HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-22 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2003 New chief a people person KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Cypress Police Chief John Hensley will begin his new job as chief of the Costa Mesa Police Department on June 16. John Hensley says Costa Mesa residents will see him all over the place because he wants to learn the community's concerns. Oetpa Bharath Daily Piiot COSTA MF.sA -John Hensley said he will be the people's chief. Named Costa Mesa's new po- lice chief on Tuesday, Hensley, who now heads the Cypress Po- lice Department, said he wants to focus on "quality of life" issues and hopes to delve deep into what gets on lhe nerves of lhe community. "Police officer; generally think they know what the commuruty's problems are: he said. ·eut they're only work.mg on 1')Sue~ they think are 1mponan1 IO the community." 1 lensley. who will begin ~ Costa Mesa\ < hief on June 16, said he talks 10 people one-on- one. ·rm the kind of clucf who'll make house call'>. do 1owi1 hall meeting and ftKU'> group!>." he said. "I try to listen IO the peo- ple. They'll gel a lot of face ume with me: I lensley said he will take ume to study the policing issues in c::mta Mesa and will dis<:u~ tw. vision Wlth his officer. fin.t be- fore making it public. "I'd like them to hear 11 from me first instead of reading about it m the paper,· he :.aid. I lensley said he applied for the job because of the good reputation the Costa M~ Police Department has councywide and -.1atewide. "I wanted to bt• part of it." he ~1d. "The morale 1s Lop-notch, QUESTION What concems should the new police chief focus on? Call our Readers Hotline at (949) ? • 642-6086 or send e-mail to da1/yp1/ot@lstJmttS.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number. for venfication purposes only Cl!> Well." I len!>ley 'Mild he 1~ "very ex- c11ed" about tus new JOb. "I hope they are excited about See CHIEF, Pace M Newport beaches get clean bill In dry weather, much of city's coastline safe for swimming, annual report finds. Not so in the rainy winter, though. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Beaches in West Newpon. Newpon Harbor and the swunmmg destinations at the city's southern border all received generally good grades in an annual report of water quality. "Overall. dry-weather Wdte r quahty at mo!>t beaches m Orange County was very good.· the repon said. See BEACHES, Pace M PHOTOS BY S£AN HILLER ID~ Y PILOT Brooke James and husband David, owner of music store Noise Noise Noise, sort through a trash bin outside Kona Lanes for memorabilia for their new vintage store. Kona Lanes closed its doors for good Sunday. EDUCATION Vanguard tackles drugs with D.C. aid No time to spare Kona Lanes closes its doors two weeks earlier than expected. Items being auctioned to the nostalgic. Deirdre Newman Dally Pilot C laudia Lipari started bowling at ICona lanes when she was 7. Within the last year, she had been bringing her son to the Ttki,lhemed bowling alley that has been a Costa Mesa landmarlc. since the 1950s. On Wednesday. instead of trying to knock pins down, Lipari was helping tear the place down. The bowling alley dosed Its doors for good Sunday and has been selling off mementos THE BELL CURVE such as pins and balls ever since. Next week at lhe alley. owner Jack Mann will take offers or e arger pieces orequipmen . "(My sonl bowled his first game here.• Lipari said. "My first (game! was here. too, so at least I got to do that with him. It's sad. I don't want this place to go.· While ICona lanes evoked a groundswell of nostalgia ln lhe community during lhe past few months as C..J. Segerstrom & Sons tried to replace it with a Kohl's department store, it did not translate lnto financial supportfor See SPARE, Paa• M A wake-up call for a self-reexamination Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONnEWEB: www.~com Jon Peek of Costa Mesa holds a bowling pm he bought to remember Kona Lanes, a place he says he has been bowling at forever. Costa Mesa university holds first conference under $100,000 federaJ contract for faith-based drug re hab. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot VANGUARD CAMPUS -After recemng a federal contract wonh nearly $100,000 from the federal government, the wllversity put the money to use by holding the first ln a series of abuse conferences on Wednesday. ..tA. The contract is the first partners.rtqr' the federal government's Substance Abuse Men- tal Health Services Administration has made with a private Christian university to asses.s See DRUGS, P ... A4 SALUTING FATHERS Sports dad 's libel suit against Pilot tossed Margullet' play was put ofSCR's sixth annual two-day Pldlc Playwri&hla FeltMl. in whk:h • half .dozen new plays -all by Well-escabliabed playwrights -were ahiowalleCI In -.;ea WEATHER ~ It'• g9Cdng hot out theN. S..PIPA2 Cetetnte your father by Mnding • brief pareg'"'Ph or two •bout Why yoor dad is to grut, elong with • photo, to the Deity Piiot for pubAcation on Father't Dey. Send • Nff..eddfaaed envelope if you Wint the photo '9tUmed •flier public8tion. The dMdUne for entn. Is June 8. Send vour letteta to Father._ O.y, Deity PMot, 330 W. Bey St., Com M.A. CA 92827; ~to Sports editor was also named in suit brought by father of Corona del Mar High baseball player. .1fter1111.1 ......... or WOlbbop ~" prodllcdom; Par N. BELL ..,.. bucb • rrrrton. thepubllc- lmlted to Ill la on the WESTSIDE Cotta MeM group eeted to look Into rerot ling the btuffs. S. ..... A3 SPOITI UC INlne llrrrW ..... ............ 2.owen:. ........ 1 dllfA*• ti nes.c<m or fax to C•> MM110. E-mell It pretilmld. EDUCATION Oeep•llaerdt OlilyPllOt NEWPORT Bl!AOI -A SU· pe1ot c.ourt ~ 00 Wednm~ dtly dnw out a liaWIUlt med bf the ldber ol a fomMi' Qnna cW Mir ................ lhe Olly ... md ...... doc, em ... ee...-o1,. ..... . ...................... Thi ...... btu .,, "' ..... I AZ llvsday, May 22, 2003 POLITICS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE POLITICS ASIDE • • , • . · . .. Showing support in the halls of government A breakfrom the election grind Paul Cllnton Dally Pilot Local military men and women won recognition for their service on Friday in the halls of county govemmenL Assemblyman K.en Maddox. who represents Costa Mesa. and Supervisor Jim Sliva. who represents Newport-Mesa. dedicated a "wall of honor,• which will display photos of military service people. "Many or the Orange C.Ounty residents we will honor ... have not yet returned home," Maddox said in a statement before the evenL "Many are still in Iraq, elsewhere in that region or in other areas of service around the globe. Wherever they are, each of them plays a part in the security of this great country. My pride in this group is immeasurable." Maddox and Silva dedicated the temporary wall at 9:30 a.m. at the county's Hall of Administration in Santa Ana. The display features about 50 photos of Orange County residents now on active duty. A photo of Costa Mesa Marine Jose Garibay, who was killed.Jn an ambush In Iraq in mid-March, is on the wall. Garibay's picture is partially covered by a small blaclc ribbon aaoss the right edge of the photo to signify his sacrifice. Plans are underway to add more walls to accommodate any more photos that are submined, Maddox has said. All the photos are 5 by 7 inches. Silva. who has a son and a daughter serving in the Air Force, said the wall was an easy idea to support. "It's an honor to recognize these selfless men and women who leave their Orange County homes to ensure the security of those who remain," Silva said in a sratemenL "I'm proud to join Assemblyman Maddox in this celebration of service and l look forward to shaking the hands of those who have returned from overseas." A POLICY OF TAX CUTTING Rep. Oirts Cox has been leading the charge in suppon or President Georgie W. Buslia $550-billion tax-cut passage that passed the House on May 9. Cox is echoing the White House's view that the tax-cut paclcage will act as a job-creating engine in an economy still reeling from employer cutbacks. California's unemployment rate hung at 6.7% for April, according to Employment Development Department data. · "The tax reUef the House passed will help Orange Countians who need jobs," Cox said at the time. "By reducing the double tax on savings in stocks or mutual funds. it will he:lp the almost 300,000 seniors in Orange C.Ounty. And by reducing the capital gains tax rates to 5% and IS'll>, it will help small businesses expand." Bush's proposal reduces the tax on stoclc dividends and capital gains. It SPECIAL EVENTS Aaemblyman John Campbell will hold the kidt-off reception for his state Senete run from 6 to 8 p.m. May 29 at the Hyett Regency Huntington Beach. lnfonnation! (209) 847-6200 or e-mail BUDGET BURDEN SEAN Hl.LER/DM.Y PLOT Senior Sandra Kintaudi, ce> chair of the Young Democrats at UC Irvine, speaks to a small group about President Bush's budget cuts Tuesday at UCI. About 20 students protested Bush's economic plan, saying it will burden students seeking higher education. would also eUminate the so-called "marriage penalty" tax. raise the child tax credit and lower income taxes. Democrats have derided the tax-cut plan as a benefit to the nation's wealthies1 taxpayers. COSTA MESA CONGRESSMAN GOES TO THE DOGS To cut down on a rash or dog fatalities, Rep. Dana Robrabacber has introduced a bill to tum the taste of antifreeu bitter instead of sweet Rohrabacher is co-sponsoring the Antifreeu Safety Act, which he introduced in March. Bach year, about 10,000 pets die by ingesting the sweet-tasting chemical The bill would require antifreeze manufacturers to add denatonium benz.oate, a bitter-testing substance, to antifreeze sold in containers or 55 gallons or less. "A mere sip for children or tide of antifreeze for pets results in immediate kidney f:ailure." Rohrabacher wrote in a March 13 letter to House colleagues. "(Several safety groups) have noted that the addition of nontoxic averse agents to toxic household prod:uas makes these products-sc> unpalatable that most children and domestic animals will reject the produas when tasting them" Rep. Gary Acbrman (D-N.Y.) has co-sponsored the biU with Rohrabacher. CHRIS COX'S PRESS SECRETARY'S MOTHER RESIGNS Kate Whftma.n'a mom made news on Wednesday. Wltlttnan, press depury for Ouis Cox. is the daughter ofOuiltle Todd Whitman, who resigned from her Cabinet post as bead of the Environmental Protection Agency. "J know she was proud of the work she did at the EPA,~ Kate Whitman said Wednesday. "She's just excited to get home.~ The elder Whitman, 56, said Wednesday in a lener to Bush that she was leaving so she could spend more time with her husband, a venture capitalist, in New Jersey. She jolned the admi.nlstration ln 2000, after seven years as governor of the Garden State. ACW, WHERE ARE YOU? The American Civil Uberties Union held a worbhop in Costa Mesa on Tuesday for budding activists. Malek Moa:z.zam-Ooulat. an associate with the ACW. spoke to an audience at the Unitarian Olllrch, at 1259 Victoria St. Moau.am-Doulat outlined a handful of strategies during lhe evening meeting. MADDOX EARNS THE UNION LABEL Assemblyman Maddox has won the endorsement of one of the county's largest pubUc-safety unions in his bid to win the 35th Senate seat now held by ROii Johlllon. Assemblyman John Campbell is also in the race. On May 8, Maddox announced POLITICAL CALENDAR dstoneoak@aol.com Chuck De Vore will hold the his kidt-off celebration for his state Assembty run from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. June 12 81 Chinatown In Irvine. More details to follow. MAY 28: Costa Mesa Republican Women Federated will hold a general meeting at 10:30 a.m. at Oidc Church's Restaurant. Guest will be Diane McGlindley, of the Orange County he had pinned down the support of the Huntington Beach Firefighters Assn. "Ken Maddox is the only candidate in this race that we trust to support pubUc safety," said M1b McCJanahan, a spokesman for the group. "Ken has never wavered in his steac:ifut support for the men and women who fight on the pubUc safety front line." Before running for office, Maddox spent two years as a Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy and seven years as a Tustin poUce officer. He is now on reserve duty with that city's department COX TO TALK ABOUT HOMELAND SECURITY Rep. Cox is taking his duties as the chairman of the newfy fanned Homeland Security Committee to hearL Cox is scheduled to speak in Irvine on May 29. His speech will be "I lomeland Security: How Safe Can We Be?" ·Although a military victory may have been achieved in Iraq, the ability and impulse of terrorists to commit aggressive acts against Americans on our own soil remain,· Cox said ln a statement. Reservations are required in advance to attend the event, which will be held at the Irvine Manion, at 18000 Von Karman Ave. The cost is $35 or $45. The event will be hosted by Orange County Forum. For more information, call (949) 588·9884. Federation of Republican Women. Information: (714) 962-6398 29: Newport Harbor Republican Women will hold a general meeting 8111:30 a.IT}.. at the Bahia Corinthian Yadlt Club. lnformation: (949) 769-3086 ·. '• T he threat -or promise -of a special •· elecdon to fill former Mayor ICaren Roblmon'a seat on the Costa Mesa City Council has finally faded. Now what looms is the November 2004 council election, in whJch three of the five council seats will be up for grabs. The dynamic then will be much different than what council hopefuls and their most ardent supporters were planning for the avoided pedal elecdon, whkh likely would have happened this November. ... An election this year would have hinged on a relatively rew .-------. number of votes, as is historically true of special elections (or even off-presidential year elections). Groups that have reliable core voters tend to do well in such races. And in Costa Mesa, the most obvious group that fits that description , is the loosely organlzed ' · S.J. CAHN "improver" movement It's a safe bet that Hric Ofter, had he been the improver candidate, would have won the election. ln the past rwo , elections, after all, an improver candidate has won a seat first Olrls Steel in 2000. then " Allan Mamoor in 2002. At this point, Bever remains a front-runner in 2004, but his chances are significantly lower in a race that Is Wllikdy to play as the elections did in 2000 and 2002. The central reason for this Is that. for the first time, the lmprovers won't have a single • candidate they can coalesce behind. in 2000, the Improver candidate was Steel. (Planning Commissioner Joel Partl. who also ran that year and did well. coming in fifth out or 11 candidates as an unknown, did not yet have the improver name as clearly as he does now.) This election marked the improvers ~corning out" as an organized resident group. All of their efforts could be directed for Steel, whose name recognition from repeated ru.ns and plum placement on the ballot likely helped boost him to the top or the race, as dld the siz.e of the field. ln 2002, Mansoor was the improver candidate, able to run unopposed for their , votes (Farts did not run, in part to avoid diluting the Improver field). That unified backing was in contrast to -and not everyone agrees with this idea -the splitting of votes between fonner Mayor Unda Dixon and Planning Commissio ner ICatrtna Poley. • Next year, however, Steel is up for reelection. So if the improvers want to add another new face without losing one of lheir ... councilmen (and just how much they suppon Steel is up for debate), they will have to figure out a way to get him reelected, and Bever, if he is their candidate, elected. Their resources, ln such a scenario, will be spread thinner. The improvement movement also does not have the element of surprise any longer. , In 2000, few outside the improver camp thought Steel, who'd been running for 20 years, had a serious chance or winning. In 2002, Mansoor also seemed a long shoL But , after those two victories, there is no way other candidates will be dismissing the improver standard bearer. A final key will be whether other loosely affilia1ed candJdates t~ a page out of the Improver handbook and decide not to run against each other. But with one open seat ,, -Councilwoman Ubby Cowan being_ termed out. although even that point seems to be in dispute, at times, proving the laa of clarity ln election law -and another being occupied by someone, MJb Scheafer, who has not won a citywide election, It Is ha.rd to Imagine everyone putting egos aside. Stranger things have happened. • S.J. CAHN 11 the managing editor. He can be reached at (949) 574-4233 or by &-mall 81 s.j.C8hn@latime•.com. • ' • -• Daily A Pilot ConJWllton Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. SURF AND SUN News aal1tant. 1949157..,..298 Copyright No news stories, coral.wilsontJlatlmes.com lllustnrtlons, editori1I matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS advertlHmentl herein can be WEATHER FORECAST SURF Sean Hiller, Don Leadl. reproduced without written Kent Treptow permiuion of copyright owner. It waa hot on Wednetday, The aouthwest swell droptt VOL 97, NO. 142 READERS HOTLINE HOW TO REACH US and It'll be so todey after aome down a bit today, so THOMAS H. JOHNSON News EdltcM'I 19491 6'2-6088 arcut.tton earty morning fog. High• wHI aouth·fadng beedlee can PubU1her Gina~. l.ot1 Anderton, Record your comment.I about the The Tlmee Or1nge County hover near 80, whlle IOW9 wlll expect waist-to me.t-higha. lOHYDOOERO Daniel Hunt. Paul S.i1owitz, Daily Pilot or news tlpe. 18001252·9141 drop Juat below eo. Friday loob ewn emaller, EditOf' Denial S'8Yena Addr.-Mw#d-.19 Friday will be a tad cooler, w;iti not much higher than J4Jfl( OE11WQ NEWISTAff Our ldd,.... II 330 W. Bay St., Costa Ctwlfted (9491642-5878 ~.a.?•:' Crlm9 °:crco~ltef, Meal, CA 92827. Office houri 1re Dhp4ey (9491842""321 but~ not. bed thing. w11st-high area. Monday -Friday, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. EdttoMI The three-day weelcend Saturday wilt provide. Promodont Director (948)57 ..... Cof1eCldot• News should be. bNUl alight pk*up, with eeveral c1Hpa.bhlll'1th fllatlrrw.com It 11 the Piiot's policy to promptly (949)842·· '"'°""9don: dlett-hight. EDfT1NQ ITAff Juftl=r11• correct all error1 of aubttanoe. lpatta (949157 ..... 223 www.nws.notN.IJOV St.lnday will be tlmllar, Ll.CllM PINN cell (94917&Mn4, News Fu IMI ~170 though with t.wet dMlt-Nghs. Newport reporter, 8pofb Fe.19481 ~70 ga:· (948)57~ FYI E.fMll: t»llypllot.,.tl,,__com BOATING FORECAST The next lwall doesn't rotl In .. jUne.~ra~•11t1,,,...com undf nut week. •J.t»htt ,..,_,com ,...c::a..... The Newpof't ~ MeA ...... 09oe The wk* wMt blow 10 knots .._..., 0.ily Pllot (USPS-144-800111 ...... OMee (949) 6'2~1 w..ar...-v: ~~ Politics. ~end ll'Nlron!Mnt publlehed dtlly. In Newpott ~ ........ (9'8) 631-7121 tn the lnnet WllW'I tNt WWW.IUl'frld-.otp . reporter, (948) 794-4330 end Coet• MIN, aub9afptlont ire afternoon, wftt'l 2-foot WIMMI """*',,,.,.~ f*J/.dinton.l«lnw.oom l\faffable only by aubecflblng to The end a eouthw9et aWell of 4 fMt. TIDES s:s Lollll...,., Tlmet 0r..,ge Coumy (IOOI LM8r, the .. 1111 rty winds wtll Cof"""'*-culturt 1'9POfW, 2&2·1141. In .,._ out9ide of blow I to 11 llnola, With 2.foot ,,_ ........ tJftl t•:nr-M*1moom IMI 174-4271 H9wpoft 8Mdl and eo.c. Mete. wnwand1..-11Wt11of2to 10:1ta.m. -0.03 fNt IOW ... " ..... ~.,..,.,,.,.""'"-com ~10ttle CWyPllot.,.. . .... 5:41 p.rn. "°'""'Nett ,,,,~, ..... 0..Chlef, 0.W..MIMM9 ~ Oftt'( by fltlt .. mall for Publiehed by Timet Community Out .... a. morning. the 10:Np.m. 2.n,_tow --~ c.o.t. Mete,.,,.,, (Ml) 57'-C21 SJO Pt' moneh. C'"'-lndude ell ....... dt¥Won OftM Loe~ northtA1•1~wlr*wll ~ 4:101.m. 4.0llMthlgh ,,_, ...... -.com .,,..,......,,.,.,,_,com 9'1pMceble .... end~taw.I Timae. -..:.-=:. Cbkaac.... .-osT'MASTEft: ~ ~ . 11to21llnoll.WW.2• IO 4..fOOe l!duceelon rwporw, IMl 17...-cNngeil IO The Newpon CZOOS TllMICN. AH~ W9Vel lftd ....... of''° WATER TEMPEIATiltE ..,,.. .• ~Mee. o.ffV Pilot; '-0· ,_....._ • ..... ,,...,.. betound ... ,.,... ........ aim """""""°""""'•,..,._,oam ........ ., ..... ( \ City group gets crack at Westside Decision is a victory for committee members who have been arguing that their decisions on redevelopment be taken seriously in City Hall. Deirdre Newm.n Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -City leaders deferred a decision on studying the re7.onlng of the mainly in- dustrial Westside bluffs until a group that has been wortcing diligently to improve the area can weigh ln on the issue. In a victory for the C:Ommu- nily Redevelopment Action C:Omminee, the City C:Ouncil voled 4 to 0 to give the group the first crack. at looking into pro· posed changes to the area be- tween Whinier and Monrovia av· enues that would allow developers 10 replace induslriaJ buUdings with housing. II was one of the four optioru. the council considered for rezon· Ing the bluffs -an area that is predominately induslrial, but that city leaders would like to ~c covered with houses. While the council's action ll· lustrates the committee's success in staying relevant to decisions affecting the Westside, some comminee members -who have been vocaJ about wanting their decisions taken seriously - are still not sure how much lnOu· ence their opinions will have. lhat just remairul to be seen a1 this time.· member Terri Breer said. "Thal was encouraging. though. that we're being in· eluded." Olanging the w ning of the bluffs has garnered considerable public interest and debate over the years. The councU's ultimate goal is to convert the area into a residentiaJ neighborhood. Only one consultant fmn re- '>ix>nded 10 the city's caJl for bids on the study. While it was thor· ough. staff was cona:med that there was no basls for compari- son and that the bid price ex· ceeded the original cost esti- mates by about SI0,000 to $15,000. So it gave the council four choices: reciiculate a call for bids; terminate the project; pro· ceed without consultant a...sist· ance: and a variation of the Lhird choice. whlch the council chose. The issue was originally scheduled to be decided on May 5, but because of the fear of deadlock with only four council members present. II was jX>Sl· ix>ned to Monday. The last choice was added for Monday's meeting. which didn't give coun· cil members a lot of nme to con· sider it. So Mayor Gary Monahan 'iug· ges1ed pru.sing this option on to the committee for consideration. "I think this is a perfect isi.ue for !the commjtteel." Monahan ~id. "In my early look. it actually gives more righl'> to the property owners rather than re-toning their property. II gives them more Oexibihty. I thank 1h1., may be a good start on cUl'>wering the question of what LO do with that area." Res1denu are divided on whether there hould be any wnlng change'> made to the blulis area. •My k.ids have the right to breathe fresh air.· an adamant Martin MiUard '>houted in sup· port of re10nang. "'I'm !>Orry to shout. but 1h1s is mliculou!>. "Why don'! you put your house next 10 your building?" Martin asked. addr~ssing indu!>· LriaJ property owners. "We have an opportunity now co take Costa Mesa mto the future." Others reat1ed a. .. t•motionaJJy Ill oppo'>llion "I would '>Ugge-.t there\ not a !>inglc '>ouJ 111 the <tffec ted area that would lake IO <,cc· !the bluffs! rezoned," '>aid Dan c;nbble. who owns prop en y on 18th Street. "llow do tho<ie that don't live there have more rights than thoc;e who lave•. work and own busin eS'>e<i therc"I" ll1e comm1t1et.•c, '>lutly of the future of the \\lt>\t-.1dc; 1., ex· pected 10 be rnmplctcd thi'> summer COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL Here are a few of the itemi. the council decided on Monday. AMENDMENT TO MUNICIPAL CODE In 2002. an Assembly biU W<ll> signed into law that eliminate.. locaJ d.U.crelionary re~ew of second urut (acce~ory apartment} applications. In July. the ciry has to accept these applications without the discretionary review. lf the c11y's 1,onmg code is not changed to rel1ect the state law. state standards of accessory apartme nts will prevail over the city's standards. WHAT HAPPENED The council approved the change. WHAT rT MEANS Accessory a partmenL'> will now be reviewed accordmg to local '>landards. instead of the c,tatr\ WHAT WAS SAID ·we have enough apartment'> 111 our city aJready. yet we have Sacramento telling us "we have to do 11." Councilman Cl'lm Steel said. ·rm going to vote no as a protest vote.· BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Whale launch will kick off summer at Dunes Twenty·sut fifth-graders from Manners E.Jemenlary School 111 Newpon Beach will head to the Newpon Dunes Waterfront Re· son on Friday for the 46th an nuaJ Whale Launch. Kicking off the summer sea son. the students will send the 20·foo1 fiberglass whale into the water. After the whale launch, the students will par ticipale in a series of inte ractive ecologicaJ presentations and demonstrations about the ef· fects of water runoff in Orange C:Ou.nty. The students launch ·Moe B. Dunes.· the reson's mascot whale, al 10:30 a.m. t-=riday. Performing Arts Center will tango in JuJy It is dramatic. It has Oare and ii will be at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. The center wiU present the world-renowned Romulo Lar· rea Tango Ensemble perform- ing MTangos -for La Milonga" ln July, officials announoed 1his week. La Milonga-is a-tang&rhythm. as well as the name given to the place where tango aficionado'> gather. Center officials 'laid. I-or th1c, performance. that place Wlll be Founders I lall. The ensemble, founded by Larrea in 1990. includes musi· cians. singerc; and dancers who perform with authenticity. Their hallmark is •technical mastery combined with extrnordinary artistry.