 •AK 109 • 0642 ::. K 10 8 o KJ7 •8 32 SOUl'H •AK J 109 7 "1 A3 o Al •Q6!! The b1ddin&: SOUTH WEST NOK1 H EAST I• I'-. 1NT ..._ .. ,._ .._ ,._ Opening lead King of• Maoy con1taets lunge on cnll)' problem~. Can }OU find 11 wuy ICJ dummy here after the opening IC3d of lhc king of club\'/ Wilh a hand lhar i) t'S\entially bal- anced und no ~ace to protect. South m1gh1 have been wiser 10 jump to AU that W83 needed now WD\ a lucky lk of the carch. A club 10 the Jkl. pt'O\ 1ded acc:c"' w dummy 10 run the queen of hclllt~ When that 11.on. dedarer switched LO the eight of 1.rump), ruMmg it 11.~ wt'll When the eight held the tnck, declarer Wll\ ~till an dummy ro repcar the trump finesse. In all. drclarer lo...i only two dub tric:ks and a dmmond for u well· earned 10 tnc:k~ DIUVaa OWNER OHJl- ATOlb Have your own lrudl?. loolun& f(lf lode pendence? landsbt has the tooMrectit to INke you succusfult CALL LN«>S T AA 888-8J5. 3858 <CAL•SCAN) Drtv.s(T-~ $UXXI sien·on bonus. Wt have a lot Oxnard, CA T•mlnal. hmetlinl Eapreu l nes 1-800-428-0343 Rel #101 (Email. recrut · 1oe@111netltni.com) eoe m/fTd/v. (CAL •SCAN) DIUVU: OWNO OPD· ATOR: Have your own trudl' Looluna for true independence? Landstar Ms the loob.lfretdll lo make you successfun I ~711·7898 (CAL •SCAN) GUm~~ tor upuale yacht club on Balboa Pen tn General office skills lo assist 111 depart heads req Xlnl communtca· lton & computer skllb a musll Fai rewnie 949- 673-3972 or e-mad lo membershtp@nhyc or& GOVHNMINT JOIS· Wildlrfe/postal $13 21 ID $48+ per tr Patel b ...... ru11 beflefits No eJper .. enu nee AopilcalJon i ea.1m 111formabon Toll ITee 1·888-778-4266 18~0 (CAL•~) S'"'""•rJolt Deckhand E •P on f1shtn& y1chh Based in Newpott Buch faaresuneto~ MAKI~ MTIST r>Mded fOf n clusive cosmett<: sludlO "' N 8 Call Stevens & Cron at 949-646-1394 NANNY WAHTID F/T N8 limo old. 11p iWld refs a must! Fn 9t9 673 lm. w 673 9114 OWNU OPERATOa TEAMS! COl w/Har-Mal & Doubles req. l er monal TerlTWlll Orop,.IHook. Htre on eor-. ~ Miies aXI 909-5664 t•I 210 <CAI •SCAN> OWNU OPERATOa TlAMSI COL w/Hu·Mal & Oovbln req. l•ITl«Ull T enwia1 Drop/Hook Hore on Bonus, Hiii! Milas ~ 909 5664 Ill 2 10 (CAl •SCAN) OWNU OPHATOR TlAMSI COL w;ttaz Mal & Doubles req. T ermmat. Terminal. DrO!J/Hooll. Hire on Bonus, Hcti Miies. In). 909-5664 ••• 210 (CAL "SCAN) Publtshln& PaOMOTIONS DIPARTMENT CommuMy ne~ 111 Dr •nae County sedls F u11 Time 1*W11 lo Inter,,_ •nd wrrte slOf.es parua pale on commuorty evenb. create and pa8JNlt pa&e$ and ~loom ( acellenl c~llOn slllh. work well with the public. Know AP Slyle, QuarkX/>Je». PholO\hop Multi Ad Cre RIO< Proftelll01 0!1 MAC and PC. CCI des1an up111ence preferred Proo1Tea<1111t1 t8$l Orua W -..ic/phy11Ui rtqUll'ed EO£ ( acellenl benefit 1>Klu1ee tnv~ resume. wrrtq wmple$ iWld salary r equ11emen1s l o IM\I pmse>n@ta~com RETAIL Art Gollary on Balboa Island Pl Ret11l Salu c,11 