· Performances are scheduled for 8 p.m. luly 17 and 18 and 2 and 8 p.m. July 19. Seals for the matinee show cost $46, and evening s hows cost $49. Tickets go on saJe June 8 at the Center box office. online at www.oc- pac.org or by phone through Ticlcetmaster at (7 14) 740-7878. JW A adds another securi ty dog John Wayne Airport on Wednesday welcomed its third security dog. The Transportation Security Adminisrratlon's third Explo- sives Detection Canine Team arrived at 2 p.m. Wednesday and will assist the rwo teams that arrived in August. The newest dog, Go Go. joins AJi and R~ut explosive SYMPHONY HALL DESIGN In February. Om.nKe < .ounty Performing Art<. C enter offic1aJs broke ground on tht• S200·milllon Rcnct' and 1 lenry Segerstrom Conum 11,dl, which i!> the fir'>t major expan-.io n o f the Center since 1986. lhe hall will be ahoul 297.000 c,quare feet and contain two aud11orium'\. The design for the hall hac, hecn in the work.-. for fi ve year.. WHAT HAPPENED The council approved the final master plan fo r the hall. WHAT rT MEANS NEXT MEETING •WHAT: Costa Mesa City Council •WHEN: 6"30 p m June 2 •WHERE. City Hall 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION. 17141754-5223 C1m'>lr\1<.111m \\111 '>lsll1 on Jul\ 7. -.aid Jerry M;uuld ( L·ntf'r prt"-1dent WHAT WAS SAID '"When th.., 1 ... li111 .. hcd. 11 w1ll be lhc precm111l'nt art., Lcnter 111 the lounrry in li>nw. of '>pace:· Mandel -.aid -1 ht' < 11y of the Art'> ""111. tn fafl ha\l' tht• fanhty 10 ht-the< II\ of the Arte,·· -(mn111l1'd 11) I >PtrtlrP VPt1'f1Ulll DailyDPilol flusday. May 22. 2003 A3 Memorial Day ~...._w_e.;.e;..kend Specla;..l_.e .. 1.,.1111111 &.,~~~ H~s tauru111 '--'\..? -----Establlsneo In 1962 Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality ~rvice· .. F•r Rl1"11flNOTU uU (949) 646-7944 169S Irvin~ AYc., Costa Mcs.i • • • Nighdy Entcna.inmcnt • • • Oi.n. -~ ..... 'IOI .... <.,JI ............ .. TH~S~EW FABRICS ~ WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE. I EVEN HUSBANDS ~ALoeN·s I 1663 Pbcenti.l. Cosu M~ \____ <J4<J-646-48J,8 . -o...--,.,.,...... ___ .....,"' The soft folds of Vig~ttc' window sh.ldm~ now come 111 three ~ fabncs tNl appeal to everyone Come see them today ................ ,,,,, '''" ....... , . ) M Tlvsday, May 22. 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • CalNtlc> 9tlMI: Trespanlng waa reported In the 200 blodc at 8:07 a.m. Tueaday. • Feirvt.w Roed: An asaautt WM reported In the 2800 blodc at 2:09 p.m. Tuesday. • Maple Street: An auto theft was reported in the 2200 blodc at 10:19 a.m. Tuesday. • Newport Boulewrd: Forgery was reported in the 2300 blodc al 11 :13 a.m. Tuesday. •,..._.on Ptw: A vehicle burglary was reported In the 2700 blodc at 11:A6 a.m. Tuesday. • Scenic Awnue: Vandalism was reported In the 1600 block at 11 :24 a.m. Tuesday. • Standard Street: Possession of narco,lic.s was reported In the 1200 blodt at 8:07 a.m. Tuesday. • East 17th Street: An auto theft was reported in the 400 CHIEF Continued from Al having a new chief. too, H he said. It's definitely going to be a change for the department that Chief David Snowden has made his home for the last l6 years, Hensley said. "I can't be Dave," he said. "I have my own style. I'm not say- ing it's better or worse. It's just different. l1 'U take some getting used to. I'm hoping they'll give me the benefit of doubt.~ Hensley said he strongly be- lieves in an "open-door policy." "It's something I learned dur- ing my nine years in the Arm y," he said. "I always encourage people to come into my office. If they don't want to do that for some reason. I go to their office. My belief is that if you can't take o n organi7.ational issues with people, it hurts the organization in the long run." The new chief said he Is also a strong proponent of "collabora- tive efforts.· "It works for me," he said. A key concept in his philoso- phy as Cypress' chief, he said, has been "customer service.~ "We work hard to make sure our response time is quick." Hensley said. "We use computer technology to locate crime pat- terns, trends and problems." OBITUARY Pliylli Marie Ihucci Services for Costa Mesa resident Pbylll$ Marie Dinuod will be held at St. .io.chlm C&tbolic Oum:b at noon Fri- day. Ms. Dln\Kd died Friday o( n.lltWal c:aAJla She WU 86. She is IUrvtwd by aoo Art Di- blodt at 1:08 p.m. Tue.day. NEWPORT BEACH ·~~Ahome burglary waa reported In the 600 bloc* at 10:17 p.m. Tuesday. • F"8nm Court: A hit-and-run waa reporte'.d In the 100 blodc at 4:39 p.m. Tuesday. • Grand Canal: A burglary was reported In the 100 blodc at 11 :06 p.m . Tuesday. • Newport Ceni.r Driw East Grand theft was reported in the 600 blodc at 2:33 p.m . Tuesday. • Nw.tpOtt Piece DIM: A hit-and-run was reported in the 4100 blodc at 4:24 p.m . Tuesday. •Quell StrMt A commercial burglary was reported in the 1100 blodc at 7:38 a.m. Tuesday. · • Vlata Suerlle: A vehicle burglary was reported In the 300 blodt at 10:06 a.m. Tuesday. BIO AGE: 47 RESIDENCE: El Segundo EDUCATION: Master's in public administration from Pacific Southern University PREVlOUS POLICE DEPARTr.tENTS:Barstow, Manhattan Beach, Cypress FAMfl Y: Wife Jody and dogs Cooper and Casey HOBBIES: Reading history books, traveling, collecting Native American art I lis b~ggest accomplishment m Cypress? "Making community policing more than just a slogan," he says. Hensley, who lives in El Se· gundo, said he is seriously con- sidering moving to Costa Mesa. "I'm not the commuting type.· he said with a laugh. "My wife and r hope to get into the com- munity and check out the reaJ estate market soon." I lensley says he is fond of Cy- press, but that he can't wait to begin his new assignment in Costa Mesa. "I'm really looking forward to tl, • he said. "This is a big day for me and my family." • OEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be readied at (94915744226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath@fatimes.com. nucd and~ Patti Goe· don. • The o.llv Ploc ~ obhuwiesfor ........ Ot bnW ~ofCOlllaMam8nd NewPQn e.w.. •rou ,,....'° h.w an obleu-v prtnlad In._ PtlOC. ... ~ n'IOt'IU9f'v to tiix .. thl fnformedon • .., .... ,10 or <*I Che '*..-oom • C• 1&M32A. 1420 Wu Scnet #B, C.O.C. Mela, CA 92626 (C.0.. Mae Sq~ -T..pt Cew) 18481 848 un or (7141848-eaaa ···----·-.·~_., ... SPARE Continoed from Al the ail.Ing~ former ma.o-.r Juanita Johnson saJd. "With an the publidty, f.*>ple asswned we were doled. Johnson said. •1t took a downhill dive. Every day we opened our door, we went deeper Into debt.• Sunday's closure took many people by surprise, espedaDy devoted Kona fana who wanted to get In one last round. "It's like a best friend you could always depend on, and then, out of the blue, you see that life changes and times change.• saJd resident Jon Peek. 39, who said Kooa was pan of his family history. In early April, Mann announced that Kooa Lanes would close at the end of June because of the dismal financial state It was in. The alley bad survived the last few years only because of rent concessions from the Segerstroma, Mann said. Mann expressed a deep sense or regret at the closure of an institution that meant so much BEACHES Continued from Al However, several "bot spots" in the harbor received failing grades, as did nearly all of New- port's harbor front and beaches following rain. The grades came as part of Santa Monica-based Heal the Bay's 13th annual Beach Repon Car<i. released on Wednesday. The environmental group col- lects sampling data from each county along the coast to reach Its conclusions. Beaches with "great water quality" include five West New- port locations, among them the Santa Ana River mouth and two Balboa Peninsula beaches, the report said. Assistant City Manager Dave DRUGS Continued from Al the effectiveness of Teen Clia.1- lenge, a worldwide organization that takes a faith-based ap- proach to rehabilitating drug users and others stn.J.ggli.ng with life-controlling problems. "Our relationship is seaml~ because we share the same val- ues and see that the problems ·aren't just physical,• said Maxi- mo Rossi, the provott and vice president of academic affaln for the university. "We need to ad- cireM the physical. but also need to approach things from a spirit· ual side. in that sense, (the part· nership with Teen Challenge) ~ a petf ect fit" The conference, coordinated by members of Vanguard Uni· verslty's InstitUte for Leadership Studies, incorporated the efforts of schooJ officials and USC om- dals from the Institute for Pre- vention Research at the JC.eek School of Medicine and the Ceo· CURVE Continued from Al apawning process of these plays, and that has to be the biggest barp1n of any theatrical sea.ton. ~ aaw a stellar ca.st do "Brooklyn Boy,• a story about the dlscovety trip of a Brooklyn author who bad written two esoteric -and not very auccessfu1 -noveb and then hit the beat-aeller list with an account orhia growing up in Brooklyn. The play ia done In six episodes that start and end with his dying father. Adam Addo played the author wtth a kind of bewildered wtstfulMse. supported by. blgbly vistbJe group of award-winning KtOn that lnduded Allan Mille(. Davkl Plymer, Mimi Ueber. Paula Newtome Md Lturen Ambtoee. the )'OUD8 woman from ·sa Feet Under.. ~out ol Che cbeeter Into the ILIDlitbt ol a mlpd8cem C'AUfomla lprtng daj I WU ltnd bJ bow hadiy we.,. to baYe vtrtuaDy In our 1*Jt yud Che opponunltyto -Ind .... die ._ In pedomllni II\, wbfCb-to IDI ... ., ' Pliicl•cm loattar llUda .._ .,.. Md ....... cu • .,... .. ~ .... llC:UllilL .... d, - CbthqumdyN1 •MIMI Ofdlep• ........ ................ Ol FM• ZS flllllit d/lf M 'I 1~nt • IQt of time here 11 a kid. I want something to remember It by •... I'm flat broke, but I wlll bid my loyalty and time In Costa Mesa so some greedy developer or EBay doesn't get It.' DMdJen'91 toaomany. •1ra diaappolnting because of the fun that peopJe haw bad there,. Mann lllld. ·JJten.Dy mllllona of gamea brle been bowled there. It kind of feels like a tanglble thing. When I'm thete at night, you can almost grab It• On Wednesday. fans converged on the alley in the momJns and trickled in for the rest of the afternoon ro score a piece of bowling history. One of those was Robert Calvert, 36, of Huntington Beach, who took bowling classes at Kooa when he was a student at Orange Cout College. Calvert. who bought two pins at five dollars a pop. lamented the loss of such of a fun pan of Costa Meaa'a history. "Future youth are not even going to know what it's about," Calvert said. "lt should be a time capsule. Ruby's (restaurant) Is Ki.ff said the high marks at the Santa Ana River surprised him. 1he water quality. samples are taken a few feet offshore; water quality further up the river is much worse, Kl.ff said "To me, you would need Lo put an asterisk in that report." ICUf said. "People should not be swimming In the &nta Ana River." Corona del Mar's two beaches. including Uttle Corona. received high marlcs, as did Pelican Point, Crystal Cove and Muddy Creek Beach. Beaches on the shoreline Lend to have better water quality be- cause ocean tidal action moves potentially dirty water out to sea In contrast. Newport Harbor has very little O:ushing. allowing bac- teria to collect and gather in in- land locations. "I'm surprised they find it so ter for Civic Religion and Cul- ture. ·we've partnered with major research groups for nearly four years," saJd Marty Hanis, the as- sociate provoat for Vanguard and the project director for the con- tract that they\ie been working toward for more than three years. "Vanguard is at the van- guard in this area of research and [the un.lvenity is woddngl at finding cutting-edg"e strategies for faith-bated programs." The conference touched on how to quantify data involving the effect.a of how a faith-based approach aids recovery, the roles or famlly, fajth and behavior in substance abuse and how to im- plemenl technology and the im- ~ of the brain when dealing with these issues. •1 think this ls terrific and I WU really impressed," sa.ld Costa Mesa C:Ouncilman Olri.s Steel. who attended the confer- ence. "Their approach Is faith. based and focuses on moral principles, which is very impor- tant trying to reaeate thi8, but this J.s the real thing.. Jeanetta Home came from Santa Ana with ber daughter to get some bowling balls for her giandaon. Home aald she used to bowl at Kona and will miss a place that offered affordable family fun. "I bate to see it go,• Home said. "Th.ls \s one of the cheapest reaeadon (options) for the family y0\1 can find." Not all the coveted items were inside the alley, though. Brooke James was as excited as if she had just bowled a strike when she spotted old and tattered furniture from Kona being thrown in a dumpster in the parting lot James rushed over and offered to buy a good chunk of it for her vintage clothing store across the street "Look at these -aren't they clean,· said Bob Caustin. a local activist and founder of Defend the Bay. "On a par with the other California beaches, I think they're accurate. As to the stand- ards we should be judged on, we are below par." Most of the 23 Newport Har- bor locations received "'very good lo exceDent grades." the re· port said. However, two harbor locations were among the worst In water quality in the county. The group cited 43rd Street. 38th Street. 19th Street and 10th Street beaches as tro uble spots. During dry weather seasons. the first two made the list of ·county bummers.· Up and down the city during the rainy season, beaches and harbor-side areas received F grades. OnJy C:Orona del Mar. which got a 0, Crystal Cove at Los Tumcos Canyon, which got a I think we're very fortunate to have Vanguard here,· Steel said. "With everything they've done for the community and their type of approach. I think ii says a lot for Vanguard and Costa M esa" The university hopes that the conference will serve as a step toward formu1Wl18 research for fa.Ith-based programs such as Then Cllallenge thar will aid indi- viduals strlJ88ling with life-con- trolling problems. "We welcome further study and we think It will even help to replicate our program and allow us to share with others exactly what happens with the process,· saJd Dennis Grilfith, executive director for Teen Olallenge of Southern California. "Th.is will bring some real validity to the success of Teen Olal.lenge. It will be great fo r us to know which parts of our program work best and what practices are most ef- fective.• ({ Vanguard and the other in- stitutions continue to generate ideas, the government will con- provides a home for this art. painful truths: that the people The minutes spent walking and events of whk h our life is back to the pr after an made merit a new and fresh ewcadve play are best devoted look regularly, as do the to the wonder of being moved. principles and be.havior we and trying to fix thole moments rejected so 6rmty and by bringing up once again bits unequivocally in our youth. of dialogue that crackled with The conversations with his honesty and an admixture of father caleh this best -and hil pain and humor. which are closest to home for me. never very far apart. I fOUdd They brought back vividly ·Brooklyt\ Boy" a very funny and three days late in my father's Ufe a very aaioua play. when I droYe bJm from northern lbe Arkin c:haracter (author Indiana to Miam1, where my Bric Weiaa), at a pinnade of brother had found a redmnmt suoceu, la on a tour to pubUdz.e home for him. In the Jong hia best -sdllng book when be la silences of that car trip, lt sttuck 8idetracbd to visit bia ailing me bow little I had ever really father. A1 each *J> of the communicated wt th my father temponry derailment that on anytblng other than a .followl, be la forced to take a aupedldal bu1s. Uolib the frelb look al the people In his father In the play, my father WU life and bow bis relatiombip a lclnd and ~roua man who with them bu changed while be • WU a.lao paJnluDy private. wasn't ~ylog proper attention. I didn't know what agony he There's a wife he married for had gone through when be lost the wrong r-.ona Uld now a proepering .,. .. ,,,.. and our deeply lowea who .. dhordJ>& bomt al lhe ~ oltbe him. A dOM ICbool>oy ftieod Dep e 11lon. Why we moved who ftlPI'-* a Mleetyte that Ml)' yw when I w growing bu been out ora. v1ew ror up. Wbtt ht ... Wini during many ,..n. A ICnlpUloUlly the~.._ ol my mocber. honelt JO'llll woman who Why two IUblequlnt bueb1ell lbuea bla bed after a boot wna.n. fded. Why we DMlr ~pan, Hll19111l...... apentdmewtdl ......... Im a ...atly dlect tbcK1l ~ wbom I Wac:el) tn.w. HalijWboA ---.S flldle art And IO mtay ocbir ......... bi• 7 IL ADd .. ......_ aflected bOda ot cu k lb.a I ...,. .. ..._ newrmploii9dWllb.._ ...,••hllibadlD.... Andeollitld..l..Wwry • ..... fll ...... btll ... bOwbt ............. _,,...1n .................. abe..._,tllilll ...... IMIO pmllilfll ......................... , ...... •sulllto+h 1 1'4..., mdlws-Jl*l•IL ... Olly Piiot cool?" James cooed. polndog f4 dilapidated cha1n wtth fabdc , peekJng ~ from teen In the upholltay. "l'U re-cover It wttb cool fabric and atuft. • Her husband. o.vtd. wbo grew up ln c.o.ta Mesa and OW1)8 a record store aaosa tho atreet. · la bold.tng out hope of aoaatOI the "Kona Lanes" sign. "I spent a lot of dme here u 1l kid,• David said. "I want , something to remember It by. . , . I'm 6al broke. but I will bid my loyalty and time In Costa Mesa· so some greedy developer or EBay doesn't get It" Mann said he baa been Oooded \Vith offers for various lte~ and will probably keep some of the goods tha1 have sentimental vaJue to b.lm. such. as the clock that has overlooked lane 20 for almost a.a 10118 as the alley has been open. "If l had a large enough house, I'd take the bar with me," Mann saJd. "It's the original brass standing bar that's been in there forever.• • O£JRDA£ NEWMAN covers~ Meaa and may be reached at 19491 574-4221 or by e-mail at d6/rdre.nBWman@l•timu.com. C and Muddy Creek Beach, which got an A+, did not baye failing grades during the wet parts of the year. Harbor Patrol Beach received an F. 43rd Street was also giver\ a failing grade, whJJe 38th Street earned aC. .. ICUf agreed that certain so- called ·hot spots" in the harbor still need to be cleaned up. In July. the city installed 70 fil- ters and screens in front of catch basins in the gutters around the city. That cost about $90.000, KifJ said. KifJ said the filters have im- proved the quality of the water from last year. • MUL aJNTON covert the environment, buslneu and politics. He may be reached at (949) 71)4...t33() or by e-mail at paul.cJinton @latim(tS.com. ' ... we need to bring. education to those affected by drug abuse. We need to treat both the physical and the spiritual, and this grant is the beginning.' Maximo Rossi ~ Vanguard Unive<srty vice presi<JMt of academic affairs tinue to provide the university with funds. Rossi said. ·w e've had so much conversa- tion and so much infonnation come from these people. add one thing has really been cl~ -we need to bring education to those affected by drug abwd." he saJd. "We need to treat both the physical and the spiritual, and this grant is the beginning.." • CHAISTINE CNN..1.0 covers education and may be readied at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at christine. carrif lo latimea.com. : . In those three days, I never laid a glove on my dad. It was too : late to start. He parried • questions resolutely, changed • the subject to baseball or : politics. and. finally, told me t«f. cut it out And so we drove the# rest of the way In frequent loni silences. short on talk. but not; love. • In the play, Eric'• father • appean to bJm du his death.: and father and 100 talk ho~ and IUbstantiYely. For the fint. time, Eric understands bis : father\ anger and discomfort ' wtth him. and he aaya, tn agonj "Why couldn't we have talk.ed : when you were a11ve1· Why, lndeedT : Erlc'I father la beyond talk. bla wile la gone. and bit boot ia • being cuttated by Hollywood. · And 80. ln bis despair, he cUes * fteab look at eome of the , raowcea he had cut mle in ' hit youth. And we Wilk out of : the tbeeer Into the Califomia IUD.Ugbt to ponder wblt in our I UYM needl a lrelh loot. nu.. wbaa art cu do for~ And lt la wby I lell eo mudl gradtude for livtna In ID .. where it JI IO ..t0y ecc I rrate I Wbo't wllk eo ~Dal,_.., ::c.-:.~ .... -::: ADd,...., MCCftF lid ll eo ~ YoU'I .......... blailr' I ................ ~ •..OJ HM.lal.lunrld111011 ... "-~ ... ....... ....... ltwu: ... ... ( Golf er another Annika among men Corona del Mar resident is only .. ,. . woman man amateur tournament. Like pro Sorenstam, she says she only wants to do her best. June Casacrande Daily Pilot As the only woman compel· ing In the Resl Western People vs. the Pros tournament, ama- tew Kay Ziplow can't help hut ~voice Annika <iorenstam's name. ' The thing they seem lo have . ,!'Post in common is that they an~ rarities in their own corners of lhe male golfing world who don't particularly want to he seen as rarities. They JUSt want to play golf. "Though it's a different sttua· ~on and we're certainly not in the same grouping, what's she's focused on ii> playing the game and doing her hc'>t. and that's what I'm focu~d on. loo,· 7..i- plow said. The Corona del Mar resident, who also owns a home in Las t>egas, is one o( about I 00 play :·surr Continu~d from Al F.mme about S9;K>o -money the coach had spent 111 attomey'l> fee<.. ' Susan Seager. attorney for thl' , Daily Pilot and Dunn. '>aid ~c ex pected the JUd~e to grcll1t lhc pa· per's mooon to .,trike Man: Martt nezs libel claim. · "Under Cahfom1a law, 11ew-.· papen> are prot(.'(.tt'<.I when they write about law'>Ull'> ... 'ht· -.aid. "If it's a fair and trut· rt'pon. 11\ pro fected." lne web of ldw'>Ull'> that have been spun back and forth he tween coach and parent bef..'<ln m July 2001 when Man MartmC/ filed the l>Wt allegmg that 1-Jnme hurt his l>On.., dumce. for toll(1:l' recruitment aftl'r a tlL-.a~eeml'nl over pitchmg rnunt'>. ll1e com· jlaint said the co,1(h made J I> ~artinez pitch tcxi m.my mntn~ ~g ht-. arm llwt law...utt WdS thrown Olli or wun in ~p ·&.ember. • In addition to the two law,wts, [!]rzj Dunn-Well . ~ . ' .,,., . 1920 Morr'CMI A'°' eo.t. Mesa CA 92f>27 C&'J*S&~'8')' '7:c!o,~ Robert Dunn "-OIW""'9 ~ Tef: M9.548.9373 C&-pef ~ 714.&4e.3434 -I It Dlm-W 111 Oonl Corona del Mar amateur golfer Kay Ziplow will compete in Best Western's People vs. the Pros at Lake Las Vegas. er-. in the under-49 age category of 1n the Besl Western PeopJe vs. the Pros at Lake Las Vegas. which culminates June 2 when the winner from the 49-and- younger category will compete against pro John Daly and the age 49-plus winner will compete against U.S. Open and PGA Championship winner Lee Tre- vino. ·11 doesn't matter if I win," said /Jplow. who declined to Fmme. in January, filed a SI -mil- lion malicious prosecution suit .tgrun.-.1 Marc Martine-J~ claiming the coach's reputation had been damaged. Man:: Martinez said Wednesday that he will appeal the rulings in tavor of Emme and the Daily Pilot " Ille coach thinks he can get away with what he did to my wn." he c,aid. lnat's not going to happen I hope to hold him ac- < ountable for what he did.· Marc Martine-J. said that local p<m•nts are increasingty support· ing him. "lrntially, when people heard ahout the lawswt. they supported Imme." he scud "Now, things <,('Ctn to have changed I t.hinlc wach l-.mme h.is changed the way he treats the pitchers..· Marc Martinez said his son, a 1 t1 year-old freshman at the Uni- H'r-.11y or San Diego, was "upset that he's not able to play base- ball " "I le'!> played baseball since he give her age. "What's imponant is to participate, to ma.Ice some- thing of yourself, and hopefully have some fun while you're do- ing it, because if you're not go- ing to have fun, you might as well not do it at all." Though winners could take home $100,000, that would mean giving up amateur status -not something 2'1plow's will- ing to do. "If I won, I'd definitely donate was 5 years old." he said "But he's IJlO\.<ed on llOVI. He's not worried about It. • F.rnme said he is disappointed that Marc Mar1ine'L plans to ap- peal the judge's verdict "Al this point, nothing is a shock to me.· he said. "But when you have something this big looming over your head. it does have an effect on you. And just when you think it's gone. it comes rigtlt badt at you.· Emme said such lawsuits are not good for high school sportS. ·A lot of good people are not going to coach if this happens.· he said The coun battles between Emme and Marc Martinez have grabbed national attention. The ~e has been featured on HOO's "Real Sports with Bryant Gum· bel," CNN and Fox News. Emme's attorney, David Shores. said he has also been approached by NBCs "Today Show,· CB.5 and "20/'l!J." FYI Best Western'• People vs the Proa at Lake Laa Vegas will air from 5 to 8 p.m. Monday, Juno 2. on the Golf Channel. it to the John OaJy and I l'l' I rt· vino's charity,· Ziplow said. 2'1plow discovered goltmg ;1f te.r back injuries ended ht>r am bidons to play p'°fes'>ional It'll nis. She started caddying lor husband Todd 7Jplow, who., also competing in the ioum.1 ment, and became comfortahh· being the only woman 011 1lw golf course. Her experience in tht' '>p11r1 prompted a publisher\ n·pn sentative to approach hl'r 10 p111 together a book of 1111t·rv1t•\\., with the wi vel> of pro goll1 r .. "Ufe with a Swinger" w1ll 1111111 next year. ZJplow said "This book 1s a celebr.1111111 111 the passion of the golft>r .111d 1111' women who are the I :ith 1 luh Ziplow said. Pro goiter., t <11111111\ carry 14 clubs on the gret'11, .rnd their wives play an 1111port,llll role that qualifie'> them 111 r1gh1 there on the green \\1th tl11'111, she said. "They're the most \Jlu.1l>lt club in the player., bag-... /1 plow said. Marc Marune'1 ..aid ht· tlul 1101 expect his actioru. ""oulu dr.m ,,, much publicity "I don't lcnO\v \'\hV tlwn· '' ~· much anenuon given 10 1111., lw said Emme said he had ,, kd111g 11 would get some attenuun h111 1101 "so much." "But what 11 \ do11l' I'> 111,1 111.1111 me more determined tu li~hl th1' thing." he said. Dana McCune. anomt'\ fw 11.1• Newpon-Mec;a U11iftt·d \, 1i .. , District, said both 1.11, '"'" brougtit by Marc M<1r11r1t·1 "'rt ridicuJou~ " "An appeal 1-. C'\t•n 1111m · Ind• crous." he addt'll \II I I"' I.I\ payers and tht> -.c h1111I 111 11w \ That dcx.">n't '>("t'lll 111 1 11111 1•111 him" • OE.EPA BHAAATH covers I" 11,lt safety and couns She m;i, '" reached at (9491574-4226 r r b, e-ma1lat deepa bharath a./a11mes com Ttusday, May 22, 2003 Al TINT RB ' O U/ 'angku . X,, . h1=){y1~ lor all •~dpt'!> & • ~t'S of RE.AlITIFUL WOMEN See what's NEW for Spring & Summer FLAX ... t«ai ... un: ·•· l'.nn:h ... Wbv nnm Gifts & Acussoms Wl E. 17th St #21 , Cosu MeY (949) 642-5459 \4111t"•" VI 1.111 IJI. \ \tAf'LE OES E SOLID HARDWOOD PLUSH CARPET s4 ~~n. • Inst.al~ with Pad S J 69 • "linimum 60 yards aq. ft. Tra\lertine 18"' JI 18" .•.•••••••••..•••.•.• 14.29 .... "- Ceramic Tile .....••.••..••••.. t...ulld r ...... 14 .99 .,. "- Laminate Wood ••••••••••••• •••'•"•" r ..... 14 .99 ... "- 'upplt<•Y and T<>0/$ For the -oo II Yours•IF~I" \II 11ru l'•/prudurh For a limited lltn11, board on 1100/lab/lllfl. (888) MESA-777 ... -nr 1374 Logan Ave., S u ite F • COSTA MESA ~ 16372) -.-,.0, f1ll It A.It .. s"" • ...,.. ...... ~ - U. 10 \.It te 2 ,.,. ICLO ED Sl"'fDAYl .-. .. -., M 'nusdly, May 22, 2003 FORUM r • ' . ,., HOW TO GET PU8USHB> -L..a.n: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot. 33b W. kf St., Coct.a Meu, CA 92427 • ft111e'l'I Hodn« Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to 1949) 846-4170 '' E-fNl:Sctnd to dailypllotqJ/atimes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verlbtlon purpoees). The Pilot reeerves the right to edit all submissions for darity and length. ·, EDITORIAL Fourth should be fun, not chaotic I t very well may be a case of a few unruly folks ruining things for everyone else. Or it may be the necessary preemptive action that will keep relatively minor problems from turning into something major. Whichever scenario turns out to be the case, it seems certain that the Fourth of JuJy in . Newport Beach will never quite be the same. · This year, in response to building problems in the city on Independence Day, city leaders are cracking down harder -but only slighdy- on revelers, d.rinJcers and over-enthusiastic partygoers who last year accounted for 162 arrests and 1.344 citations. They have decided to create a "safety enhancement 1.0ne" bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the south. 32nd Street and Newport BouJevard on the east, Pacific Coast Highway on the north and 54th Street on the west. Within this area, police will have more power to break up parties and issue citations that will cost violators $300, up from last year's $100. Landlords might even be held responsible for some tenants' behavior. Still to be put in place is an amendment to the city's alcoholic beverage ordinance that wouJd forbid stores from selling liquor out of their parking lots or storing it there. City leaders argue that this enforcement is necessary, a point hard to dismiss unless you are among a group of mostly young. mostly male West Newport residents who have appeared at the past few council meetings to fight ruJes one or them called "unacceptable and un-American." Neighboring Huntington Beach is the most obvious example or what couJd happen if Newport does ot crack down. During the mid-1990s, the Fourth of JuJy in Surf City erupted into a mess of couch burnings. rioting and, in 1995, the shooting death or a 21-year-old man. Police arrested just 40 people in 1992, a number that skyrocketed to 257 in 1993. By 1996, the city's w1.ero tolerance" policy toward public drinking led to the jailing of 549 people. It also made clear that Huntington Beach was no longer the place to party on the Fourth. For the past few years, Newpon has assumed that dubious mantJe. Fortunately, with it has not yet come a tragedy of riots or deaths. Unfortunately, to avoid that end, tougher rules are needed. Those that city leaders have put in place are a reasonable answer to the problem. With authorities on the streets enforcing them this JuJy. act reasonably and judiciously. It shouJd be a fine, and fun, Fourth of July in Newport Beach. HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA CoS1a Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor. Gary Monahan Coundf: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Mike Scheafer and Chris Steel CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beadl City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beadl, CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg CCM.W\Cil: Gary Adams, John Heffernan. Diet Nidlols. Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMMUNITY COUEGE DISTRICT District Office: 1370 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 432-6898 Chencelor. William M. Vega Boatd: President Paul Berger, Vice President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee Derek Shelly NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St, Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 Super~11t9odent: Robert Barbot Board: President Martha Auor, Viee President Dana Black. Oet1c Serene Stokes, David Brooks, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linda Sneen ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hall of Administration, 10 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 •Jim Silva, 2nd District (Costa Mesa. Newport Beadl), (714) 834-3220 • Thomas Wilson, 5th District (Newport Coast), (714) 834-3550 MAILBAG FllE PHOTO /DM.YPILOT James Raven holds a floor plan in the basement of 1901 Newport Blvd., where his Club Vegas would be built. Quality of life gets worse, little bit by little bit It has come to my attention that the Caty Council is addressing a project of great enormity, the 161 apartments to be located at 1901 Newport Blvd. on a 3.6-acre parcel. Thjs project is proposed to be four stories high and will include a parking structure five stories high in the center. This. as I understand it, is to be part of our redevelopment plan; however, when I have asked people what they think about it, very few are aware of the proposal. I find it sad that Costa Mesa~ residents have not been adequatety appraised nor given the opportunity to voice their opinion. I am writing this letter because I am so concerned with the direction the city of Costa Mesa is taldng its residents. Every nook and cranny will soon be filled with businesses, and more high-density housing is on the horizon. Please answer me one question: What are we going to do with all the traffic? Anyone using the intersection of Newport Boulevard and 19th Street today sees a terrible traffic clog. What will happen if this condo goes in? The projected amount of trips per unit per day is six. To my simple calculations, this means 966 more cars per day. And, of course, all you have to do is drive the streets of Costa Mesa to realize the projections are extremely conseryatlve. I also have heard comments regarding "additional" high-density housing along 19th Street Th.is will put the age-old topic of the 19th Street bridge back on the table. To mitigate the traffic. the natural selection in my opinion is a bridge. Some of you may remember the controversy regarding the IKEA project. People were told the Gisler bridge was out of the question and would be removed from the county's master plan. WeU, that is not true. As a maner of fact, it is slill very much alive, with our sister cities more in favor than not. With the opening of IKEA In the near future. and the congestion of our streets unbearable, what then? be a win-win for all of us. and especially for our children and grandchildren. Our Costa Mesa City Council voted 5 to O in ~upport of the Centerline light rail ~ystem. If we don·1 ensure approval, we may not get another chance for a decade or two. FRANK FORBArH . Costa Mesa I thinX our city should slow down and consider that each Mep it takes impacts us all. Where do we want 10 be in I 0, 20 or 30 years? Realize that one high-density project here, one more business there, doesn't seem much. bu1 the Newport needs to find place accumulation is great. ' ~ « d bl h · ARLENE JONES 1or dJtOr a e ousmg Costa Mesa C.Osta Mesa needs to get serious about CenterLine This is a message I delivered to the Costa Mesa City Council: Thls Is an urgent appeal to you City Council members, the audience here and those at home for you to make a phone calJ or calls. The future of the Centerline light rail system Is hostage to a vote of Irvine residents on June 3. Centerline, planned 10 go from Irvine (at UC Irvine). through John Wayne Airport. Costa Mesa and ending in Santa Ana's transportation center, initially, is hostage to the vote in Irvine. Centerline can be a tremendous benefit to Costa Mesa -to business at South Coast Plaza, Metro Point and South Coast Metro; to reductions in traffic and parking for the tens of thousands of employees in the area's multiple office and retail buildings; to patrons of the several present and future arts c~nters; and for concurrent reduction in smog and asbestos dust, hence cleaner air for us all. To the above, add the benefil of a reductJon of all the vehicle traffic merely passing through our clcy 10 these destinations. My appeal to each of you is to call all your friends in lrvine and urge them to vote June 3: Yes on Measure A and No on Measure 8. Your call s can malte this The city of Newport Beach should support the stale of California's Department of Housing and • ': Community Development's housing requirements. The Housing Element law has set forth these i.tandards several years ago. The city has an obligauon to not only addreSb the question of how it will provide affordable housing for low-income people. but shouJd facilitate the building of these units in the city. • - The city should create a fair share of this rype of housing. The definition of low-income as presented by the DaiJy Pilot article is 80% of county median Income, or $60,500. This would include police and fire personnel, teachers. clerks and others who work in the city providing services for our community residents. This group of people would like to choo e to live here as weU as work here. The City Council must exercise the poUticaJ will to implement housing policies that will enable developers to create this type of housing. The Orange County Grand Jury made a study and report on the need for affordable housing two years ago. It gave suggestions on how the county of Orange and the city of Newport Beach could bring about more affordable housing. Where there ls a will there is a way. JOSEPH BOYLE Corona Del Mar READERS RESPOND ' No easy solution to Westside problems AT ISSUE: What are the causes of problems on the Westside? R e: ·eouncil complete, but •till divided,. Dally Pilot, Sunday. Contrary to what you implied in your editorial. no reasonable penoo aays that illegal aliens are tile only ones who drop O'Uh on the ltreetl or cause all our probjema. What you've done Is couple a batty genenlizatJon wltb a acnw man in order to ablolYe IDepl aJieol of the probk!rna chat they do C8UR. lbe O'U1h "tbaC the Weltlkte len't -t.l • It .. bec:a411t of bllib. or glaftld or OChei' e.lly ... ~-Theile thlngl aft )\ilt ..,.npeoms ot a 1aJ1tr' ~tndlhatlqer .. .,...,. iDCMlllY lmoMe ~ a_...... aaadeidw olpeople latMI dlJ ..... ~ .-..s to ... Ml&MDlllnlbll ..... ' I ' ~·no !l are illegal aliens. So, if they can't afford to live here, why are they Oocking to our city instead of, say, Newport Beach? The answer is easy. A well-oiled slum machine that needs ~poor people" to continue to operate has developed In Costa Mesa. Because of a variety or factors. the poor people are mostly illegal aliens. Here are some of the major cogs In the slum machine and how they ftt together. 1. Industrial busl.ne$Se9, mostly 00 out blW&. need cheap labor. to the OWMr1 or dlele businesses. who ofttn live in Newport Beach and other nfoe ddel. can make more money so they can coridnue to 1tve in ch<* cldel. In order to keep the labor COIU down. tbete bulinalet oftiin pry lri cMi and ofter no l1ll'dical Of other benefit&. 2. _. .... tUpply that ~llbor. 3.,,. cbartdei lhln mpply ChebililllaJ191 1 Ill IDlhe illegal aliens in the form of free medical and dental care, free bags of groceries, help with paying the rent and utilities and much more. Because the charities need poor clients to grow, they encourage more poor people to move here. lllegaJ aliens are happy to accommodate them. One charity In Costa Mesa just announced that it Is expanding Its RrVices by 30'J(. this year. Qne charity bots maka more than $100,000 a year. Another just gave heneif a raise to around $75,000. R'om this, you may IUl'Dlile that "chadty" la not the ....... •charidea. • The b la an admirable acdvtty. the eecond II a buMesl. We.,. dlock fuU of cbmtty buelr-. t.l(>M o( the OWOl!ll ol m.e chartCy butbwMe it\19 in Me9a ~or "' nicer dde&. Few .aia.ly ltve nmr their c:harlty bul'nm 11. TIMYre not m.• ~ MrtdoUI. 4. Certain IOcal P'll"c•• .... to die dlllky bOilel ID= ............. ...., ...... _ ..... Once in office they keep the city charity-friendly. Those are the major cogs. Then cbere are many minor cop: 1. Orange~ College Swap Meet An almost completely underground econom)t Cash Is boss. Cash reglster tapes and paper b:ails are never Men. 2. Thrift stores. a. Pawn lliops and similar busin<ll!I that Illegal immigration is a "serious" problem. lllegaJ immigrants absolutely trash our wilderness areas during their assault on our SOYereignty. They mab up large parts of Los Angeles ganp. Our ttauma centers have had to dose because or illegal aliens, our emergency rooms are swamped becaUle of them. Our schooJs ue bundng at the aean11 because of them. Mol9 could be written. but I uipect the POot won\ nm thJs letter. ao I won't WMte any more The tlnatt our country now facet wtll not come from some army whh abips and planes, but M.H. ml.MD ttlole who WepDy enter this <:oeca Mela country. Article 4, Secdon 4 of olmydme. "the Contdtudon ClllJI for the prot.ecdon ol the atata from lmMlon.. The mlllk>C1ll ol Jllepll lr"6de ow oountry ... co dMa lllct dlac our~ t. noc ~-A ~WkhoUt baldlla .. not a aJWlb'y anymrn Wba. I ·adlhlt that .......... helw U I'*-' ..... • problbly.-,..... , ........... ~ -1111 • d(ulf.,., own cltU.ens to screen and control m.: number of those who come hett:..· We Just cannot abeorb the : millions that want to come here.:.: It will be an envlronmental and - fina.odal disaster. : : For the Daily Pilot to advocate -: kffping dlscusalons of l1lega1 aliens out of the mix Is wrong. : • Once the IDepl alien has ..med•: in the interior of our country we~· . . . cannot count on the federal ; • government. ~ must rely on : : our local elected oftldala to help• addreu the problem, not bkle : • their heads in the and and • pretend It ls not there. The Pilot I adYoc:atea a •more lnduahe dllCutUcSn• to bdp ~Mee& become a better pllce to work and~ Therdore. ~ ol the .... .., problem atiould noc be emded. The ·ln*ent anac.b on a whole poup ol peop1e• occur becmM lhe problem...,. =wone. lt nllda lo be Idell aot ~ ---..................... _ ........... _. ___ ................... -r" ..... 411 .... ........-.. •• -~---~~ ............. -.... """""-------· . -;..,.,,,, Victoria Elementary goes to bat for teachers A baseball game tops off an appreciation day for 32 educators at the Costa Mesa school. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The teaching pl'Ofesslon Is noble. II deter- inbtes personal i.ucce11Ses ttfough the successes of others. Teachers have the abiJlty 10 t~ch the next generation. lney 114ve the chance to prepare them for the wo rld. On Wednesday. Victoria El- erpentary School in Co'ita Mesa decided it was lime 10 recogni1e them for achieving that and "° n$.lch more. S1udents, adminis- trators and Newpon-Me..a Uni- fied School District offic1alc, hon- oi»d the 32 educa1orc, at the S<fiool with an C\enl JU\t for them. '"If there's any group of te<1th e" that rise'> above. 11\ our teachers.ff said Judy Laak..-.o. 1hc school's principal ... nwy ..u~ayc, glye their bei.t. Our leatherc, ab~ solutely give ii their all every day and we thank them for that " On the day tlt:dirnted to their teachers. studenl., !>howed their support and apprccia1ion for 1he .people who help them learn. Mlt's rea.IJy cool be<:au .. e thl'Y wort really hard and tht·y it•ach us lo~ of stuff," -.aid R Yl'ar old Matti,e Ungenfell«r. <1 third ~der who rooted for lll'r teacher from thl' '>tdehm·' . I ler classmate'> agreed ·1 think 11'-; really fun: -...i1c.J •J year-old Jc'>.'itca N<11a. .11 .. 0 ,, third-grader -11\ tht• 1t·.tdlt'r' day. lt'i. ntre lw< JU'>t' 1lwy'w been help111g U'> l'Vl'ry dJ}'. llw\ help us learn " EmphasVJng the tmpurtJlll l' or learning. forml'r ( ,.1liforr11<1 Angels ba.sehaJI player lay John' tone made d ~pec1aJ .1ppl'<tramt• and spoke 10 the V1ctm1.i ... 111 dent body about tht: .. 1g111fi1.allll' ~CHOOLS LIST ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS College Partc K-3 2380 Notre Dame Road, Costa Mesa Carol Lang, (714) 424 7960 Devis4-6 1050 Arlington Dnve, CoSla-Mesa Cheryl Galloway, (714) 424-7930 Eutbkdf K-6 2627 Vista del Oro, Newport Beadl Char1ene Metoyer, (949) 515-5920 Harbor View K-6 900 Goldenrod Ave , Corona del PHOTOS av KENT TREPTOW /OAJLY PILOT Kind ergarten teacher Christine Burke prepares to whack the ball out of ttie school grounds during a Nerf baseball game at Victoria Elementary on Wednesday. of cdurn1 ion. -i:very day tha1 you come to '>dtuol, you have an opportunity to learn somelhing new,~ Johnc;- lonc '>aid "You have all the'>e wontll'rful 1eacherc, . . that would .ill takl' the tune to help y1111 unc.Jer..land. Thal'!> how you ll0.Hn ... i\llt'r an 1mp1ra1tonal .. peed1 from till' lonner Angel him!>elf. 1he game' began P.,un·d off 111 teacher-c,tudl'nt tl',tlll'>. 1lw t'\Cnt conttnued "-tlh .1 1111111 hJ'>ehall gamt' fhe '>Ill dent' '>urrnundcd the c,mall lidc.J. '>treaming and chcl•nng tht'lr ll'<&l here, nn. They watC'hecl thl·1r ll'.&l her' and da'>'>ma1c•, 1 rving to gel a h11 off 1he forn1er profl''"onal ba'>('ha]I pttcht•r h1m.,elf \.\'hilt• lht· t·vent rn111a1 ned II'> 'hJrt' of fun and game,, ti\ focul> Mar Melhss1a Chnstensen, (949) 515~6940 Kaiser3 6 2130 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa Daryle Palmer, (949) 515-6950 Killybrooke K-5 3155 K1llybrooke Lane. Costa Mesa Kathy Sanctiez. (714) 424-7945 Linc;oln K-6 3101 Pacific View Dnve, Corona del Mar Barbara Haddodc. (949) 515-6955 Mariners K-6 2100 Mariners Dnve, Newport Beacti Signatwe Store to Open in Sou them California • on the '>Chool\ teacher'> wa .. not forgotten. The teacher' were ind11c1ed into the· Victoria School I lall of fame. Supt. Hobert Rarbot and Trustee David Rroolc.., authori1.ed the induction of the J2 educa- tors for exemplifying the c,chool'<; motto of -n1,111g Above," they ' .,,ud. Pre.,cn1ed w11h cen1fica1e'>. an arti'>t'i. rrnd 11 t0n of tht• '>t hool'-; motto and '>t'hool wide .. upport. the tcacltt•r, .11 V1ctorn1 ..aid they felt the ~ratttudt' for the l-ffonc; 1hey put forth l'Jch Jnd e'el') day -11\ m l'rwlwlrn111g. It givei. mt' t hill'> ... c,.mJ Anette Robcn- '><>ll. who tcachl'" adi!ptive phy· '>ll<tl ecl11c.1t1un Jl the \Chool "I th111k lthc even1J ha'> made l'Veryonc feel more like a team. 11\ hke .i family." Pam Coughlin, (949) 515-6960 Newport Coast K·6 6655 Ridge Park Road. Newport Coast Monique VanZeeBroeck, (949) 515-6975 Newport Elementary K-6 14th Street and Balboa Boulevard, Newport Beacti Denise Knutsen, (949) 515-6965 Newport Heights K-6 300 E. 15th St., Newport Beacti Judith Chambers. (949) 515-6970 Paularino K-3 1060 Paularino Ave., Costa Mesa Patrias Insley, (714) 424-7950 Teacher Tomi Scofield gives student Brandon Swann-long a congratulatory hug after he hit a home run. PomonaK·3 2051 Pomona Ave., Costa Mesa Julie McCormick, (949) 515-6980 Sonora K-3 966 Sonora, Costa Mesa Christine Anderson, (714) 424-7955 Victoria K-5 1025 Victoria St., Costa Mesa Judy Laakso, (949) 515-6985 Whittier K-3 1800 N. Wh1tt1er Ave .. Costa Mesa Sharon Blakely, (949) 515-6990 Wilson K-5 801 Wilson St., Costa Mesa Candy Sperling, (9491515-6995 John J ennifer We belong to the Lifetime world's largest flooring retail group -co-<>p. Warranty We are tbe biggest Carpet flooring dealers lndlvldually owned $1" ando~ted . 4 NOSTOJUl •VF.INS l"OIF.lfJI lifetime Warranty l.a•iaate $2" Co•etl M••• , ... , .... ,.,. , .... 17111 ...... ~. UTllNft I Mt• IM Ttusday, May 22. 2003 A7 now serving sandwiches ... and salads catering platters available FREE DRINK Purchase Any Whole Sandwich or Salad Ami Receive A Free drink. Mu st Present Coupon At Time Of Purchaw Limit One Per ( u~tom1. r l:.xpires OS ~ l 1<H. i 27 f. l7 rH STRUT. Cnsn \fl S\. (949 ) 646-1440 \11 ,\-f Ei 7:00-6:00 •) u 7:00-5:00 •Ct mrn Sc~o~' .\ @j llllllTIRA1uJi CONSIGN• DESI G Quality Furnishings & Accessories For four llon1t Pair of Iron and Glass End Tables ........................ ~I 50- Black Game Table ................................................... 'lll95' Table and 4 Slip Covered Chair\ ........................... ~ 191 Small Rattan Game Table w/2 Chair'l ................... 4!t200' Pair of Slip Covered Chairs ................................... 1'J50 · Leather Sofa ............................................................ 1'.,56 · Pine Hutch ............................................................... "-59h · Green Chenille Sectional........................................ 995 • 369 E. 17th Street #I 0, Costa Me-..a_ Located behind Plum 'P.tt m Phone(949)764-1746 Hours. Mon·Fn 10 OOam-5.~ Sat 10.~lam-'i OOpm. ~un 11 l~IJm .I •in Gus Brenda Lifetime lOOo/o. Warranty FREE Ceramic $1'' No Questions lifetime Asked. Warranty Wood $2" lftlllll " ...... Al Thutsday, Mly 22, 2003 AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN heme to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. e.y St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; bye-mall to mlktuwaMOn§latl,,,...com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time. date and location of d'9 ewnt, a well as a contAICl ~ number. A complete listing la avallabfe at www.dallypilotoom. MAY23 LOl ........ Orw'9t Couteolege Cff1W coach and history profeuor Dave Grant will tell the etory of Capt. James Cook's voyages of discovery at 7 p.m. at the Udo late C1ubhouse. Grant has aelled extenaivefy through Australia and New Zealand, competing In the rugged Sidney-Hobart race several times. All are wetoome to the presentation and preceding social hour. For more information, call (949) 873-5119. MAY24 MAY 21 n.. Council on A8lfll -Orw'9t County la otr.ring he training to recognize ftnendel abu• and ufeguard against vk:timization with a two-hour eeaelon called "Who Can You Truet?" The Halon runa from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach O..la Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. For reservations, call (949) 644-3244. MAY2t Op, the Oftglnel Calfomla lhnyte brand. and Projekter. Action Sports Cinema announce the opening of the Op Summer Surf Series at the Udo Theater at 9 p.m., IMth a acreenl"g of the original 36-millimeter print of John Milius' 1960s surf eiMc "Big Wednesday." For more Information, cell (949) 722-2219. ~Justice LoulM Arbour of Canada's Supreme Court will present "Waging War Lawfully: BEST BET Weft 19th St. In eo.ta Meu. The Rag Dey dinner/eudlon wlH fNture Chef t..on Mlthewl. Tickete coat $46. All proceede will aupport the Someone Caret Soup Kitchen Hunger .Wlef and Tutoring Progreme. Mab reaervatJont by M ay 27. Call (949) 648-8861. For underwrftlng • opportunities, call (714) 801-~. • Join SUW\ Goldi""" one al the authora of "Healthy Dining In • Orange Count'f.' for a ..-00 about healthy cuisine at your favorite restaurants In the Bloomingdale'• Home Store In Newport Beach from 11 :30 a.m. ~9 1 p.m. The $16 admission includes a signed copy of "'Healthy Dining In Orange County:' Spece la limited. and tickets must be purchased by June 1. Call (949) 7~ for more Information. The Adams Sdtool Country Felr will run from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. at 2850 Country Ctub Drive. The fail will have a sllent auction, a · A booll aJgnfng and penonlll appearance by author James Balch for his book "'Prescription for Nutritional Healing" will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m . at Mother's Martet. 226 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. Who Will Enforce the law?" at UC Irvine's 12th annual Julius Margolis Lecture at 7:30 p.m. in Social Science Lecture Hall 100. Arbour will discuss the use of national and International courts for prosecuting war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Admission Is free. For more information, call (949) 824-6410. Orange Coast College will host its 33rd aMual Student F~m and Video Festival at 7 p.m. Friday at the Robert B. Moore Theatre on campus. The three-hour festival will feature PCT 13 films. A $5 donation will be collected at the door. 60-foot Inflatable obstade counlllt. a 30-foot Inflatable slide, a dunk tank, numerous games. prizes, _ food, drinks, a bake sale, a DJ, a guest band and more. Call (714) 424-7935 for more Information. The NWlpOrt Coat Cw' tint "Spring Ring" fund-raieerto benefit the Corazon de Vida Foundation, an organization that raises money for children in Baja, will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. In the Newport Coast Shopping Center. The event will have games and rides for children. Admission is $10. For more information. call (949) 476-1144, ext. 358. Th ... Kdaimed authore Md scholars will present "African American Speech in Global Culture;' exploring the effect of African American speech on modem conversation, poetry and music. The reception, performance reading and book signing will run from 4 to 9 p.m. at UC Irvine's Cross Cuhural Center and Crystal Cove Auditorium. For more information, call (949) 824-1948. St. And...Ws Presbyt9rian Church will present a free workshop on the nuts and bolts of healthcare directives and long-term care insurance from 9 a.m. to noon in Dlerenfield Hall at St. Andrews. 