Steve949·723·1100 NPI Solan need• Holr •tylht, r•ntol 1totlon ovoll S 125/wli. c... w 949-6S0-2-4S6 JOIN OUR T[AM ind make a dolfertnce In the Caltforn11 Army Naltonal Guard you can cet money for colleae 1nd careet l111n1n1 Call I 800 GO GUARD (CAL "SCAN) JOIN OUR TEAM and make a d1ffer1nct In 1he Caltfornoa Army Na1ton1I Gu11d you can a•t money for colleae and career tr11mnii. Call I 800 -GO GU AR D (CAL "SCAN) JOIN OUR TEAM and mah a drffennce In tilt C:.llforno.a lvmy N1ttON1I Guard you CM pt mooey for colleflt Mid Ut-~ c.• 1-8)().{;0 CUARO <CAL •SCAN) JOIN OUlt TEAM and make • <kffw ence In !ht Calrtornla lvmy National Gu•d you tan iiet moMV tor ~e arn:t eateer 1ta1rnne Call I In> GO GUARD (CN •SCAN) WAREHOUSl/OfflCE position 20 25/hours wee~. cuslo~ servoce onvenlory ttplen1shmenl compote• and fiu op« at.om hea~y ~ and w•ehoose stocktnc end •iftinc Candidate must bt <» mol1Y1led tum player 11 c.• 949 .. Jl-e672 SELL your stuff through classified! Everyday is a great day {) in Classified! Be a pan of it, place your ad toda~ (949) 642-5678 Automobiles 9000 Automotfvt 9004 Au41 '01 TI 24r Cevpo 225HP. 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""°"' \10.\ro /14-i"l1·"464 Marca.lo ·oo l320 16~ •t tu.al mo lull l•tlory w•rr lurauoo)e h I u t (• ' I me a I II hr mnonrool LO chrome whl,, cone of the to•ut mole Ml'rttdt\ ol lne vur on C.ahl v•557291 S29 9'6 lto•ncone av11l Bkt 9 49 586 1888 -.1<p41lt.caM Ma1<ad11 4 50Sl '71 c-. k.tw 93k '"'· ki:hl bkle'navy lllv vety noce. $7!)00 949 493 0379 HST MOVERS S59 /Hr urvona all caltu Insured Int courteous, careful J I 163844 800·246-2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The C•ltl Publtc U1tltt1u Comm1n1on requtre\ lhal all uS11d houiehold goods movt" p11n t their PUC Cal T number. ltmo' 1nd •haulfeurs print lhetr T C P numbet Jn 111 Adver ttsemtnts II you hive •ny queslton& about the t111llly of • m over . ltmo o r ch1111feUt, call PUIU< UTIUTllS COMMISSION I 177-IH7 Open7~ LowRt* StOl"IQe lf:*lal• Slnoe1Mt M9-&4M645 .. ;'$ ... •rtuh • CR~VIER - . f .,, ~ • • 6' \ . NEW2002 MINI COOPER SIJ1ROOF, PROO PKG. 16' ALLOYS, CO i1~,WJ IATTllSPRn (10018) • Olli£RAT SMJLAR SA~NGS! .... LEfS MOT~! ITS FUN ******** 55 FREEWAY @ EIXHCER SANTA AHA AlJTO MAU (aaa) 123-tlOI '03 vi.-R141/ltoct. ,0 .... (S007SO) S9t,SOO ·oo lonfla.y Amoga Matwitua/ Cot1woW LOGdad (X04213) S 133,SOO '02 D.Kotl ... ~LowM°" (01S9J2) S1S,t00 'OJ Fwd Howley Truc:t. Daltvary Mflat Supwd.or.-cl (064142) Sl9.SOO Nlwroll AllTOSPOltl 949-S74-S600 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! In CLASSlflED (949)642-5678 PLUMBCR l#S06586. f , .. Esll Sm repln. OCTfctJ OISc 714-ZJS.9150 f'Rl<tsl PlUMllNG Repairs It Remode1tn1 FREE ESTIMATE Lt687398 714·969 1090 SIWll . ---~ (949) 64S-2JS2 ...,,..IMTO .. ,.,.. ....... ShllWf _. w/perf•ct '* IM. 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