600 St Andrew's Road, Newport Beach. For more information or to RSVP. call (9491 574-2239. ~ Chrlltien School's M iddle Sdlool Theatre Group will presen1 •Mary Poppins" at 7 p.m . May 29 and 30. Tickets are $4, free for <tlildren younger than 5. The school la et 300 Fischer Ave., Costa M esa. Call (714) 437-1700, ext. 188 for tickets or information. MAY31 The cultw9I tnd.ltiom al Japtin, France and Mexico will be showcased at a two-<iay International festival at the Newport Beach Central Library. Culture lovers of all ages are invited to the free events presented by the Newport Beach Sister City Assn. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. JUNE 1 The 10th annual Bal>oa lst.nd Parade, "Celebrate Balboa Island," will take place at 11 a.m. along Marine Avenue. For information, call (949) 723-4 ln St. Michffl and All Angela Episcopal Church presents "Jazz Vespers for the Soul" at 5 p.m . It's the final free concert in the 2002-03 Friends of Music First Sundays at Five series. The <tlurch is at the comer of Pacific View Drive and Marguerite Avenue in Corona del Mar. For information, call (949) 644-0463. AIDS W.lk CMnge County wiU .hold its opening ceremonies at 9 a.m. and will begin at 9:30 a.m . at the UC Irvine Administration Loop and Chancellor's Rose Garden. Participants will walk to raise funds for HIV/AIDS preventio n and support services. To form a walk team or support the event, call (949) 955-1400 or visit www.aidswallc.org/oc. The ProfMaional Dene. N.iwotk will host the fourth annual "C~lebrating Young Talent• at 5:30 p .m . in the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. Tickets are $10 for general admission and $25 for VIP seats. Free tickets are available for select community-based organizations. For more information or tidtets, call (800) 323-0267. The Fish Fry Baby Com.st will be held in Costa Mesa's Downtown Community Center in Lions Pari(. Judging begins at 1 p.m., with stage announcements at 2 p.m. Baby registration and information forms are available at Cal's ThisWeek@UCI f Arts May 22-24 UCI Music. Student Recitals. Vocal and instrumental soloists in individual presentations. The series offers a range of works from classical to ja7.7.. Noon Thursday, 8 p.m. Friday and 2, 5 & 8 p.m. Saturday, Winifred Smith Hall. Frtt Presentations May22 May 27-June 1 Beall Center for Art & Technology. Reading Frankenstein: An lmm~rsive Theatre ExpcUnce. Using layered digital projections. brain imaging and a virtual monster interacting with a live human actor, the performance examines the ethical repercussions of scientific research from the monster's point of view. 8 p.m., Beall Center. Free, with reservation Alumni Association. l.Auds & l.Aurels Awards. In its 33rd year, the awards program recognizes e:xc.cllenc.c and achieve- ment in individuala who have brought distinction to the university. This year's top honor, the Extraordinarius Award, will be praented to Carol Cicerone, professor of social sciences and cognitive scienc.es. 6 p.m., Westin South Coast Pina. $125 May 28 r Ubrari4ts. Building Special Collections: New Librarians Highlight Recent Aafui.situms. 5:30 p.m .• Main Library. Pree, with rauvation May29 Center fOf' Global Peace & Conflkt Studies. Waging War Lawfully: Who Will F.nfo~ tJv Law? With LouiK Arbour, ju t~ of the Supreme Court of Canada. 7:30 p.m., Social Scicn~ lecture Hall. Pree Camera and State Farm Insurance in Costa Mesa. Registration ia $6. Forms must be mailed by May 23 or faxed to (714) 436-0191. For more information, call (714) 549-4961. JUNE 3 P.K. Odle al the AlnefiQn Feng Shui Institute will explain how elemental remedies are implemented to complement your d8cor at a 7 p.m. seminar at Visions & Dreams in Costa Mesa. Reservations are required. For more information, call (626) 288-1669. JUNE4 The Friends al the Newport Beach Library will host a complimentary brunch and annual meeting for members at 10:30 a.m. In the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Local Nancy Robison, author of more than 70 books, will be the speaker. Reservations are required and must be made by M ay 28. Call (714) 596-5276. JUNES Edgar finalist Denise Hamilton will return to the Newport Beach Central Library at 7 p.m. to present "The Cnme Novel as Cultural Study." The best-selling author will discuss "Sugar Skull," her new novel, and how her journalism badtground led to writing fiction. Call (949) 717-3816 for more information. JUNE6 UC Irvin. ArtsBridge presents World Dance Day, featuring Orange County elementary school students performing folk dances from Me11ican, Vietnamese. European and Native American cuhures. The noon event al Aldrich Parle on the UCI campus 1s free. For information, C<:tll (949) 824-8942. JUNE 7 Macy's South Coast Plaza and Teen People magazine will host a Summer Surf and Swim Fashion Show featunng the latest looks from Roxy, Hurley. O'Neill, B1llabong and more at 2 p.m. in Macy's South Coast Plaza's women's store For more information, c.all (714) 556--0611 , ext 4231 Someone Cares Soup Kitchen will celebrate its 17th anniversary in memory of Cpl. Jose Angel Ganbay from 6 to 9 p.m. at 720 The Southeast Civic Ugh1 Opera PlESENTS THE WIZARD OF OZ TbUI "•11'1. In \In lOth .,.. M.t> II• ., 7.JO l'M ~_, futric 1 .. r. '00 PM T1iw I.,... ~•b In I"'~ t<.b. ·-' 1-·111 ot. JO P\I ~ 1-~"" llllPM \ 11·1~11~1sr•ro 1.-...i Wm-SICOO 11~ ......... ,_ ... , Oli ...... _ 1.-11 .... 1....w.- Call '-ow For T itkeu.. (714) IU7-9H I The Original MIKE'S CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA •Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery• ALL CARPET & FLOORING CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff ~s JUNE S Parent tWp USA wil hold an • open house and members mixer from 4 to 7 p.m. to show the public its new facility at 330 West Bay St., Suite 120 in Costa Mesa. The open house will feature music performed by Diana D'ltri and Rick Sherman. The public can make tree-will donations at the ' door and participate in an auction with several drawings for prizes from local businesses. Call (949) 650-3461 for more information .• The c>r.nge County Worn.n's Chorus present Its 2003 spring program, "On this Island," at Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. The concert of island-themed music begins at 7 p.m. and will include the chorus directed by Eliza Rubenstein and "Men in Blaque," an ensemble directed by Joseph Huszti. Tldtets are $12 and can be purchased I~ advance at (949) 451-8590. Lovera of live vocal music .... invited to "The Summer Knows; a free musicale at 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach Centl81 Library. M ignonne Profant and a guest ' pieniS1 will present the final program of the library's muaical8 series, featuring tunes of Gershwin. Jobim and LeGrand. For m ore information, call (949) 717-3816. Rabbitt Insurance Agenci AUTO • HOME.OWNERS• HEAU1C 'iuh1brr Sina 195~ • • . • • Vinyls • Ceramics : Wood• Laminates : CALL NOWI 642-8400 I DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' I FURNITURE REUPBOLlltRY ' - '0.Pilot SOCIETY Ttusday, May 22, 2003 Al THE CROWD 1•· .... , Honoring KOCES contributions I ts slogan ls • Expand your mind.. t.nee-lV has been providing programming lo Orange County 8*lCle 1972. Last week al lhe Four Seasons Hold. Newport Beach. a distingui.Vled aowd of eome 500 ddzens came together to pay tribute to 30 years of community eervlce provided by JIDCa our local alternative to commercial ~evislon. The pla fund-raiser was a ~affair from start to finish. It ,----=--.. could be nolhing less than outstanding under the stewardship of chair Gloria Gee Gellman. She ls a perfectionist who managed the minutia and the grand sttokes of the party, aeating a ball that had warmth and B.W. COOK style. The~ofthe afl'air Is also due in large pan to participants lnduding Mel Ropn. president of KOCE. Rogers ael the tone for the evening with his eloquen1 remarb on !he importance of public television in Orange County and his own personal commllmenl to the goals of the slatioo. which ls licensed to the Coast Community College District. "The health of KOCE-lV is important ,tp me.• he said "Somewhere along the way, I have fallen in love with Orange County and I am certain that without a viable television station, this county cannot fulfill it's destiny. lA<i Angeles igno.res Orange County. while KOCE-lV covers our community." He went on to quote a ~ogan he saw on a bwnper sticker when he first arrived in Orange County nearly a decade ago: ·rm not a native ... but I got here as soon as I could.· The evening brought together many people who are vital fon:es m t.lus community. Part of the OYeralJ tone of support was aeated by the presentation ~f awards to local leader... Included in the honors were educator Valerie Imhoff. attending and supporting the event with her h~d. Harw Imhoff; ua ()lancellor Ralph Ctarone. joining his wife. Clll'ol; and community leader HmryStpltrom. sharing the everung with bride fJbabeth. With the help of Mary RooeeYdt. one of Newport's most vital forces on the c:harity scene. movie star and social activist Ronda Aem.b1g graced the podium as the offiaal presenter of the awanis, the • Aristeia. • taken from the ancient Greek ·the essence of valor. persistence and heart.· Aeming was poised and beautiful. as one might expect from one of Hollywood's ·golden era• perfonners. KDCE's PAI A.mold and Ann Pullce guided the evening as masters of ceremony. Distinguished guests induded Bob Brown, chair of the KOCH Foundadon, and Newport's lndefadgab)e Mary~ also known as "the queen of the cho~" for her longtime leadership role with the Padfic Oloral MPublic television brings out the best in all of us," 1..fons said. joining her hl.OOand, PhD. Additional support for KOCE came from the Rldmd Schmid family, Nonnan -.on, 1111and8e¥edy Lanpton, 1bm and Mmtlyn Nlellen. and s.m and ....... Goklilfein. to name only a few. Aho in the aowd were ~ and Rldmd ADm. me and Mike Gordon. Judy and Ra Jecob9, JllD and Km IC.lplan. Jan landlcrom. vice chairman of the gala. Ray and Glorta oatnk, MJb and Laut Mmdmhell, DIMd and DarreJyn MelD11. Madeline and Len Zucbnnan. Clmtle and .,.. Po.. Marda Rogien, wife of Mel Rogien, and Irv Gftbmn. husband of Gloria Gellman. ln the end, more than $150,000 was raised to benefit KOCE-TY. A portion of the financial success is because of the generosity of local citizens and merchants who provided for an impres.sive sileni auction. As dinner was served by the Four Seasons staff, Art Deco and His Society On:hestra provided music lo entertain the crowd enjoying the ballroom adorned in Greek-theme d~r including the whimsical touch of using live models posing as Greek statues among the flora It was all in keeping with the Arisleia theme. "Life gM!s us opponuruty. • honoree Ralph Cicerone said "Take it. and sometimes it develops mto something far more than you could have ever imagined. I believe that education enables us to take advantage of life'~ opportunities. "Personally I was cransformed by the gift or education: he said. And that is the ~ion of public television and KOCE. To educate, to inform, and yes. even to entertain. Ponds raised will go Lo the KOCE Foundation, which is upgrading the television station to a digital format as required by Fa: regulations. The financial burden is great. but with continued community support, the digital challenge will be met. To find out how you can support KOCE. please call (714) 895-5623. •TH£~ appea~ Thursdays and Saturdays. Home Equity With a First Bank Home Equity Line of Credit, you can put the equity in your home to work for you. Whether you're dreaming of a new car, a college eductaion or an addition to your home, you may get. jt .,with a First Bank Home Equity product:·And the interest on . your loan niay be tax deductible**.· , ' Contact a First Bank Representative today for more info11mation. Costa Mesa Office (Comer of Harbor Blvd. and Baker) 3001 Harbor Blvd., Ste. C ~4-668-3080 Above. shown here at the KOCE-TV ceremony are Mel Rogers. president of KOCE , and Aristeia honorees Henry Seger.strom. educator Valene Imhoff and UC Irvine Chancellor Ralph Cicerone. At left. enioymg the gala for KOCE are Elizabeth and Henry Seger· strom. FINAL WEEKEND SPRING SALE 12 months , no interest *, no payments on all flooring purchases CARPET .• WOOD • CERAMICS LAMINATES & MORE . JOHN BLOESER CARPE~ ONE "Southern Callf omia 's oldest .flooring com~Y.·" 292 7 S. Bristol St. • COsta Mesa 714.751.232~ www.blocsercarpetone.com , AlO Tlusday, May 22, 2003 D ATE B OOK REEL CRITICS 'Down With Love' upbeat; 'Matrix' high on action, low on plot 'Down With Love' is delightfully devious 0 nJy Barbara Nwak would come up with a scheme so devious to get what she truly wants. In this symbolic SARA SALAM replica of Rock Hudson's and Dorris Days .. Pillow 1alk, • "Down With LDVe" exposes women for theoonunon criminals they are in fighting for the thing they genuinely desire ... love. Novak (Ren~e l.ellweger) is an innocent, prudent writer who wants to publish her new book. ·0own With Love," which explores why women don't really need love and bow it shouldn't be a necessity in their everyday lives. She asks to have a meeting with a publisher, Catcher Block (Ewan McGregor), to see if he wouJd authorize publication of her novel. Instead, he cancels all their dates and goes out to meet other women. When Block finds out Novak's objective, be refuses to let her lnftuence women about the realities and truths behind the concept of love. He hJdes behind a false identity and essentially makes Novak fall in love with hJrn, causing her ideas to be viewed as hypocritical. But even Block's plan doesn't hurt her origina) intentions. As It turns out, Novak has a secret of her own, which is one that even the clever Block dJd not see. nus film bas much sexual and crude humor, but most of it is only funny; none is too vulgar. Peter McMannus (David Hyde Pierce) is the actor most identified as a comedian, although the entire production gave the audJence something to laugh about. McMannus, a co-worker of Block's, is the more cautious and practical of the two, · and be always tries to look: out for their best interests. In doing so, he creates a world of hJlarity and in tum makes the movie more enjoyable. I find this movie to be at the top of my list for recommendations. It's a very cute and romantic story, in essence depicting the reality behind the 60s lifestyle. and exaggerating some of the more prominent points.. The ending did throw me off and confuse me some, but in actuality that just made it all the more interesting. •SARA SALAM attends Corona del Mar High as a freshman. 'Matrix Reloaded' didn't reload plot ''The Matrix Reloaded- is the long-awaited sequel to -The Matrix." This second movie continues ...-----~ the story of TRICIA BEHLE Neo (Keanu Reeves), Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne). Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) and their fight against the Matrix and its agents. Merrill Lynch, Salomon Smith Bamey, Morga Stanley and other brokerage firms agreed to $1.4 Bllllon Settlement. Govemment attomey have called their conduct, -the largest fraud ever perpetuated on the Investing publlc.• 1.-ff you have lost money or had your retirement savings devastated due to stockbrokws Investing your hard earned savings Into risky or unsuitable lnvutments, you may be able to recover your stock market losaes. Serving 'BreaR.Ja s t , Hoag HospitaJ is pleased to bring Gamet L Anderson, Ph.D., co-principal investigator of the national landmark study which caused millions of women to re-think hormone replacement therapy, to Orange County to discuss her perspective of the Women's Health Initiative findings. Wedndday, May 28 The Beckman Center Adjacent to the University of California, ltvinc 8:30-9~30 a.m. Brcakfut 9!30-11:00 a.m. Lecture Seating is limi ted, so call today 800/701-HOAG ("624). 1ickca are $100 and benefit Hoeg Women's Health Servica. ., L uncfi & 'Dinner ILoc:;il1 Favorite! Since 1995 Garnet L Andcl"IOn, Ph.D, Women's Health lnitiatvc a~ftV ICES ,._,,,.....,,,,._ ! COMING SOON . ~ . . . . • '. Trapped in the wilderness, Jessie (Eliza Dushku) and Chns (Desmond Harrington) face an uncertain and possibly terrible fate in "Wrong Turn." In "Reloaded," the underground city of 7jon i~ threatened. The machinei. are tunneling toward the city to slaughter all 250,000 people t.J:iere. Neo and hii. shipmates must find their way to the source of the Matrix to .. ave all the free humans of lion. The chase and fight c;cenes in "Reloaded" are even more complex than in the firi.t film. The sensational freeway sequence alone ra1!>ec; the bar for all other action film,. "Reloaded" also uc;c<; the great "bullet time" and 'stop-action camera effects that AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is available at www.dailypilot.com. SPECIAL OCC STUDENT FILM FESTIVAL Orange Coast College will host its 33rd annual Student Film and Video Festival at 7 p.m. Friday at were '>O breathtaking in the firi.t film. A"> for cveryth1n~ ell>e in "Reloaded" he'>idei. the action -.cene'S, yike!.! The !>lory i!. overstuffed with twists and pseudo-philosophical nom e n'>e dialogue. A few scene'> are so had they're painful, ec;pecially the dancin~ in the temple at Zrnn and the partc; in the restaurant Andy a nd Larry Wachowc;ki. who wrote and directed " I he Matrix" and "The Matrix Reloaded." .,ecm tu have forgotten tha1 even the hest the Robert B. Moore Theatre. The three-hour festival is rated PG-13, with a $5 donauon for entry For more information about the festival or department (714) 432-5180. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. MUSIC INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL The cultural traditions of Japan, France and Mexico will be showcased at a two-day lntemauonal Festival on May 31 and June 1 at the Newport Beach I action .. cenes in the world really need a decent underlying ">cript. 111c plol of"Reloaded" lack'> 1he intensity and tension that made "The Matrix" t•njoyablc. If you cared only about the greal fight !>ccnes and special efft>Ct"> in the original, then go see 1he ">equel for the same reasons If you think 1hings like plo1 and dialogue are important in a mm. then s tay away •TRICIA BEHLE lives in Newport Beach and works as a software validator Central Library. A concert by the Primavera Orchestra, conducted by Peter Fournier, will launch the festivrties. Inspired by the cultures of Newport Beach sister crt1es Okazaki, Japan, Antibes, France and Cabo San Lucas. Mexico, the event will offer karate demonstrations and Japanese calligraphy, Mexican arts and crafts and French herb gardening, The event is presented by the · Newport Beach Sister City Assn .• supported in part by a grant from the Newport Beach Arts Commission. The Newport Beac:tt Central Library is 811000 Avocado Ave. For more infonnation, call (949) 717-3870. PACIAC SYMPHONY'S JAZZ. • CLUB Jim Self, principal tuba player In the Pacific Symphony Orchestra, and the Pete Christlieb Quintet will perfonn a special engagement at 7:30 and 9".30 p.m . June 7 in Founders Hall. llckets are $35 and can be purchased a1 the center box office or onllne 81 www.ocpac.otg. lnfonnatk>n: (714) 656-ARTS. The Orange County Perfonnlng Arts Center 19 at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa , Mesa. JAZZ TRIO Gutfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz , trio Sunday through Wedneeday at regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beadl. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m . Sunct.y end 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio CaM presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted• musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummert,. keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Ffee. (949) 675-7760. ..... . SH HOURS, P-ae Ali • • I ------·--·----. DATEBOOK --Thursday, May 22. 2003 All ' DINING REVIEW Taco Mesa brings the original flavor of Mexico to Costa Mesa 91~yMader We've moved baclc Into the old neighborhood, , lnto an old house that ~a Jot of work. and when you do that, lt Is lmponant to more than on~ remind yourself why. Aside from C.Osta Mesa being a plai:e of great character and ~ not to mention seriously kid friendly. C.Osta Mesa has an ecltcdc variety of UttJe, DOJ?·chain. f'a.mlly-owned restaurants, each like one of the jewels that make up the whole ct'IJjNil that is this town. I had to revisit one of my aD-dme favorites. Theo Mesa on 19th Street, because despite the promises you make to yourself when you leave your oeigbborbood, it can gel rough to go all the way around the bay for dinner. It would have been worth it. though. lament no more, It is just around the comer. And because our kitchen Isn't ready yet. Taco Mesa will be getting to know me all over again. We have a lot of catching up to do. Theo Mesa is an up-scale, glorified road-side taco stand, of the son you hope you run into when visiting Mexico. The open patio leads to the colorful Indoor counter. done in uneven and textured tiles, all in the celebration of colors that characterize Mexican · architecture and docor. There are on.ty a few stools around the inside at which to eat, but who wants to eat inside in Southern California? The patio is small and cozy, with enough tables that you don't have to wait too long to find one to call your own. Theo Mesa's mission statement is w(tOI offer heaJthy. authentic and innovative Mexican cuisine from only the freshest ingredients. No lard, MSG, preservatives. coloring or other addldves are used by Theo Mesa. We take pride ln our commillrumt to the highest sanitation standards, values and genuine hospitality." You have to like that, especially when it comes to Mexican food. The sta.O' certainly succeeds ln good food, but outdoor patios along 19th Street are tough, no matter how vigilant you are, so lf the noise and the traffic and some of the Inevitable grime bother you, take the food home, in plates, or in planers if you eat like we do. Let's lalJc about that food. Most gringos don·t think about Mexican food restaurants tls a place for sandwiches. One of the best things at Theo Mesa are the tortas (S4.69), sandwiches in these toasty authentic Mexican rolls fiJJed with grilled onions, avocado, tomatoes, lettuce and a THEATER creamy chile mayonnaise. You can get a vegetarian tona. with beans and cheese only, or a torta with came asada (grilled marinated steak), camitas (fried pork) or blackened chic.ken breast, to name a few. I stopped in at 9 am. to pick up a menu, and a gentleman was already ordering what is the honest seller, the blackened calamari anything. He actuaUy got the burrito ($5.69). but the calamari tacos ($2.99), with their spicy calamari in a red and blue com tortilla with chile mayo, salsa. sour aeam and cheese, is what keeps the locals crazy going back. One of my favorite items is simply the cheese enchilada ($2.69). How boring. you say? WeU, anywhere else it would be, but here, doused in a smolcy red sauce, is a tortilla srutred with a combination of cheeses, some of them peppery. Olecking the daily specials is a must at 'Jaco Mesa. It Wied to offer shrimp taqultos every now and again. and boy, Mre they worth the wait. The first time we had them was at the Taste of Orang<e C.OWlty way back when, and we stood ln line again and again till they ran out Since we'll be stopplng by Taco Mesa all weelc. I hope to see them on the menu soon. If you love those fried jalapeno "poppers." jalapenos srutred with cheese, breaded and then fried. come for the originals. and you'll never have the others again. Theo Mesa offers original Mexican favorites. The tacos. served on white com tortillas. are your choice of grilled meat topped simply with cilantro and onions. lbat is a real taco. Taco Mesa al.so offers what it calls wNew Wave" items, which include all the blaclcened meats and grilled fish and calamari. FYI •WHERE: 647 W. 19th St. Costa Meu • HOW MUCH: Inexpensive • PHONE: (949) 642-0629 The blaclc.ened sh.rlmp bunito ($5.69) is one of our usuals. Pclrty platters from Theo Mesa are also a big hit, from the jalapenos stuffed with shrimp and cheese to the empanadas - tortillas stuffed with beef. pork. chic.ken or crab and lots and lots of cheese. Imagine this: it's summer, you're on the patio, margarita in one hand. ch.icken Haut.a with guacamole in the other hand, platters of shrimp fajitas on the table. chile rellenos seeping in a spicy red sauce ... well. you get it Happy summerl • KATHY MADER't dining reviewt appear f/llery other Thursday Heady times for Estancia s Pauline Maranian JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE Harbor Lawn -Mt. Olive Cemetery's 49thAnnual By Tom Titus 0 n my living room wall is a montage or photos from my daughter Mindy'<; graduation day at Estancia High School in 1997. Among the pictures is one of Mindy hugging a favorite teacher. lliat teacher, Pauline Maranian. has been on the receiving end of quite a few hu~ in the past week. The drama and English instructor was one of five Orange C.Ounty high school faculty to share a Golden Apple wteacher of the year" honor. She hasn't had much time to rest on her laurels, since her production of the musical comedy "Sugar" opens tonight in the Robert B. Wentz Auditorium at Newpon I larhor I ligh School. lf the title doesn't ring a bell. think of the dassic movie comedy WSome Uke II Hot,• of which WSugar" is the stag«:'. musical version. Maranian had a tough act to follow when she toolc over as Estancia's drama teacher and production director six years ago. Her predecessor, Brubara Van Holt. had been so successful in student play competitions that when she retired. the school's theater was named after her. Nevertheless. Maraman plunged in like the 27-year-old pro•She was -and her production of WCamlvar won the highest honor In that year's Music & Art Commendation for Youth awards. (Mindy. as a snake charmer interacting with a live python. earned a Bright Spot tropliy.) ln six years. Maranian has led her students to a duster of MAO' awards, and has won the adriliration or hundreds of aspiring thespians. Including my daughter, whose lone regret was that she on.ty had Maranian's- guldance for a single tenn. since her tenior year was Maranian's first at Estancia. WI am completely overwhelmed and humbled by the award: Maran.Ian said. •it was ruch a beautiful surprise made even more beautiful by the resp0nse from my kids. They were so happy for me, and that truly wanned my heart. •h' Is also an honor wh.lch I find validating because I do spend so much time and energy teach.ln,g and directing." she added wit really is an If I .\lPI Ill I '\ -·-1\I 1 ·°" ,'\ ( \l\l'I I" re • • ' • Pauline Maranian all-consuming prof~c;ion, and "° this recognition i~ a real boost. "My vice principal asked me whal I was going to do that night to celebrate. and I told him I was going to rehearsal, of course," ~he said. "I love what I do, where 1 work and with whom I work. I feel extremely blessed." Estancia High is blessed to have Maranian guiding its theater program. Her work will be on display tonight through Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in the form of the musical comedy WSugar" at Harbor High. lickets are SB in advance and SIO at the door. They may be ordered at (949) 515-6537 ••• For those who've wondered wha1ever happened to Damian Lorton, fom1er anistic director al the Costa Mes.a Civic Playhouse (and this column's man of the year in theater for 2000). he's teamed up with Newpon's Nicole <:asses.so, a Harbor I ligh graduate, to put together a musical benefit show for SaddJebaclc C.Ollege. Lorton and Cassesso are producing "Steve Anthony Tonight." a one-man show by the Broadway veteran. a member or the original cast of ·A Olorus Line." Anthony will sing. dance and regale the audience with stones of his JO-year career. The program is scheduled for 8 p.m. Saturday al the college·s McKinney Theater, 28000 Marguerite Parlcway, Mission Viejo. Tickets. which are $25 and are tax -deductible. may be ordered by calling (949) 582·4656. • TOM mus reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Thursdays and Saturdays. Wl·!LLS · 1 I IOM E ft'AHG O 1 MOHTGAG~ I Memorial Day Service }f Monday, May 26, 2003, llam Keynote Speaker James M. Ellis Costa Mesa Fire Chief Featuring Musical Seuctions by W.., The Orange Empire Men's Chorus T Please Join Us To Honor And Pay 'Iiibote To AD Who Answered The Call To Arms To Defend Our Beloved Country. Hof wl Sod.as Pnnlcled €& Harbor Lawn -Mount Olive 1625 Gisler Avenue •Costa Mesa (714) 540-5554 Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Place your home financing needs in the hands of' Private Mortgage Banking. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound sol utions for upscale home financing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the Jerry Gani nu 877-227--6329 Branch Manager u.. Ha1t1 949-2.S 1-4409 Privaae MOf1pgt Banker complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-only loans oa.w Kn.ta 94~2.S •~902 PnVllC MortWC Banker Gary Puker 949-2.SJ-4221 CoaRnldioe ~ Al2 Ttusday, May 22, 2003 \' Enjoy Savings of 15-50lfFF Hurry in for best selection! Fine furniture at designer prices! Everything at below warehouse prices! N ew merchandise arrives daily! m · I ___ ___, I\) C ,fl 1~1t) ,\\l '11 ':\I. fl INOS. Gf.T IN 10 \EE A MUTUAL FRIEND Whtn 11 ""'"' t.• tn\\"1111)1. tum h• "''°"',._ .... hot bttn lhcR r..,. ~·•u Jll Jl1•111ot \.~ 1111 h""" "' .:•·• "Jntd h..iJ) "'"h ~•It Farm \10111.11 t umt-\\ ~. Ll\'f. \\HERE YOLI LIVE ." Steven Hill Registered Represcntive 949-646-9393 ·a Mltual ........... , n.m. I IKI ~ (.1.lllO 'I f(,lfflOR, <;IMI IU\l I~ 111Cltf.: '-" .......................................... ._.. .... _._.,..._c.. ___ ,_......,, .. ,_ .__ -It------------. ... ·-DATBBOOK HOURS Continued from AlO waiter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New Yort Jazz Connection Duo. pl.yet Mamma Gina et 251 E. Cout Highway In Newport et 8 p.m . Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Oltri joint the duo on \/OCiiia on Mondays. tra free. Information: (949) 673-9500 MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nlc:k Peper and Kelly Gordian (known as MPG) perform classic roc:k, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m . Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG perform classic rode. swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant Is et 630 Udo Part Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m . Wednesday' and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m . Sunday. The restaurant Is at 2735 W. Coest Highway, Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT Pt.AYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover dlarge. (949) 646-5616. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beadl presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK ANO FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk. rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Plaoe Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE MACHOMlER The lrvfne Bard.y TheetN wtll be bringing beck "Mec:Homer. The Slmpeona Do MKbeth• at 8 p.m . today through Saturday. Tidteta are $32 and $26. The Bard.y la et 4242 Campus Drive In lrvfne. rldceta: (9491 ~. ONE~PLAYFEST A dozen one-act pleys, many of them original, will be performed through Sund.yin Orange Coast College's annual Spring On·Act Play Festival. The plays will be staged In OCC'a Drama Lab Studio. Curtain time la 8 p.m . Wednesday through Saturday and 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday. Tldteta are $6 and $7. Information: (714) 432·5640, ext.1. OCC Is et 2701 Fairview Road In Costa Mesa. BEING DEAF IN AMERICA Casey Weber is directing his own play, •My Worid and Yours; about being deaf in America. The play draws on personal experience. The show runs through Sunday with curtain time set for 8 p.m. every day except 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday. It will be performed at Orange Coast Community College's Drama Lab Studio. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 432-5880. 'TltE DRAWER BOY' Midlael Healey's first full-length play, •The Drawer Boy; one of Time magazine's Best Plays of 2001, will be open Friday and continue through June 29 at Segerstrom Stage. Tickets range from $19 to $54. For tickets, call (714) 708-5555. 'CATS' •eats; the longest running musical in history, returns to Orange County to the Orange County Performing Arts Center on Wednesday and continues through June 1 in Segerstrom Hall. Tickets are $19.50 to $54.50. They are on sale at the Center box office or by calling (714) 556-ARTS or www.ocpsc.org. The Center is at 600 Town Drive, Costa Mesa. 'FLORENCE, DAVID AND ART South Coast Repertory's Young Conservatory performers the Teen Players will present Greg Atkins' ·Florence, David and Art; a play about high school art students in Italy. The production will be staged May 31, June 1 and June 6 through June 8 In SCR's Nidlolas Studio. SCA is at 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. lnfonnltJon: (714) 708-6500 '42ND STRE£T The 2001 Tony AwardWinner, Dntl'NI Desk Award and Outer Critics Cirde Award "42nd street• will be performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center June 11 through June 22. Tld:eta are $322 to $66. They are on sale at the Center box office or by calling (714) 666-ARTS or www.ocpac.orp. The Center i1 et 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. ART 'ORANGE COUNTY TASTEMAKERS' Bradford J. Salamon will unveil hi1 aeries of 36 portraits of people within the Orange County art scene that are making a difference In its evolution. The exhibition will run through June 15 at the Blue Square Gallery. 355 Old Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Information: (949) 548-1101. DANCE SWING Lessons are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. et the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. For more information, visit ocswing.com or call (909) 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m . the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McClintode Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 641-8688. KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are invited to participate in songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m. Mondays at the Costa Mesa Library, 1855 Park Ave. (949) 646-8845. P JS AND BOOKS A dlildren's story time is presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beadl Central Library. 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTEUER A dlildren's story time is held at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Olly Pilot • Pointe, 901-B South Coast~~· Costa Meu. (714) "4-0228.' STORY~ A c:Nktren'I story dme la held at 10 a.m. Wedneeda'(I •nd 10:16 a.m. Fridays et Borders Boob 8t Musk: at South eo.at Plu.. 3333 S..r St. Cocta Mesa. Free. (714) 432·7854. DINING/TASTING' SUNSET ONEtS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 6:16 p.m. Monday through Friday et 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. $1<>-$16. (949) 642~1. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brundl from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday et 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $8-$15. (949) 642·3431. TWILIGHT r>trMG A twilight dining menu, fea1UAng dishes audl as dlidten • parmigiana and calamari picante at reduced pricel, la offered from 6 to 6 p.m. weekdays and fro"1 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays et Villa Ndva Restaurant. 3131 W. Coast : Highway, Newport Beach. (~) 642-7880. ' WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. · Fridays and from 1:30 to 8 p.m . Saturdays. (949) 660-8463. · . SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brundl featuring international seafood and qfad buffets, roasts carved to ordi&r and breakfast favorites Is h~ from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. att- Suttoo Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .• Newport Q.eadl. $30; $40 with dlampagne. (~) 476-2001. • .. CLUBS .~ AlJA COFFEE , • Musical acts perform at 8:30l>-m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House. 506 31st St.. Newport Beach. (949) 675-0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music is presented daily et the Atrium'l Airporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd .• Irvine. (949) 833-2no. BISTR0201 Jazz is played at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.rri. Sundays at Bistro 201 , 3333-W. Coast Highway. Newport Beacti. (949) 631-1651. Shop these fine stores for incredible deals this holiday week en~~ • Basics • Les Alpilles Pr~vencial Fabrics ... • Beach Cottage • Persimmon Tree • Black Pearl Gallery • S.S. Red Sail Celebrate Balboa Island Parade BoutiqueM Sally Huss Gallery • • June I, 2003 • Chic Shack • Shirley's Heart • f:tc .. f:tc .. f:tc .. • Sandcaslle Monogramming and Gift · • EVEN Sisters • Week End Traffic • Foot Boutique QUOTE OF THE DAY ·J'f, Be/ ore, the adrenaline would take total control, rather than my head and brain." Jorden AnM, Corona del Mar sophomore swimmer Sports Ecltor Rlchllrd Dunn: (949) 5744223 • Sports Fu: (9491650-0170 EYEOPENER Daily.lllli • ........ fl ..... ~ ........... t.ely26_~_ KIRK BAUERllEJSTER Ttusday, May 22, 2003 11 GOLF 'Mesa product ~·1': now a head ORANGE EMPIRE CONFERENCE CHAMPIONS er I ?·professional r he man shouted. "Remember the (C.OSta Mesa) Globe Herald ' and BW Donerr .. I thought to myself, "No, but \ lecognize the names because I wrote a story about two months ago on Doner.· , Dy.ring the interview. Doner mentioned his upbringing. which involved guiding the engraving machines at the Globe Herald. The Daily Pilot formed when "she Globe Herald bought the Newport News Press. .. But enough of the history lesson, on with the story. McGavack. one of the five golfers in my group for .-----~ Monday's charity fund-raiser at the Tustin Ranch Golf Oub,which benefited the Orange County High School of the Ans, ca1.mJy walked up and said he graduated from ..-~ Costa Mesa High in BRYCE 1~~vack. who ALDERTON stands about 5-foot· 10 and ~mbles actor Gary Sinise, played ~ in basketball, shortstop in baseball and quarterback in football. COLLEGE BASEBALL The Orange Coast College men's swim team captured the 20030range Empire Conference . championship under coaches Don Watson and Dave Salo. Here are the Pirates: Back row, left to right, Paul F rankenberger, Mitch Probert, Billy Swanson and Roger Wong. Front row, left to right, Tyson Mangham, Stuart Chandler, Matt Henry, Billy Jolly, Tyson Beamer and Ryan McGrath. DONL[ACH/ DAILY Pll.OT and earned the school's Athlete of the Year during his senJor season. His fondest memory was knocking Newport _Harbor out of the playoffs in basketball. This is such a small world we live in. Even though the tournament was played in Tustin to benefit the school. which provides professional training to talented visual and performing arts students in grades 7·12 throughout Near no-no for UCl pitchers • southern California, des to Newport-Mesa abound. Thirty-seven students each from Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. along Anteaters wrap up campaign in suspenseful fashion as no-hitter is broken up in ninth. with 10 from Corona del Mar and six Steve Vl reen from Newport Coast a.re part of the Daily Pilot 1.200-student school located in Santa Ana ANTEATER &J.1.PARJ( -It was a Students sang to the tunes provided meaningless game for the UC lrvine by cellos. violins and Outes &!i we sat baseball team, but the Anteaters had a under wnbrella-laden tables eating a chance for a no-hitter with one out in fantastic lwtch of chicken. steak and the top of the ninth inning. C.aesar salad provided by Outback However, just as their season. the Ant· Steakhouse. eaters came close 10 stardom and mak- Quite a start 10 a memorable day on ing history. yel were left with a bit of the golf course -onJy the second time frustration after they gave up a double. I have teed it up In the past sl:x months. UO still managed to win, ending itS Sometimes the longer I go without season with a 2-0 playing actually turns out for the better nonconference vic- since I tend to forget any bad SCOAEBOMD tory over visiting tendencies. Hawaii in front of Of course, I made some good shots 785 fans at Ant· and some not-so-productive ones for eater Ballparlc our team, which finished with a Wednesday nl.ghL 5--under 67, using a scramble formal In MFrustration," a ICl'alJlble, the team decides which UO Coach John abot is best and subsequently, each hits Savage said after -+---~ouwu~tlWllYC-Wl.llO.Jeveevenn_uw.scse:._ __ _,1-Hawaii 0 bein~ asked to put McGavaclr:'s drives if we wanted on any UC Irvine 2 the 2003 season in hble. just none of hls approach shots or perspective. "Oose putts since he had to play his own ball would be another ~ he was competing with 20 word. We pitched as well as any of the ftm' pros for a handy check. top teams fin the Big West Conference). • ~group. whlch also rearured Len We just couldn't overcome injuries. Any· Z.uc.kennan, JoAnn Martin. who one that followed us this year, knows traveJed all the way from Camarillo, and that's a fact ... It's a learning experience. Jim Lewis, flnbhed well behind the But look for UC Irvine to come back In a winners who were 13-or-14-under par. big way next year.· See GOLF, P .. e 82 The Anteaters (2 l ·35) ended their five-game losing streak with one ru..o in each of the fifth and sixth ~ Freshman Otris Nicoll earned his first pitching win of the season. Phil Tripoli, Kris Krise, Ryan Edell and Steve Schroer also combined for UCl's only one-hitter of the season. It was the second time UCI shut out a team this season. Hawaii had not been shut out since April 5 at Rice and the Rainbows (28·25) last endured a one-hitter against San Jose State last year. ·To have a no-hitter in the ninth says a lot about our pitching staff and their future.· Savage said. Mlt's a good way to finish the season. lt's a good way for the seniors to go out· UCI gained a 1-0 lead after sopho- more first baseman B.J. Eucce scored in the bottom of the fifth. Senior Oiris Klemm plated Eucce after his base hit The Anteaters scored another run in the sixth when junior Man Fisher scored on a Eucce single that caused an error in center field. The two runs proved to be enough for UCI. which has been offensivety inept throughout the season. ln 15 of their losses, the Anteaters did not score more DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK JordanAnae CdM sophomore accelerated swim progress when she began to slow down her mechanics in the pool. UC lrvme nght fielder Gary Dudrey makes a dMng catch on a ball hrt by Hawaii in Wednesday night's nonconference baseball game, cappmg the regular season for the Anteaters. UCl's pitching staff took a no-hitter into the ninth inning against Hawaii, but it was broken up wrth one out by Issac Omura. UCI won, 2-0. STEVE McCRANK I DAILY Pl.OT than one run. and they were shut out in seven games. However, pitching was their strongest facet. Nicoll provided a glimpse of UCI's staff and its future. Nicoll called his 3 \ICi innings of wolk his best outing of the season. He retired the first 11 batters and then walked Brent Cook. That's when Savage walbd to the mound and inserted ntpoli. Nicoll said he knew other UO pitchers would see action and he did not haw a problem with being pulled. s..ua,p._.92 12 ~. May 22, 2003 SPORTS COLLEGES One Swail of a performance STEVE McCRANK /DAILY PILOT UC Irvine's Chris Klemm (44) steals second, just past ttte tag by Hawaii's Isaac Omura. UCI Continued from Bl Nicoll recorded three strike· outs. lost ejgbt of their first 12. last year, UCI finished 33· 26, 14-10 in the Blg West for a fourth-place de with Fuller- ton. UCI won five of seven conference series last season, but it won just two this year. A blg reason for their losses and frustration came from in- juries to four players. season. Savage would not comment a.bout coaching at UClA Pub- lished reports throughout the season have linked Savage to the Bruins if UCLA fires Gary Adams. Savage says he plans to recruit and traclc his play- ers' progress throughout the off-season. T his time, players from the UC Irvine women's water polo players cheered on their coach. At the 26th Annual Kring & Otung Newport Beach 'niathlon, the Anteaters' ~ waa the one who was competing. Julie sWail, the coach of the 'Eaters, won the Female Elite division in usual trainlng. She has not been training as she normally does because her focus has been on the UCI women's water polo team for the past four months. She said she was using the Newport Beach niathlon as sort of a test to find out what she needs to work on in her upcoming tJ8.ining. STEVE VIRGEN Since 2000, Swail has been competing in triathlons. She bas won 16 triathlons. Last year, Swail finished second in the Newport Beadi lliathlon. MJcheJe Jones. who was out with a injured foot Sunday. won the event last year. 1:03.23 in the Newport Beach Dia~n Sunday. The proceeds of the event benefited the UCI women's water poJo team and the UO rowing programs. Swail's water polo players were wlunteen at tl)e event, yet none of them competed, as their coach did. "They felt they weren't ready for that yet. It SwaU said, Ml th.ink they enjoyed watching it. I suspect a few of them will give it a try at some point in the furure. • The Newport Beach Triathlon consisted or a balC-mile swim in the Back Bay, a 13-mile bicycle ride througb Newport Beach and Irvine apd a three-mile run alongsJde the Baclc Bay. Swail finished the swim portion in 8:52, the bllce in 34:17 and the run in 17:50. She did all that without her "I'm sure we'll meet up in another race some dme this summer,~ Swail said. Swail is no stranger to winning. She was the captain of the United States national team that brought home a silver medal at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney. Australia. ••• Swail's water polo team finished th.is season with a No. 14 ran.king. just like last year, and it will return 15 from this year's squad. including Erica Horman, who will be a senior. The Anteaters finished 20-21, which included an upset of No. 9 San Jose State in the Mowitain Padfic Sports Federation lbumamenl ••• Kathertne Belden. a former standout at Newport Harbor, enjoyed a taste of winning a Ne.AA championship. The UCLA women's water polo team, which includes Belden, won the NCAA title, after a 4-3 victory over Stanford May 11. The Bruins defeated lDyola Maiymount. 8·2, ln the semifinals. Niesha Hoagland. who was also on OCCs 200 I state championship team, scored a goal for the Lions. ••• Jimmy Pel7.el, the star outside tutter for UCJ, is featured in this week's Sports lllustrated. He is ln the Faces In The Crowd segment and is recogniud because he was ranked second in the nation in polnts (6.37) and fourth in kills (5.16) per game. Pelz.el was also named first-team All-America and he set a school single-season record for kills (593). Yet, perhaps the most important fact that has everyone in Anteaterland smiling, is Pelzel will be back next season for bis senior year. "I definitely learned a lot this season," Nicoll saJd. "We were hoping for that [no-hit· terl. But to get the one-h.iner shows you how good our pitching staff is and we have a lot or guys coming back next year." For now, the Anteaters can only look to next season. They finished 8-13 in the Big West, which put them in a fifth. place Lie with UC Santa Bar- bara and Cal St.ate Northridge. Sophomores Matt Ander- son. Jaime Martinez. RJ. Brown and Erik Johnson missed most of the season because of injuries. Ander- son, Martinez and Brown would have been Nos. 3-4-5 in the baning o rder. The quartet received medical red· shirts for the season. Ander· son led the Anteaters with 91 hits and 57 runs las1 year. The trio was the reason Sav- age was excited that the of- fense would rec~ive a lift this MGary has been a great coach," Savage said. "He's the coach at UCLA and he should • stay as coach. He has been great at college baseball." Noncoelfw•ICe YOUTH BASEBALL UC lrvtne 2. H.w.11 O Hawaii ~~~·-o 1 1 UC Irvine 000 011 oo.c · 2 7 o Ponomarenko. Cayetano (5), Olsen (7). Carlsen (8) and Inouye; Nicoll. Tripoli (4), Krise (5), Edell (71, Sctiroer (8) and Wagner. W - Nicoll, 1·2. L -Ponornarenko. 4 2 Sv -Sctiroer, 1. 28-Omura (H) Dodgers pitching comes through again Last year, UCI won eight of its first 12 games. This year, the Anteaters, in their second season after a 10-year hiatus. GOLF Continued from B 1 Our group seemingly couldn't make a seven-foot putt for birdie if our life depended on it, but we still laughed, exchanged jokes and took in the occasional tip McGavack provided. He also unered some colorful language when stepping up to one tee with a wood in hand following a rocky previous hole. ''I've got blood dripping from my ears now/ he said. A graphic representation, but one I will remember for awhile. McGavack. who has taught at several courses prior to being named head pro at El Toro Golf Course in December, said he wants to concentrate solely on teaching. If he could teach the shot he chipped in from 15 yards off the front of the green on the front nine, 1 would be the first in line at the clinic. My short game is in dire need of a makeover. 'J'Wo holes I will remember occurred on par-3s. On No. 6, I eased a 5-iron within eight feet to the right of the l n -yard hole. ANAE Continued from B 1 After my three partners had all missed, I wallced up 10 the ball, read the break (right to left) as best I could, and rolled it in along the left frpnt edge of the cup for a birdie. Unfortunately, my putting took a vacation after that, and the remaining greens acted more like a slid ice rink with unforeseen curves than a smooth, grassy surface. Luckily, I hit my 7 -iron onto the 17th green to win a coupon for a free "blooming onion" at Outback, you know, the crunchy appetizer glossed in grease with a creamy dipping sauce. If I had placed my shot within a 10-foot circle, I would have won dinner for two at the restaurant. So ii goes. Speaking of dinner, the chicken in a light cream sauce alo~ide rice pilaf and asparagus returned much-needed energy after a warm, sun-drenched day on the course, made all the bener by the company I was in. Good luclc Dennis. wherever golf may take you. Appreciation also goes to Madeline Zuckerman, who owns the public rela11om company that promoted the event. She went out of her way to make sure I met the people I did. ob~ained any background information and of course, led me to the food. ••• Costa Mesa's Geoff Cochrane, the head pro at Sant.a Ana Country Oub and formerly an assistant Mesa Verde under Tom Sargent, shot a 69 on the par-72 Empire Lakes Golf Oub in Rancho Cucamonga Thursday in a U.S. Open Southern California local qualifying round. Cochrane advances to one of 12 sectional qualifying sites June 2 for the U.S. Open. scheduled June 12-15 at Olympia Fields Country Oub inOUcago. Newport Coast's Steve Jurgensen shot an even-par 71 at Newport Beach Country Oub Wednesday to earn alternate status for the next round of qualifying. Corona del Mar's Brian Lindley fired a 3-over 75 al The Santaluz Oub in San Diego in a st.ate amateur qualifier, but did not make the cut, listed at 71. Cody Green and Nick P\!denon combined on a one-hiner in the Costa Mesa NationaJ LlttJe League Dodgers' 4-1 victory over the Costa Mesa American Angels in receni Majors action. Josh Ryd1ng and Nick Oliver each had two hits while Green doubled and made two diving stops while on the mound and one at third to lead the defense. Matthew Telles caught a deep Oy in center field for the Dodgers. In Minor 8 action: •Diamoodbadcs 14, Yank~ 8 The hits kept on corning for the D·backs against the Yanke~. Daniel Sham"'*' went 3 for 4 and stole home twice for the victors while Brod.le Pearce got two hits in four at-bats. Trnor Ramey singled twice while Tom Plaher added a single and three stolen bases. Robert Bates singled, stole two bases and scored three times. Gramm Sedano was a home run short or bJt:ting for the cycle as he smacked a single, double and triple. 7Achary Bateman stole two bases and scored along with Matt PeweJ swiping three bases and scoring a run. Derek Andrews pitched 2Y. innings, striking out five. Robert Batea relieved him and went 2~. innin~ with three strikeouts. Pearce, catching his first game, ended a Yanlcee rally when he tagged a runner anempting to steal home for the third out. In Farm play: •The Mets' offense came alive in their final game, again!>! the Dodgers. Cll.t Fae.Ider ripped a home run over the left-center field fence and tallied four RBis along with Ryan West and Jake Stone. Brandon DleckhofJ added three RBl.s as did Matt Thomas. Thomas singled and on his way to second ba...e. distracted the Dodgers just enough to allow three Mets to score. Erk Pfautz was honored ~ the Mets' Most Valuable Player. collecting four RBis. including an iru.ide-the-park home run. I le made diving stops and strong thrOW'> from third and started a double play by catching a pop fly before throwing to Faclder at first. Harrbon Seem stopped a ball in center field and threw it to third for an out. Strong offense and defense was also shown by Cassie Stevenaon. Ray Barlds and Bnid WU.On. •Cody Stoddard and Adam ward each went 5 for 5, scoring seven mos collectively for the Giants against the Pcldres. The duo also combined for eight RBI~ in tl1e final game of the regular season. Conner Pearce went 4 for 5 and caught behind the plate for pitcher Zack Shafer, who singled three times and scored two runs. Shortstop Juan Rodrtgue-z thew out several runners at first base free this year was to get a 52 and I did that in the relay." part of a relay team never hurts. of whom CdM Coach Doug Voiding said her polished stroke makes her exceedingly smooth in the water, swam the leadoffleg on CdM's winning 400 and 200 free relays. She also finished second in the 100 free (53.15) and third in the I 00 back.stroke (59.26). Her leadoff leg in the 400 relay (52.61) set a school 100-yard record and helped the team post an All-American time of 3:34.67. more than five seconds faster than Friday's qualifying mark. ·rve worked really hard to try to make my stroke more smooth," Anae said. ·That has always been a problem for me, because I tend to get choppy. I've recently had to slow down my stroke and concentrate on the little things, instead of gMng everything I have. Before, the adrenaJine would take total control, rather than my head and brain. I lost focus on what I should have been doing out there." That focus, accelerated by prerace visualization and relaxation techniques, as weU as the aforementioned emphasis on stroke mechanics in training. helped Anae surpass her goaJs. Though gratified by her placing in her individual swims Saturday, Anae was disappointed by her times. Ironically, having spent ample energy in those two swims, as weU as the 200 free relay, she was able to find the self-described zone that allowed her to now fluidly in the 400 relay. ·As much as you try to calm your elr down, you can still get hyped up and tight,• Anae said. "I think. being a little tired for that last relay helped. I also spoke to my dub coach !Brian Pajerl, who told me a couple things I couJd do better. I think I went out a Unle too fast the first 50 of my "People always go fast in 1he relays, because it's the only time in swimming you get to compete with your teammates," she said. "In the relay, l wasn't pushing myself for time as much. so I was able to stay calm and relax. When l rouched the wall, all my team.mares were telling me I got a 52.· A.nae, also a member ofCdM's CIF championship water polo team last fall, djdn't take much time to celebrate her momentous ClF meet. She returned to twice-daily workouts Monday in preparation for a dub meet Saturday. She said she will now take aim on qualifying for the junior nationals this summer. But swimming smoothly has nol come naturally, said Anae, who, until making some changes, said adrenaline and competHive fire often compromised her form. "I ftnished eighth in the 100 free and the I 00 back at last year's CIF finals and my goaJ coming into this year was to be in the top four in both," she aid. "My goal in the 100 I 00 free. In the relay, I tried to make my two 150-yardJ splits the same." Anae, who said the best part about swimming Is the friendships It has fostered, also noted that swimming as "There is always room to improve In swimming.· she said. ·And the outcome or performance is all based on what you do.· and also scored two runs. Muon Cooper added three hits and scored two runs while teammate Kobler Pondord belted a double and rwo singjes with two runs scored. Stephen Snell added three hits and two runs scored along with Nick Rublo'a ingle, double and run scored. For the Padres. I 0 players scored at least one run and six scored more than once. Gabrld Ruan went 3 for 4, including a second-inning mash that brought in two runs. Patrick Cromwell also went 3 for 4 along with scoring twice and tallying two RBis. Noah JeyaraJah added a single and double, but his defense stood out. He made a leaping ca1ch at first base to rob a batter of a hit and threw out a sliding runner at third when he fielded a ball in left 6eld. Brandon Long coUected three hilb in three at-bats, including a triple, and had three RBis while Brian Jolivette tripled. doubled and scored two runs. Manolo l...llguna and CromweU each doubled and singled for the Padres and added runs. John Santoyo had a couple of hits and scored two runs while leammate Mu Gllba1 knocked in three RBls with a base hit Joebua Butler had an RBI double while Ryan Adldalon singled and came around to score. WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS • ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! Your Newport 0 Mesa Community Ford Dealer •1495 Motorcratt-011 and Fiiter Change ~7995 Motorc ...... THEODORE ROBINS FORD 8,.k• Wiii MEET or BEAT Service Your Beet O.•I on NAME BMNDTIRES s5as Motorcraft-Pref..-red Velue ~·· front 0t rear, on mOlt o.,. or llght trucka. E"°I00.1 ma~ '°'°" or dtume. ~and rot.et• fouf'ttrM. Tuee .va. 9" ~for det8Na. Oftwv.ild .... coupon.ElcplM·!il31Jo3. S I' ORTS Thur~y. May '12. 100J 83 HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL Titans too hot for CdM YOUTH SOCCER Breakers win gold • lbe day started off bad for Corona del Mar Hlgh's softball ream. as the tem- perature reached 98 degrees and the OF Southern Section Division rv wild-card game was delayed 20 minutes because the umpires were late arriving 10 the field. Things went from bad to worse as Notre Dame of Riverside scored four runs in the first inning and went on 10 dereat the Sea Kings. 10-1. Wednesday at Notre Dame. The Titans (18-8) led off the bottom of the tlnit, scoring four runs on Uvee er- rors.. Four of Notre Dame's nms were unearned. Notre Dame led, 8-0, before Corona del Mar (10-11) picked up 1l~ only run in the top of the sixth when Heather Lohr- man's groundout scored Jackie Manning from third base. Jennifer Rynda gave up just three hjts and struck out five for the litan~ Alissa Zoelle (9-9) allowed 14 tuts for the Sea Kings. a: OhWcwlrv Wlldaud Notre D.me 10, CdM 1 ScoN by Innings CdM 000 001 o 1 J • NO 401 032 10 1• 1 Aliua Zoelle and Amy Tyson. Aynda and Bell. W-Rynda. lZoelle. 9-9 28 Kassandra (NO) 38 Thompson (ND). Bell 2 !NOJ. Hallady (NO) Sage Hill dropped on road • Vasiting Sage Hill School produced a near-carbon copy of its firs! meeting with Western Christian. as the f'ightJJtg Lancers posted an 8-0 softball victory Wednesday in a CIF Southern Section Division V wild-card playoff game. Western Christian (I I -7) defeated the Lightning. 6-0, March 20, when Western sophomore pitcher Melissa Gomez al · lowed just two hits and struck out 15. This time, Gome--1. fan11ed onJy IO. but, once agajn. yielded two hilt., to end the Lightning's season at 10-10. Alexa Shitanishi singled to shon cen ter field in the fourth for Sage I lill's fir!>l hit and Christina Mainero singled in the sixth. Catherine Dailey. who wcilked. was the only other base nmner for Lhe Ughtning, which committed five erro~ that led to seven unearned runs. Sage Coach Jin1 Percival pr.U~ the defensive work of center lielder Debbie Yoder-Lee, who caught four fly bail'>. ClfDMWonV Wilde.rd Western Ctu. 8, Sage Hill 0 Score by Innings Sage Hill 000 000 0 0 I !> W. Chr 010 12• , a 1 o Dailey and Torina, Gomel and DeftOfi W Gomez. l Dailey. 6 7. 28 Gome1 (WC) ·1 he Newpon Beach Brealer., tap1ured the gold medal after a 3-2. rnmt.> from behind victory owr North Irvine in the Orange County !>prmg Leal(ut'\ sea.son-ending tournament for glll'> under 10 \un day. Shanay FtM"her i.c.ofl•c.l 1he i<anw w111nin..: gual Ill the fourth quaner The Hrealcen. tra1letl . I O. altt'r N111 th llv111t· 1uok an early lead on a d1ret 1 lo( k llw Hn:aker., event·<l the '>core, I· I, w11h a goal hy )o\lt' JuKWt' '>h<tnnon Boler was credited wllh rlw J'>'•l't Irvine regained the lead 111 1 llt' 'enmd quMler and led, 2-1, al halftime Onu· dga111. 11u: hreaker' lied the !>Core. 2 2. w11h .:1 1h1r1I 4u.trlt•r ~oal frurn Courtney Mclnrm.h The Newport Beach Breakers, with their 3-2, come-from-behind victory over North Irvine on Sunday, captured the gold medal in the Orange County Spring League this season in girls under 10 action. rhe Hrealcer~ reat:hed tlw hn.il w11h Vil tone' uwr Tu!>lln. 1-0. Corona del \-far (f(urr11·1. fl i. and a i O win over l.oruna dd \1ar 11>:.tr1111111 fht' Hrt'dJct',.. '>quad. coached by Kirk \frln11,.,h wn...i'>ted of \111 nique Lunanl, <Jaire < .... 11110. Lauren terr\ \ht111 non Boler. Shana) 1-1'·<. twr. C ltr1-,1y ( >lhaH·r Man.i '>wilt lu'1e Ju~l' . ..:1·lly Hordt·n. < 11\lflllt'V \1t l11 lll'>h l..t-x1 Jenkin'> and ll-t11pl''' Bl.11111· YOUTH SOCCER Pil ot Cup meeting scheduled for tonight YOUTH BASEBALL NHBA Indi ans outl ast Dodge rs I he Indian' ht:ld off th1· I >od!;l'r'· I l IO. tn Newpon I larhor HJM•t>all A">,ona11011 Mu,tan~ I JIVJ),1011 YOUTH BASEBALL A formal annuuncerneni oflhc Daily Pilot Cup playing '>CheduJ1•5 will be relea ... ed 10 t·.11 h partiripdling tt'am 1011ighl ill 7 o't Im I.. m a f>1lo1 <.up meeting al Kai!>er Elernenrary '.-.1 h1111l 111 to-.ta Ml''>J. Al k·a .. 1 11nc pPr.,on from t'd< h (ti I 0 year oh.hi play Teddy Steffel h111m·rt'd. ''°Klt:'d, "ort•d thrt•t:' run' and pi1dwc.J whill' Logan Friend hJd lhfl•t• lui.., thrt'l' rllll'> and lour l<UI'> ~otty \tefJel 'mgled thrt:'•· llllll''> whdt• '>llmng 1\-.u run' .md k1111l kmg 111 1hw1· plcllt • IWll t• Ill gt> \'llh IV.CJ IJJI-, tor 1lw I >rnlgt•r.. Cody Caldwell 'lnglt·d .111d pl.1.,.1·d -,1cri11g tJell'1i..1• v.11111• Hohen Lawrence h.1d (\'\,, ... 111glt•' In tlw 11111111 I h\1-,11111 17 H ~'t'.1r old' Braves rough up Red Sox '< 111101 mu .. 1 ht' in alll'n<fann· I he fourth annual ewnt. \'\>hich run., f.IJV .!H lhrough Junt· I at the C.o .. 1a Mc'Wl I arm • Au'>tin ~mlth m.llll ,, ... 11t11t I .-tit It 111 l)lt llilld 1111111\g v.l11lt Bryan ~hullin .111.J \1artin Jr. ~ajera ,1J~1 """'"'d -,111111g tlt·ll-11" tor tlw l<o·d "11\ 1ga111-,1 the· )..i11~11 Pitchers Mu Prbbie and Ounden Nk:hobon held the fin.I-place Red Sox score!~ through fivt' inrun~ a., the Braves secured a 9-3 triumph m retcnt Newpon Beach Ut1Je lngue MaJ-01"> action. Nicholson began the sconng with an RBI single in the 6n.t innmg and wa... followed by Grant Kellglan's double and l>ingle. Parker Stone. OlDon Campbell. Andrew Pulcher and Noah Molnar contributed to the Braves' hit attack. The defense was led by Jeff Jones. Frisbie, Id Gerdau. Josh Hamson, M1chael Hayde and Kevin Tsou. M.ttch Sands hit his fir;t home run for the Red Sox. who were aho led by Merrit Scott. In other Majors play: • Nicholson homered. tripled and singled for lhe.BraWl> ~they defeated the Giant.s. T~u and I larrison each added doubles in the Braves· attack. Jdf Jones pitched a complete game to earn the victory and doubled Lo left field. Kelig>an. Frisbie and I layde abo contributed to the offeru.e. but the defense again shone Nkholson teamed with I layde and No.ti Molnar to tum a double play w preserw the win. Stone, fn5b1e. c;erdau and Andrew F~r .,upponl•<l \\ 11 h ~trong defen<,e ~ 'Nell In MA action: • Yanlee. 16, Hed 'xix 11 The Yan~ won for the ,l).tJ1ume111 seven games with a tomd offen<.e It'll hy Preston RJ:sser's double and two RHK along with timely h1rtmg from Nick Gooding. Tanner Thau then, Trevor McGhie and Mk:haef Haert Ctnple). Jack Murphy. Benny Townsend and Patrick ~n l>howed 'trong b.i.-R running 'ilolb and <,olid dt.'len-,e by Eric Frazier and Jeremy Fox helped prl".t•rw the win. Bryce Ashton. lk•.'>t•r .-md Graeme Fraser comhint:<l for ciWit .. 1nkcout-. .ind l1mi1ed the Red Sox tn -,i>. hih. l·rn.•.c:r -;truck OUI the \idc lO l'nd the W1n1(' < .umpln. \'111 fl·aturt' .i rn·urJ <:15 ll'Jlll' \ .. Jiii ~ti-.l'r lidding llJ <l1nrn·r11 11.·am' Uw 11111-,1 111 .111.,. .,chool ~Jllll" l"IL0lllt'rtl.11) 'L hool' 111 ( <l'IJ \II-.,.. .irt· not pMt1upa1111g h 1-. the re,pon..ih1hl\ ul t·.1d1 '>t hool '> ..idm111..,1ra111111 10 promotl' 1h1· t"\l'lll 11n ldmpu'>. appoint a UMth and lit·kl .1 lt".1111 L TODAY Tennis SCHEDULE High school boys -Corona def Mar in CIF 1nd1v1du.:1I diamp1onsh1ps, first round, al Costa Mesa Tennis Center. singles (Garren Snyder and Newport Harbor·s Robert Khoury), 11 a.m ; doubles (Wesley Miller and lsse1 Sa1dal. noon HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL Eagles win fli p for home-court advantage ll1e Lstanna I ligh boy-. volleyball learn \\<Oil a com flip Wedne-.day and will hu'>t Del Hio League champion \\/hillier al 7 p.m . on I mby tn lht' UF '.->outlwrn ~·t·t1011 Dl\'l\1011 Ill quarterfinal'>. < oach rracev Ileum· 1-.ctgle<o lH 10 1lw third !>eed. ..wept Lenturv and Or..1111;e I u thl'rnn 111 the opening rwo mund.,, fl"Pl't'll\.ely In thl' l>1\1-,111n II 4u.trterfinal'>. C uronj dl·I !\far will hu'>t Art:ad1a at 7 pm. I nda)' Cole Blower and 7..ach Poneou~ .11,0 "'1\\ 111111· •Ill till' 11111u11d .uul < 111Hnhu11·d ,11 th• pl.1 It l'orl t'lll" -.mglt·d 1v.111• .11111 '>ttJ1t·d n-.t1 run' "l11lt, Bluv. t-r .Kklctl 1,.,11 f11t' ,1 nm .md !YA> RRb. Olri'itian Ochoa '>lngled d11ublt-t..I <•Jllf .,c•m·d thrt-e nm' ""lult• lobin from e 1 ru'>w<l th1· 8289~ Timolhv \k<.etrick .,111glt tJ ""111 ,111cl d11ul l1·d \\l111t· l>uk.e \1orale-.. .11111 Hollen i\Jt"X.ailder 1·a1 h n·.il lwd 1 ...... ,. th11·1 11m1·-. \\1th '>Oltd 1111-, \pencer Bu<:hanan .111d F.stevan Muni.1 .itldc·d 1111-. fur 1h1· lkd "'" Sl ni 'OC!~• •lll>OI• c;li. S2 4QQ c..v ,..... •cw~ S' ~w ":I• & i.:-~ O' .-- "'7" 1 ~-;;!'\'a.pow ·-eo 3QOCX: '"'al(:'<"" -.-JM ..-~ .~ c.eo ~ • ... .0-1• =iRYSLER -~;._ (877) 321-5337 TAKI SS FWY un FAii DI. TO Nil:IOI •• Pl rl'~\ •• ,,,. 90"9'""~· 'H1 01'\0 '""•.-S 0"• ~ ~.. 0 ~ '° '~ 1.. ~ :-"PQ'O'oO" tl'1Cll.;l<: o--d ony ~ •ei• --.q ~;,I t•D"~ ~/JO/OJ . 2640 Lepl Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 I Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices ISCl*4 ..,. courr Of n1 mn Of CA&10111A FOi T1I ComY Of otM6( ............. °""""" lMlt 1,.. Uft/T "'4 °"*r!7,ltl2.• ........ r..-.M Wl~A219027 PIOPOSll MWllOI Of I01ICI TO ClllfTOIS Of K<IASll SIT1UI Of llVOCAIU UV. TIUST ,,., c..4e Sdll 19040! llM uncten11ned JAHA 0 HACKl ll and OON W Ollf'HAHT H Co Ttu~I eu or the Oloph•nl Lmn1 Trust U/D/T dated Oclobet 27. 1982 H n1d Trust hH been amended and teslaled prop<».e to pubh"" lhe 1o11ow1nc notice punu ant to Cll1fcxn11 Probate Code Section 19040 to th• credrlou of RACHEL HIZASCTH OllPHANI. th• deceased surviv1n1 Settlof of tlM Ofrph1nt Uvlnt Trost. who d,.d a rnlclenl of the City or Newport BHch. County of Or1n1e. Stile of CalifO{nl1. on Januaty 29, 2003· Notk:e Is ht<e•1 11>1e11 to the creditors •1141 contilllent cr.-.a of U CHtl ELIZAICTH Oll,HANT (lle,.111 "decedent") that •II penons htvlftt claims .tealn1t lite decedent 11• required lo file tlMm with lite Sup«tor Co111t of C1lil0tn 1, Count1 of Oran~. a l 341 The City Orrve, , 0 80l 14171. Qr.,_., <:MfwNI. 92613· • 157 l 1"41 fft.il OI dellWtf ' e co,,. to JANA 0 HAQ((TT et1d DON W • Ol#'HANl et 3 110111 St • °"°'"' fhwJl«t Buell. CallfOJn&t 92MO. et Co· Ttuttoes of tlM Ollptle11t Ltwlna Tntat UIO/T •tect OCtow Z7, ltlt. u amended end , .. uttd, .Wtln ttlo ---· ' wn a Sotttor. wltlllft IM ' Iott« of fOll.r IMfltM 1ft1t •1 15. 2003 (llMI Mtt of tt1t ~at l>Wfl· cellon ol 110110 to et-:.;:J· or, If notice .. Of ,,.,M1111lly MQ111tad to you. 30 ••rs ,,._ tt.o -.i11 11111 110Uce la m•il•d or f*M"eltr _..,,.,.. to ro-. A c:I• form lfll J .. ~ ,._ tM ...... cllf1I r. '/OW •ntect1011, 1011 "' ~..-.10'*1"' c..-wc~IMfl •1t-nt11r11 rece ipt • e nl!M C.-f ....... ...-o~.., OCMll w Cll'9Wn I C.O• ' l1u~lee• Ohph•nl Lovin& Tru,I. J Royal St Cto1&e. Newport B«•lh CA 9?660 '"Wrt•yt f ... lt111lee lomothy J llay f,q Ci8SON DU NN 8. CRUICHlR llP 4 Park Plan Sle 1700. hvont. CA 91614 8'>'>7 OA I[ 0 °'J>11I 24, 7003 /S IANA 0 HACllE I I Co Ir U\l ee ol lhr Ohphanl Lovone Trusl U/Dfl daled Oc tuber 27 1987 •nd •mtnded •nd IU~led !SI DON W Ol IPHANT Co lru\IPe of lhf' Ohph1nl L1v1n& lru\I U/D/T d•led Octobet 17 t 982 •~ 1rnended 1nd resl1ted Pubh\hed Newport Beech C""'' Mer.a Oaoly Polol May I'> ?I ?1 1003 lhW414 SW.. COUil Of W09U. CMT'f Of otM6l J4 111ieOlylrt.e, Chip, CA 92161, &....WctC... PmnlllOf ,_.MtaM'*'•• fOIOWICIOf 11111 C.ST09'0WCMSI FOi CWllOfllAlf Wl-AJll747 ro All INTUUTEO PERSONS; I Pelitlont• P •mel• l)utrlz lllk:Gulnnosa frt.d I petition Wttfl tflb COUft t0t a clecrM dtlnsln1 n1me1 1s follows· P1mel1 Outm McGuilt neu lo Pamela Outrri 2 THE COUftl OftOCRS t111t all '*'°"' 1nter-estH Ill tM mett.r .,,_.. -..etr ti.tote Ulil c-t 1t lite llelfinl lfldtt•t .. lloloow to sllOW ClllH If l .llJ. wt!)' the pet1lloll f()( dMln,. of name ahovld .... 11o r ·"'" "OTIC or HEARING Ott•. l ·l7 03 r-· z.oo pM0.01,.L73 Tiie '4dl .a of tho cowl 111 .,_ H noted 1bo.,. S A C091 of ~ Order to Siio• c-111111 tit p11rtlt !ltd •• leest one• o cll wHll for four lllCCtltflrt ....... l)ffor to 1111 •t• Ht '" hffrint 011 tlto petrt.lo!I Ill tM ......... MWt- Pll* of ..-iJ CNCll lotloft, prln... In ltlll co.fttJ. """°'' '-'"' eo.1a-.a Mr, ... ...... ,.Ml ...... e.; fMa :. ........ ,. •HCIMIJ ,.,r.11.tie4 ··~ ...... c.e. .... ..... .., l, ...... ,. n.-. s .......... \Ii f I ttflketf RdffiM Wiess.._ Tht' ro11ow1ne P•'"'"' has abandoned th~ O•• of lhe f 1d11tou• Bu\I nes• N•m• B•a W.v~ Po oduclton• '> 18 IJahh" Ave Co•""• ~1 MM CA 9262S Th• F rcloltuu\ Bu"nn~ n•me rerefl rd lo •bove wu loltd on Or ane• Counly on I I '> 7001 Fil( NO 70011>1!8n l8 Onld Camtrman '> 18 Oahh• Ave Cut0n• dtf M11 CA 9262'> Rebtcc• 81 •k• S 18 O•hha Ave Co• on• dtl Mar CA9262"> Th11 bu-.1ne'\'\ 1s con dueled by " 2ener al parlner,.hop Oavld Camtrm•n This •lalent1!rtl wn hied wrlh the County Cltr• of Oranae Cnunty on 0'>/16 '03 20036944'22 O•oly P1lol May 22. 29. June 5. 12. 2003 TM4'> flcllM ..... ... s...... The lollow1na Pflosons •re dome bus1nen H I he f rench COflli>Any, 120 Newport Center 011ve Suolt 2.W. Newport Buch. CA 9?660 rhe le(&hton I rench Company (Gen.Partner) (CA), 120 Newport Center Of 12.W, New l)O(I 8Hch. CA 92660 RocPac Investments (Cen Pitrlner) (CA). 120 Newpor I Center Or •ZAO. Newport Burh CA92660 This bu11ness " con ducted by· a l•net•I Plll'lMnhtp Hive rou slMttd fOlnl 1111alnns 1•11 Yu, Miwch Ul89 Roc'ac lnvul,...nll, (Gen Partner). By Pet« l french, PrnJ dent Tfl~ tt•ltlllOnl WH htecl with the County Clttk ot ounce Count, on OS,113,IOJ 200MM44tS Deily ,!tot .... , 15. u. H . Juno 5, 200J Th42fl PUTAFIW WOIDSTO wcmrc1 Jall 61-5671 lhfl follnwin1t , ... '''"'' rh~ fofluw1nK IJt>f .. lllt'\ lhP tnllfl'WlnV PM'"·""' lh,. tnttnwmt Ptff•.i.n•. dft! do1na bu\fflf')1 ,.~ .,,,. dt.1111~ bu.,uu·'' <t\ .Jt E' dumg bu,rnt ·' ••• ''" llu10•! l.IU'5i•n"' \ ·•' J ) luppon& lv~ni. Ill• !.)ur,1 l'rr-. .. n~I foln"' ,.~. r .... fnnwll1111• ., f'Av1ll11111 (11m11111t•1 bl lune But h l:y<I• & l<d1.ob1hlal1<Jn lt.37 1706 r.1 •• m. Cit N•·W I ........ 11uw hi r .••• 11 ... 11 Sh11w 79'>0 R.1n<h1lµh M•1t111.1v1J ! "''~ ~· d pml ll•ad1 f"A ~;>t,li(J (.un"olhn~ 11>111 ~••'I lo.vt C.n•IA M .. ,. (A I A 9?67 / I It I a f> r I h MA r V HM AV~llU~ NPWP•11 I 9:>6?6 UAn .. 1 " l•llh'• 11, ti I hay.11 cl I /I)(, 1· tlom.o 11 ..... h I A" >fr11 I lnpp1nv. (vt'11t' Inc Mom nvt.t {o,t .. M•.,, (), Nttw~rift K~ath fr. W.;n.-n ttttrr 1o~t nn t<"AI ?ll'JO fhrtd••lph I A97f.// 'li'b6() A.lle1t l'..01 I 1 t H•y Ave Cu•I • M~'• l.A Mvrn• B-1< • lud1:• I lod1 '-"obi fi~n11nr Av.0111t Nt "'I'"' I ll~•t h 976lb If:> II M»11tuv1.• I t"IA 111% Ir vine An Nt•w r A 'Jlf>f>I I h1\ t1u'\tnfl'\'\ 1" 'on Mt!\" f .A q76.11 I P•H I RP;u h ( A 9?660 t hi'\ hu-.m'"'' t\ 1 on ducf,.(t b~ t_t rrifpc'tt oltln" fhl h1J\ll\f"~\ I' ull lht'° bU\tnt\'\ f'\ lUfl 11U\..lt"l1 btt •fl ~f'ldtYldU41 ltav• you Sh• ll'd do111p d111 lrd by h11 .band lnlf dut t•d by • 2rn~1 Al 11.t•• 1 '" \I A• !•ti '''""~ bu\one.-ytP Nt> wol• 1i.uln•t\h1p 1.u~or1r . yrfl •~\ • I f opp one £ vtn1' In< H••~ yuu · 1.t1ll'd dome H•v• you SI.tr led <10111~ :too I J•\tm O~l•u Pff'\td~nl Ou\tnt''\\ yet' y~, 19'Jb liu~tnt'\' ttt' Nu W.ttrNi Allt•n Thi\ sl.atrmtnl ... , Mvrn• B"• lude• [hz.bdh M Th•r.••d rhr\ ~l•lrll•tl•I w• loled wolh lhl' Cuunly Thi\ ~l•l•ment wa fh1~ Sl•lt'menl .,. " lolrcl ,.,lh lht I outtly Cieri.. ol o .. njl• Courily hlrd with lh• County lolrd w1lh lh• Cnunly I ••• ~ QI ''"'"~" ' ounly on 04 7'> OJ Cirri.. of Oranre C•wntv I I••-ol Oranee C.ounly on 04 7~ 0 I 200J6t422tl un OS 16 OJ un O'> 09 OJ 20036942300 Oaoly Polol May I 8 I!> 2003•t44tt6 200l•944020 O.uly Pol• I M•v I II I'> 22 1003 111189 O•oly Pilot M•y 2'l 79 Oarl~ Poklt May IS U J 2{1().1 IH !117 AdltNa••u lunt'> tl. 200J rH4J9 79 June'l 2003 Th410 fiditielsllisilm .... s...... fidifiM....._, Rditiws ..... -"-eS....... The lollow1n1 pe"on• "-s..-.t "-se.....I lh• to1lnw1n1 ll~"""' 11e doon1 bu\onen o lh• lollowon& pe,.un• The lollowrn1 per son\ ••• doone bu\ln~-. ., ()pcnChecll tom I?!> l ire do1n1 busrnl'\' as are doon& bus•MU a\ •l Curll• Gr•ph11 \ hi Ballu Suol• ll!>. Costa l\11po1t S.11 Stou11e 190 a> Auto RV Brokef\ bl Rnberl I Curll\ Mua CA 9?616 N•wpnr I f •nltr Or Broker £quoit•• 4U C11ph11 ll~"I" 7189 Hortn Ametot•n A< •100. Nrwporl Be~th. 20062 Swan\tl l n , C1rlton Pl ~I• A fu•b ceptance Corp1111t1on CA 92660 HunltnRlnn Be.teh CA MPU CA 91621 (CA). 12'> [ B•lit1r J800 f•mpus llC 92646 Rnb~tl Try11.,. Cutlt\ Suite 135. Co•ta Mua. (CA), 190 Newport Kalhy l B•1110 l.189 C•rlllln Pl.tie. CA 92626 Center Or 0 00. New 20061 SwAn"'" I n ~11111' A ! '"'~ Ml'<a fA ThtS busmen os lon port Buch Cl\ 9?660 Hunltng1on ll~uh CA Q?f,2/ ducted by a corpo11l1on rhl\ bus'""' " rnn 926.46 1111• bu"M" " cnn Have you started do111a duded by l 1m1lcd Tho\ buunn\ I\ con dueled by •n 111d1Y1dual busineu yell Yes L14b111ty Co dueled by an 1nd1•11tuAI Hor you ~l••l•d dome 05/05/2003 H.tve you sl~•led do•nc Have you •l•rl•d dnone llu\1n11" •~" Yo 1 l I NOf'th Amettun Ac busm11n yet? Yea. 11111 busonns yef1 Yu 4 ?O 100? coptence Corpor1t10n. 86 Ol Rnh,.•t I Curll\ M1rco I Ruic. f'reM 3800 Campus 11 C llalhy l Barnes lhl\ •lalf!Tlflnl WA\ dent Jlml'\ M llru•J•• This •tatement wa\ lthrd wolh the l<ounh Th" 1l1lemenl wn Member M•n•ae1 toled with lht County Cletll ul 01an1• f nunh ltled w1lh the County Thi\ slalement wu CIPfk of Orance Cuunly on 04/7!>10J Clerll ol Or1n11 County loled wolh th• County on 04/25'1ll 1003't42J10 Oft~~ t le1k ol 011n1• County 20016942310 01uly Polnl M•y I 8 I!> 200169•4010 on 04/l0/03 01111 Ptlot May I 8. 15 22 2003 lhl/11 011ly Ptlol M•y ts. 17 toOJ•t40 S 1 t 22.1003 lh.JllO .......... 29 JuneS,2003 TM16 0•1t7 Pt_lol M•r I. 8. IS, ~..... ..__1~ ............ 22.2003 Thl7S ... ~ --..___ .....,__ -rlla fotlowrnt jMnOf" ... ....... --Thi follow1n1 Pl'IO"' .,. dolnl bt1tllWI'' ., flto foffowlna penon1 ... S..... Mt do•lll bt111111v H Trudtll 11to C11u ' ere dotftt lw IMSS as Tht fol1nw1n1 per~on' ttomon f lfNlllClal $tr 1l 01I11 t I Int I 72 8 1 Tito Clflllt CC , 137 lfl doln1 bu\JM~ u ttres. 18301 Yon II.er Ntellol\ St .. Huntmtlnn lfldll\hltl W•J• Costa 1 ) 1J AS l B Al l man nis l1v1.... CA 8etcll, CA 9"547 ,,._sa, CA 926U LESSOHS COM 9161' lrmi.11 Auto C1n .. K.._.le II.an t"C , 08A 11 ) so' f 8 A LL l 8 W Hoen & Auo Delarl, 11'1 (CAJ 111$1 flto 011111 C.C (Calif.). LESSONS COM 44*) E c11I«, Inc .• (CA>. 18JOI "lchob SI.. H11nt1nttnn 1436 eucl\ 9 lvd., Altlw!or• St , Allllletm, Von Karmen U?S hecll. CA92M7 Wn lmlntlw . CA tmJ Cll4forn10 92907 J'.,44 lniM, CA l'J2612 This bv••nnt It tOl'I flits b11alnou It COfl D•vld [clwllfd IClllUI. ThtJ rtu•lflt•\ it con dlktld b~ ... C(r(poflllOl'I M '-'f b1' • C:Ofpo<•hon 4A80 ( l\fdmotl St • due.ltd.., • COfpot•llon H• ... •e>u •l•lecl 1to1111 Haff YOll 1llittlMll 0otn1 A11111o1,.,, C1llfernl1 H41" rou &tMttcl doinl M•-~If Yn. 1111 lfte ,.., l'tft 921!0/ ~ bvllflfts )'Ill No I I 03 • IClftlk "en Inc., 08A fflls butl111n It c:on J B W Horn & Atoel 1rudcll A11to Ciao 6 Tht C1t .... CC,, C•11 Cluciltd b)' en ll'ldlvldual •In. lllC.. 8'1«1 l W 0.1 ... 111 ., M.Ni. T111dtll Ketlllfls, 1'1_...I H1111 JOll ~l1tttll doln1 ttoui, $oef•l.tl!t l're ld4tnl TI11t tlllefMf\1 ••• bll\llltt.I ,.tl No This •h1t•1Mnt wn fhtt tt1t~11l .,., filed with ttto Covnt't 01111111 c 11411111 Mod wttll tlto CountJ tiled twAA llle Co11nt)' Clefll er Ortf\11 County f!Mt "411ttfllllflt wu Cltn of O.•nc• C04intr Cltfll of °''"'-ColHltY 1t1 OM WO> hW wtt11 the Colil'lt1 • CY.V20i0l '"' O!'lt'Ol.IOJ IMM"'441 Clllrll ot 0r-. Collllt1 ......... , ,_,. ..... o..rr· ,,.t ..._, ·~ "!l.t .-O&l'IJM)J o.,. ,... .., n n Deitr ....,. .., H n. 11, Ji.II ~. 1QDJ ~ ..... ...,, MM ll D1 TMU It,-.' 291 IWlJ °"',..... .. , v . n. ..... a, 11, 2U0.S '""'1 11!.!-:rrtl t f hr-fnOuw111 p.-r~on., ,,,,. do1ne hu"n~\\ .i' P•utn Co .. •I lnw1a11•" Ail"'" y 1111 Z 100 W P•• 1f1\ 1 11a~t ~t,,_.v ,.,,. ?00 N•·w1u.rl Ht•• h (A ')71\6 l P ttifu LfM' I '""°' .lfH, A~tut V Int It A l]l';.I W p tUlll I "d\I Hwy :.It 200 l'lewpor I A"•<h f A'Ulllil 1 h1\ bu~lf1fl'\ 1\ .. on tfuct~•1 t11 a '''''""""t1r·n liAvfl vou -.t.atftd domv.: l>u\lnr~-. 1et' Nu P ., 1fu Co.e\t fn~ur •nt • Aern• y In l~lt••Y W lune n11 fftt\ \l•t~mf'nt -..1• ltltd with II>• tounly t;lerk ot o ... nee Counly •tnO't 160J 200U '44t27 0••11 Polol M•y lt ~ lune'> 11 2003 TH447 fiditllS~ "-*'-' I h~ ln1low1n1 PHO.On~ "" do1n1 bu!tneu u Will Sir tel C•polal Morteaee Int 81 Sea 1,1,tnd Or 1¥e. N•wpotl Hue h 1..A 9?660 w.11 Street C•P•lal Mor l11a11e In< I CA I l'>Sll Venlu•• Blvd Suole 4?0 £ ncrnv, CA ~7660 rho\ bu'"'"" " con dut l•d by • <Orpoution Hnt you ,,., ted do<ne busonu~ yet' No Wall Stt•rl l:.1p1l.1I Morl111e Int Jefly Atm\trO"I VP lh" 't1telfM'nl wu 111,.d wolh the r.nunly Clerk of Of ana• County on O!i 00!03 tOOUt4400I Oaoly '•!QI M11y I!> 11 29 June S. 2001 TM17 n.-..... ... s...... The lollc>wlf'lt persons .,. dofllC ~· n · Tlw flu Wood Ove11 ,IZll ftl ~I Iner lit A 11 Cosu Miu CA92826 S-d CMltmlr Ho .. t • ~ ,,,,. Ctftli 0. A 21ft. CMta Mew CA m1tl lhtt ~•1n1n l'I COfl du< l•d l•y 111 1ndh1!\IUM H•v. you slaf t..d lforn.a llu\tncn y11ll Ya, ~ 01 OJ &8"dtll10""• fbl 'lttO-t WU s ....... of l)i .. I M ltflJwtf Rcfitilll llvriiwss "-' Thf> tr10•J\1¥H1~ ,,,., on h ..... ..tb.Htdunt-d tht 1J\r nt HH. f u hl1uU. RU' I n,.,~ N .. 111r •,t \f llf"Anf"r<I, I >1•, t~ .~ .. , Str.-.. 1 l •1 t, M,. , <A 91~-'lb Tht• ~ u tit., 10 [ju\rn• ,.. ttAtfU r• lrrr• 1 I I •• L11wt ""t\ f1lr'1 1n '""""5:' ( 11111\ .... j ll 03 1111 "to •uu wi ~·.1 I ho~n V~n I• I 'It'll! DAIP fttt"I G.ud•• t;ro•t t A 9Ztu I 1 htS hu-.101'"\\ I &. Jf du1.t,.t1 tiy " 11rt1\ith •' C.:ht•lt "•", ... Jh1!-\I •Ir,.,.,.~, t1t • t1lf"d w1lh thr c unty rler• •f Or •rw• t u '" ...... ·~ti 20036942302 U lily f'tl••I M•y ~ I'> n "'001 11f "" I tu• t th """'• ,,,., \C1h' flll )Jtllt t+ •tit I \, 11 'IHI tlU t c 1 01 4iJ HAI "rtin~ <4UI ~11-..tn '' 1,1111.t An' A 't.1/C'IA rH,1•1••·· flunh lltt,., I M ,., "'\ I A I ~·l Wl lf~U\ , ....... ,,,. At1A t /I I 104 1untr ~ • I •• 1 1 ' vunty .., Ir 200lUUtU ( •Ir ''I I MH ] /'J I •• 'f}.. H444f ~L..-.!...---Ttu , U1 w \ v~r'\nfl ~~ .ur (fo1n~ h11 '"""\ .. ~ "-9 S....... All1111l•bit l,,ncrrlt & Th1-fflUow•n' ""''n"' Con\tr11f lu•n llH 1ulti1 are ooona bu~11•~~' A'. ~i" •C C1>\I~ M~u r A Sprtnl t l ~auo" II. I 'till I d l(li 1 l/th •1 [lr 1nrlt1•J V o f• ~ron 'Zn,... M•-. cA nn., ,.,1., w A111 F tOi 97627 ~ .. .,.,1,tul UT !14010 t· .. nmn1 I o4'nhtt I IX ( dw1n Anftt•·w f\,,.,,, r tlhl'r 74"'6 I Jloni"""w l Aeuna N1Jl11•i f.A 'l f>ll fttl\ bu\m.-\\ " 'nn ducted b, An 1n1l1v1dual Hnt yuu \IMt~d doon~ busrnt'u ,tt> YO\ 1 II\ 90 f dw1n Andi •w l'.lfld• lal""r Thi\ sl•l•m•nl "" ,, ... d Wtlh Ill« l.l1111•h Clefll ol Or •net r'uunh on ~il6 'Ol 200»9Uttl 0.-.1, Ptlut ~1 n 19 Jlint' !J 12 200J I Hl41 I uhp I" •1 C'"'' M"• I A C):>f>~I I h" hu .. 1ntt'~ ., 1 "" due l,.d ltv ' , ~n~f •I l'Mln•••h•r Hoh~ yuo •1,..lt<I 110111~ t-11\U"tft'\ V' t > Nn 0•1t>4llfl<t v 1 .. 11 fh1' ''•t•mti:ttt .... , loltd with tfl• I nttnlv I Irr h nl Ot •" ·• !'ounh "" 04 ~'OJ 200Ut4,JM 0 11lt '*'' Mar I I 1 .. n xio1 rhlM Re-.. ..... ... s...... T,,. l11llnw1 penoti• ,,,~ dOHI& 1111~-" TH( L( AO(lt~, r MM 183 ,,_,Off Ori~· W"I ... ~I !\each, CA <:unto;,. c.-. 1IJ Pf-terr DftH Wftl ~orl llucll CA Tllft ho"lilf' jt LOrt .. \KIMI r.y 1n "'4hl'lllal tt ... yw ,t., .... ...,. ~rettYn CM,119/MJ ..rt<wfGr- J .1llllemt11t wn trletl w1tfl the Coilfltr Clefll ef Oe1ftl9 C.V.y MO'!IJlVOJ -,..,.. .... Deiw ,..., .., It n. n .... Llml YMa M llUsdtv. "ll 22, 2003-----~ .. lllll .... -Lip! .... .. l.1111.... .. i._.. .... ... ~I ... .... ......... ... ..... n.. ,......,. I*-• Tii. follow1111 penc>fl• .. .._ btMlMu u · 111 cliOlnC bUslalu as: •) tl'8 2 YOU. Ill) 1) rio-. fly All•lt, b) lfUS TO YOU, c) Aled• rlorels, 2875 KfAS 2 U, 19&4 rt.· lrYiM A¥1. Sll. K, Coste ~tit. Sllltl 20t, Costa ...... CA 92627 ..... CA11127 ~111 A. Snowbell, ~ J. can.a, ~•n 1870 (. 16ttl st .. ,_... .._,~ IMit C, C.4-n t)Oft8eectl. CA92e63 Ir-, CA t1M5 Tiiis buslMss Is COii• l9dl..a M F.-. l6l3 Mtt4 by. 811 ~ ,....,..., co.a. ...... ~ft )'Oii r.lwtlld dolnc CA m2S bual-y1t7 No Todd 0 . Crone, 682 S. Aleala A. Sno•b•ll Hlllllidly. AnlMlm, CA Thlt at1l1ment •es 92904 filed •ith IN County Tlll1 lll11JlllQS Is con· Clerk of Or1na1 County •tt4 by: • cener•I on 05/09/03 119rtner-llllp 200S .. 44006 ~" tvu 1tart1d dolna Dall,y Pilot Mey 15, 22, bualMH )Ill? No 29, June 5. 2003 Th418 Wally J. G"t.tr Thia at1t1m1nt was flied wlttl the Countr Cllrti of Or1np County on04/25/03 IOOH94Ht6 Deity Piiot M1y I, 8, 15, tz, iOoJ TH376 .......... ......... The tollowll\C penons .,, doin1 IM.tatneas u : TM. VOGEL COMPAHY, J6J Otcl Newport. l'I•• POil Blach. CA 92&63 Joanne Vo1el, 564 South Sunkist SI.. Anaheim, CA 92806 Richard Vo11I. 564 South Sunlllst S t ., Alla~m. CA 92806 This buslntu rs con ducted by: husb1nd and wife H1111 )'OU started dolr1& business yet? Yes, 1987 Rlchatd Vo1el Joenna Voeet This st.tenwint wu flied •Ith the County Clerk of Orana• County on 12/27/02 200UH7902 DaHy Pilot Jan. 1, 8. 15. 22. 2003, amended publlcetion on Mir 22, 2003 Th458 RND .. -.r~ The follOwln& persons are dj)in1 buslnns es: TSP t11enls, 413 San Leon, Irvine, CA 92606 Trisha fiancine Pol· loci<, 413 Sen Leon, Irvine. CA 92606 Thia business is con· dueled by. an 111d1vidu1I H111e )IOU SIM led doin& business yet? No Trisha Pollod. Thts statement •n fil1d with the County Clerk of Oran1e County on 04/25/03 ZOOH942S09 Deily Pilot Mar l. 8, 15. 22. 2003 Th381 Adllllm ..... ... s...... The followln1 persons are dolna binmess es: Youna ld11s. 2522 Santa Ana Ave. IA. Costa Mesa, Calif. 92627 Sherri Marie Youna. 2522 Santa Ana Ave , Costa Mesa. CA 92627 This business Is con· ducted br: an individual Have you started do1n11 business yet? No Sheryl Marte Youn1 This statement was filed ••th the County Clerk of Onn1e County on 05/13/03 200Ut4444S 0 11ly Pilot May 15. 22. 29, June 5, 2003 Th431 ......... .......... Tiie fonow1n1 ,., .. ". WI dolnc ~ n ; STt Gro11p, 20211 BrenttlOM ln • Hun• U!WtOll ISuc:h, CA 92646 f'Hd E. Smit!\, 20281 llrentatone ln., Hun· tlftlton llaeb, CA 92S4S Thlt bllsi-s It COf'I • ducted by: an llldMduel ..... '°" •lfwtff dolftt ~yetfHo Todd£. Smith Thhl at1l1~11t •H filed with the County Cltfk of Or11111 County on05/l6/03 200M'44t14 Delly Piiot May 22. 29. June 5, 12. 2003 TH437 .......... ... s..... The followln1 persons 1re dolna buslness u : links Bualneu Group, 5319 Uni111rslty Drive #509, Irvine. CA 92612 Corbin Harold links, 2314 Fnch1a Lene, Tust111. CA 92780 This business is con· ducted by: an Individual Have you started doin& business yet? Ho Corbin Harold ltnks This s tatement was filed with the County Cieri! of Onnae County on 05/15/03 200Ut4U77 D<11ily Pilot May 22, 29, June 5, 12, 2003 TH4l6 .......... ... s..... The followina per sons lire doina business as. Myra Aec:essor1es, 8132 Fox hall Oftve, Huntina· ton Beach, CA 92646 Myra B. Sonnenbera. 8132 foahall Drive, Huntlnaton Beach. CA 92646 This business 1s con ducted by: an lnd1v1dual Have you started dolna business yet? Yes. 04·01-2003 Myra B. Sonnenbera Thts s tatement was flied with the County Clerk of Oran&• County on 05/09/03 200SH4400S Daily Pilot Mar 15. 22. 29, June 5, 2003 Th-419 .......... ... s..... The follo•tne persons are dotne business .u smz. 72 fortune Of1ve. Irvine, CA 92618 Alpa S Savdharia. 25951 Dundee Dme, Lue Foiest, CA 92630 This buslnen IS con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual H<llve you started dome business yet? Yes, Aprol 12. 2003 Alpa S. Savdheria Thts statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 04/15/03 200J69410SS Daily Pilot May 15, 22. 29, June 5, 2003 Th434 ,......._ ... s..... The followma persons are doina business u . MARC[ PAINTING. 821 West 16th Street, New· port Beach. CA 92663 Marcelo A. Caradonna, 14561 Southfield 01 . Westminster. CA 926&3 Thrs business rs con· dueled by an 1nd1v1dual Have you started dotne bus.ness yet> No Marcelo A Cuadonna This statement was hied with the County Cl.,.k ol Orance County on 05/02/03 200S694S 114 Datly Pilot M<lly 8. l 5. 22, 29, 2003 TH400 Tel Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! In CLASSIFIED (949) 642-5671 ......... .......... 'flit foltotrlllt PIOOAt .,. '°"" NMnne ... ,Usaott YOOA, 2700 £. Cont Hwr. Sult• l, Coton• Del Mar, CA 92125 Mu w•ll tales, 720 Griffith f'I., L11una Blldt.Ca~l Tba IMn!Mn Is con· dllctM •~: N 1n•vldual ..... }IOU •t.tH do4tl& buslnnl yet? No Mnwtlllallt Thi• 1tatement w11 ftll.d with the County Cltr k of Or enc• County on 05/02/03 200Mt4J11S Dally Pilot May 8, 15, 22, 29, 2003 TH401 ......... ... s..... Th• followlna peraons are doln1 business 1.s: Dlsco11ery ln1p1ctlons, 11135 N1•port Blvd. Ste. A109-215. Costa Meu, CA92627 Thomes F. Han, 365 Hamilton St. Untt fl, Coste Mne. CA 92627 Thrs business is con· ducted by· an lndtvldu1I Have you started cloinc business yet? Yes. 5/1/ 03 Thomes Hall This statement •u filed ••th the Counly Cler II of Or anae County on 05/16/03 200SH44tlS Daily Pilot May 22, 29, June 5, 12. 2003 TtU40 nc.-..... ... s...... The follow1n11 persons are dolna buslnass u · Society. 6000 W. PCH. Newport Buch, CA 92663 Amber Dobson. 2220 Cliff Drive, Newport Buch, CA 92663 This busmen "' con· dueled by an 1nd1v1du1i H11ve you started doina business yet1 No Ambet Dobson This statement wu hied w1lh the County Clerk of Onn111 County on 04/25/03 200SH42Slt D11ly Ptlol May 1, 8, 15, 22. 2003 TH377 fldllll. ..... ... s.... The follow1n11 person' are dom11 business as NATIVE SU N WOOD WORKS, 284 Monie Vista •B Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Oavtd Allen Casey, 284 Monte Vista •B, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 This business Is con ducted br 1n 1nd1v1du•I Have you started do1n1 business yet? Yu, 5-5·03 David Allen Casey This •talemenl was llied with the County Clerk of 01.inae County on 05/06/03 200J6'4SSl7 Daily P1lol May 8. 15. 22,29,2003 TH410 fldllll. ..... ... s...... The followina per M>ns are doma business as R C ARCHITCCTURAl. 166 M111noll1 St , Cost. MeSI, CA 92627 Ric:h1rd Campbell. 166 Macnolta SI., Costa Mu , CA 92627 This business is con ducted by 1n 1nd1vldual Hne you slarted do1na busmess yet? No Richard Campbell This statement was hied with th• County Clerk of Orana~ County on 05/10/03 200S6t4SJ02 Delly Ptlol May 22. 29. lune 5, 12, 2003 TH4S4 PUTAFEW WORDS TO WORIFOR YOUI (949) 642-5678 NOTICE Of DM>ED PUBUCATIOH Male purasrt ID S«llorl ll51. RMlllll n Taaion Code .......... ... ...... Thi follo•llll piflOfll 1(1 .... lllu1Mat u • L•MOHd• M1111h1t, 1001 w \7th Street, If'. CosteMua.CA92U7 Roll11t L111d1r1111, 1001 W. 17ttl Street W, Costa-... CA 92'27 Tltit bllslMH .. COii• d11eled by; en IMlvidulf ~w 10ll stlll't.ICI Mine bualfteta ~tJ Yet 4/l/03 Robert La"41rffn ThlS 1tat1111ent wn llled wltll the County Cletll of 011n1e County on 04/25/03 200SH4tns Dellr~Pilot Mey I. 8, 15, 22, 2003 Tti390 .......... ... *'-" Th• follo•inc persons are dolna buslneu n : SURFSIOC SILVER, 603 E. Belbot Blvd.,IA, Belbol, CA 92661 Wiiiiam A11thon1 Geor11. 194 C St .. He.ttlorne, NV 89415 TbtS business is con· ducted by: an indtviduaf Have rou st.ted doifll business yet? Yes, 4-14·03 William Anthony Georce Thos statement was ftl1d •rlh thl County Clerlt of Or•nae County on 05/02/03 200UtUl87 O•lly Ptlot Mey 8, 15, 22. 29, 2003 TH397 .......... "-S..... The followinc persons are dofn& business u : Your G1ra1e. 2340 Sanla Ana Ave. Apt Al. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Michael Graf. 2340 Senti Ant Ave .. Apt A2, Costa Mese. CA 92627 This business " con- ducted by: an individual Have you sl•rted dotna business yet? Yes, 5/16/ 03 Mtcilael Graf This statement wu f1I~ ••th the County Clerk of Oranee County on 05/20/03 200JH4530S Dally Pilot May Z2. 29. June !I, 12. 2003 TH.455 .......... ... s...... The follow1n1 persons are do1n11 bu51ness u . Cert1f11d Mort11a1e Tr ain1n11. 3857 Bitch Street. Newporl Beach. CA 92660·2660 Robert E rtck Jones. 307 3Sth St . Newport Beach. CA 92663 This buStness 1s con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you started dome busmen yet? Yes. 5.7.03 Robert Jones This st1temenl was filed with the County Clerk of Or anae Countr on 05/09/03 20036944022 Daily Pilot May 15. 22. 29. lune 5, 2003 Th421 .......... "-S..... The follo•1n1 persons are doln1 business as. Davey Producltons, 839 Sonora Rd . Costa Meu . CA92626 Dina Davey. 839 So· nora Rd Costa Mesa, CA92626 Thos business rs c;on ducted by an in<ftvldual Have you dart~ dome business yet> Yes 01/ 01/03 Dina Davey This statement was f1I~ with the Countr Clerll or Oran1e Countr on 05/16/03 200SH44t21 Oa1lr Piiot May 22. 29. June 5, 12, 2003 TH448 Se your unwanted Items the easywayl Place a Classlfled ad today I 642-5678 Plnun lo 8«:torlS 3381 lwougll 33115, Re¥elul n1 T ... Code. 1w notice QI ~ ID Sii Tlll-OtfMed Property 11 9ld for~ CouncJ, 6-of~ ha ti.I dMOed std ~ ID vnius ~ (II generlf CllaAleon publtllllCI 11 Ill COUf"1 A ponon o1 ,_lilt__. In ICI of II.di-~ NOB:E Of •ENDllO POWER TO SR.l TAX DtfAUlTED l'tlOP£RTY '**-la '-'by o-i M ,.. P'Ol*tY i-std ~on ,. pne1a dllCr1llld bllow Ml "-~ cllfaullld flwl or ITIDf'I yen, or In ,. C9I of~ on wllCll • ~ .,_,,.,,,. lien ha i-i 19CO!'ded. 11!91 or mor. ,_,. The l*oM iAld wit blcorT'e 11,qed D 1111 ID CDllclDl'I pcMler lo ... on »J I, 2003. • 1201 A ~ by opet11.ton of llw The ta cdllc:IDr'• power ID Ml wt .,.. """'* tte PftlPll1r II ._ ....._, or n.m M;ld lo 111 lnslalrnen( P9I ot ~ lrlllillld • ptOYldld by .,., pnor lo 5 00 PM on Nie JO. 2003 The 1\3111 1o., ~ pis! lllrn*l• on June JO. 2003 n . a Md*. ,. 111h b8lne ou. """ bl peic1 1n ful io l)l'9'IM .... ol P'Ol*1Y • puClc adon Thi 1\3111 d .... tuMwtt .. ~ ~ MICject IO lhe SX-lo Ml IJU1 K llm1nnls II 5 00 PM on lhl i.t llusotnlls ~ be1or9 ll:lt.tll Mii of .. prOfl8111 by ..... cdlctDr fl1rcR not di II the ldled!Ald WI .. lfW/ bl ......., for .... MWlin I 904~ period M lnlormllion -ntno ,....,,, 01 lie WIWon of 91 ....,_. plln of~ .. bl llmllhld upon~ by John M W Moolllcfl, Orqt County T•~. 12 CMc 0.. ""1a. Room G-58. Sllltl Ma. CA 92702 (114) 834-3C1t Tiie unplld lftOd. --dollrt llld Clllll. ~ clldftd ._.,.._, 11181 bf\ oppoelll ltl parcel~-The emount dclll not id.di ........ ...,.., .... pellllliee.., ... '* '*' ICCfUld "'°' .. d• ol ta-d9fM PNICQ. •IWJtllO IYITf.M EXP\MATIDlf lite~.,...~~. wfllll t.-s lo dllcJb piopllty In'* IA. '*'lo .. ~ mlP booll. .. mlp j)lgl. 1111 llloct( Ol'l 1111 ,...,. r ~.and fie~ perceton 111m1p11191« 1n,. ~ The....,... 1111111.,., ~ ~°',. P9I* ....................... "' ........ otice. • ~ w<'*l'lld on Ml t, 19111. for 111 .-. _...,••••• • ae. cMQll for ,.11c11,.. 1887n9111 POICIEAOSA ST • HQIGI f TAIWJefAUl. TED• THf ftM *' R>IT'Hf TAm. w11 cn,.,cma 0--. Of. M RICA&. TUI ., .. H0.170 .f1P~19. SXl852. OCNE.1.Y, DF-"ON J TR IEN4 A O()NNEUY TRUST. 05 GUlUCESTEA Oft HO 175 AP 42MISl-17, '228162.. HEVARU. lAIJRA TR IC E: 22hD ST ..arr llltCH cm NO.t• ·N'~ 1184.11. NEWflOR'f HOME~ASSH. 811'Ut* HO 1tl ·AP'3i-4to.t7, 1'1.te. °""' IWESH I(, 3 l<W.Oi\ CT, Ulfl " ( H0.171 ·AP~ ..Z41. TAYLOR. JQ..~!T AL. 813 SVMEW U\l.NT32 HO.t1'2 -AP$140.l0, ~12. l(()M)(), Mlt()RU, 287C ~IN, I.INTI ~cm HO. t13 -AP ....... 't41tM. ~ STEV£H H. ID LN<HttOM. UllT'1 Helt14 ·N'~ IMI02. CR:lll. GEMO W. t IOUTHINC> IA &if TMmMl.llD • TMI ,.. .... 'Amt III 11-aa. ~----,.. - .W.Cft'\' HO 171 .A,9442.m.oc, s.281702, ~"'°'°·'~ . . l mtfyf!l~ftlt ..... .,,. 11111 .. .,._..II M WCO!llCl lttJJlllll ....... f -Liii'.... .. Liii' .... -Lllll ...... Tiii followl"' persona ., ..... blltWu ... CHICAGO 81Kf., 4525 W. f'CH fA, Newport B~ll. CA92983 Alltllony ... ,..,ry. 4525 W f'Ct4 fA. Newport ISucll, CA '2163 Tbft busJMls la COft• dllctff by• Ill lndtYlduel Hltw yOll st•ted dolnl bUUMu yet? Yes, 11·92 Tr llfla Polloctl This 1tat1ment •n filed witll tM County Cieri!. of Or •na• County on04mto3 l00Mf4H07 Dally Piiot Mey I, 8, 15, 22, 2003 Th383 ........... ... s...... Th• follo•ln& persons are dolnc business as. Avalon Home Lo1nt. 2700 Newport Blvd., St. 164. Newport BHc:h. C1. 92663 Oen S. Hayes, 2700 Nt•port Blvd. St. 164. Ne•port Beech, Ce 92663 This business ts con ducted by: an 1nd1v1du1I Hive you slerted dotnl businus yet? No Dan S. Heyes This statement •as filed with the County Clerk of Oranc• County on05/02/03 200Ht4Slt2 011ly Pilot May 8. 15, 22, 29. 2003 TH398 ~ ..... "-S..... l ht follow1n1 persons ere do1n11 business u DP Auociatu. 177 Riverside Ave. 11060. Newport Buch. CA 92663 Richard T Price. 12?1 W. Cout Hwy 1414. Newport Beach. CA 92663 This business Is con ducted by. an tnd1V1dual Have you started doina business yat? No Ric:hard T Priu This statement was !tied with the County Clerk of Ou nae County on 04/25/03 ZOOJH42JOI Oa1lr Ptlot May l. 8, 15 22. 2003 Th391 .......... "-*'-" The fol10w1n1 per sons are do1n11 bustness IS RS ELECTRIC , 1037 P1rkh1ll Ot • Costa Meu CA 92627 Stecy Sttllm11n 1037 Parlohtll Or , Costa Mes.e, CA92627 This busmeu 1s con ducted by. an 1nd1v1dual Have you sta1ted dolna business yet7 No Stacy Stillman lh1s statement was filed with the Counly Clerk of Onnae Counly on 05/06/03 2003H4JSU Oaoty Pilot May 8. 15. 72. 29.2003 TH407 fktll. ..... ... s...... The lollow1n1 persons are doin& business IS Odds and Ends Peper. 3062 Club House Rd . Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Ja 1me Beth Bennett 3062 Club House Rd Costa Mesa. CA 92626 I his business rs con ducted by 1n 1nd1v1dual Hive you starred doin1 business yet? No Jaime Bennett This st•lement •~) ftled with the County Clerk of Or an&• County on 04n 4/03 200JH42126 011ily Ptlot May 8. 15. 22, 29, 2003 TH405 Re-.. .... ... s..... The followina per son) •re do•na bustneu u . JCAN Hill CONSTRUC· TION CO . 22052 Susan l•ne, Hunttnaton Buch, CA92646 Gile W1yne Hillis, 22052 Sunn l •ne, Hunhnaton Buch, CA. 92646 This business ts con ducted by <11n lndmdual Have you started dotn& business yet? No Gayle Wayne H~lts Tlus statement WIS filed with the County Clerk of Oranae Counly on 05/06/03 200Ht4SS67 Da1ty P1lol May 8. 15. 22,29,2003 TH406 ......... ... ....... Thi f0Howln1 f>ll'IOfl• ltl dolnC bu.-U H ! R£LIAHC£ SN.ES. 2'632 fB ll1nt1 All• An., Cost1 Me.a, CA 1262'7 PC RllllllCI lrK. (CA). 263Z •e S.nt• 11111 A111 • Colla Mesa, CA 92S27 Tltls busl11111 la con ducted by· • c:orpot 11ton H1111 )'CH.I stwttd dolnc bus~19t1Y ... 05/01/2003 PC Rtlilnce Inc .. Erh9n O.mlrcl, Prnldlnt This 1t1t1ment w11 llle.d with the County Cltrll of Orana• Co11nty on 05/06/03 200Mt4JH2 Dilly Piiot May 8, IS, 22,29,2003 TH408 Jk-..W.. ... s...... The follo•ln1 persons are doma business as. MJS Assocl1tes. 700 Lido Perk Dr •33. Newport Buch, CA 92663 MlchHI J. Spendoilnl, 700 Lido Perk Dr. 133, Newport Buch. CA 92663 ThlS business ia con· ducted by en 1nd1vidu1I Have you stllfted do11111 buainess yet? Yes, 2/14/ 89 Michael J. Spendol1nl lh1s statement was filed with the County Cle1k of Or1n11e Countr on 06/16/03 200S6'44t 17 Daily Pilot May 22. 29. June 5. 12, 2003 TH4J8 Re-.. ..... ... s...... The lollo•ina penoni are doina buslnus IS. Boat Girb. 336 E. 20th SI 16, Co.sta Meu. CA 92621 NICOie Salcido, 336 [ 20th St •6. Cosl1 Mesa. CA92627 This business '' con dueled by an tndmdual Hive you stlrted doma business yet> Yes 3/15/03 Nicole S1lc1do This statement wu hied with the County Clerk ol Oran1e Counly on05/20/03 200JH4S2t2 D11ly Pilot May 22. 29, June S, 12 2003 TH450 ,.... ..... ... *'-" The followinc persons are do1n11 business u K and G Appltance, 3011 C Vine Avenue. IA. Oranae. CA 92869 Andrew Khovrtch. 3011 £ Vine Avenue. •A. Oranae. CA 92869 This business •s con ducted by. an ind1v1dual Have you started do•n& business yet> No Andrftw Khovroch lhts statement wu filed with th• County Clerk of 01an11e County on 04/25/03 200JH42SOI Dally Pilot May I. 8, l!>, 22. 2003 IH382 flc:lllM ..... "-*'-' The follow1n11 person\ ire do1n1 bus111Hs as GNS CONS TRUC llON. 789 Newton W•y Cosla Mesa, CA 92627 Ge0<1e N S1mat. Z229 Vist1 Huerta Newpolt Beach, CA 92660 This bu11ness is con ducted by an 1ndJv1dual Have you star led dotnl business yet> Yu. 1986 Geor1e S.mal lhis statement was filed with lhe County Clerk of Or •nae County on 05/20/03 200SH452ts Daily Piiot May 22, 29, June 5, 17. 2003 Tll451 flc:lllM ..... ... s.... I he followlne per,ons •re dom1 business H Interact ive learn1n11 lechnoloaies, 209 f ern leaf Ave . Corona del M11. CA 92625 Dean Wtckstrom, 209 Fern leaf Ave . Coion1 del Mar. CA 9?625 This bU!tnUS IS con ducted by 1n 1nd1v1dual Have you star ltd dotna businen yeH No Dean Wickstrom This statement was toled with the County Chlrk ol Oranae County on 05/16/03 200JH4492t D11lr Pilot May 22. 29. lune 5, 12, 2003 TH449 ....... .... ... ......... ... ...... Tiie fotlowifll per.on.s Tiie follown.1 per.on• lrl doit1I fluelnlu ... Ill dol"' buMnftl U ' SUNAISC REAL TV 6 ANTHONV'S rNNTINO 6 FINANCW., 11241 ED6ot DtSIGN, 2941-H ~ Gr .. 11, llwri. Per ... CA lit , Co•t1 Miu. C.. 90621 92$26 a. . .la1•h Shah. a'8 Thh 11ua1-II 'on· Uliot GrHn, Buena Pllfll, ducted by: •n llldivtdi.t•I CA 90621 Have you 11#1.ICI doOll& Thli buslnus la con-b11~ y1tl No ducted by: an 111diYldu•I Antholly lime H•v• you atarlld doln& This allttment •" bualMA )'111 No flied with 1111 County Jaaesh Shah Clerk of Or•nte County lhls tt.tement •H on 05/02/03 fifed •Ith the County IOOH'4'1M Clerk of Or1n11 County Oaily Pilot Mey 8, 15, on 05/02/03 22, 29, 2003 TH40J 200Mt4J19l Dally Piiot Ma y 8, 15, 22, 29, 2003 TH402 .......... ... s...... The followlnc persons are doln1 bu$lness as: St. Abanobe Rulty, 550 P1ul1rlno Ave. •Nl09, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Ayman f . S11d1lla. S50 Paulerlno Ave. IHI09. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Thts business rs con· ducted by· 1n 1ndlvidu1I Have you stwted cto.n1 bustntss yet? Yes. 01/21/03 Aym1n F. Sudall1 This statement wH hied with the County Clerk of Orane• County on 05/13/03 200S4t4442' Daily Pilot May 15. 22. 29, .lune 5, 2003 Th428 Re-.. ..... "-S..... The followina persons 111 dolna business u : Resource Components Group, 2760 S. H11bor Blvd .. Suite I. Santa An•. Cal1forn1192704 Cr1i11 l. Rodeweld, 8 Morro Bey Ofive. Coion1 Del M11 . C1ilfor nit 92625 This business is con· dueled by· 1n Individual Have you start~ do11111 bus1neu yet? No Cr111 L Rodewald This statement wu hied with the County Clerk ol Or1n11• County on 05/09/03 200H9440H Daily P1lol M•y 15. 22 29. June 5. 2003 TM 15 fldtlm ..... ... s.... The follow1n11 persons are do1n11 buSflless as. Ts1d Kenu. 315 Fernan do Balboa. CA 92661 Verla F Cole. 315 r ernando. Balboa. CA 92661 Th" business ts con ducted by. an 1nd1v1dual H•ve you st•rted dolnf busines.s yet' Yes, 198 Verla F Coltt rhtS shlemttnt WU hied with the County Chlr~ of Or1n1e County on 05/13/03 200JH44442 Daily Ptlot Ma1 15, 22 . 29 June 5. 2003 Th'*30 Ac-. ..... ... s..... I he lollow1ne per sons art doin& bu11neu I\· Garaae lndusb-. 137 Industrial Way Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Gary Katsarts, 230 C 16th Pl eB. Costa Mesa. CA92627 flus busmess IS Con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have yoo st.a.-ted doM:& bus1ntu yet> No Gitry Katsaris This statement was hied ••th the County Clerk of Ounce County on 05/13/03 200SH44«0 Deily Pilot May I~. 22. 29. lune 5, 2003 lh4?9 ......... "-S..... lhe followlna persons are doina busineu u · Royal Soluttons. 7326 Ru1dencia. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Helen Hun1. 7326 Ru1denc1a, Newport Beach, CA 92660 This business rs con· ducted by· an 1ndlvldu1I Have you slMted doin& bus'"ess ret? Yu. '*121/ 03 Helen Hun1 Thts s t.atement was hied with the County Clerk of Orence County on 04125/03 2001H422ff Daily Pilot May 1, 8. 15, 22.2003 Th388 The follo•in1 f)l(aona 111 cloln.1 buslness u ; ARMORCOM. 16 Rem· lnaton. Irvine, CA 92620 Patrick C1rl McCul· loch, •6 Remln1ton, lrvi111, CA 92620 This buslneas ii con· ducted by. en Individual Hive you stw led dolnl business yet? No P1tric:k C MGCulfoch This statement wes filed •1th the Count~ Clerk of Oranae County on 05/06/03 200SH4JJU Daily Pilot May 8. 15, 22, 29, 2003 TH409 .......... ... s...... fhe follow1n1 pe~sons are dolnc bus1n1n " C1ndelf1 Siles, 117 G Street, Newport Buch. CA92661 Matthew f 1shm1n. ll 7 G Street. Newporl Beach, CA 92661 Thts bullness 11 'on· ducted by· an 1nd1vldu1I Hive you st.,ted do1n1 business yet! No Matthew f 1ahm1n This statement was filed with the Counlr Clerk of Or anae Counly on05/13/0J 200S6'444H Daily Piiot May 15, Z2 29. June S. 2003 Th43? .......... ... s...... The lollow1n1 persons are dolnc buStneu " B11 Wave Product.on•. 518 Oahl11 Ave • Coron• del Mar, CA 92625 David G1merm1n. 518 Dahha Ave , C«on1 dtl Mar. CA 92625 Thts business is con ducted by •n 1nd1vldu1I Hne you started dotnc buStness yet1 Yes 11 6 96 Oav1d Gamer man Tlus statement wn ftled with the County Clerk of Or•n11e County on 05/16/03 200S6t44t2S Oaoly Pilot M1y 22. 29, June 5, 12, 2003 lU444 ,....... ..... ... s.... The lollow1n1 person\ Ire do1n1 bustness H St A1>1nobe F1n1nc11I, 550 P 1ular 1no Ave •Nl09, Costa Meu, CA 9?626 V10y Meh1ny. 5~0 Paular1no Au •NI09. Costa Meu. CA 92626 This busmen rs con dueled by an md•vldu1I Have you stll'ted do1111 bustness ret1 Yes Olnt/03 Vic~y M.h1ny This statement wo hied wllh the County Clerk ol Or •nee County on 05/13/03 200S6'44427 Daily Pilot May 15, n l9 lune~. 2003 Th427 Re-.. ..... "-S..... The followlnc person• are dotna business H 5 Sbr Clunen, 12 1S Baker. Costa """· CA 92626 QCl. inc (CA). 10221 Arundel Ave .. Weslm1n s ter. CA 92683 This bu~ness is con dueled by 1 coipor1lton Hive you st111t1d dotnc business yet> Yes. 4.72 03 QCL, Inc . Quyet Van le. Pres1denl ThtS stetemenl wu ftled wtth th9 County Ciwll of Or1n1e County on 04125/03 200S4942JOS Detfy Piiot May 1. 8. IS, 22, 2003 Tl\385 STARTING ANEW BUS/NESS?f. • • • • • • • • • • .......... ... ...... Thi folo•l"I p1nont lfl dolnl b~ ... M5 ENT£Rf'tl!(S, 25045 l• Mariavtt•. t.ac.u•• Hit-'. ce11fotnt. mn Mallo N•bl, 25«M5 l1 Mf:!n ush. la&11"• " • Cellfomle 92677 bh buNner.a It con ducted bw· en lndtvicluel Haw '°" .... led dolnc buslftus ytlf Yes, 05/11/03 Merlo N1bl This •l•l•ment •ea fifed with thl County Clefk of Or1n1• County on05/13/03 200JH4448t D•lly Pilot May 15. 22. 29. June 5, 2003 Th433 ..... ..... ... s..... The followln& person~ are dolna butiness •~ Information Recutina S1rv1cn, 11 Palermo St . L1111na Nlautl, CA 92671 Robert Bruce Gld· dens. II Palermo St .. L•11un1 Nlpel. CA 92677 This busloen ts con ducted br 1 central per tnerst11p Heve you started do1n1 buMlless yat> Yu. 3 15 03 Robert Bruce Giddens Thts stalemtnt was filed with the County Clerk of Orana• County Oil IY.>/20/03 200JH4SJOO Diily Ptlol M•y 22. 29, .kine 5, 12. 2003 TH.452 .......... ... s...... The lollow1n1 per son• ire doin1 busineu as a) lames Ort• Photoi b > 1320 Collectlblu, 6 70 W 17th St G·!>. Cosla Mna, CA 92627 James Drew. 1211 Hacilett Ave . Lon~ Buch, CA 9081S This bus1ness " con ducted by· 1n 1nd1v1du11 Hive you st•rted do1ne business yet1 Y •• l 2/ 02/02 James Drew !his \latement was hied with lhe County Clerk of Or a nae County on 05/16/03 200SH44t20 D11ly Ptlol May 22 29 June S. 12, 2003 TKUI ,.... ...... ... s..... The lollow1n1 per son) art doma busoneu u rl•t Whu t Gras• Man Im Londenderry St Costa Mn•, CA 92626 David Allen [ clo.erl 1222 Londonderry St Cost,i Meu , CA 92626 This bu,•neu 1s ~on ducted by an tnd1v1dual Have rou star led dome buStnus yet? Yu. c 1/1/88 David A Eci.ert rh1s sl1temer1t WU filed w1lh lht Countr Clerk of Orance County on 05/09/03 200SH4~02J 011ly Pilot Mir 1 S, 22 29, Junt 5, 2003 Th42l "*-..... ... s...... The f0How1n1 persons art dollll bUMMSS I \ The Cur llS Company 2389 Certton Pl Ste A Cost• Mesi, CA 92627 Rober! Tryre Curios 2389 Car I ton Pl1ce Svtlt A. Costa Meu CA 92627 Thrs busmen IS con ducted by 111 1nd1vtdu11 H1vt you llitrted do•nt bu11nen yet> Yes Dec 1999 Rob11t I Curll\ fl'llS slaltment WU filed with Ille County Clerk of Oranae County on 04m/OJ 200Ut4U It D1t1r Ptlol May 1, 8. l 5, 22. 2003 Th319 Notice Is hereby 111ven that the underSti111d will be sold at publte Auction on May 30. 2003 Stervma Scholer's Mtnt Stor•a•. 1957 Newporl Blvd , Cost• Meu , Ca 92627. (949) 631-3379 '40/f4004 l 1urel lun· dQu1st. Household llems l 1ndlor d r eser vH llM riatlt to bid at ult Cash only Si le ts subiect lo canc:ellltton m lhl event of wttlement bel•etn l1ndlord ind obh11ted p•rty Stlf'Ytf11 Scholar's M1111 Stor•1• Publtshed Newporl B11ch·Costl Mell Daily Pilot M1y IS, 22 2003 TMll The Legal Depamnm1 m the D11.ily Pilot is pkaua to """"""'t " ~ Jn1Jia now 11v11i1abk to ntw busiMssn. ~ will now SF.ARCH the IMlrM for JO" Ill no txlTtl cb.rp, 11nJ Jlll>t JO" the ti7M and 1/N trip to the On,,n Hmm in San111 Ana. Thm, of couru, II/Ur tlH Stllr(h is a>mpkwi ~ will fik Y""' jimJU>us business """" ltMnnnll with the 011mty Ckrlt, puhUsh onct 11 Wttk for four W«lts as 1Tlf"iml by '6w .nJ IMn fik your pT'O()f of pul>liealion with the O>unty Clnlt . PILmt stop by to fik JI"',. fo:titi.ttus lnuinas stamnmt 111 the IH;Jy PiUJt. 330 W. &y St, 0Js14 Mt111. If JO"'""""' m>p bJ pkll.U &11U us 111 (9'9) 642-4.321 11Ni ~ will 1Nth AmlllftmnUS for 1"" to htzNik this pro«""1n by 1N1iJ. . If!"" shtnJJ h4w ll"J.fonhw f*ati.ons. p/e,z.u ad/ us •Ni we will be IMl"P t!Mn ""4 "' @isl yo11. GooJ""" in""" Miii butinm.J Daily~Pilot , Policy Rates and deadlines arc subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement Please report any error thal may be in your cl~stfied ad immediately. 1bc Daily Pilot accepts no liabjljty for My error in an advertisement for which 11 may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can onJy be allowed for the first insertion. AlllOUIKUUNTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE IUSINESS & FINANCIAL rAOfK VllW 8•7 view I err •ce lot • 370. pu ... te p•rly S7000/obo 71• 772 l«I 2305·2490 1489 c... .... ,Sd ... ~ l\irn chas~ sec1lorlill. callee lbl & mare! 1226S-....DrM CGlllMI/ lllmarlllllta 1160 *"1• G°'"I• Sol•* --------Sal noon ·~?8 Ocean lOP $$ 4 llCOlOS ETC Blvd Coton& del Mat @ Jiil. O..C. Ck. Sh & IDs Nart1\\U\ & Otun Blvd 8.Ak.~.··~ Mtk• 949 645 750S Nel ... lu"'-4 Gar.,.11 S•le S•I May ll 8.im I lam tb1bo1 v ... w H~I\ South. Co•nna det Mar ~of Map •I M•r1ue<1te & ~ S•ndca\tlt All real utate advet tlwi1 1n lhll newi.paper rs subiect to the fe~nl Faw t+ousm1 Act of 1968 as •mended wh1C h m•kes 11 1llt&•I co 1dvertru "any ptelet ence. l1m1ht1on o r d1scr1m1nallon bned on race. colof. rel11oon. u 1. h•ndlcap, lam1hal status Of n•Uon•I Oflltn, CH •n intention to mah •ny well l)feference llm1ta hon or dtscram1nahon • Tius newsp.11>«r wall not llnow1n1ty •c.cepC 1ny 1dverhse1THtnt for real H l•te whK:h Is 1n vto14111on of the law Out re•ders art hereby 1nform1td lh•I all dwell- '"I' adve1 h sed 1n this newsp~r e<e evl11lable on an eq11•t oppot tunaty basis lo compl11n of dis crNTMn•IJOn. ca• HUO toll free el l 800 •2• 8590. 1413 rmuc AUCTIONo M.y 2• 10.m Hekt lml North, 5 5mt Wn t of Chester OK 4,029 uers/10 TRACKS Abundant WllfJI/ wtldhle Great lend OpportAmy 50MllS-3'94 (CAL•SCAN) VIRte9e ten-'""'· 1000 .......... Slllrts 1000 Nidia-£ Handbap ~t4MS0-6J57 S01 AVO<AOO,CDM SATUM-IPM NISML ntlDAT sr•-ff• 1413 I.OST i...., w1' ~ dtomond •om •re ~ Bay Clllt> open houw llWMD 114-~!Jllil 1510 DOG old~r Boaer on Miquel Rd near f °' d Rd an CdM on !>n t Nol•~. pack up by Newport Buch Poht<' fOUND ClUl'HONE IA ... OAPININ t4'-67S-l J9 l ANAHCW.J PROFESSIONAL SERVICES nNAJICIAl SICJln s Of tt.. s.p.. W..ttttyl Ten Techniques the the wealthy 11se every~y lu tner-thlls .......,, If yOll II Illy dnlr e to .eclwe f1nanc1at ncu11t y You must haw IM! 1-377-891 • 3l6() S20 v /MClt)ISC by Palld l eMleln. .uthor of lndtm.nt 8..W:S free 5,o'i (CAL •S(.M) HOME RJRllSHINGS How to Place A __ Deadlin ets ---• • CLASSIFIEIAD Monday ...................... Fnday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fa x (949) 631-6594 By Phone (949) 642-5678 Wednesday .............. Tue'><ia> 5 :00pm Thur-.day ............ Wcdne'><ia> 5:00pm By Ma il/In P erson: ll'kii>C include your tWlnt' and pjxwlC number and .,.c'll call you t>.ck with• pracc 11uoc~.J Hours 330 West Bay Street Co..ta Mesa, CA 92627 Al Newpon Blvd. & Bay St Friday ................... Thur~day 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Fnday 3:00pm Tcl~phone 8:30am-5.00pm Monday-Fnday Walk-In 8: l0dlll 5 ()()pm Monday Friday Sunday .................... fnday 5:00pm • Ind ex -... -; - ~. ~ 3615 Ger,._ U c ........... ~ bU<.k & yelow l~ l'*Wl1-I Chan-.> lines S700~2 965 0102 J01•St40 soos-saso P...i.. Pt. ougmal cottaee 2bt I bit I H ue><l<lled tiled lut pv1 honl palaa I< I.tr. 3!>40• 71 It lot on t St S97S 000 4et Dayna 949-673 389!1 CotaDeCm l'IUME ESTATES l'AHIU TlNORl NATIONWIDE USA Pit Adoptions 3660 Conm del Mar 94'-IS6-970S www p•lrat klenore "'"' lagunaBndl G.r-Si..,.her.h all COIOI\, all \lteS 101 •dopt1on to qu•hl1ed homes www 11111ncue.0<1 °' 71' 773 591S MISCEUMEOUS MERCHANDtSE 3855 WANTED JAl'ANlSE SWORDS AND RllATED ITlMS Ut-494-17J1 FINANCW SlCRns Of tt.. s..p .. W..tttiyl fen Technique\ the the wulthy u~ evu yd/I y to #'IQ -"""' wulltl If yoll ttlliy ~n to achM! l1nancaat \e<.urity. You must have th«s' I 8n 891 · 3260 S20 V/MCllllSC by Paltact. LeMleu1 ""tho< ol "-lmenl Ba~~ free S/H (CAI.. "SCAN) STilT A SUCCESSfUl home~lhat~ money an 1he lssl month' SS.<XX> SZ0.000 per month I ~'Ml-On> ~ OWlllte reco rded messaae (CAl"SCM) fOa40n THl STOU MAl•n1~--u need\ only one 1round level par Iner Oil Ir uly promasana product hnes Sky's lhe limit Ser lous c all 949 295 5824 meetan1 appointment onlr WE MADE SI J6,2J7 a.st month ~ ...:a i...,...~ontywtwn we w1nled We can posctJYely I~ yoo to Oo the same Recaowon proof tnte<estecf7 6()().867-4361 9 (CAI. •SCAN) IMCJllASI YOUI INCOMl Control your hoon.I Homll- Bued Bus•nHs f ult tr-.nc f RU ~let -f~rom Homuom 811H04-302• ......... - .... Us""' 5& i*is bonm Im •1 $c>y~ Hilt Cu\tom pool wa & C..1ebo to the la view11111 dec..k on the uppe< ~rt! ·~ ( •lenvYe ""' ol paMI' mMble & lot\ of love SI 9'JO 000 Judy KoWI B"1 9ot9 376 !;576 V/ewt Go/ere/ f i r f .S ... 0..un v~ws .. nd 111 tf!flbelt vie..., of Bull GuHy ()pen l1oof plan. br aeflt and l'ltf•I 3 I& ded<s 11 antle c.ounter~. m;ar bli: th ~ Hnsana I 18.S llld H.dy C~ d08. 310 j76 8871 ~ en... f ollbulous locllbon on the .,~ h dl!n/worM>tlt room u In I& ltv/un w/1 p iK. pie 1111<Wdl!d, pook. ~·, & IM111s Sl.950.IXXl Wy Kol.1r Btv 949 376 !676 OrlN SUN 1-4 4Jt AVOCADO 211 OHie• retr..t w/M-•l•w l ltJ l'v1 ,_. ....... _._ .. _ ... 1di} 14-"0 S-I 163 1 .. 17 BAK[R SI Mf SA Vl RDC CC ~anglt lam homt Sp.te: hvcm UP&• •dt\ I nvely back y11d 2 c 1•1 t<J•ne• lol SASO 000 lOlll V•nu Rullor 9 49 -673 ... 06 2 lASl SID( OrEN SUN 1-t 212 ( IAY St JIR 21A Beau ~uslom remo~I on a quiet Sl $733,000 BY OWHI. R r Oft APP I TO VI( W CAll MichHI 949 280·7633 2 l'ot....W ~ Sltn un prime L .teun.1 Be.tth ocean view val.tgt \II~t ~ludl i.il;M1> by I am N ... ol lut 7 "'"""" dClP'"' ~ ~<tth I~ uluP tn i.tnd 80lld both h!.mM. IN~ "" """ ~ the oltoer Ci.1H1t 48' htln~ u-.ecl ..., ""-""lf r •w bulld "" flat lob' C.t• Lil Comerl0td @Coktwel4 B•nke< lot "'°'~ .,..,d~ on t.nd 949- 464 ~1· s l,6S0,000 A ()[~ Sir 5eo ~ "'-' ftoo' plan h1&h t ~•l•nt\ curving \tiwuow uUt!.lde r p a ifO'lnW't l\kherl CUSIOm c.bWV & ITTn SJ l'1J CJXl MatNd B<..,,,.., eo...tltt R......., 96M-Oln Ol'EN SUN 2-S & MON 1-S 1221 RUTLAND RD. •4 H•&hly up gr 4dtd 2b1 2ba c.ondu B~hand W<')ltl1ll S193 000 By Owner 949 •OO 7967 ,.IMl ESTATES PAllUU llHORl NATIONWIDl USA t4'-IH-970S www paltat ktenore com FIRST TIME BUYERS Why Rent When You Can Own! Free Compuceriud list of homes available wich no money down, under $1600/monch. OCStopPayindtent.com Pree recorded masagc l.800.704.9343 ID I 1201 RfJMAX Ra DISTRESS SALE Bank Forecloswes. Free list of foreclosure propenies. Receive a free , computerized printout. rm 7402-7466 ~ IOOS-ISlO ~ to00-97SO Newport Coast Ol'lN SAT I S 71 I Pll.tnd 74 IY ~d ¢ed tOrTWn 4IJI Iii l . ulf>.p VeH'> ,,, ~&~tat.:-. l~ullll9"°"" l'\A TNJM H«lf'llt I llS Stl'l_Mo.ur .. 94')./I'> 3156 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FORSAlf MISCEUAHEOUS RENTALS RentalT o Share 6030 CM Roo"' f•r rent w d kilt h Pfl• nu \mk pet lem l'fel nr 40'i OCC S675m • d::p 71' !14'J 2737 Sb'lge/GanQe Space For Rent 6060 IAYVIEW HllGHTS 16) 10•20 $250 (2) 350:.I B» lwl prop 1« pie. 1 a. m 949-'JOO.J648 At: .tlJt:/'I •Al REW Al.S ORANGE COUNTY 7400 Balboa Island 2~ llto, huall·•n« wd lrplc p~1k1na 111 'lnraae 11111 No pee smk S18Xl mo r'Y .... 9'8Q).(1!;12 Balboa Peninsula C.q 2tw 1i... .,..ty stow lri&. nu dtdi .-carpet/ p;mt ltiat 541, w 'd hkups. Sl660/m<1 949 719 0748 ................ to bdl IJJlllt nt!V> 2br Iba newtr remod. ._, p & arport S2IIXl rm 714 25&-4750 -~·2..58' tanVy !>om@ rYWlH>Ceall v~ lrom master surte. av8'1 nuw. $5(XX\/mo yrly T · o..rna 9&673 3899 CGnlnl del Mar 21>< lb• 1pl Ne., beach & shops All new ~1tchen I c 11r P•lto $1450 mo 949 760 1891 ..... It pr W/d '* ups. ~°'net lot. Vacant S 1750/mo inc Id ulls Oon•kl Pl•fl. Coldwd BllnkfJI 9-4t -7JJ...6074 •-wper cleM fllfn 2br 2ba (2 '"* 51*5 w/pvt ~) town lllue • i.s from bell. ~ no pet no .,.,._ 1 air ., tn!lim an N1rcasa t.-...U7..-T7 .... Plrtl 111 O~tFrceHomelnfo.org a. .. 511111 ....... 3llr __. _ ..J 3.588 home •'*"* reo ftCOAKU mea.ge l rt1ttt J l r 2.s1. pool, ~ Wt. LR l .800.7CM.93'U ID I 1242 ttovse, Newly r1tmodeled, w/tHll _. ._ d Gdd Fp. A/C. wfllrlpool t11b. o-a. ~~ RF.IMAX Rn SJJOO/lnO 949 463 1361 ... .,.. _____ ....... _________ __. ------ Undl'r the Service Direc tory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S CostaMesa ._..., Gateol C---"Y llf lie .... W/l)VI pt hig. wall lo Tn·~ S8!l> '"" W•lfr 11 a>h pllld Kloo ~ sn 704-8649 h t 9200 ~ L., llw Ibo Afot. w bdltuny 11as w<1te1 & lr•sh p41d No pel$ $925 mu 9•9 650 373!1 Huntington Beadl 21r 1 le Apt. Newly r emudeled lli6 & utllt: met Sl200mu no peh ~ bdl 714-~ 1.684 Udolste WATH nt<>MT l••ee 21>< I b~ duplu f11g no ,m,.i.~ Avail Now S?lr.iO mo 9'9 bJ I /998 I A'ffllONl ON LIDO Pl NINSULA NEW 21r 21e COlTAGlS Pt1v•I• Buch Pool •nd Sp• Walk tu Ocun Shops and Rt\l•ur•nh le.-w: 6/rnu 2 yr • Boot Slap Available 710 UDO PARK Da. 949 673 6030 D< 949 723 5830 LIDO YlARl 'f H ASE Bil I GRUNOY RlAl TORS 949-6 7 S-6161 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH \\"·'I • 96 4 J \old 9 7 62 ">Rl H • J 10 7 KJ 9 .\ J 3 •75 4 2 t .A:-. f •II !'2 • 0J 10116 Q 10114 1011 5 .... 9 J 'iOlTH •AK() A765 .\2 KQ4 •A C ~nm~ k.ttl C)\K.-en 111 • "'"'"<'' ""'•ut the: ellt1rl\ ul I rump < 'nup 111<1101~ ilh<aun.l an th. duh \, t1ur n.·...kr-. .u-c il""·•rt. Tumm~ '' • fJfl: lL\C An •l\Ct'a~L' plJ)Cf JC hl'\t, he ~ltlnl<'\ a v. umkr\.111J v.hen IJltd with" b.ail !rump hrc.U. I It' I.it <''I 1:\plrnl " lUrTrntl) dotnjl the lllllnJ' -..'°th ' huklanf ' " hhlJanf nl)!hl rt\41'<' .i pu.,.c:rful h.ind "'uh .. "'r.U. lun11 •IHI N.-•n ~ntn• n "" h" h1J Jang """"\C! Tomm\ 11J'('n..-d v.1th an Jntfk.1.;I jlam<' for~c of tv.11 d11"' lht'n .. 11c:r '"'" ..... 11111>' '<'fl"n" nl l\ltru J1 •. 11nurt\.h. ''" '"' cJ thL k-tl,t.' 'urt \\hen "-• lftt r .. ,.,..J '~~ '"' 111~· n'.J" lfWl>I ' .. 1<1< 1 ocnn ' k .ipeJ 1 .._.,, ( JfJ Hi"'L"' •..t an "'h1,h I.Ile" l1n°~ 11t c_n;rnp·· ounl J .. .,. liP•h .,a..." 'unh ' ft\\ t• '"' ,f,.~'14 .• '"'" Ii., • ., <.trJ, htn •k n .. ·.111 .. ""'-"'"·•I IJ\JmP• '" T11mm\ rdu.i.mth '" oppcJ an '" ht'..JJ'I\ \\c'I kJ th< -iwc:n • I , lu"' "'' "' 111 Uw-dt ..... ·J b.m;J pt·t111n. ,. I >nh " I ti trump hrc.1L t •ll•kl «r1tl1n~ ·r thi •IJn .inr.J 11 m1~t>1 ...:c:m , noC\.·t "' ,:;.,h thc """ ••I lnllllJ"" ~11,11 .. an~ 1111 .. lane'"" 1! \\(',I IUl"lll'd 11r V. 1th JJ th<' 1 'I.II ''"'..ltnf tru1111" l .1nm1\ J1J ~u..-r .0.1 tn.L '"'"he-kJ J '""' hem 11 lhc ~Int( I l.1<11 ·"' Jl. '"' n '"" Jr;d.u ~t "'"ulJ hJ~t '""""° h"' \ tu twa>d H• J 'ltk \Ult .mJ Ol'Utt.J11to.J \\l°"I' 11\Jtnp hok.hn~· h\ lc.iJu,~ " '''"' ho:.il1 111"' .arJ ch.-IJl L Hui "'ht-11 II I"'"<' I I•• ht' \\l"\C "'hit l1uk-J 111 1"11""' I ~mm-. ~ ... , 1r h•' L'k n..: ns \ <fuh \It.I' ruflcJ an th.: , \n-..;J h.inJ rh<· th,..,. 11·r •r...i.-' "'"n: , .. ,f'll'J un<l dumnn .... , ..-nt.ernl "'11h lhe t"'-L 111 d1.1111<1nJ, C• • ru ll an< otho:1 dut> \Mer ''"hmr J htj'h J1d.mnnJ an hanJ. t!lc: oll..l <If Jt3fnllfl<h pn.1\ M.i.:J .iouth<.·r encl'\ 111 the-1 .. hk to lc.td ltlc.' rern..unln)! , fut> r .t'I JOO '-<>Uth \ltCft' ho>th J,,.,. n h• n<lfhtng hul lhrr, crumJ" ~ lwn l...1.,1 rulfcJ "'1th ltr .-1~hl. l11mm• u•l<ll-mJlkJ lcJ\lni: E-"' t11 k....t .,,...,, '""" the 4ueen ut i.-..ir1' 1"IH 1lt-.. IJrc:r ' ,-,lfllhint-..1 \ J Ct'n.i.:c ,,.l lllt<l!hcr fll\Jllnt •IJlll ltlf Tormn) :Reach 42, 000 :Readers in Xeap~rl 73ea c/i, Corona def!JJ(ar, 'Xewporl Coasl, Cojla !lf(esa. ul on /his ole.yq.qr sfleldl hoaJCase 1'9.l1U•lion 1J tme 2.5, 200:3 ~ce 7>earlline: !/une I <1, 2()().:J r7/<fuerlorial'lJeadhne: !lune 16, 20fXJ AN It (949) 574-424 • Mly 22, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE N....,.na..di P1nonsula Studio ~rt menb 1001 Act S700 $950 949-673-7800 tarp Ilk, pr, w/d, dose to beach. 502 36th Sl lo-unit, wry quiet, Sll5Q/mo. 9'9-645-3683 21r 1.51•, welk to beach, 42'5 Holatoa, neer Hoe1. 1•r. •/d hkups, Sl400/mo. 949-645 3683 ,..,_.....,..2br ~erly rentals •rt $1400 1950/mo 949-673-7800 949-673·7800 HALI Off 1st MO UJfT f<W --4n l.ww l w/12 mo llese New remodll Cape Cod style comm. •/new dishwasher ' refTceretOf. carpet ' cer.mlc tla. W-./dr/S. tnlide ta> ._ 18' SJ()gf, 2E1t s1a; c.1 L<W• <!M9> 64f>.Z224 (W 714-633-759'2 C1llforn11 law r•· quirss th1t contrec· tors taluns lobs tltal total S500 or more (l•bof or materoals) be l~nMd by the Cont ractors State Uc.nae Board. Stet1 law llso requns that contreclors Include thdr license number on II advertosln& You can chedl the status of your llcenud contract o r at www.u lb.ca.1011 01 800 321 CSLB. Unll cenHd contractors hkln1 jobs that tol•I IHI than ssoo must stat• on th1lr 1dvwtl11m1nts th1t titer ere not llunaed by th• Contractors Stele license Board. H AJ•1 I "' ..... , ,......m MM!/ B11t1 I~ Mlb& ...... biOllll all15" 9'96fi!IR!o c., " ( v..-Oc.-"'--28r 2Ba "la Tour" Quiet. Glled,1'~ Sl651)n ~ ~710 ._ .., P\11 "-" ,_ ttlrtlor '*-2llr 181. 2rDt ao i.r. 9W'lll. New/apVprlt Sl700m lse 949 718 1400 HACH CLOSE, Upper ler1e 2br, w/d, II". llahl. brl&hl. Avail now Slla)n yr1y~l2D NP Ctest twmm pabo mm! 2b l!iba pmbo, pooV ~ ,., i:mit. ~carp 2 c "' Ill sum 9&2!13<4631 .. '--2b 2bl Ccnlo. l:l»+s(, lweplc, 2 pal-. newly decorated, w/d 2lr Ila i......, space l<W horses, w/d hllups, $2100/ mo. Ava.I June I 949-222· 2102 asll '°' Helen IAYWW HOOHTS 20101 Cypra.s SL 2br. ok, ~. ,_ kit. w/d, $2S(nn. agt. Chr!Sty 949-500-3648 lfACON IAY /UY AOfT upstairs 2br I Sba Ip, ear, wd hkup yr lse S2600/mo 949 673 8411 eoc-1,nr ..... ......., 3ba home, 2+ca' p, ~"' pabo, comm pool Yt he S29Z> ~ now 9664f>8C7J n.il Slf!i()n 714-BM!Ml Lu. W.-117 V11 Orv1eto 11t c.r,-Tew""•-48' 2Ji&i. le pr, Fp, 28r 2B• w/rnnt. Mttlnt courty.-d upmn -. room, pooV"pcum/tMn11 ssax>!mo 9C9-S91!>-6Dl5 $1950/mo 714-402·1M6 SAVE 35%01 CCV: • FumituN T!t~ BROTHERS CARPET SERVICE 800-SS9-7181 EFFIOENT AIR SYSTEMS C-20 520089 {714) 114-2007 .. 112..-Nl (Mt) 72H717 111'1 ot tml'*- 11 .. 1• FURllACB SI"' R + R FllrlllCI ' Many Codt U09flCMI 710• ITU FM S1• 1•.• ITU RIM l1B ""' OIC1 pwm!la. ' COdll uPor*e 114 2007 FRHllHtOME ar.ATEI ll~CTIOI I OMI & llU#lfSS •E~Al•S Upcrade1, Repairs ol Comput.,.. Netwo<b [¥en1np/W11hnds Compehhve prices for quality servic. t4t4H-1175 7 14-t26-4221 9'9·3'4-290S ltC: INOC JOBS WANTED EnM• WMlld -OFnm ADMIN ASstST. Fully ~ home ol'lice. r YPnl. data entry, AA, N'. ~n!enyo41w ,_, you l1ilWll C«ltllCt NN 9&2JS..Q56 thefos l:lrf:rlJ@rmn.aim ~-DllYai OWNa Ol'a· ATOa. Have your own truck? lookq for .,.. pendence? Landstar has the ~..,,, to IMke you succes.sfull CALL LN«>STAR 888-835-31158 (CAL•SCAH) on-.(T-~ Sl<XX> sloi-on bonus. We hive a fol O•rwd, CA T•nwiai. Ar~ Ea~ess Lines I IDMZ8-0l43 Rwf 1101 (Email recrut· 1n1@wmelWll.com) -m/f"/a/v (CAL "SCAN) IMll'IDa OWNBl Ol'a-ATOli ~ve 'f04JI OWfl ll'uck? LookJoe f<W b ue Independence? Landsl111 hlllS the loob/lrecf!t to rNM you suc.casful1 1 ID). 711·7898 (CAL -scAN) &• • • exp f;Qlf rm 4 rent. NP8 ~ opply I lair Slylist/8SSISt pos evaol Clients wl!l!lrJ ~ S-w Jelt Deckhand E&p 011 l1$hin11 yachts Based on Newp«I Beach rurnmeao~ MAD-W' AITIST r-iect l0t uclusive cosmetic studio tr1 N B. Call Stevt"m ' Ctoss. .. t 949-646· l 394 NAHNV WANTID FIT, NB llmo old, up ~ref's• must! Fu 949-673 1490 Cal 673-9114 owNH o,nuo• TlAMSI COl w/liaz Mii ' Doubles req T er nwlal T er l'l'Wlal. Drop/Hook, Hn on llont4, Hei Mile!. ID> 909-~664 eJt 210 (CAL •SCAN) OWNU O,UATOI TIAMSI COl wMaz·Mlt ' ~ req T•!Nnal TerrlW\81 Orop/Hook, Htre on Bonta. HIRtl Miies ID>- 909 5664 e it 210 (CAL •SCAN) SEU you1 un•anted items throusti ctauolied Cma* A Mnnryy lrldt llodl s._ tn. Conoete, Pabo, Ouveway flr~lc. BBQ. Ref's 25Yrs Eap T•ry 114-557 7594 ~ MUD MOU IOOM? HXXOONS'~ l#S77982949·709 5642 YOUllNOMI IMPIOVIMUfT raOJICT? Call a plumber. ••inter, handyman, or •ny of the lfHI services fisted h ... 1111 our -vice cllrector yl THESE LOCAL SVC 1'£0PLE CAN HELP YOOTOOAYI OW•ll OPllATOI HAIHI CU. wMu MM 6 .,.._ ,.__ Ter!Nftll- ~ ~ ttlt ............. 1111). tot·H•• ut U O. {('.A&.=!CM) RnlEst1te ...... ~ ... ..,. l&SMS mATLOCAla Established sub-prime broker /lender In the mark1t f0t the Iona haul. We are looluna lor n'pd ' motivated sub prime arts. wrth • proven track record of or111· nallna and lund1n11 loans. We offer a divers onatketin1 approach 1nd an environment d11111ned lor success. E ·m1ol your resume today If!@~ All 1nqu111es ue 100~ conlldenloal. RETAIL Al1 Goli.ry on Balboa lstend, PT Retail Sales CaH Steve 949 723 1100 SAi.iS ASSOOAn_. /T .-CO IMMD>I Apply at 6902 [~ Ave. H 8 or c.e 714-596-5321 .. ,1 s.1... .. ..... H•lr•tyll•t, refttel •t .. i.. ..,.11 S12S/wli. "" te.m MMJO-Mst JOIN OUR TCAM 1nd make a dlffetence In the Caltfornli Almy Nat10111I Gu11d you can 1et money for colle11e and career tra1n1ne Call 1 800 ~GO GU ARD (CAL •SCAN) JOIN OUR TEAM and nlali.e a dftterence In the Caloforn1;a Almy National Guard you can aet money lor colleee and career tr aonon11 Call I 800 CO GUARD (CAL •SCAN) JOIN om TUM and mike a difference In the Callfot.. Iv my PQllONI Guard you can pt money f<W OtlleCe and career tr atnq. Call I ID> CO GUARD (CAI. •SCAN) WUIHOUSl/Om c1 pos1l1on 20 2!1/hours ..-. custOllW seivoee. onwerotOl'y r eplenrVirnenl COO'l)Ut« and ,.. DP"' atlOllS, heavy phonH and wwehou!.e stoekonl and llfbna Catldtdiate must be a motJvated team play• 11 ~· t49-631-M72 SEU you• un•ant1d otems throuch classified Alwerlc• ctrlc Licensed Eltclrlcal Contractor Small jObs starton1 at S7t.H&,.. Specoalttonc on Rernodehn1' all home wofln& needs, Comm/lndust/Res 1400-H7-IOOI ln~9 AtMll •o 1 n 2• c"P9 225HP. Qu1tro, 30ll mi, full l1ct warr, 6spd, sup8fb orl1 unmarked hk• new c;ond, $27,995 vf013653 flnancine anll Bio.r 949-586-18811 _....,..l.- 1..tcli 't7 P.tl Av- 6°" + ml, silver /cr•Y lthr, fully loaded, beau liful ori11lnal cond, $7995 v64!376 B11r 949-586-Ul88 -..-.- PORSCHE '86 911 TARGA White/tan, sticrp #160863 $17,900 PORSCHE '88 944 ~&-speed #458178 $8,995 PORSCHE '94 968 COHVT • Bladl, 6-speed #840401 $19,900 PORSCHE '98BOXSTER White, 6-speed #627865 $2.8,900 PORSCHE '99911 CAB Red/tin, 6-speed #652027 $62.900 PORSCHE '00 911 COUPE Silver /black r iptronic #ti20900 $49,900 PORSCHE '91911 TARGA Blue/gray r tptronic #4407 40 $27,900 Tll..O'S l!URDPllAN AUTOHAUB o--eoc...1n -.. 1.acD-799-8456 w-. •tee• www blocars.com COM PUT I LANDSCAPING OH11n. cleanups. trees we! spronklen M•onlenance as tow IS $9/wtek licensed 714 2?2 8425 Noclo Get your y1rd loolunc b blllt b Ille -Y•d dlln-14lS, ......, iu...-rd ..... _._, ' ..... quotes ltr9 .._.. Swvlc.e• 714-427 ... TrM~,Y•d Cle1nup, Mainten•nce, Sj>rinl!ier Ri'e~ Haulln1 , ... ,. 711 Cllwrelet .,, <..,rte• Clllulc 3511 ml, clean In lo out, fv111d. S6200 (t4t 54&-.ao 1 ' J.per '01 lJlt Ilk •I, CO, n1vl1atlon, full Itel warr, Winchester blue. oetmeel lthr. chrome wh .. ls, lilll n•• uve $30ll v22136 $41 ,000, 4.5 APR fin av..i. broktr ~--AqllDmn J...-'9'XJ&V..,._ ,.._ 40k ml, full fact warr, wh1te/oatmeal lthr, CO, beautiful lib new, orl& cond v870142 S28,SOO Biii 949-51WH888 _....,..._ J..-r 'to XJ6 WWte/ blue lthr, chrome whls, beaut 0to11 cond, full svt, appreciate vl752491 $3995 Bkr 94g..586-Ul88 --~.c.M -.w~a..... 6cyl, 2 wd, 36k •ctual mo, silver/arey onl, ~Uoy~. fabulous hke ne• unmarked cond, •·year Wll'I' ....... v75ml SIZ.91.li firm O·Oown qualified buyers. 4.6 N'fl. Ill oMw t4t-SH-1HI WWVl.ec;pe .. f.C- -. .. $~a..... Lor-*> ~ V8 al wt.I dmle, tow 1*11. co. nwrt ~ 949-2444162 l-4 levw •ta Dl•- covery LE 4711 m1, 4yr warr avaol , drk m1talloc vetn/tan lthf, heated seats, dual mnrt, bHu· toful oro1 cond, 1ara1ed, non/smllr, mus t see to 'f'precoate, vl958241 S 3. 995 Bkr 949 586 l888 -w.oqHOl.c- '-" ._. 'QO ~ 5(11 • mo. 'JVJ w.I ml wNte/p ey lttw. Pf IYKy tins, buulllul Ortl l.lnmlrMd cond $17,996 ""1944102 financq tv.4 Blv. 949 511& 1888 _...,_ ......... Ml•t• Conv 4~ mt. auto solver, tan top. pw pl A/C, CO. superb hke new cond v•l 19743 $21.995 lo11anc1na ' warranty IVlll Bkr 949 586· 1888 -.ecpal.c- Mer~•.._ 1-1 S60Sl '16 worth S20t< asioonc $17.500/obo Xlnl con d1hon. have hard top. 87K moles 949 939 3091 Merte4H 't• C210 beautolul bl.ck/cl um fully loaded, showooom, .VUIA. $1ll,!U) 714-]"jl Ml" Morce4 .. '00 1320 1611 utuat mo lull factory warr turquoise blue/oatme1I lth1, moonoool, CO, chro~ whls. one of the ln•HI mote Mei cedes of 1111 year on Cahf v.SS/291 S?9 995 flnanconc av11I Bkr 949 -586 1888 -.~.(- Rl ~TOR[ • R[PAIR & R£11100F I IN(, COMf'UTI HOMI MAlllTENA#CI Ho )Ob too smallt Everython1 from Carpentry to p~ ~rte ntlm1te c"" ,.,.,q f0-2'S-lill f1ll UP WICIAUST. All types of rel)llirs. Etec· tncal. plumbinC. doors, .... hellln. till ' mart 24'v/7JMys 714-366-1881 c-... ,..., Carpe11try • ,._,'"°"11 Orvwe1 • Stucco Palntinc. Till & more ~ Y-. b.petllnolf •11~-s11• JUMC TO ntl HMPtll 714.Ml-1112 AVAi.AiLE TOOAYI Mt-!71·1Mt ----CR~YIER ~· ·..--- NEW2002 MINI COOPER Slli00f0 PRDb PKG. 16' M.LOYS, CD i1~,~ !AT Tll.5 PRn (TCJl318) • OMRAT SMAR SAYWGS! ·• LITS lllT!I! ll'S FUN ******** SS FREIWAY @ E1laR SAHT A N4A AUTO M.fil (Ill 12S-9IOI WIPAY CASH Foa foaAlll'S POISCHIS LAMI~ IOUS-MNTUY Cl.ASSK CAaS IWIUYS '03Yi.-.... / ..... IOMln (500750) 599..SOO '02 l)wAltlttl a.....4,t..Mln (015'32) SIS,toO Ht-574-5600 SELL your stuff through classified! Place your ad Cochy! 1'149) 642-5678 * JIG MASONIY * Any Type, Best ProcM, Repaor' Ok, Quehty Wen nll1IJ -714-531 1643 .,..., .. llST MOVOS SSt/Hr servon1 aN ciloes Insured list, courteou~. careful Tl63M4 800-246·2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The. C1 lll Public Utlfltin Commission requtr1s that all used ho11sehold eoods monrs prlnl their P.U.C Cal l number; limos and cheulfeurs print their T C.P. number In aM 1dvw • tisemenh II you have any quntoons about the l•t•lot y of a !'IOVer, limo 01 chauffeur, calt PuelK U'RITIIS <OMMtsSIO• IOO 177 .... 7 .......... . .... ... C:.W.l ............ . AbiMy. (llP>l) ..... ... w ....... ... w/~~ ...... .... (llm) ..... .............. 8'9dldwome.._, ·~tr• clull ( t 9J!l7) $28,911() 01,,.,_., .... ~ Only llK Ml, HRE Ps· furmarw:awt...- (I 9J!M) INQUIRE .. ~,,. sc..-Blac:Wclan latl lttw, lul r9COl'ds, rare find (192111) Sll.9llO NMWT«JIS.-. 1 ownw. local Newport Sedan. ar•t recorcll, chromed wheels (19340) $22,980 00 .... JOtl s.twr w/blect. 121< "*'. perfect ( 19381) S42.9llO Ni..-sGS#O Premium wti.ts, CO sladl survoof (19286) $18,911> 01hr.JT-Mnl on1y&nim (I 9384C) $33,911> 00 ..... s-1,,.. this Is I beautr (19314) $25,980 HIUZaD:lO blAdl •.lblM:* INther, chromed wheels (19302) $26,980 Ht-574-7777 ........SAUTO , ... 11~ SEU your unwanted otem~ throu&tt cln~rfoed BOATS PMrlolll 1615 ISO ... a USID IOAn Dme ...... IOAT IMOW ..,2' ...... I , ....... ~74-16%1 ........... w.. .. ..,,.., .. ... ' North Say of Bii.ii ,.. Arnllll)'Sl ~ moa !J&!ifiS-9966 714-6l2·29fl6 BOATtSll'S/ MOORltGS/ LAUNCHINGI STORAGE 9680 t3 n SlW AVAILAIU IN NtWPOIT HACH S2SOO LIASI t4t-SOO-IOOS IOAT Sd'S NOW AYM Cal b -. loalbor1 rd dllllh. w.-rd ra- n:Mled. Mt-67s..tl47 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronKS and plumbers. to landscapers and painters. Daily Pilot J.y.... ' Top Quahty, Compehhve lnleroor /ht l1648228 Call Jay 949·650 5066 iiiii1ow mai MAiif Paonton1 ~xt, lo.'~ Q\l~!frM~ l 7 714 636 81188 Pnlnl ASf'ffAlT PAVING, SIAl COATING, STllPtNO, Quahty work, hi dlwll C 'C "P':I~ ""*"